HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 3 BLOCK 3 LOT 2 LEGALFah 2? 03 O9:52a George Shacffen frr"a-ll 0l:l0r tclttl 0F YtlL COilITY EYft0nGil? : Roceiptfunthto: , , t.t{E/me: AL?- lbldtr9S Usllhg 9?O -8.+5 -?O l3 il0.n?.n T{t0 t 00i p.8 i'f Dor,vct, cO EOIhS DEVELOPER IMPROVEilIENT AGREEiIENT fi|SAGREEME_NT.mede a3d enteedinto this2b dayot Fabvwq\ .nO1- byandamorg AZZ lhl4. (tne tDercEpefl. anorthe Tonm of Vail (the'Town). ' WHEREAS.as a condilion of of lhe Ternponry Certificate of for descrig[on, and proiecl number)enter into a AgreemeG and WHEREAS, the Developer is obllgaEd to provid€ sacurity or colta|eral suftcient in tre iudgament of the Torrn b rmke easonable provlsbns for complelbn of ceilaln lmpo\rrrnents set forth in ihc attaclrcd €timat€d bid(s) h accordance with the 4prored pbns and speciticatons filed in $e oftce of th! frmrnuniv Developmerd Department otthc Town of Vail: and WHffiEAS, lha Daneloper wishes lo pmvile colateral to guaramec performanoe of this Agreement hduding completion d the all irnprd'reriEnts reEned to in lhis A$eertent by rnars of thetollowirg: The Dwebper agnBes to establish a cash def,Fit account wilh tie Town of Vail, as escrow aEent, in tie ariount oJ $ tA, IVgV- (125% oftha toilal cosrD ofthe attached Lstirmted uialsp as conGi6?-iiE66pi-i6i-df ail lmprovenrnb raferred to in thls Agccrnent. in the event lhere is a de{aull under this Agreernent by ihe Developer, NOW THEREFORE, h consideration of [re blowing muhral covenants and agreerrenb. lhc DeEhpcr and the Torrrr agEe as follou6: l- The Daeloper ag[eeq at its sole cosl and expense, to fumish all equipment ard materials necessary to perfurm and comglete all improvements rcforrud to in this Agrcemenl. The .2 Develooer agrees to compleb sll imgrcrcments refened to in this Agrccmcnt on or befurs the J 2 -- dayof-l/,2O0> . The Developer shatl comp-lele. in a good rvorkmar{ike manncr, all implovcmcnts rrfcncd to in this Agreemerr! ir accordance with all approvcd plans and specilicallons filad ln the offce of the Gommr.rnity Development OEparirflenl of the Town ot Vail, and to do all work incidental tlrereb according to and in compliance wllh the tollowing: a. All seit wod< shal bc done underthe inspeclion of. and to the sadsfacdon of, the Town Planner, &e Toun Engineer, the Town Building Oficial, or other ofltcial from the Toern of Vail, as atrecled by special districts or service districts. as their respective inlerEst may appeai and shall rpt be deemed completB until approved and accepted as compleGd by the Community Devalopnrent Deparlment and Pubfic Works Department of the Town of Vail. 6r ta*u &!=*:: ^'i .-nt-T;"14 lb*4 cb\ ta&-Frtcrtry{BiliProFcBtolrtolA C.rh dai_r2tlozdoe PaO. .t ot 5 ' ' a'n;lat*,1J17 , a* Lt^L *IL d;"- +; o( &r 4o,.,, a( b,-bt71 CASH DEPOSrI FORMAT wt. Feb ?'l ttb-tr-01 O3 03:52a Geonge Shaeffer 0l :l0F F.r'l0ftl 0? rrl! C0llitln OeEt0lEir s?0-8+5 -?o 13 r-13! ?.00y!n Fl$t?0.?ltll? p.9 I Z, To sccure and guarantee perbrmance of E're obligations as ret forth lrcrein, ttc Developer agrees to Plwkle collateral as bllowsl A esh depoeit account wilh the Torrn of Vall, as "scrdrv agenl In rha anpunt of S --iq-qb, -, , ,, l12S%.oI tie totat costs of fie attadred estlm.bd u@;mptetion of all improvcrnents^rubrrud io in ttis dtffjn*t ln tlre event lhere is a d€fault under this Agreemenl by the DevcloFr- 3. Tl1* Derretoper may at any dme substihrb lhe coltarerel originally Fet fotlfi above for anothcr fo,rm of seclriity or collaterat acceptable to lhe Town lO guetenbe the failhful -.pf"ton of trose impovc-ments rcfcrred b herein in this Agrge{nent.and tte performenca d |t1e ieflrrs qf frig Agree'm€nt St cfr aoceptrnca by the Town of attemalive sccudty or cdlabral shall be at the Tqm's sole discGtbn- 4. The Torvn sh.ll not, nor shall any ofllccr or emptoyee thereof' be liablc tr responibn for any accHen! lcs or damage happening or occuring to qte:vg! sPecilied in fhis A#;;ent Drbr 6 U13 compl?ton antt acreptance of Une sarne, nor shall lhe Torn' nor .ry "*;;; ;"ipt yca trcr"ot, bc lbble for any iersons or pmper! injured !Y rcason of lhe nabre of said work'bui all ot said liabilities strail bC and ae heruby assumed by the Dancloper. Thc Dareloper hereby agtees lo indernniry and fEU harmless the Town, {d any O' lr ofice6. agenb and anployieJagainst any losses, claims, damagcs, or liabilitee to whach the TOwn or jny oFtb oficers, agcnts or cmployees may become subject b, insofar as sny 3uch losses, claims. danrges or lia[iltiee (or acfons in E3pect thereof) arise out of or are based upon jny p#otmarue Uy the Dweloper hereunderi and the Dweloper sh4! reimbuse the Totrn ior any and all leg6l br ourer cxirens€ reagonably irrurred by the Torm in connec{on wilh irw'csfbstirE oiOefertOing any such loss, claim. damage, l'ntrillty or action This indemnty povision shau be in addilion b any other llability which thE Deueloper my ha'e' 5. lt is mutrally agrecd that lhe Derreloper rnay apply for and thc Torn may authorize a partial releaie ot thc collaterat cteposited wrth the Town for each category of imprct/Gm€nt af,rr the subiect improvement is constructed in compliance with all plans and sScifications as refererrcad ncrewrder and accepled by thE Town, Under no @ndition shall the dblbr amount of gre collateral that is being held by the Town be roduced bdow the dolbr amount ncccssary to complete all uncorDleted improvemenE r:brrcd to an this AgreemenL 6. lf the Town detemines, !t i|r 3ol€ dlEcfrtlon. that any of the improt'emenls refened to in thls Agre€ment ar€ not constructed In compllancc wlth the approted planS and spacifrcations filcd in-the ofifice of the Cornmunity Development Depapgn! olthe Town of Vall or nit acceptcd by lhc Tor.rn as complsb on o. -beiore the date set forth in ParagraOh 1 9f !F Rgreenchl the Torrn nray, br.t shall not be required to, fas, upon thc aecuriV Efened to in lhb Rlreement and complete Ure uncomplet€d impro€rnents'rcfErred to in this Agreement Pu:uant dsecUon 12-1 1-E, Vait Town Codc, the Tcmporary CEfificate of Occupansy returred lo in this Agreemeot may be reroked undl atl improvements refened to herean arc complebd by the Dacloper or lhe Torrn in acconliance with thls Agresmenl. f rcr$anPrqE€alol^\9|A cr$ trltLr e120adG P.9. 2 of 5 Fab 2?O3 O3:52a Grorge Shaeffer 0l:l0l lrrl0ll 0t UllL G0mtlil Eltt0t5n 970-845-?O 13 r'l|0 t.!t./Bn Fi$ P. ro tl0.?ll.llt|hL-ot rt|eccFdco|nPtdir€tlemcorrrpletcd|nP'o\,enrnE.cfgrgdb|n|lr|s^gllemcnt oxcecd rhe dolbr amorlrt ; il; d"p*fr' rh; ?Ess' bseh1 "th qbFt ?t-lt" gercrrt it fr-f p.E^^-. sha[ be eiirrn aai-tt* Ut" oloptry Td. ToY bc qT!1Y- a1 sult or ruv bc ccnincd b thc traagr€f or edn -Co,r"ty to'be'coll-actcd in ihe strp ftEnnet ae delrqrcnt.ed vdor€m i.rtar hrrxl eglini-fitt-pto#ttv- - r tr-l oo'eroper fals { -t"frttt". F GillPtlG -llE imorovqnerrts rcfereO r h-d[ n$;titentrych fa{uq or retl,rsat slra[ be consitbed a vir6ln ;|fi;"u E.i"s Gnr.uiiii'ii u,. -r7'{r.r&1coot' rlld the D€velop€r thall bG subjcct b penalie6 pr,rreuer{ b s€"1i1[ ii;i[-lrriiatonat eeoairicsl and ChapEr 1'l (6gnenl PrnelV)' of theVail Tonn Code. T.ThcDctcbpcrsha||rnrranty|hcmrlmdrnaEriabola|!imPfot,Gfl|Gflbftt'tcd to In x1b AgrcGnr.6ttocard;Tfi p-dry orwldrin a Town rgptlFu,ay' putusrtto cftapbr s3. d lhe vcl Toutl code, br a period d trro yeas dbr Sc Towr! eccoetence cf tdd inpro\ternents' 8. Tho parliec h€rcb ruhrally agree t"t 16 Agreetncnt ma-y be-fftsdgd ftom trE to tr.". pr*loeo uit Srdr ;ild;sil 6e i-n wdunc ana exec,tec uy all patt[tt! t€rEto. F:lq|llaP|lFdLio| qirdt-rrlt2l26s 4c!ol5 Feb 27 O3 O9:53a Geonge Shaeffer 9?0 -845-?O t 3 i*rr+t 0l:llr ?r*lill 0t tAlL oililtlY mf,tdlnr il0a'|illl ?-2r0 t.!$/!01 Fllf P. I I I srATE OF qgLoRADO Der,tnr COUNTYOFEA€}EC ) ) ss- \ The br:goirng Oqrcfogcn Lngwrnent AgrEcrncntZffi#vot {*fintaT %bv t Wltn€ss my hsd and oficial sesl. Mycommisslo'ir .rpirn ll l4D7 #f', u,Za.-44: Town Planner STATEOFCOI_ORAOO ) couNTY .FEAGT.E f' Tttg f-orcgping Dpvcbg:r lmproverpnt AgrrcrDcnt wls ac}nodcoged)dlue re thirl0 Dwd [harcL., ,frAidy Ls,tllo--.., ftt'Gtt>rdwt urrtncss my hard and ofncil lcr|. My corrrmission er<pires: F;EdlwrCdolApla C.t|t l'.lr_l 2t20Nt dcc P.gr { of 6 F eb 2'l O3 O9:53a Geonge L.ndrc.l'c Techrrc I ogg Shaeffen 976'2'+S0E|1 s?0 -8{5 -?o l3 O2/Z+IB 11r s€ta|n P, P. l2 blollt.lc 6t,tt Itrll C.a..td. llalt oik (Jt!l ?all tt9tu |to l.r{Gll rand.c{r.Y.Ian.tc-r Erdmte Submittrl: Eerver Dam Roed East Residcnce nRtGAnoil LAI{DSCAPE NATEFIALS ffiF--'- _-t,{!$sefi:-',*J'iit-!*tJii''jDslliriir...ll:iY"*Fi.*i!:i:ilij;:l#:t'j: I'j,'j*u,.ott!".r,o.*&*rt?d*.i.ffi,.#,lfirilir:::i;:,{tji'!i1'J:.'-:Iiii{,Ji j;5j:i.f;jiiliijlitii: tl. orrl XAIE'!' urot. aolt I IrJl TOYaf, i2:lo.oo ?7tt.tB ffi I *'o" I ffiilI r1,2'r0.00 |I l?15-70 | 1.r*{+.il;;+'l ffiFr€I rr,otr.rt I lri;il Siiri:t-+.:+J Fffi'#lI ao.!! | kifiijiit#iil ligffiiilLTI ra.rc I ljdi:;ir_tiig,1-l tr4-".-a-CffilI t[..!6 |I rs.rl II fo..o I lF:iiFiTiiiiF:,1 ffiffiffi ft.ola.rs '3.00 1482.11 .aa4t.60 ittE.al t t20.!o -T-o:+^ ,+ UU t lu|. -.f, E EaJr i!.a'r La..dsqe (+^*wre- 1.29 A 81 --lol qbz -3qnE,164. 4 ,0, rhs 4 $ot^otct / TownofTalf Dcpartncnt of Communlty Devrlopment 75 S. Frcntago Road Vtll, GO E{6$f g,o?ta ReceiplNo. f7/22 Date__?J_Je_J__a3_ Please make checks payable to the TOUUII OF VAIL Account l{o.Item llo.Godc il Gost Erc*l Totd 001 0000 314 1 1 10 Zoning and Address Maps ZA $s.00 001 0000 314 1112 Uniform Building Code - 1997 - Volume 1&2 CB $s0.95 001 00003141112 Uniform Building Code - 1997 - Votume 3 $60.65 001 0000 3141'112 International Plumbing Code - 1997 UE $36.00 001 0000 3141112 International Mechanical Code - 1998 CB $35.00 001 0000 3141112 Uniform Mechanical Code -1996 UJC.OU 001 0000 314 1112 Uniform Fire Code CB $36.00 001 0000 3141112 National Eleclrical Code CB $42.60 001 0000 314 1112 Abatement of Oangerous Bldg.'s 1997 $9.95 001 0000 314 1'.t12 Model Energy Code - 1995 $10.00 001 0000 314 1't12 Analysis of Revisions to 1997 Uniform Codes $12.7s 001 0000 3't4 1't12 Other Code Books CB 001 0000 314'l?-11 Blue Prints/Mylar Copy Fees BF $7.00 001 0000 314 1 11 Xerox Copies XC $0.25 001 0000 314 I 11 Lionshead Master Plan MS $40.00 001 0000 3'14 1 r11 Lionshead Master Plan Appendices MS $20.00 001 0000 314 1 1 11 Studies, Master Plans. etc.MS 001 0000 312 3000 Contractors License Fees 00 t 0000 240 3800 Devslop€r lmprovemenl Agre6ment Oeposit D2OEP10 AD lr, ll21 a. 001 0000 312 1000 Restaurant License fee (TOV)RL 001 0000 230 2000 Spec. Assess.-Restaurant Fee to Co.Deot.Rev.SA 001 0000 319 3100 Greenstar Program 110 0000 314 1115 Resale Commission Other -MS )ther -MS Other -MS Other -MS Other -MS .001 0000 201 1000 Tu.bb @ {a% (Stab) - Tu payablc TP .001 0000 3101100 Tdabb @'l% (Tun) - Rfill Salel Tax T7 "001 0000 310 1200 Tuabh @.5% (twn) - Gontunnco Grr TC TOTAL:/o-c{.9. a Comments: bvCail_ lloncyOrdcr#. C|'Frir.* llod Rccchndby: I I Iorn of llail *TT CIFTIIER RETEIPT +}T 0oer: H$ffi TYPe: FB lharer: I r5[ii iiitlo: ot Riieipt no: J819 Descriotion 0tY Alount na- felamnIPffi l fle{55.00 EZ ln-Dlls$ LLC REtEIpl ls4l?2 Tender detai Ior-cl#o( 1105 110{6I.m roiai iindered t1e455.00 roiJi payrent t10165.m Trans datel 3ltl/e.l Tile: lel0?:4e TISI{ YITI FOR YIIJR PEYPITI rlrazOl'.o|,lIl.a F'otzOD.o IT Aa oo o oo |,| o o o o |n .. o oo "; 0 5t{tIEI At{!tIqt D o(\. F E F. a dH H c 'I tnudD68Et oq|:8oaEOA H Ea i!r t E" :o0 I:E E(..Q ql{B r.l l!38 'l4HI OFzzpE$oq.&a cE Al I FFI EE F9aaP A{ t, F.azftF- ctoA!la FI EiHEq|ri 88E'cl T :< 6 lill.t X€r 2o H EdTUzn a!tTIEP EEo '{Op lrI()tJ F I(, Etr A E AlIE& o2D TE :r R q : : n| 0rD ca6E>aIrEEAe' CIEO tcg oAo.F. e764i65 I I rn Frit/l\, t \1,\. \rr l,r1{ r l \\:illi,1$\ l- l:!t.rr, , tr'r irrrr',1 lhr,rrt,r: k' l\r ll"ir \i..!lil\( I lrlq rlr r ri., I r,raj. i,r,ir'" i. \rr I ril,.rr I l),1\.i.1 lr,ttuilr..\ht r, r I [,1] llv I l,'ii!!-nr, l].1\r I' n- ^1,,' Lt.lr.r FAX COVER SHEET Date: 03.26.03 To: Mike Vaughn, TOV Fire Departrnent Bill Gihon, TOV Cqmmunity Development 479-2176 479-2452 Beaver Dam Residences - East Residence Cate Stephanie Lord-Johnson Owtrer Rob Fawcet, GSCC A3/26/2AA3 1.7:31. Fax; R,C: Sender; CC: FRITZLEN PIERCE PAGE EL- orqfl nncnrrrcii Uf, M --t Youshou|dreceive4page(s)inc|udintges,p|easeca|i (970) 476-6342 Ext 15. Mike and Bill - ! Pet yout tequesb following is additional information regarding the proposed Driveway Gate at theEagt Beaver Dam Residencr: Gate llecign 1, The gate is manually operated b. The gare hin6es inward c., The gate both swin8s and recesses into a "pocket" _ see drawings d. There are no rolling mechanisms and 0re late is raised 6" ofi drl driveway which allows the gate to swing freely even if-the snowmelt is nor operationii, e. The pocket section of.the gate *eates a minimum 12, wideopening that doesn,trcquire any swin6ing action. (the width could be increase if neeied)r. r he gate opens fully, leaving the entire driveway open for fire depanrnenf rtaging ifneeded. g. The gate is not locked. h' There will be 1 g' in front of the gate for a car to puil ofi the street and there is ]aJ" betwe,gn the gate and the garage dooa.i. The overall driveway paved are-a is iignificantly larger than the majority ofdrirewap along Beaver Darn Road j'. The gate designer is intending to foilow the ASTM specifications for Automated Veh icu lar Cate Construction foi maxi m u m safety,litached are in-progress sfiop drawings regarding some o{ the details, l), r\ I'r '!r,i rt. i i ), ii,.' r-ritr',j$ \ I. 83/26/28O3 1"7:31 s764767 FFS FRITZLEN PIERCE ARCHITECTS vArt, coto&\Do PAGE 82 Crate Pr€cedcnts a' There are already at least (2) tates existint on Beaver Dam Road and East Forert Road. b. In response to the sloping hillside that defines the propenies along these roads, there are basicalty two apProaches b drivswly derign: t. a 12, wide-drive tlrat leadsb the garage/pa*ing area either up or down fror t[* sbeet rever; 2. creab a wideparking area at th€ street level with very litde ddve - many of th& being a simple asphah extension of Beaver Dam Road'or a 1 g, driveway 'directly in front of the garage doors. c, The East Residence Beaver Dam Driveway is unique alont Beaver Dam widr iS30' wid6 at.the steet rever. yet being armost'4g' deep. rhe [ate wourd assist inproviding fli',"? TS Ig the prope-rty and limit this larye aa"vew"y exposure ro rheneighborhood. rt shourd be noted thai the driveway ddign was undertaken tomidirhize dre^ desiruction of the existing evergrcen trees o*n f,r. rite and disturbanceof the natural grades. d. Privacy at the majorig of the driveways is provided \ the 12, wide driveseparating the parking area from the street I would be more than hapPy.tg meet with both of you at the site to further discuss ttre gate desitn andyour concerns. Please call with any addi$onal questions or commenc. Ltlir:rl+.f . t ______--_l_IZ|lr: \ | IEH: \ IlE;: \ I '11;ly i Zi{ldI .rrr, !-\\\Ur//4 h#qzzllN\itui> 6i x\r-! AI lllio --t*n ftI .-J ffi FPSE3/2612883 L7:31. 97847E49@L PAGE A3 I K Ii $I ^Jlt< Jt I { "!4'{ ItN\ \/ 01-\ t IT -f 0lali,)r jil; 5aD,reabra -nfiifi#iEl?'.-,s3cN30ts3H nvo H3AY3E s'd -ulor :y i=A $ T '5 *tjt- *s.F \;ri $5 n+ tfl { -E,9 b -..:r__* I II I I I l I oI -\$ -.fr|a Ib .E f r*ili rEI *Es l|lo:E - IL $ e8 Q-aodt _uR 0('-rc-'fr'i.s _E3UO B ru E rit R ct .Ec Ro iltil tr a/n'd B.C ,@ 39Vd - At?l fE-t{-rBFJ.Jr.r{S ofrof .re.r8o Eo Se .rrr IA6n9LiaL6 Ie:4T taazl\zlEt eroa-srls " Lvnn Friulen, AlA, Architecl Williarr F. Pierce, ,\rchite(:t lil nras R. Du 8{)is, Ar(:hite(t Slephanie Lr-rrd-johnrj,n, Arr:hitect David B.runr, ArchiteL-t Kathy Heslinga, Business rVlanager March 15, 2003 Bill Cibson TOV Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 FRITZLEN PI ERCE ARCH ITECTS VAII-, COLOMDO RE: 363 & 383 Beaver Dam Road Cate at East Driveway Response to your letter dated March 10, 2003 Dear Eill: Thanks for your response to our DRB Application retarding a Driveway Cate at the East Residence. Following is my response to your commenb: Public Works: 7. Driveway gates need to swing inwards only. FPA has revised the drawings to show the gates swinging inwards only. 2. Revocable Right- of-Way permit for the gates. The owner will atree to a Revocable Right-of-Way permit I believe that we already have one in place for the driveway improvements in the Right-of-Way and could include the gate in that agreemenL 3. Entrance to the EHU Garage minimum width 8'-0" We would like to propose a 7'-6" clearance into the EHU Garage. The drawings have always shown an 8'-0" wide swinging garage door with a clearance of 7'-6" between the doors. We would propose to swing the garage doors inward to eliminate the conflicS between the columns and doors. This would result in 7'-6" clear at the narrowest point between the columns in front of the garage door. A 9 x 18 parking spot is still provided inside the garage when the doors are swung inwards. Also, as discussed, we will pull a vehicle into Carage to verify that it does fit in the intend sPace. Per Architectural Craphic Standards a Medium Size Car is between 5'-7" and 6'-0" wide. This would allow 1'-6" extra around the car pulling into the garage. Planning. 1. DRB requirement for a vehrc/e to be accomodated between the gate and edge ofstreet. During the construction process, we shorten the driveway fiom 19' to I5'-1". We did this because if we left the driveway the original length, the TOV required 4' wide concrete curb 165U [ast Vail V.rlley Drivt,, Fallridge C-1, Vail. CoiLrr,rdir 8 iltli P: \.t7\).47 t.6)4) l: 9i()..1/{L.4irl)1 E:infr.r@vrilarchiterl s. cr rn r rwrv. r'ail.t r r. hitsr 1s.,:r xrr FRITZLEN PIERCE ARCHITECTS VAIL @LORADO ,^+-'a would have had to accommodate an existing manhole. We have alwala been required to^dre existing asphalt parking area and reclaim that area as landscaping. The auached drawing shows fiat we intend to follow our original plan to reclaim the hndscape out to the 19' depft. This would allow for a 19' "parking" spot in front of the gate as required I dre DR8. I have not had a chance b speak widr the Fire Departmen! but will follow up with their comnrents as soon as poesible. Please call if you need any additional information or clarifications. Sincerely, /-- .. (A\*\_ Stepha nie Lord-Johnson Architect cc: Rob Fawcet, GSCC 1650 East Vail Valley Drive, Fallridgs C-1, Vail, Cokrado 81657 P:974.476.6342 f:970.476.4901 E: info@vailarchitects.<nnr www.vailarchitec.ls.r:;m ztrJ:5u:Nd:F|rt - Eo-: 7 Ec E iit t.] iii L.l a Jr,4 dv,I €st $ a2 -r-t)3 ,?ig ilT33 - z { -I0_ { il_t M m m M_ilo M {Jz ru_ff l1 \J { N( \T :lT JiI l'1 t A .t o N 0I A A f, It rxr r1 . lld ' rdrt "t'* t o rOift isl $ \94-s+\\ $frI €l \Nr{2 I I li I $['t:\ d (\ $.,1Y oro0 | aof z9st8 oovuo.toc .TvA oYou nvo YlAY3g cts ? a90oNIj oac 3gvTl^ av^ t rco't8 '8 r z lo'l S]CNfCISfU I/\IVG U]AVf8 '38 3? t= *'w'/*'*' tr fr.ti -{,{ ' '46' i 1*'4! ' dEr o N\r/ r- IzEt =J \,\/ \I N,h\i i d JI -{. u .'J- '', p rh tt'it.E .5C5 3T5dtr*tl I a Sr -g.S -nl 3 r€ Pt I i- -'--'3 , {- E- C, o b 3 .$ $ d s N \ b$ $ -1 .s a ,$tr \P K+ $ 1I T TrP 0r ,fl $ F p 7 ilfi J { ) d ,fl 2 fl\ fi A o ff 2 =F h >,1 N:- NI i,{l XLI JH fl, YQAl N-It N)$ o UTIN o MUNTTY Developruerur RoGorvt c Fonur I Approved with conditions I Denied Status: I Approved Routed To:Mike Vaughn, FIRE Date Routed:03/05/03 Routed By:BillGibson Date Due:03t12t03 Description of work:Driveway Gate Address:363 Beaver Dam Road Legal:Lot: l3 lBlock:3 Subdivision:Vail Village 3'" Filing Gomments:Date Reviewed: lssues. Need additional review Fire Deoartment. Lynn liiuk:n. AlA, Architect \.\'iliiarn F. Pir.ri:c, Archilect fhonr,rs R. llu B(ris, -{r{:hita:t Steph:rnie Lr,rd-J':,hn'()n, dr:hitect DJvkl 8aum. Architi:ct K.llhy He5ling,r, Busirreits N'lan,rger' February 21,2W3 Bill Gibson TOV Community Development 75 South frtntage Road Vail, CO B'1657 < --.- .-\<------.<-: Stephanie Lord-Johnson Arch itect 1650 fast Vail V.lllcy- Drivc, Fallridgr. C.1 , Vail. C(t0rado 8ti>5; P: <)70.476.6i4i f: 9:0.47G.49(,1 [: i n fo(Avr iln rd ] iiec15.(irnr w'w',\..v,illarchil(rct!. r:rrni FRITZLEN =\___..--. o PIERCE ARCHITECTS VAIL, COLOMDO RE:363 & 383 Beaver Dam Road Cate at East Driveway Dear Bill: fu per our site meetin& attached is fre application for a change to an approved plan for a driveway Sate at the East Residence. We are required to provide (6) parking space which are indicated on the attached plan. The gate does not impact this parking in any way. The driveway at the East Residence is quite exposed to Beaver Dam Road and the owner's would like to install a gate for privacy. The tate is 1 5' off the road, so we are proposint a gate frat is both a hinged gate and a 'pocket" rolling gate to minimize any impact to traffic on Beaver Dam Road. The gate is intent to have a center section that is 12' wide that would role into the side "pockeb". This would allow a crr to be parked directly in front of the gate while the gate is being opened without blocking the traffic on the road. The pockea would hinge in both directions so the driveway could be comPletely opened up for additional off street parking. The gate allows for vehicles to park inside the gate when closed. The gate is to be a mix of copper paneling, black heat textured iron in pattern to match the fenestration, and open picket railings to match the walkway railings. Please call if you need any additional information or clarifications. Sincerely, z oz E =E UJo- (t IJJ UJIL F =E IJJ.L ,q6 -* T2 Yt ,_9 t, 6 )Jz1at No\ol { .J7 zz EE Fr v !J? &frlzz <a E!{*b4Yt(:x6oJZ a6 ul c Iz = z 2 H fr1 c'lv)t:ll Zdlt.t I(/JI OF<lFlOlr'IHIH()l Fr ErlHl I F]lattrllFatrll i)vlol-ltlo\'!g froFt-l Z c.l 67 fHlo i;ld rrl I (, url ZxlztaloAlNI z H E rll H l5lulgt3o t=o t-st6o lr fi -tp'= ' {locL ill<* IIE\ -t tzS\NIO:\Ntoi \\ \tE'-. \)to R\go\\ l3!r\loc9t\ \\t|! ut E \NIg= K SIEO E\\ NIJ !! o\\\\ l: F : N'\io 5 '- lo< dt c).lt(Y) o\iox9() 6.>zEH = F. F\ O = OF{ q) dl06-&E XOx (,oc) ,: Fq qt '=€H J (JArF E9 ..:9E cL ar.sb 7,z'- -<o- ;-oc 98f;fi, sb E; EEHE 9 UP:Ec-o> e$:E = si;c9dE -*-o)33;'; E EEI E;gE!l;e cL @ cL-sEreoiE orE€e€ 96 6 d EEEE - o..lJ o 6o'-!-c=o.,' ef;!r ;ii: ;fiE;96,or -s5g: -o6: ra r.rl '/1n F =ul z :< ut z Jo. J ; Fo |.lJ) TIJ 2 co = J = UJE ul UJu- 2 tr IJJ Co =tlt llJEz a uJ F6 uJ z ul o X F UJu) U'ul uJlt tr =E UJo J FoF (,z6 =o J UJ uJ oz ao =:) o z uJt NO|l'Vn]VA F-lFl ts.AzH v m zH CAl-lX Etc v =ozoFo- = gJ J UJz uJ o(\I N 99;a =ato1>E9l!<oqH6-8 ;(\i =>E =co l* IH t: tzllrl Itr IE |gtl ld r,dHFv)H}( t'g:rtrl D{|<IA z tr {c ti o- uJ F G- o- uJ J z Eoo zIF UJ =UJz trzfzOa <Oo< Etr2tExu-Uci<z =z 9z tro3trox UJlJJ luz = zo tr 5oz ) =F llJ o = lrl<l zl zl .. >l uJ IJJ u.lz F llt o-) zo E z at) I 43dLo.-r ozo EitXH( LlJFo @o-zo Fo- IJJY lrJo oFNrB ccLlJ -rL ,-r * o., >vi E=()- t3 E>ac< ;F4osE g =AF e ;= EE E ==H.b 9 dE .n'E I nnrfr E i tt LJLJT--J F b=l ,9 dEt i* E F EI :E=E 5 lJI =OAE O 3l = q ',-rb. s rl dil= 6-: -t! uJo oF rm\z/J= t'--r'-!! g!u 9E F =E lrJo-zoF C) =)E,Fazo(J I I I ,11 zl olurlEl JI al>lrttol pl izl il (n trr(t FlFlH Ffl{ (n Y c (\ I ft1 trl h ui =z \o F\ I\ornr\ HF]Pz F F) CA EIXg( td}( c.rE muJ -'o = & Ff Fl trr ttl IJJ =z I -l+lNl-l ol :ln H- 2H zH Fr .4 =tr =.1ol o*t) =+d.t-o2 () ; INSPECTIONTOWN OF REQUEST VAIL READY FOR INSPE LOCATION: "t l;+ CALLER TUES THURWED i')1 PERMIT NU JOB NAME BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr o tr o tr t-l UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOI / H. TUB O SHEETROCK NAIL n- 'Yrrrunr- /Lf;td''- tr F'NAL ELECTRICAL: I O TEMP. POWER MEGHANICAL: O HEATING tr ROUGH tr tr n EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT n SUPPLY AIR O FINAL D FINAL PROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: ,^', /t)//z rNSPEcroR TURE 0N A PUBLIc RIGHT-0F-WAYO Fence Xl,lall --l Landscapin!-.-.-' PRoPERTYjlyIs-grp"intt r(a#,l 'll,'F? 0 - t i?^"3:: : : lil' 3l, 3in'H::$1,13,'5.':: J:?;..':l#j'o cx3-sueo vo';l /' uf ',q'J rf Corner lot Inside lot X DEScRIpTI0N 0F sTRUcruRE 0R ITEM(s) INTo RIGHT-oF-tlAv t:-ertz.z_Attachp1ansshowingencroachment,property.|ine,sid, meters' manholes, any.other affected apurtbnance in the project area (to scite or APPLICATION FOR tJc REVOCAELE PERMIT TO ERECT OR MAINTAIN MTE OWNER OF NAME OF ADDRESS APPL I CANT dimensjoned) and section(s) as well as'elevatjons, (if appliiable). Does structure presently exist? Proposed date for commencement of construction In consideration of the issuance of a revocable permit for the structureapplicant agrees as follows: 1. That the structure herein authorjzed on a revocable permit basis js restricted exclu-sively to the land above described.2. That the.permit is limited specifically to the type of structure descrjbed in thisappl ication.3. That the applicant shall notify the Town Manager, or his duly authorized agent, twentyfour hours in advance of the time for commencement of constr-uction, in ordir that pro-per - inspection may be made by the Town.4. That the appl icant agrees to indemnify and save harmless the Town of Vail from andagainst all claims, suits, damages, c-osts, losses and expenses in any manner resultingfrom' arising out of, or connected with the erection or maintenance bf the aboveidenti fied structure. That the permit may be revoked whenever it is determined that the encroachment, obstruc-tion' or other structure constitutes a nuisance, destroys or impairs the use of tneright-of-way by the public, constitutes a traffic hazari, or the property upon whichthe encroachment, obstruction, or structure ex.ists is required foi^ uie ly the public; 9!^ lt may be_revoked 9! any time for any reason deemed sutficient by the-town bt Vaii.That the applicant wil.l remove, at his Lxpense, the encroachment, o-bstruction, orstructure within ten days after receiving notice of any revocation of said peimit. That. the applicant agrees to maintain an! landscaping issoc'iated with the ehcroachmenton the right-of-way. That in the event said removal of the encroachment, obstruct.ion, or structure isnot accomplished within ten days, the Town is hereby authorized to remove same andhave the right to make an asseisment against the pr-operty and collect the costs ofremoval in the same manner as generai iaxes are collbcted.That the permit so issued is not assignable, and is issued soiely to the undersignedappl i cant. owne rs gna * omef':46-R$_ u res above indicated, o. 7. 8. o 10. il. Date ve opment 7/ti Manager paft ?4/-ry r .E(n= $ ,t','--\' \ {,dx \ $ n/vN\=\q;e l5s\(' )n\-, { t/\- I \r'^eq t{l -o to \,, a qu\ IIl.- t I Ik\\r rf) F- 9 FoJ lr) F 9 ='t?tt- sf F 9 (9 z. =L o E. IF I lrJ(9 J = - ; )<()o (n N l-o vv a Fegqy Fu11*r Denver. Colorado 80?10(3o3) ?tffif?' 7 9b- 077 b June 19, 1?89 Fl anni ng Departmentc/o Eommuni ty Devel opment 75 Sor-rth Frontage Roacl Vai I, Colorado 81657 Re: Lot 2, Block 3 r\Vail Vitlage -*. Filing 365 Beaver Dam Road This iE a request for a permit alJ.owing us to construct a{ence borderinr; our parking area. The f ence itsel.f wi l L tre a natural wood €pl it rai I f encewith 2 rails, B {eet in length. lrJe will need to use 1Opostsr and each post will be approximately 4 to 41l? feettall after being set in the ground. We wish to extend the {ence 33 {eet on either side of ourgtairs that Lead down to the houge. On the east Eidei thiswill mean the {ence will only e:<tend aE {ar as the pinetree. On the west side, the fence will extend to the aspentrees. It will be set approxirnately 1 {oot s{{ of the pavement. Enclosed is a rough sl:etch o{ the area. I{ you have anyquestions, pLease cal. l mp in Denver at 7?3-1319. I will bein Vail on Fridayr June 23rd, and would like to pick up thepermit if at alI possible. Thank you very much. $i ncereL y, Peggy Fuller Encl osure lS4" 7y l.e - f'ftr/ lJ ,;l/ .,i^ p^t/fh^4. 3Z3z 5.,rr'To'y'lftr 9f' .)ewer,co 7ozt6 €'* It,g?,o20 legAt ;d $rot stflacK) (GqryLrnL u\) . e 'E. -t^ ,q J,t 'ra -- .tr'rdb / ei ilrl-\J t( (o ?l o*--oG IL:ll -et Itb lg ,ce z ai Il *.:'-: 'l! ? ,-':--- /,*'+ g fo'''*d rT,',..i.;- perl"oi l\ ".".tl t-ra)rqlE N *-t": nloil "rgr, ol *'/) rs"\:\o Itl. .1 i5ri oBJq NF ,4., - " It Ris "\io qw -\ "r".*l $t Y(Jo (DW t, a:''-;lu\ .R,:" "ge*l r"6-il?on" {!f iti',1 i-'il--.!-LrtlJLr - 3El I a {t' lr) o n o(o ){,\ trJ