HomeMy WebLinkAboutWHITE RIVER ESTATES LOT 2 COMMON ELEMENT LEGALoz E =Gulo- .v (.n uJ UJu- F =E UJo- s$.\$N @ @ H Ar a zH & E I (.5 z JF<tsor{EvOO Zx =J llJ o q,l F o EF(tt z =o zz (t llJFoz zo =l c0 !a o =z Fl Fr E z F ! x E F ** E. uJz3o r)\i PoY EUOgh\ ."N.iu r!J UJo ='r t! o o z l-.i :" F\ O.l z'* 4o59 o()o+(q .E1E o () ! (o (D o CD == E =cl 1' Q) o o.ct(5 3 .9 q) ot:('.Y''=oU,;i*ioiE8E; =.e s? €*3 E 8EiE: E 8::ic-o> e$:E:!Fi cY'-6 t5;;.'?)bgEg: * o oti=o= €esPS!teo-(! o--o=-o(5Po-oiE srE ql -.S-E Ep :(/)'"OiE:5 E or oE * E6 Fg -eC)(5o-.!<;o'/|# *.c .- s€; f *gr= 9 (!a5 ;EF96H 6o i'EB;s, c\o -e5g: (n |\ F\ O c?) E =t! o- z o! (o x() uJ z J 9 F() uJJtu z =) CL J () z UJ UJ, flz tr uJe.o IJJE 3uJ; IJJczo ul F !u o- z lu o x F uJ l a/, UJ uJt!t =E IIJc J FoF z J f C0 .J EF IJJ It 2 CO =Jo- 9z UJ Fl H ts NO[Vn]VA r-{ | HIHlxtz- 14 lo-lH> E r'r lH - r :=15 = lrJ (\j lrl lco = co *E lZ .L f,-t 3FlZZtL=ooo;"ii o- A=Ax l >Yz E I oE* q a E.6d 8H<)z:XL<oqHE gFl;o:lvF9 fijH (\t (,vJ l. lE It/) lHIEl;rlH ItEl lEr. t;ltdtz Itrl lFlIF lE-rIH IF z tr lJ TL cc f e(5 UJ F \t 4'g ?o-t! z Eo z E uJFJ =UJz IllII a)Lzlz koo< =Pxrr6ci<z Fz, Az -.: F do3trOI uJl.J -J t! (/t ulz iF 3 F uJ o B a JI<li-l 2_l zl .. >lo llJo IJJ UJzoF UJc J z E o z tr!) J d) il; t;.; I :{) C)O uJFodl -tzo F0- UJY ll,l o F = 916 ILo.j' aL.olofi lul I gE E =E tIJ o- z.._o zQ(I)0 =z o- u- ..a ,a1'v,t ',..../ -/ .1'7,tf TD 6I I olzl ol rl <l>l xl zl 3lg I I I I .l =.1olull 5l <l>l ;l =Ol urFI F. (\ I@ I TINl I I cilzl el <l>l rLiol zl 3l PI zH € = tr olzl c;l uJl 5ltl>lr!lol zl FI rl ol uJl Jl <l>lr!lol zl 3totFI A1nl6l z4EIot 0/ E' =Jtr E I ",l I 5) h I Fr,t H H u; =z co d XH z H ! ts an& E{ Hz o\ N UJ t ts F] F1 H H& UJ: 2 (ts i\ =b2 -J O E uJ) EOOzt- =#-JZrro oF() Fzo() 9z -C)lu = F uJ ET t -.r O<F(r(JuJ<zEUJF(r1 zo J< (-)on:o tr ul .L IL UJoz o2 F CE Eo, luF u,|) ooF uJJJtr ul co F Eo EctIo o .E t E Eoa.l o zIF() EFazoo ..i3 =F,=f;HE =ul(L lJ- ui o- F drr z (59 z|_<d)o =z dP Jdfi99=;E<-: t\ 4 dd=-dll tr =uJAt!o lll()z l al,I F Eq. JFuJ :- !:= CuJ>o-Ol!oo F ,..xo-x>EFJ lt u,l oF o E so 0'E .E J c Eo.C' |;\o I6E Q'l>Ff=E'=r F:-= =i DD! I Itv; | ; ulz3 vd !L UJ o< iHi;E UF;+*. r" F*E.9 g;PE E F.3:l 60*iEe: C: .= |lt .. Ol-fc:o O Yit =-- c tr " (!i'- o,c ^!3 q'E E'b ! E.'i 5 :.€8!Ecc-tfr €'qeP E Ei s E b$;;;: .a=;.nc ir* i:' isi q;ii geF;E f E.'=E'F i Flt Ei$ -ro-Pg E{TF5 = T ?PI: E ;6 5b: 3 =F90 E =>(JH? EOo.JHd d-€ ;'-.vc' (ud Cl'-l oF (r UJ z 9 =IIJ Fo-t!<>og r!lJJ 4 z tr Jloz o._t .fl .aJ U) t{o Ur z J t4 I .l IF -J >tFl Fl C' FI o Hd ,clo.Fl & t; =z o'-) \o (Y) I @N rn I I JF{l Ftl nl ol I| El ulE 4 ll. tl IH FI 3E ,l *l ^lil url CEl JI slttlol zl BIFl dl ilol EI ;l *l "lE cl lltllltl lelI cil| "-l| -rltq tEllzlE3l04 0ll!FI l,l tg| -rllsl lbltzla;l =Ylr.l-t Fl I I I olrrjl cEl JI <l>l r|-lol =l9lt-i I I Iol FI:l fl bl Fl E F UJ F -l- (r -rO<FG(JuJ <zE (1 Zo C) IEFo TJ.JJ r.u Eoz,t =EJZrr.o o z .1. o UJ = ,oI b iG5i o() q 6 V,dY t t-,Q, AD ;o v o2 -.---) , /: ... :-.- PERMIT NUMBER DATE ECT JOB NAME 'i, 1\.' r IN*TIONTOWN OF -'. r- a- REQUESTVAIL T CALLER TUESREADY FOR INSPECTI LOCATION: (WPD. tr-\ \ MON f\, THUR FRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH/WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING r.1 ROOF & SHEER" PLYWooD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION O POOL/ H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL MECHANICAL: o tr tr tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIB - tr FINAL PPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION BEQUIRED INSPECTOR lnwn n 75 soulh fronlage road vail. colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 January 16, 1986 Mr- Mike Scott J Bar Construction 640'l Broadway Denver, Colorado 80221 Re: Lot 2, White River Estates Upon an inspection request by the General Contractor, J Bar Construction, and the Electrical Contractor, Hunt Electri c, we found the following corrections necessary to the above referenced property: The main feeder cables from the electri c meters to the circuit breaker panel were cut in several places and nails were dri ven into the cables. The cables feeding the recessed 'l ight fixtures, receptacles and switches were cut in some places. Nails were dri ven in to cause a short circuit. The grounding wires were cut and the electric devices were damaged. In order to inspect and replace the electrical wiri ng, the sheetrock had to be removed and the electrical wiring reinstalled where necessary. If you have any further questions regarding this matter, please do not hesitateto cal I me. Si ncerely, Electrical Inspector EG: br l|tl 2. Ml NUTES VAIL TOWN COUNCIL MEETING DECEMBER 17, 1985 7:30 p.m. A regular meeting of the Vail Town Councilat 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers. was held on Tuesday, December 17, 19E5, MEMBERS PRESENT:Paul Johnston, Mayor Kent Rose, Mayor Pro Tem Eric Affeldt Dan Corcoran Gai I l,lahr'l ich-Lowenthal Gordon Pi erce Hermann Staufer Ron Phillips, Town Manager Larry Eskwith, Town Attorney Pam Brandmeyer, Town Clerk TOWN OFFiCIALS PRESENT: The first item on the agenda was a vote on appoint'i ng a new Planning and Envjronmental Commission member. After a short discussion by Council, a vote was taken and Brian Hobbs was chosen to replace Eri c Affeldt on the PEC. The second jtem was the second reading of 0rdjnance No. 32, Series of 1985, making supplemental appropriations jn the Town of Vail 1985 budget. Mayor Johnston reaC the title in full. Steve Barwick exolained the backqround of this ordinance. After a short discussion by Council, Kent ilose made a moti6n to approve the ord'i nance, which Oan Corcoran seconded. A vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously 7-0. The third item on the agenda was the second reading of 0rdinance No. 31, Seri es of 1985, regarding leas-iLorr private parking spaces. Mayor Johnston read th: :itle jn full. Tom Braun expiained the background informat'ion of the ordinance. Larry Esklith gave additional information. After a short discussion, Gordon Pierce made a motion to approve the ordinance. Kent Rose seconded the motjon. A vote was taken and the mot'i on passed unanimously 7-0. The next jten was the reading of Resolution No. 37 establishing a computer system fund.' Charlje l.lick gave a short explanation of the resolution. Hermann Staufer made a motion to approve the resolution, which Gail Wahr'l ich-Lowenthal seconded. A vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously 7-0. The fifth jtem was. Biqhorn Park Bridqe easements. Kristan Pnitz explained there were four easements for Council approval: 1) utility easement for Public Service, 2) utjlity easement for Fred Hiller, 3) Fred Hi1ler granting the Town of VaiI a pedestrian access easement, and 4) Gore Creek Meadows granting the Town of Vail a pedestrian access easement through the common area. Larry Eskwith gave legal infcrmation on the easements. Gary Hail, a Public Servjce representative, and Fred H'i ller answered questions from the Councjl. Gary Ha1 I noted he needed a street cut permit at Gore Creek Meadows. Bill Hart and Bri an Hobson gave their reasons why they urant the approvals. Larry Eskwith discussed with Council broadening the 'i ndemnification clause, and the Council agreed it should be done. Councjl also reouested the lights at the bridge be changeC to down lights. After much discussion, Kent Rose made a motjon to approve the eacements, with the stipulationthat the language be broadened in the jndemnification clause and the lights be changed at the bri dge. Dan Corcoran seconded the motjon. A vote was taken and thenotion passed unanimously 7-0, Kent Rose noted the street cut permit was a separate 'i ssue. Gary Hall of Publjc Servjce discussed the street cut with the Council. Kent Rose made a motion to approve the street cut permit at Gore Creek Meadows and thatLarry Eskwith make a draft nesolution fori t. Dan Corcoran seconded the motion. A vc-ue was taken and the motion passed unanimousiy 7-0, The next item was the reading of Resolution No. 39, regarding the.]ll[flC_AiV9f Estates easement vacati.on. Kristan Pricz explained background information on the.--.-------.--.-_ easementl---Sierra-federal Savings and Loan and Sun Savings and Loan, its parent coiipany, are requesting the easement vacatjon. After much discussion by Council, Gordon Pierce made a motion to approve the vacation. Hermann Staufer seconded the motion. A vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously 7-0. Dan Corcoran requested the true name of the area, the Resubdivision of Part of Bighorn SuUaivision Third Addition, Amended Plat, be used instead of the nickname l'lhiie Ri ver Estates. The seventh jtem on the agenda was ihe Lower Bridge Street Trash Compactor easement. Larry Eskwith gave background information on the easements - the tras,r compactor easement and aciess to the easement. and the parking easement for Rod itii.r and Ron Riiey. Ron Ri1ey gave detailed information on the parking easemen:. Aft.r.or" discussion by Councii, GaiI l.lahrlich-Lowenthal requested the 1anguage in ih. ".."r.nt for the Lower Bri dge Street Trash Associaticn be revised to include "a Coiorado non-profit corporationi'. Gail Wahrl ich-Lowenthal made a motion to approve ine two easements for the trash compactor, with the language change, and the parking easement. Gordon Pierce seconded the motion. A vote was taken and the motion passed unanimouslY 7-0. Next was Citjzen Particjpation. Ellie Mansey, a member of the Board of Directors of ine frienAs of the Library, and other memberi-of the Friends of the Library stated thejr concern over the suLstantial cut in the library's funds' They asked.that, ihe funds be rejnstated and asked what they could do to help. Ron Phiilips and members of the Council responded to their concerns. The next item was the Town Manager's report. Ron Phillips stated that Nancy Plor-'. Oiiice Manager of Public Works Department, was the Empl.oyee of the Month for December. He noted that most, if not all, the holiday decoratjons around town';iere up. He also wished the Council a Merry Christmas. At this time Mayor Johnston read the Mayoral Procjamation against drunk driving for the week of December 15, 1985. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 9:05 p'm' ATiiST: Pamela A. Branomeyer, Town Clerk l'linutes taken by Brenda Chesman Respectful 1y submi tted, Paul R. Johnston, MaYor -2- o LEGAL DESCRIPTION A sixteen (16) foot wide utility Easement parallel to the Southerly Boundary of and shown on the plat of the Resubdivision of Part of eighorn Subdivision Third Addition, Amended Plat, located wj-thin the Town of VaiI, as recorded in Book 260 at Page 538 of the records of the Clerl< and Recorder of Eagle Cointy, Colorado; more particularly described as lying northerly of an& parallel to the Southerly Boundary of said Resubdivision' bounded on the South by U. S- Interstate l{ighway No. 70 Riqht- of-way, and being within Lots I, 2 and 3 of said Resubdivision. r/ tjg.56' l5"f 26 2 .36' $tr'ql'o'\ 'l ''"u IJ5 2B sgRvE e :+;l:ji .$ 7Ftfi X --ilzr''r'ra')(i \\\ 't!)\ ir"o55Ac -* _ -seOb'\ lf,\ , . ,t() r '6.;',,.. .a'(- f,dUU '\r ;.,r':.\.. 14' oFFsET \.'_^.ri-: !l'{r,, t ." do;',,\i' L,l, (,.,'' | -.; ffii,;flq*fl'*ffivi rf')N !3 t.} -\q .1 <&x g'\a l3''."r'.'.T'i:: - \'.!F.,..' ? p 0.49 ActNxn\a-'. !?(\l o G| ao o @n Johnson, Kunkel & Associates, Inc. LANO SUNVEYING. CIVIL ENGINEERING. MAPPING P.O. Box 409 . 113 East 4th Street Eagle, Colorado 81631 . Phone: (3031 328-6368 0rcnarz /J /:85 t1-.1-^ / r27.08 /"h(or! g,-?' cr O 39Ac. 12388..r TRACT LOT3 t 0.71 Ac. I fE' l" = loo' Ste bn R. Wuje hrl firt-. INTER-DEPARTMENTAL REVI El^l PRoJECT: Prrr^l LulJ hiut $ DATE SUBMITTED: COMMENTS NEEDED BY: I BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PUBLIC WORKS ,A )4Reviewed by: Comments: THE PROPOSAL: IC HEARING ok 6o. €>ts<t><>-r /s )z60 AG 'TzontG Sor/l <of (-z..te-. FIRE DEPARTMENT Reviewed by: Comments: Date POLICE DEPARTI',IENT Rev'iewed by: Conments: Date RECREATION DEPARTMENT Reviewed by: Corments: Date o =F =t uJo- oo slr\|rl(\l .t) IJJ uJ I,L tr =E LUc ff sB -s.l -e :> l- > 1€. lO dd tlrlt, lltl-rs rk:k rol'rr.rrl@. tl) I-\l @l(rr' '\-'r-l Nl\' -\l-l *; I JIe =l*_t 9.6 =tF.Fl Fl< Fi* rrH>t= '= =tF E. = =r: ll> rE E"i3 (tt ld 'r-lZt13 *,x oluFoz oz l .5 4z g:iiE |;io=-o"(!:O-E f E='gI: (r, 'v o obio E l'l O :8E€= c; o U, c sfi;€€ : e:;=s egiii (7)or) F =tuo. z 6 =f x lu z) ) F rlJJ UJ z6 2 (J u.t (u uJ z F ll,l llJ 3 IJJt uJEz -rn UJc) F oo- TIJ z UJJ x F uJ f tn uJ uJ lJ- = = uJ.L J F F z 6I .o oe,-o uJJ u,l z6 = d <-Iz () uJ NOtlvn]VA ;e,o; o z.o Fo-do t!o J UJz UJ =>E iur3 =loN zz Fo- 4x:f,2EP O t/, oz>-oo<)zrJ- <v= d!2-x ; c\i z E J ll- IIJ sfr\ rJ) (\l UJ J z =oo z tr uJF 3 uJz <t,Fzlz EU<oo< =Hxt!6o<z Fz ,. 9= 3trOI UJlJJ <taluz o IF zo F 5oz E 3 =F ul o 3 a Flo F Jl<l Fl zl zl .. >lo uJ UJ ll.lzaF uJ(! ?z E o (5z tr ) z (?) I -fa C) Flc)O ulF U'ooazo FIL uJY uJ to oF ts t uJ o- aslo<ll*,lHpOEzo z o9ze =<;1'^-d H'6 F (r ut o- IL lP|.|lEO E<ol60naB9E; c6:., \-FJr =uJ-E h=E :gE =FE 669 EutE XO-t x>t q-oittr t! F F =E,lrt o-zIF()f E,Fazoo !f,til df,cro= =*i-'r -i U,6il> 2 rcl JI al>l rr-Iol zl =lolFI ol =.1oll!l CElJl <l>l tJ.lol zl 3lolFI -l zl FI (J (./, =tr =.1ol u.ll :l <l>l rl-Iol zl 3l 9lFI _lOIrol ;l qtl uJlEl JI <l>l EIol zl xl EI (n ct sf g lt <t +to II:'tn(u t5z Jtr sf sl<f (nulF t-an UJ LtJ |l.tF = rli z -) l-t ir =Ft-Oz z =l .J z I t.lJ = |- E z J 9 IJJJ LIJ UJF T <FcouJ<zE[!F(aZ C) !nn I tl ''' ".,J6FF f/e,,,' /'/ o. C a' -:-- v, L/- 4, ?.c, 1,,t. z.5ia t\ IL2.1 , i , I dgtse ffiffi trfiffiW UTfi$ffiIS A{IffiIf,IfiilTT t,/- A- Ec€th - L.L. /o ,2 /\ ') i' E1i '. 6 L A a v{^ PA ^, €,4- trl i f.,',u T'^^p.a a',.oc Su."r,. E i y'',", /ur, Con'rn,,,- s'rnr,u, @ I ?.""*.,r T^,p12n-V.l -Du-lu.Loo g i 7* EtzTtA - GuooJ .Srrrroo e I mA6rsr-,c Se,.rsoa O-(D j '-I)-.^L l- ilI.acrnroa, - Su-.ror. @ j S-,-o,.* -Du4uo-k^ @ I Fl.,t -D.tL--#.a tl : ALnra\^ Sp-o,.rR CH""^)(-- ' /'\4. {-l LA P-\^A -S- o.' r$n h-l4' .L,v Q, CA-'l-ctn- A,t o tl-l' tr . Su. LLir,t-TP Soi.,rr" /tr . (non -6r Corporate Hcadquarlers - llouslon, ,'lC0 0urira:',r Dr., l{ouslon, TX 77007, 713/863-1551, Si;i? Lic. 1!;l:l ^r!tin. 2116 ltancock Or. Aurt'., lX 78755. 5t?/.159-l3tl. Srero l,c. ?2t6 noctlca. PO. 8or 2390, V.,1. CO 81650. 3O3in76.nOO D.nv".. ?.J',0 S.urh For. tn,rn$ood. CO 8Ol1O.303?62-0500 lf,ln Clllr!,375r Podlend Ava. So.. M'nncapolis. Mll 55.10i ':ij 'r, l ;"-l Vl.lorl., oirt f: llrroc.! li,rod. v|(:tunl. TX t79ol.5121570.5533, S|nlo t'c. r'126 /'" { ,t tl ')1} PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT JOB NAME ''.-:9) !'17,41,, j3 THUR FRIREADY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: WED ,''e"^,, ! INSPECTION REQUEST BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL r] FOUNDATION / STEEL o o tr tr tr tr FOOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETROCK tr POOL/ H. TUB tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIH tr FINAL tr FINAL AppRovED l'7 I l,'O DISAPPROVED B REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR m ., ...: !,1 lr T"--l '39 2:lQ ii:N"d ili,i.l i iif,t) - '.i.,, .._ 6cl. . -qto di o'lI '- . \ ^\ $\ rlJ 4.- l-, r;, t'l =r,u, ra a t:, ($ F(t co ,/i\b _sn-t{ ( 't\--ii Lr-( 1of1 .!\r q, 't t\ .--i ,i ',{--t: \ e-) -='i 'itr-- \-.- o. \o\ :.) o (6ft llri>,!a lul.,trbin I t\ ,'.u ^st-) t-) 't." ll{t*- 0, -/-\ l-IJ iV} irt lAvt .lt (u'r- ,i 1. r,(^" t-{ l-t i, l-l {u hc(11 td A' (n -r. r- q \.:_l t,-.---i i il ti,l rr; Ii-_lti, L-,.-* -r u) {t L vl {l Ii\jr!, ..:vll I <irldl ^l'ri<\r ryi.al >;\'l ,)'i ?irlF\I rt. r) eti ;i d ^,(/] i-\ :'i i " : {i l.- 'i,;';:'/: i ,_ r i) .,1 cr) ll *j\ .-c} X r,')t- ,1,,, \,; it,i r'; t t;]-- (li i,,l I 5l l:-J !--J t c) EAE fi 6's o ? e --.-- 'l {J aJ v) q) \, I N q. ,i) lv\t4;JI l1 rU .t ir, r\c\t -\< -{ o { /.\v/\. / -\4 / ) ,)6) tst !i'<.t r\5 *. { qJ t.t- .lr o il tf o,-.. --ri-. j ,: o O ,,r i \: \.-) j .-..4._ I-l !.J \i\ '$ \\ ! ,) j:l -.-.,t './. rl _ j -.. it_l\r- \o.' L DATE 2 /6 /85 APPLICATION FOR DUPLEX SUBDIVISION REVIEt.l APPL ICANT Sierra Federal Savings &Loan AssnA.NME OF MAILING ADDRESS Attn: Glenn Solomon 2730 S. Wadsworth Denver ' Co'8022- pHgNE 988-4300 B. NAME OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE Ken Long Johnson, Kunkel & Associates, Inc.MAILING ADDRESS Box 409 Eag1e, Colorado 816 31 pH6NE e 49-4969 r K D. NAME OF Ol,lNER'S MAILING LOCATION LOT 2 E. FEE $.l00.00 PROPERTY S I GNATURE ADDRESS OF PROPOSAL BLOCK SUBDIVISION Sierra Federal Savings & Loan h Denver, Colorado 80227 Resub of Part of Bighorn Subd FILING rhird Add F p^n (X+tv6!1t' rlzlz< MATERIAL TO BI SUBMITTED l, Two mylar copies of the duplex subdivision plat fol.lowing tl e legtlirements of Section li.l61 30(c)-l ,2',3,4,6,7,8,9,.10,.1i,13 and |4 of the subdivision Regu l ations. 2. The plat must contain the following statement: ,,For zoning purposes, the two lots created by this subdivjsion are to be treated as one uniity with no more than one two-famj ]y residence-all,owed on the combined;.;;; oi ttr" two lots." The statement must be modified according to the number of lots created' 3. A copy of the declarations and,/or covenants proposed of any common areas. APPROVAL PROCESS, REVITI.J CRITERIA These can be found in Chapter 17.24 of the Subdivision Regulations. FILING AND RECORDING The Department of Conmunity Developnrent will be responsible. for the plat and accompanying iocu,nents with the Eagle County Clerk upon Town of Vail aPProval . to assure the maintenar tf. promptly record' and Recorder H. DECLARATION FOR LOT 2, WHITE RIVER ESTATES A RESUBDIVISION OF BIGHORN SUBDIVISION THIRD ADDITION REC I TALS I.SIERRA FEDERAL SAVINGS DENVER, ("Declarant") is the owner of the in the County of Eagle, State of ColoradoLot 28, White River Estates in Exhibit A made a part hereof. AND LOAN ASSOCIATION OF real property situate described as Lot2A & attached hereto and 2.The buildinq which has been constructed on Lot2t is a building consisting of two units designed and intended for use and occupancy as a residential dwelling unit, designated herein as 'runit 2A" and "unit 28" respectively, which are some- times referred to herein separately as "unit" or collectively asttunitstt. Lot 2A contains unit A and Lot 28 contains un-it B. A a pLan for the simple. DECLARAT I ON Declarant does hereby publish and declare that thefollowing terms, covenants, condi tions, easements, restr ictions, uses, reservations, limitations and obligations shaIl be deemedto run with the land described herein, shall be a burden and abenefit to Declarant, its personal representatives, heirs, successors and assigns and any person acquiring or owning an in- terest in the real property which is described herein and im- provemenLs built thereon, their grantees, personal representatives, heirs, successors and assigns. Declarant desires to and does hereby establish ownership of Lot 2A and Lot 28 as estates in fee I. DIVISION OF REAL PROPERTY.28 are hereby divi ws Lot 2A and Lot a fee simple easements and a fee simple easements and estate in Lotrights Iocated estate in Lotrights Iocated (i) Unit 2A consisting of 2A, together with the improvements, thereon or appurtenant thereto; (ii1 unit 28 consisting of28, together with the improvements, thereon or appurtenant thereto. -r- shalr bornt"nurable only as a dwellingmay be leased' deed of trust, unit may descr Declaration. rate parcel of and taxed. (b) sed or (c) Each uni t encumbe red , andunit. Title to a unit may be held individu- 2.ENCROACHMENTS. If any portion of Lot 2A and Lot 28 now encroactres upon the other parcel as a result of the construction of any building, or if any such encroachment shaII occur hereafter as a result of settling or shifting of any building, a valid easement for the encroachment and for the maintenance of the same so long as the building stands shall exist. In the event any building shall be partially or totally destroyed as a result of fire or other casualty or as a result of condemnation or eminent domain proceedings and then rebuilt, encroachments of parts of the building on the other parcel, due to such rebuilding, shall be permitted, so Iong as such encroachments are of no greater extent than those previously existing, and valid easements for such encroachments and the maintenance thereof shall exist so long as the building shall stand.(b) Except as provided for in Paragraph 8 below, if, because of any act or omission of any owner r dDY mechanic's or other lien or order for the payment of money shall o dev i ally or in any form of concurrent ownership recognized in Colorado. In case of any such concurrent ownership, each co-owner shall be jointly and severally liable for performance and observance of all the duties and r e s p o n s i b i I i t i e s of an "owner', hrith respect to the unit in which he owns an interest. For a1l purposes herein, there shatl be deemed to be only two owners, the owner of Unit 2A and the owner of Unit 28- The parties, if more than one, having the ownership of each such un- it stal1 agree among themselves how to share the rights and obligations of such ownership; provided, however, that if a corporation, partnership, association or other legal entity shalt become an owner or the parties, if more than one, have the concurrent ownership of a unit, then such entity or concurrent owners sha11 from time to time designate one individual who shall represent such entity or concurrent owners in all matters concerning aII rights and obtigations pursuant to this Declaration. Any such entity or concurrent owners shalI give written notice to the other owner designating the individual to act on its or their behalf and such notice shall be effective until revoked in writing by such entity or owners. Any act ol omission by such designated individual shal1 be binding on the entity or owners having designated him in favor of the other owner or any person who may rely thereon. (d) Any contract of sale, deed, lease, mortgage, wilI or other instrument affecting a ibe it by its unit letter and by reference to this (e) Each unit shall be considered a sepa- real property and shaII be separately assessed -2- be filed aqain"lr," other owner's unit orlv improvementstherein or-thereon, or against any other ownei (whether or not such lien or order is valid or enforceable as such), the owner whose act or omission forms the basis for such lien or ordershall at his own cost and expense cause the same to be cancel-Ied and discharged or record or bonded by a surety company reason- ably acceptable to such other owner, within 20 days after thedate of fiIing thereof, and further shall indemnify and save the other owner harmless from and against any and all costs, expenses, claims, losses or damages, including reasonable attorney's fees resulting theref rom. 7. INSURANCE. (a)Each owner shall keep hisunit and a1I fixtu?EE--EhEiEin insured against loss or damage byfire and extended coverage perils (including vandalism and mali- cious mischief) for the maximum replacement value thereof. Any owner may on 30 daysr written notice, at any time one year or longer after the Iast appraisal of the units, obtain a written appraisal of such units from a competent appraiser, charging both owners with the reasonable costs thereof. Such appraisershall be a disinterested and independent third party who is un-related in any manner to either owner whether through joint bus iness adventures or otherwise. (b) Each owner shall provide and keep inforce for the protection of himself general public liability andproperty damage occuring in, on or upon his parcel owned in fee simple and the improvements thereon, in a limit of not less than $3gqrA60 tn respect of bodily injury or death to any number of persons aris j.ng out of an accident or disaster, or for damage toproperty. and if higher limits shall at any time be customary toprotect against possible tort Iiability. such higher limitsshall be carried and each owner shall name the other owner as an additional insured party under such policy. (c) Each owner shall deliver to the other owner certificates evidencing a1l insurance required to be car-ried under this Paragraph 7, each containing agreements by theinsurers not to cancel or modify the policies without giving theother owner written notice of at least 30 days. Each ohrnershall have the right to inspect and copy all such insurancepolicies of the other owner and require evidence of the payment of premiums thereon. (d)Nothing provided in this paragraphshall prevent the owners from jointly acquiring a single policy t,o cover any one or more of the hazards required in this para- graph to be separtely insured against by each owner. B.RIGHT TO LIEN. (A)If an owner, at anytime, shall neglect or refuse to perform or pay his share of anyobligation required hereunder, the other owner may, but shaIlnot be obligated to, after 20 days'written notice unless the circumstances require immediate action, made such payment, or, on behalf of such other owner, expend such sum as may be neces-sary to perform such obligatj.on including, but not Iimited -3- to, the paymeraC any insurance premiu*" .Qui."athe undertaking of any work required hereunder fororation or maintenance, and such other owner shalIment in and to that part of such defaulting ownerl reasonably necessary for such repair, restoration maintenance. hereunder orrepair, rest- have an ease-s unit as is or (b) All sums so pai.d or expended by anowner, with interest thereon at the rate of l-B percent per yearfrom the date of such payment or expenditure, shall be payableby the owner so failing to perform (the "defaulting owner") upon demand of the other owner. (c) All sums so demanded but unpaid by thedefaulting owner shall constitute a lien on the unit of the de-faulting owner in favor of the other owner prior to aL1 otherIiens and encumbrances, except: (i) Liens for taxes and spe-cial assessment; and, (ii) the lien of any first mortgage orfirst deed of trust of record encumbering such unit. The lienshall attach from the date when the unpaid sum shal1 become dueand may be foreclosed in like manner as a mortgage on real prop-erty upon the recording of a notice or claim thereof executed bythe nondefaulting owner setting forth the amount of the unpaidindebtedness, the name of the defaulting owner, and a descrip-tion of the unit. In any such forecLosure the defaulting ownershal1 be required to pay the costs and expenses of suchproceedings, Lncluding reasonable attorney's fees. (d)The Iien provided for herein shall besubordinate to the lien of any first mortgage or deed of trust,including all additional advances thereon. SaIe or transfer ofany unit as the resulL of court foreclosure of a mortgage, fore-closure through the public trustee, or any proceeding in lieu offoreclosure, including the transfer of a deed in lieu offoreclosure, shall extinquish the lien of such assessments as topayments thereof which become due prior to such sale ortransfer, but shaIl not relieve any former owner of personalIiability therefor. The mortgagee of such unit who acquired ti-tle by way of foreclosure or the taking of a deed in lieuthereof, shall not, however, be liable for any past due assess-ment and shall only become liable for future assessments on thedate it becomes the owner of such unit. No sale or transfershalI relieve such unit from liability for any assessmentsthereafter becoming due or from the lien thereof. In the eventof the sale or transfer of a unit with respect to which sumsshal1 be unpaid by a defaulting owner, except transfers to afirst mortgagee in conncection with a foreclosure of its lien ora deed in lieu thereof, the purchaser or other transferee of aninterest in such unit shalr be jointly and severalJ.y liable withthe se1ler or transferor thereof for any such unpaid sums. (e)Upon written request of any owner Imortgagee, prospective mortgagee, purchaser or other prospectivetransferee of a unit, the owner of the other unit shall issue a$rritten statement setting forth the amount he is owed under this -4- paragraph, ir uf, with respect to "u"r, u., I such statement isbinding upon the executing owner in favor of any person who may rely thereon in good faith. Unless a request for such statement shaII be complied with within fifteen days after receipt thereof, all unpaid sums which became due prior to the date of making such request shall be subordinated to the lien or other interest of the person requesting such statement. 9. USE RESTRICTIONS.stricted to a reET?EfrETET- di6fffns such use as well as conditioned and defined by the Eagle County Zoning (a) Each unit shall be re- unit as a permitted use, and accessory uses shalI be as ord i nance. (b) No exterior mounted radio, shortwave, television or other type of antenna whatsoever or tank of any kind, either elevated or burried, or clothesline or incinerator of any kind whatsoever or outside storage of any personal prop- erty sha11 be permitted or maintained on either unit without theprior written approval of both owners. (c) No animals, Iivestock, horses, orpoultry of any kind shall be kept, raised, bred or maintained in, on or upon either unit, except that each owner may keep and maintain within his unit dogs, cats or other domesticated house- hold animals not to exceed two in number; provided, however. that such domesticated animals are kept under control at all times, do not present a nuisance to the other owner and are kept and controlled in strict compliance with all Eagle County ordinances that may apply to such animals. (d)In addition to the parking restric- tions set forth in subparagraph 4(c) above, each o$rner may keep no more tban two automotive vehicles permanently on his unit. Parking of boats, trailers, campers, motor homes, ATVts or recreationsl vehicles on either unit is expressly prohibited. Parking of more than two automotive vehicles by either owner or his family, agent or invitee on such ownerts unit for more than a 48 hour period is expressly prohibited. (e) No "time sharing", "intervalownership" or similar interest, whereby ownership of a unit is shared by owners on a time basis shall be established on either unit without the prior written approval of both owners and all Lienors holding a first mortgage or first deed of trust of re- cord on any portion of Lot 2A or Lot 28 which approval shall be reflected in a document of record. Ig. NOTICE. Each owner shall register its mailing address with the--6r:hE; owner and aII notices or demands intended to be serviced upon owners shall be sent by certified mail, postage prepaid addressed in the name of the owner at such reg-istered mail j.ng address. In the alternative, notice may be de-livered if in writing, personally to ovrners. -5- t1 . lhorro* oF DECT,ARATIoN. uO provis ion con-tained in this oe6TiiETTonT-hTAE-is-ElEject to the laws or rules sometimes referred to as the rule against perpetuities or therule prohibitinq unreasonable restraints or alienation shal-lcontinue and remain in full force and effect this Declaration isterminated as hereinafter provided. A11 other provisions con-tained in this Declaration shaIl continue and remain in fullforce and effect until January I in the year 20II A.D., andthereafter for successive periods of IA years each; unless atIeast l year prior to the expiration of any such l0 year period of extended duration, this Declaraton is terminated by recordedinstrument, directing termination, signed by all owners and alllienors holding a first mortgage or first deed of trust of re-cord on any portion of Parcel A or Parcel B. L2. AMENDMENT OR REVOCATION. This Declaration mavbe amended or re@rant so iong as oeclar'ant owns both Lot 2A and Lot 28, or (b) upon unanimous written ap-provaL in recordable form of all owners and all lienors holdinga first mortgage or first deed of trust of record on any portionof Lot 2A or Lot 28. 13. EFFECT OF PROVISIONS OF DECLARATION. Each pro- vision of this oe ovenant andundertaking to comply with each provision of this Declaration, and any necessary exception or reservation or grant of title,estate, right or interest to effectuate any provision of thisDeclaration: (i) shall be deemed incorporated in each deed orother instrument; (ii) shaIl, by virtue of acceptance of anyright, title or interest in any portion of Lot 2A or Lot 28 by an owner, be deemed accepted, ratified, adopted and declared asa personal covenant of such owner and, as a personal covenant,shall be binding on such owner and his heirs, personal representatives, successors and assignsi and, shall be deemed apersonal covenant to, with and for the benefit of each owner of any portion of Lot 2A or Lot 2Bi and, (iii) shall be deemed areal covenant by Declarant, for itself, its successors andassigns, and also an equitable servitude, running, in each case,as a burden with and upon the title to each and every portion ofLot 2A and Lot 28. I4. ENFORCEMENT AND REMEDIES. (a) Each provisionof this Dec1aratffi by any owner by a pro- ceeding for a prohibitive or mandatory injunction or by a suitor action to recover damages. If court proceedings are insti-tuted in connection with the rj,ghts of enforcement and remediesprovided in this Declaration, the prevailing party shall be en-titled to recover its costs and expenses in conncectiontherewith, including reasonable attorneyrs fees. (b) Each owner hereby agrees that any andall actions in equity or at law which are instituted to enforceany provision hereunder shall be brought in and only in thecourts of Eagle County, State of Colorado. -6- this Declarationprovision, the r any other prov i s I8. CAPTIONS. The sErumenE are f oi-Eo=iIEi-rence construing any provisions of ATTEST: Subscribed and sworn before me thi- I98 t.f by Glenn A. Solomon, Assis Beverly V. Arnold, Assistant Secre Failure to .nrorfany provision of not operate as a waiver of any such enforce such provision thereafter, or ofthis Declaration. captions and headings in this in- only and shall not be considered in this Declaration. has erecuted this Dec- , 198jJ SI ERRA E'EDERAL ASSOCIATION SAVINGS AND LOAN By G], As (c) shall ight toion of 15. EXERCISE oF RIGHTS. Any exercise of any rightgranLedhereunder@respecttotheotherowner|s unit incl-uding but not limited to the use of any easement grant- ed herein shall be exercised in a manner which shall not unrea- sonably hinder, inpede or impose upon such other owner I s use of his unit. 16. SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS. Except as otherwise provided herein,ml be bi;ding upon and shall injure to the benefit of Declarant and each owner and the heirs, personal representatives, successors and assigns of each. I7. SEVERABILITY. Invalidity or unenforceability of any provision of-E6f3T6EfEiation in whole or in part. shall not affect the validity or enforceability of any other provision or any valid and enforceable part of a provision of this Declaration. 19. CONSTRUCTION. When necessary for proper construction, tEe masc'uTIne of any word used in this Declarationshall include the feminine or neuter genderr and the singular the plural, and vice versa. IN WlTNESSIaration thi +--.../i day WHE of i3'ItYe7:7'""' PI /,s , a,\ /i<. day of .,_. - tant Vice President ta ry. Witness my hand and seal. My commission expires l,'ly Commission cxptres ,'..\ l,Aay 24,l98B EXHIBIT A Lot 2, A Resubdivision of part of Bighorn subdivision ThirdAddltion, Arnended prat, Town of vail, Eagre county, colorado ac-cording to the recorded plat thereof. a/k/a 4414 Columbine Drive FIRST AMENDMENT TO DECLAMTION FOR LOT 2, WHITE RIVER ESTATES, A RESUBDIVISION OF BIGHORI{ SUBDIVISION, THIRD ADDITION. RECITALS Paragraph A. By Declaration daLed , 1985 ("Declaration"), Sierra Federal Savings and Loan AssociaEion of Denver ("Declarantt') establj-shed certain covenants and restrictions with respect Eo real property located in Eagle CounEy, Colorado, known as Lot 2A and Lot 28' White River Estatesr being more particularly described on Exh j.b it A attached hereto (The "Property" ) Paragraph B. Lot 2A contains a residential dwelling unit known as Unit 2A and Lot 28 contains a residential dwelling unit knor.n as unit 28. Paragraph C. Declarant is presently the or^rner of the property and desires to amend the Declaration as se! out below. A},lENDMENT Paragraph nine of the Declaration, enti-t1ed "USE RESTRICTIoNS" is hereby amended by che addition of Subpart (F) to t..E-lE-EifT6t":- (F) The exterior of che two residential dwelling linits shall be painted or sEai-ned one idenlica1 color, and neither ornrner of a unit may Paint' sEain, or oEherwise change che exterior appearance of his unit to make it in any way different fronr the exterior appearanc.e of the other unit. In witness whereof, Declarant has executed this Amendment to Declara!ion this day of December, 1985. Sierra Federal Savings and Loan Assoc. BY AssisEant Vice-PresidenE ( Acknowledgement ) Johnson, Kunkel & Associates, lnc. LAND SURVEYING . CIVIL ENGINEERING. MAPPING December 2, 1985 Town of VailLarry Eskwith Box 100Vail, Colorado 81658 Re: White River Estates Vacation of Easement 8s /0r8 Dear Larry: Following our conversation last Wednesday in reference to White River Estates, I have gathered together The Quit Claim Deeds from the local utilities as required by the Town Engineer. It is my understanding that you will make up the appropriate deed from the Town vacating the easement in question. I have also enclosed a copy our our drawing and legal description for your reference. The vacation ofof the duplex splits Should you haveconsideration of this Sincerely, ohn L. MacKown, P.E.Vice President JL\L/agh Enclosures the easement should be done prior to approval-for Lots 1 and 2. any questions, please advise. Your timely mat.ter will be greatly appreciated. P.O. Box 409 . l13 East 4th Street Eagle, Colorado 81631 . Phone: (303) 328-6368 Recorded .r- O -- -o'clock---- It Rece ption N R eco rde r. TUts DnEo, Made this <tay or December , te 85, between The Town Of Vail, COlOradO ofthe County of Eagl e and state of Colorado, of t he first part, an<l Sjerra Federal Savings and Loan Associ ati on whoselesat addressis 2730 South Wadsworthr Denver, Colorado 80220 of the County of Dgnvgr and srat.,of Col orado Colorado, of the second part. WITNESSETH, That the said part RECORDER'S STAIIIP of the first part, for and in consi(leration of the "u. o1 $1.00 to the said partj of the first partin hand paitl bythe said partj DO L LARS. of the second part, the rcceipt whereof is hereby confessed and acknowledged. ha remised, released. sold, convcyed and QUIT CLAItllED, and by these presentsdo €S remise, release, sell, contey and QUTTCLAIM untothe said party ofthe second part, itS heirs, successors and assigns, forever, all the right, title, interest. claim and demand which the said part) ofthe first part ha S in and to the following described lot or parcel of land situate, lying and being in the Cgu ntyor Eagl e and State of Colorado. to wit: also known as street and nlllr ber TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same, together with all and singular the appurtenances and privileges thereunto belonging or in anywise thc'reunto appertaining, and all the estate, rigllt, title, interest and claim whatsoever, of the said partI ofthe first part,either in law or equity, to the onll proper use, benefit and behoof of the said party of the second part, j !5 heirs and assigns folever. IN WITNESS IVHEREOF,The sai(l part y ofthe first part has hereuntoseti!5 hand and seal the day and 1-ear first above written. Signed, Sealed and Delivered in the Presence of SEA LI SEA LI SEA LI SEALI STAT E OF COLORADO, A sixteen (16) foot wide Utility Easement parallel to the Southerly Boundary of and shown on the plat of the Resubdjvision of Part of Bighorn Subdivision Third Addition, Amended Plat, located within the Town of Vai'l ' as recorded in Book 260 at Page 538 of the records of the Clerk and Recorder of Eagle County' Colorado; more partjcularly described as lying northerly of'and parallel to the Southerly Boundary of said Resubdivision, bounded on the South by U.S.- Interstate Highway I'to. ZO Right-of-i,lay, and being within Lots 1' 2 and 3 of said Resubdivision. / tr4 day or b eceneea 1."lCounty of The fo regoing in str u men t rstS,uv' QoilbAtC U. was acknos'ledsed before me this P*tctrls My commission expires ,19 . Witness my hand and official seal. UffiEficAugfr,l8 NO.93.1. Q UtT CL At M DEf, D.- Bradfo rd Publishing. l5l6JWcsr44thAvcnuc.Ooldcn,ColoradoEO40l-tl0l)!78-0644 -8-E0 LEGAL DESCRIPTION A sixteen (16) foot wide Utility Easement parallel to the Southerly Boundary of and shown on the plat of the Resubdivision of Part 6f nignorn subdivision Third Addition, Amended Plat, located within the Town of Vail' as recorded in Book 260 at Page 538 of the records of the Clerk and Recorder of Eagle Cointy, Coloradoi more particularly described as lying northerly of and parallel to the Southerly Boundary of said Resubdivision, 'bounded on the South by U. S. lnterstate l{ighway No. 70 Right- of-Way, and being within Lots I, 2 and 3 of said Resubdivision. |l u9'56'r5"E 26 2.36' Johnson, Kunkel & AssociateE Inc. LANO SURVEYING . CIVIL ENGINEERING. MAPPING P.O. Box 409 . t l3 Eatt 4th Street Eagte, Colorado 81631 . Phoner (3031 328-6368 r.'.! J.l (l ? s{oN ao 97 t27.08: -l 'lr fig,-?' n O.39Ac. .2388 Tfr l.6a?Q I t\ J-" - T'\\I ) -Z; LOTSq O.7l Ae. r} rO en R. Wu FORM (D) 322-10- 1930 Recorded at o'clock M., RETAIN PERMANENTLY Document No. 174812 Plat No. Grid No. Beception No. .' Recorder, OUITCLAIM DEED KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That Public Service Company of Colorado, a Colorado corporation, of Denver, C.olorado for good and valuable consideration hereby sells and quitclaims to Town of Vai'l a Municipa] Corporation whose address is p.0. Bgx 631-. . ?5 So. Frontage Road Vatl- CO 81657 of the County of FaoI e and State of Colorado the following described ,""t prop and State of Colorado, to.wit il74S5* {z/ ,!ffi#r r,r, :.tELT CTY. RECORt}EF Jur 3l l0 eg At'l'85 The Southerly 16 feet lots 1, 2 and 3 of the Resubdjvision of Part of Bighorn Subdivision Third Addition, Amended P'lat. I I % This deed is to release the above described granted on the Plat of the Resubdivsion of Third Addition, Amended Plat as recorded in officia'l records of Eagle County, Colorado. property from a utilitY easement Part of Bighorn Subdivision Book 260 at Page 538 of the Address of property )" .ls 85 PUBLIC COLOBADO By STATE OF COLORADO. City and County of Denver ss. May The foregoing instrumenl was acknowledged before me this Ronald E. Donovan as Vice President4th day of 19 85 by Da,te: and A. J. DeNovellis Assistant Secretary of Public Service Company of Colorado, in the office of the clerk and recorder IOVER FON ADDITIONAL 550 15th St., Denver, Co 80202 AOD RESS of the county where the property is located as above recited. NOTARIESI 1F U QUITCIAIM DEED 3l5lu3Ltr I.tx -l-!.Ll-,rc Q l4-- 1 IJHHHTTTt- lHtuttpsl ':ACLE CTY, REC0RDERI I I Jur ? ll x[l{'8li TEI,EPHONE AND IELECRAPHKNOH ALL MEN BMESE PRESENIS: that THE I{OUNTAII{ SIATES $OI'iPANY, a Colorado Corporationr herelnafter called "Conpaqy" for and in consiileratior of Oae Doll.ar ($f.OO) and other good and valuable considerations in hand paicl, the receipt rhereof ls hereby confesseal and acloorletlged, does hereby ielease, reniee and quitclain all the right, title and lntereet acquired by the Conpany or ite Asoignore under that unto the preseat owner or ovDers, as their reepectlve fnterest nay appear therein, la the following describeal property, to nit:I Eirteen (I5) foot rlale llttltty Easenent Parallel fo the Southerly Boundary of a Resubdlvieloa of Lot 14, Btock 4, Elghora Subrtivlelonl Bhlrit Ad<titioal lncntleil Plat, Located p{thtn thc lovn of Tail, Sectlon 12' lovnshlp I Soutbt Eangc 80 HeEt of the 5* Prlnclpal !{eri.ill.an, County of Eegleq State of Colorailo; pore partloularly dercri.bed es lying northerly of and paralIeI to the Southerly poun<lafy of aaid Reeuballvieion, boundeal on the Soutb..bi, U.S. fnterstate Eighuay{o. 7O 3lght-of-Way, And being rlthin Lots lr2andJ of ealcl Besubd:lvision, t) ancl hereby expressly ercepting antl reservlng to the conpany, any antl all interest otherriee acquired in said property, ercept ag above stated. The Conparly has causetl tbeee presents to be executed by lts duly day of 5.^*r=le-.9-. STATE OT COLOF,IDO COIII{TX OT ARAPAIIOE The foregoing ) )ss instrunent THE MOUNTAIN STATES TELEPHONE ATD [etirork Distribution Services was ackorleclgeil before ne this ZO-TI+ Staff lilanager-l{etwork Dietribution of The Mountain 6i"tLe of the Corporatlon. officlal eeal. Se rvi ces Telepbone and Telegraph Conpany, Notary Public: Resiiling at:kto S. Date: Eaglo Countv Stato Doo. FJe certain right of ray grant, recoriled in f,nak 26o et gage 5iA af rho Rcanr.ds By Corpof/te District Staff on behalf QUIT CLAIM DEED THIS DEED, Made this /? / o* o,fl7r,/tegS between Holy Cross Electric Associdtion, Inc. P.O. Box 972 Avon, Colorado 81620 of the *County of and State of Colorado, granto(s), and Town of Vai1, a Coloraclo nunicipal l corporati.on whose legal address is of the County of 9"U1" WITNESSETH, That the grantor(s), for and in consideration oi 11tg 5utn 66 $1.00 DOLLARS the receipt and sufficiency of which is hercby acklowledged, ha " remised, released, sold, conveyed and QUIT CLAIMED, and by these presents do€s remise, release, sell, convey and QUIT GLAIM unto the grantee(s)' lls hsirs' successors and assigns' forever, all the right, title, interest, claim and demand which the grantor(s) haS in and to the real prop€rty, together with improvements, if any, situate, lying and being in the Colorado. described as follows: Countyof Eagle A sixteen (f6) foot wide Utility Easement parallel to the Southerly Boundary of and shor,,,n on the plat of the Resubdivision of Part of Bighorn Subdivision Third Addition' Amended Plat, Located within the Town of Vail, as recored in Book 250 at Page 538 of the records of the Clerk and Recorder of Eagle County, Colorado; more particularly described as lying northerly of and parallel to the Southerly Boundary of said Resubdivision, bounded on the South by U.S. Interstate Highway No. 70 Rigbt-of- lilay, and being within Lots 1, 2 and 3 of said Resubdivision. also known by street and number as: N/A TO HAVE AND TO HOLD rhe same, together with all and singular the appurtenances and privileges thereunto belonging or in anywise thereunto appertaining, and all the estate, right, title, interest and claim whatsoever, of the grantor(s), either in law or equity, to the only proper use, benefit and behoof of the grantee(s), lts heirs and assigns forever. lN WITNESS WHEREOR The grantor(s) ha s executed this deed on the date set forth above' and State of Colorado, grantee(s), and State of socrATroN, rNc. STATE OF COI.,ORADO, I county or €en{kil I *' The foregoing instrumgnt was acknowledged before me in the ./rheroresoineinstJj,|,YJ;;i.'jl.o'*r"*.",",n. / t countyor 6ne{'ed srate of - (i/az,edo .^ - )tis /14 day of Hpp, L ^or-dor,i"37g2, ?no,l"^nt, n"y' e;o&c a.,:' ;r"i6.' secee'/'+r!, ,%/l 4fats .F/ec/z,c fls5oc'''4r/a71 ' Jne'''ilv {or*..i"" "*p;r.. /-r' , s t7 . witness my hand and official seal. NoBry Publi. ,/J24/)gb,> *lf in Denver, insert "City and." ,- ^ ,te/€.rop 44,luq "O-".,a' Recorded at Reception No.Record€r. No.933. Rev. 1-&4. QUIT CLAIM DIiED Bradford tublishins.5E25 w 6(h Ave., t-atewoo{i. co 802t4-(l0l) 233-6m)9-R4 iliF.il \,'ffi:;Li"i,.--.L I ---f,rrtlcr. QUIT Cl,AlM DEEI) THIS DEED' Madc this day ol tet!, bctuen Upper Eagle Va11ey Sanitatioll DiritrioL 846 Forest Road Va11, Colorado 81617 of the rCountY rtl Colorado, grantor(s), and Town of Vail, a Colorado mrnicipal oorpotnL ion whose lcgal addn-ss is of the CountY rrl Uagle . rtl St.rtc rtl (i'lrrradrr. trilntce(s). WITNESSETH, Th;tt rhc Sranlt)r(\). lirr antl in t rrnsidcrirlil'n l tht \t!rrr .'l $1 . OO also known by strccl and nunrbcr a\: N/A U PI'ER .I,:AC I.E _VALT-EY-SIJ\I .ttr(l Stirl( r tl' DOTIARS thC rcceipt anrt sUflicicncy ot whre lr r\ he tchv ;rL nrrt letlgt rl' lt'r S tr'ttttrttl' ttlc'rsetl srrltl' trrtwcycd antl QU l't Cl'AlMt:t)' and by thcsc prcsents do€S rcn.risc. r,ulcasc, scll, crnvcv rnd Qill'l ('l.All\l trtrlr) tlrr !rirrltcc(\,. itS hcirs' successors an<t n"ssigns' forcvcr'alltheriSht.lit|e'intcrt5r.cIatttlanr|t|cntltntIlvltteh||lcltlltttrrl(s)itltljtttattr|(rtthcrcaIprtlpcflv.t()Sclherwilh impmvcntcnts, ifanY. silualc. lJrngirtr(l |\'ittgirrthe (irrrrrl\ ol Ea.g1e and Statcof Colorado, describcd as lirllows: A sixteen (16) foot wide Utility Easement paralleI to the Southerly eounaaiy of and shoh'n on the plat of the Resubdivision ;;-t;;i 6r aigt"ii.' suuoivision Third Addition, Amended Plat, ioc"t.a withi;;h; Town of Vail, as recored in Book 260 at pig.-5ig of the-iecoras of the clerk and Recorder of Eagle County, Coloradol -ror. particularly describe6 as,lying. northerly of and parallel !o the Southerly Boun<1ary of said Resubdivision' bounded on the soutn by u.S. Interstate itiohray No. ?0 Right-of- w"vl-i"a being,riahin iot" t, 2 anrt 3 of said Resubdivision. TO HAVE AND TO HOI--l) thc sitnlc. togc(hcr with all nrl srrrgrrlrrr tlrc iil)|urlc irnccs and privilcgcs thcrcunto bckrngrng or in anywisc thercunlo appertaining. and llthc cstillc. right. titlc, intcrcrl rrrrrt tllirtr wlrirls(rcvcr' (t[ thc Sran()r( s ) cithcr in luw or equity' to rhi only proper usc. b€ncfit and bchool ol'thc Srirntcc(s)' its hctrs arttl arsigns llrrcvcr' lN WITNESS WllEREOlr,'Ihc Sr ntor(s) hit s crcttrletl lltts tlettl t'tr lht. (lirl( \cl krrth ithttrc STA'l'tr ( )lj COI-ORA I)O' CountY of The foregoing instrument wts acknttwlcdgcd (^\^lilrc nrc In lhc Sbtc of by Colorado . this 4/2s/86 tif in Dcnve.r, tnsert "City and." n', *t Technical Director I ) Countv rrf Eagle f f tlrrv ttl |J6vgrn[gr Witntss tttv hrtntl ittttl ollieial scll. 'le 85 l9 J-- / l-y'^/' (-i-ff Z,zrtNa- /'Y' J @z-4*-il -,/z/t,(qvg-b/zto^t' 4 'r: /t.A ,j+/ /r,(e3'/a,rJrn fliStr .rtr,\!( .l.tl{\t.'1. tt}\lr.'ll I (rl, rll?tt|irl No. 933. Rev. l-84. QUIT cl-^lM lrl:l:D ||r;!lrr'l,1 r\rhr^h(u. \8]( $ ' Recorded at Reception No.",1 M., a Recorder. ,rn QUIT CLAIM DEED TIIIS DEED, Made this day of be$een cABLEvrsroN ASSoCTATES vr, by P.0. Box /'39 ^--:- ,.r^1^*^r1 81620ft V\JII t \,U-L\JJ, au! of the *County of Colorado, granto(s), and partner, Cablevision Town of Vail, a Colorado nunicipal corporation whose legal address is of the County of Eagle WTNESSETH, That the granaor(s), for and in consideralion of the sum of $1 ' 00 DOTIARS the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknorvledged, ha " remised, released, sold, conveyed and QUIT CLAIMED, and by these presens do€s remise, release, sell, convey and QUIT CLAIM unto the granlee(s), its 6";o, successors and assigns, forever, all the right, tirle, inler€st, claim and demand which the grantor(s) haS_ in_and to the r€al propeny, together with improvements, if any, situate, lying and being in rhe County of Eagle and State of Colorado, described as follows: A sixteen (I5) foot wide Utility Easement parallet to theSoutherly Boundary of and shown on the plat of the Resubdivisionof Part of Bighorn Subdivision Third Addition, Amended plat, Iocated within the Town of Vail, as recored in Book 260 atPage 538 of the records of the Clerk and Recorder of Eagle County, Coloradoi rnore particularly described as Iying northerlyof and parallel to the Southerly Boundary of said Resubdivision, bounded on the South by U.S. fnterstate Highway No. 70 Right-of- Way, and being within Lots I, 2 and 3 of said Resubdivision. also known by street and number as: N/A T0 HAVE AND TO HOLD rhe same, together with all and singular the appurtenances and privileges thereunto belonging or in anywise thereunto app€rtaining, and all the estate, right, title, interest and claim whatsoever, of the Sranror(s), either in law or equity, to the only proper use, benefit and behoof of the grantee(s), its heirs and assigns forever. lN WITNESS WHEREOF, The grantor(s) ha s executed this deed on the dale set forth above. ,l.{,B, , its general and State of and State of Colorado, grantee(s), CABLEVTSToN FSSOCTATES Vr' by its gener$l Partnert able{Vision 1trI ' Inc. Jo.DA STATE OF €€f,gRfrDo. County of poz-( The forcgoing instrument was acknowledged before me in the State of Jot^r A ' this 4'-d by JAarg-s m' HoAt My commission expires q ',Y *lf in Denvet inserl "City and." I ,,. I e;d Countyof Pot( day of {hd )t ,tst€, l9 f,0 . witness my hand and official seal. No, 933. Rev. l-84. QUIT CLAIIII DEED Bridford tublishioe. 5825 w 6rh Avc . bt.*ood, co 80211- (.103) 233-6900 n.rn,@ o.l lnwn n lltl 75 soulh tronlage road Yail, colorado 81557' (303) 476-7000 December 11, 1985 Pat Fogerty Sierra Federal Savings and Loan Assocjation 2730 South Wadsworth Denver, Colorado 80227 Re: t,lhite River Estates Duplex Subd.i visi ons, Lots 1, 2 and 4 Dear Pat: 0n November 25th, r sent the enciosed letter to Glen solomon concerningthe duplex subdivision on Lot 4 of white River Estates. I have now b6eninformed,that you are the person in charge of these duplex subdivisionsfor.sun Savings. As mentioned in the privious letter, I wou'l d appreciateit if you would add wording concerning the maintenance of cornmon area andpainting of exterior structures for the duplex subdivisions for Lot I andLot z as well as Lot 4. The Town has difficulty requiring both owners topaint their duplex at the same time. In our maintenance iequ.i rements forthe duplex subdivisions we do have the power to require the owners of theproperty to include the painting of the duplex simultaneously by bothowners according to our Town attorney. 0n-December. 10, .1985 I talked with Diane Meehan who is work.i ng on the ;3]1s for.these properties. She 'informed me that jt was neceisary thattney receive approval of the easement vacation and the plats beforeJanuary lst. In order to faciritate this review, I am schedur.i ng thevacation of the easement for the evening Town council meeting on December.|7. _I explained to Diane that this arringement would only be possible ifour Town-Attorney would be able to draw up the vacation "it"r.nr agreementin time for the meeting. Our attorney is out of town for the week ofDecember 9 through December .l3. Therefore, it w.i l1 be impossible to workon the agreement thjs weer. I also want to make sure that you understand that there are certainreguirements that must be met before the subdivision meets Town of vailstandards: l. The easement must be abandoned before the Town will be able tosign off on the subdivision piats. This requirement pertainsonly to Lots I and 2. ?. upper Eagle va11ey water and sanitation District must acceprthe new water line. 3.The Town of Vail engineer must accept the road. At this tjme, it js my understanding that Bill Andrews, the Town engineer' is in the process of writing this letter for you. cul de sac must be posted as a no parking area and fire -around area. knox box problems must be resolved for the Fire rtment. signed my1 ars must be submjtted for Lot l. te receiving the new revisjons concerning maintenance as . Thank you for your assistance and cooperation. 4. The turn 5. The' DePa 6. Two I would apprecia soon as possible Si ncerel v.,/ | -n.\ L l J,r -+\ l\Ttff/tn lfl \i-a, .' Kristan Pritz Town P'l anner KP: br Enc'los ure l,a lr -o,./ . lutun u llfll 75 south tronlage road vail. colorado 8'1657 (303) 476-70oo November 25, 1985 : Glenn A. Solomon, Jr Assistant Vice President Sierra Federal Savinqs & Loan Assn. 2730 S. Wadsworth Denqer, Co. 80??7 Re:='Final Plat for a Resubdivision of Lot 4, a Resubdivjsion of part of Bighorn Subdivision, Third Addition Amended Plat D.ear Gl enn: Aftei reviewing your duplex subdivision plat I am requesting that you adda maintenance agreement to cover all common areas and the painting of theunits in your condominium declarations. Recently we have had problems with duplex ob/ners not painting thejr unjts at the sarne time. I wouldlike to see some wording in the condominium declarations that would require the owners to paint their units at the same time. Please alsoinclude in the maintenance section of the declarations some wording that would address the maintenance of common areas. I also wanted to ooint outto you that at this time the portion of columbine Drive that does extend up into white River Estates has not been accepted by the Town of vail for maintenance. If yoy have any other questions concerning these issues please fee'l freeto call me. Thanks for your cooperation- Sincerely, K'tf,..,?,,ft Kri stan Pritz Town Pl anner KPlbl f ) Ilal 42 west meadow drlve vall, colorado 81557 (303) 476-2200 flre departmenl TO: DATE : FROM : Re: MEMO Development I have enclosed copies of our correspondence regarding the White River Development at the end of Columbine Drive in East vai1. As you can see from the enclosed, this area has been an issue for some time. The Fire Department has the following concerns : Our access is severly limited due to the grade and width of the roadway. Vehicular egress is dangerous at the entrance of the tunnel due to the lack of visibility. Snow removAl is critical because the lack of it will -irectuce acgess even more and narrow the road that isIalready too narrow. The available fire flow is insufficent to insure that a structure fire can be extinguished. I.S.O. standards and general fire department requirements would rnandate a minimum of around 3000 gpm. We currently have about 450 gpm awailable, or enough to extinguish a f ire of 800 sq. ft. This is not the first time these points have been made request your attention to this matter. luwn n Marshal ent nJim Say{r, Community-l 28 october 1983 Michael Mccee, Fire White Ri-ver Developm WRIGHT-Mc LAUGHLTN ENGI N E ERs CNGTN T ERINC CONsULTANTS ,aro ^LCOlt ttrr.'t Dtxvat. co!or ^ oo rorli | !ot t 't'_'rot January 3, 1977 GOrrat.(tf ( xc l r.(t t lr{c a( rl vlc (l tta t r.( rr'a<l^Ll v rr(Ltrt oa fatia !utt! v aFrt t)l_'tllrnr'rrot' 9,Al f R ^'iO 3fw^GC l,r(^lslx? 5! w ^C( (OLtCCrrott ^t'o LauSC txous!t taL watlLt ttot M on^lx^qE t||oo o <oxrFoL rxo G|r xt i fratEF.oFlf'.rt'o tro,fclt .OF ^ !!t <. !.1 ^v..iLrt,(4,i.rr,t- r -rargxt x^Lt ono t (.rc"'ot' . oolJq! ^t t. fovfnL ,(, ra ta t, rrL^i( wrL|-r^u C. ! ^cc^rl ?r.os^t w. voxitt Jrxq l( o. wr.lt TlaLo Hr. Hike Carlisle' Fire Chief Town of Vail P.0. Box 100 Vail, Colorado 81557 FDB: ms cc: U.rl tcr Ki rch Jim Collins 7\2-63 .rrtaot c o!o. ^o o ""! Yours verY t rul Y, URIGHT-McLAUGHLI N EttG I NEERS fZe.€/f- arra.. ot.rca ?. o. . or ..ta ...r tr. Go!or.eo .t.ll Dear Mike: Ue recei ved the drawing of the proposed 6orr+ick Subdivision from you today and rve r'roul d I ik; to make some.prel iminary comments on behalf of tire tlighorn l'Jater Di strict' First, it appears that adequate water Pressure cannot now be provided to the subdivision and that some neans of increasing the' pressure will be necessary. This could be via a bo'oster. pumping statjon, intercon- nection to higher prIIrrr.'..n", "nalor-iior"9" a6ove the proposed site' llhatever method is selected, it must pro"ii. Jdequate fire flows as r'rel I as adequate doraesti;-;;;;l;;' lJe wouid recommend to the District that the develop.. u" ..!pi;;i;i; for the "ost-of his share of any facilities necessary. to serve the site' At this date, rvith limited time available before the January 6th dead- line you mentioned, i; i; not possible to determine either 'the most feasible service t".ioa-"ti ii'L District's pol icy on service to this property. Ue rvoul a-; "tt iike to indicate tinat there is an unresolved problem at this timel"";"';;; available ro rhe applicant or his engi- neer to di scuss poss i bl e sol ut ions' By Francis D. Barrett ,#;;:,^_TJll,':"*^,y*tl;,;",174 0 ll,illioms S treet / Denuer, Colorodo BOztB / phone [303J 3gg-ZOSJ January S, J gTl Mr. Jarnes Lamontr.rannrng Directort'own of VailBox I00Vail, CO 81657 iI Si:ii,, !ll'F, 3J i'$jf;,. *Resubd iv: ff ij$. it . liitii'i"'f : i;" Dear Mr. Lamont: rtit" --'rtaining 6 nupiei The BiShorn l{rrr a, n: -a-- -to tt-,""].r;ii;;It. hrater District has been requested to respondresubaivisi;;:r.rrty of water for the_a;;"":;;;"renced proposed ..o.r"li5nlflrto"" District has previously r"ul:i!:u. its abilityy."t"r,"'ui.! il +i_ii'dli,:;i: l:tlli;;^i.:ni.o".ta tion tr,.i ^' ;1i"3:;lii :'.3:l I u"9: i t i -'t'lt ",- o., gh.: . oo. i o,, -.!;:;::; illf ; - d ones, i | -;;. ;;'f;;ii i;l i; "I: *:^ l;";;:li;jii,i:riilif;,;;: 1., ;l;,t,i:i:i"pl'll:, bi.'tii.i. -"ii:" at the i,i",",t-time, the Bis_nection "iail'irtttct has just recent_ry conirrr"i"o an intercon- $ii: "+iUt'l, F":;; x: I : :',t'iiii:!l; :i; i ; .iii i': r"il;fi!; ;8..,y_" : ", "; ; i; i ; (, i i ::, il s: I:.;" i i.l l r: : ;l : ig,, :i51,u. "i . i, -. i " _" ii i,lns Nater supplies, it"r"""'lii'I;-i:-I"::lI:1,, ?nd resolve r"r"in.il!;l i. l* ;, f lt lii,'. il ",1 3 ji ini:'iiiiiie'ff i ij:*;"i ;;::;;".xi" nitt.i.i-ir'o.Jn" \'a11ev will be_.grp1".""""i-ihe Bighorn rraterserve ih" -;"5;;ollui.,.o. ;lgif :":l ;;;; ;;i iJi, ii"..i i,,,iii.il -*ri r r _-_ l{. are aL,are of the lt.ater r iE :- "i.. . ll: i::;:H;'li i, ;:::i;lFiiil:riiloliffi ii.il':,'xi::' :it:I;lii"l :l i;J";". i3: ''i t r, i n -"' ;;;;';.r'liyiii' i i :'. 3;;il:?;, li "i;j : ?T, : ie'"eu -"i i i'f "'j;il. :13:,;:"- ::ll1 ;;;" ;;;v",i". ".. suppl y pumpsadd i t i ona r s toras e,'iii -; ; - ;;a ; ";: :5 ",3':;:i';i" rl, jl:, i;t'"1, l fi:' I{ANAGEMENT CONSULTANTS Colorodo 80218 / phone [30J] Jgg-7OSJ January Lg, l-g77 Mr. Janes LamontPlanning Director Town of Vail Box 100Vail, CO 81657 apgon, CInlling & 6ofpur. LOCAL GOVERNMENT 1740 llillioms Street / Denver, Re: BIGHORN lt'ATER DISTRICTPrelininary plat BorwickResubdivision, Fif ing-#i,Bighorn, contiining ippi6*.3 acres proposed td s'"iv"-"6 duplex lots Dear ]"fr. Lamont: The Bishor-n l\'ater District Board of Directors has givenfurther coniidetation to-irt"-prolrirro' or-ri"ilr"r"rlrrce to theabove-referenced. pr,oporud -r"u5iJirior,. -Fr""rJ'uu advised thatat their Januarv iz,'tst7 B;;;J rneeting, ah;-Bo;rd did expressits intention to provide rr"iur-rutvice-io ttrir-J"u"1opment upolrequest' Furthet_,.^lhu Board expressly forwaiJs-its intention toprovide adequate wat_er pr"rrrrr"' ro.-ii.e-ii;;*;rrposes to thisproperty not later than-June 1, 19g0.--- -+v4 Hur - This expression of intention to'provide service a10ng withadequate pressure supplernents our letter "i-.l."rr.y s, r972.rhe District has not-vet resorved.i;;-;;";;";;;;; over easenentsro certain h'ater District r"ciriii.r-"itii-l,li. "ii'rri.r.. Althoushthe District exDects to resolve this issue, Mr. Borwick is out-of the countrv ina u"aur;-;;-;;..ute thii -i"roi,riion.inrnediatery. Therefore, this expression or orri intention to provloe rr,ater ser_vice and adequate pressures assumes resolution of tbe easementcontroversy and is- intendea oniv.to serve ror pierininary platpurposes. Itre wirl formally ratify or-riir,airrrii* expression oflntent prior to vour consiieratioit_oi,;-i;;;i-pi"t on this property.Obviousiy, if ad6quate easements are not obtaiired and held by trreurstrict, it mav affect the Distrr.t'i-"uiii;;"; provide furureservice to any of its curtor"ii.- o l'lr. James Lamont 'JanuarY S' 1977 Page 2 abletobeservednornallyandaequately.Shoulddeveloprnbntt"f," pi".e prior to this time, of course, sucl-r supplemenl"ty- ;;l;r';i;w'faciriiies would hive to be iirstalled by the develoP- ers of the ProPerty. Final1y, the District has an outstanding issue rvith Mr. Sli;iit,'"r,iii-iourd affect the ability to pro*ide water service. consel"""iiy, unless this issue is resolved within 30 ;;;t--iti, commitnent to serve will be withdrawn' It1e wirl for- ;;iiy i"iiry ot-loitnataw this commitment to you well before your consideration of a Final Plat. If you have an)r further questions ' please feel free to contact us. S inc erelY t HORN I{ATER DISTRICT ,&%>- James P. CoIlins Lyon, Collins G Co., fnc' DISTRICT I'IANAGER JPC: ahcc: W. KirchAll Other Board l'tenbers Thonas T. Grirnshaw Frank Barrett Kent RoseTerrell l.linger Leroy Tobler, P.E. *n G Er{ER L pARrNEa& RoBERT e c^Rrox. Ja DA\,TD C R,ON. Ji. T'MOTHY R. GARIO,I 8tl..u8 lf. XEL7oN. Ji. I rlreRvouNTAr N lbo.,orm OFFICE: MtLL CREEK COURT p- O. EoX 7O5 vAtL. coLoRADO 8t6s, 126_ so7s January 19, tgTl 'I Mr. Mike CarlisleVail Fire ChiefVail, Colorado 8165? Re: Resubdivision of Lot 14 in Dear Mike: Per our recentL;;.i;'";=;;ln' ;:ili:;:tt""' r ann sendins you rhis letter onBorwick. the Bighorn Third Addition Sincerely , VATL INTERMOUNTATN ASSOCTA"E rt is our understanding that the. Bighorn *'ater District wirli:.i:!i{3"13",i."'T::!"::"j":i"t to p'o.,iJJ-i"t., service - nr tlffi ir#l'+:+ru'* H*i+$ *-T#jqd;:;r any of rhe builc-ty of providino "eeq,r"t.-;";;;;i:T:"::::::=.. ; 33 S" :*" i' in' j i i' iii. i i! i'n":. "1" in :, : j j j;;J:**t lilF :' :; " ; ; iF:, ::. :;i:;$Ti" "T'1, "Ef 8." 11,,.... i j* ., "i,nl;i n.,..= pr i o r r o Larnoit ;"_"iiri! I?"aIS H:l: appreciat" y;;.";;irliii.jiil.". Thank you. TRG:jk By: to : I Mr. James Lanont'January 18, \gZl Page 2 . If you have anycontact us.further questions, pl ease feel free Sincerely, ORN h'ATER DI-STRICT #":;.'cfrih; _LIgl, Collins 6 Co., fnc. DISTRICT MANAGER JPC: ahcc: A11 Board lrfenbers. Thomas T. GrinshawFrank Barrett Kent RoseMichael CarlisleLeroy Tobler, p.E. \ 3 VJest Lronsbead h4all /ail. Colorado 81657 303/4;6- r 600JUJ/L u' r\,,rJv Oenver Toll Free 534-5025 t\lr rI .i \*J, I I R e 20 Eagle R, Avon. Colorado 8t 303,/949-4 Denver Toll Free 893-2 l4essers. Dick Patten and Pet Torvn of Vail September 21, Oept. of Community Developmen! 75 South Frontage Road Vail, C0 81657 RE: Lots 1 , 2, 3'.- 4, 5, Resubdivision of Lot 14, Elock 3, Bighorn . Third Addition l- .. ..: Dear Djck, Peter and Peter: I thought I'd take a feb, minutes to recap our discussion on September 15' i981 i; your offices. Please'l et me know if anything that follows js not how you underitand things. Basically, we discussed the following items: . The owner of the property, Mr. Dan Gagliardo, will make the following " improvements to the property as requested by you at his exoense: 1) Install a rock and beam guard rail on each side of the stream crossing. 2) Install a rock and beam guard rail 'al.ong the downhill edge of the road from the cu'l -de-sac to the inside radius of the first curve. 3) Clean up and revegetate the stream bank and the stream bed in the area directly to the south of the stream crossing on Lot l. 4) Reve,oetate the steep embankment on the dovrnhil'l side of the cul-de-sac. Bill Andrevrs, who was in attendance at the meeting stated that no retrinage rvould be necessary on the cu1 -de sac if this revegetation is carri ed out. ji ,\l 'r,I rf ,\{Sirl Ifr{rl ltrl,lA*0*f t. 'l'lessers. Ryan, Patten E Jamar September 21, l98l Page 2 5). Peter Patten requested a cleaning of the area at the endof the top curve as the f ill fal'ls into the cree'k betrveen Lots 4 & 5 as rvel'l as a revegetation of this disturbed'area. I offered to tal k to the or.rner about this and get back to you. 5) The discussion then turned to the questionable accuracy , of thq staking of property line corners. !,!e agreed that as soon as the corners were abso'l utely certified by Inter- mountain Engineering, Bill Andrer.rs ani other interLsted members of ttre town-staff should walk the sites with the owner and identify them. Regarding the problem of the I-70 underpass: 1)There has been a long history of frustrating negotiations between the-previous or{ners of the property, the Torvn and the Highway Department. Although the questions of safety in the tunnel has been addressed on many occassions, no definite plan bf action to correct the problem has ever been insti-gated. It was agreed that it is now to everyone's advan- tage to once and for al1 imp'lement a solution. It was originally proposed that a traffic signal be instal'l edat the tunnel . From correspondence dated 2 years ago, Ernie Fregarrio was to propose a signal design to the previous or^rners but to day, no design has ever been proposed. One design prepared by the previous ovrners vras rejected by the Town but no further suggestions by the Town as to rvhat is an acceptable design have been tendered. Bi'l 'l Andrevrs related that he now thinks a traffic sional is no longer the proper so1 ution and suggests that a restructuringof the drainage at the uphi11 side of the tunne'l , a widening of the road at the uphi'l I s ide and the i nstal'l ation of a heated mat in the roadrr'ay was now the best vray to go. v ,C ,Q 8 ot/ / !I / l /. /t $ Nq I tr. t / / 8/t REQIIIqU A Fre6 AND CLEAR .ROAOIr,R/ bEDICANON AcRoJJ LoT 13. '{ri.:: ' .. " WAIE(, sERvtcE pLar.l t4ujT BE fipp1o7zD By.rtK€ pEpr ANo 6td,toRu cunyed pfrinl& CALC(/LA-tlos\s troK c t/LyEer JtZe ALIE_R.JATg Ro:t-e rcR JE*ER { w4re R o,utTll€ KoAD oR ReeunE cor4pt ETe. GveqPuAtl To tNeLDDE TR€af,. REQUTRE erofi.=r. lt'\$\ l\ $ rl r}..\ 4r'I ANp f yptCAL cRcs-: Ee ReoueEp AKa/ND / /a / ,p ry l r.' t ,.4. I \ -r'7-. ,(UrNDrcArEs Age-AJ DE:[R{4BLE Fd< R:6UC Dr=DtcaTlcb-\ ro oPF(\ JpACe. REQurRe. RoAg. PRcr rLtr-s SFcf tcN5-. 6RAoe r/.lcvL DcvR.v6 _ 6/ oaa CONSUTIING ENGINEE RS DENVER COI.ORADOK KBNA ili o llill 75 south frontage road deparlment of transportation/public works vail, colorado 81657 (303) 475-7000 March 29, L982 John Nilsson Bridge Street RealtY 286 Bri.dge StreetVail, Colorado 81657 RE: Borwick Subdivision Dear John, Dick Duran (Vail Fire ctrief) and I met March 24 to discuss his .""."r""-f"i iii"-proie.tio.t i., the Bonrick Subdivision' From this discussion r.'.o.r.lnded there are tl|to problems that need ;;-b" addressed. -These are fire flow and access to the sice. fhere appears to be a substantial fire florv deficiency in-the ii""."ir'"ed by the dead end line that serves the subdiwision' In this case, " iir" flora of 1300 gpm should,be obtained when in fact theri is only 600 gprn. I informed Dick that this matter should be discus""J-i'iif,-tf;L devetoPer' ouner' -and water district' Tt" .""u"s probled is more of a rnaintenance problem' As we dis"r:s".d earlier, I have approved the asphalt-paving P"! 1. would nog accept ihe road fbi maintenance until items I-6 (in Ehe enclosed leitei) ana the tunnel problem were resol-ved. The ovrrr.t (Developer) must maintain the ioad unEil this time' No certificates of bc"rrpancy are to be awarded until the Town of vail accepts mainterrirrce-responsibilities, i.e. the above ment- ioned ite;s are completed to our satisfaction' If you hawe any questions or wish to discuss this further, please contact me. lutttn u Sincerely, 6l',6J------==-'- Bill Andrews Tow-n Engineer cc. Dick Dut^n / steve Patterson Dick Ryan Jon Eberle I box 100 I o vail, colorado B l657 14EMO COLUI.IEINE DR]VE C.D.S. flow test for the lJhite River project are as fol'lows ; : pitot gage reading p residual after 2nd hydrant 0 hydrant - static 80 resjdual apx. i0 pitot p residaul after 2nd hydrant could not measure, too low flow is maximum 450 gpm.. 303-476-7000 t_ 75 south tronlage road vail, colorado g1657 (303) 476-7000 April 20, 1982 Robillard & Associates, Inc.P.0. Box 2117 Dillon, Colorado 80435'l Attention: llr. Craig F. Robi'l 'l ard, p.E. 'I Dear l4r. Robi'l lard: I have enclosed a memo on fire flows that were conducted atColumbine Drive on April 16, fggZ. -given this infornation, I strong.lyfeel .this is inadequate for fire protection. I was sad to'l earn that your firm wourd recommend acceptance of thiswater nnin and hydrants lo the water district. I know that I wou.ldnot accept a dead end nn_in, nor would I accept an estimated flowof 450 G.p.M. for a devetopment oi tf,:, ;i;;:- .-' I.would like to know what your carcu] ations of avairabre frow are andwhy you would recommend a dead end main. Sincerely, TOIIN OF VAIL .lt t ir/ ! L r It'l.-\,i-:-.6.- l\(---..i-. d- - _Dick Duran Chief, Fire 0epartnent DD/msj cc: Upper Eagle Valley Sanitation District _ Duane DavisCollins &. Cockrel - Jim Col.linsCalkins, Kraner, Grirnshaw g Hairing - Jim Ba.i leyBob Ruder !,la I ter lii rch KK3I{A - John Fl a it P.ichard Capl an - Tor,:rn of Vai l l.ianacer ;iii Robillord & tlssociotes, Inc. Attenti on : Subject: Consulting Engineers . Lond Suveyors . plonners . Conslnrction Monogers April 15, 1982 ta!] fire Protectjon DjstrictVail, C0 81657 ktone3C3-4bg-6ZB De;rver D,rect 303-623.042 I )C 3cx2117 ),irs6 Colcrodc80435 Mr. Dick Duran Columbine Drive Waterl ineBighorn l,later District Our Project No: 80-001-.l0 '105 Drllon llcll 3rd Floor. Drlron Bidg Gentl emen: This letter will confirm_our_phone cail to you of Monday, Aprir 'r z, 1ggz,in which I advised that Robiriu.J-a-niiociates, Inc. has recommendedacceptance of the subject water main ana-nya"ant, i.o*-it"-developer. wehave advised the uooei Eagle Saniiul;on oiit"ici-to piace-tnese tinesinto service to prbvide rire p;;i;;i;; to the structures under con-struction in the' subdivision.' Please advise if you have any questions or need additicnal information. cc: lpper Eagle Valley Sanitation District _ Duane DavisCol'lins & Cockrel - Jim Co'llinsCalkins, Kranrer, Grimshaw & Harring _ Jim BaileyBob Ruder l^lal ter Ki rch KKFNA - John Ftatt (" 4,a . ?; lI cFR/jh Very truly ROBILLARD & yours, Craig F!billard, Pres ident boyle engincering, inc. 143 e. mefuw dr. suite n-10 crossroocls shopping cenler loil, colorodo 81657 303/47&2170 February 8, 1983 Ivlr . Peter Janar Town of Vail Building Department Vai1, Colorado SUBJECT: Lot *2, White River EstatesVail, Colorado Dear ter: This is to inform masonry fireplace noted structure,the stonework on Therefore, I ansubstitution of Si ncereL y BOYLE ENG Ti M. Bo TMB/bh you that due to deletion and its bearing wal1s in we no longer have a meansthe exterior chinney. of thethe above of supporting req woo G r-' uesting that you d siding for said accept the nt / nM\,bru,/. ,yJrl ,rlr, ours, EERIN INC. Project Application Project Name: Project Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architecl. Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot )_Block r'rinn fu2-v)lc\ - ,ron" Comments: Design Review Board Motion by:t-l ,&'uo t'l przdps Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL s/sL F,.trL 4--(,'Su mmary: rs t; L- i,HttlLtL-/ (A/''. -rAAO.;-; p /!s,z-aN'1L, O,lf /' 4d&,iol.o""iN iPPt:4-- ,\ ih"'&*-* Slat r-rDJ(.2 '' -tcp),grl-O Htu4#fu,.,,, box 100 vail, colorado 81657 (3031 476-5613 August 9, 1982 lii I I Trout The Clock TowerVail, Colorado 81657 Dear l.lill: 0n August-4, !982, the Design ReviewLot 2, White River Estates.- Trees iofrom construction activity. RpprovJisq.ft., with a primary unit of'2674:5 Si ncerely, ev*\-- department of community development RE: DRB Submittal of 8_4_82 Board approved the duplex forbe saved need to be protected was given for a duplex of 4242and a secondary unit of 1567.5. J.i1ft Sayre Tbwn Planner JS:df v Profect Application Project Name: Project Description: Contact Person and Phone t'ul u- Ta'o\->r Owner. Address and Phone:(a \ Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Comments: Design Review Board Motion by:tp*vJttl fltw ,{-a &g,uJ seconded av, T**vlz) /^;'h'\U'*--' Oate DISAPPROVAL Summary: E statt Approval v ENGINEERING CHqe!usT Subdivision &<'wt<-(- Lot Bl ock Filing - hlu'?<' etge €s4?.€5 l. Submittal lti,;rs (A) Topo Hap (B) Site P'lan (C) Uti'li ty r lan (D) Tit'le llePor+ (E) Subdivisiorr Agreement f,nq i nee r i, ng--.!Lequ, rcments (A) Culvert -ize -tni orisg116Y Qr;rdFTFll -: Source of Utilities t'lectric Gas Ser.rer l,la^,,er Tel eplrcrie T.V. - ,oZ tV.6. (Acceptabl e) - ,/t-- (t{ot Acceptab.'a) -it- 2. (if app'licable) rl;?,, -. i. A B c D r. F Approved: Di sapproved: H4 Bill Arrd:-c:*s fit]t 0 box lfl) Yail, colorado 81657 13031 47&5613 department of commun ity development July 23, 1982 l'lill Trout Trout Creek Architects Clock Tower Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear lJill: 0n February 17, l9B? the Design Review Board gave preliminary approval for the proposed project on Lot 2, White River Estates. A final approval is needed before a bui'l ding permit is issued. Two issues need to be clarified: seed mix should be submitted before final , and the height of the buildirg clarified with staff. (The building at one point is six inches ro high). Sincerely,./t. It 9rpl, t'fr #-{[im sa]rd Iro*n Planner ' JS:df z0l,lI cllIr:l( SFR, .R,R for P/S Z0iit: t)TSTRICTS Legal Description: Lot 2 Blocl< Setbacks: Front-ReqtitiJa Zor'--trro'pbsea .7t --=.r-_- tt Sides-Requirccl .|5, propcsed - ot-_ "*-:- ; ||..L...'|lear-Requircc.'i5'Proposedw',,+'4-a,C',e,*r'rarerccur.-sc-rcquired .proposcd l46f/ .. iGITFA: /r]]oued i ztqlL! . _.----;. H -.__f+_t.--_.Pr-i, _gZrjz _*Ht} -#r/. GRF"A: .prinary Al l or+ed .Secoltdat1,A.ljotted_-.,..ju.o,'o.",n,",;;;'#i Site Ccvcragc: A'l'loivccJ 4.egq_ _ prc,; _3 Cj; i l'.unv)roiiiticntaJ,/llazar.ds: .Ati:lanCl-le ttb :- ' ft^^-l h_r. Flood plain /> . ftzFilHD.+Lt Landsci,ping: Requir-ecl lan(sc.aRittS: Requir-ed .l Z WL . pr.o;, *--a{.l'arliil)g: . Requirecl _-- lrrol. fl Au73E-e_Dr-ive: Slope lrC::ruittecl lope .,Icl -Co;,;irclrts:. ) 7HE-<*tau.J9-a-_ ru ._^&,-ytr. ( .!_t!-Lq 4E4 rztHb , $DA i lj .m t4tlL, Nte rt 29 January L982Date Project Application Whl-te River EstatesProject Name: ouflex Prlmary-SecondaryProject Description: Contact Person and Phone !,!r . Dan Gaql iardo 476-0885 Owner, Address and Phone:Eerttaqe Co. Box .1842 VaiI, Colorailo 81657 , Architect, Address and phone: The ?rout Creek Archltects, Inc. 476-L176.- Vall, CoLorailo 81657 Reaurld1vl.610n ltl-qnorn sjuridlvl-gl-on Legal Dbscription: Lot Btock of Lot 14 , Fiting 3rd Addition , Zone - Commenls: o ,.1y^ Design Review Board -7"/---+ I .-KtO tt Date Motion by: Seconded by:l,4utA, DISAPPBOVAL c) Summary: E Statt Approval Fttvt-SAu/PE,-qld/7T=- Putu-ee-- detanils Iroul lla l!lllon .la t/ -.r v ai\- 15o;nor*o.. z'td' t\ it- *N\eltR - I C'L*'-*rr\r't\l\./, \rA' CAK TRIM CFE:E]\ELE CR F\XEO }trHe545 Kcrlr EAVE5 VJ7 1^11pnc^l DETAIL FAc,tl psrNL CDs,L -f?oqr e-eEElc \.(t. €?E't-b !x4 ,.ra R!. HAo!..EH - c>LU€.9- {-f,oE'lAt, €D: <,fEAifH|l{, !'_Lr._ju!7tN6- FAFE,: =,lDrl.J(' - '- -'DAI,L( t?RrP gDoE E*Ur.lD f w Kffi KF lrout architects inc aia 19063 lake road rocky riv.er ohio 44116 telephone 216 331-4000 v ! lrl'll,l'l'Y LO(l,fr'l'iO:l Vlillll. li 11'l l()N Stllil,lVtSI0N__3ggebdlrision of Parr of Bigho._qg_S.ub_d-ivision.,.-Third_Addifion, Amended plat Joll N/rl,IE White Ri.ver Estates LOI' 2 lrl0cK 1 K€5]€c,1v1ito.l ,* tsf lt^ F i L I N G_51 b {ep'"I._jJrrrlr Vi sieFl_ _ 5_"f lUdb__ ADDII,ESS 4414 Columbine Drive The location of utilities, lines, must be approved and acconpanying site plan. Mountai.n Be11 Western Slope Gas Public Service Conpany Holy Cross Electric Assoc. Vail Cable T.V. Upper Eagi.e Val 1ey Water and Sanitation District whether they bc main trunk verified by thc folloriing I irrc s or proposed utilities for the Authorized Date t -7-gz z*Lzj"-/- /-x L-I t' u7 t ', t') -'6 ,__ / a I:JJL N0TE: These verificati-ons do not relieve the contractor of his responsibility to obtain a street cut pernit from the Town of Vail, Departnent of Public Works and to obtain utility locations before digging in any public right- of-i';ay or easenent in the Torrn of Vail, .A, burlding per:roit is not a street cut permit. A street cut pernit must be obtained separately. This forrn is to verify service avai"lablity and location. This should be used in conjunction with preparing your utility pLan and scheduling installations. l -,r".a'/1 i +P3 transportation75 south frontage rd. post office box 1fi) vail, colorado 81657 TO: FROM: RE: DATE: MEI{ORANUDM Bob Mil1eson., Dan Gagliardo and John Nillson Jon rberle, Public Works Director Co lumbine Tunne I October 28 , l-981 After meeting on Tuesday, Octobet 27l-h' the following resolutions to tni drainage iroblem at the tunnel on c"it*Ui"" Road have been determined: : 1. Th; DePartment of Highways will put heat tape through -tit.-"*i"ting-cul-vert and provide new culvert for additional drainage' 2. Gagliardo will add pull-out lane with culvert ,rrra".r,."it . tte wili also provide the ditch for the new culvert ' 3. The Town will cr-{t a shallow drainage area into asptr;il-"; south side of existing culvert' rhe rown will also patch the street cut' These measures will be taken for the L98l/1982 Winter' rf there are stiii-p;;;1";; wfth drainage through the tunnel then anotn". ^""ling will foIlow- next year t9- d9lermine future action. one ,u.i-*3"""it """ia be the installation of heat tape along the "ttU-Lhrough the tunnel by the Department of HighwaYs. If anyone interpreted our meeting differently' please let me know immeli"llrv. otherwise we wirl proceed as scheduled ana nope inil tt have solved the problem' JElcrncc: Dick RYan l;I l;i :,r ;li'li'.;r)l Addition See slte plan for allowed maxirnum areas. llrt' foI |,,i.';nil llo:t ld bclurr: A. lll,ll,lrlii(; ittl'orrlr:rt iort i:, t'r:t1t ilt.tl l'or :;r.rlrr;,iltrr I lry llrc irplrlir';rnl :r l.j.rrtrl llrllloval c;rrr bc 1;ivcn: l'14'l'l:lt I ALsjl _!:1'". "l_l!'lt j l lj., J (io lor ll oof Siding Othcr lial I Matcrial s Fascia Soffits I{indovrs Itindovr Trin Doors Door 'l'rin Iland or Deck Rails F lues Flashings Chinneys Trash Encl osures Greenhous e s Other r ?o!*q-Jadirl *rtT k o, . fiAKt-:-...-JJpflseAL t,tb ,p..s,c,l r?A^'5 R, b,c., _ ol-qyP\c, yn b,5,O, oLqnot. tllB 13P-o{ Rbo,, (-ayr,) czAr (rntr)- UT, = GLF\ZEO rDD. -fc 51Arr.l V"r)l elo,, (-ayr,) czAr (rnr)- _ ocqrv P<- 328Q 55,C, OCq//',1',-,*118 .FtPepLt cE ..-- vaA5 /5r.'rje-' N{tvn. B. LANDSCAPING Name of Designer: Phone : PLANT MATERIALS TREES 1*e 17oqT O?EEK Ne,+ t +1G^ il)U Botanical Name Common Name F.ttrr-r.l Quanti ty '€vr3T Si ze =i ?'-<.u.- E>',57 vA€iE S I iry-\'-5 \ARIE5Pu-.le nll'- ?f :'i SHRUBS N5€g'1 ,4rJg,^r rt i:ll(rr !lllr c0v l. r{s s0D .,-(ffl. _o S EED ( TYPE @.nr'. - To bL FA\RE.: lr"lro ryorrhlt, tz{crgroagep squnf rorncr SQUARE FOOTAGE SQUARE FoOTAGE TYPE OF IRRIGATION oqaco'^l1( gcrrfla TYPE 0R METHOD 4:F(a c^s-/ b?oor,lo cu>Au\ d 1t?c.'x,c- t<:*1er> OF EROSION CONTROL _ A\! AR.EAs tstTl*tnl ,.--rcroFlYrqsE $xlVe vnrx - €EAb ( c-anz=t, n\* -15% \pu.l+rl4 ) C. 0ther Landscape Features (retaining wa1'l s, fences, swimmjng pools, etc.) Please specify. @ CrStnr.f 11 l. Name of Insuretl: SIERRA FEDERAJ' SAVINGS Al{D I'OAN ASSOCIATION SCIIEDULE A 2 ,45O, ooo ' oo August ?r 1981 a:00 P'M' 4r05190 PolicY tro' Sheer I ol -- 5 OF DENVER lt. Amotrnt of Insurance 5 Date of Policy lo secrrfe .l ateil recor<leil 2. The title ro saiil lanil is at the ilate hereol vested in: cDs ENTERPRTSES', rNc., t t"*t= corporation Itt- t." simpre' :' ''" il"t"'il'"tl as [ollo*'s: 3. The nrortgage or ileed of tnrst' antl assig$ents il any' corereil bv rhis Polic-v a i"":,1"$3#:,:1":",-::*;"'r,'"3Ff :":;:""'"""""::::'"1="';""', torrhe,rseof , , il;;o,ooo.oo 10. i l:?Ht' ?i 't"3t' in Book 328 at Pase 288 SCI{EDULE A-Continued Thc lanil '"f"""ilto in this policv ia situateil - tO: ::1"r,":*t''lt':i:"lLllfj Eagle r-a,:s !, 2t 3' 4' ancl 5 r '-''"niiieDivrsroN oF 3',ii''6' "19i?fl ?:"?i:'3l3t' JllPu"u fii;;;;"-er'reuouo PLAI' "999'd:":J.lou.t r, vg'tt'ti'"|i3r-ieo-at iase 538' t'.._- cinG iiiiflree''err! r ox t*"t *'] n't-"'- *:::t+:i:i 'l - o SCHEDULE B PART I This Policy tloes not insure against loss or tlamage by reason of the following: l. Rights or claims of parties in possession not shown by rhe public records' 2. Easements, or claims of easements, not shown by rhe public records' 3. Discrepancies, conflicls in botrndary lines, slrortage in a rca, encroachrncnls' and any facts wlrich a cor' rect survey and inspection of tle premises *'ould ii."lo." and which are not slroun by the public records' 4. Any lien, or right to a lien, for services, labor, or material heretofore or hereafler furnished' imposed by law antl not shown by the public records' 5' Taxes i|ue antl pavable; and any tax, special sssessnren|s' charge or lien imposed for water or sewet service, or for any other special iaxing <lisrricr, AlsO any taxea and aSSeSSIentS not yet due Or G. nt8#Fii *"" t.' ditche"s and canal:-'::::::'::::I-:n:-:::l:ittt oftheUnitedstates,aSreservedbyPatenLrecordedNovember22, 1929 in Book 123 at Page 615' T.Restrictions'whichdonotcontainaforfeitureorreverterclause, but omitting restrictions, ii-any, based on race, color, religion' or natj_onaI origin, as contained-in instrurent recorded ApriL 23, Ig63 in eoor-i7i-ii. e.g" 135 as amended by instrument recorded april 2:, 1965 in Book lB? -at Page 195' vo ?), o Utilityeasementsasshoi.InontheP}atofsaidSubdivision'said easement being over the Southerly 20 feet of subject Property' Easement and right of way for construction, reconstuct, enlarge, operate,maintatnandremoveanyelectrictransmissionordistri-bution line or =;"1;; ai grante-a lo Hory cross _Electric Association, Inc. r by Bonnie 6;i."w i1-tn9 instrument recorded in Book 229 ax ;;;;'6s-8 afrecting the following described proPerty: Atenfootwidestri.poffand.thecenterlineforwhichbegi-nsonthe I{esterly boundary of said property at the !:i":^ditectly under proposed power fine-ana ptt."-"a" on a general bearing of N 76" E'M' a distance of r90 feet mtre or ress to proposed pole number one- rn addition, right i"-giu"L"d to place .n"hor! outside easement. Said easement to lontain 0.02 acres, more or fess }o.RestrictionS,whichdonotcontainaforfeitureorreverterclause,but omitti-r.rl''.u=tri.tio.,r, ii u'y, based on race, color, religion ' or national origin,. as contained in instrument recorded November 23, 1965 in Book 200 at Page 459' - vo o ulE wrrH coLoR^oo REGToN / '_- 'r.!r ^--*\MER,CAN a^"" ,,raa ^"-"J atloti. owNti a to..rcy-FoFH !-tr7o (axENoEo to-t7.7o, s -,/ 1 1- rr. Easement as shown onbeing over the rear CHEDULE B-Continued the plat of said Subdivision said easement15 feet of said property. ;. \ rt DECLARATION FOR LOT 2, WHITE RIVER ESTATES A RESUBDIVISION OF BIGHORN SUBDIVISION THIRD ADDITION RECITALS 1.SIERRA FEDERAL SAVINGS DENVER, ("Declarantr') is the owner of thein the County of Eagle, State of ColoradoLot 28, White River Estates in Exhibit A made a part hereof. AND LOAN ASSOCIATION OFreal property situate described as Lot2A &attached hereto and z.The building which has been constructed on Lot2, is a building consisting of two units designed and intendedfor use and occupancy as a residential dwelling unit, designatedherein as "unit 2A" and "unit 2Brr respectively, which are some-times referred to herein separately as rrunittr or collectively asttunitstt. it B. Lot 2A contains unit A and Lot 28 contains un-J. A a plan for the simple. Declarant desires to and does hereby establish ownership of Lot 2A and Lot 28 as estates in fee DECLARAT I ON Declarant does hereby publish and declare that thefollowing termg, covenants, conditions,' easements, restrictions,uses, reservations, limitations and obligations shall be deemedto run with the land described herein, shall be a burden and abenefit to Declarant, its personal representatives, heirs,successors and assigns and any person acquiring or owning an in-terest in the real property which is described herein and im-provements built thereon, their grantees, personalrepresentatives, heirs, successors and assigns. 1.29 are hereby estate in totrights located estate in Lotrights located DIVISION OF REAL PROPERTY.Lot 2A and Lot a fee simple easements and (a) divided into (i) 2A, together thereon or (ii) 28, together thereon or "units" as follows Unit 2A consisting of wi th the impr ovements,appurtenant thereto; Unit 28 consisting of a fee simplewith the improvements, easements and appurtenant thereto. -1- (b) Each unit shall be inseparable. and may be leased, devised or encumbered only as a dwelfing unit. (c) Title to a unit may be held individu- ally or in any form of concurrent ownership recognized in Colorado. In case of any such concurrent ownership, each co-owner shall be jointly and severally liable for performance and observance of aIl the duties and responsibilities of an "owner" with respect to the unit in which he owns an interest. For all purposes herein, tbere shall be deemed to be only two owners, the owner of Unit 2A and the owner of Unit 28. The parties, if more than one, having the ownership of each such un- it shall agree among themselves how to share the rights and obligations of such ownership; provided, however, that if a corporation, partnership, association or other legal entity shall become an owner or the parties, if more than one, bave the concurrent ownership of a unit. then such entity or concurrent owners shall from time to time designate one individual who shall represent such entity or concurrent oerners in all matters concerning all rights and obligations pursuant to this Declaration. Any such entity or concurrent owners shall give written notice to the other owner designating the individual to act on its or their behalf and such notice sha11 be effective until revoked in writing by such entity or owners. Any act or omission by such designated individual shall- be binding on the entity or owners having designated him in favor of the other owner or any person who may rely thereon. (d) Any contract of sale, deed ' lease' deed of trust, mortgage, will or other instrument affecting a unit may describe it by its unit letter and by reference to this Declaration. (e) Each unit shall be considered a €epa- rate parcel of real property and shall be separately assessed and taxed. 2. ENCROACHMENTS. If any portion of Lot 2A and Lot 2B now encroacEE-up-5i-EE6-other parcel as a result of the construction of any building, or if any such encroachment shall occur hereafter as a result of settling or shifting of any building, a valid easement for the encroachment and for the maintenance of the same so long as the building stands shall exist. In the event any buLlding shall be partially or totally destroyed as a resutt of fire or other casualty or as a resultof condemnation or eminent domain proceedings and then rebuilt, encroachments of parts of the building on the other parcel, due to such rebuilding, sha11 be permitted, so long as such encroachments are of no greater extent than those previously existing, and valid easements for such encroachments and the maintenance thereof shall exist so long as the building shall stand.(b) Except as provided for in Paragraph 8 be1ow, if, because of any act or omission of any owner r dnY mechanic's or other lien or order for the payment of money shall -2- be filed against the other owner's unit or anv improvementstherein or-thereon, or against any other ownei (whether or not such lien or order is valid or enforceable as such), the owner whose act or omission forms the basis for such lien or order sha1l at his own cost and expense cause the same to be cancelled and discharged or record or bonded by a surety company reason-ably acceptable to such other owner, within 2A days after thedate of filing thereof, and further shalt indernnify and save theother owner harmless from and against any and aI1 costs, expenses, claims, losses or damages, includ j.ng reasonable attorney's fees resulting therefrom. 7. INSURANCE. (a)Eaeh owner shall keep hisunit and all f ixtuEE-TEEEin insured against loss or damage byfire and extended coverage perils (including vandalism and mali-cious mischief) for the maximum replacement value thereof. Any owner may on 30 days' written notice, at any time one year orIonger after the last appraisal of the units, obtain a writtenappraisal of sucb units from a competent appraiser, chargingboth owners with the reasonable costs thereof. Such appraisershall be a disinterested and independent third party who is un-related in any manner to either owner whether through joint business adventures or otherwise. (b)Each owner shall provide and keep inforce for the protection of himself general public liability andproperty damage occuring in, on or upon his parcel owned in fee simple and the improvements thereon. in a limit of not less than $3q6,60A i.n respect of bodily injury or death to any number ofpersons arising out of an accident or disaster, or for damage toproperty, and if higher limits shall at any time be customary toprotect against possible tort liability, such higher limitsshall be carried and each ov,rner shall name the other owner as anadditional insured party under such policy. (c) Each owner shall deliver to the other owner certificates evidencing alI insurance required to be car-ried under this Paragraph 7, each containing agreements by theinsurers not to cancel or modify the policies without giving theother owner written notice of at least 30 days. Each ownershall have the right to inspect and copy all such insurancepolicies of the other owner and require evidence of the paymentof premiums thereon. (d)Nothing provided in this paragraphshall prevent the owners from jointly acquiring a single policyto cover any one or more of the hazards required in this para- graph to be separtely insured against by each owner. 8. RIGHT TO LIEN. (a) I f an o\,rner , at anytime, shall neglecF6i-EfEG to perform or pay his share oi anyobligation required hereunder, the other owner may, but sha11not be obligated to, after 26 days'written notice unless the circumstances require immediate action, made such payment, or, on behalf of such other owner, expend such sum as may be neces- sary to perform such obligation including, but not limited -3- -!o, .the payment of any.insuranc_e premiurns requiredthe undertaking of any work requiied hereunder fororation or maintenance, and such other owner shal_ment in- and to that part of -such defaulting owner'reasonably necessary for such' repair, restoration ma intenance. hereunder orrepair, res t- have an ea se-s unit as is or (b) AI1 sums so paid or expended by anowner, with interest thereon at the rate of 18 percent per yearfrom the date of such payment or expenditure, shaLl be payableby the ohrner so fai.ting to perform (the "defaulting owner,r) upondemand of the other owner. - i-'(") A11 sums so demanded but unpaid by thedefaulting owner shall constitute a lien on the unit ot the de-faulting owner in favor of the other owner prior to all otherliens and encumbrances, except: (i) liens for taxes and spe-cial assessment; and, (ii) the lien of any first mortgage orfirst deed of trust of record encumbering such unit. The lienshall atLach from the date when the unpaid sum shall become due and may be foreclosed in like manner as a mortgage on real prop-erty upon the recording of a notice or claim thereof executed bythe nondefaulting owne! setting forth the amount of the unpaidindebtedness, the name of the defaulting owner, and a descrip-tion of the unit. In any such foreclosure the defaulting ownershal1 be required to pay the costs and expenses of suchproceedings, including reasonable attorney's fees. (d)The lien provided for herein shall besubordinate to the lien of any first mortgage or deed of trust,including all additional advances thereon. sale or transfer ofany unit as the result of court foreclosure of a mortgage, fore-closure through the public trustee, or any proceeding in tieu offoreclosure, including the transfer of a deed in lieu offoreclosure, shall extinquish the lien of such assessments as topayments thereof which become due prior to such sale ortransfer, but shaLl not relieve any former owner of personalliability therefor. The mortgagee of such unit who acquired ti-tle by way of foreclosure or the taking of a deed in lieuthereof, shall not, however, be liable for any past due assess-ment and shall only become liable for future assessments on thedate it becomes the owner of such unit. No sale or transfershall relieve such unit from Iiability for any assessmentsthereafter becoming due or from the lien thereof. In the eventof the sale or transfer of a unit with respect to which sumsshall be unpaid by a defaulting owner, except transfers t.o afirst mortgagee in conncection with a foreclosure of its lien ora deed in lieu thereof, the purchaser or other transferee of aninterest in such unit shall be jointly and severally liabre withthe seller or transferor thereof for any such unpaid sums. Upon written request of any owner,mortgagee, prospective mortgagee, purchaser or other prospectivetransferee of a unit. the or^rner of the other unit shall issue awritten statement setting forth the amount he is owed under this -4- ooparagraph, if any, with.respect to guch unitl Such statement isblnding upon the executing owner . in fdvor of any person who mayrely thereon in good faith. Unless a request for such statementshall be complied with within fifteen days after receiptthereof, all unpaid sums which became due prior to the date of making such request shall be subordinated to the lien or otherinterest of the person requesting such statement. 9. USE RESTRICTIONS.stricted to a reffig such use as well as conditioned anddefined by the Eagle County Zoning (a) Each unit sha1l be re- unit as a permitted use, and accessory uses shall be as Ordinance. (b) No exterior mounted radio, shortwave,television or other type of antenna whatsoever or tank of anykind, either elevated or burried, or clothesline or incineratorof any kind whatsoever or outside storage of any personal prop-erty shall be permitted or maintained on either unit without theprior written approval of both owners. (c) No animals, livestock, horses, orpoultry of any kind shall be kept, raised, bred or mai.ntainedin, on or upon either unit, except that each owner may keep andmaintaj.n within his unit dogs, cats or other domesticated house-hold animals not to exceed two in number; provided, however,that such domesticated animals are kept under control at alltimes, do not present a nuisance to the other owner and are kept and controlled in strict compliance with all Eagle Countyordinances that may apply to such animals. (d)In addition to the parking restric-tions set forth in subparagraph 4(c) above, each owner may keepno more than two automotive vehicles permanently on his unit.Parking of boats, trailers, campers, motor homes, ATVts or-recreationsL vehicLes on either unit is expressly prohibited. Parking of more than two automotive vehicles by either owner orhis f amily, agent or invitee on such owner's unit for more thana 48 hour period is expressly prohibited. (e) No Ittime sharingtt, rrinterval ownership" or similar interest, whereby ownership of a unit is shared by owners on a time basis shal1 be established on eitherunit without the prior wrj.tten approval of both owners and allIienors holding a first mortgage or first deed of trust of re-cord on any portion of Lot 2A or Lot 28 which approval sha1l bereflected in a document of record. LA. NOTICE. Each owner shaII reqister its mailinq address with the-6TEE7 owner and aIl notices or demands inten6edto be serviced upon ov\rners shall be sent by certif ied maiI,postage prepaid addressed in the name of the owner at such reg-istered mailing address. In the alternative, notice may be de-livered if in writing, personally to owners. -5- tt. korroN oF DEcLARArroN. ,t provision con-tained in this nffiject to lhe raws or rules sometimes referred to as the rule against perpetuities or theiule prohibiting unreasonable restraints or alienation shall continue and remain in fu11 force and effect this Declaration is terminated as hereinafter provided. At1 other provisions con-tained in this Declaration shall continue and remain in fullforce and effect until January I in the year 20LL A.D., andthereafter for successive'periods of L6 years each; unless atIeast I year prior to the expiration of any such 10 year periooof extended duration, this Declaraton is terminated by recordedinstrument, directing termination, signed by all owners and alllienors holding a first mortgage or first deed of trust of re-cord on any portion of Parcel A or Parcel B. T2. AMENDMENT OR REVOCATION. This Declaration mavbe amended or re@rant so long as Declarint owns both Lot 2A and Lot 2r-, or (b) upon unanimous written ap-proval in recordable form of a1l owners and all lienors holdinga first mortgage or first deed of trust of record on any portionof Lot 2A or Lot 28. 13. EFFECT OF PROVISIONS OF DECLARATION. Each pro- vision of this oe covenant andundertakinq to comply with each provision of this Declaration, and any necessary exception or reservation or grant of tit,le,estate, right or interest to effectuate any provision of thisDeclaration: (i) shaI1 be deemed incorporated in each deed orother instrumentl (ii) shall, by virtue of acceptance of anyright, title or interest in any portion of Lot 2A or Lot 28 byan ovrner, be deemed acceptedr ratified, adopted and declared asa personal covenant of such owner and, as a personal covenant,shall be binding on such owner and his heirs, personal representatives, successors and assignsi and, shall be deemed apersonal covenant to, with and for the benefit of each owner ofany portion of Lot 2A or Lot 2Bi and, (iii) shall be deemed areal covenant by Declarant, for itself, its successors andassignsr and also an eguitable servitude, running, in each case,as a burden with and upon the title to each and every portion ofLot 2A and Lot 28. 14. ENFORCEMENT AND REIIEDIES. (a) Each provisionof this oeclaratffi by any owner by a pro- ceeding for a prohibitive or mandatory injunction or by a suitor action to recover damages. If court proceedings are insti-tuted in connection with the rights of enforcement and remediesprovided in this Declaration, the prevailing party shall be en-titled to recover its costs and expenses in conncectiontherewith, including reasonable attorneyrs fees. (b) Each owner hereby agrees that any andall actions in equity or at law which are instituted to enforceany provision hereunder shall be brought in and only in thecourts of Eagle County, State of Colorado. -6- t o (c) Failure ao "rrror""O.ny provision ofthis Declaration G hal lprovision, the right to any other provision of 15. EXERCISE OF RIEHTS. Any exercise of anygranted hereunder-Ey one owner with respect to the otherunit including but not limited to the use of any easement ed herein shall be exercised in a manner which shall not sonably hinder, impede or impose upon-such other owner'shis unit. 16. SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS. Except as otherwise provided hereinrffir ne ui-nding upon andshall injure to the benefit of Declarant and each owner and the heirs, personal represe!ta-!1v_es, successors and assigns of each. L7. SEVERABILITY. Invalidity or unenforceability of any provision of-EFTibdiTation in whole or in part shall notaffect the validity or enforceability of any other provision or any valid and enforceable part of a provision of thisDeclaration. 18. ceFrtonS.-the captions 'and headings in this in- strument are for convenience only and shall not be considered inconstruing any pEovisions of this Declaration. 19. CON!!E[CI!9N. When necessary for properconstruction, t6ffiEffiIfrE of any word used in this Declarationshall include the feminine or neuter genderr and the singularthe plural, and vice versa. IN IYI}NESS WHEIaration thiq->){ day of ant has e)peuted thi.s Dec-, 196 not operate as a waiver of any such enforce such provision thereafter, or ofthis Declaration. r ight owner t sgrant- unrea- use of SIERRA F'EDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION ATTEST 3 Subscribed and sworn before t9S \S by Glenn A. Solomon,Beverly V. Arnold, Assistant witness my hand and seal. at d*- -me this cy'4 T,<tday of Secretary. A.So stant Bever Iy Assistant Secretary My cornmission expires l,fy Commission expires May 24,lgBB . ,t o . EXHIBIT A Lot 2' A Resubdivision of part of Bighorn subdivision ThirdAddition, Amended Prat, Town of vair, Eagre county, colorado ac-cording to the .e-"gl_g-:g prlr rhereof . -.. .:.:-. la/k/a 44L4 Columbine Drive (- rMor .ti. ,1 . ffinR$v BRW INC, THE EXCHANGE BUILDING PO. BOX 1575 BRECKENRIOGE, COLORAOO June 25, 1986 Mr. Gary MurrainChief Building Official Town of Vail 75 South Frontage RoadVai1, C0 81657 RE: Vail Building Department Punch List Items for Certificate of Dear Gar y: Attached is the list of items for finalthat we discussed during our site visitsall items for wording or items Left outlist from your office. Please call rne if you have any comments Sincerely, BRW, INCORPORATED Director of TPL,/mw Attachment DAVID J BENNEIT OONALD W RINGROSE RICHARO P WOLSFELD CRAIG A AMUNDSEN OONALD E HUNT MARKG DENVER BRECKENRIDGE 0ccupancy Certificate ofof June 13. and send me an or questions. PETER E JAR\./IS LAWRENCE J GARONER SWENSON JOHN B |VCNAMABA PLANNING TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING ARCHITECTURE PHONE 303/453-0774 0ccupancy Please review official Thank you. tL -"'t' Architecture THOMAS F CARROLL OONALD L CRAIG MINNEAPOLISPHOENIX .l VAIL BUILDING DEPARTMENT PUNCH LIST ITEMS FOR CERTIF]CATE OF OCCUPANCY JUNE 25, 1986 I,IHITE RIVER 4410 Columbine (1A West) 1. Place cap on water valve at east side ( exterior ) . 2. Check utility easement across property for any problems/conflict. 3. Garage,/Mechanical Ro oma. Vent to exterior must be stainless steel with siliconedseans. b. Must have 6-inch clearance to door (combustable) (addgyp. board to door or straighten boiler).c. Add back-f1ow preventer to system. 4. Remove lattice work over sli.ding glass doors at upper sna11Bedroom for egress, then add railing and spindles io codeheight and spacing. 5. At Master Bedroom add rail at th'o interior windows to keeo fromfa111ng to Living Room below (36-inch height rail) 6. Spacing on trbridgetr is too large to neet code. InstaLl infi11rnembers or plexiglass. 7. I{indow at northwest Bedroom is not to code width. Add casementwindow. 4410 Columbine ( 1B Easr) 1, Add man-door Lo Garage at south side. 2. Upper Bedroom windows do not meet code. Add casements. 3. Lowest ste p at exterior entry stair is too high. Add anotherstair or rai se asphalt. t+. Boiler needs back-f1ow preventer. 5. washing machine trap is too high and needs to be 1or+ered. 6. Boile r pump is leaking; check and correct. 7. Jennair vent connection in Kitchen needs to be tightened up( under counter ). flf(Auatr %4A/d*- I exit8. Third storyrigid.ladder shoul-d be strengthened and made nore Landscaping must be complet.ed on utility cut Columbine Drive (2A South) SteeL WF beams must be cleared off cul-de-sac. Tighten Jennair vent connection in Ki tchen . Need fan in lower half-Bathroom. Beam connection above Living Room stair needs longer bo1ts,pl.ate on back side, plus bolts and plates snug to beam. Vent/duct from boiler to exterior appears to be only single-wa11 construction and does not neet code. Boiler needs back-f1ow preventer. Water heater vent/duct must have I/ 4-inch per foot slope and f aucet. Add nan-door to Garage, nest side Columbine Drive (4B South) 9. 44r4 I z 4 -) 8. 44I9 6 7 1. Man-door int.o Garage needs closer. 2. Reattach entry 1ighr. 3. upper niddle Bedroom needs Itgatetr over two windows to exteriorto protect from falling out, but allow egress. 4. Exterior entry stair (ai1 must be blocked out another I inch onboth sides. Fireplace int.ake vent,/duct at exterior needs cover on wesE r+a11. Upper Bedroorn deck needs gate at opening to Ladder and anotherspindle near door to meet code on spacing. Boiler must be raised above over flow pan to meet code. A1so,fix seams in pan. z BIGHORN General Notes 1. Landscaping and drlveway paving must be completed. 2. Sewer must be connected to service. 4074 South Frontage Road (A) 1. Railing of 36-inch height needed at low wal-l in MasterBathroom. Wa11 is now onTy 27 inches high. Man-door to Garage: fix hinges and add closer. Cornbustion air to be provided to boil-er (two ducts of minimum100 square inches in each). Boiler pressure/temperature release needs extention to withininches of f1oor. Dryer needs vent to out.side or approved basket South Frontage Road (B) Extend pressure rel-ease to within 6 inches of f loor Dryer needs vent to outside or approved basket. Winding stair to Master Bedroom meets the IgTg yf. the home rvas built under, but not the 1982 code. Master Bedroom egress window is higher than codestair built be1or,'r it on a larger wj.ndow. B. C. , which a11ows. Needs 5. 407 4 HIGHLAND MEADOWS Note Punch lists for 1974 Vermont. and 1788 Sequoia are being prepared bythe Eagle County Building Department.. /r POTATO PATCH 788 Potato Patch Drive (North and South Unit) of 0ccupancy.Alreadv has final Certificate 792 PotaEo Patch Drive (A) l. This unit will be condernned and no Certificate of Occupancywill be given untiL floor slab is replaced and the plunrbing i.s checked for damage. 2. A permit will be required for repairs 794 Poy4to Patch Drive (A) A repair perrnit will be required for this unit, but it will not.be condemned. Floor sLab in northeast corner of lower Family Roorn has settledand must be raised. 1 '(. Master Bedroom/Bathroom area has settled simllar to 792 (A) andslab must be raised. PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE ,/ ,' " .1 -l , JoB NAME rNstcnoNTOWN OF , t. ,. REQUEST VAIL i _t READY FOB LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLER TUESMON WED THUR FRI PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEE- tr D FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr tr tr tr INSULATION SHEETROCK NAIL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr tr tr ROUGH CONDUIT tr FINAL tr ROUGH / D.W.V. D ROUGH / WATER EI GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB r-1 _ _ r't tr FINAL MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS ---------------- tr SUPPLY AIR - n_ tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED ,:1- DATE INSPECTOR PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT ,*rl"toN REeuEsr* TOWN OF VAIL DATE -2 READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON CALLER TUES THUR FRIWED AM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr FRAMING -tr ROUGH /WATER n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr POOL/ H. TUB tr tr FINAL tr tr tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: CI DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED / -44 ' ' .,.' ',' DATE INSPECTOR rNst"noN REeuEsr' PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE l.', t( ' JOBNAME TOWN OF VAIL READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLER TUESMON WED THUR FRI PM BUILD]NG: tr FOOTINGS tr FOUNDATI tr FRAMING ON / STEEL / STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION - tr POOL / H. TUB -tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr - nr-t_ tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: MEGHANICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH N EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR -nn_ h FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: ET DISAPPROVED d; nerruseecroN REeurREo INSPECTORDATE rNslctoN REeuEsr' TOWN OF VAILPERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT I JoB NAME CALLER INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FRI DATE READY FOR LOCATION: AM PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING r_r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAL MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIB tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR 3 REQUEST\ VAIL .,t I rNslctoNTOWN OFPERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT JOB NAME AM;'MoN WED THUR FRIINSPECTION: CALLER TUESREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGBOUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING r-r ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING .tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH E EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR ,APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE 'J-\''INSPECTOH LO, I@l rrrl\@':t il-\\';*l =r{ Elg iiE aiE L >cL -Zlo ';qrFo ISF A;i:€ E? ;E-:c H; EitKI* =!s-=i$E 0=-o"(5:o-o € E=9i96(!65 Hegsg lctE=:*'t 3d c;o(/,F eel S€:,!s!r c : gl=? fiIE: I eesE g NOtlVntVA H*lll b 6io-'ll Q ; -< 9tG> 6'F ,-- =\)e) -=;6iut,$ =coN rr) cr>q) FlO C3 oz ts =E uJo- r,o @ (t, $l u.l o Lll Eodloazo Fo-luY uJ d) oFt tr IJJIL lt.o oo I uJFoz z o9zz =z=> =) 'odP" dfi 2?i dd= F ul l!o EOyzE<cll6U)neB9vE cf, FJ|- =uJ-E b=() dtr:>o-E 66E 5st x> €--Ft\ 'ioittr ut o F --- ts =E. lrJo-zIF C) :) E, 6zo(J f!tr lrl+ll=ll-ll'lsfl .ll+ltFl:<lJ+rlcooll-l lq- *lo lJ l-onl=ftv)olq,I l+nc.rl z F- v-J!! cctsf <t-sf an IJJF FU'' l.JJ ,t!r> I LTJF T = u; =z a J d LTJoLll LI- d. Lrl U) tll z uJe J F tr LU o a F F.J'z.o(J co -) = G co o(o !-{. z cigJ E J a l!oz3I stro sf,o I(\T (?) N LI l F =g. tr z o uJ J l!oz 3 F E G oz ti IJJ t! z B F .l ) ) =Etr V. \-..] z .; lU CE u- z3oF O (f) N Ir.or\sf uJ tr f- UJz = F UJ T -rO<F uJ<ZE LIJ F6Zo <oC)F;C)-< ^E22s e.(9ozr- =#f,FJZu-o dx :IF F3 =6 dt; b2<Qst8=!2 t !!! ,o "fi ffiffiffi trgffiW frHNffAHT8 F{IEilATSruT ?. cr -i3.,, .?- .iq L) Lt.. , i , ('.,,1o ,r ,,\ Di. I 6 cAAtt^ PA.l^rG'4- ' I -r R A r.u /:€ Sunr".o,.." [- c 1..> | E-'* |, 6, i l1 ",' /nt, Con,rou,- S'rnt,u,t S *'.r,.= Fl'*- A. nr.t^ I -Pa,rs,,. Trt-on.P"1 -DoJu-4or. e+/-l. -t- ^J E E-rtA - (;> u n e_J Se,,zsoi< I lvr AG Ne'r, c Se,^zsoa : -D.,,_^L l- Sp-n,.'it (H""')' : A L A .'*\^a -S- o.' ,s" ' ---"- I, .L ^r D, cA-T-c,A Ar d.H-r',n , f.l it ^t Lt li O,$TC)A . St. Lri.t-T.. S<r,2"-t v (non Ar Corpor0ie Hcadquartcrs - llouslon,4C0 Orrrharn Dr., l'lorrston,'fX77007,713/865'1551.siri,: l-r{: ii".' /,,:3tin.2lr5 l!i.co.k O.. nurt,r. Ix 73/:'6.51?/,159.1J13. Srer$ l-tc. 2256 tioctl.!. PO.0or 2390. \h,1. CO 8165t!.303,"76-7300 n^nv.r.::'4 Sruth For. [iol.woa.j. CO 80110.303?62.8-500 ]nl6 Cl!|.t.3751 Fodlnnd Avo. Sc., l"linnatnllis. lliJ::i'i.-_: ' I _''' victo.l..0oBe.Nuoce!:i!ircr,vrtrra.TX,r/901.512/570-5533,Slilot.c:1126 .-.\ cl {m a tl T.t ii-s It I 16 o \.J ; d 1 je 2n 'i N: 4. rt-l- o''fo qfqoju It &- Jp ,s { I df qr\t g UJl c--< i,( lu b ? *_b { ; -f=\ \ \- o O ,, Det.% k-;'s xo Mt- o i )i ll, i Ir! ti,\, i o..l v) o qls:9ltiUi.al I ciol di { \9 : 0 ; QJ 6 I ! II I I i I :i..l; Li; *,\ --r ririN] .t ir. i l-r \t, ,; v) .i I t v'l " : oit: t.l' : 5- Y q tco*r\' o- I ': l'uor- al\-\')0.1c) t\ vl t, r,dlsi\Ji I*lst\l i a* (. ,F\4 ,t u \, :] , ono,lt ,rw GFr F13 3( a .{t o0 ,k rl -q, :q-\ {nl1 v /< I ,1) tlG N .t,q or.. Ct\,\ 'tlra\ \5t S o s.J >-,\| Y"+ f.'o l1\5t\.N\ I 4 lto\r,n- ^$ oo /\l 11 ! '{\{ ..3 iJ oqJ^ {.r0\.N \ tj* \ \i- \ o___ o c+ tb p ,lJ \J c|lJ\q_ a, x.:! 4-ID I o i3 .c VAIL BUILDING DEPARTMENT PUNCH LIST ITEMS FOR CERTIFlCATE OF OCCUPANCY JUNE 2s, 1986 WHITE RIVER 4410 CoLumbine (1A Wesr) 1. Place cap on hrater valve at east side (exterior). 2. Check utility easement across property for any problems/conflict. 3. Garage/Mechanical Rooma. Vent to exterior nust be stainless steel with sil-iconed seams. b. Must have 6-inch clearance to door (combustable) (addgyp. board to door or straighten boi.ler).c. Add back-flow preventer to systen. 4. Renove lattice work over sliding glass doors at upper sna1lBedroom for egress, then add railing and spindles to codeheight and spacing. 5. At Master Bedroom add rail at two interior windows to keep fromfalling to Living Room beLow (36-inch height rail). 6. Spacing on tfbridgett is too large to meet code. Install infit-1nembers or plexiglass. 7, window at northwest Bedroom is not to code width. Add casenentwindow. 4410 Colunbine (18 East) 1. Add man-door to Garage at south side. 2. Upper Bedroom windows do not neet code. Add casemenrs. 3. Lowest step at exterior entry stair is too high. Add anotherstair or raise asphalt. 4. Boiler needs back-f1ow preventer. 5. Washing rnachine trap is too high and needs to be lowered. 6. Boiler pump is leaking; check and correct. 7. Jennair vent connection in Kitchen needs to be tightened up ( under counter ). flffAuq illt&74*' Third story rigid. ladder should be strengthened and nade more Landscaping nust be completed on utiLity cut. I exit 1. Steel WF beams nust be cleared off cu1-de-sac. 2. Ti.ghten Jennair vent connection in Kitchen. 3. Need fan in lower half-Bathroom. 4. Beam connection above Living Room stair needs longer bo1ts,plate on back side, pJ-us bolts and plates snug to beam. 5. Vent/duct fron boiler to exterior appears to be only single-wal1 construction and does not meet code. 6. Boiler needs back-f1ow preventer. 7. Water heater vent/duct must have l/4-inch per foot slope andfaucet. Add nan-door to Garage, uest side. Colunbine Drive (48 South) ua,\\ \.\,ssrr e$ 8. 9. 8. 44r9 1. Man-door into Garage needs closer. 2. Reattach entry 1ight. 3. Upper niddLe Bedroon needs trgaterf over two windows to exteriorto protect frour falling out, but aLlou egress. 4. Exterior entry stair (ail must be blocked out another l inch onboth sides. 5. Fireplace intake vent,/duct at exterior needs cover on west wa11. Upper Bedroom deck needs gate at opening to ladder and anotherspindle near door to meet code on spacing. Boiler must be raised above overflow pan to meet code. A1so,fix seams in pan. 6. 7, BIGHORN General Notes 1. Landscaping and driveway paving must be completed. 2. Sewer must be connected to servi.ce. 4074 South Frontage Road (A) 1. Railing of 36-inch height needed at l_ow wal1 in MasterBathroom. Wa11 is now onLy 27 inches high. 2. Man-door to Garage: fix hinges and add closer. 3. combustion air to be provided to boil-er (two ducts of minimum100 square inches in each). 4. Boiler pressure/temperature release needs extention to withininches of floor. 5. Dryer needs vent to outside or approved basket. 4074 South Frontaee Road (B) floor t. U,9Y. de. ode Extend pressure release to within 6 inches of Dryer needs vent to outside or approved baske Winding stair to Mast.er Bedroom meets the 197the home was built under, but not the 1982 co Master Bedroom egress window is higher than cstair built below it on a Larser window. 1. z. 3. 4. B. C. , which a1lows. Needs HIGHLAND MEADOI./S Note Punch lists for 1974 vermont and 1788 sequoia are being prepared bythe Eagle County Building Department. I POTATO PATCH J88 Potato Patch Drive (North and South Unit) of 0ccupancy.Already has final Certificate 792 Potato Patch Drive (A) 1. This unit wil-L be condemned and no Certificate of 0ccupancywill be given until floor sLab is replaced and the plumbing ischecked for darnage. ., 7 9t+ A pernit will be requi.red for repairs Potato Patch Drive (A) A repair permit wil-1 be required be condemned. Floor slab in northeast corner of and must be raised. for this unit, but it will not lower Family Room has settled Master Bedroom/Bathroom area has settled similar to 792 (A) andslab must be raised. 1. c ,(, oz ts =culo- or C\I(\l o (f) oo <r C\,I $ al, LIJtlj lJ- tr =t uJ 59rOT :ertO - hr.- ,b l_ ,Fl<ro I I I I I, IFI<( IFl(,z l=to I u rtz,2 l- c c + o d!uJoF>OftZ t-t, z9o- f#ro od l, oglzlz1)o I I I IEl-c ['I(ul"l=t.Ft= Il-olo t'1tcllol tFi t:ltPlll,l l5llolIItElIOIt!l l*l EL {J tn o(J (u lJ-- UI o Q (u .+J .d:t o! ag (.1- = Eulz3 l! I l- z ^\tna(uo.(u E.|JL'r.r-ppE J-P- 6J(J- O-C.)(!+rcopo!.6o- {J |,c,oJqJqE O'.- C)E .E {-,'+) iE|.c cPO.- O'- aO-cE(/) =.-(U o .{J(Jc o)aQ)tF '- (5 l!J UJo =oL! o l,t-o ul CElF z o \ o !c?'g,ootffio: .= o.cutgB ^of;{--c.N oh P= oo oDc p€ 8o6oD o.c:D-=3d!-ac ttO !l =rr^(Do9 c6-] dq)t';i6E o)'6 o1t U;q)o o '.2 .z' ! at q) o o tt, (J (5 .sE o 3 F 6 '= o o (u ; 13 o c .E rn E .; .E c.; >o. E o o oo 6 E6 =iC': EU c j2o_*6 =LFr;e;ocL o(u<--x =iG>cP Ee66.;ro.6 'Fy .q- o-od-_6E (tP'F o) -P (E EaODr-c O(!i;Eg -o.(EO nl(DoE tDJE8o(o tF >,9_oopa .r, o -o tf) @ Nsf tior-{ O o.ir(\l s (o cf) (C)(\I o Olr) CO !-{ cfl slrnorcf) uJL z 5 x UJ z () Fo !1,) llJ z6 J = UJ u,,t!z tr ttlEoulE o co =ll, ll,lEzg tIJo o- uJ f z uJJ x F ulol a. u.J uJ'tLq UJI J Fo(F zoJ 5 co J F uJJ UJ z co = z I tu NO|lYnlVA ( !-i I n c ( C a) I( I E l+ C + (/ C( - = z tr ao uJ [!z uJo >E -r(Y)fu.t3 =CDN zz99 Xr890 .toZt <)zt!< (LY FO = 1u.lo+& tslc,{t-G 1! z tr l! uJ oF\ C\I E (L uJE J z Eoo z tr FJ x 3uJz ez26 = Ez,"F:9=; EEgE 53Se Y<d)ollsl | | |rst | | | ?9-a5 < E?2 3=dj<=rg;-;3 H3oo(J:cz zIF 5az ullJ E Ot (f) F urr (tt x o 3 zY =F (o(\l sl'(\l+ (v) Id (L F +{- cc P (o co P+)(o aJi;3 diE Fl(o T-{Ftrf\) lu =U)oo-zo F(L trJY uJdl oF F .E ur lr-oH>Y5*oJ\ I UJ Foz uJF o , F =ut oEHE2E<cLf6AEeB9v(E 5EF'J =uJEFoul(,t'E=,F' X 9q 6yct ".io -'itri alJo oF a F =e,lrl o-zo Fof E,F(nzo() 9z -t- uJ = Ir fl*lltFln3g+t d'*l tsl ltd 14F-: Jt! (\l .|JoJ I .p U'lrJ !(u E, o.u .G = ui =z 6l^\ -)7 lu o uJ z I(L tr = G uJE o 24 U ! an o C5 SZ =E ct ulI a t!o zl 3lr-l tr z o ttl l! z3 F =ttr oz ,; ul J a ILo z3oF u dF E_ oz o uJl ILoz 3loFI (r oz o uJ(r l,t-o z13p llJ trF Eluz3 F C)tll E 'l. E, E -..r O<F u.J <ZEUJF(42 *9 i# C Eqoz. l-;(i =f]FJZ(!O <-YF7<) =tY,Z E l- =-\JZ <() ilqr'l :ii:::ii i 1r!u 2 i=;::i i; E. * :: -c .l.. =-!^24.a'!+;= -.< 5 ;-.8: E a ? ii;:-: 1;- t i F=l ta:;€>. X - != EiiTi:zi \ : = 1= ' iiiEza!ira-Z'a ! ..8 i ! >. - 5 E;j i E-ei::. :E ; E: .z=iEaa"_EI -l ! !- 3-.E;=a! ? -; i.i.: -: E: i:;3i N@Or r.c,(\I rd5L! o) Lr- (o+ -co st l.(,o +)oJ =tn OJd, sf Ju co (\t +)oJ (U Lo o ! J o(J str.{sl'sr oo .UF €L ro o e. ' c.; r) t- I I I I I .-l,.ol ril I oZ tr oc = a (1 ct .P (,at an(u &, U l oF-.orH Y!-=>x -zzR'S< 5iz a1 av)i /-\ i-2a!D<; LtJ F--F 14 i,.ltsz a\ lrl \./-<,.FtrZzuXrl '- -'1<r= <?rcaI c-' r"rJ ,.: \Jar<:r-F*kl< !.lO=FZtf-<Yo;;l=z>x=<-y ?E+"U_--i l- F Ai F!L! ilio>>: qrOn>:!zr.'YvHt3<str<x o- :r ( IF:oyffi<f,Q3X:.,.'FYl+*gHF(J>l- *..r lJ -A. :trF irt|.att O. FR TR F -rtsat-{.F H -F5 -a.fJaF tF. .-,v F) -: -F?arr{|e F\aaLt lF-t{a *FFHH .F'v rF| 14 A.rFl Ef-f tfJlF. rlJtlrlhAI € z c rg\l == oz E =t IIJo- C\I ro c\I c! an uJ tJ.jt! F =Eul(L ( nLL- S8/ tO/r A^ e bL/u+To u,F F cFIz =o zz ,i l=qJ l0)f- l> E15,o-l El3poFPF Nt=@lPP t-- L lo itnr u.l HF 2? =^'lF 6E .o o.,#zo O c) l- +-, a6 aE c., -ctol- L G,.p r5 = IPc = uJz 3 IJJrF z c, (') >Ft< (\l x@G''l{- O -(J(-ir . =o..oo@3+ro)(ULol!r-roO r-J !l q, +,,6 o-o =(-) .u tdo@r-ldor) o o, q) -9.o$ = 3 F <Dq)g (!cl E' o o,-c' ooc(Il o o) ; = d) E o =l (l) o cto C' =.9 o Qoo atoE o f,o (! o) N u, 3 F 0) ED oo o oJ o o = !tc o3(5 q) 6 at) 6 ooo t(, ; o ! t- =-C' a. =3 >o E : a E (t F E ;.c .c -- ' o c) E o)(l, T' lt E3 .9o EEF'-;s;0)cL'- u,o(!-cr!x- .:r €> fgo.9 !(r' $o cCo:FY(B +: oo d(!_- -c Ee x',oTt ar t! (6c-cs -o.(50 ogo)(6'a! LotE8o(l'c--vH (!!>g-o q)pa OE!o -o rt, (o () F\ F\C\I rr)C\|r) Y) o F z 6 Y z J J 9E C) uJ UJ z6 J J . I u.t = uJ uJl!zotr ulc() llJE ; uJ lLlEz 6 UJo Fo lrJ 2 UJ-) x UJ U'f U> UJ uJ TL F = UJI J FoF (9 =o = c0 C) EFo UJ trJ z ao = o 9z o uJ = -J F F NOtlVntVA lq,|ll+llol = lF)a* lf = r pld = CO at l.F Y!Fc,(I'Z Z LCo o ooF - 4 <-5 ? ==;gYuir.F ao6i E,E(JzX t!<g|-3 i 3Ei E EHi N oo|l zo E o-f UJo- F c E cluE J z E z tr (! llJFJ )< =UJz I =zlz tr o I Fzl z !J 3o (,, uJ UJ fr z F z FI EI Flo ia .. >l LIJo uJ uJzoF ul(L azo F oo LUlJ cc U)aulzY - F. 2 F Jl z @(r) -l I1..ol1 lurl@ IFdu-<-oH I I 9)t Y6ti (O F{ P.p ao .{J .l-) ct {J.t' Go tr o)J 3 F uJ l! (E c +) oL +.) L o) dJ !ol{-o!- (t o- a g) r{oc) u.l tr U)o,-o(o -F{z{or-tiLFupY r.JJ - UJ CL dlu_ooF F U.l>6tu)IJJ r"".a 'irb *l O- u:lO coloilr>lguJbkzo z."oz4(Do =zJO CL LL EEi =l.lJXdd= ET! F UJ o. l!o;!{E:E<Cll60toi9rlL cd: =>FJF =t!:- c|llleo J i'iiE :FE d59 \urE XO-t x>6=Fe*ioiti UJ F E =E, lrJ o-zoF(J E, 6zoo I j!45 I c)l- z) IL (\l o.P av .FJ rn trJ J(t, ') .F _Elo>+, ='FD-C-= ui =zo 11a G! t! I tn tlJ =z 'ct|!. , cJlrg.,t6> F<(u l= b|YlOrFF\l; boE l<t1 F() 6Lr) ? Jo(u! .rJ IF =tr L 3 F -rzoo (J CJ F at, J = (or\ (d E I +,a o(-J '- r-) e. tr .i z uJE J l!oz3 F o(o I co F\(\t u I ! q) UJ +J !.d .dL :c tr |J.I oc') oz t! J a ll- z3 C\,IsfstOl I (o : t +J .Eo'T' -cE \z r= F-cCHc-: z lotuJ L1l3I rr-lolz IF (r) I Or C\I.if IIIF = oz oul J lto z3 F =g. tr z uJ = z 3o F uJ t!F oE .=3 H<€= =3: dv+ or\sl- (-, + lu I C) E <F uJ<ZE I.IJ F o JE<oOF F3 f.i F5 E >Y =<z.E )zr.r-oo <= )lF7() =<:tv iz>U E, l-E ir =J- IY oaoo 9?.!i g I ggtr *-rG ' . .. 1 ! r:jir.+i/,t!Ei./,ffi,,;l#m'?gffili ;/i ri.*i*i ifrlil^#Tl.':'a:: tt i : P.O. BOX 1842 vAlL, coLoRADO 81658 303i 476-0885 SUBSIDIARIES HERITAGE CONTRACTORS G&GDEVELOPMEI{TCO. INVESTMENT OESIGN INTERIORS LTD. 12903 COUNTRY RIDGE SAN ANTONIO, TX. 78216 51 2i 494-2195 10. A decall w111 CONCEPTUAL NOTES: i: rt ""rEr;d that che archltects would have Svfg' 4LPD/" F)& Page 2 be provided showlng changes to be made ln unlt Ars entry' the followlng ext er 1or modlflcarlons approved by the Town of ltall: /f. lm" re:oval of two (2) trees rlhlch the landscape V shows as beln8 Preserved. /s. fhe additlon of che rlp-raped rock berm up h111 (see /ll sEructural notes). v C. The replacenent of the wooden chlmney caps wlth Ehe sarne shaPe. D- Or Trr--rrrr:FE--rt -t r\r rE. The "h..,g" fron a flxed to operable window ln an upstalrs bedroon ln unit A./F. Aa extentlon of the enEryway ln unlt A. -t E*-( ' l'J'b6e '*17- 7 nG. A snall movement. of the flreplace 1n the B unlt toltards the drive. H. The addltlon of a fascla *(the archlEects w111 also provlde CDS wlth a detatl) ',,-2. It was noted that there are no standard roof pltches ln the bulldlng (excect for unlE Ats entry whlch wlll be L2/ 12) and chat all pitches nustbedeEerolnedbymeasurenent.Itisnocposslbletoadlustthe roofstogEandardpltchbecauseEhebulldinghasbeendeslgnedso close Eo rnaxinui allor,rable height. -.3- The architects wlth the collaboratton of the englneer will adJust the / .p0rNb<.-floor elevaE lons Co use standard lzed f raming rlarer Lals. They vll1 Ot' ,O"1O!J /elso furnlsh the conEract.or a drawlog of chese changes and check that elttl- ( sralr and rake wall celllng helghts chroughout the bui.lding neec code . " fl \ eq u ir €orenc s.z) '- /a..\n. saloon sryle doors Eo rhe kitchen in unl-t B will be deleted. ( -a9fibr?u e? --.,, -,-() ,(',) ' r L'- "r i. i l'\ t[odptx plan currentlY fron che garage netal inlts of / p' Fil 6(*r' -.,rfll Y'- *;oW .t/- W/ '. ,l Kiltt.^-,n'-. ivl \{ Ge,0Nc"q! oz b =E UJo- O o\cv CU fal -l. cv o O -+ t \ \ \N n{ tn UJ UJll. E'=(r LUc I I I I I I k I I I I I I t. li ri.l L ti t: EoF EFIz l-lt vlF $ ln .D ;$o ssc o +) .r{ r0) p I d o)J,o o)V El ol Bepo .t; 93! l$*N '$ uJo: arol! G,oFo !cFzoo ebtsoo PE E3oo 8ooQDo€:E 6'5fd)!-ail, =,b oJ =g-eg-o, EO,coo3 .tot'tisE o (! ahoc(! atooc(! .g1t o c]oF 6 G't c\ c(! o cl q (E c .9 .lt E os o.c .= 'a Eoo o o E ctl C' (, c) oo .9 l,o.:JIt c) anc T' G'p o, c .9 ts E o .Cl 0).E |E (g E o |ltt, I'c(E i6 ct oo o $ o() .E c(6ooge eoo 1t o, '5 go .9 (! E o .s c,E f -g Joog c. .9 (E .9Eo.o .o.c E(I,o (D a!E (qc ooEo Eoc.xoct o o.c U.\ \n h Uc \c\U \ ry +. \)N \ \ \ \\ \ '[ \ \ s orn \rvl \S s \ o \ 0 \ N\ \ \ ,\ V) c.a \ t N^l \ \.r r9 ctl, oz J :<ou, oz Jc 9EF z J 9z o IJJ \ tultzo F uJ () uJ oc o6-lll UJez 6u, 6 o.tlto z lrJ C) x F lljol at llJ uJl.l. E =E IU(L J FoF z 6! 6 J 9 F J IJJ 0z a- Iz or! = s\ NO[Vn']VA d$N g>..1 EE$l g\^l uJl 9.' I Edz uJ \G !rr =ao zo6* =o-E.tO6b<)zrL<o* HgFOj^j zIF ) Ft! o oloErJ UJo- F s\\ \N ^t e uJE J zI =oo zo E uJF X B IJJz ?st i* :EfiE834:<d)(Jf .ltl lll Es * e = i rE9 H =-o.iS3gEooorz z9F )fanz t!3 ? c,\s'u Nt-) F u.i o o ) ou, ul ooo3 c <t, lJ.lz! iF \\\ c.l\- * a{l a\''\ lr.lo- F f-\rt F*a JI-Y UJ \lli{ co -9c) Fl(:)cf lt Eo coo?zorj F c-- t'-9-Y -,-:ll lJ<o oF l- =cc1!t.l'oN E+ttN EIzo nD! (l Elnr r 6 {ALjL I .r.t P .r'{ z. oPzedto =zl)dP "dg6Ei dd= E =E uJ o- L|-o UJat F ==IE#or.p?.d u EF€ 8fi-ts EEtr 36= Ex:*;.;+i Eis:fi"8o rCfi;N.6 E.., B: o.rP E:ffi€5.= frd!o.opE* '.'i.U'.oc) F 16 = liE l-trJ r- o-zo.F of, E,F(nzoo&\' !ll=\ ,/ F-\\ ,,/ let-p= : o c.- tJ.\ I Or I I Jsl .r-11 €t 5lr{leil ol -El EI($l [{l(rl =l trl z du,t J l!qz 3 I I I I .lol =.1olurl 5l sl trlol 5l rol r!FI F { 9 3 { ('z =LL C\J ,'1 i{q) ,J ('a o +) =t; z O 'r{(s E I\oc*.+ io- .r{ N 6 f{ c) = v () a uJ o = (0 .p (-)o.p 'rl h F.l p 5{H g tl* fli I T I TIcol =lI -tol =.1olurl 1l al>l rLlol zl 3l 9l @ .--.1 cU.-lp a)4.rl (o o(''.. (r tr E --.r O<F(r()t!<z.EtIJ FOZo() JE<oOFr? C 2?;o =f]F dzoo 0r thgi J-dFl- F F 7-o 9z I F() ul I(J E c l,rJz.3o J oul lqF( < -- fz//>ts--9 r.r.'v-'\wss bt N E F $RFth ?s$t $a$i $$t"S eFtGr$ f $ $q ] Vtg u toI $ $ $' \ $ N D Nlt \ F s\ $r $-, D,N Z. v) Ioo bo/e enq[n€ering. irc 143e rneodo,vd ruite n-t0 cr6smd sfopfriEcen€r \oil, colcrodo E165t -.1wAi;;to;.,o.,n ,."-7u | .r4o rrre 'x' wrqtvv IY?vsL &1y 21p6,1 tridilc FlqWrqXtr.tq a fi"-Hevtl.r F,TY,A ,4F, tl '/+ tTYdup flncrL l.LL FLoo€9 4s flo94 l1ltt't h WY,.IFL! rY?VbL ALL Z7trtN4s utrvf wwv *, gvOdeu 4tl0 o lOl a.o, fl?v4 hW ?LNfb ,w?v . oh14\or l,,aA l.w6L, . ---h-96b?'.'o'. Y -+- oqd.-btr fhglY ilnt-l SKrloN y+n , t'-o' | &1aFbF, t7 oL #zl^lH nV KtvVF Vr'4NL1 LcT December L2,L984 Mr. Gary Murrain Town of Vail Municipal BuildingVail, Colorado 81657 RB: Lot 2, I{hite River Estates Dear Gary, Pursuant to your request, I am stating the followingto you: I \,ti11 not be making any revisions without submitting proper drawings and notices to you accordingly and obtaining the required approvals prior to commencing such revisions in the field. cc: Glenn SolomonLarry EskwithWilliam C. Jensen MACH PRODUCTIONS in" 4410 east columbine drive Vail, CO 81657 __ (303) 476-0s38 \ Sincerel lterra Federol /ovingr RnD LORn RSSO(|RT|On TO 'rtHOM IT HAY CONCERN: We no longer have an office at 3299 West Alameda Ave. We have combined both offices at 2730 South WadsworthBIvd. Denver, CO. 89227. Al.so note that Charles Rectoris no longer ernployed at Slerra Federal Savings i Loan. Please nake theEe changes in your records. /^fu4 Vice President 3299 WEST ALATGDA AVENT E DENVER, COLORADO 80219 (303) 335-3581 2730 SOUTH WAOSWORTH BOULEVARD DENVER, COLORADO 80227 (303) 988-4300 ver BVAi sb florro Fedorol /ovingr RND LORN RSSO(IRT|oN Mr. Gary Murrai n Bui 1di ng Department Town of Vai I l4uni ci pa1 BuiIding VaiI, Colorado 81657 Dear Gary, I am writing in reference to Association known as trlhite River now owned by Sierra Federal Savings and Loana deve I opmen t Estates. At this time, we are contemplating the completion of the developrnent and wish to have building permits issued for the project. As I am sure you are aware, there are problems which have arisen in reference to fire protection and domestic water service to the development. Sier"ra Federal Savings, as well as the purchasers of the development, recognize the severity of these problems and are eager to reach a solution to theni however, at the same tine, r{e would like to proceed with the completion of several buildings now in various stages of conpletion. It is my understanding that the Building Department will not issue building permits without a waiver of a denand for the issuance of either a temporary C.0. or a permanent C.0. until a solution to the "water oroblems" has been reached. Please be advised that neither Sierra Federal Savings on any purchaser of the development will make a demand for the issuance of a certificate of occupancy until a solution to the "water problems" has been reached. In consideration of the foregoing, request is hereby nade for the issuance of a building penmit fOr LOT 2, UI{ITS A and B, IIHITE RIVER ESTATES, A RESUBDIVISION OF LOT 14, BLOCK 4, BIGHORTI THIRD ED I TI ON. Shoul d You rs you have any questions in this matter, please do not hesitate to contact ne at any time. trul Patrick Mackle, llach Productions, Inc. Larry Eskwith, City Attorney, Town of Vail l,lilliarn C. ,lensen, Attorney for Sierra Federal Savings 3299 WEST ALAMEDA AVENUE DENVER. COLORADO 802192098 (303) 9353581 2730 SOUTH WADSWORTH EOULEVABD DENVER. COLORADO Wp7-U98 (303) 988400 (/i,i/6:91 n A. Sol omon Ay'sistant Vi ce- eneral Managet.