HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 BLOCK 5B LOT A SITZMARK 1980 1 OF 2 LEGAL\,r;VutTT\ t t-tA S"6JTJ tq& '{a TO: Planning and Environnental Connission FROM: Comrnunity Developrnent Departnrent DATE: March 9, L987 SU&IECT: Exterior alteration request to expand six accomnodationunits, add three neqr acconrnodation units and expandretail and office space at the Sitzrnark Lodge.Applicant: Mr. Bob Fritch I.THE PROPOSAL 2. 3. The owner of the Sitznrark Lodge is requesting an exterioralteration and density variance for the fol.lowingconstruction at the Sitzroark Lodge: I. Expansion of six existing accommodation units, total of555 sf. Addition of three new acconrnodation units,1,280 sf. Expansion of existing retail on the northbu.ilding, 845 sf. 4. Addition of new first floor retail space on thenorthwest corner of the building, 500 sf. 5. Expansion of existing second floor office space, 1gO sf. The density variance is required for the three new accommodation units as the Sitzmark already exceeds theallowable nunber of dwelling/accommodation units underCommercial Core I zoning. please see the tnemo concerning thedensity variance for a more detailed analysis of thisreguest. The owner is also proposing to add landscaping, paving andseating lmprovenents to the pedestrian walkway along thenorth side of the building accordlng to a Master plan developed by the statr- and applicant. The inprovements willbegin on the northwest corner of the property. A pedestrianplaza ls proposed for this area (see enclosure). tneexisting 25 t spruce tree near the northwest corner of thebuiJ.ding is proposed to be relocated to the open space areaalong core creek adjacent to the Sitzmark. The tree ispresently located on Tordn of Vail land. Landscaping andpavers hrill be added to the areas east of the pedestrianbridge abutnent. A new sidewalk with paver accents wlll bebuilt along the remaining north side of the building. total of side of the AIso, within the scope of thls project, the alpine gardenadjacent to the office (r,rest elLvalioni would Le expanded tothe south of the entry stairway. ThiE stairway up to thesecond level conmercial space and the west entiy Lo the lodgewould be revised and upgraded to cement or sanditone. II. ZONING STATISTICS Comnercial Core I (.80 of site area)Allowed: L4,2O7 sfExisting: ll ,362Renaining JF?5 sr Addition: 2nd floor w. existing. a.u.e. existing. a.u. 3rd f100r. west nehr a.u.east new a.u.w. existing a.u.e. existing a.u. 4th floor new auw. existing a.u.e. existing a.u. The following is a summary of zoning statistics related tothe exterior alteration reguest. Sitzmark Lodqe Zone District: Site Area: .4077 acres, 171259 sf Density: (25 units per acre allowed)Allowed dwelling units: LO d.u. or 20 a.u.Existing density: I d.u. + 32 a.u. = 17 d.u.Proposed: I d.u. + 35 a.u. = Lg.5 d.u. GRFA: 1L0 sf 75 sf 455 sf 405 sf 110 sf 75 sf = 420 sf = 110 sf= 75sf Total L,835 ne$, GRFA GRFA renaininq after addition 1,0J.0 sf Retail: (Unlirnited square footage as long as Urban Design Guide Plan is conp).ied with. )Existing retail,10,584 sf Proposed retail additions:Indian Paint Brush: L5O sf Colorado Footwear: 280 sf Gore Creek Gol.d: l_40 sf Breeze Ski Rental: 2'75 sf Nehr retail addition, northwest corner: 17O sf Total I Lr 345 sf Office: Existing office square footage = 560 sf Proposed addition = 180 sf Total office space, Site Coveraqe: (.80 of total Allowed: L4,2O7 sqExisting: 11,300 sq Proposed: J.,235 sg new plus 330 sf of converted existing space = 740 sf site area) # New total after expansionr L2,535 sqRemaining. L,672 sq ?o)" oi6Heisht: (1t!lA 33 | -43t , {ttg 0-33 ' ) The Urban Design Consideration requires thatarea be at a height of up to 33 | and Gt ofbe 33r to 43r. lO)o The height of the aQdition at its greatest point is 43 feet,tapering down to affioxllnately 25 ieet on the west elevation.A portion of the existing roof extends above 43 | toapproxinately 53' . fhiE area of the roof is considered to benon-conforning. The addition does not increase the non-conformity of the overall building relative to theregulation. @25 the ?o of the roofroof area may Parking: Parking expansion will beparking fund forresidential space Strean Setback: TnE-piojEEE-Eoes for the retail, office and residential addressed by the applicant paying into the CCI . A commercial space is 931000 andis $5, 000. Required: 50t from Gore Creek centerLine.not encroach into the stream setback. IIT. COMPLIANCE WfTH THE PURPOSE SECTION OF COMMERCIAL CORE I ZONE rv. L8.24 Purpose. The Conrnercal core I district is intended toprovide sites and to naintain the unique character of theVail Village conmercial area with its nixture of lodges andcommercial establishnents in a predorninantLy pedestrianenvironnent. The Commercial Core I district is intended toensure adequate light, air, open space, and other anenitiesappropriate to the permitted types of buildings and uses.The distict regulations i-n accordance with the vail villageurban Design Guide Plan and Desi.gn considerations prescriiesite developnent standards that are intended to ensure thenaintenance and preservation of the tightly clusteredarrangements of buildings fronting on pedestrianways andpublic greentrays, and to ensure continuation of th; buildingscale and architectural gualities that distinguish thevillage. This proposal is in cornpliance with the purpose section ofthe Commercial Core I zone district. COMPLIANCE WITH THE URBAN DESIGN GUTDE PI,AN FOR VAIL VILI.AGE The following Guide plan sub-area concepts relate to thisproposal: (Please see enclosed Urban Design Guide plan map. ) No. 30. Bank inprovements Riprap, reduced slope, reseeding and shrubs/treeplanting for reinforcement of creek as visual feature ofthe Village. No. 3I. Future bridge inprovements Second major entry to core area warrants increased inaqeability--such as with covered bridge (to becorne standaidstructure for pedestrian crossings). Bridge structuregives partial enclosure of creekside rneadow area, avisible attraction from Crossroads. Reinforce entryfurther with paving treatrnent and planting near bridge. The.applicantrs proposal includes landscaping, seating andpaving improvements to the entire north side of the Sitzrnark.The inprovements address the Guide plants reconmendations forupgrading in this area, with the exception of the coveredbridge. v.COMPLIANCE WITH THE URBAN DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS FOR VATL The Design Considerations help influence the forn ofbuildings in the Commercial Core I district. As stated inthe code, the Design Considerations nare intended to enablethe Town staff and citizen review boards to more clearlycomrnunicate to property owners planning and designobjectives, and to allow property owneis to respond byconforrning to the design considerations or to clearly-denonstrate why departures are warranted.r Below is-asunnary of the applicant and staff reponses to each of theDesign Considerations : A. Pedestrianization A 4aigr.obiegtivg fgr Vail ViIIaqe is to encouraqepedestrian_ circulatign throuqh an interconnectedletvrorkgf safe, pleasant pgdestrian wavs. Manv of ttrej.rnprovenents fecoqni?ed in the Urban Desiqn Gufde pLan anq accompanyinq DgFiqn consideimorce fld :l<Pgnd the qua utthe Village. Applicantrs Response: I'The site of this improvement occurs adjacent to alinited vehicular access street. The street is used forthe pedestrian way. Walking access to the building isbeing inproved by upgrading an existing stairway. Theapplicant has agreed to participate in a renovalion ofthe entire north side walkway. This upgrade wiII becoordinated with the Tohrn of Vail.il Staff Response: Thls proposal acconplishes a great deal as far asinproving existing pedestrian ways. The addition of thepedestrian plaza near the northwest corner of theSitznark creates an area that will be attractive topedestrians as it wiLl provide seating adjacent to thecreek, a more inviting and attractive entryhray to thiswalkway and new landscaping along the edge of the creekbank which is presently non-existent. The sidewalkalong the entire length of the building will be upgradedwith new cement and paver accents. The stairway up tothe real estate office will also be rebuilt out ofeither cement or sandstone. Staff's opinj_on is that-.'"_.these improvements are very positive in respect to thg!,e.{estrianization of this area. B.Vehicular Penetration Tg tlre rnaxirnum extent possible, aLl non-resident traffic 9.lgyrd le Tgut?d alViIIaqe/VaiI Lionshead parkincr structures. Applicantts Response: ttwith a modest increase in conrnercial area, vehicularvisits to this area will increase slightly. Because thelodge is located on the fringe of Commercial Core f,inpacts frour vehicles wilI be minirnal .rl Staff Response: The addition will not create any significant increasesin vehicle trips to the building. Fire access has alsobeen inproved at the northwest corner of the building.The existing access is 13 feet and will increase to 20feet with the new plan. Staff feels this is aninportant inprovement as this is the point where fl:etrucks will have to turn into the pedestrian sidewalk. Streetscape Framework To inprove the I it EE the walkiestrian wa rl-ence andve continuitv to e s ce and andsca are to ...4s a so framework 1 nkaqe alon trian r azas andrces as o es and ts alotheseroutes are encoura .In connerc aI sE,orefrontsgive street and visu teres Applicant.s Response: rrlandscaping has been a priority and a strong focus of endeavor by the owners of the Sitznark Lodge. The areaadjacent to the second floor expansion will be a focalpoint of flowers and alpine plants. Close scrutiny mustbe given to the spruce tree located at the northwestcorner of the site. The applicant would prefer to movethe tree to a more open site, possibly in the adjacentpark at Gore Creekrs edge, and to replace it withdeciduous trees of greater transparency. It is feltthat the existing spruce will not only block the retailshop from passersby but will also outgrow its space. Hor'rever, the tree does occur on T.O.V. property and theultimate decision must include the Town. rl c. Staff Response: This proposal cornbines the streetscape frameworkconsiderationsr emphaeis on open space and landscapingas well- as infill conmercial to create street life andvisual interest for the pedestrian. The addition of thepoplars, spruce and aspen trees to the east of thepedestrian bridge, relocated spruce tree to the east ofthe pedestrian bridge, and two stone planters witl alladd rnuch needed landscaping to this area. In addition, the new connercial storefronts create a much rnore interesting facade for the pedestrian.Display windows will be nrore visible to the pedestrian,particularly on t,he east end of the retail expansion.Presently, a covered arcade exists in front of theIndian Paint Brush, Colorado Footwear and Gore CreekGoId. Staff does not feel that this arcade isparticularly inviting to the pedestrian, as it isdifficult to see the storesr display windows from thesidewalk. The new storefronts wilI be sinilar in designto the Polo Shop retail which will create a continuityof design among the various retail portions of thebuilding. Even though you will never see the north sideof the building at the same time that you see the southside, staffrs opinion is. that the design continuity willbe an inprovement to the entire building. The owner is also creating a neh, retail storefront onthe northwest corner of the property. Staff feels thatthis retaiL location will be very effective and that itwill be located right at the entrance to the pedestrianplaza. The new storefront will help to add street lifeand visual interest to the west elevation and the areain.general. Staffrs opinion is that this proposal meetsthis considerationrs intent to ,rcreate a vlriety of openand enclosed spaces, both built and landscaped whichcreate a strong frarnework for pedestrian walks as welLas visual interest and activity.tr Twenty-five foot spruce tree: Staff has agreed that the25' blue spruce tree on the northwest corner of theSitznark should be relocated to the open space adjacentto Gore Creek at the applicantrs expense. Staff wouldllke to see the tree relocated just to the east of thepedestrian bridge and existing lamp post. The TownCouncil would have to give flnal approval to therelocation of the tree. At ttris time, the Council hasbeen informed of general improvenents to Town of VaiIland in the area of the pedestrian plaza. However, aspecific discussion of the relocation of the spruce treehas not occurred. Staff feels that as long as the ownerprovides a letter fron a landscape contractor that the tree can be relocated, the staff doeswith the moving of the ,tree. If the moved safely, a conparable tree will D.Street Enclosure not have a problerntree cannot bereplace it. E. p+++!!i+qipl! f?geqe IFiqhti sh?urd no! be uni{orn rronJ)ur+qrnq Eo burlcttncr, thev shouLd provide a comfortableenclosure for the street. Staff Response: This criteria emphasizes that pedestrian streets arebasically outdoor roons whose walls are formed by thebuildings. It states that the shape lrand feel oi theserooms are created by the variety of heights and massing(three dimensional variations) which give much of thevisual interest to the pedestrian scale unique to Vail.rlIt is staffrs opinion that the facadest heights terracefron 43 feet down to 25 feet which creates i balancednorth elevation for the building. However, due to'theinfilt of the building, staff bilieves thai it is veryinportant that the pedestrian areas be irnproved andopened up so that pedestrians do not feel that they arecrowded between the creek and the building. Thepedestrian plaza and landscaping will balance the infillon the upper levels of the building. The expansions ofthe conmercial storefronts, the paving treatment,landscaping and seating will all help to create a weII-defined ground floor pedestrian area. Street, Edqe Fuildifrqs ir_r thg Villaqe core should forn a stronq butlrreqular edqe to the street. Staff Response: The new retail storefronts are rnuch nore visible topedestrians as the display windows are pushed outadjacent to the sidewalk, particularly in respect to theeasc recail addition. The strong edge of the retail isachieved by using a variety of treatments that wiIIgive each shop its own unigue storefront while stillproviding design continuity among all the storefronts.Staff agrees with the applicant that the currentfrontage suffers due to the generic appearance of theshop fronts and the continuous straight edge to thefacade. Staff's opinion is that the proposal ,particularly in the area of the commercial additions isan irnprovement to the street edge. F.Buildinq Heiqht Basically, the Villaqe core is rceived as a mtx o f ttnroand three sto acades, althou ere are aJ-so ourand five store buiLdinqs. Th-of bu heve variety to the street--wh s oes rable.Theheight criteria are intended to encouraqevariety and to discoura e unrtormheights alonq the street. Applicantrs Response! rrAlong with the franework of the streetscape, nany ofthe considerations of street enclosure, stieet edge andeven building height tend to overlap and blend inio thesame design consi.derations. The building stahdssonewhat isolate from other structures and yet thestructure is big enough to create its own edge. Theexisting west frontage already satisfies a designconsideration for not being aligned in one plane. Thenew proposal further accentuates an irregular frontageand creates greater interest. It is also irnportant irornthe standpoint of street enclosure and building heightthat the addition steps downward to l{illow Bridge Road.The stepping or tapering function satisfies a bisicdesign concept of relating the void of the street itselfand also the structure frarning the opposite side.Enough variation in the height of the addition exists tocombat the mass of the structure. Variation to the street edge is enhanced by the retailshop frontage remodel . The current frontage suffersfrom a generic appearance and a singular aligned wa11plane. rr Staff Response: The proposal actually creates a more even stepping downof the building as the addition goes from 4 stories to 3stories to 2 stories. The building height has also beenoffset by the creation of the pedestrian plaza belowthis area. The addition meets the building heightrequirement that height shall not exceed ej feet. Thehighest point of the addition is at 43 feet and tapersdown to approximately 25 feet on the west end of thebuilding. The mix of building heights meets the intentof this consideration to have 4O? of the height at nomore than 33t and 60? of the height frorn 33r to 43r. G.Views and Focal Points First priority should be iven to an analvsis of thenpact of the pro estrian areaswhether desiqnated or not. Applicantrs Response: rrvery little effect on views occurs with this addition. The extension of the office space on the second levelslightly decreases the view of the Village Center condos and the Lodge from a perspective viewpoint on WillowBridge Road. rr Staff Response: The addition will inpact, sl-ightly the view of the skimountain, Willow Bridge Road, and Surnrners Lodge projects from the vantage point of the Village Center Condominiums. H. Sun/Shade new or expanded buildin s should not substantiall ease the spr and fa I shadow ttern (March 21. enber 23 es or thet-of-way. Applicantrs Response: ItThe additional rnassing at the upper floors will increase the shade pattern falling to the north of thebuilding. Shadow already falls across the walkways adjacent to the north arcade of shops; the additional shadow is cast across the stream between the two bridges. rl Staff Response: A sun/shade analysis was cornpleted for March 21st and Seg:te.rrber 2l"st at noon for che project. According tothe study, approximately 500 square feet of shade is added to the area of the creek bank extending into Gore Creek. An additional 40 square feet of shade is castonto the pedestrian bridge. The retail and officeaddition on the west end of the building adds anadditional l-20 square feet of shade. Staff believesthat the additional shade has minimal impacts, as mostof the shade is in areas that are not useable bypedestrians (creek bank and actual portions of Gore ecE, on vlehrs rron 10 vr. Creek) . It is true that retail and office additionscast shadow into a pedestrian area. However, staffbel.ieves that wittr the opening up of the pedestrian areaand landscape inprovements, this irnpact will benitigated. Basically, it becomes sornewhat of a trade-off:. improvenents to the pedestrian area by theapplicant with sone additional shade on a portion of thesame area. I. Service and Deliverv Any F\rildinq gxpangion should preserve the functions ofexisting service allevs. The Sitzrnark presentl.y handles all of their trash in anenclosed dumpster on the southeast corner of thebuilding. Staff does not believe that the additionswil.I create any significant increase in need.ed serviceand delivery areas, for these functions remain unchanged. STAFF RECOI{MENDATION Staff recornmends approval of the request for the exterioralteration. It is our opinion that the proposal conplieswith all of the design considerations toi ttre ViIIagL. Theproject also creates significant improvements to thepedestrian walkway and open space adjacent to Gore Creek.The recornmendation for approval includes the followingconditions: L. The owner will subrnit a letter from a landscapecontractor to staff that confirms that the spruce treecan be relocated safely to the adjacent open space areaalong core Creek. The proposed location for the tree isto the east of the existing lamp post by the pedestrianbridge. If the tree is not able to be relocated, theapplicant will provide a new tree of the sarne speciessize and quality. A performance bond will be r6quiredin the case the tree is relocated and does not live. 2.Preliminary Landscape PIan The owner agrees to constructthe following irnprovements to the pedestrian rday whichincludes the Sitznark property as well as Town of Vailproperty. The final landscapeplan r^r111 be deterrninedbetween the staff and applicant previous to a Design Review Board rneeting. Final design details need to beworked out due to the discrepancies between the staffplan (Winston Assoc. 3/3/871 and the recently subrnittedapplicantrs plan (Piper 3/5/97). The owner will_ beresponsibl-e for constructing these improvements: 11 a. b. d. f. c. Relocation of spruce tree or replacenent of thetree if it is not feasible to relocate. The sizeand type of tree must be the Eame as the existingtree, 25t, spruce. Dry stack river rock walls and planters will beused in all improvements. This style wilL matchthe existing rock walLs on Will-ow Bridge. Wroughtiron railing will be added on top of the rock willalong the creek bank. Four to six 3" caliper balsam poplars wiII be addedin various planting areas in the-plan. Three to four aspen and one to two evergfeens willbe added adjacent to the retocated spruce tree. e. Two to three seating benches five feet long sinilarto the corsuch bench or BelI Tower benches will beplaced in the plan. Pavers and concrete according to the plan usingeither Piper Architects or Jeff Winston's designscheme for the paver and concrete pattern.Unistone hexagonal pavers, rectangular brickpavers, or granite nay be conbined to create theproposed paver and cement patterns for thewalkway. Flowers and shrubs for planters. Trees may beadded to the planters. Relocation of existing shrubs along the westelevation of the existing building to Gore Creekbank. Drainage system associated with the improvenentsand roof drainage problens. Structural support and grade beam for thepedestrian plaza expcinsicn. The Town will be responsible for maintaining theimprovements on Town of VaiI land. The Town Councilrnust also give final approval to the irnprovernentsproposed to be on Town of VaiI property before DesignReview Board approval is final . please see the enclosedPrelininary Landscape Drawings (piper, 3/S/87 and,Winston, 3/3/87). s. h. J.. l. I2 D tie 9Jip9f P.r ss c1 EE d{;tc, 1- -.. i5 ET.r& t. q u riq :0 6I{I Eq ** BG$$*rIr ; Holo H,l'lVfc$* , .gJ.t._f}r t- 3Ll - 6'.7t,ir'- \J .dll -n - 2*L' t/i dt;, fl,- r^g ,11 . t y'a :-t f' x.\*\\)- n$$ l$9 ,h ds6'',e+E-?2 *a-C.ts+t#II , lI oi {. 3. At Design Revlew Board review, the owner will grrbnit aplan for roof drainage. At the tine of building pernit, the owner wlll cubnLt awritten legal-agreernent -tiputating the Improvencnts andcostg which will be.covered by the otrner concernlng thepedeetrlan plaza, eldewallc and landEcape Lnprovcucnteand will provide a letter of, credlt to-covei tho costEof the lnprovenents. At the tine of buildlng permit, a revocable rlght-of-waypennit wlll be subrnitted for alt encroachnents on tounof Vail property. The applicant will agree to particlpate in and nottreuonstrate against a Vail Village lmprovenent dl.Etrlctif and shen one is formed 5. 5. 13 tvi:{': L::!'4.':a31 {'-l K;i:$ {rg xf e{lLrr lfr (aorL. e-6L. Tr.ia5 FifEF$Anvt' ) FA^NP A}A'N f2eurqiruqe\ 06le l.J Scal€:1'-lO. -I - 3 MARCH 1987 CORE CREEK PROMENADT, Town'of Vail glNFXAAE*H lil'. isf.'".ot I I i 5l mil (303)..0-o2oo i/lln ,-Tq{,.a*2adn l1 lrtar\\ W7*:, ,r+''itc .r@a rbtL @!1q2. f*lt e-,. ffiff6n 4>@..a9t4P "X'19^' ^F* d/1uwt td*.qotafrftf ,llar)+ >, €1b4 ba.t *- P.p lim{.,ac'l'fffio-npe PLAN .: : I.t{'r-s a'aA€ Vi11.12,1A:eT I arrcPs1 +ffie *Fct flp, Ar,ISe.*rr{*,8 31f,/8+ o Planning and Environrnental Conmission Ir{arch 9, I9g7 1:30 P.M. Site Visits 3:O0 P.M. Public Hearinq 1. Approval of minutes of rneeting of February 23. 2. A request for a front setback variance, a variance fronrequired roof slope, and an amendment to the ArterialBusiness District circulation plan in order to constructa building at L031 South Frontage Road.Applicant: VaiI Conmercial partnership 3. A request for an exterior altertion and for a densitycontrol variance in order to construct an addition tothe Sitzmark Lodge.Applicant: Sitznark Lodgeb Fritch 4. Proposed revision to the Urban Design Guide plan and arequest for an exterior alteration in order to constrirctan addition to the plaza Lodge building.Applicant: Plaza Lodge Associates, Ltd. 5. A request for a conditional use perrnit in order toconstruct an addition to the Learning Tree preschool located at 1_29 North Frontage Road.Applicant: Learning Tree preschool 6. A request for front and side setback variances in orderto construct two dwelling units on parcel A, aresubdivision of Lots t4 and l.Z, VaiI Village FirstFiling.Applicant: Michael Tennenbaum lo: FROM: DATE: SU&'ECT: Planning and Environrnental Conmission Corununity Developrnent Departnent March 9, L987 A reguest for a density variance in order to add threeadditional accomnodation units to the Sitzrnark Lodge.Applicant: Sitzmark Lodge/Mr. Bob Fritch I.T}IE PROPOSAL The applicant is requesting to add three addltional accommodation units on the northwest corner of the SltznarkLgdge. Presently, 32 acconmodation units and one dwellingunit or a total of L7 dwelling units exist on the irroperty(2.,a.u. are equal to 1d.u.). The CCI zoning allows 10dwelling units which neans that the project is al.ready ?dwelling units over the allowable and is considered to be agrandfathered legal nonconforning situation. The proposedaddition of three accornrnodation units would increase thetotal nunber of acconmodation units to 35. The addition ofthe existing dwelling unit plus 35 accommodation unitscreates a total density of 18.5 dwellinq units. The proposalresults in a density variance of 1.5 dwelLing units for theproperty. The foll.owing zoning statistics sunrnarlzes thedensity situation for the property: Density: (25 units per acre) ALlowed dwelling units: L0 du or 20 auExisting density: 1 du + 32 au = L7 duProposed: I du + 35 au = L8.5 du GRFA: tieotAllowed: L4,2O7 sfExisting: Il_,362Renaining 2,845 sf Addition: 2nd floor w. existing. au = 1L0 sfe. exis',-j.ng. .au = 75 sf 3rd floor hlest new au = 455 sfeast new au = 405 sfw. existing au = 11O sfe. existing au = 75 sf 4th floor new auw. existinge. existing TotaI Lr835 sf new GRFA on :,-r.riew of Criteria and Find Section 18.62.06O ofe Mun l Code e Departmen Conmun Developnentrecomnencts approval of the resues varlance sed upon thefollowinq factors: Consideration of Factors: A.The relationship of the requested variance to otherexlsE -ng or potenli.al usvicinitv. The addition of the three new lodge roons on the northerevation of the project does increase the mass and burkof the building (please see north elevation attached). au au - 42O sf = LLo sf = 75sf GRFA remaining after addition, I,O1_O sf ,, /..:', II. BAeK.Pl,rrlrn _?I TrIE__!I2UE!: In July.of 1984, the Sitznark reguested an exterioralteration approval for the pool and conmercial addition onthe south side of the property. rn order for the conmercialaddition to be feasible, it wls necessary that three exisiinqaccommodation units be removed. rn order for a lod,ge roorn t6be removed in Commercial Core I, it is required that acondicional use request be approved. The conditionaL userequest hras approved by the pEc. The staff stated in tbenemo that rrwhile the Town does not rike to see rodge roomsrenoved from the Village, we on the other hand, ar6encouraging the commercial expansion of this site. Theremoval of the lodge rooms is a necessary evil of thisproposal with the overall impact on the Townrs developmentobjectile_being a positive one.r' The urban Design cuide planspecifisally stated that a conmerciar expansion on thisportion'of the property wourd be very po-sitive. The staffsupported the conditional use request due to the fact thatthe urban Design Guide plan carred for the conmercialexpansion and that a trade-off was being made for the loss ofthe lodge rooms with additionar retair ipace and a pool areafor guests. IIT. CRTTERTA AND FTNDINGS However, it is felt that this infill is cornpatible withthe existing project and actually creates a more gradualrrterracing" of the building down to WilLow Bridge Road.The height of the fourth floor accommodation unit at itsgreatest point is 43 feet. This level steps down to athird floor accomnodation unit that has a height ofapproxinately 33 feet. The west end is approxinately25r high in the area of the office expansion. The rnassof this infill also does not have significant negativeirnpacts in respect to sun/shade patterns. According tothe sunr/shade analysis, shade is cast fron this additioninto the creek itself. Only a small portion of shade isactually cast onto the pedestrian bridge. Views are also not significantly impacted by theaddition, as a portion of the building already extendsup behind ttre area of the infill. The additi.on willinfill the area in front of this high point on the southside of the bui-lding. Generally, the staff believesthat this infi1l will not have a negative impact onadjacent uses or structures in the area. B.The deqree to which relief frorn the strict or literalinterpretation and enforcenent of a specified requlations necessary to achieve conpatibility and unifornitv oftreatment amo sites n the vicinity or to attain the obi ectives of e without nt of speciaprrvrlege. In 1984, the applicant voluntarily decreased the densityfor this project which in turn decreased the degree ofnonconfornity in density for this zone district. Theapplicant is now requesting to add the three units thatwere originally lost in the comrnercial expansion in1984. In essence, the building is being brought back tothe same level of nonconformity that previously existedbefore tbe corunercial expansion. Staff does notconsider this density variance to be a grant of specialprivilege, as the applicant is only asking to add lodge rooms which hrere previously in existence before the comrnercial expansion was conpteted. It should aLso benoted that the Urban Design Guide Plan called out forthe commercial expansion. In addition, the applicant does have nore GRFA rights.It would be possible to atually expand the existinglodge rons (thereby adding the proposed mass) into thearea of the proposed addition without a densityvariance. If the mass is added, we prefer the option ofadditlonal roorns for the guest, rather than rnerelyenlarging existing rooms. Staff believes that theaddition is aesthetically cornpatible with the rest ofthe bullding and will. have no negative impacts on thefactors listed above. c. D. Tle, ef.fegf of lhe re n liqht ana air,qi stribyt ion of _ppopula! i_on, transportatioir and- tiafElcfagilities, public facilities and utilitlEE,- and-EuElIEsatetv The effect upon fight and air is addressed under III. A. The staff believes that the Land Use plan states goalsand.objectives which support this type of a densii,yvariance as.Iong as the additionaf density is conpitiblewith.the existing building and Urban oesignConsiderations, and is not considered to be a. grant ofspecial privilege. The Land Use plan states ii itsGoals and Policies section: Section 3.1. The hotel bed base should be preserved andused more efficiently. Section 3.2. The ViIIage and Lionshead areas are thebest location for hotels to serve the future needs ofthe destination skiers. Section 4.2. Increased density in the core areas isacceptable so long as the existing character of eacharea is preserved through irnplernentation of the UrbanDesign Guide Plan and the Vail Village Master plan. These goals were developed through a series of publicmeetings and input fron both the planning Conmi-ssion andTown Council. This request supports these policystatements. rv. Such other factols and criteria as the commissj-on deemsapplicable to the piopoEed-vailance. FINDTNGS The Plann and Environnental Comrnission shalll nake theollowincr f ngs before qran a varlance: That the granting of the variance wirl not constitute a grantof special privilege inconsistent with the lirnitations oiother properties classified in the same district. That the granting of the variance will not be detrinental tothe public health, safety or welfare, or materially injuriousto properties or irnprovenents in the vicinity. Related l icies V. That the variance is warranted for one or more of thefollowing reasons: The strict or literal interpretation and enforcement ofthe specified regulation would result in practicaldifficulty or unnecessary physical hardship -inconsistentwith the objectives of this title. There are exceptions or extraordinry circurnstances orconditions applicable to the site of the variance thatdo not apply generally to other properties in the same zone. The strict or literal interpretation and enforcement ofthe specified regulation would deprive the applicant ofpriviJ,eges enjoyed by the owners of other properties inthe sane district. STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS The staff recommends approval of the request. ft should benoted that it is very difficult to associate a physicalhardship with a density vari-ance. It is felt that thevariance is warranted more so due to extraordinary circumstances related to the reguest. Staff believes that this density variance should be supportedfor some very specific reasons which include: 1. The Sitzrnark is in a very unique situation in that theproperty actually had the three accommodation units atone time and ended up removing the units to add. acornmercial expansion which was called out by the UrbanDesign Cuide PIan. Certainly, the staff understandsthat the owner was not forced to rernove these units, butthat the choice was made to construct the conmercialexpansion and lose the three units. The applicant isrequesting only three rooms which will not exceed theoriginal nonconformity of the building. 2. The property has existing GRFA which could be used toexpand the Lodge. The fact that additional GRFA isavailable means that the mass and bulk of the buildingcould be j.ncreased without any variances as long as the Urban Design Considerations are met. Staff believesthat it is a greater conmunity good to actually addadditional high guality lodge rooms than to nerely expand onto existing units. New high quality lodge rooms are a use that the public supported in the Land Use Plan and Village Study discussions. 3. The additions are aesthetically conpatible with tbeexisting project. More importantly, the expansion does meet the Vail Village Urban Design Considerations. Thisis an important part of our opinion that the project should be approved. For the abovE reasons, staf,f, f,eers that the density varlance ehouldbe supported. We reaLLze that the positlon ie an unueual one comparcdto our past recomnendations. However, we aleo feel very stronglythat there are special cj-rcumstances that relate to thib particulardensity variance that make it supportable. : :g -Pic! dE<'6 E € trFfrol_.A .:J ::---{:i-_--e #Ye vsl ->-rPt- \; lFP..Q f,#cg$ss J! .^tdtnal;t -i-co 'fiirTi'/$. l"-".=' I,| o Planning and Environmental Cormission December 8, 1986 ?:15 3:00 PM PM Site Inspections Publ ic Hearing 't. 2. Approval of minutes of November 24, 1986 Consideration of a request for a minor amendment to the Hong Kong Cafe development plans for the Iocation ofthe alley gate Applicant: The American Ski Exchange/Hong Kong Cafe Appeal of staff decjsion concerning the ,i nterpretationof street level at the Sjtzmark LodgeApplicant: Bob Frjtch Prelininary review of exterior alteration proposals forthe fol I ow'ing bui 1d'ings: / ./3. 4. a. b. c. d. e.f. g. Clock Tower Casino Building Plaza Lodge BeI I Tower Lionshead Center Si tzmark Hong Kong Cafe o PRESENT Diana Donovan Byran Hobbs Peggy Osterfoss Duane Piper Sid Schultz Jim Viele ABSENT Pam Hopkins The meeting was l. Approval A correction was made on item #3. Donovan the minutes with the correction. The vote called to order by the chairman, Duane Piper. of minutes of November 24. 'l 986. PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL 12/8/86 cotil4I ss I0N STAFF PRESENT Peter Patten Tom Braun Betsy Rosolack moved and Viele seconded to approve was 6-0 in favor. ?.Consideration of a re uest for eveloDment pl ans for o caE e Tom Braun explained the request as long The vote was 6-0 in m] nor amendment to the Hon ono e atte ate. the request. Byran Hobbs moved and as the Hong Kong restaurant agreed favor . Cafe an qe Viele seconded to grant with the request. 3.lof ff decision con rntn the inter retation of street lev at the Duane Piper mov e audience and Jim Viele chaired this item. Peter Patten explained that the Sjtzmark wanted to expand an existing office space which the staff believes is a nonconforming use because the space is on thefirst or street level . He pointed out that there were many situatjons similar to the one at Sitzmark, such as the Plaza Lodge shops, the east side of the Bell Tower Building and the Fountain Cafe in the Creekside Building. The applicant is appealing the interpretation of street'l evel and feel the officeis on the second leve] . Duane Piper, representing the applicant, felt this was more a consideration of degree. He felt that many of the examples shown to be similar were less extreme than that of the Sitzmark, the greatest difference in grade being 4' as opposed to the 8 feet at the Sitzmark. He added that if this was first f1oor, then there rnust be a basement. Piper stated that there needed to be a more definitjve explanation in the zoning code, for the street was well below the street 'l eve'l . Sid Schultz said that it was difficult to look at the zoning code and try to apply floor'l eve'l s as therein described. He fe'l t that street leve1 s could be a I at a number of different ]evels in different places, but that the intent of the code was to have retail shops near the pedestrians. with the des'ign of the bern, the jntent at the Sitzmark was to get people off of the street. If the berm were renoved, and shops placed at berm level , he would see it as street l evel . Diana Donovan agreed with the staff memo. Byran Hobbs absta.ined. peggy 0sterfoss stated that she would'l ike to see the code clarified, thattechnically, if one has to walk up I steps, it would be 2nd level, but she fe'ltthat the intent of the code was to interpret this as first level . She repeatedthat she would l'i ke to see a rewording of the definition. Jin viele agreedthat the definition needed to be cleaned up, but in the meantime would go alongwith the staff interpretation. Diana Donovan moved and econded to u hol d the staff rDretati on .e vote was EOU on wit stent i ons . 4.Prg_liryinar.v review of exterior alteration proposals for the followinq bui I di nss: BUI LDING LENGTH OF STUDY PERIlN a. b. c. d. e. f. Cl ock Tower Casino Bujlding Plaza Lodge Bel I Tower Lionshead Center Sitzmark Lodge 60 60 90 90 90 90 days days days days days days PEC t2/8/86 -2- PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION 12/8/86 PRESENT Diana Donovan Byran Hobbs Peggy Osterfoss Duane Piper Sid Schultz Jim Viele ABSENT FIE-6pkins The meeting was called to order by the chairman, Duane Approval of minutes of November 24. 1986. A correction was made on item #3. the minutes with the correction. Donovan moved and The vote was 6-0 in STAFF PRESENT Peter Patten Tom Braun Betsy Rosol ack Pi per. Viele seconded to approve favor. 3. 2.Consi derati on of a reou Kono Cafe e I opmen ans tor ev qate. an Tom Braun exp'lained the request. Byran Hobbs moved and Viele seconded to grant the request as'long as the Hong Kong restaurant agreed with the request. The vote was 6-0 in favor. taff decision concernin the inter retati fst cant: Duane Piper moved to the audience and Jim Viele chaired this item. Peter Patten explained that the Sitzmark wanted to expand an existjng office space which the staff believes is a nonconforming use because the space is on thefirst or street level . He pointed out that there were many situations similar to the one at Sitzmark, such as the Plaza Lodge shops, the east side of the Bell Tower Building and the Fountain Cafe in the Creekside Bui'l ding. The applicant is appealing the interpretation of street'l eve'l and feel the officeis on the second level . Duane Piper, representing the applicant, felt this was more a consideration of degree. He felt that many of the examples shown to be similar were less extrene than that of the Sitzmark, the greatest difference in grade being 4' as opposed to the 8 feet at the Sjtzmark. He added that if this was first f1oor, then there must be a basement. Piper stated that there needed to be a more definitive explanat'i on in the zoning code, for the street was well be'l ow the street level . Sid Schultz said that it was difficult to 'l ook at the zoning code and try to apply f1 oor levels as therein described. He felt that street levels could be a at a number of different'l evels in different places, but that the intent of the code was to have retail shops near the pedestrians. lJjth the design of the berm, the intent at the Sitzmark was to get people off of the street. If the berm were removed, and shops placed at berm level, he would see it as street I evel . Djana Donovan agreed with the staff memo. Byran Hobbs abstained. Peggy 0sterfoss stated that she would'l ike to see the code clarified, thattechnically, if one has to walk up 8 steps, it would be Znd 1eve1 , but she felt that the intent of the code was to interpret this as first level . She repeatedthat she would l'ike to see a rewording of the definitjon. Jim Viele agreed that the definjtjon needed to be cleaned up, but in the meantime would go alongwith the staff interpretat'ion. Diana Donovan Sid Schultz secon hol d nterpretati on.tewas4tou abstenti ons. 4. Pre'l iminary review of exterior alteration proposals for the followinq bui I di ngs: a. b. c. d. e.f. BUI LDING C'l ock Tower Casino Building Plaza Lodge Bell Tower Lionshead Center Sitzmark Lodge LENGTH OF STUDY PERIOD 60 60 90 90 90 90 days days days days days days PEC L2/8/86 -2- 75 louth lrontago road rall, colorrdo 81657 (303) 476.7000 0ctober 1, 1986 olflce of communlty developmenl Mr. Bob Fritch Sitzmark Lodge 182 East Gore Creek Drive Vai'1, Colorado 81657 Re: Determination of designation of first floor real estate space Dear Bob: I am writing this letter to explain to you how the staff determined that theoffice space (now a ga1 lery) is located on a first f'l oor leve'l at the Sitzmark. The Conmercial Core I zone district (Section 18.24.020) defines basement or garden leve'l as "that floor of a building that is entirely orsubstantially below grade." The first floor is defined as "that floor of the build'ing that is located at grade or street level." (18.24.030) The secondfloor is defined as "the second floor above grade within a structure."(18.24.040) Staff's opinion js that the location of the office space does not meet the definjtions for basement or second floor'l evels. Our opinion is that the yogurt shop is on a basement or garden level . In between the basementlevel and second floor is the location of the potentjal real estate office.It is not possible to have two fl oors from the yogurt shop up to the office space so that the office would be on the second floor. This .sjtuatjon makes he office first floor space. Please note that the office spaceis not resumed within a year from use wi l'l no I onger be al I owed. I know that this is a complicated questions on our decision, please Si ncerely, t) | {)l{:-L^.^ Y2Drlrur\ I iltL Kristan Pritz Town Planner KP: brcc: Duane Piper is a non-conforming use. If the office use when 'i t was nemoved this surmer, the office explanation! If you have any further feel free to call me. oo P (E -r-f r ftc - l){< "f,,l'/ r ' /J.'t , / /TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: APPL I CANT: Planning and Environmenta'l Comnission Cormunity Development Department December 8, .|986 Appeal of staff decision concerning thefirst level at the Sitzmark Lodge. Bob Fritch L(rl /-,) - ' interpretation of street or The owners of the Sitzmark Lodge have submitted an exterior alteration requestwhich includes: t. Add three lodge rooms, averaging approximately 450 square feet each, for atotal area of 1364 square feet. 2. Expand 6 existing lodge rooms from a current size of 350 square feet to an average of 445 square feet each. The total expansion would be 576additional sguare feet in area. 3. e second floor to 725 square feet.This is an addition of 2ffi The applicant is appealing the staff decjsion that the office space on the west end of the Sitzmark Lodge is on the first floor as opposed to the second floor.Staff believes that the office space is a nonconforming use, as offjces are not a'l 'lowed on the first f'l oor under Commercial Core I zoning. For this reason, theoffjce space may not be expanded as proposed. The owner contends that the office space is second level as "evidenced by the fact that the floor is 8 feet abovethe adjacent street" and therefore may be expanded. Please see the enclosedsectjon of the zoning code on nonconform.ing uses and des.ign drawings. STAFF INTERPRETATION In the zoning code, a first floor is defined as "that floor of the bui'l.ding thatis located at grade or street'l evel ," (Section 18.24.030) The second floor js defined as "the second floor above grade within a structure." The existingoff]ce is clearly at grade. It is true that the street and grade adjacent to thebujlding differ approximately by 8 feet, However, the definition states thatfjrst floor is located at grade or street level . There is no floor between theex.istinggradeandtheffiis]ocationtobedesignatedasa second floor space. Situations sjmilan to the Sitzmark exist throughout the Village which requirepedestrians to wa1 k up several stairs to reach the entrance to a shop. Examplesof similar situations jnclude the Plaza Lodge shops, Mill Creek Court Building onthe south side, the Covered Bridge Store, the east side of the Bell Tower Building adjacent to the children's Fountain, and the Fountajn cafe jn the creekside Building. If the sitzmark office space'i s considered to be on the second f1 oor, then the other properties cited would also have the potential to convert sjmilar spaces to office use. Staff feels that to interpret the Sitzmark space as second f'loor wou'ld be a misinterpretation of the code,sdefinition that first floor space is "that f]oor of the building located atgrade or street leve'l ." In addition the location does not meet-the definitionof second level space, as it is not on the "second f'loor above grade withln astructure." The space is c1 early on the first'level at grade. -For thesereasons, staff recomends that our interpretation be upheld. ,1 \ Y \s \ \ \ \ o o i ! t-+ i-+ I I IIJrp '$ { tduH o NoN(.()Nt;ottIilN(; st l.t,s. usf..s. sTRU(.,ttJtil:5 tlrcir unlrrgcrnent, thcir reestablishment alicr abandonmcnt.irrrtl thcir rr:storlrion trl.tcr sulrstuntiatr't.,.sinrctron. Whilurrc"rittir! rr.rrc.rr rtr r'irg us'Js. strrctr,r;.. ,;;' irn pr.vcrncr tsl() e()lltlnuc. this ehuptcr is intcnrlcrl ,., ii,ni, cnlar!:unlcnl.i.lltct-uti()n. rrst()ritti()n, or rcpltrccrtrcnt rvhich ,u.r,,tr'i inaraar" ft,*rliscrcpuncy trctrvucn cxistirrg .u,.r.tiri.riir"u,,r,i'ii.r* a.urtnpu1.,,,slundultls prcscribcri lrl,rlris ritlc. (Orrl.8il.i;-f i'S 10. 100. I IlJ.(r4.010 (.'ontinuatrce. ..-.-Nonconlbt.ntin.s.. :itr:s, .. _rrse,s. structrrrcs. antl sitcrrrrpr'vcr'c'ls I:rr'tirilv r:st:r.trrisrrcd prior to trrc ctrectivc dut.j<li.lltc ortlinancc codit'ir:tt in.rtris.ritlc ;1, .;;;;;,:: subjecr ro t1climil at.ions prcscribcd in,this chuptc r. sit.i. "*.r.,,ructrr rcs. uu(lsi te r'provcrrrc' r.s lurv tirll).. arur'orizc. bt ;;;;;;". resut't i()r rrr:xisting 'rior to t'e ertectivc rratc or trr. irr,iinu,.t.. c.tririctr irrtltis title rnay conrinuc. sLrbjcct tr: *,,cf'' f imltatini's as prcscribcrll'ry such pcrmirs or rcgularions. (()rd. Sfl qi.;l .i-jtj.:00., 18.64 030 Sitcs. Slfus !utvtirllv cstlblishcrl l)rtrsrtiltrt tp r.e:rrrllrtronq rrt r;'i cl 'ri<;r r. t,c cl-rcetrvc' trritc or trr,: <irrli.ance .".rir:i,.r in rrri:., titrtjrvrric' trrr not corfbrm to trrc. nrrni'rr,r tnt "r"a',ur,r trirncnsi'rrr0(lu irc rlrcrl ts 'rcscribcd hr trris rrtrc tbr rt'. ,r-i*iri.t irr rvlriclrtlcy arc situatcd nra1, hc .conrjnue(l *,rr'f ,f.r,iii t*'r'i,cmctl lu,{allycstablished builtlin'-!r sitcs. strlricct ro th,: iii.j t!!.vcl()l)nlcntstundurtrs prescrirrcd lry trris titre' ,'i( ) s'crl .rir.l .-tr,rrt bc rirrlrtcrrutlrrcL'tl in arcu or tlirncnsiorrs. t()rtl. S( f ,)Z: j'i:fj.;OO.f Itt.6.l.0+0 Usts. ,,,- :,li:,.1i,:"'11,,;.'iii J;::ft1:i;i.J.::,illlt,i,,ill;,';li;l'i;l,lt,llii,li; (lr)!'\ ltol cOnti)nn f() tlluri,r rrrc tlisrricr in ,,, ,.,.J"t,",.,"'.,ili;lJl:.i'.;l:il,,il.,:l,l;;;,lli Ittttvitlctl lhat rro srrclt rloneon.lorrrrilr trsc .'l1ill 1.,., ur.tl:rr:.:rrl lrrot!Ul)\' it -L:fUiltrj .,tt0 lrrUl li,p lrttrltltt.tg lloog .11g1g ll.r:rtr rt!)rer'ie(i rrt tlre e 'ccti'r: ri:r1.. ,,1 tlre,rrtlitt:rrrcc..,,,lili.,r.l ,rr tlris','it.r;rs1'1. .'\rrr srrlr:crluunt rc(i{r(rrr)1 ,,, ;,i.: :;.,,; ,,r ll,r.r .rr(,.r I s;.1_ |r\ .rl .r l , 'sl o NONCONFORNIINC SITES, USES, STRUCTURES Usr .t. X occupied hy a nonconforming use shalt be deemed a netv limitatiorr, and thc usr: slrlll not tlrcreallcr be enlarged to occupy I greater sitc arca rlr floor arca than strch nerv limitittion. (Ord. 8(1971) S 10.-100.) 18.64.050 Structures and site improvement. Stnrcturcs and site improygm..,r lawlirlly established prior to the effective date of the ordinance codified in this title rvhichdo not conform to tlle (lcvclopmont standarcls prescribed by this title lor the district in rvhich they ure situatecl may be cor-rtinued. Such structurcs ur site improvemen$ rnay ba enlargccl only in accordrncc rvith the lbllorving limitations:A. Stnrcturcs or site improvements which do not conform to requircments tbr sethacks. distances between buildings, height, building bulk control, or site coverage, may be enlurged, provided that the enlargement does not further increase the discre'pancy between the totat structure and applicable building bulk control or site coverage standards:and provided that the addition tllly conforms wirh setbacks. rlist:rnces betwcen buildings, end hcight st:rndurds applicab lc to thc addition. B. Strtrcturcs rr,l'Lich tlo rrot eontbrm to tlensitv controls mav be cnlargcd. only if thij totirl gross resitlenti.l tloo, arca oithe enlurged stnlcturc docs ntlt excce<l thc. totil sross rcsiclential t'loor lre:.r rrf thc, precxisting nonconfor-ming structur9. C. Strtrettrrcs t-rt stlr' itnprlrvL'rnents rvhicli do not confbrnl to lcquirclllL'llts tilr Ltscalll,: r)p{jn sl):lce or landsclnirrg ancl site tlcvclol;rnr-'nl rnuy bc ,:nllrrgctl. provirlcd tlttt tllc [rsr.xble opon splt.c rc(ltltrcnlenrs appliclblc to such :rddition shall belirlll' s:rttrlir'rl. irnd pr()\'i(lc(l tlltt the rdrucnlts!.6i tlc tofal sllc \vlllr lr t\ li l(i)ctLl)etl ;l|irll nol l': rcduc,,'rl lrcIorv ihc lll ttl t lll l ll ll | ",lt t CrnClt(. D. Strrte tttt,., r,1 .11g illlrryyurlcrrts r,.,hich do not d()ntbrnl totlrr ttll^lr '.r |,rrkrnu Jrrrr Ir,rrrinr: r!-quirclncnis or' rhis titrcl., r!rt\!,rr.r._...._ ,,r .rrrr rrftg "1,1.r,,..,,,.11 ,, .,,1 l,rr,r.rrl\'(l tlrlt thc. plrkinu :rntl ltxtiinsr."t;ttt;tlt',"r r',, ,,.'1, ",1,1,ti,,,, ihall lru ri,rr" ,,,r,rro,i'"ui i1ilf i[,:',,,,,,:]i'''l,l:;:::J,'ll J'xlili;*';iii,i;::i'ilil:i,ltlttr .rr,l llrr, .,luntl.rr.is IrusCrtll,:rl ltf, this .tri5 . V;trl l -5-tf I o "t- o- \ _--bs- ; _uLJ - LJ .P- Tr* I, ^!14-)-,+,^,ttff- -,.^Ir*'+ /l M (/ "-.7-fur I Project Application Proiect Name: Project Description: Contact Person and Phon6 Owner, Address and Phone: Architect. Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Zone Comments: Design Review Board APPROVAL DISAPPROVALt)\ - .-+'-,_l Summary: "",", \n/ L\ l r+ --- Yt 'tr' 75 3oulh tronlage ?oad vail. colo.ado 81657 (303) 476-7000 olflce of communlly development August 25, L987 Mr. Bob Fritch Sitzmark Lodge 183 core Creek DriveVail, Colorado 81657 Re: Parking fee for Sitzmark Rernodel , permit # Zgee, Sunmer L9a7 Dear Bob: Attached to this letter is a revised parking fee analysis forthe Sitzmark remodel . Due to the fact that Unit L05 is nowconfirmed as a dwelling unit, the parking fee has been slightlyadjusted. The expansion of dwelling Unit rOs by L1S squarefeet did not increase the size of the unit to the point wtrerean additional parking space hras necessary. For this reason, fhave adjusted the total residential space reguirernent to 2.894spaces. This changes the original residential space fee from $15,045 to $14,47O. The new total parking fee ii 527,6'70instead of $28,24s. I have also revised ihe parking agreernentto reflect this change. I^f yog have any further guestions about these revisions, pleasefeel free to call me. Enclosure KP:br fJ .r aaa t REVISED SIT!{,ARK BUTLDTNG PERMIT CHECK A/25/A7 PARKTNG USE SQ. FT East Retail 540 sf)west Retail 297 sf Totat t_o92Corner RetaiL 255 sf) office zo7 sf Total Cornmercial Spaces Accourmodation Unit Additions #104 77 sf)*2L2 77 sfl#2L4 lls sf)#3L2 77 sf)#31-4 li.s sf) SPACES 3.5 .8 4.4 .46L .79A .837 .798 Spaces 2.a94 New Accomnodation Units #216 398 sf#2L8 437 sf#316 398 sf Total Residential DwelJ_ing,unit Addition #105 1l-5 sf New square footage does not increase theunit to a point whereadditional parking isrequired. Existing square footage 364 sfplus l-15 sf = 479 sf. 0 Commercial- Space = $3,ooo/spaceResidential Space = $5r000/space (Total conm. spaces) x (conm. space cost) = (cornm. park fee)4.4 spaces x $3 , 000 = $l_3 r 200 (Total resid. spaces) x (res. space cost) = (res. park fee)2.894 spaces x $5r000 = SL4,47O TOTAL PARKTNG FEE FOR COMMERCIAL AND RESIDENTIAL EXPANSIONS = 927,670 REVISED PARKING 8/25/87 FEE BIdg Permit # 2988 BJ-dg. Permit Sunrner 1987Property: $ 27,670 Sitzmark Proj ect: Total Parking Fee In installments after date, for val_ue received, I pronise topay to the order of the Tohrn of VaiI at the office of theFinance Director, Municipal Building at Vail, Colorado, flrentl-sgyen Thousa dred Seventv Dollars,Tota1 Parking Fee Down Paynent 5,549.0O (Due before receiving buildingpermit. ) with interest of ten percent per annum on the unpaid balance,payable in yearly installments as follows: Future Installments The first installment of 96,946.99 due and payable on 7/2L/BB, The second installment of 9G,946.98 due & payable on 7/2L/8g The third installment of 96,946.98 due & payable on 7/Zt/gO The forth installment of 96,946.9a due & payable on 7/zL/gL rt is agreed that if this note is not paid when due or d.ecrareddue hereunder, the principal and accrued interest thereon sharldraw interest at the rate of 18 percent per annun, and thatfailure to make any payrnent of piincipal or interest to becounted as principal , at the option of the holder of the note.The rnakers and endorsers hereof severalry waive presentment forpa].nent, protest, notice on nonpalment and of protest, andagree to any extension of tine of payment and partial paymentsbefore, at or after naturity, and if this note or interestthereon is not paid when due, or suit is brought, agree to payaLl- reasonabLe costs of collection, including reasonableattorney,s fees. ,.<^ J7- .za.z by: .t' I Property: Sitznark i 27,670Total Parking Fee In installments after date,pay to the order of the TownFinance Director, Municipal REVTSED PARKING 8/ 2s/ 87 Proj ect: for valuof Vail- BuiIding Hundred o &il, P'lcoe- p^4'r {1,*'k'. {tirfa'r -lrh,o evistJ Twenty-seven Thousand, Six Par Fee Down Paynentpermit. ) (Due before receiving building with interest of ten percent per annun on the unpaid balance,payable in yearJ-y installrnents as follows: Future Installments The first installment of 96,946.98 due and payable on 7/2L/88, The second installment of 96,946.98 due & payable on 7/2L/89 The third installment of 96,946.99 due & payable on 7/2L/gO The forth installment of 96,946.98 due & payable on 7/2L/gL by: rt is agreed that if this note is not paid when due or declared.due hereunder, the principal and accrued interest thereon shalldraw interest at the rate of 18 percent per annum, and thatfailure to make any payment of principal-- or interest to becounted as principal, at the option of the holder of the note.The makers and endorsers hereof severally waive presentment forpalment, protest, notice on nonpalzment and of protest, andagree to any extension of tine of paynent and partial paymentsbefore, at or after maturity, and if this note-or inte-reitthereon is not paid when due, or suit is brought, agree to payalL reasonable costs of collection, including-reasonableattorneyrs fees. Date tt'sts il)l[l:tc F{ Til,i fr> Bldg Perrnit # Property: SITZI'IARK Vai1, colorado, In installments after date, for value received, order of the Town of Vai] at the Office of the Building at VaiJ., colorado' N,..\\ PROJECT BLDG PERMIT SIJMMER L987 , L987 I promise to paY to the Finance Director, ltunicipal (Due before receiving building perrnit. fLt-r,':;.1- Splx 1-]tt*,4 fi': ilt'''t''t ri kl;^i7 .6en$'r-'e;i ive Dol}arsr tTotal Parking Fee \U Down Payment with interest of tenyearly installments Future Installments: Tbe fi.rst .t- - |LCI I percent per annum on as folfows: 7,?T6EF I $the unpaid balance, payable t. tQ .luly &/ rgee \l tsegpayable on;|$|-, 11 or-r i the second instal-lment of $due and the third instalrrnent of i ?TI#e due and payabre ot;LJu@ -,tpg,l(",?? . ,.- rl .,the fourth.installment of g iffi:=ae .due and payabre ott'*:ldEl l99l-, It is agreed, that if ttri= not" is not paid. when due or declared due hereunder, the principal and accrued interest thereon shall draw interest at the rate of LB percent per annum, and that failure to rnake any payment of principal or interest when due or any default under any incurnbrance or agreement securing this note shall cause the whole note to become due at once, or the interest to be counted as principal, at the option of the holder of the note. The makers and endorsers hereof severally waive presentment for payment, protest, notice on nonpalrrrent and of protest, and agree to any extension of tine of palment and partial payments before, at, or after naturi-ty, and if this note or interest thereon is not paid when due, or suit is brought, agree to pay all reasonable costs of colLection, including reasonable attorneyrs fees. 7t zo 7-2/-r> D;u rt-u-r ({c?72 J&,oa / 7t, 96,F,^azc,a-1/ ttt!1|'t I , 7/t.r/ 3l {7o 7'7 {, Jb P32 13 Fucq,, Jo rt.(l ;;2.- * -J-UI!-! J 'l r- 75 rcuth fronlege road Yell, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 offlcs of communlty developmcnl August 25, 1987 Mr. Bob FritchSitznark Lodge 183 core Creek DriveVail , Colorado 81657 Re: Parking fee for Sitznark Renodel, permit # ZSAA, Summer L987 Dear Bob: Attached to this letter is a revised parking fee analysis forthe sitzrnark remodel . Due to the facl that-unit to5 -is nowconfirmed as a dwelling unit, the parking fee has been srightlyadjusted. The expansion of dwelli-ng unif ros by 115 squarefeet did not increase the size of the unit to tlre poin€ wherean additionat parking space was necessary. For this reason, rhave adjusted the totar-residential spac6 requirement to 2.ag4spaces. This changes the original residentiil space fee from$15,045 to $ta,47o. The new total parking fee i-s i27,670:tnsteact of 928 '24s. r have also revised the parking agreementto reflect this change. I^f Y"l have any further questions about these revisions, pleasefeel free to call me. Sincerelv,r) | 'A' )/, .l l/. \5Y1a,l^ - Y-fr t\lul(,\(\ t{r\tKristan'PritL fown Planner Enclosure KP: br t. - USE East Retail West Retail Corner Retail Office Acconmodation #104 77 sf)#2L2 77 sf)#2L4 l_15 sf)*3L2 77 sf)#314 11-5 sf) New Accommodation Units #2L6 398 sf#2L8 437 sf#316 398 sf REVISED STTI.,IARK BUTLDING PERMIT CHECK 8/25187 PARKTNG sQ. rr 540 sf) 297 sf Total l_09225s sf) 2O7 sf Tota1 Com:nercial Spaces unit Additions SPACES 3.6 .8 4.4 .46L .798 .837 .798 Spaces 2.894Total Residential Dwelling Unit Addition #1os 115 sf New square footage does not increase theunit to a point whereadditional parking isreguired. Existing square footage 364 sfplus l-l-5 sf = 479 sf. O Comnercial Space = $3rOoo/spaceResidential Space = $5rOoolspace (Total cornm. spaces) x (cornm. space cost) = (cornn. park fee)4.4 spaces x $3, 000 $l-3,200 (Total resid. spaces) x (res. space cost) = (res. park fee)2.894 spaces x $5,000 = 9L4,47O TOTAL PARKING FEE FOR COMMERCIAL AND RESIDENTIAL EXPANSTONS = I27,670 REVISED PARKTNG 8/ 2s/ 87 FEE Bldg Perrnit # 2988 B1dg. Permit Summer 1987Property: Sitzmark 9 27,670 Proj ect: Total Parking Fee In installments after date, for value received, I promise topay to the order of the Town of VaiI at the office of theFinance Director, Municipal Building at Vail, Colorado, f,welty-sgyen Thous DolJ.ars,Total Parking Fee Down.Palment 5,649.00rJ. (Due before receiving buildingperrnit.) T with interest of ten percent per annum on the unpaid balance,payable in yearly installnents as follows: Future Installments The first instalhnent of The second installnent of The third instalhnent of The forth installnent of $6,946.98 due and payable on 7/ZL/88, S6,946.98 due & payable on 7/2t/89 $6,946.98 due & payable on 7/2L/9O $5,946.98 due & payabJ-e on 7/ZL/9L rt is agreed that if this note is not paid when due or decrareddue hereunder, the principal and accrued interest thereon shalldraw interest at the rate of i.g percent per annum, and thatfailure to make any palment of principal or interest to becounted as principal , at the option of the holder of the note.The makers and endorsers hereof severally waive presentment forpayment, protest, notice on nonpayment and of protest, andagree to any extension of tine of payment and partial paymentsbefore, at or after naturity, and if this note or inteieltthgreon is not paid when due, or suit is brought, agree to payall reasonable costs of collection, including reasonable ?' '?r' 17 Date REVISED PARKING 8/2s/ 87 /trO DD.' 4\u^.k1, {rirl-a'r I evisrJ Property: s 27,670 Sitznark Proj ect: Twent -seven Thousand Six Hundred To Par Fee Total Parking Fee fn installments after date, for valupay to the order of the Town of VaiIFinance Director, Municipal Building Down-Palment 5,649.00fJ, (Due before receiving buirdingperrnit.) T with interest of ten percent per annum on the unpaid balance,payable in yearly installmentl as follows: Future Installments The first installment of 96,946.gB due and. payable on 7/2L/gB, The second instal-rnent of 96,946.98 due & payable on 7/2L/Bg The third installment of 96,946.99 due & payable on 7/2L/9O The forth installment of 96,946.98 due & payable on 7/2r/gL Tt ig agreed that if this note is not paid when due or decrareddue hereunder, the principal and accruld interest thereon snaridraw interest at the rate-of rg percent per annum, and thatfailure to make any palanent of piincipat or interest to becounted as principal , at the option oi the holder of the note.The makers and endorsers hereoi severally waive presentment forpayment, protest, notice on nonpayment and of pr-otest, andlgree to any extension of tiroe of-pal.rnent and iartial'payrnentsbefore, at or after maturity, ana Lr-this note'or inte-re3tthereon is not paid when due, or suit is brought, agree to payall reasonable costs of collection, including-reasonableattorneyrs fees. O t1';51l, fltky:'6- 67)'i FT 1:({ Bldg Pernit #N$"\ Property: SITZI4ARK PROJECT BLDG PERMIT SUMMER 1987 Vail, Colorado,, L987 In installments after date, for value received, I promise to pay to the order of the Town of VaiI at the Office of the Finance Director, Municipal Building at Vail , Colorado, f1t-r,';' iq- p 7'l^ 1'].t,* ,4 ft " llt''J't ti fi 1; ^r,DoIIars^ \U I N)t C-/( TotaI Parking Fee Down Paynent with interest of tenyearly installments Future Installrnents: percenE per as follows: (Due before annum on the receiving building permit. unpaid balance, payable in Fg6EFst installment of the second install-rnent of $ the third installment of due and payable on LJ'IY J/ i990 , ' @-r't t,"{Y ' '" ll 'the fourth.installment, of S iEe=ae .due and payable or, /9lE-l-1991-, It is agreed that if this note is not paid when due or declared due hereunder, the principal and accrued interest thereon shall draw interestat the rate of L8 percent per annum, and that failure to make any paynentof principal or interest when due or any default under any incumbrance or agreement securing this note shall cause the whole note to become due at once, or the interest to be counted as principal, at the option of the holder of the note. The rnakers and endorsers hereof severally waive presentment for payment, protest, notice on nonpayment and of protest, and agtree to any extension of time of payment and partial payments before, at,or after naturity, and if this note or interest thereon is not paid when due, or suit is brought, agree to pay all reasonable costs of colLection, including reasonable attorneyrs fees. \ tZt zo\<------ 7-?/-r> DL, 4-"-r (5'4/72 4,oe t/ ]1 o1r- r I 7o e6 f.^uzoaj ,6l'tr o 75 roulh fronlrgo road Yall. colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 olflce of communlty rlcvcl oprnenl August 25, L987 Mr. Bob FritchSitzmark Lodge 183 core Creek DriveVail , Colorado 81657 Re: Parking fee for Sitzmark Remodel , permit # 2g!g, Summer L987 Dear Bob: Attached to this letter is a revised parking fee analysis forthe Sitzurark remodel . Due to the facL that Unit l_05 is nowconfirmed as a dwelling unit, the parkinq fee has been slightlyadjusted. The expansion of dwelling Unii Los by l1s squarefeet did not increase the size of the unit to the poin€ wherean additional parking space uas necessary. for this reason, Ihave adjusted the total residential spac- reguirement to 2.994spaces. This changes the original residential space fee from$15,045 to $t-4,47o. The new total parking fee il 127,670instead of $28,245. f have also revised ttre parking agreernentto refLect this ctrange. r^f y"! have any further questions about these revisions, preasefeel free to call_ me. srncerelv,r) | 1lr{;}"_ v;Ll\llI l/It\ l{ | l#K;i;ix;';;itt Town Planner Enclosure KP:br REVI SED SITMARK BUILDING PERMIT CHECK 8/25187 PARKING USE SQ. FT SPACES East Retail 540 sf)I{est Retail 29'7 sf Total Lo92 3.6 Corner Retaj-l 255 sf) Office 2O7 sf .8 Total Commercial Spaces 4.4 Accommodation Unit Additions #1o4 77 sf)#ztz 77 sf)#zt+ t_Ls sf) .46L#312 77 sf)#31-4 115 sf) New Acconmodation Units #2L6 398 sf .798#21-8 437 sf .s37#3L6 398 sf .798 Total Residential Spaces 2.A94 Dwelling Unit Addition #105 115 sf New square footage does not increase theunit to a point whereadditional parking is required. Existing square footage 354 sfplus 1-15 sf = 479 sf. 0 Commercial Space = $3,Ooo/spaceResidential Space = $5rOoolspace (Total conm. spaces) x (cornrn. space cost) = (com. park fee)4.4 spaces x $3,000 $L3,2OO (Total resid. spaces) x (res. space cost) = (res. park fee) 2.a94 spaces x $5,000 = $L4r47o IOTAL PARKTNG FEE FOR COMMERCIAL AND RESIDENTIAL EXPANSIONS : $27,670 REVTSED PARKING 8/2s/87 Property: Sitznark I 27,670Total Parking Fee Proj ect: In instatlments after date, for valupay to the order of the Town of Vail_Finance Director, Municipal Building Down Palaaentpernit. ) The first install.rnent of The second installment of The third installment of The forth installnent of ru.,e ploo4t- 1q&t, *\u, .evi prJ.,rqb.ft-^+Y I-]..,f, I \, ^.t tcfut( \1 + '4*nk'. {'nrf*r 1o Twelty-sgven ThouTotal Parking Fee with interest of ten percent per annum on the unpaid balance,payable in yearJ-y installments as follows: Future InstaLlments (Due before receiving building $6,946.98 due and payable on 7/2L/88 , $5,946.98 due & payable on 7/2L/89 $6,946.98 due & payable on 7/2L/9O $6,946.98 due & payable on 7/2L/9L rt is agreed that if this note is not paid when due or decl-areddue hereunder, the principal and accrued interest thereon shalldraw interest at the rate of 18 percent per annum, and thatfailure to make any paylnent of piincipal-or interest to becounted as principal , at the option of the holder of the note.The makers and endorsers hereof several.ly waive presentment forpayment, protest, notice on nonpalment and of protest, and fgree to any extension of tirne of paynent and partial paynentsbefore, at or after rnaturity, and if this note- or inteie3tthereon is not paid when due, or suit is brought, agree to payall reasonable costs of collection, including reasonableattorneyrs fees. by: Date l-L: o 75 south tronlage roed Yail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 SitzrnarkMr. FritchVail, CO 81657 Dear Mr. Fritch: RP/njr June 22, L987 Sincerely, Finance Controller _ I have just been notified by the Conmunity Development --D--epa-r"tslent.,thet .the.si!.anarF.l-s*f9.i3...parking_.Fei "c-atcu.l,itipn.wasincorrect. rhe "16:r! "r thil p!i.?iiil:i6J;il;id;l;yH:;'!.il;"ainstead of. tle g3g,79o figure.' fn order to arrive at a newinstallment ficrure for th6 remaining two paym-rrt", r took yourinitial-1984 piyment in the "^"""t of g7,75g and deducted thisamount from the totar parking fee, g34,5io to reach the amount tobe figured over a four year ieriod at Lo? interest. Ehis amountis $26,832 which results in ln annual payment of gB t464.7L.Further credit is due_on payment #3 as y-ou have paid. gLr:j:-.e:over on each of your firs! two payments. Theref-ore your 3rd. of 4instalLment pa1'rnLnts sharl be flr' 95,g2r-.os ie,a6i.7r- instarrment#3-minus $z,G+i.66 credit f;; t;;r overpaymenrs on instalrnents 1and 2) . This amount wir] be dire on Novlrnier 5, LgaZ. your fourthand final installment will be for ga,464.7t. -' -' rf you have -any guestions concerni-ng this matter prease carlme at the Town offices. Propertys SITZMARK $ 34,590 REVfSED Total Parking Fee In installrnents after date,order of the Town of Vail atBuilding at VaiI , colorado, Building PROJECT REVTSED LO/84 Permit # PAYMENT PLAN Vail. colorado, for value received,the Office of the , L987 I prornise to pay to the Finance Director, Municipal Th -four Tbousand Five Hundred Nine Dollars,Tota Par Fee Down Payment (Due before receiving bldg perrnit.) with interest of ten percent per annum on the unpaid balance, payabre inyearly installments as fo1]ows: The first installment of S due and payable on €rr e - s eL o nif - init ir rileir€'';f - 6-* : -:; F: d"6:#AT ;-y;B iJ " ii; the third instalhoent of $ the fourth insthllment of $ 821. 05 due and payable on Nov. 5 L987 , 464.7t due and payable on Nov. 5 l_988, rt is agreed that if this note is not paid when due or declared duehereunder, the principal and accrued interest thereon shall draw interestat the rate of l-8 percent per annum, and that failure to make any paymentof principal or interest when due or any default under any incumlrance oragreement securing this note shall cause the whole note to becone d,ue atorce; or the interest to be counted as principal, at the option of theholder. of the note.- The nakers and endorsers hereof severally waivepresentment for, pa)tnent, protest, notice on nonpayment and of protest, andagree to any extension of time of payrnent and partial payrnents before, at,or after maturity, and if this note or interest thereon is not paid whendue, or suit is brought, agree to pay all reasonable costs of collection,including reasonable attorneyrs fees. by: Date -i. "l!:mark Lodge 't .r ,790 n^Vail, Colorado 0ctober 29, 1984 0)-.0 P+eUlrrjo Bpftfnfi',ii^ --eE- In installments after date, for va.l ue received, I promise to pay to the order of the Town of Vail at the,office qf the Finance Director, Municipal Building atvai.t, colorado, ftS'fi- n\CThirtv-gight Thqusand Seven Hrrnrtn^, ,r,^V,Y N \j with intere) yearly installmen The first installment o thersecond installment of g the third installment of $ 9786: ----,/------Doll ars , , payable in Ie on November 5, l9g4 ayabl e on__ llovember 5, I 985 nd payable on___:Iovember 5, .|986 the fourth installment of $-zq6.sl_xre and payabre on Noverbe" 5, w with the remaining balance of $ jlEas2_\ due and payable on November 5, lggg IT IS AGREED 1the primcipa'l r, oL-J.tl.serce or interest urs-to nake any=papent- \ prin-cipal ,ol,l:.o1. :nl*lllry I I,l J.i ;;y i;;;;;J;'. ";;'"; llt;.':::,:gtl""::::_*re-ilrriii'n;;."i;=;"ilil.'il!"'i["ii:":".ini'.f,:'ilt.;::i"t'nllu!:"':::':;d,::.!::':ii:ti ii-.i;l"5oiY"x=ii"[nl'f;oii"l"3i''fl1 ll;"]"il:" [3[i:: :lo#ll:ff:li l::":f ::::lltit-viiu.' piil.l#;;;i ;;"T5rfi3Xi: p#t",i, H*::,on"#'gIT?ll T*l^i;:i.ti,".iii' ;;'.8;=i;"il;";_i:;, f;f;l.;iHf;;l:{l.l: .,:l:,.nitlll-nl,:1,! ueroi6,-ii,-i.-iri.'^ ,iir,'"iirl']iio"ir"iiii, ffii:"3i" I Ti:::::":m:5::" ii'id iiil d:; ll.:'::',ffil,il'il;"iifl , :'.1[:l:"1:, atl reasonabre costs or cbiiecti'on, rniruai;s ;.;;";;;i:'';ir3:;ff',fees. that and cI 9 /fis note is not paid when due or a.N"o due hereunde .!9!.1-,n!95es!"=!-h9ie-orr stratt araw I"iJ"lii at the rate ten percent per annum on the unpaid balan s fo] I ows: .,v\,.vv due and p DATE \t Prolect Name: Proiect Oescription: Contacl Person and Phone Project Application llf r;2.\ lrlrt ,_ifl) )'l/ r 1J I / ' I I 1 r \-,/---'1- Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Zone - Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Sum mary: .l.- a? -I Project Application Proiect Name: Project Description: Contact Person and Phone { tz I Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Zone - Comments: Design Review Board Date Molion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Summary: \'.*u Approval a- 1., -. - . 1: .' i e I i ,1 t ]I 6 rta ,Ir dPo-<J I Ita Et I1.. . .i II l I i{ t, : ii 1. i:It it i t' Fa ltJ = .tz 6 T e- Z vlrd I(' ti .J i\l $SJs1, $v 'i: 'i I I I I I I Jr -'l ,t. -.-.-. 1 o 3 0 0 1 3 {)'.i' .l i .$ I{ ,.t v \l ,it' . ;r\'l{ i !,i t ,S''F v \t-. i v-erf at 'tr-q .1 o o p '' ?3 ifitt6 vAsiz9i 'tl t, lr '.1 ! t I- ,t'I Iv !Fr-I --l -oQ /*--i{. 1 \'.. I \1. I \."".{ I l* t\ i"r I i'ttl ,.L B2 ti?i rI Ot CLQ. b6. (D il) cLC,bb- imt S \ I toe I cLc, g9 .Do NcAl ?rci,r BrY r^r*oo*C 3lr,Bfrr.|c, re|x DIME,NgIONAL FLOOR PLAN e,c, o VAlr- / aan.t:=n.4iF..E;E,l< KEAU =,a.5r14rRt( Esrdrt L-ob€e o , ':1.. . REDhbob e*id9li\tN 'tt MialtEA '. RSDl^lacD 2,, 12gllrrt nb |,4AtaH lxxtgrrN< .'E,tM MEiTeL cAPlFi-ni{+D.lci Tb '.{rfa$ Tr<IF{ --\ j E (r. !\tooDFrHttgi---) . .i' ".*hlrNtrA^I JAt4b Li, t. PAr.r ffi" ; r.dA"d}}trH-t!ilF{ ,Ar.lD ErtN^lodDl .i1 Fl)(l€1-til6 MArc+trxK ex ltrlNc wgr{@ 2>, lo' €fAIN F MA'rt3I{ EXI3T1^IG NooD €oFFtT =l5l Ql Iv-Tr -?d'7c'1xwg Bi<TCK -'' ' 4..it IJIL-4_-.:: BN:hllNpoj,J 4-. lVzt*lt'ot' luwn 75 soulh fronlage road yall, colorado 81652 (303) 476-7000 July 14, 1987 Mr. Bob Fri-tch Sitznrark Lodge l-83 core Creek DriveVail, Colorado 81657 Re: Sitzmark Lodge Rernodel offlce of communlly dovelopment 1. Dear Bob: f arn finally at the point where I am able to release thebuilding perruit for the Sitzmark Lodge remodel . f wanted toreiterate the following agreements that we have on the project. Vacation of the @ f have talked to Mr.eering and reguestedthat he subrnit a survey of the easement on the Sitzmarkproperty as well as the legal description. These twopieces of information will be used as exhibits in thevacation resolution. on July 7, 1997, the Town Councilgave the staff penuission to release a building pennit even though the easement has not been officially vacated.It will be required that the easement be reviewed as aresolution at a Town council evening rneeting. As soon asI receive the survey information, I will be able toproceed to Town Council and get final approval of thevacation. At Planning Cornmission, it was agreed that you would becredited in an equitable manner for the improvenents thatyou make to the plaza and sidewalk areas if and when animprovement district is created for the Village. you haveagreed to supply the staff with copies of all the purchaseorders for the project to verify costs for the work. 2. 3. You agreed to pay for the pavers frorn the existing eastedge of the Sitzrnark paver project to the east Sitzmarkproperty line when Blurs does their paver remodel project.Essentially, you would. be filling in a swath of concretethat fills in from the east edge of the pavers to theproperty line. Please see attached drawing for locationof proposed pavers. 4. I wanted to renind you that the signage and canopy on thenorth elevation have not received final OnA approval . Ifeel that more inforrnation is needed. on the appearance ofthe canopy and square footage of the signage that will beused at the north entry. If you have any guestions about these issues, please feel freeto call ne. Thank you for your continued cooperation on thisproject. I think the plaza and sidewalk areas are reallylooking wonderful . lfiili ?o,h Kristan Pritz Town Planner KP:br EncI osure c SitzroarkMr. FritchVail, CO 81657 Dear Mr. Fritch: I have just been notified by the Community Development --P-epa-r.tnenq..thet .the.. S,itanarl<.19*.l9.j3....Parliins-"fee. "calculation rntasincorrect. The amount of the,:piiking:liee itroura :rrtve ueen 934,59oinstead. of the $38,790 figure. tn oider to arrive at a newinstallment figure for the renaining two payments, I took yourinitial 1984 pa)rnent in the anount of $7,?S-S ana deducted thisanount from the totaL parking fee, 934,590 to reach the amount tobe figured over a four year period. at l-o? interest. This anountis $2e,832 which resulti in an annual payment of 98,464.7t.Further credit is due on pa)4aent #3 as you have paid g1_,321_.93over on each of your first two payments. Therefore your 3rd of 4installnent palnuents sharl be f6r- g5,82t-.05 (g,464.2i instarrment#3-urinus i2r643.66 credit for your overpayments on installnents Land 2). This amount will be due on November 5, i,gg7. your fourthand final installment wiLl be for 99,464.7L.' ff you have any questions concerning this matter please call 75 south fronlag€ road Yail, color.do 81657 (303) 476-7000 me at the Town offices. June 22, L987 Sincerely, Finance Controller RPlnjr a BIdg Permit fProperty:SITZIIIARK PROJECT BLDG PERI,TIT SIJUMER 1987 Vail, Colorado,, L987 In installments after date, for value received, I promise to pay to theorder of the Tortn of Vail at the Office of the Finance Director, MunicipalBuilding at VaiI, Colorado, Twelty-eight Thousand, Two Hundred Forty-five Dollars,Total Parking Fee Down Paynent $ 5,549.00 (Due before receiving building perrnit. ) annum on the unpaid balance, payable inwith interest of ten percent peryearly j-nstaLlnents as follows: Future fnstallments:ffior$ the second installnent of g the third j-nstallnent of S the fourth installrnent of g L28 .38 r-28. 38 128. 38 payable payable payable due and due and due due and and payable on on on on128. 38 ft is agreed that if this note is not paid when due or declared duehereunder, the principal and accrued interest thereon sha11 draw interestat the rate of l-8 percent per annum, and that failure to make any palmentof principal or interest when due or any default under any incumbrance or agreement securing this note sha1l cause the whole note to become due atonce, or the interest to be counted as principal , at the option of theholder of the note. The makers and endorsers hereof severally waive Presentment for payment, protest, notice on nonpayment and of protest, andagree to any extension of time of payment and partial payrrnents before, at,or after maturity, and if this note or interest thereon is not paid whendue, or suit is brought, agree to pay al-l reasonable costs of collection,including reasonable attorneyrs fees. by: Date Property:SITZMARK o $ 34,590 Vail, Colorado, REVISED Total Parking Fee In installments after date, for value received,order of the Town of Vail at the Office of theBuilding at VaiI, Colorado, Building Permit # PROJECT REVISED LO/84 PAYMENT PLAN I L987 I prornise to pay to the Finance Director, Municipal Thirt -four Thousand Five Hundred Nine Tota Parking Fee Down Payment with interest of ten percent peryearly installments as follows: The first installment of $ Dollars, (Due before receiving b1d9 permit. ) annum on the unpaid balance, payable in due and payable on due and payable onthe second instalhnent of $ the third installnent of S the fourth installment of $ due and payable due and payable on Nov. 5 1,987 , on Nov. 5 L988 , 821_. 05 464.7L It is agreed that if this note is not paid when due or declared duehereunder, the principal and accrued interest thereon shatl draw interestat the rate of 1,8 percent per annum, and that failure to rnake any paymentof principal or interest when due or any default under any incunrbrance or agreement securj-ng this note shall cause the whole note to become due atonce, or the interest to be counted as principal , at the option of theholder of the note. The makers and endorsers hereof severally waivepresentment for payment, protest, notice on nonpayment and of protest, and agree to any extension of tirne of palanent and partial paynents before, at,or after maturity, and if this note or interest thereon is not paid whendue, or suit is brought, agree to pay all reasonable costs of collection,including reasonable attorneyrs fees. by: Date f 'tzmark Lodse Vail, CoJorado 0ctober 29, 1984 DU PSII/JNLNbWIN(NN ffi In of at for value received, I promise to pay to the order office of the Finance Director, Municipal Building o.l .l ars, with interest of ten percent per annum on the unpaid balance, payable in insta] lments after date, the Town of Vail at the Vail, Colorado, yearly installments as follows: The f i rst i nstal .lment of $ 7759. 00 the-second installment of $ 9786.54 the third instal'lment of $ 9786.54 on November 5, l9g4 on November 5, '1995 on November 5, 19g6 on November 5, l9g7 payable on due and due and due and payabl e payabl e payabl e payabl e due and IT Is AGREED that if this note is not paid when due or dec'lared due hereunder,the primcipal and acffued interqgt.i!gi.ir liiiir draw interest at the rateil lklifi'l;li";lyll,;*g;tlii;,t"j*:i;r;ei= any-paymeiir-or princrpar._ * the fourth installment of $ j186.5t _ due and with the remaining balance s1 g 9786.52 November 5, 'l9gg or interest *h"n-l!:-ol. anv. aiiiur;-;il;; ;;y.'il;ufil;;"1!r""'ii'"ll"Eillli,lll"".,rnthis note sha'l'l cause ttre ivnoie-ioie to lecohe aue-il-6.nce, or the interestto be counted as principal, at the-option oi if,"-r,oiiei of the note. Themakers and endorsers hei^eof iivirarii *iiu" pil;d;;;; iir"ilivrilii, p*i"ri,notice.on nonpavment and of p;;i;;;,-ano atrle-iJ"inv"J*t"nsion of time ofpayment and partiar paymenti before, at, 6r arter miturity, and if this- note or interest thereon is not piia-wrren d;";-;; ,uii-i. brought, agree l:.1:r arr reasonabre costs or cbiieciiJn,-inirroiii'ieasonaule attorney,s Fri tch DATE ,\ "1 1 lown 75 routh ,ronlaE€ roadv. , colorado 8165Z (303) 476-7000 April 24, L9A7 olflce of communlty developmcnl !lr. Duane PiperP.O. Box 5560Avon, Colorado 8162O Re: Buildinq permit review for the Sitznark Lodge Dear Duane: The forlowing.iterus will need to be addressed before r can signoff on the building perrnit: PEC Requirements 1.The owner will subnit a letter from a landscape architectto staff that confirms that the spruce tree cln berelocated- safely to the adjacent open space area alongGore Creek. The proposed location-of tle tree is to f,heeast of the existing_ larnp post by the pedestrian bridge.rf the tree is not ibLe Lo-be reiocate&, the appJ_icani,will-provide a new tree of the "ir" sp""ies, sii--anaquality. A perfornance bond will be recnri rer! in fhp e-rcaquarr.ty. A perforTance bond will be i iria in the casetne tree r 2. Tlre owner wi]_I suhmit l.pla! for roof drainage. Accord.ingto our Town engineer, gitt Rnarews, he is unirre to find - anything on the buiriling pennit aiiwings-tn"i i"aicateshow roof drainage wilt 6e-handled.. 3. At the time of building permit, the owner wirr subrnit awritten legar.agr"enen€, itipuriting ttre i*pio.r"*"nts and.costs which wirr be covered by the owner cirnc"rning-th;-pedestrian pLaza, sidewalk and randscape infiovements andwill provide a letter of credit to covlr it'"-"o"t otimprovenents. "t Additional fnfornation 1. A reasonable dirnension for the sidewark nust be agreed.upon between you and the Eire Department. 2- The kitchenette nust be removed. frorn the building perrnitdrawings for the second rever. A wet bar is attowla underthe code, but an actual kitchenette is not perrnitted. 3. Please indicate the roof ridge elevation which willmaintain the 43 foot height iinit. 4- According to the Design Review Board drawings, the windowsfor the second floor office addition had muilions. on the'building perrnit drawings, these mullions are not shown.Please let me know if there is a change. 5. I talked to Rick about the canopy and signage for thenorth entrance into the Sitzrnark. ft appeais that thiswas not thoroughly discussed by the Oesign Review Board.I feel that it would be best i- you would submit a signageappLication and canopy design tor tnis area. 6. On the north elevation there is a new roof support. Thiswas not on the Design Review Board drawings. -Is this anecessary support for your roof structure? I suppose ifthe roof will fal.r down without it, we better inliucle itlIt was also my understanding that the existing supportsunder the decks on the east portion of the building willbe removed. Pl-ease subrnit this additional inforrnation as soon asso we can release the building perrnit for the rest ofproject. possible the r have also encrosed information on the parking, recreation,and Design Review Board fees. The parki-ng tee-ior cornmerciarspaces is $fs,2Oo and for residentilf spa-es, 915,045. Thiscreates.a total parking fee of s28,24s. The'recreation fee forEne pro]ect is 93,i.09. The Design Review Board fee is based onthe.project valuation. Does the g4.zstoo} valuation for theproject arso includes the improvements to the sidewalk area? rneed to know the total projelt valuation before r can give-you-the actual Design Review B6ard fee. Please let rne know if you have anydiverse comnents. thanks for yourproj ect. Sincerelv,v.I fl-+- N\\Tl4\ Nr \'1-Kridtan Pritz Town Planner guestions about thesecontinued help on this PARKING CALCUI,ATIONS FOR A€€I€ta{9'i{*f€rr UNITS EXIST.PROPOSEDSO FT EXTST.PARK GRANDFATHERED .738 .745 .705 .705 .705 .705 RETAIL OFFICE RESIDENTIAL SQ FT PROPOSED PARKING = DIFF AQ. roa0,Q' tos A,U, 2L2 A,U. ztsi,tL' sn A Q,IU 338 346 30s 305 305 305 (rec. fee $1. oo Proj. Valuation .815 O .-atf .782 ,820 .782 .820 Total 77 L15 77 115 77 115 .o770# .077 .115 .o77 .115 .5E , V3l RECREATION FEE usE sQ FT L,o92 207 1,809 3r108 new sg.for CCI) x (total x 3, 1-09 TOTAL RECREATION FEE ft) $ 3,108 S 3,108 DESIGN REVTEW BOARD FEE ., USE East Retail West Retail Corner Retail Offl-ce #xo4 €' *2t2 *2L4 #3t2 #314 New Accomnodation #2LG #2 rg #3 L6 PARKING 77 s.f. )1r.s s.f.) units 398. 6.f. 437 s.f. 398 s.f. Total Residential Spaces SPACES 3.5 -8 4.4 spaces -E4r , t6l ,798 .837 .798 -*e,w (comm. park. fee) - (res. park fee) STTZMARK BUILDTNG PERMTT CHECK 4/24/87 PARKTNG SQ. FT 54o s.f.) 297 s.f.) Total 1092255 s.f.) 2O7 s.f. Total Commercial Spaces Acs'ornmodation Unit Additions !o"T:""i?l-space = $3,000/spaceResidentlat = $5,ooolipacl - (Total ?"Tr: spaces) x (comn. space cost) ={.d spaces x g3r0OO = gt3,roo (Total resid. Sppces) x (res. space cost) =9t_ spaces x $51000 = $r3F{5 a, t?!t.h qlo RESIDENIIAL EXPANSTONS, FEE AND a| 6?0= ..,ffi+F Unif t\&l;w, # /or 77 s.f.l 77 s.f. )lls s.f.) TOf tl f, s,{. lnwn 75 south fronlage road vall' ca1s66e 61557 (303) 476-7000 0ctober 29, 1984 offlcc of communlty dcvolopmcnl Bob Fritch Sitzmark Lodge.|83 East Gore Creek DriveVail, Colorado 81657 Re: Sitzmark Parking Fees Dear Bob, I have-gone over the parking situation for the Sitzmark and propose thefol 1 ow'i ng: Commercial Addition 3611 square feet 7 surface Cred i ts (new space) - spaces 300 = 12.03 spaces+ 7.00 T0;d3 4 spaces (re-opened in basement) - 4.003 lodge rooms - Z.l0 Total spaces '12.93 12.93 spaces @ $3,000 = 938,790 These numbers should-be fairly self-explanatory. There was a slight increasein the total square footage of the addition when I measured the eitire area - o_fthe'lodge rooms that are converted to commercial . credit has been givenfor the removal of the three rooms, ds well as for the four spaces yoi wil'lre-open in the basement. I feel these.figures represent a reasonable compromise. You wi'l I find a promissary note. enclosed for your. signature. It is based on an initiat payment of l7sot the amount due, with the remainjng amount financed over the next four years. A1y gueg!!gns concerning payment schidures can be directed to Rich parion-t<o- -- at 476-7000. Bob Fritch Sitzmark Lodge 10129184 Page Two Please feel free to call me wlth anv,9u::!i9lt-:ol Llv have. .Issuming you i[: runli;"*,*;t"j;:'ff',i,loili:'ff";:a;:: fft"e the tniiiai id;int Sincerely,/nL \ bf.\- Thomas A. Braun Town Planner TAB: bpr I TO: FROM: DATE: SU&'ECT: I. II. i-JT ffi'{v'\ Town Council Conmunity Development Department August 18, L987 Vacation of a utility easementthe Sitzrnark property on the northwest side of REQUEST The Sitznark Lodqe is reguesting to vacate a L0 footutility easement located on the northwest corner oftheir property. A portion of the new buil-ding isproposed to be located on this easement. BACKGROT'ND ON THE REQUEST The original l-0 foot utility easement was created byVail Associates during the original plat process forVail Vil-Iage First Fiting. In L9'74, it was determinedthat a portion of the Sitznark building encroached intothe 10 foot utility easement. A partial vacation and abandonment of the existing 10 foot utility easement and a grant of a new easement was cornpleted in June ofL974. This agreement vacated the easement below theexisting Sitzrnark building and relocated the easementto the northwest of the Sitzmark on Town of Vailproperty. In the spring of 1987, the Sitzmark project was reviewed by the Design Review Board. One of therequired subrnittal documents was a title report. staffallowed the project to begin dernolition before thetitle report had been subrnitted. Once the title report was submitted, it, was detennined that the easement would have to be vacated in order for the constructionto proceed. At that time, the staff had theunderstanding that the easement only involved utitity companies and did not involve ttre Town of Vail . Theapplicant subrnitted letters fron the utility companiesverifying that they had no problem with vacation of theeasenent and that they would allow the Sitzmark toproceed with their construction. Upon furtherinvestigation of the title report, it became evidentthat the Town Council would also have to sign off onthe easement vacation. This understanding was reachedthe week of June 29th. On ituly 7, L987, the Town Council gave the Sitznark theright to proceed with construction. The understandingsas that as soon as the appropriate legal_ work had beenconpJ-eted, the staff and Sitzrnark owner wouldpresent the vacation to the Town Council for theirfinaL approval . Attached to this rnemo Ls the vacatLonand abandonment agreement as well as the documentationof the approval of all utillty coupanies. The staff,reconmends approval of the request. THIS INSTRUMENT is made this daY of , 1987, by and between THE SITZMARK LoDGE ol.lNER, MR. B0B FRITCH, (hereinafter referred to as "Owner"), and the TOI!,N 0F VAIL, C0L0RAD0, a municipal corporation. WHEREAS, a certain easement of record to be abandoned described as a uti'l jty easement ten (10) feet in width along the northwestlot line of a parcel described in book 235 at page 338 of the Eag'l e County, Colorado, Clerk and Recorder's records, said parcel being known as the "sitzmark Lodge parcel" and being a part of LOT A, BLOCK 5-8, VAIL VILLAGE FIRST FILING ACCORDING TO A llAP THEREOF RECORDED IN THE OFFICE OF THE EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO, CLERK AND RECORDER (see attached Exhibit A) (hereinafter "the Utility Easement"); and !.IHEREAS, the easement is not presently used for the construction, maintenance and reconstruction of utilities; and [THEREAS, no future use of the easement for the construction, maintenance and reconstruction of utilities is contemplated; and WHEREAS, a portion of Owner's proposed building to be located on property is in conflict with the original platted easement; and WHEREAS, neither the 0wner nor the General Pub'l jc realized any beneficjal use in allowing such easement to remain; and WHEREAS, the Town of Vail on behalf of the General Public has evidenced its intent to abandon all claim and interest in the easement. NOI.J, THEREF0RE, in consjderatjon of the mutua'l promises contained herein and the mutual benefits to Ue aelved and other good and valuab'le consideration, the parties hereto hereby covenant and agree as fo] 'lows: l) The Town of VaiI on behalf of the General Public, by this instrument hereby forever abandons, vacates, releases and terminates that portion of the Utility Easement as now described as an easement ten (10) feet in width along the nonthwest lot'line of LOT A, BLOCK 5-8, VAIL VILLAGE, FILING N0. 1, ACCORDING T0 THE RECoRDED t'lAP THEREoF, CoUNTY 0F EAGLE, STATE 0F C0L0RAD0. Easement Users hereby convey all their right, tit'l e, and interest jn and to that portion of the Utility Easement vacated above, to Owner. l 2) This Vacation and Grant shall be b'inding upon and jnure to the benefit of the successors and assigns of the parties hereto. TOI.IN OF VAIL 8y: STATE OF COLORADO ) COUNTY OF EAGLE ) SS. The foregolng Vacation and Abandonment of Easement was acknorledged before me thjs -day of Exi sti ng , 198_ by Vail.as -of the Town of l{ltness my hand and officlal seal . My cormission expires: 0vrner hereby accepts the foregoJng Vacation of Easement' Exhibit A elge\to TRACT I 2 (o2 f.,"tj ,ti o^P.",\o Sg'52,'E-,ut^;p '-u\ N ggo I l'oo"w 555d A PART OF LOT o. BLOCK 5-8 t26.64'PO[{T OF BEGINNING \ 6a"69 -.r;99's?' (ni, coRNER LOT o, ELOCK 5-8 oo oo do ltl |oo't oo o @ zto -:-t1'oo"vl 6.rd (40')scALE l"= 30' A tca foot ltrlp of lrod bclng part of that parcel descrlbcd lo Eook 235 rt Page 338 of the Elglc couocy, colorado, clerl, aad Recorder?l recordl, aeldparcel belog Loorm ae thc *Sltzoert. lodge parcel" aod belng e pert of lat e,Blocl' 5-B' va1l vttlagc 8lrst llllng eccordlng to tbe oap thgrcof rccorded 1o the offlce of the tagle County, Colorado, Clerl, end Rlcorder, aaid teafoot rtrlp belng dcacrlbqd ae follwa: Begtnnlng rt the aorthwesterly corner of.aeld rrsltzoark Lodge parceltt wheucethe northseat corner of sald l,ot r bears s66t18r00r\f 65.45 feet3 thence thefollortog two courses along the northerly 1lne of eald l,ot a and eaid I'sltz- nark Lodge parcelr: (l) N66c18'00"8 46.00 feet; (2) sg5.l5r52',E 21.00 feet; thenee departlog ea{d norther!.y llne, 566'18r00r$ 65.64 feet Go the veeterlyllne of saLd ilSltzuarL Lodge parcel,'; thence Nl?oOOrOO.ll 10.0? feet alonggald.resterly llne to the potnt of beglanlng, cootalnlng 558 sguare feet, nore or legs. s41E; -t'Zo-ei? coLoRADO L.S. 15827' '-]t-' '''" ' EAGLE VALLEY ENGINEERING A SURVEYING, INC.,953 S, FRONTAGE ROAD WEST. VAIL COLORADO,8I657 R = 65.0O' A= l6o03'lz" L= 18.21'GORE CREEK DRIVE 835 a VACATION AND ABANDONMENT OF EXISTING EASEMENT AssocrATrON, a colorado nonprofit corporation and vArL WATER AND THIS INSTRITMENT is made this "2 6 /,t d,ay of 6oNE 1987.by and between THE SITZMARK AT VAII-INC. , a C6Toffil6-corporatiol, ("Owner") and PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF COLORADO,(for itself and as assignee of, or Euccessor in interest to, cAsFACILITIES, INC., a Colorado corporarion) and HOLy CROSS ELECTRICADDUtrr.tlr\rrrr a uororaqo nonprorlE corporation and VAIL WATER ANsANrrATroN DrsrRrcr and MouMArN srATEs TELEPHONE AND TELEcRAptt COMPANY, dlbla MOIJNTAIN BELL, a Colorado corporarion(collectivelyr ttEasement Users"). WHEREAS, a certain ten (10) foot utility easement over thenortherly-ten feet of Tract a (and adjacent io the northerlyproperty line of Tract- a), Vail Village First Filing, Vail,'Colorado, rdas creargg-ly VAIL AsSocIAiEs, INc. in tE6 originalVail-Village First Filing Plar, filed under Reception Nr.rm6er96382 at Pages 49 and 50-in the pl_at Book of Eagie Counry,colorado, arrowing Easement user the use of suc6 easemenl-for theconstrucEion, maintenance and reconstruction of sewerage, Irater,gas, electric .and telephone transmission facilities; aia, WHEBEAS ' th9 location of a portion of such utiliEy easeuentwas modified by document recordei August 12, 1974 in B6ok 236 atP-age 22 of the rear property records-of Eagie county, colorado.such.utility easemenE as relocated is herelnafter rlferred to asthe "Utility Easernent"; and, _ IIHEREAS, PuBLrc sERvrcE cOMpANy oF coLoRADO is rhe assigneeof, or successor in interest to, GAS FACILITIES, INC., which'obtained the right to use the uiirity Easement 6v an instrrrnentrecorded July 24, L964, in Book r83,-at page 157'in the recordaof Eagle County, Colorado; and, - WIIEREAS, the Utility Easeuent is not presently being usedand the Easement user hai no present intenlion of irsing fuchEasement; and . WHFREAS, .a porrion of Owner's building, the Sit,zmark Lodge,is now located on a portion of the Utility-Easement; and, NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promisescontained herein and the mutual benefits Eo be derivld and othergood and_valuable consideration, the receipt of which isacknowledged, the parties hereto hereby covenant and agree asfollows: 1. Easement User, on behalf of itself, its successors andassigns, by this i.nstrument hereby forever abandons, vacates,releases, and terminates its right to the Utilicy Easement. Easement User hereby conveys all its right, titla and interest in and to Utility Easement vacated above, Eo Owner. 2. This Vacation and Abandonment shall be bindins upon andinure to the benefit of the successors and assigns of tf,e lartieshereto. {PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY 0F COLOMDO,as Successor Eo, and/or Assigneeof, GAS FACILITIES, INC., a Colorado ur, HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION, trppnOWOColorado nonprof ic corporation rffFt|ririfn ATTEST: ATTEST: ATTEST: w{Nwtl BY: VAIL WATER AND SANITATION DISTRICT BY: -.I,MOUNTAIN STATES TELEPHONE A}ID TELEGRAPH COI4PANY , dlbla MOUNTAIN BELL, a Colorado corporation BY: o. l. Eascn:enc User, on behalf or itself, its successors andassigns , by thir; ins rru.lcr'IE hereby ror"vei-ab..JJr.," , vacaces ,releases, .,rnd r:e11,i1a!es ics righc ro rhe Uciliry EasemenE.Easemenr uuer rrercby con\.r.:ys ari ic"-rii[.]-;i;iA and inreresE inand co Ucilit;' lj;.;erncnt vacaEed airove, Eo Owner. 2. This V:rcation and Abandonment shall be binding upon and i:|::":" rtre benefic r:f rtre ".,"".""or" o"a-i""ig,rI o, rhe parries PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF COLORADO,as Successor to, and/or essienle - ot , GAS I'ACILITIES, INC. ,Colorado BY: ATTEST: HOLY CROSS ELECTRICColorado nonprofit ASSOCIATION, AcorPoration ATTEST: .ft t:(-,._ ATTEST: VAIL I^JATER AND SANITATION DISTRICT BY: MOUNTAIN STATES TELEPIIONE ANDTELEGMPH COMPANY, dlb/ a r"rbUllrafr.rBULL, a Colorado corporation ATTEST: l)',trntn, BY: ' 1. Easement User, on behalf of itself, its successors andasslgns, by this instrument hereby forever abandons, vacates,releases, and terminates its righE to the Utility Easement. Easement usr:r hereby conveys all its right, titla and interest inand to UciliEy Easement vacated above, Lo Owner. 2. This Vacation and Abandonment shall be bindinginure to che benefit of the successors and assigns of tiiehereto. upon andparties ATTEST: PUBLIC SERVICE COMPAI{Y OF COLOMDO,as Successor to, and/or Assigneeof, GAS FACILITIES, INC., a Colorado BY: HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC Colorado nonorofit: ASSOCTATION, a corporation ATTEST: BY: UPPER EAGLE VALLEY CONSOLTDATED SANITATION DISTRICT ATTEST: ATTEST: BY: ef -E MOUIITAIN STATES TELEP}{ONE AND TELEGMPH COMPANY, d/h/a MOUNTAIN BFILL, a Colorado corporationft ""r ? .1 . It o STATE OF COLORADO )) ss. CoUNTY 0F oenvEn ) The foregoing vacatLon and Abandonment of Exlstine EaeemenEwas acknowledged before me this 2qrh day of June I UeZ, Uyas -s1 .-o p.-,'o offiE[f3-c Servicessor to. and/or Assisnee of. G couNTY 0F EAGLE ) The foregoing vacation and Abandonment of Existing Easementwas acknowledged before me this _ day of _l feeZ, Uyas_ offiiTl;GTs Eleciril ASSOC].aC].On, a Uoloraclo nonprofit corporation. Witness uy hand and official seal . My conmission expires: Notary PubIic STATE OF COLOMDO )) ss. COT'NTY OF EAGLE ) The foregoin-g Vacation and Abandonment of Existing Easementwas acknowledged before me this _ day of _l tSaZ, UyaB _ of VaiI Water andSanitation District. Witness my hand and official seal. My coumission expires: a. l' )) ss. ) The foregoing Vacation andgknowlgdged before me rhis!ras-<3KnosrIedge f'n cnhn..rJ ( 1.i". STATE OF COLOMDO COUNTY OF EAGLE APPROVED AND ACCEPTED: ATTEST: STATE OF COLOMDO COUNTY OF EAGLE Abandonnent of Existing Easeientjl';,i d.y of -irllr.,r I ISOZ, ty.,;.s.,.r.. of Modntain Statesdl'b/a Mountain BeIl, a Colorado asTeI ephone and TefEgE?ffiT6E[any,corporation. Vlitness my hand and official My coumission expires: . it-,\i ) - sea1. )) ss. ) The foregoing Vacation and Abandonment-veg.ackegwlgdged before me thi,s_...*.^ dav of-,3irF-" ot,ary :ryr t/ THE SITZI'IARK AT VAIL, INC., AColorado corporation Existing Easement, 1987. bvSffiark at- Witness my hand and official seal. My couuniss ion expires . .1\.',1 tl - -.2.j'- of \\\... srATE OF COLORADO I ss. COUNTY OF EAGLE ) The foreg,oing Vacation.arrd Aband::*:?t of Existi"? tAA;T"l;I tgaz, uy "i::**f/or Assignee or' GAs ;iEiiiid;,";Nd';-a' colorado corPoraEion' Witness rny hand and official seal' !1y cornnission exPires : STATE OF COLORADO ) ' (*,;i 10. ss ' COUNTY OF EffiE ) The foregoing Vacation and Abandonment zi{fM; Witness ury hand and official seal' My coorrission exPit""' y''/ 7/ Easement 1987, bY Electric of Existing EasemenE, t9gl ' uy VaTTTEEET and STATE OF COLORADO )) ss. COUNTY OF EAGLE ) The fbregoing Vacation and was acknowledged before t" tn:"" ocary Abandonmenc - daY of Witness mY hand and official seal' l,ly corurission exPires : xisting ! STATE OF COLORADO ) corrNTy oF EA.LE I t"' The foregoing vacation and Abandonment of Existing Easementwas acknowredged before me rhis _ day of _; 19g7; -i-ti:";T#,;mll;;^; ' FACILITIES, INC., a Colorado "oip"i.iir"l'v- 'rse46 Witness my hand and official seal. My corunlssion expires : STATE OF COLoRADO ) corrNTy oF EA.LE I t"' The foreeoing Vacation and Abandonment of Existingwas acknowled[ed 5.foi.-r.--t[Ii day of Easement 1987, byElectricas. oIEfffiTsAs s oc :.ar j-on, a Co 1 oidclo noiLf'rof iFESffit ion . Witness my hand and official seal. My couunission expires : STATE OF COLORADO COI'NTY OF EAGLE .'CoNSOLIDATED SANIrarroN qrstnrct Witness my hand and official seal. My comnission expLres: ! /.< :, io.<\2, /'- t <-- ( \ u. _/'--. - \. _..' v ..... ... -__. : .:. ... 3 )) ss. ) The foregoing vacation and Abandonment of Existing Easementwas acknowt edeed before ue Ehis /+ .41t-;i- J-A;.; I rgail-L-i =;?,! '-^l- 7 " Pn n ot uPPER EAGLE vALLEY a. STATE OF COLOMDO COUNTY OF EAGLE APPROVEIJ AND ACCEPTED: ATTEST: STATE O}' COLORADO COU}ITY OF LAGLI: .r-rY u THE SITZ}IARK AT VAIL, INC., AColorado corporation By: .ali,+/: (,'#c E>risting Easeuent, -:--r 1987, bY s]-Ezmark at ss. The foregoing Vacation ancr Abandonnen' of ExisEing Easementwas-sck'owledeed before me chis _.Si: d"y of 1r,,.f _; lggi; -ttff,h#;: TFI::'eiiil:corporati.on. Witness my hand and official seal. l"ly comnrission expires: rI rl rr. I ,_ ,/. ._-- )) ss. ) The foregoing Vacation and Abandonment.wag ac.knowlsdg,ed before me this ,..-..,,.. d.ry of 1'r.'\r .\ i tr \,,..:----=-+ aS t't...L_!_ Ovart, rtlc., a Uolorado corpor;tLion. I'Jitness my hand and otticial seal . I'ly commission expire.s : . :\ .1ir . \_- t-ij.-. - rioEary Pub l__-ic) ::) cA\i\t- of \\ \.. (]ll C ! tgr o t o : '4 o ro 9c lr, N|r)-a oirol cDl U'I fa; zr\ tq ut 7 "2r t2 !? '9 olo @l vtl li)ro(v !oo @a @cro_ ra) Po:oYc6a-(tgE Cqt F rt olrj F-() EF 0-:l.-ft .i..| ;-; - -_L'./ I 5ffi ?.ov $ (foo''rt TO: FROM: rownQrrn"ir Cournunity Developruent Departrnent DATE: July 7, L987 SUBJECT: vacation of a utility easement on the northwest sideof the Sitzmark property I. REQUEST The Sitzmark Lodge is reguesting to vacate a 10 footutility easement located on the northwest corner of theirproperty. A portion of the new building is proposed to belocated on this easement. Ir. BACKGROUND OX__THE__REOUES! t"" *t"t"* 1O foot utility easement was created by VailAssociates during the original plat process for VailVillage First Filing. In L9'14,- it wis determined. that aportion of the Sitznark buitding encroached into the 10foot utility easement. a partiir vacation and abandonmentof the existing 10 foot utility easernent and a grant of anew easment was completed in June of L974. This agreementvacated the easement below the existing sitzrnark buirdingand relocated the easernent to the northwest of theeasement on Town of Vail property. please see theattached agreernent concerning this easement. -In the spring of 1987, the Sitzrnark project was reviewed !V tne Design Review Board. one of the-required submittaldocuments $ras a title report. Staff allowed the projectto begin deroolition before the title report had been-subrnitted. Once the title report was subrnitted, it wasdetermined that the easernent would have to be vacated inorder for the construction to proceed. At that time, thestaff had the understanding th-t the easement onlyinvolved utility companies and did not involve the Town ofVail . The applicant subrnitted letters from the utilityconpanies verifying that they had no problem with vacalionof the easement and that they would arlow the sitznark toproceed with their construction. Upon furtherinvestigation of the title report, it became evident thatthe Town Council would also have to sign off on theeasement vacation. This understanding was reached theweek of June 29th. The staff worked with the appricant toprepare the vacation easement for the work se=s-i-on so thatthe building perrnit would not be held up any longer thanabsolutely necessary. Attached to this memo you will find a vacation and' abandonment agreement as well as appropriate signatures.On Tuesday, the applicant wiII submit the legal description and stamped survey of the actual easenentbeing vacated on Sitinark prolerty. The only additionatsignature that is needed on tle vication and'abandonmentagreement is that of the public Service Company. However,we do have an original 1etter from cary Hall, FublicService Conpany representative, dated -Vlay 28', 1987 whichstates that the public Service Company ilis in the procesof executing an abaternent of this easement and the| haveno problen with the Sitznark building on it.tr The TownEngineer has reviewed this reguest aid has no problen withthe vacation. once these two final pieces of information are submitted,the staff will present the resolution vacating theeasement at an evening meeting. In addition, if the TownCouncil does not have-a probl6m with the vacition, thestaff would like to proceed to issue the building pernitinrnediately after thE work session review. 397501 tur,. 4.?/ Pa3r.--o{ {@-- .-. ,iiHtitTIE PilLLlFS! t,r,cL[ cTY. REC0tiDtn Our 5 2sePll'01 the TO the i.'o' q- THIS INSTRUMENT is made this 18th day of Ausust , 1987, by and betneen THE SITZMARK I0DGE OI{NER, MR. R0BERT F. FRITCH, (hereinafter referred to as "0wner"), and the TOUN 0F VAIL, C0L0RAD0, a municipal corporation. IIHEREAS, a certain easement of record to be abandoned described as a utility easement ten (10) feet in width along the northwest lot line of a parcel described in book 235 at page 338 of the Eagle County, Colorado, Clerk and Recorder's records, said parcel being known as the "Sitzmark Lodge parcel" and being a part of LOT A, BLOCK 5-8, VAIL VILLAGE FIRST FILING ACCORDING TO A MAP THEREOF RECORDED II'I THE OFFICE 0F THE EAGLE C0UNTY, C0L0RAD0 CLERK AND RECORDER (see attached Exhibit A) (hereinafter "the Utility Easement"); and WHEREAS, the easement is not presently used for the construction, maintenance and reconstruction of utilities; and WHEREAS, no future use of the easement for the construction, maintenance and reconstruction of utilities is contemplated; and IIHEREAS, a portion of Owner's proposed building to be located on property is confljct with the original platted easement; and WHEREAS, neither the Owner nor the General Public realized any beneficial use allowing such easement to remain; and IJHEREAS, the Town of Vail on beha]f of the General Public has evidenced its intent to abandon all claim and interest in the easement. NOl,/, THEREF0RE, in consideration of the mutual promises contained herein and the mutual benefits to be derived and other good and valuable consideration, the parties hereto hereby covenant and agree as follows: 1) The Town of Vail on behalf of the General Public, by this instrument 1n in hereby forever abandons, vacates, releases and terminates that portion of the Utility Easement as now described as an easement ten (10) feet in width along northwest lot line of LOT A, BLOCK 5-B, VAIL VILLAGE, FILING NO. 1, ACCORDING THE RECORDED MAP THERE0F, C0UNTY 0F EAGLE, STATE 0F C0L0RAD0. Easement Users hereby convey all their right, title, and interest in and to that portion of Uti'l 'ity Easement vacated above, to 0wner. 2) This Vacation and Grant shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the successors and assigns of the parties hereto. '^oJ STATE OF COLORAOO COUNTY OF EAGLE )) ss. ) The foregolng Vacation and Abandonment of Existing Easement was ackncl.adged of the Town of Vail. and official sea'I. My commission expires:llyaffitdrtusn,l$ the foregoing Vacation of Easement. Robert F. Fritch a9 TRACT T Exhibit A ;,{ e'es$e${ W_lg's2"E A PART OF LoT o. ELOCr 5-B f 26.6C,Polr{T oF BEGII{NING s#$66; '*'*>'(ni coRNER LOT o. BLOCK 5-B 1. ?,'(l'? O\'O O.2g) oaa o @(n l|J n _oItoo o an z 7o NBg"lt'oo"w ssso R = 65.OO' A= | 6o03'tz" L= 18.21' 4-,759"vt GORE CREEK. DRIVE (40')scALE l"= 30' A tao foot ltrlp of leod bclng, part of thac parcel degcrlbcd la Boot 235 et Page 338 of the Eeglc Countt, Colorado, Clert aod Recorderfe recorde, geid garcel belog tnon ar thc *sltzoarl ladge parcel'r aod bclog r pert of lot r,ElocL 5-B, Yall vlllegc 8lret P1llng eccordlng to the uap thgrcof recorded10 the offlce of thc tagte Couoty, Colorado, Clerl, ead Rlcorder, aald tcafoot ctrlp belng deacrlbed as follove: . !.i -. Eeginolng rt the lorthweeterly corner of.sald 'rsltznark Lodge pareelrr rbenecthe oorthscat corner of eald Lot e beare s66'lEr00'\{ 65.45 feet; thence thcfollortng Bwo courses elong the oortherly llne of eald lpt a and sald trsltz- oark Lodge parcel'r! (l) N66.18r00riE 46.00 feet; (2) sg5.15t5Z'rE 21.00 feet; thence departlng eald northerry llne, s66'18r00'lJ 65.64 feer to tbe resterlyllne of said r'Sltznart, Lodge parcelt,; thence Nl7cO0rOO"lf 10.0? feet a!.otrggald.weeterly llne to the potot of beglnnlng, cootalolng 558 square feet, nore or leeg. p41g; 't'Za-ei? DANNTE CORCORAN .r'll,lt'l " coloRAoo L.s. 16627.'. ,,'', ','',,' , suRvEYrNG, tNC.! 953 S. FRONTAGE ROAo WEST, VA|L COLORADO,81657 835 ,-'I f r t z VALLEY ENGINEERING-A a VACATION AND ABANDONMENT OF EXISTING EASEMENT THIS INSTRIJMENT ls made t};.i,s 2 6 rr day of tct n E , 1987,by and beEween..THE SITZMARK AT VAII-NC.', a C6To=t<I6--' -- corporatiol, ("Owner"1 -and PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF COLORADO,(for itself and as assignee of, or successor in interest to, GASFACILITIES, INC., a Colorado corporaEion) and HOLy CROSS ELiCTRICAssOcrATrON, a col.orado nonprofit corporation and vArL WATER Al{DSANITATION DISTRICT ANd MOUNTAIN STATES TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPHCOMPANY, dlbla MOtNTAIN BELL, I Colorado corporarion(collectively, ttEasement Users"). I,IIERIAS, a certain ten (10) foot utility easeuent over thenortherly- ten feet of Tract a (and adjacent to the northerlyproperty line of Tract- a), Vail Villale First Filing, Vail,'colorado, was creargg_ly vArL Ass_ocrAiEs, rNc. in tf,i oiitinarvail_Village First Filing Plat, fired under Reception Num6er96382 at Pages 49 and 50 in the plar Book of Eagie Counry,cororado, allowing Easement user the use of suc6 easement'for theconstruction, maintenance and reconstruction of sewerage, water,gas, electric and telephone transmission facilities; aiai uHqBqAq, thg locarion of a porrion of such utility easenentwas modified- by documenr recorded Augusr 12, 1974 in B'ook 236 atPage zz of the real property records-of Eagle county, cororado.such.utility easement a6 reiocared is hereinafrer rlferred to asthe "UEility Easenent,'; and, . I{IIEREAS, PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY oF coLoRADO is the assigneeof, or successor in interest to, GAS FACIIiTIES, inC., which*obrained the right to use the u;ititv gasement-6v-an inscrwrentrecorded Jury 24, 1964, in Book 183,-at page 157'in the recorda*,'$;u:,,'l;"',I;:;1::1,"". is nor presenrry uer,,g,,""aand the Easement user hai no present intention of irsing SuchEaseuent; and ,_ _-S|rytlt," porrion of Owner,s building, the Sitznark Lodge,1s non rocated on a portion of the utility-Easement; and, NOW,- THEREFORE,- in consideration of the mutual promisescontained herein and Ehe uutual benefirs to be aeiivla and othergo_od and -valuable considerarion, the receipt-or-wtich isacknowledged, the parties hereto hereby .oir""a"t "tra .ti.e asfolLows: C OC 1. Easement User, on behalf of itself, its successors andassigns, by this irlstrument hereby forever abandons, vacates,releases, and terminates its right to the UEility Easement. Easement User hereby conveys all its right, titl;t and interest inand to Utility Easement vacaEed above, Eo Owner. 2. This Vacation and Abandonment shall be bindins uDon andinure to the benefit of the successors and assigns of t6e iartieshereto. : 1.... _...!"""':"'...,. -.":.;'tllll.. ,., ;.:.,,r"...r'.,";i.'....'. r, -'],i"t ..'..'j .'r : i. , .. ;.,'1. '... :;lir;- i', i, : i. r : ;'.'.n'., ,'::j ..; 'c+T.tE$T 'r, r'; l';.1..! -:r-:r..i--...r i :, t,':,i^-; .,;&4,+!,." !.,' t, .'t' ,'. er.c).aiiscrctr:v <PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF COLORADO,as Successor Eo, and/or Assigneeof, GAS FACILITIES, INC., 8 - Colorado HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION, trppROttOColorado nonprof ic corporarior rdilE[Er]fiffn By: aYl@t'ATTEST: ATTEST: VAIL WATER AND SANITATION DISTRICT BY: -* MOUNTAIN STATES TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COI'IPANY , dlb l a MOT NTAINBELL, a Colorado corporation ATTEST: ;. l' Easc*cnE user, .n behalf or itself-, i.s "rr"""""ors andassigns, b;r rhir; insrruurcr.rc neieul, for;;;;-;6"ijJ,.", vacares,rereases , and ."IT^i:.::: ics righ'c ro rhe Uriliry EasemenE.Easemenr user hercby con..,cys ori ic"-ri;;.;';i;ii ..,0 inreresE inand to UciliLl' lii.;cmunC tr,:rcated above, Eo Owner. 2. This Vircation anclinurc Eo Ehe benefic nf ai;;here Eo . Abandonmenr shall be binding upon andsuccessors and assigns of tf,e iaities PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF COLORADO,as Successor to, and/or A";i;;;;of, cAs L-AcrlrriEa;-iNa.;-;--"== Colorado BY: HOLY CROSS ELECTRICColorado nonprofit ATTEST: ASSOCIATION, AcorporaEion ATTEST I ,,/t t:!i ATTEST: VAIL WATER AND SANITATION DISTRICT nv. yg_uryTArN STATES TELEPTToNE ANDTELEGRApH col.,tpANy, alul. lrbiiilrernBELL, a Colorado corporation ATTEST: i 'it_l 1 :r{ \ l(ac ' 1. Easement User, on behalf of itself, its successors andassigns, by this instrument hereby forever abandons, vacates,releases, and Eerminates its right co the utirity EasemenE.Easement ust:r hereby conveys all iEs right, titla and interest inand co Ucilicy Easement vacated above, io Owner. 2, This Vacatioq and Abandonment shall be binding upon and,inure ro the benefit of the successors and assigns or if;.-i"iti."hereto. PUBLIC SERVICE COMPAI.IY OF COLORADO,as Successor to, and/or Assigneeof, GAS FACILITIES, INC., a - Colorado BY: ATTEST: ATTEST: HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC Colorado nonprofit: BY: ASSOCIATION, Acorporation ATTEST: UPPER EAGLE VALLEY CONSOLIDATED SANITATION DISTRICT MOU}ITAIN STATES TELEPIIONE ANDTELEGMPH COI,iPANY, C,/t>/ a MOUI.ITAIN BFILL, a Colorado corporation ATTEST: t-er-E 5-2.8 -a/ lcu4e4*-, STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF DENVER ) ) ) ss. l6Eh day of June . 1987. bvil-. o'^" offiETffiivil; ' -' r to, and/or Assignee of, GAS of Exlsting Easement 550 1sth St. Rm. S40 Denver, Colo. 80202 Easement 1987, byElectric and seal . : expires: tary RADO ss. EAGLE Witness uy hand and official seal . My corttnission expires: L2/tz (_- l9o n-{t ) ) ) The foregoing Vacation and Abandonment of ExistingIdas acknowledged before me this _ day of - of iffii@.rr". ,- - STATE OF COLoRADO ) corrNTY oF EA.LE i ""' The foregoing Vacation andwas acknowledged before oe thi_s Abandonment of Existing Easementday of a8 . 1987. bvoffii and I.litness ny hand and official seal . My couuission expires: o( STATE OF COLoRADo )) ss. COUNTY OF EAGLE ) The foregoing Vacation andwas-<:knowlgdged before me rhis|f\ cnhn^...rd ( l-ir. ,, asTelephone h@ny, corporat.ion. lc Abandonnent of Existing Easement,d d"y of -[r1l..r ] tsgil-f-y.,rri.!!i.r . oE-MoEnEG-staEes' -' dl'bla l,lountain BeII, a Colorado THE.SITZI'IARK AT VAIL, INC., AColorado corporacion ?.. Witness ny hand and official seal. My commission expires: . it-,\i, APPROVED AND ACCEPTED: ATTEST: STATE OF COLOMDO IJ ss. COUNTY OF EAGLE ) The foregoing Vacation and Abandonment,r,lag .ackqowledged before me thi.s_r\-i J;t-;i'-,ii'FL" of Existing Easement _, 1997, bySitzEark at Witness my hand and official seal. My commission expires: .ll.,l it _ ,r-:.': \\\.'. Th Not"itTuQt$rcS STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE )) ss. ) The foregoing Vacation and Abandonmenu of Existins Easement ,o" " "liiio,i" JE"a E.;;;:';:".f,i: :'o'ryt.**t-"-J*1311 : tt .:::ffi/or Assignee of ' GAS Witness nY hand and official seal MY conmission exPires: STATE OF COLORADO )- k'i /'0 ss ' COUNTY OF E#E ) Easement 1987, by Electric Witness mY hand and official seal' My commission exPit"t' y''/ 7/ oEary STATE OF COLORADO )) ss. COUNTY OF EAGLE ) The fbregoing Vacation and was acknowledged before t" tn:: bA Orla.'rt' f/S)'fuffi%;e'a //6q Abandonment of Existing t;;;T'il; - daY ofoffir and tliEness uy hand and official seal' My connission exPires: ;l o( STATE OF COLORADO COT'NTY OF EAGLE STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE The foreeoing Vacation and Abandonment of Existingwas -acknowledfed Sefore ,." -tt i" ;L"q;;'"; i't-d4J . _,_.t)d.r,'^4) .*. /(t_+-.t../ as Fl tJi-l-. oE-u-ppEn EAGLE.'CONSOLIDATED SANItAtTOW qISTRTCT The foregoing vacation and Abandonment of Existing Easementwas acknowledged before me this _ day of ; fgAZ, -6-i s= s oilE oTTiid, ;*il; = i, . Eo,FACILITIES, INC., a Colorado corporation. Witness my hand and official seal. My counnission expires : lc ) ) ) )) ss . ) )) ss. ) ss. The foregoing Vacation and Abandonment of Existingwas acknowledged before me rhis _ d"i ;f-____ - 3S --.-.:----....---ass Siit-corpora.iir,.tttt crcss Witness rny hand and officlal seal. My commission expires: STATE OF COLOMDO COIJNTY OF EAGLE Easement 1987, byElectric Easement 1987, by VALLEY STATE OF COLOMDO COUNTY OF EAGLE lO ri"..r.l i :.,1 corporation. APPROVED AND ACCEPTED: Abandonment of Existing Easement )) ss. ) Tlre foregoing VacaEion andwas-{cknoyvl,e$Sed before ne Fhis ,.<;.:^ day of as O[rPany, o*#Fan,i.l33l'ot ATTEST:BY: STATE O['COLORADO COUIITY OF UAGLE . ye;, ac.ku owl.-.e..d ge d The foregoing Vacation arrd Abandonmentcknowl.-e..dged before me this i,--:;'". d4y qf,,--:;'"' daY gft'.:rr.-L tl- i; \.,-r"i al t-sl.i- o IJicness my hand ancl off icial seal - lly comniss ion expires : . li ..1 i1 I,litness my hand and official seal . l"ly comnrission expires : tl t; r .. - l _ -'--- '! | Eain BelI, a Colorado :tti" U THE SITZ}IARK AT VAIL, INC., AColorado corporation Existing Easement __t 1987, byJIEZr[ark at )) ss. ) of ti \... , -.,q,.;:,," - ,,-*#,.,r,$ lrOc trJ Nlr) bol|r)i @l org.q t o : co |l, Y,t- \.r)2\t2 u) 7zt2 r-- --I z, I I I ; 1.?.F: .9 n o(o @i al r.:)ro AJ xoo €ro-lo qr: E,d :o C (|. uJ F() EF ;ffi 2.v $ i, I Ilro ALTA LOAN POLICY-Modlll.d tOl73 ORDER NO. r 2306-VC2 SCHEDU PART EB This policy does not insure against ross or damage by reason of the folrowing: l. Rights or claims of parties in possession not shown by the pubric records. 2. Easements. or claims or easements, not shown try the public records. 3. Discrepancies. conflicts in boundary lines, shortage in area, encroachments, and any facts which a correct survey and inspection,of the premises would disclose and vvhich are not shown by thepublic records. 4. Any lien, or right to a lien, for services, labor, or material theretofore or hereafter furnished, imposed by law and not shown by the public recoros. 5. Taxes for Lhe year 1986 and Lhrrr'(:af t.-rr, arr,J any apecial assessnentor clrerges not yet certif tecl t'u Lt.re ot'f ice of Ltre- Courrby Treasrtrer. 6. Regtrictlons whiclr d.o not, contai.rr l f ,:,r i eiLut.: or reverierclauge, but; onrll,illrq ycggt- icti,:-rnr: , it .rny, ba srlr.l Crn race,coro!', rerigion, or ntrLlonal ori.;!n,.rs contairred in insLrunenLrecorded August 10, lgbl, 1n Book 174 at. pagr_, ]?!. 7. PaftlaI Vaeat-lon rrrr.l ltr;r n,l nnrnon r- r.r' ^,vi cr i..,. F-.,^-^-! L I 8. corporation, SiLznark liroperLir:s, a (Jclor a.<trt LIniLecIPartnerghip arr<l IIoIy (Jrr:ss filect ri c irsr;,-.rci,ert:ion, Inc. ,a cooPeratlve corporlt.lorr recor(l{:'(l c,v::!nt,tf r- 16, 19R2 tn llcruk348 at Page BBg as Recepti.rrn lJ<i. l4,ji:.10. 9. Teruc, conditlons, resLr!.ction and st i pr-r.l.al;itrns ae containedtn any exlstlng suhleases arrcl Lerr*rrr:1e:..:, Exceptions Numbered are hereby omitted. I thru 4 | 423 l2oM 6.8t4 |S'f IjAV,TRT TITLD ova na trTt coxParit vfv()vzo .'2 -- -. ' t.. ,l t\ttz,^n*1t'+-Ttfue- ffiTT f Uec.,c.1r" J Ft"?<q^\ CA,lb Me: 9tr*.'<t T14,ol? 0 Policy No.: Pooe 3 .'t|F1F- je_rltl-tlIed ror Recofi-Aun-r?,L9?h at ]- P M e)6/22 ..-i .' li'.4.T ' PARTIAL VACATION AND AB}.NDONIIENT OF DXISTING EASEI4ENT. and e GRANT OF NEt'', EASE:4ENT THIS INSTRUMENT is made this 23$ a"y e; June ,1974, by and between TtlE sITzltARK AT vA:mC., a Colorado corporation, and SITZIIARK PROPEITTIES, a Colorado Limited Partnership,(hereinafter "Owners"), and IIOLY CROSS ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION, MOUNTAIN STATES TELEPI.IOI{E AND TELEGiLq,PH COI4PANY, d/b/A MOUI{TAIN BELL, PUDLIC StrRVICE CO;'iPANY OF COLORADO (for itself and as assignee of, or successor in intcrest to, GAS FACILITIES, rNc.), and the vlrl. WATER AND SANTTATTOi{ DTSTRTCT, (herelnafter collectively "Easement Users"), and Vn IL ASSoCIATES, INC.., a Colorado 'corporation, a.nd the TOIJN OF VAIL, a l'lunicipal corporation, WHEREAS, a cerCain ten (10) .foot easement over the northerly ten (I0) feet of Tract a, Vail Village First Filing, VaiI, Colorado, was created by VAIL ASSOCIATES, INC. in the originalvail. Village Fj.rst Filing Plat, filed under Reception Nunber 96382 at Pages 49 and 50 in t.hc PIat Book of tagle County, Colorado, allowing Easement Users the use of such easemen! for the construction, maintenance and reconstruction of sewerage, water, gas, electric and telephonc transmission facilitiesr (hereinafter the "Utility.Easement" ) ; and, IIHEREAS, PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF COLORADO is the assignee of, or successor in interest to, GAS FACILITIES, INC., which obtained the right to use the Utiliey Easement by an instrument recorded July 24, L964, in Book I83, at Page I57 in the records of Eagle County, Colorado; and, liltlDnEAs, the Utility Easement is not presently being used and the Easement Users have no present intention of using such Easement; and, WUEREAS, a portion of Owners' building, the Sitzmark Lodge, Iocated on the property described on Exhibit A attached lrereto and incorporated herein, is located on a portion of the Utility Easement as located on Ownersr land; and, $ltlEREAS, VAIL ASSOCIATDS, INC., the original Grantor of such Easement, desires to grant a utility easement on its property which adjoins that of Owners to permit the Utility Easemen! to pass around t,he corner of Ownersr building; and, wiiEREAS, VAIL ASSOCfATES, by Lease recorded December 8, 197I,in Book 222 aE Page 518 in the records of Eagle County, Colorado, Ieased to the TOWN OF VAIL certain real property j.ncluding that overwhich the ner., easement wj,ll be located, NOI^I, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promides contained herein and the mutual benefits to be derived and other good and valuable consideraCion,' the parties hereto hereby covenant and agree as follows i .. I. Easement Users and VAIL ASSOCIATES, INC., on behalf of themselves, their successors and assigns, by t,his instrument herebyforever abandon, vacaE.e, release and terminate that portion of theUtility Easemeng, as described above, on vrhich cert.ain improvements have been built, rvhich improvemcnts are known as The Sitzmark Lodge and located on the real property ciescribed in Exhibit A at.tachedhereto and incorporatsed hcrcin; [asenent Users hereby convey alltheir right, title and interest in arrd to that portion of theUtility Easement vacated above, to Onners. 2. VAIL ASSOCIATES. INC., as owner of the following described property, hcrcbir qrants a ten (I0) foot utility easement to and for the use of the prcsent and future or.rners of Blocks, Lots and Tracts in the VaiI Village First Filing for the construction, naintenance and reconstructlon of sewerage, l.rate! r gds, electric and telephone transmission facilities, as follows: - ,U"J -- i"6oroiiao corPo:ation^*^g;;!?'r.. ::"i)JVf,,t/-p,btes^t-i,:By ,ii-;\.t, jry'.),.)'.);,SITZMARK PROPERTIESfrFa!v :,' i:T#";";;; ;;d P 1ry"' ::'1;;,,,.!it,,,;i:.' u, {4F F"u&Hrou, fioLY cRoss ELEcrRrc ^ ^t^t^9:l::l?: VAIL A COI ASSOCIATES 'ado CorPor l/ce< an u;' -2- '.:" iO . An easemenc I0'00 f::!'it width' Iocated in Tract Ir vai,l villaq"^itt"a-Eiring,^and ueing adjacent to a n;':;:'!"i'";:i;l1!,:it'i*:.:r$ilii::iq"ii'"'"1"n iirl"i' counev of Eavrer s;1 oarticulariv-i"""tiued as follows: ' tb'*o""ng at tl9 "I"':!:'::"::'ti: i:'ii:?t?'ii:""' $;:::"';:l'ii-liii;'"?::i.:?i:[: niii";: i:s;tritli,, $,tnc" N'03o38's0"E'' ll:-Y'.' i;;;'";";;ia tract at thence fr ;? rl:*ili ;l: liill":irrlli::i:ii,i;:i"T ;ii i:ii- d,o the poinl of oeginning; containrng roz >e' or less ' 3. By \"av. of clarifituli9l^119 further description' Exh ib it B a ttacned i'"i'il-'"a" il:? :?';:::i"l?:' iil'u:;:g:i:;"t"".f,"-r"""tion of the existi"e Y!lll.t: ulos€,oer.rr routrng the !ii'*"ir Lo999r lq: :';:.1;:.t'::l:I'"'?=ti"-u"iiai"g'ea""mant around E.e rrv t ^ L.i -,r i n., rrDon .f nd inure to *"ol;"rTt'lruH'.':::.:::"::'::u':::ln:::;"$:'#ii""r'"'"to' THE SITZMARK AT VAIL'.INC' rjli:l',i l-:l By Ey W By t: Attest3 t.,l t/../.-- (r OF COLORADO couNry oF EACI-E i"' dirly acknov,'Iedged before me th-is 12!h Scanley Nqcal as Pre6ffi SEEiEtary-FIi6LY cRoss wiii'6-sFmv-Eind and official seal. .uy Aoril 12 STATE OP STATE OF COLORADO COLORADO COUNTY OF ss. was duly ackrrowlcdged before me [--") t i.r. ) was l-'rr t.Jf L-(\ Successor my hand by 'r'.' \'"-L ,), n'c )/: t as duly ac knovr I ed g ed before me this '-gas Vicr, Pres iden c Sadet.a;t of PUBLTC and/or Assignee official seal. Lary P this l\+\ Pres identof VAIL to, and n COUNTY ss. f,t1,."i,I':i\:,1:i' l'.X*,",r '1,---:-::----.--:l Notaryr,'PubIic ; STATE OP COLORADO COUNTY OF The foregoing wt ilay pf \ r'Sr.,,191,4., I ana \ .,-1)r'. *q1 (-'t (-'i\, ASSOCIATES , INC. Wi tncss comrniss ion expires i"r i-' : :" -3- ss. My a-, OF COLORADO OT EAGLE 'lrand and official seaL. My conunission exPires /b2o 07? )) ss. ) (ll The foregoing was duly ack.rlowledged ,\efore me this 'nt'\tr day of . '.it(r'l: - ,.!97.1 , bY,, f.it, =',;..: ttr..[i(,;ir: \' in'iFgy\*^,- o! q,ne rown o! varr, a nrunrcrp?lic@y . ...r.Ji.'Y I "l I I {l ,=e i EXIiIBIT A A parE of LoE' a-in Block 5-B il .VAIL VILLr\GE' FIRSA FILING in the councy "t i"6fo-in the statc of Colorado' more ilt;i;ti;;-iY' acscr:'5cd .:; ror lorvs: Commencinq at the llorthirest corncr-of said Lot a' thence N 66018r0o" E.r""g-iri; liortirerly lil": of said Lot a 65 .4 5 f eet to an" 'I"i"-"oi"i -ot -le-ginning; thence -continuing arong t:he atores"ie';;";;;--qe'oo-e"ul; tfron"t s 85o15'52" E t26.64 reet; tneni! i-oi;oa;os" Y.roo'oo feet to a point of, intersectiorr witi"ih; ;;";;t;ii-liit of said Lot a; thence s 79oI?'00" hl B6.Eq eeet to a-Point of curvei thence on an anqre to the rignl'oi-si'22'48i'o"i irotg a curve to the right havins a radi,rs ";;;'60 iuot tntr i;;;;;ti ansre of 16003'12"' an arc distance or re'2I feeL..Lo t'pli"ti-intn6t' N 88oII'00" vl ss.50 feet; thenJi il-ii;ooioo" t'l gefio"ilti to the true point of beginning. ,..o ( Or .DNIIII]IT I] I I I lo. \FtY', or@l- r'ln..'Cy' . ' -:''Ov..u0 :i\: ':.:-t | '.: ,: '. = T_: l. ." .l .:- ; l'.',, . lr :::l . .9.. ii: i rY. 1l :h. t'. ,-..rt jli',j .l* . a.>; R.'',r '';' :.' : . .. t ,''.... : :':,'.:\, ., :,,3 *.;,'.t:.;.ii,.'',' .. .:'-':: ..:. ..';;r-i,. .i_ ,...,, ... .. 1I .i;, . '..,,r, , ' ,: , ,,i;: t:-' ,':,;l;.ii-ri==1...i, \:.i,i:.e- ;,1.-r; ' ..,.,.: ..,.-'i,.: ... ,":t#:.*.-:ti.;,'*'' r\'1 :; ''1. : 'r';;. ., , i ',i^' ,':: ' t ; .. '.i :'' i.tpr:i;ii.ii \,..'.'. : , . . : ..;.'.......:'''.:j: j.' j. ' ,.1;-. li..:ii :.,.'':'.:"'1-'''L.;.' ) ;:- -- -.. | . i.-.: "' I , I._. ..-..-.._l , ,... I | ,l "l I I t. i I I i I fc. C'.-l \i. Irrlr{i vi oc, co,€.i .qlr- E 8€ EF !?OZ *: =t5 >'88; Bgl,..(, ii HtrT a/). F{ cof)t'lctrl ir$,$t; trt rX - c.ro.- \.i X'r P.:i Hi::.\b\J !r. g'$ 't @ r lrJ (\'()'9 arr,l;l l;' tssF (N \6 l-:lcet,-+b-*'= $lu o -.\o'! tt\tt, \ur\ 7 z a ' F cJ \f ea. ! lrj oleeo BR\DGg ts ul "zJ'o c l! I 3 I 6 !I , 75 rculh frontage road Yall, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 oftlce of oommunlty development February 19, Lgg'l Mr. Duane PiperP.O. Box 5560Avon, Colorado gl_620 Re: Sitzmark Exterior Alteration Dear Duane: Below are additionar conments by Birr Andrews, Town Engineer, thatrelate to the Sitzrnark exterior alteration: 1. There is a najor icing problern on the warkway north of thesitzmark which_is.caused by roof runoff from-the buirding. Aplan.for roof drainage and walkway drainage should besubnitted. 2. A revocable right-of-way pemit shouldthe existing and proposed-encroachmentsincluding oierhanls.' 3. A title report should be subnmitted ineasements. Please let me know if you have any questions conments. Sincerely, r/ I !n I{ '-t lt .l InFr\\ r{ThKristan Pritz Town Planner KP:br be subnitted for allon Town property order to check about these o lown 75 south f?onl.ge road v.ll, colorrdo Ol6Sz (303) a76-7000 january 6, 1987 oltlce ol communlty dcvslopmenl Mr. Duane Piper Box 5560 Avon, Colorado 81620 Re: Sitzmark Exteri or Alteration Dear Duane: Even though the Sitzmark exterior a'l teration is in the process of being revised, the staff felt that it would be helpful to give you these comments concern ing the proposal : 1. A site plan at a scale of 1" = 20'that shows the area of the addition as wel'l as surrounding improvements such as Vajl Road, the two pedestrian bridges to the north of the project., sjdewalks and entranceto the Sitzmark parking structure shou'l d be submitted. This wi lI helpto determine the relationship of the project to the surrounding s'ite in more detai I . A site plan showing existing and proposed landscaping should be submitted. The staff was interested in seeing how the proposed exterjor alteration would affect the existing alpine garden and large evergreen on the west side of the Sitzmark. Complete revised elevations and floor plans for the project. 4. A sun/shade analysis should be submitted. The staff was concerned about the impact of the lodge additjon on sun on the north side of the building. 5. The staff recommended that the addition of the accommodation units be pushed to the south side of the build'ing and terraced as much aspossible to give relief to the facade. 6. The staff would like to emphasize that the existing large tree on the northwest corner of the property shou'l d be saved and incorporated jnto the new design. 2. 5. 7. The staff is considering the possibility of improvements to the eastern pedestrian bridge such as stone facing on the bridge abutment. andpossjble addjtional landscaping by the western bridge to be includedwith this exterior alteration. I would I ike to discuss these possi bi I i ti es wi th you. 8. The staff is also working with the Bel1 Tower building and Blu,s restaurant on a possible paver improvement project along the Gore Creekpromenade. Jeff l.linston is working on a possible plaza and streetpaving design for the area. As soon as this genera) concept is drawn up, the staff is proposing to hold a meeting among the property ownersin this general area. 9. It is suggested that you look at the possibility of expanding the retail frontage on the north side of the building. I hope these comments wjll be helpful to you in developing the revised designfor the Sitzmark. 0nce the revised drawings are submjtted. staff wi'l I be ableto give you a final Iist of connnents. If you have any questions about these comments, please feel free to call me. S i ncerel y, K'l'L{"h Kristan Pri tz Town P'l anner KP: br o 75 south fronlage road vall, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 October 1, 'l 986 offlce of communlty dcvelopmenl Mr. Bob Fritch Sitzmark Lodge 182 East Gore Creek Drive Va il , Col orado 8'1657 Re: Determination of designation of first floor real estate space Dear Bob: I am writing this letter to explain to you how the staff determined that the office space (now a ga1 lery) is located on a first floor level at the Sitzmark. The Commercial Core I zone district (Section 18.24.020) defjnes basement or garden level as "that floor of a building that is ent'i rely or substantially below grade." The first floor is defined as "that floor of the building that is located at grade or street level ." (18.24.030) The secondfloori s defined as "the second floor above grade within a structure." (18.24.040) Staff's opinion is that the location of the office space does not meet the definitions for basement or second floor levels. Our opinion is that the yogurt shop is on a basement or garden level . In between the basement level and second floor is the location of the potential real estate office.It is not possible to have two floors from the yogurt shop up to the office space so that the office would be on the second floor. This situatjon makes the office first floor space. Please note that the office space is a non-conform'i ng use. If the office use'is not resumed with'i n a year from when it was removed this surmer, the office use wi l1 no 'l onger be al I owed. I know that this is a complicated explanation! If you have any further quest'i ons on our decisjon, please fee'l free to calI me. Si ncerel y, I allv-,-t v),DI\rt0 l llfL Kristan Pritz Town Pl anner KP: brcc: Duane Piper l,lEttlO T0: FRolrl: DATE: RE: Y-t Sltzmark File Com Dev August 13, 1986 Vail Assoclates Real Estate The Vail Assoclates Rea'l Estate office, 'located on ground floor, ceased operatlon on or about August l, 1986. As a non-conforming use, the real estate office mry be re-introduced if done so by August l; 1987. ' foiHiuhnnit [: lff? 0 $ /530.o3totaT Pa:f-Ing Fee Vai1, Colorado, Af* b , ts9fi In installments after date, order of the Town of Vail atBuilding at VaiI, Colorado, PROJECT for value received,the Office of the I pronise to pay to the Finance Director, Municipal Down Pa)4nent with interest of ten percent peryearly installrnents as follows: The first installment of S the second installrnent of $ the third instalLment of the fourth install-nent of Dollars, annum on the unpaid balance,payable in due and payable on due and payable on due and payable on due and payable on $ $ It is agreed that if thj.s note is not paid when due or declared duehereunder, the principal and accrued interest thereon shall draw interestat the rate of 18 percent per annum, and that failure to make any payment,of principal or interest when due or any default under any incunbrance or agreement securing this note shal-l cause the whole note to become due atonce, or the interest to be counted as principal, at the option of theholder of the note. The makers and endorsers trereof severally waivepresentment for palment, protest, notice on nonpayment and of protest, and agree to any extension of tirne of paynent and partial payrnents before, at,or after maturity, and if this note or interest thereon ig not paid whendue, or suit is brought, agree to pay all reasonable cost's of collection,including reasonable attorneyrs fees. -i-fii-.JF"i ctF \-rFf i l__ ll i s-c* I I ln':urus f,,:=ir irl':l " j '-i -i iti i a.-}t:; _t r: i: r'r'lr.l Project Applicatlon j" t5 .F1 Proiect Name: Proiect Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect. Address and Phone: , zone CC I Design Review Board /:- /) D^r" 3" /5 '7? DISAPPROVAL fr; ..L ./,r .-,.L,.*./ Summary: Town Plann6r E statt Approval 1d_ -Uufft't THE SITZMARK LODGE 183 Gore Creek Drive Vail , CO T0: Design Review Board App'l icants for projects in CCI and CCII FR0M: Department of Cormunity Development Development proposals in CCI and CCII are reviewed by the Design Review Board with respect to Design Considerations as outljned'in the Urban Design Guide Plan. These Design Considerations address various architectura'l and landscape features. It is the responsibility of the applicant to demonstrate whether their proposal is complying with these consideratjons. The Design Considerations for the Village and Lionshead are available upon request. Please feel free to contact Tom Braun or Kri stan Pritz with any questions you may have. Vail Village l Roofs 2. Facades J.Bal coni es Wa11 surfaces are white adjacent surfaces. Balconies occur from the on the upper two leve1s. existing condition. Not applicable. stucco to match existing two expanded lodge rooms Railins detail matches Roof is of tar and gravel construction on a 2/L2 pitch ' Overhangs are 3t to 4t in length. Roof forms step down towards the street. Fascia ii aoorox. 16tt to 18t' thk' 4. Decks and Patios 5. Accent Elements This addition is meant to blend in with adjacent shapes and massesl therefore, no accent element is desired. 5. Landscape Elements Extensive landscaping is being done on the west side of the addi.tion in the design of an alpine garden. 7. Service Service exists through the garage area and will be widened approximately 8rr to improve vehicle access . Lionshead Heights and m'issi ng 2. Roofs Erarr{ac- ra'l 1 c 1c }rrrc' LIST OF MATERIALS NAME OF PROJECT: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: STREET AODRESS: DESCRIPTION OF P Addition (L4'XI7I footorint) to nest elevation of Lodee. 3 stories olus basement mech- =room- The following information is required for submjttal by the app'licant to the Design Review Eoard before a final approva'l can be fiven: A. BUILDING MATERIALS: TYPE OF MATERIAL COLOR Roof Qi,.lina Other l,{a l I Materl al s Fas ci a Soffi ts }li ndows y{lnoow lmm Doors u00r I rlm Hand or Deck Fl ues. : FIashings Chimneys match exist. (charcoal) rough red_qedar dark brovm -,;trasn Lnctosures Greenhouses 0the'r B. LANDSCAPING: Name PLANT MATERiALS: PROi'OSED TREES Common llame Refer to attached 1ist. Tar and eravel natch existing (tan) None Sfrcro Whi ta rough red cedar lX6 T&G cedar dark brown wood. orimed dark brown green at office none , none none Rails none galv- metal chareeal qt. ...' fh*te of Designer: pnone: Eotanical Name Quani ty EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED C,.rr., ",.,.1 orrr Fi r *lndjcate cal iper for deciducious trees. r 15r Indicate height for coni fers. (over ) Helen Fritch 476 500 z lr.l E trl t € Ro t1 H H HNHF{o oAFI+t , t tc r') !t zoHHH Q/ al <l $ $ ,9 Zl (92 -0l lrJ o (,2 6J:l6 sego |J uJ lz \l tr.l = Fc trJ oEG J 3 l!o GlllzEo(J \ J J 'x9 G @ TE 'H:oJ 'z>-O(l:_ lrJ SQ BR\DG L O $'l ${ \L ^ t.0 rr(t Ro t;l Htr HNHf.{ cn odFI {J . , 9'zl (9z I G UJ o (,z aJ o Nrt - .9'l'\r; Y(J lrJ il ltlJ o2 esgo -, tr,i.= =Jbl Ee.bl lr|ZO.GOoc(JO- JJ.' x 9c(D \ ,\?, trLl , =zc)J zJ-oe;H<x =- tr -( BR\D\' -zl'9 e9 SITZMARK I.,,ODGE GARDENS PI,ANTING LIST FIOWERING PIANTS Achillea sp. (Yarrow) Aethionena'Worley Rose'Allium sp. Alyssum sax. ,Conpacta,- Basket of Gold Alyssu"m wulfenianum Anacyclus depressus Androsace sarnentosa chunbyi Anemone silvestris (Windflower) Anthenis biebersteinLanaAquilegia aurea Aquilegia balkalensis Aquilegla caeruleaAguilegia elegantula Aquitegia flabellata I'Nana AlbartAguilegia flabellata punila Aguilegia jonesii aguilegia saximontanaAquilegia viridifloraAguilegia vulgaris plena Arabis alpina Arabis bryoides Arabis procurrens variegata Armeria cephalotes rubra Armeria maritima Armeria maritina 'hrarf Sea Pink, Artemesia frigida Artenesia stelleriana (Dusty MiJ.ler) Asperula gussonii Aster novi-belgii 'Alert' (Michaelnas Daisy)Aster novi-belgii'Audrey'Aubretia deltoides Aubretia deLt. 'Purple Gem' Bulbocodium vernun Canpanula cochlearifol ia Campanula formaneckiana Campanula garganica Campanula rotundifolia (Harebell) Cerastiun alpinun lantum Chamaecllparis pisifera plunosa ,Aurea Nana' Chrysanthemum alpinun Colchicun autumnale album Colchicum autumnale plenum Colchicun'Autumn Queen'Colchicurn'Waterlily' Coreopsis lance.'sunray' Cotoneaster apiculata 'Tom Thumb' Crocus 'Crean Beauty'Daffodil 'Geranium'Daffodil 'Ice Follies'Daffodil 'Thalia'Daffodil 'St. Patrick's Day'Daffodit 'Thalia'-1- Daffodil triandrus "il"Daphne alpina Delosperma cooperi Dianthus g. ,Tiny Rubies, Dianthus glaclalis ss. gelidus Dianthus haenatocalyx Dianthus mlcrolepis Dianthus plumarius rKarlik, DianthuE slmulans Dianthus spotii ,Spot, Dodecatheon pulchellum Draba rigida Dracocephalun botryoides Edraianthus pumilo Erigeron sp. Erigeron chrysopidis brevifolius Eriogonurn flavun Eschscholzia californica (California Poppy) Euphorbia polychrona (Cushion spurge) Euryops acraeus Gentiana sp. Gentiana sino-ornata Geranium endressii,Wargrave Pink, Geranium sanguineum (Red Cranesbill) Geraniun sang. lancastriense (Prostrate Cranesbill) Glpsophila repens'Rosea' Hebe cupressoides ninor Helianthenum canum scardicun Hel. ianthenun oelandicum Helianthemun nunm,Orange Sunrose, Helianthenum (White Sunrose) Heuchera sp. (Coral Bells) Heuchera cylindricaHlpericun reptansIris sp. (dwarf white)Iris danfordiiIrie nissouriensisIris reticulataIris setosa nana Lewisia cotyledonLilliun 'Enchantment'Linum sp. Linun alba Lobelia cardinalis (Cardinal Flower) Lotus corniculatum l{ahonia repens oenothera nissouriensis,Missouri Sundrops' Penstenon cardwellii Penstemon crandallii Penstemon davidsonii Penstemon digltalis Penstemon hallii Pensternon lateus roezii Penstemon'PraLrie Dusk, (Beardtongue) Penatemon plnifollus Penstemon pseudospectabilis PenEtemon richardsonii Penstenon teucrioides -2- Phlox 'Betty "r"*", O Phlox bifida 'Alba,Phlox rnultiflora Phlox sublata (lfhite) Phlox sublata (Pink) Phlox sp. (Native phlox) Picea glauca echiniformis Pinus mugo 'l{itsch Mini, Platycodon grandiflorus,Albus, (Balloon Flower)Potentilla hippiana (lufted Potentilla)Potentilla verna nanaPuIsatilla vulgaris Puschkinia lLbanotica Raoulia australisSalvia argentea Saponaria caespitosa Saxifraga caespitosa,Mossy, Saxifraga cotyledon Saxifraga moschata minor Sedum stelliforme Sernpervivum arachnoideum Sisyrhinchium nontanum (Blue-eyed Grass)Telesonix janesii Thlmus pseudolanuginosus Thlmus vulgaris'Argenteus,Trollius europaeusTulip 'Golden ltelody,fulip trirrmph ,Merry Widow' Veronica 'Ala-Dag'Veronica bonbycina Veronica incana Veronica latifolia 'Crater Lake Blue,Veronica lewinensis Veronica repensViola corsica Zauschneria garrettiae TREES AND SHRUBS Mahonia (Oregon Grape Holty) Genista lydia (Lydia Broom)Picea 'Montgonery'Abies concolor (White Fir) The current gardens surrounding the Sitzmark L,odge are planted with theplant materials listed above. lhese materials will be replanted in thealpine garden following construction, supplemented by larger shrubs (2-3ft.) and trees (4-5 ft.). The intent is to create a garden with regionaldistinction through the use of alpines and other native plant material. See list attached: Rocky Mountain Native Plants for Typical Garden Uses, taken from Rockv Mountain Alpines, by the American Rock Garden Society and Denver Botanic Gardens, Prepared for rrAlpines '86rrr the Second Interim International Rock Garden Plant Conference, Boulder. Colorado; published by Tinber Press, 1986. -3- l T COMMON NAMET Shadc Trces Common We8t€tn Cottonwood Narrowleaf Cottonwood Willow Green Ash Boxelder Hackberry BOTAMCAL NAME Populus sorgentii P, angustilolia Solix sp. Fraxinus pe nsyloanica Acer negundo Celtis occidentalis Pinus erlulis P. aristata P. flerilis luniperus scopulwum Abies concolor Populus trcmuloides Quercus gambelii Betula occidentalis Crataegus sp. kunus americana Alnus tenuilolia Acer gandidentatum Cornus stolonifera (C. sericea) Shephodia argentea Prunus melanocarpa Phy suatpus inte rmediu s Rhus glabra var. cismontana Cercocalus sp. Nbes aureum Herbaceous Flowet Borders and Beds COMMON NAME* Accent Shrubs Soapweed Thimbleberrv Serviceberrl Waxflower Rocky Mountain Maple Sandcherrv Gayfeather Yarrow Aster Penstemon Sulphur Flower Gaillardia Goldenrod Brown-Eyed Susan Mountain Common Juniper Kinnikinnick Oregon Holly Grape Pussytoes Wild Strawberrv Westem Virgin's Bower Westem Clematis Riverbank Grape Virginia Creeper Turf Buffalo Grage Kinnikinick Shooting Star Sulphur Flower Gentian Broomweed Perky Sue Mat Penstemon Townsendia Zauschneria Q*rrn*teGardeas 26L BOTANICAL NAME Yucca glauca Rubus deliciosus Amelanchier sp, Jamesia americana Acer glabrum Prunus besseyi Liattis punctata Achillea millelolium Aster sp. Penstemon sp. Eriogonum umbellatum Gaillardia aristata Solidago sp. Rudberckia hirta luniperus communis Arctostap hy los uaa-ursi Befteft (Mahonia) fews Antennaria sp, Fragaria ameriuna CIe natis ligustic if olia C, columbiana Vitis aulpina P arthenocixuc oitacea (!. inserta) Buehlci dactyloides Arcto staphylos uu a-urci D ode cathe on p ulchellum Eriogonum umbellatum Gentiana parryi Guttiernia sarothrae Hymenoxys acaulis Pensternon caespitosus Toutnsendia *scapa Z-aus chne r i a c oli f or n ic a Table 33.1. Rocky Mountain Native Plants for Typical Garden Uses lt fi Euergreen Trec Screens, Windbreaks, and Solid Masseg Ponderosa Pine Pinus pondercla Colorado Blue & Green Picea pungens Spruce Pinyon Pine Brietlecone Pine Limber Pine Colorado Junipcr White Fir Small Accent Trccs Quaking Aspen Scrub Oak Rocky Mountain Birch Hawthorns Wild Plum Mountain Alder Big Tooth Maple TalI Shrubs lot Foundalion ot Bcckgrounil Plentingc Red Twig Dogwood Buffaloberry Wegtem Chokecherry Ninebark Rocky Mountlin Sumac Mountain Mahogany Buffalo Currant Artemisia sp. Potentillo fruticosa (Pentaphiiloides floibunda) Rhus trilobata Rosa sp. Chrysothamnus tuuseosu9 Ribes cercum ColoradoColumbine Aquilegiocaerulet I-out Epreadlng Plants lor Ground Cooer I Climbing Plants fot Ecnces and We s Ground coaers anil low perenaials fot rock getdcnl Alpine Columbine Aquilegia saximontana Wild Yarrow Achillea lanuloso Iout Ehtubs lot Fourdation Plortings, Beds, anil Borderc Sage Potentilla Three [.eaf Sumac Native Roge Rabbitbrush Squaw Currant -All namee used here are consietent with nomenclature in Med The Natives, by M. Walter Pesman (1975). o o lnwn OwN*,Phone NumbqsArc! 479-2rs8 4na$9 75 routh frontage roed vrll, colorado 81657 (303) {76-7000 ofllcc of communlly d.uolopmcnl February 14, 1989 Mr. Duane Piper P.O. Box 5560 Avon, Colorado 81620 Re: Sj-tzrnark Lodge Dear Duane, At their public meeting of February 13, L9Bg, the Town of VailPlanning and Environmental Conrnission unanimously approved yourrequest for an exterior alteration, on the southwest corner ofthe Sitzmark Lodge, with the following conditions: 1. That the 15' evergreen tree be relocated to Torm property, south of the pedestrian bridge over core Creek, innediatelynorth of the Sitzmark. 2. That tbe Design Review Board analyze the proposed landscaping for this addition, as well as the relocation ofthe tree, as mentioned above. Enclosed is your receipt for the exterior alterationapplication fee. If you should have any guestions please feelfree to call me at 479-2138. Sincerely, /1-/* n&lr Mike MoIIica Planner II llM: sur'Enclosure with findingspublic health of no grantor welfare. Motion: Grant Riva - Ittove that request be approved as subnittedof special- privilege, no detriment to approval,unit, with above Second: Pam Hopkins Vote: 3 - 3 (Note: A tie vote is deerned a denial) 4. Pierce/Fritzlen - Rezoninq: Presentation by Mike Mollica. Recomrnendation for approval based upon Land Use Plan, surrounding zoning and allowance for an enployee housing unit. Motion: Diana Donovan -staff memo. Second: Sidney Schultz Move reconnendation of approval per Vote: 6 - 0 5. Pierce,/Fritzlen Variance to Minimum Lot Size: Staff presentation by Mike MoIIica. Recornmendfeels there is a benefit to adding an employeea condition that the Town Council approve the referenced re-zoning. Vote: Motion: Donovan - Approve per staff memo, noting theGiffifons oi approvat. Second: Peqqy Osterfoss Sitzrnark Staff tation by Mike Mollj-ca. Recommendation for apl5Eoval with condition that the existing large spruce tree be relocated on site. Duane Piper - Representing the applicant, nade a briefpresentation regarding uraintenance and space needs. Theexisting tree does need to be renoved to accornmodate theaddition. The applicant wishes to expand the al.pine garden landscape concept and feels smal-ler trees would conplinentthat type of landscaping better. With regard to parking Duane feels that the creation of a new parking space by removing the boiler should cover the required parking of the addition. Bob Fritch, the Sitzrnark owner spoke to the Iandscaping issue. Diana Donovan - Feels the buitding needs some tall vertical landscape elements. DRB should examine this. Pegcrv Osterfoss - Seconded the motion.motion followed.Discussion of the arification of Motion: Until we (PEC) find out what the State approve.Hi way Department wants and will Votei 3 for, 1 against, 2 abstain McMahan - Asked for a clarification of th PEC motion. He u1d like clear direction as to what rmation the h tal should present. Discussion A decision 3/27/8e. f this issue followed. made to have a work session n this issue on 3. McCue Vari presen tion by Kristan tz. Staff recommendsper sta f memo regard criteria and findings. plicant an owner gave his present,ation . A11 ighbors agree that the variancein the area. None areial privilege, many adjacent valopposed. This is hornes already have itions. BiIl Pierce - Propert was zoned while in Eagle a v annexed to Town, and not be properly zoned.le except to adjacentencroactunent is not IS have no problem. Sidnev Schultz -Apparentl was not presentthe previous variance handled wi Staff denial Robert McCue -_------.-.--:---requesE,rng apprwill inprove pr lstaf f , County, Deck owners who est, however,addition could be encroachnenti" out this degree Diana Donov'an - Feels direction council was that 250square fc6t addition should not a ow variances to this degree.,,' Distance between building is too close. comments regarding the 250 Riva - Agrees with direction at PEC duringdo feel thatof however, given attitude ofvote in favor of this. from Council andrs and low irnpact, giv neigI would Jiur Viele - Agree with Grant for a little fferent reason. Persuaded that variance criteria are being'.net so couldvote for it. ,t Sidnev Schultz - Was staff atrare of the creation of a newparking space through this application? Peter Patteq - Responded to Sidneyrs question with aaGusslon of the -intention of the CCI zone d.istrict withregard to parking. Motion: Donovan - Approve per the staff memo, tree rnust be re:-oElEea nelr peaistrian bridge. oie to look atlandscaping closely. Second: Grant Riva Vote: 6 -0 Vail Mountain School: Staff presentation ofPritz. Recornmendation will Conditional Use Pernrit by Kristanis for approval with conditions: l-. CDOH approval of relocated bike path.2. Rockfall nitigation prior to building perrnit.3. Irrigation of landscaping on CDOH property willrequire CDOII approval . Vail Mountain School - Variance requests for site coverage and front setback (parking). Kristan Pritz gave the staffpresentation. Staff recommendation is for approval , therequests are reasonable and the site can handle the variances. John Milan (Architect for the project) - Presented asection drawing through the parking/bike pathr/berrn area. The CDOH has verbally approved the bike path on the stateproperty and will follow-up with a letter shortly. He discussed the possible rockfall hazard at the site and alsopresented the landscape plan for the project. Grant Riva - Overall scherne is good. Traffic circulationis also good. Pleased with project and is in favor. Pesqv Osterfoss - Questioned rockfall nitigation. I{iIl gyrnwall be able to handle the blow from a falling boulder? ,fohn Milan - Woodward-Clyde is the geologic consultant anddo further study, however, the rear wall of the qym.be designed to nitigate any rockfall. Peqqrr Osterfoss - Overall plan is a positive irnprovement.Are all those parking spaces needed? John Milan - Not really, but it will be buffered bylandscaping. o -1. Dian4 Donovan - Have bike path curve around the existinge;aes, Iim;a of just a slraight shot. cars may be paikedtoo close to the soccer field. DRB should look at landscaping. Sidnev Schultz - Questioned the verLical separation betweenthe Frontage Road and the bike path? John Milan - About 6t or 7t. Jirn Vlele - Mountain School has been a good neighbor. RunEIEath- as originally planned and do iot reloiateexisting trees. Motion: Grant Riva - Conditional Use Pernit, approve assulrnEEd-with conditions 1 - 3 listed-in staff merno. Second: Diana Donovan Vote: 5 - O (Pan Hopkins abstained) Motion: Diana Donovan - Approve variances per staff neno Second: Peqqv Osterfoss vote: 5 - o (Pan Hopkins abstained) 8. Vail Run Satellite Dish - Variance Request: Rick Pylnan - Presented the staff memo. Staff recommendation is for approval. Hardship has been shown and it would not be a grant of special privilege. Color iswhite. Motion: Peqqy Ost?Tfo?s - Approval of variance. DRB shouldreguire additional landscape screening if tennis bubble is ever renoved. Second: Grant Riva vote: 5 - 0 9. Bed and Breakfast Ordinance: Peter Patten - Updated the PEC on the progress of the Bed and Breakfast ordinance. a TO: FROM: DATE: SUB.TECT: UEMORANDI'M Planning and Environmental Cornmission Conmunity Developrnent Department February 13, 1989 Reguest for an exterior alteration on the southwest portion of Lot A, Block 5-8, VaiIVillage First Filing (Sitznark Lodge), to expandtwo acconnodation units and expand lodgeoperations and reservations space. Applicant: Mr. Bob Fritch/Duane Piper I. The Proposal The applicant is requesting an exterior alteration andaddition at the Sitzmark lodge, which would inctude thefollowing improvements incorfioiated into a four-levelvertical expansion at the southwest corner of the lodge: 1. Addition of a new mechanical/boiler room, at thegarage (lowest) level . This expansion would be 14'6nX 17'O'r in size, for a proposed footprint size of 246.5 square feet. 2. Expansion of the main level lodge operations/reserva-tions areai addition of 246.5 square feet. Expansion of a second level accommodation unit by l-53square feet. Expansion of a third level accommodation unit by 153 square feet. 5. The addition does reguire removal of a 15, sprucetree. The applicang has proposed to relocate the treeto the Alpine Garden in Ford Park. II. Zonincr.Considerations The following summarizes the zoning statistics regardingthis exterior alteration reguest: 1. Zone District3 Commercial Core I 2. Lot Area: O.4O77 acres,/L1 1759 square feet 3. 4. 3.Densitv: Allowable dwelling units = 1Oi or 2O A.U.Existing dwelling units = L8.5 (1 D.U. + 35 A.U. ) 4.GRFA: 5.Site Coveraqe: (.80 of lot Allowable =Existing =Current Renaining Proposed = Proposed dwelling units = (.80 of 1ot area) Allowable = L ,ZO7Existing L3,L97Current Rernaining = 1,OLO Proposed = 305 704 No change square feetsquare feet square feetsguare feet s. f. remainder;if new additionis approved area)L4,2O7 sguare feetL2,535 square feet = L,672 sguare feet 246.5 square feetL,425.5 s.f. remainderiafter proposed expansion6. Heiqht: The Design Considerations for Vail Villagereguire that up to 60* of the building have a naxirnunroof height of 33t or less, and that no more than 40?of the building have a naxinurn roof height of 43r.The height of this proposed addition is 32, at itshighest point and the roof tapers down to 3Or. 7. Parkinq: Parking for this proposed expansion will beaddressed by the applicant paying into the Townparking fund for CCI . II. Compliance With The Purpose Section of the CCI Zone V The Comrnercial Core I zone district is intended to providesites and to maintain the unique character of the vailVillage conmercj-al area, with its mixture of lodges andcommercial establistrments in a predominantly pedestrianenvironment. The Cornmercial Core I district is intended toensure adequate light, air, open space and other amenitiesappropriate to the pernitted tlpes of buildings and uses.The district regulations in accordance with the VaiIVillage Urban Design PIan and Design Considerationsprescribe site developnerit standards that are intended toensure the maintenance and preservation of the tightfycrustered arrangements of buildings fronting on pedestrian ways and public areenways, and to ensure continultion ofthe building scale and architectural qualities thatdistinguish the Village. This proposal, as a minor addition, is in cornpliance withthe intent of the purpose of the CCI zone district. t' ,,V-Ifi. Compliance With The Urban Desiqn Guide Plan For Vail r The following Cuide Plan concept relates to this proposal: No. 288 Building Expansion. Suilding mass should bestepped back to the soutlr to preserve and frarnedown-valley views, as designated in the viewcorridor map. Infill of parcel will help - / enclosure of Checkpoint Charlie Circle.ru 25. Cgrnpliance With The Urban Desiqn Considerations For VaiIViIIaqe 1. Pedestrianization This addition will have no impact upon pedestrian circulation within the Vail Village area. 2. Vehicular Penetration This addition will have no irnpact upon vehicularpenetration within the Vail Village area. 3. Streetscape Framework The Design Considerations strive to irnprove thequality of the watking/pedestrian environment bypromoting the use of landscaping, berns, grass andflowers as a linkage along pedestrian routes. As Willow Bridge Road is one of the nain pedestrianroutes into the Village, the staff feels that nature landscaping in this area is a necessity for the enhancement of the pedestrian experience. Inaddition, the Commercial Core I Zoning states that t'no reduction in landscape area shall be pernitted withoutsufficient cause shown by the applicant or asspecified in the Vail village design considerations'f. (18.24.170) An existing 15, spruce tree will have to be relocatedas a result of the p.roposed addition. Staff feelsthat the tree should either be relocals6 irnrnediatelyto the west of the addition, or into the planter areajust south of the parking garage access, and shouldnot be relocated off-site. I 5. The guidelines emphasize that building facade heightsnot be uniform fron building to building and that theyshould provide a comfortable enclosure for the street.This proposed expansion will provide a stepped back appearance to the southwest corner of the lodge aswell as contribute to the street enclosure in theCheckpoint Charlie area. Street Edqe This criteria encourages buildings in the Village Coreto fonn a strong but irregular edge to the street. The proposed addition will meet this criteria, however limited in scale, due to the scope of theproj ect. Buildinq Heiqht This proposal has no inpact on building height. 7. Views 4.Street Enclosure This proposal will have 8. Service and Deliverv No inpact. 9. Sun/Shade This proposal will notspring and fall shadowor on the public ROW. Staff Recommendation no inpact on views. substantially increase thepatterns on adjacent properties 6. v. Staff recommends approval of this request for an exterioralteration. We feel that the proposal complies with al} ofthe applicable design considerations of the Vail VillageUrban Design PLan. Staff recommendation for,approval includes the followingcondition: That the applicant agrees to relocate the spruce tree asstated above (Streetscape Framework), and that theapplicant suburit a letter of credit in an appropriate amount, which would ensure the safe relocation of the tree,including a l.-year rirarranty period beginning on the date ofrelocation. It H (, Ro l.t H4 EN F{ d osf I t{oo F CNul = ,..-..,..:4.._+C'l:l .s{6 trr f-o (: C (i\: 6 6 -T I I I I ---l-: -fe_ G TF :)o U' Ti 71 o 6lC f,*/-,t"r"<- V.< A A./r* G4^-/r* ta * f;t sh,/ .14 )-;^ .- H* beZ 4er,b'u- ,% ) a* ,,24'A;-. A7'4 b G*-t 7 Ut"r;*J- T L ,Tr-'.F /&a^t'-h1 ltu| % ,UlF't /+'< J b;^) b-o nr r-*<Mfr/ h,( tr ,"./ ,"/rid- - ,r,.^"-n'*',- 'h rt'l' 14/-v ' ./t4 ErcA at*b fu^A aoVrJ4 Fz<- C"Z^J.^44-- 5;t=n^*K eX,:f . 154 68FA ( ,,*+ ^-^)Y 6KF+ jx 2 ^tsooo :. = 3t5f /53 f {4seo .4 ,3t9 (^"\ .',:n o*r'4 ,r .7 bg No a/J,4-l fr A a-J.-l f ,,a,; r'l lrni^ :t T-.*(*/ -4e4 *a-o-cr-. -\//tt-14.r42+b\\_- -) nf,sfrr E/fh,J.l A( '/'4 ,4 \o-^e- ^ /+ * \ o { 4 "> 33' lL -4.^ /4 Al';a 33' a.J 43t /oo %-O- z Go, ^*\ (o* -*\ _4. Op E a .C !tFotoaq G'oo Decenber 10, 1988 I"like Mollica, Town Planner O Office of Community Development Al Town of Vail P 75 S. Frontage Rd. W. O Vail, C0 81657 oo!,|o Io! I0ac deleniated. 2) Have indicated additional detail to the south elevation. 3) F1oor plans now indicate line of expansion. 4) Sun/Shade studies for Dec. 21 and Jun 21 in morning hours.It should be noted that no shadow is cast after noon. 5) I have overlayed a photo wi.th a line sketch of the new expansion to show simple mass forms. will also try to provide you with a clearer site plan as soon as can get it reproduced. find this all in order. Duane Piper \ A\ € Re: Sirzmark Lodge Exrerior Alreration \t., I>< h Dear l"like:/\Jg - + E- rn response to your l-etter of December 7, LgB8, please find the n f aconpanying drawings and study data as follows:\,9 O 1) Havenofisdthe elevations as ttnew additionrrand further Slncerly; FE-c JLa E€ctro! oo ebe ft\4 Jrfr.ts 4J nU" 44 L €zJA /9btu A!4i€re r At4'AttW W ff41 Flrtl fu,?l Vrury (-tbterrb ++d #1+ il4q OwNewPhone NumbsAd 479-438 4n-2139 75 toulh trontage road vall, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 offlcr of communlly dcvrlopmcnl December 7, 1988 Mr. Duane Piper Box 5560VaiI, Colorado 81658 Re: Sitznark Exterior Atteration Dear Duane: This letter is intended to docunent our phone conversationtoday in which you agreed to follow-up on the following iternsby the end of this week: ,''t. Highlight all eLevations of building to clarify theproposed addition. '/2. South etevation needs to show more of tbe existingarchitectural details (i.e. window patterns, etc.). /3. Floor plans - Label area of proposed addition and anyexisting wall-s which are proposed to be removed. ,/ a. Provid.e a graphic sun/shade analysis, as diEcussed. /5. Provide a more detailed view analysis (i.e. photos with overJ.ays of proposed expansion). 6. Provide a cleaner copy of the site plan, detailing theproposed landscaping, with sizes of all proposed plantrnaterials labelled. If you should have any questions regarding these itens, pleasefeel free to call rne at 479-2t38. Sincerely, nA nra;- '' Mike Mollica Town Planner e November 27, 1988 THE SITZMARK LODGE Remodel and Additions 183 Gore Creek Drive Vail , Colorado PROPOSAL The Sitzmark Lodge requests an addition and improvement to the existingfacility. The addition is described as a four level- vertical expansj-onstatting with the basement and/or garage level and locat.ed on t.he wesE faceof the 1odge. Garage Level: Construct a new rnechanical room (14r X 17t) of 238 s.f . Ihe existing boiler is 18 years old and is requiring increased maintenence. The plan is to install a series :f "::".l:'l-;:f lilHI.::':il",::[:ll.:1",::H. "u+i:':;.::u gained by this demolition will become a ner{ ent.rance to the lodge frorn the garage and one additional parking space. Main Level: This 1eve1 reflects the same footprint as the mechanical room below; adding 238 s.f. The space will be used to improve lodge operations and reservatj.ons. Second Level: I":::;'il'"1;:';r'ill llri"i*!13'i:1";i::"Tiiroi"'l;u".. Third Level: A lodge roorn wi.ll reflect the same addition as noted on the second 1eve1 . The landscaping will be reestablished as medium height,'shrubs at the base of the expanded wa1l line and an alpine garden landscaping reaching to the streetedge. The 15t spruce t,ree must be relocated; the owner is requesting thaL it be moved to the Vail Alpine Garden in Ford Park. VAIL VILLAGE MASTER PLAN The proposed improvements do not address any specific sub-area infi11. However, guest accomodations and general lodge operations are improved by these proposed expansions. These additions address a general policy consj.deration for betterpublic accomodations in CCI as per the goal statements of the Land Use Plan. PEDESTRIANIZATION No impact. VEHICULAR PENETRATION No increase in traffic is foreseen except for the activity generated by the added parking space. STREEISCAPE FRAMEI{ORK Actual streetrs edge w111 be unchanged. Leading edge of new expansion is approxinatel,y 2Ot fron curb. Buil-ding face wil"l be softened by nediun height shrubs. SIREET ENCLOSIJRE Enclosure to I'lillow Bridge Road is mininaL. The width from Sitzmark Lodge to Sommere lodge ls approximately 100 feet. The new addition expands toward Wi1low Bridge Road by 14 feet. The mass of the new addition steps back at the second and third levels to lessen any inpact of the structure. VIEITS Very llttl-e effect on views occurs with this addltion. The new structure 1s within an existing roof line wa11 line of the adjacent elevator. SI'N / SHADB Shadow from the new addition faLl within the e:iisting buil"ding mass. No detrimental shadlng occurs as a resuLt of this expansion. ZONING STJMI.{ARY DEIiISITT (25 units per acre) Allowed dweLling units: L0 du or 20 au Existing density: 1 du + 35 au = 18.5 du No change requested / GRFA: (.80) .. Al.lowed : 14 ,207 s.f . r'^ Existing: 13,L97 s.f .{ ,Proposedz Z?q<s.t.3?6 t-E;f . (Renainirirg..after addition) = ?01 f SITE C0VEMGE (.80 of site area) AlLowed: 14,207 s.f.Existing: 12,535 s.f.Proposed: 238 s.f. 1,434 s.f. (Rernaining after addition) HEIGHT @7a Ttre Urban Design Consideration requiree thatl0f of be at a height of up to 33t' and,ffi. of the roof area43'. 40% The helght of the nerr addition is an average of 321 33r to 31. | ). the roof area may be 33r to (sloping fron PARKING Mechanical space not covered by parking requirements. Office space reguires 1 parking space per 250 s.f. Net increase: L space. I{o increase in number of accomodation units. Additlon will increase number of parking spaces by 1 stall. APPLICATION TORM OR !,IODIFICATIONS IN o".!, Application FOR EXTERIOR AITERATIONS COMMERCIAL CORE I (CCI) rr/27 /88 I.This procedure is required for alteration of an existing building which adds or removes any enclosed floor area or outdoor Patio or replacement of an existing building shal1 be subject to review by the Planning and Environmental Connission. The application will not be accepted until all information is submitted. A. NA.l'lE OF APPLICANT Bob Fritch / The Sitzmark Lodse AD6RESS 183 Gore Creek Drive. Vail. Cotorado PHONE 476 5001 NAME OF APPLICANTIS RXPRESENTATIVE ADDRESS Box 5560. Avon. Colorado - PHONF:949 7074 c.NAME OF OI}IER SIGNATURE ADDRESS 183 Gore Creek Drive. Vai1. Colorado PHONE 476 500r D. "I,OCATION OF PROPOSAL ADDRESS_fffLGore_Creek_Drine-_ Vai .l . Colorado LEGAL DESCRIPTION Rl ^"k 5-R, V;i 1 ,Vi 1 l agF Fi rsr- $100.00 PAID II'IPROVEIIENT SURVEY OF PROPERTY SHOWING PROPERTY'LINES AND LOCATION OF BUILDING AITD AI{Y IMPROVEMB{TS ON THE LAND. B. rEEE. F. G.A LIST OF IHE NA.I'{E oF oIINERS oF suBJEcrI pRopERty and their mailing ATL PROPERTY ADJACENT TO TTIE addresses. Ir. Four (4) copies of a site plan containing the following information: A. The site plan shall be drawn on a sheet size of 24" x 36" at a scaleof I"'=.20'i a variation of the sheet size or scale may be approvedby the Cornmunity Development Department if justified; (pri Bob Fritch HIf,BRIOR ALTERATION FOR CCI ADJACENT PROPERTY O!ilNERIS The Sitzmark Lodge Block 5-A Vail- V1llage First Filing ,Vail, Colorado Charles Rosenquiet 231 E. GoBe:Crebk Dr. Vail, C0 Lodge Properties, Inc. 174 B. Gore Creek Dr. Vail, Col-onado Village Ceiler Assoc. 124 Willow Bridge Road Vail, Colorado DonaLd Za1e, Pres. Snmnrer ! s Lodge Assoc. 1445 Ross Ave. Suite 2600 Dallas, TI 75202 rL/27 /88 PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Connission of the Town of VaiI will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the municipal code of the 2. Town of vair onffi at 3:oo PM in the Town of vail Municipal Building. Consideration of: A request for an exterior alteration in Commercial core I in order to remodel the Sitznrark Lodge. 183 Gore Creek Drive, L.ot A, Block 58, Vail Village Lst Filing. Applicant: Sitzroark Lodge A request for a variance to the number of satellite dishes allowed on one lot in order to locate an additional dish on the Vail Run property. 1000 North Frontage Road West, Portion of Lot 10 & Lot 11, Block C, Lionsridge Filing 1. Applicant: Ciscorp 3. A request for a conditional use permit, a variance for parking in the front setback and a site coverage variance in order to construct an addition to the VaiI Mountain School . Lot l-2, Block 2, Vail Village 12 Filing, 3160 Frontage Road East. Applicant: Vail Mountain School 4. A request for a conditional use permit in order to construct an addition and a parking structure to the Vail Valley Medical Center. Lot F, Vail Viltage 2nd Filing, 181 West Meadow Drive. Applicant: Vail Valley Medical Center 5. A request to amend Special Development District #14, Doubletree Hotel. 25O South Frontage Road West. Lot 2, Block 1, Vail Lionshead, 2nd Filing. Applicant: Vail Holdings, Inc. The applications and information about the proposals are available in the zoning administrator's office during regular office hours for public inspection. TOWN OF VAIL COMMT'NITY DEVEIPPMENT DEPARTMENT Published in the Vail Trail on January 27, 1989. 75 roulh tronhgc ro.d Yril, coloT.do E16S7 (303) 476-7000 Noveuber 2t, 1984 l1r. Robert FrltchSltznark Lodge 183 East Gore Creek DrlveVal1, Colorado SLG1T Dear Bob, Re: Loadlng Zone Sltznark Lodge once agaln, congratulatlons on vhat shourd be a flne addltlonto the vlllage. Pleaee feel free to call ne vlth any questlonsyou nay have. Slncere ly, Ron Phllllps Tovn Manager RP: br r have ^revleved.your request to use the seven loadlng zone spacescest of the sltzmark for sltznark parklng exclus-lvely. The ?re3. you are referrlng to ls Tonn of vail land lntended forloadlng anal short-term publlc parklng. For the Toun to allonyour guests the rtght to uee these ipaces nourd be a grant oispeclal prlvllege. consequently, r in unable to acco-nnodateyour request. r would llke to -connend you on your plans for the addltion toyour-bullding. rt provldes you -r'rtn leoo square reet or vrraishould be extrenely vtable coinerclar space. itso, as reconnended Py tne vall vtltage urban Deslgn Gulde -plan, this addltlon wrlllnprove the walklng experlence-for the pededtrlan ln the vrll;;;: 4 Sitzrnarlr Il,odge November 19, 1984 Mr. Ron Phillips Town ivlanager Town of VailVail, CO 81657 Dear Ron: As r am sure you are aware, we are in the process of adding commercialspace to the front of the Sitzmark Lodge. This project is part of the Town master plan, the objective of which was to eliminate parking inthe pedestrian area and to narro\^r the west end of Gore creek Drive togive a better feeling to the pedestrian area. There are precedents for using some of these spaces for parking otherthan l5-minute loading. The checkpoint gatekeeper was allowed to parkhis car there this summer during the time he was working. The police arking in general . _This is all bu=-b-qot roi a 1o{geE-6Fd-Thc--park Yeat Arcund Besort Lodging or gues department, on a number of occasions, has given letters of permission I?:-:"t-".i1'1- 91:o:ig-!l?l:: -Th: !?ltl"lill t, i' _.h:ir. redevel0pHat +.plans, was given permissi-on to provide almost no parking, thus P4'-allowing them to use their land. to produce a higher income. Sj_nce' r) lhcw nra a.rrrt<!e frnrn iha rr:r'Lih- 6+Ftr^+,r,^ +lra.r a+i'r'l -*a al.'r ^ +^ a*Y"they are across from the parking structure, they still are able to odY>|,^ provid.e their guests with conn"iient free parkiig in the surnmer. ffi; space was intend C-r.."Z/-9./' 4r] ;.n ,)l f,-7N/-l/{/ .1:--"t t*' v z/t-4/ u' - r realize that the idea of paying for parking for added commercj-al commercial space, ED 183 Gore Creek Drive r Vail, Colorado 81657 r (303) 47S5001 r^<./<.-f 1 +^ Mr. Ron PhilJ.ips - November 19, 1984 - page 2 I am asking for this parking on a space-available basis andonly in the summer. PJ-ease give serves thediscuss it Sincerely, Robert F. Owner RFF/hf this your consideration, keeping in need of our guests in Vail. I wouldfurther with you at your convenience. mind what best be glad to h'- --// b SPACE AVAII,ABLE NEEDED 30 +1.44 31.44 - .53 +12. 33 - 2.L {1.t4 GRNiIDTATITERED 1979 took 2 spaces away Added 432 eq ft Added 6 epaces BAI,AI{CE 1984 Reducing commerical space 159 sq ft (ozzies) Added 3700 sq ft Take away 7 spaces Parking credit for 3 roomS BAI,ANCE SHORT -{- Io.Q 11. @ 30 + 34 +4 -7 33 8.14 z.( /''-""-- /.{. s //,5 \ './''.- '.-... INTER-DEPARTI4ENTAL REVI El,l PRO,JECT: DATE SUBMITTED: COI4,|ENTS IIEEDED BY: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DATE OF PUBLICE HEARING: e:);); /*/ /- €a-'."'*"-:J ^'o!'/'*' Date: Comments: ez>leZt.t.vq-- lzz'2 eAa 3, {gS -Zz*n2/.2''J4aaa etu/2reza-1". '-/ a.a: - , -,/,y-y' z,-<).-/) ---./ .-- --,- ,.a- -trt.z <-, r *--f --- --: ./ / J :.- ?h,.2)<.7/a.- <f aear?n -vd 7/atu'z:>J z2ii u8 <- ,z 7o 3 -,e-e'4'et"/- ./'-- / ,. -^ t n/,y-y' z--<t zt,coJ -- -L '2a- .*zt>t,4 <-- A, ;)" c,,-z'!--' /o *" t'rt'uae a; i!,. :: f :::;:f- :; 4 pOltfe oepnnfuenf z.J'- / az,"./j Gtt E'ta-*t- /Y€y',&,va{' (-/ PUBLIC I'J0RKS Reviewed by: Corunents: FIRE DEPARTMENT Reviewed byz .rV:sg r/aAe/ Reviewed by: Comrents: TotlN ATToRI,IEY Reviet,led by: Comrents: RECREATION DEPART}IENT Revialed by: Corments: Date: ,/A - / 7' a4/ --.-_*- Date: Date: - Z;rnu,d Date: oo 2g- 4"1 11,rm{ /\l4 Xtet\ac ,] b;Nr\a IA -0arc0.r, fl \u"^hoil c.Qx-tl ^--i .^ !*& C*,o({ l,*)*"9[ f, ,^t',il LU/ ./n /l ./ ,/ ( ) 7-t- drt- 1'1G 1 8' &."l',44 $M L B'-\: *-tT^' ["'("rl , 4l 'n *,r^Lrv.,d.n\rr \, , Jyn,L fl""*. I c.- (A+"r^ sc^/. ag&,Jiru, + ;^l-',+L -*--7 ;to-tvwyz '^,-rl / 1",,..-,,r trzthT ,-u;./,/."k /r(" nd/- an a J a/\L^ l- Arr[ , ,/*- c]rr,+*,rQaL;iA L ry*J vf 2- rhr4 /- .L.--' I o-b"rL-(I-- l' ,'4 thL ,/,, /rhry Jy\ \ r fC_- ,,{ , . o,..b/, /"- '.-- d- //r.*/^ "/an*"r,-' / -t I t Pl^L o],U -/* "",,.--,*lrcJ /Arr,-,d/ / hr, uL*L,* *l-'t* ,[,- lAI - .-*af c..'-rt,. { whwu* D "*^iJ ,^t^l +.. b:-r+. / AonI;Ya*k '\J /;^*-a_. ,1"".- - J" dl^ < poA,^t ,^ou,^^^^\r^hr^ &* C*\ 4{- T?J *\ +U- , fr 1{ ,'l[ il. L.L ,t*1 ' ,lt*-o [t o"*- ' *r-tJ- 5 e.rdihrvrl ptr* lA z-(- 0 "7y*9 o t* ^h*+l-t, o ['.;o{ , ; Qr1 ,f dJl$ 44q,.ttu/m^ dln,x- Ql^-y Ar^4 u^JU\f ',f ltu+tA /a-,r";*! +6 V^JrrVwL' F-F'- qtr|'F Prolect Application oare Aueust 13. 1984 Project Name: Sitzmark Lodge Commercial Addition Proiect Descriplien; One story conmercial addition w/ swirnming Fool atoF- Contact Person and phgns nrane PiFcr 9lQ-7O74 Owner, Address and Phone: Bel, Frirch 1,83 Main co-e Drive Vail . C0 476-sOOr Architect, Address and Phone: Wheeler Pi / Architecls Box 5560 Avon, C0. 81620 949-7074 - Legal Description: Lot 5B B lock Filing Vail Villase First Zone CCI Comments: Design Review Board Date -) oy: \Lra..-w= Motion by: Seconded DISAPPROVAL Date: I r Town Planner r\4\*1 Stafl Approval Ll57 of ltfiI€Rlnl5 iil:'!li 1)l' f'l(it.iljc't' SITZI4IIBILLODGE _CltMEBgIAt A_D_pJIIpN.__ l,l;(iAl, DIi.(;Cl(lP'flONl l,Ol' 58 UI,OCK l-'l r r rrr!l'I l. liib VaiL Villase First t)tis;ctr I t"il'r:ll 0p I'RuJlr;t' l'hc fo! lowing infornation is llourd bcl'orc a finaI approval A. BUILDIN(: l'{ TERIALS Roof Siding Other l{all lvlaterials rcqrrircd for subnittal by thc uppl icant to thc Dcsiln llcviewcarr be givcn: Type of tilirtcriol Color (Paint numbers: Ben Moore ) - Gacodeck - - Dk- Grgy N/A canoDv- Plaster Match exi stin Plaster Match existin -l^lood ' primed Sash #HC135 Rough Cedar Match existine Canvas Awning. _ Burgundy Red l,rla l kuay Go rryrf rlet-k) - Charroe 1 - Helen Fritch ( owner ) 476-5001 Botanical Name Cormon Name Fasc ia Soffits Windotrrs l{indow Trirn Doors Door Trin Hand or Deck Flues Flashings Chinneys Rails Trash Englosures Greenhous e s Other B. LANDSCAPING Name of Deslgner: Phone : PLANT MATERIALS TREES Si ze - Hdtrr. SIIRUBS Pnfpnfi I1a --!ga1 . GROTJND ' covERs s00 SEED o Kinnikinnick (Arctostaphulos uva-ur is \SQUARE F0OTAGE e 2eaL. SQUARE FOOTAGE TYPE SQUARE FOOTAGE TYPE OF IRRIGATION Automatic drip irriqation to roof planter. .. i-r f. TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL c. Other Landscape Features (retainlng wa]ls, fences, swlrmlng pools' etc.) Please speclfy. 1 F'l nucr hn-pe hnr,lo'. i ''' g lhe ra*I aL f rent fasGiai 2. Hot tub w-i th surrounding redwood deck. 3. Swimning pool. 4. Conc. b1\ck pavers bordering storefront. . Si.gnage under separate application. S..-r",^^^""K _!42_-- ---=;1:- =-=-:: -' -':' ) ?-Lk. d-ko \ i! |:\s) -L.".^Ll.- L,,& )Ts -Aq,-o af J"'^a ) K*r".4 Lr141;n,q => il t/,.".1/ /- Tnrat/urd' ( 4y'""Jd^^U^.5-- La c on{a..^.I* ?"c. "t. l* P.--l J- ,-r.,lL t (r,.,lr^S\ , , 4 o,a,,,... ^ fbh PrJ /"''4 .,e'n-'717V^"\,^\ acu .rer&'k r/*7 da. bn^.^ "$-? ,,r/ah^2oI oo 5\\-r-,^^*.V ^/jzoB,f +9 - l&.6'n--.l 17. (e -34-- 5/+tut /.s * S/,+ac-4 .+-<.. fiorr,,^ ? Jr^.-,^.rn. Ew- <l ./r*" ) ...---.-..---' t qv,oto Sitzmark Lodge Commercial Ad di t ion 183 Main Gore Drive Vail, Colorado Wheeler Plper / Architec t.s Box 5560 Avon, Colorado T0: Design Review Board Applicants for projects in CCI and CCII FROM: Department of Comrnunity Development Development proposals in CCI and CCII are revjerved by the Design Review Board w_ith respect to 0esign considerations as outlined jn the urban-Design Guide.Plan. These Design Considerations address various architectural and landscapefeatures. It is the responsibility of the app'l icant to demonstrate whethertheir proposal is complying with these considerations. The Design Considerationsfor the Village and Lionshead are available upon request. Please feel free tocontact Tom Braun or Kristan Pritz with any questions you may have. Vai'l Village 'l . Roofs Proposal differ:s frotn guidelines. Design j.s conceived as a deck/ balcony and not as a roof. This concept allows for lodge amenities, lover massingr and saves lodge rooms on second and third floors. 2. Facades Facade will develop fronr prinrary materials existing in the village; stucco, wood and brick. Col<.rrs will include existing plus a newr more vibrant range on the storefront. Fenestration will include glazed wood doors' paned _ wood windovs, a bay window and use of awning. Entries will have recess. 3. BalCOnieS Upper level plaza wil.l be one big balcony. Rail detail 1ill natch ex.is ! inB. 4. Oecks and Patios pl.aza does include 5. Accent Elements No deck or patio is planned for street leve1 . Upper 1eve1 Lhese features. Canvas ar,rnins could be considered as an accent. 6. 7. Landscape Elenents landscape addition. Service Service st reer access. PLanters at street and plaza 1evel provide adequate will be by garage level access and supplemented by Lionshead (dltro) I . Heights and m'essing 2, Roofs 3. Facades walls/structure Facades - Transparency ( over ) 4. (Piper left the table to present I uest for exterior alterations and f and to put a new aza wit commerc't a I space.r lr, -3- 7/23/84 itiona'l use rmit for the and aroen above remodel s item Tom Braun explained the request as Piper showed elevations, site plans and sections.Braun discussed concepts 24,25, and 2o of tne urban Des.ign.gu.iae'plan withrelation to the Sitzmark proposil. He then eipiainea rrow"it iompttea witn-tneurban Design considerations for vail vi'l'lage. p.iper, arihitect hor the project,stated that the staff had asked him to tabie this'item because he had submtlteaa nevr entrance design which was different from that which had been reviewed bythe staff. P'iper showed photos with.overlays that indicated where the additjon would belocated, and he described.the changei-to tt" entry.- in-ins*e. to the statementin the staff memo concerning viewi"aown-eoie ciiel orivel"ft felt that the clockTower and the Beil Tower lligadv utoircea td tiil;.- aob'r;it"h, owner of theSitmark Lodge, stated that the irnty view at present was the side of a mountain. Rapso4 would have liked to have seen the edge of the building moved back at the :lT.l-Ygie the pool was, and indicated this on i a"ining. -piper si.ia tnit-"-lney nao done some studies, and that moving back that much wou.lin,t change theresults, and that they had-atreaay giten up 300 square feet to break up the sideof the building that included the'riopr. He added that they were also two feetrrom-the propeity rine- iioJt-i'rss;;[il u';o;"'Ii"r""iiiil!, ,.y0" chansinsto slass. vie'te fett that this wii-i-iigntricant-imfr;;;;;i to the street, buthg yras somewhat concerned auout itre-vi"il tror-witiil Brru; Road. He fe.tt itmight be better pul led back jt ighiiy. 'rs ' r' ' r' ' L ll:f: :lg9:r!99 the placement of trees. piper asked to table to 8/13.. The vote was 4 ih favor,none aqainst with piper abffi -""-:':=- 5.uest for rior alteration in Commercial Core II 1n o un eDu pp rtcant: Sun 9e Tom Braun stated that he had gone over much of the memo at the site visit, buthe explained the general-prop6sa1. He itated that the staff recommended tablinqthe item until th6re coutb rb i worr"ieision. -frdui e*pi;i;d-;#d-;h;;.;;;;""5 areas of.concern, and he described the areas. He stated that he wanted someinput to give to the owners. The vote was 3 in favor The board adjourned at 5:00 pm to a work session on the sunbird. I and Envi ronmental Coruni ssionT0: . FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: 'Planning Conmunity Development Department August 7, 1984 Exterior alteration request to add approximatelyof commercial space and a rooftop pool and plaza Appl icant: Bob Fritch BACKGROUND ON THE PROPOSAL Th'is item was reviewed at.the July 23rd PEC meeting. A discrepancy in the drawingssubmitted for review required that the item be tabled. ltaff recoUUeldgltgn was for approval of this proposal, although a concern was-a16?JGTTf,;llockage'ffierar this isatlne proposal, but some changes to the roof form would result in an improvedproduct for the cormun'ity. Reaction from the Plann'i ng Comnission was very favora-ble toward this project. Thgre was concern by two of the four conmissionLrsgYgl+ry+€cicsan+xiews. uepulled back to minimize this impact. REVISED SUBMITTAL There are a number of changes on a Foremost among these is that cantilevered roofitation. 0ther c ges include the,entrance6ut to the revised drawings that should be noted. lled back from s. These modifica- iance with the Urban Design previous memol ) The staff's 3600 square feetto the Sitzmark Lodge expressed concern over the blockage was al so expressed by some members Roof Overhanq and Entrance Canop.v }lhile supporting this project, the staff hasof v'iews by the roof overhang. This concern 23rd meeting.. As proposed. the canoov wi]l extend above the level of the ng 0n tne dpcktog plaza. The staff would encourage the planning cormissionrailing on tlr! decktog bliza. Th-e stafto look at this element closel.y as we f gf !E Planning Cormission during the initial review of the project. to verhanq has lled back ximately 3'-4' on It was because of the canopy entry that this submittal was tabled from theJuly 23rd. merailing on t cess'r vecontributes to this reC Storefront Changes These minor changes have no effect on our prev'ious reconmendation. onse nd. , Ufin]-,o 'qolze taff is extremel leased to see this add sal. We wouldstronll acc date splantings. Relative to the planter are the pavers-9ed, the pavers@r.tne-plah'teF as a part of If the pavers went around the planteF,I anter, -Tt-woul d i denti could be addressedEne ptanter as aat the DRB level.However, the staff would qncouragq !!g_!-13!!ing Corunission this project. These two issues STAFF RECOMMENDATION The staff recommendation on this proposal ig As previously sitlr -2- 8/7/84 entry w'ill add as fy mentioned, we are concerned that the height the blockage of views down Gore Creek Drive. that the canopv not ex Staff that to one railinq. A desi -#oT f,ne canoDv as which wo acn r eve oal is planter and pavers,sta would encourage tnefirm direction if these items are to be'left to the . l.lith respect to t lanning Cormission to prov'ide discretion of the DRB. extend around the planterAs mentioned, the staff would like to see the pavers and the planter be designed to accommodate seating. An additional condition of approval is that the applicant not remonstrate against a special improvement district if and when one is formed for this area. forl a r of the canopy ,!' MEMORANDUM T0: Planning and Environmental Commission FROM: CormunityDevelopmentDepartment DATE: July 19, 1984 SUBJECT: Request for conditional use permit to removethe Sitzmark Lodge to allow ior a commercial DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED USE three lodge rooms from addi tion This proposal would liminate three existi lod s as a result of acormercial addition uni ts ront 0n uoreuno leve oc the proposed by PEC. addition. The space wi l'l be converted to commercial use otif approved CRITERIA AND FINDINGS Upon review of Section 18.60, the Conunun.ity approval of the conditional use permit basLd Consideration of Factors Devel opment Department recormends upon the fol Iowing factors: Relationship and i of the use on development objectives of the Town. The removal .of any lodge room in CCI. requires approval ofpermit.. This request can be cons.idered'concurrbhtly withalteration request. While the Town does not like t6 seefrom.the Village, we on the other hand,of.thif site, _The removat of the toag6 F66iiliTs a conditional use the Sitzmark's exterior'lodge rooms removed the,p r;".3P(crr'erall impact on tie Town's developmentGJeiT ves being a pos'iti98. The raE Tac effect of the use on I and ai r distribution of ul ation trans rta 't on.tL utilities. s 0 rks recreation fac s, a other u cti es neeos. No effect on the above. Effect traffic with lt'icular reference to conqes ion. automoti andan satety a nvenlence, traffic flow and con ro | , access maneuver- a ano remova I o snow from the street and parkin areas. No Eff effect on the above. I s character of the area which the proposed use is to bescate and bulk o I ocated,nc No effect on the above. use 'r n re lati on s u rrou uses. ( This proposal_represents^a definite upgrading_of property, something calledfor. spec'ifically by the Plan. The addition 6t ttrb si^rinming poot wiit-i'iso-con-tribute to the Sitzmark's ability to attract summer and shouider s"aton gr"iii. The environmental impgg!_tgpq!_f_Sncerning the proposed use, if an environmental None Rel ationshi FI ND I NGS ( The Cormuni.ty Development Department recommends that the conditional use permitbe approved/denied based on the following findings: That the proposed location of the use is in accord with the purposes of thisordinance and the purposes of the district in which tt" i.ii. is'rocated. That the proposed location of the Jse and the conditions under which it would beoperated or maintained woutd not be detrimenta'l to the puutii d;iiil, ;r;;;i;;;welfare or materially injurious to properties or lmprovbmenis in the'viiiriiv.- That the proposed use would comply with each of the applicable provisions of thisord i nance . STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS Staff in the recommendation on this request is for approval.loss of lod ditio!a1 retail space, ff is bein C t TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Conrnission Conmunity Development Department Ju'ly 19, 1984 Exterior alteration request to add approximate'ly 3600 square feet of cornmercial space and a rooftop pool and plaza at the Sitzmark Lodge Appl icant: Bob Fritch, , ,r I. THE PROPOSAL Proposed is a one-floor conmercial expansion in front of the Sitzmark Lodge.. The comrnercial space would be built over an area now used for 7 surface parking spaces and wou'ld also necessitate the removal of 3 lodge rooms (see accompanying memo). Atop the proposed addition would be a pool and plaza area. Modification to the entrance to the Sitzmark is also an element of this proposal . r.Z..,..ErD$TTCI} COMPLIANCE I'IITH THE PURPOSE SECTION OF COMMERCIAL CORE I ZONEI r - -- / r, \.., The Cormercial Core I district is intended to provide sites and to maintajn - G.i*ll.qyq the unique character of the Vail Village commercial area, with its mixture of (r,""+\,1o., lodges and conrnercial establishments in a predominantly pedestrian envirorunent.t The Commercial Core I district is intended to ensure adequate light, air, open r ( r sPace' and other amenities appropriate to the permitted types of buildings and - \)svrvrtnrrdctt<\[$s5. The district regulations in accordance with the Vail Village Urban Design f ,,-\r,o,,r- Guide Plan and Design Considerations prescribe site development standards that-'1' are intended to ensure the maintenance and preservation of the tightly clustered arrangements of buildings fronting on pedestrianways and public green- ways, and to ensure continuation of the building scale and architectural qualities that distinguish the village. This proposal is in compliance with the purposes outl'ined for CCI. III. COMPLIANCE t.lITH THE URBAN DESIGN GUIDE PLAN FOR VAIL VILLAGE This proposal most directly impacts the Guide Plan's Sub-Area #25. Concepts #24 and #26 are also to be reviewed. Service/Delivery/Trash zone (screened). Potential for multi-use as a pocket park. The existing trash area is enclosed, and the delivery area is fa'i1y unobstrusive.Potential for a pocket park in this area is not great. tl, sifrk -2- 7/1s/84 'r( -')Sub-Area ConcepV#Z5-,, - Commercial Expansion--one story to provide active facade to pedestrian street,help reinforce connection of Gore creek Drive to }lillow Bridle Road. Proposed is indeed a'l story commercial expansion as called out in this concept.The expansion is proposeq !? extend essentiat]v out to the property rine jn-iioplaces creating a new'ly defined street edge al-ong eoie Cieek oi".ivel ni itiled"-in Concept 25, this.proposal will hopefully strengthen the connectjon UetweenGore creek Drive and l,ljllow Bridge Rbad. itrts woita itio-relnto"ce tte-- -- lif*:!lifr lgopll toward crossroads. Estabtishing the network of pedestrian"trails"iisa primary objective of the Urban Design Guide plan for itre Vitiiqe Sub-Area Concept fQE Basement delivery corridor (foot), to Gore Creek Plaza Building to be preserved,extended east when possible. This corridor will not be disturbed with the proposal. COMPLIANCE l.lITH URBAN DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS FOR VAIL VILLAGE identified as the primary form-giving the burden of the applicant to-demon- compl ies with these considerationsalter the character of the neighbor-9 considerations is summarized-below. The following design considerations arephysical features of the ViIlage. It isstrate that this proposal substantiallyor that the proposal does otheruise nothood. How this proposal relates to the A. Pedestrianization Gore creek Drive is a heavily used pedestrian corridor. As mentioned ::ill:I, ^:h:^91i9:. l].1_ elcoulpges the devel opment of un !!"rconlgslceffi , Il I i^.?"3 t9: i l+lElo-;f+s++tF@ i o n existing pedestrian netwoifrl l.lhi 1e entry road Gore i nto Creek Drive is also usedthe Village, there should as a delivery area and for vehicularstill^be^@ ano ven t c les. B. The commercial.space will result in an increase to service deliveriesat the Sitzmark. However, this increase shoyld not be'ii1t"ffi"* d I ul i1 s proposal shoicles in the V thi veh g vo e e 8|^ty. 0ve-a11, ag reducing the amount of D. Gore Creek Drive. A smallt end of the cornme Street Enclosure The existing situation at this sitethe mu'l ti-story Lodge promenade and G. Views Road onto Gore Creek Drive.' The roofthgt qradual I Ifrq cou pul 1 ed back, the 'less ttre sitrr< 4- t/1s/s4 A broad gives the expanse between Gore Range from Gore impacted from Gore wa'l ki ng up l.li 1 1ow is not good. the Sitzmark Dri ve.The more this roof be on this view. r ine C. Streetscape Framework Ili,i i;,.,n The infill of a commercia'l store front will improv€ the "wolling_gxperiErce"1ndslyecontinuitytothepedestrianway.rnis-iiii.ffin_over the area as it is now.- a sense of be'ing unenc'losed. T[iby creating a more comfortable enclosure for the estri anreet E. Street Edge This proposal is un'ique in that the store fr,ont facades are irreoularwl!b.4+ch yarielf (in the form of windows anffiire same time beinc!g!ggg.!1qr with a 3]-4' fascia iqr6si.much of theaddition wniieffi grve vrsuar interest to the facade,they.do not provide_enough spaci ior functional activity pockets asnentioned by the Guide plan. The canti'levered roof wi'li brso-i;at;these pockets in the shade for much of the day. F. Bui'ldinq Heisht T1,."9,js+S-jsstg with respect to the height of this proposal. Hhilelf, w1 il have a flat roof form, the design does not appear incompatiblewith the existing structure. The pedestrian is afforded a dramat.ic view of theCreek Drive. l.lhile this view is not significantlyCreek Drive, there is an impact to the fedestriin- gn-r.ne wglr end of the commercial expans.ion. However, this arears proposed to be enclosed with a cantilevered roof form. paverin front of the addition will extcnd ai ]oecr rn rha +-^^* ^-^^^ 1s propo-form. Pavers usedrrr rronr or Ene aoo.ltlon Wj ll extend at @ine. I impact will There is also i nqs al on The roof overhang would obstruct the street edge as one rounds the corner silarl -4- 7/1s/84 1'l ined by t de Plan.pedestrians' initlaT view of this onto Gore Creek Drive. H. Service and Delivery The-proposal calls for the exist'i ng trash housing to be remodeled with i-il;gj!=hjglglroof . No other ptans are proposed retat.inq to serviceano oe nvery. I.Sun/shade Located on the north side of the street, -sun or shade alonq Gofe Creek Drive. th i s proposal_ui1l_not_iueell V. ZONING CONSIDEMTIONS 3600 sq ft loss of 7 commercial addition on-site spaces I2 additional spaces 7 spaces '19 total parking as a 3 'lodge rooms - Z.l spaces A^conditiona'l g:g permit is required any time a lodge room is removed fromCCI or CCII. _ This proposal witl resutt- in a^loss4i.fulgqfgg_rooms,-ieduiingthe number of units in the sitzmark to 3r. )ee accompanyrng memo for ourrecommendation on the conditional use permit. This proposal_is in compliance with aIl other zoning considerations. Oneissue that will be addressed is that of parking. T[e applicant has agreedto pay into the parking fund for the net reduction of siaces on site.- Thesenumbers break down as follows: reduction of required result of el iminating STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommendation of this request isw'ill happen on this site that will be a and the Village, while elim.inating the are two issues that we feel merit some 16.9 or '17 additional spaces for approval . We are excited that somethingpositive addition to both the Sitzmarkexisting parking in this area. There discussion by the PEC.e incl ny the buitaing's fa ile we arefee'l imprdvements could be made in these improved product for the corrnunity. 5*rrul\(' 0"v\ tl ie r^-lg u{y generally supportive of the proposal . weareas that would result overali in in ,' sitzmarfs- lngrc+ One condition of approval for.the application is that the applicant agree toparticipate in and not remonstrate ilainst a special improvbment aistiiii iiand when one is fonned for this area-and that the conaitionii-uie-permii-ii' approved. No construction (improvements) will be allowed in Town of vail right-of-way. DATE: MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Conmunity Development Department Ju'ly '19, 1984 SUBJECT: Request for conditional use permit to remove three lodge rooms from the Sitzmark Lodge to allow for a commercial addition DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED USE This proposal would e'l iminate three corrnerc'ial addition to the Sitzmark at ground level and wil1 be blocked wi'l 1 be converted to commercial use CRITERIA AND FINDINGS Upon review of Section .|8.60, the Corunun'ity approval of the conditional use permit based Consideration of Factors existing lodge rooms as a result of a proposed Lodge. -The units front on Gore Creek Drjve off by the proposed addition.. The space if approved by PEC. Development Department recommends upon the fo1 lowing factors: Relationship and jmpact of the use on development obiectives of the Town. The removal of any lodge room in CCI requires approval of a conditional use permit. This request ian be considered concurrently with_the Sitzmark's exterior hlteration requeit. t,lhile the Town does not like to see lodge rooms removed from the Villdge, we on the other hand, are encouraging the commercial expansion of this site. -The removal of the lodge rooms is a necessary evi'l of this proposal with the overall impact on the Town's development obiectives being a positive one. effect of the use on li ht and a distribution of ula 10n recreation No effect on the above. Effect n traffic with particular refe stion, automotive a1d safety and convenience traffi c contro | , access, maneuver- removal of snow from t e street and inq areas. No effect on the above. rtati on Effect upon the character of the area in which thg proPosgd use is to Dg'l9calgd'relation to surrou ' No effect on the above. Qi.rru.r :Z- tttgtaq Relationship to Vail's Conmunity Action plan Th'is proposal_represents^a definite upgrading_of. property, someth.ing called iof. specifically by the Plan. The addition ot tnb swinrnr-'ng pool wiil-itso-con-tribute to the Sitzmark's ability to attract summer and shouider season guests. The environmental impact report conce None FI NDI NGS The Cormuni.ty Development Department recommends that the conditional use permitbe approved/denied based on the following findings: That the proposed location of the use is in accord with the purposes of thisordinance and the purposes of the district in which tne iiie.is located. That the proposed location of the use and the conditions under which it would be' operated or maintajned would not be detrimentat to ite pruiii neiiin, i.i.ivl Jl"welfare or materially injurious to properties or improvLments in the'vi.iniiv.- That the proposed use would comply with each of the applicable provisions of thisord i nance. STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS staff recornmendation on this request is for approval. A trade-off is being madein the loss of lodge rooms for adAjtional rethil space,"Oui-staff feels thistrade-off is a positive one for the Villaqe. ? C*rl.,h*J. o'O Oo^-k^) c\"- -tp." t( ", Ie,m ttlttk u{6);4,n, Zni,'fuo tr--"t/. -/-'an'en# (u-*-..ut- .l . h7.- -.\t r ,+ .-,) ct'tl -fS, -f--a /sh-f_ N""ilv @ /*''t /,J ,La.^ -. ^. <(ru* dtl '-) -:-olr*, ^) *f ,,,^.=-fn7 rl 1.- Jlr-.,.nn/;r. / ,/^t -/"r,7 4- -J,rr^ + S- / <-/." /^+ :a -?,"Q--> T"^o^/fl J,r-(- ;4a'{- 5^ -s;-r^--- a/,"+ car.,ct-,-uu/ / l)eJ 4r-- /l 4r;rt* n'U ,wr./." .,r_ .Trr// /*a / ,L^1r^, L V-@ Ll rlirrl oa +4,r'n ht 'zA ."^--+ ar tn<- A*r- /-.* h -/ A 4"7 ; z/. 1''* 4--pat, &b ^r( (-*"J'7 s, - L aak Jt<-- o .-1 // / y''+t7<--t{"- ^/ y' r,r1 7 [L^ 4 v,)e'-) 4t ?'q"-$ A4 /g/ ,fl.-J,^a B^kig lg-e, a^ g. dt"+ - Du** -t:' SITZMARK LODGE COMMERCIAL ADDITION 183 Gore Creek Dr i. veVail, Colorado CONDITIONAL USE /DELETION OF 3 LODGE ROOMS Effec ts of vehicular traffic on Commercial Core I District.Overall delet.ing limit.ed proposal- reduces theparking from area in access gate. amount of vehicular front of lodge and traffic by within R Reduction of vehicular traffic in Commercial CoreAs per staCement of item rrA The net change@rease inparking, but at least it is off-street and not inthe 1odge. _ An arrangement for purchase of parking underground structure will probablv bd necessarv.please explain to me u,hat t'nonesseitial" means.' off-street front of in the Will someone vehrcles. or no effect on this that this proposal has no positive (or negative ) The loss of three concei n . Devel nt of blic spaces for use h estri.ansI must effec t con fess on this consideration. F Continuanqe of the various c I, residential. and oublic ick-up and servlce lcdge rooms has 1i ttl-e use in CC I, so as to mainiain exlst character of the area.Specific to rhe aefelio ledge rooms; the vitality of erc the short term stays does alter CCof commercj,al area can iustifv I. We hope tlrat the trade-offthis alteration. G.trol o uali of const-ruc tion arch i tect ral desien. andlandscaoe desi inCCIsoas t:o nalntain the existing characterof the area. Please refer Lo subnitt.al.the Urban Design Considerations j.n Guide plan F-. Llf fgcls of noisg._ gdor, dust. smoke and other factors on thecnvironment of CC I. ffin-smoking., frrrthermore: the Sitzmark,sguests are quiet and well-behaved. No chance. o +\rt cry fi 9 cn,LLaila| \,|-h _ 1J.'*" v (*t t.tr,a ,\ \ YY\ {d*kdt @-1 + ryfh'*,+ 2 ^rl'L t,,tl- /l.-t*,ft"k h^ /nA,A) thf,.^-v.<,'^+- /r"l - h- 6-.,k- CU d"- o ':r"*?"'t"'Q' \0tY I| fri7oos- .4 cnr-t\ l*? :/ p"- //' f-4 -r! tr, fTfr '/'rr ( "n,I ht d- -/J7 ip,.;-d *,,,JJ"Ro.q/ I Ii --,(\ A | | , , 4 ';I f# 'L-+ " '+ ?::, 't frh ['"^' %l,t^{ -NAl rz*g**A t\ \ ?i +^ {+ l-. a.A At\ dxrt/\M p*^#-, oo ,w I.4 'V./( L,0,4b/,\./ I/,X"1 / ,,p 4" q 0&, lY*u' /l1v ^Qrl r! ,.D "t ! o ( - C-rt.? /,- ,(.: ru.*J*J-.-.- ,-r-.i \> / €41. tU^^+* fu* [,^ i'*. 4.,Q nq?q=^l "^- €^,L*) b .) A \ Planning and Environmental Commission Ju'ly 23, 1984 'l :00 2:00 2:45 3:00 pm pm pm pm l. 2. 3. Site Visits Work session on A & D Building at the site work session on vail Athletic club Hotel condominium conversion Public hearing Approval of minutes of July 9, l9g4 Request for revisions to the Bonne vue earth-sheltered housing Ploigc! on.Lots Al,4?, A3 Lionsridge Filing 2 and on tot O, flogf t,.Lionsridge Filing 4 to red6sign th6 r,oJsing'uniis.'Applicant: Reinforced Earth Company Request for a setback variance and a concurrent density controlvariance in order to enclose an existing first flooi aici-iieawith-glass on unit 12, Vai'l Rowhouses a[ sOS East Gore Creek Drive.Appl icant: Nel son King Request for exterior a'l terations and for a conditional use permit forthe-Sitzmark Lodge in order to deverop connerciial space iouitr of thelooge and to put a new plaza with a swimming pool aird rooftop gardenabove the cormercial spice. Applicant: siizriarf lijag;,-- -- Reguest for exterior alteration in commercial core II in, order toremodel the Sunbird Lodge buiding. Applicant: SunUirU Loage 4. 5. TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Cormunity Development Department July'19, 1984 Exterior alteration request to add approximatelyof conmercial space and a rooftop pool and plaza Appl icant: Bob Fritch, , ,, 3600 square feet at the Sitzmark Lodge I. THE PROPOSAL Proposed is a one-f'loor conrnercia'l expansion in front of the Sitzmark Lodqe. The conrnercial_space would be built over an area now used for 7 surface pirking spaces and would also necessitate the removal of 3 lodge rooms (see accompanying memo). Atop the proposed addition would be a pool and-plaza aria. moAiticaiionto the entrance to the Sitzmark is also an element of this proposal . II. COMPLIANCE WITH THE PURPOSE SECTION OF COMMERCIAL CORE I ZONE III. COMPLIANCE l.lITH THE RqAN DESIGN GUIDE PLAN FOR VAIL VILLAGE Mt ptopglal most directly impacts the Guide ptan,s Sub-Area #25. Concepts #24 and #26 are also to be reviewed. Sub-area Concept #24 service/De]ivery/Trash zone (screened). Potential for multi-use as a pocket park. The existing trash area is enclosed, and the delivery area is fa'i1y unobstrusive.Potentlat for a pocket park in this area is not great. The Cormercial Core I district is jntended to provide sites and to maintainthe unique character of the Vail Village commercial area, with its mixture of lgd9qs and cormerc'ial establishments ii a predominantly pedestrian environment. The commercial core I d'istrict is intended to ensure aieiuate light, air, openspace' and other amenities appropriate to the permitted types of-buildings induses. The district regulations in accordance with the Vail Vi'l'lage Urban Design Guide Plan and Design Considerations prescribe site development standards that-are intended to ensure the maintdnance and preservation of'the tightlyc'lustered arrangements of buildings frontinb on pedestrianways and pu-Utic Areen-ways' and to ensure continuation of the buiTding'scale and aichitectural qilalitiesthat distinguish the vi'llage. This proposal is in compliance with the purposes outlined for CCI rv. sifnart< -2- 7/\e/84 Sub-Area Concept #25 Commercial Expansion--one story to provide active facade to pedestrian street,help reinforce connection of Gore creek Drive to willow Bridle Road. Proposed is indeed a 1 story commercial expansion as called out in this concept.The expansion is proposeq !g extend essentially out to the property tine in-iwoplaces creat!ng a'new1y defined street edge al"ong-eo.. c...k Drive. As statedin Concept 25, this proposal-witI hopefuliy streigthen ine-connect.ion betweenGore creek Drive and willow Bridge Rbad. itris woitu jtio-reinro"c" lne-- --' lip:9::!tf"" 1oop" toward crossroids. Estab'lishing the network of pedestrian"tralts"irsa primary objective of the Urban Design Guide plan for ihe v.itlage Sub-Area Concept #26 Basement del ivery corridor (foot), to Gore Creek plaza Buitdr:ng to be preserved,extended east when possible. This corridor will not be disturbed with the proposal. COMPTIANCE WITH URBAN DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS FOR VAIL VILLAff identified as -the primary form-giving the burden of the appl itant to-demoi- compl ies with these considerationsalter the character of the neighbor-9 considerations is summarized-below. Gore creek Drive is a heavily used pedestrian corridor. As mentionedearlier, the Guide plan encourages ihe development oi in i'iterconnecteonetwork of pedestrian.ways. Thjg orgoosal shbuld strengthen the connectionbetween Gore Creek Drive-and l,lillow ei^lage noia,-ttrereU!-;ip"ouing ou"existing pedestrian network. while Gore creek Drive is also used as a delivery area and for vehicularentry into the viilage, there should still be ami,te iJom i"r[ in-ir,"-'-'road to acconrnodate both pedestrians and vehic'l es. The following design considerations arephysical features of the Village. It isstrate that this proposal subsiantiallyor that the proposal does otherwise nolhood; How this proposai relates to the A. Pedestrianization B.Vehicular Penetration The.commercial. space will result in an increase to service deliveriesat the sitzmark. However, this increase should not be'iigniricant ntencompared.to the amount of deliveries that take ptace-iti-ii-ong eore CreekDrive. The elimination of the 7 surface-parking .pi."t'riii,-to""ver,-- - reduce vehicular penetration into the viliage ConriJ."ioiv. "oveiiii,' this proposal shoutd have a positive impact"by ";ar;i;;-i[e amount ofvehicles in the Villaqe. c. sitok 4- 7/1s/84 The.existing-planter on the east end of the sitzmark will remain.Aoo]rlona.t ptanter boxes_are p'l anned for the building,s facia alongGore creek Drive. A small pocket of open space will-be createdon the west end of the commercial expahsion. However, this areais proposed to be enclosed with a cairtilevered roof form. pavers usedin front of the addition will extend at least to the front property 1ine. The infill of a corrnercia'l store front wil'l improve the "wa'l king experience,,and give continuity to the pedestrian way. This is a aramitic irpi6;il;a-over the area as it is now. - Street Enclosure The existing situation at this site is not good. A broad expanse betweenthe multi-story Lodge Promenade and the Sitimark gives the pbdestriana sense of being unenc]osed. This expansion wil] -he1p to dbfine theareas.by creating a more comfortable bnclosure for thb pedestriin-una orrngstreet enclosure more in line with the desired 1lZ to I ratio. Street Edge This proposal is unique.in,that the store front facades are imegularwith much variety (in the form of windows and entryways), wtrile it itresame.time being tied together with a 3'-4' fascia icrbss much of theaoortron. l.|hi'le the building "jogs" give visual interest to the facade,they.do not provide enough space ior iunctional activity pockets asmentioned by the Guide pTan.' The cantilevered roof wili alio leavethese pockets in the shade for much of the day. Buildino Height There is no issue with respectit will have a flat roof fbrm,with the existing structure. D. E. F. G. Views to the height of this proposal. l,lhile the design does not appear incompatible The pedestrian is afforded a dramatic view of the Gore Range from Gorecreek Drive. l.|hile this view is not significant'ly impactei from Gore-creek Drive, there is an impact to the fedestriin'wuiiiing-up l,|illowRoad onto Gore creek Drive.' The roof oierhang pioj..tr 6ui'tnto tte Yi:* Ifg! gradually emerges as one foilows a Faltr i.ounding the cornerrrom.u,rilow_Bridge Road onto Gore creek Drive. The more ihis roof linecoulo De pulled back, the 'l ess the inpact w'ill be on this view. There is also a very pleasing short-range view as one follows this course.Inls vlew rs one of the street edge down Gore creek Drive. The curvi'l inear lmark -4- 7/1s/84 Gore Creek Drive serve to pulljust as outlined by the Guide plan. pedestrians' initial view of this onto Gore Creek Drive. streetscape fonned by buildings along the pedestrian further down the road The roof overhang would obstruct thestreet edge as one rounds the corner l,ZONING CONSIDERATIONS 3600 sq ft cornrnercial addition loss of 7 on-site spaces H. Service and Deljvery The_proposal calls for the existing trash housing to be remodeled witha s'l ightly higher roof. No other plans are proposed rel ating to serviceand delivery. I. Sun/shade Located on the north side of the street, this proposal w'ill not impactsun or shade along Gore Creek Drive. A^conditional l:g pennit is required any time a lodge room is removed fromccl or ccII._ This proposal will result in a,loss oi 3 looge rooms, reduiingthe number of units in the sitzmark to 3l . see accompanyiig memo for ourrecommendation on the conditional use permit. This proposal_is in compliance with all other zoning considerations. Oneissue that will be addressed is that of parking. Tie app'licant has agreedto pay into the parking fund for the net reduciion ot siices on site.- Thesenumbers break down as follows: = 12 additional spaces= 7 spaces '19 tota'l reduction of required parking as aresult of eliminating 3 lodge rooms - 2.'l spaces 16.9 or l7 additional spaces STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff reconrnendation 9f th{s request'i s for approval . l,le are excited that somethingwjl1 happen_on this.site that will be a positive addition to both tne Siiimir[-'and the vi1lage, while eliminating the eiisting parking in this area. There'-are two issues that we feel merit some discussioir ly the PEC. these includethe.potential blockage.of views by the roof overhang and the streetedge f;rmrdby the building's fac-ade' |,Jhire we are generalry supportive of the proposar. uefeel imprdvements_could be made in these-areas that irybula result oueiiii-in'in"-improved product for the community. Sitzmark J- 7l1sl84 One condition of approval for the application is that the applicant agree toparticipate in and not remonstrate ilainst a special improviment distiict if- and when one is fonned for this area-and that ihe conditional use pennit is approved. l{o construction (improvements) will be al'lowed in Town of Vail right-of-wqy. TO: FROM: MEMORANDUM DATE: Planning and Environmental Commission Conrnunity Development Department July .|9,'1984 SUBJECT: Request for conditional use permit to remove three iodge rooms from the Sitzmark Lodge to allow for a commerc'ial addition DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED USE This proposal would eliminate three existing'lodge rooms as a result of a proposed conunei^cib'l addition to the Sitzmark Lodge. -The units front on Gore Creek Drive at ground level and wil'l be btocked off by the proposed addjtion.-- The space will be converted to cormercial use if approved by PEC. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS Upon review of Section 18.60, the Community approval of the conditjonal use permit based Consideration of Factors Development Department recormends upon the fol lowing factors: Re] ationship and impact of the use on development obiectjves of the Town. The removal of any lodge room in CCI requires approval of a conditional use perm'it. This request can be considered concurrently with the Sitzmark's exterior b'lteration request. l,{hile the Town does not like to see lodge rooms rernoved from the Village, we on the other hand, are encouragjng the commercial .expansionof this site. -The remova'l of the lodge rooms is a necessary evil of this proposal with the overall impact on the Town's development obiectives being a posit'ive 0ne. effect of the use on I i ht and ai r distribution of ion acil'ities needs No effect on the above. Effect n traffi with particular ref to con stion, automqlLlvg and an satety an convenl ence tra control, access' ma remova snow from t e street an rkinq areas. rtation No effect on the above. Effect upon the character of the area jn whjch thg progosgd use is to D9.19ca!ed,n relation to surroundinQ uses' No effect on the above. s and fecreation facilities' and othertilities. sc fSitzmarr -2- tlrst}4 Relationship to Vajl's Conrmunity Action plan This proposal_represents^a definite upgrading_of property, something ca1 ledfor specifically by the Plan. The addition or tnb sirinming poot wiTt-iiio-con-tribute to the Sitzmark's ability to attract summer and sh6uider season greiii. The environmental impact report concerning the proposed use, if an environmental None FI NDINGS The Conrnuni.ty Development Department recommends that the conditional use permitbe approved/denied based on the following findings: That the proposed location of the use is in accord withordinance and the purposes of the district in which the That the proposed location of the use and the conditions under which it would beoperated or maintained would not be detrimental to the puoiic h;tiih, ;.i;;i;;;welfare or materially injurious to properties or imp"oufm"nis in the-vlciniiy.- That the proposed use would comply with each of the ord i nance . STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS staff recommendation on this request is for approval . A trade-off is being madeln the loss of lodge rooms for adoitional retiit-sfaie, but-statf feels thistrade-off is a positive one for the Villaqe. the purposes of thissite is located. applicable provisions of this ... inetnesnrrc cnslr ust Szre loooa p" Pa<- a (Acceptrble) (ttot Acceptrble) ,/ Subdivislon Lot Bl ockfiling l. Submittal ltcms (A) +tree+af /nao*.r"ct't I uc'x'v (o) sita Plan(c) utility Plan (D) Title Report(t) Subdivision Agreement (if 2. tnqineerlnq Requireirents applicable) (A) Culvert'Slze ( s ) ori ve$.ay GradF[8-ffiEi.)1nemq ...: . ' ' '':t 'i 3.Source of Utilities AI c 0 E tl cctri c Gas Sever Hater Teleplrorie T.V.F 4. Comr'ents: B< F c,z at a @ S.€, <o <^*z ac P),,eprr.6 Z.at 22.", <o .4can,c 6<q Crg< , d€rtal4r *1<aat+t Q+eatc ^b.t3 5,4. I'-f:1 n^- t/ .---,/aox'tttt @ -9^o',- Approved: Di sapproved: DE|EIn'rnE oflubl i c lforks 8il I Atrdrc:*s r'. Srozaocg . I.This procedure Conditional Use The application Q,"u,,/s14 APPLICATION FORM FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT is required for any project required, to obtain aPermit. will not be accepted, until all information issubrnitted. A. NAI,IE OF APPLICANT SITZMARK LODGE PHONE B. c. APPLICANT I S Box 5560 REPRESE{TATIVE Wheeler Piper /Ar chi tec t s Avon, Colorado PHONE 949-7074 (print. or type)Bob FritchNAME OF OWNER SIGNATURE E. F. DDruSS 183 c"." Cr""t ItiT PIIONE 476-5001 D.I,OCATION OF PROPOSAL ADDMSS LEGAL DESCRfPTION t"t .n 81""f rifi"g ,.4FEEg5y.{0...IAlD;..-.ir']l,''|':'e"i.',ii''.';'i';.''':'r , IL .t .,.Lrr ,. ,]'.'.: ', A list of the name of owners of alr property adjacent to the subject property. (0vER) Condition"t ? permit page 2 II . Four (4) copies of the following information: A- A description of the precise nature of the proposed use andits operating characteristics, and *"a"or.s proposed to rnakethe use compatibre with other properties in ihe-ri;Li;y:- B. A site pran showing proposed development of !!e site, incrudingtopography' building locations, pari<ing, traffic "ii."r"ti"",useable oPen sPace, landscaped aiea, a;a utiritiei-i"a-ar"i".g.features. c' Preliminary building plans and elevations sufficient to indicatethe dimensions, generit appearancer scdle, and i"i.ii", iian orall buildings. D' Any additionat material necessary for the review of the applicationas determined by the Zoning earniiistr"i"i. III. Time requirernents The Planning and Environmental commission meets on the 2nd and 4thMondays of each month. An application-wittt-ttt" necessary accompanyingmaterial must be submitted four weeks piio, to the date'oi-trr"rneeting. ./ Date of fnlication 5/26/84 APPLICATTON FORM FOR EXTERTON AT,TSRATTOUS oR l.4oDrFrcATroNs rN coMMERctAt coRE I (ccrl This procedure is required, for alteration of an existing buildingwhieh adds or removes any enclosed floor area or outdoor patio orreplacement of an existing building shall be subject to review bythe Planning and Environmental Conunission. The application wilL not be accepted until all information is submitted, A. NAME OF APPLICAf.IT Sitznark Lodpe bv Bob Frirch PHONE 476-5OOL B. NAI{8 OF APPLICAI.-ITiS REPRESENTATIVE Wheeler piper / Archirects ADDRESS Box 5560 Avon. C0. 81620 PHONE 949-7074 I. ADDP€SS C. NAME 0F Ol,lNER (print or type)Bob Fritch Vail , C0 81657 SIGNATURE ADDRESS 183 Gore Creek Drive. Vail. CO. 81657 PHONE 476-500r D. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL ADDRESS rB3 Gore Creek Drive. Vail LEGAL DESCRIPTION nT"ck 58. Vail villffi lJ- F. G. .-I I tFEE $100. o0 PAID-:l4J-l-'l t r o. 7 ' '( .v v^ . ,/-.-., IMPROVEMENT SURVEY OF PROPERTY SHOWING PROPERTY LINES A}ID LOCATION OF EUILDING AND ANY TMPROVEMENTS ON THE LAND. A LIST OF THE NAME OF OWNERS OF' AI,L PROPERTY ADJACENT, TO THE SUBJECT PROPERTY and their rnail ing addresses. rr. Four (4) copies of a site plan containing the following infornation: A. The site plan shall be drawn on a sheet size of 24" x 36" at a,scal'e of I" = 2O'; a variation of the sheet, size or scale may be aPProved by the Conmunity Development Department if justified; SITZMARK LODGE 183 Gore CreekVail, CoJ-orado PROPOSAL COMMERCIAL ADDITION Drive Atop this commercial space would be a new plaza with a swinrni-ng pooJ-and rooftop garden landscaping. within the scope of this design will be an effort to st.renghten theidentity of the Sitzmark lobby entrance. The Sitzrnark Lodge proposes to develop approximatof commercial space to the south of the Lxistingis,currently a small pLaza for summer guests andfront of the plaza. URBAN DESIGN GUIDB PLAN Development of this commercial frontase roDrive is as described in Sub-Area Conlepr 7 parking This spots feet area in the north side of Gore Creek #24 and. #25. URBAN DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS PEDESTRIANIZATION The_proposed project provides two key rinks in pedestrian traffic ofc9 i. The shopping i-nteresr and and acrivity i- strenghten ar rhe endof Gore creek Drive by those people who would approach this area fromthe east. _ secondly, people who rsould approach iiom wi11ow Bridge Road now would have a rnore definite statnent of a commercial shopping area. VEHICLE PENETRATION while deliveries to the expanded commercial area rnight increase s1ight1y,the overall effect of vehicular traffic will be one of reduction. Autoswould no longer be parking adjacent to Gore creek Drive in front ofthe Sitzmark. STREETSCAPE FRAMEWORK The commercial storefront infi11 becomes an activity generator and a11owsthe shopping and walking experience to be more continuous. STREET ENCTOSUREI suppose the design proposal before you most closely"average facade height rr concept in the fact that Thein conparison to the single 1eve1 structure oppositeof the Sitzmark itself, I believe the single story to balance to the existing building. conforms to the Lodge is multi storyit. Within the design have a very pleasing STREET EDGE The total conrnercial frontage is approximately 64t long and does require some variation and irregularity to better tie to adjacent storefronts on Gore Creek Drive and elsewhere in the Village. The proposed storefront design changes nass and facade at the east end and also jogs under a canopy overhang in an effort to make this tie. BUIDING HEIGITT The height of the structure is basically one story with sone reliefto this singular level by landscaping and building massing at the eastend. The entrance canopy is designed to also provide some break. VIEhIS The view that would be in question of change by this project is nore to the west than towards the Gore Range. While the view to the west isslightly altered, it 1s now probably better franed. SI]N / SHADE Occuring on the north side of the street, this structure will not change existing conditions of sun or shade. ZONING CONSIDERATIONS Commericial space will be i-ncreased by approximately 3600 square feet and j.n doing so, it will be necessary to delete 3 lodge roons. These rooms would be enclosed to the interior by the proposed expansion. Accomodation count lrould then be 31 units. Landscaping is not reduced by this proposal but actually i.ncreased. Parking is obviously reduced by those spaces that currently exists in the area of the proposed expansion. No other area of this site can absorb this loss and the owner would be required to purchase space fron the Town of Vail. gnt HgI r ,89 E$ Fss 0u E 0I .Tg tU E lrlfltrt SilztnanlrIndge Lodge Apartment Condominium AssociationAttention: Managing Agent ]-74 E. Gore Creek DriveVail, CO 81657 Gore Creek Condominium AssociationAttention: CharLes Rosenquist Box 686Vail-, CO 8l-658 Leigh Norgren 85 Meade Lane Englewood, CO 801L0 , . ', 'fo, f n'L. 45. l^fft' ^ 1 1 4 Q o,,-- L1''-'' t)L ' > ;J | '/'/'vYear Arcund Resort Lodging 18il Gore Cre€k Drivo o Vail, Colorado 81657 . (303) 47F5001 +^ F * 6r Flt Ft t_..-.... 7Pec\(-\a ) \/s7zt- r\ C\C-:- 'A/ c,c-r 7(-'\ ' ,-4ta< o,-i ,.+'i4 ) ,,. '\'tc*: " :3rvo '- B 1W r:t I rl) 1n"" l' >',v{\v{t \0 \",-* w \\l N \'t .1 NLIi j*\o"f\9o"o' _1\3' --\<" \t ,,^r\\ [T*L\O +""r( v W ,_r\-rx$ e/t 'v'd-, (&T = t --d ,tof f"-\'Yl2 J,t/a/41s--ffi-"a1€ NJ - tt'tl vv, f..",rF$.lJc 1'lVONVU 'lU3Ae'l e0n6-9vaeoe cN Z0Sl8 OC uollJunl Puer9 . 8961 xog 3CurO S3IVS NOIISNnC ONVUg - NOISIAIC ruU:rS:rn. 7{ , Nolrvu*o3 rs|oP snul H I 4/n -74*Ae I 'a^!snJlsqoun ^rlpr s! paJp 1:3i?,3;'r;l ;;i".;5:3,5,1"'l;o 1a1cod e sp asn-!llnu JoJ [pllualod .(pauea;rs) auoz sldacuo3 .92# parv-qns s,upId aprne aql'Bii:lfi?' lalcod p JoJ [PllualodPaJp qspJl 6urlsrxa aq1 . >1led qse;1/{.lan 1 ta0/al ! AJaS loe3uoJ PaJP-qnS .IlJ roJ pau! llno sasod.rnd eql ql!m acue.r lduroc u1 s1 lesodo.rd s1q1 sa1111enb rpJn?r'l!q3Jp pup a1e:s.6u1p-1lnq aql ,q ,",rillllil."3lr:;jt3lt;;io.l;ll-uaarb cglqnd pue sfemuer.rliapad uo Suliuoir iourpiinq j6-s1ua'raouer.rp bJiarintr "1:!1 :r1fit!it"iifret!?tlil:li:':it,3::,:5ii:ii:j:1,:n,"Ji;i:,*,9;ruijri,ru ",,.,,,1H'7"iii:,iiiitriilii'!:iii1,iti,n* 3;t"Bi"il:,:t.::iii!ilnl"iii:uli ;ii.;5;l$vry';j.^u'"' ^ uado'Jrp'xr.{6![ alenbape aJnsua o1 papualui sL l:r.ltsip l aJoJ tp!3Jauxo3 aqf \ ^'lueuuoJ!Aua uPlJlsapad fllueuturopard e u! sluauqs! Lqptia 1eL:.riuLgroi pue s56po1 a.,ur'\N JJo aJnrxlru sl! .n!,'1 'eare lerl.rauuoc a6elttn Li"n-.qi "ro-.ri1ce.reqc anurun al.ri r,,-).b-o1r.o -ulp?ulprx 01 pup salls op!^'.rd o1 papua+ut sl 1rr.r1srp I aroS lerc.ra,rriro3 arjj *y')' / eq 01 os [p eJE gZ# Pue tz#,t11caerp lsou lesodo.rd slql .III lN0Z I lUOl lVIlUlt'tWOf ftroor\c,"'apal .lesodo.rd_sr.rl1 Jo luauela up oslp sr lJeuzlls aql ol af,ueJlua aq1 o?uo!l€r!J!po4 .eaJp 11e1d^pue lood e eq p[no^/r uorllppp iJsod6.rO'aq+ doiV :a;d;u:jf::9y"::: i::) ,suroor-a6io1 g,ro lendubr eql al'trssarau os[p p[no^ pue saoedsDulrJBo espJJns I JoJ pasn r{ou paJp up JaAo 1[!nq aq plnor,r aiedi-lerciauuroo eql'a6po'1 lrp*rzl!s eql Jo ruorJ u! uolsuedxa'iitir;,iili '.ioo13-"ro e s1 pasodo.r6 abpol lreuzlts aql 1e 1aa1 arenbs 6999 , ' qol rJJ qog :1uec 1 lddyp-zp[d pup lood dollooJ p pup aoeds leLr.rauuof, Jo,(lelerurxo.rdde ppe o1 lsenba.r uogleeJl 1e .ror..ra1x3 tvsodoud lHl .I :133 egns : l1v0 : l^l0ul :01 t86L'6[ flnl 1uau4;eda6 luaudolarag f11unuuo3 uo!sslutrxo3 [e?uauruoJ!Au] pup 6u1uue14 wnoNVUOWS W o Jo lunoup aql u !3npaJ 'a6p t t! tn'11praa6 ./t e^Pq p '.leaJ / aq1 Jo-uotlPu!u!te eql .3^tJ0 ase"jj,i|iii".]JnJ"o,r-=.i]J']iri"ffiT;sa!re^!tap a3!^Jas o1 aiea.rcur up u! +tndi.r 11* aleos',i;;;ifi#-"il; ffi'jl"l,li: !qa^ s!q1 A aql ur salJ oqs lesodo.rd '8 plnoqs araql .a6pttl1 aql oXu!pasn oslP s! aAUo leaJ] aJog 'U9l19x ueulsapad 6urlsrxauo ;!il;,,j"li,lles G;;"1;jffii.l5;"ili",:;Ij..,;3'1,ffuPtd eprng eq? .Ja![Jpapauorruoru sv .ropr-rrof, uer.rlsapad pasn,flrneaq-i.ri'iiir;';r.:;ti:;; uo !1Pz r uE rJl sapa6 .V JplnJrqel Jo] pup pare f;anrlap-e se pPoJ f.r?ua at!qfi 'ilolaq-pazlJptuuns sI suo!?pJaplsuo] 6-roqq61au aql Jo ralcerriqc alf .ra11EsuollEJap!suo3 esaql qlrm salldurcc-loryp^or 1uer11dde aqt Jo uap.rn!-aq1 out ^!b-uuoJ AJpuUd aql sp parJrluapr aql ol salp[aJ lesodo.rd slql Mot{ .Doou lou asrmJaq1o saop lesodo.rd aqf 'fpqi .^o- -^[[e!?uplsgns lesodo.rd ,lq+ ?.pql alpJls s ! lI .a6e 1 1 !A aql J:o sa.rnlpart. t po rsfudaJp suollpJaprsuor u6tsap 6uu.loItoj arir s9VttIA ltvn 'AI 'lesodo.rd aql q+!A peqJnls!p aq ?.ou ttliil JopuJoJ stttl 'paruasard aq o1 6u1p1rns pzprd raer, eJos o1 .110o3;"j3j;:::r'ill^il:; i;3ffi:X; -'-'M a6e1111 aq? JoJ ,:l!_9pl.n? u6rsa6 upqrn aq? Jo a^rl3acqo fieur.rd p s!r,,s[!prJ,,ue.trlsapad Jo >lJomlau.aqi 6uiqsitqp+s: ispio.rss6j3 ijemol ,,dool up!J?.sapad,,aql aoroJular_ostE-ptlor^ srqj .peo6 bopl.lg A6Li!M pup e^rr0 raarJ aJoguaamlaq u0!l3auuoo aq1 uaqlEua.rri',tr InJadoq 11rm lesodo.rd's.rq1 ;g) 1aacilo3 uipa?pls sV 'a^!J0 la:i? ?1o?_0uo1e aoia_1aa"r1i-irauis.ap rflneu'.e oriinJr. ,;;rt;o^41 u! au!1 f1;ado,d-:yl o1 1no r[lerllassa puerxa o1 pasodo.ro sr uorsupdxa aq1'ldacuoc slqr ur lno pal[p3 sp uoLs'dpaiJ lpr]Jeuuof, f.ro1s 1e paapur sr pasodord 'peo6 abpl"tg-lo!l!r'r 01 a^rJo IaaJJ aJog Jo uorl'auuof, aJJoJutaJ draq'laaJls uelrlsapad o1 ape5il'anilce'aiLno.rd o1 ,(.rols auo--uofsupdx] letcrau,ro3 - (ryt/loa)uol palv-qns u o ! ? pr le uad iE tnqr qa1- n8/6'L/t -r-?j,,oo JPau! [!AJn3'as eu! J 'na!^ slql uo aq I JooJ slql eJou aLlI aql .a^!r0 ra ri'rian e-oile. ri""r"qt t_l !,{ 13edu! aql ssa I eql .1oeq pa 11nd'a^rJ0 Iffi [ [pnpP Ptll f ol. L!l'1aJoS l[oJJ aJoD utoJJ dn 6u111en palcedul abueg arog a1q11eduocu1 .leadde ?ou saop u6tsap auraltqfl .tpsodord slqt Jo rqbtaq aqr cii !4u.uucqJdno JooJ aql .aAlJo )aaJ3 a.log oluo ppou Ylrljllapal aql ot loedur up st araqt .5ar.rg 1aa;3It11ueo.r11u61s'jou'si marn slqt e[lqfi .a^!J0 leerJeql Jo /qar^ 3llpuleJp p papJoJJp s! uplJliapad aql srqe ! A 'aJnlonJls 6u11srxa aq? qllil :1i91_{t91 lpu P a^Pq rrp'r trlJadsa.l q1[,'1 gnsyfTii-s! eJaql 'rl lqdi5F-EuTmIE .l 'fep aq1 Jo r,1onru JoJ apeqs aq? u! slal3od esaqle^pa[ os[p t-t!^r ]oor paJa^atlluer aqr .uptd aprnS aqt rci pauoriuJil- se s?ar3od f1rn11oe leuorlrunl .ro1 i5eos q6iou5'"i'.n,i,ia ioir op'icaq1'"lli ii["mg:eql#++g+='(sf',"frlua pup sm6puu,r 16 uuoj aqt uil'Ttffiffi^'r'Tn'arr! aJp sapESE-J luo-J, a.ro1s'aqi +eqr ur anbrun s1 iesodo.rd s1q, abpl leerls .3 1 tg@uPJpps!s!q1.,r(etlue1l1s"o'o.3ll;j}i,ff,;;l53ll',3l3 ,,aouEErrdtrtfiJftI,, aq3 a,ro.ldri t1* luoJJ eJols lprrJaurxol p Jo LLlJul at1 ue 1;lsapad uaanleq asuBdxa 'eu ! 6uo1e elre aq1 saa16 pPoJq v lJprxzl !s aql 'poo6 1ou s1 uP ulsa eq? roJ aJnso[]ua etqpuoJuror aJou p buTiEdFTdeql auT slql .pasolouaun 6u.req 3o asues p pue appuauo;6 a6po1 f.ro1s_11tnu aqX Jo ?il|-Sorttputs v .a^!J0 IaaJJ aJog al!s str.ll lE uollpnlrs 6urlsixa aq1 alnsoIJuf 1aal15 '0 :"!1:plalxa 11rar@pssfsT5TEd .uuoJ Joor pa.raa51r1uer e q1i p ens/61/t _r_ t,, 5rn Jl r)\a't, 1lnsal plnoil ?eq1 spaJP Jo aAluoddns ftlPrauao -efa lrrJ+s '^?.Lunuuof, aql JoJ lcnpo.ld palo.rdrul asaq1 ut appu eq plnoJ sluauanp.ldru! [aa] 1\ uP u! [IPJAAO em/ 'tesodoJd aqX aJaqI - lJPulzl !s Du lr4lauos lPql pn [Ju! as 'Jld aql /tq uolssn3srp t'-tet!@ N0I 1v0Nlt4t^t033u llvls auios-?ueu leal a/{ 1pql sanss! o/,11 arpaq1 6ullpulur![a alrqr4.a6e111i aq] pupp aq ll-rA tpqt atls slql uo uaddeq 111ms! lsanbeJ slUl Jo uo!lppuauuoJal JJ.plS 'PaJp sIr.ll u1 6uL>1led 6u11srxa aq? qloq o? uo!+tppp anllLsodpellJXa aJp ail .1ero;dde ;o;l sacpds teuor?!ppe l[ Jo 6'9t saopcls [.2 - sulooJ a6po1 gp se 6u ry.rpd 6u11euru!ta Jo 1[nsaJpaJ!nba.l Jo uo!llnpaJ sacpds [P101 6L sEredST- IPuo r.l t ppP z I saf,Pos alrs-uo uorl!ppP IP!f,rauu.lof, I Jo ssol lJ bs 0099 SNOIlVU]OISNOS gNINOZ ,l asaql .al!s uo saceds Jo uor.?f,npal lau aql ,r;ti;ljt*r;;rlltSrltSil,ti;!.:lpaarEe spll lupl!1dde aq1 :6ur|.red Jo lptll sr passarppp aq [1M tpq? anssrauo 'suorlpJep!suor 6utuoz Jaqlo t r.p r{1t/.r arirer larubi ur 'si -'lesoarjia slqi - rno .ro3 ouaur 6r.rrrupdur?3op_."i*ttSooi'1,ffi:li3'3il1',iu1*il,';i-:3ffiHi"ili6u.L?lp"j'sruoor-5Bft1a1FssoI p u! 1lnsar 1,11m lesodo.rd s1q1 .II]J Jo IIJllloJ} peloual s! rxooJ a6po1 e aurrl ,fui pe.rrri6i.r ir lLuuad isn 1euo111puol v tt.., l.Ai-rsr t.- .''. Fpml*o-mn-ipsodo.rd *u, . rr"riltl[*';3'30iffi Jaqlo oNqx.r.A palapoual aq 01 6u l snoq qse.r1 6u11s1xe aq1 'aAU0 IaaJJ aJog ol.uo r{1 d Jo AerA [P!1!U!,Suertlsapad ap n9a 1 AJ- q pau! llno s appqSTuni .I .fianr lap DuE'3doJ-Gl6l[TlJq-6lli e JoJ slle: lesodo;d aq1 JauJof, aql spunoJ aql llnJlsqo plnor{ AJaAr lao puP af,!AJaS .H auo sp abpa 1aar1s DueqJaAo JOOJ aql ILn bB/61/L _b_ ,T,, Jog buolP u!p[!ng JlS lq6lJ Ire1 Jo u,,lol u! parv\ol[p aq [$A (sluauaaordnrl) uollJnJxsuo3 oN IllY?9_":' rPuo!1!puor aqlllt{ls !P luauaao.rduriieiop ileiiiil;"il'11;l':i' . parordde ?pr.ll pup PaJP slql JoJ pauuoJ s! auo uaqA puP e 3sute6e alpJlsuoual fou pup u! alEdtllupd uollpl!tddp aql ro1 leaorddp Jo uotl!puor aug t b8/Gt/L Qj.,nr,r,,Og oruozJpd ,rrlu^91 ?11?arrp eq upr sarnpaqrs luarufed 6uluracuoc ,r3?3{;fl60^li'sreaf rnoJ ?'xau. !{r 'rarro pi5up,iri-iuno,iB'odiuri*i'Jgr-ulrr,r-.anp runoup aql Jo9lr' ro ruaufyi tplrrur ue uo-iaieq s! rI :a.rnleudjs Jno,, JoJ pasol3ua arou'tuesslruo'rd P pu!J 111n noi -'islruoraruSJ-alqeuosua.r e 1uasaid",'r"riloitT;;,[];J I 111n nor sarBd.s jlg{.?ql JoJ se gi,,._-se_::10. .rrurtS;lt;:t,:l3r5j fiit;:juan16 uaaq lMlryrc"'1eicJj,r,,r,m or peua^uoo ajB rpr{r surooJ aopotaqlJ.oParE aJllua aqt parnspau i uaqn t9!11ryp all {o a6e1oo1 arpnbs tptot eqt u!aspa,u.r rr,16rls E sE^{ araqr' .rioleuiialb-rtdi hirieJ-"q ptnoqs sregunu asaqr t0.61 00'l +sacpds t0.Zl = aq1 asodord pue Upuzlls eql roJ sae3 6u1:1;ed lJptxz?ls :eU 051.8e$ 96'71 sareds tplol oiT - 00't - (luauaseq = 000.t$ 6 saceds 96.71 _ sutooJ a6po1 gu! pauado-ar) saceds g sTIFAil5 sateds aJEJJns I00t - (aoeds nau) 1aa1 a.renbs 1199 trdilTlFyt-Eiildiuruo-j uo!tent!s 6u11.red eql Je^o JIH'311,1"i .qog Jpao lgglg opPJolo3 .l!PA e^uo leaJS arog lsPl ggl a6po1 1.reuz1ggq3lUJ qo8 lucrudop .p llunuuoo lo.clflo tg6L ,62 Jaqolco ooozgrl (eoe) l99tg op3roloc .[B peor a6e1uo.r; qlnor gZ lll't0l a t"' lueu,fpd tE!llu\nof 6u!unss\.- dq:gvr JauuP ld uri{ol unPJg .v sEuoql --*t \ r\y.flalaf,u!S aAS .laquta1oN .fppuol^l fq alou ailesluoad pau61s pue\l en16--6; ii rcdaxa itnor, I 'seJn6!J esaql ol elqPuaue eJp 'e,rpq 'tEru nei; suollsanb-fup qxln eu lPl 01 eeJJ laal esPald on1 a6e4 ^ n8/62/01 sDpo'l lJpluzl !stltllrj qog Lt. s"fauJollp ?lqpuospal 6ugpn1cu1 ruo!13allo3 Jo slso, alqpuoseal .,.p rc;t;iaal6e'1q6noJq s! llns-io-.anp uaqrt/r-plpd Xou s! uoaJaql lsaJalug Jo alouslqt J! pue .f11rn1pur JaXJe .rb .ld .aio;a{ ,ruirfpa- idirjpA pue' 1uau,,iejJo ault Jo uo!suaxx? {r! 91 aa.r6e pue-.1sl1d.rd +o pue iuirirreoubu uo'Jc.iiou'1sa1and 'luaufed JoJ luauruaia.rd aalbm ,trlpJa^as JoaJaq sJasJopua pup sJarpul' oqralou aql.Jo Japtorr aql Jo uolra6'Jqi'ir:i.liilira rn'pallnor Jq'oilsarelu! eqX Jo:":lg_1: anp auroreq 01 alou atoqfi aql asnpr ltpqs alou slqX6ulJn3as luauaa;be ro aJuBJquncirr fue iepiln 11ne1jp'fue'io Jnp uaq, rsaJeru! Joledlcug.rd 1o luauifed ifde aliu ot a.lh[EJ reqr pu' .urnuup;ad luac.lad 91 goalpJ aq? lB tsaralu! MBrp lprls uoareqx 1sa.ra1ir1 panrrr€ pue ieal-urf"ri"eili'Jepuneraq anp parptoap.ro eirp-ua{r,r pred i.r-ii Ji.r;;dl; rpr4t 033u9V sI tI SIVO 886[ .g Jaqua^oN uo alqeited pue anp Z9.9816 g Jo aruplpq 6u1u1etua.l eql qt.r,r alqefed pup anp alqefed pup anp alqefed pup anp lg6[ .g Jaqua^oN 986t .g Jeque^oN uo 986[ 'g Jaqua^oN u0 6u1p11ng 1ed1c1unp repJo eql o1 fed o1 t9.98/6 $ Jo lueuttelsu! t{|.tnoJ arll n9'9816 $ Jo ?ueu[tP1su.r. prlql aql J0 luaullPlsu! puoces-aqlt9'9816 $ t86 I '9 Jaqua^oN uo alqefed pup anp 00.8g// $ Jo luaul lplsu! xsJ.rJ aql :suoItoJi sp sluauItelsu! flleaf u1 a1qe,(ed .a3uptpq pledun at.ll uo runuue;ad luat.lad uaX Jo lseJelu! qXlrir 'sJp t to0 'JolJaJ!0 aJupu!l aql asluo;d I .panlacaJ ioppJolo] .[!BA le Jo atlJlo aql lp Llp^ Jo ur{ol aql }o onlp^ JoJ .alpp Ja?JE sluaultE?su! uI b86L'62 Jaqotro 0ppJ0[0c r [!pA r.131!Jl .Opo'1 1r"r.f o-Z'-Bs $ .ud 0t:g le pauJnoCpe 6u11aaru aq1 .radld qlln eonpj u! t sem elo^ aql =W,,,:6!llyl:l!q: fqta,qtr" jonnl ,r r rnnr "ron.qqr lF5*ffi uor.lgPuautlotal rJels aqt af,Ja!d 'uot ssnJs!P JaIJV 'lf,tJ1sr.p luaulanoJdul ue lsuge6e alEJlsuoulal of ioir asruo.rdp[noA aq lpql uor.lrpuof, aql-al!t 10u plp 1up3r. 1dde aq1 .q]l!Jl qog .flasuaurul dlaqptnom saarl appqs pup 1oq f;an spil laaJls aql Jo apls slql lpql xno palurod Jr.rSrj - 'ue1d-luasatd aql Jo 1,red 1ou spr4 srql lpql pa.reilsup uallpd pup.rllnsJog 01 fe^1 aq1 11e 6ur1ue1d 1nd 01 supLd ppq umoi aq1 jr pa.rapuon arrald .1caco.rd pinora ,fdouec af,upJlua pup peaqJa^o aql aJaqn 6uglejipui soloilo pamoqs ;1caco.rd stqi-.ro4 o llallqcJp_eql .Jad!d pup .pappp talueld p .laa aql '6u11aau snolnard aql alu!s lesodo.rd I 01 apPur s I lJeuz? ! [P !f,Jeuiuof, a11nd uaaq peq 6ueqranor pauleldxa unpJg mol : ?uP3 'aoBAs '0:e apn ato^ ar{I . .6u11aau }xau oqlol atqpl 01 palsp 6ulLlC .uoltnlos p pulJ 01 ulq qllr IJo/,r o1 6urttu,r aq p[no/{ JJels aql lpr{l .palpls uallpd pue.suogldo tpuo!llppe a.roldxa 6ultttO 1eq1 pa1sa66ns -ladta 'daap ueql raqlpJ april aq o1 pau6isjp'aq plrior a6eje5'Jqr idel.rio reqrpa1sa66ns sp,rr lI 'a6p.lB6 eql u! Jamolq r,rous pup qJuaq uom e 1nd of ielue,ti aq lpr{lpeJaAsup pue'a6ee1 os aq 01 pepaau abp.rp6 aq1 fqm parse spm eH :1run 6ui11er.rpuleu aql ,{o[aq luaul.rpdp up l]otq ptnom flrado.rd aql uo areld.raqlo fue 11a1l aqpalpls'lupr!1dde aq1 '6u![[!0 )tJl0 'af,up!Jp^ e 6ur11a6 1noq1 rr*r palcn.llsrio- aqplnoc a6ere6 aq1 a.raqn 10[ aql uo saceld raqlo lpJa^as arar,r aJaql 1eq1 pa.readde 1rasnPf,aq lsanbar aql Jo tp!uap papuauruosal llprs aql lpr{l pautpldxa ua11e6 ra1a6 6ur t t!0 preqclX :luecr lddy . dTdTlb-E6'ef,Eb-T'if,nrtsuof, 01 rapJo u! aruptJp^ Irpqtas JpaJt JoilstFbar=i .zL P UADJP o qlnos aspds [P JapJo ur e pol lrpulzl!saql roJ lluu asn IPuo!1!puof, P Jo !1PJal IP JorJalxe JoJ lsan 'n spm elo^ aqf '1 pup 0t sual! atqel ol pepuoles uosdeg pue lxau aql o1 6u1lqpl pelsanbar 11 pup 0L sual! ro] slue:11ddy 'Jo^PJ u! 0-gpa/olx uenouoq '6u 11aaur - 'sural! paleleJ apo] aJlJ pup 6u1p1rnq atqpl!1dde 1[p ]o.1uau1;edag luaudolanaofllunuuro3 aqr Jo uollJpJsllps aql 01 'uorlalduroJ-(t.puB .pafcrllsa.r aq o1 pJsodo.rd irtun 6ut11anp t aql pup sllun uolXppoumroclp aq1 jo; suoll3lJ?sa.r asn rsJeuno 6ulssalppe slueua^oJ.aql u!t111^{ a6en6ue1 aleudo.rddy (g .fem-1o-1q6r.r 11e1 Jo ur,tol oluo aJnlsnJxs 6u11led puno.l6;apun aq1 6u1p.re6al luauai.r6e luauqceoriua aq1 1o 6urp.rocar pue 6u121 r{a[>lcag s!nprI :lupc! tddV istnuiil-Y 'rl ('LL uaft 6urno11otr 6u1tqp1 roJ uo11ou aa5) - ap!.lgcl^l uqo0 pup raJlts 'l ,taupou :sluecltddv'pulptlng ral!ts aql sutpluo3 q3!q^,t,bur[!J ls1 a6e1[!i\ [lp,\.g l]o[g. .0[ l!t'i JOAP} u spA elo^au l 'tPAoJddP 10 suo !1r puol Jad lsenbal eql a^oJddp 01 papuosas ata!A pue pa^ou uos -l.pul-J (Z 'taloq aql Jo eoo1l do1 aqX uo sllun t aql 01 pa1e1a.r suoiicl.rlsar 6ugsnoq n8/Et/8 -9- 3ld '6u1u1e1sqe arJa!d aql qlllr ouau JJPIS eql PU 'uo!ssnJs!p euos JaIJV 'tvAoSddvslo tv^ouddv :Iq papuocss :^q uolloy\l aleo pleog i e!^eu uolseq :slueururoc - euoz '6u! l tcolg go-1 :uo;1d;:cseg 1e6a1 :auoqd puE sssjppv 'lcol!r.lcjv :auoqd PUB SSaJPPV '.lAu,uo t/)ouoLld puE uosJod lcPluo9 :uolld!rcsao lcafold :aureN lgalord 7'?1r, uoltsc!lddv lcelord I ,n,,G",Grv rl I iL lI3-:y.-,.- ?7tcK-' e*P Je'.J- ! rJC) TI- U Best copy Available 3?\-:Tt =L-=\/{ 71-rvlC ','btt = l''?x o -1 ,--..€'? n-taz- ....J* /---- .' -.-' v 1 {J L \,\,'il c ( \ <'F-rrd.-'ff' 2-5F--i F{i ---. -d.\t nQ-C); ,)< a*- / 1/ 1''i;2), "?' ,ot" a(t9" ,,o' ,'t?:W ,! a February 9, 1981 T0: Planning and Environmental Commission FR0M: Department of Cornmunity Development/Peter Patten RE: EXTERIOR ALTERATION REQUEST FOR THE SITZMARK LODGE BY BOB FRITCH The Sitzmark Lodge is requesting approval to construct a passenger e'l evator on the west errd of the building. The elevator is 20'x 9' in dimension and abcut 39' in height at the highest point. A. COI'IPLIANCE I.IITH PURPOSE SECTION 18.24.010 Purpose. The Commercial Core I District is intended to prorride sites and to main+,ain the unjque character of the Va'il Village Cominercial Area, with its mixture of lodges and con:mercial establishments in a predominantly pedestrian environment. The Conmerc'ial Core I Djstrict. is interrded to ensure adequare light, air, open space and other anenities appropriai.e to the permitted typesof buiidings and uses. The District regulations in accordance with the Vail Villaqe Urban Desiqn Guide Plan and Design Considerations presiribe site development standards that are intended to ensure the maintenance a.nd preservation of the tightiy c'i usiered arrangements of buildings front'i ng on pedestri an h,ays and public greenways anci to ensure contii:uation of bui iding scaie and architecturalqualities tirat distinguish the Vi'l1age. (Ord.21, 1930) Staff feels the proposa'l does conrply vrith the purpose section. B. COI'IPLIANCE I.IITH VAIL VILLAGE URBAN DESIGN GUIDE PLAN AND DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS IIICLUDIiic ]i1E FCLLOI.III.IG : 1. Sub-Area Concepts of Urbrrr Design Guide P'l an llo sub-area concept of the Plan is related to this proposa 1 . 2. Urban Desjcin Consideratjons Perlestri an j zat'ion, fralnelork, strcci hei ght, and vi er.rs . vehjclc penetrat'ion, streetscope cnclo:;irrc, street edge, building a Page 2 With regard to bui'lding height, the staff has determjned the elevator to be an irchitectural projection under Section 18.58.040 and thus, no height variance will be required. The Sitzmark Lodge is a legal existing non-conforming structure with regard to height and the elevator shaft will not increase this discrepancy 3. Zoning Code Considerations No zoning code considerations are affected. 4. Architectura'l and Landscape Considerations These concerns will be addressed when the proiect goes to Design Review Board. The elevator shaft is matching existing materials and should b'lend in well with the building. C. . RECO}4I'IENDATION The Department of Community Development recommends approval with the condition the applicant agrees to participate in the Vail Vi'llage Improvement District'if and when it is created. r|:u-+-z-y-ol Pctcrr--Busically, l*t. clcaning up thc rot rine ]r" the county rcgulationsarc diffcrcttt from tliiTownf s. It will clini-natc the-n-on-conforming use, and lot6 ls still u lcgul sizc. Aftcr norc discussion, Gerry askcd for a notion. Roger movcd and Duane secondcd thatthc.rcqucst to.rcvi-sc thc cxisting lot line bctrveen lots 5 and 6, lllock 5, BighornSubdivision, sth Addition bc approved. The vote to approve was 6-0, with Dan Corcoranabstrlning. F.-. -$ rggucst fot an extcti-o-I altcration and modj.fication in Commercial Core I andleigfrf vur sit"t*rffi""Grcck Drivc. Applicant: Bob Fritch. Petcr went over his nrcno. l{e explainecl that this r,/as reviewed at the Decenbcr 12y31! ;gssion, bricfly, nrentionirrg that jt was a ninor addition, and that the only reasontnat tt }{as beforc the Planning Conunission was because it was an exter-ior alteration,as nrininrum ss it is. Tire staff had revielred it. anrl it had no effect on any of theUrbatr Desigrl Critcris. rcally, as the ncno stated. The question was did it nced ah<light variattce, thc stafl has detcrnincd that it is basically an architecturalproJcetlon and no hcight variance is required. The Sitznark is a 1ega1 existi-ngnon-cottfonning structr.tre r+ith regard to height, and the shaft was ngi going to increasethat di.scrcpancyr so that no hcllht variunce is needed, and staff is rccomrnendingapproval of the projcct. Duane Piper of lrhecLer-Piper- explained that the height was 3sr and showed drawingsyl:h noT€ explanation. Thc brcik dor.n sqrErre footage to this is: nechanical equipnent 2..98 sg ft., prrblic lobby space increased i.78 sq ft, the hallway is extended to purtrho elevatot on th€ intcrior^space. Upper trvo floors have storage roons, 132 sq ft,so total envclopc sq ft is 603. Dan Cotcoran-movedo ond Gayllot seconded to grant the request as stated in the memofronthosteff.sulijoctt'otirefoI1ovliergcgn.1itj.o,-,: - fhe applicmt aglg.:s to i'ru:ticipate in the \rail. Village ..:b4r'ovc:nerrt<i'i.strictj'fen.d',liic;rfo:n'lerlfo:rVaj.1\ij.11age. The ttote to eppr,ov'e u'as 6-0" rr,itjt Er:"nne pitrreir at,rt"inlrrg. _{g!_Igg1ij.gg-_tion .in Conunerc.ial Core I fort&e iicd LIon bui.Ltij.u.q, r_o c,onstrGl--uFce;aaltinna-I- shops at S04 )hst }ridec SrTcct. {rnrl"icanr: Jclif Selby. Diek $trn: llt'- ehairtnn, snrJ rr+:nbers oi tlre Pl..rlning cor:unission: rhis ii a request YtT -th: l'::{..PPcedurc. th.lt rios j'ust o.rJopteil by the Planning commj.ssion tasr springtot a }Icll ati<li'tion to t.hc Rcd [,ien. 'Thc Flanning Comnission has had extensivcp$csentatio)'r at thc aoint. rrcctiin.g betlieln the plinning conunission and the Councilerr tlle Dr*oDo-ssl- Pl'oposcd.-i-s clirori:rntely 2,950 sq ft of neb/ connercial spacerehi(tlh h'oui\r bc b1' 5.1$.>rt ce"oli"*"i-ii r:e.r rvould be a bctter conncction in seiberte{a'crc f;or ;lLoilc t,o rEo d:p thc.ne im,.d -}o3r ;rnd brorvse and just make the area a nuchnox\c attt\c .lllr.i pilclts-tnt spo,cc. idlsc'r nocluestecl is 3 seioncl floor dwelling unitsItthQt tti!?\rld cont-nl I nlr:r'rYortinrrtc-xy 5,5$o s"] ft- Thc proposal for resirlentiai spacels -sr'':bstlnticlly'un*lor r.Ic atrXlr}ri'fd Gl-c;s "Lcsiclcntial Floor Arca for thc building.I tlt'rrlrnl tlire tl}1: l tclrrrt :;*\-rs rbccn r,crJ r.Js)+\lsivc to conccrns of <lealing r,iith thc site co'itrti''r1g qrql vlit'h it :i('w (t\::.1 it jon t,o ti\c :.tn..crf..rxe thxt is ver1, conpatibic r.rit.h r.;hrt ispttolp-.rstr,.\ \:urd{:[ thc t'sril triix rn.qc ll:Jrrh;rr ill'sii.gn ,cuj.tlc plan. ilso,'1he applicalt has -lrcslPr)n(lc\l \ iilrr tthc sliit:t:"s vric'r*, to (,!rLrI ji,n:1. ,,rvir:h t he nrinor vicrv corriclor of thc Vail Vjilltiqqq-' ttrlryu'rn illtc-siillrrl tr',iriiqllc rPllorn. In tiiue u:urrnor v.icrv conidor, thcrc can be sornc nrocli- 9r -rq!{ _--------:-- Sf{z,l;,:r.'ieFe effi5.jL1e February 19, l9g1 Mr._ Dick Ryan-r-uwl OF VAILvarr, co 91657 Dear Dick: This letter is ii*'iF ]* li;' i:i' *-l ?': :f ' : T I ; ;;# f ' ;x + ii r ;"; i;:,'I:::.1g. ;;';;il;.::; f:"$$lT"nl.l commissiJi*ii .r,"i, f"'*t + _.ry:s* ff : I i i f : :: :. i ", F{ii if,* *}l_ :F, liii i, i.,, 1l::: are crireria. for approvino:i'ff"'i*ol3;ff.::iteria ;;;'"L3 Yariances' rhe erevator approval. r r..,r"-l-a:'striJt-";;;:i" oe approved' suppori i:ffi;jj * *irl*' :i{::i*fryi"F: !:"#i:""'Ifi5 ?grns rorced ." :ilJ u". in'''or-i.5ltnt-in time' r know qrstrict "horrld"'i?" "-ui""i-;;"; and r feel that r am ttg I r;ould trr"r^l!- aure-io"si;;.!*' The improvement and ir """*i."ii:f:;: r'"p"".J';:'";1"':: 3$"3:itli."n.,, I*y:ytd.hope that.this condition b.orr.ld h^ _^-approval of the sitzmari ;;"-;;;i. b'ouLd be removed from Sincerely, 44: Owner I O siitzrnarle I'odrge I'ebruary 19, l-98I Mr. Dick Ryan TOIIN OF VAILVail, CO 81557 Dear Dick: This letter is in appeal of the condition of approval-of the elevator shaft for the Sitzmark Building given by the Planning and EnvironmentaL Conunission in their meeting of February 9, 1981-. I am appealing the conditionthat [The applicant agrees to participate in the Vai]- ViJ-lage improvement district if and when formed forvail Village. " There are criteria for approving variances. The elevatorshaft met those criteria and should be approved. Supportof the improvement district should not be tied to thisapproval. I may very well support the district at thetime it is formed, but at this,point in time, I knownothing of what wiLl be involved, and I feel that I am being forced to sign a blank check. The improvementdistrict should be able to stand on its own merits, and I would therefore hope to be abl-e to support it when and if one is formed. I would hope that this condition woul-d be removed from approval of the Sitzmark project. Sincerely. ,/ZZ_zZ" RFF/hf Year Around Resort Lodging .183 Gore Creek Drive . Vail, Cotorado 8.t 657 o (303) 476-5001 Fritch Sii gzrynarle L$etge F.ebruary 19, 19gl #5;"iF*,lli"varr, CO S1657 Dear Dick: This letter is i:;; *i ]l*l*'i:iF#. "fnin;, ! 31! i.ti-on or "pp.?-y1l tri4*;*'ffi #;;5;**- :Hffi ,'i;,t'., "" li:ii;i! :;;::'"':, f$, :"5;,*,11,,,":,_i1nc es . rhe e 1 evator ri" ii:. $":*:ff r'j; i*i5f i:ft It" ii Ti;i "lr .i;#::i3I^lF i*p.o".ti"ii':='ra and "nu"lu-!: .pprorli] =",rn, Lo.::"y:i; --i';:;";"$";:ii'":::::3 "ot r!-iiej*io tnisllfil"Ii';" I^T:I^J":i-;:ii.J#i,'l ifrl,llT,.._it ig i"riia verv w€rr support_ the aisirll. -J. "in'xnothinq "t o,i,*",lj.,fu,t at this point in t-imo r L-^_-lllli"g ot wrrif-il:.'i'." ac this point-in time,-i il"" ?::lg. i"'..J"io' JiJi l"or'lXitl""1:'"nd_r ree.f '.fr.i", u,n r'ernrns or what wirr ue-in;i;"d:.1*"..: !i*9, r knowiilllr ji,.:f":i" ;*g"- :.1+;i -Jiltrl"urf. rif*,ll::^:.d-istrict _ "i,o,iia-.'e" 3_ Drank check. 1tu-iiir""Eri.naung I r""rJ"iii;";:.:"*:*to-stand on rts oh/n mcri+c:15 i"#:', :';;:ff;i "i5o:".:';:o";1"'l: :91"ff f ii:merits.and if one is iorrn"a. RFF/hf when I^::utu-hope that. rhis condition rapproval. of the sitzmari-;;;;::i. would be removed from Si ncerely. ear AroLrnd Besort Lodging 33 Gore Creek Drive o \Colorado BlC57 r (303) 476_500.1 - February 9, 1981 T0: Planning and Environmental Connjssion FROM: Department of Community Development/Peter Patten RE: EXTERIOR ALTERATION REQUEST FOR THE SITZMARK LODGE BY BOB FRITCH The S'itzmark Lodge is requesting approva'l to construct a passenger elevator on the west end of the bui'lding. The e'levator is 20'x f in dimension and about 39'in heightat the highest point. A. COMPLIANCE WITH PURPOSE SECTION 18.24.010 Purpose. The Commercia'l Core I District is intendedto provide sites and to maintain the unique characterof the Vail Village Commercial Area, w'ith its mixture of lodges and commercial establishments in a predominantly pedestrian environment. The Commercial Core I Districtis intended to ensure adequate light, a'i r, open space and other amenities appropriabe to the perm'itted typesof bui'ldings and uses. The District regulations in accordance with the Vail Vi'llaqe Urban Desiqn Guide Plan and Design Considerations presiribe site deielopment standards that are intended to ensure the ma'i ntenance andpreservation of the tightly clustered amangements of buildings fronting on pedestrian l^/ays and public Areenwaysand to ensure continuatjon of building scale and architecturalqualities that distinguish the Village. (Ord.21, 1930) Staff feels the proposal does comply with the purpose section. B. COI'IPLIANCE WITH VAIL VILLAGE URBAN DESIGN GUIDE PLAN ANDffitrm 1. Sub-Area Concepts of Urban Design Guide Plan No sub-area concept of the Plan is related to this proposa I . Pedes tri ani zati on , framework, street height, and viels. vehicle penetration, streetscope enclo:rurc, street edge, building Consi derati ons2. c. Page 2 With regard to building height, the staff has determined the elevator to be an architectural proiection under Section 18.58.040 and thus, no height variance will be required. The Sitzmark Lodge is a legal exist'ing non-conforming structure w'i th regard to height and the e'levator shaft wi'l 1 not increase this discrepancy. 3. Zonfng Code Considerations No zoning code considerations are affected. 4. Architectural and Lands,cape Considerations These concerns will be addressed when the proiect goes to Design Review Board. The elevator shaft is matching ex'ist'i ng materials and should blend in well with the building. RECOMMENDATION The Department of Community Development recommends approval wjth the condition the applicant agrees to participate in the Vai'l Village Improvement District if and when it is created. PBC-4-2-9-81 PGtcr: Basicalty, .t? cleaning up are differenr from thc Townrs. It will6 ls still a legal size. After rnore discussion, Gerry asked forthe roqucst to revise the existing lotSubdlvisionr Sth Addition be approved. abstalnlng. nelght varj.ance to construct tn eievatorCreek Drive. Applicant: Bob Fritch. Uest for sn exterior alteration and nodification in Connercial Core and the lot 1i.ne because the County regulations eliminate the non-conforming use, and 1ot a rnotion. Roger noved and Duane seconded thatline between lots 5 and 6, Block 5, Bighorn The vote to approve was 6-0, with Dan Corcoran at the Sitzmark b lding located at Gore Peter went over his neno. He explained t.hat this was reviewed at the December lzr.nlk session briefly-, rnentioning that it was a ninor addition, and that the only reasonthat lt was befsre the*Planning-Cornmisiion was because it was an exterior alteration,as ninitnurn as it is. The staff had reviewed it and it had no effect on any of the PIP* Design eriteria real1y, as the nemo stated. The question was did it need anelgnE verisRce' the staff has deternined t.hat it is basically an architecturalP"oJeetion and no height variance is required. The sitznark is a legal existingnan-coRforming structure with regard to height, u"J ttt"-irruft was ,,oi going-io j.rr"r""r"that dlscrepancy) so that no treiliri .'.rl*"J is needed, and staff is reconmendingapproval of the project. Duane Piper of WheererPiper explained that the height was 35r and showed drawingsyl:h noTe exptranation. fhe break dor,m square footage to this is: nechanical equipment2p8 sg ft., publie lobby space increased 178 sq tt,"ir,e-tr"i1way is extended to putthc elevator wl the interior^space. tlpp"" t*o floors have storage roons, 132 sq ft,so total envclope sq ft is eog. Dan eoricoran-qoved, and Craynor seccnded to grant the request as stated in the nenofusln the staff, srnlijoet ro cho followirq condition; " The apptricant agrees to p.articipate j.n ,the Vail Villagelrytove*nent, distri.et if and r+he.n f,ol.ned {or Vail Vj.11age.fhe vote to alrprove was G-0" wnth hiatoe Fipdr abstai"ing. 6.A I f-9T qn extcri.or alterati.fte and modification Conunercial Core I for, to construct t iona e rng units an t fot a rlew add;ltiem to ttre Red x,nd. -The planning couurission has had "*t"n"iuu o^"'t Itlese'ntattr"en at the jjoint. rnuet;rrg betmeem the plinning comrnission and the CouncilaP,qht Propo.ser.. Foeposod is opt "*lo*t*ily 2,980 sq ft of new cornnercial spacer+hich rould be by Seaber'c Cnlelb'and uc treell would be a better connection in Seibert $to: -fa." pe'opxg to sto tlp the:rtr arnd shonr ana browse and just make the area a muchtmre aetlvc arr'd Elens.urt sPsae- l{,ltso roquested is 3 seiond floor dwelling units&t niQuld cortrttiirtn-apipuruxiiunoieey 5,5.s0 sqt f,t. The proposal for residential spacels rs6stanrtllally w.rder tftrie alltqaaed rfo,uss [iesidential Fltor Area for the building.f tlntnrk dlao aplLicamrt llias lbs!:en v.y o*qnc,nrsive to concerns of dealing r+ith the sitecrmnng \q, vit,h a rro* g*,I!i.t[orn ,co tto st1.*.rro"e that is very conpatible with what isple4resod unldan'tllte Vaii.ll Viililiage llfuhan DDSrigu Guide plan. ilro,-the applicant h""teS4aondCd" inr t.he *t"ftr]i Viio*o trq ,&""Uijqg wrich thc ninor view corridor of the VailYli.Itago U{ban ]D}e$iigD G,\iid,a Fllan- en tfr{e unii:nron vicw corridor, there can be sone modi- shops at 3.04 Dasr &nn(ge S'creet. Anrnrlicamt: Jeff Selby. Eiek ba'n: [h' €haiunnmo and rnenbers @c the Planning conrnission: This is a requesgHT 3.::H.tff*,$n-ry: jus,c adrytea uy tr'.-pianning connission tast spring E -.-a ,t- , ^ dcC4lXaasLE O1-!t Project Application o^t /2 - 8' ?9 FFrir.bllame: Proiect Description: Owner Address and Phone: Architecl Address and Phone: Block FilingLegal Description: Lot Zone: Zoning Approved: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPBOVAL DISAPPHOVAL Summary: r\ department of community developmentbox lfi) Yail, colorado 81657 (3031 47e5613 July I, 1981 Duane Piper 1973 N. Frontage Rd. Vail, Co'lorado 81657 RE: DRB Submlttal of 7/ll8l Sitzmark Elevator Add. Dear Duane: At the July l meeting of the Deslgn Review Board, your subm'itta1 for the addition of a 3 station elevator to existing lodge was approved with the fotlorving stipu'lation: tree to be moved - replaced aften construction. Peter Jamaq Town Planner PJ:df tl'- Project Name: Project Application Sltznark Elevator Addltlon oate 6/L5/8L Addltlon of 3 statlon elevartor to exlsting lodge.Project Description: Contact Person and Phone Duane Piper 476-L664 Owner, Address and Phone: Rob Fritch, 475-5OO1 Architecl, Address and Phone: Wheeler Plper ArchlEects,1973 N. Frontage Rd. Valll, CO.476-1564 Legal Desqription: Lot 5 -B , Btock Filins V. V. I Exterlor Alteratlon subrnltted Eo and , zone CC 1 approved by P.E.C.Comments: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: DISAPPROVAL €: --- / Summary: D6te: \ NAIIE OF PRO.'ECT LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT BTOCK FILING DgscRrprro{ oF pRorEcr WaJu* ?.1-Nx(27 lhc following infornation is Board before a final approval A. BUILDING MATERIALS Roof Slding 0ther l{all Materials Fascia Soffits Windows t{indow Trin Ibors Door Trin Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chinneys Trash Encl osures Greenhous es Other B. PLANT MATERIALS (Vegetat ive, Landscaping Botanical Nane required for subnittal by the applicant to the Design Review can be given: lYpe of !,laterial Color l.WA WFrt Trees, Shrubs, and Santigr llaterials including Comon Narne @ftW+ Ground Cover) Size(W d?paery@ ULa) bxV( tfui,* 2\ C. a otilEr ul$tAr! FEAnRES (letrhlal irllr, Fcncol, nl/o ltrirninS Pools, etc.) Plcrlo rpoclfy. " ' '" -:'-- Tt*-5 PTANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION MEETING February 9, 19Bl 3100 p.n. STAFF PRESENTPRESENT Gerry White Roger Tilkeneier Dan Corcoran Scott Edwards Duane Piper Jin Morgan Gaynor Miller 1. Approval of urinutes of neeting of January 12, 198!. Dick Ryan Peter Patten Betsy Rosolack COIJNCIL REPRESENTATIVE Bud Benedict Scott noved and Gaynor seconded that these ninutes by approved. Vote was 7-0 i.n favor. 2. Approval of ninutes of meeting of January 26, 1981.. Dan noved and Roger seconded that these ninutes by approved. Vote was 7-0 in favor. 3. Luke densi"ty control variance, Lot 3, Block 3, Bighorn Sub, 3rd Additlon (tabled from January 26 neeting). Peter: I was able to meet with lrh. Luke between the last meeting and thi-s one, we went over and looked at both topographic surveys--the early one and the one that was done, I believe last year. As far as trying to cotnpare the two surveys to see if there was a slope change, that was irnpossible to do because the early survey was not adequate to be able to conpute slope on the site. I did take l,tr. Luke.'s recent survey and re- analyzed the slope. I did a slope analysis myself and it turned out that lilr. Luke would be allowed 2 units on the property rather than one. I informed hin of that fact, and'it did not change his wish to get a variance to construct 3 units on the Property. As nost of you know, we nere able to look at the site today. We took 5 of the planning conmissioners and Bud Benedict fron the Council out to the site and we did a complete inspection of the site. As far as the staff reconunendation on this, there is no change. To repeat, we still'feel strongly that, of course we would allow 2 rurits which is allowed. llle feel strongly that the best solution in the developnent of this proPerty is to develop it in accord with the adjacent lot, where there is a buildable area, and finally lrdlike to quickly go through and read off the findings which the Planning and Environnent Corulission nust nake before granting a variance. Before any variancc is approved, the three points that the Corrunission nust find arel l. That thc granting of the variance will not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the linitations on other properties classified in the sarne distrj.ct. 2. That the granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare, or nater.ially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. The the variance is warranted for one or nore of the following reasons: a. The str rct or literal interpretation and enforcement of the specified regulation would result in practical diffilulty or unnecessary physical hardsltip inconsistent vith the objectives of this title. PEC-2-2-9-8L 3.b. There are exceptions or extraordinary circunstances or conditions applicable to the site of the variance that do not apply generally to other properties in the sane zone. c. The strict or literal inter?retation and enforcement of the specified Tegulation would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the same district. The Planning Connission nust nake all of these findings in order to approve the variance, and, in conclusion, our reconnendation remains as the original neno states, denial . Gerry: Thank you. Would the applicant like to make sone corurents? Mr. Luke: Yes, please. Itve been here now three times, and I thought that we had nade the ninutes of the neetings fairly clear, but I donrt see any addressing of the problem by the Planning Connission. Itrn going to state it one more titne for the recotd, and th.itrs it. Low Density lrtultiple Family equals north side of lot 3 equals ).ot 4 ,3.7units. Sarne topography, and I believe you gent l ernen have seen that today, and Irn sorry, but lrn getting a little bit inpatient because I've been here 3 times and nothing seens to be happening. If you deny this today I would appreciate under the constitutional Plocess the reasons why you are denying it. I have and they are part of the ni.nutes of the meeting and I should not take the time of the group to reiterate for the third tirne, and I will not. If you would like sone reiteration, I would be happy to present it to you. Thank you. Gerry: Ttrank you. Comments fron the Planning Conmission? Dan: As I recall, the postponetnents and the requests for tabliag were on your part, not the planning connission. We were nore than willing to take a vote the first t iure you were here. Luke: That is not true, sir. In talking to Mr. Patten, we had to narly the original site plan Process which as you know is the site plan, to the survey which was lilr. R.W. Consultants, July 1980, marry those two to see if there was a considerable difference. Now. The rocks have been thrown on ny land by you and the State. How nany of eachI do not know. I told you this three weeks ago. This has not been decided because there are scar places my trees, there are also no lichen moss, called noss rock. Now,Irll be happy to go into it, Itve into it three tines, and all I get is bottles andbees. Nobody has ever answered one question. Irn a little bit tired. Dan: You said that the rocks on your property substantially changed the topography, and thatts why there is a difference. -I lrgued with you and explained to you whyif your lot was surveyed properly, those rocks would not affect your topography. You obviously didntt listen to that. Luke: No, you haventt checked it out. Dan: Oh, yes, I have. Irve been out to your lot 3 tines in the last two weeks walkingit by nyself, and with the Planning Cornmission today. I'n a licensed land surveyorin this state, also. I know what is required on topography. Luke: Fine. ily point still remains, and I have not changed. -I believe the ninuteswill reflect this and thj.s history, it will be forever j.n perpetuity. Therefore, Iwill rest and I want to know what the appeal procedures are. I have an idea t,hat Irn being denied my three units. Gerryl Mr. Luke, you haven't been denied three writs. Any other cgnrDents? Scott: Ird like to rnove that since the applicant has not satisfied the requircnctrts PEC -3- 2-9-81 of the ordinance in requesting a variance, Roger: Second. that the variance be denied. lerry: Motion by Scott Edwards, seconded by Roger Tilkemeier. All those in favor.(Al1 voted in favor.). Unanitnous. And I would renind you, Nh. Luke, that you have10 days to appeal to Town Council if you would like to. Luke: 10 days. Is that for appeal to the Town Council? Gerry: To the Town Council . Luke: And then what is the legislative process for the State of Colorado? Is that30 days? Gerry: I dontt know anything about it. Luke: I think I have to appeal within 30 days as I recall. you night check that andIrll be back with you in L0 days. Thank you very nuch, Gerry: No, you would appeal to the Town Council. Luke: Pardon ne? Gerry: I said that you would appealdecision of the Planning Corurission. to the Town Council , if you wish to appeal the Peter: Mr. Luke, the appeal procedure is for you to submit in writing to the TownManager's office, if you would like to appear bn their agenda if you iould liketo aPPeal this decision. one other thing, the presentation that you nake at theTown council nay not be different than wf,at you have presented heie. Luke: Is that 10 days fron today? Peter: Yes. Luke; Do f appear here I0 days fron today? Peter: No, you will not, just subnit in writing. Luke: You donrt know the rules of that? When do I appear? Peterr - sir, again, you subnit in writing to the Town counciL within l0 days.will schedule you on a regular Town cotmiil neeting. you.will,be inforned. uest-for a min-or subdivision to rerocate an existing rot rine between lots They Gerry: Conments frorn the st,aff? Peter: Yes' This is-the site nap out in East Vail , Lots 5 and 6 are the ones concerned.!q. B-orge-n is requesting that the existing lot line be abandoned, and that a new lotline be drawn, a very ninor change, and Iilr let hirn exprain thc reasons for it. Borgen: Irn asking that this conunon corner between lot s and l,ot,6 be moved 12 feetto the east. l{hen this single farnily hone was built on this }ot, it had a detachedgarage' :'i : " :rii i'ii itc PEC-4-2-9-81 o Peter: Basically, this is cleaning up the lot line because the County regulations are different fron the Townrs. It will eliminate the non-conforming use, and 1ot 6 is still a legal size. After nore discussion, Gerry asked for a motion. Roger noved and Duane seconded that the request to revise the existing lot line between lots 5 and 6, Block 5, Bighorn Subdivision, sth Addition be approved. The vote to approve was 6-0, with Dan Corcoran abstaining. 5. A request for an exterior alteration and rnodification in Corunercial Core I and height variance to construct an elevator at the Sitzrnark building located at lB3 Gore Creek Drive. Applicant: Bob Fritch. Peter went over his neno. He explained that this was reviewed at the December 12 work session briefly, mentioning that it was a nj.nor addition, and that the only reason that it was before the Planning Cornrnission was because it was an exterior alteration, as nininum as it is. The staff had reviewed it and it had no effect on any of the Urban Design Criteria really, as the memo stated. The question was did it need4 height variance, the staff has deternined that it is basically an architectural projection and no height variance is required. The Sitzmark is a legal existing non-conforning structure with regard to height., and the shaft was not going to increase that discrepancy, so that no height variance is needed, and staff is reconmending approval of the project. Duane Piper of l'tlheeler-Piper explained that the height was 35t and showed drawings with nore explanation. The break down square footage to this is: nechanical equipment 298 sq ft., public lobby space increased 178 sq ft, the hallway is extended to put the elevator on the interior space. Upper tv/o floors have storage roouts, 132 sq ft, so total envelope sq ft is 608. Dan Corcoran moved, and Gayn or seconded to grant the request as stated in the neno fron the staff.srtrUject to the following coSdition.: The applicant agrees to participate in the Vail. Village improvement district if and when forned for Vail Vil1age. : . " The vote to approve was 6-0, with Duane Piper abstainj-ng. 6. A request for an extgrior alteration alld modi.fication in Gouunercial Core I for shops at 304 East Bridge Street. Applicant: Jeff Selby. Dick Ryan: Mr. Chairrnan, and nenrbers of the Planning Corrnission: Ttris is a request rmder the new procedure that was just adopted by the Planning Conrnission last springfor a new addition to the Red Lion. The Planning Conmission has had extensive Presentation at the joint meeting between the planning comrnission and the Council on the proposal. Proposed is approximately 2,980 sq ft of new conmercial space which would be by Seibert Circle and we feel would be a better connection in Seibert Circle for people to go up there and shop and browse and just nake the area a much noie acti_ve and pleasant space. Also requested is 3 second floor dwelling units that would contain approxirnately 3,580 sq ft. The proposal for residential sPace is substantially under the allowed Gross Residential Floor Area for the building. I think the applicant has been very responsive to concerns of dealing with the site coming up with a new addition to the structure that is very compatible with what is proposed under the Vail Village Urban Design Guide Pl:rn. Also, the applicant tras' responded, in the staffrs vi.ew, to dealing with the rninor view corridor of the Vail Village Urban Design Guide Plan. In the ninor view corridor, there can be sone modi- PEC-s-2-9-81 fication to this view corridor. I think werve all seen the presentation on the nodi-fication that would take place at the view corridor. I think werve also looked at. what some of the irnpli.cations are j-f the building is nodified in other ways where other private views would be blocked substantially if the applicant continued to go with the Gross Residential Floor Area that is allowed. The staff has looked at the Urban Design Considerations that the Planning Cornmission needs to review as far as pedestrianization is concerned. I think it is an irnprovement to pedestrianizationinto the Seibert Circle area. There is a better connection to the Mill Creek Building noving the Seibert Circle area to the north, which is proposed under the Urban Design Guide Plan. The Seibert Circle which actually have more sun during certain tirnes of the year and becone an even more viable place with sone redesign of that particulararea. The vehicle penetration: Potentially there could be fewer vehicles there becausr there is Presently a 2 car gatage where people come to park at the garage and they also tend to park at the back of the garage, so at tines there could be 4 vehicles coming into the core at all times, realizing that they have almost a pernanent parking place'in the Village. Under the proposal, there would be a loading and unloading zone byMill. Creek, so that the people who would be using the condoniniums would be able to use that area to load and unload their vehicles, and then they would be required, unless they had sone space that we donrt know about, to go to the parking structure, or if they had a rental car, they could return the rental car, because they may not need ituntil the end of the week or until they go back to Denver, or wherever they nay be going, On the east side would also be the loading area, so that the trucks that vrould be servicithis building would be able to use that. The streetscape franework I think wetve alread) talked about, in fact, we feel that adding commercial shops to that end of the streetwill provide the opportunity for people to actually come up there and walk through Seibert Circle instead of just, what nany do, look down the street and decide thatit is not worth going dor,rn further to Mill Creek, and I think it will be an iurproved opportunity plus, from the design viewpoint, it yrill be a very beautiful entry-.intothe shops. Street edge and stleet enclosure: The applicant has demonstrated that the street enclo- sure of l/2 to I that is expressed in the Vail Village Urban Design Guide Plan is lnet by this, and that there is sone street enclosure by the proposal, but I think if you look at the nodel here today, there is sti11 a very confortab le feeling as you would walk dotm the street. Building height: The proposal does neet the Urban Design Guide Plan for building height, actually the whole building, I believe is under 30 feet which is one of the nain criteriaIt doesntt even have to have the other percentage--3O to 40 feet where a certain percen- tage could be actually higher. The view corridor: There is some intrusion into the view corridor taking place fronHilI Street. The staff does feel that that is an acceptable change to the view corridor. the sun/shade: Ihere is no impact because the sun is coming fron the south and thebuilding is not shading the street or another building. As far as the zoning code is concerned, the najor aspect there worrld be that the applican would be required to pay the parking fee that has been established for Vail Villagefor the new addition of residential space and for the ncw addition of the commercial space that will be in the building, and would be responsible for paying for the rernovalof the parking spaces that are in the present garage. . . :, , .' PEC-6--2/e/81 Under the architectural and landscape controls that are in the Design Considerationsof the Urban Design Guide P1an, I think the applicant, as far as the architecturaldesign, has responded to the essence of what ii U"ing proposed in the Desigx Considera-tions, and actually has the design of the building fit the character of Vail Village,and also fits the building that is currently there. The design, we feel, blends inand is very conplinentary to the existing Red Lion building. The reconmendation ofthe staff is for approval of the request subject to j conditions: 1: The applicant agrees to participate in and remonstrate against .a special inprovenendistrict if and when formed for Vail Village. The applicant agrees to upgrade the Landscaping along Mill Creek and and presentplan to the Community Developnent department for approval . 3. And the applicant agrees to participate financially in street inprovements, forexanple street Pavers, street lights and the relocated focal point at Seibett Circleif an irnprovement district is not forned, and the applicant will share a sinilar anomtif we are able to get agreernent. fron al I the ptop"riy owners in the surrounding areato agree uPon something like a special assessnent to irnprove Seibert Circle. Iln surethe Town would also be participaling in what inprov"*"ttir would be there. Gerry: Are there connents fron the applicant? Peter: We received a letter, I think all of.tire planning cornmission nenbers have acopy of this, dated February 3, 1981, addressed to the Planning and EnvironnentalConnission: Dear Mr. Chairnan and Cornmission nernbers: rrWith regret I am unabtle to attend your published neeting on February 9, 1981, as Inrst be in Chicago that day. I wish to present to the Corunission, ty way of a 15 minutewalking site visit, opposition by Mrs. Coitlandt Hill and nyself, i.c-t C,riti.r,, to thereguest to modify the exterior of the Red Lion building in Comrnercial Core I. I respect-fully request you al1ow a continuance of your hearing .ttttit I nay present collectivlyor, individually to {ou, ny opposition naterial . 'Your schedule, I- wrderstand, is veryfull, but because of the importance of your decision, I hope you will feel iompelledto hear the property owners who are definitely affecied by^urrj, decision yor r"i". Ian at your convenience Tuesday, February 10th on, for ny presentation. Thank you foryour consideration of ny request.rt And signed by Jack J. curtin with copies to slifer, caplan, Mrs. Joan Hill, and rne. Bill Ruoff: I am BilI Ruoff, architect for the project. Before I go into ny presentatioIrd like to say that Dick just stole ny thrmder.- HL said all the things I am irepared!9 t"y. I,could repeat then all and elaborate on any, but I'd like to ask foisomedirection frorn, the planning conmission. Do you want to hear me say it all again and.point to the pictures at the same time, or move on to particularsi Dick gavl a xatherconprehensive point by point explanation. Dan: Has the Presentation changed any at all, or-substantially from what you gave usat our joint neeting? Ruoff: Nothing substantive. At that time, when you saw this model 4 weeks ago, there werenrt any windows on this building, there werenrt any people in the rtt""tr, but the Red Lion building itself has not beln touched. I can'i iemember, did we have the picture painted on thc wall? Dan: If there is sonething really different ,;].a r" did not go over last timc, thatrs o 2. the PEC-7-2l9l8l rnaybe what we should discuss. Ruoff: No, there is not. We have come today prepared to show you again the sane pre- sentation that you saly at the joint meeting at the Athletic Club. Roger: I think that everybody on our Conmission heard that, and unless there are people in the audience who cane here particularly for this issue and would like to hear it again, I dontt think that is necessary. Peter: Sid just brought up the point that naybe the presentation should be nade in light that, if an appeal is filed, they will have to nake the sane Presentation to the Council. Ruoff: The graphic materials, the nothing to what was there. If Youidcntify thern for the record. Peter: That might be a good idea. Sibldy: I just. want to nake sure that the exhibits rnight in front of the Council, .as this letter indicates night at least rnake reference to those specific exhibits that pictures and the model are identical . We have added would like, in the interest of saving tine, we could Larry Eskwith: If he wants to protect the record, I think you should add to what you think you need. Most of the findings have been made by the Cornrnission, and it has been found to comply with the relevant ordinances. I dontt know if you are going to have to go through the entire presentation. be used at the tine that we axe happen, I would just as soon you have up. Gerry: I would just rnake one corntnent, and that is that the questions that were raised ancl discussed at that joint neeting should be raised and discussed again right now. For the record. Ruoff: Running down the list frorn the Guidelines,. Dick has already done. I can rePeat that, I can talk briefly about the drawings. We wi1.1. look at the photo overlays that we have that display the view corridors and how they are affected. I guess what Irn saying, do you think that it is necessary for ne to repeat substantially what Dick just went through. Gerry: No, I donrt. I think it is inportant... Roger: If you endorse what he said... Ruoff: I do and have, because... Gerry: I think it is important to raise the questions that were raised at. that ti-ne. Roger: I think it was view corridors prirnarily were the things I was concerned with and relationship of your drawings to the Urban Design Plan, and that has already been covered . Jin: Didnrt you have sorne photographs at one point? Ruoff: Let me run throrrgh the drawings quickly first, and then werll go through the photographs. This is the base plan. This plan includes all of upper Bridge Street and crosses'ltlill Creek and takes in Mill Creek Court and the Christi,ana, all of the surrounding buildings. The red Line supcrirnposed upon the blue plan of the new building is hcre for rcfcrence to show thc red linc is the existing wall of the Red Lion as you soo it ip this photogpaph. It does {9t .cornc out to the propcrty line at present. The PEC-8-2/9/8I o proposed addition does. These are the 3 elevation drawings which show in considerable i"tiit the proposed changes. To answer specific points in the Guide Lines for archi- tectural detail , articulation, pedestrian scale on the street. Ihe top drawing on this side and the one below it itlustrate the difference between the stieet enciosure ratio as it exists today with the roof of the Red Lion coming down very low to only about 7 feet, really above the street. The existing patio there is actually below itreet 1evel. The driwing irnnediately below shows the same relationship as it will exist after the addition is nade. The average ratio of width to height is alnost exactly I/4 to I at present. Under the Guide Lines, this is considered beyond linits of good conforabl e street enclosure. What werve been able to do is achieve. l/2 to 1, almost exactly I/2 to I which is considered optinum. The next drawing is really just an illustration of the height statistics on the building. The red line shows the height that is allowed under the currently extisting zoning and Guide Lines. It could be a 3 siory building, as are all of the surrorurding buildings except one 2 story and one 4 story. the average height of all surrounding buildings in the neighborhood is 3 stories. Werre proposing, though, for a nunber of reasons, the Red Lion addition be kept dor!,n to 2 stories. This also keeps GRFA and other things way under the linit--about 4000 sq ft under the linit on GRFA and a whole story height under on the height of the building. The bottour drawing illustrates the principal pedestrian pathways up Bridge Street, in and out of Bridge Street, and around Seibert Circle as they will exist after the project is finished. They are not substantially different fron what they are today, but we feel that the introduction of interest.ing transparent shop fronts from the Red Lion entrance on around the corner into Hanson Ranch Road toward Mi1l Creek Court building will draw the pedestrians in a way that they presently do not go. When they come uP, they fol.low thispathon by Baxter's and The Slope toward the nountain or go over to Cyranots, but there is nothing to draw them thi-s way. We think we can close the circle and contain this square, the plaza area. Real1y, we think wetre going to comPlete it. There are several other drawings that we have here which you saw at the other neeting. We pinned then up and down, and I think we should do so again today for a very brief review. They are background information, and rve use them to ansuer questions, if you'll remenber, on heights, and what. if we did'something else instead of w\at we did. We spent no time, we didntt even refer to thern rnuch nore than to say that rve had thera the other time, because they are not of direct interest at this tine. They are the floor plans of the three floors as they will exist after the addition is made. The basement which will contain the nite club and contain the noi-se because there !,ronr t be any windows that will open out below the neighbors, the shops and the new condoniniums as they will exist on the floor above. Let us just Tun thtough then all. This, I donrt believe I did show the other tine, because I dontt think we got into it. We had this one up. The red lines show the outLine of rvhat the 3 story building would look like. This is an actual rendered elevation of what it would look like. We think that it is a moot point at this stage, because we dontt really want to go to that height. Ihese are overlays of the principal elevation of the buildi.ng. There are several series of dotted lines. They are all a little differcnt frorn the one you see. But within it, we are able to show the principal alternative nethods of putting the roofs on this building. The reason we chose the one that you see in the final drawings up here, is because we feel it is the best comprorni.se on the issue of view planes and view corridors. lrle feel that the two low gubles that wetve shown there are better than any of thesc. We bring thcse along, and occaisionally soneone asks, "Well, what if you aia this instead of that?t', we can shorv on these exactly what would have happerled if we had done thi.s instead of that and why rvc chose the one that you see in the rnodel . -l-*..".-'I[ PEC - 9- 2/9/8L These are sun angle and shadow diagrams which we refered the last tine, because, as Dick says, they really arenrt gerrnain to our problem because werre fortunate enough to be on the north side of the street. Werre not casting shadows on :rnyone. These basically show how the neighbor casts a little bit of shadow on us. And this is a depiction of the actual view corridor as it exists through HilL Street. there is a very slight difference between this one and the angles as they are shown on the official Town nap in the Guide Lines. We discovered when we got out there with our instrunents and cameras and measurenents and so forth, that. the one on the Town plan is off by about maybe one degree. It is a very ninor thing. We platted this one from information which we generated through the project, and it is a little nore accurate because we had a little nore tine to dig into it. This is an extrenely accurat( calculated projecti.on of the view corridor. The principaL exhibits concerning the view corridor, of course, are the pictorial ones. Ihe large photographs Thatrs it for now. The overlay done in color to enphasize rather than dininish it, the impact on the view corridor as it will be viewed fron what we consider is probably the nost critical point in the entire length of Hi1l. Street which isn?t very nuch. That critical point, we feel is back here. Itrs actually standing in Jack Curtints front door, which is right there. The reason we feel this is inportant is because aI1 of the people traversing Wall Street heading toward the nountain or wherever, pass this way, they can look over their shoulder..is what theytll see as opposed to the people walking through the street. Only half of them can see it, unless theyrve got eyes onthe back of their heads, so we feel that this is the most inportant one. We do have also on a smaller scale, a series of photographs showing how it disappears as you walk forward up Hill Street. they are smaller, we did not pin thern up at the other neeting, we again, just rnention that they are here as part of the material frorn which these were enlarged, so that you can see from across the room. The view of the snow capped peaks of the Gore renains, but what we will cut off is some of the foregrowrd and a big brownhillside above the highway. It actually cones down by the golf course. ' We feel to the visitor and to most people it is the snor capped peaks out there that are the nost irnportant part of the view. So that is the degree to which we inpinge upon the ninor view corridor in Hill Street. We went a little farther than is required strictly under zoning and other regulations. We did the same kind of study on the two adjoining neighbors upon whon there is impactviews. And that is the two on either side of lli1l Street here on the 2nd floor at the end of the Plaza Lodge is the apartment of Mrs. JoAnn Hill. Across the street on the entire 2nd and Srd floors of this building is the residence of Mrs. Cortlandt Hill. We will have an impact upon the view from JoAnn Hill?s living roon, and we will have an inpact on the view from Jack Curtinrs apartment. Windows over here and the rest of her house are not affected. 0.K. This photograph was taken from just inside, 20" back of the big sliding glass door which is the rnain viewing point frorn JoAnn Hillrsliving room. This is what she sees today. the impact on her view is rather sinilarto what it is in Hill street. Her view now is cut off by the existing chimney of the Red Lion and the top floors of the Christiana. She sees the peaks across here and sone of the valley and brown hillside in the foreground. Our new roof line will come across here and cut off that bottorn piece right in there about like this. It willstill leave the view of the peaks. ilorv let'i look at the sinilar thing as seen fron Mrs. Cortlandt Hillts house. i{erets the view. The addition will cone out this way. The piece of view that is cut off here--none of the peaks are inpacted at all. This end of the roof right here will cut off this piece of, again, the sane sage brush hill- side opposite the gth tr l0th fairways on thc golf coursc beside the highway. In brief form, that is the Presentation--the points that we reviewed at the joint meet.ing 3 or 4 weeks ago, the naterial that we showed at that tine. PEC L0 - 2/9/8L Gerry: Thank you, Bill. I would just like to make one conment quickly, the same comrenl that I rrade at the joint rneeting. That is, that I think that you have a rather signifi- cant impact on the vicw corridor on Hill Street, and that, in terns of the streetscape, that by moving what would be the southwest corner of your roof back about 15 feet, it would be nore inviting in terns of taking people around the coraer which is, aft,er a11, what your design plan is hoping will be achieved, and would have less of an irnpact in terrns of a confining streetscape which I think is what the inpact will be. It will be confining in terrns of Bridge Street. It will extend Bridge Street, up a little bit further than I think it should be. So thatrs ny conunent which is the sane conrnent I nade before. Does anybody else have conments? Gaynor: I think I liked it the way it is being proposed in the sense that I think that they have, on the south end, done enough design work, both on the roof and the indenta- tions and entTance ways and windows to not create a square building on the end, and I like the way it is proposed Scott: If you noved back 15 feet, you would have less than L/2 to 1 ratio, for some Teason, the nagic number in the Guide Plan. Gerry: I would just conment that that is a reconrnended nuuiber. Streetscapes and view corridors are not necessarily deterrnined Uy nffiers, aione. Roger:'., the view conidor is identified as a secondary view corridor, ip it not? Gerry: Yes. Roger: fn our deliberations, I think, in the developnent of the Guide Plan, those were not considered as prirnary factors to be concerned with. I like the design the way he has it. It think a very nice job in addressing the problens in trying to mitigate all of the potential objections, and I think that, based on the allowed GRFA, I thirtk they exhibit a lot of restraint. Gerry: Dan, do you have any cornments ? Dan: I like the presentation. I think it is a nice treatment of the site. Duane: I do agree that we have obstructed to a certain degree the minor view corridor.I feel in this particular case that the improvement to the more intinate stTeetscape, the sense of views, and the arrangenents of the buildings out weight the fact that we do have a slight obstruction there. I do like the addition, and an in favor of it. Jin: I think the irnpact as being shorrn here is probabty the best picture you can get of it. As you go down the alley, the impact of the building is considerably nore. You nove about 10 feet down and you lose the peaks, dontt you? Ruoff: Jirn, as you walk through now, you begin to lose the view about here. With the addition, you begin to lose it about here. It dirninishes until we reach this point in this area, and it's gone. As it is now, it dimj.nishes and you lose it about here. Gerry: My concern isnrt with seeing the peaks in total per se. I\'ly concern is with the sense of space. That the whole concept of space, of course, is what nakes Bridge Street unique. I think that this goes just a little bit further than it should in terns of enclosing the street. I think that both things can be achieved. I like the building, and I like the fact that the building is bigger in that particular spot. I like the fact that. the road is closed, but not that much. PEC rL- 2/9/8r o Ruoff: As with nost of these things, Gerry, we end_up cornprising between a lot of ;;;;;*;-"rp""tr, thcre is a conpromise in-shape of Luilding to maintain as much as possible the view. It;s true, on the ratios in here, we have followed the recommended guide lines rather closely. It wasnrt difficult because it just happened to work out that the 2 story scheme here gave it to us. We consciously wanted to create nore of a sense of enclosure for the Seibert citcie area, and we feel now that with the roof sloping down, the space isnrt containea-""ty,nuif. But this we have already discussed bef'ore. There is no doubt it is a conpronise amongst many elenents' Gerry: Are there any comments from the audience? Robert Oliver: t"Iy nane is Robert oriver, and I work-for the Plaza Lodge and arso for the possibility of representing Mrs. Hill. She is concerned about the things that you are talking about as i". u, the view corridor dovm Hill Stleet, and from the view fron her aPaltment. These people are trying their best, and she is still concerned about the lack of vlew corridor that is goi-ng to cone out. of Jrel casenlnl :ii1:*t t"d also that sliding glass door. Just one iititE ifttt I caught.that you were-saylng' Dick' I cantt understand why-you can say tittt iit"tl is a Potenaial loss of traffic there' You canrt take one cond-ominiun and turn it into S and add 5 shop spaces -and not expect a traffic flow on Bridge street. For someone who has a shop there, or for soneone who has given their coidonrinium to S1ifer to rent out every week, that traffic is going to be much greater. Dick: well, I think there is a potential for being less traffic in the sense that right now there are a lot of people who come and pirk in those spaces on a continuing basis of just pulling in and pulling out using th-e core area. with the condominiuns' at least there is thI potenti"r tttui you would cone in, drop your bags off one^day, and you may not need to come back until you actually leave the site--instead of coning in there and saying, nWe1l, I want to go'someplace io- do sorne quick shopping. " You are probably going io g"t on the shuttle bus iather than walk back to the transportation """tlt if ytu-lefi the car there, or if you have turned the car in' Robert oliver: That might be true, but you canrt add all that space and say that the traffic is going to go down. Dick: I guess ny feeling is that itrs not going to. increase dramatically, and there i, tf," poiential'that it could go down, lusi from- what I see of the use of those spaces in front of the garage now, whiih u"u "or,rt"tttly being used by everybody in Town to prri i" and parkl belause ihey know there is a parking sPace there' Robert Oliver: I think the odds are that it is going to go uP' Jin: Yes, you would have to expect nore traffic with people having to bring stuff into shops. wira1 you are saying is ihat there is space theie that people are parking in' and for some reason, because you are going to eat uP some of that sPace neans that you are going to have less parking. Sut ihe ictual dernand of, like those 5 shops and 5 cond6s, i ""r, ,"" is going to have more demand that what you have there now, in ternrs of vehicular traffic. Dick: I think the potential for shops will be 3 snall shops, probably, because there are only 3,000 sq ft. Ruoff: The potential here i.s for 3 shops. Jinr: Welt, whatever, I nean there ts got to be an increase in vehicular traffic' don tt see ho* yo. can go from the restaurant and one condo to"" Ruoff: Jin, we donrt feel that there is going to be any substantial increase ig5gurlers in vehiclcs because these are not food op'erations, we donrt have food and mcat trucks PEC 12 2/s/8r th'at have to cone every day to then. They are snall shops that, tend to get shipnents pretty often, mostly by freight, UPS, or something is delivered to their home because theyfre using their garage as an extra warehouse. But, aside fron the owner bringing in their station wagon occasionally to haul sonething that he is storing in his garage, we see the UPS man parked here sonewhere today anyway, while he goes to 4 or 5 places here, goes to 2 ski shops, and all the surrounding neighborhood. hlerre not gojrg to brj.nl the UPS i.n more often. l{e may cause hin to park there an extra 5 minutes while he runs into these 3 shops and nakes deliveries. But we feel that that is quite different fron bringing hirn in rnany more tines. We donrt think he will do that. We think that the existing pattern of the trucks that park along here in front ofCyranorsand Gold Peak will continue. Some of the point,s that we have discussed before, go a little beyond this project. We did at the work session discuss a little bit sorne of the things that will happen when and if the Seibert Circle improvements and irnplemented because they cornplement what we are doing. That will help to chanelize the traffic so the trucks then will always park on the sane side of the street, and you wonrt find Burrlettrs truck clogging the other side, so that if an energency vehicle does come through, he canrt get through. These r+ill be irnprovements. Again, the cars. We all know the history of the building. For nany years Marg and Larry Burdick lived there full tine. It was their rnain hone. They kept 2 cars in the Earage, and they are like all of us. If they had lots of business around town, and they'd nrn in and out. The nurnb er of vehicular novernents is what werve concerned with. Now, I didnrt have any reason, and I donrt think anyone else did, but cornrnon sense, if you think about it a minute, nay Point a direction. An active couple living here full tj-xne, and the times they bring their cars out and in every day on the average is 2 or 3 tlnes a day for each car--is going to exceed the number of car movenents for a condo owner who cones and stays a week, who cones in and out once. I really think the situation for the condos in the building is going to be very similar to what we have at the Plaza Lodge today, because your guests go in and out. Now they wonrt likely stay--who knows? Who knows who is going to buy those, how long theytre going to use it. Itll te11 you one thing, though, letrs not go and play the paper nunbers game, but let's be realistic about it. The prices for which units go in the center of the Village automatically tell us sonething. That they are going to be bought by people with that uruch noney. People with that much noney in the cookie jar to slap down on fancy apartnents in the center of the vi1lage, and then spend about $200,000 to decorate it, are really not interested in having Slifer stuff it with every corner and run it like a hotel , because that amotlnt of income, theytre not interested in, and nost of those people donrt want those PeoPle staying in their place in Vail . They arenrt Tented very often. Theytre given away to friends and family. Realities of economics and hurnan nature pretty well tell us that, no, these are not going to have the frequency of use that the smaller condos in other Partsof the connunity do. Gerry: Thank you, Bill. Dick: I'd just like to add that there is also going to be a loading area along the east side of the buildi.ng, too, so that there rviLl be the opPortunity for someone coming in there to unload their bags and luggage without actually being parked in the street. Ruoff: And the neighboring points in the Improve Vail plan cotnplenent this beautifully. Gerry: Are there other conments or questions? Ed Drager: Irrn here as an interested citi?en. I sat on that same planning commission up there for 4 years, and for 4 years I and a whole lot of other people worked to get the Inprove Vail job done to stop developnent as a matter of right in the cornnercial core of V;iil . It has been accornplished, and I think the dcvelopers here have shown a gleat deal of sensitivity to the work and the desires and the hopes that we had and one of the agonizing things that we went through was whcther or not Hill Street uas a eten::a fiinor view corridor at the tine. I think the rnodifications here on the PEc rs 2./e/8r a a Red Lion are going to hurt, naybe shorten up that view corridor, but I think the inprove- nent overall is a very good improvenent. If I were sitting on that side of the table today, Itd be voting for it. Thank you. Gerry: thank you, Ed. Are there any other co ments fron the audience? Gaynor: Are you going to be required to have parking spaces? Ruoff: At the end of the Townts recorunendation, is stated the condition Dick: On page 3 at the bottom of the page, they will be required to pay the appropriate fee for parking. Gerry: Irn just going to quickly ask Jeff if he is faniliar with and cornfortable with the conditions of approval? Selby: Would you read those to me? Gerry: 'Sure. Ihe applicant agrees to participate in not remonstTate against a special improvement district if and when formed for Vail Village. 2. The applicant agrees to upgrade the landscaping along Mi.1l Creek and present the plan to Commtmity Developmenfor approval . 3. The applicant agrees to participate financj.ally in street inprovenentse.g. street Pavers, street lights and the relocated focal point at Seibert. Circle if an inprovenent district is not forned. The applicantrs share would be deterni,ned by the street frontage of property in Seibert Circle and other property ormers in area would also have to agree to participate. Selby: On the final one, it would not be of the situation where Ird be the only property owner in the area. The applicantrs share would be deterrnined by street frontage property on Seibert Circle of al-l property olmers contributing, is that colrect? Gerry: Thatts correct. Selby: I think we can live with al.l those recornrnendations. Gerry: You are aware that these are conditions for approval , if approved, it would be approved on those conditions. Selby: Yes, I understand. Those things may not be known until such tj-ne as inprovernents are conpleted, but I would assune that those conditions would go beyond the period in which we inprove the Property. It seems to ne that we nay get down the road here in a year or 2, and everyone will say, rrletrs upgrade Seibert Circle in that area",, and we would be requested to corne in at that tine to contribute funds toward those inprovenen'lI have no trouble with that as long as it is an area wide wrderstanding with other proPerty owners. .Dan: I uould nove to approve the request for an exterior alteration and rnodificat.ion in Conmercial Core I for the Red Lion building per the staff neno and as presented today. Gerry: We have a.rnotion for approval by Dan Corcoran. Is there a second? Roger: Yes. I second. Gerry: Second by Roger Tilkeneier. All those in favor? Scott Edwards, Roger Tilkeneier, Gaynor ltliller, Dan Corcoran, Duano piper, Jim Mcrgan. And Itnr against because I donrt like that onc :*.ction of that one building. Motion passcd 6-1. PLANNING AI.ID ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION MEETING February 9, 1981 3:00 p.rn. STAFF PRESENTPRESENT Gerry White Roger Tilkemeier : Dan Corcoran Scott Edwards Duane Piper Jin Morgan Gaynor Miller 1. Approval of ninutes of rneeting of Jinuary 12, 1981 . Dick Ryan Peter Patten Betsy Rosolack COI,INC IL REPRESENTATIVE Bud Benedict Scott moved and Gaynor seconded that these ninutes by approved. Vote was 7-0 in favor. 2. Approval of minutes of neeting of January 26, 798L. Dan moved and Roger seconded that these ninutes by approved. Vote was 7-0 in favor. 3. Luke density control variance, Lot 3, Block 3, Bighorn Sub, 3rd Addit.ion (tabled Peter: I was able to neet with l4r. Luke between the last neeting and this one, we went over and looked at both topographic surveys--the early one and the one that was done,I believe last year. As far as trying to conpare the two surveys to see if there was a slope change, that was inpossible to do because. the early survey was not adequate to be able to compute slope on the site. I did take Mr. Lukets recent survey and re- analyzed the slope. I did a slope analysis rnysel$ and it turned out that Mr. Luke would be allowed 2 units on the property rather than one. I inforrned him of that fact, and'it did not change his wish to get a variance to construct 3 tmits on the property. As most of you know, we were able to look at the site today. llle took 5 of the planning coumissj.oners and Bud Benedict from the Council out to the site and we did a complete inspection of the site. As far as the staff reconmendation on this, there is no change. To repeat, we still feel strongly that, of course we would allow 2 rurits which is allowed. llle feel strongly that the best solution in the developrnent of this property is to developit in accord with the adjacent lot, where there is a buildable area, and finally Irdlike to quickly go through and read off the findings which the Planning and Envirorunenti Connission nust nake before granting a variance. Before any variance is approved, the three points that the Conunission rnuit find are: 1. That the granting of the variance will not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the lirnitations on other properties classified in the same district. 2. That the granting of the variance will not be detrirnental to the public health, safety, or welfare, or naterially injurious to propert,ies or inprovenents jn the vicinity. 3. The the variance is warranted for one or nore of the following reasons: a. The str'ct or literal interpretation an.-1 enforcement of the specified regulation would rcsult in practical diffilulty or unncJcssary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of this title. PEC-2-2-9-8L 5.b. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicableto the site of the variance that do not apply generally to other properties inthe same zone. c. The strict or literal interpretation and enforcement of the specified regulation would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the same district. The Planning Corunission must make a1l of these findings in order to approve the variance, and, in conclusion, our recomtnendation renains as the original meno states, denial . Gerry: Thank you. Would the applicant like to nake sone conments? Mr. Luke: Yes, please, Irve been here nol three tines, and I thought that we had rnade the ninutes of the neetings fairly clear, but I donrt see any addressing of the problen by the Planning Conrmission. I trn going to state it one more time for the record, andthat's it. Low Density Multiple Farnily equals north side of 1ot 5 equals lot 4 , 3.7units. Same topography, and I believe you gentlenen have seen that today, and Itrn souy,but Itrn getting a little bit impatient because Itve been here 3 times and nothi.ng seensto be happening. If you deny this today I would appreciate wrder the constitutional Process the reasons why you are denying it. I have and they are part of the ninutesof the tneeting and I should not take the tinre of the group to reiterate for the thirdtine, and I will not. If you would like sone reiteration, I would be happy to presentit to you. Thank you. Gerry: Thank you. Comrnents frorn the Planning.Ccnunission? Dan: As I recall, the postponements and the requests for tabling were on your part, not the planning corunj.ssion. We were rnore than willing to take a vote the first tineyou were here. Luke: That. is not true, sir. In talking to Mr. Patten, we had to narry the originalsite plan Process which as you know is the site plan, to the survey which was Mr. R.W. Consultants, July 1980, narry those two to see if there was a considerable difference.Now. The rocks have been thrown on ny land by you ancl the State. How urany of eachI do not know. I told you this three weeks ago. This has not been decided because !lt9le- ar.e scar places my trees, there are also no lichen moss, called noss rock. Now,Ir11 be happy to go into it, Irve into it three tines, and ali I get is bottles andbees. Nobody has ever answered one question. Itn a little bit tired. Dan: You said that the rocks on your property substantially changed the topography,and thatrs why there is a difference. -r irgula wirh you ani expliined to y-ou-whyif your lot was surveyed properly, those rocks would not affect your topogiaphy. you obviously didn't listen to that. Luke: No, you havenrt checked it out. Diri: 0h, yes, I have. Irve been out to your lot 3 tirnes in the last trvo weeks walkingit by myself, and with the Planning Commission today. Irn a licensed land surveyorin this state, also. I know what is required on topography. tYIg' lin". lly Point still remains, and r have not changed. -r.believe the rninuteswill reflect this and this history, it wirr be forever in perpetuity. Therefore, Iwill rest and I want to know what the appeal procedures are. I have an idea that lrnbeing denied my three units. Gerry: Mr. Luke, you havenrt been denied three i;ilits. Scott: Itd like to tnove that since the applicarii- has Any other conments ? not satisfied the requiremcnts PEC -3- 2-9-81 of itre ordinance in requesting a variance, that the variance be denied. Roger: Second. 99Tyt Motion by Scott Edwards, seconded by Roger Til,kemeier. All those in favor.(All voted in favor.). unanirnous. And I w-ould renind you, l,tr. Luke, that yo,r--h"uul0 days to appeal to Town Council if you would like to. Luke: l0 days. Is that for appeal to the Town Council? Gerry: To the Toun Council. Luke: fuid then what is the legislative process for the State of Colorado? Is that30 days? Gerry: I donrt know anything about it. Luke: I think I have to appeal within S0 days as I recall.Irll be back with you in 10 days. Thank you very uruch. Gerryl No, you would appeal to the Town Council . Luke: Pardon rne? Gerry: I said that you would appealdecision of the Planning Conurisiion. You night check that and to the Town Council, if you wish to appeal the Peter: Mr. Luke, the appeal procedure is for you to subnit in writing to the TownManagerrs office, if you woutd like to appear bn their agenda if you iould liket-o appeal this decision. one other thing, the presentation that you make at theTown council tnay not be different than wfiat you'nave pr"ient;a-he;;. .. - -- --'- Luke: Is that l0 days from today? Peter: Yes. appear here 10 days frorn today? No, you will not, just submi.t in writing. donrt know the rules of that?' When do I appear? again, you subrnit in witing: to the Torm council with'iir 10 days. Theyrou on a regular Town cormcil neetin!. you.wirr,.be inforned. fol a min_or.:qbdivision to relocate an existing lot line between lots orn Borqen. 3:a"I:r_rl:t:_ 1i-: i:.the site rnap out in East Vail, lots 5 and 6 are the ones concerned.Itlr. Borgen is reqrequesting that the existing lot line be abandone.d,: Antl that a new Iotne b-eidra'wntr - o 'u""y lminor change., and. iilt 1et hin.explain thei:r-basonb fo; ii. '.\ !i;:r;ij,, i !.,(.:(: I , il:i'!i. i,i, :.. :...liiii P,:.,0-*1,lj) .l ,i r',.': : :.' .. : ' i . r..r, , .':-i':r*:-:I);i..,il ,- -.-. :..-iii ;,"r-:*l' -i'';ui.ii-,Y,','", .1".' L IBoYE+t1i.'"FrrnraskLng thutjthis cornmon "o*ur betr{reen lot 5 and lot 6 be moved 12 feet!9..!.f9 e.+st., tihen this single farnilv horaHi\b. f'r: - r."'|i.( ' .\'(r:.: r','..ii'i i.-r.,' ,liiir"S€rll-t, byil5:n..1,fi1,..1,o,3r, .tt',JE{rE:FE{.E: detached#idb;."i1,::'r,'llJ'ln:,..,?1,'".i.1l8,r"ii3$iJI.,,Lg$".fl-'. by+lt:n .,1,|i',,."1,?J S't'ott: Itt! I ii'i' t(J I'roy u Llr.ri jiiicc tirc agrlrllr..;.: h:rs tir,i s:li. i:,f icd tltt r'.iiili:"-':.: -'i):: PEC-4-2-9-81 Petel: Basically, tr,i, Pcluaning up the lot rlnu u"""ulhe county regulationsare different fron the Townrs. It wil 1 eliminate the non-conforming use, and lot6 is still a legal size. After nore discussion, Gerry asked for a notion. Roger noved and Duane seconded thatthe_request to revise the existing lot line between iots 5 and 6, Block 5, BighornSubdivision, sth Addition be approved. The vote to approve was 6-0, with Dan Corcoranabstaining. 5t. $'.requgst for an exterior alteration and modification in Corunercial Core I andheight v""i"t"" ""Creek Drive. Applicant: Bob Fritch. Peter went over his memo. He explained that this was reviewed at the Deceurber 12work session- briefly-, nentioning that it was a rninor addition, and that the only reasonthat it was before the Planning Cornmission was because it was an exterior alteration,as miniutun as it is. The staff had revi.ewed it and it had no effect on any of theurban Design criteria really, as the nemo stated. The question was did it need aheight variance, the staff has deterrnined that it is basically an architecturalprojection and no height variance is required. The Sitzmark ii a legal existingnon-conforning structu-re with regard to height, and the shaft was noi going to increasethat discrePalcl so that no hellht variance is needed, and staff is reconnendi.ngapproval of the project. Duane Piper of l{heeler-Piper explained that the height was ssr and showed diawingswith nore explanation. The brelk down square footage to this is: mechanical equipnent2-s8 sg ft., public lobby space increased 17g sq ft, the harrway is extended to putthe elevator on the interior^space. upper two -floors have storage roons, 1J2 sq ft,so total envelope sq ft is 60g. Dan corcoran noved, and Gaynor seconded to grant the request as stated in the nenofrom the staff.srlHject to the following conJition; - ' - . The applicant aCrggs to part.icipate in the Vai1. Villageimprovernent district if and when forrned for Vail Vil1age. , . ... The vote to approve was 6-0, with Duane pipdr abstainlng. &lgtt exterior alteration aud modification eommerc ia I Core I for L1on shops at 304 ing, to construct-Enree ;&[Tm-nadT-m]Bridge Street. Applicant: Jeff Selby. units an |::l-*fl,_^It:_!l11T.r:, "ld menbers of the planning conrnission: This is a requestunder the new procedure. ihat was 5uii .iopt"a ty the"pranning conrnission last ,ff;;for a new addition to the Red Lion. The Flanning Corunission has had extensivepresentation at the joint meeting between the plinning cormnission and the Councilol .tJte proposal . Proposed_is approximately 2,bgO sq ft of n"" comnercial spacewhich would be by seibert Circll'ana we felr woutd u". uuti*t connection in SeibertCircle for people to go up there and shop and browse and just rnake the area a rnuchmoie act-i-ve and pleasant space. Also requested is 3 second floor dwelling unitsthat would contain approxinately 3,5g0 sq ft. The proposal for residential spaceis -substantially under the allowed 6ross Residential Floor Area for the building.I think the applicant has been very responsive to concerns of dealing r{rith the sitecorning up with a new addition to tire stiucture that j.s very conpatible with what isproposed under the Vail Village Urban Design Guide Plan. il"o,-the applicani tu, :::Pond"g,. in the.staffrs view, to dealing with the ninor view corridor of the VailVillage Urban Design Guide Plan. rn the minor vier,/ corridor, there can be sone modi- G PEC-s-2-9-81 The view corridor: There isHill Street. The staff does fication to this view corridor. I think wefve all seen the presentation on the nodi-fication that would take place at the view corridor. I think werve also looked atwhat sone of the inplications are if the building is rnodified in other *"yr-rh"ruother private views would be blocked substantialiy if the applicant, continued to gowith the Gross Residential Floor Arba that is allbwed. The staff has looked at theUrban Design Considerations t.hat the Planning Comrnission needs to review as far aspedestrianization is concerned. I think it is an inprovenent to pedestrianizationinto the seibert circle area. There is a better conirection to thl Mill Creek BuildingItoving the Seibert Circle area to the north, which is proposed under the Urban Desj.gnGuide Plan. The Seibert Circle which actuaity have rot" i.rn during certain times ofthe year and becone an even more viable place with some redesign oi that particulararea' The vehicle penetration: Potentially there could be fewer vehicles there becausethere is presently a-2 cat garage where people cone to park at the garage and they alsotend to park at the-back of the garage, so at tirnes theie could be 4 vehicles cominginto the core at all times, realizing ih"t th"y have alnost a permanent parking place. ltn the village. Under the proposal , there wouid be a loading and unloading zone byMill Creek, so that the people-who wouLd be using the conJominiums would be able rouse that area to load and unload their vehicles, and then they would be required, .unless !1."y ]tu9 some space that we donrt know about, to go to the parking structure, or ifthey had a rentar car, they could return the rentil car, belaus. ihey ruy noi need ituntil the end of the week or until they go back to Denver, or wherever tley may be going. on the east side would also be the loading area, so that the trucks that would be servicirthis building would be able to use that. The st.reetscape framework I think werve alreadytalked about, in fact, we feel that adding conmercial sirops to that, end of the streety'|1 nrovide-the opportunity for people to actually "o*" irp there and walk throughSeibert Circle instead of just, wirat^many do, look dor,n th; street and decide thatit is not wofth going down further to t'till creek, and I think it will be an improvedoPPortunity plus, fron the <iesign viewpoint, it will be a very beautiful entry-intothe shops street edge and street enclosure: The applicant has dernonstrated that the street enclo-sure of I/2 to 1 that- is expressed in iire \iail Village Urban Design Guide plan isnet by this, and that there i! some street enclosure by the proposal , but I think ifyou look at the nodel here today, thexe is still a very comfirt;ble ieeling as you wouldwalk down the street, Building height: The proposal does neet the Urban Design Guide plan for building height,actually the whole building, I believe is rurder 30 feet which is one of the nain criteriasIt doesnrt even have to, have the other percentage--30 to 40 feet where a certain percen-tage could be actual ly higher. sone intrusion into the view corridor taking place fronfeel that, that is an acceptable change to the view corridor. The sun/shade: There is no inpact because the sun is coming fron the south and thebuilding is not shading the stieet or another building. As far as the zoning code is concerned, the najor aspect there would be that the applicantwould be required to p1y the-parking fee that has beln established for Vail Villagefor the new addition of residential space and for the new addition of the conrnercialsPace that will be in the building, and would be responsible for paying for the renoval,of the parking spaces that are i.n*ihe presenr garage.. :i:rl:_-. PEC-6-'2/e/81 o Under the architectural and landscape controls that are in the Design Considerationsof the Urban Design Guide Plan, I think the applicant, as far as the architecturaldesign, has responded to the essence of what i! being proposed in the Design Considera-tions, and actually has the design of the building fit the character of Vail Village,and also fits the building that is currently there. The design, we feel, blends inand is very complinentary to the existing Red Lion building. The reconmendation ofthe staff is for approval of the request subject t.o 3 conditions: l: The applicant agrees to participate in and remonstrate against .a special inprovenen.ldistrict if and when formed for VaiI Village. 2: The applicant agrees to upgrade the landscaping along Mill Creek and and present the plan to the Corununity Developnent departneni for appioval . 3. And the applicant agrees to participate financially in street inprovements, forexarnple street Pavers, street lights and the relocated focal point ai Seibert 6ircleif an inprovement district is not forned, and the applicant will share a similar amountif we are able to get agreenent frorn al 1 the properiy owners in the surrounding areato agree upon sonething like a special assessment to inprove Seibert Circle. Irn surethe Town would also be partj.cipaiing in what improv"*rnis would be there. Gerry: Are there cownents from the applicant? Peter: We received a letter, I think all of the planning corunission rnembers have acopy of this, dated February 3, 1981, addressed to the Planning and EnvironrnentalConmission: Dear Mr. Chairnan and Corrunission nenbers: "With regret I an unablte to attend your published rneeting on February g, 1981, as Imrst be in Chicago that day. I wish to present to the -omnission, by w"y of a 15 minutewalking site visit, opposition by l.{rs. Coitlandt Hill and nyself, iaci-. cuitin, to therequest to modify the exterior of the Red Lion building in Commercial Core I. I respect-fully request you allow a continuance of your hearing itttif r nay present collectivl!or-individually to {ou-ny opposition material . Your schedule, I'understand, is veryfull, but because of the importance of your decision, I hope you will feel conpellerlto hear the property owners who are definitely affecied by^"rrj, decision you mice. Ialn at your convenience lhesday, February lOth on, for my present.at.ion. thank you foryour consideration of my request. " And si.gned by Jack J. curtin with copi"es to slifer, caplan, Mrs. Joan Hill, and ne. Bill Ruoff: I an Bill Ruoff, architect for the project. Before I go into rny presentatiolIrd like to say that Dick just stole my thunder.- Hl said al1 the things t am prepared !? su)r: I_could_rePeat then all and elaborate on any, but ltd like to ask for sonedirection fron the planning commission. Do you want- to hear me say it all again andpoint to the pictures at the sane tine, or move on to particulars? Dick gave a rather cornprehensive point by point explanation. Dan: Has the presentation changed any at all, or-substantially from what you gave usat our joint ureeting? Ruoff: Nothing substantive. At that tine, when you saw this rnodel 4 weeks ago, there werenrt any windows on this building, there werenrt any people in the streets, but the Red Lion building itself has not beEn touched. I canti ieurember, did vre have the picture painted on the wall? Dan: If there is sonething really differcnt that we did not go over last titnc, thatrs o rnaybe what we should discuss. Ruoff: No, there is not. We have cqme today prepared to show you sentation that you saw at the joint neeting at the Athletic Club. .'.:'-:.... ... Roger: .I think that everybody on qur-qo;;ission heard-ih"t, diia-rrriidss'there are people-in.the audience-who cane h9r9.,p41!i.cularly for'this i.ssueldnd.w6uta.f ite to hear-it--again, I:don:t.think that.ig-neqgtsety. .. -. _ .. .. _ -...:. Peter:.:Sid just;!rgugh1 -up the poinl ,that rnaybe light:tbat, - if ao apPeal -!s fi1ed, !l-19y ry+l! have the Council. nuoig:-.ft" g""ptri" nate4ials, the piciures and the-nodel are nothing to what was there. If you would like, in the.interest ideniiial .'-We have added of saving time, we could think you need,- Most of, the fi.ndingp-h4ve,.been nalg.py.1he found to comply r+ith the relevant ordinances. I dontt knovi what you it has been to have to go through the entire presentation. i::':"': .-.t: lL.:t-:- a(,:--. a-:t:.- _. --: -_:ra a:-,:r-__i.t-, .Sibley: I just want to make sure that the 'exhibits rnight be used at the tine that we are ini',frsnt of,. the--Csungi-l ,- 35, this:lgt:qgr .ildigates n3g.$, happe^, -I,-yg314 just as s.oon atcd,e.asf:nake refsrenc.e--tg*!hos.e. sp,eglfip.gxhibits. tha.t.you have npr., l;..r., .- ' Cc,:-:.-s..:--: -.::: ... J:.:_..- :r:..: i.c::...r:.. . ..-:..r1--:. Gerry: I would just make one coxnnent, and that is that the questions that were raised arid disc*rssed aI .tiat,:jpint: Ineeflng;.s\e-{d;p-e ,rais5rd and disc.us.s55lrgr€Ain, 1i-S.ht now-. :Fm.:Strere-cord.:::r -: ii,:i-. c:.. - rirs:i io::.::.-..1. -_c .;;.,, - _.__.rr.o,r, o\ l,.il , . _- ,,_r"u,.lii.-;.:-:-: :--. .'_.::-,. .-:,. _1-::--_:._ :... l.::--r, .i.c----. - -. .,.. ;_-i- l:: : -_:-:. .l:.a,. _,, - Rttof,f.:.-.flurrning-d-own..!he-:l-_iS.t, f,ro1n t!9- GU.i.de_lines; !i-q! has alreadi,-do1e,"- ,I -can i-epdi1--- -thaq.\I s.an.-ta:1k'-briefly'.alo-ut;,-t.[9-,gr-aJri+€s,.:,.-.{e_Wi]:t.J_oo} a_t the-Ftrq3f:,ovierl-ays JhaL,:--' wq,irauq::that displsy,t!r-e;yie-rq,c*o.rri_d,ori and lt"" iitFi:,;i.-e..a-!fe.cteri] .Lsfi-esi'what I'rif - say'ihg,, :de you-.a[ipk:th-at- i!:::i.s. Ir-9q-ess,a-rl,;f-o:r Fg- tg_,rgpe_"t .subs.tgLlrq;gJili;.lJiat Dick just wen itJttough. , -'.,1 .ri. ir,...- :..- ,..,:. l.t,: i,.,i:::---.- . :::,jJ:.3i :.. :.::... 6cct_c:ci 1..:..:i:. i: \ i:..t , .it._i:.. ,...:ii i. l::,u:--... 1.::-:.:-. tc:. I:j. I r.- s:,:tia-_ic:,. l;;. ..,-... :a:- Ge.la.Jn: c,ilc;: -l :dgttli c :I *hiil.k,i-q lip irnportant . . . RaEal:si!trf,Jqu anfofae. ldtpJll.e rS-aJdqo|ie s tc Slrfci. Cai:,:;,. iti_s. Joan Jlj.L;. r:,i: n... lrlcscr:i::tic' trme. :rr: .. :r. ii;].w].tn be'dir'-- fron what \'{'ij Sille u-t PEC-7-zlel$r ntffiffr: l'oJ.,ittri.rr$nsrtthre$f.tti\+9 d,1ewgp.sp gttLc|h,,.ti+rfu el\E SfFl 'IuEi.lf ,FqrJ..t\",91s\,lhrg.,"r" Plv\tAtil'(ri)trs1,' rJlli.ir';lss.cll'qtPlsq'Blpt',.',:fl\lt.pJ..l\.istru.lsn,,\l-!.,!fLYJll'9Ir',P'i{tF8..Il.t99.tr'.i,. arytdrti'i\irt',)\i1r.l1'$1c$5end$..rurqn.'+".,atilt;,.q-tqf.|iii"lut,tl{t}iq,,lihj'.rfii.lT.t';i.,ti},,Rr filii:,,j..;"r.s$ilIllt[t]tu1 t\t][t{ll\tlp'1 lnc r'ed Line superimposcd upon tho bluc PIan ot tllc ncw l]ulfdrng is'ltcl'c tor t'r:tc'rc'trce to show the red linc is thc existing wall of the Red Lion as you sqftrt:t {r tlil.+.l.'lFJtuh'.1'llrinrlt "4"te6''ffrf8p.9,tot\*T *.}uoffo,p.T% ijrjl."" ltogf"r'il}J,. .rTl\u,, PEC-8 -2/9/8L proPosed addition does. These are the 3 elevation drawings which show in considerabledetail the proposed changes. To answer specific points in the Guide Lines for archi- tectural detail, articulation, pedestrian scale on the street. The top drawing on this side and the one below it illustrate the difference between the street enclosure ratio as it exists today with the roof of the Red Lion coning down very low to only about 7 feet, really above the street. The existing patio there isactually below street level . The drawing irrunediately below shows the sane relationship as it will exist after the addition is nade. The average ratio of width to height isalnost exactly I/4 to I at present. Under the Guide Lines, this is considered beyondlimits of good cornforable street enclosure. lt/hat werve been able to do is achieve L/2 to 1, alnost exactly l/2 to I which is considered optimun. The next drawing is really just an il.lustration of the height statistics on the building The red line shows the height that is allowed under the currently extisting zoning and Guide Lines. It could be a 3 story building, as are a1 I of the surrounding buildings except one 2 story and one 4 story. Ihe'avcrage height of all surrounding buildingsin the neighborhood is 3 stories. Werre proposing, though, for a nudber of reasons, the Red Lion addition be kept doun to 2 stories. This also keeps GRFA and other things way under the lirnit--about 4000 sq ft under the linit on GRFA and a whole story height under on the height of the building. The botton drawing illustrates the principal pedestrian pathways up Bridge Street, in and out of Bridge Street, and around Seibert Circle as they will exist after the projectis finished. They are not substantially different fron what they are today, but wefeel that the introduction of interesting transparent shop fronts from the Red Lion entrance on around the corner into Hanson Ranch Road toward Mil1 Creek Court buildingwill draw the pedestrians in a way that they presently do not go. When they cone up, they follow thispathon by Baxterts and The Slope toward the rnountain or go over toCyrano's, but there is nothing to draw them this way. We think we can close the circle and contain this square, the plaza area. Real1y, we think wetre going to conplete it.I'here are several other drawings that we have here which you saw at the other neeting. We pinned them up and down, and I think we should do so again today for a very briefreview. They are background info:rnation, and we use them to answer questions, ifyout11 temember, on heights, and what if we did sornething else instead of w\at we did. We spent no time, we didnrt even refer to them rnuch nore than to say that we had themthe other tine, because they are not of direct interest at this tine. They are thefloor plans of the three floors as they will exist after the addition is nade. The basement which will contain the nite club and contain the noise because there wonrtbe any windows that will open out below the neighbors, the shops and the new condoninj.uns as they will exist on the floor above. Let us iust run through thern all. Ihis, I dontt believe I did show the other time, because I dontt think we got into it. I" lt"9 this one up. The red lines show the outline of what the 3 story building wouldlook like. This is an actual rendered elevation of what it would look like. lrle thinkthat it is a noot poi.nt at this stage, because we don't really want to go to that height. :These are overlays of the principal elevation of the building. There are severalseries of dotted lines. They are all a little different from the one you see. Butwithin it, we are able to show the principal aLternative methods of putting the roofs on this building. The reason we chose the one that you see in the final drawi.ngs uphere, is because we feel it is the best conpromise on the issue of vj.ew planes and; view corridors. We feel that the two low gables that werve shown there are better than: any of these. We bring these along, and occaisionally someone asks, rtWell, what if "you did this instead of tltat?", we can show on these exactly whatrwould have happened- if we had done this instead of that and why we chose the one that y-ou see in the nodel . !:. 'i : t': !..r" rtt .il! ;.-., ' rtrC itl i': PEC - 9- 2/e/8L these are sun angle and shadow diagrans which we refered the last time, because, as Dick says, they rcally arenrt germain to our problem because werre fortunate enough to be on the north side of the street. Werre not casting shadows on anyone. These basically show how the neighbor casts a little bit of shadow on us. And this is a depiction of the actual view corridor as it exists through Hill Street. there is a very sfignt difference between this one and the angles as they are- shown on the officiai Town map in the Guide Lines. We discovered when we got out there with our instrurnents and cameras and rneasurements and so forth, that the one on the Town plan is off by about naybe one degree. It is a very ninor thing. We platted this one frorn information which we generated through the project, and it is a little nore accurate because we had a little nore time to dig into it. This is an extremely accurat calculated projection of the view corridor. The principal exhibits concerning the view corridor, of course, The large photographs. e pictorial ones . o Thatrs it for now. The overlay done.in color to enphasize rather than di.rninish it, the impact on the view corridor as it will be vierved from what we consider is probably the rnoit critical point in the entire length of Hill Street which isnrt very much. That critical poinl, we feel is back here. Itrs actually standing in Jack Curtinrs front door, which is right there. The reason we feel this is irnportant is because all of the p"opf" traversing Wa11 Street heading toward the nountain or wherever, pass this way, thly can look over their shoulder..is what they'll see as opposed to the people wait<ing through the street. Only half of thern can see it, unless theyrve 8ot eyes on the bick of their heads, so we feel that this is the nost important one. We do have also on a smaller scale, a series of Photographs showing how it disappears as you walk forward up Hill Street. They are sruallet, we did not pin then up at the other- neeting, we again, just rnention that ihey are here as part of the naterial from which these were entargea, so that you can see frorn across the room. The view of the snow capped peaks of thi Gore renaini, but what we will cut off is some of the foreground and a big brown hillside above the highway. It actually comes .down by the golf course. ' We feel to the visitor an<l to most people it is the snow caPped peal<s out there that are the most inportant part of the view. So that is the degree to which we inpinge upon the minor view corridor in Hill Street. We went a Little farther than is required strictly under zoning and- other regulations. We did the sane kind of study on the two adjoining neighbors upon whom there is inpact views. And that is the two on either side of Flill Street here on the 2nd floor at the end of the Plaza Lodge is the apartment of Mrs. JoAnn HiIl. Across the stTeet on the entire 2nd and Srd floors of this building is the residence of Mrs. Cortlandt Hill- We will have an impact upon the view from JoAnn Hill's living room, and we will have an inpact on the view fron Jack Curtinrs apartnent. Windows over here and the rest of hei house are not affected. O.K. This photograph was taken from jus! inside, 20tl back of the big sliding glass door which is the nain viewing point frorn JoAnn Hillts living roon. This is what she sees today. The inpact on her view is rather slnilar to whlt it is in Hill Street. Her view now is cut off by the existing chinney of the Red Lion and the top floors of the Christiana. She sees the peaks across here-and sone of the valley ind brown hillside in the foreground. Our new roof line will come across here and cut off that bottom piece right in there about like this. It will still leave the view of the peaks. ilow let'i look at the similar thing as seetr from Mrs. Cortlandt Hillts house. Herers the vicw. The addition will come out this way. The piece of view that is cut off here--nonc of the peaks are irnpacted at all. This ena bf the roof right herc will cut off this piece oi, again, the sarne sage brush hill- side opposite the 6th 6 foth fairways on thc golf course besidc the highway. In brief forrn, iirat is the presentation--the points thit we reviewed at the joint neeting 3 or 4 weeks ago, the rnaterial that we showed at that tine. PEC rO - 2/s/8L Gerry: Thank you, Bill. I would just like to nake one conment quickty, the same cotnnent that I rade at the joint neeting. That is, that I think that you have a rather signifi- cant impact on the view corridor on Hill Street, and that, in terms of the streetscape, that by moving what would be the southwest corner of your roof back about 15 feet, it would be more inviting in terms of taking people around the corner which is, after all, what your design plan is hoping will be achieved, and would have less of an impact in terns of a confining streetscape whi,ch I think is what the impact will be. It will be confining in terrns of Bridge Street. It will extend Bridge Street up a little bit further than I think it should be. So thatrs ny colrunent which is the sane connent Lnade before. Does anybody else have corunents? Gaynor: I thjnk I liked it the way it is being proposed in the sense that I think that they have, on the south end, done enough design work, both on the roof and the indenta- tions and entrance ways and windows to not create a squale building on the end, and I like the way it is proposed Scott: If you noved back 15 feet, you would have less than L/2 to I ratio, for sone reason, the rnagic nunber in the Guide Plan. Gerry: I would just comnent that that is a reconnende4 nurnber. StreetscaPes and view corridors are not necessarily deterrnirred by nffiber1-ifone. Roger: The view corridor is identified as a secondary view corridot, is it not? Gerry: Yes. Roger: In our deliberations, I think, in the developnent of the Guide Plan, those were not considered as prinary factors to be concerned with. I like the desiSn the way he has it. It think a very nice job in addressing the problerns in trying to mitigate all of the potential objections, and I think that, based on the allowed GRFA, I think they exhibit a Lot of restraint. Gerry; Dan, do you have any connents? Dan: I like the presentation. I think it is a nice treatment of the site. Duane: I do agree that we have obstructed to a certain degree the minor view corridor. I feel in this particular case that the inprovement to the nore inti-nate streetscaPe, the sense of views, and the arrangements of the buildings out weight the fact that we do have a slight obstruction there. I do like the additj.on, and am in favor of it. Jin: I think the impact as being shown here is probably the best picture you can get of it. As you go down the alley, the inpact of the building is considerably nore. You move about 10 feet down and you lose the peaks, don't you? o as you walk through now, you begin to lose the view about here. With the begin to lose it about here. It dininishes until we reach this Point and itts gone. As it is now, it dirninishes and you lose it about here. Ruoff: Jim, addition, you in this area, Gerry: My concern isnrt with seeing the peaks in total per se. lrty concern is with the sense of space. That the whole concept of space, of course, is what urakes Bridge Street unique. I think that this goes just a little bit further than it should in terns of enclosing the street. I think that both things can be achieved. I like the building,'and I like the fact that the building is bigger in that Particular spot. I like the fact that the road is closed, but not that nuch. .. :. - , PEC tr- 2/9/8L ^.o'Ruoff: As with most of Y"ru things, Gerry, we end up comprising between a lot of' different aspects, there is a compromj.sc in shape of buiLding to naintain as nuch as possible the view. Itts true, on the I'at j.os in here, we have followed the recommended guide lines rather closely. It wasntt difficult because it just happened to work out that the 2 story scheme here gave it to us. We consciously wanted to create more of a sense of enclosure for the Seibert Circle area, and we fcel now that with the roof sloping down, the space isnrt contained very well. But this we have already discussed before. There is no doubt it is a cornpronise amongst many elements. Gerry: Are there any comnents frorn the audience? Robert Oliver: l"ty narne is Robert Oliver, and I work for the Plaza Lodge and also for the possibi.lity of represcnting l'{rs. Hil1. She is concerned about the things that you are talking about as far as the view corridor dor*n HilI Street, and frorn the view from her apartnent. These people are trying their best, and she is stil1 concerned about the lack of view corridor that is going to cone out of her casenent windows and also that s1 iding glass door. Just one thing that I caught that you were saying, Dick. I canrt understand why you can say that there is a potential loss of traffic there. You canrt take one condoniniuur and turn it into 5 and add 5 shop sPaces and not expect a traffic flow on Bridge Street. For someone who has a shop there, or for someone who has given their condominium to Slifer to rent out every week, that traffic is going to be much greater. Dick: Well, I think there is a potential for being less traffic in the sense that right now there are a lot of people who cone and park in those sPaces on a continuing basis of just pulling in and pull j-ng out using the core area. With the condominiurns, at least there is the potential that you would corne in, drop your bags off one day, and you nay not need to cone back until you actually leave the site--instead of coning in there and saying, I'Well, I want to go soneplace to do some quick shopping.rr You are probably going to get on the shuttle bus rather than walk back to the transPortation center if you left the car there, or if you have turned the car in. Robert Oliver: That might be true, but you can't add all that space and say that the traffic is going to go down. Dick: I guess my feeling is that itts not g<ting to increase dramatically, and thereis the potential that it could go down, just fron what I see of the use of those spaces in front of the garage nor,r, which are constantly being used by everybody in Town topull in and park, because they know there is a parking space there. Robert Ol.iver: I think the odds are that it is going to go up. Jim: Yes, you would have to expect nore traffic with people having to bring st,uff into shops. l{hat you are sayi-ng is that there is space there that people are parki.ng in, and for sone reason, because you are golng to eat up some of that space neans that you are going to have less parking. But the actual demand of, like those 5 shops and 5 condos, I can see is going to have more demand that what you have there now, in terms of vehicular traffic. Dick: I think the potential for shops will be 3 srnall shops, probably, because there are only 3,000 sq ft. Ruoff: The potential here is for 3 shops. ji*.t .W"fI, whatever, I mean therets got to be an increase in vehicutar traffic. I donrt see how you can go from the resiaurant and one condo to.... Ruoff: Jim, we dontt feel that there is going to be any substantial increase iu.Sunbers in vehicles because these are not food operations, we dontt have food and neat trucks PEC 12 2/9/8L o that have to cone every day to them. They are snall shops that tend to get shipnents pretty often, mostly by freight, UPS, or somet.hing is delivered to their hone because theytre using their garage as an extra warehouse. But, aside from the owner bringing in their station wagon occasionally to haul something that he is storing in his Earage, we see the UPS nan parked here sonewhere today anyway, while he goes to 4 or 5 places here, goes to 2 ski shops, and all the surrounding neighborhood. Werte not going to brini the UPS in more often. We nay cause him to park there an extra 5 ninutes while he runs into these 3 shops and nakes deliveries. But we feel that that is quite different fron bringing hin in nany nore tirnes. We dontt think he will do that. We think that the existing pattern of the trucks that park along here in front ofCyranorsand Gold Peak wilL continue. Sorne of the points that we have discussed before, go a little beyond this project. We did at the work session discuss a little bit some of the things that will happen when and if the Seibert Circle irnprovernents and inplemented because they complenent what we are doing. That will help to chanelize the traffic so the trucks then wilL always park on the sane side of the street, and you wonrt find Burnettts truck clogging the other side, so that if an energency vehicle does cone through, he cantt get through. These will be inprovements. Again, the cars. We all know the history of the building. For many years Marg and Larry Burdick lived there full time. It was their nain hone. They kept 2 cars in the gatage, and they are like all of us. If they had lots of business around town, and theytd run in and out. The nunber of vehicular novements is what werve concerned with. Now, I didntt have any reason, and I donrt think anyone else did, but cornmon sense, if you think about it a ninute, nay Point a direction. An active couple living here full time, and the times they bring their cars out and in every day on the average is 2 or 3 tines a day for each car--is going to exceed the nunber of car novenents for a condo owner who cones and stays a week, who cones in and out once. I really think the situation for the condos in the building is going to be very sinilar to what we have at the Plaza Lodge today, because your guests go in and out. Now they wontt likely stay--r,rho knows? Who knows who is going to buy those, how long theytre going to use it. Itll te1l you one thing, though, letrs not go and play the paper nunbers gane, but letrs be realistic about it. The prices for which units go in the center of the Village automatically tel1 us sonething. That they are going to be bought by people with that rnuch rnoney. People with that much money in the cookie jar to slap down on fancy apartnents in the center of the village, and then spend about $200,000 to decorate it, are really not interested in having Slifer stuff i-t with every coner and run it like a hotel , because that anount of incone, theyrre not interested in, and most of those people donrt want those people staying in their place in Vail. They arenrt rented very often. Theytre given away to friends and fanily. Realities of econonics and human nature pretty well tell us that, no, these are not going to have the frequency of use that the srnller condos in other Partsof the corununity do. Gerry: Thank you, Bill. Dick: Ird just like to add that there is also going to be a loading area along the east side of the building, too, so that there will be the opportunity for sotneone corning in there to unload their bags and luggage without actually being parked in the street. Ruoff: And the neighboring points in the Improve Vail plan completnent this beautifully. Gerry: Are there other cornrnents or questions? Ed Drager: Itn here as an interested citizen. I sat on that same planning corunission up there for 4 years, ahd for 4 years I and a whole lot of other people worked to get the Irnprove Vail job done to stop development as a matter of right in the corunercial core of Vail . It has becn accomplished, and I think the developers here have shown a great deal of sensitivity to the work and the desires and thc hopes that we had and one of the agonizing things that we went through was whcther or not HilI Street was a eten::a rilinor view corridor at the tine. I think the modifications here on the PEC Ls 2/9/8L oo . Red'Lion'are going to hurt, naybe shorten up that view corridor, but I think the improve- nent overall is a very good improvement. If I were sitting on that side of the table today, Ild be voting for it. Thank you. Gerry: Thank you, Ed. Are there any other corunents from the audience? Gaynor: Are you going to be required to have parking spaces? Ruoff: At the end of the Townrs recomnendation, is stated the condition Dick: On page 3 at the bottom of the page, they witl be required to pay the appropriate fee for parking. Gerry: I'm just going to quickly ask Jeff if he is farniliar with and comfortable with the conditions of approval? Selby: Would you read those to me? Gerry: Sure. The applicant agrees to participate in not remonstrate against a special iurprovenent district if and when formed for Vail Village. 2. the applicant agrees to upgrade the landscaping along MiIl Creek and present the plan to Corurunity Developnen' for approval. 3. The applicant agrees to participate financially in street inprovementse.g. street Pavers, street lights and the relocated focal point at Seibert Circle if an inprovement district is not formed. The applicantrs share would be deternined by the stTeet frontage of property in Seibert Circle and other property owners in area would al.so have to agree to participate Selby: On the final one, it would not be of the situation where Itd be the only property onner in the area. The applicantrs share would be deternined by street frontage property on Seibert Circle of all property ownels contributing, is that correct? Gerry: Thatrs correct. Selby: I think we can live with all those recomlnendations. Gerry: You are aware that these are conditions for approval , if approved, it would be approved on those conditions. Selby: Yes, I understand. Ihose things nay not be known until such time as inprovernents are conpleted, but I would assume that those conditions would go beyond the period in which we inprove the property. It seens to me that we nay get down the road here in a year or 2, and everyone will say, rrletrs upgrade Seibert Circle in that arearr,.and we would be requested to come in at that tine to contribute funds toward those inprovenenlI have no trouble with that as long as it is an axea wide understanding with other property owners . Dan: I would noove to approve the request for an exterior alteration and urodification in Connercial Core I for the Red Lion building per the staff meno and as presented today. Gerry: We have a motion for approvat by Dan Corcoran. Is there a second? Roger: Yes. I second. Gerry: Second by Roger Tilkerneier. A11 those in favor? Scott Edwards, Roger Tilkeneier, Gaynor lrliller, Dan Corcoran, Duane piper, Jirn Morgan. And Itur against because I dontt like that one section of that one building. l.lotion passed 6_1.'.' '1G' I PLAI.INING AI{D ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION AGEI'IDA Monday, February 9, l98l l:30 Site inspections of Garton alley and deck and Luke,(lot 5, bll 3, Bighorn 5) 2z3O Study Session: To study a proposal to close the alley betweeh the Plaza and the Casino Buildings in Vail-Village. 3:00 Regular Session: l. Approval of,ninutes of neeting of January'12, 1981. 2. Approval of ninutes of neeting of January 26, 1981. 3. Luke density control variance, Lot 5, Block 5, Bighorn Sub, 3rd Addition (tabled fron January 26 neeting) lots 5 and 6, Bighorn sth Addition. Applicant: Bjorn Borgen. 5. A request for an exterior alteration anil nodification jr Connercial Core I and height variance to constnrct an elevator at the Sitznark building located at 185 Gore Creek Drive. Applicant: Bob Fritch. 6. A request for an exterior alteration and nodification in Connercial Gore I for the Red Lion building, to construct three additional dwelling units and shops at 304 East Bridge Street. Applicant: Jeff Selby. Published in the Vail Trail February 6, l98l . Sitznark Gore Creek Plaza BlSg % Chuck Rosenquist 193 East Gore Creek Drive Vail, Co 81657 Lodge at Vail 174 Gore Creek Drive Thor Loberg, Manager Riva North Chalet Condo Owners Assoc. 174 Gore Creek Dr. Riva South Chalet Condo Owner Assoc. 174 Gore Creek Dr. Lodge South Condo Owner Assoc. 174 Gore Creek Drive teigh H. Norgren & Co 85 Meade Lane Englewood, 80110(lot s) Talisnan Condo Assoc. % Kiandra Lodge 20 Vail Road Vail Co 81657 Kiandra Lodge 20 Vail Road Mike Knopp, Mgr. Village Center Assoc Cecil Dotson P.O. Box 667 Vail, Co Fred Hib6erd 774 BaseLine Road Meeker, 81641 Vail Core Condo Assoc (Village Center above % Dr. Ton Jost Box 2227 Vail, Co Arthur Bishop g Co 302 Hanson Ranch Road Vail Co NI/),5 4)5,'t" ( Lt) Public Notices no.Ltj lzzlat connercial bldg) 13-o o PUBTIC.NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Corunission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with the Zoning Code of the Vail Municipal Code on February 9, 1981 at 3:00 p.n. at the Town Council bhambers in the !,lunicipal Building. Public hearing and consideration of: A. A request for a rezoning of part of and from Two Fanil;' for part of lot 17, W. Distelhorst. ninor subdivision to create two lots and two tracts and a the 1ot fron Two'Fami.ly Residential to Primary/Secondary District Residential District to Greenbelt q Natural Open Space District Bighorn Subdivision, 4th Addition' Applicant: Frederick B. A request for a minor subdivision to relocate an existing lot line between lots 5 and 6, Block 5, Bighorn Sth Addition, Applicant: Bjorn Borgen' C. A request for an exterior alteration and modification in Commercial Core I for the Red Lion building to construct three additional dwelling units and shops at 304 East Bridge street (Lots E, F, G, and H of Block 5A, vail Village lst Filing), Applicant: Jeff SelbY. D. A request for an exterior alteration and nodification in Corrunercial Core I and height variance to construct an elevator at the Sitzmark building located at 183 Gore Creek Drive (lot 58, Vail Village lst Filing), Applicant: Bob Fritch' E. A request for an exterior alteration and rnodification in Comrnercial Core II for the Lj-onstlead Center building to constluct additi.onal conmcrcial space at West Lions Head Ma1 I (Lot 5, Block l, Vail Lionsl{ea<l lst Filing). Applicants: Charlcs R' Crowley, John Purcell, Jeff Selby, and Francis Tang. (Note: Three separate applications for rthe same general area). Tlre applications and infornation relating to the request is available at the Zoning Adninistratorrs office in the l,hrnicipal Building during regular business hours?for review or inspoction by the public. A. PETER PATEN, JR. Zoning Adninistrator TOI{}.I OF VAII DEPARTMF'IT OF COTfi{'NITY DEVELOPMENT ..i To be published in the Vail Trail on January 25, 1981. i !+I ../'t, ' II. ttill not be accePted untilThe aPPlication wilr noE De 'rt-us; A. NAME OF APPI'ICANT Dare olppricatio ^ ll't4'bo buildingpatio or revievr bY al.l information is submit{:ed. o APPI,ICATION !'ORM. T'OR I1XTERIOR ALTERATIONS' OR IIIODIFICATIONS IN COMIII]RCIAL CORE I' (CCI) This procedure is requi::ed for alteration of an existing which adds or tuilot"l-"nv "1"19:ta-ir"ot axea or 'outdoor repracernent of J";;;tili9-uunaing shalr be subject tc> the Plannj-ng ano--Enttironm"ntal Commission' noxW B. c. ADDRESS NAI'{B Of ADDRESS AUTI{ORIZATION OF PROPERTY O}INER SIGNATURE ,PHONB -ro4l ADDITDSS I,OCATION ADDRESS OF PROPOSAT LEGAL DESCRIPTION. E. FBE $100.00 I5C for each property owner to be notified' FY LINES AIID TOCATION F.IMPRoVEI,IENTSURVEYoFPRoPERTYSHoI{INGPRoPERI O}. BUILDING Ai;-ANY iI{PNOVNNIENTS ON THE LAND. c. A trsr oF THE NAME oF OllNERs,€oF ALL PRQPERTY aDJACENT- To TIiE suBJEcr pRop'R,ry . ?.r.-- (-,:;l:" ?i=o:^, CL-.ft-,(os""'-)u"'. !'our (4) copies of a site plan cont'aining the follorving information: A.Thesiteplanshallbedrawn.onasheet.sizeof24,|x36].a!ascaleof 1" = 2o'; a variation of ti" "rt""i size or"i"lit oluy be approved by the cornmunity-uevefop*t''t -ptp"ttment if jusLified; D. plus { Application to;xterior Alrerarion or noffi.. CCI . nU,"" , B. The date, North arrow, scale-and shal} be shown on the site Plan; c.TheexistingtopographiccharacLe::ofthesiteinc].udj.ngexisting and propou.a .o"i6"r!. rrris conairi-or, will only !" T"sYt:d_{?t an expansion ii"i-*here there is a change of two feet of gradet D. Bhe location and size of al]. existing ancl Proposed buildings, struc- tures and imProvements; name of the ProPosed develoPment buildings, structures E. The existing and Proposed Landscaping; F: The location'of aLl- eiiisting and proposed and Patios or decks. buildings), Photos, etc. f.II. The applicant shall submit in written and graPttic of evj.den.. b.iot* the Planning and llnvj-ronmental the proposal is in conformance with the purPoses and that titE pi"p"sal subsLantially complies with Urban Design Guide Pfan' forn, a PrePonderance Commission that of the CCI District the Vail Village zoning issues form. If the applicant is proposing a major change in the Vail Village Urban Design Guide Plan, ttle proced"ts foi change are noted in Section L8.24.220 (B). IV. The applicant'must also submit wrj.tten and graphic supporting materials that the proposal substanti"f-i' ""telies r:ith the following Urban Desisn cor'"iii"i.tions sectioi if-A;-;;il Vi]lage Design Consideration' A. Pedestriilnization B. vehicl-e Penetration .C. StreetscaPe Framewortc D. Street Enclosure E. Street lldge F. Building Height G. Views H. Sun Shacle Consideration Many of the above items.should'be acdressed in some graPhic means using sucfr toois-as sketches, simul.aLions, moflels (including neighboring V. The that Town of VaiL Zoning Code for CCI also describes other the appli.arrt nlu"i respond to in written or graphic VI . APPlications for' ale onIY reviewed the fourth MondaY review schedulet exterior alterati.ons semi-annually. They of May or November. see Section 18.24 .065 or moclifications in CCI catr need to be submitted before For more sPecifics on the A-5. o Fo Date LIST OF IIATERIALS NAME OF PROJECT Elevator Addition for Sitzrnark Lodge LEGAL DEscRrPTroN 58 BLOCKVaiI Village, Fi-rst ntltttC DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Passenger elevator at west'entrance to lodge' The to A.) following informationthe Deslgn Review Board BUILDING MATERIALS: Roof Siding Other T{all Materials Fascia Sof f its Windows IYindow Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues FLashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other is required for submittal by the before'a final approval can be Type of Material Color Applicantgiven. N/A Stucco white Stucco whlte Wood frame charcoal N/A Matnl grawel stop charcoal N/A B. ) PLANT I\,IATERIALS(Vegetative, _Landscaping Materials including Trees, Shrubs,and Ground Cover) N/A BoEanical Name C onrnon litrame Quanfity ' Note: Replace exidtlng landscape. Size ^ lt , i- t. Botanlcal Narne Coqunon Name Quantltv c.)OTHER I.ANDSCAPE TEATUPGS(Retainlng t{alls, Fences, Swinrning poole, etc. ) (Please Speclfy) r\, box lfi! veil, colorado 81657(30$ 47e5613 department of community development Decenber 18, 1980 Bob Fritch Sitznark Lodge 183 Gore Creek DriveVail, Golorado 81657 Re: Sitznark Exterior Alteration Dear Bob: - ...-- Ttre Planning and Enviroiunental comnission on December 8th had a pre-lininary-review session on your elevator proposal and deterrniaed ihat thereuere no 3ignificant fuipacts. The only "orceh of the connunity Developraent Departrnent is the proposed height of the elevator. I need to neet witlyour architect to determine if a height variance is needed. Your project will be scheduled before the planning and Environnental connission on January 26th. After the planning comission decision,the project will need to go to the Design Review Board and be reviewedunder the Vail Village Design Considerations. Please contact ne if you have any qyestions or conments. Sincerely, A. PETER PATTEN, JR. Senior Planner APP:bpr cc: Duane Piper a-- .- o p.t. oebPli-cation APPLICATION !,ORM' FOR i]XTDIIIOR NI'TERATIONS OR MODIFICATIONS IN COMI'1]]RCIAL CORE I (CCI) rhis procedure is requir"d-I:T^:l:":?:1?""::^":":ii:::: i:ll3t:3This procedure is requlreq rL'r '-;":;::;"^.o^ or ouldoor patio or which ad<rs or'"^o""J "lv "1"1?::1-tl::T', "I3".31',!;;-;;-';vi.-w uv :$i:"::^:i."1,'31"::i"?ii?:llp*i:s, ::ti: ;;-sutiect to review bv ffi:';i;ffi .i"g-""d--n""ii""*""tal commission' Ited until aI] information is submittad' The application will not be acceP A. NAME OF APPLICANT "r,o*o4'lb'( ft 1 . I. ADDRESS B.NAME OF APPLICANT ooo*ur, [119 d 'S REPRESBNTATIVE AUTIIORIZATION OF PROPERTY OWNERc. SIGNATURE ADDRESS D.LOCATION OF PROPOSAL ADDRESS LEGAL DESCRIPTION E. F. FEll $100.00 p1-us 15C for each property owner to IMPROVEMENT SURVBY OF PROPERTY-SHOWING PITOPERTY I,INES Ol' BUILDING AND eNV-fUpROVEI'1ENTS ON THE LAND' be notified. : AI|ID I-,OCATION i. i TI{E G. A LIST OF TIIE NAME OF OVJNERS OI' ALL PROPERTY ADJACENT TO SUBJECT PROPBRTY TT Four (4) copies of a site plan containing the following i'nformaticn: A.Thesiteplanshallbedrawn'o!l.-a'sheet'size_Qf24n>z36I,at-ascaleof 1" = 2o'; a va::iation of ttotit'eet oiz* ot'i"-it *ty be appr'oved by the con*t"'iti*iitt'*f"prnont n<:ptittmerlL if justified; ,PHONE o _)/7-Z/+/4e/<- Ihi-,-'.r- rbr#, B" - r,.<.A' F- (. I U"r-*'? o Project Application Project Name: Project Description: Owner Addres$ and Phone: Architeci Addrsss and Phon€: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Zone:. Zoning Approved: Design Review Board Motion by: o^r" '/ 1- 77 DISAPPROVAL Seconded by: APPFOVAL Chiel Building Official ASpon - -Vall Brcckcnrldgc staamboat !Vlnttr P.rk Kalrstone coppar Mtn. crartad Bultr t-70 Bouldcl Denv9t RBEWE"STI RENTALS r | 3tt wEsT srxTH Ar,ENUE . LAKIWOC'D, GC'LC'RI'DO 8O2t I .l3o3l 2ta-r lta ,C4 rry O%, A a,z,T @ a'aZ"@q -lh-u t4r4,n/2,@Ph47 % z-*, ft7* "#-"fu \0t --tl -.(24,//?/tr" z /6 e,7rF-*fu 4z-a2/-//1a/4/e ,"- -.^ // / .. .-rz.afu<t ztmH-k. rzarueez uy'.y' ,/,/ ' oo . J7//7/7 a*,./ /arrZe f 'a-fu-< /-/az/*r-u",f ffi v EVb gIIt s {,t (/1 )f-eis \ ,t\ b{;$i u 1f\.) >] S it I r$ oo Planning ana fnvirotnta'l Cornnissjon Minutes l'feeting of 8-28-79 Not yet approved by Board l'lerbers Present Jack Goeh'l Sandy Mi 11 s Gerry l.lhite Ron Todd Ed Drager Roger Tilkemeier J''lembers not Present Jim Morgan Staff l"lembers Present .hm Rubin Dick Ryan r lu* .lim Rubin expla'ined this item. The Board asked questions. Ed Drager pointed out that they (the Sitzmark) are adding more parking spaces than they are taking away. Mr. Fritch explained that the storage space they are creating by enclosing the parking spaces wi'l'l be used by the shops and there wi'll be a connecting door. Jim Rubin explained that this item is only coming before the Eoard because of the enc'losure of the parking spaces. Mr. Fritch explained that the parking spaces they are eliminating are under used during the winter. Roger Tilkemeier said the space is ther to be used and they do not need the parking and he feels they should be al'lowed to do thi s. Gerry White asked Mr. Fritch if he feels they have enough parking. Mr. Fritch said a'll of the surface parking js used in the surnmer. Roger Tilkenreier made a motion to approve the Conditional Use Request for the Sitzmark. Ron Todd seconded the motion. There was more discussion. There was a questions about the difference between the Sitzmark enclosing parking spaces and the Village Center's illegal enclosures. Jim Rub'in exp'lained that by enclos'ing parking spaces, the Vj11age Center is not meeting their parking requ'irement. They did not have permission. There is also a djfference in that the Vj'llaqe Center is not in Commercjal Core I. l. Colrdi!1ona'l Use Request for the Sitzmark Lodge t9 aUow thg age lrea. tt' PEC Minutes 8-28-79--Page Two Sandy Mills said she feels the Sitzmark can come back at a later date and ask for more enclosures. Jim Rubin said they could. A questions was raised about the easement that is necessary. Mr. Fritch said jt is in process. Gerry White said this request is based on economics and that is a poor neason to grant it. The vote was. taken. Jack Goehl , Ed Drager, Roger Tilkemeier, and Ron Todd voted in favor of the approval . Sandy Mills and Gerry White voted against approval . Sandy Mi'l ls feels the basic reason for doing this is economjc. The park'ing spaces they are enc'losing wi1'l bring in additiona'l revenue. She rea'lizes he is saying there wil1 be'less cars going through Checkpoint Char'lie but she does not feel this is a justjfjed trade-off. Gerry White feels there was no reason for him to vote for it. The request was based on econom'ics on1y. 2. GRFA Variance Request for Unit 2-B Vail Row Houses Jim Rubin explained that he did not receive enough informat'ion on thisprior to the meeting. Ed Drager said the Board feels this should be tab'led or presented. fth. But'ler representing the applicant asked that Mr. Todd (the applicant) be a'l lowed to present his p1 ans since he is here and then have the item tabled unti'l the next meeting. The Board refused to hear anything from the appl icant. Sandy Mi11s made a motion to tab'le the item until the next meeting. Roger Ti'l kemeier seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous. 3. Rediscussion of Proposed Changes to the Aqriculturea'l and Cpen Spacer .lim Rubin explained that this item was being sent back byfor further discussion. He presented al'l the up-to-date He a'l so expla'ined that the main reason for this rezoning an inaccuracy in the Agricultura1 and 0pen Space District the Counci'l figures etc.is to correct Zon i ng. Ed Drager said the figures are still 'inadequate. He would like to know how many possible units are involved. Jim Rubin explained the difficulties in figuring the number of units. He explained that the numbers are a'l I effected by covenants,'leases, slopes etc. Rich Caplan suggested that the maximum number of units wou'ld be the 595 acres divided by two or 298 units. Roger Tilkemeier sajd the only bu'ildab'le sites are Vail Associate's Gold Peak and the Go]fcourse. PTANN${OD ENVTR0NMEI{TAL Cot'f'trSSrON o AGENDA August 28, 1979 3:00--Public Hearing ( trllqry{itional Use Request for the Sitzmark Lodge to allow the\-z Addition of 400 sqdare feet of Storage Space in the Garage Area. 2.', GRFA Variance Request for Unit 2-8, Vai'l Row Houses 3.) Rediscussion of Proposed Changes to the Agricultural and Open Space District 4.) Preliminary Discussion on Potential Annexation of The Valley. t, F:-[,.a' i -'.f :iJl; ' -'"ilf* TO: FROM: DATE: RE: o MEI'IORANDUM Planning and Environmental Cormjssion Department of Community Development August 23, 1979 Conditional Use Request for the Sitzmark LodgeAddition of 400 square feet of storage space-in to al'low the the Garage Area. Description of Request Bob Fritch for the sitzmark Lodge has requested the addition of 400 squarefeet of. storage space. The spaie to be converted is presently being tisedfor.parking, but is not eliminating parking due to thirir bein! six iewparking spaces created by the approved cloiure of the Gore cr6ek Drive entreway into the present garage. In.llay of this year, plans for the new entreway were submitted and and approved by the Design Review Board with the condition that the one additional parking space that was to be'located next to the trashenclosure area be removed and replaced with landscap.ing. At that-timq, lhe p'lans were not submitted to the p'lanning and Environ-mental cormission because no "F'l oor Area" was be'ing addedi Accord.ingto section '18.24.065 conditional use Expansion, a donditiona'l use peimit would only have been necessary if eithei^ Floor Area of Gross ResidentialFloor Area were being added. - parking areas are specifically excludedfrom the definition of both of these-terms. The bonditionai use permit ig lqjng required now because storage areas do fa't'l under the definitionof "FIoor Areat'. There were six parking spaces which were being created by this addition.these spaces are not cqtlllarv to 19.24..|90, which prohibits that parkingrequirements for new additons cannot be provided on site. In thiisituation, there is not a new parking reiluirement either with or withoutthe addition of storage space. CONSIDEMTION OF FACTORS A. Effects of vehicgl_aflfgffjc on Corrnercial Core I District: The new entreway would reduce automob'i'l e traffic in the Gore mal'l^area^by permitting access into the Garages of both thethe Gore Creek Plaza Building only from the ilestern slUe ot These cars wi'l I be allowed to enter and exist in this garage having to drive through the downtown Core Area. Creek Drive Sitzmark and the building. wi thout B. Reduction of ve]ricular traffic in connercial core I District: See response to Factor A. Reduction qf non-essentia'l off-street See response to Factor A. !; The proposed additjon has a f'lat p'latform on which trash enclosures ii tb lb built. This will be a mirch improved situation from a trash removal standpoini. -The new addition wi]'l not jncrease the number of de1 ivery, pickup, or service vehicles. E. Development of pub'l ic spaces for use b.v pedestrians; This proposa'l'does not remove any public-spaces.used by p"d9:!"i11:l-.-.-- fne fitting in of the present gaiage will probably.enhance the pedestr'ran eip"rj"n."-a1ong Gore breek Drive Soth visiral1y and in the reduced amount of automobi'le traffic. PEC Memo on Sitzmark 8-24-79--Page Two D. Control of delive ick and servjce vehic'l es; F. Continuance of the vqrious comnercial res i denti al and lic racterrclastrict so as to maintain t Effects of noise. odor dust, smoke and other factqrs on the environmeN orunerc a I UOre stric lt|e do not foresee any negative effects that this proposal will have on these factors. RECOMMENDATION There are no new uses being created by th'is application. The storage space should create no detrimental impacts. G. .Contro] qulait.y of construct'ipnr-1ry:hitectural design, and landscape character of the area; As we have stated previously we fee'l that the proposed p1 an to change t[""!ni""*"V ,iil hav" . be-neficia'l impact on this important corner of iown. -fi w-tlt vast'ly improve a presently unattractive very steep drive- bay. The Department of Cormunity Deve'lopment recommends approval of this Conditional Uie Pei"mit. We reatiie ttrit the sbecific request is for the additjon of the iio"ug. area, but do not fee'l that the storaie area can be considered-separately iror ihe oveia'll changes being considered. The storage area in itself does not have any negat'ive-impacts associated with it. It actua'l ]y removes two, of the six iaaiiional pai^king spaces that are being created by the approved p'lan. [e, however, request that as a Condition of this approva'l ,.that the applicant ii"". *itt' ihe ionditions from the Design Review Bbird. The first condition wis that the parking space proposed to 6e located by the.trash enclosure be i:.*outo ana rlpra.ui wtit' lindicaping per the Desigir Review.Board Approva'l ii U.V-t1, lglg. The Second ConOiti6n'was that_an agreement be received !lvinS the tennants of the Gore Creek Plaza building-access through-the Sjtzmark diiufi. We trivt not received information on either-of these conditions at this time. E ' .---'---\ .' ' '- \ -- r Pro!€ct Name: ,' o Proiect APPlication o o"r. 5 11 l1s Proiect DescriPlion: Own€r Address and Phone: Design Review Board tl - I t-t IaO<c'^,. 2lltltJ ,} DlSAPPROVAL -o- 0/L(9. 4 Administrator Chiei Building Official Ff" a PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN thAt RObETt F. FTitCh ON bchA]f Of thc sitzmark Lodge has applied for a conditional use Permit to allow 400 square feet of storage space'il1im'inat'ing two parking spaces which wil'l be replaced by six spaces created by c1 osing a driveway' The Sitzmark Lodge is'located on Tract A, Block 58, vai'l village First Fi'ling in Connercial Core I Zone Djstrict. Application has been made in accordance with Section 18.24.085 of the Vail Municipal Code' A Pub'lic Hearing will be he'ld before the Town of vai'l Planning and Environmental Cormiss'ion on August 28, 1g7g in the Vail Municipal Building. said hearjng will be held in accordance wjth Section 18.66.060 of the Vail Municipal Code. TOI,IN OF VAIL DEPARTICNT OF COMIIIIJN ITY DEVELOPMENT fu'r^A, Jam'es A. Rubin Zoning Administrator To be pub'lished in the Vail Trail August '10' .|979 er^l*"L Xtnrr- /L,'zA ,9u* &'*eu'F-' &&;*;"-* tu4"e225' !"arn- ttr tJd-tl &x^do"t"-;.-",- /"-tttZlZ-- *U ga.A-tl- , Bod /2b7, Ua<-L Ct f,tdsz 't , tt tn f0. ^. t-, t:,0,t !',J4tt"!-, frix xza, l/aUr(OJ- U*u"ao A^U" / /:/2'uL oLl,:,.-,-"-, - r{)"** {naa"J.l-7--,o^- '* {raV, Po Ua;/-/eod./, Lk,ro vrajT ,41i6 &.1^, D-tlX, 8* /???, Ud.t, (o 176 s7rtd1 'l'otvN ol' VAIL. Al)l)LICA'l'ION l,'(.)lt Applicatlon Datc publication Date - . f ?i /d q- a PubLic llearing Date q7 coNl)11'I0NAL, USI P]lltllrf' Applicnnt StTZ Owner if different from Applicant ODGEName Name of OI lrtailing Address /8a Gon'tr enEE/( Dft TelePhone +ie TO0 Legal DescriPtion:Lot , Blocli -j Ei-Iing 5r K OD 6E property s unplat ed submit metes Application is herebY made for a Conditional IIse ouncts -cription as e it) P€rstit to all'ow: 1 00 ina Zone' APPLICATION ITILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNLESS ACCONIPANIED BY TEE FOIJ|OII'II{G}I l.Hearingl,ee-$50.oo+$l.40forEACI{addres.s'edenvelope- 2.ALISToFTHEoI,INEBSoFTHEPRoPERTIISrvithin3Oofeetina Si.ngle-Family Resictential ; nu"-fotiiy nesiOential; or Tt'o-Family Primaryrseconaarv-gesiOen!]"1. Zone District; or adia'cent to tbe subject prJplrty in all -other Zone Distrists- The orvrrers List shall include-ln. o"r.r of all owners and the lega1 clescripiion of the properiy otuned by each' Accompa:ryring this list shal1 be pre-adclressed envelopes along with certificates and Reiurn neceipis prope.iy filled out to eaeh ;;;;:--it"r"-io"rs can be obtain;d. irorn the u.s. Post of,f,iee- 3. Site PLan r floor plan and othe:i documents as required by the Zoning Administrator 4.4 ol u!THE SITZIi{ARK AT VAIL,lNC. ao x 507 vAlL, coloRAoo 0l657 L434 DOLIARSvz @9 -rEg! E6F. SE1>.J ( PAY to lll I oioSF o; o-TTppIicant OATE CHECK NO. e- 7-7?/q7f ;')tu .riLOlluQl[[ti too ? !1.?r' '\ I Y I ftI I It I I lol'IN oF vA.It,. AppLTcATION l'otl CONDITIONAL USE Pltltl![I1l' Applicatlon Date Publicat,ionDate . . f'be /a /qZa Public llearing Date q7 Name of APPlicant StTZ AOPGE Name of Owner if different from Applicant rrrailingAddress /83 Gort'tr enEE/( Df7 TelePhone +7 C foo Legal DescrlPtion: Lot , Block --_-r' Filing ,! II I I i l II t 5/Tv < OD GE propertY S unpla.tted su It mete- & bounds Application is herebY made for a Conditional. Use scription Permit to allow: \ ft) 4oo Zone District-ina APPLICATIoNWILLNoTBEACCEPTEDUNLESSAccoIt{PAId[EDB]rTEEFoLLoffiIl$Gi= l.HearingFee-$50.00+$1.40forEAC]raddressedenvel'oBe. 2. A LIST OF THE OITNERS OF THE PROPERT'IE$ rvithin sOO feet in a single_Family Residential ; r*"-r;;;iy B.esidential; or Two-Fadly Primaryfseconaary iesiaeniia,:. .Zone District; or adiacent to the subject property in all other Zone Districts- The Owners List shaIl include lnl t"t"* o"f atrl owrrers and the legal description of the propetirt o*uoed by eaeh' Accompa:nying this list sfraif be pre-adctrelsed-envelopes-?19"s: with Certificates and Return neceipis p.operiy filled out to eaeh owner. rnese-iJr;; ;;; ue oulainio trotn the u'$- Post offiee- 3. Site PIan, floor plan and other doerrnents as nequired by the Zoning Administrator 4. A description of the precise uature of the proposed use'.its operating gllaracterisiics and measures proposed to make the use compatible rvith other properties in the vieinity' :krsb8 f7 '7n* 1/t 9. .l q" RECEIPT The Town of Vail t9_ \I N';' 736ti DA RECEIVED FROM -ADDRESS DOLLARS S Permit Nunbers Police Receipt Numbers HOW PAID-Cash-Check- BY -f,@ C) r-{ C)O luF Qoo-z Fo-lllY UJdl oF tr E uJc lLlol> rol1 COI = \l v l\lO ..1r\lr-lgulbEzo z taYzk >z =lJO(L TL if; 2""r= -u.l il6d= tr UJ t!o}. IJJ59E<ofo t!1 6YB9tir cd F'Jr- =IJJ-E hEo dEE =*E p69 I r.uE Xo-t :>-ut-aul€= ulo oF --- F =Elrlo-zoFoDEFazo C) tr!n oz t =c UJo. l1lrt_, | 31.| (t,o. LIF| -l<:d -,c t,P 412 ib pta c)l (/'l 'El El (l)l "lol*l PI (ul 'l o uJ z z !l m .6 zz t; pr? tE Elg l0l\r I Bvue sg -/ 'v B;:9t EgE:I igEE;; gE FP E : E.it !Ea;e*.€ 8 tE € csP b E!teeo_(Uo.-=o=+o!'' €EEs5 :o'.oo *::sg tsEsi: -'€ 9d60'-.:-<; o (/) l: Erlc€ s c lel iHg;E EEiEg |!Jlu al, =(ro oF Fz t uJz 3od |!UJ6z .:.3 cEvPg <F NOTMlVA -Jl<l -l zl zl .. >lo uJo uJ uJzoF UJ z Eoo :<G-o: =(iZu-oopa ztn; 9=o Fq EXo(U |rl e.dE.{-tlJAZ=LU.- I I I ol =.1 st 5l al>l EIol Pl e tltltltltlt.ltol| =.1tolI r.rll t*ltJll<ll>lI tllloltzl>t 3lE9l z) ol rl al>l ltlol zl d .lolzl cilurl 5lil>l rLlol zl;l Fl olsf I(o t\ tltl4-lrd(f)lctolE -{lqltlu.l'-l oltll uElF-l *lU{ JIt<lGl >l €|!lloltzlt3lqol L{J LlJ a.t1 a6+) CJ -v,U'' (l) N(u (U L ui z (D -) N +J LU- rd F I Il.l- I I ,)ulIJ'clq q J =o O Fz z T uJ = Eh +8,Fo2oo tr. UJ uJ 2P =#=FJZ(LO -.r O<FGOuJ<zE,UJF(42o <oog.fo .E t !trtr oz E =G IIJo- tg ri:k roilrll1lrll I It| .o =661?dsbE; s =.e c?€:*EP8:-.= (! - 6FJcXC) € gEg =$ g 6 S-3 c =EPiF: i;;e E EE ='iEE-F:H E;;iE g"; ge icL= - o "oPo-!.9=49:r*Eis 96,!65 :EE H;, E6 F:= -o;o::-'€33 .c; (D o c E,*i t € : Fi;? ;EH;i EEiEE :<e.o =ZZD-oooh o. Q=XD>Y!r I 6E aoeZr-(Jo e) 9.1.ezXrJ- <oq iPiicr.:!XIIJ.E ai..t/'J a UJ J z Eo zIF t uJ J 3 IJJz -l zl zl .. >loul llJ uJzaF (r lu ) z Eoo uJF o UJ trodto1zo Fo- ITJY UJ d) oF F :Ic uJ TL u-o oo I uJFoz z rn ll>_i c00 =zfl a-,P Jiffan / \ = =E-=-r -': llJEil> F trl(L l!o uJ z loI I IL Jt-ul-h= (L llJ =(LOr!9o =uJXo-:>UF. ltl J -JIL ul c0 F o coo o!t .E =F EoIJ AO =l+. -lD-Ff=ErlP -ti.=i E =E, UJ o-zoF C) E,Fazoo n[]tr olz) rl 3l lI-Iol zl3otH I I I I I ()l Jolutlrcl Jl <I>l ttlol 5l g Ol r.uFI F' I I cil =.1oll!l 1l al>l LLlol zl FI I I I .il =.1 utl 5l <l>l tLlol zl 3l FI= ?lolull 1l al>l ttlol zl BIolFI uJ =zoo I Il-l' I I A HI cls.J><=E(J C,c)zt- =#fFd6 E F Fzo z T lrJ +.b =IIY \JZ <F lJ.l <zEt!Ft,l z F EFzoo -J EF u.l E Foult T E <ofirfo !trtr I zs9 =edto =z=)fde :gg sEi ;Hg E Elr.F.r-.t|-L!od .E< Zv1<\Z G P,. GolrlFhrH=t6FEI&rf !'l5014 url#l5-l *^{ 6t9JFD- EoE.atoo B.1t Ect E Eot o q, e € ct! I 'e) a,Jfl )z Lo --...-)trDD l-rFI -.? iF;:s €E gi* Ig:fF€';=orc9oE9 = 35 e,l IH t: l; te JF -1c \It; N;E >< ><x><xx FFii€f ;sP"' iE F:E i!€r.EE (E L=:: - CL.i? t: J -- c f Cl E3E;g gs€:s Ela;ef;F9e iE;; F $ge€g | | l_lE slglsl;lglfr q 1r zlol 5l o-l ! t! cE Jl<l FI 2I zl Q UJzIo .. >lo ITJ l!tuz U) =E u,lq J z EooiFEffi[u,Glrio J(D Fo \ ilcl JI \ ('z u- J<o<3 v,5H \- $ \ \ {) \\l ,i; I =lzlql :1" ilr i til.l ul )r'fr9 q! J<:FEt6 $ J 5il ;l 9l <,'o Itt(Jo F() IrJ =()c EJO<FG(JuJ<zq,UJF0zoo JE, 5PFO bF-v2UJO C) sF 3Ed5o G lJ.t Fo DE! \qqB s\R> l E-B E E at. e E I e o) cL _.9.(tcJ tt c-.3 :t --:- l! e\ eF--- E I9..ti -. I .-' !9n -=/a- ?tI--\J-.-t i' :--\ El.'\el\CU\e 2 Bo j l:) t.TrnE =t ntroe Flre tr tr { , \, (, .d \ \ ots t €1r.{tr\ ab! q o V :*\fo$ \c \,* mpoweo t( Dcolod tl Hmltt B rl /-O c& <t- *Lu ,^,. ofr{rt'{o sKt l-l t''{ 'r Ill I r fwrn of va[ CofimuCtY Oov€bpmont Bulldf Validlty ot Perrnit Sec. 303 (c) 1?02 U.B.C. Or PEBMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT INSPECTION REOUEST rowN ol Ylrl. JOB NAMEDATE CALLEB TUES WED THUR PMAMFRIREADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON tr tr tr tr tr tr tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / O.W.V. tr ROUGH/WATER FOUNDATION i STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING INSULATION O POOL/ H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr tr o cl D HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED GORRECTIONS: \ .. ... 1" DATE INSPECTOR tffir oz E =euio- o O NJ @ O co (n IIJ UJ lJ- F =G uJo- c 9 1/'xht z)jtl telt frt I rf)l '\!! liE-l \ rdr { !-lcl =tE=iot(5 B= qJ F E Iz = zz o LIJF z z 6Jl dl .6 o =z 1-) oc (s .='61?ci Et, (D fsE He* .E68.p'a a6.> s :E*F_ Er-. F.8r = o!_l-;col I'E ol-ool9NP'F-o 6lrcc;:E-F O:ebE-= o-! ;95: trE*oo EH3E ar .cE:O €3; oq)tr =oosEE'I p:) a:E 5s9oo doc(tti'-i $iE EE6'5E g8 ?at .9o EEF3E8cL'- anO(lt55 =o;>c9'- o,Ec O.O E(!(|)tr *o EC .9'E E: cr$ ,i(!'- -cq, t' EC-(!Ei;qrELC 6ct (!c -c6-a60 s*85E8o6 tEGE>gIto9a OEr-o -() LT' stsl st @c!o,') oo N1 (yl C!sr >i CN \ E = uJ z6 ao Y uJIoz Jo- J 9 F r|J UJ (,z CO E o.- z q)t!E UJ uJ z tr uJ rue. E .D 3g uJ z 6qto F aaoo- uJo z llJJ() x F uJ U' U) nJ uJtl- ts =G,t! J FoF z J o F C)|lJJ uJ z 6 =Jo- J Iz T(, urE F F NOrM'rVA 1 P PL ro Ye.- a=Oq- 5otrcqo d,'- ?,aoF Aloc+)l!m2eru.=o' >E -ti)f tr,t S =lo$t 66iro-9XrE90qraz>.Ooo2r!<oqgU FO.ici +,L rt o ln L ,9 {J E =o zo F cl uJ F oo oO@ (f) - o- uJE J z E zo F UJFJ 3urz tltltltl tszfz9nE6o< =Hx,r6o<z otz, 2= -ItroIE uJ = IE at> t!zYIIF qJ 2 tr J loz I -l I.l I ;9ttr-l I I --l -l l_l l l 5 i Jl<l trl =l zl oul ululz aht IJJ J z E (\I I F (o tr)(f c!OO LOr-l Lr) UJF @oo1zo Fo- lrJY uto oF l-- CE IJJ(L tto coo I lrlFoz ItlF o z .n9 coo>z (L u- 2i2 =()i-\-uJ6E= tr ut l|-o+. ul59E5€8E9tt; EE =>.=r!-E ifE :9-E U5 9 \ triE Xdr x>t q- €= IJJlo F E =Etl|o-zoF() JE,, zo() trtrn E o- (u -o a/, = tr I J__l 7 J 9| olullal JI <l>ltrlol zl 3lolFI I I .l\l .l ?lolutlGl JI al>l bl pl i (o @ sfF\ c\l I TI Lr)I*l olzl ol Hl il>l t!lol zl tlFI L' l-) E (u (1' ro t/, =c II sr C\Io (o I IuJlrlcol@l-l .l ;| 1l al>l l!lol zl 3lolFI OJ -.E c aI, ao C5z. oJ :z F.lF a,/\ ii =z o-) I Ixg -lqau =+ ea CJ : E 4 (J !- o tlt-l| 'r-lI rott>tztlot .lFl =lGl *lgl -l rJJl cltcl?l -l Elfl-\I EI -l dtq H3 z co =lJo t- -8. O =+El- l-o2 () JE<o(JF FS S?F-,2tro E -rO<F0.QuJ<zEUJFa6 o aotqOrir tlJJO trtrn SitzrnarleIndge April 20, 1985 To whom it may concern: This letter will serve to inform any interested party thatthe Frozen Yogart Company, which will be occuping space inthe Sitzmark Lodge, will have bathroom facilities availableto their employees and customers. This company has approval from the Sitzmark Lodge and BreezeSki Rentals to establish a business. The re-modeling plans have also been approved by the above. $-z-Jerry Anderson Manager JA/si Sincerel Yr (^r1., ., Year Around Res€.rt Lodging 183 Gore Creek Drive r Vail, Colorado 81657 . (303) 47&5001 41" T t SPECTIONIN TOWN OF ',r",. 1 ,' ,,7 l REQUESTvAlL- /r 12- b.t' -t1 PERMI DATE T NUMBER OF PROJECT /..,/ t t' i: JoB NAME CALLER MON TUES WED THUR t6r ,PMAMREADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. D BOUGH / WATERFRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING D EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL APPROVED - CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED /(2. DATE INSPECTOR PERMI DATE T NUMBER OF PROJECT JOB NAME READY FOR INSPECTION:MON LOCATION: IN o SPE CTION TOWN OF REOUEST VAIL CALLE TUES WED THUB FRI AM BU trl trl trl Itrl trl trl Tilr ILDING:PLUMBING: FOOTINGS / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEER tr GAS PIPINGPLYWOOD NAILING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr tr tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR o tr FlYTq;tr FINAL /L ffi tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR '1 r'r'.L'-/:'i2 PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE ev INSPECTION REQUEST. TOWN OF VAIL r n ,' 't k'JOB NAME INSPECTION:MON CALLER TUES WED THUR FRI PMREADY FOR LOCATION:i r 1i I BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr HEATING tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE IJ INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VA|L r. rl JOB NAME CALLER READY FOR INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FRI AM PM LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS tr FOUNDATI tr FRAMING / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. C ROUGH / WATER ON / STEEL tr tr cl ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL - O tr FINAL tr FINAL GTRICAL:MECHANICAL: tr tr tr tr tr TEMP. POWER - ROUGH CONDUIT tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS O SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL O FINAL B APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED E REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR <t,lttl!lI. ts =G UJq ccl |,)! o oo 3oF -Etc t.gr6iotoD r.s:o t:r(D E o c3. E-o, o o.a ag 3o o -a -oo- d, or e€tr6:o)o:@ ! E' :(t::( lctl iaDl:E! g: .'5 r.€s9! oEEG :ictO!';(gQ -odEEo!Dvce(B .2 12p6 !|,c'-- o 9g;oGCo 3'oogF. iELc-E(: ].j ;:1: QllEt iE{ l€t':}J o-Ec 66cooo =@9o Ef, :(ts: Oci S,D s=' Eg:i: 591)o i )Cl'o. d:EE s8cv, -- tt€9, Esjc\; Q'G! =€f:ar :05 )o5 ' EE r€5t;€tsE=€roE'Eg 9ofs E5a!= -@ i!Ea€i65ra9r 9=l(l'cli5iU >\':tr;;-=-!5s d ot:oc lo:0tc:isi I ol I Ei| --sI ccI p; lE. o.!o.-.!Eur= E€ Ei;9E . g'- C'C€! - o,, (!cl, s€,olEgio qr .':c-lti!IE:.ct q)i 9EciF; ro (l,,E a)(Jo tgtoq). o. I cOrOr F oq llr z UJ (J oc o @ =UJ u, z 6ur gl uJtl.z F UJ olr,l(< F llJ (,zo tn r.ul! = q FoNotlvn.iv^ zIF -co =tl'oz tr E(t. &rcri .'t 9r zII:o li|.t\-=>c (Ar\=l u,-y9 '= I9SeoFat9oEg3EU'Jec)>C'FO;a{ zo troo qJA\io lrt J at |rJ() q.|ll tt-- oz an Ez oz lU3o tz F ql F el lt .E o J ; Fxul E o le IE I u,l l"l: J zo nl<i I =o.,4e it- H€O(,8 E= O.PHO-E+,J o-- |Ur-r .U rt- E]L- .- rO 55gsI!C'EO.| o 3'i olrj Ut |tl +,o<L(Ur4J Er- |lrJO' -O- |=E3 E I(ro(uo IHL)F I s53.3 | =,it- |O. rts dr Ij'b..: JO +-, r, =.!4*6tiH ---F4F-srl .. Xnn €atE.o. -9o o.to bc =E Eot o q, E rg CIT -E - L/o) a,Jo \.1Lo3i z oPz4 @o =zf= o.- I F? gg dn oz J c! $J tr- -; lSFt l-l .-] E J t\l -ltl | -.- Ol r'c it._ot-llrl 5t ^ 3f .'' 3l "1il vltsl r",l FI FI il o Inppti.ution NumberA* j' Fee flzo,oo zfu fts pxi6 &3!75/ Name of Projec Name of Person Subrnitting Location of Project c)l Description of Project SIGN APPLICATION Dat Ertfi; The fo1lowing information is required forto the Design Review Board before a fina'lSign submittal fee is $20.00. submi tta'l approva I app'licant gi ven . by the can be Materi a I B. Description of Sign s9z D. Corments .i *- Te MATERIALS SUBMITTED WITH APPLICATION 1. Site Plan2. Drawings sfi6'ilii-9-Exact'tocation 1. Photographs showing proposed 'loca[T6i--4. Actual sign 5.,- Colored scalE-diEiligl 6;.r Photograph of sign -Approved for DRB Submittal Disapproved for DRB SubmittaT- )rgn Aomlntstrator Sign Administrator =a 75 south lrontage road Yail. colorado 81657 (303) 476-7qro Apri'l L7, 1984 TO: SIGN APPLICANTS FROM: Tom Braun or Kristan Pritz' Planners RE: Sign App'lication Requirements offlce ol communltY development [hen appl.ications for s'igns are submitted, the fo1 'lowing information is required l.Siteplanshow.ingexact]ocatjonwherethes.ignistobe]ocated. 2. photograph or drawing showing the building and where sign is to be located' 3. Exact design of sign (one or more of the fo'tlowing) (a) sca'le drawing or rendering (must be colored exactly as sign will be) (b) the sign itself is made (c) PhotograPh if sign is made FEE: A $20.00 application fee will be requ'ired at time of application' kverl \IJ I tp, ll *r.. Proiect Appllcatlon Project Name: Project Description: Contact Person and Phone ,rtlC Owner, Address and Phone: Architecl. Addross and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Comments: . Zone - Design Review Board Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Summary: $ ar"u Approvat Project Application Project Name: Proj€ct Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect. Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Filing i Zone Comments: Design Review Board Date ' i, ''.: Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL *l Staff Approval .{|F &Application Number SIGN APPLICATION Fee Pa idO......-- / tDate 6////tr{ Name of project (N t//t< t/lttay ftoa^t loo,r --- Name of Person Submitting tuqC ructt,q/U$ Phone /V6 - 60/? (r1 n 0 cl0oro,ntl LOcatiOn Of PrOject jlltN/NC BL& a+prv.* cacano,, o/. /tu<r(4c/ f/a /t<04Lt Description of Project Yocua( y' nfpl'tr,t .fofi- n ,uq {f<. The.fol lowing infonnatrJr_i: required.for submittal by the appl icantto the Design_Reviewra_@Ltqfq^e a finar approvar cii, ue-giuen.Sisn submittal fee A--$r:l) A. Sign Materia'l B. Description of Sign ''l,-TAilGuta/L Jfu,JiG,, '////rc- u//.17t C. Size of Sign ,filZ-L/ilq tz4oZcqtt D. Cornents MATERIALS SUBMITTED WITH APPLICATION 1. Site Plan2. Drawings sfi6ii'Tfrg-Eact location9. Photographs showing proposed loca-'I4, Actual siqn4, Actual sign5. Colored scalEliFEvJiE-6. Photograph of sign Approved for DRB Submittal Disapproved for DRB Submittil- Sign Administrator ) 6- L./'r - qt Cu lvf . 5'y, L ep.-.f- -;E fJt,,u!-f{.= lh 75 soulh itont ge load Yait. colorado 81657 (3m) /P6-7ooo April 17, '1984 T0: SIGN APPLICANTS FROM: Tom Braun or Kristan Pritz' Planners RE: Sign APPIication Requirements olllce of communltY devcloPmlnt be located. sign is to be located. l,lhen applications for signs are subnitted, the following information is required: l. Site plan showing exact location where the sign is to 2. Photograph or drawing showing the building and where 3. Exact design of sign (one or more of the following) (a) scale,drawing or rendering (must be colored exactly as sign will be) (b) the s'ign itself is made (c) photograPh 'if sign is made FEE: A $20.00 app'ticat'ion fee wi'l'l required at time of aPPlication.be 1dr6*y (.over^) oz F =d. uJo- c d: oo o !o t-l oo oo <\l o, UJulu- tr =E uJ h9-E^z-ot '6 Lre,.l8 l1.C s sl 1ir li"; \l =N! =r'l' S I ia;llt 'n| {.o .d T:E uJF F F u7z = zz tlill ilt g$ tscL 0tt1nf bq rq6rn =o65 .o ,F+otzq €E Itrz = uJ F (\,1(o @..o.oFo+J J(J o-..5 P+) g g(O.d ov)CJ ()(d @(J =rL.Ffo+JX(u .o L DCO t!J uJo i G toF(,) EFz o tr UJz =o t! ul .E z o o c) F o o Y {, c(5 q)o o o) .EI f d) E o =f, oo o $ 3 .g o o)a €,E Etr.! ctl .gco =r oE o q) Po (! E () at) .9 ! o E 6!(E n) G o (! (t (D(t EPr-oR. ^t6.ot,Fl=96o5 5tE>(!=' EFooEo-oQt#5i -G(oo- EoPoo- E= E.oo_6 EE CL.E o'-ae o!Ef 33()> :E(6:p6fsEor EEOo)o(! -o o .9 |l) Eo(5oc,p o o. ,(! E o o,t (tt (6c o 6 U' D (U (U CL -9o o 6 (J() (g oq) -9 Eoo o, cr 0) co G E o ; .g Eg (! .9 (5 o E(E 0) (! (U c,o)E -g!o .Y (0 lt(, 11) il5o LfF f.c\ C\I oo (\J o oLr) Lr) \ rr)\ Orc\I F = z J .o - ul ()z Jo- J o CE () UJJ uJ z o. J 9z o UJ = uJ uJt!zo F. llrE UJ ;u,itqJ e.zo uJ aoo- trJ z UJJ x F UI <t)f at uJ LlJt! L = IJJ o- J Fo h =o =o J I F uJJul z ao = C z () u,. NOrrvnlvAi ll ! r " lE- r : lE =stl:rd9!6 6b€ E g 9 a;F 9 O Eg6 6 tr:F! fl-E{ :! s g gF F.Ng z tr J {u- oe(, uJ F o r.r) (7) tu z E z E UJ J =UJz II zlz tr o I at) tsz o2f UJ3 q o 5 IJJE z F =FI Er Fl Fa .. >loqJ ul UJz at)F =trul J z Eo utfJ (r utzYIIF z tr J:)az r-{ ol< ujla) ruF(LLL<>og *1, <\l \o oo)!{J {J(d +,P(d u- (t) JJ =F TL at s c\l (D I c!(\Jg) F-{OO IJJF 6 ut Eooo-zo Fo- uJv IIJ dt oF tr Eul o- tto ooo I IJJFoz z oPz4 dro =z=fa-,P dfi 2'r4 = uJ -*'idd= tr =.E uJ g- Et!6YE<CLf,€EB9rrL cdE ir = lu :-E b=o dfi: >o-j ou-E oo9 lurE Xart x>6iiFo'i€= uld! oF II - E =E, lrJ o-z9F()f E, 6zo(J trt]n ol z.l zl =lolFI I I .l 2l cil ,.tl +l>l rLlol il sOl rJrFI F Icl'-l crlrol !Fl €l (lJl "l -lFt.Fl 3l-1 :aq E I I I sElitlo-<lq>l 3 I :l(l)l slol (ulol '-t =l=l I 01 rr-l Io)l .Fl!lFl5l-lil EI 6 =II 6 I I I F -J (u€o od -.Yr- a6 N{J U1 di z d) -) -a\A (o (J at' Fo LIol (l)lLlol'l =l(frl @llql UJq CI CI{J - o o(.) c (, L r-(u Lo = rr)C! co I C\Ior el dlull 5l al>lttl 9l FI +)ago = .-) :t G. ir =*[x FOz.-o o 9P =<=d]Fd5 oF Fz z T uJ = JE<oC)F F#Yr-\2Eo O <F(r(JuJ<zEUJF(42 J<oo9.trt t! =o trBD i :/ tl {j $t il IR .r] \ _l t\ t8l (h uJ uJll_ F =G UJ o- rllltltg- H# t1rl!rlr oF F|2z o J \ I I r-..l|. as tr a \" N N \ \ R il ) I Iloo s.\.t I J o eal('{ I ob a' : q a t ht I oo N V) ^1 t"q g'l c(rl I €igii,lfi Fffi F =gJ o. z lo Y(,ru a J 9 F(,qJJ uJ z =f J Iz C)qJ = 7 uJ uJ zotr<iq, I olutl >( o o @ 3llJ UJ zl uJlol F atoo.ul z g, x F IIJo (- \ .,,\ B BuJl JI<lFI9l (, =J = () F()t!J uJ (9z J J Iz (., UJE NOrwn'lvA N $ u uJF J lr,zulct 66Qs 9Fg.62o8!5f HgFO i (\i s 0= =0 ile il=r lrl lsl ;i s ,q il: Ig :lzlol FIsl uJlFIJI<l =UJz .i 'l I 14r _l-T--T- z lllE lll: ||t3 =lElcle ;tStFlE zl z oz lltlttltr.lIPt2l)F6 .,,lFqJt<oloOJ F='xq.X.i<z oFz-- 9= d63E uJIit\i\ uJo. tt>o l!o v, J 3 F lrJ iEltf' iEEgg -- c f ClE*"ie eg;:= E !a:g ;$;;e {sg'ei /o \P,.{ h \ r{ z oPzeoo =z>D o-- I ,.trtrtr =l=l b =Eujo,l!olurE9E.ctloatEt2EP}E,=cE =q.=> (,z J r!-ii =z o-.! rl flzl FI tfltzlgfl sl JO<FE(JuJ<zEIJF(rzoo oF C) Fz 9 F() l! llj sF 3Ed5 (J 9z rott = o li'i o =+E b oc) tn** ^.f\'\LJ\*>Q I5 0,_co \z-Lo-f --*) J ,"*-5>Y2Ef;f B;E D Iu o- IL UJ o- F a9'=cE =q.=>FdCFct lr, ;;oEolDF :oo. u{o -,| ul.ooF ET ^GF' uJo a, o 9E6zou =Fo c G'LL == (!(5 i i i * "=Q t ?= Z=.2 z4 P:Y:::i r =;:1Elti a = = ab; j_E; i = [i:4 2 aZ E.=:= u a -. ll E ::€ E.I .5 E =; i;:iiizi: " i.. e. -E i .:: 4 ...! ii- * iEEi+i ?:! i ':.E X i 5 5 :il iV v?* ! - i ii -,:j -:iiziili rjt or (f) L A o oz, (u L lzool- C) o '.I t! (vt .; U F l()I+, lLtu- I6l -oc$oolm-t I - !.) - =oz I z (Y) I (o (J L c, o U :) ct) 'o eo JL tr N.P UI i, E z a1 !tlrHr^ L- -iYl--<>xo,.,u -zzE*<<5rza\alJ z-v>z=,-. - irFeErr>1rr.-Paa Lr) \J- n( r.t--zZUAsJ -\ -': iF\ <%ca oE z3F-F-kJ<H:iF<YO;El=z>A><-P EE*3FFtrQ\,-''l! tto>i*F?*.-Y\< HFTF =UXASZU.-ffi;REriSX-..]_l-YlIfi{r*F(J>l- rH F -e.Itsartitst tFafraEI C. FR m F -.lJatrri.F|+ -H -af,FaaF rFl ??r\EY {- -: --11|e F\ -dLIr- -trt *FreHH+n\EY tt-f trt A.rFl Et+raJfH ffJrhf |{e.e Z;L.-o SPE PERMIT UMBER F PROJECT DATE o INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES c-\\'-'rJ t /zn-,- wE?@g /o;ad_@) IN CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL z PMREADY FOR LOCATION:t/< BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V, tr ROUGH / WATERD FRAMING rr ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING II GAS PIPING O INSULATION POOL / H. TUB O SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER D HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR IN J ,)l't ,?)7-3/2J- jp-q-r ,'-_\wED (rHUB.l F+tf ' \i---' \--l' /Ct;Cto @. 'evr I SPE CTION REQUEST TOWN Ot VAIL DATE JOB NAME INSPECTION:MON CALLER TUESREADY FOR LOCATION:3 /'/(.. .J BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMB!NG: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H, TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL - tr FINAL N APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED INSPECTOR COLORADO TEST CENTER, IN B NO. PAGE _1_ DATE:s/8/8s OF DAILY REPORT: V LOGATION:Sitzmark Lodge/ DL Dickmeyer Hrs. ServlcesReg. O.T. ContracEed Extra 5.0 Servlce Code 1INSPECTOR ON Trave I 4.0 Inspect 1.0 To tal 5.0 Per Duane Stewarts request rvith a general ov-erall inspection of the added patio and slimning pool steel framing was conducted. A11 nrelrrbers and cotrnections were found to be installed and visually acceptable. Bar joist spacing, bearing, and bridging ivas also found to be acceptable. Inspection of the shear stud connectors revealed these to be acceptable to Al{S Dl.1. This information was given verbAlly to Duane Stel'/art' {.0. [{. cotfinttcil0t{ s0. [rD. MAY 2 0198s REUIIVED Structural, Mechanlcal and Materlals Tesctng _--4- \\: _4. Ope a { oc-o i C) C) O -C77 cFoFI .DcoI G'oo May 20, 1985 Steve Patterson, Town of Vail Vai1, Colorado Chief Building 0fficial 816s7 oaloFo oEog .eoo Eoto ooIt roxo€ d B ooo o .€Io D .E E =! ot{ .Ec Jg E EEtto5 ge Addition Steve : I want to reiterate the items of our discussion in your office on May 8, 1985. As mentioned in our neetingr Itm sirnply trying to understand and resolve any questions originating from the plan review of the Sitzmark Addition. I further want to resolve any tenitive position of the fire department. To this resolution, nay I summarize the following points: 1. The urethane insulation being used in the garage area is protected from exposure by a half inch layer of "fesco boardtt which has a flame spread of 25 and a smoke develop- ment of 0. 2. The canvas awning is not specified but is by allowance. When orderedr we will require that it be rated; fire retardant. 3. The trash housing interior is in process of renodel with the replacernent of the sectional door with a rolling door. Thj-s remodel will be concluded with the replace- ment of the 5/8" fire rate gypsum board at the ceiling. While it is not an item of this construction or the Drawings of the Sitzmark Lodge Addition, I have recommended to the Owner and the Owner has agreed to place 5/8tt fire rate gypsum board on the open soffit area of the carport and also on the r+a11 surface separating the garage from a sma11 work shop at the west end of the garage. However, the Owner r,rould prefer to leave the Protective sheathing of plywood at the cooler in the east area of the garage. The fire alarm system is presently being installed; thls should satisfy concerns specific to this j.ssue. Sitzmark Sincerely; cc: Bob Fritch w /FlF/tt I NTER-DEPARTI.IENTAL REV I EI{ PROiIECT: DATE SUBMITTED: COI,II.IENTS I{EEDED BY: BRIEF OESCRIPTION OF THE PUBLIC }IORKS Revlewed by: Connpnts: FIRE OEPARTMENT Reviewed byz .z/:aa Reviewed by: Corments: TOI.IN ATTORI{EY Reviewed by: Corments: Revianed by: Comments: DATE OF PUBLICE HEARING: 'f-',";h /"'*'/ /" €a "n''-^"-'J ^'a/'/'-" Date: Date: ,/A'/ 7' sz/ ------- O Date: Date: Date: 4u. Cmments: t2azre/tzt.u"..! a,.2 OAA 1, SGi-{.-tr -'44.M, " r?.-Ean;e -A_,-E/-.v y';p.=,A-.-o- 7;s*t;z-xt-/ .*t'/a.c- ue< Z7o3 tu?4tuJ. ,a2-,2:eizo'v {7 Z7;-:'; ;;::':';'''tr ou::'z 4,'f , lpTtose'rzz * :4,;*:.:: pSLI;E DEpARTIENT --.:Jrt"i ^' 1/ .-ots"'; 4/"/ / 4.o'z-'/9/":7 y'/a"f^/;z-n c' oo',,-plnfaf-.- OWNER OF PROPERTY ADDRESS OF PROPERTY TO BE SERVED NAME OF APPLICANT ADDRESS APPLICATION FOR REVOCABLE PERMIT TO ERECT OR MAINTAIN A STRUCTURE ON A PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-I.IAY PERMIT NO. d-. C'"--i)c',,x- Fence blali -y - pl",nl"r' \therga,ref>' I I ll An,- C,-.\c \".,.,- o(\ LEGAL DESCRIPTION PROPERTY TO BE SERVED: B\K(Attach description on separate sheet il necessary Corner Lot Y...--..--.-..s-Inside lot DESCRIPTION OF STRUCTURE OR ITEM(S) INTO RIGHT-OF-WAYAttachp1ansshowingencroachment,property1ine,sideffi DOES STRUCTURE ;PRESENTLY EXIST? PROPOSED DATE FOR COMMENCEMENT OF CONSTRUCTION meters, po1 ices, manholes, any other affected apurtenance jn the project areaor dimensjoned) and section(s) as well as elevdtions (if applicabie). (to scale revocab'l e permit for the structure above indicated,In consideration of the issuance of aapplicant agrees as fol'l ows: 'l ' Jhat the structure herein authorized on a revocable permit basis is restricted- exclusively to the 'land above described.2' That-the.permit is limited spec'ificaliy to tt'" type of structure described in thisappl ication.3' That the applica.nt shal'l notify the Town Manager, or his duly authorized agent, twentyfour hours in advance of the time for commencement of constrirction, ;n orJlr that proper- inspection may be made by the Towr.4' That the fPPlicant agreel to indemnify and save harmless the Town of va.il from andagainst ai1 claims,^suits, damages, costs, losses and-expenses in any manner resultingfrom, arising out of, or connecied'with the "r".ii".-". maintenance of the aboveidentified structure.5' That the permit may be revoked whenever it is determjned that the encroachment,obstruction, or other structure constitutes ";;i;";;;; destroys or^ irpii"i g,"use of the right-of-way by the. publ ic, constitutes a traffic hazard, or the propertyupon which the encroachment, obitruction, o. ti"uiturJ'exists is required for use.br tpe pub'lic; or.it may be revokeJ at aiy-time;;;-;;y reason deemed sufficientby the Town of Vail. 6. 7. That applicant will remove, -at his expense, the encroachment, obstruction, orstructure within ten-days after receiving notice of any revocat.ion of said permit.That'in the event said removal of the encroachment, obstruction, or structure is notaccomplished within the ten days, the iown is h"ruuv-irih6rized to remove same andappl icant agrees to reimburse ine rown for the ;o;i"o;-;;;d removar. The Town shailhave. the ri ght to make an as-sestent-ata.inst irre-i."p"rtv'.rd col'l ect the costs of removalin the same manner as general tu"ui ii" col.lected-That the permit so jssued is not Jisignaut", inJ-is issued sol e1y to the undersignedapp l icant. That. the applicant has read and understands all of the terms and conditions set forthin this appl ication. 8. a 10. Special Conditions: -t DATE Si gnature, Approved: f ,jo'int owners ip, shown bo DATE gnatures .; .r* DATEDirecto@ Director of Public Works DATE Fi isN ffi gr e/7< z PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT -/-^ J ,1ssla (; -.f - r { JoB NAME INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON TUES WED THUR FRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr tr tr tr E n UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERO FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL n tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING "d noucn O EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT n /r'O SUPPLY AIR n tr FINAL tr FINAL tr DISAPPROVED tr BEINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR Io,t i" I '7 c-STtt'PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT INSPECTION , TOWN OF !'l't. 1 i REQUE VAIL <-- /. ,\DATE " ,rJ u JOB NAME/ READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLER MON TUES BU!LDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER O FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING 11.ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL tr DISAPPBOVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: .{f t4-. Az'7 tzt/ zr.u,. t= "'1' a /-'?z +' -, "'n '.;' / ,'' ":.al ,/Z' INSPECTOR '^. ,./ : 'l ..'- r i '\-{ ,/ )I la\t( PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE - JOB NAME rNs I PE CTION TOWN OF .r' REQUESTVAIL ' ,t .l;C; I AM :'ry'j l-t l-i t:., CALLER TUESREADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON WED THUR .l-\ BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL E FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MEGHANICAL: tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORREGTIONS: ISAPPROVED EINSPECTION BEOUIRED _- -'i-i(-DATE ) '* J' c.z - t1 .l rNSPEcroR -l!7,14 PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE READY FOB LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER INSPECTION REQUEST- TOWN OF VAIL . -l " r i./ tf lt'. PMAM TOWN OF BUlLDING: N FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr tr tr tr D n UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL n tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRlCAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING D ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT n D SUPPLY AIR tr tr FIDTAL tr FINAL /21 'ffiiAoveo tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REOUIRED CORRECTIONS: sarc 1.-z z - 15 rNspEcroR lry-*:)' INSPECTIONIoyf gF o L uEqr t' RE VAI <--" PERMIT NUM DATE READY FOR LOCATION: E.PROJECT -----d\t ,o, *or.E T z,t,t,r CALLER TUES ( \ .i?t ->€t t\tl THUR '4 FRI aAM PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr tr B D tr ! UMBING: o ioullonroN / srEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERO FBAMING o tr ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS O CONDUIT n tr SUPPLY AIR n tr FIML tr FINAL z.'t PROVED tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REOUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR PERMI DATE lNSPEP"T,,|_ON, ,1 1i' i i'-i ft flr REQUE$TVAIL : .t READY FOR LOCATION: NUMBER OF PROJECT TNSPEQTIO,N: JOB NAME MOry.WED THUR FRI CALLER TUES a PMAM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS tr FOUNDATI O FRAMING / STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER ON / STEEL 11 ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H, TUB tr FINAL D FINAL ELE trT trF OC o MECHANICAL: TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIB tr FINAL PROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED t-t I t*. oor= € 'l o -'(../ rNSPEcroR - PERMIT NUMBEB OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: ECTTON REOUESJ TOWN OF VAIL : ,t * NSP I ''/ ,, i. JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES WED THUR FRI AM PM BU trl trl trl ol trl trl tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUNO tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEER tr GAS PIPINGPLYWOOD NAILING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL O HEATING tr ROUGH EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr DISAPPROVED tr BEINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR ffi I TNSPECTTON REQUESJ TOWN OF VAIL I DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: . JOB NAME THUR i-FRI ,I BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH/WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK T] POOL / H. TUB tr tr tr o tr HEATING B EXHAUST HOODS O SUPPLY AIR tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR i,7 I INSPECTION REOUEST VAILPERMITNUMBER " /,, OF PROJECT t t 5 TOWN OF OATE .lCALLER TUES FRI '''"' ' .,,,,,-*,- AM PMREADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON WED THUR BUILDING:PLUTIBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATER FOOTINGS I] FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION o o cl POOL / H. TUB tr tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL:MECHANICAL: tr tr tr tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL O FINAL .g-APPROVED CORREGTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE rffii o NSPPERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT ECTTON REOUESJ TOWN OF VAIL LDATE CALLER TUES ,AM ;;READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON WED THUR FRI BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUNO tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr GAS PIPING tr tr D tr POOL / H. TUB FINAL MEGHANICAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR O FINAL .:'ffnppaoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE //'INSPECTOR /(-/ 4 )/ /A t--tNSPECTTON REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL .' .\', i/ z:' 't'//l/,< ,- ,,t r,', /! | 5 CALLER NAME INSPECTION:Mo\ -, T!:I-ES ,, WED THUR FRI AM PilREADY FOR LOCATION: PERMIT NUMBEB OF PROJECT salE ,//- (' -'('a ne BUILDING:PLUMBING: OOTINGS / STEEL I:IO7C2/78 tr UNDERGROUND T] FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH/WATERtr FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION O POOL/ H. TUB tr FINAL tr tr tr o tr HEATING B EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR O FINAL tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: /,' '/- l.// - ,. - i...... - m DATE INSPECTOR I PE'/d.t PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE I '2.r., -l/ ,:lif JoB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:(aD TUES BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: D UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING r_r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING O INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT E SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL OVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED ''/t.:" DATE INSPECTOR I rl'1 1IILL'"INSPECTIONTOWN OF REQUE$rVAIL I t PERMIT NUMBER PROJFCTOF ,\ JOB NAME ---- ' t 1' "- ,i .. '-. READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:,-.MON CALLER TUES WED THUR FRI PMAM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND D ROUGH / D.W.V, tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING rr ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING D INSULATION tr D ! POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS tr tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR E FINAL tr FINAL ,[neenoveo/ conRecttottS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE . ..,INSPECTOR t PE PERMIT UMBER OF PR ECT JOB NAME l I ) i i ,,.' INS THUB FRI cTroN REQUESI. TOWN OF VA|L I DATE READY FOR LOCATION: CALLER INSPECTION:MON TUES IAM PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB ELE tr1 trF tr( tr MECHANICAL: TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr OISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR I Q z-t REOUESTvAtL t.PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE INSPECTION: INSPECTION TOWN OF /{lI NAME MON /4:\ 'UES wED i$..)eIBJJ\--.. IAM PMREADY FOR LOCATION: Ll.fts/ro, BUILDlNG: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING tr ROUGH /WATER o tr tr tr tr ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETROCK tr POOL / H, TUB MECHANICAL: tr tr tr tr TEMP. POWER B HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL PPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED D^rE 4'/?49 rNsPEcroB o o PErNs CTION TOWN OF lir.i'r /, r\f[ RE VAI (tl ouEsT. DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: CALLER TUES WED THUR FBI -------@ PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT BU!LDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.FOUNDATION i STEEL FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER OOF & SHEER tr GAS PIPINGPLYWOOD NAILING INSULATION SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB FINAL tr FINAL tr B tr tr TEMP. POWER 3 tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL .F-APPRovED CORRECTIONS: tr OISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIBED DATE INSPECTOR I qL> PERMIT NUMBE'T OF PgDJECT - oorc "? 2 -t f/5 JoB NAME INSPECTION TOWN OF ;.. yt^ i; _ /r -( REQUE$TvAlL ?. AM GN CALLER TUES WED THUR t!l''READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON , BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGBOUNDn rdbrtrucs / srEEL - trFOUNDATION/STEEL \ trROUGH/D.W.V. FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL O FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: D TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING C] ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED CoRRECTIOI.{S: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR \i -i-r . .'\I. - V ...':y' ': /l -) II 't i Ii ' V (./ INSPEC}-TION REOUESTp -T=oWN br vnrr_ , r.ECT TOWN OF VAIL.n,,ll) .toB NAMF / 'l !r . .. 11 "ll, ' l'rr /; , .t-l I , 'aD^rE 1l>L/,li JoBNAME---_ ,'/.]r.r.(+jt I)L.,/,{5 JoBNAME--_ / J il ,,.f+:',. - 11'l.,,,.t-.rl,o< 1 / /,' . /; | .,r' iltl' 't i l' '' /' (i 1ALLER i , ,...( ( /l,i -- (i._(= ' '\-i i,,i-.!(.1I'READYFoR|NSPECT|oN:MoN,fij6)WEDTHURFB|-AMPM LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERD FRAMING - ROOF & SHEEB " PLYWooD NATLTNG tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB 0dSHEETROCK NA|L tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr o tr FINAL tr FINAL /'i;6eRovED tr DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: -7vJ5 INSPECTOR / /J,?r PERMIT NUMBER OF PBOJECT tNSPECT|ON REQUEST TOWN oF VAIL i' .(vs-) oor, /t/r.r JoB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:TUES WED THUR BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL O FRAMING - ROOF & SHEEB" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: /*=or,*o ,/''J'2 a'i /: tr EXHAUST HOODSROUGH CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL OVED , CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED tSg?i;c,zt o t/ INSPECTOR / /J4' PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE INSPECTION: INSPECTION REQUE$T TOWN OF VAIL I a CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: 6o-ru) rues :t,/tc,ry,i rce BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr tr tr tr tr n UMBING: D FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D,W.V. BOUGH / WATER GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK n POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr BOUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT n tr SUPPLY AIR D tr FINAL tr FINAL -4 APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR lk-zt PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE INSPECTION: INSPECTIONTOWN OF j.q,4-/ REOUEST VAIL t' JOB NAME MON t/ CALLER TUES WED THUR tAM PMREADY FOR LOCATION:" (-,.'t!& BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEEB " PLYWooD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELEGTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED INSPECTOR _o l'l ',i A TNSPECTTON REOUESTrowN oF vAtL i,PERMIT NUMBER PF PROJECT DATE II *l INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON ,FRI ) i'l (i(! ) L ,,AM (_ fM CALLER TUES WED THURREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: D UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL {:ry'::.ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAT-, tr tr tr tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED / CORRECTIONS: \.tt ,1 ,--l I I'l ,A '^ PERMIT NU ,. i tDATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME tr DISAPPROVED THUR FRI I INSPECTION TOWN OF $fsuE9r CALLER TUFSJr: BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATEB O FOUNDATION / STEE- D FRAMING r_r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING O INSULATION tr POOL / H, TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELE trl I&F tr( tr tr HEATINGTEMP. POWER tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL !'neenoveo,,/rl CORRECTIONS: _ tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR ul 2 L-- PERMIT NUMBER OF PRqJECT JOB NAME INSPECTION:MON TUES INSPECTION TOWN OF t-,"it'i-' REQUESIvAlL t' .,1AM (_P_"ytREADY FOR LOCATION: li{rtrn' TL.lt tEl\yrLtr,FRI D^rE 'vi (' i i' \ BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER EI FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION .tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS O SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr DISAPPROVED E REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR t INSPECTION: } NAME MON CALLER TUES t INSPE i/.t FRI./ ---' , --t z'lt I(--, I ! crloN REQUES TOWN oF VAIL l' -----@M @READY FOR LOCATION: F PROJECT BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr tr tr u tr UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGBOUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING Fr ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL t-'l . J*rr* tr F'NAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr tr SUPPLY AIR r] tr FINAL tr FINAL VED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED CORRECTIONS: oerc f'-?F4 rNspEcro oerc F 4o.i5 JOB NAME t INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VA|L !'/'^ -- -9rf t *;n,:f -.t' CALLER --F:\MoN r1!9s t wED rHUB FRr - AM d),READY FOR LOQATION: INSPECTION: PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION O SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr Y tr FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL VED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR l:12 z INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL I.PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB CALLER INSPECTION:vor'r (-iulp WED THUR FRI AM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER E FOUNDATION / STEEr- tr FRAMING rr ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING O INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING E EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR D FINAL '-rSlapp66yEp tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED COBRECTIONS:,g' y'.-. y'i',-., tg- ',.r' ,,"u il? DATE INSPECTOR - 1 JEBFr'S|BLEY PLUMHT*I tNC. I 040-A 5s. nN STREET..MNTRf{. @.8164s. pHOrI An.StinP.0. Box 340 llinturn, C0 81645 0ctober 4, 1985 6 i I Town of Vai'l Inspection Departnent 75 South Frontage RoadVall, C0 81657 ATTN: Gary l,lurrain Re : Ra1 ph Lau ren po'l o Dear Gary: This is to certify that all Polo Shop has been installed specifications submitted to Shop the work at the Ra1 ph Lauren a according to p1 ans and the Town of Vail . JTS/sh cc: J.D.t{. Corporation P.0. Box T Basal t, C0 8l 621