HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 BLOCK 5B LOT A SITZMARK 1987 REMODEL PAPERS LEGALV&JVJX%F\(t"d A aw f(sR^dJF,/* U o TOWT'I OF VAIL 75 South Frontage Road. Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2100 FN( 970-479-2157 August 27, 1999 Eric Baumann 183 Gore Creek Drive Noel Cbnistmas Shop Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: Allowable Retail Store Signage ntFcopr Dear Eric, Thank you for meeting with me at your shop on Wedresday, August 25, to discuss sign options at the Noel Chrisunas Shop. As promised, the purpose of this letter is to govide you with written documentation of your sip options, pwsuant to the Town of Vail Sign Regulations. Upon review of the sign regulafions, I have determined that you are allowed to display the following signs at your retail store, provided the required approvals are granted: o Either two wall sigrs gg trro projecting or hanging sips or a combination thereof (one sign per vehicular street or major pedestrian way is allowed. Gven the linear street frontage of your shop, you are allowed a total of . I 1 .4 sq.ft. (max.) of wall or projecting signs on the south side and/or the west side of your shop. The I i.4 sq.ft. of allowable sip area may be divided between the two frontages. In no instance, hovrever, shall the total number of sip.s exceed two or be more than 11.4 sq.ft.r Two window signs, one per vehicular street, limited ro 15% of the total window spa.ce. A window sip, however, shall not exceed 10 sq.ft. in size. A window sign shall be affxed to the interior of the window.o One window sign totaling trot more than 3 sq.ft. in size shall be allowed for the display of the business name, hours of operation, credit card information and similar general information. I researched your request for a freestanding sign out on the comer in front of your shop. The Town ofVail Sign Regulations prohibit freestanding sigrrs for a retail businesses in a multi-tenant building. The freestanding-ffis of sigrs are allowed for restauants and real estate offices. Should you decide to install new signs at your shop you will need to submit a sign application to the Town of Vail Community Development Depfiment. For your convenience I have included a copy of the sign application and a complete copy ofthe sign regulations. Ifyou have any questions with regard to the application or the sign regulations, please do not hesitate to contact me. You can reach me by telephone at 4'/9-2145. Sincerelv. rUQ,'*t-z George Ruthei, AICP Senior Planner Town of Vail tpu**o TOWN OF VAIL Project Name: SiEmarkfencing Project Number: PN[99-0242 Project Description: 6" lap cedar siding fence, 6' high, to conceal trlnsformer Owner, Address, and Phone: Robert Fritch lE3 Gore Creek Drive, Vail, CO 81657 476-5001 Architect/Contact, Address, and Phone: same Project Street Address: 183 Gore Creek Drive Legal Description: Lot A, Block 58, Vail Vitlage Filing #1 Design Review Action Form BuildingName: SitzmarkParcel Number: 210108210006 Comments: Motion by: Seconded by: Vote: Conditions: Town Planner; Ann Kjerulf Date: 08125199 DRB Fee Paid: S20.00 Project Name: SiEmark fencing Documentl Board/Staff Action Action: staffapproved 1. Cedar fence must be finished with a stain in a shade of gray that matches the existing wood trim on the adjacent (Sitzmark) building. I t P f n c z-4 L eu.rnourl hc pr.rr'ing srari r. ,iTi-- izri APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL Date Receivet GENERAL INFoRMATIoN AUg z 3 lggg This application is for any projcct rcquiring Dcsigr Rcvicrv approval. Any projcct rcquiring dcsign revicw must rcccive De.sign Rcvicrv approval prior to submiffing for a building pcrmit. For specific information, see the submittal rcquircnrcnts for thc particular approval that is rcquested. Thc application cannot bc acceptcd until all thc requircd infbrnration is subrnittcd. Thc projcct nray also nccd to bc rcvicrvcd by thc Torvn Council and/or thc Planning and Environnrcntal Conunission. Dcsign Rcvicrv Board apploval cxpircs onc ycar aftcr final approval unlcss a building permit is issued and construction is startcd. A. DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST:ttEnc r oN /vtqTk E4sT eoft/YFA TO ,///2E TN'N€ trOR .//FR B, c. D. E. LOCATIONOFPROPOSAL: LOT: A BLOCK: f O TruTNC:I/4IT-.y'/IL4GE FTI.TTO i PHYSICAL ADDRESS: pnnCEl*: ) lt_ttoBLtoO<,6 (Contact Eaglc Co. Asscsson Office at 970-328-8640 for parccl #) ZONINC: TO|i/N OF VAIL NAME OF OWNER(S):-Krr cr, MAILINC ADDRES* /?3 UAE Crt EE/< PT< PHoNE: t26--t-6a!- OWNER(S) SIGNATURE(S):F. c.NAME OF APPLICANT: MAILINC ADDRESS: 5.4,ota PHONE: Construction of a new building. Includcs any addition whcre square footagc is addcd to any rcsidential or comrncrcial building. lncludcs minor changcs to buildings and site improvcmcnts, such as, rcroofing. painting. window additions. landscaping, fenccs and rctaining walls. etc. H. TYPEOFREVIEWANDFEE: EI Ncw Construction - $200 tr Addition - S50 \ minor Lttcration - $20 DRB fees are to be paid at the timc of submittal. Latcr. whcn applying for a building pennit. pleasc identiff thc accurate valuation ofthc project. The Town of Vail will adjust the fce according to thc project valuation. PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPLICATION, ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT,75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, vAIL, COLORADO 8r657. SitzmarkFence. jpg ,\ T NUMBER OF PROJECT I INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAILPERMI DATE JOB NAME CALLER TUESREADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:WED THUR PMFRI BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOOTINGS / STEEL D FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING r_r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING F, TNSULATTON ,f)(-.-.. tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FWAL tr FINAL '{/.lpaoveo tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED / C@RRECTIONS: INSPECT PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE JOB NAME INSPECTIONTOWN OF . il {' { REQUEST VAIL READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: r'* MON TUES WED. THUR \ .f' FRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION (sHeernocr trl tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr n tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOOOS tr CONDUIT n tr SUPPLY AIR rl gl ptt'tRt-tr FINAL FiAPPROVED A+ N..t'. / T] DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED CORRECTIONS: L . !.' DATE PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT I INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL | -.1 ' "?t .,'lDATE ': / 1., ,' JOB NAME INSPECTION:MON CALLEB TUES THUR FRI AMREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr tr tr tr tr UMBING: E FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDEBGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING r_r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING O INSULATION POOL / H. TUB F.SHEETROCK NA|L tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS O CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIB tr flNAL tr FINAL ,/APPROVED 7'coRBEcloNS: tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED t";l (- DATE .- ---'ix: ./INSPECTOR PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL i ,''tDA1E it i I JoB NAME INSPECTION: CALLER TUES THUR F IREADY FOR LOCATION: MON WED, B o tr tr o tr tr tr UILDING: FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATER FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr tr D POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELE trl q.F tr( tr- CTRICAL:MECHANICAL: TEMP. POWER D HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR p rrrunl tr FINAL ..,8 APPROVED . CORRECTIONS: tr OISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR \ PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT t, INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL i..t , _:\ - -J t I,] JOB NAME CALLER DA1E '1 / ') i-/ }' READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:TUES WED1l4ON ii BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEELJ tr FRAMING r_r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: E TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR Xrrrunl tr FINAL .9. APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR ,, PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 'i )', ! ,. /.JOB NAME INSPECTION:MON CALLER TUES t^rtrn \THUR FRIREADY FOR LOCATION: ^M@ BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATI tr FRAMING ON / STEEL -..- ROUGH / WATER r-, ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr Dtr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELE tr1 trF EC tr_ CTRICAL:ME trl trl trl tr CHANICAL: TEMP. POWER HEATING ROUGH EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL OVED / COBRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE (/ , )L/- o'7 INSPECTOR // / / + .f'.-- t) -'INSPECTIONTOWN OF REOUEST VAILPERMI DATE T NUMBER OF PROJECT t,/z ;lj" 7 ,:'" ,,7 ,: .ti i trJOB NAME INSPECTION:MON CALLER TUES (THUR FRI'weo'..&) PMREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING I] GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr tr tr FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: tr tr tr tr tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr u FINAL $6eenoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED FY ; ''-t-t) -T- (' . ,i , 't ,-' / 2, ,,'/;' .,t n'2 DATE INSPECTOR INSPECTIONTOWN OF REQUEST VAILPERMI DATE READY FOR LOCATION: NUMBEB OF PROJECT INSPECTION:MON ''^ | ,/JOB NAME CALLEH ruES /"fiE6 \, THUR\---__._-Jl=SPMFRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH/WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER " PLYWooo NAtLtNG tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL ,.EFINAL tr tr tr tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED ; CORREGTIONS: INSPECT d(5 tNs TION REQUEST TOWN. OF VAIL t PEC WED THUR FRI N\ PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT oere\:$Sj READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB CALLER @ TUES \SCIO--o" @ BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W,V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL ELE tr'l trF trC tr MECHANICAL: TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS E SUPPLY AIR PROVED RRECTIONS: tr OISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED INSPECT '. {,' i t PE WED THUR rNs CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAILPERMI DATE T NUMBER OF PROJECT . JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES \ t{1'READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:PMFRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: E FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING D GAS PIPING tr INSULATION T] POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr E FrNAL ........-.,_tr FINAL ELE OT trF trC tr_ CTRICAL:MECHANICAL: TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr EINAL tr.FINAL /-PPROVED / CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR ),'\-\--DATE o.} \UU PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME CALLER MON TUES WED THUR FRI INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAILTOWN OF AM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING ,- ROOF & SHEER" PLYWooD NAILING GAS PIPING O INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL tr HEATING D ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS D CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR o FINAL INSPECTION' S COMPLETED The belor item need to be complete before giving a permit a final C of 0. PIease check off in the box provided. FINAL PLUMBING t, / c r {4 4 (, -? rrt-r FINAL ELECTRICAL Nq- -. FINAL BUILDING 'l CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY TEMP0MRY C of 0 { r \-s*\s*q*ta\x5*rt\ ,r{ ,(r, 6 ? ,4t0 c4' ? \Ns\l . \b,\\ S8/rt/rrrVVL L, fiF z oz 6 6 .6 I I l., rer6 I I I I, IFt<(cIFl9z t=IO lz "Jcqtl 11Ft I I .g ..I fi -J q ttJ1!o =I t! EoFo GFzoo E t!o UJ zIo Q) oo o) E c0 E o =cf d @ o o, 6 =.9 o .9u,oE .Do o() c .9 .2 .=o.ofo Ec(g coN -tntr;oF o o CD .g Poc)o(5 E () o .9t I f .Ct o !c6 ./t 'G o:gE6g'=OU' g8E ,qf$Eg)cE-= 6F5C €sEef; :ge; >=c96'- o..c E55 E E-F,-OO iEo 3'e sri i,=- 6 o.(g o. $Ec U'f oE*p E6:EE E E;E_aer +., C6 0'-5ae g:E ]6>96a lfiE EEg -o6 E =E uJ o-0zo! (o U' UJul I,L E-t UJ o- J FoF E(l,P al, U' o F Irt' =]I(to F ]E t6 I lslp..cr!) 5u+r.!Oozc,oo FFirrF E(6E HS <2 tr.l-.2 uJ =>E -t(rt = LlJ in =oN zzooQs 9E8 0 vro1>E9|r<o*H6E8 -iGi {t! 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F =Elrlo-zo F()f E,Fazo() tr!n (tz =ll- UJ =z -) ot =.1ol IJJI(rl 3l rlIol 2l elFl ol =.1ol LlJl 1l al>l u-lol zl 3lolFI EI <l>lttlol zl 3lolFI ol z.l ol IJJI 5l <l>l t!lol zl 3tg FI I I I ol z.l ol uJl 5l al>lr!lol 5l cOl trJFI F F uJ EI(J E -rO<F uJ<ZEUF(42o() J I F uJJ UJ .nX>Y E? =d]F d- zo z r uJ = lrz <Oa !h.53!Dn tFo .c o O.F,c+, ',8'Its c .F|€ t/t acn'o<qo =q,,\, +JLO, 4,, g{-)O(Ut) o-oE}o+)() q., ro(J P T- (,o th (-) I iFEi- ljfffr l!sF:c' | €*;!;CI ffFff] :3€Ed ii*iie ss;:s Ela:st'F9g iE!e.&Qdo'l! :5$iE l_ riro I I I I I hi 5 \lH \" IJL J l J i ) t/) tU u.,u- F =c UJ aa UJFoz o 3o = (D .a c'zz l_ rtc laz IE t: r6 an UJ uJrl- L UJ FoF X F UJu,l l- oc z UJJ(, o =u, ur z o ulul 2 u, (tr!G gz our z !c5 J (.) (,Itl l{J t||oroc rr3+) ro OJ .Lgr Er IL:9- )IL JCJ q,x(J {J C'z Ja. F z o E '- (\l trDg. coE,.Loo oT' c3 E co.J o (u c,E O) 0,(- t,) z L ) ) ) t' ,sluz\^ EE6 E?T dPr\ "3dz=z sEi538qluJ> r IEur.B-.tr.lrj Oc<ltr<.o zan<:Z30a o .C oLrj iF#rH=lq--.r!l =oloEu-l!€ol{ tul6-lal =>ltr-lJ- .':<.rJ H<eFO_ = >G -:Br't (,z tt I I 't. v. d Fo 6Fz() -Fs= =8 sF 3Ed6 C) JE59 EE!2 -JO<FG(JuJ<ztt!Fozo C) F <JttlF oc( 'g 6< >,6o(,oJ Dlr NIt- rn UJ =z Coo_-l J<(Jou,uJ t! -rO AMtr "'\ - to PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECTi .-. -r'.-r \ I DATE *- > \- ''-\ JoB NAME ao INSPECTIONTOWN OF 'i._.t \ ,,, '.\\t\ REQUEST VAIL INSPECTION: CALLER '.'-6t' ruES THUR FRI .AFD PMREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING:PL tr tr tr tr tr tr UMBING: UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. tr tr FOOTINGS / STEEL FOUNDATION / STEEL pinnrvrrr.ro 6 I Dr\r'\tr 9. elJEtr ROUGH / WATER o ROOF & SHEER GAS PIPINGPLYWOOD NAILING tr INSULATION 3JFEernocx POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr tr trFINAL FINAL ELE trT trF tr( tr_ CTRICAL:M tr tr tr cl ECHANIGAL: TEMP. POWER HEATING ROUGH EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR Atr F1NAL tr FINAL ffi- ElAPPROVED i CORRECTIONS: - tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR T NUMBER OF PROJECT oo INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL to PERMI DATE JOB NAME .',\ !.CALLER MON TUES \ READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:WED THUR AM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUITIBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr D tr FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL i H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL o tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR o I FINAL D FINAL APPROVED -,, CORRECTIONS: r'1 tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED ,)INSPECTORDATE PERMI DATE T NUMBER OF PROJECT INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL ":'.- r \ JOB NAME INSPECTION: CALLER TUES WED THUR FRIREADY FOR LOCATION: /?'APPR}VED ' ' coRREcttotts: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING - tr ROUGH/WATER ROOF & SHEER tr GAS PIPINGPLYWOOD NAILING -INSULATION POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING E EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR OISAPPROVED tr BEINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR lilt!tr. titl?.r_ al:-'! _{l- ^ r''r i" :-l ,: 1r o JOB NAME CALLER MON TUES . \{INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL . i,. PERMIT NUMBEH OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:-->'..THUR' FRI )AM- PM B tr tr tr tr tr tr tr UILDING: FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W,V. tr ROUGH / WATER FOUNDATION / STEEL ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL O HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED //-+\!'' / / -a.+\. \- i\ INSPECTORDATE T NUMBER OF PR _r INSPECTIONTOWN OF REOUEST VAIL JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: CALLER INSPECTION:(Moii)TUES WED THUR BUILDING:PLUMBING: l .-l E FOOTINGS / STEELi\tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER O FOUNDATION / STEEL O FRAMING r_r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS P]PING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK n tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr n D FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL:ME ol trl o{ tr CHANICAL: u tr tr tr TEMP. POWER HEATING ROUGH EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL PROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED ,/ COHRECTIONS: f,i1 ( v'.-.r./' (i (_ INSPECT ol ol INSPECTION REQUEST /..\l- i I ll/'' )>v PERMIT NUMBEB OF PROJECT D^rE 1/tnfP JOB NAME l.-, ( r', <--<-r',C READY FOR LOCATION: CALLER TUES WED . '/:lF FBI AM PMINSPECTION: , . L /,',,""/ BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR O FINAL PROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR INSPECTIONTOWN OF REQUEST VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME MONINSPECTION; CALLER lr'.,. i TUES WED tirui' FRI BU!LDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V, tr ROUGH / WATER r_r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION D POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETBOCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP- POWER tr HEATING ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL g APPROVEDt"o*rr"r,o"a,tr DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED .t DATE INSPECTOR PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL DATE ) ,'. ) , , .t 't JOB NAME INSPECTION: CALLER MON TUES THUR FRIREADY FOR LOCATION: u/trn BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS tr FOUNDATI tr FBAMING ON / STEEL - PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL E FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT N SUPPLY AIR FINAL tr FINAL OVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED i cdnnecrtorus, INSPEC .to I INSPECTION REQUEST PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT TOWN OF VAIL DATE JOB NAME CALLER TUES THUR FRI AMREADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. b-ruurNc .'' '. ":., trRoUGH/WATER ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETBOCK NAIL tr FINAL E FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR O FINAL PROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE , 'firoremnncorruroilro o tfib{.T*o*, rrr,,rt'ustutr4$lilEi k*fl, l " ')::.',:l'?), -:;S;'coo' FABRTCAT6R onfiid'roni,*rro*, 7' /),4f , n '''/ oorr, r' ! '' r t ', /,u / q. I oatr./ n .,. * U NtreRnn0uNillro . U esrrmon[DclnnpANV l.T.c.INSPECTION RE a 'J.ll.ll' PORT 4l pRoJEcT No. )rl'.rt|zt /+r r.T,c, JoB No. FABRICATOR AND/OR CONTMCTOR: oerc, 7r/l t/ F t HouRS: ./ )(i (( -,x t 'J INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAILPERMIT NUMBER OF '. t 'l '., trl.tt /t\-,/ | t 1 tl r PROJE q'l CT JOBDATE g II/.NAME CALLER l')1, t t1 READY FOR LOCATION: '"7;3''?f;@t wED rHUR FRI 6i) BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER O FOUNDATION / STEE. tr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER' PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr o ii)+lrt lti(,t-ttt\lt i Wr], tr FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINIAL tr FINAL VED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR <nJ!&al.rqrrr\,!'(:ri_,*ra/; ! INSPECTIONTOWN OF REQUEST VAIL ' oor= .(/ rt I fi JoB NAME \." MON CALLER TUES THUR FRIREADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION; \/l PERMIT NUMBE OF PROJECT BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr tr tr tr tr n UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL n tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: B TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: - tr HEATING tr FINAL tr FINAL E APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED I INSPECTION REQUEST'1,'1 ( (''7' i.' -) TOWN OF VAILPERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT JOBDATE BEADY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: tr REINSPECTION REQUIREDtr DISAPPROVEDAPPROVED CORRECTIONS: BUILDING: E FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: D UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr tr tr tr tr t-l ROUGH / D.W.V. tr FRAMING ROUGH / WATER r-r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING ./ ,,1V tttSUurtON /2t' "t ,'i (-POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL n tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr tr n ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr F.p{AL tr FINAL f NSPECTOR ../ '/ t2')'"--'a'-DATE I NrtrRnn*r*nf,* tl LJ trSTING Gt*uANV I.T.C. INSPECTION REPORT -3*!';,-q#F PROJECT NO. FABRICATOR AND/OR CONTRACTOR: JoBNo. I f// I INSPECTION REOUEST TOWN OF VAIL READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:'nlor.r TUES -. ',''s\..\o r4M'; pM \" WED THUR FRI BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING rr ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr'POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr tr o tr tr FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL tr DISAPPROVEO tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED " CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR ' . 'iJ',., INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL THUR FRI PERMI DATE T NUMBER OF PROJECTr \\'\ .-F \ \ JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLER MON TUES BI tr tr tr tr F Ib to ILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER FOOTINGS / STEEL FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS P]PING INSULATION tr POOL / H, TUB *SHEETBOCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELE o1 trF trc tr- CTRICAL:MECHANICAL: TEMP. POWER O HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR O FINAL O FINAL tr APPBOVED CORREGTIONS: :lyfiseepRovED REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL . -1'oor, ,.' ltf l,t'l JoB NAME -- --- r '7 t i lt ,,;L- - -r-r7-- .- READY FOR INSPECTION:WED -------(-J) ,* LOCATION: ,'' ; OVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION BEQUIRED CORRECTIONS: P" CALLER TUES BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL D FRAMING r_r ROOF & SHEEB" PLYWOOD NAILING tr tr tr D o GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR tr FJAIAL tr FINAL DATE INSPECTOR INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAILPERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE NAME CALLER TUES WED THUR FRI PMAMREADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING -,/4.4.)X f NSULATIoN . '- ",/: t -rl<-tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK tr \o tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MEGHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr tr tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED COBREGTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR t JOB NAME CALLER {, MON TUES WED PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL '.-' l'l'..- (\ L l //''THUR ,,FRI(-''.- /^ \../. "/ / " /. It !ou'1 PM l I .''o \:Q- 11.; ' "al / -/-7' L) 1 tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDEBGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER r-.r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL EL o E tr tr tr ECTRICAL: TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr tr tr tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR / .-.. / INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL oo-r= {fl"t/k) JoBNAME PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: THUR FRI tr<! AM (;;i' 't---/ t I z- ,'l ^ r'.- t-=. BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING rr ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL f'l tr n tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MEGHANICAL: tr HEATING XnoucH tr tr n EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT n SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED ;:, ! : i ,l |NSPECTOR i 4').,' \.q. =.j :Y : :, -\i/'i( 'i iI lh'PthtttY/va' \ DATE t.iu ,^ I Skaal Hus discussion at LL/L5/88 Council worksession Kent: Need letter of credit Tom: ff the Town does not put the sidewalk in, is there anyobjection to using the money toward solving ottrerproblens in that area? Perkins: I canrt speak for the ouner, l{r. Brenner, but I donrtthink he would have any problem vith that. The condoassociation has liability concerns with putting a sidewalk in. Mike: Tom: stan: Tom: Lapin: Kent: Ton: Eric: Discussion followed regarding amount of letter of credit. Decided upon $5,ooo. Supposing the Town accepts the letter of credit that paysthe Town rather than pays only for the sidewalk, theneither we decide to build the sidewalk or use the moneyto do something else, would that nake sense? What is stan and Peters objection to the sidewalk, whatis the problern? one problem is getting drainage to the catch basin withthe sidewalk in there, and the other problem is snost removal from the street with a sidewalk there. When the whole street is paved, etc., can the drainage issue be resolved at that tine? l,laybe it needs to bepart of the hospital proposal. I would like to see a sidewalk on that side of the streetto connect with the hospital sidewalk. I agree that we ought to ask Ron to draw up sone type of agreenent betueen the developers and the Town so that next spring they either construct the sidewalk accordingto some plan for that entire area or give money to the Town and allow us to spend it for the entire area. I agree. I feeL we should address the whole street this winter if possible. This ties with ttre hospital plans and who is going to pay for it. Drainage should be addressed over the winter months, but there will be either compensation or a sidewalk which is what we said last spring. Stan:A good way to utilize funds would be study for the whole street.for ttre engineer I s for $5r000.It was decided to accept the letter of credit oz ts =G uJo c cc o fi c o ooo ro(\l oo oo 1l.| Nst 4 o IIJ lrJtt F =d. IJJo- a'OhrtsE/z,2ta LA lt6lL pd IJr* qDcoofioh ,-l IIJT "Y..,qr.. xfE .+<a< 50Tlrl l1 tl IrJ'2 f?9 =-dffi18+# #$E o UJ z oz oJ !6 oz c.lltz3o uJ Foz u aI tt Jut(tt E = IE uJz3o t!o llJ F h 4 4r q t/ I,l)f c; EoE .g3(o .9 o-oo c 'oF ''o5o,,n^, ,lr' "AL /,,ii ,'ff orbEO 5ENOg'5 cc ?!t -o!l 0r'ts€oo gF Egoo 8oooD o.E:r, 3a6EoO of, iE69 eg oo,c6-; lt .4,a>gE c ,g al,ott ui(,Eoo c .9 .t2 ttltJo Ec(g otg oN -oc 'oF o.c o o Eoooo o t ot o .!2G I fll o !c(! qt '6 !t: got:qt '= !1, (,l sbE =.e R':E 6tOc-.= 6 EsEtr-o'-a =EE c96'- cL.c E E'E EE-g900gr; g;E $Er (,,P ctE*: E6: IE€ EEE =ov+CG O'-€aP g:E 3Ee **5 eE-: EEg -o6 oo t\Nr\ r{ o lrtlr)r{ c c <t oIo(o AI o rJ) (f, OIoor.o c u c\ (\ (\l orvt tr E uJc z6 ao zo UJ z o- EF(J uJ uJ z 6 = o- J Iz r.lJ = UJ UJltz EuJEouI oE @ 3 uJ UJ zIo uJ Faoo- uJo o. 2 llJ -) x F UJo an Lll IJJt! F =E uJo-J FoF z J =.D ItFo1! ut z6 =fJo- J ()z o u,l. F F NOrJ.Vn'lVA ::,ll il;g z9 l! o o. E(' UJc oo rr)(\tsf o-qJe x z E :,t z trurF =tr,/z tltltl a =z9slE?oi =gxtr-!e =2., 9= -ldo 'tr IJJ = c ov)ulzY iF tl-{ t a EI J a Fx u,l o o 3 a lrl F-l zl zl .. >lo UJou,utz t uJ J zo F 6 rJ.) F{ (?) z Fo 5o ;fI I I olzl =lacl<lo.l H l*,* r-l I cat (\l I l!x lr- n2,.\ J.v @ CO CD(\oO ? .1 p 6 4 ''<t fr VJ ulFooo-)zo FIL IIJY uJ dt oF F =EHb,. 9rol>Jlo-lo ,-lo'ill€lgurbkzo En! ts =t! l!oEE9ZE<o. l€frE9EA cd => = lrJ :- E FE: >o-: OEE oo9 iurE XO-r x>t q- €= ul .D F -] - z o92edro =z>D dP EEi = -19 E =E lrJ o-zoF(J :)E 6zo C) I I .l frl JI <l>l trlol zl3o|FI z (9 IJJ J t]-o 2 =oF tEllrlJPI d,s I l=lt; ls I tzF-i9i I Iq J.' q 4oI I E 4 J(uo (J g (9 fY)O sft\or\ Iorio- co r{ F;i I JclH Hv\4ct ..1 Ea Jtrl I I ctl =.1olull 5l flzl FI rb =+e,Ft-o2 ><"x-EJISU o t-\\l \J G N oulF z z Ifdl .tt(t ?e,FIz = zz ltJul.lt =I l! o EFzoo col Bg1cE sio €!83 a(E6.9'a6-'to E: ae rtF/ E€oo3o6oD o.E:E.ii'3 :dl.:-aC €€ !l -E.9 .e9-cL ocLc(tt' o.9 =>.0E c) G o!c ahq,() 6 E o 'oF (! o 6 o .rt E o .s 0)g =; cl Eoo o dt Eo!6 ;oo oo .2 E ot.= = rl) o(g l'()o o E (, (! o Ec agi(E o. o o, o E ()o IE 6 I,o -9o, Eo(, oo '5g 0) c 'a G' E o c o 5 .; fo Eg ; .9 6 .9a CL(! .U'.c E(!o o 6c 6 o EDEq, 3oc!()6 tt EoE L,J \r tn uJ uJl! ts =E, UJo- J FoF N -o 'oF o o N.\= >c, --d)fuSflo N 99Qs g Eg o .n (51>E9r!<o*vd-8 -.d uJ z z F llJFJ JIr(l =l zl .. >loulo uJr!zo ==E.ulI z E hq ,,"d UJ =z !o -l I I I I dl !4 :l <l>l n-lol zl 3lolFI I I I Iolzl EIJ <l>l rLl 3 I I I dl =loll!l .El JI<l>l I!|ol 3 'q I d BI Pl E -rOG()llJ <ZEUJF(nZo C) 2p ='3fF)zr!o() z 7 C) LU = othgX+E o (J ^.cLrlO -l '?'coP<.9c)ct-< Gl)-,o.d6-X<qJ LJ- IN l-< O,!C, .3c.o h,u)E .E (Do+)!(u (JE F =d,IJo- (5 z, J E eol! olrlo lJ.lL!z, l{- arl+J(uvl (\t l!',FrF o(.'L =+ =Lo(uJ+)J+)Q(ul!J UJ-..FFI(v u.lF o o() I utFoz z o9zz 60 =z=:)dP iEtdd= !!! H=<s 91 !-xb Es uE^ S E=6gH e-F c .= uJ =:ff g tr:r::J F EEF E ::E E9Ei utE|! X O, Eue r €fi;Jur rp.k* I -C E =Elrlo-zoF()fEF(nzo() ><x !!! - s (X \-- N utF g,oo?zo Fo-ulY lllo oF E =G UI,,_ o..l! o (o l'l') coN() cf z.g FJIzE gE= s3E r-,PH ifi :f;= atH UJFocloazo Fo- uJY IIJ c) oF tr =bo-Eg Ll-oRla-l 8'ilr<lrlgur :^F\Jz6 ts =cEl!o- lr- EqES€8;9'o; 5[F-t> =uJ:-E Ffi: >o-i 8aE i"'t x>e q- €= ul @ F ffia \ \-/flE\<rj= ='= E =E lrJo-zoF() =)E 6zoo !!E 'a ., I oz E =t [Ud L8 o<,* I O I9J(! .< 'il o,<l I I I =, 1 ;rla:i =16attr I ll->,o ltJulo =T Eotl o Fz o j-oc i;gYe Eg EEE EEiEi EiEs{ !EiFR SE;EE.g;Es€ i*Eig tl I '.rJ 5'4 =d:E9FE-lxA;cl3il EH o ootr ^ 6zq 5 >9E g oE oocg! f - >E -lartiurr$ =lo(\l o J; F u, uJo- lt>oF U) = uJ o.) z Eo Iz lJ- I I I _l 6 F J J :z =t\F tn ii =z co I c.F u- IJJ =z !o -52@@!c) o!I ct ollJE J t u gsf ;i =g t! a IIJ = z, F F tt'>z.o(J = =q -1 o =.1oul IIol zl 3lolFI C\ (Y It(\o =tr oi 1) ulE J il ol zl 3l 9lFI = tr =tr oz out ! tto z3I tr l zl ol uJlEl JI <l>l tl-lol zl 3lolFI lltJ llJ g, UJz3 F C)UF E E -rO<FE()ur<ze.UJF oo J(l<oC)FF? ^tXF-2.-8 gF E3:fFd5 2 T Oul = 5( z) E tir _|rJIIY o2 J<O Efr-z!!n oz tr =t uJo- lyJ :elo I I I I I I ,< rc) IE r3,z I I lu', .Ft<r6 I I I I I,,o IE IFtq,z ra lotz '=O(a;(O g8E; frte*€: *E E 8: F=YC)Y E iE#le :!Eie! i; sc'- cIC --E xE E'; iealg-.€ 8iE €eePE 9;;-e t0=-o"(5::o*o € t;g; :E€HB E6F5=- o;9; t; o o c erEr€ * g =-=39(!a5E'xEF.egdH uo & i'EeFs isH'ei x =zzu-ooo F^C'ZI5 >eF I of, ttoe.Z>.O8e E** : PXc!r x uJ-Xz dN(J Jl<l z z .. >loul t! uJz U)F (r ll,.l zI =o oz =LL _lJ F UJ =z - uJ o .Ja = t! =z ta Fo =E tll = = (L n = lt z o IJJ l! ol z1 31 9t : F =Etr z ut t!oz Bp =E s l!q z3I =g. o z. IJJI >J u-o zl 3l 9l E oz ti uJ IL 3lI llJ J !JF uJz = uJF I <FG(Jt!<zE I,IJ Fazo JE<o(.)F FS ---r2l8 OOz,F =#fFlzu-o <= =F7Qz<+E YZ =o-o t- g LIY o=<(Jsfr-Z ul|-o @o-)z F o-l!Y ulo F r- G,uJ.(L u- oo I HuJAF\Jzo zo9.44. , d] o.* =zJO CL LL : ..i3s,/ \., = =83=ulXdd= F uJ :HE2E<cllo9.EYJB9 Eil =>=uJ--E b=c, dtr: >o- E 669 itrE XO_r x>€=Fct 'i!,i!i llJ E] -=E E =E lrJAzo Fof E,Fozoo TTtr a ! tr!D ^clrl OJ"-OP<|og)cHroJr- AX<(lJ Lt- o '..{ c, e= .= c rlJ ltl ,ttt E @OPEqJ oo-(JE EC, !rts(ts o- U.^ol +,+roP./,(u J(\I F Ed. UJ CL (.5 =J LL EolJ.- o IJoulL!z. at't (5z. =oJJPt! N $ UJF o F =g UJo-zIFofEF(nzo C) lrJ-..FFI Rl uJF (t, d!oazo Fo. UJY l!gl oF F tr u.l_-q- lto 4oo I ltJFoz g t z(,9z4oo ^ =3 NdP* DtrEl J "dq =f;=;-g i.i td:<ar uJq.4 Gxb EsgE^ < 954 sE g .=rd;5ff8F-'J , E;F E:o > o.i+8 t9El urE|! X O. Eue r €q; EHie** I -- i*iElg ig rEli ii,ld uJ F z Xr-' ZZtLo ooF^.tz * c = E.F? E9q 4.Eg E.i9 t'r av O. t >E -l.rtEutdi =co(\l zl .. >lo uJoqJ uJzot G u,t o- J zo F 6o o =J lr I J .o Fo I\I\ \ a Nt N \/i ii =z (D )- { N 'S'] \ s\Ul,E \ R\l !J [N 7Y!.Gl\ ,) ar{EdctI - t\\ $- \ \s\ F6 \ e \ I \) =l Ecl u-l |rtGcl C] Ja- \N R $ s\ l o r!L\ .-\\ss \i\ :N\i Eqtr =q UJ ciz cj||tE J lrq z3oF =E l! oz d uJG J ltoz;oiF =tr t IJJz =o Fc) uJ =rO E, IE -rO<FGC)uJ<ztUJF<42o(J JE 5PF() H#qE a8 ('z co = J(L I ? z)J 6F =3EE CE tI_|r.lE+EFl-Oz <c)sn=l - >< .x ><xxXx, !!! uJ U J A o f i z o =Fvto ;: ! i;€e i ? = E2!r:ii i =2"^1 E.zy.+ i= >.a5;i-E: i ? E€;:I*Z:E!i ;c:i(!>..: - 9= c ;€ C; - E E-r ! !;= : !-p.E?1eaiTi?Z 't.2 '-.E- a i i vz-.11;3! E5€ --. ? = ; c!!FJE55:E;! e g; Ei :: ict att lo'tz il r\ @ CA r-{ rO Fl t{o.aeooq)a - llr H H (-) F oo Or(\l z 'g TI*l ; $ olr3 Fl*l otol 'Fll|lrl r+rl olj ol bl 5 'Fll(dt +rlol "l ol '11 .Fl "l .E .9 -E(J D zoH FIHo t{ € t-{ trl E |r{ FIuoo Fl i(fr{ N HHa ts z -LurH tl\-<>x >zzFa<< a : '-, al .< \./YA:-z"v-z=kr F-r32;, >o ^ lrl \./ - c< f .r-=zzux-ri _-\ -"1 <F.=-rJ F 'Jc4 c. FaS=ooE zSFF-r!<H9il-<-*sx Q;"<l=zFr->Z-^<-y PESUFFtrAllJ ilto>D; nO3+i-{ z-.-; )< H==x -r. rr a4 XFZU.-Hi:cDosxH -FYlEfrTTFQ>I rl{ P -e. Ft3 {raLaFIe. nn ENF -rilJattr|JIt -F Ef flJ EF rFr +?r\EY F::t -trl|e FaaLIF -E *FT LIt{ +?\€v if-l trt A.rl{aLI.Fif-l ff-)rFrkerg b \NN\ \rv*_, \\**\^^ \\-\\ *-..\Xq- \s\sssss \u\q_ \ \"\ \\r*\\*'S*\"\ \\ \rr.=_\A \ts:s,q\\s*u -r\ L-==------)7\c-\ \tN-.r. t. \\ ot I i',l-.Q.J \JU rNsgctoNTOWN OF REOUEST VAILOF PROJECT INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON ',1 ,(i' CALLER TUES WED THUR FBI PMREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETBOCK NAIL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL PROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR g, o J G o fo E6zo U =Fth G '!Li..6Eiii E $ v?u r i= E:.-g Ei F Ii ri€i E ;€f ; € i: F€;E.E ;: c =.:=76:EFi. .i -. -.93 : :i€ E.I c Ei-! l.:.=;;rfEidYA-n-:i::f2 q aEE;i: : = ; c.- 58EE:;'i:-E::: *i I€ i?r r-o or ?i F{ ll q) .q Eot)oo +Jor-l I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I lq q I UI al +{ ol.-lqoul IA 4l '-ll.-{ (ol "l I € ; E ' t{5o.c ri HH (') F sf(no(ft z oo (\l IA o I I I I I I) uf ..1 c..f E I+l FId o Fl:.(n .'-1,tl '-l..1 :l4t.,1 alq ..1 $l r+{q I I I ,E .9 8 o f l! l{) t1 o F-'.urH :J\-<>x )zz|a{< 3iial <\J zo9-zi !eEr>0al l{l \./-{.-!.)YEbfLrJ :--.\ -..1 iF= ca(/)caS=c,:o)I ZLrt L ;-*kJ< H:Sf-<Votpi=zE*>ftu9 B=+UPi-tratrl ilto>F;nO€eEgHt€< ^<F<X T95FHipf;o!(xg -FY--:.. ( aa *ltsSE +aF -fats€(Fl*{frI'tte. FR ENts(t.rFaHra-HF?H -l.fJaF i+{ fh\€v i- -:F? -11le ts\ -aLIts -a *FIFf-lt'| +?r\s7 it{ trt A.rFtdl-).PiF.rl-frl |.AIe Io '-lFI.Fl B P o0 z ,r 73 Vai I Fl an the 19BE Town o{ Vai I S. Frontage Road , Colorado 811657 analysis based on Uniform Fuilding 6ode Date: April 21n tqAT Contractor: JDI'I CONST. Architect: PIPER Engineer: CHARLES ZECHER l+2 PIans Examiner: GIARY HURRAIN FIRE FROTECTIT]N.ll. O Feet 13.O Feet 2O. O Feet lo. tl Feet gi des. ,rri7 Projec Addres Occupancy: Bl rBSf ASrRl Type o{ Eonst: II-IHR DIRECTIfTN EOUNDARY NORTH Publ ic Nay EAST Butl I di ng SOUTH Publ ic Way WEST Fublic Way Area increaged 3A 7. NOTE: The code i temg listed in this report are not intended to be a complete listing of aII possible code requiremente in the l9B5 UHC. It is a gutide togelected sectiong o{ the code, TYFE OF CONSTRUCTIONT I I-1HR SEFARATION AREA INtrREASE 6!. Cr Feet 16.0 Feet 40. C, Feet 40.0 Feet{or open area on 3 AREA ALLOWED A/A OCC LOAD REGI'D EXITS EXIT [^,IDTHFL 4 Apartment./Condo Rl l8{r(l 20250 O.Oq ? I O. 18 ToTAL 180C, ?C)25C, O. C,9 I ( 9) 2 0. rg ( O. 1S)3 Hotel/Motel Rm Rl 7056 ?Oe5O O.3S 55 2 O.7l TOTAL Tfireb 2O?5r) ().35 35 ( 4C}) ? O.71 ( 0. SO) ? Hotel/l"lotel Rm Rl 7A56 10350 o.TE 35 2 0.71 TOTAL 7Q9,e. 20?50 0.35 55( 55) 2 0,71( t. t0) 1 Dining Room A3 ZOOCI ?Cr25O O. 10 133 2 2.67 1 F:i tchen (Comm) BZ BB4 lTCtOO 0. 05 4 1 O. 09 1 Hotel /l'lotel Rm Rl S4r)0 2O25Cr rJ. 17 17 ? O.34 I O{fice F2 74$ 37OOC) r-).OS 7 t O. lE I Retai I Sal eg Rm 82 575Ct ?7OC,O O. 14 125 2 2. 50 TOTAL ICr774 ?3135 0.47 ?87 ( 314) 2 5.74( 6.27' E Parking Garage B1 739" ?7QQA (t.?7 37 2 O.74 F Retail Salee Fm 82 4583 77Cr$$ $,I7 153 ? 3.05 B Lobby A3 4?C) ?{)150 Cr. 03 6Cr ? 1. ?Cr TOTAL 12354 ?6A98 Cr.46 25C)( 403) 7 4.SS( B.O4) BUILDING TT]TAL 266B,e 42647 A.63 3F7* NOTE; Indicates that this occupantry is not allowed on this floor*Table 5-D * NOTEI Indicates that this occupancy is an accessory area-Sec. 3502. (a) exc. RESUIRED OCCUPANCY SEPARATIONS R1-43 I hr R1-82 I hr Rl-Bf 3 hr The separation may a capacity less than 9 persons, A3-81 3 hr B2-Fl I hr hours i{ limited to vehicles with 5-B {ootnote *1 be two -- Table Alf glazing in hazardous locationg (see eection 54O6.(d)) is requtired to be o{ safety glaring rnaterial . -- Sec. 5406. .?r HANDICAP REGIUIREHENTS: Handicap access is reqlrired to this br-rilding. -- Sec. 33C)1. (e) and Table 33-A If a ramp is Lised f or handicap access, the max slope is 1:1?. -- Sec S3f-t7. 1.1 I{ water fountains are provided, one must have a spolrt within 35 inches o+ the {loor and up-{ront controls. -- Siec. 511. (c) TOILET FACILITIES: 1, All doorwaye leading to a toilet room {or handl capped are required to Frovide 33 incheg clear width. -* Sec. 511. (a) 2. Provide 44 inches clear on each side of doorways, -* Sec. 511. (a) 1. 3. Frovide a 60 inch di ameter clear area within the toilet room(g).** Sec.511. (a)?. 4. Frovide a clear area 4? incheg wide and 48 incheg long in front of at least one water clo6et. If in a compartrnent and door is on the side, prDvide a clear access width o{ 34 incheg. Door may not encroach into clear area, -- Sec. 511. (a)3. 5. A 48 inch acces:i width is requi red to the handicap compartment, -- Sec. 511. (a)3. 5. Grab bars are required behind and on one side or on both sideg of handicap water closet. Side bar is required to be 42 inches long (min) and er:tend 34 inches in front of water cloget. Rear bar ig to be ?4 incheg long in a room or 36 incheg long in a trompartment. Fars are to be $3 inches to 36 inches above the floor. -- Sec. 511. (a)4. 7. Frovide a clear area under at leagt clne lavatory. 3t-r inches wide X ?9 incheg hiqh X t7 inches deep minirnlrm. -- Sec. 511. (b) 1. S. The bottom o{ one mirror, opening of a towel {ixture, and disposal fixture is required to be within 4Cr inches of the floor. -- Sec. 511. (b)?.&3. R-l HANDICAP REtrUIREI'IENTS: IF there ig more than 30 unitg on the site, handicap units are required. 21 through 99 units on site*one lrnit lOCt & over-Crne, plt-rs one {or each additional l0(t r-rnits of {ractlon thereo{ All doorg in the unit are required to provide 32 inches clear width. Toilet facilities in theee urnits are reqlrired to comply with Sec.311. These requirements are per Sec. 1213. The 6tl i nch cI ear area i s not requi red wi thi n r-tn i ts, *- Siec. 5t 1. (a) 1, 6rab barg are not reqnired within a dwelling r-rni t. -- Sec. 511. (a) 4. The sink clearsnce, mirror heightn and {ixturre height are not required within a fiandicap unit. -* Sec. 511. (b) NARTH EAST SOUTH WEST OCC BRG NON-ERG OPNB FR6 NON_FR6 OFNC ER6 NT]N-BR6 OFNC BR6 NT]N*BR6 OFN6 WALL WALL FROT WALL bIALL PROT WALL WALL PROT WALL WALL FROT Rl Ohr Ohr None t)hr (rhr None Ohr C,hr None Ohr Ohr None Ag thr thr None thr thr None thr lhr None thr thr None Bl Crhr t)hr None thr thr None Clhr C,hr None (:,hr (thr None Bl tlhr {thr None lhr thr None Ohr C,hr None C,hr (:)hr None The exterior walls are reqnired to be of NONCOI'{BUST I FLE material . None -- No fire protection requirements {or openings. Frot *- Openings are to be protected with 3/4 hr {ire assemblies. 5{7. of the area of the wall marxi mnm. Sec 5O4. (b) NOF -- Openings are not perrnitted in this wall.{+ -- Thege wallg may be required to have a parapet wall 3O inches above the roo{ing. The parapet raal I is requrired to have the same fire rating aE' the wal 1. See section 1709. {or detailg and e;rceptions. OTHER BUILDING ELEI'IENTS Tabte 17-A ELEMENT I",IATERIAL FIRE RATING NOTES AND EXCEFTIT]NS Interior Bearing walI NONCOMFUSTIBLE I hr. Interior nonbrg wall NONCoI"IBU$TIFLE t hr. Sec. 1705.(b)3.Strncturral Frame NONCOMHUSTIELE t hr. Exterior Strlrct Frame See footnote #1 Sha{t Enclosure NONCOI'TBUSTIBLE I hr. Floor,/Cei L ing Assembly NONCOTIBUSTIFLE I hr. Roo{,/Cei I ing Assembly NONCOPIBUSTIBLE t hr. Stairs NONCOMFUSTIELE NONE Sec. ?OO4. ,l8cr5. FODTNOTES: 1) Hini Jnurn on exterior gide also baged on exterior brg. walI requirenents. Frovide a thr ceillng in the basement. -- Sec. f7O3. Fased on section 3?Cr?. (b) The roo{ing on this building is to be fire retardant. 5ee section 3?O3. (e) and ICHO regearch reports for reqr-rirements, EXIT NOTES: Stai rways connecting 3 or more {loors are reqltired to be in enit encl osureg The walls o{ the encl osure are required to be t hr fire ag$embl ies. The openi ngs into the exit enclosLrre are reqlrired to be t hr asgembl ies. A connection to the exterior ig required with the same fire protection as the exit enclosit-rre. -- $ec. 33C)9. (d) A barrier ig required at grade level . *- Sec. 53(t9. (e) At I east one gtai rway is requi red to extend to the roof unlegs roof slope isgreater than 4:1?. *- Sec. 33O6. (o) The space utnder the stairs (enclosed or not) may not be used for any Furpose. -- Sec. 33(:,9. ({) See gecti on 33(19. for additional information. hlithin a dwelllng unit: A gtairway in a dwelling must be at least 36 incheg wide. -- $ec. 3306. (b) -- Sec, 3306. (c) exc.l*1 The max i mum rige o{ a step is E| inches and the minimum run is 9 oo EXTERIOR h'ALL FIRE RATINES AND OFENINC FRBTECTION incher.- . F,rovroe a gu-ro rari fre orop off rs greaEer ..f SO tncnes. . t'tlnimum haiEhtnS6 inchFe, rnaximum openinE size..6 ffiches. -- 9nc. 1711. exc 2 The minlmum headrooo ir 6 ft.- 6 inches. -- Bec. 35O6. (p) Provide a nel{-cloring, | 3/4 inch thick, soI ld core or noncombustible door between besement and let story. -- Bec. 17OS. The meximum travel dietance in this buildlng le l5O feet. -- 8rc. 3303. (d) a | .' )v R'NPTTTOruNL REOUIREHENTS ETASED ON trCCUPANtrY For Rl occupancy StoraEe and laundry rooms used in coinrnon by tenants to be separated by a one hour occupancy separation. -- $ec. 12O?. (b) A fire alarm system may be required in this building. -- Sec, 1202. (b) Frovide a window or door to the eNterior from every room used {or 6l eep i ng. A window must provide a clear open area o{ 5.7 sq. ft., a clear height E+ 24 inches, and a clear width of 20 inches(minimum). -- Sec. L2O4.AlI habitable rooms require exterior glaaed openinq6 equal to lO7. or more o'f the f loor aree. (min 1O eq.f t. ) -- Sec. 1205. (a) AII habitable roo.ns requrire an openable er:terior openinEs equal I"a 37. or- more of the {loor area. (min 5 sg.{t.} -- Sec. 1?(r5. (a) The minimum ceiling in a habitable spatre is 7 feet 6 inchee exceptkitchens, halls, and baths may have a celling height of 7 feet. --Sec. -- 12O7. (a) Floor-1st Occupancy-Hotel/Hotel RrnEorridors eerving an occurpant load o{ l(r or mc:re are required to have thr construction and rated openings -- Sec. 3305. (9)&(h) Exits are required to be separated by L/2 at the diagonal o{ thisaree. *- Sec. 33O3. (c) Fl, oor-2nd Occupancy-Hotel /f"totel RmCorridors serving an occupant load of 10 or more are requlred to have lhr constrLrction and rated openinEs -* Sec. 33t)5. tg)&(h)Exits are required to be separated by L/7 a* the diagonal of thisarea. -- Sec, 33O3. (c) Fl oor-Srd Occupancy-Hote1 ./Plotel Rm Corri dora serving an occupant Load o{ 1O or more are required to have thr conBtruction and rated openinEs -- Sec. 3305. (q)&(h) Exite are requl red to be separated by L/2 aI the diagonal of thisarea. -* Sec. 3303. (c) For A3 occupancy An auttomatic {ire-extinguishing system is required in the basement. -- Sec.SBO?. (c)?. An automati c sprinkler system is requi red in encl osed Lrsable space below or over a etairway. -- Sec, 3Bt)2. (c)4. Fl oor-BSl'lT Occupancy-LobbyExit signs aFe requti red {rom all areag servinE an occupant } oad o{ 5Oor ,nore. -- Sec. 3314. (a) Corridorg gerving an occupant load of SCr or more are required to have thr construction and rated openlngs -- Sec. 3305. (g)&(h) Exits are required to be separated by 1/7 ai the diagonal of thiearea. -- €iec. 35O$. (c) Doors are requi red to swing in the direction o{ exit {rom this arsa. -- Siec. 33{,4. (b) Exit doors are requi red to have panic hardware. See exception for main door. -- Sec. 3SlB. (a) The capacity of this area ie requi red to be posted at 6O occupants. -- Sec. 55t)2. (c) Floor-1st Occupancy-Dining Room Exit signs ere required from all areas serving an occLrpant load of 5O or rnore. -- Sec. 3514. (a) Corri dors gerving an occupant load of 3O or more are requtired tohave thr conetruction and rated openings -- Sec. 5305. (g)&(h) Exits ar€ required to be separated by t/2 a( the diagonal of this area. -- Sec. 33O3. (c) Doorg are requi red to swing in the direction of exit {rom thie aree. -- Sec. 3304. (b) ENit doors are required to have panic hardware, See exception for main door. -- Sec. 3518. (a) .1 -Il""llf-illl.?:,this u* rs reqnired to ue eoste$t 133 occupants. For E? ,occLipancy In all areas crtgtomari I y occr-rpied by hLrmangn provide natural or arti{ical light and ventilation. -- Sec. 705. Floor-BSHT Occlrpancy*Retail Sales Rm Exit signs are required from all areas serving an occupant l oad of St) or rnore. -- Sec. 5514. (a) Corridorg serving an occupant load o{ 3(t or mor€ are required to have thr construction and rated openings -- Sec. 53(15. tg)&(h) Exits are required to be separated by l/2 ol the diagonal of this area. -- Sec. 33t)5. (c) Doors are required to swing in the direction o{ exit from this area. -- Sec. 5304. (b) Floor-lst Occupancy-Retai I Saleg Rrn Exit signs are requti red from all areag gervi ng an occupant load of 5O or rnore. -- $ec. 3314. (a) Corridors gerving an occupant load of 3C) or more are requi red to have thr constructlon and rated openings -- Sec. 5305. (g)&(h) ExitE are required to be separated by L/2 aI the diagonal of this area. -- Sec. 3503. (c) Doore are required to swing in the direction of exit +rom thig area.*- Sec. 53t)4. 161 For El occLtpancy Devi ces generati ng a glow or {lame are required to be 18 inches above the floor. -- Sec. 7OCl. The minimum clear height is required to be 7 feet. ** Siec. 7()?. (d) Farking garages require a ventilation system that exhausts 1.5 cfmper sq. {t. o{ {loor area. -- Sec. 7(r5. Floor*B$HT Occupancy-Parking Garage Corri dors servi ng an occurpant load o{ 3Cr or more are requtired to have thr constructi on and rated openings -- Sec. 3305. tg)&(h) Exits are required to be separated by L/7 aI the di agonal of this area. -- Sec. 330tr. (c) Provide a noncombustible, nonabsortlent {loor surrf ace where motor vehicles are parked. -* Sec. 7Ol. (b) Town of Vai I 75 5. Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 41657 Fl an correction baged on the 1985 Uniform Br-rilding Code Project Id. SITZMARK ADD. Addresg; VAIL VILLAGE Date: April ??n tqAT Contractor: JDf'l CONST. Occupancy: Bl,B2rAIrRl Architect: FIFER Type o{ Congt: II-IHR Engineer: CHARLES ZECHER #2673 Plang Examinerl GARY I'IURRAIN t+ SHEET IDENTIFICATION CORRECTION REOUIRED 1 ALL All sheets to be stamped and signed by an Architect or Engi neer regi stered in thig state. 2 A? NORTH & WEST SIDES This e>rterior wall is requtired to be a ? hourr assembl y dr-re to it's locatic,n on property --Table 5-A 3 All el ements of the strt-rctural f rame are reqlti red to have I hr {ire protection, -- Table 17-A and Sec. l7ct2. 4 A7 HT]RIZONTAL STRUCTURAL NEI'IBERS SUPPI]RTING I'IORE THAN ENE FLOT]R trR A IIOOF NEED TO BH INDIVDUALLY PROTEtrTED SEC.4503 (A)6 5 AlI el ernents of the gtrurctnral {r:rme are required to have I hr {ire prntection. *- Table 17-A and Sec. 171)2. 6 The ceiling of the basement is required to be a lhr assembly. -- Section l7(:t3. 7 THE FASEMENT CEILING IN THE 6ARA6E NEEDS TO HAVE lHR RATElNG T]VEF FOAI'I PLASTICS g The ceiling of the basement ig required to be a thr aseembly. -- $ection l7(:,3. I ENTRY DOOR Note: l'lanually operated edge or sutr{ ace-mounted f lt-tgh bolts are prohiblted. -- sec. 33(:,4. (c) 10 A2 ENTRY DOUR The doorg {rorn this area are required to swing in the direction o{ exit travel . -- Sec. 33Ct4. (b) 11 A4rA5 SRD,& 4TH FLOORS This corridor has an area greater than ?tt {t. that does not have access to an exit in both direction:i. -- Sec. 33O5. (e) t2 CENTER STAIR The wal. ls of this e>rit enclosLrre do not comply with I hr {ire aggembl y construtction. -- Sec. 33Cr9. (b} Required correqtionc forrFroJect Id. r SiITZFIARK ADD. AddregE: VAIL VILLABE Fage ll 2 * SHEET IDENTIFICATION CORRECTION REOUIRED 13 CENTER STAIR OpeninEs to the exit enclosure are rcquired to beI hr f l re astsembl i eg. -- Siec. S3O?. (c ) 14 CENTER STAIR Only required exit doorg are allowed to open into en exit enclosure. -* Sec. 33O?. (c) lS Incl,ude a copy of the colle report for the sitr to be built on. 16 Show all deeign loadg uged in the deeign o{ thio building on the plans. (snow, wind, teirmicr livrt etc. ) t7 Provide the complete wind design calculationr withall load and load combinetlons for all menberr and connections. -- Chap. 23 t hwn 75 soulh fronlage road Yall. coloredo 81657 (303) 476-7000 June 22, L987 SitzmarkMr. Fritchvail, co 81657 Dear Mr. Fritch: I have just been notified by the Cornmunity Developnent incorrect.The..a'moune'.or;t.trGla_ffi;'e...d;;;3il};;instead of the g3gr79o figure.- rn ord.er to arrive at a new i=:11+.:nt.fisure f"t tli remainins tr" pivr.."[r, r took your --D-epartBent I . rf you have -any questions concerninq this matter please calrme at the Town offices. Sincerely, .2. / 4 /16-;7' ./4?r-4 Rich Parzodko Finance Controller initia]^r-984 palarent in the anount 6t $2,?si ana deducted thisamount from the total parking fee, $a+rsso to reach the amount tobe figured over a four year ieriod at r-o? interest. This anountis $26,832 which-resultl in ln annual payment of 98,464..11.Further credit is due on pa)rment S3 as Vi," ni"e-paid g1,321.g3 ?y::_on each of your first two payrnents. Theref-ore your 3rd of 4rnsEalrmel! layments sharl be for 95,82r-.05 (8,464.71 instalrnentfJ-mlnus F2,643.66 credit for your overpa)rments on installrnents j-and 2) . This amount wil-r be die on NovEnier 5, L987. your fourthand final installrnent will be for ig,464.7L. RPlnjr Property:SITZMARK Bldg Perrnit # N\\PROJECT BLDG PERMIT SUI.$rER-13-57-L987 VaiI, Colorado,, L987 rn insLall-ments after dgte, for value received, r promise to pay to theorder of the Town of vail at the office of the rinince oir""tii, t"tuniciparBuilding at Vail, Colorado, .^\Twenty-eiqht Tho Dollars \hf" @ v$'v-er--wE ;, _\fn\$ Down Pa)rnent g 5,649.00 (Due before receiving building p"r^i).lt$ with interest of ten percent per annum on the unpaid barance, payabre i" JS,yearly installments as forlowl: rsrq!4s '" -0,- Future Installments:ffi*$1988 the second installnent of g 7,L28.3g due and payable or,X_July _199_, the third installrnent of g 7,128.38 due and payable or.{ JrlI__lS9_, the fourth.installment of g 7,Lzs.3s .due and payabte orX{]I___1991_, It is agreed thalhereund6rf the ,irijrlli'"1!':":il1!'rl*l"gl.ln:::":'"i:ii.Iil,uli.",.,.at the rate of t8 per-ent per annum, and that fairure to make any paymentof principal or interest wiren aue or any default under any j.ncumbrance oragreement securing this note shall causi the whole note to become due atonce, or the interest to be counted as princifii; at the option of theholder of the note. The makers ina endirsers'heieof severarly waivepresentment for !3IT:lt, ^protest, notice. "" """puyrent and of protest, andagree to any extension of tine oi. pal.rnelt and. pirti"f payruents before, at,or after maturity, and if this note or interest thereon is not paid whendue, or suit is Lrought, agree io pay all reasonable costs or c'oirection,including reasonable-attoriey's iees. Property:SITZMARK Building Permit # \\\PROJECT REVTSED 10184 PAYME Vail , Colorado,I L987REVISED Total Parking Fee rn installments after date, for value received, r promise to pay to theorder of the Town of Vail at the office of the rinince oirectlrl MunicipalBuilding at Vail , Colorado, ndred llinety Dollars,Total Parking Fee Down Palanent (Due before receiving bldg permit. ) annum on the unpaid balance, payable inwith interest of ten percent peryearly instaLlrnents as follows: The first installrnent of $ the third installrnent of the fourth installment of $s 821 . 05 9e 464.7L on Nov. 5 l_988, due and payable on due and payable due and payable on Nov. 5 !987 , rt is agreed that if this note is not paid when due or decl-ared duehereunder, tbe principal and accrued iirterest thereon shall d.raw interestat the rate of l-8 percent per annum, and. that failure to make any paynentof principal or interest when due or any defaurt under any incurnirance oragreement securing this note shall cause the whole note to become due atonce' or the interest to be counted as principar, at the option of theholder of the note. The makers and end.6rsers-hereof severilly waivepresentment for payment, protest, notice on nonpaylnent and of protest, andagree. to any extension of tine of. payrnent and plrliaf payments before, at,or after naturity, and if this note or interest thereo-n is not,l"ia rrt.r,due, or suit is brought, agree to pay all reasonable costs of cillection,including reasonable attorneyts fees. |'tzmark Lodge 0)-0 ftrrrrrj 6 Aserriln\Ji-cororado installments after date, the Town of Vai'l at the Vail, Colorado, 0ctober 29, 1gg4 In of at for value received, office of the Finance I promise to pay to the order Director, Municipal Building Thi rty-eiqht usand Seven Hund with interest of ten percent per annum on yearly installments as follows: The first installment of g 7758.00 the -second i nsta'l'lment o6 g 9786. 54 the third insta'llment of g 9786.54 the fourth installment of $ 9rg6.54_ with the remaining balance of g 9786.52 November 5, 'l ggg -___-___-________-__-____-_DoI I ars, the unpaid balance, payable in due and due and due and due and payabl e payabl e payabl e payabl e due and on November S, l9g4 on November S, lgg5 on November S, 19g6 ep November 5, J9g7 payable on t IT IS AGREED that ri"lll:: ff-i:,r:l paid when.due or dec.tared due hereunder..Iff',tr'H!*#*ffiffi*{iT###s'H;t;;Httr,1ilitpilF.i'ti.":- or-interest when due-or.lny.dgfauri-;;;;" any incumbiairc! or agreement securjnqiit;"':ffr;!itlr";H:^tire,wnoie-ioi""io'=bu.ome aue it-oii.l'o" the interest - makers and endors!.rngrour, at the option..of inu-[oij.i..J],tn" not.. The::r:; ;-'ffi ;ff ;i ilfii. iffi ;31 l'.xt' fi ,:**ilF!_lg. l;r;li;, n:t;,t,payment and partial-paymenti b;;;;;,;;, or after maturity, and if thisngte or interest thereon_is n9l-pgii'*hJn due,_or suit is-6iought, agree;:.9:r a'r'r reasonabre costs or-.5ii..ir'Jn, inituaind'r.iionuore attorney,s t\D r'no,o{Lte r DATE r. duane PiPer prper orchilecfs30e-949-7074 bsnchrnark plaza bulldlng' rults 3O9 box 556O avon, colorado E|1 6eo constructicDn rmelrro dale 8/25/87 JDM Constructi.on Basalt, C0 to pa]- r pa 1r palr set pai r THE SITZMARK LODGE Fire Doors Add the following fire door assembly to the central stairway at levels three and four. I 3 2 I I I 1 I Note:AII hardware in #605 / US 3 finish. Frame jambs to fit with 3*" metal studs and 5,/8" F.R. gypsum board. l^lire magnetic releases to house smoke detection system. Head condition to door frame must be 5/8" F.R. gypsum bd' i.n 11eu of wood beam wrap. Stain and seal doors to match existing wood trim WL Gary Murrain Building Official Town of Vail birch or maple veneer wood doors, t hr. rating 7-ox6-11+xr3/4" hollow metal frame, t hr. rating 1+" X 4 7/8tt X 16 gauge magnetic releases #998 Rixon butts FBB 179 (4+X4+) Stanley door closers #4115 (right & left) LCN passage set #A-10 Plymouth Schlage auromatic flush bolts #942 DCI coor dinator #672 (w/ brackets #601A8) DCI smoke seal #S-88 D20 Pemco astragals #303 AS Pemco ROBERT H.PETERS(AI CO. Esfab/ished t950 5$ hforth Bafdwin Park Evd., Cityof lndustry, Califomia9lTtA , (818) 369'5085 ' (2131ffi'1257 August 21, 1987 Mr. Bob Fritch Sl tzmark Lodge 183 Gore Creek DriveVail, Colorado 81657 Dear Mr. Fr i tch, The installation instructjons for APK-1 are to be used as a guide for safe and easy instal lation and operation. In some cases, it may be necessary to vary from the specific instructions in ordei to obtain a desired cosmetic effect or to help solve individual operating problems. Be sure the changes do not' interfere with the safe opiration of the APK-1 kit. It is my understanding, that you wish to mount the contr outside the fire box. There is no problem with this' as you do not extend further than the pilot generator 'l eads ittow. The standard lead is 30". t,Je can however obtain lead, if desired. ol valve l ong aswi||a 60u lJe do not recommend splicinq the wires. |.le recommend that you use standard 1/2" blabk p'lpe (or other 1/2" a1proved supply line) to the contro'l , and f rom the contro'l i nto the f I re box. From there, use the connector kit packed with the burner. The control valve must be placed ln an area with easy access. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me here at the offi ce. Sincerely, W -eryrU;^ l1 7o A. Robert St. Jul'ien Customer Service Representative ARS: cf Manufacturers of "Real.Fyre" Gas Logs, "Hallmark" Brass Fireplace Accessories and "Fire Magic" Barbecucr . INSTALLATION AND OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS Inslaller: please leave these instructions with consumer. Consumer: please relain for future reference FOR USE WITH THESE LOG SryrES ROYAL ENGLISH OAK GOLDEN OAK EMBER WOOD MOUNTAIN OAK TWISTED PINE WHITE BIRCH , ROBERT H. PTERSON CO. Real-FgnC GAS FIREPLACE LOG SETS ILLUSTRATED ABOVE RG+24 GOLDEN OAK GLOWING EMBER SETS G4 SERIES BURNER |MP0RTANTSfii'rfiil^.t?l'.".-1?,3i%Tt#3Fl:-' WHEN LOG SET IS OPERATING, DAMPER MUST BE FULLY OPEN LOG SET IS TO BE BURNED ONLY IN FULLY VENTED NON-COMBUSTI. BLE, FIREPLACE WITH DAMPER AND THE CHIMNEY FREE OFANY OB- STRUCTIONS. FIREPLACE MUST BE DESIGNED AND APPROVED TO BURN WOOD. Like burning natural firewood, this set is designed to burn with a yellow smoky flame. For this reason it must be adequately vented. Be sure your fireplace damper is fully open when you burn your gas log set The smallest dimension of the chimney flue must be at least I inches in diameter. lf it is smaller, DO NOT USE A PETERSON LOG SEf. lf fumes from the burner emerge into the room when the damper is fully open, creating a smell like a smoldering oil lamp, it indicates that the fireplace draft is defective. Check chimney flue for obstructions. DO NOT OPERATE LOGS UNTIL FIREPI-ACE DRAFT lS CORRECTED. Check with your dealer or installer. Do not use fire- wood with this unit. Accepled by leading national and local building codes and authorities: Intemational Conlerence ol Building Officials Report M. 2399 No. 7360 (Soulhern Building Code Congress) 72.34 (BuiHins Officials Conference of AnPrica,Inc.) Certi6ed by Gas Appliances [rboratory rrvfrnraNT TNFoRMATI CHECK TO BE SURE LOG SET IS FOR PROPER GAS TYPE Loq sets are designed for use with Natural Gas, unless clearly labeled for L.P. Never usE L.e (propane) gas in a log set designed lor Natural Gas, br Natural Gas in a log set designed for use with L.P (propane) gas. FOR YOUR SAFETY lf you smell gas: 1. Open windows. 2. Don't touch electrical switches. 3. Extinguish any open flame. 4. lmmediately call your gas supplier. Do not store or use gasoline or other flammable vapors and liquids in the vicinity of this or any other appliance. When Glass fireplace enclosures (doors) are used operate gas log set with glass doors fully open. The installation musl conform with local codes or, in the ab- sence of local codes, with the National FuelGas Code, ANSI 2223.'t-1984. The appliance and its individual shuloff valve must be dis- connecled from the gas supply piping system at test pres- sures in excess of % psig. The appliance must be isolated from the gas supply piping system by closing its ipdividual manual shutotf valve during any pressure testing of gas-supply syslem al test pressures equal to or less than Yz psig. WARNING - When used without tresh air, gas log may give olf CABBON MONOXIDE, an odorless, poisonous gas. Car- bon monoxide poisoning may lead to death. Be sure provi- sion lor combuslion air is provided. ROBERT H. PETERSON CO. O GAS FIREPLACE LOG SETS SECTION TABLE OF PAGE Operating lnstructions .,.........2 lnstallation lnstructions ......,,.. 3 Damper Stop Installation .... ......3 GLOWING EMBER BURNER WITH STANOARD CK-3 CONNECTOR KIT .SAFETY PILOT REOUIRED WHEN USING L.P. GAS BURNER KIT- G4 SERIES . GLOWING EMBER SET CONTENTS SECTION PAGE Use with L.P. Gas . . . . .. ..4 Partslist .......4 GLOWING EMBER BURNER WITH OPTIONAL ONI OFF VALVE AV-7 GLOWING EMBER GLOWING EMBER BURNER WITH BURNER WITHOPTIONALONI OPTIONALSAFETY OFF VALVE AV.8 PILOT SPK-10' INSTRUCTIONS FOR LIGHTING YOUR LOG SET 1. BE SURE CHIMNEY DAMPER IS FULLY OPEN 2. To light log set, with remote valve, AV-7 or AV-8. Lay lighted match on surface of burner, embers (granules) near gas inlet. DO NOT HOLD MATCH lN HAND. Turn on gas slowly. Burner should light. 3. lf salety pilot is used turn valve on and log set should light. 2 o o o o o o ro rNsrALL YouR cos .ts=t This gas log set must be installed by a qualified person. Please follow instructions carefully when installing to insure proper performance and full benefit from your gas log set. GENERAL Real Fyre Gas Logs must be installed only in a wood burning fireplace wilh flue at least 8" in diameter at smallest dimension. Open damper fully and be sure dam- per stop+lamp is in place. Check parts list to be sure all parts are included. Insp€ct to be sure burner has injector or air mixer installed. For proper perlormance use only Robert H. Peterson parts and accessories. Gas supply pipe must be 72" minimum l.D. REFER TO PARTS LIST WHEN FOLLOIYING THESE INSTRUCTIONS. GRATE AND BURNER ASSEMBLY 1. Turn ofl gas supplyto fireplace. 2. Clean fireplace floor of any ashes. 3. Place grate (Key no. 7) as far' back in fireplace as possible (see figure 4). Grate is tapered, widest in front. Center grate left to right. 4. Place burner pan (Key no. 8) under grate with op€n edge toward front and burner back edge approximately half way under grate (see figure 4). Remove grate. CONNECT GAS SUPPLY Use CK-3 connector kit (Key no. 10). lt tubing must be shortened, use tube cutter or hacksaw. It tube must be b€nt, carefully make bend using tube bender or over your knee. DO NOT KINK TUBlNc. PIPE COMPOUND MiJST BE USED ON ALLTHREADED MALE CONNECTIONS. EXCEPT BRASS TO BRASS. The burner fuel injector (or air mixer).although brass in color is not brass hnd pife compound must be used. Fuel injector or air mixer can be mounted at either end of burner, il necessary to adiust for gas supply. Be sure to re-cap open end. 1. INSTALLING LOG SET WITH REMOTE VALVE. Usilg CK-3 conneqlo1kit attach brass hearth elbow (Kd[no. iz)b-'saisupplfnd tighten. Male end of elbow stioutd be pointed loward burner in fireplace. Slip nut (Key no. 12) and sleeve (Key no. 11) on end of tubing (Key no. 13) and tighten onto brass hearth elbow. Slip other nut and sleeve onto other end of tubing and tighten onto burner fuel infector (or air mixer) (Key no. 9). Light match and place next to burner piry. Carefully tum on gas supply until bumengn,tes. Iesf all connections for leaks with soapy watet solution. 2.INSTALLING LOG SET WITH PETERSON MANUAL ON/OFF (AV7 OR AV8) VALVE. Attach valve to burner fuel injector (air mixer) then connect gas supply to valve with CK-3 connector kit, as in paragraph 1 above. Turn otf vafve and turn on gas supply to fireplace. With valve off. Test all connections for /eaks with soapy watel solution. 3.INSTALLING LOG SETWITH PETERSON SAFETY PI- LOT KIT Assemble salety pilot kit as per inslructions included with kit. Then attach gas supply to safety pilot kit with CK-3, as in paragraph 1 above. Turn off safety pilot and turn on gas supply to fireplace. Test all connections for leaks with soapy water solution. MAINTENANCE Periodically check logs for excessive dirt GRANULE PLACEMENT With burner in place. Pour a small amount of granules (Key no.16)in burner pan and pack tightly around burner pipe with tingers. EMBER PLACEMENT & GRATE REPLACEMENT Sprinkle embers (Key no. 15) lightly and evenly over entire surlace of granules. Re- place grate in position (see figure 4). Install stabilizer clips (Key no. 18) to grate bars so slots in clips fit over backedge of pan. Use bolts and nuts to secure in posi- tion. Add embers to level of grate (see figure 6). lf safety pilot kit is installed remove and discard bag. LOG PLACEMENT For best performance and operation the log placement is very ,'/'nporlant Longest log is placed in front with I heat chamber facing to the rear. Second longest log is placed on back of g rate with heat chamber facing for- ward. Provide a 3" space between front and rear log (see ligure 7). This creates the energy efficient and heat radiating effect of the log set, also reducescarbon build up. Top logs should be placed diagonally with space between logs so flames are not choked off. Top logs can be moved to achieve desired flame pattern. NOTE: Royal English Oak and 16" logs do not have heal chamber. DAMPER STOP _ WHEN LOG SET IS OPERATING DAMPER MUST BE FULLY OPEN. Damper stop-clamp with set screw (F|GUBE a; is provided as a means to prevent full closure of the fireplace damper blade. This clamp is easily attached to | / |most damper blades with pliers or wrench (see ligures A and C). The clamp is designed to pre- vent accidental closure of the damper when installed as illus- trated. and sool, clean with a sofl brush. Be sure burner pan is completely tilled with granules (SEE GRANULE PLACEMENTABOVE). Then fill burner pan com- oletelv with oranuies. Slope FIGURE 5 branuies at Same angle a's burner pan. This is important to ihsure smooth, quiet lighting and even tlame distribution. Pour small amount of granules along side edges and backPour small amount of granules along side edges and back of burner pan where it touches the floor (see ligure 5), this will insure against llame diversion. lf safety pilot is used cover pilot with small bag provided in safety pilot kit before pouring granules to avoid pouring them on pilot. FIGURE 4 FIGURE 6 FIGUBE 7 FIGURE B 3 GRANULES -?:PARTS LIST FOR PETERSON GLOWING EMBER GAS LOG SETS (G4 SERIES) 24' SET ILLUSTRATED KEY NO. PART NO.DESC-NIPTION Golden Oak Bottom Log 24" Emberwood Bottom Log 24" Twisted Pine Bottom Log 24" While Birch Bottom Log 24" Royal Oak Bottom Log 24" Mountain Oak 24' DESCFIPTION Goldon Oak Top Log 15" Emberwood Top Log 15" Twisted Pine Top Log 15" Birch Top Log 15" Royal Oak Top Log 18" Golden Oak Top Log 9" Emberwood Top Log 9" Pine Top Log 9' Whils Birch Top Log 9" Royal Oak Top Log 15" Golden Oak Top Log 9" EmbeMood Top Log 9" Pine Top Log 9" White Birch Top Log 9" Floyal Oak Top Log 15" KEY PARTNO. NO. 7. ST-24 or sx-24 8. GCr-24 9. AB-1 or AM-l 10. cK-3'r1. c$l 12. CN-l'13. TA-r 14. HE-z 15. EM-l 16. C$10 or LF-l5 17. DC-1 18. SC-t DESCRIPTION KEY NO. PART NO. RL.24B or EL-248 or cL-248 or wl-2lB or BL-248 or KL-248 RL-2OB or EL-208 or cL.20B or wL-208 or BL-248 or KLi20B F!-,tsT or EL-l57 or cL-l57 or wL-l57 or BL-l57 or KL-207 4. RL-157 or EL-l5T or cL-157 or wL-157 or BL-157 5. RL.gT Or EL-97 or cL-97 or wL-97 or BL-157 6. RL-97 OT EL.gT or cL-97 or wL-97 or BL.15T Golden Oak Bottom Log 20' Embenvood Bottom Log 20" Twisted Pine Botlom Log 20" White Birch Bottom Log 20" Royal Oak Boltom Log 24" FireDlace Grate 24" for Royat Engtish Oak Glowing Ember Burner 24" Fuel Injector (Nat. gas only) Air Mixer Connector Kit (2) Compression Sleeves (2) Compression Nuts Aluminum Tubing %" O.D. Hearth Elbow Real-Fvre Embers ? Silica sand Granur"r.l N1t:P3" Vermiculite Granules 1 "' "t Dampsr Clamp (2) Stabilizer Clips Mountain Oak Boltom Log 20" Golden Oak Top Log 15" Emberwood Top Log 15" Twisted Pine Top Log 15' White Birch Top Log 15" Royal Oak Top Log 18" Mountain Oak Top Log 20" il 4', ffitt ,.,"" 1?lto."' llf i"ro t'? i ! irrtz 14 Il i---@---iU-_fll-=I When using L.P. (Propane Gas) All L.P. (Propane) log s€ts must be installed with safety pilot, ver- miculite granules and correct air mixer with proper orifice. NOTE: For best resulls with L.P (Propane) Gas, use Golden Oak, Emberwood, Birch, or Twisted Pine log sets. Peterson log sets are approved by Nalional Building Code Authorities for use wilh L.F (Propane) gas. The composition of L.P. gas will vary in its content of propane. In rare instances these L.P gas mixes will increase the B.TU. input rating and it is possible that a smokey flame will be produced by the burner resulting in a build-up of carbon deposits on the logs. When this occurs ch€ck the following. 1. 8e cerlain the lircplace damper l! open (tee "A") all lhe way when buming. 2. Logs must be properly posllloned. The two bollom logs should be at learl 3 Inches apad, (see "8") wlth lhe heal-chamb€rs facing each other. Place lop logs dlagonallyand spaced so as nol lo choke ofl flame3, 3. Grale (see "C") must be set as lal back In tlreplace a! possibleloward rear wall. 4, Back of ember pan should be localed at leasl 4 lnches behlndfronl leg ol g.ate (see "D") when uslng a G4 burner, 5. Air mlxer on burner should be open all lhe way. (see "E") 6. In certaln lare Instances, tho for- mulalion of your L.P. gas may stlll produce smoke and carbon. It thlgoccurs aller taklng the above sleps, lt ls not the faull ol your gas log set, check with your gas sup- pner.ArR M|XER (AM-1) (E) Robert H. Peterson Co. 530 NO. BALDWIN PARK BLVD., CITY OF INDUSTRY. cA91744 t INSPECTION , TOWN OF --.: -' ?- ll\ i\ ,. /'- PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: It- JOB NAME REQUEST VAIL lh 'i. CALLER TUES ,WED ,I THUR FRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: XFOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERO FRAMING r_r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL o tr tr trtr FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL I PROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR.- ER OF PROJPERMIT NUM INSPECTIONTOWN OF .,-/' z- i)' {-/L- REQUEST VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON WED) THUR FRI CALLER TUES BU $r trl trl Dl trl trt tr ILDING:PL o tr tr tr tr D UMBING: FOOTINGS / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATER FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEER GAS PIPINGPLYWOOD NAILING INSULATION POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL FINAL tr o FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT n O SUPPLY AIR t-l trf,INAL tr FINAL tzt APPROVED )BRECTIONS: tr DISAPPBOVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE 5 - t- &7 tNSPEciQE }i t PErNs CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAILPERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT --l -/ JoB NAME -- -'' " ' i* /1 ' n ,, '( .ALLER t) i ; /r, .J D /. I TUES WED THUR FRI DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. D ROUGH / WATER FOUNDATION / STEEL tr o tr tr tr tr FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB tr tr tr tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL OVED RRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION HEQUIRED DATE o PE CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAILPERMIT DATE NUMBER - 't PROJECT ',i ) JoB NAME tNs 't') ' '..t INSPECTION: CALLER MON TUES WED THUR I FBIREADY FOR LOCATION: L. BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: EI.FOUNDATION / STEEL O UNDERGROUND N ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB O SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAL D FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING O ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS O CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr tr f,rNAL O FINAL APPROVED tr DTS4PP,ROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED CORRECTIONS: Q n7DATE INSPECTOR 't".Gr''I INSPECTION REOUEST TOWN OF VAIL _J \a) PERMIT NUMBE OF PROJECT 4/,1+ JoB NAME Z lt tDATE READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: /--i: i CALLER TUES WED NU ..),, tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL O UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W,V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: -' tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED INSPECTOR - : :a.Lr DATE JOB NAME INSPECTION:MON INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 3 : *,'''' AM 1-?fi -'' l CALLER TUES WED THUR -) FRIREADY FOR LOCATION: 9712 !" t' s : /' BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB ELE trT trF uc tr tr HEATINGTEMP. POWER E EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr APPRCTED coRRECTtOilS: ISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED oz E =E uJo- orc(ri cc ccc c(f oo ooo (o(\l o ooo rf'(\Jsf e (t, ul IJJlt F =E,uJo- O'ghlrT%-Tfi /talt pd oulF, z oz j @ .a ozz IJr+ sD@dtoh FldttJTTqr.. tgCE FK:t< 50FT t' i,l- ##Hp!9= 72 Gulz3o uJ F oz ?o a( ,h 4 dh 3 fr ,ii fr 1i i4 ,,7- 'r4 ) ( P!g At .9oo.15 .rioltoo c .9o EoJo !t a! ct)c otc E J,Idrl E9pE se 83 Egoo'to E(goc aeoF F.e. .B; 5ENC) -of;trc EEFOgb'rEoo PE E€3o6oD o.E:!-g-8- Heoo Ef -!t.9 eEr lt ctc(! "3o.9 6E -i- o gEs g8E EI; ETE :EEc9o- cL< EEE E C-F.-oo gr; q! ixr3 SEr .9-o5€E E6: E E.E eEs -- c6 0'- 5 -o.8 g:€ EFa if;E9Eo EEg -o6 oo r\t\N o rolJ) Fl r-l cc ccs oo o(o <\! o rr) r-l (') c oo ooro cc lr(\ c\ oO (\j Ol F E uJ IzoJ f !0 :<() uJ :E()z Jo- J 9 F() u,lJt! (,z6 =Jo- = IJJ qt qJ|r'zo F UJ C)Iu o.0 =g tllGz(.' uJ tlt o- tl,l o- 2 qJ o x F UJo (r, UJ uJ lJ- b =t UJc J Fo oz 6J ao J o EFC' UJJu, oz ao =Jc 9z E() u,- F F l.lOlM'lVA EEir 9i: stE-, ffiqrOJ J.I.J E=u.l{.fii >G _a.ltEu.n =lON zz99ho,'2>3 =FEano1>E9E<og *-EFOid = zIF J lt o-JoEo uJ oo o rr)(\Ist a urG x * zo F6 )I,:. zI =e UJFJ : 3gJI z.l lltltltloEzfz9oFtt<(Jo<OJ =Pxlrdd<2 oF 2. 2= EO}E UJ (uzYo I zo F 5 z : UJo o =Y f = 5o IJJiblt at)) I Fxlll lr) @ t-l (Y) I6 N I lJ-x l-l E LL 4 '.3 ,v coo(t)(\() O J ,1 * .<l,/ *o I II UJF U' .oo zo F.o.ulY ulo oF F =CEIuc t!o o-oo I uJFoz @ il :l EJ<l UJ ko E[rn F =(E lr!o- t!oEE2ZE<Elf€ae9!ir '95EE ;tE FE: >o.i 8b9 \urE =O-E ;IEulo-i!E IU.o oF m\ztE = z ..e Izzloo =zDf dP J =f;; =Hg :<)<- l>'fl511 E =Elrlo-z9F(J :)E 6zo() l,l Jsl l=l IF1,6 l=l(,t2q= l4l(5o J !z =NIF t/1 ii =z .oI +l !l 14clI E 4 .SZ (uoLc) 0)L (9 (o L (1, =tr a IIJcoo J E Tr,I'xoto srt\ot\ I o1 i o r{ F6 I(Y) rft Fl Jct F{ Hv,actIgcl'l H ciz 0ultr l!oz;lIF! =e l! oz d uJ(E J ltq z3 o1F lol =,1ou, Cr JI <l>l tl'lol 2l;lg ct! oz cttll J <l>l r'|-l ol zl 3l 0lFI IIJJlltF E ITJz =o FouJ =I- C)E G, -rO<FG(J LrJ <zEr,J Ftr2o(J JCE<oC)FFO FE =F-z,r z"g 3Ed6 C) dF =3EE Eoth IJJ o2 .c) <(JqH / /1 I ,= Il*l,3l.lilt*""o O Vail, Eolorado 81&57 f]lan correction based on the 1985 Uni {orrn Eruri l di ng CocJe Froject Id. SITZHARI{ ADD.Address: VAIL VILLAGE Date: April ??, l9A7 Contractor: JDf'l trUNST.Occupancyr Bl rB!rA3rRl Architect: FIFERType of Congt: II*IHR Engineer: CHARLES ZECHER *267=,t , Plang Examiner: GARY MURRAIN # SHEET IDENTIFICATION CORRECTION REG]UIRED :r 1 ALL AlI sheets to be stamped and signed by an Architect or Engineer regi stered in this state, ? A? NORTH & hIFST SIDES Thi:: e>rterior wall is reqr-rired to be a ahour assernbl y dure to i t 's I ocati cln on property --Table 5-A A1 I elernents of the gtrlrcturral f rame are requrired tohave I hr fire protection. -- Table 17-A and Sec. t7$7.. 4 A7 HORIZONTAL STRUCTURAL I{EMBERS SUFFORTING I.IT]RE THAN ONE FLOOR T]E A I1OOF NEED TO EtE INDIVDUALLY FROTEETED SEC.4f,()5 (A) 6 5 Al I elernentg of the strurctnral {rame are reqrtir-ed tohave t hr {ire protection. -- Table 17-A and Sec. L7t)2. 6 The ceiling of the bargement is reqlrired to be a thr assernb I y. -- Sect i on 170f,. 7 THE BA$EMENT cErLINc rN THE 6ARA6E NEEDs ro HAVE 1HR RATEING OVER FT]AI'I FLASTICS El The cei I i ng o{ the basernent i s requi red to be a thr assembly. -- Section 17113. I ENTRY DOOR Note: l'lanlrally operated edge or sur{ace-mounted{lt-rsh bolts are prohibited, -- Sec. 3.lt-r4. 1s1 10 A? ENTRY DBDFT The doors from this area are required to swing inthe direction o{ e:rit travel . -- Sec. J5O4. (b) 1l A4'A5 SRD & 4TH FLOORS This corridor hag a.n area greater than ?O ft.that does not have access to an exit in bothdirections. -- Sec. 35O5. (e) 13 CENTER STAIR The wallg of this e>rit enclosure do not comply withI hr {ire asgembl y constrlrction. -- Sec. SSCrg. (b) :equired corrections {or: :rl:".t Id. r SITZHARK ADD' iddiess: VAIL VILLAEE "'nlo = l'""il#?"'IihiiFicArIoN -----:3ig:::3:=:'=:::::: lsCENTERsTAlRopeningstothe.exitenclogurearerequiredtobet hr flre aEsemblieg' -- Sec' 35O9' (c) 14 cENTER erArRinrl,i":::i:.",:::.-1"3'-:."'=:";:1:;'o to opan into Include a coPy of the soilg report for the site to' be built on' Eihow all deeiEn loads ueed in the deeign of this buildingontheplans'(snow'wind'seiemictlivet etc. ) Frovide the complete wind. design calculati:1:'"ttn all load ana io-eo-comoinationi-{or all menbere and connections' -- trhaP' 23 lg l6 T7 .:'.'-. ---__--. Town of Vai I 75 S. Frontage RoadVail, Colorado Atb37 Fl an analysis based on the l?AE Uniform Building Code Project Id: SITZHARI{ ADD. Address: VAIL VILLAEiE Date: April 21' L?AT Eontractor: JDM C0NST. Occurpancy: El rB3rASrRl Architect: FIFER Type of Const: II-IHR Engineerr CHARLES ZECHEF *2 FIang Examiner: GARY MURRAIN NtrTEl The code iterns tisted in this report are not i ntended to be a complete listing of all possible code requrirernent€i in the 1985 UFC. It is a guide to gel ected sections o{ the code. TYFE OF CONSTRUCTITN: II-IHR SEFARATION DIRECTION FOUNDARY AREA INCREASE FIRE FROTECTION NERTH Fublic Way 63.Cr Feet f,2. Ct Feet 1S. Cr FeetEAST Br-ti l di ng 16.O Feet SOUTH Public Way 40.C1 Feet ?O.C) Feet WEST Pr-rbl i c Way 40. 0 Feet 2Ct. O Feet Area i ncreaged 5O 7. for open area on 3 sides, FL NAI"IE BCC AREA ALLOWED A/A OCC LT]AD REGI'D EXITS EXIT WIDTH 4 Ap"rrtment/Condo Rl IEOO 2O35C, C).0? 9 1 O. lEl TOTAL 1BOO t025C, O.09 9 ( 9) 2 0. 18 ( Cr. 18) 3 Hotel /Motel Rm Fl 7t)Sb lO?5{] (:).35 35 2 O.7L ToTAL 7A5,6 ?0250 0.35 55 ( 4{)) 2 0.7I < O. BO) ? Hoterl/l"lotel Rm Rl 7Qr,6 ?r-r350 0.33 35 ? o.71 TOTAL 7Q3b 2C)25(} (,.55 35( 55) 2 A-7L( 1.10) I Dining Room A. ?L)CfrJ 3O?5o O. 1(l lSS 2 7-h7 1 l{i tchen (Comm) B? SS4 37C'OO r). OS 4 t t). 09 1 Hotel./Hotel Frn Rl 34OCt ?0?5(l O. 17 L7 ? 0- 34 1 Of {ice BI 741, 37OO{, .-}-Ll3 7 t O. t5 1 Retail Sales Rrn B? 375rJ ?7o(to O. 14 1?5 ? 2.5O TOTAL 1D774 33155 C).47 rA7( 314) ? 3-74( 6-?7' B Parking Garaqe Bl 7392 lToOO 0.?7 37 2 O.74 E Retail Saleg Rm B? 4582 ?7OCrC, Cr. 17 153 ? 3.Og B Lobby A3 4?O 20350 C,. O? 60 ? 1.3(l TBTAL 1?394 36694 0.46 ?5C)( 401) 7 4-59( 8-O4) BUILDING TOTAL 26646 43647 0.63 367 * NOTEI Indicates that this occupancy is not aI lowed on this floor-Table 5-D # NOTE: Indicateg that thiei occLrpancy is tsrr cacc€ssory area-Sec. 33O2. (a) exc. REAUIRED OCCUPANCY SEFARATItrNS RI-A- I hr Rl-E? I hr Rt-Fl 3 hr The separati on may be two hourg if limited to vehicles with a capacity less than ? persons. -- Table 5-E {ootnote #l 43-81 5 hr F?-81 t hr All glaring in hazardours locations (see section 54t16. (d) ) is reqlti red tt: ber o{ sa"f ety g}aring material . -- Sec. 54C}6. .' ,,. { HANDICAP REEUIREMENTS: Handicap acceEs is required to thie burilding. -- Sec. 3301.(e) and Table 53-AI+ a rarnp iE uged for handicap access, the max slope is t:13. -- Sec 3SO7.(c)If water fountains are provided, one mugt have a spout within 33 inches ofthe fIoon and up-front controls. -- Sec. 811. (c) TOILET FAtrILITIES: l. AlI doorways leading to a toilet room {or handicapped are required toprovide 3? inches clear width. -- Sec. Sl1. (a) ?. Provide 44 inches clear on each side o{ doorways. -- Sec. 511.(a) 1.3. Provide a 6O inch diameter clear area within the toilet room(g). -- Sec.E1l. (a)2. 4. Provide a clear area 42 incheg wide and 48 inches long in {ront of atleagt one water closet. If in a compartment and door is on the side,provide a clear eccess width o{ 34 inches. Door may not encroach intoclear arra. -- Sec. 511. (a)3. 5. A 48 inch access width is reqlrired to the handicap cornpartment. -- Sec. 51 1 . (a) S. 6. Grab bars are required behind and on one side or on both sideg of handicap urater closet. Side bar is reqlrired to be 4? inches long (rnin) andextend 24 inches in {ront of water closet. Rear bar is to be 24 inchesIong in a room or 36 inches long in a compartment. Fars are to be SSinches to 36 inches above the floor. -- Sec. 911. (a)4. 7. Frovide a cleaF area urnder at least one I avatory. 3O inches wide X ?9inches high X 17 inches deep minimnm. -- Sec. g1l. (b)1. 8. The bottom of ane,nirror, opening o{ a towel {ixture, and disposal {ixtureis required to be within 4O incheg of the floor. -- Sec. 511.(b)2.&3.R-l HANDICAP REOUIREMENTS: IF there ig more than 20 units on the sitel handicap units are required.21 through gg units on site-one unit lOO .? over-oner plus one for each additional 1O0 unitg of fraction thereofAll doors in the unit are required to provide 3? incheg clear width.Toilet facilities in these unitg are requrired to cornply with Sec. 511,These requirementg are per Sec. 1219.The 6f-t inch cleaF area is not required within lrnitg. -- Sec. 511. (a) 1.Grab bars are not required within a dwelling unit. -- Sec. 811.(a) 4.The sink clearancer mirror height, and tixtlrre height are not requi red withina handicap unit. -- Sec. 511. (b) t! E'TERIBR t',- ,r*, RArrN's o"o o".*rtpRorEtrTroN NT]RTH EAST SOUTH WEST T]CC BRE NT]N-BRC OPN6 EIRG NON-BR6 T]F.N6 BRE NON-BR6 T}PNG BRG NT]N-BRG OPNG WALL UIALL FROT WALL [,ALL FROT UIALL WALL FROT I^IALL WALL FROTRl Ohr Ohr None fihr Ohr None Ohr Ohr None Ohr Ohr None AS lhr thr None thr thr None thr thr None lhr lhr None B? Ohr (thr None thr thr None Ohr Crhr None Ohr Ohr None Bl {'-,hr Ohr None thr thr None Ohr Cthr None Qhr Ohr None The exterior walls arr required to be of NONCOMBUSTIBLE rnaterial . None -- No {ire protection requirementg {or openings.Prot -- Openings are to be protected with 3/4 hr {ire asgemblieg. 5O7. of the area of the r,ral I max i murm. Sec 5O4. (b) NBP -- Openings are not perrnitted in this wall.It -- These walls rnay be reqlrired to have a parapet wall 3(t inches above the roo{ing. The parapet wall is requi red to have the sarnefire rating as the wall. See section 1709. for details and exceptions. OTHER EUILDINE ELEI'IENTS TabIe t7-AELEMENT I.IATERIAL FIRE RATING NOTES AND EXCEFTIONSInteri or Beari ng wal I NONCUT{FUSTIBLE t hr.Interior nonbrg wall NONCUHBUSTIFLE I hr. $ec. 1705. (b)2. Structr-rral Frarne NTNCOMBUSTIEILE I hr.Exterior Struct Frarne $ee footnote *1Shaft Enclosure NONtrOMEUSTIBLE I hr.Floor/Ceiling Assembly NONCOT"IBUSTIFLE I hr.Roof/treiling Assembly NONtrOMBUSTIBLE t hr.Stairs NONCOT",|FUSTIBLE NONE Sec. ?OC)4. ,1805. FOOTNOTES: 1) Hinimum on exterior side algo based on exterior brg. wal I requirements.Provide a thr ceiling in the basement. -- Sec. 17Cr3. Based on section 3?O2, (b) The roofing on thie building is to be +ire retardant. See gection .32O3. (e) and ICBtr research reportg for requirements. EXIT NOTES: Stairways connecting 3 or more {l.oors are requi red to be in exit enclosLrresi Thn vlalls of the enclosurcr are. required to be I hr fire asgembl ies. The openi ngs into the exit enclogure are! requrired to be t hr asseobl i es. A connection to the exterior i6 requrired with the same fire protection aE the exit encl osure. -- Sec. 33C)9. (d) A barrier ig required at grade level . -- Sec. 33O?. (e) At I east one stai rway is required to extend to the roof unless roof slope is greater than 4:12. -- $ec. 33t16. (o) The space utnder the stairs (enclosed or not) may not be used for any pLrrpclse. -- Sec. 33()9. ({) See section 33O9. for additional information. bli thi n a dwel I i ng uni t: A gtairway in a dwelling must be at least 36 inches wide. -- Sec. 3306. (b) -- Sec. 5SCt6. (c) exc.*1 The maNi mrrm ri q.e n{ e ccf en is El incheg and the mi ni mrrm rrrn ig 9 lnches.' : fii;nffi ;"1fii:=:-lli:::",*:a;*:oli,fl!"31::{il"ffi"1"11"3;.. 1711. exE : The minimum headroom ig 6 ft.- 6 inches. -- Sec. 33O6. (p) Provide a eelf-cloeing, I S/4 inch thick, solid core ornoncornbustible door between basement and lst story. -- Sec, l7OS.The maxirnun travel dietance in this buil.ding is IFO feet. -- 5ec. 3303. (d' .:.r .' ,l . ADD.ITITINAL REGUIREI,IENTS?ASED ON OCtrUFANCY For Rl occupancy Storage and I aundry roc:rns used in co,nrnon by tenants to be separatedby a one hour occupancy separation. -- Sec. IZOI. (b) A {ire alarm system rnay be required in thig building. *- Sec. 1202. (b) Provi de a window clr door to the exterior {rom ervery room used forsl eepi ng. A window must provide a clear open area of F.7 sq,{t.n a cleer heightof ?4 inches, and a cLear width of 3r) inches(minimum). -- sec. l2o4.AII habitable rooms require exterior glazed openi ngs equal to 1O7. ormore of the f loor area. (rnin l0 sq.f t. ) -- Sec. lACrE. (a) AlI habitable roorns requri re an openabl e exterior openings equal ta 37.or more of the f l.oor area. (rnin S sq.f t. ) -* Sec. l30g. (e) The minirnum ceiling in a habitable space is 7 {eet 6 incheg exceptkitchensr halls, and baths may have a ceiling height of 7 feet. --' Sec . -- 1?f-r7. ( a ) Fl, oor-1st Occupancy-Hotel ./l"loteI RrnCorridors serving an occupant Load o{ 10 or mt:re are requri red tohave thr construction and rated openings *- sec. ssr.l5. (g)&(h) Exits are reqnired to be separated by r/2 of the diagonal of thisarea. -- Eiec. S$t13. (c) Fl oor-?nd Occr-rpancy-Hot eI /l'lotel Rmcorridorg serving an occurpant l oad of 1o or more are required tohave lhr conEtructi on and rated openings -- sec. $so5. (q)&(h)Exitri are required to be separated by L/7 o+ the diagonal of thisarea. -- Sec. 33r-r3. (c) Fl oor-3rd Occupancy-Hotel ,/t'lotel RrnCorridors serving an occupant load o{ 10 or fnore aFe requri red tohave lhr construction and rated openings -- sec. .lsos. tq)&(h)Exits are requi red to be separated by L/? a* the diagonal of thigarea. -- Sec. 53OI. (c) For AS occLrpancy An alttomati c {ire-extinguishing system is required in the basement.-- Sec.38{12. (c)2. An automati c sprinl:ler system is required in encl osed ugable spacebelow or over a stairway. -- Sec. S8OI. (c)4. Fl oor-851'lT 0ccupancy-Labby Exit signs aFe requtired from all areas serving an occupant l oad o{ 5Oor .nclre. -- Sec. 3514. (a) corri dors gerving an occupant load of ro or more are required tohave lhr constrlrction and rated openings -- Sec. SEOS. (g)&(h) Exits are required to be separated by r/2 a* the diagonal o{ thisarea. -- Sec. 33(t3. (c) Doorg are requi red to swing in the direction of exit from this area. -- sec. SS{,4. (b) ENit doors are required to have panj.c hardware. Eiee exception {ormain door. -- Sec. 3318. (a) The capacity of thig area is reqr-rired to be posted at 6Ct occr-rpants. -- Sec. SSt)3. (c) Fl oor-1st Occr-rpancy-Di ni ng Room Exit signs are requi red from aII areas gerving an occr-rpant l oad of 5Oor ,nore. -- Sec. 3314. (a) Corri dors serving an occupant load o{ .lO or .nore are reqlri red tohave thr congtructi on and rated openings -- Sec. ' IttE. (g)&(h) Exits are required to be separated by t/? at the diagonal of thisarea. -- Sec. 33(13. (c) Doorg are requi red to swing in the direction o{ exit {rom this area.*- Sec. S3O4. (b) Evit doors are required to have panic hardware. See exception for rn,ai n dnnr -- a6F Tiltr t.:l / Tne capacity of this area is reqLrired to tre posted at 13,5 occupants. ;1i.-t-Vsec. 33O2. (c) O O' For 82 occupancy In all areas curstomari I y occupi ed by hLrmans, provide natural orarti+ical light and ventilation. -- Sec. 7OS. Fl oor*B$l"lT Occupancy-Retai I Sal, es RrnExit signs are required from al 1 areas serving an occupant I oad of 5Oor more. -- Sec. 3514. (a) Corri dore gerving an occupant load of 30 or more are reqr-rired tohave thr construction and rated openings -- sec. sso5. tg)&(h)Exits are required to be separated by l/z oi the diagonal o{ thisarea. -- Sec. 33f-r3. 1.1 Doorg are required to swing in the direction o{ exit {rom this area. -- sec. 3304. (b) Floor-lst Occupancy-Retail Sales RmExit signs are requri red {rom all areae servi ng an occupant load of 5Cror more. -- sec. 3314. (a) Corridors serving an occr-rpant load o{ 3(r or rnorer are required tohave thr construction and rated openings -- Sec. SgOg. (9)&(h) Exits are required to be separated by L/e of the diagonal o{ thisarea. -- Sec. 33OS. (c) Doors are required to swing in the direction of exit from this area. -- Sec. 33(14. (b) For Fl occupancy Devi ces generating a glow t:r {Lame are reqlrired to be 18 inches abovethe floor. -- Sec. 7O8. The minimum clear height is reqnired to be 7 {eet. -- sec. 7o?. (d} Parking garages require a ventilation systern that exhausts 1.5 cfmper sq.+t. o{ {loor area. -- Sec. ZAS.Floor-B$l,lT Occupancy-Parking GarageCorri dorg serving an occutpant load of 3O or anore are reqr-rired tohave thr constrnction and rated openinqs -- Sec. SSO5. {9)&(h)Exits are required to be separated by L/z oi the diagonel of thisarea. -- Sec. 33O$. (c) Provide a noncomburgtible, nonabgorbent floor gurr{ace where motorvehicles are parl,;ed. -- Sec. 7O2. (b) -4.Opr a C) o-o cFoFIorto'Ioo G' oNoFo o!oB!oo totF oont|lfxo€ o d. ooo o .€to otr E =t! oN .ErgLE EGoEo! 4/21/87 Gary Murrain, Chief Town of Vail Vai1, C0 81657 Re: Sitzmark Lodge Building OfficiaL Gary: The foLlowing is a breakdown request. Basement :Retail (B-2) Lobby (R-1) Garage (B-1) First floor: Restaurant(A-3)Office (B-2)' Lodee (R-1) Rerail (v2) Second floor:Lodge (R-1) Third fLoor: -. -Lodge (R-1) Fourth floor: Residence (R-3) of buiLdine areas and uses as per your 4582 sf ., 42O " <.? d 7392'/ l Lt t'' .c 4 ^ J Le 2gg4 sf. Loo" n 474O t0l,3400 | 3750 7056 :-:: 7056 1800 sf. . f , tila(K sf . //D tcu t' s--. sf. The original building appears to be classified as a Type I construction. The additions being done in the current renodel are classified as Type III (1 hr.). Please donrt hesitate Lo contact me; shoirld vnrr necd frrrthcr infnrmation. \> T}rane Silzrnanlc llorilSe JuIy 20, L987 Ms. IGistan Pritz 75 South Frqrtage Road Vail, Colorado 81557 RE: Sitaark Iotlge Remcdel Dear l(ristan: In reference to 1rcur attactred letter dated July 14, 1987, I am in agreonent wittr ttrc fcur points nention in yorr letter. In partictrlar I agree to extend. the ;nvers at the east end of the building to our property line wtren Blurs does their paver rarrdelJng. Sincerely, fr&r7ZU Robert F. Fritctr OvrrEr RFF/si Enc: Yeer Arouncl Resort Lodging 193 Gore Creek Drive o Vail, Colorado 81657 . (303) 476-5001 &" 75 roulh tronlagr ro.d Y.ll, colorudo 81657 (303).?G700O July L4, L987 ottlco ot oommunlly d.ualop|nanl Mr. Bob FritchSitznark Lodge 183 Gore Creek DriveVai1, Colorado 81657 Re: Sitznark Iodge Renodel Dear Bob: f an finally at the point where I an able to release thebuilding pernit for the Sitznark Lodge remodel . I wanted toreiterate the following agreements that we have on the project. Vacation of the uliljly_ggggngnli I have talked to lrtr.neering and requestedthat he subnit a survey of the easement on the Sitzmarkproperty as well as the legal description. Tlrese twopieces of information will be used as exhibits in ttrevacation resolution. On JuIy 7, L987, the Town Councilgave the staff pernission to release a building pennit even though the easement has not been officially vacated.It will be required that the easenent be reviewed as aresolution at a Town Council evening meeting. As soon asI receive the survey information, I will be abLe toproceed to Town Council and get final approval of thevacation. At Planning Conrnission, it was agreed that you would becredited in an equitable manner for the improvements thatyou make to the plaza and sidewalk areas if and when an irnprovernent district is created for the Vil-lage., You have agreed to supply the staff with copies of all the purchase orders for the project to verify costs for the work. 1. 2. 3. You agreed to pay for the pavers from the existing east edge of the Sitznark paver project to the east Sitznarkproperty line when BIurs does their paver rernodel project.Eseentially, yqu would be filling in a swath of concretethat fIlls in fron the east edge of the pavers to theproperty line. Please see attached drawing for locationof proposed pavers. 4. I wanted to renind you that the signage and canopy on thenorth elevation have not received flnal DRB approval . Ifeel that nore information is needed on the appearance ofthe canopy and sguare footage of the signage that w111 be used at the north entry. If you have any questions about these issues, pJ.ease feel freeto call me. Thank you for your continued cooperation on thisproject. I think the plaza and sidewalk areas are reallylooking wonderful . Sincerely,) | Art, I lr.l 'Knlz.I" ^ V',14l\ll)lr r\ rrrrl- Kristan Pritz Town Planner KP:br Encl os u re 75 south frontage road vall, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 JuIy l-4 , L987 Mr. Bob FritchSitzmark Lodge 183 core Creek DriveVail, Colorado 81657 Re: Sitzmark Lodge Remodel ottlce of communlty developmenl Dear -Bob: I am finally at the point where I am able to release thebuilding pennit for the Sitzmark Lodge remodel . f wanted toreiterate the following agreements that we have on the project. I.Vacation of the utilj_ty easement: I have talked. to Mr.Dan Corcoran at Eag1e Valley Engineering and requestedthat he subrnit a survey of the easement on the Sitzrnarkproperty as well as the legal description. These twopieces of information will be used. al exhibits in thevacation resolution. On July 7, L987, the Town Councilgave the staff permission to release a building permiteven.though the easement has not been officially vacated.It will be required that the easement be reviewed as aresolution at a Town Council evening meeting. As soon asI receive the survey information, I will be able toproceed to Town Council and get final approval of thevacation. At Planning Cornrnission, it was agreed that you would becredited in an equitable manner for the impiovements thatyou make to the plaza and sidewalk areas if and when animprovement district is created for the Village. you haveagreed to supply the staff with copies of aIl the purchaseorders for the project to verify costs for the work. 3. You agreed to pay for the pavers from the existing east edge of the Sitznark paver project to the east Sitzmarkproperty line when Blurs does their paver remodel project.Essentially, you would be filling in a swath of concretethat fills in from the east edge of the pavers to theproperty line. Please see attached drawing for locationof proposed pavers. 4. I wanted to renind you that the signage and canopy on thenorth elevation have not received final DRB approval . Ifeel that more information is needed on the appearance ofthe canopy and sqluare footage of the signage that wiLl beused at the north entry. If you have any questions about these issues, please feel freeto call me. Thank you for your continued cooperation on tbisproject. I think the pJ-aza and sidewalk areas are reallylooking wonderful . Sincerel Town PLanner KP:br Encl osure FY+ -:J .---...--fF.-D tlql J:L t-t; :d?tiL'a A JD sE 1-. .r.|J =#g$/Jt H "t_€sF€H$:6 J trcsz - Ir o lnwn 75 loulh tronlage ro.d vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 June 22, 1987 SitzrnarkMr. Fritch Vail , CO 81652 Dear Mr. Fritch: I have just been notified by the Comrnunity Developmenttfnent t-hat tho Qi {- ztr r r,.t l - r oo, rr^-r-.! +.$,\,r-rFr,e. _. l'.uq._.rt[t(J.urrE::ol:Eltec+}AElgEt-19::f,€g--ShOfftd_haWe_be-en--$34_,590instead of the $38,z9o fi-gure.' in order to arrive at a new Sincerely, Finance Controller RP/mjr installment fiqure for th6 rernaining two palrrn-rri=, r took yourinitiaL-1984.piyment in the "roo"nt of 92,758 and deducted thisanount from the total parking fee, gaa,sgo to reach the amount tobe figured over a four year ieriod. at io? interest. This anouni-1s 926,832 which result! in in annuar payment of ge,qei.ii-.-"---'-Further credit is due-on payment #3 as-ylu have paia $f,gif.egover on each of your first two palrments. Therefore your 3rd of 4instarlnent palments sharr be fir' g5,s2r..0;- a;,ii+.7r_ instarlment#3 -ninus $2,'eai. so creaii-f;; t;;r overpatrmenrs on installnents 1and 2). This arnount wilL be di.re on Novlnier 5, Lgg7. your fourthand final installment will be for $e,a,al.,.ii. -' . rf you have any questions concerning this matter please carlme at the Town offices. Property:SITZMARK Bldg Permit S PROJECT BLDG PERMIT SUMMER L987 Vail,Colorado,, L9g7 rn installments after date, for value received, r prornise to pay to theorder of the Town of Vail at the office of the Finlnce oirect-orl MunicipalBuilding at VaiI, colorado, undred Forty-five Dollars,Total Parking Fee Down Payment $ 5,649.00 (Due before receiving building permit.) with interest of ten percent per annum on the unpaid barance, payable inyearly instalLnents as follows: Future Installrnents:@oe 7,L28.38 due and payable payable payable le on on on the second installnent of the third installment _of the fourth installrnent .of l_28.38 due and L28. 38 due due and l_28. 38 and $ $ $ rt is agreed that if thi.s note is not paid when due or declared duehereunder, the.principal and accrued i-nterest thereon shall draw interestat the rate of.r-B percent per annum, and that failure to rnake any paymentof principal or..interest when due or any default under any incun6.}." otagreenent-securing: this:note shall caus-e the whole note to become due atonce, or the"interest:to be'counted..as.principal, at the option of thehorder of the note. The nakers and end6rsers-heieof severirry waivepresentrnent for paln[ent, protest, notice on nonpa]rnent and of protest, andagree.to any extension of tirne of payrnent and. piri.iaf palrnents'b"iore, .t,or after maturity, and if this notL 6r interest thereoir ir noi faia wnendue, or suit is brought, agree to pay all reasonable costs of c6uection,including reasonable-attorieyrs fees. Dy: Date Property:SITZMARK $ 34,590 REVfSED Total Parking Fee fn installments after date,order of the Town of Vail atBuilding at Vail, colorado, Building PROJECT REVTSED LO/84 Permit #_ PAYMENT PLAN Vail,Colorado, for value received,the Office of the , t987 I promise to pay to the Finance Director, Municipal Thi -four Thousand Five Hundred Nin DoJ-J-ars,TotaI Parking Fee Down Palment (Due before receiving b1d9r perrnit;) with interest of ten percent per annum on the unpaid balance, payable inyearly installments as follows: The first installment of S due and payable on the third instalLnent of the fourth installment of 82r_. 05 due and payable on Nov. 5 L987 , 464.7L due and payable on Nov. 5 l_988 , $ $ rt is agreed that if this note is not paid when due or declared duetrereunder, the principal and accrued interest thereon shall draw interestat the rate of 18 percent per annum, and that failure to rnake any paynentof principal or interest when due. or any default under any incumbrlnle oragreement securing this note shall cause the whole note to become due atoncez. or-the interest to be counted as principal , at the option of theholder of the note. The makers and endorsers hereof severi.lly waive..presentment. for:payment, protest, notice._on-nonpayment and of protest, andagree to any extension of tine of palznent and partial payments before, at,- or after maturity, and if this note or:interest thereon is not paid whendue, or suit is'brought, agree to pay alL reasonable costs of cLlLection,including reasonable attorneyrs fees. Date o ftzmark Lodse $_gg,z9q In of at instal lments after date, the Town of Vail at the Vail, Colorado, yearly insta'llments as fol'lows: The first installment of $ 7758.00 the-second installment of $ 9786.54 the third installment of g 9786.54 the fourth installment of g 9786.54 payabl e November 5, 1985 on 0n payable on November 5, l986 payable on November 5, .|987 November 5, lggg il"t:"1fi:!53.,t1:: :l"l[: l:F-1:-.:: paid when.due or.decrared due hereunder,ll..,E"::::*l ::g i::*ed 1ti.".it-in.i.J, liilir"li.il'ili!llii".l'inl.llil:l ;*liili'l;ti";ly:*;:#;!l1ir* i#Hr ili."l:i; "ldffi1#'pFifi.illii[.']'lEiE'lnlfi'":ffi""i,':,X,:lii,iri-,,i"i lly]rdli,;:il;il"";;"3illii'!11,","nthis note shal .l cause trt"-'irr.,ii^-I:;^*"*=' qrry rlruLrrrru'dnce -or a. +r.i h6 ^^,,-+^r __.3y:9 the.whole note io becoire oue it:on"", or ;,. _ #dLTt*j.::.rii;; jn: i"i1"dl'9d;eiTi'in! if;eil.i'iF'.f, ! ll;. 1 ..iffi " ;: . Tilip :t'#:ffi 5. tififi ;*irirlilisq,l!3ali#fil. ?;"ri:,il:li,, pllin'r,, llg*5,;::"::lliIT:ll,llg_ti. p;;i;;i:'.il;;"8:=il"#;";*iil.?;ilTl.iifi:o;i'., : l:t:,9"-iltf:! !!,S.boi, il noi-piia wr,.n due, or suit :.: , *{TT| .llgt.p1ltjpt paymenti u"io"e,.ui,-iir after matuor-suit is brought, agree tqrity, and if this ' fees. Vail, Colorado uctoDer 29, 1984 D\D P$'Lu\)t $6ttUi\1*,{\ ffi for value received, office of the Finance ollars, with interest of ten percent per annum on the unpaid balance, payable in due and payable due and due and due and I promise to pay to the order Director, Municipa'l Building November 5, 1984 -' --w j th: t rrE _Ieffi ili jG, rb;j;;;;i: Fri tch DATE To: rownQuncu FROM: Conmunity Development Departrnent DATE: July 7, L987 SUBJECT: Vacation of a utility easenent on the northwest sideof the Sitznark property I. REQUEST The Sitzmark Lodge is requesting to vacate a l_O footutility easement located on the northt/est corner of theirproperty. A portion of the new building is proposed to belocated on this easernent. II. BACKGROI'ND ON THE REQUEST The original L0 foot utility easement was created by VailAssociates during the original plat process for VailVillage First Filing. In L974, it wls determined that aportion of the Sitzrnark building encroached into the 10foot utility easement. A partial vacation and abandonmentof the existing l-0 foot utility easernent and, a grant of anew easment was conpleted in June of L974. This agreernentvacated the easement below the existing Sitznark buildingand relocated the easement to the northwest of theeasement on Town of Vail property. please see theattached agreement concerning this easement. In the spring of 1987, the Sitznark project was reviewedby the Design Review Board. one of the required subnittaldocuments was a title report. Staff allowed the projectto begin demolition before the title report had beensubmitted. Once the title report was subrnitted, it wasdetermined that the easenent would have to be vacated inorder for the construction to proceed. At that tine, thestaff had the understanding that the easement onlyinvolved utility companies and did not involve the Town ofVail . The applicant submitted letters from the utilitycompanies verifying that they had no problem with vacalionof the easement and that they would allow the Sitzrnark toproceed with their construct-ion. Upon furtherinvestigation of the title report, it became evident thatthe Town Council would also have to sign off on theeasement vacation. This understanding was reached theweek of June 29th. The staff worked with the applicant toprepare the vacation easement for the work session so thatthe building pernit would not be held up any longer thanabsolutely necessary. Attached to this memo you will find a vacation andabandonment agreement as !rel1 as appropriate signatures. On Tuesday, the appJ.icant witt subrnit the legal description and stanped survey of the actual easementbeing vacated on Sitznark property. The onty additionalsignature that is needed on the vlcation and abandonmentagreeurent is that of the public Service Company. However,we do have an original letter from Gary Hall, pubtic Service Company representative, dated May 2e, :-gBT whichstates that tbe Public Service Conpany "is in the procesof executing an abatement of this easement and they haveno problen with the Sitznark building on it.'r The TownEngineer has reviewed this reguest and has no problen withthe vacation. Once these two final pieces of information are submitted,the staff will present the resolution vacating theeasement at an evening neeting. In addition, if the TownCouncil does not have a problem with the vacation, thestaff would like to proceed to issue the building pernitinnediately after the work session review. .-.1 VACATION AND ABANDONMENT OT EXISTING EASEMENT THIS INSTRUMENT is made this / day of ifu 'r, ,- by and between THE SITZMARK AT VAIL-NC., a Cor6Tll6- , L987, corporacion, ("Owner") and PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF COLORADO,(for itself and as assignee of, or successor in interest to, GASFACILITIES, INC., a Colorado corporation) and HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION, a Colorado nonprofiE corporarion and VAIL l,tATER AND SANITATION DISTRICT and MOUNTAIN STATES TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY, d/b/a MOUNTAIN BELL, a Colorado corporation(collectivelyr "Easement Users") . WHEREAS, a certain ten (10) foot utiliEy easement over thenortherly-ten feet of Tracr a (and adjacent to the northerlyproperty line of Tract a), Vail Village Firsc Filing, Vail,Colorado, was created by VAIL ASSOCIAfES, INC. in the originalVail^Village First fil1lg Plar, filed under Reception Num6er 96382 at Pages 49 and 50 in rhe Plar Book of Eagie Counry,Colorado, allowing Easement User the use of such easement for theconsErucEion, maintenance and reconstrucEion of sewerage, water,gas, electric and telephone transmission facilities; and, WHEREAS, thg location of a porrion of such utiliry easementwas modified by document recorded Augusr 12, 1974 in Bbok 236 atPage 22 of the real property records of Eagle County, Colorado.such utility easement as relocated is hereinafter referred to asthe "Utility Easernent"; and, - WHEREAS, PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY 0F COLORADO is rhe assigneeof, or successor in interesE co, GAS FACILITIES, INC., which-obtained the right to use the Utility Easement by an instrumentrecorded July 24, L964, in Book 183,-ac page I57 in the recordsof Eagle County, Colorado; and, WHEREAS, Ehe Utility Easement is noE presently being usedand the Easement User has no present intention of using JuchEasement; and . WHEREAS, -a portion of Owner's building, the Sit.zmark Lodge,is novr located on a portion of the Utility-Easement; and, NOI^I, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promisescontained herein and the mutual benefits to be derived and othergood and valuable consideration, che receipt of which isacknowledged, the parties hereEo hereby covenant and agree as IOI IOWS : a. 1. Easenient user, on behalf of itself, its successors andassigns, by thil; instrurucl'rE hereby f orever abandons, vacates,releases, .lnd uerminates its right to the uciriry Easement.Easement user her*by con\'.ys arr its right, titla and interesc inand co Ucilit)' liJ.jeurcnt vecated above, Eo Owner. 2, This Vac:iEi.on andinure to the benefit of ttrehereto. ATTEST: ATTEST: :y','Q ya,- , '\ ,.t- - . (. t r ATTEST: ATTEST: Abandonment sha11 be binding upon andsuccessors and assigns of the iarcies PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF COLOMDO,as Successor to, and,/or Assieneeof , GAS !'ACILITIES, INC. , 8 - C olorado HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC Colorado nonprofit ASSOCIATION, AcorPoration VAIL WATER AND SANITATION DISTRICT MOUNTAIN STATES TELEPITONE AND TELEGMPH COl4pANy, d/bla MOUNTAIN .t-<8 -8/ l. Easement User, on behalf of itself, its successors andassigns, by this instrumenE hereby forever abandons, vacates,releases, and terminates its right to the Utility Easement. Easement Ust:r hereby conveys all its right, title and interest inand to UtiliEy Easement vacated above, to Owner. 2. This Vacation and Abandonment sha1l be binding upon andinure to the benefit of the successors and assigns of tiie iartieshereto. ATTEST: PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF COLORADO, as Successor to, and/or Assigneeof, GAS FACILITIES, INC., a Colorado BY: HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC Colorado nonprofit ASSOCIATION, a corporation ATTEST: BY: UPPER EAGLE SANITATION VALLEY DISTRICT CONSOLIDATED BY: MOUNTAIN STATES TELEPI{ONE AND TELEGRAPH COI,IPANY, Clb/ a MOUNTAIN B}:LL, a Colorado corporat,ion ATTEST: ATTEST: f-2r-E .{-<8 -8/ ?eweA+,t-'BY: .7/t'i-"t.L+ti STATE OF COLORADO )) ss. COI'NTY OF EAGLE ) The foregoinF vacation and Abandonment of Existing Easementwasacknow1edgedbeforemethis-dayof-,tgaz,uy ." :____ oFEETFErviceCo ssoilEl-a /or Assignee of , cAsFACILITIES, INC., a Colorado corporation. Wltness my hand and official seal . My conunLssLon expires : NoEary PubIic STATE OF COLORADO ) corNTY oF EAGLE ] ""' The foregoing Vacation andwas acknowledged before rne thie Abandonment of Existing Easement day of otft , 1987, byof HoIv Cross Electriccorporation. seal .I,litness rny hand and officlal My cornrnlssion expires : STATE OF COLOMDO COUNTY OF EAGLE Notary PubIic 'CONSOLIDATED SANITATION DISTRICT I.lltness my hand and offlcial seal . The foregolng vacatl-on and Abandonment of Existing Easementwas acknowledged befor,e me rhis A.;( 4Sy of :/kUl:_] tlAZ, Uy _. o as fr tJi-a_ oE_u_pfri- EAGLE vALLEy )) ss. ) STATE OF COLORADO ] "". COUNTY OF EAGLE ) The foregoing Vacation and Abandonment was acknowledgeo B';;;;-;;"di: - d"Y of" was acKnowrEsEee as olii:ffi"' STATE OF COLORADO )- fur;i 10. ss ' COUNTY OF EffiE ) WitnesJ mY hand and official seal' l,ty coourission exPir"t' y'''/ 'i/ Witness mY hand and official seal My commisslon exPires: of Exisrin? ffi;TT; ffi#1"3o, xisting Iy Cross Easement 1987, by Electric otary srArE oF coLoRADo I ss. COUNTY OF EAGLE ) The fbregoing Vacation and ,o." "iiiioiitaE"a Eefore me this Abandonmenc daY ot ba Oztaz,<' t'* AA l4qgl--*/ Yf or Exisri"? ta;;T"il; Valffiater and Witness mY hand and official seal' l4y comission exPires: ffi ffir-tcEilf strict ' STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE )) ss. ) The foregoing Vacation and Abandonment of Existing EasemenL wa.g-Eckrrowlpcged before me this $) day of lhqq , fggZ, Uy,fii,#-"d1ffii-Tli1.,0.corporation. Witness my hand and official seal. I'Iy coumrission expires: c1l{51 APPROVED AND ACCEPTED: ATTEST: su T}IE SITZMARK AT VAIL, INC., A Colorado corporation BY: (1 /-: h" STATE OF COLORADO COU}ITY OF EAGLE ss. The foregoing Vacation and Abandonurent of Existing Easemencwaf .ac.kqowlgdged before me rhir?sh day of {.fl".n I t9aZ, Uynr'bo!+ l l-r'' \rv'. as Prcs.l"..r of Th6 sitzmark atvat_t, Inc., a Uolorado corporation. - I{itness my hand and official seal. l"ly conunission expires: Q\Slin SiSzrnarle I,,oilge l4ay 28, I9B7 Year AmuN Resott Loctging 18il Gore Creek Drive . Vail, Cotorado 81657 . {303) 47S5OO Concerning the eassrent on the no4thwest corner of tl..e Sitznark Iodge prol-rerty. me ?',-blr'c Seerrce (r*7auq is intlte procc:;s of executing an abatcnent of this easerndnt and they have no problem with the Sitznark buildilg on it. llL ufvt)vvzt €Wz-*^y2Trua ffi t ue*,n1,"J F{4<q^\q\ff. WIA- ,vt€. - "t1 /1'fl.1-0,.1--tg aure ioon PoLrcY-Modtrt.d lol73 ORDER N0. r 2306-VC2 SCHEDULE B PART I o Policy No.: This policy does not insure against ross or damage by reason of the foilowing: 1' Rights or claims of parties in possession not shown by the pubric records. 2. Easements, or claims or easements. not shown by the public records. 3. Discrepancies, conflicts in boundary lines, shortage in area, encroachments, and any facts which acorrect survey and inspection, of the premises would disclose and rvhich are not shown by thepublic records. 4. Any lien, or right to a lien, for services, labor, or material theretofore or hereafter furnished, imposed by law and not shown by the public recoros. 5. Taxer for Llre year l986 antl Lh;.rr.r:af t.:,r, an,Jor charges not yet cerbifted tu Ltie ut.f .icc any speciaL as ses snentof Lhe County Treasr:rer. !J'f IJ\Ai\RT TTTLI] oltl ta Tt coLtrr r t 7. 6. Rest,rictlone which dc, ni:rL, corrtai.n .r f ,.,r i eiLur.i of reverterclauge, but; onrtLLJlrg resLt.iCLi,:.rrr::, it .rny, bdsr:rl cln race,coror', religion, or ntrLronal origin, r.rs lonLairred in i.nst-runelt,reeord€d August 10, lgbz, 1n Boo[ I74 aL pagr_, l7g. Partiar vacatlon trrrd A-banrl,onnent ot' existi.ng Es.genenb c-rnd g(.&nt.of new easenent beLraeen fire sitzmark :tt v.ii,-t;;1, a colorado , ^il.corporutlon and riit.zroiirk r.rcrperLres, .. c.,(:",rl,--iii,i[uj-------f*]$5O fiiii:'i:i:nf,tl.*':,1{ f;:i:;,:h.l;6;;:i;}*;rin;u1,.'qir5Publlc service Com1,4y1j,-of pi<i5aa,r\ cjl r.i..iritri";, rnc., v;rtI corporatlon, Sitznark [:rope.rbir:s. a (lolot acto LinitetlParLnership arrrl I{oly (jrr:ss trtect r.ic lr.ss,:rci;rl;ion, Inc.,a cooperat, 1ve corpr:rat.lort recortJt:.rl NrrV:rrotrtll- I6, 19BZ trt llc,uk348 at Page BB! as ReceptJ.rrn N<.r, 'J+.:.):JO. 9. Terus, conditlons, resr,rlction ancl st i pr-r.tar;ions aa corrtainedln any exlstlng sutrleaseg arrd Lerrarr(:1ey-r. Waber antl Sanitar io' i:iry-r.r\"i i\ffi,",ri;l;; ;-i;". , .cororarro c.rpo*at.ic,!, a^{ the'T,._\.^ .\ t;ii;--;-H";;clpalcorporatiorr re(:j,faFl Jul irr'lJ<icrk 2115 aL Page 338 crsRecepbion No. /if ZZ7 anrl'*sgtsIler<ln No. 4 jIl, / / en.l \ecorry,1 ,iugrrst IZ, 1974 irr Book 2 3Gat Page 22 ae fttecepti.orr t{oYt.,rel. 8.Conveyance of are hereby omitted. I thru 4 r623 l?oM 6.&rt Exceptions Numbered Page 3 --#f;tggf-!'ttea for Reco . ra raalAufi.I?,1974atIPM a. -r'.' I j.j:tr3z PARTIAL VACATION AND AB.^NDCNTIENT OF EXISTING EASEMENT GRANT OF NEI,I EASE:4ENT THIS INSTRUMENT is made this 28rh day of June. ,1974,by and between TllE srrzI"tARK AT vAifrNC., a colorado corporation, and SIIZ!4ARK PROPEIITIES. a Colorado Limited Partnership,(hereinafter "owners"), and IIOLY cRosS ELECTRIC ASSoCIATIoN, MOUNTAIN STATES TIILEPTiONE AND TELEGiLCPH COI'IPAI\Y' d/b/a MOUI'ITAIN BELL, PUBLIC SERVICE CO.\iPANY OF COLORADO (for itself and as assignee of, or successor in intcrest to, GAS FACILITIES, rllc.), and the vlrl., WATER AND sANrTATrOi.l DTSTRICT, (hereinafter collectively "Easement Users"), and VnIL ASSOCIATES, INC.., a Colorado 'corporatj.on, a.ud the TOt'lN OF VAIL, a t'lunicipal corporation, WHEREAS, a certain ten (I0) foot easement over the northerly ten (10) feet of Tract a, VaiI Village First Piling, vail, Colorado, was created by VAIL ASSOCIATES, INc. in the original VaiI Village First Filing Plat, file<i under Reception Number 96382 at Pages 49 and 50 in thc PIat Book of Eagle County, Colorado, allowing Easement Users the use of such easemenL for the constructj,on, maintenance and reconstruction of sewerage, water, gas, electric and telephone transmission facilities, (hereinafter the "Utility Easement " ) i and. IJHEREAS, PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF COLORADO is the assignee of, or successor in interest to, GAS FACILITIES/ INC., which obtained the right. to use the Utility Easement by an instrunent recorded JuIy 24, 1964, in Book 183, at Page 157 in the records of Eagle County, Coloradoi and, wflEREAS, the Utility liasement is not present,ly being used and the Easenent Users have no present intention of using such Easement; and, WIIEREAS, a portion of Owners' building, the Sitzmark Lodge, Iocated on the property described on Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporatcd herein, is located on a portion of the Utility Easement as located on Owners' Iand; and, I{HEREAS, VAIL ASSOCIATDS, INC.. the original Grantor of such Easement, desires to grant a utilj.ty easement on its ploperty which adjoins that of Owners to permit, the Utility Easement to pass around the corner of Owners' bui.ldingi and, i^ti;EREAS, VAIL ASSOCfAtES, by Lease recorded December 8, 19?I,in Book 222 at Page 518 in the records of Eagle CounCy, Colorado, leased to the TOWN OF VAIL certain real property including that overwhich the ne!./ easement will be Iocated. NOw, THEREIORE, in consideration of the nutual promises concained herein and the mutual benefits to be derived and other good and valuable consideration, the parties hereto hereby covenant and agree as follows: .. 1. Easement Users and VAIL ASSOCIATES, INC., on behalf of themselves, their successors and assigns, by this instrument hereby forever abandon, vacate, release and terminate that portion of the Utility EasemenL, as described above, on vrhich certain improvements have been built, rvhich improvemcnts are known as The Sitzmark Lodge and located on the real property ciescribed in Exhibit A attachedhereto and incorporated hercin; Dasenlen! Users hereby convey all their right, t.itle and interest in arld to that portion of the Utility Easement vacated above, to Owners. 2, VAIL ASSOCIATES, INC., as oh'ner of the following described property, hcreblr qrants a ten (10) fooL utility easement to and for the use of the present and future owners of Blocks, Lots and Tracts in the VaiI Village First Filing for the construction, naintenance and reconstruct,ion of sevrerage, l,rater r 93s r electric and telephone transmission facilities, as foLlows: - ,U,.J - '.'. io clarif ication and f":!!"I^9:::tlt"lill: ?: .uI.'Ji'.":5 ;:?:i:':i;";;";;e"i;t1i rt'":l.u:::::::;; I an easelnent IO '00. feet in widt'h' -l::uttd in Tract Ir H :i :iTHi",i iii :,i: i *; * "lt*":i i"3,3X'=' 3?"1 13'i u' " n l1i#:',i#'1#**i:'t# a :i"Y :: :: " ;r : " "' 'r '::::-::":":".:": or said rract ai $u4irii :ii' :r ? **:,iq "i:t?: =i*'}i*:'ill,*rt ;, $: x:i:ll3 ;i' ;n' ;ii.ii ii i,ii*1il;;:t'r!:k : a' ;::t'' iie i;:; ;il"'J I "?"i";l:l?,;i':"l?:il:l;"' i i"!nl - r I .'"o" or less ' e xn iu i i ^ s- i :. :in : i " n E li ! ?,. ll" " i fi "' i "r" ; : : " ;.'f , ^i i 3 - : n :'n: u " n t " n iiJ- t g,'it i:: ^:t ::: :il:' ;:;' """ i ii ;;, .--aiement*r?i: l::'n"Iii"'^iit llltli iil: :';:.ili:"t":;i;;'' "i-lt'"-u"i'rdins'!il!'it."t around t'he 4. rhis vacatron and-:-:'i:,':::1.:: :i'ti:tr:l?1":"i"":t": to .n" oln" r*rl,' 3 r"ti:' :3: ":::"::':lu"'i3'=i ni! li" ln' - pu-'t ie s here to' THE SITZMARK AT VAIL'_INC By SlTZMARK PROPERTIES i'' iSTilul'"iin.r l'a Pa rtne r s.hiP Lry IiOLY CROSS A Colorado By .l!LIF By -2- ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION NonProfit CorPoratron (,,, AssocrATEs, rNg. l/o*By I,i ACtest; Assislang Sdc reEary ^.. APPROVTD ION EXTCTJ IIU'.' il ;,";.t:;ii * "o*tn'"o '1 tt' - r-.r r rr."t'-rc- I srArr oF coLoRADo ,F &4/- l4v- ON COLORADO COUNTy on IjACLE 5S. bcfore me as thLs JF President dCo orado My Linlite seaI.commission duly acknov.'Icdged before me this I?!h ,scanlev Nacal is ....-.._'=_Lt::i9:ntas Secretary ot lluLr l-KUDr tiii;E;;TtT;nd and of f icial seal. MY Aoril L2. L977 ss. before me this t-4 as Vicr' Presldent sacrEta;t of PUBLIC Ut. t t-i oi :.. i' j !j...i"Lfil''th'Jdf, my hand and of f icial seal. My corunission expires '.'r "', r'\..".', .'t,, / (/')s,, l i,1;: : ... !l c; to, and a nd,/or Assignee official seal. STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF ac know l edg ed .l 1,.r )-\ l., i , \_,.1(1.. ,v!;t 'l(l'1.r,Nottryr,'PubIic The foregoing w: day pf )i^vq{:,, }e1,4., I ana \ ''-rl' u.rt () (:'i\' this i\5\'^ Pres ident Of VAIL AssoelATEs , rNc. wi tncss Notary PubIic conuniss ion expires !-::-- ss. My STATE OF COLORADO ) corrNTY oF EA.LE I ""' The foregoing was duIY day Of 'ri,"(rlrl./ , L974,- offiEGffif Vair, ' lrand and official seal . MY conrnission expires 7h"0^-"/a.VZd -.Tta-;Yfr65Tic I . 4.., 1r,' .. r.1' ".1 f.. i "t t It, =O, EXIiIBI,T A 'r Block 5-B in VAIL VILLAGE' FIRST FILING A part of LoL o-tl '+?":-'-:^*.j*--,iil-.i-c"r"rado, morein the County "t i"gl"-in the Stcltc of Colorado' mor€ ;:ir;i;t;;;iY' au"cri6cci ;rs rorlorvs: Commenc ing at th.e lrlortirircst corncr-of said Lot a' thcnce N 660IB'oo'r B ol""g-ih; uortherly liir": of said Lot a 65.45 fees to tno'^l"it-n"ini-"r-ileginning; thence-continuing arong the aEores"itl-;;t;;;-'ao'oo tittt tfrence s 85oIs'52" E L26.64 reeti tneni! i-or;oaio?" Y.ioo'oo feet-to a point of intersectio'r *iti'"ih; ;;t;;";i)' Iine of sairl Lo! a; thence s 79oI?'00" w 8s'3i'ieti-io a -point of curve; thence on an ansle to the rish;''oi- st"'i'A 8i' ani ;it;; a curve to the risht havins a raqrus ;; ;; ' oo rutt u''"1 !' ;;;;;tr ansre"of 16003'12" ' an arc distance;; i8'21 feet to "-p;;;t' intn6"'N 88orr'00o ll 5s.so f eeti thenli oo"ii;ooioo" -r'l e8:;o"i;ti io tne true point of beginning' .t I l O1,-o (.DTIIII]IT I] 'Rl;.-.)--. .' '.'. .l I i j .'.' .. l' I Il. I I I Il'I I't I I t Iil\l:l\l3l ( I ltntt ,/I/t/.llat/ \/ FI:l; .,"' i- ' ' r -t t'\ I '".1tillu-lu I \\ :lol<t \Pl : u,l ; ,_rl : I\ '9i Frl 9r I I,I I I ,\ tb,o o'of. -\,r.i/ !/: l ,") It\ NI c 4 o N -I j;o t l.l G'l+ CO @ts ,U, -{ '{'-{{m f,q 88Cl-zo{3c,o vr.l r Yr ,; I ! 'i t' I I ' t -----. .;, I I ,ti I It.__. oit C 'to t ! ,", \ "-" \ z 6-o's $\1 loo':,1 il .";fi* 1'; ,' '; . ' . hst t:'-::].t'i - :l-..-.:r' . '",.;r1,'i ,-'.':l $l \L *, 1SFt'' tr\|l6 -lcll= $b*= -o o go aJ t a 'z THIS INSTRUMENT is made thie26rr day of J:onE , 1987, by and betrdeen THE SITZMARK AT VAIL, INC., a Colorado corporation, ("Owner") and PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY 0F COLOMDO,(for itself and as aeelgnee of, or auccessor in interest to, GAS FACILITIES, INC., a Colorado corporatlon) and HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION, a Colorado nonprofit corporation and VAIL IIATER AllD SANITATION DISTRICT and MOUNTAIN STATES TELEPHONE AND TELEGMPH COMPANY, d/b/a MOIINTAIN BELL, a Colorado corporation(collecEively, "Easement Userst'). WHEREAS, a certatn ten (10) foot utility eaaement over the northerly ten feet of Tract a (and adjacent to the northerly property line of Tract a), Vail Village First Fillng, Vail, Colorado, rdas created by VAIL ASSOCIATES, INC. ln the origlnalVail Village First FiLing Plat, filed under Reception Number 96382 at Pages 49 and 50 in the Plat Book of Eagle County, CoLorado, allowing Easement User the use of such easement for the construction, maintenance and reconstruction of serterage, water, gas, electric and telephone transmission facilities; and, WHEREAS, the location of a portion of such utility easement was modified by document recorded August 12, 1974 in Book 236 at Page 22 of the real property records of Eagle County, Colorado. Such utility easement as relocated is hereinafter referred to as the I'Utility Easementtt; and, VACATION A}TD ABANDONMENT OF EXISTING EASEI.{ENT I.IHEREAS, PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF COLOMDO is the assigNEEof, or successor ln interest to, GAS FACILITIES, INC., which obtained the right to use the UtiLity Easement by an instrunent recorded July 24, L964, in Book 183, at Page 157 ln the recordeof Eagle County, Colorado; and) . WHEREAS, the Utility Easetuent is not presently being used and the Easement User has no present intention of using such Easeuent; and WHEREAS, a portion of Orcner's building, the Sitznark Lodge,is now located on a portion of the Utility Easement; and, NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual pronises contained herein and the mutual benefics to be derived and other good and valuable conetderation, the recelpt of which is acknowledged, the parties hereto hereby covenant and agree as follows: c. 1. Easemen! User, on behalf of itself, its successors and assigns, by this instrumenE hereby forever abandons, vacates, releises, ind terminates its right to the UEilily Easement. iaieruttt User hereby conveys aII its right, title and interest In and to Utllity EasemenE vacated above, to owner. 2. This Vacation and Abandonment shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the successors and assigns of the partles hereto. HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION, lppn'VgOColorado nonprof ic corporation #ixiEriirir PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF COLORADO, as Successor to, and/or Assigneeof, GAS FACILITIES' INC.' a Colorado BY: BY: VAIL WATER AND SANITATION DISTRICT BY: MOUNTAIN STATES TELEPHONE AT.ID TELEGRAPH COMPAI.IY, d|bI A MOI,NTAIN BELL, a Colorado corPoration wr@fl ATTEST: ATTEST: t,l, ltl '.: "'g r!l/ STATE OF COLORADO )) ss. COUNTY OF DENVER ) The foregoLng Vacatlon and Abandonnent of Exieting Eaaemeat wag ecknowledged before me thle 26th day of June - ' l9q7' bt 550 15th St. Rm. 540 Denver, Colo. 80202 and Abandonment of Existing _ day of -, of lloly Cross Easement 1987, byElectricthls eaoftffiEFffirion. I{itness my hand and offlcial seal . My comtssion expires: Notary Publlc STATE OF COLORADO )) ss. COT'NTY OF EAGLE ) The foregolng Vacation and wae acknowledged before Ee thig a8 Abandonment of Exieting Easeuent dav of 1987. bv' offiITETET andSanltatlon D1strlct. Witness ny hand and officlal seal. l.[y cormnission expires : Notary Public -.0 corPoratton. Witness ny hand and official seal. My coumrission expires: \i\-.,\i APPROVED AND ACCEPTED: STATE OF COLOMDO )) ss. couNTY 0F EAGLE ) ATTEST: STATE OF CoLoRADO )) ss. COIJNTY OF EAGLE ) Abandonment of Existing Easement ;tI d"y of mr,3i d"y of -Ql-t , 1987, by',,..1.,...r. of MoBntain States-T/SfounEain 8e11, a Colorado |\tu THE SITZI'rARK AT VAIL, INC., a Colorado corporation of ExisEins Easeuent\\lo-, I tsaz, uy The foregoing Vacation and Abandonment --wrg ac.tl3wdedqed before me rhi.'s-i},^ day of@ ""tEll-..*'-ova.rr, rnc., a Uolorado corporation.ThA Sitznark at IJitness ury hand and of f icial seal. My cormission expires. .l\.',1i1 - ,,. " The foregoing Vacation and gknowlgdged before ne rhiswaLqlKno$rlFdged betore me thisff\ csbnr..rd ( ]r*,. as t STATE OF COLORADO )) ss. COI'NTY OF EAGLE ) The foregoing Vacatlon and Abandonment of Existing Easement cknowledeed before me this dav of - 1987- trv, 1997, bywas acknowledged before me this _ day of offiEej-fffiirk arasverl, Inc., a uoloraoo corporation. lJitness uy hand and official seal. My conmission expires: Or STATE OF COLOMDO COUNTY OF EAGLE ss. The foregoing Vacation and Abandonment of Existing Eaeetr€nt wes-{cknowledged before ne this ny, 3s day ef t)\xq , 1987, by ' ,.,,,.r,"r : of MoEntain Stetee -f,/VE-founratn Beil, a Coloradocorporation. Wiiness ury hand and official seal . My coronrission expires: rt,\; , ..-'---1 -. r. l. ,_ ,/. -- -- APPROVED AND ACCEPTED: ATTEST: STATE OT COLOTTADO COTINTY OF BAGLE THE SITZ},IARK AT VAIL, INC., A Colorado corporation BY: ,Z<l /- of Existing Easement\\\"_r , 1997, byffiSLcznark at l ) ss. ) The foregoing Vacation and Abandonnent -rrr9 acknwl.gdged before me this .}'\ day of -d,ill,t=j tr'\*". . as tia!-i- ovart, lnc., a Uolorado corporation. Llitness my hand and official seal . My couunission expires: . i\',1 ;t \ VACATION AND ABANDONMENT OF EXISTING EASEMENT THIS INSTRTMENT is made rhis ) d day ofby and berween._THE SITZMARK AT VAIil-INC. , a CoT6? , 1987, is the assignee INC. , which an instrumentin the records corporatio!, ("Owner") and pUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF C0LORADO,(for itself and as assignee of, or successor in interest to, GASFACILITIES, INC., a Colorado corporarion) and HOLy CROSS ELECTRIC 4lqggI4TIoN, a colorado nonprofit corporarion and uppER EAGLE vALLEySANITATION DISTRICT ANd MOUNTAIN STATi:S TELEPHONE AND TELEGMPH COMPANY, d/b/a MOTNTAIN BELL, a Colorado corporarion(collectively, t'Easement Users") . !ilHEREAS, a certain ten (10) foot utilitv easement over thenortherly-ten feet of Tract a (and adjacent to the northerlyproperty line of Tract a), Vail Village Firsr Filing, Vail,- _Qo!9rqd9, was creared by VAIL ASSOCIAfES, INC. in riie originalVail^Village First filing Plar, filed under Receprion Num6er96382 at Pages 49 and 50'-in the plat Book of Eagie Counry,colorado, allowlng Easement user the use of sucir easereni'for theconstruction, maintenance and reconstruction of sewerage, water,gas, electric and telephone transmission facilities; aiid, IHEREAS, the location of a portion of such utility easementwae nodified by documenr recordei August 12, L974 in B6ok 236 atPage 22 of the real property records-of Eagie County, Colorado.such, utility easement as reiocated is hereinafter rlferred to asthe "Utility Easement"; and, I{HEREAS, PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF COLORADOof, or successor in interest to, GAS FACILITIES,obtained the rlght to use the Uiiliry Easernenr byrecorded July 24, L964, in Book 183,-at page 157'of Eagle County, Colorado; and, _ WI{EREAS, the UtiliEy Eaeemenr ie not presenrly being usedand the Easement User has no present intention of using iuchEasement; and . IHEREAS, -a portion of Owner's building, the Sitzmark Lodge,is noqr located on a portion of the Utility Easement; :rnd, NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual nromisescontained herein and the mutual benefits to be derir,'ed and othergo-od and-valuable consideration, the receipt of whlch isacknowledged, the parties hereto hereby covenant and agree asfollows: cor HoLy cRoss ?r-pcrRrc nss&rATroN, rNC. 3?99 HIGHWAY E2 P. O. DRAWER 2I,50 GLENIY@D SPRINGS, COLORADO 81602 C)/. -1.f llr | lL )\} ,,-l \ \. (,A Gl' AREA CODE 303 945-5491 L,, o€ =to o t : lrJ (v lr, b orol @l vtl 7r\2t2 F ?u) f1ro -rRI zloo/(D^ r6crO-rO tt -.€F;d(,l-r CE i O-r l.o!|a -tl '(r);t- -./_ _LI-.' Iot ql \t €6 s,,. otec"{-68?. c 69s- FE()E E3 Fr : 5 "t '\ "gt u) 75 soulh tronlage road vail, colorado 81657 (3031 476-7000 I have just been notified by the comnunity Developnent--P:pjLt:1.11t-t!38-the-Si"!-a$ailLt_s--"rps_s*tes&j-rrs.=-ecl-eafcq*ra|'isn_was'_.__ i13::::"I; ;Tl";iT":::,,:f ,.ttre=pirrine-.:rEe1'€fri-iifa-,.h;;e:ta;;:F:.alsgo SitzmarkMr. FritchVail, co 8l_657 Dear Mr. Fritch: RP/njr June 22 , L98'l Sincerely, Finance Controller instead of the g3g,z9o riguie.- rn orde, to ..rir:';; rreerrqr)J4'5eu installnent ficrure for th6 renaining-il; ;;diii=, r took yourili!.i1i^L984.pi1'ment in the "r""ttt of 97,758 and ded.ucted thisamount from the total parking fee, $34,590 to reach the amount, tobe figured over, a four'y".r f,"rioa it io*-i"t.iJ=t. Thi_s amountis 92e,832 $rhich-result3 i; ;;-;""ua' payment of i8,464.7L.Further credit ii aue-on pu1 -r,t #a as you have paid gl_,321_.83over on each of. voyr f1r9! i"" pa1'ments. Therefore your 3rd of 4installnent pavrnents shalr be f'or g5r82i-.05 (gt464.71 instarlment#3.rninus $z,iai.sa creaii-to, v""t overpayments on installments 1and 2) ' This amount wirr be aie ol November 5, tg'.. your fourthand final installment will fe-ior Sa,aaq.ii. -'' rf you have -1ly guestions concerning this natter prease carlne at the Town officeJ. Property:SITZI,TARK with interest of tenyearly installments Futule Installrnents: The fir: Bldg perrnit f Nr\"\PROJECT_EIDG PERMTT sur,nrER-13E-- Vail, Colorado,I L987 fn i.nstallments after d?!., for value received, I pronise to pay to theorder of the Town of vail it the office or tne'Flnance Director, MunicipalBuilding at Vail, Colorado, \Twenty-eicht Thousand, Two Hundred Fortv-five DcIIar:_ \doi@ e* 'vr-..v-rJ-?E Dclrars, Nx\jI:N$Dor^rn Palment g 5,G49.00 (Due before receiving building permit. ) percgnt per annum on the unpaid balance, payable in JQas follows: -" -Cr. 128.38 July 1988 the second installnent of the third installment of the fourth. installment of due and payable or,X_JrlY _ 1989 , due and payable or Ljdl _ lSL , due and payable on, ,luLY tggt , $ $ L28.38 128. 38 $128.38 rt is agreed that.if this note is not paid when d.ue or d.eclared duehereundert th9 principal ."a-i""r"ed iirtere=i Cn"""on shall draw interestat the rate of rg perlept per .ttr.t r, and that fairure to rnake any paynentof principal or interest "it"tt ao"_ or any default under any incumbrance oragreement securing this note shall causi trre wtrore note to becone due atonce' or the interest to be counted "" p.i""i;;i;-at the option of thehorder of the note. The rnakeis--ana end6rsers^rreieor severally waivepresentment for paYment' protest, notice-on-;";;;h"nt and of protest, andagree t'o any extension of tine oi. palaoent and piriiar p.yr"rr[r-ilior., "t,or after maturitv, and if this notl 6r intere.L irr.r"on is not paid whendue, or suit is 6rought, "g-"" i" p"y ar1 reasonable costs or c;irection,including reasonable -at€orf,ey i. -i""". Property:SITZMARK Buirdins permit # \\\tPROJECT REVISED 1Ol84 PAYME REVISED Total Parking Fee Down Palment rn installments after date, for value received, r prornise to pay to theorder of the Town of vail at the office of the rinince pirectlii launicipalBuilding at Vail, Colorado, ,,Tlriftl-fgyr T! Five Eundred Ninetv porrars,Total Parking Fee Vail, Colorado,, L98',1 (Due before receiving bldg permit.) annun on the unpaid balance, payable in due and payable on with interest of ten percent peryearl-y installnents as followl: The first installment of S the second the third instalLnent of the fourth installment of due and payable due and payable on Nov. 5 1987 , on Nov. 5 l_988, $ $ 82r.. 05 464.7t rt is agreed that if this note is not paid. when due or decrared d.uehereunder, the principal and accrued iirtere"i tr,.r"on shall draw interestat the rate of 1g percent per annum, and that failure to make any palrynentof principal or interest wlren due or any d.efaurt under any incurnirance oragreement securing this note shall causE the whole note to become due atonce' or the interest to be counted. as principal , at the option of theholder of the note. The makers and end6rsers-hereof ,"v"ritiy ,.i.,r"presentment for paYnent, protest, notice. otr nottpaynent and oi'pioie=t, andagree to any extension of- tiure oi pal,rnent and piriiaf p"Vr.ni"-b"iore, at,or after maturity, and if this not-e -or intereri ih"."o-n isl noi,fuia,rr.r,due, or suit j.s b-rought, agree to pay alL reasonable costs or cbiiection,including reasonable-attoriey's fees. @DAEE f tzmark Lodge 0ctober Zg, lgg4 In of at i nstal 'lments after the Town of Vail at Vail, Co]orado, N-.o hrunJs a&prrfn6vi-'ororado date, for va] ue received, the office of the Finance Thi rty-e iqh with interest of ten percent per innum yearly instal'lments as follows: The first installment of $ 77sB.O0 the-second insta'llrnent of g 9736.54 the third installment of g 9786.54 the fourth installment of g 9786.54 with the remaining ba.lance of November 5, 'l9gg - ---- _-__ ___-________--__ __Dol .l ars , on the unpaid balance, payable in due and due and due and due and payabl e payabl e payabl e payable due and on November 5, lgg4 on November 5, l9B5 onlllovember 5, l9g6 sn November 5, l9g7 payable on , tg 9786.52 il.:i"ffli53,tlil li.lj:: r*-i:^not paid when-due or decrared 0,. h.,.una.,.l$"i4p*d;r#*;iIff*itslii;#itrff*l*",#Hffitri,;"l,rifu i#:_0r-interest when due^or,lny,dgiiuti-uni." unv lncumu-rafii"e"'J" ugr."r.nt securino;lt;"":ff;litl.t;ii:^ttre. wtroie-noi"'[o'' becoile. oue it-iiilel' or tne i nterestmgfgrs and endors!rln9tpul ' at the option..oi th;-hoi;";";i'tne note. Therit;; ;; -';ilffi ;i itljii. ili;tl l'.ffi ' fi ":fi;;iru:!_i*, i:rtl;; *f ft .,, ffi{3.i1 ,;|!.Bl[tli]-t:rysnti b;;;;;,';;, or arte*itu,iiv, an<r ir this ii;3:,' . i i' T.i:;'';ili1.:1, i: l?,.3i i :.[|:i, il;i, ji, ;irl.i:.ln ld;*il*,, I\D liri,^JLN- r DATE I promise to pay to the order Director, Municipal Building -ft r7.r, * -.< /rf, 2 /at t 2t.t4 ./oz'*r t'r'zY'u4' fu f dl/'f 'F'rs 7'rnt- Ja% Tavaaur Lrl .4tzatr 4 fz^rrnte A' Payoteur I /' 040 7*1, o^t '* 7, /Af,, tt l9 In of at installments after the Town of Vail at Vail Colorado . date, the for value received, I Office of the Finance promise Director, to pay to Munici pal the order Buil ding ifb{ q il1s' ll*.th'.4.tuba f,en percent on the unpaid'balance,_l"llll'.spP'CIQpayable in yearlY t , t fr k6a'11+e--txtwithr interest instal lments as fo]'lows: *3,K#,'.", the second insta'llnent of due due gnd and payabl e payabl e t}re third installment of $ 1' }J8-16 due and payable on the fourth jnstallment of $),,1?$'38 due and payable on :'. ti tS eeneED that if this note'is not paid when due or declared due,hereundeq, the principal and accrued interest thereon shall draw interest at the rate ot ig-plrcent'per annum, and that fai'l ure to nnke any payment of principal or interest wtreir aue or any default under.any incunbrance or agreement securing th'is note .itratt iiut" th! whoie noie to beiome due at once, 6r the interest to be counted is-prlniipal, at the option of the holder of.the note. The makers and endorsers treriot se"er6lly waive presentment for payment, protest, notice on nonpayment ina'of protest,-and agree to any extension of tinre of payment and partial payments before,'at or after raturity, and if this note orinterest thereon ]s not paro when due;or suit is broughi, agree to pay all reasonab'l e costs of collection' including reasonable attorney's fees. DATE. irt tet,sA,0.+.V6't I s_}L-53E_ tDid 4rhl-'?orlj *@U for va1ue Office of ' Vail, C , rece i ved , the Finance l9 In installmsnls 6f1sp date, of the Tovar of Vai'l at the at VaiI Colorado - $ with interest of ten Percent insta] lments as follows: The first tie second insta'l'lment of $ instal I rnent of I promise to pay to the order Director, Mun'iciPal Building Dol I ars, per annum on the unpaid'balance, payable in year'ly due and payabl e on due and payable on the third instal'lment of $..fjaLgt due and pavab'le on-S!-€r-\3-[?=-' IT IS AGREED that if this note js not pa'id when due or declared due,hereundel, tlre principal and accrued interest thereon shall draw interest at the rate oT l8 pbrcent'per annum, and that fa'ilure to nake any payment of princ'ipal or interest wheh due or any defau'l t under'any incurbrance or agreement securing this note .if,uif-iiui" th! whoie note to belome due ii-once,6r the_interest to be counted ii-priniipul, at the option of the holder of the note. The nakers and endorsers nerlof seueritty waive'presentment for payment, protest, notjce on nonpayment' ina=of Iroi"it,-and agree to any extension of time of pavment u!-d-Pilt]il !?{1enttbefore,'at or after nnturity, and if this note or interest thereon is not palo when due;or suit is broughi, agree to pay all reasonable costs of collection' inc'l udi ng rea sonab'l e attorney ' s f ees . the fourth installment of $JJtL,tL due and pavable on-par.-$-I46(:-' with the entire unpaid balance Co] ora DATE. 4 Sitzrnarle I,lodge rthy 28, 1987 Tclttn Of Vait 75 South llontage Road Vail, @ 81657 Dear Sir: Tttis is to aclspv.rledge that the Sitznark At VaiI, Inc. is responsiJclefor the tree tlat was rsnoved due to constnrction and placed jl ttre trnrk rnrth of tie Sitznark. If the tree dies before April 26, 1988, the Sitznark l-odge is responsible for replacing it w"ith a tree of the sanre appro)<imate size. If the Sitznark does nort. perform acoording wittr this asfreenEnt, Irou may take wfnte\rer J-ega]- st-eps necessaqr to force ccrpliance, including rejntx.Esslent of lega1 e>l6Enses. Sincerely,7za Robert F. Fritctr O$tner RFF/si Yeet Around Resort Lodging 1&l Gore Creek Drive r Vail, Colorado 81657 r (303) 476-5001 &" SilzmarlrIndge Nlay 28, L987 ltown Of Vail 75 South Frontage badVail, @Iorado 81557 Dear Si.r: Jerlz Ardenson is inpovrerea to sign a parkirq fee agrearent bet!'Eenthe Sitznark Lodge and tlre Itornrr Of Vail. He is also authorized to sign arry rpte that is involved il ttre transactjon. Sincere\2, C%*//726/ Robert F. Ftitctr Oefner RFE/si Yaar Aroud Reso.rt Lo<tging 183 Gore Creek Drive . Vail, Colorado 81657 r (303) 47F5001 &" Sitzrnadclndge r'by 28, L987 Itovrrn Of Vail 75 South Fhontage Road Vail, OO 81657 Dear Sir: the Sitznark Of Vail, Inc. is req>cnsiJrle for ccnpletfug the !ia1k- way ard lardscapJnq north of the Sitznark in accordarrce w-ith the agn:eed-r4nn plan. rhis will irrchde brick pavers, benches, planters ard plantirqs. the ttown Of Vail, i:r turn, will girrc credit in an anrant to be determined, to ttre Sitznark lodge agajnst any leqr that may be charged to the Sitznark for any frrture inpr.ovenent district. If ttre Sitznark does not perform jn accordarce wittt tttis agreellert by Septenlcer l,'L98'7, lur nay take vtratever legal steps necessarT to force ccnpU-ance, includjng reimburssrent of 1ega1 et{penses. SincereJ-y, e*4#za q,vner RFF/si Yaar Around Reson Lodging 18i!! Gore Greek Drive r Vail, Colorado 81657 . (303) 47&5001 4/" General Contractors, Construction Managers Construction P.O,BOX T BASAT,CO8t62t (i0i)92l.3t25 Company Ltd. 1. 2. 3. 4. R 7. COST OF WALKI,NY AND I,ANDSCAP]NG NORIII OF SITZMARK BUILD]}]G ON TCPIIN OF VAIL PROPERTY. ^[ . vL- $3,000.I 700. $20,247 .$ s00. $3,150. s1 ,000 <? CO}ilIBACTERS IEE TCEAL $2,272. (b $34,724. $l,gss./Dsnclition Road Base Fabric Pavers Installed Olrb ,.1 t -l-: ' 4/4a'/'/'{fuon ,",1-II -t'9u" " - Up n<c ,:p 3F ot' 2 tole". ;,- at<7 fl--t St- /42 t"€ Iandscapilg - I Bench :ar^lt4r?\a( | bal-.lrw General Contractors, Construction Managers Construction P. O. BOX T BASALT, CO8l52t 003)927.3t25 Company Ltd. 1 2. 5. 6. 7. CQST OF I'IALKWAY AllD UNDSCAPIIG NCRITI OF SITZMARK BTIIIDI}TG OIiI TCWN OF VAIL PROPERTY. coarTRegrEns rm TqIAL $3 ,855 . $3,0oo.$ 7oo. $20,247.$ 500. $3,150. $1,000 $2,272. s34 ,724. Demclition Road Base Fabric Pavers Installed Iardscaping Bench General Con ors, Construction Managers Construction P. O. BOX T BASALT, CO8r62r (303)927.1t25 Company Ltd. 1 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 1 COST OF VALKINY AND IANDSCAPI}G IiORItI OF SITZMARK BTIILDIT{G ON TCT,iN OF VAIL PROPERTY. Dqnlition Road Base Fabric Pavers Installed Curb Iardscaping Benctr s3, ooo .$ zoo. $2A,247 .$ 5oo. $3,150. $1,000 s2,272. $34,724. COIilTRACTERS FEE TUTAL MiJ<e SilznranlrI,odge l4ay 9, 1987 Itisten Pritz Irolvn of Vail 75 Scuth Fr:ontage RoadVail, Colorado 81657 Dear lcisten, Itb have rerrielred ]pur proposed parking space adjustrrent for ttreqrrrent Sitznark addition, and r,re agree that ttre nnrber of additional spaces is correct. Hotr,ever, there seens to be scne Snconsistencry in the cal-culat.lon for ttre value of slEces. l{hen r,ve gave up ttre t}rree lodge rocm spaces in 1984, r,ve r,rere given credit of $3,000 a space, and you are ctrargirq us 951000 a spacefor addJrg back these ttrree lodge rocms. llhis seecns ilconsistent, and it qould be appropriate to ctnrge us the S3,000 for addilg back the rocrns sinoe tlnt is all vp were credited for w?ren we took ttral aoay. Itre 1984 calctrlations were set forth in Tlcrtr Bran:n's letter of October 29, L984, a oog/ of v*rich is attactred. RFF/si Erc. Sincerely,ffi* bbert F. Fritdr Ovner Year Arcund R.sort Lodging 183 Gore Greek Drive r Vail, Colorado 81657 o (303) 47G5001 */" lnwrt 75 soulh tronlaga road vall, colorado 3't657 (303) 476-7000 0ctober 29, .|984 Bob Fritch Sitzmark Lodge lB3 East Gore Creek Drive Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear Bob, I have gone over the parking sjtuatior fol 'lowi ng: Commercial Addition 3611 square feet (new space) - 300 7 surface spaces rC Cred i ts ofllce of communlty devqlopmcnt Re: Sitzmark Parking Fees for the Sitzmark and propose the = 12.03 sp;1ces : + 7.00 Ie.tu- 4 spaces (re-opened in '3, lodge rooms 12.93 spaces G $3,000 = basement) - 4.00- 2..l0 Total spaces 12.93 $38,790 l-nese numbers should be fairly se1 f-explanatory. There was a s:l ight increasein the total square footage of the addition when I measured the entire area ofthelodge rooms that are converted to commercial. Credit has been given for the removal of the three rooms, as wel| as for the four spaces you will re-open in the basement. I feel these figures represent a reasonable compromise, You will find a promissary r,ote enclosed for your signature. It is based on an initial payment of l/5 of the amount due, with the remaining amount financed over the next four years. Any questions concerning payment schedules can be directed to Rich Parzonko at 476-7000. Bob Fritch Sitzmark Lodge 1012s/84 Page Two Please fee1 free to cal'l me with any questions are amenab]e to these figures, I would expect and signed pnomisary note. by Monday, November Si ncerely,/t( \bt^ Thomas A. Braun Town Planner TAB: bpr rr' r' Asswning youinitial paynent r:..!: Constmction Company Ltd. P.O.BOX T MSALT,CO8t62r (303)927.3r25 Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Road Vai1, Colorado 81657 Attention: Gary Gent lemen, Ron Gay of Eagle Valley Foundations is presently doing the foundation work for us at the Sitzrnark Lodge in Vail. He is being covered under JDMIs liability insurance coverage for this project. If you have any questions please give us a ca11. Sincerely, JDM Construction Co. Ltd tr',^Wt)ffir b[" ". watkins General Con ors, Construction Managers May 8, 1987 NA A. G. WASSENAAR. INC. 2 | 80 S_ TVANHOE. SUTTE 5 CEOTECHNICAL CONSULTANIS oENv6R. COLORAOO 4O222PHO E: 303/799.8 | OO May 4, 1987 Piper Architects P.O. Box 5560 Avon, Colorado 81620 Attention: Mr. Duane Piper Subject: Gentlemen: At the request of tie Contraetor, we visited the subjeet site on April 24 and 30, 1987. The purpose was to observe the bearing subsoils proposed for exterior footingS on the east end and K-2 and K-3 eolumn footings. Our reeommendations are based upon our observatiors of the existing strueture, design information regarding column loading conditions provided by the struetural engineer, Mr. Charles Zeeher, and a subsoil investi- gation by Woodward-Clyde and Associates, dated July 8, 1969, completed for the original strueture. At the time of our April 24 visit, the bearing soil was exposed along Column Line 1. Tte bottom of the exeavation was loeated at a depth of 6 to ? feet below tJre top of concrete in tJte entrance level. Ground water was observed at the northeast eorner of footing exeavation. On April 30 bearing soils were identified at a depth of 9.0 feet at Column Location K-2 and K-3. The soils observed at bearing level at Column Pad K-2 and K-3 eonsist of loose to medium dense, wellaraded, slightly silty, gravelly sand. We recommended to the Contraetor that all aeeessible bearing soits be eompaeted with a waeker type hand com- pactor to reduce future settlement as the loads are applied. In otn opinion, no additional exploration borings or test pits under tlre existing or proposed footings is neeessary. The sand and gravel supporting tJle underpinned eolumn Footings K-2 and K-3 should carry the additional loading without excessive settlement. Differential settlernent gteater than t/2 to 3/4-inch normally is eonsidered to be exeessive. However, some settlement and assoeiated cracking should be expected. Standard underpinning procedures are reeommended for all footing areas. Tte more important proeedures are as followsl a) remove the load from existing footings by transferring tlre load at adjaeent points Projeet Number 5416 ra- Piper Arehiteets Projeet Number 5416 May 4, 19{? Page Two eompacting the surfaee of the bearing soils pliace eonerete footing or eolumn to within U2 to I inch of the existing beam or wall allow eoncrete to eure ? days minimum dry pack an e:pansive cement grout in the 1/2 to 1 inch void until completely filled f) jack tJre new support vertically downward using ttre old wall or beam as the reaction point. The purpose is to preload the bearing soils under the proposed footing Along Column Line 4, the bearing soils under the proposed eolumn pads should be natural, uttdisturbed material witl a bearing value of 21000 psf. We should inspeet the bearing soils under this column line after the existing pads have been removed and excavations extended to 21000 psf bearing material Other bearing soils which will require inspeetion would be Column Locations G ttrrough U, 1 and 2. If you have any questions eoneerning this letter or our inspections, do not hesitete to contact our offiee. Sineerely, A. G. WASSENAAR,INC. b) c) d) e) AGW/tla Enelosures (2) Statement of Serviees ce: Mr. Charles Zeeher, P. E. (1) JDM Construction Management, Ine.,Attention: ti:-t'gszo "-'f _4. Opr a C)ooio ItF0F aocIoo G' oooFo o! Eo o(, ooD UlIoa qc ooo o .€Io o .s ==! FEEto EaoEo! s/4/87 Gary Murrain Chief Building Official Town of Vail . 75 S. Frontage Rd. 1{. Vail, C0 81657 Re: Gary: Irm encl-osj.ng plans that indicate the revisions necessary for compl-iance with Type II, t hour construction. A11 roof franing and wall framing has been changed to steel material-. At the rriting of this letter, Irm continuing the revisionsLife Safety Requirements of Chapter One of U.B.C. Appendix. forward proof of conpl-iance at future time. These plans should also be reviewed with Kristan and Bill for notation of changes in the following: 1) DRB window design 2) Drainage of roof 3) Sidewal-k width for fire access 4) Kitchenerre for IlIill J.J- colrins asked how much of the roof would be visible frorn r-70 and Morter replied that the parapet wourd be visible fromboth lanes of I-70 and that it woulcl hide the nechanicaleguipnent. JJ then asked at what point the mechanicar equipnentwould be visible and was told it would be visible beginning atsinba Run and above. Morter pointed out that the ne6haniciteguipnent would be visible at any rate, but that the flat roofwould hide it as much as possibre. He hras asked if the northside of the buitding could be treated the same as the south, and.repJ-ied that it would not make sense, because the situationswere different. JJ felt the mechanical equiprnent would behighly visible fron Sinba and above. He stated that thebuirding reminded hin of strip shopping centers. Morter fertthat the building was unigue and not like a strip shoppingcenter. Tom Braun stated that Larry Eskwith felt the pEc approval wourdrnerely allow the appliant to go to DRB with the flit roof.Peter Patten asked if everyone understood why the sloping roofwas called for. He exp].ained that pitched roofs versus iratroofs were an ongoing controversy in Vail . ft was felt thatthis area would re uriae up of nuiti-ttoor office buirdings andthe council decided that they wanted sloped roofs nith 3:l-2 as aninirnun pitch. Viele felt that a pitch 6t s:12 did not doanything, but read as a flat roof and would not look alpine.Tom mentioned that the 3s12 was a minimum pitch. Morter fertthat he was meeting the intent of tne-pIEched roof with hisdesign. iIJ remained conEE?nEE about the visibility of themechanical eguiprnent on the roof. Morter repeated that that waswhy he was going with a flat roof. J.J. felt that the traffic issue seemed to be part of a muchlarger issue. Peter tord the board that he naa rraa a meetingwith the-Highway Department, the Transportation departnent anathe Part<ing Task Force. The Highway Department asked that theTown eliminate one access to the Ola Town Shops. peter feltthat it was difficult to address one issue wilhout looking atthe entire area at this point. Jay fert, that there was roon inthe whole area to create more lanes. He said the HighwayDepartment seemed to feel cornfortabte with the additional accessat.the proposed site. J.J. said he had no problero with theexit, but did with the whore area. He wanted to see more studvto hide the mechanical eguipnent Jim Viele had no probrem with the setbacks and fert the flatroof was the best way to hide the rnechancial eguipment. He didnot remember the PEC feeling strongly about flat ioofs in theArteriar Business District. Viele rett trrat regarding parking _and circulation, each site must be looked at indiviauiriyb_ecause-of changes made since the circulation plan was adopted.viere did not have any problen having the access be an exitonly and could have signage to that effect. J.J. asked viele if PEC 3/e/87 # 3 .'I he meant the signage would be exit only to the right, and Jirnanswered that as far as he was concerned people could turneither way because there was lots of right-of-way to work withand the acceleration/deceleration lanes could be extended to thewest. Viele then rnentioned that at the Old Town Shops, people were backing onto the Frontage Road. Tom pointed out that a right turn',acceleration lane was notcalled for in the plans presented.\ Morter said that with thespeed linit al 25, it was not needed. Diana pointed out that much of the tirne the white lines were not visible because ofsnow. Peter asked Jay if the speed linit woul_d be reduced near Cascade when Cascade puts acceleration/deceleration lanes in andJay replied that the speed linit would be 35 to Cascade, then 45beyond Cascade. Peter felt that it was critical that theHighway Department look at the plan proposed. Morter statedthat he would like to resolve the roof and setback issues and come back later with the access issue. Jin Viele felt that there was a consensus to table the issue ofthe access. Hobbs moved and Osterfoss seconded to a rove the r est forthe front setback recruest and the roof slo var ance due tohvsical hards e staff memo dated 3/9/87 askedf Morter were w to t the mechan caI thecolor of the roo uck o trre para t wa1 and ![ortersaid he was will The vote was 6-0 infavor of the two variances. Donovan moved and Schultz seconded to table the lssue of theseconaccessuntil the f rst meet n April f the staff hashad two weeks which to review the new submit I.e voteI'ras 6-0 tabIe. 3.A recruest for an exterior alteration and for a densicontrol variance in order to construct an a on to theSitzmar canc:zr=:_Sitzmark Lod b Fritch Kristan Pritz showed a model of the Sitznark proposal andexplained that the proposal included adding 3 acLomrnodat,ionunits wt-rich regui-red a density variance. After explaining thememo related to the exterior alteration, Kristan added ttrit tnesixth condition asked for by the staff should. be amended toinclude I'credit will be given the owner in an eguitable mannerfor expenses incurred in improvernents rel_ated to this project.nShe then explained the density memo. Duane Piper, the architect representing the owner, summarizedthe density request and explained that 3 accommodation units hadbeen renoved when retail was added to the Gore creek Drive sideof the building.. The applicant was now reguesting to add 3accommodation units. PEC 3/e/e7 # 4 I { Jim Viele felt the presentation was well done and the requestfell within the guidelines of the Land Use plan. He sta€ed thatthis was obviousty a large investrnent by the owner, that itwould be an inprovenent to the pedestrian way, and that it was agood example of expansion within linits. J.J. Collins asked ifthere was any reason why the owner would not want to utilize theremaining a11owable GRFA at the present time. Diana Donovan wished to have a guarantee for 3 or 4 years thatthe large tree on the west side would live. Bob Fritch, theowner.and applicant, objected to that requirement, stating thathe paid for the tree originalLy and did not feel it was tiir toask him to guarantee the lite of the tree when transplanted.Bob added that it was going to be expensive to move, and hewould have capable peopte move the tree. Diana replied that itseemed fair. She discussed the railing on the wall near thecreek and felt it did not seem appropriate. Duane explainedthat the creek bank was very steep in that area and the railingwas for safety as well as transparency. Peter showed plans of the pedestrian area along the creek (GoreCreek Prornenade) and stated that the staff is working withWinston and Associates, Craig Snowdon, Duane piper and gob Fritch on the design. Diana said she preferred benches like theones at Gorsuch because the benches used at the Berl rower andat Vendettas were splitting. Diana rnoved and Peggy osterfoss seconded to approve the densityvariance per the staff memo dated March 9, Lgb7. The vote was6-0 in favor. Diana moved and Bryan Hobbs seconded to approve the reguest forexterior alteration per the staff nerno dated March 9, I98z withthe addition to condition #6 as stated by Kristan. The vote was6-0 in favor. 4.Proposed revision to the Urban Desi Guide Plan and arequest for an exterior alteration orcer o construct anaddition to the plaza Locl,qe BuApplicant: Plaza Lodge RssoE eS, L Tom Braun showed a model and explained the changes rnade sincethe last presentation. He felt that the new changes had noeffect on the street enclosure and the street edge was nowdefined.. Craig Snowdon, architect for the propoial , added rnoreinfornation about the changes. Diana Donovan suggested using tree guards around the aspens.Peggy Osterfoss asked about the deck enclosure of Vendettars andwanted to know if the windows would be abLe to be opened.Discussion of the windows followed with the final agreenent that PF.C 3/e/87 # 5 I \ the openings lrroul-d be covered with 7 sliding glass doors, 5 ofwhich wourd be stackable and the 2 panes that did not open wourdbe at ej-ther end. Peter asked that the pEC explain clelrly whythey were supporting the deck enclosure, which could Ue thatwith nost of the windows operable, the deck was only beingpartially closed. Discussion followed concerning whether or not to reguire thewindows,to be open a certain number of days. Ton pointed outthat this did not work at the Red Lion. peter aaaea that withthe Red Lion, there were problens with communication between thetenant and the owner, with the tenant not realizing that hecourd not close the windows at night during the time the windowswere expected to remain open, which resulted in a securityproblem for the tenant. ft seemed better to make the windowsoperable and trust the restaurant operator to keep them openwhen possible. Diana stated that she liked the proposed changes on BridgeStreet but could not support the deck enclosure. 5. an Hobbs moved and Osterfoss seconded to ove theest with the co ons per the staff memo da 3/9/87.The vote was 5 I (Donovan) aqainst. A recruest for a conditional use ernit in order toconstructan ad tion to the Tree reschoolocated at L29 No Frontaqe Road. Rick {rlman explained the addition and where it would belocated. He mentioned that the ABC school next door had beentold of the addition and did not voice any objections. J.J.Coll=lfrg rnoyed and Dian? Dolgvan seconded Lo anprove the -condr-tional use rgquest. The vote was 6-O in favor. A request for front and side setback variances in order to6. Atrtplicant:ae1 Tennenbaum Rick Pylrnan explained that the request was for side and frontsetback variances. He reviewed the consideration of factorsnecessary in order to approve the reguest and explained that thestaff recommended approval of the front setback variance anddenial of the side setback variance reguest. The staff feltthat there was no physical hardship to warrant approval of theside setback variance. Jay Peterson, representing the applicant, stated that evenbefore the property had gone througlr the subdivision process,the appricant has planned to build in this location iir order'to PEc 3/s/87 + 6 ) 6.oq o 'a- ?\,ooa pr ^5{4tr g/zz/W -// C rU h'*Lw*/'* @fr,-,- Z /*?,2 tur.r- cd4&4/" .4r-\ nlry V/^4-Z un--/ to2z4-d71'/ -4,L*; ,q^-44^/ //lJ/a/,4,,:' / oo /il-P ff' f)a rrrw\\,'- r A:J;d- Gu; /2. o) J,No 1" J,Mo 1,/&""^ ) G ,o7 o Z l. oao - eLJ ,,MD t ' ( es'*o f t', 01 o lZ, ooo t,,'\ <-OO/- k zL, --s-o c) q 1s;,1,&:,ry \ 6r)lDny-t) oo 3rl,f{o ,p,j)l pdffi-"tu,\ Project Application Proiect Name: Proiect Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect. Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Zone - Comments: Design Review Board Date APPROVAL----------T..\ J DISAPPROVAL -r):. L./ ,:)i)t,./ :a1? f Project Application Proiect Name: Project Descripiion: I(t'... r., ) t-- ( Contact Person and Phone Own€r, Address and Phone: Legal Oescriplion: Lot Block Filing Zone Comments: Design Review Board Date ,l;t( Motion by: \' j/ ' Seconded by: APPROVAL\"o DISAPPROVAL LI I!l )i"l /1,, 1. El statt Approval 75 south trontage road yail, colorado 81652 (303) 476_7000 March L9, L987 otflce of communlly development Mr. Duane PiperP.O. Box 5560Avon, Colorado 81620 Re: Sitznark Lodge, Design Review Board Review 3/L8/87 Dear Duane: At the March LSth DRB meeting, the Board made the followingconments: L. Most rnembers felt that you should study in more detailthe northwest corner of the lodge. They felt that thebrick on the reaL estate office was not cornpatlblewith the retail addition be1ow. It was suglested thatthe brick be extended down through the retiil using apllaster. It was also suggested €trat ttre real estat,eofflces railing.have sorne-design conpatibillty withtbe existing railings on the building. 2. The Board also requested that the brick be integratedinto the east retail expansion. It was also sufgested.that the accornmdation unitsr balcony supports b6-renoved. Due to the fact that r will be out of town, r had asked you totry to subnit drawings by March 22, L98Z t; Tom or Rick.' ff youare unable to subnit the drawings by this tine, please ret thErnknow so that they can take the sitzmark off of'tile agenda forthe April I, 1987 DRB meeting. In general commentsr-it seemedto ne that the Board Liked the project. Good ruck on tbe rst. Sincerely,../1,./ -,/ .{t / fr'rro 4 ,-rO'Kristan Pritz To$rn Planner 75 .oulh fronlrge road v.ll, colorrdo 81657 (303) 470-7000 March 19, 1987 oltlce of communlly devclopment Mr. Duane Piper P.O. Box 5560 Avon, Colorado 8L620 Re: Sitznark Lodge, Design Review Board Review 3/L8/87 Dear Duane: At the March 18th DRB meeting, the Board made the foJ-lowing comnents: 1. Most members felt that you should study in more detailthe northwest corner of the Lodge. They felt that thebrick on the real estate office was not compatiblewith the retail addition below. It was suggested thatthe brick be extended down through the retail using apilaster. It was also suggested that the reaL estateoffices railing have some design conpatibility withthe existing railings on the building. The Board also reguested that the brick be integratedinto the east retail expansion. It was also suggestedthat the accommdation units' balcony supports be rernoved. Due to the fact that I will be out of town, I had asked you totry to subrtrlt drawings by March 27, l-987 to Tom or RIck. If youare unable to subnit the drawings by this tine, please let thern know so that they can take the sitznark off of the agenda forthe April 1, 1987 DRB neeting. In general comments, it seenedto rne that the Board liked the project. Good luck on the Ist. Sincerely, L,/81--Q+u'Kristan Prl-tz 2. Town Planner o R/r4 ltu t+o&'+N{';l |,iffi\)f \Ltu , fry,Iryl,llq,.r |)0" n lht4fr,,"t^ry ^*,,.il hoLfrkt 4b* i.,r* qui,&[tt X,rr", r}{$["-k ,A b^,i,q No'[b [.r\*,^a.*\- v I""fq^-+IL .l^AU- -5*PW\ ioeoll-.ffi u,,iil. ry,rh,g-h,telv O rerV J -bry,'ilM,mii@^"fu{^sdu 6"d; (^\MI,*Y*,0,^^rd ^ +\^r-r0,i;i&,,tffW I, ba- J,/n\M^^kd'n" {irL{a/ S\., 09[o!o wr\f. Wa1nnwp $oAu[ Wr-lt,,fftv-l ,5 , ut$f,rTac6n1 ', Y \ op{oo}a.rX[ w,tyI \,,_rrn'J,j WI_hH^ilH\bd, , bri.L-,a,r --' Unn o\rraV brrcl-- alQ,r. retnr ,o^\\or-n -pc\- 'hoilQ9u NY/\{- do/l.l" cffAhnU\ )ul1, , no 1',,ol|r^,...-,."1\ fti,I- NAME 0F PR0JECT: The Sirzmerk Lortpe ,-. =,lEenr- oEscnIPTIoN: '"t LIST OF MATERIALS '| ) E.'.ranei on nf 6 I ndge rnnms ?,) 3 new I odge rooms ?) Evfransion and rpmodel of pntire retai l frontage l) New wal kwny Fla-a 5) Extend iC€- information is required for submjttal by the applicant to the Design Review a final approval can.be fiven: I',IATERIALS: TYPE OF MATERIAL COLOR STRTET ADORESS: DESCRIPTION OF P The following Board before A. BUILDING B. LANDSCAPING: Roof Si di ng Other |,la'l'l Materi al s Fascia Soffi ts }Ji ndows l,lindow Trim Doors Door Trirn Hand or Deck Rails Fl ues Flashings, Ch imneys Trash Enc'l osures Greenhouses 0ther Tar and grnvel gfaY Panclsl-orpfront-/Igrn. rose accenc St-rrr-co white Rri ck match exi st - Ro'rgh cpdar . dark hrown I X 6 T&G rerlar natrrra I Lrlnnd dk - hrown evceFt- 6l storefront. lrlood dk - hrnr^rn Wnad w/ g1 a-inq dk- nt"t" """"nt at storefronr / natural. Llnnd dlz hrnr,rn Fnugh Cpdar dlz htnun (f tt"". -hi to Mptq l at rnnd pdgp dL hrnr,m ayi nta Name of Designer: phone: PLANT MATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED Botanical Nane Common Name Quani ty Si ze* Pl-eaSe-nOte lhar a lqnda,^ape p 1a n--:i-s-sl5n j-Lt ed r.lj-t"L- this application. ftm requesting a separate review oi:.bj,golan ge al lovr fur'ther r e vj-eu-€.nd.- j^op ut Jroo'- Town of Vaj.1 planni.ng staff. Indicdte height for conifers. (over) *Indicate cal'iper for deciducious trees. 1p\ T0:. Design Review Board Applicants for projects in CCI and CCII FR0M: Department of Cornmunity Development Development proposals in CCI and CCII are reviewea Uy ttre Design Review Board w_ith respect to Design considerations as outlined in the urban-Design Guide l'l an. These Design Considerations address various architectural ani landscapefeatures. It is the responsibility of the applicant to demonstrate whethertheir proposal is complying with these considerations. The Design Considerationsfor the Village and Lionshead are available upon request. Please feel free to contact Tom Braun or Kristan Pritz with any questions you may have. Vail Village 'l . Roofs TI{E SITZMARK IODGE 183 Gore Creek Drive VaiL, C0 2, Facades 3 . Ba'lconi es 4, Decks and Patios 5. Accent Elements 6. Landscape Elements 7. Service Lionshead l. Heights and m{ssing 2. Roofs Facades wal I s,/structure Facades - Transparency u0.tur Roof is of tar and gravel construction on a 2/12 pitch. Overhangs are 3t to 4t ln length. Roof forms steP dovn towards the street. Fascia is approx. l6tt to 18t' thk. Wal1 surfaces are primaril.y white stucco with the extension of the second level office in brlck. Some wood acceRt with occur at the retail shops with greater use of color. Windows are varied wlth many having rnuntins. Balconles occur from all new and extended rooms. Railing matches existing sty1e.(curved and wood). The raiJ.ing at the real estate office balcony is iron wiEh Sreater transparency. No patios or dining decks occur in this remodel . Exposure is primarily to the north and in shadow' Additionally' no current business existing requires or requests a deck. Accent occurs in the retail shop frontage with use of of wood detail and color. Also, an awning is planned for the entrance to the 1odge. Extensive landscaping is being done on the west. side of the building in the form of an alpine garden. New paving and trees are proposed for the north area' along r.ri th benches and flower plant.er areas constructid of stone to match exlsting planters. Service exists through the garage area and is unchanged. 3. 4. t (over) 75 soulh fronl€ge .oad Yail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 otflce of communlly development April 24, L987 Mr."Duane PiperP.O. Box 5550Avon, Colorado 81620 Re: Building perrnit review for the Sitzrnark Lodge Dear Duane: The following.itens wilr need to be addressed before r can signoff on the building perrnit: PEC Recruirernents 1.The owner wilr subnit a retter fron a landscape architectto staff that confirrns that the spruce tree cln berelocated- safely to the adjacent open space area alongGore Creek. The proposed location- of tle tree is to lheeast of the existing lanp post by the pedestrian bridge.If the tree is not able to-be reiocated, the applicanfwill-provide a new tree of the same species, siie andquality. A perfornance bond wilr be iecruiria in the cascquarrEy. A perroJnance bond will be recruired in the caseun" t.a" r **$*y''\\.t/ The owner will subnit a.plan for roof drainage. Accord.ingt" 9lT Town engineer, gilt anarews, he is unible to findanything on the building pennit d.rawings that indicateshow roof drainage will be-handled.. At the tirne of building permit, tlre owner will subnit awritten- regal .agreement -stipuriting the irnpr-vements andcosts which will be.covered-by the owner c6ncerning thepedestrian plaza, sidewark and randscape improvelnlnts anawill provide a letter of credit to cover the cost ofirnprovements. 3. t d-x DPX Additional fnforrnation A reasonable dinension for the sidewal_k must be aqreedupon between you and the Fire Department. The kitchenette must bedrawings for the secondthe code, but an actual Please indicaternaintain the 43 removed fron the building permitlevel . A wet bar is allowed underkitchenette is not perrnitted. the roof ridge elevation which willfoot height limit. @ According to the Design Review Board d.rawings, the windowsfor the second froor office addition had. mulLions. on the'' building perrnit drawings, these mullions are not shown.Please let me know if there is a change. f talked to Rict: about the canopy and signage for thenorth entrance into the Sitznark. It appeais that thiswas not thoroughly discussed by the Deslqn Review Board.I feel that it would be best ii you would subroit a signageapplication and canopy design for ttris area. On the north elevation there is a new roof support. Thi.swas not on the Design Review Board drawings. -fs this an-ecessary support for your roof structure? I suppose ifthe roof will fall down without it, we better inliude it!ft_was.also my understanding that the existing supportsunder the decks on the east portion of ttre uuilaiir-g wj.rlbe removed. ?G. a Please subrnit this additional inforrnation as soon asso we can release the building perrnit for the rest ofproject. possible the I have also enclosed information on the,parking, recreation,and Design.Review Board fees. The parkiirg ree-ior commercialspaces is gl-3,200 and for residentiil spa6es, St-5,045. Thisc,reates.a total .parking fee of 92a,24s.- The'recreation ree-rorEne pro]ect is 93,108. The Design Review Board fee is based onthe.project valuation. Does the S4ZS,OoO valuation for theproject al-so includes the irnprovements to the sid.ewatr arei: rneed to know the totar projeit valuation before r can gi""-yo"-the actual Design Review B6ard fee. Please let me know if you have anydiverse comments. fhairks for yourproj ect. Sincerelv,v. I fi,}-'Itfifld,c\ t<ft \tKridtan Prj-tz Town Planner questions about thesecontinued trelp on this t USE East Retail West Retail Corner Retait Office TOTAL PARKTNG AOR COMMERCTAL STTZMARK BUTLDTNG PERMTT CHECK 4/24/87 PARKING SQ. FT 540 s. f . )297 s.f.) Total 1092255 s.f.) 207 s.f. RESIDENTIAL EXPANSTONS,s28,245 3.6 SPACES 4.4 spaces .576 .798 .837 .798 3.009 Total Comroercial spaces accornmoaation Unit Additions #104 77 s.t.l#105 rrs s.i.i*2I2 n s.f.i#2L4 tr5 s.f.i#3L2 7z s.t.i#314 lls s.f.j New Accomnodation Units #2L6 398 s.f.#218 437 s.f.#316 398 s.f. Total Residential Spaces !".T:""1?1_space = $3,ooolspaceResidential = g5,ooollpacl - (Total gonm. spa:e:l f_l"orT: space cost) = (conm. park. fee)4.4 spaces x g3rood = grr,ioo (Total resid. Spaces)-x-lf.=.^:pa:g_cost) = (res. park fee)3.009 spaces x $S,odo = gr-s,Oas FEE A}ID oo DlrHq@r*.el . r,l g>\t+&^a( CCt'tr "ffiaW$-*3 oW;"#l,a^"^t/0lh PARKING CALCI'LATIONS FOR ACCOMMODATTON UNITS EXTST.PROPOSED FT 338 346 305 30s 305 305 (rec. fee for 91. OO EXTST. PARK GRANDFATTIERED .738 .746 .705 .705 .705 .70s SO FT PROPOSED PARKTNG = DIFF 104 105 2L2 2L4 3L2 314 .o77 .115 .o77.lls .o77 .115 .576 ?7 115 77 11s 77 115 .815 .861 .782 .820 .782 .820 Total RECREATION FEE usE sQ FT RETATL OFFICE RESIDENTIAL L,o92 207 1,809 3r108 new sg.ccr) x (total TOTAL RECREATION 3r109 FEE DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FEE - ft) s 3,108 s 31 108 ProJ. Valuation _4. Op E a { C)a o. cFoFIoItoIoo G, ooloFo o! Eo ot EotE oo roIfxo! aqc ooo o.cIo lD .E =I! FocJg E EsttEo! 4/2r/87 Gary Murrain, Chief Tovm of Vail Vail , C0 81657 Re: Sitzmark Lodge Building 0fficial Gary: The following is a breakdown of request . Basement :Retail- (B-2) Lobby (R-1) Garage (B-1) Fi-rst floor: Restaurant(A-3)0ffice (B-2). Lodse (R-1) Retail- (B-2) Second floor: Lodse (R-1) Third floor: . Lodge (R-1) Fourth floor: Residence (R-3) The original buiLding appears to The additions being done in the Type III (1 hr.). Please dontt hesitate to contact building areas and uses as per your be classified current renodel meI shottld vorr 4582 sf .tt420" <q4 7392( ILtt ' ^t 6tt 2884 sf.L46"'n 474o t 0)'3400 ' 3750 , . L/t/ 7056 sf - 76 ['tt lr''- 7056 sf. 1800 sf. as a Type I construction. are classified as need frrrther infnrmati on. I)rrane Pi ner ***I.IEMORANDUM*** TOr 6ARY I'IURRAINT BUXLDING OFF_ICIAL FROf"fr f"fIKE l.lc6EE, FIRE !4ARSHAL/,/ DATEI APRIL 16r tqgT L/REr VAIL FIRE DEPARTI'IENT PLAN CHECI'I EXTZMARK t. 2. 3. 4. s. ********** AccrsE to north rldc of building cannot br rcducrd brlo* 12 frt' Bubmit fire elrrm plan rhowing existing end new plan Flre elnrm ryrtcm murt be recertified thew rchrdul e of rqui pment in kitchenettp Bhow mrchani cr on gas fircplaces in guest rooms LUe \o a{\ad".draJJr'Y flerrl lAcoactrn&^-T, t't'l'"1 (7''-o':.iu^ttta'7l' nyn L r cnYr o]lr[FXoBfi 'h,o[Elil'*l3ri15Fr-li^ r NTA r N DATE qn/w Fence l,|all -Landscap i ng- 0ther OhlNER NAME OF PROPERTY ri nt 0F APPLICANT n"r, prrt"n Corner lot__ x_Inside lot (to scale- or z gArE__4:__&E-8 7sropercyor nt owne th signatures rL [D b ft ADDRESS LEGAL DESCRIPTI0N 0F PROPERTY T0 BE SERVED:. LOT_BLOCK_51SUBD. vail vilrase First(If necessary, attach description on separate street.) DESCRIPTION 0F sTRUcruRE 0R ITEM(S) INT0 RIGHT-0F-WAy st"i. r.,,,, .,Attach plans showing encroachrygnt, property line, sidewijff#fiimeters, manholes, any.other affectei aiurtinance in the project areadimensioned) and section(s) as weil as'erevations (ii ipbriiiui"i.-- Does structure presently exist? y".- M^t".i.r ""a . Proposed date for commencement of constructjon 4/27/87 In consideration of the issuance of a revocable permit for the structure above indicated,applicant agrees as follows: That the structure herein authorized on a revocable permit basis js restrjcted exclu-s'ive1y to the land above described. That the.permjt is limited specifically to the type of structure described in thisappl icat'ion.3. That the appli:11!:hal1 notify the- Town Manager, or his duly authorized agent, twentyfour hours in advance of the time for commenc6ment of constrirction, in order that properinspection may be made by the Town.4. That the gPplicant agrees to indemnify and save harmless the Town of Vail from andagainst a'l I claims,-suits, damages, c6sts, losses and-expenses in any manner reiuitingfrom'.arising out of, or connecied with the erection or maintenance of the aboveidentified structure. 5' That the permit may be revoked whenever it is determined that the encroachment, obstruc-tion, or other structure constitutes a nuisance, destroys or impairs the use of theright-of-way by the public, constitutes a traffic hazari, or th; p"opeiiy upon whichthe encroachment, obstruction, or structure exists is required toi^ ule Uy tne public; - 9!" it pay be revoked.g! any time for any reason deemed srjfficient Uv-ifre"Town of Vail.6. That the appiicant wil.l reirove, at his Lxpense, ine enc"oachment, obstruction, orstructure within ten days after receiving'notice of any revocation of said permit.7' That. the applicant agrees to maintain any tanasiaping"issociated with the encroachmenton the right-of-way.8. That in the event sa'id removal of the encroachment, obstruction, or structure isnot accomplished within ten days, the Town is hereby authorized to remove same andhave the right to make an asseisment against-th- pi6p.itv and collect the costs ofremoval in the same manner as general iaxes are .biiiit"o.9. That.the permit so issued is n6t assignabie, una-ir iiir.a so1e1y to the undersignedappl i cant.10. That the applicant has read and understands all of the terms and conditions set forthin this appiication.ll. Special conditions; None t. 2. APPROVED: too h, fu4lo- n9^,. ei/ ar$ 4 qty ft4/tttnlail-' -fre\, ^(+ | ..+ia: \ I ar&.F@F 1Td, t-ffiffi rNl\l r 'tl ot Y; oclt $a$ B$ -b rncrord Donhil O Va Src : -t-- 404\, l,hr,torlC '-, 8b- . ',-d-e-' jr OT N,tl. st 6,.**l.,."J q je dffii+ a Vllvt ri>r* WtLqA ft$ntu-e' P.r+*A.4d*#lNe - altqltl+e 24ft++1 -----1Nr&. ._6i+r,-u <iatg WaR+ \ \ l i _)-a -"t ///p/ _*_4 A4<o&' tgu6f0 LANDSCAPE PLAN rN.to S,Ii;;;' "'"' crra gAll ? UTILIfi LOCATION VERIFICATION SUBDIVISION q,fril JOB NAME IoT BtocK_.J=-a_FILING #,/ ADDREiI /t,? _{n,n P.non,( t)r- The location of utilities, whether they be main trunk lines or proposedlines, nust be approved and verified by the following utilities for the accornpanying site plan. Authorized Signature Date Mountai n Be'l'l 1- ?44-k1s7 Western Slope Gas{lF- 1549fr-2528 Publii Service Company Gary Ha1'l Holy Cross Electric Assoc. Ted Husky/Michael Laverty Vail Cable T.V..leff H.yghqs ;949-5530 Upper Eagle Valley llater and Sanitation Discrict David Krenek (Please bring a site Plan when obtaining UEVIISD 44?-87 #. * For new cons please fill ou attached sheet s'i gnatures ) NOTE: These verifications do not relieve the contractor of his responsibility to obtain a street cut pernit fron the Town of Vail, Departrnent of Public Works and to obtain utility locations before digging in any public right- of-way or easement in the Town of Vail. A building pernit is not a stleet cut pernit. A street cut pernit nust be obtained separately. This fonn is to verify service availablity and location. Thi.s should be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan and scheduling installations.I i .'i : 7 LINE LOCATION REQUEST HOLY CROSS ETECTRIC ASSOCIATION, I /_/ PHONE t NC. REQUESTED BY: DATE: TI}IE: WEO IS DIGGING: LOCATION PHONE LOCATION SCHEDULED DATE: TIME: ASSIGNED TO: NqTES OR DIAGRAIII COMPLETED BY:DATE:TIME: RESPONSIBILITY STATEMENT It is the Associationr s responsibility to locate its PRIITIARYelectric underground facilities within eighteen incheshorizontally from the exterior sides of the facilities uponrequest according to SECTION I. Title 9, Colorado Revised StatuesL973, as anended. The Association does not own, install normaintain SECONDARY electric underground facilities. Said SECONDARY electric underground facilities are the property andresponsibility of the property owner. As a matter ofconvenience, the Association will attempt to locate the property ownerrs SECONDARY electric underground facilities upon request.However, the Association will not guarantee such locations of theproperty ownerrs SECONDARY electric underground facilities, norwill the Association assume liability or responsibility forinjuries, damages or associated costs which may result from aninaccurate location of the property ownerts SECONDARY electric underground facilities. If this requeat is for the Association to locate secondaryelectric underground facilities, the undersigned, by naking thisrequest, does hereby assume all responsibility for injury or damage arising out of the line location and specifically agreesto hold the Association harnless against all claims, demands,suits, or liability for injury or damage arising out of the linelocation. Date (Rev. LL/851 Name ,\oo y,/o il"/'* i,trryr { lt'" @INSTALLER JOB '\(^, WORK DATE PHONE ORDEF DATE jr ACCOUNT NO.: INSTALLATION CHAFGE $ MONTHLY SEBVICE CHARGE $ DATE (, INSTALLER,, N COMPLETEO I qot ! euc ! Neeos eunv onop ! ror xor,re-ooon xuNc ! ruor oore-neagor,r .p ! orxen-expleru aelow ,/)<v ,o\\\\t " \\6\2 ^N\N n T ! n ! TI IN nn !! I f corvenrenless r.v CUSTOMEB'S ACCEPTANCE OF THE WORK ANO TERMS TtrT M.O. c.K. CAS H J- DATE- AY - $_ a .- Daue - Project Application Project Name: Proiect Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Zone - Comments: Design Review Board Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL 1n{rry + \';l \,tt} Summary: Town Planner ""," }/lt lft E statt Approval , t-' I To: Ptanning and Environmental ConmissionUFROM: Conmunity Developnent Departnent DATE: ltarch 9, L9A7 suaTEcT: A request for a density variance in order to add three additional accommodation units to the Sitznark Lodge.Applicant: Sj-tzmark Lodge/Mr. Bob Fritch I. THE PROPOSAL The appl-icant is reguesting to add three additional acconnodation units on the northwest corner of the Sitzmark Lodge. Presently, 32 accomnodation units and one dweJ.lingunit or a total of L7 dwelling units exist on the property (2 . a.u. are equal to I d.u. ) . The CCI zoning allows 10 dwelling units which means that the project is already 7 dwelling units over the aLlowable and is considered to be a grandfathered legal nonconforrning situation. The proposed addition of three accomnodation units would increase thetotal nunber of accomnodation units to 35. The addition of the existing dwelling unit plus 35 acconnodation units creates a total density of L8.5 dwelling units. The proposalresults in a density variance of 1.5 dwelling units for theproperty. The following zoning statj-stics sunmarizes thedensity situation for the property: Density: (25 units per acre) Allowed dwelling units: 10 du or 20 au Existing density: 1 du + 32 au = 17 du Proposed: 1 du + 35 au = 18.5 du GRFA: (.80) Allowed: L4,2o7 sfExisting:11,352 Remaining 2r845 sf Addition: 2nd floor w. existing. au = l-10 sf e. existingJ. au : 75 sf 3rd f100r west new au = 455 sfeast new au = 405 sfw. existing au = l-10 sfe. existing au = 75 sf ,o 4th floor new auw. existing aue. existinlt au Total GRFA remaining after addition, l-r835 sf new GRFA l,0L0 sf 42O sf LL0 sf 75 sf II. BACKGROITND ON THE REQUEST In July of 1984, the Sitzmark requested an exterioralteration approval for the pool and commercial addition onthe south side of the property. In order for the commercialaddition to be feasible, it nas necessary that three existing accomnodation units be rernoved. In order for a lodge roorn to be removed in Conmercial core I, it is reguired that aconditional use request be approved. The conditional use reguest was approved by the PEC. The staff stated in the memo that rrliltrile the Town does not like to see lodge rooms removed from the Village, we on the other hand, are encouraging the commercial expansion of this site. The removal of the lodge rooms is a necessary evil of this proposal with the overall inpact on the Townrs developmentobjective being a positive one.rr The Urban Design Guide Planspecifically stated that a conmercial expansion on thisportion of the property would be very positive. The staff supported the conditional use reqluest due to the fact that the Urban Design Guide Plan called for the comnercial expansion and that a trade-off was being made for the loss ofthe lodge rooms with additional retaj-l space and a pool areafor guests. III. CRITERIA AND FTNDINGS Upon review of Criteria and Findings, Section 18.62.o60 ofthe Municipal Code, the Department of Communitv Development recomrnends approval of the requested variance based upon the followinq factors: Consideration of Factors: A.The relationshi of the ested variance to other ctures The addition of the three new lodge rooms on the north elevation of the project does increase the mass and bulkof the building (please see north elevation attached). tj B. Hosrever, it is felt that this infill is conpatible withthe existing project and actually creates a more gradualrrterracingtt of the building down to wilLow Bridge Road. The heigtrt of the fourth floor accornmodation unit at itsgreatest point is 43 feet. This level steps down to athird floor accommodation unit that has a height of approximately 33 feet. The west end is approxirnately25t high in the area of the office expansion. The rnassof this infill also does not have significant negative impacts in respect to sun/shade patterns. According to the sun/shade analysis, shade is cast from this additioninto the creek itself. only a small portion of sbade isactually cast onto the pedestrian bridge. Views are also not significantly impacted by theaddition, as a portion of the building already extends up behind the area of the infill. The addition wil-linfilt the area in front of this high point on the southside of the building. Generally, the staff believesthat this infil1 wiII not have a negative impact on adjacent uses or structures in the area. treatment amons sites the vic or to attain the obiectives of e without topr]-vrlege. In 1984, the applicant voluntarily decreased the density for this project which in turn decreased the degree of nonconformity in density for this zone district. The applicant is now reguesting to add the three units that were originally lost in the cornmercial expansion in 1984. In essence, the building is being brought back to the same level of nonconfornrity that previously existed before the conmercial expansion. Staff does not consider this density variance to be a grant of specialprivilege, as the applicant is only asking to add lodge rooms which !'rere previously in existence before the commercial expansion nas conpleted. It should also be noted that the Urban Design Guide Plan called out for the conrnercial expansion. In addition, the applicant does have more GRFA rights. It would be possible to atually expand the existing lodge rons (thereby adding the proposed mass) into the area of the proposed addition without a density variance. If the mass is added, we prefer the option of additional rooms for the guest, rather than merely enJ-arging existing rooms. Staff believes that the addition is aesthetically compatible with the rest of the building and will have no negative impacts on the factors listed above. The deqree to which relief fron the strict or literalintarpietatiffit of a specifie{ 4equlation tj C. The effect of the requeste c ffi The effect upon light and air is addressed under IIf. A. D. Related policies in the Land Use Plan and Village Study Ttre staff believes that the Land Use Plan states goals and objectives which support this type of a density variance as long as the additional density is cornpatible with the existing building and Urban Design Considerations, and is not considered to be a grant of special privilege. The Land Use Plan states in its coals and Policies section: Section 3.1. The hotel bed base should be preserved and used more efficiently. Section 3.2. The Village and Lionshead areas are the best location for hotels to serve the future needs of the destination skiers. Section 4.2. Increased density in the core areas is acceptable so long as the existing character of each area is preserved through implementation of the Urban Design Guide Pl-an and the Vail Village Master PIan. These goals were developed through a series of public meetings and input fron both the Planning Comnission and Town CounciL. This reguest supports these policy statements. Such other factors and criteria as the cornmission deerns IV. FINDINGS The Planning and Environmental Commission shall1 make the followinq findings before qranting a variance: That the granting of the variance will not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the linitations on ottrer properties classified in the same district. That the granting of the variance wiII not be detrinental to the public health, safety or welfare, or naterially injuriousto properties or improvements in the vicinity. That the variance is warranted for one or more of thefollowing reasons: The strict or literal interpretation and enforcement ofthe specified regulation would result in practicaldifficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistentwith the objectives of this title. There are exceptions or extraordinry circumstances or conditions applicable to the site of the variance that do not apply generally to other properties in the sarne zone. The strict or literal interpretation and enforcementthe specified regulation wouLd deprive the applicantprivileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties the same district. STAFF RECOUUENDATIONS The staff recommends approval of the request. It should be noted that it is very difficult to associate a physical hardship with a density variance. It is felt that ttre variance is warranted more so due to extraordinary circumstances related to the request. Staff believes that this density variance should be supportedfor some very specific reasons which include: 1. The Sitznark is in a very unique situation in that theproperty actually had the three accommodation units at one time and ended up rernoving the units to add a comrnercial expansion which was called out by the Urban Design Guide PIan. Certainly, the staff understands that the owner rras not forced to remove ttrese units, but that the choice was made to construct the commercial expansion and lose the three units. The applicant is reguesting only three rooms which will not exceed the original nonconformity of the building. 2. The property has existing GRFA which could be used to expand the Lodge. The fact that additional GRFA is available means that the mass and bulk of the building could be increased without any variances as long as the Urban Design Considerations are met. Staff believesthat it is a greater community good to actually add additional high quality lodge rooms than to rnerely expand onto existing units. New high guality lodge rooms are a use that the public supported in the Land Use Plan and Village study discussions. 3. The additions are aesthetically cornpatible with the existing project. More inportantly, the expansion does meet the VaiI Village Urban Design Considerations. This is an important part o.f our opinion that the project ofofin v. )o Ehould be approved. For the above reasonsl staff feels that the density variance should be supported. We realize that the position is an unusual one comparedto our paEt reconmendations. However, vre alEo feel very stronglythat there are special circumstances that relate to this ParticuLardensity variance that make it supportable. )3 oaq J EIol2l : :E. -€.ctdE<, TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Planning and Environmental Corunission Comrrunity Developnent Department March 9, L987 Exterior alteration request to expand six acconnodationunits, add three new acconmodation units and expandretail and office space at the Sitzmark Lodge.Applicant: !tr. Bob Fritch I.THE PROPOSAL The owner of the sitzmark Lodge is requesting an exterioralteration and density variance for the followingconstruction at the Sitzrnark Lodge: 1. Expansion of six existing accommodation units, total of 555 sf. Addition of three new accomnodation units, total of I,280 sf. Expansion of existing retail on ttre north side of thebuilding, 845 sf. 4. Addition of new first floor retail space on thenortlrwest corner of the building, 500 sf. 5. Expansion of existing second floor office space, l-80 sf. The density variance is required for the three new accomnodation units as the Sitzmark already exceeds theallowable number of dwelting/accomrnodation units under Commercial Core I zoning. Please see the memo concerning thedensity variance for a more detailed analysis of this request. The ohrner is also proposing to add landscaping, paving and seating inprovernents to the pedestrian walkway along the north side of the building according to a Master Plan developed by the staff and applicant. The inprovements wilLbegin on the northwest corner of the property. A pedestrianplaza is proposed for this area (see enclosure). Theexisting 25| spruce tree near the northwest corner of thebuilding is proposed to be relocated to the open space area along core Creek adjacent to the Sitzmark. The tree ispresently located on Town of Vail land. Landscaping andpavers will be added to the areas east of the pedestrianbridge abutment. A new sidewalk with paver accents will bebuilt along tlre remaining north side of the building. 2. 3. AJ.so, within the scope of this project, the alpine garden adjacent to the office (west elevation) would be expanded to the Eouth of the entry stairway. This stairway up to the second level cornnercial space and the west entry to the lodge would be revised and upgraded to cement or sandstone. 1I. ZONING STATISTTCS The following is a sunmary of zoning statistics related tothe exterior alteration reguest. Sitzmark Lodqe Zone District: Connercial Core I Site Area: .4077 acres, L71759 sf Densitv: (25 units per acre atlowed) Allowed dwelling units: 10 d.u. or 20 a.u.Existing density: I d.u. + 32 a.u. = 17 d.u. Proposed: I d.u. + 35 a.u. = l-8.5 d.u. GRFA: (.80 of site area)Allowed: L4,2O7 sfExistinq:1I,352nenainiig -Z, st Addition: 2nd floor 3rd floor w. existing. a.u. = 110 sfe. existinff. ?.u. = 75 sf west new a.u. = 455 sf east new a.u. = 405 sfw. existing a.u. = 110 sfe. existing a.u. 75 sf 4th floor new au = 42O sfw. existing a.u. = lLo sfe. existing a.u. : 75 sf Total 1,835 new GRFA GRFA renaining after addition 1,0L0 sf Retail: (Unlinited square footage as long as Urban Design Guide Plan is cornplied with. )Existing retail , LO,584 sf Proposed retail additions:Indian Paint Brush: l-50 sf Colorado Footwear: 280 sf Gore Creek Gold: 14O sf Breeze Ski Rental: 275 sf New retail addition, northwest corner: L7o sf new plus 330 sf of converted existing space Total , l-, 345 sf office: Existing office square footage : 560 sf Proposed addition 180 sf Total office space, = 74O sf Site Coverage: (.80 of total site area) Allowed: L4r2O7 sqExisting: 11r3OO sq Proposed: 1r235 sq New total after expansion., L2r535 sq Remainingz L,672 sq Height: (60t 33t-431 t 40t 0-33') The Urban Design Consideration reguires that 408 of the roof area be at a height of up to 33' and 60t of the roof area may be 33r to 43r. The height of the addition at its greatest point is 43 feet,tapering down to approxirnatety 25 ieet on the west elevation. A portion of the existinq roof extends above 43t to approxlnately 53 !. This area of the roof is considered to be non-conforming. The addition does not increase the non-conformity of the overall building relative to the regrulation. Parkincr: Parkinq for the retail , office and residential expansion will be addressed by the applicant paying into theparking fund for CCI . A conmercial space is $31000 andresidential space is $5,ooo. Stream Setback: Required: 5Or fron Gore Creek centerline. EEAEoteCE-Eoes nof encroach into the stream setback. III. CO}IPLIANCE WITH THE PURPOSE SECTION OF COMMERCTAL CORE I Z(,NIl L8.24 Purpose. The Connercal core I district is intended toprovide sites and to maintain the unique character of theVail Village conmercial area with its nixture of lodges and comnercial establishments in a predominantly pedestrian environment. The Comrnercial core I district is intended to ensure adeguate light, air, open space, and other amenities appropriate to the pennitted types of buildings and uses. The distict regulations in accordance with the Vail ViIIage Urban Design Guide Plan and Design Considerations prescribesite development standards ttrat are intended to ensure the maintenance and preservation of the tightly clustered arrangements of buildings fronting on pedestrianways andpublic greenways, and to ensure continuation of the buildingscale and architectural qualities that distinguish theVillage. This proposal is in compliance with the purpose section ofthe Comnercial Core I zone district. IV. COUPI,IANCE WITH THE URBAN DESIGN GUIDE PI.,,AN FOR VAIL VILI.,AGE The following Guide Plan sub-area concepts relate to thisproposal: (Please see enclosed Urban Design Guide Plan nap. ) No. 30. Bank improvenents Riprap, reduced slope, reseeding and shrubs/treeplanting for reinforcement of creek as visual feature ofthe ViIIage. No. 31. Future bridge improvernents Second najor entry to core area warrants increased inageability--such as with covered bridge (to become standardstructure for pedestrian crossings). Bridge structuregives partial enclosure of creekside meadow area, avisible attraction from Crossroads. Reinforce entryfurther with paving treatment and planting near bridge. The applicantts proposal includes landscaping, seating and paving improvenents to the entire north side of the Sitzmark. The improvenents address the Guide Planrs recommendations for upgrading in this area, with the exception of the covered bridge. V. COIIIPLIA}'ICE WITH THE URBAN DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS FOR VAIL VILI,AGE The Design Considerations help influence the forn ofbuildings in the Comnercial Core I district. As stated inthe code, the Design Considerations I'are intended to enable the Town staff and citizen review boards to rnore clearly communicate to property owners planning and designobjectives, and to allow property owners to respond by conforming to the design considerations or to clearly demonstrate why departures are warranted. tr Below is a sunmary of the applicant and staff reponses to each of the Design Considerations : A. Pedestrianization A rnaior ob ective for VaiI Vi1la e is to encouraestran ctrcu ation throuqh an nterconnected network of safe easan estrian wa Manv of the zed eU Des Gu de Plan and Cons ert are to re estr an walkwa uqhoutthe Village. Applicantts Response: rrThe site of this improvement occurs adjacent to alimited vehicular access street. The street is used forthe pedestrian way. Walking access to the building is being improved by upgrading an existing stairway. Theapplicant has agreed to participate in a renovation ofthe entire north side walkway. This upgrade will be coordinated with the Town of Vail.rl Staff Response: This proposal accourplishes a great deal as far as irnproving existing pedestrian ways. The addition of thepedestrian plaza near the northwest corner of theSitznark creates an area that will be attractive topedestrians as it will provide seating adjacent to the creek, a more inviting and attractive entryway to this walkway and new landscaping along the edge of the creek bank which is presently non-existent. The sidewalk along the entire tength of the building wiII be upgraded with new cement and paver accents. The stairway up tothe real estate office will also be rebuilt out of either cement or sandstone. Staffrs opinion is that these improvements are very positive in respect to thepedestrianization of this area. B.Vehicular Penetration To the rnaximum e Applicantrs Response: trwith a modest increase in counercial area, vehicularvisits to this area will increase slightly. Because the lodge is located on the fringe of Commercial Core I, impacts from vehicles will be mininal .r! Staff Response: The addition will not create any significant increasesin vehicle trips to the building. Fire access has also been improved at the northwest corner of the building. The existing access is L3 feet and will increase to 20feet with the new plan. Staff feels this is an inrportant improvement as this is the point where firetrucks will have to turn into the pedestrian sidewalk. Streetscape Framework To inprove the litv of the wal lence andve cont e estrian s ce and andsca used.a soft co ramework ea estrian routes i andrces as nodes ocase rou are encoura . Inf ll commercial storefronts to g ve street life v sual interest. Applicantrs Response: trlandscaping has been a priority and a strong focus of endeavor by the owners of the Sitzrnark Lodge. The area adjacent to the second floor expansion will be a focalpoint of fl-owers and alpine plants. Close scrutiny mustbe given to the spruce tree located at the northwestcorner of the site. The applicant would prefer to movethe tree to a nore open site, possibly in the adjacentpark at core Creekrs edge, and to replace it with deciduous trees of greater transparency. It is feltthat the existing spruce will not only block the retail shop from passersby but will also outgrow its space. However, the tree does occur on T.O.v. property and theultinate decision nust include the Town.rl c. Staff Response: This proposal combines the streetscape frameworkconsiderations' emphasis on open space and landscaping as well as infill comrnercial to create street life andvisual interest for the pedestrian. The addition of thepoplars, spruce and aspen trees to the east of thepedestrian bridge, relocated spruce tree to the east ofthe pedestrian bridge, and two stone planters will all add much needed landscaping to this area. In addition, the new conmercial storefronts create a much rnore interesting facade for the pedestrian. Display windows wilI be more visible to the pedestrian,particularly on the east end of the retail expansion.Presently, a covered arcade exists in front of theIndian Paint Brush, Colorado Footwear and Gore CreekGold. Staff does not feel that this arcade isparticularly inviting to the pedestrian, as it isdifficult to see the storesr display windows from thesidewalk. The new storefronts will be sinilar in designto the PoIo Shop retail which will create a continuityof design among ttre various retail portions of thebuilding. Even though you will never see the north sideof the building at ttre same tirne that you see the southside, staffrs opinion is that the design continuity will be an improvenent to the entire building. Ttre owner is also creating a new retail storefront, onthe northwest corner of the property. Staff feels thatthis retail location will be very effective and that itwill be located right at the entrance to the pedestrianplaza. The new storefront will help to add street life and visual interest to the west elevation and the areain general . Staffrs opinion is that this proposal meetsthis considerationrs intent to rrcreate a variety of open and enclosed spaces, both built and landscaped whichcreate a strong frarnework for pedestrian walks as well- as visual interest and activity.tt Twenty-five foot spruce tree: Staff has agreed that the25: blue spruce tree on the northwest corner of the Sitzmark should be relocated to the open space adjacentto Gore Creek at the applicantrs expense. Staff wouldIike to see the tree relocated just to the east of thepedestrian bridge and existing lamp post. The Tohtn Council would have to give final approval to therelocation of the tree. At this time, the Council has been informed of general improvements to Town of VaiI Land in the area of the pedestrian plaza. However, aspecific discussion of the relocation of the spruce tree has not occurred. Staff feels that as long as the ownerprovides a letter frorn a landscape contractor that the tree can be relocated, the staff doeswith the moving of the tree. If the moved safely, a comparable tree will D.Street Enclosure not have a problentree cannot be replace it. Staff Response: This criteria enphasizes that pedestrian streets arebasically outdoor rooms whose wall-s are formed by thebuildings. It states that the shape 'rand feel of these rooms are created by the variety of heights and massing(three dimensional variations) which give rnuch of the visual interest to the pedestrian scale unique to Vail.rlIt is staff's opinion that the facades' heights terrace from 43 feet down to 25 feet which creates a balancednorth elevation for the building. Ho$rever, due to the infill of the building, staff believes that it is very inportant that the pedestrian areas be improved and opened up so that pedestrians do not feel that they are crowded between the creek and the building. Thepedestrian plaza and landscaping will balance the infill on the upper l-evels of the building. The expansions ofthe commercial storefronts, the paving treatment, landscaping and seating will atl help to create a well-defined ground floor pedestrian area. Street Edge Buildings in the Village core should forn a strong butirregular edge to the street. Staff Response: The new retail storefronts are much more visible topedestrians as the display windows are pushed out adjacent to the sidewalk, particularty in respect to theeast retail addition. The strong edge of the retail is achieved by using a variety of treatments that wil-l-give each shop its own unique storefront while sti1lproviding design continuity among aII the storefronts.Staff agrees with the applicant that the current frontage suffers due to the generic appearance of the shop fronts and the continuous straight edge to the facade. Staffrs opinion is that the proposal ,particularly in the area of the comrnercial additions is an improvement to the street edge. While building facade heights should not be uniform frourbuilding to building, they should provide a comfortableenclosure for the street. E. F.Building Height Basicall the Villaqe core ls rceived as a rnix of two and three sto acades e areve store bu he ve var ety to the --wh ch is des Ie.tcr teria are to encoura ehe ts alo the Applicantrs Response: rrAlong witb the frarnework of the streetscape, many ofthe considerations of street enclosure, street edge and even buil-ding height tend to overlap and blend into the sane design considerations. The building stands somewhat isolate frorn other structures and yet thestructure is big enough to create its own edge. Theexisting west frontage already satisfies a design consideration for not being atigned in one plane. The new proposal further accentuates an irregular frontage and creates greater interest. It is also iloportant fromthe standpoint of street enclosure and building heightthat the addition steps downward to l{il1ow Bridge Road. The stepping or tapering function satisfies a basic design concept of relating the void of the street itself and also the structure framing the opposite side. Enough variation in the height of the addition exists to combat the mass of the structure. Variation to the street edge is enhanced by the retail shop frontage renodel . The current frontage suffers from a generic appearance and a singutar aligned wa1l plane. rl Staff Response: The proposal actually creates a more even stepping down of the building as the addition goes from 4 stories to 3 stories to 2 stories. The building height has also beenoffset by the creation of the pedestrian plaza belowthis area. The addition meets the building height reguirernent that height shall not exceed 43 feet. The highest point of the addition is at 43 feet and tapers down to approxinately 25 feet on the west end of thebuilding. The mix of building heights rneets the intentof this consideration to have 40? of the height at no more than 33t and 608 of the height from 33t to 43 r. ts varietv and to discoura ct of the H. G.Views and Focal Points First rJ-orl-shouLd be iven to an analysis of the estri-an areas gnated or not. Applicantrs Response: rrVery little effect on views occurs with this addition. The extension of the office space on the second level slightly decreases the view of the Village Center condos and the Lodge fron a perspective viewpoint on l{illow Bridge Road. rl Staff Response: The addition wiII irnpact slightly the view of the ski mountain, Witlow Bridge Road, and Summers Lodge projects from the vantage point of the Village Center Condoniniums. Sun,/Shade AIl new or ed buildin should not substantiall ncrease the r]-n anct ra ow ttern rch 2L thouqh Se acent or thet-of-wa Applicantrs Response: trThe additional rnassj-ng at the upper floors will increase the shade pattern falling to the nortlr of thebuil-ding. Shadow already falts across the walkways adjacent to the north arcade of shops; the additional shadow is cast across the stream between the two bridges.It Staff Response: A sun/shade analysis was conpleted for Dtarch 2Lst and September 2l-st at noon for the project. According to the study, approximately 500 square feet of shade is added to the area of the creek bank extending j-nto Gore Creek. An additional 40 square feet of shade is cast onto the pedestrian bridge. The retail and office addition on the west end of the building adds an additional l-20 square feet of shade. Staff believesthat the additional shade has ninimal irnpacts, as mostof the shade is in areas that are not useable bypedestrians (creek bank and actual portions of Gore 23 10 Creek). It is true that retail and office additionscast shadow into a pedestrian area. However, staff believes that with the opening up of the pedestrian area and landscape inprovenents, this inpact will benitigated. Basically, it becomes somewhat of a trade-off: improvernents to the pedestrian area by theapplicant with sorne additional shade on a portion of the same area. I. Service and Deliverv Any buitding expansion shouf The Sitzrnark presently handles aII of their trash in an encl-osed dumpster on the southeast corner of thebuilding. Staff does not believe that the additionswill create any significant increase in needed service and delivery areas, for these functions remain unchanged. VI . STAFF RECOMIT{ENDATION Staff recommends approval of the reguest for the exterioralteration. It is our opinion that the proposal cornplieswith all of the design considerations for the Village. Theproject also creates significant improvements to thepedestrian walkway and open space adjacent to Gore Creek. The recommendation for approval includes the followingconditions: 1. The owner will subnit a letter from a landscapecontractor to staff that confirms that the spruce tree can be relocated safely to the adjacent open space area along Gore Creek. The proposed location for the tree isto the east of the existing larnp post by the pedestrianbridge. If the tree is not able to be relocated, theapplicant wilt provide a new tree of the same speciessize and quality. A performance bond will be requiredin the case the tree is relocated and does not live. Prelininary Landscape PIan The owner agrees to constructthe following irnprovements to the pedestrian way which includes the Sitzmark property as well as Tohrn of vailproperty. The final landscape plan will be determined between the staff and applicant previous to a Design Review Board meeting. Final design details need to be worked out due to the discrepancies between the staffplan (Winston Assoc. 3/3/87) and the recently subnittedapplicantrs plan (Piper 3/5/87). The owner will be responsible for constructing these improvements: 2. 1L c. d. e. a. b. l-. j. Relocation of spruce tree or replacenent of thetree if it is not feasible to relocate. The size and tlpe of tree must be the same as the existingtree, 25r, spruce. Dry stack river rock walls and planters will be used in all improvements. This style will natchthe existing rock walls on Willow Bridge. I{roughtiron railing will be added on top of the rock wall along the creek bank. Four to six 3" caliper balsan poplars will be addedin various plantinet areas in the plan. Three to four aspen and one to two evergreens will be added adjacent to the relocated spruce tree. Two to three seating benches five feet long sirnilarto the corsuch bench or Bell Tower benches will be pJ-aced in the plan. Pavers and concrete according to the plan usingeither Piper Architects or Jeff Winstonrs design scheme for the paver and concrete pattern. Unistone hexagonal pavers, rectangular brickpavers, or granite may be combined to create theproposed paver and cernent patterns for the walklray. Floerers and shrubs for planters. Trees may be added to the planters. ReLocation of existing shrubs along the westelevation of the existing building to Gore Creek bank. Drainage system associated with the inrprovenents and roof drainage problems. Structural support and grade beam for thepedestrian plaza expansion. The Towrr will be responsibLe for naintaining the inprovements on Town of Vail 1and. The Town Council must also give final approval to the inprovenents proposed to be on Town of Vail property before Design Review Board approval is final . Please see tlre enclosedPreliminary Landscape Drawings (Piper, 3/5/87 and Winston, 3/3/e71. f. 9t. h. I2 ry X, €*-rrr-14l{9 (.t&. ?&E |{':fE+ff\1.IvE ) l'nArtr,$JH €n4rnlr4 w, t4gfl,AtIEF- o CORE'CREEK PROMENADI, Town of Vail ' + HltrFXffiqsl#H l1','. iff '"'oi Iffi 3l yAbl PPrurn rNqs\ D6lcd (3031 .a0.9200 Scale:1'-10' .--f -r 3 MARCH 1987 i/b)'f1 @ ANa*eaA fDv-/ ,'fi]a af4* flDrle ^FtvWtt4< frrpuee. *.rf?e@far8t4 l\ri f44-4 sr<,q: * r*tA)*, -/i '( r \ry+e4._, 4tu a94* \f y 1@e a.^!ra(wft* I dF4fl t4tzzrc h4ntrbqfr)e aq&.bfEef- arv.yq, / \Eqad aeue+-y +'oup3,41141s\.tttrylae tffi+ee',1".* ,Vruvnv td*.4oA.tra*,FLql++ lirnlnac NDSCAPE PLAN fir, U ; Fng* FE>z(d Po $$i* EE ,llr(, l-.iiIgi J& v- c u * la EEi$ kq l*6{ *t $t o + -.2 ,4- O4,- 4 p f$$ $$9 - . 6- |o- .F gd *e* w€E +F#II 3. 4. At Design Review Board review, the owner will subnit aplan for roof drainage. At the tine of building permit, the owner will subtuit awritten J-egal agreement stipulating the improvenents and costs which will be covered by the owner concerning thepedestrian plaza, sidewalk and landscape improvements and will provide a letter of credit to cover the costsof the improvenents. At the time of building permit, a revocabJ.e right-of-uaypernit will be subnitted for all encroachments on Townof Vail property. The applicant will agree to participate in and notrenonstrate against a Vail Village improvement districtif and when one is forned 5. 6. 13 ::!r- - Best coPY Available It| 1,1 /1rl \ t a' l Planning and Environmental Commission March 9, L987 l-:30 P.M. Site Visits 3:O0 P.M. Public Hearing 1. Approval of minutes of meeting of February 23. 2. A request for a front setback variance, a variance fromrequired roof slope, and an arnendment to the Arterial Business District circulation plan in order to constructa building at 1-031 South Frontage Road.Applicant: VaiI Commercial Partnership A request for an exterior altertion and for a denlritycontrol variance in order to construct an addition to\the Sitzrnark Lodge. )!.;, Sitznark Lodgeb Fritch 4. 5. 6. Proposed revision to the Urban Design Guide PIan and arequest for an exterior alteration in order to constructan addition to the Plaza Lodge building.Applicant: Plaza Lodge Associates, Ltd. A request for a conditional use perrnit in order toconstruct an addition to the Learning Tree Preschoollocated at 129 North Frontage Road.Applicant: Learning Tree Preschool A request for front and side setback variances in orderto construct two dwelling units on Parcel A, aresubdivision of Lots 14 and L7, Vail Village FirstFi1ing.Applicant: Michael Tennenbaum .-v PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that tbe Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the municipal code of the Town of Vail on March 23, L987 at 3:OO PM in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. Consideration of: 1. A request for a conditional use permit for comnercial storage at the West Vail Mall located at 2L6J_ North Frontage Road. Applicant: Vail Mall Joint Venture 2. A request for a front setback variance and reguests for conditional uses for a drive-thru window and outdoor dining deck on Parcel A, a Resubdivision of Tract D, Vail Das Schone Subdivision. Applicant: The l{end Group Partnership 3. A request for a setback variance to add retail space to the Lionshead centre Building located on Lot 5, Block 1, Vail- Lionshead First Filing. Applicant: Vail Lionshead Centre Condominium Association 4. A request for an exterior alteration and for density and height variances in order to construct an addition to the Sitzmark Lodge located at 183 Gore Creek Drive. Applicant: Sitzmark Lodge/Bob Fritch The applications and infornation about the proposals are avairabre in the zoning adninistratorrs office during regular office hours for public inspection. TOWN OF VAIL COMMUNITY DEVEIOPMENT DEPARTMENT THOMAS A. BRAI'N Zoning Adninistrator Published in the VaiI Trail on March G, L9g7 \ \*$* PROJECT: DATE SUEMITTED: COT',I4ENTS NEEDED BY: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL; I NTEP..DEPARTI'IENTAL REVI EI.I DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING Date t\ W //o,e n*r&- 6,+c4 ,.ot-t4jAo 6ttr<.o,t., c 6e zlfr .hut*<s*- Ll^te gP u) I fa e'J 't '€2- (b <4f<J (+stat slAt.o B< Lq=e- ,g,,t*a Sre:;. 1 @ c^rHcz.e, ir-q Btlz*)Z aver-t 1e.-.:,, G€ i,R frfi- o^/ ?t' ?rc DR4as a .<&K -L .p,r pat oe Reviewed by: Conments: Date kxt z nor €oa c.g€ Z4<cq\ ftf€ fr,a.n fea94 a- Gea< rlnto ?t{' N Eootr 4*t.u-,) 37 /!unx' 1 O Pr-+z* P<n/N4€- . POLICE DEPARTMENT Reviewed by: Conments: Date i' '..;. t. . ..' :.'i ; . .'..i Reviewed by: Cor:-,rents: Date {"diJcor$tt REVrE,,r l5* DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING Date I_NIE&IEIA8TMENTAL PROJECT: DATE SUBMIfiED: COI!,IENTS NEEDED BY: BRIEF DESCRIPTION 0F THE pR0p0SAL:. PUBLIC WORKS Reviewed by: Corments: rr-]$4bfr ;,. zo'E 7 l,l' t{,WO .uof .pbtd/'-// du'z*a# t*7o /"ry ,u-"a/6ze ?/ Fr* /24.4 fysz. a-/.-z POLICE DEPARTI'IENT Reviewed by:Date Corrnents:. REC REATION DEPARTI4ENT Revlewed by: Corments: ,) ?/z -u*ir.a' -tt -^ ?rztfGtLzscd2) Et 77r u^v7z*r?J ' 2'*o-'r-r /'- /a'Z t / .,a.a -.lr'z"t' Date /4^-IU, INTER.DEPARTI'IENTAL REV I El^t R ()n Dnor Reviewed by: Comrnents: Date FIRE DEPARTMENT Reviewed by: Comnents: Date f d^' +' DATE SUEMITTED: COMMENTS NEEDED By: lL ,7 BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PR PUBLIC WORKS DATE PF PUBLIC HEARING $[^do?t, Fno4_6,n"^mtt+t POLICE DEPA Reviewed by: Reviewed by: Comments: Date & $u-Al\[MD Phoo-lnft lbr \ ' 0,a..r td'.t{t nt[ r*, *[ Onc-rft -rJhlff PUBLIC }IORKS Reviewed Ayz 't44 ,ur" Comments: Ur I c.s st C*re6s e."b {641;2pgp PROJECT: DATE SUBMITTED: C0l'tlENTS NEEDED By: ERIEF DESCRIPTI0II 0F THE pROp0SAL:. IIIEB4EPA8TMENTAL REVr El,J DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING @ s"w Reviewed by: Comments: Date Reviewed by: Comments:. . Date N-O /.".,r' -,'pzar."aee 7 "\LO 1/evoclgce ,(raa, oc itttt Ra-ry u,. cz,sq,rc 7 tZ Pau6->.te.}..,, irt 4CO^,1 (t-'fl t, . -r (/6e /F/ afl-z/o 7 7e€ fuznat FIRE DEPARTMENT POLICE DEPART}IENT Reviewed by: Comments: Date DATE SUBMITTED: COMMENTS NEEDED BY: BRIEF DESCRIPTI0N 0F THE pROpOSAL:. Reviewed by: FIRE DEPARTIIENT /tero-"1 il**lt'ftSg#,,s,}u*r* it'@ i'l x rl iil1 ^- {iui1*{ ,, ?'r$pT#S Afr4,rM,^* lr^g1o )?t,Y?.// t<= on'/ '/ttl iQ.ooF Pz"t- n(€ 7l-1'/ /c/ntc Pe-os,'@l' n srtcc contz Ftn'e\-"' VAgz L^ttLL' 1/4ot€ Reviewed by: Conments: )4., Date @ ct&trFT #e /,./ Vrzs @ef ,'h)#av tS ()?tctr/ €O547'€tu7 /1h-". Ae= t7 POLICE DEPARTI,IENT Reviewed by: Comments I . -r 6^.tFz.tc f ./ Date RECREATION OEPARTI.IENT Reviewed by: Corments: frs\tl-- INTER.DEPARTMENTAL REVI EI,I DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING Date Date P^Ot cT, DATE SUBMITTED:- DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING COI'IIENTS NEEDED BY: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: U- ,?gentr oa.t 1a*tt'-t Reviewed by:Date Connnents: @ v@@ Qp*,-+re A,il ,tr.,l R'op Ora**. / fuat"r+1 Reviewed by: Comments: Date BECEEAIION DEPARAilT PUBLIC t.lORKS Reviewed ay 84 oah4zQz Comments: l*P@ A €tuo.,*ru /.o. t>, Ceo.*la$rl?S FIRE DEPARTMENT O flA"o. !<tuc fco6arn, ot\) (44LEL'ev,t1)oe// oF Y.4€ s tT>taqck- eAoseo a, 2oor €unoe ftan Yge StZZnee.E. firt musl & 74Keu czf'ce- a{ rQs ,fu2- 6B'ts/NG y' V"Afa fe- rn*, ? -,/-..uo'nc ou4'&*tPJG s' \rr Reviewed by: Corments: /'r.?Vrz€ K*ez , POLICE DEPARTI4ENT . ..:"^ Date fr'r' $ d P $ g$ F5 Po *$E-+ EE z 6 s- eL i {i o 5 & Jf i6 ,}{ g ',ll- tlt s, ^ ul $ t$3 Hi i$ E'\ *$B(\l! \$--++-_-It {"o \C s. \ \)<\) -"-'=-*-J $ffi t$f e 1 I HI HI EIolzl II )r^" -f,jtr Uiolu, tinLs,prulo:.aQ Jflrj\ -y4, -ite-, i^knJ "(trt0- thr.d-Ura.-Vtani I Ca,rtio^a*u"l- v (5 , 0n\ inh^ls+ i\ rrino 6trft rn {\o_ {"f,*t - +R' bb- 'r$o\tbo_ A{'tl.bu Md.r\ 4_W4r: @, t*n! +.n- ffi-^&rd $( q$ f \*"1. ffi rrin ud,a 4uAia+";ph-t rt- q'JY 0ba4i I^i"\ l.ika- i^)ru^nl'+ iR!\. U@, \iba *x",,nsqarena &dr t\J + W c,et -ll &.' ql,\V c\- ulrhoion @ry Dc^t+r. (H*' \ton^a- l,- D.- t oarnnil,: qqq b 6t-$t, ShW adilrv ?D t Lr/24/86 APPLICATION FORM FOR EXTERIOR AITERATIONS on uoorFtcAtroNs rN cot4l'rERclAr coRE r (ccl) This procedure is reguired for alteration of an existing building which adds or removes any enclosed floor area or ouldoor Patio or replacement of an existing building shall be subject to review by the Planning and Environmental Comrnissi.on. The applicaCi.on wiLl not be accepted until all information is submittect- A. NA.l.tE OF APPLICANT Siczmark Lodoe bv Bob Fri.rch ADDRESS 183 Gore Creek Drive, Vail, C0 81657 PnoNE 476-500i Nfu\E OF APPLICANT TS REPRESENTATIVE Piper / Arctri.Lects ADDRESS Box 5560 Avon. C0. 81620 -PHONE 949-7074 llArlE 0F 0t'lNtR (print or type)Fr i rch SIGNATURE ADDRESS i83 Gore Creek Drive.VaiI, C0. 81657 PIION E 47 6-';0Ol Date of frri"ut,ion I. n LOCATiOIJ ADDRESS OF PROPOSAL l8i Gore Creek Drive. Vai.L LEGAL DESCRIPTION Rt ock Su. Va.i i Vi I tnoo lii rsr.. $100.00 PAID IMPROVEMENT SURVEY OF PROPERTY SHOWING OF BUILDING AND ANY IMPROVEMENTS ON TliE PR'PERTY LAND. LINES A}ID LOCT.TION G. A LIST OF TI{E NAME OF OVTNERS OF ALt PROPERTY ADJACENT, TO TIIE SUBJECT PROPERTY and their mailing addresses. II. Four (4) copies of a site plan containlng the following information: A. The site plan shall be drawn on a sheet size of 24" x 36" at cl sci\lc of I" = 20'; a variation of the sheet size or scale may be approveci by che Community Development DePartment if justified; November 24, L986 The SITZMARK LODGE Remodel and Additi.ons 183 Gore Creek DriveVail, Colorado PROPOSAL The Sitzmark Lodge requests a three-fold development improvement to Ehe existing facility: 1) Add three lodge rooms, averaging approximately 450 square feet each, for a Lotal area of 1364 s.f. 2) Expand 6 existing lodge rooms from a current size of 350 s.f.to an average of 445 s.f . each. The total expansion would be 576 additional s.f. in area. 3) Expand an existing office space on the second floor to 725 s.f.. This is an addition of 200 s.f. AIso, r.rit.hin the scope of this project, the landscaping would be redefined to an alpine garden concept and the steps up to the commercial space and the west entry to the lodge would be upgraded. VAIL VILLAGE MASTER PLAN The proposed improvements do not address any specific sub-area inf1l1.It is felt, however; that the increase in lodge rooms and the enlargement in size of rooms meets a general policy consideration for more and better public accomodations in CC L VAIL VILLAGE DESICN CONSIDERATIONS Since the improvement al-terations are minor in slze and occur on second, third and fourth levels of the lodge, many of the design guidelines may not be significant. PEDESTRIANIZATION The sit.e of this improvenent. occurs adjacent to a limited vehicular access street. The street is used for t[e pedestrian way. Walking access to the building is being improved by upgrading an existi-ng stairway. VEHICULAR PENETRATION With little or no change in uses, vehicle penetration to thj.s area r.rill be unchanged. STREETSCAPE FRAMEWORK Landscaping has been a priority and strong focus of endeavor by the owners of the Sitzrnark. The area adjacent to the second floor expansion will be a focal point of flovers and alpine plants. STREET ENCLOSURE Along with the frarnervork of the streetscape, many of the considerations of street enclosure, street edge and even building height tend to over- 1ap and blend into the same design considerations. The building stands somewhat isolated from other structures and yet the structure is big enough to create its own edge. The existing frontage of specific interest in this proposal already satisfies a design consideration for not being aligned or regular. The new proposal further accentuates an irregular frontage and creat.es greater interest. It 1s also important from the standpoint of street enclosure and building height that the new addition steps downward to the st.reet. This st.epping or taperi-ng function satisfies a basic design concepE. of relating to the void of the street i.rself and also to the structure framing the opposite side. Enough variation in the height of the additon exists to combat the mass of the structure. VIEWS Very little effect on views occurs with thls addition. The extensionof the commercj.al space slightly decreases the view of the Village Center condos and Lodge from the viewpoint of the street. SUN / SHADE The additi-ona1 massj,ng at the pattern falling tci the north across the walkways adjacenttlonal shadow is cast across and the stream iEself. ZONlNG CONSIDERATIONS upper floors rvill increase the shade of the building. Shadow already fa11s to the north arcade of shops; the addi- the landscape areas adjacent Ehe stream Sj.te coverage is increased by about 0.7% but the overall facility still fa11s below the 802 allowable. In further review of density, the building does exceed the number of lodge rooms allowed. The site area of .43 acres computes to 21 lodge rooms and the current facllity has 3l with 3 more requested. The 3 additional rooms do, however, replace exactly the 3 lost in the addition of the Polo shop on the south facade. 0n1y a very minor reduction in landscaping is foreseen with this improve- ment. Additional parking r+i11 be required by the commercial expansion and the 3 lodge rooms. The owner would be required to purchase space from the Town of Vail, This proposal also entails an expansion of an existing business that is not allowed on main street leve1; the owner contends that this expansion occurs on a second level as evidenced by the fact that the floor 1evel is 8 feet above lhe ad iacent street. o t, fI" Aqrw, tLfO, ThAtS-'1(ut * - z**Jhqg< ,talprc gpffffies iruc, lJ+ trlri1 b\,e &Pqr\-., UEy\_ l, 1O\^trJ ,rF \)D"r- E*$ [oo' fpzn-, - - ),.o-,L/ -/i f /'/ t ) z/e/t 7 November 24, L986 The SITZI'IARK LODGE Remodel and Addicions 183 Gore Creek Drive Vai1, Colorado AL The the Sitzmark Lodge requests a three-fold development improvemen! to existi.ng faci.lity: 1) Add three lodge rooms, averaging approximately 450 square each, for a total area of 1364 s.f.2) Expand 6 existing lodge rooms from a current size of 350to an average of 445 s.f . each. The toEal expansion would be feet )toadditional s.f. in area. 3) Expand an existing office space on the second floor to 725 s.f.This is an addition of 200 s.f. Also, within t,he scope of this project, the landscaping would be redefinedto an alpine garden concept and the steps up to the comrnercj-a1 space and the \west entry to the lodge would be upgraded. VAIL VILLAGE MASTER PLAN The proposed irnprovements do not address any specific sub-area infil1.It is fe1t, however; that the increase in lodge rooms and the enlargementin size of rooms meets a general policy consideration for more andbetter publi-c accomodations in CC I. VAIL VILLAGE DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS Since the improvement alterations are minor in size and occur on second,third and fourth leve1s of the 1odge, many of the design guidelines maynot be significant. PEDESTRIANIZATION The site of this improvement occurs ad--iacent to a lirnited vehicular accessstreet. The street is used for the p"i"stti.n ray. Walking access Eo the building is being improved by upgrading an existing stairway. VEHICULAR PENETRATION Wj.th litt.le or no change in uses, vehicle penetration to this area hrill be unchanged. STREETSCAPE FRAI'{EWORK Landscaping has of the Sitzmark. be a focal point been a priority and strong focus of endeavor by the owners The. area adjacent to the second floor expansion will of flowers and alpine plants. o lnul elt.,lr7 February 21 , 1987 THE SITZMARK LODGE Remodel and Additions 183 Gore Creek DriveVail, Colorado PROPOSAL The Sit.zmark Lodge requests a four-fo1d development improvement t.othe existing facility: 1) Add three lodge rooms, averaging approximately 450 square feet each, for a total area of 1364 s.f. 2) Expand 6 existing lodge rooms from a current size of 350 s.f . to an average of. 445 s.f . each. The total expansion would be 576 additional square feet in area. 3) Expand an exi.sting office space on the second floor to 775 s.f. r.rith an addition of 250 s.f . 4) Remodel the exj.sting first 1eve1 commercial frontage and expand the retail area by 1144 s.f. A1so, wlEhin the scope of.this project, the landscaping would be rede- fined to an alpine garden concept and the steps up to the second level commercial space and the west entry to the lodge would be revised and upgraded. VAIL VILLAGE MASTER PLAN The proposed improvements do not address any specific sub-area infil1. It is felt, however; that the increase in lodge rooms and the enlargement is size of rooms meets a general policy consideration for more and better public accomodations in Commercial Core I. (i.e. goal statemencs.of the Land Use Plan). PEDRESTRIANIZATION The site of this improvement street. The street is used building is being improve by The applicant has agreed to side walkway. This upgrade VEHICULAIiT PENETRATION With a modest increase in cornmercial area,will increase s1ight.ly. Because the lodge CCI, impacts from vehicles will be minimal . occurs adjacent to a limited vehicular access for the pedestrian way. .Walking access Eo the upgradi.ng an exisEing stairr.ray. participate in a renovation of the entire norLh will be coordinated with the Town of Vail. vehicular visits to this area is located on the fringe of o STREETSCAPE FRAMEI^IORK Landscaping has been a priority and a strong focus of endeavor by the owners of the Sitzmark Lodge. The area adjacent to the second floor expansion will be a focal point of flowers and alpine planEs. Close scrutiny must be given to the spruce tree located at the northwest corner of the slte. The applicant would prefer to move the tfee to a more open site, possibly in the adjacent park at Gore creeks edge, and replace it wi.th deciduous trees of Sreater transparency. It is felt Ehat the existing spruce will not only block the retaj.l shop frorn passersby but will also ouCgrow lts space. However, the tree does occur on T.O.V. property and the ultimate decision must i.nclude the Town. STREET ENCLOSURE Along with the framer,rork of Ehe streetscape, many of the considerations of street enclosure, street edge and even building height tend to over- lap and blend into the same design considerations. The buj-ldin8 stands somewhat isolate from other structures and yet the structure is big enough to create its own edge. The existing lrest frontage already satis- fies a design consideration for not being aligned in one plane. The new proposal further accentuates an irregular frontage and creates Sreater i-nterest. It is also important from the standPoin! of street enclosure and building height that the adill:ion stePs downward to Willow Bridge Road. The stepping or tapering function satisifi.es a basic design con- cept of relating che Lhe void of the street itxself and also the the structure framing the opposite side. Enough variation in the heiSht of the addition exists to combat the mass of the structure. Variation to the street edge The current frontage suffers wa11 plane. VIEWS i.s enhanced by the retall form a generic appearance shop frontage remodel. and a singular aligned Very little effect on vies occurs with this addition. The extension the commercial space on the second level slightly decreases the view the Village Center condos and the Lodge from a ilerspective viewpoint Wi.llow Bridge Road. SUN / SHADE The additional nassing at the upper floors will increase the shade pattern falling to the north of the bul1di.ng. Shadow already fa11s across the r.ralkways adjacent to the north arcade of shops; the addi- tional shadow is cast across the stream between the two bridges. of of on ZONING CONSIDBRATIONS Sice coverage ls increased by about 2.77 with the overall facility at 80.77. In further review of density, the building exceeds the nunber of lodge roons alloved. The site area of .43 acres conputes to 21 lodge rooms and the current facilety has 31 with 3 more requested. fite three addltlonal roons do, however, replace exactly the 3 rooms lost ln the addition of the Pol.o shop on the south facade. Only a very minor reductlon ln landscaping is foreseen with this improve- ment. Addltional parking wilL be required three Lodge rooms. The ouner would Town of Vall. by the comnercial expansion and the be required to purchase space froro the This proposal is in compriance with the intent of the zoning for the ccldi stri ct - III. The following sub-area concept of the Urban Design Gu.i de pran rerates tothe area around the crock Tower building (prease see the encrosed urbanDesign Guide plan): 77. Street access opened. The Gu-ide Plan specifically ca|s out that the pubric space between theedge of the clock Tower patio and the Gasthof Grammsham;;r-suitding oeopened up which will a] low for better pedestrian use and maintenance ofthis area. The applicant is requesting to puil back the deck stair by l foot and tocurve a new stone wa11. a10ng the front of the patio area. Staff agreesthat' this portion of the proposal is very positive, i. irr" deck,sgreatest encroachment is being decreasea-at tne n"rrow"ri-point onBridge street. However, we uitieve itrit the new war shouid only extendout as far as the existing walr. The stair onto the deik courd bepulled back approximately 3 feet so ittit ttr" existing ii"i. encroachmentonto public right-of-way is decreased as much as possible. The staff suggestion-wilr.resu'l t in opening the street access withoutdecreasing the actual patio space, ".'in" new wall would be rebuilt inthe same location as the existing wail. The only ditie."nce is that thenew wall wi] I be curved and w.i l'l not have ill ir,i jrg.-"iong tn" edge ofthe street. staff arso berieves that it is very iipJrtini ihat bothaspen trees be preserved in the new des.i gn for ihe wall. W V. A. The purpose of the comparison betweenConsiderations is to show how the newrom the overalI intent of the Des.i gn Pedestri an izati on the proposal and the design strengthens or detracts Consi derati ons. edestri an easant the Ur or ob ccfirro f r Vail Villa e 'ls encouraclrculationthroutercoected networestri an s.OT ENE rovements rec 'ized i nDesign Gu e Plan a slqn uon s erati ons are torei nforce and expand edestri an wal kwavs rouqhoutvl Itaqe. Applicant's Response: Eridge Street is a major pedestrian artery to thethe parking structure. The deck changes proposedthe Clock Tower Restaurant improue ih6 quifilv oi Vajl Village core fromfor the west side of the pedestrianway with COMPLIANCE V I LLAG -2- heated paving at the entrY base and iron railings of summer. The trees at the and wide, more inviting steps' The stone tne aect ire places for planters in the entry stePs will remain. Staff Response: staff agrees that-the improvements to-the deck area will greatly enhance the visual "pp""r"n.i oi"tn" itone wall. Morever, staff feels that the ;;;";i;i;"*iv'nirr ue iurirrer improved if the new wall does not extend out any further tnan the eiistini wall and the steps are actually pul led 6i"f-5"f""t-irom the existing encroachment. The qua'lrty-of the Dedestri an walkway wiii U" gieatly enhanced by the re-alignment of the liii una by decrelsing the existing encroachment' Vehi cul ar Penetration To the maximum extent i cant' s ResPonse: ossib non-res i dent raffi c should be Li ons eao par TheproposalfortheC]ockTowerdeckwillimproveveh.icu.laraccess' especia.llyforsnowremoval.inthatthecurvedStonev{allelimjnatesthe current.irregularitiesfortheplowstonegotiate.Theheatedstepsand ""1"v *"v wiit reauc!-tn" ptoufl'm of.snow ihovel ing into the street' The new deck configuration al so provides for greatlr protection of the trees at the entrY steps. Staff ResPonse: The new curvect srone wall will improve the snow plowing situation for the Public Works department, as there will no longer be-jogs in and out of the wall. nowever,-tftit'is an extremely tight-lt9?.fol snow p1 ows as well as emergency vehicles. For this reis-on, lhe Public Works and Fire Departments are opposing the proposal ' Presently,thedinrensionbetweentheexistingsta.irandtheGramsharrner property line is 19-5 to 20 feet' The appfilant is-proposing to pull back the stair I tool,-[ui *.i ll a] so exiLna the wa] i further onto the Town of Vail properiv'Uv-in'uOd.iiiona'l i-ltZ feet at the greatest point of encroachment. etini".al ".-itt t"tking ibout 3.few^fegt-in either direction, but it is important to note t6at the Fire Department requires 20 feet in width to-provide for emergency fire access' .In this particular location in the Vi11age, evetv foot is valuable' For this reason, staff beli"u.t init the iai 1 musi not extend any further than lr,"-"iiriing wal l "na-$,ii il e sta.irs shou'l d be pul l ed back approximately 3 feet in order to open up this particu'l ar spot for emengency vehicle access. Itl -3- Streetscape Framework To rove th ualit of the walk'i n eP l ence and giveestri an wavs . , . o en sDace an scaDl n are losoftramewornKage a estr i an routes: As-open nodes and oi nts al on these routes areencouraeo.'i ll commercial s r0nx VE SET A? vl sua rest the facade of the building. D.Street Enc'l osure continuit to useq...as a azas an ar Appl icant' s Response: The deck for the clock rower Restaurant maintains the use of trees andplanters along the pedestri an route. The stone base for the deck is inl(eeping with the vi lIage core planters along Br.i dge Street. The deckcapacity will increase for summer time diniig wn.iitr witi-jiu" ,or"street life and visual activity. Staff Response: The staff agrees that the improvements to the patio wa1 1 and entryaddition wil1 provide. a nicer streetscape framework ai tong-as thi patiowall does not encroach any further than the existing wa1 l.- The staffalso feels that the new bay window will prov.i de vislal interest along l,lhi'le buildin facade hei ts should no e uniform f ui'l di nq tong. f,ne snou ld prov e a comforta enc losure or the stree can 's Response: Staff agrees with 'l osure wi I I be and e E.Street Edqe the Vi'll a e core should form a stron but 'i rre ul ar ed erothe street, The clock rower entry vestibule enclosure shall not exceed exj stingbuilding roofs, eaves and ridge heights. The bui'l ding deck provid6s anactivity area in front of the building off the main p6aestrlancirculation path. vertical pedestriai c.i rculat.i on wilI now be enclosed !o llleviate the problems of ice on stairs to the second level of thebui'ldjng. Staff Response: the applicant's statements and feels that the entrya great improvement to the ex.i sting outdoor stairwly Applicant's Response: The street edge on Bridge Street'l ow stone walI with box planters shal I be and metal maintained with the use of arail. The building form -4- I) changes with the vestibule enclosure and a large bay window into the restaurant. Buildini'liin'pi""ntv is.the-soii"h""i19 i|d sparkle of indoor lights at nigtt"ai;;ii;itv uitiur6 to the street' This transparency a1 so p'""ia"t i[t tita"'fatiol of uuilding form desirable to Bridge Street' Staff Response: The proposal is actually decreasils'oT: of the irregularity al ong the street edge which, in t'Lis situation' ti"it believes is an improvement' staff believes tnat iil";;d;;;i wiri poliiivetv aetine the sueet edse in a much better *"v-[h"[ tlre existing patio wall' Fi rst iorit shoul d be iven to C!--AEI sls of the ct of the ro.i ect onv ews stri an areas ether des ignat!or not. taff ResPonse: No impact- Anv bui'k[ n expansi on shoul d re erve the functions of exi st !1 servi cq al I new and r e -onstrqcb'!-on.c!g venv which avoi ds and ado teeeor reoq 0n edestr an ways snou erever rac cal Tor mmed] a or f utul^e- ug e. ilot appl icable. Poi nts H. Servi ce and De] i very alleys'...an Staff ResPonse: Staffbel.ievesthatthisexterior.alterationcou]dsl.ightlyincrease.the trash demand with ad;;i;";;i-seating on ih" outdoor deck for the restaurant. l.|e bel'ieve that.thg,bt:i-l"itf i"i'iion for the Clock Tower Restaurant 'is participition in the trash lotpittot proi-ect 'located directly behind th"';::;;;;"n['- o"u" eott'l['-onner of the buildins' has informea tne stati-irrut-nog.r nigg.rt,-o"ner of-the clock Tower Restaurant , and tulariareiii! -ctt"i itv oi- th"' et"utv Sal on w i I 1 be narticipating in th3't;;!; ;il;;"tor ttrroush thLir lease asreemenr' This panticipation ;";i;-;"-il.i"mq1iant"-witn the service and deliverv section of the uro"i-6"!isn eriJ" br"n ll;i-;";ie reduce vehicle trips ;;i; ili. core for trash removal ' -5- I Alt bujldings should ot substan iall response: This addition w.iIt above the existing not increase buiIding or the shade pattern.further out than the as it does not extendexisting facade. V. The staff finds that. the project is a positive improvement on thevi'l1age except for the propoi"i-.iisirlnt of the dining deck. n,e woutdprefer ro see the oaiio-wiii-rJt'"iilo"ct any rurther itrai ttre existinswalt and see the .i"r.*av-puri;; il.l";pproxirui"it-3 ;;;; to open upthe pedestrian area "na io"p.ouia.'iiti.r emergency vehicre access.The staff is concernea *tit-ir'"'r"-"iigrr"nt of the deck does not go farenough to decrease the encroairrr"nt-onio the publii ,"iJr,t-or-n.v. Theurban Design Guide pran iiso-ii'lrli'iriliu l"lrs out *rit *ris area beopened up as much as possible."-i;;'riiri u.ri"""r-*,ui"tJ'approve thenew patio wail as tl.'l: l::::l:,y.irJiir"a wouia-ue-i'r-.Jrrrict wjth theurban Design Guide plan-concept ;,rz wirictr rerates to opening up thepedestrian wav' Secondly, ei;;p;-;"";;e area, the arignment of the deckfurther restricts emergency vehicr" .i."r.. __Staff berieves that theseare two important concerns-whictr mate-it diff.i curt to support the newpatio, even thoush aesrheticilit ;;';";i ih;i i;,ir". ,"ii"rin"rmprovement' For these. reasons, we rrit ,a.o*end deniar'of the patiowall and approval r:: :|r9.,;;!ll-d, "'jj:tion. rf the pEC chooses toapprove the new patio wat, stiff wourd ask *rai *rl-roiio*ingconditions be part of the ipprou"ri"''' l. A revocable righ.i_9f-yly per!l!,for the. patio walt encroachment onpubl i c ri sht-of -wav wi r i o" f iir.a .,it-ov-iri" liii i lllr, .rosubmitted to the c6mmunity-o.n"iopr.nt Department before abuilding permit wil l be ,!f.lr"i.' 2' A lease agreenent-wit be arranged. between the Town and crockTower Restaurant.for're-uie' oi'ouoi i. iina-ior'ilirii" diningspace. The applicant,is-responsint. ior-lorpi"ting'ii. r".r.asreement before a buitdirs p."rii n'i uJ-r!i;;;;;."', -6- ZONING Clmpter 18.24 coMMERCtAL CORE I (CCl) DISTRTCT Sections: 18.24.010 Purpose. 18.24.02O Permitted and conditional uses-Basement or garden level. 18.24.030 Permitted and conditional uses-First flooror street level. 18.24.040 Permitted and conditional uses-Second floor. 18.24.050 Permitted and conditional uses-Above second floor. 18.24.060 Conditional uses-Generally. 18.U.065 Exterior alterations or modifications-Procedure. 18.24.070 Conditional uses-Factors applicable. 18.24.080 Accessory uses. 18.24.O9O Lot area and site dimensions. 18.24.100 Setbacks. 18.24.12O Height. 18.24.13O Density control. 18.24.140 Reconstruction of existing uses-Generally. 18.24.15O Coverage. 18.24.170 Landscaping and site development. 18.24.l80 Parking and loading. 18.24.190 Location of business activity. 18.24.2O0 Reconstruction of existing uses-Compliance with certain standards required. 18.24.220 Adoption of Vail Village urban design guide plan and design considerations. 18.24.010 Purpose. The com mercial core I district is intended to provide sites and to maintain the unique character of the Vail Village com- mercial area, with its mixture of lodges and commercial estab- lishments in a predominately pedestrian environment, The commercial core I district is intended to ensure adequate light, air, open space, and other amenities appropriate to the permitted types of buildings and uses. The district regulations (v,fif 2-8r) 342 ( ,( .L 18.22.09O Density control. (PUBLIC ACCOMMODATION (PA) DISTRICT Not more than eighty square of gross rqei ential floor area A) shall be permitted each one square feet of bui ble site area. Not more than ty square feet of gross tial floor area shall be for each one hundred square of buildable site or any conditional use as listed in tion 18.22.030.total density for feet for permitted uses, exceed eighty hundred square t8.22.r30At least landscaped. qualifying as the orb area l9( I square feet ol conditipnal uses, and uses shall nott of gross r area for each one ble si area. Total density shall not exceed area. (Ord. twenty-five d per acre of buildable site s0(1e78) $ 19 Ord. l2(1978) $ 2 (part).) l8.22.ll0 Coveraqe. Not more than fiftv-five of the total site area shall be covered by buildings. (8(l $ 7.s07.) site devel thirty nt of the to site area shall be The um width and of any area shall be fifteen with a minimumfeL feearea not less than hundred souare (Ord. l9(1976) $ 8 (part): Ord.973) $ 7.s09.) 18.22.140 and loading. off ,parking and loading shall be with Chapter 18.52. At least seventy. l'parking shall be located within the in of building L' 'and hidden from public view. No parking loading be located in any required front setback (Ord. 6) $ 8 (part): Ord. 8(1973) g 7.510.) 341 (vail 2-8t) o COMMERCIAL CORE I (CCI) DISTRICT in accordance with the Vail Village urban design guide plan and design considerations prescribe site development standards that are intended to ensure the maintenance and preservation of the tightly clustered arangements of buildings fronting on pedestrianways and public greenways, and to ensure continu- ation of the building scale and architectural qualities that distinguish the village. (Ord.2l(1980) $ I (part).) 18.24.020 Permitted and conditional uses-Basement or garden level, A. The "basement" or "garden level" shall be delined as that floor of a building that is entirely or substantially below grade. B. The following uses shall be permitted in basement or garden levels within a structure:l. Retail shops and establishments, including the following: Apparel stores, Art supply stores and galleries, Bakeries and confectioneries, restricted to preparation of products specifically for sale on the premises, Bookstores, Camera stores and photographic studios, Candy stores, Chinaware and glassware stores, Delicatessens and speciatty food stores, Drugstores and Pharmacies, Florists, Gift stores. Hobby stores, Jewelry stores, Health food stores, Leather goods stores, Music and record stores, Newsstands and tobacco stores, Stationery stores, Sporting goods stores, Toy stores, 343 odrrt€:!) ZONING Variety stores, Yardage and dry goods stores: 2. Personal services rnd repair shops. including the following: Barbershops, Beauty shops, Small appliance repair shops, Tailon and dressmakers. Travel and ticket agencies ; Eating and drinking establishments, including the following: Bakeries and deiicatessens with food serv'ice. restricted to preparation of products specifically for sale on the prem ises, Cocktail lounges and bars, Coffee shop, Fountains and sandwich shops, Restaurants: Professional offices, business offices and studios: Banks and financial institutions; Additional uses determined to be similar to permitted uses described in subparagraphs I through 5 of this section. in accordance with the provisions of Section 18.66.040, so long as they do not encourage vehicular traffic; (, 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Lodges. C. The following uses shall be permitted in basement or garden levels within a structure, subject to issuance of a condltional use permit in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 1g.60: I . Meeting rooms; 2. Household appliance stores; 3. Liquor stores; 4. Luggage stores; 5. Radio and TV stores and repair shops; 6. Multiple-family housing: 7. Theaters: 8. Reservedl 9. Major arcade. so long as it does not have any exrenor frontage on any public way, street, walkway, or mallarea. (vail 5-3.83)344 CoMMERCIAL CORE I (CCl) DISTRICT Amusement devices shall not be visible or audible from any public way, street, walkway or mall area; 10. Outdoor patios. (Ord.27(1982) $ l(a): Ord.25(1982) $la: Ord.6(1982)$ 3a: Ord- 8(1981) $ 2: Ord. 26(1980) S 2 (part): Ord. 16(1975) $ 3(AXA): ord. 8(1973) $ 8.200(4).) It.24.030 Permitted snd conditionrl uses-First ttoor ol strgct lcvel. A. The "first floor" or "street tevel" shall be defined as that floor of the building that is located at grade or street level. B. The following uses shall be permitted on the ftrst floor or street level within a structure:l. Retail stores and establishments, including the following: Apparel storcs, Art supply stores and galleries, Bakeriei and confectioneries, restricted to preparation of products specifically for sale on the premises, Bookstores, Camera stores and photographic studios, Candy stbres, Chinaware and glassware storcs, Delicatessens and specialty food stores, Drugstores and Pharmacies, Florists, Gift shops, Hobby storcs, Jewelry stores, Leather good stores, Luggage stores, Music and record stores. Newsstands and tobacco stores, Sporting goods stores, Stationery stores, Ticket and travel agencies, Toy stores, Variety stores, Yardage and dry goods stores; T 345 (v.[ t8{3) ZONING 2. Eating and drinking establishments, including thefollowing: Bakeries and delicatessens with food service. restrictedto preparation of products specifically for sale on the prem ise s, Cocktail lounges and bars, Coffee shops. Fountains and sandwich shops, Restaurants;3. Lodges;4. Additional uses determined to be similar to permitted uses described in subparagraphs I and 2 ibove, in accordance with the provisions of Section 18.66.040, so long as they do not encourage vehicular traffic.C. The following r:ses shall be permitted on the frrst floor or street level floor within a structure, subject to issuance of a conditional use permit in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 18.60:l. Liquor stores;2. Banks and financial institutions;3. Household appliance stores;4. Radio and TV stores and repair shops;5. Reserve.6. Barbershops. beautv shops and beautv parlors so long as thel'do not have anv exterior frontage on an), public u:ay, street. walkwaV or mall area: '1 . Outdoor par ios. (Ord.25(1982)s\ lb: Ord. l8(1981) g l: Ord.8(t981) g 2: Orct. 26(1980) $ 2 (part): Ord. 50(1978) $s\ 4 and 5: Ord. t6(i975) g j (A)(B): Ord. 8( 1973) $ 8.200(B).) It.2{.040 Permitted and conditional uses-Second floor.A. The follou ing uses shall be permitted on the second l'loor abore grade u,ithin a structure; provided. horrcr,er. that a conditional use permit u,ill be required in accordancc u.irh Chapter | 8.60 for any, use u,hich eliminares an]'e.\isring dwel- ling or accommodation unit or an1 portiort rhcreol:l. tv{ ultiple-familr residential duelling:2. Lodges: ( (V&ll 5.t€3)346 COMMERCIAL CORE I (CCI) DISTRICT 3. Professional offices, business offices, and studios;4. Banks and financial institutions;5. Personal services and repair shops, including thc fol- lowing: Barbershops, Beauty shops, Business and office services, Tailors and dressmakers, Travel and ticket agencies;6. Retail stores and establishments, including the following: Apparel stores, Art supply stores and galleries, Bakeries and confectioneries, restricted to pr€paration of products specifically for sale on the premiscs, Bookstores, Camera stores and photographic studios, Candy storcs, Chinaware and glassware stores, Delicatessens and specialty food stores, Drugstores and pharmacies, Florists, Gift stores, Hobby stores, Jewelry stores, Leather goods stores, Music and record stores, Newsstands and tobacco stores, Photographic studios, Sporting goods stores, Toy stores, Variety stores, Yardage and dry goods stores: 7. Eatrng an<l drinking establishments, including thc fol- lowing: Bakeries and delicatessens with food service, restricted to preparation of producrs specifically for sale on thc premtses, Cocktail lounges and bars, Coffee shops, E 347 (vdt r+rt) o ZONING Fountains and sandwich shops, Rcstaurants. B. The following uses shall be permitted on second floors above grade, subject to the issuance of a conditional use permit in accordance with the provisions ofChapter 1g.60:l. Meeting rooms; 2. Liquor stores; 3. Household appliance stores; 4. Radio and TV sales and repair shops; 5. Luggage stores; 6. Theaters; 7. Reserved: 8. Dog kennel; 9. Outdoor patios. (Ord.25(1982) $ lc: Ord.20(1982) g 5: Ord.8(l9Et) g 2: Ord. ?6_(l?89) $ 2 (part): ord. 16(1e75) g 3(AXC): ord. 8(te73) g 8.200(c).) It 24.050 Permitted and conditional uses-Abovesecond floor.A The following uses shall be permitted on any floor above the second floor above grade:l. Multiple-family residential dwellings; 2. Lodges. B. The following uses shall be permitted on any floor above the , second floor above grade, subject to the issuance of a condi- tional use permit in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 18.60:l. Retail stores and establishments, including the following: Apparel stores, Art supply stores and galleries, Bakeries and confectioneries, restricted to preparation of products specilically for sale on rhe premiaes, Bookstores. Camera stores and photographic studios, Chinaware and glassware stores. Delicatcssens and specialty food stores, (i (vdr rs€8)348 CoMMERCTAL CORE I (CCl) DISTRICT Drugstores, Florists, Gift shops, Hobby stores, Household appliance stores, Jewelry stores, Leather goods stores, Luggage stores, Music and record stores, Newsstands and tobacco stores, Photographic studios, Stationery stores, Toy stores, Variety stores, Yardage and dry goods stores, Liquor stores, Radio and TV stores and repair shops, Sporting goods stor€s; 2. Eating and drinking establishments, including the following: Bakeries and delicatessen$ urith food service, restricted to preparation of products specifically for sale on the premises, Cocktail lounges and bars, Coffee shops, Fountains and sandwich shops, Restaurants I3. Professional offices, business offices, and studios;4. Banks and financial institutions: 5. Personal services and repair shops, including the following: Barbershops, Beauty shops, Business and office services, Small appliance repair shops, Tailors and dressmakers, Travel and ticket agencies; 6. Theatersl 349 (vdra&8:t) 4. 5. COMMERCIAL CORE I (CCI) DISTRICT the planning and environmental commission that the proposed building alteration is in compliance with the purposes of theCCl district as specified in 18.24.010; and that the proposal substantially complies with the Vail Village urban design guide plan and design considerations or that the proposal does not otherwise alter the character of the neighborhood; The planning and environmental commission may ap- prove the application as submitted, approve the applica- tion with conditions or modifications, or, if the planning and cnvironmental commission finds that the applicant failed to meet his burden of proof, it may deny the application; Applications for this subsection A shall be submitted semiannually on or before the fourth Monday of May and November. The planning and environmental commission shall then hold a preliminary review session within twenty-one days of the above submittal date. A public hearing shall then be held within sixty days of the preliminary review session. For projects which are deemed by the commission to constitute a major amendment to the approved Vail Village urban design guide plan or otherwise constitute a significant impact on the town, a ninety-day study period may be requested by the planning and environmental commission, prior to a final disposi- tion of such projects. a. Notwithstanding the foregoing, applications for the alteration of an existing building which add or remove any enclosed floor area of not more than one hundred square feet may be submitted at the required time of the month for planning commission review. The review procedures shall, in all respects, be the same as that for other applications in accordance with this section. All enclosed floor area for an expansion or deletion pursuant to this subparagraph a. shall be physically and structurally a part of an existing or new building and shall not be a free-standing struc- ture. A single property owner shall not be permitted more than one submission in accordance with this subparagraph a. in any two year period. A propertyL'351 (Vail I t-l5-83) ZONINC. 7. Additional uses determined to be similar to permitted uses described in subparagraphs I through 5 of this section in accordance with the provisions of Section 18.66.040, so long as the!' do not encourage vehicular traflic; 8. Reserved. 9. Dog kennel. (Ord. 20( 1982)$ 5: Ord. 8( l98l ) $ 2: Ord. 26( 1980) $ 2 (part): Ord. l6(1975) $ 3(AXD): Ord.8(1973) S 8.200(D).) It.24.060 Conditional uses-Generally. The following uses shall be permitted, subject to the issuance of a conditional use permit in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 18.60: A. Ski lifts and tows; B. Public utility and public service uses; C. Public buildings, grounds, and facilities; D. Public park and recreational facilities. (Ord. l6(1975) $ 3(B): ord. 8(1973) $ 8.300.) ft,24.065 Exterior alterations or modifications-Procedure. All alterations of the exterior of an esisting building in CC I shall comply with the following procedure: A. The alteration of an existing building s hich adds or removes an1, enclosed floor area or the replacement of an existing building shall be subject to re'" ieu bl rhe planning and envi- ronmental commission as follou s: l. Application shall be made by the owner of rhe building or agent on a form provided by the zoning adminisrraror: 2. The public hearing before the planning and environmen- tal commission shall be held in accordance rvith Sections 18.66.060 through I8.66.090. A decision of the planning and environmental commission mal be appealed to the town council in accordance with the nrocedure sDecified in Section 18.60.070; 3. It shall be the burden of the applicant under this subsec- tion A to prole b1' a preponderance oflhe evidence before (i C (Vail 5.3.8t)350 4. 5. COMMERCIAL CORE I (CCI) DISTRICT the planning and environmental commission that the proposed building alteration is in compliance with the purposes of the CC I district as specified in 18.24.010; and that the proposal substantially complies with the Vail Village urban design guide plan and design considerations or that the proposal does not otherwise alter the character of the neighborhood; The planning and environmental commission may ap- prove the application as submitted, approve the applica- tion with conditions or modifications, or, if the planning and environmental commission finds that the applicant failed to meet his burden of proof, it may deny the application; Applications for this subsection A shall be submitted semiannually on or before the fourth Monday of May and November. The planning and environmental commission shall then hold a preliminary review session within twenty-one days of the above submittal date. A public hearing shall then be held within sixty days of the preliminary review session. For projects which are deemed by the commission to constitute a major amcndment to the approved Vail Village urban design guide plan or otherwise constitute a significant impact on the town, a ninety-day study pcriod may be requested by the planning and environmental commission, prior to a final disposi- tion of such projects. a. Notwithstanding the foregoing, applications for the alteration of an existing building which add or remove any enclosed floor area of not more than one hundred square feet may be submitted at the required time of the month for planning commission review. The review procedures shall, in all respects, be the same as that for other applications in accordance with this section. All enclosed floor area for an expansion or deletion pursuant to this subparagraph a. shall be physically and structurally a part of an existing or new building and shall not be a free-standing struc- ture. A single property owner shall not be permitted more than one submission in accordance with this subparagraph a. in any two year period. A property L''35r (vail I t-15-83) ZONING owner may, however, apply for an expansion greater than one hundred square feet in any year in which he submits his application on the May and November dates set forth in paragraph A.5. The modification or change to the exterior facade of a building or to a site within CCI shall be reviewed by the design review board in accordance with the following: l . Application shall be made by the owner of the building or his agent on a form by the zoning administrator; 2. The hearing before the design reveiw board shall be held in accordance with Chapter 18.54. A decision of the design review board may be appealed to the town council in accordance with the procedure specifed in Chapter 18.54; 3. It shall be the burden of the applicant to prove by a preponderance of the evidence before the design review board that the proposed building modification is in compliance with the purposes of the CCI district as specified in 18.24.010; that the proposal substantially complies with the Vail Village design considerations, or that the proposal does not otherwise alter the character of the neighborhood: The design review board may approve the application as submitted; approve the application with conditions or modifications; or, if the design review board finds that the applicant failed to meet his burden of proof, it may deny the application; The zoning administrator may approve minor modifica- tions as provided in Section 18.54.060. A decision of the zoning administrator may be appealed to the design review board for review. C. All alterations under subsection A above shall be subject to review by the design review board following planning and environmental commission approval in accordance with Chapter 18.54. The design review board shail review the same to insure that the same comply with the Vail Village design considerations. (Ord.4l (1983)01: Ord.25(1982)$ ld: Ord.2l (1980)$ I (part).) ( B. C 4. 5. R (Vail I l-15-83)352 (CoMMERCTAL CORE I (CCl) DTSTRICT It.24.070 Conditiond uscs-Fectors rpplicrble. ^ In considering, in accordance with Chap-r 1 g.60, an application for.a conditional use permit within commercial core I disirict, thefollowing development factors shall be applicable:A. Effects of vehicular traffic on commertid core l district;B. Reduction of vehicular traffic in commercial core I district;C. Reduction of nonessential off-street parking;q Control of delivery, pickup, and service veh-icles; !. Development ofpublic spaces for use by pedestrians;F. Continuance of the various commerciai, residential. andpublic uses in commercial core I district so as to maintain the existing character of the area;G. Control quality of construction, architectural design, and landscape design in commercial core I district so as to maintain the existing character of the area: 352a (Vail I l-15-t!) (CoMMERCTAL CORE I (CCl) DISTRTCT H. Effects of noise, odor, dust, smoke, and other factors on the environment of commercial core I district.(ord. l6(1975) g a.) 1E.24.080 Accessory uses. -. The following accessory uses shall be permitted in the CCI district: A. Swimming pools, patios, or other recreational facilities cus- _ tomarily incidental to permitted residentiat or lodge uses;B. Outdoor dining areas operated in conjunction wiih permit- ted eating and drinking establishments; C. Home occupations, subject to issuance of a home occupation permit in acordance with the provisions of Sections l g.5g.l30 through 18.58.190; D. Other uses customarily incidental and accessory to permitted or conditional uses, and necessary for the operation thereof.E. Minor arcade. Amusement devices shall not be visible or _ audible from any public way, street, walkway or mall area.(ord. 6(t982) g 3b: Ord. l6(r975) g 3(C): Ord. 8(1973) $ 8.400.) 18.24.090 Lot area and site dimensions. The minimum lot or site area shail be five thousand square feet of buildable area, and each site shall have a minimum frontage of thirty feet. (Ord. t2(1975) g 3 (part).) 18.24.100 Setbacks. .. . There shall be no required setbacks, except as may be estab- lished pursuant to the Vail Village design guide plan ind design considerations. (Ord. 2l(1980) g t (part).) 18.24.120 Height. . Height shall be as regulated in the Vail Village urban design g9i!9 qtan and design considerations. (Ord. I l(1982) g 2: Ord. 37(1980) g 2 (part).) RI 352-l (v|'l l-aJl) ZONING f t.24.130 Density control. Unless otherwise provided in the Vail Village urban design guide plan, not more than eighty square feet ofgross residential floor area (GRFA) shall be permitted for each one hundred square feet of buildable site area. Total density shall not exceed twenty-{ive dwelling units per acre of buildable site area. (Ord. 2l(1980) $ I (part).) It.24.140 Reconstruction of existing uses-Generelly. If any building or structure located within commercial core I on June I, 1978, is subsequently destroyed by fire or other casualty to the degree provided in Section 18.64.090, that struc- ture or building may be reconstructed to the same or substan- tially the same size, dimensions, lot coverage, and height in accordance with the procedures outlined in Section 18.64.090, so long as the appearance ofthe building or structure is the same or substantially the same as existed prior to its destruction. (Ord. 19(1979) 0 3(a): Ord. l3(1978) S 2.) It.24.150 Coverrge. Not more than eighty percent of the total site area shall be covered by building and ground level patios and decks unless otherwise specified in the Vail Village urban design guide plan and design considerations. (Ord. 2l(1980) $ I (part).) It.24.t70 Landscaping and site development. No reduction in landscape area shall be permitted without sufficient cause shown by the applicant or as specified in the Vail Village design considerations. (Ord.2l(1980) $ I (part).) 18.24,180 Parking and loading. Off-street parking and loading shall be provided in accord- ance with Chapter 18.52; provided, that no parking shall be pro- vided on*ite. All parking requirements shall be met in accord- ance with the provisions of Section 18.52.160(2). Loading requirements shall continue to be applicable to properties with- H (V.il lgJ,352-2 COMMERCIAL CORE I (CCI) DISTRICT in commercial core I ; provided, that no loading areas shall be located in any required front setback area. (Ord. l3(19?8) $ 3.) 1E.24.190 Location of business activity. A. All offices, businesses, and services permitted by Sections I 8.24.020 t hrough | 8.24.050 shall be operated and conducted entirely within a building, except for permitted unenclosed parking or loading areas, and the outdoor display of goods. B. The area to be used for outdoor display must be located directly in front ofthe establishment displaying the goods and entirely upon the establishment's own property. Sidewalks, building entrances and exits, driveways and streets shall not be obstructed by outdoor display. (Ord. 34(1982)$ l: ord. l9(1976)$ 9(part): Ord. 8(1973)$8.51 l.) 18.24.2O0 Reconstruction of existing uses-Compliance with certain standards required. Any building or structure located within commercial core I may be reconstructed to the same or substantially the same enclosed floor area in accordance with the procedures outlined in Section 18.64.090. The building, however, shall substantially comply with the applicable provisions of the Vail Village urban design guide plan and design considerations. (Ord. 2l(1980) $ I (part).) 18.24.22O Adoption of VaiI Village urban design guide plan and design considerations. A. The Vail Village urban design guide plan and design consid- erations are adopted for the purposes of maintaining and preserving the character and vitality of the Vail Village(CCl) and to guide the future alteration, change and improvement in CC I . Copies of the Vail Village design guide RI 352-3 {v.il t-a-ul O CoN|MERCTAL CORE 2 (CC2) DISTRTCT plan and design considerations shall be on file in the com- nrunity development department of the town. B. Revisions to the Vail Village urban design guide plan and design considerations shall be reviewed by the planning and environmental commission with official action to be taken by the town council by resolution on a semiannual basis to' ensure that the plan reflects the purposes and intent for . which it has been adopted. The review and action shall take place within thirty days following the public hearing on the applications. (Ord.2l(1980) $ I (Part).) Chapter 18.26 COMMERCIAL CORE 2 (CCZI DISTRICT Sections: 18.26.010 Purpose. 18.26.020 Requirements for estabtshment-Development plan. 18.26.030 Permitted and conditional uses. 18.26.040 Conditional uses-Generally. I 8.26.045 Exterior alterations or modifications-' Procedurc. 18.26.050 Accessory uses. I 8.26.060 Lot area and site dimensions. 18.26.07O Setbacks. 18.26.090 Height. 18.26.100 Density control. 18.26.120 Coverage. 18.26.140 l:ndscaping and site development. 18.26.150 Parking and loading. 18.26.160 Location of business activity. 18.26.180 Adoption of Lionshead urban design guide plan and design considerations. L:353 (v8il 2-81) kuwl Alz:lr7 feet s.f. 576additional square feet in area.3) Expand an existi.ng office space on the second floor to 775 s.f.with an addition of 250 s.f.4) Remodel the existing first level commercial frontage and expand ^, "f) the rerail area by ll44 s.f. {/\tu-l' .-t-tl I Also, within the scope of.this project, the landscaping vould.be rede- fLS " I fined to an alpine garden concept and the steps up to the second level : - [ corunercial space and the vesc entry to the lodge would be revised andl0 ...0, \ upgraded. \-t.1 'l L,- \Yfl. K - VAIL VILLAGE MASTER PLANUil,yr\ The proposed improvements do not address any specific sub-area 1nfill. \l It is fe1t, however; that the increase in lodge rooms and the enlargemencis size of rooms meets a general policy consideration for more and betterpublic accomodations in Commercial Core I. (i.e. goal statements'of the Land Use Plan). PEDRESTR]ANIZATION The site of this i-mprovement occurs adjacent to a limited vehicular accessstreet. The street is used for Lhe pedestrian "uy. lWalking access to the building is being improve by upgrading an exiscing Stairway. The appli.cant has agreed to participate in a renovation of the entire north side walkway. This upgrade will be coordinated with the Tovn of Vai1. VEHICULAIi' PENETRATION Wj.ch a modest increase in commercial area, vehicular visits to this area wi.11 increase slightly. Because the lodge is located on the fringe of CCI, impacts from vehicles r,ri11 be minimal. February 2l , L987 THE SITZMARK LODGE Remodel and Additions 183 Gore Creek DriveVail, Colorado PROPOSAL. The Sitzmark Lodge requests a four-fold development improvement tothe existing facili.ty: 1) Add three lodge rooms, averaging approximately 450 square each, for a Eotal area of 1364 s.f .2) Expand 6 existing lodge rooms from a current size of 350to an average of 445 s.f. each. The total expansion would be STREETSCAPE FRAMEWORK Landscaping has been a priority and a strong focus of endeavor by the or^rners of the Sitzmark Lodge. The area adjacent to the second floor expansion will, be a focal point of flowers and alpine plants. Cl6se scrutiny must be given to the spruce tree located at the northwest corner of the sit.e. The applicant would prefer to rnove the tree to a more open site, possibly in the adjacent park a! Gore creeks edge, and replace it with deciduous trees of greater transparency. It is felt that the existing spruce wilt noE only block the retail shop frorn passersby but will also outgrow its space. However, the tree does occur on T.O.V. property"and the ultimate decision must include the Town. STREET ENCLOSURE Along vith the framework of the streetscaper many of the considerations of street enclosure, street edge and even building height tend to over- J.ap and blend into the same design considerations. The building stands somewhat isolate from other structures and yet Ehe sEructure is big enough to create its orrn edge. The existing west frontage already satis- fies a design consideration for not being aligned in one plane. The new proposal further accentuates an irregular frontage and creates greater interest. It is also important from the standpoint of street enclosure and building height that the adili:ion .stePs downvard to Wi1low Bridge Road. The stepping or tapering function satisifies a basic design con- cept of relating the the void of the street ltxself and also the the structure framing the opposite side. Enough variation in the heighE of the addition exists to combat the mass of the structure. Variation to the street edge is enhanced by the retail shop frontage remodel. ?he current frontage suffers form a generic appearance and a singular aligned wa11 plane. VIEWS Verv l-ittle effect on vies occurs with Ehis addition. The extension of -the- commercial space on the second 1eve1 slightly decreases the view of the Village Center condos and the Lodge from a lerspective viewpoint on Wil,low Bridge Road. SUN / SHADE The additional massing at the upper floors will increase the shade pattern falling to the north of the building. Shadow already falls across the walkways adjacent to the north arcade of shops; the addi- tional shadov is cast across the stream becween the two bridges. o ZONING CONSIDERATIONS Site coverage ls increased by about 2.77 with the overall factlity at 80.72. In further revidw of density, the building exceeds the number of lodge roons alLowed. The site area of .43 acres computes to 21 lodge rooms and the current facllety has 31 with 3 more requested. The three addltional rooms do, however, replace exactly the 3 rooms lost in the addition of the Polo shop on the south facade. Only a very minor reduction in landscaping is foreseen with this improve- ment. Additional parking wilJ- three lodge rooms. The Town of Vail . be required owner would the connercial expansion and the required to purchase space from the by be 1il- -. c: TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Planning and Environmental Commission Corununity Developrnent Department March 9, L987 Exterior alteration request to expand six accommodationunits, add three new acconmodation units and expandretail and office space at the Sitzmark Lodge.Applicant: Mr. Bob Fritch I.THE PROPOSAL The owner of the Sitznrark Lodge is requesting an exterioralteration and density variance for the followingconstruction at the Sitzrnark Lodge: 1. Expansion of six existing accommodation units, total of 555 Sr. 2. Addition of three nesr accornmodation units, total ofI,280 sf. 3. Expansion of existing retail on the north side of thebuilding, 845 sf. 4. Addition of new first floor retail space on thenorthwest corner of the building, 500 sf. 5. Expansion of existing second floor office space, 180 sf. The density variance is required for the three newaccomrnodation units as the Sitzmark already exceeds theallowable nurnber of dwelling/acconnodation units underCommercial Core I zoning. please see the meno concerning thedensity variance for a more detailed analysis of thisrequest. The owner is also proposing to add landscaping, paving andseating improvements to the pedestrian !"alkway along thenorth side of the building according to a Master Plandeveloped by the staff and appticant. The inprovenents wilLbegin on the northwest corner of the property. A pedestrianplaza is proposed for this area (see enclosure). fUeexisting 25! spruce tree near the northwest corner of thebuilding is proposed to be relocated to the open space areaalong core Creek adjacent to the Sitzrnark. The tree ispresently located on Town of Vail land. Landscaping andpavers will be added to the areas east of the pedestrianbridge abutment. A nehr sidewalk with paver accents will bebuilt along the remaining north side of the building. Also, within the scope of this project, the alpine gardenadjacent to the office (west el"evation) would Le expanaed tothe south of the entry stairway. This stairway up to thesecond level commercial space and the west entry to the lodgewould be revised and upgraded to cement or sandstone. II. ZONING STATISTICS The following is a sunmary of zoning statistics related tothe exterior alteration reguest,. Sitzrnark Lodqe Zone District: Commercial Core I Site Area:.4077 acres, L7,759 sf Density: GRFA: (25 units per acre allowed)Allowed dwelling units: 10 d.u. or 20 a.u.Existing density: I d.u. + 32 a.u. : 12 d.u.Proposed: I d.u. + 35 a.u. = l_8.5 d.u. (.8O of site area)Allowed: L4,2O7 sfExisting: LL,362 Remaining 21845 sf Addition: 2nd floor 3rd floor w. existing. a.u. : e. existin![. a.u.:ll-0 sf 75 sf 455 sf 405 sf l-L0 sf 75 sf west new a.u. east new a. u.w. existing a.u.e. existing a.u. new auw. existing a.u.e. existing a.u. Total 4th floor l-,835 new GRFA = 420 sf = 1-1"0 sf = 75sf GRFA renaininq after addition l-rOlO sf Retail: (Unlinited square footage as long as Urban Design Guide Plan is cornplied with.)Existing retail, 10,584 sf Proposed retail additions:Indian Paint Brush: 150 sf Colorado Footwear: 280 sf Gore Creek Gold: L40 sf Breeze Ski Rental: 275 sf New retail addition, northwest corner: 170 sf new plus 330 sf of converted existing space Tota1 , L,345 sf Office: Existing office square footage = 560 sf Proposed addition l-80 sf Total office space, 74O sf Site Coverage: (.80 of total site area) All-owed: L4,2O7 sqExisting: 11,300 sq Proposed: 1,235 sq New total after expansion2 L2,535 sq Remainingi L,672 sq Height: (60? 33 | -43t r 4OA O-33 ' ) The Urban Design Consideration reguires that 40? of the roofarea be at a height of up to 33' and 60? of the roof area maybe 33r to 43r. The height of the addition at its greatest point is 43 feet,tapering down to approxlnately 25 ieet on the west elevation.A portion of the existinq roof extends above 43r toapproximately 53'. ThIs area of the roof is considered to benon-conforrning. The addition does not increase the non-conformity of the overall building relative to theregulation. Parking: Parking for the retail , office and residential expansion will be addressed by the applicant paying into theparking fund for CCI . A commercial space is g3rOOO andresidential space is $5,ooo. Stream Setback: Required: 50r from core Creek centerline.tEe proleEE-EoEs not encroach into the stream setback. III. COMPLIANCE WITH THE PURPOSE SECTION OF COMMERCIAL CORE I ZONE L8.24 Purpose. The Commercal core I district is intended toprovide sites and to naintain the unigue character of theVail Village conmercial area with its nixture of lodges andcommercial establishments in a predominantly pedestrianenvironment. The commercial core I district is intended toensure adequate light, air, open space, and other anenitiesappropriate to the pernitted tlpes of buildings and uses.The distict regulations in accordance with the VaiL VillageUrban Design Guide Plan and Design Considerations prescriSesite developnent standards that are intended to ensure thernaintenance and preservation of the tightly clusteredarrangements of buildings fronting on pedestrianways andpublic areen$/ays, and to ensure continuation of tha buildinoscale and architectural qualities that distinguish thevillage. This proposal is in cornpliance with the purpose section ofthe Corunercial Core f zone district. IV. COMPLIANCE WITH THE IJRBAN DESIqN GUIDE PLAN FOR VATL VILLAGE The folLowing Guide PIan sub-area concepts relate to thisproposal: (Please see enclosed Urban Design Guide plan nap. ) No. 30. Bank inprovements Riprap, reduced slope, reseeding and shrubs/treeplanting for reinforcement of creek as visual feature ofthe Village. No. 31. Future bridge improvements Se991d najor entry.to core area warrants increased. imageability--such as with covered bridge (to becone standaid.structure for pedestrian crossings) . Bridge structuregives partial enclosure of creekside meadow area, avisible attraction from Crossroads. Reinforce entryfurther with paving treatrnent and planting near bri&ge. The.applicantts proposal includes landscaping, seating andpaving inprovements to the entire north side of the sitzrnark.The improvements address the Guide planrs reconmendations forupgrading in this area, with the exception of the coveredbridge. v.COMPIJIANCE WITH THE URBAN DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS FOR VAIL The Design Considerations help influence the forn ofbuildings in the Commercial Core f district. As stated inthe code, the Design Considerations ilare intended to enablethe Town staff and citizen review boards to more clearly cornmunicate to property owners planning and designobjectives, and to allow property owners to respond byconforming to the design considerations or to clearly-dernonstrate why departures are warranted. n Below is asunmary of the applicant and staff reponses to each of theDesign Considerations : A. Pedestrianization or ob ective for Vail Villa e is to encouraqe an circulation throuqh an erconn networkof safe easant estrian wavs.Manv orovements rec zed in the U Des Guide Plan a Des consi-de ons are to reinforce a of pedestr an walkwa uqhoutthe Village. Applicantrs Response: rrThe site of this improvement occurs adjacent to alinited vehicular access street. The street is used forthe pedestrian way. Walking access to the building isbeing improved by upgrading an existing stairway. Theapplicant has agreed to participate in a renovation ofthe entire north side walkway. This upgrade will becoordinated with the Town of Vail .rl Staff Response: This proposal accoraplishes a great deal as far asimproving existing pedestrian hrays. The addition of thepedestrian plaza near the northwest corner of theSitznark creates an area that will be attractive topedestrians as it will provide seating adjacent to thecreek, a more inviting and attractive entryway to thiswalkway and new landscaping along the edge of the creekbank which is presently non-existent. The sidewalkalong the entire length of the building will be upgradedwith new cement and paver accents. The stairway up tothe real estate office will also be rebuilt out ofeither cement or sandstone. Staffrs opinion is thatthese improvements are very positive in respect to thepedestrianization of this area. B.Vehicular Penetration To improve the lity of the walkin ience andve con the pedes an ways. . .ce and anclsca are used...as a soft colorful_ ramewo estr an routes azas andk qreen ces as open nodes ocal ts aloneseare encoura ed. fn conmercial storefronts to ve street I fe and v sual terest. c. Tg ttrg $axinu{n extgnt pgFsible, a1l non-resident trafficshould be routed alonq the Frontaqe Road to VEif Applicantrs Response: rrWith a modest increase in comrnercial area, vehicularvisits to this area wiII increase slightty. Because theIodge is located.on the fringe of Commercial Core f,irnpacts from vehicles will be rninimal . rr Staff Response: The addition will not create any significant increasesin vehicle trips to the building. Fire access has alsobeen irnproved at the northwest corner of the building.The existing access is 13 feet and wiII increase to 20feet with the new plan. Staff feels this is aninportant improvernent as this is the point where firetrucks will have to turn into the pedestrian sidewalk. Streetscape Framework Applicantrs Response: 'rLandscaping has been a priority and a strong focus ofendeavor by the owners of the Sitzmark Lodge. The areaadjacent to the second floor expansion witl be a focalpoint of flowers and alpine plants. Close scrutiny rnustbe given to the spruce tree located at the northwestcorner of the site. The applicant would prefer to rnovethe tree to a more open site, possibly in the adjacentpark at Gore Creekrs edge, and to replace it withdeciduous trees of greater transparency. It is feltthat the exi-sting spruce will not onty block the retailshop frorn passersby but will also outgrow its space.However, the tree does occur on T.O.V. property and theultinate decisi.on must include the Town.tl Staff Response: This proposal conbines the streetscape frarneworkconsiderationsr ernphasis on open space and landscapingas well as infill commercial to create street life andvisual interest for the pedestrian. The addition of thepoplars, spruce and aspen trees to the east of thepedestrian bridge, relocated spruce tree to the east ofthe pedestrian bridge, and two stone planters wiII alladd much needed J-andscaping to this area. In addition, the nelr conmercial storefronts create a much more interesting facade for the pedestrian.Display windows will be more visible to the pedestrian,particularly on the east end of the retail expansion.Presently, a covered arcade exists in front of theIndian Paint Brush, Colorado Footwear and Gore CreekGold. Staff does not feel that this arcade isparticularly inviting to the pedestrian, as it isdifficult to see the storest display windows frorn thesidewalk. The new storefronts will Le sirnilar in designto the_Polo Shop retail which will create a continuityof design among the various retail portions of thebuilding. Even though you will never see the north sideof the building at the same time that you see the southside, staffrs opinion is that the design continuity willbe an improvernent to the entire building. The owner is also creating a new retail storefront onthe northwest corner of the property. Staff feels thatthis retail location will be very effective and that itwill be located right at the entrance to the pedestrianplaza. The new sler.sfront will help to add street lifeand visual interest to the west elevation and the areain general . Staffrs opinion is that this proposal meetsthis considerationts intent to rrcreate a variety of openand enclosed spaces, both built and landscaped whichcreate a strong framework for pedestrian walks as wellas visual interest and activity. " Twentv-five foot spruce tree: Staff has agreed that the 25 | blue spruce tree on the northlrest corner of theSitzmark should be reLocated to the open space adjacentto Gore Creek at the applicantrs expense. Staff wouldIike to see the tree relocated just to the east of thepedestrian bridge and existing larnp post. The TotrnCouncil would have to give final approval to therelocation of the tree. At this tine, the Council hasbeen infonned of general improvements to Town of Vailland in the area of the pedestrian plaza. However, aspecific discussion of the relocation of the spruce treehas not occurred. Staff feels that as }ong as the ownerprovides a letter from a landscape contractor that the tree can be relocated, the staff does not have a problemwith the moving of the tree. If the tree cannot Lemoved safely, a comparable tree will replace it. D.Street Enclosure While buildin facade ts should not be uniform fromdincr to ould prov e a comfortableosure for the s E. Staff Response: This criteria ernphasizes that pedestrian streets arebasically outdoor roons whose walls are formed by thebuildings. It states that the shape 'rand feel oi th"="rooms are created_by the variety 9f heights and massing(three dimensional variations) which give rnuch of thevisual interest to the pedestrian scale unique to Vail.rlIt is staffts opinion that the facades' heights terracefron 43 feet down to 25 feet which creates i balancednorth elevation for the building. However, due to theinfill of the building, staff believes thai it is vervirnportant that the pedestrian areas be improved andopened up so that pedestrians do not feel that they arecrowded between the creek and the building. Thepedestrian plaza and landscaping wirt balince the infirlon the uppeT levels of the building. The expansions ofthe commercial storefronts, the paving treatinent,landscaping and seating will all help to create a well_defined ground floor pedestrian area. Street Edge Fuildilqs i4 th,e villaqg cor-e should form a strongg!irregular edqe to the s Staff Response: The new retail storefronts are much more visible topedestrians as the display windows are pushed outadjacent to the sidewalk, particularly in respect to theeast retail addition. The strong edg- of the retail isachieved by using a variety of treatments that willgive each shop its own unique storefront while stillproviding design continuity among all the storefronts.Staff agrees with the applicant that the currentfrontage suffers due to the generic appearance of theshop fronts and the continuous straight edge to thefacade. staffrs opinion is that the proposil ,particularly in the area of the conrnercial additions isan improvement to the street edge. F.Building Height Basicall the villa e core r_s rceLved as a mix of two an e sto faca es, aLthou h there are so fourve store ve variety to street--wh ch is dest criteria are encouracfe mass vari-et scouraqe uniform bueiqhtsaI Applicantrs Response: rrAlong with the framework of the streetscape, many ofthe considerations of street enclosure, street edge andeven building height tend to overlap and blend into the same design considerations. The building stands somewhat isolate frorn other structures and yet thestructure is big enough to create its own edge. Theexisting west frontage already satisfies a designconsideration for not being aligned in one plane. The new proposal further accentuates an irregular frontageand creates greater interest. It is also inportant fromthe standpoint of street enclosure and building heightthat the addition steps downward to Willow Bridge Road.The stepping or tapering function satisfies a basicdesign concept of relating the void of the street itselfand also the structure framing the opposite side. Enough variation in the height of the addition exists tocombat the mass of the structure. Variation to the street edge is enhanced by the retailshop frontage remodel . The current frontage suffersfrom a generic appearance and a singular aligned wallpIane. rl Staff Response: The proposal actually creates a more even stepping dovrnof the building as the addition goes from 4 stories to 3stories to 2 stories. The building height has also beenoffset by the creation of the pedestrian plaza belowthis area. The addition meets the buildinq heightrequirement that height shall not exceed 43 feet. Thehighest point of the addition is at 43 feet and tapers down to approximately 25 feet on the west end of thebuilding. The nix of building heights meets the intentof this consideration to have 4OB of the height at no more than 33 ! and 60? of the height from 33 | to 43 | . G.Views and Focal Points riorit should be analvsis of theect on v estrian areaswhether designated or not. applicantrs Response: rrVery little effect on views occurs with this addition.The extension of the office space on the second levelslightly decreases the view of the Village Center condosand the Lodge from a perspective viewpoint on WillowBridge Road.tl Staff Response: The addition will impact sliqhtly the view of the skimountain, Wi1]ow Bridge Road, and Sunmers Lodge project.s frorn the vantage point of the Village Center Condominiurns. H. Sun/Shade A11 new or ed buil should not substantiallncrease the spr anct ta I shadow ern (Ma thoucrh Se tember 23 acent pro public r ght-of-way. Applicantrs Response: 'rThe additional rnassing at the upper floors willincrease the shade pattern falling to the north of thebuilding. Shadow already fa11s across the walkwaysadjacent to the north arcade of shopsi the additional shadow is cast across the stream between the twobridges. rl Staff Response: A sun/shade analysis was completed for March 2l_st andSepternber 2l-st at noon for the project. According tothe study, approximately 500 square feet of shade isadded to the area of the creek bank extending into GoreCreek. An additional 40 square feet of shade is castonto the pedestrian bridge. The retail and officeaddition on the west end of the building adds anadditional L20 square feet of shade. Staff believesthat the additional shade has minimal impacts, as mostof the shade is in areas that are not useable bypedestrians (creek bank and actual portions of core 10 vI . Creek). It is truerthat retail and office additionscast shadow into a pedest.rian area. However, staffbelieves that with the opening up of the pedestrian areaand landscape irnprovements, this impact will benitigated. Basically, it becomes sonewhat of a trade-off: irnprovernents to the pedestrian area by theapplicant with sorne additional shade on a portion of the same area. f. Service and Deliverv Any b\rildinq gxpansion should preserve the functions ofexisti.nq service allevs. The Sitznark presently handles all of their trash in anenclosed dunpster on the southeast corner of thebuilding. Staff does not believe that the additionswill create any significant increase in needed serviceand delivery areas, for these functions remain unchanged. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recorucends approval of the request for the exterioralteration. It is our opinion that the proposal complieswith all of the design considerations toi ttre vi11age. Theproject also creates significant improvements to thepedestrian walkway and open space adjacent to Gore Creek.The recommendation for approval includes the followingconditions: 1. The owner wiLl submit a letter frour a landscapecontractor to staff that confirms that the spruce treecan be relocated safely to the adjacent open space areaalong Gore Creek. The proposed location for the tree isto the east of the existing lamp post by the pedestrianbridge. If the tree is not able to be relocaled, theapplicant will provide a new tree of the same speciessize and quality. A performance bond will be requiredin the case the tree is relocated and does not live. 2. Preliminarv LandscapePlan The owner agirees to constructthe following inprovernents to the pedestrian way whichincludes the Sitzrnark property as well as Town of Vailproperty. The final landscape plan will be determined between the staff and appJ-icant previous to a Design Review Board neeting. Final design details need to beworked out due to the discrepancies between the staffplan (Winston Assoc. 3/3/87) and the recently submittedapplicantrs plan (Piper 3/5/97). The owner wil_1 beresponsible for constructing these irnprovements: 11 a. b. Relocation of spruce tree or replacement of thetree if it is not feasible to relocate. The sizeand type of tree rnust be the same as the existingtree, 25r, spruce. Dry stack river rock walls and planters will beused in all irnprovements. This style will rnatchthe existing rock walls on Willow Bridge. Wroughtiron railing will be added on top of the rock willalong the creek bank. Four to six 3u caliper balsam poplars will be addedin various planting areas in the-plan. Three to four aspen and one to two evergreens willbe added adjacent to the relocated spru-e tree. Two to three seating benches five feet 1ong similarto the corsuch bench or Bell Tower benches will beplaced in the p1an. Pavers and concrete according to the plan usingeither Piper Architects or Jeff winston's desiinschene for the paver and concrete pattern.Unistone hexagonal pavers, rectangular brickpavers, or granite may be combined to create theproposed paver and cement patterns for thewalkway. Flowers and shrubs for planters. Trees nay beadded to the planters. ReLocation of existing shrubs along the westelevation of the existing building to Gore Creekbank. Drainage system associated with the improvementsand roof drainage problens. Structural support and grade beam for thepedestrian plaza expansion. The Town will be responsible for maintaining theirnprovements on Town of Vail land. The towi councilnust also give final approval to the irnprovernentsproposed to be on Town.of_Vail property before DesignReview Board approval is finar. pleasL see the enclosedPreliminary Landscape Drawings (piper, 3/S/e7 andWinston, 3/3/e7). c. d. e. f. s. h. l. T2 3. 4. At Design Review Board review, the owner will subnit aplan for roof drainage. At the time of building permit, the owner will submit awritten legal agreeurent stipulating the improvements andcosts which will be covered by the owner concerning thepedestrian plaza, sidewalk and landscape inprovements and will- provide a letter of credit to cover the costsof the improvements. At the tine of building permit, a revocable right-,of-waypennit will be submitted for aII encroachments on Tohrnof Vail property. The applicant will- agree to participate in and notrernonstrate against a Vail Village inprovement district-if and when one is forned q- AU 5. 6. 13 Best copy Available ruIffiJ,."*'q2e FA^J\P p,.^,N ry qnwnQp WFotrqt+T IFDN f*ll- Wl L+rp p*,V wtttz Pzeurnrrunel D6lo.J CORE CREEK PROMENADI. Town''of Vail '- ' $trHXAn%lsH li.,',. i..4 "l"i Il i 3; Iibl (303)..0.9200 . Scale:1'-10' --I - 3 MARCH 1987 3/01fi -4. i i @ l+FdE'ee*nY-/ lr r\\t%^tn 6<'* >( rffi;o@;,-' \ ,t+'tJC, .tf61e +E@!%. fgfprtt*e, ff.xg,n (-; 'u +-aile fuq'+116<?Aft* t dF4fl ffit 2*tfrtu4>b .DrE.Ft* / \h.+l, ae6+-.x Diaa72j,"*tt\ Qtpzt*.+lerl ffi+rut4l]rln ilhvr<- tdl qota ?afttrc+4^l+ PLAN fif, At,I&.4=4.*^B 3lf/8+ iEI c\T \x =eI a- lxRI ti$ .t a(icil S3 trr zi,s'9i 9 i GTh IIfege €=,# 44*- *"p { Fg $t 9$.od t;ff!e i-5 E-tF'\'c '6t\! =T6{n G I 75 3oulh trontage road yall, colorado 81652 (303) 476-7000 january 6, 1987 offlce of communlty devclopment Mr. Duane Piper Box 5560 Avon, Colorado 81620 Re: Sitzmark Exterior Alteration Dear Duane: Even though the Sitzmark exterior alteration is jn the process of being revised, the staff felt that it would be helpful to give you these comments concerning the proposal : 1. A site plan at a scale of l" = 20' that shows the area of the addition as well as surrounding improvements such as Vail Road, the two pedestrian bridges to the north of the project., sidewalks and entranceto the Sitzmark parking structure should be submitted. This will helpto determine the relationship of the project to the surrounding site in more detai I . 2. A site plan showing existing and proposed landscaping should be submitted. The staff was interested in seeing how the proposed exteri or alteration would affect the existing alpine garden and large evergreen on the west side of the Sitzmark. rh"'"1l;^o|4s[t rlqu4 tR . proj ect. was concerned about side of the 3. Complete revised e'l evations and floor plans for the 4. A sun/shade analysis should be submitted. The staff the impact of the lodge addition on sun on the north bu i I d'ing. 5. The staff recommended that the addition of the accomnodation units be pushed to the south side of the building and terraced as much as possj b le to gi ve rel i ef to the facade. 6. The staff would like to emphasize that the existing large tree on the northwest corner of the property should be saved and incorporated into the new design. 7. The staff is consideri ng the possibility of improvements to the easternpedestrian bridge such as stone facing on the bridge abutment. andpossible additional landscaping by the western bridge to be includedwith this exteri or alteration. I would Iike to discuss thesepossibilities with you. 8. The staff is also working with the Bell Tower bu.i 1d.i ng and Blu'srestaurant on a possible paver improvement project along the Gore Creekpromenade. Jeff lrlinston is working on a possible plaza and streetpaving design for the area. As soon as th'i s general concept is drawnup, the staff is proposing to hold a meeting among the property owners'in th i s general area. 9. It is suggested that you look at the possibility of expandjng the retailfrontage on the north side of the building. I hope these comments will be helpful to you in developing the revjsed designfor the Sitzmark- Once the revised drawings are submitted. staff will be ableto give you a final 'l ist of comments. If you have any questions about these comments, please feel free to call me. Si ncerely, K'r'Lf"h Kristan Pri tz Town Planner KP: br aii llflrlurtn u 75 south fronlage road vail, colorado 81557 (303) 476-7000 January 30, 1987 otf lce of communltY develoPmenl Mr. Jeff ldinston l,rli nston Assoc i ates 1426 Pearl Street Mall Boulder, Colorado 80302 Dear Jeff: I have fina11y had a chance to sit down with Peter to discuss the status of the Gore Creek primenade. As you recall from our meeting on the 19th, there-was general support from the plople present to continue rvith efforts to develop a in.i fjed streetscape improvement program. 0ur next step will be to have another meeting with Rosenquis[ in order to gauge hjs interest_in the project as the- actual property owner. In addition, we need to start looking at the costs of these improvements as they relate to the properties jnvolved. To faci litate these efiorts, we vrould like to have you develop two alternatjve design plans for the promenade. |1le would like to limit these designs to generally the same level of'detail as you have done on the "bumwaud" sketches. l.le basically need to consolidate the numerous design alternatives you have generated into two different schemes for the overali approach to the streetscape. Based-ol !!',e input from our meeting, we feel one alterative should be of the "circle" theme, while the other be the nrore rectangular or straight 1ine approach I have discussed wjth Kristan her impressions of our meeting, and we would rlecommend the following be considered in developing these two alternatives: i. Everyone seemed to favor a natural , informal approach that respects the existing green space as much as possible. 2. A strong focal point should be created at the base of the stairs for a possibl! sculpture site, and an additional focal point should be lncluded somewhere jn the center of the promenade. The concept shor^ling the pavers "trailing off" into the open space seemed to be favored by those present. 3. [here r^ras a consensus to use d co,rbination of pavers and concrete along the streetscape. 4. Seating areas should be included jn the p1an, as well as improvements to the existing lighting in the area. 5. Consideration should the winter months as sculpture or possibly be given to improvements that will be visible in well as summer. Possibilities may include a the up lighting of trees. 6. At the staff level , we haVe decided that efforfs should be concentrated on the streetscape as opposed to any additional study of modifying Gore Creek to create a skating pond. I have enclosed a copy of a site plan done by Craig Snowdon showing a conceptual I ayout of the expansion to Blu's and subsequent relocation of thejr dining deck. Please try to incorporate thjs relocation into the design of the promenade. One can assume the expansion of the jnteri or space of the restaurant will go up to the property 1ine. The deck expansion should be no greater than what is comfortable given the redesign of the walkway. I would agree with the idea of using tree grates with temporary chains or other means of fencing to define the dining decks. There seemed to be no real opposition to this concept at our meeting, and would suggest indjcating this type of treatment on your drawings. As I had stated, one of the next steps we have to take is to'l ook at the cost of improvements as they relate to property frontage along the promenade. Once the two design scenarios are generated, I would like to get with you to once again discuss the figures to be used in generating cost estimates for these i mp rovemen ts , Please do not hesitate me with any questions you may have.' Si ncerely, f*v- Thomas A. Braun Senior Pl anner 1'AB: bpr a _e- Op EI { c)o i\,9 6 Itt\0FIolrto Tooo oal(o Fo o!oL -9o(, 2/t3/87 Kristan Pritz, Town Planner 0ffice of Community Developrnent Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage W.Vail, C0 8L657 Re: Sitzmark Lodge Exterior Alteration Kristan: The accompanying plans include a slte plan of existing conditions, revised floor plans and elevations, and a sun/shade study. Please note the following corunents specific to the revised submittal of the Sitzmark. The existing alpine garden has been expanded in area. The Owner will be directly involved in this design and final execution. As exernplified by the existing garden, I think this can only be a positive feature. Itn requesting that the spruce tree located in the north- west corner of the site be relocated to the creekside park immediately north of the Sitzmark. My main concern is one of sightline to the retail spaces behind the tree; a block- age that will only increase as the tree matures. 3. New elevation reflect the expansion of new retail space to the west at street 1eve1 . This is as per a previously submitted sketch. 4. Addressing a request to move upper 1eve1 lodge rooms to the south, I wish to note that interior circulation does not allow expansion in that direction. However, Itm sensitive to your concern for a terraced mass and have tried to apply that concern to this design. 5. The sun/shade analysis is for March and September 21 at noon. Itts rny observaton from this review that shadows cast from the additional rooms fa11 on the creeh mo3tly and havs little impadt on'the north walkway. 6. The Owner is requesting the installation of gas fireplaces is 6 of the lodge rooms. 7. The entire north retail frontage is being redesigned to effect a more comnercial appearance. This also allows for a more unified design of the north elevation. This exten- sion from under the overhang on the Left Bank restaurant above will increase the site coverage to 80.72. 1. oo Ul|o xo€ o ri. o C'o o .€to o .E ==! oN .Ec:g o Es a,tro! 8. Ttre north lodge entry is being remodeled to create a rnore human scale entrance pLus a strong : accent of entry. fire construction in this area will include a new awning arch and neu doors. 9. No work has been done on the north walkway. I will continueto coordinate with yourself and Jeff on this item. Iour earliest scheduling for revierr with Planning Connission is ' greatly apprecidted." Should you have questi.ons of this submittal or need further infornation, pLease do not hesitate to contact ne. cc: Bob and Helen Fritch Duane Piper 75 routh fronl,age road yril, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 February L7, 1987 ofllce of communlly devclopmenl Mr. Duane PiperP.O. Box 5560Avon, Colorado 81620 Re: Sitzmark Exterior Alteration Dear Duane: The following infonnation is needed for further review of theproject: ./-\(]) Zoning statistic sheet: Revised to show new retail, room,and office square footage additions and site coverage.Proposed and existing figures should be submitted. .--.-.-.--_ 2. First floor plan should show: a. Property line around entire building -particularly northeast corner of the buildingb. Adjacent sidewalk, bridge, stream and landsciped areasc. Adjacent uses on northeast corner of the Uuilaing Revised Design Considerations Three additional sets of complete plans Photographs of existing building and elevations 6. South elevation of building in the area of the office 7. Landscape/sidewalk plan which addreses fire access. At thistirne, staff believes the evergreen should renain on thenorthwest corner of the building. Conceptual model Stake site showing additions {9 r 4. ) l2/ ,-7----,l_9/ Q) This inf,ormation (except landscape plan) should be submitted norater than February 23,.LgB7 by -s:oo A.i!. so the staff nay presentthe infomation at the interdepartmental neetLng at 10300-A:u. Theadditional sets of plans should be subnitted as-soon as po-sirre - so that I can send then out to other departments. The landscape plan should be subrnitted by March 2 at g:oo A.t!. rhope to schedure a meeting with you and ron on February 20th inthe morning to go over ,leif Winslonrs design. - ------ -.1 , ] lt\ | [, _.L lll \.J l(Jr t \ \l r I ( ' Town Planner KP:br 75 south tfonlage road vall, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 February L9, L987 Mr. Duane PiperP.O. Box 5560Avon, Colorado 8L620 Re: Sitzmark Exterior Alteration Dear Duane: olflce of communlty developmcnl 2. 3. Below are additional comments by Birr Andrews, Town Engineer, t,hatrelate to the Sitzmark exterior alteration: 1. There is a rnajor icing problen on the walkway north of thesitzmark which i-s.caused by roof runoff fron-the building. Aplan.for roof drainage and walkway drainage should besubmitted. A revocable right-of-way perruit shouldtlre existing and proposed encroachmentsincluding overhangs. A title report should be subnmitted ineasements. Please let me know if you have any guestions comments. Sincerely,v.l r,.l \nfE\\ f.nfKrrstan Prltz Town Planner KP:br be subrnitted for aII on To$rn property order to check about these TOWN COI'NCIIJ AGENDA REQUEST Request form must be given to the Secretary to the Town Manager by8:00 A.U. Thursdays. Dat.ez 2/25/87 Dept.col4 DEv Meeting Date: Work Session x I. ften/Topic: Proposed, inprovements to Town of Vail land through theSitznark Lodge exterior alteration request. II. Action Requested of CouncilTo allow the Sitzrnark to proceed to pl_anning andEnvironmental comnission review for the exterior alterationrequest. IIf. Background Rationale The owner of the Sitzrnark Lodge is requesting an exterioralteration. The project incrudes the -addition of three lodgerooms, the expansion of six existing lodge roons, theexpansion of an existing office space on the.second. floor,and the remodel of cornmercial- frontage on the north side ofthe bui-lding. As part of the proposil , staff is requestingthat the sitznark make sidewalk and landscape inproriements tothe Town of Vail land on the north side of Lhe SitzrnarkLodge. Staff felt that it would be appropriate to reviewthese requested inprovenents with ttrJiown Council, as theproperty is owned by the Town of Vail . A prelirninary drawingwill be presented at the neeting to outlini ttre prop-osedirnprovements. IV. Staff Recornmendation To allow the_sitzurark Lodge to proceed to planning andEnvironmental Comtrission ieview-. v.Assurances: (_Legal, _Engineering,_Outside profess j_onal ) _Finance, -1 75 loulh fronlage rord uall, colorrdo 81657 (303) 476-7000 March 5, L987 The Village Center Condoniniun Associationc/o Cecil Dotson l-24 Willow Bridge Road 3c Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: Expansion of the Sitzmark Lodge Dear Cecil: The Community Development Departmentthe Sitzrnark Lodge is requesting the building: ofllce ol communlty dewlopmcnt would like to inforn You that followinq additions to their 1. Expansions to six existing accomnodation units, 540 sq ft. 2. Addition of three new acconmodation units on the norttrwest corner of the building, Lt277 sq ft. 3. Expansion of the existing retail onbuilding, 839 sq ft. 4. Addition of new first. fl-oor retail corner of the building, 492 sq ft. the north side of the sPace on the northwest space on the5. Expansion of existing second floor office northwest corner of the building. A density variance is reguired, as the Sitzmark property is adding three accommodation units. This application is being reviewed by the PJ-anning and Environmental Commission on March 9, 1987 at 3:00 P.M. Although the Town is not required to inform you of the Sitznark reguest as you are not an adjacent property owner,the staff felt that it would be a courtesy to inform you of theproject. ff you have any specific questionsfree to contact ne. You may reach SincereJ.y, 1r/ I Il .l fnrhqttft Kristan Pritz Town Planner about the project, please feel me at 476-000, ext lll. 3rt t'lir' .t r:,t- t' -q' -.-'-l -tf,--iir - r.J +5 ./1\ Jr't F'.. I,; ,' F){,^.i' {i'. I,'r'nf'*t -ah ilUo&?c^uart'btp $btgry ) tra lryvsldrrq/\0,DDD W' \hlv.''d;icpg -lfioDD lu SD,)DD ' o/ .:i". '",^4-l'e*-FSil*V,,^Jj @?^%' ryr'ti. t\olL*o0k op r"e r'^s ffi'gffi b,rns -,trn,rur.,reru ff *rrat Tq1ulq ro.^:\\\ !^ka,,w 1g b"10.' hh,o, bo tIU' u | \ t\ca^*jl c/m8trob -\rrr* ^f\**ry\a b'or} \ mums inrhl-hd l.<D+" 3 0O cw-fu \ar J. {arM,mu-htion .L.t- v s3 .Lv ; u-A"LCirL$r/ 89 [r^{^..p0rr ke-f . \!.nJ i\,, {*trg pauQrr i^\ Iubtic rNb tta.- UcPA^ tfaq. qriq- otlb \nuft_ 0 *1U#&^#,ffru hNIilortKt Didrq, ?d'os Lraiy fto!u -b o \lvrfi)o a{' u W }'*\J b" oUtuirh ;t)dl&rg Va- rM'#iwftff 1D DD. tT M,w,;tig'm ffiffit[,Sw*r,eI a6uu;l ,'6;ffiffiiffi*Y'q"4..'?"* | I E K*k$htFMtJW.mr I,Yffi* y*$["IM'sfuh'M,Wffiil,M-i C-,S Yqr Yuod tor utni'riqofl Jh^dr.t Bub \ib,pauu t W\,A-11u^ xrzul\i!-qc' &udu u 0^cbd frara' +CI, in ffmhr \iba 'f*t.l on\**eu q\e\. - \i ba 64{ ,iffi#'nd' : "#4q blr -,.. ru4d,rc\ 0N rl.ri.ler di'"d,'r't (.^, f!l/** W \Qir\tiD \J;t\;^$o^^, +,+6{ l,ffiil'^.J Atu,F\irt @oo Slne .Mnncfif<t V&?/D u5€ €ffiPt+*! Papvtilowf(o:,f -1 &|r[( rot X tDTl:J.'rr.{J l4Acr;,_..,j a,J. 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(/, o;Eo-zz!-o ooF^.hZI = toNE 6E66 E6b &oz:PB{ =EF ffi,qq a. ialO zl .. >lo UJ llJlltzoF uJ(L J z 9 tr (,z t!- At =J idv N .|... u; =z l=I q.,. l"il' I I I I u)ql ull <(oJ>g5 3 IJJI 1l <l>l ltlol zl 3lolFI ol =,| EI JI<t>l lrlol zl 3l 9lFI ol =.1olutl :l <l>l ttlol zl fl I I I I I c;l =.1 5l<l>l ttlol Fl cOl urFI F' Ii -'\ 'i:, cil Hl JI alil oC' .' .: (] =tr J 9 c) UJ 2? =#f,F d- zo C) (r F Fz z. -o uJ = E ir = (JZ E -rO<FE() I.JJ <zt.UJF(42o() )<oo9.l|t tlJ =o 7 .,il b INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL ,J JoB NAME -- 't ., / i 'i Ji'I oALLER /'*;t/ ::'n*"e-4r' TUES wED '"'*' FRI i''r" n* QP'" PM DATE tl.- READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:(--VqN " BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL B ROUGH / D.W.V, tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING r_r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL n tr n d.rrrueu tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: C HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS O CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR t-l,4 tr ^;( tr FINAL APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR t INSPECTIONrowj!, oF r,-r.r( l(t>" REOUEST VAiL jDATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME CALLER MON TUES BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND B ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER " PLYWooD NAtLtNG tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR PROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR o rNsP?croN REeuEsr DATE I READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME INSPECTION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: F FOUNDATTON / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING tr INSULATION E GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL D POOL / H. TUB tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr D tr FINAL O FINAL APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED ,CORRECTIONS: I DATE INSPECTOR 'i ,,! DATE 6Xo -{>JOB NAME MON rlrsilcnoN REouEsr tr.r aGo }-!'rt ___@,"CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:FRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGBOUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER {rou*ooroN / srEEL tr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL APPROVED CTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED INSPECTOR / // l_tt tfi ffisil NAME | ; ' r5+Nst-----CTION REOUEST TOWN OF VAIL cnlleR- /l READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:,ur"@ FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND E ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / WATER tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR APPROVED CORBECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED -' .' ' -'.!^4-,ir'/-",,1' . , ,"DATE rlrtcnoN REouEsr '.t\ tf- TOWN OF VAIL INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON TUES WED PMTHURoREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING:PLUMBING: ,:. FOOTINGS / STEEL ,'i/ ?,1N.tr UNDERGBOUND tr BOUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr tr tr tr FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING INSULATION SHEETROCK D GAS PIPING NAIL D POOL / H. TUB tr tr FINAL tr tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr_ tr SUPPLY AIR n tr FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED )RRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR DATE f r r2--3'C' ,X<-/JOB NAME r#cnoN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL / ffr| ^w-';Oi_2 \ ._--.--.___:-_ READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:/'";)lg.---__ CALLER TUES WED THUB BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: {rou*oo-roN / srEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERO FRAMING tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr o tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL O FINAL APPROVED )RRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR rNsilctoN TOWN OF REOUEST VAIL DATE INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUESREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FBAMING O ROUGH/WATER ,...' ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL/ H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr otr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTFIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MEGHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL tr.APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVEO tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE INSPECTOB rNsilctoN REouEsr TOWN OF VAIL CALLER INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FRI AM PMREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr FOUNDATION / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH/WATER tr GAS PIPING tr POOL/H.TUB n t-t tr FINAL [IECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR - r-l tr FINAL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL: TEMP. POWERtr tr tr tr ROUGH CONDUIT tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: EI DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR . {r Ptlna.Y/ vaal rNstctoN TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL CALLER PMFRI ,,AMREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING:PLUiIBING: tr UNDERGROUND T] ROUGH / D,W.V. tr ROUGH/WATER tr tr tr tr tr tr tr FOOTINGS / STEEL FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL/ H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL:MECHANICAL: tr EI tr tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL tr FINAL B\APPROVED CORRECTIONS: T] DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR /-J;.<Fq< 7 1z*<2:27l?.4 <oe2 *iil; I I I ' uj,F lo I I I te IFt< rFtu)z t=to lotz ,e/r/* 2Zs5 FiEpP ';EHSiFatt'.oZoa62) '' .o =!xo =:;9 o"grhz;OL6E3 CE 'O!)>(I, :E UJzuj >G :\p t!<9Bo JF= UJ oz = =t IJJ(L Eoo stolol 1l <l>l ql <l =ltr C'z =lJ- I I ILla I I ,tlv\rqqocl<li><tr3c) u1lutl RI <tl -',taa +togo (U uloL -5 = tr go+, ao (u lrl J9-(t' EN +J an uJ z --'t Ltr o2 EoF z.o z Ltl (Jozts- =<z.E JZ <o()F -<i, E;F =z E <F(lOr!<ZE,UJF o Fo llJt.rtc)a !r.1H Jzoz lrY =< =z if;3dd= o E Clo !, o ': =t-EEo;io; oltr-Olur E>IF oz F uJ-)o I Ir-|lcolrl(tlrlorl I IJF o E =E, lrJ o-zIF(J fEFazo(.) t]TD I € t EEil z. = UJ I I I I I il-- r5 l I I I I t_-, l- lb t3 tzr6 ,=-:=< ==: "t -.1!t :-<^.}^2.,.>=i -:,''^i ;<i-!..i: <a-a,nI< NO rlVn tVA G..t =ZZrL l, o- a zY_-\>vr==-FVtriraoGz>-o ozxt!<oq <,:!-Eux>l,= '_1 L!iNO z UJ_-') E. uJ o F =Et! --)z z ze @o>z -Jixvv=Z=2.;FS md> [ ].lll o c E ': cz oL!+,o c>-fr- (D o-zo F() :)EFazo() ,,(---\/ --f-A/ , 4i-. I Jl6El \.ile-,\_l_-_./_ = 6. z J t! :(D Fo) LU z d) oo / z Id t(J c( Eoo a Io- F O 2g. coo Ll.l Eoo = E u e o =r u)a rfo I o_ a c( doo :E o- -(J E LUz B F LUF I(,) E E. <F Lll <zE I,! Faz <o :..< \zLrl l,/-O E zr- >D )z <. )/F?<)z< -r- ;- =g tot- :-l- (Y (JZ (, dc,(a A,-: r,':o a tlL,Jtl INSPECTION , ) TOWN OF ,t '\ REOUESTB VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME INSPECTION: MON TUES BUITDING: C FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr GAS PIPING NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr tr X,r'*o' O FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS D CONDUIT - tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr s rw{r D FINAL PROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE /z -?8-r INSPECTOR a_ INSPECTION REOUEST TOWN OF VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES WED THUR FRI PMINSPECTION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER O FOUNDATION / STEEL O FRAMING tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr tr tr tr tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR FINAL PPROVED COBRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR 'NsttoNTOWN OF ''','\'\ REQUEST/. VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES WED THUR : AMFRIINSPECTION: BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND N FOUNDATION / STEEL ROUGH / D,W.V. ROUGH / WATERFRAMING INSULATION GAS PIPING POOL / H. TUB ELECTRICAL: D TEMP. POWER tr HEATING D ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR O FINAL PROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIBED INSPECTOR f JOB NAME rNsttoN 'a, \ REQUEST'{ VAIL/1 TOWN OF DATE READY FOR LOCATION: .!b: /3r. INSPECTION:TUES WED THUB FRI ------@ PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING O POOL / H. TUB D FINAL O FINAL MECHANICAL: E TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR i. lq-'r-'l,''!..l L ' .' j4 n /q dtDArE / | -/ / -lt JoB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON TUES ^ rNstirolr REouEdi ,- ,,,, TOWN OF VAIL R @ THUR FRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING POOL / H. TUB ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS SUPPLY AIR N FINAL PROVED CORRECTIONS: E DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTIoN REQUINED I INSPECTOR n JOB NAME MON 'NsilltoNTOWN OF REQUEST - VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLER TUES @ rHuR FRI PM ,/2 BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D.W.V. N ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING tr INSULATION D GAS PIPING 5{ sneernocK NA|L O POOL / H. TUB tr c tr FINAL D FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANIGAL: tr TEMP. O ROUGH POWER N HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR nO'K D FINAL UAPPROVED CORRECTIONS:l^J tr DISAPPROVED) LL tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED o at + 5 l-t* <L-M,A.J I /2_-/uALLUPPF /L 2_ l-t--oo rz < nt= ELE VAT c:A- <4AFT , t/ // ,''' .///* //-/ /t)t\t E at t /INSPECTOR', DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON rNsfrnoN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL "o.tl* (r:; i'(--7: ruES (3Eo) rHun FRI ---€) PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATERO FRAMING O INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL D POOL / H. TUB tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING I noucH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr n rrlxf tr FINAL APPROVED E DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: oor,- ,U *2/' {7/ rNSpEcroR rNsttoN TOWN OF REQUEST "VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON CALLER TUES WED THUR 9 PM PROVED RRECTIONS: BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING,-- INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB D FINAL ELECTRICAL: D TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr DISAPPROVED N REINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE INSPECTOR . DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES WED tNstnoN REeuEsT, TOWN OF VAIL BUILDING: N FOOTINGS / STEEL PL B tr o D tr tr UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERFRAMING INSULATION GAS PIPING tr tr tr SHEETROCK NAIL POOL / H. TUB FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: E TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: E HEATING tr tr 0 ROUGH tr tr tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL - tr FINAL D APPROVED //-arsaeeaoveo '-g-hErruspecroN REeu tRED CORRECTIONS: DATE //- 5-r/INSPECTOR I JOB NAME rNsttoN REQUEST. VAIL @@DWED THUR FRI AM DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLE TUES -/conREcttoHts, BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: D FOUNDATION / STEEL D UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D,W,V. tr ROUGH / WATEBtr FRAMING tr INSULATION D GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB{ sfi' l -- b/n'y' /"'*4 "tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING N ROUGH o E EXHAUST HOODS O CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FJNAL tr FINAL 4,/pesoveo tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED "i4l':,u--,1 DATE INSPECTOR /( ooIoor o lr A oooY FooFo 0!lL .9 0 0 -it ofl!o T 0o atI a! ! 0 0g 0uI l, C 0g: 3t, L 0 c o N oF cr) O l-. -CO rT c)co i O C) C) -C77 0ctober 5, 1981 Steve PaEEerson Butldlng Offlcial Town of Vail Re: Sitasnrk Elevator Steve: I have been lnformed by the owner'.of Sitznark Lodge that all prevlous constructlon to the build- ing has been rated as 5-tl construction. The contractor wlll be changing to standard con- structlon wood ln lieu ot fire-proot which would be wlthln the 5-N rati-ng. Fire-rating to gyPsun board remains. cc: Owner: Bob Fritch too? ohr A o o ov N D oFo 0!IL .9 o 0 - E oflto xo! a,I a! !I 0L 0o!!tg 0Lt aatg o c o NoF cf) O C) '= O r.I ()co i C) () () -CZ OcEober 9, L981 Steve Patterson Chlef Butldlng Offictal Torrn of Vall Re: Sitznark Elevator Steve: Thls letter is for confirmation of our phone conversation of Thursday, October 81 1981. Though the exlsting structure of Sitaark Lodge is considered to be 5-N, the new construction referred to as the elevator ts re{trlred to be 5- t hr. However, one hour assemblles requlred by 5-1 are stlll achleved by non-combusEable wood' All cetling and wall constnrcEion of wood w111 be covered by 5/8tt tlre rated gypsun board. cc3 Bob Frltch ne Plper Archltect rNsflBtoN REOUEST VAILTOWN OF(,'lot, 4,/t/DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME INSPECTION: MON (6Ls) weo THUR FRI AM BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING tr INSULATION O GAS PIPING tr SHEETRpGK NAIL ht stc( icr,l'tr POOL / H. TUB n D FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRlCAL: tr TEMP, POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING E] ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr_ tr SUPPLY AIR E] n uffit tr FINAL 4 f*6eaoueo CORRECTIONS: D DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED oor, ? zr"€ rNSPEcro DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: rNstTtoN REeuEsr. JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES WED THUR BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING D ROUGH / WATER tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRlCAL: D TEMP, POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS O CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR E FINAL COHRECTIONS:FE ,n rNstTtoN REeuEsr. JOB NAME TOWN OF VAIL ^ L '/ t"-lDATE READY FOR INSPECTION:FRI LOCATroN:i -'' oALLER /Lr-2,^t r --<i.-\MoN ruES wED 69 BUlLDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: Ff D.F trll trS o_ NF OUNDATION / STEEL O UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERFRAMING INSULATION tr GAS PIPING SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB D FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL; D HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS D CONDUIT n tr SUPPLY AIR t-l o rxfll tr FINAL ideaoveo tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR I ti,c.l.l I I oz L LU I I I I I I I oz 0 U 0 t ^d s ",oo-o ru-+{ J I (r\ LU LUll-.: 2 LLI s-o 0a o^ {lo.* tvtro .1 \ = zz q \tl t tug u AF \A p t- tl |q I t-l ttt tsII td t5l t$ 3.1 :$t,te) r::i1 =q).lI-<i4i <::-7.i F!,, -/: -e;ptJa;:i;j<czd<2'.7);: <;i l<o<U.jZ;rii:El:5'itlgiiIF., o" Q> -',<C:''!iF C<E<!.: 0 $ 0 \ 'l & a \ p v 0 \ u \\ : aY. il 5qi :a o o" aF TJJ c G 2 T uJ LL.z tr ul oao oE o ao 3g d lJt F-a o- UJo o- 2 v, uJI! LL F uJ J o z- =:) 9EF LU z 2lJo- a 2r ur tJo!lvn'lvA ts E& lrlnl\ INtl l" It\l\ lr'l\j{ N I :< o3'Z Zu- F- ^ 6zx r ?YF I of,6oEZ!() ^ t, tll5> Ht!<oq iHT Saxz dNO N= >E eq6 =l9I -sl dl'l ,l (}i'l "t gl "I t arl 9l-i t R s. \)o \\ - = o- l,/J(r ) z Fo c) : z fa E..lJ l- ; lLr7 ioo;zz tl-=!<..9 f;5 FX^iE.P,9BEiEE5e3EpA3 3 3 k oZ<(Doatoz)rrlllli||l 2 2 -=3 t rHFl9 9 Z d oI:"EFHPlgl5gs5looo-z<) z 9 F J z d v hl T ul | | ilrl ;tdl 3li Iil}; l g.)o luzY :<:- \ \ \ \ tltll lr: -t--l llJf ..1 qo trl o- F '*<(!Ylo JFi u,t)N\i : ir\ J6-.t n*\l 't' l\ '\:$ I.:lUt: Jz z. .n9 2< CDO =zJOa! r! ldl(ro lEr155 L[Our Nn (l, oo (l) l|,'o :F cfYo;ioii oll. C rrr0rx-n>-f.F(ll t lrJ r- o-zoF(J tFazo(J z<---\,/ '^.t=A/,\E=I ' ,l FEr\ ;|-\ r/ F-\ \ ./ ,/ l.::,\_J--J_ s J 2 ul E ll a E rltltltlll=ll"tlttill3lI rrrlItrltol l<l =l :lcrl <l a iltltltltiIlll-ll(,i! uJl ta =i Jlcl <iEI =I E "n--t =l e 0"tjg F-FOz oo -+ t. =l i,t-lul tF----- I e4 t, I' I ,2 1'fuu,Sfc,j -,e'(ec e**?. lolel. f&t* rl4 4,t p art) A. .* I.-.,-rfu{.t41 'l'l a't.4, frileaft fttuf lF#c'.tfiry:' ,,J- qalrilhL' Fy at*",ftv'h *- I.Tl+?*66{"r. I \iii* Y:-Ir! ,-::-.1 i, i.<ea! -;3e (,{-.-r s9=i;1 NOIIVNlVA <22A E x F3-ZEni9EEi!n EEilJ:91i i\i ittN] tl E g\-: = 3 i:EZE-sli: i$=ssEoo()-z.J & o- (r z Eoo z tr Ir UJF ; z ca rn .J] -)z z 7Z(D0>z O- t! Jiff/'! a \ = =ae --'\ -": L!6il= ltlf o o ql o .= E= o;ox o Lr- C r'ro;iE> o o!, oz F() llj -l Iol "?lsrl(\tlJlotl I I UJF o ts =E UJ o-zIF() :) E,Fazo(J 2 ;=F goo = ?.1 =l6lol.l =l<i =l HId 1l <l>l 3l(rl 3l 1l >l (! E o)P ad'(' E a^ o(-) g (d() !o = tr z J tr E !o+) IU = =o .!zL .U NP tt1 Lu z (D --1 I I Il,I' I I ,a ul olct<t--l >-al ts =t o F Fz 2 I LU .Y !: = (JZ o(i t ZF >d :zu-o <F tlr <z& (rz F Fz dF J FO I.J,J =T O E. )<(Ja?.13 l.\z L Luo- l=ll, rll- I I lrtlI rc I I| ,ot I'r lil I< 'tr1 I r=)i'- -1Ctj lz <a az?--) ,:iz'; : <e < lF-"o)> -c<a-a "io:4t<2.: N OrlVn lVA xEo3ZZu- I o- d1 zX = >YE I oE ac,c o-<^(JzX[<oq d:!-&:x z IJJ:NO (Jz ii, Y =Ez<(, o- .h u1 =cotrJC! ==+YO <oz@z) z -) YJ F -) ul z o - o = I to G tr Voo a = I o- L(J =tr Goo a =Ec Eoo = I(I =E coo J Eoc >l rl :E xoo ? IC L E LUz = LIJt '1- E d <F L!<ztL!F(1 Z <o -< ;lF =z/-C) u zt- =<ZE i= <- YF 22,,:t =g E - * ;r-!-r Zo < c-l(r? LT] rrJ -JOa z F ul o o_ LU o F =E IJJ )z z zQoO>z O- LL ,^*-3v\J= ==i6il> l1t.tLl ENL] qt q) lF E=c- E>- .E q, o-zo F()f,EF U)zo() ,,(-.-\/' ' -:-?t\/ .. 4i-l |crt \./l€\!!-re :-et i DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON TUES E-) THUR rNs rroN neoues}'. PMFRI row-N oF_y tL / "*r ,''t#ir'1 l(.1 j CALLER*._ BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK Elj - tr GAS PIPING NAIL N POOL / H. TUB n il.r,*o.-D FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: E HEATING tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS O CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR o ry6.D FINAL 1 *{pr^ou.o tr DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTORDATE//-zr-27 DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON JOB NAME - '*-; t 7';; l' INSPECTION TOWN OF t'i"- 4.., | - 'a REOUEST' VAIL CALLER TUES/,WED (,d BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr BOUGH / WATERtr FBAMING tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MEGHANICAL: D HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED VED NSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: oor, 7- ? -f rNsPEcroR omery eleYator company MOLtNE. tLLtNOtS 6r26s aor tt June 19, l98l The Sitzmark Lodge 183 Gore Creek Drive Vail, Colorado 81657 Attention: l'1r. Bob Fritch SUBJECT: Dunbwai ter Instal lat ion Ge nt I emen : This letter is to confirm our telephone conversation of June 19, 1981, regarding the recently installed dunhlaiter, Serial Nunber CDS-PB-45100, located at the Sitzmark Lodge, Vail, Colo,rado. The dumbwaiter was manufactured and instal led in compl iance with the Anerican National Standard Safety Code of Elevators, Dunbwaiters, Escalators and l,toving Walks - Al7.l-t9ZA and al I current revisi ions. The dumbwaiter will rnee t or exceed any current municipal codes. lf lmay be of any further assistance to you, please do not hesitate to contact me. Very truly yours, Mai ntenance Super i ntendent dependable elevators and escalators rNs#?floN TOWN OF REQUEST , VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME CALL MON TUES rwe3) rHun FRI PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: B FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND E ROUGH / D,W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING tr INSULATION D GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr_ tr POOL / H. TUB n D FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS D CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR E ______r- d Ko' tr tr FINAL /APpnovEo tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REOUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR JOB NAME .:, '/, rNstrionr neouesh. TOWN OF VAIL l,l . i 'lDATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLER MON TUES wED @il FRI AM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATER D FOUNDATION / STEEL INSULATION SHEETROCK tr GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB [r'*n. ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER D HEATING ROUGH E EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT N SUPPLY AIR D FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: DISAPPROVED NSPECTION REOUIRED INSPECT :::'i ::iI::i:: - < l rl:i,:i =;".,i,.,::.'".i;il;i;;. :;:.;: itFF::l <J,ie'-.-l5rli:J,-:;.:',:+..: -; <x5> -!t<::-3rr!:<g<tJ II il 1,, lii I I I I Ilc I I I I I .( lL] I I I I \! ah F o .: (J o :' : ('-) l\* rJ -' (.- oz ts.: UJ Pll tj rZl'io Fotu c,'c [!F oz; orlJ ul oo Jzotsze ePrr =<o c)O6 az€ 33'z LtrjnEFIH al -*: lil .r59.: bl Xrirfi rrrl :1 oi.'r! {r- | :-. ul xE ;t ni d:; 3 tit_lt_] 1J h :* Lt.Ja. z.o F(J 3 Fazo() (!l calclc)al J>l ctlclcl '9 ;.1 Jo4- t-(xo J!r'( tr, F .1 Zo(, il:.1 ;() ul L:l:() n:-( \ \s \ \ o an UJ U.,rL t: (Xlrl(\ il;?r N*lhl+ :.: (J 5 o (J c-FlFl;li ('l :) -(o r<t" (, } (J (J NOr lvn lYA trllItl oz;G$i./t () E? *r v<Foq,,*l.|\ irri r;?P =d.oj-igt-, - (, u-c.5 ii oo (J:r.z z9F f(nz )q;i."339 -tFY It, I I .azlz9F <)o:: c)o(J I I II hz fo t:.J ia. ; z F u;f. :< o = z tr a() o u.,zu, r .r) u, ai SrCorYY ^i;5>oo o (Jz (J()o c'i zo (.) F z (.) o lrl F l_: (J i?.o (,.( u:,- ia() (-, tl r.l (.1.( :i; eu, t-o v'.1 il.tl -i:o F.).('o:. rFtzrO C) ' t- a-- (ft-().( F. o() aac .a 7i :) -to. I I I I I I I I I I "l lilcl(.-l ..1 J .rl :;&..< c)() l- fr :?ilg 5 q e\ ()- ahI ,\A \ \ oo o rNsPtrroN neouebr. TOWN OF VAIL DATE ,' i', JOB NAME INSPECTION: CALLER ' READY FOR LOCATION: MON TUES WED THUR , FRI AM PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEE, O UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. T] ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL O POOL / H. TUB tr tr tr FINAL D FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr tr o HEATING tr ROUGH EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr tr trtr FINAL FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION BEQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR a |r] c.' )z z zz mo>z (L LJ- )ix.4 '. ! = =E=-,'\ J- 6il> o -9o 6t =, =FE= o; OLL C lrqr X-E>tF oz UJ-)oEo- ddd(l ot.Yl rls\t UJF o ts =Elrl o-zo Fo E,Fozo() IJL]L] oz h = uJA i:>,-z =+7r-l_.!?" ? li* <{- <1, ^'; :^3!,r4i"it;<:i-tzza) *9.ri? :i," <r O> -t,<J -i3ir:<c.< t-: ItN NOIIVN]VA =22= l- i-- :<F f;e F<(FOaz6oH9=S;Ia sEn*.t s :<c 3zz!-ooo F^ttZXr=YtrYLriraocz>(J.\ i\ rbXYUJ rL<oq dIJJ :.:t|-rJ"raxz ic.rO ol HIol ?l =l<l>l too I = al 3l EIil <l>l uJEoo g c) o!L v, (I)o, o(5 C al HI d 1l <l >t I .l UIarl;l -:al!l HI+rl a./t' z =tr Eo .p !E =o! = ooz. ui z co I I It;lo I I I 3l ol<l<= =l o EE =(5 Elrl =z i(L tr uJEoo F Fz 2 I Lll E l,r i-bi t zr ;# f,F:z,J-o <oc)F -<i;a;F =z[!O FOultI E <F [!<zE I.IJ F.tZ J<Oa?.!3 '6 F t ! f,nr: 2=)1..: =q7sl-.?,r!i- - a.. ' < i .- I dc2i: 2 tr.;= ,:tr^7n:::: ;<- "r- 1,: i: --i., tt i> -!,<=-'ii t f ntr<3..: I I I'l I';r- r le,e ,gl- lth r il- ZItr^ l=roE ,Z t.itz lrrlo tzt: .z NOIIVN'IVA =E =zu-oo ^ 6z ->v.\-F G=(9G>9 z= ;z-ulNO =>c( -I(r) =@N zz f;B XiE!,9E;EFf i9afi k aZGOZ) z = = uJ =c L O Eoo a fil EI El >l z J LL ul 1l <I =l Lr.i z (I) --') -c - Q Eoo |ltltlll"llo-lltl|lI tJ\ I UJI toltoll<l>t -Jfl=l E EIol<l -4 "lEI lrlEoo a = t- =-L ff (JZ E F Fz z I LU ZF >D t= -) 9 FO LU) LJJ l- LUL-r <F t!<zxurF J<(Ja6L! LU--r O z F LIJ o E, LUF )z z =<>z O- LL ,^x-5 ==3-t v dd= a, E E (|, E fl E= o; otJ-r,o crx-E>IF t =Elrl o-z9F C) :) E,Fazoq) LlLiLl 6T'tTtfr c) C\ rnc oz Fo uJ-toEd UJF o E =Etrl o- zo =zq - rn:lF \=F€' 46e =<€46 P -=-- = ,-, uuu E=l 5 Fl "*s: Hl =fr=E EI ;;g zo l- C)fEFazo() ! o.z E =t uJo- ,:=?t =-;i=_<?.!eil:i<'. - ? i iir, t!i:lii =<a7-3 = ai =":tFF 3t .aOrlZ:iiiii:<lrA!-:-i IF.,, <* 3> -qi'<a-,!{=<c<t..: I I I I IP lo I ; I I I r(J rtrlt!.ot(t,z I I I I t<ro I I I I I,,oIFt< ;LuJl! = isg>9(.torlOOorz<) .tI-| l ffiE 6ssqiurc F-p ek'o zh-z l Y 3zzv- tr^-azX: 2YE 9 OE aftae?!r,()oog].<)zX r!<(o* ig:iEi6 !!io6 a(v(, F tltltltltltll-lt@ltEll6l l<l =t iclt <tclE I I I I I cl <lI E gaut oq --lg mo -sN> I I Irl 06l c'l I-l rt.q ',4 u4 ol I = ItI c{ r?.t( tl\tq =Il q $. \.9 tr'$ro- I I I I l' I I ")ar\ rl,| CId J E(J \lrfl il sl fl s (, ==l|- .D F ss rl'i z (D '-) E. Fbg+EFFOz. z T UJ Eoozt- =<>(! fF)z r.r.- o E F EFz J EF C)ul E F() IJ-JL'r E )<(Ja<n:o -rO<F TIJ <ZE ttZ !nn \3i-!?, !)-r' trjL ^LSr.r;i'i ..< .til'; + .*- 6F* "i; oS \ .rA ra \\I rb\.t \; {{_oU -Stw?t$ --p\\. *i: dl v $-3 - {lt _is8N "F+. i-,c1 Q@ o-f. -F ?fl,'ui\ \lIt .h.14 1-s ?.q.F * = n \ \b lU .3+\> \{ \ { +'q..t Ib.o s ct tl S 'q .1a!t \- eil6frFV; LJfra9'TFllt FusFr.ra t^trXiDrbru*1- Pll'5Ttl16 r)D9TPlrl TNgD rrryo cd,wN tbtLu ExrFfrr)6 $* t^rrrrgg0aco5-*\21' 4zLPa5 €lL€_---- lr'bx loTu\ \dz 4r'f,+.r^ AN*urr> ac+€ r l*lt* u,bo Fppl^{tra 4s+rnt nPrc-ftL rFF*tr'rs ato (l' oz F() uJ-)oE o- o-z9Fo3 E.Fazo(J rR \ b/fls= "Z{E7 IJJF o OlN Iw) I@ E =E lrJ Jz z (,=ze d)o =z O- t.|- =f;;=xodd= EtrN tro EooE Bt Fc5r-c-E=8F :bE o--E>tFo o! oz F =E UJo- 3E:sT:iT -<9"1:I;?ltlni:?l i;2AIFFO9<(Jl<oaz Eisi !E::o>-<onDa!E<' 2 FIf Ll ill l= llI tot9t i t$I l"tl"q iEl1 rolc' = 3El- gFl o,E l>o Ll'F !2 0t IHtFlo E .YL rgo- cO 3il6il Elz za=E?E2do !_ I! llj -lIll0,!EUJOO!2O z Etr6fE-n ai u.1 g Lts9<ozaDzf Ig il4!1rd E 7 (Jz J ll- J @ Fo lrlo3trJe, \ZEg t{F at, ui =z QI EolJ l- ! oo Il l! =z JooI(J (UIo(5 c4t@ F a !! c = t o(J iU 6 =tr ah UJ aIa = c) o) Ie 1C =ct =E 6(t xoo a an UJ o J E o(J (6 c E tr a IJ,JE = =Etr g otft UJEoo ) = o UJ o 2 E o- ; t UJ2 J F(J UJF E <Fdo<uJ< |249 'rs z.--oo <oC)F F#HI e.2? =#d6() i5YF =2+c YZ =g g. l-G i\g iE t-o2 C) <o0n!H ggg ==E Luo- l9J lo I I I I I I t6 rtrtu- lo,z .- | t! lE | 5<. 1z t!:ti =rziF-<9.9 rJ,rF?i,Fr,_.2<:'l ,^^th;ii66o9!cel z - <z | < o zd ^22^)z!-'l-IFFoEa<q)<9taz: 'liii-,ot-i;:<U li,<xo>-o<c*-r.r!o=<q<'r NOIIVNIVA :< =ZZU- tr ^ 6z X l>Y CYLrit668z.,(J.-a i\ (tezX t!< uJ ;i+xuJ-Xz HN(J E IL uJ E. z. Eoo z tr E UJFJ 3 LUz -oo =zz= e E 5 = H= F<F+:6626o-u,9>S;[;2O==JL|JFPI-ieiUilYiZo><o(r(nz= F ii> Z --Lf< ze:SEg;3 tr =T Lll = =Ju- dt F J UJ z Q/ol =z ul oo Ja I F E Ltltcc T(L L E LU o J I F Etr fr oo a = -o- =(-l (! tr a Lr.lEoo )=ttr a oo J E too )a I(L LO uJz - FO LIJ =I t <FE<)uJ<zEtUF(rz 5Pi#:tO zl =#JZo-O <^at )J =Fz()z< iz>Y E g *E Oza<.:CJ ?.lrr llJfo oz F C)llJ-) E.L !!F o z z.-o =<coo =z --J ZF NFl() JJ(D uJ DT oc 9o o1' .:ctF ==E(r9tr o tL EpE>tFooott t =E, lrJ o-zot-of,EFazo() =-c NT .1 e INSftCTION REQUEST , TOWN OF VAIL ./.-- THUR ::i6rN -/!:i-\r,," AM PM DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME INSPECTION: CALLER,-.'MON ,'TUES J WED\/\.\'../ B tr tr tr tr tr tr UILDING: FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBlNG: tr UNDERGROUND F ROUGH / D,W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING INSULATION tr GAS PIPING SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL T] FINAL EL tr tr tr tr ECTRICAL: TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING ROU,GH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL 'q-.Api'noveo CORRECTIONS: AD€*PPfIOVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED / /., ) ..2. INSPECTOR,DATE o rnslEcrroN REeuEsr DATE ,/-z-7'_7,,,rr'^ /t- .o(t^ READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:TUES WED JOB NAME MON PM,.TFIUR FRI TOWN OF VAIL BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. O BOUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr INSULATION O GAS PIPING e-sFielrnocK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR INS*CTION REQUEST DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME INSPECTION: BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr INSULATION D GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL O FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MEGHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: ET€+StrPPROVED <ELAENS|BECTI ON R EQU I RED INSPECTOR o ' rrus*crroN REeuEsJ\ TOWN OF VAIL READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLER TUES AM PM .: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL TNG tr ROUGH / WATER tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING Et SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB o tr FINALT N FINAL ELE trT trF trc tr_ CTRICAL:MECHANICAL: TEMP. POWER D HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPBOVED CORRECTIONS: SDISAPPBOVED , -tr AEINSPECTION REQUIRED 'i,:i,, t..DATE 'it; t. ' " INSPECTOR PERMITNO. '1108TOWN STREET C OF VAIL UT PERMIT (Job Namo or Location ofWork) 3. Work is for: {circreone}WATER SEWER GAS ELECTRIC$at, Sk\ow ,",r,,r"i 5,"o INSPECTION REMARKS SKETCH PLAN OF WORK ATTACHED TOWN OF VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:ruEs @ THUR FRI JOB NAME MON CALLER AM BU!LDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.F FOUNDATTON / STEEL tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH N EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR tr FIN tr FINAL PPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr OISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR i'l.E{,'r--\.r.!, rNstcnoN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON j ilrrrt BUlLDlNqi-"'PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATEB OOTINGS / STEEL tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr tr tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR tr tr FIMAL E FINAL PROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR ii;i: iiiii'i < o z-6iil='jtFl-Co:,j329 lisii:i:iEo>-6;s!2.E<}J a tL b uJ(L o \ \ (.{ I \s a ^l oz F <: F ttl o- o @ tuSb antuFoz J =oluCar, zzooFr14Xf,;!ooF(raoz>-oi)QzG<o o--lIo>- (JFOid ;1.z oa-E ePo- =<. o coo; \ =5t \ Jol \-''.S . NDD;LIE:I J! Fl "36\;i=: .Ht 5F.r/1,: :r iil r ui 9'l'- i f l$ft\ =o?o,-'(, o C) :?o: N dJ N) =(! J .J l: (- Ca u.(r cr :Lu (,z =,tr Jc) F.o J x6YF-. ( ) J().( r-ol--t) J.t 9]U $li\l$ ra Etl \= tz9ll F.zFll ,F 15 (,l(Jzlz ilg cola -lI N Orrvruvn 422 = E5 FE - 2 E ln I3 B { i E s g E fr 4: i \t{6t$qul F(,e t e=3 l rUF9 I=d;i$:gs:o(,(Ja.z() al, t,.ltr- o- F F26i Gr|,' l-- .]ul o- F - o = zot _o- ov,tuo G,q,z(!t (: () - 2)'l ( 1f )trc { s:/a 7/ 1'-#2c/ol6saaf;r;zSot \.\v/v t/h, l"(l/n'Jt oo aaabl, F. Fzc O z = F z (9 9H:r<<F9<: IL2-:. - k Q'49 < :- I z -E}"F<,Fie.-iix;;fi5i^O!,rQZ< iZ!<oz5 ^zZ^s;g<;5YFt. 3!IJ<O<ollz: >:r-*ZFnr5!;;<O-r.l=9:ilIF, <ttr> -t,<o i=l-tE=<c<>r F =E IJJo- J{I z J z '4w Y* ;o o (.)zf, u,r z s Fz u, uJ uJ tr llJ c( o E F ul G J F LU E ll- J ac ! .E =tr=Hl+eO =,2 =ql- rr l E NOrrvn'lvA :-It >ocl IJJ =-zo9 z Fqqn-o 9ox> :z:< >oFO -ci v 3 2 F = !J ) urz lll \ K\lr t )rn? Er\if I\EF\ r! lt1 l\. < ! tH z 'l lE <] tD iI llt i ltI=I t, n{ rll at,t A >I ii {,| -* lat<I trl (,l t \ S) E UJ t J a!\ \ Y r! oz J \ uJ G uJ oz ltrq<>F O YZ I t-raz AZ2A<; 91 2d> Ei. :F .^ .l <= ulozgtr {ul oJlt ul Fo J F F llJ IC o t! J F F Fz uJ E ut Q u,l t G- :-ls>o(' 2o9 zo F ==d.6FCI9o;> :z =< >u -l\i 3r Hs ! E tr lrl o o z -oJ I f, o = l&et -, -et- h trr $, J d 7ov0- O-/4'v n,)^> \L t1 \ INSP}TION REQUEST TrOWN DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES WED THUR FRI AM PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING tr INSULATION O SHEETROCK tr GAS PIPING NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr tr FINAL //r t',0 ,{t ELECTRICAL: D TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr BOUGH tr tr tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR r'1 tr FINAL tr FINAL X APPROVED /' CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE TNsPEtrTGN FlEeuest TOWN OF VAIL . ' ,r'." E orxen MON COMMENTS: TUE n pnnrrnu LocATroN FEADY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR .1 , TIME REcEtvEg"l 1i "-:'.. AM pM CALLER vfl aerRovED E orsnppRovED \ tr uPoN THE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: COBRECTIONS E nerNsPEcr \. i, ii i,. .., l ..,' 1. ...-. _ rNSPEcroB-'1., DATE rNseecfiru neeuiEsr| /')Lert l5r-),,',,'<:",,llt TowN o F vAI L -. / /. ,gglg '.t,..., j, r ,/ C JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER n orxen I}IAPPROVED n penrrnl. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR ! orsneeRovED EI nerNsPEcr nnn c'ltl, LJ UPON THE FOLLOWING CORREGTIONS: CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR rNseecrGru neeUEsr ,.- 1 4l\! IDATE.)| / , lrvre ndci JOB NAME M CALLER I ornen f] penrraL. LocAnoN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRIMoN . (_::j ){.fl;' COMMENTS: APPROVED E upor,r rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS E orsnppRovED ! nerNSPEcr /- --- -;/' ,a^'..r. .--+:.-l DArE i l1 ,_a't,i. , INSPECTOR I' rNspecrGru FIEGIUESiT F VAILTOWN n ornen n pnnrrnr LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR. MONt COMMENTS: ." '. TUE FRI @'AroP Rov E D Elrrgortr rue CORRECTIONS ! orsnppRovED EJ nerNsPEcr FOLLOWING (: -,.tDATE ,I. INSPE CTOR P o DATE OF MEETINc; February .|6, .|978 MEMBERS PRESENT: BILL RUOFF LOU PARKER BILL BISHOP RON TODD ABE SHAPIRO SUBJECT:Left Bank .* Kitchen 5FrTa+ LOT_ , BLOCK FILING ACTION TAKEN BY BOARD: MOTION SECONDED BY: AGAINST:VOTE: FOR: ABSTENTION I APPROVED: DISAPPROVED: SUMMARY: .F Town of Vail F:I.F:CTRICAL PIRIIm N9 545 lob tlame.,i;lf:'. Date of Electrical Contractor Applicant..-..-.Slt!atE APPROVALS I $-.......-..-.......-........ 8.-...-...-.................- THIS FORT 13 TO BE FOSTED OlI .'OB SITE DURING CONSTRUCTIOI{ 2I H(X'RS AI}VANCB NOIICE nEaunED rlOR INSPECIIONS fcmduz-'l ,+"/on/ BuildingValuation $-.......-.---.........-. Electrical Valuation Pennit Fee Inspection Fee Total Fee Date Plar CllcckGr OD ffia !. r. xoaairt !0.i olrval N9 545 K.nd.r-4,:4u/ Briilding Valuation $.--.....--..--.--...-.--.--- Electrical valuation $.32O.Q-*D-...-.. Town of Vail nI.NCf,RICAL PMDIIT rcaN^n".&. Electrical Contractor Applicant.. APPROVAI.S Permit Fee Inspection Fee Total Fee Plll Chrctar .t /7 Date paid....... .....h..1L--..-.... Received "".....k/.). : J. I1........ .. $ aasfua@/zz THIS FORT Ig TO BE POSTED ON .'OB SITE DURII{G COI{STRUGTION 2I HOURII ADVANCE NOIICE NEQIJIRED FOR INSPECTIONS Date of rxr a. t. Haratal a!,, orxYfa tloa12 PLUMEIING.' MECHANICAL PEFIMTT TOWN OF VAIL DA 2 J.BNAME .1epr1=<rl 4 ?e<r\qnh*n#/ / ;;." 1., ,- V o"(o.v ADDRE'' {Hunt4\( BU* '"-'-^.'* U it(IC;; ^fr? ,rorrg27-dbi KeclZavl4r/:t'2 D nppnoveo a."fu@ OF BUILDING: oF woRK: D *rrf /A oortrton Mtaooet E nrporn RIPTION OF WORK: MECHANICAL: NUMBERLUMBfNG: NUMBER llU f - VALUATION $o1ua11qN g Z REMARKS: PERMIT FEERMIT FEE rz.DLTorAL FEES: $ lD ' DATE OF MEETING: IIEIIBERS PRESEM: o DESICN REVIEW BOARD - March 9, 1978 I,oU PARKXR I/ BILL BISHOP '/ nolHoDDf IIBE SEAPIBO -/ Left Bank EntrySUBJECT: ACTION TAKEN BY BLOCr , FTLING BOARD: AGAINST: uorrou, E3l8l4of sEcoNDED By, SHAfl €t) VOTE: ?'OP-, ,t ABSTENTION: APPROVED: DISAPPROVED: SUI{IIARY: t^-- F oz F =E uJo F E t- s o s a UJ uJ LL = =t uJ(L tllliro\l I\' I ilH Isilrlrl)rSISI t\-sl- | ig l \6 1 Ll l r. = z =a =z at UJF z zz , _-e'H^ t==J \ iiiry ll:isAzz^)ii;3i> ii;i: : Ii" <c -:;iFv f- D I )t! lt, rl ! ut?l2 il. 'lr t:tu \l ,|r q t- ST s 0 0 o U a\t E; Err E t! F E =E llJo- z d = .o :< UJ z o F UJ !! oz6 lJ - uj = !r,lull!zo F UJ UJ B uJ tucz 6u, LIJ 2 UJ (t'> llj uJlt- = =E uJ o- J F F z = co J ah UJ tu z (o ==o- J 9z t UJ = NOtrvn'lvA 3Z Z tt- ao o otF ^ o z?I = 50rA i o E('o o e.1-z .- oGBz frE* s :H;i =dgxEqi 7,iGt(J s >di;6PdI z tr J Fu- =& uJo- F UJ J z E t z tr UJ ;tuz z: @l UJGJ I.TJ => Ozz>lltltltl z qa1o-dotu r!eE zo t- <E3=qE iTE H z z tr == () a tsz z =tu3 z tr lU'z ul -? F IJ7 LU) UJ = E J vl uJ LIJt!(L F Fa 2 ca ttl =Ja u.l z gJ o- U' UJzxo I z uJ F Fib JFY ul CO(rt\t c)tz. oz Fo UJ-)o G,o- o)F- "lIFl F{ u,F o = =t uJ u-o uJo- F co Ectoo ott .E 3 E EI o tl oF()f E, ,, zo() ts =G lrJ o- rtn -Jz z \7-Z-< @o =zlf O- l! J z= /^\ F =uJJJouJ J (J z -o UJ = z J lJ- I _lJ @ F J xxxd a n.l E ij = { z IJJ = F vu- o trlto - = u +r 'Fl .il X r-l P JqF tr aatu o =tr <aull --fa =tr UJ o J E tr t! 1 =tr aL! o a F uJE.u F C) uJ T <F(tsC) r.lJ <zE cqZo JE<o(JF ffi(J >Y =<z.& !zrr- o i5YF =3g6 Etig+t l-o2<cio!2!E E! 9H::i<Fn r- =!Ei--<1,,! <'.. I z t-FE'<1-;!tet:l?:} !<rzIF ^227J-Ra=::5e,\-:?53=9i9-niEiifv r;:.6 -'--.-.<o:\)-\a -; L-s\-;tE? | \\. c < = -r + tct a')dr- ct) uJ UJu- h =E, uJ o- uJF z z z E a z o oz z l9J lo I I ! I I I l- IO IE rBtzro lJ uJ uJtlt =E LU F F == uJ z o.J l z. co ==J J 2 LU = LU LU z F- U r.lJ co =_tu UJEz 6 LUo z6 = d 2 UJ NOIIVN'IVA Y =zzu- h o- O=Xr>YrP of,66 Ez'-ooir9,ozXtr <(o* duJ ::9U Eio fi4(\o -ran3ur.t =Cl (\l z t- l J a(L E J z Eoo z tr uJFJ 3 uJz zz s='aH6 SFI</tZalnH>s;IE ES+9638Eo9 ? 2 0i3 i rHF2 3=d F:sg iE* ='EE H5:ooorz<) Fz lz F o =E z F -) (t)z uJl E LIJulL! o- i aoz ca ttll 3 J L!F z .J o IJJ(L ,.iz ts t llJ(L oz F C) I.IJ-)oE(L uJF o Jzoz r^ o =<d)o =z EEi-1 -''i t!6il> !nn E =E t.lj o- lJ-o t.ll co Eoo (D o1' .E J E Eoo o F =E lrJ o-zo FofEFazo() oz lJ- -l co o ui = { llJ =z luE o J a = F E tr llJto (L F c (n T! q J tr t/JEoo tr u,JEoo J tr UJ oo ) a I Lc g uJ E,oo = I IL F O EujE. - F UJF I E. <Frr c)tlj <ZE LIJ FrnZ <o -< e{r >Y =#JZI'!Oo *6YF?Qd<:tv Y,z>U E. E ir = uz O J<()a9. -.,t 3 !ntr #1 Vr $ k F l.rJtrrii;:;-:S": Iri?i lIE!;; <o e;lzrl;-;9<;::Yl-FC.(, <u<(,Gr?:i{iii:;:iir: > -!<ot:r.rdg.".r_i;l I I I I 1.,, ti I It' I I I I I l! r, lo (nu,u,lr- tr cr LLI(L o P u,I { I I I I I I ot-.( F 'j o =o J tr o(t- :o a u_lu- h- J F t- tU o ?- <,zzo I IUu, (, f z.o F a a o o- f+ ul (J o(r.( c)c) ; (l it o I rl,Iur l.< (: (J oa 9 F() arJ UJ F o-(, ^= (D rJ o! lvn'lYA (,zi G.o TU ooo ;ulrl. (t. F F 6i.( rru, F .j n :) Iaz .{ o-oul cc tlj oo lt:()()-( :! rr()() il ili-r[ il J(rt ;J z.o z.,r9z7 oloEz =r :fJclo-.r! t]t] J i:g Iil D c C' Eo-g q, o,rJ .:cJ .' t: -:slu(l. O lr.", ct(i r rr r. l\r: >.l' r. r.l :'l C -j (r:;]p -tit.5-J *, il.il' II ()-t.(-at o :)6 Y(J (J o- ) a F(J gl (, c .J J sl oIU t!f, J ?d utz:<:l l-- C tr-t l!, taJ -J*<r-X3o3F9 ltl o-f,o rE(, ulo- F 2 oq() trJ I II a-(, I I I I9l tszfzotr oo 2 =o(J'o I I '!o 2.:)(,z uJ o :aGo o I F =(J tr, J G UJztu(, = 7Iho-5f, ^-OFCvr <t1>!? <J(JZrr<o o--H3>(JFO iN' \'i ./ ..-. Best copy Available I LJ I r- -, l- - .- t:n rJ 7- I 7'lri' -' I - i -l rll ,.,i -. 'l l-l II rr--a OO INSTEhON REQUEST oor. 3-fa-??JoB NAME READY FOR INSPECTION:MON TOWN OF VAIL /_ t}-Lo>uA_, 'i'#______gl,r) er,,r .-"*!TTUES -) ....ATl.lNl. tlnl-( 47/t - st lr,., ,o 7 !/.t )1a. .,- | lt , ,; BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr BOUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK D- tr GAS PIPING NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB n tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRlCAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr_ tr n SUPPLY AIR Aot tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR rNsC?noN REeuEsr DATE INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES I .,:t'7- A4zr a-4 -- -& lryED ."rc{str) L READY FOR LOCATION: TOWN OF VAIL BU ol trl ol trl Ell tr ILDING:PLUMBING: E UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. FOOTINGS / STEEL FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER NSULATION tr GAS PIPING SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL D FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr CONDU O EXHAUST HOODS lT..C SUPPLY AIR tr_ D FINAL D APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tY-DTSAPPROVED .xlElNSPECrlON REQU I RED DATE INSPECTOR i$5t= rr:iF -<O|,orO =t'-^ oq< :- i z FFT- <!'<ti.-^3b;F6a:?!:i<nzITzzA)>9<;5lFrcEo<ai<(Jez: iEEi;;<a+3gi3lFr<cA> -l,<oi-e.q!<E<;J aIuIuIIt = uJ(L -.s': +l\. '€ \- sE =t al,, z 6J .o z = o.- o o =g uJEz 6lu a uJ uJ LL tr =tt! o- J Foh =>&. -rd) =Lu.'i =o6J z. F. E3v>oz>-82r!<oq.-FiEj(.i E o- UJe. J z E z. tr [!F =UJz zz fi! E-a'od-EEnP =f ;q*E3id58frE"9c0Eflzl ? 8 ,= = i rHr'2 e=d eit=gEgooo!zc) z =z tr E o z F az uJ uJIL o- F F<t z. an o. uJF =J UJz )<o F a)-)*<r!}<.o JFY UJ .hl uJlEI <l Jl <l =l anl uJl <l Jl <l EI uoz J lJ- I IL l" II fral 3cJ =() oatu oo Ja = 9? s3fF d,6 (ro F() Fzo(J <F(rO IJJ <zEUJF(42o Jt<oOF r3t otlj-:tr t\ GI olz. oz E =E UJd oz Fo uJ-toEo- \luF o Jzozo F oz lJ- i5 YZ (-) iUJYil= z o =f\J\d D] oz oJ d) tro E CI -9o o1' .E 3 E Eo(J o ntr ts =G UJo-zo F C)fEF(nzo(J ! DATE tr JOB NAME MON rr.rstilor.r REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL SrlSt'ev L.ACALLER TUES WED THUR FRI AM PMREADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS tr FOUNDATI tr FRAMING / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDEHGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATER ON / STEEL tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING O SHEETROCK NAIL O POOL / H. TUB tr b-FiNAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr o ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr RETN9PECTTON 2j?i'E?;,.' ) L:gb.-. .. DATE INSPECTOR ooOO co.r{ {J ,.F|€Erd' t{o3oE C')dc6 FIooa FI H EE oorrtorl )1rl(,.F N +J.Fl ut F{ FI o F{l aki I qJ F z z N I* N z F D F :I\ : .{.\:r\3\5St:f\\!l r\ gf\ g[5t \\ Hlgt rEi<9.aF"^ .. Y ZF:<Itgr'u, 4 l'l ^(,Y2<i<azzz7gnE <oua z5c'-C/.\?E'9",{ Fr,r<o> -<on!rlqs€<' Irl ; F Irl '2 TI r3+-a7.rr< {ap-s.(a cr -k9 (/, LlJ IJJu- F t uJ o-a llJ u.rl! tr Etll o- FoF t = IJJcoz 6J oE oo =UJ uJEz 6 IIJoNOtrvn]v^ UJF z IU o oozzf;5 3 -iE:''rP, =[;qHs3 iFaBn kc; Z.ro(!rllzl F(,? 9- .= = < EHF9 I zd. ogr=gEg o(Jorz() z z tr = C) z F J U'z IJJ IJJ a I i 06 llJ F =) =>t -E(')i u.r .S =E)N x =2Z|l. tr ^ 6zx > zYF9 of,66 AZ'-Ooo3()zXu-<o* iH5 sER 2 H(\o G rtJt zo Fo z E IJJF 3 UJz uJzY = O\t oz ts =Eluo- oz Fo LlJ-toEo- Jz z zeoo =zlfrOo- u- !I! Fkss tro Eco o Btt .E 5 E E0l' o co E o CLoq ts =Elrlo-zo F(J -Ea, zoo ! al R\\It\ VI(,2 J m F r I Ln t- 6qq E t- rN ht- ui =zil IJJ F e tl> tu oo J = o- 'i tr q) lrJ Ja \l(\ J a h \[ tr o LU o. E =tr tr tn an llJE =tr U) uJ J = E t UJz E F uJ F I()t E <FG() tTJ <zE.[!F'a3 '( <o(JF l-<i\G)il E >Y coY =dJt-4ZrL ro <xYF 13 =E tt; LrJ .b, ' 2oO J<OqC ==t UJ(L l9r I I ! I I I t._,, l- IE to t= ll I I I, t3 I I I I l* t3EIFlaz l=to lotz 39lt= <FA;-rr-Eil-<9ia! =TFILF: I,J aoi!1}:rr c,l t I edo9!oelz- <z!<czEZzz^szY-tr,)YFFOF <uaz; iiEiE;<Ual.,'l!?- - .. < ca> -(,<c*3triA=<d<'r NOtrvntvA xE =ZZU- F o- 4=X:r >Y,Y_Ootr 6oEz-,(Joo9.ozXt!<oq irlJ;:cxtr-Xz d(!O E ao-tt,E z Eoo z. tr E J 3 TJJz -oo--ZZe fix F6-r*s"H338 iEE E E #, i P AouJr!<oz<co(rd)z) l'- ii> Z-Ll<o6zE:s3g;E oo(J - . IO uJ = (9 =j u- E F ul =zil u.l z ttlEo a - F tr uJEoo = IL L g uJ o J Io = E tuEoo J E I(I F c =E.tr IJJ oo = I o- F E tr a 3' 1 = EE u- LIJEoo Ja I o- f- Q t uJ tr.a\ F uJ =- (r E. <F LJJ <zE,[lF(\z '( <oOF -<- 11 a,il E >Y =<ZE :2,r'o <x YF7Q =riz -O L- TIY ,o. (Jil oz F C) uJ-)oE.L UJ o nt]r Jz z .^ = =<>z ('() =E/1 Fr(J - trl-\ -.i muJ cq, tr cto dr oT' .= fF Ctvo i'iio;i orL E u.r E>tFott o.. E ts =E lrJo-zo Fof E,Fazo() t trtr'=-r, !!t R l \rr I I s''q I I I I I Eoog o LIq t-- lrtvlaJ FJ T .l rtl I *t,rt Uttr.r.{ttFl t trl xR -aN FIHo I eoot{rtd oA t{o +Jo tt .tJco E+,,{(t P4 C' troo "{l+{ t +J!l,orH o+, Ao.r{ .p .Fl €rtt .U rt c,oog{ olr'r A tJ s 019 ll. t l. Fz Q H, su. o HlFtFg k:!-h5H(J c :. y z rr In"3i4dlrJvi?N<c zozzA)9 < a5 <b ',<ol,lzit5t:F:J:?5': F " <3-tsa > aJa<o:1 trdot<c<;r,1 Y ui oz J zo iH iU F uJ ut oz Fzul Eul @ UJ F uJ t lt ut J J FoF lllt J J F F z s a! t t ,E =c=Hl&eg ===oEl -l o !E- Ie >9cl :*." ! olz cr 1.9 /i 5t(_\ <<6 4o Fgqn6FCC9o=>:z =<uJJo,o>oFO -.i "oooo oF i.zc zi f F z ul H>,,1 -l>=ll<<Fgk: Ir.-FF-<9.,9 < :. Y z FETF<,'Fi, VH'EftUF^t,!?,r42"i>3 < o zE7zz^r;9<;;t.F. L O Lo<b<oaz;ri5=::i6H;:<a <Igr.:!?- i .. < co>-o.<o:1 -aE=<d<;'1 r..:f+, rE J c UJ z J'd.t z trOiH IU o o z z s oFz IJJ ut tr ul r|. UJ c( F J J ll, t J J F F t E tr ul o o z I o -Jl E -l > lre =, =o 6 a NOtrvnlvA la 'i l d ''J ur,- E '.2 _ ,- ''{ ; =- 2 IJJ Jli<f -st >oo \l!N IJJ = - lz <''6 z FY=d-o 9o;> :2:< o- (J>oFO ;ni 'llIt ///" {BA-^-- ^, ./1 ---'- /- 7 d/441 - li - |M,i,(*:, I' t: \"! DATE JOB NAME tNsPltfrnr REeuEsr O REINSPECTION REQUIRED READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: .,x CALLER ' ='7---\ l,rtOru ( r-Ueg..i '7 ,/ - - /-: /\ r') WED THUR g/APPROVED CORRECTIONS: ^t- tr DISAPPROVED \ TOWN OF VAIL BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: N UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr tr D tr tr ROUGH / ROUGH / GAS PIPI POOL / H. D. N( ERtr FRAMING ).w.\ VATI t\.1 _ TUB : HO( tR- tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL llJr;tr FINAL ELECTRTCAL' ia i -i,5 CHANICAL: .'t.i tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH o B tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL tr FINAL oo-r, 7 - 2-t " .,);:, rNSpEcroR --l ') J'a D,rt-c Mav 17. 1979 LIST OF MATNIIIALS NAME Oll PROJDCT Sttzmark Remodel I,DGAL DDSCRIPTION VVI LOT 5-B I}I,OCK DESCRIPTION OF PIIOJIJCI' Garage Entry Revi e FILING The to A.) following informationthe Design Revierv Board BUILDING MATERIALS: Roof Sidin g Other lta11 Materials is required for submittal bybefore a fiual approval can the Applicant be given. Type of Material Gravel Color Dark gray-black Fascia Soffits IYlndows Window Trim Doors Door Trlm Hand or Deck Flues f'lashings Ch innr ey s Trash Enclosures ,v Greenhouses Other Botanical Name None Brick match existing Cedar match exlstlng 1 x 6 T & G Pine match existing N/A Hollow metal charcoal gray Hollow metal charcoal gray -Sleel plBe 2't 0 charcoal graY N/A 24 Ga GI. Garage door charcoal gray Common Name Bails D.) PTANT MATERIALS(Vegetative,^Landscaping I"Iaterials including Trees, shrubs,and Ground Cover) Pj cea Pungens Juni+csotrs-IhinensisrfPf itzerianail Colorado Blue Pfltzer Juniper Quanriry Spruce 2 Size 8-101 5 gal. as per plansMerie!._-Peil_er,4en s i s Bluegrass sod -' l /rr- -?-., t-- Page 2 BotanLcaL Name OTITER I.ANDSCAPE FEATURES(Retainlng l{al.1g, Fences, (Please Spectfy) Quantlty Slze Swirrning Pools, eCc.) Corrnon Name c.) |\/ rrF,r:t SitzrnatlrIlodge August 28, L979 Mr. Jim Rubin Town of VailVail, CO 81557 Dear Mr. Rubin, With reference to the change in entrance for the garage at the Sitzmark and Gore Creek Plaza Building, the Sitzmarkwill grant an easement through their garage for the Gore Creek PLaza Building to reach their garage. Sincerely,e//'/ru Robert Fritch Year Arcund Resort Lodging 183 Gore Creek Drive . Vail, Colorado 81657 o (303) 476-5001 &" \ = tt', >.Aq, o clJ.5 C CL ctCl ++ -r. N = 5cr= -r. o -t tJ, o -tr.o J.5 7S! oo! o -hro =(rco oro. oo..+ -t =mo,=<o t \ F il \ \\* \}\ R\ \\ Il tn = t/, > atro o o- -,.-t g O. clct t+ -r. Nt tci= -r. o,Er ao1ro -r'= r\ o-o! o -i r-o =ooo orot oo.+ -t =mq' =<A ffi INSPECT.N HEOUEST TOWN OF | - -/./r /./ /- ?<DATE \ZI,' /' , / JOB NAME -TIME RECEIVED AM PM CALLER ' ' /l/.. TUE READY FOR INSPEETION MON COMMENTS: D nppRovED ! uporu THE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS D orSAPP Rov E D [fnerNsPEcr DArE (/Z'. "7'f - INSPECTOR DATE TIME JOB NAME r,' :'' - ' tNsieecrlru TOWN O F FIEGTUEST VAIL PM, CALLER I orxen ! pnnrrll LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THURMON COMMENTS: TUE FRI AM PM .E nppRovED ! uporu rue CORRECTIONS E orsnpPBovED FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: I n e rNsPEcr DATE INSPECTO R --- @F cl)r{ @ 6il 'i,{ =b u0 Fi 'r{ t-l.r{ trl d Ncl dA J4ooh C) otlo(5 i|) ooPdh Fr <t Frdg orl tri II I 'l {, N {) N ID IL F{g d IHH H <J = C) q)g tr @F- ,oFl6t z IDOr oo €,trl I cr) o((,( () C) .l Q q) D Str | |HSS I8st IHfiF I33: I --\l!:F,X I EHIIn€R IF8H Idsl IsF; IOtt{Fl .. IHF=E It{t*.Z} |E\XO IiFit al sHix el SR'.ld +, ItffE,-. El 3lE!fi|sa+n - |SSdS €I EsI5EI FEST E rFl F -o. F -t-ltl{h Erte. FFI ENts -riFar{rFts!tF Et ffJat fH €v r- -F{€ -trl|e F,aaf-lP-aa *FLIt{ (f\ =vrtsf trt A.rl{aLI IPfH fF)tFf |{e. € --o =ll.\ 1J801 I \-_ _r-1 zo F da EooE o trto .l frt Ig|c '.1<t F{.d)!l MxdE!a E{l{qt I Eoot{oo! ho+lo6e +,co E$t{ nto.ql t{oo F{tH a +J taaolt{ o +, co +J.rlo€q, rlooo O{okA s{!ss - sI. \t,Nl G l-t\-i: K+Asif"a *'.-r,\-'NF ?J"laAA =J n| .-cr( ./-9*,84?G l.ig'sJ6*i -l J-' ;\;A\irr-l \\v --\\-.\l\' )\ ffir?t €TF ?$l ,*n ' e \ * L { o L- g oz Fo IIJ-)ot o- uJF o -Jz z .i= Z*.trlo =z Cl! J..i5 =^r3 dd= co Ecto o o 'E =FE- =>Ctl-o ;i'i(r;i o* C rrro-E>TF6oott E =E lrJ o-z9F(Jf E,Fazo(J trnn ciz F =E uJL tuJIF IE I I I I I I lJ l5 rtrlu-to tzlo I I l_ .Ft<to I I I I IFt< E,rFl(tz r= l<rtz 9!ltz rr->iF -<9.,9 < 9 zFFT- <9*;IrsdziZz i<oz-AzzA):Q<;=u!b':<Ol,lZ;iiEii;<o*3gi3lF' <c O> -./J< c i-QEE<d < =J a uJ uJu- L = LlJ /Q s-aa-:=\., o NOtlVn'tVA Ye. =zz!- F o- 4=Xr>YsP oE aoEz.>ooar9.a)zXlL< \J= t)) - =P 2 HN(5 za=.!!ri-v czdo LtrJuJ Lr.J O O-zo z ;;Y;Ez<(J A_ 6 tt> !l ;ilJE -=+YO <Oz6Z:f z =u- J F J LIJ =z --l =z <n u,lEoo) = -IL F (J =tr an acc - F tr <n u.l o ) = =g frEo J E tr oq) UJE o J a =c aUI UJEoo =tr u.lEoo i F O Lr.Jz E LIJtI E E. <F(rO TJJ <ztUJF(nZ <o(JF -< G() >Y =#fF)zrl-o O JfY<^ YF7<)3# Y,z -o E t ;.r!x Iwb2<Oo?.iH !trr FI FI o FI Eio.Fl 4J dE rd 11 c,!og v).td A(t F1oo9.Fl t{ EE ou|oo|J ,!1t{ tI,.E N +J.rlq o rNsPEcrlbnr HEeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER E ornen fl pnnrrnl. LocArtoN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THURMON COMMENTS: FRITUE AM PM WApp Rov E D D orsnpp RovED E nerNSPEcr E uporu THE FoLLowrNG GoRREcrtoNS: CORRECTIONS DATE -.5-'-- INSPECTOR --- tr_-r-. rNsPEc{bN TOWN OF FIEOUEsiT VAIL oor,- -'t ,i i " iui '9 ,r'24 JoB NAME "-"'#V.r,, /. 1t rfME REcErvEfu-_i PM CALLER I orsen E panrrll LOCATION THURMON COMMENTS: TUE READY'fOR INSPECTION l" WEQ.t' d orrRovED ! orsnppRovED IJ UPON THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS E nerNSPEcr o INSPECTIEU FIEO.UEST OF VAIL '1t -] .,.-.. TOWN ,J,qB NAME flME RECETVED- AU-:jY...' CALLER n orxen fl penrrel. LocAroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRITUE AM PMMON COMMENTS: dappRovED E orsnppRovED fl nerNsPEcr E upolrl rHE FoLLowrNG coRREcroNS: CORRECTIONS DATE N- tr \Hut F X IJJ z Y c( G Fv,tt IIo z oJ F t!lt (lo t 2 uJ Jo F =G uJ z o ulult!voul oz A- v 3 l! u ul zo F oo (9z o fott ul f z l!) !J o IJJ u- 6I!co ut Yz o u, lr \ z F G{ut LltE F G Iul z t 2 F ul 3utz J so u/ E E o it! A z 2 J tt z NOrtvnlvA F N zo It; o !t o o CEo oz c o a,i u Ncl = zo Fo tlF z Ito |l,o F qt a E ut J E \ z tr = t!o F ul (Jz LS-B * ?Eitsa::?B'5*s3',3 TE:?2illns li e2 Zz< a zdzZ^)::5; = FI tz a e F 2 - tt 2 gEE F Iu tt E J Fo ut ooJtt FoF uJo2 3 F3ei3'"-iou<c - 2Zr9 bol ,o !< -.d < t ')'\ z uJ E uJ ul t a: =ff-o o z -oJ -l tr lee =,-ett- ! .-J o - --tF- PUBLIC NqTICE NOTICE IS EERE BY GIVB{ TEAT RObCTt FTitCh hAS requested a Variance from the provisions of Section 18.24-L3O, Density Control in Commercial Core I, to a1low the converslon of storage Etpace into an addltion to an existing bedroom. The requeet l-s made for the property known as the Sitznark Lodge. A Public Hearing will be held in accord with Sectlon 18.66.060 of the Vait Municipal Code before the Town of Vall Planning & Euvirorunental Commlssion on October 10, 1978. Setd hearing wtlL be held in the Va1L lt{unicipal Bullding. TOIVN OF VAIL DEPARIIIENT OF @UIII]NITY DEVEIOPMEM 9r.*"rt'R4U"^", A. Rubln Zoning Adninlstrator Published in the Vail- Trail-on September 22' 1978 o PUBLIC NOITICE NOTICE IS EENE BY GIVEN THAT Bobert FritCh hAS requested a Variance from the provislons of Section 18.24.L3O, Ilenstty Control ln Comnerclal Core I, to allow the conversl.on of storage space into an addltion to a.n existing bedroon. The request is rnade for the property knowa as the Sitznark Lodge. A Publlc Eearing will be held in accord with Sectlon 18.66.060 of the Vail Uuniclpal Code before the Town of Vail P1anning.& Envlronmeutal Commlsslon on October 1O, 1978. Said hearing will be held l.n the ValI Munlcipal Building. TOWN OF VAIL DEPARIIIENT OF @UUI'NITY DEVEIPPMENI ,k r'- fr'R4, Ut*" A. Rubln Zonlng Ad.minlstrator hrbllshed ln the Vall Trall on September 22, L978 o Sitzmark Lodge - VarianceNOTIFICATION LIST: Mr. Breg 900 Messa Ct. Broomfleld, Co1o. 8OO2O Sllverton Enterprises 415 E. flyman St. Aspen, Colo. 81611 Mr. Jack Fritzlen Box BVail, Colo. 81657 Mr. Frank Petty Box 2637Vall, CoLo. 81657 Lodge @ Vail Condominiu.m AssociationAtt: Thor Roberg Box 1168Vail, Colo. 81657 Mr. Cbuck Rosenquiet P.O. Box 686Vail, Colo. 81657 Mailed 9-22-78 GEW ^- t -/--\' "q?o fu @, - .l='. r1Q_zu r/fol{N on VAIL APPLICATION TON VANIANCE Application Date Publication Date Public llearing Date Nameof Applicant IlaltF/| 7 l-. FlltTC't' Name of Owner if different from Applicant MailingAddress 8OX 6o7 Sn t.11 28 Telephone:4 7 6 o/o3 Legal Description: Lot _, Block , Filing ADlNproperty is unplatte t metes and'bounds description as bit ) Application fs hereby made for a Variance from the provisions of of the l{unicipal Code for the TownSection of Vail in order to a11ow: lna Zone Dlstrict. APPLICATION WILL NO? BE ACCEPTED 1. Hearing Fee - $100.002. Site plan, floor plan and other documents as required by Zoning Administrator. . 3. A LIST OF THE O\YNEIIS OF TUE PROPERTIES rvithin 3OO-fECt iN A Single-Family Residential , Two-tr'amily Residential , or Trvo-.Family' Primary/Secondary Residential Zone District; or adjacent to the subject property in all other zone districts. The orvn'ers list shall include the name of all owners, their mailing addresses and the legal descriptlon of the property orvned by each. This shall be made available to be used for the rnaj-ling of Notice of Hearing. The proper number of pre-addressed, stamped envelopes sha1l accompany the -]ist 4'. A descript.ion of the precise nature of the Variance: 1. Before acting on a variatrce application, tlre Planning & Environmental Commission shall consider the follorving'factors with respect to the requestcd vari&nce: l. notore sctlnF on I virllrncl' xppltcqtlor. tho F'- 2' Thc pl|rnning & !:n!'lronnentrl cotorlsslon sball mrke I Dnvlronnr'rtrl cerurts$ron sh!Il c(,rt:{ td.-.r tlo rotro,rrnillllli"r lorro*tog tlodings bctore grantiug a varlslce: rttb rcspr,ct to thc r.quosted rsrllrtlco: . Tho rclstlooshlp of tht' rt'questtd vorlonco to othor ir:(lstln8 or pot!'nttal u*.'s |rnd structurcs ln tho vlclqlty:. Thc dr.grcc to $htch rtllr'f from th(' strlct orlltcral ltlt(.rl,rrtitlorr nod cn [or('r'n('nt of I sp(.clllcdfosulot!ou ls Dcc('l!$iry to llchl('\'rl compntlbtltty irnd un{ (onnltt' o( trr.utn|(.nt xN)nl: !iltr'$ lu thu ri\:tnlty, or to uttut|| ttrrt (itrJoctlv!'s ot tllls tltlc wlthout Sruntof lpuc I r\l pt'tvl lr.xl'; Tho (.t(cct of tho rcqu..stcd vtrrlnoco on lltht rnd alr, dlstrltrutlon o( lxr|r$lxtlr)n, trusp(rrttrt.lon and tritalc t$clltttr's, D$bllr' (xctlttlt':r rtld utllltlrrs,rnd pulrl I r: rx(('tyi. Sirch (rih"r ltctorg rt!d crll.rrln Ita tho conrnlNlrlon doonr:r Irlt}llcrlrlo to tho propoucd vt.rlooco. )'1$x .IINT,ESS ACCOI'IPANIED BY THE FOLI,OIfING: the - Th{rt tho crantln( o! thc v:rrllnco rtll not'coo.titui.i o rrant ot spcctal prlvilct{{' loconslsl('nt, rlth thc ltmltrtlons on othcr Propcr!lcs clnsstt'lcd ln tho ssrnc 'dlstr!ct: . Th$t tho t:rllntlog ot tho vlrlonco rlll hot bo dotrlm.!lrt:tl to tii.' putrtlc hoalth' lt:lfcty' oI wrll:rro'' or onterioll,y tnJurtous to prgpcrtlos or lmp-ru(cmoots ln tho vlctnttY i' . Thtl thi varlnnco !s rlrrsnted (or one or lroro ol tho lol Ioit ltrf r('[!;ons: r.l Tllc $trlct or llt'!rrll tntornrottltlon "..4 "iii.i,i""'"i'"i-tt,u ir'"cr rrr'd ro*ut:rrl(rrr $(luld r(':ltll! tn t'r.r('il(: l dt(ftclrlty or urrnr'(:c'irirl ry ' plyr;tcat htlr(t:rhlp lltc()n!rtr|lrrni r,lth t hL' (tbJ "r: t t vog ot tht$ ittl!'. lr. ) 1't$'ro nto ox.orLlonnl or oitrnortlllrnry, clIr,l,l,t.ilnc,'tt ot' .!lrn(l l t lollri lllrll l lcrrblrr t'.'. lllr, -lrl !o o! th't rxrl|rn{:r! Ihilt tlo ntt( ttpltly lil'nttrir I ly trt "(llor Ft'olorllr':r lI Ihrr !i[ml z()n'l' c' ) l'tr.r !tl'l':t or I ll|' t'nI ltlt"rFrr'illt [',rlr nnd onlor.r:[t nt rrt ltr,' r,p.lcit tr,tl rtl:ttlutl(rtl-w'tllrl..rl('$r'lvrl th.r rt,t't tr:ntrl. ,rf p"ruii"r:"n ln.liiyod hy tlr.' r)\trrrll's ('( o rrlr l,rtr|,.!r,ttrrr In th.! rl|nr.r (llt|lr'lct, .ri!rr., tNsPEcroN TOWN OF FIEOUEST VAIL DATE TIME JOB NAME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER f]orxen MON COMMENTS: PMFRTUE ! pnnrrll. LocATtoN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR E appRovED ! otsaeeRovED D n e rNsPEcr E upon rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR if.:- ri'-:r DATE "1.r TIME RECEIV,ED JOB NAME' , ' PM CALLER INSPECTIru HEGTUEST OF VAIL n orxen ! panrtel. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THURMON COMMENTS: TUE PMFRI APP ROV E D fl upon rHE FoLLowlNG coRREcrtoNS: CORRECTIONS ! orsaeeRovED I nerNsPEcr DATE INSPECTOR !i ! E IJJ c4 IJJ z a z F:*; ;o IJE ul (Jz F U Fz clz- F z 3$31=sltJ::!F;! <:9ii IiF<(/')ts?o ?fiHIUizzZzi<oz6AzzA)>9<45 !FFOoe<o<(.)tr:Z; ";5=:ta5!;;<o <sleiHlF"<aO> -0)<o*=r,l!!<c<>r llJ z s Fz rlJ E UJ{ UJ |lJ J uJ (C J F ul E Jtt) F E , rE=r=H t9 z -o Jf E 1!o = =et- E g a 2 NO IVn'tVA Y = z Fo-, (J gt ) I€>o.' -n.Na. zr.r 9 z Fqqn6 ao =>:z:< >O - c.j rNspecrOru TOWN OF HEEUEST VAIL osre {,'; -%'Tr JoB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER D ornen n pnnrtel. LocArtoN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR' MON TUE COMMENTS: E orsnppRovED tr ilrNsPEcrflnppRovED fl upou rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECrtoNS: DArE 'l ,-) i t:' ;', ,l ',i ' ,)'-------r-_r t/t' ll lt lii lit lii t:i l! it:-ii-t!l.: ':t;t :ii il i:l ., I,II|ITING: o: llttfJlcN nl;uttll D0 DATI OII MDilIBERS PRESENT: -t' Vrrn G 1\\ L. \-_/ v .- \$\t F-e, l\,rkg, A^nfVo . sUBJECT: 4& TAKEI{ BY BOARD: r \} : r yorror{, hYkgrr_ sEcoNDED sv: ly'.hrfe-/ AGAINST: .t-+n rN)'rL'-\N' AI]STICNTION: APPROYUD: DISAI)])IIO\IIiD : SUTIIIAIiY: tNsPEcraN TOWN OF FIEEUEsiT VAIL DATE TIME JOB NAME RECEIVED AM PM CALLER E orxen MON COMMENTS: ! pnnrral LOCATION TUE READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI AM PM APPROVED! eppRovED ! orsnppRovED E UPOT.T THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS ! nerNsPEcr DATE INSPECTOR \.0 *N: - _\F \dN Fa Fz a z = Irl DF 2 ?2 <:3F - zi< z AOo,.zeaZza =z ia<tr *' ;ir o u,t ut z u,/ z s Fz uJ E UJv, uJ F uJll ct J t! uJ F) J FoF uJt CE J tt -t FoF t ! ,E =tr=HlreU =,2 =qf- -'--l o I l!t z 9\ 2 <.1 9 z F =-a!OF!lv,o-> :z:< urf, >(J ;.i Q" PLUMEilNG/MECHANTCAL PEFTM|T TOWN OF VAIL DATE ToBNAME Sif7t-.rnn owNER ,BrS RffCJJ ADDRESS "orr^o"ro^,..-/Fpd ,Snr Fv ,^,*47f.44oC OF BUILDING: oF woRK: I r'rew ! loornoru Waeviooet ! nepnrn PLUMBING: NUMBER 33 F MECHANIGAL: NUMBER vALUArloN $ 2.4nDe VALUATION $ REMARKS:REMARKS: PERMITFEE f^277 PERMIT FEE ?d + Ira z lrz-lt 1 , ! orsnppn ,^,,2/ttf z= r-> a-z 10 TOTAL FEES: $ ./,,/ B.n/ t76 ? Town of VaiI FI,F:CIRICAL PmI}IIT Job N Date of 7Z N9 Building Valuation Electrical Valuation Permit Fee Inspection Fee Total Fee 434 $............-.......-...-.-.1__ APPROVALS ..7-:..!.8.:7-7 .. Datc Date Paid-...--. Received By-.--.................. Chld Bu dbr Otflctal THIS FORilI T3 TO BE POSTED ON JOB SITE DURIilG GONSTRUGTION 24 HOI,'NS ADVANCE NOTICE REQTJIRED FOR INSPECTIONS o.l-?:.99 tNt l. a. HaEaaaL ao{ 0rlYtt lloalt ETni-.z- t: j . ,r, . ,-\ -----:-- 7- INSPECTIN TOWN OF FIEOUEST VAIL I ornen ! pnnrrnl LOCATION TUE READY FOR INSPECTION WED .;THUR FRt / ,-Al!tl PMMON COMMENTS: VApp RovED florsnreRovED E nerNsPEcr D upolrt rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTIoNS: CORRECTIONS _... .f NSPECTOR lNsrrEce c'N TOWN OF FIEBUEST VAIL OATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER E orHen MON COMMENTS: TUE ! pnnrrll. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI AM PM I app RovED florsnppRovED E uporrr rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS ! nerNsPEcr DATE :l ::' ' O*'i' --4 |!-_ | l . rt \o !|.:ne of Sucincs:, or" l3rd ----4tt: IJac. Ltit 2nd 3rd.tlth at ^ ttyiT..rt.r.Arr !-,T (rr:r!rY narJir.rlJ..rlll J vll lrL!, l;\.-r--0. tr0;i 6 ?t c0Lc:i,if c 18L657l. t, V/rI l, ' 'toiLct' , Uri,r.r ). ,Iicsidc:;ti-al. Ice ligchirres Co:-.::,c:'c j,a l. # / Shor"'cr. o: Tub. o'l l,lasl,r5c"rl >. O.7'5 = rc 0.25 x.I .0x 1.5 \ I \ t -i-.Dv 3. Das' ltit 2nd ----"---- liater CcoL c,::s' 3rd alrd r.later fountains v- 0.25 ;' irr0 altG r'JaTeI' lQUnlaatlS 7- U rdJ ,1. Ila:;. Lst 2rrd Brs.lst 7= 3::cl 4'ih lJas.$. 2nd 3rdtl-til Basi,r: er:<l i'oilct One-iii:If :.1r.th I'uL1 Dath / Q'r.n,..a-r n,r "tr r l.vr .l'!, 'Bnsin , Toile'r ) Roons ( Livi;r j: accrls , R^rlr.:nnc a)''i i ^n. Sl-,o:rs . S tu'j ios ). x 1"{i0 = -.'.-.'..'--..'. Baslst 2nd 4tlr Beslot 2nd 3 r-rlIrth ,... Il.x I':t. r 3l'dltth ---- Xitchcns.tcsictc:rti-el Dis:)r:,.tr sirr.l r 8. Das Lst. | *l l' 2nd \- (r tria I I x 1.00 x 2.t,0 : >t I.0C = -/ a t,oT :rrl:'Y Conu;rclc ial 1rs'1.",.tashgr . (rrrt::'.<lc !ht c:: . ( ll::ri::run of ona ) 'Outsidc Sp:'inl:J'c.r's lz,t.I Irt3. ll . s. J5 l'it ?rrrI 3!:dtrth A"nl!rt 2rt''j 3r-;illth 13 2 .00 x r:00 .x 0.33 = :.-,- x I.00 x30.00 = - .t x9.00=- rs 0.10 Daslst' 2r,d 3ndtrth Iir.r llose Cabincts Scrvice Statiion . Swirr,:ri.ng Pool Conrrention Centetr Per Person To?J',L Poiilrs . '10:00 Pc'it)ts 3 I.00 tl:rlt To'caL Units !i s l>c - *--\f =5,5-)\-/ $ .!'ot ro..' in s the cor:.i>l et ion. o f -c on sll:": l:1.' ;I^:11;1t :r gi3 :h*ffi!t' H;;'i$; ;;'in.- cliii,.;:- :n:11 :::l::'^? i*{coriri:crcla.L iir|u..!::: "i;r;";"-;;;;;;j."; r-he i:urihcn of polnts to Spsi:ti.on of ell pr.en: -.i - ,r_----. --a q.1!.,i?.. Tr:n feo. and p.ateil":;l;l',l"li; ;::"$;;';";; i;"-'Ji;;;' :lg ll::ll T;i-til'"'ll3rll ii",De_. asrics$co "::::.:ll'i'r r\J Lr'- 3cireau1,., as ancn<ieci, .anc 'ihu ?i:-.1:-91: 5".,-^.: o i-.:-,ar.r-ion sl-.alt_illlllil H iil:";;;;iili ;; i"l i'iie' .-tii: :::i:":::i.:::""li::';:il"ilni"ir,!^ iiiiii"i''"i""' i-'ot"" and set'rer service char.ge'.t Boa-r.d of Dinectors .i;ii-w;it;-and sanitation iristrict \t'.. ' .:i fo PLUMBING'/MECHANTCAL PEF|MIT TOWN OF VAIL li,qq4 // Z-lppnoveo E orsnppnove (P ":# DATE /r't/I .'- roB NAME /- /J l-a t F t I tQt?e -.,)t rZrnrtteZ- r'..-> owNER /'+oB /-tQrrc:tl ADDRESS .o"r*o.ro-* a /-al StgrzV Er*,itzt ,^orr-y'7o a+'aZ OF BUILDING: oF woRK: fl new E aoorlorrr El-neruooel fl nrpn'* PTION OF WORK: PLUMBING: NUMBER // O MECHANICAL: NUMBER vALUArfoN s .iffi*VALUATION $ REMARKS:REMARKS: zt--) PERMTTFEE 69 /PERMIT FEE ' /?D {ltv TOTALFEES: , 79 ,*, ,t//ar/z 7 FQ Fz z 3 a F z z Faf F z Rqz '] 2 t|l F d \- N tj o uloz s Hl!.r F4:L> f:i9t' -. Y ZF:< ;aabdl22i<azzZAgnF FFV<ooa zf,c >*x9?U'9rt Fer <o> -*94E?i IJJ IIJ z Fz uJ E uJ v) ul ullr o l! utE F J J F F ul Cq cto lt J F F t L.t =tr= lrl olreO =,2 =ql- t-'--f o a= Q <6 z tr==i6 q0x> :z:< urlA(J>oFO -.i r.S3trHJUV Town of Vail FI.nCf,TIICAL PERMIT Job N N9 Building Valuation Electrical Valuation Permit Fee Inspection Fee Total Fee 393 $........., Zfu* Date Paid-.-...- Received 8y......... THIS JOB g/a/zz FORM 13 7O BE POSTED ('1{ SITE DURII{G CONSTRUCTION 24 HOURS AI)VANCE NOI'TCE REQIJIRED FOR INSPECTIONS Date or Apprication.... q/ ZA- .....-.........rs--.7.2 . Electricat Contractor APPROVALS rHt c. a. xrrtrar. !!,, oar{Yra rr0a3, Fa Fz a z- F 7 \'\ !,1 !d -t >tr,r<F!.lCr-: ,IIJiFoFEF'k!4E;E .a\ o Y ;FNAEzzg<lt L ?E 3 ". /:i c7.. e ;{os2a Q><o c< ul IJJ z uJF o llJ()zs tr G UJE J tt gl F J F llt oJ o Fz u,l Eulv, UJ ! .E =tr=tr15oo =Z =ql-d l E - I Lt ? z F OI F z O z 5 2 3rel > rt F F. z e z z z; F rl F = ,9+ \\t \' r! 1- '.^ ul E z r -rtt z z troo. FCt9,r9A>6o rNseedroN TOWN OF FIEGlUEsiT VAIL DATE TIME JOB NAME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER E ornen MON COMMENTS: TUE flpnnrral.LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI AM PM E nppRovED fJ uporu rne COBRECTIONS ! orsnppRovED FOLLOWI NG CORREGTIONS: D n e rNSPEcr DATE o a '''-,i,_ ::,:, =rT=tr>+'*<<k- oo tNsPECIC'N TOWN OF F|EEUEST VAIL DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER ! orxen n pnnrrnl. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THURMON COMMENTS: TUE FRI AM PM E lppRovED E UPOI'I THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS E orsappRovED E nerNSPEcr DATE INSPECTOR rNsPEcfotu TOWN OF FIEOUEST VAIL,l DATE JOB NAME ,. J TIME RECEIVED -- AM PM CALLER n orxen E panrrnl. LocATroN TUE READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI AM PMMON COMMENTS: El rppRovED E'upor,r rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS ! orsappRovED E nrtNsPEcr DATE INSPECTOR 1976 ulana I ousnJ_ll 'I own or v al_ I Vail , Colonado 81657 Dean Ms Toughill: In nesponse to our conversation of a week ago o I would like to continue r-enting some of the panking spaces in the Sitzna:rk garage. We have mo:re panking spaces than we normally use and the excess spaces have been rented out to people in the neighborhood at least for the past three years. We have :rented sDaces to the followins: Gui-do I s The Vail Ti:ail Mano:r Vail Geonge Joufl-as Lancelot I wilt voluntarily cut out and The Vail Trai1. one sPace f r^rn cn: noq one spacetwo sPaces one space Manon Vai1, and one each on Jouflas Irm some what at a loss as to unde::standing why the Town is attempting to dictate to me who can use the pa::king space in light of the long standing p:recedent by renting to these people, since these spaces would go unused if they didnrt use them. I would like the Town to 1et me know if thene is a grandfathe:r clause. Please advise. Sincerely, Ak A-A Robert F. Fritch 0wner RFF/mam Yeat Around Besort Lodging P.O. Box607 o Vail,Cotorado81657 . (303)476-5001 & El>Er IEE EH? EHtabcx 227<az z7EF:.d<o EgE9o{ Fq<tr>-sgEE<t \n t l\I'1 rs ); \F tsl EI vo uJ oz J4 zotre<i :sC(J o tu Ggl oozf uJoz -<.E v, z IJJ =uJ aa ul 9F G !,1c GooJlt ulc FoJ J FoF ulE cooJII J FoF ! Er lrl 0. o z I oJ -f E = l&G' --etl- o2v G totttto G 4||l G z oo 2o F E !l FJ 3 !,12 o ur ll. 6ul L ca o =D (9z f tto ci2 zo F 9 J 4L tto ulF o oz J E xJo FoJ rrt (,o tt(\| luF 6z o9 atot <6 o I oz o.looo ri GE 2o F Ftttzo(, t!o ut F v Go3 tto zo FA Eov,gl o Fxrx JAN I $7{ Torvn of FX,II:CTRICAL Vail PERMIT JobName....-4P-A.,.*-..-....P.*u2-r...6.A'a.stt...(s.f.i.alllor1 Date of Application.--. .-...Stt-t-U-u/4&1.........9..-.....-.....ts...?..g..-....... Electrical contractor..-.A).Ld..-...-f*€--gT.tel(2.-.-,iil-.c*--..-...-....Ng Building Valuation Electrical Valuation Permit Fee Inspection Fee Total Fee 100 $.......--...-...-...-....... $.........eL.?.5.,ab $.............d.O.:.8O $............-..k.,. & s.......*.k.:.Q-. Applicant. A.PPROVALI; Received Ry..--...... .-..fr.E..U .B.-qJP."*\ 7-5 ttclal D.tc FORM IS TO BE FOSTED OTT SITE DURING GOT{STRUGTION 24 HOURIT ADVAI{CE NOTICE REQI,'IRED FOR TNS?EICTTONS Olflclal txt a. t. ioaaatr ac{ tallvaa l0ltll $af;mwnactc E odge May 31 , L975 Terry Minger Town Manager Box 100VaiI, Colorado 81657 Dear Terry: As the Town of Vail proceeds to change existing traffic patterns ln accordance with the proposed Vail PIan, lt would seem approprlate to set down lhe impact that complete pedestrianization of the Core area would have on the Sitzmark Lodge. Perhaps first we should describe our objectives and the nature of the Sitzmarkts business. There are certain unique aspects of the Sitzmark that attract our guests, features that reinforce the image that we all associate with Vai1. We are a sma1l, intimate lodge and, because we live in the 1odge, we are able to offer added personal attention to our guests. We pride ourselves in making the lodge attractive both lnside and out, creating a hospitable atmosphere in the Core area. Because of our size, however, it is uneconomical for us to spend the money to attract the groups that make up a sizabJ-e share of the summer and off-season business of large lodges. At both ends of the ski season and during the sunmer, ours is primarlly a walk-in business based on the abiJ-ity of vi-sltors to observe the location and attractiveness of our accomodations. We have put considerable time and effort in maintaining and improving landscaping and the appearance of our facillties. Our objective is to maintain the Sitzmark as a small, lntimate, "This-is-Vai1" kind of lodge. Year Around Be'ort Lodging P.O. Box607 o Vail,Colorado81657 o (303)476-5001 Page -2- Terry Minger Town Manager Box 100Vaij., Colorado 5L657 The complete pedestrianization of the core area would have a signi-ficant impact on the sitzmark to the extent that it would no longer be a financially viabl-e ProPerty. rn purchasing the Sitzmark, its capacity for guest BaIIif'S was i signifi6ant factor in establishing the.value of the proPerty' If tle Sitzmark were denied on-site parking, as is being considered in the Master Plan, we would be put in an unfair ."*p"titive position. Cut off from our "pass-by" traffic, "umirer visit6rs could no longer observe and evaluate our location and attractiveness. And summer visitors represent the difference between srnall profit and large loss in our business. we do not feel- that our facilities can be evaluated by description from an information booth at the parking ..structure. In the winter complete pedestrialization of the Core would, create significant- logislics problems in the Liansportation of oui guests and-their 1u99ag9-to the lodge' onfy lfrree other lodgei in VaiI would be so affected' Looking at that present level of pedestrianization and the other iodges in Lfre Core area: There may be-other reasons why the p6nsion Isabel did not survive aF a.lodge' but one i"i"otr surely was their loss of drop-in.business. Gasthof Gramshammer has overcome pedestrianization because they have built up a clientele over the life-span of-Vail--and because of theii low investment base. The Golden Peak House was condominiumized, and hence underwritten by new owners, and does not compete as a conmercial establishment' From a purely personal standpoint, we make our home in the iit"*"ti.. ri is reasonable to assume that we should have .".""" to it with our personal vehicles and normal bringing in and out of groceriei and the like.. The thought of havrng t; I;;";i"r i5-ot more bags of groceries a week from the parking structure to our ipartrnent is appalling' And if you iaa navitg to pay to park our cars at a distance from our home becaise w-e irave been denied our own garage' the pJ-an- is personally .ttu"t-ptable. It is certain that we are not the ;;1;-;;;;'tiving in the core who are concerned about this aspect. Page -3- Terry Minger Town Manager Box 100 VaiI, Colorado 81657 The approach taken by the town of Aspen in creating a pedestrian mall is occasionally offered as an example of that could be done with the Core of Vail. The difference in the two areas, however, is significant: Aspen has no lodges in the area that has been pedestrianized, and there were existing a11eys paralleling the pedestrianized streets that allow deliveries to the shops and businesses involved. In evaluating Vailrs Master Plan, we approve of the concept, but a realistic approach must be considered. Unlike LionsHead, where each lodge and business has planned ingress and egiress, the Village Core was not designed for total pedestrianizatj-on. It may be possible to limit access to Willow Bridge Road and Meadow Drive through the use of one-way streets as has been done along Gore Creek Drive. Or cul de sacsr with access to the Core from both east and west might be considered to cut down on the traffic crossing Bridge street. We do know that it must be a realistic plan suited to the existing town and designed to preserve the businesses that are typical of the character of Vail. The inabiJ-ity of our guests to have access to the Sitznark and the loss of our business would not onJ.y be a personal tragedy but a significant loss to the Core area of Vail. We welcome the opportunity to discuss proposals relating to this serious problem. Sincerely, Robert F. Fritch cc: Town Council MejoF-JoEn A. Dobson John Donovan Kathy Klug Joseph Langmaid Josef Staufer Tom Steinberg Janes Slevin Helen S. Fritch Owners Plannj-ng Commission Dudley Abbot,t william Hanlon william Heimbach Gordon Pierce Dave Sage Jen Wright Bill Wilto s Fo Fz z t< 2 \ ttr ZFOu)I -z cl{iz a2z7<e Fvae] zr( B:x9 F F F F F lll+ t- = uJ LlJ z t! z s ul J IL uJ F F F UJ E FoF zul Eul uJ . I t ! ,E =r=HlreO =?-o =Jf E I'J , it :-Is >(J('t -tlN IJJ 2 z Eqqd6 9o-> -z >o box 1OO vail, colorado 81657 1303) 476-5613 office of the town manager Jul.y 2, .|975 Mr. J.B. Meadows P.0. Box 7 Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: Stair for Vail Associates Real Estate, Sitzmark Building Dear J.B.: The Planning Cormiss,ion and the Town Council have approved the stairway from Vail Associates Real Estate 0ffice which crosses Town street right- of-way on the east s'ide of lJillow Bridge Road. Please submit a letter stating that Vail Associates will be responsiblefor the portion of the stair on Town property in the event it is damaged by a snowplow. Furthern that if necessary, the Town may route utilities under the stairin the right-of-way. Thank you for your cooperation. If you have any questions. please call. Sincerely, DEPART}IENT OF C0l'ilU DEVEL0PI''IENT Zoni ng S, Toughill Admi ni strator DST/jek I siitztnaalrLodge July 15, L975 Diana S. Toughill Zoning Adml.nistrator Town of Vail Box L00 v a i 1 r;lc&en:-ado - E}GS?---\. ne: / Stair for VaiI Associates \I Real Estate, Sitzmark Building ,/,- - =-= Per our agreement at the Town Council- in the eventthat the stairs are darnaEed by the snowplow, we willtake responsibil-ity to repair them. We do expect however, that reasonable precautions will be takento prevent this. If necessary, the Town may routeutilities in their right-of-away. Sincerely, 67U"/7ru Robert F. Fritch Owner RFF/man Year Arcund Resort Lodging P.O.Box607 . Vail. Colorado 8'1657 r ) 476-5001 +/" DESIGN REVIL;W BOARD DATE OF MEMBERS IUEETING PRESEI'IT: SUBJECT: ACTION TAKEN r 1 ./t MorroN | /al/ /6 SECoNDED B VOTE: FOR: ( ?ort,rr t'a AGAINST APPROVED i L DISAPPROVED: SUIdMARY: 9l!.r F{iLEFIkQb :- ! zE:-"fEsrbel^sY2<i<a2zzAo<E FFV<Ooaz5dt*x9iE'2q,l F!r <a> -t9ia?i UJ ul z ul z -< oFzul Eulo ur o ul J ul ct Fo J ut G cc o J F iI5tt ! .E =r= lrl 0. l&ero -Z-=oE'I L----f o NO tlvn'lvn Et rft 9d t !JF z - t,t z tr9*d6FC.4C t>;o *< A(J>9 ;.i I\s \ \ c\ \N ) o F'o Fz O z B c ti z 33lez1:si:- 1P'! < :. Y 2 t Fr r: .,- Z II;EF3q:t?: 7:273i::3; <atazi 6FXp3 ;<a6g,tg:E;i;Q) -o<oi-t4 a0 I<s< B,l :l+, = cc o aI 2 z <g Jr!d(J oui z ul F o z s cc F ct ll, f( F J J F UJ cc cc E aF Fz UJ L .E =ff-0. o z I o Jl 0 lro =, =ot- NOtlvn-rvn IE = z F tr ) uJz ltr :- -st >o(t :*(\ zo9 -= z F 2OA> :z:< >o ; r.j ISfIIHf,UV 'ASNVdnCCO lO 3J.VJtl tls 3f sNotrc3asNt o3u Ino:tu '1'lv g3J-Jv ro fcNvnssl 32 tuoHtnv oJ.30vv{'l-d3c co"lg 3Hr or o3Ngn13g 3a N33S 3AVHor sr ouvc srH-t :fIoN :s)8v1t3u oSnsst AcNvdnc3o lo SJ.vctJ tra3J :o3sv313H :o3nsst u30uo dols rJ:t'l utoao Nou.ttuuoc 'lvNrJ m mo Io - HCnOA HCnOs HCNOU 3SNVHlNt :rCrn Uf S 'lvNtJ !|- 3 2 WSI.S S H:t'l)Ntuds 'ornv sldrdcNvts cNu.NsA 3rsvM I Ntvao 'lsto B A'lddns uSlvM lVNIJ I m { z W3ISAS fcNvl'rddvxlVNIJ @ -o z6 x gt|,n\ ,ev_12 x (J.Nt) :)Nru3AOC 'l.lv A sScv'ld3utJ NOtrv'l|lN3n woou cNHOOTxSyltvuJ -t'tvM No[voNnoJ 'llv l itorrvoNnoJ 1'lvM NOlLvoNnoi 'l'lvM NotrvoNnol 133rS 'lt!trs 'l3Ers ONIIOOJ 9NtlooJ 0Nrlool 0N|looJ )cv8r!rs 3Hn.|' 9rS NOT1VCO1 / SlN3ltrrt/{O3 3lvo IVAOUddV uorc3dsNl'rvtc3ds 'dsNl 'o:lu uolsrdsNr or 3lslss3ccv oNV sor No oSrsod 3€ ol st Naol 5UO!lC€OgU! rOl per!nDer ecllou ecuenpe s,/noq (fp6 asn luarulredoq rog) ouoclu No[c]dsNl Srtst,0 tza0l tz-9tt ouoqd 'r July 9, 't914 Mr. Robert Frl tch 3*%T#,,*f+e- Voil, Colorado Dear Mr. Fr I tch I Please consider thls letter as a varlance perrnlt toallow a greenhouse addltlon to your rasldence locatedln the S ltzmark Lodge. Thls Gross Resldentlal Floor Area varlance was granted by theT6onn of VEI I Counci I on June 18, 1974. Your s tru ly, TOWN OF VA I L Dlana S. Toughl | | Zonlng Admlnlstrator r (-l App lication Date May 1, 1974 Hearing Daf Final Dec i s ion v APPL I CAT I OiI FOR VA'R I ANC E An d/0 r COND I T IONAL USE PER14I T 0rdinance No.8 (Series of 1973) o Publi Heari cqt i on ng Fee | (we )Robert & Helen Fritch of Box 507 a ate for Tcwn Counci I (App I icant) Colorado Vail .' (Address) Phone 476-0103 (State) do he reby request pe rm i ss i on to Comrn iss ion to request the f ollow t{l Variance from Arfi ) Zoning Change from Park ing Variance (City) appea r before the i ng: cle_.__-, Secti to Vail Plann on ing following N umbe r Conditional Use Pernrit to allow in 7one. described property: Lot/tract , B lockFor the Fi I ing Clearly state p u rpose and intent we request permission to o{ this build an application addition to the"' ownerr s a tment in the form of reennouse. What do you feel is the basis for hardship in t'his case? The apartment has a small kitchen and no breakfast eating area. We would like to add a garden room to the apartmentt off the kitchen and liVl-ng room, which would also serve as an informal eatinq area. We feel such an addition would be attractive both from the insi-de and the exterior. since the green plants would be visible to passers-by as well as.adding to our enjoyment. S ignature App ,14 4/Wr- t.r rNspEctrou DATE TIME RECEIVED sEP 2 0 1974 FIEOUEST TOWN O.E VAIL E ornen MON COMMENTS: FRITUE E panlel. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION THUR AM PM E appRovED tr DTSAPPRovED E UPOI'I THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS E nerNsPEcr DATE INSPECTOR '\a{lf.tTee T' I co:r() El{z !l Fu ts &lE lr z(, u, !iFfrE <:-vzFrEE;"8 HEqHI EiSeH9<o<orlz: aEEFE :g:iE 3Es?ts<t"r + ts Ectuq YoulIoz Jc 2oEO KH Yft.-Oa,C, oulE ul o(,2J ut(, =s G oF2Itl: u,lIt u,l ||l G oJ J o t \ o E |llE Goo Jtt u,lE GooJtt J FoF ! 5lL =tr=ul LLeO ==-0E'Tf_ ta f E .E A. ur G ( 2 9F oo : zo tr ct ulFJ 3ulz -l l|I\tt C'2 o -t:l tto Llv,f @F =f z : llo ci2 s * o N \. E 2 Eo I N "zo F I Jt tto utF tt o\ x \ s \ 8ul o J - \ l^'l| { dt I vl Fo cF It (9al ttn| ulF ozo9ao5 <6 lo (, oz Ero .,i zo Fof FozooIto ul4 F ,'I I -1 I I I \ I I I L o o I I I I oHE =rE ee- U} Rti \t:+F l\*1t"' :1ri .r{4i $ .,\x[i rFo 6 \Io :.[1te Y,-c( cF \y \ \\xl. I \ \'t'{.!r!,<- bo }. \ ' -l I i I I o.s-", FL t '!r '. o o 'r,-,sl \ 'lx$t o :o 'U' :d @c) r:) :Ja-il a,-E crrA 7-n. f- -d') r:)ic Fl XX t 1 2.;7 S r' eO 72,a'o ' .6'/'t .'-1)1zo {6;- i., -----,e CE */,t lYp J/,5 . a^rJb,YL/-h-1 h /-Zza^1*4 JJ--re-: ! DES IG II DATE OF MEETIi.IG: MEI4BERS PRISEI{T: Abbott, Dudley SUBJECT: SITZ;IIARK LODGE - graphics - VaiI Factory REV I EI.I BOARD September 19., L974 ,' Ruoff . BLLI l/ ACTION TAKEN BY tsOARD: MOTION VOTE: C,I APPROVED: DISAPPROVED: SUI'll,lAkY: L 7'\ '' - t 'h--t ( I =-Ft ,- l\ s 'i N + E =IE u,l4 2 F c or'z 2 o (, 2 o!l HE 4tt j 9E!Hiti; iEIa ItEnqeti 2.3Eo<o<oH2 EiEFEg.*:E;io> -;gEc<t I vo uJIIz o 2otrO EHIEc(J Iu Gul (,2 ulo =s G oF2 |l,1Il!v, ut o F IE u G IEoo |llE Fo J FoF ulE atooJl! FoF E E tr tu 0. o z I oJ -l o =J> lret -,-e)F 0z o o -f Fol!tto G o uJE zo F E!JF =uJz F \r\ D< rlJt v,JJ 3 Fz atcI!JY2 EAv, ulE It oF =l (92 :J l!o €t2 zo F (, J 4 tto ltlF o ErA->1 r rt \fo', :*N !,1 F =ozo9 -an t 2o F =i'G6FGq0 =>xo 6furJo. c,tt ;ii Y'-" /.' l-I af,lCI'v DESIGI{ I'IEET I lIG : PRES EI.IT: RIVIT}I BOARD DATE OF MEI{; RS SUBJ ECT: ACTION TAKEN BY BOARD: MOTION 7 VOTE: ; SECONDED AGAI NST: rl) .),,1t.';.sV APPROVED: DISAPPROVED: SUI4MARY: Pe rrnit Permission is hereby ou)rJ*tc Renaao*- BUILDING PERMIT Vail, Colorado Date fiqPr, 3 n70 granted C etoc-.Ytl l*/ pa ea op,e 0rP t+si7/re7 cFl ,ra4aB A ddree s Ifl accordance with the provisions set forth by the Vail Architectural Control Cornrnittee, subject to the rules and regulations as set forth in the Vail Village Protective Covenants, and in cornpliance with the l96l Unltorrn Building Code. Group F 4HType of Construction 2eruoaz a FFre j ttu Czt.:zE, ,aDe, C o ntra cto r C oarra u crro^/ .Approved_ fJ H*J4 Vail Building Inspector ::l:='::--:----:=':=:== INSPECTION RECORD (for Departrnental use only) II.TSPECTiON OUNDN,TIONS APPROVAL COMMENTS DATE & SIGNATURE ',.J (J kl RAMING FINAL R,OUGI{ .h t4i t+ d c) E FINAL ROUGH FINAL ROUGH uJ FINAL \(, {rr APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT THE TOWN OF VAIL (Applicaat fill iu this eection only) Building addrees_S Date of Applicatioa Name Addre city [{ai \ TeI. No. Addrees Addrege coIo. ko! 'o Ifr o.!l. g ou Type of o c cvqancyJil4g/Ss4is*\e r v i e? (All parte of buildinglaca,g F e4 i c b EffiorNcEurarNsrcNs Tbtal fioor ^""^ Pofifu| No of storiee-/-Ht. . f,='it,'lit3t No. of toornQ-No. baths/ Alteration Repaire.-- No. of water closeta No. of Familiee 843; ESTIMATED COST iT OF CONSTRUCTION { Materials(lu(,J Lot Block Subdivigion (Girclc correct classificationl Type of construction I.II.ru. I V V. Occupancy group A. B. C. D. EfA c.H.I. J.v / sis"a 4-- o/3: #7n- (Permitteel v ooo" & Labor) Approval permit. by planning and architectural control committee to obtain building Receipt o, tr",," HTY-9Tloroval or (2 eets reouired) Date Amount of Permit F."" $ _ 4 4 IL P"iih Caah Amount of Clean up Fee $ Paid: Cash Plane chuckD;t7EZq $Check $ Date-permit i.eeued Sry lap f.ee e.1i{Finalinapection I ' Conatructiot Amount Final inapection onatructiou Signature C e rtificate of o"frfEl?flt Eoili-ia."i clean-up Aprlt 23, 1972 Mr. Krn Logan Loganrg Congtructlon Edrcrds, Colorado Dror Kcn: It hor comq to my cttentton fhat you dlO !9!t" If:;ffi'llli'l;! :;:''T:' ;:l';"1": ;li i :?"1' pcrmlt for the lork. bv thc offlce thlc reck and s iork and also to tnform us the Nle s tw I nds. Your PromPt cooPcratlon Youtr-truly, TOIIN OF VA IL i Bul ldlng Offlclal dT lr expccted' l{l | | you p le aro etoP gct c pcrnli for thlrhst rork You dld at {. APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT THE TOWN OF' VAIL (Applicant fill in this eection oL- Building address Date of Application J,.rx.C 21, t Qta? t,Name VxtqeO- ts4o26o3Address EvEZc.geO*.r . lowc Tel. No. b11.5556 Addrese |-l c Tel, No. l'l ru F 3o BUILDING INFORMATION New y' Addition Alteration Repairs--- Type of occuPancy 'ENo of stories 3-Ht' 5ol w".-"r r.,.,*$xo' uattreg{ No. of water closets 34 ; oh od,{ trou No. of Families .! a0(),tl Name Address b A?LI City Tel. No. Lot Bloek Subdivieion (Circle correct clagsUicationl sren"f,, t. Type of constructio" @U.M.z. Occupancy group A. B.E D,E(/G@.J, a&rc j{rA}v (-,cl.s67' Approval by planning and architectural control commit*ee to obtain building permit. Date Signature (A1l parte of building) fPermittee) -PSILPrr'{q_ry93p_qlqNReceipt of Plane /. ere'_- _- _-__*--: Approval of Plane (2 sets reouired) Daie A rnount of Permit Fee Amount of Clean up Fee Date perrnit issued Paid: Caeh Paid: Cash Date Gheck $Check $ ,/ Gheck $Z Date F inal inspe ctio" lti l i _ *_, _ Construction cleao- up-- Gertificate of o'illilEf d[Zffi;;"; Tlp.lcA,,-,,- -Jlt d Tap fee paid $_ Amount a B Perrnit Perrnission is hereby Crafted A.f t/. tt as .fiafea oTLtr- ./ttt",t / ddress UILDING PERMIT VaiI, Colorado c*" fr-. lO, Lg32 sto ry In accordance with the C ornrnittee, subject to Protective Covenants, Type of Construction -Z C ont ra cto r provisions set forth by the Vail the rules and regulations as set and in cornpliance with the 1964 l. rchitectural Control {orth in the Vail Village Uniforrn Building Code. FentHGroup Approved Vail Building Inspect INSPECTION RECORD (For Departrnental use OnIy) INSPECTION .FOUNDATIONS .\ PPROVF L COMMENTS DATE & SIGN,ATURE FRAMING bo tr d trl FINAL ROUGH 0) 14 FINI\ L ROUGH o0 , tr,FINA L ROUGH I I ho:,dq,r-i vt FINII L I Robert Engleke, Archltect ll52 Race Street Denver, Colorado RE: SITZMARK AT VAIL whlch should take wlthout ) July 15, 1969 Dear Mr. Engleke: Enclosed ls an ordinance passed by ti-te care of your problem on eave overhang and kl a varlance. Slncerely, . THE T€WN OF VAIL Charles G. Bynum, Bulldlng Officla1 CGB:bd Enclos \ ) July l, 1969 Mr. Robert Engelke, Archltect 11.52 Race Denver, Colorado RE: SITZMARK AT VAIL Dear Mr. Engelke: Followlng are correctlons whlch should subJect bulldlng. 1.Planters are located ln ght-of-wa must ValI. 24 be cleared through the of the 2, Totlets scale less lnches ln front of and less than on 171L (a) ). Kitchens sc square feet superflclal A:.Eave ov ble amendment reducingfloor this to property line.See Sectton a code change1306 (a).g to sponsor Bloek needs horlzontal bond b€ams, minlmum ofel. Section 24fg (f) 3.3lB inch m needs two exits; Sectlon 332f (a). Need a stalrway to the roof. Sectlon 3305 (n). Need a letter statlng that the structure wlll be bullt in accordance wlth the Unlform Buildlng Code, 1907 Edltlon. Charles G. Bynum, P. E. Bulldtng Offlclal be made the plans of the A f, a l I l--'- f . .INSPJCIION NECOBD BUILDING DEPARTMENT Vail, Colorado Phone 476-561, .. To Insure Insp€ction the same day call: 4?6-5613 before 11:00 A M. DO NOT COVER UP ANY WORK NOT INSPECTED Notice: Lspections will not be made unless tlis card is posted on ttre job. ALL subcontractors must be lioensed and sigrt this card to obtain inspection. Heeting Electriaal Plumbing Rooding Dry WaJl or Lathing I *t"' T() GOTIPTY WIIH G(|DE INSPECIION RNCOND To obtaln inrpect.ions call 4?6-5613. Inspections will be made the same day 6n calls before 11 A. M. No inspection will be made on Saturday, Sunday, or legal holidays. Inspections will not be maile untll Dermit h.ge been secured snil contrao' ior has signeil strd placod hie ll'cense number in the spoceo abovo. Inspection Approved Rejeoted By 7 2J/6 L,' z 1t/62 Ilfiasonry /e '22,/tf L/' /@_ Notriee: CertiJicate of Occupancy and Compliance must be ob- tained before structure is occupied.r i_.'ll I