HomeMy WebLinkAbout1996 4417B Columbine Dr Exterior Paint75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 97U479-213V479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 July 23, 1996 Department of Community Development Mr. Lawrence Levin Holme Roberts & Owen 1700 Lincoln St., Suite 4100 Denver. CO 80203 RE:4417 Columbine Drive, Lot 5, Block 4, Bighom 3rd Addition Dear Larry: This letter is in regard to your proposed color change at 44178 Columbine Drive. As we have discussed, the proposed paint color and trim are approved. Ifyou have any questions, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, .l Utt"fV,,vNwt*fn+ Lauren Waterton Planning Liaison Officer tP *n"uo'uo 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970 -479-2 I 3 8/479 -2 I 3 9 FAX 970-479-2452 June 11,1996 Department of C ommuniry Developmentr Mr. Lawrence Levin Holme Roberts & Owen 1700 Lincoln St, Suite 4100 Denver, CO 80203 RE: 4417 Columbine Drive/Lot 5. Block 4. Biehorn 3rd Addition Dear Larry: This letter is in regard to your proposed exterior color change at 44178 Colurnbine Drive. As we discussed, I have looked at the proposed paint color and find it to closely match the existing wood siding color. You are free to proceed with painting the exterior. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at (970) 479-2128. Sincerely, krl"rr* Ma-tz4-u^- Lauren Waterton Planning Liaison Officer {pu*uo'uo ctz t =tllro oo (> rY)sf C\I a uJ UJttt =E uJo- ff -x> -!r -< gLscq- ?-) d.\ rJ) |o lt)\l@(Y) r \FrN\\l \,<! (\l 1"1 r\cl(o LE..- | Fl ii$ r 5l|l ! =r: tl -lE €l!t= (Jl rd 16 .Fl(5l= d I I I I IIJJIF lo I ul o F FI2 o =z oltl z o =oJ dt .6 =z l! ulo i ot! <F 6z(,)< j-(l)c 6 * 6.9) a E€:E .EEEEi EfiEffi ;ss :Ei$ .9"; E"g €sE;eJ ; E:€€ :$Eg:.! O'- .: -E= O' (' s e€Eg€ jgiig o o(f) o O(Y) E =ur zo! CO I uJ oz Jc EF !!J UJ z @ =Jo- z I uJ ul uJILzo Etu uJ oo;g uJ e,z 6 uJ u, c u,/ L ; uJ o x F ulo U' uJ uJu-F = IJJ J FoF z o o J C)e F gJ uJ oz .o E =IoqJ. NOtrvnlv^ )6-=;G-Etn$ IE.: adrcluo =L|!(Uo-zure= ir-o tu H(6iPs=z+ u.t N 2 6 z 6g EEoo5bo2r!<o* 9EFO; s,i zIF J < l! o E u,o F oo o(7)<f(\l a IJJE J z Eo z tr e, uJF ;utz I 2fz tr oo I a trzf z =!J-o ul 5o.ul d ciz tl!z FI trI llJl aa llJzY iF o. zo F 5oz t9ltJlxl$l-:l;lF (E J a iaE olu UJ P\ (r UJ o-) z :-F ov <a JI sl 2l vl .. >lo ot,. lztzl ?lEleJt<tr!.olo-lo (f) I (Aq)a oo 111 \ F:o:o,or,? uJF o z- o- Fo-r!Y ullo oF tr crul o-tto 0,oo I uJFoz z o9 =e. -ooF =ze= l'-dP- a(,()z& t-\ F =(J-t -: dlr! E E uJ tt ?!{E:E<tLf€8E9vE 5EE-Jr =ul:-E !r=o dtrE =o--c EB9 5lrE XO-t x>t q- €= uJ @oF --- E =E, lrJ o-z9Fo :)E 6zoo trtrn 'i !I ot l-l l-llolllz I<fl,- |v'qld=ll*lt:l Il! let-Feli oot\ si<f+ lJ', lJ.J F F.tllrJ &.lrJ d, lrlF =ii -Ez o - l4lo14 Lr- dtd r.q F-.1 a 5 z av) UJ o o- E tr UJg, = o at =o(J x cct - =tr I cOor.o l-l =.1o IJJ]E J <1>l ltlol zl 3 9l sf(O o I(\l (Y)ct. IIJ trF =c oz qJ tt z3 F == tr ^] olu CE J a l!oz3I () U' =tr .4 rfrl\'t oz ciut 5 ioz3o c 04r\ GFIulJ uJF, T O I,IJ =E uJz =o F lu E?o G, E <Ft()uJ<zg(rz-o() JE<oC)F =()FfXF-, z.a z6 E J I z dE =3 -FY,Z =g E E ir +t Fo2-J<()sn5inn! I-8 -EE 'LEr TruL5U STUffiY UITNEI$II8 FIIBII{{IUHI,I €FF t'/a n', l'l o. -)- , ?.c, lBr.,z Z:'-:(iL) L?.., I , ('.,1c, ,r ,,i ,)t' El_l |;]!r'-l tr @ a 6\\Y/ o-@ (t (4\:-/ B n-4. hi--V,' tr /E '--i- /- |_!-,,r ELTtA - tlua a-d -St,r.r,< '-D.,^ L l- S '^o ^= --Du 4uo1"^ IT,u or c A'-r-oa At o Hr A ru nrr{,(/C,ATC)A St..,-.,-r' S.,i.,renl (ro, -6r l\AncrEr,o Srnr"no --\lrlJ ete. c-toa 7,, o,,n. Pr7 -Du -/u-Jor, biceArceR 5t r.-." 196 a o A L AR!..^ PAr.r€{- f-uru 7.'-poe a* o. l/, or' /ur., -P-.;s.',,s Sur".,,. c^f 'rft .\t- S'l-n'-r-, urt )-l "*. A r- n ra r^,r C\ . n *'n^ (,,, \L fte 't I ,,; ..: Corpor0tc llcsdquartcrs - Houston,4Cl l,.rhatn Dr., llouston, TX 77A07, 713/868.1551, Si;rit Lic i1:l;l lllrrquc..tu., .1518 Co.l li [ . Alhuiuareu0, IJM 07108.505/?6t6(r8l Ar,3lin. 2l16 tlircoct or. Austrn, TX 78756. 51?1.159.1313. Sralo Lrc. ?256 D.'|vcL 2:rr,0 S.uth fo'. gnalewocd, CO 801j0, 303t62.850O nlq Grnndc vrlloy,2308 Sunrhlno Slrip.Slilc 0, lln,lin!,n, lY /n:''f 1ir": :rri. ' ri" i1 :lrr: ficcrl.!. t1O. Bor 2390, Va'|, CO 81658.303/476.7300 'llrin Cltlat, XrSl Ponltnd Aw. So, [linneepolis, Mll 55'lr); i:i]rr; t t''t: Ylctorl.,808 E Nuoco! Sira.r. V,r|cria. TX 77901.512t570-5533, Slnld Lic. t425 {l(ir*rn**,,unn,ffi $Gm $[[l|Blir c0il$l|uAtT$ [{TIRilluroflAt Approved Denied Plan r-i n /l TownofVall Communityi . i, '. Devcloprne$. ,^,.^ /. nu.:/ FLoo4 . ..1 \t .lil.t!: . '.{ D.r',..;. c. PHONE + /72'/??. ./?6 -oSJg il TE OF DRAWING 1 SQUARE --. 1_T. COMPANY ADDRESS CONTACT I v-l | )--l ' ;'.-i. .'.::ll i;' i!r ,ii :'l.l ! " . .: : ': "-, :.1 irl.': rij cl .l ;le::,i':: v. ?.n0f0,,;l tl Dlans and Ci,t,igiluerj 11^ r^,: .i 1.1;i:.,ii rCt , Of an o{ airy ot 1:iie piJ}r,rbiins 0i liris code rl llre lJr;siicati0n. 'li.i,' iiSJ;rnce 0f DA S P E C I A L' I NS T A L t A T I O t\$r I N,STrHl..l Oif l@{rl8 : req u i r i n s th e DRAWING CODES:''. .. it 0i strct! i,t s;;ii ptans, s0ecifications aad other @ ene nvn @urcriolvavu F' lotcttnL pLnre lco icowrnol pnurl I uc-l ooon coNTACT FM;l DoUBLE DooB CONTACT f6frol 9vsr,r11s4D Doon I-rril 11'1rP1,1OO iluJ-nc.,Lb ili, Fgl snr.e coNrAc-f [1] rloon unr [r* lsHur.rr svvrrcl-i @ nitE of ntsc [n] sr,ioxe DErEc-r-on ,r-iiE: 7-l?JS ) ' #5a wttil r.tvrnr rrl:ilntrv srnlltr+ s hrrixs"""" " ""-" -- FIrr-Il -\l I I\- al !-Ir-ri ll tf-ll [_ - Jl._-f L $tc|Jilii [0ti$|J[[HIs llltnlllll0llIt O UR VffiV.ioB, s CONTACT PHONE t q76' //?o !1 6' os 38 , *+- 'I L€V E L 1 SQUARE _-- F'f, bnrr oF DRAWING SPECIAI- INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS:DRAWING CODES: @ ene nvR lTilltltciictuvavu l@otGtrnl eure l-c" I corurRol Pnlt el F;l Doon coNr^cr Fl,;l DoUBLE DooR CONTACT loxo'l gvgnH5aD Doct'l I n.l rr'trnnneo lqjii.,i ,, ui, I r! s,ire coNTircl [ry-] rloon t"tnr ['*lsuurur swrrcH [-!1] nnre or RrsE l_11] sr"rox r Dt:rEcron tr,:,*mnffi,, 5Gffi sfc||llil B0rs||rnx$ rxmffitlmt coMpANy | ,l';ru /,i.o Esrn','u, JOB SftVEY Pot fulncxc€ ADDRESS CONTACT PHONE + 472',/?9n ./76 -oS3g 1 SQUARE - FT. DATE OF DRAWING DRAWING CODES: PBE AMP lnw IMICfiOWAVE I op lotcttnl ptRre lc"lcoltrRol pRruel FA DooR coNrAcr loMCl DoUBLE DooR CONTACT INFFABEI) HOLD UP SAFE CONTACT Fu lrloon unr I-stlsHUNT swrrcH l-na I p41E.oy plga SPECIAL INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS: loiiEl OvEnnenD DooR I SD I SMOKE DETECTOR m $Gffi 8tE[ilii E0tE||ulfi$ lillt[xlll0xll O SURJOB VEY CONTA.CT l/*r fy/.a.-xte PHONE + q76- //?o q'7 b' o5 38 1 SQUARE -- FT. DATE OF DRAWING DRAWING CODES: @ pRe arr,tP ftrw'iutcnownve l-oil otcrrnr plare f-cJl corurnol pRtre L nil DooR coNrAcr F;;I DoUBLE DOOR CONTACT 16fr61 ovenHeRD DooR tEtillt;r t4tq@tril IN FRA RED HOLD UP SAFE CONTACT FLOOR l'rAT SHUNT SWITCH RATE of RISE SMOKE DETECTOR SPECIAL I NSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS: t? 76 I INSPECTION REQUESTPERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT ,l '1 I t/l> ,i.7 'l i)t1<- Y-t,TOWN OF VAIL ,'l,DATE INSPECTION:MON CALLER S< ru,Es @READY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL O FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL/H.TUB O SHEETROCK NAIL tr trtr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: tr tr tr tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR {.! ,r.,1-,+.*_tr tr FINAL T] FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR ! 'l ,i i ,f I NSP I 1ATE : it i.''' JoBNAME PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: ECTION REQUEST rowN 9t,uo':. BUILDING: T] FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUITIBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W,V. T] ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr POOL/ H. TUB tr tr FINAL o tr tr FINAL ELECTFIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT B SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL E APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED t DATE INSPECTOR ffi gcT-24-95 O9:34 FRoH. rO coDbined, Gourts rD, arze 63ea PACT 2 DTSTRTCT EOT'RT, COUXTI Or EAGLE, STATE Caa€ No. 9{CV28g OF COI,ORADO FIIED IN THE C(]MBINED CLERlt'S OTTICE iruDQl,lE[f Of THE CoIIIr! EAG! E COUNTY. COLoRADo I,. .[|REIICE LEVII{ AN'T rlalntiffs, vE. CAROII I,EVIII, sr l[99HA,,DArRrc_rA_illogll THE ror'N oF vArL, coroRADo, TrrEDEpAen|B}|T 0r Cor|rtUlfITI DsrriI,oilrN[ or IBE TotN oF vArL, erldNAilDY STOUDER, Defendanta. i Thle natter sas trled to the Court for tso-enal_a-halfclays, and th€ Court nas constaerea arf ot trr"-iesiiiony recelvedas nell as th€ nsnerous exhlbr,te ana tne-arJu.ii;-;r coqnsel . Plaintlffs fued a conplaint for declaratory JudgrnantI:rl9lls_tg a. duptex.p:rt1 iarr iEleeuent affecrtng rlre dupl€xat {{17 Colunbine Drive, tail, Coiorado, as Lt relites toe:cterlor coror ch_anges,' criiiing tiat t[.-i9iJ"^""c-in thatregard hae been ar. roqat.d ""a, it not, ttot the DefenclBnt. heveunECaEonably wtthhera or derayed tnetl ol"i.il-tJ-iiarntttfe,desLre to cf,anoe the erreiia;';i tiieir rrari or itre Juprex.Plalrrtlfrs a1s5 orlgiltitli-rir"i Jt"iro= egrtnsr the Town of valIshich have eubseoueitry bar;-;;;ivea-ana'ri.-r,o -Ii'g"r thasulrject ot thls 6ourt 6rder. The retralning ieeuee, lhErefor€r oE€ three: (A)lli$:: the parry warl-aErecneit-iii= been qlrsqared by prtoracte of, the ouner6; (Bl ft tlq paEty naff igit.;i"ni is r"effact, dlo€s the uee-oi- " ""iia-""dar stqin constitute anexterlor change requlring trre conscnt of [he Iroun.ri anal (c) ifusg of tho sotld gEain-riquirei-;orr=.nt cf the otrrii'parry, havebho Anounaa unr€asonaury tir-trfiri-ii, derayed lhelr consenr. [he Court, having considered qll ofexhlbits, and the argutlcntE o! couneel, nakesrull.nge on ths iseueg: the teatinonf, thethe folloolnq 300D UIIANTI(I OEf,00a0008G0c8 z9:0r g0/tz/0r 0(;T-24-9S 09.3.1 FRon. EacCoDbilred CotrFts rD, 3o3oe E32e A. The party wBll Egr€efient has not been abrogated bythe prior acte of the ownera. AlthouEh thare uay lrave bien eonlwaivlrs In the past by the predecsEsors of the DEfendantsAnouna, thog€ actg do not conetitute art estopp€I against thcAneunae aasertl_ng thelr rigrhte pu.Fsuqnt to tnlt paity wattagreerent. B. 1!he party walt egreehent J.6 ln eftect and doesrequire tJe'conscnl of-the Def6ndants lnouni prior to anyatructural or d€sl.En changes (tncludlng coloichanges of anytype or natur€). C. Ttre Coutt ctoee ftnd that the Anounae haverurreasonably d€Iaycit thetr consent. It fs THEREE9RE ORDERED that the ptatntiffs nayproceed to rentath the exterior rood surfaces of their hirr ofthe duplex cith a eolid color ataln that nearly as posslbtenatcheE the ovefal,I appearanse of the wood stain on theD€t€ndant'e half of rhe duplex. The Court nakee thls rulingafter consldering all of the varloug qlternarives present€d tothe Court arid hearlng the testlrony of 6ev6ra1 paint expertr- fT IS FIIRTHER ORDERED that th6 plaintiffe nay repal.ntthe etucco Dortlon of thelt ext€rlor ralle in a eolor io nltchthat uhich is found on the half of the auplex owned blr theDefcndints Anouna and shall restatn thelr garage door to natchthe other extsrlor rood portlone of tne Aritti.ig, ^ To ptevent a repeet of this lltigation a year fronnorr, th€ Court further orderB that the Def,ondante tnouna nayreetain thelr.portion of the duplex rlth a gepl-.trsnsparent cedar staln stthout further conient of the plaintiffs-Ievin. fhe court ordars that both parttgB shgll pay their ourrEttorney f€oa and court costs and that Defendanbs Anoirnarscountercleln for claDaEes is denied. DolrB AND srcnaD ln chatb€rs thls fftfr aay of october FAGE 3 19e5. BY TIIE COURIT: s000 UgiiNA( OUX 00209s8c089 z9:0r g$/vz/ol .Il.:.t-"= ce'38 FRolt= "O cenbrned couF..s to, rfaa esze : QERrfFIc.nu,.OF nalrr}|C f HEREBY cmTIF? that a true and sorrect copy of the 53lTliig"ffuiil,l"' .&Eoult :F"ji;ft,u1li;, **3;"hT:f= FACE 4 IATIREIICE I.E\ENAttorney at Iau 9560 Eaet Eorrer place Oreensood Vlllage, cO gotlt DATTEL L, I|@DR,OT| Attorney at Lan999 LSth stte.t, suite 3450Dqnvcr. CO Ao2oZ r0oE UIIAMIC OUE 002000880G9 99:0r ga/iz/ol t DE SIGN REVIEW sub-grade placements or other means that both screen the satellite dish antenna and do not appear unnatural on the site. Satellite dish antennas on or attached to existing structures shall be permitted provided the satellite dish antenna is architecturally integrated into the structure. Effective use of color shall be required to ensure compatibility between the satellite dish antenna and existing structure. The use of a mesh material shall be strongly encouraged when attempting to integrate a satellite dish antenna onto an existing structure. Landscaping or other site improvements intended to screen a satellite dish antenna proposed on any application shall be completed prior to the issuanceof a building permit to install a satellite dish antenna. A letter of credit equal to one hundred twenty-five percent of the costs of installing landscaping or sitc improvements may be submitted to the Town of Vail if seasonal weather conditions prohibit the installation of landscaping or site improvements. All improvements required by the design review board for thc purpose of reducing the visibility of satellite dish antennas shall remain in place so long as the satellite dish antennas remain in place unlesi permission to alter or remove said improvements is obtained from the design review board. All satellite dish antennas and all improvements required by the design review board to reduce the visibility of satellite dish antennas shall be adequately maintained and repaired and shall not be allowed to become dilapidated or fall into a state of disrepair.I. Duplcx and p secondary developmcnt. E purpose of this seEion-is-to-Efr5 I that duplcx edinaand prim development be desi manner t tecturall tesrated unified site development. Dwelling 5. 6. 7. structure with 4s4j-l (vail t-2-88) ZONING minimize congestion and adverse impact upon the general traffic circulation pattern in the area.2. Projects shall provide adequate layout design of parking areas with respect to location and dimension'of vehicular and pedestrian entrances and exits, building locations, walkways and recreational trails. 3. Proper vehicle sight distances shall bxist at each access point to a public street. H. Satellite dish antennas. It is the purpose of these guidelines to ensure that the visibility of a satellitc dish antenna from any public right-of-way or adjacent properties be reduced to the highest degrec possible. It shall be thc burden of the applicant to dcmonstrate how the satellite dish antenna installations complies with these guidelines. The guidelines work in concert with regulations outlined in Section 18.5E.320 of Vail Municipal Code. The following guidelines shall be used by thc dcsign revicw board in evaluating applications for satellite dish antennas: I. All wiring and cable related to a satellite dish antenna shall be installed underground. 2. The use of mesh satcllite dish antennas is highly encouraged because of their ability to be more sensitively integratcd on a site or structure. 3. The use of appropriate colors shall bc requircd to providc for a more sensitive installation when integrating a satellitc dish antenna onto a site or structure. Color selection for a satellitc dish antenna should be made with respect to spccific characteristics on a site or structure. Unpainted surfaces and satellite dish antennas with reflective surfaces shall not be allowed4. Locations of satellite dish antennas shall be made so as to ensure that the satellite dish antenna is scrccned from view from any public right-of-way or adjacent property to the highest degree possible. In addition to effective sitc planning, screening a satellitc dish antenna may be accomplished through thc usc of landscaping materials, fencing, cxisting structures, (vail l-21-86)454j o ZONING units and garagcs shall be designed within a single structure, exccpt as set forth in 18.04.050 I,2 thereof, with the use of unified architcctural and landscape design. A singlc structure shall havc common roofs and building walls that creatc enclosed space substan- tially above grade. Uninea arctritectui - design shall include, but not be limited to, the comDatt uildine matcrials. architectural style, scale, roof forms, mass te grading and landsca etails;<.rldrr,4<<e.1,f., The presence of significant site constraints may permit the physical separation of units and garagei on a site. The determination of whether or not a lot has significant site constraints shall be made by the design review board, Significant site constraints shall be defined as natural featurcs of a lot such as standsof mature trees, natural drainages, stream courses and other natural water features, rock outcroppings, wetlands, other natural features, and existing struc- tures that may create practical difficulties in the site planning and development of a lot. Slope may be considered a physical site constraint that allowi for the separation of a garage from a unit. It shall be the applicant's responsibility to rcquest a detcrmination from the design review board as to whether or not a site has significant site constraints before final dcsign work on the projcct is prescnted. This determination shall be made at a conceptual review of the proposal based on review of the site, a detailed survey of thelot (to include information as outlined in Section 18.54.040 C,la.) and a preliminary site plan of the proposed structure(s). The duplex and primary/secondary development may be dcsigned to accommodatc the development of dwelling units and garages in .morc than one structure if the dcsign review board detcrmines that significant site constraints cxist on the lot. The use of unified architectural and landscape design as outlinedin Section 18.54.050 H,l. shall be required for the (vail t-2-8t) 454j-2 o development. In addition, the design review board may requirc that one or more of the following common design elements such as fences, walls, patios, decks, retaining walls, walkways, landscape elements, or other architectural features be incorporated to create unified site development.J. Outdoor lighting. 1. Purpose. This subsection of the design guidelines establishes standards for minimizing the unintenddd and undesirable side effects of outdoor lighting while encouraging the intended and desirable safety and aesthetic purposes of outdoor lighting. It is the purpose of the design review guidelines to allow illumination which provides the minimum amount of lighting which is needed for the properry on which the light sources are located. In addition, the purpose of this section is to protect the legitimate privacy of neighboring residents by controlling the intensity of the light source. 2. Approval required. All outdoor lighting within the town limits shall conform to the standards set forth below. For the purposes of this subsection, residentially zoned properties shall be defined as rhose in hillside residential, single family, rwo-family, primary/secondary, residential cluster, low density multi-family and medium density multi-family zone district, as well as all special development districts which have any of the above- referenced zone districts as the underlying zoning. All other zone districrs shall be considered, for the purposes of this section, as being commercial zoned.a. Luminance. Light sources located on all property in the Town of Vail which are nor fully cutoff shall exhibit a ratio of source lumens to luminous area not exceeding 125. For example; source lumens < 125. luminous area b. Frequency, For lots in residential zone districts, the maximum number of light sources per lot shall be limited ro one light source per one thousand square feet of lot area. The location of said lights shall be left open DESIGNREVIEW 454j-2a (vail ll-16-93) DISTzuCT COURT, EACLE COLINTY, COLORADO Civil Action Number 94 CV 288 STIPULATION OF SETTLEMENT AMONG PLAINTIFFS AND TOWN DEFENDANTS LAWRENCE LEVIN and CAROL LEVIN. Plaintiffs, SAM ANOUNA, PATRICIA ANOUNA, T}IE TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO, THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT OF THE TOWN OF VAIL and RANDY STOLIDER, Defendants. Plaintiffs, Lawrence Levin and Carol Levin (the "Levins"), pro se, and Defendants Town of Vail, Colorado, The Department of Community Development of the Town of Vail and Randy Stouder (the "Town Defendants") stipulate that they have agreed upon a settlement whereby all claims of the Levins against the Town Defendants will be dismissed with prejudice, each party to pay his, her or its costs and attomey's fees. The Town Defendants asserted no counterclaims against the Levins. The bases for this settlement are as follows: l. The claims of the Levins against the Town Defendants relate to a duplex residential unit in East vail, colorado at 4417 Columbine Drive (the "Duplex"), one side of which is owned by the Levins and has an address of 44178 Columbine Drive (the "Levins' Side") and the otler side of which is owned by Sam and Patricia Anouna (the "Anounas") and has an address of 4417A Columbine Drive (the',Anounas' Side"). 2- The Levins had started to restain the Levins' Side with a tauDe color stain in late August, 1994, but stopped, at the request ofthe Anounas. In late September, 1994, the Levins advised the Anounas in writing that the Levins no longer planned to continue to use the taupe color stain, but that they planned to use a cedar color stain which approximated the cedar color of the Anounas' Side. This work was scheduled to begin on October 10, 1994. 3. On October 6, 1994, the Town of Vail issued a stop work order (the "Stop Work Order") against the Levins' property. fl039t8 -a 1- //- a'trYt ^/l,j '4'- - 'f*rr Torm Dcferdanrs statc tbar the Stop Work Onler was issued on thc bclief tbat thc Levins w?rydanniog{s stain thc exterior sidingffi taupe color stain. 5. The Toum Dcfsndaols firrtbcr state that tbcy now undcrstand that the Lwins were planning, in early Octoba 1994, to apply a ccdar color stain to the exterior sidi"g of the Levins' Side, rath€r rhqn prcceerling with a taupe color .ttaitl 6. The parties hcrsto acknowlcdgc that ihe Levins have rcccntly ayplied the ceds mlor slainthat the Lcvins intsrded to usc, in early October 1994, to tbatportion of thcir side of the Duplc:r adjaccnt to the Anormas' Side. 7- Thc lbwn Defendants state ihat thcy have observed the actual cedar color stain rcceirtly applicd by the Lcvin to the Levins' Side, tbat color of thc Arroua8s' Side, md in thc Tom DcfcndantS'-dcsigr rwiew judgment, they approve o@dar color stsin to the entircty of thc odcrior 5iding on the Levius' Side. 8; Accordingly, the Towu of Vail agrces to rcurovc the Stop Work ffier, and' so long as a gcncrally consislcnt cedar rlolor stain" such as tbat recently applied by the Lwins to a portion of thc Lwins' Sidc, is applied to the entirety of the extcrior siding ou thc Lcvins' Side, the Town of Vail will issue no fiuthcr stop work ordcrs nor will the Town Ddendants take any ecforccmelt action qgainst the Lcvins wirh respoct to orgh lsstqining work 9. This Stipuladon of Settlement reprc$rnts a settlcment of all olaims aoong the Lcvins aud the Town Defendans, applies only to thc facn:al situation in this matler, does not constitute an admission or belief by the Town Defendants of thc claims of thc Levins, nor does it coastinrte an admission or belief by the Levins that thc To.rm Dden&nts have dcsign rcview juri.sdiction ovcr thc wurk the Lcvins propose to do on thc Lwins' Sidc, but that this sctlemeart is made for the purposc of tcrminating a dispute in litigation among the putics hcret'o- 10. Bascd ou the agrccmcDts and reprEscntations of the patties in this Stipulation and _scttlemeag which agrccments und reprcscntations shall survive the dismissal of claims herein, the Levins agree to dismi.ss wi0r prejudicc iheir claims asserted hcrcin against thc Town Dcfendsnts, cach part/ to bear bis, her or its own costs and attorneys' fees, and the partics hcreto will filc with the Court a Stipulatioo for Dismissal With Itcjudicc of the claims of the LcviEs against the Town Defendants, which Stipulation for Ilismissal sball include thc Town Defeodans' withdrawal of their rcqucst for aiury tiol. I l. This Stipulation ofScttlcrnent sball bc binding upon the hei$, successors aad pcrsonal represcotatives ofthe panies hercto, aud shall be govarncd by Colorado law. L?-- This Stiprrtatien of Settlernent may be cxccute in counterparts, eitha with original signatqres or by facsimile, which togetber shall constitute a complete stipuladon, binding upon the rcspectivc parties. -2- RESPECTFTJLLY SUBMITTED THIS '7 DAY OF AUGUSI 1995. Bradley R. Unkeless, Esq. Unkeless & Bisset One Denver Highlands, Suite 403 10375 East Haward Avenue Denver, Colorado 80231 Town of Vail, Colorado Attorney 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Attorneys for The Town of Vail, Colorado, The Deparbnent of Community Development of the Town of Vail and Randy Stouder Lawrence Levin Carol Levin Thomas Moorehead, Esq. st039l8 -)- RUG 7'95 g?z% D@':grd FRO'I& RpsFEgrFtItLy suBl{rnED uns J olv oF AuGt sr, r 99s. Towu of Vail, Colorslo rlnomsy 75 so(frFrcnrageRoad Vail, Colorado 81d57 Attoacys for fbc'lbvm of Vaif Cotsrado, Tbc Departmcot ofCoonr{ity t}wclopant of tbc frinmofVail ad Randy Stoudcr t.h(B.ESS FT.ID BISSET T0 1 15?s7uE2o pFEE.@/W, tA:gI 56, Z Sl, ,a7 f \Yi\. Badley R llntclcss, Esq. UDkcIEss & Bisscr . Ou. Dcsver lligblad$ Suib 403 10375 East Harvad Areqr Daver,Colsrado EfiBI Tbonas I'ioote.bcad, Erq. CelolLcvi! lcwnoccl"c9b. o CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that I mailed a true and conect copy of the foregoing STIPULATION OF SETTLEMENT AMoNc PLAINTIFFS AND TowN DEFENDANTS by u.s. Mait, postage prepaid, onthis 1 dayofAugust, 1995, addressed to: Daniel L. Woodrow, Esq. Karen Silverman, Esq. Woodrow & Grueskin, P.C. 999 Eighteenth Street, Suite 3450 Denver, Colorado 80202 L a-tu.^',- L l----- -4- a DISTRICT COURT, EAGLE COTJNTY, COLORADO Civil Action Number 94 CV 288 STIPULATION FOR DISMISSAL WITH PREJUDICE LAWRENCE LEVIN and CAROL LEVIN. Plaintiffs, v. SAM ANOLINA, PATRICIAANOUNA, THE TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO, THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMIJNITY DEVELOPMENT OF TIIE TOWN OF VAIL and RANDY STOUDER, Defendants. Plaintiffs, Lawrence Levin and Carol Levin (the "Levins"), pro se, and Defendants Town of Vail, Colorado, The Department of Community Development of the Town of Vail and Randy Stouder (the "Town Defendants") (l) stipulate that they have agreed upon a settlement among them, as set forth in the Stipulation of Settlement Among Plaintiffs and Town Defendants, filed concurrently with the Court (the "Settlement"), (2) the Town Defendants, the only parties demanding a trial by jury, waive and withdraw their demand for a jury trial, and (3) the Levins and the Town Defendants move the Court for entry of the attached Order (a) accepting and approving the Settlement, (b) dismissing all of the Levins'claims asserted herein against the ToWn Defendants with prejudice, each settling party to bear his, her or its own costs and attomeys' fees, and (c) dispensing with the utilization of any jury in the August 31, 1995 trial relating to the remaining claims pending €rmong the Levins and Defendants Sarn and Patricia Anouna. This Stipulation for Dismissal With Prejudice may be executed in counterparts, either with original signatures or by facsimile, which together shall constitute a complete stipulation, binding upon the respective parties. 4t04043 RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED THIS DAY OF AUGUST, 1995. Bradley R. Unkeless, Esq. Unkeless & Bisset One Denver Highlands, Suite 403 10375 East Harvard Avenue Denver, Coloiado 80231 Lawrence Levin Town of Vail, Colorado Attomey 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Attomeys for The Town of Vail, Colorado, The Department of Community Development of the Town of Vail and Randy Stouder CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certiry that I mailed a true and correct copy of o the foregoing STIPULATION FOR DISMISSAL WITH PREruDICE by U.S. Mail, postage prepaid, on this '7 day of August, 1995, addressed to: Daniel L. Woodrow, Esq. Karen Silverman, Esq. Woodrow & Grueskin, P.C. 999 Eighteenth Street, Suite 3450 Denver, Colorado 80202 / t*^r---t Carol Levin f104043 a L )'r-- )qn'=E'dd *{ ,4A*-tlLL Brdlcry R Urt<clcss' Esq. Unlcclcss & Bissst one Dcqver llighlgds, Sttir 403 10375 th*IlsvrdAvcorc Dtswr, Colqado 80231 Theas Moochcad Esq. Torva of Vail" Colqado Aftomcy 75 South!'rontage Road Va4 Colorado 81657 Attomcys for Tho TqlvE of VaiL Colorado, Thc Dc,patnat of Co"',"-unity Dovciopcd of tb.Tburl of Vail anil Raruly Stou,rler 90:9t s6. z lItJ RESPECTFTJLTY STJBMTTBD TITIS DAYOFAUCIJST, 1995.7 - Cdol tcria I.rwttottlavin 'i rt Fr , r lF' . ,..r. I .' 'iri#ct.Er:Woodra-rr', Esq. ' ' IGrcnsitiirmd'Ese,' Woorhow&Girocskifi,P.C. 999 EightctBtb,Stceg Suita 3450 Dt.rrlrcr, Cr,Iotadr 8tN2 -1- 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479 -2 1 07/ Fax 97 0-47 9-2 I 5 7 TO: FROM: DATE: ffice of the Town Attorney MEMORANDUM Aanay Stouder, Community Development R. Thomas Moorhead y'?VL AugustT, 1995 ffiTYqil TO\/"CI0llilt\/i l[V, L)[i' RE: Levin v. Anouna. et al. Randy, attached you will find the Stipulation of Settlement among Plaintiffs and Town Defendants and Stipulation for Dismissal With Prejudice. These documents were entered into on August 7th and I believe they will be filled on that same date. The Court will be entering an Order to Dismiss. I have also had the opportunity to review that document and find it acceptrable. The only change that I requested was to Paragraph 8 which was changed pursuant to my request to reflect "a generally consistent cedar color stain" as opposed to referring to the color that is presently on the building. I informed Larry Levin that he should talk to you directly concerning his intention to have you testify in this matter. lf you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact me. Thanks RTM/aw Attachmentxc: Susan Connelly 6 {,7 *"n""to "u"' nonl",toJfffi tflril'* ilT*T,"$t'lf$j'ill$ *.Jffi,'#ffi8H*?,$1ffi** r lztlts f,:ro f A- l-s"oL steoil thtiT 014 eehltttltl unPaetr 70 - qlE L Duc: To: A|'t Frrsinitc Not Vcrifcrtioo Ho; Clicnt NtrsUc Frss: c rc ^12?:zl?t t L L€jll Ma$cr No.: y ltt He*,€'r Att_o vfilPa 6F T// {uo fflo* a €tf4t R6tltefc:Morngct ft At to ASf fou u rtll saat 414'curAltst-:!:4 BiJct 6il nt ttpaeetfll*llri 0F frf ,ttt rPY: of vfu! APF ry rll i,Purere o t.6dl61c*13 f) NrnrrEn oF PAcEs Fou,ollu$ THts covEx sHEErr * \ , ' ii5,,Wdmf,Wpl^?+i{,3!'[9fr ,:^trif'ffiffi co?Y cEI{TEtu (3t3) 856{361 tFYouDofrv[ffi #{Hi';gig1gtr*rjffif '"' fif.E@?lER: CAttlONt'7?0 (OSENTltvt l-y oIJE frCSIl'UlE l{lJMBEn! (30r) 865{t!00 Floor --- Sdrrrrt coNFrDENrrALrryNITE:rhe,i!om'atcT:,:!.:!;!*i::I;,r#x:,:i"yxfhffiffiCONFIDE;y2IALITYNOTE: Theill.fwtttotiatcotttalnuttns slzuun"<; """ ";*Jttlonblcinqmnfut,A fo*awoz to,,'an**,liii.ryf:^:l:mT,Hiiil!;#:#r?:opu,o,u,ochc addrcssadlucn-f"iw'-" t* lr, .,,,h.riw *sa ol thQ oddnssee aad tttil4l con'atl| conPcenttct' Ftt.'5w ' '-\i;imile to chc ailrassed -suchthcndrtarto!/tiswnrni,"ii*,ffiiiir'::,yL,F#::':J:;#::1,f,:;;lfiJnij,"i-*i,*,^n* _i*aii, "t w fr;ilnltc U not tQ addtcssee' u s Pqtut tcsPottstu'' tv' or'' 'v' "'o -'li hui^ilo oon nt*sio' or rls .rdpi." t is st ictty pnnihiudt# ;:;^" en,"i:Y:*#:::i*:!:,:':tr',#i.T,Ii.t:;',i'i,i,,raa,av *a o''*ai'k * "*try i-nit ina lro"' rutins photocoptng' *\:ff::r;;;;' i^'"r-i",ir"ot.'rou t,.t itttn'ndidtet! and rcum ii^,* in ^y 6. tl the u,ipiat trx **IY!1i"1"^11'l--r-, rr,dttk tet!.coffrc'frr u c"v 3q' ' * '*{i"'"' ii*ai'orct ronal se*cc' Tlnnkwu' ttu lacsimile if4^ffiLrrian to ui OFFICES IN: E*-rrar nnlorndo Snrlncs Denver Sslt Lake City Landon Morcov r80rN uE Ngq ouH 00e0 s08$ 0e:lr g6/Lz/60Too 0 RANDYSTOUDER l. Name and buqincss address 2. BY whom emPloYed 3. How long 4. What duties 5. Educationalexpilience 6. Work exPerieuce T.ArcyoulhmiliarviththeisrrrcsrsrrroundinstheJestainilgof44l7Colunrbinc Drive in the fall of f gSqilF;, ii .r*. "p * t Depam*eni of Community Development ("DCD") Staffmecting-) S.Arcyout'amiliarwiththecircumstancesthatleduPtotheissuanceofastupwork order by the Town ofvii*, o*to 6,lgg42 (Yes) fidenfifi E]fiIIBIT 3ll 9'whatisyoruudcrstandirrgof'thoscollcutr$tarruEs?(Ancighboroeuedand asked abour the proceEs if ob*ining pcrmits tO restain the ex1efior of a duplex' Ihat person talkcd to lim cumuth .f Di;, -I'd:t po*n tor ioia lim cumutn *rat his adjac€ilrt duplex owner u/as resta*une thckjacsnl' urv;s' ""t"i; tid;;Sol " f1": ''o a taupe color and that thc.fown of Vail rt".ril#tfi;;;A;ffi. nc-li-*ita chcck;eklman of the building departrnent to invcstigate, ffi-dh*h *p"roa U.f. *1 a taupe color wus startcd to bc applied- Since tlus rtprcroot"a o loto'"h*gt' *4 *in"" "" fi*i*o ni'it* p31a Cnne") or DCD siaff apprcval had b*o ott"ioJ, ,n" stJp work ortler was issueil by Mr. !-eldnan.) I0.Isityourrrnderstandingthattlrisncigfub.ortoldJim.c\muththattheparlialtaupc restaining wnrk t uA U"o-"^t*il-fy iopped by the- adjacent owrclr on Labor Dav? C'Io) 1l'Isityoruunderstorrdingthotthisneighbortol.llimCumuththattheadiacent owners no longcr planncdl; ;; tle tiupe cotor, bul' t}at iha adjaccnt owners plmmd to aJrply a ccdar color to their side? (No) L:-'Wasthestopw,Jrkotdarissuedonthebcliefth*theadjacentoq,nelswelc plonnin' to stain the ;,t*[, "i,lt; ,*t"rio, tiettuii'ltii sidc of the duplex with a taupe color stain? (Ycs) l3'DotheDCDandtheTownofVailnowunderstandthattheLevinswercplonning in early october lgg4, to apply a cul.r "o1* r*i. iu tt . .r.t riot sirling of the Ler.,ins' side' ratlrer than proceeding with a aupe color staln | ( Y €s) #1106?1 eoo E t80tN u[ANgfi ouu 00e0 99811 EziLl 98i17/80 14, You ra'crc pr€Ecntatthn DCT) staffmeeting on fte mor'ning of 10/10/94' (Yes1 15. You were ar{are thet Mr' Lcvir saroc in to the DCD ofiice and talked to Lauren wet€f,ton of DcD "b"ut;;;;#tti-i'ali' tmtu'ili' wattrton' afler disctusingitwith DCD staff, told Ffr. fevin tfroi irc could poceed *fnt iil *-t"ft'ittg' uuirrg a solid ccdru colot stun. (Yes) 16. You werc also awart tbut {g fv1r' Lovin lcft' $snr Anou$ camc in pcrson ano oo-pfnio-oO about suc'h rcstaining work' (Yss) |T.Thcreafler,youmdMs.Wgtccto:rcnnetotheLwinlesidar'ceandrcinstitrrtedthe slon work orrlcr. (Ycs) i{r;';;^t/;; Ptu.*i" d;;;ilii''-**a"t*'bft * 1"* inins had stiuted whcn you got there'- (Yt'; ** ""oto'*iJu* tr" r'""i* completc a DRB ilffi;*bt-ri*"v did' (Ttrafs conect) l8'whyrlidDCDre-irrstitutctheetopworkorrlcrandrequestcompletionofthcDRB anolication? pco t^'u'-d'Ja *'itr' a disputc btt"H;tchb"" *atu"1"*d ihat DRB should nake the tlecision ou thadispute based on '-a*'"' totnil'frarr on thc gtoteErcnts of thc neighbors.) t9' Thc next day' Mr' Lsviu calle{ ll.wrihdraw thc DRB application antl you uorrIiffieal thnt witl*awJby btter datcd 10i 19/94' (Yes) 20. Havc vou now obseri'ed't"t^$ Levins bave *"T+I'1ry'lt$ the cedar color stain that thev intendedto # t";"ffit"to \9!4';idp"nionortneir sidc adjaceottottre Anounas, side? (yes, iotron"'a tl", r€stainiD8 ; t-Jt[lt*-trt codef,cnce in Julv of this year') 2|'wasrtratthefirsttimethatyouSawtbeLevins'ptoposedrestairrirrgcolorncxtto the color on the Anorura sicle? (Ycs) 22- You understmd lhat the parttalty applicd stain on the Levins' sidc is s solid' and rxrl, a scmi'fonErerent staiu' (Yes) 23'whatistloDCDarrdD}}DeeigrrRcviewcritcriaforlpprovingtheapplication of color on thc sidingof an existiry$rldtttsi -ft"lSdn+oC'l' sals thatthe Tov zoning adninisEetor" wUo is il, hurd ofd'Cn,.* #il;;iu.ortt apii*'io" on the ciding of an exisrting buililing, *hi"h;;il is gcae'rally *"*ii*t "t'U the color of the building) ?4. Have you and othcc msmbcrs:f 'y PID who hsve obscxved the actual ccdar oolor stain receutlv appliert bv the Lovins to the l"lT:::il; oi:[" auprt*'-matle arv dctcrmbntiotr as to ;fi;&;.,roii,?.iJry'sr*t*}i1i''Fi#i',t1,-n6"ry;;':J:g1' f;:*;:f;mffi:,-#'#il:.Tiltin"-ippri*'ionorthatceda.wrorstaintotrte cntisety of lhe cxterior siding onthe Levins' sidY') 00A0 9989 0filI 98/17/90coo 0 t1106?3 t80tN u&Ng0 ouf, 25. Ilas thc Town ofVail rtooved the 10/6/94 slop workorder? (Yes) 26..whatistheposttionoftheTowuofVaitwithrerpcc,ttofifrrrc'restainingonthe [,cvirs, side? (sn long as a-g€Deraly consr:*r.:*t;i;i.iJ" t".u* thetrcccntly applied by thc Levins to a portroo oe lui L-evins, side, is appliedTtn" omtav of thc u'Etcriot riding on rhe Levins eide, ttre Town "#'il ;ll i'o* * n"tntr-ilt;;t;J;; nor will fie Town of Vail takp any cnforcement rt";;;#;;"i"- *tf rcspott to nrch rcstaining work") zT.IsthispsitionpertofthEstipulationof$ettlenentbetwceotheLevinsandthe rown of vail n"rrna-t*,"iiHilrt,il; i;,ilt -hirl "*roit on August 7' I ee 5 ? (Ycr) : 00u 0 0089 It:lI gB/ Ll/60ro0 E i, r206fi1 t80tN us^Ngq ouf, 'W'{,1 ..,i 1,-\.\a IIT HARTFORD January 24, 1995 ATTN: Thomas Moorhead/Town Attornev Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail. CO 81657 Denver full Sentice Claim 0ffice 1ne Denver Highlands 10375 E. Haruard Ave , Suite 401 P.0 Box 22815 Denver, C0 80222 Telephone | 303 ) 369- 57 5/ lfT Hartford lnsurance Group Hartfud Ftre lnsurance Clnnnv and its Affiliates Haftford Plaza, Hanlud. Connecticut Ml l5 RE: Our lnsured: Claimant: Date of Loss: File No: Town of Vail lawrence l.evin t0-17-94 709 LP 69146 Dear Mr. Moorhead: We acknowledge receipt of the notice of loss in the captioned matter. ITT Hartford provides public entity errors and omissions coveftrge under policy #34CLNQI0567 with effective dates of coverageT-l-94 through 7-l-95. ITT Hartford will, at this time,, agree to provide a defense for the Town of Vail, tlte Dept. of Community Development of the Town of Vail, and Randy Stouder in his official capacity only as it relates to lhe allegations brought forth in the Summons & Complaint. The definition of an insured under fonn EO00020890, page I of 8, reads as follows: trach of the followine is an insured. l. You; 2. Any commission, board, authority, administrative department or other similar unit operated by or under your jurisdiction; 3. Your employees and authorized volunteers, other than licensed medical, nursing, dental or paramedical personnel; but only for acts, errors or omissions within the scope of their employment or as authorized by you; t FILE coPy 75 South Frontage Road Vail" Colorado 81657 970-479-2 I 3 8/479-2 I 3 9 FAX 970-479-2452 September 22, 1995 N{r. Lawrence L. Levin 9560 East Powers Place Greenu'ood Village, CO 801I t and Ms. Simone Burton CiO Woodrow and Greskin 999 - l Sth Street, Suite 3450 Denver, CO 80202 Department of Community D evelopment RE: Levin vs. Anouna" Case # 94CV288, District Court, Eagle County Dear Larry and Simone: I received a letter and supoena from Larry to appear in court at the Eagle County Justice Center otr Sepienrbei 28, 1995 at 9:00 a m. I also received a letter from Simone requesting my presence at Court beginning at 9:00 a.m. on both September 28. 1995 and Sepiember 29,1995. I would apprecia{e a more specific time at rvhich you need me to appear. Due to other professional obligations, I will not be able to attend court for two full days. Thus, it is imperative that you narrow the time to eiiher A.M. or P.M. on a specific day. If this is not possible for sonre reason, please contact our Town Attomey, Tom Moorhead and explain why this cannot be accommodated. Simone, in regard to the statement in the last paragraph ofyour letter regarding meeting with Mr. Anouna's ailomeys for pre-trial preparation, I feel that this rvould be inappropriate. My role, as I see it, is sirnply to represent the facts of this nratler. Any "preparation'or pre-trial rneeting will have no inrpact on my testimony. If you have any further questions or comments regarding this matter, please contact me at 479-2138. Sincerely,F<fda Randy Stouder Town Plorner Tom Moorhead Brad Unkeless xc: {S**"uo DISTRICT COURT, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO Civil ActionNumber 94 CV 288 SUBPOENA LAWRENCE LEVIN and CAROL LEVIN. Plaintiffs, v. SAM ANOI.]NA, PATRICIA ANOUNA, THE TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO, THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMLINITY DEVELOPMENT OF THE TOWN OF VAIL ANd RANDY STOUDER, Defendants. TO THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF COLORADO: TO: Randy Stouder witness for the plaintiffs in the captioned action. You are hereby ordered to attend and give testimoqy in the District Court of Eagle County, at the Eagle County Justice Center, Eagle, Colorad o ot1*tn- &.-------- 1995 at Qna Alll , as a DISTRICT COURT, EAGLE COUNTY Clerk of the District Court Eagle County Justice Center P.O. Box 597 Eagle, Colorado 81631 (970)328-6373 #n1623 RETIJRN OF SERVICE State of Colorado Eagle County I declare under oath that I served this subpoena on Randy Stouder, in Eagle County on (date), at - (time), at the following location: 75 Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 by (State Manner of Service) I am over the age of l8 years and am neither interested in nor a party to this case. Fee $ Mileage $ Signed under oath before me on Notary Public My commission expires: Date ACCEPTANCE OF SERVICE I Bradley Unkeless, Attorney for Randy Stouder, hereby accept service ofthe Subpoena issued to Randy Stouder to attend and give testimony in the Distict Court of Eagle County at the Eagle County Justice Center, Eagle, Colorado on September 28, 1995 at 9:00 a.m., as a witness for the plaintiffs in Civil Action Number 94CV288, Eagle County Distict Court. Dated this _ day of September, 1995. Bradley Unkeless Attorneys at Law Wooonow & Gnusxn Professional Corporation 999 Eighteenth Street Suite 3450 0enver, Colorado 80202 (303) 296-1400 Fax 296-1924 Daniel L. Woodrow Mark D. Gruskin Michelle B. Teitelba um Denise LaBier Pilkington Karen A. Silverman Septenber 13, 1995 Randy Stouder Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage RoadVail, Colorado 81557 Re: Subpoena Dear Mr. Stouder: You have been endorsed as a witness in the case of Larry andCarol Levin, v. Sam and Patricia Anouna, et al. The trial hal beenscheduled on a trairing docket to commence in Eagle county DistrictCourt, on either September 28 or Zg, 1995 beginning at 9:00 a.n.Enclosed is a subpoena for that court appearance, along hrithwitness fee check in the amount of $10. eecluse this case is on atrailing docket, ri/e do not knohr which date the trial will begin.However, the court clerk has informed us that she will notify usinunediately once the exact date of triaL is identified. As soon aswe receive this information, it will be provided to you. It will not be necessary to fonnally serve you with thissubpoena if you will sign the enclosed waiver and acceptance ofservice. However, if you do not return the waiver to us within tenday: of the date of this letter, we will- assume that you areunwilling to accept service of the subpoena without fornar service,and the subpoena will be served accordingly. We will be in contact with you prior to the triat to schedulea time and date for you to neet with Dan lrloodrow or Karen,Silverman, the Anounasr attorneys, to prepare you for triat. Iiyou have any questions in the meantine, please do not hesitate toca1l. Sincerely, wooDRow & GRUSKIN, P.C. Sinone Legal Burton Assistant Enclosure DI STRICT COURT,EAGLE COUNTY . COLORADO cAsENO. q4 CV ?88 DIVI.{O. E SUBPOENA (Personal) fl SUBPOENA TO PRODUCE (Subpoena duces tecum) The TO: Peoph of the State of Colorado: Randy Stouder, c/o Town of Vail You are ordered to attend and sive testimonv in the Dis tricE Court of Eagle Cornty ,atEagle CounEy Justice Center. Eagle. Colorado (locarion) on SePt or ryr ryy),bgsanqrgg at q:u s bam and gacrlcra Anouna (date and time), as a witness for in an action between Larry and Carol Levin , plaintiff(s), and Sam and Patrieie Annrrne, et nl - , defendant(s), and also to produce at this time and place (ifapplicable): Date:Seprember {3, tSSS Ario(tEv fo. ---DilI!.-aIltI-EilLIAF mil€, addrcss. Glc. m., rc8. no. bclt". Cbdr./Dcputy 999 18th Street i13450 Denver, Colorado 80202 (303) 296-r400 RETURN OF SERVICE State of County I declare under oath that I served this subpoena or subpoena to prduce on in County (date), (time), at the follov/ing location: E by (State Manner ofService) I I am wer the age of 18 years and am not interested in nor a party to this case. Signed under oath before me on l.Iodry Public.! Private process server E Sheriff,County Fee $ .Notary Cfuld i'rludc crpir.tbn drtc ofcornmissbn.Mileage $ now in your custody,or control. Daniel L. Wood ow ll7 647 l{o. lYt. R!r,. 2-E3, SUBPoENA Bradford Publishint, 1743 watcc S!., Dcnvcr, CO t0202 - (103) 292-2500 - I l'E9 @ ss Fr.rD BrssET ro L:rrrilErs" ppEE.En/EpB Jr . e-4d ' -i\,ir\ ^ .0 ;F? 4' @w ftY&ot,S, ,&%r+v s{t4V-'rvrttr'ff"pilq:fuu\\lsN-sl ", ,^ ,4i ) U.N .-'-"''g'-'vrrr/ANUUNAS/rowNoFvArLLAn6urr ,,V^ ^R (Prcabteoonaucofthcdr .,{%\ t\N\ "oarcor,*or*.r*o#Sedescn-}ilioaofftcAnn'udsidr, ther.vildsidc "{)/t\,Yf t "' *r r'rauErrloD8tesauingpartics) ffi.#ffiffff.'ffiffis#g5 or *^IT:{Ud s6ss tbar ir now undcrrgsft 64 Xntrffi ffio" ffi-?1ffi . * *;f ff"ff ffi r* 3,.. r^nJ/^-un, ^i \ffi 6L-u./ 1111"^1 "+ *iu i** *-: ryr",qr .o ro' balancc of'll,stre rn tt" i-t"s- eac t"agains 6c ;'il ;ilfiffi*Iffffiffi".'r.'i *ffilio, Flffiffiffidffi::fd*&i*-r,".- ttre Lcryinr arrd rto rorvn of;flUffi"mm*ffiru"T*titH t>\ thcif\nofVai l\t""-ilil""ffi ffi;,".f.rT* \*A{'lx--44 nrf ,$(L 800tN u&llGtc ouf,00zo 09gg 0I:01 98/tztLa Jt.tr_ 24 '95 €@'*d tLzL4 ffinNo BISSET Qm% rotwdts? W S8:OI S6' Pe T'. 10. ll. I.cvim 6ar &! Toqa ofl prropose ro do- -- -- tdl has d3slEB ruvicwJurildi.rion ofthc no* rhc Irvtsffiffiffi: ffi ffitrrc:*ffiffitrffi /" 7 aQ ''r' ' coo@ trorgl f00r,N uiL$EIC OUf,,ljl?'l oooiFi ?r.^? ---Tr:fnted by Randy Stouder - 1/2L/95 3:39pm From: Tom Moo-rhead To: Randf/ Stouder subject: fwd: Levin v. Anouna :::NOTE::: ::7 /44/95::2252pm:::CC: Susan Connellv Larry Le\.rin is going to present us with a sett1ement Agreement. The i-ssue is wtrettrer we approve the apptication of the cedar cover or noc object to ttte application- similarly, witl we remove the stop work order or not enf orce ttre order. Your ttrouglhts p].ease. Tfra.rrks Fvd-by: -susan-connel L-7 / 2t/ 95--3 : O2pm--- Fr^rd to: Rand). Stouder, Tom Moorfread Paease taak with me before you nd to Tom. Thanks ! l\\, r"^{on' " E- {l\I \Y qNf a nrQ ltI respo4 (ry. Page: TOWNOFVAIT Ofice of Town Attorney75 South Frontage Road Vail" Colorado 81657 303 -479-2 1 07 / FAX 3O3 -479-2 I 5 7 July 12, 1995 Bradley Unkeless, Esquire Unkeless & Bisset One Denver Highlands, Suite 403 10375 East Harvard Avenue Denver, CO 80231 Re: Levin v. Town of Vail, et al. Eagle County District Court Case No. 94CV 288 Dear Brad: Enclosed you will find three original Polaroid snapshots taken on July 12, 1995 at approximately 9:30 a.m. by Randy Stouder in my presence. The photographs truly and accurately depict that it was a beautiful morning. It is not so easy to distinguish the different "colors" on the side of the Levine/Anouna duplex. The photograph which depicts the garage door at 44174 is the original condition of the siding without a new stain or paint applied. The photograph that depicts the garage door to 4417B and the deck above it, depicts the siding with the application of the semi-solid cedar stain. The final photograph shows the stain or paint that was previously applied and a portion of the lrvine side of the duplex which has been untreated. Upon a reasonably close observation, Randy Stouder believes that it may be possible to staff approve the semi-solid cedar stain as 'blose enough" in appearance to not require the Anouna side of the duplex to be painted with this covering. The ideal circumstance would be if both sides of the duplex has this covering applied. I believe this could be staff approved without the necessity of a Design Review Board hearing. Please contact myself or Randy Stouder if you have any questions or comments. Very truly yours, TOWN OFVAIL 'i;Yr,"h R. Thomas Moorhead \ Town Attorney RTM/aw Enclosures xc: Randy Stouder 75 South Frontage Road Vail" Colorado 81657 303 -47+2 rO7 / FAX 303 -479-2 I s7 June 5, 1995 ffice of Town Attorney Bradley Unkeless, Esquire Unkeless & Bisset One Denver Highlands, Suite 403 103?5 East Hanard Avenue Denver, CO 80231 Re: Levin v. Town of Vail, et al. Eagle County District Court Case No. 94 CV 288 Dear Brad: Upon review of the Plaintifrs' Disclosure Certificate, Randy Stouder offers the following: On page three of the above referenced documen! under the section entitled "undisputed Facts", Levin states that I was aware of painters at work at 4479 Columbine on October 10, 1994. lhis simply is not true. Levin told me that a crew was working and inquired if they had DRB approval. I reviewed the permanent file for the property and did not see any DRB approval. I also visited the property, probably the next day, and did not obsene any painting work in progress. Since I never witnessed the alleged work, I could not follow-up on the complaint by Levin. ' Another so called "rxrdisputed fact" may be -,isrepresented by Levin in the certificate. While I made our Stop Srork Order records available to Levin and Unkeless, I cannot confirm the statement that the Levin's stop work was the only such order ever issued by the Town in response to painting without DRB approval. Please check witb Brad regarding this issue. I assume that we will want to dispute the first statement of undisputed fact as discussed above. I certainly do as this statement, ifnot disputed, could indicate a discriminatory action against Levin on my part I always follow-up on complaints on law referred to me by the public, and enforce the code as evenly and fairly as possible. v Brad, after you have an opportunity to revisp this inforuation in rela,tion to the Plaintifif Diacloatrn Certificata plealc glve me a call ro that we can discuss what action is necerrary. firanklouforyour assistance in thia aatter Very tnrly 1onrs, TOWN OFVAIL6Y6/4 R Thomas Moorhead Town Attorney RfDI/arvxc: Ban& Stouder ,r/ Susan Connelly ------v v * ll t/ ,lv- t/t II MEMORAIIDW TO: FROM: DATE: RE: \//VTom Moorhead and sFsan Connelly /4 l- Randy stoudefT ..-P*) L 6/2/9s Plaintiffs' Disclosure Certificate-Levin Suit on page three of the above referenced document, under t.he section entitied ',Undisputed Factsr', Levin st,aEes that I was aware of fiirrt"t" .t tott .t 44L9 Colurnbine on october 10' L994' This iimpfy is not Lrue. Levin told rne that a crew was working and inqiriiea if they had DRB approval . I reviewed the permanent file for the property and did noi see any DRB appro-val ' r also visited the property, probably the next day, and qid not observe any pii"fit.j roit in progi""". Since I never witnessed Ehe alleqed irort, r coutd not tol1ow-up on the complaint by Levin' Another so called ',undispuEed facL" may be misrepresented by Levin in the certificate. While I made our Stop Work Order records available to IJevin and Unkeless, r cannoL confirm the stat'ement inut tne Levin, " "top work was the only such order ever issued by the Town in responsl to painting without DRB approval' Please check with Brad regarding this issue. I assume that we will want to dispute the first statement' of undisputed fact as discussed abovJ. r certainly do as this statemenL, if not ai"prtt"d, could indicate a discriminatory action iqainst l-,evin on my p-art.. I always follow-up on complaints of 1aw r6ferred to me b'-tlie public, and enforce the code as evenly and iuiifv as possible. Please respond to me ASAP on this issue' 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 303-479-2 t 07 / FAX 303-479-2 I 57 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Office of Town Attorney MEMORANDUM Randy Stoud ", / Susan Connelly R. Thomas Moorhead /( I l" l.r. ' May 30, 1995 Levine v. Anouna, et al. Attached is a copy of the Plaintitfs' Disclosure Certificate which sets forth the claims, defenses, etc. of the Plaintiffs in the above-reference matter. On page four you will notice that the Plaintiffs are seeking $160.00 from the pocket of Randy Stouder. After you have had an opportunity to review this document, please fonrvard any questions or comments to me. ,--- -./--t,rhanks! a / fitlr/ RT]Waw Enclosure Clrtouder.elc DISTRICT COURT, EAGLE COI-INTY, COLORADO Civil ActionNnmber 94 CV 288 PLAINTIFFS' DISCLOSURE CERTIFICATE LAWRENCE LEVIN and CAROL LEVIN. Plaintiffs, vs. SAM ANOUNA, PATRICIA ANOUNA, THE TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO, TFIE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUMTY DEVELOPMENT OF THE TOWN OF VAIL and RANDY STOUDER, Defendants. Plaintiffs Lawrence Levin and Carol Levin submit the following Disclosure Certificate pursuant to C.R.C.P. 16. I STATEMENT OF'CI,AIMS AND DEF'F'.NSES A. Claims of Plaintiffs. Plaintiffs have filed a Verified Complaint for Declaratory and Other Relief (the "Complaint") alleging that (l) the duplex party wall agreement affecting the duplex at 4417 Columbine Drive, Vail, Colorado (the 'Party Wall Agreement"), as it relates to exterior color changes, has leen abrogated and is of no further force and effect" (2) even if the Party Wall Agreement with respect to color is in effect, Defendants Sam and Paticia Anorma (the "Anounas") have unreasonably withheld or delayed their consent to the Plaintiffs' desire to change the exterior color of their half of the duplex to a taupe color, (3) restaining the Plaintiffs' property with a solid cedar stain, rather than a semi-transparent stairL does not constitute a color #820t7 change, (4) the Anounas have unreasonably wittrheld their consent to a solid cedar color restaining, (5) the Anounas have engaged in deceit and have caused damages to the Plaintiffs, (6) the Anounas have tortiously interfercd with the Plaintiffs' contractual relations with Plaintiffs' painting contactor, (7) Defendants the Town of Vail, the Deparhent of Community Development of the Town of Vail and Randy Stouder (ttre "Mrmicipal Defendanl"l 1a; imlrroperly interpreted and applied the Design Reviewprovisions of the Vail Municipal Code (the "Code"), (b) improperly issued an October 6, 1994 Stop Work Order againS the Plaintiffs' property, (c) violated Plaintiffs'procedural and substantive due process rights, (d) violated Plaintiffs'equal protection rights, (e) committed ultra vires acts and (0 are estopped from applying the Stop Work Order against Plaintiffs'property, and (8) Defendant Stouder has tortiously interfered with Plaintiffs' contactual relations with their painting contactor. Plaintiffs have asserted a civil righr claim in their Eighth Claim for Relief; however, Plaintiffs desire to withdraw that claim. Plaintiffs will file a motion or stipulation with the Court to effect such withdrawal in the near firture. B. nefenses of the Municipal Defendants The Mrmicipal Defendants have generally denied the allegations in the Complaint and have asserted certain affirmative defenses. C. Defenses and Claims of the Anounas. The Anounas have generally denied the allegations in the Complaint and have filed an Amended First Counterclaim for Relief alleging a breach of contract relating to the Party Wall Agreement. II TINTIISPUTED FACTS The nature ofthe parties, the ownership ofthe halves ofthe duplex, the existence ofthe Pafiy Wall Agreement and its contents, the issuance of the Stop Work Order by the Municipal Defendants, the lifting of the Stop Work Order on October 10,1994 and its subsequent re- application later that day by the Municipal Defendants are udisputed. Also undisputed by the #" were restaining the '.-.--.'.6t 4419 Columbine Drive, across the way and up fromthe subject property, fvith a combination of semi-tansparent and solid-de'iff stain, that said painters did not have approval 'Municipal Defendants to effect that work" that these facts were brought to the attention of Defendant Stouder on October 10, 1994 and the Municipal Defendants did not issue a Stop Work Order relating to this other restaining work. Further, it is undisputed that the only Stop Work Order issued by the Municipal Defenjgnts for at least the last ff5ars with respect to exterior staining or painting ** *"(do-* r 6, r994t.o *::: :ffiUf M^Plaintiffs. LLx,\w <. f{ts , ilW " l.',1 ttun'!i, -'sM{.fr,iurr usPUrEn rssur,s , I#flr, ^:( &, " _ The Defendants generally dispute Plaintiffs' general allegations and their claims for relief. Vt^hThe Plaintiffs dispute the Anounas'Amended First Counterclaim for Relief and the Affirmative I Defenses asserted by the Defendants. Also, Plaintiffs and the Anounas agree that a declaration of rights aurong the parties, as set forth in the pleadings, is warranted. Plaintiffs firther incorporate any disputed issues framed by the pleadings. - ft203?-J- IV POINTS OF LAW Plaintiffs expect to rcly upon those matters of law inherent in the pleadings, specifically with respect to the general law regarding party wall agre€ments, land use, and municipal action in the State of Colorado and the Town of Vail. Plaintiffs will supplement this section of the Disclosure Certificate upon substantial completion of discovery. In addition, plaintiffs intend to submit a trial brief discussing the points of law relevant to this case. V ITTMIZATION OF' DAMAGES Plaintiffs are seeking damages from the Anormas in the amount $451.77 and from Defendant Stouder individually, $ I 60.00. \rI STIPULATIONS The parties have not reached any stipulations at this time. However, Plaintiffs believe that the parti€s could stipulate to certain facts once discovery is completed. VII WTTNESSES Plaintiffs may call the following witnesses at the time of rial: l. Lawrence and Carol Levin, 9560 E. Powers Place, Greenwood Village, Colorado 80llr (303) 773-3136. 2. Sam and Paticia Anouna, 6300 Grcenbriar Drive, Englewood, Colorado 80111 (303) 694-0129. 3. Phil Bennett and Mark Yara of Prima Painting, Inc.,Zl2l North Frontage i Road W #l8l Vail, Colorado 81657 (970) 476-6067. 4. Travis Baker, Mountain Woodcare, Inc. 1254 Copperdale Lane, Golden, Colorado 80403 (303) 642-7680. 4- 5. Randy Stouder, Jim Comutt, Mike Mollica and Lauren WatertorL Vail Community Development Departnent, 75 Frontage Roa{ Vail, Colorado 81657 (970) 479-2138. 6. Bob Doorher of First Impressions Painting, 1994 Buffehr Creek, Avon, Colorado (970) 476-7r24. 7. The painting contractor who was working on October lO, lgg4 ul4/.tg Columbine Drive, the present address and phone number is not known, but this information will be supplemented in accordance with C.R.C.P. Rule l6(b). 8. Plaintiffs may also call any witness endorsed by any other party and any witness ' necessary for document identification or authentication, or for rebuttal or impeachment. 9. Plaintiffs reserve the right to endorse additional witnesses in accordance with the provisions of C.R.C.P. Rule 16. The witnesses identified in paragraphs 1,2 and 5 above are parties of this action and will talk about the facts franed by the pleadings. The witnesses identified in paragraphs 3 and 4 above will talk about their involvement in the staining oJthe Plaintiffs' duplex. Mr. Doorher, and the paragraph 7 painting contactor will testiff about restaining work they have done in the neighborhood of the duplex, and on other properties in the Town of Vail. VIII E)(IIIRITS Plaintiffs may offer the following exhibits at the time of trial. l. Title 18, the Zoning Provisions of the Code. 2. The October 26,1983 duplex party wall agreement, and addendum. 3 . The Septemb et 27 , 1994 letter from Lawrence L. Levin to Dr. San Anouna 4. The October 6, lgg4letter from Lawrence L. Levin to Daniel L. Woodrow, Esq. 5. The Septernber 8, 1994 invoice from Prima Painting. #t2037 -5- 6. TheNovember 4,1994invoicefromPrimaPainting. 7. The June 15,1994 proposal fiom hima Painting. 8. The August l,1994 facsimile transmittal to Sam Anouna from Prima Painting, with a copy faxed to Carol Levin. 9. The July 25,lgg4proposal fiom Mountain Woodcare, Inc., to 5iln Ans',r,a. 10. The June 28,1994 invoice from Devoe & Reynolds Co. ll. PhotosofthesubjectpropertyandneighboringpropertiestakenonOctober 10, 1994. 12. October 19,1994letter from Randy Stouder to plaintiffs. 1 3. June . 1994 fax transmittal from Prima Painting to Carol Levan (sic). 14. September 13, 1994 fa:< transmission from Prima Painting to Carol Levan (sic). 15. October 6,1994 Stop Work Order. 16. October 10, 1994 Desigr Review Board Application. 17 . October 17 , 1994 facsimile from Lawrence Levin to Randy Stouder. I 8. The October 10, 1994 handwritten letter from Lawrence Levin to Lauren Waterton. 19. Various records from the Municipal Defendants relating to Stop Work Orders, Design Review Action and Project Applications. Copies of these documents are currently in the possession of the Municipal Defendants, and Plaintiffs and the Municipal Defendants will stipulate as to which documents will be used at the time of trial relating to the issues between the Plaintiffs and the Muricipal Defendants. 20. Any exhibit necessary for impeachment or rebuttal. -6- 21. Plaintiffs reserye the right to endorse additional exhibits in accordance with the provisions of C.RC.P. Rule 16. A comprehensive exhibit list will be provided after the completion of discovery in this case. IX EXPERTS Plaintiffs do not intend to call any additional expert witnesses; however, certain of the painting contractor witnesses identified in paragraph VII above, may be called upon to provide expert testimony as to the effect of solid and semi-tansparent stains on existing exterior woodsiding in the Town of Vail. Plaintiffs reserve the right to call any expert necessary for impeachment or rebuttal, and to endorse necessary additional experts in accordance with C.R.C.P. Rule 16, because discovery is not complete. X DISCOVERYPLAN Discovery is not complete; however, all discovery is to be completed by July 3 I , 1995. )il PRETRIAL MOTTONS Plaintiffs intend to file a motion for attorneys fees in connection with the Court's Febnrary 6, 1995 order granting Plaintiffs' motion to dismiss the Anounas' Second Counterclaim, pursuant to Rule l2(b) of the Colorado Rules of Civil Procedrue. Plaintiffs also reserve the right to file Motions in limine, and any other pretrial motions Plaintiffs deem appropriate. I/Tt SETTI.NMEI{T ys msaningful settlement discussions have taken place. r&t031 XIII SETTI.NMT'.NT CONFERENCE A settlement conference before Judge Haft has been set to take place on July 19, 1995 at 3:00 p.m. in Eagle, Colorado. XTV TRIAL E.I.F'ICIF'.NCTES A jury trial of tbree days has been set for August 31, September l, and Siptember 7, 1995. Jury instnrctions are to be presented to the Court ten days prior to the starting date of tial. Plaintiffs believe that the trial can be completed in the three day schedule. XV OTTIRRMATTERS There are no other matt€rs in this case to bring to the Court's attention at this time. Dated this 25th day of May, 1995. Respecfily submitted: Lawrence L. Levin, Pro se 9560 South Powers Place Greenwood Village, Colorado 801l0 CERTIfl CATE O[' MAII.TNG I hereby certifr that I mailed a tnre and corect copy of the foregoing Plaintiffs Disclosr:re Certificate by U. S. mail, postage prepaid on this 26th day of May, 1995 to the following attorneys ofrecord: Bradley R. Unkeless, Esq. Unkeless & Bisset One Denver Higblands, Suite 403 10375 East Harvard Avenue Denver.CO 80231 -8- Daniel L. Woodrow, Esq. rffoodrow& Gruskin, P. C. 999 - l8th Street" Suitc 3450 Denver, CO 80202 Thomas Moorehead, Esq. Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 -9- t DISTRICT COURT, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO CaseNo. 94 CV 288 DISCLOSI'RE CERTIFICATE OF DEFENDANTS LAWRENCE LEVIN urd CAROL LEVIN, Plaintiffs, v. SAI\,I A}IOUNA,, PATNCIA AIIOLTNA THE TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO, TIIE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUMTYDE\IELOPMENT OF TIIE TOWN OF VAIL andRANDY STOI.JDER. Ddendants. flON{E NCW the Defendants The Town of Vail, The Department of Corrrrnunit-y Danelopment of the Town ofVail and Randy Stouder, by and through their attomeys, Unkeless & Bisset, and pursuant to C.RC.P. Rule 16, submit the following Disclosure Certificate. L STATTMENT OF CI.AIMS AND DEFENSES This litigation arises from a dispute betwean the Plaintiffs Levins and Codefendants, furounas regarding the application of orterior stain to a duplex located at Ml7 Columbine Drive, Vail, Colorado. The Town ofVail, The Department of Community Development and Randy Stouder are also being sued for their actions in responding to Codefendants Anounas' Complaint. The Plaintiffs are alleging the following claims for relief against the Defendants: Declararory Judgment, Denial of Equal Protection, Denial of Due Process, Estoppel, Ultra Vires, 42 U.S. C. Section 1983 and 1988 and Tortious Interference with Contractual Relations. ' The Defendants have generally denied the allegations in the Plaintiffs Complaint and asserted the following affirmative defenses: l. The Plaintiffs have failed to state a claim upon which relief can be granted. 2. The Plaintiffs have failed to mitigate their damages as required by law. I I 3. Plaintiffs' damages, if any, were proximately caused by their own negligence or risk assumptioll, which negligence is equal to or greater than any negligence of the Defendants. 4. Plaintift'damages, if any, were caused by the acts or omissions of third persons over whom these Defendants had no control. 5. Piaintiffs' claims are barred, limited or otherwise gorrcrned by the Cotorado Governmental Immunity act, Section 24-10-l0l through Section 2+|O-LZO,C.R.S. (l9Sg). 6 Plaintiffs' allegations do not rise to a level of deprivation of rights, privileges or immunities necessary to state a 42 U.S.C. Section 1983 clairn 7. Plaintiffs'claims fail to state any personal involvement of each individual Defendant, therefore Plaintiffs' claims fail to state a claim upon which relief may be granted under 42 U.S.C. Section 1983. 8. At all times the Defendarns were acting h their ofrcial capacity and, therefore are not person subjects to llability under 42 U.S.C. Section 1983. 9. Plaintiffs'claims are barred by waiver, laches and estoppel. 10. Plaintiffs have failed to exhaust applicable administrative remedies. ll. This action is frivolous, groundless and vo<atious, and without any merit or founduiorl thus entitling defendants to be aunrded their costs, erp€rt witness fees, and attorneys fees pursuant to c.RS. section 13-17-101, c.R.c.p. Rule ll, and4zu.s.c. sestion l9gg. Discovery has not been completed in this matter and a final decision has not been made concerning which affirmative defenses should be dropped. tr. UNDISPUTEDFACTS None. IIL DISPUTED FACTS Defendants contend the following issues shoutd be decided by the trier of fact: a t l. Whether the 'Party Wall Agreement" in particqlar paragraph 9, was legatly binding on the kvins and Anounas. 2. Whether there was a breach of the lParty Wall Agreementn. 3. lVhether the provisions of Chapter 18:54 Design Review of the Town of Vail Municipal Code apply to the subject matter of this litigation. 4. Whaherthe Plaint'rft violated the provisions of Chapter 18:54 Design Review of the Town of Vail Municipal Code. 5. whaher the Tovm of Vail had the legal right to iszue a Stop work order. 6. Whaher the Plaintifs' procedural and zubstantive due process rights were violated by the Town of Vail's actions. 7. Whether the Plaintiffs equal protection rights were violated by the Town of Vail's actions. 8. whether the Doctrine ofEstoppel applies to the Town of vail's actions. 9. Whetherthe Town of Vail engaged in ultra vires actions. l0' Whether Randy Stouder, a Town of Vail employee, tortiously interfered in the Plaintiffs' contractual relations with the painting contractor. ll. Whether the affirmative defenses pled by the Town ofVail apply. 12. The nature and octent, if any, of the plaintiffs' alleged damages. IV. POINTS OF LAW C'RS.2+lGlOl ttrough2+10-120,42 U.S.C. 1983 and 1988, U.S. Federal Constitution. Colorado case law, statutory law and jury instructions which govern contract and land use. fuiy novel issues of law will be brought to the Court's attention prior to trial via trial briefs, and/or appropriate motions. v. wrflYEssEs The Defendants endorse the following witnesses at trial: l. Plaintiffs Levins.. 2. Any witnesses endorsed by the plaintiffs. 3. Codefendantsfuiounas. 4. fuiy witnesses endorsed by the Codefendants. 5. Jim Cumu4 Town of Vail Community Dwelopment Planneq 25 S. Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado E1657; td: 479-2138, who will testify conceming his knowtedge of the facts and circumstances regarding the zubjea m:rtter of this litigation. 6. kuren WatertorL 75 S. Frontage Rd., Varl, CO 81657, wlro will testify concerning her knowledge ofthe facts and circumstances regarding the srbject matt€r ofthis litigation..7. Randy Stouder, 75 S. Frontage Rd., Vail, CO 8t657, who will testify concerning his knowledge of the facts and circumstances regarding the subject matter ofthis litigation.8. Chuck Feldmq Town of Vail Building Deparrnenq 75 S. Frontage Rd., Vail, Co 81657, who will testi$ concerning his knowledge ofthe facts and circumstances regarding the subject matter of this litigatinn. 9. Thomas Moorehead, Attorney for the Town of Vai[ 75 S. Frontage Rd., Vail, CO 81657, who will testify concerning the Town of Vail's policies and procedures in effect, which the Town of Vail residents are required to follow to implement design changes to their residential and commercial properties. 10. Any witnesses necessary for rebuttal. I l. Defendants reserve the right to endorse additionat witnesses up to and including thirty (30) days prior to trial upon notification to opposing counsel. VL EXEIBITS l. Any exhibits endorsed by the plaintiffs. 2. Any exhibits endorsed by the Codefendants. 3. Any items necessary for laying foundatioq impeachment or rebuttal.4. Any items obtained through discovery including answers to interrogatories, depositions, responses to request for production ofdocuments and request for admissions.5. Relevant sections of the Town of Vail municipal code, including but not limited to Chapter 18.54. 6. Design Review Board Application, Town of Vail Colorado submitted by plaintiffs. 7. Codefendant, Sam Anouna's October I l, 1994 correspondence to the Town of Vail. a t 8. Iawrence levin's October 10, 1994 corrcspondence to La.ren Watertoq Town of Vail Planner. 9. Town ofVail Plarming Departmcnt's business records relating to the "red tagging" of the Plaintiffs' property, 10. Psrty Wall Agreernent for duplor which is the subject matter of this litigation. I I' Sample of wood with colored stain the Plaintiffproposed to appty to the exterior of his residence. 12. Other Town of Vail business records from the Office of Community Development wttich harre been provided tlc Plafurift relating to ttre request for permission to effect design changes to residential and commercial property. 13. Defendurts reserve the right to amend their Disclozure Certificate and endorse additional orhibitsr up to and including thirty (30) days prior to trial upon notification to opposing counsel. VIL EXPERTS l. Any ogerts endorsed by the plaintiffs. 2. Any ocpert endorscd by Codefendants. 3. The Defendants specifically reserve the right to amend their Disclosrre Certificate to endorse expert witnesses on or before thirty(3O) days prioi to the trial date upon notification to opposing counsel.. VIIL ITEMUATION OF GENERAL AND SPECIAL DAMAGES N/A DL STATUTES, ORI}INAIYCES, REGITI"ATIONS OR STANDARDS Please see Section fV. 'Points of Law". X. STIPI]U\TIONS None presently. XL SETTLEMENT NEGOTIATIONS This matter is scheduled for a court scheduled settlement conference on July 19, 1995. o I XIt TRIAL ETTTCIENCIES This matter is scheduled for trial on August 31, Septernbcr nrffcient time to litigate this case. REcE;l,E3t"iAi22ps I 8nd 2, 1995, and should be Bradlcy Unkcless, #U874 Attorney forMendants 10375 E. Ilarwrd Avc., #403 Denver, CO 80231 (303) 6n-500r CERTTFTCATEOFT{ArLING r It is hereby certified that the foregoing document was mailed ffi&hy d k 1.in the U.S. lvlail, postr'rge paid uidresscd to: \ I Lawrence Lerrin, Esq. I 1700 Lincoln St. Suite 4100 ' Denver, CO 80203 Daniel Woodrow, Esq. 999 Eighteenth Streeq Suite 3450 Denver, CO 80202 Thomas Moorehead" Esq. Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, CO E1657 m- oA'n'vlil.\- *rJ o Boulder Colorado Spings Denvel EnElewood Salt Lake city London 1700 Lincoln Suite 4100 Denver, CO 80203 103 861-7000 Fax 303 866-0200 Lawrence 1". levin 301 866-0322 Holme Roberts & Owen,." ATTORNEYS AT'LAW February L6, L995 Mr. Randy Stouder Town of VaiI 75 South Frontage Road Vail , Colorado 8L657 Dear Mr. Stouder: Thank you for sending the copies of the Design Review Action fonns.I arn enclosing rny check in the amount of $40.75 hrhich represents payrnent of the invoice which you sent to me regarding the copying of those docurnents, less rny $20.00 check which the Town of Vail cashed relating to an application to appear before the Town of Vail Design Review Board on october L9,L994, which application both I and Larry Eskwith verbally asked to be withdrawn on October 1L, L994t and which was in factfinally withdrawn by your office on October L7 , L994,prior to the date of the October 19th hearing. Very truly yours, HOLl,tE ROBERTS & OWEN rrc / .// t trVr./rlt"4<- l.f* Lawrence L. Levin LLL/mq Enclosures ccz Bradley R. Unkeless, Esq. lllc /tq8 o F a c0PyfLt 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 303-479-2138 / 479-21 39 FAX 303-479-2452 February 1, 1995 De partment of Community Developtnent Mr. Lany Levin 1700 Lincoln, Suite 4100 Denver, CO 80203 Dear Larry: I have enclosed copies of the Design Review Action Forms which you requested. In order to fully understand the activities represented by the Design Review Action Forms, you will need to return to my otfice and review the permanent liles corresponding to each sheet. This will help you understand what type of approval was being requested and the actions the Town took in reviewing and approving each application. I would be glad to introduce you to our permanent files and help you begin the next step of your research. Please feel lree to call me and set up an appointment at your convenience. I have enclosed a bill for $60.75 which covers our copying fees and includes tax (25 cents/copy and 8h tax). lf I can be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to call. Sincerely, Town Planner Page2 January 24, 1995 File No: 709 LP 69146 4. Any duly .elected or appointed officials and members of your governing body. The persons or organizations described above are insuleds only while acting within the scope of their duties with respect to a facility or operation that is not designated in the Schedule of Included/Excluded Facilities or Operations as "excluded", or covered pursuant to the terms of that Schedule relating to additional exposures. In review of the claim, there are a number of issues that we must discuss as it relates to the coverages under the policy. As you are aware, the claim makes allegations of denial of eqrial protection,- depravation of constitutional rights and violation of 42 U.S-C. Section 1983 and tortious interference. The relief sought primarily includes declaratory relief, but in the tenth claim for relief also makes a claim for damages. The plaintiff also seeks relief for attorney fees and costs. We will be reserving all rights as to apparent lack of duty to indemnify as to the claims seeking solely declaratory relief as such claims do not constitute claim for 'damages" as defined in our policy and as required to trigger coverage under our E & O policy. Please refer to your E & O policy form 8000020890, Section II - Definitions, damages, which reads as follows: "Damages' means monetrary judgment, award or settlement but does not include fines or penalties or damages for which insurance is prohibited by law applicable to the construction of this policy. o Please also refer to the Insuring Agreement on the above form, which is also a part of this policy. The Insuring Agreement reads as follows: A. Insuring Agreement We will pay on behalf of the insured all sums which the insured slrall becgqe legally obligated ,t9 pay_ as damages because of errors or omissions injury to which this policy applies. We will proceed with defense of this matter with the understanding of all rights reserved per the above stated issues. We also reserve the right to supplement or amend the rights afforded to us under the policy for any past or future allegations as may be needed. If you have any questions, please feel free to oontact this writer. Sincerely, Page 3 January 24, 1995 File No: 709 LP 69146 Nicole Shing Claim Representative cc: Randy Stouder Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, CO 81657 ISU Ins. 910 l5th st., #1000 Denver, CO 80202 mf/9062m 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 303-479-2 1 07 / FAX 303-479-2 I 5 7 Ofice of Town Aftorney MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT:Lawrence Levin and Carol Levin v. Sam Anouna, Patricia Anouna, The Town of Vail, Colorado, The Department of Community Development of the Town of Vail and Randy Stouder; Civil Action No. 94-CV-288; Eagle County District Court Randy, please review the attached responses to discovery. After your review let's discuss and execute the same. Randy Stouder, Community Development R. rhomas Moorhead KrTrI January 16, 1995 Ihankslr./-( (D* RTM/aw Enclosures Cisloudgr.rEm o I RECEIVEDJANl3l9S Bradley R. Unkeless Jennifer E, Bisset UNKELESS & BISSET Attuneys at Inw ONE DENVER HIGHLANDS SUITE 403 IO3?5 EAST HARVARD AVENUE DENVER, COI,ORADO 8023I TEL: 303-671-5001 FAX: 303-671-0983 January 10, 1995 Thomas Moorhead" Esq. 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Re: Levinv. TownofVail 709LP 69146 Dear Tom: Enclosedplease find the Town of Vail's responses to discovery. Please review with Randy Stouder and have him sign. Thank you for your cooperation. Sincergly, / \l_\{\_ Bradley R. Unkeless Encl. o DISTRICT COURT, COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO Civil Action No. 94 C 288 Defendant, The Town of vail, Colorado, The Deparfinent of Community Development of the Town of Vail and Randy Stouder Responses to Plaintiffs' First Set of Request for Admissions, lnterrogatories and Request for Production of Documents. LAWRENCE LEVIN AND CAROL LEVIN, Plaintiffs, sAM ANOUNAb PATRICIA ANOUNA, THE TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO, THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT OF THE TOWN OF VAIL ANID RANDY STOUDER, a Colorado municipal corporation, Defendants. Comes now the Defendants and in response to discovery states as follows: r. REQUEST FOR ADMISSIONS 1. Deny. 2. Deny. 3. Deny. 4. Deny. 5. Deny. 6. Deny. 7. Deny. 8. 9. 10. 11. Deny. Deny. Admit. Admit. 4. 5. II. INTERROGATORIES l. Pursuantto C.RC.P. 33 (d) the answer to this interrogatory may be derived from the Community Development Departrnent's business records. The burden of deriving or ascertaining the answer is substantially the same for the Plaintiff as it would be for the Community Development Deparfinent's staff. Randy Stouder will cooperate firlly with the Plaintiffs by providing the business records which contain the information. These records are at the Community Development Deparfinent's office in Vail, Colorado. 2. Please make reference to response to interrogatory #1. 3. Please make reference to response to intenogatory #1. Please make reference to response to interrogatory #1. Please make reference to response to intenogatory #1. Please make reference to response to interrogatory #1. Please make reference to response to interrogatory #1. Please make reference to response to interrogatory #1. Please make reference to response to interrogatory #1. Please make reference to response to interrogatory #1. Please make reference to response to interrogatory #1. Please make reference to response to interrogatory #1. Please make reference to response to interrogatory #1. Please make reference to response to interrogatory #1. 6. I 15. Please make reference to response to interrogatory #1. 16. Please make reference to response to interrogatory #1. 17. The Town of Vail does not issue permits for painting a dwelling unit. 18. The Town of Vail does not issue permits for staining a dwelling unit. 19. The Town of Vail does not issue permits for resffaining a dwelling unit. 20. Design Review Board Application. 2L. Design Review Board Application. 22. 18.54.040 Sec. C, 1, g, 18-54.040 Sec. C,3, a, b.Vr 'stain over23. It is the Town of Vail's position that the application of a semi a previously applied semi-fiansparent stain can achieve an exact own of Vail is unable to specifically identi$ a building where this has occurred. 24. 18.54.015,18.54.030.A 25. 18.54.015,18.54.030.A 26. 18.54.015. The contextual definition of exterior alteration is set forttr by specific references, i.e. exterior building materials and colors set forth in 18.54.040 and 18.54.050. 27. 18.54.015, the contextual definition of exterior materials is set forth by specific references i.e. exterior building materials and colors set forth in 18.54.040 and 18.54.050. 28. 18.54.030 A 29. The word "color" is not specifically mentioned 18.54.030 but is specified in 18.54.040 C,l,g and 18.54.050 A. and in other sections throughout the chapter relating to desigr review guidelines. The words exterior alterations are specifically referenced which include color changes to the exterior of building. 30. MikeMouic";@f o code provision describes the Town of Vail Building Inspector's o 31. GaryMunai duties, power and r a,) 33. make reference to response to interrogatory #1.ffi F.ffit day Mr. Cutfif{e aid Lauren Waterton, a Town of Vail planner, visited the site and confirmed the \or{rplaint. They observed that a portion of the Levins'residence had been . d--k)r'n lr ca) Stef \.l An Urban Plarmer is englgeqiqplann_ing-and developmentfireviewrand long range or me aoJaceff narrg priorapproval. / I | 't.-lMr. Culnf$e confirmed the &or{rn painted with a solid body stain. Jim Curnutte spoke with Chuck Feldmann in the Town of Vail building deparfinent. Mr. Feldmann placed a red tag (stop work order) on Levins'half of the duplex on October 6,1994. 36. Mike Mollica, Acting Director of Community Development Deparfinenl 1988 to present, Urban Planning, Masters Degree in Landscape Architecture, American Planning Association, American Society of Landscape Architects. Andrew Knudtsen, Senior Planner, 1990 to present, Urban Planner, B.S. Degree Urban Planning, American Planning Association. Jim Cumutte, Senior Planne\ 1992 to presen! Urban Planner, B.S. Degree, American Institution of Certified Planners, American Planning Association. Randy Stouder, Planner II, 1993 to presen! Urban Planner, B.S. Degree Geolog5r, American Planning Association. George Ruther, Planner I, L994 to present, Urban Planner, Masters Degree Urban Planning, American Planning Association. l,aurenWaterton, Planner I, 1994 to present Urban Planner, Masters Degree Urban Planning, American Planning Association. planning and.Teve.loppent$r the Town of Vail. wvm^f;rvr'Yv'vr Y''r' frt 37. To the best of my knowledge all planners but Jim Curnutte were present. 38. Regarding the Defendants response to paragraph 18, the allegations relate to the Plaintiffs actions primarily. The Defendants are without suflicient information or belief to form abelief as to Plaintitrs'actions and on that basis deny the same. The Stop Work Order was instigated by Mr. Anouna. The Defendants are without sufficient information or belief to form an opinion concerning whether Mr. Anouna's counsel was involved. The Defendants are without sulficient information or belief to form an opinion as to whether Mr. Curnutte was not told that a cedar color rather than a taupe color would be used in the future. Regarding paragraph 20, based on defense counsel's discussion with Ms. Waterman on December 28,1994, there are a number of factual misstatements contained in paragraph 20, Regarding paragraph 22, frtere are some factual allegations contained n paragraph 22 which may not be correct. Regarding 23,the allegations contained therein may be admitted at the conclusion of discovery. Regarding paragraph 24, this paragraph should not be admitted or denied because it calls for a legal conclusion. Regarding paragraph 26, the allegations contained therein may be admitted at the conclusion of discovery. Regarding paragraph 28, the allegations regarding October ll and 17, 1994 are factually incorrect, Regarding paragraph 29,the allegations contained therein are factually incorrect. 39. Pursuant to Rules 8 and 12 of the Colorado Rules of Civil Procedure, Defendants are required to set forth in their responsive pleadings all aftrrmative defenses which they may rely upon in responding to Plaintiffs allegations in this matter. A determination as to the exact facts which will be relied upon by the Defendants to prove said affrmative defenses cannot be made until such time as Defendants have had the opportunity to conduct its discovery and investigation efforts in this litigation. A response to this interrogatory will be made upon the completion of discovery or in its Trial Data Certificate. 40. Please make reference to the response to Interrogat ory #39. 41. The Plaintiffs have not filed a formal notice of claim pursuant to C.R. S. 24-10-109. The Plaintiffs' Tenth Claim for Relief is designated as Tortious Interference Stouder. Mr. Stouder was in the course and scope of his employment at the time of the events which are the subject matter of this litigation. As a result, Mr. Stouder was an agent of the Town of Vail and his acts could be attributable to the Town of Vail by the Docfrine of Respondent Superior. 42. Please make reference to the response to lnterrogatory #39. 43. Yes. 44. Yes. III. REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTS l. Please find enclosed. 2. Pursuant to C.RC.P. 34, the Defendants have no objection to the Plaintiffinspecting and copying all documents being requested by the Plaintiffs. Randy Stouder will cooperate fully with the Plaintiff by providing access to the business records which contain the information. These records are at the Community Development DeparEnent in Vail, Colorado. 3. Please make reference to response to Request for Production 2. 4. Please make reference to response to Request for Production 2. 5. The Vail Design Review Board has two (2) meetings per month which average 2 to 5 hours per meeting. These meetings are taped. The tapes are not transcribed. The Defendants have no objection to the tapes being listened to by the Plaintiffs and the Defendants will make the tapes available. 6. The piece of siding with the color sample provided to Mr. Stouder can be inspected at the Community Development Departrnent in Vail, Colorado. Randy Sfouder STATE OF COLORADO ) /2 ) SS' couNrY oF /fu2&r \ Bradley R. Unkeless, #1L874 Attomey for Defendant 10375 E. Harvar4 Ste. 403 Denver, CO 80231 (303) 671-5001 ^"u",239auy t Qazd,tgr.ree5, by/u my hand and oflicial seal. Respectflully submitted, & BISSET CERTIFICATE OF MAILING I haeby certify ttrat I mailed a tue copy of the foregoing document in the U.S. Mail, postage prepaid, this _ day of 1995, addressed to: Daniel L. Woodrow Woodrow& Gruskin 999 Eighteenth St., Ste. 3450 Denver, CO 80202 Thomas Moorhead, Esq. Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Rd. Vail, CO 81657 LarcyL. Levirq Esq. Holme Roberts & Owen 1700 Lincoku Ste.4100 Denver, CO 80203 f'Holme Robert ATTORNEYS o s&.AT Owen,,. LAW Bouldet Colorado Springs Denvea Englewod 9ah Lake City London 1700 lincoln Suite 4100 Denr€r, CO 80203 303 861-7000 Fax 103 8664200 l-awrcrcc L. Lrvin 303 8664322 september 27, L994 PERSONAL AND CONFIDENTIAIJ Dr. Sam Anouna 3005 East 16th Avenue Denver, Colorado 80211 Dear sam: I am writing to express rny total frustration with Travis Baker of Mountain Wood Care, and for that matterwith the whole process involved with the restaining of theexterior of our duplex in Vail. Before giving you an update as to tlre recent developments, I thought it best to sumrnarize the whole process, so as to put the matter into perspective. rn the early Spring of this year, Carol advised you that we had installed new windows and window frames onportions of our duplex, which needed painting, and thatthe entire exterior siding of the duplex neededrestaining, because the exterior cedar wood had undergone extrene discoloration. carol indicated that she had discussed the natter with several painters, one of whom had done the exterior staining of two of the duplexes atthe top of Colunbine Drive in our subdivision, and wastold that because of the age and condition of the wood, an opaque stain (as opposed to a semi-transparent stain) would have to be used. Further, since a new exterior opaque stain would have to be used, Carol stated that wepreferred to select a different color than the existing cedar color, which color would be more in keeping with the current exterior colors of residerices in the vail Valley. She also asked you for your input, and whether you desiredto restain the exterior of your duplex as well . Throughout the Spring and early summer, Carol wasin touch with you, provided you with color samples, and even had the painter she selected, Phil Bennett of PrimaPainting, call you and subnit a proposal for your review.It is my understanding that you indicated to Carol that you were considering the natter; however, no closure was reached. It is my further understanding that PhiI Bennett ' t't Dr. Sam Anouna Septenber 27, L994 Page 2. faxed you a proposal in early August (he sent Carol a copy), but you never responded either to Phil or to carol regarding that ProPosal . Because the Sunmer was coming to a close and it was irnperative that we address the exterior condition of the window frames and sidingr, Carol called and left a message in rnid-August on your answering nachine advising you that we had not beard from you, and that we had to proceed with the work on our duplex. You subseguently advised us that you did not receive this message. Because we did not hear from you, we instructed Phil Bennett to proceed, and he in fact started the work during the week of august 29 | 1994. We came to VaiI on Saturiay, septenber 3rd of the Labor Day weekend, and it was at that tine that we rnet you face-to-face, and you indicated your displeasure with the fact that we had in fact proceeded to stain our property. It was-also during that weekend that you told us for the first tine that you had been doing independent investigation work, that in JuIy, you had contacted Travis Baker of Dtountain wood care, and that Mr. Baker indicated that he had a process of power washing exterior cedar, rernoving all of the black discoloration, applying a special wood care oil which contained a seni-Lrlnsparent stain and guaranteeing his work for five years. You also indicated that you would have your duplex po!'ter washed and stained with the same naterial. we told you that we were skeptical of the success of such a project on o1d wood; however, we agreed to stop all restaining work until we had an opportunity to talk to Mr. Baker and have hin perform a test cleaning to deterrnine if the power washing initially worked. Accordingly, on that Iabor Day weekend, we called Mr. Bennett and told hin to stop all work until he heard froro US. V During our conversations over the Labor Day weekend you raised the issue of the party wall agreenent, and I advise you that neither party had foLlowed the agreement. your predecessor in title, Mr. HaIl restained his exterior to a somewhat different color than our duplex, without our prior knowledge and approval , and we repainted our garage door without Mr. HaIl's prior approval . when I arrived back in Denver after the Labor Day weekend, I placed several calls to Mr. Baker leaving messages, none of which were returned, and finally was f--I Dr. Sam Anouna september 27, L994 Page 3. able talk to his wife on Friday, September 9th. She advised rne that she and her husband were going on vacation in California for ten days, leaving on the 9th or 10th of Septenber, and that she did not believe that Mr. Baker would have time to call me before Lhey 1eft. Subseguent to that phone conversation, I spoke with you, and you indicated that you had talked to Mr. Baker before he left, and he told you that when he returned, he would be able to perform an exterior cleaning test, and if it proved successfuJ., to stain both of our duplexes before the weather turned bad, precluding exterior stain work. on Monday, Septernber L9 | I called l"Ir. Baker and finally spoke with hirn. He indicated that he had just returned frorn his vacation, but that he had picked up a new staining job in the Vail area which would take a 1ot of his time. I filIed hirn in on our situation and time schedule, and he said that he does not schedule any staining work that would not be completed by october L5th, but that he was going to Vail during the week of Septernber 19th and would power wash a portion of our exterior sidingthat week. If lrre were satisfied with the power washing test, he said he would then proceed to stain our property, and at least have our dupJ-ex finished before October l-sth. He stated that if he were not able to complete your duplex by October 15th, because Ralph Hall had stained your duplex a few years ago, your duplex would keep until nextSpring, when he could complete the staining. I told Mr. Baker that Carol and I were going back East for the lasthalf of the week of the L9th, but that we would be prepared to go up to Vail on Monday to inspect the test to deternine how successful it is. l{hen we returned on Sunday night the 25th, we learned that Mr. Baker had called and stated that he wasnot able to get up there to perforrn the power washingtest, but that he thought he might be able to do it thisweek. It is now September 27th, lve do not even have a sarnple power cleaning to exarnine, and we have run out oftine and patience. It appears that Mr. Baker is all talk and promise, and we have no confidence in his ability to complete the project, even if the test were successful , by October 1sth. Accordingly, we have instructed Prirna Paining to proceed to stain our property with an opaque stain, and to cornplete that staining by October Lsth. We also -"1 {.- Dr. Sam Anouna Septernber 27, I994 Page 4. instructed Prima Painting not to continue to use the Iighter stain previously selected by us, but to use a stain color that approximates the exterior color of your duplex. I know that you would have preferred to have a serni-transparent stain on our duplex,' however, the only painter of several with whom I'te talked, that indicated it is possible to do this is Mr. Baker' and his reliability and veracity is tarnished. For the life of ne, f cannot understand why you unilaterally met with Ur. Baker inJuly, negotiated with him extensively thereafter, and yet faifed to advise us of his existence, process and proposal until septenber 3rd, after we had already proceeded to begin staining our duplex. We would like to be a good neighbor in your eyes, but we also would have appreciated your being a good neighbor as well. Levin LLL/mg Sincerely, IIIc/tI8 o 1991 UNTFORM BUILD|NG CODE zot-2oz Chapter 2 ORGANIZATION AND ENFORCEMENT Creaflon ot Enforcemenl Agency sec,201, There is hereby esrabagency which sha[ be under ,n"'j:11,11 this jurisdiction a code enforcemenl ourtorng olficial. aqmrntslralive and operational control of Ihe Powers and Duties of Buitding Orficial Sec. 202. (a) General, The b;**if niJ:,:ff iifif d...,H]#frT,11iHffi i,?j,*'ff T*1; The buitding official shall ha 11d,roadoRranien,ilil:il:,hfu :iLtiff ,'*:m:11:?T:,l;.,;?f ::3i[',xl'"T.l'Iifl i;H::i;lll'J'*3.';;,,;#::ll'.1!,'i1,,-,,n,,,ili" "t jl]lr"rt#ff;ti,il::','":ft'r:.:ll,l""''u"a p,*-.o,,es and wi,h rhe approval ffi*l+iiT* jl,j,#,.Hilitiiii,fr ll;tmlr;,.,*::;.fl Ht_:;ru;".i#,lj *;j; t :# :: #Tfi::Hff lxJ "I;:, u., uy i. prov,.sions of rhis c"a; ;iliff;.",;oflJ:il:|i illi:::::fi,:.:if.T il: * .'il [i;i* :# ;i:!hl#ri'r;ffi i:ilxrli};:: ;: :ru:: ; ffi ipr- il'Jt* r fqfr trj."*fsT#, r., ll::# rnt" m i #::iid,!lqi:iti":"#;r:*..,m;i:lii{*.}#burangrin. ;#T,:,ff;:i,:f l ll: illiffi ::ff:rii:t J::l*i*:?".'fh, *"Tf ' ., .(d) Stop Orders. Wheneyeran fr il1,,:,j:,".,"g1if fllfl$iifl p;i1;:T]:r'j'rffi ff t f r:; j;Hr; njl*xi"l ril f t'fi# j r,i:,:f ffiT; I t: :i;n*it t: .. (e) Occupanc.v violations. Wl f :dl{,ffi{'';,l;itt##J'i j##"J;,..#, jr,},:*:t ,"ffiil:'f :',X,lli,:'ff ,;il;'.T.:Iff fi ff l,x,$:liHtt:"*ru;t 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 303 -479-2 I 07 / FAX 303-479-2 r 5 7 Office of Town Attorney MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT:Lawrence Levin and Carol Levin v. Sam Anouna, Patricia Ancuna, The Town of Vail, Colorado, The Department of Community Developrnent ol the Town of Vail and Randy Stouder; Civil Action No. 94-CV-28?; Eagle County District Court Attached you will find Plaintiffs' First Set of Requests ForAdmissions, Interrogatories and Flequest For Production of Documents. Please review the requests and be prepared to discuss whether or not the information is readily available. I will be discussing these Interrogatories with Brad Unkeless who is representing our interest through ITT Hartford. He has scheduled a tentiative visit here December 28. Are you available? Thanks! -/'/lrn* RTM/aw Randy Stouder, Community Development R. rhomas Moorhead fnfDecember2l,1994 t Ctstouder.rEm DISTRICT COURT, EAGLE COUNTY, COI,ORADO Civil Action Number 94 CV 288 PLAINIIFFS' FIRST sET OF REQUESTS TNTERROGATORTES AND REQUESTA FOR TO TOWN DEFENDANTS rOR ADUISSIONS, PRODUCrION OF DOCUUENTS LAWRENCE LEVIN and CAROL LEVIN, Plaintiffs, SAM ANOUNA, PATRICIA ANOUNA, THE TOWN OF VAIL, COIORADO, THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT OF THE TOWN OF VAIL ANd RANDY STOUDER, Defendants. couEs NoIf the Plaintj.ffs, Lawrence Levin and Carol Levin, pro se, and pursuant to the provisions of Rules 33, 34 and 36 of the Colorado Ru1es of Civil Procedure, subnit thefollowing First Set of Reguests for Adnission, Interrogatories and Requests for Production of Documents to Defendants the Town of Vail ("Vai1"), the Departnent of Community Developnentof the Town of Vail ("DCD") and Randy Stouder ('Stouderz) |(sometimes collectively called the "Tolrn Defendants'), to be answered separately in writing, within 30 days, at 9550 East Pohrers Place, Greenwood Vi1lage, Colorado 8oLLL. Requested documents are to be produced for inspection and/or copying byPlaintiffs at a tirne mutually agreed upon by the parties, butin no event Iater than 30 davs from the date of service of this request. DEFINITIONS AND INSTRUCTIONS l-. "Identify," when used with regard to a person, means to state the person's full name, last known address and telephone number, and relationship to you, and, if the person is not a natural person, to state in addition the person's organizational nature, (i.e., corporation or partnership), andstate the name of the officer, agent or employee acting onbehalf of the non-natural person. 2. "Identify," when used with regard to a document, neans, whether or not the docurnent is presently in your custody or control , to describe the document, to state thedate the docurnent hras prepared, to identify the person whoprepared the docunent, to identify the person to whom the docunent was addressed, sent or del.ivered, to identify all signatories to the docurnent, and to identify all personspresently having custody of the original or a copy of the document. 3. "Your" means collectively or individually, as isappropriate, any or all of the Town Defendants herein,including all persons acting in your interest or on your behal f. 4. "Documentr " means notes, rnemoranda, telephoneslips/notes/nenos, files and/or recorded data or writing of any kind. 5. This discovery, pursuant to C.R.C.P. Rule 26(e),is deemed continuing in nature. Please suppJ.ement your responses as required by the terms of that Rule. 6. If you consider any document or communication to be privileged, then, with regard to each such document, provJ.de the following infornation in writing: a. Identify the author or preparer, the addressee, aII persons receiving copies, alL othersignatories thereto, and the date of the document or comnunication; b. Describe the nature and purpose of the document or communication; c. State the location of the original and a1lcopies of the docunent or communication and thecustodian of each; and d. Explain in detail the legal and factualbasis for the cfain of privilege with respect to the documents. 7. If docurnents which are requested herein have been destroyed or Lost, state the inforrnation requested in6(a) and (b) above, and state when, where and by whom it waslost or destroyed and the reason therefor. 8. If any Interrogatory cannot be answered in fullafter exercising due diligence, please indicated that your answer is incornplete and set forth all infornation known as ofthe date of signing your answers. Specify you reason for your -2- inability to answer the rernainder, describe the efforts you have made to answer fully, siate whatever information or knowledge you have concerning the unanswered portion, andidentify any sources of j.nformation from which further information responsj.ve to the Interrogatory may be obtained. 9. If precise responsive infornation is not knownnor reasonably accessible, please supply estimates or approxirnations, as necessary, and indicate that the responseis an estimate or approximation. 10. In responding to this discovery request, please set forth the fu1I text of the interrogatory before eachresponse. Plaintiffs will do the sane, if requested by you in any discovery. LL. For all documents requested to be provided, please label each docurnent with a legend that sets forth the Interrogatory, by number and subpart, to which the docurnent i.s responsive. If the docunent is responsive to rnore than oneInterrogatory, please Label the document accordingly with a legend that specifically enumerates each Interrogatory to which the document is responsive. I. REQUEST FOR ADI{ISAIONS l-. Adrnit that in the procedures set forth inSection L8.54.o4o of the Tohrn of Vail Municipal Code (the "Code") in connection with design approval there are noprovisions specifically relating to exterior color, staining or restaining of structures. 2. Adnit that a seni-transparent stain over apre-existing, previously applied semi-transparent stain willnot match exactly the color of that previously applied stain. 3. Admit that there is no provision in the Codedefining the term "developrnent. " 4. Adrnit that there is no provision in the Code defining the term "redevelopment. " 5. Admit that there is no provision in the Code defining the tenn "exterior alteration." 6. Adrnit that there is no provision in the Code defining the terrn "exterior materials." 7. Adnit that there is no provision in the Code defining the terrn "modifj-cation." -3- 8. Adnit that there is no reference set forth inSection L8.54.o3o of the code speci.fically relating to coJ-or changes of an existing structure, as requiring prior design approval. g. Adrnit that the Levins and their representative advised Stouder, starting on October 11., L994, that the Levinsdesired to withdraht their October l-0, 1994 Vail Design Review Board application, and requested that the application, all correspondence and material.s left with Stouder, and theapplication fee be returned to the Levins. 10. Adrnit that after written demand by the Levins,Stouder acknowledged in writing t,hat the application was withdrawn prior to the Vail Design Review Board hearing on October l-9, L994. 11. Adnit that notwithstanding the Vail Design Review board application withdrawal , Vail cashed the Levins,application fee check, and Stouder did not return to theLevins the materials requested to be returned. II. INTERROGATORIES l-. Identify al.l" actions taken by Vail sinceJanuary 1, L99o in connection with a stop work order relatingsolely to exterior color or.stain application. 2. Identify all actions taken by DCD since January L, L990 in connectj-on with a stop work order relatingsolely to exterior color or stain application. 3. Identify all actions taken by the VaiI Design Review Board since January 1, L990 in connection with a stopwork order relating solely to exterior color or stain appl ication. 4. Identify all actions taken by Vail sinceJanuary l-, 1990 in connection with a stop work order relating so1e1y to applying a solid stain over a semi-transparentstain. 5. Identify all actions taken by DCD sinceJanuary l-, l-990 in connection with a stop work order relatingsolely to applying a solid stain over a seni-transparentstain. 6. Identify aII actions taken by the Vail Design Review Board since January 1, l-99o in connecti.on with a stopwork order relating solely to applying a solid stain over asemi-transparent stain. -4- 7. Identify all actions taken by Vail since January 1, 1990 in connection with a stop work order relating solely to applying a serni-transparent stain over a semi-transparent stain. 8. fdentify all actions taken by DCD since January L, L99O in connection with a stop work order relating solely to applying a serni-transparent stain over a serni-transparent stain. 9. Identify all actions taken by the VaiJ. Design Review Board since January L, L99o in connection with a stop work order relating solely to applying a semi--transparent stain over a semi-transparent stain. 10. Identify separately, by enti.ty, all actions taken by vail, DcD, or the Vail Design Review Board since January L, 1-990 in connection with Design Review approval , or disapproval relating so1e1y to exterior color changes in general. 11. Identify separately, by entity, aII actions taken by Vail, DcD, or the Vail Design Review Board since January l-, 1-990 in connection with Design Review approval , or disapproval relating sole1y to changes from one exterior stain or color to a new exterior stain or color. l-2. Identify separately, by entity, all- actions taken by vai1, DcD, or the VaiI Design Review Board since January L, L99o in connection with Design Review approval , or disapproval relating sole1y to restaining or repainting using a corresponding color, for example cedar color over cedar col-or. 13. fdentify separately, by entity, all actions taken by Vail-, DcD, or the VaiI Design Review Board since January 1, L990 in connection with Design Review approval, or disapproval relating solely to restaining using a corresponding color, but using a solid stain over a semi-transparent stain. L4. Identj.fy separately, by entity, all actions taken by Vail, DCD, or the Vail Design Review Board since January 1, l-990 in connection wi.th Design Revj-ew approval, or disapproval relating solely to restaining using a semi-transparent stain over a serni-transparent stain. 15. Identify separately, by entity, all actions taken by vail, DCD, or the vail Design Review Board since January 1, l-990 in connection with Design Review approval , or -5- disapproval relating solely to staining or paining of both sj.des of a duplex unit. 16. Identify separately, by entity, a1I actions taken by Vai1, DCD, or the.VaiI Design Review Board since January L, 1-990 in connection with Design Review approval , or disapproval relating soleIy to staining or painting of only one side of a duplex unit. 17. Identify all building or sinilar pernits issued by Vail since January 1, 1990 relating solely to painting adwelling unit (listing separateJ.y single family, duplex orrnulti-family dwelling units) . L8. Identify aII building or similar permits issued by Vail since January L, 1990 relating solely to staining adwelling unit (listing separately single fanily, duplex ornulti-fanily dwelling units) . l-9. Identify aII building or sirniLar permits issuedby VaiI since January l-, l-990 relating solely to restaining adwelling unit (Iisting separately single fanily, duplex ormulti-family dwelling units) . 20. Identify all application forms prepared or usedby vail, or any of its departments, relating to prior approvals for repainting the exterior of a dwelling unit. 2L. Identify all application forms prepared or usedby Vail, or any of its departments, relating to prior approvals for restaining the exterior of a dwelling unit. 22. If you cannot adnit Request for Adnission No. I,identify the provision in Section 18.54.040 of the Codespecifically relating to exterior color, staining orrestai-ning of structures. 23. If you cannot adnit Request for Adnission No. 2,.identify where in the Town of Vail a seni-transparent stain has been applied over a pre-existing, previously appliedserni-transparent stain which natched exactLy to the color ofthe previously applied stain. 24. If you cannot admit Request for Adrnission No. 3,identify the provision in the Code specifically where "development" is defined. 25. If you cannot adnit Request for Admission No. 4,identify the provision in the code specifically where "redevelopnent" is defined. -6- 26. If you cannot admit Request for Adnission No. 5, identify the provision in the Code specifically where "exterior alteration" is defined. 27. If you cannot admit Request for Adrni.ssion No. 6, . identify the provision in the Code specifically hrhere "exterior materials', is defined. 28. If you cannot adrnit Request for Admission No. 7, identify the provision in the Code specifically where "modificati-ono is defined. 29. ff you cannot admit Request for Adrnission No. 8, identify where in Section 18.54.030 there is a reference to color changes of an existing structure, in connection wlth reguiring prior design approval . 30. Identify the VaiI Zoning Administrator(s) between August 1, 1994 and the date these Interrogatories are answered. 31. Identify the Vail Building Inspector between August 1, 1994 and the date these Interrogatories are answered, and identify the Code provisions which describe his duties, powers and authority. 32. Identify all enforcement actions taken by VaiI, its departments I boards or employees since January 1, L99O trelating to work when no design review application has been filed. 33. Identify the person who signed the october 6' 1994 Stop Work order issued against Plaintiffs' property. 34. Identify the provision or provisions of the Code which give the authority to issue stop work orders, such as that issued against Plaintiffs' property on October 6, L994. 35. Describe the circunstances which 1ed up to the issuance of the october 6, 1994 Stop work order, including the nanes of aII persons who spoke with Jin Curnutt or other Vail enployees, relatj-ng to either its issuance or to the subject matter of its issuance. 36. fdentify the director and each planner on thestaff of DcD on october 1, 1994 and state the dates of each of their employrnent by vail, their job descriptj-on, thej-r duties, their post-high school education background, certifications they have obtained and societies to whlch they belong. -7- 37. Identify all rnernbers of the DCD planning staff who were present at the DCD staff meeting between 8:OO a.m. and 9:0O a.m. on October 10, J.994. 38. Explain why the Defendants, which includes Randy Stouder, are without sufficient information to forn a belief as to the truth of all of the allegations contained in paragraphs 18, 2O, 22, 23, 24, 26t 28 and 29 when certain of those allegations relate to (a) the October 6, L994 Stop work order issued by vail , (b) conversations with, statements made, and actions taken by Lauren waterman, an employee of. DCD, (c) conversations with, statements made, and actions taken byStouder, (d) provisions of the code, and (e) writings of Stouder. 39. Identify the basis for the Defendants' affirrnative defense no. 2 stating that Plaintiffs have failed to nitigate their damages as required by law. Identify whatPlaintiffs shoul-d have done to rnitigate their damages which occurred after october 6, L994. 40. Ident.ify the basis for the Defendants'affirmative defense no. 3 stating that Plaintiffs darnages, ifany, were proxirnately caused by their own negligence, which negligence is equal to or greater than any negligence of the Defendant. Also, identify the negligence of each Defendantthis affirmative defense refers to, and the relative nature of each party's negligence. 41. Identify the basis for the Defendants'affirnative defense no. 5 statin- that Plaintiffs claims arebarred, linited or otherwise gov.:-red by Section 24-10-L0L through section 24-Lo-L2O,.C.R.S, (L988). Identify the tortclairns, or claims which could lie in tort that are asserted bythe Levins against Vail? 42. Identify the basis for the Defendants'affirmative defense no. 9 stating that Plaintiffs claims are barred by waiver, laches and estoppel . Identify individually each element of waiver, of laches and of estoppel attributableto each of the Plaintiffs. 43. Was Stouder authorized by DCD to send his october 19, 1994 letter to the Levins? (Copy attached.) 44. was Stouder acting within the scope of hisauthority when he sent his october 19, 1994 letter to theLevins inforrning them of Vail's intent to issue a citation for violation of Chapter 18.58 of the Code? -8- r III. REQUEST FOR PRODUCTIONS OF DoCUI.IENTS l-. Produce all docurnent identified in the foregoing interrogatories . 2. Produce all documents relating to stop work orders issued by Vail or any of its departments, boards or employees since january 1,, l-99o relating solely to theapplication of exterior color, stain or restaining on structures. 3. Produce all documents relating to actions taken by vai1, or any of its departments, boards or ernployees since January 1, 1990 in connection with Design Review approval or disapproval relating so1ely to the application of exterior color, staining, repainting or restaining on structures. ' 4. Produce all documents relating to actions taken by Vail, or any of its departments, boards or employees since January l-, L990 in connection with building or sirnilar perrnits issued relatj.ng solely to the application of exterior color,staining, repainting or restaining on structures. 5. Produce alL rninutes of the VaiI Design Revie!'t Board neetings since January l-, 1990. 6. Produce Mr. Levin's October l-0, 1994 letter to Lauren vlaterman, any DCD document relating to that letter or to its subject matter, the Levin's October 10, 1994application to the Vail Design Review Board, and all correspondence and materials delivered to Stouder on October 10, L994.,ADATED THIS /5- DAY OF DECEMBER, L994. CAROL LEVIN PRO SE -9- CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that I nailed a true and correct copy of the foregoing PI"AINTIFFS' FIRST SET OF REQUESIS FOR ADMISSTONS, INTERROGATORIES AND REQUESTS FOR PRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTS TO TOWN DEFENDANTS by U.S. Mail, postage prepaid, onthis l"Sth day of December, 1994, addressed to: Bradley R. Unkeless, Esq. UnkeLess & Bisset One Denver Highlands, Suite 403 l-03 7 5 East Harvard Avenue Denver, Colorado 80231 Daniel L. Woodrow, Esq. Woodrow & Gruskin, P.C. 999 Eighteenth Street, Suite 3450Denver, Colorado 8O2Oz Thomas Moorehead, Esg. Town of Vail 75 South Frontage RoadVai1, Colorado aL657 I I Ip,l bv4 -10- 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 303-479-2107 / FAX 303-479-2157 Office of Town Attorney FII.E COPY MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT:Lawrence Levin and Carol Levin v. Sam Anouna, Patricia Anouna, The Town of Vail, Colorado, The Department of Community Development of the Town of Vail and Randy Stouder; Civil Action No. 94-CV-288; Eagle County District Court Attached is a Summons and Complaint that we received in the Town offices on November 4, 1994. This has been tonrvarded to our insurance carrier so that they can provide the Town and its employees a defense to the claim. After you have an opportunity to review the allegations in the Complaint, please take the time to write a memorandum to me which describes your individual involvement in this project. Also attach and identify any supporting documentation that will assist in the defense of this matter. After you have had an opportunity to review these matters, we will have a meeting to review the allegations and claims made in the Complaint. Keep the faith and we will work through this process. Thanks. Thanks! -..-"--alnLLIu' RTM/aw Randy Stouder, Community Development Lauren Waterman, Community Development R. rhomas Moorhead {1Yl I November 8. 1994 L CSsloudBr.nFm Iy DISTRICT COURT, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO Civil Action Number 94-Cv-288 LAWRENCE LEVIN and CAROL LEVIN, Plaintiffs, SAM ANOUNA, PATRICIA ANOUNA, THE TOWN DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT OF RANDY STOUDER, Defendants. /0tu uft'/ N0v. ? l!\(. (-/++,"lItr^ tfiulL( TTvv' TOV' [urriivi' UtV' IJEPT' OF VAIL, COLORADO, THE THE TOWN OF VAIL and THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF COLORADO I t /ro rHE DEFENDANTs NAMED ABovE: {""r,/p4 ttll l7f You are summoned and required to file with the clerk of this court an answer or other response to the atLached conplaint within twenty (2o) days after this summons is served on you in the State of Colorado, or within thirty (3o) days after this summons is served on you outside the State of Colorado. If you fail to fiJ-e your answer or other response to the conplaint in writing within the applicable tine period, judgrnent by default may be entered against you by the court for the relief demanded in the complaint, without any further notice to you. OTTO PORTERFIELD & POST out", /vtt 3, tf?7._..---.-..--... /r/..?4%.-42^__ Wendell B. Porterfield, Jr. #5881Attorneys for Plaintiffs 4080L Highway 6, Suite 204 Eagle VaiI, Colorado 8162o Telephone: (303) 845-9410 Ot to, porterfield & postF. O. Box 3149r,faiI, 0o1orai.1c g16Eg RETURN OF AERVICE State of County I declare under oath that I served this sumrnons and a copy of the conplaint in this case on tn County roD @ate) , at _ (tirne) , at the following location: by (State Manner of Service) f am over the age of 18 years and arn neither interested in nor a party to this case. Private process server Date Fee $Mileage $ Signed under oath before me on ttotary Public Lllp/bu8 -2- DTSTRICT COURT, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO civil Action Number U!!d(, courtroorn VERIFIED COI{PIJATNT FOR DECI,ARATORY AND OTHER REIJIEF I,AWRENCE LEVIN and cARoL LEVTN, Plaintiffs, SAI,I ANOUNA, PATRICIA ANOUNA, THE TOWN DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT OF RANDY STOUDER, Defendants. OF VAIL, COLORADO, THE THE TOWN OF VAIL and Plaintiffs Lawrence Levin and Carol Levin (the/Levins/) allege against the Defendants for various craims forrelief as follows: PARTTES AND VE}IUE l-. The Levins have been residential property ownersin the Town of Vail for approximately eight y".i= and are theowners of a residence at 44I? B Columbine Drive, Vail,Colorado (the /Levins, property"). 2. Defendants Sam Anouna and patricia Anouna (the "Anounasz) are the owners of a residence at 44]-7 A columbineDrive, Vail, Colorado (the 'Anounas, propertyrr), whichproperty is one-half of a duplex, the other iaii ot which isthe Levins, Property. Upon infonnation and belief, theAnounas purchased their property in late L993. 3. The Defendant Town of VaiI is a nunicipalcorporation and a body politic organized under Articie xx ofthe Colorado Constitution as a Horne-Rule City. 4. The Defendant the Department of CommunityDevelopment of the Town of vail (,,-onrnunity Developmenlol isan administrative department or ine Town oi vail enumerated assuch under Section 2.t6.o2o of the Vail Municipal Code (theo0ode"). The Town of VaiI and Cornmunity Oevel6pnent arecorlectively referred to herein as the ;t'tunicipil Defendants.,, i'' 5. Defendant Randy Stouder (,,Stouderrr) is a townplanner within Comnunity Development. 6. Venue is proper in EagJ.e County pursuant toC.R.C.P. 98(a) and (c) as the reat property in question andcertain of the defendants are located in ulqte County, and theacts complained of herein have taken place exclusively inEagle County. GENERAI, AI,I,EGATTONS 7. The Levins, Property and the Anounas, propertyis affected by a duplex party wall agreement recorded onNovember 9, l-983 in the real property records of Eagle County,in Book 372 at page 821 (the ;,pa;ty wall Agreement,, l.Paragraph 9 of the party WalI Agreenent states that ',No ownersha1l make or suffer any structural or design changes(incruding coror changes) of any type or nalure whatsoever tothe exterior of any irnprovement on- the property withoutobtai-ning the prior written consent of Lhe other olrner, whichqonsent.shall not be unreasonably withheld or deLayed.,,(Enphasis added) 8. The Anounas, predecessors in title were Mr. andMrs. Ralph Hall (the uHalls,') . The Halls were the originalowners of the Anounas, property and purchased that propertythe early to nid-1,980s. The Levins lre the oricrinal ownersthe Levins, Property. inof 9. Neither the HaIIs nor the Levins had everfollowed the provisions of the party WalI Agreement withrespect to exterior color. For example: (a) the cedar colors 9f the siding of both sides of the duplex at present havedifferent shades because the Halrs stlined thl exterior sidingon the Anounas' Property approximatery three years ago withouf,the Levins'.prior knowledge and written consent, (b) the Hal1spainted their exterior main entrance door a bright red withoutthe.Levins'-prior knowledge or written consent, and (c) theLevins repainted their gaiage door from the prior cedar colorto the color of the adjacent stucco without the Halls, priorknowledge and written consent. Accordingly, the course ofconduct of the parties with respect to coror is such that theParty WaIl Agreenent has been disregarded. 10. The Anounas, knew of the significant differencesin ext,erior colors of the duplex when they purchased theirProperty, and knew or should have known that the party WaLIAgreernent, with respect to exterior color, was abrogaled. -2- l-l-. In May, :..994, the Levins advised the Anounasthat because the exterior, wood siding on their property hadundergone an extrene black discoloration, the Levins desiredto restain their exterior siding. The Levins indicated thatthey had discussed the matter with several painters, one ofwhon had recently done the exterior staining of a duplexcomplex in the subdivj-sion where the Levins and Anounas,Property is ]ocated, and was told that because of the age andcondition of the wood, a solid stain (as opposed to aseni-transparent stain) would have to be used. Further, sincea new exterior solid stain wouLd have to be used, the Levinsstated that they preferred to select a different color thanthe existing cedar color, which color would be more in keepingwith the more prevalent lighter pallete exterior colors ofresidences in the Vail Valley. The Levins reguested theAnounas' input, and asked whether the Anounas desired torestain the exterior of their property as weLl. L2. Throughout the spring and early sumner,Mrs. Levin continually contacted Dr. Anouna, even deliveringcolor samples to hin at his Cherry HiIIs Vj-Ilage residence.She also caused the Levins, selected painting contractor tosubmit a proposal for the Anounas' review to restain theentire duplex. At no tirne during June, July or August. L9g4did the Anounas ever reject (a) the concept of resiaining bothsides of the duplex, or (b) the taupe color stain selected bythe Levins. Further, the Anounas never responded to thepainting contractorrs proposal nor spoke to Mrs. Levin inresponse Lo her nunerous phone calls. 13. Because of the delay, and the fact that thesunmer season was coming to a close, Mrs. Levin calledDr. Anouna and left a message in nid-August indicating thatsince neither the Levins nor their contractor had heaid fromthe Anounas, the Levins had instructed their paintingcontractor to begin the restaining work on the Levins,Property, using their preferred taupe color, the sanple ofwhich had been personally delivered to therestaining work began during the week of6{ugust 29, 1994 14. On Saturday, Septenber 3, 1994 of the Labor Dayweekend, the Anounas and the Levins vrere at their VailProperty, and it was at that time that the Anounas told theLevins that they did not like the taupe col-or which hadstarted to be applied to the Levins' property. It was also onthat weekend that the Anounas told the Levins for the firsttine that in JuIy, L994, Dr. Anouna had contacted anotherpainting contractor, a Mr. Baker, who used a process of powerwashing the exterior siding and applying a wood. oil whichcontained a semi-transparent stain. UplJft^ -3- L5. The Levins told the Anounas that because of whatother painting contractors had told thern, they hrere skepticalof the success of such a process which applied asemi-transparent stain on oLd wood; however, the Levins agreedto stop all restaining work until the Levins had anopportunity talk to Mr. Baker, and have Mr. Baker perforrr atest power washing to determine if the power washing process worked. 1.6. Upon returning to Denver after the Labor Dayweekend, the Levins pursued Mr. Baker and after a ten-dayvacation taken by Mr. Baker and several unfulfilled promises,Mr. Baker performed a power washing test on September 27.Although some of the black discoloration was removed, thepower washing process damaged the wood, and caused portions ofthe siding to curl up at the bottorn. Also, the power washingcould not remove the taupe color. 1,7. On Septenber 27 the Levins advised the Anounasin writing that the Levins, after undergoing an additionalmonth's delay, had instructed their painting contractor toproceed to stain the Levins, Property with a solid stain,using a cedar color stain which corresponded to the color ofthe Anounas' Property, rather than continuing with theirpreferred taupe color. The Anounas thereafter rejected usinga solid cedar color stain on the Levins, property. The Levinssubsequently advised the Anounas, counsel that it was theLevins' position that they were not effecting a color change,so even if the Party Wal1 Agreement were in force wi-th respectto color cbanges, that Agreenent is inapplicable. Further,the Levins stated that the Anounas were unreasonable in theirdelay and in withholding their consent to the solid cedarcolor stain. L8. The Levins, painting contractor was scheduled tostart the restaining work on the Levins, property onOctober L0, and they came up to Vail on October 9 to meet withthat contractor to deterrninL tne best color match. It was on ,<,{October 9 that the Levins first satr, or even heard of the ;J'{b.iOctober 6, 1-994 stop work order (the tstop Work Order,,) placed -,,*.<t,rff'on the Levins' Property, which bears the name of Jin curnutt .,.J,I".Ln $flof Community Development, and alleges a violation of ll,l,'{ YSection l-8.54.03O of the Code. Upon inforrnation and belief ,V o$'the Stop Work Order was instigated by the Anounas and their Wcounsel , and Mr. Curnutt was not told that a cedar colorrather than the taupe color would be used in the future. l-9. At 8 a.m. on the morning of the 10th, Mr. Levinwent to the Conmunity Development office, learned that JirnCurnutt was out sick and picked up a copy of Chapter 18.54 of -4- I the Code. He then contacted Lauren Waterman, a planner inComrnunity Developrnent, explained to Ms. Waternan that theLevins had already stopped work using the taupe color, and nowplanned to use the cedar color corresponding to what presentlyexists on the remainder of the property. 20. Ms. waterman discussed the matter with the |.u#PCornmunity Developrnent staff at their staff rneeting which waslf , ffigoing on at the time, and then advised I'lr. tevin it '.1_.,+dJlZ-. approxinateJ-y 9 a.n. that the Levins could proceed to stain tWaapproxlmately 9 a.n. that the Levins could proceed to stain r))F-l JtAtheir Property with a solid, rather than a seni-transparent f$rycedar stain, which would also cover the taupe color, so that d /^o* 4homogenous exterior color appearance would result. lrqYA^rtMs. Waternan also stated that, by virtue of the Levins using a,ii"r'sn^a:J*,cedar color, the Levins could disregard the Stop Work Order, 1"S lt*;- and she asked Mr. Levin to conf irm these events in writinq , /# 'r, tfitvrhich was irnrnediately done. A copy of that contemporaneotl= - friirT:;frl'lconfinnation Letter is attached hereto as Exhibit l , t .-*;{\'(%$'n 2l . In reliance on Ms. Watermanrs statement, onbehalf of Conmunity Developnent, that the Levins couldproceed, Mr. Levin ca11ed the contractor and advised thatcontractor that the Stop work Order had been lifted. Thecontractor thereafter proceeded to cover the windows, tape andotherwise prepare the exterior surfaces, order and have mixedthe solid cedar stain, and proceed with the work. 22. At approxirnately L2,3O p.n. on October 10,Ms. Wat,erman and Stouder came to the Levins, . property. Stouder advised the Levins that Dr. Anouna had talked with himafter Mr. Levin left the Cornmunity Development office, andthat Stouder had reapplied the Stop Work Order. The Levinsadvised Stouder of the earlier fifting of the Stop Work Order,the confirrnation letter, their contract with the paintingcontractor, and their rel_iance on the lifting of the Stop WorkOr$ert however, Stouder stated that Ms. Waterman rdas new,coib{d and inexperi-enced, and that he was counterrnanding herpdor adthorization to proceed. Stouder tffi directed thepaintlBf contractor and his crew to leavezbre Levins,Propelt)* 23. Stouder further advised the Levi.ns that theLevins would have to get perrnission from the Town of VailrsDesign Review Board to apply a solid cedar color stain overthe present semi-transparent cedar stain, and had the Levins,complete an application form. 24. The Design Revj_ew Board is organized pursuant toChaPter L8.54 of the Code and its jurisdiction for designapproval is set forth in Section 19.54.030 of the Code. -5- N 25. After Stouder and the others left the LevinProperty, the Levins observed that another crew of painters was beginning to work on restaini.ng the duplex at44L9 Columbine Drive, across the way and up the hill. Thestaining of 44L9 Colurnbine Drive has a combination ofsemi-transparent and solid cedar stain, not only on both sidesof the duplex, but within portions of each side. The Levinsthen spoke to that painting contractor, who stated that he andhis partner have years of painting experience in Vail, and headvised the Levins (a) that he did not have approval fron the Town of Vail Design Review Board to effect this work, (b) thathe had done sinilar work on this and other property in vailpreviously, and never had Design Review Board approval, andthat in his experience, and his knowledge of other paintingcontractors in the Vail Valley, if the general exterior coloris retained, the Town of Vail does not consider thatrestaining to be an zexterior alteration, r, even if a solid, - ,ee) rather than a serni-transparent stain is used. ..'}ilf),' ,.hrd' 26. rrnmediarery after that painting contractor -r'"? lt i":4,conversation, Mr. Levin advised Stouder of the work on nP'." .,.$€4r d+414419 columbine Drive and of the conversation, and Stouder ,C/ fu*stated he would look into the rnatter. ,( )4" 27. The Levins that night reviewed Chapter rc.514 isweLl as other portions of the Code, and concluded that the Town of Vail- and the Design Review Board have no jurisdiction under the Code to approve or disapprove of any exteriorstaining of a residence where a corresponding cedar colorused, but a solid rather than a semi-transparent stain isappl ied. 2A. The Levins then called Stouder on October 1lto withdraw their Design Review Board application. Thiswithdrawal was confirrned in writing by Stouder onOctober 17th. is W.A 29. On October 17, Mr. Levin and Stouder spoke ogdriir anu ar olr--4419 indicated that he would cause the Town of -Vail to initiateregar action asainsr the Levins. NIWHI, {4r^^ T fu;trt vrr,"t or"*#;;." *- Xf*l' ic(qw'' 30. Paragraphs I through 29 above are j-ncorporated herein by reference as if set forth in ful1. -6- 3L. This claim for declaratory judgrnentthe provisions of SS 13-51--1oL et seq., C.R.S. andc.R.c.P. 57. arises under under 32. An actual controversy has arisen and notr existsbetween the Anounas and the Levins relative to theirrespective rights, status, Iegal relations and duties underthe Party WalI Agreement. In view of alt of the attendedfacts and circunstances, the Levins are entitled to adeclaration of the rights, status, duties and other legalrelations between the Levins and the Anounas. 33. The Levins desire and are entitled to aninunediate declaration of their rights with respect to theParty Wall Agreenent declaring th;t, in the allernative,(a) by virtue of course of conduct of the parties and theprior knowledge of the Anounas, the party WaIl Agreement, asit relates to exterior color changes, has been abrogated andis of no further force and effect, (b) even if the Farty Wall Agreement with respect to color is in effect, the Anounas haveunreasonably withheld or delayed their consent to the Levins,desire to change the exterior color of their property to ataupe color, (c) restaining the Levins' property with a solidcedar stain, rather than a semi-transparent stain, does notconstitute a color change, or (d) the Anounas haveunreasonable withheld their consent to a solid cedar colorrestaining. 34. The declaration of right.s by this Court wouldterminate the controversy between the Levins and the Anounas. 35. The Levins have no adequate or effective remedyother than the relief sought in this action. SECOND CIJAIU FOR RETJIEF DECEIT/DAI,IAGES - ANOUNAS 36. Paragraphs 1_ through 29 above, are incorporatedherein by reference as if set forth in ful1. 37. The Levins incurred expenses for labor andrnaterials in reliance on the Anounas, apparent acquiescence inthe Levins'desire to restain their property to a taupe co1or. 38. The Levins incurred additional labor andrnaterial expenses as a result of the Stop Work Order which wasinstigated by the Anounas, was subsequently lifted byComnunity Developnent, and after behind the scene efforts bythe Anounas vras reapplied by Stouder. -7- 39. The surreptitious and deceitful actions of the Anounas have damaged the Levins. THIRD CIJAIU FOR REIJIEF DECIJARATORY i'UDGI{ENT - UI'NICIPAI, DEFENDANTS 40. Paragraphs 1 through 29 above, are incorporatedherein by reference as if set forth in ful1. 4I . This clairn for declaratory judgnent arises underthe provisions of S$ l-3-51-LoL et seg., C.R.S. and underc.R.c.P. 57. 42. An actual controversy has arisen and now exists between the Levins and the Municipal Defendants relative totheir respective rights, status, legal relations and duties asset forth above. In view of all the attendant facts andcircurnstances, the Levins are entitled to a declaration oftheir rights, status and duties and other legal relations ofthe parties to this action. 43. The Levins desire and are entitled to animmediate declaration of their rights with respect to(a) theenactment, interpretation and apptication of the Design'Reviewprovisions of the Code, (b) the issuance of the Stop WorkOrder, (c) the jurisdiction of the Design Review Board,(d) the violations by the Municipal Defendants of Levins,procedural and substantive due process rights, (e) theviolation by the Municipal Defendants of the Levins, equalprotection rights, (f) the Levins' entitlenent to estopp theMunicipal Defendants from the actions heretofore taken by theMunicipal Defendants, and (g) the ultra vires actions of theMunicipal Defendants. 44. A declaration of rights by this Court wouldterminate the controversy between the Levins and the MunicipalDefendants. 45. Because neither the Town of Vail nor the DesignReview board have jurisdiction over restaining from asemi-transparent cedar color to a solid cedar color, theLevins have exhausted their adrninistrative remedies.Therefore, the Levins have no adequate or effective rernedyother than the relief sought in this action. FOURTH CIJAIU FOR RELIEF DENIAIT OF EQUAIJ PROTECTION - !,IUNICIPAL, DEFENDANTS 46. Paragraphs 1 through 29 above, are incorporatedherein by reference as if set forth in ful,L. -8- 47. The Munj-cipal Defendants, actions (a) to issueselectively stop work orders relating to exterj"or color,(b) to enforce selectively the jurisdiction of the DesignReview Board, and (c) to treat the Levins differently thanother the Town of ValI property owners who desire to restainthe exterior of their property, constitutes a violation of theLevlns' rights to equal protection as guaranteed byArticle If, Section 25 of the Colorado Constitution and theFourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution. FTFTH CIJAIU FOR RETJTEF DENTAL OF DUE PROCE88 - I-'UNTCTPAIJ DEFENDANTS 4a. Paragraphs I through 29 above, are incorporatedherein by reference as if set forth in fuII. 49. The Municipal Defendants, actions in(a) unilaterally issuing the Stop Work Order, and afterlifting the Stop Work Order, perrnitting it to be unilaterallyreapplied, and (b) the irrational, vague, arbitrary andcapricious actions of the Municipa). Defendants described abovewith respect to enacting, interpieting and applying the DesignReview provisions of the Code, constitute a viotation of theLevins' rights to proceduraL and substantive due process, asguaranteed by Article II, Section 25 of the ColoradoConstitution and the Fourteenth Amendnent to the United StatesConstitution. SIXTII CLAIU FOR REI.,IEF E8TOPPEIJ - TTUNICIPAL DEFENDANTS 50. Paragraphs 1 through 29 above, are incorporatedherein by reference as if set forth in full. 51. The Municipal Defendants should be estopped frornapplying the Stop Work Order, because the Levins reliLd upon,and changed their position to their detriment after the StopWork Order had been lifted on the morning of October 10. SEVENTH CLAII.I FOR RELIEF ULTRA VIRES - I-TUNICIPAL DEFENDANTS 52. Paragraphs I through 29 above, are incorporatedherein by reference as if set forth in full. 53. The Municj.pal Defendants by applyingChapter 18.54 to the Levins' restaining of their exterior frorna semi-transparent cedar colored stain to a solid cedarcolored stain, and by instituting, lifting and reapplying theStop Work Order constitute ultra vires acts of the Municipal -9- Defendants and actions outsj-de the extent of the powersgranted to thern by law. EIGHTII CIIAIU FOR REIJIEF{2 U.S.C. 5 1983 and S 1988 54. Paragraphs 1 through 29 above, are incorporatedherein by reference as if set forth in full. 55. The actions of the Municipat Defendants, and theactions of the Anounas and Stouder in concert therewith, asset forth above, constitute actions under color of ordinancewhich have subjected and are subjecting the Levj.ns to thedeprivation of their rights, priviteges or inmunities assecured by the Constitution of the United States, as a resultof which the Levins have been injured and for which injuriesthey are entitled to redress from the Municipal Defendants,the Anounas and Stouder pursuant to 42 U.S.C. S 1983 togetherwith an award of these applicable fees and expenses puriuantto 42 U.S.C. S 1988. NTNTH CLATM FOR RELIEF TORTIOUS INTERI.ERENCE - THE ANOUNAA 55. Paragraphs 1 through 29, 37 and 38 above, areincorporated herein by reference as if set forth in full. 57. The actions of the Anounas, as described above,were taken with full knowledge that the Levins had enteredinto contractual relations with their painting contractor. 58. In spite of such knowledge, the Anounas causedthe Levins to stop the restaining work in Septenber,Lgg4, andlater, unilaterally instigated the Town of Vail to issue theStop Work Order on October 6, i.994. 59. Such actions by the Anounas constitute tortiousinterference with the contract between the Levins and theirpainting contractor, which has resulted in darnages to theLevins. TENTH CIJAI!{ TOR REIJIEF TORTTOUA TNTERI'ERENCE . STOUDER 60. Paragraphs I through 29, 37 and 39 above, areincorporated herein by reference as if set forth in full. 61. The actions of Stouder, as described above, weretaken with full knowledge that the Levins had entered intocontractual relations with their painting contractor. -10- 62. Stouder knew that the Stop Work Order had beenlifted and he unilaterally reapplied it. 63. Such actions by Stouder constitutes tortiousinterference with the contract between the Levins and theirpainting contractor, which has resulted in darnages to theLevins. WHEREFORE, the Levins pray for relief as follow: 1. On their First Clairn for Relief for adeclaration of their rights under the Party Wall Agreement asset forth in paragraph 33 above. 2. On their Second Claim for Re1 ief, for danagesagainst the Anounas in an arnount to be determined at trial. 3. On t,heir Third Ctaim for Relief, for adeclaration of their rights as set forth in paragraph 43 above. 4. On their Fourth Clain for Relief, for adeclaration that the Levins have been deprived by theMunicipal Defendants of their equal protection rights. 5. On their fifth Claim for Re1ief, for adeclaration that the Levins have been deprived by theMunicipal Defendants of their procedural and substantive dueprocess rights. 6. On their Sixth Clairn for Relief, for adeclaration that the Municipal Defendants should be estoppedfrom applying the Stop Work Order. 7. On their Seventh Clai.m for Relief , for adeclaration that the acts of the Municipal Defendants,complained of by the Levins, are ultra vires, null and voidand of no further force and effect. 8. On their Eighth Clairn for Relief, for adeclaration that the Defendants have collectively deprived theLevins of their constitutional rights, as a resuft oi whichthe Levins have been injured, and for which injuries theLevins are entitled to relief pursuant to 42 U.S.C. 1983 and L988. 9. On their Ninth Clairn for Relief, for damagesagainst the Anounas for tortuous interference with contract inan amount to be deternined at trial. - 11- 10. On their Tenth CLaim for Relief, for damagesagainst Stouder for tortuous interference with contract in an amount to be determined at trial. Ll,. Such further relief, either alternatively orcumrnulatively, as the Court may deern proper. DATED THIS 3LST DAy OF OCTOBER, L994. Carol Levin Pro se Address of Plaintiffs: 9560 E. Powers Place Greenwood Vil-lage, Colorado BO1L1 Lawrence Levin -12- VERIFICATION STATE OF COIPRADO CITY AND COUNTY OF DENVER Carol Levin, being first duly sworn on oath, deposes and says that she is the plaintiff herein, that she has read the foregoi.ng Verified Conplaint for Declaratory and other Relief, and that the facts set forth therein are true to the best of her knowledge, inforrnation and belief. Lawrence Levi-n, being first duly sworn on oath, deposes and says that he is the plaintiff herein, that he has read the foregoing Verified Complaint for Declaratory and Other Relief, and that the facts set forth therein are true to the best of his knowtedge, information and belief. //l>4.r114.- f<Ja*, The foregoing VERIFICATION to the COMPLAINT FOR DECLARATORY AND OTHER RELIEF was acknowledged before ne this 3Lst day of october, Igg4, by Carol Levin and Lawrence Levin- Witness ny hand and official gea My conmission expires: Lawrence Levin N6tary Public tol t dtu u ok"/rn tL/4n*Ary4 ra!*rl'f.ed Trw,n t/ u J, -nrlt; ,4 "L,i1e. o _ -b,{-, ft.- 964 /ry -*ry.,7+ 1rd"tt Zj*ir * .r1^/ {, .o.- & 4/"r, k6:/ A-/ h ,t1._ tb au/4^",t-& c& a4/4r4.-4 *+/4. rhn*,t *14{ k n *-':#**-- ,J}*, Alf n ,-d, o4* r -{*, u* +J -:?( /*79 (tmrnrr e) 4kfyiJ - TOWN OFVAIL 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 303-479-2 1 07 / FAX 303 -479-2 r 57 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Office of TownAttorney MEMORANDUM Randy Stouder, Community Development Lauren Waterman, Community Development ./ R. rhomas Moorhead /10l/a L. November 30, 1994 Lawrence Levin and Carol Levin v. Sam Anouna, Patricia Anouna, The Town of Vail, Colorado, The Department of Community Developmeni of the Town of Vail and Randy Stouder; Civil Action No. 94-CV-288; Eagle County District Court Attached is Answer that has been filed on behalf of the Town and Ftandy in fre above-r'eferenced matter. After you have had an opportunity to review the Answer, I would be happy to answer any questions you might have. rhanksl ,6** RTM/aw C{ltord.arrrm DISTRTS! COURT, EAGLE CO['NTY, COIORADO Case No: 94 C 2AA AltswER oF DaFENDANIS TOWN OF VArL, COIORADO, COUIII'NITY DEVEI'PI,IENT OF TTIE TOT{N OF VAIL.VERITIED COT,TPIATNT FOR DECINRATORY AT.ID OTIIER THE DEPARTI{ENT AIID RN{DY STOUDER RELTEF OF TO I,AI{RENCE I.EVIN AI{D CAROL I.EVIN, Plaintiffs, v. SAl.l Al.IOttNA, PAfRfCfA AllOt NA, TIIE TOI{N OF VAIL, DEPARTITENT OF CO}IUT'NITY DEVEIOPITENT OF TIIE RAI|DY STOUDER, a Colorado municipal corporation, Defendants. COIORADo, TOI{N OF VAIL THE and COl,tE NOI{, the Defendants, Town of VaiI , Colorado, llheDepartnent of Connunity Development of the Town of Vail andRandy Stouder by and through their attorrreys, Unkeless &Bisset, and in response to the Plaintiffs, Verified Conplaintstate as follows: PARTIES AITD VEITT'E 1. The Defendants adnits the allegations ofparagraphs I, 2, 3, 4,5 and 6 of the Verified Complaint. GEIIERAI., AII.EGATIOIIS 2. The Defendants are without sufficient infornationto for:m a belief as to the truth of the allegations containedin paragraphs 7, 8, g, LO, ll, 12, L3, Lg! L5, 16, 17, 18, @r.->20, 2JL_!?.2. 23, 24._ 2!i, 26, 27, - 28 and (?9 of the Verified coupJ-aint-and on chat basis deny the same. l6ft^r" -*l-,fiue $t FrRsr cr,Lrt FC'R RETJEF '/t -i'J/v + f 3. The Defendants incorlrorate by reference their answerB to paragraphs I through 29 all in Anslrer to paragraph 30 of the Verified Conplaint; .' 4. llhe Defendants make no reBponse to the allegationeof fact contained in paragraphs 31, 32, 33, 34 and 35 of theVerified Conplaint as the allegations contained therein are notdirected against these Defendants. To the extent ttrat an anstter is deemed necessary to the above-nentioned paragraphs,these Defendants deny each and every allegation of factcontained therein. ISEOOITD CIAIII FIOR REIJAF 5. The Defendants incorporate by reference theiranswers to paragraphs I through 29 all in answer to paragraph 36 of the Verified Cornplaint. 6. The Defendants rnake no responee to the allegations offact contained in paragraphs 37, 38, and 39 of the VerifiedConplaint as the allegations contained therein are not directedagainst these Defendants. To the extent tlrat an answer isdeemed necessary to the above-nentioned paragraphs, theseDefendants deny each and every al-iegation of fact containedtherein. IEIRD Ct.llil FIOR REIJBF 't. The Defendante J-ncozporate by reference theiranssers to paragraphs I through 29 alJ' i-n answer to paragtaph 4o of the Verifled Conplaint. g. The Defendants deny the allegations of paragraphs4L, 42, 43, 44 and 45 of the Verified Couplaint. FOT'RIE CI,lItI FOR REIiTEF 9. The Defendants incor2orate by reference theiranswers to paragraphs I through 29 all in answer to paragraph 46 of the Verified Cornplaint. lO. The Defendants deny paragraph 47 of the Verified Complaint. ETETE FOR NAI.IEF II. The Defendants incorporate by reference theiranswers to paragraphs I through 29 aII in anEwer to paragraph 48 of the Verified Conplaint. L2. The Defendants deny the allegations of paragraph49 of the r/erified Conplaint. ST:CIU CTAITI FIOR REIJEP 13. The Defendants incorlgorate by reference theiranswers to paragraphs I through 29 all- in answer to paragraph 50 of the Verified Conplaint. 14. The Defendants deny the allegations of paragraph 51 of the Verified Conplaint. SEVEillE CIAITI FOR REIJBT 15. The Defendants incorporate by reference theiransifers to paragraphs I through 29 all in ansser to paragraph 52 of the Verified Conplaint. 16. Defendants deny the atlegations of paragraph 53the Verified Conplaint. EIGATII CIAIil FIOR REIJEP L7. The Defendants incorporate by reference theiranswers to paragraphs 1 through 29 aII in answer to paragraph54 of the Verj.fied Conplaint. 18. The Defendants deny the allegations of paragraph55 of the Verified Conplaint. NT.rfIE CIAI}I FOR REIJEF 19. The Defendants incorporate by reference theiransrders to paragraphs I through 29, 37 and 38 all in answer toparagraph 56 of the Verified Complaint. 20. The Defendants make no response to the atlegationsof fact contained in paragraphs 57, 58, amd 59 of the Vtrifiedcornplaint as the allegations contained therein are not directedagainst these Defendants. To the extent that an answer isdeerned necessary to the above-mentioned paragraphs, theseDefendants deny each and every arlegation of fact containedtherein. of 2L. answers toparagraptr 5O 22.61, 62 and 63 TETTtr CIAIII FOR REIJEF The Defendants incorporate by reference theirparagraphs I through 29, 37 and 38 all in answer toof tlre Verified Complaint. The Defendants deny the allegationsof the Verified Conplaint. 4.Plaintiffs, damages,if ary, hrere proxinatelyof third persons over whomcaused by the acts or omissionsthese Defendants had no control. Plaintiffs' clains are barred,or Act,governed by the Colorado Governmental-10-l0L through 524-10-120, C.R.S. (1988). of paragraphs AFFIRTATTVE DEFENSES 1. The Plaintiffs have failed to state a claim uponnhich retief can be granted. 2.Plaintiffs have failed to nitigate their danagesas required by law. 3. Plaintiffrs dannages, if iny, rrere proxinatelycaused by their own negligence or risk assunption, whichnegligence is equal to or greater than any negligence of theDefendant. ted Fity ,t- ^?-\0 5.t 2 h c't\ I , a6. Plaintiffs' allegations do not rise to a leve1 ofdeprivation of rights, privileges or irnnunities necessary tostate a 42 U.S.C. 51983 clain. 7. Plaintiffs, claius fail to state any personal involvement of each individual Defendant, therefore plaintiffs, clains fail to state a clain upon which relief may be granted under 42 U.S.C. 51983. 8. At aZl-- tine the Defendantsofficial capacity' and, therefore are notliability under_,{2._U.s. c. 51983.) ") 9. Plaintiffs, clairns are barred and estoppel. 10. Plaintiffs have failedddministrative reuedies. were acting in theirperaon subjects to by waiver, lacbes to exhaust applicabte 11. Ttrle action ls frivolous, groundless andvexatious, and sithout any merit or foundatl.on, thus entitlingdefendants to be avarded their costs, expert sitness fees, andatrorneys fees pursuant to C.R.S. S13-17-IOI , C.R.C.P. _Rule lI,and 42 U.s.c. 51988. I{IIEREFORE, having fully anewered the plaintiffs,Verified Complaint Defendants pray that the Complaint against them be disnissed and that they have Judgrnent for their iosts,including attorney fees and exlrert witneee fees, intereEt andsuch other and further relief as the Court may deem proper. Defendants request a trial to a jury of six on all lS€iUeS. Attorney for Defendants One Denver Highlands, Ste. 403 10375 E. Harrrard Avenue Denver, CO 80231(303) 671-500I Respectfully subnitted, CERTTFICAAB OF IATLI}IG foregoinq docume\t in , the U.t;ni )LYday of n ALQ4iltL1 I hereby certify that f Lanrrence l€vin 9550 E. Porrers Place Greenwood Village, CO 8OltI Daniel l{oodrow 999 18th Street, Suite 3450 f,renver, Colorado 8OZO2 Thomas l{ooreheadTosr 5f !'aii 75 S. Frontage Rd. VaiJ., CO 81657 mailed a tnre copys. litail, postage , L994, addressed to: of theprepaid, t DISTRICT COURT, EAGLE COUNTY, COI,ORADO Civil Action Number 94 cv 288 PI.AINEIFFS' FIRST sEE OF REQUESTS INTERROGATORIEA AND REQUESTS FOR TO TOWN DEFENDANTS FOR AI)I{IASIONS' PRODUCTION OF DOCT'UENTS I,AWRENCE I,EVIN and CAROL LEVIN, Plaintiffs, SAM ANOUNA, PATRICIA ANOUNA, THE TOWN OF VAIL, COTORADO, THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVEIOPMENT OF THE TOI{N OF VAIL ANd RANDY STOUDER, Defendants. cOt{Eg NOw the Plaintiffs, Lawrence Levin and Caro1 Levin, pro se, and pursuant to the provisions of Ru1es 33' 34 and 35 of the Colorido Rules of civil Procedure, submit tbe following First Set of Requests for Admission, Interrogatories and Requests for Production of Documents to Defendants the Town of Vail- (/VaiI'), the DePartment of community Development of the Town of Vail ('DCD") and Randy Stouder ('Stouder') '(sornetirnes collectively called the tTown Defendantst) r to be answered separately in writing, within 3O days' at 956O East Powers Place, Greenwood Village, Colorado 8ol-L1. Requested d.ocuments are to be produced ior inspection andlor copying by Plaintiffs at a time-rnutually agreed upon by the parties, but in no event later than 3o days frorn the date of service of this request. DEFINITIONS AND INSTRUCIIONS 1. "Identify,' when used with regard to a person, means to state the person's fuII name, Iast known address and telephone number, and relationship to you, and, if the person is not a natural person, to state in addition the person's organizational nalure, (i.e., corporation or partnership), and state the name of the officer, agent or employee acting on behalf of the non-natural person. 2. "Identify," when used with regard to a document, neans, whether or not the document is presently in your custody or control , to describe the document, to state the date the document was prepared, to identify the person who prepared the document, to identify the person to whom the document was addressed, sent or delivered, to identify all signatories to the document, and to identify aJ.I Personspresently having custody of the original or a coPy of the docurnent. 3. tYou,' neans collectively or individually, as is appropriate, any or all of the To$tn Defendants herein, including all persons acting in your interest or on your behalf. 4. /Docunent," means notes, memoranda, telephone slips/notes/nenos, files and/or recorded data or writing of any kind. 5. This discovery, pursuant to C.R.C.P- Rule 26(e), is deemed continuing in nature. Please strpplement your responses as required by the terms of that Rul-e. 6. rf you consider any docuurent or conrnunication to be privileged, then, with regard to each such document, provide the following information in writing: a. Identify the author or preparer, the addressee, all persons receiving copies, all other signatories thereto, and the date of the docurnent or conununication; b. Describe ttre nature and purpose of the docurnent or communication; c. State the location of the original and all copies of the document or conmunication and the custodian of each; and d. Explain in detail the legal and factual basis for the clain of privilege with respect to the docunents. 7. If documents which are requested herein have been destroyed or lost, state the inforrnation reguested in 6(a) and (b) above, and state when, where and by whorn it was lost or destroyed and the reason therefor. 8. If any Interrogatory cannot be answered in fu1l after exercising due diligence, please indicated that your answer is incornplete and set forth all inforrnation known as of the date of signing your answers. Specify you reason for your -2- inability to answer the remainder, describe the efforts you have rnade to answer ful1y, state whatever information or knowledge you have concerning the unans!'tered portion, and identify any sources of inforrnatj.on from which further information responsive to the Interrogatory may be obtained. 9. If precise responsive information is not known nor reasonably accessible, please supply estimates or approximations, as necessary, and indicate that the response is an estimate or approximation. L0. In responding to this discovery request, please set forth the full text of the interrogatory before each response. Plaintiffs witl do the same, if requested by you in any discovery. l-L. For all documents requested to be provided, please labet each document with a legend that sets forth the Interrogatory, by number and subpart, to which the document is responsive. If the document is responsive to nore than one Interrogatory, please label the document accordingly with a legend that specifically enurnerates each Interrogatory to which the document is resnonsive. r. nnouesr FoR ADurssroNs 1. Adrnit that in the procedures set forth in Section 18.54.040 of the Town of VaiI Municipal Code (the "Code") in connection with design approval there are no provisions specifically relating to exterior color, staining or restaining of structures. 2. Admit that a serni-transparent stain over a pre-existing, previously applied serni-transparent stain will not rnatch exactly the color of that previously applied stain. 3. Adrnit that there is no provisi.on in the Code defining the term "development." 4. Adrnit that there is no provision in the code defining the term "redevelopment. " 5. Admit that there is no provision in the Code defining the terrn "exterior alteration." 6. Adnit that there is no provision in the Code defining the ternr "exterior materials. " 7. Admit that there is no provision in the Code defining the terrn "rnodifj-cation. " -3- 8. Adnit that there is no reference set forth in Section l-8.54.030 of the Code specifically relating to color changes of an existing structure, as requiring prior design approval. 9. Admit that the Levins and their representative advised Stouder, starting on october L1, L994t that the Levins desired to withdraw their october 1-0, L994 Vail Design Review Board application, and requested that the application, alI correspondence and materials left with stouder, and the application fee be returned to the Levins. 10. Adnit that after written demand by the Levins, Stouder acknowledged in writing that the application was withdrawn prior to the VaiI Design Review Board hearing on October 3.9, 1994. l-I. Adrnit that notwithstanding the Vail Design Review board application withdrawal, Vail cashed the Levins' application fee check, and Stouder did not return to the Levins the rnaterials requested to be returned. II. TNTERROGATORIES 1. Identify all actions taken by vail since January L, 1990 in connection with a stop work order relatingsolely to exterior coJ-or or stain application. 2. Identify all actions taken by DcD since January l-, l-990 in connection with a stop work order relating solely to exterior color or stain application. 3. Identify all actions taken by the Vail Design Review Board since January l-, 1990 in connection with a stop work order relating so1e1y to exterj.or color or stain appl ication. 4. Identify all actions taken by Vail since January 1, 1990 1n connectj-on with a stop work order relating solely to applying a solid stain over a semi-transparent stain. 5. Identify all actions taken by DcD since January l, 1990 in connection with a stop work order relating solely to applying a solid stain over a serni-transparent stain. 6. Identify all actions taken by the Vail Design Review Board since January 1, L990 in connectj.on with a stop work order relating solely to applying a soli-d stain over a serni-transparent stain. -4- 7. Identify all actions taken by vail since January L, L990 in connection with a stop work order relating solely to applying a semi-transparent stain over a semi-transparent stain. 8. Identify all actions taken by DcD since January L, 1990 in connection with a stop li/ork order relating solely to applying a semi-transparent stain over a semi-transparent stain. 9. Identify all actions taken by the Vail Design Review Board since January 1, l-990 in connection with a stop work order relating solely to applying a semi-transparent stain over a semi-transparent stain. 10. Identify separatelY, bY entity, aII actions taken by vai1, DcD, or the Vail Design Review Board since January l-, l-990 in connection with Design Review approval' or disapproval relating solely to exterior color changes in general. l-1. Identify separatelY, bY entity, all actions taken by vai1, DcD, oi the Vail Design Review Board since January l-, L990 in connection with Design Review approval , or disapproval relating solely to changes from one exterior stain or color to a new exterior stain or color. L2. Identify separatelY, bY entity, aII actions taken by vail , DcD, oi the Vail Design Review Board since January 1, l-990 in connection with Design Review approval ,.or disapproval relating solely to restaining or repainting using a corresponding color, for example cedar color over cedar color. 13. Identify separatelY, bY entity, all actions taken by vail, DcD, oi tne vail Design Review Board since January 1, L990 in connection with Design Review approval, or disapproval reLating solely to restaining using a corresponding color, but using a solid stain over a semi-transparent stain. L4. Identify separatelY, bY entity, all actions taken by Vai1, DcD, or the vail Design Review Board since January 1, 1-990 in connection with Design Review approval , or disapproval" retating solely to restaining using a semi-transparent stain over a semi-transparent stain. L5. Identify separatelY, bY entity, afl actions taken by Vailf DcD, or the Vail Design Review Board since January l, 1990 in connection with Design Review approval, or -5- t disapproval relating so1ely to staining or paining of both sides of a duplex unit. l-6. Identify separately, by entity, all actions taken by vail, DcD, oi tne Vaif Design Review Board since January 1, L99O in connection with Design Review approval, or disapproval relating soleIy to staining or painti-ng of only one side of a duplex unit. L7. Identify aII building or sirnilar perrnits issued by vail since January l-, 1-990 relating solely to painting a dwelling unit (Iisting separately single family, duplex or rnulti-fanily dwelling units) . L8. Identify all building or similar permits issued by Vail since January 1, 1990 relating soleIy to staining a dwelling unit (listing separately si.ngle farnily, duplex or rnulti-fanily dwelling units) . l-9. Identify all bu j-lding or sirnilar permits issued by vait since January 1, 1990 relating solely to restaining a dwelling unit (li.sting separately single farnily' duplex or rnulti-family dwelling units) . 20. fdentify all application forns prepared or used by Vait, or any of its departments, relating to prior approvals for iepainting the exterior of a dwelling unit. 2L. Identify aII application forms prepared or used by Vail, or any of its departments, relating to prior approvals for restaj-ning the exterior of a dwelling unit. 22. If you cannot adnit Request for Adnission No. L, identify the provision in Section 18.54.040 of the Code specifically relating to exterior co1or, staining or restaining of structures. 23. If you cannot adrnit Request for Admission No. 2, identify where in the Town of Vail a semi-transparent stain has been applied over a pre-existing, previously applied semi-transparent staj-n which matched exactly to the color of the previously applied stain. 24. If you cannot adrnit Request for Adnission No. 3, identify the provision in the Code specifically where "developnent" j.s defined. 25. If you cannot adnit Request for Admission No. 4' identify the provision in the Code specifical)-y where "redevelopment" is defined. -6- 26. If you cannot adrnit Request for Adrnission No. 5, identify the provision in the Code specifically where "exterior alteration" is defined. 27. If you cannot admit Request for Admission No. 6' identify the provision in the Code specifically where "exterior rnaterials" is defined. 2a. If you cannot adrnit Request for Adnission No. 7, identify the provision in the Code specifically where "modification" is defined. 29. If you cannot adrnit Request for Admission No. 8' identify where in Section 18.54.030 there is a reference to color changes of an existing structure, in connection with reguiring prior design approval. 30. Identify the Vail Zoning Adrninistrator(s) betlteen August 1, 1994 and the date these Interrogatories are answered. 31. Identify the Vail Building Inspector betvteen August 1, 1994 and the date these Interrogatories are answered, and identify the Code provisions which describe hj.s duties, pol,sers and authority. 32. Identify all enforcement actions taken by Vail ,its departments, boards or employees since January 1, 1990, relating to .work when no design review application has been filed. 33. Identify the person who signed the october 6, 1994 Stop work order issued against Plaintiffs' property. 34. Identify the provision or provisj-ons of the Code which give the authority to issue stop work orders, such as that issued against Plaintiffs' property on October 6, L994. 35. Describe the circumstances which led up to the issuance of the October 6, 1994 Stop work order, including the nanes of all persons who spoke with Jin Curnutt or other Vail employees, relating to either its issuance or to the subject rnatter of its issuance. 36. Identify the director and each planner on the staff of DCD on October 1, 1994 and state the dates of each of their employrnent by Vail, their job description, their duties, their post-niqn school education background, certificatj-ons they have obtained and societies to which they belong. -7- 37, Identify all rnembers of the DCD planning staff who were present at the DCD staff meeting between 8:00 a.rn. and 9:0O a.m. on October l-o, L994. 38. Explain why the Defendants, which includes Randy stouder, are without sufficj.ent information to form a belief as to the truth of aL1 of the allegations contained in paragraphs 18, 20,22,23,24,26,28 and 29 when certain of Lnose allegations relate to (a) the October 6t 1-994 Stop Work order issued by Vail, (b) conversations with, statements made, and actions taken by Lauren Waterman, an enployee of DCD, (c) conversations with, statements made, and actions taken by Stouder, (d) provisions of the Code, and (e) writj-ngs of stouder. 39. Identify the basis for the Defendants' affirmative defense n6. 2 stating that Ptaintiffs have failed to mitigate their darnages as required by law. Identify whatplaintiifs should have done to mitigate their damages which occurred after October 6, 1,994. 40. Identify the basis for the Defendants' affirrnative defense no. 3 stating that Plaintiffs damages, if any, were proximately caused by their own negliqence' which negligence is equat Lo or greater than any negligence of the Defendant. Also, identify the negligence of each Defendant this affirmative defense iefers to, and the relative nature of each party's negligence. 4L. Identify the basis for the Defendants' affirmative defense no. 5 stating that Plaintiffs claims are barred, lirnited or otherwise governed by Section 24-L0-101- through section 24-IT-L2O, c.R.S. (1988). Identify the tort clairni, or clairns which could lie in tort that are asserted by the Levins against Vail? 42. Identify the basis for the Defendants' affirmative defense no. 9 stating that Plaintiffs clairns are barred by waiver, laches and estoppel. Identify individually each element of waiver, of laches and of estoppel attributable to each of the Plai-ntiffs. 43. Was Stouder authorized by DCD to send his october 19, 1994 letter to the Levj-ns? (Copy attached.) 44. Was Stouder acting within the scope of his authority when he sent his October 19, 1994 letter to the Levins iiforming thern of Vail,s intent to issue a citation for violation of Chapter 18.58 of the Code? -B- rrr. REQUEST FOR PRODUCTTONS OF DOCU!'IENTS 1. Produce all docunent identified in the foregoing interrogatories . 2. Produce all docurnents relating to stop work orders issued by VaiI or any of its departments, boards or employees since january L, 1990 relating so]ely to the application of exterior color, stain or restaining on structures. 3. Produce all docunents relating to actions taken by vail, or any of its departments, boards or employees since January l-, l-990 in connection with Design Review approval or disapproval relating solely to the application of exterior co1or, staining, repainting or restaining on structures. 4. Produce all documents relating to actions taken by vait, or any of its departrnents, boards or employees since J-nuary 1-, l-99-o in conneclion with building or similar permits issued relating solely to the application of exterior color, staining, repainting or restaining on structures. 5. Produce aII minutes of the Vail Design Review Board meetings since January 1, l-990. 6, Produce Mr. Levin's October 10, l-994 letter to Lauren Waterman, any DCD docunent relating to that letter or to its subject matter, the Levin's October l-0' L994 application to the VaiL Design Review Board, and all correspondence and materials delivered to Stouder on October 10, L994. t-10DATED THIS /5-_ DAY OF DECEMBER, L994. CAROL LEVTN PRO SE -9- CERTIFICATE OI' SERVICE I hereby certify that I nailed a true and correct copy of the foregoing PLAINTfFFS' FIRST SET OF REQUESTS FOR ADMISSIONS, INTERROGATORTES AND REQUESTS FOR PRODUCTION OF DoCUMENTS To TOWN DEFENDANTS by U.S. MaiI, postage prepaid, on this 15th day of Decenber, L994, addressed to: Bradley R. Unkeless, Esq. UnkeLess & Bisset One Denver Highlands, Suite 403 L0375 East Harvard Avenue Denver, Colorado 80231- Daniel L. Woodrow, Esq. Woodrow & Gruskin, P.C. 999 Eighteenth Street, Suite 3450 Denver, Colorado 8O2O2 Thomas Moorehead, Esg. Town of Vail 75 South Frontage RoadVai1, Colorado 8L657 lJ.Ip/bva -10- Holme Robert$ Owen.,.. ATTORNEYS AT.LAW Boulder Colorado Springs Denver Englewood Sah Lake City London 1 700 Lincoln Suite 4100 Den!€r, CO 80203 303 851-7000 Fax 303 8664200 Itwrenca L. levin 303 866{322 October 6, L994 VIA FACSIUII.,E Daniel L. Woodrow, Esq. Woodrow & Gruskin 999 18th Street, Suite 3450 Denver, Colorado 8O2O2 Re: 441-? Colurnbine Drive, Vail, Colorado Dear Mr. Woodrow: I am responding to your October 4, L994 letter to me and our conversation yesterday, which was a followup to rny Septernber 27. 1994 letter to your client, Dr. Sam Anouna. First, the discoloration of the exterior siding on our property is not due to a lack of maintenance of the wood, as you allege, but is, as Travis Baker stated to me yesterday, the result of the discoloration of the old cedar stain and of the natural oils in the redwood cedar siding. The area with the greatest discoloration is on the sunny side of our property and, over time, ME. Baker says a chernical reaction takes place causing the siding to blacken. I am also advised that the blackening process can be retarded by subsequent staining, but that all wood of this nature blackens over tirne, Second, your letter advised me for the first tine that Travis Baker had power washed a test portion of our property. When I wrote the letter on Septerber 27 'Mr. Baker had twice failed to do the power washing test in the time frame that he promised. Mr. Baker never ca1led me after the 27th, which is consistent with my experience with hin concerningf his reliability. When f called Mr. Baker yesterday, he also told me that he had prepared a bid proposal and had given it to Dr. Anouna some time ago, but Dr. Anouna never sent us a copy. I asked Mr. Baker to fax rne a copy, and although he said he would, I never received it. To this date, f have not received a firm bid from hirn to stain our property. Third, you refer to a "two-tone" effect; however, in my letter I rnade it clear that we-woul-d proceed to Daniel L. Woodrow, Esg. October 6, t994 Paqe 2 stain our property with the cedar color, and not use the lighter color stain which we actually prefer and--had stirted to use. This would create no more of a otwo-tone" effect than already exists on the duplex, by virtue of the re-staining effected a few years ago by Dr. Anouna's predecessoi-in-titte, the nifpn Halls, which was effected without rny prior knowledge and written consent. In your letter you refer to the Party Wall Agreement afiecting our property, and, as I advised you, -tfre parties (the uitts ana tne revins) had never followed the irovisions of the Party Wa1I Agreement with respect to exteiior coIor. The cedar colors on both sides of the duplex at present have a different shade, and Dr. Anouna knew of those different shades when he bought the property. In addition, the Ha1ls painted their exterior rnain enlrance door a bright red without our prior knowledge and written consent, and we repainted our garage door frorn the prior cedar color to the color of the adjacent stucco, without the Halls' prior knowledge and written consent. Dr. Anouna's garage door is in the cedar color. Dr. Anouna saw all of these additional differences in the exterior color prior to the tirne that he purchased his unit. Accordingly, the course of conduct of the parties with respecL Lo color is such that the Party Wall Agreement has been disregarded. Even if we assume that the Party WaIl Agreement applies, with respect to color, in May of this year, my wife advised Dr. Anouna ttrat we had recently installed sone new windows, the frames of which needed to be treated, and we also wanted to change the exterior siding color of our property during the summer season. She asked hin if he wanted to change the color on his side to a newer co1or. Dr. Anouna said he liked his color the way it was, but that he would consider a chang'e, and my wife proceeded to contact several painters, continually ldvising Dr. Anouna of her progress, having the selected painting contractor send a re-staining proposal to Dr. Anouna, and even paintinq and delivering to Dr. Anouna's Cherry Hitts residence, wood sarnples showing different stai-n colors. At no time during June, July or August did Dr. Anouna.ever reject the concept of re- staining both sides of the duplex. Further, he never gave us the courtesy of a response to all of Carol's efforts to show him our preferred stain color. It was only on septenber 3rd, two weeks after ny wife left a Inessage wj-th Dr. Anouna stating that neither Daniel L. Woodrow, Esq. October 6, L994 Page 3 rde nor our painter had heard from hirn, that we had run out of tirne to complete the staining this season, and that we would be re-staining our property, that Dr. Anouna rejected the stain which we had selected and started to use. This alone constitutes an unreasonable delay in withholding consent, in violation of the Party Wa11 Agreenent. Dr. Anouna also advised us on September 3 that he not only wants us to use the cedar color, but he wants the stain to be semi-transparent, rather than a solid stain. We advised hin that we have consuLted with three exterior painters who work in the VaiI Valley, and we were advised by aII three that a semi-transparent stain could not be successfully applied on our discolored wood, and that only a solid stain couLd be utilized. This is borne out by the re-staining of the two duplexes on the top of the hill in our subdivision, also built by our builder at the sarne time, which were both re-stained in the last two years using a solid, as opposed to a serni-transparent stain. It was also on Septernber 3 that Dr. Anouna told us for the first time about his dealings with Travis Baker. As I advised both you and Dr. Anouna, we are now planning not to use our preferred lighter color stain, which material we already paid for, but to use a cedar color, but with a solid cedar stain as opposed to a semi- transparent stain. You indicated that Dr. Anouna was unwilling to consent to this, and he suggested that we either tear off and replace, or flip that portion of our existing siding which will not accornmodate a semi- transparent stain, so that he can have a serni-transparent stain on our propertv, but he is willing to pay only up to S25O for this reconstruction work. We believe that this is unreasonable and unacceptable. Accordingly, we plan to utilize the cedar color solid stain, even though we no longer like that color, and are being forced to forego the color of our choice. we are going above and beyond a compromise. We are giving up everything that we wanted and planned for, to attenpt to satisfy Dr. Anouna's intransigence. We also take the position that we are not effecting a color change, and therefore, the Party wal-l Agreernent does not apply. However, even if it were to be construed that the cedar color solid stain is a color change, Dr. Anouna's failure to consent to our re-staining our proDerty is unreasonable. We are asking nothing of , Dr. Anouna on his property. We onLy desire to re-stain our property so tnlt we c-n conplete the re-staining and window iranre treatnent process this year, and not be further delayed. SincerelY,/ /lt' dt^n^^iutt"n"" L. Levin LLL/ccs Daniel L. Woodrow, Esq. October 6, L994 Page 4 LLLC/GJ{ tL /'-i 'z4 toz<2t+o-V,.4- -- ( /*,/u'$ aar-^*tl ocl 1 0 1s34 t-r )"* L e^"\ * 'J Or"- "^;L lo'u uo.{--*'Q *-t/ c'^^j rn^' rTr',Y^:^:^#*:"r rzo stttutQbv' lvt^-(' tt,-c2ff,*'' WJ ,-n,\. ^1^*l\tazr-dcc^|otl*'l wqt wa-k^'^! "*-J "-^''l *^,--rrt a"r'^-)trv- 1^^ ' Le't' \' {- t-"^ ""J Juol a,^A b^{ '-"t"\'v &'b C (.'f * L nrso 1'r o ri u' c', +- ) 'tt L^^ L^'l-'zs U'i * ,Qno\.,v!\^-o\ )+ L HJ z) q^ *'*F \* J ,rr-) \r^t-t tr,*U) il*'* /'"'0"n =l aAYB'" s,r!^3**k^^/, ol'--+, J^J b *;Y Y : w tr* ! h;^h, ;u f f* il - -1. n' ' |[',r, UIJU \^€54Jl\ br' ' f^Ut^'^'--L' z'l ex4 l*!-dr-u \^'o ,'^oW t-0 Ra( t*\' A'ool-z ' an l*^ -;;q i^*El s' ol^N"*{ o"' e*a'a-q"i; u'-,U .,'^{-,,c {-o #Y-g *t\F ^iTcl';; * a oo^ W^*{'"^^L- o'-ln'',*n n,-iNn f\M'' :) l'rr^J aftpt goacQ^'o- {= u^^a*fatta,^'a"'r,'cr, '€, l{at'ua .rr c unf t Ql...,\-.,\,o )p^+rt" , Bail . ')-o- q,\=, '., , T1V-Cgp1M, DEV, DLPT,/ . , r r )n 0 {^o i-. ^^AngL'1-M V,*T +, n+-U )&rtl, lt. if"'"6 6e'fi |Jt ) wo-*lol Jtl" f* L'*d I- '*'6*"'t M; tt^" ,rtotJ D wA V se^-Q'a/rp'*"t/@ ry ,; tt.a\ h^p *-r>/ qa w",l'*,)' o'^A a tu"e- &^^tp"i^euf ( t d tl 'Vlp"p' ") "o fuo{ * ; ' vs\-o e)'" o^ )' \^'+ "to^u^"A o-.r,.?.))9* ofu.,"-,r1 /\^"- Lzu)" I t."f o',-'Q f'^- \,^J -*, &U u--r cD- he- l^*l*'*l-- W.ct\,,r fa\.r^a r,r a o'-.\ ca/R L 1 af k) ^1* f- &* t^r,h^ ,Lt{*,- *Lefl*t Y* '"'''d''< Smz ,',oJ, Lrl*\, ?c..^ G* .1.-..* c-ot-i ,iJr^M N" k,fl Lo-:,)),^^,,R* ^\.')'0ntu Bor- zzz-aZ>{, ttffi;", EouldcrlDrnvct 30!.642.76t0 125{ Coppardah Lane Uo'6.n,gg 80403 Velt 30t.cft.7137 8ox 303 Vail,CO 01&E0 -ocT 11 '94 Mdltnta,N 11:24 A.K.MICHELSON r.5tJ Drie 7lzEl$ Job ttrm€ 4417 g columbins East Vail Job Numbcr 94141 : Proposal (Ssm Anouna) 4417 8 North Columbine Ddve lcrmr 1/ll Down: Ut on CootPlctlon Mlrrhlrln Woodcrrr lc plplrcd lo provldc th+ followlng prcportl: Prcecure clearvskip natulal wood ludaces to removo old slain, decay and diecolotetion' Achigve lilrr-nsw rppoarrn€. Aoolv eeturation co€l ol WoodCsta Ol to pogared cuilacer' Cideh arwor ptotect any cudacof tfred€d by work to b€ pedorrnd' Siding, deck floors. rlib. fEscia, rolfilo, po+ls and beanrs' i1075'00 To trrit naturul wood wlndowa, window fism€e errd door trert|cc with waadcaa flitflrc sam€ as aidhg. i'|00.0t |li?G.d and Ac..PLd:,*,,1/nrt( ct,3Er||. gqnanxo :-13.1 ocT 11 ',94 Ll.t 19 ff.K.NICHELsoN P.?/3 Deen Srns, l4n. LEvtt't's PROPoSAL Is FoR SIcNIFI0ANTLY 0IFFERENT SURFACES THAT }TILL WEATHER AND BE MATNTAINED IN DIFFERENT WAY$ AND AT DIFFERENT INTREVAL5, LEADINO TO INCRESINGLY DIVEROENT COLOR AND APPEARANOE. TNE EVCSONE OF THIS PATCHWORK EUILOINO WILL IMMEDIA TELy DECREASE My pROPERTY VALUE. A UOSS AS SMALL AS 5U oF VALUE REsuLTS ru n $25,000 I-OSS AT IODAY'S PRICES' THtS plrcnwonr MAY ALSO DECREASE PROPERTY VALUE FOR OUR NEXT DOOR NEIGHBOUR' tllHOSE HOUSE IS NATURALLY STAINED, AS tilELL AS THE OTHER 5 On 6 HOMES IN OUR LITTLE CORNER ON COLUMBINE. I STNOII0I.Y rEEL THERE ARE NO GROUNDS FOR SWITCIIING sOLID BoDy SURFAcE Of{ THE BASIS tlAtNTAtNANoE, THE EFFICACY STANDARD TRANSPARENT MAINTAINANOE I5 A}IPLY FI{OVLN BY THE EXCELLENT AppEARANCE OF UNiT A. THE OsSeUnv HOME NExT 000R, THE RIVER RUH AUItOING, TFIE AVOTU UUtttCIPAL BUILDINGS AND OTHERS' THe pnOetEM t,tTH UNIT B 00Es NoT STEM INADEoUATE METHoDS FoR MAINTAINANCE BUT FROM THE LACK OF MAINTAINANCE ALLTOGETHER' ' StttTttcHIN0 rROM THE ORIGINAL TREATMENT 0F THE SURFACES HARDLY WARRANTS THE RISKS AND CONSEOUENCES OUTLINED' ISTNOruCTY URGE YOU TO TAKE AN ACTIVE ROLE IN THESE MAINTAINANCE ISSUES AS THESE UILL BECOME FAR MORE NUMEROUS AND WILL HAVE GREATER IMPACT ON THE TOilN AS OUR BUILDINGS AGE' TO OF ERELY ir (t APPLICATTON - TOWN OF DATE RECEIVED: DATE OF DRB MEETING: ****ti***t fuqqrl u J "Cotunntt/t-' VAfIJ, COLORADO REC'DL';I i 0 r9g4 lo DESCRIPTION: l?TYPE OF REVIEW: _ New consr,rucrion. (g200 .001 r'u:.rro, iffilhaLion ($20.00)Addition ($50.00) -concepr",ji ieview t$O) ADDREsS, lltZ 0 Cozur 0tpe' 0ntue D. rf property is described bydescripcion, pldase provideto this appLicat.ion. a meets and bounds on a separaLe street legal and attach y l^, F ZONTNG: NAME OF Mailing APPLTCANT: Address: ot' tlLL 21 / Ll Phone NAME oF ApplrcANrs REpREsENrArrvE: 47 t" l+}*Mailing Address: Phone H NAME OF OWNER(S): Mailins Ad.dress, t44 € *f iEphone APPLrcAlroNs wrLrJ Not BE pRocEssED wrrffiour owNER's srcNA?uRE I. Condominium Approval if applicable. .1 . DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above,\ are E.o be paid at thet.ime of submitLal of the DRB applilation. Later, whenapprying for a-buirding permit,-plbase identify Lhe accurate 't valuaE,ion of Lhe proposat. The iown of vair wiri .ai""l-iir"fee according to the table berow, Eo ensure Lhe correct feeis paid. FEE SCHEDULE: , VALUATION "r.nrr i to,ooi-; ;;:;;;$ 50, 001 - g 150,000 $150, 001 - $ 500, 000 9500,001 - 91,000,000$ Over $1, 000,000 DESIGN REVIEW BOARD APPROVAT EXPIRES APPROVAIJ I'NI.'ESS A BUIIJDING PERMIT ISIS STARTSD. FEE i ;o:oo $100.00 $200.00 $400.00 $s00. 00 ONE YF"AR AFTER FINAIJ ISSUED AliID CONSTRUCTTON rr. PRE-APPLr"* MEETTNG: A pre-applicat.ion meeting wich a member of the planning staff is encouragred to determine if any addicionalapplication informaLion is needed. IL is ctre applicanc,sresponsibility to make an appointment with the staff Eo deEermine if there are additional submit,taL reguirement.s. Please note that a COMPLETT applicauion will sEreamline thereview process for your projecL. III. IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING AI,I, SIIBMISSIONS TO TIIE DRB: A. h addition to meeting'submiE.Lal requiremeats, cheapplicant must. stake and Lape E.he project. siee toindicate property lines, building lines and buildingcorners. All t,rees Lo be removed must be taped. AI1site Lapings and sEaking must be complet.ed prior t.o the DRB site visit. The applicant nust ensure thaL sEakingdone during the winter is not buried by snow. B. The review process for NEw BUILDINGS normally requirestwo separaLe meeLings of Ehe Design Review Board:.a concepEual review and a final review. C. Applicants who fail to appear before Che Design ReviehtBoard on their scheduled meeting daLe and who have noLasked in advance Lhat discussion on their item bepostponed, wiII have Eheir items removed from t.he DRBagenda until such time as Lhe item has beenrepublished. D. The following items may, aL the discretion of thezoni.ng adminisLrator, be approved by t.he Communit.yDevelopment Departmerit. sLaff (i.e. a formal hearinobefore the DRB may noL be reguired): a. Windows, skylights and similar exterioJ changeswhich do not alter Lhe exist.ing plane of thebuilding; and b. Building addicions noL visible from any ot.her lotor public space. At the time such a proposal issubmitted, applicanLs must include 1eE.t.ers fromadjacenc property owners and,/or frorn t,he agenL foror manager of any adjacent condominium associationsLating Lhe association approves of the addit.ion. E. If a properEy is locaLed in a mapped hazard area (i.e. snow avalanche, rockfall, ftood plain, debris f1ow,wetland, eLc.), a hazard study must. be submitted andthe ohrner must sign an affidavit recognizing the hazardreport. prior ro the issuance of a building permiE.Applicants are encouraged t.o check with a Town plannerprior Eo DRB application to det.ermine t,he relationshipof the property to all mapped hazards F. For all residenLial construclion: a. Clearly indicaLe on the floor plans the insideface of Lhe exterior st.rucLural walls of thebuildinq; and b. Indicate vi'it.h a dashed line on the site plan a'four fooL distance from the exterior face of thebuilding waIIs or supporting columns. c. If DRB approves the application wiLh conditions ormodifications, a1l conditions of approval musE. beaddressed prior t.o Lhe application for a buildingperml L. IV.NEI{ CONSTRUCTI A. Three copies of a recent t,opographic survey, sLamped bya Colorad.o professional Licensed Sunreyor, at a scaleof 1" = 20' or larger, on which bhe followinqinformation is provided: Lot area, and buildable area when differenL t.hanIot area. Legal descript.ion and physical address. 'Ivro foot cont.our int,ervals unless the parcelconsists of 6 acres or more, in whicb case, 5,cont.our intervals may be accepted. Existing trees or groups of trees having trunkswith diameters of 4n or more, as measured from apoint one foot. above grade. Rock ouEcroppings and other significant, naturalfeatures (1arge boulders, intermittent streams,eLc. ) . Hazard areas (avalanche, rockfa11, eEc.),centerline of streams or creeks, required creek orscream seLback, and 100-year flood plain, ifapplicable. Slopes of 40t or more stratt neclearly delineaied by cross hatching. Ties L.o exiscing benchmark, eiLher USGS landmarkor sewer j.nvert.. This informat,ion must. be clearlysLated on the survey so that all measuremenLs arebased on Lhe same sLart.ing point. This isparLicularly imporLanL for determining buildingheight and driveway s1ope. See policy On SurveyInformaLion, for more informat.ion regardingsurveys. Locat.ions of Ehe following must be shown: a. Size and t.ype of drainage culverts, swales,etc. b. Exact. IocaLion of existinq utility servicelines from their source to the structure,includino: Cable Tv Telephone q 6. a Sewer Water GasElectric c. A11 util.ity met.er locations, inctuding anypedestals Lo be located on siE.e or in theright-of-way adjacent to the site. d. Property lines - disLances and bearings andbasis of bearing. e. IndicaLe all easements identified on thesubdivision plaE. 9. Provide spot elevaEions at the edge of asphalt,along the sLreet frontage of the property atL'w€rilt-iive j_uoL j_ncervais \25,', , and a minimum ofone spot elevaE.ion on either side of Lhe lot. Site PIan 1. Locations of t.he following must, be shown: a. existing and finished grades. b. Proposed surface drainage on and off site. B. p proposed driveway, inc:.!!l.ng percenr stopeand spoL elevations at. the property line,garage slab and as necessary along thecenterline of the drive L,o accurately reflectdriveway grade. d. A 4' concrete drive pan aE the edge ofasphalt, for driveways that, exit. the sLreet inan uphil1 direcEion. 2. A11 existing improvement.s includinq strucEures,landscaped areas, service areas, sEorage areas,walks, driveways, off -sLreet. parking, loadingrareas, reEaining waLls (vrith top and boEEom ofwal1 spot elevaE,ions), and other existing site improvemenLs. 3. In order to determi.ne proposed building heighLselevaLions of all t.op roof ridges, and eaves whendetennined necessary by the zoning administrat.or,shall be indicated on the siLe plan with existingand proposed contour lines shown underneath. Landscape plan (lrr = 20, ot larger)3 copies'reguired 1. At a minimum, the fotlowing information must beprovided on the landscape plan: a. Location of existing t.rees 4', d,iamet.er orlarger, b. Type, size and locat.ion of all existing andproposed plant mat.erial, c. Location of a1l trees to be transplanLed, d. A detailed legend of all proposed plantmaLerial including cornmon and Latin names. 2. 'The locat.ion and type of exisLing and proposedhraLering systems !o be employed in caring- forplanL maLerial following it.s installation. 3. Existing and proposed contour lines. Retainingwalls should be included with Lhe contourinformation with top of waII and boE.Lom of waIIelevations listed. 4. CompleLe the attached landscape materials lisc. D. E. F. S:Lgn_-of f fTom eagh utiliEv companv verifying thelocaLion of util-iLy service ana avaifaUil:.tv (seeattached utility verificaLion form) m].n rirl mus tpropert.y ownership Lhe subjecL accompany aIl submittals,and idenEify all easementsproperry. to insureaffecting Arcbitectural Plans lL/8,' = 1, or larger, L/4" lspreferred scale for review) 3 copies ire reguired. Floor plans and all elevar-jons of the proposeCdevelopmenL drawn t.o scale and fully dimensioned.The elevation drawings must show bolh existing andfinished grades. One set of floor plans must be ,'red-1ined', Eo showhow Lhe gross residential floor area (GRFA) wascalculated. Exterior mat.erials and colors shatl be specifiedon Ehe at.t.ached materi_als Iist. this maCLrialslist must be completed and submitted as a pari ofthe application. Color chips, siding sa*piesetc., sha1l be presented at the Design RLview ao"]".Eing. Derails incruail buE nor lirniredt.o fascia, trim, railings, chimney cap, meterlocations, etc. must be shown graphicllly anofully dimensioned. Zong cheqk list (attached) must be compleLed if theprolect. jls located within the Single-Fami1y,erimary/Secondary or Duplex zone districts. Phot.os of Lhe existing sit.e and where applicable, ofadjacent st.ructures. The Zoning Administrator and,/or DRB may reguire thesubmission of addiEional p1ans, drawings, - specif icat.ions , samples and other rnateiials - '( includ.inga model) if deemed necessary to determine wtrether aproject will comply with Design Guidelines. Photos or sketches which clearly convey the redevel-opmentproposal and t.he location (site plan) of the redevelopmentproposal may be submitted in lieu of the more formalrequirements set forth above, provided all importantspecifications for the proposal including colors andmaterials Lo be used are submiLEed VI . ADDITTONS - RESIDEMTIAIJ OR COMMERCTAL A. Original ftoor plans with all specifications shown. B. Three sets of proposed floor plans L/gn = !, or larger(L/1,, = f, is preferred) C. Three copies of a siLe plan showing existing andproposed construct.ion. rndicate roof ridge elevaE.ionswit.h exisLing and proposed grades shown underneaLh. D. Elevations of proposed addiLion. E. Photos of the exisLing structure. F. specifications for aIr materials and color samples onmaeerials Iis! (attached). At lle request of the Zoning administ,raEor you may also berequired to submit: c. A sLaLement f rom each ut.ility verifying locaLj.on ofservice and availabilit.y. See attached utilitylocation verification form. H. A sile improvemenE. survey, stamped by registeredColorado professional L,icensed. surveyor. r. A preliminary t.iEIe reporL, to verify ownership ofproperLy, which lists all easements. VII. FINAL STTE PLAN ()na.o .a h,rrt l.ar_-__b-;'.}, !,e-ir.rg rr<rs r.reetr J.DpugLr, durl (-UIISLfUCCIOn 1Sunderway, and before the Building Department will sctredule aframinE inspecLion, two copies of an- Improvement. L,ocaLionCert,if icaLe survey (ILC) st,amped by a reqisteredprofessional engineer muse be submitted. The followinoinformation musL be provided on Lhe Il,C: A. Building locaLion(s) with bies Lo property corners,j..e. disEances and angles. B. Building dimensions to the nearest. tenth of a foot.. G. I. n H. arr utlty service tine as-uuirrlshowins type ofmaE.erial used, and size and exact. locat.ion-of-iines. Basis of bearing Eo tie to sect,ion corner. All property pins are t,o be either found or seL andstaEed on i-mprovement survey. AII easements. Garage slab elevaLions and all roof ridge elevaLionswiLh exist.ing and proposed grades shown under the ridcel ines VIII. CONCEPTUAIJ DESIGN REVIEW A. SgbmiE.t.al reguirements: The owner or aut.horized agenE.of any project reguiring design approval as preseribedby this chapt.er may submit plans for concepEual reviewby the Design Review Board to Lhe Department ofCommunity Development,. The concept.ual review isintended Lo give Lhe applicanE, a tasic underst.anding ofthe cornpatibility of their proposal with the Town,sDesign Guidelines. This procedure is recommendedprimarily for applications more complex than singJ.e-family and two-family residences.. However, deveiopersof single-family and tr^'o-family projects shal_l not beexcluded from the opportunity Lo reguest a conceptualdesign review. compreLe apprications must be submiLted10 working days prior Lo a scheduled DRB meeLing. The following informat.ion shall be subrnitt,ed for aconceptual review: 1. A conceptual site and landscape plan at a minimumscale of one inch equals twenty feet; 2. Conceptual elevations showing exterior materialsand a description of Lhe character of Lhe proposed s t.ruc ture or strucLures; 3. Sufficient informaLion to show the proposalcomplies wiLh the development standlrdl of thezone disLrict. in which the project, is Lo belocated (i.e. GRFR, siLe coverage calculaLions,number of parking spaces, etc.); 4. Completed nnn applicaLion form. B. Procedure: Upon receipt of an application forconceptual design review, Ehe Department of Communit.yDevelopmenL sharr review t.he submitted materiars forgeneral compliance with the appropriate requiremenLs ofLhe zoning code. If Ehe proposal is in basiccompliance wiE.h t.he zoning code requirements, theproject shal1 be forwarded Eo che oRe for conceDLuarreview. rf the applicacion is not generally incompliance wich zoning code requiremenLs, Lheapprication and submitt.ar materiars shal.l be returnedLo Lhe applicane wiEh a written explanation as to whythe cotnmunit.y DevelopmenE DeparLment st.af f has foundt.he proi ect not to be in eomnr i-anee 'qi r_h zoning ccCcrequiremenLs. Once a complele applicat.ion has beenreceived, Lhe DRB shall review the submitted conceptualreview applicat.ion and supporting materiar in ordei t.odetermine wheE.her or noL che project genera}ly comprieswit,h the design guidelines. ine-pne does nou voc.e onconceplual reviews. The property owner or hisrepresenLaLive shall be presenL aL the DRB hearinq. a I,IST OF It'ATERTALS NAr\,1E oF prror1cr '/.//7 B <oL,hg/nl l(l U€ LEGAL DESCRIPTTON: LOTfB BLOCK suBDrvrsroN g/( flolp 'Arv( .? STREET ADDRESS: The following informaLion is Review Board before a final A. BUILDING }IA?ERIAI-TS : reguired approval TYPE OF for submit.t.al can be iiven: MATERIAIJ Lo the Design COLOR Roof Sidins OLher WalI Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim I{and or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses . Retaining Walls ExLerior Light.ing Ot.her B. LANDSCAPING: Name of 0rYtt Ptc s-4tu ket ne O rO h lrC/l Itrltl)t o t lnltC e-l/ , 8l/ilGtr ra nhcll o z v ?t c <fit Auol' r<t 4h<ll atYno/c sfA/.w Btc*t*t m nifA Designer: Pfrone ! PLANT *"T", PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS Botanical Name Ouantity Size*.o*n? *u*" *Indicate caliper for deciduous trees.tre Indica t.e Lrees.**IndicaLe size of proposed shrubs. 5 oallon. Tvpe GROLID, COVERS soD qFE'N TYPE OF IRRTGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSTON COMTROL Sguare Footaqe c- LANDSCAPE LTGHTTNG: rf exterior lighting is proposed, pleaseshow Lhe number of fixLures and locations on a separateliqhting plan. rdentify each fixture from the lighting planin Lhe space ber-ow and provide t.he height above grade, type oflight. proposed, lumen ouLpuL, luminous area and i cuc srreLt otthe light fixture. (Seccion 18.54.050 J) D.orHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (recaining war1s, fences, swimmingpoors, etc-) please specify. rndicaEe heights of reeaininiwalrs' Maximum height of warrs wichin the front setback il3'. Maximum heighc of walls elsewhere on the properE,y is 6, SUBDIVISION JOB NAI-iE LOT BLOCK FILING ADDRESS The locat.ion and availabiliLy of uE,ilities, vrhether !ry$ lines or proposed linel , musE be approved andfollowing utilities for the accompanying iite ptan. Authorized Siqnature Lhey be mainverified by the 'DaLe U.S. west Communications l. - 800 -922- L987 468-6860 or 949-4530 Public Service Company 949 - s781 cary Hall HoIy Cross EIect,ric Assoc. 949 - 5892 Ted Husky/Michael Laverty Heritage Cablevision T.v.. 949-5s30 Steve Hiatt Upper Eagle Va11ey Wat.er& SaniLat.ion DisLricL * 4'76-7480 Fred Haslee NOTE:1. fhis form is Lo verify service availabiliEy andlocation. rhis should be used in conjunction withpreparing your uLility plan and schedutingins t.aI Ia Lions . 2. For any new construct,ion proposal , Lhe applicant.. must. provide a conpleted uLility verification forn. 3. If a utility company has concerns wiLh the proposedconslrucLion, the utility represent,aLive should noLdirectly on Lhe ut.iliEy verification form that thereis a problem which needs to be resolved. The issueshould then be spelled out in detail in an attachedIetLer Lo the Town of vai1. However, please keep inmind t.har ir is rhe responsibility ot tne utilitycompany to resolve ident.if ied problems. 4. If Lhe utility verification form has signatures fromeach of the utility companies, and no conment.s aremade direcLly on the form, the Town will presumeLhat. Lhere are no problems and that the developmenEcan proceed, 5. These verificaLions do not. relieve the contracLor ofhis responsibility E.o obtain a sLreet cut permiLfrom Lhe Town of vail, Department. of publil worksand Eo gbtai+ ucilitv locltions before diqqinq inany public righE.-of-way or easenenL in the Town ofrla:I. n bu:1d:ng.;crnil is not a slreel crrL uerrniL.A street cut permit must be obtained separately. 6. InsLallat.ion of service Lines are at Lhe expense andresponsibility of the property owner. t- Please bring a site plan, floor p1an, and elevations whenobtaining upper Eagre vaLley water & sanit.ation signaLures. Fireflow needs musL be addressed. offio s i n s 1 e F ami I y * " " ;1"Jf; "dr r?"_rrl"# P r i ma ry / s e c o n d a ry DATE: LEGAL DESCRIPTfON: Lot _ BLock -- Subdivision ADDRESS: OWNER PHONE PHONE BUIIJDABIJE LOT AREA AIlowed Existinq proposed Tot,al (30) (33) +425= No ZONE DISTRTCT PROPOSED USE ARCHTTECT LOT STZE HeighL. TOtAl GRFA Primary GRFA secondary GRFA + 425 =_ seLbacks FronL Z0'Sides 15,Rear 15, Site Coverage Landscaping ReLaining waII Heights 3'/6, Parking Garage CrediE Reqrd Encl (300) (600) (900) (1200) Drive: permiLted SLope % proposed Stope t Complies with T.O.V. Lighting Ordinance yes No waLer course Setback (30) (s0) Do Finish Grades Exceed 2:1 (50t) yES NO Environmental/Hazards: 1) Flood plain 2l Percent Slope (< > 30t) 3) Geologic Hazardsa) Snow Avalancheb) RockfaIIc) Debris FIow 4) Weclands view Corridor Encroactunent,: yes uoes tnj.s reqiiesL j.uvuive a 2i0 Adtiition?How much of rhe arrowed 250 Addirion is useiffiEis request?_ Previous condit.ions of approval (check propert,y file) : 10 L0/17 /94 11:24 t1866 0200 IIolme Ro0ts & Owen,.,." ATTORNEYS.AT.LAW E4 o $gvldct URO DENVER N?O @ ooz LololrEdF SPnngs Oenver t@EwEd JaIt rrke {)ry Lvdarl 1700 Linroln suirs 4100 D€nver, Cn tlnr0] 10i EAr-70nn tej( 3oJ E66.9t00 rrwnmce 1,, |- rtl '03 &66-03)2 October L7, 1994 vra Ftcsl}trllE (303) a79-2{52 Randy Stoudetr, Planner Conrrunity Developnent Department Town of Vail75 South Frontaqe Roadvail , colorado Bt-6sz Dear Mr. stouder: r aar confirrning in writing my two previous telephone messages to you last r*eelc, as wel1 as thetelilthone call fron ny representative Larry Eslsdith. Esq.latt Tuesday, october llth, advising you, your departrnent,and the Town of vail DesiEn Review Board, that my wife andI are withdrawing the apptication to appear before thefown of Vail Design Review Board in connection with therestaining of our property in VaiI . As Ur. Eskwith adviEed you, and aE I am onceagain reiteratine, vB direct you to return innediately toHr. EEI*,ith the application forrtr our cheok, aIIcorrespondence and the naterials left with you onOctober 10, 1994. Do not UnilateralLy place us ol-the I-own of Vail Desiqn Review Board octobei tg. 1994 a.renda- After reviewing the llown of Vai'l De*ign rle.vi.errchapter, as wetl as other provisions in the Town of VaiIZoning Ordinance TitLe after you left orrr FroFerty rrnoctober 10f L994, and conctucting other investigations, ueare convinced that the lle-si gn Resri ew Roard has nojurisdiction to approve any restaining of our propertywith a solid. as olrFnsed to a seni-transparent stain,utilizing a color which corresponds to the existing eedar col or of the ltroperty. Very trul.y yourr Ifr.,^/l*: Lawrencc L, Lcvin frx!y'ag scr Larry nskwith, Esq. rllc/0J7 FI o LT cCIP y TOWN OFVAIL 75 South Frontage Road VaiI, Colorado 81657 303-479-2 I 38 / 479-2 I 39 FAX 303-479-2452 October 19, 1994 Departnent of Community Deve lopment Larry and Carol Levin 9560 East Powers Place Greenwood Village, CO 80121 SENT VIA CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REOUESTED Dear Mr. and Mrs. Levin: At your requesl, I am hereby withdrawing your Design Review Board (DRB) application to repaint your half of the duplex al 4417-9 Columbine Drive/Lot 5, a resubdivision of Lot 14, Bighorn 3rd Addition. You filed the DRB appl!.c-qli-qq at my request, in response to a zoning violation and a Stop Work Order issued on€6p{ffibr 6, 1994. I must assume that by withdrawing your application, you have abandoned the design review and approval process. Thus, I have no recourse but to pursue the zoning violation that currently exists at the property mentioned above. By this letter, I am informing you of the Town's intent to issye a citation for violation of the Design Review section of the Zoning Code, Chapter 18.Er9!'f you do not restore the duplex to its preexisting condition by November 4, 1994. lt is my understanding that this would involve removing, replacing, and restaining the siding on the fronl of your unit. The restored area must match the preexisting condition of the exterior of the duplex (i.e. siding wood type, color and semi-transparent stain finish). lf you have any queslions, please contact me at (303) 479- 2138. Sincerely, -/) a ,/ .4.L44da ' / "' Randy Stouder Town Planner TO: FROM: DATE: RE: Tom Moorhead Randy Stouder tt/tt/e4 Irevin Srxnmonsorive/r,ot 5, aThird Filing IIEMOR.AIVDT'!{ relat.ing to paint job at resubdivision of loL 14, F[[.[ C0PY 44L7 -B Columbine Block 4, Bj.ghorn The following is a sunmary of the events and eircumstances in which r was involved wiLh regards to the Levin's complaint. lodged againsL Lhe Town, my department and myself. On or about October 6, 1994 Ehe Community Development. planner of Lhe day (POD), .Iim CurnutLe, received a phone call from Sam Anouna. Mr. Anouna stated that the owner of the adjacent half of his duplex was painting the unit without receiving Ehe To\^tn's prior approwal . Jim and anoLher planner, Lauren waterton went to the site and confirmed Ehe complainE. Mr. IJevi.n had begun painLing t.he front of his half of Ehe duplex with a solid-body stain. Jim spoke with Chuck Feldmann in our buildinq departmenE. Chuck placed a red tag(stop work order) on Mr, r-,evin's half of the duplex on october 6, ]-994 (not, SepEember 6 as stated in my certified letter Lo Mr. Levin) . ApparenLly, the Levins arrived in town the following weekend and found the red tag. First thinq Monday morning, Mr. Levin appeared at our office. Lauren waterton made the init.ial staff contacE with Mr. I-,evin Lhat morning. Mr. Levin explained what. he wished to do with the repaint. It. was Lauren's understanding thaE the proposal was Lo re-sLain the unit the same exact color and tlpe of stain as the existing finish. Lauren asked him Lo writ.e everyLhing down for her to review wibh the resL of the planning staff. withouL readingMr. IJevin's statement and with the understanding t.hat the re-stain would not change the color or appearance of the unit, Lauren authorized Mr. L,,evin t.o proceed. Lauren immediately went into our regular Monday morning staff meeEing (already in progress) and did not get a chance to review Mr. Levin's writt.en st.atement untillater that morning. That same norning, Monday OcLober 10, I was called out Lo the lobby to speak with Mr. Anouna (I was POD). Mr. Anouna went over the situation with ne. He made it clear Ehat iL was Mr. Levin's inLent to use a tl49e of stain Ehat was substanLially different from the original stain. rhis was the first conLacL I had wiLh the situation. After speaking wiEh Mr. Anouna I got toqeLher wiEh Lauren and reviewed Mr. Levin's written statement. It was clearly stated that although an aLtempt would be made to match the existingcolor of t.he duplex, that t,he Lype of stain proposed was a solid- body stain rather than a semi-Eransparent stain. This would be a departure from the exist.ing semi-transparent finish on both halves of the duplex. Upon discovering this fact, we conferred with a member of t.he senior staff, Andy Knudtsen. We decided to approach Mr. Levin and ask him to complete a DRB application. Lauren and I went straight Eo the duplex to discuss the opEions available Eo Mr. and Mrs. Levin. This occurred within two to three hours of time when Lauren Lold Mr. I-,evin t,hat the red tag was lifted. Mr. I-,evin stated thaE he would like to try and get the solid-body sEain approved by uhe DRB. I had a copy of the one application, which I helped Mr. Levin complete. I informed Mr. Lewin thaL staff would review his application at an in-house meet.ing the next morning. He said he would brinq in a color sample of the proposed solid-body stain to assisL our review. I informed him that the red tag was sLill in effect and requesLed Lhat he stop Ehe painters who were masking-off some doors and windows on the northeast facade. The following day, Lhe Planning Staff reviewed Mr. Levin's application, his written statement and looked at the paint. sample.After reviewing the DRB guidelines, Staff determined that the applicaLion should be sent on for review by Ehe Design Revievt Board.Staff made this judgement based largely on the determination that the proposed solid-body stain would not provide a homogeneous and compatible appearance on the duplex as long asthe adjacent half remained semi-bransparent. Differences in the texture, luster and reflectivity of Lhe two tlpes of finishes would produce a totally different appearance from one half of the duplex to the other. That same day, Mr. Levin was informed of sEaff'sposition and the application was scheduled for the next available DRB meeLing (October 19, t994) . On October 18, L994 r received a call from Mr. Levin stating Ehat he wished to wiLhdraw his one application. r stated that if he withdrew the application, Lhat I would have no recourse but Eopursue the zoning viotation for which Mr. Levin was red tagged, i.e. making an exterior alteration to the duplex without prior approval by the DRB as required in Chapter 1-8.54 of the Zoning Code. I then prepared the certified letter dated october L9, 1994 to Mr. L,evin. In LhaE, letter I gave Mr. Levin till Novembet 4, ]-994 Lo resEore the duplex to iLs preexisting condition. The consequence of noncompliance would be a citation for the violation. On November 7, 1994 I was served with the summons. That same day I went, to Mr. Levin's residence and observed thaE the house was in Ehe same condit.ion as Lhe firsE, time r saw it, i.e. Ehe porEion of the house where repainting had occurred, had not been restored to iLs preexist.ing condition as requested in my letter. f : / eweryone / r andy /memos / 1 ewin MEMORANDUM F$L I OEP Y TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Tom Moorhead Lauren Waterton November 11, 1994 Levine lawsuit My involvement with this application is as follows: On October 6, 1994, Jim Curnutte and I visited this site al4417-8 Columbine Drive after Jim received a complaint about the painting of the house wifrtout Design Review Board.(DRB) approval. Our site visit confirmed that they indeed were painting without DRB approval. A red tag was issued for the project. On October 10, 1994, Lawrence Levine came into the office to ask how to remove the red tag. I spoke with him about the painting and understood that he was not going to continue to paint his house but rather he was going to stain it as il was before. With this understanding, I asked him to put in writing the process for restoring his house back to its natural color' After an understanding that the house was going to be restained and tlre color was not changed and after discussing it with staff, I told him the red tag was lifted. After he left, his neighbor Sam Anuna came into the office and talked with Randy and myself about the issue. He firmly believed that the house was not going to be restained but repainted to match the color as closely as possibls but would not be the same stain material. At that point, Randy and I decided to go out to the site and visit with the Levines to clearly understand exactly what they were doing. We went out at approximately 10:00 a.m. and discussed all of the issues involved. At that time, they indicated they were using a solid based stain to paint their side of the duplex. This is not the same stain that currently exists. We then requested that they complete a DRB application and that they would have to go before the DRB in order to get approval. .9 r ,r' 4 a TOV RIO TAG's ) r -./ 2't ,. 7 IATERELEASED:1,/ ...2 \i\-," q// 'tz-tlZlzt- i,.