HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 BLOCK 5B LOT A SITZMARK 2003 LEGALVA,J VJtvI"l,.",\ hn A 3ty*1, 7oo3O,l V Design Review Board ACTION FORM Deparunent of Cornmunity Det/dopment 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 teli 970.479.219 faxt 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Project Name: SiEmark Lodge DRB ]{umber: DR8030129 ProJect Descripdon: Repair/replace pool deck area and steps Pardcipanb: OWNER STTZMARKATVAILINC 04/28/2003 Phone: 183 GORE CREEK DR VAIL CO 81657 Liense: APPUCANT Victor Mark Donaldson 0412812C0'3 Phone: 949-0380 POB 5300 Avon, CO 81620 License: ProJect Address: 183 @RE CREEK DR VAIL location: Sitrmark pool area Legal Descripflon: l-oe A Bbck 58 Subdivision: VAIL VILLAGE FIUNG 1 Parcel Number: 210108210006 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Moffon By: Action: SIAFFAPR Second By: vote: Date of Approt al= 051L412003 Gonditionsl Cond:8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Toryn of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). CoM:0 (P[AN): DRB approval does not constltute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: CON0005846 All decks which are cunently non-conforming shall be upgraded to match the deck rails as proposed for the pool deck. Planner: Allison Ochs DRB Fee Paid: $25O.OO TOI44VM Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81557 tel: 970.479.2t39 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submifting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required informauon is received by the Community Development Depatment. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approva!. Locatonof theproposafr r-ot: A ebck&suuuuontl#,1,/'- Vil-M I ftu)-(e.l physicaf Addressi lb7 a-Vlpa Cg+ ' V9.ltt, Parcef No.: ?lOI C^4WG (contact Eagle co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Zoning: e e' T- Name(s) of Owner(s): Maili Address: Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant: Mailing Address: Type of Review and Fee: tr Signs E Conceptual Review O New Construction tr Addition t\ru Minor Alteration l/ \multi-family/commercial)v\ tr Minor Alteration (sin gle-family/du plex) D Changes to Appr,oved Plans D Separation Request retaining walls, etc. For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, 'landscaping, fenfld6{. lV L D retaining walls, etc. $20 For revi-sions io plans already approved by Planning staff)dit*f*ff lt-){J! Design Review Board. No Fee Description of the Request: $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 For construdion of a new building or demo/rebuild. $300 For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additionq landscaping, fences and $20 YW, b"1 **'r***'i,|'l**r.*I{.*****'r***,***|'tri*********{.**+***,t * * * * *,i 'F* * {. {. * '} * 't i. 'i 'i * * t {. * 'tr,l' '1. *rr '* t {. * * * * * *,** 'l * * * * * TOWN OF VAIL. COI,ORADO Statement **'l'***'1.'t***{i'l*********rrl''t****'t**'}**{.**{r{''t{.'t*********:t *****t ,}***{.,N.***{.{.*i.*****{'************** SEatemenu Number: R030003868 Anount: $250.00 04/2e/200304t47 PNI Pa)tment Method: Check Init : JAR tilolatsion: 7907 Sitszmark aE Vail Permit No: DRBO3O129 T].pe: DRB-Minor AlE, Corm/MulEi Parcel No: 210108210 0 05 Site AddreEs: 183 GORE CREEK DR VAIL Irocation: Sitzmark Dool. area Total Fees: $250.00 This Payment: $250.00 Totsal ALL Pmts: $250.00 Balance: 50.00 *****'t****:r***,r****!**+*****{'**r}***'t*'**'t******,t't**:t{.{r***il'3:t:}+{r{.,r**.***'***'1.'1.'r+{'*t ***'f **t**,}***{. ACCOI.JNT ITEM LIST: Account Code DescriDtion Cunnent Prnts DR OO1OOOO3I122OO DESIGN REVIEW FEES 250.00 lhr-09-03 09:l{ar Frq|FVlgT0R [IAR|( UDsoll ARCHITECT g? 9708195205 l-022 P.0ll03 F-801 0008 E gEAvElt Cnee r Etvo sUITE 207 Box 5300 Avoil ' C0 81620 970r9lt9'5200 rc*errcffn'sr Flrr949r5205 LBTTER OF TRANSMITTAL ARE SEI{DING YOU U DELIVEREDBY D SHOPDRAWINGS D SPtsCIFIC,{TIONS TfIESE ARE TRANSMITTED AS CHECKED BEI,OW: TS4NONVOUNAPPROVAL tr REVIEWEDBYVMDA 7r, - ^^ /rtrir tr l:r- !ilo=*"ou*u*"B FURNISHASCORRECTED B REVISEAI.{D SUEI\dIT COPIES If PRINTS RETURNED AlqER LOAN TO US AIITACHED tr PICKUPORDELIVERY .fTIE FOLLOWINCT TTBMS: ll PRINTS T] PRODUCTINFORMATION O CT{ANGEORDER U COPYOFLETTER n PQnrouesreo T,J RETECTBI) ,(oR RevIE"tv AND coMMIINT AITE}.ITION hewreWP (6, ?t*7qason, @a@ts1? l . Itny-09-03 08:5lqr Fron-VlCT0R URr DUsoll T-022 Vrqr_T,?fi/t$grbdl{r9- 2003t AIlfumOahE Comnity DctrcbPcC DG'Ps@d TowaofVd VEL CO Bc: SueplemccalDRBApplicdionloftrnrtion rto-Sitart Lodgp Pool Dock Rcoowtbo f$ Gortec*Ddvr Vtil, @ Allipu Plcase fnd ffihcd to t& mcsftib uassnldonthe Ebrntin ofoo DcoL R8il4 Dcsign as pu t"q,rrora-Offitt"-fUr*mg sj13d to bs Esdo PCt ud p6gl of oruEtrtdrton fir ncSp n;view Bo6d APFrowl Theroveilp@boFwercrotbdrdwillbecpbccd.u'|th ; n* t-btirfptrud PtG' floc'Ela' c DruYiously ctd$sq trioc to coryhttry$!kojcct I I \ Ttc rlOcr a gAs orqfslFilEdPhtr' fou'qs +ll E4?ory4 qtgotOHdlnfildttu to ourapFlfutaioD- ldodiEod Erccirn Balcony Rtiliog Blcration Mr. BobFtitch Tbc BcckGory F-m: CC: \ l .', rii'''diriizo. l,lay-00-03 09:5lan FrornVlCT0R t{AR[ DUEoil s7091St200 l-g?2 P.0zl03 F-901' uu{o 3 DaAlEl! !nas|\ 9Lrs sulrt 207 Bor 5500 Avol, C0 81520 970r949r5200 vmdoOvndo.com Frrr9tt9.5205 N[ay ?, 2(X)3 (Bgvtsod ltlaY 9' 2(X)3) Nrisooochs h *m;1" %[tl'E.>k Commity DwEloPmem DePannPm ToumofVail Vail, C0 SrmplcMd DRB Applilcation Infrrmatbn ft"'Sit-t"tt Lodge Pool f'eck Rcnovarion 183 Gore C\ock Ddve Vail,CO elisorL plcasr fod attarhsdto thb ficsffiB traHlnssiontho Ebvaim oftrc Dec* R8ililg Dcsirsr as you Equ€stpdl"tg *fth tb folt"*bg ;@ned to bc @dc pdt ild puool of o*Xppfi&cioo f& oc*gp nsvU^' Board Approval: Tb reuoveddmcr boxes wtre rotod od will bo rcplaoedriih ; lft;dbcr orp.t tO p,q flowers, as pcrbusly otisto4IEbf to corrPlctilg ths ProSEt' Re: Ens: OC: t nrter sra sas otqseJnttea ?hnts Aou9rs sUttte ryroj$ Yofgot ddHcknfilchthc to orrrapplkntbo lfodifid Ecedor Babony Railbg Ebrntion Mr. BobFritch t}eBeckOtoup I I 'l I \ I H rSG EE l!gt 5E c$ H h I I \\ 6 EdIJ E 5H EH Hil aF HE aI I tn ruJ{u(D J -gaz, -cttl|e,oA-oga. ,lor-r rolro'd tzo-l O gozgtt'ol' EE= =E==3=E ====El,IS<J_e<J,8.6-;iE=;< = =l$E) "x F$ Eg Ffi X I il $ Az ru\t tu J o o rg CD6oJ -g{,osO =<hl0(l-qvr8 lll -r:=<l-> IIJc)a tL ul 5ftay<(Jts EH ex 2= FA F5E.t- Itl vDt =sH: 4H F?z!<fi>u o 6 : lu J () (t) =E= =E==g=E ===EEeIS(r: O <JE--=H= = q$|E )v, rlIg -€5UJ6 -Joo4goLf- = -Jc =o -F -t-Jo =rtt6 "x FF Eg FE X A z. lu(t ul J ffigus I o rrt CDoo.JYe,{,o =?t\dFqvr8 llf -r:=al-> uJov) lr. lljtEf<Qy<ots 5H =5>= FO ITE.F ltt v gs r,2 zs FH 3#>0a t? *l o tl (o\. ut J o .,> t t L____e trll LI|-- I lrt-L-__- Pr I Hf ffPEI *Hi HER i t R $ E $i IR fiE *P F3 $ E FE* =E=EE= E ===EEeIS<r: <3 <JfE,d-;fr9;< = el$lE *tg":[9$ H$ HH*f $$$*H+-) =. J G\- "xIE H? Eg FE X oz ru(t ul J $ u E EH $q HE ud soEA< =,o -l-ct -l-g, l-v, =,o c) =E .I o 8 E$sg o EI €D6o.JYg{,o =?t\t dt-Q -1 q8 llf _.r:tats> UJoa TL IIJ 5Vay<otx ad sgtr6xxV TIJEot]- lu:< Fg xE;IU 3fi rtr C)tr< =d>tr ul J () (f) o EE* =E==3=E ====EsIE<':o<tEd - -.-fr9;< = ele FIH*lq 2g d s 3 ,x IE H? Eg Ffi X z fi P = E $ P h il F Az ru{t lu J I o o tllc96o -lYv,<,o =QNat-Q -- -tqr8 lll -r:=<l-> luo (/) lt lll 5XrDy<()Nru5o Ed3,- L,;o --E6 EgEt-luv {g Hi>w =EE? =d>E o ul J u rt) FEE =E==E=E ====E=I5<-> : el <-tEd-=<oH= = HI$IE EH H HEHff $ft$fi, I F E P 5F E EI F3 u F UJ $I F E CD+-|U, +r =o.s {ra- = -Jarl FrlI6 lrl CDArll -JooA, F3 rll CD6oJ -g{,o =?NEr-q --lsr8 lll -t-<l-> uJ <) u) ]L llltE:)<ay<o{x Ed sg *'cn H5gF !uv rgt{iYur 5E F? =d>t a I tl :t crt luJ () $) -l -lFrl|6g -I Fv, .JooA- -a I I rt dt luJ U(') b -: I .\ rrl ulJ U{) -l- -l- - a-tov, t -J -tI F lllA IIctv, l! s HE s ha I E* H$ E$ E F F H { I E* $F HE EE =F;E EI - o LTOWNOFVAIL, 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD YAIL, qO 815s7 970479-2738 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT tl.;t 0i \ t S.lUnn.*[< NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON TOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT COMM BLnLD PERMT Permit #: 803-0111 Job Address: 183 GORE CREEK DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSLIED Location.......: Sitzmark pool area Applied . . : 05/1,5/2N3 ParcelNo....: 210108210006 Issued...: 05/27/2003 Project No . : Expires . . .: 11,/17 /2003 owNER srrzMARK AT vArL rNc 05/ts/2o03 phone: 183 GORE CREEK DR VAIIJ CO 815s7 License: CONTRACTOR HCBECK, IJTD. 05/15/2003 Phone: 303-466-9665 Broomfield ATIN: iIAI{ES L,EWIS 1700 PACIFIC AVE., STE. 3800 DATLAS, TX 75207- License: LL9-A APPIJICAIiIT HCBECK, IrTD. O5/I5/2OO3 Phone: 303-466-9655 Broomfiel-d ATTN: iIAMES LEWIS 17OO PACIFIC AVE., STE. 38OO DAIJLAS, TX 75201 License:119-A Desciption: Repair/replace pool deck area and steps Occupancy: R1 Multi-Family Type Construction: II 1-HR Type II l-Hour TypeOccupancy: ?? Valuation: $153,321.00 Fireolace lnformation: Restricted: Wood Pelleh Building-> $1,352.15 RestuarantPlanReview-> Plan check_> s878.90 DRB Fee-> AddSqFf 0 # of Gas Appliances: 0 # of Gas Logs: 0 # of FEESUMMARY go. oo Total Calculated Fees--> 92,234 'os So.o0 Additional Fees-> 90.00 S0. OO Total permit Fee_> S2,234.0s S0. 00 pavments_> 52, 234 . 05 TOTAL FEEg----> 52,234 .os BALANCE DUE-> lnvestigation-> witl call-> SO. 00 Recreation Fee--> $3 . 00 Clean-uP DePosit-> s0. 00 Approvals:I€eim: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 05/20/2003 JRM Action: AP IEem: 05400 PLANNING DEPARI!'IENT o5/a6/2oo3 ao Action: AP Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMBflT Item: 05500 PITBIJIC WORKS r -...'-.*-"F*1***:*irfr r*.*ffi T" O"t" 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the inforrration and plot plan, to comply with dl Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoninp and eubdivision codes, design review approved Unifonn Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQLJESISFORINSPECTION SHALL BE MADETWENTY-FOURHoURS IN ADVANCE BYTELEPHONE AT47+2149OR ATOUROFFICEFROM 8:(tr AM -4 PM. OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNET lr PAGE 2 |t'ttlt't******r*rH***rH#li****i*'wt***********tr*************dr*********r******ti****************it**ffilt* CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: 803-0111 as of 05-21-2003 Status: ISSUED *li|l|l!t****r***ffi ffi *ffi lr*******t*r***********ffi ************li**{****{i***ffi PermitType: ADD/ALTCONftIBLJILDPERMT Applied: 05/75/2003 Applicant HCBECK LTD. Issued: 05/n/nB 3034669665 Broomfield To Expire: 7l/77/2003 |ob Address: 183 GORE CREEK DR VAIL Location: Sitzmark pool area Parcel No: 210108210005 Description: Repair/replace pool deck area and steps Conditions: Cond:1 (FIRE): FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORKCANBE STARTED. Cond:12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQLnRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: CON0005849 ALL DECK RAIIS SHALL BE DONE TO MATCH THE PROPOSED RAIL AT THE POOL DECK AS DISCUSSED WITHOWNERON5-14-03. AO Cond: CON0005850 FLOWER BO)GS AND/OR TTOTTED PLANTSMUSTBE LOCATED AROUND THE RAILATTHE POOL DECK (OUTSTDq TOTREEN. ti I a'tlaaafaraalt*tftllalaaflllatllt*lflaa**fllaaar*aa*t**a****rtrl'}r***ta+araraaaaraata'tlaala''frt TOWNOFVAIL COTORADO Statcmontffflfllla*lfaafttltlrtt*llf*aaraaf+frffr*fattfttatfarrafatf*afttttrftafa**trrf*a*rtttaafttal guafement lluttrber: R030004023 Arnount,: i2,234.05 05/2t/200311:00 Alr! Palment Method: Check Inl.t : L,C Notalion: #5405/HCBcck -:--------- Permlt No: 803-0111 T}ll'es ADD/AL,T Cbtt{ BmLD pER!,tT Parcel l[o: 210108210006 Site Mdreee: 183 GORB CREEK DR \TAIIJ Location: gltzrnark pool area Tlrl8 Paym€nts 12,234.Os Total Peea: $2,234.Os Total ALL Pnt6: $2,23{.05Balance: $0,00aaltatlaala+faaa*+tfllalalaall+tlf+l+++'l*+a***+*******a'i*lt*'i*fllllll*a*a*a'if'l**'l'atlalltalfl ACCOI,JNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Current PmtsDescription BP OO1OOO()31111OO BUILDING PERI.IIT FEES PF OO1OOOO31123OO PLAN CHECK FEES I^IC OO1OOOO31i28OO WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 1 ,352. 15 878.90 3.00 /t r ^.-.v vr<4 z\4 a'-Lr''/ ' 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 lI,c,il &d, VALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PER!t'[T & Materials BUILDTNG: $ 160,8T{,93 ELECTRICAL:$ /, 6!9:9 W TOTAL: S WPLUMBING:$ B MEcHANIoAL: $ 7, 33P:_99_ 3,3L1-66 For Parcel # Contac'!Assessors Office at 970'328'8640 or visit \WAiMAIA\CdEV\FORMS\PERMITS\BLDGPERM.DOC TOWNOF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMI,]NITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD YArL, Cp 81657 970-479-2t38 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES DEMO. OF PART/ALL BLDG. Permit #: D03-0008 Job Address: 183 GORE CREEK DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED [,ocation.......: 183 gore creek dr Applied . . : 04/28/2003 ParcelNo....: 210108210006 Issued... : 04/2912003 Project No . : ?? Expires . . .: 10/2612003 OWNER SITZMARK AT VAIL INC 04/2812003 Phone: 183 GORE CREEK DR VAIIJ CO 81557 Lricense: CONTRACTOR HCBECK, IJm. 04/28/2003 Phone: 303-455-9655 Broomfield ATTN: iIAltlES IJEWIS 1700 PACTFIC AVE., STE. 3800 DArrr.AS, TX 752OL License: 1-19-A APPITICANr HCBECK, IrID. 04/28/2003 Phone: 303-455-9655 Broomfield ATIN: iIAl{BS LEWIS 1700 PACTPIC AVE., STE. 3800 DAI.,I,AS, T:( 752OT I-ricense: 119-A Desciption: demo ofpool deck and 2nd floor Occupancy: Type Construction: Type Occupancy: ?? Valuation: $10.000.00 Fireplace Information : Reslricted: Building---> $18x.25 Restuarant Plan Review-> Plan Ch€ck--; $117.81 DRB Fee----------> Add Sq Ft: 0 # ofcas Logs: 0 # of wood Pellet: 0 FEESUMMARY'}:it*||...|****a|*|r.*1..*.*'||...+..||1.|'|'t||'**rt**.**:|.'* so. o0 Total calculsted Fees-> $302 ' 05 $0. 00 Additional F€€s->90. 00 SO . OO Total Permit F€€-> $3 02 . 06 $O . OO Payments---> $3 02 . 06 $0.00 # ofGas Appliances: 0 Investigation.> Will Csll----> S0.00 RecreationFee---> $3 . o0 Clean-uP DePosil---> TOTAL FEES- - S3O2. 06 BALA}ICE DUE--> +*'|+* +al aa:t lt+ *t* Approvals:Iten: 05100 BUIL,DING DEPARTMENT o4/28/2OO3 df Action: AP Item: 05400 PIJANNING DEPARTMENT Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Item: 05500 PIIBLIC WORKS See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. PAGE 2 '|'*|*,|*{.t'}t'|**'**,|**'t'|.!t**'l'}**1t*'}*'|t'}t,}**tt'|t:*,}**+*****'ti{'t****'f'****:|t****!t.*+!F**'}f*i**t,t|!t,t******* CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: D03-0008 as of 04-29-2003 Status: ISSUED '|*'|'t*|t*'|'t*:|,t**'t,t'}****!t*t:i*'}*'|,|t*'}'},|**'t'|******:***'}!t{t!t***!******'**,t**.******{.{.{t:}d!'}**'}'}********* PermitType: DEMO. OF PART/ALL BLDG. Applied: 04D8n003 Applicanl HCBECK, LTD. Issued: 04129n003 303-466-9665 Broomfield To Expire: 10/26/2003 Job Address: 183 GORE CREEK DR VAIL Location: 183 gorecreekdr ParcelNo: 210108210006 Description: demo ofpool deck and 2nd floor Conditions: Cond:38 (BLDG.): THIS PERMIT IS COOD FOR ASBESTOS ABATEMENT ONLY. AN ASBESTOS ABATEMENT CERTIFICATE SHOWING THE AREA FREE FROM ASBESTOS IS REQUIRED PRIOR TO ANY FURTHER WORK OCCI,JRJNG ON THIS SITE.IF FURTHER QTJESTIONS ARISE, CONTACT THE VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT AT 479-2250. Cond: I (FIRE): FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE AI{Y WORKCANBE STARTED. Cond: l2 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. DECLC.RATIONS thereby acknowledge thd I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, oompleted an .ccunte plot plart and stab thd all the information as required is correct. I agr€e to comply with the information and plot plaq to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. NEQUESTS FOR INSPECTIOT STULL BE MADE TWENry.FOUR HOI.IRS IN ADV OR AT OLJR OFPICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 Ptvl ' fi tltt tt,l I tatft t*at fa*at ttrt ttttt I t * *r * tffft ****'r* tt*ff * a r** *r*ai r'fra* rr'trt tttat ttaft t,tat tttt TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO StaEmut *l *a*l til**lftl lail I tafl t**fl l*l '} * +a*tt taa*r * tl't{rf I lltff *'}'lr I ** *r * al *t talll tff'|l ttlt iltt ttlf Staeernent lluiber: R030003824 Amount: $302.06 04/29/ZOOgOl:28 pM Palrment liethod: Check Init: KF Notation: Pe:mit No: D03-0008 Tl|t)e: DEI{O. OF PART/ALL BLDG. Parcel No: 21010821.0006 Site AddreeE: 183 @RB CREEK DR VAIIJ IJocation: 183 gore creek dr Thls Payruot: $302.06 Balance: S0.00 aaa+atalltllatalttflltaaa+ttttlfat+afll'}+a*aftt**+**+t{ral'+*aflla*l*t*al*aafllffft*la{'aatt+'}a ACCOTJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Current Pmts BP OO1OOOO31111OO BUILDING PERfiIT FEES PF OO1OOOO31123OO PLAN CHECK FEES l.,C OO1OOOO31128OO t,lILL CALL INSPECTION FEE Total Fees: $302.06 Tota1 ALL Pmts: $302.06 181 .25 117.81 3.00 I APP MVNOFVAN 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Golorado 8'1657 etc.l Ll - COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT bor & Materials ELECTRICAL: $ PLUMBING: $ {r"An contact Co Assessors Oflice at 970-328-8640 or visit s.*@ AI O IO?LIDDO6 'W;,' |,rol /)u"k e*r<4 roo naor*r,72 e nS 't[z ,|&-xrg aS . tk7 lo.e L- rz< K I )rt/C Legal Description ll Lot ll Block: ll Filing:Subdivision: Owners Namgr.,, fr,lt A Addt".fF3 do".* (-.",k 4,.,<P 'W|b ,l)A joo t l:w?yo?rfr:"L a,no/)T I )if"fte A p*,ir t.-/,-.'/. 8t v t) EI'h")i'; -q a.r -() ec) Engineer:Address:Phone: ,f .. A#^oA.i Le ty't,- WorkClass: New() Addition() Remodel () Repair() Demo$) Other() Work Type: lnterior ( ) Exterior (7$ Both ( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-lamily ( ) Two-family ( ) Multi-family ( ) Commercial (14 Restaurant ( ) Other( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this building: No/Typeof FireplacesExisting: GasAppliances( ) GasLogs( )Wood/Pellet( ) WoodBurning( ) No/Tvpe of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Logs ( ) wQod/Pellet ( ) wood Burning (Nor ALLoWED) Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes ffi No ( )Doeilre Spnnkler System Exist: Yes ( ) No ( !.*****si***ffis!Hffi**ffFoR OFFICE USE ONlY"***r*********H#lr.'l**#ff.€***r$lt* Date Receivod: \WaiMata\cdev\FORMS\PERMITS\BLDGPERM.DOC 07t26t2002 o D B cl o o Applicant's Signature: Questions? Callthe Building Team at 479-2325 Date of submittal: tr o o o B o o o o D tr-m Depaftment of Community Development Project Name: Project Address: This Chdclist must be ampleted before a Building Permit aoolication is arcpEd, All pages of application is complete Has DRB approval obtained (if required) Provide a copy ofapproval form Condominium Association letter of approval attached if project is a Multi-Family comple>< Complete site plan submitted Public Way Permit application included if applicable (refer to Public WorK checklist) Staging plan included (refer to Public Works checklist) No dumoster,oarkino or material storaoe allowed on roadwavs and shoulders without written aooroval Asbestos test and results submitted if demolition is occurring Architect stamp and signature (All Commercial and Multi family) Full floor plans including building sections and elevations(S sets of plans for MultFFamily and Commercial Buildings) Window and door schedule Full structural plans, including design criteria (i.e.loads) Structural Engineer stamp and signature on structural plans (All Commercial and Multi Family) Soils Repoft must be submitted prior to footing inspection Fire resistive assemblies specified and penetrations indicated Smoke detectors shown on plans Types and quantity of fireplaces shorun tl \Wail\data\cdev\FoRMS\PERMITS\BLDGPERM DOC Received By: ut02noo3 BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If this permit requires a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval, Engineer's (Public Works) review and approval, a Planning Department review or Health Department review, and a review by the Building Depaftment, the estimated time for a total review will take as long as three (3) weeks. All commercial (large or small) and all multi-family permits will have to follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residential and small projects should take a lesser amount of time. However, if residential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned depaftments with regard to necessary review, these projects may also take three (3) weeks to review and approve. Every attempt will be made by this depaftment to expedite this permit as soon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame. I also understand that if the permit is not picked up by the expiration date, that I must still pay the plan check fee and that if I fail to do so it may affect future permits that I apply for. Agreed to by: Project Name: Date: q-Jg -o'3 nr name F:everyone/forms/bldperm3 PUBLIC WORKS AND THE PUBLIC WAY PERMIT PROCESS How it relates to Building Permits: Fill out the attached check list with the Building Permit Application. If yes was answered to any of the questions then a "Public Way" permit is required. You can pick up an application at either Community Development, located at 75 South Frontage Road or Public Works, located at 1309 Elkhorn Drive. Notice sign-offs for utility companies. ALL utilities must field verify (locate) respective utilities prior to signing application. Some utility companies require up to 48 hours notice to schedule a locate. A construction traffic control/staging plan must be prepared on a separate sheet of paper, An approved site plan may also be used. This plan will show locations of all traffic control devices (signs, cones, etc.) and the work zone, (area of construction, staging, etc.). This plan will expire on November lst and will need to be resubmitted for consideration for approval through the winter. Be aware that your resubmission for winter may be denied depending on the location of construction. Sketch of work being performed must be submitted indicating dimensions (length, width and depth of work). This may be drawn on the traffic control plan or a site plan for the job. Submit completed application to the Public Work's office for review. If required, locates will be scheduled for the Town of Vail electricians and irrigation crew. The locates take place in the morning, but may require up to 48 hours to perform, The Public Work's Construction Inspector will review the application and approve or deny the permit. You will be contacted as to the status and any requirements that may be needed. Most permits are released within 48 hours of being received, but please allow up to one (1) week to process. As soon as the permit is approved, the Building Department will be notified, allowing the "Building Permit" to be released. Please do not confuse the "Public Way Permit" with a "Building Permit". F NOTE: The above process is for work in a public way ONLY. Public Way Permits are valid only until November 15th. A new Public Way Permit is required each year if work is not complete. Re-application each November 15th does not mean an automatic renewal. Ll+ tr03 Date Signed F :/everyone/forms/ddpermS the above. DRAINAGE AND CULVERT INSPECTIONS ARE REOUIRED BY PUBLIC WORKS! Please read and check off each of the items below: o The Town of Vail Building Depadment has developed the following procedures to ensure that new construction sites have adequately established proper drainage from building sites along and adjacent to Town of Vail roads or streets. a The Town of Vail Public Works Depaftment will be required to inspect and approve drainage adjacent to Town of Vail roads or streets and the installation of temporary or permanent culverts at access points from the road or street onto the construction site. Such approval must be obtained prior to any requests for inspection by the Town of Vail Building Depaftment for footings, temporary electrical or any other inspection. Please call Leonard Sandoval at479-2198 to request an inspection from the Public Works Deoaftment. Allow a minimum of 24 hour notice. o Also, the Town of Vail Public Works Department will be approving all final drainage and culveft installation with resulting road patching as necessary. Such approval must be obtained prior to any Final Ceftificate of Occuoancy issuance. Agreed to by: Project Name: Date Signed: Signature q-Jr-q F:/everyone/forms/bldperm6 IURTw0F MATERIAL STORAGE AND CONSTRUCTION PARKING Please read and check off each of the items below, (Copies of complete text are available upon request) CODE 5-2-10! DEPOSITS ON PUBLIC WAYS PROHIBITED o Unlarvful deposits: Subject to subsection C thereof, it is unlawful for any person to litter, track or deposit, or cause to be littered, tracked or deposited, sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice, or any other debris or material upon any street, sidewalk, alley or public place, or any portion thereof. o Notice; Abatement: The Director of Public Works may notify and require any person who violates or causes another to violate the provision of subsection A hereof, or who has in the Directo/s employment a person who violates or causes another to violate the same, top remove such sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dift, snow, ice or any other debris or material within twenty four (24) hours after receipt of said notice by the Director of Public Works. In the event the person so notified does not comply with the notice within the period of time herein specified, the Director of Public Works, or other authorized agentr may cause any such sand, gravel, rock, mud, dirt, snow, ice, debris or any other material to be removed from any street or alley at the expense of the notified. B Summons and Penalty: As an alternative to the notice for removal provided in subsection B above, any person who violates or causes another to violate the same, may be issued a summons to appear before the Municipal Court of the Town for said violations, and upon being found guilty of a violation hereunder be punished as provided in Section 1-4-1 ofthis code. o Notice and Penalty: It is unlawful for any person to fail or refuse to comply with the notice of the Director of Public Works as provided in subsection B hereof, and any such person shall, in addition to payment of the expense of removal incurred by the Director of Public Works, as provided in subsection B hereof, upon being found guilty of a violation hereunder, be punishable as provided in Section 14-1 of this Code. (1997 Code: Ordinance 6 (1979). CODES 7-3A.I AND 7.3A-3: PARKING OBSTRUCTING TRAFFIC & IMPOUNDMENT AUTHORIZED o No person shall park any vehicle upon a street or at any other place within this Municipality in such a manner or under such conditions as to interfere with the free movement of vehicular traffic or proper street or highway maintenance. (Ord. 2(1968) 5 1) o Whenever any police officer finds a vehicle attended or unattended, standing upon any portion of a street or upon any place within this Municipality in such a manner as to constitute a violation of any seqtion of this Article, or left unattended for a period of twenty four (24) hours or more and presumed to be abandoned under the conditions prescribed by Colorado Revised Statutes section 42-4-1102, as amended, the offtcer shall require the vehicle to be removed or cause it to be removed and placed in storage in the nearest garage or other place of safety designated or maintained by this Municipality, and the charges for towing and storage of such vehicle shall be charged to the owner of the vehicle in addition to a ten dollar ($10) impoundment charge, (Ord. 2(1968) $ 3: Ord. 28(1981) 5 1) I have read and will comply with the above code provisions: Position or Relationship to Proiect: Date Signed: F:/everyone/forms/bldperm? TOI4'NM VaiI 2003 Vail Village and Lionshead Village Construction Hours Information Handout ,.. Problem Statement Vail Village and Lionshead Village are invaluable assets to the community. Thousands of people come to Vail each year to sightsee, recreate, shop and to enjoy everything the Vail Valley has to offer. The community and merchants rely upon our guest to generate revenue. Our summer/winter guests expect a pleasant experience while in Vail. To insure that all of the proposed construction has as little negative impact on the community and on our guest as possible, the Town of Vail finds it imperative to create and implement the Vail Village and Lionshead Village Construction Hours Handout. It would be irresponsible for the Town of Vail, the Construction Contractors and the Merchants, to not actively participate to minimize the impact of construction in the Vail and Lionshead Village areas. Givens The following givens are intended to provide the basic foundation by which construction will be completed in the Villages: . The public's health, safety and welfare shall be honored at all times. . Adequate pedestrian, loading/delivery, vehicle, and emergency vehicle access and circulation shall be maintained. r Roadways and pedestrian walkways shall be kept clean and free of dirt and debris. . All construction deliveries, equipment, tools and materials entering the Vail Village and Pedestrian areas must go through Check Point Charlie. All Lionshead construction activity must go to the Vail Police Department for a parking permit. Do not use delivery zones for construction parking, refer to approved staging plan or make other arrangements for parking. . The hours of Outside Construction Activity shall be as follows: - April 15 - June 20 & September 8 - November 14, 7 a.m. until 7 p.m., seven days a week. June 2G-September 5. work must end bv 4:00 p.m. on Fridavs. November 14 - April 15,2004 work allowed within daylight hours only. - Deliveries shall be restricted to the hours of 7 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. on Gore Creek Drive and 7 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. on Bridge Street. - Special delivery permits must be requested in advance, from Public Works in conjunction with Code Enforcement at Checkpoint Charlie. - No construction activity shall occur on Saturday or Sunday between June 21 & September 7. A 0048 E BEAvER CREEK B LvD SurrE 207 Box 5500 Avoil, C0 81620 970.949.5200 vmdo@vmdo.com FAx.949r5205 April28,2003 Mr. ToddA. Berry Senior hoject lr,lanager HCB€ck 100 Tecbnology Drive, Suite 315 Broomfiel4 CO 80021 Re: Demolrtion Wort Required Pool Deck fu€as - 2E Level The Sitarark Lodge Vail, CO Dear Todd: Please review the fo[owing Scopes of Work to be identified in yor.n Application for a Demolition Permit fiom the Town of Vail, for the above noted Project. Based on discussions had with Mr. Charlie Davig Chief Building Offcial for the Town of Vaif by yoru initiating this Projr:ct with a Demolitbn Permit, very precious time will be preserved at the outset. Let rne know ifyou have any questions. The following Demolition has been identified for demolition and teryomry protectbn: r Disconnect and remove the existing snowmeh system from the \Mork Area and teryorarily cap offall utility connections per Code requirements;r R€mo\rc existing tile work scHuled for replacerent;r Remove outer CMU knee walls around the pool perireter (outer wall surrounding pool construction), no rnore than 6' at one time; while providing the support system shown on the drawings to shore the pool slab edge;. Remve wood encbsre, pool cover ard roll-up device and store ploperly on siie;r Remove the existing steps leading to the pool and to the hot tub areas;r Remove the platform betrveen the pooland hot tub along with the west sidewall ofthe hot tub construction;. Rernove tle existing waterpnoof sheet goods ard Lattic'rete underhyment;. Cover existing concrete roof deck with teryorary'Stick and Peel" plastic sHs for ternporary protection against the elernents; stucco surhces where flashing is to be installe4 reglet frshion around (wtr€re applicable); a zub-sequent letter identifying the Scope of Work for the will be procured by Mr. Fritclr. Let me know if you haye any any firrther infonnation Thankyou. C-x,{lvlr. Bob Fritch I Design Review Boald ACTION FORM Depanment of Ommunlty Development 75 South tuontage Road, Valt Colorado 81657 tef : 9[.479.2139 farc 970.479.7452 rveb: www.ci.vail,co,us Prct€ct Name Sitrma* Lodge DRB t{umber: DR8030129 PrctGct Decolpdon: Repair/replace pool deck area and steps Paltdpants: OWNER SIZMARK ATVAIL INC ffi/28/2003 phone: 183 GORE CREEK DR VAIL CO 81657 Llcense: APPUCANT Victor Mark Donaldson 04.12812@3 Phone: 949-0380 K)B s300 Avon, CO 81620 Llcense: Pmfect Addrecs: 183 GORE CREEK DR VAIL Locadon: Sitrmark pool area Legal Deccrlpdon: Lo$ A Block: 58 Snbdlvlslon: VAILVILTAGE FIUNG 1 Parcel Number: 210108210005 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION l{odon By: Asdon: SIAFFAPR Scond By:Vote: DateofApptoval:05/14/2003 GondlUotts: Cond: 8 (PIAN): l,lo changes to these plans may be made without the wrltt€n @nsent of Town of Vall staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (P|-AN): DRB appronal does nd consdtute a permlt for bulldlng. Please consult wfth Tolrn of Vall Bulldlng personnel prlor to consffuctlon rtivltles. cond: @N0{D5845 All deck whlch are annendy non-conforming shall be upgraded b match Ute deck rails as proposed for the pool deck. Planner: Allbon Ochs DRB Fe€ Paldl lZ50.0O TOWN.OF VAIIJ DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL. CO 81657 970479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit #: E03-0060 ->os -oooy 363-o((l Job Address: 183 CORE CREEK DR VAIL Status . . , : ISSUED Location.....: Sitzmark pool area Applied. . : 05123/2003 Parcel No...: 210108210006 Issued . . : 05/27/2003 ProjectNo : -f q56]ot\9 Expires. .: ll/23!003 owNER SITZMARK AT VAIIJ IIIC 05/23/2003 phone: 183 GORE CREEK DR VAII' CO 815 57 I_,icense: CoNTRACTOR NEW EIJECTRIC INC, O5/23/2OO3 phone: 97O-949-465L P O BOX 957 AVON CO 8152 0 I-,icense: 110-E APPLICANT NEW EITECTRIC INC, 05/23/2003 phone. 97O-949-465A P O BOX 957 AVON CO 8162 0 L,icenge:110-E Desciption: REMODEL OFPOOL AREA LIGHTING Valuation: $3.000.00 FEE SUMMARY atr:ltr+tatt'iaal:|**r:ta'taratatalt'lllll:l*aaala*+r'...r.1.r.r.t.,t* Electrical----> DRB Fec----> Investigalion----> will ca -..-> 05/23/2oO3 DF Item: 05600 FrRE DEPARIIT{EIflI s54.00 $0. oo 90. 00 $3.00 Total Calculated Fe€s-> Additional F€es---> Total Permit F€€ > Paymenb - $s?.00 90. 00 $57.00 s57.00 TOTAL FEES-> $s?.00 BALANCE DUE------> $0.00 r *at rt*'r,t++*tl l 'l+ l:t+ lt+rttrt ll itt + Approvals:ftem: 05000 EIJECTRICAL DEPARTMENI Action: AP CONDITIONS OF APPROVALCond: 12 (BL,DG.): FIEI,D INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479.2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE SICNATURE ORCONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF AM.4 PM. ' tlt**fttffttraar*rfrrrarfraatraarfftfat**tt*fartrat*lfr'rarri*ff+rtfrrtffrtt*affaafffifa+a+fl TOWNOFVAIL, COIORADO Stat€mcntaa+*a'l*aatala*t}t't**l+aaaat.t*aaiaata9+a*aalaaaaa**al*a****f*+a**{'{rafaltaaalafaalaaaataaaaf,iaf gtaternenE lih.rnber: R0300040S2 emollnt,3 95?.00 OS/27/2OO3O4:38 FM Pa]tment Method: Check Init: DDG Notation: New Electsric 36214 Permlt No: 803-0060 Tl'r)e: EL,ECTRICAIJ pERMfT Parcel No! 210108210006 Site Addreaa: 183 GpRE CRTEK DR \fAfIJ Locatiou: Sitznark pool area Total FeeE: $57. o0 ThiB payment: 957.00 ToCaI ALL PmEa: $57,00Balance: 90.00aaftr*flttfftlt'tralaflafaflttlrlfftffttafflaa*rar*t*t**aaatlaat+ffl*lftt*+*arafla'}afla+allff ACCOIINTITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts EP OO1OOOO31114OO TEMPOMRY POI.IER PER}4ITS hIC OO1OOOO31128OO I.IILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 54.00 3.00 May-?Z-O3 Ol:58P New E -lectr i c.970 9zl9 5354 P -O2 75 ti. Frontagc Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 NEW BUILDS and VALUATIONS FOR ALL OTHERS (l-abor & Materials) rnlDlftra "i "7't.. ") Y ci q 6.5'€iLAr t-own of Vail Reg. No.: E. Contractor Signature: ELECTRICALVALUATION: $ 4 PO.AMOUNT OF 5Q FT IN STRUCTURE: for Parel #Conbct A.eeesfi/;s office at 97o-32E-8ilo or Parcel #T/\|DE LIonr" Job Name: S tl. Z pt**p robAddress: i|S- boW C:te4L D&rUe Legal Description Lot:Block:Filing:Subdivision: Owners Narne:Address:Phone: Engineer:Mdress:Phone: dascription of work: LOP6 L 0?P*L Attfit+ hfltttt) Work Class: New ( ) nCOition t ) n".od"l X) R.p 1!]: Work Type: Interior ( ) exterbr p(,) Both ( )O"ni an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) - Typeof Bldg.: Single-family( ) Duplcx( ) Multi-farnily( ) Commercial 0<) ReEtaurant( ) Other( ) t! ! No. of Exlsting Dwelling Units irr this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this building: !|'.e:r-',E: Is this oermit for a hot tub: Yes ( ) No (X) --:- E-es a Fire'AlarmExist: Yes ( ) No (X )@ves() to(XI,= :l**:r*,!**r*il****r*******+!.*t****irti*****FOR OFFICE USE ONLY**+****l*******+r*':rttt*r'*++r*:r:r:l***i* \vail\drh\od€vu( )RM1i\'ul(Ml hr'J.rl ,ECPlrRM 'D{ X:0726|2002 .TOWNOF'VAIL. DEPARTMENT OF COMMTJNIry DEVELOPMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD vArL, co 81657 970-479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit #: M03-0073 Job Address: lE3 GORE CREEK DR VAIL Status. . . : ISSUED Location.....: Sitzmark pool area Applied . . : 06106/2003 Parcel No...: 210108210006 Issued . . : 0610612003 ProjectNo: Expires..: 12/0312003 owNER SITZMARK AT VAIrJ INC 06/06/2003 phone: 183 GIORE CREEK DR vAIt co 8155? License: coriITRAcToR R.K. MECHAIIICAII, INC. 06/06/2003 Ptrone: 303-355-9696 93OO SMITH ROAD DENVER, CO 40207 L,icenge : 1,62 -VI APPLICAIiIT R.K. MECIIANICAIJ, INC. 06/05/2003 Phone:303-355-9695 93OO SMITH ROAD DENVER, CO 80207 Licenae: 162-M Desciption: Replace pool deck snow melt system and steps Valuation: $3,000.00 Fireohce Information: Restricted:# ofGas Appliances: 0 # of cas hss: 0 # of Wood Pellef 0 't+*'|{*|'l.|,||:.,|++:|'lt|+'|l.|l|il|tl|+'|'l:|l'l+i+.+|t*|**|||.,||*l|l*|***t* S0. o0 Totsl Calculated Fees-> $13s . 00Mechanical-> Plan Check-> Inv€stigation-> Will Cell--> $60 .00 Resturrant Plan Review-> 915. OO DRB Fee-__>$0. oo Additional Fe€s-------->so .00 $3.00 BAI,A\ICE DUE->90. 00 Item: 05100 BUIIJDING DEPARI'!{ENf 06/06/2003 cdavis Action: AP SI'B.IECT TO FTEL,D TNSPECTTON Itern: O5600 FIRE DEPARI'!4ENI CONDITION OF APPROVALCond: 12 -!?-T-.,n..:1.;*l,t*tl?.-il::-:..::,t--",::.--ff-,T:-t-::T-J:.-,t:t-::-.:.::-.::.?,:--,"::.:,:]flL,t-;,,,,-..-.**,,,,,i+....,,,*,*:,,*** DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. 560-00 TOTAL FEES----> S13g.o0 Total Permit Fee---> $138.00 Palments-----> $138.00 REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION STIALL BE MADE TWENry.FOUR HOIJRS IN 479-2149 OR AT OIJR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNET ' + +fll+ **,r* **'l'|t a**+ l***r i**t* {'*l"t* +* * t' * t *:t't*t + +** t * + +*'i* * ** *** +**{rr **r*r f*r*i rr*** rrr * ra*rr I TOWNOFVAIL. COLORADO Star€meot *t 'l' * *'lt* *'** + * ** *t +'lr{'t * * *'} + * * * + | * {' I' l.** **** + * * * $* * * *'}* * * * + **t} * 't + t t + f * *f* +** * *a '} * +* + * *l 't**l* **l' I Statement Nurdber: R030004123 Arnount,3 $139.00 06/06/2OO3O1 :50 pM Payment Method: Caeh Init: CD Notatlon: By Credit card Permit No: M03-00?3 Tlpe: MECI{A}IICAL, PERMIT Parcel No: 210108210005 Site Addreaa: 183 GORE CREEK DR VAIIJ Location: Sitzmark DooI area TotaL FeeE: 9138.00 Thie Payment: $138.00 TotaL ALIJ Pmta: $13S.00 Balance: $0.00 **t t* | t t*'itl *** * * **'tf ****+ +* + ** 'l *'i * * * * * * t * +**+ * * +* + f f+ + * **f ***'t* *'i * ** +**** | *'a'* * t:l'||} * *'f*f t *'t I ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts MP OO1OOOO31113OO MECHANICAL PERMiT FEES PF OO1OOOO3i123OO PLAN CHECK FEES PN OOiOOOO3I53OOO INVESTIGATION FEE (BLDG) !\lC 00100003112800 tllll CALL INSPECTIoN FEE 60 .00 15.00 60.00 3.00 t APPUCATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED rovvovYtn 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 rF TNCoMPLETE ol#i"Puf Project #:_ofl Building Permit #t 60 I -Ol t I Mechanical Permit #:r 473 97 0-479-2149 (Inspections) Permit will not be accepted without the following: Provide Mechanical Room Layout drawn to scale to include:o Mechanical Room Dimensionsa Combustion Air Duct Size and Locationn Flue, Vent and Gas Line Size and Locationo Heat Loss Calcs.o Equipment Cut/Spec Sheets CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Town of Vail Req, No.:Contact and Phone #'s: MECHANICAL: $ o.' COMPLETE VALUATION FOR MECHANICAT PERMIT Labor & Materials *******rc************x***FoR oFFICE USE ONLy*****x*********************** Planner Siqn-off:AcceDted Bv: DRB Fees:Date Received: Contact Asressorc Office at 970-328-8640 or visit for Parel # Parcer # 3lO lOBa/ OO$D robName: 1-, La-vu{Gl- t..A"f Job Address: 193 LegalDescripUon ll Lot: ll Block: ll Filing:Subdivision: ownersName:{.*Ehs.[ ll nooressr 133 Gorr-C*"-L ll thonEho*l.\b- ac'c, I Eneineer:1)'n-{o* (LL,r.\L ll Address:qu K,.*-r Ch*u B"E fl enoneq;1o" i{\. 5zoo' De@'led description of work'--zu;ilLa-4ln-)". S^.*r rr,,.r\[^,.T.r [J.,,.., D^) 2*t U-l* Work Class: New ( ) Addition ( )Alteration Vf J"pun( ) / ottrer ( ) Boiler Location: Interior ()Exterior ( ) Other ( ) ll Does an EHU exist at this location:Yes () € No( ) Type of Bldg: Single-family ( )Duplex ( ) Multi-family ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other $ No, of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this building: No/Tyoe of Fireolaces Existinq: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Loqs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) wood Burning ( Noffype of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Logs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burning (NOT ALLOWED) Is this a conversion from a wood burning fireplace to an EPA Phase II device? Yes ( ) No ( ) \NAiI\dAIA\CdCV\FORMS\PERMITSWTECHPERM.DOC 01t26t2002 t, l t-- Uqwr:^ TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVEI,OPMENT 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL,CO 81657 970.479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED oN IOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PUBLICWAY PERMIT PCTMit # PWO}0019 fob Address: 183 GORE CREEK DR VAIL starus. . . : AppuEDLocation,....: Sitzmar* Hotel Applied. . : O4/gO/Zff,g Parcel No...: n01092t0ffi6 lizued. . : . Expires. .: APPTJICANI HCBECK, LTD. o4/30/2OO3 phone: 303_465_9565 BroomfieldATIN: iIAl,tES IJEI{IS 17OO PACIFIC AVE., STE. 38OO DAI-,IrAS, TX 'I52OL License: 1L9-A CoMTRACTOR HCBECK, IJTD. 04/30/2003 phone: 303_468-9655 BroomfleLdATTN: arAt{ES ITEWIS 1700 PACIFIC AVE., STE. 3800 DAI,LAS, TX 75201 Lricenee: 119-A owNER SITZMARK AT VAMNC o4/go/2003 phone: 183 CIORX CREEK DR VAfIJ CO 81557 ticenge: Desciption:Temp'Eite acceas - Use of Gore Creek Drive for running aforklifE, and dunpster on to 2nd floor for pool remodel .staging of 20 yard dumpeter in front exisElng dumpeter area. *t'**tt*'r**'*tt*r'*l*'i**.*..tr'+*i''l*'*rr'*t'tftr**'rr*rtrit ARy r*rri***..***i**..*rffi**.r.r..*.arfirraraia6ruffa{*r.6at pubLic Way___> ?? Investigation--> ? ? Bond Amount_> Paymentr-> 9150. OO BALANCE DUE_> go. ooTOTALFEES_> gtso. oo t*t**r}|ri*r.fl.*r.* t.*rtr(ff*hrtiiat* Approvals:IEdn: O5500 PtBL,IC WORKS O4/3o/2Oo3 Ia ActLons Aprlem! 05550 ENGINEERING CONDITION OF APPROVAI,Cond: CONOOOS822 Traffic control muet be present when working or movl.ngequipment on Ctore Creek Drive.A1I vehicles must go through Check poLnt Charlie.No overnight staging of equipment on Tov Row Gw l.to'eEigihg of materiale on ROWI . OnIy with fence area, Must comply to the Vail Village and Lionhead ViJ.lage qonstquction Houre Information Handout. DECLARATIONS I certify that I have read all chapters of Title 12-STR of the Vail Municipal Code and all utility company agreements, signed by me, and will abide by the same, and that all utilitiid as required. Public Works will have a spec/detail book available in April of 1998. **** REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADETWENTY.FOUR HOURS IN **** ADVANCE BY T 479-2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNER ' a 't'tt*a a*tr' + ia{t l* | '|a+l t **** at l* + t **1* * '}t t* *+ + ta t+ * * f*t a+i 'l++af'}ftatllfa f+tfttfta*aaftalffaatl TOWNOF VAlt4 COLORADO Stotemcnt +*r+a+rf***ft* 'i *iaf+ir++t't++ i ++i.**i**+*+l't+*+ri*t}++**i*i*t'ia*ir+r*tl++ta+*atlitatttal'tfafatr gtatsnent Nurdber: Ro3000388? Amount: s15o.oo 04/30/200303:49 Fttl Palment llethod ! check Inlt: IJg NotatLdrr ck* 930 PermLE No: PW03-0019 Tn)er PUBLfC wAY PEnMfT ParceL No: 210108210006 EItc Addreas: 183 GXCRE CREEK DR VAIIJ tocaeion: gltrmark Hot,el ToEal Fces! 5150.00 Thi6 Paym€nt: $150.00 ToEaL AIJIT thtBr 9150.00Ea1ance3 90.00 at'*attitafta*falt*a**a+a*ftat+r**f+aai+t*att'!tl'a**t'ta+a'a'itrtaattt+alfiffaatlttt'ltttataalt|lalf ACCOTJNT TTEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts ST 00100003112100 PUBLIC I'JAY FEES 150.00 'g4/28/26s3 .l (", 11:38 ggsAgAA .*r+:ffi, - *"{t5lcfri " vrll, cololrdo Danvct, Colotrdo Dlllol, Colorrdo Englnarrrs' Itic. Apdl28,2003 Vistor Mark Donaldsorg Architccts P.O. Box 5300 Avo,n, CO 81558 Atb; Mr. Mark DouaLlson Re: Sihark lodgc-Pool Dock Rrnovation, Vail, Gontlemcn: Asrequestd Monroe &Nem'cll Enginccrs, Inc. ilas rcnovation of oristing thc pool deok We undcrstand the cxisting watergmofing systeq oftilr watcqproofing membranc below will be rcmowd io thc Bascd on ou calculrrtions the wcight of the new slopc, fiom sligltly loss than tho ocistittg systm Monroe & Nevrcll . (M&r{ #6059 ) with you theproposcd supported on sandwith ofthe structtJral concrete slab. will havc no iurpact oa the A now waterproofing sptrm will be installcd codsi of a lightweight conorcte slab, sloping to intcrior drains over a drainage bosd aid mcmhrane. vary, bascd on concreto more th&thc existiag systcm with tho avcrage wciglrt of the ncw sptcm boi equl b ftcwoigbt ofthe odsting syste,m. Thcrofore, the installatiop of the nsw waterproofi"g sEuctuxal capadty of O{ building. r.,rrrs, m r.r n r/rl.-nds.cll.4r)tn Page2 of3 Specifications as follows:lf All te4q otris excluded.and to !e done byu offis excluded and to be done bv others. This includes the followine:ll All horizontal iterns.(.Pavers, sahd,.mernbranes, latticrete, etc) dowi'to therxrsting structurd concrete deckins 2].All deck railings, fasciiboards at decks, deck posts, etc are to be removed and rdinstalled bv othErs. 3] The stuccb veneer at the base of the rvall is to be saw cut and removed by others for proper m-embrane termination for Carlisle 's waranW. 4l The wainscot ledcer on the bottom ofthe br 5l All walls applicable to the waterDroofinc sc iristalled for rfrdmbrane aonlication.' This {orl, to the waterDroofinc scope are to be removed application.' This {ork io be done by others.application. C bv otlers. and a suitable substrate be on the bottom of the brick walls to be removed b 2l The hot rubbcr monolithic wateroroofine svstem requires a clean substrate free of dust, debris, and uirperfectrons in the concrete The'substraie rirust be 100% dn'at the time of application as per Strict mdnufacturer's instructions. Ifthe substratc is not sufficientlv cleaned. Plath viill clean the substrate as needed and charce the General Contractor a rate of $52.50 per man hour plus PlathKhard costs for materials and reited machinery. These costs uill be submitted as they oceur, along rvith a monthly draw. 3l All permits are excluded and to be supplied b1'the General Contractor. Roofing sp..in.rtff il.tA#*9rt* south poot deck I. Tran OFF/ MFcELLANEoUS:Locations: The south pool deck above the retail space below, including the landing and stairs. Soecilications as Price for Section I:N/A Price for Section II:-$ 53.256.00 Exclusions and Oualifications: I I Pricine is basd on tlre kettle beine set uo directlv adiacent to the roof so the hot rubber can be carried up laddeis to the deck surface abovel This'kenle does riot have the capablities ofpumping up vertical mclrnes. il. lf{osortrutcWATnRpRooFn*cSlsrru:Locations: The south pool deck above the retail space below, including the landing and stairs. Soecifications as follows: t ltnsiatt-2l S niilsof eailislq CqW-500R reinforced hot rubber mqnglithic rvaterpoo0rg as recommeirded b-i thc rnanufacturer. Exlenl[Th6hEfrbFane up rralls a minimum of 12". Z1 tnstatt l6 ounce cgpper.surface mounr.reglet and cognterflas.hing system as required by Carlisle for propcr tennlnatron. Seal tne lop edge llrtn a clear urelnane sealant. 3l Install a la1'er of 6 mil poly as a separation la1,er. 4l Flood test the deck as rcquired by Carlisle Coatings and Watenpoofings. 5] Install Miradrain 9900, l/4" thick drainage and protection board. 6l Install 16 ounce copper parapet cap flashing at the front ofthe deck railing. 7l Provrde l5 ycar labor and material t\aranty from Carlisle Coatings and waterproofurgs for a period of l5 years fromihe datg of substantial rvaterprobfing completion. Erclusions and Oualifi cations: 1l Protection of t-he membrane must be the hiehest priority of the concrete installers since any damase to the monolithic waterooofins svstcri willbe excluded from the manufacturer's warrantv. 2l Thd layer of 7 I l -90 membrand on top-of the concrete is excluded after further discussions with Carlsile Technical representativcs. This lar.er uill trao anv moisture in the concrete and orevent it from escaping. For this reasbn. thc tile or an1'othdr final deck tofping will need to be installed directll' svsl the slop-ed - concretc. 3l Currentlv the horizontal locations above and belorv the cantilever decks (dccks offof condominium / h6tel units ihat extend out onto the main deck surface) have NOT been figuied into the above pricing. Only ,l -,'1' ii . "1. .qt \! ',s III.III. GnNrulNores:ll Please be advised that materials for thiS proposal have been bid at curreot market Dric€s. Due to volatiliW of the market, material prices canirotbe cuaranteed Dast 30 davs. * Pleese tirke notc drrt rv.6lati liry -of the ma*etrvolatrhty -ot the markett matenal pnces cannot be guaranteed past 30 davs. * Please thke notc thrt a "letter of intent" received_by-l!"$_9fqtffctio-n, Inc. witfiin the 3o iley pgpo$ yill sllow ur touc to rrlock in" current material prices riven if actual purchaiesiie rnadeleverat to-nitri-titii ,i .l s,l;.,, i / ri 3l Plath Cong:ructiqn carries property damage liabiliw insurance in the amount of $2,000.000.00 per @currenc€. Plath constructlon larries auto rnsurance in the amount of $ Plarh Coristructiongarries appropriate Wo*man's Qompensation insurancE tfiioueli-Colorado'SatbeompenslE-on. -I[d ---- rururer lnsqrance cov€rage ts rncluded ur our price, and if requlrc4 the additronal costwill be added to the contract pnce. 4] U3on receipt-ofthe,contragt price. Plath Construction will issue a uarranw certificate cuarart€einsroohng agau _rst leaks due_to flaws in rvorLmanship for a period of TWO verri from the daie of roofinIomPlettgni Leaks qla{i$'ing under the terms of 'said wa}ranty will be ry;paired promptly at no cost td'theorvner. I hts r4arranty does not cover any subsequent interior riamage tha't may occur. 5l The follorying-is specifically excluded from this prooosal: tl All liability.associaied with theinventory ariaiiructure of each of the retail shops below. bJ -I-enting of the deck as required for protbction. cl [4oq remova,l costs. (Sndw removal costs if needed will be chareed at $37.50 per man hr.)dl r n€ hot tup dQck And planter areas are excluded from this proodsal. The arei under the ' hpl tub must be dry in cdse any hot rubber material should comein contrct with water.el fhe q4qrufacturir's warraniv will specificallv erclude &mase to ttie rnimbiani liori othertrades ( l.]-: cgnerete layers, tiki instafers. etc) The bot rubber-membrane MUST beprotectgd and it's integiity maintained durine this process. Ifthere are thouehts that addedprotection may be.nee-led, please -call the Plelh offiie (970-328-5515) for altefiratives formstalung onotner lryer of protection. 4...l Coatlngs & Watorprooff ng CClV tlleiiiiu te Ptsleuli,-ut Fat drc,df4 &//Eb tuti|os & |IA@B lw faellr hptln br CCW.5OOR PRODUCT DESGRIPTION GGW€OO is a single compo- nent, hot-applied rubberized asphalt compound that forms a strong, flexible, thick, fully-ad- hered monolithic waterproofing and roofing membrane. The CCW-500R system adheres te- naciously to virtually any structural surface, vertical or hori- zontal, to assure that water will not migrate beneath the mem- brane in the event of physical damage. CCW-500R allows for applications on a wide variety of substrate conditions and en- hances crack bridging capability. ADVANTAGES . GGW€OOR is a hot-applied rubberized asphalt waterproof- ing system which provides a monolithic system, free of seams, which fully adheres to the substrate.. GGIY-SOOR forms a watertight seal eliminating water migration and buildup of mois- ture on the surface of the sub- strate., CGW-SOOR can be applied in low ambient temperatures. lts immediate curing time allows the project to progress in a timely fashion.. CGW-SOOR will conform to surface irregularities and fill minor deck flawsideal for rough uneven suffaces on rehab applications. The self- healing characteristics of CCW-500R allow for a water- tight membrane, even after minor conslruction punclures.. GGW-SOOR, when used in an inverted roofing mem- brane application (IRMA), has a longer performance life than conventional roof ing applica- tions because it is protected from lhermocycling and mech- anical damage.. GGW-5OOR has a single- component application, which does not require additional preparation and curing steps typical of cold fluid applied memoranes. APPLICATIONS CCW-SOOR is the perfect wa- terproofing membrane for all of the following applications: . Roof decks in an inverted roof assembly.. Split slab construction for plaza decks. \ a ) | -q Jvrr -r IY'rl F.F I rr Fl Tlpical IRMA Application Using GGW€(XIR Floof terraces and planters. Parking garages and founda- tion walls. Walkway links. Highway bridge decking and tunnels. Green-Roof / Roof-Top Planting Syslems 8-mil Elephant Skin a a tl{siTAu-tinoil cutDEltNES . Remove from concrete any for- eign matter detrimental to the adhesion of the membrane.. Prime the surface with CCW- 550 Primer.. Pretreat all construction joints, cracks, drains, penetrations and wall junctions with CCW-500 and fabric rein- forcement.. Install CCW-711-90 on all exposed flashing areas.. For a reinlorced system, apply first coat of CGW-500 90 mils thick, then apply fabric reinforc- ing sheet, firmly pressing into hot layer of CCW-500R.Apply second coat of CCW-500 125 mils thick.. Cover the CCW-500 mem- brane with a protection course or 8-mil Elephant Skin.. Water test the system for 24 hours with 2" minimum cover- age of water.. Install CCW MiraDRAlN, insu- lation, and finished surfacing. ROOF OECK Typical Plaza Deck Application Using GGW.SOOR &mil Elephanl Skin PLAZA DECK ccw-500 CCW MiraDRAlN or Protection Board BALLAST GGW-500 Classified by Underwriters Laboratories Inc. @ As to Extemal Fire Exposure Only 5M85 Cadisle Coatings & Waterproofing Incorporated 900 H€nsl€y Lane Wylie, Texas 75098 Toll Free: (8OO) 527-7092 Website: rywuleallsle:qqwr_o11 sffi?4 us}.'CodlngE & Wli.rprooffng Goatingr & Watcrploofinge DESCRIPTION The CCW-500R System utilizes CCW-500 Hot Applied Liquid Membrane; a single component, rubberized as- phalt compound that torms a tough, flexible, thick, wa- terproofing membrane. CCW-500 adheres tenaciously to virlually any sound surface, verlical or horizonlal lo as. sure water will not migrate benEath the membrane in lhe event of physical damage. The last set up tim€ spesds th€ completion ol the wat€rproofing. CCW-500 Hot Ap- plied Liquid Membrane is applied in a thick, monolithic coaling utilizing CCW Reinforcing Fabric which allows for a wide variety of substrate conditions. TYPICAL USES CCW-5008 is used for waterprooting split slab construc- tion p@ecls and is especially suiled as the waterproof- ing membrane on roof d€cks using the inverted roof sys. tem. LIMITATIONS . Do not use on exposed or wearing surfaces. . Not recommended over lightweight insulated concrete. . lf metal pan is used tor concrete form, the melal pan must be v€nlsd. . Consult with Carlisle's representalive before using CCW-500R on any type lightweight concrete, concrele with curing compounds or additives, decks which have exisling waterproofing matgrials . Do not apply below ooF or to damp, lrosty or contami- nated surfaces. PACKAGING CCW-500 is packaged in 45 lb. blocks, one block per carton, 64 cartons per pallet. Each block is sealed in a polyelhylene bag inside the carton. The block, including the bag, is placed in the kenle, leaving only disposal of the carton. The CCW Reinforcing Fabric is packaged in a rolls of: 59'X 610'(3000ft1 weight approx. 30 lbs. 36" X 667' (2000tt'z) weight approx. 24 lbs. APPLICABLE STANDARDS 1. US Patent # 5,979,133 2. Canadian Specification CGSB-37.50-M89 3. UL 790 Class A 4. City ol New York MEA#63-96-M 5. MiamFDade COVERAGE The following is a guide to estimate the amount of mate- rials required lor various membrane lhicknesses. 215 mils applied = 1.30 lbs/ft'? = 7 llzlgal. 180 mils applied = 1.09 lbs/ft2 = 9 ft2lgal. 150 mils applied = .91 lbdfte = 10.5 ft'zlgal. PROPEFTY TEST METHOD Solids content ASTM D-1353 Flow ASTM D-5339 Penelralion ASTM D-5339 (1i1oth mm) Flash Point ASTM D-92 Waler Vapor ASTM E.96 (E) PermEancE Toughngss CGSB-37.50.M89 Batio ol Toughness CGSB-37.50-M89 to oeak load Adhesion CGSN-37.50-M89 Softening ASTM D-36 Viscosity CGSB-3750-M89 WatarAbsorDtion (CGSB-37.50-M89 max. 0.35 g lgainl) Pinholing CGSB-37.50-M89 LowTomoerature CGSB-37.50-M89 llexibility Lowtempsrature CGSB-37.50-M89 crack bridging Heat stabilitv CGSB-37.50.M89 RESULTS - 100% O 1rl0F, 0 mm O 7TF =76 @ 12?lF = 't59 568"F 0.02 perms . 19J .089 pass 202F I s€conds 96 hrs. = 0.05 g No visibls pinholes No cracks of los6 of adhosion No cracks, splitting or loss ol adhesion No chango 52"/. No effect o"F in viscosity, ponslration, llow or low temp flexibillty aftor aging Rssiliency ASTM 0-3407 Resistance to mild acids Minimum ambionl tempsrature lor application WARNINGS AND HAZARDS Use with adequate ventilation. Workers musl use proper prolection to prevent burns. r9eler to the MSDS for im- , portant wamings and prcduct information. INSTALLATION I Surab nepanfion: Now concrets shall be water cured, with a light, hair broom finish and in place for 14 days , minimum, 2'l days preferred. Surface shall be sbuctrrally sound, dry and fiee of dust, dirt, frost, laitance, non-approvod curing agent or other contamination which may afiect adhesion ofthe membrane. Remove splatters, frns, ddges or oher projeciions to pre, vHe a level surhce. Fill holes, honeycombs, rock pock- els, spalls or oher voids and indentations with approved @ncr€te patching compound. Grind or fll sur€ce at cold joints where each pour is at a difierent plane to provide a smooth and level surface. Detail Work: Mix CCW-201 Sealant and apply per Carlisle standard detlails. Allow he sealant to cure over- night. Detail expansion joints and drains per manufacturer's recommendation. Apply a thin, even coat of CCW-550 Primer, 6' wide, centered over all non-moving cracks less than 1/16'wide and cold joinb. Apply primor at a rate of 400 - 600 ff per gallon. Allow primer to dry. Apply a 125 mil thickness coat of CCW-500 Hot Applied Liquid Membrane over the primed crack or cold joint. Apply a thin, even coat of CCW-550 Primer, 16' wide, centered over all cracks greater than 1/16'wide, all moving cracks and all previously sealed expansion joints. Allow primer to dry. Apply 90 mils of CCW-500 membrane to cover primed areas. lnstall a 12" wide sbip of CCW-711- 90 Sheet Membrane Flashing, cent€red over lhe cracks and expansion joints. Application: Blocks of CCW-500 shall be rplled in a twin wall kettle with continuous agitation. Grutlon: Do not erceed marlmum rafe operallng temperature of rl00oF. Apply a thin, even coat of CCVI/-550 Primer to the entire surface to receive walerproofing. At the juncture of all ver- tcal sections with the deck surface, such as parapet walls, columns and all projections through the deck, apply a lhin even coat of CCW-550 Primer to the vertical section b lhe height indicated on the drawings (8'minimum rec- ommended). Apply primer at a rate of 400-600 ff/gallon. Affow the primer to dry. Nofe: Membnne will not prcperly ddhare to wet primer. Apply CGW-500 Hot Applied Membrane to the primed vertical and horizonbl surfaces. including over all previ- ously detailed areas, in a twolayer application, at a rate of 21 ff/gallon (75 mils) for 150 mil systems and 18 ff/ gallon (90 mils) for the 180 mil systems. For the 215 mils system, two coats should be applied, with the firsl coat applied at 18 ff/gallon (90 mils) and he second coat applied at '13 ft2/gallon (125 mils). Install CCW-711-90 C|'lbb, MhaOnAlN Ja Su'. Sod rr. trrd.rEdc ol Carlirb CoDoratbn C.zqE CrdbL CoDontbn CCW-500R OZD3 !c ' -''r--qEBqqq' mil sheet membrane or uncured neoprene nasrrlng iitriieW the first course of CCW-500 to @ver the veilical s€cilon .&. and extend flashing ojnches onto deck surface. Apily ':r CCW Reinforcing fabric while membrane ls warm and '"" tacky. Apply second coat of CCW-500 Hot Applied MerF brane al the rate required to obtain the specified total sy+ tem thickness. Termination of flashing: Terminate flashing on wall per Carlisle 50G9 details. Apply CCW-500R orcr all horizon- tal llashing seclions during membrane installation, lnstall Sur+SeaP EPDM flashing in exposed areas per Cadisle recommendations. Note: When CCW-500 Hot Applied Uquid Membrane is installad on the f,ange of a two stage dnin, u& care not to fill the weep holes, Flood Test: (Optional and al th€ direction of structural engineer) Plug drains and provide necessary baniers to contain flood water. Flood deck with 2" head of water and cfieck for leaks afier 24 hours. Protection Course: The membrane musl be protected ftom damage. Install CCW MiraDMlNo or CCW Protection Board immediately following fiood test. lnstall 8-mil El- ephant Skin prior to the prolection course to provide easy future access to lhe memrane. REPAIRS In he evenl the CCW-500 Hot Applied Liquid Membrane is damaged, clean the area with a cloth wei wih mineral spirib and apply CCW-500 Hot Applied Liquid Membrane to the damaged area. LIMITED WARRANW Cnnusle Corrnes & Mrenpnoornre h'rconromreo (Cml- rsle) warrants this product to be free of defects in workmanship and materials only at the time of shipment ftom our faclory. lf any Cmusu materials prove to contain manufacturing defects that substantially effect their per- brmance, Cnnusu will, at its option, replace the maleri- als or refund its purchase price. This limited wananty is the only warranty extended by Cmusle with respect to its materials. There are no other warranties, including the implied warranties of merchantability and fihess for a particular purpose. Can- usu specifically disclaims liability for any incidenbl, con- sequential, or other damages, including but not limited to, loss of profits or damages to a strucfure or ib con- tenb, arising under any theory of law whatsoever. The dollar value of Cmusu's liability ani buye's remedy under this limited wananty shall nol exceed the purchase price of lhe Cmlrsle material in question. Cadisle Coatings & Watarprcoffng Incorporatod 900 Honsloy Lan6 Wylie, T6xas 75098 Toll Fre€: (800) 527-7092 WebSite: www.carliSle-ccw.comcoad|rgr I li'|iarDrconr|e hrpgqdon!9qqq9t Rcql|CcEd ln$cctDds:ln$.ctlonAr€ll SlbArldr.cr: AFiDlnlbnnatbn Adhilu g}!}{rlll Tyle: A@tlMCot*Tyti: Occrn.frcr,:Orriu: SlfiU{ARK ATVAIL ll.lCADDlc.nt ICBECI(, LTD.Conblcbr: IEBECI(. LTD. llfcdncsdry, June 18, 2{X)g '&T GORE CREEK DR VAILSlEn|,t pool rru €illt||:h.pArr:EST.|ED.nt| DacdEuon: Ragaer'|l9hca gool dact uaa ar|(t sbsCo||fnent ROI,TED TO..R AITDAOFOR REVIEWAPPROA/AL - DFLORES R.ou|abdlnr!|ctloilsl lbor: tao BLDGflmlCro RecFredc Conimarlr: AdgncdTo:- A.flon: 10m 3[' 60 50 70 EI ltcBEcK, t TD. R€q|ecbdTlmel- PhorE: Enh|ed By: 0l!fl1 Pfl 376{t665 DGC'LDEN Klr lr'r:ldn:hn:bn: Lor: lbm: hm: lbm: lhor: lbnr:tmhrr (pldtxt htp.cl6f: @I) Acfron: PAPARTI LAFFRO/ALCoiln rill: OK FCIR TCO. ff)O 1 lfftlD R IL AT ST IRS TO l.K)T TtrB. R EIJC tllAY OCClfV. '- ADDrorred "hsD.cb.: JRllSTO'\'IGLT T(x}IARTEST Acdon: APAPPRo/ED 6n ELD&T€mp.C/O 63a PW.TEilP.'CJO 6i}8 FFE-FI.IALC/O 639 PW.Flltl LCIO 5{O BtDeFUt.lCb .? SubTvrr: ACOiIOb.: I t-Ffr. Phom: 9}i}466'9$SBrefin N.tPlDm: 3o&468$658r6ril.Nd 06- t4'ss gv REPI131 Run Id! 1094 tilQ =ES =E==3=e e5==ia.l <\. ...> .o Ff, -=E!H'<o(): €t cJE,d-;E3;< = t 3e !aFJ fr3 Ad03 r3fJJo llBA lo ufliol lEE "{IE P? Eg Ffi X A z, lu\t trl J oH 'ij=DODE, Iur !Pkto(D I € +l fi o o uJ 3oE .j € c> = . ?.4tq ,illl()'llfG ur J u (D ut BKEtf<tDy {B Ed ,s pfr tl- Itt Y Eg lrE =H Efr a t =EF =E==g=E ===EE=I5<r: e C., 6-nt;fr3,^a < = e) arlg -ctrtl6 -JooA.gol! =tp P,*,*.-,,.,, = E $dIl-ulil $ ozlu(t ul J EH EE te gJ BfiEE ,x FE Eg FF X i$ig. ;qr,:;:,' ;;,n+- +;-1,.,1 oo E.o oo J tlJ CD6oJ -g =l\lFv, ts o fft V(J IJJo oo(L oz ox LIJ o Yg. 3 Fz I,JJ =UJo 5o. lIJ tUO f,Efo {(L oz oz ll.oo G. o.t uJ s il(Jz zulFz s -t tl o\. |rt J u rt) =, -JA. =,o -l- -t-lo =ltfAF B s trtlI I L-_ lr iHII gFi HERi LL B ii: '- . .i: t E =E= =E = =g=E ===E}f, 'a=E-><OE===F= = F*$ Rar*,H\ EHI$ qEE = F P - E $I E fi $ "x FF F! FE X oz tu{t Irl P *8 EE ts=' du Hb $# rg CD6oJYe,<,o =?Ntdt-Q C,r3 lll -r:E<l-> UJOU'sfitr.9.f<oy<otx 3d 3uz= EirlxxYUJdotl- ]UY gs ez 4A F? =d=c : H =H P 9 Gt fiE* aq6 qEi $HgEsEat s$$$ H J EE frs H$u p I s rrr' l{-xItl .F!8 cao uF $q LFlt)= Hq Hd-E HFs s I ; (sl :- ; J () rt) =,JCL =,o -lDc) --gFv, =,oCJ =rrt = rE <lt- =€ =E=gE ===EEeI=<-t:O<.'Ed^;fr9; = rg' --r - F P - E $e HE F3 .{ IE H? e '$B TFfi X |ltI r|Jl-LrJgct =,oet 6IIJgo-Joet e) .i ",:,i I g -ctrlI6 .JooA- uloaf;fitrtf<oy {H Ed au ,^tr6 HrtJ-FY =s FEF =€==g=E E==Ex -=EIH><o<>: o <.)E6-- -6H= = tEE ro u $s 996 FFH F fiFE $ F I E E E s H I Ft EE $F E5E H$sH I F E P H E I I I I J EI F$ a _, t :t ((\ tuJ ()(') rF --Fq -ov, I -l-- l-rtl6 -lc)v, LLl$ EEE d, R3E F$$ (D +tcl +t =e-s.tt a- =.J -tr|JA rlt €DArIJ -JooCL IIJ CJ@ tl. uJg.tf<Ay {H Td 23 2? Hg rH0aFFtv Fg xE ,.FH ,=$ b -: I {o ulJ () (') I Ee E$ ffe d$F kF$, ,t Design Review Board ACTION FORM Deparfnent of Community Dwelopment 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 te/: 970.4n.2L39 faxt 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co,us Prciect Name: Demott Gallery DRB Number: DR8030362 Project Descipdon: ne$r projecting/hanging sign and new window sign Participants: OWNER SmMARK AT VAIL INC 08/2612003 Phone: 183 GORE CREEK DR VAIL CO 81657 License: APPUCANT Demott Gallery 0812612003 Phone: 476-8948 183-3a Gore Creek Dr Vail, Co 81657 License: ProiedAddress: lS3GORECREEKDRVAIL Location: SiEmarkpoolarea Lqd Descripdon: l'oe A Bbck 58 Subdaylslon: VAIL VILI-AGE FIUNG 1 Parcel Number: 210108210006 Gomments: windon' and hanging/projecting BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: STAFFAPR S€cond By!vob: Date of Apprcval: 08/28/2003 Condltions: Cond; I (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: CON0006096 Approval for one window sign at I sq. ft. and one hanging/projecting sign at 2'4 sq. ft. Planner: Alllson Ochs DRB Fee Paid: S54.OO AuFl 9-03 03: I lmr sltllsz4rz ' Deparuneni of Comrnunity Dr.'dopmnt 75 S€ijiii Fr-vn'.circ fti}ni, i';il, iaia-rij+ 91!957 td: 9m.479.2139 fs: 970.{19.?452 trY6: www.ci.eil,co.usI0Tmi Fron-Totl 0F lltcflluln DEVEIoPEI{T General lnfiormadon: Al projecE ncguiring dcdgn re ,iew mu* reedve approlrel pnbr to'qrhnidng a buildrg Pennit applcaton. _Plee reGr ti, tte suhnrunl requiremcrt 6r the pailiork aprcrni that i5 rdNfflsl An apptbtbn fs E€igft Revicw , carmd be acepted wfii all requk€d inforrratioll 'rs reeeived by SE colnfrunity D(i.lEloP$tent Deparbner*- lte preidE rn&y iisE ri€Fd Fo be ravkl-{€il by t* Tor.rr Cot Ml Enrl/Di the Plrnn!ru 9nd Fn-Jnnnt4"n!a! C4$mlqqb4!, becfgn rwic,r, approrel hgsee unte** a buiHlry pcrrh b irsued and conctrudion cennanoc wl$ln ssParof $elgPrwal. Oe=crig-Uon d t|ro RGqu.tC PhFical Addnpc; Qb <c-^rtrrj..Eagle co. Aeeesss at 9(}32s#CI fo( garcd no.) Zoning: T-266 P 00t/001 F-0t6 trilr(S) of orrncr(s): t{ame of Applloant: Ty99of Rcvierarrd Fe: Irf' $gnF tr Conceptual Revielv tr l{€r,rCotr*rgielntr Additittl A MiflorAlts'atiilt (multi.famity/comnatb!) tr Hhor Alleration (sln gle-fanf lylduplex) El changestoAppro\r€d Flsng tr SeoarilinRef,r€ $S0 EUS fl.oo per sscetE fgot sf, t@l siJn arce- Ito Fee t€54 For contrrrrdbn of a neilr hlilding or dcrno/rebuild- $3OO For an addltton whcre square foobge is added b any rcgdctffil or cornnrenial buildiry 0ndudes 250 addilolE &. tnE lor @ntqgcrts)- izffi For mlrnr dranges irr trsfi.f,ngi afrd *t imfreve*sd=, fldl n5' rcrocfing, pelriling, win<torv addtbrq tadsaping. fenaes and .ehi$irre !€!!r, *e,$20 For minor dtanges to buildingE and itc lmprotanents, gjdl a5, reroofing, pair*ing, window addftions, hndscaping, lltrei and retainirig lYalls, €frL $fO For re\,i*ons tE plate elready apprwed blt Phnning Staff ar thc Derbn RJriew Boerd, l{o Fe€ , ./ *.." lfryt er,.r*.no, Cltz L ay: Aur.l9-03 0Z:54pn FrorTOfill 0F VASffi.lllly EVELomttT BFr€estanding Slgn trWall Sign Ef,angr.rg / Projcding Sign QDi$lay Box ODaiV Specbl Ecrd QJoint Directory gSn FsubdtvEbo Entrance Siign T-265 P.003/001 F-015 T0,-'m - SIGI{ APPIJCATIO}I suBrrfrTAl R.EQUIREhEffTS Gcnenl Information This application is for any siqn tiat b l@ted within thcTorn of Vail. Specifrc reguirctnenb are avaf,able Itorn 0re Depaturcrtof Cornmunfty DarelopmenL I SUBMTTTALREQUIRE|IENIS A. ilamedBrdness, Dglrilto*l- G"t\'r'1 . B. gutldinsnanreard phyEi€! g{rqss; r83-a -* 6o""g""gle-briuc C- yUri$en gppaqual frorn rondorninism association, hrdlor4 and ftfint o$rnef, f apdlcable. D. Type of sign (check all that apffy): s701lsz15z tr BuiHiryIdenfficaton E t'tural Efffindow Slgn C Sign Frogram D G5 tlled/FberOpttc 0 Ternporary Sign tr other E. F. H. I. J, K, L Length of hrsiness ltmtage: Heighr of sign(s) from grade:g' 3" slgn Locstton (a^tr,adr a slte dan and an elealbn draqiag aE F pltoFqrapft dcorl'/ indicadoE tfe prooced locat'on of sign(s)): 3 e e H ,{'a.c-ru rr- p ho 'tt-s - -- - rl*iirfs ana dors of dgn (atbdt snplcs):.599^ft Srsnliehdmoran: tNltt be lr* t5 er,iL;g o/€rn /gihlr"S a/rrue-etvp", loatbnand numUetJrnor"JrcctJs"d i-.*1"" q.'6""6atr'trs{'{.Sg^' {]|frc,ude niigttt abore grade, lunrens outpuL lumino$,erea. f6[o* /O,'lcr\lJ 4boetgrnac tr AEactr a cut sheet $or eoch proposed fixture- 5e<p h oios D6,'rlr!gs shotrirtg lrorr and where ttte $qn or alvnirq wi$ &dr to the buldlng and how the awntng wilt b€ c6n#u€red_ See photos nl Nmber qf signs proposed: o( Nurnberof s(ps aisfng: I stenmessase: Deiltu* 6otler.-{ ^+ Vau\ --<'-.=r- PaSe 3 of a/0 Ul0/O3 oo 2ut4t" Lt,\ q tl ,(4 p5 dgn rlzc - sL;c wl frcrnlrc - tGx3 rtzc - flntrrld- color - S2wxllh 35.5wx11.5h 1.5 h-D,Y 3 h-arc$ol|cl-y sondblortcd ltonc I sq.wbc*nclfmmc nct rtof ilone - tdl dor{r browrr tcxt + logo TOWN OF VAIL DESIGN REVIEW STAFF APPROVAL /4h 1.uil All dea[nr & conceFtr arr tlrc pFp.dy of lmp.ct Gnphbr t Slgna and c.nnot b. ured ulthout wtttbn commt ov!'€tl dzc - lcxt drc - 'nGdof - coroF - lE w x7.5 h 3 h-qY 2 h -anffi, otlary vkrylwttrdov gruphlc Durgfnrdy - Dcnrott Gdlrt a3 Vail ftrtcd-lrcbjo l+ All doclgm & conc.Ft3 ara tho prcperty of lmp*'t Graphlcs t tllgnc and canrret be ua.d s'ltho|rt wrl6.n conu|t