HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 BLOCK 5B LOT A SITZMARK 2005 LEGALVC Ul1-14 trq rkd( A S\FL ?ooq-UJAJ APPI.EANOil U'ILL ]IOT t E ACI .EPTED IF INCOTPLETE OR U[{SI Prolect #:-o<r I Alarm Permit #: TWNNYAIL Frontage Rd.81657 2- I0ltttt'l OF vAlL FtRliALARlt, Pru Commerclal & Reshhdll I Flre Alarrn shop drarings are rEqulred st tlme of 75 S. . applbation oubmin'liand must In3lude lnformatlon listed on the Vail, Colorado b of thle form. Appllcation wilt not be accepted without thle offi"d.d60 COIiPLETE VALUATIONS FOR At-ARm PERlllT (Labor & traterills) :k*************************t***tF**!t**:Fi*FOR OFFICE USE ONLY**"*:t****!t'.*********t**************** WAiMAIA\Cd€V\FORMS\PERMITSIALRI\IPERM.DOC BY: "" T!Sq" flrte; Contact and Phone #'s:Tovn of Vail Reg. No.:Fire.Alarm Conlraclor: Con'',ct Assessors Ofiice at 97&328-8o4i0 or visft Percat# Pareel# 3 tn fn\:trrtr\^(a JobName: SlLrno,-h -Loub"Joboodress: [DbGs. C,rr,L Dv- Legal Descripuon Lot:A aocr. i p, ll ririns,subdivision: \Jq't \l't llr^ ,-, Onrners Name: $rt,rnr^-tc J Er'ine€r: Sharuf Az|imoa.^ A'{rqE's:?o bo( lu} .?t'rso nnone: {Oi gOgJ ---Detailed Location of work: (i.e., froor, unit #, bbg. #) JI\ -crDDr.t Oa lz',r: Detailed descriplbn of wotk: Fa c hc,.r-o ,lo a.r.o,^J-h ntru cJrr, u Work Class: Nel^, ( ) Addition ( ) Remodel ( ) -Repair ( ] Retto{t ( ) Other ( ) Typof Bldg.: Single-family ( ) Two-family ( ) Multi-family ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other( ) No. of Exisling Drelling Units in this building:M:" Accomffition units in lhis building: Eoes a Fire AlsrmEiist Yes ( ) No (G;FireS-prirrtGiSyrstemExist Yas( ) No( ) :kt+ ri-ts:! al &;tr;il:tai "/*(-t *-,--- -,.=g , 72- -_o2 e94t+z, -r,Z$&$t++ e rt\sl ersi er\I cb, TOWN OF VAIL FIRE DEPARTTIENT PROGESS FOR CONNERC'AT I& RESTDE'VNAL F'RE ALARH SYSTEI'S Commercial and Rosidential Firs Alarm shop drawing requirements at time of subrg[ttal must include the following: r/ A Golorado Registered Enginee/s stamp./ . Device locations on reflected ceiling plans.,,/ Typical device wiring diagrams. Battery calculations. A list of specific device model numbers. Equipment cut sheete of each type of device. The number of each type of deviee. Information indicating the specific zones. Gircuit diagrams. Point to pointwiring diagram. Wring ttps, sizo, and number of conductorc. The sourte of AG power circuits. Fire alarm panel locations. Knox Box location. Information indica$ng monitoring method and monitoring agency. lnformation regarding property managers and contact numbers. Orrne/s primary recidence location and contact numbers. Insfuctions fiorfire alarm system operatione and any pertinent code numbsrs for proper operations. This check list has been provided to ensurc that our review process may be handled in a timely manner. I have read and understand the above listed submittal requircments: Project n"r"r $ Contrac'tor Signature: -l I Date Siqned: B\\o\os \WAiMAIA\CdSV\FORMS\PERMf TSi\ALRI/PERM.DOC 07n$'tw -L ,/- ,L J- ./- 4- TOWN OFVAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT GUIDELINES FOR PREVENNNG NON.EMERGENCY FIRE ALARMS In order to prevent a non-emergency response from the Vail Fire Department Suppression crews to the construction location you may be working on we ask that you perform the following tasks: Determine what kind of fire alarm system exists within the struclure you are working in with the owner or the manager of the property involved or by contacting the Vail Fire Department. Determine with the owner or manager of the property, which alarm company services the system for them. Become familiar with the difierent components that are associated with the fire alarm system and how they operate before the DEMO begins. Never paint a smoke deteclor, thermal deteclor, or any other component of the fire alarm system, and never paint a sprinkler head. For small projects bag detector within the area you will be working in before you start, and remove the bags after work is done for the day. For larger projecis, please contact the Vail Fire Department so that we can work with you in determining what needs to be done to alter or"Zone Ouf specific areas of the alarm system for the structure. Please contact the Town of Vail Fire ManEhal, Mike McGee at 479-2135 or the Town of Vail Fire Prevenfon Ofiicer, llike Vaughn at479-2462. I have read and the above guidelines. Project Namei Date Signed:%\ r'\"r \\VaiMalaKdev\FOR,T'S\PERMITS\ALRMPERM.DOC 0724rM2 o0vuotoS ']vn l^ruc vlluc luoc 18 L /.EEO] lccor yuv r4zl rs tvl :lllHs fiepg efl rouoqs 6'fi.'t?&. rJ o4ei 5u.0 8tgo'tcgt(lcrnry qqunoi zcF 00'ot6 Itt{g Sroloc toqrl caot los od ,L = .s/L:flv3s n/aVt :llv0 2 E5x69<[urOEHb8oaH95tr8s xEF ET ; =HH:i 6gE3 HftE E#E :$ ,3r?i9(ttrdF: HF:f;z --z etroLll lll J zoF z o- d z E3 llloz o(Eooo =oru l- atz. lu6t J Ia ut .D ooz 11,Et ai o2o F ozlltI ootu atf,l!(Ef o rt z IE =uloz 6tfooo =olll F atz lrJdt I <t, Fzlu clolu 8i figHf;O UtX t!I :3 F EEEfi fiH?HH HEFifig g FeHHe E EEFEiEE :E -S* *gg gffi 2otr Eo LLz l-o I.IJ-?o E.(L zJ'-JF oo F9F az? ff Fg=F:tL /) , 8?g : #nx H Ih6 =o *a$ g b' U$9 = ci frrH;Hg E s'i t\ \ - -;7 O .n :: I,/) * Irl oa L! I I \ \ 6ii =EFcl eE FLooul ul2t-za!?=\JF Bgrs 2uOfF<.2 EA 5dza e.6Fr-a) il8 1rl() 33 9AulxTf IU z rU(r oF z.aF F(t) JJ f(L J fz J zo Fz r.ll zo() (tztro*ru oz FIxlll oF Fol!zzoo ,ifft -2E =<ii (L =oir LIJ ZBd= >F-JA li'i =d-<,-r @ a-(5;z-aollu- UJ III)zuloIfN I!dl (9ztrax!,IroFolljFulo ulYo =a J zIFzllt zo() =UJz a LdFo Z- O --JLL >,rT\)z() -r- I Fc)vZO F LrJ --, o(j: L! cg q) ,O o :ltF E. .L(f u.l IElFo ILlz = NoAI|o c ED'- Y cq, <t) CDc aaxlll .E ,, cD,t=g rH ;B oa(L E.9c!z o6 =ro(o!+ol(L oaac A)a EgI(t) ulo ulo o, 6(L Ecoo E (U (u -=tl- oo(l) oo Eo E U) .o oo o,o o-c.L co 6 u) f(L (t lc6 Efo E9^-=E =0,o'6c8Eiu) a) F\EtscfE Jodt a e tr >t] n\l EE }g s.: t'3:* t Y: NNinEtr> E 9= FP->jr F2 TJIl.q e TJn nlg T tLJI { t !) :lzt,) a() ,-ffi Pruject Name: FMTCH RESIDENCE PEC Number: PEC050014 Project Description: VARTANCE & EfiERIOR ALTEMION (ADDmON) Partacipants: OWNER SnZMARKATVAILINC-FRITCH 02/2512005 Phoner 183 GORE CREEK DR VAIL co 81657 License: APPUCANT Fritrlen Pierce Architects 0212512005 Phonei 970476-6342 1650 East Vail Valley Dr, #C-L Vail, CO 81657 License: ProjectAddress: 183 GORE CREEK DRVAIL Location: Legal Descriptlon: Lot: A Block 58 Subdivision: VAIL MLLAGE RLING 1 Parel Number: 210108210006 Comments: Ve*t/;lla1.f,tt"q I l,f A,lto*-gp Planning and Environmental Commission ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 ter : e70' 47e' 2 1 3e ..ll#"lJ"l,lJ'' "t' BOARD/STAFF ACTION MoUon By: KJESBO Actionr APPROVED Second By: I-AMB Vote: 5-0-1 Date of Approvalz 021242405 Conditions: Cond:8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s), Cond: 300 PEC approval shall not be not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: CON0006949 This approval shall be contingent upon the applicant receiving Town of Vail approval of the design review application associated with this major exterior alteration or modmcation request. Planner: Bill Gibson PEC Fee Paid: $800.00 ( @*) IOH,N OFTAIW Type of Application and Fee: fl Rezoning $1300tr Major SuMivision $1500tr Minor Subdivision $650tr Exemption Plat $650E Minor Amendment to an SDD $1000tr New Special Development District gb000E Major Amendment to an SDD $6000tr Major Amendment to an SDD $1250 (no exterior modifications) Application for Review by the Planning and Environmental Commission Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel:, 970.479 .2t39 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us General Informationl All. projects requiring Planning and Environmental Commission review must receive approval prior to submitting abuilding permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for ttre particulii approval that is requesfid. An application for Planning and Environmental Commission revielv cannot be accepted until all required infoimation is received by the Community Development Deparfnent. The project may also need to b€ reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Design Review Board. E Zoninq Code Amendment .x=vatlalce 4l' sion variance HiHfih,iVED jil'1,'lzry..i.;05 TOV-CCI[,1.D D Amendment to a $1300 $s00 $200 Description of the Request: T-/ir/aN€ Location of the Proposal:Lot: A Bbck:ffi Subdivision://.tN,* Physical Address: Parce|No.:W(ContactEagleCo.Assessorat970.328.8640forparce|no.) Zoning: Name(s) of Owner(s):fur- fi:tr-eH Mailing Address:(le{.,'1i14- Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant: Mailing Address: lAl:: Phone:47-/ r^rzl';. E-mail Address: !(J-t.':{& * I For Office Use Ogly: FeePaid: -.- Checklto.: I Bv: t/Arpcalrenffirtt Planner:Project No.: Page I of6-01/18/02 ?ecoto6l * Application for Review by the nning and Environmental Commission Departrnent of Community Development 75 South Fronbge Roail, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2L39 tax: 970.479.2452 web: www,d.vail.co.us General InformaHon:' All projeds requiring Planning and Environmental Commission revieu/ must receive approval prior to srbmittng a building permit applicaton. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application fior Planning and Environmental Commission reviev{ cannot be accepted untll all required lnfurmadon is received by the Community Development Depafinent. The project may also need to be reviewed by fie Town Coundl and/or the Design Reviev Board. Type of Appllcatson and Fee: tr Rezoning 91300tr MaJor SuMivision $1500O Minor SubdiviSon $650tr Exemption Plat $650tr MinorArnendmenttoan SDD $1000tr New Special Development Dstrlct $6000tr MaJorAmendmenttoanSDD $6000tr MajorAmendmenttoanSDD 91250 (n o exterio r n d ifi a fnns) Descrlpdon of fie. Request: T' :;fE(lCT' Locafionof thePropoeal: tot: ,,4 Blod<tffi Subdivision: Physical Mdress: Parcett{o.:@(ContactEaghCo.Assessorat970-328-8640forparcetro.) Zoning: Name(s) of Owner(s): Maillng Addressl Mailing Address: //-tfJta u--':r1{8" * RH6EIV tr tr OnditiorEl Use Permit Floodplain Modification Minor Exterior Alteration Development Plantr Amendment to a Ds/elopment Plan 'd..{ffiJmendmert 92s0 $1300 $s00 $200 r r t1650 \ l, lt',...' ''C40b" ' -'- rov*#,r,r.nev. Owner(s) Signature(s): E-mall Addressr Fg':ff*J fgt' cho,<n'& =3fl5]Fild# ?ecorOol{ J -^b l*tflfllltaaaaatfl*ltaaa****f**aat***ttfffttaaaatt'tt**********tt**a****lt**t'lltttttatttttttl TOWNOFVAIL, COIORADO Statcf,mnt******t*tf,l*i*taal*'l'lt*+l'}***lt'3'31*****'tta****l{'tt*t+*ff*t**f+'}f+f'}f it*r}*f*****f*ffa+ttalf||l* gtat,ement Nulnber: R050000179 Arnount: $500.00 O2/25/2OOSO4:14 pDt Palrnent Method: Check SITZITIARK AT \rAIL - IniL: iIS Notation: *2268e/TtlE Perttrit No: PEC05OO15 T!/I)e: PEC - Variance Parcel No: 210108210006gite Add.r€6s: 183 GnRE CREEK DR VAIIJ IJOCAtiON: THE SITA{ARK AT VAIIJ Total Pees: $500. O0 lrhis Palment: $500.00 Total AUt Pmta: 9500.00Balance: $0. OOllffltfl*taaaaaaa+*flaaaall*raar*atfa+++**'t'ia{'**a*lllrrrrrrfrllffffftl*flil.++++trfl+*aaarlrr ACCOTJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code DescrlptJ.on Current hts PV OO1OOOO31125OO PEC APPI,ICATION FEES s00.00 AMERICAN LAND TTTLE ASSOCIATION OWNER'S POLICY, FORM B 1970 AMENDED II}T'''U' il"",!?T"ffr$,T"?"Pi'flil"oil"li:'?fHi"3:"Jl3lns thrs poricv has a nnancral rntor€st as o membe' ot sbare' rTToBls"E F'',l+ " ,:"_"*-* TITIE GUARANTilNUNO, INC. lThs Lowysrs' Orl8nttotlo[ lor Insurlng Tlttc! to B'cl E tlto Denver, Colorodo OWNERS POTICY OF TITTE INSURANCE sUBII!€nToTIIEExcI,UsIoNEFRoM@VERAeE,TIIEExcEPrIoNscoIlrrlINEDxNScIIEDULg B aND TrrE pnovrsroxJoF rie cosnrso*r Atiio-'i"iiiiJTlo"s HEE^E!jF, Attornov'' Ttue Guaranty F.urd, Inc., a. C-otorJo Co"poraUon, Uerefn callJ tf," Co-p"oy, t*ures, sa of Data of Polloy sbow! tn schedule A, agatnst loss o! damagg aot e*c€edlng # ;;;;--dstrrsnco. ststed ln gcrr€dule A an'l costs, ottorneyd fees snd erqrenBes wtrteh ttre Co-p.rry?ilil* JUS"t"d to pa'y h€feur'br' sustslned * tTffi"*"T"ffi il EH?Llti**o* rn Bchedule a b€rns vostoc otb€mtse t!s^r ar rtated tbo&; ;: ;; dleil rrtttttrtr-eltffinrmhc€- on'ilich uu6:- t. i.aik of I rtght of acceos to and from t'he landt W r,UAfll. AOID "fuftJ& Fr.dd.ot lssuedBy#i 1619 policY must contain duty valldatsd bY thls ||l[:t 4 ft *$ffiffi ,ffi ,$rt$;i$Htt$[$F.ir!#i*Bx "#fl l$Lq?:'lsi#i:fi {i{:fiiFrHi;i"t5ftilHi'ffi nH:i#ffiwmrum-m*#**'a*, $i owt{ft3 1or':€oto. AMERICAN TAND TITLE ASSOCIATION OWNER'S POLICY. FORM B 1970 AMENDED 1G17.70 AMOUNT $ 1,425,000.00 6119ST{rg, TITTE GUARANTY FUND, INC. POLICY OF TITLE INSURANCE SCHEDT'I,N A NAME OF INSURED DATE OF POLICY 9 January L974 13s966 g1, llenuar. Ctr 1 n.radn . Fase t-schedute e,-Pottcy OP Ng 282 3 I 1. 2. 8. The Sitzmatk at Vai1, Inc., a Colorado corporation and Sltanark Properties, a Colorado linited partnerahip The estste or interest in tle land describeil berrin ancl whieh is covered by thts po)icy ie: J,easehoLd Estate created by lastrunent tlated 16 l{ay 1969 and reeorded 10 Septerober 1969 ln Book 2L5 at Page 966 as ameaded in Book 2L5 at Page 967, and as amended ln lbe estate or lnterest referretl to herein ts at Date of poliey vested in: Book 232 at Page 837. The Ineureds the laad referned-tele*Helt€Belrts.des€ribed arfollosg-t.- A part of Lot a Ln Block 5-B in VAIL VILLAGE, trIRST FILING i.a th6 couoty of EagleLn the 9tate of Golorado, more partlcularly deecrlbed as follower Coumenclng at the Northweet corner of sald Lot a, thence N 66ol8t00n E along theNortherly line of sald Lot a 65.45 feet to the True point of Beglnalog; theieecont{nuiog aLong the aforesaLd courae 46.00 feet; thence s 85o1tt52r'i-t26.64 t."t;theace s 01"04'05'r E 196:99, I:t!--to a polD.r of iDrersectl.on wr.rh rhe sourherly ltneof saLd Lot a; theace s 79o17100, w 9g.34 feet to a point of curve; thence oo anangle to the rlght of 95"221 48" and aloog a curve ro the rlght having a radlue of.65.00 feet and a centrel angle of l6o03ti2',, 8n arc dlstanc! of 1g.21 feet to aPolnti thence N 88o11r00'r W 55.50 feet; thence N 17o00r0orr W 98.g0 feet to the truepolnt of beglnalag, togethet wlth an acceaa easemeDt acroas the followl.ng-deserlbed real pfoperty: connenc,lng et the NW corner of sald Lot a; thence N 66019100?r E and along theNortherly l-Lne of aaid Lot a 65.45 feet to a polnt; thence S l7ogqrggtt E 98.g0 feerto the True Polnt of BeglonLng; thence coatlnulng along the aforesald course 30.27feet to the South llne of sald Lot a; thence on ro "og1. to the left of gO"OOtoOtr and along a curve to the rlght ha.ulng a radLua of 136;00 feet and a central aogleof 04o19f 26*,'sr'atr-trtstanqe of to-.i6 teet.ro a-.po+rseg-q9a€$reyi. trrencr.exoogsaid tangent N 79o17t00r' E 36.40 feet; thence on en angle tir itre iett"of g4o37ti2" an! afoog a curve to the rlght having a radlue of 65.00 feet and a central angle of16o03t12r" an arc dlatance of 18.2L feet to a poloti thence N 88ol1t90,r W 5S.50 teetto the true polDt of begtnnlng. Countrnlgnedr IUIiI POIJOY VA[,II' ONLT IF SOHNDI'I.S B IE ATTAOE@ AMJTPJCAN I,AND TII'I,E AI'SUUIA'I'IU1\ I.JvvII!'1! l) ow !n5 2100 colo. n{I-o.*I{tss' TITIE GUARANTY FUND' INC. SCHEDUI,E B This Policy does not insure against loss or damage by reason of the following: 1. Rights 9r. slaimg of parties in possession not shown by the public records' 2. Easements, or Claims of easements, not shown by the public records' 3'Disctepancies,conflictsinbounclarylinee,shortageinarea,.encroachments,aJrdanyfacts which a correct .r*;; ;d i"d;.iion ot'tne preilises would disclose and which are not shown by the Public records. 4. Any lien, or right to a lien, for Bervices, labor, or material beretofore or hereafter fumigbed'-' ffi"tJttb# anil not shown by tJ:e public records' 5. Unpatente{ rnining claims; reservations or exceptions in patents or in Acts autlorizing the ls' - uo"-rr"" thereof ; water rights, claims or title to water' 6. Any ana iiti'iinbiia*ii*ee,.aeiessmen-ts ancl unredeenied tax sales' 7. Deed of Truat recorded 27 l"Iatch 1970 ln Book 217 Page 317 frour Val'l Management corporatlo,n for the use of columbla savtngs aad Loan -Agsoeiatlon to aecule $251'OOO.OO; together wlth Asslgnoent of iente recorded in Book 217 et Pase 318; Note and Deed of Truet Modiflcation Agreement recorded 9 January L974 Lt Book 232 at Page 846. Trust fron vall Mauage rent corporation and val1 Aesoclatesr Inc. tecorded fgZO fn Book 2Lt at Page 320 ior the uee of Gore Valley Development Com- secure $314'500.00. 9. Deed of Truet from the Insureds recorded 9 January L974 for the use of Kaleer E' Motcus 1n Book 232 at Page 847 to aecure $5801000'00' Ineureds recorded 9 January L974 La Book 232 at Page 848 E. Morcue to oecure $15,000.00. forfeLture or reverter clanrae, recorded 10 August srended l-5 Novenber 1965 Ln Book 187 at Page 353' 8. Deed of 27 March paoy t.o 10. Deed of Truet frorn The for the use of Kalser lL. Restrlctive Covenants, with no L962 In Book L74 at Page 179' 14. L2. 13. Restrictlone, wlth no forfelture or reverter clauee, coataLned in Agreemmt re- corded 25 september L954 ln Book 183 -at'Peg3 451 prohlbJ.tiag-erectiotr or operatlod ' of a gasollnl eervlce statlon until atated condltLong ' Gae plpelLne and other uttlltlee eaaement es showr on recorded Platr and a9 r9l "oia!a' i,+ luty 1964 tn Book 183 at Page 157 (S88 plpellne eaaement to Gas Facl'lltfes toc.); ehe Conpany hereby lnsuree agalnsi any-loei Lccaeioned by the forced renoval- oi-.ii.rpt"a fl.".a renoval of aoy fuPro\tenent encroachiog Euch easenent' Terms, condltions and obllgatlona contalned la aubJect Leaae ' 15. Flnancing Statenents affectlng subJect Property' lf any' of Schectule B-PolicY No' OP 2823L Th! fDad t€rbt lnEDq rhov. IItglT t' tb' !@' rr t!. Dltttdt rcalal atsbcr oa &hdqle A'Member No. 556 l,!I! | I I rl:irii. .\l^. .\r(iiile, I \i';!l,rn! t:. f;i.r. :. :,,,.hir.,. i l.Jtii.i t l,..iit{i.1- liir:il,i*: t'.1,rri.ri:t,:r' FRITZLEN PIERCE ARCHITECTS vArt. coto&\Do 1l30l0s PROPERW OWNERS ADJACENT TO THE SITZMARK BUILDING The Lodge at Vail Condominium Association 174 East Gore Creek Drive Vail, CO 81657 Riva North Condominium fusociation Box 832 Vail, CO 81657 Village Center Condominium Association Attn. Tom Carpenter 120 Willow Bridge Road Vail, CO 81657 Gore Creek Plaza Condominium fusociation C/O Slifer Management 143 EastMeadow Drive Vail, CO 81657 Summen Lodge Condominium Association 123 Willow Place Vail, CO 81657 1650 f.rit Vail Vallcv Drivc, frlh'id6c C-i. Vail. Colrrradrr il.l 657 ?: !i1).476.tiJ4t l.: 97(r.4i6.490',r Ir inli-'@\ailarchikers.rr)r n w\|'1r' .\',il il,l tl:h i1r.c ts. i:r, nl MEMORANDUM /pgro"J 5-o-l (vtcl. ,,"'*\ Klcr[" LrrJ TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department February 28,2005 A request for final review of a request for a variance, pursuant to Chapter 12-17, Variances, Vail Town Code, from Section 12-78-12, Height, Vail Town Code, and a request for a major exterior alteration, pursuant to Section 12-78-7, Exterior Alterations or Modifications, Vail Town Code, to allow for a new residential addition, located at 183 Gore Creek Drive (Sitzmark Building/LolA, Block 58, Vail Village Filing '1, and setting forth details in regard thereto. (PRJ04-0291) Applicant: Bob Fritch, represented by Fritzlen Pierce ArchitectsPlanner: Bill Gibson SUMMARY The applicant, Bob Fritch, represented by Fritzlen Pierce Architects, is requesting a variance from Section 12-78-12, Height, Vail Town Code, and a major exterior alteration, pursuant to Section 12-78-7, Exterior Alterations or Modifications, Vail Town Code, to allow for changes to an approved residential addition at the Sitzmark Building. Based upon Staffs review of the criteria in Section Vlll of this memorandum and the evidence and testimony presented, the Community Development Department recommends approval, with conditions, of the variance and major exterior alteration subject to the findings and conditions noted in Section lX of this memorandum. DESCRIPTION OF REQUEST The applicant is requesting approval of an exterior alteration and variance to allow for changes to an approved dwelling unit addition at the Sitzmark Lodge, which was approved by the Planning and Environmental Commission on September 13,2004. The applicant is proposing to increase the size of the previously approved residential addition to the west side of the existing condominium, located on the top floor of the SiEmark Building, from 167 sq. ft. to 246 sq. ft. This addition would be accomplished by extending an existing down-sloping roof line. A more detailed description of the applicant's request and the proposed architectural plans have been attached for reference (see Attachments B and C). Due to its scope of work, this proposal requires Planning and Environmental Commission review and approval of a "major exterior alteration or modification" pursuant to Section 12-78-7, Vail Town Code. ( Pursuant to Section 12-78-12, Height, Vail Town Code, the maximum allowable building height in the Commercial Core 1 district is determined by the Vail Village Urban Design Guide Plan. The Vail Village Urban Design Guide Plan states that: il, ilt. " ...Building height restrictions in the Commercial Core 1 shall be as follows: 1. Up to 60% of building (building coverage area) may be built to a height of 33 feet of /ess. 2. No more than 40% of the building (building coverage area) may be higher than 33 feet, but not higherthan 43 feeL 3. Towers, spires, cupolas, chimneys, flagpoles, and similar architectural features not useable as Gross Residential Floor Area may extend above the height limit a distance of not more than twenty-five percent of the height limit nor more than fifteen feet. 4. The above heights are based on an assumed 3 feet in 12 feet or 4 feet in 12 feet roof pitches. To accommodate and encourage steeper roof pitches (up to 6 feet in 12 feet), slight, proportionate heightincreases could be granted so /ong as fhe height of the building side walls is not increased." The existing Sitzmark Building exceeds both the average and maximum building height limits with the highest point of the existing building at a height of 57.1 ft. The proposed dormer additions and chimney extensions also exceed these building height limitations. Therefore, this proposal requires Planning and Environmental Commission approval of a variance from the Town's building height limitations. BACKGROUND The Sitmark Building was originally constructed in 1969, prior to the Town of Vail's adoption of zoning regulations, and is currently zoned Commercial Core 1 and is non- conforming in regard to several provisions of the Town's current zoning regulations. On July 10, 2000, the Planning and Environmental Commission approved a similar building height variance and a major exterior alteration for an addition on the east side of the applicant's condominium at the Sitzmark Building. On September 13, 2004, the Planning and Environmental Commission approved a similar building height variance and a major exterior alteration for a 167 sq. ft. addition on the west side of the applicant's condominium at the Sitzmark Building. On September 15, 2004, the Design Review Board approved the design review application associated with this variance and a major exterior alteration request. ROLES OF REVIEWING BODIES Order of Review: Generally, variance applications and exterior alteration or modification applications will be reviewed by the Planning and Environmental Commission, and then any accompanying design review application will be reviewed by the Design Review Board. Planning and Environmental Gommission: The Planning and Environmental Commission is responsible for final approval, approval with modifications, or denial of a variance application, in accordance with Chapter 12-17, Variances, Vail Town Code; and a mpjor exterior alteration or modification application, in accordance with Section 12-78-l , Exterior Alterations or Modifications, Vail Town Code. lv. Design Review Board: The Design Review Board has no review authority over a variance application or major exterior alteration or modification application. However, the Design Review Board is responsible for the final approval, approval with modifications, or denial of any accompanying design review application. Town Council: The Town Council has the authority to hear and decide appeals from any decision, determination, or interpretation by the Planning and Environmental Commission and/or Design Review Board. The Town Council may also call up a decision of the Planning and Environmental Commission and/or Design Review Board. Staff: The Town Staff facilitates the application review process. Staff reviews the submitted application materials for completeness and general compliance with the appropriate requirements of the Town Code. Staff also provides the Planning and Environmental Commission a memorandum containing a description and background of the application; an evaluation of the application in regard to the criteria and findings outlined by the Town Code; and a recommendation of approval, approval with modifications, or denial. V. APPLICABLE PLANNING DOCUMENTS Staff believes that the following provisions of the review of this proposal: TITLE 12: ZONING REGULATIONS Vail Town Code are relevant to the Article 12-78: Commercial Core 1 (CC1) District (in part) 12-78-1: Purpose: The Commercial Core 1 District is intended to provide sifes and fo maintain the unique character of the Vail Village commercial area, with its mixture of lodges and commercial establishments in a predominantly pedestrian environment. The Commercial Core 1 District is intended to ensure adequate light, air, open space, and other amenities appropriate to the permitted types of buildings and uses. The District regulations in accordance with the Vail Village Urban Design Guide Plan and Design Considerations prescribe site development standards that are intended to ensure the maintenance and preservation of the tightly clustered arrangements of buildings fronting on pedestrianways and public greenways, and to ensure continuation of the building scale and architectural qualities that distinguish the Village. 12-78-7: Exterior Alterations and Modifications: (in part) A-6. Compliance With Comprehensive Applicable Plans: lt shall be the burden of the applicant to prove by a preponderance of the evidence before the planning and environmental commission that the proposed exterior alterationt is in compliance with the purposes of the CCl district as specr/?ed in iection 12-78-1 of this article; that the proposat is consistenf with applicable elements of the Vail village master plan, the town of Val sfreetscape master plan, and the Vail comprehensive plan; and that the proposal does not otherwise negatively alter the character of the neighborhood. Further, that the proposal substantially complies with the Vail village urban design guide plan and the Vail village design' considerations, to include, but not be limited to, the following urban design considerations: pedestrianization, vehicular penetration, sfreetscape framework, streef enclosure, street edge, building height, views, service/delivery and sun/shade analysis; and that the proposal substantially complies with all other elements of the Vail comprehensive plan. 12-78-12: Height: Height shatt be as regulated in the Vail Vittage t)rban Design Guide Plan and Design Considerations. Chapter 12-17: Variances (in part) 12-17-1: Purpose: A. Reasons for Seeking Vaiance: ln order to prevent or fo /essen such practical difficulties and unnecessary physical hardships inconsistent with the objectives of this title as would result from strict or literal interpretation and enforcement, variances from certain regulations may be granted. A practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship may result from the size, shape, or dimensions of a site or the location of existing sfrucfures thereon; from topographic or physical conditions on the site or in the immediate vicinity; or from other physical limitations, street locations or conditions in the immediate vicinity. Cosf or inconvenience to the applicant of strict or literal compliance with a regulation shall not be a reason for granting a variance. VAIL VILLAGE URBAN DESIGN GUIDE PLAN (in part) Urban Design Considerations (in part) F. Building Height Basically, the Village Core ls perceived as a mix of two and three story facades, although there are also four and five story buildings. Ihe mix of building heights gives variety to the street- which is desirable. The height criteria are intended to encourage height and massing variety and to discourage uniform building heights along the street. The definition of height shall be as lf is in the Vail Municipal Code. Building height restrictions in the Commercial Core 1 shall be as follows: 1. Up to 60% of building (building coverage area) may be built to a height of 33 feef of /ess. 2. No more than 40% of the building (building coverage area) may be higher than 33 feet, but not higherthan 43 feet. 3. Towers, spires, cupolas, chimneys, flagpoles, and similar architectural features not useable as Gross Residential Floor Area may extend above the height limit a distance of not more than lwenty-five percent of the height limit nor more than fifteen feet. 4. The above heights are based on an assumed 3 feet in 12 feet or 4 feet in 12 feet roof pitches. Io accommodate and encourage steeper roof pitches (up to 6 feet in 12 feet), slight, proportionate height increases could be granted so long as the height of the building side walls is not increased." VAIL VILLAGE MASTER PLAN (in oart) V. Goals, Objectives, Policies and Action Steps Goal #1: Encourage high quality redevelopment while preseruing the unique architectural scale of the Village in order to sustarn lfs sense of community and idenAty. Objective 1.2: Encourage the upgrading and redevelopment of residential and commercial facilities. Policy 1.2.1iAdditional development may be allowed as identified by the Action Plan and as is consrsfenf with the Vail Village Master Plan and Urban Design Guide Plan. VI. SITE ANALYSISAddress: 183 Gore Creek Drive (Sitzmark Building) Legal Description: Part of Lot A, Block 58, Vail Village 1"' FilingZoning: Commercial Core 1 (CC1) Land Use Plan Designation: Village Master Plan Current Land Use: Mixed Use Standard Allowed/Reouired Existinq Proposed Lot Area: 5,000 sq. ft. estimated no change 17,680 sq. ft. Setbacks:Front Per Vail Village 1 ft. no changeSides Urban Design Guide 0 ft./ 3 ft. no changeRear; Plan and Design 0 ft. no change Considerations Height Per Vail Village 56' 54' sloping downward Urban Design Guide Plan and Design Considerations (max.43') Density (max): 9 units 1 unit no change GRFA (max): 13,888 sq.ft.(approx) 2,758 sq. ft. 3,005 sq. ft. VI]. SURROUNDING LAND USES AND ZONING Land Use ZoninqNorth: Gore Creek Outdoor RecreationSouth: Mixed Use Commercial Core IEast; Mixed Use Commercial Core IWest: Residential High Density Multiple-Family Residential VIII. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS The review criteria for a request of this nature are established by Chapter 12-16, Vail Town Code. A. Consideration of Factors Reqardinq Variances: 1. The relationship of the requested variance to other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity. This proposed addition is associated with a remodel of an existing residence at the Sitzmark Building which was originally constructed in 1969. The existing building is non-conforming in regard to the building height provisions of the Town's zoning regulations. The Planning and Environmental Commission has consistently held that construction of a structure prior to annexation or the adoption of the current zoning regulations may be a basis for granting a variance from the Town's current zoning regulations. The existing Sitzmark Lodge building, although non-conforming with regard to building height, is surrounded by buildings that are as large or larger in scale. Additionally, the use of the subject property (multi-family residential) is consistent with the uses outlined for Vail Village and the Commercial Core I district. On September 13, 2004, the Planning and Environmental Commission found that the previously proposed 167 sq. ft. addition complied with this criterion; and Staff believes the proposed 246 sq. ft. addition also complies with this criterion. 2. The degree to which relief from the strict and literal interpretation and enforcement of a specified regulation is necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity of treatment among sites in the vicinity or to attain the objectives of this title without a grant of special privilege. The applicant is proposing to construct a 246 sq. ft. addition to this unit by extending an existing shed-type roof approximalely 20 feet to the west from an approximate elevation of 54 feet sloping down. Staff believes that most any expansion to this dwelling unit would require the approval of a building height variance; therefore, Staff believes this proposal will provide the minimum relief from the strict and literal interpretation and enforcement of the building height regulations necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity among sites in the vicinity and within the Commercial Core 1 district. The Planning and Environme4tal Commission has consistently held that construction of a structure prior to the adoption of the curent zoning regulations may be a basis for granting a variance from the Town's current zoning regulations. Therefore, Staff does not believe this proposal will constitute a grant of special privilege. On September 13, 2004, the Planning and Environmental Commission found that the previously proposed 167 sq. ft. addition complied with this criterion; and Staff believes the proposed 246 sq. ft. addition also complies with this criterion. 3. The effect of the requested variance on light and air, distribution of population, transportation and traffic facilities, public facilities and utilities, and public safety. Staff does not believe this proposal will have a significant impact on the public health, safety or welfare, public facilities, utilities, or light and air in comparison to existing conditions of the site. On September 13, 2004, the Planning and Environmental Commission found that the previously proposed 167 sq. ft. addition complied with this criterion; and Staff believes the proposed 246 sq. ft. addition also complies with this criterion. 4. Such other factors and criteria as the commission deems applicable to the proposed variance, On July 10, 2000, the Planning and Environmental Commission approved a similar building height variance and a major exterior alteration for a dormer addition on the east side of the applicant's condominium at the Sitzmark Building. On September 13, 2004, the Planning and Environmental Commission found that the previously proposed 167 sq. ft. addition complied with this criterion; and Staff believes the proposed 246 sq. ft. addition also complies with this criterion. The design review application associated with this proposal is tentatively scheduled for review by the Town of Vail Design Review Board at its March 2, 2005, public hearing. B. The Plannino and Environmental Commission shall make the followinq findinos before qrantinq a variance: 1. That the granting of the variance will not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified in the same district. 2. That the granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. That the variance is warranted for one or more of the followino reasons: a. The strict literal interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of this title. b. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the same site of the variance that do not apply generally to other properties in the same zone.c. The strict interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the same district. Consideration of Factors Reqardinq Maior Ederior Alteration or Modification: The review criteria for a request of this nature (additions of >100 square feet of floor area) are established by the Vail Town Code. The emphasis of this review is on the proposal's compatibility with the zoning code, the Town of Vail Streetscape Master Plan, the Vail Village Urban Design Guide Plan, the Vail Village Design Consideralions and the Vail Comprehensive Plan. 1. Compliance with the Town of Vail Zoning Code. Staff believes this proposal is consistent with the purpose of the Commercial Core 1 district as outlined in Section 12.,78'-1 . Vail Town Code, as follows: "To provide slfes and maintain the unique character of the Vail Village commercial area, with ifs mixture of lodges and commercial establishments rn a predominantly pedestrian environment. The Commercial Core 1 Zone District is intended to ensure adequate light, air, open space, and other amenities appropriate to the permitted types of buildings and uses. The district regulations in accordance with the Vail Village Urban Design Guide Plan and Design Considerations prescribe site development standards that are intended to ensure the maintenance and preservation of the tightly clustered arrangements of buildings fronting on pedestrian ways and public greenways, and to ensure continuation of the building scale and architectural qualities that distinguish the Village." On September 13, 2004, the Planning and Environmental Commission found that the previously proposed 167 sq. ft. addition complied with this criterion; and Staff believes the proposed 246 sq. ft. addition also complies with this criterion. 2. Compliance with the Vail Village Urban Design Guide Plan. Staff believes this proposal is consistent with the "Gore Greek Drive/Bridge Street Sub-Area" objectives outlined in the Vail Village Urban Design Guide Plan. On September 13, 2004, the Planning and Environmental Commission found that the previously proposed '167 sq. ft. addition complied with this criterion; and Staff believes the proposed 246 sq. ft. addition also complies with this criterion. 3.Gompliance with the Urban Design Considerations for Vail Village and the Exterior Alteration Criteria. 1. Urban design considerations. a. Pedestrianization b. Traffic penetration c. Streetscaoe framework d. Street enclosure e. Street edge f. Building heighl g. Views Building height regulations in the CCI zone district are addressed specifically in the Vail Village Design Considerations. The plan requires that 60% of the building may be built to a height of 33 feet or less while 40o/o of the building may be built to a height of up to 43 feet. Currently, the Sitzmark Lodge exceeds allowable height per both ratios and this proposal will continue that nonconformity. However, do to the nonconforming nature of the existing building and the scale and character of the neighboring buildings; staff believes this proposal conforms to these considerations. Additionally, a sun/shade analysis shows the proposed addition will not cast shadows any further off the site than the existing Sitmark building. Therefore, Staff does not believe this proposal will have a significant impact any of the other above-listed objectives. 2. Architectural/Landscape considerations. a. Roofs b. Facades c. Balconies d. Decks and Patios e. Accent elementsf. Landscape elements g. Service The Vail Village Urban Design Considerations state that "for any single building a varied but simple composition of roof planes is preferred to either a single or a complex arrangement of many roofs." Staff believes this proposal complies with this element of the design guide plan. Staff does not believe this proposal will impact any of the other objectives outlined in the Vail Village Urban Design Considerations. On Seplember 13, 2004, the Planning and Environmental Commission found that the previously proposed 167 sq. ft. addition complied with this criterion; and Staff believes the proposed 246 sq. ft. addition also complies with this criterion. Compliance with the Town of Vail Streetscape Master Plan. Upon review of the Town of Vail Streetscape Master Plan, staff has determined that no recommended improvements or opportunities are directly related to the applicant's proposal. 4. On September 13, 2004, the Planning and Environmental Commission found that the previously proposed 167 sq. ft. addition complied with this criterion; and Staff believes the proposed 246 sq. ft. addition also complies with this criterion. Compliance with the Vail Comprehensive Plan. VAIL VILLAGE MASTER PLAN The Vail Village Master Plan has been adopted as an element of the Vail Comprehensive Plan. The Vail Village Master Plan is intended to guide the Town in developing land use laws and policies for coordinating development by the public and private sectors in Vail Village and in implementing community goals for public improvements. Most importantly, the Vail Village Master Plan shall serve as a guide to the staff, review boards, and Town Council in analyzing future proposals for development in Vail Village and in legislating effective ordinances to deal with such development. For the citizens and guests of Vail, the Master Plan provides a clearly stated set of goals and objectives outlining how the Village will grow in the future. Upon review of the Vail Village Master Plan, the staff believes the following goals, objectives and policies are relevant to the applicant's request: Goal #1: Encourage high quality redevelopment while preseruing the unique architectural scale of the Village in order to sustarn lfs sense of com m u n ity and ide ntity. Objective 1.2: Encourage the upgrading and redevelopment of residential and commercial facilities. Policy 1.2.1: Additional development may be allowed as identified by the Action Plan and as is consisfent with the Vail Village Master PIan and Urban Design Guide Plan. Staff believes this proposal is consistent with the above listed goal, objective, and policy. On September 13, 2004, the Planning and Environmental Gommission found thatthe previously proposed 167 sq. ft. addition complied with this criterion; and Staff believes the proposed 246 sq. ft. addition also complies with this criterion. B. The Planninq and Environmental Commission shall make the followinq findinos before qrantinq approval of an exterior alteration or modification: 1. That the proposed exterior alteration is in coJnpliance with the purposes of the CC1 district as specified in section 12-78-1 of this article; that the proposal is consistent with applicable elements of the Vail Village Master Plan, the Town of Vail Streetscape Master Plan, and the Vail Comprehensive Plan, and that the proposal does not othenvise negatively alter the character of the neighborhood. 5. l0 lx. Further, that the proposal substantially complies with the Vail Village Urban Design Guide Plan and the Vail Village Design Considerations, to include, but not be limited to, the following urban design considerations: pedestrianization, vehicular penetration, streetscape framework, street enclosure, street edge, building height, views, service/delivery and sun/shade analysis; and that the proposal substantially complies with all other elements of the Vail Comprehensive Plan. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Community Development Department recommends approval, with conditions, of a variance, pursuant to Chapter 12-17,Variances, Vail Town Code, from Section 12-78- 12, Height, Vail Town Code, to allow for a new residential addition, located at 183 Gore Creek Drive (Sitzmark Building)/LotA, Block 58, Vail Village Filing 1, and setting forth details in regard thereto. This recommendation is based upon the review of the criteria in Section Vlll of this memorandum and the evidence and testimony presented. Should the Planning and Environmental Commission choose to approve this variance request, the Community Development Department recommends the Commission pass the following motion: "The Planning and Environmental Commission approves, with a condition, the applicant's reguesf for a variance, pursuant to Chapter 12- 17, Variances, Vail Town Code, from Section 12-78-12, Height, Vail Town Code, to allow for a new residential addition, located at 183 Gore Creek Drive (Sitzmark Building)/Lot A, Block 58, Vail Village Filing 1, and setting forth details in regard thereto, subject to the following condition: 1. This approval shall be contingent upon the applicant receiving Town of Vail approval of the design revlew application assoc,afed with this variance requesL" Should the Planning and Environmental Commission choose to approve this variance request, the Community Development Department recommends the Commission makes the following findings: "The Planning and Environmental Commission finds:. 1. The granting of this variance will not constitute a granting of special privilege tnconsisfent with the limitations on other propedles c/assrTled in the same districL 2. The granting of this variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. This variance is warranted for the following reasons.' a. The strict literal interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulationt would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship' rnconsistent with the objectives of Title 12, Zoning Regulations, Vail Town Code. ll b. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the same site of the variance that do not apply generally to other properties in the same district. c. The strict interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other propefties in the same district." The Community Development Department recommends approval, with conditions, of ' a major exterior alteration or modification, pursuant to Section 12-78-7, Exterior Alterations or Modifications, Vail Town Code, to allow for a new residential addition. located at 183 Gore Creek Drive (Si2mark Building)/LotA, Block 58, VailVillage Filing 1, and setting forth details in regard thereto. This recommendation is based upon the review of lhe criteria in Section Vlll of this memorandum and the evidence dnd testimonv oresented. Should the Planning and Environmental Commission choose to approve this major exterior alteration or modification request, the Community Development Department recommends the Commission pass the following motion: "The Planning and Environmental Commission approves, with a condition, the applicant's reqttest for a major exterior alteration or modification, pursuant to Section 12-78-7, Exterior Alterations or Modifications, Vail Town Code, to allow for a new residential addition, located at 183 Gore Creek Drive (Sitzmaft Building)/Lot A, Block 58, VailVillage Filing 1, and sefting forth details in regard thereto, subject to the following candition: 1. This approval shall be contingent upon the applicant receiving Town of Vail approval of the design review application associated with this major exterior alteration or modification request. " Should the Planning and Environmental Commission choose to approve this major exterior alteration or modification request, the Community Development Department recommends the Commission makes the following findings: "The Planning and Environmental Commission finds that the proposed exterior alteration is in compliance with fhe purposes of the CC1 district as specified in section 12-78-1 of this article; that the proposal rs consisfent with applicable elements of the Vail Village Master Plan, the Town of VarT Sfreetscape Master Plan, and the Vail Comprehensive PIan; and that the proposal does not otherwise negatively alter the character of the neighborhood. Further, that the proposal substantially complies with the Vail Village Urban Design Guide Plan and the Vail Village Design Considerations, to include, but not be limited to, the following urban design considerations: pedestrianization, vehicular penetration, sfreetscape framework, street enclosure, street edge, building height, views, service/delivery and sun/shade analysis; and that the proposal substantially complies with all other elements of the Vail Comprehensive Plan." I2 X. ATTACHMENTS A. Vicinity Map B. Applicant's Request C. Architectural Plans D. Public Hearing Notice .tJ Attachment: A €Ee!9E iB 5 5€ F Eij ggt 5EP i: .5 {-E i3 6S e.e .e E oo tl $ { .r,l lt.: i.. ii . .i ', .,i'. i ,i,. , i ; r:i I ', I l'; , : i'i !,i,. .. l.1i;|i I i, ir,i';... ilr .:r" . i i. '. '.. Attachment: FRITZLEN PIERCE ARCHITE( VAIL. COLORADO 1/30/0s VARIANCE FOR RESIDENTIAL ADDITION, SITZMARK LODGE DESCRIPTION The Property Owner desires to add space to the existing Dwelling Unit on the Site. The existint structure exceeds the Height Regulations (Section 12-78-'12 of the Zoning Regulations). The site currently has Rehil and Restaurant uses, Accommodation UniE and related acdessory uses, as well as a single Dwelling Unit. The structure was built a considerable number of years before the current Zoning Restrictions were developed. There is a considerable amount of GRFA that can be added to the structure. The Dwelling Unit is on the top floor of the structure. The only location for the addition of residential space to the existing Dwelling Unit is on the top floor. The proposed addition is created \ the expansion of the descending roof eave on the west side of the strucurre making the addition visually compatible and minimizing the volume needed for the new space. RELATIONSHIP TO OTHER STRUCTURES IN THE VICINITY Adjacent structures exceed current height limib therefore drere the addition would not constitute the granting of special privilege. Due to dre minimal volume being created, the addition will have little impact on adjacertt structures. The height of the proposed addition is considerably lower than the current ridgeline of the structure A similar variance was granted in September of 2QO4 for an addition on the east side of the structure. Adjacent structures were granted Variances, similar to this reguest, over the years. Due to the limited size of the addition and its location on the site, the effect on light and air, distribution of population, tansportation, traffic facilities, utilities, and public safety will be non- existent COMPLIANCE WITH PLANNINC AND DEVELOPMENT OBJECTIVES It is clear frat it is desirable to maintain mixed uses in the CCI zone district The proposed addition will extend the livability of the existing Dwelling Unit. The existing site does not approach its capacity in terms of Dwelling Unit GRFA. lf the Property Owner were to locate the proposed uses elsewhere on the site it is most likely it would require *re loss of Accommodation Unit uses on the site. 'r trt{r tasl Ynil !'rllo} Drivc. fiilhd$c {:-1 . \rit, (i,l.,r lo t,lr,57 f,t Ji tl.4:;6.1.r -tl:I {}:rr 4:(r 4ctr-,'l t: inti,ri-\;ilirrtlritsc!1.(.!'rn vit{:,\.!.lil}i:hili:( t!..: J.,r'l -{ v,( \- N F- 0 !J'/r<oo o,odA ---:-_'--ta.r .l tul ,l Ell;J. .i ol :-1C)=91ttt < >l .L [_-(l .$q-s$ \J =sSr !r €s $F $[$ $ i$FtI$ $,$H $*S s$i Gp iH E$t6 $e l1is $ $ $t Hlr t- @ut = vl$ $1$\\t<J 'Nll,rl'-l I.\l \qtQ f F,- A & $ i5[ *i$i Fu$ $$.ffi $ {t r$l -l-lFIDIolvrl {q. $ f.' f) ?, !,t$ Attachment; D THIS ITEM MAY AFFECT YOUR PROPERW PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with section 12-3-6, Vail Town Code, on February 28,2005, at 2:00 pm in the Town of Vail Municipal Building, in consideration of: A request for a final review of a variance from Section 12-6D-8, Density; Chapter 1 2-1 0, Otf-Street Parking and Loading; and Title 14, Development Standards Handbook, Vail Town Code, pursuant lo Chapter 12-17,Variances, to allow for a residential addition, located at2854 Snowberry Drive/Lot 19, Block 9, Vaillntermountain Subdivision, and setting forth details in regard thereto. Applicant: Mike and Marla Haley, represented by RAL Architects, Inc. Planner; Elisabeth Eckel Report to the Planning and Environmental Commission of an administrative action approving a request for a minor amendment to SDD # 6, Vail Village Inn, pursuant to Section 12-94-10, Amendment Procedures, Vail Town Code, to allow for modifications to the approved building plans for the Vail Plaza Hotel, 100 East Meadow Drive/Lols M, N and O, Block 5D; Vail Village Filing 1, and setting forth details in regard thereto. Applicant: Waldir Prado, represented by Daymer Corporation Planner: George Ruther A request for final review of a variance, pursuant to Chapter 12-17,Yariances, Vail Town Code, to allow for a variance from Section 12-7B'-12, Height, Vail Town Code, and a request for a major exterior alteration, pursuant to Section 12-78-7, Exterior Alterations or Modifications, Vail Town Code, to allow for a new residential addition, located at 183 Gore Creek Drive (Sitzmark Building)/Lot A, Block 58, Vail Village Filing 1, and setting forth details in regard thereto. Applicant: Bob Fritch, represented by Fritzlen Pierce Architects Planner: Bill Gibson A request for final review of a final plat for a major subdivision, pursuant to Chapter 13-3, tvtaloi SuOAivisions, Vail Town Code, to allow for a resubdivision of the Lionshead Core Sit6, located at 616 Lionshead Place/(a complete legal description is available for inspection at the Town of Vail Community Development Department upon request), and setting for details in regard thereto. Applicant Vail Resorts, represented by Braun Associates' Inc. Planner: George Ruther A request for a recommendation to the Vail Town Council for a major amendment to a special development district (SDD), pursuant to Section 12-9A-10, Amendment irocedures, Vail Town Code, to allow for an amendment to Special Development District No. 4, Cascade Village, for an approved development plan of a new condominium building, located at tozs westhaven Drive (westhaven condominiums, aka, "The Ruins',|/Area A, Cascade Village, and setting forth details in regard thereto. Applicant: Mirus LLC and Wright & Company, represented by Pylman & Associates Planner: Matt Gennett The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during office hours at tbe Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontige Road. The public is invited to attend project orientation and the site visits that precede the public hearing in the Town of Vail Community Development Department. Please call 97 0-47 9-21 38 for additional information. Sign language interpretation is available upon request, with 24-hour notification. Please call 970-47$2356, Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information' Published February 11, 2005, in the Vail Daily. t", '. '' VareVU4tit,r4 hfAtblbso'/ l vrrrr i:riLzlrrr, Al,{.,\hlri1(\ t \\jilli,l|ll F. Picr<:L:, Arr hit|rt K;lfry f{. rlin1i t, 13usincss i.4arr.:qlr MEMO Date: May 27,2005 To: Chris Cunion € - ot97 FRITZLEN PIERCE ARCHITECTS VAIL, CO[ORADO fttt copr From: Patrick M. Fortner Subject: Sitzmark - Egress Stair - 183 6tr. &r* Dr)uc, CC: Bill Cibson, Bob Fritch, Tony Faulhaber Chris, The egress stair will use a serrated open grate tread to prevent accumulation of snow on the stairs. The accumulation of snow and ice at the botom of the egress stair will be mitigated with the incorporation of a heat mat in the concrete slab. The owner will be responsible for the removal of any snow that does accumulate from the egress path. You noted in our meetint on May 26,2005 that this was acceptable and meets the requirements set forth by section 1009.5.2 of the 2003lBC. Thanks for your time in this matter. Patrick M. Fortner 1('5() t.1s{ \,ril Vrllev Dri!r-' I allrklrx, C- 1 , \'ail, Col,rr.rd() li1 (l5l P: (t7{ )..}7{, {r i.1J l: 'l;lJ.l7{, tlli}1 { : iolr(ilr,}il.}r(1}1t1'r{s.{ror11 utyw.t aiLtrr.hilri ls.r'itr rt f.:',11,{'1ii Sitzir, rrl,flr n"ilrr }, rrl,rr rr r"l { )V,{Ji :: ljj - \41.||t,) - l( i\ri'lfl ...:l lii.(i,ri \/t*Vttoq*€lru4 t l,tA r blt-tB ,-tr Design Review Bgard 5;fzrrra,L,aACTION FORM Departrnent of Community DeveloptrEnt 75 South Frontage Road. Vail, Crlorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us ProiectName: FRITCHRESIDENCE DRBNumber: DR8050197 Proiect Description: CHANGE TO APPROVED PLANS (egress stairs) Participants: owNER STTZMARK ATVATL rNC-FRITCH O5lt3l2OO5 183 GORE CREEK DR VAIL co 81657 APPUCANT FriElen Pierce Architecb 05/13/2005 Phone: 970-476-6342 1650 East Vail Valley Dr, #C-^ Vail, CO 81657 License: C000001402 Project Address: 183 GORE CREEK DR VAIL Location: SITZMARK AT VAIL, 183 GORE CREEK DRIVE Legal Description: Lot: A Block 58 SuMivision: VAIL VILI-AGE FI1JNG 1 Parcel Number: 2101-082-1000-6 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: STAFFAPR Second By!Vote! Date of ApprovaE 05125120/J,5 Conditions: Cond: I (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Planner: Bill Gibson DRB Fee Paid: i2O.OO ';e HtU l[d-o Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.21 39 fax: 970.479.245,2 web: www.vailgov.com General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Pl€ase refer to the submittal requiremenls for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Rwiew cannot be accepted until all required information is receiwd by the Community Development Department. The project may also ne€d to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Deslgn roview approval lapses unless a buildlng permlt ls issued and constructlon commences wlthln ono year of the approval. Description of the Request: EX-r-Fra l-(' <T1rt rr/Av Locatfon of the Proposal: Lot: A Atroc*:€b Subdivision:l/6rr.- U'uuA.,E !r? tr|Lr4/A Physical Address: parce! No.: ZtologztUt6 (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328€640 for parcel no.) Zoning: Name(s) of Owner(s): R "$s-rcr- FA,r'r<zt maitingAddress: 193 AoFs- Cr*r,.. Dlr. U+,. .A 9657 Name of Applicant: MaifingAddress: 165O *. t)t* U,r".-ay Drr. Var-, L 61651 Phone: '/76 - 63'tL E.mail Address: P Fo(-r&s(A UAILi'rrarrE (f9..oA Fax:'l 7A - t/?dl rl \.,I -t-raovl "'o b.ovType of Review and Fee:. Signs. Conceptual Review . New Construction. Addition . Minor Alteration (multi-family/commercial) . Minor Alteration (single-family/duplex) . Changes to Approved Plans . Separation Request $50 No Fee $650 $300 $250 $20 $20 ') -*:::::-_'' No Fee Plus $1 .00 per square foot of total sign area. For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or comm€rcial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). For minor changes to buildings and site improvemenb, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fence and retaining walls, etc. For minor changes to buildings and site improvemenls, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. ffi*Zo - sr,_)-ol DRB No.:'ci*zlc^ Vicrc; PROPOSED MATERIAIS Buildinq Materials Tyoe of Material Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia SofRts Windows WindowTrim Color €rl,..<a-o TO ,21ATc-r.r E*[XT <o!-rD ccrRE- uJocrt) t)ooft. A\14f{ FXrS't- T-Ar A cclL4IA Doors Door Trim Hand or beck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Endosures Greenhouses Rebaining Walls Exterior Lighting Other Notes: Please specify the manufacturer's namg the color name and number and attach a color chip. Page 6 of L402107102 taatltaffflllllrf*lllllllt*alllltttlfaltfaaaaaartra***'ltra*rftriaaaaaaa***a*+*a*+ltttlltttltt TOWNOFVAtr COIORADO Satqncnt traaltlfa'.alaaaa*+lltttll**l+ltttf*lllfaaa*f**'}**lrlt'i'tt***a{'alr*ltt*t*lrt****lttl*lttflftlf*ill Statenent linutber3 R05000058{ Amount: $20.00 O'/L3/2OO502:41 PM PalmFnt lllethod: Check Init.: dISNotation: 1302?/FRIIZITEN PIBRCE Permlt No! DR8050197 Tlpe: DRB-Chg to Appr Plana Parcel No: 2101-082-1000-5 SiIe Addregg: 183 G'oRE CREEK DR VAIIJLocatioo: SITZMARr AT \ZAIL, 183 GIORA CRBBK DRMTotal Feea: $20.00This PaymeDt: $20.00 TotsaI ALL lt||Eas $20.00BaLanc€: $0.00*aa***aaaallaflfl'}t'}l+ll++l+ilalll'l*llt}laaaa*aatlaf*'iltaaaa*****tl'tl'}ttftttffl*r******f+f*tl ACCOIJNT ITEM UST: Account, Code Descrlption Currents Pmta DR OO1.OOOO31122OO DESIGN RTIIIEW FEES 20.00 tlJ Ul4,lL vr,e, UJL uz F2X LtJ ! tu x(J J Y4 EN =V) |lJ ]- HL UT4 llJ 8Ival ENFtt W tu rent of @fi, n un ity hvelafinen t Building h@y and Inffiiat *ruies 75 fuuth Fronbge Rnd Vail, Colondo 81657 9m4D-2138 FA,Y970482452 www.nilgw.un BUILDING SAFETY AND INSPECTION SERVICES PLAN REVIEW COMMENTS: To: Flom: BillGibson Chris Gunion RE: Sitrmark second egress stairway comments Bill, I have included copies from the 2003 IBC regarding exterior egress balconies and stairways. The plans for submitted for building permit will need to show the design complies with IBC 1013.5 and 1009.5.2. This is typically done by providing a roof cover of some type, a snowmelt system, or other means of protection from snow and ice. F:\cdar\CHRIS\PERlrlIT.COMMENTsLdEmarteoress. DOC MEANS OF EGRESS 2. Solid risers are not required for occupancies in Group I-3. lfi)9.4 Stairway landings. There shall be a floor or landing at the top and bottom ofeach stairway. The width oflardings shall not be less than the width of stairways they serve. Every landing shall have a minimum dimension measured in the direction of travel equal to the width of the stairway. Such dimension need not exceed 48 inches (1219 mm) where the stairway has a straight run. Exceptions: l Aisle stairs complying with Section 1024. 2. Doors opening onto a landing shall not reduce the landing to less than one-half the required width. When fully open, the door shall not project more than 7 inches (178 mm) into a landing. 1fi)9,5 Stairway construction. All stairways shall be built of materials consistent with the types permitted for the type of construction of the building, except that wood handrails shall be permitted for all types of construction. 1009.5.1 Stairway walking surface. The walking surface of treads and landings of a stairway shall not be sloped steeper than one unit vertical in 48 units horizontal (2-per- cent slope) in any direction. Stairway treads and landings shall have a solid surface. Finish floor surfaces shall be se- curely attached. Exception: In Group F, H and S occupancies, other than areas of parking structures accessible to the public, open- ings in treads and landings shall not be prohibited pro- vided a sphere with a diameter of 1rlr inches (29 mm) cannor pass through the opening. 1009.5.2 Outdoor conditions, Outdoor stairways and out- door approaches to stairways shall be designed so that water will not accumulate on walking surfaces. In other than occu- pancies in Group R-3, and occupancies in Group U that are accessory to an occupancy in Group R-3, treads, platforms and landings that are part of exterior stairways in climates subject to snow or ice shall be protected to prevent the accu- mulation of same. 1fi)9.6 Vertical rise. A flight of stairs shall not have a vertical rise greater than 12 feet (3658 mm) between floor levels or landings. Exception: Aisle stairs complying with Section 1024. 1009.7 Circular stairways. Circular stairways shall have a minimum tread depth and a maximum riser height in accor- dance with Section 1009.3 and the smaller radius shall not be less than twice the width of the stairway. The minimum tread depth measured 12 inches (305 mm) from the narrower end of the tread shall not be less than I I inches (279 mm). The mini- mum tread depth at the narrow end shall not be less than l0 inches (254 mm). Exception: For occupturcies in Group R-3, and within indi- vidual dwelling units in occupancies in Group R-2, both as applicable in Section 101.2. 1009.8 Winders. Winders are not permitted in means of egress stairways except within a dwelling unit. 2OO3 INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE@ 1009.9 Spiral stairways. Spiral stairways are permitted to be used as a component in the nieans ofegress only within dwell- ing units or from a space not more than 250 square feet (23 m'?) inirea and serving not more than five occupants, or from gal- leries, catwalks and gridirons in accordance with Section 1014.6. A spiral stairway shall have a 7.5-inch ( 191 mm) minimum clear tread depth at a point 12 inches (305 mm) from the narrow edge. The risers shall be suffrcient to provide a headroom of78 inches ( 198 I mm) minimum, but riser height shall not be more than 9.5 inches (241 mm). The minimum stairway width shall be 26 inches (660 mm). 1009.10 Alternating tread devices. Altemating tread devices are limited to an element of a means of egress in buildings of Groups F, H and S from a mezzanine not more than 250 square feet (23 m':) in area and which serves not more than five occu- pants; in buildings of Group I-3 from a guard tower, observ-a- iion station or control room not more than 250 square feet (23 m2) in area and for access to unoccupied roofs. 1009.10.1 Handrails of alternating tread devices. Hand- rails shall be provided on both sides of alternating tread de- vices and shall conform to Section 1009.1 l. 1009.10.2 Tteads of alternating tread devices. Alter- nating tread devices shall have a minimum projected tread of 5 inches ( 127 mm), a minimum tread depth of 8.5 inches (216 mm), a minimum tread width of 7 inches ( 178 mm) and a maximum riser height of 9.5 inches (241 mm). The initial tread of the device shall begin at the same elevation as the platform, landing or floor surface. Exception: Alternating tread devices used as an element of a means of egress in buildings from a mezzanine area not more than 250 square feet (23 m'?) in area which serves not more than five occupants shall have a mini- mum projected tread of 8.5 inches (216 mm) with a mini- mum tread depth of 10.5 inches (26? mm). The rise to the next alternating tread surface should not be more than 8 inches (203 mm). 1009.11 Handrails. Stairways shall have handrails on each side. Handrails shall be adequate in strength and attachment in accordance with Section 1607.7. Handrails for ramps' where required by Section 1010.8, shall comply with this section. Exceptions: 1. Aisle stairs complying with Section 1024 provided with a center handrail need not have additional hand- rails. 2. Stairways within dwelling units, spiral stairways and aisle stairs serving seating only on one side are per- mitted to have a handrail on one side only. 3. Decks, patios and walkways that have a single change in elevation where the landing depth on each side of the change ofelevation is greater than what is required for a landing do not require handrails. 4. In Group R-3 occupancies, a change in elevation con- sisting of a single riser at an entrance or egress door does not reouire handrails. MEANS OF EGRESS Section 1024. Aisles serving reviewing stands, grandstands and bleachers shall also comply with Section 1024. The required width of aisles shall be unobstructed. Exception: Doors, when fully opened, and handrails shall not reduce the required width by more than 7 inches (178 mm). Doors in any position shali not reduce the required width by more than one-half. Other nonstructural projec- tions such as trim and similar decorative features are permit- ted to project into the required width 1.5 inches (38 mm) from each side. 1013.4.1 Groups B and M. [n Group B and M occupancies, the minimum clear aisle width shall be determined by Sec- tion 1005.1 for the occupant load served, but shall not be less than 36 inches (914 mm). Exception: Nonpublic aisles serving less than 50 peo- ple, and not required to be accessible by Chapter I I need not exceed 28 inches (711 mm) in width. 1013.4.2 Seating at tables. Where seating is located at a ta- ble or counter and is adjacent to an aisle or aisle accessway, the measurement ofrequired clear width ofthe aisle or aisle accessway shall be made to a line 19 inches (483 mm) away from and parallel to the edge of the table or counter. The 19-inch (483 mm) distance shall be measured perpendicular to the side of the table or counter. In the case of other side boundaries for aisle or aisle accessways, the clear width shall be measured to walls, edges ofseating and tread edges, except that handrail projections are permitted. Exception: Where tables or counters are seryed by fixed seats, the width of the aisle accessway shall be measured from the back of the seat. 1013.4.2.1 Aisle accessway for tables and seating. Aisle accessways serving arrangements of seating at ta- bles or counters shall have suffrcient clear width to con- form to the capacity requirements of Section 1fi)5.1 but shall not have less than the appropriate minimum cleer width specified in Section 1013.4.1. 1013.4.2.2 Table and seating accessway width. Aisle accessways shall provide a minimum of l2 inches (305 mm) of width plus 0.5 inch ( 12.7 mm) of width for each additional I foot (305 mm), or fraction thereof, beyond l2 feet (3658 mm) of aisle accessway length measured from the center of the seat farthest from an aisle. Exception: Portions of an aisle accessway having a _ length not exceeding 6 feet (1829 mm) and used by a total of not more than four persons. 1013.4.2.3 Table and seating aisle accessway length. The length of travel along the aisle accessway shall not exceed 30 feet (9144 mm) from any seat ro the point where a person has a choice of two or more paths of egress travel to separate exits. 1013,5 Egress balconies. Balconies used for egress purposes shall conform to the same requirements as corridors for width, headroom, dead ends and projections. Exterior balconies shall be designed to minimize accumulation of snow or ice that im- pedes the means of egress. Exception: Exterior balconies and concourses in outdoor stadiums shall be exempt from the design requirement to protect against the accumulation of snow or ice. 1013.5.1 Wall separation. Exterior egress balconies shall be separated from the interior of the building by walls and opening protectives as required for corridors. Exception: Separation is not required where the exterior egress balcony is served by at least two stairs and a dead-end travel condition does not require travel past an unprotected opening to reach a stair. 1013.5.2 Openness. The long side of an egress balcony shall be at least 50 percent open, and the open area above the guards shall be so distributed as to minimize the accumula- tion of smoke or toxic gases. sEcfloN 1014 EXIT AND EXIT ACCESS DOORWAYS 1014.1 Exit or exit access doorways required, Two exits or exit access doorways from any space shall be provided where one of the following conditions exists: I . The occupant load of the space exceeds the values in Ta- ble 1014.1. 2. The common path of egress travel exceeds the limitations of Section 1013.3. 3. Where required by Sections 1014.3, 1014.4and t014.5. Exception: Group I-2 occupancies shall comply with Sec- tion 1013.2.2. TABLE 1014.1 SPACES WITH ONE MEANS OF EGRESS OCCUPANCY MAXIMUM OCCUPANT LOAO A,B,E,F,M,U 50 H- I, H-2, H-3 3 H-4. H-5, I-1,I-3. I-4, R l0 S 30 1014.1.1 Three or more exits. Access to three or more exits shall be provided from a floor area where required by Sec- tion l0l8.l . 1014.2 Exit or exit access doorway arrangement. Required exits shall be located in a manner that makes their availability obvious. Exits shall be unobstructed at all times. Exit and exit access doorways shall be arranged in accordance with Sections 1014.2.1and 1014.2.2. 1014.2.1 T$o exits or exit access doorways. Where two exits or exit access doorways are required from any portion :iil'#';,ilfi ':'fi ,:il:'ffi ":,'.i"'iilT:ii:,"Jlll;: jone-half of the length of the maximum overall diagonal di mension of the buildine or area to be served measured in a 2OO3 INTERNATIONAL BUILOING CODE@ itliffiE z J tL Jlu IUJ Azo \) tu(f) oI tl : tuJ \)(r) ]DCOI )UVWZIIS 0'81ro # If,lloud rs918 @vtotof 'ltv^ cr.lnH l5l l5fll|A lrv^ ,89 )f,ol€ v10l 'lo )lll) luoD €€t$., il fro 3 !!IL Fca ${t \$ l"u ko rF* itc ? rL' oL') iiliffiH Fzl _ovtu *o tl t dJ{o(') Jlu tuJ Votu A uoiltuFX tu oz d9 H1P r____Jrr---_l I I I I I iq I I t! LL 6 *EH eEE 0Julo VotuA ]DCOI )UVWZIIS 0'8 tro # Dllotd ls9t8 @vuolof, 'ltYA 9l.ll lll lS l l9/l ll^ l lVA '€9 )f,O l€ V -LO l ao )lltf, luo5 €stP 9 z {J tL vooJ TL TFvfo IL iiltffiHIt Fqrx-l rrJtrr EHs>'ap frE ffiF8t 9?O9()+o()]EFo- u) tl s ;ulJar) ttl o: --- @-*-- @- o -- -_-" -*- o---- '\ /\)21 \4=r? I b.5-"* $ggn $ P "1"E, \ in Eo @- I tl til $F T li.,|. {l'* rt $ir -il{li lii tl.u- fa t. crn r r:rFr.ra||to.ltua.$lu rjr txturtdrtl ffr vtdtl{Bllllft xt gr )|UYh,ZIIS ]HI zo tr { luJtu IF3oo 10m\r0FI'lllt Departrflent of Commufity Developwent 75 South Frontage Road Yail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.vailgou.com May 16,2005 Mr. Rick Geddes White River Electric, Inc. Fax: 970.949.6749 Re: Sign lighting proposal at Sitrmark Lodge coFP Dear Rick, Thank you for faxing the cut sheet for the proposed sign lighting at thersitsmark Lodge; The MR16 lamp tooks like a fine,-' thdice of lighffng for each of the signs at the building and one that Stafi will approve for each of the existing and firture signs at the Lodge on the following conditions: . The color of the MR16 'Lite Sta/ fixture fixture shall be matched to the color of the background material to which il b being affixed. For example, a bronze or black fixture shall be used in circumstances when stucco does not edst as a background material and therefore the white fixture is not appropriate for that location; . The wattage of the lamp shall not exceed forty (40) watts. Regarding the beam spreads, the Town's only requirement is thal no output be emited above 90', as.shown in Figure 2, which I have attached for your reference. Thank you for your thorough attention to this proposal. Pending your response regarding the two conditions listed above, Staff will consider the submitted light fixture as the only approved light fixture for all sign lighting at the Sitzmark Lodge. Please let me know if you have any remaining questions and I will wait to hear from you enclosure {pu'r*r'rr I ! s lr| Ns .S N \ N\\\ .\\ \*\\ \ N .\ t\ c.t' o 'r ,Ji 1J b0(l \ \ N t\ ril l\t\ \ \' \ s \: \1 \\i N \N 8go(u;E 3 .,fi; !EF= ?,, E E-E € : CIEE,E; E€I gF$E,EEI !+> o.o ><t= FgE€fi;3 ",b " Fe .-i€Eswffic E EE e€ E;E E cHtgggEEfrg sEgEEiEfr;E eEgEE FEe€€ gEEEEEEEiE$Cda Io 001- ho c{s o \-. <n O v oI bo oo J1 B F F\ '..? 3nla .lgEEBi;9oiR g@'io -oR(aEez"naEl9()1*rrux,= .=to aaaa aa oJ v d - L (E !f-, @ o .=J .: (U :oz FE F] M I 8 $ ro ,., N o NosA T F s s $I T $Iisi oz F( (9 Ft Y.F I'las 11 O5 O6: O1p Uhire RiveF Electnic, Inc S70 9t+9 67r+9 p.1 UybllfitK? F3tftran tJllqetlrrfia" lJ rrDci., FACSIMILE TRANSMITTAL SI.IEET 'l'( tl Elirsrtrcth L,dsd ljK(tMr Ri&, Cctldes (J()MI)ANY: Town olVail - (bmnuuriry f)trvclopnrenr DAI'|i: os/1t/2w5 l'AX NtlMuliRl 970.479-2452 'llIrAr. Nr r. ( )rr l^clis lN(il.l [)lN(i ()( )vrit(: 2 t ir 'I'he Shzrruuk Lxlgc E tJttr;rw'r' E r,()n Rliv iv 0 lr.ttrrsti (rc)MMENt' E pr.tilrsr,i ry,.pt.y E t,lriasti rttd:Ycr,l; NOTES/COMMEN'I'S: Lilisrtbctlr. f'lcase rcvicw thc lollowing cut shcct Ibr tltc proposctl sign liglrt lixturc for thc Sitznrark Lortgo- 'l'he cut slrcct is printctl frnut tlrc tl-K Lighting wehsite (www.l:klishlilu.conr). Yotr nriglrt wi.sh to chcck this sitc to gct a rrprcscrttttivc color rondition of thc lixturc autl to vicw thc tvuilrrblc linislrcs. *#UtfWffitngtucgfllllftf$SUdttgf.Jlg-fl-wlTflr;nhish fol ths"' Ws would usc tltc "Litc Star" stylc lixturc with u 4" di;lnctcr cnnopy (o mouut thc lixturc and covcr thc cxistirrg box. With thc MRl6 lanrp lu specificd, wc lravc nrarry clroiccs in wottagc botwc&d watLs. Wc carr also ttdjust bcanr sprcads l'ronr l2-dogrco spots to 60-dcgrcc floo ncctlcd to foous on tlre:rreil ol'thc sign. Plcasc givc rnc ar call if wc uccd to discuss this. I would bc happy 1o drolr a bcttcr co;:y of tlro out slrccL by your oflico if nccdc'<1. Tharrks. -F,;* 4l'c".^ '---,- ' Hag 11 oS o6:o1p \ Llhit'e River Elect,nic, Inc S7O 9'+9 67r+S p.2 3 Sicr'," Rainlight oprical cqnpa l?p/{. Endoeed wiri/vEy rEtrrting knud(lg, Cl9ir. lonpo?cd glasr lcns, tactory goolod. Muchined aluminum conoln|cloo rytllr dair oco olool lta/dwrlt. O e G. Ugbd rlitr MF16 lamps D tio wsns. For uso wih rrmoto trans{oflnqg, coo pag€3 92, 94, md 97. Lite Star" is the finest and mosl versatile landscape lighting in$rument ever designed, The compact size of the Lite Star, along with the wide choice of finishes, lamps, optical and mounting acccssories, allows it to perform a multitude ol lightng tasks wlth a minimum of visual fixture impacl. The Ute Star is constructed of machined alumlnum parts and finlshecl in a durable, polyester powdor coating. This, combined with the salety of 12V power, allows it to satlsff the roquircmcnts of tho most discriminating lighting designer. E!l-K L!O:-:T;r\:'I;A AYailablg In Bross, see page 90, fio2 3rf ( orticn{ Lsr or Shi.lditq It0loTg|fla l\]). Et|d td0 Mgl6 [.emp -I rryr Pilo Thrcad CATALOG NUMBER LOGIC 't6 - EYS(42W), 25. r{. Rood | 7 ' [YP{42W). 40" Fbod 6. Lxfl5ow), 13'Spot 7 - Er46OW). 26" N. Flood I - EXN(soW), aoi Froed 9 - FNv(50w1, 60'' w, Rood lsland{td), 0 - Downllohf L. lYFg. cbii(sterdrrd), r0- Sproad, l?.SofiFocts, 13- Rocllhclt 'tlob: Downlight cutl rcquirod tor b€bnr hdtzonlal aiming. , /r '. t'l z 7 ../z ( l/,trmtaz,s s \ N N \N- $.\\.'N\ \ Ns N \ \ fifimfiwtElELmrr|' Vt'aht\cfrr1 l | "t A,t blb tA Design ReYiew Board Af";*L ACTIOil FORlrl Departm€nt of Community Development 75 South Frontag€ Road, Vril. Cobradc 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.v:ilgov.com Prorect llame: BErTY FORD SIGN Prcject Deecrlpdon: Neur projecting/hanging saMblasted cedar sign painted cream with various colors per sketch approved within file. Pardclpants: owNER SmMARK ATVATL rNC 1210812005 183 GORE CREEK DR, VAIL co 816s7 APPUCANT BETTY FORD ALPINE GARDENS L2l0el20OS Phone: 479-0103 JIM BMNDMEYER 183 GORE CREEK DR VAIL co 81657 ProjectAddress: 183 GORE CREEK DR VAIL location: BETTY FORD AI.PINE GARDENS Legal Descrlprdon: loh A Block 58 Subdivision: VAIL VILLAGE RUNG Parcel Number: 2101-082-1000{ Comments: see condiUon DRBNumber: DRB050634 Motlon By: Seond By: Vofte: Condltlons: BOARD/SiIAFF ACIION Action: APPROVED Date of Apprcvalz 0t12012006 Cond:8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate rerriew committee(s), Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Gond:202 Approval of thls project shall lapse and beome void one (1) year folloling the date of final apprwal, unless a building permit is issued and construction is ommenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Cond: CON000Z96 Both surrounding lighting fixtures shall be brought into conformance with the lighting standards outlined in the Torvn's sign regulations Prior to erection of the proposed sign. Planner: Elisabeth Eckel DRB Fee Paid: $56.00 t?(, T0ilil\,m Sign Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 E| 970.479.2139 tax: 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com General Information: All proJects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application, Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. nn apjtication ior Design Rwiew cannot be accepbd unul all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Courrcil and/or tfe Planning and Environmental Commission. Desagn rcview approval lapses unless a buitding permit is.issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. of the Request:N c."., ort4oo- s l^.: Location of the proposal: Lot: A Bbcr:58 Subdivision: Physical Address: Parcef No.: dl?tna nco, (contact Eagte co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcet no.) Zoning: Qo-qorc:a-[C(L Name(s) of Owner(s): Tygc of Review and Fee: df signs Mailing Address: Owner(s) Signaturc(s): Name of Applicant: Phone:q1c 1l@ \03 ecul:e<.re-c,-\or Ar '"r3 $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. $300 For an addition where square footage is added to any resldenual or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvemenE, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landraping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvemenB, such as, reroofing, painung, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For raisions to plans already approred by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. No Fee Mailing Address: tr Conceptual Rwiew tr New Consbudiontr AddiUon tr Minor Alteration (mulU-lamily/commerdal) tr Minor Alteration (sin g le-fa mily/duplex) tr Changes to Approved Plans tr Separation Request 193 tla*l'}flalrrrl**lltflffttaataffafar*******ttttttttttfafaa+t***fttttttt*aatfff***araaaaraaraa TOWNOFVAII. COIORADO Strtco€nt llalftt+aaaaal{'**+**latal++++++t***a+*+l***+****'}'}'t'|a*a*a**l!aa!aaaa{'laatafaaaaf+*aaaaa+aaaf*t gtaCement lih:rnlter: R050002121 Pa]tment lr{ethod: Check FORD AIJPINE CIARDBIS Arnount: $56.00 L2/08/2005t0:53 Ati!Init : iISNotatlon: 5504,/BETTY Pe!.nit No: Pareel No3Site Addreee: Location: Thle Palment.: DR 00100003LL2200gP 00100003124000 DRB050534 Tlpe: DRB - Sigm Application 2101-082-1000-5 183 G'oRE CREBK DR \TAIIJ BETTT FORD IIJPIIIE GARDENS Total Feea: Tota1 AIJIJ Pmta r Balarce 3 DBSTE{ RTI'IEW FBES SI@{ EEES $56.00 $s5.00 $s6.00 $0.00t|ll+ttt*aaa*a'}***taartlt*llf***f****l'i*a*a*aafaafff*taf****t+t***t**'t*t'l***'l**f+*ll**'|'tlt*ata ACCOUNTITEMUST: Account code Description Current Pmts 50.00 5.00 December 5, 2005 To: Town of Vail, Community Development From: Jim Brandmeyer, Executive Betty Ford Alpine Gardens Subject: Retail Signage Betty Ford Alpine Gardens Alpine Treasures On behalfofthe Board ofDirectors ofBetty Ford Alpine Gardens I request review and staffapproval of new signage for our retail operation in Vail Village. Located on Gore Creek promenade tlre current sign does not adequately provide visibility for customers approaching the store front from any direction except the west, and from the east only when within 30 feet. Working with Sign Design the new style sign would give us exposure for those approaching the building from the south. The thoughtful consideration, and staffapproval ofthis new concept would be appreciated. Jim Brandmeyer Executive Director r83 CORE CREEK DRIVE VAIL COLORADO 8r65? USA PHONE 9?o 4'16 oto3 FAX g7o 4?6 r685 BETTYFORDALPINECARDENS ORC EC-6-26 11t16 ,-fiD $rilrTr lRglurnrilffn5 cdr-t*. 1;a t6ea a e r? dF ri.1 b b116 1j15 t111 rfli d t I. fprfk ;qra;atrr.13 11Llh tsn lh oFrntail oa Grrilq oGilotru3 P.@ atnTnt At -\Gs,r^r A L rbnad ArfitDmt tlurr rFud fg|| sfrtrtil uod.tbQ br&l4 rdrffi flrt, t dcdlc. D.tD.drn(drrJ!:t3PtY): Bffire lutqtrD|qrl lh|l3h3rWrryt ElryLYlcr Elo.rysod lcrrltQfnro.Jthn F5t6fito,t lnFrtclCgl O BJA|9 !.trnodon tr tltrt tr Tftdor S9n trsgtPtlerrn Oestd/HbroFo3 O TsnPcdYsg.l D00rat E F, G It. t. ,. r. L ]|nSarCdgrtss$ridb9 rb'.* V lq ?il F.qad de|r Ofr I dod rcl5 tdn't* (|!fu C lrnFh0'btrhcFlhtne|: l|dildrt{|)lutt 5g,r Lqho ($d. jra D|fr rtd ]t tl|ilt t trfta' gliltgt#r (Itf hta|he ft gqrdttrbdJglfl] )" A+tFr '-<-c't 9nrCftlCrftl El tnmtrn rotr|d nutarrdmil' It trddrilta*ciFd.' rrfsortftlt' rffurlr' O ll6rt a|tantlrcrd rttreoid l6!a trratt| llulnt]w rdrt|.t Aa itra rdr$ sO rtFr tD $' h,t(|t|i rt hFfr inlng t!.d*||dr ir lllr|rgr ruls Dn!.r' il{tt th.railrrb otllEac cltr. ca'rBr ffiais, rltt'rl itu or i,frrl Cnanrg r lrdi r o'rrrc nr" D dclrr ffi;Ti;F fg'r;-',.' fri-cil*c-n t t. rl't tor FF' ril trrrt v rt t|. hd, t l|t.. r-a Dt drllt.l Ul rb|. lhdt''nhLt tgit'nG lUTg- P.@ TON'NM descrip0on). JOINT PROPERTY OWNER WRTTTEN APPROVAL LETTER a Joint owner of property located at (address/legal provlde thls letter as wrltten approvat of the ptans aaea t lf{f t r whlch have been submitted to the Town of Vall Community Development Department for the proposed improvements to be completed at the address noted above. I understand that the proposed improvements Include: I further understand that minor modiffcations may be made to the plans oVer the course of the review process to ensure compliance with the Town's applicable codes and regulauons, 5l Glu Fo . (Dare) Page2of 4104128104 *-GG:\ \-) b. ,tl LPINETREASVRE -BmFOU ^ALPINEGAFDEN APPROVAI FOR PRODT'CTION 10 BEGIN: If 1q U d J <c} (A Ic.( ln oo a) O C EE(t) (-aa EEOy)(t) 6NO>O i. lfHp><cb.qNo- 32" ,] APPROVAL FOR PRODUCTION TO BEGIN: DATE' DESIGNED BY: ORDERED BY: COMPANY: From; To: Date: SubJect: 'lim Brandmeyer' <jim@bettyfordalpinegardens.org> "'Elisabeth Eckel"' <EEckel@vailgov.com> 0111112006 2:57:23 PM RE: Betty Ford Alpine Gardens Sign Good afternoon Elisabeth: Thanks for your kind follow up. I hope lour Holidays were enjoyable. I will be bringing over a new flat projecting/hanging sign design in the next week. Thanks again. Jim B ---Original Message--- From: Elisabeth Eckel [mailto:EEckel@vailgov.com] Sent Wednesday, January 11, 2006 2:22PM To: jim @bettyfordalpinegardens.org Subject Betty Ford Alpine Gardens Sign Hello Jim: Just checking in to see if any progress had been made on the sign proposal submitted on December 8th. Per our conversation on December 21st, the vertically bifurcated sign design will not be allowed by the Town. However, the remainder of the sign design was acceptable and should be able to be straff approved provided that a flat projecting/hanging sign design can be submitted. Please let me knour how you would like to proceed with the application. I will be forced to withdraur the apdication if I do not hear othemise by February 1st. Best Regards, Elisabeth Eckel Elisabeth Eckel Planner, Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 97O.479.2454 ofc 970.479,2452fax From: Tol Date: Sublect: Elisabeth Eckel jim@bettyfordalpinegardens.org 01111120062:2:18PM Betty Ford Alpine Gardens Sign Hello Jim: Just checking in to see if any progress had been made on the sign proposal submitted on December 8th. Per our conversation on December 21st, the vertically bifurcated sign design will not be allowed by the Town. However, the remainder of the sign design was acceptable and should be able to be staff approved provided that a flat projecting/hanging sign design can be submitted. Please let me know how you rrtould like to proceed wilh the application. I will be forced to withdraw the application if I do not hear othenrvise by February 1st. Best Regards, Elisabeth Eckel Elisabeth Eckel Planner, Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 97O.479.2454 otc 970.479.2452fax I (.h _ao r)pffru +-- 23" -----------+l- 'SnnrnrA$vrff ry ORDERED Ef: COMPANTY: APPRCI/AL FOR PRODUCIION IO BEGIN: oare tt -7:Tla-rhfr , ,lla'il * t,, 1 ilr4 qJn' 1 From: Elisabeth EckelTo: jim@bettyfordalpinegardens.org Date: 0'112012006 4:52:33 PMSubject: sign application Hello Jim: Thank you for sending the revised sign layout from Sign Design. I have staff approved the application on the condition that the non-conforming lighting either be removed or brought inlo conformance (no floodlights are allowed). I had this conversation with someone at the Sitzmark not long ago and was assured that this nould be done. Do pu know anything about that? I have faxed the approval form to 1ou as well as the part of the code that specifies lighting requirements. Let me know if I can help any further. Enjoy the weekendl Elisabeth Elisabeth Eckel Planner, Tourn of Vail 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 970.479.24il oic 97O.479.2452iax I l-5-3: DESIGN STANDARDS:Page I ofl . ' 11-5-3: DESIGN STANDARDS: Any sign erected within the town of Vail shall conform to the following standards: A.Compatibility: Signs shall be visually compatible with the size of surrounding structures and other signage and shall not visually dominate the structure or business to which they belong. The staff shall review all proposed signs in the context of adjacent signage to verify that the sign is appropriately sized. B.Colors: Fluorescent, Day-Glo@ and neon colors are prohibited. C.Reflective Surfaces: Sign surfaces that reflect light are prohibited and shall instead be comprised of matte or flat finishes. D.Lighting Fixtures: Lighting shall be white in color. Lights shall not shine or reflect onto adjacent properties. Intemal illumination and fluorescenUneon light sources are prohibited. All lighting shall be subject to design review. E.Sign Maintenance: All signs, including their support structures and related fixtures, shall be kept in good repair; this includes replacement of lighting, repainting when appropriate, and other actions that contribute to attractive signage. The display surfaces and hardware of all signs shall be properly painted, finished, or posted at all times. The glass surfaces on which window signs are affixed shall be well maintained. F.ElectricalWiring: Electrical wiring shall be concealed. In addition, all signs that contain electrical wiring shall be subject to the provisions of the adopted electrical code of the town and the electrical components shall bear the label of an approved testing agency. G.Wind Pressure And Dead Load Requirements: Any sign, as defined throughout this title, shall be designed to withstand wind pressures and shall support dead loads as required by the most recent building code (lBC) at the time of construction, as adopted by the town of Vail and determined by the chief building official. H.Moving Parts: Signs that have, or appear to have, moving parts (aside from natural wind induced movement) are prohibited. l.Placement On Public Property: Signs shall be constructed on private propefi outside of the town right of way and shall not project onto the town right of way except when permitted under a licensing agreement or a revocable right of way permit issued from the town of Vail. J.Sign Inspection: Each sign for which a permit is required shall be subject to inspection by the staff. (Ord. 19(2003) S 1) http ://www.sterlingcodifi ers.com/COA/aiU I 5005000000003000.htn 0U20t2006 ,it TOWN OF VAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD vArL, co 81657 970-479-2t38 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 3a^-l o{ j\.,.-\'- s-B \)c..^-\ \) 1L\c,.1,= \So THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES C'( \'tnll/ncld\r ADD/ALT COMM BUILD PERMT Permit #: 805-0143 -C6-n -ffc--1\ NOTE: co 81657 APPLICANI \T.Ir. VIEL,E CONSTRUCTION 06/03/2OO5 phone- 97O-476-3O82 1000 S Front.age Road W, #202vail co 81557 License:188-A CoNTRACTOR J.IJ. VIELE CONSTRUCTTON 06/03/2OO5 phonel. 970-476-3082 1000 S Frontage Road W, #202Vail co 81657 Lricense:188-A Desciption: SITAMARK LODGE FRONT OFFICE REMODEL Job Address: 183 GORE CREEK DR VAIL location.......: SITZMARK LODGE ParcelNo....: 210108210006 ProjectNo ., prjog,-oA_/ tr owNER SITZMARK AT VAIr, INC 06/03/2005 183 GORE CREEK DR VATL Occupancy: R-l TypeConstruction: III-A Type Occupancy: ?? Valuation: $18,300.00 FireDlac€ Information: Rcsricred: Status...: ISSUED Applied. . : Ml$/2n5Issued...: 07107/2W5 Expires. . .: 0ll03l2ffi Add Sq Ft: 0 # ofGas Appliancrs: 0 # of Gas Logs: 0 # of Wood Pellet: 0 50.00 Total Permit Fee-----> S509. 96 90.00 Psyrnenrs-------- > 5509. 95 $o .00 Building--- > $30?.25 Resturrant Plan Review-> Plan Check-> 5199.?1 DRB Fee-------------> S0. 00 Total Calculated Fees- > $509.96So.0o AdditionalFees------>$0.00 Investigation- > lvill Call---- > $0 . 00 Recreation Fee------- ) $3 .00 Clean-up Deposit-----> TOTAL FEES------------ > S50e. e5 BALANCE DUE-------> Approvals: ften: 05100 BUIIJDING DEPARTMET'IT o6/29/2OOs cAunion Action: AP Item: 05400 PLAIINING DEPARII{ENT 06/03/2005 bgibson Action: AP Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTI{ENT 06/04/2oos mcgee Action: AP Sr.rbrnit fire alarm plan. Office is subject to ullgrade per 'I'OV codes and staxrdards. NOTE: Remodels to office and other areas may cause upgrade requirements to the fire alarm control panel . Item: 05500 PITBIJIC WORKS 06/o6/20os gc Action: AP*|*|t+|{lt*'|**{|*{**+|t*i****|{|'{l*}||**+|1|ll'*+||itt*+l:|.+{|*t* See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full tbe information requrred, completed an accurate plot plan, ard state tllat all tlp information as required is correct. I agree to corply with the information and plot plan, to cornply with all Town ordinances and staE laws, and to build this stnrcfire according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances ofthe Townapplicable thereto. REQI]ESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOUR HOI.]RS IN PM. AT OLJR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 CONTRACTOR ANDOWNET tr PAGE 2tl.****{.*****:l****tl.tl******{.************f *******rt***rt*lr*ttt}*'}*lt*rf *****rt*rf *t *r}*{.*!t ***********t rt**rf **r}rt*!t!*,t*,t* CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit#: 805{143 asof0T-{I/-2fi)5 Status: ISSUED **:F:i:t*'t***!t****'f:ttl:l.'t'****!i*:t!'t'|tf|t*:i{t:tt*'t***:tt*'F'tt*'t*'|*'*'t.!*t't****ti!t!**:tl.|t****** Permit Type: ADD/ALT COMM BLIILD PERMT Applied: ffit0BnCfls Applicanc J.L. VIELE CONSTRUCTION Issued: Wt0 tzffis97G4i163082 To Expire: 0ll03l2ffi Job Address: 183 GORE CREEK DR VAIL Incation: SITZMARKLODGE Parcel No: 210108210006 Description: SITAMARK LODGE FRONT OFFICE REMODEL Conditions: Cond: 1 (FIRE): FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQURED BEFORE ANY WORKCAN BESTARTED. Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD TNSPECTIONS ARE REQURBD- TO CITECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. *a*faaaa+*tttafaaalaaa*'fat*l***l*aa*laatal{'aaa*tttttlaaa*iaft*taaftltaataaaataaaaatta+aaafaa TOWNOFVAIL, COT,oRADO StateoentIt**faf*altaftaaaaltataaa+l'lafaallllfaat**ataa*tat***+tt*t*tflttttaaaaataaafaaaaaaaaffaaafal Statenent !fiIdber: R0500010X{ Amount: Palment Mctshod: Checlr 57080 $509.96 07 /07 /2OO5o9:41 AIilInit: DDG NotatLon3 iI. L. vlele Permlt No: Parcel No: Site Addreae: IocatLon: 1IhJ.s Payments: BP 001.00003111100 PF 00100003112300 rfc 00100003112800 TYPE: ADD/AI,T COMM BUIIJD PER!,fT DR VAIIJ Total Fees: Total AIJJ Prnts: 805- 0143 2101- 082- 1000-6 183 GORE CREEK 8TTANARK IODGB $s09. e6' Balalcer $0.00ll*tllaaaaaaaaaat*atlltllll*lll*llalaffat*aaaalt{'*aa*la+*{r+*+*t+l*+tttt+*tl********+*****+*++ ACCO{JNT ITEM UST: lccouDt Code Deacription BTIIIJDING PERtr,tIl FBBS PIJAN CHECK FEES IIIIJJ CAIJJ INSPEETION FEE $509.96 $s09.96 c|rl'rent Pmts 307.25 199.71 3. OO "'J..ii":,'#tjBl oS-otr B Buildinq Permit #: TOWN OF VAIL BUTLDING PERMIT APPLI 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 Separate eerm CONTRACTOR IN FORMATION COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR BUILDING For Parcel # Co tact Eaql . ***********\**************{ . ************FOR OFFICE USE ON Ly*r******ri**ir***r*********i*******ri* P s'qLF;\UsersUSuther\newBLDGPERM. DOC PERMIT bor & Materials autLotNc:$ ?,610$ELECTRICAL: S ^/,TD OTHER: $ pLUMB|NG: $ l,lOC MECHANTCAL: $ 4r,5OO rorAL: $ lt,3d nnct Eagte Gounty Atsessors office at 970-328-8640 or visit wrww.eaole-countv.ctrIE:li-t:'tl,r-,"€rs,el.,!r 2 to I g2l 0006 Job Name: Sifzrnarkl4. Fro,n* o$fic.R.rrd Job Address: lS3 $oreCcee-k Dciue Lesat Description l[q A ll aro"r,:56 ll ririns,I ll sunaiui"ion, Vai I Vr I [o,o.- owners Name: Bob F"rq=-t ooo'Tt' 163 6o".C*.\. D",iuo tnon"' ,{Tasboro'lY3ii, %T€ c^.r"-^. *.^,-Address:l&rr3, F.r,.+rq,Q-)s;l.,,., tJdt.Cd 'nonti/)A-gKzEngineer:Address:Phone: Delailed description oJ work: fDer^lR"*d"t "$ tn+..i* *l -t*o'*i#$r. dL-?tq.rld[^q, Work Class: New ( ) *'t'on Work Type: lnterior (){ Exterior ( ) Both ( ) TypeofB|dg':Sing|e-fami|y()Two-fami|y()Mu|tifami|y()Commercia|()Restaurantt@ No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this building: l5- NoffVPe of Fireplac Gas Logs ( ) wood/pette! ( ) Wood Burninq ( l) lloffype of Fireplace es ( ) Gas Logs ( ) Wood/pellet ( ) Wood Burninq (NOT ALLoWED) Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes fr--Nol Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: yes f )--NoS- m}tx,m ,t\I.Ua Types and quantity of fireplaces shown I have read and Applicant's Signature: Department of Community Development Project Name: Project Address: / This Checklist must be comoleted before a Buildino Permit application is accepted. F. All pages of application is complete ts Has DRB approval obtained (if required) Provide a copy of approval form d Condominium Association letter of approval attached if project is a Multi-Family complex O Plan Check Fee required at submittal for projects valued over $25000.00 (See attached Construction Fee Schedule for calculations) d Complete site plan submitted dlt E Public Way Permit application included if applicable (refer to Public Works checklist) I Staging plan included (refer to Public Work checklist) No dumpster,parkino or material storaqe allowed on roadwavs and shoulders without written approval X Asbestos test and results submitted if demolition is occurring F Architect stamp and signature (All Commercial and Multi family) fl Full floor plans including building sections and elevations(4 sets of plans for SFR and Duplex, 5 sets of plans for Multi-Family and Commercial Buildings) p window and door schedule dr tr Full structural plans, including design criteria (i,e.loads) NIVF Structural Engineer stamp and signature on structural plans (All Commercial and Multi Family) tW p Soils Report must be. submitted prior to footing inspection F Fire resistive assemblies specified and penetrations indicated F Smoke detectors shown on plans Questions? Callthe Building Team at 479-2L28 Date of submi 07 t28t2004 tl Bu ildinq Perm it Subm ittal Checklist requirements: F:\UsersUSuther\newBLDGPERM.DOC Received llt BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If this permit requires a Town of Vail Fire Depaftment Approval, Engineer's (Public Works) review and approvalf a Planning Department review or Health Department review, and a review by the Building Depadment, the estimated time for a total review will take as long as three (3) weeks. All commercial (large or small) and all multi-family permlts will have to follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residential and small projects should take a lesser amount of time. However, if residential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned departments with regard to necessary review, these projects may take five (5) weeks to review and approve. Every attempt will be made by this department to expedite this permit as soon as possible. I, the undersigned, unders[and the plan check procedure and time frame. I also understand that if the permit is not picked up by the expiration date, that I must still pay the plan check fee and that if I fail to do so it may affect future permits that I apply for. Agreed to by: Print name Signature Project Name: Date: 07 t28t2004F:\UsersUSuther\newBLDGPERM. DOC ll PUBLr WORKS AND THE PUBLXC WAY PERMIT PROCESS How it relates to Building Permits: Fill out the atbched check list with the Buildinq Permit AoolicaUon. If yes was answered b any of the questions hen a 'Public Way" permit is required. You can pick up an application at either Community Development locabd at 75 Soudt Fronbge Road or Public Works, locaEd at 1309 Elkhom Drive. Notice sign-offu for utility companies. ALL utilities must field verifo (locate) .respective utilities prior to signing application. Some utility companies require up to 48 hours notice b schedule a locaE. A construction traffic conUol/sbging plan must be prepared on a sepamte sheet of paper, An approved site plan may also be used. This plan will show locations of all traffic control devices (signs, cones, etc.) and the work zone, (area of construction, sbging, eb'). This plan will expire on November 1st and will need b be resubmitted for consideration for approval trrough the winter. Be aware trat your resubmission for winter may be denied depending on the locatjon of construction. Skefh of work being peformed must be submitted indicating dimensions (length, width and depth of work). This may be drawn on the faffic conbol plan or a site plan for the ]rb. Submitcomplebd application to tre Public Work's office for review. If required, locabs will be scheduled for he Town of Vail electricians and irrigation crew. The locates take place in the moming, but may require up tc 48 hours to perform. The Public Work's Construction Inspector will review the application and approve or deny the permit. You will be conbcted as to he sbtus and any requiremenE hat may be needed. Most permiE are released within 48 hours of being received, but please allow up to one (1) week to process. As soon as he permit is approved, the Building Departnent will be notified, allowing the "Building Permit" b be released. Please do not confuse Ure 'Public Way Permit" with a "Building Permif'. NOTE: The above process is for vvork in a public way ONLY. Public Way Permi6 are valid only until November 15th. A new Public Way Permit is required . 1each year if work is not complete. Re-apptication each l'lovember 15th does not .)nean an aubmatic renewal. ( t\ 6l3-lar- Date Signed FlUsersUSuther\newBLDGPERM.DOC the above. 0712812004 ll( PRJ #: APPLICATION PW #: FOR TOWN OF VAIL Parcel #: PUBLIC WAY PERMIT 20 Blde. Pernrit #: B - ,*m .l) Job Name Street Address (li'unknown call I {?O )r?Or Excavatins Contraclor Nanre Mail Address 'fOV Contrilclor License Nurrber - REQLIlI{EI) City State zip Phone # 3. Start Date Completion Date (Permit Expiration Date) ,1. Work is for (circle one) Wrtcr Scwer Gas Eleclric Telcphonc CATV Landscaping Tcmp. Site Acccss Other 5. Trench-width Length Depth Total SF $ Permit Fee $ Total LF Total Perrnit Fee $ 6. ALL MATERIAL, EQUIPMENT, AND TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES MUST BE ON THE JOBSITE BEFORE THE JOB IS STARTED. 7. Rubber out-riggers are required on excavating equipment when working on asphalt. Asphalt surfaces undemeath the bucket and lugs shall be protected at all tirnes. 8. A signature below indicates a review oflhe area and utility locations and approval. Once all utility company signatures are obtained ,I pernritlcc lras option of routing application through thc Public Works oltce to obtxin thc neccssary Torrn of Vail signatures. Please allow up to one week to process. Xcel Energy / Public Selvice Cornpany (l -800-922- 1987) Xcel Energy High Pressure ( l-800-922- 1987) Quest ( I -800-922-1987) (min.4') Bond Anrounl $ Corncast Cable ( l-800-922-1987) Eagle River Water & Sanitation Distlict (970-476-7480, ext. I I4) Holy Cross Electric Company ( l-800-922- 1987) Town of Vail Electricians (9'1 0-479-21 58) Town of Vail lrrigation (970-479-2158) TI-IERE WILL BE NO TOTAL STREET CLOSURESI A constructjon tralTic control plan must be subrnittetl arrtl apprrr.ed bv the {}Lrblic Wolks Deparlmer]t pliol lo issLrance t'f tlrc pcnnit. 9. All excavation nrust be done by hand within l8"of utilities - (Senate Bill 172). forfeiture of bond money. Scheduled inspections that are not ready may result in tlre Town charging the contractor a reinspection fee. I l. I certify that I have read all chapters of Title 8 - Pubtic Ways and Property, ofthe Vail Municipal Code and all utility Company agreements, signed. by me, and will abide by the sanre, and that all utilities have been notified as requircd. C(mtraoior"s Sigrrature ofr\glc'crnent Print narrtc clearly f)ate olsignatllre ATTACII PLAN OF WORI(, INCLUDING CONSTRUCTION TR4\FFIC CONTROL PLAN White - Public Wolks Show street rvith names, buildings, and location of cuts. USE DASH LINES l'OR CUT. Yellow - Contractor F:\Users\JSuther\newBLDGPERM.DOC 07 t28t2004 tl o o o n o wHEN A *PUBLT WAy pERMrT" XS REQUIRED PI.EASE READ AND CHECK OFF EACH OF THE FOLLOWING OUESTIONS REGARDING THE NEED FOR A "PUBLrc WAY PERMff'': Is this a new residence?YES_ NO F o o Does demolition work being performed require the usg of the Rightof-Way, easements or public property? YES_ NO Y No.>< Is the Right-of-Way, gasements or public property to be used for sbging, parking or fencing?YES- NO K F:\Users\JSuther\newBLDGPERM.DOC Is a 'lRevocable Right-of-Way Permit" required? YES Is any uUlity work needed? YES_ . NO Are there any improvemen8 being done to the driveway ? YES NOX Is a different access needed b the site oher than the existing driveway? YES- NO { Is any drainage workteing done hat affects he Right-of-Way, easemenE, or public property? YES NO 2<* If answer is NO, is a gqrking, sbging or fencing plan required by Public Works? YES_ NO n If you answered YES to any of these questions, a 'Public Way Permit" must be obhined. "P ublic Way Permif' applications may be obhined at the Public Work's office or at Community Development (a sample is atbched). If you have any quesbons please call Leonard Sandoval in Public Works at 479-2198. I HAVE READ AND ANSWERED ALL THE ABOVE QUESTIONS, Job orprojectN u^"t *+r**l-V4,uYn J-}Hr'le g.r*"lo\ Date Signed: Company Name 07 t28t2004 F' /ovanrnna /fnrmc /hl.l^6rmd l'l DRAINAGE AND CULVERT INSPECTIONS ARE REOUIRED BY PUBLIC WORKS! Please read and check off each of the items below: The Town of Vail Building Department has developed the following procedures to ensure that new construction sites have adequately established proper drainage from building sites along and adjacent to Town of Vail roads or streets. The Town of Vail Public Works Depaftment will be required to inspect and approve drainage adjacent to Town of Vail roads or streets and the installation of temporary or permanent culvefts at access points from the road or street onto the construction site. Such approval must be obtained prior to any requests for inspection by the Town of Vail Building Department for footings, temporary electrical or any other inspection. Please call Leonard Sandoval at419-2798 to request an inspection from the Public Works Department. Allow a minimum of 24 hour notice. Also, the Town of Vail Public Works Department will be approving all final drainage and culvert installation with resulting road patching as necessary. Such approval must be obtained prior to any Final Certificate of Occupancv issuance. Agreed to by: Project Name: Date Signed:ol:\F F:\Users\JSuther\newBLDGPERM.DOC 0712at2004 MATERtrAL STOR.AGE AND CONSTRUCTION PARKING Please read and check off each of the items below, (Copies of complete text are available upon request) CODE 5-2-10: DEPOSITS ON PUBLT WAYS PROHIBITED u Unlawful deposits: Subject to subsection C trereof, it is unlawful for any person b litter, fack or deposit or cause to be littered, tracked or deposited, sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice, or any other debris or material upon any streel sidewalk, alley or public place, or any portion thereof. o NoUce; Abatement: The Director of Public Works may notifo and require any person who violates or causes another b violate the provision of subsection A hereol or who has in fie Director's employment a person who violates or causes another to violate the same, bp remove such sand, gmvel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice or any other debris or material within twenty four (24) hours after receipt of said notjce by tre Director of Public Works. In the event the person so notified does not comply with the notice within the period of time herein specified, the Director of Public Works, or oher auhorized agent, may cause any such sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice, debris or any other material to be removed from any street or alley at the expense of the notified, o Summons and Penalty: As an altemative to the notice for removal provided in subsection B above, any person who violates or causes anoher to violate fre same, may be issued a summons to appear before tre Municipal Court of the Town for said violations, and upon being found guilty of a violation hereunder be punished as provided in Section 14-1 of this code. o Notice and Penalty: It is unlaMul for any person to fail or refuse to comply with the notjce of the Director of Public Work as provided in subsection B hereoi and any such person shall, in addition to payment of the expense of removal incurred by tre Direcbr of P ublic Works, as provided in subsection B hereof, upon being found guilty of a violation hereunder, be punishable as provided in Section 14-1 of this Code. (1997 Code: Ordinance 6 (1979). CODES 7-3A-1AND 7-3A-3: PARKING OBSTRUCTING TRAFFf & IMPOUNDMENT AUTHORIZED o No person shall park any vehicle upon a sbeet or at any odrer place within this Municipality in such a manner or under such conditions as to interfere with the free movement of vehicular traffic or proper sbeet or highway maintenance. (Ord. 2(1968) $ 1) o Whenever any police officer finds a vehicle attended or unattended, sbnding upon any pottion of a sbeet or upon any place Wthin fris Municipality in such a manner as to constitute a violation of any section of this Article, or left unattended for a period of twenty four (24) hours or more and presumed to be abandoned under the conditions prescribed by Colorado Revised Sbtutes section 424-1102, as amended, he officer shall require the vehicle to be removed or cause it to be removed and placed in storage in the nearest garage or ofrer place of safety designated or mainbined by tris Municipality, and the charges for bwing and storage of such vehicle shall be charged to the owner of the vehicle in addition to a ten dollar ($10) impoundment charge. (Ord. 2(1968) 5 3: Ord. 28(1981) 5 i) I have read and will comply with the above code provisions: Position or Relationship to Project: DnJcaSium.dlertnewBLDGP ERM. Doc 07 t28t20M Town of Vail Survey Community Development Department Russell Forrbst, Director, (e7o) 47e-213e Check all that apply Date: '1. Which Department(s) did you contact? Building- Environmental-Housing Admin_Pla nning_DRB_PEC_ 2. Was vour initial contact with our staff immediate slow or no one available ? 3. lf you were required to wait, how long was it before you were helped? 4. Was your project reviewed on a timely basis? YesiNo lf no, why not? 5. Was this your first time to file a DRB app-PEC app- Bldg Permit NiA 6. Please rate the performance of the staff person who assisted you: 5 4 3 21 (5 is high) Name: responsiveness, availability) 7. Overall effectiveness of the Front Service Counter. 5 4 3 21 (5 is high) 8. What is the best time of day for you to use the Front Service Counter? 8. What comments do you have which would allow us to better serve you next time? Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. We are committed to improving our service. (knowledge, rrUsersUl.u]heAnewBLDGPERM DOC - 07 t28t2004 l'{ I I I I EEM Consulting, Inc. Ev:noaeer Elunorrtrrrt Memc€renr Corsumxc, lnc Asaesros . LBP . Consurnxo . Talxnc I April 19,2005 I Mr. Tony FaulhaberI J. L. Viele Construction, Inc. 1000 South Frontage Rd. Way, Suite 202I val,co81657I REFERENCE: Inspection for asbestos containing materials Sitzrnaxk Lodge, 183 Gore Creek I lhive, Vail CO Dear. Mr. Faulhaber I EEM Consulting, lnc., is pleased to provide this report for the above referenced site. The inspection is provided in association with the planned rcnovation. I Thank you for the opportunity to provide our environmental consulting services. Please call if you have any questions. r Sincerely, I ;ffi'S:XffflT'"'*"u* t I I Robert L. Ragan Industrial Hygienist EEM Consulting, Inc I I I (303) 679-18s1 . FAX (303) 679-1820 3il5o El Pinal Drive . Evergre€n, CO 804it9 kurrt*{,"&-", * EEM Consulting, Inc. t I Era"ot a" Exunonrtrrl, Mlrecererr Gorsunno, lnc Asaesrog . LBP . Consrnnm . Tneruc R205-23 ASBESTOS INSPECTION REPORT AT SITZMARK LODGE 183 GORE CREEK DRIVE VAIL, COLORADO FOR J. L. Viele Construction , Inc. 100 South X'rontage Rd. W"y, Suite #202 Vail Colorado 81657 April 19, 2005 (303) 679-1851 . FAx (300) 679-1820 !X150 El Pinal Drivo . Evergroen, CO 804il9 I t I TABLE OF CONTENTS I SECTION I.OI EXECUTTVE STJMMARY . SECTION I.O2 DATE OF INSPECTION I SECTTON 1.03 LOCATIONOF TNSPECTTON I SECTION I.O4 EEM CONSI.JLTING INC. REPRESENTATIVE T SECTION I.O5 CLIENT REPRESENTATIVE CONTACTED SECTION I.06 PREVIOUS INSPECTIONS AND EXCLUSION STATEMENTS I SECTION I.O7 SAMPLINGRATIONAUINVESTIGATIONMETHODOLOGY I sECTroN l.o8 TNACcESSTBLEAREAS ATTACHMENTS I ATTACHMENT#I BULK SAMPLE ANALYSIS TABLE. SAMPLE LOCATION DI,AGRAM AND LABORATORY ANALYSIS REPORT I ATTACHMENT#2 EPA AND STATE OF COLORADO INSPECTOR ACCREDITATION I I I I I I I (303) 679-r8s1 . FAX (303) 679-1820 335O El Pinal Drive . Everqeen. CO 80439 I I I I I t I I I t I t I I t I t I I ASBESTOS INSPECTION REEORT Situnark Lodge, 183 Gore Creek Drive, Vail CO I.O1 E)GCUTIVESTJMMARY: This inspection for asbestos containing materials (ACIO was conducted in general accordance with the guidelines of the Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act AHERA 40 CFR Part 763 and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) 29 CFR 1926. I l0 I . A visual and tactile inspection of suspect ACM was performed. A minimum of three bulk samples were collected randomly of each suspect ACM. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Colorado deparfrnent of Public Health and Environment (CDPIIE) recogrize material that contains greater than onc- per€ent asbestos to be ACM. Laboratory analysis in this survey detected 1!s only in the spray-on ceiling texture Refercnce Attachment #l for The Bulk Sample Table and L,aboratory Analysis Report. I.O2 DATES OF INSPECTION: April 13,2@5 r.03 LOCATION OF INSPECTION: The Sitzmark Lodge, 183 Gore Creek Drive, Vail CO l.M EEMCONSULTING.INC.REPRESENTATIVE: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency @PA) and State of Colorado accredited inryector: Mr. William C. Oleskevich Mr. Robert L Ragan f- Signature Signature Reference Attachment #2 for EPA and Sate Inspector Accreditation. I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I 1.05 CLIENT REPRESENTATIVES CONTACTED: Mr. Tony Faulhaber, J. L. Viele Construction, Inc., Vail Colorado 81657 l.ffi EXCLUSIONSTATEMENTS: EEM Consulting, Inc., warrants that the findings contained herein have been with the level of care and skill exercised by experienced and knowledgeable environmental consultant who is licensed or otherwise trained to perform asbestos inspections pursuant to the scope of work required on this project. The asbestos inspection included inspection of accessible materials such as above or behind suspended ceilings or other non-permanent structw€s. EEM Conzulting, Inc. did not inspect or sample inaccessible areas such as behind walls or within ductwork and did not dismantle any part of the stucturc to survey inaccessible arcas. For the purpose of this warrant, inaccessible is defined as areas of the building that could not be tested (sampled) without destruction of the structure or a portion of the stnrcture. In the went that access to a portion of the building was not obtained (which othenrise would have been test€d), such limitations are specifically identified in Section 1.08. I.W SAMPLING RATIONAI.ilNVESTIGATION METHODOLOGY: Sample locations were selected in a random manner. A minimum of, three samples were collected of each homogeneous material identified as suspect ACM in accordance with AHERA 40 CFR 763 sampling protocol. The following suspect building materials were sampled for asbestos content. r Drywall / Mud-Joint Compound & tape r Spray-on ceiling texture r Ceiling Tile 2'x4'(suspended) e Carpet glue t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Samples collected by EEM Consulting Inc. were analyzed at the following AIHA and NVLAP accredited laboratorv: o Reseruoirs Environmental, Inc., 2059 Bryant Street, Denver, Colorado and analyzd by Polarized Light Microscopy (PLM) in compliance with USEPA guidelines @PA/600/R-93/ I I 6). 1.08 INACCESSIBLEAREAS: Reasonable efforts were made to locate and inspect concealed areas in accardance with 40 CFR 763. Only the areas and the materials listed were inspected as part of this inspection. ATTACHMENT #I BULK SAMPLE ANALYSIS TABLE LABORATORY ANALYSIS REPORTS SAMPLE LOCATION DRAWING &) uo () 6tE7.E € ?g F e: * 35E; E*'E (5.8 ! 9Eiv o.H I 518v.F A2-c-4eS ,Fxi$ ry E{gFE el::E.q lr "E: 6vtqE9 ntr8; t<.sz4 #< ?E< Exxo 6:3F 7*E*t E'tF;ie _E<E: lr lr r .AZoTe3= *:6Y E IInt.z H _ FFj ea FFE.E E>E =$ H EEHSE; &;;? < fl;€ Eg€Fs FgggFrEE .. fl ll llH> 9r ;EE EEE EAE NHa eoo o tS FE:Y6F 6lt.t;v: \'rn l ro 2z z z rsFsFS rr't Gl = ; E<tEEEi858.5 &z&zzIzdzcz E-s! EE 2z 5€ E!a5E AE€E'efFO OOO!r EL A ll, {, rllFFEb99ETTdBts,-i,x,xx|<|.tlt a) o -hl-L': ': 'X oo oo oo E r-r Fi .= .= ,=EEEFFF ===G??YYY '}'hhh>\>'>'EIi:ooo66a Ec I e a) I Eath xEP. -=lot.dbo2,;g.EE;co=EA E edc;i699qi;>,?QrI.S.s5i lrv:.,ritrFhYE.E E E:€ E,r!l-v.v!l!fEE E EEE!aOEEOO l)a E-z {. Faa ei a.)333HHE FrFr rrJr* B>3666,-\ /1 a'\EE--r-.t-.1i\\aahanrnaa o il Fl U I-ra<>t>!rFr{ D EE5x5dX (a frl7ztQF>riH<&9 V)Otsre ;83lraFt9ah AH-aL</ NF (A T T I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I e : o4 .E € ?O:=trgJ:.E E ; i.HE9 7E.EbE 'E:g(J,ts stc-vE,Ef Edg: F E2$Eg 8i ;S H E{g6E E#vco tr c!v!qE! 0rF Oi5 l/E?.8 *i'de& 'E hglo id:sE ?*E€E E*F;i9 -Ei =ell ll t .V2.nE6:i I:6Y E"A# E_GtrE >;Ftsj 4 FFE'6E E=E =$E .$f E=.E 6FEEE3 E3:-;* gEEH€€EE FEFSFSEE -.>E =63, a EAE 8 6t rrt ! lt? ..tl trl 9fr <o&erdo <c ll ll -Sxt!Y5F zzzzzz e E<or gEHs &zz&z&z&zxz t->,!Eb:.F>q r',z "F-95Ett5>!EEt=,d E'a6 FC oru(D >>> +rf,ttXXX ct ot c{ 9ggo0iu a-er< r- r- Eo Eo -bob0 bo bocgEooru {rcro6€€(JQOQ(JQ E g s {)c a at) GI GI 6 oooOOU EggEqE !i ta !i t -r. r.E F F E 8 Ea\ a\ a\ ID Eaz a)A Ea ah b€q==I(J(JOHHH -r r;i iiFrt<t-z,a,E??? EE Ev).nvt666 Fl Q tur<>=>dFr( d EESx5d;1rafievtQF>ra!i<Cv(nO Fl r-l9;Fs=aiut Ft9 a -u) AH..4x< NH a I I I I I t I I I I t I I I I I t I I I I I I I Page 1of3 2059 Bryant St Denver, CO80211 (303) 96+1 986 Fax (303) 477-1275 Tdl Free (866) RESI-E].IV Apdl 14,2005 RES NA RES {1'0849-1 P2o,5-?,2 J.L. Vlele Sitsmark Lodge VATBill Oleskevictr EEM CONSULTING, INC. 3350 El Pinal Drive Evergreen CO 80439 Dear Customer, Reservoirs Environmental, Inc. is an analytical laboratory accredited for the analysis of Industdal Hygiene and Environmental matrices by the National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditration Ptogram (NVLAP), Lab Code # 101896 and the American lndusEial Hygiene Association (AIHA), Lab lD 101533 - Accreditation Certificate #480. Thb laboratory b cunently proficient in both Proficiency Testing and PAT programs respeciively. Reservoirs Environmental, Inc. has analyzed the following samples for asbestos content as per your request The analysis has been cornpleted in general accordance wilh the appropriate methodology as stated in the attached analysis table. The results have been submitted b your offtce. RES I14849't is the job number assigned to this study. This report b consideted highly confidenfnl and llte sole prop€rty of lhe customer. Reseryoirs Environmental, Inc. will not disorss any part of this study wih perconnel other than those of the client. The results described in this report only apply to the samphs analyzed. This r€port must not be used to claim endorsement of products or analytbal results by NVIAP or any agency of the U.S. Govemment. This report shall not be reproduced exoept in full, without writbn apprqral fiom Reservols Envircnmental, Inc. Sanples will be disposed of afur sixty daF unless brger sbrage is requested. lf you have any questions about thb report please feel free to call 303-964-1986. LaboEiory Code: Subcont!:act Number: lrboratory Report: Prolect O.rcdpdon:I I I I I I T I I I I I I I M Jeanne Spenccr Orr President I lt /) /(lrJ^/fr-k^//.-- Analyst(s): Paul D. LoScalzo Wenlong Liu Paul F. lGappe Rich Wegrzyn Michael Scales Sincerely, iafie-€ F|Ia Eoo F- 1O u) @ (ol-(oO 1O rl) <D (O Ot o) o) O) O) r- (a (C,|{r(>oo9oFo|rl lI)Or(I) u$$ E'o() 'r,3 EEEE (f,3 o o c.r-oo 3 s ET!o>E E Eoul Eo = EIEouIIa oo oooo oo ur (\| G|6.tO O Oz2 zz=z zz z z - : g -egeo o oooo at ooob e Fea-c s s.ca() o ooo 3Eau, o- :- c E€g''E -e8o-8 J<>UrE ctoooo o o@o o o\t (\l (\l lft .E E E .E(!@oQii- o cL cL.gE.EE-soE -c.8 E'E'E-.E ; ; ] ", o) o€E E Fi EEE i;th 6 E E a;e; I 8s! E--el; E! * i $E*H il. 8FE E8ES 8-E v E c'.oscL s sq.E EEEE.EE E E.ESEE g E F5 5€f 5 55 5 5 5558 5 5 <co()o oo cr1r,F Gl@FCD O(\,l(. (.) -@ <o <cooo <o o-o E3aZ5e |r)(o(o(o @@FNrf, u)or ct) ==uJ lrJ (\l (9 q(o(o(o@@o@@l\t\t\F|r,|()tou)oo)o(D =ul uJ uJ uJ CDOtcl (o @@FNro ro(D CD ==UJ IIJ = 3.E eFsoattz F6(roEEi*ooitoo a" E{roro+oao = ===ooooJ JJJatrooo EE-ta-- ==ootlOU' lirrl!t .n = (o o Noo(U o- ci =j i8s23Flll+9 = r.iz;aO E; >i5 =-rt,-IIIUS J. BE O9e.E =o.:656 0 >-F Ze' outEvroutota..oo uto F =ul(ttr uJr a al, J z YJfo.J4 ulJo F T I I t T I I I I I I I I t t T t T I \o -\,5\r " Frl c, o s rO 6 E ll s .g - zg =i E-F I ;Fsiiiti -.9U> 8;rgztrntle* oi E*b.s.ilthq); 5 EE i" FcFaE F NEEE*EE*doooo<Fo roooocitooo srrr ;EE <>ul oooooooorF e f .gg o E o-dTCLEE =ESSElee'n E bb'X=rlE5i,.s Iggt(DE''=c,c,c =geg N@o)O@(o(oFao6co@]\NI\Nrat rat rf) loo) or cD <t) ===Lri l! lu IJJ otc $FF6ddJlt.troo It".,p$ , E a;$*;HfiX ti$- g, =3,i o q, o (Yt o CDoo- ct =j f,Ee296lll*9E TIttt> =eb(J 9EEib -J4lllZR5 E = EE fIJJEH iegq v 538 b >-F Zu- IAElrJ oE* oo ul c,fzur(,E uJ o. SEo =2 YJ3o.JG ulJo F I I I I T I I T I I I I I t I I I I I g o $t E PF tl x E EF - sis ,i E-F B iHsiiiri a ci rSEs 6Vr!i6iztrlltl QdZl- o ; -gE-C!!:OF 5!P E EE!. gn E E.,€EF€HE Ps$sf;gFS RES I tit849 4/,qlq RESERVOIRS ENVIRONMENTAL, INC. 2030 8.t rt St. Orovct CO 80?| | LrrnaEr arE-Frr rt!!.c / -?* (v.. E.r.w.ra(brE,,?r..E.,,r.(r<ld t p!dr., frl r.,!F Fr* l$illaaTattt r r* t.-3.l6stalYlrtr.latt OlCAtr frcCt rn|q. tr t|-rrEtqcr .'r.' n!.,r rJF .at: Xlttcr ltat I I I I I t I I I t I I I I I I I I I T.+rsq6t1blL)-b3- -frlra ----t& I , t. a 5 6 t 9 to ll r2 f! la t5 RESI Jo! I Hqrrt c.fcid CH RGTE: Aerqrm t k.o +ry h cq lu^ r'd rrr.r.t! b J .rFir qa*. s"ngr- n l".".va.r c.ir,-"-rn"-o.yGE '-rtod -d s9..fu 6 h dr-! do€aoq- ru.sor.a is .atd b sq-io.t Elm- yqr r ba noftd f dctaF ." r.- - r'',, s-ytF{+cqPF' -L tH*r|E.l t\ / b/t4 rr.\r-- _a lt-r tI$ _I lca _'a FCta t€ , taoo!. (Elr Er ,!et,', Li.till. tQ- rS, hlt.4rSttu?'.F.r.E'- aa , CF *_ Loa _ aott^ I O.f I*{ R.rdaattuPi{ 3<{, o|d, Hlt lCrP (^5fr E trr?.Fq.-rrv t..ti , : t- -+|D _ _t GAX ftJilra _ea.l .r _t.Ory 3 _ -rFCcr.. arrga _toa, _taD, - -stEclatru!|a _t(''f _$o,t& 'EO(|iED! lteara R flqncRAFrcrt i('lE tlrF.lr.ar b, rdErg naqrlla..n t .r tr (rrdt Err6 ftr.r\ lact rntq€d tEFr E gri d|r$, *€S ra..arr!tq!!, tr.!t ta-t.Fl.iHcteFdta.irn*i R:A -..arT|ir h rd.r..-aFtoa i *--..Err!r| r tr.*ur.., c,..g'|l.ba. t.,torqr{h6 - br.a rFts'--tat -r(rE Xiag-b. rEara4E|rryr-- rEr.rti-.{ R.rir{r-k rr //. {*+ y'/-,rRdi{dtttad tt: t f .*,,,- /-/s-o# tz z r .tl t . .2 "*'*'!-/J3/fr5_.--/2' - <4#-D*' ftfrt 1.5.b,r/t4/c /t (<t i4 SPllIsi Adtroriarlirt rytnD ArENli.l ritcttDdTurta.riru_Ertzor RcsrlroE: nrarlffi L.b Ocrxrlrcoirt shaclt Raccar..t Bfm€: Drt: a'tzr"aclr Lodg. fi A =rqyngtf rf 48 :JfM/ gcz ZA> CEtLllhrr& nla c#-l Er 6qe Y ofte€2/1 fiq1 p (eftd!6 , H'lcr' = - --' o+tco- ; r*.qN: I ATTACHMENT #2 EPA AI\ID STATE OF'COLORADO ASBESTOS INSPECTOR ACCREDITATION I I I I I I I I I I T I I I I I t I I STATE OF COLORADO ASBESTOS CERTIFICATION* Colorado Deprrtment of Publie Health and Environncnt Air Pollution Control Division This certifics that Robert L. Regen Cerdflcrflon No: 3ld1 haE met thc rcquirrrn€nts of25-7-507, C.R.S, and Air Quality Connol Conunission Rcgulrtion No. 8, Pan B, and is hercby ccrtificd by the slate of Crlomdo in thc following disciplinc: Inspector/Management Planner* . r& tW ''r'g * t lntu''dcd,. 4.ad-t fn'.d,.q6.at btac'.tturwc.h ,I'&5'o|.|'drd.LE I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I N it,;,t;'1//l rc i!. 7:;^E ^:7€^=ta(3: 47:x:J STATE n "':,{:!.3:'!!'rli:-'r.\lt:t: /\.alN,/. F COLORA ASBESTOS CERTIFICATION* Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment Air Pollution Control Division This certifies that William C. Oleskevich Certification No: 5638 has met the requirements of 25-7-507, C.R.S. and Air Quality Control Commission Regulation No. 8, Part B, and is hereby certified by the state of Colorado in the following discipline: Inspector/Management Planner* Issued: l2lll2004 Expires on: l2lll200S * This ccrtiftcate is volid only with the possessiott ola cunent Division-approved training course ce iJicotion itt the discipline specified ahove- IGN\{Y. c\J41 irtttffco Representative lffi ffi w ,.i+Nffi :t ffi w ffi'ffi )t1fr':j.:E S(i:'.;; T it il I I I t I t CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE OP ID ] EEMCO-t OAIE (MM/OO'TYYY) 02/rr/05 PRODUCER CoBrz Insurancc, Inc. 10901 W Tol.Ler Dr, Ste 200Ll'ttleton CO 80127 Phone: 303- 988-044 5 Fax: 303- 988-0804 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AXO CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICAT€ HOLOER, THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMENO, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. INSURERS AFFOROING COVERAGE NAIC 'INSU RE D EEM Consul- t.inq , Inc .3350 Ef Pinal -Dr .Ev€rgreen CO 80438 rNsuRER ^. _Al[erican -Saf ely rNsuRER I Pinnacol Assurance INSURERC _-.. lNsuRER D__ INSURER E COVERAGES I I I I rts|E Po!rcrEs oF tNsuRANcE Lrsr€o SELow HAVE BEEN rssuEo To TtlE tNsuREo a/auEo aaovE FoR TH€ potrcy pERroo rNorcATEo Norwtrt-lsrANorNG ANY REOUIREMENI. TERM OR CONOTTION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTTTER OOCUM€NT WITTI RESPECT TO W'|ICIi THIS CERTIFICATE MAY AE ISSU€O OR MAY P€RIAIN IHE INSURANCE AFFOROEO 8Y THE POIICIES OESCRIAEO HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALI THE TERMS EXC L USIONS ANO C ONOI T ION S OF SUC T] POL]CI€S AGGREGATE IIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE AEEN REOUCEO 8Y PAID CLAIMS €acn occuRRENcE r 100O000 iiiiilisis iE. -.1i i,i."", I50000 MEo ExP (Any one p€rsont r 5000 PERSoNAL E^ovTNJURY l L000O00 GENERAI- AGGREGATE r 1000000 PRooucrs . coMP/oP ecc s 1000000 , GENERAL LTAETLTTY I e x :x-l coMMERCTA! cENERAL LrAErLry I pr.r.orse zoos-_ - - ".^,,n. *o. S o""u" I . GEN'! AGGREGATE LTMIT APPLI€S PER 09/30/04 I 09/30/05 os/30/04 i. og/zo/os COMEINEO SIN6LE LIMII (Ea acodeor)r 1 ,000,000I AUIOIOAIIE LIAAILITY A i :ANYAUTo A!L OWNEO AUTOS | : SCT"IEOULEO AUTOS l+'-1 iX HIREO AUTOS I X I Nor./-OwNEO AUTOS PEro15 6? 00 5 i 1 AUTo oNLY . EA ACCIO€Nr ' 3 I o,',t* ,',,^u t^ ACC : t ArJIO ONL Y GARAGE LIASILITY 09/30/05 AGGREGATE : I 1,0,9q900 _ tr 10 0 0000A X occuR - .,-^,"rs *o. I aXSOf SOZOO: D€OIJCTIgLE it o9/30/o4 X RET€NTroN ! 10000 I_b91"1',"!;f t "en. ErEAcEAccroENT 1100000 Er orsE^sE EAEMPLoY€E t 100000 E L orsE^sE. PoLrcY LrMlr t 500000 or/oL/04 WORKERS COTTPENSAT|oX AiIO ^ ETaPLOYERS LnaILTTYE aIyPaOeRI€TOR/PARTN€R/ExECUTIVE OFFIC€R/M€M8ER EXCTUOEO? . ll ygs oescnb€ unoe, , SP€ClAl PROVISIONS oolow 4038283 ' o DAYS NOllCt OF C.Alrc. O TXER I OESCRIPTION OF OP€RATIOIIS / LOCA'bNS / VE}IICLES / EXCLUSK)NS AOOEO AY ENOORSEI€NT / SPECIAL PROVISONS Certificate holder is named as Additional Ingured as respects work performed by the named insured. rexcept 10 day not.ice in the event of non-payEent of preEi\rE. SHOULD AI{Y OF THE ABOVE OESCRIBEO POLICIES BE CANCELLEO B€FOR€ IHE EXPIRAI oATE TfrEREoF. THE rssurNc rNsuRERwrLL ENoEAvoRTo MAIL 30* oevswntrrer NOTICE TO THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER NAMEO TO TH€ LEFT BUT FAILURE IO OO 50 S8ATL IXPOSE I{O OALIGATION OR LIAEILITY OF AIIY XINO UPON THE INSURER. ITS AGENTS OR REPRESEXTATIVES :"A CERTIFICATE HOLOER T ACOR0 25 {2001/08J CANCELLATION o AcoRo coRPoRATroN 1988 IMPORTANT Ifthecertificateho|der|sanADD|T|oNALINSURED.thepo|icy(ies)mustbeendorsedAStatement on this certificate does .ot."rr"r iights to tne certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s) IfSUBRoGAT|oN|SWA|VED,subjecttothetermsandconditionsofthepo|icy'certaInpo||c|esmay require an endorsement, a i"t"."i't "^ this certificate does not confer rrghts to the ceftificate hoider in lieu of such endorsement(s) DISCLAIMER The certificate of Insurance on the reverse side of this form does not constitute a contract beNve€n the issuing insurer(s), autn;rized representative or. producer, and the certificate holder' nor does tt affirmativety or negativety ;;;;;, eiteno or alter the coverage afforded by the policies listed thereon t I I t I I T ACORD 25 (2001t08) TOWN OF VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD vArL, co 81657 970-479-2135 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON IOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ALARM PERMIT Permit #: A05-0060 -8O'r Otc(J Job Address: 183 GORE CREEK DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: SITZMARK LODGE LOBBY Applied . . : 08ll5l20fl5 Parcel No...: 21010821m06 Issued. . : 08ll9l20fi5 Project No , ?ts O 5 -6 I (K Expires . .: AilEl2W6 owNER srrzMARK AT vArrJ rNc og/ts/2oos 183 @RE CREEK DR VAIL co 81657 CoNTRACTOR VAIIr ELECTRONICS, LTD. 08/19/2005 phone: 970-827-9!20 P.O. BOX 450 MINTT'RN co 81645 License: 198-S Descipion: FIRE ALARM CHANGE IN LOBBY TO ACCOMODATE NEW CEILING TILES --::::::--------::-'-::-'*t:|*i'|*+|+'iti|{t't.t'li**'|:|'t||*'fl'|,|.'|.:t'iFEEsM&Y El€.fical------ > DRB Fee-----> Iilestigation -- > \Yill Call-----> Total Cafculsted Fe€s- > 5275 -25 Additional Fees----- >$0. 00 TOTAL FEES--> 5276.2s BALANCE DTJE------- >s0.00 $0. 00 $0. 0o 9O.OO $3 .00 Totaf Permit Fe€----> 5276.25 Payments--------- > 5216.25 Approvals: Item: 05600 FIRE DEPART'Ii{EIi|T 08/Ls/2oos ddg Action: AP CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the infonnation required, completed an accurat€ plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and zubdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SIIALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOI,R EOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2135 FROM E:fiI AM.5 PM. SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF TOWN OF VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2t35 OWNER SITZMARK AT VAIIJ INC 183 GORE CREEK DR VAIII co 81557 APPIJICANT THT'IJ EIJECTRONIC SYSTEMS P O BOX 534 AVON co 81520 License: 112-S CONTRACTOR TIIT'IJ EIJECTRONIC SYSTEMS Desciption: Valuation: VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ALARM PERMIT Iob Address: 183 GORE CREEK DR VAIL Location.....: SITZMARKLODGELOBBY Parcel No...: 210108210006 Project No : Permit #: 405-0060 Status...: ISSUED Applied. . : 0811512ffi5 Issued. . : 0811912ffi5 Expires. .: 02ll5l2ffi6 127 6 .2s $0. 00 s275.2s $275 .2s s0.00 08/Ls/2oos o8/L5/2005 Phone z 970-949-4638 o8/L5/2005 Phone: 97O-949-4638 P O BOX 534 AVONco 81620 License:112-S FIRE ALARM CHANGE IN IOBBY TO ACCOMODATE NEW CEILING TILES $1.100.00 Elecfical----- > DRB Fee-----> Investigation-- > willcdl------> TOTAL FEES_> Approvals: Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARI'I'IENT og/Lel2oos ddg $0 .00 $0. o0 s0. 00 $3.00 s216.25 Total Calculated Fe€s- > Additional Fees----- > Total Permit Fee---- > EALANCE DUE._-- > Action: AP CONDMONS OF APPROVAL DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge *rat I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state tlnt all the information as required is conect. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and strate laws, and to build this stnrcture according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Intemational Building ard Residential Codes and ordinances of the Town applicable thereto R-EQUESTS FOR INSPBCTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOUR OWNER CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF **{ttiftlll'ftlt*ltt*t*f*altt**+tttt*t9t'}ftf*allttltlfflllr***'}:t{'**t+******t'}***ttl'{'t'ttt't'}t"t't'}*+ TOWNOFVAIL, COIORADO Statem€nta***laaaaa*tlf*faa*'l{r***lt+t****+ttft*****t*t*+***t*a*++******************{r***{'**tf,t**{r*{rt*'} Statement llumber: R050001332 Amount: Pa]rrnent ltetbod: Check Electronlce s276.25 08 / L9 / 2OOsLo : 2o A!!Init: DDGNotation: 020075 vail Perrnit No: A05- 0060 Tlpe : AIJARIU PERMITParcel No: 2101-082-1000-5 Site AddregE: 183 GPRE CREEK DR VAII,I,ocation: SITZIIARK I,OIXIE IJOBBY This Palment: BP 00100003111100 PF 00100003112300 wc 00100003112800 i2?6.2s Total Feea: Total AIJIJ Prnta : Bafance: s276.2s ;276.2s so.0o*t'***'|*fflattftt+*f,af*a!**atlflf**lr*'t*'l:l*tXft*t******ttt*tri'tf*{r**'trittttt******+'lr'}lrl'tl'll'*ia!++* ACCOI.JNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmtsa FIPA AIJARI/I PERilTT FEES PIJAT{ CIIECK FEES YIIIJJ CAIJJ INSPECTION FBB 4L.25 232.OO 3 .00 Frontage Rd.81657 2- application submittal and must include information listed on the Vail, Colorado Application will not be accepted without thisthis form. o ffi.d6c COTPLETE VALUATIONS FOR Al-ARm PERilIT {Labor & llater[ls). Contact and Phone #s:Town of Vail Reg. No.: Corrtact AsaoasorE Afficp at 970-32E-EUO or visit Parcel# C tn OA3trrf\^(o JobNam6: Srtarno.-h -Lovb"JobAddress: (Sa Go. ctr, L Dv- Legat Description ll Lot fl ll ero"r, b F, ll rni"g, I ll subdivision:{q,t \l'l lla ,-, owners Name: Srt vnr-rc ll Address: r9..\f'n r rrr l) t[.[ || enone: J Ensinee. Sharuz ll*o**'?o bar turr ,?ir:o I enone: qot qoBJ Detailed Location of work: (i.e., froor, unit #, bldg. #)l-cbb.r oa l.^r Detailed descriptbn of work: Fa c l"r.r,-r {<. arro,- J^)nor^-' cc'r ,I filtf U Work Class: New( ) Addition ( ) Rernodel ( ) Repair ( ) Retro-fit ( ) Oth€r ( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-family ( ) Tu,o-family ( ) Multi-family ( ) C,ommercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) CIher( ) No. ol Existing Dvvelling Units in thb building: ll tto. ot Rccornmodation unils in this building: Does a Firs Alarm Eist Yes ( ) No( ) ll tloes a Fire Sprinkler System Exist Yes ( ) No( ) *******::****:lt*****t***ttt!.**!.*!t!.t*****FOR OFFICE USE ONLY**t*******r+'t!t:ltttt****t*t**:l:l*:**i*t!t* WAiIUAIE\CdEV\FORMS\PERMI TS1ALRMPERM.DOC ,na ,4\ty-t- TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD vArL. co 81657 970-479-2138 OWNER SITZMARK AT VAIL INC T83 GORE CREEK DR VAII., co 81557 APPI,ICA}IT D.P. BLECTRIC P.O. BOX 711 EDWARDS co 81632 Iricense : 119 -E EONTRACTOR D.P. ET.ECTRTC P.O. BOX 711 EDWARDS co 81632 License: 119-E DEPARTMENT OF COMMUMTY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE FOSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Job Address: 183 GORE CREEK DR VAIL Location.....: SITZMARKLODGE Parcel No...: 210108210006 Project No t Pri o 5 -olt f, Permit #: Status . . . Applied. . Issued. Expires . E054155 1305-ot(3 : ISSIJEDz 0712812005: 07129/2005.: 0l/25/2006 07 /28/200s o7/28/2OO5 Phone:970-926-4]-40 07 /2e/2OOs Phonet 97o-926-47-40 Total Calculatcd Fe€s- > Additional Fees------ > Total Permit Fee---- > CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIEL,D fNSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIAIICE' DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full tlre information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct, I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this strucqpe according to the townsloning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential other ordinances of the ftown applicable thereto' Desciption: REMODEL OFFICE LIGHTING & OUTLETS Valuation: $3,500.00 Square feet: 1000 ****L****,***'l'l'l:l,a Eleqrical----- > DRB Fee----- > InY$tigatioF -- > Will Call-----> TOTAL FEES--> REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOUR PM. OLJR OflCE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 $87.40 90.00 $0.00 $3.00 s90.40 s90.40 $0.00 $90.40 s90.40 $0. ooBALANCE DUE..-.---> +sit++++i.*tttt*:rt Approvals: Item: 06000 ELECTRICAIJ DEPARTMENT o7/29/2OO5 shahn Action: AP IEEm: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT ANCE BY TELEPHONE AT FOR TIIMSELF AND OWNEF fafllflfl*lllllllllllt++tlttl+tttttftaaffraattfaaaaa*aaaafaftttaf,tttttfr*t+att*a+**+***+*+++ TOWNOFVAtr,, COIORADO SACMOTlll'}'ttffffalfaafalllllallfllrtttttttrattttrafffataaaraaaa*****a*a*aaaa******a*t*ttt**ttfttfl statsn€nt lnunb€r. R050001184 Amount,3 $90.40 o7/29/2oo5o1:53 plr{ Pa$n€nt l{etlrod: Check Inlt: LT tilotsaulon: Dave Pcuorson /ck 23286 Petml,t, No: 805-0155 TlEe: EIJECIRIqAIJ PERII{ITParcel l[o: 2101-082-1000-6Site Addr6tg: 183 GoRE CREEK DR VArIJl,ocatlon: SITZMARK ItoDGE Togal Fees: $90.40ThiB Palnmts $90.40 Total ALII Pnts: 990.{0Balance: $0.00lfl*rfafffll*llllflltlltll*rtttttttttftfafaflraaattaaatt*attaaaaaaaaaaaaafaaaaaftaaaffaffaaa ACCOI,JNT ITEM IJST: Account Code DcacrLption Current Pmtg EP OO1OOOO31111OO EIJECIT,ICAIJ PERUIT TEESrc 00100003112800 tflrJ., e3r,L, ncgpBerroN EEts 8?.{0 3.00 ,(t, 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 CONTRACTOR IN FORMATION Electrica I C.ontractor:Town ofVail Reg. No.:Contact and Phone #'s: 2A-{/{6 COMPLETE SQ. FEET FOR NEW BUILDS and VALUATIONS FOR ALL OTHERS (Labor & Materials) AMOUNT OF SQ FT IN STRUCTURE:ELECTRICAL VALUATION : $SDO Contact Assessorc Office at 970-328-8640 or visit for Parcel # Parcef #2/O/ O E2 /OOO JobAddress: ru= 6ore. Cre<-K br.Job Names, //z Filing: c< l/ rU^ WorkClass: New() Addition( ) Remodel (N) Repair( ) TempPower( ) Other( ) Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( )Work Type: Interior Exterior( ) Both( ) Restaurdnt ( ) O$er ( )Type of Bldg.: Singlefamily ( ) Duplex ( ) MultFfamily ( ) Commercial No. of Accommodation Units in this building:No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: for a hot tub: Yes ( ) No Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( ) NoDoes a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes ********,i******************rr********,!**FoR oFFrcE usE oNLy**,.-RESIdtJ.[- *t-tp165.,'********* Date Received: DRB Fees: Planner Sion-off: {l c,,,r.4 o qP\Wail\data\cdev\FORM S\PERMITS\ELECPERM.DOC 07D6t2N2 ^fi TOWN OF VAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL. CO 81657 w0-4.79-2138 PLUMBING PERMIT Job Address: 183 GORE CREEK DR VAIL Location.....: SITZMARKLODGE ParcelNo...: 210108210006 projectNo , frJ oC<S*tg OWNER SITZI'4ARK AT VAIIJ INC O7/28/2OO5 183 GORE CREEK DR VAII-,co 81557 # of Gas Appliances: ??L***'t****,t**'l***:t,t*{.t:*{.rt*,rt'***t'l:i****:al|l*||{t*'l't*r*rt***'}'}{r,**'}***'tt't'}xitr'}* FEE suMMARy|!t*t++**+t+ttt*t:r+*i***+i$tt*ti***'t***{.rr.rri*t:ttitt+&i'rt'tr*'r'r* DEPARTMENT OF COMMTJNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON IOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #:P05-0098 Status . . Applied. Iszued . Expires . S0. 00 Total Calculated Fees-- > S0. 00 Additional Fees------ > S?8.00 Total Permit Fee-----> BAI-ANCE DUE----- > Bo€ar{3 ISSUED 07t28t2005 08t0j,2t2005 0u29t2w6 APPIJICAICT ROBINSON PLIIMB/HEATTNG SQUAWoT /28/2005 phone: 328-0884 PO BOX 1507 EJAGI,E co 81631 License: 159-P CONTRACTOR ROBINSON PITIIMB/HEATING SQUAWOT / 28/2OOS phone: 328-0884 PO BOX 1507 EAGIJE co 8L531 L,icense: 159-P Desciption: MOVE WASTE LINE TO NEW KITCHEN AND DISIIWASHER, REROUTE COPPER PIPES Valuation: $4.000.00 Fireplace Information: Restricted: '!'!# of Gas t ogs: 'l? # of Wood Pallet: ?? Plumb rg--- > Plan Check-- > Investigation- > Will Call--- > $50 . o0 Resturant Plan Review-> S15.00 DRB Fee------------- > SO. OO TOTALFEES - s3.00 $?8.00 $0.00 s?8.00 $78.00 90. 00 Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENr o8/oL/20os cAunion Action: Ap Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTI{ENT CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BI,DG.): FIEIiD fNSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLJIANCE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in firll the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and statre laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable_thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE PM, AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 fflll'}tl**faata*aalafaaaaafaaaaaafaa*allllfft****a*+**afaaa+i'3**t*tr't*t*taaaaaaataaa{raaaaaatf TOWNOFVAIL, COIORADO Statcmentf,ltttaaaaittlaaaaallaataa*lt*aaa+a+lttaa*titttataat*ta**lttt*t**a**aat+taaaaaaaaa*a*atlaataa gtatenont ltunbor: R050001215 Anount: 9Zg,OO OO/O2/2OOSO1:16 pM Payment l{ettrod: Check Init: LCNotation: 1995/RoblnEon Mech Per"rnit No: P05-0098 Tlpe: pIirMBINc PERIT|IT Parc€I No! 2101-082-X000-6gite AddresEs 183 CbRE CREEK DR VAIIJIocatLon: SITZil,nRf IJoDGE Total Feea: S78.00Tlrls Paltmc[rt3 $?8.00 Total ALtr PmtE: $?8.00Balance: 90.00lfaalaaaaaaataataafaaallalff||ataaaatafffata**ttattf,ft+tttttttt**tt*tt*ttatttataatltatattattl ACCOT]NT ITEM UST: Account eod€ DeEcription Current hrc6 PF 00100003112300 pIJAtt cHEcK FEBS 15.00 PP 00100003111100 pltilBrr[ci pRIrtIT FEES 50.00 wc 00100003112800 WIIJIJ eSrJIJ INSpEe[f,ON FEB 3.00 APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR L(z Qc5'oolE CONTRACTOR IN FORMATION Building Permit #: Plumbing Permit #: 97 O - 47 9 -2149 (I nspecti ons) MVNWYAIL 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 Plumbing Contractor: Gni,.*."- +* H " [ 9.-,^, G. Town of Vail Reg. No.:(t<-R Contact and Phone #'s:qfu rflo - bt+T E-Mail Address:"a Contractor Signaturk.--2.\s"+.t.;fu COMPLETE VALUATION FOR PLUMBING PERMTT (tabor & Materiats) Conbct Assewrc Otrie at 97O-328-8640 or visit for Patel # Parcel# ltOt Ogz. to6O G JobName:,^., r (-Job Address:t83 LegalDescription ll toe ll Btock: ll riting:Subdivision: Owners Name:Address:Phone: Engineer: ll nOOiess Phone: Detailed description of work: Morlt urul,e [ir,t to nr. r 2t1.o,,-^-{ &'S[.A",a,Lrsn cero.,-$r taoost' --rl-o>,r WorkClass: New() Addition( ) AtterationGd Repar() Other( ) Typeof Bldg.: Single-famiV( ) Duptex( ) Mutti-famity( ) Commerciat (FRertarrunt( ) Other( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this building: Is this a conversion from a wood burning firepta- tr****tr*******************************r.*FOR OFFICE USE ONLY************************************* LAa(D$ ru' mcD JUL rE zoos \ \Wail\data\cdev\FORMS\PERMITS\PLMBPERM.DOC 07t26t2002 Rcqucrbd Inrpec-t [}rb: Thurudly, l{ovember 10, 2005|ntp€s0onAl||: cGSlbA&!rc$r {&l @RE CREEK DR VAIL S]IZ'HARKLq)GE ArP,Dlnlbrm.to|r A.furr dF{X43 TYD.: A€OtlM SdnD.: AOOil Slrt!: ISSUEDCot{Ty[: _ 9,ccrrFitf (br: tll-A InrpAnr: CO Ouricr: S{TZI^RKATV |IIITIC ' Apghtt JI..VIELE@MITRICilOil Phono: 970'47&AE2Cohtsrcbr: JI.VIELECONSITRIJCTIOII Plpnr: 970476-aElD.AbIbn: gTATARK LOOOE FRONTOFFICE REIrcOELCodm'f ROUIED Il) CHilS Otf,tlotl, BLL Gl$lotrl, RRE A,.ID Pt BLIC V\oRK8 - ..Flt T}GR R.or.bd f,|ro.a0dr(rl tbm: tlO BLDc+lndCfi)R.SrSn JI. VlEl.E COiTI9TRI CnON Comrl|rilr: r,{ c.I a7l{.188Arhn dTo: XlCri{)RAGoil- A.!o0: (^t lt|.cc0onHlrbry Th. Exp: ".1pprowd * o[rrB bm: {0lbmr 20lSnr: 3l (PitrUt Cornmantlbil: 60 BlF{l3irllonlbm: EO q-txlsh..frocktlrll m/tt/G ln D.cbr:Conlt|ntlhm: 7! BlDelfloc.lNm: gl BlO(}Ffrllbn: 6iD EtD&Ton.C/olbn: 5i[ FIREfIMI CJO 8|o Bl."OBFhllC/o2t PlJtI*lLC Founllbn Plrn 22 P|.til.lLCSlPhn lbm: lbm:llm: Rcoue.bd Tlmc: 0l:gl Pil- Phorr: 97G47SS2 ,q- 471- 5'168 Erbnd* DGOI."OEN K fr'l/ 'q Acilon: APCR AcfloN: APAPPROVED A.ton: APAIIPRO\I|ED h&h tl lbor/c.trm D.tu Uonr h.oD.dnf, C||rlng lmD.cdon 8i'tlH.sHY -dhrctml rtcel cotum - In$acbr: cfirtscdifidomnEd. " AoprowO * crLvb-' REPT131 Run Id: 36E1 1u.27-ffi lnrpecton Requect Reportlng Page 3d 4:16 prn Ve[, CO- CtOr Cti - Requested lnsp€ct Drte; Frltlry, Ocbber 23, m05 Inspecdon Area: CG - Slte Address: 183 GORE CREEK OR VAIL SITZflARK LODGE AIP/D lnlbrma0on Actrdt!,: PGl(xtgS T!pe: RPLMB Const Tw6: Occuoai'icv: Ontrier: SIIZMARKATVAILII|C' Apptcant ROE|I{SON PLl,rMgHEATtilG SOUAW CRK Conbaclor: ROBlf.lSOtl Ptl..,tigtlEAlttG SOUAW CRK subrlm: AcoM Phons: 32&(F8tl Phone: 32&08&{ D€scrlpflon: MOI/E WASTE UNE TO NEWKITCHEN AND DISFTWASHER, REROTJTE COPPER PIPES Comircnt ROt'IED TO CFRIS GUNION - LCAMPBELL lo -28-oS RequesEd Tlme:- Phone: Ert€red qr lnso€cdon Hlslorv Sbt|s: lr|3p Are.: ISSt.ED CG Reouesbrt Ins oecton(sl lbm: 2g) PIJUB-Flnal Reqmstor: ROEINSoN PLqHEATI}G souAw CRK Aselgned To: .,;1;61YP1 ^ar4l*-rAcdon: '{ Tlme Exp: (l/ ll:30 AM$t$6t,t(t DGOLDEN K Corrnent 6N "FfPTOVIO" ACTION: APAPPROVEDotryi#lFfi@3r+Psi!bm: 230 PLM&RouetrAfild.t0808(5 lnoecOEOSoE In.,€cbT: Aft Aclbn: APAPPROVEDCotlf||.nt APPROVEO ROUGH WATER ON SYSTEM PRESSUREPLIIB€.rP|offro PLMSPooUHolfubPtMlk.PLiIBFhI nam: 2.Olbrn: 26Oibm: a6Ofbm: 2gt REPT131 Run Id: 3816 T I T I t I T I t T t I T I I T T I I Rob€rt L. RagEn 5177 South Ventura Way Centcnnial, CO 8ml5 303-2lGl 349 Fax fO3-632-8226 RRagan2@comcast.net June 27, 2005 lvlr. Bill Oleskevich EEM Consulting, Inc. 3350 El Pinal Drive Evergreen Colorado Re: lnspection and Final Work Area air sampling at 830 Gore Creek Drive, Vail, Colorado Dear Mr. Oleskevich: R2 Analytical is pleased to present this brief report on the work performed at the referencdd site. The scheduled removal of asbestos containing spray-on ceiling texture., at the referenced site was comoleted on 611312005. Durins isb'estbs removal-and ceiling demolition a seiond lavei'of drvwall was discovered "and doubled the quantity of material to be removed ind dispoSed. Mr. Robert Rasan of R' Analwical pbrfornied a post-abatement visual insoection'ofthe work area accordine to ASTM E 1368-90 Standard Practice of Asbestos 'Abatement Proiects. Visual ins-pection concluded with no visible debris obsened in the work aiea. After the inspection was completed, hve final work area (FWA) air samples were collected. The FWA air samples were analyzed by phase conhast microscopy (PCM) according to NIOSH method 7400. The observed sample results demonstrated airbome fiber levels to be less than 0.01f /cc for each of the 5 samples collected. ln accordance with Colorado Regulation 8, Part B the olfice and break rq)m of the Sitzmark Lodge at 830 Gore Creek Drivc, Yail, Coto6do is now char for rorml ocrrptfur erd or wort activities (please refer to the dtached air sample report for results and santple locatiots). If I can be of further assistance please call me at (303) 210-1349 Sincerelv ./7,2-*/4=-- Rpbert L Ragan R'Analvtical wos-22 penrtgr Bo5- olqE -.1 o -l obA Fll Fllcol4El qqoe v] e a{ a.l oooo \0 \o€€ c{ c{Nc.l c.l ooat c{&& (1 >Fl\ Ei UQoo F.l Fl av) EI EI EI {l fl .Elil olEtlot d EI ,RI TEI t&l 2lg Itl 'cll H .T'id E €>l il EI{l-rgs E I eaF X I HHEs,Eff iEE*E.I I I5*t*l I a$ ?:$ p Ss$E EE i6d E=B :5* p I I I I I t t I I I I I I I I I I I I Ht dt 3l Hl Hl g E T Naxt 5Srt.!A= >rE6!ir xit JF6.2.0R'i- if ^EF c@ <4E.6(e .E EI E 5 rat ra) rat ^q _CEEESEoooFl\ c?a.3nq dl \o .,.! na..t vt € g=Egg (a vr r.|\o \o \o ===oc> iXEFRc{ e.l {\l ci t\rar rat |.lE E E E E =FE2i:Yis3g!€iaaf,Eiir3td Q o O I Feae'I{Eq{{4q+4+a a E H ;'t3tEd N0. I ?9t4bffi*. R'h?,ffif*btL'JbFidil*fiL,, MAN,FE'T LoD ooor""" SN\Y\E Phone No. lPnone Ho. lBFl wast€ code mtm Descriotion of Waste QuantitY m-n $rB_n Units n E GENEMTOR.S CERT|F|CAT|Oi{: t ha.6by cortity that tha abo\6 named mat€rial is not a hazardous wastE as d€linsd by 40 cFR Part 2S1 ot any appli:able slat€ bw' has ryn pTP?4 l<hgcrilred.c|assif€dandpackeg€d'andGinp.oparconditionfortranspodationacc!'dingtoapp|ic8b|eregu|atior6:AND'ilthewast6igat]6atm€(|iresuoo|apl Iha:rdoucwctesutiedtorhgLandospGa|Rggt.iciions'|certifyandwa'rantthatthswaslehasba6nlr6atedinaccotdancewithth6r€quir6m€nBo|40cFRPan268anI a hazardous wasta a3 ddin€d by4oCFF Pan 26t ,.-\ i^, | ({e-+e= J oH ! ecruaor luttroriz€d Aosnt Na.rE (Prirt/Typs) L /6t4: Shlpmenl Dsls Truck l{ TrEnsporter Nam€ lnoa,"o 3 Vehicl€ Licenss No./State Shipmor Dale I srrE INFORMATION l.A foomitf - 8900 Highway 93 'Golden, CO ' 309-279-2944 Moer - 88th Avenue and Tower Road ' Comnerce Clty, CO ' 303-371-2886V / I Discrepancy Indication Spacet t hereby certit that lh€ abova narEd tna|3tlal g(*E h true and accuraie. b€6t ol my knowledg6 the lore SAFETY PRECAUTIONS AVOID SKIN & EYE CONTACT AVOTD BBEATHING DUSTI I 457 - 458 5r3l 434 436 6rll . PINK GENEMTOR / LF. - GOLOENROD Fscoiol Date GENEMTOF / LF - WHrrE GENERATOB / OPERATOF . CANAFY TBANSPORTEH N0.'92915 COLORADO LANDFILL DISTRICT NON.HAZARDOUS SPECIAL WASTE MANIFEST Generating Location C noor""" SA vr.eAddress hone No. Ererc Jn w""t" coo"mm Descriotion ol Waste Quantity m-{-l )\ uta] TOF'S CEFT|F|CATION: I hereby c€riity that ihe above mmed material as not a hazardous waste as detin€d by 40 CFR part 261 ot any appli:abl€ stal€ law. has b€otr p|op6.ly d.cleg9modandpackaoed.andisinprop€rconditionfo.transponationacGordingloapp|icab|9regu|ationslAND'itthewast9isatr9atment.€8idu€o'aprgvior|s|yr6gt.id ha2aldouswasresub}ocltothoLandDisposa|R€stric|ions.|c€nifyandwarrantthatthewastehasbeen1r€atedinacco'dancewiththe'equirsmsntso|]locFRP2$ud Units TIU E I a*"J"5r'*- Arnhodzsd Agent N8,n6 (PthuTYPe) INFORMATION Foothills - 89fi) Highway 93 o Golden, CO o 303-279-2344 ower - 88th Avenue and Tower Road . Cornmerce City, CO . 3(B-371-2886 iscrepancy lndication Space 1zt1>t'---- Vehicle License No./State Shipmont Dato DISPOSAL INSTRUCTIONS ASBESTOS CELL BURY AT BASE DIG ATHENCH MIX WITH REFUSE SAFEW PRECAUTIONS AVOID SKIN & EYE CONTACT AVOID BREATHING DUST e I 7 t Shiom€nt Oals 2s< .- Phone No' c--l !-/ ---' rruck # + I my kmwlEdgs ihe lore- GENEMTOR / L.E - WHITE G€NEBATOR i OFERATOF - CANAHY TRANSPORTEH - PINK GENEFATOR / L.F.'GOLDENROD A.ihorired Agent Name (PrinvTypc) Wl t W-/tn7urt'n7 t /,f flr btorlt aO TOI4Nffi Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 faxi 970.479.2452 web: wwwci.vail.co.us Project Name: FRITCH RESIDENCE DRB Number: DR8050024 Proiect DescripUon: CHANGE TO APPROVED pt-ANS (ENI-ARGE ADDnON) Pafticipants: OWNER SITZMARKATVAILINC-FRITCH 01/31/2005 Phone: 183 GORE CREEK DR VAIL co 816s7 License: APPUCANT FriElen Pierce ArchitecG 0Ll3L l20OS Phone: 97 0-476-6342 1650 East Vail Valley Dr, #C-L Vail, CO 81657 License: ProjectAddress: 183 GORE CREEK DRVAIL Location: Legal Descrlptionr Lot: A Block 58 Subdivision: VAIL ULLAGE FILING I Parcel Number: 21010821fi)06 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: SIAFFAPR Second By:Vote: Date of Apprcval: 03/01/2005 Conditions: Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond:202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Plannen Bill Gibson DRB Fee Paid: S20.00 T0l,[Ai Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.21.39 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Departrnent. The project mai, also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval, Description of the Request: Location of the Proposal: Lot: 4 Block:&F Subdivision: Physicaf Address: /87 &E @gilt*" f7€-, (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) RECE[VED TOV-COM.DEV. Name(s) of Owner(s): Name of Applicant: Mailing Address: E-mail Address: Type of Review and Fee: tr Signs 0 Conceptual Review Dl New Construction tt Addition q Minor Alteration - (multi-family/commercial) F Minor Alteration (single-family/duplex) ! Cnung* to Approved Plans $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. $300 For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (indudes 250 additions & interior conve6ions). $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Raniew Board. No Fee Fg;ff*fiottv' checkno..z4f?! eu,4 OqB No.: a S,'faar.( e (4{( Planner:Project No.: Mailing Address: Owner(s) Signature(s): tr Separation Request {'*f,ta***+**fta'}'}**tl+*fa'l*ltlt*lft+t'a't'}'t*'}*af{r't****'t'f+ia'{'*'l*tt****+ltt*t***'}f***ttt**flltltf*l TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statcmcnt ll*'Slfltlt'lalaafafl*ttaltlf**tttlflffltt'3t**a+***t|t*'t**f*'t***l*al'**lll't{'*'}l*t*llllfllflltlffl StatemenE lihnber: R050000075 AmounE: $20.00 0I/3L/2OO502:15 PM Palment ll€thod: Check Init: iISNotatlon: #22578/T'IJ.E SITZUARK @ \TAIIJ Permit No: DR8050024 T!4)e: DRB- Chg to Appr PlanE Farcel No: 210L08210006 Site Addrees: 183 ctORE CREEK DR VAIIJIocatfon: 183 GORE CREEK DRIVE Total FeeE: $20.00Thia PaymentI $20.00 Total AL,f, Pmts| $20.00Balarce: $0.00ttltlll*'satafa*tlalfaattatafffflttlaaaaf'}rl't**lf*+**:lt*t*lrrfalrltrrlal'***aaaataaaflaaaaaaaat ACCOIINT ITEM UST: AecouDt Code Deacription Curr€nt Pmtsa DR 00100003772200 DESr@ir R"g\IIEn FEES 20.00 Eulldino Matedels Roof Siding Other Wall Materlals Fascia Sof.qts Wndors Wlndovrt Trim Doo$ Door Trlm Hand or Deck Rails Flues FlashlrE Chlmneys Trash Endcures Greenhouses Retainlng Walls Exterior trgtttlng OErer flotes! PROPOSED TIATERIALS TVoe of Material .4-71k-o Color rnsTa4 EYrdTMa zucrc*e_ Please spedfy the manufacture/s name, the color name and number and attadt a olor chip. Page 6 of t2l0Zl07t02 lnili\t ,\.\'t- \l \ \ {s I I ; I i _ ___lI|]L \)\J F<fao-lV r(\ i i I I I i I I l I riSEta\ \./. &F *, L,-) i$H ', "t-d, Eul .-.5$ z. ILIJ==EEE l-1 \ v " t,no gO NU LI!l i $\! I t,.u-4. t: J-I\: u_$ .to:s$ FX $s t E $ SL f,$ $$$ I l0 $ \ q I a \'\Q -.\.1tl i i- t{rr* ?i: ? R q { rFl(,) H t\lelurrz E7 w "k"r,.a *l "'-$ls F f-o- i I I l{. l.\.if--+ I i I I"I Itd I-l- l$+ $$ $H vF FT[b s$ Srr $, *. Fs {H{s t3) lI|lI ui + E $1 TZ $,! Jgr l, aiu sl I I "I. i vl$ H${l ,t\l lr-||l 0t tE IFEoze -'5Sr- t-LJ -2 |q,i - ,-\ / , f, '.1 o*izi;> L/ '._ F'ri> ''x ru l":' oii =o lt-3 ll-E'eZ I I ^"rra=? +{=p22"4 +EYiz I e'< -g j'=o =- 6d oi- ol/'tf_il s et v)_-- - €)-- , 6!.- B l' h. $ Q- ,.1qtl ({l i.L- t) !, ro $l 3l $iJf I I t- [o IN.ls+ : I I I Ir l$irs- I$ $H {J+s* [E $$ $e- $ * $_Ir-1 st ii{i 1 i I I I I I I I I IlrL I I I I.tIL t; 3E$ O*rL-z<I tr<e:l $ F8"f; I a J $ -F :)oa d v_dN. N F.-- \t) e_ Err|zz 5G ui F< o F'zul zo E z. IJJ zz ut!t- #cs&(L