HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 3 BLOCK 3 LOT 1 LEGAL\nhwM1" 7/* 1of (,blE3Design Review Board ACTIOT{ FORM Department of Community Oevelopment 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel:970.479.2139 far:970.479.2452 neb: wwur,vailgov.com Proiect l{ame: Project Description: Parddpants: ProjectAddrcss: 343 BEAVER DAM RD Legal Descrlption: Parcel l{umber: @mments: MoUon By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: HERMAN CHANGE DRB Number: DRB070,140 FINAL APPROVAL FOR A CHANGE TO THE APPROVED PI.ANS TO RAISE THE HEIGHT OF AN EXISNNG CHIMNEY OWNER HERMAN, MICHAEL E. & KAREN MO8I24I2OO7 343 BEAVER DAM RD VAIL co 816s7 APPUCAiIT MORTER ARCHmCTS 0e12412007 Phone: 476-5105 227LN. FORMIAGE RD. W., SUITE C VAIL co 81657 Llense: C000002076 343 BEAVER DAM RD VAIL LocaUon: LoU 1 Block 3 Subdivision: VAIL VILI-AGE RUNG 3 2101-071-1201-3 BOARI'/STAFF ACTION Action: STAFFAPR Date of ApProYal= O8l29l2N7 Cond;8 (Pl4N): No changes to these plans may be made without the written @nsent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). @nd:0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion, DRB Fee Paid: $20.(XlPlanner: NicolePeterson Changes To The Approved Plans ffi Application for Design Review [\$ 7..1 Department of Community Developmentrum{m/ "'[t[if:]X:!'l3";Xibfil'i3do 816s7 web: www.vailoov.com General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Rwiew cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Deparbnent. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building p€mit is issued and @nstruction commenes within one year of the approval. Location ofthe Proposal: tot: I PhysicalAddress: 3*3 k"v<v fu,n f.C,, Vl.ril t Co Parcel 1{o.: 2lOlO1 ll2013 (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Zoning: Ti 'Se cor\la *t..1 :c.lr.tcf Name(s) of Owner(s):H; h^cl d. + Prrc[ - 1'1, l1<r]4A,1 Mailing Addrcss:nl ?^vk Owner(s) Signature(s): ilame of Applicant: l'(.ar*<r /ptohtkc(s - n*+ L<< U tr) Ortg o -R *.o rov*t Maifing lrddresist 2L Flln .u, Phone: E-mail Address:@Fax: Type of Review and Fee: )( Changes to Approved Plans Submittal Requircments: $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Design Review Board. 3 Sets of Plans AddressinS Project Changes Signature of Homeowner(s) or Association 1AO, +10,9 lot AUG 2 3 2007 TOWN OF VAIL For ctrect< tto.: # sv, ll.c (c.hFee Paid: ( ?.o2 DRBNo.:Meeting Date:n-Planner: E2(> Project No.: F:\cdev\FORMS\Permits\Planning\DRB\drb_change_to-approved_plans_'1_page_10-18-2006.doc c71Mb fr^ "leeU*"=''€d++ ,w II , -'! ,l lE-' ll,i iil ',fi trlrlririlfro.sS RE' CI]II1NEY PLAN ffirillfUts lttF A'Ufr fiOi \t F r0:) Itn MonrenAncnrncrs A Pofosk'Bl Co'Fi€toi Ztl N. F Ull.g5 frord VV. Suit C V.il, Cdd.do8l657 970.476.5105 6\ coPYR GHr 2006 9104760710l.r \Y,/ MoRTER ARCHTECTS P c ro@mod€r.tcn't6ds @n PROJECT: HERMANRESIDENCE LOCATIONOF TlftE: SITE Pt/'N CHIMNEY SCALE: 1/16"=1'-0' N0IES: ALTEMTION REF DWG: 1/A2.00 FROM: MATTLEE ISSUED: 08.22.07 S'IEPLAN CHIMNEY LOCATION CHIMNEY LOCATION PLAN rEr_Effi ztNc olrflNEY cAP I.IATCI{ED AREA INDICATEg E(gTING CONgTRUCTION. ZINC CAPPED GUARDRAIL DECKING CHIMNEY PLAN 112" = 1'4" lvlonrenArcnrecrs A Pioh.lbn.l CoDo.ll,on 2271 N. Frcnb!. Ro.d W. S!r. C V.N, C.lordo 01657 s70_476_5t05 aA coPYRrcro 2006 o7o.rt6.o71ohr V./ MORIER ARCHTECIS P.C me@m'LEEhiLc|!.ccn PROJECT: HERMANRESIDENCE CHIMNEYPLAT TITLE: CHIMNEY SCALE: 12'.1'-0' IVOTES; REF DWG: N/A FROM: MATTLEE ISSUED: 08.22.07 CHIMNEY PLAN (l utzf f() UJIF lt-o F:I(t utI UJIF ILo z.o (nz.u-lF ><lrl MATCI.I E(I9TING COI.IgTRUCTION I FrNrsH. HATCHED EXI9TING AREA INDICATE5 coNgTRUCTt0N. CHIMNEY SECTION 112" = 1'4" MonrenAncnrecrs A Plofo.sboal Copo.S.r 22?l N. Flutt!!. Ro.d w. Su|t. C V.ll, Cddldo 81657 970..76.5105 /;\ CoPYR|GHI2O06 a?0.760710t r \Y/ MoRTER ARctlrEcrs P.c. Dl0rD.t.nchit-r. @m PRNECT: HERMANRESIDENCE CHIMNEYSECTION TITLE: CHIMNEY SCALE: 12'=1'-0' NOIES: REF DWG: N/A FROM: MATTLEE ISSUED: 08.22.07 CHIMNEY SECTION //i\CHIMNEY ELEVATION \--- MonrenAncnrecrs A Prot 6!lon6l CorpoEtb. 2271 N. Ftont.!. Roadw Sulb C V.ll. Colol|do 81657 970.t76.5105 fA COpyRtGHT 2Oo5 070.at6,07tohx W,, MoRTER aFcrfiEcrs p c nlonrfi.drLrtr com PROJECT:HERMA^/RESIDENCE CHIMNEYELEVATION flTLE: CHIMNEY SCALE: 1/4'=1'-0' N07ES: REF DWG: 2/A3.01 FROM: TIIATT LEE ISSUED: 08.22.07 CHIMNEY ELEVATION *a****ttl+l+*ttt****faaaf****lttlftta*****aaffaaf*aa+lalaaa*faaaf+aa*******+*t****'t+*lfffff* TOWNOFVAIL, COIORADO Stahmcot fffllflllli*i*l**ttlt*t*ltttlatttttlflrrffafaftlafattllalttlaflaatattl***r***trllrr'ilaf'illff Statetnent l{Uriber: R070001645 Amount: $2O.OO Oe/24/2OO7O8:03 At{ Payment Mettrod: Caah HERlrlAl{ Init: dIS Notation: $/urcHASL Permit No: Parcel No: Site Addre6E: Locat,Lon: Thle Payment,: $20.00 $20.00 $0.00 DRB070440 Type: DRB-Ch9 to Appr Plans 2101-071-1201-3 343 BEAVER I}AI,I RD VAIIJ 343 BEAVER DAII{ RD $20.00 Total FeeE l ToUaI AL,IJ Pmts ! Balarce: alaallltf{'*f*l***+**tlt+lt*l*****+*ltlr*llftfaa+lf*{r**llil**rat**+lr*t*******+{'*lll***r*l'tll'* ACCOI,JNT ITEM ITST: Account Code Description DR 00100003rt2200 DESIGN REVIEV{ FEES 20.00 Current Pmts Ya'tV:l\' il- [of I, blbV Design Reniew Board ACTIOII FORM Department of communaty Development 75 south Frontage Rffid, vell. &lqrado 81667 tel: 970,479.2139 fax: 970"479.?'f51 web: wwr.vai lgov.comeorslfrr oElE-ffiI t protectl{ame: HERMANRESIDENCE DRBNumber: DR8070056 Prolect llescriptlon: RNAL APPROVAL FOR AN ADDMON OF GRFA (BEDROOM' PLAYROOM, ET.C) Partldpants: owNER HER!4AN, MICHAEL E. & IqREN M0A26PO07 3.+3 BEAVER DAM RD VAIL co 81557 APPLICANT MORTER ARCHITECTS OU26l2Cf'7 Phone: '176-5105 2271N. FORJ"ITAGE RD' W., SUITE C.VAIL @ 81557 Llcense: @00002076 ARCHfiECT MORTER ARCIIffiCTS 0212612007 Phone: 476-5105 2271 N. FORTqTAGE RD. W., SUTTE C VAIL @ 81657 Llcense: q)qD02076 ProJect Addre*s: 343 BEAVER DAM RD VAIL Locatlon: 3'+3 BEAVER DAM RD Legal Descrlptlon: LoE 1 Block 3 Subdlvlslon: VAIL VILI-AGE RUNG 3 Parcel Number: 2101-071-1201-3 Comments: Modon By: Second By: Vote: GondiUons: BOARD/STAFF ACIION Actlon: STAFFAPR Date of APProvaL 0312612007 Oond:8 (PLAN): No change to these plans may be made without the written consent of Torm of Vail stafr and/or the apprupriate revlew committee(s). Cond:0 (P|-AN): DRB approral does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Torrrn of Vail Building personnel priqr to construction activities' Cond: 201 DRB apprwal shall not become valid for 20 days folloruing the date of apprwal' Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date , .: !. 1 , | "\ :.' : '" oFflnal approval, unless a building permit is lssued and constructlon ls commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Cond: 113 All development applicatons submitted to the Town after the effecdve date of Ordinance 24 Serbs 2006 shall be subJect to the pending employee houslng regulatlons in whatever form they are flnally adopted; prwided; howener, that if the Town falls to adopt the pending emplry housing reguhtlons by April 15, ZOO7, this Ordinane shall not apply to sudt development applications. Planner: Bill Gibson DRB Fee Pald: S30O.0O i-i ^ r.oc.uohofrh.Eoeont: uu I ar*t 3 'sutorwoo: Varl Vilba -Thrrrl F'hb alvacrrrao-l 3t9 Serracr h n Rz{. Vrr'lrCa . . Pr|lal ilo,!(cootaqt Elgh Co. Atsssor at g7lt.3ZB-EeO ftr F Eet m.) lonlng: fhrnG(t)ofOwn ds): Itldlnf Addrulr Ptronc: frnc(O shnrtfir): tlrltc of,Agpllcrnb llrlllng fdd|!r: P|rrprir". q7O. q?3. Frag E-mellAddrsr:u: 3t7|6 , +7A . Oa,o lpof RwlclwrndF:o:tr ggne .tr .Conegtult R€i,lcw EL Ncvl Construc[on f, ruaim D Hlnd fftertdoo (rrrlB{tnfy/dnmerdal) tr MllsAtA"tbn (cnglebn{lyldudq) O. Orat|gES tD Apfir€d F'lang tr S€plr|tionRa||,cet 3,6)g o ao r# $50 IlE $l.m pcr {uare ftot ot bbl cgn .r€!. No FC! $650 For onstuctbn d o nar bulldng or rlanroy'rebdll.$300 For rn rdlt oo r{hcr€ {ur! fudliF ls addcd !o any rcdd€nttd orsrrnerhl bullitqg 0rdudca 250 addltini I tiledor conrcr$ns). S25O Fc nlmr darges b Dddlngsand stu fntrorcrnertsr srrdt 6, tE ooftb, palrtlng[ wlndor dfions, landsFing, hnc end rrltlhing wrls, etc-t20 For mhor changEs b bulSings md db improremr*r, stfh as,e-rodrg, Flrlng, w&S$ .dd5fis, hrdrLapang|, fenG ad rtalhfuE t€i+Gb. f20 For rq,igloas b plars Jredy apprornrt by Ftmilry $f or the Desigl R6rE$r 8ord. l|o F.e AddiHons. Recldentiat or Appllcadon for Deslgn Revi,err DcpafE rcflt of Commlnty D6rdopm€nt 75 Sou$r Fmnblp Rru, vat. obrado St6t, td: 9D.{79.2128 fbc 910.+29,2{52 web: wulw.vallgorr.cwr flry.t$_jryll9_1E$ IlR must tldrrc appror/.t trtor b $bmrdm a butdtns I ttlc||Pdon otl||. R.quG l* FslG. r.ecufiE oqn nsudr must n!dv! ap{xstal r|or b $bmtdm a bululng plrmft lpFtdfi. ptcrrc rcfb|''6th sttffi ltrilnmctts tur ttt perdofrr epp-rivat ait s rqucsd,-Ar il;|6dm c'iit*gn neucNr-cemot b3oocE9bd |ns.ar rqorrd mnnom |-rcer{ 'ur urc og1n{rity oagopme.t -o[drurcru ']he Dnctcct mry alro nccdu bc edantcd by thc Tqn Corncl rjlq thc n"nilp rrO Evrronmcnaf Cqnm-Sriil -Oclfn nnir* titiintn;_rdr r bdlt'g FGilh tr h..t rna ort'.aiimrnqrq wril; onr tli or url rproret. - - Itj, t; lr'r il ii i?. Ftts 2 0 200? TOWN OF VAIL 1'd 6I8A-ege-9r8 SllH l.lusE:6 zooz ez q3l I 'i+*+*****taaaall**{r*tltlaa+aa***lfaaf*+****fffaaattt*+++ttt*f*t*+a*+afttt't*+tf+++++tffttta+* TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement t**f+*tl**+**tt*fllla**tttlalr+*{r{rlrltfltf+**************ffffltt***+**tttlttlfla*+****l'|laal*t Statement Number: R070000200 Amount: 9300.00 02/26/200702:40 pM Pa)rment, I{ethod: check Inlt : iIS Notatsion: 4 5 52,/MICITAEI../KAREN HERII{AII Permit, No: Parcel No:Site Addrees: Location3 This Palment:$300.00 DR8070055 Tipe: DRB - Addition of GRFA 2101-0?1-1201-3 343 BEJA\TER DAII{ RD \TAII, 343 BEJAVER DAII{ RD Total Feea: Total. llIJIr trnts ! Balance! $300. OO $300.00 $o. oo*******+ttff'll*+tt{t**al**a*f'}**'t*t'i'|**+*****lfft+l'l''t+t+*+*+*t**fl'+***lilf+t+**a*******'i+ll*lt* ACCOI,JNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Deacription Current PmtsE DR 00100003112200 DESIGN Rg\iTEW FEES 300,00 o JOINT PROPERW OWNER WRITTEN APPROVAL LETTER N/h - giyleO'^'n" I, (print name), a joint owner of property located at provide this letter as written approval of the plans dated which have been submitted to the Town of Vail Comrnunity Development Department for the proposed improvements to be completed at the address noted above. I understand that the proposed improvements include: (Signature)(Date) Additionally, please cheCk the statement below which is most applicable to you: D I undetstand that minor modificattbns may be made to the plans over the ource of the revr:ew procas to ensure compliance with the Townb appliable codes and regulations. (Inilial here) D I request that atl modifiations, minor or otherwise, which arc made to the plans over the ourse of the rcview process, be brought to my attention by the applicant for additional approwl before undergoing further review by the Town. (Initial here) o TOI4'NM ADDITIONS . RESIDENTIAL OR COMMERCIAL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS General Information: This application is required for all proposals involving the addition of GRFA (gross residential floor area). This includes proposals for 250 additions and interior conversions. See Title 12, Chapter 15 - Gross Residential Floor Area for specific regulations. L SUBMITTALREOUIREMENTS** tr All pages of Application is completetr Checklist is completed and signedfl Stamped Topographic Survey*O Site and Grading Plan*D Landscape Plan* D Architectural Elevationsx (1 set of Redlined elevations)E Exterior color and material samples and specifications.I Architectural Floor Plans* (1 set of Redlined floor plans) O Lighting Plan* and Cut-sheet(s) for proposed fixturestr Title report, including Schedules A & B to veriff ownership and easements* tr Photos of the existing site and adjacent structures, where applicable.tr Written approval from a condominium association, landlord, and joint owner, if applicabletr Site-specific Geological Hazard Report, if applicablextr The Administrator and/or DRB may require the submission of additional plans, drawings, specifications, samples and other materials (including a model) if deemed necessary to determine whether a project will comply with Design Guidelines or if the intent of the proposal is not clearly indicated, ?/eare .ruhmt lhree (J,) copt?t a1f/tre malerials zoted with aa a$ertrt (1. **For interior conversions with no exterior changes, the submittal requirements include a complete set of existing and proposed floor plans, a title report, and written approval from a condominium association, landlord, and joint ourner, if applicable. I have read and understand the above listed submittal requirements: -Cent|tctoFsignahrre F: \cdev\FORMS\Permits\Planning\DRB\drb_addition_10-18-2006. doc Page 3 of 14 Lrl23/200s ADDITIONS - RESIDENTIAL OR COMMERCIAL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS Topographic survey:r Wet stamp and signature of a licensed surveyor. Date of surveyo North arow and graphic bar scaleo Scale of 1"=10'or 1"=20). Legal description and physical addresso Lot size and build able area (build able area excludes red hazard avalanche, slopes greater than 409o, and floodplain)r Ties to existing benchmark, either USGS landmark or sewer invert. This information must be clearly stated on the survey. Prope0 boundaries to the nearest hundredth (.01) of a foot acuracy. Distances and bearings and a basis of bearing must be shown. Show eristing pins or monuments found and their relationship to the established corner,. Show right of way and property lines; including bearings,'distances and curve inFormation.. Indicate all easemenE identified on the subdivision plat and recorded against the property as indicated in the Utle report. List any easement reskictions.. Spot Ehvations at the edge of asphalt, along the street frontage of the property at twenty-five foot intervals (25'), and a minimum of one spot elevations on either side of the lot.. Topograplic conditions at two foot contour intervals o Existing trees or grcups of trees having trunks with diameters of 4" or more, as measured from a point one foot above grade.. Rock outcroppings and other significant natural features (large boulders, intermittent streams, etc.).o All existing improvements (including foundation walls, roof overhangs, building overhangs, etc.).. Environmental Hazards (ie. Rock fall, debris flow, avalanche, wetlands, floodplain, soils)o Watercourse setbacks, if applicable (show centerline and edge of stream or creek in addition to the required stream or creak setback). Show all utility meter locations, including any pedestals on site or in the right-of-way adjacent to the site. Exact location of existing utility sources and proposed service lines from their source to the structure. Utilities to.include:. Cable W ' Sewer Gas. Telephone Water Electrico Size and type of drainage culverts, swales, etc.r Mjacent roadways labeled and edge of asphalt for both sides of the roadway shown for a minimum of 250' in either direction from property. Site and Grading Plan:. Scale of 1"=20'or larger. Property and setback linesr Exisung and proposed @sementso Existing and proposed grades r Existing and proposed layout of buildings and other structures including decks, patios, fences and walls. Indicate the foundation with a dashed line and the roof edge with a solid line.. All proposed roof ridge lines with proposed ridge elevations. Indicate existing and proposed grades shown underneath all roof lines. This will be used to calculate building height.. Proposed driveways, including percent slope and spot elevations at the property line, garage slab and as necessary along the centerline of the driveway to accurately reflect grade, F: \cdev\FORMS\PERMm\Hannin g\drb_addition_l 1 -23-2005.doc Page 4 of 14 rLl23lzffis . A 4' wide unheated concrete pan at the edge of asphalt for driveways that exit the street in an u$nitt .. direction.. Locations of all utilities including existing sources and proposed service lines from sources to the structures.. Proposed surface drainage on and off-site.. Location of landscaped areas.. Location of limits of disturbance fencing. Location of all required parking spaces. Snow storage areas.. Proposed dumpster location and detail of dumpster enclosure.o Retaining walls with proposed elevations at top and bottom of walls, A debailed cross-section and elevation drawings shall be provided on the plan or separate sheet. Stamped engineering drawings are required for walls between 4'and 5'feet in height.. Delineate areas to be phased and appropriate timing, if applicable . Landscape Plan:. Scale of 1" = 20'or largerr Landscape plan must be drawn at the same scale as the site plan.r Location of existing trees, 4" diameter or larger. Indicate trees to remain, to be relocated (including new location), and to be removed. Large stands of trees may be shown (as bubble) if the strand is not being affected by the proposed improvements and grading. ' Indicate all existing ground cover and shrubs.. Detailed legend, listing the type and size (caliper for deciduous trees, height for conifers, gallon size for shrubs and height for foundation shrubs) of all the existing and proposed plant material including ground cover.o Delineate critical root zones for existing trees in close proximity to site grading and construction.. Indicate the location of all proposed plantings. . The location and type of existing and proposed watering systems to be employed in caring for plant material following its installation.. Existing and proposed contour lines. Retaining walls shall be included with the top of wall and the bottom wall elevations noted. Architectural Floor Plans:. Scale of 1/8" = 1'or larger; 1/4" is preferred o Floor ,plans of the proposed development drawn to scale and fulty dimensioned, Floor plans and building elevations must be drawn at the same scale.. Clearly indicate on the floor plans the inside face of the elterior structural walls of the building.r Label floor plans to indicate the proposed floor area use (i.e, bedroom, kikhen, etc.).. One set of floor plans must be "red-lined" indicating how the gross residential floor area (GRFA) was calculated. See Tltle 12, Chapter 15 - Gross Residential Floor Area for regulaUons.o Provide dimensions of all roof eaves and overhangs. . ArchitecturalElevations:o Scale of 1/8" = 1'or larger; 1/4" is preferred r All elevations of the proposed development drawn to scale and fully dimensioned. The elevation drawings must show both existing and finished grades. Floor plans and building elevations must be drawn at the same scale.. If building faces are proposed at angles not represented well on the normal building elevations, show these faces also.r Elevations shall show proposed finished elevation of floors and roofs on all levels. r All exterior materials and colors shall be'specified on the elevations. ' The following shall be shown graphically and fully dimensioned: fascia, trim, railings, chimney caps, meter locations, and window details,o Show all proposed exterior lighting fixtures on the building.o Illustrate all deck, porches and balconies.. Indicate the roof and building drainage system (i.e. gutters and downspouts).r Indicate all rooftop mechanical systems and all other roof structures, if applicable.o Illustrate proposed building height elevation on roof lines and ridges. These elevations coordinate with the finished floor elevations and the datum used for the survey. "b F:\cdev\FoRMs\PERMlTs\Planning\drb-addition_11-23-2005.doc Page5of14 rtl23l20os o should r Exterior color and material samples shall be submitted to staff and presented at the Design Review . LighUng Plan:O : Ill''i35#'F,'ffi.,}!i:Jf":ifiTiJi,ffii",',,",no,,u'."ur Attach a cut sheet for each proposed fixture. r IMPROVEMENT LOCATION CERTIFICATE (ILC) . Once a building permit has been issued, and construction is underuay, and before the Building Department will schedule a framing inspection, two copies of an Improvement Location C€rtificte survey (ILC) stamped by a registered professional engineer must be submitted. The following. informaUon must be provided on the ILC:r Basis of bearing and tie to section corner. All property pins found or set. Buildirrg location(s) with ties to property comers (ie, distances and angles). Building dimensions, including decks and balconies, to the nearest tenth of a foot. Building and garage floor elevaUons and all roof ridge and eave line elevations. All drainage and uUlity service line as-builts, showing type of material, size and exact locationo All easemenb F:\cdev\FoRMs\PERMm\Planning\drb-addiuon_11-23-2005.d0c Page 6 of 14 tL12312005 Buildino Materials Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia 5offits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim t Hand or Oeck'Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses I Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting Other Notes: PROPOSED MATERIALS Tvoe of Material L">A 9TAN E Z-l v\?- N^t. Finr'rln ^UColor N*+. F,'nr'sh h " +qrAi ?^^"1 h)ooc) lJr*d l")*d . Ffr,rnh 14r{..1 It-^c*orh Fairt 5t tr. 5{-tr' Pairtl UcoA 5{.. 9,F"ir N/n N/A N/A Please speciff the manufacture/s name, the color name and number and attach a color chip. N"l.: Alt ,n.r{.r,'els ^^d fr'r^.,ghtr }a -.1.4 exrs&hr. 9l-..ir" RE: A 2.oz F:\cdev\FORMS\PERMITS\PIanning\drb-addition-1 l-23-2005.doc Page 7 of t4 rLl23l20os Feb 22 07 08:00o Terrill Samura PROFOSEDTREES AND SfiRU8S PROPGiED LAilDSCIPI]'G 970-328-2284 p.2 o BGnhal t{ame (r*faV;r&4, Sire t \tttt c,l t? d-)o' z- ?'fr ,rfruL)Z * 'ef- Q{Ext&poA_.b^tq @-f:r+.lra- ?-/+<tzt{*.v 6fult*^> 7'fra{tw +-4"r4 1->rst.....&,2-+n Carrnqr llamc DqSNNG TREES TO BE RET.IOVED /" e h/?trt{,4- | , Ee *.@ce- |o'4'ar- Decid.rons Trees - 2" Gliper Corlferous Tre€s - 6'in helght Strubs- 5 Gal. SouseFodoe Minimum Reqrir€ments fur tandscafng: GROUND@VER soD SEED IRRIGATION TYPE OF EROSTON CONIROL Eixtha!&_-.----.--.-.-- Vea ryl P/x NA Please specfy cilfrer landscape fuatrres (i.e. retdnhrg uall+ ftnce+ s,{lnming poob, €tc.) F: \rdcrrFORMS\PembEanni!g\DR4d tb-addition-lGl 8-2 006.doc Page I of 14 t],lL3lNs - NOTESTO ALLAPPUCANTS Pre-aoolication Meetino A pre-application meeting with Town of Vail staff is encouraged. The purpose of a pre-application meeting is to identiff any critical issues pertaining to the applicanfs proposal and to determine the appropriate development revior process for an application. In many cases, the pre-application meeting helps to expedite the development review process as critical issues are identified and dealt with in the preliminary stages. A pre. appfication meeting may be scheduled by contacting loe Suther at970.479.2L28 or jsuther@vailgov.com. Time Reauirements The Design Review Board meeb on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of each month. A complebe applicaUon form and all accornpanying material must be accepted by the Community Derrelopment Deparfnent prior to application deadlines. A schedule of DRB meetings and associated application deadlines may be found on the World Wide Web at www.vailgov.com, For a new residential development, the application deadline is typicatly 3.5 weeks prior to a Design Review Board hearing. Review Criteria The proposal will be reviewed for compliance with the Design Guidelines as set forth in Title 12, (Zoning Regulations) and Title 14 (Development Standards) of the Town of Vail Municipal Code. Reoulrements for orooefties located in hazard areas If a property .is located in or adjacent to a mapped hazard area (i.e. snow avalanche, rock fall, debris floar, floodplain, wedand, poor soils, etc.), the @mmunity Development Department may require a site-specific geological investigation. If a site-specific aeological investigation determines that the subject propefi is located in a geologically sensitive area, the property owner(s) must sign an affidavit recognizing the hazard report prior to the issuance of a building permit. Applicants are strongly encouraged to onsult with Community Development staff prior to submitting a DRB application to determine the relationship of the property to all mapped hazards. Required Plan Sheet Format For all surueys, site plans, landscape plans and other site improvement plans, all of the following must beshown. ) 1, Plan sheet size must be 24"x 35", For large projects, larger plan size may be allowed. 2. Scale. The minimum scale is 1"=20'. All plans must be at the same scale. 3. Graphic bar scale. 4. North arrow. 5. Title block, pQect name, project address and legal description. 6. Indication of plan preparer, address and phone number. 7. Dales of original plan preparation and all revision dates. 8. Vicinity map or location map at a scale of 1"=1,000' or larger. 9. Sheet labels and numbers. 10. A border nith a minimum left side margin of 1.5". 11. Names of'all adjacent roadways. 12. Plan legend. F: \cdev\FORMS\PERMITS\Planning\drb_addition_1 1-23-2005.doc Page 10 of 14 11l23l2O0S Desion Review Board Meetino Reouirements For new construction and additions, the applicant must stake and tape the project site to indicate property lines, .proposed buildings and buiEing corners. All trees to be removed must be taped. The applicant must ensure that staking done during the winter is not buried by snow. All site tapings and staking must be completed prior^ to the dav of the DRB meeting. t The applicant or their representative shall be present at the Design Review Board Hearing. Applicanb who fail to appear before the Design Review Board on their scheduled meeting date and who have not asked in advance that discussion on their item be postponed, will have their items removed from the DRB agenda unUl such time as the item has been republished. If the DRB approves the application with conditions or modifications, all conditions of approval rnust be resolved prior to the issuance of a building permit. Staff Aporoval The Administrator (a member of the planning stafF) may review and approve Design Review applications, approve with ceftain modifications, deny the application, or refer the application to the Design Review Board for a decision. All staff approvals are reviewed by the Design Review Board and any staff decision is subject to final approval by the DRB. Additional Review and Fees If this application requires a separate review by any local, state or Federal agency other than the Town of Vail, the application fee shall be increased by $200.00. Examples of such review, may include, but are not limited to: Colorado Department of Highway Access Permits, Army Corps of Engineers 404, etc. The applicant rshall be responsible for paying any publishing fees in excess of 500/o of the application fee. If, at the applicanfs request, any matter is postponed for hearing, causing the matter to be re-published, then the _ entire fee for such re-publication shall be paid by the applicant.v Applications deemed by the Community Development Department to have design, land use or other issues, which may have a significant impact on the community, may require review by external consultants in addition to Town staff. Should a determination be made by Town staff that an external consultant is needed, the Community Development Department may hire the consultant. The Department shall estimate the amount of money necessary to pay the consultant and this amount shall be forwarded to the Town by the applicant at the time of filing an application. The applicant shall pay expenses incurred by the Town in excess of the amount forwarded by the application to the Town within 30 days of notification by the Town. Any excess funds will be returned to ttF applicant upon review completion. F \cdev\FoRMS\PtRMITS\Planninq\drb_addition_1 1-23-2005.doc Page 11 of 14 tLl23l2005 v Suruey/Site Plan Review Checklist Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2L28 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com *This dtdclist must be submitted prtor to Public Wortes review of a prcp*d development Owners/Project Name: Project Address: nppticanu Harkr ArcA,k a'fs - ['t.{t-L< <- phone Number I t76 . gl og qy'rr-anoscape ptan V Title Report (Section B) [lA o Environmental Hazards (ie. Rock fall, debris -.. flow, avalanche, wetlands, flmdplain, soils) [fI or Watercourse setbacks (if applicable) \|/z Treest/ uUeeO easements (i.e. drainagg utrllty, floodplain) Site Plan Reouirements: L t Arcess (check all) 51 Dlveway lype and finished surface are shown on the site plan. l\A Unheated o Heated (portion in ROW in a separate zone) V Snow storage areas are shown on the site plan within property boundaries (30Vo of driveway area if unheated; 100/o of driveway area if heated) l{A a All driveway grades, dimensions, radii are clearly noted on the site plan and conform to Development" / Standards, p. 11. Steepest Section Driveway Grade (not the average grade):- fl Parking spaces and turning radii are noted on site plan and conform to Development Standards, pp.12&14 ly @nstruction Site (check all) \67 Location of all utilities and meter pits are sliown on the site plan. l// Limits of disturbance construction fencing is shown on the site plan. V I am aware that approved Staging and Construction Traffic Control Plans, as per the Manual of . 7 Uniform Traffic Control Devices, will be necessary prior to construction.Y I am aware that a Revocable Right of Way Permit will be required prior to construction. Submittal\ffio surveyof propeny V Civi/Site plans Survev Reouirements: V, Surueyofs wet stamp and signature V7 Date of survey V, Nofih anowV, Proper scale (1"=10'or 1"=20) V, Legal description V7 Basis of bearings / Benchmark 9, Spot Elevations\|/ t-aUeteO right of way and propefi lines; including bearings, distances and curye , information. 'V/ Lot Size 5/ Build able Area (excludes red hazard avalanche, slopes greater than 400/0, and pedestrian, etc,..) Topography Utility locations Adjacent roadways labeled and edge of asphalt for both sides of the roadway shown for a minimum of 250'in either direction from propefi. Q\VCV F:\de,/\FORMS\PERMm\Planning\drb_addiUon_l 1-23-2005.doc Page 12 of 14 LLl23/2005 - - IIJ. Drainage (check all that apply) ld, The reouired Vallev Pan is showThe required Valley Pan is shown on the site plan as per Development Standards,p.L2.tt9/ | ttu rEqurrEu Yo||Ey rolV (Note: Valley pan must not be heated) $ O foot Concrete Pano 4 Foot Concrete Pan Positive and adequate drainage is maintained at all times within the proposed site. CulverE have been provided and are labeled and dimensioned on the site plan. il&o A Hydraulic report has been provided. (As requested by Town Engineer) ry. Erosion Control (Check all that apply)o Disturbance area is greater than one half acre.o A separate Erosion Control Plan has been professionally engineered and PE stamped. I ilfto V. o D D V u. o n \E vII.J D D V ttFo Less than one halfacre has been disturbed, and proper erosion controldevices are shown on the site plan. Floodplain (check all that apply) The project lies within or adjacent to a 100 year Floodplain. 100 year Floodplain is shown on the site plan. A Floodplain study has been provided. (Required if floodplain is within construction limits or as requested by Town Engineer) The pCIect does not lie within or adjacent to a 100 year Floodplain Geological/Environmental Hazards (check all that apply) The project lies within a Geologic/Environmental Hazard area. (See Development Standardg p. 20) A Hazard Report has been provided The project does not lie within a Geologic/Environmental Hazard area. RE: r*tl.clJ cnrril f"J.rt ol,ll.o? Grading (check all that apply) Existing and proposed grades/contours are provided on the site plan. All disturbed areas have been returned to a 2:1 grade. All disturbed areas not returned to 2:1 grade have been Professionally Engineered with slope protectiorl and/or stable soils. PE stamped details are provided within plans, Only existing contours are shown on the site plan, there is no proposed grading. VIII. Parking (check all) \/ All residential and commercial parking spaces conform to the Development Standards, pp. 12&15. Retaining Walls (check all that apply) All retaining walls conform to the standards in the Development Standards, p. 19. All retaining walls and combination walls over 4 feet have been Professionally Engineered and a PE stamped detail has been provided within the plans. All retaining walls are shown on the site plan, with labeled top and bottom of wall elevations and type of wall construction. No retainhg walls are required for this project. o x. o D o ,{ _- X. Sight Distance (check all that apply) iln o Proper sight distance has been attained and shown on site plan as per Development Standards, p.12. tr Proper sight distance has not been attained. Explanation why: Additional Comments Please provide any additional comments that peftain to Public Works Review. Applicants Signature Town of Vail Survey F:\cdev\FORMS\PERMm\Planning\drb-addition-l 1-23-2005.doc Page 13 of 14 tLl23lzOOs Page I ofl Matt Lee om: BillGibson[BGibson@vailgov.com] nt: Thursday, January 11 ,2OO7 2:16 PM To: Matt Lee Subject: Re: Herman Residence - Army Corps of Engineers Hey Matt, If there are no jurisdictional wetlands and no impacts to the drainage, the Town of Vail will not require you to obtain any additional documentation from the Army Corp. Please be aware that the Town of Vail Public Works Department has begun a program to obtain drainage easements across various properties in the Beaver Dam and Forest Road neighborhood. Please contact Chad Salli with the TOV Public Works Department aI479-2169 to determine if this site will be impacted by this program. Bitl Bill Gibson, AICP Town Planner Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 (970) 479-2173 (970) 479-2452fax J> "Matt Lee" <mlee@morterarchitects.com> 01/11/07 10:42 AM >>> Biil. During the pre-meeting for the Herman Residence addition, you mentioned that I would need to check with the Army Corps of Engineers as the project may be in a wetlands area. While I was looking through the project records, I found a 1999 document produced by Montane Environmental Solutions, Ltd. This reporl states that: 1. There are no jurisdictional wetlands adjacent to the drainage (which runs though the site and under the house). 2. The proposed re-alignment of the drainage would be authorized under a Corps' National Permit 26, Headwaters and lsolated Waters Discharge (permit). 3. The permit would not require a Pre-Construction Notification (PCN), but would require a post-construction report (within 30 days of completion). I did not find any letter from the Corps or a post-construction report within the records (but I could have overlooked it). So, given that the report states there are no jurisdictional wetlands and our proposed addition does not change or impact the drainage (that the permit was required for), what if anything do I need to get from the Army Corps? Thanks, Matt Mott Lee MorterArchitects 2271 N. Fronlooe Rood W. Suile C.-.^^^,,.-- - L(, at I OJ/ -t1A qlnq v r?7 970.476.O710 fax mlee@morterorchilecls.com 212312007 Fid{ cll:37 <trt >FEE A 2.s7 aaElttf ' t:Gl /Lo' ?l|o@o3l P 2 QWEsr 970.58.7189 (U) 970.38+.(Plt(fax) cnt.68'l.g7z,((ditl Corfrcfs: Sbre Watss swaErsloovuest.com EXCELHTGH PNESqNEGTS em.252..r076 (H) 9n1.168.1,f01 (hx) Contacb Rich SiEletos HOLYCRO6S EECIRIC. 9z).9+7.5425 (teD 97tr.9t5..|(n1 (6x) &nbd: Je'ffvmqn iflagm@trilvtregn EXCELETCrcIT 9n262.,{r|8(l'aro Contads: Kt Bo9ilt9m.252.{l2rt K#redne BogErt C.AIBLE RN'TNWAItNT s^ttrr flolrDlsi?ET 9Zt.t76.nC, (tel) 9Z).476.,t(]89 (fo() co|dad: ro Hashe frnsleeoemrd.ott ooilc|src El.C 94r..168.2669 eca llm (El) 970.468.2572 (foo @ntrce Brad t)orc6 UTruTY APPROVAL &' VERTFTGATIOI{ Toncwltz Thls tom sen €s b v€rtfy uEt tfn propos€d fnprovensrti wtl rnt im@ any exi*ing or propos€d dfty sewices' ard abo to . ,rerify ten ioe *"lbbilityind locatfin ir netr cbrx,tuClon and shqrld be used ln @Jtjue;o{t $,i0l pGpa.ing you{ Sltty plal..?F streiuting ift*alatb6.' e sie pfan, inatinC Srddttrg plan, fld ptan, ana e|adini, shd bersubmttted to UE fufiowh0 dili&s rorapprwalandye'iticdon 343 B@.$LlA,ill Po * \rAlc, C0.'AdtstEdsh[lsttr clo4r!tr DlE Qwerl Hs z .Eata oIBLQ Att,l,$ Tlt€ Sr:r?l Vt i('^'S | $CtGD cAsts l+c u6 =Ot V{r,I},!r/s wiuin the To|vn d vail. bradelv dorca@cabb comcast.om lpllsl f . If the r.rtility approral A vE ncatlon furm hB slgnaut€s from eadr d the udity compc*=, and m comments ae made drccdy on G 1o.'m, tf," i*"n wlll prcerrrc that there arc- no pmgenrs and the dg.rd@mert can prooeed. 2. If a udlty d|tpany has orrrns wlh the propooed @(Lsb'ucfidl' the uulty repre*nbtfve -shal noE dl€cdy m the udlty wrifrcatbn form $.t 61€re b , p,oU"m n'tridr ni*at o Oe rc$|rcd. rfie 'cs,re *iorfo Uren be detatr€d In m atttdl€d her b U|e Town of Valt. tloie\rer, Ceas feep ln tdnd that it is the responslHfty of the uuity @rpaly and the apDli'ilt b Gsol've ttenufled p|oblems 3, Ttrese rerifidons do not relleE BE qrtractor of the rcryoniblry b o&in a Publlc way Emlt from thel,€prtnent of ri,utworl".iGro"tr e WiHirwril-tii.-ii"ttiimt"fu !.mtc"{'l"h.Tqryqllry$vor€asorent The Derdop€r i5 requlrcd and agr€es to grbmit ary rerrised drarvings b d19 umses.ld' qaplo|/a-l & |E.vefllcauon r d1e i"u.tt"u l-J"- 'itereO in aii "ev lne. oe airraaeo dgne,L dec (u,nets othcrwisc specllcal[ notd rvi$h &e @rfment -Doaleteds Signaur F:\ad6r\Fqr,ts\ffi Haming\pRB\drb-tr6o1-1G18'206.doc Pagc 9 of 14 fl?3,PgJ6 SIL'GRTItrNE If Fax:19704681i101 Feb 9 n7 11:49 P.A NtX trF.FF'.iRh^t'r. -.-:., UTIIITYAPPROYAL&YIRIFICATIOIIUTIIITYAPPROI This-fum servEs toEriry that the Foped lrnprownents will nd lmpact ary odsdng or prcposed utilny services, and abo toveriff sande availabiW and locaton for new 6nsuuctn and drouH'be usei ln ;;ridfi".rfll pregadng ),our u$fty dan andscidirins installatlons- A sfte phr,lndudlng s@q nhn, froget ;ry_q _"."6rfiil1"be $bmftfied to the ft1o$,ing g6lnesfor agprornl and wrificatbn- pireie ltrofrfup lol wiilrc roR ApFRo\tAL oRcDill,rEnrs FRor rrrE uTruTvooHPAlltEs' If )ou ate trraHe b obln commer*s v,rnrrit trrt umeranre pl"6*fu;Til. Tourn of vail. Dcyctofgr b M lot Ailtegg &trottttadoo: ArBrodzod Slonftrm slltrgrvtir,nt Vtu-Vual Auea3u,yt*r-6t 3 b.I Gonmeng thb (*r*> e*ec.c+r/ ! Ff;*l-ilC*3 t+e*ttay' Asthtllts dot.ut QUTEST 970..168.6860(H) 970.468.062(fo0 Conbcts: Sam Toolef samueLtodev@or|E*.dr XCELhagy HIGN PRISN'NEGAS 9rc.262.O26 (td) 9ru.46&t.Ol (Fd) Contach Rtfi SsnerG ri$ard-Csnero@relenerw.onr HOTVCR(xlsEilERGY 970.947.t{25 (tet) 970.945..flFr (tu) Oortad Jeff Vrco(|l lvrmmOholfross.sn xc€le|trgr Duilrrtu|loilCAt 970.252.m38(tu) 9zr.26z.to24(H) Conbcts Kft BogE t Katfi ryn. Bogeft 6)(GEt IilERGy.om EAGI,E R,NTEN,WATER, E SATIITAIIOS{ DISrRICT 970.476.7.f80 (teD 9rc.476..1G!, (fd) Contadr Fred Hadee fiiaCee€emsd.om OOI'|CASTCTBTE erc.418.82{8 (tel) 9ru.9{r.988(fao Contacg Dadd Evans darrit *ans€bblE@mcast.orn OTE;: FEB Og M frttj+. r' ff ttE 6llty ap9roY6l & rqifrcauon furn has slgndut€s hog.€adr ofttn, rfilty companleq, and m @mrnents arc ma<ts drecfyon the brm, tr no acton b talcn wlthin 2 weeksof ft€ tldlttfs reeiptof dte i*tfiffi; oonlnar.fr--friil'ffi;I*,'*tfiat_therc_ate no problefns and the dacloprnant can p]Eed.2 lf a uullty @mpany h6 conons vdol Ete pr!9dsed onstsuctron, ste rdny EpE ""ffif -+ll ncte dtrecil, on the utitityverificauon tonn tfiat thetr b a pmHem vilrldr nica's to oe Esohred. Ttte b$€ l6orfr-ur"n'L oair.o h an attadrd .*r no E,"Tom d vail' Honrwer, flease keep ln mind thd t ls ttre regondbfty t tG-,rt'lt-*r,p.rw and tfie applkant b ,esotveidentf,d proHems *IHHm9gfLtB?lgg^1q..pHtll'tv P ot,cin a-tuutc wry perhit ftorn the Departsnent d3HIff;|5"I.11"'^*Yl[i ilsffi"yil'd;,ff;-ffi,T'H*t "t;,*i*T,H:TtYF^":Ltrjo,b.n n rsi":#,:'fl:ire altered rn anywayatuttre arndrized sg,r*'raoite tu;d-.dfi;;fiil;illtJiffiffi! L1.',,'*arca of thls fom). , .Hcp.TbSignahrre Date 02 .4-e .62 -ffi UTILITY APPROVAT & VERIFTCATION 52-51 LotAddr€33:@ Subdlvlsbr: VailVillaeFilirr3 Lot#:LlBf3 Ailhodlsd Slona$ll gg@igtr D.t This form saves to 'rerlfy that the proposed improvernenLs wil not impact any edsthg or prcpo6ed utility sewices, and dP to . v€riry *wice ayaflaUlityind location ior rnrv cbn*nnfron ard should b€ usei in oniunOon wiBr prepillng yot.r t-tU|ry Pb]|j! scheiultm lrgallatlons. A dte phn, lncfudlng grddim plan,llmr plan, and elorattons, drall be sJbritH to the bnordng utilties fa appro,ial and rrerirEtion, pierie ruow uP To'2 wcEKs FoR APPROIfAL OR Go}|!'IBITS FROII TllE uTllJTY coilifffffs. If lrou are unaHe b obtaln comments wlthln that dmeframe plee onhd The Tovvn of vail. tulop b Prost& Lot Affit55 Inlffin: QWEST 970,.15&6860(El) 970.468.0672(fa0conffi: Sam Tool€y sarruel.toobf @qwestcom XCB. HI6}I PRESq'RE GAs e70.262.1075 (d) 970.468.1.{}1 (hx) Conbd: Rii Sgnrc fi$ard -dsnerc@)cdenemv.cofl HOLY CROIls ETIERGY 970.9{7.5{25 (bD 970.9{s.4081 (tdo Contacf Jetr Vfofil isgsm@dv@5ss[a XCELEilNGV 970.262.4038 (Fao 9m.252.,O24 (d) Contarts: t(t BogErt Kathrvn.Bmert@XCE-ENERGY.com EAGLE RN'ER WAIER T SIIIITATIOI{ DI$RTCT 970.476.7tr$ (d) 970.476.4080 (fu) Contact F ed Hashe ftasl€e@€ncd.o.o aorcrsrcrl|.E 970.a18.8248 @) 970.949.9138 (fa0 Contlct: David hans davH e\rdns@cable.comcstcom /{'"'4 /"*'*'2two7 trolEsrIffi uUty appro\ral & y€rtfidon fffm h65 stgnaurcs from eadr of tE rrttlity ompatle1 and. tro @.nflrerts at rEde dirccdy m tfte form, ir iib *ion b trlen rrvfrrin 2 ucd; d t|e ffirys rcceipt of the ibrm rYffnn oQhitlttim the Torflt| wll prcsurrc that tlrre a'€ m Problenrs and the dercbptcnt can ptod' t If t,rmty -,itputty has conGr$ wnh tre propdseO drstl.dion, tE |drv ECg*qSf .t{ nob dilecE}' q| BE dfitv yerttca6o fur 616t Uierc t a pmUem whadt re€d; b be rcsohred. ftre issrB *rouU fnn be (hiled in an atHl€d l€tbr b tlE fown * V*i, Hcnywer, pleasit lcep h rnM that it is the respondbllty of the udllty aoflpaly ad the aPplcart to rc$hre llenffled pobbnr. 3, Tlrese vedfkatblF do not rcll€lvr tt€ contra&r of the responslbllw to otltaln a Publlc W6y Fetmit fto.n the'Department of Public works at tf|e Torvn of Vail.in anY publk rlghtd{rdY or eement withln tfie Town of vail. 4. The Dareloper is requlreU anO agrtes O cjb]tIt ary ]€rrised dravYings b tie l,dlldes br r€-apprnrdl &I$e *U,tftCO pfaris ar€ adred fr any iay 6trer U1g autt6daed s'rgn*re dab (urless dEri,Yise speo'frcally noted wlu n the ormert 02 .29 -o7 C:\DoqrmcnE and S€fiingsYvmom\Derltop\PDFs\Tov Utlllty Appro/alol.2m7.doc Date t-?$2007 XCEL SLJ}TIIT CTY Do"r,r- R a,Z;\ r\\r-l-, UTIUWAPPTOVAIa\GRIFIC rf0fl SUSHKT. ,..Tfl h* tnr prop€cd lmpuvqtrenb will mt tmprct rny €xisdng or p'oFe.d urit|ty rcrvccs, s$ d$ bvetify. Saryic availabliV and locrtlon for ncur onstnrctbn rnd chouH be used h conlirnden wnfr prupeitrrg your irumy minasch*lulrg hstalatioF, A eib dan, irrirding gradng *n, ttoor pbn, anO ehvatoni, drrll bc rubintdrO dtie torfo,r.;d,tEnu€sbr .Frwal lnd vcdllcadm, AulborLcd Sionetun Cc|rrhr4g lr|r awEt 970.513.7189 (tc[) em,38r,0zr(h) 970.687.0722 (cdD C,ootrcls: Stsve Wahrs $rlatcr*leglrLcom qcE IrIGlt FnE9SURE 6rs 970.262.fi73(Wt 970,.6E.1ri0t (fax) Qnbcb Rhl'rslilems HOLY GROEO ELECIIIC 97o.9,f,5{25 (tcD src.'4s.408t (hx) Conbct: ,.ll Vrcom lvrmmt!!halvtrccs.qtr HCtrtilInoY 970.2i2.O33(rtl) 6nbtlr: Kt Bosail 970.262402+ X'thcr|n| Bo!.ft Et8r.t RIYtl,wATtn I sAflIf rIOil DrsrRrcT e70.*76.7480 (teD 970.476.{OEg (frr) Co0bct Ffrxl H!'l€l fturletDcsd.og COI'|C1S;C r., 90..60,2669 c. 1100 (d) 910.i168.2672 (hx) contrctt lnd Dorclt bttdrv .lorcas@€bhJxilft ari.dn 1 lH^:,f:gq ao E $lef-gp TE*or of $e -.prpo fgFy !D tgtn r- publc Wry permlt fnm on oernrnrnt cPublc Wor*r at the Torvn of Vri.h lny puUis ilght{t{ay or !.sg rntwid$n thc Town of Vail. acr of thb form). -Dadop/r Slgflahre Fax:970262467 3 43 'hen{erc Feb 9 2ffi7 13:46 P.01 M r. t, thc urfily apPtwd &. tltrficado|r form h|s signtt ns.hon erdt d hc rdlty companlrs, and m coouurti rrc ntda dbGcdyoo thc hrm. t'|e Tdn wil pI| uma th-t there ri no problams lnd 0r (,cvgorlrrt cin ooiero, Z' ! a |U|IY oqltrry hrs oncrrns utttr fia progos€d con*rucltoq drc rlilty Gprrr.nbdvr shafi note dircily on th. ulititv Itrfi.rqoL Frm rrat rhcrc tr a troHrm whtch ruclb E be .roty.d. Th. Farc droula hen oc cetaneO n in rGhli'i#;1ll 1gw.q-of.Vrll l{on6vq;, ptc.lc kxp In nind thrt it B thc rtspofl$tirU ol $€ u0ty conpiny arg tuipptiffb ,.EiJ;idrnttttrd pcblemF. The D6/doper b requicd and agrcrr b submit any reyl$d dtuttner b tha rtifties for rGapprWrl & re_verihtion if 0retubnjttcd. phm ltl llta€d ln any way rlter $e aulho/ced si$ahire datc (unless ohenvpe lpccnory noteO *trfn U. o,nrrcnt 0L . L3 .oz F:Fdev\FO MS\Pnilb\nanning\DRlVft_addHfi - t 0-1 g-2OO6.dc fdg.g C 14 tv23lt00s Frb-0I-?00? 0914? Frm-ElISD \3TO l=)X.t'tzv-r.z \- 1.2 r'cz' r \-/ ' ..,r-' Agfislc$lhmlll T-066 P.001/001 F-3Nl grEo$lr D.0 !?0176108e t]tTUTY APPROVAL I VEnIFICATIOII E,'=., S[Sffir* " \,erily Irat u," p'Dor.d Inrpwenents wil nd inpqct ary e(bdry ot-?ropoy dillrv serule+ aill +o to .a&;'"in a,a;irtaty'ut fatsn i* nery 6nstrudm and sfnru'oe rsi ln ontindon'wlh prwvtng pul tlutv PITJF dt ihlm tt$attadis. i l1c eta'tilardri sdtttS 1|a", ib..-Sn, and dandars, Cr.l! h srbnr{lrd b tltcfolowing ufliths fc apprwal ard vorfrcauon, QWCET 90,513.7189 (rd) 970.384.02:t(rb0 90.5Sr.0722 (e[)Orffi Sb,rwetr srreEtrodf,ed5"'Yr ucE l{tGHDnlisrruG S 97025a,O76(h[) 970.{6&Hol (lhr) ont fr REr SlE f!6 BOLYCNOC3E.ETtlq e7oe47.5{s @) 9?0.945.4C1 (fu) cor|trcb ]Cf\t|oolll@noteislsso tfcttEtnSY 9O25a{G8(E) Conar XrEryt9/0r62.,OH l(a|hettmEogEn E 'E|.GRnER{ lErr srtuT Tnt|ErnEr s/0.,176.2t00 (d) 9r0.476,{0gt (h)onG F,cdHdoeer@4s @lGtsrcr||r 10.{60,2669 oa. u00 (Et) 970.,158.262 (fd) conbct Br.dDof* hdctf dat'cAc.He4goqEt loo 4_ru '1 ffi*or*o*t &\€.tlcatunbm lrrdgruhrrcrfr.rn..+-of gt" PrrTl?aT,^^.r,o modtftn*are,''.dcdlt'f, on thc lbrm, f,t'forrr rl FE 1p 1;1rt tlroo rc ac pnblemr ud lltc dcctotrr.nt G;1 glml5. 02 . L9 .o7 Z t . uu|ly ccnpqny hrr cofla.nrs s*lor On proposd or$ucEon, ttrc udtfy tGpr{l3.nt!6vc {r'l nac dlfcdy m Uc'dry wfi;atin fom ttxt the?. B a ptoid *iktr il # b b€ ,!el|rd. ifro fs,a iro,rU Urctr Do &lhd h an ltbdpd hutt to d|C id;n d,;[-dirr?, /ir*-tcii h rntnd rhat t is ttr rcsncuhv of thc udry ompav and hc applknt b .|$tvc Ueilned trEDleme 3. 'Ifrc* rrerilb6or do not rdira tha 6nE clot of dtc tc*orrsibfity O ob-Oln a-fuUE Wbt hmt from tho D|Ffhott of {jilil tr;'fr;iir; * irdL tiliii, ;..d." ;r;+ ri cFrrrrrrq hd"- 4rrn h .ny FrEc tielts{cry or @tl.trt ' wibtr lretorvn of y1g f bulqm aarnh lr |Etr Cuiln Wt mnnlr end rnrrr ln obhrd ca||r&lv' TIre Oe\rCoDer ls rcqulnd ilt lgt€ b s.Oflrlt lny rark€rl dnwhg3 to d|e udl|es for tFappll'\f.| & ,Hredncarbn |f dre iit "mi--rr-rloJan-Jtrrcl in .il rruy ltcr ac rddlorbed shnar/rc ame (urtess oo*mtse sped|rcalU noed t rhftln dte cdllmolt arcB of ttiifbrm), ,/1 rdoD.l}sEn*urc | F:\da^ff )nilSfinltF\Frrh9\DRD\ditjttdHoo-$'18'2006.d€ Date PeoG 9 of f,t tu2Etz0/5 02l08/2001 r8u lt26 FAI 9?0t{99139 Colt'cr!t Authgrlzed-Sjonaturc fl(-l\.l.I\\.\' -/t, UTTUTY APPROVAL &VERIFTCAIION ffiSHK* t verify ttpt ttG proposod tnprorcments wil not lmpoct .ry- edsthg a tropgfl udiry seryloe$ Td e b . velily serrlce rvanabilty'.rd loc.6n ior new Ar$ucQon ard *rcrtd be wed In otrlunctlcr wXJr pr+adnO ywr uUlty plil dd r]&,;lhg il*alhdo,E A sft. plao tndudrg gradtrg fan, ltoor pbn, and ehrradons, $a[ bc subfitced ro rhe ro[orvhg udrfies br approral md verlficatlon. @0 01/ D0 r Comn nb Dlg QYfi5T 970.513.7189 (r{) 970,384,0257(fd) 970,687,0722(cil' Cof&ds SBre Waers saFEiootEsf.aoE Excg. tlrcH PnEsstsEGAS 970.262,,o76 (td) 970.468.1'+01 (fax) conbct Rhh 3l#|6 llotYcRostEEc]nIc 970.947.s42s (td) 970.9s.,r081 (rh) @cbch Jeff Vrcan iclg[E@bclgeElcso EXGLEIFIGV 970.25:|.4033 (tu) @(&rcB: Xfr Bo9.1t 9m.262.402{ l6tEnrne Bogett EAGT.E RIYERW^IENE sArurArloil DrsttrIct 970.476.74q' (El) 970475.40{19 (fa0 ConEct ted Hadce ft|rsteeocflrsd-o59 OOtfCAltICAllt tt -tt 9rc..68.266e exL 1ro0 (td) // tt / /#.#TA(m* t/', ,lt,- b.edelvdo.EEocrbh.comcast.ctrn I D.E Page I ot U 2'8-f1 -/T{OTES:iffi,nry rpgr*e e, r€ffcab-on brm h6 dgn*resfrom er{r ol the uUIV compank+ and m comrnalls ane flrade dtldy oir iii'i*n, U"i""" w1 pnsrne lhat U*rc are m probhms at the &vebpmett @n poceed. z r a uuty @npany has @ncelns wft the prposed @rE r.rdon, ft u0ry npresentsttvc dll ttob drudy ott dtc ttdllty verificarbn fsrn [|.t u,.r" s . pnotlr irmrr-r-e,G u u" reslved. rta isaue *rorro oen bc detalled h rn aErdled lcttel to be ii* JVirf. X-or*-, dc.i t';cp tr tnt'{ Urat t 'xr the rcspon5brlV of tle 'Ilky qnDany nd he ?plbnt to resolvc ilentilied poblens. 3, Tfrcse vedfietjons do nor dl€v€ tho coobacbr cf the nspolrsbllv b ol,bln a ntlk W.y Pefl?4!fttlm t te DcParbnert 0f fuil W"rt" n f'e Town of Ve[. U in.any- publh tlgltof'r,YlY or eassne ;,ffiirrciowntrv.it rn,m The Devdoper is requlred and agreec to $rbrlt any revised dravyirEF b thc utllides tr rHpprov.j & re{rcdtlcatlon It th€ Ji'i"-ftt O pf-J.rc-at t C fn afr 1ff after tre arjhodzeo stgnatuie <farte (unles ottrcrwlse +edtkdV notcd wiUtln the corment 0LA3 . oz F: \cd c{Fo*l'15\Pcfitdts\Ph nntng\oR€\d6-rddtion-1GlE Z00 6' tbc lr/8/2005 Land Title Guarantee Company CUSTOMER DISTRIBUTION (iUAIANIC' COMIANT Date: 02-14-2007 Property Addrcss: Our Order Number: V50017712 LOT 1, BLOCK 3, VAIL VILI-AGE FILING 3, AKA 343 BEAVER DAM ROAD VAIL, CO 81657 If you have any laquirla or requfue further astktance, please conkct one of the numbas helow: PEAK LAND CONSI'LTANTS 1UIO LIONS RIDGE IOOP STIITE 38 VAIL, CO 8165? Ath: KRISTIN Phone: 970-476-8644 Fax: 97&{7&8616 EMatl: krisdn@peakland. net Llnt€d Cornnltnent Dellvery MORTER ARCHTTECTS 227T NORTH ERONIAGE RD. W. VAIL, CO 81657 Ath: MATT LEE Phone:47&5105 Copies: I Eldail: urlee@morterarchitecb.com Linked Conmihmt D€liv€rY For Tidc Assistancc: Vail Tidc ltept. 108 S FRONTAGE RII W #203 vArL. co 81657 Phone: 9?0-476-2251 Fax: 970418-4732 Land Title Guarantee Company hnd Title Date: 02-14-2007 Our Order Number: V50017712 Property Address: LOT T, BLOCK 3, VAIL VILLAGE FILING 3, AKA 343 BEAVER DAM ROAD VAIL, CO 8T657 Buyer8orrower: MICHAEL E. HERMAN AND KAREN M. HERMAN Seller/Owner: MICHAEL E. HERMAN AND KAREN M. HERMAN Need a maD or directions for your upcoming closing? Check out Land Tide's web site at www.ltgc.com for directirins to anv of our 54 office locatiois. - ESTIMATE OF TITLE FEES Information Binder 97s8. 00 If La^d. liXle Cuarantee C@gtaay rill b6 c.losltrgf this tr.tsactiotr. abol'e fees vJ.1I be colleeted at thtt tfue. TOTAL $758.00 toE cdttca o6lol THANK YOU FOR YOUR ORDERI F Land Title LAND TITTE GUARANTEE COMPANY INVOIGE OWNCT: MICHAEL E. HERMAN AND KAREN M. HERMAN Property Address: LOT l, BLOCK 3, VAIL VILLAGE FILING 3, AKA 343 BEAVER DAM ROAD VAIL' co 81657 Your Reference No,: When referring to this order, please reference our Order No. V50017712 - CHARGES - Information Binder $158.00 -Total-$158.00 Please make checks payable to: Land Title Guarantee Company P.O. Box 5440 Denver. CO 80217 Chicago Tide Insurance ComPanY ALTA COMMITMENT Schedule A Our Order No. V50017712 Cust. Ref.: Property Address: lbr i, nrOCn 3, VAIL vILI-AGE FILING 3, AKA 343 BEAVER DAM ROAD VAIL, co 81657 l. Effective Date: January 31, 2007 at 5:00 P.M. 2. Policy to be Issued, and Proposed Insured: Information Binder Proposed Insured: MICHAEL E. HERMAN AND KAREN M. HERMAN $0.00 3. The estate or interest in the land described or rderred to ln this Commitment and covered hereln is: A Fee Simple 4. Title to the estate or interest covcred herein is at the effective date hereof vested in: MICHAEL E. HERMAN AND KAREN M. HERMAN 5. The land referred to in this Commitment is described as follows: LOT 1, BLOCK 3, VAIL VILIAGE-THIRD FILING, ACCORDING TO THE RECORDED PLAT THEREOF. COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO. Chicago Tlde Insurance Company ALTA coMMITMENT ourorderNo. v5001?71e Schedule A Cust. Ref': Propent5r Address: LOT i. BLOCK 3, VAIL VILLAGE Ftr,ING 3, AKA 343 BEAVER DAM ROAD VAIL' CO 8T657 1, Effectlve Date: January 31, 2ffi7 at 5:00 P.M. 2. Potcy to bc Issued, and Proposcd hured: Informadon Biader Proposed Insured: MICHAEL E. IIERMAN AND KAREN M. HERMAN t0.00 3. The cdatc or hterect tr thc hnd dcscrlbcd or referred to h thts Commltment and corrcrcd hcrdn ls: A Fee Simple l. fitlc to the cstato or lnterest covercd hereln is at the efrecdve date hertofvcstcd In: MICHAEL E. HERMAN AND XAREN M. HERMAN 5. Thc land rderrcd to ln thls Commltmeot ls descrlbed as follows: LOT I, BLOCK 3, VAIL VILLAGE-TTTIRD FILINC, ACCORDING TO THE RECORDED PLAT TTTEREOF, COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO. Chicago Tide Insurance ComPanY ALTA coMMITMENT ourorderNo. v500r?712 Schedulc A Cust. Ref.: Property Address: Lbr i, SrOCx 3, VAIL VILLAcE FILING 3, AKA 343 BEAVER DAM ROAD VAIL, co 816s2 1, Effective Date: January 31, 2007 at 5:00 P.M. 2. Policy to be Issued, and Proposed Insured: Information Binder Pmposed Insured: MICHAEL E. HERMAN AND KAREN M. HERMAN $0.00 3. The cstatc or interest ln the land described or referred to in thls Commltment and covered hcrein ls: A Fee Simple 4. Title to the estate or lnterest covered herein ls at the effective date hereof vested in: MICHAEL E. HERMAN AND KAREN M. HERMAN 5. The land referred to in this Commltment is described as follows: LOT I, BLOCK 3, VAIL VILLAGE.TI{IRD FILING, ACCORDING TO THE RECORDED PLAT THEREOF, COUNfi OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO. ALTA COMMITMENT ScheduleB-Sectionl (Requiremmts) Our Order No' V50017712 Thc following are the requircnents.to be complied with: Item (a) Payment to or for the account of the grantors or mortgagors of the frrll consideration for tfre estate or hterest to be lnsured. Item ft) Proper inshument(s) creatlng the estate or interest to be insured must be executed and duly {iled for record, to-wit: Item (c) Payment of all taxes, charges or assessments levied and assessed against the subject premises which are due and payable. Item (d) Addidonal requirements, if any disclosed below: Tbis produc{ is for lnformational pur?oses only and does.not constitute any form of title guarantee nor lnsurance. The Itabtltty of the compatry shall not exceed the charge paid by the applicant for this product, nor shall the company be held liable to any party otlier than the applicant for this product. THIS COMMITMENT IS FOR INFORMATION ONLY. AND NO POLICY WILL BE ISSUED PURSUANT HERETO. ALTA COMMITMENT ScheduleB-Section2 (Exceptions) Our Order No. V50017712 The policy or policies to be isrued will contain exceptions to the following unless the same are dlsposed of to the satisfaction of the Company: l Rights or claims of parties in possession not shown by the public records. 2. Easements, or claims of easements, not shown by the public records. 3. Discrepancies, conflicts in boundary lines, shorhle in area, encroachments, and any facts which a correct survey and inspection of the premises would disclose and which are not shown by the public records. 4. Any lien, or right to a lien, for services, labor or material theretofore or herea.fter furnlshed, imposed by law and not shown by the public records. 5. Defecls, liens, encumbrances, adverse claims or other matters, if any, created, first appearing tn the public records or attaching subsequent to the effective date hereof but prior to the date the proposed insured acquires of record for valte the estate or interest or mortgage thereon covered by this Commitment. 6. Taxes or special assessments which are not shown as existing liens by the publtc records.o the Treasurer's office. 7. Liens for unpaid water and sewer charges, if any'. 8. In addition, the owner's policy will be subject to the mortgage, if any, noted in Section I of Schedule B hereof. 9. RIGTTT OF PROPRIETOR OF A VEIN OR LODETO EXTMCT AND REMOVE HIS ORE THEREFROM SHOULD THE SAME BE FOUND TO PENETRATE OR INTERSECT THE PREMISES AS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED SEPTEMBER 04, 1923' IN BOOK 93 AT PAGE 98. 10. RIG}IT OF WAY FOR DITCHES OR CANAIS CONSTRUCTED BY THE AUTHORITY OF THE UNTTED STATES AS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED SEPTEMBER 04, 1923, IN BOOK 93 AT PAGE 98. II. RESTRICTTVE COVENANTS WHICH DO NOT CONTAIN A FORFETTURE OR REVERTER CI.A.USE, BUT OMITTING ANY COVENANTS OR RESTRICTIONS, IF ANY, BASED I'PON RACE, COLOR, RELIGION, SEX, SEXUAL ORIENTATION, FAMILIAL STATUS, MARITAL STATUS, DISABILITY, HANDICAP, NATTONAL ORIGIN, ANCESTRY, OR SOURCE OF INCOME' AS SET FORTH IN APPLICABLE STATE OR FEDERAL LAWS, EXCEPT TO T}IE EXTENT THAT SAID COVENANT OR RESTRICTION IS PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW AS CONTAINED IN INSTRI.JMENT RECORDED MARCH 25, 1963, IN BOOK I74 AT PAGE 575. 12. EASEMENT, AND RIGHT OF WAY AS GRANTED TO VAIL WATER AND SANITATION DISTRICT IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED APRIL 13, 1967 IN BOOK 201 AT PAGE 3I9. ALTA COMMITMENT ScheduleB-Section2 (Exceptions) Our Order No. V50017712 The policy or policies to be issued will contain exceptions to the following unless the same are disposed of to the sadsfacdon of the Company: 13. EASEMENTS, CONDITIONS, COVENANTS, RESTRICTIONS, RESERVATIONS AND NOTES ON THE RECORDED PLAT OF VAIL VILLAGE, FILINC NO. 3. 14. RESTRJCTIONS, BUT OMITTING ANY COVENANTS OR RESTRICTIONS, IF ANY, BASED UPON RACE, COLOR, RELIGION, SEX, SEXUAL ORIENTATION, FAMILIAL STATUS, MARITAL STATUS, DISABILITY, HANDICAP, NATIONAL ORIGIN, ANCESTRY, OR SOURCE OF INCOME, AS SET FORTTI IN APPLICABLE STATE OR FEDEML LAWS, EXCEPT TO THE EXTENT THAT SAID COVENANT OR RESTRICTION IS PERMITTED BY APPUCABLE LAW, AS CONTAINED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED APRIL 19, 1988, IN BOOK 482 AT PAGE 473. 15. PEDISTRIAN EASEMENT AS RESERVED IN INSTRI.JMENT RECORDED APRIL 19, 1988, IN BOOK 482 AT PAGE 473. 16. TERMS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF APPLICATION FOR REVOCABLE PERMIT RECORDED MAY 3I, 2()OI AT RECEPTION NO. 758303. 17. TERMS, CONDTTIONS AND PROVISIONS OF APPLICATION FOR REVOCABLE PERMIT RECORDED AUGUST 03, 2OOI AT RECEPTION NO. 763883. 18, THE EFFECT ON SUBJECT PROPERTY OF POND ON UTILITY EASEMENT AS SHOWN ON IMPROVEMENT LOCATION CERTIFICATE PREPARED BY LELAND LECHNER DATED AUGUST 2. 1994. 19. DEED OF TRUST DATED NOVEMBER 17, 1998, FROM MICHAEL E. HERMAN AND KAREN M. HERMAN TO THE PIjBLIC TRUSTEE OF EAGLE COUNTY FOR THE USE OF NATIONSBANK, N.A. TO SECURE THE SUM OF $l,OOO,OOO.O() RECORDED NOVEMBER 23, T998, UNDER RECEPTION NO.677234. MODIFICATION AGREEMENT IN CONNECTION WITH SAID DEED OF TRUST WAS RECORDED JANUARY 22,2003, LJNDER RECEPTION NO. 821003. ALTA COMMITMENT ScheduleB-Sectionl (Requirements) Our Order No. V50017712 The following are the requirements to be comptied with: Item (a) Payment to or for the account of the grantors or mortgagors of the firll consideration for the estate or interest to be insured. Item ft) Proper instrument(s) creating the estate or interest to be insured must be execuled and duly filed for record, to-wit: Item (c) Payment of all taxes, charges or assessments levied and assessed against the subject premises which are due and payable. Item (d) Additional requirements, if any disclosed below: This product is for informational purposes only and does not coDstifute any form of tide guarantee nor insurance. The liability of the company shall not exceed the charge paid by the applicant for this product, nor shall the company be held liable to any party otlier than the applicant for this product. THIS COMMTMENT IS FOR INFORMATION ONLY, AND NO POLTCY WILL BE ISSUED PURSUANT HERETO. ALTA COMMITMENT Schedule B - Section 2 (Excoptlons) Our Order No. V50017712 The policy or policies to be issued will contain cxceptlons to the following unless the same are disposed of to the satisfacdon of the Company: l. Rights or claims of parties in possession not shown by the public records. 2. Easemetrb, or claims of easements, not shown by the public records. 3. Discrepancies, conflicts in boundary lines, shortale in area, encroachments, and any facts which a correct survey and inspection of the prernises would disclose and whlch are not shown by the public records. 4. Any llen, or right to a lien, for services, labor or material theretofore or hereafter furnished, imposed by law and not shown by the public records. 5. Defects, liens, encumbrances, adverse claims or other matters, if atry, created, frst appearing in the public records or altaching subsequent to the effective date hereof but prior to the date the proposed insured acquires of record for value the estate or interest or mortgage thereon covered by this Commitment. 6. Taxes or special assessments which are not shown as existing liens by the public records.o the Treasurer's office. 7 . Lims for unpaid water and sewer charges, if any.. 8. In addition, lhe owner's policy will be subject to the mortgage, if any, noted in Section I of Schedule B hereof. 9. RIGTTT OF PROPRIETOR OF A VEIN OR LODE TO EXTMCT AND REMOVE HIS ORE THEREFROM SHOULD THE SAME BE FOUND TO PENETRATE OR INTERSECT THE PREfuIISES AS RESERVED IN I'NTTED STATES PATENT RECORDED SEPTEMBER 04, 1923, IN BOOK 93 AT PAGE 98, 10. RIG}IT OF \A'AY FOR DITCHES OR CANALS CONSTRUCTED BY THE AUTHORITY OF THE UNITED STATES AS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED SEPTEMBER 04' 1923, IN BOOK 93 AT PAGE 98. 11. RESTRICTTVE COVENANTS WHICH DO NOT CONTAIN A FORFEITURE OR REVERTER CLAUSE, BUT OMITTING ANY COVENANTS OR RESTRICTIONS, IF ANY, BASED I.JPON RACE' COLOR. RELIGION, SEX, SEXUAL ORIENTATION, FAMILIAL STATUS, MARITAL STATUS, DISABILITY, HANDICAP, NATIONAL ORIGIN, ANCESTRY, OR SOURCE OF INCOME' AS SET FORTH IN APPLICASLE STATE OR FEDERAL LAWS, EXCEPT TO THE EXTENT THAT SAID COVENANT OR RESTRICTION IS PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW AS CONTAINED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED MARCH 25, 1963, IN BOOK I74 AT PAGE 575. 12. EASEMENT, AND RIGHT OF WAY AS GRANTED TO VAIL WATER AND SANITATION DISTRICT IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED APRIL 13, 1967 IN BOOK 201 AT PAGE 319. ALTA COMMITMENT ScheduleB-Section2 (Exceptions) Our Order No. V50017712 The policy or policies to be issued will contain exceptions to the following unless the same are disposed of to the satisfaction of the Company: 13. EASEMENTS, CONDITIONS, COVENANTS, RESTRICTIONS, RESERVATIONS AND NOTES ON THE RECORDED PLAT OF VAIL VILLAGE, FILING NO. 3. 14. RESTRICTIONS, BUT OMITTING ANY COVENANTS OR RESTRTCTIONS, IF ANY, BASED UPON RACE, COLOR, RELIGION, SEX; SEXUAL ORIENTATION, FAMILIAL STATUS, MARITAL STATUS, DISABILITY, HANDICAP, NATIONAL ORIGIN, ANCESTRY, OR SOURCE OF INCOME. AS SET FORTH IN APPLICABLE STATE OR FEDERAL LAWS, EXCEPT TO THE EXTENT THAT SAID COVENANT OR RESTRICTION IS PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW, AS CONTAINED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED APRIL 19, 1988, IN BOOK 482 AT PAGE 473. 15. PEDISTRIAN EASEMENT AS RESERVED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED APRIL T9, 1988, IN BOOK 482 AT PAGE 473. 16. TERMS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF APPLICATION FOR REVOCABLE PERMIT RECORDED MAY 31, 2OOI AT RECEPTION NO. 758303. 17. TERMS, CONDMONS AND PROVISIONS OF APPLICATION FOR REVOCABLE PERMIT RECORDED AUGUST 03. 2OOI AT RECEPTION NO. 763883. 18. THE EFFECT ON SUBJECT PROPERTY OF POND ON UTILITY EASEMENT AS SHOWN ON IMPROVEMENT LOCATION CERTIFICATE PREPARED BY LELAND LECHNER DATED AUGUST 2, 1994. 19. DEED OF TRUST DATED NOVEMBER 17, 1998, FROM MICHAEL E. HERMAN AND KAREN M. HERMAN TO THE PUBLIC TRUSTEE OF EAGLE COUNTY FOR THE USE OF NATIONSBANK, N.A. TO SECURE THE SUM OF $I,OOO,OO().OO RECORDED NOVEMBER 23, 1998, UNDER RECEPTION NO. 677234. MODIFICATION AGREEMENT IN CONNECTION WITH SAID DEED OF TRUST WAS RECORDED JANUARY 22,2003, UNDER RECEPION NO. 821003. ALTA COMMITMENT ScheduleB-Sectionl (Requirements) Our Order No' V50017712 The following are the requirements to be complled with: Item (a) Paynent to or lor lhe account of the grantors or mortgagors of the full consideration for the estate or interest to be insured. Item @) Proper insfument(s) creating the estale or interest to be insured must be executed and duly filed for record, to-wit: Item (c) Payment of all taxes, charges or assessments levied and assessed against the subject premises which are due and payable. Item (d) Additional requirements, if any disclosed below: This product is for informational purposes only and does not constitute any form of title guarantee nor insurance. The liability of lhe company shall not exceed the charge paid by the applicant for this product, nor shall the company be held liable to any part5r odier rhan lftg xppli6ant for ihis product. THIS COMMITMENT IS FOR INFORMATION ONLY, AND NO POLICY WILL BE ISSUED PURSUANT IIERETO. ALTA COMMITMENT ScheduleB-Section2 (Exceptions) Our Order No. V50017712 The policy or policies to be issued witl contain exceptions to the following unless the same are disposed of to the satisfaction of the Company: l. Rights or claims of parties in possession not shown by the public records. 2. Easements, or claims of easements, not shown by the public records' 3. Discrepancies, conflicts in boundary lines, shortage in area, encroachments, and any facts which a correct survey and inspection of the premises would disclose and which are not shown by the public records. 4. Any lien, or right to a lien, for services, labor or material theretofore or hereafter furnished, imposed by law and not shown by the public records. 5. Defects, liens, encumbrances, adverse claims or other matters, if any, created, frst appearing in the public records or altaching subsequent to the effective date hereof but prior to the date the proposed insured acquires of record for value the estate or interest or mortgage thereon covered by this Commitmetrt. 6. Taxes or special assessments which are not shown as existing liens by the public records.o the Treasurer's office. 7. Liens for unpaid water and sewer charges, if any.. 8. In addition, the owner's poliry will be subject to lhe mortgage, if any, noted in Section I of Schedule B hereof. 9. RIGHT OF PROPRIETOR OF A VEIN OR LODE TO EXTMCT AND REMOVE HIS ORE THEREFROM SHOULD ftM SAME BE FOUND TO PENETMTE OR INTERSECT THE PREMISES AS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED SEPTEMBER 04, 1923, IN BOOK 93 AT PAGE 98. 10. RIGHT OF WAY FOR DITCHES OR CANALS CONSTRUCTED BY THE AUTHORITY OF THE UNITED STATES AS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED SEPTEMBER 04, 1923, IN BOOK 93 AT PAGE 98. I I . RESTRICTTVE COVENANTS WHICH DO NOT CONTAIN A FORFEITURE OR REVERTER CLAUSE, BUT OMITTING ANY COVENANTS OR RESTRICTIONS, IF ANY, BASED TJPON RACE, COLOR, RELIGION, SEX, SEXUAL ORIENTATION, FAMILIAL STATUS, MARITAL STATUS, DISABILITY, HANDICAP, NATIONAL ORIGIN, ANCESTRY, OR SOURCE OF INCOME, AS SET FORTH IN A?PLICABLE STATE OR FEDERAL LAWS, EXCEPT TO THE EXTENT THAT SAID COVENANT OR RESTRICTION IS PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW AS CONTAINED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED MARCH 25, 1963, IN BOOK I74 AT PAGE 575. IZ. EASEMENT, AND RIGHT OF WAY AS GRANTED TO VAIL WATER AND SANITATION DISTRICT IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED APRIL 13, 1967 IN BOOK 2()I AT PAGE 319. ALTA COMMITMENT ScheduleB-Section2 (Exceptions) Our Order No' V50017712 The policy or policies to be issued wil contain exceptions to the following unless the same are disposed of to the satisfaction of the Company: 13. EASEMENTS, CONDITIONS, COVENANTS, RESTRICTIONS, RESERVATIONS AND NOTES ON THE RECORDED PLAT OF VAIL VILLAGE, FILING NO, 3, 14. RESTRICTIONS, BUT OMTTING ANY COVENANTS OR RESTRICTIONS, IF ANY' BASED UPON RACE, COLOR, RELIGION, SEX, SEXUAL ORIENTATION, FAMILIAL STATUS' MARITAL STATUS, DISABILITY, HANDICAP, NATIONAL ORIGIN, ANCESTRY' OR SOURCE OF INCOME, AS SET FORTH IN APPLICABLE STATE OR FEDERAL LAWS, EXCEPT TO THE EXTENT TTIAT SAID COVENANT OR RESTRICTION IS PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW, AS CONTAINED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED APRIL 19, 1988, IN BOOK 482 AT PAGE 473. 15. PEDISTRIAN EASEItr,NT AS RESERVED IN INSTRI,JMENT RECORDED APRIL 19, T988, IN BOOK 482 AT PAGE 473. 16. TERMS, CONDMONS AND PROVISIONS OF APPLICATION FOR REVOCABLE PERMIT RECORDED MAY 3I, 2OO1 AT RECEPTION NO. 758303. 17. TERMS. CONDMONS AND PROVISIONS OF APPLICATION FOR REVOCABLE PERMT RECORDED AUGUST 03, 2OOI AT RECEPTION NO. 763883. 18. THE EFFECT ON SLJBJECT PROPERTY OF POND ON UTILITY EASEMENT AS SHOWN ON MPROVEMEM LOCATION CERTIFICATE PREPARED BY LELAND LECHNER DATED AUGUST 2, 1994. 19. DEED OF TRUST DATED NOVEMBER 17, 1998, FROM MICHAEL E. HERMAN AND KAREN M. HERMAN TO THE PUBLIC TRUSTEE OF EAGLE COUNTY FOR THE USE OF NATIONSBANK, N.A. TO SECURE TTIX, SUM OF $I,()O(),OO().OO RECORDED NOVEMBER 23, 1998' UNDER RECEPTION NO. 677234. MODIFICATION AGREEMENT IN CONNECTION WTTH SAID DEED OF TRUST WAS RECORDED JANUARY 2?,,2003, LJNDER RECEPTION NO. 821003. LAND TITLE GUARAMEE COMPANY ANd MERIDIAN LAND TITLE' LLC DISCLOSURE STATEMEMS Note: Pursuant to CRS 10-11-122, notice is hereby given that: A) The subject real proper$r may be located in a special taxing district. B) A Certificate of iaxes Due listing each taxing jurisdiction may be obtained from the County Treaiurer's authorized agent. C) The information regarding special districts and the boundaries of such districts nay be obtained from the Board of County Commissioners, the County Clerk and Recorder, or the Coun$ Assessor. Note: Effective September 1, 1997, CRS 30-10-406 requires that all documenb received for recording or filing in the clerk and recorder's office shall contain a top margin of at least one inch and a left, right and bottom margin of at least one half of an inch. The clerk and recorder may refuse to record o1 ffle any document that doeJnot conform, except that, the requirement for the top margin shall not apply to documents using forms on which space is provided for recording or filing information at the top margin of the document. Note: Colorado Division of Insurance Regulalions 3-5-1, Paragraph C of Article VII requires that "Every title entity shall be responsible for all matters which appear of record prior to the time of recording whenevei the title entity conducts the closing and is responsible for recording or filing of legal documents resulting from the transaction which was closed". Provided that Land Tille Guarantee Company conducts the closing of the insured transaction and is responsible for recordhg the legal documents from the transaction, exception number 5 will not appear on the owner's Title Policy and the Lenders Policy when issued. Note: Aflirmative mechanic's lien protection for the Owner may be available (typically by deletion of Exception no. 4 of Schedule B, Section 2 of the Commitrnent from the Owner's Policy to be issued) upon compliance with lhe following conditions: A) The land described in Schedule A of this commitment must be a single family residence which includes a condominium or townhouse unit. B) No labor or materials have been fumished by mechanics or material-men for purpos€s of construction on the land described in Schedule A of this Commitment wilhin the past 6 months. C) The Company must receive an appropriate alfidavit indemnifying the Company against un-filed mechanic's and material-men's liens. D) The Company must receive payment of the appropriate premium. E) If there his blen construction, improvemenls or major repairs undertaken on the property to be purchased within six months prior to the Date of the Commitment, the requirements to obtain coverage for unrecorded liens will include: disclosure of certain construction information; financial information as to the seller, the builder and or the contractor; payment of the appropriate premium fully executed Indemnity Agreements satisfactory to the company, and, any additional requirements as may be necessary after an examination of the aforesaid information by the Company. No coverage will be given under any circumstances for labor or material for which the insured has contracted for or agreed lo pay' Note: Pursuant to CRS l0-11-123, notice is hereby given: This notice applies to owner's policy commitments containing a mineral severance instrument exception, or exceptions, in Schedule B, Section 2. A) That there is recorded evidence that a mineral estate has been severed, leased, or otherwise conveyed from the surface estate and that there is a substantial likelihood that a third par$ holds some or all interest in oil, gas, other minerals, or geothermal enerry in the property; and B) That such mineral estate may include the right to enter and use the property without the surface owner's permission. Nothing herein contained will be deemed to obligate the company to provide any of the coverages referred to herein unless the above conditions are fully satisfied. Forrn DISCIOSURE o9/oL/o2 JOINT NOTICE OF PRTVACY POLICY Fidelity Natlonal Financial Group of Companies / Cbicago Title Insurance Company Security Union Title Insurance Company and Land Title Guarantee Company and Land Tifle Guarantee Company - Grand Junction July 1, 200r We recognize and resoect lhe privacv exDectalions of todav's consumers and the requirements of appHcable federal and state Driiacv laws. We believe'that fial,ihs vou aware of fiow we use vour non-oubfic oersonal infoimation ("Personal Inforinatiof'). and to whom it is disclosefl "will form the basis for a r6lationshiri of huit between us and the public that we servd. This Privacy Statement provides that explanation. We reserve th6 right to change this Privacy- Statement from time to tide consistent'with applicable privacy laws. In the coursc ofour business, we may collect Personal Information about you from the following sources: + From aootcations or other forms we receive from vou or vour authorized representative:* fmn ybir transactlo4s wilh, or from the services 6eing p6rformed by, us, oir afliliates, or others;* From -our internet web sites;* From the pullic recordl maintained by governmental entities that we either oblein direcdy from those entities. oi from our alliliates or othe"rsi-and* From consumer or other reporting agencies. Our Policies Regarding the Protection ofthe Confidentiality and Security of Your Persond Information '[/l/g mxinlain Dhvsical. electronic and procedural safeeuards to Drolect vour Personal Information from unauthorized access or intriafon. We limit access ld the Personal Iiformatioi onlv t6 those employees who need such access in connection with provlding products or services to you or for other l6gitimate busineis purposes. Our Policies and Practices Regarding the Sharing of Your Personal Information We may share your Personal Information wilh our aftiliales, such as insura.nce companies, agents, and olher real estate sbttlemeit service providers. We also may disclose ydur Personal Informatioi: lo aqents. brokers or reoresentatives to orovide vou with services vou have requested; !o tfiird-party conlra-clo^is or_service proiiders wto pmvide servicis or perforni marketing or other functioni ori our behalft and to othfrs wilh whom w6 enter into joltrt marketing agreements for products or services that we believe you mav find of interest. In addition. we will disclose vour Personal Information when vou dirrct or sive us permission, whm we are reqdred bv law to do so. or when we'zusoect fraudulent or criminal aclivities. We a6o mavtisclose your Persond Liformatton whbn otherwise oenfoitted bv apolicable orivacv laws such as, for exainple, whe-n disclosure is needed to enforce our rights arishg irut of any a-"gr&'ment, trinsaction or relationship with you. One of the importani responsibilities of some of our alliliated companies is to record documents in the public domain. Such'documenti mav contain vour Personal Inforrration. ' Rtght to Access Your P."ron"l lrrfo.-ation and Ability to Corrtct Errors Or Request Changes Or Deletion Certain states alford vou the risht to access vour Personal Information and, under cerlain circumstances, to find out to whom vour Persodal lnformEtion has beei disclosed. Also. certain states afford you the risht to request correctiori, amendment or deletlon of your Personal Information. We reserve the right, wherE perrnitt'al by law, to charge a riasonable fee to cover the c6sts incurred in responding to such requests. - All requests submitted to Oe Fidelity National Financial Group of Companies/Chicago Tide Insurance Company shdl bt in writing, and delivered to-the following address: Privacv Compliance Officer Fideliti Natirinal Financial. lnc. 4050 Cdle Real. Suite 220 Santa Barbara. CA 93110 Multiple Products or Services If we provide you with more than one financial product or service, you may receive more than one privacy notice from ris. We dpologize for any inconvenience this may cause you. - Form PR[V.9O[,. Cm Herman Residence Addition 343 Beaver Dam Road Vail, Golorado Project #0612 Morter Architects 2006-2007 -/nl ; { rJl { t r-\t'Calculite@ Evolution Incandescent Open Downlight G6AD Page 1 of 2 91N DIA" ltzllf 6" Aperture Alg I A21l BT15 / MB19 Reflector Trim oto: Dimsnsions in palon$s60t rofol to lts 06D rofca dtop fr n'ln'lct3 412'to 1 1,/4'Mu. ceiling rllk. COADCIW / 96120 or 06ADCLW / C6,4120 COADGTW/ CODTA or G6A0CLW / C6l!A120 '8 3/4'min. is f0. r{ to 3/4' lhi* csiling. " 1 I 1/8'nin. is lor up to 3/4' thick csilinq. Ceiling Cutout 6 llIf Dii. Reflector Trim 05AD CIW Spec1llar Cl€ar, White Flange 0DA0 GtP Specrlar Clear. Polished Flanga 06Ao f---.l Add suffix. See optims for a$er finishes. c6120 / (C601 m) Non-lC I tr DtA, (l2vfDlA.l c641ru/(C6DA120) Non-lCAirSeal@ C6 series I V1' min.' lll 1/8' min.)" 914'mar {11 7/8' max.) 13 3if T0 2r' A{luslmon!z lM'ountino Bars":{ Includedl Frame-ln Kit 06120 c6At20 100w Al9, MB19 100w BT15 Deep Deep Nonlc Nonlc AirS€61' c60120 C604120 lOOW A19, 8T15, MB19 l50w A21 D€ep lC-AiIseal' c6rrAtc 10(M At9, MBl9 100w BTt 5 | 50w A2l 4^ t2 3/[', 0.4. {r5 u8'0"A.1 t "0 s.tl + \ $z 13 34'T0 24' 20 t/4' 0.4, (211if 0"A.) / Adiu$nem - lMounlino BUs ..azz Includedl l/2'lo 1' Ihl. Ceiling ccADGrW / G6AIC (c6ADCrW / 06OAlCl Shallow Shallow Shallow Non-l0 Non-lC AirSeaP lC-AirSeal" Fsatures t. RalloctoE 16 ga. Alzal' aluminum, 50o visual cut-off to lamp and lamp imags, medium spr€ad distribution. A\€ilabls with paint€d white or polish8d flangs. Interchangsabl€ wilh olhor Evolution 6" lino \oltage trims. Z Sock.l Hams6r: Spring tension clips snap inlo dis{asl aluminum top al pre-tocused positions insuring corrsct optical alignmsnt, M€dium base porcelain socket with nickel platsd screw shell, N0.18 SF-1 leads to keyed plug-in quick connector for power connection to iunction box. l. tnme-ir-l(it Compatible frame-in kits are listed abo,/e. See sepante fram*in kit specilication shssts for detaals. Non-lC and NonlC AirSeal'- Insulalion musl be kept 3" away from fixture sid8s and wirino compartments and must nol be placed above fixture in a manner which will entraD heat. lGAitS@F - Fixture may be in direct contacl $rith insulation. 0ptions & Accessories Rsdoctor Fnishos' Comlolt Clssr Dilluso CCD Spoculrr Gold GD Wtite WH 'Specify desired flange W White, P Polished Labels Ut Listed {suiiabl8 I0r damp locations}, |.B.E.W Alzak'is a registered trademark ofAIC0A. US Pal€nt No. 5,$7,573. 0lh6r US and Fotolgn Patsnts Psnding. Type: Job llatnc! Crl. llo.! Lamp(s)! l{oter! Lighlolier a Genlyte Thomas Company www.lightoliercom 631 Airuort Boad, Fall Hiver, MA 02720 r ($081679-8131 . Fax {508)674"4710 We reserve the right t0 change details of design, materials and finish. @ 2003 Genl!,te Thomas Gtoup LLC (Lighlolier Division) ' 80503 II If\ut II-lnv II I IIIT IH '<>Calculite@ Evolution lncandescent Open Downlight COAD COI\,4RJTID 8Y LSI PSOGMII *]IST.UTT" EtcrsstD oPtN BEfl.tcr0R Dowl{JGftr 6' DIA APMTUNE, SPTOJLAS CLTAfi FINISH frEf,TCIO8 !5OI,/ A-21 SYLVANIA I,AiJP LUMEN MTIM = 27F IMS. D.r€i July 20. 1999 PBpaGd lor Lighbl.r, Fall Riv€r, MA lon€d according ro IES pmsdwes. Test dis- la|Es oaa€ds lh€ tinca dE gDrte$ lumi noc olooin0 ol lumlnaie. IUMTNS % I.AMP % LI'\,IINAME10tB 36 08 63 9411134 5160 91 461568 56 42 99 9S1568 56 42 100 o0l3a 482 E540 0r .010 00 .001568 fi42 r0m ,'ffflclEt|c1 = 55 1* '. o 6" Aperture A19 I A21 I BT15 I MB19 Ref lector Trim SPACING RATI0 = 0.9 CENTNTD TESI BErcRT NO, OA5IR COI\,4PUTEO 8Y LSI PBOGFAM''TEST.IITE" CALCULIIE 6" DIIy' APENTUff BY.LAMP OPEN OOWIILIGHI cAt fc6Atcr 20/c6A0cw sP€cuun c[AR Fll{lsH stREcTon lflIWBTl5 filLtlPs LAMP LUMEN MIING = l8S LMS LCWEfr P0slll0l{ cAN0t-rf 0',r/tn $JMi,,tA8Y AStI 0 5 t0 20 25 30 35 rO rl5 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 ZOIIAL IUI]|TNS A]TO PEECENIAGES MEAI{ CPldr ll71lm tu? E7 n1 39a B9 85 1Z TUMTM; t 283 l,l8 m 8? 0 0 0 Dat8:July 13,1999 Props€d 1or tightolier, Fall Brver, MA Tssted accodir! $ IES proc€durss. Tesl dis- tance erc€edslir€ dn|es the grcaie$ hmi mus oFning ol lumimi6. ZONE IUMEIIS0.30 1410,10 gst 0i0 t076 0,t 0 lon,{}C, E5flICt 0sGlal 00.1& 1076 % tLr,/lM|n[ 68 82 9? 08 99 98 100([ 792 vz .@ 100m 39 42 5? 75 57 21 sra au .01 .m s7.?8 ..EtrCr0tcv-s731" c0 EFHC|EI{TS $ tmUZAn0il % EffTCTIVE CTIIING CAVIIY BEFTECTANCE .6r .60 .59 .53 .s0 .49 .50 .48 .46 .48 .15 .43 .45 .42 .41 .43 .40 .38 .40 .38 .36 .38 .35 .34 -59 .58 .57 .56 .5s .54 .54.52.51 .51 .50 .48 .49.47.45 .47.45.43 .14 .42 .n .42 .40 .38 .40.37.36 .38.35.34 Cooversion Faclon 60W b tmw 8T15rClearC.U. x 1.00:0ifiuse/Gold, C.U.r0.S 60W lo 100WMB19:ClearC.U.r0.95; ttuse/Gold. C.U. x035 .6r .63 62 | .m 62 .61 .55 .54 tl61 59 571 .60 .58 .56 57 .55 .531 .56 .54 .53 .53 .51 .50 1.49 .54 52 .501 .54 .s1 .49 .49 .{8 1.47 51 .48 .461 .51 .48 46 48 .46 .45 1.44 qo .aa .ls Lcz4S .46 .441 .48 .46 44 46 .43 .41 | .46 .43 41 44 .{2 .40 t.40 .44 .41 .391 .43 40 .38 .42 .39 .38 .4r .38 .361 .41 38 .36 .39 .36 .341 39 S .34 20% FLOOB CAVITY BEFTECTANCE Lightolier a Genlyte Thomas C0mpany wwwlightoIercom 631 Airoort Road. Fall River, MA 02720 o (508)679-8131 . Fax (5081 674'4710 We reserve lhe right to change details ol design, materials and finish @ 2003 Genlyte Thomas Group LLC {Lightolier Divisioni ' B0503 I T Inllt II-l ,Fr \, II I IIlt I N" 1 2 Sl 36 =, I l0 .63 .62 .61 .59 .57 .56 .53.50.{8 50 .{7 .15 .41 .44 .42 .44 .41 .39 .4r.38.36 .3S .36 34 .36 .33 31 .56 .55 .55 .54 .51 .50 .49 48 .49 .47 .46 .45 .46 .45 .43 .42 .14 .42 .41 .40 .42 .4! .38 .37 .35 .33 3r .30 Corv6rsion hctofs lfOW 421: Clea[ C.u. x 1.0: 0ittuse,6old. C.U. x 0.SFL fOW - lmWAtS Clsar C.U, r 1,15i DitftAe/Gold. C.U. r 1.trl 6 6l .60 t.60 .59 .58 t.57 ,57 .56 .s8 .57 .55 t.si .56 .54 | .55 .54 53 .55 .53 .51 t.54 .52 .50 t.52 .51 49 .52 .50 .48 t51 .4S .47 t.50 .48 .47 .49 .46 .44 1.48 .46 .44 1.47 .45 .44 .46 .44 .42t46 .43 .41 t.45 43 4r t4 .41 .3S t43 .{0 .39 t.42 .40 .38 .4r .38 36 1.40 .38 .36 1.40 .38 .36 .39 .36 3,{ t.38 .35 .33 t.38 35 .33 .36 .33 .3r r.36 .33 .31 I 35 33 .3r 20% FLOOF CAVITY BETLECIANCE .r!t TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS sffpffiffi wsr#r* R .49" 12.5mmI l|tL LL']LL | .?fl 19.20lnm BORDER LIGHTTRACK DESCRIPTION Border LiEl-,: is a necn alier.lat ve, low voitage, moncchroflratic LED i.rbe designed specilically :or building perimeter light ng or lineer lighting aoolcalro!rs. LlDs prcCuce very little treal and have a long lanrp iife expeot.tnOy. SPECIFICATION FEATURES I zsmm I ,4.(( ))\\ /1\)K tb5 tdlI N\---Jlt I I l\,-----\Yl I Ir---J I .76' I 19.2omm Energy Efficient; One 12" (305mm) red segrnent uses 1.5 watts per loot for red clear red, ambef and orange. 3.2 watts oer foot fcr white, green, ari blue. lvaximum dlstance lfom power supply to lirsl tube s 30 feet (9.1 m). Pow€r supplies are available ln a range frcm 25 to 300 watts, BORDER IIGHT TYTLb t( ?c,?e ,J6+Fr" UL Jlle No. E220835 Construclion: Tube : Acrylic DRIM - UV resisiant, extremely dilrable Trac< i Acryl c DFIM - UV resistant, extremely durable ' Fcr non- llum nated border light - please corlact lactory ior quote. ORDEHING INFOFMATION SVBL4-RED ied SVBLS-RED iled SVBL4-BLUE Blue SVBLS-BLUE Blue SVBL4-GBEEN G'een SVBLS-ORANGE Ofange 8Ft, SVBL4-AMBER A..,ber 4F:. SVBLS-AMBER A.-ber 8it SVBL4-YELLOW Yellow 4F:, SVBLS-YELLOW Y€lcw 8Ft POWFB SUPPLY: EVPS60-12-UL: :2VDC,!L 60 W Class 2 -L LED powef supply EVPS60: 12VDC, 60 Watt power suppl,vt ETL Listed EVPS150: 12VDC, 150 \r'"/a po\iver supp y, FTl.- L sted EVPS320: 12VDC 300 Watl lro','/cf suppl', E iL L sled 8Fr 8Ft, L 17.0453 3' molex lrmper cable 17.0455 30' mclex iumper cable 20AWG Suoer Visi.j. l!rier.ationaj . 82iO Freslden:s D.ive . Orlani:t. Flc(ba c2_8og . .1ill.851.39C0 t Fzx 4J7.25 /,JA5l . wrvw.S'riS e.r.cotT]B5 zoNE CHECK D(&d? - oDtG LcgaldcscriptiJn'ro@ h;i,l truo?, €.h^. rAddrcss bfrfutt z,/3 ig.z.,tL "l--ilf "4'5 vs't v'.,"?L '' r Osrcr Architcct Zoncdisiict_1$- Lof sizc o.{ 37 l<'res Totrl GRFA Pbonc Brrildablc arca Allorvcd =-4{"7 Existing 5r4N + Proposcd 67/tll3F Rcmaining t,337 l) Pcrccnt Slopc (< >30%) 2) Floodptain 3) Wcrlands 4) Watcr Courso Scrback (30) (j 5) Gcologic Hazards a) Snorv Avalanch b) Rocldall 3t6 = Total = L'2Y2--- 3,2'77 -_- Za_- qo \fl t/6 'l:U0l Sitc Covcragc Hcight Sctbacks V.f,lci,t sl + (30x33) Front Sidcs Rcar '.. 20' | (l'aJ ,a, .?L"rndscaping Rctaining \\tall Hciglrts Parking Caragc Crcdit Drivcrvay Complics rvitb TOV Ligbting Oriljnancc Arc finlshbd gradcs tcss tban 2:l i Ycs-rsiatqL No-.......-....--. Enrironmcn !a Lflazards I Mini l6,yz? _ q.t?( ?-- Enctoscd c) Dcbris Florv TO$IN OF VAIL DEPARTNIEMT OF COMMI]NTTY DEVELOPMENT75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 8L657 970-479-2L38 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON 'IOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ALARM PERMIT Permi-t, #: A00-0020 iIOb AddrESS: 343 BEAVER DAM RD LOCAt,ion.. .: 343 BBAVER DAII'I RDParcel No- . : 2101-071-12-Oa3 Project. No. : PR,t99-0087 APPLICAMT TIII'L ELEETRONTC SYSTEMS P O BOX 534, AVON, CO 81520 CONTRACfOR THI'L ELECTRONIE SYSTEMS P O BOX 534, AVON, CO 81_620OWNER IIERMAN MTCHAEL 343 BEAVBR DAII RD, VAIL CO 81557 status. -.: IsslrEDApplied-.: 06/08/2000Issued...: 06/08/2OOO Expires . .: !2/05/200A Phone t 970-949-4638 Phone: 970-949-4638 DescripEion: INSTAIJL IJOW VOTTAGE SMOKES AND PAIiIEIJ Valuation:2,400 . 00 rr,rra*..rr**irrii**rrtrrr*i'.a* pEE SInituARy El.ctsricrl---> 54, OO Totai calcul"aced F6c6---> 57 .0o .oo .o0 3 .00 TdxAL FBES---> 57.00 DRE F.€ Invc6tiga!Lort> nill Cill- -- - > Additional Fces--------->.oo Total Pemit 8€e--------> 57.oo PayBcnta------- BAIAI{CE DUE--.. .OO **r**r*r*rr*r*f Ilglri .qqqgo ELEqfRIcAr., DEPARTMEI{'r Depr: BUTLDING Division:06/08/2000 KATITY Act,ion: AppR N,/AIEem:',O55OO FIRE DEPARTMET T DepT: FIRE Division:06/08/2000 KATITY ACt,J-ON: APPR PBR PHONE BY-VAUGIIN *rri|.rr.rrrtit* CONDITION OF APPROVAI-, DECI,ARATIONS I hcreby acknorledg. thrC I baw. rcad thi6 applicalion, fi1lcd out. in fulL thc j,nforoatsion rcquircd, co6p1.t.d .n .ccurrtc ploc plan, and stsate th.t all tho inforDatign providcd ae tcquired is corlBct,. I agrce to couply viLh Ehc infolEitlon and plots plan, to comply sith a1I Torn ordilrances tnd aLat.! Iaws, and Eo build Ehi6 structule according go tshe To*"r'B zoning and subdiTirion codeg, desigm review approvcd, Itnif,on Buildlng codc and otsher ordinances of the Tonn applicabl.e thcrcto. REQUESIS FOR INEPECITONS gmllr BE IIADB T1{El{Tv-8oIJR HOlrRs IN AD1ANCE BY IELEPHoNE AB 479-2136 oR AT oUR OFF:CB FROU s:oo Al,t 5!00 PM SIE|ATI'RB OF OTINER OR CONIR.A,C-IOR FOR IIII||SELP .A!|D OVINER ,**** Jr** * ** * * ****** * ***** ********************************** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Star,emlt.********************:t******************************************* St,atennt Number: REC-0538 Arnount :57 - 00 06/08/OO 1,4227 Pa)ment Method: CHECK Notatioil: #L4e99/T,IfiIL rnit,: KMw I***t*** Permit, No: A00-0020 1lpe: F-ALARM ATARM PERMITParcel No: 2101-07L-t2-Ot3 Sit,e Address: 343 BEAVER DAI',T RD LOCAT,iON.: 343 BEAVER DAM RD Total- Fees:This Palment 57.00 Total AI,L PrnE.s: Balance: *********************!t*****:t************************************ Account Code Description EP OO1.OOOO31114OO ELE TRICAL PERMIT FEES WC OO1OOOO31128OO WIIJIJ EAIJIJ INSPEqTION FEE 57. 00 57. 00 .00 Amount, 54.00 3.00 rcM{WYilL 75 S. Frontage Rd. Colorado 81657 I orrrr*t ofru Nor BE AccEprED rF r*co'pb=ffiHytunFzr qq- Building Permit #:_ Alarm Permit #: qO0. OO2O 97 O- 47 9 - 2135 (I nspections) Commercial &Fire Alarm shop drawings are required at Ume of . application submittal and must include information listed on t'lre Vail, 2no page of this form. Application will not be accepted without this information. @nad Eaolc CoantyAsert # Parcel # (R.equired if no bldg. Permit # is provided above) Job Name: I Il*l Q.r ro. <r n :obAddres: 3q3 8..^.,." b..,^ R\ Legal Descrifiion Lot:Block ll Filing:Subdivision: Owners Name: r rH q. r rli ayr Address:Phone: Engineer: ll Address:Phone: Detailed Location of work: (i.e., flmr, unit #, bldg. #) Detailed description of work: I.'s\-\t^\;^ os \o*" r.r.\\--. 3,.r.ok-r \.\..I--, q,\ .Pq,.ql WorkClass: New() Addition( ) Runodel(!) Repair( ) Retro-ft( ) Other( ) Typeof Bldg.: Single-family()<) Two-family( ) Muhi-family( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant( ) fther( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in thb building: Does a Fire Alarm Exisil Yes (X4 No ( )Does a Fire Sprinkler System b<ist: Yes ( ) No ( ) COMPLETE VATUATIONS FOR AI-ARM PERMIT (Labor & Materials) FireAlarm: $ %OO -i CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Contact and Phone #t: rrrr' v c'. so.\.h. 9tI1 -z'l t3d Fire Alarm Contractor: fi,-'*t € Town of Vail Reo. No.; Contractor *n***rri****r**tt**r*r*n*r**r*****riir*FOR OFFICE USE ONLY**r**tit**tt*rt!rit**t*rtit**r*tt***:tr** I \xrq$D v\ssG\arrs F: /sr€r),onqbrms/alrmPerm r ul'7,f%-' DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNTTY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON ,JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT Permit, #: 899-0295 rJOb AddrCSS: 343 BEAVER DAM RD Locat,ion. . . : 343 Beaver Dam Rd Parcel No. . : 2101--07L-12-013 Project No. : PIt^f99-0087 Single Family Residence Type v Non-Rated Add Sq Ft: Ga6 Applianccg: #Of caE LogE: Clean-uP approved amount date Division: Dept: P{tB 9{ORK Divi-sion: Phone: 970-949-6339 ISSI'ED LL/03/L999 LL/L7 /L999 0s/Ls/2000 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FROMTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 8L657 970-479-2L38 Statsus. . Applied. Issued.. E:cpires. APPLICAT{:r MAXIMUM COMFORT POOL & SPA, INC. P O BOX 26'70, VArL CO 81658 CONTRACTOR MAXIMTJM COMFORT POOL & SPA, INC. P O BOX 2670, VArL CO 81_558 OhINER HERMAIiI MICHAEL 343 BBAVER DAIVT RD, VAIL CO 81657 Description: Add built-in gunite spa Occupancy: R3Tlpe ConstsrucEion: v N I\pe Occupancy: Valuation:L6,750 rireplace Infotration: Rcsbrj.cted: Y *of BuiLding-----> Plan check- - - > Invc6tigation> will call----> Reetuaran! Plan Rewiee- - > DRE Fee---- - -- - Rccrcalion Fee----------> Clealr-IrD Dcbosic--- ---- - > Togal calculaged FeeB---> Additional Fces---- --- --> total Pernit Fee--------> Pal.oenga------- BAI.ANCE DUE- - -- 215 . O0 139.75 .00 3 .00 .00 .00 .00 100.00 457 .73 .00 457 ,7 S .00 Dept: BUILDING Divi-sion:Charliev1s BUILDING DEPARTMENT KATHY Act.ion: NOTE Routed toAct,ion: APPR charlie dCIAR]-,rE Act,ion: APPR charlie da REQTJESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SIIALI, BE MADE TIIEIIII-FOUR HOURS IN ADVA!'CE BY S€nd Clean-t4) DelrogiC To: MaxiEuE Cotrlfolt Pool & spa IEem:05100 LL/.08 /.L999Lt/L1,/L999IE.em:05400LL/ 08 /1-999Item:05500LL/08/L999Item:05500TL/08/L999 therego. olJR OFFICE FROM s:00 ll4 5100 TOV/@Wn rft? (DgAp.- 5 3 3 eo'ut* lDo,t'o, it-\" T(oz #of wood/Pal leb: F EE SUIi,IMARY AStr-g$j- APPR Appr on DePI,: PLANNING DiViSiON:oriq- submit,Ealr-q suDml-EED6pE: FIREKATIIY PI,ANNING DEPARTMENTATITY Action: APPFIRE DEPARTMENTKATIIY ACTiON: APPR N/A PT]BI..IC WORKSKATHY Action: APPR N,/A ; ;;;;';;;;;;;;;;.;";;; ";;,;. ... .n," permi, I h€reby acknolrLodgc Ehat I hawe read this application, fi.lled ouE in ful] the j.nfontration tequired, donplBtod an accurate ltlots p1an, and stsaee tshag all the iDforuatsion provided as requir€d is corrc|cts. I agr6c go codply vith il.6 information arrd Plots Plan, !o cornply {iEh all Tosn ordinancee and Elace LanB, and to build chis Btructure accordj"ng to lhe Toitn'6 zoning arrd eubdivi6ion codcs, desigm r.vier apploved, Uniforu Building code arlal othe! ordinanced of tFc Tor.n applic OR COIITRACTOR FOR HI!'ISEIF A.ND OfiNER ******************************************************************************** COI{DITIONSPermit #: 899-0295 as of Il/L7/99 Status: ISSUED******************************************************************************** Permit T\pe: ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT Applied: LL/03/L999 epplicant: IvIAXIMIM COMFORT POOL & SPA, INC. Issued: LL/17/]-999 970-949-6339 To .E}qrire: 05/L5/2000 ilob Address:Location: 343 Beaver Dam Rd Parcel No: 2101-071-12-013 VAIL VILTAGE FIIJING 3 I.|OT ]. BI-'K 3 Description: Add built-in $.mite spa CondiLions: 1. FIELD INSPEqTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CIIECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. 2. AI,I-, PENETRATIONS IN WALLS,CEILINGS,.AND FLOORS TO BE SEALED WITH AIi[ APPROVED FIRE MATERIAL. 3. Sl,tOKE DETECTORS ARB REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND ErrrERY STORY AS PER SEC.310.6.1 0F TIIB r_997 UBC- 4. FIRE DEPARTII{EIIT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAI{ BB STARTED. TOtOf Ot VaIIJ, C9EORIDO gEalaqtu StrtcnE NuubGr r RBC-0592 lnounts: Prtn nE f.chod ! 230{a lNotrllon! 457 ,75 lLlI1/9t l4tt9 IOIII|UI CoUlOnT tnis r illl P.r:al,t !o ! 899-0295 T:D.: l-Ul D.rc.l no! 2101-071-12-013 gl.B. lddrcr. ! 343 BErvEn DNI RD Locrtign ! 3,13 Bo.v!! Dr| Rd ru),/rt T uF BTELD PER T|ri. Pq'[ Di lotrl Faa.: 187.75 forrl AIiL hE.! Bal,racs ! 457.75 {57.75 .00 lccounc Cgd. DlrqrlptLon BP 00100003111100 BUlr.AIrGr PtrurT tlBg PF 00100003112300 PLtlt ctlBcr taEa AD D2-DEPO8 CI,EAIfUE DEDOSITS tfc o0100003Lr2300 tfiLt qu.E lNapBclton| FIE leunE 215. 0o 139. ?5 r.00.00 3.00 ct jt o9jl O.l o C) CEol)d8 C) e TE od o o oo o o oo C;o E H cE E anI !t d { H o c; o F L t 5"gH IR:x ooIAorI|oi Clo tlF o ll F T dEq tto ooal o t !2 { oE E!lo|U H E (t -U 'IDFUHr. EHtaEoo Ol.2Z E8E-x1 4T Ea EE EN H'Aa 3EqtI!o sg T E t,a Il. e EE l. ao i. HEdtrU AE cTt!0s s8E *9 n H (., E E FD*cIIc o E Ec F.H HEo ; ? N FD E'or)EIrrfiaollE s8E Htr8 |*Contact Eagle CouncyE4E .lE vvrrrr L)tlf at 970-328-8640 tor f,rnncm llz a\.ol-o1t- ,. t;t;;i oF vArL coNsrRucrrO - PERUIT APPLTCATION FORM PEsqg- oc81 PER}IIT # DATE:Bqq-oaq5 ^ ' APPLTCATION UUST BE FILLED OUT CO!.TPLETELY OR TT MAY NOT BE ACCEPTEDITIr* ** ************** ************ pERl{rT rNFORl,lATroN *************************** *r1l[ ]-Building t l-PlurDbing [ ]-Electrical [ ]-]rechanibal I J-other Job Name:Job Addre"rt l,egal Description: Lot Block_ Filing Address: 3t{3 Architect:Address: \ ceneral Description: Work Class: q(l-New t l-Alteration [ ]-Additional [ ]-Repair [ ]-other .rrt uIl.LC,5; ^ {pnber and Tlpe of Firepraces: cas Appliances_ cas r,ogs_ wood/perretv lT********************************* vALUATToNg *******1.*;4gEf y{.F*tc*tr************ iurr,orrve , $ [ tt , Soo , ELEcrRrcA r.,z + )E&? 4rfO*nk4K"". ,1-_. Number of Dnelling Units: Nunber of Accommodation Units: -', *P..ong.I"ElFF-;Electrica] Contractor:rrffiif;d"&FfrL* Address:Town of vail Reg. No. aql-EPhone Number: 31O -qzZ Plunbing Contractor: Address: Mechanical Contractor: Address: ************* ****** **** * * * ****** EUTLDTNG PERMIT FEE; PIU!'IBING PERMIT FEE: MECHANTCAI, PERMIT FEE: ELEEIRTCAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: Town of Vail Phone Nurnber: Town of Vail Recr.Phone Number:. FOR oFFrcE usE ******************************* BUTLDTNG PIAN CHECK FEE: PLI]I{BTNG PI,AN CHECK FEE:UECHANTCAL PIAN cHEcK FEE3 RECREATTON FEE: ryg. lSrt-P ;:fil-H.iipffi . n ece ivea- BUILDTNG: STGNATURE: ZONTNG: STGNATURE: CLBAil I'P DEPOSIT BENTI{D $[\a*urr,n (o,n-%o*r lool V]X,t Nov 03 1999 o 75 south |ronlage road vall, colorado 8.1652 l3o3) 479-2L.38 or 479-2L39 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: R Y ead and acknowledged byi of llce ol communlty developmenl ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THETOIfN OF VAIL TOWN oF VAIL puBLIc woRKS/coMMUNITy DEVELOPMENT MARCH t-6, Lg88 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERIAL STORAGE rn summary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawful for anyperson to litter,, track or aeposit. any soi', rock, sand, debrisor materiar, incruding trash hu^p=t"rr, portabre toirets andvorkmen vehicles..rpon'.ny =[.""1, sidewa)_k, a11ey or publj-cplace or any porti6n th;;e;;:- ine rignt_of_way on arl Tosrn ofVail streets and.roads is approxi*"l"iv-s-it.-itr pavement.This ordinance will be ;a.i;ii;^enforced by the Town of VaiIPublic works Deoartment:--;;;;;ns found viotating this ordinancewilr be given a 24 hour rriti..,"r,ori."-to-;;;;;;=said materiaL.rn the event the person so notified.aou=-nll"'I"ilpry with thenotice within the- 24 nour tinre lpecified, the putr.ic worksDepartment witl remove said rnare;i;i-;a-ih;";*;;;=e or personnotified' The provisions- "r tni= ordrnance sharr not beapplicable to c-onstruction, *iint"r,unce or repair projects ofany street or ar.rey o. .r,y'"tiil'ai;;"i; ;;"-;i;;i_"_r"y. To review ordinance No. 6 in fu'l, please stop by the Town ofVail Building Department to obtain a copy. trranx you for your.cooperation on this matter. It;':s! | ii:i \ EUILDIN6 PERI,|IT ISSUANCE TII,IE FMNE If thi.s permtt requi.res a Tovrn of Vail fire Department Approva.l ,Enginee;'.s (.publii llopks) ;;vi"; u;;'ipprova.t , a planni ng Departmentreview or.Hea'lth Departmint ieviewl-unl u-review by the BuildingDepartment, the estinated time tor'a-totat i"vi"n-"ray"ia[i'a, tongas three weeks. All commercia'l (rarge or sma'r1) and ar'r mu]ti-famiry permits wirlhave to follow the above menti6neJ mixir* requiremlnli.-"'Residentialand sma'll projects shou'rd take i-ieiie. uround or-iir". ' However, ifresidential or snral'rer .projecis-ii'paii the various above mentioneddepartments with regard' to-necessai:y-review, tr,.i" proj".i, *yalso take the three-weef peiioJ. Every.attempt vrill be $ge bV this departnrent to expedite thispermi't.as s.qon as possi bl e. - l, th. undersigned, understand the p1 an check procedure and t.imef rame.. 75 louth ,ronl.ge ford v!ll, colorado 816Sz 1303',) 479-2L38 0r 479-2139 of flco of "orrunity devclopmerrt Communi ty Devel opment Depa rtment. ^_L"",{, Ut6U4VW,trh+ aflStto \bu\^"*t'tt ec w_0 13 CLo (.) LLI (.)ffiIH Ct UWaPWN^+a*lszoo ''lbvur* t;tt*/-, TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FROIiTTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81557 970-479-2L38 t ill call----> TOTAIJ FEBS..-> 93 'OO DEPART!,IEI|T OF COMMT]NITY DSVELOPMENT APPI,ICAI{T BIG BE,AR ELECTRIC, INC. P. O. BO)K 474, LEADVILLE, CONTRA TOR BIG BEAR ELE TRIC, INC. P. O. B,O)t 474, LEADVILLE, r*ir FEE slrufllRY El6cEric-1---> 90.0O DRB Pcs .0o Inve5ciEacion> .00 NOTE: TIITS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ELECTRTCAIJ PERMIT Job Address: 343 BEAVER DAl,{ RD LOCATiON...: 343 BEAVER DAM RD Parcel No. . : 2LOL-O7L-L2-OL3 Project No. : PRJ99-0087 co 80451 co 80461 3.00 ON ,IOBSfTE AT AIJIJ TII'IES Permit 899- 02 3 5 Status...: ISSITED Applied- -: LL/03/1999 Issued...: tL/Lo/L999 Expires..: 05/08/2000 Phone: 970-390-922L Phone t 970-390-922t 5,000 .00 #: OWNER HERMATiI MICIIAEL 343 BEAVER DAM RD, VAIL CO 81657 DescripEion: ETECI FOR REMODEL AIiID TO INSTAI-,L GUNITEValuation: r all t * J i tl tr'a +i t t 'r ',, ttrr r t tttti ToLal cal.culatod FG!6---> 93'oo addigional Fce6---------> Total Peruits 866--------> Payrtrents- -- _- - _ . o0 93.O0 93.OO BALAIiCA DUE- -. - artttrri.rrJ*raf trt,rirartr**,rr* irrlJrr**,|tt**rrrt***rr't+*trt**ra*ir*ttltrtiiata*iti,t'eirrt*tt' IEem: O6OOO ETECTRICAI_, DEPARTTIEIiIT _____ _pep!_,_ BUIIJDING Division: 777 d d t 15 9e - KAiFr- --- -eEt-ion i AFFn appnovED PFR- KW --- -iEaft;'05660-?-riis nppARrr,lElft' -- D-epr' rrne Division: aL/08/L999 KATIIY Action: APPR N/A * * r !r r * r r r t t * i t rt *J * r r t *!r.t a* !r J* CONDITION OF APPROVAI., 1. FIETD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CI{ECK FOR CODE COMPL'IA}ICE- I t t tt t *tt,ta t*'tt t rtrtti *t*'lr t i rt r DECI,ARATIONS r hercby acknowledge lhat r have r6ad chis appl.icatj.on, filled outs in full the information rcquired, cotlPlcted an acculacc plo! plan, and state that al] bhe i.nformat.ion provided ae required is correcE. I agree Co conPly ldith lhc infomatiob and ltlot PIan' to conply ilh aII Town otdinanceE and scace 1aws, and Eo build chis stsrucEure according Lo lhc Town'E zoning and eubdivision codeg, design revlel, approved, utlLfoln Building code and oEher ordj.nanced of the Town appllcablo !h6!eto' REQUESTS FOR IIISPECfIONS S'iAIJL BE MADB TWEMTY-FOTJR HOI'RS IN AD\ .l|CE TE,EPHONE AT 4?9-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICB FROI'I g:0o A!{ 5:0O PM m}|ll OF VlfL, @&(nADO ltrrtr[|rs atartt*rtarrtlatrt*atlttaa.rri!rr.rrtittittaata*nr*irrt .,rarrirtr.rrrtriirt gErt.urC Nuablr ! RIC-0593 lmun! !93. O0 11/10/99 16!at Perr.ng lrthod! 151? Noereions BIO BIAn EtrEet?I l!lb: iIN Prrrle f,or !99-0216 TlE.r B-EEC E rEelRtCtL PERllIl Prac.l tror 2101-07t -12-013 8it. lddf.r. r la3 BAltBn DII lD IpcrEl,on! la3 ElAltlR IL|| nD lotrl F.aa: t3.00 :t!l,r PryrsrB 93.00 Totrl ll.L hcr:t3.00 Brl.nqc: . oo |'iratrarirattrt,tttrtattaatt.trtttatr,atttt.t.atrr,r.'l||.art,riittattrttrjrri Accaung cod.D..oriptloo Ep oo100003111a00 lLEelErClIl Pl rr llB9 ||c 00100003112a00 nrilJ clri! ItrSPlerld PEI 3 .00 lDung 90.00 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL. CO 8I657 970-479-2138 o,*'rrr*T oF coMMtrN,r" ouurrort, NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECH.ANICAL PERMIT Permit #: M00-0012 Job Address: 343 BEAVER DAM RD VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 343 BEAVER DAM RD Applied. . : O3ll3l2000 Parcel No...: 2l0l07ll20l3 Issued . . : ll/0312000 Expires. .: 09/0912000projectNo lgil_oagy' APPLICANT FRISCO FIREPLACE & SIOVE SHO03/l-312000 Phone: 970-668-3760 P O BOX 1330 FRTSCO, CO I0443 l,icense: 101-M AIso is CONTRACTOR CON'TRACTOR FRISCO FIREPLACE & STOVE SHo03/1312000 Phone: 970-668-3760 P O BOX 1330 FRTSCO, CO I0443 Lj.cense: L01-M Also is Applicant OSINER HERMAIiI MICIIAEL 03 /L3 /2OOO PhoNC: 343 BEAVER DA},I RD VAIL CO 8a657 License: Desciption: INSTALL GAS FIREPLACE Valuation: $2.879.00 Fireolace Information: R€stricled: Y # ofGas Appliances: 0 # of Gas Logs: 0 # of Wood Pellst: 0 art.|ararla:|**:r***x.*r.*r*ra,ar'|'******** FEE SUMMARy ii+***,**'r*rr*t,***t't**r:ii*rra*t***t'rta*'rtitta**'|****,*tt**,t,h.r 95o.oo R€stuarant Plan R6view-> So.o0 Tolal Calculat€d F€Qs-> 578.00 50. oo Additional Fees-> 978 . oo Total Permit Fee--> Paymeris--> BALAU\CE DLTE-> Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMBfiT 03/r.3/2000 'JRMItem: 05500 FIRE DEPARIMEIIIT 03/13/2000 JRM CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRE.D TO CIIECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: 22 cot[BusTroN ArR rs REQUTRED PER SEC. 701 OF TiIE 1997 UMC, OR SECTTON 70]- OF THE 1997 IMC. Cond: 23 INSTALL,A?ION MUST CONFORM TO MAI,II]FACTURES INSTRUCTIONS Ar{D TO CIIAPTER 10 OF TI{E 1997 I]MC, CHAPTER 10 OF THE 1997 IMC. Mechanical--> Plan Check--> Investigation-> will call-> S1s.00 DRB Fre-------> so. oo ToTALFEES- > s3.00 $0.00 s?8.00 $78.00 s0.00 Action: APPR APPROVED Action: APPR N/A Cond: 25 t.GAS APPI.,IAITCES SHALL BE VEITTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 8 AND SPECIFIED IN SEC.8O6 OF TITE 1,991 I]MC, OR CHA,PTER 8 OF THE Cond: 29 ACCESS TO HEJATING EQUIPMENflI MUST COMPI-.Y WITH CHAPTER 3 AND SEC.1O]-7 OF THE 1997 I]MC AND CITAPTER 3 OF TIIE ]-997 IMC. Cond:31 BOIT-,ERS SHALL BE MOITMIED OI{ FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CoNST. UNLESS LISTED FOR MOIJNTING ON COMBUSTIBI,E FI-,OORING. Cond:32 PERMTT, PLANS AIID CODE ANALYSIS MUST BE POSTED IN MECHANICAI ROOM PRrOR TO AN INSPECTION REQT]EST. Cond: 30 DRAINAGE OF MEC:IANICAL ROOMS CO}IITAINING HEATING OR HOT-WATER SI]PPIJY BOII'ERS SHAI,I, BE EQUIPPED WITH A FIJOOR DRAIN PER SEC. LO22 OF TI{E L997 UMC, OR SECTION 1004.5 0F TIrE L997 rMC. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according !o the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved- Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE ]VLADE TWENTY-FOIJR HOLRS IN ADVANCE BY AT 479-2138 0R AT Alvt - 5 PM.;/ /n GNA'fURE OF OR CONTRACTOR FOR AND OWNE ^- -5.814!! L997 TERMINATE AS *+**:*:***:*!*!**'l:*****'t*'*{"*1.:**{r********************{.:t **!******:f ****t **'****{r{.*i'*:i.,t***{r,l!t*{t*'l'l!t++** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Slatement *+ * {' * * * |t **'lr* '1.*** l.*,1.** *{.!t,i* **** *'**!t+ + ***:***{' l' 'lr{' *** 'F** +{. '1.*. + +*'F* * ** ** ***{.,1r* *'l **** t:f{r{' *'h},} '}!tdt * +:t Statement Number: R000000172 Amount: $78.00 rL/03/200003:15 Plit Payment Method: Check Init: Jt{N Notation: FRfSCO FIRPLACB & STOVE Permit No: M00-0012 Tlpe: I4ECIIANICAI, PERIr{IT Parcel No: 21010 7112 013 Site Addreee: 343 BBAVBR DAU RD VAIL Location: 343 BEAVER DAM RD Total Fees: 978.00 Thie Payment: 978.00 ToEal ALIr ttnts: S78.00 Balance: $0,00 *** *** * *!t ** * **** *'t!tl.'i***'t* **** *!* **1' {' 'li"l* *** * {' '1. '1. 't {. '1. ** * ** * * {. * *+ *:t ***:}***** ***'***** !* **** * ** * *** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descriotion Current Pmts MP OO1OOOO3i113OO MECHANICAL PERMIT FEES 60.00 PF 00100003112300 PLAN CHECK FEES 15.00 lNC OO1OOOO31128()O WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 3.OO Permit # aulr Other ( Darn ) Address: Address:N.A Phone# Phone# rJ'rA ,l"J"S\ t ine52Other ( ) Number of Accomrnodation Units: $ $ ELECTRICAL: $ MECHANICAL $ CONTRACTOR INFORMATION OTHER: $ TOTAL S 5.L"s*e.. Address: Phone # rorvnof vail RegisrratronNo. f0-L--fi-- ptr,r"# (q7O ) 66K- 37bO FOR OFFICE USE BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: TOWN OF VNLIONSTRUCTTON PERMTT ApoCATtON FORM INFORMATION MUST BE COMPLETE OR THE APPLICATION WILL BE REJECTEI) Contact the Eagle County Assessors Affice at 970-328-8640 for Parcel #parcel* Q lDl-0ll -l?. -O13 Date: 3-7-oo totName: \-lonrnTryt, 7t*. roueooress: 3Vb 6-raulr barn Zoad- Building ( )Plumbing ( )Electrical ( )Mechanical () Legal Description: Lot I Bbck niling--3 3 - subdivision tlOwnersNune: H€fr'flAQ Architect: N - A Description of Job: workcrass: N.* fl* tt^X,#*54 ndditional (Nf Repair ( ) Number of Dwetling Units: \ Number and Type ofFireplaces: Gas Appliances c"s Logs gJ-.=--==- wood/Pellet vALUAroNs fll.cdof q l){v4 a BUILDING: PLTJMBING Generarcootractor, VtJ Cu :ln,nt',u.r Address: tDfn S treor7h{LRJ. (;Jls.t-"' TownofvailRegisrrarionNo l?g - n phorr"# q7()'Ll Vn '3)87 Electrical Contractor: Town of Vail Registration No. Plumbing Cortractor: Town of Vail Registration No. Mcchanic:rl Contractor: SIGNATURE: TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD\rArt, co 8L657 970-479-2]-38 APPLICAD{T CONTRACTOR OWNER Mrchanical---> Plan Check- - - > Investigablo!1> wil,1 call- - -- > DEPARTMENT OF COMMT]NITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED Job Address. . . : 343 BEAVER DAIvt RDLocation......: 343 BEAVER DAl4 RD Parcel No.. .. . : 21-01,-07L-L2-0L3 Project, Number: PR'J99-0087 ON ,JOBSITE AT AI.,L TTMES Permit. #: M99-0157MECHANICAL PERMIT JERRY SIBLEY PLUIIBING P O BOX 340, MTNTI'RN CO 8A645 fERRY SIBLEY PLI]MBING P O BOX 340, MrI{rURN CO 81645 IIERMAN MICHAEL 343 BEAVER DAM RD, VAIL CO 8]-557 staEus...: IssIrED Applied. .: 03/29/2000Issued...: 04/04/2000 Expires . .: L0/01,/2AA0 Description: ADD BOILER REPI,ACE BASE BOARD AND IIVAC Fi!.ttLaca lafomEion! RcsEricted: Y *cf Gae ApPliances: irtrrrtrrt*r*+r FEE sut[r{ARY ValuaEi-on: *Of Gas Logs: davisAPP TO JRDept: FIRE Phone: 303 -927-5736 Phone: 303 -827-5736 90, 000. oo *of wood/PaLLc! | 1,800 . 00 Regtsuatant Plan Reviel'--> 450.00 DRB Fee-------- .OO TOTAL FEES.---- 3.00 Total CalcuLated Fee6_ _ - > Additional Fee6---------> Tolal Permits Fee_- -- -- - _> Pa]r cntss-------_ BAI,AI.'CE DUE-. -- .00 .00 2,2E3.OO 2 t283 .OO .00 Dept: BUILDING Division: TO CIARLIEItsem: 05100LL/08/L999LL/tL'/L99903'/27'/2000Item:05500LL/08/L999 BUTLDING DEPARTMBITTATIIY AcI,ion: NOTIIARLIE AcLion: APPATIIY Act,ion: NOT KATITY ACI,iON: NOTE ROUTEDAction: APPR charlieCIIARLIE ACTiON: APPR ChATIATI{Y ACt,iON: NOTEFIRE DEPARTMEI{'T REVISEDKATITY Division:KATITY ACTJ.ON: APPR N/A 1.2. 3. 4. CONDITION OF APPROVAL FIEIJD INSPEETIONS ARE REOUIRED TO CIIECK FOR CODE COMPTIANqE' eoMsOstrON Arn rs REQUTRED PER sEc. 701 oF TIIB 1997 uMc, oR SECTION 701 OF TIIE 1-997 IMC. INSTAI,LATION MUST CONFORM TO MANI'FACTT]RES INSTRUCTISNS 4NDftt-GntrrER-1o oF T"HE 1997 uMc, cHAPTER 10 oF TIIE 1997 rlq(:' GAs-ApFL-ellcBs sUALL BE vENTED AccoRDrNG To qIAPTER 8 AND--Sirett tEni,tfttATe-A-s SpperrrED rr Sre .806 or rHE 19e7 IlMc, oR CSIAPTER 8 OF THE 1.997 IMC. eee-rSs- rO npatrr.re uOurFMsNT MUsr coMpT.,y WrEI!_CIIAPTER 3 AND sse]-or7-oF rHE iggT uuc.aND cHAsrER 3 oF IIIE 199? rMe. E6itEFE ' sEAr.r,--ee-[,t6{nliEd bti- rlb-onS-or- NOwcoMeusrrELE coNsr . IINL,ESS LISTED FOR MOIJIITING ON COMBUSTIBLE FLOQRING. FEFMII,Ff,ENg-auo--ciiDs- nrqar,vSls -MruSi BE PosrED rN MEcHANTcAL ROOM PRIOR TO AIiI INSPECTION REOT'EST. iinAr-NAGs - or -t{ecriANi eAt, -n06Ms - cdnrArNrNe HEATTNG 98 Hor -wATER 5treFilY-eoitsRS-sHAtt Es-sourpFED wim a EIoQB-DBAIN PEB sEc. id22-6r-ttts-1es7-ItMe ,-on-SEcudN 1004.5 oF TIIE 1ee7 rMc. 5. 6. 7. 8. ' !t ******!r***t*****tl ** * * ***ll** ** ********* * * * * ********C***:l* * * *:r $**:l **'l******!r** DECI-.ARATIONS t hcrrb,y .cknofft.dg. that t hrva lead thl! elrpllcation, fillsd out in full tshG lnfomrllon requircd, cc,Epl.t d .ri rccurrb. plob phnl ud rgrt. thrt rll Ch. lnforoatio(r psorld€d rr requind 1! corrcc!. r igEq. to soq)ly vilh th. lnf,olErtion rnd lrlot ptrn, Eo coqtly dtb ell toln oadlnrncEa and ltr!! 1N., and eo bulld lhie elructura tccording to Ehc Tonn, r zoning end rubaitvlddr eo&r. d.aign t vl.r rppron d. Irnifan Buildlng.cadc and o!hc! ordlnrncca of rb. Iort| rpplicabl. !hcr.co. n!$[AT! ton rSEECltIOng atqt L BE IADB tl{Af,tt-Forrn HOUR.S rtr glo|llmt ot o ltR o4, colt1tlct19R rm HrNrrErJF A!|D O0fltBR . l.lof, A:0O B:0O Ha i**ll*ititr!*lrl+*******tt**a***+***l*at:l*t*i**r**+**t***fi***a*rlt*t TOWN OF VAIIT, COLORADO StaEeum! . tt**a*t*t!a*:l*.1**lt*i**:l*****rr*************+**rf *****t**********l gtatemlrt Number: REC-0612 Amount: 2,253.OO o4/O4/Oo tatos Pal,ilent Method: 27555 Notation : SIBLEy pIjrUBINc hit : JN Perrtrit No: M99-0157 Type: B-UEqH IECHANICA], pERr4IT Parce} No3 2101- 071-12- 013 81te AddTEae: 343 BEAVER DAM RD Location: 343 BEAVER DAM P.D Total Fees: 2,253,O0 f'hlE Palmeat 2,253.OO Tota} ALIr Pmts: 2,253.OO . Bal-ance: .o0 t*tr***t***lt*****ttt**t:l**til**tll**t****itti***r!*!tlt*****lt*:l** Accoulrt Code Degcription Anount l,lP 00100003111300 I,IECIIANICAL PERMIT FEES 1,800.00 pp 00100003112300 PLAN cHBcK FEES 450.00 wc 00100003112800 vtrLIJ cArL rNsPEcTroN FEB 3.00 FpR-A-m LLt€. .tt Er,,6l|.EERtNG Hoclnls Sutnnary IlcrnrnRsideoco Cdcdarodby Rrdcrnngi"cCcin& Ino. 9944.00 3nw@ ST'MMARY TotrtHcalors - t43,395BIItH Totd SqurrcFootrgc - 4694 SF 30.5 BTt IySF DESICNCOI'IDITIONS n =TlTTo =-l9PF Elovation- 8r00FT lt-v,ALuEs COMPONENT U-VALT'E Wdl (S$d/Stone) 0.0419 lvdl (Stud ltood) 0.0415Roof O.O:U8 Floor (Slab on Orrdc) 6 BTt H / SF Floor (TII) 0.033Clszing 0.5t EQIIIWANS Conduction Q{IJXAXTD)Infithatiorr Q{TACIIXIFXI/60XTD) IVI{EREU ={IedTnnGrCocfidcdA =ArrETD -TonpcrrfircDiffqurccV =VolumeACII -lhChapcspcrHoru=0.5TF rlnnsfoFrctor RADER o gre U5 ?5.?2. P.@/43 rGR-?g-?@€ LL24? 'a' SAIUPI.E CAI,CUUIIION Cbnduction In$ltration ENGIl€ERIhG (262X0.049X91) = I t6t BITIH (l 7, I 00)(0.5X0.79X1/60X91 ) - 10,24 BTLJH RRDERI IffiATE.IGEO.TJIPMEM ltre home ic hestcd bry e ccctral boilcr sy$cm: Bl = 299,000 BTt H INPUT * 299,@0(0.80X0.68) = 162,656 ETTJH OLTPUT t,200 FT 82 = 16,4,000 BTUH IMLJT = 15,4,000(0.t0x0.6t) - t9216 BTIII OUTPUT tr00 Ff Tho boilc providcs hcat for thc buildin& rpq and dmcstia wEtcr. lrlt calqilrtions arc pcrford pcr ASIIMB rcconm€odcd proceAurcs. IHEilod calcillrtions araihble upm rGqucd. tn us E2 P.@3/93 Herman Residence heat loss sumnary TOTFI- P.63 Rrder Erylnrrllp lnc. il 0 lD'AvO{ @ fO.lddrb gr0l5 F'AX To: Krirlf,yrn Conpur tt5lrtP&ll IobNrm: HtnoRddaoe Cctraatr: Kti+ ltrae il I rrunruY ofthc hcd dddl3/l?/00. l. Thboilqrrodwucr crut. Ce[ ifyou hrvrquuicl Ibt1 D!n' PftvryNodF: ltlWaifimdr ttrlnalor 6i L ptvlhfd, r*dfin|'lalbto6!illdrcqid.youm 2. Iftwodifuatutdor rttto bchdrlbd r coGbldtnlhotldbf inrdldbrrchrrbr Plcrnalltodilqtr! 3. Idorotroomdthu crdrtrodr|tcfpodto iuhiddfocr. lb ryro wil hrnc gr€rtcf otttritr Dip.d bpurlclu tbnm &&rwiqrr. tfAR 2 2 afln htbrdtbirhribrls brtbilbffidurv rocqtoudnloot dfdctlbdlre. ltlb rridrrctrdurccldsn dUrrry.ldlio.Ct toulndrDutcqlilj dlbr F o Ilrlc.ax:970-827-5234 14t27 P.A2 trElllErllElllElliElllEl lEllll F-gl!.ll6JE..{F{|.J! 0|lerlrtiru fu tbo p6ili3.rrrpoorrt to ycrr qucatitrr ornbcrtlooaod tntho r!ffito||idbYur '00 o Date Received odrlirrlidyrdUrn f,cburncdrrdb bru'Crraci0t|r&ri a P.()# # of pegc"e including this onc: b. b5t\\ Pleasc crll if you havc any qucstions Thank you. P.01L4227'm o It{.Faxz970-827-523/. SIBLEY PLUIIIBING,INC 1O4O MAIN STREET x 340, M|NTURN, CO 81 (970) 827.5736 FAX (970) 827-3234 do lrot rcccivc all p.gc6, Peo\ Yz*=\e^n IJ1 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD'vArL, co 8L657 970-479-2138 APPLICAI'IT CONTRACTOR OWNER ilob Address: 343 BEAVER DAM RD Location- -.: 343 Beaver Dam Rd Parcel No. . : 2LO1-O7L-L2-OL3Project No. : PRiI99-0087 DEPARITI{EIIIT OF COMMT]NITY DEVELOPMEMT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON ,fOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PLI]MBING PERMIT Permit #: P99-0105 Suatus. . Applied. fssued. . E>cpires. ISSUED oe/Ls/L999 09/20/Le99 03 /18 /2OOO iTERRY SIBLEY PLIJMBTNG P O BOX 340, MrI{:rURN CO iIERRY SIBLEY PLI]MBING P O BOX 340, MIMTURN CO HERMAN MICIIAEL 343 BEAVER DAM RD, VAIL 8L64s 81645 co 81657 Phone: Phone: 303-827 -5736 303 -827 -5736 Description: Plumbing for remodeL/addit.ion of lValuaLion:w 30,000.00 FEE SI'UI.IARY Plunbing- - ---> PIan chsck---> Inveatsig.tion> wil.l crl1- - -- > 450.OO 112.50 .00 3. O0 . o0 . o0 565.50 565 .50 RegluararrE Plan Rewier- - > TOTAI, TEES--- - - Togal Calculated Peea---> Additional Fee6---------> Total Pet6its Fcc--------> PayuentB- - -- - -- BAI.ANCE DI'E-. - - .OO IEEM: O51.OO BUII'DING DEPARTMEITI DCPI: BUII.,DING DiVJ-SJ.ON:o9/L5/1999 KATTTY Action: APPR approved per-kw IEbM:.05600 FIRS DEPART14ENT .DEPT: FIRE DiViSiON:09/L5/a999 KATHY Action: APPR N/A CONDITION OF APPROVAI-, 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPI-,IAIiICE. DECI"ARATIONS I her.eby acknoel6dg6 that I haw6 read thie applicatsion, filled out in full the information required, comPletsEd a! accurate Plot p1an, and statse that all tsh€ infomation provided as requi.red is correet. I agree !o cotnply tith lhe inf,ormatsion and plot PIan, tso comF1y l,ith all Town ordinances and state lavs, and to buitd this structure according to tshe Toen'B zoning and eubdivision codea, deaign reviee approved, Uniform Buildi.ng code and other ordinances of the Toxrn applicabl€ Lherefo. REouEsrs FoR rNspEcrroNs sItAlrJ BE uADE rwElrry - ForrR HouRs rN eoverce sv (rr,cpHoNE AT 1t s - zlzer.aV AT ouR oFFrcg,r,FRoM g:oo Alr 5:oo Pt4-..-__. ., . ! ,/ ,, .,4.- t<.2 r *- srcNATrrRE oF owNER qfuffiAcroR FoR HTMsELF AND ow!{ER I TOfl ol vlr!, coLoirDo St're.urg Staccrg nub.r s RIC-0552 lru'|g!56A.5O O9l2Ol99 09.32 Pry[.ttt, tLthod: CX |.otrtLcD,. ZTOa./AI, ;gl tnir: .t!| P.nis ro: P99-O105 lt!|. r E-PIIG PlrltBllc PTRFT P.rc.l [ot 21o1-o?1-12 -013 191C. Iddr.|r: 3a3 lllvln DII ID LocrtLons 343 larv.r Dar Id Tbt I l..a: 565 . Bo AoGal .l!L m.. lalrncc ! Itlr Pq,t nc 565.50 565.50 .o0 lcooutrt coda D.rcrLptlon PD 00100003111100 PLIEIIE Dtntxt lIEg Pt 00100003112300 P&ta cBtcx t!!a rc 00too0031t2800 rrliL cl&L lliPtcIrctf tEt ..rcunt {50.00 112.50 3.00 /, Owners Name:t f/a,a Address: 'PE qq - ooSJ bqq_ or3-l Ph. f|f-Szoo I'tR.,\llT ir r/ AppLrcATroN Musr BE FrLr,ED our coMpr,ETELy oR rT MAy NOT BE AccEprED fi******************'r******:t*** PERMTT TNFORMATToN * * * * * 'r * * * * * * * * *:k * * *,r,r * * **** {[ ]-Bui'dinn,ot*-nlunbing I i-Electrical [ ]-Mechani-cal [ ]-other. /,JobName:. f' JobAddress: Legal Description: r'ot- Brock- Filing--suaDrvlSloN: .phArchitect, V;rlo^ , ' I l/,_ Address, _rffi,.,*' Number of Dr+elling'units, I Nunber of Acconmodation uni; #::::.":: :""" of Fireplaces: Gas Appl_iances_ Gas Loss_ wood/petr"._ ftt* * * !r * *** ** ******rt * *** * * )k ** * * * *,, t - - ^ - - x x it :' *:t * * VALUATfONS * *:r. * * * * * * * * * * 'k * rr * * * * * * * )t * * * *,r * * * * Address: Mechanical .Contractor.:Address: PLUMBING PERMTT FEE: MECHANTCAL PERMIT FEE:ELECTRICAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: qn Efn r-.r- Town of Vail Req. NO.Phone Number: Town of Vail Reg. NO.vnone Number: Town of vail Reg. No. /Jy_/Phone Nurnber: -kZry_,fZlZ-- Town of Vail Reg. NO.Pnone Number: FOR OFFfCE USE ***************************,k**, Electrical Contraccor: Address: Plurrbing Address: BU.TLDTNG PIJ\N CHECK FEE: -|IIIBTNG Pr,AN cHEcK FEE:MlqNrcAL Pr,AN cHEcK FEE:RECREATION FEE: CLXAN_UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMTT FEES: BUILDTNG: STGNATUR.E: ZONTNG: STGNATURE: Contractor: VALUATION sEP 15 1999 lnwn n llfll 75 soulh fron lag c road vall, colorado gl657 (303) 479-21.38 or 479_2L39 onlReIa ons *IJ to Proj ect FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: o lllce ol communlty developmenl ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THETOIfN OF VAIL TOI,IN oF VAIL puBLIc I.loRKS/col,[,ruNITy DEyELOPI.IENT I\IARCH l_6, 1988 CONSTRUCTTON PARKING T< }hTERIAL STORAGE In sunrmary, Ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawful for anyperson to litter, track "r-a"p"=it.any soiI, rock, sand, debris;5rffi:;ri:ii"i::r"dins trisn-5unp=t"r,, porlabre roilers andprace o. .nv-iJi.!il:.ill"ifl""l;"'ii;Hii};li;:";irill:i:-",Vair streets ind,r""a="i3"lip."iin'uteiv s rt. -irr pavemenr.This ordinance wirr re ;;r;:ii;^enforced by the rown of vail' Public ivorks ouoartmentl--iJi=ins found ..rih.[ing this ordinancewir] be given a 24 hour r.iil"n"notic"-to*;;;;; said rnateriar.rn the event the person so notiried ao-=-.ri"'I"iptv with thenotice r+ithin the 24 hour tinre lpecified, the puttic vlorksDepartment wi'l remove said maLe:iaI .?t the expense of personliiiil:ii" I:"":'""i=:"ns-or'"[ii" ordinance srra:.r nor be any srree. ". "ill;'::':;l'"[iilii::";; :;".:*il i**fi= "'-.To review'ordinance Nii- 6 in fu'', p)-ease stop by the Town of:::i.::i13i'3"o;f,i:'n:lt"::""iiiin a copv. ri'uni. you ror your liii nowledged f ',?*1rr (i. e, contractor, owner) 75 s oulh rronlrge road vall, colorsdo 81657(303) 479-2138 or 479-ZL3g olllce of "orrrnity devolopmerr I EUILDING PERT|IT ISSUANCE TII,IE FMI.IE If' thrls perml:t requjres a Tov/n of vair Fire Department Approvar,Engineer''s (.publ ii 19.f ri ;;;;;'unl'upproua.t , a plannine, Departrnentrevi ew or Hea'r th Departm6nt. iev iew, -unl' u ""ui u" tv-tii."dri r ai ngliri[ll!.,1;.[!: ", riru tua ii'nu' i" "'u- io tu r ;;u i;"-;.i.,iu i!, u, r ons All commercial (turg:^gl lmall) and a1l mutti_family permits wiilhave to follovr the above.mentioneJ-ririru, requirements. Residentia.land small projects strouio ia[e-;-i";;;; amount of time. However, ifresidenttal or snratte..piojulir-i;;;;;' the varjous above mentioneddepartments r.rith rega.rd' to-nu.uriuiitr.ul"*, these projects mayalso take the three'week period l:::{r"l}.Tpt wilt be made by this cleparrnrent to expedite thisperml't.as. s.qon as possible. vv !^Pgv' LE L l:"i!. undersigned, understand the plan checl, procedure and timeTrame.. 'Contnuni ty Oevel opment Oepartnrelrt. '- TO: FROM: DATE: RE: MEIIORANDiJM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC MAY 9, 1994 WHEN A ''PUBLIC WAY WORKS PERMIT' DEPARTMENT IS REOUIRED Job Name: Date: Please answer the following questionnaireTegarding the need for a'Public Way YES x 'r1 Permit"; NO xls lhis a new residence? ls demolition work being performed lhat requires the use of l,he right of way, easemenls or public froper;ty? ls any'utility work needed? ls the driveway being repaved? ls different access needed lo site other than existing driveway? ls any drainage work being done affecting the right of way, easements, or public property? 7) ls a "Revocable Right Of Way permit. required? B) A. - ls the right of way, public property lo be used . parking or fencing? B. lf no to BA, is a parking, slaging or {encing'plan required by Community Development? lf you answered yes to any of these questions, a "Public way permit' mustbe obtained.'Public way Permit" applications may be obtained at the public work's office or alc911u1ity Development' . lf you have-any questions please.call Cn"rti, Davis, the Townol Vail Construction Inspector, at 479-215S, 1) 2) e\ 4) s) { { \, )a bJ easemenls or for slaging, lhave read and answer above questions. /ts, Job Name Conlractot's nalure Date JUN-0?-OO I.IED OI:47 P}I JL VIELE COISTRUCTION ,lun-07-00 !l:l5u rr*VlcfonlUlll,Dtil FAI{ lto tl0Lrtr05 9704763423 O T-r.l P.m t.Mlu, F73t I { l,l ,ifr0 red rubstotiellyh con6liea6wi6 $e inrcnr of the coutptlotdoqucntr I by our ofice. To rhc be| of our Inowlcdg!' ay dcficicocics fottnd dttttug o I rl I t I 70 Bcnchmttk Rord t (970) 9{9.7768 o tuitc 204 r ?.o. Dor lttl . Avoo, Coloredo 81620 FAx (970) 949't951 . ctnltlt mncngtslav l'ocl FqiHrg|tumnnntna Monroe & Newell EnSl,!L|':\lnc. fruc 1,2000 VictorMut Dond.tsor Amhircu, P'C' pOBox 5300 fvon, CO 81620 Attn: Ms. Clrsyl Dornok (M&IiI#4370 e stuctural AtsFlfiion o thcaborrcrcridc*e romodct wrsobccnrcdbyMmoc & is orr opinion, based on our timito{ vlernl ob€rvatioof dudng thc wor[ pmgrese and w lest obsuralion of [,fey 31, 2000 that th! rfnrcfinal podorof rbs siltcoca ir nd by our oficc- To rls our Inowldg!, ay dcficicocics futnd dtttfug olll rcvious obrenrrtions havcbco conodcd' I you haic arry qucstione or conmgrl$ Dlcrsc crll Vc,ry trulyrtours, ENGINEERS,hIC. t JUN-07-00 t{ED 0t346 p}t JL VIEL"E CoI{STRUCTI0Io ru Date: To: I I Frcm: i , Tryn dUeil Buildiq D.pt Chadh Dtri3 Phone: 17g;21nFar: 17|}2#2 J.L VnloGorfoucfon,Inc Rlchad Ischoe Phone: a7u0t2Far: |7e3{Zil FAl( Mt 87tF763423o l I ll l.Foflo{g please find a letter onceming 0F structiral snshe of $e abqp rftlrncad.Jd. e ir; provkldt per fieh discuesion at the framhg irsped'ron dqre on 6r1tb0. Frbase ca[ f pu hpai' any questions scommenis, c if yon rned anything futlter. Thank you I t :. ]j: -: ! i li !r.r! rAV{r ,l L tr 1I a I tl {f I Hcnnrn Reskhne. Bf. * Bgs{tt37 R€gu€dhl tnsp€ct Dale: gHn€cday, June 2I, 20t l Inrpectlgn Ar.a: CD sfie Acrd'e8s: #3 ffiwfi 8ffi fi8 vArL A/P,P lnionn tbn Actrily: t#l$fi67 T\ot: FMf;Cin Sub Tws: ADtfPComlTni: Occupairtr A*: Cortrrclor: JERRY SIBLEY PLUMBtIG PlDne: 3O3447-5t36O,yr.r: HERMAN X!C}|AEL D3*cII'tIon: ADD BOITER REFLACE BASE BOARII AND TIVAC Cominenl: ORlClO.lAt St BIIITTAL WAS lrHt cftUAl,tJED. . tfiTHY Reo$crtsd. hrpqstlBntgl SSTr: I$STJEDhcpAru: CD s 'Y:-\li Y)tr 'ktr$:miilEClrRorrh t\ lY" lq ( lilr: 240 PLilB.OGFlDlno \ \--/,/' Aldn:310 IrEcF+.lfdir- \:fuw€d" q q r-tWlA0O hmrtrr: cRG" au:rin' AI'PRAT'PROIGOT U-/-,.' C,o.un nB: FIHAT LF{ES. €A pSi '-'.-, ( fIt-rr, ??n iFarr-i'h-.; ui;;; *--A '-'' | 1 Itun: gS0 tEcHflnsl R.Aro!ilo{: JERRY $BLEY Pt-UMBhlG CofiilnontB; VIJC 8e7-6736*hnfimi eDAvts Riqueoted Tlnos: 0*:0{! At Phona: 97&8?7€7St EnbfcdBv: OFLORg$ l( 4e Adlon: AFTJRAPFR(IIED Ac{oo: CO CERTFNATE OF OCCUPAIiEY Tln* E*p: O7/10/0O Inrpedor; .frM NInEdE: APPRCTT|EO I'TAgTER EATHO?llwffi hdD.cbr: JRMfnfir.nl8: ADDtt COMtdS .. hlFl-O$lc rFr'tofln FtlDacEr: Lrxu Attrofi: ArtT( rlt P}(Lrl EfJ u]L- , .' C,o.Dn trB: FIEAT LhlES. €A FS; ,-----, ( fndn: 3?0 lrfECFl-ErlttCl,{oorh -4 n ) 1[.rfl: 3fl] fEc*$sotvAlt [ (/ v bm: 3l|o ilEGl-l-irtii. ' ." Anorolred -' { i |,,bm: 3l|o ilEGl-l-irfia. '"ADorc\ltd'' I i, 06f31100 Flso.chfi €R6' Actbl,|: rqPPR APPfiOVED | : ' Cofi'm$ilr: FANS,DUCTS.Ht [6m|F|cATNol/lofro rmootftr: JnM Adton: AFTTRApFR(IIED Corffil.t{s: ADDTL COMtdS - S{Fl.OSl? Hf;AT AT 6C, il3m: 39O f'Eeh|-Fk€l "AFDr$}edt?/(B[P tncp€dot: CrftS' Actim: AICRPdIFfiOVEACORffiCTICNRfCID Comrn.|lE: Cffrisrwb. if,lL hd h€€d lo *ddroBs wtFtlrsr Edrdwte c0fi6{.l!flon .l lrt hollc rcorn. Onn lourd'vwt a fld*.wu H. PlqD call tor tainop.ctbn dow \.fih plufibfitg lf|'| b odfiH cotrtbutilo|r d ft/t3(lo hco.cb': GRG Adron: COhIDApPROVEIICO|IIDflIoi$ Cotttdhnfi: Goinbudfon alt ccks lo at€ Ffovld€d by Rrdor ErqmaBrtu. Culesno^t he WPruJrc [rtl. ST?xrT-r ILA-> f>r W"vt REptrl-3t" E*r.\-a t 1 lA,,\rc n ,?e4/r t1/A1 1< {4,a- ? -' -J I---------/-- Rurr Id: 728 /,+ | &l"tcs DE'ARTMENT or .o*n tt DEVEL.'METG* " - ' ' NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON TOBSITE AT ALL TIMES FINAL 05/10/1999 05/10/7eee 77/06/7999 TOWNOFVAIL 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAII- CO 81557 970479-213f1 Occupancy: Type Construction: Type Occupancy: Valuation: DEMO. OF PART/ALL BUDG. Job Address: 343 BEAVER DAM RD VAIL Location.......: 343 Beaver Dam Rd. ParcelNo....: 21,0707772013 ItojectNo.: ?? Permit #: D994015 Status. . . : Applied. . : Issued. . . : Expires. . .: amount date APPIJICAIqT'J.IJ. VIELE CONSTRUCTION 05/L0/L999 phone: 97O-475-3082 1OOO S FROI{TTAGE RD W, #202 VAIIJ CO 81657 L,icenae: 188-A 000152 col[TRAcToR J.L. VIET,B CO]ISTRUCTTON O'/LO/L999 phone. 97O-476-3082 I.OOO S FRONTAGE RD W, #202 VAIL CO 81657 L,icense: L88-A 000L52 OIiINER TYROTJ-VAIIJ LTD C/O BOI.,DUC REAIJ ESTATE II{,ANAG PO BOX 5800 AVON CO 81520 Lricense: Desciption: Demo permit for interior only. os/Lo/L999 Phone: Fireplace Infomration: Restricted: Building-> Plan Check-> Imzestigation-> willcalt-> R1 Multi-Fanily ?? $2500.00 9125.00 Restuarant Plan Review-> S81 .25 DRB Fee=.-> s0.00 Recreation Fee_> 53 . 00 Clean-uP DePosit-> TOTAL FEE$-> Add Sq Ft: # of Gas Appliances: TOV/Comm. Dev. Clean-up Deposit Refundapproved /. 0 0 # of Gas logs: 0 Total Calculated Fees-> Additional Fees-> Total Permit Fee--> S100.00 Payments-> S3O9 .25 BALANICE DUIE-> #of Wood Pellel ** FEE SUMMARY Approvals:r€dm: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENI o5/LO/t999 KATHY Action: ITEM: O54OO PLANNING DEPARTI{ENT o5/L0/L999 I(ATHY Acbion: Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT os/ro/L999 I(ATHY Action: so. 00 $0. o0 $0. 00 APPR Approved per KVil APPR N/A APPR N,/A $309.2s s0. o0 s309.25 $3 09 .2s s0 .00 Item: 05500 PITBLIC WORKS 05/L0/teee KATHY ItEm: O57OO ENI/IRONMEIITAIJ o'/LO/te99 KATHY Item: 05900 ITIQUOR oslL0/1999 KATTTY Action: APPR N/A HE,AIJTH Action3 APPR N/A Act,ion: APPR N/A ffiffi*****ir}}*t*rH *'r**i*'frr**H**rdr See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this applicatior; filled out in full the information required, completed an accutate plot plan, and state that all the infor:nration as required is correct. I agree to comply with the infonnation and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and zubdivision codes, design review approved, Unilorm Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQIJESTS FOR INSPECTION SFIALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOIJRS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2149 OR AT OUR OmCE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. SIGNATURE OF OWNER ORCONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNET PAGE2 CONDITIONSOFAPPROVAL Pemdt#: D99m15 asof 0149-2003 Status: FINAL PemnitType: DEMO.OFPART/ALLBUDG. Applied: 6/10/799^ Applicart J.L.VIELECONSTRUCTION Issued: 6/7A/799^97047f'.3ffl2 ToExpire: 17/06/7999 Job Address: 343 BEAVER DAM RD VAIL location: 343 Beaver Dam Rd. Parcel No: 210107112073 Descripion: Demo perrrit for inerior only. Conditions: Cond:1 (FIRE): FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQI.JIRED BEFORE ANY WORKCANBESTARTED. Gon& 12 @LDG.): FIELD INSPECilONS ARE REQLJIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLTANCE. c C) <io l.OTOD.ootJ 3E A( ooo 'FlO|.OD'oOJ o oo oo o o IA E cH Ha B alI rI 6I oo oo oo o oo oc 6 tHox- F cTq !EtJ F.da!!l dF E!na'ltF oFUEO(JF'HE.H'e8 sl .AACI"o" o o !l It o >B JE irra oor&orIqA F BEi9E' & Ha TE E3a( Ee t, FlAE.D *: atlA F. EIt{IqtEl 88T'a Il. 6 ? IF EI xt tt{ Et{H6aiast TE E Ex B g8 A l.ql E TH 6e. FIGIHt e EE& F'H HI tl I 6D cntt> E f q. !ao.T E8E EE8 TO9IN OF VAIL 75 S. FROI{TAGB ROAI) vArr.,, co 8L657 970-479-2L38 (/f | \Lrs 6tr,t Uil T DEPARI'I4ENT OF COMMT'NITY DEVETOPMBNT NOTE: THIS PERI'IIT MUST BE POSTED ON 'JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT MP BUII-,D PERMIT PETMiT #: 899-0137 iIOb AddTESS: 343 BEAVER DAIU RD I.OCAEION. . .: 343 BEAVER DAI4 ROAD Parcel No. . : 2101-071-12-013 Projecc No. : PRiI99-0087 STAtsUE...: ISSUED Applied..: 06/OL/L999 Iisued...: 05/t4/L999 Erqrires . .: !2/LL/L999 Phone|. 970-476-3082 1000 s FRollrAGE R'D W, #202, VArL' co s1657 CoNrRAgroR iI-l,. vrELE CONsTRugfroN Phone: 970-476-3082 1000 s FRotiITAGE RD W, #202, VArL co 81657 APPLIEA}IT iI.L, VIELE CONSTRUCTION OWNER TYROL-VAIL tTD C/O BOI,DUC FSJ\L ESTATE Descript.ion: ADDITION/REMODEL Occupancy: R3 Single T)t)e ConsEruction: v N fype v '449e OccuBancy: Valuation: 450,000 ITIANAG, PO BOx 5800, AVON CO 81-620 TOV/Comm. Dev. amount ,J -.r --Add Sq FE:t;'-"'s 819 Clean-up DePqFit Refund $:$H"$sicten?{boroved 9Lt : ? 8lrcplrc. InforE giont Rc.!!lctrd! Y *of grr A!tpli.nc.. !*Of Oe. LoE. !*of nood/Prll6E: tr..r'*lr.r'i''trFEasr,mtARY}t.arrri't}*t''!r*ti'ar+*r**''.Jltri't!.tt*!r, Buildlng-----> 2,1go.oo RClturr.nts Pl..n Rcvicv--> .oo ToL.I C.lculab.d F.c!---> 4'542'95 Pl.nch.ck...>1,{1?.00DRBFcG-.......2oo.ooAddlElon.lF...-..--..-.>.00 Inva.tlg.tston> .oo R.cr.rclon F..----------> :-22,25 rocrl P.rule F..--------> 4'942'eA w11Ice11.--->3.ooc1.rn.g!'D.Po'i!..-.-.-->5oo.oo9ayEen!3..-.....-....-..> TODAIJ PEB6----- 4,5{2''5 BALANCE Dt'E---- '0O trttt.lr*aarrt,lr ttriararrtratrttrtt**irrrrtr tarr*rarri*r**ittttrttttatrair+tattrit'rt*t*t*r*tttrttt*+iri**+",r'+r t*'l ri atr.rrt*rariraraarrr.r'rr.rrr{tt.ttatrtattrrrttiraiaatt}*ttratt l+tttlrj'r'"titt traf*irt*r'rtrt*trr'tt See page 2 of this Document for any conditions Lhat may apply to Lhis permit- DECTARATIONS r h.r.by .cknoxl.ldg€ thrt' r h.v. a.rd thl. .pplj.catlon, flll.d oqE ln full chc iDforDrcion r.rqulrcd, colpl.r.d rn rccurrtc plog Pl+r' 'nd'rg'r' ch't rl1 tho lnfornectonlrovldcd r. r.qutrad L. corfccc. t .9!66 !o coupLy "iEh !h. infolErtionlo coErtly rlth r11 ToIn ordlnrnclr rnd atrtq 1rvr, rnd co build thl,! struclur. accordlng to lho torfii, s zonlng rndcod"' d'llgt! rcvl'or eE4tovcd, llntforu r"rrarig cod.--;nd othcr ordlnrnc.. of lhc Totn rpplicrbr. !hc!c!o. rnd ploB phn, aubdivl6lon **************:l!k****!t***:r******************************************************* COIIDITIONSPermJ-t. #: 899-0132 as of 04/06/00 Status: ISSUED*******tl:l***********:l**:ltr******************************************n!r*********** Pennit T14pe: ADD/af,t MF BUILD PERMITApplicants: il.r. vrELB coNsrRuqrroN 970_476_3082 ,fob Addrese: I-,OCAts1ON: 343 BEAVER DAM ROADParcel No: 2101-0?1-12_013 VAIL VIIJIJAGE FIIJING 3 tOT 1 BIJK 3 Applied: 06/OL/L999Issued: 06/L4/L999 To Extrrire z L2/LL/L999 Descript.lon: ADDITION/REMODBL CondiE,ions:1. FIELD INSPEETIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CITECK FOR CODE COMPLIAI{CE.2. SMOKE DETEETOR..9 ARE REQUiRED IN ALL BEDROOI,IS AND EI/BRY STORYAS PER S8C.310.5.1 0F THE 1997 tBC.3. 1TIIS PERMIT IS APPROVED ON TIIE CONDITON TIIAT REVISED DRAWINGIS REQUIRBD PRIOR TO A FRAMING INSPEETION. 1]IIIS DRAWINGMUsr sHow How ITPPER rrEvErJ AND BASEMENT LEvEt vrrlr-, HAVE AMEANS OF REQUIRED EGRESS. THE SPIRAL STAIRCASE SBRVING THESEAREAS CAN NOT BE usED PER 97 UBc sEc 1003. AI\ID sEc.3403.4. MAKE NorE oF A.rJr, coRREefroNs oN AppRovED pl,Alrs. TIIESE ptAl{s MUST BE ON STTE DURTNG FTEI,D INSPECTIONS vv **i***i***********************:t*********:r***:t*****tr************* TOj{N oF VAIL, COLORjA.DO statemnt**************************************************************** stat'emnt Number: REc-0613 Amount,: 120.oo 04/06/00 t3:22 __::T:i:_Y::T1: cnEcK NoraEion: #4s2oslvrEr,E rnir: KMW Pemdt N" ; -;;; : ;;; ; - - -a;; ; -;:;; - - - - -;;t*;-;; -il;; - ;;;Parce1 l{o: 2101-0z1_12 _tfi3 Sice AddresE: 343 BEA\IBR DAM RDI.,OCAtiON: 343 BEAVER DAIiT ROAD Ttris PalmenE Balance: .00*********:l***************************!:************************** Total Fees:120.00 Total ALL Pmts: 4,542.85 4,542.95 AnounC 120.00 Account Code Deacript.ionPF 00100003112300 Pr.AN ftCK FEBS TOT{N OF VAII., 75 S. FROIITAGE ROADvAIr,, co 81657 970-479-2L38 DBPARTIT{ENT OF COMMT,NITY DEVEI.,OPIIIEI\TT NCIIE: I'IIIS PERIT{IT MUST ADD/ALT MF BUTLD BE POSTED ON iIOBSITE AT ALIJ TIMES PERIUIT Perndt #: 899-0137 APPLICAI{T iI.L. VIELE CONSTRUqTION 1000 s FRoI\tTAeE RD W, #202, VArL CO 9L657 CONTRACTOR iI.L. VIELE CONSTRUEIION 1000 s FRoI{TAGE RD W, #202, rrArr. CO 81557 OWNER ilob Address: LocaEion.. . : Parcel No..: Project, No. ! 343 BEAVER DAI! RD 343 BEAVER DA},! ROAD 2101-071-12-0L3 PRiI99-0087 Status...: ISSIIED Applied. .: 06/Ot/L999 Issued. . .. 06/L4/L999 Expires .. I L2/LL/1999 Phone: 97Q-476-3082 Phone: 970-4?6-3082 819 fof Lbod/P.11.ts 3 IYROL-VAIL LTD c/o BoLDuc RE,AL, ESTATE I|IAI{AG, pO BOX 5800, AVON CO 8L620 Description: ADDITION/REIIIODEI, Occupancy: R1 TIG)e ConBt,ruction: V N Tlpe OccupErncy: VaLuation: llrcplrc! Infoatlrtsion: Rcagrl,ce.d3 Y Multsi-Family T)pe V Non-RaEed 460, 000 Add Sq Ft: lfof (|.! Appll.nccr:llof cr3 LogB: FBE gttllMlRY t.*t..tt*t'rttt*i*.tttttt*t.r.t.t.*,r.tt.titrattt.r*.tt.tt..tt Totel c.lcul.tod P.e.-- - >4,422 .eSBulldlng-----> Pl|'r ch.ck- - - > fnra.atLg.tsior.r> wlll cr1l- - -- > 2, 1AO . OO L,4L7 .OO .oo 3.00 .oo 200.00 122.45 500.o0 4,422.45 4,422.e8 .00 RaBturraht Phn RcwLcr--> DR.B 8..- - -- -- -- Raclrrlion FrG---- -- -- --> CI..n-Up Dc!ro.il------ - -> TOXAI. PEBA----- Addibional P6.a---------> .00 Total P.rdits Pe6--------> BALAIiICE DUE---- r t rr r *t t r t *l!, *l *ttt!l t tt *rtt., * tr *titt t** a r rri * r t t a t** t't.r it rr tt * i * {* * * * rt r * *'r, r., rtrt *t t * t tr *r*r* a r.} *, 'l* t* t tta* ttt t * *t*t* rl tt* tt * a r, *J{ t rEem: 05100 06 / 01,/L999 06 /t0 /L999It,em: 0540006/01-/L99906'/rL'/L999fEem: 0560006/L4/L999Item: 05500o6/oL/L999o6'/L4/t999 BUILDING DEPARTI{ENT Dept: BUILDING Divisi-on:KATIIy Action: NOTE Routed Lo Chhrlie Davis CHARTJIE ACTiON: APPR SEE CONDITIONS PI,ANNING DEPARI]!,IBTiIT DCPT: PIIA}INING DiViSJ.ON:KATIIy Action: NOTE Rout,ed Eo Al]-ison OchsAOCHS Action: APPRFrRE DEPARIIT{EMI Dept : FIRE Division:CIARIJIE Actsion: APPR n/aPIIBLIC WORKS Dect: PUB WORK Division:4ATIry_ Actsion: NOTE Rout.ed to Gr-eg,/Leonard I.SATiIDOVA ACtsJ.ON: APPR APPROVED *iattJatttirrrt See Page 2 of tshis Document for any condiE,ions tbat nay aBply tso Ehis permit,. I h.raby rcknorl.€c tshac I hav. rcrd thia .pplicreloo, flll.d out, in full rh. infomtion trquired, c<rqrlGc.d |n rcquret. pLot plen. rnd rt.t. th.ts .ll tbc infolraiio!! Errovid.d ee rcquircd i. corfscE, I agr.. tso coply rith th. infotr.tion rnd plot Pl.tr' Eo co.E Iy tith rll To[n ordLD.ncG..t|d !!r!. 1.r., .nd. eo bulld thi. !tsrucgut€ according tso ttrc Tolrt'6 Eoning.rtd tuHivilion cg&.. &.lgn rcvJ,rr rppzovcd, Ilrifon BulldinE cgda .nd oth.r ordinuc.a of tsh. torrt -tplicrble Ch€r6to- RIQI'BAT9 FOR IMTPBefIOl|g SHALL AE r|lDl IllBllTr-rotn EOtnS Itf ADTTANCE BI IaIJBPHOM AT {79-213s OR AT oIrR oFFICI FRoU 8:00 .N{ 5:00 Plt S.nd CllanjoE Drporit To! .t.!. VIBLE ***************i!t******************!t:l*******************************:t*****:l***:l:l t @l|Al?UerIOll *******tl******:t****!t**:l*:l**************tr*****!t*********:l*:t*:t:l*********!t********:l Permit, f: 899-0137 Permit, Tlpe: ADD/AIT MF BUILD PERMIT Applicant, :'J.L. VIEIJB CONSTRUCTION 970-4?6-3082 ilob Addrese: LOCAEiON: 343 BEAI'BR DAl' ROADParcel No: 2101-071-12-013 Description: ADDITION/RHIIODBL Conditions:1. FIBITD INSPEqfIONS AXE REQUTRED TO CITECK FOR CODE COIUPTJTANCB.2. SMOKE DBTEqIORS ARB REQUIRED rN AIIJ BEDROOI4S AIID SVERY STORY AS PER S8C.310.6.1 0F TIIE 1997 I]BC.3. TIITS PBR!{IT IS APPROVM ON Tffi COIIDITON THAT REVISED DR,AWII{GIS RBQUIRM PRIOR TO A FRAII{ING INSPEETION. TEIS DRAWING MUST SIIOW HOW I'PPER LEVEI. AND B,ASEMENT IJSVEIJ WILIJ SAVE A MEANS OF REQUIRED EGRBSS. TIIB SPIRATJ STAIRCASE SBRVING TIIESE AREAS CAN NqT BE USBD PER 97 IJBC SEC 1003. A}ID SEC. 3403. 4. MAKE N TB OF ALL CORREETIONS ON APPROVED PIJAIIS. TEESE PI.'AI{S MUST B8 ON SITE DT'RING FIETD INSPECTIONS SEaEus: ISSTIBD Applied: O5/OL/L999 I6sued: 06/L4/L999 To E:q)ire z L2/LL[999 COIIDITIONS as of 06/Ls/99 !(nf Ol \tll!, qmlF gr.tdrB iotftatarattot.tratatttitiftta.atttttttttattttatataaa,aatttaat!ttatttifi Itt.C.EG md.r: I'C-0B31 lDullr i a.372.85 o'lLsltg L3.o, Prl'r.nt lLBhorl r Cf, troGrtlollr Ma, Ini!3 itR E.aiE lot 199-0137 I.trP. ! A-It fDD/N.T XF BtrItrD pEn ttrlc.L f,o3 l1O1-0?1-12-O13 glt lddr.r. I la3 ElllEn mI lD I'oc.lloos !a3 ElNtlR DlI lOlD lot l ta.: l.t22.As ll|l. D.trr.ne a,t?..as tlot l t!& hE.! {,a22.a8 Brbrc. s . 00 la€ounU Cod. Dlrcrlptlor ' j|[ounE BP OO1OOOO!111100 EUTI'DE|O PBIE tttr 2,1ao.0o Dn 0010000t1!.2200 Dlgl(r nwttt ttEa 150.00 Pt 0010000t112ro0 Pr.Ir curcf, ttla 1.{t?.00 tD D2-DE90! Cr.ruOEr DEOStrg 500.00 Rt 1110000311t?00 tlcnll:tt(! ttla 122.a5 rc 00to00ol112aoo |lu.I, cll|I. rltgPtem{ tt! 3.00 .. ' , .r,t-.*r, -.',,..,.; .:.t., -'-';'., - -EQljfltl& f:i;1;;'";,''ijaijilt.."siiiil,'I:li1'.:i g.::li.: : _,.. f.s,,;:*'-*- ;-., 1si;i:+r*,*i'.',.- .,-., EotnsoeFjEcohr ienmrreeFE; Fsi[triffi+ .i:l* contacthe Eagte ca_ur,74FAssessors aflfc"..dg70-g2t-E644)'farpq@t# .' -:' Ptcet #, 2lot - O7l-- tZ- at3tt-Azg-t'oe: S/Zf/fq ,*,*@ Iob Namc: Building F0 Elefiical ( rooeaarcss: 3{3 EA,J€R, a+t e*D Mccbadcal ( )Other( ) LegzlDcsaiptioa Lot_l_ Bto.k 3 Filins V.t/. 7& Subdiyisioa Phtrle gtL4C?-rtBZ oa /+4/ pll([Ie#_213:SZ-^ Wo*Class: N* X Number dDwdling Unirs: r,rt.Oft? cl9 - rr0ntFte V, lql Gencral Contractor Town of Vail Regisuadon No. ElecFicrl Contrctor: Towo of Vail RcAistraion Nb. Plumbins Cortnctor: Toc/r of VaiI Rcgistr*ion No. Mecbanical Contractor: TowE of Vail Regiscration No. t Address: Altcruioff Number and Type ofFireplaces 645 4pplianccs B{JILDING S PLUMBING S / Additionqr( ) Rcpan( ) Ohcr( ) Numbcr of Accommodarion Uuits ,\4. Gas Logs Wood/P--llet / VALUATIONS ELECTRICAL: $ MEC:{A,NICAL S OT?IER SrorAr.s@ A&kess: Pbone # Address: Phone # FOR OFFICE USE BUILDING: SIGNATIJR,E: ZONING: 4z-50!€ Address: / / 86-,1 Phone # Address: Phonc #' SIGNATURE: Contadthe Eagle Countll Assessors Office at970-328-E6&for Parcel# Parcel# 2lot- 07l' tZ- ol3 ItDate: 5/+ /fq Permit # Job Name: Building $Q Legal Description: Phoods!L:23:rta7 /7"-soez FavttLy regpil(€ <Mo Job Address: 713 EAU€P, pa 2o*D Plunbing ( )Electrical ( )Mechanical ( )Other( ) Lor--!-Bbck.--,2- Fittng V,/, Ve subdivision owrcnName: /1 tQ*4eL ERtl+ttJ x*ells:6?pt NRD fuol. lft&Sctflr*to *caita:Vgoe, uPz b)Aog't tklt. ^tu€{ls] &oX 53@ 41b1), Q) 'lc?p pao""#-113:52a- DescriptionofJo6, /n7&taA OAuoatno'at r4r< F&tto.et /a,ozU noaJ Work Class: New ( )Alteration Q{Additionaf ( )Repair ( )Other ( ) Nun!91 qf pwe ing Units:_I Number of Accommodation Urits:44. Nurnber and Type ofFireplaces: Gas Appliances Gas Logs Wood/Pellet BUILDING: $ VALUATIONS ELECTRICAI: $OTI{ER I TOTAL $PLI.JMBING $MECIIAMCAL$ /w 5,,%an*e,Qo LJGT /r+L-co 3!61 Electrical Contractor: General Contractor: Town of Vail Registrarion No./ 86-4 Address: Phone # Addrcss: Phone #Town of Vail Registration No. Plunbins Contractor: Town of Vail Regisuation No. Mechanical Contractor: Town of VaiI Registation No. Address: Phone # Ad&ess: Phone # FOR OFFICE USE BUILDING: SIGI{ATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: ocoo IFo,OD.oo- ? OEODd8 3q ,{ o. <; oo otl c o in2|Itrf8Fe oqlEO.AAIFoo IA E f, E.o B II j E d oo o o 'o <;C' o <;clo I,t{ I F o o Fli r!0 n8F,E F oorAo|Ioroo at F cELp B AH4ToD F .Y tJ o aEl. a(, C,' li I o F AF.t! EE!ta g ! Ld EEtsD E3(oaD Bi( BT iEl.l a anIEo F. F.l.l t HEH. Il.4a rrI q E{ e t a H E tlT(,tg Atl!IT8 EEI S9|t Ftv oH F.t0 6 I T IL eAD t! 8Eg a EEql l. g Io : d c |rrl) ta ot)PIEa!l s.8 t!|q oO.AE RDVAIL ROAD ArPlItlnhm|lbn Acfthr BS,O|37 Tror: A-MFcondTtrtr: occup.iiy' ADDflc*T J.L. VGLE COi|STRI,CTIOI{-OffU: TYRCIL.VAI.LTDconircbr: J.L. \,GtE COi.l3TRt CTrn| D.ssbflon: ADOlTfoiffiEr/fEEtlftrbo: POTE}{TIAIORFA\rIOI nOilLOWER Ll$lce: rs,l*lons b ilr pbnff rsd O&[I?JS " JRM &afiglsrcrcgsdil lbn: 597 Pl-Al{+ltlALCPRrq.n*r: fud l0dr co.riF|rlrr: Wtt cAL; cnrn€R NTouvttlAl.lgmdTo- JilOf€RAalo}l- Aailon: Tlrnc Erp; subTypc: AIFtftc' VN Pfrm.: 9ill,47€0&l Ptrofi.: 970"|75'.ffi EITEET ORFAVlOLAllOill LOWER LEI/EL: PLS CO}#RH AT TCO - SrUaInN oYe-\-rE€a=_5 S*|: FOTEDf4fs, *, Eil.t$By: lbttl:RrouerYCqrin t{r: ArlortrrlTo:- Adofi: RrQ|rdor: Coa oraDll: Acr&ned To:- A.fon: ThnEtp: Tlme Erp; 53C Prr+tilALci)Pr4Xleh YULL CJ1LU OWI€R ttl TOllYll.mN0R BOf'l h l!rm: 5a0 Bl-OG+lrilC[).t/r)/.)? ilrIl|U,llCALL: C'UvlGRs|T()YUN.rrcfsRAm$l a $-."^.:s i$fi""* ${.i} BEAVER T,+3 EEAVER Rooucofitnrl.: B:ooAff' Phdr: $i&6/53 RoatncbdTlmr: Fl$m: Enbnd By: Rcquc8hdTfno:' PlFm: LC,AT|PBELL T 0t:@ArS+5tldl BEST ,r*aifi l - :1. REPT131 Address: Oale of 64\w DEVELOPER IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT rHrs AcREF[vfENr,Fa{e and ettered inro rhis-[5-1h", ot OCI-avJn*E /PA by and anong WJM U6Y(W (hereinaftqr callgd the "Developer"), and the rbwlr OF VA l+fu4rjA (hereinafter called the "Bank"). WHEREAS, the Developer, as a condition of approval of the Temporary Certificate of Occupancy wishes to enter into a Developer lmprovement Agreement; and WHEREAS, the Developer is obligated to provide security or collateral sufficient in the judgment of the Town lo make reasonable provisions for completion of certain improvements set forth below; and WHEREAS, the Developer wishes to provide collateral to guarantee performance of this Agreement, including construction of the above-referenced improvements by means of the following: ; Developer agrees to establish a letter of credit with a Bank in Eagle County in a dollar amount ot $ (44 . fl f 25ah ot the total cost of the work shown below) to provide securily for the following: IMPROVEMENT lailsry- inq+'r'{ l"h'n $r hal-4'r;^1 NOW THEHEFORE, in consideration of the following mutual covenants ancl agreements, the Developer and the Town agree as follows: L The Developer agrees, at the sole cost and expenses, to furnish all equipment I necess_ary to perform and complete all improvements, on or before . The Developer shall complete, in a good workmanlike manner, all improverheAt's as lisled above, in accordance with all plans and specifications filed in the office of the Community Development Department, the Town of Vail, and to do all work incidental thereto according to and in compliance with the following: REID AUg 1O ZOOI ( ro < e s se{.'r --..- H--ry! /e- f:\everyoneVorms\devimpag.llr Page I of5 a. Such other designs, drawings, maps, specifications, sketches, and other matter submitted by the Developer to be approved by any ot the above-referenced governmental entities. All said work shall be done under the inspection of, and to the satisfaction of, the Town Engineer, the Town Building Official, or other official from the Town ol Vail, as aflected by special districts or service districts, as their respective interest may appear, and shall not be deemed complete until approved and accepted as completed by the Town of Vail Community Development Department and Public Works Department. 2. To secure and guarantee performance of its obligations as set forth herein, the Developer agrees to provide security and collateral as follows: lrrevocabte tetter of credit #-l0jL--in the amount ot$A21,9- with I3t EaztrtA (name of bank in Eagle County) as the security for the improvements set forth above if there is a default under the Agreement by Developer. 3. The Developer may at any time substitute the collateral originally set forth above for another form of collateral acceptable to the Town to guarantee the faithful completion of those imorovements referred to herein and the performance of the terms of this Agreement. Such acceptance by the Town of alternative collateral shall be at the Town's sole discretion. 4. The Town shall not, nor shall any olficer or employee thereof, be liable or responsible for any accident, loss or damage happening or occurring to the work specified in this Agreement prior to the completion and acceptance of the same, nor shall the Town, nor any officer or employee thereof, be liable for any persons or property injured by reason of the nature of said work, but all of said liabilities shall and are hereby assumed by the Developer. The Developer hereby agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Town, and any of its officers, agents and employees against any losses, claims, damages, or liabilities to which the Town or any of its officers, agents or employees may become subject to, insofar as any such losses, claims, damages or liabilities (or actions in respect thereof) that arise out of or are based upon any performance by the Developer hereunder; and the Developer shall reimburse the Town for any and all legal or other expenses reasonably incurred by the Town in connection with investigating or delending any such loss, claim, damage, liability or action. This indemnity provision shall be in addition to any other liability which the Developer may have. 5. lt is mutually agreed that the Developer may apply to the Town and the Town shall authorize for partial release of the collateral deposited with the Town for each category of improvement at such time as such improvements are constructed in compliance with all plans and specifications as referenced hereunder and accepted by the Town. Under no condition will the amount of the collateral that is being held be reduced below the amounl necessary to complete such imProvements. 6. lf the Town determines, at its sole discretion, that any of the improvements contemplated hereunder are not constructed in compliance with the plans and specifications set forth in this Agreement on or before the date sel forth in Paragraph 2, the Town may, but shall not be required to, redeem the letter of credit as necessary to complete the unfinished f:\everyone\formsHevimpag.ltr Page 2 of5 improvements. The Bank shall release such funds upon written request from the Town stating that the improvements have not been completed as required by this agreemenl. The Bank shall not require the concurrence of the developer prior to release ol the funds to the Town nor shall the Bank be required to verify independently that such improvements have not been completed as required by this agreement, but shall release such funds solely upon the Town's written request. lf the costs of completing the work exceed the amount of the deposit, the excess, together with interest at twelve percent per annum, shall be a lien against the property and may be collected by civil suit or may be certified to the treasurer of Eagle County to be collected in the same manner as delinquent ad valorem taxes levied against such property. lf the permit holder fails or refuses to complete the cleanup and landscaping, ad defined in this chapter, such failure or refusal shall be considered a violation of the Zoning Code. 7. The Developer warrants all work and material for a period of one year after acceptance of all work referred to in this Agreement by the Town if such work is located on Town of Vail property or within Town of Vail right-of-way pursuant to Section 17.16.250' 8. The parties hereto mutually agree that this Agreement may be amended from time to time, provided that such amendments be in writing and executed by all parties hereto. Dated the day and year first above written. f:bveryone\forms\devimpag.ltr Page 3 of5 STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE ss. The foreooino/A a^v of Witness my hand and official seal. My commission expires: Planner, Community Development STATE OF COLORADO COUNry OF EAGLE ss. The foregoing Developer lmprovement Agreement was acknowledged before me this day of 19_ by Witness my hand and official seal. My commission exPires: Notary Public Page 4 of5 cknowledoed before me this 47q)/ f DoeN4/z- f:\everyone\forms\devimpag. ltr Bank STATE OF COLORADO COUNW OF EAGLE The foregoing Developer lmprovement Agreefilent was acknowledged before me this day of 19_ by Wtness my hand and oflicial seal. My commission expires; Notary Public l:\averyon€\forms\devimpag.lu f:bverpne\formsUevimpag.hr Page 5 of5 I fl sl€.1sl ol filNlol !o I4l I I I I I I eltl;EI iA l-Eb elsl\t lt* Ililt>!qEEHA& 3 o E '€ a) F I E EIIH4 r.o F{ ATrll! (!o2 ru 3a\ as {)Ia& {)() € rl-t.rl -l t.) C) I I I Ie€c) oIA =I .,! tr5z E: ^o to F 14 December. 20fi) Ms. Allison C. Ochs Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, C.olorado 81657 Dear Ms. Ochs. The following information concems plant nxaterials remaining to be insfalled at 343 Beaver Dam Road during the Spring of 2001 . In addition, the trees as listed below, were installed during the late fall of 2000 at 343 Beaver Dam Road and reviewed with Site Plan on October 2. 2000 at 1645 hrs. Picea pungens, Colorado Spruce: (2) 8' Populus angustifolia: Betula occidentalis: Prunus virginiana' Shubert' : , (3) 10" (4) 12"(2) 14" (2) 15" (l) 16' (7) 3" caliper (7) 1.5-2" caliper (5) 2'' caliper Shrubs and groundcover to be installed: See drawings submitted 5/99, project # 259 -Herman Residence: Comus sercea Pinus mugo mughus Salix purpurea 'Nana' Ribes cunant Spiraea bumalda'Goldflame' Rosa woodsii Amelanchier alnifolia Hosta sp. (mixed varieties) Vinca minor Mahonia repens Average cost per #5 gal plams installed is $ 25.00 (135 #5 gat.l = 3 3,375 Average cost per #l gal plants installed is $ 9.30 (190 #l gal) = $ l,'167 Therefore, cost of plant materials remaining to be installed is: $ 5,142.00 Should you have any concerns and or questions regarding the aforementioned, please do not hesitate to contact rne. Thank you for your assistance and guidance regarding this project. Samura & Associates, Ltd. P.O Box 2905 Avon, CO 81620 P: 970.331.4593 F: 970.926.3510 (l l) #5 eal. (6) 18-24" (l r) #5 (80) #5 (5) #5 (r7) #s (s) #5 (45) #l (90) #l (55) #1 Town of Vail f rtment ot Community Development 75 S. Frontage Road Vail. CO 81657 o Receipt No. o"t"JL-lE-r-0o.- Please make checks payable to the TOWN OF VAIL Account No.Item No.Code #Cost Each Total 001 0000 3't4 1110 Zoning and Address Maps $s.00 001 0000 314 1112 Uniform Building Code - 1 997 - Volume 1&2 $50.95 001 0000 314 1112 Uniform Building Code - 1997 - Volume 3 $60.65 001 0000 314 1112 Intemational Plumbing Code - 1997 fJE e2a nn r 001 0000 314't112 International Mechanical Code - 1998 CB $3s.00 001 0000 314 1112 Uniform Mechanical Code -1996 $35.60 001 0000 314 1112 Uniform Fire Code na $36.00 001 0000 3'14 1112 National Elec'trical Code UE $42.60 001 0000 3't4 1112 Abatement of Dangerous Bldg.'s 1997 $9.95 001 0000 314 1112 Model Energy Code - 1995 $10.00 001 0000 314 1112 Analysis of Revisions to '1997 Uniform Codes $12.7s 001 0000 314 1112 Other Code Books t- tt 001 0000 314 1211 Blue Prints/Mylar Copy Fees BF $7.00 001 0000 314 1111 Xerox CoDi€s XC $0.2s 001 0000 314 1111 Lionshead Master Plan ($1.80/$1.60)MS $40.00 001 0000 314 11'11 Studies. Master Plans. etc.MS 001 0000 315 3000 Penalty Fees/Re.l nspections PN 001 0000 311 2300 Plan Review Re-check Fee ($40/oer hour)PF 001 0000 315 2000 Ofi Hours Inspec'tion Fees OH 001 0000 312 3000 Contractors License Fees 001 0000 312 4000 Sisn Applicaton Fee SP $20.00 001 0000 312 4000 Addfional Sign Applicatjon Fee SP 001 0000 311 2200 Design Rwievv Board Fee (Pre-paid)DR 00 0000 3'15 3000 Building Investiqaton Fee PN 001 00002403300 Developer lmprov€montAsrEemenl Depooit Dz-DEP10 AD tlfal, uu77.5D 001 0000 312 1000 Restaurant License fee (TOV)RL 001 0000 230 2000 Spec. Assess.-Restaurant Fee to Co.DeptRev.SA '001 0000 201 1000 Taxable @ 4.5% {State} - Tax payable TP .001 00003101100 Taxable @ 4.0% (Townl - Retail Sales Tax T7 Other/Misc. -MS 001 0000 3112500 PEC APPLICATION FEES 001 0000 3112500 Additional GRFA - "250"PV $200.00 001 0000 311 2500 Condi6onal Use Permit PV $200.00 001 0000 3'11 2500 Elderior Alteration - Less than 100 so. ft.PV $200.00 001 0000 311 2500 Exerior Alteration - More than 100 so. fl PV $500.00 001 0000 311 2500 Special Development District - NEW PV $1,500.00 001 0000 311 2500 Specid Dorelopment Distdct - Maior Amend PV $1,000.00 001 0000 311 2500 Specd DevCopment District - Minor Amend PV $200.00 001 0000 311 2500 Subdivirion Feee PV 001 0000 311 2500 Varirnca PV $250.00 001 0000 3112500 Zoning Cod€ AmsndmentE PV $250.00 Re-Zoning PV $200.00 001 0000 319 3100 Greenstar Program Other -MS TOTAL:*'n..r3 '" ^"*'iltrmtnQdlcoaDA Cash _ Money Order #Check #Received bv, ilO F :/Everyone/Fomdsalo6act.exs 06/06/2000 *,r, ,ilh,#[uHlh't"'n ilffihd*tlf ' '#rys",il Rnl ESID OIA ff* **lbn ,,€7'ss UEi FJH/$ TIE: 16:53:llr.* ffirW"* i6ie7:si rsl{ YUJ Fm YqJR pen6{f ! !:al FIo,r. ElroF(Jol orIq A4 !.JE68E*t{ EH!trOA oooo r:{oz|nD.o F'a{|{ c ":Fa! c d a{ c!t F c Fal I,l Fat A E:a d!r a E!lOT !E HxE iE.l rI E o F C) F: o o oc c E x FDc||: AHE!.op o c. F E!l E ao dI:. 'I 4(, 6lr aa d o EE FIcI EI EEt8Ita EI 3E il e HE fir tt{irEE8 I! Ha H68 o io B E FDi HIr E BIr Ft{ p TA F?' F ? c oE| .lt!lr HHE cl U\aJrl{q\ Nt\\ \\i\\ *N Q\i \3it\t.i\t ':q iS \? t{. rl -.t \s\l\ ro -/7ao t/-T&fnU Ket ft?am 6,?sT a,v 0zn e'< Dili txp DEN'E 4 r<o/ //s,/K/A '(ss'Ptt'afuon Utrr/p of figste€M au /-o/9 (fo S*r4)ExhA,T4$a Y , a T ( sa -sl t" l* o Jv* N $ { \ R oo ?r, ! rut N \\\ ri \ -l CJ \ o,k \ al s-) \ JIr if I \ \ ,.(\ 1 ^\ \ o oo //f/ f'*'7'^"-- E,</, 6 ,/ -A3 oo { s's (\N{ N\\\5S* \\ o ,("--t'^t - Ex/,1'/ 35 r 0.l I *+Filii: $TF $$ J s*" lq ,{\\ri 0 J$ \ F\s \,. I' 'bl :orl \\ , lN.\i\\ a\!-i\'Is\ rC\\\' oo E*/,/,t ,/^- dtz-rr,-J--Z--{ -A.q-, (rr.--- U d'4fr,"4d tZ"--' Ex /,/r/ :l sl \n \x \ qr \) {N 9qlt N \ \t\) >-\ \ \ \s oo &*z- 6'-*q-Q^-'(/ Ex/, 4,/ Yl EXHIBIT LIST TYROL CORP.' LTD./RENATO IBARRA 1. Area t{ap 2. Landscape Plan - Dated 11/88, revised 5/89' 3. Landscape Lighting Plan - Dated 5/89. 4. Chronology of pernLtting, construction and enforcement 5. Affidavit of Renato Ibarra 6. Affldavlt of Glen E1llson 7. Affidavit of Arthur A. Abp1analp, Jr. g. Building permit dated september 13, 1989 (handwritten) 9. Building permit dated September 13, 1989 (typewrltten) 10. Building Inspection dated 9-13-89 11. Building Inspectlon dated 5-14-90 L2. Letter of Kristen Prltz to Renato Ibarra dated 16 November 1990. 13. Letter of Abplanalp to Kristan PtiEz dated 11 December 1990. 14. Letter of Byers to Department of comnunity Development dated 14 Decernber 1990. 15. Letter of Byers to Department of iommunity Development dated 18 December 1990. 16. Letter of Andy Knudtsen to Renato Ibarra dated 21 December 1990. L7. Letter of Abplanalp to Kristen Pritz dated 31 December 1990. 18. Letter of Byers to Andy Knudtsen dated 23 January 1991' 19. Letter of Knudsen to Henry Kravi.s dated 24 January 1991' (Identlcal letters were wrltten to David Pease and Glatzov) 20. Letter of Abplanalp to Andy Knudsen dated 8 February 1991' 2L. Letter of Byers to Kristan Pritz dated 12 February 1991' 22. Letter of Andy Knudtsen to Byers dated 19 February 1991. 23. Letter of Andy Knudsen to Henry Kravis dated 20 March 1991. (Identlcal letter was wrltten to David Pease) 24. Letter of Andy Knudsen to AbpLanalp dated 20 March 1991. 25. Letter of Pease to Knudtsen dated 28 March 1991 26. Andy Knudsen memorandum regarding T1'rol/Ibarra DRB conslderation on 1 May 1991. 27. Unsigned staff memo regarding Tyrol/Ibarra DRB conslderation on 1 May 1991. 28. Notlce of Appeal 29. Photographs of Tlrrol/Ibarra llghtlng 30. Photographs of Kravls lighting (1985-87) 424 Forest RoadLot 4, Block 1, Vail Vlllage Third Flting 31. Photographs of Pease lighting (1985-87) 454 Beaver Dam RoadLot 5, Block 2, YaLL Vlllage Third Filing 32. Photographs of Biederman/Byrne (1985) 254 Beaver Dam RoadLot 23, Block 7, Vall Vlllage Thlrd Flltng 33. Photographs of NVP lighting (1990) 555 Forest RoadLot 3, Block 1, Vall Village Slxth Fillng 34. Photographs of Glatzle lighting 2317 GarmischLot 20, Block H, Vail Das Schone Fillng 2 35. Photographs of Byers-Mlller duplex llghtlng 352 Beaver Dam RoadLot 5, Block 3, VaiI Village Third Filing 36. Photographs of Timber Ridge lighting 1280 North Frontage Road West 37. Photographs of Bald Mountaln Townhomes llghttng West end of Bald Mountaln Road Lot, 25, Block 2, Vail Village 13th Filing 38. Photographs of 1448 vall Valley Drl.ve lighting 231? GarrntschLot 24, Block H, ValI Das Schone Filing 2 39. Photographs of Pease and east Beaver Dam Road Chrlstmastree llghting 40. Photographs of Homestake Clrcle./Vall Valley Drlve ltghtlng 4L. Photographg of eaat Beaver Dam Road town llghting 1083\exl1st 17 June 1991 Exhibit 1 AREA MAP doxr()oD()() o()()()/ (( x)()aY() ( g-(-)_( )()rt ) ().() ( o d! (.t()o l'Q,r f,i' 1 | !.t' t rlr'{ it{ {rr.{{ I t{ r *t...\ J ls Jt- c)T, o IJ..' (9 JFff3 P J rJJ 1 I )o()PQO().o rJ cFi ) ( b x F\ L'ilii 'rJ lN Iio Ifl U)zo E t \ eEIcio +-'o ctzJll- {-j an tdIazof -J tq,qq \o R F a zo U) cr/Yl I' \\\r .. (/)\ Irr ic)Itr \ )))) t$ uri Nl{ f(,..t( tDl)l] (( ), \x\l\ i i{iL' il\<l\\ \\\ ]- ;i\ilF \..'..\tr.\ r tr\ \..t\\i,.\.:\)(r\..\\: ()oo GO(: j?j5?i () (, (J.rrr'ooro{)()loo$o()OO ()()or()go()oo( o(l(,()() oo()(()rx) ) <.r t1r oooooo .,, t\\ llll ll/rr'/ li *[*po\x\)oov o o o\ffr)o({o(.)l iN \l\\l\I \\ \N.\ \rlllr t\ a l4J FI q (r{ ) o () () (t o o a a a a O o -a-=t-ol.1olrt OboPolo F.b'aioTOr3-r OryL)-o9J> o o a o a OotoE't a a o a O oooo () un o(.)()(t rQ.\h\d\( )\\ ).\ .t \)\f\ \)\'1\\ vI)ooo () () s\() o ( )o()()()() l}(] ()4] (r ( Jt)l, () O(rlloo(Er3 l() () () o f) |<>oo6i \ljlf'"1i?uo()()() lrrrfi iti l()c)()(l I'tstt'ttttDO(r()r' N NN () () () ( ooooo /o oA) () oodrYo( o o 49r}oo(x70c)c)roooc,'{)o(lo()ooboo()o()()(H;)()oooooFool ooooo(oooooooroobooo< ooooooooi\<\ br\*\F\ Exhtbit 2 LAI{DSCAPE PIJAN Dated 11/88' revtsed 5/89 Exhlbtt 3 LANDSCAPE LIGHTING PLAN Dated 5/89 ,'' I Marqh 1988 15 April 1988 sprlng/Summer 1988 May 1989 July 1989 13 September 1989 13 September 1989 FaII 1989 sprtng 1990 14 June 1990 16 November 1990 Decenber 1990 19 December 1990 21 Decenber 1990 23 January 1991 24 January 1991 CHRONOLOGY TYROL CORP. LTD./IBARRA Morter LandscaPe lighting Plan Closlng on proPerty constructlon under Byers admlnlstratlon Ellison landscaPe tighting Plans Landscape lighttng plans and budget to Byers Handerrltten constructlon permit for "treelights" Lssued bY Town of Vall Tlpewrltten constructlon pernlt for "threellghts" Trenchlng for landscaPe lightlng Installatlon of landscape llghtlng Flnal approval of I'slte Ilghtlng" Letter to Renato Ibarra requirlng removal of ltghtlng and acknowledging lssuance of permlt foi and-rtght to maintain "three llghts" Renato Ibarra offered to and dld turn off Ilghts on sl.de of the house faclng the complainlng landowners Des.tgn Rev1ew tteaitng regardtng conceptual Lssue of conpllance _ Letter to Renato Ibarra demanding that ttee ltghts be shut off pendlng resolutlon of pr6ltem but acknowledglng lsEuance of pemlt ior and rlght to mal-ntal.n "three llghts" Conference between Byers and Andy Knudtsen regardlng landscape lighting First letter to Kravis and Pease requlrlng compllance and shut-off of llghts (coPy to Byers) fttnarr 4 20 l.tarch 1990 Town of Vall lJetter to lbarra, Kravls, Peaser denandlng that llghts be shut off (coPy to Byera) 1 May 1991 Destgn REvl'ew Hearl'ng on -landecape llghtlng arrangement on Kravls and Tyrol/Ibarrapropeity - KravLs appll.catlon tabled, lYrof /fmrra aPPllcatLon denled J' AFFIDAVIT COMES NOt{, Renato Ibarra, the Affiant, who being duly sworn upon oath, states as follows: 1. Affiant is the PresLdent and soLe shareholder of lYrol Corp. Ltd., the corporate o\dner of Lot 1, Block 3' VaiI Vtllage Thl;d Ffflirg (herelnafter the "Property"), ald has been the Presldent aid'shareholder of Tyrol Corp.' Ltd., at all tlmes slnce the purchase of such property by Tyrol Corp. ' Ltd., ln 1988. 2. During the course of Tyrol Corp. Ltd.'s ownership of the property, Afftint has developed landscape and landscape llghtlng plairs wtttr Cten Ellison and other entities through elen Elllson. 3. Durtng approxlmatety July, 1989, Afflant sent proposed Iandscape plans, incfuCfng landscape llghting plans, prepared by GIen Ellison with to Don Byers at Vail, Colorado. Subsequent to _ such time, Mr. and Mrs. ayers ralsed no obJectlon to the Proposed landscape or llghtlng plan but observed only that lt appeared very nl.ce but would be exPensive. 4. After hearing no obJection from Mr. and Mrs. Byers to the landscape plan and the landscape llghting plan, Afflant's representattvei and those of IYroI Corp., Ltd., proceeded to have thL proposed llghtLng system.lnstalled and such lightlng system was installed and becameoferlfNn!4, 5. Mr. Byers ral.sed no obJectlon to the landscape llghtlng untll after the lnstallatlon ot Lhe llghting and flnal approval of the instaltation had been approved by the Town of Vall, when Mr. and Mrs. Byers apparently lodged a protest to the ltghtlng wlth the Town of Vall in the fall of 1990. 5. Subsequent to the installatlon -of the lightlng system and the obJection of Mr. and Mrs. Byers, Afflant attemPted to- work wlth Mr. and li[rs. Byers by leavlng the ltghtlng Eystem shut off except when the Afftant o! Afflant's fanlly or guestE r,tere vlsttLng Val.l and using the reEl.dence, and by shuttlng off the lightlng system on the ByerE' elde of the Property. 7. The lighting system, as desJ.gned, casta no dlrect ltght or glare on the property or ltvlng area of any thlrd party' nor on ihe tlving area of the Property, nor on any public hlghway. Affiant has been advised by those who lnstalled the Iighttng system that one llghting installation has been destroyed and removed from the property, the bulb of another fixture had been unscrewed, and the shield of another flxture $taE tampered wlth ln order to cast a reflectlon of the shteld in the direction of the Byerst resLdence. The latter problem has been corrected, and any gVfilt{ t other varl.atlons from the Ilghtlng plan whlch result ln glare upon the property of any thlrd party will also be corrected, although Afftant and Afflant's representatLves have not been able to tdentlfy any such glare, nor has any such glare been ldentlfted to Afflant or Afflant's rePresentattvea' other than the one instance of tamperlng whlch has been corrected. Further afflant salth not. STATE OF COLORADO conNrY oF 91i6rF The foregoLng was substfr* day of-Jun5, 1991. My commlssLon explres: t{Ltness my hand and of 1t\ 10 83\Af fldavtt. lbr 17 June 91 ) ): ) t: AFFIDAVIT COUES NOW GIen Ellison, the Affiant, who being duly sworn uPon oath, states as follows: 1. Affiant is the owner of Land Designs by Ellison and is engaged in the occupation of a landscape architect. 2. During the period from Septenber L989 through ,fuly L990, Affiant assisted Tyrol Corporation, Ltd. and its president, Renato Ibarra with the developnent of landscape ptan (including arrangements for landscape lighting) for property in the Town of Vail described as Lot L, Block 3t VaiI village First Filing. Ibarra contracted with Watson for final lighting plan and installation. Glen Ellison contracted with Hunt for trenching and subterranean wiring. 3. In the court of the above-described project, Affiant developed a landscape plan and a preJ-ininary lighting plan for the above-described property. 4. In the course of developurent and inplementation of the above-described plans, Affiant solicited review and input frorn the staff of the Town of vail Department of Community Development and was advised that the plans prepared by Affiant (including landscape lighting) were acceptable and did not require design review approval by either the Town of Vail Department of Connunity oevelopment staff or the VaiI Design Review Board. Affiant specifically recalled reviewing such plans with Kristin Pritz and betieves he aLso reviewed such plans with Richard $rlman, by whom Affiant believes he was advised it was unnecessary that the plans described above (including landscaping liqhting) proceed through the Town of VaiI design review process. 5. Based upon the advice received fron the Vail Departmentof Cornmunity Development, Hunt applied for and received an electrical pennit frorn the Town of vail authorizing theinstallation of the electrical utilities associated with the lighting portion of the landscape plan. The handwritten perrnit initiatty-signed by the etectriCal inspector is attached to this affidavit as Exhibit A, and a typewritten copy of the pernit is attached to this affidavit as Exhibit B. 5. In reliance upon the aforementioned electrical- pennit' and with the supervision of the Town of Vail electrical inspector, Affiant and Hunt proceeded on behalf of Tyrol Corporation, Ltd. and Renato Ibarra to arrange for the irnplementation of the subterranean wiring for landscape lighting' and Ibarra and Watson arranged for the installation of the lighting system which was part of the landscape plan. 7. When the Town of vail first indicated that there was sone omission in the processing of the lighting system which was a part kftr ntt ! of the proposed landscape p1an, Affiant contacted the electrical inspector to detennine whether the process which he had followed was correct, and was advised by the electrical inspector that he had never seen a lighting plan for landscaping which needed Design Review Board approval prior to the issuance of permits andinspections. The inspector also stated that he had even installed Iandscape J-ighting at his own residence and that prior approval from the Town was not necessary. 8. The staff person for the VaiI Department of Connunity Development wtro typed the construction permit for landscapeIightinq for the Tyrol/Ibarra residence, when questioned regarding the change of the word rrtreerr to rrthreerr, acknowledged that she had made a typographical error in transcribing the handwritten permitto the typewritten pennit. 9. Affiant's role in respect to the landscape lighting wasIirnited to drafting a prelirninary lighting plan in connection with the overall landscape inprovernents. The actual J.ighting plan used on the project was provided by John Watson Illunination pursuantto the contract between Ibarra and Watson. Further Affiant saith not. STATE OF COI'RADO COUNTY OF EAGTE ss. subscribed and sworn to before ne this 9/y day of May, L991 by Glen Ellison. Witness rny hand and official seal . /, l,ty connission extrri="=, qf6f qf e*r,4/%"r/trlt*- Notary Public ltJulvt = acor! oF(, 2oo Go 6z =od l!uJoz .;. Iaolul <F 6e u, <, E;f; F . 3;E:E €fr gE; E'=..E 5.8 € EEEE :fEE5 : aEEE 3EFlE e;EeeE\=- o ".5: o-E sEigi 9;d65 :E€ H?' :3EEEct O.-.:: -c; o (,, F E't=€€g E iE; €*E: a i EgiE si y trvWE l* t3 R $i3 ant!ltlt E =GIuo. o 0 0 st ozo =odtGI .6 o E =o u o 0)? z) ; Ll a u o ') o u,9zt ,n95 YFue39=zE =F[ *, non ut :-lh=l E SI *F F Et :E= B fl a$si nEl uJooF cI _g.0 .E .E a E EI o i8'E lEi€ E. !--rJ .a) fl hEElrl o-zo FO:fEFazoo l!-l - F ila =E'Ei g HHE > l- r. -l:rn| -rl FI =l zl .. >lctg,o rUtrjz U' ==tc UJ J' zo F 6o l*'o= Jll ; Eg KI gl tHl IuJ IE dN $$q f'I TT ff)l -8Hcola4/{E -(J {il E $d 4H+ jdl jdl Jdl lltl ]Iolz.l ol TJI lEt -rl fl Ele=e F(J u,E c) ca EJO<F oa c)uJ< lrJF,a Z,-o() JE<o(JF E9ir E:iF;5o (.'oz.F =O =#=FJZ,aLo C) 3E =36!Eg oec)lfj FFOz.oo F-tra,,*Ax.rl,.*\r ._--+-'_ oz h =oa UJo. ct<f{) an .)olo l{il anul LuIL E =0a uJL +:ti': db .r '-t, \, ..'j'.:i ..:d r. --:r. :.. l(; I I <orlgt <'\ | .l wl rru ,6H,F"ltrl .vrl I I I 3l!! l- {rE 6tE hi3 EIEsl= UJF c,ol- EFg, 2 =o ozz o uJFozo =oJfl0 € 0zz tt Jlu at = Gotr' GoFo GF20o IEo Gutz =odt! u,6Z;=lEvf IIJ <F7a22o< c .P $€ Eg Ef Eggt E€ E! gE 53N(,pEcg BEFO s.E'6 O 'E'PE =oE!c'0 Eo6O o.5 EE6E tDC ===CE= :E! is!'tt crec'6! I s'{i.g I :g6go!o Eea) qt .4 a,:opo9s.=o5CgE s: EEttFE=Oat .> CLF6'o o i6_ cl' .9 CL E:c6t .9 qt g og o'c E =.b CL Eoo o ,o E CD6 dEo!o Eea) qt :s9s.=o5CgE:o-c;' Ei .ottFE=g6 CLT 6E =>FOEEooEo-oo.r5i E* Et =Eo- 6Ct;c aEEc.-E EEo:e,Co-E: r-t ato>' 6t ,FEEii6rI o'ciEt;oc '()! ttEi ar:arl cl.9r 6i E'rol o,3! 3. E fo.tt'g co' =O!g: clcL'6 6l E E6g o 6 : 6E o CD!t .9 'otr:(,6 tto oE |'l q J tl tq ,//7 lh ts =Gu,G(,-oJ-.o ro UJ oz J4 J IG ctt!J UJ (,z a6 =fJA J C'z () lrJ = ut u.lltz9F ul.colljG oG oo uttt!ez C' ulo =v, Rulo G3 *, utJ(, x F ut 3t,:t tn u., uJl! F- =Gu,o- J ots 0z J =o J IcF C)ur ur 0z aoI JE J (, z o UJ- J{ 5H NOIIYN'IYA B Fl r{ 13AEIF c E 'JTA lri ;l drF|. Hc'AI,tF'a al Hc(ltu 14nat!trt .= | --.ql3u el =3oorl -<io =Z'ZtLP 99 E E =EooE6r ftez=lL< Eg *rN(, zo E = lt 4o GeoGI ulo. F c,t' a.l :l A. uJc J z9Eoo z9 Gul J =t!z Itl 9) 3zPrk(Jo<oi =P8qoo<z aD E<F9= =Fu,-63trOI ',4 F o Fv, Jl<l FIzl zl .. >lclluo uJ UJzI =tru|c J 2I Eoo ut fJJ s anulzxI-F zo F loz 1!o- tr>oF lroo IE v,JJ =F:xUI 'i -t .'i H dwa 3tg( hl|ltH z o9 =aloo =zf>de :fE UJFo @o-zo F uJY UJ oF;. ts 'jl crul .-; b,liilo 'rla, "lrl HurbEzo ts = UJLtto EUE<o)€neg1tLa9'EI E ilrE 5E: :o-E 85g iHE ;TE ul'o-i!E utooF (m v/J=I - F =E. lrJo-zo l- C) EFazo C) oFo tFzo() J IGF C) uJ uJ. =z @o- ntD .l ha{, az lr. G Flt{ F6 leli l*,-li ol*l Hl fre H3J = d-l el q g (,z @ =Jo- girg+Eo2 oo DFD ft couEs Not{, Arthur A. Abplanalp, Jr., the Afflant, who belng duly sworn upon oath, states as follows: 1. Affiant and his flrm, Cosgrlff, Dunn & Abplanqlp, haYg been engaged by Tyrol corp., itd, owner of Lot 3, Block 1, Vall Vtftag"-ffrirA Fffing, and by Renato lbarra, its President' to reviei the record oi'the toivn of ValI and to bring before the. Vail fown Councli an appeal from the declslon of the ValI Deslgn Review Board on 1 May i}Sf O"ttylng approval of certaln landscape llahtlnq Installed on ttre above-described property, or a ""iiiii6" of such currently installed Iandscape ltghtlng. AFFIDAVIT course of Afflant's examlnatlon of the of Vail, Afflant establ'ished the followlng2. Durlng the records of the Town facts: a. The recordatlon of the proceedlngs of the ValI Deslgn Review Board ceased at the concluslon of the agenda ltem proc6eafng the consideration of the tryrol/Ibarra. appltcatign, and ior that ieason there ls no audlotape record of the proceedings- wnicn occurred before the Vail Design Review Board. Accordlng to a menber of the Department of Conmuntty Oevllopment staff, the I.;;;;t hive been-changed by a member of the Deslgn RevLew.Board wfr-o atC- not proPerJ.y ac€,ivat6 the tape recorg'er- to record the followlng proceeOfnls. Of the three tapes which-were used to record tf,e-proceedlfrgs of the Design neview Board on l May 1991, the second lape, whtih lncluded the conslderation of the Tyrol/Ibarra ippllcatlon, was entlrely blank. b. Ngtwithstandlng the absence of any recordtng of the proceedlngs related to the Tyrol/Ibarra appllcatlon' some i"coia exists of the oplnlon and declslon of the Deslgn Revlew Board, Including: (t) Notes of the Department of Comnunity Development, whicir indlcate the followtng posltions of the menbers of the Design Review Board: Mr. Gwathmey - "got to take them out of the trees - lightlng ls not appropriate for ValI" Ms. Donrtard - "llghts at base of trees may be ok' no hLgher than 8'" Mr. Lamb - "no lighttng anlnthere" (1i) The recording of the hearing on the Kravis landscape lighting' hearing, which preceded the Tyrol/Ibarra nearlng- and included seveial references to the Tyrol Ibarra tn,Hr,bYt /7 llghtlng, lncluded the followlng remarks by the Chalman of the Deslgn Review Board:I talked to Jay Peterson and Byers and others that those are golng to ---------- lf that klnd of thlng ls golng to contLnue then we should really have staff and councll worklng on some means of llmiting that klnd of lighting. 3. A revl.ew of the Vall Department of Conmunlty Development's volumes on deslgn review decislons, lncludlng both staff dectslons and agendas of the Design Review Board, establlshed that the followlng numbers of matters were determlned by staff, or were agenda Ltems for the Deslgn Review Board durlng the three years from 1988 through mid-December 1990 (when the Town nas urged to retroactlvely enforce lightlng llnltatlons by Mr. Byers and his supporters), lnclusive. l9 88 1989 1990to mld-Dec staff Declslons Deslgn Revlew Board agenda Ltems Staff Declslons Deslgn RevLew Board agenda ltems Staff Declstons Deslgn Review Board agenda ltems Total Staff DecLElons and Deslgn Revlew Board agenda ltems 1988 - Mld-December 1990. 90 220 99 340 153 408 lr311 The Deslgn Revl.ew Board agenda itens include nultlple appearances of some agenda ltems, whlch were dlfflcult to tdentlfy, but, of the 1r311 staff decisions and Design Revlew Board agenda items, NONE were ldentified as revl.ew of landacapeItghtlng plans of resldentlal dwelllngs. 4. As recently as october, 1990, a- landEcape plan was approved related to Lot 3, Block 1, Vatl Vtllage Sixth Flltng (556 Forest Road) whlch did not deal with the llghttng plan Lnstalled at the same tlme as constructLon. Accordlng to Town of VaLI records, a landscape plan not lncludlng any landscapellghttng waE subml-tted to and approved by the Town of Vall, Iandscape Itghttng was lnstalled, a certificate of occupancy ldas lssued, and the ftnal plat was approved between October, 1990, and January, 1991, (durtng the per.Lod when the Vail Departnent of ConmunLty Development was dectdlng landscape ltghtlng requlred desLgn revlew) wlthout any record of revlew or approval of the landscape lighting whlch was simultaneously betng installed at that proJect. 5. The followlng properties ln the Town of Vall have hadinstalled and maintalned on the varlous propertles landscape llghtlng substantially similar to that which was installed in the tyrol/Ibarra property pursuant to perrnlt and lnspectlon by the Town of VaLI: Kravls Resldence 424 ForeEt RoadLot 4, Block 1, Vail Village Third FiltngInstalled ln 1985-87, lmproved 1989-90 PeaEe Resldence 454 Beaver Dam RoadLot 5, Block 2, ValI Vtllage [hlrd Flltng InEtaIIed in c. 1985, lmproved 1989-90 Blederman/Byrne Res idences 254 Beaver Dam RoadLot 23, Block 7, Vall VlIIage Thlrd FlllngInstalled ln c. 1985, lmproved 1989-90 Resldence 1448 Vatl Valley DrlveLot 18, Block 3, Vail VaIIey Flrst Fillng Date of installation unknown but recent Nl'P 555 Forest RoadLot 3, Block 1, VaLl Vlllage Slxth FtllngInstalled ln 1990, Iandscape plan 10/90 Glatzle ltghttng 2317 GarmischLot 20, Block H, Vail Das Schone Fltlng 2 Date of installatLon unknown but prlor to 1991 Byers-Mlller duplex lighting 352 Beaver Dan RoadLot 5, Block 3, ValI Vlllage Tlilrd Filtng Date of lnstallatlon unknown but prlor to 1989 Tlnber Rtdge ltghting 1280 North Frontage Road lfest Date of lnEtallatlon unknown but prlor to 1990 Bald West Lot Date Mountaln Townhomes end of Bald Mountaln Road 26, Block 2, Vall Vof lnstallatl.on Further afflant saith STATE OF COIORADO ^Arrrrrrir ^ ,0^ -/^t-frlrlt a t \ta 121,.>v-T ) ): ) Ifltness my hand 1t\1083\Af f ldavlt . aaa gubecrlbed and sworn to before ne the **ars. and offlc c dz ts =oa uJc oc() "; .-lo ln tFl ct, UJ UJlt E =E UJo \ ii: 'r',' 'l . .i ,'.:, i:i \i ..1: ,i::li 'tb I I ."1t>.gl -lsn r! .6 Etld,vrl I I I 5! {i=6tE ri3 HIE utF o lsi EIE =t;ol €ilz =t1 Go|l EoFo lEF2o() (Eo .E UJz =od El|l6z;=Eolu,g? <(F 6e(t< F-p9Ce=:oo--F9o58.CLT:rOo-rEgr P€66 EE EEtrf96cP oE5g 5€Eg EE EeoEotr.,3o. Eg E"E tiEo(o E:|)6 ,t4 t;E9tr =c:tc SE 6ic -!d' .oEFE=96 CLT TE =>EOEEooEs o-Ei .E€'Ez ==o- €E 1!CEC o ogo6 :gE: =96:o5 i€E-OO' --= (, a*iSEi EEi E€E i€E teEa! o-c=o gEE 8:E E;E gEE -oE E-'Ei 5iolEi EJ gi E. o c, o€,r t' s 5o. !'g tro'-!',o. o CLa!gE t,c'g o 6E 63 o C!! -9 'ocJo6 ul { I ?I rst +t Y)7 (t E =GtrrA(,-o 3E -(,ul (,z Jo. J IcFctIuJur (tz lo =t G J ()z (, UJ = u,u, z9F ut.c() uJE oc o agIul |ltE-s 1Au,o FqtI UIo G?z urJ(, x F ut atf 3n UJ UJE E :EE uJG oF C'-6Jto (, E C' lrJ t! (9z .B ==c I--(,u,I E NO|lVn.tvA sll.{ U tt;4u F c E =lE> c l.ci=;;lilu I =CDN -(t..-'.. \ | i Z ' Z'tooF-V'9*S?xl5= ttOZt-8gl!<ogH6;oFO.i .i -loltl =l<l>l t! 4o G =oc(, UJc F €ta)o tl ^l Yl =lu, J zIEoo zoF Eul5 l^ t=tu,tz zl?4 il o l|Jou,tgz.oF =uJ& J z 9 Eoo o u,lo (' =v .Ef (' zFoIo ln la t! ar.l ,L ,..t .l llJ tro @o?zo F UJY llJ co oF .:.i!t s ._:o- :-ib,l o- r..lo ttloelllg u.,bkzo J IGF() UJ UJ 2 B 8EttdhllllH u;. =zoo EHE t Gulo- t'|.o EgE<o-l€aE9'okD9'5[ E i:rE 5Ex =o-i 8bE :Hi dF €= ult!oF I -r z oPze @o =z3:)de b =Elrlo-zo F()fGFazo C) tro! F() GFzo C) J E H Tq tl T (,z Jtro alol t\3 iG Fl E t_o g 3 trFtr \ \..N\\\ TOWN OF VAIL THUR FRI o INSPECTION REQUEST\ PERMIT NUMgER OF PROJECT DArE \\=\-'rN JoB MON ruES-- @READY FOR INSPECTIQN: LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr FOUNDATION / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND - tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr GAS PIPING tr POOL/ H. TUB TI t-l tr FIN;L MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS trSUPPLYAIR- tr tr FINAL T] FRAMING ,- BOOF & SHEEB " PLYWOOD NAILING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ELE tr.'I trF o( tr. CTRICAL: TEMP. POWER ROUGH CONDUIT INAL' tr.APPBOVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr FEINSPECTION REQU]RED &mar INSPECTOFDATE I., I TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL ll rr t*r A ' 4T:r \\"/ I a ^* pERMrT NUMFER OF PROJECT '.',. .''. Lli. ':'t'".'i'.!. onre- 3"/:{a JoB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLER MON TUES WED BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: .. 'l*. " '': tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER l-1 ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NATLING -tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB O SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER .;,-MECHANTCAL: io FiEATTNG tr ROUGH B,fXHAUST HOODS tr coNDUrT i.. o - l.,irt, eo s,'k l.'e/AL. trFINAL /,/ tr tr tr SUPPLY AIR FINAL 'APpRovED ^, DISAPPROVED .t] REINSPECTION "REQUIRED COHFECTIONS: t*, { - /q- o/0 INSPECTO /94 11:15 lurn a s. R. 14.lts16 PAAL/@At ohr.:r "r gnnrudlY filtloflnrnltfll Htr, Benato lblrrla ! eicazar De tolado l{8 iJrnas, Hsxlco 11028 RE: r,ightlng at rsridence otl I€t I' Eloch l'l valt vlllrgc 3rd iiir"e; 333 gervrr Drm Ford i Dear Mr. Ibarrr: r an wrlttng to you concerntng^the nsn rlte [lghtln9 added to vour prope"ty o.,'i!t-i,-iili'i-r"'ioil-viiraed' ird Flrlns' thc Eornrnunity o"*reropilit-6oparta""t t iii isk-chlt.vou remova the lrshr.rnE .rr". r,il''ili ;6;;1"4-unill-t-t'.,ilarng.porntt No' oo'lo?2' datccl saFEcrnDer'it, - iri6.. - -tn_ir-ijiiiat"s- p"t6 t t. alloltea vou Eo prace thr.tr"T:.;ilr-rlgnt" " *:";:i*:!liit*i;'#::i$#"FroperEyr rE lE aPParcrtt lhat.tt rrxterior lighgs 3it'irti"pt6tgicv'--itre departhPlt's consern 1r :Tii':*iii?ii:i-*?tli:i,llii-i:: -ini:Ii":*:""::'tffi i:;i' ;?u' iliL oesfqn nevjr:n culAcllncr etatcr: l:-:? I i H " l'?* lls ""?" i i ni 3 1 iiliE Fili.:qd" : *13 -it.i'i a n n ;'r propoeed proJect and upon ;ai;";; etrdctlree and -Proberttrr ' 'r tne lielrtlng creatae a gl?{e-on other Br'o?tllLss uhlcb confllstr uith the ir,ue"t-li-inE e[ia1:,r1"-"i]-'"' -i-{t rnklns that you 6ornprf ttith. ooi t"q"'"t-iT--13:;il;-io' rieo'--rf vou havc ^ny eueetlons abouc ttrfu regu11"t"1til-prt"l".""l:::t n6 ln wrltttrg no r-atcr than Deciili-ll-igEo' i-ipiieclatc your coopsratlon on thle matLer' 7t louth lmntq,p rorrt vrtl, cobrrdr Cl65t l3o3l 6?lt13t (!$) ar$2ltf NovsDbes 16, 1990 *fr'stan Prltz eonrnunitY DcveloPront .tOilt' Dl r6ct,ot RYlPP ({t+, ort PETEI COOOlrll.F JOHN W. OUNN ARTHUN A. AEPLANALE JR. TIMOTHY H. BERRY ALLEN C. CHRISTENSEN LAWNENCE P. HARTLAUA LAw OFF|cEs CoscntFF, DuttN & Aep[-RNRtP A PARTNER3HI? INCLUOINO A FNOFE93IONAL CO'IPONATION VatL NattoNAL EANK BulLDlNc Surr; 3OO t 08 SourH FRoNTAGE RoAD \ /Esr VA|L,CoLoRADoal65T TELEPHoNET (3031 476-7562 TELecoPr€nr (3o3) 476-4765 11 December 1990 Should You have anY IN LEADVILLI CosoRtFF. DUNN a BERRY ao.90xll LEAOVILLE. COLORADO'O''I t7l9) alc-l lll Ms. Kristan Prltz Director of the DePartment of CommunitY DeveloPment Town of Vail Vail, CO HAND DELIVERED Re: Lot 1, Block 3, Vail Village Third Fillng Dear Kristan: Thls Office rePresents Tyrol Corporation' I-'td" whl-ch ts the owner of the above Property. You have directed a letter dated the 16th of November' 1990, to Mr. n.rrito Ibarra, relatlng to certaln changes ln ltghttng outslde the resldence on the above -property. The letter requested a written r""pon".-ty the 3rd of- pdcember and complaince wlth i.qoeJ.a "nai's;"- id th; llshtrns bv tn' -t1nor"ffiToi;;Uttiottot.tely, -the letter was postmarked the 27i was not r"""f"rr"a =Uy Mr. r6aira, who ,ts- PresLdent of Tyrol corporatl_on, ""iii iri. rotn of December, the deadLlne for your compllance request. I have been advised by a representatlve of Tyrol Corporation tnaf you-wiIl be. contaited today by-? gl?nn r:ttL- s9nr who worked on the landscapJ.ng--in"ofving_ €ne - ttgnttng f9:. th" property. r "rii b. o"t'ot- town -ontir Monday' the 17th of December, ano ur.-ibarra will be-i" v"ir beginnino on the 18th of December. 14e hope that, o.trr"n-lar. El116on's Lfforts and any follow-up whlch miy be approprl-ai",-i1f-1 l.nStter-may b9-resolved-to the satisfaction of Tyrol, the town or Vail, and ryrol's concerned neighbor. rn tne mea?rwhtle, oui cttent does not wtsn tne Town of Vailtofeelthatitisignorlngyourconcernsoryourrequestfor actlon within a short time frame' AAAJTxc: Tyrol Corp., Ltd. (tnt ti THf PiCFESSIONAL (ic,RPERATION I3 OUNN guestlons,contact me. COSCRI & AEPLANALPI P'C' IN VAIL' I DECEMBEH I4,I9gO P;i1ln-, D EPARTMENT OF COMbIUNITY DEVELO PM ENT clwoF vAL 75 SoUT}IFRoNTAGEBoAD ITT"vAL,coLoFADoBr65? ^ n\htncENTLEMEN, thlt. r- J WE HAVE FECENTLY NOTICED THAT EXTEFTOR LIGHTS HAVE B E EN PLAC ED IN TBEES ONI*'N y' PHOPEHTIES THAT CONCEFN US. THE ADDRES5ES OF THE PROPEFTIES AFE 154 BEAVER DAh,I-. FOADA}iD 424 FOFIEST ROAD. I, \___[ffivr5 IT APPEARS To Us THAT BoTFoF THESE PFoPEFTY o\AT{EHS ARE IN VIOLATION OF THE DESIGNREVIEWOBDINAT{CECHAPTEH I8.5.+, SECTION OIOAlD SECTION O5(l, II. WE R EoU E sT THAT TH E owN EH s B E As KED To H euo v e TnE LIGHT S. ADDITIONAL [Y, I F THEY AS K TO AP P EAF B EFORE THE DE5IGN R E VI EW BOARD TO HAY E TH E UGHTS AP PRO V ED AFT ER THE FACT ALL PHOPEFTYOWNERSINTHETOWT!OF VAL BENOTIFIEDOF 5UCHBEAUEST. WE FEEL ALL PBOPEFTY OIyYNERS SHOULD 8E INVOLVED BECATJSE lF IHE LIGHTS ON THESE PFOPEBTIES ABE.APPROVED IT \4OULD SET A PFECEDENT THAT MANY LOCAL HESIDENTS DO NOTWAI.{T. TTIA.I K YOU FOR YOUB AS SI STAT{C E N T}II 5 MATT EF. SINCEHELY, ?,ou-t llr'' fu-(t"tz NA}{CYAT,IDDON BYEBS 352 BEAYEFDA[,ICIRCLE YAL,COLOFADO 8I657 &nAta 4 ?t,""' . itlv \)'.r o 8,1990DECET1BER I DESION REVIEW BOARD CITY HALL 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, C0L0RAD0 61657 LADIES AND GENTLEIlEN: WE ARE WRITING THIS LETTER TO VOICE OUR OBJECT.ION TO THE EXTERIOR LIOHTINO PLANS THAT YOU ARE BEING.ASKED TO APPROVE AT 343 BEAVER DAI1 ROAD AND 463 BEAVER DAN ROAD IN YAIL VILLAOE. VAIL'S EXISTING CITY ORDINANCE STATES, " EXTERIOR LIGHTINO SHALL BE DESIONED AND LOCATED IN A IIANNER TO IlINIIlIZE IIlPACT OF LIOHTIN6 UPOI'I LIVING ARTAS WITHIN A PROPOSED PRO.JECT AND UPON ADJACENT STRUCTURES AND PROPERTIES. " WE FEEL VERY STRONGLY THAI THE CITY ORDIMNCE SHOULD BE ENFORCED TO THE FULLTST EXTENT FOR THE FOLLOWINO REASONS; I. BOTHPROPERTIESABOVEARENOWORWILLBEINYIOLATIONOFTHEEXISTINOORDINANCE. 2. INCREASED PROPERTY VALUES MVE CAUSED LARGE HOI1ES TO BT BUILT IN CLOSE PII(IXIIlIIY IOOIIT ANOTI. R I1AKINO IT MORT II1PORTANT TFIAN EVTR TO RESPECT TACH OTHER'S PRIVACY. 5. THE LIOHTSARE IN CONFLICT WITH THE NATUML ENYIRONI1ENT. *+fp-lfenroR LToHTS oF THrs TypE sERvE No puRpost', ARE uNNEcEssARy, AND wAsTE IENERGY.. , s. (trFF-v. pRopERTy owNERs Hnie gurLr HomEsAssullrNo THEIR vtEw coRRlDoRs wouLD, gffi-ofecTED By crTy oRDtMNcE AND THEv NEED THE ctTy's suppoRT tN coNstsTENT eHD' fffiItNueo ENFoRCEmENT. 6. THE CITY SHOULD NOT SET A PRECEDENT EYAPPRQVING THESE REOUESTS.'' WE SINCERELY APPRECIATE YOUR CONSIDERATION ON THIS NATTER. SINCERELY, VAIL,COLORADO 8I657 s f{tuaff E 75 soulh ,ronlage road Yall. colorado 81657 (303) 479-2138 (303) 479-2139 Iberra Dan Road 8L6s7 oS e e is*o otfice of community development Decenber 21, L990 Mr. Renato 343 BeaverVail, co RE! Lot 1, Block 3, Vail Village Third Filing Dear Mr. Iberra, The Town of vail has been notified. by concerned neighbors thatyour J.andscape lighting is inpacting adjacent properties. Staffmust request that you not turn these lights on during the christnasholidays. l{e berieve that the neighborhood.wilt be a moreenJoyable place for arr the residents -in the area if the lightsstay off. staff has confirrned that the inf6rmation in the letter datedNovember 16, 1990 is accurate. ,On Septernber 12, 1989, the Town ,approved-underground direct burial wiring for three lights. . sinceIthe 23 lights staff counted on the site-exceed the afproval, the Town requests that you bring the righting into confornance with thepermit the Town issued. One alternative you have is to bring the 1ighting plan to theDesign Review Board (DR.B). for approval- (keeping tha -fights offuntil then). The Design Review Guidelines stlte thaL: rrExterior lighting shall be designed and located in a mannerto minirnize inpact of lighting upon living areas within aproposed project and upon adjacent structures and propert,ies.rt Because of this guidel-ine, the Board may require that the number of E{tttstT JL o llghts be Lnterested applicatlon reduced and/or shielded.ln a DRB revLew and Inaterial . Thank you for Let ne know tf you arewilI provide you with theyour cooperation. Town Planner cc: Don Byers clenn EllisopArt Abplanalpr. Jr. SUC3AK\Iberra2 PETER COSG RI FF JOHN W. DUNN ARTHUR A. AEPLANALA JR. TIMOTHY H. B ERRY ALLEN C. CHRI STEN SEN LAWFENC€ P. HARTLAU6 LAw OFFtcEs COSGNITE DUIIN & ABPLANALP a PAFINgn!HlP INCIUOIilo a PRO'E5!lot{^l coFPonAlloN VarL NATIoNAL BANK BulLolNG SulrE 3oo to8 SourH FRoNTAGE RoAo wesr VAIL, CoLoRADo 81657 lalsPsqP e: l3O31 476'755? Terecopt sn: l3o3l 476-4765 31 December 1990 lN LeADvILLEI CosGRlFF, OuNN 6 BER RY P. €,. tox ll LEADVILLET COLOFTAOO tOaGl aTlgl a€c'l!Cl Ms. Kristan Pritz Town of Vail DePartment of CommunitY Development Vail, CO HAND DELIVERED Re: Lot 1, Block 3, Vail Vil}age Third Filing Dear Kristan: . As you are a$tare, this office represents Tyrol Corp' t Ltd., which is ine owner oi tne above property lying on the north side of Beaver nim n"ua in vail. The purpose of this retter Is to respona to tne letter of Andy xnudt-senl . dated the 21st of oecernblr and received on the 26th of December' Mr. Knudsen requests that certain lights located on the above property Ue turnea off during lhe chrlstmas holldays ' Apparently this-i"q"""t was the re6ult of a complaint by Mr' and Mrs. Don Byers,;h6 are the only-immediate neighbors of the Tyrol pr"p"ity wi'ro have indicated any interest in the lighting installed on tne pioperty in qlestion' Although several letters lrere presented to- thi oesign Revlew Board at the time of lts consideration of this question earlier this month' only that-of Mr. and Mrs. Byers directly related to the Tyrol Property' -Th'otherswereeitherdlrectedtotheLundproperty'orgenerallytothe concept of tooniigneing in ValI, elther wlth our without reference to severar 5f tn5 four IoLs whose llghting -was under consideration. In fact, one letter, that of Mr' Ford' was from a resident of the Booth Creek area ' our client, and those individuals who use the property 5.nquestion,i._con"ernedanddeterminedthatthelightingwhich has been installed not' disturb the occupants of neighboring properties. not"""i, several aspects oi thts problem seem not to have been given'-iny-constAeratioir by the Town of Vait. Flrst, lne-figntiig plan ivas given to Mr' ind t"trs' Byers before it was installed, and in.v r"dicated no objectlon to that plan.. .second' ;-h;-;i;" was filed with the Town of Vail, and an application was pi"plt.a and signed by- the Town of vail Building Official based i,po.r tn"t plan.- fnirily' contrary to the reference in Mr €x t-t t rtrtr Ja THE PROFESSIONAL CORPORAIION IS OUNN 6 AEPLANALA P'C'IN VAIL' Knudsen's letter dated the 2tst of December, the hand-written construction permit application approved by the Town of vail Building Official authorized the lnstallation of "tree lights". please 6ee the enclosed hand-written building permit. Fourth, when the Town of vail typed the constructlon permit, the staff added the letter rrhrr to-Lhe project reference, and it became ',three Ilghts". Please see the enclosed typed construction.p.i^it. frotwithstanding that error, the only permit signed by In" S,rifaing Official wis issued for tree tlghts, the permit was based upon iccurate plans, and the Iights hlere installed based upon that Permit Our client is attemptlng to work htlth Mr' and Mrs' Byers to correct any probLems whiih they may perceive with the fighting arrangemenl. However, the blanket objection of one or moie infiividuals, particularly those renote from the subject fiop"tty, to the piacEice of installing,Iights resembllng ilo"-"fighi, really does not seem particularly- relevent to the issue 5f whether our clients may operate tights for which they received a permit fron the Town of Vail or whether those lights violate any provision of the Municipal code which mlght have been relevant to tne review of the application before the building permit was issued. our client will continue to try to determine whether some modification to the lighting scheme is necessary ln order to minimize the impact on the iaiofning propertles. That is the standard established tn the Town of VaiI Munlcipal Code. ffor"lr"t, at thls time the permit has been issued based upon plans fioviaea to the Town of Val.I, the system- has- been installed based ipon that permlt, and our client must take the positlon that nlither any error or omisslon has occurred on lts part. If_any lrobtem ha3 been created, it was created by the Town of Vail In letermlning, on the basis of plans submLtted to Lt, that lt was unnecessary to proceed through Design Review Board before a p"ir"it was'lssu-ed, and in lnfluatng-in d permtt a tyPographical-error whj.ch is obvlously misleading regarding the original .proposaf and the plan whlch was aclualty approved. Our cllent is-not-required to reduce the lighttng from-its present number toi,16r"",i lights, but our client will continue to work to!,tard minimizing the lmpact of the approved lights on adJoining properties. SGRIFF Arthur AAAJT: $sa o'-. DON C. BYERS 352 BEAVER DAM CIRCLE VAJLCOLORADO 303476-5534 FAX 303-476-89s0 JAI.IUARY 23,l99L MR. ANDY KNUDTSEN, PLANNER TOWNOFVAIL ?5 SOUTH FRONTAGEROAD vArL,coLoRADO 81657 DEAR ANDY, THANK YOU FOR THE TIME YOU SPENT WITH ME EARLIER TODAY REGARDING THE EXTERIOR LIGTTT ISSUE INOUR NEIGHBORHOOD. INTHE COI.IVERSATIONYOU MENTIONED THATART ABPLANATI STATES INA RECENT LETTER TO THE CITY T}IAT I HAD SEENTHE EXTERIOR LIGHTING PI-AN FoR 343 BEAVER DAIvI ROAD AI{D THAT I HAD No CONCERN OVER THE PLAN. THAT IS NOT THE CASE. THE PROPOSED LAI{DSCAPING PLAI'I WAS SHOWN ME BY GLEN ELLISON BTJT I DID NOT SEE A LIGTITING PI.AI..I. I WISH I }IAD SEENTHE PT.I{I.I g EC.A,USE I WOULD HAVE IIVIMEDLATELY o B JECTED AND WOULD HAVE NOTIFIED THE IBARRAS OF MY OBJECTION. PLE.ASE IvIAKE SIJRE THIS LETTER BECOMES PART OF THE RECORD REGARDING THIS ISSUE. THANK YOU. ,rO :Eflh arr -!-9- ,'LD uLWu offco ot commun]'tY dcv.loPmcnlt5rouhMtg.ro.dd[ colo..do tl65t (38){t}438 (36).7$2139 ilanuary 24, L99L The Weatherstone Developnent corporation C/o Henry Xravis 9 l{est 57th Street, Suite 4250 Nert York, NY 10019 RE3 . Ipt 4, Block 1, Vail Village Third Filing Dear !tr. Kravis: The Town of VaiI has been notified by residents ln the Beaver Dan noaaTrorest Road neighborhood that you have lnstalled landscape righti"g on your ;;;;it ;hich exc-eeds the Level of illunlnation fn€enaed Uy ttre f-own of tail Design Review Guidelines. That standard, ?ound in sectlon 18.54.050(c)11 of the Townrs code, states tbat: rrExterior Uqhtins shall be designed and located ln a manner to nininir.-irpir€ o- iignting ulon livlng areas within a proposed projeit and upoi adjicent strrrctures and properties. r' In addition to the Lssue that the lightlng on your-Property-- -ciiri""[ri exceeds-tfris stanaard, theie*ls-the problern that the iighiing'ptan has not been approved by-the pes1gn Revl'ew Board (DRB). In order to conply with the Town of Vail standards' our department asks that You Please: 1) Subnlt a conplete DRB- appllcatiol.to the Plannlng o.p"rt Ena-G;; attacheh'applicatlon and schedule of t"Lttttq"l. 'A part of this-lpplicatlon should be a Iandscipi plan showing the llght flxtures' 2't l{odify the current lighting so that lt neets the DRB gruidelines listed above. (,r*t 6 t4 IL The DRB has dlscugsed tlre landscape llghtlng on your propeity and soue other lots Ln the vlclnlty. -The Board, in addltlon to r"""tii ""fghbort uho have srliten letters to tJrg-.Tosnt-35-9 .Int"iert.a in piesenrlng the natural eettinS o-f .t1g lefSp.q.rtlgodand uav requlr-e that eoEe of the llghtlng be shleldecl .anclr/9{;tlt ieroovei. tinttl the DRB tras approved a llghtlng plan, _the Toun ':':[[lt aik you to keep the ltghll off . "'T:il;';;;;:,{iil - I look forrrard to worklnE rlth you towards a resdlutloi to thl's pr"Ui.rl pfei=e-coap1;46 ana r'"ttrn the enclosed DRB appflcation t" tn" Town by febnriry 25, 1991. If you have any questions, calL roe at (303) 479-2138. ...! J SlncerelY, ^44,a-AAndy Knudtsen Town Planner AK/1rdcc:' Kristan Pritz Larry Eskwith Ernst Glatzle Don BYers . .'::.;j i I ' .i 'r' J ) .'.-'';c.l:.:'"'..,..Iq,;;i i'.ji{ .;-}:1.i-1q:i;1 ..,,:: :, ,,,.1;;1....:1.i 1..1": l:3ii.;s:.-y,i e'ra) : tr..:... :: .i':'.ril:r:r;:* el.'i,'i t.-) Jas.:;.1 .,.,.-:': ;: ;.: :;ill:,:.i -:riit liri .,criu :r'..,: f I *.,; *..: tL i$'fl;T Cil;l:t / AUALABLE a b't ,-'- o' /tF-J PETER COSGRIFF JOHN W DUNN ARTHUR A. ABPLANALA JR' II}IOTHY H. BENRY ALLEN C. CIIRISTENSEN LAWRENCE A }IARTLAUE LAw OFFlcgs Cosc:RtFF, DUNN & ABPLANALP a P^ettERgrll? lt{clvDlNC a ?eofEtSloN^l coRFoRATloN ValL NarloNAL BANK BulLgl NG ' SulrE 3Oo IO8 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAO WEST V^lL, CoLoRAoo 81657 TELEPHoNE: (3o31 476'7352 TELEcoPIERT (303, 476' 47 65 8 FebruarY 1991 IN LEAOVIILEI CoSGFTFE DuNN 6 BERFY a o. lox ll LEADVTLLET CC)LORADO aoaal l7l9l .aa'ltaE Mr. Andy Knudtsen' Department of Communlty Development Town of ValI 75 South Frontage Vlest Vall, Colorado 81567 RE: Landscape Ltghtlng Lot 1, Block 3, Vail Village Thlrd Filing Dear Mr. Knudtsen: As you are a!{are, thls offlce represents IYroI Corporatlont the ownei of the above descrlbed property. I directed a letter to KrLstln prLtz, dated the 31st ot becember 1990, ln whlch I - attempted to convey to the Town of valt'our clientrs concern and a"ieii,fn"tlon that-the landscape llghttng located on hls lot not disturb the occufants of netgh[orinf properties. Although tt Ls our clL€nt's gtpsitlon that the lnstillation of the llghttng was authorlzed anl approved by the Town of Vall and there exLsts no baeLs for any reillrement that lt modlfy lhqt llghttng system'- our cllent ts vrtillng to endeavor to reiolvti the problem, 1n_the lnterest of lts rela€lonshtp wtth the Town of ValI and wlth I'ts nelghbors consistent srlth our clLent's desires, an lnvestLgation has been made lnto a method by whlch the impact of the ltghtlng on- adJotnlng propertles mlghl be lessened. Because of the type of fignif"g-f-nstiftea, the-replacement of exlsting ballasts serving th; flg6ts, thereby dlmntng the llghts or permttttng the -substlfutton of smiller Uulbs of another type, ls extremely expensive. The manufacturer and provlder of- this systemr- hoiever, has agreed to provlde scieens for the bulbs whlch wtll Iessen ine ffgtrt emltted. our cllenL ts taktng stePs to reduce the !.mpact on at least one of hls neighbors in- that way. -Our -cllent- ls conftdent that thls ltmltation and the light emitted E*ar n rT 4 I9 DUNN & ABPLANALA P.C.IN VAIL. /," Lmpact of the landscaPe llghtlng onwlll substantlallY reduce the ihe adJotnlng ProPertl'es' AAAJT: Jxc! tyrol CorPoratLon TOVPI-.NGK i 2 i39t DON C. BYERS 352 BEAVER DAfi CIRCLE VAIL, COLORADO 8I657 503-476-5534 FAX-476-6950 FEBRUARY I2,I99I }1S. KRISTAN PRITZ, DIRECTOR OF CONI1UNITY DEV. TOWN OF YAIL 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, COLOMDO E I657 DEAR KRISTAN WE TIAVE EEEN COI1IIUNICATINO WITH YOUR DEPARTNENI OVER THE PAST FEW WEEKS REGARDINOTHE EXTERIOR TIGHT PROELEX IN VAIL, SPECIFICALLY, OUR INTEREST CENTERS / ARoUND THE PR0PERT|ES WHERE LtoHTs t-tAVE BEEN |NSTALLED wtTHouI ctly AppRovALS .,s'- 4 WHICHINCLUDES43BTAVERDAT1ROAD,4S4EEAVERDAI1ROAD,AND424FORESTROAD, WE ^IT/- l'f 4LS0 ARE C0NCIRNED ABoUT P0SS|ELE I0WN APPR0VAL 0F A "t100N L|0HTING" PLAN AI 463 "' # .ts BEAVER DAH R0AD. ! //-,/ -,IAMRDING TO YOUR DEPARTNENT PERSONNEL, IHE oNLy wAY To IIONtToR THE SITUATIoN Is TO lf. C0NSTNTLY CHECK THE A0ENDA 0N IHE DAY 0F EACH DESIGN REVIEW B0ARD |IEET|NO T0 SEE lF , u) e ANY OF THE ABOVE PROPERTY OWNERS MS REQUESTED DESIGN BOARD APPROVAL OF AN EXISTING ..T ' ORPROPOSEDPLAN. NEEDLESSTOSqY,TMTISOUITE0UMEERSOIIEANDIIAKESIT ^"{'"i'"(ITIPGSIBLE IO NOTIFY NEIGHEORS IN TINE FOR THET1 TOATTEND THE METTINS. I FEEL THE C" f T0wN STAFF muLD BETTER SERYE THE PE0PLE tN vAtL tF THty DID TWO THTNGS; -{ v r*I. FIAVEAFIT-IN6DEADLINEAREASOMBLENUI1BTROFDAYSBEFOREDESIONREVIEWBOARD \'ir.}},,,;"'". TIEETINGSSOII{ATINTERESTEDCITIZENSCOULDI{AVETIHTTORESPOND. $I'\T "I\ 2. lTs'EtlsREA''MBLETMrflosT0FTHESEcAsEsAREG0rN0r0BEApprArEDT0crTy t15't ir- MUffiLrcHATTERWHATTHEDECISIONISFROIIDESIGNREVIEWBOARD. TTIATBEINOTHE ,z] TI T}T CJ$T, WOULDN'T II }1AKE SENSE FOR COUNCIL TO DEAL WITH THE ISSUE NOIfl ASKING FOR I' ' PUBLIC INPUT AND CONINO UP WITH OUIDELINTS TMT STAFF COUTD USE I1ORE EFFECIIVTTY TTIAT THE CURRENT ONES. THIS SEENS PARTICUI,ARY IHPORTANT AS IIORE AND T1ORE HOfIES IN THE T01'VN 0t vAlL ARE EXPANDED THROUOH RENODELING 0R 00|IPLETELY REBUILT wHtcH ALT1OST ALWAYS INVOLVIS TIAKII.IO THE STRUCTURES IJROER WHICH PUTS THEH CT6TR TO NEIOHBORS. THT STAFF FIAS SENT HE COPIES OF TETTERS TO THE YARIOUS PROPERTY OYNERSASKINO IHEH TO TEAVE THEIR LIGHTS OFF UNTIT THEY OET DESION REVIIW EOARD APPROVAL . WE APPRECIATE TFIAT COfINUNICATIONAND HOPE THE TOWN WILL SOON TAKE THE NECESSARY STEPS TO SEE TMI PROPTRTY OIYNERS MfiPLY. ilF-'i C.C.,JAY PETERSON €ttltfitt 4t FILI CIJPY ofllce ol communlty develoPment lnwn 75 soulh lrontage road Yail, colorado 81557 (303) 47e2138 (3qt) 47$2139 February 19, 1991 Mr. Don Byers 352 Beaver Dam Circle Vail , Colorado 81657 Dear Don: Kristan and I have reviewed your letter, dated February 12, 1991, i"a "gr"" with you that you -snould have a reasonable number of aays Setore Des-ign Review Board ueetings to review any. .piii"iiion wnicfr has been submitted- As you can see in the attacned schedule, the Toirn provides a review period for neighbors, as weli as the stlffr.to review all proposals prior to the-hearing. T1pically, the review time is three and one-half weeks. However, there is no folrual urailing of notification to adjacent prop"rty oqtner for ps'! DRB requests' This reguest does ""f r.q,tii'" iaj.i.nt propertf owner notification' In the letter I sent to the owners of the properties with which you are concerned, I gave them a deadline of February 25' L99L' i.-r"urii-i-o.=id't nerTiew Board application showing the. landscape iignting plan. iif- "r-tfte applicitions subnitted bv this date will go to the March 20, lggr heiii"g ie the owner iuiaes by this "tta"ritu"ding. i-"tti"!.pate that these requests will be on that agenda. Kristan and I are aware of your lnterest, and will make every effort tre can to infortn you-ot any application-nade to the DRB ;;;-i;;;""p. righiing 1il 11our n"ishi-orhood. . By-checkins_with [t" pii""in-g Oepirtneit after the ;ubnittal deadlines, and by our efforts to contaEt-til; r believe that you can stay infomed iUo"i this issue. Flease call ne if you have any more concerns. SincerelYt Andy thudtsen Town Planner Enclosure €*11t Bt7 ' -zz- FILI 75 roulh lronlage road Yall, colorado 81657 (303) 4792138 (303) 479-2139 lllarch 20, 1991 Mr. Henry Kravis chlef Executive officer The Weatherstone Development corporation 9 w. 57th Street .-. - i C{]P Y ofllce ol communllY develoPmenl Suite 425O New York, NY L0019 Re: Lot 4, Block 1, Vail Viltage 3rd Filing Dear Mr. Kravis: f understand you received ny letter pf JanuarY 24, 1991, in which I explained tlrat the currenl exterior tighting on the above- refelenced property is in violation of the Town of VaiI zoning code. That code section, once again, .states that: rrExterLor lighting shall be designed and located in a manner to mininiz" inpa"f of lighting upon living areas within a proposed proje-t and upon adjacent structures and properties.rr Section 18.54.050(c) (11) As no subrnittal has been made in order to meet the February 25, 1991 deadline, as identified in ny previous letter, the Town may have to lssue- a citation because Lh-e correct process for obtianing DesLgn Review Board approval has not been followed. A citation-nay r6quire a court appearance here in the Town of VaiI . We vould rather not resolve this issue in that foruni howeverr we nust resolve this problern irnrnediately. Without prornpt attention to this matter, the Town will be forced to cite you for the violation The Town of Vail is reguiring you to subnit a Design Review Board application as soon as possible. The application needs to address how the llghting will be redesigned and/or removed so that it meets the standards of the zoning code listed above. Until a new design has been approved, we must reguire that thelights not be turned on. rstr9 rli (*t+ o. !tr. tlenry l(ravls i. March 20, 1991 Page 2 If,youhaveanyquestlonsrpleasecallmea|.303/479-2138'Thank iou-for your.aLtentlon to this problem' '4-{Q tsen Tosrn Planner /abcc: Kristan Pritz Larry Eslcwlth Ernst G1atzle #,Don Bycqs 75 soulh lronlage road vall, colorado 81657 (303) 47$2138 (303) 479-2139 March 2O, L99L Mr. Art AbpLanal-p, Jr.vail National Bank Bullding L08 S. Frontage Road WestSuite 3OOvail , co 8L657 Re: Landscape L,ighttng on Lot 1, Block 3,vail vLllage 3rdt Filing Dear Mr. Abplanalp: In your letter of February 8, LggL, yo'u said your client istaking steps to reduse the impact of his landscape lighting onhis neighbors. I appreciate his intentions, and would like tosee the f.irst step taken to .resolve the existing problem. Theconcept you described of installing dcreens on the tights tosoften their impact may work. What needs to be done at this timeis to subrnit a complete Design Review-Board applicatlon to theTown of Vail identifying all the lights on the property, showingr..'hich Lights will. be removed, and shoruing vrhich onis will bescreened. :ft is the Town,s position that your client has an approvedbulldlng peynit f-or onry three i,"i"ri""-ii9;t;. An-ilectricarwiring pennit r.ras approved, but th'e permit-did not include a siteplan showing the location of the llghts. The additionar rightshave no-approvar, ^all your-'client rniy be bited since his pr6pertyls in vloration of the- zoning code. Regardress of the number oflights,.the tighting.must stift neet Seition 18.54.050(C) (l_1) ofthe Design Review cuidelines which states that: ItBxterior righting shall be designed and rocated in a mannerto minimize impact of rightlng ufion living areas withln aproposed project and upon adjacent structures andproperties. .l Tt,an z I Bst ollice of communlty development E*t+t 0rr 4 o Mr. Art AbplanalP March 20, 199L Page 2 rn other words, the lights wiII need to be shielded and screened, iegardless of number, lo that they do not_ impact neighbors. _ Town stiff believes that i solution to the problem can be reached, but is concerned that the screens may not improve the condition enough to meet the criteria of the zoning code' I understand that the primary purpose of the screens is not necessarily to soften tne fignts.- Because I am not sure that this efforl will actualty solve the problen, installation of a single, prototypical scr-een for the bne members to evaluate is proiauiy-ttre ueit idea. I understand yottr concerns about the tost or-the lighting system and the screens, aud r would not want your cl-ient to spena tne money on the screens if they would not sufficiently soften the Iights. Enclosed is a Design Review Board application and neeting date schedule. Please submit a completed application to the Town no later than April 8, 1991. tn the application, please include a site plan an-d a statement outlining'I schedule for installation of thi prototypical screen. The statement should also discuss how the propolLa lighting plan meets the zoning code criteria. staff wilt then schedule a DRB site visit to evaluate the proposal . The Town must have a conplete application by April a, 199L, or we may have no other choice but to issue a citation. The citation is-based on the fact that the procedure'for obtaining Design Review Board approval has not been followed correctly. Though the Town does not enjoy resolving conflict in the court systems, there may be no other option if a resolution is not provided soon by Mr. Iberia. Untlt DRB approves a revised plan, vte must require that the lights rernain off. If you hawe any questions about the DF.B applicetion or process, please do not hesitate to call me at 479-2L3A. /abEnclosurescc: Kristan PritzLarry EskwithErnst clatzle Don Byers I " ,iu'oR a l99t PEASE tNDUSTR|ES, tNC.,7100 otxlE HtcHwAy, FAtRFtELD, OHtO 45014 U.S.A.519E7o_3600 March 28, 1991 llr. Aady Koudt.sen Iown Plaaoer TOWN OF VAIL 75 South Frootage RoadVal1 C0 81657 Dear Andy: Thaok you for taking tlne last Thursday evenLog to cone by and look atour outdoor ltghttng. Subsequent to that neetlDg, I dld recelve yourletteE of March 20 and wish to suomarize our neetlog oD that evening aad respood to your le t ter. At our resldence at 454 Beaver Darn Road we have basically two forns ofexterlor lightitrg. Flrst the lLghtlog on and oear tbe house, aod secondthe lLghting of our rather large conlferous tree ln our front yard. concerulag the former, that ls the normal butlding exterior ltghtlog, rwlsh to coofirn that all of that cotrstruction work was done three to fouryears ago as sre ueEe butldlng that house. Durlng that tlne we had sub-Bltted very conplete plans to vail, aod as you are well aware we nerelnspected oo Dunerous occasloos for all aspects of compllaace to vallcodes, certaloly lacludlng our electrical r,ro rk both inside and outslde,as well as 1lghtlng thereln. For your lnfornatloD, our deslgn archltect,and supervlslng archltect duriog thls bulrdlng perlod was Gordon plerce aod hls assoclates. ru polnt of fact Bill Reslock uas the naoaglngarchitect for our partlcular project. our bullder. uas Gary Bossow whoalso ls operatlng in the va11 buildlng network. should yoi, have "rryspeclflc questloas about the llghttag or the tuspectloas pertalDlug tothls orlglaal coastructlon ln 19g6 and r9g7 r sould like lo refer jou toeither our archltect or bullder. To rny complete recorlectioa, as 1 sald,alJ- aspects of our butldtag conprlance uere netlculously supervlsed byVall lnspectlon persoouel. l{e, io due course, did receive ourcertlflcate of Occupaucy from the Towo of vatl iudlcatlog to ny knowleitge.conplete approval of, phat had beeu doue in all aspects oi that- butldlogproJ ect. ro regard to our coalferous tree llghtlng, r nust adnlt that thls proJectsas done subsequeat to our conpletl0n of the house. Ag r recall, ,a - trled to have that ready for the lforld cup festlvltl.es several years ago.r nlght add that ne got great support for thls ltghrlng proJect, due t6the slze of the tree aod the fact that tt was vlesable fron nany areas ofthe vall conmunlty' by a nunber of, councll members and others ln, and out ftrbala 2f EVER.STRAIT DOOR SYSTEMS llr. Andy Knudtsen March 28, 1991 Page Two of the Vall goveraneot. As you recall, theEe ttas a stroog Bovenent at that tlne to tEy to Bake Vall as attEactlve as possible wtth olght ltghtlng for that partlcular race seasoo. But' I nust adnit that thls ltghttng project was subsequent to our normaL bullcllog' and I do oot belleve that we applled to the Touo of Vall for a Deslgn Revlew Board approval of that partlcular ntght llghtlng project. Should you feel that we need to do so at thls tine we certainly w111 be glad to flll out uhat- ever forns are oecessary lf you would sead then to us so that ne Day forsralize thls project as r,reIl as our baslc proJect on this Property. I should also llke to conflrn what I told you last Thursday evenlng r that should any aspect of our 454 Beaver Dan Road project be obJectlooable to any ueighbors wlthlo slgbt of our hone 10 terns of ltghtlog, landscaplogt architecture or aoy other natter if you would slnply brlng these specifies to ny attentloo I aasure you that they w111 be taken care of lnnedlately rllthout further dlfficulty lD terms of tbe Vatl Vlllage governoeBt Procesg. I lrtsh to thaok you for your coocera about our house, and hope thal thls letter adequately aosuers yours of March 20, 1991. Slncerely, I n D*,UII*W Davld It. Pease Jr. V" Chalrnan, CEO DI{J: Jbb cc: Gordon Plerce Gary Bossow Krlstao Prttz Larry Eskwlth Erost Glatzle Doo Byers Project Application oan {-7-?f Prorect Name: Proiect Description: Contact Person and Phono Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Oescription: Lot Block 3 I ritins l/l/ 3r{ ,zona- Commenls; Design Review Board o"," t-Fqf t- tt I/&rrh 't1*. APPROVAL Motion by: Seconded by: Summary: €{ilt n t'f zb O statt Approval O -4rtt. t#-,tus---" o.tA J. - !^X--tr^-'u *&i.1. Et*t Bt7 71 t " PETER COS6RI FF JOHN W. DUNN ARTHUR A. ABPLANALP, JR. TIMOTHY H. B€RRY ALIEN C. CHFIS'ENSEN LAWFENCE P HAFTLAUB Law OFFtcgs Cos6nrrr. DuruN & ABPLANALP A PARITEFSBTP INCIUOING A PiOTESSIONAI COEPORATIOI{ VArL NarroNAL BANx BUILDING SutrE 3oo lo8 SourH FRoNtaGE RoAD wEsr VAt!,CoLoRAoo 81657 TELEPHoNE! (3o 3, 476'7552 TELEcoPT ER! (3o31 476'4765 IN LEADVI!|.:I CoscRtFF, DuNN & BERRY a o. lox ll lEADVTLL:r COLOFAo(' aoagl lTl9l atc-laal 10 MaY 1991 NOTICE OF APPEAI, Town of Vall 75 South Frontage Road West ValI CO 81557 T1AND DELIVERED Re: firrol CorP., Ltd./Renato Ibarra Thts Offtce r,ePresents Tyrol Corp., Ltd., the owner of Lot 1, Bt;;i 3, VatI Vfifag" Flrsi Ftllngl ind r'rr. Renato IbarrA, the Presldent and agent for that corporatLon. OnthelstofMayrlggl;theTownofVatlDeslgnRevie-w Board consl.dered a re[uest for approval of an exl-stlng landscape ltghtlng system. The-request wai-submltted at the request_of the Vaif Oelarlment of Comrnunlty Development on behalf of T1'roI Corp., i,ta., and Mr. Ibarra, ln order to cooPerate wlth a reguest ot l,tri Department of Communlty Development that a ltghttng qystem. prevlousl| lnstalled under a Town of VatI perml.t be revlewed to ietermlne-whether any modlficatlons were necessary to allevlate posslble Lmpacts on ialotnlng property owners. The request for ipproval was dlsapproved, and the dlrectlve to our client was that the llghttng system should be removed. By thls letter, 'tyrot Corp., Ltd., and Mr. Ibarrl appeat-the declsl-on of the town of Vall Deslgn Revlew.Board of the lst of May, 1991. The grounds for this appeal hearlng before the Town Councll.not llmlted to the followtng: wlll be'fully presented at the lthode grounds. include but are 1. PrLor to and durlng the lnstdllatlon and constructlon of the ltghttng Eystem whlch wag the subJect of the request.' before the Deslgn RevLew Board, the Town of Vall approved and lnspected the llghtlng system, and, based upo-n that apProval and those .lnspectlons, the ltghttng system was lnBtalled and activated at consLderable cost. The Town of Vall cannot now'requlre the retroactlve revlew of the system and, upon dental of revlew approval, requlre Lts removal. E*ttt Na.-?3 THE PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION IS DUNN 6 AgPLANALP. P.C. IX VAIL. 2. The Town of vatl has not, ln the past, regulred deslgn review or Design Revlew Board approval of ldentlcal or sulitantfally identlcal llghtlng-systems, based upon the sarne i"g"i"if"tts iht.h the Town-now attempts t9 enforce agaLnst our cllents, as a result of whlch the Imposltlon of- the same r-gulations uPon tyrol Corp. ' Ltd. and Renato Ibana ln a dlfferent manner c6nstltut-e i Aental of equal protectlon to ryrol Corp., Ltd., and Renato Ibarra 3. The actl.on of the Town of vatl to retroactlvely lend a dLfferent lnterpretatlon to its regulations, and to impose its regulatLons upon properly permitt,ed lighting systems' was inittg.t"d bf" rEi"Lfneiy-small numbei of indtvtduals, organLzed ;;-;;; ayersl ttre tnatvtdiral who sold the residence which Ls the sirUlect 6f ti.fs appeal to the appellants. Mr. Byers reserved ""iV it" rlght to-itntt any furlher constructlon whlch would obstruct ht6 vtew. !!r Byeis now attempts to impose llmltatlons ""-tft" appeltant ltmltatlons whlch he failed to lmPose-when the property was conveyed to the appellants. The result of hls-eft6rt"-has been t6 notlvate the Department of Communl.ty Development to demand removal of several other lighttng systems whlch irave already been lnstalled, presumably also under the iuifrorfty of Town pernlts. These other resldences Lnclude those of Henry KravLs 1424 forest Road) and Davtd Pease (454 Beaver Dam Road). Also undir thls approach, the Destgn Revlew Board has required removal of a previously installed syslem on a property kno:wn as the Byrne/Blederman resldence at 254'Beaver Dam Road. One person's d-etermLnatlon to control hls nel-ghbor'E proPerty has causld the Town to embark on a crusade affectl.ng a number of Lnnocent Lndlvlduals, lncludtng the appellant, who have conplled wLth Town requLrements. 4. The Town of Vall has no authorlty to requl're DesLgn Revlew Board approval of or the removal of the llghtlng system whlch ls the subJect of the request whlch*was denLed. 5. The determlnatlon by the Desl.gn Revlew Board that t|re Ilghttng aystem Lg unacceptable was arbltrarlr and capricious and an abuse of dlscretlon. Please advlse the underslgnedgcheduled for conslderatlon'. ./ when thLs apleal wttl be -spectfu COSGRIFF AL\JT: Exhlbtts 29 through 41 PHOTOGRAPHS EE9qo OO48 EEEA\IERffitrI(8LVD sulTE 20i 80x 5300 Al/0il, C0.81610 9t0.919.5200 rmdQvail.net FAI g{9.5205 I I I 4n. i,x ^ =,H=z3|Za9rsZF:=onE-l(6 ;H?Ta-dodSfsd8=Eo fi dft+ s=$>tofo6.HE,-= /y d m CON F @ I I s*E6It I, tffi F,+1tii iirliitd rliiil :rl ;tir; r t .\u\ -- -P"-=<-- -,+_L v) ,{ ,, .h ',1 5 rl ' tg [\N WH. ffiiiiffi iiri Yi,'-, iiii:ii ii;itr :;t;t, t'.ritl ',iii1 i.iiiiiiiiir I ,iiiiiiiirii i::,iit:ii : :,riill,il {,:,il iiiiliir;r;rr tiiii; I I : I I I I I i,\ iiih i:illi ti U N iiiri.lil t;tit,t;l iiiiii riffi Ilii;1rgiil;i;l;ffi iri:lS:i $ii+iiiii CherylDornak From: Sent: To: Subiect: w) I Derek Porter [derek@derekporterstudio.com] Thursday, August 31, 2000 1:05 PM cheryld@vmda.com Light Pier Values 9924 TOV c.lculEtiong 08.31.00... cheryl, l'll begin by explaining my logic and you can correct me if you think I should approach it in another way. The TOV guidelines say that the ratio of source lumens to luminous area should be equal to or less than 125. I am assuming that the units on the luminous area is square inches. What I did was this. I looked at my GE catalog to get the source lumens for a variety of lamps that could be used, varying only in wattage. However, for the guidelines, I believe the pier has to be considered as one big light source, so the source lumens is actually the light emifting from the glass. So, knowing that the frosted glass will only transmit 80% of the light from the GE light bulb, I used 80% of the light bulb source lumens as the actual source lumens used in the equation. Also, because we are considering the entry pier as a big light source, the luminous area is not the surfiace area of the light bulb, itself, but the surface area of the four pieces of glass on the pier. This may sound confusing, but the table I have attached should clarify that. It is a microsoft word document, so bear with any format changes that may occur from my computer to yours. lf this sounds completely wrong, let me know and l'll simplity it. But, I think there are two major advantages to my reasoning. 1.) | think it most accurately represents whats actually happening and 2.) it makes it much easier for us to comply with the regulations. I sincerely hope I have not confused you. My engineering background makes me do that some times. In fact, I had to resist the temptation to begin with "According to my calculations...". Of course, I would have followed up immediately by pushing my glasses up my nose. Thank you, Andy Matlock Derek Porter Studio 15 West 19th Street Kansas City, MO 64108 (816)842-9060 www. derekporterstudio.com TO: Cheryl Dornak Victor Mark Donaldson Architects FROM: Andy Matlock RE: Herman CO Residence Entry Piers The following table represents my results under the assumption that the luminous area is measured in square inches. LAMP LUMENS (LL) ITEMIZED PRODUCTS DATE 08.31.00 loB # 9924 PAGE I of I SOURCE LUMENS (0.80*LL) LUMINOUS SOURCE UMENS AREA (in.2) LUMINOUS AREA 60w 75W r 00w l50w 635 825 r r90 1950 508 660 952 r s60 682. s 682.5 682.5 682.5 0.74 0.97 1.39 2.285 The following table shows the results of the same calculation done with the luminous area being square feet. LAMP LAMP LUMENS (LL) SOURCE LUMENS (0.80*LL) LUMINOUS SOURCE UMENS AREA (in.z) LUMINOUS AREA 60w 75W l00w 150W 635 82s I 190 r 950 508 660 9s2 r 560 4.75 4.75 4.75 4.75 r 06.95 r 38.9 200.42 328.42 lf the luminous area is done in square feet, I think we will be fine utilizing a 60W lamp. lf memory seryes me, I believe our original intention was to use a 60W lamp. We did, however, ask for the socket to be wired to accept a I 50W load. ARCH ITECTU RAL LIGHTIN G DESIG N 1 5 West 19n Street Kansas City, M0 64108 ter 816.842.9060 fax 816.842.906i T-25f ?.n2102 F-78{Srp.ll-00 00:39u Fro-VlCT0l Il Rl( ililALDSOIo n0.t{f.5?00 tid0ill.ml fil l$.5101 t+ r= -(, i!')E 5 II o Hc E8 EO H3 3t $ =, -g|rIq- JgJ --ct =tvi,g3 =et ae = EIzo Eo eI trl cto =lrlE utozIo IUlr o oE o Er! KJm erl !6nl b<i ..,? =8:!D t- .<l _ .l ('._ L r.l F.c,'i ARCH I IECIS EMMffiNTO $|l[E tot 80I 5t0l rv0r, c0ffit! ftiii RECD oCT 16 2000 0 TO: Alison Ochs Town of Voil FROM: Andy Motlock RE: Hermon CO Residence Pleose find enclosed copies of cut sheefs for lhe exferior fixtures ot lhe Hermon Colorodo Residence, which ore listed in the toble below. The following loble represenfs the resuhs of colculotions performed under lhe predetermined regulotions sel forth by the Town of Voil. Cleorly, oll of fhe fixiures listed below ore well within the TOV stondords. Should there be concern for ony of the results, it should bE noled thot mony of lhe resuhs ore conservolive duE lo luminous oreo ossumplions ond occurocy. Luminous oreos ulilized ore, for the most porf, less fhon lhe ocluol volues. Should you hove ony queslions on lhese colculotions or fixture cui sheets, pleose don'l hesilole lo coll or emoil ot the informotion below. TRANSMITTAL DATE 10.06.00 JOB # 9924 VIA US moil PAGE 1 of l1 FIXTURE MANUFACTURER-TYPE FDfiURE SOURCE LUMENS LUMINOUS SOURCE UMENS AREA (in.') LUMINOUS AREA LOWER LEVEL LI,L3.L8 L2 MAIN LEVEL Ml ,M2 M3, M4 Ms-Ml0 UPPER ELVEL U1 U2 llluminoting Experiences Morino 2320W Lompos LSU-GLS 60 Louis Poulsen BAL- MIC-517-W Trons Leviton PorcEloin SockEt 9875 Ark Lighting ARLV- 4050 Lompos LSU-GLS 60 B-K Lishtins SQ-O- BZW I 190 825 1000 1950 54.9 825 54.9 70.85 72.4 13.95 682.5 25 72.4 o.785 16.8 11,40 71.68 2.9 2.196 I1.40 69.9 ARCl| ITICTU RAI- IIGHTING DESIGN | 5 We$ lgrr'$rcet (omos City, M0 64108 lell 816.842.9060 tu8r6.842.906r www. derekporhdudio.com OUTDOOR Frech foms in contemporary outdoor lighting imported lro.n ]taly. Molded polycarbonate construction assures 'rar'1tenance free longevity. Incandescent and compact ilourescent lioht sources available, L?,L?-Lt 2310 B or W 1 r 75W Max Exl.4t/a" 2310P1 1 -9W Quad 2-9W Twin 212O B or W 1'r', 't00w Max Ext. 5rl2 " 2120P1 2-13W Twin 2825 B or W 1 , ',100w Max Ext.5rlr" 2825PL 1-13W Twin 4150 B or W 1 r 75W Max Ex|.7t/2" 4160P1 2-PL'13 Quad 4300 B or W t i] r sow vax Ext. 9rl: " 4300P1 2-13W Twin 1271 B or W Ext 4" 1272 B or W Exl. 4112" 1 'rr 6ow Max 1271PL '272P11 -9W Twin +1O1t2' - 1'RIANCOLO t ..1 : 1 .t t 10" 1 10' I 2320 B or W 1 , 100W Max Ext. 5rlz' MARINA {m\IZ *-- 7' -- .41t2.- ffi\ilt))) W D tlm'iw €101/2.4.i.o 'i"R AREA 15> ?seD Lsll5u)) Lz,UI Accasorigs: Accesoties: m€tal gua/d sctylic diflusst 1 or 2 fitiing. 1 or 2 fitiing.EA Notel LsB is available with 3 hour maintained integral ernergency pack to suit 18W TC-T OQ4q-2 lamP (4 pin) c/w LED. Extended white backbox 225x325x45mm for recessing or surface mounting. When ordering add Prefix lE. LS(U) and LS(U)B are available with 3 hour maintained remote emergency pack c/w LED and 3m loom, to suit 18W TC-T GX24d-2lamp (2-Pin). When ordering add Prefix RE. TC-DD version available to suit 21W or 28W or with high frequency gear upon requesl. I XE tampas 5/5B Wall Fixture : 'IOOW GLS, E27. : 16W TC-DD, GR8. : 18W, TC-T, GX24d'2. Classification: 1P20. lnsulation Class: l. Approvab:OCE. Complies with EN60598. Fitting: 2mm white steel housing and backplate (B version onlY) 2mm steel shade, inside white. When ordering quote: LS-GLS + Colour Number. LS-TCDD + Colour Number. LS-TCT + Colour Number. LSB-GLS + Colour Number. LSB-TCDD + Colour Number. LSB-TCT + Colour Number. Accessories: LsA-diffuser, L5B-guard + Colour Number. L5-guard + Colour Number. ,al,tll L5UB . 340 .2SG TII L'LsU ,al, III L5B O Iampas 5U/5UB External Wall Finure C) :75W GLS, E27. -[F: 18W, TC-T, GX24d-2. Classification: 1P44. Insulation Class: l. Approvals:@ CE. Complies with EN60598. Fitting: 2mm white galvanised steel housing and backplate (B version only) 2mm galvanised steel shade, inside white. LSUB-GLS + Colour Number. ISUB-TCT + Colour Number. Accessories: LSUB-guard + Colour Number, Lsu-guard + Colour Number. o Bal Halogen .IDESIGIIIER: P. Hougaard Nielsen & C.J. Norgaard Pedersen. *SPf,CIFICAIIONS: BallerW Micro is a low-profile, semi-recessed symrnetrical distribution downlight utilizing a low voltage ( I 29 bi-pin halogen lamp. The hand-blown opaline glass cylinder attaches to the recessed hous- ing with a bayonet latch. .3.coLoRS: white. *INSTALLAIION: Semi-recessed, provided with two heavy gauge steel vertically adjustable mounting brackets equally spaced at 180", The luminaire should be structurally supported independent of the ceiling suspension and installed befor€ the ceiling is finished. *ELECTRICAL: Provided with l20V Electonic Transformer or 277V Magnetic Transformer. Also available without transformer for installations using central transformers to power multiple fixtures. .3.LAMPS: Halogen - 20W50W l2V Bi-Pin. .:.LAMPHOLDER: Universal G4-GY6.35. *LABELS: cUL, Darnp Location. lerup Micro l4t,AL Page 1 of2 louis poulsen Poulsen Lighting, Inc. 326O Meridian Parkway Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33331 Phone: (954)349-2525 FAX: (954)349-2550 inq@louispoulsencom o 4.1', I II THROUGH WRE GALVANIZED STEEL JUNCNON BOX 8-CONDUCTORS IN & OUT SPUN ALUMINUM HOUSING TOP LA['PHOLDER: UNIVERSA BFPIN FOR G4 & GY6,35 CEILING LINE STEEL CEILING PTATE IN BAKED WH]TE ENAMEL FINISH MMIMUM LAMP: sOW 12V BI.PIN HALOGEN (BY OTHERS) EXTRUDED AUMINUM HOIJSING WITH HEAT DISSAPATING FINS AND FROSTED COPPER ANODIZED FINISH CLEAR TEMPEREO GI-ASS LAMP ENCLOSURE (REMOVABLE FOR RE-LAMPING) }|,AND BLOWN GTASS (REMOVABLE FOR RE-LAMPING} 12V MAGNETIC TRANSFORMER FOR 277V OPEMTION. ELECTRONIC TMNSFORMER FOR 12OV OPEMTION. ALSO AVAITABLE w/O TMNSFORMER FOR APPLICATIONS WTI}I CENTRAL INSTALLED TRANSFORMERS (2) 16 GAUGE GALVANIZED STEEL MOUNNNG CLIP INSULANON DETECTOR FOR 1 2OV, 277V OR LOW VOLTAGE 18 GAUGE GALVANIZED STEEL MOUNTING PAN UNIVERSAL lrioul.lTl NG BRACKET WITH SLOTS FOR C.CHANNEL E[,ff. AND FLAT BAR '1" MAX DIAt l'1 lr lqz-PHOTOMETRIC DATA Ballerup Micro - Halogen Page2 of2 Photomeffc Rcport BAL5IT,IES Report No.: LP2701 Poulsen Report No.: BAL5 l7.IES Luminaire: Ballerup Micro Ceiling, Opal hmp: I /20WiHalogen Efficiency:60.6% Description: All data shown are per 340 lumens. This report can be used for calculation on all versions listed below. Use only actual lumen data when calculatins. 0 5 l0 25 40 Jf 70 85 90 120 150 180 52 49 4l 39 IJ 29 22 l8 l6 4 0 0 t6.0 26.7 51.5 83.0 16.0 t7.o 17.0 17.0 100.0 0-30 040 0-60 0-90 90-120 90-130 90-150 90-180 0- 180 JJ )) 106 l7l J.' 35 35 JJ 206 9.74 16.2 31.2 50.3 9.7 10.3 r0.3 10.3 60.6 Coefiicients of Utillzrtion - Zonal Cavitv Method 57 57 57 46 44 42 39 36 33 34 30 27 30 26 23 27 23 l9 24 20 t7 22 t8 t5 20 16 13 18 14 t2 17 13 ll 52 52 52 42 4t 39 36 33 3l 3t 28 25 27 24 2l 24 2l t8 22 t9 16 20 t7 l4 18 15 12 l7 t4 ll 16 12 l0 Room Cavity Ratio 0 I J 5 6 7 8 9 l0 70 70 70 70 6t 57 54 5l 55 49 44 40 49 42 36 22 45 37 31 26 4t 33 27 22 38 29 23 t9 35 26 2t t7 32 24 t8 ls 30 22 t7 t3 28 20 t5 t2 67 67 67 67 58 55 52 49 52 47 42 38 47 40 35 3l 43 35 30 26 39 3t 26 22 36 28 23 19 33 25 20 16 3t 23 t8 l4 29 2t t6 13 62 62 62 50 48 45 43 39 36 37 33 29 32 28 24 29 24 21 26 2t t8 23 l9 t6 2l l7 t4 20 15 12 Effective Floor Caviw Reflectance 20% louis poulsen Poulsen Lighting, Inc. 3260 Meridian Parkway Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33331 Phone: (954)349-2525 FAX: (954)349-2550 inq@louispoulsen.com Number MeximumW BAL-MIC--WOTransf. Photomehdc BAL-MIC-523-Opal-WTransf. l/50W217VlHalogen 3.6 lbs. BAL523.IES GIMBAL RING ADJUS ARtV-4050 MR-I6 o TABTE pfb-ft 19 @ U F CATAIOG 'Ftl$SH HXTURE o. o.LAIIPS SOGIGI TVPE cEtulrc cut-ouT HOUSIIlG ARLV-'IOsO PolishedBrass ADJUSTABLE Halogen MR-16 12V, 35, 42, 50W White Black GIMBAL RING 3ln'21/2" DtA. ARLV.'TOOO ABLV-5OOO ARLV.TMO Bi-pin ALL TRIMS REOUIRE APPBOPBIATE HOUSING. FOR ACCESSORIES SEE PAGE 14. ARtV-4{E5 MB-T6 t..l APEnTUnt . r-r/2' i 3/8' T SOGI(ETTYPE cEtuilG CUT-OUT HOUSIIlG!AMPSOATATOG I FIXTURE REGRESSED GIMBA RING ARLV-4000@ ARLV.TOOO Bi-pin 2 1/2' DtA. Halogen,@ 12V. 35. 42. 50W 3ln- PolishedBrass AoJUSTABLE ALL TRIMS REOUINE APPROPRIATE HOUSING. FOR ACCESSOBIES SEE PAGE 14. 310.{73.{73t 2327 ttotRAL A',otur t0s AltEtlrs c^uf0RllA s0081 fAx 310.173.?g5s @1S87 A8X TIGfiIING. AtI. f,IGHTS 8ESEFVEO. PSOUOIY MADE I1'I USA, SPECITICATIONS ARE SUBJECI TO CHANGI WITHOUI NOTICC' {' ilr-14 lo arutr0xIrrSARtV.5OOO - REMODET / NEW COI{STRUCTION SYSTEM AELV-sOM' REMOOET SYSTEM 4' H. MtNt-HoUSING 2-3lr" DlA. CEltlNG CUT-Ottr PRODUCT FEATUBES . a" HIGH MlNl RECESSED HOUSING . EASY ACCESS TO JUNCTION 8Ox o ELECTR0NIC TRANSFORMER WITH OVERIOAD pRoTECTIoN tNSt0E JUNCTIoN B0X (ABLV-s000/Tl . THERMALLY & OVEFLOAO PBOTECTED . HALOGEN LAMP 1zvlsow MAXIMUM . DAMP IOCATION APPROVE0 o DIMMABLE o ADJUSTABLE BAR HANGERS FOR SUSPENDED CIETINGS TATEBI,At OUAI{ITW OttElrtStOllS ]TE]UI DESGBIPTIOlU ATUMINUM H=4" DtA. =2-3/4"ALUMINUM MINI-HOUSING STEEL l = 1-1/2" W = 5/8"INSTALLATION CLIP.OWC STEEL CIW ALUMINUM L=8" W = 1'1/2" BRACKET ALUMINUM L=5-1n" W =2" H='t-1/?"JUN TION BOX IJ.BOX} L=?' DtA. = 1/2' THERMO-PROTECTOR RP.1 B SNAP-lN CONNECTOR GF50ST (Not providedl ZINC DIE-CAST otA. = 1/2' €tEcIBOl{lC TRANSFORMIB, C1.2. 6WA 120/12. WOVEEI0AD P80T€CT|oN lNSloE J'80x lAnl-v'som/t oNtY)L = 1-3/8" W =2-3/4' H=1' AGGESSORY: CATALOG t ARPF-I PTASTEB FRAME AND STANDARD BAR HANGERS. DIMENSIONS: L=6" x W=5" x H=1". ARPF.I PLAST€R IRAME W/EAR HANGEFS DESCRIPTIOIIBATIlIG 5()wMAX. I.AMPS LOW VOTTAGE MINI.HOUSING WITH ELECTRONIC BUILT-IN INTEGRAL TBANSFOSMEB M8-ll, MR-l6 12V, 35, 42, 50W ARLV.SOM 50w MAX.MR-1 1, MB-16 12V, 35, 42. 50W LOW VOLTAGE MINI.HOUSING FOR USE WITH BEMOTE CLASS 2 TRANSFOBMEB CTEABANCE REOUIRED AEOVE THE CEILING FOR INSTALLATION = 6" HIGH. 310.{73,{738 232? fr0tnA[ A|,rIut r0s ANGfl.rs cAt-tf0Rt{la s0084 fAx 310.{73.795s @lsgTAnxUGHnNG.AL|'R|GHISREsEBvEo.PnoUDLYMAotINusA'sPtc|f|cAl|0NsAnEsUsJEclIoCHANGEw|lHouTNoT|cE SEE PAGE 2 FOR COMPAIIBLE TBIMS, U2 Square Step Star'" is another unique design concept in the Step Star family of fixtures. Square Step Star can be recessed into the side walls of steps, retaining walls or most other architectural elements. The advanced optical design allows for mounting heights well below usual visual glare angles. The Square Step Star face plate is avaihble in four polyester powder coat finishes or in three cast brass finishes. Cast aluminum back box, suitabls for concreta oour aoolications. il! & |lL usteo *,ith MR16 lamps to 50 watts. for use rim remote lransformers' see pages 92,94' and 97' Features . Tamper prool d€sign.. coppe. tee cast alumrnum tace plate with stainless steel hardware.. Lighting pattarn providos wid€ lateral distribution and long lorward throw. Available in Bross, see page 90. Rectanoular4 5/s' x 2 76" Cast Aliminum Box with Three r/2' NPS Tapped Holes. Two Plugs Provided. SIDE VIEW FRONT VIEW 70 see page 104. EI.K LI vz * (cutofi B) l-Gutoff B) 9:UeetqrI Ll se'A Cutoff Horizontal Footcandles tT147654 I rd 12' 14' lt' lJ 20' 8 0 2', u 4' d r E 10' 12', 1a 1! 18', 2(} 6 o 0 8' Mountlng Height Mounting Height 8' 10' lt 1a' lG' 18' 2u! 6 0' 2', a 6 ! 6' lo 12' 1a' 10' 1a' rc' 6 2 0 2' o 6 ) =, -1|il\lt {/:]t. 'T .r Mounting Height z', Mounting Height t' 10' lt la' 16 16' 20' I a' d 7 g a t' to 12' ta' ll' tl' zo E' 6 2 0 2 6 8' sltJ 'll,ri '_,:i fi*I -i* ttu $ts ir.' -\ffi d.. il", lB t: 7 l.r '.riii :*);rs$,,,1 ilt, "tt-t,j-i '+ .1)i.f.',#Ei$ 3' Mounting Height 3' Mounting Height Note: . All footcandle values are based on a 50W MR16 EXT lamD at 960 lumens. .For 42W MR16 EYR lamp nultiply values by .84..For 35W MB16 FRB lamp multiply values by .70..For20W MR16 ESX lamp multiply values by.4O. 104 B-K LIGI (^,+(^, m mf 0z v,mo{ oz T Fz at,mo{ oz i*ifl 3g h 7g FHiHili; [1,{?W o / I Questions? fne Pbnning Staff at 479-2138 APPLICATIOI{ FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL GENEM! INF€RMAIION This application is for-any project requiring Design Review approval. Any project requiring design review must receiVe Design Review approval prior to submitting for a building permit. For specific information, see the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. The application cannot be accepted until all the required information is submitted. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmenbl Commission. Design Review Board approval expires one year after final approval unless a building permit is issued and construction ls stafted. B. c. D, E. F. G. PHYSICAL ADDRESS: PARCEL #: ZONING: NAME OF O!{INER(S): owr{ER(s) STGNATURE(S) : NAME OFAPPUCAITIT: MAIUNGADDRESS: OF REVIEW AND FEE: Nery Construction - $200 Construction of a new building. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: I-OT: I BLOCK: Addition - Minor Alteration - (Contact Eagle Co. Assessors Office at 970-328-86,10 for parcel #) TYPE tr D D( H, $50 Includes any addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building. $20 Includes minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. DRB fees are to be paid at the time of submittal. Later, when applying for a building permit, please identiff the accurate valuation of the project. The Town of Vail will adjust the fee according to the project valuation. PLEASE SUBMTT THrS APPUCATTOI{, ALL SUBMTTTAL REQUTREMET{TS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, VAIL COTORADO 81657. t,{rrfi{ w\iu# BUILDING MATERIALS: Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows WindowTrim Doors Door Trim Hand or Ded Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting IJST OF PROPOSED MATERIALSo TYPE OF MATERIAL: NA COTQB: A/A NA f\rA Ur{ UF N/ft UA Un fun Lrov 9u * Please speciff the manufacturer=s @lor, number and attach a small color chip **All exteriorlightingmustmeettheToam=sLightingOrdinancel2-11-5J. Ifexteriorl(Thtingisproposed, please indicate the number of fixtures and locations on a separate lighting plan. Idenfiry each fixture type and provide the height above grade, lumens output, luminous area, and aftach a cut sheet of the lighting fixtures. all u^h'it'l"a ruil.tlnother wN fvn o PROPOSED LANDSCAPING Botanical Name: Common Name: Ouantity: SiZgI: PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS: DCSNNG TREES TO BE REMOVED: *Minimum requirements for landscaping: deciduous trces - 2 indl caliper coniferous trees - 6 feet in height shrubs - 5 gallons Tvpe:Square Footage: GROUND COVER soD SEED IRRIGATION TYPE OF EROSION CONTROL OTHER UNDSCAPE FEATURES (rebining walls, fences, swimming pools, etc.) Please specify. Indicate top and bottom elevations of retaining walls. Maximum height of walls within the front setback is 3 feet. Maximum height of walls elsewhere on the property is 6 feet. 2 UTILITY LOCATION VERIFICATION This form is to verify seruice availability and location for new construction and should be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan and scheduling installations. The location and availability of utilities, whether they be main trunk lines or proposed lines, must be approved and verified by the following utilities for the accompanying site plan, Authorized Siqnature U.S. West Communications 1-800-922-1987 468-6860 or 949-4530 Date Public Seruice Company 949-5781 (Gary Hall) Holy Cross Electric Assoc. 949-5892 (Ted Husky;John Boyd) T.C.L 949-5530 (Floyd Salzar) Eagle River Water & Sanitation District * 476-7480 (Fred Haslee) * Please bring a site plan, floor plan, and elevations when obtaining Upper Eagle Valley Water & Sanitation signatures. Fire flow needs must be addressed. NOTES: 1. If the utility verification form has signatures from each of the utility companies, and no comments are made directly on the form, the Town will presume that there are no problems and the development can proceed. 2. If a utility company has concerns with the proposed construction, the utility representative shall note directly on the utility verification form that there is a problem which needs to be resolved. The issue should then be detailed in an attached letter to the Town of Vail. However, please keep in mind that it is the responsibility of the utility company and the applicant to resolve identified problems. 3. These verifications do not relieve the contractor of the responsibility to obtain a Public Way Permit from the Department of Public Works at the Town of Vail. Utilitv locations must be obtained before digging in any public right-of-way or easement within the Town of Vail. A building oermit is not a Public Wav permit and must be obtained seoaratelv. il. il. N. PRE-APPUCATION CONFERENCE A pre-application conference with Town of Vail staff is required. No application can be accepted unless the mandatory pre-application meeting has been completed. It is the applicant=s responsibifity to schedule this meeting by calling 970-479-2128. TIME REQUIREMENTS The Design Review Board meets on the lst and 3d Wednesdays of each month. A complete application form and all accompanying material must be accepted by the Community Development Department a minimum of three and a half (3 1/2) week prior to the date of the DRB public hearing. REVIEW CRITERIA Your proposal will be reviewed for compliance with the Design Guidelines as set forth in Section 12- 11 of the Municipal Code. NOTE TO ALL APPUOANTS: A. If a property is located in a mapped hazard area (i.e. snow avalanche, rocKall, floodplain, debris flow, wetland, etc), a hazard study must be submitted and the owner must sign an affidavit recognizing the hazard report prior to the issuance of a building permit. Applicants are encouraged to dleck with the planning staff prior to submittal of a DRB application to determine the relationship of the propefi to all mapped hazards. B, Basic Plan Sheet Format. For all surveys, site plans, landscape plans and other site improvements plans, all of the following must be shown. 1. Plan sheet size must be 24"x 36". For large projects, larger plan size may be allowed.2. Scale. The minimum scale is 1"=20'. All plans must be at the same scale.3. Graphic bar scale.4. North arrow.5. Title bloclg project name, project address and legal descripUon.6. Indication of plan preparer, address and phone number.7. Dates of original plan preparation and all revision dates.8. Vicinity map or location map at a scale of 1"=1,000'or larger.9. Sheet labels and numbers.10. A border with a minimum left side margin of 1.5".11. Names ofall adjacent roadways.12. Plan legend. C. For new construction and additions, the applicant must stake and tape the pQect site to indicate property lines, proposed buildings and building comers. All trees to be removed must be taped. The applicant must ensure that staking done during the winter is not buried by snow. All site tapings and staking must be completed prior to tfie day of the DRB meeting. D. Applicants who fail to appear before the Design Review Board on their scheduled meeting date and who have not asked in advance that discussion on their item be postponed, will have their items removed from the DRB agenda until such time as the item has been republished. E. If the DRB approves the application with conditions or modifications, all conditions of approval must be resolved prlq to the issuance of a building permit. V.STAFF APPROVAL The Administrator may review and approve Design Review applications, approve with certain modifications, deny the application, or may refer the application to the Design Review Board for decision. All staff approvals are subject to final approval by the DRB. The following types of Design Review applications may be staff approved: A. Any application for an addition to an existing building that is consistent with the architectural design, materials and colors of the building, and approval has been received by an authorized member of a condominium association, if applicable; B. Any application to modify an existing building that does not significantly change the existing planes of the building and is generally consistent with the architectural design, materials and colors of the building, including, but not limited to exterior building finish materials (e.9. stonework, siding, roof materials, paint or stain,), exterior lighting, canopies or awnings, fences, antennas, satellite dishes, windows, skylights, siding, minor commercial facade improvements, and other similar modifications; C. Any application for site improvements or modifications including, but not limited to, driveway modifications, site grading, site walls, removal or modifications to existing landscaping, installation of accessory structures or recreational facilities. ADDMONAL REVIEW AND FEES A. If this application requires a separate review by any local, state or Federal agency other than the Town of Vail, the application fee shall be increased by $200.00. Examples of such review, may include, but are not limited to: Colorado Department of Highway Access Permits, Army Corps of Engineers 404, etc. B. The applicant shall be responsible for paying any publishing fees which are in excess of 50o/o of the application fee. If, at the applicant's request, any matter is postponed for hearing, causing the matter to be re-published, then the entire fee for such re-publication shall be paid by the applicant. C. Applications deemed by the Community Development Depaftment to have design, land use or other issues which may have a significant impact on the community may require review by consultants in addition to Town staff. Should a determination be made by the Town staff that an outside consultant is needed, the Community Development Depaftment may hire the consultant. The Department shall estimate the amount of money necessary to pay the consultant and this amount shall be forurarded to the Town by the applicant at the time of filing an application. Expenses incurred by the Town in excess of the amount forwarded by the application shall be paid to the Town by the applicant within 30 days of notification by the Town. Any excess funds will be returned to the applicant upon review completion. eE@o lo OO48 E EEAVER CREEK EIVD sutIE 207 B0I 5300 AVol,l, C0 Et020 970.949 5200 v|nd0vail.nel FAX 949,5205 o- = lx la =,(<H=zEa9ur?E-9oqJEO ;E?trA-oodSisd8=gd Ppf;t P=$- Hof(D6.ps-= o {oa l:i \;:;,li iiitiiliri;rii l,iili{,:;:;ii i;i:ig lrirlil ili:lli iil:1ii itl::iitit,'.F ,yt l_i :l: rii l,l r:l ii. ,t, iii ':'t/\ IFtl ll"-,.* +H q J.J x ?H:-x I'E eq ctn6JN(o\ot\i .r.,fl;", iri:ir!r;;r; Hii il lliffii 'i:,:jf,f-' liiii iiiiii iiiiii riiiii iiiiii w 3 N m I I I I s*b6/l ,i:iiiiililii ;Tl- lil iliiffii ;iiiiil#l Friiifr il lP N.i itii'tiii'ii'il ffillilr iiliiiliiili# I I I I I I I Wf*' iriifi N REMOVEABLE ZINC CAP TOP OF ZIIIC CAP PRE-PRILLED 6LASSBLOCK I^{ITH %REI^IED ON ZIN6 NUMBERS ROAD FA6E ONLY) h{tNp50R 6RFT STONE o\lEf 4'cl"\) DRI\EMY 6RATE ZIN6 FRA[.4E RAIL -1c.1 _, -{c,lc{ sl,It 207 80)( 5300 AV0|{ C0.8r620 970.949 5200 v|nd@Yailnet FA)( 949 5205 =,trgzEaItrr7l:= dnd-tr5 i-H3tdSird8=95 *efid2=$-606o frc-= ru/ARCHITECTS OO48 E BEAVER CREEK BLVD oo '-ffiffryZINC CAP I^IITTIPR.IP PORcELAIN frCKET FOR. 60n-Atq LAMP (h{tRE WCKET FOR I5OI^{ MA, NEOPRENE SPACrRICAULK ZIN6 FRAME ON TOP ANP 5IDEsTO HOLD OLASs BLOCKiWITOV PIECE TO 5LOW, AND FLASH MOIsTURE BARRIER AT MA5O}.IRY PAINT-LO6K MEIAL I^IRAPPED AROUNP 3/4'REAIED PLYIVOD I{INDSOR 6RFT SIONE OVER.4" 6MJ ZIN6 FLAsHIN6 I{ITH DR,IP sllIE 20i B0x 5300 AVor{, c0.81620 !70 949.5200 vmd@vail. n el FA)( 949 5205 EEEH J. I;I tEt' "\ t=-aTl l. 1'. .' ' 'j 'l[E l;,.... =,{<V=zEa9trt?T:E dN6-ra5;r?#a-oOdSicd8=gu Egtr+?=$-Hodo fr"; = TOP OF (NNCREIE/ -iiffi ru/ A RC H I T E C T S OO18 E BEAI/ER CREEI(II.VD fifl;#b'S.i- 6LASSBLOCK PORoELAIN fr'KET FOR 6OI^I-AIq LAMP (t^{tRE 9o6KET FoR t50f{ MAX) ZIN6 DR,IP BELOI^{ 5LOreD ANC FLA31IN6'IRAY (sHOl^[.] DOTTED) I.,1E6HANICALLY ATTA6H Zltl6 CAPi TYPIcAL AT FA,R. 60RNERS }i{INPSOR 6REY STONE SUITE 207 80x 5300 AV0r{, c0.81620 970 949.5200 vmd@vail.net tA)( 910.5205 E r'-16', =,H=zf}4n9s?I-on6-r(6 ?-t=tdSisd8=q6 Eefti?=s- H06(q fr, C-= OO4O E EEAVER CREEfi BLVD I'\98a3\CLARIFY\XREF\X-CL.l9.a u9s-a FE L-JFF2n (n lL) 49a) ,2.)it g1-,(,4." L-j ?k5;loi|o<8 L \t"-at*" oo I Al /2lllv' L It/ ---?rt \o'.7t' -.-{,'_: dfl +:: .i .1. "r'., " +.,,3;{ ; ic: t oo pnw, [rofu q,*w!,t 171 [ltrrt Kd I To*'n of Vell -spartnent of Communliy Oavelopmont 75 S. Frontage Road Vatl, CO 8i657 t ^/ Raceipt No '68 P oata 7t)Vt ,a Please make checks payable to the TOWN OF VAIL Account l{o-hsm t{o.Code #Cost Each Total 001 0000 314 1 1 10 Zoning and Address Maps ZA $s.00 001 0000 314 1112 Uniform Building Cod€ - 1997 - Volume 1&2 CB $50.95 001 00003141112 Unfo!ryt guilding Code - 1997 - Volume 3 $57.20 001 0000 314 1112 Intemational Plumbing Code - 1997 CB $3S.00 001 0000 314't112 Int€mational Mechanical Code - 1998 CB $35.00 001 00003141112 Uniform Mechanical Code -1997 s33.60 001 0000 314 1112 Unilorm Fire Code CB $36.00 001 0000 3141112 National Electrical Code CB $37.00 001 0000 3141112 {belement of Oangerou8 Bldg.'s 1997 $9.95 001 0000 311 11't2 Mbdel Energy Cod€ - 1995 $10.00 001 0000 314 1112 Alalysis ot Revisions b 1997 Uniform Codes s12.75 001 0000 3141112 Other Code Books tJEl 001 0000 314 12',11 Blue PrintsiMylar Copy Fees BF $7.00 001 0000 314 1111 Xerox C.opies XC $0.25 001 00003141111 Lionsi€ad Master Plan ($1.80/91.€0)MS $40.00 001 0000 3141111 Studi63, lllaster Plans, Etc.MS 001 0000 31s 3000 Penalty Fe€s/R+lnspoctionq PN 001 0000 31 1 2300 Plan leview Fle-check Fee (940/per hour)PF 001 0000 315 2000 Qffllours I nspetion Fees OH 001 0000 312 3000 Contracbrs Lic€nse Fe6s 001 0000 312 4000 Sign Application Fee SP $20.00 001 0000 312 4000 {d{itional Sign Application Fee SP 001 0000 311 2200 Design Reviqry Board Fee (Pr+.paid)DR 20.a> 001 0000 315 3000 Buildjng Invedtigation F€e PN 001 0000 240 3300 o€vEloper lmp{o/em.nt Agrssrnsnt Dep6it D2-oEplO AD 001 0000 3121000 R€staurant License fee (TOV)RL 001 0000 230 2000 Sp€c. Assess.-R€staurant Fe€ to Co.D@t.REv.SA '001 0000201 1000 Tax.bb @ {,5% (Stato) - Ter payebte TP '001 0000 310 1100 T€xabl€ @ q095 (fown) - Rsra Satei Tax T7 Other/Misc. -MS 001 0000 311 2500 PEC APPUCATION FEHI 001 0000 31 1 2500 Additional GRFA - '250"PV $200.00 001 0000 311 2500 Conditional Use P€rmit PV $200.00 001 0000 311 2500 Exterior Alarafion - LEss than j 00 sq. ft.PV $200.00 001 0000 31 1 2s00 Exterior Alt€ration - More than 100 sq. ft.PV $500.00 001 0000 311 2500 Special Oeqeloprnent District - NeW PV s1,s00.00 001 0000 311 2500 9pecial Dwelopmont District - Maior AmenO PV $1,000.00 001 0000 31 1 2500 $pecial Development Disuict - Minor Amend PV $200.00 001 0000 31 1 2500 Subdivision Fees PV 001 0000 311 2500 |Variance PV s250.00 | 001 0000311 2500 |zoninsbECAmdam;n6--PV $250.00 | I ReZoning PVT $200.00 001 0000 319 3100 Gle€nstrar Program Cther -MS TOTAL:r*) o,''t comments: //-,..-. - ^ t - / / ,/+Ft/"4rr'r+ /t Gash _ lloney order # _. check #Racelved by: -7-n -J/t/(- l -TF:iEveryona/Fmne8Crsad.axe 4e 0/99 o*rr, iro,#u*hih't""' ,'PffiFfijilF T H$r* e ffi:Thr flnfl- ofo(frffI IBIENED ra.s TIE: tf:37:21 , €s.m CETPT - ThTo'rrof \l{ ,sjJ)N?s1541 i /-./ a' t, TISI( YUJ F$ Y{ilR PRYEIT! ll ilI ll ll ilt I tI ll I ilII ADDRESS Polie Rccclnt NYmbcn ilen - V:/trt'- Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Yail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2I38 FAX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us July 28, 2000 Cheryl Mark Donaldson Architects P.O. Box 5300 Avon, CO Fax: 949-5205 RE: Herman Residence, located at 343 Beaver Dam Road/Lot 1, Block 3, Vail Village 3'o Filing Dear Chris, The Community Development Department has reviewed your address pier proposal for the Herman Residence, located at 343 Beaver Dam Road/Lot 1, Block 3, Vail Village 36 Filing. The following comments must be addressed prior to approval: 1. A revocable righl-of-way permit must be submined to the Town of Vail, along with $6 for recording with the County. 2. The western pier must be 10 ft. off the edge of pavement. 3. Please provide lighting information for the piers. The requirement is listed below: Source lumens < 125. luminous area Sincgyely, .,_-\// // nlk/9-(Az-'-Allison C. Ochs Planner I Town of Vail {g *"n"uornro ' Jurf-07-00 07:45rn Fru-VtCT0l ttAR?0sdt Monroe & Newell EnFinecn, lnc' Junc 1,2000 Victor Mark Donaldson Architccts, P-C. PO Box 5300 Avon, CO 81620 Attn: Ms. Cheryl Dornak Rc: Herman Residcoce, Vail, Colorado (M&N#4376) DoarMs. Domak: Tbo stnrctural construction on the abovc rcsidcnce romodel was observed by Momoe & Nowell Engineers, Inc. on a pcriodic basis while the work was in progrcss' It is our opinion, based on our limited visual obsewations during the work progress aod our last obsorvation of May 31, 2000 that the structural portions of thc rcsidcnce is constructed substmtially in conrpliancc with the intcat of the coustruotion docnmctrts prcpared by OUr office. To tfue best ofour knowledgc, any dcficicncics found during oru prwious obsentations have bccn corrected' If you have any questions or comments, plcase call' Very truly yours, 070efi5205 t "r" ?.oz/o? F-r65 vpmurH(DClrosot trcKTHttl.Ro. JUN 6 9000 EBEIUE D 70 Benchmr(k Road r Sr,ritc 204 (970) 949'7768 . FA]( (970) r P.O. Box 1597 . AYon, Colorado 8162o 949-1054 . eme.il! mncngrs@vlil 'net rr Design Review Action Form TOWN OFVAIL Project Name: Herman Residence Project Description: Change to driveway Owner, Address, and Phone: Michaeland Karen Eennan 6201 Werd Parliwav KC,MO tr6-363-2509 ArchitecVContact, Address, and Phone: Mark Donaldson Architects PO Box53l[ Avon, CO 949-5200 hoject Street Address: 343 BeaverDam LegalDescription: Lot 1, Block 3, VailVillage 3d Parcel Number: 210107112013 Comments: BuildingName: Motionby: Seconded by: Vote: Conditions: Town Planner: Allison Ochs Date: 7128199 Board/Staff Action Action: DRB Fee Paid: StaffApproved Project Name: Heman Residence VAILDATA\EVERYONE\DRB\APPROVALS\lDRBAPPR 6-44-1999 1O:BIAM The cached dfrrgfrn rcprescnts tro msnnct in whicb our contactor wisbcs to tempor'arily divert, re-locat€ and probt the sEeas bcd during extcrior con$truction. Pleasc notc tlrc following in re}uion to this wort: l. Attached sonespondqrce from US Army Corps of Engineen indicates approval to provide tqnporary coo$ructioo divcrsiof culven as indicated on attached diagom. 2. This is a tcmpmry diversion culvcrt that will bc rsmovcd uposr the aomple$on of the e.)d€rior work - at tho FROt'lOo P.2 lox 5300 Av 0a. C0 81520 . 970.9{915200 vnrd€voil.net MEMO F^x.9t9.5205 To: Ailism Ochs - Planoer. Town of Vdl PtrJccft Hemran !'rtdty Residence - veil, Colorado hoictNo: 9fr13 Fruo: Ctrictophc' J. crccn, AI Drtc: June4, 1999 , Rcf: Temponry Stream Bed Re-location iscretion of lbe General Contactor and this olfrcc. The extcrior wort will generally con$ist of: Iffi \U Constuction ofnew footings urd foundations; Rsnoval and rcph&ment of p:rtcrior siding; New constnrctioni I Rcpair and recansruction of streambed as notcd a! previouslj submitted site plans. is work is to bc donc undcr thc scope ofthe building permit. I would rcquest wrtrcn epproval of tt'is scope of work submitted herein for our filcs. {E E ET^Y€i CRECT ILYD SutrE 207 ^RCIIIIECTS Than\ you for your timc and attsntion. itn l*t"t, 1 I.:-", Tcrnporay Stream {rcation diagntn - flaD9 Ernail Conespondeoce from US Army Corps of Enginocn to Montanc Environmcntal Fn.6,l991 Cc:M. Herman JL Viele Con Montano Eovimnmental Solutions, LTD Lad Designs by Ellison I I I i F|E. I otl 6-44-1999 16.-@.Ntl l,B lbitit llrn lttd Thrnl$ l{i col. lbrta$e SolutLors lltd r|ry-25-ee (}z:ocP NiOarI'I )t e?oQarsB FROM P-3 P -92 Subiccc RE: f,cryraDrrr Rold tirtc lVs{ 26 MaY t999 12:55'41 -0700 rlili'curtry, rrile $rx" <MClr$cy@t.urrpe'urnv oil> To:'Nicoh Riplcy' <notirn@ctive com Nlcol*, Since tbit vas beadrotelr an't thc ltrPrctt l'rr fess thrn ""i frr". to oottty u$ uidet a Pcll. If tll€y deht to Puf, Ogring coDslEuctlolr tlt*y Gan lo .bcld' {he cletrcY ' ----Oriitlnlt t'l.f rtEG---- rror j rrriolr BtttJ,ay t ti.;rj!'-:,-*"1 l'g!!!*t'' tt*l 3eF!: .r.dt.sdey, llry 26' l99t lo:12 ,llf fq'! tttrl CIEtfaY sriDlcct: Eervci DrtB !o.:d 8cIIo, 0.33 ac!. Llrcy do it i(r e culrrsr L rr *fl I our clicnts nlw ddefoed !q retllo th" ortgir.l ri.re€t bcd' buE t-o civert ;-;il=;;6i it *ri.r pest ubti'spo soq,i ln an uPl.nd rrea' a'd ltrcrctgle rvolorDg lu|3 pre GolrBttrciion notiflsltion' lloicver' to "Onpt ctc ltrcrt noik on Lhe n6urc er!e1&i on they rlead to tc,grporlri I y tc: Tbc snrll st reqrr divcrgiou at Lrlvat Dlm 8ord, vSil' Oi"iit th" preet flor th rough I Gulv*tt. H'hcu arc the peau r' rsqul rcEotrF (or tniE rsl,ivi tt'? | BEST . i?lL"'i. ldl Ji6rrtT.JtPlt 6-44-1999 l@tO2ANi ' ,o-o P.L $$ A s-L . -i€- ; $$ t €ti$ \. 1 o tfrs {j $-t s.s lbz, -t- L. _ - - - - I I .l $ FI I j$dI I I I F ! $ fid q s =z d I rolssl I I- Fl -Tl .91 I: a -iRR cTui=sl. g:t or >ol iE i6 El! or F .J F E c, $ *ts5 A K $ \ il s_26_1999 1o=29$,tt /I-. ,,. - tt oo ll P-I OO{8 E EE^v€ R CRE€ ( EtvD surrE 207 B0x 5500 Avox , C0 t1620 970.949.5200 vmd@voil.net FAx.9q9.5205 LETTER OFTRANSMITTAL draxWEARE SENDING YOU VIA N DELTVEREDBY Anonvounuss O REVISEAI{DSUBI\IIT O FURNISHASCORRECTED COPIES AS REQUESTET) RBIBCTEI) FOR REVIEW AND COMMENT II ATTACHED L] PICKUPORDELIVERY THE SOLI.OWING ITEMS: tr PRODUCT INFORMAIION E CHANGEORDER.tr SHOPDRAWINGS O SPTCIFICIITTOhIS O PRINT.S O COPYOFLETTER 1' frraa TTIESE ARE TRANSMITTED AS CHECKED BELOW: If FORYOI'RAPPROVAL tr REVIBWEDBYVMDA LI o tr tr PRINTS RETURNED AFTER I.OAN TO US REMARKS #COPIES DATE DESCIIPTION I 8'1/b,qtl NOthtwrq tuao fuibf -tu: htAefrn @ coPrro STGNED rlas A(et. 5-2ti-1999 lEl:29AM FROMoo P.2 OO48 E E€AvER CIreT ELvD 5u t rE 207 Box 5100 Avor, C0 81620 970.949.5200 vmd@voil.net Frx.949.5205 Oj ARCIIITECTNS RECORD REPORT vnons.r. la,'n^4 we ,oB #ab?,q. D MEMQTOFILE L] MEETING MINUTES{relenHoNe coNvERsA'oN 'DAIE €r'fue,qq PARTICIPANTSI ST.JBJECT: aa@L' m,rc.ll"loP / INFORMATION REQUIRED: RSPoRTB}1 a4e+0 aoe-l This Arcbitcct't Rs,ord Rcpon mscots dp rccordcr'r rccollectiou of cvcots disco$ed, d€cisions rcichcd, iremA !o vcrify, rr infrrmrtioo ru;uirul lf your rlcou!{rioo i3 otirf uo noLd oDovg plarc rdviw inrnCi*ly upoa nneipc pr6E I "t J flt1t FL Oa oo llrt Ql, t' 1"'an MAv 0l' lcqqF{ | l,{t v !, lvvr, %;lt-sou ffip N4ONTANE ({'" ENVIRONN/IENTAL SOLUTIOINS. Ltd. Ms. Alison Ochs Tov"n of Vail Community Development 111 S. Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 April 21, 1999 SUBJECT: 343 BEA\,ER D,{NI ROAD. \',arll. COLORADO Dear Alison; At the request of Mark Donaldson Architects (Client), Montane Environmental Solutions, Ltd. (Montane) conducted a site visit to 343 Beaver Dam Road (Site), on March 29,1999 to assess potential wedand issues associated with a proposed re-alignment of a small drainage. According to the Client and as shown in a drawing dated April 5, 1999, a branch of the drainage will be diverted so that a small creek and pond are created which will flow by a new E)a room. In addition, a fork in the drainage will be removed, so that only one drainage exits into the fishing pond. Based on Montane's site visit, there are no jurisdictional wetlands, those over which the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) has jurisdiction, adjacent to the small drainage. However, the drainage itself remains classified as a, "\(/ater o[ the U.S.", in which any activiq' is still regulated under Section 404 of the Clean \fater Act, administered by the Corps. . The proposed design described above would be authorized under a Corps' Nationwide Permit 26, Headwaters and Isolated \Taters Discharges. This Nationwide Permit generally covers activities in small drainages having 5 cfs or les., provided certain limitations are met, (see anached). The primary criteria for coverage under this permit include no loss of a'Water of the U.S, greater than 3 acres or a distance of greater than 500 linear feet. This permit also requires that a Pre.Construction Notification (PCN) be submitted to the Corps when impacts will be greater than 1/3 acre or when there will be any impacts to jurisdictional wetlands. Based on our understanding of this project and our sit€ visit, there are no jurisdictional wetlands, and impacts to the streambed will be less than l/3 acre, and less than 500 linear feet. Therefore, no PCN is required. P.O. Box 36ll . V,tr-, f1'1irqnp1r 81658 . Pr rt'rr..rr, / Fu (970) 328-6158 . Pttr.rxt / Fnx (970) 468-0450 /l yile Cfafiw, has ilso been appiaised, of the proprosed activities. ff _vo3 . have anliqtiestionl.flease feel free to. contact me a( (9?0) 3?36L58.tl es. ffvo3 , , Miko Claffey, US Army Corps <if Engirleers', I' . Sincerelii, Nrtlastb hilits rd Cdim _ t996 cFR 330.1 Finrlo (e)) ( o Sections oo http://retLd.urrm.mi/NfVpoly- l996.htn l0 and 404) 22' Rernoval of Vessels' Tgmporary structures or minor discharges of dredged or fill materialr€quired for the rsmorral of wrecked, abandoned, or disabled u#rdr, or the removal ofrun made obsrructions to navigation. This NWp does not -tho,i*;;;;;;;Fr;*r,listed or deternrined eligible for-listing on the National Regica of Historic places unless thcDistrictEngirc€r is notified ard indiiates that there ir corfrri-c" *ittr tt " "HistoricProperlies" garcral condition. This IIWP does not authorire rnaintenance dredgirts, slroalranoval' or river bonk yqeryq, Vessel disposal in waters of the Unired st"to-r.l i*J"pennit from EPA (sce 40 CFR 229.3) (Sections l0 and ,104) 23. ApproTq Categonical Exclusions. Activities undertaken, assiste4 authorized,tplde4 funds4 orfinanced, inwholeorinparl byanotherFederal agsncyordepartrn€otwbcre that agcncy or depertment us aeterniriea; puizuant to the-aondil on nnvironnrcntatgu+ty ncgulstion for Inplemarting the Proccdural Provisions of the National Environmcmal Polioy Act (40 CFR Fan 1500 et seq.), that the ""tilt, worlq or disclrarge iscatqgoricely cxchrdcd from environmental documentarion because it is indr;od within a-c8t€gory of actions which neith€r individually nor cumuluively have a significant .tr"gt ;n the lusnn eryironnrent, and the Officc of the Chief ofEngidrs (ATTI{: CECW€R) hEsbecn fimishsd notice ofthc agenc!/s or department', appli"rtion for tbe catqgoricrl exclusiolt and concurs with thal dacnnination. nior to qpproval for purposcs of this t\i$tpo{Pv lgFoqys cocgorical enctusioe the Chicf ofEngin;rs win soiiAt pUfi"*nil*t'. ro8d&lcritfg thesc cornmcnts, the Chi€f ofEngineers mal requirc ccrtain conditions for authorizrfirm of en agcncl/s catqgoricat orclirsions undb this lt$p. (Sections l0 aod ,,t(X) 24. stde Adninistercd section 404 hogram. Anyactivitypcrmitteo byasrrre administering its own Section,t04 p€nnit program pursuant to 33 u.s.c.-13n{gXt) ispgqittd purxltrrt to Soction l0 of the Rivers and ttrubors Act of 1t99. Those acrivities which do not invohre a Section 4(X *ate pernrit ane not inchded in tbis NUVp, bur ccrtsin sructures will be cxcmped by Soction 154 of Public law 94587,90 Star. ZglT (33 U.S.C. 5el) (s€e 33 CTR 322.3(a){21). (Secrion l0) 25- Sructural Dscharges. Dischargcs ofmatcrial such as concrcte, san4 roclq ac. into tighly $slcd forms or cdls where th m*erial will be usod as I structurd menrber for ryF"td pileetpported structures, urch as bridgeq transmission line footing& and walkways or for gorenl mvigation, such as mooring celli including the orcavation oibottom -tcniafrom within thc form prior to the discharge of concretg ind, roch etc. This NWp does not Eutholize flld struchtrsl merilcrs that would support buildings, hornee, parking areaslstol8p areas and otlu such structurcs. Housepads or otlm building pads are also not includ€d in this I.IWP. The structure itself rnay -require a Section lo p;rndt if located in navigrble waters ofthe United Srdcs. (Section 4O4) 26. Oil*ryf Discharges of drodgcd or fill m*eriet into hcadwatcrs and isolated \vateru provided that the actMty mects an of tnc following critcria: a' Thc disctrarge does not cause the loss of rnore than 3 acres of waters of the United States nor cause the loss of watcrs ofthe Unitcd Statcs for a distarrce greater tban 50O 8ofat,9/41|lt 4:17 W Narilwidc Banitr d Corditim - 1996 Find IA. _t,OO hnp://wctlandurecemil/NWP'olv-l9e6.hm linear feet ofthe stream bed: b. For discharges causing the loss ofgreater than l/3 acre ofwaters ofthe United States, the permittee notifies the District Engineer in accordance with the "Notificalion" ganeral condition, c. For &&g:r cdqt a brl of lR ss or hsr of nacn ef&a.Lnd tlG fft@r rnlr effi errport willin 30 dryr of mglcirn of 6G nnit, oodili|gfuiftcknficdbddv; d. For discharges in special aquatic siteg including wetlands, the notification must also include a delineation of affect€d special aquatiCsitq incMing wetlands (Also see 33 CFR 330.1(e)); and e. The dischargg including all atterdant featureg both temporary and permanent, is pa,rt of a singh and complae project. Note, this l.IWp will o,plre on eeiW*,,n For the purposes of this NWP, the acreage of loss of waters of the United States inctudes the filled area plus waters of the united states ont are adversery atr€cted by flooding excavation or drainage as a rosult of the projcct. Thc 3 acrc and l/3 astelimits ollWp ZO are absolutg and cannot be incrcasod by any rnitigation plm offcred by the applicrnt or rcquircd by the Dstrict Engineer. Whenever any other NWP is us€d in conju-nction with this NWP, the total acreage of impacts to waters of the Unitcd Stues of all NWPs combined can not exceed 3 acres. .$dd8ricet rs.' For any real estate zuMivision created or suMivided after October 5, l9&{, a notification pur$Ent to sbsection (b) ofthis NWp is required for any discbargc which would cause the aggregale total loss of waters of the United Sates for the entire srbdivision to sceed l/3 acre. Any discharge in any real estate subdivision which would causc the aggr€de tottl loss of waters of the United States in the srMivision to cxceed 3 asres is not athorizcd byrhis NWP; unlecs,the District Engineer o(empts a partiortu subdivision or parcel by making E writlen daemrination that: (l) the Mividust and curnrlative adverse environmental c,fiects would be minimal and the propcrty owner ha4 after october s, lgE/, but prior to Fcbruary ll,197, committed substantial rernwoes in rdiarpe on NWP 26 with regard to a srbdivisiorq in circumstances wh€re it world be inoquitable to frugrare the prop€rty owner s invcstment-backed orpectations, or (2) that the individual and curnrluive adverse cnvironmentd efrects would bamininr4 high quality wetlands would not be advsscly otrGctcq urd there would be an overall bcn€nt to ihe aquatic environment. Once rhe exemption is establisM for a srbdivisioq srbsequent lot developrnent $, individual property ovmqsmry proceed using NWp 26.For purposes of NWp 26, thct€m "rcrl estate zuMivision" shall be incrpreed to include circumstanccs wherc a landovmer or dweloper dividcs a tract of lard irno snallcr parcds for the purpose of sdli4; corweying, tr-rrrting; lcasing or dwdoping said parcels. This would include the erttire arca ora residential corunercial or other real estEte srbdivision, including all prcds and parts th€roof tse rtrr:l crrig fu brr of tR re a hr dslcn of tb Ind hrotPqil- nrr rffi r cport wirhh 3O dryr of oo@rrion of b rndq ffiiliB rHffirbnrrinr a. Name' addrcss, rnd telephone nunrber of the pernrittee; b. Location of the work; c. Deecripion ofthe work; and, d. Type and acreage (or square feet) of the loss ofwaters of the United Stues (e.g., l/10 9 oI2:2 9/4/984:17 PM Nlinni& Pormitr ad Ccditios' 1996 | .' Scre of toof2i2 5o square reet of a stream.),rlu"!h, nflP:i /Yvctllfl.u:Eoc.ltrtu l! w r{||rj,- r '7w'r]lrlrrFillrOj of marsh and 22. Wetland and Riparian Restoration and Creation Activities. Activities in waters of tlre United Ststes associared with the restoration of former non-tidal wctlands and riparian areas, the of degndod wetlands snd tipatiuo areas, and.creation of wetlands ;fipri- areas; (i) on *nlF"d*d public lands and privatclandg in accordance with the tenns and coditions of a binding wetiand restoration or creation agreement between the lardovnrer and the U.S. fisn anJWilafife Service or the Natural Resources Consen'"ation Scrvice (NRCS) or voluntary wetland restoration, enhancanent, and creation ac{ions oocuneitcd by rlr NRcs purqrant to NRCS regulations; or_(ii) on any {toqa hnd; or (iii) on reclsimed ;nfac" cod ;ined lands, in accordance with a Surfacc Minhg Control and Reclamrtion Act pcrnit issred by thc Officc of Surface lvfining or the rpplicablc-state - agency. (thc firnrre rwersion dorcs not apply to wetlurds cTeated' restor€d or €nhanoed 8s ti'itigirton forthe niniag impacts, nor niurAly due to lrydrologic ortologrtphic fcaturee noriot a mitigEioo Urnl.l or (iv) on any public or private_land, provided the perrninee notifig t113 Olstict Engi;er in accordatr; with the oNotification'g€nerat condition. Such astivitica inchdc, but are not limited to: installation and rnaintenance of small water corarol $tructurcs, dik6, and bernrs; bacldlling of existing drainagc ditchcs; rcmoval of oristittg drainage *rucuncr; aonstruction of smdt rrcsting islands; plowing or discing for seed H prepaitioo; ad other retated activitie$. This NWP applies torestoration projects that serve - itre'pqrposeotrectoring "naturat" wetland hydrologgy, vegaation, and function to altered and d€dad;d non-tidel wetlands and "natunl" funcrions of riparian areas. This NWP does not arrltrorizc ttrc coorersion of nanrral wetlands to another aquatic use, such ss cr€ation of waterfowl imporndments where a forested wetlrnd previously odsted. RcvqitnFor restorrtioq €nbancemmt and creation projecis conductcd under paragragbs (iD end (iv), this NWP does not authorize any future disc.barge of dredged or fill rnaterid assochted with the rcversion ofthc arca to its prior cordition. In zuch crses a s€Parrte pcnnit at thf time would be required for any reversion. For rcstoratior\ enhancemcnt and creation projccts condrcted under prragrEghs (t) and (iii), this hIWP also authorizes any firturc dibhirge of dredged or fill material-associated with th€ rwersion of thc area to its documcntcd prior condition and use (i.e., prior to the restoration, enhancemcnt, or qeation activities) *iinn fr"e p"t aftcr expiration of a limited t€rm wctland restoration or creation agf€cm3xtr or pernit, -erren if th€ disclrarge occurs afrer this NWP eqires. The five year t&erslon limii docs not appb to agrecments wirhout time limits reached under paragnph (i). Thc priorcondition wru Ue OocunrenteO in ttr original ryqet or p€nnit' urd the daeinnindion ofrcturn to prior condhions will bc made by the Fedcral asqcy stae agency acorting the agre6rent or pernrit. Prior to Eny rev€mion activity the permittee or the ippr6prirue feOerat oi stue ag€ncy must notify thc District E?giryer uf inc_tuf tfrc Oocpmdi*ibn ofthe prior cordition Once an area has rsv€rted bac* to its prior physical cordition, it will be snbject to whatever thc Corps regulatory requirem€nts will be at that future date. (Soctions l0 and 404) 28. Modifications of Existing Marinas. Reconfiguration ofcxisting dockiqg facilities within rn unhorized marim.rr". fio dredfnng additional slips or dock spaces, or orpansion of uly kind within watcrs of the Unitod Statcc is arrthorizcd by this lIlVP. (Soction lo) Zgf, Sbgfu-fad[y Housing. Dischrges of Nged or fill matcrid into non-tidal waters ofthe 9/4t9t4:17 PM FILE f;r/Pr TOWN OF VAIL Departmen of Communiry Development 75 South Fronuge Road lhil, Colorado 81657 970479-2138 FAX 97G479-2452 1. April4, 1999 Chris Green Mark Donaldson Architects P.O. Box 5300 Avon, CO RE: 343 Beaver DamRoad/Lot I, Block 3, Vail Village 3'd Filing Dear Chris, The Comnnrnity Developnrent Department has reviewed your recent submittal for the Hennan Residence, located at 343 Beaver Dam Road/Lot l, Block 3, Vail Village 3d tr'iling. The following revisions and comments will need to be addressed. Please include all eave and ridge line elevations on the site plan so that staff can determine building height. Maximum height for a flat roof is 30 ft. Height is measured to existing or finished elevation, whichever is morc restrictive. Staff has done some calculations based on the infonnation provided and found that the building is over 30 ft. in the area ofnew construction on the east side ofthe residence. This must be resolved prior tofnal Design Review Board approval. When applying for Building Permit, the following iterns will need to be included: o Erosion control plan. . Civil engineered report on proper sizing and construction of the rerouted stream . Approval fromthe Army Corps of Engineers 3. Please provide a 4' concrete pan on the edge of the driveway and Beaver Dam Rd. Any questions regarding this should be directed to Leonard Sandoval at 479-2198. {g"t'*o' *' TOWI,I OFVAI Deparntent of Communiry Development 75 SouthFronage Road YaiL Colorado 81657 97A479-2138 FAX 970479-2452 March 9, 1999 Mark Donaldson Alchitects P.O. Box 5300 Avon, CO RE: 343 Beaver DamRoad/Lot l, Block 3, Vail Villagb 3d Fiting The Community Development Department has reviewed the preliminary plans for the Herman Residence, located at 343 Beavcr Dam Road/Lot l, Block 3, Vail Viltage 3'o Filing. The following revisions and comments will need to be addressed prior to final Design Review Board approval: l. 2. Please provide a stan{,ed survey and title report, including schedules A and B. Please provide a site plan showing easements, elevations, required setbacks, contour lines, landscaping. utilities, etc. Also include all ride and eave line heights ofthe roof. Due to fire department standards, the house will need to have a fire sprinkler systerrl unless I receive notice from tbe fire department tbat it will not be needed, Please contact Mike McGee at 479-2135 with any questions regarding thcir requirements. Please provide an Erosion Control Plan when applying for Building Permit. Please delineate a limit of disturbance on the site plan, and designate this in the field with a construction fence. Please provide a civil-engineered repoft on proper sizing and construction of the rerouted stream. 3. 4. 5. 6. ffgu*r ro Because the proposal is re-routing the stream. the fumy Corps of Engineers will need to be notified. Approval from the Army Corps of Engineers will. need to be received prior to issuance of the building permit. The usual ptocedure for this process is to hire an environmental consultant to delineate any wetland areas, then submit their report to the Army Corps of Engineers. Please contact Mike Claffey at 970-243-1199 with any questions regarding wetland permitting. Please provide a 4 foot concrete pan on the driveway. The building elevations provided do not indicate the rnechanical room or the spa room- Please revise accordingly. The floor plans indicate differing sizes ofthe garage. Please revise accordingly. Please provide a detailed landscape plan, noting existing trees, Uees to be removed, and proposed landscaping, and all proposed grading. Please provide an exterior lighting plan. A maximum of one light per 1000 sq. ft. of lot area is permitted. Please provide all building elevations. For the final Design Review Board meeting, please indicate in the field which trees are to be removed. Also, for this final review, please bring a color board or color renderings of materials to be used. Wbile it is not the department's position to enforce private covenants, the department is aware of restrictions placed on the Herman Residence regarding a private view corridor. Please be aware that the Department of Community Development has been contacted in this regard and would like to encourage agreement amongst the two parties. The Hernan Residence has been reviewed according to the information provided and Primary/Secondary Zoning. The analysis provides: 9. 10. I l. 12. 13. 14. 15. Lot Size: Buildable Area: Standard Allowed Proposed Remaining 23,440 sq. ft. GRFA Garage Site Coverage 5,444 sq. ft. 600 sq. ft. 5,163 sq. ft. 528 sq. ft. 281 sq. ft. 72 sq. ft. 4,688 sq. ft. (20%) (will be determined from site plan) The Herman Residence has been scheduled for the Design Review Board meeting on April 7, 1999. All of the above commeufs and revisions will need to be addressed and submined to me no later than noon on Wednesday, March 17, 1999. . Shoutd you have any questions, please do not hesitate to coutart E at 479-2369. 'ffft;il tilL Allison C. Ochs Planner I Town of Vail Design Review Action Forrn TOWN OF VAIL Project Name: Herman Residence Project Description: Remodel and addition Owner, Address, and Phone: Michael and Karen Herman 6201Ward Parkwav KC, MO 8r6-363-2509 Architect/Contact, Address, and Phone: Mark Donaldson Architects PO Box 5300 Avon, CO 949-5200 Project Street Address: 343 BeaverDam Legal Description: Lot l, Block 3, Vail Village 3d Parcel Number: 2l0l07ll20l3 Building Name: Comments: Addition and remodel - 723 sq. ft. of GRFA remaining Board/Staff Action Motion by: Bill Pierce Action: Approved with mnditions Seconded by: Hans Woldrich Vote: 4-0 Conditions: l. That any trees removed must be replaced. 2. Provide 4' concrete plan 3. That a landscape plan and lighting plan be submitted for saff approval. 4. Army Corps of Engineers Permit submitted at building permit Town Planner: Allison Ochs Date: April7, 1999 DRB Fee Paid: $50 Project Name: Herman Residence VAILDATA\EVERYONE\DRB\APPROVALS\ 1 DRBAPPR F\ at e ReCeiV e6""ion'zQuri thc l'ii':'r:i'g stai r at -l l'v-- I I 8 ^*i"iui+tbfr ls3il DESTGN REVTE* AppRovAL frrqt-6Dffi CENERAL INFORMATION This application is for any projcct rcquiring Dcsign Rcvicrv approval. Any project rcquiring dcsigrr review must rcccivc Design Rwiew approval prior to submitting for a building pcrmit. For specific information, see the subrnittal rcquircmcnts for thc particular approval that i.s rcquested. Thc application cannot be acceptcd until all thc requircd infbrmation is submittcd. Thc projcct may also nccd to bc rcvicwcd by thc Town Council and/or thc Planning and Environurental Comnrission. Dcsign Rcview Board approval cxpircs onc ycar after final approval unlcss a building pcrmit is issued and construction is started. DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST: PFrySICAL ADDRESS: Lto.lo1.PARCEL #: ZONING: O\YNER(S) SIGNATURE(S): NAME oF APPL\CANT: l4htb fu.lln Vd AAouhM*e PHONE:'472o Construction of a new building. Includes any addition whcre square footagc is added to any rcsidcntial or comrncrcial buildinc. pfrlioo. Alteration -$20 lncludes minor changes to buildings and site improvements' zuch as' rcmofing, painting, window additions. landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. DRB fces are to be paid at the time of submittal. Latcr. whcn applying for a building pennit. please identiff thc accuratc valuation of thc project. The Town ofVail will adjust the fce according to the project valuation. PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPLICATION, ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT,75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, vAIL, COLORADO 81657. TOWN OTVAIL B. c. r'\ E. LOCATIONOFPROPOSAL: LOT: I BLOCK: 3 NAME oF OWNER(s): t4lc+$eu 4 vm* ilg++p*l i MAILINCADDRESS: U?NT' WKI+I ftTIISTiT*T Yfu/l}t- C.,W1 / l.lD PHoNE:OUo, go3'H1 F. G. H- TYPE OF REVIEW AND FEE: . tr Ncw Construction - $200 tX Addition - $so . V/hL (Contact Eaglc Co. Assessors Officc at 9'10-328-8640 for parcel #)ll?..otg MAILING ADDRESS: o siJtLnrNc vetenleLs' Roof Siding Othcr Wall Matcrials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trinr Doors Door 'I'rinr lland or Dcck Rails LIST OF PROPOSED MATERIALS TYPE OF MATERIAL: lx4 *oewt m,ou / tt^' Y,t+*,* r.t/e t. + PIease specify the nranufacturer's color, number and attach a srnall color chip +* All cxtcrior lighting nrust nreet the Town's Lighting Ordinance 18.54.050(J). Ifexterior lighting is proposed, plcasc indicate thc nunrbcr offixturcs and locations on a sqrarate lighting plan. Identi$ cach fixire type and provide thc height above grade, lumens outp'ut. luninous arca. and attach a cut sheet ofthe lighting fixhues. COLOR:r t#rCpthttla, ilff.nrr'trq+ m1N.Y,lao \ila00 \^lw Flucs Flashings ununncys Trash Encldsurc.s Grccnhouscs Rctaining Walls Exterior Lighting** Other Man1L 4w NE{}|.. zrr^E Updatcd 6197 o o W Botanical Nanrc Conrnron Namc Ouantity Sizc+ PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS: EXISTINC TREES TO gs ReMoVpo, *Mininttrnr rcquircnrcnts for lanrtscaping: dcciduous trccs - 2 inch calipcr " conifcrous trccs - 6 fcct in hcightshnrbs - 5 gallons Tlnpc Squarc Footagc GROUND COVER SOD SEED IRRICATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL 0THER LANDSCAPE FEATURES{retaining walls,'fences, swirnming pools, etc.) please speciry. Indicate top andbottom clevations of retaining walls. Maximum height of walls rvithin the front setback is 3 deet. i,laximum hjght ofwalls elscwhcrc on the property is 6 fect. Upducd 5/97 4. 5. Please provide an exterior lighting plan. A maximum of one light per 1000 sq. ft. of lot area is permitted. This will need to be submitted prior to applying for building permit. For the final Design Review Board meeting, please indicate in the field which trees are to be removed. Also, for this final review, please bring a color board or color renderings of materials to be used. While it is not the department's position to enforce private covenants, the department is aware of certain restrictions placed on the Herman Residence regarding a private view corridor. Please be aware that the Department of Community Development has been contacted in this regard and would like to encourage agreement amongst the two parties. The Herman Residence has been reviewed according to the information provided and Primary/Secondary Zoning. The analysis provides: Lot Size:23,440 sq. ft. Standard Allowed Prooosed Remainine 6. GRFA Garage Site Coverage 5,,M4 sq. ft. 600 sq. ft. 4,721 sq. ft. 515 sq. ft. 723 sq. ft. 85 sq. ft. 4,688 sq. ft. (20%) 2,959 sq. ft. (13%) 1,729 sq. ft. 4 The Herman Residence has been scheduled for the final Design Review on RpUt/1, tfe. Please note which above revisions will need to be made prior to tlis review. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at 419-2369. Sincerely, /tr^ /aA Allison C. Ochs Planner I Town of Vail ZONE CHECK Datc: Lcgal dcscription: Lot Addrcss Orrncr Architcct Zonc Lot sizc TotalCRFA Primary GRFA Sccondary GRFA IJ I OCIC + 675 = 425 crcdit plus 250 adCition +21fl =qa44u11 (r:dil$D Front Sidcs Rcar )n, 't) t5' W @ de,dl Minimum 3'/ 6' 5) Gcologic Haz:rds .1 n I ) Pcrccnt Slopc (< >3020) 3)w 4) Watcr Course Sctback (30) (j0) a) SnorvAvalanchc b) Rocldall Pro'ious conditions ofcpproval (cbcck propcrtv filc); is thc propcrty non-conforming? Dcscribc: (r,l lllr,,i 2d Pbonc Phonc Proposcd usc L44-tto Docs this rcqucst involvc a 250 Addjtion? il 0 Hov much of thc allorvcd 250 Addition is uscC rvith this rcqucst? Sitc Covcragc Hcigbt Sctback Landscaping Rcurining Wall Hciglts Parking Garagc Crcdit Drivc*ay Complics with TOV Lighting Ordinancc Arc finishcd _eradcs lcss tban 2:I (S0o/") Enr.ironmcntal4{azards tquirra-LL !4 .tf\(300w60q]eo0) (1200)(\_/ Pcrmittcd Slopc_%Proposcd Slopc % Ycs No Ycs_ No Eocloscd c) Dcbris Florv DESIGN RSVIE1Y CMCKLIST ProjccB --. El SUR\EY Bcnchmark ,t Lcgal dcsaiption i Lot Sizc Buildablctuea E€scEcnts Topognphy 100 yr. flood plain Watcr Coursc Sctback Environmenal Hazrrds Utility locations Spot cicvations tr SITEPLA]'I E ELooRPI.A}IS Scalc GRFA 2i0 additional GRFA Crarvl\Attic Spacc EHU Q BUILD[.'{ G ELEVATIoNS Scalc ColorMatcrials Roofpitch tr I.ANDSCAPEPLA.N Existing trccs hoposcd tees Lgcod MISCELIANEOUS Condo Approval Tittc rcport (A & B) Utility.verifi caiion form Photos ofsitc Buil ding matcrial samplcs C.O. Vcrification Sun\ShadcAnglcs Utilities (undcrgrorud) Vicrv Conidors Varianccs plat rcsrictions Scalc Building Heigbt Encroachmcnts Sctbacks Sitc Covcrage EavcVOvcrhangs (4) DeclsrBalconics Garagc conncction _ SitcGradc\Slopc RctrininglValls Fcnccs _._ TumingRadius Drivcrvay (acccss and gradc) Snow Storagc Firc Acccss co.-u(tty Devetopment Ptan Routit ro.ln Routed To:Greg Hall, Public Works Return To:Allison Ochs Date Routed:3tU99 Return By:3/3t99 Project Name: Project Address: Project Legal: Project Description: Herman Residence 343 Beaver DamRoad Lot 1, Block 3, Vail Village 3'Filing Remodel w/ addition of garage space, grh and stairs - exterior deck expansion rtlr kttfld- \ dor'f ,4.fu* 'ry4tu*{ hoo M *,h, l^,k \.^,h}I\ t^iltl QilxL I W, # ll^l vlmt @Vd ry1 1u)u"1- Approved Denied (cite detailed reasons) _x_Approved with conditions Provide 4' concrete pan on edge ofdriveway and Beaver Dam Rd. Wetlands report. Please provide Erosion Control Plan when applying for Building Permit Provide a civil engineered report on paper sizing and construction ofrerouted stream corrutty Development Ptan Routit ro.t Approved Denied (cite detailed reasons) -x-Approved with conditions Routed To:Greg Hall, Public Works Return To:Allison Ochs Date Routed:3/r/99 Return By:313/99 Project Name: Project Address: Project Legal: hoject Description: Herman Residence 343 BeaVer Darn Road Lot 1, Block 3, Vail Village 3d Filing Remodel W addition of garage space, grfa and stairs - exterior deck eqtansion F:\EVERYoNE\DRIP\RoUTIN69BRoUINOPI Bllcwcr\l MASIER.FRM cornrntty Development run noufi Form Routed To: r Greg Hall, Public Works Return To:Allison Ochs Date Routed:3/t/99 Return Bv:3/3/99 Project Name: Project Address: Project kgal: Project Description: Herrnan Residence 343 Beaver DamRoad Lot l, Block 3, Vail Village 3d filing Remodel w/ addition of garage space, grfa and stairs - exterior deck expansion Approved Denied (cite detailed reasons) -x-Approved with conditions Provide 4' concrete pan on edge of driveway and Beaver Dam Rd. Wetlands report. Please provide Erosion Control Plan when applyrng for Buitding Permit Provide a civil engineered report on paper sizing and construction of rerouted stream Printed by ALlison Ochs Fiotrr: AllLson OcbsTo: ltike Ucgeegubj ect:fwd: Hernan Regidetrce ( 343 Beaver Daml =*=NO1f E==============={ / O 4 / 9 9 ==2 z 2 6911r== The archltects have Lnf,olmed ne thattbey have spoken to you and that you are not requiring the regLdence to beEprlnklered. I rdaDted to confLrm thlswith you, could you let me knorr? Thanks . Ftcd=by: =MlkFl{cg asz===Q1/ QJ l!9==8:39an== Fwd to: Allison Ochg I eent an €naL1 orr 3/24/99. I r'riUfonrard another copy. There are OK aslong aa the mechanlcal room is stillrgonel and no ogher changes have been made. s/99 9:14am Page: 1 cornrnility Development run nouttg Form Routed To:Greg Hall, Public Works Retum To:Allison Ochs Date Routed:3/t/99 Return By:3/3/99 Project Name: Project Address: Project Legal: Project Description: Hemmn Residence 343 Beaver DamRoad Lot I, Block 3, Vail Village 3'Filing Remodel w/ addition ofgarage space, grfa and stairs - exterior deck expansion Approved -x-Denied (cite detailed reasons) Approved with conditions Need stamped Survey and Title report Need site plan showing easements, elevations , contour lines, landscaping, utilities, etc. House will need t have Fire sprinkler system unless ok with Fire Dept. Please provide Erosion Control Plan when app$ing for Building Permit Provide a cMl engineered report on paper sizing and construction of rerouted stream Wetlands associated with stream? Provide 4' concrete pan @ driveway North elevations, don't appear to show Mech Room and Spa Room Date received: Reviewed by: Greg H and Leonard S Date reviewed: 3-5-99 ()O48 E BEAvER CREEK BLvD SurrE 207 Box 5t00 AvoN, C0 81620 MEMO 970.949.5200 vmd@voil.net FAx.949.5205 To: Town of Vail Department of Community Development - Allison C. Ochs Project: Herman Residence Remodel -J4| Beaver Dam Road - Vail, Colorado Project No.: 9823 ,{) IlnFrom: Christopher J. Green, AIA$flfi-.-- Date: February 26. 1999 Ref: Town of Vail Design Review Approval I am submitting drawings reflecting the proposed alteration to the residence noted above. I am submitting a check in the amount of twenty dollars [$50.00] for the DRB fee in application for formal staff approval ofthis this project. I would like to attend the March 3,1999 Design Review Board Meeting with Mark Donaldson to present this concept to the Design Review Board for their feedback, comments and suggestions in order to address those concems directly as we work toward completing the design review process with you. Please confirm that we will be scheduled into the March 3, 1999 meeting. I can be reached at my office at949-5200. Thank you for your time and attention to this application. Enclosures: Two Sets - [30 x 42] SD-A12 - Proposed Lower Level, First Level and Second Level Plans and sketches and l/8" scale plans ofexisting building. ARCHITECTS m022602.9823.doc Prge I of I OTEC{}Pr DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FINALAGENDA Wednesday, March 3, 1999 3d)0 P.M. PUBUC MEETING SCHEDULE PROJECT ORIENTATION / LUNCH - Community Development Department 12:00 pm MEMBERSPRESENT MEIIBERSABSENT Brent Alm Clark Britlain Hans Woldrich BillPierce SITE VISITS 1:30 pm 1. SBC Development - 1047 Spraddle Creek Dr.2. Herman-343 Beaver Dam3. Payne - 381 Beaver Dam Circle4. Slifer Building - 230 Bridge Street5. Bridge St. Building - 281 Bridge St.6. Dobson lce Arena7. Lionshead Mini-Golf - Tract B&D. Lionshead Driver: Jetf PUBUC HEARTNG - TOWN COUNCTL CHAMqERS 1. Broe / Neptune ll residence - New primary/secondary residence. 1270 Westhaven Circle I Lol28, Glen Lyon. Applicant: Pat Broe, represented by William Reslock MOTION: Clark Brittain SECOND: Bill Pierce VOTE:4-0 TABLED UNTIL 3 CONDITIONS ARE RESOLVED: 2. Tavoso residence - New primary/secondary residence. 2655 Davos Trail/ Lot 18, Block 2, Vail Ridge. Applicant: Steve Tavos, represented by William Reslock MOTION: Clark Brittain SECOND: BillPierce VOTE:3-1 CONSENT APPROVED WITH 1 CONDITION: 1. That the driveway issue be worked out with Public works. 1. The DRB would like to see detail drawings of the fascia, railing and trim elements. 2. A revised landscape plan that shows the application of landscape screening around the transformer at the southwest corner of the lot must be submitted. 3. The outstanding Public Works issues must be resolved. 3O0 pm Brent Dominic 3. Bridge St. Building - Paver replacement and snowmelt system for walltway. Dominic 281 Bridge StreeuLots D, E, and F, Block 5C, Vail Village 1"' Filing. Applicant: Mark Cadmus, Bridge Street Condo Association CONCEPTUAL-NO VOTE 4. Bemdt residence - Final review of a new primary/secondary residence. Allison 756 Potato Patch Drive/Lot 4, Block 2, Vail Potato Patch. Applicant Wolfgang Berndt, represented by Steve Riden MOTION: Clark Britrain SECOND: Bill Pierce VOTE:4-0 CONSENT APPROVED WITH 1 GONDITION: 1. That the site grading issue be worked out with Public Works. 5. Northwoods - Conceptual review of an approved development plan. Allison 600 Vail Valley Drive/Northwoods Condominiums. Applicant: Fritzlen,Pierce,Smith MOTION: Clark Brittain SECOND: Bill Pierce VOTE:4-0 CONSENT APPROVED AS PRESENTED 6. Herman residence - Conceptual review of an addition and remodel to a primary Allison residence. 343 Beaver Dam Rd./Lot 1, Block 3, Vail Village 3'd Applicant MarkDonaldsonArchitects CONCEPTUAL-NO VOTE 7. SBC Development-Conceptual review of a primary residence with EHU. Allison 1047 Spraddle Creek Dr./Lot 6, Spraddle Creek Applicant: Robert Mach CONCEPTUAL-NO VOTE 8. Lionshead Miniature Goll Course - New recreational climbing structure. Jeff Eagle Bahn Ski Yard / Part of Tracts B & D, Lionshead 1" Filing. Applicant: Charlie Alexander MOTION: Bill Pierce SECOND:Clark Brittain VOTE: 3-0 APPROVED WITH 2 GONDITIONS: 1. That there be a wooden rail fence.2. That the trailer be screened with lanGcaping. 9. Cummings residence - New single-family residence and Type I employee housing unit. Jeff 1835 West Gore Creek Drive / Lot 20, Vail Village West zno Filing Applicant: Greg and Janice Cummings CONCEPTUAL-NO VOTE 10. Laidlaw residence - Final review of a new single{amily residence. George 1722Geneva Driv/Lot 10, Matterhorn Village Applicant: walt Laidlaw, represented by RKD MOTION: Clark Brittain SECOND: Hans Woldrich VOTE:4-0 TABLED 1 1. Westhaven Condos - Final review ol a proposed new Fractional Fee Club George and employee housing pro1ect. 1325 Westhaven Dr., Westhaven Condominiums/ Cascade Village Area A. Applicant: Gerald L. Wurhmann, represented by Robby Robinson MOTION:Clark Brittain SECOND: Hans Woldrich VOTE: zt-0 TABLED 12. Payne - Separation request George 38i BeaverDam Circleilot 1, Block 4, Vail Village 3'd. Applicant: W&B Development, LLC MOTION: Clark Brittain SECOND: Bill Pierce VOTE:4-0 CONSENTAPPROVED 13. Slifer Building - Change to approved plans. George 230 Bridge St./Lot B&C, Block 5, VailVillage 1s. Applicant: Slifer Smith & Frampton MOTION: Clark Brittain SECOND: Bill Pierce VOTE: z1-0 CONSENT APPROVED AS PRESENTED 14. Dobson lce Arena locker room and loading dock expansion George 32'l Lionshead Circle/Lot 1 Blockl , Vail Lionshead Second Filing Applicant: Stanley Turner, representing the applicant MOTION: Hans Woldrich SECOND: Bill Pierce VOTE: 4-0 TABLED Staff Aporovals Peters residence - Extension of approval for new residence attached to existing residence. Allison 4193 Spruce Lane/Block 9, Lot 12, Bighorn 3'o. Applicant: Steve Peters Yare residence - Storage room addition; deck & guardrail renovations. Brent '1839 Meadow Ridge Road #D/Lot 14, Butfehr Creek. Applicant: Mark Yare Dyer residence - 250 elterior addition. George g6o E. tionsnead Circle/Tracts l&J, Vail Lionshead 1"t. Applicant: Marilyn Dyer Los Amigos -Temporary deck extension. Brent 228 Bridge St./Lots A&8, Block 2, VailVillage 1"'. Applicant: Michael Staughton Plum residence - Minor exterior alterations. Brent 83 Willow Place, Riverhouse #6&7/Lot 3, Block 6, Vail Village 1s. Applicant: Roy & Kathy Plum The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular office hours in the project planner's otfice, located at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification. Please call 479-2355, Telephone for fie Hearing lmpaired, for information. . DESIGN REVIEW BOARD COMMENTS REGARDING TI{E PROPOSED ADDITION TO THE DOBSON ICE ARSNA WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY t7'h, rg99 Brent Alm . The parapet appears alittle too high and top-heavy. r Save as many trees as possible - especially on the west side of the loading dock. o The simple geometry, flat roof forms and use of existing materials work well. o The canopy idea is interesting. e The cupola/periscope feature needs to be more subdued. . The skylight may be a bit extravagant. o The loading dock gate should be solid - not transparent. e The use of zinc may work - but no so much on the parapet. Bill Pierce e This is a big step in the right direction. o A transparent loading dock gate is desirable. o The use of indigenouVexisting materials is encouraged. r New windows should blend with the existing concept. o The fascia strips should be carried consistentlythroughout. o The parapet may be out ofproportion. o The skylight may not be necessary. r The cupola./periscope feature is ok. r The zinc panels are good - but maybe not vertically aligned. o Get the loading dock functioning, then save as many trees as you can. e We may want to see if AIPP would like to get involved. Maybe on the gates? Hens Woldrich . Concurs with Brent and Bill. o The addition should be "quiet" and secondary to the existing building. o The canopy should not be as bright or glitzy. ()O48 E BEAvER CREEK BLvD SUIIE 207 Box 5t00 AvoN, C0 81620 970.949.5200 vmd@voil.net Frx.949.5205 March23,1999 Department of Community Development Town of Vail Vail. Colorado 81657 Re: DRB Submittal 343 Beaver Dam Road, Vail Colorado Lot I, Block 3 Vail Village Third Filing The attached package of materials is provided in response to your March 9, 1999 Letter in review of the Design Review Application for the above project. Responses to your March 9,1999 letter are enumerated below in sequence to the reference letter. Item #l: A Stamped survey and title report with schedules A & B are included. Item #2: A Site Plan [Survey] is included with the information requested this item. Roof line elevations are noted at exterior elevations. Item #3: This offrce is in contact with the Town of Vail Fire Depaftment to determine whether a sprinkler system for this residence will be required. This issue will be resolved to the satisfaction of the Town of Vail prior Item #6: to submission of this project for a building permit. An erosion control plan will be submitted at the time of application for a building permit. A limit ofdisturbance is noted at the site plan included with this package and our general contractor [yet to be selected] will place a construction fence in that configuration at the commencement of construction. Due to the preliminary nature of the design shown a civil engineering report cannot be generated at this time. A civil-engineering report on constructiorr and re-routing of the stream bed will be provided to the Town of Vail prior to submission of the project for a building perrnit and will be completed as part of the work requested by the Army Corps of Engineers Permit application. We hope this timing will be sufficient and that DRB action can allow this matter to be a condition. This office has contacted the Army Corps of Engirreers - Mike Claffey - in response to the request by the Town of Vail. We will be working with this agency from this point forward to address the issues of wetlands, stream routing and flow, and stream re-construction to the satisfaction of this agency. A four foot wide concrete apron will be installed and its configuration noted at the drawings prior to submitting for a building permit. Item #9: Finished Building Elevations are included with this subnrittal. Item #10: Floor Plans have been revised and provide a consistent garage footprint. Item#11: AlandscapingplanwillbeprovidedpriortotheDesignReviewMeetingonApril 7,, 1999. Item # 12: An exterior lighting plan will be provided to the Town of Avon that will meet the stated requirements of a maximum of one light per 1000 SF of lot area prior to submission of this project for a building permit. Ltr03230l .9823.doc Item #4: Item #5: Item #7: Item #8: E Town of Vail Department of Community Development Design Review Staff Report Response 343 Beaver Dam Road Page2 of2 Item #13: See Item 9 - This Letter. Item#14: TreestoberemovedwillbeflaggedinthefieldpriortotheApril T,1999DesignReviewmeeting. Color drawings and proposed material samples will be provided for review at the April 7, 1999 Design Review meeting. I believe this package is a complete response to the letter dated March 9,1999 in accordance with Town of Vail requirements. Please confirm the inclusion of this proposed project on the June 17 , 1998 Design Review Board hearing agenda. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call me at the phone number noted on this letterhead. Enclosures:Three [3] Sets Site Plan / Floor Plans / Elevations Three [3] Sets - color copies of photographs ofexisting building Preliminary Title Report with Schedules A & B Ltr03230l .9823.doc o LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL ()O48 E BEAvER CREEK B LVD SUITE 207 Box 5100 AvoN, C0 81620 970.949.5200 vmd@voil.net Frx'949.5205 WEARE SENDINGYOUVIA tr ATTACHED,;(uCrurOR pELIVERY, THE FOLLOWING ITEMS: PRINTS tr PRODUCT INFORMATION D CHANGEORDER COPYOFLETTER tr ,,lXoelwenen nv tr tr H F,* f SHOPDRAWINGS tr SPECIFICAITONS tr REVISEAND SUBMIT THESE ARE TRANSMITTED AS D FORYOURAPPROVAL, @|l"eon YouR usE CHECKED BELOW: tr REVIEWED BY VMDA D FI.JRNISH AS CORRECTED COPIES # COPIES DATE DESCRIPTION I#X c/tohr Aul?V reabars%eh4ht dw A,oil)lr EtalhtwtAe p.rv,lth4bEM.; Wbrffi 40 fi,h.t orYtw 5.q.qq .Irrtrf? I Waotf IAAS REQUESTED ! REJECTED D FOR REVIEW AND COMMENT D PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS COPY TO SIGNED 3-25-1999 8:EISAM LETTER OF TRAI{SMITTAL WE ARE SENDTNG YOU VIA 7! ru D AITACHED O PICKUPORDELryHTY tr DELIVEREDBY TTIB FOIIOWTNG IIEMS: ,IIIESE ARE TRANSMITTED AS CTIT|CKED BELOW: O FORYOIJRAPPROVAL tr N,EVIEWEDBY\A,IDA P_t 0048 E lEAv€[ tnEeK BLvD Su:rr 202 tox 5100 Avor, C0 81620 970r909.5200 vrndOvoil,nct frx.9{9r5205 RE rJ sHoPDRAwrNcs fl pRrNfit tr PRoDUCTTFORMAflON D CHANGEORDBR tJ sPBcrFrcAfioNs O coPYoFLETTER 6 Gt ftW _ /ronvounusu tr REVISEANDSI.'BMIT LJ F(JRNISHAS CORRECTED COPIES AS REQUESTED REIECTED FOR REVIEWANDCOMMENT n D tr tr PRINTS RETIJRNED AFTER LOANTO US lajlyl/sxs I tl7alE-fild rfunnfct fr eneualqpq.,nb,ftittw H # COPIES DATE DESCRJPTIONlsl-|A aa|*E*?? d?.'fff,E, ?eW @PTTO *r61,rFp -<+fr&t1..€e\f. 3-25-1W 8:€EAl,l Fom AO/C]fI Order Fo. Vi163533 P-2 Fr||.& Zt .l Dolicy rlo. gIE[t?63533 Anq:nt 92.775,000-0O SCESDI'I8 A lddressrgr t, Brpletr 3, vaIL VIIIAGB FI€ 3 1, Policy Date; Novsober ?,3. L99g aE 5:00 ?.tt. Z. ilarp of, fngrred: UICBAF. E- El&!. and Xlng il. EB'8t.|aN 3. Ibe egeate or ilotssesE in tuB land aescribecl i! tbis schedlrle asd wbich ir ssvEEEd bl1r tlis golicy ie: A Fee Siri1 Ic 4. title to tbt €state or i[te3est csttred by tEls Pglicy at tshe datc bereo:f ir vese.C Ln: I'ICEAEI. B. GCilAtr Sd f,ARITf }'. 'IERI'DU 5- tlrc ratrd releEred to iE trrir nnliq. is siluatact i8 EACtrE eouEtsy, Colofado, aail is dEEcf,ilsd as f,ollors: I,CI{! l, BI.oCtr' 3, UlXl, I,"II,f.IGE-ISI!D FILIF' ACCPRDIIG 1D lEB nBcoRbp prlr ilEBsF, c1'tn|fr oF EIGLE, STAI? OF CoronADo- IInD AIIIjB gInRNsTlEB Cq|Per|y PegE 1 ttis Folicy vatid oly if $cbedulc B ts ctsEachcd' Folil lolcEr fficr tvo. P63533 scHEDttl.l g PolicT No. CA'8tt163533 fr{s pglisy dpes noc insure aga5.nrt lots oa drnagG taqd qle Cc4nnyriII lol lra:/ coats, agtaraqirs' fees or e4reases) rb.idr arise ry seasoD of,; CeDeteI fcepEiorrE 1- Bigbtu or cJairc of ptrEtice ia gnsseasioa aot sborlrr b1l Bbepblle resotds. 2. rcrorcbBEs, oncrlaps, Irorrndary'It$e di4tute3, or oEber eBBens rbl& sotrtit bc d-lssl.esed-tsf, an a,ssrrace suFeelr and i-nrprcBi,e of the greaiser. 3- Erra€apatE, or cleitr of eas@us, aot she$l by Bbe 1rubIlc regorrde. 4. Any llerr, or righc co a lico, lor scry1s38, ltbor, et rrlcrial beietotone or bireaftor tu.rnichrd, iqnsed by la, a^ad BoE sborg !1r the Fblic recordt. 5. 1998 IA:SIS IITI IBI DT'B OA PA'AB&B AITD ASSBS8UEItTS NOT YBA CEnI1TFIED TI) lEB ItErsttRERs oF?tgB- 6. II,IcE.? OF PBOPRISIoNR. OF A \TBIw ON T'DB Ip BTTRTCT llD NEOTTB ETg oEB IElgBPRff'l cEotI[D IIIB S$ll 88 FdND TO ?SII|IBATB OR IIIlRStef 1!B DRE|ISBB rs aEgBRVp I! Efrr@ gmt.Bs pATgilt nE@8DED SeIrr,erb.r 04, t923, IIS EOOX 93 At Peca 98- 7. NIGAT OF IIAY FOR DIruES OE CIIIAI.IS CPN$-I"TEIE) BY 1.ft ESIIORITT OF IE u!fflED 8t[tBS AS nBSEB\tp ns omt1ED STA1BS PtBrT BEcokDEO 9egteoer 04' 1923, rtf Bmr 93 Ar Pl(B t8. 8. RISI!!,ICiNNTE @VEIINIS I'EICE DO TOA CU|TAIT{ I FONEBIII'IIE OB BE$IRt.BA gADs3.- EIlr o{Irrrre ngslBlclg(cns, rt i![r, BASED oN &[CB, eorrE' REl.'trertr..on' l{11IOrrD OBICDI, ^ts CIIDIiSED tA IltsEtnGET EEgpnDD rarsh 25, 1t63, Il{ BooR a7+ Af EIGF 575. 9. I}XIIrrtr SNSBIEST IBt PEET ITX |rII'ET AIODC f,B EACItsRLY ISE LINE AD ?TI'E lgEtt llr $IDIE eI{nG TAE tOErlBRty IOD LrrB OP STTBJBCT PTOpERTt AS SlDlrtr o![ 1B SE@RDED PEIT OP VLIL VUJACB.IIIND FITJIIIG 10. BlaEltllta, lrD trcET OF tBX t8 cRiAltlE !o rralL mtle eilD gllllTt'lflot DrsIRIer Ilt DISIf,E@'T nECORD:ED IPRIL 13, 1967 lrt BOOX 2O1 A? DAGII 319' 11. PQETD APPBC|'TTF A FONTTTO| OF SUB'BCT PAOPErIT AS SM{ Of 1lS IECODDSD PIInIT OF \IAIL Vlt.LnGB-lf,IED FIIrIIG. D?ge 2 P.3 ts r&b gra 3-25-1999 8'O6AM lssgl Ao/eEI mOvt.--o-P-4 I'||lr& t /, {aa,. ^-rrtra] Policy !!o. cTEIt253533Order No. v263533 SCEBOT'IIE B r.2, PEDESIRIAH BAAEilBTT O\NN, IEE IGSlEILY T8! PBBI OP wl 1, Bf,CX 3' VEtrE-- +EracE:rarro r-rr"irrc. ,ibR $rE r.rrclro pnRposE oF PntrrtTrlc ?PEsfi'rex IRAvEA Bt zE aUIrEnb, rocuns Op asBIR EeMtrLY AID c6nsllt, qq;Y SOlPtEt Bs rgi StU,Ens m Wrn bcSCBlunrrTS outr ItT 5, BrtCT 3' vAIIr vrLIA(B--tlInD irr,fre, " ne RBsEavED IN uc$tnonmll, RBCORD@ lFRrL rg, 1988 IN Door {82 AT PaGlB {73. 13- A RBEl'R.Iefntts COvllBm' rEfTB$DIl(! ONLy DUEITGI SUCS TIIE EAT 1lE SEI.IERS oa rgrn DBSC3161HpaS Ofuf tm 5, BI4CK 3, \lll! VIIJiAGB-I$8:D FILrre, ensr/lnwllE tHB @Ns1tlgc['Iq{ oP lw8svtlGsrs ol[ ItrflC 1, HOCX 3r_V1I!__ vl-lr,lGs: Tsrlo itirrre, o nE"rer rulriD rrwgeAsB G sIzE o8, SQIIARE FO(IIACB oF un funormm*rs-G.iiE srrnron iEcrs, ulsi8ss srrsE rtrphovslrBlras trB f,tr oF rm pfsO OF v1tlolt.Fng{ .1sE BEIDEISB tPCA:rlE ON In'r s, BITCIR 3r-nIL VfUAer-llUnO PrLfiG, AS COFTAIU@ IX nrgISUllEI*f RECORD& APRIL 19, 1988 Ilt rcox {82 AT shGS .?3. 14. tE EF BCT ql S@IECI PROPBRfi| gP Fm gN UAIIII'IT ErSBlBr" AS EFOnr Sr-- 46pnorrnorc rcai1 oc cEcfiprcATB pRtpAn@ By r,nlArD IacgNBR, DAIED AIX;UET z, 1994- 15. LBIN AS EuEB@ Elr l:EE s'IerE[Exr oF \aIJLEr ||IDB IttBChilIOllgS M .llE*- tilptng Op is.Sl1.59 RECO9DE AutOSf, 28' 1998 R3elgg16r No. 667708 **rEoRlt 110.2*** tmE clitp}trr BnEEY IDSnBES la IDgm@ Ictia$rgr I4qs_G orurcr mrg TEB trlstn8D gHArJL EUgBrIt sc REesodt oF tc8 llttoBcEeilr? on' a;mols'tgD furrcncsunrr rtEREoF eoAtugf rfiB r.ellD rN cornElertotr rnllt TgB xrnr lEov8. 16. DBED OS TBUSB rltlErsovser L7, tsgSt FROi{ UTCmEL B' BllArt 'rrd [ln8ll--- u:-Eu,teil m'rE lw.rg rrusrrr op Eetrra cou$f,r FoB tEr gsE oP filttsnsBAllx, n.e. ro sBclru-ltsE SUla-Op 9I,OOO,00O.OO nBcOnDED N@cr ?3. 1998, U|Dm REEBSIIOf rr/,. 677?,J4- rttM ilOS, I tBOgW 3 OF IgE GBIBLIIr g(EPIIot[9 enf mBt DBC,E[E' II'EI HO. C OF 'IIHB C8lRAL E(CEI|nIOES IS DSI,ETO AS 1!to AS'!T LIEIS NESULfIIF Fmu tDRx oR rd{tElIII. curtBActlD FoR oR FURIUSF@ t|;r Ias nE0uBgr Ot TTROL- InrL, r.r:D-, A Ct}ItRfm COB9ORATItrffidco.Ti'its Dlsillrucg cthmarg srsr.L mrE Iw r,rAgrrrrlT FcIR ewr LtEl[9 rBIsrlF rnolt noRf, OCxerearaf,-F0llrrSflD lt l"EB BEO0ESf OF UICEASL I- HBRTSI| aDd IARBT l'l- EtmD. Pa,se O()q 8 E BEAvER CREEK BLVD SurrE 207 Box 5100 AvoN, C0 81620 970.949.5200 vmd@voil.net Fnx.949.5205 roAax *lhv ./ ^/olirn Wn vMDAroB No.4629 nrrenrfo* lq*Vprt ar+, LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL CHECKED BELOW: D REVIEWED BYVMDA D FURNISHASCORRECTED COPIES RE WE ARE SENDING YOU VIA tr FAX Aerrecneo /8PT:KUPoRPELIVFRY DELIVEREDBY 4,Ail*1 THE FOLLOWING ITEMS: D SHOPDRAWINGS D SPECIFICATIONS PRINTS ] PRODUCT INFORMATION tr CHANGEORDER COPYOFLETTER tr tr tr THESE ARE TRANSMITTED AS D FORYOURAPPROVAL ffron YouR usE tr tr tr AS REQUESTED REJECTED FOR REVIEW AND COMMENTtr REVISEAND SUBMIT I # COPIES DATE DESCRIPTION b 4qrt Eathe atg ArbE tr PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS COPYTO SIGNED 4r4+tutt ailAl ct =E =E u,lo- CN co U' IJJ uJ]l- E =E uJo- tN$R$S I I ^l qr "lIH .r5 F4Al Fl(Dl I I r'r IFl'NILr rJkr3JI()C,lrr ,.lbin 19.?,2 Et6HtJ uJF o toF d,Fv, zto (9 =z o UJ Fo2 ozoIlo€(' z_z6 Gu,z3o u,T Fo2 -oc- E.9 !Eifi *E EirF € EE$ :i!gE;ei E E€E gEgf, ago'E := =5EF:eii -r, cLioc6 F$EE E '5q co 6 E o .g o.c t 5o oo = i .9 o .c CL EI6 .9.c Ito E o 6 : ot o CDE .g 'og:() 6 It oE |r|n + F-E,ulo.(,z 6 J 6 -() UJ o2 c -9c, FC'Itl u,t (,zo = E J Iz C) uJ- ulIul!zo F llrco uJe, oc o .D 'uJ ujcz(9 ul F I UJoc?z u, o x F utol C, UJ UJlr E =E UJ o- FoF 02o -J)to J ocFourJu, 0zoI o- J ()- oItlt Fl H H NO[Vn]VA =lE>cl' =;;lEIu*lri= .o . ll ..Fr -6E' F HEE E E =E:at o c,z6! fiEt! < ear,!og c&Eg gE -i Gi 6= E{F H d & H 2o t! G o uJo. F cr) u,G J z o tltltltlI =z9n<oo< =Hxt!dct<z =z, 2z d6IE !J = G oulzY =F zI F Jla,z I z z I- 3 F uJ o ] o o : l F o Ftl, JI<ltrl zl zl .. >lo uJ llJulz U'F (r uto- J z E =o 56 (.t I& z9F EurF-t 'u,2 clrl-O -'d o z oPz_e 60 =z=rDdP :Ei UJ ts U' @o-zo Fo- uJY gJ c09-r-3 =-{lcLLl c.l[.+bJ Eq(l t.ll;-lrl Uu,i^F\,,zo t =Eulc lto EHB; =e,IP '9=EB't> E 5E E HEt iut E ;,igJ u,ooF @ E =OE lrJo-zIFo3E 6zo(J !n!H 2 Jtr tJ) z Fl a rI1 FCH ii =z to -to\\o F\ I\o H E C4.if ca ana uJ& z olrl G J l! z 3 F F\ I Fl H Ff\ N Xo a E I \o .$ Io\.v c I oz (, utE J t!oz3oF 3t. oz o =f Jo tmtr L\ulA .. PERMIT NUM ER OF PROJECT oo-*' 6 READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTIONTOWN OF \ !-, :\'-\ REQUEST VAIL JOB NAME MON CALTER TUES WEDTto-bINSPEC BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL ROUGH / D,W.V. tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER - ROOf & SHEER " pLYWooD NAtLtNG tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION B POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL n E n tr FINAL D FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: tr TEMP. POWER - tr HEATING tr ROUGH B-EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR n h-ll'|o i/s /,q/l,c , n tr FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED tr DISAPPROVEDt) . tr REINSPECTION .REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: \ t'.' .r t.,\\ \-\ \ '{\ ' I lLl '\ INSPECTOR ' *ls"-" .{:.|| PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE - JOB NAME -- CALLER INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FRI -17 INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL t AM PMREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V, O ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING rr ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION D tr tr POOL / H, TUB I] SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING o tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR ffis,cP FfLt c0Py 75 south tronlage road Yall. colorado 81657 (303) 479'2138 (300) 4792139 December 23, 1991 Mr. Don Byers 352 Beaver Dam Fload Vail, Colorado 81657 oflice ol community developmenl RE: Landscape Llghtlng Dear Don: Thank you for your letter dated December 13, 1991. I believe you are aware that Judge Jones has recently decided that the Town's ordinance regulating landscape lighting is not valid. As a result, the Town will not be attempting to have the lights removed at the properties you have mentioned in your December 13th letter. At this time the Town Council is in the process of determining how to best respond to this ruling. Needless to say this has come as a surprise and disappointment to the Town. In the future, when the Town tries to write a new ordinance regulating landscape lighting (assuming this is the course of action the Town Council takes), we invite you to be involved in that process. lt seems you have given this issue quite a bit of thought, and I am sure your input can be helpful. lf you have specific questions about the court decision, please call Larry Eskwith at479-21Q0. lf you have any other, more generalquestions, feel free to call me at 479-2138. Sincerely, Town Council Ron Phillips Larry Eskwith Kristan Pritz tu, Vrd cc: ^-r' fficD t)Ec I g tggl i:::l13,El r i, ! -a9 r i1R. eON FHILL:p$, T0'/,'l.t t.iAiiASi: Tflwr.]fF vAl!- /3 iilJUln f r,i.,rt.i lflUl -,tj:rir./.qll |\ar nO1.r\r1 q:6F? f , rf |-' vwf-vr t.vw r' | rv . -iAF, RCN. iHAl'ii. {_tij ir-"rl r-'rxiiAl.r,7,tir: i,-i i.i!iirirr_; j_A..:,i Vriii: FiriAnDtrrri itiif-.'tl , t'!c:i:, i-i TCWil'Si|iAt,iG: illT;i ]RX ii:'.;i;:T:ii,lFiRii i0;r,iCLUDI Ti-i[ E:iTEiri'"rFl LiiiiT ::,:iiji; A:i wE DiSCUSSED, : W:i_: WFilTt I:.i5 tiiiiE vAiL t--R0pERiy 0wii5i3'yyHc wRcig LiiT:Rs Lp.!.cT ytAR F.[,}AFD!r\ii. rHgltr c*Na[;lNs 0vtp. gxiEgi0F LittHiil,rr:.r !i\r i-ir_ig NFiGHB,0rlf{ur. 't0l-iE CF IiiE PEtPi-E l|',IYCLVED'd;LL'JNLY Bi HEIIE,jViR ii:R.;:1ii'lAi',AiiD i V/CULD LiKi T0 WF.iTE TliE LETTEP l'lgiT WEEK.SC THAT iT CAll BE D!.SCUSSED.-rUFrll.i0 Ti.iE |ICLiDAY:. TC IJAT ENi), i ruEiD >i)l"li iFiF0RllAiir-'rri /l. sol'1t0l.iE wAs 00t!.le T0 L00ti :',.iI0'yyt1t'iriEFi TtlE PRf.lP:aTy O'//NE/AT ;448 vilL fA!-L!'y lRtvt0BTAiliiil.4tsuiL;ll'l0pEiiill;iiFORErt'15i.",1_l_itiOLt(if.ii:ilr.lril5c,,1llilyAiil. f-iAs I Z. i(.FilJrAii !!A,s ry.;;;;o ; J L;J;i; n, 1,;11: .Cii5I n0A; ;0.r,ii ii ;nE ul6.iTl iri.,\i iaVr Fi[i,i INSTAT:-E9 AFIE l!'l l0l'1oi-iA.ti0! '.qirH "-E f lTY tR!l\iAl',if,[ \A,,i-ri:,T !,,,'E3,c,iii r*rll',lli ? 5. WiIH RtSpICT Ti'15'4 StF.VEi Dp.ll iilAD AND IHg FACT TiJ,AT A 0iiiL]lrl/.i iiRHi:'?YAS ISSUED, I l'lAvE Ty/n 0UEST||ti$ ,-,tJSr it;A'.lsi A PEP.fllT WAS lsS;.jEl. l,lE;1T!,LT '-llV! Tl.it 0lVl'rifr ii'ii aroil i0 tiuu",ii inl;,ii,jnDiliAtuCt ? AlDiTt0tiALL'i, rit,r ilEi'iiir.ri*i*i i'; iiE s0mE itflEA0tl TtlAT Tt-!E Toy/N clj'JL!'D:iiAtiD Li,-:iils 3,E lEii.,,,,/iD,EvEtl TiiCUoiJ lHEy i"lADt A Hi;TAKE !tl ALi-uWrNLl in! trrji.rT-\ iN iHE FiB-c; -r'LACE i1045 TiiAT Al'p,i-y i0 THtS PROPERi'1? 4. wE Dlrdri.r'(^.iED Tiif tRour-Ei'i wlir-,. .iiAii AF.privlfn:i DHRisrilA.i TiiE ii,"nTii Tnei riil 'rvELL BEY0liD WHAT 'v'dE vdCULij Cilli3i;ii RIASONABLt AiiD Wi;i-illl ii-it 0F,DillAll0i. .rYiLL STAFFCONT!\tUET0Apppovt:-?00ilfr!rRr-:rS:\A:-riii,ilA:_i'-:tXryF:EiFit,il{tNTpEFS,t lF 50. witL Nii6Fi60R5 6i aSKiD Ti ni'ii,.;ri j,.,iii f.isTALLAIitli'is '7 D0i5 Li,RRi E":'i:!iilit P,0REE Tl'tCT THESE APPft0VALS B'i slpfr-.3,ftt lil Yi0LATi0N CF ll-it EX!STlilu^ CFiliiiciiCg ? ts THE TtlwN CC)NStDEHrN'j 11Y pFlr'tptsE!.') 'jH4.l.roE lhi Thg r-'lTy r--ri:i.,rNANCE 0uTr_rNEi: tN CuFi LET;ER 0F OCT0uER 2i>, i99i ':: trtr#i ffiu* IFtqT SEtxi3i{E ') *-ittJ"t*lr,' :i-:;,. /.r.' ;_1. _-,_r. ;.--,,,-_. -i-ti -i -.-- r:,i- l_i:, i!:! ' BEST i?ll'o"o oo C'/.r"---r/14o /')-'\- e anA ,l"/f" /o''x"""n- /il"/ / ,. & tt/ f/^ ',/' 7 .,/ / ,/ /^//"ol ,s /%-<,r < 27.*{. trooEc 1g lsgt. DOH C. BYERS 352 BEAYER. DAM CIR.CLE vaIL, coLoRADO tr6s7 303476-5534 F.AX 303476-8950 WpfDECEI"IBER 13. I99I 11R, RON PHILLIPS, TO!!'N IIAI{AGER TOWN 0F vAtL 75 SOUTH FROI{TA6E ROAD vArL, 00L0RAD0 81657 DEAR RON. THANK YOU FOR ORGANIZINO THI P1EETING LAST WTEK REGARDINI] TXTIRIOR LI6HTS THT TOWN'S CHANOE IN THE DR8 APPLICATICI'J FORIl TO INCLUDI THT EXTERIOR LI6HT IS IlUCH APPRECIATID. AS WT DISCUSSED, I WILL WRITE THE I.IIN[ VAIL PROPERIY OWNERS WHO WROTE LETTERS LAST YEAR RIGARDING THEIR CONL]IRN-S OVER EXTTRIOR LI6HTINO IN OIJR NEIOHBORHOOD. SOflt OF THE PEOPLE INVOLYED WILL ONLY BE HERE OVER CHRISTI-1AS AND I VYOULD LIKE TO WRITE THE LETTER NEXT WEEK SO THAT IT CAN 8E DISCUSSED DURII.]O THE HOLIDAYS, TO THAI END, I NtEt) SONE INF{]RrlATltrN I. SOI1TONE WAS OOING TO LOOI: INTO WIJEIHEP, THE PROPERIY OWNER AT 1448 VAIL YALLEY DRIVE OBTAINED A BUILDINO PERI1IT BEFORE INSTALLII.JG LI6HTS IN HIS BACK YARD. HAS THAT BEEN DONI ? 2. KRISTAN WAS 60ING TO LOOK AT SEi., FORIST ROAD TO SEI IF THE LiOHTS THAT HAVE BETN INSTALLED ARE II'ICOI1PLIANCE \ryITH THI CITY ORDINAIICE, WHAT DOIS S.HE THINK ? 5. WITH RISPECT TO 454 EEAVER DAI1 ROAD AND THE FACT THAT A BUILDINO PERNIT WAS ISSUTD, I HAVE TWO OUESTION:i .-IUST 8ECF,IJ5E A PIRIlIT WAS ISSIJED, DOES THAT GIVE THE OWNER THE RIOHT TO VIOLAIE THE CITY ORDINANCT ? ADDITIONALLY, YOU HENTIONID TO NE SOI1E TINT AGO THAT THI TOWN COULD DTI1AND LIGHTS BE RE|IOYED TVEI.I THOUGH THEY I1ADE A HISTAKT IN ALLOWING THE tI6HIS IN THI FIP.ST PLAtlI DOES THAT APPLY TO THIS PROPERTY ? 4. WE DISCUSSED THE PROBLTPI WITH STAFF APPR.OVING CHRISTI"IAS TRTE LIT1HTS THAT GO WELL BEYOND WHAT WE WOULD COI'iSIDER REASONABLE AND WITHIN THT ORDINANCE. WILL STAFF CONTINUE TO APPROVE 22OO LIOHT BTJLBS AS HIOH AS SIXTY FIET HIGH IN TREES ? IF SO, WILL NEIGHEORS BT ASKID TO APPF{O'VE SUCH INSTALLAIIONS 'I DOES LARRY ESKWITH AOREE THAT THESE APPROYALS BY STAFF ARI IN YIOLATION OF THE EXISTING ORDINANCT ? IS THE TOWN CONSIDERING I4Y PROPOSED CHANGE IN THE CITY ORDINANCE OUTLINED IN OUR LTTTER OF OCTOBER 26. 1991 ? -j. rl i-. t,. ---1. v,/' {rou\: t ln qnrro' 'i-r/ c- Aoo | 'C - 1-vtn'{a^ DE CdA^ oJa- ,0^I{4fi40- $lI^^ '\ uJe madL o'n "[Jo/:'u b*r, ,0 /gg, 75 South Fronttgc Road Vail, Colortdo 8165? t03 -47 9 -2 1 0 t / FAX t 03 -47 9 -2 t t7 October 14, 1991 Mr. Doa C. Byers 352 Beaver De- Circle Vail, Colorado 81657 Office of thc Toon Manager &.[6-'' sil.1.P'^ ry Dear Don, You have asked if we would keep you updated as to what is being done concer..ning exterior lighting in the Forest Road/Beaver Dam Road area. There has been no development in the Iba:ra lawsuit against the Town of which I am aware. 1'5ese 6hings usually take some time to actually be heard in court and for decisions to be made. The Kravis application for exterior lighting was denied by the Design Review Board and that decision was appealed to the Towu Council. That appeal was to be heard either in mid- September or early October, but the Kravis attomey requested that the appeal be continued uatil November 5. It is my understanding that the Kravis representatives may be working on an a-ended proposal. There has been one additional application for exterior lighting in this area which was not approved by the statr The staff suggested the applicant go to the Design Review Boar4 but the applicant declined and has not pursued the matter further. As I discussed with you by phone, Todd Oppenhei:ner had the State forester look at the trees between Beaver Dan Road and the creek, but they have been unable to determine as yet what the problem is. I have asked Todd to get in touch with you again, but I know he has been s$'amped with the Village Parking Stmcture landscaping pmject. His number is 4?9-2161 if you need to talk to him. Rondall V. Phillips Town Manager B\IPldd stan Pritz)Todd Oppenheimer PAUL D. OOOPEE ''IO}iAS A. trELLEY INANX N. I(EXNEDY DANIEL N. CIiRISTOPHER xrM B, clttt.lts ' ESRNASD B. SAPP XAr .r. nlCE ' ELIZAEETII A. STANRS RTCIiABD B. CASCIi TTE . IiART( A. FOOO MICI( T. MIIIM SIiETLA P. CASBICAN CHAIITTINE A. MULI.III CHABLES R. LEDB TrIN ' Al-so AD!,ttlrED rN wYotlNo Cooenn a Knrr-rx. P. C. ArroRNEYs AT LAw 1660 WYNKOOP StEEEf, SUtrE 90() DENVER COr.OnADO @202 - L 197 FAl{ (303) A2tO434 October 15, 1991 RrsB()cT 18l99l LI;A !. rltllrllz RONALD IT. }TII.IROW BABDARA II. (}!'OIIWI6Z .rotlN L xANlf DAWN E. FrsBryll ', DA.NIEL E. I|CCUNE REGTNA M. RODTIGUE:Z Dc)UGlllS .r. CO:( LABRY S. MCCLUNO DEA.\ A. !'TCCONNELI. ANN M. TEOI(PISON PEIEB M. LUDYTIO CELESTE L OEEEEi ol conxtlt PAUL E, SCOIT. !i. D., .t' D. cHAnr.Es P. rogrtl oP .tolllr L clouos Lawrence A. Eslcwith, Esg. Towrt of Vail 75 South Frontage RoadVail , Colorado 81557 Re: Trrrol Corp., Ltd. v. Town of VaiL et al ., Civi.l ActionNo. 91 CV 320, Eagle County District Court Dear Larry! Enclosed for your infomation and files is a copy of theplaintiffs' response to the Request for production oi Documents.There are Eeverar items of interest apparent frorn these materialE.First, the plaintiffs indicate that they cannot locate any planssubmitted prior to June 1990. Second, it appears from Slliion,s9/L8/89 Invoice that the $3,000 in work coveied by the buildingpermit was for "rough in only. " Third, the design of theIandscape lighting by John Watson is dated April-ll, 1990, andHunt Electric did not begin the work until late llay 1990.(Watson'e first proposal to the plaintiffs is dated March 3,1990. ) Assuming this chronology is accurate, it will be difficultfor the-plaintiffs to maintain that the issuance of the buildingpennit in September 1989 constituted approval of theinstallation - which was not even designed at that timet I will keep you advised as further developments occur. truly yorlrs, . sapp KELIEY, P.C. BBS/gkp Enclosuree cc: ![r. Darren Elmore, File No.551 KLP 83747 (w/o enc.; t,",OI/- 7l tl '"' ' IN TTIE DISTRICT COURT,cot NlI"v oF EAGLE, STATE OF COT.oRAIX) CaBe No. 9l CV ORDER |IIROL CORP., LTD., and RENATIO IBARRA, Plalntlffs, v. ?FOIIN OF VAIL' II{'TTN COI'NCIL OF THE AOWN OF VAIL' KENII ROSE, THOMAS STEINBERG, I,TN FRITZLEIT, JN,TES GIBSON, UERVYN LAPIN, ROBERT LEVINE ANd PEGGY OSTERFOSS AS THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE TOWN OF VAIL' ANd GALE NORIION AS ATTORNEY GENERAI, OF THE STATE OF COIORADO Defendantr. ------;-- ON IICIIIOI{ OF THE PLAIIITIFFS'pufsuant to Rule 105(a)({)(III), C.R.C.P., lt ls ordered that the Defendant, Town of llall, shalt ftle wtth the clerk of thls Court on or before the -lot dai ot August, 1991, the record of the hearlng before-the oer:E-enCant, Town Councll of the Town of Vall, on June 18. 1991,pertalnlng to the applf.catlon of ths Plalntlffs. DoNE the ..]!5#!"" of Jury, 19e1. BY THE COURT WIN.L-.fnrs t I @ge IN THE DISTRICT COURT' COT'ITTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COIORADO Case No. 91 Cv 320 TAIVER OF SERVICE OF PROCESS TYROL CORP., LTD. r rnd RENATO IBARRA,Plalntlffs, v. IIIOV'N OF VAIL; TOI{N COTJNCIL OF THE TOIIN OF VAII.; KENT ROSE, THOUAS STEINBERG, LYN FRITZLEN, JN{ES GTBSON, UERVYN I.APTN, ROBERT LEVINE and PEGGI OSTERFOSS AS THE @VERNING BODY OF rHE TOWN OF VAIL; and GALE NORTON AS ATTORNEY GENERAL OF THE STATE OF COI,oRAI)O Defendants. Larry Eskwlth, as Attorney for the TOWN OF VAIL, the I'OTIN COT'NCIL OF ITTE TOWN OF VAIL, ANd KENT ROSE' TTIOMAS STEINBERG, LYN FRITZLEN, JA},IES GIBSON' MERVYN I,APIN, ROBERT LEVINE ANiI PNCCY OSTERFOSS AS THE @VERNING BODY OF THE TCITIN OF VAIL, acknowledges recelpt of a copy of the Sunmons, Complalnt' Motl6n Under RuIe 105(a)(4)(III), and order, and, on behalf of the aforementl.oned Aeieirriairis, wilveg formal service oC proceaa thereof. Dated the 15th day of July, 1991. STATE OF COI'NTY OF 15th day coLoRADO )) ss.EAGr.,E ) The foregolng was subscrlbed and svtorn to before ne the of July, 1991, by Larry Esknlth. !!y commlaslon explree witnese my hand lnd ofEEfaT Eear. IN THE DISTRICT COURT, COIJIITY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO Case No. 91 cv 320 Sl'IrlttoNS rYROL CORP., LTD., and RENATO IBARRA, PlalntlffB, v. TOWN OF VAIL; IDOT|N COT'NCIL OF THE !OT|N OF VAIL; KENT ROSE, THOMAS STEINBERG, LYN FRITZLEN, JAIIES GIBSON, UERVYN I.APIN, ROBERE LEVINE ANd PECIGY OSTERFOSS AS rHE GOVERNING BODY OF TIIE TOWN OF VAIL, and GAI,E NORTON AS AADORNEY GENERAL OF THE STATE OF COI,ORADO DefendantB. i TIIE PEOPLE OF TIIE STATE OF COIORADO TO THE ABOVE-NN,TED DEFEITDAIITS, GREETINGS: You are hereby aunnoned and regulred to flle wlth the Clerk of thls Court an anawer or other response to the attached Conplalnt. If servl.ce of thls Sunsons and Conplalnt was nade upo-n you wtthln the State of, Colorado, you are regulred to flle -y6ur inswer withln 20 days after gervlce upon yoy: Il gervlce of Ehe Sunmons and Conplalnf, was made upon you outslde the Stat€ of Colorado, ybu are regutred to f!!e your answer to the Conplalnt wlthln 30 da;ie after such eervlce upon you. If,ryou fall to flle your anBwer or other reslronBe to the Conglatnt-ln wrltlng wlthln the appllcable tlne perlod, Judgnent by default nay be entered agalnst you by the Court for the rellef demanded tn eald Conplalnt wlthout further notlce. The followlng docunents are algo eerved herewlth: Conplalntl'lotlon Pursuant to Rule 105(a) (4) (III)order tlJA DATED tn" /5 day of July, t. o Vail, Colorado 81657(303) 476-7552 Attorneys f,or Plalntlffs t ) IN TITE DISTRICT COURT, COT'I{TY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO Case No. 91 CV ?z-o CO!dPI"AINT TIROL CORP., LTD., and RENATO IBARRA, Plalntlffs, v. IOWN OF VAIL' TOWN COT'NCIL OF THE I(EIIT ROSE, TOWN OF VAIL' THOMAS STEINBERG, LYN FRITZLEN, JAT.{ES GIBSON, UERVTN I"APIN, ROBERT LEVINE ANd PEGGY OSTERFOSS AS TltE @VERNING BODY OF THE TOIfN OF VAIL; and CET,E NONTON AS ATTORNEY GENERAL OF THE STATE OF COLORADO Defendants. I COMENOWthePlalnttffgbythelrattorneys,Cosgrl'ff, Dunn & Abplanalp, and a3 a coaPlatnt a_galnst Defendants ttate: GENERAL AI.LEGATIONS 1. Plalntttf Tyrol corP., Ltd., is a corporatlon. :--authorized to do buglneeg-ln the State of Colorado, and Plalnttff Renato Ibarra ts prea!.dent of Tyrol CorP., L!d., and acta as agent for Tytol Corp., Ltd. r at all tines relevant hereto' - !' 2.t: Plalntlff Tyrol corP., Ltd., is the owner of resldentlal r'eal property located ln the Town of vallt_Eagle_- -Eo"niy, Cofoiaaor-<teicrlled aB Lot 1, Block 3' Vail Vtllage Thtrd ifffni'("the reai property"). Plalnttff Renato Ibarra 1s a piincipir lndlvlduil -occupairt of the real property, wlth the iuthority and pemlsslon ol ptatntlf f Tyrol Corp', Ltd' 3. On or about the 12th day of Septenber, 1989, theptatnttffs requested that the Defendant, Town of vall ("the Totrn") lssue a constructlon permlt for the lnstallatlon of tiectifcal condult tn trenches to bE constructed on the real property. 4. On or about the 13th day of Septenber, 1989, the Town iggued ltg constructlon permlt for the lnstallatlon of efectrfiil condutt ln trenchei to be constructed on tha real lioperty. A copy of sald constructlon pemlt ls attached hereto as Exhlblt 'rA". 5. On or about the 13th day of SePtember, 198-9, the - Town's electrlcal lnspector lnspected thE trenchtng whlch.was the-ubJect of the conEtructlon pernlt referred to above and l3eued tfre'in"pectlon report constlluttng apploy?l 9I..thE work don€' a copy of-whtch ts attached hereto as Exhiblt 'B'. 6.BetvreensePtenberrlgSgandJunerlg90Plalntlffg' Ln rellance upon the conitructl.on permlt and I'nspectlon report fJ""ta by the-ToYrn, proceeded to construct and lngtall a f""ai"api-ifgfrifng'sirstem on the real property: On or about the ilin a.i of Suner-19-90, the llownrs eleltrlcal lnspector lnapected ifre figi,tlng sysiem which had been lnstalled on the real ProPerty ina fsioed in tnspectlon report, a copy of_whlch_l3 attached ag Exhlbit "Cr,' consittuttng ftnal approval of the landscape- ltghtlng EYBtem. 7. On or about the 10th day of Decenber, 1990, Platnttffs recelved from the Tohtn a Lomnunlcatlon denandlng that ih;-i;e;cape-Ughtlng eystem be brought Lnto conformlty wlth thE Oesfgn Rev1-ew gulAetties-of the Town notwlthstandlng the approvals descrlbed above. 8. On or about the 5th day of Aprtl, 1991, Platnttffs ln conpllanc€ wlth the Town's regueeL.submltted-an appllcatlon for Oeitgn Revlew approval of the landscape-ttghtlng system installed on the real ProPertY. 9. On the lgt of May, 1991, the Town'e Dealgn Review Board denled sald aPPllcat.lon. 10., On the 10th day of May, 1991, the Plalnttffs aooealed the dectslon of the Deglgn Revlew Board to the p-"ienAint, tf,i Town Councll of th6 fown of Vatl ("the Councl'I"). A-a;pt oe'tni Nottce of Appeal ls attached hereto as Exhlblt D. 11. On the 18th day of June, 1991, the Councll affhmed the declglon of the Deslgn Revtew Board' FIRST CLAIM RI'LE 105 REVIEW t2. The allegatlons of Paragraphs I through 11 Lncorporated herel.n by reference thereto. 13. The Councll has exceeded lte Jurlsdlctlon abused lts dlscretlon, and there ls no plaln, speedy and remedy otherillse Provlded bY law. are or adeguate 14. The allegatlons of paragraphs I through 11 are hereby lncorporated by reference. 15. Platnttffer righta are affected by the Deslgn Revlew regutattons contalned in chapter-18:51 of the Munlclpal Code of the Townr-fncfuaing but not llnlted to Sectlon 18.54'050 t;in"-Oratnance"i, Ugtl, geierally and as applled.to landscape- llghttng aystemgr'and ts-entltled to have Oetermtned any quest1on oi.con"fruitton 6r valldtty arlslng under said ordtnance' 16.Theordlnancecontalnsnoadeguateatandardgfor the revlew of appifciifons and on Lts face, or aa lt has been iipff"a-io piafi,ifiis, fs ln vlolatlon of the Due Process and uhiii-i""tectton crauies of the constltutlon of the Unlted states of Anerica. r PROMISSORY ESIOPPEI. L7. The allegatlons of paragraphs 1 through 11 are lncorporated hereln by reference thereto' 18. Plalntlffs expended approxlmately $2?,000 ln the Lnstallatlon of the landscap6-ttgtrtlng systen ln rellance upon ifr" .on"tructlon permlt, thi tnsfectlon ipproval- and the ;;"iil;aiJ"i.pp"?rval, ioptes of-whlch are attached hereto ae Exhlblts A, I and C. 19. The Town ls estopped fron denylng the approval of the landscape llghtlng-system ani from lnterferlng wlth platnttffs' use ina "f,t"i*ent of the landscape-llghtlng system' THIRD CI,AIM 20. The allegatl'ons of ParagraPhs 1 through 11 are tncorporated hereln by reference thereto. 2t. UPon lnforrnatlon and bellef, unlege e11of19!-U1- thls Court, the iown wlll take stepE to enforce- the cleclalon or in" Coot.li and to comp€I Plalntlffs to remove the landecape- i'ignti"g systenr before-thts Court ls given the opportunlty to revlew that declslon. 22. If the Town Ls not enJolned from enforclng the Councll'g declsl.on, Plalntlffe wlll iuffer lnnedlate and fiilpii"Ufe narn-fir irrat, lf- the-Iandscape-Itghtlng syatem la ;;;;;a; itatnttrrg' claims hereln wtll be cauged to be noot. 23. The allegat!'ons of paragraphs I through 11 are lncorporated hereln by reference thereto' 24, Th€ actlons of the Town were taken purs|ant to color of state fiw ino conatltuted a denlal of the !l9lt?-9f "Sdi protectlon and due proces' quarant€ed to the Plalntlffs, if,a, f? rhe dectston of t-he Councit fs found to be valld Uy lttlPc6"it, will consifi"t" a regulatory taklng.o{.9h: ProPgrty of the ifiiniffes without conpenaaflon. Suctr acttvitles by the Tonn .;;;;ili"ae vrolairons 6f 42 U.s.c. S 1983, as a regult of whlch ififntfete euffered, and are ent!'tled to the recovery of' danages T|HEREFORE' Plalntlffs pray ag follows: l.ThatthlsCourtrevlewthedeclglonoftheCouncl'I purEuant t; Rui;-io!(q)(al, 9.1:c.P. and detemlns that th€ councll has exceee;a'f$ iurlsdlctton or abused lts dlscretlon' Z.i. fn the alternatlve, that thts Court enter an order Dursuant to RuIe at; C;R:|.i., Aiternlnlng that the Ordlnance ls irii."Iitrir{"ii on'tts face or as lt has-been applled to the flafntiffs oi that the Ordtnance has no appllcatlon to the Plalntlffs. 3.rnthealternatlve,thatthl.scourtdeter:ninethatthe Tonn ts egtoppeA to enforce i'he aectston of the councll and i- conpet the rei6val of the landscape-llghtlng systen' CLAI}I f. That thtE court enter Jud$rent ln favor of the Platntlffs and agalnEt the Town for the amount ln whlch !t has Lten Ou*"ged as i consequence the denlal of the rlghts.?f_d!: ^-^proce's aid equal proteCtlonr- gng of the regulatory tal(1ng of, tne iioperty of the pletntlffa, whlch anount wlll be ahown upon trlal. 5. That the Court enter a temporary restralnlng order and an lnJunctlon, Pendente llte, and upon-trlal hereof, iiistiir"iig ana eir16rnrng the Town fronr enforclng the decl'slon of ihe Cooncti pendlng entry of flnal Judgment hereln' 5. For lts coBta, lncludlng a reasonable attorney's fee, pursuant to {2 U.S.,$. S 1988. 7t DATED thE dayg 108 s. Frontage Rd. *300 Val.l, Colorado 81557(303) 476-7552ittoineys for Plalntlffs Plalntlffg' addregg: Av. de las Palmas No. 555-501 Col . Lomas de ChaPultepec Mexlco, D.F. 11000 Republlc of Mexico I anaLp// Jx. t John Vt. Dunn, No. (421 ,,rtil , lggl PEASE INDUSTRIES. INC., 71OO OIXIE HIGHWAY, FAIRFIELD, OHIO 45014 U.S.A. 513-870.3600 l{arch 28, l99l ltr. Aody Koudtsea Town Planaer TO$T OF VAIL 75 South Frontage Road Val1 CO 81657 Dear Andy: Thaok you for taklng tlme last Thursday evenlng to cone by and look at our outdoor lighttng. Subsequent to that neeting' I dld receive your letter of llarch 20 aad wlsh to sunmarlze our meeting on that eveolng aod respond to your letter. At our res ldence at 454 Beaver Dam Road we have basically two forns of exterl.or ltghtlng. Flrst the llghtlng on and near the house, and second the llghting of our rather Large conlferous tree in our front yard. Concernlng the former, that ls the normal bullding exterlor lightlng' I wlsh to confirnr that all of that constructlon work was done three to four years ago as we were bulldiag that house. During that tlme we had sub- nltted very complete plans to Vall, and as you are well aware we lrere lnspected oo aunerous occasions for all aspects of conpLiaace to Vall codes, certainly lncluding our electrlcal work both lnslde and outside' as well as llghtlng therelo. For your lnfornation, our desigtr architect and supervlsing archltect durlng thls bulldlng perlod was Gordon Plerce and his associates. In potnt of fact 8111 Reslock was the nanaglng archltect for our particular project. Our bullder was Gary Bossow who also is operatlng ln the Vatl butldtng network. Should you have any speclfic questlons about the llghtlng or the inspectlous pertalnlng to thls orlglnal construetloo ln 1986 and 1987 I would like to refer you to either our arcbltect or bullder. To ny conplete recollectloor as I sald, all aspects of our bullding compllance were meticulously supervlsed by Vall lnspectlon personnel. We, ln due course, did recelve our Certlficate of Occupancy frorn the Tonn of Vall indicatiag to ny knouledge conplete approval of what had been done ln all aspects of that bullding proJ ec t. In regard to our conlferous tree llghting, I must admit. that this proJect wag done subsequeot to our conpletloo of the house. As I recall, we trted to have that ready for the World Cup festivlties several years ago. I nlght add that we got great support for thls llghttng Project, due to the slze of the tree aod the fact that tt was vlewable fron naoy areas of the Vatl communlty, by a number of counclL members and others ln and out EVER.STRAIT DOOR SYSTEMS Mr. Andy Koudtsen March 28, 1991 Page Two of the all governnent. Aa you recall , there was a s trong moveoent at that ttne to try to nake Vall as attractlve as posslbLe wlth olght ltghtlng for that partlcuLar race season. But, I nust adnit that th18 llghttqg project was subsequent to our aornal bull-diog' and I do not believe that rde appLled to the Towa of Vall- for a Deslgn Revlew Board approval of that particular night lighting project. Should you feel that we need to do so at thls tlne we certalllly wtll be glad to fll-l- out tthat- ever forns are neceasary if you would send then to u6 60 that we nay fornalJjze thls proJect as well as our basic proJect on thls property. I shoul'd also llke to confirm what I told you Last Thursday evenlng ' tha t shoul-d aoy aspect of our 454 Beaver Dam Road project be obJectlonable to aoy nelghbors nlthln stght of our hone ln terns of llghttug' laodscaplag 'archltecture or any other natter lf you would slmply bring theee speclflcs to noy attention I aasure you that they w111 be takea care of imnediately ulthout further dlfficuJ.ty ln terns of the Vall Village governqent Proceas. I wish to thar& you for your concern about our house, and hope that this Letter adequately aoalrers yours of l{arch 20, 1991. Chairman, CEO DtlJ: Jbb cc; Gordon Pierce Gary Bossow Krletan Prltz Larry Eskwith ErnBt Gl.atzle Don Byers t F IL I COPY lnwn 75 aoulh fi'onbge road Yall. colorado 81657 (3qr) 4792138 (3Gl) 4792139 llarch 20, 1991 Mr. David H. Pease, Jr. 71Oo Dixie HighwayFairfield, oH 45014 olfice ol communlty deYelopmenl Re: IJot 5, Block 2, Vail vlllage 3rdl Filing Dear l'1lr. Pease: I appreciated talking with you on the telephone on January 30, 1991 regarding your exterior lighting. I understand you want to be a good neighbor, and that you are concerned about the irnpact of your lights. I was hoping that you would call me when you were in town, so that we could meet on the site, as we discussed. Unfortunately, the deadline I put in my January 24' 1991 letter has past, and the problero has not been resolved. In my letter of JanuarY 24, 1991-' I requested that you subnit a DRB ippLication by rebruae 25, 1991-. without irornediate attention to this problem, the Town will issue a citation, which nay reguire a court appearance here in the Town of vail . The cilation is based on Lhe fact that the procedure for obtaining Design Review Board approval has not been followed correctly. We would rather not resolve this issue in that forumi however, we must resolve this problern irnmediately. The Town of VaiL is reguiring that you submit a Design Review Board application as soon as possible. on the site plan of the- -applicaiion, please show which lights will be removed, which will remain, and how they will be shielded. In addition, please provide a letter sp-cifically addressing how your revised plan rreets the code criteria on exteri-or illuurination. The code section states that: rrExterior lighting shall be designed and l0cated in a nanner to nininize inpact of lighting upon living areas within a proposed project and upon adjacent structures andproperties.rr Section 18.54.050(c) (11) Dtr. Davld R. Pease, ifr. I.tarch 20, 1991. Page 2 Untll a revLged dealqm has been approved, we must require tlrat the llghte not be turned on. If you have guestions, pleaee call ne at Sollazs-ztla. lhank you for your attentl.on to thls problen. slncerely, ) / -x,{-,'t F*"fuAndy lUruittslti Town Planner /abcc: Krietan PrltzLarry EstimithErnst Glatzle Don Byers Summarv of Town Council Discussion of June 18. 1991 Staff gave a brief presentation of the lbarra lighting situation, and gave a summary of the Design Review Board declsion. After a site visit to look at the lighting situation, the following discussion took place: Kent Bose - Lights high up in the trees are problems. lt would be more reasonable if they were placed at the base of trees. Peggy Osterfoss - The goal of the Code is to minimize impact. This criteria is not met by these lights. Lynn Fritzlen - Applicant has acted in good faith. George Lamb's comments from his letter are true, and there is a need for better regulations. She thinks it would be better if the Town took a broad approach and tried to get all lots within the Town inot compliance with the code within three years. Merv Lapin - Move to uphold the DRB decision, finding that the exterior lighting does have an impact on the adjacent properties, per Section 18.54.050(CX11). Jim Gibson - Second. Vote - 6-1-0, with Lynn Fritzlen voting against the motion. Rob Levine - lmpact could be minimized by dropping the lights to a lower level in height. Merv Lapin - Take lights out of the tops of the trees. Tom Steinberg - The etfect is a very unnatural appearance. TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Town Council Community Development Department June 18, 1991 Appeal of a denial of an exterior landscape lighting plan for property localed at Lot 1, Block 3, Vail Village First Filing. Appellant: Renato lbarra, represented by Art AbplanalpPlanner: Andy Knudtsen I. BACKGROUND On April 5, 1991, Mr. lbarra submitted a Design Review Board application to the Town of Vail. The application was for landscape tree lighting. The lighting had been previously installed, but had not been approved by the DRB. II. CODE STANDARDS RELATING TO THIS PROPOSAL The Design Review chapter of the Zoning Code states lhat: t' ,i 11 "No person shall commence removal of vegetation, site preparation, building i ,// construction or demolition, dumping of material upon a site, sign erection, exterior Lr.i-{'r'\I alteration or enlargement of an existing structure, paving, fencing or other , . iI improvements of open space within the corporate limits of the Town of Vail unless r/' ' ' I \1 design approval has been granted as prescribed in this chapter." Section ,,r.\ ,0"" \,18.s4.030(A), Stalf believes that the lighting is an improvement of open space, which does require Design Review Board approval. The Design Review Guildelines state that exterior lighting must meet the followino criteria: ^ 'e;bPa ----- /'f-l "Exierior lighting shall be designed and located in a manner to-minimize impact of lighting upon living areas within a proposed project and gpon adjacent structures and properties." Section 18.54.050(CX1 1). III. REVIEW PROCESS On April30, 1991, the Design Review Board metthe landscape architect on the site at night to evaluate the lighting. The following day, May 1 , 1991, the Design Review Board reviewed the proposal, and voted to deny it, 4-0. They concluded that the lighting which had been installed did not meet the code guideline listed above, and was not compatible with the neighborhood. The applicant then appealed the Design Review Board decision, and as a result, the request is before the Council for additional review. o Ye'tr ilrl-l+u ,,'{L f:"^Jfu^rl '" ,)'.'^"q Po'"/' l'1t"h Jr.". -r#L k 0( y6,6q ttflx'v;a' vp*{ ' ri -( '*L k /4*'- h['A LvHlt ffi,^i hn a(rl1 N, yl k'il'qL,, u^L< ctwtw,'*h +*" n*l k 6.(h, u6l"h"' fi"^ ^{r+ ib9ftN- 'n "a1*f;o-'c o4'u j 1F U $\6a( \tr{ ,(vT€ r$ fieY( Tn4^ ls'l' o 4nn il,tu* ir ,"(Ul Xt.s xL /acx; o,y fr.-q fl-j t4* uy f ,l n\ rL,- L/..( o,^ w{rult ^ {'; nb1u*t tt ( ln tr' lv 14 'ao c("\ l*po"l' uuil & w-ivt' ruo/ (l'."- dt A lu'- l-,J '-l "(,. l;1t,,tj .r./- 4 {-f e[ V\ ,,-nno lrt^-l */faa.p't-c- L1 fo--. thrf-lq& r(ruu JUN 1 41991i Surnn,Snalrrr & FnanarroN, INc. O REAI- ESTATE BROKERS AND CONSULIANTS 23O BRIDCE STREET VAIL, COLORADO 81 657 TELEPHONE t3o3) 47G2421 TELEFAX (ng 476-26fl TO3 FROM: RE: DATE: Vail Town Council; George Lanb : Design Review I Exterior Residential Liahtino June l-4, 1991- L. I have attached a sunnary of the DRBrs opinion regarding exteriorlighting, specifically applied to the Iberra Residence. Included are: 1) reasons for DRB denial2l reasons for exterior lighting3) suggestions as to re-drafting lighting guidelines lfe also feel that the Iberra installation, presently under yourreview, and the Kravis design, which may come before you shortly,bottr were installed without fornal DRB application or approval . Unfortunately, the current code is too vague and abstract to les-islate this issue without, some controversy. Conseguently, it isclear that the guidelines need to be expanded. These DRB applications are just that -- applications submitted for approval . The fact that these designs have already been installedshould have no bearing on our decision. The fact that neighbors have cornplained due to the lightingrs negative iurpact on then isa reason to consider. Our decision was consistent with the code. It is nord apparent thatthe code needs some clarification. OFFTCES IN VAIL AND BFAVER CREEK o Srmnn" o Iwc. TO: FROM: RE: DATE: SvtrH & Fnevrnrox, REAL ESTATE BROKERS AND CONSUUTANTS 230 BRIDCE STREET VAIL, COLORADO 81657 Vail Town Council r/".a /\George Lamb (..-{.1 1Design Review {oa/d Exterior Residential Liqhtincr June L4, 1991- TELEPHONE (3,.3) 47G2421 TELEFAX (303) 47G265a I understand that the council will be reviewing the recent Design Review Boardrs denial of the exterior lighting plan presently in-stalled at the Iberra Residence on Beaver Dam Road. I am ardare of at least one other lighting installation which the DRB is presently reviewing and which falls within the eane con- cerned paraneters as the fberra design. As technology inproves andpreference dictates, other proposals will be forthconing. The issue is a difficult one, for there does not appear to be aspecific section within our code which addresses this subject indepth. Consequently, any ruling on individual applications becomes somewhat subjective and open to debate, and legislation is ques- tionable. The DRB was unanimous in its denial of the Iberia application, and we were in sirnilar agreement to recomrnend that the Kravj.s applica-tion be tabled. I felt it would be helpful if I briefly stated my opinions on thissubject which I believe is shared in varying degrees by the other members of the DRB. There are two areas of the code on which we are basing our currentposition. One section deals specifically with exterior lighting and states that installations should minimize the irnpact on living areas within the subject property and adjacent properties. Theother section is centered around compatibility. Relative to ex-terior lighting, these two areas go hand in hand; if one is sensi-tive to the impact on neighbors and/or develops a plan which is compatible to the area, the applicatj.on will most likely be appro-priate. As a Board, we feel that, the installation of lighting 20, 30, and even 40 feet up in a tree is unnatural and unsuited in a residen-tial environment. I suggest that we draft a more definitive light-ing guideline which describes the intent and details the applica-tion. O|-NCFS IN VAIL AND BEAVER CRETK Page 2Vail Town Council There are several good reasons for exterior lighting. The obviousones relate to pure landscape elements and security. Another reason is the result of the new, high tech window fenestration and,particularly, sophisticated glazing systems. These new appli-cations are very effective in removing ultraviolet rays; they do, however, have one drawback. During the day, one can see outslde due to the natural sun light, but wittrout this illunination atnight the glass becones reflective and dark, resulting in a verycold edge to a room where the wall and glass become solid elenentE.It becomes necessary to introduce some exterior lighting to openthe room, so to speak, soften the effect, and extend the space tothe outside. This lighting can be subtle. In all of these cases, exterior lighting can be low level , hori- zontal , and linited to a specific candle power. With this prernise in nind, we suggest that the new guidelines bepositive and stress the following areas: - Horizontal lighting shalt be permitted with a high restric-tion of not nore than 8 feet. - Such lighting shall be used to accent features such as drive- ways, walks and landscape features, and trees. - The light source or rrhot spotrr must be screened from viewwherever possible within the property and must not be seenfron adjacent property owners. - Uplighting shal1 be discouraged. - Vertical lighting, such as on buildings and trees, shall notbe permitted except by special approval from the DRB. - Specific candle power/Iight intensity and light color shouldbe addressed, i.e. l- to 2 candle porirer and soft white fiqht. - AtI installation shall consider the inpact in both surnmer andwinter when leaves and snow may cause different and, perhaps, undesirable effects. In sunnary, we feel that exterior lighting can be a very attractivefeature and, when instal.led correctly, it can fit in cornpatiblywithin a neighborhood and adjacent to spaces. Under no circum-stances should J-ighting be offensive or installed in a rflook at merr, self serving manner. I nm JUN t t tggt Law OFF|cEs CosaRrrr. DuruN a AgpLANALP A PARTNERSHIF INCLUDING A PROFESSIONAL CORFORAT1ON VAtL NATToNAL BANK Bu TLDTNG SUITE 30O log SourH FRoNTAGE RoAD WESr VarL, CoLoRADo 8t657 TELEPHoNE: (3O31 476 -7552 TELEcoPf ER: (3O3l 476 - 47 65 11 June 1991 IN LEAOVILLE: CoscRrFF, DUNN & BERRY P- O. 60X rl LEADVTLLET COLORAOO eO:ltl (rl9):lec-ra€5 JOHN W. OUNN ARTHUR A. ABPLANALE JR. TIMOTHY H. BERRY ALLEN C. CH RISTENSEN LAWRENCE P. HARTLAU B Mr. Andy Knudtsen Department of Communlty Development Town of VaII 75 South Frontage VlestVail, Colorado 81567 Re: Appeal of Declslon of Vall Deslgn Revlew Board Landscape Ltghtlng Lot 1, Block 3, ValI Village Third Filing Dear Andy: As you are ar.rare, this office represents Tyrol Corporation, the owner of the above described property, and Renato Ibarra, Presldent of Fyrol Corp., who have flled an appeal from the determl.nation of the Vall Design Review Board relatlng to theltghtlng system lnstalled on the above property. It Is my understanding that the appeal ls scheduled for consideration by the Town Councll on Tuesday, the 18th of June, 1991. In assoclatLon wlth the appeal which ls pendlng' f have reviewed the avallable records of the Town of VaiI in order to determlne whether there exlsts any record that eLther the Town ofValI Deslgn Revlew Board or the staff ever considered or revlewed the landscape llghtlng of any other project sinllar to ourclient's prlor to the time that Mr. and Mrs. Donald Byers demanded that the Town of ValI take action against our cllents.I have found no lndication that elther the Vail Deslgn Review Board or the staff ever made such a revleyt, despite the fact that there are numerous examples of landscape lighting in the Town of VaiI whlch mlght, under the logic argued by Mr. and Mrs. Byers' and now by the Town of Vail, have required such revLew. I recognlze that you cannot review every flle ln the Department of Community Development, but I request that you revlew your own recollectlon, and discuss this guestion with the other members of the Department of Communlty Development. Because the lssue seems llmlted to relatively low denslty areas,I request only that you advlse me of any single fanily or duplex proJects which were required to and did, in fact, undergo design review for landscape ltghtlng prlor to December, 1990. I further THE PROFESSIONAL COFPORATION IS OUNN & ABPLANALP. P.C. IN VAIL, oo reguest that I have the opportunity to review any file or other record of such conslderatlon, includlng, lf the record ls so llnlted, the aEenda book of the Deslgn Review Board and the memoranda of Deatgn RevLew Board action whlch tlpically supports the agenda record. Should you have any questions regardtng this request, pleaEe contact me. I wouLd appreclate learning the reaults of your lnquiry by the end of this week, lf posslble. AA,AJT: Jxc: Tyrol Cotporation Mr. Larry Eskrrtth;ToYrn Attorney A*5' Law OFF|CES Coscnrrr. Durlr{ & AepLANALp A PARINEFSHIP INCIUOING A PROFESSIONAI COFIPORAIION VArL NAT|oNAL BANX Bu t|-otNG SurrE 3oo IOA SoUIH FRoNTAGE RoAD WEST VArL, CoLoRADo 81657 TELEPHON E' 3O3' 476-7552 TELEcoPTeR: (3O3t 47 6- 47 65 10 May 1991 NOfICE OF APPEAL Town of Vall 75 South Frontage Road WestVatl Co 81557 HAND DELIVERED Re: lYrol Corp., Ltd./Renato Ibarra Thlg Offlce represente Tyrol Corp., Ltd., the ovtner of Lot1, Block 3, ValI VlIIage Flrgt Flllng, and Mr. Renato lbarra, the Presldent and agent for that corporatl.on. On the lst of May, 1991, the Town of Vall Design Revlew Board considered a request for approval of an exlstlng landacapellghttng system. The request waE submltted at the reguest of theVail Department of Conmunlty Development on behalf of Tyrol Corp., Ltd., and Mr. Ibarra, ln order to cooperate wLth a requestof the Department of Conmunlty Development that a llghtlng system prevlously lnstalled under a Town of Vail pernlt be revlewed to determlne whether any nodlflcatlons rdere necessary to alleviateposslble impacts on adJolning property owners. The request for approval was diaapproved, and the dlrectlve to our cllent waathat the llghtlng system should be removed. By thts letter, tr1rrol Corp., Ltd., and Mr. Ibarra appeal the decl.sion of the Town of ValI Deslgn Review Board of the lst of May, 1991. l6-q I 67:9g P, tt. lN LEAgvtLLE: CosGRrFF, DUN N & BERRY P O. AOX tl LEADVt|-LE, COTORAOO 6O.l€l (7r0) 4e€-le€5 PETER COSGRI FF JOH N W. DUNN ARTH U R A.ABPLANALP, JR. TIMOIHY H. BERRY ALLEN C. C H RISTENS EN LAWRENCE P HARTLAU B The grounds for thls appeal hearlng before the Town Councll.not llmlted to the followlng: wlII be fully preeented at the Those grounds lnclude but are 1. Prlor to and durlng the installatlon and constructlonof the ltghtlng ayatem whlch was the subJect of the reguest before the Deslgn Revlew Board, the Town of Vall approved and lnspected the llghtlng system, and, based upon that approval and those lnspectlona, the ltghting system was ingtalled andactivated at conslderable coat. fhe Town of Vail cannot now requlre the retroactive review of the Eysten and, upon denlal of review approval, reguire lts removal . THE PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION IS DUNN & ABPLANALP. P.C. IN VAIL, 2. Ehe Tonn of Vatl has not, ln the past, requlred design revlew or D,eslgn Revl.ew Board approval of ldentlcal or substantlally ldentlcal llghtlng systems, based upon the same regulatlons whlch the Town now attempts to enforce against ourcllents, aB a result of whlch the lmposltlon of the Eameregulatlons upon '.t'Yrol Corp., Ltd. and Renato Ibarra In adlfferent manner constltute a denlal of equal protectlon to ',t'YrolCorp., Ltd., and Renato lbarra. 3. The actlon of the Town of vall to retroactlvely Iend adlfferent lnterpretatlon to lts regulatlons, and to lmpose its regulatlons upon properly permltted llghting systems, was lnstigated by a relatlvely snall nurnber of lndlvlduale, organlzed by Don Byers, the lndlvldual who Eold the resldence whlch ls the subject of thls appeal to the appellants. Mr. Byers reserved only the rlght to llmlt any further conEtruction whlch would obstruct hlg vlew. Mr By€ra nord attempts to lmpose llmltatlons on the appellant llnltatlong whLch he falled to lmPose when the property was conveyed to the appellants. The result of hls efforts has been to motlvate the Department of Comnuntty Development to demand removal of aeveral other llghtlng syatems whlch have already been lnstalled, presumably also under the authorlty of Town permLts. These other regldences lnclude those of Henry KravLg (424 Forest Road) and David Pease (454 Beaver Dam Road). Also under thle approach, the Design Review Board has required removal of a prevJ.ously lnstalled system on a proPerty known as the Byrne/Blederman resldence at 254 Beaver Dam Road. one person's detetmlnatlon to control hls neighbor's Property has caused the Tordn to enbark on a crusade affectlng a number of lnnocent tndivlduals, lncludlng the appellant, who have conplledwlth Town regulrenents. 4. The Town of ValI has no authorlty to requlre Deaign Review Board approval of or the removal of the lightLng system whlch ls the subJect of the request whlch wae denled. 5. The deterf,lnatlon by the Deslgn Revlew Board that the lighting systen is unacceptable wag arbl.trary and caprlcious and an abuge of dLscretlon. Please advlse the understgned when thls appeal wlll be scheduled for conslderatlon. COSGRIFF AAAJT: I - PETER COSG RI FF JOHN W. DUNN ARTHUR A- ABPLANALE JR. IIMOIHY H. BERRY ALLEN C. CHRISTENSEN LAWRENCE P, HARTLAUB Law OFFrcEs Coscnrpr, DuruN & ABPLANALP A FARTXERSHIP INCLUOINq A PROFESSIOI{AL CORPORAIIOI{ Vatl Nlrroxel BaNK BurLDrNc SurlE 3oo IOg SoUTH FRoNTAGE RoAo WEST VArL, CoLoRAoo 81657 TELEpHoN E: (3O 31 476-7552 TELEcoPI ER: (3O3t 476- 47 65 IN LeADVIUE: CoscRrFF, DUNN & BERFY P O. IOX tl LEAD\/ILLEI CO|-OFADO tO'tGI (7r0t aet- raag 10 l{ay 1991 . NOrICE OF APPEAL Town of Vall 75 South Frontage Road WegtVall CO 81657 TIAI{D DEIJIVERED Res lYrol Corp., Ltd./Renato Ibarra Thls Offlce repreaents Tyrol Corp., Ltd., the orirner of Lot1, Block 3, vall Vlllage Flrst Flllng, and Mr. Renato lbarra, the Presldent and agent for that corporatLon. On the let of May, 1991i the Town of Vall Deslgn Revlew Board consldered a reguest for approval of an exlstlng landecapeIlghtlng Eystem. The request qras submltted at the request of theVail Department of Connunlty Developnent on behalf of TyrolCorp., Ltd., and Mr. Ibarra, Ln order to cooperate wl.th a requestof the Department of Connunlty Developnent that a ltghttng system.prevlously lnstalled under a Town of Vall permlt be revLewed to determLne whether any nodlflcatlons were necessary to allevtateposslble lmpacts on adJolnlng property owners. The request for approval was dlsapproved, and the dlrectlve to our cllent waethat the ltghtlng system should be removed. By thts letter, Tyrol Corp., Ltd., and l,[r. Ibarra appeal the decl.slon of the Town of Vall Deslgn Revlew Board of the lst of May, 1991. The grounds for thls appeal wlll be.fully presented at thehearlng before the Town Councl.l. Thode grounda include but arenot ltnlted to the followlng! 1. Prlor to and clurlng the lngtallatton and constructl.onof the tLghtlng syBten whlch was the aubJect of the request.'before the Dealgn Revlew Board, the Town of Vall approved and inspected the ltghtlng system, and, based upon that approval and those lnspectlona, the ltghtlng system waE ln?talled andactlvated at conglderable coat. The Town of Vall cannot now'requlre the retroactlve revlew of the system and, upon denial ofrevlew approval , requlre ltE removal . CORPORATION IS DUNN & ABPLANALB P.C. IN VAIL. 2. The Tosrn of Vall has not, ln the paat, reguired desl.gn revlew or Deel.gn Revlew Board approval of ldentlcal orsubstantlally tdentlcal ltghttng systems, based upon the sane regulatlons whLch the Town noyr attempts to enforce agalnst ourcllentE, as a regult of whlch the lnposltlon of the same regulattonE upon Tlrrol Corp., Ltd. and Renato fbarra ln adlfferent manner constltute a denlal of equal protectlon to Tyrol Corp., Ltd., and Renato Ibarra. 3. The actlon of the Town of Vall to retroact.lvely lend adlfferent lnterpretatlon to lts regulations, and to Lnpose Ltsregulations upon properly permltted llghtlng systems, wasLnstigated by a relatlvely small number of lndivlduals, organlzed by Don Byers, the lndlvldual who sold the resldence whlch ls the subJect of thls appeal to the appellants. llr. Byers reserved only the rtght to llntt any further constructl.on whlch wouldobstruct hls vLew. Itr Byers now attempts to lmpose ll.mltatlong on the appellant llmltatlons whlch he falled to lmpose when theproperty lraa conveyed to the appellants. The result of hlseffortE has been to motLvate the Department of Conmunlty Developnent to demand removal of several other lightlng systems whlch have already been lnstalled, presumably also under theauthorlty of Town permlts. These other resldences Lnclude thoseof Henry Kravlg (i124 Forest Road) and Davld Pease (454 Beaver DamRoad). Also under thls approach, the Design RevLew Board hasrequlred removaL of a prevLously lnstalled system on a property known ae the Byrne/Blederman resl.dence at 254 Beaver Dam Road. One personra deteminatlon to control hls nelghbor's property hag caused the Town to enbark on a crusade affectlng a nunber of innocent lndl.vlduals, lncludlng the appellant, who have conplledwlth Town requlrements. 4. The Town of ValI has no authorlty to reguire Deslgn Revlew Board approval of or the removal of the ltght!.ng system whlch lE the subJect of the request whlch was denied. 5. The determlnatlon by the Deslgn Revlew Board that theItghting system Ls unacceptable wag arbltrary and caprlcloug and an abuse of dLscretlon. ./ Please advlse the undersigned when thls appeal wtll be echeduled for conslderatlon. COSGRIFF A. Abplanal AA.AJT: o o Project Application oat" {' 7- ?f . Project Name: Project Oescriptioh: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: f Archilect, Address and Phone: 3 f r,rins [(/ 3/( ,zone-Legal Description: Lot Block Com ments: Design Review Board o^," 5- !- qf APPROVAL Summary: E Statt Approval RFR 19 '91 11318 LFI.I OFFICES SJITE 3A7 VAIL CO. O @8tsl[u llOB l|Wy nW!!94[, llolllf OF YAfIr PI'ttlNER (479-2L97, Fnou! .nY r. PErEE6o{ Fp{DATE3 APRIL, 19, 1991 v 8Et IIE8IGIT AEIrIES AOARD SUBIiI:IAAI. TOR I,TGEfIIIC PIANS TON TBIRNA TTD XRAvrS BOUBA D€a" lndyt eould yog pl.ealr fotrard to Dy ottl.cr, tf, podblr, tro retr ol t}ro DRts gnbnlttal lor trh€ abo\rs referenood prolrestyr As an adJaoentproperty swncr and alro at rrprorntLng othcr adJecent propcrty ornGrr, I vorfld llke l;be opportwrl,ty to revler tbe Blaa. If you hav. arryz quoetl.one plGam contaot r. at ly oftlcr. P.I/L lE1 4PPQ ''i' JAr r. rrtttlfr rltltHoLr rtoar atloOt PA,r l|||l !5t ara€aat ,IeY K krtnsoN /nqtllrctAt tunc rc7 var. l{attoftal. laff ou|lotic toa lc('flt ?toianar roao ural lrEr C[IniD[llt ,i.j'l r,. ,, i, lggl .IJST OF !,IATERIAI.S Na1rIE OF pROJEg1f: The Ibarra Residence LEGAIJ DESCRIPTION: IOT;l_.qIocK 3 5TREET ADDRES5: 3454ild"V5*tBSfi Road, SUBDMSION 3rd Filing Vail DESCRIPTION OF PRqTEcTs Landscape Tree Lighti-ng Suhnittal for the interest of reduci-nq the level of light intensity from the Byers view point only. The.forlowLng- lnfomation !s regulred for subnlttal to the DeelgnReview Board before a fLnal appioval can be gJ,ven: A.BUILDING IIIATERIAIJS ! Roof Sidlng Other l{all }taterials Fascia SoffLts t{Lndows Window Trfun Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Ralls Flues Flashings Chlnneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other I.ANDSCAPING: Nane PIANT MATERIAI,S: PROPOSED EFEES TYPE OF !,IATERIAIJ COIOR of Designer: Phone: Botanl.cal Nanre Conrnon Name ouantltv Size* B. EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED treeg. *Indicate calJ.per for deciduous trees.helght for conlferous Owners Signaturerf Renato Ibar Indl.cate date PIAIIT I{ATERIAL,S! EgggdgALllgse cornrnon Narne ouantitv size* PROPOSED SHRUBS EXISTING STIRUBS TO BE REI.IOVED *Indlcate slze of proposed shrubs. l,IinLmum elze of ehrubs l-s 5 <rallon. Tvpe Scnrare tr.ootaqe GROUND COVERS soD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR !,TETHOD OF EROSION CONTROL C. OTHER IAIIDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls, fences, swinning pools, etc.) Please speclfy. fndlcate helghts of retaining walls. Maxinum helght of walls wlthln the front setback Is 3 feet. Maxlmum height of salle elsewhere on the propegty is 6 feet. r tLI 75 louth lrcntlg3 rold Yell, colorado 81657 (3m) 4792138 (303) {7$2139 otffce ol communtty douclopm€nt uarch 20, L99L l.!r. Art Abplanalp, Jr.vail National Bank Building 108 S. Frontage Road WestSuite 300 VaiI , CO aL657 Re: Landscape Irtghttng on IJot 1, Elock 3'vail village 3rd riltng Dear ttr. Alrplanalp: fn your letter of February 8, 1-991, you said your client is taking steps to reduce the iurpact of his landscape lighting onhis neighbors. I appreciate his intentions, and would like to see the first step taken to resolve the existing Problen. The concept you described of installing screens on ttre lights to soften their inpact nay work. What needs to be done at this tine is to subnit a complete Design Review Board application to the Town of Vail identifying all the tights on the property, showing which lights vill be removed, and showing which ones will be screened. It is the Town's position that your ctient has an approved building pernit for only three exterior lights. An electrical wiring permit was approved, but the perrnit did not include a siteplan showing ttre location of the lights. The additional lights have no approval , and your client may be cited since his property is in viotation of the zoning code. Regardless of the nurnber of lights, the tighting nust stilt neet Section 18.54.050(c) (11) of the Design Review Guidelines which states that: rrExterior lighting shall be designed and located in a rnannerto urinirnize inpact of lighting upon living areas within a proposed project and upon adjacent structures and properties. rl UUT TI + +IrIr. Art Abplanalp March 20,- L99L Page 2 In other words, the ligbts will need to be shielded and screened. regardless of nunber, so that they do not inpact neighbors. Tohtnstaff believes that a solution to the problen can be reached, but is concerned that the screens may not improve the condition enough to neet the criteria of the zoning code. I understand that tbe primary purpose of the screens is not necessarily to soften the lights. Because I am not sure that this effort witl actually solve the problen, installation of a single, prototlpical screen for the DRB rnembers to evaluate is probably the best idea. I understand your concerns about the cost of the lighting system and the screens, and I would not want your client to spend the money on the screens if they would not sufficiently soften the lights. Enclosed is a Design Review Board application and meeting date schedule. Please subrnj-t a conpleted application to the Town no Later than April 8, 1991. In the application, please include a site plan and a statement outtining a schedule for installation of the prototlpical screen. The statement should also discuss how the proposed lighting plan meets the zoning code criteria. staff will then schedule a DRB site visit to evaluate the proposal . The Town must have a complete application by April 8, L991' or lite rnay have no other choice but to issue a citation. The citation is based on the fact that the procedure for obtaining Design Review Board approval has not been followed correctly. Though the Town does not enjoy resoJ.ving conflict in the court systems, there may be no other option if a resolution is not provided soon by Mr. Iberia. Until DRB approves a revised plan, we must reguire that the lights remain off. If you have any questions about the DRB application or process, please do not hesitate to call me at 479-2L38. _ &,,,QAndy Tonn /abEnclosurescc: Kristan PritzLarry Eskwith Ernst. Glatzle Don Byers Planner PETER COSGRI FF JOHN W. OUNN ARTHUR A. ABPLANALB JR. TIMOTHY H. BERRY ALLEN C. CHRISTENS EN LAWRENCE P HARTLAUB ol LAw OFFTCES CoscRrre DuNN & AepLeNeLp A PARTNERSIIIF INCLUOING A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION VAtL NarroNAL Banx Burr-crxc SurrE 30o lo8 SourH FRoNTAGE RoAo WEST VAr L, CoLoRAoo 81657 TELEPHoN E: (3O3) 476-7552 TELECOPT ERr (303t 47 6 - 47 65 8 February 1991 Mr. Andy Knudtsen Department of Community Development To!"n of VaIl 75 South Frontage west VaiI, Colorado 81557 RE: Landscape Lighting Lot 1, Block 3, Vall Village Thlrd Filing Dear Mr. Knudtsen: As you are aware, thls offlce represents Tyrol Corporation, the owner of the above described property. I directed a letter to Kristin Pr1tz, dated the 31st of December 1990, ln which I attempted to convey to the Town of Vail our client's concern and determlnation that the landscape llghting located on hls lot not disturb the occupants of neighboring properties. Although it is our client's posltlon that the lnstallation of the llghtlng was authorized and approved by the Town of Vail and there exlsts no basis for any requirement that lt modify that llghting system, our client is wlllIng to endeavor to resolve the problem, ln the interest of its relationshtp with the Tol{n of Vail and with its neighbors. consistent with our client's desires, an lnvestigatlon has been made into a method by which the impact of the lighting on adJoining properties might be lessened. Because of the type of lighting installed, the replacement of existing ballasts serving the lights, thereby dimning the J.ights or permitting the substltutlon of smaller bulbs of another type, J.s extremely expensive. The manufacturer and provider of this system, however, has agreed to provide screens for the bulbs which wiII lessen the llght emitted. Our client is taking stePs to reduce the impact on at least one of his neighbors in that way. Our client is confident that this limitation and the light emitted O lnrn,'i,, ii1eel IN LEAgVILLE! CosGRrFF, DUNN c BERRY P. 0. 6AX rl LE OVTLLE, COLORAOO go.l€l (7r91 466- lgA5 THE PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION IS DUNN 6 ABPLANALA P.C. IN VAIL. of ot rillll substantlally reduce the Lmpact of the landscape ltghttng on the adJolnLng propertl.eg. AAAJT: Jxc! Tyrol Corporatlon TOVPIJ|GK ol FrL? fipv hwn 75 louth tronl,lge rcad Yall, colorado 81657 (300) 4792138 (309) 4792139 offlce ol communlty developmenl February 19, 1991. lltr. Don Byers 352 Beaver Dan Circ1eVail, Colorado AL657 Dear Don: Kristan and I have reviewed your letter, dated February 1,2, L99L, and agree with you that you should have a reasonable number of days before Design Review Board roeetings to review anyapplication which has been suburitted. As you can see in the attached schedule, the Town provides a review period for neighbors, as well as the staff, to review all proposals prior to the hearing. Typically, the review tirne is three and one-half weeks. However, there is no foraal nailing of notification to adjacent property owner for g! DRB requests. This reguest doesnot require adjacent property owner notification. fn the letter I sent to the owners of the properties with which you are concerned, I gave them a deadline of FebruarY 25, L99L,to submit a Design Review Board application showing the landscapelighting plan. All of the applications submitted by this datewill 9o to the March 20, l-991- hearing if the owner abides by this understanding. I anticipate that these requests will be on tbat agenda. Kristan and f are aware of your interest, and will nake everyeffort we can to inforn you of any appJ.ication nade to the DRBfor landscape lighting in your neighborhood. By checking with the Planning Departnent after the subrnittal deadlines, and by ourefforts to contact you, I believe that you can stay informed about this issue. Please call ne if you have any more concerns. Sincerely, Andy Knudtsen Town Planner Enclosure oa O ir,, i:; ir I 2 1991 DON C. BYERS 352 BEAVER DAI1 CIRCLE VAIL, COLORADO 8I657 303-476-5534 FAX-476-8950 FEBRUARY I2,I99I }1S. KRI$TAI.I PRITZ, DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY DEV. TOWN OF VAIL 75 SOIJTH FRONTAOE ROAD vArL,coLoRAm 8r657 DEAR KRISTAI,I, WE FIAVE BEEN COMNUNICATINO WITH YO.'R DTPARTfiENT OVER THI PASI FEW WIEKS REGARDIN0 THE EXTER|0R Lr0lT PR08LE|1 tN VAtL. SpECtF|CALLY,oUR TNTEREST CTNIERS . /- AR0UND IHE PRoPERTIES WHTRE LIoHTS l'tAvE EEEN INSTALLED wlTHoUT CITY APPRWALS *' 4 WHICH lll0f-UDt 343 BEAVER DAH R0AD, 454 BEAVER DAll R0AD,AND 424 F0REST RSD. WE ^il{ ;'X ALSO ARE CONCTRNID ABOUT PO$SIBLE TOWN APPROYAL OF A "NOON LIOfITINO" PLNN lf qOS _ ""' 1/ ,'1" BEAYER DAH ROAD, ' //I AMRDING TO YOUR DEPARTHENT PERSONNEL, THE ONLY WAY TO MONITOR THE SITUATION IS TO },'T CO|ISTANTLY CHECK THT AOENDA ON THE DAY OF EACH DESION REVIEW BOARD I1EETINO TO StT IF , } ' ANY OF THE AEWE PROPERTY OWNERS I.IAS REOUESTED DESION BOARD APPROYAL OF AN EXISTINO .} ' 0RPRoP0SEDPLAN. NEEDLESST0SAy,II{ATtSQU|TECU|IBERS0|IEANDNAKEStT ^od';\.nII1POSSIBLE TO NOTIFY NTICfIEORS IN TIHE FOR THEN TOATTEND THE HEETINOS. I FEEI THE '- f,, TffYN STAFF COULD EETTER STRVE THE PTOPLE ITI YAIL IF IHTY DID TWO THINGS, I, FIAVE A FILING DEADLINT A REASOMBLE NUNBER OF DAYS BEFORE DESISN REVIEW BSRD T1EETINGS SO TI{AT INTERESTED CITIZENS COULD I{AVE TIT'II IO RESPOND, 2, IT SEIMS RIASOMBLE TI{AT NOST OF THTST CASTS ARE 00II.6 TO BE APPEALED TO CITY COUI-OIL NO MATTER WMI THT DECISION IS FROH DESIoN REVIEW BOARD, TI-IAT BEINO THT CASI, WOULDN'T IT NAKE SENSE FOR COUrcIL TO DEAL WITH THE ISSUE NOItr ASKINo FOR PUBLIC II1PUT AND COHINO UP WITH qJIDTLINES TFIAT STAFF COULD USE I1ORE IFFECTIVTLY TMI THI CURRENI ONES, THIS SEEMS PARTICULARY IHPORIANT AS MORE AND HORT HOI1ES 'N . THE ToIVN 0F VA|L ARE EXPANDTD THR0UoH REfioDtLtNo 0R C0flpLETELy REBUTLT WHTCH il ALMOST ALWAYS INVOLVES IIAKINO THE SIRI'CTURES LAROER WHICH PUTS THEN CLOSER TO NflofiBoRS, THE STAFF I.IAS STNT }1E COPIES OF LTTIERS TO THE YARIOUS PROPERTY OWNERSASKII{O THEH TO LEAVE THEIR LIOHTS 6F UNTIL THTY OET DESIGN REVIEW BOARD APPROVAL , YYE APPRECIATE TMT COIII1UNICATION AND HOPT THE TCIilN WILL SOON TAKE THE NECESSARY STEPS TO SEE TI{AT PROPERTY CItrNTRS COIIPLY. fvw ".wff r**' ,Xl'" C.C. JAY PETERSON a-:"11 r , 1Y., ..," ,jn'. "" '' - DON C. BYERS. 3s2BEAVERDAMCIRCLE VAIL.COLORADO 303476-553,4 FAX 303476-8950 JAI{UARY ?3, L99T MR.. AI{DY KNUDTSEN, PLAI.INER, TOW,NOFVAIL 75 SOUTH FRONTAGEROAD VAIL,COLORADO 81657 DEAR A}.IDY, TI{ANK YOU FOR THE TIME YOU SPENT WITH ME EARLIER TODAY REGARDING THE HKTERIOR LIGI{T ISSUE INOUR NEIGHBORHOOD. INTHE CON\TERSATION YOU MENTIONED THAT ART ABPI-AI{ALP STATES INA R,ECENT LETTER TO THE CITY THAT I HAD SEENTHE EXTERIOR, LIG}ITING PL{I{ FOR 343 BEAVER DAM ROAD A}ID THAT I HAD NO CONCERN OVER THE PI.AI.I. TITAT IS NOTTHE CASE. THEPROPOSED I*AI{DSCAPINGPI.AI\T WA,S SHOWN ME BY GLEN ELLISON BTJT I DID NOT SEE A LIGTTTING PI.A}.I. I ITISH I HAD SEENTHE PI,.A}I BECAUSEI WOULD HAVEIMMEDIATELY OBJECTED A}ID WOULD HAVENCIIFIED THE IBARRAS OF MY OBJECTION. PLEASE III,AKE SI.'RE THIS LETTER BECOMES PART OF THE RECORD REGARDING THIS ISSI.'E. T}IANK YOU. f , l'*f 75 routh ho||Lgo rold rdl, color.do 81657 (38) 47$2138 (3G') f7$213e January 24, L99l Burt and Adrian Glazov 291 Moraine Road Highland Park, IL 60035 offlce of communlty dcvelopment REs Iot 5, 8loetr 2, VaLI Village Thlrd Filing Dear Mr. and Urs. Glazov: The Town of Vail has been notified by residents in the Beaver Dam Road/Forest Road neighborhood that you have installed landscape lighiing on your property which exceeds the level of illunlnation intended Uy tne rown-of Vail Design Review Guidetines. That standard, iound in Sectlon 18.54.050(C)11 of the Townrs code, states that: fiExterlor lighting shall be designed and l0cated ln a manner to nininize inpacf of lighting upon living areas withln a proposed project and upon adjacent structures and properties. r' In additlon to the issue that the lighting on your property currently exceeds this standard, there is the problem that the lighting-ptan has not been approved by the Design Review Board (DRB). In order to comply wlth the Town of Vail standards' our departnent asks that You Please: lnttn 1) Submit a conplete DRB application to the Planning Departrnent (see attached application and schedule of neetingsl . A part of this application should be a Landscape plan showing the light fixtures. 2l Modify the current llghting so that lt meets the DRB guidelines listed above. The DRB has dLscussed the landscape lighting on your property and sone other tots in the vlcinity. The Board, in addition to several neighbors who have written letters to the Town, are Lnterested in preserving the natural setting of the nelghborhood and may reguire that sone of the lighting be shielded and/or removed. Until the DRB has approved a lighting plan, the Town nust ask you to keep the lights off. I look forward to working with you towards a resolution to thisproblen. Please conplete and return the enclosed DRB applicationto the Town by February 25, 1991. If you have any guestions, call ue at (303) 479-2L38. #LfuAToun Planner AK/1rdcc: Kristan Pritz Larry Eskwith Ernst Glatzle Don Byers lnttn I cl'{)c"'vx "\ ofllcr ol conrmunlty devCopment75 $u0r ltont gc rc.d Ydl, color.do 41057 (3Gl) a7$2138 (300) 47$2139 January 24, L99L David H. Pease, ifr. 7100 Dixie HighwayFalrfield, OH 45014 RE: Iot 5, Block 2, Vail village Third Flllng Dear l!r. Pease: The Town of Vail has been notified by residents in the Beaver Dam Road,/Forest Road neighborhood that you have installed landscapelighting on your property which exceeds the level of illunination intended by the Town of Vait Design Review Guidelines. That standard, found in Section 18.54.o5o(c)1L of the Townrs code, states that: rrExterior lighting shall be designed and located in a mannerto ninimize impact of lighting upon living areas within a proposed proJect and upon adjacent structures andproperties. rl In additlon to the issue that the lighting on your property currently exceeds this standard, there is the problen that thelighting plan has not been approved by the Design Review Board (DRB). In order to conply with the Town of Vail standards, our department asks that you please: 1) Suburit a conplete DRB application to the Planning Departnent (see attached application and schedule of meetings). A part of this application should be a landscape plan showing the light fixtures. 2l Modify the current lighting so that it neets the DRB guidelines listed above. The DRB has discussed the landscape lighting on your property and sone other lots in the vlcinity. The Board, in additLon to several neighbors who have written letters to the Toltn, are interested 1n preserving the natural setting of the neighborhood and nay require that sone of the lighting be shielded and/or removed. Until the DRB has approved a lighting plan, the Tonnnust ask you to keep the lights off. I look forrard to working with you towards a resolution to ttrisproblem. Please complete and return the enclosed DRB applicationto the Town by February 25, 1991. If you have any questions, call ne at (3O3) 479-2L38. Town Planner AKllrdcc: Kristan PrilzLarry EskwithErnst Glatzle Don Byers lnwn t L,Ln I t'l\t c' offioe of omnlty OeeoPmcnt?IDUO|li!|tlrgprod dl,cdqdotl6st (30s) atla38 (38)arlz|3g January 24, L99L The l{eatheretone Developrnent Corporationc/o Henry Kravis 9 l{est 57th Street, suite 4250 New York, NI 10019 RE: Ltr't, 4, Block 1, Valt VJ.11age Third Fillng Dear llr. Kravis: The Town of Vail has been notlfied by residents in the Beaver Dam Road,/Forest Road neighborhood that you have installed landscape figfrting on your prolerty which exceeds the level of illunination inf,ended ly Lne rown- of tail Design Review Guldelines. That standard, iound in Sectlon 18.54.050(c)11 of the Townrs code, states that: nExterLor lighting shall be designed and located ln a nanner to nlnlnize irnpac€ of lighttng upon living areas wlthin a proposed project and upon adjacent structures and propertl.es. rl In addltion to the lssue that the lighting on your property currently exceeds this standard, theie is the problen that the lighting-plan has not been approved by the Design Review Board (DRB). In order to cornply with the Town of Vail standards, our departnent asks that You Please: 1) Subnit a complete DRB appllcatl'on to the Plannlng Departnent (lee attached-appllcatlon and schedule of ueitingsl. A part of this applicatlon should be a landscipi plan-showing the llght flxtures. 2l t{oclify the current llghting Eo that lt neets the DRB guldellneE listed above. Th€ DRB has dlscuseed the landscape llghting on your property and gone other.Iots Ln the vicinity. The Board, in additlon to aeveral nelgtrbors who have vritten letters to the Town, are lnterested ln presenring the natural setting of the neighborhood and nay require that sone of the llghtlng be shlelded and,/or renoved. Untll the DRB has approved a llghtlng plan, the Town uuet ask you to keep the llghte off. I look forrrard to vorking with you towards a reeolutlon to thlsproblen. Please conplete and return the enclosed DRB appllcatlon to the Town by February 25, 1991. If you have any guestions, call rne at (303) 479-2L38. Sincerely, t- -/ / // 4 1 ll4/r4..< Andy Knudtsen Torrn Planner Ax/lrdcc: Kristan Pritz Larry Eskwith Ernst Glatzle Don Byers .7 F ILE COPY 75 soulh trontage road Yall, colorado 8'1657 (303) 47$2138 (3(B) 47$,2139 January L4, L99l- Mr. Renato lberraAlcazar de Toledo 1.48 Lomas, I{EXICO LL028 offlce ol community developmenl Re: Lot 1-, Block 3, Vail village Third Filing Dear l{r. Iberra: The Town of vail has received the letter frorn your attorney, Art Abplanalp, and understands that you"are concerned that the landscape lighting on your property not disturb your neighbors. we are also interested in seeing the lights nodified so that the natural environment of the neighborhood is preserved. At this point, I think the appropriate next step is to work together in this effort. If you are not able to discuss the lighting plan here in VaiI, we ask that you designate Glen Ellison and Art Abplanalp to work with the Town and your neighbors to corne up with a better lighting arrangement. The Design Review Board has looked at the lighting and does have several concerns with it. One of the specific concerns is the way the spotlights have created rrhot spots" immediately around the light fixture. one irnprovernent to the situation would be to set the lights in such a way that the light source is not noticeabl-e. The Board was also concertred about the total anount of ilLunination on the site. ^v We appreciate your concernconpronlee satisfactory toBoon. Untll we arrive atoff. I would lLke to ueetElliEon before Febnrary X.,you soon. Slncerely, about this iesue and hope that aall the people involved can be reacheda resolution, please keep the llghtc wLth you or llr. Abplanalp and l.lr.1991. I look fomard to hearing fron .-4/, fu&-, Andy Knudtsen tTown Planner AK: t rdcc: Krietan PritzLarr? EslcwithArt Abplanalp Glen EllisonErnst Glatzle Don Byers PETER COSG RI FF JOHN W. OUNN ARTHUR A. ABPLANALP, JR. TIMOTHY H. BERRY ALLEN C. CHRISTENSEN LAWRENCE P. HARILAU B Law OFFTcES CoscRrrn DUNN & AapteNeLp A PARINERSHIP INCLUOING A PROFESSIONAL CORPOFIATION VArL NATToNAL BANK BUtLDtNG SurrE 3oo I08 SoUTH FRoNTAGE ROAD WEST VarL, CoLoRADo 81657 TELEPHoN E, (3o3t 476-7552 TE LEcoPl ER: (3O3l 476-4765 31 December 1990 lN LEAovt LLE: coscRrFi, DUN N & BERRY P- O. BOX ll LEADVT LLEr COLORAOO 6O.1Cl (7r9) ag€- re6s Ms. KrisLan Pritz Town of VaiI Departmentof Community DevelopmentVail, CO HAND DELIVERED Re: Lot 1, Block 3, Vail Village Third Filing Dear Kristan: As you are aware, this office represents Tyrol Corp., Ltd., which is the ov/ner of the above property lying on the north side of Beaver Dam Road in Vail. The purpose of this letter is to respond to the letter of Andy Knudtsen, dated the 21st of December and received on the 26th of December. Mr. Knudsen requests that certain lights located on the above property be turned off during the Christmas holidays. Apparently this request was the result of a complaint by Mr. and Mrs. Don Byers, who are the only immediate neighbors of the Tyrol property who have indicated any interest in the lighting installed on the property in question. Although several letters were presented to the Design Review Board at the time of its consideration of this question earlier this month, only that of Mr. and Mrs. Byers directly related to the Tyrol proPerty. The others were either directed to the Lund property, or generally to the concept of moonlighting in VaiI, either with our without reference to several of the four lots whose lighting was under consideration. In fact, one letter, that of Mr. Ford, was from a resident of the Booth Creek area. Our client, and those individuals who use the property in question, is concerned and determined that the lighting which has been installed not disturb the occupants of neighboringproperties. However, several aspects of this problem seem not to have been given any consideration by the Town of Vail. First' the lighting plan was gi-ven to Mr. and Mrs. Byers before it was instal-led, and they indicated no objection to that plan. Second' the plan was filed with the Town of Vai], and an application was prepared and signed by the Town of Vail Building Official based upon that p1an. Thirdly, contrary to the reference in Mr. THE PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION IS OUNN P. C. lN VAIL. Knudsen's leLter dated the 21st of December, the hand-written construction permit application approved by the Town of VaiI Building Official authorized the installation of "tree lights". Please see the enclosed hand-written building permit. Fourth, when the Town of VaiI typed the construction permit, the staff added the letter ''h'r to the project reference, and it became "three lights". Please see the enclosed typed constructionpermit. Notwithstanding that error, the only permit signed by the Building Official was issued for tree lights, the permit was based upon accurat.e plans, and the lights $rere installed based upon that permit. Our client is attempting to work with Mr. and Mrs. Byers to correct any problems which they may perceive with the tighting arrangement. However, the blanket objection of one or more individuals, particularly those remote from the subject property, to the practice of inst,alling lights resembling moonlight, really does not seem particularly relevent to the issue of whether our clients may operate lights for which they received a permit from the Town of VaiI or whether those lights violate any provision of the Municipal Code which might have been relevant to the review of the application before the building permit was issued. Our client will continue to try to determine whether sone modification to the lighting scheme is necessary in order to minimize the impact on the adjoining properties. That is the standard established in the Town of Vail Municipal Code. However, at this time the permit has been issued based upon plans provided to the Town of vail, the system has been installed based upon that permit, and our client must take the position that neither any error or omission has occurred on its part. If any problem has been created, it was created by the Town of VaiI in determiningl, on the basis of plans submitted to it, that it was unnecessary to proceed through Design Review Board before apermit was issued, and in including in a permit a typographical error which is obviously misleading regarding the original proposal and the plan which was actually approved. Our client is not required to reduce the lighting from its present number to "three" lights, but our client will continue to work toward minimizing the impact of the approved lights on adjoiningproperties. AAAJT: I lnwn 75 south lronlage road vall, colorado 81657 (303) 47$2138 (3Gt) 4792139 oflice of communlty developmenl December 21, 1990 Mr. Renato Iberra 343 Beaver Dan Road Vail, CO 8l-557 RE! Lot 1, Block 3, Vail village Third Filing Dear Mr. Iberra, The Town of Vail has been notified by concerned neighbors that your landscape lighting is irnpacting adjacent properties. Staff lnust request that you not turn these lights on during the Christrnas holidays. we believe that the neighborhood will be a more enjoyable place for all the residents in the area if the lights stay off. Staff has confirmed that the inforrnation in the letter dated November 16, l-990 is accurate. on Septernber 12, L989, the Town approved underground direct burial wiring for three lights. Since the 23 lights staff counted on the site exceed the approval, the Town requests that you bring the lighting into conformance with the perrnit the Town issued. one alternative you have is to bring the lightinq plan to the Design Review Board (DRB) for approval (keeping the lights off until then). The Design Review Guidelines state that: rrExterior lighting shall be designed and located in a manner to nininize irnpact of }ighting upon living areas within a proposed project and upon adjacent structures and properties''t Because of this guideline, the Board nay require that the number of lights be interested application reduced and/or shielded.in a DRB review and fnaterial. Thank you for Let me know if youwill provide you with your cooperation. are the Sincerely, Toqrn Planner cc: Don Byers Glenn EllisonArt Abplanalp, Jr. sMc:AK\Iberra2 oo Oa DESIGN REVIETN BOARD AGENDA DECEUBER 19' 1.990 i3:OO P.U. r STTE VTSITS 1:00 P.lt. 1. Sundial - Nehr Duplex t5030 Prlna Court/Parcel 4, PhjrEe filoTIoN3 sEcoND: I vors,I 1 2. Curtin-Hlll - Awnlng AK 244 WaU Street #C-XlBlock 5-C, Vail Village lstUOTION! SECOND: VOTE! 3. Schrager - Nen single Family Residence SM 4249 Nugget Lnllot 8, Bighorn EstatesMOTION: SECOND: VOT83 5 4. Iancelot Restaurant - Addition SI'l 201 Gore Creek Dr,/Tract A, Block 58, V. Village lst UOTION: SECOND: VOTE: ol /l3qlt"ffi**5.Ibarra L,ighting Plan 333 Beaver Dan Road/Lot 1, Block 3, KPVail Village 3rd oo^MOTION: Please visit site to see lights on Decenber 18th between 5 and 8 p.n. Glen Ellison will be there to answer any guestions. )a h.- 7+-n...^-J Lund Residence - Lighting plan KP 443 Beaver Dan Rd/Lot 4, Block 4, Vail Vil-),age 3rd MOTION: SECOND: VOTE: sEcoND: "(rl; ,rff'; .tl, kAf ,2u'r - 4-l/ dnlr\ t 15u<-z el .!n,hrJ ,*'*'/ st'{ a''|q 6.** zt t-./zs t /r",^- Bv^^ f,-.-,,/ /". s /,,.1'A - '; ','l Curtin: Pi*" d SLll.,244 wal\-Street Vail Village AK Lst SECOND: 8.11 Trope - Neht Hornsilver MOTION! Single Fanily Residencecircle/Lot 7, Block J., Vail SECOND: JKVillage 8th VOTE: I l to lj 10 9. Trope - New slngle Fanily Resid. (Conceptua.l) sM tO44 llomestake Cirllot 5, Block I, Vail Village 8thUOTTON: SECOND: VOTE: 2 10. Thornson - New Duplex JK Southeast corner western interEection of s. Frontage Road snd core creek Drive.uotroN: sEcoND: voTE: 4 11.. Vil}age center Condos - New Elevator/ JK stonehtalls,/Iandscaping. L24 Willow Bridge Roadr/Apart of Tracts C and K, Block 5-8, Vail vlllage lstDTOTION: sEcoND: VOTE 3 I L2. Chrlstiania Lodge - Remodel & Additions JK 356 Hanson Ranch Rd/Lot p, Block 2, Vall Village lstMOTION: SECONDI VOTE: 13. ol Dan the Sandwich 395 E. Lionshead MOTION: L2 14. Bridge Street Charliers - Color change and BRIighting. 304 East Bridge stlRed Lion BuildingMOTION: SECOND: VOTE: TABLED TO JANUARY 2, ]-990 L5. Herdrich - New Primary/Secondary Residence SM 2OOB Sunburst Drive/Lot 18, Vail ViIIage 3rd MOTTON: SECOND: VOTE: 16. Gillett - New Residence (Conceptual OnIy) sM Lot 14, Spraddle Creek SubdivisionI'IOTION: SECOND: VOTE: oo Man - Sign Cir./Lionshead SECOND: BR Parking Structure VOTE: oo Oj L7. Sink - 250 Addition S!4 781 Potato Patch Drive/Lot 21, Block 1, VaiI Potato PatchMOTION: SECOND: VOTE: 9 18. Precourt - Changes to approved plan SM 328 Mill Creek Ct./Lot 4, Block J., Vail VilJ.age 1stMOIION: SECOND: VOTE: IIEMBERS PRESENT:MEMBERS ABSENT: STAFF APPROVAI,S: ERA Realtors - New window. 141 East Meadow Drive,/Lot P, Block 5-D, Vail Village lst Stolzer Residence - Add retaining walls & Landscaping.Lot l-, Block L, VaiI Village 3rd DaJ.y Residence - Revisions to approved plan. Lot 16, Block 1, Vail Potato Patch Branrante/Halseth - Minor relocation of plantings and conversion of Eandstone terrace into a redwood deck. Lo|- 47, Glen Lyon Subdj.vision Grarnm Residence - Minor changes to approved p1ans. Lot 9, Block 3, Vail Rowhouses Unit #9 \ t t oo ot 'vhil Gatetray - Intake grill and flue cap on south elevaton for shops 4 & 5. Lot N, BLock 5-D, Vail Village 1st Vail Associates - Sign on existlng awning. 286 Bridge street lL*-*)*rr"*tt"- G'-F,iL /,*-J ,] L ,, /-...,^ Lt ;7-L ,/* /.*r, h -, u-j 4 ,t- l*J /".. ,"ra*tn P *l'S** 13 f"+L* b,*0 .,14 /, -?<- :l ,3 n "n'l 6* t" Hlt tr{.,,r ^h'4lur-f'^ 1- LrL uTt ,^ L"\ *"( /r/-&-"^-/.- "/ a t fu"/ s t (v1 a \ti{ v\\& -x. \ { \s \ "{ a E" Y\t .t_F € -:6 eI t^)u.t l *.{ A'- ^/Y-*J , d u. f ,..-n*"1 /r*T $$ ,1'\'9L ui"'-' r' " Decernheir 18, l?9(l ''| o l-OV [ie?si gn Revi ew Bc:errd I I ari rriitrle ti:r ,:itt*nrJ tfrer Derc:ember- lr./, lgg{) lteeting trut I worrl d 1i l*:cl tn r-,*i nior-ce the Hyers por;iticln on liqhti,ng. r ain in ir.: ()n u:Lrr- 6rn (::6.i r.iith the Byorx i.rr r:1er*;ir-:inq the mai ntenance .,f th* n.etr.rr-aJ. *etting ot our. nei glrhr:rhucd " I tr.*ve wstched iind ;rclni r-.:rcj ther trur l cli ne1 unclertat::G]n try the fryers i n clrder to prot-.erct [.lreir- :.;*rtf-irrg {r-(:,in .L ri,.::isi d j.$cr-r.firinaLifig develc]pment. ltie exi etinq ordinarrce shr:ul d be elf orced to protect the By€?r's trantlui I e-nvi rc:nrnent. $i ncer"er l y,, /.&L*--*A-.--* 2;-< li.ar" {+n Clrnn i ngham | ^ncajo \:]" ' \J '. r! \.1 '' $,i,u""DECEfIBER t8. 1990 DESIGN REVIEW BOARD CIIY HALL 75 SOUTH FRONTAOE ROAD VAIL,COLORADO EI657 LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, WE ARE WRITING THIS LETTER TO VOICE OUR OBJECTION TO THE EXTERIOR, TIOHTINO PLANS TI-IAT YOU ARE BEINO.ASKED TO APPROVE AT 343 BEAVER DAH ROAD AND 463 EEAVER DAI1 ROAD IN VAIL VILLAOE. VAIL'S TXISTING CITY ORDIMNCE STATES, ' EXTERIOR LIOHTINO SHALL BE DESIONED AND LOCATTD IN A NANNER TO IlININIZE INPACT OF LIOHTINO UPON LIVINOAREAS WITHIN A PROPOSED PRO"IECT AND UPON ANACENI STRUCTURESAND PROPERTIES. .. WE FEEL VERY STRONGLY TI-IAT THI CITY ORDI].I,\NCE SHOULD BT ENFORCED TO THE FULLIST EXIENT FOR THE FOLLOWINO REASONS: I , BOTH PROPERTIES AEOVE ARE NOW OR WILL BE IN VIOLATION OF THE EXISTINO ORDINANCE, 2. INCREASED PROPERTY VALUES HAVI CAUSED LAROE HOHES TO BE BUILT IN CLOSE PROXIIlIIY TO ONT ANOTHFR I1AKINO IT NORF INPORTANT IHAN TVFR IO RESPTCT IACH OTHER'S PRIVACY, 3. THE LIOHTS ARE IN CONFLICT WITH THE MTUML ENVIRONI1ENT . 4. EXTERIOR LIOHTS OF THIS TYPE SERVE NO PURPOSE , ART UNNTCESSARY, AND WASTE ENEROY, 5. NANY PROPERTY OWNERS HAVI BUILT HOI1ES ASSUI1ING THTIR VIEW CORRIDORS WOULD BE PROTECTED BY CITY ORDINANCE AND THEY NEED THE CITY'5 SUPPORT IN CONSISTENT AND CONTI NUED ENFORCENENT, 6. THE CITY SHOULD NOT SET A PRECEDENT BY APPROVINO IHEST REOUESTS. WE SINCERELY APPRECIATE YOUR CONSIDERATION ON THIS IIATTER. SINCERELY, OECENBEB IE, I99(l OEPRRTNENT OF CONNUHITY OEUELOPNENT CITY HBLL ?5 SOUTH FROIITf,GE BORO ufltL, C0L0FR00 Et65? LROIES flNO GENTLE]IEN; IT IS NV UNOEBSTRHOING THffT THE II]JNEBS OF THE PR(]PERTIES RT 3{3 BERUEH t)f,N ROSII RHO {63 BERUER Of,N ROflO RBE f,SKI1{6 THE OESIGN REUIEU BOflRO TO RPPBOUE EXTEBI(]E LIGHTING PLR}IS THRT RBE IN UIOLRTION OF THE CUFBENT CITY ORIIINflHCE. I RN Iil OPPOSITION TO RNV PLflN THRT UOULO RLLOIJ BII INCREflSE IH THE NUNEEB (IF EI{TERIOR LIGHTS Oil HONES IH UflIL, I DO NOT THII{K THflT LIBHTS III TBEES, ESPECIflLLV HIGH ONES, 8BE RPPROPBIRTE IN THIS NRTUBRL NOUNTRIN SETT IHG. I ffLsO FEEL THBT THE [}]JNERS OF THE HOUSES flT {5{ EERUEB t)RN flNO {2{ FOBEST Rofft) SHOULO HRUE TO BENOUE THEIB TBEE LIGHTS THEY RBE III U IOLRT ION OF THE C ITY (lFO II{RNCE. R080 RS 11 ICK POIINRLL ufltL, c0108fl00 0t65? oo0o-P0e o '''ui\g itt: )" '' '- \s J R SCHNIIDT 3901 $. Gllpln Englcwood, CO. gott0 Llecenber ,?. i!',r,j Tcwn of i'at; F'ianlrlnE & Zerrlr',q'vai l, Colora,t,:, lie r Lur',:i Fas1d*il.;e *er4 Bee.,ar ['arn h:. H:or G ic'r Li ght !ng Lad I es 6 ric'rrt- l en:err i F lPis+ ,1 f, rt'tt &l-'prnve an., arJrlrtianal ert?ri,:,f lighttng i-han that!rnlf rr is 8lt+a,'Jv lfli:telled i,n the €|bt].J!, r e!-. lrJertoe. A! lr is n,r"r. tl:e €urrenf- extericr se,:urity i i ght l!rg goes uell be!'cnd the I nl.erroed LrL,r F'rge and Lighti up nDi only the areahtihln i.i.e j r f.,r,rf..ef r.\' lrrre t,.r t gD*s well beyor.ld to the extenttF.ei. i+. Irr.r'urieg irrt:' our irome ',hieh is a ccnsiderebie dlstenco i'n iurtF'*r llgl'11 uF thie reslrjanse L/i tr, "l'irLon Glowft r.ili I furtherrrrl.ruoe u-, rr f-fr? !'ri ua i;',' and e*refrlti ol a1i t l'16 rrelghborir:g horors. lij * rer,:'.qr', i ie r.ir€ nee.J for ha?ing adBquate I I shting to lncurasatEL.r arr.:l sec'jrity c,t tf,e hc,nrg. iiolrever hre f lnd thp ngcd tOlight :i i. .rtlr nerghbnr h.),to wir.n t'1"1,:,f rr Gl,:w',. Ltnwatf anted, Ltnlie,:reEsa,r i" cut 0i charact-ef LJ l tl.r t rre exlstlng n6ighborhoodllght ir,C, alrC a E@,v*(e lnr,rust':rn t_ r: the Fr i'.'acy ol all adjacent lic il* s . Sirr':*r* hrn 1d DECE||BtR t6, t990 DEPARTMENT OF CONMUNITY DEVELOPIlENT vArL, c0L0MD0 81657 OENTLEIlEN; HAVING SPENT MY LIFE IN THE BRIOHT LIGHTS OF CITIESALL OVER THE WORLD I COULDN'TwAlT T0 RETIRE T0 THE SAN0TUARY 0F vAtL wtiH tTS No EXTERIoR LtGHTs ctTy coDE. NowI'I1 CONFRONTED WITH AN UNTOLD AI1OUNT OF ERIOHT CITY LIOHTS NOUNTED IN TREES TI-AINAKE OUR NEIOHBORHOOD AS BRIOHT ASA FREEWAY OFF RAMP, ANY EXTERIOR LIOHTS SHOULD COMPLY WIIH EXISTINO CITY CODE AND I FULLY AOREE WITHTHt 0THER PROPERTY 0WNERS lN THE FoRESinono AREA wHoARE oBJEcTtNo T0 ExTERtoRLIGHTSAI 343 BEAVER DAN ROAD,463 BEAVER DAI1 ROAD,454 BEAVER DAII ROAD,AND424 FOREST ROAD, THANK YOU FOR THE OPPORTUNITY TO EXPRESS I1Y OPINION. WARRE vAtL,c0t0RAD0 E1657 LARRY R. GRACE 3 Churchill Drive lingL'wtxrd, (irloratfir lt()l l(l Town of Vail Department of Community Development December 17, 1990 Gentlemen: f am a homeorrner in Vail atthe area vhich I understand This isffiubject of four (4) neu requests to add ',moon lighting" in the trees adjacentto other homes in the area. I understand that this typeof lighting is subject to special approval and that oLher homeowners in the area are alloved to voice theiropinion regarding such approval . I would like to go on record as opposing such lighting.To the greatest extent possible, T believe that the areashould retain its natural setting. Obviously, with allthe major development which has occurred, much of thenatural beauty is gone and I believe we should do what we can to preserve what is remaininq. Tn addition, it seems that these type of lights often reflect into adjacenbLots and homes, where homeowners nay not want to havethis type of lighting. Without wishing to deny anyonehis or her righLs regarding their own property, it seemsthat this type of lighting cannot be done withoub infrlng-ing on adjacent homeowners. fn our home, we have patio lights which do cast a nice evening light on adjacent trees and which seem to betotally adequate in terms of lighting up the forest.It seems that lighting in addition to what is normaluill change the entire mood of the area. Thank you for your consideration. Respectfully Subnitted, r.!/'JSararace Grace hi,*'-'DECEMEEF l{, lg90 DEPIHII'|6i|I OF mrmt{W DEVEtOPtltsrlT OWOF YAt?s5O[mlFHo|{TAcERo'AD . tlf. YAL,COTORADO 8t85? tW-cEMLBTEN, pfr+'r) wElfAvEFEcB,frLyt{oTrcsTr.rAT BffFtron t"Et'tTsnAvE BEs{ pLtcEDNTHEEs anryn / PFO PEqnE 3 ftlAT CCI'IC ffi{ U3. ItlE IDOF E 3 3 E 3 O F TH E PROP glTlE S rF E { t{ E EAYffi DAf- FOrfD,. 8){2{ FOHEST FOTAD. r.,A.--.-rf (av'5 lT AP P EAF S TO US THAT EOTH O F THE S E ffiPERTY OS,l.l EF 3 IFE r.l VIOLATION O F THE DEgCt{ FEYIEWOmilAitCE C|{APTEF I E.5.1, SECTTON 0 | 0 Ait} SECI|O}{ 050, | | . WE FEOTIEST T}IAT THE OTIi'IHS BE ASKED TO FSIOYE THE IEI.ITS. ADDITICIIIALLY,IF IHEV AST TO APPETF B E FOFE TTIE DE SCil RE VI EW EOTro TO HAY E TTIE IJCT 3 APPf,O Y O AFT B lt|E FACT ALt PFOPEITYOINi'|EHSfilTHETOrN,ltlOF YAt BEtlOTlHSOF SrCHFEAUEST. fYE FEEL At t PFOP E{TY Oltl,lEF S S{Ol,l LD B E t{ tO L VED BECATS E lF TtlE ucHT S Ot{ TtlE SE PFO P Mfl E 9 TB E AP M V O fi I}TOU I.D S ET A PR EC M B{T TFIAT MII{' LOCAT R E SDE{T 3 Do r{oTwAfI. ITIII{K TOU FOf, YOLR ASCATA{CE N TTIS },|AITH. silCEFELY, Var'.zt Llrc fu-tt'rz-' ./ o .5Jt.J PETER COSGRIFF JOH N v\/. OUNN ARTHUR A. ABPLANALE JR. TIMOTHY H. BERRY ALLEN C, CH RISTENSEN LAWRENCE P. HARTLAUB Law Orrtces CoscRtFF, Duttru & AepLnF{Rt-p A PARTNERSHIP INCLUDING A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION VArL NATToNAL BANK B u rLorNG Su rrE 3OO I OB SourH FRoNTAGE RoAD WEsr VArL, CoLoRADo 81657 TELEPHoNE: (3O3) 47 6-7552 TELECoPTER: (3O3) 47 6-47 65 I N LEAOVILLE CosGRrFF, DUNN & BERRY P.O.BOXtl LEAOVTLLE, COLORAOO 60461 (7t 9) 466-t 885 11 December 1990 Ms. Kristan Pritz Director of the Department of Comrnunity Development Town of Vail VaiI, CO HAND DELIVERED Re3 Lot 1, Block 3, Vail Village Third Filing Dear Krl.stans This Office represents Tyrol Corporation, Ltd., which is the owner of the above property. You have directed a letter dated the 16th of November' 1990, to Mr. Renato Ibarra, relatlng to certain changes in lighting outside the resldence on the above property. The letter requested a wrltten response by the 3rd of December and complaince with requested changes to the Iightlng by the 10t ember. --.- Dand /Unfortunately, the letter r^ras postnarked thwas not receieved by Mr. Ibarra, who 1s -President-of Tyrol ' Corporation, until the 10th of December, the deadline for your compliance request. I have been advised by a representative of Tyrol Corporation that you wiII be contacted today by a Glenn Ellison, who worked on the landscaping involving the lighting for theproperty. I will be out of town until Monday, the 17th of December, and Mr. Ibarra will be in VaiI beginning on the 18th of December. vle hope that, between Mr. Ellison's efforts and any follow-up which may be appropriate, this matter may be resolved to the satisfaction of Tyrol, the Town of Vail, and Tyrol's concerned neighbor. In the meanwhile, our client does not wish the Town of vail to feel that it is ignoring your concerns or your request for action within a short time frame. Should you have AAAJTxc: Tyrol Corp., Ltd. questions,contact me. THE PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION IS DUNN & ABPLANALP, P.C. IN VAIL. /)t] t1 hwn 75 loulh lront ge road vall. colorado 81657 (303) 47$2138 (3{r3) 47$A3e Novenber 16, 1990 ollice ol communtty development l{r. Renato Ibarra Alcazar De Toledo 148 Lomas, Mexico 11028 RE: Ligtrtinq at residence on Lot 1, Block 3, Vail Village 3rdFiling; l{3 Beaver Darn Road j4:1 Dear l{r. Ibarras I am writing to you concerning the new site lighting added to your property on Lot 1, Block 3, vail village 3rd Filing. The Conmunity Development Department must ask that you remove thelighting that was not approved under building permit No. 004072, dated September 12, 1989. This building pernit aLlowed you to place three exterior lights on the property. After viewing theproperty, lt is apparent that there are definitely more than 3exterior Lights on the property. The departmentrs concern isthat the exterior lighting does not conply with Section 18.54.o5o c,11 concernJ-ng exterior lighting. This section of the Town of Vail Design Review Guidelines states: rrExterior lighting shall be designed and located in a rnanner to nininize funpact of lighting upon living areas within a proposed project and upon adjacent structures and properties.rl The lighting creates a glare on other properties which conflicts with the intent of the guideline above. I am asking that you conply with our request by Decenber 10, 1990. If you have any guestions about this requirement, please contact me in writing no later ttran December 3, 1990. I appreciate your cooperation on this natter. Sincerely, {'t"ftt}Kristan Pritz Connunity Development Director KPlPP oz t-_ =E uJo o (v) O'l oO to oIoOo (\l o (\I FI cc ccc (v (v(\ U' uJ IIJl! ==E Lu o- L8 t't 414q* F o = I I I I I tuJIF lo I I I I l,,] !ll "14., ro =ltu- J ib -lro rE 5l l= dl uJF F F z E zz al, IJJFoz oz 6 =lo 4 o =z r-losf.8 r\ -So rOo,E +rodlt 9.(u I ;F o- 4.lrlJ(J o o E (u q,Eoo o, ! f @ E o =cf Dq, o CLo.o '.g o oo! 6oooo o o.:!t.o o c6 otc'Er oN at F oE E oa(, C' EJ o: vt o E E lt o o 6 ah 'G o (E 4toc ag at Q) c a! .EE o E =F G .c't o- Eoo/ o\ i6 o. o Eoc(E co ao E o 0,E E.= '.>o Eoo o {1, Eo)a ttE6'5E sb 5: =(D EFcs'-oo(!5B =!g>c9'- o.Eco.9 D6otr CC e'e tq=it sEo-.5fi E60rI' 0r6ic3g -o,co!o. arO SEotf EEoo ;66!t>9 €3 e5 -o ia (a rJ)ro o ro Fl oo O(\l c c o Floro oo O rr) r)o -l D:o Y' = UJ z x UJ 2 J J 9e, o uJ tr zo = J Iz ulI x lf)Fl uJ UJu-zoF r.tle, C) uJ oE o.o 3uJ uJ G,zI uJo Fo llJ z uJJ x F uto .nululttt =E UJo- J FoF azo = 6 J (, EFo UJJ uJ z ao E)Jo. J 9z () uJI F F NO[Vn]VA F C = E o? 2c F lr JEo: zo o- E 8 uJ J u,/2 uJo =>E -rt')futN =(DN zz99F^tn:<5-.9 6 anoZt-ooa)2r!<oq ^-(Jt()FO;$i o tt1 trJ&. J =lJ- lrlJ(9a lt', ou- zo F l! c oe(' uJ ) oo a ql zo Eoo zo F E uJF t<x ] uJz tltltll-ltlg,tzlz9n F 2,. 2=.:F EO}EOI I ul '-o-lrE |< Fo ..1zl- 9l?l (/)t oztd qtr 1F Jtl<E?lt!l v)J =F IJJ I FF co l!oo ol<uJt= ulq) IJJ -ib$ q) o uJo- J zo :-F 66of<o z F 5o =ul r\ {(Y) CO(?) oz Y r) I 't q.,/\ | rr, 1l ,TAfr&(/v o'rrd/)ltn ,7-FE |,JE--, Hoo1zo F(L utY ul c0 oF E EUl r\O-@b1i"lqg t?gu, 23 crl E G'6 !za),r9izeP co o- =zQ?=EEE ) Iz () uJ €E <,(,ozE 9b55 cnuJ t =ut t! :H6YE<cf606sE9tt ir 5EF'J|- =uJ:-E 5E: >o-I Ou-E 909 ltrE XO-t x>I q- o-iFi uld!o F E - F =E, lrJ o-zIF(J E,,, zo CJ i<r*rnKn<lt'-l 2 d uJ J t! z3 F 11 l!lol zlnolH I I I I .lol =.1ol uJl .El il>l ll-lol pl t: (f) o0) G' (! o Ij Fo v,tdd =Ldz, F = L! lrJ ii =zo -) lltl JIi{lql>htqrJ dHI crl H:4a P G' q rh !o+,!s g l! I I Ilf lF\l(\l{riclLloJ1lo4aUJJ =si5lzg=EOr!|F z.l olult 5l <t>lttlol zl FI (,oz, t- =#d6o z -() llj = Eirg+Eo2 E -rO<F(lO r,! <zF TIJ F trl Z ;<-l P<rt<_l D<l <' :*.! Ross Davis, fr. Attorney at Law Suite 307, Vail National Bank Building Post Office Box 190 Vail, Colorado 81658 303-476-2474 November 30, 1987 Town of Vail Building Departnent 75 S. Frontage RoadVail, CO 81657 RE:Lot I'TT&R_3Vail Village Filing No. 3 Dear Sirs: Please be advised that this office represents Mr. John L. Tyler the owner of Lot 2r Block 3r Vail village Filing No.3' 363 Beaver Dan Road. This summer in the course of construction of the residence of Don Byers and/or his contractors and agentst certain damage to vegetation and ground cover occurred on Mr.Tylerts property. The initial danage and the nost substantial damage was done by employees of the Upper Eagle Valley water and Sanitation Distrlct and additional damage was done to the property by Ed Walters, a general contractorl and his agents and employees or subcontractors. Certain revegetation and restoration work was performed imrnediatel.y prlor to the comnencement of the snowfall this fall. tty client has some doubt as to whether it wilt be adequate to satisfactorily restore the property. Because of the snovts wewill be unabl.e to ascertain the condition of the property until uay or June of 1988. As there is no existing utility acceas or easement along the lotline between lot I and lot 2, I feel that Upper Eagle ValLey Water and Sanitation District' Mr. Byers and his agents had no authority to enter upon Hr. Tylerrs property' however2 os long as the property is satisfactorily restored my client does not wishto unduly disrupt the completion of the construction. He feels that Upper Eagle Valley Water and Sanitation District, Mr. Byers and his agents have a higher duty of care and responsibility for restoration of the damagesr than if Ehey had a legal right or an easement to enter on his property. Therefore on behalf of ny clientr John L. Tyler, I request that no permanent certiflcate of occupancy issue to Mr. Don Byers for the building on Lot 1, Block 3, Vail Village Third Filing until - " il$.iinuili",r,,.n.O November 30, 1987 Page 2 euch tlme as the restoratlon and revegetatlon has been accepted and approved in writlng dlrected to your offlce by t{r. Tyler. Thank you very nuch f,or your attention to this natter. If, you have any gue ons please feel free to contact my office. Slnce ccr John L. Tyler Don Byers RD .l ProJect Id: BEACHFRONT HOUSE Address: LOT.1 BLK,3 VV,3 Occupancy: M1 ,R3 Type of Const: Y-N Town of Vall 75 S. Erontage RoadVail, Colorado 81657 Plan analysis based onthe 1985 Uniforu Buildlng Code Date: July 7, 1987 Contractor: WALTERS ASSOC.Architect: MORTEREngLneer: NOI{E arcaftEL 6otb<e1'r Plans Examiner: GARY MURRAIN NOTE:The code itens llsted in this report are not lntended to be a completelisting of all possible code requirements ln the 1985 UBC. It ls a guide toselected sections of the code. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: V-N SEPARAT]ON DIRECTION BOUNDARY ASEA INCREASE FIRE PROTECTION NORTH Property line 38.0 Feet 38.0 FeetEAST Property llne 65.0 Feet 65.0 Feet SOUTH Property line 18.0 Feet 18.0 FeetWEST Property line 58.0 Feet 58.0 Feet Area increased 47.5 % for open area on 2 sldes. FL NAME OCC AREA ALLOWED A/A OCC LOAD F,EQ'D EXITS EXIT TIIDTH 2 Dwelllng Rg 1736 Unlimited 6 1 O.tzTOTAL 1736 Unlimlted 6( 6) 1 0.12( 0.12) 1 Parking Garage M1 308 3000 0.10 2 L 0.03 1 Dwelltng R3 2173 Unllmited 7 L 0.14TOTAL 248L 23824 O.LO 9( L2) 1 0.18( 0.23) BUILDING TOTAL 42T7 80082 O.O5 15* NOTE: Indlcates that thLs occupancy ls not allowed on this floor-Table 5-D# NOTE: Indlcates that thls occupancy ls an accessory area-Sec. 3302. (a) exc. The allowed M area is 3000 sq.ft. for a mlxed occupancy.-- Sec. 1102. REQUIRED OCCUPANCY SEPARATIONSM1-R3 t hr Materlals approved for thr constructlon are reguired on thegarage side only and 1 3/8 inch solid core, self-closingdoor. -- Sec. 503. (d) ex S3 Al1 glazlng in hazardous locatlons (see section 5406.(d)) is required to be of safety glazing materlal.. -- Sec. 5406. ' 'l EXTERT.R t ,.r", RArrNGs AND op'Nr*o *orr.rronn NORTH EAST SOUTH VIEST OCC BRG NON-BRG OPNG BRG NON-BRG OPNG BRG NON-BRG OPNG BRG NON-BRG OPNGWAtt WAtL PROT WALL WAtt PROT WAtt WALL PROT WALL WAtt PROTMl Ohr Ohr None Ohr Ohr None Ohr Ohr None Ohr Ohr None R3 Ohr Ohr None Ohr Ohr None Ohr Ohr None Ohr Ohr None The exterlor walls may be of COMBUSTIBLE materlal. None -- No flre protection requlrements for openings.Prot -- OpenLngs are to be protected with 3/4 hr fire assernblles. 50X of the area of the wa1l maximum. Sec 504. (b) NOP -- Openlngs are not permitted ln this wall.* -- These walls may be required to have a parapet wa1l 30 lnches above the roofing. The parapet wall is required to have the sameflre rating as the wall. See section 1709. for details and exceptlons. OTHER BUILDING ELEIIENTS Table 17-AELEMENT MATERIAL F]RE RATING NOTES AND EXCEPTIONSInterior Bearing wall ANY NONEInterlor nonbrg wall ANY NONEStructural Frame ANY NONEExterlor Struct Frame See footnote S1Shaft Enclosure ANY t hrFloor/Ceiling Assenbly ANY NONEBoof,/Celllng AsEemb1y ANY NONEStalrs ANY NONE FOOTNOTES:1) Minimum on exterior sLde also based on exterlor brg. wall requlrements. Based on sectlon 3202. (b) The roofing on thls bullding is not requlred to be flre retardant. EXIT NOTES: A stairway in a dwelllng must be at least 36 inches wide. -- Sec. 3306. (b) -- Sec. 3306. (c) exc.f1 The maxlmum rise of a step is 8 inches and the minlmum run ls 9 inches. Provlde a guard rail where drop off is greater than 30 Lnches. Mlnlmum height=36 lnches, maximum opening size=6 inches. -- Sec. 1711. exc 2 The minlnum headroom Ls 6 ft.- 6 inches. -- Sec. 3306.(p) The maxlmum travel distance ln thls building is 150 feet. -- Sec. 3303. (d) ADDrrroNAr RE.'TRE'EN* to oN occupaNcy For Ml occupancy For R3 occupancy Provlde a window or door to the erterLor fron every roon uscd forsleeplng. -- Sec. 1204. A wlndow nuct Drovlde a clear oDon area of 5.7 se.ft., a clcar hctghtof 24 lnchcg, and a clear wldth of 20 incheg(nlnlnun). -- Sec. t204. A11 habttable roona requLre exterlor glazed oBEnlngis equal to 101 or nore of thc floor ar€a. (nln 10 eq.ft. ) -- Sec. 1205. (a) All habttable roous requlre an oDenable exterior oDenlngs equal to 5tor nore of thc floor ar6a. (mln 5 sq.ft.) -- Sec. 1206.(a) The ml.ninum celll.ng ln a habltable spase ls 7 feet 6 lnches erceDtkltchcns, halls, and baths nay have a celllng helsht of 7 fect. --Eec. -- 1207. (a) APPLICATI0N DATE: April 13, 1987 DATE OF DRB |'IEETING: APril 29, Ig87 DRB APPLICATION *****THIS APPLICATION r.lILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL INFORMATION IS SUBI4ITTED***** I. PRE-APPLICATION MEETING: A pre-application meeting wlth a planning staff member is strongly suggested to determine if any additional information is needed. No application wi'll be accepted unless it is complete (must include all items requ'ired by the zoning administrator). It is the applicant's responsibility to make an appointment with the staff to find out about additional submittal requirements. Please note that a C0MPLETE applica- tion will stream'l ine the approval process for your project by decreasing the number of conditions of approval that the DRB may stipulate. ALL conditions of approval must be resolved before a build'ing permit is issued. A. pRSJECT DESCRIpTISN. Two-story single family residence B. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: Address 333 Beaver Dam Road Legal Description Lot I Zoning Primary/Secondary C. NAME OF APPLICANT:Morter Architects Bl ock Filing Vail Village Third Address D. NAME OF 143 E Meadow Drive, Suite 300 telephone 476-5105 E. NAME OF Signature Address F. DRB FEE: AppLICANT'S REpRESENTATIVE: Morter Architects Address 143 E Meadow Drive,Suite 300 telephone 476-5105 Don Byers - purchaser Pro err Under Contract 21993 Cre Gol den c0 80401 telephone 526-0560 The fee will be paid at the time a building perm'it is requested. FEE stake the site be removedvisits the VALUATION IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBMISSIONS TO $ 10.00 $ 2s.00 $ 50.00 $100.00 $200.00 $3oo . oo THE DRB: 1. In addition to meeting submittal requirements, the applicant must to indicate property lines and building corners. Trees that wi'11 should also be marked. This work must be completed before the DRB si te. $ 0-$ 10,000 $10,001 -$ 50,000 $.50,001 - $ 150,000 $150,001 - $ ,500,000 $500,001 - $1,000,000$ Over $1,000,000 2. The review process for NEW BUILDINGS will normally involve two separate meetings . of the Design Review Board, so plan on at least two meetings for their approval . 3. People who fail to appear before the Des'ign Review Board at their scheduled meeting and who have not asked for a postponement wilI be required to be republ i shed. 1 o a.APPLICATION DATE:April 13, 1987 DATE OF DRB I'IEETII,IG: DRB APPLICATION Apri l 29, 1987 *****THIS APPLICATION hIILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL INFORMATION IS SUB}4ITTED**** I. PRE-APPLICATION MEETING: A pre-application meet'ing with a planning staff member is strongly suggested to determihb if any additional information is needed. No application will be accepted unless it is complete (must include all items requ'ired by the zoning adm'in'istrator).It js the applicant's responsibility to make an appointment with the staff to find out about additional submittal requirements. Please note that a COMPLETE applica- tion will streamline the approva'l process for your proiect by decreasing the number of cond'itions of approval that the DRB may st'ipulate. ALL conditions of approval must be resolved before a build'ing permit is issued. A. pR9JECT DESCRIpTION. Two-story single family residence B. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: Address 333 Beaver Dam Road Legal Description Lot 1 Zoni ng Prj mary/Secondary Bl ock Filing Vai'l Vjllage Third C. NAME OF APPLICANT:Morter Architects Addres s D. NAME OF 143 E lvleadow Drive, Suite 300 AppLICANT'S REpRESENTATIVE: l4orter Archjtects Address 143 E Meadow Drive, Suite 300 E. NAME OF OWNERS:Don Byers tel ephone 476-5105 tel ephone 476-5105 S i gnature Address 21993 Crestmoor Road; Golden c0 80401 telephone 526-0560 F. DRB FEE: The fee will be paid at the time a building permit is requested. VALUATION FEE $ 0-$ 10,000 $10,001 -$ 50,000 $50,001 -$ 150,000 $150,001 - $ 500,000 $500,001 - $1,000,000$ Over $1,000,000 IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBMISSIONS 1. In addition to meetlng submittal requirements, the applicant must to indicate property lines and building corners. Trees that will shou'l d also be marked. This work must be completed before the DRB si te. $ 10.00 $ 2s.00 $ s0.00 $100.00 $200.00 $300.00 TO THE DRB: stake the site be removedvisits the 2. The review process for NE1J BUILDINGS wi'll normal1y involve two separate meetings . of the Design Review Board, so plan on at least two meetings for their approval . 3. People who fail to appear before the Design Review Board at their scheduled meeting and who have not asked for a postponement will be required to be republ i shed. .NAME O} PROJECT: LIST OF MATERIALS Residence LEGAL DESCRIPTI0N: LOT I BL0CK LFILINO Vai I Vi I I aqe Thi rd Fi 1 ing STREET ADDRESS: 333 eemDam R-oaa DESCRIPTION OF P : two-story sln The following information is required for submittal Board before a final approval can be fiven: A. BUILDING MATERIALS: TYPE OF MATERIAL by the applicant to the Design Review COLOR RedwoodlGrey-Roof Si di ng Other Wall Materials Wood deck/Bal I ast Wood Shinqle Grey- l'|ood Wood Clad Dark Bronze Wood Grey Wood Grey Wood Grey Pipe Rails Green Sheet Metal Green Sheet Metal Match at[iaeeuL_cq l!r Wood Shinqle Glass/Metal Frame Anodized dark bronze Fasci a Soffi ts }J'indows l.lindow Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rai'ls Fl ues Fl as h'ings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses 0ther B. LANOSCAPING: Name of Designer: phone: Botanical NamePLANT MATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES Common Name EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED Picea Pungens Colorado Spruce' Quani ty Z Si ze*&ettr for conifers. (over) Morter Architects 476-5105 *Indicate caljper for deciducious trees.Indicate height 35' - 40' ?. ' PLANT IIATERIALS: Botan (con't) SHRUBS EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED Tvpe GROUND COVERS : Botanical Name Common Name ' Quanity Size Square Footage SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL C. OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining wal1s, fences, swimming pools, etc.) P'lease specify. MATERIAL TO BE SUBMITTED I. NEl^l CONSTRUCTION A. Topographic map and site plan of site containing the following (2 copies): 1. Licensed surveyor's stamP. 2. Contour intervals of not more than 2' unless the parcel consists of 6 acres or more, in which case, 5' contour intervals will be accepted. 3. Existing trees or groups of trees having trunks with diameters of 4" or more one foot above grade. Rock outcroppings and other sign'ificant natural features (large boulders' intermittent streams, etc.) Avalanche areas, 100 year flood plain and slopes 401, or more, if app'licab'le. Ties to existing benchmark, either USGS landmark or sewer invert. Locations of the following: a. Proposed surface drainage on and off site showing size and type of culverts, swales, etc. b. Exact locatjons of all utilities to inc]ude existing sources and proposed service lines from sources to the structure. Utilities to include: 4. 5. 6. 7. cab'le TV Te1 ephone sewer gas water el ectri c c. Property'lines showing distances and bearings and a basis of bearing d. Proposed driveways with percent slope and spot elevations e. A'l I easements 8. Existing and finished grades. 9. All existing and proposed improvements jncluding structures, landscaped areas' service areas, storage areas, walks, driveways, off-street parking, loading areas, retaining walls (with spot elevations), and other site improvements. 10. E'levations of top of roof ridges (with existing grade shown underneath) to determine height of building. B. A statement from each utility verifying location of service and avaj'lability. To be submitted with site plan. C. Preliminary title report to accompany all submittals, to jnsure property ownership- and all easements on property. D. Landscape Plan (1" = 20' or larger) - 2 copies 1. Show the location of 4" diameter or,larqer tre6s,:other'shiubs,ani-.natiVb plants thi are on the site and the location and deiign of proposed landscape areas with the varieties and approximate sizes of p'l ant materials to be planted. l*' 2. Complete landscape materjals list. 3. Designate trees to be saved and those to be lost. N0TE: As much of the above information as possible should occur on the site plan' so that the inter-relation of the various components is clear. The landscape plan should be separate. The existing topographic and vegetational characterist]cs may be a separate map. The applicant must stake the site to show lot llnes and building corners. Trees that wJll be'lost during construction must be tagged. The work should be completed before the DRB site visit. _E, Arc.hi tectura'l Pl ans ( 1/8" = I ' or I arger) 2 copi es Elevations must show both existing and finished grades. 2. Exterior surfacing materials and colors shal'l be specifjed and submitted for review on the materials list available from the Department of Co@unity Develop- ment. Color chips, siding samples etc., should be presented at the Oesign Review Board meeting. F. The Zoning Administrator and/or DRB may require the submission of additional plans' . drawings, specifications, samples and other material (including a model) if deemed necessary to determine whether a proJect will comply with design guidelines. II. !,IINOR ALTERATIONS TO THE EXTERIOR OF BUILDINGS ' Photos or sketches that clearly indicate what is proposed and the location (site plan) of proposal may be submitted in lieu of the more formal requirements given above, as long as they provide all important specifications for the proposed'inc'luding colors andlong as tney provroe materials to be used. ADDITIONS . RESIDENTIAL OR COMMERCIAL A. 0riglnal floor p'lans wlth all specifications shown B. Floor plan for addition - 2 copies C. Site plan'showing existing and proposed construction - 2 copies topos D. Elevations of :addition E. Photos of exlsting structure F. Speclfications for all materials and color samp'l es on materials list available at Department of Cormunity Development At the request of the Design Review Administrator you may also be required to submit: G. Statement from each utility verifying location of service and availability. See attached utility location verification form. H. Site improvement survey, stamped by registered professional surveyor. I. Preliminary title report, verifying ownership of property and'lists of easements. FINAL SITE PLAN After a building permit has been issued, and when the proiect is underway, tlre fo1 lowing will be required before any building receives a framing inspection from the Building Department: A certified improvement survey showing: A. Bui'lding locations with ties to property corners, i.e. distances and angles. B. Bui'lding dimensions to nearest tenth of foot. C. All utility service lines as-builts showing size of lines, type of material used' and exact locations. 2 coPies D. Drainage as-builts. 2 coPies E. Basis of bearing to tie to section corner. F. A'll property pins are to be either found or set and stated on map. G. A]l easements H. Building floor elevations and roof ridge elevations. DATE: April 13, 1987 LEGAL DffiRTP=fmNJTo:f- I ADDRESS: 333 Beaver Dafr-ffiE-if- Ot,lNER ZONE DIST PROPOSED USE LOT SIZE 23.439 SF: .538 acres ' ZONE CHECK FOR SFR, R, R P/S ZONE DISTRICTS Bl ock Filing Vail Village Third Filing Phone 526-0560 Phone776:510F Height Tota.I GRFA Primary GRFA Secondary GRFA Setbacks: Front Si des Rear t{ater Course Si te Coverage Landscapi ng Fence/Retaining }'lall Parki ng Credi ts: Garage Al I owed ( 30) ( 33) 4,590 20' 15' 15' (30)(so) 20% (3oo)(600) (eoo) (1200) (so)(1oo) (25) (s0) (2oo) (4oo) Proposed 30' 3,091.63 3a 9o 3,094.63 }rlo 20. 0 64.0/56.5 28.0 t3.2% $ ,l He ights ,/ 290.25 Mechani cal Ai rl ock Storage So] ar Heat Drive: Slope Permitted Envi ronmental /Hazards : Slope Actual 4% Aval anche Flood Plain Sl ope l.letl ands Geologic Hazards Don Byers ARCHITECT Morter Architects Corments: 7 0i sapproved UTILITY LOCATION VERiFICATION SUBDIVISION None Re s 'i den ceJOB toT BLoCK_ JL _FrLrNG Vai 1 Vi l I ase Thi rd Fj [49 ADDRESS 333 Beaver Dam Road The location lines, mrst acconpanying of utilities, whether they be approved and verified by be main trunk the following lines or proposed utilities for the site p1an. Mountain Bell I -634-3778 l.lestern Slope Gas Harry Moyes Public Service Company . Gary Ha11 Holy Cross Electric Assoc. Ted Husky/Michael Laverty Vail Cable T.V. Gary Johnson Upper Eagle Valley Water and Sanitation Discrict David Krenek Date fu, / .n' " ,"/ q-to-r7 A"fi4 *, zh.*lzt*- 'rt ll tl ,-l*r.4"t Authori zed tlo.g; 4ro-az {-ro-97 -/ * For new cons A.-lo-(Zolease fill ou attached sheet NOTE: These verifications do not relieve the contractor of his responsibility to obtain a street cut permit fron the Town of Vail, Departnent of Public Works and to obtain utility locations before digging in any public right- of-way or easernent in the Town of Vail. { buitding pernit is not a street cut pernit. A street cut perruit nust be obtained separately. This form is to verify service availablity and location. This should be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan and scheduling j.nstallations. * /o/ ttH4 q-p4- A'Ga Amrrican,Eand Titto Associarion Commttm€nt - Mf tOIZS COMMITMENT FOR TITLE INSURANCE ISSUED BY GUA RA NTY COMPA NY STEWART TITLE GUARANTY COMPANY, A Texas Corporation, herein called the Company, for valuable consideration, hereby commits to issue its policy or policies of title insurance, as identified in Schedule A, in favor of the proposed Insured named in Schedule A, as owner or mortgagee of the estate STE\VAFIT TITLE STE\VAR.T TITLE or interest covered hereby in the land dercribed or referred to in Schedule A, upon payment of the premiumsand charges therefor; allsubjectto the provisionsrof Schedules A and B and to the Conditions and Stipulations hereof. .,iir, r. ;.r, .: or when the policy or policies commi*ed for shall issue, whichever first occurs, provided that the failure to issue such policy or policies is:not the fault of the Company. This Commitment shall not be valid or binding until countersigned byprlauthorized officer or agent. l:;,' ' ^lN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Compiiiy"has caused this Commitment to be signed and sealed, to become valid when countersigned by an.authorized officer or agent of the Company, all in accordance with its By-Laws This Commitment is effective as of the date shown in Schedule A as "Effective Date." .a Vo,4ru 7<"*" Chairman of the Board Countersigned by: tu Presiderrt seria, No. C.1601. 101- 6 6 3 165 25M a-46 . ch/Ec SCHEDULE A Order Number: 2909-V Commltmont l{umber: l. ErocriEdato: FebrUary 11, l9B7 At g:00 A.M 2. Foliq or Folkies to bo ls&ed: AnDunt ot Insurance Pf emlUn A. arAom€r'sFolicy r 500,000'00 9l'150.00 Proporod ln$rsd: DON BYERS AI{D NNTCY BYERS Tax Cert. 5.0d B. ALTALoan PoIry 3 Prjopoogd In$rEd: 3. Tho o3l8le or intorBst in tho land d€sctib€d ot reton€d lo in this commltnont and cor/or€d hsroin is loo simplo and tiUB ther€to ie at tho ottec vo date h€r€ot w8led in: I{AI"TER B. FORD, II ,t. Tha lard rofefi€d to in thl8 cdnmitrnent is doscribed as tolloyvs: I.olt 1 BLOCI( 3 VAII" VIII.AGE TIIIRD FILIIIG ACCORDIIIG to the plat recorded March 25, t9B3at Receptton lfo. 97200. Tot{l| oF vAr[ COI'!fTC OF EAGLE STATE OF COI.ORADO FOR OT'ES'TIOIfS RDCANDIIiIG THIS COI{MITHNM PLEASE CAI.L CTIDY HUGHESAT 303-949-1011, SIEiIART TITT.E OF EAGT.E COUilTYP.O. BOX 1248vArL, coLoRAI)o 8L658 STE\^rARTTITLE GUAaAl|lrr COLtAltY 1852 (25M 8/851 Plgo 2 SCHEDULEB-Soctlonl Ordor Number:Commilment Number: Reouirements The lollowing are th€ requiremsnts to be complied with: Item (a) Payment to or for the account of the grantors or mortgagors ol the full consideration for ths estat€ or interesl lo be insured. Itsm (b) Proper inslrum€nt(s) creating th€ estate or interesl to bo insured must b€ execuled and duly filed for record, lo wit: I' Executlon of affldavlt as Debts and f,iens and its return !oStewart Tltle Guaranty Conpany. 2. Executlon of certlflcatlon - Entity Transferor/rndlvidualTransferor and lts return to thts offtce. 3. $irldence satlsfactory to stewart rltle Guaranty conpany thatthe real estate transfer tax assessed by the Town oi VAll nasbeen pald or fhat the t,ransactlon is exenpt fron sald, tax. 4. Deed fron vested o*rner, vestlng fee slnple tlt,le lnpurchaser(s). NOTEr NOTATION OF TtIE LEGAL ADDRESS OF THE GR.N{TEE MUST APPEAR ON TTIE DEED AS PER 19?5 AME{DI{ENT TO STATTITE ON RECORDING OF DEEDS 73 CRS 3835109 (2). 5. Deed of Trust fron the Borrower to the Pr,rbllc Trustee for theuge of the propoged lender to secure the loan. slTE\ArAR.T TIII-E GUAIAXIY COII'AXY165.!r (20M 845)Page 3 SCHEOULE B- S€clion 2 .. Erceptions order Number: 2909q commitrnent Number: The policy oI policies to be issued will conlain exceptions to the following unless the sane are disposed ol to the satisfaction of th€ Company: 1 . Rights or claims of parties in possession nol shown by the public records. 2. Eas€ments, or claims of easements, not shown by the public records. 3. Discrepancies, conflicts in boundary lines, shortage in area, encroachmenls, and any facls which a correct survey and insp€ction of the premises would disclose and which are not shown by the public records. 4. Any lien, or right to a lien, for services, labor or material heretofore or hereafter furnished, imposed by law and not shown by the public records. 5. Defects, liens, encumbrances, adverse claims or olh6r matters, if any, created, first appearing in the public records or attaching subsequent to lhe effective dat€ hereot but prior to the date the proposed insured acquires ol record for value the estate or interest or mortgage thereon covered by this Commitment.5. Any and all unpatd taxes and assessnents and any unredeenedtar sales. 7. Ttre effect of lncluslons ln any greneral or speclflc water conservancy, ftre prot,ectlon, soll conaervatlon or otherdlstrlct or lncluslon ln any water servlce or street tmprovement area. 8. Rlght of Proprletor of a veln or lode to extract and remove hlsore therefrom should the sane be found to penetrate ortntersect the prenlles aE reserved ln Unlted States Patent recorded Septenber 4, L923 ln Book 93 at Page 98 9. Rlght of lday for dlt,ches or canals constructed by the authorltyof the Unlted States, as reserved ln Unlted States Patent recorded Septenber 4, 1923 1n Book 93 at Page 98 10. Restrlctlons whlch do not contaln a forfelture or reverter clause,but onlttlng restrlctlons, lf any based on race, colorf religlonor natlonal orlgln, aE contalned ln lngtrurnent recorded Marctr 25, 1.953 ln Book 174 at Page 575 as Receptlon No. 97198. 11. Eaaenents, restrlctlons and reservatlons, lncludlng but notllnlted to utlllty easenent 10 feet ln wldth along the westerlylot llne and 5 feet ln wldth along the northerly lot llne of subJect property ag shob'n on the plat of Vall Vll.Iage ThlrdFtllng recorded l{ary 25, 1953 as Receptlon No. 97200. 12. Easenents 15 feet ln wldth along the northerly lot llne and 15feet ln wldth along the westerly lot llne as granted to ValI Water and Sanltatton Dlstrict by lilalber B. Ford II ln agreement recorded Aprl1 13, 1957 ln Book 201 at Page 319 as Receptton No. 105796. Exceptions numbered r65a (r5M 3186) are h€reby omitted. SID\'yAR.TTTTLB CUAIANII COIIAXY Page 4 2. CONDITIONS AND STIPULATIONS l. The term mortgage, when used herein, shall include deed of trust, trust deed, or other secu rity instrument. lf the proposed Insured has or acquires actual knowledge of any defect, lien, encumbrance, adverse claim or other matter affecting the estate or interest or mortgage thereon covered by this commitment other than those shown in schedule B hereof, and shall fail to disclose such knowledge to the company in writing, the company shall be relianed from liability for any loss or damage resulting from any act of reliance hereon to the extent the company is prejudiced by failure to so disclose such knowledge. lf the proposed Insured shall disclose sJch knowledge to the company, or if the company otherwise acquires actual knowledge of any such defect, lien, encumbrance, adverse claim or other matt€r,the company at its option may amend schedule B of this commitment accordingly, but such amendment shall not relieve the company from liability prwiously incurred pursuant to paragraph 3 of thee conditions and stipulations. Liability of the company under this commitment shall be only to the named proposed Insured and zuch parties included under the definition of lnzured in the form of policy or policies committed for and only for actual loss incurred in reliance hereon in undertaking in good faith (a) to comply with the requirements hereof, or (bl to eliminate exceptions shown in schedule B, or (cl to acquire or create the estate or interest or mortgage thereon covered by thiscommitment. In no event shall such liability exceed the anlount stated in schedule A for the policy or policies committed for and such liability is subject to the insuring provisions and the conditions and stipulations and the exclusions from coverage of the form ofpolicy or policies committed for in favor of the proposed Insured which are hereby incorporated by reference and are made a part of this commitment exoept as expressly modified herein. Any claim of loss or damage, whether or not based on negligence, and which arises out of the status of the title to the estate or interest or the lien of the insured mortgage covered hereby or any action asserting such claim, shall be restricted to the provisions and Conditions and Stipulations of this Commitment, STE\,VAR.T TITLE GUARANTY COMPANY All-notices required to be given the company and any statement in writing required tobe furnished.the c-ompany shall be addressed to it ai p.o. Box 2029, Hoistoir,Texas 7_7_152, and identifv this commitment by its printed coMMITMENT sERIAL NUM-BER which appears on the bottom of thb front of the first pageof thiscommitment. 3. 4. Page 5 FrIIlr o >c,JEiS Fz>r ., PPri = <zz)< z<89z oto- " }E*g E= t uJo tE Il- @@oqro @!-:oLJ UJuJFdfJOoo. FOfi2 f.l: Fl2"i.:Lrt\l 33tluHi.jl ".'>Ea:r,r ;Ftv 3a FINAL INSPECTION'S COMPLETED The below items need to be complete before giving a permit a final C of 0. Please check off in the box provided. FINAL PLUMBING UAIE.: l FINAL MECHANICAL DATE: FINAL ELECTRICAL DATE : FINAL BUILDING DATE: CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY TEMPOMRY C Of O DATE : DATE: \ INSPECTION REQUEST \ TOWN OF VA|L DATE Y- t- K]JOB NAME INSPECTION:MON (G WED THUR FRI t}:qt ",READY FOR LOCATION: PERMIT NUMBER OF PR CALLER \ or^^ BUILDING:PLUMBING: p6-orrrues / srEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n BOOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK B tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr n B FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr tr rl EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT n SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL W""rt cdRRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR NAME INSPECTION REOTIEST TOWN OF VAIL DATE CALLER TUES THUR FRIWED IREADY FOR INSPECTION:MON LOCATION: t.t. t.a ,L.,t" BUI trF Fr trF nR"P trtf FS tr_ OUNDATION / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER FOOTINGS i STEEL ROOF & SHEER tr GAS PIPINGPLYWOOD NAILING INSULATION O POOL / H. TUB tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE INSPECTOR t "r INSPECTION:MON WED THUR I, FRI i "....-AM )PM tl CALLER TUESREADY FOR LOCATION: oeq\f PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE ) -2.\-'6)JOB NAME INSPECTION REQUEST i \ TowN oF vAlL ti, o- .,. . [,. I .,-, ^\ \]\. " ,-: .,€ BUILDING: +FOOINGS / SrEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING r1 ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL n tr r'1 tr FINAL tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MEGHANICAL: tr HEATING o tr n ROUGH EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR n O FINAL tr FINAL ffieenoveo |: rl"|-J tr DtsAppRovED tr REtNSpEcrtoN REQUTRED lllcORREcrtoNs: F rir'* 'l z '7,'DATE -7* tLl- q-l INSPECTORI.- fs'i)'\ \',1. \-",c. - -' '.,\. r \.--.INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAILPERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE \- '' \ JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTIO MON ) TUES WED/ THUR FRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr CI tr tr tr tr UMBING: tr FOUNDATI O FRAMING ON / STEEL -.- UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V, ROUGH / WATEB ,--., ROOF & SHEEB" PLYWOoD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ELE trT trF EC tr- GTRICAL:M tr tr tr o ECHANICAL: TEMP. POWER HEATING ROUGH EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR orftNnl O FINAL APPROVED )RRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED i.. \'.A*t, 'I "r-,"1DATE)'1 INSPECTOR > t1 1+- PERMIT NUMBER O PROJECT oerc | li--Y o?O () JOB NAME READY FOR |NSpECION: MOI rUES wEQ t*r* -(ieD - AM pM LocAroN: 2,V . l!< a-c<.- /-) < tt, 11r.,'/ tNs a PECTION t, TOWN OF --1--.t\ 1 ,__ REOUEST VAIL CALLER BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL id'houon / D.w.v. R',4FRAMTNG d T9.95Ai €}oucH / WATER & SHEER .'o cRS PTPTNGPLYWOOD NAILING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr POOL/ H. TUB NAIL tr u tr FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr tr EINAL tr FINAL tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED RBECTIONS: INSPECTION1 TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL -rl11-i READY FOR INSPECTION: ;r,LOCATION: -) I NAME MON CALLER TUES WED THUR il ----4 PM PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT r l-, V td-{DATE /l>0i0, JOB BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND TTROUGH / D.W.V.,atr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / WATER ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr tr tr tr O HEATING EI EXHAUST- f+68S. CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR PROVED ,CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR / 07K*J / ''J PERMIT NUMBE/ DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: ..-,--.-\ oALLER Q-@;)ue) JOB NAME APPROVED-,.y';.tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTION REOUEST TOWN OF VAIL THUR ,/''tl, '' AM PM BUI!DING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH/WATER O FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING l-.1 ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING E INSULATION tr POOL/ H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr n tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANIGAL: tr HEATING {*oro"tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT { ,i,/)f!!a tr SUPPLY AIR n tr FINAL tr FINAL - -,,- , ,/ ' ".llt,/,.*,o* J- t- il( rNspEcron PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT INSPEGTIONTOWN OF REOUEST VAIL IB NAME MON CALLER TUESREADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: - -'--) \ \rHUB) FRIWED AM i-r" ) BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH/WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING ,- ROOF & SHEER Y PLYWOoD NAILING tr GAS PIPING htNsumrtoN *---rl\tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr_ tr n tr FINAL tr FINAL ELEGTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT D- tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL tr FINAL thenoveo COBRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED r--\ \r INSPECTO INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAILPERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT AM PM DATE , ;. JOB NAME CALLER READY FOR INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FRI LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS tr FOUNDATI tr FRAMING ON / STEEL / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING E GAS PIPING tr INSULATION - tr POOL / H. TUB -E SHEETROCK NAIL tr - tr tr_ tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: MECHANICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING O ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONOUIT tr SUPPLY AIR -n-- tr FINAL tr FINAL b.APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE - ..INSPECTOR PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE ,;,riliI JoBNAME INSPECTION:READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION REQTIEST TOWN OF VAIL CALLER TUES WED THUR BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER r-1 ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING E GAS PIPING d tNsulRrtoN aK tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr u FINAL tr cl tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL ,t.1,OVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAILPERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE JOB NAME -, CALLER INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FRI AM PMREADY FOB LOCATION: BUILDING: N FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUIIBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL N FRAMING tr tr ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr trtr-. tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: D TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: EI DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED - 1'! t.i PMAM o INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAILPERMI DATE T NUMBER OF PROJECT JOB NAME INSPECTION:MON WED THUR FRI CALLER TUESREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: D UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr tr tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: tr tr tr tr TEMP. POWER O HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL tr FINAL Eri CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR o t INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME CALLER -r MON iTUES,.r wED -------cj; PMTHURFBI PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT o,r;e q i'< ,/ 'i i BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS tr FOUNDATI tr FRAMING / STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W,V. tr ROUGH / WATER ON / STEEL n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr trq t.,Jrn,{,i,.' :'#,+ L,el{ k, -r ..{ BNet tr F.NAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr E tr FINAL tr FINAL .t: f4PPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr RETNS'ECT'ON RE.U.RED iRRecrrorus, 5--1.. ,, \ i . l-r [' - ,. - t"ECTIONS: -i -.t,, PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT INSPECTION,, TOWN OF ,',,. . , : REQUEST VAILi tl ,'tDATE 7 ti ,'' L ,/,'l i; JoB NAME,/ CALLER TUES THUR FRIREADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON AM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS i STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH /WATERtr D FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION XsseerRocr tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr trtr tr FINAL FINAL ELEGTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANIGAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr tr trNAL tr FINAL tr DISAPPBOVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIREDt_ _. / coRREcrroNs: DATE . i]INSPECTOF PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT IDATE JOB NAME INSPECTIONNOF REQUEST VAIL I READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: ! CALLER TUESMON WED THUR AM , PM"\ \.,__--'..- BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr FOUNDATION / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATEB tr GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB tr T'l tr FINAL MECHANIGAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR - r'1 tr FINAL tr E tr tr tr tr FRAMING ROOE & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING INSULATION SHEETROCK NAIL FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr ROUGH tr CONDUIT 'g F|NAL tr tr A:PPRoVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr BEINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR a INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL o PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE JOB NAME CALLER READY FOR INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FRI LOCATION: AM PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL O UNDERGBOUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEERt PLYWooD NAtLtNG O GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB E SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr FINAL tr FINAT ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR o tr tr FINAL tr FINAL EI APPROVED CORRECTIONS: E DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR a \ '\. --- JOB NAME INSPECTION:MON INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL CALLER TUES WED THUR i, FRN AM PMREADY FOR LOCATION: PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FFAMING rr ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr tr FINAL tr tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP, POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR tr tr tr EINAL tr FINAL 4PPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE