HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 3 BLOCK 3 LOT 4 LEGALWV;tloy- VvU/,f y', dc 4 tresign RevietY Bsard ACTIOT{ FOR.lr{ Dspe.tment of Community Development 75 South Frontags Road, Vail. Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 farz 97O.479.2437 reb: wurw.vailgw,comeo3sflfitGllEl-(FiEaf Protect Name: ProJed Descrlptlon: Partldpants: Prcject Addrcss: 392 BFTVER DAM RD legal Descrlptlon: Parcel Number: Comments: Motion By: Second By: Vote: Condltlons: CORTINA PARTNERS LP DRBNumber: DR8070245 \ trNAL APPROVAL FOR A MINOR ALTEMTION TO REMOVE A DOOR AND RELOCATE A WINDOW owNER ROSENBACH, GARY & SUSAN 0610512007 217 TACONIC RD GREENWICH cr 06831 APPUCANT COHEN CONSTRUCION P O BOX 1889 EDWARDS co 81632 License: 123-8 CONTRACTOR COHEN CONSTRUCNON P O BOX 1889 EDWARDS co 81632 License: 123-8 392 BEAVER DAM RD VAIL Locatlon: 0610512007 Phone: 970-926-3,143 0610512007 Phone: 97F925-3{43 LoB 4W Block 3 Subdivlsion: VAILULI-AGE FIUNG 3 2101-071-1202-0 BOARD/STAFF ACTION ACtiON: STAFFAPR Date of APProvalr 06l L2|2OO7 @nd:8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Tolvn of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review ommitEe(s). Cond:0 (PLAN)I DRB approval does not constitute a permit for buildlrlg. Please @nsult with Tourn of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB apprwal shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year follorrting the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and @nstruction ls ommenced and is diligently pursued toward completlon' Planner: Bill Gibson DRB Fee Pald: $2o.oo *m Minor Exterior Alterations Application for Design Review Departient of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colomdo 81657 tel: 97O.479.2L28 tax: 97 0.479.2452 ureb: www.railgor.com General InformaUon: All projects requiring design revievr must reeive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer b the submittal requirements for the particular appoval that is requested. An applicafrcn for Design Roriew cannot be acepted until all required information is received by the Community De\relopment Departnent. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences withln one year of the approval. Locationof theProposal: Lot {V gbck: 3 Subdivision:frctsto 3 Physical Address:>7> ?on/at- D*n Al.- Lr(LLLE g dg o *tl EllVTER-il]] 3 1 200i ll/l U OF VAIL tq\, MAY TOWN h) t|]i | tz.T1,xuttttsrool . ?&hl,.+AFn*l vtt'.t'txu eyrtttot- tlxtqt* tE N@DOt Parcel No.: 2lolo+ I I7O2o (@ntad Eagle @. Assessor at 970-328-86'10 for parcel no.) Zoning: l{ame(s) of Owner(s): Mailing Address: Owner(s) SignaUre(s): @;;',ggi;,0,.,, tr Changes to Approred Plans tr Separation Request For confuction of a new building or demo/rebuild. For an addition where square fioobge is added to any residential or ommercial building (indudes 250 additions & interior conversions). For minor changes to buildings and site imprwements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re.roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Re\riew Board, t{ame of AppLan|c C-or/r€rJ Cox<r.twt--r- or-r, Ta.,t - MaitingAddress: (.O .0,or tttq , eDvfitn<; (o. ncgT E-maif Address z .tcl,\ta Q col<.r. cas.frodasFax:.- tt|<,-. (.,''s1r, Type of Review and Fee: tr Signs tr @neptual Review D New C.onstudion $650tr Mdfion $300 tr Minor Alteration $250 (multi-family/commercial) Phone: $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of tobl sign area. No Fee $20 $20 No Fee Mas 25 O1 L?z?Op utaf zlt aoot oaa Jq IJ-f|E-N Ltticr I |<l.,L I lna p.1rtrwfE az, o1 ,O8'fT PTOPERTT OWilEE MT'IE]| APDNOV/IL I.JETITR r, tpnnt*) tgnn f?^.-rf .' . airintonrcrof propcrty locatedst + t17 prwUe Uis lstcr as rrvfiEn apgmrd of tlre plans dabd tl^tlo+ , ntridr have been suhnilfrd b Ole Town of Vail Cosrrrnunfry Derdofngrt DepatEn€tt for the p'oDo€ad i|urov€il|€ttb b be compbted at tie addess rnEd ab6tE. I uderrtand ttut tie gw"q inpruremaG irdde: d I ur&t d tfu n*w nffiiuts,Ey E t tile b tfie Mr ora ttp ottv, of the b qrsnE cdn@ ilAr he TonttE Wb e af, rytffiE ,| . g IrWHffiililteffig nrtw6.@, rtkhaendebthe*E ot€-tlg ffiffif"# aM: br dE ry ror addwomt anmvat . @) tlattlaaal*t**t*+t*ffat*****++lllt*la*+at**a+*aat'l***l**aa*'}*aa*!at*{r'}****aa'+f{r*++++**tt*llaa+ TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Stat€d€nt l'f,++ll*a*aaafaftfftft***llltf*'ftat*ttaltl+**l|t***al**'t'a******+******rtt|lf***tat**lr**t*l'l'lll'l'* Statement lilirnlcer: R070000879 Anor:nt: $20.00 06/OS/2OO708:01 A}t Pa)ment Method: Check Init: iIS NotaeLon: 5305/CAHEN coNsT. r!rc. Permit No: DR8070245 Type: DRB-Minor Alt, SFR/DUP Parcel No: 21O1-O7L-12O2-O Site AddresE: 392 BEA\rBR DAtrl RD VAII' Location: 392 BEAI'BR DAllt RD Total Feea: 920.00Ihia Paltment,: 920.00 Total AIIJ Pmts: .920.00 BaLance: $0.00 'i+'*f'a'l'ila++ai*taaafala'|l'ia**aalfaaa'l**'l*'ta**+tf*a+**a+++++fitf*t+f*****a++*r***+*'i**taaaa*tf ACCOI]NT ITEM LIST: Account, Code Deacription Current Pmta DR OO1OOOO3LL22OO DESIGIIiI RTVIEW FEES 20.00 FII EIUMIOFIIAII DEartmcnt of Commrnity Devclopmmt 75 Soath Fronnge Road VaiL &lorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970479-2452 uwu.aailgott com BillGibson, AICP Town Planner Town of Vail June 8, 2007 Cohen Construction PO Box 1889 Edwards, CO 81632 RE: Cortina Partners LP Residence (DRB07-0245) 392 Beaver Dam Road, West UniULot 4, Block 3, Vail Village Filing 3 Dear Jeff, The Town of Vail Stalf has preliminarily reviewed the Design Review application for pJopos-ed . window and door change fdr the Cortiria Partner's Residence located at 392 Beaver Dam Road. inis lpptication does n-ot include adequate information lor a complete review of this proposal. pleasjiuUmit existing and proposed fioor plans. Additionally, please identify the location of the on-site Employee Housing Unit. lf you have any questions or comments, feel free to contact me directly at (970) 479-2173' Sincerely, 4//zhh- ,'lz- r,) \D't -t;;r" J. {ph""tc,"oruo MINOR EXTERIOR ALTEMTIONS TO BUILDINGS AND SITE IMPROVEMENTS SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS General Information: This application is required for proposals invofuing minor exterior alterations and/or site improvements. Proposals to add landscaping do not require DRB approval unless they involve the addition of patios, water features, grading, or the addidon of retaining walls. landscape Plan* Elevations* color .5 Arch ltectura I Floor Plans*.6 Lighhng Plan* and Cut-shee(s) for proposed fixtures -/ file report, including Schedules A & B to veriff ownership and easements* v flPhotos,of the o<isting site and adjacent structures, where applicable, 2Anen aptroval.from.a condominium qgsocrltio.n landlord, and joint owner, if applicable-o Site-specific Geological Hazard Report, if applicable*o The Administrator and/or DRB may require the submission of additional plans, drawings, specifications, samples and other materials (including a model) if deemed necessary to determine whether a project will comply with Design Guidelines or if the intent of the proposal is not clearly indicated, Please submit three (3) copies of the materials noted with an aslcrisk (*). x*For interior @nversions with no exterior changes, the submittal requirements include a complete set of o<isUng and proposed floor plans, a title report, and written approval from a condominium association, landlord, and joint owner, if applicable. I have read and underctand ttre above listed submittal requirements: Project Name; F:\cdev\FORMqPERMITS\P|anni ng\drb_minor_alt_l 1-23-2005.doc tl|2312005 n'tltrlifevations* , , rl >(*r{ \t". g(dv w and material samples and specifications. L w ' " SUBMITTAL REOUIREM EI{TS* * tamped Topographic Survey* Page 3 of 13 Topographic survey: . . Wet stamp and signafure of a licensed surueyor o Date of surveyo Nor$r arrow and graphic bar scale. Scale of 1o=10'or l"=20)r Legal description and physical address. Lot size and buildable area (buildable area a(cludes red hazard avalanche, slopes greater than 40oh, and floodplain)r Tres to exisUng benchmark, either USGS landmark or sewer inveft. This informaUon must be clearly stated on the surveYr Property boundaries to the nearest hundredth (.01) of a foot accuracy. Distances and bearings and a basis of bearing must be shown. Show existing pins or monumenb found and their relationship to the established comer.. Show right of way and property lines; including bearings, distances and curve information.. Indicate all easements identified on the subdivision plat and recorded against the property as indicated in the title report. List any easement restrictions. . Spot Ele\rauons at the edge of asphalt, along the sbeet frontage of the property at twenty-five foot intervals (25'), and a minimum of one spot elevations on either side of the lot. o Topographic conditions at two foot contour intervalso Existing trees or groups of trees having trunks with diameters of 4" or more, as measured from a point one foot above grade. . Rock outcroppings and other significant natural features (large boulders, intermittent sffeams, etc.).o All existing improvements (including foundation walls, roof overhangs, building overhangs, etc.).. Environmental Hazards (ie. rocKall, debris flow, avalanche, wetlands, floodplain, soils)o Watercourse sebacks, if applicable (show centerline and edge of stream or creek in addition to the required stream or creak setback). Show all utility meter locations, including any pedestals on site or in the right-of-way adjacent to the site. Exact location of e><isting utility sources and proposed service lines from their source to the structure. UUlities to include:o Cable TV Sewer Gasr Telephone Water Electric r Size and type of drainage culverts, swales, etc. r Adjacent roadways labeled and edge of asphalt for both sides of the roadway shown for a minimum of 250'in either direction from property. o Site and Grading Plan:. Scale of L"=20'or larger. Property and setback lines r Existing and proposed easements. Existing and proposed grades r Existing and proposed layout of buildings and other structures including decks, patios, fences and walls. Indicate the foundation with a dashed line and the roof edge with a solid line.r All proposed roof ridge lines with proposed ridge elevations. Indicate existing and proposed grades shown underneath all roof lines. This will be used to calculate building height. . Proposed driveways, including percent slope and spot elevations at the property line, garage slab and as necessary along the centerline of the driveway to accurately reflect grade. . A 4' wide unheated concrete pan at the edge of asphalt for driveways that o<it the street in an uphill direction.o Locations of all utilities including o<isting sour@s and proposed service lines from sources to the structures.. Proposed surface drainage on and off-site.o Location of landscaped areas.. location of limits of disturbance fencing F:\cdev\FoRMs\PERl'1m\Plannins\drb-minor-all11-2i;tgir3ffi Pase 4 of 13 ti . :,)4 ,OAO' VAIL FIRE O'O*'"S VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81557 970-479-2735 NOTE: TI{IS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON TOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ALARM PERMIT Job Address: 392 BEAVER DAM CR VAIL Location.....: ParcelNo...: 270107772070 ProjectNo : feTOr -oo7q L6*-arwr.r BEAVER gAIr{ ROAD LLC t DON EVERETT 281 BRIDGE ST VAIIJ CO 81_657 Permit #: 401-0035 Status...: ISSTED Applied. . : 08/03/2007 Issued. .: 08/07/2007 Expires. .: 02/03/200,2 o8/03/200L Phone:OWNER I-'icense: CONIRACTOR GARRISON MIIJTI I{EDIA, INC. 0e/ffi/2OOL Phone: 970-949-1100 P.O. BOX 730 AVON, CO 8162 0 L,icense: 155-S Desciption: Valuation: add smoke detection to caretaker unit $190.00 FEE SUMMARY Bectrical-> DRB Fee--> InvestiSation-> will call-> TOTAL FEES-> 942 . O0 90. 00 $0. 00 93.00 $45.00 Total Calculated Fees-> Additional Fees--> Total Pennit Fee--> PaYments-_.-_---> BALANCE DUE-> s4s. 00 s55. OO $100. OO $100.00 $0.00 Approvals:Item: 05600 FIRE DBPARTI{EIII oe/8/2ool rnvaugihan o8/o7/20ot mvaughan Action: AP Actionr AP CONDITIONSOF APPROVAL DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this applicatio4 filled out in firll the information require4 completed an accuraie plot plan, and shte that all the inforrration as required is correct. I agree to comply with the inforrration and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zonin6 ind iubdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. T 479-2135 FROM 8:l[ AM - 5 Pl{.REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOUR HOURS OWNERORCONTRA FORHIMSELF OWNEF +a*+*a**ltllaltlaaltitlt ataa+ a***l{'*** t+ **aaf{' tt* **t*+ ** tl + ** ** * lf ** 1**l* ala'}* allat Itt|l*faat TOWNOFVAIL, COIORADO Strtemcnt ilata{taal*aala*lallfafalaata*l**++tlaat**t+aa+++t*+t+ff**+aaal*tXaa**a*a+aaaalaaa'flaataaaaal gtatemeat lllnber: R000001191 Amor.tnt: sloo.oo 08/07/zootLo:51 All Pa:A[eot l.lethod: Cbeck Inl.t: LC Notation: *3312,/Garrigon lfirltl, lledia Permit lto: Parcel No: Site AddreeE: Location: ThiB PalmeDt: ACCOIJNTITEM LIST: Account Code 00100003123000 00100003111400 00100003112800 401-0036 2101.0?112 010 392 BEAVER DAI"I Tlpe: AIJARIU PERMIT CR VAIIJ $100.00 Description Total Feea: Tota1 AIJIJ PmtE : Balance: Current Pmts $100.00 s100.00 $0.00 a*aa*a*a'll*ataftt+lflaaalaaaf'taa*+t+*aaa+t*tl'}'ltfrttt++*a*+*'}l****'tf*aaaa***afilaia+a|r*aafa CL EP iiC CONTMCTOR LICENSES TEMPOMRY POI.IER PERMITS t,JILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 55.00 42.00 3.00 TOWN OFVAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970479-2738 T DEPARTMENToFcoMMu*,illruuroPMENr ADD/ALTSFRBUILDPERMIT Permit #: BO1-0025 B\\<- 3 Job Address: 392 BEAVER DAM CR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 392 BEAVER DAM CIRCLE Applied . . : 02/73/2W7 Parcel No...: 210107172010 Issued . .. : O2/27/2W1, Project No : ?R5- o(4O11 Expires. ..: 08/26/2@1, OWNER BEjAVER DAM ROAD LLC 02/t3/200]- Phone: T DON EVEREIT 281 BRIDGE ST VAIIJ CO 81657 I-,icense: CONTRACTOR COHEN CONSTRUcIION 02/t3/200L Phone: P O BOX r.889 EDWARDS CO S1632 81632 License: 123 -B .APPLICAIfI COHEII CONSTRUCTION 02/t3/2001 Phone: 910-926-3443 P O BOX 1889 EDWARDS CO 81632 , 8]-632 Iricense : Description: ADD Q,RETAIGR I]NIT I]IIDER PATIO Occupancy: R3 Single Family Residence TypeConstruction:VN TypeVNon-Rated Valuation: $110"352.m Add Sq Ft 0 Fireplace Infomration: Resrdcred Y # of Gas Applianc€s: 1 # of Gae Logs: 1 *ot Wood Pellet **- FEE SUMMARY Building-> S784 . O0 Restuamnt Plan Review->So.oo Total Calculated Fees-> S1,396.50 Plan Check-> 9509.60 DRB Fee--> 91oo.oo Additional Fees-> lnvestiBation-> will call-> U.,-\ b,.L\.r"1- -h\-.'.1 3 6 NOTE: THIS PERMITMUST BE POSTEDONIOBSITEATALLTIMES I^.:] L\ so. 00 SO.Oo Recreation Fee--> - SO.oo Total Permit Fee---> 91,396.60 $3 . oo Clean-up Deltosit-> 'O-OO PaITl€nts--> 51,396.60 TOTAL FEES--> S1,3eG.6o BALANCE DUE-->so .0o Approvals: I€eim: 05100 BUILDING DEPARITT{EIflI 02/].3/200]- KWARRE{ Action: NO ROIITED PLANS TO 't.R,, BRBfrf AI'ID LEONARD (STAGING,PARKING) FOR REVIEW 02/L9/20Ot JFjr(ACt,iO'T: AP PI,A}IS REDIJI}IED CORRECTIONS ON FIELD SET It.em: 05400 PLANNING DEPARTMHII 02/15/200L BRENI Action: COND NO INTERIOR ACCESS PAGE 2 Permit #: 801-0025 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL as ofO2-27-20O1.Status: ISSUED PermitType ADD/ALTSFRBUILD PERMIT Applied: 02/B/2C[1 Applicant COHENCONSTRUCTION Issued: O2/27/2ffi7 97O-92G3M3 To Expire: O8/26/2W1 Job Address: 392 BEAVER DAM CR VAIL Location: 392 BEAVER DAM CIRCLE ParcelNo: 210107172070 Dexription: ADD CARETAKER UNITUNDER PATIO **{rlr**#|'ffi**{***H**ws***tH** COnditiOnS ril*l**tl***#**H*r***#**rHiH***tr## Cond:12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONSARE REQURED TO CHECK FORCODE COMPLIANCE. Cond:16 (BLDG.): SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PERSEC.31O.6.1OFTHE 7997 VBC. Cond: CON00O4556 NOINTERIOR ACCESS BETWEENTHE UNITS IS PERMITTED. ' BErtrEEr{ rHE nNrrs rc ilnr-r*. Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMEIflT Item: 05500 PIIBIJIC WORKS O2/t6/200]- LS Action: AP WIITTER STAGTNG PIJAN APPROVED BUT CONTR,ACTOR REQUIRED TO STTBMIT NEI{ STAGING PI-,AN , APRII. 15, 2001. STREET PARKTNG SIIOI|N ON STTE PI,AN FOR THE ST]MMER IS NOT APPROVED. AIJUSTII4ENTS R3QUIRED, See page 2 of this Document for any conditions thatmay apply to this permil DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an acfluate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply wit*r the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESIS FOR INSPECNON SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT47}2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8OO AM - 5 PM. Send Clearrup Depos:it To: N/A OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNER Statement Number: Palment llethod: Reprintedon 02-27-2Ml at 13:41:46 0a27nmr R000000479 Amount: 91,396.60 02/27/20OLOL:40 Pli{ Check Init: JAR l{otation: 4977 Stat€,m€nt *** 'l '1. '* * *'l* + I t'f I t'l'l't f +*rt* *'l'**'tt *,t*,t't *rt'*{t{.* t**'}*** *{r't:tr * t*+'tt}t {r** **f {r'**'tr* *'|l **'tt*'t't**'t't**{.rt{' t*!** Permit No: 801-0025 Tlpe: Parcel No: 210L07112010 Site AddregE: 392 BEAVER DAIiI CR VAIIJ Irocation : 3 92 BEAVER DAI.I ifRCL,E Thie Palmrent: $1,3 95 . 60 ADD/AI,T SFR BUII,D PERIiITT Total Fees: total ALL Pmts : Balance: 784. 00 100. 00 509.60 3.00 $1,396.60 $1, 396 . 50 $o. oo {' *'t***l*'l*{r't,lr**'}'t'l i*'l* *'l**,r *+*'t't{' {.'t't't*{' {.'t't*'r* ****it * +!i!*** ***'*'r'} +'t't't* 'f 'tl t* * * !t 'l * ** * * + 't *'} {.**'r t*{. ACCOTJNTITEMLIST: Account Code Descri pti on Current Pmts BP DR PF br 00100003111100 00r00003112200 00100003112300 00r00003i12800 BUILDING PERMIT FEES DESIGN REVIEII/ FEES PLAN CHECK FEES WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE ) F€8.,8.m1 1A:53Ffi fiNNUWn 75 S.Ftonteec Rd. Vellr Cobndo 81657 NO.73e P.(LB I B-92001ffi ulrca-rcatorctcctricrl,plumbing ffi6tc* ETECIRICAL: * dooo -'BUILDING: I loo, ooo TOTAI-:t lto-, c-ovtcrt c-ox1.rrtut'to}r ,tL. , ?o go- 9t) , €DurylL(e- fu> vrtrtt ffi$il 2eto?ttloro Cwelr> :r tt - Job l,lanrq Kogf411' J(Alg1O*Job Addns: 3te tlcmrgr,D*r,r C;tt*e a !rmg, 3 lsuuavsion: VrruVurro'e ;Lss Xts,Dlwrh&t,L*'Phone: r1"1- glrf ArchiledDeslgg;r: *, L.'*_W".r*rban-,er-ffi t*l"jr"* -e.-tr, Englnear:ffitmtn Th-one: Deblhd descrlpton of worlt: ha€tL U,*1\tL9?r<5 ulrofri- uv. Crr't, oe)* woftoass: Nen( ) Addilon( ) Remdtd u wnr l *t l *t l t ltVorkType: Intcrlor( ) Ec/Dr( ) EoUt('4 DcanEHueffiatulislocatton: vesl I 5 tl(D f I nttanan< )otcr1 | Ft No. d Erbdng Dildling UnlE h thls bulldiq: * *tt'ot*t *DlfI' llo/tmdflreolacesPmoccd: OsADDllanGes( ) Gasfoest tlV EaFreIErmtF*- Yes(7f-f,o (-I- - - | Doesa Flrespdnl(ers5tern q[d r..l rro c{ r. rr.rt rrr......rr..r.e r t..rrr.r. r r.rSR OFFICE USE OllLY.. r rtt.....t.*..*..ff9.1.1 !'lft!*.f , Fg€" 9.e1 10:54ff'l o a u u n o u o NO.73? P. /IA d ./ o o o o u oJ t0l,tNm Quesdons? Call tre gullding Team at 479'z31s Department of @mmunity Dwelopment Projectilame: klcx"u ?zaooev - ProjectAddress: \q> B*t*,D+-' arct'c r fhg Che*ttst nu* fu @moteted bebtei, Bulldlaa Peftnit aanli@tlon is ea8al. All pagcs of appllcatlon ls complete Has DRE approval obblned (f ruqulrcd) Provlde a opy of apprcval form Condominium Associatbn lctter of approval atgdred il proJect ls a Multfamily complex Complete sitl Plan submitted Publlc Way Pcrmit applkatlon lnduded lf applkablc (retbr to Publlc Works checkllst) Staglrq phn lncluded (rcfer !o Public Works ch€cldlst) No dumDster'DarklFo or material storaoc qllolr.id on roadwavs and shoulders without,wrlttcn aooroval Asbestos Est and results submlfrcd lf dcmolitlon ls ocunlng Architcct stirmp and signature (All Commerclal and Multi famlly) Full fbor plans hdudlng hrildlng sedons and clsvations('l se15, of plans fior MulU-Famlly and Commcnial) Windor', and dmr schcduh Full strr.rctural Flars, Induding design crfterla (icJoads) Studural Englrreer stamp and slgnature on sbucwnl plans (Atl @nrmerclal and Multl family) Solls Report must be submltH prlor b foo(ng Inspection Firc ruEffve ascnrblhs spcdfld atd pcnetnUons Indlcated Smol(c defiectors shofln on plans Types and quanUty of llreplaces shavn Appllcan(c Slgnabrt: DaEof suhnltbl: f/a,trvonc/ft'rn{blOGmZ Recclved By: , FE\ 9.M1 la:s4e'l I NO.732 P.s/Le If Erls permit requlres a Town of Vall Flre DePartment Approval, Enginee/s (Public Works) revlew and apPRwal, a Plannlng Department review or Health Department review, and a review by the Euil4ng Department, Sre estimated time for a total revlew will take as long as firee (3) weeks, All commerclal (large or small) and all multi'famlly permits will have to follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Resldcntial and small projects should take a lesser amount of flme. However, if residentlal or smaller proJects impact the various above mentloned deparbnen$ with regard to necessary review, these proJects may also take three (3) week to review and approve. Every attempt wlll be made by this department to expedite this permit as soon as possible, I, tfie underslgned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame- I also understand that if the permit is not ptcked up by the erpirafon date, that I must stitl pay the plan check fee and that lf I fall to do so it may affect fuh:re permits that I apply for. Agreed to by:fa<nt A. Gn"r' ProJect Name: Itrlnta. ) ll Io,' Print name Frc{€ryon /'lbrft{bldpetfi3 FEa. g,ml 10!54F4'l u o o u o 1.t).73 P.6/LB wllEil A'PUBUC WAY PERMIT'lS REQUTR'ED PIEASE READ AND CHECK OFF FACH OF THE TLLoIT,ING QUESnONS REGARDING THE NEED FOR A .TBLIC WAY PERMTI-: o Is thls a ner,v rcsldence? YES- NO-/- Does d€nolition urork belng perfonned requtre he use of $e Rlght'of'Wry easemenE or publlc propertf YES- NO--l- Is 6ny uuflty wo* needed? YEs- No-{- Is any dralnage uorf,belng done that aftcG the Rlghtof'Wayf easefnents' or publlc prqPerty? YEs- NOL Is a "Revocablc Rlghtof-Way Permlf requircd? YES- NO-Lo u Efgt;Hryents or public proPertv to bs used for stasiog, pa*lne or fcrring? IL"ry ni,O:z(|tg, staglng ot fenclng plan requlred by Publlc Works? If pu anmered YtS b any of thesc qucstons, a "Publk Way Permlt' must be obtalned' *Publk way PernH appllcstlons may bc obtalned at the Publk workt office or at communlty Derdopmerrt (a samPle E athdrett). If you hare any questlons please call Lconard Sandoal In tubllc wor|c at 479-2198. I HAI/E READ AND NTISWERED TUNE A8O1G qJESIONS. Is the ddvervay belry rePavcd?YES NO-L Is r dlffcnrnt ress needed b urc si6 other tpn he o<lsung drtveway? YES- NO/ E/Gctyotclft fl tq/EldFtn+ Company Namc FE3. e.mt 16:55F1'l NO.732 P.7/I8 TOWT{OF How it rchtcs to Buitding Permits: > Fill out the attached check list with the Bulldlno Permlt Aoplication'- iC,..ti, i.*ereO to ini or@k way" permit is requlred' You lan pfck up an appllcation it et$rer tommunity Development, located at 75 South Frontage Road or tubllc Works, located at 1309 Elkhom Drive. )r Notlce slgn-ofF fur utility companles. ALL uUllues must field verlfo (locate) respective ,tffiU& prfor to signlng applicati|n, Some utility companles requlre up to zB hours nouce to schedule a locaE. > A construcfion traffic contml/staglnE plan must be prepared on a seParate sheet of paper' A";pd".d site planmay ifsoi,e uiua. This plan'wilishow iocations of all traffic control de'rii6 (slgns, cones, etc.) and the work zone, (area of construction, staging, 9tc.)-. Tlls plan wili efoire on lio*mUer lst and wlll need b be resubmitted tor consideraUon tor ipproual through the winter. Be aware tfiat your resubmlssion for winter may be denled depending on the location ofconshtcton. > Skerch of work being performed must be submltted Indicating dimensions (length, widtft ana Jipin ol'work). ilts may be drawn on the traffic control plan or a $b plan for the Job' i Submlt complegd appllcaUon to the Publlc Work! office fior revlew. If requlred, locates will be scheduled for the iown of Vall elecglclans and lnlgtion crew. The locates take place ln the mornlng, but may require up to 48 hours to Perbrm, !, The Publlc Work's Consbuction Inspector will revlew the appllcatlon and approve or deny Ure permit. You wlll be contacted as to the stags and any requirements fiat may be needed. Most permlts are rcleased wlsrln 48 houn of belng received, but please allow up to one (1) week to Process. D As soon as tfre peymlt ls approved Sre Bulldlng Department will be no$fied, allowing tfie iauttatng penng to be rcleised. Please oo n6t confuse the "tublic Way Permlf wlth a "Buildlng Permlt'. y NOTE! Ttc above Prooess ls fur wort in a public way ONLY. Public Way permlts are Yalld only until ilovember 15$. A new Public Way Permit is rcqulred each year lf uort ls not omplete. Re-applicafion eadr l{orcmher 15th does not mean an automaUc rcnewal. I have read and undenstand the aborc. Ftl6,efyone/|umsnld9€fin5 Ffr. A,mL 1A:56Ft'1 r.,p.rca P.L[/LB / Untonntdeposlts: SubJcct to subsectlon C thereof, lt ls unlawtul for any Person to lltEr' tr?ck-:.l deposl! o. cluse b bc iltftr€d, tracked or deposfted, sand, gnvcl, rcdc, mud, dit, snol' -lce' ol any othef debrts or matedai6;;lny nreet, sldo'vilk, alliy or public ptace, or any portrbn thereof' / XoU."; Abatenrent The Dlrector of Publlc WorK may notlfy and. r€quire. any perso! who violaEs or cauScs anoher to violate tie provlslon of subsectbn n irereof, or who has ln. the Director's employnent i person wno vlolates or c.u* tno&cr to vtolate the t".", iop rejnou.e such sand, grarel, rocks-, mud' dlrt, snour, le or any oher debrls or ma6rial wlthin turenty four (2a) hours after reqipt of ryld nolice Uy if," oirl.*"r of public works. In $e errcnt the person so nodfied docs not comply with the.notlce ";itfri" t" p"rf"a of ume herdn speclfled, the Dlredor of Publlc Works, or other authorlzed ageflt' may cause any sucfi sand, gravct. rods, mud, Ofrt, ,n*, laa, debrls or any other maEn'al b be rcmot'ed fiom any sUeet or alley at the eryense of ttn notified. ffidr of the ltenrs bclout, (Coples of ornplete tsxt are avallablc uPon rcguest) CODE s.i-TO: DEFOSIII' ON PUBLIC WAYS PROHIBITED frls ode. (1997 Clde: ordinance 6 (1979). CoDeS t.3A.lAt{D 7€A-t: PARKTNG OBSTRUCiiliIG TRAFFIC & IMPoUllDt'lEtlT AUTHORIZED / tto porson shall park any vEhlcE upon a street or at any o$er place wihin-thls Municipallry ln such a manner or undei srrch condttlons as b Intefere wlth thi frec monement of vehkular traffic or proper street or hlghway malntenance. (Otd. 2(1968) 5 1) / Wt"**r arry pollae offier finds a vahlclc athndcd or unattended, standlng upon any.Porflon-of a- rt="t o. up# irry placr wtthtn thts Munidp.llty In such a mann€r as b consUttlte a vlolatlon of any se6on * drts Artiie, or left unat$nded for i pcitoO of twcnty four (24) houm or more andprezumed to b" ib",d"n d undcr tfrc condluons prcscdbl€d by @loradir Ro/scd SEttlt€s section 4241102, as amerded, tfie offier shall cquirc tlrc'vdrlde b Ui rcrmved or cause lt b be remored and phccd in abrrg. tri the nearcst garage br drer place of safety deslgnabd or maintalned by this Murtrdpallty,. and t5e dnrges fbr owinf arfr sonse of such rretricte shaii bc charged to the owner of the vehide In addttbn tp a ten ddhi($lq) tmpour(mcnt ctrargc. (ord. 2(1968) g 3: Ord. 28(1981) 5 1) I haw rcad and wifl compfy with drs abovc codc Fo tirlrrn , ifg€4G< fr' GU- Pocitlon or Rchtionchip b PttJoct: ,fDdrSigncd: 7IJ lot F/cvtttffiffibldFdDT #o*trrrr oF coMMU*.r, oru, Jirr*t Oo*\ U,tLg 3TOWN OFVAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81557 970479-2138 OIVNER BEAVER DAIVI ROAD LLC t DON SVERETT 281 BRIDGE ST VAIL, CO 8L657 License: CONTRACTOR DOI]BI.,E DIAMOND SERVICES P. O. BOX 1452 EDWARDS, CO 81632 License: 2]-5-E APPL,ICANI DOIIBL,E DIAI.IOND SERVICES P. O. BOX 1452 EDV|ARDS, CO 8L632 L,icense: 215-E ELECTRICAL PERMIT Job Address: 392 BEAVER DAM CR VAIL Location.....: 392 BEAVER DAM CIRCLE ParcelNo...: 210107112010 Project No : 06 / 12 /200r 06/L2/2001 Phone: 970-926-6202 06/L2/200L Phone: 970-926-6202 Desciption: ADD CARETAKER UNIT UNDER PATIO Valuation: $2000.00 FEE SUMMARY f,lsctricd---> $125. o0 Total Calculated Feee- > 5129.00 DRB Fee----> 9o . oo Additional Fees----> $0 .00 Investigation--> 90. oo Total Permit Fee----> 9129.00 Will Call-> 93. OO Pa)Erente----------> $129.00 TOTALFEES-> S12e. oo BALANCE DUE------> S0.00 Approvals: IEeim: 06000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMEIE 05/18/2001 .TRM Actsion: AP CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Condr 12 ilffi.L3.::."5:Ttr-..T:::.:.:,.::.-T..::.:::..::::.-:':.::::::;. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the.information and plot plan, io comply with all Town ordinance and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivisi,on codes, design review approved Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable 3(tz- 3, Lof q NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON IOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: E01-0131 Status... : ISSUED Applied.. : 05/72/2007 Issued. .: 06/26/2001 Expires. .: n/n/2W1 Phone: thereto. REQUESIS FOR INSPECflON SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FoUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHoNE AT 479-2138 oR AT oUR oFFICE FROM 8:(x) AM-5 OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNE **f**ff+t*l****lt***l*l'tlll****l{rrtifft{.'l**t**'}'l****:}l*********:}'}tl*'till**ttt'tfl++'la**t'l*'}'}*t TOUTNOFVAIL, COLORADO Stmeot *at*|}tll*****araa*a*llt***lt*'|'t***+'t't*tt*t*lart***l********'l***lr:i*l****l+a**t**ll**ltltti||i**tl* Staternent Huriber: R000001006 Arpunt: $129.00 06/25l2OOLOL:41 Pll Pay|rc(rt llethod: Checl< Init: DR Notation: 10518 Permlt No: 801-0131 Type: EIJECrRICAL PERI,IIT Parcel l{o: 21010?112010 Site MdreB6: 392 BBAI/ER llAl,l CR VAIL L,ocation: 392 BBA\/BR DN,l CIRCIJE Total Pees: 9129.00 Ttrie Payment: $129 .00 Total AIJ, hts: 9129. O0 Balance: t0.00 tttt+f**lla't'tllt*tlttlf lf +f tf **'|*'if *t'i'|***:3t'tll***tltl'|'|***:t't:tf +:i't*l*'tt'tr***lttttla**la**llt ACCOTJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current ffis EP OO1OOOO3U14OO TEI{POMRY POI.JER PERMITS h[ 00100003112800 t^lltL CALL INSPECTION FEE 126. 00 3.00 t rf [rn- lZ-Ol .. ..: ond Scrv i o9a 26 6203 P.O2 OT BE ACCEFTEO OR -60Projcct #; BuiHing Permit #: Electrical Permit #: 97 O-al 9-2149 (Impcctions) Nrwwnuy 75 S. ]'rontscc Rd.Vail, Colora-do 81657 il?'lll- 0r'&"t97082a-aea l? TuuA Parcel # (RequireC if no b|dg. permi #E provirled aSle)?lnlrl-tt t!r;lD Job l,lame: rrM(ntfi Qrsirln nc I Job ^o*' sqa !*a utr IYm fr irlp Legal Description 'flot: ll afo.t,Filing: I Subdivisirrn: Owners l{ame: ll Add 55:Phone:' Engineer: ll Add ,ss: ll Phone: tl Detailed descriotion of work'-6;rr,il. -Jii,cl riea(0r (n reln ) lr ' ,'0t'/ttttf/\ Wo* Oass: t{ew ( ) nddition ff; R TcnpPower( )l other( ) Inodel ( ) Repair( ) WorkTlfe: .Interior( ) Exterior( )BoflrfTffi-*-E,iu Tyrr d Bldg.: Single-family (X) oupb( ( ) n ItFfamrly( ) Clnmorckt d :sburant ( ) Other ( ) No. ot Fxistlng Drvelling Units in this building Is this pennit for a hot tub: Yes ( ) rc ( f -mDoes a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes ( ) No ( ) ll CEes iil z Tlfstem Exist: Yes ( ) No ( sQ. FEET FOR NEW 8UIr."Dt i and VAIUA ALL OTHERS (tabor & llaterials) ELECTRICALVATUATION: I iOF SQ FTlt'l STRUCTURE: coilrnAcToR Iil FoRMATIqN I :r,r*rrr.rr+++* *r*rt** I * rr**" *".1.* * *.*r*rf(!N OFFICE USE Ol{LY." * r.*, r.* r'| qt.tr*r t I t*l* ***t * ft ** rir ) F r/eqtode/b.rnf/dccperm 1\l I I TO}TNOFVAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD vArL, co 81657 s7G479-2738 !-_, Q,-_,_ b::y,*L/ DEPARTMENTOFCOMMUNTTYDEVELOPMENT (50 t- u"'- NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit #: M01-0105 Job Address: 392 BEAVER DAM CR VAIL Stahrs . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 392BEAVERDAM CIRCLE Applied. . : 06/27/20[1. Parcel No...: 27mO7772070 Iszued. .: 06/28/2W1. Project No : ? t'ttOf -UDZa Expires. .: 12/25/2007 O$INER BEAVER DAIVI ROAD L,LC 06/21 /2001, Phone: t DON EVERETT 281 BRIDGE ST vArr, co 81657 I-,icense: CONTRACIOR COHEN CONSTRUCTION 06/27/2O0L Plrone: P O BOX r.889 EDWARDS CO 81532 81632 License: 123 -B APPIJICANT COHEbT CONSTRUCTION 06/2'7/2O0L Phone: 9'70-926-3443 P O BOX 1899 EDWAXDS CO 81632 81632 License: Desciption: INFLOOR HEAT, SNOWMELT IN CARETAKERS APARTMENT USE Valuation: $3,165.00 Fteplace Information: Restricted: Y # of Gas Appliances: 0 # ofGas Logsr 0 # of Wood Pellet: "'- FEE SUMMARY Mechanical-> $80.00 Restuarant Plan Review-> Plan Check-> S2o.oo DRB Fee---------> 90. oo Total Calculated Fees-.-> 5103.00 So. OO Additional Fees-->$0.00 Investigation-> will call-> BATANCE DUE->s0.00 So .00 TOTAL FEES-> StO3 . OO Total Permit Fee--> 5103 .00 Payments------> 9103.00s3.00 Item: 05100 BUII-'DING DEPA,RTMEMT O6/28/20OL JRltl Act.ion: AP CONDITION OF APPROVALCond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD II{SPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CXIECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: 22 (BLDG. ) : COMBUSTIOIT A,IR IS REQUIRED PER SEC. 701 OF TIIE 1997 UMC, OR SECTION 701 OF TIIE 1997 IMC. Cond: 23 (BLDG. ) : II'IISTALI,ATION MUST CONFORM TO MAI.IIIFACII]RES INSTRUCTIONS AIID TO CHAPTER 10 oF THE 1997 UMC, CIIAPTER 10 OF TIIE 1997 rMC. Cond: 25 (BtDG'.): GAS APPIJIAIVCES ,,J"" vEnflrED AccoRDING ro crrepr?g TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.806 OF THE 1997 I'MC. OR CHAPTER Cond:,.29 (BIJDG.): ACCESS TO HEATING EQUIPMEIT MUST COMPI,Y WITH CSIAPTER TIIE 1997 I'MC AND CMPTER 3 OF THE 1997 IMC. Cond: 31 (BLDCI. ) : BOIL,ERS SIIALL BE MOITIiIIED ON FT,OORS OF NONCOIIBUSTIBLE LISTED FOR MOI'NTING ON COMBUSTIBI.,E FLOORING. Cond: 32 (BL,DCI.): PERMIT,PL,,AIiIS AIiID CODE Ar{ALYSIS MUST BE POSTED IN MECHANICAI-, ROOM PRIOR TO A}iI INSPECTION REQI'EST. Cond: 30 (BLDG.): DRAINAGE OF MECHAIIICAL ROOMS CONTAINING HEATING OR HOT-wATER SIIPPLY BOILERS SBLIJ BE EQUIPPED WITH A FI-,OOR DRAIN PER SEC. ]-022 OF TIIS 1997 UMC, OR sEcTroN l-004.6 0F Tr{E 1997 rMC. DECLARATIONS AND SHAIJJ 8 OF THE 1997 IMC. 3 AlrD SEC.1017 0F CONST. I'ilLESS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, complded an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. RSQUESIS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 5 SIGNA ' ****t+t**tatr*lttfttttttt****r***'.r*t'|'|tt**t**t*t******'t.*ft**********+*'*'rr***taa*'tt***tta*ta TOWNOFVAIL, COloRADO0opyRcprintcdonltc2&200l et ll:40:17 o6/i|f,/Inl StslE|n€otr*:a*'|lt*+f+altl*ffl*illllt*****+'.lft*l'i*ll****lt****l**'l****:t:3'3'l+*{r*ra't't*lta:|tttlall*aattl'}lt Statement Nunber: R00000101? Amount: $103.00 O6/28/2OOLLL:40 All Paltment, ttethod: Check Init: ilRll Notation: Permit No: l{01-0105 Tgle: I.{ECHANICAIT PBRI{IT ParcEl l{o: 21010?112010 Site Address: 392 BEA\IBR DAI{ CR \IAIL Localion: 392 BEAVBR DAI{ CIRCIJB Tota1 FeeB: 9103.00 Ttris Pal4rcnt: $103.00 Tota1 aLIJ ltnt6: $103.00 Balance: 90.00*tfit:l''l+lfft'll*litatl*rtt*f**'l'il**'i+fla**ffll'tttfl+*f't'}l*'|*tltt**la't't*lit*lllffftflat*'lt*al* ACCOTJNTITEMLIST: Account Code Description Current.Ptttts MP OO1OOOO31113OO MECHANICAL PERI,IIT FEES PF OO1OOOO31123()O PLAN CHECK FEES I,IC OO1OOOO31128()() WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 80 .00 20 .00 3.00 Building Pcrmit#l Mechanlcal Permlt #: Permit will not be accepEd wtUrort Ute fottowing: l;s1$"lffiSgldnwn b rceh b rnuudc A I A6,ry^f,'ffift#iffin^rl zulvJLccrhulettonr ff U rl 'mcntCut/SpGc ShGS l^allFnD r t-?Frt ^-' t - 6;JJ:- ozob otrptETE V[saIIgiLFQe uEcHAr{rcAr pERrrrT !4!or& lrabrlalc) '*g'(or^,?srtoD..r- '\tPk o. lW t ita^t,++ tT to, g*i7V*4@, wo*Cfass: rerv() nooruon( ) -lttenuon/) Repatr( I or,*t I Boitertocadon, tne@r1 j Does an EHU oGt at Yes( ) t{o( )ffi Otterk) 71tr ,eru/ No. dBrbttrg hrdfing unns rr urE@i trfitryof nrepfaes ) Wood BumirU G,|OTAIOWED) EGeweo*irr**,ttrt**t* TOV-COM.DEV. ****rl****rlcrirtl t*'tl. l.*r}!t*i. F: /0rton/fomt/rndrpcnn rarl lW**aER.AD VAIL. CO 81657 970-479-2138 ot*"rorr oF coMMUN,r" orurrort'', So . oo TOTAL FEES---> 911s . so Total Permit F€e-> S115. s0 Paynenls----> 5115 .50 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PLUMBINGPERMIT Permit #: P0l-0069 Job Address: 392 BEAVER DAM CR VAIL Status . . . : ISSLJED [ocation.....: 392 BEAVERDAM CIRCLE Applied. . : 06/2712001 ParcelNo...: 2l0l07ll20l0 Issued. .: 06128/2001 ProjectNo: f VLIOI -u)LT Expires. .: 1212512001 OWNER BEAVER DAII{ ROAD IJIJC 06/27/200! Phone: * DO}I E\IERETT 281 BRIDGE ST vArr, co 81657 Licenge: CONTRACTOR COLORADO PLITMBING SERVICE 06/27 /200t Phone: 970-625-0766 2335 AIRPORT ROAD RIFI.,E CO 81650 Licensel. 129-P APPLTCANT coLoRADo PLITMBTNG sERvrcE 06/27/200L Phone: 970-625-0766 2335 AIRPORT ROAD RIFI,E CO 81650 License: 129-P Desciption: ADD CARETAKERUNIT UNDERPATIO Valuation: $5.352.00 Fireplact Information: Restricted: ??# ofGas Appliances: ??#ofGaslogr: ?? # of Wood Pallcf ?? Plumbing-> 590 . oo R€stuar&f Plan R€view-> Plan check-> S22 . s0 DRB Fe€------'> FEE SLMMARY ***trtrrrrrr'titattrttt'rtr*rt,riil*rt|*rtrrall'll***r'|rrrrrr'r*'t So . oo Totsl Cslcular€d Fees-> S115 .50 so. oo Additional Fees----> Investigation-> will ca ->$3.00 BALANCE DTJE->s0.00 taaa'raaaaaaaaaaatlaaa'taaa,taaalta*tl*Item: 05100 BUII-'DING DEPARTM$f,I 06/27/200t DF Action: AP 06/28/200t df AcEion: AP rtem: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMET{T CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG.): PIELTD INSPECIIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIAIICE. tiif t++tatatrlll|*|t||ttarttIIlal|||I' DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plaq and state that all the information as required is conect. I agr€e to comply with the information and plot plaq to comply with all Town ordinanccs and state laws, and to build this structure according to the lowns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approvd s0.00 \ry;-* codc and othcr **t**. Tovm applicable th€reto. NEQT'E8TS FOR INS}tsCTION SHALL BE MADB TWENTY.FOUR HOURII IN ADVAI{CE BY TELEPITONE AT SIGNATUF.E OF OWNER OR CO 3t OR AT OUR OFnCB nOM E:q, Ald - 5 Pld. FORHIT(SEIFA}ID OWNE *'l't* if *** * * * * *{.t*'lt * ** **** ** * * * *+ + + + * t ***f +* t * * * t* * * * ** * * * *f + * + +***+ +*** * * * * * *t * * * *+r* ***** | TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADOCopy Reprinted otr 05-01-2002 tt 14:20:40 0510112002 Statement **************+++++++*l***+*+*********++++**** ******************i****+*+++*{.*++f**+t+*****l* Statement Number: R000001013 Amount: $115.50 06/2A/2OOII1 :36 AItl Pa)ment Method: Check Init: DF Notation: check * 3 03595 Permit tilo: P01-0069 Tt|I)e: PLUI!{BING PERMIT Parce1 l{o: 2LOLOTLL2OLO Sitse Address: 392 BE;AVER DAM CR VAIIJ Location: 392 BEAVER DAlit CIRCIJE Total- Fees: 5115.50 Thie Payment: $115.50 Total" AlIr Pmts: $115.50 Balance: S0.00 **l' * * 't 'i t t f * * * * ** * t * * * ** ** * * + t ************+* ** *t*** ***f***** * * * * * * * * + * *. * * {. * ** * * * t * * | * * *r} * | f i* ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code DescriDtion Curnent Pmts PF OO1OOOO31123OO PLAN CHECK FEES 22.50 PP OO1OOOO31112OO PLUMBING PERMIT FEES 9O.OO WC OO1OOOO3112BOO WILI CALL INSPECTION FEE 3.OO o | 1-15-?001 |nspection Request,{eporilng - - - -YAIL-CC"-:. tOliltLOF- - - *Page 2 Raguestgd In$pect Drt€: I lrurlidy. Novemfrer 15, 2001 tnsp€,.:ton Afe3: JRFi slt€ Addr€ss: 3'lt AEn yER trAt CR VAIL 5$2 EEAYER DAH CIRCLE A/PID Informatlon llem: 5O Item: 60 n3m; lllm: BO1{O25 ?1010?112010 Ac0vlty: Corlrl Typ€: Palt:et: O{tn€r: BEA\,ER DA[t ROAD LLC Conbactor: COFIEN CONSTRUCTIONApdlcant: coHEN c oNsTRUc Tlol.iNdrlptlon: ADO CARETAI(ER lt{lT u}rDEF pATK) I'I:tlce: lll€d rr$f KfrrE - LCAMPBET.L Sbtur: Insp Ps'fl'- Type: d-Bt!ll..Ct ()c.cupancr 3ut' Tvoe: A.SFRil[4; t_r gr1 Ph6are: 97G94€.?443 ISSUED JRM Fequdrted ln 3pectl,ot{ s I Iteri: 80 BLOG-F|n lRouesior: COHEN cOflSTRtrcnCN co{rr|l3nb. WC 471€453 JOE ON $IfE ?Pir ,qrsbnsJTo: JlPitr)RAGOI'J- Ac&rn: lnlo.cton Hlsbry R€ouested f lmo: 01:00 Plf,' Phon€: 'r7l q2G-3443 Ent€rx{ B_v. OFLORES l( b l!'m: t0 figm. 20llsn: 30 1)fiW,,r'Y,,W#, "-wro ql,' A.cto: nP.qPFROVEO U B[DG.FoetingEsl,B.l BIDG-Foun6tbrySteel BLDqaftarltqtgEdildi'r','p"t-. r-til " Approy€d "' ,R[.t ACtiON, .\P APPROVED(P15/01 ansboclor: GRG fi$nenb. OSB tofimrlv or| |commntl. osB brmefy on icp €il lo{vsred cellil'rg tc, uxrrixrtef room iras o€€n rsmwsd & rephc€d rtt,{h F-R-T pllrwood a3 foqu€$tcd Oa,l lol lnsocclor: GRG Acflofl: AP APPROVHL)(hffi|.nE:_ SlFpafded cet,lng grld rrr 3 sfilatl€r rnornr. D€iiinrJ 10 rer,aln opon in m€ln arrocr. BLOG.lmuldhnqqlgol tnrF.clori JR * fu{irurnd * JRM BLD+Shs€tock flill 1' Apptoved " mi14/O1 lll3pedor: GRGt:o{tlneilF: Plpo pifiehctlqrs lhro|.gn corrhtor \rrall ssahra wlth llra !|ulk sehor Itctlc,n AP AfTPRD\,ED il,ttr,t1 AF APPfiOVED Aclron cP APPR0I'ED 70 so 0&i14i01 lnif#r: GPG _ C_oflrm.enl5. ii$d 38' Typr 'l-'throt,ghout BLDC'-irlrc. BLDf'-Fhat REPTl31 Run ICt: 1063 oo ao t Design Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL Project Name: Koenig Residence DRB Number: DRB000075 Pdect Description: Addition in existing crawl space under patio Participants: owNER HowARD KOENTG / erevEn DAIr L12/01 /2000 Phone: 949-493-0671 7 BREAKERS ISIrE DANA POTNT, CA 92629 License: APPIJICANT WIIJIJIAI.I RESLOCK L2/07/2000 Phone: 303-773-9574 1233 E. Costil.la Place Englewood, Co I0112 License : Project Address: 392 BEA\aER DAM CR VAIL Location: legal Description: Lot 4 Block: 3 Subdivision: VAIL VILLAGE FILING 3 Parcel Number: 210107112010 Comments: Amendcd to include door addition. BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: STAFFAPR Second By: vote: Date of Approval: 0l/1212001 Conditions: Cond: 8 eLaN: No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staffand/or the Design Review Board. Planner: Brent Wilson DRB Fee Paid: $50.00 FzD l- CDu =I IUJo(r o o tr lrJ ud C\ C'6t I o so -o t Q(2(\.r o Iol!u-oe,LL,CE I ( \ ?,, \\ $-r NX !t(DV Y,-i ': . *z il',.Hip \6i[JL? 4E,:l /tt. ol I I \ \\ "l Ir IJ I I ,(,L \ \s G:t-$ .:s \ Ts !1, zri $' ri t- 1 .Y/f tol Pel iil:Fil50Y o L li Ir \ \ {\l I I I \ TI: uls 8(, I t \t\ ar7 rX{i\T'k$ lll1 \ bz3 l- ct)tu =l TUJo(r o o(f IU uldl slo)(f) $r \v .$ $ttlIr F3 $. u$ al -. -*l \ \''-L\ [ N{{ '|,,, \ $,\t {\ I I I I I I j$ $$ oj$, $trr bz3Fa[U =I tuJ ()tf6 o(r lU lUdl nto) cr) 2 tflf,I2?tz. o -t o N N N il $ ,iE l.l{\ q $ s Nri '$iN N i K $z $o $, ffi t $ s $tl ST7 l $'7 Nl .ltri h,i Fi tt I $"j N #U tsz =Fv, llJ3't UJJ C)G9CI$=r6 G UJ UJo slg o z Jo- J I(rF C)ulJ UJ o o o (|{ aI F .rS H fl CJ I @Dnnnrs&MooRE A DAMES & MOORE GROUP COMPANV February 13,1997 WETLANDANALYSIS 392 BEAVER DAM CIRCLE LOT4, BLOCK 3, FILING 3 VAIL VILLAGE ST]BDIVISION VAIL, COLORADO Job No.35571-001-010 t ": 'i-r I11.-'-i Suite 2500 633 Seventeenth Street Denver, Colorado 80202-3625 (303) 294_9100 .-C"-'o DAMES & MO O ORE i,- AD^ tES & MOORE GROUP @riPANy February L3,1997 633 Seventeenth Street, Suite 2500 Denver, Colorado 80202-3625 303 294 9100 Tel 303 299 7901 Fax Howard Koenig 392 BeaverDamCircle Vail, CO 81657 Re: Wetland Analysis of 392 Beaver Dam Circle Lot 4, Block 3, Filing 3, Vail Village Vail, Colorado DearMr. Koenig: The results of the wetland analysis that was conducted on February 8, 199? ale hereby provided for your information and use. Wetland vegetation was observed at three locations on the site, but these areas are outside the proposed building footprint. Please contact me at (3O3) 299-7836 or Laura Backus at (303) 292-7932 if you have questions on this report. DAMES &MooRE h^ A w*+t^"*t,hoh- Loren R. Hettinger, Ph.D. " Senior Ecologist LRH: sj Enclosure Oifices Worldwile I TABLEOTCONTENTS Page INTRODUCTIONAIIDMETHODS .... ......1 RESTLTS .......I LIST OF FIGURES I PlatPlan .. .......2 PISE^VER\RENORT.W?D D^res&MoqE I INTRODUCTION AND METHODS A site visit was conducled of the property located at 392 Beaver Dam Circle (Lot 4, Block 3' Filing 3) in the Vail Village SuMivision in Vail Colorado on February 8,1997. Areas with vegetation that is indicative of wetland conditions were noted and photographs (35 mm) were taken of various locations. Although a definitive wetland analysis cannot be accomplished with snow cover, wetlands of the area generally support willows (salix scouleriana) and alder (alnus tenufolia). The presence of these species was used to locate areas that are likely to meet jurisdictional wetland conditions. (U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. 1987. Wetlands Delineation Manual; Technical Report Y-87-1, U.S. Army EngineerWaterways Experimental Station, Vicksburg, MS)' REST]LTS The property is dominated by Engelmann spruce (Picea engelmannii), with Wood's rose (Rosa woodi), and fleabane (Erigeron speciosa) the principal understory species that were evident. Willows (Scflx spp.) are scattered as a shrub understory of the spruce trees. Three areas contain a relatively dense cover of willows with lesser amount of alder and in one case, redosier dogw ood (C o rnus s t olonife ra'1. Site I is located on the northeast side of the property in a slight swale. This site is approximately 6 feet x 8 feet in area and dominated by willows (Plate 3). Site 2 occurs on the southeast side of the lot near the property boundary, and is dominated by willows and alders. The area of this site is approximately 5 feet x 15 feet. (Plate 4) Site 3 is near the southeast corner of the house and may have developed from moisture draining from the leaves. Vegetation consists of willows, alder, and one redosier dogwood shrub (Plate 5). Based on the plat plan (Figure l), the proposed expansion would not affect three wetland sites. Wetlands were not evident in other areas of the property and based on the soils report for the lot by Koechlin Consulting Engineers (1997),additional wetland sites are not anticipated. Mineral soil was reported to be 3 feet in depth with moist sandy soils at 3 feet to 5 feet below the surface. Free ground water was observed at depths of 6 feet to 9.5 feet. P:\BEAVER\REPORT.WPD DAItdEs & MoORE /o/ f B/4si uitfot s,t/ DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES RESIDENCE Permit *: 897-0054 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S, FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 81657 97 0-47 9-2138 NOTE: TOV/Comm. Dev. THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED PROJECT TITLE: BEAVER DAM NEw (sFR,p/s,DUp) PERMrr )lean-up pproved rmount date D Refund Addressation... cel- No. .ject No, 392 BEAVER DAI,I CR 392 BEAVER DAM CIRCLE 2 101-0 7 1- 12 -010 PRJ97-0035 PLANS TO TERRI SEE NOTICE SEEC CONDITIONS Status...: ISSUEDApp1ied..: 04/16/1997rssued...: 05/09/1997Expires..: Il/05/1997 Phone t 949-3442 Phonel 949-3442 APPLICANT COHEN CONSTRUCTION P O BOX 837, VAIL CO 81658 CONTRACTOR COHEN CONSTRUCTION P O BOX 837, VAIL CO 81658OWNER BEAVER DAM ROAD LLC I DON EVERETT, 281- BRTDGE ST, VAIL CO 8t-657 Description:DEMo/REBUTLD nnfuanv/secoNDARy RESNumber of DweIling units: oo2Occupancy Type Factor Sq. Feet ValuationDwellings Zone 4 V-N 209 .56 6,5!4 11 365 tO73.B4Private Garages Zone 4 V-N 55.38 1,530 84,73L.40 Subtotal : B ,044 1,449 ,805 .24Table Date: 05/f7/1996 Total VaLuation: 1 ,449,805.24Town of Vail Adjusted Valuation: 1t449,805.240 Fi reptace Information: Restricted: Y #0f Gas App[iances: 2 fof Gas Logs: 2 #Of llood/Pa l, Let: *Jr**********ff******ff**************ff*********t*********ff FEE SU14fiARy *************************r**r***************************** BuiLding-----> 5,590.00 Restuarant Ptan Review--> Pl.an Check---> 3,698.50 DRB Fee-------- Invest igation> Ui l, L Ca l,l,----> -0O Tota[ catcutated Fees---> 11,791.95 500.00 AdditionaL tees---------> .0o 903.45 Totat Penmit tee--------> 11 ,794.95 > 11 ,794.95 BUILDING DEPARTMENT Dept: BUILDING Division:CHARLIE Action: NOTE PLANS TO DAN DAN Acti.on: APPR .00 Recreation Fee----------> 3.00 Ctcan-Up Dcposit-------> 1,000.00 payments Item:05100 o4 /L6 /tee7 o4 /25 /7ee7Item:05400 o4/t6/1,es7 o4 /24 /1.se7Item: 05600 04/16/tss7 Item:05500 o4/76 / rseT 05 /os /[ee7It,em: 05550 04/1,6/Lee7 o4 /22 / 7ee7 05 /oe / reeT PLANNING DEPARTMENT Dept: PLANNING Division:CHARLIE Action: NOTE PLANS TO TAMMIETAMMIE Action: APPR No Conditions FIRE DEPARTMENT CHARLIE Action: AppR N/A PUBLIC WORKS CHARLIE Action: NOTE PLANS LARRY_P AcTion: APPR LP ENGINEERING CHARLIE Action: NOTETERRI Action: NOTETERRI Action: APPR Dept: FIRE Division: Dept: PUB WORK Division: TO LARRY Dept: ENGINEER Division: *ff**t**************ft*t****tr******ffi****t*********t*****i********f,***t**tt***H**************t******************rffi***ff**i**** see rage 2 of this oo"r*l for any conditions tharl .nnr., ro this permir. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknovtedge that I have read this spptication, fiLted out in futL the information requircd, conptcted an accurate ptot ptan, and state that atl thc infornation provided as requircd ig correct. I agnee to compLy with the information and pl.ot pl,an, to compty with att Tolrn ordinances and state taws, and to buil,d this structure according to the To}|n,s zoning and subdivision codes, design reviaw approved, Uniform Euil,ding codc and other ordinances of the Toxn appl,icabLe thereto. REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE TIAOE TI'ENTY-IOUR HOURS TN ADVANCE BY Send Ctean-Up Deposit To: CoHEll CONSTRUCTIoiI PAGE 2 *********************************J.********************************************** CONDITIONS OF APPROVALPermit #: 897-0054 a6 of 05/09/97 Status: ISSUED******************************************************************************** Permit Type: NEW (SFR,p/SrDUp) PERMITApplicant: COHEN CONSTRUCTIONilob Address: 392 BEAVER DAM CR Location | 392 BEAVER DAM CIRCLEParce] No: 2101-071-12-010 Applied: o4/L6/1997Iesued: 05/09/1997 ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONS******************************************************************************** 1. THIS PROJECT WILI REQUIRED A SITE IMPROVEMENT SURVEY. SUCH SURVEY SHALL BE SUBMITTED AND APPROVED PRIOR TO REQUEST FORA FRAME INSPECTION.2. ATTIC SPACES SHALL HAVE A CEILING HEIGHT OF 5 FEET OR LESS,AS MEASURED FROM THE ToP srDE oF THE srRucruRArJ MEMBERS oF THE FIJOOR TO THE UNDERSIDE OF THE STRUCTURAL MEMEBERS OF THE ROOF DIRECTLY ABOVE.3. THE APPLICANT MUST SUBMIT A REVISED SURVEY BY 5/30/97 OR THE BUII-,DING PERMIT WILL NO LONGER BE VAIJID 7 **************************************************************** TOWN OF VArL, COLOR"ADO Statennt *************************************************:l************** Statemnt Number: REC-0272 Amount: 11,594.95 05/09/97 16:01 Payment Method: CHECK Notationz #4484 Init: CD **************************************************************** Permit No: Parcel No:Site Address: Location: This Payment Account Code 01 0000 41310 01 0000 41331 01 0000 41332 01 0000 22002 30 0000 45032 01 0000 41336 897-0054 Type: B-BUILD 270t-o71-12-0 t-0 392 BEAVER DAM CR 392 BEAVER DAM CIRCLE Total Fees: 11r 594.95 Tot,al ALL Pmts: Bal-ance: Description BUILDING PERMIT FEES DESIGN REVIEW FEES PLAN CHECK FEES CTEANUP DEPOSITS RECREATTON FEES WILL CALL ]NSPECTION FEE NEW (SFRTP/STDUP) PE Lt,794 ,95ll ,?94.95 .00 Amount 5,690.00 300. 00 3, 698 . 50 1,000.00 903.4s 3 .00 I o ooo Or{c 'H64oEdIoao o: 3ts'ocruo a1Ig ocoo oc o0c, oo ooo oo ooo € 0 o oo ooo 0o coo 0o o o o xull o lt o cTl[D o o 6H 4 ;{f. HTiB 6dRFIEr. Et{aaoaa28' .rgE taA * H c H U I E A I 9e,de(raa E6iEloIet raoaoo FI6Ao Itta EH E 3E HIa EE I fii I E * I u IIooFrCE'Ett a 5U I Pa. dI D lr ETa! A ET! Fl.l EIA o : o)c gt 3r*!toa8t EE8 PERI'IIT /I , APPLTCATTON MUST BE FTLLED OUT COMPLETETJY OR IT ttAy Nor BE ACCEPTED Ii***************************** pEIl!{IT INFORI{AT1gN **************************i**rl [l]-Building [ ]-Prunbing [ ]-Electrical [ ]-]rechanibal [ ]-other Job Name : fi r-'m6;trDrtmaKg:rear<-g Legal Description:BLoc,k-L -rirl"_e " suBprvrsroN, VtlL M owners Name: l-[-^r*n-o korr.,-Address; a $Q6tyas TsLe ?,.t-Ph. }{G-fqoo lo? - P}). ?+.-gt+sArchitect: Vl,^r+ ceneral Description: work class: [XJ-New [ ]-ALteration t l-Additlonal [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Nunber of Dwelllng Units: ^Number of Accommodation Units: tot_t_ ?>4" €.Address: yl>eaxofrLf PJ.unbing Contractor: Address:Town of Vail Phone Nurnber: Town of Vail Phone Number: Reg. NO. Reg. NO. * * ** *** ** ****** * * ******* ******* PI,AN CHECK OFFTCE USE BUTLDTNG PLT'I.IBING PIAN I,TECINNTCAIJ PIAN RECREATTON FEE: ,I CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT tP[ |TOTAIJ PER}IIT FEES BUTLDTNG: SIGNATURE: ZONING: Mechanical Contractor: TBDAddress: ******************************** FOR BUTLDING PERI.IIT FEE: PLUMBING PERMTT FEE: MECITANICAIJ PERI'IIT FEE: ELECTRICAIJ FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: CIJATT IP DDPOSIT IEPTTTD r{}: SIGNAIURE: IIIV"O{)MIVI;IIETT,FT 75 3oulh fronlagc rold vell, colorado 81657 (303) 479-21.38 ot 479-2L39 TO: FROM: DATE: SU&TECT: a rn summary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unrawfur for anyperson to trLtter, traek or deposit "nv-soi]-rl"i, sand, debrisor naterial , including trash hurnpsters, portable toirets andworkrnen vehicles.upon any streetl "iaE"aixl-;ii;y or public -qf?9" or any portion ttreieoi. - r!,e rignt-of-way on alL Town ofVail streets ind-roads is approxirnately 5 ft. off pavement.This ordinance wirr be ;a.i;ii;'-enforced by the Town of vai.lPublic lilorks Department. i;;;;"= found viorating this ordinancewilr be siven a-24 nour r.ia[;;";"ti""-t"-i!iJi""r"id nateriar.rn the event the person so notified-does-";;-;;pry with thenotice within the- 24 rroui-trr,.-=p""iiiil,"il.;ilf:.ic worrsDepartment wirl remove said nate;iai-;a-in"""*pli"e of personnotiried- The provisions-or-trri=-.iai;"#; ;#ii not beapplicable to c-onstruction, -r"iii"rr.nce or repair projects ofany street or alley or any utirities il 6r-;iiii_"_r.v. To review ordinance No. e in furr, please stop by the Town ofvail Buir-ding Department to ouciin a copy. Thank you for yourcooperation on this matter. olflce ol communlly deyelopment ALL CONTRACTORS CIJRRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THETOWN OF VAIL TOI{N OF VArL PUBLIC VTORKS/COMMUNTTY DEVEI-,oPMENT IrlARcH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERIAL STORAGE (i.e. contractor, owner)P**tfu ) 75 toulh ,ronl.ge rold ulll, colorado 81657(303, 479-2138 or 479-2L39 BUILDING PERI.|IT ISSUANCE TIME FMME If this pery'!t.Igquires_a Town of Vail Fire Departnent Approvat,Engineer'.s (public I:t|;l reyiew anJ app"ouat,'a piinnini-i.p."t .ntreview or Health Departm6nt ieview, -.n['.-""uid li-;l;;";riiorn9Department, the estimated time ror'a-totat ieuien-ilav"i.[!'is rongas three weeks. All commercial f]aroe or smailt) and al'r mu]ti-family permits willhave to follow ttre Smve menti6n"J-ri*irur reguirements. Residentia.land.smatl projects shou]d take t-re;;lr"arornd of-Ii;;:' Hoiever, ifresidential or sma'rier.projects inpaii tne vJrious;;;;.,lntioneadepartments with reqard' to-n"d"riiii-".ui.", these projects mayalso take the three-week period Every.attempt wrill be made by this departrnent to expedite thispenni't as seon as possible. - I, the underSigned, understand the plan check procedure and timeframe. olflce ol communlty devclopmelrl Communi ty Deve'l opment Departrnent. \tzsJ :p \LSv,ss\--\M(D fl$l'1 l>',:J Fz :) F U) lU =I [UJO E. O o E. IU tum No)(f) \i lj I A \l \\\\ \\ \ C, ar\t-- (-----\ i\, \r; ol I 4' "l th. lrtl ,\,.t. 9"tl=,tl l-lrl O' to :r J $ f I$ .l) rf F E }Ff ,E\a \ll\ | sz T:$z slrrl 11 L\J rart' LN \Zts PXt->' utv' t; \\ L.l I,'\\ lul I t \rl ts GiT d\I\ .t z-IJ :3A s T $ r/l (d \l / \L/ it $l i\ts I t.L li, ll \)l-- I Err. d$t flri7tJ:Nt;tl - \\tEt ''\r I iG i \N l.n i v t-. ---F- .v/+ {n i I / '_)\,, './> / I IJ I It.h I I Il./4 -./to/ Jt3 ..'fo ,l o Irl5o UJJ -^-t I I I I I II I $a $4xlu tr tzfF U) lU =I |.UJ ()(r o o E, I.JJ lUm C\Jo)c) \ 1 I i\ t o CLIo c UJ Ef .sg 5ottooorLoLo. Jtl EF =o.g) g IL iD Etro E ft II, 0 l d ll t il I a I I I It I I \ I \ C , I I J-f 'ri'l\.-$I II t: I t I o {-ts ,t- - to*t \--l \ b I ,t .-.1 o - L --Ei *Jll I \ I oa k I\ \ I lrJv,3o (,z Fg!xtrl \ \\ t t I I flt tI \, a il il \ \ o \ ') I I I I I I s 'I , I I Ji t, + I I I I I I ! sIti llt irito* I o Io I IIIt I l fr \ $o I ( d il;rlr t 7 ,lllti' :tdi ol,o ffi r t -1o fr ki l.i e: !r'ii ix^ lr 1v :1 T I I I I I t T I T I I I I I I I I I Plate | - Looking northeast liorn Ilcaver Danr Circle - north side of existing hou.se Platc 2 - Looking northcast I'ronr lleavcr l)arrr Circle - north side of existing hotrse l' \ll lr.\ \'l.li\l'll( ) I( ) l'( iS D,\\llts & Nl(x)Rr.j Plate 3 - Swale on northeast edge of property with willows l' \Bt .\\ I l(\l'll( )lr ) l1 is Plate .l - Wilkrrvs rvith alders D,\l\ is & Nl( x )r{1,. ot o; Plate 5 - Southeast corner ofexisting house, alder, redosier dogwood DANttis & Nl(x)RE -t a' -ffi Design Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL IO Project Name: Koenig Residence DRB Number: DR8000075 Project Description: Addition in existing crawl space under patio Participanb: OI{NER BEAVER DAIiI RO}D LLC L2 / O7 / 2OOO Phone : T DON EI/ERETT 281 BRIDGE ST \tAIIr C1c 81657 Lricenae: ApPLICN{T TIILIJIIN,I RESIOCK L2/07/2OOO Phone: 3O3-773-95't4 7233 B. Coetilla Pl-ace Rrglewood, Co 80112 [ricenge : Project Mdress: 392 BEAVERDAM CRVAIL location: Legal Description: Lot: 4 Block 3 Subdivision: VAILVILLAGEFILING 3 Parcel Number: 210107112010 Comments: EHU ok; 420 sf of site coverage added. BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: STAFFAPR Second By: Vote: Date of Approval: 0l/1212001 Conditions: Cond: 8 No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the Design Review Board. Planner: Brent Wilson DRB Fee Paid: $50.00 DEC-61-2e6@ I r :, PARTNERS I 949 234 4642lr.rrl F Rcsloch Fnohirc SOS,fSST euqstrons? Call rhc phrrnirrg Sr0ffsi419.2l28 APPLICATION T'OR DE.SIGN REVIEW APPROVAL P-@2 P,2 cENEP$1, tNFoRMAl roN Tltis npplicruion is for anv projcct:::-rj:ls,ryis" Rcvicw approvnr. Any proico rcquiring 4esign rcv1cw 11116{::::l::?"'itl Rcvicw approv'l_prior to submlrtiirg rirr r ouiidrrrg pcrmif For spccific irrfirrnrarion. scc riu sr*nnftrlroqu'rL'nrcn$ fur lhc partictrlrr sPF:::l :h".t- .couyr.1. n. ap-pruur, rannot hc Rcccprcd untir a[ rhc requircdjttiwnrationissarbnriltcd.'[hcprojettnayalsonccdtofcrcriewiaUyttcto,*nCouncit.anttlorthcplannrrgand En*iro:rrcntal corrrnrissron. Derigrr Rcvicrr_Borr,r .pp.o"li.rpr"gs on. ycrr rftcr flnrr rpproysr unrcrr rhutltlhg perrnit b issucd rnrl contrr.uclion is Eitrtcd, DES(:iUPTION OF 1'I{E REQUF,ST: tj. (. t:. LOCAfI{)NOFpROpoSAL: Lor: 4 sl.Oce FILINO: PTIYSICAL ADDRES.S:2 EC*vac FA|*!, c;tF;€-r_z rYPE OF REVIEW AND FEE; ._O Ncn.Conrructfon - S!0f,E AddiriDr. ssO D ^,finnr Alkrrpti0rr - S20 PAR(:EL#: &to-r ozl t&@r"*n ZONINC: Nr\iIE OF OWNER(,S): i\,tAll,lN(j OWNER(S) SIGNATURE(S): NAMT: OF APPLICANT: M+r[,]Nc ADanEss:_a//L F.. <-cl..tr,ra fr_le.g --_JeN_9r-elJ_eP._ca_-ger (jotrstruetion of & trr;w builcliDg, Ilchtdrrs rut/ addillon rvlrjre sqrnrc fDolagc il nddcd rc auv residgntial or Uo[utrl.Tci: hliIdj,l& ' hcludes mirror uha4gcs to buildi gs and silo improvcnrcnt{. such ar. ncoot'urg,. painrinp rvirllorv oddrtion$. t:tlrdsc.,tping, fcn$s and rttailint rvalls. stg. DI{ll l'ge$ orc t'J bc paid nt thc tiruc of subnrittal. LNt$. rvhcu app}ying lbr r building pcrmit. plcasc idcntiffthc aciur'Rtc $t rtfiion of lhc pro.iect, Thc'torrn ot \trril rvill adjusirt c f.c u".urd,ng"tliii," pro;.a ".ru",l*. PLI'ASE SIIRMIT THTS APPLICATI.ON. ALL SUBA,I,'ITAL REQUIRDMENTS AND TIIE FEE TO THEDEPANTMENI' OI". COMMUNITY DEVf,LOPMONT, 7i .SOUTH FRONTAGEROAD. VAIL, CoLORA DO tr657, w7 fuglc Co, Assersors Otticc at g70-JZE.E6,l0 for prccl lf 'lfcrrvroorc 6 M DEc-O I -2ggA 61 :39 P l'l i'AILTHO I PARTNERS :::l:',"fti"{l 1,"..nF.hrt. ,0r"7_a.i !1.1,".1"I"is;;;;' 9642 P.91 r..9oo, |l e, o. e t. tf. Qusru.l .t .' ! -- t' I AprrJcATto^, -* o"r*? qlt ft tbn,so, lir{"}t'll lc^rR.Etptf,WA?pR9y41 A W"tg*:REeuEer; Aor- rir-r rARccLr._ rutrej-......-.5gl.----- ,,lliL lrerinrc^ooEG owrsi}lEffio, NnME Or {Pp!1q,;,1r7. A gfrri#lm"s; f,:iHT: ::.lev hi/.nrr, 'El rtin1r-{1p666. 319 Hy.qrl,cn,ffi:ff ffirc frorqe,ir rddcd ro $u ,-idagrr clffi *r'gs;; gm**::.,.=i; ;:ffi ,;n*'';6jtilllifi fl lJiliii,llil',il.#Lffi;* PHOfvE: tlto ellllx, dr:. ilffi *I''*"'tHfr ''';iiH,lffi ;;l;i,itrFilr'gy,;;;;;*ffi ffi ffi #*yy,itrFilt'ff,ffi i,1ffj*H TYPE OF MATERIAL: INn COLQB:' Roof Sidittg Othcr Wall Matcrials Fascia Soffits Windows WindowTrim Doors Door Triur Hand or Dcck Rails FIucs Flashings Chintncys Trash Enclosurcs Grccnhouscs Rctaining Walls Extcrior Lighting*r Other .fNA rl {r .lAIt\a- rl'Na .lllr\A rlN^ f\ft\4. .lN* * Plcasc speci$ thc manufactursr's color, nurnber and attach a srnall color chip *. All cxterior lighting must meet thc Town,s Lighting drrdinancc l 8.54.050(J). If cxtcrior lighting is proposed' pteasc indicatc the number of fi*,rurc$ Td locations on o sepurate tighting plan JOltifV each fixtrnc typc and provide rhe h€ight abovc grade, lumqrs orpug luminous area" and lftch a cut shcet of the lighting fixturcs' I '' tr*r**.t*rra***a*a.a**ala*a**f.*rr*r*.rfr*r+**rr**+*r**aJr...*t*t*ttrt*ttr*ir TOSTNOFVAII. COLO&{DO S[|@l fllatlffa*ttttfaa*ttaattaaa*rttt*t***fatftfrrt*ftaatr*raaftaatftrat*ftfarllfatllaaaatftalala StatGBFnt lfuScr: R0000002?? Amount3 $50.00 L2lO7|2OOO09:27 lll PrltoGnt llcthod : Chcck Inl t : ilAR Notatldrr 1t05 Perrnl,t lto: DR9000075 T149e: DRB - Addition of GRFA Parcc1 l{o: e1010?112010 SLte Addrcrs: 392 BBA\,BR DAlt CR \tAIIr Locat,ion: ll*ata{tllr*fal{tal{+aall*trt*trfalt*t*lll*t***lt+a**rlttttttr*l'lr*t*l|tr'tllr*tt*l*f'lallafailaa* ACCOUNTffElilLIST: Account Code DescriptJon DR 00100003112200 DEsIGft REvIfl.t FEES 50.00 I'bla PatrErt! 950.00 Total Fe€!: 850.00 Total lIJtrr ltnt.: 950. o0 Balance:90.00 Current Pmts l TO: FROM: DATE: FE: MEMORANDUM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MAY 9, 1994 WHEN A "PUBLIC WAY PERMIT'IS REQUIRED Job Name: Dale: ,1 Please an ltc L6lDIr(laz wef the following questionnaire regarding the need for a "public way permit': 1) 2) ls this a new residence? ls demolition work being performed lhat requires the use of the right of way, easements or public propefi? ts any utility work needed? ls the driveway being repaved? ls ditferent acress needed to site other than existing driveway? ls any drainage work being done atfec'ting lhe right of way, easements, or public property? YES NO 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) ls a "Revocable Right CI Way Permit' required? 8) A. ls the right of way, easements or public property to be used for staging, -/pafiing or lencing? B. lf no to 8A, is a parking, staging or fencing plan required by Community Development? l!V9u_ algwered yes to any of these questions, a "Public Way Permit" must be obtained. "Public Way Permit' applications may be obtained at the Pubtic Work's otficE or at Cgmmulity Development. lf you have any questions please call Chartie Davis, ths Town of Vail Conslruction lnspector, at.479-215f,. I have read and answered allthe above ouestions- Date read and answered allthe abovs questions. Job Name V/ t{lt 1Er' . I I ?enrn,r SOILS AND FOUNDATION I NVTISTIGATION PROPOSED DUPLI'X 392 I}EAVER DAM CIRCLB LOT 4, BLOCK 3, FILING 3 VAIL VIL LAGB SI-]BD I \/ ISION VAIL, COLORADO Koechlein Consulting Engineers Consulting Geotechnical Engineers 12364 w. Alameda Pkwy ' Suite 135'Lakewood' CO 80228 BR?44f'l SILVERTHORNE (970) 468-6933 (970) 468-6939 FAX MAIN OFFICE AVON (303) 989-1223 (970) 949-6009 (303)989-0204FAX (970)949-9223FAX *ol"rrrN coNst JLTlNc r,*., il r,., CONS U LT t NG G E OTEC I I N I CA I- A N D MA1' I: R I A LS E NG I N E E R S SOILS AND FOUNDAI'ION INV["]S'I'I(iAl'I0N PROPOSED DI.JPLEX 392 BEAVEIT DAM CIRCI-I: LOT4. BI,OCK 3,IJILIN(i J VAIL VI LLAGE SUBDIVISION VAIL, COLORADO Prepared fbr: Mr. lloward Koenig 7 Breakers lsle Dana l'oint. Calitirrnia c/o BC llcal llstatc 281 lJtitlge Stte'et Vail. CO 81657 Job No. 96-2.19 Scptenrber9, 1996 DE.\'l'ER: !2361 ]l'est Atone u I'rkr'!'., Suitc !.15, Lukcwnu!, C0 802ltt ('ll)'l) 989'122'l AVON: P.O. Box I 791, .'lwm, CO 8162('- I 791 STLVERTHORNE: t'.O' Btt.t 2717, Silvuthomu ('() 804vll TABLE OF CONTENTS SCOPE EXECUTIVE SUMMARY SITE CONDITIONS PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION RADON GAS INVESTIGATION SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS BELOW GRADE CONSTRUCTION FOUNDATION FLOOR SLABS FOUNDATION DRAINA.GE LATERAL WAI.L LOADS CONCRETE SURFACE DRAINACE COMPACTED FILL LIMITATIONS VICINITY MAP LOCATIONS OF EXPLORATORY BORINGS LOGS OF EXPLORATORY BORINGS GRADATION TEST RESULTS TYPICAL WALL DRAI}.I DE]'AIL TYPICAL EARTII RETAINING WALL DETAII- I I 2 3 3 4 5 ) 7 9 9 r0 l2 t2 l3 t4 Fig. I Fig.2 Fig. 3 Fig. 4 Fig. 5 Fig. 6 7 SCOPE This report presents the results of a soils and foundation investigation for the proposed Duplex to be located on Lot 4, Ulock 3, Filing 3 (392 Beaver Dam circle) of the Vail Village Subdivision, Vail. Cololado. Tlre approximate site location is shorvn on Fig.l,VicinityMap.Tlrepulposeoftheinr,estigationrvastoevatuatetlresubsurface conditions at the sit€ and to plovide geotechnical tecolrmetrdatiorrs for the proposed constructiotr. This report includes descrilltions of subsoil attd ground water corrditions found in the exploratory borings, recommetlded lbrrnclation systellls' allowable bearing capacities' and recolnmeDded design and cotlstruclion criteria. Thc re1>olt was prepared ti'orrl data developed duripg our field ilvestigation. laborator'1' testitlg. and experience u'ith sinrilar projects and subsr.trface conditions in the area. T5e recomnrepdations preseltecl in this report are based on the proposed duplex construction. We should be contactecl to review our recolnnlendatiolls when the final plans for the structure have beetr cleveloped. A stitlrnrary of otrr'findings and cotrclusions is preseuted below. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY l. Subsurface conclitions ellcounterecl in two explomtory borings were sinrilar. The subsur.lace nrarelials gcnelally consisted of apploximatell 3 feet of topsoil unclerlain by silty' clayey' gravelly sand to about 5 feet' I Berreath the sand, a clayey, sarldy gravel with cobbles atrd boulders was encouttteted to the nraxinlunr depth explored of 2l feet' Fr.ee groutrd water was encountered in botlt exploratory borings at depths rangiig from 6 to 9.5 feet below tlre existirrg ground surface' The proposed duplex may be constructecl with a. spread footing foundation system iupport.i by the iratural urrclistulbed soils' as leconrnrended within this leport. Tlre duplex nray be constructed with slab-on-grade floors' Due to the prara,',al of glound water llear floor slab elel'ations' we recournrend the plu."t.nt of fi ee draining gravel beueath tlre floor slabs' open cuts aud excavations require precautions as outlirred in this report in order to maintain the stability ol'slopes and sides of excavations' Drainage arouud the strl'lctul'e shoulci be clesigned and constructed to pLovide lbr rapid renroval of surface lrrnoff artcl avoid concentratiou of water ad.iacertt to lbundation u'alls. 7. Alrhough the potential lbr raclon gas is a concel'n in the utottt'ttalll aleas' the pr.esence of seclirnentary deposits ancl grouncl water tnirritlrize tlre risk ofradon gas. SITE CONDITIONS The proposed duplex will be located on Lot 4' Block 3' Filing 3 (392 Beaver Danr Circle) of the Vail Village Subclivision. Vail. Coloracto. Art existing lesidence is located on the northwesterD portion of tirc lot. 'l'he cxisting resiclerrce rvas built with a paftial basentent. Gradil1g rvas dotte to constrttct lhe drives'av otl tl'le west side of the lot to the existing residence. Tlre ground surface ol' the southern poilion oi' the lot is gerrerally level. In the northeastet'n portiou. tlre sile slolles dorvtru'ald to the ttorth towards Beaver 2. J. 4. 5. 6. t t h-,!- Daru Circle. Vegetation on lhe site consists of natr'rml gfasses, willows, and large conifers. PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION No plans for the proposed duplex wele available at the time of this irrvestigation' Demolitiolr of the existing residence and rcrnoval of the existing foundatiorr systent is planned. At this time, a portion of the proposed duplex is planned to be constructed within the exisling brrilding footprint, We believe that a two story duplex, constructed of wood alcl cast-i1-place concrete will be built. Construction of a basenrent is anticipated. 'l'his may require excavations of up to 8 feet irr depth. The Maximurn coluntn and wall loads were assunred to be those rrornrally associated rvith two stoly residential structures. RADON GAS In recent yean, radon gas has beconre a concern. Radon is a colorlesS, odOrlesS gas rhat is produced when nrinerirls irr soil or bechock decal'. Radon gas is typicalll' founcl i1 bedrock fornrations. Thc gas is rnore' corllnton in igneotrs or ntetanrorphic t'ock forrnations than in sedinrentary rock lblnrations. l:ractures itr the earth's crttst atrd the dryness of the soil allow the radou gas to tlove to the surface. Radon gas nloves more easily througlr clry soil because nroistttre inhibits fhe trroventettt of radon nrolecttles' I l, f' I t I I I L,II - In the area under investigation, the bedrock fornrations are predominantly sedimentary in nature and are overlain by surficial soils with a water table. Sedimentary deposits and the presence of ground water ntipitnize the lisk of radon gas. However, as a precautionary measure, the presepce of mdon gas in the existing residerrce could be investigated in more detail. INVESTIGATION Subsurface conditions u,ere investigated at this site on August 29. 1996' by drilling two exploralory borings, using a 4-inch continuous flight auger' at the locations shown ott Fig. 2, Locations of Explolatory Borings. A field engineer l'ronr our office was on-site to log the drilling of tlre borings. Soil sarlples were collecred using a 2-inch (split-spoon) outer dianleter sampler. The sampler uere driven into the subsoil at various deptlu with blows front a 140 pound hammer falting 30 inches. This nrethod is sirnilar to the standard penetration test presenred in ASI'M Method D-1i86. Tlre nunrber of blorvs to drive the sarnpler 12 ilcftes. or the penetration resistapce value. is an indication of the relative clerrsitl' of tlte subsoil. Representative soil sanrples obtainecl li'orlr the borings wefe tested in our laboratory in order to deterntine tfieir natural moisture contenl artd gradatiott I I I I classification. The results of these tests and the observed penetration resistatrce values ar.e presented on Fig.3, Logs ol'Exploratoly Borings, and Fig' 4, Gradation -l'est Results' SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS Subsulface copditions etrcoutrlerecl in tfte two exploratory bolings wele sintilar' The subsulface uraterials generally consistecl of approxinrately 3 feet of topsoil urrderlain by brown. moist, nrediuur dense. silty, clayey. glavelly sand up to about 5l'eet. Beneath the sand, browu, nloist to wet, nrediuut detrse to dense, clayey, sapdy gravel u'ith cobbles and boulders was ellcoulltered 1o the tllaxillltllll deptlr exploled of 2l feet' Practical auger relirsal occurred on boulders in both bolings at depths ol'20 and 2l feet. Free ground watel. was c-ncourrteled in both explorator'1' borings at dePths ranging fronr 6 to 9.5 leet below the existing gloutlcl sttrface. Caving of the borings occtlrfed al depths below the ground watel level. BELOW GRADE CONSTRUCl'ION l-he uear surface soils consist ol' sancl ittrcl gt'avel' (irtltrnd water levels encountered ranged frorn 6 r<l 9.i l'cct in {ept[. Sincc the borings rvcle dlillecl irt Septenrbel tlte water is probabli' at the lorvest elevation. Il' a basetrtcrtt is constructed' excavations of up to 8 feet beneath thc existing glorlnd suffhce nral' be lequired' This wor"rld result in construction below the grouncl water levels ttreasttt'ed in borirrg 'l'lJ-2' I Construction below tfte grourrcl water, l]1ay rcsult i1 a cost hig,her than lypical basement coustruct ion. We believe that standard excavatiol'l equipnlellt will be capable of cornpleting the excavatiotr. IlOwever, care lceds to be exercised dtrling cotlstructiotr so that the excavatiotl slopes letnairl stable. 'lhe neal sul'face subsoil classifies as a Type C soil in accordance witlr OSHA regulatiotls. osl{A regulations should be fbllowed fbr slopes in any excavation or cuts. It has beel our experience that slrallou' grouncl water conditions sollletilnes r€sult in side wall failure of excavations. Because ol'the shallorv ground water conditiot'ts' we recotntnend tftat r[e following precautions be taken to redltce the lisk of slope f'ailure: L Excavate only nratcr.ials necessal'y to constl'tlct foundation and retaining walls. 2. Copstruct the walls with rrrethods and techrriques that reduce collstruction tirne. Excavation shoulcl be perforllled afier peak runoff periods when ground water levels drop, rrhich is alier approxintatelr''luly l5' If seepage of water fi.onr tlre sides ol'the excavatiotr or si-Qns of slope tailure arc observccl. if shorrlcl be re;lortccl inrnlcdiatell'to otll ollice so that \\,e cal.r recournrencl ntetho(ls lbr sal'ely colltltrlling the llorv of watel' alrd nraintaining the stability ol'the slopc. Methods ol'cont|olling rvater florr' include diversion drainage ditches, interceptor tretrches. atrd sumps and pumps. Some signs of slope lailule alc lissttres in the soil sttrface above ihe excavation and sloughing ol'soil ort thc sides ofthe excavation' Tlre excavations should be backfillecl with conrpacted fill prior to winter. Fill should be placed ancl cotllpactecl as reconlmended in the COMPACTED I;lLL section of this report' 1 5. I I I I 6. We should review the proposed excavalion plan prior to beginning construction. Up to 3 feet of topsoil u'as found in the exploratory borings' All topsoil bencath the proposed duplex should be retrloved. It rnay be used in the lartdscape areas' Fill should be olaced as outlined in the COMPAC]ED FILL sectiorr of this report' FOI.INDATION The near surface nraterial at potential foundation elevations consisted ofsand and gt'avel. ln oul opinion, these soils will safell'stlpport a splead tbotirrg fbundation s)'stet,l' The spread fbotilg foundatiop s)'ste1l should be clesiglcd atrd cotlstructed to tneet the follorvins critelia: I Footingsrnustbesupportedbytlrerrattrra|undisturbedsoils.Mater.ials loosenid by machine excavation should be cleaned fior' the excavation and the ,.rulting surface should be cornpacted plior to placing concrete for footings. we reconrmend wall and columD foolings bc desigrred lbr a nraxinrttrli allou'able soil bealing plesstrrc of 3.000 psl' Colurun footings shoulcl have a rniniuruttr dinlension ol'1J inches sclttare and conlinuous wall lbotings should have a InittitDunr width ol' l6 inches' l'ooting widths nray be gr.ut"I. to acconrurodate strttctural design loads. Continuous fbundarion rvalls slroulcl trc reinfb|cccl to span local anonralies in the soil and bedrock. 2. J. A.+. 5. 6. Topsoil and existing fill placed during the cotlstt'uction ol' thc existing structure are uot acceptable lbundation bearirlg tnaterials. Tlre base of all foundation footings should be fourrded below these materials. If the proposed cluplex footings ale to be placed witltitr the footprint of the existing iesiclence, the existing lburrdation footings and fill must be removed. The base of the footings shotrld be established at a lllillir"tll.lllr depth of 4 feet below the exterior glotrnd surface to protect them frorn damage caused by frost action. Pockets or layers of soft, loose or ot'ganic soils and existing fill rnay be found in the bottonr of rlre corrrllletecl footing excavations. These materials should be rernovecl to expose the undislurbed soils. The foundatiorrs ntay be collstl'tlcted on the trndistrrlbed soils or tlle lesultillg excavatiotr ntay lre backfilled rvith conrpacted inrported granLrlar fill or lean concrete. Fill should be placed ancl cotrtpactecl as otrtlitred in the COMPACTED I.'lLL section of this report. \\/e recolttlnend that a feplesentative of onr ollice obselve and tcst the placentent ancl cotttpaction of structrrral fill used in tbundation constl'uclioll. lt has been ottr experietrce that witltout elgiueering quality control, pool collslluctiorl tcchniqtres and habits occut' which result in pool foundation perforutance. We recomnrencl that a relrresentative of ottl' olllce observe the conrpleted foundation excavation. Variations li'onr tlte conditions described in this r.epor.t which u,er.e llot indicatecl by out' trorings call occul'. The representative catr cltrsen,c the excavatiotl lo evalttate the exposed subsurface cond itiorrs. - 8. 9. 10. I I I I FLOOR SLABS The pear surface soils at lhe proposecl flool slab elevations consisted of sattd and gravel. Iu our opinion, these soils will sal'ely support a slab-orl-grade floor systerrr' We recornnrettd the followipg precautions for tlle constrtrction ol'slab-on-grade floors: l. The slab-on-grade flools shoulcl be constructed otr the tratural undisturbed soils or coprpactecl fill. Pockets of soft, loose or orgalric soils should be cleaped from the excavation to expose tlre undisturbed sand or gravel and rhen backfilled u,itlr conrpacred on-site soils free of organics or approved inrported fill. Z. Frequent control joints shoulci lre plovidecl in ail slabs to reduce problenrs associated with shrinkage. 3. A 4-ilch layer. ol' l'ree draining gravel should be placed beneath slab-on- grade floori. If a basenrerrr is construcled. aclditional drainage may be needed to contl'ol tlre shallou' grotlttd rvatct.' 4. Any coustruction area shoulcl be stripped of all vegetation arrd topsoil. scarified, and contpacted. Fill may be reqttiled to establish the grade for slab-o1-grade floois after rcnroving lhe tolrsoil, or in excavations beneath slab-on-gmde areas. 5. Fill should be ;llacecl ancl contpactc'd as reconrnrended in the COMpACTED IrILL section ol'this rcpolt. Placentent and contpaction of flll benealh slabs shoukl bc olrselYecl iln(l tcsted by a representative ofour' olllce. FOUNDATION DRAINAGIT Surface water, especially that oliginating liottt sltow-nlelt, tetrds to florv through relatively perrrreable backfill typically foulcl atljaccpt to residences. l'he watet that flows tltrough the natural soil and the fill collects on the surface of relatively impelnreable soils occurring at the foundatiorr elevatiol. Both the groupcl watel' and tlris surface water can cause wet or nroist baseurent conclitions afler constrttctiotr' Since we anticipate below grade areas will tre coustructed at tltis site' we recomntend the installation of a ch'ain along the belorv glade foundation rvalls' fhe drain should consist of a nrauufacturecl drain system and a 4-inch diatnetel pelforated pipe erlcased in fi'ee dlaining gravel. T[e draip should be sloped so that water flows to a sunp rvhere the water can be teutoved by pumping, or to a positive gravity outlet' Recommeuded cletails fbr a typical founclalion rval! dlain are presented in Fig' 5' LATERAL WALL LOADS Walls ural' be planned rvhich rvill require lateral earth Plessures tbr design' Lateral earth pr€ssures depend on the type of backfill and the height and type of wall' Walls which are free to rotate sufliciently 1o nrobilize the strength of the backfill should be desigrred to lesist the "active" eafth pl€sstlre conclition. Walls wlrich are restrained shoulcl be clesigned to resist lhc "at rest" cartil pressrll'c conditiorl. llnsente'nl walls are typically reslrained. For. clesign, an cqr.rivalent lluid u,cight of 35 pcf' should be usecl lbr the "active " earth pressure condition and atr eqtrivalcnt f)trid weight ol' 50 pcf shoulcl be used for the ,,at rest,' ear(h pressure. Thc flLrid rveights are for a lrorizolltal backtlll condition' A t0 I I I I I I I I "passive', equivalent fluid weight of 300 pcl'can be used to resist the wall loads where the soils will always rernain in place at the toe of tlre wall. 1'he equivalent fluid weights do r.rot include allowarrces for surcharge loads due to hydrostatic pressures or live loads. A coefficient of friction of 0.4 can be used at the bottont ol' the footing to resist the wall loads. Backfill placed belrind or adjacent to fbundation and relaining walls should be placed and compacted as recoulntended in the COMPACI'ED FILL section of this repon. Placeprent and conrpactiou ofthe lLll should be obselved and tested by a representative of our office. To reduce the possibilitl' ol'cleveloping hyclrostatic pressttrcs behind retaining r.r,alls. a drain shoutd be constnrcrecl acljaccnt to the rvall. The drain nral' consist of a nranufactured dlain systern and gravcl. 1'he gravel should luve a tuaxitttrtnr size of I .5 inches and have a maxinrum of 3 percent passing tlte No. 200 sieve. Waslred concrete aggregate will be satisfactory for the glavel in the drain. The rnanufactured drain should extend [ron'! tlre bottonr of the lcrainirrg wall to ',vitltin ? fcet ot'subglade elcvalion. The water ciln be drained by a pellbrated pi1>c rvith collection ol'thc- rvater al the bottorlr of the rvall leading to a positive gravit.v outlel. A typical detail lbr a letaining rtall clrain is lrresented in Fig. 6. I I I I I I I I CONCRETE The soils irr the area nray contain soluble sulfates. Sulfates catl cause datnage to cot'tcl'ete nrembers cOnstrucled with ordinary cer.netlt tltal conlc into conlact with the soil or bedrock. Type V celrlent is normally recotntrtetrded fbr high sulfate al'eas' Ilowever' a suitable alterpative of Type V cement is a "nrodified" Type II cetnent' Use of a cenrent riclr rnixture (nraxiurum of 0.5 rvatery'celrlenl ratio) arrd 5 to 7 percent ail etrtrainnrent further increases the sulfate resistattce. This cement should be used fol all coucrete menbers (slabs, foundation, foundation walls, culb alld gutter. and sidewalks) that come itrto contact with the soil. SURFACE DRAINAGE Reducing the wettilg ol' stl'ucttlral soils ancl the poteltial of developing hydrostatic pressure belrind belorv grade walls can be achieved by carefully planned and maintainecl surface clrainage. We recottrrrtelcl the following precautions be observed dr.rring construction and nraiutairletl at all tillles after lhe structure is corrrpleted' l. Wetting or drying ol'lhe ollcn founclatiorr dtrring excavation should be rnininrized durins construction. 2. All surface water should bc clirected arval' fi'otlr tlre top and sides of the excaVatiorl dut'ing constr ucl ion. 3. The ground surface surrouncling tlte extcrior of the stl'uctru'e slrould be slopedtodrainarvayfi.orrrthebtri|c|inginalldirections.wereconrmerrda slope ofat least l2 inches in the first l0 fect' tl 4. Backfill, especiallY around conrpacted as recotntnended report. foundation walls, should be placed and in the coMPACTED FILL section of this COMPACTED FILL Fill lray consist of the on-site soils frec of organic nraterial or approved impolted granular fill. No gravel, cobbles, or boulclels larger rhan 6 inc[es should be placed in fill arcas. Fill areas should be stripped of all vegetation and topsoil, scarified, and then compacted. Topsoil may be usecl in lanclscape areas. Fill should be placed in thin loose lifts, nroisture couditioned to rvithil 2 percent of the optintum nroisture contellt, and conrpacted to the reconrnrenclecl collrpactiotl sfiowtt in the following table' Recornureuded conrpaction varies lbl the given use of the llll' We recor.nmend thal a lcpresentalivc lionr ottr of'fice observe and test the placeurent and contpaction cf sllucttlral lill. Iiill placecl belorv for'rndations or slab-on- erade floors is considered structural. ll has bec'n ottl expet'ieuce that without engineering li Recouttttettded ConrPaction Use of Fill Percentage of the Modified Proctor Maxirnunr DrY DensitY (ASTM D-1s57) Peicentage ol' the Standald Proctor Maximuut DrY Density (ASTM D-698) Below Structure Foundations Below Slab-On-Grade Floors Backfi ll (Non-Structural) I I I I I quality conttql, poor cotrstruction techniques apd habits occur which result in poor foundation and slab performance. LIMITATIONS Althoqgh the exploratory bolings were located to obtain a reasonably accurate determinalion of foundation conclitions, valiations in the subsurface conditions are always possible. Any variations that exist beneath the site generally become evident during excavation foil the structure. A reprcse ntative of our office should observe the completed excavation to confirm that the soils are as indicated by the exploratory borings and to verify our founclation and flool slab reconrmendations. 'fhe placenrent and compaction of fill. as well as installation of foundations. should also be observed and tested. The design criteria and sqbsurface data pt'esetrted in this rcport are valid for 3 years fronr the date of this report. If we can be of further assistance in discussing the contents of this r€Port or in analyses ofprOposed structures frolr a soils and fbundation viewpoint, please call. l.l I KO By ECHLEIN CONSULTING ENGINEERS Reviewed by (4 copies sent) 17tu Douglas J. Biviano, Engineer William H. Koechlein, P.E., President 15964 ?-?-/t l5 .1I I I I I I I I \ BANS DAt't ROIO \ \ I + I TO 8C r..E o ...-.___. "Rtrd VA!L VILLAGE SUBDIVISION lFsrREqoowonrve rvrsst^re zo JOS NO.98-239 VICINITY MAP Fto. 1 aA o*' o.Q$ ot ,nn / ,it It t TH- 1 a / (- LOT 4 PROPEHTY LINE SCALE: 1' = ilo' EXtgTllto ESIDENC JOB lro. 90-23e LOCATIONS OF EXPLORATORY BORINGS FIB. 2 I TH- 1 A PP.EL. 1O6.6 J.!..t,o.,.u aror"of 3s/ rz -200=13 r7/r2 -20O=20 27/12 TOPSOIL SAND, claYeY r Si1tY, GravellY, Moist. Med i urn dense, Brown. F uJ UJl! z_ -F(L UJo F ul lrJlr z I F.(L u,o GRAVEL, Sandy r BouIders, Wet, dense, Brown. clayey ' Cobbles, Medium dense to obtained fron to/3 80/7 tolY Laboratory Test Results: WC - Indicates natural -200 - Indicates percen! Elevabions of borings are 100.0. Indicabes depbh at which free ground vater was measured at the time of diilling. Indicates practical drill rig refusal. moisture content passing the No' based on Beaver DISTURBED SAMPLE. auger cuttings. (%) 200 sieve (%) Dam Circl.e elevation of NOTES: L DRrvE SAMPLE. The symbol 38,/12 tl U indicates that 38 bloits of a 140 I pound hammer falling 30 inches were requirea to drive a 2.0 inch o'D' sampler l2 i nches . 2, The Exploratory Borings were drilled on August 29, 1996 nith a 4-inch diameter continuous flighb power auger' The Borj.ng Logs are subject to the explanabions, limibations' and conclusions as conbained in this reporti JOB NO. 96-239 LOGS OF EXPLORATORY BORINGS Fto.3 I II I I I OOKo E-cHLElN co NsuLTlN G Eruc INEER s Somple of GRAVEL' SandY, claYeY From Borinq TH-l at 9 feet GRAVEL 4 I ./ stLT&CLAY I3 .r snruD 3 9 o6 LlSUrD LlMll -7" seruo 54 * I.JOUID LIMII -% PLASTCIry INDEX Somple of SAND, GraveLl.v, clavey - FrOm Boring TH-2 at 4 feet GnevEL 26 r sttr&CLAY- J!-% PLASICfIY IND€X I IJVr\D..|MIIFD ANAIYSIS I HD ?Hn .MrftADNGs re:r..".^ ." .,r9t'^t,l?'oTrTt^ii ,.o. , cr^y tPLASI|cI IO S|LI (NON.PLASIC) t0 m 4 50 .rac .297 .Sm t t9 20236 at6 OAAIIItR OF PAIII|CLE N MILI'IMEIENS crAy lPt^src) ro slrr (Noil-pt^srcl JOS NO.96-239 GRADATION TEST RESULTS FIG. 4 I I I I I I I I I I I I CL^YEY BACKFILL I \ii 4E - -tJ \= _=;- - ,\ coupecrED BAoKFILL (sEE a\ REPORT FOR BACKFILL Z\ RECOMMENDATTONS) ^ a. tl-" ,It )I , I /' MIRAFI 14ON OR EOUIVALENT GRAV EL 12',ffi.'liffi PLASTIc g o.,$ - . l, I It PERFORATED PIPE 12' MlN. I| ruores: 1. DRAIN SHOULD BE AT LEAST 12 INCHES BELOW TOP OF FOOTING AT THE HTGHEST POINT I AND SLOPE DOWNWARO TO A pOStTtVE GRAVTTY OUTLET OR TO A SUMP WHERE WATER I cAN BE REMoVED BY PUMPING.t 2. THE DRAIN SHOULO BE LAID ON A SLOPE RANGING BETWEEN 1/8 TNCH AND 1/4 INCH r DROP PER FOOT OF DRAIN.I I g. oRAvEL spEctFrclTtoNsr wAsHED 1 1/2 tNcH To No.4 oRAvEL wlrH LEss rHAN 3r PAS3|NG THE l'to, 200 STEVE. III EELOW GRADE WALL MANUFACTUREO ORAIN MIRADRAIN OOOO OR EOUIVALENT HEETINO | ,oB No. o6-2se TYPICAL WALL DRAIN DETAIL F30.5 n t: I I I I I I I CLAYEY BACKFILL to I , , t MANUFACTUREO DRAIN M|RAORA]N 0000 0R EOUIVALENT COMPACTEO BACKF]LL (SEE REPORT FOR BACKFILL RECOM MENDATIONS) GRAV EL PERFORATEO P]PE MIRAFI 14ON OB EOUIVALENT NOTES: 1. DRAIN SHOULD BE SLOPED DOWNWARO TO A POSITIVE GRAVITY OUTLET OR TO A SUMP WHERE WATER CAN BE REMOVEO 8Y PUMPINO. 2. THE ORAIN SHOULO BE LAIO ON A SLOPE RANOINO BETWEEN 1/8 INCH AND 1/4 INCH DROP PER FOOT OF DRAIN. 3. CRAVEL SPECIFIOATIONS: WA9HED 1 1'2 INCH TO NO.4 ORAVEL WITH LE39 THAN 3t PAggrNo THE NO. 200 glEvE. JOB NO. Se-239 TYPICAL EARTH RETAINING WALL DETAIL Fto, € 't DEPARTME}TT OF COMMIJNITY DEVELOPMENTTOI,'IN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 970-479-2L38 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON iIOBSITE AT AL,L TIMES MECHANICAI.,, PERMIT Permit #z ltl97-O243 Job Address. . . : 392 BEAVER DAM CR LOCATiON : 392 BEAVER DAM CIRCLE Parcel No... .. : 210L-07L-L2-01-0 Project Nudber: PR,J97-0035 APPLICANT COLORADO PI,I]MBING SERVICE 2335 E ?TH ST SOUTH, RIFLE CO COI\TTRACTOR COLORADO PIJIIMBING SERVICE 2335 E 7TH ST SOUTH, RIFLE CO $of c.B Appliencc6: 3 sE,aLus...: ISSITED Applied. .: LL/24/L997 Issued...: LL/25/L997 Ex;rires. . : 05/24/L998 815s 0 8r-550 Phone: 9709459809 Phone z 9709459809 90, 000 .00 *of wood/Prll€t.: OWNER BEAVER DAI4 ROAD I,I.,C I DON EVERETT, 281 BRIDGE ST, Description: MECHANICAL FOR NEW SFR FircDlacc Informagion: RcstsrictGd: Y vArr, co 8L657 Valuation: FEE S(,uMARY Rcsbuetant PIan Rcvicr,- - >.00 ToE.I calculat.d Fc.E---> 2,253 '00 *of o16 Logs: M€chanlcal--_> 1,80o.oo PLan chcck---> 45O,OO DRB FGc-------- .oo Addlllonal F€c6---------> .00 Invcgtsigallon> .oo ToTAL FEES----- w1r.r carl----> 3.oo fiff::.;;;-__:::-:_::::: ,,r":ll ITEM: O51OO BUILDING DEPARTI4ENT DEPE: BUILDING DiViSiON:LI/24/I997 CHARLIE ACTiON: APPR CHARLIE DAVISiEam;'05600-FiRE Dnpanrunvr DepE: FrRE Division:77/24/L997 CHARr.,rE Acrion: APPR N/A CONDITION OF APPROVAL ].. FIELD INSPEC'IIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.2. COMBUSTION AIR IS REQUIRED PER SEC. 507 OF THE 1991 U}4C.3. TIISTET,T,ATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTT]RES INSTRUCTIONS AND TO APPENDIX CHAPTER 21- OF THE ].991 I]MC.4. GAS APPI,IANCES SHALL BE VE}ITED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 9 AND Sger-,r, TERMTNATE As spEcrFrED rN sEc.906 oF THE 1991 ullc-5. AECESS TO HEATING EQUIPMENT MUST COMPLY WITH SEC.5O5 AIiID 703 0F THE 1991 I,MC. e . sorr,ERS SHALL BE MOIJN:rED ON FT,OORS OF NONCOMBUSTTELE CONST. UNLESS LISTED FOR MOI'NTING ON COMBUSTIBLE FI.,OORING.7. FEnMTT,PIANS AND CODE ANALYSIS MIUST BE POSTED IN MECHANICAL ROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPECTION REOIJEST.8. DRAINAGE OF MECHANICAL ROOMS CONTAINING HEATING OR H9T-WATER-' Suppr,v BorLERs SHALL BE EoUTPPED wrrn A Fr-,ooR DRArN PER snc.2i1s oF THE 1991 IlMc. ******************************************************************************** DECLARATIONS r h.!.by rckoout.cg. th.c t h.v. t.." "n?.or rcrt lcn, tlll.d o,rt' ,rr' ,r,t, arr. rr,ror"."6 r.qul!.d, corpl.g.d .n rccur.t. ploe pl.n, rnd.t.e. ChrC rll ch. lnlor .tslon provld.d rr rcquircd L. co!r.c!. t rEr.. to cooply rlth th. lnfolo.Eion rna Plol PI.n, !o cotrp1y rlEh rll forn ordlnrncar rnd rg.!. 1,.r.. rnd to bulld thla aerucEur. rccordlng Co Bh. totn'. aonl,ng and rubdlvlrlon codr., d.algn rrvl.r rpplov.d. tnlforr[ lulldlng coda rnd oth.r ordlnrnc.. of th. fovn rppllcrblr ih.r.lo. LlQUtSTa FOR tNaplellolfs tH LL El lllDE lHl|lTf-POttR HouRs lN NwAIfCE ry tEIrBPllOllB AT a?9-2133 OR lt OtR OFIIeE FRos atoo lti sroo FM ltlol[lTt R! ol ol{l{lR oR c9rtTRAcToR toR Hlll3B&l A!|lr onNER o arrt.rlltrlrittaaaittltiitaittrat.ttlt!r rtaat!at r.rrl'ti ttttttra arrrla TOI{tl OP VtltJ, CO&ORlm Ssrt.wrE rtttttaatttraataattt.ta tlatlat.taa!rt!taaatatlltar.ttittla!lttttttaar tt trrc.nng Nur.b.t ! RIC-o!C, lDounE ! e,293.00 lLlailrl tot2t P|l.D.ng !4.lhod: CK NoErllont a2ol tnltr l{l$l P.r le No! lit7-01a3 tlE.r !-tatcH ltlcltlrftctt ElRt.|IT Prrc.l No3 2101-0?l-12 -010 8IE. lddr... ! 3r2 EAtvln DrH cR Locrclon. 3t2 lltwR Dll,t CIRCIII troE.l laaa! 2,253.00 Thl. P.yDcnB 2, 233 . 00 l|oE l lIlL hc. r 2.253 . 00 Erlrncr.,00 r trtr ttt.l r a r rr r r, rrrttrtrirart tl| a a rr a t tat t ta a a tiar trrr rtt a art i tr t lccgurlt cod. Dcacrlpglotl lDunc ltp ooto00ot111!oo l|tcl'llttctt Paruitt llBg l,aoo,oo pt 00100003112300 Pt llf ct|act taaa {30,00 lfe 00100001112900 tllL! ClLL llttPtc:rl4l Fl! 3.00 / ^r" glo-,iqleo.qo -r.'- p"'""i .;;Q;* oF vArL coNsrRucrro*O PERMIT APPLIPATION FORMotrtzlllf,+rtfPARCEL ',:I PERIIIT /I OUT COMPLETELY OR IT MAY NOT BE ACCEPTED PERMIT INFORI.LATTON * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * l-Electrical gX3-t{echanibal [ ]-other , APPLICATTON MUST BE FILLED l**** ********** **** * **** ** ***** nt [ ]-Building [ ]-Ptumbing t Job Nane: 'tnov<e Owners Name: Architect: l',lt / /r a P." lael< Address : General Description:lt\ €-<-t ,,a.r.. . ..-,.- en.3?-<- ?s-zB Job Address: G9J- teov*.,rM,,. 1,,e-re-- Leqal Descriptionz Lot A th,s-*-( @E a" work crass: [N-New [ ]-Alteration [ ]-Additional [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Number of Dwelling Units: )-Nurnber of Accommodation Units: Number and Tvne of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances- 3 Gas Logs_ Wood/pellet_Itt * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * VALUATTONS * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *IBUILDING: $EI,ECTRICAL: $OTHER: $ MECHANf cAr,z $-*i.ao-o 'TOTAL: $ NTRACTOR INFORMATION ***t ***** ** ****** * *** ** * *** 457Zux-77 Town of VaiI Reg. ltO. /25:3Phone Number: aar -<447 --Address: ELectrical contract,or: Address:Town of VaiI Reg. NO. Plumbing Contractor:(l/oe-1o Address: c3af €.Phone Nunber: Mechanical contracto t, (.r"no* ?/^#23F Town of Vail Req. No. zr? 75(e- Phone Nurnber: (?2at as-aZaeAddress: ******************************** BUTLDING PERMIT FEE: PLUMBING PERMIT FEE: MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: ELECTRICAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: l-*"'l- FOR OFFICE USE *rr***************************** BUILDTNG PI,AN CHECK FEE: PLUMBING PI,AN CHECK FEE: MECHANICAL PI,AN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTA], PERMTT FEES: GROUP SQ. FT.BUILDTNG: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE! '?ol (2t -o?bc Connents: CLEAN I'P DEPOSIT REFTIM TO: VALUATION 75 soulh tronlage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 479-2138 ot 479-2L39 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: ottlce ol communlly deyelopment ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED I{ITH THETOWN OF VAIL TowN oF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMUNITy DEVELOPMENT MARCH 15, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERIAL STORAGE rn surunary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unrawfur for anyperson t,o litter, track or deposit anv ."if,-r".i, sand, debrisor material, including trash i.rtnp=t"r=, portable toilets andworkrnen vehicles. upon any streetl "ia"waixl -;ii;y or publicp1?:" or any porri6n theieof. --iir" rigrrt_oi_;;t-;, att Town ofVail streets and.:3ug= is approximately 5 ft. off pavement.This ordinance wilr be. "t.i'"[iv'-enrorced by the Town of vailPublic Works Deoartment. persins found .rii,f"Iing this ordinancewill- be given a 24 hour writien notice to remove said naterial .In the event the person so notified does not compLy with thenotice within the 24 hour.tir,;-;;;;i;i;;,"irr""i"tric worksDepartment wir-l remove said nateii.t ut [n" ""p"r,se of personnotlfied. The provision= "t-ltir-"rai""."; ;h5ii nor beapplicabJ-e to cLnstruction, r.i.i"ru.,ce or repair projects ofany street or alley or any uriliries i; a;"-;iifri_"_".y. To review ordinance No. e in fur1, please stop by the Tor.rn ofYlll B"llding Department to obtain a copy. rnanX you for yourcooperation on this matter. (i.e. contractor, owner) 75 3outh IronlEge rord vall, colorado 81657 (303) 479-2L38 or 479-2L39 offlce of communlly devclopmerrl BUILDING PERI{IT ISSUANCE TIME FMNE If this peryit requi.res a Town of Vai1 Fire Department Approvat,Engineel''s (.public H:tFl reyiew and approvat ,'a piinntni'bepartmentreview or.Hea'l th Departm6nt review, un3'a_review by the BuildingDepartment' the estinated time for-a totar ;;;iil;.i"iu[e'is rongas three weeks. All commercial (rarge or smail) and ail murti-family permits wilrhave to follow the above rnentioned maximum reguiremin[i. 'nesioential and.smal'l projects should take a't esier amount or-time.'Hoiever, ifresidential or smarler.projects rmpaii the various above mentioneddepartments with reqard to necessary review, ilr"i" p""j".Ii"ruy a'l so take the three week period Every attempt will be made by this departnrent to expedite thispermit as qqon as possib'l e. - I' the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and timef rame.. Community Development Department. EPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBS]TE PLUMBING PERMIT PeTmit o D Job Address: 392 BEAVER DAM CR. Location...: 392 BEAVER DAM CIRCLEParcel No.. : 2101-071-12-010Project No. : PRJ97-0035 APPLICANT COLORADO PLUMB]NG SERVICE 2335 E 7TH ST SOUTH, RIFLE CONTRACTOR COLORADO PLUMBING SERVICE 2335 E 7TH ST SOUTH, RrFLE OWNER BEAVER DAM ROAD LLCt DoN EVERETT, 281 BRIDGE ST, VAIL CO 81657 Description: PLUMBING FOR NEW RESIDENCE Valuation:54,000.00 ***t***********t*tt********rit*ff************t*******t**t*** tEE SUill4ARy ***********************r*************t***t**t*******t**r** P Iumbi ng-----)810.00 ISSUED o7 /31/!ss7 o7 /3r/tss70L/27 /resg s9809 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 97 0-47 9-2138 Ptan check---> 202.50 AT ALL TIMES P97-0101 Status. . . AppJ.ied. .fssued... Expires. . co 81650 co 81650 .00 1,015.50 Total Catcu[ated f ees---> AdditionaL Fees---------> Totat Pernit Fec--------> Restuarant Ptan Revi e!r--> TOTAL FEES----- Phone:97094 Phone: 9709459809 lnvcst igat ion> UitL Catl.----> .00 3.00 REOUESTS FOi II{SPECTIONS SHALL BE I{ADE TI'ENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE 1,015.50 .oo 1/015.50 1,015.50 *i*tt*t**i****r*********************t******************i***************r***************llitilli-l15;;;;;;;ii**i*i***********il9*** Ite.m:.051q0_9qILDING DEPARTMENT Dept: BUILDING Division: Q7 /31/Le97--CHARLTE Acriona AFpn cHenl,rE DAViS-'It'em:'05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT -- - Dept: FIRE Division: ********ff*******************t********************************t****t************************t**t*********i*r**t******************* CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.2. ALL WORK MSUT COMPLY WITfi ].994 UNIF'ORM PLUMEING-CONIi---..'--' ******************t********************************************t******t*****************ff********t*****************r*****i******* DECLARATIONS I-hercby _acknoeLedge that I have read.this apptication, fitLed out in ful,L the intormation required, compteted an accurate plotPlan, and state that al'I the information provided as required_ is cofrect. I agree to compty riith the intornration ana piot iian,to _compty with atl' Town ordinances -and state.tairs, and to buil,d this structure according to'the Town,s zon.ing and subdivisibncodes, design review approved' uniform EuiLding code rnd other ord'inances ot the Tovn a[plicabLe thereto. 2138 oR AT OUR 0r * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *? * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *? * * * * * * * TOV|N OF VArL, COLORADO Statemnt**************************************************************** Statemnt Nunber: REC-0306 Amount: 1,015.50 O7/3L/97 09:18 Payment Met,hod: CHECK Notation: *3838 Init: CD Permit No: Parce1 No:site AddreEs: Location: This Payment Account Code 01 0000 41311 01 0000 4L332 01 0000 41336 Total Feea:1r015.50 Total ALL PmtE3 Balance: Description PLUMBING PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE l, 015 .50 1r015.50 .00 Amount P97-0101 Type: B-PLMB PLUMBING PERMIT 2101-071-12-010 392 BEAVER DAM CR 392 BEAVER DAM CIRCLE **************************************************************** 810.00 202,50 3.00 Legal Description: Lot Block_ FiIinS suBprvrsroN, owners Name: RerreQ.aa^Qaerr Lrc Address: zgl 8n;Jtg st nh. Architect:Address:Ph. General Description: Work C1ass: lkf-Neut [ ]-Alteration [ ]-Additional [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Number of DwelLing Units: 2 Nurnber of Accommodation Units: Nurnber and Tvoe of Fireplaces: cas AppLiancesv (* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * VALUATIONS BUILDTNG3 $EI,ECTRICAL: $OTHER: $ PLUMBING:rilrur[rjrNc: loqc-", -- . MEC]IANICAL: $Y [* * * * * * *. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * CoNTRACTOR INFORMATTON' Eeneral Contractor: Address: ELectrical Address: Contractor: Plumbing Address: Mechanical Contractor: Address: ******************************** FOR Gas Logs_ Wood/Pellet ********************************* TOTAL: $ * * *.** * * * * * * *** * ** * ***** **** Town of VaiI Reg. NO. Phone Number: Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Number: BUTLDING PERMIT FEE: PLUMBING PERMIT FEE: MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: ELECTRICAI, FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: Contractor: P9r-oio Town of Vail Req. No.ffi-P Phone Nurnber: 6lt-oVT Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Number: PLI'MBING PI,AN CHECK FEE: MECHANICAL PI,AN CHECK FEE: P€CREATTON FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERI{IT FEES 3 BUILDING: STGNATURE: ZONTNG: SIGNATURE: VALUATION CLEAN T]P DEPOSIT NEFTND 1i:i 75 south lronlage road Yail, colorado 81657 (303) 479-2138 or 479-2L39 TO: rROM: DATE: SUBJECT: R Y ead and acknowledged by: ottlce of communlty developmenl ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THETOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WoRKS/COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT MARCH 16, 1.988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERTAL STORAGE rn sunmary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unrawfur for anyperson to ritter, track or deposit any soil , ro.[, sand, debrisor naterial. including trash hunprrer", portable toilets andworkmen vehicles. upon any streetl sidewaik; -;Ii;y or publicp11:" or any portion rheieof. irre risnt_"i_;;t-;n arL Town ofVail streets and.:g"g= is approximately 5 ft. off pavement.rhis ordinance wirl be striiliv--lnforced by the Town of vailPubric works Department. perslns found vi6tating this ordinancewiLl- be given a 24 hour written ""!i""-t"-;;;;"'"aid materiar.rn the event the person so notified does not comply with thenotice within the 24 hour.tine-"p."i;i;;,"it"-i"[ric worksDepartment will remove said nateii"i it-itr"-'""pli=e of personnotified- The provisions or iiris ordinance shall not beapplicable to cbnstruction, riiri"r.rrce or repair projects ofany street or altey or any utilities i" it"-iigti_"_r.y. To review ordinance No. o in fur1, prease stop by the Town ofYlil B"ilding Department to obtain a copy. rtranr you for yourcooperation on this matter. o D Job Address Location. . . ParceL No..Project No. APPL]CANT DOUBLE DIAMOND SERVICES 2111 N FRONTAGE ROAD WEST, VArL CO CONTRACTOR DOUBLE DIAMOND SERVICES 2111 N FRONTAGE ROAD WEST| VAIL COOWNER BEAVER DAM ROAD LLCI DON EVERETT, 281 BRIDGE ST, VAIL Description! TEMP POWER FOR NEW DUPLEX Dept: BUILDING Division: ERNST TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 81657 97 0-47 9-2738 E tectri ca l.---> oRB Fee Invest igation> Ui l, L Catt----> 392 BEAVER DAM CR 392 BEAVER DAM RD 2101-07t -12-010 PRJ9 7-00 3 5 .00 .00 .00 3.00 TOTAL rEES---> 53.00 8L6s7 81657 co 81657 Valuation: TotaI Ca(cutated Fees---) Additionat tees---------> TotaI Permit Fee--------> Payments------- BALANCE DUE---- 500.00 53.00 .00 53.00 53.00 .00 *******t***************tttt*f,*fr*******fi*********t**************************************H**********ff*****it******************** ITem! .06000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT05/.27/.1997 CHARLIE Action: APPR FOR4O'/2'l'/L997 CHARLIE Action: APPRITbm:' O560O FIRE DEPARTMENT EPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY D PMENT NOTE! THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON o EVELO ELECTRICAL PERMIT ****************************ffi**************ff************* FEE SUI'ltlARY ********************tt*****tt***********ff*ff****lr******** DeDt: FIRE Division: ***********rr***************t***************************************************************t************************************** CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. *********************************************************************************************rr*i**************ff********i********* DECLARATIONS l_hereby.acknovtedge that I have read.this apptication, f il,l,ed out in ful,t the information requi red, compteted an rccurate ptotptan, and state that atl the information provided as requi red is correct. I agree to compl,y with tire infornation and ptot il,an,to cornp Ly uith att Tovn ordinances and state tarrs, and to buiLd this structure acconding io the Tovn,s zoning and subdivisioncodes, design revieu approved, uniform Buitding code and other ordinances of the Town afpticabl.e thereto. REQUESTS FoR INSPECTIoNS SHALL BE llAoE TIIE TY-FoUR HoURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHOT{E AI 479-2138 oR AT oUR otFIcE FROil 8:00 A 5:00 p JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: E97-0090 Status...: ISSUEDAppIied..: 0s/27/1997Issued...: 05/27/1991 Expires. . : 77/23/1997 Phonet 3034766272 Phonez 3034766272 ************************************************************** TOWN OF VArL, COLORADO ******************************!k******************************* Statemnt Number: REC-0279 Amount: Paynent Method: CHECK Notation: *91?5 Stat s3.00 o5/28/e7 oe.Init: CD * t* 2 53 .00 s3.00 .00 Amount 50.00 3 .00 E9?-0090 Type: B-ELEC ELEC"RICAL pERl'{IT 2101-071-12-010 392 BEAVER DAII CR 392 BEAVER DAI,I RD TotaL Fees:53.00 Total ALL Pmtgs Balance:************************************************************** Permit No:Parcel No:Site Addreee: Location: This Payment Account Code 01 0000 41313 01 0000 41336 Description TEMPORARY POWER PERMITS WILIJ CAIL INSPECTION FEE P. O1 15 : 06 No .010 P .01 PE||I|IT ' , IDPI,ICATTON UI'ST 8E Frr,LED $*** *.**r***rr*rrr.*-r*irrtf !r p.tt-t l-Eulldlng I l-PluDblns W ilIl COTIPLETELY OR IN ITY NOT BE ACCEPTAD EnHIE INIORHIIIOI| * rt trrf * **rr r I ***r. r* r t.rril *. . ftulbi,tly'Elcctrl6al I l-]t.olrrnl.ea1 [ l-Othrr ilob Nnnc: LeEal Dcscrtptionl fotl osnrra ttane: fuy'V* lal Archlteotr rrrhg !f 3. "u*prvrsrox, .- 4t trn,- ilob eddregs t Elorr c+c, rr-E- Addregs: lddrecgr Ph Generut Dcecrlptionr flork Class: j 1-New I l-llterat,furn I u l-ltlditional [ ]-Repalr I l4bhor- . Nuuber o! Acconnodatlon Unl,tt: t IIOT Lt INFORIIITIo!| rr rrtt*rr**rtr.rrtt*.*rrrr* Torn of Vail Phono Nrtober: Town ol vall Phone Nunbers Rrgt. l|o, Rcg. lfo. orPlcE usE *rr.r**lrararrrrr.rrtaa.t*****r EUTLDTNO DIAX CTIECK Ptr8! DUJ!{BTNG PI.I}I CEECK rlBT IECTTAITCAI, PIAN CTIECK FEEI RECNEATION FEEIcllltN-UP DEPoBTTT AOIAIT PEEI{I, EESI Nuhbsa ot Dnrolllng unitr3 7 .IPtnbe( rnd Eypa of ltroplacegi Gcrs tppllanaai- crr logr lfood/Earlc [***.rt.*t***|Il..rttrtttrrIt rrr' €Xkffifl*" r*lrr*r**.rr||rrtrrrraf.*.rrirr*r L.-. llrruBrNc! F- - ltEcHrNXcAt r fT--rl. *rl* t *rr *lr a aarrr * *** *rr *l CONIRACIOR INFORIIITIOEaneral Contraotor: (aa^l 4TET. 'UILDTNCI I llrntBrNc! - Er.EClBrcALtS{60, tO orHEns !-IIIOTALr I tddreesr lo{*iii?--ry=tor: (aa^t 4TIIT.trc?@i?bsT Town of ValI ReE. tfO. Phone tfunbert -+t6 - W p,ann W/. _Town of vall X,.c, No. &S E Phonc Nunberr '4u" ttr Plunblng contraotorr Mdrese: :ieohanlcal eontrBgtors lddrEee: *.t*i**rr.ttt*atltttaar..rlrar** Fon )UrIJTNG PBNUITI IEES 'tDtt8ll{c PERilfT FEBr --F' iECIIANTCIL PERIIIT FEEI TIJCIRfQIL FEE: rTH8,R TYPE OT &EE: RB FEE: EI'ILDING: STGNilTT'RE: aoNItlCi SICNATUR8! .EAII UP DEPOSIT REl|Iffi !O: TOWN OF VAII.J 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 81657 97 0-47 9-2138 DEPARTMENT OP COWUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: E97-0091ELECTRICAL PERMIT Job Address: 392 BEAVER DAM CR Status...: ISSUEDLocation. . . I 392 BEAVER DAM ROAD Applied. . : 05/27 /1997Parcel No. . : 21.01-07 1-12-010 Issued. . . : OS/27 /1997Jl - ' / LJProject No. : PRJ97-0035 Expires. . : LI'/23'/tgg7 APPI-,ICANT DOUBLE DIAMOND SERVICES phone: 3034?66272 211_1, N FRONTAGE ROAD WEST, VAIL CO 81657 coNTRAcroR DOUBLE DTAMOND SERVTCES phone: 3034'1 662722111 N FRONTAGE ROAD WEST, VAIL CO 81657OWNER BEAVER DAM ROAD LLCt DON EVERETT, 281 BRIDGE ST, VAIL CO 81657 Description: ELECTRICAL FOR NEW DUPLEX VaLuati-on:61,000. oo ************i******************fi************************** FEE SUttt'tARy ************r***********************************t********* € tect r i ca [--->333. 00 Total Catcutated fees---> 336.00 DRB Fee .m 3.00 Addi tiona I Fees---------> TotaL Permit Fee-------->lnvest igat i on> UliLt cat l.----> .oo 356.00 TOTAL FEES---> 336.00 Payments-------- BALANCE DUE---- ************t*t***************ff*******it*********t************ff*************************t*trt*****r***************t**.r*ff******* rtem: 06000_EIJEqTRTCAL DEPARTMENT Deptr BUTLDTNG Division:85/27 /1!9_97 -CHARLTE action: Appn-r,On ERNSTIt.emI' 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT - -_ DepI: FIRE Division: **f,*ft****tt****i***********************************t********ffi**********************************************J.t****************** CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. *****************lr******ff********irt***t*************ff*************ffi**********sti***************ft*******************trt*ff***** DECLARATIONS I - hereby .acknowtedge that I have read-this appl,ication, fitLed out in ful.l, the infornation requi red, conpteted an accurate ptotptan, and state that atl the information provided as required.is correct. I agree to compl,y Jith tlre iniormation and pl.ot ftan.to compty with al't Town ordinances,and state taws, and io buitd this structure according to'the Townrs zoning and subdivisibncodes, design reviel, approved, Uniform EuiLding code End other ordinances of the Tovn appl,icabte thereto. REouEsTs roR lNsPEcTroNs SHALL BE IIADE TI,IENTY-FouR HouRs IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHoNE AT 479-213E oR AT ouR oFFrcE FRotr E:oo Alt 5:00 ptl oo**************************************************************** TOSTN OF VAIL, COI,oRADO Statemnt***************'l************************************************ Statemnt Number: REC-0279 Arnount: Payment Method: CHECK Notation: #9175 336.00 05/28/97 09 r 13Init: CD Permit No: Parcel No:Site Addreee: Location: This Payment Account Code 01 0000 41313 01 0000 41336 Total Fees:336.00 Total ALL Pmts: Balance: Description ELECTRICAL PERMIT FEES WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 897-0091 Type: B-ELEC ELECTRICAL pER!,tIT 2101-071-12-010 392 BEAVER DA},t CR 392 BEAVER DAI.{ ROAD **************************************************************** 336.00 336.00 .00 Amount, 333.00 3 .00 TOWN OF VATL 75 S. FROI{TAGE ROAD VAIIJ, CO 81657 970-479-2L38 APPI,ICANT OV{NER cor.lrRAqroR I!!w.6EiErt,ion> will c.l1----> totAt FBES---> DEPARTI4EI\IT OF COMMTJNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON ELE TRICAL PERMIT r.fob Address: 392 BEAVER DAt4 CR LOCAEiON...: 392 BEAVER DAM RI)Parcel No.. : 2L01-071-12-010 Project. No. : PRJ97-0035 BEAVER DAT{ ROAD LLCt DoN EVERETT, 281 BRIDGE ST, VArr_, CO BEAVER DAI4 ROAD LLC T DON EVERETT, 281 BRIDGE ST, VAII, CO BC EI.EqTRONIC SERVICES, INC P.O BOX 730, AVON CO 81520 8L657 81557 Phone: 303-949-1100 Valuation:1, 625 . 00 iTOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: 897-03L2 SEatsus.. (DUPLExAppIied. Issued. . E:qrires. TSSITED t2/03/Le97 0s/L8/L998 tL/L4/L99e Descriptsion: FrRE ALARM PERMTT PBE I'U||!|ARY El.ctllcal--- > 253. OO DRE FGc .OO 3.OO ToErI CalculaE.d Fa.a- - - > AddiElonal F..e- ---- -- - -> Tot.a1 Pcnits Fec------__> Pal.ucne6------- BAIANCE DUE- --- 256 . OO .oo 256 .00 256 . OO .00 ttfittt*rrtt*tttara,lr.air**rrrttttttattit+rf*rari *{J* trrr*itJ t * t t t * * i * * t t t .} r * t t a tt* lt tt'} lttttt IIEM: O6OOO ELE TRICAL DEPARTI'IEIiIT DEPT: BUILDING DiViSiON:I2/03/L997 iIRM ACTiON: NOTE PLANS TO FIRE O4./L4./L998 iIRM ACTiON: APPR APPROVED JRMiEam'' o5e6o-Fins DEPARTI,IENi DepE: FrRB Division:l2/L2/L997 ,JEFF_A Action: APPR fd approves plans CONDTTION OF APPROVAL 1. FIBLD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK EOR CODE SAUPLIANqE.Z: FrnE DEDARTT,IEIIT AppRovAl-rs REQUTRED BEFoRE AIvY woRK eAI{ BE STARTED.3. knox box required. . ,tt.ttl't'itIt'tlllirrra'r'r'tttttitt't'.'J'i*ttt*i*'ttttitt**ttr'*rttt.,.'ti.tl'tttt.'*ttittl'||''rtt'llr.rl|.ltl. DECLAR,ATIONS t hc!.by rcknorlcdge ghat t h.vr rc.d !hi. appLicabion, fill.d out in full eh6 inforo.rion roquircd, couplcb.'d .n rccur.b. Pl'o! pLrn, end .!rt. tsh-! all tsh. lnforurlion provid.d ae rcqulrcd la corrqct. t agr.r go couPly ritsh bh. lnforoacion rnd plots Plrn, !o conlrly rlth.11 Tortr ordinrnco. rDd.tre. 1.r., .rtd to build thi. .tructur6 according to lhc Aorn'. zoning rnd subdivttlon cod.€, d..19n rcvi., rpprov.d, unlforu Euilding cod. and ogh.r grdin.ncc. of thc ?otn rPplicebl. ch.r.co. REQUE9TS FOR TNSPECTIONS SHALT. BE UADE TWBMy-FOUR HOUR9 IN ADT'ANCE BY IELBPHONE AT 479-2138 OR AT OIn OFFICE PROM a:00 AIil 5:00 Pu $orot or vr[., olroRlm 8trt.a!B a.ttatr.rttartt gBaCaEnG truobar r nEC-0403 hounC ! Pqrrang LEhods cl( llogrtloa. 2581, 1s6.00 05/1alte 1{: 03 InIb! llltf P.nlE llo t !9t-0313 IYp. t E-Er,rC a!!erR:ClJ. pERIIT PEcrl tror 2101-071-12 -0L0 318. ldda..r ! 192 lllvEn Drt| Cn Locrelon. !t2 Bllvln Dll| nD (DUPr.!l) Toeal ha. t 256.00 Totrl NrIr 9!t.: Brlrtrcr ! 25 6. O0 25 6. 00 .o0 firi. Pr!r!.nE lccoung coda D.tc!ltrtlon A[oune 253.OO 3.00 t9 00100003111400 lLlcl?tcrl. Dlt||t" ratg rc 00100003112400 rILIr crl!! MsPlcrrct| tlE v- o BC ErecrRoNrc Senvrces. INc. CUSTOM ELEC'TRONIC INSTALLATIONS- AUDIO/VIDEO . SECURI'IY . TETEPHONE Town of Vail 75 Sodh Frontoge Rd" VaiL CO 81657 flRE ALARM SYStrEM BATTERY CALCI]I,A-TIONS To Whm lt May Conoam: Ihc followilg is thc battry calculatims for tbe Burglar and fte alirm systcm installcd at rhe Primary t1l2ll97 B.P.# 897{054 Cohea Cqutruction eide oflhe rcsidcnce al 392 Add Staodby and alarn loads fc-tequircd Anpere hotn bonery Multiply by the derating faotc of 1.2 Total Ampere hours (AH) Rcqrdrd Thc Alarm Panel is a DSC Porrcr 832, Tte slarm ouplx is l2vdc, at 3.0 Ampo. Tlic Bachlp battery is a 12v ?,0 AH Beavq Dam Circle Vail, CO. StandBy l,oad X 000.56nrA) X Atarn Lrad (l,76onA) Alnrm / Standby Load K€ypads fvt# 5500 BC Elecbmic Scrvices, Irrc. R€quirod Statrdby Time in Hours (24 or 60) 24 tLs.= 2413.44 mA = 295.58 =2,709.12 = 3150.94 = 3.25 AH 1- Keyp8d install€d @ sOmA Total 8- hecto(s in the syst€m 480mA Total 3- Siren / Speakcrs in lhe systc|n 1 .2 A totsl X Required Alann Time in HoursX (.1680)r Ge. s.rnin = 0.084 hrs.) 50mA (in Alam) Smoke Det€otors M,2l0O 60nA (in Alam) Sir€ns Ntfl747F 400nA (in Alam) Ifthere are any quectim rcgrrding this inrtallatim 8nd / d th€ €quipn€dt ilvolved with this projocr, please aall BC Elootrmic Scrvices, Ioc. YMI,,{ 7-'. ^.'r ' 'l t |.lr(*\t E9'l- otlL Post Office Box 730 o Avon, CoLorado 81620. g7O-94g-llOO I e3nz E*ru- P.r-. C-"W 6z(* t+upY 4'f wn ervl 6.uo.. lc-1 F-.^y. 0 ;.t Lo"o lo ?cz Yli," I b 92 D1r.,, 6{? .rn* , 3*qo c.1 1 .6 Ito." 6c-1 - lt RefocvEp -- Ftorn f rrflbr,la FLAil 2eo4.6 5oL 5o ?- ?' a A Rc-{ft€?1o1A'-'irnrr - Z??.1 ,b 5f. aaagu €2'? 1 , tV 152 Frn rA All'*J (rrn--2 A--nJ--1 Z*f U;,t z6oe ll to *zt 4Zq- GaesLlt A{5 -/7J Io TOWN OF VAIL 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 Department of Comrnunity Development Post-it' Fax Note 767'l ffiz_< ld"EL"r z- '"?>r* R>srcrl Ftot*-fA:Mrt le W t ul An sar,J Co./Dept.cToMu oc VA e- Phono #H9i^tanq - u+z- 'uobo3\ 623-zzez 6- February 4,1997 Mr. Howard Koenig 7 Breakers lsle Dana Point, Ca.92629 2. 3. 4. R"E: 392 Beaver Dam Circle Dear Mr. Koenig: Thc Town of Vail Community Development Department is in receipt of yow application for a conditional use permit to allow for a Type II Employee Housing Unit located at 392 Beaver Dam Circle. The review is not yet complete however, the Public Works Deparhnent has reviewed the application, and has the following comments: l. The title report shows an item 14 on Schcdule B-2. Is this an cascment for the Town of Vail road? Please provide additional information regrading the use of this eascmcnt Please show the l0' casement on the northwest property line as per item 14 of Schedule B-2: Please provide the invert/outfall elevation of the culverts coming into the inlet. All new installed culverts should be l8' CMP and have a minimum of I'of covcr: Please provide a note to the plat/site plan that addresses the cleaning and regrading ofthe existing ditch after construction and protection ofthe existing facilities; This road is under moratorium, therefore, any new cuts into thc road must be filled with flowable fill from the bottom of the cut to the bottom of the asphalt layer, and new asphalt must be infra-red patch back. Please contact Larry Pardee at 479-2198 for details; Thc two required parking spaces shown outside the garage on both the east and west units are inaccessible. Please reconfigure so that entry/exit can be achieved with a 20'centcrline radius from the drive and garage: and The snow storage areamust be 30% ofthe paved area. This area cannot be landscaped with materials that will be damaged under snow during the winter months; and 5. 6. {gu"r"uo"u* r .. T 7. All new plantings in the easements must be signed off by the respective easement owners. There are several items that must be provided regarding the Planning Deparfinent's review tbat must be addressed. The Senior Environmental Planner, Russ Forrest, during the review, has identified wetland species on yow site therefore, please provide the following information: l. Please provide a survey of jurisdictional wetlands by a qualified Wetland Delineator. Thc Department of Planning has the following comment regarding the application: l. Please provide a note on the site plan that states whether or not the crawl spaces and attic spaces shown on the floor plans are 5 feet in height or less. If these spaces exceed 5 feet in height they will be considered GRFA: Ifyou have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at (970) 479-2142. Thank you very much for your prompt attention to these matters. Sincerely, a:Ux/rlu"^r* Tammie Williamson Town Planner Uet ggt t I rru .1.r r v{ . a- . FR0I lt K0ElrIG 970 +796162 a|Yt -/a! a-sa a ,.r ^-. 03-06-9? 85:30P1{ I0 U APruc ttoN FoB CDM} I 1152+52 tt25 P.2t2 ffin" tqq3r'cil Dt - ?'*rbrare Srs'.*' il F r bfl rr rlrr-; Fe-FiaL ry'"'r or iT1--t-ffi l*rr= qr-r F.E r-s= *-" EfriE-ifr E |icTon Geldll#EirdId *;:-c=-rg* hfrilltd lnlaElrlAmrrADrdpdl|llEqbotldgt.HCt$s----)YriqrOlt6lffiAlldct(virtildurFctrMrGCilElrAlPinca*iotr {r*Uu*egcDilttr lfurtrlirrrniotro-SDD tr D o u ulul$Frure E-silasDfrrlA|.rqilnn|EilIS mnGfltrorualB E :'||lltil llilrcA:l$at.I|. I|DnmAL n4ffifl3 /filD TF l!! lto lE rlErrcmr ilcmrilFvroila*t' t5 r@il lrdrrlrg torq' a I^CfttlllGl!OISAL3 Hfr 7 Febnuany 4, 1970 Mn. Geor.ge Olson Carver AnclritectsVaiI C0 Dear Geonge: Enclosed is the reeidence r peF Centificateyour r€cent .of Occupancy for the ]'nqu1ny. Skartvedt Sirrcerely, THE TOIJN OF VAIL SLg;nc.d Colleerr RyanSecretary toF. Blake Lynch Town Manager Unelosure (L) BUILDING PERMIT Vail, Colorado Date February 1 Permit Perrnission is hereby granted. Claude J. Martin, Inc. as Contractor 19 70 to construct a three-story private residence on Lrct 4, Bloek 3, VV 3nd Filing iddress Ad-iacent to GoIf Course In accordance with the provisions set forth by the Vail Comrnittee, subject to the rules and regulations as set Protective Covenants, and in compliance with the 1964 Type of Construction V Group C ont ra cto r Claude J. Mantin Inc. A pproved F. Blake Lvnch Acting Vail Building Inspector A rchitectural Control forth in the Vail Village Uniform Building Code. I INSPECTION RECORD (For Departrnental use Only) INSPECTION .\ PPROVA L COMMENTS DATE & SIGN,ATURE FOUNDATIONS FRf MING ho d d sl FINAL ROUGHI 0) t'{FINIL ROUGH I I I bo p, uo d Ffl FINA L Application made May 1, 1969 e to dr-aDute on amoun e, ROUGH penmit fee not paid til ulan 23, LVtU. Uertr_rr_cate or uccuPancy issued Feb f. 197O--final- insDeFIN.A L tion pending. Pec to on Block.. . 3, -.V. -. V-..3nd...Fi. t,i {fl dition. Applicant shall maintain said building in acclrdance,wlrh allpresent or future ordinances with respect to sanitation, buil_dingandzoning. ffi#"#"J#___ Ac t inpuilding Official No..._._2!_;_ CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY AND COMPLIANCE Vail, Colorado -..-.-p"_b__d;9.-.-lo Permit is hereby granted. -- - - -. -. - Skartv-edt- - -F,axnity-.. --"._..- " the . ; r. t. t'i') ,t ": i ., g//a;r'8" Tel. No. fel. No. Buildine address Date of Application Narne Addre City BUILD ORM} TION New A ddition A lteration Repairs Type of occupancy ,A rea of Lot BUILDING DIMENSIONS dou0hos)rln Name Addres s ci Lot E Iock Subdivision Total floor area (gq trl-S@.!- No. of stories 3- Ht.;,. "; ;;;"j-.- ;P.. No. of water closets + No. of Familie s-!- ESTIMATED COST S- OF CONSTRUCTION 50. ONO (Materials & Labor) ( Circle correct classification) .lt. Type of construction I, II, ru, IV,O Z. Occupancy group ,C,D,E,F,G, J >..-(J cd ouo o {) filo +r*. o) O Ic fi,q) o tro () tl o Eoo Fo tJq,&g) tr a0€ h o E dt 0, e o.(th 'rda),oq' Ek 0,p. o+,dA \r& 0)o g t {, o tr o Es q, trd Fq d o l<p.n 4 q) d A g .! g g c)uo d, o coo d gt{ d l.rp d |. o l-l ']{sg$ h1ui314*t{X E$ HE :AolzxZt'Zta<iEJOp,Q .:.N t\ \ { a (-\ {.v it\.: .( \* ,o" u d o .n() 't F: INSPECTION RECORD (f or Departrnental use only) INSPECTION APPROV/, L FOUNDATIONS COMMENTS DATE & SIGNATURE SPPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT TIIE :-. /N C: VAIL licant fill in this section AITIE .P ddrqg s ^city UOIUEI-,(.6ro . Tel. No. lh d t4 d t4 fi d lr cJ FoHO.,-. '{ c) 1..n oo (t o tr .5e 9'6 U .irodd>FO o +t.F q) trq) U)do ootr (ll tsl c'd o, +, o ho Iude.!.Eda. +.relkvtd6 t*tro)d0) bo +lc'Fd2 <0or >o }r.ot.C) -,.?F'd6uniotr t .-1 €ar'4<5rr z F{u Iq (')z z t{rl gl otl PdF bo v) 0) fila 9 fl FRAMING FIN^ L ROUGHII ttl FINI. L ROUGH FINAL ROUGH FIN.A L a, i0o irl I NOM PL^NA tO COMptEflO{ uNoEi ol{! cor{ti^qr elrudp,j, matin, irw, "tcilor madc" honrcs F. O, AOX',I 2S aRECKENRIOOE, COLORAOO AO421 July 16, 1969 Board of Trustees Town of ValL ValL, Colorado GentLernen: Durittg the rnonth of June, ].9(d I lnstal'led a stona sewer drairage line on the west side of Gasthof Grarnshanuneu. Thls Line ran frnorn Gore Creek Drive to Gore Creek. fhe above work was done at thedlrection of Mr. Blake Lynoh and a statenent of charges for this work was rnailed to the Tonn of ValL on July 8, L968. llhen payrnent wasnrt receiv€d I contacted Mr. Lynch and was'jlforrned that he understood I uas doing this work for the Toun on a gratls basls.I tofd Mr. Lynch this wasntt accordilg to his origlna3- instruction and subsequently sent tr,ro rernlnder statenonts to the Toror. Al} of these r,rere lgnored. During the month of June, L969 T rnado applicatlon for the building perra:it on the Skartvedt resldence to be construoted in Vail-, Colorado. lhq buitdirtg lnspector conputed the oharges for this perrnit at $165.00 and I a€reod to give the Town a oheck for thLs amount l€ss the amount owlng to me by the tovm. I roas lnformed by the accountanttn the Town offlce ttrat thts wouLd fouil up his bookeeping and he r^rould prefer that ttre Town send ine a check and that f send the Town a cheok. I agreed that at zuch tlne es I recelved a cheak from the Tor,m f would pay the fuLL $16J buildlng pennit fee. Thls was agroodto by the bullding inspector, the accountant and rnyseLf. On Ju1y 7, 1.969 I received the checlc frorn the Town. Before receiving1t, however, the accountant asked that we send an additional staternent besuase a1l other statements seened to have been Lost. Ab0ut two daysafter receivlng the check frora the Tor,m, f returned to the Tovn offieesrith the intention of paldng the buil&lng permit fee ard a3-so the tap fees for the abovo resldence. At this ttrne I was tnforrned that the burLdfug perrnlt fee was nor.r in e)ccess of $300.00. VJhen I asked for an errpl-anatton of the dlscrepancy betlreen the origlnal. fee of $165 and the $30Of I r^ras told by the buiJ-ding lnspoctor that Mr. Lynch had ffuuredthe fee and he shor.rd me the sLip of paper uith the figures in red. Thls showed a totaL square footage of 5000 sq.ft. of floor area at a 453-242rl ,- .1 I COMPLETE OE9IGN continued .... Board of Trusteee Town of Valjl, conttnued page 2 sq.ft. prlce of $16 elvlng a total- valuatlon of $80,000.00.Feellng that the fse was unjustiflabLe I rirltheld the paynent untiL the charge couLd be substantlated. I then asked to pay the tap fees for the above residenee. At the ti-ne I btd this rosldence (Z-V-eg) I tleephoned the Town and asked for cost of tap feos. l,ly estlrnate sheet shows these to be $f,4.62. At ilretine of the slgnlng of the contract, one bathroorn was deleted so T e:rpected the fee to be sonrewhat J.ess than thls. I $as lnstructed by the secretarT ln the fown offtce to contactthe aocountant for these figures. He brought out a sheet of charges stating that it had been prepard by l,lr. lynch and lt showed total charges in excess of $?00.00. i,,lhen I excLalrned atthe difference, the accountant asked several questlons. One wes rrdoes thls house have eight bedrooms?rr. ?he p3-ans c3.ear1y show four bedrooms. Not wlshlng to delay constructlon on the resldence, the accountant was klnd enough to recompute the tap fees for a'house w-tth on1yfour bedrooras and three bathroorns. Thls was wlth the understand- Lng that the fee was subfect to revlsion and addltional charges by llr. Lynch. I then gave the accormtant a check for $517.50,thus enabling the plunber to contlrrue working. At thts tirne ILeft the Town offices and contected Mayor John Dobson. He statedthat a neeting of the Trustees was schedu.l-ed for the followlng Monday and that he wouJ.d J.1lce for ne to attend the meeting and nake rgr statenent to the fu1l Board. Thls I djd. I feel that Mr. Lynch is actlng irr an urjust, arbltrarTr rnanner for the follow5ng r€asons: L. Work cornpleted and b{11,€d to t}re Towo ln July, L968 un-pald untlJ Jvly, 1969. 2, Building pennit fee originally quoted by the bulldlng inspector at $L65 reconputed by Fir. Lynch to be in 6xcess of $300. Square footage of the resldenco t-s 32A7 sq.ft. of flnlsh- ed area anA fit+ sq.ft. of unftnlshed area bather than the J000 sq.ft. as cornprr.ted by I'{r. Lynch. 0rfuinaL flgure for the tap foes wes quoted at $$4 andafter boing reeomputed by Mr. Lynch they are in excoss of $700. 3. 4. continued ... ; .l: il. '. i t. ni.\' i".i ,1 , , i, ExY/ia,^r "61 PERMITS BASTD ON T964 UNIF.ORM BUILDING CODT Floor Area Cost at Application Plan Datc Reaidence Sq l't $f6lsq ft Est Coet Permit Ck Clcanup lcrucd Hauacrrnan 394 (Addnl Furetenberg l,876 I.R. Haaaon 3,400 Crawford 2, 130 Talmadge 3,330 Skartvedt 5,000 Application Skartvcdt 3,025 Finiahed Area $ 6,304 $30, ot6 $54,400 $44,080 $53,280 $80,0oo $48,40O $ll,5oo $25,000 $65, ooo $41,000 $60,000 $50, ooo $ 39.00 Nonc $ ?8.00 $39.00 $163. so $8r. 50 $ gs. so $52. ?s $155.50 $77.?5 $165. 50 $82.75 $r38.00 $69.0o Noac 4l28l6q $?5.00 1lt169 $75.00 5lr?,l69 $75.00 616169 $?5.00 6111169 $?5. OO $?5.00 V*#,g; f 4E " Statcment on Paragraphe I and 2, Page 3, Martin lctter of, ? 116l69t t. The permit fee, as flgured, wag based upon thc squar€ footage ae eubmitrted in the application times $16.00 per square foot. Z. A tabte for compatieon of permit feee haa been prc- pared and: a. Thc $16.00 per squarc foot hae beeu applied to all arcae. b. Plan examination fee of one-baU the permit fee has been charged on all work over $1,000 and where a plaa hae been required. THT TOWN OF VAIL Charlcs G. Bynum Butlding Official CGB/car 7130169 5 Fa^+u1f t *idt^ ezt BUILDING PERMIT VaiI, Colorado Date MAY 2, hereby granted _CLAUDE J. MARTIN to CONSTRUCT SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE LOT 4. BLOCK 3 VAIL VLLAGE 3rd -4 ddrese BEAVER DAM C(RO,LE rq 69 Pe rrnit Perrnission is as story FILING In accordance with the Committee, subject to Protective Covenants, provisions set forth by the VaiI the rules and regulations as set and in cornpliance with the 1964 Group .l' rchitectural Gontrol forth in the Vail Village Uniforrn Building Code. t7Type of C onstruction Contractor CLAUDE J. MARTIN )//,/L,/ ^ />t pproved _lJg? i/Lt z. VaiI Building INSPECTION RECORD (For Departrnental use Only) INSPECTION ,\ PPROVy' L .FOUNDATIONS COMMENTS DATE & SIGNr'TURE FRr'MING u0 tr E tr{FINAL ROUGHo q) f4 FIN1I L ROUGH bo P.'.FINI L ROUGH (It 0) o : \\- FINII L \e unity Development Plan norrtf; ro.nComm Approved Denied (cite detailed reasons) " Apptoved with conditions Routed To:Greg Hall, Public Works Terri Martinez, Public Works Todd Oppenheimer, Public Works Ittra}lGsiit"" Return To:Tammie Williamson, Community Development X2I42 Date Routed:1/r5197 Return By:lt29t97 Project Name:Howard Koenig Type II EHU (Conditional Use Permit) Proiect Address:392 BeaverDam Circle Project Legal:Lot 4, Block 3 Vail Village 3rd Filing Project Description:Demo/Rebuild Need Comments by 1 /29 197 Z //z ,/4,'"2 zz./y'2 , ."/ , l4lz-t-zz/L /l4c'zz' b*, - "t*/ r-"{ t, "-*?/'- ;//lr4 rl:-4'-z r" -r:- z'^'' W -L"--" Z guz'u">'z-44:i- j \o Communrfr eQrrclod \lt5({1 Development Plan Routing Form x Denied (cite detailed reasons)Approved with conditions Routcd To:lic Works Todd Oppenheimer, Public Works Mike McGee, Fire Rcturn To:Tammie Williamson, Community Devclopment X 2142 Proicct Name:Howard Koenig Type II EHU (Conditional Use Permit) 392 Beaver Dam Circle Lot 4, Block 3 Vail Village 3rd Filing Projcct Description: Approved Nccd Comments by | /29 /97 t ern A rn sc\redu E B -2 . ttgf I crrn o45 ure o( wtytl this easrrrre nf rs t ii iS 4n e/l€m6\\ @ ttlf- n>':n road 4t th€ic propcrN uJeie sef . ortsNise "z ,\@A to rqoe:F on lhg roadt^4\| oh thelr prorlfffq. |ulEqh e*Etnq drat|.r4q S sq*€n'l fnef .oiirl b€, I tre t ^.,rollohitY\ a( , qut(al I e\e!crlrc^-\ YIE tow(tt ^'i* trf cplu(ft 5 cofirh irp\ ic\to ih€ lo nz&^ fo p|A(. cDlocYls 6fq5rin3 fne\f drtoe3- trre a.etu-ry5 snalrd be lb" C r\,1 P (oor no.J rnftic'vrt,rn) ord kraue crl l€c\,sh (( o( covr. -Tho d ratnoqg 5q rrefn doex necd fo. ro(-( | ,|-hoq^h \Nr-\i*r (5 \Dhq lnee<l \nkrfftahm dg)t ht-€ cy r5hh.-.t s\Ate 1 c<rn soac.,F q sr ze <rM &Pfh o€ PiP€. not€.ne€dslo be rnq0dcd fo c\eqn qrrd <eqror\c. thg e.rq sf rna 15 r@4 6 t:rder fldiio.iorn - nqt mearc tfrqf-dnq n€\^, oofs nko ditch af ter co45t(ochtrr &to P(ocan lt9 +lsh \Di ll ft^ue Fo fi11 (rom H-re bo*orn of ltre col to khE, bolirrr o t the o \\ thu't lvve tu W tvat sealed tn - Pleaie crnmct Lorrq ?ack t^t 419 - 2|18 6r &tarlo . 6be feLql €rbuced so ;64, t o rop€{N \r r€ Y{os nor shown - Also i Sno!^rs torqe crrett mosr @ lATdt@v2d rNtHA ateo - Jt a\so Lorrrpt h6ffi WBx shr,t Date received; t/r< lqf r,/zr le1 reorer,r<i Rcvicwcd by: lervi L. Pavtryv-Date reviewed: \/ zzlql re!. fil-q7fl4,t'2 PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GTVEN that he Planning and Environmental Cornmlssion of the Town ol Vail will hold a oubtichearins In accorOanie w'rtri Secfion 1856.060 ol the Municipal Code of the To$rn of Vallon February 10, iggz, at 2:00-P,M. ln lhe Town ol Vail Municipal Bullding. In consideralion o[; A requost for a conditional use permit to allow for a Type ll EHU, locatcd at 992 Boaver Dam Ckclo/Lot 4, Block 'ft.Jd Vlllage 3td Filing. t'2' *pticant Howard Ko94l9 q tu i)pidnner: Tammle Wllliamson - 4ry t A reouest for a major amendment to sDD #.|7 to change the number of tots, located at 1502 Buflehr Creek RdJTracts A-1 & A-2, Parcel 2, [lons Rldge 2nd Filing. Aoplicanu Harou Brookseldnnet: Lauren Waterton A request fol additionat GRFA utilizing tho 250 ordinance, localed at 778 Potato Patch DrJLot 18, Block 1 . Vail Potalo Patch.' t:,. ADpticant: F ed BarllitPirinner: Tammle Williamson A requosl lor a resldentlal addition lor aq expanslon ot the livlng room. ulilizing the 250 Ordinance. located at lggasunburst Orlwl.ol 19, VallValley 3rd Filing. Appticant Nate AccatdoPidnnor: Lauren Waterlon A request lor a worksesslon to discuss variances hom sections 18'22'060 (setbacks)' 18'22'140. (Parklng)' i8.6l,ritii-Cormiin nllli i'nli ra^ez.bzolFeiiiiuge ol ACclssory uqelilb.qltow hj 11-qntry addition at the $ilbftier;i6cileO it e2Eist Meadow Drive/Part'ol Lot K, elocdS-E, Vail Villase lst Filing. Applioantl Sonnenalp Plopertl€s, Inc,, represenled by Henry Pratt Pldnner: Lauren Walerton A request lor a conditional use permit to ellow a Fractional Fee Club to be located at 242 East Meadow Drive/on a part of Tract c, Blodt 5-D, vail village Flr$ Flling. AFpllcant: Sonnenalp Propedies, Inc., represented by Gordon Piorce Pldnnsr: George Ruher A reguest for a linal review with the Des[gn Hevlew Board for the establishment gf qspgqalDgvelopment ijiiirja *iil nusiria HCul.'rociidO aiiiiEisi Mliaow Drtvelon a part of Tract c, Bbbk 5-D, Vail VillagE Flrst Flling. Appllcant:Sonnenalp Properties, Inc., tepresented by Gordon Pierce George Ruther A requesf tor a wor*sesslon to develop a ptefened altetnative for Gloss Residental Floor Atea (GRFA). Aoplicant: Town ol VajlPiinner: Rust Fortest The aoolications and Informetion about the proposals are available for publlc_lnspection dqlng regular ofllce ffi;Tfif,Affij,'ff;1affi;fi'rit[eioiiriil"iitiJfiwir or ve'rrcommiinitv Devbtoprnent oeflanment,75 souh Frontage Road. Sign6r€ur0ohterymtrl'nnavri|ebbrrponloquoslwith24hownofificd'ron, Ph.secall479'2114wicoq479'2350TDDlorhlbmalion Gommu ntv Detolopnettt Dopattmont h.tfulredJrntnryz4, tgeT h thovrl Ttril, JAH_23_97 THIJ 1q311 DOh| C EYERS rnrteu MAY AFFEcT YouR PRoPeRTY O P-el1 Plannel: L rtr oF Ar2 JAeaNr \rva Lo* 4 Lo1 ?-. g.Uy 4 g.J 1..\JaHN L. TYuE.R a66z E. ALAI4EDA AVs. ft?1 De,tl:lt-erco aoedl Loa 3 BLIAi VY?r8'Bf2r< 2X8 c-ua{ro$ *r )E ZeZ 4oe,.t[,ft-R ca ao?-a1 Lo.( 6 RLK" VVGTXI r. N,cNc{ ?. B1e-r'r77/el+ jbz A. 6€,elrgra Uasr (;r(Ltl Vatu c-o'bll-11 6. \.TARREN A. + wF. e MtuLEF- grrz l*lye-Z 6n a?.4,t Varg , oo cilb61 Lo'( | fALtA + VY 3nl ?eoeewy evt$?ct ao BLF 4 YSe,Ave.?Q*n CtSCve Lea PA.(r,l a I criluoro{ LrONa 1tarJs-' A!a1 f tu-lna?V 51. ?eNvEE e Ao?lo L.t.f ?- lil-,L+\rV 1r"f C$Zou vJeav 3cs+ptOt 3tat A. carufrN btlcauevlooo cD 6alto Lct i V LLF v{ ? r), t *||qr e*v LO.f fAj1. 1$A L^oF,eL Rnelo| W. (*e.xa ttJ FAwb, oilta, Q(ezL TH|S |TEM MAY AFFECT YOUR PROPEBW lPUBLIC NOTTCE ,q.*v NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the-Town of ,/\ Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on March 24, 1997, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building' ln consideration of: A request for a major exterior alteration in CC1, at the A & D Building, located at 286 Bridge StreeuLots A, B, & C, Block 5A, Vail Village 1st Filing. Applicant: 286 Bridge Streel, lnc., represented by Craig SnowdonPlanner: Dominic Mauriello A request for a major exterior alteration in CC1, at the Creekside Building, located at 229 Gore Creek Drive/Lot A, Block 58, Vail Village 'lst Filing. Applicant: Michael Ditch, represented by Dave CarsonPlanner: Lauren Waterton A request for a minor SDD amendment to Special Development District No. 30 at the Vail Athletic Club, located at 352 E. Meadow Drive/Parcels A & B, VailVillage 1st Filing. Applicant: VWT 1987 Limited Partnership, represented by John PerkinsPlanner: George Ruther A request for a residential addition, utilizing the 250 Ordinance, located at 778 Potato Patch Drive/Lot 18, Block 1, Vail Potato Patch. Applicant: Fred Bartlit, represented by Bill AndersonPlanner: Tammie Williamson A request for a major exterior alteration and minor subdivision at Gasthof Gramshammer, focated aI231 E. Gore Creek Dr./Part of Lot A, Block 58, VailVillage 1st Filing. Pepi Gramshammer, represented by Pierce, Segerberg, & Associates George Ruther Applicant: Planner: A request for a worksession to discuss a conditional use permit to allow Type lll EHUs for seasonal housing, located at 1309 Vail Valley Drive/legally described as: beginning at the Northwest corner of Section 9, Township 5 South, Range 80 west of the Sixth Principal Meridian thence S 89'31?9" E 2333.84 feet, along the North line of said Section 9, to a point on lhe northerly righl-of-way fence line of Interstate Highway No. 70 thence along the northerly right-of-way fence line of Inlerstate Highway No. 70 as follows: S 67"41'33" W 415.82 feet; thence S78'13'02" W 1534.29 teet, to a point of curvature; thence 456.43 fest on a curvs to the right with a radius of 5580.00 feet, the chord of which bears S80'33'38" W 456.30 feet to a point on the Westerly line of said Section 9: thence departing the northerly rightof-way fence line of Interslate Highway No. 7O and following the Westerly line of said Seclion I N00"i8'21'E 565,'1 1 feel to the point of beginning. iz ^nt/ offii:l',," t'" ?lv Applicant: Town of Vail, represented by Andy Knudtsen and Susie HervertPlanner: Dominic Mauriello A request lor two 250's to allow lor a Type ll EHU, located at 392 Beaver Dam Circle/Lot 4, . Block 3, Vail Village 3rd Filing. - t_lplicant: Howard Koenig fl$anner: Tammie Williamson The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspeclion during regular office hours in the prilject planner's otfice located aithe Town of Vail Communiiy Development Department, TS South Fronlage Road. Sign language interprelation available upon request with 24 hour nolificalion. Please call 479-2114 voice or 479-2356 TDD for information. Gommunhy D€velopmont Department PublishEd March 7, 1997 in thE Vail Trall. THIS ITEM MAY AFFECT YOUR PROPERTY PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the Municipal Code ol the Town of Vail on March 10, 1997, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. In consideration of: A request to develop a preferred alternative for Gross Residential Floor Area (GRFA) for single- lamily, duplex and primary/secondary. Applicant: Town of VailPlanner: Russ Forrest A request for an interior addition, utilizing the 250 Ordinance, located in the One Vail Place Building, 244Wall StreeVa resubdivision of Lot C, Block 5-C, VailVillage 1st Filing. Applicant: Mr. Jared Drescher, represented by Robert BoymerPlanner: Dirk Mason A request for a conditional use permit to allow Type lll EHUs for seasonal housing, located at 1309 Vail Valley Drive/legally described as: beginning at the Northwesl corner of Section 9, Township 5 South, Range B0 west of the Sixth Principal Meridian thence S 89"31'49" E 2333.84 feet, along the North line of said Seclion 9, to a point on the northerly righl-ot-way fence line of Interslale Highway No. 70 lhence along the northerly righl-of-way fence line of Inlerstate Highway No. 70 as lollows: S 67"41'33" W 415.82 feet;thence S78'13'02" W 1534.29 feet, to a poinl ofcurvaturs; thence 456.43 feel on a curve to the right wilh a radius of 5580.00 feel,lhe chord of which bears 580'33'38" W 456.30 feel to a frinl on the Westerly line of said Seclion 9: thence departing the northerly right-of-way fence line of Inlerstate Highway No. 70 and following the Westerly line of said Seclion I N00'i8'21"E 565.1 1 feet lo the poinl ol beginning. Applicant: Town of Vail, represented by Andy Knudtsen and Susie HervertPlanner: Dominic Mauriello A request for additional GRFA to allow for an addition to the living room, utilizing the 250 Ordinance, located at 758 Potato Patch Drive/Lot 5, Block 2, Vail Potato Patch. Applicant: Tony & Terry Perry, represented by Eric JohnsonPlanner: Lauren Waterton A request for a final plat review, located at 1502 Buffer Creek Road/Lots A1 & A2, Lions Ridge Subdivision 2nd Filing. Applicant: Harold & Barbara Brooks, represented by lsom and AssociatesPlanner: Lauren Walerton A request for a minor subdivision to allow for an elevator addition to the Lodge Tower parcel, located at 200 Vail Road/Lot A, Block 5-1, Vail Village First Filing. Applicant: Lodge Properties, Inc., represented by Jay PetersonPlanner: Dominic Mauriello I *rl oI' Wt" li\u+4f ".,zl tsit r A request tor an amendment to the development plan lo allow lor outdoor ski storage, located at 458 Vail Valley Drive/Tract F, Vail Village Sth Filing and Tract B, Vail Village 7th Filing, commonly referred to as the Golden Peak Ski Base. Applicant: Vail Associates, Inc.Planner: Lauren Waterton A request for a residential addition for an expansion of the living room, utilizing the 250 Ordinance, located at 1998 Sunburst Drive/Lot 19, VailValley 3rd Filing. Applicant: Nate AccardoPlanner: Lauren Waterton A request for a conditional use permit to allow for a Type ll EHU, located at 392 Beaver Dam - Xircle/Lot 4, Block 3, Vail Village 3rd Filing. frprcant: Howard KoenigPlanner: Tammie Williamson The applications and informalion about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular office ho_urs in the projeit planner's office located at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification. Please call 479-2114 voic.e o( 479-2356 TDD for information. Communily Developmen'l Deparlment Published February 21, 1997 in lhe Vail Trail. -v\t plicant: Planner: Howard Koenig Tammie Williamson ruEM tit tlffftlYoun PBoPttl NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental commission of the Town of Vail will hold a oublic hearino in accordanie with Section f 4.6e.060 of ihe Municipat Code of the Town of Vail on February 10' i6t; "itgg i.m. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. In consideration or: request for a conditional use permit to allow lor a Type ll EHU, located at 392 Beaver Dam circle/Lot 4' Block l/ail Village 3rd Filing. A reouest for a major amendment to SDD #17 to change the number of lots, located at 1502 Buffehr Creek Rd./Tracts A-1 & A-2, Parcel 2, Lions Ridge 2nd Filing' Applicant: Harold BrooksPianner: Lauren Waterton A request for additional GRFA utilizing the 250 ordinance, located at 778 Potato Patch Dr./Lot 18, Block 1 ' Vail Potato Patch. Applicant: Fred BartlitPianner: Tammie Williamson A request for a residenlial addition for an expansion of the living room, utilizing the 250 ordinance, located at 199&sunburst Drive/Lot 19, VailValley 3rd Filing' Applicant: Nate AccardoPlanner: Lauren Waterton A request for a worksession to discuss variances lrom Sections 18.22.060 (Sebacfs)' t8,2-2a]40 (Parking)' i 8"01:130 Gommon Areiiino r aii.ozo (percentage of nccessory_Uges) tb allow for an entry addition at the SwGs Chaiet, located at ebEast Meadow Drive/Part'of Lot K, Blocli 5-E, Vail Village 1st Filing. Applicant: Sonnenalp Properties, Inc., represented by Henry Pratt Planner: Lauren Waterton A request for a conditional use permit to allow a Fractional Fee Club to be located at242East Meadow Drive/on a pari of Tract C, Block 5-D, Vail Village First Filing. Applicant: Sonnenalp Properties, Inc., represented by Gordon Pierce Pianner: George Ruther A request for a final review with the DgsiSl Review Board for the establishment of lSpgclal D.evelopment-. District #85, Austria naul, toCiieoliz+z-east tvteidow orive/on a part of Tract C, Block 5-D, Vail Village First Filing. Applicant: Sonnenalp Properties, Inc.' represented by Gordon Pierce Planner: George Ruther A request for a worksession to develop a preferred alternative for Gross Residential Floor Area (GRFA)' Applicant: Town of VailPianner: Russ Forrest The appticafions and information about the proposals are qyqil.?qle for public-inspection during-regular office nourijfi tne project ptanneis ot1ce tocate<i at inJiown or Vaii commlnity Devblopment Department, 75 South Frontage Road. Sign language interpretation available upon roquest with 24 hour notification. Community Development Departmenl Published ianuary 24, 1997 in thE Vail Trail. rt,ild lul llCttElqlS:I8lrt(I $ilA\fg8 i I----T-1-- SCNI(I|SITU Itv(I USArrJS. ./v lit.---:.J! \/V iiii-riiiiiiiiil-ii { ii iiilirii\ li ti ',i .* li \\. ll__:.__ l! _-- ,.;,' lf tlliri il rl I i--ii---ii Iitiiil I_t-__ I I I IIrl --"t I =i-r-==--J' s 3l F| EI g|} 't I I 1I I t; I ri+i t:lltlll r ll tcAEl(Itsitu fllq u3/tr|:t8 =l 5lEil slI FI 3li l ,:i!---f--- -----+ iF$tHl {- h. JE Sl.r,r I I IlT!,: I --o--- I ZONE CHECK -Ass Zonc distict Allorvcd rotar GRFA 4frL + &fo =8341 S6'16 ean arycRFA -+ (425) (675+) =E !B- j0 /l Scronaary GRFA + (425) (675*) =Zjlh__ Sctbacks Front Sidcs Rcar I-andscaping Rctaining Wall Hcigbts Parking Garagc Credit Drivcway Minimum Requned:L{- Pcrmitted. Slope h y"Proposed Slope '7 o/o Yes ../ No Ycs ',- flq 4) Water Course Setback (30) (5q Nlk pnonc Gon) bZ 3 - 3355 t4+ (zoz)(o zz _ zzbz hoooscd usc 7t 5 Buildabtearca 25. Z'7 3 l,roposco I otal @= : nh4 sl;ol 7360 \11 RcmainingExisting 20' l5' l5' ZD i5rlf t€ /5///d4 @rs' a 5 Encloscd (3oo)(600)(eoo@ Complics rvith TOV Lighting Ordinancc Arc finishcd gradcs less than 2:l (50%) Envi ronrncn tal,/llazards 5) Geologic Hazards a) SnorvAvalanchq b) RocHdl c) Dcbris Flow Pro'ious conditions of approval (check property filc): r{Ou6 / Ouncr- llowAr?o l) Pcrccnt Slopc (< >30%1 t//* 2)Floodplain Nl' ls thc propcrty non-conforming? Dxmbc: N/t DESIGNREVIEW CMCKLIST Projcct: Q suawy Scalc Benchmark t . Lcgal dcscription i,. LOt Stze Buildable Area Easemcnts Topognphy i00yr. floodplain Watcr Course Sctback Environmental Haztrds Trees Utility locations E FLooRPLAi.Is Scalc GRFA 250 additional GRFA Crarvl\Attic Spacc EHU Q BUILDhIGELEVATIoNS Scale Col or\Iv{aterials Roof pitch tr LANDSCAPEPLAN Efsting tces proposed trees Legend MISCELLANEOUS Condo Approval Title rcporr (A & B) Utility.verifi cati on form photos ofsirc Buil ding material sampl cs C.O. Verification Sun\Shade Anglcs Utiliti es (undergrorurd) Vierv Corridors Varianccs plat restrictions Spot elcvafions tr sreprAN Scale Building Height Encroachments Setbacks Site Covcrage EaveVOverhangs (4) Decks/Balconies :- Garage conncction Site Grade\Slope Retaining Walls Fences TumingRadius Drivcway (access and grade) Snow Storage \ Firc Access '" T CoPy 75 South Frontage Road Vail" Colorado 81657 970-479,2t3V479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 March26,1997 Howard Kocnig 7 Breakcr's Islc Dana Point, CA.92629 Department of Communiry Development RE: Conditional Use Pcrmit for Typc ll EHU locatcd at 392 Bcaver Dam Circle Dear Mr. Koenig: The Planning and Environmcntal Commission (PEC) at thcir rcgularly schedulcd mccting of March 24, | 997, approvcd your rcqucst for a conditional usc pcrmit to allow for a Typc II Employcc Housing unit. This approval canicd with it thc following conditions: L That thc onc-car garagc bc appropriatcly dccd rcstrictcd for cxclusivc usc by thc occupant of thc EHU. 2. That any drainagc or cnvironmcntal issucs bc subjcct to thc rcvicw and approval ofthc Public Works Dcpartmcnt and Environmcntal Hcalth Division' 3. That any roa{ cuts for the purposc ofutility location. bc subjcct to thc rcvicw and approval of thc Public Works DcPartmcnt. 4. That thc applicant submit for rcvicw and approval by thc DRB, a construction staging plan. indicating t-hc limits of disturbancc and trcc protcction mcasurcs for thc sitc' 5. That no dcmo/rebuild, building or grading pcrmits witl bc issucd by thc Community Development Dcpartment untii thc Army Corp. of Enginccr's has rcviewed and approvcd the application. If you have any questions regarding this approval, plcase contact me at (970X79-2142. You are scheduled for final review ofthe design, by the DRB on April 2, 1997 ' Sincerely, cU" g'//)Y"*"<4,- Tammie Williamson Town Planncr cc: William Rcslock {g*onuoruo flLt c0Py TO: FROM: DATE: SU&JECT: ilE]IIORANDUU Planning and Environmental Commission Department of Community Development March 24, 1997 A request for a conditional use permit to allow for lT_ype ll EHU, located at 392 Beavbr Dam Circle/Lot 4, Block 3, Vail Village 3rd Filing. Applicant: Howard Koenig Planner: Tammie Williamson I. BACKGROUND AND DESGRIPflON OFTHE REOUESTS GBFA In 1985, fre VaitTown Councilapproved Ordinance 4, Series of 1985, which created ClqRter (1g.71) of the Vail Municipal cod'e, entitled "Additional Gross Residential Floor Area." This bnapt6r ailows for up to isg square leet of additional Gross Residential Floor Area (GRFA) to be adctid to a dwelling (OeyonO thb maximum atlowance), provided certain criteria are met. The prrpose oi the Add-itionil GRFA Ordinance is to providd an inducement for the upgrading of bxiiring dwelling units and also for the provision of employee housing units' According to Section 18,57.050 (BXs)(Type ll Employee Housing Unit, GeneralConditions)' "An applicant shall be permitted to apply to the community D-e-velopment Department of. the Tbwn for additionai GRFA, not td'eiceed five hundred (500) square leet to be used in the construction of the EHU." with this proposal, the applicant is requesting to use 500 sq. ft. oJ GRF4,.in he construction of a Type 1 emptbyee Housin! Unit at 39?Beavel Dam Circle/Lot 4, Block 3, Vail Village 3rd Filing. triinis prop'osi, tne apptiiant wishes to construct a 502 sq. ft., Type ll Employee.Housing Unit' attach6d tb the west dt'the proposed primary/secondary dwelling units. The applicant's proposed floor plans and building elevatibns, illustratirig the Type ll Employee Housing Unit, have been attached for reference. The lot currently has a two-story wood and stucco structure on it, however, the applicant is. proposing to demolish the exisfrng single family structure and rebuild a new primary/secondary . iesiOence wirh a one-bedroom EFU (iitn a gOb square loot garage) anached to the west side of the secondary structure. f :bveryone$ec\memos\<oenig.324 TYPE II EHU Additionally, the applicant, Howard Koenig, is requesting approval to colstruct a Type ll EHU to be attachei to the west portion of the pririary/seionOary residence. ln September and bli"rUet of 1 992, the iown Council 'passei Ordinanc6s I and 27 , Series of 1 992' to create a ne* Cniptet tA.Si - emptoyee Housing, for the addition of Employee Housing Units (EHUs) as peirittedoi conditional uses within ceiain zone districts withiri the Town of Vail. The definition in that ordinance states: Section 18.04.105 (in Part) Empto)ree Holrsinfi Uhit tLttUl shall mean a dwelling unit which shall not be leased or rent;d for any peridO less than'thirty (30) consecutive days, and shall be rented only to tenants who are turr-iime emptoyeei bt eagb County. EHUs shall be allowed in certain zone districts as set torth in bnipter t 8 otlhis Code, Development standards lor EHUs shall be as provided in Ghapter ie.SZ - Employee Housing.. For the purposes of this Section, a tltp1me empbyde shall mean a peison who works a minimum of an average of thirty (30) hours Per week." PuJsuant to Section 18.57.050(8) of the Vail Municipal Code, in part, a Type ll Employee.Housing Unit shall be a conditionat use inine Primary/Secondary Residential Zone District: "it shall be pririneO on iorc wnlcn meet the minimum lot sizereqriirement; be.anached to, or located within' i single{amily dwelling or two_family dwelling; not harie more than two bedrooms; shall have one pa*iig spac6 per bedioom, witn a i00 squaie foot garage credit available to help meet the enclosed parking space reguirement'' II. ZONING ANALYSIS Legal Address: 392 Beaver Dam CirclE/Lot 4, Block 3 Vail Village 3rd Filing. Lot Size: Zoning: 25,273.5 sq. tt. / 0.s802 Primary/Secondary Residenlial Use: Primary/secondary dwelling units with a Type ll Employee Housing Unit Allowed GRFA, with an additional 5,847 sq. ft. 500 sq. tt. of GRFA: Site Goverage: Setbacks: front: sides: rear: Landscaping: Parking: 5,055 sq. ft., o( 20o/" 20' 15" 15' 1E, 15, 164 sq. fl., or 600/" Prooosed 5,651 sq. ft. 4,239 sq. ft.,or 17o/" 20' 15" 15' 15' 16,208 sq. ft.,ot64T" 6.5 required spaces (1 enclosed) I proposed spaces (5 enclosed) f :bveryone\pec\memos\koenig.324 Upon review of Section 18.60, the Community Development Department recommends approval of the conditional use permit based upon the following factors: A. Consideration of Factors: Before acting on a conditional use permit application, the Planning and Environmental Commission-(PEo) shall consider ihe tactors with lespect to the proposed use: 1. Relatlonshlp and impact of the use on ths development oblectlves of theTown. when the Town Gouncil adopted the Town of vail Atfordable Housing Study on November 20, 1990, it recognized the need to increase the suppiy of housing. The Town encourages EHUs as-a means of providing qu'aiity tiving coniitions and expandinglhe suppty of emplgyee housing for dotn fear-r6und and seasonaliesidents. The proposed. EH.U will have a positive impact on the Town's housing needs, by providing housing for employees. 2. The ettect of the use on llght and alr, dlstrlbutlon of population' transpona$on facllitles, utilities, schools, parks and recreation facilities, and other public facilities needs. statf believes that there will be little impact from the proposed Type ll EHU on light, air, population, transportation, utilities' schools or parks' 3. Effect upon tEfflc with panicular reference to congestion, automotive and ped-estrian safiety and convenience, tlaffac flow and control, access, maneuverability, and removal of snow from the strset and parking areas. The site currenty has a single-family, two-story structure that the applicant proposes to deniolisn. The proposdd redevelopment is compatible with.. ihe'existing development in fre'neighborhood, therefore, little impact will be associated with this proposal. 4. Effect upon the character of the area in which the proposed use is to be located, includlng the scale and bulk of the proposed use in relation to sunoundlng uses. The scale and bulk of the proposed structure is very similar to those in existence in the surroundiirg neighborhood. GRFA for the proiect will not exceed the maximum allowed per the code. B. Findings The Planning and Environmental Commission shall make thefollowing findings before grantlng a condltlonal use permit for a Type ll Employee Housing unit: t:\everyo ne\pec\memos\koenig. 324 That the proposed location of the use is in accordance with the purposes of this ordinance and the purposes of he district in which the site is located. That the proposed location of the use and the conditions under which it *outO Oe opbrated or maintained would not be detrimentalto the public health, safdty, or welfare or materially injurious to properties or improvements in he vicinitY. That the proposed use would comply wih each of the applicable provision-s oi titte 18 of the Vail Municipal Code' IV. STAFF RECOMilENDATION The Community Development Department staff recommends approval of the applicants_request for a conditiondt use peimit to coristruct a Type ll EHU at 392 Beaver Dam Circle/ Lot 4 Block 3' Vail Village 3rd Filing subject to the following findings: 1. That the proposed location of the use is in accordance with the purposes of this Oidin'ance and the purposes of the disrid in which the site is located. Z. That the proposed location of the use and the conditions under which it would be'op'erated or maintained would not be detrimental to the public health, satety, or welfare or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. That the proposed use would comply with each of the applicable provisions of Title 18 of the Vail Municipal Code. Staff recommends approval of the applicant's request with the following conditions: 1. That the one-car garage be appropriately deed restricted for exclusive use by the occupant of the EHU. 2. That any drainage or environmental issues be subject to the.rwiew and approvat of the Public Works Department and Environmental Health Division. 3. That any road cuts for the purpose of utility location' be subject to the review and approval of the Public Works Department. 4. That the applicant submit for review and approval by the DRB' a. constructi6n staging plan, indicating the limits of disturbance and tree protection measures for the site. 5. That no demo/rebuild, building or grading permits will be issued by the Community Development Oefartment untit tne Army Corp. of Engineer's has reviewed and approved the application' 1. 2. 3. € E :a "Eq lJi E3E E9 Eaa 6.E9 :til TE IE iq t es lg rii o*b a t-- I tr'1, .fi Et! tII E uu a .SE iiit , a / !q?E E!liI 3 a I F /;,ol,j -o l' t 11 :ll ., l:r 'iiii iiiir ,iii$ 1 I I I I I _-+.J -t -{' I ;,ldt** i:i iiiFflffi iii!!i:li-{|. 'ir:l:i:r r,r itt|liiii iiir iiiiii * iirii llliii ; i'rii o rF?llF;l& llCttlgCISgU nvq USAV3S (;L tfi,ifiir --t lo ft T rllrttlilllil DI{ I t\ \ I I iI I 5 o II If lr I l"(\o ., I tt q I I $ {i-r gd-,' J t\!-t: | \d '-n1''{ i'.,.)iEl j/"{:'f i \l'' I ,t i+Jiiti,).v/ 'Jrffi 7; io i _l_ :rcmqtsiru nvo ulutvts T- {tlttrl lll In||tf rlll. ilfill .i d ( ( I )I I I I I fe. hiliiilitos I ! k ol r$ fit[ilfirt+@e s MEMORANDTJM TO: FROM: DATE: File ,n -\ Tamrnie Williarnson, Planner O>ktJC-rt March 20, 1997 suBJECT: Conceptual Review of 392 Beaver Dem clrcle by the Design Revlew Board The DRB reviewed the plans submitted for the primary/secondary resid€nce with an EHIJ at 392 Beaver Dam Circle at their regularly scheduledmeeting on Wednesday, Maroh, 19, 1997' The following corrnents were prorriied by the DRB regarding the design of the stnrcture' The issue of the rnost c,oncern to the DIiB seemed io be the removal of a number of substantial size trees that are on the site. The use of materials and the overall design appeared to please the DRB' With regard to the structure, the DRB felt the chimneys were too tall. The fireplace seemed out of scale as it related to the entirc structure. The applican was instructed to come back to the final DRB review with a tnee preservation plan as wetl as timits of distrbance for the site, to include the wetlands on the site. Agcnda last rcviscd 4/03/97 9 ant DESIGN REVIEW BOARD AGENDA Wcdnesday, April 2, 1997 3:001'.M. PROJECT ORIENTATION dlQ LUNCII - Community Devclopment Department lz45 MEMBERS PRESENT Brcnt Alm Tcd Hingst Bill Picrcc Grcg Amsdon'(PEC) SITE VISITS - l. Burgcrmcistcr - | 502 Buffchr Crcck Road 2. .Pctcrs - 4193 Sprucc Way Drivcr:Laurcn MEMBERS ABSENT Clark Brittain 2zl5 PUBLIC IIEARING - TOWN COUNCII, C}IAMBERS t. 2. 3. 3:00 4. Swcaring in of thc ncw DRB mcmbcr (Bill Picrcc) - Holly McCutchcon, Town Clcrk. Elcction of DRB Chairpcrson and Vicc-Chairpcrson for a onc-ycar tcrm (4/97-4198). Chairpcrson - Brcnt Alm No Vicc-Chairpcrson sclcctcd at this timc. Pctcrs - Ncw rcsidcncc attachcd to an cxisting unit Laurcn 4l93 Sprucc Way/Lot 12, Block 9, Bighorn 3rd Addition' Applicanl Stcvcn Pctcrs, rcprcscntcd by Stcvc lsom MOTION: Tcd Flingst SEC0ND: Crcg Amsdcn VOTE:4-0 APPROVED WITH 4 CONDITIONS - l. That 3 sprucc and 3 aspen be added to thc west side. 2, That a trce mitigation plan be provided. 3. That limits of disturbance be shown on the sitc plan. 4, That the railing on the existing structure be replaced to meet code and match thc nelv railing and thc T-11I be replaced with woo{ siding. Burgermeister - New single-family residence ! 1502 Buffehr Creek Road/Tract A, Parccl A, Lions Ridge Filing #2. Applicant: Michael Burgcrmeister, representod by Steve Isom CONCEPTUAL REVIEW. NO VOTE 5, Vail Athlctic Club - Final rcvicw of Phasc l[ rcdcvcloprncnt/rcnovation Mikc 352 E. Mcadow Drivc/Parccls A & B. Vail Villagc First Filing. Applicant: JWT 1987 Limitcd Partncrship, rcprcscntcd by John Pcrkins MOTION:Tcd Hingst SECOND: BillPicrce VOTE:4-0 TABLED UNTIL APRIL 16,1997 6. Lcach - Final rcvicw of a ncw singlc-family rcsidcncc Tammic 1390 Buffchr Crcck RoadiEnvelopc B, Parccl 4, Lions Ridge Filing #2. Applicant: David and Jody Leach, rcprcscntcd by Bob Mach MOTION: Ted Hingst SECOND: BillPicrcc VOTE:4-0 APPROVED WITII 3 CONDITIONS. I . That thc split-facc granite bc changed to a Buff Colorado sandstonc to be laid in an ashlar/brick fashion. 2. That thc railing dctails and colors shall bc rcvicwcd and approved by staff.3. That thc plat be propcrly cxccutcd prior to thc issuancc oiany building pcrmits. 7, Kocnig Rcsidcncc - Final rcvicw of a primaryisccondary with an EHU Tammic 392 Bcavcr Dam Circlc/Block 3, Lot 4, Vail Villagc 3rd. Applicant Howard Kocnig, rcprcscntcd by Bill Rcslock MOTION: Tcd lJingst SECOND: Crcg Amsdcn VOTE:4-0 APPROVED ti, lnformation Updatc: o Elcction of 1997 officcrs. Namc Tcrm Expirc Tcrms Scrvcd Bill Picrcc 03/31/99 03/97-03/99 (t) Brcnt Alm 03131/99 04/95-03/99 (Z) Clark Brittain 03/31/98 03/96-03/98 (l) Ted Hingst 0313t198 03/96-03/98 (l) I 997 PEC Representative John Schofield Jan. - Mar. Gcnc Uselton Apr.- Jun. Galen Aasland Jul. - Sept. TBD Oct. - Dec. Staff Approvals Red Sandstone Elementary - New chain link fence Dirk 551 N. Frontage Rd./Lot 8, Block 2,Yail Potato Patch lst Applicant: Eagle County School District : \ l, ;i.; .4,,, ,, Drcschcr - Windorv acl<lition Dirk 244 Wnllstrcct/Lot L, Clock 5-C, VailVillagc lst Filing Applicant: Jarcd Drcschcr Jaurcgui - Dcck cnclosure Dirk 600 Vail Vallcy Drivc, #A-l3A''lorthwoods Applicant: Migrrcl Jaurcgui Mariscal - Dcck cnclosurc Dirk 600 Vail Vallcy Drivc, #A-15/ Northwoods Applicant Josc Mariscal Sprucc Crcck Townhomcs - Color changc and rcroof Dirk 1750 S. Fror;tpgc Rd. WcsUSprucc Crcck Townhomcs Applicant: ' Sprucc Creck Townhomes Association lnnsbruck Mcaclows - Alterations to prcviously approved plans Georgc Kinnickinnick Road/Lot 2, Intcrmountain. Applicant: Bob Bornc, rcprcsented by Sally Brainard Bartlit - Two 250's with minor extcrior altcration Tamrnic 778 Potato Patch Drivc/Lot 18, Block I, Vail Potato Patch. Applicant: Frcd Bartlit, rcprcscntcd by Laura Nash CNC Wcst Vail Mall - Sign Dirk 2l5l N. Frontagc Rd. Wcst Applicant: Mikc Nudd Ross - Rcroof Dirk 1297 Yail Vallcy Drivc/Lot l, Block 3, Vail Vallcy I st. Applicant: Don Ross Pitkin Crcek Condos - Rcroof and cavc cxtcnsions Dirk 4021 Bighom Rd./Pitkin Creek Park Applicant: PitkinCreekCondominiumAssociation DirkGuinness - Window and door installation 950 Red Sandstone Road, Unit 6 Applicant: John & Christiana Guinness Saldanha - Deck expansion Dirk 1380 Westhaven Drive/Lot 22, Glen Lyon Applicanl Stcphan Saldanha | ' 'l'hc applications and inlormation about the proposals arc available for public inspection during regular office hours in thc project piunn.i'r ofti.", located at the Town of VaiiCommunity Development Department, ?5 South Frontage Road' Sign languagc interprcration available upon request with 24 hour notification. Please call4?9-2l14.yoiceor479-2356TDD for inlormation. 3 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 I 3 8/479-2 I 39 FAX 970-479-2452 D e p artrne nt of C omrnunity Deve lopment April3, 1997 Howard Kognig 7 Breaker's'Isle Dana Point. C/..92629 RE: DRB Final Review of the Primary/Secondary Residence at 392 Beaver Dam . Circle Dcar Mr. Kocnig: Thc Dcsign Rcvicw Board at thcir rcgularly schcdulcd mccting on April 2, 1997 approvcd your rcqucst for a ncw Primary/Sccondary rcsidcncc with a Type II EHU, located at 392 Bcavcr Dam Circlc. This approval includod thc sitc disturbancc plan and thc chimney elcvations. ffyou have any qucstions conccrningthis approval, plcasc contact mc at (970) 479-2142. Sinccrcly, d*; #. l,/,t1,aua^- Tammie Williamson Town Planner {P ro'""*'u"' /It Wi I I ian F. Reslock 7233 E. Costilla Place Englewood, CO 80112(303) 773-9578 TO: Town of Vail Community Development Department RE: 0392 Beaver Dam CircleLot 4, Block 3, VV 3rd Filing Employee Housing Unit f,te are requesting additional square footage (250 SF perunit) in order to include an employee housing unit in ourprimary/ secondary project, Our proposal will have minimal impact concerning light, airquality, distribution of population, transportationfacilities, utilities, schools, parks and recreationfacilities and any other public facilities in the Town ofVail. This project will have sufficient parking on site includingan additional 300 SF of garage Bpace for the employeehousing unit. In addition, adequate snow storage will beprovided on site. We feel that there will be minimal impactconcerning traffic and pedestrian patterns as well asmaneuverability and access through the neighborhood. The residences we &re proposing fit well within the existingneighborhood. The massing of the building is articulated insuch a way that as many trees as poesible will be saved. Thebuilding offsets from the street which will also help makethe project less imposing in appearance, We appreciate your consideration and request your approvalfor the employee housing unit and its additional square footage. Sincerely, V-'FR';,,-.t- Wi I I iam F, Reslock I ,4 ' revised 3117193 =- Hearing Date Hearing Date Hearing Date DRB Date DRB Date A.il. Type lV EHU PEC Conditional Use DRB Date Type V EHU DRB Hearing Date rl I NAME OF PETITIONER Hzh,ARD KA U hI I q 1 B??ty-E;Fa2 l+wz Tt+-An5 MAILING ADDRESS b;i'; oo,t'lt C* nZCL1 euoNe oO11 NAME OF PETITIONER'S REPRESE NTATIVEWILULP FZ' LOCIT NAME OF OWN SIGNATUR vEe &a MAILING ADDRESS D.LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: c. STREET ADDRESS O O?2 6erv* l2Arn CrF<,r_6 ilt. Application oarel - 13 -11 APPLICATION FOR AN EMPLOYEE HOUSING UNIT (EHU) INCLUDING A CONDITIONAL USE APPLICATION AND A DESIGN REVIEW BOARD APPLICATION TYPE OF REQUEST: REVIEWS THAT ARE REQUIBED: o Submittal Type I EHU Type ll EHU Type lll EHU DRB Hearing Dale PEC Conditional Use PEC Conditional Use MAIL'NG ooo ="r13e3&un?;2! +',i.f' pHoN*Z:fr"z or type H"koe.N r LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOTd BLOCK 3 FILING 3xo E.LoT AREn .5 9o Z A.n e: F. Fee: No EHU application fee, 250 fee, or conditional use fee is required for an EHU request. A Deslgn Revlew Board (DRB) fee ls requlred. G. Please include stamped, addressed envelopes and list of the names of the owners of all properly adjacent to the subject property. H. Please include proof of condominium association approval, if applicable. CRTTERIA Section 18.04.105 - Definition An Employee Housing Unil (EHU) shall mean a dwelling unit which shall nol be leased or renled for any period less lhan thirty (30) conseculive days, and shall be rented only lo lenants who are full-lime employees in Eagle County. Development standards for EHUS shall be as provided in Chapter 18.57 - Employee Housing. For the purposes ot lhis Section, a full-lime employee shall mean a person who works a minimum of an average of thirty (30) hours per week. There shall be tive (5) categories of EHUs: Type l, Type ll, Type lll, Type lV and Type V. Provisions relating to each type of EHU are set forlh in Chapter 18.57 - Employee Housing ol this Code. 't8.57.020 - Employee Housino Units (EHU) Generallv A) A chan attached lo lhis applicalion form illustrates the requirements tor each type of EHU. B) No employee housing unit which is constructed in accordance with this Chapter shall be subdivided or divided into any form of time shares, interval ownerships, or fractional fes. C) All types of EHUs may be leased, but only to tenants who ars full-time employees who work in Eagle Counly. An EHU shall not be leased lor a period less than thirty (30) conseculive days. For the purposes ol this Section, a fulFtime omployee is ons who works an average of a minimum ol thirty (30) hours each week. il. APPIO\ToN FoR coNDrroNAL usE efr PRE.APPLICATION CONFERENCE: A pre-application conference with a planning staff member is strongly suggested to determine if any additional inlormation is needed. No application will be accepted unless it complete (must include all items required by the zoning administrator). lt is the applicant's responsibility to make an appointment with the staff to lind out about additional submittal requirements. APPLICATION IN FORMATION Four (4) copies of the following information must be submitted: 1. A description of the precise nature of the proposed use and its operating characteristics and measures proposed to make the use compatible with other properties in the vicinity. The description must also address: a. Relationship and impact of the use on development objectives of the Town. b. Effect of the use on light and air, distribution ol population' transportation facilities, utilities, schools, parks and recreation facilities, and other public facilities and public facilities needs. c. Effect upon traffic, with particular reference to congestion, automotive and pedestrian safety and convenience, traffic flow and control, access, maneuverability, and removal ol snow from the streets and parking area. d. Etfect upon the character of the area in which the proposed use is to be located, including the scale and bulk of the proposed use in relation to surrounding uses. A site plan at a scale of at least 1' = 20' showing proposed developmenl of the site, including topography, building locations, parking, tratfic circulation, useable open space, landscaped areas and utilities and drainage teatures. Preliminary building elevations and floor plans. A title report to verify ownership and easements. ll the building is condominiumized, a letter from the condominium association in support of the proposal must be submitted to staff. Any additional material necessary for the review of the application as determined by the zoning administrator. 2. 3. 4. c. o. DRB AftrcATroN - TowN oF vArL. coL I. TYPE OF BEVIEW: \ *"r Construction ($2OO.0O) -Minor Atteration ($20.00) Addition ($50.00)Conceptual Review ($0) ll. DRB FEE: DRB fees, are to be paid at the time of submittal of DRB application. Later, when applying lor a building permit, please identify the accurate valuation of the proposal. The Town of Vail will adjust the lee according to the table below, to ensure the correct fee is paid. FEE PAID: $ FEE SCHEDULE: VALUATION FEE $ 0 -$ 10,000 $20.00$10'001 -$ 50,000 $50.00 $ 50'001 - $ 150'000 $100.00 $150,000 -$ 500,000 $200.00 $500,000 -$1,000,000 $400.00Over -$1,000,000 $500.00 III. IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBMISSIONS TO THE DRB: A. ln addition to meeting submittal requirements, the applicant must stake and tape the project site to indicate property lines, building lines and building corners. Alltrees to be removed must be taped. All site tapings and staking must be completed prior to the DRB site visit. The applicant must ensure that staking done during the winter is not buried by snow. B. The review process for NEW BUILDINGS normally requires two separate meetings of the Design Review Board: a conceptual approval and a final approval. Applicants should plan on presenting their development proposal at a minimum of two meetings belore obtaining final approval. C. Applicants who fail to appear before the Design Review Board on their scheduled meeting date and who have not asked in advance that discussion on their item be postponed, will have their items removed trom the DRB docket until such time as the item has been republished. D. The following items may, at the discretion of the zoning administrator, be approved by the Community Development Department statf (i.e. a formal hearing before the DFIB may not be required): a. Windows, skylights and similar exterior changes which do not alter the existing plane ot the building; and b. Building addition proposals not visible from any other lot or public space. At the time such a proposal is submitted, applicants must include letters from adjacent property owners and/or from the agent lor or manager of any adjacent condominium association stating the association approves of the addition. E. lf a property is located in a mapped hazard area (i.e. snow avalanche, rockfall, flood plain, debris flow, wetland, etc), a hazard study must be submitted and the owner must sign an alfidavit recognizing the hazard report prior to the issuance of a building permit. Applicants are encouraged to check with a Town Planner prior to DRB application to determine the relationship of the property to all mapped hazards. F. For all residential construction: a. Clearly indicate on the floor plans the inside face ol the exterior structural walls of the building; andb. Indicate with a dashed line on the site plan a four foot distance from the exterior face of the building walls or supporting columns. G. lf DRB approves the application with conditions or modifications, all conditions oo of approval must be resolved prior to Town issuance of a building permit. tv.NEW CONSTRUCTION A. Three copies of a recent tooooraohic surve at a scale of 1" = 20' or larger, on '1 . Lot area. 2. e 4. 5. b, Two foot contour intervals unless the parcel consists of 6 acres or more, in which case, 5'contour intervals may be accepted. Existing trees or groups of trees having trunks with diameters ol 4" or more, as measured from a point one foot above grade. Rock outcroppings and other significant natural features (large boulders' intermittent streams, etc.). Hazard areas (avalanche, rocklall, etc,), centerline ol stream or creek, required creek or stream setback, 10O'year llood plain and slopes of 40/" ot more, if applicable. Ties to existing benchmark, either USGS landmark or sewer invert. This information should be clearly stated on the survey so that all measurements are based on the same starting point. This is particularly important tor height measurements. See Policy On Survey Information, for more information regarding surveys. Locations ol the following: a. Size and type of drainage culverts, swales, etc. must be shown. b. Exact location of existing utility sources and proposed service lines from their source to the structure. Utilities to include: 7. Cable TV Telephone Sewer Gas Water Electric c. Show all utility meter locations, including any pedestals to be located on site or in the right-of-way adjacent to the site. Revocable permits from the Town of Vail are required for improvements in the right-of-way. d. Property lines - distances and bearings and a basis of bearing must be shown. e. All easements (Title report must also include existing easement locations) 8.Existing and finished grades. Provide spot elevations of the street, elevation on either side of the lot, 25 lines. and a minimum of one spot feet out from the side ProPertY Site Plan I 2. Locations of the iollowing: a. Proposed surface drainage on and off site. b. Proposed driveways. Percent slope and spot elevations must be shown. All existing improvements including structures, landscaped areas' service areas, storage areas, walks, driveways' oft-street parking' loading areas, retaining walls (with top and bottom of wall spot elevations), and other existing site improvements. ns of too of roof in which the following information is provided: shown underneath). These elevations and grades must be Provided oro.r?,n. staff to determine buitding neignlnrr ridge tines shoutd be : indicated on the site plan. Elevations for roof ridges shall also be indicatedonthesitep|anwithcorrespondingfinishedandexistinggrade elevations. 4. Driveway grades may not exceed 8% unless approved by the Town Engineer. C. Landscaoe Plan (1" = 20'or larger) - 3 copies required 1. The tollowing inlormation must be provided on the landscape plan. The location ol existing 4" diameter or larger trees, the location, size, spacing and type (common and latin name) of all existing and proposed plant material. All trees to be saved and to be removed must also be indicated. The plan must also ditferentiate between existing and proposed vegetation. 2. Complete the attached landscape materials list. 3. The location and type of existing and proposed watering systems to be employed in caring for plant material following its installation. 4. Existing and proposed contour lines. NOTE: In order to clarify the interrelation of the various development proposal components, please incorporate as much of the above information as possible onto the site plan. D. Sion off from each utilitv comoanv veritying the location of utility service and availability (see attached). E. A oreliminarv title reoort must accompany all submittals, to insure property ownership and location of all easements on property. F. Architectural Plans (1/8" = 1'or larger, 1/4" is prelerred scale for review) 3 copies required. 1. Scaled floor plans and all elevations ot the proposed development. Elevations must show both existing and finished grades. 2, One set of floor plans must be "red-lined" to show how the gross residential floor area (GRFA) was calculated. 3. Fleductions of allelevations and the site plan (8-1/2" x 11")for inclusion in PEC and/or Town Council memos may be requested. 4. Exterior surfacing materials and material colors shall be specified on the attached materials list. This materials list must be completed and submitted as a part of DRB application. Color chips, siding samples etc., should be presented to the Design Review Board meeting. G. Zone check list (attached) must be completed if project is located within the Single-Family, Primary/Secondary or Duplex zone districts. H. Photos of lhe existing site and where applicable, of adjacent structures. l. The Zoning Administrator and/or DBB may require the submission of additional plans, drawings, specifications, samples and other materials (including a model) if deemed necessary lo determine whether a project will comply with Design Guidelines. LIST OF MATERIALS NAME oF ps61Eqfuav., Vo ,R.E&*,'.+EGAL DEScRrploN: Lor L BLocK2 SUBDIVISION 1*o STREET ADDRESS: n12 lbavt* h^lva Vo,l DESCRIPTION OF PROJE q:fr The following information is required tor submittal to the Design Review Board before a final approval can be given: A,BUILDING MATERIALS: Flool Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Sotfits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Bails Flues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other LANDSCAPING: R.5. Ceozz , \Q t_t e S=''4ru" l'l+L C'IAP N,ep ?to KSCeaz,z Fl*l ?-lro hjaor> F.5. ceeae- P..s ac;p.anz- tsarnJTep fr)tl COLOH N"trr-"1. B. €L-,"1.- 1'%11* bLa.-L J-o t..t.L e4'...r| *'- c'uo a3t2, t - Name of Designer: Phone: ta9 hl.-r-rsn P,z:rrt-.+Y 113 191?, Botanical Name Common Name Ouantitv Size' Lc-i.l- - ?"pulcsIror,.,ltJ* .Ag)..-,- Za Prrug c-&-4.r te.zr c-*.*" lJr.f*l'f,,.,., 15 (J!rlf'{ ?,^"-r<eda-la )J**c, p'^a Minimum calioer for deciduous trees is 2 inches. Minimum heioht lor coniferous trees is 6 feet. PI.ANT MATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED u.r"+ t",n tz tu+ 'lndicate caliper for deciduous trees. Indicate height for coniferous trees. TYPE OF MATERIAL PLANT MATERIALI) PROPOSED SHRUBS EXISTING SHFIUBS TO BE REMOVED Botanical Name Commonle J...b.- Cor"r^ otra ).r., rz.r ,@)y.g-tbL-r, 1@.r-'otenth,ljq @ Size' 51"[ --=F 6.1.(. -6 ,,a\--3 Quantilv tn t1 IE Vot, o 4 Ilo 'lndicate size of proposed shrubs. Minimum size of shrubs is 5 oallon. Tvoe t'\ GROUND COVERS L/afr,ru\ .J.)t.-El=_ 1A"v\-.^ SOD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD IRRIGATION OF CONTROL t>o tF 6aoo ,F ,1)g{,-..a (\. dftb v'.,a_Cftt= LANDSCAPE LIGHTING: lf exterior lighting is proposed, please show the number of fixtures and locations on a separate lighting plan. ldentify each fixture lrom the lighting plan on the list below and provide the wattage, height above grade and type of light proposeo. OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls, fences, swimming pools, etc.f Please specify. Indicate heights of retaining walls. Maximum height ol walls within the front setback is 3 feet. Maximum height of walls elsewhere on the property is 6 feet. L' - o" l^ ;"1^ Square Footaoe 1o 4? loPe a 3t A. to.(-lrircL, - fc_qt oit- dt;Tlt c. D. lnr eIL a'-on h,frzr I llnaO t+.. ZONE CHECK FOR SFR, R, R P/S ZONE DISTRICTS DArE: l- lg -11 ,t LEGAL DESCRIPTIOII: t-ot f Btocx 3 riring VV ? rA STREETADDRESS: O?A 2 EEAVET. Dg-, C;*I-E- OWNER AROHITEOT N,,-u t*.- Fgb L-'e+V PHONE ZONE DISTRICT PBoPosED use P/r */ 6^r!' p Hovurtj LOT SIZE .64o Z nA.<.re+ pnorue? l+ - 411 au 1n 1q1$jot lzt Height TotalGRFA Primary Care ?4,L9+ 4zS.= Secondary Cnfn tl te + 425.= Setbacks: Front Sides Rear Water course Sehack Site Coverage Landscaping Retaining Walls Parking Garage Credit Drive: View Corridor Encroachment: Environ mental/Hazards : 376' 1 Required (300)(600x900)(1200) Permitted Slope 8% Date approved by Town Existino Prooosed Total H3a lczroac51' l6ea Allowed (30x33) ttoLG -anl 2339 20' 15' 15' (30)(50) 2ztT zz 5o6* 1 Actual Slope Engineer: YlAx:l'% Yes No 22? 1) z',) 3) Flood Plain Percent Slooe Geologic Hazards a) Snow Avalanche b) Rockfall c) Debris Flow 4)Wetlands Previous conditions ol approval (check property file): _ Does this reouest involve a 250 Addition? Koes rq How much of the allowed 250 Addition is used with this request? ommitment To Insure ALTA Conrnritment - l9/0 Rev 010 REPUEl.lC NATI0NAt IlTLt INSU8ANCI C0MpAuy, a Mrnnesora cor00rarron, hsern called rhe Comoany, for a vsluabls consldsrallon. heteby commts lo rssue rs policy or polrcres oi urlg rnsurance. as rdenlfied rn Schedule A rn lavor of the proposed Insured named rn Schedule A. as ownsr 0r mongagee ol rhe eslate or inreresr covered henby rn rhe land deunbed or rs(rned to rn Schedule A. upon paymenr of the premrums and charges rher€|or, all subject ro the provrsrons of Schedule A and I and to rhe Condilons and Strpulalons hereof. This Commiment shall be ellectrve only when the rdentrty o{ lhe ploposed Insumd and rhe amount ol rhe polcy or polEtes commttrcd for have been rnsened m Schedule A hereof by rhe Company. etfisr al Ihe nme of the issuancg of thts Commrtmenl or by subse0uent andorsemsnl. Ihis Commnment 6 pldrmrnary t0 the rssuance of such policy or polcres of ntle rnsurance and all lubdrry and obftgttons hsoundel shall csase and letmrnate srr months afrer the effecuve dale hereol or when th€ potcy or polrres commnpd lor shall issue. whnhever ftnt occun. provded thar rh€ l€ilure r0 rssue such polcy or poftoes rs nol the lault ol rhe Company. CONt}ITIOiIS AND SIIPUI,AII()NS I lhe term 'mongage . when used herein, shall include deed of rusl, rusl deed, 0r orher secunry lnsrumeflr. 2. lf the pmposed Insuted has or acqurros actual knov,,ledge ol any defect. [en, encumbrance. advecs clam or othgr malt8'af|ec[nglhsgstaleor|nlgrgsl$m0|lgagethe00nc0ver€dbythrsCommrtment0thetthanth0ssshowninSchedu|e8heoi'and totheCompanyinwriting.freCompanyshal|berelievedfromlrablhtyforany|ossoldamageresu|trnghomanyacto|leltancehereontolheertenttheCompany by fa ure of lhe prcposed Insund to s0 dtsclose such tnowledge. ll the proposed Insured shall disclose such knowledge l0 the Company. or ii rhe Cgmpany gfieruse acqurrss actual lnowladge of any such defsct. lien. encumbrance. adversg clam or olher marrer. rho Company al rts optmn may anend Schedule I ol rhrs Commrtmsnt accordrngly. bur such amendment shall nOl .etevo the Company ironr |rabrlity prevrously incured pursuanl l0 paragraph 3 of these Condnjons and Stpularons. 3. Ljabrfiry of the Company under thls Commtmenl shall be only lo the nam€d prop0sed Insured and such oanres tnc|udedunderthedefinrlonof|nsucdmth8lormo|po|rcyorpo|rcrescommtIgdfotandon|y|oractuaI|ossrncunedin@||anceh9r€0n|nunde.lalng comply wrrh the requrlemrnts hercof or lbl t0 elmtnats slceptons shown in &hedule g, 0l lcl t0 acqufe 0r ccale lhe eslar? or interest or nongage fenon covered by frs Commitment. In no €venl shall such liabrliry erceed the amount stated in Schedule A for the pollcy 0r polcies c0mmlled lor and slch liab ny rs subpct r0 rhe Insunng pmvN0ns and the C0ndlions and Stipultllons end lh€ Erclusions ltom Colerage of the lorm ol potcl or policies commrred lor in favor ol rhe proposed Insured rvhrci are horrhy Incorponred by relenncs and mado a pan ol thrs commirmenr ercept as erpressly modifisd herern. 4. Any acllon or acltons or nghls ol ecrion that the proposed Insured may have or may bring agalnsl rhe Company aflslng oul of the status of the tl e lo fie estal€ or Inoresl or lhe sratus of lhe mortgage thereon covered by lhrs Commitmenl must be based 0n and are sublecr l0 lhe otovrsrons of lhis Commtm€nt. STANt}AffO TXCEPIIOI,IS In addllion lo lhe mallers conlarned tn thp Condrlrons and Strpulatrons and [xclusrons irom CoveraQe above refened ro. rhis Commnment ts also subtect to the lollowrno, l. flrghrs or claims of panles tn possessron nol shown by the publrc rccords. 2. fasemsnts. or clarms ol easemenls. not shown bv the oublic records. 3. 0tscopancres. conflicts t0 boundary ftnes, Bhonage In area, encroechmenls, and any facts whrch a correcr survey and Inspeclron of the pnmrsss $rould dNcl0se and whrch am not shown by the publc records. 4. AnY [en, 0r nght t0 a lten. fot seryres. labor or maroml lherelolore 0r hereafler furnrshed. rmoosed bv law and nol shown by rhe oublc records. 5 0elects, ltens. encumbtances. adverse clarms or other nratters, rl any. created. frrst appearrng rn the pubftc records or allachrng subsequent ro Commlment. lN WIINESS WHEBt0F. ()ld ReDubhc Nalonal Trtle Insurance Comoanv has caused rrs corDorate name and seat r0 be hereunlo affixed by rts duly aulhonred offrcers on the date shown rn Schedule A. ro be vald when counlerrgned by a vahdatrng ollcer or other authgrrred srgnal6r. 010 REPUEL|C ilATtoilAt TtTtE tilSURAttCE C0tt|pAily A Stocl Conpany 400 Second Avenue Sourh. Mnncdplhs. Mnncsora 55401 t6 t2) l/l Itl ifi: Jfrrwn g 4t'tYt''- A,tthoflnd Siloatory OiI forn 25ll 0t Aletl 5ecnnry YOI'R LA-\iD TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY CONTACTS Augrust, 20, t996 Buyer,/Borrower: SelLer/Owner: Property Address: For Closing Assistance : MIKE MOSS 108 S. FRON:TAGE RD W.vArL, co 81558Phone: 970 476-225L rf you have any inquiries or.require furt,her assistance, preaseconEacE one of Che numbers listed below: Our Order l'Io.: V254359 HOWARD KOENIG ARTTII'R A. MORGAN AND ERWIN DIENER, CO-TRUSTEES For TiE,le Assistance: TTLL WELLS 108 S. FRONTAGE RD W.VAIL, CO 81558Phone: 970 475-225LFax:970 476-4534 Fax:970 476-4534 ******************************************************************* NorE: oNcE AAr oRrcrNAr, coMMrrMEMr HAs BEEI': rssuED, Alry suBsEeuEnr CHANGES WILL BE EMPITASIZED BY UI{DERLINING. ******************************************************************* TI{AIIK YOU FOR YOUR ORDER I o,o RElLrc NATT.NAL TrrLE rNSUp.FcE coMpANy ALTA COMMITMENT SCHEDULE A Our Order # V254359 For InformaE,ion Onlv - Charges - ALTA Owner Policy g4,G57.OOAlta Lender Policy $100.00 $20.00Tax RePort- - toto,, - - g4t777.oo *** 1}IIS IS NOT AI{ IM/OICE, BUT AN ESTIMATE OT'FEES. 9{HEN REFERRING TO THIS ORDER, PLEASE REFERENCE OUR ORDER NO. V254359 *** 1. Effect,ive Dat,e: August,07, 1996 at,5:00 p.M. 2. Policies Eo be i-ssued, and proposed Insured: rrALTAl' Owner, s Policy l0-L7 -92 S2, 600, 0OO . OO Proposed Insured: HOWARD KOENIG 'ir xALTAfr Loan Policy t0-t7-92 Proposed Insured: TO BE DETERMINED $1, 500, 000 . oo 3. The estat.e or interest. in the land described or referred to in.this Conunitment and covered herein is: A Fee Simple 4, Title Eo Ehe est,at,e or interesE covered herein is at, t,heeffect,ive date. hereof vested in: ARTHT'R A. MORGAII AIID ERWIN DIENER, CO-TRUSTEES PAGE 1. oLD REnrJrc NATT'NAL TrrLE ilrsuzuilr coMpArvy AIJIA COMMITMENT SCHEDUI,E A Our Order # v254359 5. Tlre land referred co in this comniLmenE, is described asfollows: IJor 4, BIJocK 3, vArrr VTIJ.AGE-TIIrRD FrLrNG, AccoRDrNG To TIIE RECORDED PI,AT THEREOF, COT'NIY OF EAGL,E, S'IATS OF COLORADO. PAGE 2 ALTOaoMMTTMENT SCHEDULE 8.1 (Requiremencs) Our Order # V254359 The following are the requiremenE,s E,o be complied. with: 1. Payment to or for t,he account, of the grant,ors or mortgagors ofthe full consideraE,ion for t,he est,ate or interesE, to beinsured. 2. Proper instrument(s) creating E,he esE,aE,e or int,eresE Eo beinsured rnust be executed and dury fired for record, to-wit: 3 . EVTDENCE SATISFACTORY TO THE COMPAIVY THAT THE TERMS, COIIDITIONS A}IDPROVISIONS OF THE TOWN OF VAIIJ TRAI\TSFER TAJ( HAVE BEEN SATISFIED. 4. WARRANTY DEED FROM ARTHI'R A. MORGAN AITD ERWIN DIENER. CO-TRUSTEES TO HOWARDKOENIG COMTEYING SUBJECT PROPERTY. 5. DEED OF TRUST FROM HOWARD KOENIG TO TIIE PUBLIC TRUSTEE OF EAGTE COUNTY FORTHE USE OF TO BE DETERMINED TO SEqURE THE SUM OF $1,5OO,OOO.OO. THE COI'NTY CLERK AIVD RECORDERS OFFICE REQUIRES RETT'RN ADDRESSES ON DOCI'MEMIS SEI{T FOR RECORDING! I **** ****** *********** ** * * NOTE * * * * * * * *ir ** * ** * * * * * * * *** *** RECORDING FEES HAVE INCREASED AS OF JULY 1, LggS TO $6.00FOR THE FIRST pAcE AND g5.OO FOR EACH ADDTTTONAL PAGE. RELEASES HAVE INCREASED TO $14.00 FOR THE FIRST PAGE AI.ID$5.00 FOR EACH ADDITIONAIJ PAGE. PAGE 3 ALTO"oMMTTMENT SCHEDULE B-2 (Exceptj.ons) Our Order # V254359 The_policy or policies t.o be issued will conE,ain except,ions Eo thefollowing unless Ehe same are disposed of t-o the satiifaction ofEhe Company: L. st.andard ExcepE,ions i. Ehrough 5 printed on t.he cover sheeE. 6. Taxes and assessments not, yet due or payable and specialassessments not, yeE, cert,if ied Eo t,he Treasurer, s of f ice. 7. Any unpaid taxes or assessmenE,s againsE said 1and. 8. Liens for unpaid waEer and ser,,rer charges, if any. 9. RIGHT OF PROPRIETOR OF A VEIN OR LODE TO EXTRACT AND REMOVE HIS ORE THEREFROM SHOULD THE SAME BE FOI'ND TO PENETRATE OR INTERSECT THE PREMISESAS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED Septernlcer 04, L923, IN BOOK 93 +l L YA\rll :, tl . 10. RIGHT OF WAY FOR DITCHES OR CA.I{ALS CONSTRUCTED BY THE AUTHORITY OF THE ITNITED STATES AS RESERVED IN IINITED STATES PATENT RECORDED Septernber 04,T923, IN BOOK 93 AT PAGE 98. 11. RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS WHICH DO NOT COMIAIN A FORFEITURE OR REVERTER CLAUSE, BUT oMITTING RESTRICTIoNS, IF ANY, BASED oN RACE, coloR, RELIGIoN, oR NATIONAL ORIGIN, AS CONTAfNED IN INSTRIIMENT RECORDED March 25, l-953, IN BOOK 174 AT PAGE 575. 12, UTILTTY EASEMEI\IT TEN FEET IN wIDTH ALONG tHJ uonrnwESTERLy LoT LrNE ANDFTVE FEET IN WIDTH ALONG THE NORTHEASTERLY LOT LINE OF SIJBJECT PROPERTY AS SHOWN ON THE RECORDED PLAT OF VAIL VILLAGE-THIRD FILING. 13. EASEMENT, AND RIGH? OF WAY AS GRANTED TO VAIL WATER AND SANITATION DISTRICTIN INSTRUMENT RECORDED APRIL ].3, ]-967 IN BOOK 201 AT PAGE 3].9. 14. TERMS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF EASEMEIIT DEED RECORDED April 09, 198?IN BOOK 450 AT PAGE 510, PAGE 4 L A N D .G o "GUARAN',F coMPANY DISCLOST'RE STATEME\TT Required by Senate BilL 91-14 A) The subject, rear property may be located in a special ca:cingdistricE. B) A certif,icate of Taxes Due lisEing each Laxing jurisdictionlay be obtained from the county Tieasurer or [tr6 couniy-----Treasurerr s auEhorized agent. c) The informat,io.n regarding special di.stricEs and the boundarlesof such disrrict-s may be-obiained rrom irre-soira ot counry----conunissioners, the county crerk ana Recoiaei,-or ctre cJuntyAsgessor. Required by Senate BiIl 92-143 A) A certificate.of Taxes Due risting each Eaxing jurisdict,ionshall be obtained from the county Treasurer oi Ehe councyTreasurer,s authorized agenE. DEC-3O-S€ lO.t2 FFOH. LAND TITLE GUARANTEE VAIL ID.soad= n""n ,^." ?;;;;;p lo PAGE 2 DEC-38-gt IEl. 13 FROM.LAND TI TLE VAIL ID. 3El3 4?Ao 4E34 PACE rarrlS ntlIa ot t Tltr il ro!! !o llltltt [p ttEltt-rtt 0r|ffi -rn-iril'ii- r!il-lo rurmrrr-s rrnilq trr !!!Etp- -u triro 6nr ietrr-rlfilo-iartr 0r, tlll, il !ffi tl tn DElEtrf or clntt silselD rx zE rg!!!a'l ot q:fr iiffi-ir-lrttD-tiint irrrrr ilcrnDD r.tt.*.r o., Itll. n rl ra tn ,t. It trrrLtar rdrmr il ftla il rtprs Ndn flil mlrn'laflrsr tar Lql-!!!,Eii-tirtErrutl-irn5-rilr iomniirinr.r pr rrrr or rrriler lrorntl rrim rr t[ u0@ r&ta o? vlr& Ytutrr.rttrD t&llr. '!ltlf, Ol'rOE lp nourStol Ot Drlrlt Dt|D nHDIO r9sll otr ltl?rf *i[ .40 l1 tn aro. :. Co2?11 l'?0! P-zgr 09/23ltt90 0?:'!P ?o 2 o| 2 p tl = rrj 'l!GO' ; r?rili# einPri,se r!."*r,{i r* xAv uN' cut"uKJU. ..tt,d ',irll.a ':tO! mfGl cuaorvrsros- IO|T BI€CTEDDtr*'3 P1: g:g it urea ro v.kify ,erulrsDsula Dr urcd, tai.-il--:{,:-_i:S wail.Dj.lity raa toeaeioa lrhrrsr:."ri:i{iffi k'T#i$iff;ffiimift eiiill#"lbe locat'lan aad-avtl+btlrEy of urillrl3', yh:Ebr! they D. rBln;:1il;i*'i.iilo.ii3'13:-ti!".H##f !:T,*tvcrrriodbytle I All ruthortzlag rLgaatuseg amd, te Dr orighatrr lPthFi{-ec qtrrrruE! Dffl P ( '. tlt/, slru;"-;il-";Dff i3i:itr%'ff '"#L*II*5:eitH"HI"a !fQE: 1- rf a rrrlrirr, ------.gc .r:ff lil#*"t-,t$-r=ii?#r$.i;##F.#. lf _..-fr*ro ,ait,f:i" ;;T!-;!iJl,fu. ?bc issue ##tt5mi;*_iiilg*?*i.*sa 2: rf rh€ utitiry,verificarion Io.T_Las siEnacuses f,sseach of rbe qctliit-;*llilie3, 1ne ao.con&ents .8cnade dire".tl_ol a[";;-;^iig 19r. wltt D"eruncfftoffi!.are ao;;dl-il; iu u.. the d-evelomcqr aad eo l;i:.IF;.#?i1.!i3.*' hlll"-l=icc coer''yr{9 -61r5 cery Ealf ,/Bl,ch Coolcy ".ii: :$j_: itffi :x,# T:;.Teil ttur\rruicnrci -;i*;i;' --l:f CablevLsioa of rh. Rock_i€,,19-LzZlxerk Gravu *.Eltper. Eagle vaUey Hat€" ;r;Tffi.ion orsciiet-J- lrcC Eerlcr - *-+i;Hffi ij ffi*LryFil,iffHa i:.ru lri:;ir. 3.' tbere vcrlfib,is For-^'-.,S3ll:os_ Co nos relieve rb,elil.:f :.*:: iii i_l' : :'-"lll f ..'ili. S*:'. Pi,T::r;i . id;. E;ildJ :T;Public tlo=ks rUI Eoor coEttaeCor ofclrt DeEAiE or eaSenent crl.c'aitr infhc lDotia of Inetaliatton of,reaDoaaibility nlrst be olraineaGlGGifl 4.renrice liaes ere aE t.he e;rpsrre a.nCof the ptogerty ordrr€t, . Uttltatrt tlu llra.t att t99 .!. !ru. UnLTTY LOCATTO{II VERIFICATIOI{ suEDlvlsloN Th! locatbn anC ltrdrbllty ct Utlllrt, rfieh.r dr.y bG rn.in hvnk linrc cr prpord lin'3, i lt D3 $prw.d urC Urdticd Uy the 'cllslttg rrdhlrr lor thr .acottl9.?Uhg dlr P|{r' AeeeeC.Sieldugl lrE U.8. llrtsl.CcrulrrniEilb|rs . r{&92}ls7 .1686aG0 or 9139{gtb Public S.Ric ComFrnY 3{c€731 c€ty t{dl Holy Ctass El€cltic At-oc. sa$5tc2 TGd Huthy/MEh 8el lrrrctv lh|@c GablevlJcn T.v' 9ao.53lo Shn Hlm tJpper Eale vall6y wnbr & Senitrdon Oiattigl ' /t78-7160 F d H.drc N(IrEr L obtrh E dnct alt pemth to,n $e Tsill of van, g.F tnrnt.cl PtDlc wcrs er t pts*'qumv lP9tiory FotgP cao!gi.! a]Y ?9g!go''"7 or e€gsmlnl in fre Torrn of Var[ A bui I qenrh, ^ s[.!t q$ Petmil r|tu$ b; obtainod reprntaly. ' Pl.lta bdno a ib Plan, fcoT Can' and clrvariotis wtEn StdnFE tjPpet Eagb V'!cy Wlrlr t Sanihtion signaurrcs. Fire flow. na€ds nu$ bs addrucsd. This fgtrn is to wrlt lr|\rice .iraihDlliy atld loctt'pD- Thi. dEuld b' ur'd h conJuns{ioa tflith i.FilirE tEUt utlry Plan .nC a$edJlng hataUalbm Fof .ny n w .onEtrudiori prsPocrl, th€ .P9li4nt oust Futl't a ccnDlcbd uliliry vBrfi.!]ion b'|rt ll a $ny canFany h8! conE€tns dth rha ProPorcd cofFttuction. rh" tdlry rcorasartatve srr6uld nsl di]ldly on lhe ulility v.rllicrlion brrn ird |h.n il a irsOtsni whia nccds to bs nfupea' Th! i!ru! rhould $rr h 9H out in denit h il ilsdtqt htEr lo the Tewn dl vail' llg$twr. P|.!!e r.tp in mind hrt it b |hg nrponrdbilfi ef the urility conPary ro tcroh'! idsnthd prcbloms, lf thr udlv vetitcarion flt|tr has shnatutEs lron.e3h of the ulllU corrpanioi. zrd m csrrnrntr rr€ mada ditedy on the toftn, lhc Tofll wlll pnc'unt lhd tla€ aru no Ptobl€ms and thqt trt aLdcF|mnt oan Fa'4 Thcee vg[lcrtionr do nc tr0cvo lho conraBot d }|s ttlpcEHltu b r3 ooito rrfl LFv Loc, Afl o. u VEEIE tp^rtgN suBDlVtS|ON JOB NAME LOT 4 ADDRESS- The location and avallabillty of ulilltles, whether they be mah Uunk llneg or pnpoOod llnss, must be approved and verlfled by the followlng utillties for tre acconpenying slte Flen. U.S. West Communloatlons 1-r0s'922,1987 468{860 or 949.f530 Publlc Servlce Cornpany 94$5781 Gary Hall t Hofy Cross Electrlc Assoc. 949-5A92 Tcd Husky/Michael Laverty Hedlage Cablarision T,V. 949-5530 Sleve Hlatt Upper Eagle Valley Watar & Sanltation Distrlct' 176-74tO Frcd Haslee NOTE: 3. 2. 1. Authorized Sionature DEte L=A -s7 4. This form ls to vedfy sEphe availaUliV and locatlon. This slroqlct be uecd |n conjuncilon with praparing your utility ptan and schadulirB Installatons. For any nerv conslruction proposal, the appllcant mqst provide a completcd utllity veriftcatlon torm. lf a utllity cornFany has concems.with tre p@posd consfuc.tion. ths uflllly repesentiative should not dtroctly on he uflllry vertlication 6rm that theru is a problen whldr needs lo be rcsotved, The issue shoufd then be +eltedout In detail in an attached letter ro he Tonn of Vail, Howerrer, pteiee tacp in nlnd hat lt fs the responslbtilty of lhe ufftity company to resolve tdentified problems. ll lhe ullllty vedfication form has signatures ftom,eech of tre utility companias, and no comments ere mede directly on the fonn, the Town wlllplesume that fiars are no problems End that the davetgmant can proceed. Thase verlflcations do not relleve the conhector of hls rusponsbllty b g?taln a sheet cut oErmit flom tre Torrn of Vail, Depadnint ot pubtic Wods and to. ohelLutilltv lo,qglioFs betore diooino [n any publlo rlght of-way 6l aasgntFfll In he ToWn of Vail. A bulldlno oermit ie not a srefl art eernlt. A srcet cut permltmust b@ lll*:." bdng a siE plan, floor plan, and elevatlons when obuining Upper Eagte Valey Water &san[dron spnatures. Flre floW n6eds must be addrsssed + *#P,,:n*::J-qdxg:3:1 tryltd 'At'f' lir.azul ,"tJ NO.9167 P .2/2 rr' ue{ uog urwE SUEDrlrlt BIP.C; t[i- fsta ir rrs cc uo rrerif!' - rGrrtiEe awaif.tbi ai iy- - ='1 locrclog- :Ebls rhanrld D. rr-.d ra eoaj uaecLoa-Yi d iieutr-s yorr= -''rcilie!' Dlaa llc r4r.agri.aE s'gtEallaBrosr- F"f 'S E-err-Aa5E-iS:::* D=oEosra' cDC 'arDricr.st *= niFiE;; o-r'r'ttti ;EIIiE!' ncairicatioD to-D' dtra locrtlos eacr aval'ttllliev of*uci1:tEics' !F?e:e ffit?!"St*;il.!h- ii.E' e5.prGEile :-:-.t'--+t33rilti*Tt il.iErr.J.rao-rrtrriEies for slre ''ccoEF'srzrne c'*bs r-- A!.I strGbcrlziatr ttlDAtttt''Gs a"d' co b3 orittsDAlt' e@ DlrB u-8. ;afE Cemrsi eaEi cr!,lIiE-ccio o= e{e'653o 'nrlt!.ic S.t:vLce c,4)aJly 9t9'61StCr*f rCf f'./Biefr c6o1et7 "' ll" ?Ei3: El#f.='ll'33''tca fnrtlgffrtr.neet LarteaEy rryl.RNtlss .rt!.E Clbf'cYttioa et Fb'F nactBict ttg-LZZ4Esls Gaav.r a^aa, Eoqsy ?ubVatl--AE 3. suta Jta .q9.,Ee -Efi."JElt=tlg"E "'tt'r6-'raaotl.e ra..sl33 .-r rir.' Dr-rD' rr -reuiT+--- *ir'i::}., lgtf:H-?Lffi Ht*lFSH Effi !l' "'ff 'EErrip-;-451rn-S*l=g;g:nrEe-5i-dcur gt.*.- sicc Dr..a. T*ffi iffifif.gfrrrcs =l$d-=c.]I;;r=.Evier tc clr D=Sreq-fi=rEl.a be Eb. =..1E5rf,-i:'iJv-o= -Je irrqn=-:Y orrDGl' ancg br dbcra'atfcg tarrtiGa t'€ tLa liEllDE: 1.r f, a us 1 I i Ey c@a!v . !r?:, -eBca111-Yl - -tt- *Hrfiifl."lS::-:=:::1i5il.'ffi Tsrfi E"-i$i:l*=-';:'Eff tu#ffi3:EE":f;"ft"iiiii-r€+i=E;-Ea-a rDrt .o=. ic a arolr.- *Lrd-;;ar Eo,!ta-8Gt91v'.€"--*-i:::.is r gr*lco rt'l.cib DecCUl Elt -ttE -5ErEb,6lra4 ElrcD D. "eErrF -tF iu,-d::*l =t ig r Drclrllg_ r!1cD. DeEe- 'e .e- - --,i1 S-g-AS aC_efcEed i.=E= **-"fi;' :-f*ii .'1"3i331i, ;;F::.trg - -ii35'Et:? IfoEE""l-liiiiql!*r, *-*e rrutrrsv GEnv "o .i.I5rt'c-iaecrgrcd rrrrsr'op' z: =! tle rtEit.itil7 - v.ritrLclr:16E-f o* lrt tag|Ectu=es fsq- eaelr of tbc trciaiBlt cqE a!r^t5 ' aas Eo c*lD'€t--a E' llrde aiteoeri-36-iit"-io-.u' +; ece riai ?=errar =!EE, rlere aie Do Dreblat t-d' t}rt t5c arrae1qttEcBi- ela 1lloeead. tlhsee werLfieaei'dl Co D6ts - r'!.ieve Gb'a cort€-a'eGoiE og f,S-;;;;erurirF e{+;$r-:^: !':?"-*F.:H:LHL=liE=:d' ;i =iJi . F*'T 119.! - :'--*.t 1=-H=3 ar errqarot l:br I8sGallat;Lpa of g crrrice triacs ''t-e- ats Gbr cl'trtlDtc .DN a-6F;J'btrlei- of tbc' greP'rc:' ot}Ir'|?' , .iil, 4. ERId&SD l I D : 9704764089 JffN 08'97 16 :57 No . 023 P .02 suBDtvrsroN Ths locailon and avsllabtllty ol utllltles, yyhethor they bs main trunk llnes or propoeed llnac, muet be approved and vodtlgrt by the followlne utlllties for the aooompenying slta plan, Auihorlzed Sloneture U,8. West Communlcrtlone 1.800-92e-1987 /188-6880 ot 940-4630 PrDllc Serviec Company 9a9.s78r Gery Hall r Holy Orose Electdc Agsoo. e{0-5992 Tod Husky/Mlchael Laverty Hcrltage Cablevlelon t,V. 049-5530 6lrvs Hlatl JO8 NAME LOT 4 ADDHESS. Uppcr Eagle Valley Water{ Seq qU,s\Ae.LQre\,aF! senrtatlon Diekrct . "* > e'q o v\s1'srs \n^e'P 'fliJ;:3,., N Dalc t^B-q:F NOTEi e, t.Thls form h to verlfy eervloa avallabtllU end looatlon. Thls should bs used In conlunctlon with preparhg your udllty plan and echadullng lnrtallallong. For any new cgn3trucuon proposal, tha eppll€nt must provldc a oomplsted u$llty Yerlflcatlon form. It a utlllty compeny has concems wlth the proposed consffucllon, the utlllty repeaenlatlve should not dkectly on the uilllty vorltlcsllon fom thd lhsre b a problem whlch needs to be reaolved. The lssue should then bc apglled oul In detall ln an atadred letter to the Town of Vall. Houvwer, ptease heep In mlnd that lt lE the responslblllly of tha utlllty sompany to rorolvc ldonullsd problems. lf lhe utlllty verlfloetlon lorm hae slgnatures from aach of lhe utlllty companleg, and no cotnnanta ate mede dlrec'tly on the form, the Town wlll pr€sumo that there are no problemr end that the development can prooeod. Thes€ veriticatlonr do not rolleve ths contrEctor of hls responilblllty lo obtaln a ltroet cut pormlt from the Torvn of Vall, DePartmont ol Publlc Worke and to ln eny publlc rlghl-of'way or e63emont In the Torn of Vall. A bultdlno Pcmii ia not a steei cvl oermlt. A streel all ptnnlt mutt be obtelned ceparetrly. 4. s. uo,tL,o*sHEAD, 1/4 COR. (. ..---"---sl-c. 7 _.....,.-. ...-_-_.- _._/ I D :9704764089 JRN 08'97 FIRST ''''C I 16 :58 No .023 P .03 v NOR IH iol---l ''-'-1 I . \:. UNPI.A ITFD \r Y tlt 6t.6 78t 0r at.et.r-tR ctRCLF*'p:[*o * 1-2.* Sr sii:iir:" 17- '\:;8: *,,," *i r sm;,\\6ffi. &Wil,6 Yk /5{D l* I n,'3r,1'*{'ffif*_ gqr.$asL(g t6'w ffi{"sl:;.!Jg-- #;#;Kfr$fo,rffi::'-, 1\i\ -ru t#:=_etoe. li$,:_.g:o> -2. ', (.!al cv 012 !:lL gEl- .l 1l llltllI I I't lr -.-. 'r.$ )-.+\r,n- \ Quet,lrsrrA- \ ,j ''. .-.-*-,,,n)pffi] 5$'rr$;gr, \ c '''iO',H'fl ,-r\;*\*:e$: i 1 /'%#t_1, #- il"' rffiIj;;- /ffi;.;- ,r4' tffi;,",|r- .ffi**uf f;ill';llp , ", 1/ffi;;.J- fY f,i.,L!''"',if",-..il1*:f,93iH & 'liii;ffif , \, l- ,S*a1;'1^n, *,,'],, - '-..- €ti cili) i -(,,,].,r0 ",,.,-...-ffii{Mi!*'ft'r;ii; r,ir h#!r#+rp""$: ,.(l3J ' |;ftgff..: I Q) .----l(@ r( ola trv o.r..\e _--: ---*-t-'---- " --r, ,-1 -cv . ry:gL:----#"--*i{ffiTi?-'it@)--:f,:;.:::i#,.--l.{i'-:iil-.-ff*#.;;[.1oo-.'$iCq:; --- (':.D \ ili"_r,:^,, J i'vr'ezrs'rs nt.'.-::*, ,^T"gqd, I -- I lrY N r22lBoi ' lf o ; i tilvts2?7of\' .1 i ) nl-;:;;,,"(s11t1.i lJtl l?{ t :), liir"-' -- ',iv I hv crrr.or. ' ! ''.' lirv'., ^ , , i, r r r n, n r iT F{ I Rrf) Fil L I N G ,'@i:t lroct i Et4r.7t M[ tJ2 lt{v tla7..lzt{v 5 tlat.t? olb" Review Action F0 TOWN OF VAIL Category Number L-rr-ql Project Name: K{ L. N I (' Kpi /DLN.L Building Name: Project Descdption:('t!4NC,.L'> lzt /tVp,, I vul: |t lip a TL t l:L w lclZ f tr Rr-rrti1 trVrN c" Gl?F.A. rru {,.,.r'r}a./ L,rurl- Owner, Address and Phone: @itecDContaa, Address and Phone: lu"J L€gaf Description: t-ot 4 ilock 3 Subdivision \r/Aiu Vul /ac' 3 PA '_r_\ / zZoneDistrict f l>I projectstroetAdaress: 19L I7>Avutu DAu C*cu; (,.c:t lll,-Q5-/? Comments: JtfutLL /s ZF rr GRI-A ?ttttt+u,ttr,tc c.rv -<trz Staff Actio Moiion by: Seconded by: fl Approval ! Disapproval ,{stattRpprovat Conditions: --=- , /|.1 ^.". L/ I /t /,t rt'l / L /, I / t', / 4 /rlsa ^J Town Planner Date: 0* lt-97 DRB Fee Pre-paid izr "' Qrrcstiorrs? cntt fr,,i,rg Sraffat 47g-zl28 APPLICATION IOIT DESICN RBVIBW APPROVAL CENERAL INFORMATION This ttpplication is for atty projcct rcqrriring Dcsign Rcvi*v approval, Arry projcct rcqtrir.ing dcsigrr rcvicrv urust rcccivc Dcsign Rcvicrv approval prior to subnritting for a building pcrrnit- I;oispccific inforrnation, scc thc subrnittal rcquircttrcnts lbr thc particular approval that is rcqucstcd. Thc application canlot bc acccptcd until all thc rcguircd inlbrntntiorr is strbnrittcd. The projcct nray also nccd to bc rcvicrvcd by thc Torvn council an<vorthc plannlngand Envirort rlrcnlal Cjonttnission. Dcsign Rcvi$v Boar<l approt'nl cxpircs onc ycar aftcr final approval unlcis a building pcrmit is issucd nnd construclion is startcd. A, ll. C. D. D. E. F. MAILINC ADDITESS: C. TYPE OF REVIEW AND FEE: [] Ncrv Consh'uclion - $200 D Adtlition -$s0 (Contact Eaglc Co. Asscssors Olllcc ar 970-321t-8(140 fbr parccl ll) 4 PARCEL #: ZONING: NAME OI: OWNI!R(S): MAII-INC ADDII,ESS: owNDR(S) St(;NA't'URE(S): NAME OF API'LICANl': Ip Dliuor Altcralion - $20"'avfljfff1fun D Concbptual l{cvicw - $0 Constnrctiou of a ncrv building. Includcs arry adrlition rvhcrc squarc footagc is atldcd to any rcsidcntial or conuucrcial building. fryludcs nrinor changcs to buildings ancl sitc inrprovcnicnts, such as. riinbfirg. painti'g. rvindorv additions, lnndscaping, fcnccs and rctai'ing rvallsl itc. For ary application rvhcrc thc npplicant wishcs to nrcct with Dcsign Rcvicw IJoard to dctcnninc rvhcthcr or not thc projcct gcncrally conrplics with thc dcsign guidclincs. Thc DRB docs not votc on conccphral rcvicrvs. DRII fccs arc to bc paid at thc tinrc of subnrittal. Latcr, whcn applying for n building pcnnit, plcasc itlentifythcacctrratcvaluationofthcprojcct. ThcTorvnofvail rvitt aoiiisitncrccaccordingtothcprojcctvatuatiol. PLEASE SUBMIT TIIIS APPLICATION, ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THEDEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, Zi SOUTU FRONTAGE ROAD. VAIL, COLORADO 81657. TOI'//N OFVAIL '- TChlFt CtF USf I1- Hiscel l anec,us Cash th-i,5-'JI ft*cer.pt * llt':r:lt Ftc':,:r:rrt. # l-:!i fi lHli$ hIiLLItlll F:E5Lr:r[:fj.1.FFLl rEE FEES Flrrir:'r-rri 1. t.*nd* re,l .r lff . 8t1 I tem paid grtcunt, Faid {J t r:r[rlJt:]+ 1 1if, l$t]B :E , 6E L:!-!.rrrite i-,= t.t-t fflE d 'i . -rHFtF-t]< l/cil_l rj,:,ur ca:Fri '= r F:EtlTHFt rLE COPT A re( Dam lor a conditional use permit, to allow for a Type ll EHU, located at 392 Beav€r 4, Block 3, VailVillage 3rd Filing. Howard Koenig Tammie Williamson gave en overview of the statf memo that included approvalwith 5 conditions. plmning rnd Enviromental Cmmisgion Miaulss March 24, 1997 ,, ) Galen Aasland hed no oomments. John Schofield had no oomments. Gene Uselton had no commenls. Greg Amsden had no comments. Greg Mofbt staFd tre was in agreementwith the staff re@mmendations. Gene Uselfn ma(b a motion for approval in accordance with the staffs findiqs and the 5 condldons. Jolrn SchoffeH aaconded the mofPn. The motlon paseed bY a vote of $0. Phing md Ervfuomontrl C@mirdon Min$og Mat€h 24, 1997 I ilgn Review Action Fnr TOWN OF VAIL Category Number Project Name: Building Name: Project Descriptionl Owner, Address and Phone: L+. lzcz7 /it+\ 4?z-rcn-t @e*"t, Addressand Pnone: h/i tur,r r-woa" Cp ?c/rz (314\ *Tj- ?.q-4 Legat Description: t-ot 4 Hod< 3 guoaivision Vfrtt Vtuu| 6L 3& Zone District p/ 3 Project Street Address:.4e Z EuAvty_ Drlu (1Kc cL -TRtru rRLSr-EvAl rc: N tlt'o tv't>rnpA brs7-tK&lilc€ PttQ-N9 Rt{+ttt-:-Ytt\ l,/ t rtruct,PTLu4t- /)K& ,^ronor, An r/,^ot- @Y*-a seconded vy, ent ? 4rftstrt/ {ennrovar ! Disapproval fl StaffApproval condirions: NO C cU anCNs Bv n<s Town Date:DRB Fee Pre-paid fi rz'o-* _L 4ilo TYPE I EMPLOYEE HOUSING rii{lf RESTRICTIVE COVENAN-| Ir , WHEREAS. O,vner") described as: T.ot 4 - B'l ock 3 . Vail Villaee 3rd Ftline r Dam Circle Vail C0 81657 ("the Fioperry") i and '' WHEREAS, the O/vn€r wishes to place c€rtain r€strictions on the us€ of a unil or apartment locat€d on th€ Property for the benefit of the Owner and the Town of Vail, Colorado ('the Town'). NOW, THEREFORE, the Orvner does hereby irnpose, €slablish, acknowledge, declare for the ben€fit of all persons who may hersinafl€r purchase, or lease, or hold lhe subjecl iand lhB tollowing reslriclions, covenants, and conditions, all of which shall be deemed lo run wilh the iand and inure to the benefit and ba bonding upon the Orvner, its respedtve grantees, successors, and assigns. The Employee Housing Unit, containing 5OO "qu^r" feet, is hereby rostricted as a Type I Employee Housing Unit (EHU) which must comply wilh all the provisions ol Sections 18.57.020, 18.57.030, and 18.57.040 of the Vail Municipal Code as amended. 2. The Type I Employee Housing Unit shall be leased to tenants who ars full+ime employe€s who work in Eagle Counly. An EHU shall not be leased for a period less than thirty consecutlv€ days. For the purposes of this section, a full-time employee is one who works an average of thirty hours each week. A Type I EHU may be sold,lransferred, or conveyed separately from any single family or two family dwelling only if it meels the following conditions: a) h must ba used by the Owner of the Type I EHU as a p€rman€nl resicience. For the ' purpose of this paragraph, a permanent residence shall mean the home or place in which one's habilalion is fixed and to which one, whenever he or she is absent has a presenl inlention of relurning after a departure or absence thersfrorn regardless of the duration of absence. In determining whal is a permanent residence, the Town statf shall taks the lollowing circumstances relaling to the Owner of the residence inlo accounl: business pursuits, employment, income sources, residence for income or other tax purposes, age, marital status, residence of parents, spouse and children if any, location of personal and real property, and motor vehicle regislration. b) lf a Type I EHU is.sold, transferred, or conveyed separat€ly from the other unil in a Two-Family dwelling it is a part of , then both the Type I EHU and rhe unir to which it is atlach€d shall be subject to all the provisions ssi forth in Section 18.57.020. The Type I EHU shall not be divided inlo any form of timeshares, interval ownership, or fraclional fee ownership as lhose terms are defined in the Municipal code of the Town of vail. 1 3. 4. tH|IJlulllulltlllulrl|.r[l] ilf ill illr [l t of 2 R lt.OO O O.OO t{ O.OO E.ct. CO -- rt- The Town of Vaii Housing Authodty will determine the marKei rate based on the study of olher units of comparable size, locatjon, quality and amenities throughout ths Town. The markel rate shall be based on an average of a minimum oi five renlal rales of comparable units. lf the unit is not rented and is nol available at the rnarket rale it shall be determined to be in noncompliance. In addltion to any othor penalties and reslriclions provided herejft -a ugl found to be in noncompliance shall be subj€ct 1o publication as determinedliline'Housing Authority. Fifty percent of the parking required for lhe Type I EHU shall be enclosed. lf a garage rs ro be shared by both the primary residence and the Employee Housing Unit, access to the garage from the Employee Housing Unit shall be -ouaranteed by the owner ol the primary residence. Thirty days prior to the transfer oi a deed for a Type I EHU, the prospective purchaser shall submit an application lo the Community Development Department documenting lhat the prospectiVe purchas€r me€ts the crileria set iorth above and shall include an atfidavit affirming that he or she meels these criteria. The provisions of these restrictive cov€nants may be enforced by the Owner and the Town. The conditions, restrictions, stipulalions, and agreemenls contained herein shall not be waived, abandoned, terrninat€d, or amended except by the wrinen consent of both the Town of Vail and the Ofln€r of th€ prop€rty. inslrument was acknowledged before me this'il- day of c lu. 11. : t.II ; |q|l[f iqf {1u,'J"r,H|I{q#u!llf H|.|l il | | | | ledged before me this& day ot bty Commission Expires Dec.27, 1998 DAVID A. T NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF COLORADO nlstt % tpi N PARTY WALL AGREEMENT FOR LO|r 4, BLOCI(3, A SUBnMSTON OF TEE TO]VN OF VAIL, IHIRD TILING EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO WHEREAS, Beaver Dam Road"l-LC. ("Declarant") as the ownsr in fee simple of real property situsted in the County ofEagle, State ofColorado, described as I"ot d Third Filing, r Subdivision ofthe Toun ofVa4 subdivided hereinafter into Units 392 Ea$ md Unit 392 WeS (hereafterthe'?roperties"); and WHEREA$ Declarant has constructed on said Lot 4, Ihird Filing, a Subdivision ofthe Toum of Vaif certain improvementg intended for use and occupancy as residential dwelling rrnrts md uihich are divisible into two units, to be designated hereafter as "Unit 392 We$" and'Unit 392 East"; and WHEREAS, the Declarmt wi$es to provide for separate oumership of units upon said lot and to create eas€ments relating to Unit 392 West and Unit 392 Eag,, oertain separately ouned prop€rty, and the party wall (placed equally dividd on the common bormdary, separating the two units), tle footings underlying suoh party wall, and the roof over srch party wall; and WHEREA$ the Declarant deshes that the party wall dividing the Unit 392 West and Unit 392 Ea* ftereafter singularly the "[Jnit" or together the 'Units') to be declared I party wall and shall be oonstrued as I party wall betweeir the Units under the laws of the State of Colorado (hereafter the '?arty Wall'). NOW, I:HEREFORE, in consideration of tlese premiseg the Declarant hereby makeq publishes and declares the following easem€rrts and restrictions rafrich shall hereafter nm with the land and be bfuding upon and inure to the benefit of the Declarant, and Unit 392 West and Unit 392Ers,, and their successors and assignors forwer: l. Prrtv Wall Easement. Each oumer of a Unit shall have a perpetual easene,nt in md to that put of the subject propefiy oumed by the other md on nfrich Party Wall is located for purposes of inqpection, maintenance, and repairs. Neither owner Sall after or change the Party Wall in any manner, interior deoorating orc€pted, and said Prty Wall shdl remain in the same looation rs uihen €rested 2. Maintenancc of the Partv Well. The cost of maintaining the Party Wall shall be borne equally by both Unit onmers. Maintenance of external appearance and of the rooft shflll be undertaken with the 'nmimous conseNrt of both oumers and at the equal eryeNrse of both Unit ouners unless unaninously ageed to the contrary. Unless otherwise provided" all items of inqpeotion, maintenanoe, repair md replacement Sall be borne equally between tle Unit owners. I rililr ililt ililil lllr illllr llll llllll lll lllll lll lill 668463 O9l04ll99g O3zOO? 298 Serr Flrhut of 11 R 33.00 O O.OO N 0.00 Ersh C0 J.Damase to the Partv Wall. In the we,nt of damage or destnrction of said Party Wall from any cause, otler than the neglige,noe or willfirl act of either Unit oumer thereto, the Unit owners shall, at equal e4pense, repair or rebuild said Party Wa[, and each party, his sucicessor and assigng shall have the rigbt of full use of said Party Wall so repaired or rebuilt. If either Unit owner's negligence or willfirl aot shall cause damage to or destruction of said wa[ srch negligent or willful Unit onmer shall bear the entire cost of repair or reconstruction. If either psrty shal neglect or refuse to pay their share, or all of such cost in case ofnegligenc€ or willftl act, the other Unit oumer may hrve a mechanic's lien on the premises of the Unit own€r so fiiling to pay, for the amount of such defauhing Unit owner's $are of the repair or rqrlacement oo$, interest accruing at tle rate of l2Yo per annum, costs and attomey's fees. Ihilline Throush the Partv Wdl. Either Unit oumer shall have the rightto break through the party wall for purpos€s of repairing or restoring sew€rage, \ilater, utilities, srbject to the obligation to restore said wall to its prwiously stnrctural condition at its oum eryens€ and the paym€nt, to the adjoining Unit oumer, of any damages caused thereby. Unless in the event of an emerge,ncy, srfficient notice and considerstion shall be given to the adjoining Unit oumer and all reasonable efforts $all be taken to minimiz€ the interference rnd use by the adjoining Unit owner. Exterior lDecoratins. Irndscaoitrg or Structures. a) The Unit onmers fromtime to time shall undertake such landsoaping and general outdoor improvements including but not limited to, driveway and parking arsls, as they may deem proper for the harmonious iryrovement of theh Unit in sommon theme with the Units, and except for any eryens€ of liability caused through the negligence or willfirl act of any Unit oumer, his fimily, agent or invitee, Sall be borne solely by such Unit oumer, and each Unit onmer $all be reqponsible for all e4e,nseq liabilities and ge,neral upkeep reqponsibilities with reryect to srch landsoaping and orfdoor iryrovements of its oum individual Unit. The Unit onmer of one Unit shall not unreasonably damage tle value of the other Unit srch as by less ^h"n professional upkeep outside, and both Unit ouners Sall make all reasonable efforts to pres€rve a harmonious cotnmon appearance of the Units. b) In the w€tft a Unit onmer at his oum eq)ense frils to naintain, preserve, and rqtlace, as needed" the trees, shrubs and grass (the '?1silings") within the propqty bormdaries of its Unit comm€nsurate with the sandards of the community, the other Unit onmer, after fifteen (15) <tays unitten notice to the offending Unit oumer, may, if within said time the other Unit oramer has friled to make a good frith effort to bring its Plantings into substantial conformity with the community Plantings, contract witl reryonsible parties to bring to $andard the otrending Unit oumeds plantings and charge the ofending Unit oumer therefore. The otler Unit olrmer perforning such work on behalf of the offending Unit oumer may have a mechanio's lien on the premises of the offending Unit oumer so 4. 5. l illll lllll lllllll llll llllll llll lllill lll lllll lll llll C68fCg Og/O4ll9gA 03$O? 29E Srre Flrhr 2 of tl R 53,00 O O'OO N 0'00 Ergk C0 6. friling to pay, for the amount of srch chargeq interest accruing at the rate of l2o/o per annum, costs md attorney's fees The oumer of the Units hereby grmts to the other, its agents md assignq an irrevooable easement to perform the aforesaid worh c) Each Unit oumer shall be sold reryonsible for maintenance and repair of the inside of its Unit including firdures and improvenaents and all utility lines and equipment locded therein and serving suoh Unit only; window glass and frames shall be deemed interior maintenance. In performing suoh maintenance and repar, or in iryrwing or aftering its Unit, no Unit owner shall do any act or work u&ich imprirs tle structural soundness of eittrer Unit or the Party Wall of rryhioh interferes with any easement grantd or reserved h€rein. d) No Unit olrmer shall make or suffer any structural or design change (including a oolor scheme change), either perman€nt or teq)orary of any t5pe or nature whatsower to the exterior of his Unit, or construct any additional building or structure of any 6pe or rature ufratsoever upon any part of his Unit without ft$ obtaining the prior u/ritt€n sons€rlt thereto from the other Unit owrer. In case of damage or destnrction ofany Unit or any part thereofby any caus€ whatsoever, the owner of srch Unit shall oause with due diligenoe the Unit to be rqraired md restord applying the proceeds of insrmce, if any, for that purpose consiste'lrt with Section 8 set forth below. Such Unit shall be restored to a c.ondition coryarable to that prior to the damagg and in a hannonious manner, to promote the common theme of both Units. Utilities. a) Comnon utility or service connections or lineg oornnrm facilities or other equipment and property located in or on either of the Units but used in conrmon with the otler Unit, if any, shall be onmed as tenants in oommon of e4ual undivided one-half (1/2) interest by the oumers of each Unit m4 except for any ere€nse or liability caused through tle negligence or willfirl act of my Unit owrer, his family agsrt or invitee, ufrich shall be borne solely by srch Unit owner, all expenses and liabilities oonoerned with such propefiy shall be shared equally with srch oumership. The oumer ofthe Unit on uihich such property is not located shall have a perpaual eas€rn€nt in and to that part of such otler Unit sqftaining sroh property as is reasonably necessary for purposes ofmaintenanoe, repah and inryection. b) Utiliry or service connections or lineg frcilities or ottrer r*ility equipment and prop€rty located in, on or upon either ofthe Units, u/hich are used solely to srpply as service or rrility to one Unit $all be oumed by the onmer of the Unit using srch utility or senrice md all ery€nses and liabilities for repair and maintensnce Sall be bome solely by the onmer of such Unit, uihich shall have a p€rpetual easemetm in and to that part of srch other Lot or Unit containing sroh property as is reasonab\r necessary for purposes of maintenonce, rqrair and inryection I llllll lllll lllllll llll llllll llll llllll llllllll llll llll 6l-sq63 6srorl199E 03:00P 298 serr Flrhr 3 of 11 R 36.00 D O.OO ll 0.00 Elgh C0 8. MECHAI\IC'S LIENS: IIIDEMITIIFICATION. a) Except as times inouned as an e)ipense or charge as provided for herein, if any Unit olrmer shall cause any mrterial to be firmished to his parcel or Unit thereon or any labor to be performed tlerein or thereon, the other Unit owner $dl not under any circum$ances be liable for the palme,nt of my eryense or oharges incuned or for tle value of any work done or material funished; all such work shall be at the eryense ofthe Unit oumer causing it to be done and srch owner Sell be sold responsible to oontractors, laborers, mat€rial, men and other persons firmiSing labor or materials to his unit or any iryroveme,nts therein or thereon; nothing herein oontained $all authorize either Unit owrer or any person dealing through, with or under eitler Unit oumer to charge the Unit of tle other Unit oumer with any mechanio's lien or other fien or encumbrance whatsower; an4 on the oontrary (md notice is hereby giv€Nr) the right and power to charge my lien e'ncumhrance of any kind against one Unit owrer or against one Unit oumeds Unit for work done or materids firnished to the other oumeds Unit is hereby eryressly denied. b) Except as provided for below, it because of any act or omission of any Unit owrer, any mechanic's or oth€r fien or order for the palment of money shall be filed agains the other owneds Unit or any improvements therein or tlereon, or against any otler Unit oumer (ufiether or not srch lien or order is valid or enforceable as srch), the Unit oumer u/hos€ act or omission forms the basis for srch lie,n or order $all at its own cost and expense cause the same to be canceled and disoharged ofrecord or bonded by a suety oompany reasonably aoceptable to sroh other Unit onarer, within twenty (20) days after the 64rc sf filing thereo{, and firther shall indemify and save the other Unit oramer harmless from and again$ my and all co*q exp€nseq claims, losses or damageg including reasonable attorneys' fees resrhing therefrom INSIJRAIICE. a) Each Unit ornmer shall keep its Unit and all fixtures therein insured against loss or demege by fire and e:rtended coverage perils (including vandalism and mnlicious misohief) for the maximum replacement value thereof Any Unit owner rnry on thirty (30) days writta notioe, at any time one (1) year or longer after the las rypraisal of the Unitg obtain a wriuen appraisal of suoh Units fiom a cory€tent rppraiser, chargng both Unit olurers with the costs tlereof Such appraiser $all be a disinterested and independent third party who is unrehted in any m{nner to either Unit onmer ufrether through joint business adve,ntures or otherwise. b) Each Unit onmer $all provide and keep in force, for tle protection of himse[ general public liability and property damage insuance rgain* claims for bodily injury or death or prop€rty damage ocourring in, on or upon, his Unit ouned in fee siryle and the improvements thereon, in a limit ofnot less that $1,000,000.00 in reqpect ofbodily injury or death to any number ofpersons arising out ofone aocident or disaster, or for damage to prcperty, and if possible against ton liability, srch higher limits shell be carried and each Unit owner shall name the I ll]il ililr lllllll llll llllll llll llllll lll lllll llll llll 36t453 O9/O4/199e OSzOOP 29t Slrr Flrhr 4 of lt R 56.00 D O.OO N 0.00 Erglr C0 9. other Unit owrer as an additional insrued party rmder such policy, to the extent their interegs -ight appear. c) Eac;h Unit oumer Sall deliver to the other Unit oumer oertifioates widencing all insuranco requirod to be oarried undor this paragraph, eraoh containing agreoments by tho insuers not to oancel or modify the policies without giving the other Unit onmer ruitten notice of at lea$ thirty (30) days. Each Unit ovmer $all have the right to inryect and copy all srch insmnce policies of the orther Unit orwer and roquire widemoe ofthe paym.ont ofpromiums tlereon. d) Nothing provided in this paragraph shall prev€nt tle Unit own€(s from jointly aoquiring a single policyto cover any one or more ofthe hazards required in this paragraph to be separately insred against by eaoh Unit owner. DESTRUCTION OF 4IPROVEIfiNTS ON I]NITS. a) In the event of damage or destruction to a Unit by fire or other disaster, the insuanco proceedg if srfficient to r€constnrot the Unit shall be deposited into a bank account nfiich requireg for withdrawals and tle eignatures of both the Unit owners. The Unit onmer shall tlen prorytly authorize the necessary repair and reconstruction work and the insurance proceeds will be applied by the Unit owner to defray the cost tlereof "Rqlairs and reconstruction" of the Unit or Units, as us,ed h€rein means restoring tho iryrwements to srbsantially the sarne condition in which thoy exised prior to tho damage with each Unit having the same boundaries as before. b) If tho insranco prooeeds are insuffoienm to repair and reconstnrct my damqged Unit, such drmrge or destruction shall be prorytly repaired and reoonstructed by the Unit owner using the insuranoe proceeds and tle prooeods of an ass€ss€d chrrge and lien right, pursuant to Par. lQ against tle Unit orvner of the damaged Unit, Any such assossod oharge and lien right, pursrant to Par. lQ Sall be equal to the amount by rvhioh the cost of reconstruction or repair of the Unit exoeeds the srm of the insurance proooeds allocable to such Unit. Such assessed charge and lien right shall be due and payable not sooner t]an thirty (30) days afteir rvrittem notioes theneof The assossed ohargo provided for herein shall be a debt ofthe Unit oumer md a lien on the Unit and the im[rroveme'nts thereon and may be enforoed md oolleoted by foreolosure prooeedings in the courts. o)Notwithstmding the above, the Unit owrers and first mortgagees ofany or all of the desroyod or damaged Units may egree that the dosfoyed or damaged Units shqll forthufth be demolished and all debris and nrbble oaused by srch demolition bo removed and the parce(s) regraded rnd landsoaped. The oost of suoh landsouping and demolition work shall be paid for by any and all insuranoe proooeds cvailable. Any excoss insuranoo proooeds shall then be disbursed to sroh Unit ownors and their first mortgag€es jointly; but only after tle Party Wall rnd roof has beem restorod t6 s high quality finished condition. r ililt llilr lllllll llll llllll llll llllll lll lllll llll lll 6G8rt63 Og/Wllggg O3zOOP 298 Sur Flrhor 5 of lt R 3t.00 D O.OO N 0'00 Errle G0 10.RIGHT TO LIf,N. a) If a Unit owner, at any time, shall neglect or refirse to perform or pay its share of any obligation, ass€ssment, oharge or as otherwise provided for herein, the other Unit owner may, but shall not be obligated to, after twenty (20) days uritten notioe, u"less the circumstances require immediate aotion, make srch prynent of and on behalf of such other Unit owner, expend srch sum as nuy be necessary to perform such obligation including but not limited to, the palm€Nf of any insurance premiums required hereunder or tle undertalcing of any work required hereunder for repan, restorrtion or maintenance, and srch other Unit oramer shall have m easement in and to the part of such defaulting ouneds Unit as is reasonably necessary for srch repair, restoration or maintenance. b) All srms so paid or eryended by a Unit owner, with interest tlereon at the rgte of twelve peroent (L2%) per year from the date of srch payment or eryenditurg shall be payable by the Unit owner so ftiling to perform (the "Defrufting Unit Onmer") upon demand ofthe other Unit owner. c) All srms so demanded but unpaid by the Defaulting Unit O$m€r shtll consfitute a lien on the Unit of the Defiufting Unit Onmer in favor of the other Unit oumer prior to all other liens and encumbrances, exc€pt: (i) liens for taxes md ryecial rssessmerfs; and (ii) tle lie,n of any first mortgage or first deed of tnr$ of record encunbering such Unit. The lie,n shall attach from the date ufoen the unpaid srm shall become due and may be foreclosed in like ntanner as a mortgoge on real property upon the recording of a notice or claim thereof executd by the non-defaufting Unit oumer setting forth the amount of the unpaid indebtednesq the name of the Defaulting Unit Oumer, md a description of the Unit. In any srch foreclosre the Defruhing Unit Onrner $all be required to pay tle oosts and eryenses of suoh proceedings, including reasonable attorneyd fees. d) The lien provided for herein shall be grbordinate to the lie,n of any firs mortgage or deed of tru$, including all additional advances thereon, sale or transfer of any Unit as the resrft of court foreclosure of a mortgage, foreclosure through the publio tnrstee, or any proceeding in lieu of foreclogre, shall esinguish the lien of such assessments as to pslment tlereof which become due prior to srch sale or transfsr, but shall not relieve my former Unit onmer of personal liability therefor. The nortgagee of srch Unit who acquires title by way of foreclogre or the taking of a deed in lizu thereof Sall not howev€r, be liable for firnre assessm@ts on the date it becomes the ormer of such Unit. No sale or trmsfer shall reliwe such Unit from lien thereof In tle went of the sale or trmsfer of a Unit with respest to uihich srms shall be unpaid by a Defaufting Unit Omer, except transfers to a first moftgagee in connection with a foreolosre of its lien or a deed in lieu thereof tle purchaser or other transferee ofan intere$ in such Unit shall gs jointly and several liable with the seller or transferor thereof for I llllll lllll lllllll llll llllll llll llllll llllllll llll l[l blgrce 6il6il199E 03r00P 29t Serr Flrhor G cf lt R 53.00 O O'OO t{ 0.00 Eesh C0 any such unpaid srms. 11. e) Upon uriten rcquest of any Unit onmer mortgage€, prospective mortgagee, purchaser or otler proryective transferee of a Unit, the Unit owner, of the other Unit shall issue a written stst€Nnent setting forth the amount owed under this paragraph, if any, with reryest to zuch Unit. Such stst€,ment is binding upon the exeouting oumer in ftvor of any pers(m rvho may rely tlereon in good frith. Unless a request for such stetem€nt $all be oorylied with within fifteen (f5) days after recebt thereo{, all uapaid sums which became due prior to the date of making srch reque$ shall be subordinated to the lien or other intere$ of the person requesting such statement. DESCRIPIION AND RESERVATION. Every Contract of Sale, Deed" Lease, Mortgage, Trug Deed" Will or other instrument may legally describe a Unit or real property interest therein as follows: Uft, 392 West or U^fi 392 East (as the case may be), "scslding to the meF recordedin Book st Page- ofthe records ofthe Clerk and Recorder of Eagle Cormty, Colorado. Every srch desoription shall be good md srfficient for all purposes to se[ convey, transfer, encumber or otherwise effect the Unit amd all appurtenant rightg benefits and burde,ns thereto, as created by the provisions ofthis Declaration, md each srch description shall be so construed- This provision shall apply to the Properties. ENCROACf,MENTS. tf any portion of the Units now encroaches upon the other Unit as a remft of tle constnrction of any building, or if any srch encroachment $all occur hereafter as a resuh of settling or Sifting of my building a valid easement for the encroachment and for the maintenance of the sarne so long as the building $andg shall exi*. In tle event my building Sall be partially or totally destroyed as a resrh offire or other casrahy or as a resub of cmderrmation or eminent domain proceedings and then rebuift, ensroachmsrts or parts ofthe building on the other Unit, due to srch rebuilding, shall be permitted, so long as srch enoroachme,nts are of no greater esent thm those prwiously existing, and valid easements for suoh encroachme'lrts and the mrintenance thereofshall exist so long as the building shall stand. PARTY WALL The common wall plaoed equally divided on the coflmon boundary s€parating Uafr,392 West and Uilt392 East, ttre footings undedying the portion ofroof over such wall are collectively referred to herein as the "Party Wall". PROPERTY DIVISION. D€clarant hereby srbdivides the Properties into two (2)paroets for oumerSip in fee sinple consisting of Units 392 West and Unit 392 East as more particularly described in the Map recorded in Book st Page of the records of the Clerk and Reoorder of Eagle Cormty, Colorado, and made a part hereof by this reference. No Unit oumer $all bring any action for 12. 13. I |l|ilr llilr llllilr llll llllll llll llllll lll lllll llll llll 668463 Olt/O4ltggE O3:d0? 29E Sere Flrhr ? of 1l R 1G.00 D O.OO N 0.00 Eech C0 14. 15. t6. partition or division of the Units. In the went the Units are owned by the same entity, the doctrine of merger shall not apply. The parties, if more than sas, having the ounership of one Unit, shall agree among themselves how to Sare the rights and obligations of such Unit olrmershin; provided, howwer, that if a corporation, partnership, association or other legal entity, having concurr€trt oumership of a Unit, ttren sroh €ntity or concurrent oumer shall from time to time designate an individual who $all represent such entity or concurreNrt oumers in all matters conoeming all rights and obligations pursuant to this Declaratiou. Any such entity or concurrent owr€rs shall give writte,n notice to tle other Unit olrmer desipating the individual to ast on its or their beha[ and such notice shall be effective until rwoked in uniting by such entity or Unit owners. Any act or omission by zuch designated individurl shall be binding on the entity or Unit onmer having designated hin in frvor of the other Unit oumer or any person whom mry rely thereupon. Each Unit shall be considered a s€,parate parcel of real property and shall be separately assessed and taxed. ALL{rcATION OF EXPENSES. Costs and exp€, rs€s of meintenance and repairs, except as caused by the negligence or willful act of a Unit oumer, $all be allocated in the following proportions: t&rt392west:50% Utfi392E8st: 50% N)MIIUS'TRATION Al\D MANAGf,MENT. Both Unit oumers shall be q1ually reryonsible for the admini*ration and management of the obligations created hereunde,r. However, in the event that both Unit onmers fail to agree uihen a decision is required by this Declaration" either Unit oumer shall first seek mediation of the issre. In the went either Unit owner believes, based on the standard of the reasonable man, (i) that an iryasse decision has bee'lr nade inconectly or contrsry to tle Declaration as (ii) nonfeasance with reqpect to this Declantion, tlen the aggrieved Unit oumer may petition the Eagle County District Court for a judicial determination of the conffwersy whioh decision shall be binding upon both Unit owners. The Court rnay assess oosts and reasonable attorneys fees as may have bee,n incuned by the parties based upon the merits of the case. USE RESTRICTIONS. a) Each Unit shall be re$ricted to a residentitl dwelling as a permitted us€, and to such useg as well as oonditional and aocessory uses as Sall be allowed by the Toum of Vail. b) No exterior mounted radio, short-wave, television or otler type of dish exceeding 18" in diameter or ant€,nna whatsower, or tank of any kind, either elevated or buried, or clothesline or inoinerator of any kind whatsoev€r or ortside storage or any personal property shall be permitted or maintained on Either Unit without the prior written approval ofboth Unit owners. I llllll lllll lllllll llll llllll llll llllll lll lllll llll llll 66t463 09/0411998 03:00P 29t Sem Flrher 6 of 11 R 16.00 O O.OO tl 0'00 Eeglr C0 17. 18. 19. 20. c) No animals shall be kept or msintained rn, on or upon eitler Unit except that eaoh owner may keep and maintain within his Unit two domestioated dogs and/or two domesticsted cats; provide4 howwer, that srch domesticated enimals, ars ke,pt rmder contrcl at all timeg do not preseirt a nuisance to the other Unit oumer and are kept contolled in sEict ooryliance with all Cormty of Eagle and Toum of Vail ordinances tlat may apply to s1e[ animnls. d) Each Unit onmer may keep no more than four (4) arromobile vehicles permanently within or on his Unit. Parking of boats, trailerg cary€rs, motor homes, ATVs or recreational vehicles on eitler Units is eryressly prohibited- Parking of more than five (5) automotive vehicles by either Unit ormer of his family, agent or invitee on srch owneds Unit for more than a seventy-two (72) hour period is eryressly prohibited. e) No 'tine staring", 'lnterval oumership" 61 similar interest, rarhereby oumership of a Unit is shared by onmers on r time basis, shail be established on either Unit without the prior nnitten approval of both Unit oumers md all lienors holding a first mortgage or first deed of trust of record on my portion of the Units, ufoich approval shall be reflected in a doounent ofrecord. NOTICE. Eaoh Unit oumer Sall register i1s nsiling address with the other Unit owner and all notices or de,mands intended to be served upon Unit oumers shall be sent by certifid mat postage pr€pai4 addressed in the name ofthe Unit owner at sroh regisered mailing address. In the ahernative, notices may be delivered if in uniting personallyto Unit oumers. DIJRATION OF DECIIIRATION. Each provision contained in this Declaration which is srbject to ttre laws of rules sometimes referred to as the rule against perpeuities or the rule prohibiting unreasonable restraints on alienation $all oontinue and remain in full force and effect for the period ofrwenty-one (21) years following tle death of the last survivor of Howard Koenig, of Dana Point California, or until this Declaration terminates as hereinafter provided, rarhichwer first ocsurs All other provisions contained in this Declaration shall continue and remain in firll force and effect until January l, 2Ol9 AD., and thereafter for successive periods ofthe (10) year period of enended duration, this Declaration is tenninated by recorded instrument, directing termination, signed by both Unit olvtrers md all lienors holding a mortgage or deed of trus of record on my portion ofthe Units. AMtrNIDIUENI OR RDVOCATION. This Declaration may be amended or rervoked only (il by Declarant so long as Declarant oums both Units; or (ii) upon unnnimous written approval in recordable form of both Unit olurers md all lienors holding a mortgage or deed oftnrs ofreoord on any portion ofthe Units. EITECT Of' PROVISIONS OF Df,CLARATION. Each prwision of this Declaratiom, and agreement, promise, oov€nant and undertaking to co4ly with I Llllr lllll lllllll llll llllll llll ilrilr lll lllll llll llll 66E463 O9/O4ll99E O3zOOP 29E Sre Flrhr 9 of tt R 56.00 D O.OO N 0.00 Ersh C0 2r. 23. 24. each provision of this Declaration, and my necessary exception or reservation or grant of title, e$atg right or interest to efrectuate any prwision of this Declaration: 1i) shalt be deemed incorpor*ed in each deed of or other instntment by which any right, tftle or interest in any portion ofthe Units are granted, dwised or conneyed" ufiether or not s€t forth or referred to in srch deed or other instrum€nc (ii) shell, by virtue of acceptmce of any right or owner, be deemed acc€pte{ rstifie{ adoped and declared as a personal covelr8nt of srch oumer and, as a personal cov€mnt, $all be binding on such oumer and his heirq personal represe,ntativel srccessors and assigns; m4 Sall be deemed a personal cov€nant to, with and for the beneft or each oumer of any portion of the Units; and (iii) shall be deemed a real covenant by Declarantq for tlemselveg their heirg personal representrtives, srosessors and assigng and also m equitable servitudg running, in each oase, as a burde,n with and upon the title to each and wery portion ofthe Units. ENT'ORCf,MENTANDREMEDIES. a) Each provision of this Declarction Sall be enforceable by any Unit oumer by a proceeding for a prohibitive or mrndrtory injunction or by a srit or action to reqover damtges. If court proce€dings are in*inred in connection with the rights of enforcement and remedies provided in this Declaration, the prevailing psrty shnll be entitled to recover its costs md openses in oonnection thereudth, including reasonable attorneys fees b) Each Unit oumer hereby agrees tlat any and all ac-tions in equity or at law ufrich are in$ituted to enforce any provision hereunder shall be brought in and only in the District Court of Eagle Cormty, State of Colorado. c) Failure to enforce any provision of this Declaration shall not operde 8s r waiver of any srch prwision, the right to enforce sroh provision thereater, or of any other provision ofhis Declaration. EXERCISE OF RIGHTS. Any exercise of any right granted hereunder by one Unit onmer with reryect to the other owneds Unit including, but not limited to, the use of any eassm€nt granted herein shall be exercised in a manner which shall not unreasonably hinder, iryede or iryose upon zuch other owneds use ofthe Unit. SUCCESSORS AIYD ASSIGNS. Except as otherwise provided herei4 this Declaration shall be binding upon and shall inure to the be'nefit of Declarant and each Unit oumer and the heirs, personal representatives, suocessors and assigns of each. SEVERABILITY. Invalidity or rmenforceability of any provision of this Declaration in whole or in part shall not effect the validity or enforcerble part of a provision of this Declara ,ion tililllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllill CCE4C3 O9/O4llg9g O3:O@ 29E Sre Flrhr 10 of lt R 3C.00 D O.OO N 0.00 Erltr C0 25. 27. CAPTIONS. The crptions and headings in this in$rument are for convenience only and shall not be considered in construing any provisions ofthis Declaration. CONSTRUCTION. When necessary for proper construction, the masouline of any word used in this Declaratim shall include the feminine or neut€r gender, md the singular the phnal and vice v€rsa. DEHNTIIONS. Unless the conte* Sall eryress$ provided otherwise, the following tems shall have the following meanings: a) "The Properties" shall mean all of the real estate legally described as Iot 4, Third Filing, a Subdivision ofthe Toum of Vail subdivided hereinafter into Units 392 Ea* and Unit 392 Wes! according to the Map thereof recorded in Book at Page of tle records of the Clerk md Recorder of Eagle County, Colorado. b) 'Int' or '?arcel" or "[Jnit" or "Ilnits" may be used interchangeably, as the context would dictate. c) ''[Jnit" shall mean any one ofthe two dwellings coryrising the Units. d) "olrrrer" or "ovvrl€trs (uftether upper or lower case) Sall mean a person, firm, corporation, partner$ip or association, other legal enttry, or any combination thereof, ouming an interest in the Properties and/or the Unit or Units. e) "Map" (ufiether upper or lower case) shall mean the engineering suvey of the Property depicting and locating with ryecificity thereon the Units and other improvements of srch land and improvements being hereby submitted to this Declaration. Such map shall be recorded in the office of the Eagle Cormty Clerk and Reoorder prior to or qont€qroraneously with the recordation of this Declaration this Declaration thisIN WITMSS WHEREOF. Deolsrant ofl998. STAIT OF #984147 ) ) ss. ) to m€ this ?J day ", ./,( ,nn Witness my hand at official/KeaLl | ililr ilil ilillr llll llllll llll lllll lll llllll lll lill 66E463 Ottl0lllggA 03:00P 29E Slrr Flrhrlt of 11 R 53.00 O O.m il 0.00 Ergh C0 q_ R F \(+c) fdqd'8;H= EE== arg c)Fnx b Septernbct ti, l99tt Mr. David A. Tanzcr David A. Tanzer & Associatbs, P.C. 953 South Frontage Road West Suite 219 Vail. CO ttl657 RE: Change of Addrcss Request for 392 Beaver Dam Circlc Lot 4. Block 3.. Vail Village 3" Filing Dcar Mr. Tanzcr: Thc requcst for the changc ofaddress for 392 W I 3g2E Bcavcr Dam Circlc to 392 I 390 Beavcr Dam Circle has been approvcd. Thc following agcncics have been notificd ofthc changc: Eagle County Ambulancc District Town of Vail Fire Dcpartmcnt Town of Vail Policc DeParttncnt U.S. Wcst U.S. Post Officc Eaele Rivcr Water and Sanitation District Shoutd you have any further qucstions. please feel free to contact me at 479-2369. TOIN'I OFVAIL Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 97A479-2138 nLx 970479-2452 PY Holy Cross Elcctric Public Scrvicc ComPanY Public Servicc High Pressurc Cas TCI Cablcvision Eaglc CountY Assessor's Office Sincerelv, /lrun&L Allison Ochs Planner I \WAI L\DATA\EVERYONE\ALLISON\ADDCH.DOC {g *"n"uoon u, oal:l3/rJgA r?a 4A FROT4 : Lfl,J:OFFICES /144r M/rltING ADDRil99: PROI lnTt Olft{ut tI6 NAfUf, lit H Kl-ts'tt llt PIJoNE H0, | 91A 476 6Lag 32 | 2t4I r|{TE gL ACflON nnqUUllrliUr ' CURREM|ADDRESg: rROlqoS&tD ADDB!6SI x**ilJroR oFIttctAL ltsr oNLy\;+++ l.lt. es lee€ llls?Fn PZ nufiilr*'hfi'V sTnEBTADDR&ss AssIGNMEI{T AND cl{ANGE FoRM Sl"ifJ,ltli$.5..iii3'fr11T#HH,ni:J"ffi..tHui"ll,T3i'l]:io"n rdr.'brrntothaDlP*t'enl IIROrEI{TYOWNUINAM& gcam$ F'i' fqrer l-r'd . *.F- p^rEg.{3!lg-- Chanqe of Adress Requested a; ^a,. Irlzi igz s lovrr Drsn na. Circl<- C)rcle- - -- 2) ISO 8..""= D"m Jf. (}'d . Rrourrs|) lrDltrguaL[ rcilcE ttlll'ArilxENn lhorc 179.800 frr }lrB OSPA,RI]|I]|fII llnnr {7}12!0 Fu47l't$i PUBLIC llf0llK6l EAOI.E COUNTI AilBUI.ANCE DISTRICT: Plrcat lt6.0ftt frs9aa'tzll 12t".-JZlo azu-5245 Tlro foltorvltrg rgottrL| wlll br r'otthod llbr lhb r*lursr h$ tron rPPtov'A: '. UE Wnrt (Fboil 9|0'8fi'{tti !g tiO'lll{tll) u, t,Iolt Olllaa (Phont {t6'tcxt !& 476'10tt) lrglr ttlror t{rtcr rnd Slnltrtton Dlrtsl(il (Phonl {t6tfi0 f|r |76'{!!t} Itolt eror llo(Etc Olrold gdt'5tr18 FutlF'{93$ [irlltclrrvto Cor4uryr Gh.6.t5!'18tl ls]t'ttlt' A$ltc Sonlcr llltlr Pr.|.sr (irl Olod. {6}$ll Ir* {ll't101) TCI Crttcvtrton: Otons rg'i$}O Frr tlDttlEl tt$r Colnry f$I|.r'r Offf€. (phono $r-!3r0 Frr tll.7870) % !lr0nclt9-3r$ !rxl79'2ltt t ., lVl coMr{rr*',DwE.*wrn"*,,, //W[::, U4.-....-- t'nnne frf-ilfg FrtlThlllll af oo LAw OFFrcEs OF Drvro A. Te.xznn & AssocrnrEs, r.c. Vlrr, . Crrrclco . DENvtR Cncrco: 33 W J^cKsoN BourrvARD 5fi n ooR CHFrr,o, l|JNors 60604 312-23649E8 FAx-236-699t VAIL PRoFEssroNAL BUTLDTNG 953 Sotrnr FRorcTAGE Ro,lp Wesr SurrE 219 Vnrl, ColoneDo 81657 970476-6tOO FAx-476-6109 August 20,1998 Mr. BrentWilson Tonm ofVail Community Dwelopment 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, CO 81657 RE: D€rrMr. Wilson: Pursrant to Vail Municipal Code please find enclosed Change of Address Application. This letter Sould be made a part ofthe applioation form attached hereto and made a part hereof This application is r reasonable request and should be apprwed by the Toum of Vail fortle following reasons: I There 8re two (2) separate driveways with two (2) separate curb-c'uts for the prcp€rty. 2 The fire deprrtment, ulhile remaining neutral on tle change of addresg has eryressed that for fire and safety reasons it would be easier to identiS the property in m em€rge,lrcy with trvo se:parate numbered addresses. 3 lhe Torvn of Vail Municipal Code provides for and allows for the assignnent of two selrarate numbers on a duplex property; the duplex Sares only one srnall sorrmon wall The Toum of Vail has verbally approved the srbdivision and the Mylars forthe Plat of Subdivision are Fes€ntly being Title Coryany andEagle County. signatures by the Your sft€ntion fu eg6ining approval on the rppreciated. Upon reoeipt please oall with any questions and YOUr SSSr$8nCe. DAT\tad #9*4147 c.c. Mr. Koenig KocrrlgUtv-AK Dnrwn: 950 SoLnH CHERRY STTEET SunE 710 DsNvEr, CoLoR^Do 80222 97M76-6t@ FAx-476-6 | 09 request ls Commitment To Insure A[tA Conrniirnont . lg70 Fw 0t! ffgPt|8llc NAII0NA| trttE [is|lBAlrcE cO[rpANy, r Mnnorore coflunrroi, hlrcrn lo d rru crrrrlcny, lor a !€lGblg Con:tdcnton, htr|by commts E t$ue rt! po[ry 0t ldro8s ol ttttg Infur,nut. rt td0n|Jltcd In sdroduls A, rn lrror ol ril Sr0p,)std lrEuEd i|med rn Scnldvlo A a! w.n o nonli00e of rhc rsnu 0, mrer€st curcEd hcrcly rn fiB lird de!{t,ltsd or ttlottod lo In Stllduf, A, ulm laymlnt ol rlro prrrlt11rnr l11d ti4rlpi th3efof, tli{!1,1!t to lhe prlvr}u,ti ul Sclttddo A ud E ||rd h lh! Cmdrronr r,rd SttpritronN lur0of. Thrr Com,'rrtmrnt rhsll iE lllccuri3 odly stei lhe rdmi[y 0f tha pm[otd /r]ru€d ond t[t 0firouflt {t ih! pgltr"y cr p0ltrlS C0trti),ti0d lot hlvs lNar njtrtd n Sciecllr I hcnol O'/ tlB Com$nl. grttrtr er rk ffie 3f hc t5!uonc0 ol rDrr Cotnmlmcnt or by st0trquent rndofgl'1Trt IlttB Cirnrrtrtrnon| !ptll n{/y t0 tfia lntancr |]I Suclr lollcy or 0U[srus oI Ir!nt|,fii]C3rnd||ttobtrryindottr00ljont h9ounder ltld ll crls t.d te,mrntl! rt: montht tltrr lho aifet w rlotr tnof cr whsl tI! poky 0r pottcrfi comtn ed tor rhlll i$ua nhrcbwr ftnt otqun, provrdd fi,rt lhs hilum to t!!ur tuti puh(y or riltcrr rt rcl tld lault of rho ComFl,nv. [0N0lit0fis AND silPUtAlt0t/s i. Tll€ ter;n "mon![0r'', tv]ref !r!d honln, shli rrcludr dlrd 0l lruE(, truit dEni, 0r 0thd lestnt, |1!tfuncnt.2 l[ lhe pro!0lBd Insurcd hN! 0t luqurrus fitu! kiowhtlg! ql rnv drhcl hrn, encumhrantg, rdvlrrt cbm or oliErIt|!lt8|0lhtl|||otheestt|oot|nt0nJl0rnoll'a!ethNB00c!re:cdb|l1llrcon,nllnr|.$ |0thrc0mprr|nw't|.!.li1!comp|n|!|!|ltgrc|lcwd|6mirobrltylorrnt|otr!|d!mit]en*uhinlfmm byfrumo|itB'o90sed|nruredt0sodlstltjs8s!citn0Wod90'l!ll|Ep|oposodh'undlhrl|sc|oitucl r.tdil tnowl0dgr ol any suci defa;r, l|Jch lmcl]dTenl siall not tCrew IhN C|]rllrny lr0rr lrrlillY pmvro $ly lcr,]rcd piJrsleft t0 p|ogruph 3 !l thtjr tJfldrtrlnr d $t|Jur onr.3' trubrltl ol rh. :0mp y uidor liri ccnm;tr'rar irJlr bl tclt ro rh! narisd prop(3ed IitluEd ond !!ch r0(rr!]cluc!du|'|gfthedrfwlnnofin5q$6thrlormolpolr6yllpohiu:comminldhl|nd0|l|}h|!c|i| ggrrply vurth *r mfUlimai6 Co'lm;lrrtnt ln no rt[nt sii]ll g|01|I|!n58nd$€c0nd|I0nrrIds!|p0||t0Nind|hiE|rh$!tt|rcI'lCln9o h6niy tlor,lonlcd t! nlsrencc lrd modt a gaq Ot i,hlt hnttntreni errspi is exgrsCy ffidtlnd tt,Nri, !,is6s 0,,,0rrh, s'rur or De,,,rc ro rhs *,0,, o,,no;n,illill'llJ,,:iHilllfiJiri:l'l,Tl,,l"llifi1HHi;lilil'j,lJilil'ffTJi,ffiiil]i:' pr0r ir6ns :t :i$ Contt,lmant. sTAt{0Ai0 EXCtPl0tiS In tddtfit tr Ihc mlt$rscolancd ttt tft C0ndi onr snd SLrputolnnJ end E{cl!!ron! [om Cnvgagl gboro EllfEd 10, Lhs Cocrnnmrnr rs ah0 su0lf(l to thr hll0wrno, I RrClrh or chrnr ol plnrrs In p0$rt3t0n ior $0wd by lir tu[ c rscoids 2. Elwenls 0r clamr ol ta$rrnarrr. nor slown lJ lht fll,lr Elofijr. S Drscr4rnrrlr, c0nlltttS 11 6ourto* ltn6l 3lplsgs rn Erco, entrcllhnrtnls, and nny hcil wlrrch r corrclsr Py Nn'J Inspcctron ol the l€rlse5 wodd duclotn and r$r0h tn iot ifuwn by tle DUDttc tccod! iHl c Any lton. 0r rt$r to a iron hf rSMags, bbor of nJtBnll rhg€ftiolt or hcrllll l0rnshr(. tnolscd ty ld|l|,gnd riut sltown by fia lrDhC 4curds i [)del:ts llint. errcumbrulrot, 00ve(te sh ns :r rpcf mllers r,drf. cmotld. l,r5t glpet ng n lhc pub6 rf1;Od$ lhirnr(tlr tt. lN WlIt{lSS YvHtnE0F, Old Nu,rbt( Natradal '1,{lB hsr/fotce Colrprny hu Nout|o tt corporllc nlmo lid rarl i0h|hdr$t!r/l||ocbytisdu!aurnonrd0||lc'(0nliltcttrlhcwnrlsih0t,l9l.l0bEvl1,dwten(0Unle61!nod!vlvNda!n! (lLO REFUBLIC 'IATIOIIAT TITTq IilSURATCE COiIPAIIY A Stotl tonlnt 4d0 t.toid tght, Sntlt, lhrn*tttoht. l/i,rtoctoro !i,!01 ifr"^ q "4,|t'+tru-" 0y ttkatnl lbntpy 0ll tr?fi ilta E0d A,$,4rtray !ttttnty 88ieglt0,.6 'oti i{vJ JSt lUtU SflilCUC-SSICNVUS l,lv /0r01 IUI 88-tz-1nf August 20, 1996 Buyer/Eorrower 3 SeIler,/OwnEr: 9roperty Address: If you have any lnErlries or requlre furthercgntacE one of che numbere llseed belowr For ClosLng Assietanee : MTKE MOSS 108 S, FRONTAOE RD W,vArIJ, co 81659Phone: 9?e 4?6-Z2SLFax: 970 4?5-4534 our Order No.: v254359 HOWARD KOENI€ ARTIITIR A. MORGAI'I AbID BR!{IN DIENER, CO-TRUSTBBS aEslEtance, please Tor Tlt,le AssiEtancel JIIJIJ WELLS 108 S. FROI'ITAG!] RD !{.vArL, co 91659Fhone: 970 476-225LFax: 9'10 /t76'4534 *t* ****t***r*********************+**rr*******+*+*t*,t **r*r*r*+**+*** NorE; oNcB Alt ORrGrNArJ coluMrr'ttE![T ltas BFEI{ rssuED, AIc":( suBsEeuENT CITAhTGES WIIJIJ B8 EMPTIASIZED BY UNDERIJINING. ********+*+*+********+***************r*f*****1'*****r.*******+******* UIANK YOU FOR YOIIR ORDERI t0 'd 88rtg/r0/8 '0N }(vj Jst lult SflH0VC-SSIffVUE tlv 80101 IUJ 88-te-1nf OI,D REPUBLIC NATIONAT TITI,E INSURANCE COMFATY ALTA COMMITMENT SCHEDULE A Our Order # V25d359 For Information 0n1v - Charges - AI,TA Owner Policy gd,6s7.ooAlta Lender policy $1OO,0OTax Reporr $20.00_ _ TOTAL _ _ 94t77?.OO **T TTIIS IS NOT A}I IM/OICE, BUT A}I ESTIMATE OF FEES. WI.IEN REFERRTNGTo rl{rs ORDER. PLEASE REFERENCE ouR ORDER No. vzs43s9 *** l. Effective Dae€! AuguEE 0?, 1998 at 5:00 p.M. 2. Policies to be issued, and proposed Insured r rrALTArt Owner, E policy 10-1?-92 $2, EOO, 000, OO Praposed hsured; HOWARD KOENIG uALTAu Loan pollcy t0-J.7-92 Proposed Insuredr TO BE DETERMINED 91, 500, 000 . 00 3. The estate or :lnteresc. {n the fand degcribed or referred to ln.thls CofiurllgmenB and covered, harein is I A Fea Slmp1e 4 - Title to che estat,e or incerest covered herein 1e ac uheeEfective d,at,e h€reof vested in: ARTHUR A. MORGAN A.}ID ERWIN DIENER, CO-TRUSTEES PAGE 1 90 'd BEI09I'0IB '0N XHJ ISE lUlU SnICVC-SS!0NUUS Hv 80101 IUc 86-tz-1nf ' OUD REPIJBLIC IIATIONAE TITI.B INSURANCE COMPAI{Y AIJTA COMMTTMENT SSHEDIII.,E A our order # v254359 5. Tho-land raferred Eo in thrs comdlEment, 1E d,eccrrbcd asroJ.lowE: I,,9T d, tsti0eR 3,__VAXtr VILTAGB-THIRD FIEING, ACeORDfNo To THERECORDED PIAT TTTEREOFI COUI\rXI_OF ARC['g, SiArr OF COIJORADO. rlt PAGE ? g0 'd 88ltglt0l6 'tN l$J JSg lUgU SnH(HC-SSgffUUg HU 80!01 IUC 88-tZ-Tf AIJTA COMMIT SCHEDULE 8-1 (Requlrement,s ) The following are the reguirarirente Pa)^renE Uo of tor t,he accountthe full conslderat,lon for rheinsured, Proper_instri.ment(E) creat,lng ehe eEEatE or int,ereet Eo beinsured must be executed and-duly flled for record, to_wi!: EVTDENCE sATrsFAcToRY To THE coMPAI{'lf TI{AT THE I'ERMS, coI{DITIcNs .ANDPRovrsroNs oF TI{E TOWN oF vArL tRANSFER TA,\ HAVB BEBN,qATrsFIED. wARRArrrY DEED l'ROM-ArrlIuR A. MORGN{ tu\D ERWrN DTENER, CO-TRUSTEES TO r{OwARDI(OENIG CO}IVEYING SIIE.TEET PROPERTY. DEED OF TRUST FROM HOIfAXD KOENIG TO THB PTJBLTC TRUSTEE OF EAGI,F COUMNf FORTIIE USE OF TO 8E DETERMINED TO SECI'RE ?gE SUM Or'Ii,SOO,COO.OO. THE CoUNTY CLERi( AIID RECORDERS OFFTCE REQUTRES REfURNADDRESSES ON DOCIJMBNTS SENT FOR RECORDINGI I i * * * rl * * * * r * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * NOTE ****+*i**.!a***************t* RECORDTNG FEES ITAVE TNCREASED Ag oF iruL,,y 1, 199s TO g6.00 FOR T}IE FIRST PAGE ADTD $5.00 FOR EACTI ADDIiIONAiJ FAGE.REIJEASES IIAVE INCREASED TO $14.00 FOR THE FTRST PAGE A},ID$5.00 FOR EACH ADDITIONAI. PACE. 88ltglt0t8 '0N livj Js3 lutu snIovc-ssl0Nvug ilv 80r0t I8c 88-te-1nf to bc of bha e8 E,at e MENT Our Order # V254359 complled with: Erantors or morEgagors ofor lnEerest Eo be 1. 2- 5. PAGE LUd ALTA COMMITMENT SCHEDI'IJE B-2 (Exception6) Our Order # VZS43S9 Ths pollcy or policies t.o be ieEued will contain excepEionE to t,hefollowing unlegs the Eame are d,lsposed of Eo the FaEi;racEiotr ofthe Company: 1. Standard Exceptlon8 1 thraugh g printed on the covei sheee. €. Taxes and aesesemente not yet due or payable and specialaEsessmenE,E noE yet cerEified Es Ehe Treasurer,s off,ice. 7. Any unpaid Eaxes or assessments agaLnsc eaid land,, 8. Llene tor unpaid hraEer and gewer charges, if any. 9. RrGllr oP FROPRTETOR oF A vErN oR LODE To ExrR-acr AND REIvlovE Hrs oRE TI{EREFROM SHOUI,,D THE SAME BE FOITND TO PENETRATE OR INTERSBCT TIIE DREMISESAS RESER'VED IN UNITED STATES FA?ENf RECORDED September 04, 1923, II.i BOOX 93AT PAOE 98. 10. RIGHT OP W.AY FOR DITC$ES OR CAI\IALS CONSTRUCTED BY TIIE AUIHORIIY OF l'HEUNITED STATES AS RESERVED IN UNITED STA.TES PATEN: RECORDED Septemlcer 04,1923, IN BOOK 93 AT PAGE 98. 11 . RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS WHICH DO NOT CONTA,INA FORFEITURT: OR REVERTER CIIAUSE,BUT OMITTING RESTRICTIOHS, rF A$Y, B.A.SED oN RACE, coloR, REI/IGION, oRNATIONA! oRrGrN, As coNTAxNED rN rNsTRUt'tENT RECORDED March ?5, 1963, rN BOOK 174 AT FAGE 575. 12. UTILITY EASEMENT TEN F'EET IN WIDTH ALONG THE NORTI{WESTERIIY I.,OT IJTNE AT.{DFIVE FEET IN W]DTH AIONG IrI{E NORTHEASfERLY IOT IJINE OF SUBUECI FROPERTY AS S}IOh'N ON TT{E RECORDED FI.,,AT OF VA,IL VIIJ,,AGE-THIITD I'ILING. i3. EASEMEMI, ANID RIGIIT OF WAY AS GRANTED TO VATIJ WATER AID SANTTATION DISTRIC'|IN INSTRI,-I4ENT RECORDED APRIL 13, 1967 IN BooK 2o]. AT FAGB 319. L4. TERMS, CONDITIONS AriD PROVISIONS OF EaSEtqEt'IT DEED RECCRDeo epril 09, tgo?IN BOOK 450 AT FAGE 610. PAGE 4 80 'd 88ltglt0/8 '0N XUJ JSI lVlU SnilCvC-SSlffiVUg l^lV 0l:0[ IHC 88-te-1nl A) B) c) Tl:_ll!1""t real propercy may be locared ln a spectal raKlngd:.SErlCt _ A CerEificaEs of, Taxe6- Due llsting each taxlng JurlEdlct,tonmay be obtalned lrorn uhe counCy rieieure, or Eire CourrtyTreagurer,s auE,horLzed agent. The lnformaElon regardlng speclal disLrlcEg and the boundarlesof such d'letrlcEe may be-obtalned from the Board o! councyCornmlesioners. the County Clerk and Record"r, oi ine -ounry .AsseaFor. LAND TITIJE 6UARANTEE COMPANY DISqLOSI'RE STATEMENT Regulred by senaEe Bttl 91-14 Regutred by Senate Bill 92-143 A).a cerElficate of raxee Due llsting each Eaning JuriodictionEha1l be obtained frorn the County-Ti"asurer oi lire councyTreaEurer,E aut,horized, agent, ' oud 88ltglt0l6 '0N }{UI JSI lUlU SnH(VC-SS!0NVUS l"lU 0l:01 IUC 88-tZ-Tf LAw OFFrcEs Drvn A. TnNznn & Assocr.lrEs, r.c. VarL.Cnrceco.DENvEn Vlll PnorrssroNAl BUTLDTNG 953 SourH Fnowrnce Roep Wesr Surre 219 Ve,rl. ColoneDo 81657 970-476-6tOO Frc,x-476-6109 luly 24,1998 Mr. Brelrt Wilson Tonm ofVail Conmunity Dwelopme,lrt 75 S. Frontage Rd- Vail, CO 81657 RE: 392 Beaver Dan Rd.. VaiU Duplex Subdivision Dear Mr. Wilson: Pursuant to Mrmicipal Code Chapter 17.24 nd Section l3-8-l Duplex Subdivisions, please find enclosed duplicate Application for Duplex Subdivision. You will also find enclosed trro (2) Mylars and two (2) pryer copies of plat, Plrty Wall $greement (not yet filed wirh Eagle County Recorder's Office), and title r€port with , $lhedules A & B, along with rpplication fees (per Code) of $100.00. It rafP ,1 ,ti' y?' f 1 Once the plat has been approve4 we will obtain signatures om the Mylan and l? ' .. l0',' ,l/ I Pafty wall Agreement from the owner. :A' ll' t' An,,,t ,nV upon receipt please call with any questions and afuise as to how long it will take{ // to process. I thank you in advanoe for your assistance. Should you have any fiuther que$iong please do not hesitate to call. DAT\Iad #9&4147 encl. c.c. Mr. Kosdg KoaigV*AK CErcAco: 33 }V. JrcKsoN Bourv RD 5rs FLooR C c^co, lluNors 60504 3t2-23G6988 FAx-2366998 Dnrven: 950 SourH CHERRY STREST SurE ?10 DENVER, CoLoR Do 80222 n0.4.76-6t@ F^x-4766109 Revised 5/2/92 (PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE) Dale Received bY the CommunitY Development DePartment: APPLICATION FOR DUPLEX SUBDIVISION REVIEW (Chapter 17.24 Y ail Municipal Code) BEAVER DAM RD., LLC. 92629 ,f , A. APPLICANT MAILING ADDRESS 7 BREAKERS IST,E PHONE 760/730-9500 B.APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE ADDRESS 953 S. FRONTAGE RD.E 9701476-6Loo C. PRQPERTYOWNT BEAVER DA}.,I RD., LLC. OWNER'S SIGNATU PHONE 760/730-9600 MAILING ADDBE 7 BREAKERS ISLE D.LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: STREET ADDRESS LOT 'a gUOCXj-SUBDlVlSloN hL.qc,k 3.'e suttdlvlstorl -r,,-,N1q g"o vo,l,rlwResubdlvlsion of Lot 4, ^#. |F .at 'lt - APPLICATION FEE $1OO.OO PAID- CHECK#-BY: MATERIALS TO BE SUBMITTED: E. F. 'l Two mylar copies and one paper copy of the subdivision plat shall be submitt€d lo ths O"partinent oi Communily bevetopnrbnt. The plar shall include the following: The linal plat shall be drawn by a registered suryeyor in India ink' or olher substantial solution, on a reproducibie medium (preferably mylar) with di1e11ton ;il;;;it-t"r; b'inirr'-ri, irictres anO shatt be ai a scala of one hundred leet to oneinchor|argerwith'"'gin.-oton.andone.ha||totwoinchesonlhe|eftand one-half inch on all other sides. Accurate dimensions to the nearest one-hundredth of a foot for all lines' angles "nd art., used lo describe boundaries, slroets' setbacks' alleys' easements'., structures, areas ro be reserued or dedicated lor public or @mmon usss and other ilp"'d;ii";rrres. All curves shitl be circular arcs and shall be detined by the iaiius, cenrral angle, are ....d di.t"n."s and bearing' All dimensions' bolh- it*;;;;e;rs;i"i "t" to ue oetermined by an accuraie control survey in the field which must bilance'and close wilhin a lim'rt of gne in len thousand' North arrow and graPhic scale. A svstematic identificalion of all existing and proposed buildings' units' lots' bloiks, and names Jor all streets, Anidentificalionoflh6streets,a||eys,parks,andotherpub|icareasorfaci|itiesa€ .ii"w^ "" in" ptar, and a d;6i6; rl.';reof to the.publit use. An id€ntiiicalion of lhe easemenls as shown ;;;;il ;il"'giant 6"reot to the public use' Areas i"t"w"a for fulure public acquisition shall also be shown on the plat' b. d. TANZER /1219 vArL. C0 \:. stmpte owner Iner9of. m. All cunent tax€s musl be paid prior to the Town's approval of plat. This includes laxes which have been billed out but are not yet due. The certificate of laxes paid musl be signed on the plat or a statement from the Eagle County Assessors Office musl be provided wit the submittal information staling thal 3ll taxes have been oaid. n. Signature of owner. 2. The plal must contain the lollowing statement:. "For zoning purposes, lhe lots created by this subdivision are to be treated as one lot with no more than lgg dwelling units allowed on the combined area of the !U4e lots." The stalement shall be modified to indicale the number oi units and lots proposed." 3. A copy of the daclarations and/or covenants relating lo the subdivision, which shall assure the maintenance of any common areas which may be created. The covenants shall run with the land and shall be in a form suitable for recording wilh the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder. 4. SchedulssA & B of alille report. APPROVAL PROCESS, REVIEW CRITERIA Upon receiving two copies of a complele submittal along with payment of the appropriate fee, lhe zoning administrator shall route one copy of the sits map 10 th€ town engineer for his review. The zoning administrator shall then conduct lhis review concurrently. The lown engineer shall review the submittal and return commenls and nolifications to the zoning administrator who shall transmil the approval, disapproval or approval with modifications of the plat within fourtesn days 10 lhe applicant. The zoning adminislrator shall sign the plat if approved or require modificalions on the plat for approval or deny approval due lo inconsist€ncies wilh the originally approved plan or failure to make other required modifications of the plat. FILING AND RECORDING The Departmenl of Community Development will record the plat and any related covenants wilh the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder. Fees for recording shall be paid by the applicant. The 1 i, Community Development Department will retain one mylar copy of the plat for their records and will i 'll record the remaining mylar copy. lf this application requires a separate review by any local, Stale or Federal agency other than the Town of Vail, the applicalion fee shall be increased by $200.00. Examples of such review, may include, but are not limited to: Colorado Departm€ni of Highway Access Permits, Army Corps of Engineers 404, eic. The applicant shall be responsible for paying any publishing fees which are in excess of 50% of the application fee. lf, at th€ applicanl's requsst, any malter is postponed for hearing, causing the matter to be re-published, then, the entire iee for such re-publication shall be paid by the applicant. Applications deemed by the Community Development Departmenl lo have significant design, land use or other issues whlch may have a significant impact on the communily may require review by consultanls other than town staff. Should a determination be made by the town staff that an outside consultanl is needed to review any applicalion, lhe Community Development may hire an outside consultant, it shall eslimale the amount ol monsy necessary 10 pay him or her and this amount shall be fonwarded to the Town by lhe applicant at lhe lime he files his application with the Community Development Department. Upon complelion of the review of the applicalion by the consultanl, any of the funds forwarded by the applicant for payment of the consultanl which have nol been paid to the consultant shall be returned 1o the applicanl. Expenses incuned by the Town in excess of the amounl'forwarded by the applicant shall be paid to the Town by lhe applicant within 30 days of notification by the Town. H. Town of Vail 25 south Frontaqe Road Vai1, Colorado 815 57 (303) 479 -2138 PLan anaLysis based on the 1991 Uniform Buildinq Code NoTE:The code items Listed in this reporc are noC intended to ii;;j.;;-"i at1 poesibte code requirements in the 1991 uBc' rt gelected secbionE of the code. Project Number: PRifg?0035 Addrees: 392 BEAVER DAI'I CIRCLE ContracEor3 CotlEN CONST ATChitsECT : WII,IJIA}'i RESI/OCK Engineer: irOSEPH NICOL DIRECTION BOT'NDARY NORTH ProPerty l ine EAST ProPertY line SOUTH Property l ine wEsT Building Name: BEAVER DAI'{ RESIDENCE P Date: April 24, L997 Occupancy: R3,Ml Type of const: V-N Plans Examiner: DAN STANEK SEPARATION AREA INCREASE FIRE PROTECTION 4?.0 Feet 47.0 Feet 32.0 Feet 32.0 Feet 34.0 Feet 34 ' 0 Feet 0.0 Feet 0'0 Feet conpleteguide to WEST BRG NON-BRG OPNG WALIr VIAL,L, PROT Lhr* thr* NOP thr* thr* NOP bea isa EXTERIOR WAI,I, FIRE RATINGS AND OPENING PROTECTION Table 17-A & Table 5-A NOP FIJ NORTH OCC BRG NON.BRG OPNG VIAI.,L WALL PROT R3 Ohr Ohr None M1 ohr Ohr None The exterior walls may EAST BRG NON-BRG OPNG WALIJ WAI.,I., PROT Ohr Ohr None Ohr Ohr None SOUTH BRG NON.BRG OPNG WALL WALL PROT Ohr Ohr None Ohr Ohr None 11.90 5.45 0.00 5J. Of 15 .70 10.45 4.10 0.00 0.00 r-1. 9 0 15.50 L2.55 2.25 0.00 openings are NAME be of COMBUSTIBLE material . Sec'2201' not permitted in this rra11. AREA I4IN. LIGHT MIN'VENT NO.EXITS EGRESS 2 Maater bedroom 238 2 Master bath 109 2 HaL1g, cloaeta, etc. 341 TOTAL FOR FL,OOR 588 1 Living/Dining room 673 1 Kitchen 334 1 Den 209 1 BaCh room 82 1 Hal1s. cloEebs, etc. 344 TOTAI, FOR FI,OOR \642 B Garage 599 B Bedroom #1 238 B Bedroon #2 3L2 B Bedroom f3 25L B Laundry room 45 B Hatls, cloEels. etc. 245 TOTAIT FoR FIrooR 1591 BUILDING TOTAL 2330 23.80 0.00 0.00 67.30 33.40 20.90 0.00 0.00 0.00 23 .80 31.20 25.r0 0.00 0.00 YeE No No No No No No No No YeE Yes Yes No No Yes 1 L 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 t- L 1 I l- 1 Town of Vail OFFICE COPY liT:i$3:'- An operable window or door that opens di-rectlv to the exterior is required f.o. ttri" ioon ' rfre ninimum cl-ear openable area musE meeb the fol-lowing- -- sec. 1204' 1) The minimum clear height is 24 inches 2) The minimum clear widhh is 20 inches Ji rft. minimum clear area is 5'7 Equare feet ai rfre maximum sill- height ie 44 inches 2) fhe-number of exits is based on Table 33-A (Dwellings) 3) A mechanicar ventiialion system may be used in in lieu of exterior openings for ventilation. -- sec' 1205' (c) 4) The requirement for an egress window in the basemen! is based on Sec. 12 04 . ROOM DIMENSIONS: Habitable Epace BhaLl have a ceiling heiqht of not less lhan ? feet 5 inches. Kitchens. ha1ls, bathrooms and' toilet comparEmenbs may have a ceil,ing height of 7 feet measured to Ltre lowes! piojecEion' If the ceiling is sloPing, tnen the minimum heigh! is required in only l/2 of the area' - -sec. 1207. (a) EverydwellingunitshallhaveatleaE!oneroonwhichhasnotlegsthanl20 square feet of floor area. Other habitable rooms except kitchens shall have an area of no! Iege lhan 70 square feeh' -- Sec' 1207' (b) HabiEable rooms other than a kiichen sha1l not be l-ess than 7 feet in any dimeneion.Sec. 1207. (c) GI.,AZING REQUIREMENTS : aii gf"zi"g in hazardous locations is required to be of safety glazing material . -- sec. 5405. (d)- 1) Giazing in inqress and egress doors except jalousies' 2) Glazinq in fixed and slidinq panels of stiding door assemblies and panels in swinging doors olher than ward'robe doors' 3) Glazinq in storm doors. 4) Glazing in all unframed swinging doors' 5)GlazingindoorsandenclosureeforhotLubs.whirlpools.saunaE,gteam rooms, babhbubs and showers ' Glazing in any portion of a buildinqr walL enclosing chese comparcments where ihe bottom exposed edge of the glazing' is less than 50 inches above a standing surface and drain inLet' 5) Glazing in fixed or operable panels adjacenE to a door-where lhe nearesf-' ;;;";"e edge of the g-lazxing is wirhin a 24-inch arc of either vertical edge of the door in i ctosed posibion and. where the bottom exposed edge of the glazing is less than 5b inches above the wai-king surface' ?) Glazing ln an individual- fixed or operable panel' other than those locatsions described in itens 5 and 5 above, than meets all- of the foLlowing conditions: A. Exposed area of an individual pane greater than.9 square feet' B. Exposed bottom edge less than 18 inches above the floor' c. Exposecl top edge greater than 36 inches above Ehe floor' D. one or *or'. ".it ing surfaces within 35 inches horizontally of the plane of tshe glazinqf. 8) Glazing in railing! t"g"idl"t" of height above a walking surface' Included are slructural batuster p"r"i" and. nonstructuraL in-filI PaneIs. SMOKE DETECTOR REQUIREMENTS : e -"*"t" detector i" ..q"it"a on the ceiling or walL at- a poinb cenLrally l-ocated in the corridor or area giving access to each sleepinq area' -- sec. 1210. (a) 4' A emoke detector is required on the ceiling or l^tall in each sleeping area. -- Sec. 1210.(a) 4' A smoke detector is required in the basement' -- sec' 1210' (a) 4' A "moke debecbor ie required on all stories ' -- Sec' 1210' (a) 4' If the upper levef contsains sleeping room(s), a smoke detector is required in the ceilinq of che upper level close to che stairway' -- sec. 1210. (a) 4 Smoke detectors are required to be wirecl to the buitding's power source and sha11 be equipped t/tiih a battery backup. -- sec' l-210 ' (a) 3' Detectors shall sound an alarn "r.,dibl" in al-I sleeping area of the dwellinqt in which Ehey are located. -- sec. L2L0 ' (al 4' OCCUPANCY SEPARATION: BeLween the qarage and the residence, materials approved for thr fire conatrucLion are required on the garaqe side only and any doors between the garage and the iesidence are to be a self-closing 1 3/8 inch solid core door or a 20 ninute fire door. -- Table 5-B & Sec' 503'(d) exc' #3 be at least 35 inches wide. -- Sec' 3305' (b) 8 inches and the mini-mum run ie 9 inches' STAIR REQUIREMENTS : A stairr,'tay in a dwelling must The maximum rise of a sCeP is -- Sec. 3305, (c) exc. #1 Provide a handrail on one side a shairway 34 to 38 inches above the nosing if there is 4 or more risers. -- sec. 3305. (i) provide a guard rail where drop off is greater than 30 inches. Minimum height = 36 incheg, maximum opening size = 4 inches' -- sec' ]-712 ' 61 exc' #1 The minimum headroorn is 5 ft.- 8 inches. -- sec' 3305' (o) Enclosed usable epace under the stairs is required to be protected as required for thr fire-resistive conetruction. -- sec. 3305'(1) SHAFT ENCI,OSURES : 1) Chutes and dumbwaicer shafts with a cross-sectional area of not more chan 9 square feet may lined on bhe inside with not less than 25 qage galianized sheet metal $rith all joints locklapped' The oucside must' be t hr construction. All openings inLo any such enclosure shall be protected bynotlessthanaee]"f.closingsolidwood'door13/8incheslhickor eguivalent. -- Sec. 1705. (f) 2) Gas vents and noncombustible 3 floors or leaa do not need - - sec. 1705 . (c) piping installed in wa11s passing through to be in t hour shafts. 3) Shafts for gas venEs. factory-bui1t chimneys, piping, nob exCend through not more than 2 floors need not be or ducts that do in t hour shafts. -- Sec, 1705, (c) 4) AII obher shafts are required to be enclosed in a t hour assembly' - - Sec. 1705. (a) CRAWIJSPACE REQUIREMENTS : 1) Provide venLilation eiLher by rnechanical means or by openings in excerior walls. Opening Eha11 provide a net "tta of not less than I aquare fooL for each 150 sguare e".t irt area in .r"*r-!p".". openinqs shatL be diELributed on two oppo€lte tia"u ",,a be located as cloge to corners as practical' -- sec. 2515. (c) 5. Note: vent openinqt t"v be reduced bo 10t of the above if ground "r.rf """- "r-"" - i" .o.r"."d wi*r an -approved vapor barrier and the building officiaL approves ' For a 484.0 sq.ft. crawlsPace area: Ratio Minimun sq'ft' of vent rlr5o 3.23 2) Provide 18-inch by 24-inch accesE opening to the crawL.Epace area' NoCe: openinq may be required to be larget ii i"trt"ttical equj'pmenc is Located in etre- crawl sPace. -- sec' 2516 ' (cl 2' 3) UnLeEg the wood is lieted as an approved wood oE natural resistance to decay or treated wood, the ninimum clearance between expoeed earth and floorjoistislsinches.Theminimum"l""'",,."Eobeamsandgirdersis is 12 inches. -- sec. 2516.(cl 2' ADDITIONAI, REQUIREMENIS : For R3 occupancy- -rtri" proj-ect iil'L require a site j-mprovernent survey' such survey eha1l be submittsed and approved prior to request for frame inspec bion . A11 crai{I spacea within che Town of Vail are limited to a earlh to struccural floor ceilingr heighE of 5', be earth floor only' be ventilaled as per UBc 2515 (ci e witn minimum access as per uBc 2516 (C) 2 and rnaximum accesrs of 9 sq' f t ' Any building site with a slope of 30 degrees or more shall require an engineer design. such aesign sha1l addrlss drainage' soil retainaqe and Etructural design. Excavat,ion below elabs on grade shal'L not be permilted v.richout prior approval . Address numbere shall be posted plainly visible and legible from the streeC, For Ml occuPancy Slope garag" iloor Eo aLlow for drainage to oubside- to provide a ftoor ttrain with gand and oil inberceptor to dry weLl or to sevter ' nrry g"t"qa floor drain connected to a evter must be approved by Upper eaqte vatfey water & Sanitation DistricE' In garagea witlr living bearing the area above resistive construction. area above, the walls of the garage wiich are shall be prolected with one hour fire nBc 503 (B) . Town of Vail 25 South Frontage Road Vail, colorado 815 57 (303) 479 -2138 Plan analYeis based on the 19 91 Uniform Building' Code NoTE:The code items listed in this report are no! inlended Lo be a complete listj-ng of all possible code requirementE in rhe 1991 UBc' It is a guide to selected secbions of the code' Project Number: PRit970035 Address: 392 BEAVER DAM CIRCLE Contractor: COHEN CONST Archi Eect 3 WIL,LIAM RESIJOCK Engineer: JOSEPH NICOT SE PARATION DIRECTION BOI,'NDARY AREA INCREASE NORTH Property line 21.0 Feet EAST Building 0.0 Feet SOUTH Property line 22.0 Feet wEsT Property line 44.0 Feet EXTERIOR WALL FIRE RATINGS AND Table 1? -A & Table 5'A Name: BEAVER DAI"I RESIDENCE S Date: APril 24, 1997 occupancy: R3,M1 Type of Const: V-N Pl-ans Examiner: DAN STANEK NORTH OCC BRG NON-BRG OPNG VIAI,I, WALI, PROT R3 Ohr Ohr None M1 Ohr Ohr None The exterior walls may EAST BRG NON.BRG OPNC WALI., WAI,L PROT thr* thr* NOP thr* thr* NoP be of COMBUSTIBLE FIRE PROTECTION 21' 0 Feet 0.0 Feet 22.0 FeeL 44.0 Feet OPENING PROTECTION SOUTH BRG NON-BRG OPNG WAI,I, WAI,L PROT Ohr Ohr None Ohr Ohr None material . Sec.220I . WEST BRG NON-BRG OPNG WALL WALIJ PROT ohr ohr None ohr ohr None Yes No No Yes No No No No Yes Yes No Yes NOP fL openings are not permitled in bhis waIl NAME AREA MIN.LIGHT MIN.VENT NO.EXITS EGRESS 2 l'{aster bedroom 284 2 Master bath I37 2 Ha1Ls, closets, etc. 267 TOTAI, FOR FLOOR 588 1 EmploYee UniE 497 1 L,ivinq,/Dining room 5 3 0 1 Kilchen 485 l- Hal1s. cloEets, etc. 31 TOTAI-, FOR FI,OOR T637 B Garaqfe 931 B Bedroom #1 289 B Bedroon *2 239 B Halls, closets' eLc. 239 TOTAL FOR FIJOOR 1598 BUIIJDING TOTAL 2325 28 .40 0.00 0.00 49. r"0 53.00 48.50 0.00 0.00 28.90 23.90 0.00 74 .20 4 e( 0.00 24.55 31.50 24 .25 0.00 0.00 14.45 11.95 0.00 1 1 1 1 1 L 1- 1 1 1 t- l- 1 L 1 _ Town of Valf OFFICE COPY FOOTNOTES : 1) EGREss - An operable window or door that opena directly to the exterior is required eto* lfti" ioom' The minimum clear openabLe area must meet the following. -- See. 1204' 1) The minimum clear height is 24 inches 2) The minimum clear width is 20 inches fi rne minimum clear area is 5'7 sguare feet 4) The maximum si-1I height is 44 inches 2) The number of exits is bastd on Table 33-A (Dwellinqs) 3) A mechanical ventil-ation system may be used in in lieu of exterior openings for ventilation. -- sec' 1205' (c) 4) The requirement toi "n eg:ress window in the basement is based on Sec. 1204. ROOM DIMENSIONS: Habitable Epace sha11 have a ceiling height of not less lhan 7 feeE 5 inches. Kitchens, halls. bathrooms and toilet compartments may have a ceiling height of 7 feet measured to fne lowest piojection' If the ceifingt is sloping, cfren che-minimum height is required in only r/2 of the area' - - sec. 1207. (a) Everydwellinguni!shallhaveatleastoneroomwhichhasnotlessthanl20 Equarefeetoffloorarea.olherhabibableroomsexceptkiEchensshallhave an area of not less than 70 square feet' -- sec' 1207' (b) HabitabLe rooms other than a kiichen shall, not be less than 7 feet in any dimens ion .Sec. 12 07. (c) GI,AZING REQUIREMENTS : all qlazing in hazardous locations is required to be of safety slazing material'. -- Sec. 5405' ('l) 1) ciazing in ingress and egress doors excep! jalousies ' 2) Glazing in fixed and sliding panels of slidinq door assemblies and panete in swinginq doors other than wardrobe doors' 3) Glazing in sborm doors. 4) Glazing in all unfraned swinging doors' 5) Glazinq in doors and, encl-osuies for hot tubs' whj-r1poo1s' saunas' steam rooms, baChLubs and showers ' Glazing in any portion of a building wall enclosinq these compartments where Lhe bottom exposed edge of tshe glazing is less tha; 50 inches above a standing surface and drain inlel' 5) Glazing in fixed or operable panel-s adjacenE ho a door-where the nearest exposed edge of the giazxinq is within a 24-inch arc of either vertical edge of the door in i closed position and where Lhe boLlom exposed edqe of the glazing is less than 5b inches above the walking surface' ?) Glazing in an individuaL fixed or operable panel' other than those locations described in items 5 and 5 above. than meets al-I of the following condicions: A. Expoeed area of an individual pane greater than.9 sguare feeE' B. Exposed bottom edge less than 18 inches above the floor' C. Exposed top edgre i.e"t"r than 35 inches above the floor' D. one o. ^o.L ,""i:.ittg surfaces within 36 inches horizontally of the plane of bhe glazing. 8) clazinq in raifinq! t"g"idl-""t of height above a walking surface' Included are Elructural baluster paneis and nonstructural in-filL panel s ' A smoke delector is required in the basement' A emoke deLector is required on all sEories' if cft" upper leve1 contains sleepingr room(s) 'in the ceiling of the upper 1eve1 cloae to -- Sec. 1210. (a) 4 smoke detectors are required to be wired to the building's power source and ehalL be equipped tiift " batterv backup' -- sec' 1210' (a) 3' Detecgor' ehalt sound-i" .f"rr "*-dibte in all sleeping area of the dwelling in which they are located. -- sec' 1210' (a) 4' OCCUPANCY SEPARATION: Between lhe garage and the residence. materials approved for thr fire conslruction are reguired on the qarage side only and any.doore between the garage and che iesidence are to be a self-closing 13/8 inch solid core d.oor or a 20 minute fire door' -- TabLe 5-B & sec' 503' (cl) exc' *3 SMOKE DETECTOR REQUIREMENTS: A smoke detector is required located in the corridor or -- sec. 1210. (a) 4. A amoke detector is required on area. -- sec. 1210. (a) 4. - - Sec. 1705. (c) 3) Shafee for gae venta' not exlend through not-- sec. f705. (c) 4) Al,1 other €hafts are required - - sec. 1?05. (a) be at least 35 inches wide. -- Sec. 3305' (b) 8 inches and Lhe minimum run is 9 inches' factory-buiIE chimneys, piping, or ducts that' do more Lhan 2 floors need nog be in t hour shafte' on the ceiLing or waLl at a poinb centrally area giving access co each sl-eeping area' the ceiling or wa1l in each sleeping - - sec. 1210. (a) 4. -- sec. 1210. (a) 4' a smoke d.ecector is required the stairway. to be encl-osed in a t hour assenbly' STAIR REQUIREMENTS: A eLairway in a dwelling must The maximum riee of a step is -- S€c. 3305. (c) exc' #1 Provide a handrail on one side a stairway 34 to 38 inches above the nosing if there is 4 or more risers' -- sec' 3305' (i) Provideaguardrailwheredropoffisgreaterthan30inches.Minimumheiqht = 35 inches, maximum openinq: size = 4 inches' -- sec' L7]-2'lal exc' #1 The minimum headroorn is 5 ft.l 8 inches' -- Sec' 1306' (o) Encloaed usabte space under the stairs is required to be protected as required i"t-ittt f ire-resi-stive construction. -- Sec' 3305' (1) SHAFT ENCLOSURES I 1) Chutes and dumbwaiEer shafhs wiEh a cross-sectional area of not more than 9 equare fee! may lined on the inside with not less than 25 gage qalvanized aheet metal with all joints locklapped' The outside must be 1 hr construction. A11 openings into "oy ",,"h enclosure shall be prolected by not lesE lhan a self --closing solid wood door 1 3/8 inches thick or equival-ent. -- sec. 1705. (f) 2) Gas venbs and. noncombustible piping installed in walls passing throuqh 3 ffoors or lesE do noE need to be in t hour shafts' CRAWLS PACE REQUIREMENTS : ij proviae .r"rrtit"tion either by mechanical means or by openings in exterior wal-Ls. Opening shall provide a net area of not less than 1- square foot for each 150 square teet of area in crawl space' Openings shal l- be distributed on two opposite sides and be locaEed as close to corners as pracEical- ' -- sec. 251-5. (c) 5. Note: Vent openings may be reduced to 10* of the above if ground surface area is covered with an approved vapor barrier and the building official approves . For a 718.0 sq.ft. crawlspace area: Ratio 1/r50 Mininum sq.ft. of vent 4.'79 2) Provide 18 -inch by 24-inch access opening to the crawl . space opening may be required to be larqer if mechanical equipnent in the crawJ. space' -- sec. 25L6 ' (c) 2' 3) Unless che wood is listed as an approved wood of natural resistance to decay or created wood, the minimum clearance between exposed earth and flooi joist ie 18 inches. The minimum clearance to beams and girders is area. Note: is l-ocated is 12 inches.Sec. 2515. (c) 2 ADDITIONAI, REQUIREMENTS : For R3 occupancy This proj6ct will- require a site improvemenL survey' shalt be submitted and approved prior to request for inspection. A11 crawl spaces r,"ithin the Town Of Vail are limited structural floor ceiling height of 5', be earth floor ventilated as per uBc 2515 (c) 5 with minimum access aa 2516(c)2 and maxirnum access of 9 sq. ft- Any buildinq sibe with a slope of 30 degrees or more engineer desiqn. Such design shall addresE drainage, and scructural design. Excavation below slabs on grade shall nob be permitted withou! prior approval . Addrees numbers shal1 be poated plainly visible and tegible from the street. For I.{l- occupancy slope garage floor to a11ow for drainage to outside to provide a floor drain with sand and oiI interceptor to dry well or to sewer' Any garaqe fLoor d,rain connected to sewer must be approved by Upper EagIe vall.ey Waber & saniCation District. In garages wiEh living area above. the wall€ of the garage wiich are bearing' the area above shall be protecbed with one hour fire resistive construction. UBC 503 (B). Such survey f rame to a earth to onIy, beper uBc sha11 require an soil retainagie a L^w@Ftc€s OF Drvm A. Tl,xzBn & AssocrerEs, r.c. Vltl . Crrrceco . Drxvsn Cncrco: 33 W. ,/ErsoN Bdrrv^rD 5fiR.ooa Crucrco. Iufiors 60604 3|2-236{986 F^x-2366998 VArL PRoFEssroNAL BUTLDTNG 953 Sotrnr Fnovrace Roeo Wesr Surre 219 \/A||-, CoLoRADo 81657 970476-6r@ Fr.x476-61O9 August 24,1998 Mr. Brent Wilson Town of Vail Community Development 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, CO 81657 RE: 392 Beaver Dam Rd.. VaiV Duolex Subdivision Dear Mr. Wilson: Enclosed are the duplicate Mylars fully executed by the Title Company and Treasurer's Offtce, along with recording fees of $67.00. You have been previously provided with the fully executed Party Wall Agreement for filing. Upon receipt please call with any questions and advise as to to complete the process. I thank you in advance for your assi Should you have any further questions, please do not DAT\tad #98-4147 encl. c.c. Mr. Koenig Koenigvtr-AK DnNvsn: 950 Sot'tH CrcnRY Srr€Er SunB 7lo DENVER, Ccr.oR Do 80222 970.{76-6lm F^x.47ft109 long it will take' .ll.i,. t Heat Loss frnalysLs Report WIRSBO Radiant Panel Heating System Pto!*t*:9765 Date:9/30ts7 (- ..) Prepared By Phone #: Fax #: By: Project lnformation Name: BEAVER DAM RESIDENCE Location: VAIL,COLORADO Closing Date: Project Summary Total Heat Los: Floor Downward: Ceiling Upward: Other Components: Supplemental: Total RPH Load: Total Combined Load: (lrrc[rtW tupp/oilretilat) Rooms Rquldng Suppla n*tal: A202 Lnt D|ltl, 8203 LIV DIN Detailed Heat Loss Data Owner: JEFFCOHEN Engineer: Total Area: Outdoor Temp: 10,539 fli -20'F 35,741 Btu/hr 6,&44 Btu/hr 217.756 Btu/hr (46,700) Btu/hr 213,d41 Btu/hr 260.341 Btu/hr Room; A101 GARAGE Gross Area: Ceiling Height: Volume: Perimeter Length: Air Changes: Room Temo: Room Infiltration: 546 fl3 10ft 5,242tr 0ft 0.50 per Hour 55'F 3.755 Btu/hr fora, Heat Loss,' Floor Dolvnward: Ceiling Upward: Other ComDonents: Suppbmentd: Net RPH Led: Unit RPH tleat Load: Floor: Cdling: 2,026 Bu/hr 0 Btt /hr 8,1 12 Btu/hr (olBtu hr 10,138 Btu/hr 18.6 Btu/hrlff N/A Floor Gomponent Floor Area: Unheated Area: N€t Heated Ar€a: Floor Type: Floor Cov€r Rv: Under Slab Rv: Edge Rv: Perimeter Rv: Temp Bdow: Slab Depih: 546ff 0fl3 546ff Slab On Grade 0.(x) 5.00 5.00 5.00 55 "F 4 inch€s Waier Table Present: Space Below Heated: Floor Surfiace Temp: Hoat Lo6st Downward Loss: Upward Load: Supplemenial: Net Floor Load: Unit Heat Load No N/A 62.1"F 2,(I28 Btu/hr 6,112 Au/hr (0) Btu/hr 10,13E Blu/hr 18.6 Btu/hr/ff wlRsBo *"t* Panel Heating System Prcl3f,tilf9765fu: *XI/97 Ceiling Component Space Above Heated: Ceiling Aroa: Unheated Area: Net Heated Area: Ceiling Cover Rv: Ceiling Insulation Rv: Ceiling Surface Temp: Yes 54€ fl" 546 fl3 0ff N/A 35.00 5s.0'F Haat Lossi (l6ss sub compononts if any) Downward Load: Unward Loss: Supplem€rital: Net Ceiling Load: Unit H€at Load: 0 nt/hr 0 Btuhr (0) Btu/hr 0 Btu/hr N/A Room; A106 BED Gross Area: C€iling H€ight: Vdume: Perimeter Length: Air Changes: Room Temp: Room lnfiltration: ./.2tr 9ft 3,978 flt 0ft 0.50 per Hour 65 "F 3,229 Btuihr I@, Hetf Lossi Floor Downward: Ceiling Upward: O,ther Components: Supplement l: N€t RPH L€d: Unit RPH tleat Load: Floor: Ceiling: 1,9'15 Btu/hr 0 Btu/hr 7,2,05 Bln/hr (0lHurtr 9,'160 Btu/hr 20.7 Btu/hr/flf N/A Floor Component Floor Area: Unheated Area: Net Heated Area: Floor Type: Floor Cover Flv: Floor Insulation Rv: Edge Rv: Perimeter Rv: Temp Below: Slab Depth: 42tr 0fl2 4/.2112 Suspaded 0.50 s.00 N/A N/A 55 "F N/A Wat€r Table Present: Space B€low H6ated: Floor Surface Temp: Heat Loes.' Downward Loss: Upward Load: Supplemental: Net Floor Load: Unit Heat Load N/A Difi Source 73.2"F 1,915 Btu/hr 7,245 Blu/hr (0) Btu/hr 9,160 Btu/hr 20.7 8tu/hr/fi2 Ceiling Component Space Above Heated: Cdling Area: Unheated Ar€a: Net Heat€d Ar€a: Cdling Cover Rv: Cdling Insulation Rv: C€iling Surfaca T€mp: Y€s 142tr 1/.2ft. 0fl3 l{rA 35.m 65.0 "F ,{e.t Lo$; (l€6s sub componmts if any) Downward Load: Upward Loss: Supplsnental: Net Ceiling Load: Unit Heat Load: 0 Bb/hr 0 Btu/hr (0) BtJrhr 0 Bti/hr N'A WlRsBo Ratn, Panel Heating SYstem Prol*tt* 9765 Ditb: glSltlg7 Room; A110 BED Gross Area: Ceiling Height: Volume: Perimeter Lenglh: Air Changes: Room Temp: Room Infiltration: 484 fi2 9fr 4,356 ff: 0fl 0.50 per Hour 65 "F 3.536 Btr/ht Toca, Hoat Loss: Floor Downward: Cdling Upward: Other Components: Supplementel: Net RPH Load: UnitRPll HeatLoad: Floor: Ceiling: 1,5,19 Btu/hr 0 Blu/hr 5,296 Btu/hr plBbrhr 6,&{5 Btu/hr 16.9 &u/hr/ft' N/A Floor Gomponent Floor Area: Unheated Area: Nel Heated Area: Floor Type: Floor Cover Rv: Floor Insulation Rv: Edge Rv: Perimeter Rv: Temp Belol: Slab Depth: 484 flz 80 ftz 1{X fl! Suspended 0.50 5.00 N/A N/A 55 "F N/A Water Table Present: Space Below Heetd: Floor Surfiace Temp: H6at Lossi Downward Loss: Uoward Load: Supplemental: Net Floor Load: Unit Heat Load N/A Not Heated 71.5 'F 1,gg Btu/hr 5,296 Btu/hr (Q nu/hr 6,845 Bht/hr 16.9 Btt/hr/ft' Geiling Component Space Above Healed: Ceiling Area: Unheated Area: N€l Heated Ar€a: Ceiling Cover Rv: Ceiling lnsulation Rv: Ceiling Surface Temp: Yes 484 fi" 484 ff 0flf tUA 35.00 65.0'F Heat Lossj (less sub components if any) Downward Load: Upward Loss: Supplemental: l'.let Ceiling Load: Unit Heat Load: 0 Btu/hr 0 Btt/hr (0) ntl/hr 0 Btt/hr N/A Room; A111 BED Gross Area: Ceiling Height: Volum€: Perimeter Length: Air Changes: ?j,2fr2 9n 2:68 fl: 0n 0.50 p€r l-bur Tol',lHeatLs: Floor Downrvard; Ceiling Upward: Other Components: Supplcmotd: 1,176 Btu/hr 0 Btu/hr 4,443 Su/hr plBtuht Page 3 WlRsBo *"t* Panel Heating System P''o/I3,d* 9765 Ddta: UIWT Room Temp: Room lnfiltration: 65 "F l.&*1 Btu/hr N€t RPH L@d: Unit RPtl HeatLod: Floor: Ceillng: 5,819 &u/hr 22.3 Blr.r/hr/ff N/A Floor Gompon€nt Floor Area: Unheated Area: Nef Heat€d Area: Floor Type: Floor Cover Rv: Floor lnsulation Rv: Edge Rv: Perimder Rv: Temp Belor: Slab Depth: 252tr 0fF 252tr Susp€nded 0.50 5.00 N/A N/A 55'F N/A Water Table Pr6€nt: Space B€lotrv Heated: Floor Surface Temp: H€af Loss,' Dornrvard Loss: Unmrd Load: Suppl€rn€ntal: Nd Floor Load: Unil Heat Load N/A l.ld H€ated 73.8'F 1,176 Su/hr 4,,143 Ru/hr (0) &u/hr 5,619 Btu/hr 22.3 Btuihr/lli Geiling Component Space Abow Het€d: Ceiling Ar6a: Unh€ted Area: Net Heat€d Ar€e: Cdling Cove Ru Cdling Insulation Rv: Ceiling Surface Tonp: Y€s 252tr 252fi2 0fii N/A 3tt.00 65.0'F Hert Los.'(l6s sub cornponentE if any) Do,vnward Load: Uorvard Loss: Supplemental: l.let Ceiling Load: Unit H€at Load: 0Btu/hr 0 Btu/hr (0) Btu/hr 0 &u/hr N/A Room : A2O2 LIV DIN Gross Area: Cdling Height: Volume: P€rimeier L€ngth: Air Changes: Room Temp: Room Infiltration: 664ff 18ft 11,952ff 0ft O.5O per Hour 65 "F 9.702 Btu/hr TffiI H@tLoss,: Floor Dorinward: Ceiling Uprard: Other Components: Supplcmant l: Net RPH LOAd: Unit RPH lleat Load: Floot: Cdling: 3,209 Blu/hr 1.613 Bttt/hr 30.2(f Btu/hr (12,50)Btu hr 2,5frgtulhl :X,.9 Btu/hrlff N/A Floor Gomponent Floor Ar€a: Unheated Area: Net Heated Area: Floor Type: Floor Cov€r Ru Floor lnsulatlon R : Edge Rv: 664tr 0flr 664 fl3 Suspended o.50 Water Table Pr€seflt: Spaco Bdow Heated: Floor Surface Tomp: H€'tLog',: Dot,Ynw€ad [o6s: Uprvard Lo€d: Supplenanial: N/A DifiSource 79.5'F 3,2(19 Btl/hr 31,817 Bfr/hr (12,5m) Bfrt/hr 5.(x) N/A _\wPage4 e7-.-\ -416,-- wlRSBo *ilr, Panel Heating System Ptolor/ft 0765 D&e: 0t3U07 Perime{er Rv: Ternp Below: Slab Deoth: N/A 65 0F N/A Net Floor Load: Unit Heat Load 2,526 Btuihr :t:}.9 Btu/hr/fli Ceiling Component Space Above Heated: Ceiling Area: Unheated Area: Net Heated Area: Ceiling Cover Rv: Cdling Insulation Rv: Cdling Surface Temp: No 664 fli 664 ff 0ftz t{/A 35.00 65.0'F Heat Los* (less sub componats if any) Do,vnward Load: Upward Loss: Supdemental: Net Ceiling Load: Unit H€at Load: 0 Btu/hr 1,613 Btu/hr (0) Btu/hr 1,613 Btu/hr N/A Room; A203 KITCH Gross Area: Ceiling Height: Volume: Perimeter Langth: Air Changes: Room Temp: Room lnfiltration: 625tr 9ft 5,625 ff 0ft O.50 per Flour 65'F 4,566 Btu/hr To[',lHeatLB: Floor Dornward: Ceiling Upward: Other Components: Supplomaot l: Net RPH LOAd: Unit RPH Heat Load: Floor: Ceiling: 1,817 Btu/hr 0 Blu/hr '10,839 Blu/hr (0) Bh/hr 12,656 Btu/hr 23.2 Btu/hr/f,l N/A Floor Component Floor Area: Unheat€d Area: N6t Heated Area: Floor Type: Floor Cover Rv: Floor lnsulalion Rv: Edge Rv: Perimeter Rv: Temp Below: Slab Depth: 625ff 80 fia 545tr Suspsxted 0.s0 5.00 WA N/A 65 "F N/A Wat€r Table Present: Space Below Heated: Floor Surface Tanp: Hert Lossi Downward Loss: UDlrvard Load: Supplemental: Net Floor Load: Unit Heat Load tvA Difi Source 74.9'F 1 ,817 Btu/hr 10,839 Btu/hr (0) BiL/hr 12,656 Btu/hr 23.2Slulhrltr Ceiling Component Space Above H€ated: Ceiling Area: Unh€at€d Area: |.let HeatEd Arc: Cdling Cove Rv: Ceiling Insulation Rv: Ceiling Surfaco Tanp: Yes 625 fl: 625 tr 0fli N/A 35.00 66.0'F Hoaf Loss: (l6s sub componants if any) Dorrvnward Load: Ufnrvard Loss: Suppl€m€ntal: l,let Ceiling Load: Unit Heat Load: 0 Btu/hr 0 Btu/hr (0) edht 0 Btu/hr N/A Pases gt Ylg wlRsBo -t* Panet Heating Systcm Ptolgr,lt* 0706 Diile: Ulllt|T Room; A208 DEN Gross Area: Ceiling Height: Volume: Perimeter Length: Air Changes: Room Temp: Room Infiltration: ,"?;--" ??LrJ,rJov rF 1 9ft 27,801 ff: 0ft 0.50 per Hour 65'F 2.567 Btr/hr foGr, He.f Loss.' Floor Dourrnvard: Ceiling Upward: Other Components: Supplemental: Net RPH Load: Unit RPH lleat Load: Floor: Ceiling: .1,63f Hr/hr 0 Btt/hr 27,&15 Btu/hr ,409?ffi1 3ft7 10.5 Btu/hr/ffN/A -)qror Floor Component Floor Area: Unheated Area: Net Heated Area: Floor Type: Floor Cover Rvr Floor lnsulation Rv: Edge Rv: Perimeter Rv: Temp Below: Slab Depth: 3,089 fl' 0fl3 3,089 ftr Suspended 0.50 5.00 N/A wA 65'F N/A Water Table Present: Space Belorv Heated: Floor Surface Tdtp: Heat Loss.' Downward Loss: Upward Load: Supplemental: Ne{ Floor Load: Unit Hat Load N/A Diff Source 69.5'F 4,634 Au/hr 27,845 Btu/hr (0) &u/hr 32,479 Btu/hr 10.5 Btu/hrlftz Ceiling Component Space Above Heated: Ceiling Area: Unheated Area: Net Heated Area: Ceiling Cover Rv: Ceiling Insulation Rv: Ceiling Surface Temp: Yes 3,089 frl 3,089 fl' 0tr N/A 35.00 65.0'F Heat Loss: (less sub @mponents if any) Dolnward Load: Uovtrard Loss: Supplemental: Net Ceiling Load: Unit Heat Load: 0 Btu/hr 0 Btu/hr (0) Btu/hr 0 Btu/hr N/A Room.' A302 M BED Gross Area: Cdling Hdght: Volume: 32:tff 10fl 3,230n: fobrHe.tL6.' Floor Douvnward: Ceiling Uplvard: 1,346 Su/hr 7&t Btu/hr Pageo fr-#\Vt€ wlRsBo *t* Panel Heating Syetem Prol€c,t* g7C5fu #tus7 Perimeta Length: Air Changes: Room Ternp: Room lnfiltration: 0fr 0.50 per Hour 65'F 2d22glulhr Other Compon6nts: Supp0uncntd: Net RPH Load: Unit RPH tleat Load: Floot: Ceiling: 7,395 Hu/hr pDhrrrrr 9,525 Btu/hr 29.5 Btu/hr/ff NrA Floor Gomponent Floor Area: Unh€ated Area: Net Heet€d Area: Floor Type: Floor Cover Rv: Floor lnsulation Rv: Edge Rv: Perimder Rv: Temp Below: Slab Depth: 323tr 0fi2 323fl' Suspenoed 0.50 5.00 N/A N/A 65'F N/A Water Table Pr€sent: Space Below H€ated: Floor Surface Temp: He.f Los6i Downward Loss: Uprvard Load: Supplemental: Net Floor Load: Unit Heat Load N'A Dlff Source n.6'F 1,3'16 ilu/hr 8,179 Blu/hr (0) Btti/hr 9,525 8tu/hr 29.5 Btu/hr/iz Ceiling Component Space Abow Heated: Ceiling Area: Unh€aled Area: N€t Heat€d AI€: Ceiling Cover Rv: Ceiling lnsulation Rv: C€iling Surtac€ Temp: No 323 fl2 323 ft2 0tr N/A 35.00 65.0 "F t oat Loss.'(l€ss sub componeils if any) Downward Load: Upward Loss: Supplemental: Net Ceiling Load: Unit Heat Load: 0 Btu/hr 78{ Btu/hr (0) Btrr/hr 7&t Btu/hr N/A Room; A303 M BATH Gross Area: Ceilirg Height: Volum€: Perim€ter Length: Air Charges: Room Ternp: Room Infiltration: 2.ftz 10fi 2.20tr 0fi 0.50 p€r Hour 65'F 1,802 Btu/hr T&tHe.tLG: Floor Downward: Ceiling Upward: Other Components: tluppbmentel: Net RPH Load: UnitRFtl HeatLod: Floor Ceiling: 976 Btu/hr 539 Btuihr 5,iXt0 Bu/hr pleJhr 6,&45 Btu/hr 3i1.9 Btu/hr/fif N'A Floor Gomponent Floor Area: mlf Water Tabl€ Pr€s€nt: NrA Unh€at€d A]Ba: 20 ff Space Bdor Fleated: Difi Source Net Heat€d Ar€e: Mtr Floor Surface T€mp: 79.5 "F FloorType: Suspendd Hert Loat' sF/PaseT EV;\ wlRSBo *il* Panel Heating System Protecl* 9765 Ditet gliNyg7 Floor Covcr Rv: Floor lnsulation Rv: Edge Rv: Perimeter Rv: Temp Bdorv: Slab D€pth: 0.50 5.00 N/A N/A 65 "F N/A Downward Loss: Upward Load: Supplemental: Net Floor Load: Unit Het Load 976Bu/hr 5,869 BtL/hr (0) Btu/hr 6.&45 Btu/hr iX!.9 Btu/hr/fi3 Ceiling Component Space Above Heaied: Ceiling Area: Unheated Ar€a: Net Heaied Area: Ceiling Co\rer Rv: Ceiling lnsulation Rv: Cdling Surface Ternp: No 222tr22tr 0ff N/A 35.00 65.0'F Heaf Lossi (l€ss sub compon€nts it any) Downward Load: Upward Loss: Supplemenlal: Net Ceiling Load: Unit Heat Load: 0 Btu/hr 539 Btu/hr (0) Btu/hr 539 Btu/hr N/A Room; BIOIGARAGE Gross Area: Ceiling Heighl: Volum€: Perim€fier Lengnh: Air Changes: Room Temp: Room Infiltration: 836 tr 10fl 8,026ff 0fr 0.50 per Hour 55'F 5,749 Btu/hr Iofa, Hert Lossi Floor Downward: Ceiling Ugrard: Other Compon€nts: Suppbmetrt l: Net RPH Load: Unit RPH Heat Loact: Floor: Ceiling: ,f,491 Btu/hr 0 Btu/hr 13,733 Btu/hr (0) Eu/hr 18,24Btulhr 21.8 Btu/hr/ff N/A Floor Component Floor Area: Unheated Area: Net Heated Area: Floor Type: Floor Cover Rv: Under Slab Rv: Edge Rv: Perimeier Rv: Temp Below: Slab D€pth: $6 ffn 0ft2 836 ft" Slab On Grade 0.00 5.00 5.00 s.00 55'F 4 irphes Wat€r Table Preseni: Space Belolrr Heated: Floor Surface Temp: Hoat Losi' Do$rnward Loss: Uprilard Load: Supplemenial: Ne,t Floor Load: Unit Heat Load No 1.1/A 63.2 "F ,1,491 Btu/hr 't3,7!Xl Btt/hr (0) Btufir 1A,21glulhr 21.8 Btu/hr/fi' Ceiling Gomponent Spacs Above H€ated: Ceiling Area: Unheate<l fuea: Net Heat€d Ar€: Ceiling Cover Rv: Yes 836 fli tB6 flF 0fl| N/A Hoai Lors,'(less sub components if any) Downward Load: Uplvard Loss: Supplernental: Net Ceiling Load: 0 Btu/hr 0 Blu/hr (0) Btu/hr 0 Btu/hr WlRsBo *t, Panel Heating System Ptol*:til:074ifue: U3087 I Ceiling lnsulation Rv: Ceiling Surface Ternp: 35.00 s5.0'F Unit Heat Load:N/A Room Compon nt t ngltr, wtdh (fr) Height (ft)Arca (fts)RY Hoat L6s (Bturh.) walll 114.m 9.60 1,094 20.00 3,O79 Doorl 27.@ 8.00 216 5.00 3,2,rc Door2 3.00 7.m 21 5.00 315 Wndowl 12.00 3.m 36 2.00 1.350 Room: Bl05,l06,BED Gross Area: Ceiling Height: Volume: Primeter Length: Air Changes: Room Temp: Room Infiltration: 522tr 9ft ,1,698 fl: 0ft 0.50 per Hour 65'F 3,814 Btu/hr fof,,l Heat Loas: Floor Doumward: Ceiling Upward: Other Components: Supplemental: Net RPH L€d: Unit RPH Haat Loacl: Floor: Ceiling: 2,784 Btu/trr 0 Stt/hr 11,273 &u/hr {0} Ba/h. 14,057 Btu/hr 26.9 Btu/hr/ff N/A Floor Component Floor Area: Unheated Area: N€t Heat€d Area: Floor Type: Floor Cover Rv: Floor Insulation Rv: Edge Rv: Perimeter Rv: Temp Below: Slab D€pth: 522tr 0ft: 522n2 Susp€nd€d 0.50 5.00 N/A I.UA 55'F N/A Water Table Pr€sent: Space Below Heated: Floor Surface Temo: H€af Loss.' Do,Ynward Loss: UBrard Load: Supplemental: Net Floor Load: Unit Heat Load N/A Not Fl€8ted 75.8 "F 2,7&f Btuihr 11,273 Blu/hr (0) Btu/hr 14,057 Btuihr 26.9 Au/hr/fr'? Ceiling Component Space Above Heated: C€iling Area: Unheated Area: Net Heaied Aree: Ceiling Cover Rv: Ceiling lNulation Ftv: Ceiling Surfacs Tqnp: Y€s s22tr s22tr 0fl3 N/A 35.00 65.0'F Hoat Loss; (l€ss sub components 'tf any) Downward Load: Upward Loss: Supplemental: Net Ceiling Load: Unit Heat Load: 0 Btu/hr 0 &u/hr (0) Au/hr 0 Bu/hr N/A Room: B{09MED|A Gross Area:398 fl3 T&l Herrt LoFg,:,e Pasee 6'#,-ry WIRSBO n"Cnt Panel Headng System Pto[cplt"97c/| DAb,. giWN I Ceiling Height: Volume: P€rimeter Length: Air Changes: Room Temp: Room lnfiltration: 9i 3,5&l fii 0fl o.fl) por Hour 65 "F 2,90E Btu/hr Floor Dovvnflard: Cdling UpYYard: Other Components: Supplcmantd: Net RPH LOAd: Unit RPH Heat Load: Floor: Ceiling: 1,23/f Auittr O Su/hr 4,131 Btu/hr pf Btrlhr 5,3trt Btu/hr 16.7 Btu/hr/ff N/A Floor Gomponent Floor Area: Unh€at€d Area: N€t Heeted Ar€a: Floor Type: Floor Cover Ru Floor lnsulation R\,: Edge Rv: P€rim€f€r Rv: Tsnp Bdov: Slab Depth: 3S8ff 76 fl3 322tr Suspaded 0.50 s.00 I.UA N/A 55'F N/A Wat€r Table Pr€s€nt: Space B€lorrv Fl€ated: Floor Surface Temp: He Loss: Downrvard Lo6s: Uprvard Load: Suppl€md|tal: Net Floor Load: Unit H€at Load N'A Not H€ted 71.1'F 1,23l+ gu/hr 4,132 Sr/hr (0) Btu/hr 5,368 Btuftr 16.7 Btu/hr/n: Ceiling Component Space Above Heat€d: C€iling Ar€: Unheeted Area: Net Heated Ar€: Ceiling Co\r€r Rv: Ceiling Insulation Rv: Ceiling Surface Ternp: Ye6 398 flP 398 ll3 0flF N/A 35.00 65.0'F Hort LoEsr (le63 eub components if any) Doumward Load: Upwerd Loss: Supplemental: Net Ceiling Load: Unit Heat Load: 0 Btu/hr 0 Blu/hr (0) Btu/hr 0 BtMtr N/A Room i 8203 LIV DIN Gross Are: C'dling Height: Volume P€rimeter L6ngth: Air Changes: Room Temp: Room Infiltration: 1.106ff 18ft r9,908 f 0ft 0.50 pe. Hour 65'F '16.160 Btti/hr foh, Hoat Loas: Floor Dorvnward: Cdling Upueard: Other Components: Supplcmattrl: NEt RPH LEd: Unlt RPH HeatLoad: Floor: Ceiling: ,1,8fi) Su/hr 2.686 Btu/hr 60,428 Au/hr F+ADEtunl 33,714Bt hr 35.1 Auftr/ff N'A Floor Componcnt Floor Area: 1.1(16 ff Wetq Table Pr€s€nt 1'lrA Unheated Area: 146fl' Speco Bdo,v H€at€d: DlfiSqroe Nd H€6t€d Area: $Off Floor Surface Temp: 80.0'F Floor Type: SueP€ndd H.ttL6.' -\:t/Paso 10 gf,:)w l. 'i wlRsBo *"t* Panel Heating System PtoH*9765Dlte: UilI97 i Floor Cover Rv: Floor Insulation Rv: Edge Rv: Perimeter Rv: T€inp Belo,Y: Slab D€pih: 0.50 5.m N/A N/A 65'F N/A Do,Ynward Loss: Upward Load: Supplemental: Net Floor Load: Unit Heat Load ,t,8(x) Hu/hr 63,1'14 8tu/hr (31,210) Btu/hr i!i|.71,[ Btu/hr 35.1 Btu/hr/ll3 Geiling Component Space Above Heated: Ceiling Area' Unh€ated Area: N€t Heated tu€: Ceiling Cover Rv: Ceiling Insulation Rv: Cbiling Surface Temp: No 1,'r06 fl' 1,106 ff 0 fl|. N/A 35.00 65.0'F Heet L6.'(less sub components if any) Downvard Load: Upward Loss: Suppl6mentel: Net Ceiling Load: Unit Heat Load: 0 Btt/hr 2,686 Btu/hr (0) Btu/hr 2,686 nu/hr l.l/A Room: 8302 M BED Gross Area: Ceiling Hdght: Volume: Perim€{€r L€ngth: Air Changes: Room Temp: Room Infiltration: 272tr 10fr 2.720 fl: 0ft O.5O per Hour 65 "F 2,208 Btu/hr IoA, H6.t Loss.' Floor Doflnward: Ceiling Upward: Other Components: Supplemcntel: Net RPH Load: Unit RPH Heat Load: Floor: Ceiling: 1,O43 Btu/hr 661 Btu/hr 5,693 Btu/hr {01Bturhr 7,397 Btu/hr 27.2Blulhrlfl2 N/A Floor Component Floor Area: Unheated Area: Net Heated Area: Floor Type: Floor Cover Rv: Floor Insulation Rv: Edge Rv: Perimeter Rv: Temo Below: Slab Depth: n2ffl 0 ftl 272ft' Suspended 0.50 5!0 l.UA N/A 65'F N/A Water Table Present: Space Below Heated: Floor Surface Temp: HortLos: Downward Loss: Upward Load: Supplemental: Net Floor Load: Unit Heat Load N/A Difi Source 76.6'F 1,043 Btr.t/hl 6,331 Btu/hl (0) Btu/hr 7,397 Btt/hr 27.2gulhtttr Ceiling Gomponent Space Above FGated: Ceiling Area: Unheeted Are: N€t Healed At€: tto 272tr 2T2l( Hoet Losa'(less sub components if any) Downward Load: Upvard Loes: Supplemental: 0 &u/hr 661 Btu/hr (0) ilu/hr0fl: -&\\ r!|.,,, Pag€11 2;flLY{87 wlRsBo *"C* Panel Heating System Prct€r,'t*:9765fue: UilUi7 Ceiling Cwer Rv: Ceiling Insuletion Rv: Ceiling Surface T€mp: N/A 35.00 65.0 "F Nd Ceiling Load: Unit Heat Load: €tll Btu/hr N/A Room; 8303 M BATH Gross Area: Ceiling Height: Volume: Perimeter L€ngth: Air Changeo: Room Temo: Room lnfiltration: 231t( 9ft 2,079 fll 0ft 0.50 per Hour 65 "F 1.688 Btu/hr T06l Heat Lo6s: Floor Downward: Cdling Upvard: Other Components: Supdomontal: Net RPH Load: Unit RPH Heat Load: Floor: Cdling: SOgBtunr 561 &u/hr +212gtulhl OlBurhr 5,582 Btu/hr 26.5 Btu/hr/ff N/A Floor Component Floor Area: Unheat€d Area: Net H€ated Ar€a: Floor Type: Floor Cover Rv: Floor lnsulation R\,: Edge Rv: Perim€ter Rv: Ternp Below: Slab D€pih: 231tr 20 fl3 211tr Suspended o.5() 5.00 N/A N/A 05 "F wA Water Table Present: Space Below Heated: Floor Surface Temp: Heat Lot ; Dornward Loss: Upward Load: Supplemental: Net Floor Load: Unit Heet Load N/A Diff Source 76.3'F 8@Btu/hr/t,23 Btr./trr (0) eu/hr 5,5E2 Btu/hr 26.5 Blu/hr/ff Ceiling Component Space Above Fbated: Ceiling Area: Unheat€d Area: Net Healed Area: Ceiling Cove FIw: Ceiling Insulation Rv: Ceiling Surface Temp: No 231 flr 231 flz Heat Locs: (less sub components if any) 0fl3 IUA 35.00 65.0 "F Dowrilrard Load: Upward Loss: Supplernental: Net Ceiling Load: Unit Heat Load: 0 Btu/hr 561 Btu/hr (0) Btu/hr 561 &u/hr N/A Room: C2OlEtP UNIT GrossArea: 527tr T&lHc',tLo'€': Ceiting H€agttt gfl Floor Do/rMard: 1,S12 &dhr _\G/Page12 @7=tYa/it-- [-wlRsBo *"1* Panel Heating System ProM*9765 Dirfp,: U!ilUl7 Volume: Perimetor L€ngth: Air Changes: Room Temp: Room lnfiltration: 4,7,13fl: 0ft 0.50 per Hour 65 "F 3.850 Btu/hr Ceiling Upward: Other Components: Supdcmcntel: Net RPH Load: Unit RPH Heat Load: Floor: Ceiling: OBtu/hl 11,t/6 Bluih. pDEa'hr 13,5O8 Btu/hr 25.6 Btu/hr/i3 l.UA Floor Gomponent Floor Area: Unhealed Area: N6t Heated Area: Floor Type: Floor Cover Rv: Floor lnsulation Rv: Edge Rv: Perime{er Rv: Temp Below: Slab Depth: 527 tr 0ftz 527 tr Suspended 0.50 5.m N/A N/A 65 "F wA Water Table Pr€s€nt: Soace Below Fleated: Floor Surface Temp: Hoat Loss: Downward Loss: Upward Load: Supplemental: Net Floor Load: Unit Heat Load N/A Difi Source 75.9'F '1,932 Blu/hr 11,576 Btu/h. (0) Blu/hr 13,508 Btu/hr 25.6 Btu/hrlff Geiling Gomponent Spac€ Above Heated: Ceiling Area: Unheated Area: Net H€ated fuea: Ceiling Cover Rv: Ceiling Insulation Rv: Ceiling Surface Temp: Yes 527 tr 527 flz 0ff N/A 35.00 65.0 "F Heat Loss.r (less sub components if any) Dorvrnvard Load: Upward Loss: Supplern ental : Nd Ceiling Load: Unit Heat Loa<l: 0 Btu/hr 0 Btu/hr (0) eu/hr O Btu/hr N/A i l{otos: The intendecl use of this program is to pro/ide accurate h€at loss and design data for Wirsbo Radiant S}stoms' The heat loss and d6ign data generated by the program will only bo as accurate as th€ information supplied. Wirsbo Company i3 not responsible for the misuse of this pr€ram. Pasel3 6^Y&s'r TOWN OFVAIL Department oJ Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 October 20.1997 Howard Kocnig 7 Brcakcrs Islc Dana Point, CA 92629 Dcar Mr. Kocnig. I would like to takc this opportunity to thank you for adding an crnployce housing unit to your ncw homc. Employcc turtr-ovcr in our local busincsscs can bc attributcd largcly to a lack of affordablc housing in our Town. Efforts such as yours will hclp improvc scrviccs for gucsts and locals by bringing consistcncy to our work forcc. as wcll as hclp build a scnsc of cornmunity by housing our ycar-round rcsidcnts within Vail. I havc cncloscd thc dccd rcstriction pcrtaining to your unit for your rcvicw. Plcasc bc adviscd that this documcnt must bc cxccutcd bcforc your Tcmporary Ccrtificatc of Occupancy will bc issucd. You may bring it to thc Community Dcvclopmcnt Dcpartmcnt, or retum it by mail at your carlicst convcnicncc. Fccl free to contact mc should you havc any qucstions. I can bc rcachcd at (970) 479-3447 or at thc abovc fax numbcr and addrcss. Sincerely. Kris Widlak Housing Coordinator Andy Knudtscn Mike Mollica {j r""rn"or rt^ a" I' Town of Vail 25 south Frontage Road VaiI, Colorado 81557 (303) 479 -2138 Plan review based on the 1991 Uniform Buildinq Code Projece Number: PR,I970035 Name3 BEAVER DAM RESIDENCE Address: 392 BEAVER DAI'{ CIRCL,E Date: April 24, 7997 conbraccor: coHEN CoNsT occupancy: R3.M1 Architect: WILLIAU RESLOCK Tlpe of Const: V-N Eng:ineer: rTosEPH NIcoL Plans Examiner: DAN STANEK # SHEET IDENTIFICATION CORRECTION REQUIRED Exterior surfaces with stucco sha11 be provided with exterior metal lath as per UBc 4705 with 2 layere of paper, Windows and doors are required to be adequately flashed(not with just screed mebal). A laEh inspection is required prior stucco application. A bathroom is required to have an openable window or a mechanicat venlilabion system. -- Sec. 1205. (c) In bathroorns wibh a lub or shower and in laundry roons a mechanical ventilation systen connected directly to the outside shall be provided- Bathrms which contain onl-y a water closet or 1av. may be ventilated with a recirculating fan. UBC 1205(c). Crawl spaces are reguired to be ventilated by mechanj-cal tneans or by openings. Such openings shall have a net area of not less than 1 sq. ft- for each 150 sq. ft. of under-floor area. UBC 2515(c)6. Provide a minimum 18x24" underfloor access. UBC 2516 (c\ 2 . Heating and coolinq equipment located in the garage shall be installed. with the pilots and burnerg or heating elements and switches at least 18n above the floor 1eve1 of the garage. IJMC 508. supply a mechanieal drawing indicating design of system, size (BTU and volume) of equipment, venc Iocation and termination, and conbustion air to be supplied prior to any installation. Gas piping sha1l not be installed in or on the q'round und,er any buildinq or strucLure and exposed qas piping shall be kept ab least 5" above grade. wc 2213 (b) The garage musl be separaled from the dwelling by thr fire-resistive construction on the garage side. -- Table 5-B & 503. (d) exc.#3 Town of Vail OFFICE COPY t- 10 1X t2 13 x4 The door beCween the garage and the dwellinE ia reguired to be a 1 3/8 inch thick Eolid core or 20 ninute ee1f cloging' door. -- sec- 503. (a) exc.*3 A handrail ie required along a stairway. It is required to be 34 to 38 lnchee above the noei4g of the steps and if the gide ig oPen, the maxinun eize of an opening in tsho railing at the atair:say lE { incheg. -- gec. 3306. (i) & 1712. A 36 inch high guardrail with a maximum opening of tt lnches is requied where atep is great€r than 30 Lnches to floor or grade bel,ow. -- Sec. 1712. lfhe enclosed usable space under the etaLrs la required to be protected by thr fire'resisElvg conebruction, -- 3305. (1) The open Eide of alL decks, porches, Etairs' etc. which are more than 30f above grade EhaII be protected wich a guardrail. openinga can not €xceed a". wichin R-1 occ. and all R-3, heigbt min. ia 35i-outside R-l occ. height min. is {2'i. IJBC 1711. Modelc AYallable 1l0o lantsilon, &Wlrc t,JUl:2/21lollitut,4,Wlrr 2100 Ph&drcbclq &filrt 2lOOf Phob.loctrqllc wftlr flurd, r{Ilrr Ar:2/24 Phobrhcfonfie. +fyfa ?l12/At Fffidrattqttc rful nmnl 4,t{hc 2Ll2/2$4re ftobo|.ctronb wlu llrel|nd adenmdrorymryr4,Wh. Features r Self-diagrostic maintenance feature to satisfy NFPA 72 sensitivity testing requirement o Visual alarm, power, and mainlenance indicatoro Thermal models availabler Supervisory relay model available. Lowest profile in the indusrry o Ceilin8 white color. 12/24 VDC operation. 2- and 4-wire rnodels available. Built-in test switch. Plut-in termjnal block tbr easy instaUa on and maintenance o Same housing design for both ion and phoro models. 3-yeau warranty Syrtcn Sonror 10O Scrlor low-profile, direct-wire detectors pack superb performance and reliability into a small package. Their sieek, 1.66" (43 mml profile is the lowest in the industry making 100 Series der"ices the detectors of choice in applications where aesthetics are impoftail. Other key features inciude: self-diagnostic maintenance circuitry, low current draw stable performance in high air velocities, built-in lamper-resistant base design, removable cover and insect screen. Operating Voltage: Relay Contact Rating (4.wire oniy): Standby Current: Alarm Current 2-wire: 4-wire: Temperature Range: 2100T: Dimensions Diameter: Height: Shipping Weight: 12 or 24 VDC (nominal) lFormA, lA@30VDC 50 pA maximum average 100 nA maximum Iimrted by panel 65 mA maximurn 32' to l20oF (0. to 50oC) 32o io l00oF (0o to 39"C) 5.5 inches (140 rnm) 1.66 inches (43 mm) including adapter bracket 9.5 oz. (269 grams) Humidity Range: l0% to 93% RH, noncondensing Smoke Deteqor Spacing: On smooth ceilings (as defined in NFPA 72), spacint of 30 feet (900 sq. ft.) may be used as a guideline. Other spacing may be used depending on ceiling heigbt, high air movemerlts, and other conditions or regDonse requirements. @ @@rrl,m c SYstem Sensor 8/96 This documenr is nor inrended to be used for ins(allarion purposes.A05-.::7-02 " lngtallatlon t t|ch dchchil sGtudrr. grtfohr|t,|ntblr aoudlfl9 9ht0, In on. gottnon, tt .||tUtl||shtt lo 11'lunolloo bol gy." ostrgon bor or Dlrrtor ?lng In r.yaof, lha Crtr os: bo u|rd lor ogtn widn6 wlthoot a lrrnct|on bo'( A yf' tpeot lalwocn datactor aad rnoonti'rg twtlco rllo*! lor rki coan|€llgrL All rnounllng lcttrYa lra conoada4 T|tl ctlacrordrnDly stttDh.| lo thr ttrognt. rie Pt|la with r purh rnd t*.t tr|otion,ilo iogb rtqslrl(l lloendng plrto lr ftold.C of shltr rclt. arwubhln g th|rnoplr|rtc ntrd rt | 05tc tha plrt0lt a{nrnafy ftronc yft rdrplr to umvrn nounllngf$rbsat Seriss 600 Tratlng Mothodr Mod.ttotrEtt l|d€Clrtrtcrt!.tr|tf.t b, lhf .rDlicatlci ot Orraa* h.at trorn Iny conwnitnl tourE!. A lotttNt hl|f dr'rr lf rcommf rl(|a4 !f oilat,or, do nel rgg,t nt t lhtt arcrrtlt lh. lind l|nptnlun nUngd$. data€tor. trioclh ColUglS rnd aoa/C?a Clnnct bfr.|rrd Hovrovlr. tha furlbla aloy.t.$cal[ gan.fdlt cond€$.d fO ?.ll.bl. thtt tarfl4 ir nol .tactrrry, Screvr Terminals Oflt€i$4!...'b{Di !xlira9artn l'qt I aa||F t tote'raJG'rd lsth- heo auflt rai at ta.g Cma.lr Sldr Ckar qt* rrott & 3.t|a a|t, tr€l aatt rar ot trl ,vigt rtr ltt €rd, Llstngs/Approvrls r U.L. Liclcd. F M. Appro\tt r {pirovid 8.?srd 9l Sbndfrds rao Aopearr, f.l Y.C. COr Al irrd.nbr,d 6'frr. thtthrtA l:P tilo.q. Jgrl r+{o tiloClla,t CNrufilC.f [|o('.t gKllfort A9Co.bil fhrhtro8edntllctrlg'il:T- ra'' fullx|'-H- gv6getr1 tr.rfilrgrt trlrrllmlatrl,qdcrr€oafrDtatr|9atrlflrLrrgtfut6aQ[ SDTTN lI|r* tat,r rs|l5trfls Rd?rEst 'lltFsrt[ llfirllrl!tfreb|lnilr,trH.rrlF01glSuruIrdrottl tlrr||trt|| l&ttl togtnLrrFrrnrtant:Jrd*r0lqPtemrswtrot otct tEtf-ldtl5|.* ft.dlmc.Or,t09t o.c1 fig.|l|rfa3orxC!.l,|5rnr,I|.rrdrarPFlOhrtr$tlticl calrt rao'raclt|i!$ lcqlrtlt $rar GCt l,.rm$ rad lhumog B||| hf,dd9o Elrctrlcd Ratlngt C'rZ! \rdt AC. 9.0 Arne. Oet VU O.G. tO ArhD.ll5 ltCt DC. 0t A'ni.atoVct D.e- 0.1 Arrp. Qrdffig fnhnnbnfluS.*Sarfllo.I l*nnbtlmprnurfilaE tbn0iartbn olr.|| colrobr c lmportant Notcsr [S Cctrcbn $ould b.t|..d t€r prop.rry pFt*!0on, httrnor thoutd nd !! pllcs.rotgly at hilr d.bdorr or nic eilSry. tilrrlr fn dlii H rn orvei,.moo ofl.oFn mud dro ba ut0d. r prttcry.Brok,.rg: lla|l dobctorf rtrorrld b| etaotronFdy ropo|vlfO{l wlttl bodcfy brotHp d tfia Plr|f.r Thr rrfo!+br nrduntrrn nw b. GrrDlod lo nduod rarllMty otrr tt!r.|.firnud trdhre of $. rod*t& opsrdjon ir nmmnradirl. ' oaffitradr!. nilfilhg ' RrlertollFPA Strndrf 'eEI* rcaltcriloa nqulnnmtr JunChn 80[ }lilnUrtr ?tC t€ibf mN?.$ tt) vrarretir.|. $:p!A$ oa irnollad illa*uotnn ,r:n rifll 2LL2/2418 Same as specifications listed for 100 Series models. o<cept: Alarm Current 12 VDC: 24 VDC: Temperature Range: 23 mA maximum 25 mA maximum 32o to l00oF (0o to 39oC) models, exceptr Relay Contact Rating: Standby Curent: 12 VDC: 24 VDC: Alarm Current 12 VDC: 24VDC: Temperature Range: I Form A, .5 A @ 30 VAC/DC 15 mA maximum 15 mA maximum 38 mA maximum 45 mA maximum 32o to l00cF (0. to 39.C) 24TSRB Same as specifications listed for other 100 Series General System Sensor 100 Series low profile detecton use state-of- the-art sensing chambers to meet aI applicable UL performance criteria. The backs of the smoke detectors are sealed against back pressure, air flow, and dirt. A fine mesh screen also protects the chamber against the enry of insects. These detectors are intended for open area protection and for use with Ul-tisted control panels. loftaUon All 100 Series ionization smoke detectors use a single source, dual chamber design for the detection of smoke panicles. This extremely stable charnber significantly reduces nuisance alarms and provides reliabte performance at higher air velocities. Photocloctronb/Ilrnnd The unique design of the optical sensing chamber in 100 Series photoeiectronic smoke detectors can sense smoke panicles from a wide range of combustion sources. These detectors minimize nuisance alarms by using a custom integrated circuit for signal processing, The 2\L2/24TSRB fearures a supervisory relay thar supervises the power and the sensitivity of the detector. When the power to the detecror is lost, the supervisory relay opens instantaneously. When the detector deviates from its sensitiviry range indicating the need for maintenance, the supervisory relay opens after a maintenance condition has continuously exisred for J0 ro 35 minutes. i+' Page 2 An<-1)--^t t6qlE Erraacrrq ira t taa aalrt, !I5 FTrE rr- clrlrErll| ttctiB!-rt|!J[FCFt.. cfal !aa!a.attt' = *8"-f'FF fur.* :J. !-tactt-.|ttt-atr,lhEt ffi-. tto *trIElt|I|.ll t9 raarurrbrl,(rtL Ll b## Fl,ll.rlrl! Io rtot'|orr!|cl'rotrno&raxaorUutll OQ,it ttt rtD rfiDtclli wPrcAL&tEqRclrni 6DOFUrttt&E.3rab Y"Tfllr,rl wfffiEw8f fiFf-1t-l#l '&fis"8F'W$fiPaogutrE6tfl AOCEIEIqRlann.Ellr.E ..C WAFINING: Not to be Emov.d by a,nlofle 6rc€pt occupant Osyrt m InrroducuGr 1.1 Spccificetlons Control panol Specmcationg Flerible Zone Confi guri0on:r 8 Fully programmable Zmes . 37 Acc€ss Codes;32 User, I System Master, 2 partition Master and 2 Duresso Expandabl€ to 32 Zones ' Hardwired expansion avairEbb using the pc51@ Eightzone Expansion Modure' wr€169s expansio^n €vailalle using the PCS132-900 wiretess zone Expansion Moclule (up to 3awiretess zones. gOOMHz, True Sprlad Spectm Technology, Fulty Superviged)' N.rmalry closed, slingre EoL, Doubr€ EoL or Zone Doubrer zone supeMsionr 2 WrE Smoke Zone . 27 Zone Types, Z programmable Zone Optionsr 2 Partitions AudiblcAtarm Ouput o Sup€Mssd Belt Output (cun6nt timited at g amps), .12 VDc. St€ady of pulsect Output EEPROM ilcmory: ' Does not ross programming or sygrem status on comprete Ac and Battery tairure Programmabl. Ouputr:. Up to t4 programrnable Vottage Outputs, 14 programnaabb ofiionso one High curent (3oo mA) PGM output with 2 wire smoke detector oapability on mam panel. One M.,dmurn Cunent is 1.S mA wh€n the 2 wire smoKe detector configuration is ugad. One Lo/y Cureil (SO mA) pGM output on main panet o Eght Addlticnal Low Cunent (S0 mA) pcM outputs avaitable using the rcS2og moduteo Four High current (1 Amp) pGM outputs Aveilabte using the pc52o4 moduteo i rcS204 Output fulty SupeMsed for Siren Output PoJrcrful I Amp Fogulsbd poulcr Supply:r 500 mA Auxitjary Supply, 12 Voc. Positive Tgmperature Coefficient (pTC) components reptace ,usesr Supervision for loss of AC por^r€r, Low Batiery. Internal Clock Locked to AC power Frequency Powcr Requlrcmrnts: o Tr€nslormer r 16.5 VAC. 4UVA ' Banery = 12 roft 4 Ah minimum rechergeabre seared lead acid Romote Kcypad gpeclflcatfons: . 4 Dttterent Keypads Available: - PCSSo8 8 Zone LED_K€ypad - pCSSt6 16 Zone LED Keypad- rc5$2 32Zone LED Keypad _ LCOSSOO efpnanumeric Kgypad. Each Keypad hEs S Fully programmable Functjon Keys. Connect up ro g Keypads . Four Wire (Ouad) Connection to KEYBUS. Built in Piezoelectric Buzz€r t-1 v v (E unororiters Laboratoriss tnc.* DIGITAL SECURTIT @NTRO[,g tTI) ENORO PRO'DCT COONDINAION 1&5 rLnnnD DOWNSI/IEW ON CANADA M&T A]8 c..dr Bfeta€A .nd t 9gE. aL|!al AOTXloa.l Ahnn Unltr &nurry g, ltSE DlGt? t SccuirTY coilrnotS ttD r34l ru|lT RO LOOI fon ttsTttc uAnr oil PioDUCT B |l,rro c.rdrt T.fdrcr BpE?!C dlcd Undrr*rhrrr L.tat.t6rhr tn6.. 8Pflil lill olt nbar 3. ltrotn!!t tt \./ tol Plirlttln n6atr|,$!|sl uhnD aoqt!{!r. utA tl'|rr2.al00 LLr: alet.gtatr^t tfa t7!tt zrl{rat .oln!o-?.d FAI o. (aOt tta.trra 6Ew Yortr most rccent listin-g ir lhorvn bclorv. Ptease revicw thir information and rgoorrany inaccuracies (o thc uL Engineeri'g staff mcmbcr wio handtio t;;d;;;;;.-'-'- rrulaaqllh| to, l6t tlttt Fatardt tn&O. ttL lladi Carcihr lt?oo-gttt, UAA tratrl.laoc tahr l{f, atlltt?t fAl f,u, (alrl !.t-4+rt For informarion on placing en order for UL Ustins Cards in a 3 x 5 inch cardformar, please rcfer to the enclo-ccd ordering informarion.' UIT|DIn\TRnERS LAlORAtttttES lxc A noafirproat o|irrrzidq| d.dbatad b pubnc r!t!v dld coJffaatird !o $jrtlu m,vic, lltt ItIutSEr {o|l rt t!.d 0d.ryvrlr Ll. ttryot tttrhtolr. U8. ari|r clta, ojitoflr ttHtaC. UgA$atl?r+a T.r.| rb. |!tat t3Flt lr. (sttt tr{ltl \,/ €D unorr*ritars Laboratorles Ins.o DIGITAL gffTIRTIY @IIIIROI.S tII) E{GNG PNOIDoT COONDINAI'ON 1045 nLlIitT RIt mwNgvlf,ry oN cAilat u&r 216 Your rnost rccent lictinc is cho$/n any inaccuracier to the UL thginccring W %o!*-A3L ( ?cfioto ) DSC l<Ef Pkost' 4<.ag55ozr/5 bclow. Plcare rcvicw this information arrd rlPon Si5...qr-."'- #lS g&g-! t t " \, l}| Prrai.|r lc.dr|'t$rsr, tti'roa 6OCa-tOl6, UgA?o!ariz{&Lt E lwa'€tal ,r.r |{o' (t061 rllr!1?l .ctll}{r0O F r Nr. a.co tL{tEa rtrJf member who handled your Arrignrnent "1{tfiEillTLcBlForr r?D, Dor"N.rr4, irphco !?!ltlA d|t.d &au|'y l. tDC!.raiFt Udr+*rllrlr LbotrllrL lrra.. Flrl -l-raTIUE''I ttl tl tr$.l[-{' orttt o. 3r rttll lctaa{rr tdrtl'r }l,r. rbdo Gr.lrr l7t3fdfr, u3A tlto.hlaooliltrtlo 40tnFFt* o ||t|lg,la-ra{t a clltilt Cllrb|lblt rrt tltl For information oa pbcing an otdcr for UL Listinr Card! h e 3 x I inch crrdformat, plcarc rcfcr to rhd enddicd ordcriag inforrnation - - - - ..i .- TTNDIIWnrEI! rrlo8^rrut E't(l A ngt-br-p|off ofg.na*ion icdlcatld b puutc olt V aod €ommiitrd to a|Allly tGNisa l|6 lrJl try|nrrr io.{ tr|| tc! lH..l.rrh. Lt.. ihrro,r rlr.t-Jflt. U3A tti(t Ctarr Cdtbrra ||!6o{trt. U!i/ttr3lltt4alll ?ah lL al.rorlf l.lo 6'|l rti.tgn I v \./ F-.!lrarnlalIt \./ !|fPfniJrr nog l{rttraC. trot lo(E.tqla UgAtflrillil.l0 |-lar tItlt $tal t^ra r{!. (,6l rtt-l|lt .ct t{rol.t e. tre|l lL.lttl €D unorr*ritors laboratortss fns.c IIIOITAL SCURUY @!tmOL8 tfl) ENONO PAOJDCT CTNNDINAIOR t6{5 EIJIIfI nXt DOWNWIEWON Ciu{ADA t[8I Ar8 Your moct recenr lirring ir chown any ineccuraciec to the UL thginecring HS** kiN.?ar.il tbru"U#i tt!6 wLtD,Dowilnlrw A.Dhc.. IttEt4A d.td J|n|l'|v f. tlaa.lrEI Unlrrrrltrrr Lt .rllrh lroo belorr. Plcelc rcvicw thic information and rcoonstelf member wtro hendlt{ yo,rr furignrncnt.-'-' tr (.tviol' orlt t.o. f,att tslll Rrrttadr ftbng|| r1tr ,urn C.rltl| ?I91r.4tlt l,ll llltt.Flam llL!fa.. {atqlf^l io, Olt la}l€al totrtrtC,|[r||rnd.tf r"ra olX.rarLr. rttr-!:| For informetim on placing rn ordcr for UL Utrinr Gerdr b e !l x 5 bch card forrnet, plcarc rcfer lo thd coclored ordcdng inftnnetion"- rnmnwrng r4!ol lilnEl ltlc A ngFt€F |Elt o?grnlsatol dgdlcrt$ !o Publc aabv and ca.ntr t!<t I'o qrdry !a tlat rf lbr rninfr ioac rtt i-r l!d.rlrift, Lt- tlirrwr rttd.Qat, tlgt 6}\l Ch'l, Ctlbril rHe-.tlr, UgA ttf,ltt.alollFIs.GArtlll J{r €lllltl€ //, q-r-r .' ,/.u// ,. '1\, lt t ,.i/)K_-"-v.,vrs"ttI -,"y'/ 'N L .tr'J t't) ,,:/l /'t'. ,,t..,, / ib ;r-;;t"",// ,ll ,/LL l',i 1de ulnJs Jas-llo uveSa 34td uimzg 0fx2va9 avdtu NlvBa Ql H2ilO'JStXf d'cH ..9 A Jsus..el ln 30va9 lstxi HgJVtr o-t ovngia : ovoa Jn7lnVs OVOY -fgo.f OmSfA ?Om ,9 9O,9 ol b6tz'VJS >/;o /\g 10 JTYHJSV WTJSXJ A1 AVTASAO W4ASHJYSJ tg 30VA9lstxf H2tvil'JSAaOC 7JA37 /lfl ^mAlAde (NJ ,O9.,/. / $ s UE h: $$qrl N-l iE / ,/ o o ,,,,/ \ /:'' , , ,//| / { I $ H g $ ,l Fi= H2tto III 34tr TTvrsNt NOA4V TTVJSNI ? tsrs -zt tu, fovug lstxfHilVil At OTrSfu:ovoy Jn7nvs'owy fsoS l1ngfu 70t/il .9 90,9 0t b6.a uJs NOu2tS H2I|O'JS|X1 HXtVn .1003 owa floal Avnv.t o9+9 ol og.b 'vls H2IIO JJVHSJA A fAOft \ $ \ N \'\d\ ) I t\\t\U^ \\\ \\ \ $ a Id \8 $$ PF $$ \.-.- g $ $n $$ NN $d ) ,(\/r\ lt "tr{ / t'- NouJJs ovou I JdtJ llvJsM ,//ftlt/L-- ',1 i / . -l/7- H2uo ilI JIAJ TTvJsNl'& llja-34e uimis OfxgVA2 UVeJy q. Llt :(rLt!o \ F\ \ \-t\ { -.1 N =