HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 BLOCK 5B LOT A SITZMARK SIGNAGE LEGALDepart nent of Commurtily Developpent 75 South Frontage Road Yail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 wwwvailgov.com May 16,2005 Mr. Rick Geddes White River Electric, lnc. Fax 970.949.6749 Re: Sign lighting proposal at SiEmark Lodge Dear Rick, Thank you for faxing the cut sheet tor the proposed sign lighting at the Sitsmarft Lodge. The MR16 lanp hoks like a fine cholce of llghffng fur each of the signs at the building and one that Staff will approve for each of the existing and lirture signs at the Lodge on the following conditions: . The color of lhe MR16 "Lite Staf fixture fixture shall be matched to the color of the backgtound material to which it is being affxed. For example, a bronze or black fixture shall be used in circumstiances when sfucco does not exist as a background material and therefore the white fixture is not appropriate for that location; . The wattage of the lamp shall not exceed brty (40) watts. Regarding the beam spreads, the Torn's only requirement is that no output be emitted above 90', as shom in Figurc 2, which I have attached for your reference. Thank you for your lhorough attenlion to this proposal. Pending your response regarding the two conditions listed above, Staff will consider lhe submitted light fixture as lhe only approved light fixture for all sign lighting at the Sitzmark Lodge. Please let me know if you have any remaining questions and I will wait to hear from you regard i ngthig cones pondence./.'-/ 970.479.2454 enclosure f19 t"""""o t'*nl' E\o r.) -I\..\ .S \\.\\ -\.\\s-\)N\\\ it\ \*NT\ "\\ \N ts \r \- -\ \ \ N TF*lt\ \ \ \\ \\.N \.-.-: tt\ \i Nt\N \ o.4tA=oo;E 3*g I e 3= "* = E_€ € 5 e E5g6 =E b isF :g sEEEs9E giEEEsE EEgEgdF aaaa aa ".b b Ee $esE EEg€E E Bg E€ g;E B EHEgggfEFg c t:e 5; E€ia iggEEEE-tE$ NI(+{ o oo Pr ri a Io ,.1b bI) c{s€oo trra a E l.ro o bb blt J1 t F F ;i fiq *i;9o Fg5dlt "olB.hE9Za,ooE€o ?i5;iE" o€ =65a F l- G'*f CN o =J z F aF1 Fl M I ioool \o rao ol (\l (u o0d E 5 !.:cl v) () F]b bo (\ls.oo oa Ya. oq o0 do &.o ' 't\ o. .PE ozF (, F] M Io E FIE ie TL 5 to E f,tisi 3V l'las 11 O5 O6:O1p lrjhit,c Riv.r Elacgnior Inc S7o 9.+S 6?.+9 p.1 N WrbiltK? RJilwn lEUqerlr[G, uLn]G., FACSIMILE TRANSMITTAL SI.IEET 'l1r: Elisalxth E<.*d I jl(( tM: Ricl, Cctkles (i()MIANY:t)A't'ti: 05/tt/2w5Town of Vail - Oommuriry Dcvdoporenr rAX NtlM l ,iltr 970.479-2452 'l'ttt Ar. Na r. ( )rr r,A( itis lNol.l ll)lN(l (l rv r.:r(: 2 'Ihe Sirz.rrrarkLodgc E t,ltt;riN'r' E r,Qn RnvlDv E rr.rirr.sri (x)MMuNl' D pr.rinsri nnpl,y O l,ltinsri n ri(:Ycr,ri NOTES/COMMEN'I"S; Dlisrrbcth. Plcase revicw thc lollowing cut shcct lbr thc proposerl sign light lixtun: lor tlrc Sitzntarli Lodgc. 'l'lre cut shcct is printcd fronr tlrc I!-K Lighting wchsite (wwg,lrklight[qg.corrr). You ntigltt wi.sh to chcck this sitc to gcl a rcprcscntrlivc color rcn<litio1"oft!1c lixturc and to vicw thc avaihblc linishcs. Wr: woultl usc tltc "Lito.Star" stylc lixlurc with u 4" diarnctcl'cnnopy to nrourrt thc l'ixttrrc and covcr thc cxisting box. With thc MRl6 lamp us specificd, wc havc nrnrry clroiccs in watlugc bctwc watts. Wc cut itlso urJjust boum .sprcads l'rorrr l2-dr:grcc spots to 60-dcgrcc nscdcd to focus on thg irrEr ol'thc sign. Plcitsc givr: mc u call if wc rtccd to dis,cuss tlris. I would bo hnppy to dloll a bct(ur copy of tlru cu( shcct by your oflicc ifnccdc{I. Tltunks, I 6j_<j^.,*_,_.r l.lag '"1 11 OS 06:Olp Uhite Riven EIectFic' Inc S7O S'+9 6743 p.2 Fealurbs. Raindght oprical co.nparlmenl.. Enclosed wireway mounling knuotlo.. CleBr, lempar€d gla93 lons,lactory soolod.. Mrchinod nlwninum consuucton wrlh s{ai dco 6lool har6wars.. O e (L Usbd with MF 16 lamps ro 50 wa(s.. For uss wfitr romolo lrtlsfotmo(s. sm pagos 92, 94, and 97. Available in 8ross, see page sn. Lite SEr" is the finest and most versatile landscape lighting instrument ever designed, The compact size of the Lite Star, along wilh tho wido choice of finishes, lamps, opticsl fid mounting €tcccssorios, allows it to perform a multtude ol lighting tasks with a minimum of visual firature impac{. The Ute Star is constructed of machined aluminum patls and tinishod in a durable, polyester powder coating. This, combined with the safety of 12V powe( allows it to satisry the requiremcnts of tho most discriminating laghting designer. iEl-i'/\ i-:.Lr.-r ; .,t\.u, 4//n 2p2,ru CATALOG NUMBER LOGIC 16 - EYS(42YY), 25" N, Flood 17. tYP(,u$. ,lo' Fbod 6- LxflsOW). r3'spor 7 - EXA5OWI. 26" N. Flood 0 - EXN(5OW). d0" Fbod 9 - FNV(5oW), @4 W Flood Lon6 fvptI . cb+'(srindad), 10-Spr€ad, t2 -Sott Focue, 13 - Roclilinoat 'tlo!o: Downlighl cLtlf roquircd lor bdoYv iodzofllal 3iming. ?/,{ ,0'il<il /r-- 7./Z ( 1h/'24fl4's A q ; ::: TOWN OF VAIL Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Yail, Colorado 81657 970-479-21 38 FAX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us November 22, 2000 Tim Hebert PO Box 129 Vail. CO 81658 CC: Canoll Tyler, Slifer Smith Frampton / Vail Associates RE: Slifer Smith Frampton / Vail Associates sign Dear Tim. Per your request I have examined the Town of Vail Sign Regulations and the Community Development Department files conceming the Slifer Smith Frampton / Vail Associates display box sign Iocated at the Sitzmark Lodge Building on Gore Creek Drive (see Attachment A). The Town Sign Regulations establish requirements for signage in each zoning district. The Sitzmark Lodge Building is located in the Commercial Core I (CCl) District and is subject to the sign regulations for that district. The Town Sign Regulations allow each business located in the CC1 District one display box sign no greater than five square feet in size. Per the Town Sign Regulations, a display box sign is a "freestanding or wall sign enclosed in glass for the etpress purpose of displaying menus, current entertainment or real estate listings. " The existing Slifer Smith Frampton / Vail Associates display box sign has two display faces. The Town Sign Regulations allow two-sided signs with identical faces, in the same piane, to be considered one sign; and the allowable sign area calculations are based upon the measurements of the outside dimensions ofonly one sign face. Two-sided siens tlat do not have identical faces or do not exist in the same plane are considered multi-sided signs. Each face ofa multi-faced sign is counted as a separate sigq and the allowable sign area calculations are based upon the measurements of the outside dimensions of each sign face. The existing Slifer Smith Frampton / Vail Associates display box sign has two faces that are not identical and is therefore considered a multi-faced sign. Since this sign is a multi-faced sign, each face is considered a separate sign and each face counts toward the total allowable sign number and area for this business. Slifer Smith Frampton / Vail Associates are allowed only one display box sign no greater than five square feet in size at their Gore Creek Drive location. The existing display box sign (consisting of two non-identical faces) is considered an illegal sign, because it exceeds both the allowable number and allowable area of display box signs for a business in the CC 1 District. The existing Slifer Smith Frampton / Vail Associates display box sign is also considered an illegal sign because it is currently not being used for the "erpress purpose oJ'displaying menus, current entertainment or real estate listings. " {g *""r"""o rnr* Departmeilt of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 t 38 FAX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us The existing Slifer Smith Frampton / Vail Associates display box sign received Design Review Board (DRB) approval on September 30, 1987. Our files indicate that the DRB approved plans identif the glass display area, but do not describe the copy or materials to be placed in that area (see Attachment B). There is no indication that the DRB approved any deviation from the requirements of the Town Sign Regulations for this sign. Therefore, the existing Slifer Smith Frampton / Vail Associates display box sign is not a non-conforming sign, but an illegal sign. The existing Slifer Smith Frampton / Vail Associates display box sign shall not be allowed to continue as an illegal sign and must be brought into compliance with all requirements of the Town Code. Therefore, the existing photographic images in this display box shall not be replaced or otherwise allowed to continue in the same manner as they cunently exist. Immediate actions need to be taken to remedy the illegal status of this sign. If no zuch actions are taken within a reasonable period of time, the Town of Vail will begin code enforcement procedures to address this situation. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to call me ar (970) 479-2173. Sincerely, 4-/iz n- -/2,- Bill Gibson, Planner I Community Development Deparfinent Town of Vail {p o*u"^"o Al1.a"l,^rrtt A ,$ A(lc,o\^r-"1 B YtzcE GLLz-" ;*y sr,r. / -".--- hodc..l 9At^ltl grg DA PO'I ETCEEP l'rarfE E9 . ll i' brJa 2|+" ].iE6'/Y tqo{ EEAcFlgr,,$NFR SdPFL.iE.t) F {ot ExcEElJ t7z,'. LErfEae - z'.to" ter,tcttl (EDrac:!: - B|Le/r,XtP . e{trrN ILEnY-P' - FaAr acacr l. f"4Yil>/k.,' ,S \.! I r. J:li'6e -t 'd ^;ni .. r-) Keeonr REAL EeTATE o1ncee *t rflilr. pu'lrer ,---.7 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 970-479-2138 Fpx970479-2452 COMMI-INITY DEVELOPMENT FAX TRANSMITTAL SHEET 2tlTf|.- / 'Il(Dll lultc COMPANY NAM&: Slz&n SmtH Fca^.?k^ / t)a;l Asso.. FAX TELEPEONE NT]MBER: FROM: Filt G)bson tlDATE: t(22/n TIME:ItZ{ P.n # OF PAGES IN DOCUiVIENT (NOT INCLUDING COVER SHEET)-Z- RESPONSE REQUIRED?Yej SENT BY B& TOWN OT'VAIL COMMUNTry DEVf,LOPMENT FAX # g1TA79-2A52 TOWN OF VAIL COMMI]NITY DEVf,LOPMENT TELEPHOIIE #_SIOJ-IS-2JJE_ SPECIAL COMMENTS AND NOTES: r-., f l. It{ .,1,,./- hMt.' 0t }it q.r\ctf;6flt 6t 4.tlr^ore'{t 0ll4.5o qi\tL ,, ",/ 47? - Z/79 ,(W AL CA'(t F:EVERYONE\FORMS\Fa:6h€st TOWNOFVAIL 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 970-479-2138 FA){970479-2452 COVINIUNITY DEVELOPMENT FAX TRANSMITTAL SHEET TO: COMPANY NAME: FAX TELEPHOI\IE NUMBEK FROIVI: DATE: # OF PAGES IN DOCUMENT (NOT INCLI]DING COVER SHEET) RESPONSE REQI]IRED? SENTBY TOWN OF VAIL COMMTINITY DEVELOPMENT FAX # m!419-2452 TOWN OF VAIL COMMUI\TITY DEVELOPMENT TELEPHONE #--q7O{Z9AilIL SPICIAL COMMENTS AND NOTES: TIME: F:81&RYONE\FORMS\FaxSheet 5k^rwvr't Project Application Project Name: Proiect Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Block Filing Zone Design Review Board Date APPRbVAL r-. a\ DTSAPPRoVAL \-t/- Date: Town Planner E statt Approval -- r iki+''- lf i ',t ri '' .tt..'---{ r r .,\V Proiect Appllcation Pioject Name: Project Description: Contact Person and Phone {'iYi Own€r, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lol Commenls: Design Review Board Date APPRoVAL ,--- ./-*\ DISAPPROVAL('\\(,l Date: Town Planner Staff Approval -'r*oi'\.;"'. . I- Application llunber L L submittal by the applicant approva'l can be given. fT7orr. MATERIALS SUBI.IITTED WITH APPLICATION 1. Site Plan /2. Drawings sfidlf-in9 exact location /-3. Photographs sholing proposed locEilion4. Actual sign 5. Colored scale dratvinq6. Photograph of sign Approved for ORB Submittal Disapproved for DRB Subnittal :_--..._-----5ign AdministratoF- APPL i CATION Location of project ltfZVnIWL L-c^Dqg Vltt_ teo , Description of_ prgject The following information is required forto the Design Review Board before a final Sign submittal fee is $20.00. A. Sisn Materi"r ( Vav2J?g) B. Description of Sign c. size of sisn (WVA49\ _z,t4u 4 I 4 ovL A GF, (euwtstcato;t W\ D. E. \r Length of Comments f,f'f'e. +ff&v4,LAyLL Sign Administrator\ . t r')' TTTTT T I I u r{ t'l ilrlL']tJtJ tl fiUflff F U rl I.JHIL qf,,8gFl1 itl . ttE lB. Errl r'f-r_.1'- I r,f rr{.: F.E L.tr I r I C. l FtrFti 81 r:rL:T lSEi THUFjStritT FjEL:EIFT # 4i;;t1 .rAr-'f'; trrill I tr HUHl.l FrJ B[]{ 1Bt5 I lr! t I ia' r-, { i-E.-'L.rH IL.r r_.U. ti I E|_rL..i NE5[F:IFT IUI'{. 5I[].{ HPFi- rtl rrErErE4 i 41.1 TI]TAL r-ltl5H CHEfi': * :-rSi? \hil&tusk JackD.rr"" A k\arni>-) qP,W +Ewv OYZI, ? eopftg 04 d'ttl- <a[Nst+t- ?LDN , -Itr- 6WPLtI?D lsfr-vcrrrDA -at',rp Trfr- +&" &8. wt- *)aw rweNWD ourL ,HO@t- .df\)D +.bt't- EtLtrED fil?- awx th/qs 4rr Tffa r-Di.D ta-fr-> Wqigf. U.r\- AVt t- t 16ur WO@eNq.A +tvt'PLet }IAV{ bLVL C.Jr{udb pDNN evL +)utlt+thr*tt -rtr_ eorcd fiktr,t E|-Z- ecrau:aJ I u-ros UNDbLL T5 MfiLAxf. €Lt\ATTDAI -Orr_ -lo.n ,fbw A 6i-tE- VrslT- =+toricOPeutAL Auu $tctr5ell egLt Box 7, Vail, Colorado 81658, 303/949-5750 \hu&tf;&k Jack D. Hunn 4UqNL Y3!'iatqawN\Nq @r_or4_ ?toWLr> P-.? . €lc-rr( cbt^oYL_ ?tvutL6t4 16<Rsl.o =rfloP Box 7, Vail, Colorado 81658, 303/949-5750 e!:Ir sr q' Project Application Proiect Name: Proiect Description: Contact Person and Phone Tz; Owner, Address and Phone: Architect. Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot /7 Z r* A'/7- lL. ; lU66 Block Filing Zone - Comments: Design Review Board Dale Motion by: Seconded by: DISAPPROVAL at/->//\,,if( 7 Staft Approval , ,'a l"':",. l',1 itl H;t|v: rtl l'r r; Jr:L |. , Vail Associates Real lfalte of icrl0n Sli.;'r i t li n.r Ed Swinford Estate 2/L6/e3 l'i;11rlg 476-3393 LOCation oF projc4L sitzmark r.nrtge.,- va.jl--uiLr ^*-_- l_ Dcscripti on of Pro,jr:cL neal_Estate -ef_fi.ce-_en_l!e_west.-qor4-eL__ --. The follouing inforrrration is required forto the Oes ign Rev i c;.r Board bef ore a f i na I Sign subiri tta'l f ee is $20.00. submittal by the applicant approval can be given. A. Sign Materidl Medium densitv marine olvwood _ B. Description of Sign the wood. Lacquer finish. Copy is screen printed on C. Size of Sign D. Comments I"IATERIALS SUBi,ltTTIp l,ltTH Ap!LrcATI0N 1. Site Plan2. Draw'ings shotring exa-Et location ?. Photographs shorving proposed 1oc4. Actua'l Siqn 9. Colorect:. icaTE-?i.wii!-"/ ^3-_:-:-atron 6. Photograph of siqn Approved for DRB Subrrrittal Disapprovcd for Dtili Subrri ttill Sign Adntinistrator' S i gn Atfini nii tr'.r tor' 'a i'r:S- P,r.id !1.,;1 'rr.c1- i'-rif ii.il t : l{,tttt(: 0l l't rr 1t:L t . v"il-Aes-o--ci,e.L9_s- Reel.Eslgler. _rnc. llartc of lcr:on Sul;'riLLinS _ Ed gr^ri4f_or..d.-- Location r:f Projt:ct Sitzroark Lod€_e.,"..ygilv-i!lgg,g__ Itsl.g::fllg of f ice- door infonriation.is required for submittal by the applicantRevio'r Board before a final approval cen be givin.fee is $20.00. . 2/16183 l'it(Ae 476-3393 The fol lo'rri ng to the Design Sign submi ttal A. Sign l4aterial _!.der qood -stained with rempered glass on the outs ide B. 0eSCriptiOn Of Sign rrisl,l4]r cpse wJrh k square foor of lettering will be lishted will C. Size of Sign D. Conments MATERIALS SUBiUITTED NITH APPLICATIOIT l. Site Plan ?. Drawings sFFing-Fct location -t'' 4. Actual Sign q. Photographs show'ing proposed I oca[i6n--4. Actual Sion l. Colorsd;. icalEIffiiilll/6. Photograph of sign Approved for tlRB Subnittal Disapprovcd for DtiD Suunrittal- Atlrninistt'.'ttor'Sign Pantone 300c or Rocess Colors: 30% Magenta, 100o/o Cpn VailAssociates Signature Repro Art O€cember 1987 Color appllcatlon eramplc ilJ 10ff/o Magenta, 4trh Cyxt,\hil L Use this veGion when "Colorado" appears with the signature il.t &il &il Q\hil Oran Oran Oran Oran /4RRO\NI-EAD/rr uAtL diuew recreatiorml 6rctiuiti6 alrd offus an exc@tialnl opportunity to slJcne in its unique uitaltty. Arroutbead aMAil wiil feAturegolf as tbe prernis vmmq actiuitJ Skiing at furoulread at Uail it eruisiand as ya.arnfuer aspea of orrc of tbe uorld's mag onbletelv integrated raors : 71re Uail Uallett Attbe wttqofArtwulread actiuiq, tbe intinnte uiilaee wiU Black letter version Beaver Creek Signature ReproArt october, 1987 Pantone 540c or Process Colors, 300/o Black, 550/0 t\4agenta, 100/o Yellow,100% Cyan Pantone Cool Grey 3c or Process Colors, 20% Black Color application example both the black letter version and white letter version can be used for single color, black and white applica- trons use lhe black letter version only forthe lwo color applications ffi ffi White lefter version hwn 75 routh frontage road vell, colorado 81657 (3031 479-21q' 'January 28, L992 Mr. Don Clinger Gore Creek Gold183 Gore Creek DriveVail, Colorado 8165? Re: hlindow Signs at Gore Creek Gold Dear Don: rt has come to our attention that Gore creek Gold is disptayingapproximately 10 window signs. rt is- true tn.i yo,r, window signsare very small, but, unfortunately, the Town cod6 counts smallsigns as well as large ones. The Town of VaiI sign code a1lows twoPlease see the enclosed section of the fn our efforts to enforce the sign code fairly, we wouldappreciate it if the extra signs are removeo 6v Friday, February7 ' l9?2. we hope you undersrind rhat. we ure ,,-ot tryiiri i;-il--'negative to you or your business. we are trying to make surethat you are ahrare of the provisions of tne-iid coAe. Thank you very much_ for your cooperation and attention to thisrnatter. Please feer- free to cali me, and r would ue trappy-i--work with you to answer questions or concerns. Si4cereIy^./ -u 2-J--//JzZ) (C.cs tLd&(- Betsy RosolackPlanning Technician Enc. window signs per business. Town of Vail sign code. 'l'".t'I?"'Application Number Name of Person Phone 367-A177 Location or project lffi eoal &tz Ck DBNQ- Description of Project 'The fol,lrnring information is required for submittal by the applicant:to the E:slgn Review Boarrl before a final approval ,can be given. Slgn submittal fee is $20.00. A. s'f en Materi * Anrl ' B; Descriplion .,' l I.,. -., IiI ,/if ,tili C. Slze of Sign Length' of Frontaqe (FtJ Corments MATERIALS SUBMITTED I.IITH APPLICATION 1. Site Plan2. Drawings sfioillid-E-xact location3. Photographs showing proposed locat-i-on4. Actua'l siqn4. Actua'l sign5. Colored sialE-ilFw:iill_6. Photograph of sign Approved for DRB Submitta'l Sjgn Administrator DiSapproved for DRB Submitta-jl Sign Administrator '_t /) ? s\-F \Q :r +re+ tss Project Application e.'<lDate 5-rlJ- J I Project Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Archilect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Zone - Commenls: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPHOVAL Su m mary: [.** Approvar I $"vall slclrt CARL BABCOCK 303-949-6710 P. O. BOr slo / 4to'lo u.s" HflY c i AvoN', CO 81620 l T I l ',8" I 1 ----{ A(G?J A9l?.,-;o{;^ -V .-A2 p+rr- (r) tult ugx* ry (a/*tWf)f'fltUouetnL f 2-7 o'-" //a/t /ru - rlfD , _ O/d& 4tQu"20' Ttzuaqd'Pfr @ u,n-t,fi olay'aV4d>xat> /wV46au &v/,ta.M^rfun .-3 tJ .. t'r t!{l'' - -. 73 touth fronhg. ro.d urll, colondo 8i657 (303) 476-?000 aprtt tz, iea+ T0: SIGN APPLICANTS FROM: Tom Braun or Kristan Prltz, planners RE: . Slgn Appllcation Requirements l{hen appllcations for signs are submitted, the following lnformatlonls required: l. Slte plan showlng exact location where the slgn ls to be located. 2. Photograph or. drFwlng showing the bui'lding and where slgn is to be located. 3. Exact,design of slgn (one or more of the fo'llowlng) ' (a) scale drawlpg or rendering (nust be colored exactly as slgn wlll be) (b) the slgn l,ts'elf fs. nade (c) photograph ff.slgn is made FEE: A $20.00 appllcation fee wil'l be requ'ired at time of applicafion. ofllcc of communlty drvoloprmnt (bver) .\I-- L'rb; t ,rJ.o,,, t, . ,\- ,AE^I LO(An Appl i cati on Nrder Fee paid # H^trA SIGN APPLICATION 0ate Name of Proi"ct @k cl4Ek- FL"lF,SttEg-r'-tA Name of Person Subrnitting Location of Project Descripti on of_.Project The fol'lowing inforrnation is required forto the Design Review Board before a finalSign submittal fee is $20.00. submittal by approval can the applicant be given. A. Sign Material B. Description of Sign c. sizeof sisn 3? - iU" 44 ^L8"/) ,/t n-/i(/<-- Length of Frontaqe fFtJ Comments D. E. I4ATERIALS SUBiIITTED WITH.APPLICATION 1. Si te P'lan2. Drawings.sfi6@act'location3. Photographs sho|ing proposed locffi<ln4. Actual siqn4. Actual siqn5. Colored scale draling6. Photograph of sign Approved for DRB Submittal Diiapproved for DRB SubmittE-i] 5ieffi \ HLE COPY 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970479-213V479-2139 FAX970-479-2452 June2l,1996 Hillary Hobel, Store Manager The Polo Store, Ralph Lauren 183 Gore Creek Drive Vail, CO 81657 Department of Community Development RE: Additional Signage at the Polo Store Dear Hillary: In response to your letter to Jim Cumutte, I have researched the possibility of adding additional signage to your store. According to the Town of Vail Sign Code, your store is classified as an individual business within a multi-tenant building. The Sign Code allows you to have one exterior sign; a wall sign, an awning or a hanging sign. In addition, you may have two window signs. It appears that you cunently have two wall signs that have been approved by the Town of Vail. No additional si-enage is permitted. The addition of the pony player to the awning would be considered a sign, and therefore not allowed. You may wish to modifu your existing signage in order to add visibility from the east, keeping in mind that you are only entitled to one sign. IwillbeoutoftheofficeuntilJuly5,1996. Ifyouhaveanyquestions,pleasefeelfreetocontact Dominic Mauriello at 479-2148. I have discussed vour request with him and he is aware of the issues. Sincerely, l .,\ | iWw Vioeevftflp Lauren Waterton Planning Liaisou Offi cer {p r"""tt"*o LSg I g oavuoloJ "rrvA' ".:,i", auoc g8 I NudnVrI Hd'IVU t o'Iqd \ \1r ..);'. t _- .\/ , -{ \ \ r.,,\: .-,.\q r )a-.r .:., llr r .:\ cr(i- Ur' >. :;-'lll, lll- hrofiRnleH LaunnN May 30, 1-995 Jim CurnutEe 75 SouEh Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear Mr. CurnutEe: As Ehe manager of The Polo Store, Ralph Lauren, in the Vail village, it woutd be in the best int,erest. of t,he Town of Vail E,o improve the exisEing sE,ore front signage. The enclosed phoEos will help explain my reasoning. Currently, the only signage is photo #1, and a gold plack 112" x 6") to Ehe right of Ehe door in photo #2. Most traffic comes from tshe four corners of Bridge SEreeE and Gore Creek Drive. Those people coming from t,hese four corners (west) toward our door in Photo #3 have no idea that rde are The PoIo Store. The signage in photo #r cannoE be seen from this direction. My proposal would be Eo puE a pony player (the one betlveen rrPoforl and "Ralph'r in phot.o #1) on the right end of tshe blue awning in photo #2. We would also like to see a gold plack on the easE facing waIl t.o the right of the door in photo #3. Not only would this improve our positsion, but also of those reEailers across from us. Our end on Gore Creek Drive needs to draw more t,raffic from the four corners mentioned above. More traffic means more sales for everyone, which means improvemenE for the Town of Vail . The new signage would also take away from ttre ugly dumpsEer in phot.o #3. If someEhing like this is possible, f would appreciaEe consideraEion or any suggesEions you might offer. I only wanE. co make Vail village a bet,t,er and easier place to shop for Ehegnrest. Can I meeE wit,h you to discuss this further? You can cont.ace me aE 476-3700. Thank you. Sin{ere1y, r I 1+a\+,/4Hillary Hobel Store Manager SrLvEr PLUXR INc. 520 Eesr Dunrrr Awnw . Aspex, Colouoo 8161l . (303) 925-5147 183 GonsCrBEr Dntw . Ven, Coroneoo 81657. (303) 476-3700 i -l Project Name: Projecl Appllcation 'tl r / t_( v. .) Dale Project Description: Contacl Person and Owner. Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lol Block Filing Zone Comments: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPBOVAL DISAPPROVAL Summary: Town Planner Date: E Statf Approval Project Application Date Proiect Name:\l Project Description: Contact Person and Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Zone Comments: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPBOVAL Town Planner Date: Statf Approval Fee Paid Application Number SIGN APPLICATION Name of Project Name of Person Subrnitting Location of Project SiIZWV--? '"clc/e Description of Project CIOfr^,1 S{O;?- I The fo1lowing to the Design Sign submittal infonnation is required for Review Board before a final fee is $20.00. submi ttal approva 1 appl icant given. by the can be A. Sign Materiaf I f-aSs B. Description of Sign C. Size of Sign D. Coments . MATERIALS SUBMITIED WITH APPLICATION L Site Plan@ gps*ings showfig-E-act locationq. Photographs showing proposed locaTT6n--4, Actual sign5. Colored scalE@__6. Photograph of sign Approved for DRB Submittal Disapproved for DRB Submittil- 5rgn Aomrntstrator Sign Administrator t-E -H1?#r;+s-5*"sut"p,^"€' Larrv Ast P.O' Box 2688, Vait, CO 81658 Production Center: 910 Nottingham Rd', 92, Avon' CO 81620 Eagle / Summit C-ounties: 3ff.949-4565 Asfen / Glenwood Springe: ffi'945-659tj FAXt N3'9494570 TO: FROM: RE: Apri'l l,lhen appljcations for signs are submitted, the fo1 'l owing information is required: l.Siteplanshowingexactlocatjonwherethesignistobe.|ocated. 2. Photograph or drawing showing the building and where sign'is to be located' 3. Exact design of sign (one or more of the following) (a) scale,drawing or rendering (must be colored exactly as sign will be) (b) the sign itself is made (c) Photograph if sign is made FEE: A $20.00 aPP'lication fee will be required at time of application' 75 south lrontage load tail, colotado 81657 (303) 476-7000 17, 1984 SIGN APPLiCANTS Tom Braun or Kristan Pritz' Planners Sign APP1 jcation Requirements olllce ol communltY d€veloPmcnt &ver1 CDesign Review nctiotorm TOWN OF VAIL Category Number tlz-^: 6-t+r>':t Z oa" a/r*y' Project Name: Building Name: Project Description: Owner. Address and Phone: or.nn"offi"llbress and Phone: Legal Description: Lot _ Block_Zone District Project Street Address: /&3 H-"-.r.,.-- 1^.*k L :),. ,"t 1 ,. L-./ Comments: Board / Staff Action Motionby: 6.^n '.^_- Seconded by: i3,^<. ',,'t ! npprovat a Disapproval ! StaffApproval Vote: {- O Conditions: Town Planner o^t", s/1q4 DRB Fee ere-oaia J4. @ -r7a) TOWNOFVAIL **'"n no.-L( thPY ' DEPARTMENT OF OOMMUNITY DEVEIIPMENT wl,1:** CHECXS MADE PAYABI,E lrc TOWN OF VAIL A@OIJNTNO.ITEM 01 m00 41540 ZONJNG AND ADDRESS MAPS $5.m 01 0m0 42415 UNIFORM BUILDING CODE $50.00 0l 0000 42415 UNIFORM PLUMBING CODE $36.00 0l 0000 42415 UNIFORM MECFIANICAL CODE $32.00 01 0000 42415 UNIFORMFIRECODE i36.00 0l 0000 42415 NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE ;30.u) 0r 0m0 42415 OTHER CODE BOOKS 01 0000 41548 BLUE PRINTS 0vTYLARS)$7.00 oL00c{J42412 XEROXCOPIES $0.25 oL0000424L2 STUDIES 010000424L2 TOVFEES COMPUTER PROGRAM s5.00 ot0{1004237l PENALTY FEES / RE-INSPECTIONS 0l 0000 41332 PLAN REVIEW RE-CHECK FEE I$40 PER HR.I 0l 0000 42332 OFF HOURS INSPECTION FEES 0l 0000 4]4rl-CONTRACTORS LICENSES FEES .Aorw4tltJi-AIGN APPLICATION FEE I s:4- ol oooq#?,rB ADDITIONALSIGNAGEFEE ISI,OOPERSQ.FI.I +?q? 010000Y?m VTCARTPROJECTDONATION 0l (xno4133t PRE PAID DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FEE or0flno4?37r I}.iVESTIGATION FEE (BUILDI NG) 31 0c00 45110 TOVPARKINGFUND otffi22427 TOV NEWSPAPER DISPENSER FUND ' 0l (n00 2l ll2 TAXABLE @ 4Vo 6TATE\| 0l 00(n 41010 TAXABLE @ 4% OOWN) 01ofnrJ42371 BUILDING INVESTIGATION OTHER 01 fino 41330 ADDITIONALGRFA '25,O"$200.00 0l fino 41330 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 0l 0000 41330 EXTERIOR ALTERATION ILESS TI{AN IOO SQFT.I $200.00 01 0000 41330 EXTERIOR ALTERATION IMORETHAN IOO SQ.F|.I $500.00 01 0000 41330 SPEEIAL DEVELOPMI]FIT DISTRIET NEWI r500.00 01 01c00 41330 SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT IMA"IOR AMEND s1.mo.00 0l 000t141330 SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT IMINOR AMEND $200.00 0l 0m0 41330 SUBDIVISION 0l m00 41330 VARIANCE $250.00 01000041330 ZONING CODEAMENDMENTS $250.00 0l 0000 41330 R,E - ZONING $200.00 OTHER OTHER a, t l@- l'toTALt * | ? COMMENTS: , lu ,*'W- -rEuh't oF lJFtrL Hiscel laneotrs Cash $4-1--r-94 Bg: 1l:16 F;*rr.ipt * l4ilfg l:i':i:*un t #Lli s Hi TEIH 5IEtt5a.5IEH Hr,i':un t. i.*ndF rFd ::' Item paid r:r i f*jlu Er4 i + i f, r_tr:t El ar I I itjr Lrt:i+ I + r J'tlLll-l Ll IJI lLiF: trj LU| | ltiu 5:f,7 PFP FEE 34.68 Rmant paid IE.6E 4.66 {1. [rB ]-}{FTH|< 1fEU rj,lt-r t- rsshier REFTHH HIGHTECH SIGNS COLORAOO Vail. Colora(b 81658 05237 be Paid - Description SSF/VA SITZMARK AWN PERMIT Check Discount fDCE T-ltrTrnofVell N9 {60t2 Pcrmit MrmbeB How PND-ca "-^*WT? DATE: TO: FROM: RE: APRIL II, 1994 TOWN OF VAILPLANNERS LARRYAST SLIFER. SMITH & FRAMPTON AWNINGS TI{E BRIDGE STREET AND SITZMARK LOCATIONS WILL HAVE THE SAME PROJECTION AS TI{E E)CSTING AWNINGS. TIIE LIONS}IEAD AWNING WILL HAVE A PROJECTION OF 36". PLEASE CALL WrTH AIIY QIJESTTONS. HIGHTECHSIGNS P.O. Box 2688 Vail. CO 81658 303.949.4565 FAX:949.467O Production Center Asoen & 910 Nottingham Road Glenwood Sprgs. Suite S.2 303.945.6695 Avon, CO 81620 h'A,,h,u6ty I Lt u"f li --1. K t--L"no"*t.J !'tc-rATF 1 1 tgg4 Print or PROJECT PERSON SUBMITTINE fu y'ple.a L(ty l/*tt a 8//,tF TO\i.C0lvlM^DE}1"0IFilN DA'E /r/,, SIC}I/N{NING APPLICATToN 'tUPt PHoNa-194 h((-- (Please NAME OF NAI'{E OF ADDRESS NAME OF ADDRESS PHONE SIGNATT'RE OT OWNER LOCATION OF PROJECT 1fi 4,r- (rza_lch- /tr'u DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT THE FOTLOWING INFOR},IATION IS REOUIRED FOR SUBMITTAL BY TIiE APPLICA}IT PRIOR TO THE REQUEST BEING SCHEDULED BEFORE THE DESIGN REVIEW BOARD. A. DESCRIPTION OF THE SIGN/AWNING PRO.'ECTING, ETC) , INCLUDE S]GN (FREE STANDING, WALL, MESSAGE. F. SIZE OF OVERALL SIGN, Qc:f autrrrl /o r. yss,, t'b. sl .aa.^ t, - t^ 2 t Y\?.t a,. SIZE OF LETTERING A}TD LOGO D. E. HEIGHT OF SIGN ABOVE GRADE UARE FOOT OF SI DATE REQUIRED I"'tr,TER]ALS SUBMITTED WITH APPLICATION 1. _ Sit,e Plan2. _ Elevations showing exact location of sign or awning on the building3. - Photographs showing proposed location4. _ Colored scale drawing5. - Sample of proposed materials Photograph of sign if availabLe tr DESCRIBE LIGHTING (EXISTING OR PROPOSEDI taal.tat funt- lzzrtpt " | -.u7 TZi"f ,/Z't-z.nta*t7Qn LENGTH OF BUSINESS FRONTAGE (ET') 20 CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIA?ION APPROVAL (ATTACH) ;i? ; die,',P,' *3"3 l'. o $.il /-, f zd/ 6. OVER DRB EPPIJTCATTON - TO?IN'OD IItrIIJ, DATE APPTICATION RECEIVED: DATE OF DRB MEETING: *******r** I.EIS .IFPIJICAIION IItrUT.. NO! BEuNErrJ erJJ REQUIRED INTORD4TION****r***r* A.DESCRIPTION.: COI.oRJADO reY.DPI ACCEP!EDIS SUBMITIED I. hf1--<zraL-- TYPE OF REVIEW: New Const,ruction ($200.00)Minor Alteration ($20.00) Addition ($50.00)Conceptual Review ($0) ADDRESs z /f i '6on - CacctT htl- LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot ,+,? atock 5B Subdivision D. r.f prgperty ls descrlbdd bydesqription, please providiat.t.ach to this application. a meets and bounds legalon a separate sheet and ZONING : 4.a.a*o*/ ULz / !91 AR{at If reguired, applicant must, provide a current.stamped survey showing 1ot area. ilHi1l| f;oiwceuYffi?i{' 4/a"**"*' L A g/gJ H. t* Mfo:4', V7 .T K Condominlum Approval if app).icable. DRB FEE| DRB feesr. ai shown above, are t,o be paid atthe t,lne of submirtal of ona appiLc"iion. --r,lIli, wtenapplying for a building. permitl'ftease ident,ify-iireaccurate valuat,ion of the prop6sit. The town 6f vait :1.I.1_ldlllr _!rre fee _accoraing-io-Lrre iiule-ueriw, - roensure the correct, fee is pald. FEE SCHEDUI,E: .vAruATroNI 0-$ 10,000 l1o,0o1 -9 so;ooo 150,001 -$,150;OOO l,1gg, 00x - $ s00, 000s500,001 - 91r 000;000I . Over $1r000r000 rEE PATD: S FEE $ 20 .00I s0.00 $100 .00 $200 .00 9400.00 s500.00 ONE YEER E]rIER rrNAI ISSUED $TD CONSTRUCTION IS * DESIGN RE\'1IE!| 8 APPROVAI., UNIESS E)(PIRdS PERMIT IS PROCESSED WITBOUI OWNER'S SIGNAEURE L STAREED. OF OVgt{SnS:.4 (s) : Address: **NO .IPPLICEIION I|ILI. BE PR- :t0\{. c0[4,|4. Dftl DEPI --NeB cgngBrugt{on ($200.g0) +-Mtnor Atteragton (s2g.0g} , -.-.-Additton ($5q. O0). _ ..-conceptuar Revrew ($o) '' c, ADgRElf. ::,. ,,(4r1,: ,f- D. LEGA.I.I-DESCRIPT.TON: tf pqgperty ts icscrtuefa uydescrlptlon, please provldi actach to t,his appltcatlon. EI F. G. Mail.tngi Addg.csrs: REPRESENTATIT/E; . . i,DIE FFEt'.DBP'f9e9r, as shown above, a5e qa bs- jpaid at :;rrAE, Iqg: .lJllD tr98S1. aS Snown aDOVe, afe EO Derpalo aEthe t{Te gg gubnlt,tal ol DRB applicatlon. 'fiter.r wh6napplytrng for.a Uutraing perrnic,lftease {aeqtlfy.the.aggyEat-q yaluatlonr of the proposal. .rhq igwri of vallapplylng for.a butlding p accuEate yaluat,lon of the a on appllcantlot area. '.'''.LoT .AREI: If roqutqed, stampeS survey showfng !i4YE .,gq APPIr"tcAllr :; witl' H. .FEE: r$ 20.00 $ 50.00 $100 .00 $290.00 s400 .00'9500.00 e-94 FR.I f ='='u=HIGHTECH.S rctr/Aell{lN P AP L'EP c.srzE stzE oF D. E. F. G.. H. o TECFSSIGNS SIGN DRAWING P.o. BoX 2688 . VAIL, CO 81658 .3O3.94q.4565 . FAX: 3O3.949.467o ( * JOB f oare fy'/4 ev--&----, ^/e CLIENT coNrAcr(ffi&4- stLlBELfu ,r^rrY+il= 6l' pHoNE FAX: SIGN'"DRAWING p,o. Box 26s8 . v.AtL co arelg,;103.949.4s6s . FAX: 303.e4 e.4670 {/7Lm*ruL CotutlLV Do A-._ -'...i|i_-MaP{^ tnPlt AMIE) Doq6 JOB #- DATE xae<:ie-zr' 4*rne- /+s O't^ul A-,.,u1 . rt/<sf "t r*tt ,. l',f, "l-' nl AlF Z+rtna tful cuerur.f4 PHO ratkad'atcoNra.r fuc e,r@fi Proiect APPlication nara tt/aoha ProiecrName: &n Cr..k G,LL ('" tu''tW tt{' ir Proiect Descrip tion: NQ.UJ exis*,ic - ?,7 contact Person and Pnon" L,rtl q FrrZA 'l t 6-37t 7 Owner. Address and Phone: _o?p Greus V"iL zon" CC E Architecl, Address and Phone: Com ments: .^)*,)tC n - Sqa*{ r,b)".2" €L* -o{16.-. Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Sum mary: Staff ApprovalTown Plan ner ,^," tr/ao/qa- t AppLrcATIoN DATE \t f..)t>t qL (Please Print or Tyne) /r , ./- Lr'>v- -' 'IAI{E oF pRoJEcr '{Jd/et- LK-tf (- (>-oLD pERsoN suBMrrrrNc L inAri C . fPit&HoNE_:L]$33.D OWNER FHoNE-lflai€-q5 SIGN/AWNING APPLIEATION nsprql,rfr',I 1 ! $9e, [ $Ltr u lr' 't NAI'{E OF PROJECT NAME OF ADDRESS NAME OF ADDRESS (\ (.\1, SIGNATURE LOCATION OT DESCRIPTION OF OWNER PRO,fECT OF PROJECT \c^'. \ THE FOLLoWING TNFORMATToN IS .BEro.J-RED.FOR SUBMITTAL BY T}IE SCHEDULED BEFORE THE DESIGNAPPLICANT PRIOR TO THE REQUEST BEING REVIEW BOARD. A. DESCRIPTION PROJECTING, OE' THE SIGN/AWNING (FREE STANDING, ,WALL'ETC), INCLUDE SIGN MESSAGE, B. SIGN OR AWNING MATERIAL u.)r.o C c.SIZE OT' OVERALL SIGN, SIZE OF LETTERING AND LOGO f s*L D. E. HETGHT OF SrGN ABOVE GRADE s-e-e- c,.-tic..c-Lo } DEscRTBE LTGHTTNG (EXrstrNG oR PRoPosnol f lu,'J (,:L'f< n r'diri. (ATTACH) FEE: S20.0Q PLUS $1.00 PER SQUARF FooT oF SIGN +RE4. r:.1pArD lLVry- cHEcK no. 4O"6 DA?F ll/ // /7? u{o// Site PIan Etevations showing exacL locaLion of sign or awning on the building Photographs showing proposed location Col.ored scale drawing SampJ.e of proposed materials Photograph of sign if availabLe .y6 N$r LENGTH OF BUSINESS FRONTAGE (FT) CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION APPROVALG. H. 1 2 3 4 5 5 Sign edministraLor '\ TO: SIGl.l APPLICAITTS When applications for signs are submitted, the following information is required: 1. A compfeted sign,/awning application (aLtached) . 2. A site plan showing the exact location where the signis Lo be located. 3. A photograph if possible and buil.ding elevation showingthe locatsion of the proposed sign. 4. A scaled drawing which details the design of the sign, as f oIf oets: (a) Colored exactly as sign wiLl be.(b) A }ist of materials to be used in sign (netal, wood, canvas, paint, etc.)(c) Photsograph of sign if available.(d) Specific lettering style and size. 5. If an awning is proposed, submit drawings showing exactly how and where the awning is attached to the building and how the awning is to be constructed. 6. Description of lighLing that will be used in conjunction with Ehe sign or awning. If proposing an awning, lighting is not allowed t,o shine through theentire awning which calIs undue attention to thebusiness. Lighting may spotlight only the actual signIettering on the awning. RECOMMENDATIONS OR POINTERS 1. Check sign code - verify site, height, etc.2. Be specific. vagueness on design, size, construction nay delay the approval of your sign.3. Measure frontage of business. APPLICATION FEE WILL BE REQUIPED AT THE TIT.IE OF APPLICATION SUBMTTTAL. If t.his application requires a separate review by any local' State or Irederal agency other than the Town of Vail, the application fee shall be increased by 5200.00. Exanples of such review, may include, but are not limited to: Colorado Departmentof Highway Access Permit.s, Arny Corps of Engineers 404, etc. The applicant shaLl be responsible for paying any publishing feeswhich are in excess of 50t of the application fee. If, at, theapplicanL's requestr dny natt,er is postponed for hearing, causingthe matter to be re-published, then, the entire fee for such re-publication shalI be paid by the applicant. Applications deemed hy the CommuniLy Development Department to have significant design, Iand use or ot.her issues which may havea significant impacL on the community may require review by consultants other that town staff. ShouId a deternination be made by the town staff that an outside consultant is needed toreview any application, Communit,y Development may hire an outsideconsultants, it shall escimate the amount of rnoney necessary topay ]rim or her and this anount shaLl be forwarded to the Town bythe applicanL aL the tine he files his appJ.ication r.rith the Conpnunity Development Departnent. Upon completion of the reviewof the application by the consultant, any of the funds forwardedby the applicant for payment of the consult.tnL which have not, been paid to the consultant shall be returned to the applicant. Exl.renses incurred by the Town in excess of r he amount forwardedby the applicanc shall be paid to the Town by the applicantwithin 30 days of notification by the Town. zffi1rn -rrvn |=ofia*dl. *d?; .t II d I.!i ,. .l .J :k t lr Utr\O E $l 0l -Ll 0l s FI ri ,B O{-t !") r+$iEt ?f -*J [a vt+flt ir$Tit\tp*,disd$ Igt$ \ r I qxi $. ul 9_ 0rt "'l t IB ii,fil $t{ t r {[t1{- Project Application Prolect Name: Project Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: '/qL- gool Architect. Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Zone - Comments: Design Review Board Y,/6,y1 DISAPPROVAL Su mmary: Town Planner Date: E statt Approval o o)u AP? I i c:ti on ili'=5er < SIG;i aftAt ?^.tr?-rldr |,L ILAI lUrl I Fee Pa id.fp.ot . ry..-js- '.) , l. (1 Name of Proi".'- J/TL,flfr// bDkE .b) .-^^ Naie of Person Subrnitiing ,il" '-" fQfff.ft ?hone fl@Zlzll- -iii Loc:,iion of 0es cripti on Project I nf Drn i oe+f r r. vitib- subn'i'.t;1 bY the aocrcval can be appl icant gives-The .follol.ring infcrnaiicn is required for to the Design Re,rier,, EoarC beicre a fin3l Sign subni',.t1 fee is $20.00. A. Sign I'lateriai Desc:'i pii o n C. Si:e of D. E. Length'of I'IAT3.:. IALS SU Eii !]TED l lTii AP P L i CATI OiI 1. Siie PIan - 2'. 6"iti nss sEEiTig-.r"lc*'' I oc:t'i on i" Filoiogi:pns shor'rir:3 propcsed loc=ton 4. Actual sign -. 5. Colored scale ora';tlng --6. PhotcgraPh of sign APProved for ORB Subni t'i:l --.- Disapproved for [)RB Sub::li i'i: i - )lgn AorxlnlsErJlo!' s\ :.\ RF R,r{ \\q \n \ \\ i\\ \\ \ $u NH \\\ --.{, N$\fi$r t\N $\tR\ N\N\ $ {. \ $ llirI .-. -_-._.l lo4\ tr ::-:t-' _-'i:i: ': ;-l-'\\ ll---.I t' .) i). \l\ .,,it iii t a DEFRRTMtrNT @F E@MMUNITV DtrVEt@FMENT XXXXXXX sALEs AcroN FoRM 01 0000 41330 COM. DEV. APPLICAT]ON FEES 01 0000 41s40 ZONING AND ADDRESS MAPS 01 0000 42415 1988 UNIFORIJ BUI|'.DINC CODE 1 0000 42+15 1988 UNIFORM PLUI.{BING CODE 1 0000 42+15 1988 UNIFOR},I MECHANICAL CODE 01 0000 4241s 1988 UNIFORM FIRE COOE 1 0000 42+15 1987 NATIONAL ELEC'IRICAL CODE 1 0000 42415 OTHER CODE BOOKS 1 0000 41s48 BLUE pRtNTS (MyLARS) 0l 0000 42+12 XERoX CoptES ,/ STO|ES 1 0000 42371 PENALTY FEES / RE.TNSPECTION 1 0000 41722 OFF HOURS INSPECI1ON FEE CON1RACTORS UCENSES FEES 1 0000 41330 01 0000 41413 .SIGN APPLICATION t v