HomeMy WebLinkAboutWHITE RIVER ESTATES LOT 5 COMMON ELEMENT LEGAL)) department of commun ity developmentbox 100 vail, colorado 81657 (3031 -47Fs613 0ctober 25, 1981 Dave Invin Box 3M2 Va-il, Co'lorado 81658 Peter Jamar Town P'lanner PJ:df DRB Submittal of 10-21-81 Lot 5, Borwick Sub. Dear Dave: At the 0ctober 21 meeting of the Design Review Board, your submittal for a primary,/secondary residence was given iinal approval with the following stipulationsr retaining wall on south of driveway, modified landscap.ing, protect trees during construction with snowfence, remove build'ing frsn setback. Approval was for a primary/secondary residence with a total GRFAof 3672 sg.ft.: 2185 sq.ft. primary and 1487 sq.ft. secondary. \ , ,-) /-) PERMIT NUMBER DATE OF TOWN OF VAIL NAME CALLER TUES !t^ | THUR FRI I INSPECTION:MON PMAM INSPECTION REQUEST READY FOR LOCATION: WED t { t.,t --. !. tr tr tr tr tr tr tr FOOTINGS / STEEL FOUNDATION / STEEL BOOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: PPROVED i'g'dEtNsPECTtON REQUTRED INSPECTOR oz ts =G,lt,o- cc(c an IJJlut! ts =t uJ o- 09 d)/EsE YJ:B/oc/t RI tC c( d (I cu! q: +J+ rc o ql# ar. I I I I!IFr,<( O. rl)rl @t\\ ',1 (\I | (f) F( :tlArlc t. (6:l E 'rb[_lL irSlctortr!ll|r.o 'ro-c||(,()r,?t-rlp I ttl ut E e.oF e,FIz =o zzo o' uJF z z = .D .5 z_: z N Ptn x o) otJo otJ V' ct L OJPg uJz3 UJi F z A.o\'6 ;\€5 \ "rE \€i1 K,'6a \'t o,E,s\\;:i rF IFh.'g;\ 5E t {NiIE \flb- l :€N oDcc6p€oo 8o.!on s5g; aa,6 !l i€59 s3 T'Oc6t; uio EO E .!o;i (! '=ol, stE =.9 ?,.EBE E:E e:5 :gP€ >=c9d'- o. -c r.E ; E E-s,FoO i=o eoe!!! c,Y- (! o-(! o-sEr oP c>E*e E6:EE E E o''.E EFE_ae 'rC(! 0'--c= 0)--Eat (Dr SE:-ei' '6>.9€a J=EHi 8hts9Eoe5g -o6 O|r, (o C\I lr,( T (Y) oo Or-l K)N cn(r) r-{ =tu z J Y uJ Qz I F uJ E z = c J z ut = UJutl!zI llJe() ru oe oo 3g UJEz9 u,o o- uJ z II,J o x F IIJo at, UJ IJ.Ju- E =E uJ o-J FoF oz d -Jo J 9cFo UJJ UJ (,zo f G J = UJ E NOt-LVn]vA X =-z Z u->o 9 0.: F ^ .t 2.,q 5 5 9iF 9 0 f,gv, o Et6 b 8a3 = 679 q iaH 6 gC>OSt-F o ftlt dNOrr c.A:;6, E ri.r .t =oN z F { TL qJ . o (O e uJ z) z Eoo z tr uJFJ =llJz a zlz F o ==o att Ezl z =J llJ3o .D!Jo Jo.llt tr oz F z I trI IF qt at z tr oz I. -rrAst \Ft Izt 0l :s ,R, I1+$,rt\>jo_J H,Q'g'U\e\g>,- E. uJ TL z :-F o(JOF<o z troI {D tYlIll lslSll'''ltllH*kllrogl z !a(E o- (f) Ie. 1'-rl C)cv C)O l! tr(too? zo Fo- UJv UJo oF F E uJ o-bli3lf1\xotv (\tl t\I o.r lgu,bEz6 z oPze =ztf cL tr- ifioo= =fi=ulXdd= t tr UJo- t!oEE E<cLl€EE9!a =EE drE h=E ;frE =+E U69 EurE Xo-E ;tEu.| €= Ho E =E UJo-z9F(JfE 6zoo nD! ld-i d6-l l!llool =lvlt(U l(9tz Eo= =(l F o z.oc)J 6 JJ - ii =z (Do I (t? o- (6 UJ z +t <t1 vl o(o t! J = cc c j o- (\ <\(Y ts() l. lol>IE lcJi =cu. aau = -C ;i o +,(, =!+,t/, o(-) E (6 _t- <\Jro(\l oz o tJl J t!oz3o <\t@(o oo 1(or\.rf t ciz dut I l!oz3oF tr g .iz ti urc II z3I IL o ul 5 a l!o z3 F l,rj J uJF Eulz =o F lu tsI C)E tr -rO<Fcc)r!<zglIJ F(rz-o c) JE<o(JF =c)H#4>ilo ^rQ z6 =J ; v z 6F 33 E6 l-E irltl o2<()aa U, ):) ! En! f/ / bzr:' t"t -/v * P'affl 6t,rd Dear Mr. Patterson: The above-numbered permj t was recently j ssued for a balcony addition to the west side of my house at 44.l7 Columb'ineDrive in East Vail. The permit was authorized by Richard Pylman on Marc,h .l2, l985 and by you on March 20, 1985. My contractor was Steve Hiland of Hiland Construction, and I reimbursed him $tOO.00 for a "road use fee", which was charged to the permit. 0n April I, .l985, I d'iscussed the "road use fee" with Gary Murrain, and inqu'i red about its purpose. However, I am still unclear as to its intended purpose. This'l etter is written as a request for refund of the $.l00.00, which I will put t0 good usein upgrading the grounds. If a refund is not possible, I would then appreciate an answer to my questions as set forth below. The balcony extension was a relatjvely minor job (less than $2,000.00), and did not require the transport of any heavy equipment or trucks to the job site. The only vehicle used bythe contractor was a light p'i ck-up truck. The road to our houseis private, neither owned by nor maintained by the Town of Vaj l. Accord.i ngly, I am at a loss to understand the purpose of the $tOO.OOfee as it applies to my job. It is my understanding that the "road use fee" is notuniformly assessed on every bui lding permit issued by the Town ofVail. I am curious as to whether or not there is some objective standard which your office applies when assessing it. In par-ticular, I would appreciate your advising me of the reason for itbeing charged on my job, and the reason for the differentiation between my job and other jobs on which it is not assessed. RaLPE E, EA'L!, JB, Strvrxs Plnr Krrxey rt Her-r- e.Np Krxrvrv Arronrsvs -r.r L.rw t7l8 GaYr,oRD STBEET Drrvvrn, Cor.omoo ao2oo TELrprronln (3OB) 32O-1oO5 Ap ri 1 l0 , .|985 t/ur,rou r7i od /;k son mmun i ty De ve i opmen t ntage Roaddo 81657 . Bui I di ng Permi t No. 0q20.l \- ter Co AI L Fro o ra RE: Steve Pat0ffice of TOWN OF V 75 SouthVail, Col REH: ska Thank you for your attention to this matter. oz tr =t IJJ o- N tn r,lJ uJu- b =dt! fr,u/-\ 7rB/Llfz/o/tlD;#)t I sfru.rq!s Nre \t-{, CY.)!\.(\t, (\l '-l I \)- Ja=o.s 14l- 6 6r* <+t'Y tlH Ia-16 F.tz Etur,9 F t= t!F o EoF Fu) == zz ogJ F z z 6: @ € =zat uJz3 llJIF oz o o o tl(! =c\o.(u 'oF (D E\ q) 6 o,Eo O I d) E o =l o o o.((t '.9 o o- (!-Y' :e{$E8Ea FenS EE H 9 =4.:o€ 6E:Ec-o> I;:;e'=-Pc96F --=at3E;= S EARfIEo* O O-c E;;E E!teo- (E 0-- SE; soiEors€e€E6:i :E.; H !EF: -o.:o--C?(6o'-;s= o g)+ --c --g'f;;'E : g:: Y"o.l) fr; E:i6eF9E o - eEgg - o 6.:: ro (\l cf, ro C\I (o roF\ sf =E UJ ozo ao ! UJ oz o- ) (! EIJ UJ oz6 = d 9z c)llJ = UJIu z tr t! gJe 'UJt uJ z 6 uJ F artoct!o o- 2 t! x IJJ(n o TTJIuu- F =(r LIJ o- J FoF z J 6 J d, C)uJJ UJ z 6 =.J J 9z ou,t NOtM'tVA ,ll tittt1to1 t.= " lj,.r l(,o l'-N lx* It YC'c> =i*ooo-tn zP =9-o Ett-do 8=*o i.2fiazPi!xoc, =>E 3ut =aD zo F- i9 ito1>9()<)zl!<o* io;oFO. .i$i 6 (d !(F lF ! I I:(J (u (l, (-) dtL+,c(u I I I It l--l.vt' lcl- H z tr TL o-f E uJ F ooo(\ E UJ x .J z Eo z tr E uJF =UJz lltltitlaFzlz9a<oo< <u>tE Eo<z oF2.. 2z ffo36OI llJ f J CE U' IJ'utzY iF z F 5(tz i _.1 : Fl F Jl<ltrl "l zl ur UJ IJJza = ul J z E li =-l-l z tr J @ o4t I d. 2 e3 F CY)r-q) r{OO r( I.t :ItUJFadto-zo Fo- UJv uJ @ oF F E uJ o- ;sl 8slr,-lguibkzo (u zP.\gzn )J 5ZK:(Do q)>i... J9 +sE.+ )ifio()= =83-lllv6il> L = uJ o- u- E9EAo. l6(nneB9at ir trtrE i- =uJ-E F>R ic-(LllJ: >c:OLE 9o9 tr u.tE XTLt x>t q- o-itttr uJ o --I ts =E, lrJo-zIF(JfEFazoo trtrn 6t D t L(f, ..r co .tJo -o =an c,!- z lJ- sf YJo I-l 5 Jr!oo =trl xLrlJ CL=o JJ ui =z co --') - .6 -co. {t't uJ =z {J U1 ln (o TIJ )- = Oor.oo c.t(\,1 (?) (-t ! (U o.,a E C) l Y .H !.1{.f t4 o'lg q EI =E U' (t' LL .tJoo ro(\lo(f, uJeoo (\I (o cr)-o- roF\sr oc) (d = o +)(J 5t-Pul o(J '(' (d ..r =tr _lrf) T1 -.1 ol =) E]I bz3I}- (\ @rc| (7) tr.or\sl u I F = tr oz ti ul J t! z =oF = z uJtr J z3 F = tr oz o uJ J l! z3oF =e. IL z dut ! ll.o z =oF UJJ uJF' E |IJz3 F uj ET E <F(ts()ur<zEItl F(tZo )E<oOF =c)-< YL.-,2ilo..9 >Y 6> =dJZu-o <^!lFz() =<-= rv Yz =g l-E ir uJ+EFFoz<o<tI5EE!! i,.i t f I | -r i / PERMIT NUMFER OF PROJECT t ,':,:I I t CALLER INSPECTION REQUEST VAIL, | ,l ,,1 fIOWN OFi-,,l r/.\a rr^lrE I . - ,t: t, \nATtr .. j ' "l .lOB NAME ., j i . , READY FOR LOCATION: MON BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D,W.V. tr ROUGH/WATEB tr FOUNDATION / STEEL O FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr tr tr tr o GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr tr tr tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL ffipssyEs tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REOUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR 6jeln,u dt,l.vW:": December 2r, rrr. QVjr,h' "o)-,r" very truIy, /,// /i'r/.'f:-t( Ll Gtenn A. Solomon,Assistant Vice Pr /1 .,(- ,/ -/"u Jr. es ident ?o Fedorol /ovingr RnD ronn Rssoofflon Town of VailBuilding Department 75 South Frontage RoadVaiI, CO 8f657 Gentlemen: Please be advised that we have been notified by Mr. Ralph HaIl, wbo is the owner of Unit A, also known as Lot 5A at White RiverEstates of his intention to extend tle roof area over the frontentrance to this unit. we have reviewed the plans which Mr.Hall has submitted and do not find them objectionable and herebygive our permission to a11ow said construction to get underway. Should you have any questions on this matter, please do not hes-itate to contact me at any time. GAS: laa 3239 WEST ALAMEDA AVENUE DENVER. COLORADO 80219-2G8 (i!03) 93$3581 2730 SOUTH WAOSWORTH BOULEVARD DENVER. COLOBADO W227-349a (3O3) 98&/t(10 75 soulh trontage rosd vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 otflce of communlly develoPment BUILDING PERI.iIT ISSUANCE TIME FMI1E If this permit requires a Town of @prova],E a Plann'ing Departmentrgj:ur-or ttee++Heeal-tnefrt review, anb'a revjew ffT@@- Dgpqtrirg,.qt-the estirnated time for a total review may tdTEEF long as thfee weeks., All conunercial (1arge or small) and all multi-family permits will have tQ follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residential and small projects should take a lesser amount of time. However, if residenti'al on smaller projects 'impact the various above mentioned departments with regard to necessary review, these projects may a'lso take the three week period. Every attempt wi1l be made by this department to expedite this permit as soon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame. .,ffiw([t' ,(e Jco.*erc''E Community Deveiopment Department. oz == uJo- oz F C) LUF o Ic'' .-{ =z 7e(DO =zJc,cL tr- ) =:coul >cr = =E UJ(L o oo[, ol 3 E oo o t =Elrl o-zIF(JfEFazoo ftr u- [! F ; ot \iil:r /<Fc./- Irr2il - < I4 ?cr < l. ' z F \ i: F <a r=r;:i \ Ei:!Nl:"iE\:zz;-i\i ;;i:$1*IrD i_ i <.1 u-)-: .\ \ I I l_ t3 I I I I rL t3-? /-/ / =lnN o =Zz!-o ooF . 7AX = > r+JF9 0ea6 68! tE<.=oq ?!i-c:i v'. -i uJ dN(, zz <EA6-o tr>5rz,Ff ;EE s E96(h,u.J<OZ c<'X-oilP z I ul = IrDITI#tFF IITITrll'lltdtZr F -:' JII tJJ =z -) lu o J = uJ z I4 =tr UJEo .-f 5 o- F =E tr UJ 1 =tr LIJ o Ja =tr l!, oo) tL LIJ Goo tr oo) - = UJz = I FO t.lJ =r()(r <FE<)r!<zE (aZo <oQF -<F.e.;F =z-{ IY zl >df,F)z <= :ZF =?-; tv AFiz =8 tt; l- (i J<o<5L fo >dtrtr ) Pm gglE / . " ,,' .; ,' ,: {' JOB NAME CALLER :.. ' ., ^ /' INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FRI t INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL '- AM PMREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr INSULATION E SHEETROCK NAIL tr rcffTfroF-rddi' "' ' i--: ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr ROUGH tr CONDUIT n tr FINAL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB n r-l tr FINAL MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR - t-1 tr FINAL tr FRAMING r-r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING r'6--nppRoveo CORRECTIONS; tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE u, C) al,lo)o Eoz () z Fooc :l!85:ii i * "=u i ?i;':--! E: F;9 5::;:313! 5:i i !.::: !:: a - t -=E::: E !:6g:iG,. :;€ E.i. Ej z i.= i= ':5-o-EE1iiiz;:E i .. .-E i i 2 ':i.i: ;E.1FE€:, ?= ; c-*iI : 5 5 :'E J e : ,. :?:: E = i! u e;::.:: _.F:i:tg; ro g) or F{ L(u -o c)() (I)o !C otr = L: F. 'a b0 'o = G' U1 (l' oEol! L J.o, <t', = .; U F Jtd o I dz 6 3 (r: Ie, (E .u o! .A d, O I an g .E' at1 (tL(, !(l, tJ- l- c, ar', E z /^rF'v!_1 i_ t-\nF-urB9i-<>x |-J ,-r v Ei r\ rA\!vLJ-zzla<< iEi11al,:/n-\ \./ frz"Y_zdH.htszu.-Pf-\ trJ !,-<."t/\ \ \JF-EZ-> ). \GYC!. - -.JtF= <(4AaS=oc)E zlrlL><,ut ,-'4 I =t\<-F<!l\ LLjQ;o<lrez:hx<-y iJ-.3Eqi{ =irxF- r'J\ ,.' ' kJt*o> ShFi >* _\lv Ht*€<^<r<xvl-/\v tL c., c( !F.ZU:ffiqDo=x: -FYl+xgHFO>*H tl{ F -f. ---*-rfratte. FI ENr- -.,fJtAHr.fJf+ -F5 -lffJaF r+-lr?f\ =va-iriFr€ -Ele :nHF+{a *Fl HHfh.EY tFl trt A.rFldLI ffJfH ffJtlrfhA. € ,l! LL = aI'C' lnwn 5;/r75 soulh tronlage road x.ll, colorado 81657 (3O3) 476-7000 Septerber 16, 1985 Mr. Ralph E. Hall Hall & Kinney Attorneys at Law 1718 Gaylord Street Denver, Co. 80206 Re: 44L7 A Colurbine Dr. Dear Mr. Hall: Enclosed please find a corrected Certificate of 0ccupancy. the ermrs. Thank you for your cooperation. Si ncerel y, Chief Buil ding 0fficial ^'4ofllce ol communlty developmenl We apologize for ul U ofol U g,z o = c 1/ -c ;: i,l -r-,/ i i=;::+.i; E;i 3:;t.!it-y..a!+z=za5tr: " e? E.:;::i=tiEi;a::c-.ia'.i:E:!€ i7l:i t i-= i= = !; i::i-v!):r.6Zirt-e 4.! 1E t i!:iEf; A! FE+:.:: t c.- f : E 3:: E; j: g: I u - i ; -r.: ,:i::f i 3E rrlq Fl : .1 I-l da II 0.1 q.l 1lt-t l r'!.r3 c = I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I IJJ,qE I -t d H -c!L]q 1 1 !.qI ".1I_cl ;l-l I I € ; 3 =o =.; = E U F I I I Ir.ol('tl olOI I I dz.: .= a= t.1 U = att P (u! v1c,d l,rll{11 al L lsHY!--<>xQ ,,, \J >zz!es< Ef+pFv :UQ-zJ *rtDtszL=Q -\ kl !r- c< .^strzZuxr! \ --i iF<= ghQ olx zr.rjLi-a--e<HQi:\<-F<Yo;;i?z>3=<-y5 ltl r- ?EHUpFia\ ,,, ' ttl ilto> -J, !4 \Ja>:\z'.*yvSFtEXi<H\./ F- /\ -SoFAFZU:ffF<frUr:X:,-'F Y I+xgH,F'OiF taF -O. t- --+rLa -Xr O. FR ENts -air.EH f,fj!a -F5 Ea flJ EF t{-a{t\€v ts -lq(F? -11l9 f-\ -aLIrJ -a *:r€LIL. EY fH 11 A.rlrl ELI IPrFfrF)rFfL.e. € (I ld ro O't (o L(u (u +,o-(uv, G'l-L = a z {' RALPE E. Ile.r.r-, Jn. Srrv:rxs P.rnx KrNxry q Hnr,r, AND KTNNEY Attonlrrys e'r Lrw 17tg GaYrrRD STRBET Do*vnn, Cor.on-Aoo ao2oo Telepuorn (3O3) 32O-lOOg July 9, .|985 |llr. Gary MurrainBuilding Inspector Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vai l, Colorado 8.l657 Re:Unit A, also knownof Lot 5, a Resubdi Subd'ivision, Third Va i I ) as Lot 5A, a Resubdivis'i onvision of a part of Bighorn Addi ti on W17A Col umbi ne Drive, Dear Mr. Murrai n: 0n Decembe r 28, 'l 9 83, Certi fi cate of 0ccupancythe permanent C.0. to be l andscapi ng and dri veway. and advised you that the 0n December 31, 1984, C.0. , accompani ed by your you could not inspect the there was too much snow. your office issued a temPorarYfor my above-described property, with issued upon the completion of mY 0n 0ctober 23, 1984, I wrote Youlandscaping and driveway was complete. you'i ssued a supplementary temporaryletterin wh'i ch you explained that I andscapi ng and dri veway because I have just noticed that the most recent temporary C.0. was good only through July l, .l985. Therefore, please considerthis my request that you re-inspect the property and issue a permanent Certi fi cate of 0ccupancy. Thank you for your attenti on. ly yours, REH/dm - tt lir PERMIT NUMBEB OF PROJECT oo* r\u\*J JoB NAME INSPECTION:MON CALLER TUES wED rHUR @ PMAMREADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION REQUEST BUILDING; tr FOOTINGS tr FOUNDATI tr FRAMING / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH/WATER ON / STEEL n BOOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MEGHANICAL: tr B tr tr HEATING O ROUGH EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr""2-O FINAL za tr DISAPPROVED T] REINSPECTION REOUIRED CORFECTIONS: INSPECTOR m oz ts =E UJ(! \ o'o a q F{ I dq {. I o o o F.-\ I i \ \t-'' \ an|r|ut ll- E =Et!(L II t\i\\Iu.t _\ IF :'rl ll:Itlrl'lt,\+l-\ \ 6\${ IFE t6 J',Z+ro FIz = zzo N il h v ls n N t t{I I lv ilI {$ ilN {: ;$ 5N aF =zo F <l ,rl z\, 7.i -f 2ll-ti Fl i+"rli . Ft >:.r TL: -<y <F3 .<:: ;i1!li' 2?i;!<IFFl<u a,ix. :<ai!,!) *Fao><i ts< i I D\ ,h \ \ o \ s.a ll.- o s N t\ a \ \ \ \) o N vl a \ \h \1 (\ \J 0 a \ U a q s "l \ t \ b "1 liil r !ii It IE l( ti li il1 ==E l,/J z Y z F llJ z6 l a 2 Io \^ z tr (r = llJ z F UJ c i tu o LU LIJu- E = LU J F F c! l @ 9 F Itl uJ z =)c J , () LIJ NOrrvnlvA it : z Er 3\o) 2 uJ :5s". _Q_ =tON z299 Y"-dF 6 aOZs-oc)<)z ,,r-, ?(L!? FOjN z T : Fl!.; u] F I\ ,0'\rl "I E o- UJt zq tr zo F E F :a - z tttttlJ rtttl? z, z? * 5 $5-25r"P93EdEE EE frE:g<(oGaDz)|lllll\I J'IJgN e- n3 E$ F E 3 E= < g + EE-vp5g5: oo()rz<) zI F J az ulfJ \\ o'"l l!.ll- c9-P 4 iljv'4 3 tr i; ir uJ ci 3 UJ o- F2 i ct! 3 a UJF z lljo- u,iz!< i ( \\a"Y \s \ T [\< uJ F \ $.t ra $ ^c{u-xlo JF= UJH LqF o Itl{!l irl\]'2l)l:<l JI(Dl ll Ij tzF --:9; ul z (D -- N Nq i$\ :uf >l l l l Jl -Ill3ol r.- l lIxo PA ul la2 b a r\l x s tr(J \ t\ \ 3\ =n d\f\ 5 \ N UJ I s s\6 -l\\i s tr {-: t trar' zo! 13 )t tr li -ar >{ ^;\ ^ t! oo 4 <) ! c-J,t- o- = Fc ,u ,gt- PJ\,r{t \-. J:z E 0a I I-.r1 xr/l -l4 d'i a\-- LU c, j = I tlli "l=r1l'3lK glq rl ><dli ol.l'31-",sl il*il a>t -El -Li > :: I r 'l--'r I = = I J, ?l dlIt S'(L o.2,i q-) a Ib'-ll .,1 I lll .7 x "ij Ct- Hoo J -- -.! L=- o. : t6l € I z ott42 € u --:t\1 'J-l7 ,-).nl,it-. lfi lE t<l> :t (L tr(J d UJz = F- LUF =(J E <F l!<ze.L!F(tZ <ooF, :"'<!li: d,1Y, t- )tr z t- -4 =d; o- o+ JtY i 6 eal +e3;: F. sg+ s{os.p 5H)<{ <i':..a F'ou-.<. 2r-io(r(- J<Oa9. fo Jz z,^o =<(D0>z O- tr- ..i5 4ee dd= L]NT cc, E o o, q, Jr- =wo;ux or!-,o c> ctq,3 F lb = llu, l*Ll r- o-zo F(J :)EFazo() /<-\/ -,=-'-A/\#\ ' r/l=VE 3F ; a t Etlf r ru INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAILPERMII' NUMBER OF PROJECT TUES WED THUR @ PM D^rE 4ty'lt JoB NAME CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr tr tr tr o UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEE- UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERD FRAMING r_r ROOF & SHEEB" PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB O FINAL D D FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING D tr tr tr ROUGH o tr tr tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR FINAL FINAL APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED CORRECTIONS: oz E =E uJo- ooo @tf) <\t rc| ti r\(\! OOrf) sf a uJ uJu- b ur >hLL | 2-' /-/ t __s_so q t #>f) I I I I $ t{l | \-t\x \s w u/F d l- q. FIz: oz (U (Jco(F =ctn +,'= v, c)(u! {J o1 .tJ vl x a) 4+t -(J ?.,9oo2t I qtcl EI5I $,===. i.. cq ccC\€ o sf sl Oo cn oo oN(\l o o|.r) o ortro oo oo cc(\o Lf) $J F uJ z x LlJ zI trF ur 2 E c z I UJE q llJ lJ-z tr r.lJE =uJ ; z 6tll F6 u, l z uJ --) a uJq F =UJ Js z @ 9 F() uJJ llJ z =l 9z () UJ = NOrl-VntVA tltl16 ll 1r *,1 I:::ll ;lEIol3lzZu-l9 o oxl H ; :FjJ aoE6lz>-ol P ? "$El3i 3-liH gl '. -1 [! |:(\l(Jl z tr l F llJ c ccrr)c\l a(L !J z E o z EE IIJF =UJz l||l =22i z,: F5-i6r"P EEEEsH8 B f k oZ< toCCOZ=lc | | I I13 | | r I FO? 8 ,iA fr E: *i*=gExooorz<) zo F fu,z uJl 01r-i @cf) F |IJ o .i UJ o ;IJJ H tl- i aoI e. F 3 a uJ z) () t!o-o LUz:< =F (5 o a (O r-{C\IN(o co (f, Id.F +JP(t +,.P co IEgb JF= uJ t(1 cc i3 z z ,r9ze coo =zJO(L t! ..i3\J\J= =83dd= }QtrF =Gul(I lJ-o t!.L F o E CI -9o o I E EoC' o oz t-o IJ.J-)oE(L dttl(ftl rl -l'1 tllF o E =E, UJo-z9F()f&Fazoo i(L Fo Eoo -)a = 6l uJlEIol ql <l =l slclol <l Jl <l>l ull tr,Jl ct 1l <l =I I F lltltltlJIqI.?-l I+-|lql:tl!lrllvll ctlql I Ullat t oagtl| toltot<l Et ;ltrr E Ictl =l-l .izl(Jl 'El LIol col =tr to I p an U.J '-(I, E o+, = i,i z (D -) L F (J IL = l-ciJ =b2 O F Fz z I UJ Eoozt- =#]F)zLLO F E z o F LUJ uJ E <F uJ<zE!UF(42 O F UJ =I E J<Oo9rrr llJfo a .E RaLPE E. Ha!L, JB. STE'\/ENS PaRE KTNNTY I1 Har.r- eNo KrNrvev AttonNrvs "a.r Llw T71A GAYLoTD STBEET Drrvnn, Cor.on-eoo aoPoo Te r-rerrol{r ,"O"t "rO-fOo" 0ctober 23, .l984 Gary Murrain, Bui ldjng Inspector TOI.IN OF VAIL 75 South Frontage RoadVail, Colorado 8.l657 RE: Unit A, also knoln as Lot 5A, a Resubdivision of Lot 5. a*o'TTTsion, (34.l7 Col umbi ne Dri ve, Dear Gary: llle have been cal I i ng back and forth, but have been missing each other. 0n December 28, 1983, your office issued a Temporary Certificate of 0ccupancy for my above-descri bed property, with the permanent C.0. to be contingent upon the completion of landscaping and driveway. After a long struggle, we have fjnal1y been able to get this done. I would appreciate your re-inspectionof the property and issuance of the permanent C.0. Thank you for your attention.2,^'ffi REH:ska P.S. This was dictated before you and I talked last week' If there 'i s still too much snow for an inspection' can you 'i ssue another Temporary C.0.? on Va i I ) ICDIS P,O. BOX 1842 vArL, coLoRADO 81658 303/f76-0885 sulstDrARrEs HERITAGE COI{TiACTOFS G T G DEVELO?TEIIT @. INVESTITENT DESIG}I IIITEiIOiS LTD. DMG,/bd 129qt COUI{TRY itDGE sAl| AltTot{K), Tx.7a21a $2i1*2145 coNslFucnora rr{vEstltEilTs August 1!, 19Bz Mr. BiLl- Andrews Town of Vail-Public Works DepartmentVail, Colorado 81658 RE: Our l-etter of July ), 198?, regarding Whi_te River Estates,Lot 5 Duplex. Dear Bil-l: AIl water and sewer li-nes for lots 1 through 5 have been connected to the naj.n without making any street cuts. Thank youfor your continual assi-stance. v-LJ t ,Arr,,Lt fr"lair l,t. (agnart P.O. B{Ir 184',"i'ilL coLoFADO 81658 3.3i47&0885 :T.SDDIABIES HEF/IAGECON'BACTORS G& GUVELOPMENTCO. INVESTME |T DESIGN IiITEBIORS LTO. I2903 COUNTRY RIDGE iAN ANTON|O,TX.78216 fl?49+2195 6fiBt r-f r /t 'f'ur /rtfa" '44 '//4>r cor{STRUglroil tNvEEruE[rs ,Ju1y ), 19BZ Mr. Bill Andrews Tolvn of VaiI Publ-j-c lVorks DepartmentVail, Coforado RE: lYhite River Estates, Lot 5 Duplex Dear Mr. Andrev,rs: Pl-ease be advised that the permanent sewer, vuater, and elec-trical utility hook-ups v,,i11 be cornpleted on or before August z}lh,1982, as per our agreement. It is rny understanding that vrith your- acknolledgernent of thi-s agreernent vre wil-I be entitl-ed to receiveour franing inspecti-on on the above referenced project. Thankyou very much for your cooperation and assistance in this matter. Di"lCi,/bci I I o 75 soulh lronlege road vall. colorado 81657 (303) 475-7000 olf lce of communltY develoPmenl December 31, 1984 Hall and Kinney Attorneys at Law i718 Gaylord Street Denver, Colorado, 80206 RE: Unit a, also known as Lot 5A' a Resubdivjsion of Lot 5' a Resubdivision of a Part of Bighorn Subdiv'isjon, Third Addition (gqt7 Columbine Drive, Vail ) Dear I'lr. Hall, Please find enclosed an inspection request for the above mentioned parcel of land. I have jssued a temporary certificate of occupancy' itat.ing that the landscaping and paving will be done by July 1' .1985. There is just too much snow-to do'landicaping and paving inspections. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Have a Happy New Yearl Si ncerely, Building Inspector Town of Vail GM/ rme DATE ,r#"toN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES ,( READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:WED THUR FRI tr DISAPPROVED q .REINSPECTION REQUIRED v i tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLU[IBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH/WATER T] FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr EI tr FINAL T] FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr u tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL FINAL DATE INSPECTOR I INSPECTION TOWN OF REQUEST VAILPERMITNUMBER OF PROJECT DATE INSPECTION: /-j JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES THUR FRI PMREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH i WATER tr tr tr tr FOOTINGS / STEEL FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION T] POOL / H. TUB O SHEETROCK NAIL u D tr FINAL MECHANICAL: O HEATING D EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR {ffi] INSPECTION REOUEST DATE JOB NAME INSPECTION: r"4t{*MoN jM/ TOWN OF VAIL WEDREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGBOUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH/WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL T] FBAMING r_r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING I] INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr E] tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL PPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED oo-r. ,/- /,f - ,,f).1' rNspEcroR :T;-?,?+.F.<*t' t, t*-, -...,.| ,: -i, INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL {-x)h;t,- l::l ,.e .CALLER tt-l .-a c-< TUES ,WED THUH FRI AM PM DATE INSPECTION: JOB NAME MONREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: B FOOTINGS tr FOUNDATI D FRAMING / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH /WATER ON / STEEL rr ROOF & SHEEB" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL o D- ; tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr D tr tr HEATING o tr tr ROUGH EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR .E FryAL tr FINAL APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REI NSPE9T tvN FSortaED CORRECTIONS: (/4 DATE INSPECTOR 2t IN DATE UJoe NAME INSPECTION:MON CALLER TUES ,9THUR 6,AMREADY FOR LOCATION: WED BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: B UNDERGROUND r] ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr tr tr n GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL .a tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: T] TEMP. POWER MECHANIGAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr tr n EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT rl SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL z7 tr FINAL ..-2 tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: ISAPPROVED ON REQUIRED DATE //- 3- P.'.-INSPECTOR o oh"'f1r "or NAME INSPECTION:MON TUES WED INSPECTION REQUEST IHUR @ -----1Q PMREADY FOR LOCATION: TOW CALLER BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND D ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER D FOUNDATION / STEEL O FRAMING f-r ROOF & SHEEF" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB FINAL O FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR FINAL tr FINAL f/neenoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED oo-E /o' ^ ,.? - /)- tNSPEcroR \ DATE READY FOR LOCATION: rr.r#crtoN TOWN OF neouisr VAIL JOB NAME INSPECTION: CALLER TUES WED THUR FRI AM PM BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr E tr tr tr u tr FOOTINGS / STEEL FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL/ H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr D tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: T] TEMP. POWER TTIECHANIGAL: D HEATING tr tr d ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR O FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR lr transportation75 south frontage rd. post office box 1ff) vail, colorado 81657 TO: FRO}4: RE: DATE: },1EI\,lORANUDI{ Bob l'lilleson., Dan Gagliard'o and John Nillson l.rtr nU.tte, Pub1ic Works Director Co lunbine Tunne I october 28, 1981 After meeting on Tuesday' Octobet 27Lh' the following resolutions to tn! drainage iroblem at the tunnel on C"f"^Ui". Road have been determined: : 1. The Department of Highways will put heat tape through -ltt"-""i=ting-culirert and provid'e new culveit for additional drainage' 2. Gagliardo will add pulI-out lane with culvert ,rna"tneilit'--i" wili also provide the ditch for the new culvert ' 3. th'J town will cut a shallow drainage area into asfhitt ott south side of existing culvert' The Town witl also patch the street cut' These measures will be taken for the 198I/ 1982 Winter' rf rhere are stiii-p;;;i";; wirh drainage through the tunnel then anotner meeting will follow next year to- determine future action. one suci ;3";;;; t""ia be the installation of heat tape along the "ntL tf,tough the tunnel by the Department of HighwaYs. If anyone interpreted our meeting differently' please let me kirow immedi-tlf'. Otherwise we wilt proceed as scheduled ana nope in"t r. have solved the problem- JElCMcc: Dick RYan , Project Application Project Name: Proiect Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner. Address and Phone: Architecl, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Com ments: Design Review Board "". ///!/r/ DISAPPROVAL '?ra/e E statt Approval ar oo l { I zoi{r clir.cK forR, R P/S Z0iit:D I STR ICTS Legal 0rnter Corrnerrts.:. sFR, Description:Lot Block Fiood Plain 'SloPe r'1r'lrig Architect D. :-:- Zone'District Proposcd Use Lot Arca __/5 Setbaclrs: Front-Requiica*ZO'i'--pro-pised 2o , 6 '- ileight Al'lc,ric:<I 33; propos.,t _ €3i:.t ; ' ..' "' ' :- Sidcs-Requi rcd '15, proposecl Rear -RcquircC l5' proposed l,Ja terccu rlsc - r equ: r caU&jL proposerl ;1t1ti'tt''lrti l).r I r-, : Project Application ProiectName: W'////-E,"?/ vE.'? "=5'7-4D€<' s4s ,/)an !/ tgft Project Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: ',.,k v,€ lZ-<t w,,ty l/q -:-/'/ 6 Legal Description: Lot 5 , ero"k @ttl- Filing 4 U r i/2/)t r,, a;y , zone - ..,o\ilrt t(/ Comments: I I I i rt'.J.' 1t l Design Review Board Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Su m mary: ro ,' ,. Date: i." tl i \i .7- Q ENGiNEIRING CHEEK LIST (A) (B) (c) (D)1r\ \L/ I tems Topo li'iap S'ite Pl anUtility P'lan Ti t1e llePort Subdivision Agreement (Acceptabl e),'/ ,./ (rlot RcceptaUte) ,{l,Szznt*o 2. [{rqineering Requirementl (A) Culvert Size -_--,_=-=-,(B) Dri vcrr'ay Grade (8% mav'i (Actua | , :. !gxe-g!-U!lities (A) Electric (B) Gas (C) Se"rer (if appiicable) tr (D) l'later (E) Teleplrcrie (F) r.v.oL 4. cornrnents, Q-Sa.--tc-rafit--ocz-- Trrze kz--- '-Qe.u4L-- Subdivi sion Ktake,-t - Lot Bl ock Filing 1- Submi ttal <- Ae?,rg oF L"? /4 - 31e-422-&-?"t"'^- Approved: &-r 7, fZBt - Di saporoved:. - /,// /. I6€Rffii-n;,ks Bill Arrdrei,rs o.TransamenCa li,lliil?111""",*, Title fnsurance Services t - ' oo 1F : I - Sierra Federal Savings -l 3299 W. Alameda Ave. Denver, Co.8O2O2 We ore pleosed to hove fhe opportunity to be of service, Enclosed is {o, 12r Policy of Title lssued by lnsurance Transamerica Title Insurance Company SUBJECT TO THE SCHEDULE OF EXCLUSIONS FROM COVERAGE, THE EXCEPTIONS CON. TAINED IN SCHEDULE B AND THE PROVISIONS OF THE CONDITIONS AND STIPULATIONS HEREOF, TRANSAMERICA TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY, a California corporation, herein called the Company, insuree, as of Date o{ Policy shown in Schedule A, againet lose or damage, not exceeding the amount of insurance stated in Schedule A, and coste, attorneys' feee and expenees which the Company may become obligated to pay hereunder, eustained or incurred by the insured by reason of: 1. Titie to the estate or interest described in Schedule A being vested otherrvise than as stated therein; 2. An-v defect in or lien or encumbrance on such title; 3. Lack of a right of access to and from the land; 4. Unmarketability of such title; 5. The invalidity or unenforceability of the lien of the insured mortgage upon said estate or interest _except_to the extent that such invalidity or unenforceability, or claim thereof, arises but of the transaction evidenced by the insured mortgage and is based upon. a. usuTy, or b. any consumer credit protection or truth in lending larv; 6. The priority of any lien or encumbtance over the lien of the insured mortgage; ?. Any statutory lien for Iabor or material which norv has gained or hereafter may gain priorit-y -over the lien of the insirred mortlage, except any such lien arising from an improvement on the land contracted for and commenced subsequent to- date of Folicli not financed in ivhole or in part by proceeds of the indebtedness secured by the insureh mortgage which at Date of Poticy the insured has advanced br is obligated to advance; or 8. The invalidity or unenforceability of any assignment, shorvn in Schedule A, of the insured mortgage or the_failure of -.aid assignment to vest title to the insured mortgage in the named insured assignee free and clear of all liens. In Vitness Whereof, Transamerica Title Ineurance Company hae caueed thie policy to be signed and eealed bv ire dulv authorized officers ae of Date of Policv ehown ir Schedule A. Transamerica Title Insurance CompanytuPresident By By S€crctary SCHEDULE OF EXCLUSIONS FROM COVERAGE The following matters are expressly excluded from the coverage of this policy: l. Any law, ordinance or governmcnlal regulation (including but not limited to building and zoning ordinances) restricting or regulating or prohibiiing the occupan"cyn use or enjo;rmint of rhe land, or regulatirig the charaiter-, dimensions or loca' tion if any i-p.irr"-.t t now or heriaftei erected on the land, or prohibiting a separation in ownership or a reduction in rhe dimensions or area of the land, or the effect of any violation of any such law, ordinance or governmental regulation. 2, Rights of eminent domain or governmental rights of police power unless notice of lhe exercise of such rights appears in the public records at Date of Policy. 3. Defects, licns, encumbrances, adverse claims, or other matters (a) created, sufiered, assumed or agreed to by the insured claimant; (b) not known to the Company and nol sho*'n by the public records but known lo the insured claimant either at f)ate of Poiicy o. at lhe dare such cllaimant acquired ur, ""t"1. or interest insured by this policy or acquired the insured nrortgage and not disclosed in writing by the insured claimant to the Company prior lo rhe _date such insured claimant becairJan insured hereunder; (c) ri-suliing in no loss or damage to the iniured claimant; (d) attaching _or created sub-- Eequent to f)ate of Policy (except to the exient insurance is affrrided herein as to any statutory lien for labor or rnaterial or righr lhereto ) . 4. Unenforceability of the lien of the insured mortgage because of failure of the insured at Date of Policy'or of any subsequent owner of rhe indebtedness to comply with applicable "doing business" laws of the 6late in n'hich the land is situared. CONDITIONS AND STIPULATIONS I. DEFINITION OF TERIIIS Th. fouolitr! l.rm. eh.n u..d i. thi. poli.r n..tr: rny p$r rh.rcof, wh.thcr r.h.d ri .n ir6oi.d h.r.in or hor, .hd (iii) lh. Frrti.r d.i'!nrr.d ih r,.r.!.rph 2(r) of rh.s. Conditioni rnd Sripul.tioD!. (b) "inrurcd cl.imlnt"::n iD.ur.d cl.iDi!. lo,i or dmtr. bd.uDd.r. (c) "fnorlcdtc": .ch.l horl.dlc, oot.on.!ructiv. tnorlcdr. or noti.. whi.h h.y b. ihput.d ro ro in3o..d by rceson ol sn} publi. r.co.d! .!Gnu.s, .ll.y!, l-:.; *;y" ". rit....y", but. n.rhina h.r.in !h.ll modify or limit rh. .xl.nr to shi.h . risht of .c.cs, 1o and frcm th. l.nd i! insut.d by this policr' (e) "mortssr.": honras., d.Gd of lrusl, t.u!t dc.d, o! oth.. r.curit' inerruh.nl. (f) "pul,lic r..ordr": lho.. r.cotd! which by l.F imp.n con6tructiv. Dotic. of hrlt..! rclating to s.id l.nd. 2. (a) CONTINUATION OF INSURANCE AI'TER ACQUISITION OF TITLE Thi3poli.y.t.|lconlinu.infor..r.ofD.l.otP.li.'infrro.of.nih!ut.dwho..qoi'a.lto.aDyPrrloft}..'r.i.otint.'.!!in.h.|odd.!clib.dins.h.du|. icr.und.i .rr.r such .cquiiirion,.rclu'iv. or .osrs, .noh.ys'r.* ."a c,p."'t. *tiittr rirc Comoeny mry b..om. oblis.r.d 10 Drr,.hill Do!.rc..d th. l.iet of: 1i) !h. .nount of inlur.rcc .t.t.d i. Schcdulc a i (ii)th..houtlofth.Dp.idP.i'ciPilofth.ind.bt.dn.!..6d.6ncdinprre3reph8hotaf'plulin1.rcstthc.co., of th. inrur.d rorrsr!. rnd lccor.d bt ..id inlor.d hcrr!.a. .t th. tim. of rc.trnitiotr of .r.h .tt.l. or i!l.r.sr i. th. l.nd i or of it. in.ur.!c. conrr..l of !o..ult. (b) CONTINUATION OF INSURANCE AFTER CONVEYANCE OT TITLE Tb. @v.r.r. of lhn polj.r .hrtl .oDtin!. .6ur.d b/ . p"-f.." -o""y bo.rrrrc aiv.n by r purchlcr from 6uch in'ur.d. or .o lona r. rocb insurid .h.ll trr. li.bility br rc$on of rv.r.nt. of w.rrrDtt mrd. bv i!.h insui.d in or th. ind.bt.dn... ..cur.d b!.' . pu.ch.e. non.y Dort!{. lie.tr ro !u.h tnsu'.d. 3. DEFENSE AND PROSf,CUTION OF ACTIONS - NOTICE OF CLAIM TO Bf, GIYEN BY AN INSURED CLAINIANT (a) Thc Company, at its otrn co5t ins'r'ci,'ro rhc crteni thii 'uch litisalion is foun&d upon an allcscd dcf.rr, li"n, "n""mbr"nc", or other mattcr insured againlt bv this policy prciudice. $h.rher or nor ir 3l'all bc Iiebl,'rh.(undrr,.nd slrall nor rhcrcbl con(rdc Iiehilit\ or $ii\u &ny p'ovision ol lhis polic] ro tinal dcrcminarion br a coi,r of p-ii""t;ns ol delcnding ruch airion or procccding, and ih" C.-pln"hill rcrmbursc such inrurcd for an-r erpcnsc so incurred. . 4T NOTICE OF LOSS - LIMITATION OF ACTION thi.po|i.'.h!|lb.fumi|b.d-rorhrc.mpuy1iihin90d.'s.l|...uch|osbord.hrr.!h.l|htv.b..nd.l.ntn.d .ft.. .eh .rrl.m.nt !h.ll h.v. b..n Continued on front of Back Cover oa ol FORM NO. C-6000-l A FOR USE W|TH COLORAOO REGTON AMERTCAN LAND TTTLE, ASSOCTATTON LOAN POLTCY 197O (AMENDED rO-17-7Ol Amount of Insurance $ Date of Policy 1. Name of Ineured: SIERRA FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION OF DENVER 2. The title to said land ie at the date hereof veeted in; CDS ENTERPRISES, INC., a Texas Corporation in fee simple 3. The mortgage or deed of trust, and aseignments if any, covered by this Policy are described as follows: Deedof Tmstfrom: CDS Enterprises, Inc., a Texas Corporation ro the Public Trustee ofthe Counry of Eaglefortheuseof : Sierra Federal Savings and Loan Association of Denver: S 2,450,000.00 : August 5, 1981: August 27, 198I in Book 328 at Page 288 SCHEDULE A 2 ,450,000 .00 August 7, 1981 4:00 P.M. Policy No. 410 5 19 0 Sheet I of- 5 to secure rlated recorded FORM NO. C-6000-2 FOR USE WITH COLORADO REGION FOR UAE W|TI{ COLORADO REGION --vvv AMERICAN LAND TITLE ASSOCIATION LOAN POLICY I97O (AMENOEO ATiERICAN LAND TITLE ASSOCIATION OWNER'S POLICY-FORM B-I970 to-17-70, (AMENDED 1O.1,'-7O' SCHEDULE A-Continued The land referred to in this policy is eituated in the State of Colorado, County of Eagle ' and is described as follows: Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, RESUBDIVISION OF PART OF BIGHORN SUBDIVISION, THIRD ADDITION A!{ENDED PLAT, according to the plat reoorded October 3, 1977 in Book 250 at Page 538. FORM NO. C-6000-3D FOR USE WITH COLORAOO REGION I AMERICAN o o LAND TITLE ASSOCIAT'ON LOAN POLICY I97O (AMENDED 1O.IA.7O' SCIIEDULE B PART I Thie Policy does not insure against loss or damage by reason of the following: l. Rights or claims of parties in possession not shown by the public records. 2, Easements, or claime of easements, not shown by the public recorde. 3. Discrepancies, conflicts in boundary lines, shortage in area, encroachmente, and any facts which a cor- rect Eurvey and inspection of the premises would disclose and which are not shown by the public records. 4. Any lien, or right ro a lien, for services, labor, or material heretofore or hereafter furnished, impoeed by law and not shown by the public records. 5. Taxes due and payable; and any tax, special asaes6ment6, charge or lien imposed for water or a€wet servicg,pr for any other special taxing district, Also any taxea and asses$Ents not yet due or rl=\tA l'r I a6. f;itIi€"bt hray for ditches and canals constructed by the authority of the United States, as reserved by Patent recorded November 22' 1929 in Book 123 at Page 615. 7. Restrictions, which do not contain a forfeiture or reverter clause, but omitt5.ng restrictions, if any, based on race, color, religion, or national origin, as contained in instrument recorded April 23, 1963 in Book 175 at Page 135 as amended by instrument recordec April 23, 1965 in Book 187.at Page 195. 8. Utility easements as sholtn on the Plat of said Subdivision, said easement being over the Southerly 20 feet of subject ProPerty. Easement and right of way for construction, reconstuct' enlarge, operate, maintain and remove any electric Lransmissi-on or distri- bution line or system as g'ranted to Holy Cross Electric Assocj.ation, Inc., by Bonnie Orl-,eary in the inslrument recorded in Book 229 aL Page 658 affecting the following described property: A'ten foot wide strip of land, the centerline for which begins on the Westerly boundary of said property at the point directly under proposed power line and proceeds on a general- bearing of N 76" E.M. a dist,ance of 190 feet. more or less to proposed pole nunber one. In addition, right is granted to p'lace anchors outside easement. Said easement, to contain 0.02 acres, more or less. Restrictions, which do not contai-n a forfeiture or reverter clause, but omitting restrictions, if any, based on race, color, religion, or national origin, as contained in instrument recorded Novelber 23, 1956 in Book 200 at Page 459. o 10. _) FORM NO. C-6000-9C o TTON LOAN o FOLICY t970 (AMENDED tO-17.70), FOR UII WITI{ COLOiADO REOION Af,IfItCAiI LAND 'ITLI A"C'CIA troi Ual WITH COLORAOO rEclON AIERICAN LAND TITLI AaaOCTAT|ON CtwNlF'a trOLlqY-FORtl tsttto (AtaEffDID lO-t?-7O, SCHEDULE B-Continued 11. Easement as shown on the Plat of said Subdivision said easenentbeing over the rear 15 feet of said property. oooot FoRM NO. C-6(K,,O-44 . FOR U6E WITI{ COLORADO REGtOfl AI|ERICAN LANO TITLE ASSOCIAIION LOAN FOLTCY IETO SCHEDULE B PART II In addition to the matterr g€t fortb in Part I of this Schedule" the title to lhe ertate or interest in lhe land descriH or referred to in Schedule A ie oubject to the following matten, if any be ehownn but the Company ineures that such matters are eubordinate to the lien or charge of the insured mongage upon eaid estate: t{oilE (AMENOED rO-17-70) Indorsement Atlached To Policy No. lssued By Transamerica Title Insurance Gompany Said policy is hereby anended by deleting paragraph 4 of Schedule B. The total liabitity of the Company under said policy and any endorsements thereto ehall not exceed, in rhe aggregate, the face amount of said policy and costs which the Company is obligated under lhe conditione and stipulations thereof to pay. Thie endoreement is made a part of said policy and ie subject to the echedules, conditions and etipulations therein, except as modified by the provisions hereof. Thig endorEement ie not to be construed as ineuring the title to said estate or interest as of any later date than the date ef said policy, except as herein expressly provided ae lo the subject matter hereof. Date August 7, 19 8l Policy Nurnber 4 l0 5 19 0 Transamerica Title Insurance Gompany xi 'r'3ql'::, -Endoreement Form C-Il0.l By hocidcnt o 3 Ei9 ;ii,iris =ils :*:ii =iii Ee'ri2 t o T rE ffli ;glg 'il; 'iig ,li3 eii*iiig 3 cGo Eoo ootr(E Laoc g F 6(, o E6otr (E LF tE CIILq, Eacs.ggr* =6GEo-b=FtrltLF oa =(ttFO.cuEoo'F() E9r(672E(Uf ,L aDr-c a Eo3 aoo o(, tr6E\,3;t6.IE --org tts a-F ? E o Et:.q.9 s$a g;p E*u E:f g;:g ftEg ggF gEF gEF Eggg gE$ B-ipEt E E. i ;"' tr(E CL Eoo o(,tr(E L o o F o(t Lo (Eo G F .|0z08oPYtoIo)|$iu.)o|cB)ro8.o.dlDl!olPJssJrpPeJqu'\s.iu',du'irJi{lPct|'i!unJJqotpJr!nhr.l'uF6u|lUiua|c INSS SUSHA' 'S3]LLON 'AI ,Ir.duo:) .rn ,o Irotrullr pr4rortttr. 'o r.'tJJo trltrpl.^ ro .&rr.r-S tu't.ti$VUt.I!.PrJ.seq||N.P!i.,d.'|i'.|U.P|3.ld.q|l.ql!.IqPru'For.J.t|p.t|Jt!Io 'I.{od elqr rt .uolr.tndlr put ruotllpuot prlt .uolrt^dd .qt ol p.tr!.rr.r .q llrqi .ur.p qm. tqu..rr uolpr lur ro Iq.i.q pa!.^o tc.r.lu! ro .l!r3. .qr ot .Ittr .{l Jo 'lutduo].q|Pq.P.Jn!u!.qru..dr.qF!r|ucPu'IJ!tod.l!ru..{|.!Iurduo I]I'IOd SIHJ OT CSJIIAII'I T.JI'IISVTI'II {|'dt!|.qlJou6EJlIqlutduo:).Forrsol.Iu!Jt.|onout.t||P..Jt.lt.{3qJ!qfr.Pu[.r.qtru'l|tp.J[ru!r.!ro|IutJo!d|!q|{luo Jqrr.q|rd.Jt)'lu!ut'tJP.rnJut.tnJor''idtqP]r!!rhIu.duo].qr JNSIAIS'IIJSS UO JNSYiiAVd NOdN NOIIYJOUSNS 'OI 'Irrtod itqr r.pun lu:uit.l r p.u..P .q trt. pr.d o. runoar .ql p{! iy .tnpqrs u. or p.!.JI ro p.qUJFp rFr.tu! ro .rtu..qruouJ||roJt'qJ3!lq,.qeP.JtsutwIqp.|DJx.r.Ur.l.|t.ltlr!o.'u!In'u! lonouE .qr tlql Poots!.Pun,iFs.rdt. s! SALLYIONO]NON AJI'TISVI'I'6 'iu.duo.r .qt Jo uottfjrlEr.ql ot p.qi!!Jr.l.q lFqe lo,rJntrlJp ro ssor Jo Joord rrlJ ttJlqs u! tP.i@t'.P ro l.ol .q irltod .qt rr.lun luitd \r.i ,o r@e.rroP@ ro, &!pd qql tu!mpord Foq[q .pru .q ['{r lq.4Itd oN Jou,lt.qllJ,|oldolp.,us^P!slInou!o|'rrd.'t..{tt|odJo.|.oor|o.nb.rqn.P.|tel,'s.uP.|.l.puiI3ltl'uuI.uoi|IPP.-,o.j.{(.izq(Ill'u!durP.P!aot.l.trd.JI.iutdoo:).qlJoIl!|!||. '.r.tuou p.rnrur.qr {q ProDr .euP.tq.Pu. .qr Jo taoar .g ..op.! !tu.uI.d q.n. tlqr t@re .qt ot ld.r!" r.punlrq P.proJ. .iEdq,o..I.i.soq.PJP!loId:ord|old..@nru!.{Jo|unou..q|.tnP.JIllq..3..u.d!.P.tl'..J..I.uo|t.t|r@IoJ.P.['t!.oI.dlda''.'I'.|o(|'! AJI'IISYI'I IO NOIJ]NCSU '8 .{urduoJ TJI'IISYI'I JO NOIJYJIIAU'I 'T .r.rj.er.qt rlBp 0f llrllls .lqrIld .q lttq. .rrarP ro .!oI .ql 'Ittlod .rql Jo iuollrPuo .{r qrla .rutpro.J. or p.!9 {trtrqg.p u.aq slq ItMtrI urq,a (r) 'I|,td||rol t$Jo u.llr4roqlnt uallFA.qt qtl| p.rnru! qrnr Iq !o p.rrl'r uort!*tll 14 r*Ddr. pur 3r.,.rl.inollt 'strontPuR|P.Jnlu!qJ.sloJIuRduo:)nqlIquop.lU!'uotr.l|!IurPJn.uu!uodnP..oda|i|lo'llr.I)'todt!t||qFt|!!!p.Jn!!! 'IJltod .tqt Iq t.urrl. prrnru! ,.ntu r.qto ro r..ulrqun u. .ur!l .lDJ.p .qt rq prqsrqqpm qntJo j.q|.'orlsjnJJolaPunal,qr9uI!'EP.JnluI.'su!pJoliol.tt|.ul.q|l'1Jo'Dq8qdrI'r ro :J@t.q (t)z qdrrtrld ul P.ug.P ro : turorrl. P.Inrur .ql Jo .rol lrntrr .n (r) :ro t...t.{t Fr..a..fr ou qr tFq. rtllod etqt r.pun r@duo:).qr Jo rrltlqrll .qJ (i) SSO'I CO TNSWIYd qNV NOIIVNIIAIUSISO '9 .prpr^ord urrr.{ st roJ .qr ru.ulrd uodn oll!.JoIuoduo:).q|JI.I3dor,.Ph.l.qP.r.i'lqo,lIuRduo:).l 9!trJoiuo!|''!rqoPu'{lr|tq!|tJJ!e|lIluerolJol|urtltJn9u!u|'I' sI{IV'rf, S'rIJSS SST^.USHIO UO ,{Vd OJ. SNOrrdO 'S re^oJ tuorJ Jo lor8 ruo{ panunuo] u't'l l, : lY l,ocA.'i' l0l'l vlil( I l; IC/\TIOfJ surDrvrsroN-\\\\S!-- ?sUrS.- Essts\tl -- L't-t-- JOB I'IAME Lor- -S sro.*-S 11-, *mc-34 nrltaina.{ ADDRESS '&(*"Y, The location of utilities, whether they lines, nust be appr:oved and verified by acconpanying site plan. be rnai-n trunk the following lines or proposed utiliti.es for the Date Mountain Bel1 Western stope Gds^l Public Service Company lloly Cross Electric Assoc. Vail Cable I.V. Upper Eaglc Valley I'rrater and Sanitation Distli-ct *->*sl r/>r/,iZ NOTII: 'fhese verifications do not relieve the contractor of his responsibility to obtain a street cut permit from ttre Town of Vail, Dcpartment of Public Vlorks and to obtain utility locations before digging in any public right- of-*-, vr vri-v!.v;i. ;.. .:.- T-,,.. -:','*-:. ,i L*il.iing perrnit is not a street cut permit. A st.reet cut perrnit nust bc obtained separately. this fonn is to verify sert,ice availablit.y arid location. This should be used in conjturction with prcl:rrring your utility plan and scheduling installations. 1rr,,..rr l,ii{),rr (i r' t l.i:(;Al, lrlrl,{ill I l''[ l()](: i,{)'l l,l:.s(;ii l ;'l l():; ()l; t'lr().,t.(:1. il1,(x:l:l; It, |l,i(; 'l'hc fol lor'r inli informet ion i:rlloard l.rcf'orc a fina I apprgval A. lltril,lllii(; I\t\l't:RtALS Roof Siding Other l'ial I Materials Fascia Soffits Windovrs l'Iindow 'I'rim Doors Door Trirn Hand or Deck Rail.s Flues Flashi.ngs Chinneys Trash lluclosures Greenholrs es Othe:: roqrt irr:tl for ..;r"rlrrni.ttll by thc ;rPPl it:;mt to thc Dc:; ilgrr l{r:vi.cw clr rr bc Ij i.vcn: Color 6AF ETaE)-44 4.4r2244L _ B. LANDSCAPING Name of Designer: Phone : PLANT MATERIALS 1'REES Botanical l,lame Quanti ty t.-.f e< - /i_e" 1r7'> t24. {qPL Si ze &a a-- fu86-21_&!?S- &Qr"ucm€*._ --ilrt*es-*---- _*-&.*-. ._-.L-___ lrre.-gl-$$-el:t!l 4,^) n-, , o*ZW* -- Common I'lanre _,48PF// 4w_W // /(tJ,l- SHRUBS f/8" , enduno COVTRS SEED , 'oi, , ' 'o't'FooTAGE s0D 7tt.eF SQUARE FOOTAGE ttzz/syt !€L af rltn//e6Eo €o/1 TYPE _ flartvz SQUARE FO0TAGE "€b of y'),tnnCso €c/a TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL C. 0ther Landscape Features (retaining wa1ls, fences, swimming pools, etc.) Please specify. lutln box lfl) Yail, colorado 81657 (3031 4765Btl! zao<> department of community development Dear Design Review Board AppJ_icant: Enclosed is your Design Review Board Project Application showingtbe approval/dlsapproval of your project inclucling comments fromthe Board. If you received approval from the Design Review Board, you mustmake any corrections stipulated by the Board and bring the revisedplans to the Town Planner before applying for a Building Permit.No site work may be commenced until the revisions are approveC bythe Town Planner and two sets of working drawings are submittedto the Building Department. If yon.funr7g 4nrr nilo<'tions, please do not hesitate to cal1. th^ DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 2 :00 prri 3:oo pm 1' ILAOJC AND IINVIRoNut:N'rAL (:or.tltIssloa l*torrdlry, Septcrnbcr 28, t 981 ?iork scssiorr to dj-scuss variancc procedurc and rcvicw try I'}liC, Requcst ftrr a rcrtr setback variance and for a Variltncc for a sctback fron a watercoursc for 1ot l, restrb of lot 14, block 4, llighorrr 3rd' Appl icant : lleritage Con4rany. Request for a front setback variance for lot 5, resrtb of lot 14, Bighorn 3rd. Appl icant : Ileri-tage Cornpany Requcst to vacate a lot l j"ne bettvccn parcels 4 and 5, Sundi-al Phase I, part of an unplatted parcel i-n Bighorn Subdivision. Applicant: Benchtnark Homcs of Col orado . Ilequest for a side and rear setback variance for lot 2, Cliffside Subdivision, part of Lionts Ridge Filing No. 2. Applicant: Davicl ],, Cole. Requcst for exterior alteration and rnodification to the Casino Building for the deck area to determine the anount of off j-ce space on deck. Applicants: Carlos Agostoni and Janes J. Sprowls. Request to amend the Pa.rking (P) District to pcrnit by conditional use pubfi. uses that are tranSportation, toulist or town related and accessory iyp" 1rr"t. In addition, to anend the Public Use District (PUD) to permit by'concliti.onal usc, public uses, office and corunercial uses that- are transportation and tourist related and dwelling or dormitory type units for enployees of the Town or special district. 2, 3. 4. 5. 6. 7, g, Request to amend the official zoning rnap of the Town of Vail in accordance with Section 18 of tlre Town of Vail Municipal Code as fo1 lows: (Each of the follorving properti.es belong to the Town of Vail .) a, Change the Ski ltlusiurn, lot 6, Vail Village 2nd Fiiing frorn Public Accorunodation (PA) to l)ublic Use (PUD) District. b. Change lot 10, Bighorn Subdi.vision from Two Fanily Residential (R) to Grecn Belt and Open Space (GBOS) District. c. Change Tract ll. \tail Village Ist Filing fron l{i.gh Dcnsity l"lultiple: Family (HDt'lF) to Publ ic Use (PUD) District. Changc lot 28, Lionsridgc Filing 3 frorn Pli.rnary/Sccondary l{csidentiai (l',rS) to Public Use (PUl-)) Di.stlict. Request to amend the non-conforning restoration of 1ega1 non-conforning fire or other calami-tY or bY an act section of the zoning code to pernit structures that are destroyed by of God, APPlicant: Town of Vail' d. 1. e, f. changc lot 40, llul fer crcck subcl,ivision from cornnterciirl Corc Ill (CClii) to Public Usc (l'UD) District. Change lot 10, Vail Village 2nd Filing from Two l;anily Residenti:rl (tt) to Public LIse (PUD) IJistrj-ct. g. Changc lot 3, ilcsub of lot 1, block 1, Vail Lionshead 2nd Filing fron Iligh Denslty llulti-Family (l-lD$lf) to PubIic Use (l'UD) D.istrict. h. Change Tract E, Vail Lionshead lst Filing fron Corunercial Core II (CCII) to Ptrblic Use District (PUD). t- Change Donovan Park, a parcel of land. locatcd in thc NE 1/4 of the SW l/4, and the NW l/4 of the Sl'l 7/4, Section 12 lownship 5 South, Range 8l i{est of the 6th P.Nt., Tourr of Vail, State of Colorado, from Residential Cluster (RC) and Pr imary/Sec onciary Residential (P/S) to Public Use (PUll) District. Change King Arthurrs Court, a parcel of land sj.tuated in the SE 1/4 of Section 12, Torvnship 55, Range 80 ltiest of the 6th P,M., Town of Vai1, State of Colorado fron Low Dcnsity l'tulti-Family (LDMF) to Public Use (PUD) District. Parcel B of the Annexatj-on Plat of Forest Service Property, annexed by 0rdinance #7, 1980 as recorded in Book 302, page 852, Eagle County records fron Green Belt and open Space (CBOS) to Agriculture and Open Space (A) District. Change Glen Lyon Strearn Tract, a parcel of land located in a portion of the N l/2, NM/4 of Section 12, Township 55, Range 81 West of the 6th P. M., 'l'own of Vail, County of Eagle, State of Colorado from Special Developmcnt Distri-ct (SltD) to Public Use District (PUD). Change Pitkin Creek Tract, a parcel of tand lying within Section 11, Township 5 South, Range 80 lVest of the 6th P.lvl., Town of Vail, Eagle County, containing 19,566.40 square feet of 0.449 acres nore or less from Spccial Development District (SDD) to Public Use (PUD) District. Publishcd in the Vail Trail Septembcr 25, lg8t 1. n. PTAIIINING AI.ID ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION SePteniber 14, 1981 5:00 P.M. l. Approval of ninutes of August 5l' 1981 2. Continuation of request for exterior alteration and modification to the Casino Buifding for the deck area and to deternine the anount of office located on iots D and E and a part of lots B, C and F, Block 5C, Vail Village First Filing. Applicants: carlos Agostoni and Janes ' J' sProwls' .ce on a* anr.o31 Request for a conditional use permit to allow office spa- floor in Study Area #5 in new connercial and office space in Lionshead. Applicant: Robert T. Lazier 4. Request for a front setback variance on Lot 5, Block 1, Intetmountain Snbdivision. APplicant: Byron Hoyle- S. Request for a rear setback variance and a variance for setback fron watercourse foi lot 1, resubdivision of lot 14, block 4, Bighorn 3rd addition. Appticant: Heritage Company, Dan Gagliardo. 6. Request for a front setback variance for lot 5, Resubdivision of lot 14,' Bighorn 3rd addition. Applicant: Heritage Company' Published in the Vail Trail Septernber ll, 1981 - o MEt'0RAl{DUM TO: Planning and Environnental Comnission FR0M: Department of Community Development DATE: 9/9/81 RE: Request for a front setback variance in Prinary Secondary Zone District foi lot 5, Resubdivision of lot 14, Block 4, Bighorn Subdivison 3rd Addition, Applicant: Heritage Conpany. DESCRIPTION OF VARIANCE REQUESTED The applicant requests a front setback variance of 9 feet to 10 feet in the requiiea 20 foot setback. The house would sit, at its closest point, 10 feet frorn the front property line. The lot is 16,988 square feet, triangular in shape, and has Sighorn Creek flowing through the ProPerty. Thus, in addition to the front and side setbacks, the lot is subject to the 50 foot required setback from the center of the creek. The appl icant feels that a "drop off" towards Bighorn Creek in the rear lirnits the building site and forces the building to the front of the site and into the setback required fron the front property line. The Departnent of corurunity Developrnent Staff feels that, whife ttre site is difficult to design for, it is this design which does not fit onto the site glven tire cgpograpiri atrd sclbask constraints and that a different, improved design for the site could be achieved. There is a drop in topography towards the creek, However, the staff feels that a design which urade use of the si-te area between the front setback and the drop off could be achieved. CRITERIA ATID FINDINGS Consideration of Factors The- relationship of the requested variance to othPr exi-sting or potential uses and. structufe.s in the visinity. There are five other lots wi-thin the subdivision, three of which are currently being designed for as sites of Pri-nary/Secondary residences. There ale two existing single farnily dwellings wi.thin the subdivision. The requested setback variance will not have any najor impact upon the other uses within the vicinity other tlran the fact that it would be unnecessariLy.- at one point, only l0 feet away from thc edge of the property and roadway. The effect of the short distance between the road and the house would be rnainly a visual one. lbpment rcc ornrnen d s den ia I of--!h9-ri-ry9$9 g variance based upon the following factors: Lot 5,Co. -2- 9/9/81 The desree to which relief from the strict or literal interDretation and oTcernent o on is necessary to achieve c and uniformit of treatnent amonq sites in the vicinit or to attain ectives o s title without grant of special pri.v eqe. Heritee While there are definitely the lot, there is adequate the setback requirenents. with neeting the objectives physical constraints to building on Poftions of space to design a dwelling which would be within The granting of the variance would not be consistent of the zoning ordinance. The requested variance could possibly have a negative effect upon transPorta- tion within the subdivision due to the fact that the house being located only l0 feet from the edge of the roadway on the lower side of the road night harper snowplowing efforts. There would be no significant effect uPon the other factors. Such other factors and criteria as the comnission deens licable to the Droposeo varlance. FlI9MSj The_Planning alrd Env.iroJrnental Cgnmissi.on slrall rnake t.he f,o.llowing._findi.ngs befo,re granting. a variance : That the granting of the variance will not constitute a grant of special privi- lege inconsistent with the lirnitations on other properties classified in the same district. That the granting of the variance safety, or welfare, or naterially in the vicinity. That the variance is warranted for wj.ll not be detrinental to the public health, injurious to properties or inprovenents one or nore of the following reasons: The strict or literal interpretation and enforcernent of the specified regu- lation would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of this tit1e. There are exceptions or extraordinaary circunstances or conditions applicable to the site of the variance that do not apply generally to other properties in the sane zone. The effect of the requested variance on light and air, distribution of and utilities,. and public safety. Lot 5, HeritasJ -3- 9/9/81 The strict or literal interpretation and envorcement of the specifiedregulation would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by theomers of other properties in the sarne disirict. STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS the_Departnent of Corununity Development Staff recommends denial of the requestedvariance. The Staff believe that indeed the lot is a difficult lot .rpott rrhi"hto design a structure. However, the staff also believes that there i! anplesite area within the required setbacks i.n which to design a structure. Nosufficient reason or proof of physical hardship has been shown by the applicantwhich is substantial enough to justify the granting of the variance. l{ebelieve that the applicant nust investigate furthei his design options forthe property. PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS IIEREBY GMN that the Planning and Environmental Conmission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the Zoning Code of the Town of Vail on September 14, 1981 at 3:00 p.m. in the Town Council Chambers in the Vail trlunicipal Building. Public hearing and consideration of: l. Request for a conditional use pernit to allow office space on the third floor in Study Area #5, in new commercial and office space located south of Vantage Point, north of Lift House Lodge and Lionrs Pride Building and Northeast of Vail 21 Building. The request is in accordance with Section 18.60.020 through 18.60.060 and Section 18.26.030. Applicant: Robert T. Lazier. 2, Request for a front setback variance ia the Prirnary/Secondary Zone District (Section 18.i3.060) on lot 5, Block 1, fnternountain Subdivision, 2644 Larkspur Lane. Applicant:. Byron Hoyle. 3, Request for a rear setback variance in the Primary/Secondary Zone District (Section 18.13.060) and a variance to Section 18.58.500 Sctback from Watelcourse for Lot ln Resubdivision of Lot 14, Block 4, Bighorn Subdivision, Srd Addition. Applicant: Heritage Company, Dan Gagliardo. 4. Request fol' a f'.,ri1+ and si,ia cd+-bacL, r"ra1j.lnqa in iha D.i yn' r),/Secondary Zone District (Section 18.13.060) for 1ot 3, Resubdivision of Lot 14, Block 4, Bighorn Subdivision. Applicant: Heritage Company. 5. Request for a front setback variance (Section 18.13.060 in Prir,ary,/Secondary Zone District for lot 4, Resubdivision of lot 14, Block 4, Bighorn Subdivision. Applicant: Heritage Conpany 6, Request for a front setback variance in Primary/Secondary Zone District for Lot 5, Resubdivisj-on of Lot 14, Block 4, Bighorn Subdivision. Applicant: Helitage Co;npany. Tire applications and infornation relating to the proposed c.hanges are availablc in the Zoning Admin i stratol' t s office during regular busj,ness hours for ret'ierv ol inspection by thc public. TOI{N O]: VAIL DEPAITTT1ENT OF COMMUNITY DIIVELOPTIN.{T A, FITIR PATTEN, JR Zoning Adnrinistrator b"& I Published in thc Vail 'frail August. 2E, 1981 . rft r APPI,ICATI'ON I. This procedure is required The application will not be Appricatiorluuo 8- tt- 8l \oo.ov FORI4 FOR A VARIANCE for any project requesting a Variance. accepted until aLl information is submitte,- A. NAME OF APPI,ICANT ADDRESS -Po. c.AUTIIORIZhTIO SIGNATURE ADDRESS m0v l).LOCATION OT PROPOSAI, ADDRESS /^/K{DcrO. LEGAI, DESCRTPTION ]oI bl-ock PHoNE 4Z6-O?S E q76-oqsa /lJ i s U *1,.1'r ,'' | !_J / oo.l / F. Y-E, Frsog. oF Lnr tt(, &.er tl , 8n. Filinq g)ts.6s hotnoi FEE. 9100.00 plus 18{ for each properLy.owrer t,o be not:fred. A l-ist of the names of owners of al-t property adjacent to thesubject property and their acldresses. r\ U.3. r-oeEaTev SERutu'^ I \4 or' ut,. 2,1. furlD lbP€lfiD vo.' 'it*:-'oN, ic ci6 \tbl: 4 8, q /nzs {A<l &AaJzJv 4?6 tD. CoNeJos ?t*r- ,EN/EZ, &-oeADo ( O>o+ 4,\v//Fotnco KE^/DFaK @{ 4qb rTor+jsoal, Ks.6zxs 4) Atlo'l IlAAS AtAc,RA6fuq 5, /I/A{>I<H"r{cr,-,ettW b@. g-0 \r D .-.,/ for o m for a varianc" pog"d II . Four (al copies of the following information: A. A statement.of the precise nature of the variance reguested,the reguration involvedl and the practicai Jitricutty or unnnecess:Pftvsical hardship inconsistent wiih the obje-tives of this LitJ-ethat would result from strict or literal irlterpretation an4 enforc=.ment of the specified regulation. B' A site praT.showing arr exisLing and. proposed features on thesite, an{ on adjoining sites it nec6ss"rv,-plttinent to the varianc_requested, incruding site boundaries, reluired setbacrs, lui.ia:.nglocations and heigh[s, topography and pnvsicir reatures and simirardata. c. such additional materiar- as the zoning administrator may pre-scribe or the appricant may submit pertin6nt to the apprication. III. Time requirements The Planning and Environmentar corrunission mee.ts on the 2nd and4th Mondays of each month. An application with tne neces"ury .""orn-panying material must be submittli r-o"r---weeks prior to the dateof the meeting. application Lot 5, Resubdjvilion of Lot 14, Bl A. Applicant requests a set back variance of 9' to 1.0' jn two small areas of the front street iet uacr. The Regulation'involved is 18.13.060' The i"t-ii ;;il ;;r primaryTiecondary residentia'l structu1e. The lot is tri- ;;;ri;;i;-rnap" lnA. n.'t'an-extreme topographic drop off into Bighorl q1qek ;;';h;'""u",''ili.['iiiueieiv l'imits the building site. and forces the build- ;;o-i; ir'l i.o'it of the siie and into the front set back in two locations' l,fiiimum Uuitaing height will not exceed 32 feet' uLot 5, Resubdivision of Lot 1_4, Block 4, B'ighorn Subdivision&th Addilion A. Applicant requests a set back variance of 9'to 10' in two smal'l areas of the front street set back. The Regulation, involved is 18.13.060. The lot is zoned for primary/secondary residential structure. The lot is tri- angulalin shape and. has a.p-extreme topograph'ic drop off into Bighorl qlqekjn the rear, which severely limits the building s'i te and forces the build- ing to the front of the site and into the front set back in two locations. Max'imum building hefght wi'll not exceed 32 feet. Project Application */af y Proiect Name: Project Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect. Address and Phone: Comments: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL taff Approval P.O. BOX 1842 vAtL, coLoRADO81658 303/47&0885 SUA$DNRIES HERITAGE CONTRACTORS G& G DEVELOPUE TCO. INVESTMEMT DESIGN INTERIORS LTD. 12903 COUNTRY RIDGE sAN ANTONTO, TX.78216 51249/t-2195 coNsrnUcTlorl INVESTIIEI'llS July ), 19Bz ]vIr. lli11 Andrews Tovrn of Vai]Fublic !'/orks DepartmentVail, Col-orado RE: i'fhite Ri-ver tr-states, Lot 5 Duplex Dear Mr. Andrevus: Please be advised that the permanent sewer, water, anci el-ec-trical utility hook-ucs v,rifl- be completed on or before August 20th,1p82, as per our agreement. It is my understanding that with your- acknowl-edgement of this agreement rr,Je vJ1ll be entitled to receiveour framing inspectlon on the above referenced project. Thankyou very much for your cooperation and assistance in this matter. DMG/bd box l(X) vail, colorado 8165f (303) 47Cs613 November l' 1982 l,larren Balden CDS EnterPrises P.0. Box 1842 Vail, Co]orado 81658 Dear l,larren: This 'letter is to confirm that the 'landscape contained in your 'letter of October 28, 1982 If you have any questions, please contact me. Singnelq, tM Town Planner PJ: df department of community development revisions which are are acceptable;. c. Box 1842 \rL, coLoRADO 81658 r3/47S0885 JBSIDIARIES CONSTRUCTIOI,I INVESTMETTS ERITAGE CONTRACTORS & G DEVELOPMENT CO. IVESTMENT OESIGN INIERIORS LTD. f'l-P tr, Tovm of Vall Buildlng Departmentrrail, Colorado Dear SLrs: mentLoned earller. r am sure that you are as aware as rnyself on how qurckly the landscapingseason Is.drawLng to a close here r.n the valley. we here at cDS have severalproJects whlch rve r.rould llke to landscaped thts seasoni these being: --lloa 1, Bighorn Subdlvlslon, Flllng 2, 11611, Colorado ll"! ?: Block- 4, Blghorn 3rd Addirron, A resubdivrsron of Lot 14, va1, colorado l\", \1, Block I, Potaro patch, Vail, Colorado I Lot 10, 41en Lyon Subdlvislon, \rall , Colorado Before r^'e can begrn hor^'ever r we are io rieed of your help and approvalregardlng sorne substltutions rnade necessary by both avatlabtltty and'dLrectlvesto use sorne plant specr'es whlch wfll not grovr ln thls envr.ronrnent. I have consulted wlth l,tr. Rl.chard lilatthewson the best choices in terms of avallability andto request the following substltutlons in plant october 28th, 1982 of llattheros and AssocLates, sultabillt;r and would lLke materl-al on the proj ects PLANT SPECIFIED TO BE R,EPLACED BYColorado Spruce Concolor Spruce 1o shady area sBlue Spruce Jaoanese Yanle Jananese Plne and Englernan Spruce ln Ac er Arnur areas ber PlneFalse Spirea Van HouttelBlue Leaf llonevsuckle Zabel llonevsuckle* No changes ln pJ.ant sLze are antlclpated. Should you have any nore detalled quest{ons oncontact Rlchard Harthews at phone #476-0g15, or lf Lplease donrt hesltate to call at phone #476_0gg5. this rnaterlal please can be anv service I.larren H. Es t lnatorII{R/bd )03 COUNTRY RIOGE N ANTONIO, TX.78216 v4s4-21ss xlgffit ffi Rlr-pn E. EarL, JE. STEr'ENS Plnr Xrrvxrx g Lawrence A. Eskwith City Attorney Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road VaiI, Colorado I Dear Lar H.a.r-r- AND KTNNEY ATToRNEYs .r'r L.rw t7t8 Grvr.onn Stnsrr Dnrvrn. Cor-on-roo aozog Tnr-epnoxr (3O3) 32O-1OO5 October 27, 1983 Lot 5A, a Resubdivis Resubdivision of Par Addition, Amended P I of.Big Horn Subdivision' Third . t, Eagle CountY 7cL r--nfr'r'' on of Lot 5, White River Estates' This is written to confirm our conversation in your office on October 26, 1983, at which time I advised you that my wife and I are purchasing the above-described property. The minor Re- subdivision plat hai been presented to the Town of Vail for its approval , and vail-Eag1e Title Company, Ltd. has closed the sale in escrow pending approval and recordation of the plat. It is my understanding that the developer and seller of the subject property, CDS Enterprises, Inc-, has failed to comPlete cerlain i*piov.*ents which lre necessary for the dedication to the Town of Vail of the road in the Resubdivision. Accordingly, I acknowledge that, unti-l such time as dedication of the road i-s accomplishei, there will be no snow removal by the Town of Vail i_n thL Resubdivision. During this time, and during the periods that our pt'operty is occupied, I will be responsible for keeping the road pas-abfe to the Resubdivision up to (but not beyond) Lots 5A and 58. Furthermore, I acknowledge that there may be a problem regarding access of Vail fire trucks to the Resubdivision' *fri"t may iesult in the tack of adequate fire protection for our properEy. I appreciate the time you spent with us yesterday' Please Iet me kn6w if there is anylhing else required of me in furtherance of the Townrs apProvaL of the minor Resubdivision plat' REH: sa a t^,,LO / 261 83 APPLICATION FOR MINOR SUBDIVISION REVIEl^l (4 or fewer 'lots) CDS Enterprises PHONE 47 6-0937NAME OF I'lAILING APPL ICANT ADDRESS P. O. Box 1842 Va11 c0 81658 B.NAME OF APPLICANT'S ADDRESS REPRESENTATIVE sue Dusan MILING C. NAME OF OI,INER'S I'IA IL I NG PROPERTY Ol^lN S I GNATURE ow Dr Sul.te 7 VaiL 5t1 rlses PH0NE 476-472r PH0NE 476-0937 ADDRESS P. O.Box 1t842 O. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL LOTS 5 A&B BLOCKS E.' FEE $r 00.00 F. 81658 A resubdivlslon of Bighorn Subdivl- SUBDIVISI0N slon. 3rd AdditlorFILING /izz-t'qo/-il, G. H. I. PAID I'.IATERIAL TO BE SUBMITTED The subdivider shal'l submit three (3) copies, two of which must be my'l ars, of the proposal fo1 lowing the requirements for a fjnal p'l at as found in Section .|7..l6.130 of the Subdivjsion Regulatjons, Certain of these requirements may be waived by the zoning administrator and,/or the Plannjng ar,d Environmental Commission jf determined not applicable to the project. An envjronmental report may be required if so stipulated under Chapter .l8.56 Environmental Report of the zon'ing co.de. The Department of Community Deve1 opment will be responsible for seeing that the approved plat is prornptly recorded with the Eag'l e County Clerk and Recorder. Include a list of a'l I adjacent property owners and their mailing addresses.