HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 3 BLOCK 3 LOT 3 LEGAL<? . i. Ao j, Developer: Projeci Number: lmprovement Complelion D the isa for there I Name: CASH DEPOSIT FORMAJ Legal Description: Loi Subdivision: \h; *:, "-? o *oKE-* r= *, " r*our* u *, 9 aayol Deca.,bct .zooL. (the 'Developef), and the Town of Vail (the 'Town"). of the Temporary Certificate ofWHEREAS. the Developer,a condition of approval for (address, legal description, and project number)io enter into a lmprovement Agreement: and WHEREAS, the Developer is obligated to provide security or collateral sufficient in the judgement of the Town to make reasonable provisions for completion of cerlain improvements set forth in the attached estimated bid(s) in accordance with the approved plans and specificalions filed in the office of the Community Development Department of the Town of Vail; and WHEREA.S, the Developer wishes to provide collatenl to guarantee performance of this Agreement, including completion of the all improvemants referred to in this Agreement, by means of the following: The Developer agrees to establish a cash de-5psit account with the Town of Vail, as ''''tatescrow agent, in the amount of $as collateral complelion of all improvements refendd to in this Agreement, in the event default under this Agreement by ihe Developer. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the fcllowing mutual covenants and agr€em€nto, the Developer and the Town agree as follows: 1. The. Developer agrees, at its sole cost and expense, to fumish all equipment and materials necessary to perform and complete all improvements referred to in this Agreement. The ,,, Developer agfees to complete all impqqvements referred to in this Agreement on or before the lz-' Oa7 ct 5rl.tl, 2oatlPThe Developer shall complete, in a good workmanlike m"nner:-:iilffifGr.eitJEfe-neo to in this Agreernent, in accordance with tl approved plans and specifications filed in the office oi the Community Development Department of the Town of Vail, and to do all work incidental therelo according to and in compliance with the following: a. All said work shall be done under the inspection of, and to the saiisfaction of, the Town Planner, the Town Engineer, the Town Building OfficL., :':!.her official from the Town of Vail, as affecled by special districts or servic: :iii;icts, as their respective interesl may appear, and shall not be deemed cornplete until approved and accepted as completed by the Gommunity' Develooment Deoartment and Public Works Deoartment of the Town of Vail.* o. Ju*. ^lare.r ddQ bs \f al4roptu& bap0 *y toae aru#f.,,L.o^,o^.,*#,"f.,..00'.*f !;ulhc"' d th Ttwa 6p 1r41, 1.d gIor.-slB-0t 6 JaJJaPqS al.loag eoo:6o eo EI c.g 2' To secure.and guarantee per',cn13n6" of the obligations as set forth herein, theDeveloper agrees to provide colraterar as folrows, "' er (tre uurrgcrrr,,rrs as se A CaSh deDosit a..6r,,.rr urirh rha T^...- -t, ;-, hil,i: :":1,,',i,::Eii,l"%L?i ;: :ffi[fiT:l jl l]?ffiH:greferred to in this agreemer( in the event there is a default uncer th,is Agreementby the De.reloper. 3' The Developer may at any time substitute the collateral originaily set forth abor€for another form or ""1{.'1or.iori"r;;"i;;;;abre to the Town to guarantee the faithtulccmpletion of those improvemenls referred io h;in in this Agreement and ihe pertormance of 11"- ,l?tt". o.f this Agreement Such ".."pLn." ov the Town of alternative secunty or coltateralshall be at the rown's scre discretion -, r' 'v ' v"' I \'' q'(s' ' ''rrrvv 4' rhe Town sha, noi, nor shalr any officer or empioyee thereof, be riabre orresponslble for any accide_nt. loss or damage naffening or occuning to he work specified in thisAgreemenl prior to the completion. "no "i""piJrice oi the same, io, shall the Town, nor anyofficer or employee th"*gfl !9.ligor" f*;il rffio*ns or property injured by reason of the naturecf said work, but ail cf saio iiacirities tn"ir cJ""c .-re hereby assumec by the Deveroper. The Developer hereby_agrees to. inciernnify and hold harmless the Town, and any of lts STTrs-' 1S-"nO.1nC glnClgvees against any losies, claims, damages, or tiabitities ro which thEI own or any of its officers,..agents or empioye"s may become *q""r 6, lnrofar as any suchlosses, ciaims' camages or tia6ilities 1or ""ii"i" ii r""pect thereof) arise out of or are based uponany pedormance by ihe Developer hereunder; and ihe Developer shall i,eimburse the Town forany and all legai or other expenses reasonabiy incuned by the Town in connection withinvestigating or defending any such loss, craim, d?mas1 r"Lr,ty oi ".iion. This indemnityprovision shall be in addition to any other tiauitity wtricn tne- deuetop6r;yl;;.. 5. . lt is mutually-agreed that the Developer may apply for and the Town mayauthorize a partial release of the collaterai Je-positea-wiitr ine Town for each category ofimprovement after ihe subject improvemeni iJ-Ionstructed in compliance with all plans andspecificalions as referencei hereunder anc acceGa by the Town. Under no condition shall thedcllar amount of the collateral that is ueing nerc ol'ih" To*n be reduced below the dollar amountnecessary to complete all uncompleteci improvements referred t" i^ tt,. n!i"L.."t. 6. lf the Town determines, at its sore discretion. that any cf the improvementsreferred to in 'ihis Agreement are not .on"rrr.eJ in compriance with the lpproved prans andspecifications filed in tre office of the.corn unity oeueiopment o"p"rtr""t oJ the Town of Vail ornot accepted by the To,'rn as comprete on or'b"for" the date set iorth in paragraph 1 of thisAgreement, the Town may, but shali not ue requirea to, draw upon the security refened to in thisAgreernent and complete the uncompletec_improvements refenec to in this AgreemenL pursuantto section 12-11'E, vairrown e!e,..qe rdpilt-c;;il;;iil;pi,iy.ereo.a ro in rhisAgreement may be revoked until all i.p-uJ-.nt" refened to herein are compteted by theDe.reloper or the Town in accordance witr tfris nfieement. F:\cdGv\FORMStOtA\OtA calh formar_1 .t ZOOA.doc page A o, 5 7'd e I0e- s'8- oe6 J-JJaeqs a2uoag eoo:6o zo EI 3.0 lf the cosb of completing the uncompleted improvemenb referred to in this Agreementexceed the dollar amount of the deposit, thl excess. tcgether wittr inLrest at twelve percent(12%) per annum, shail be a rien ag_ainst ne proGttv "no may be coilectJ uv civir suit or r,"y becertified to the treasurer of Easre-cou"ty to-beGtt;; ;il;'#;-ff;L, as crerinq.=nr ad,":lTi}l?r leyieo 3gajryi.ir"t' prop"rtv. rr ihe Deveroper fairs or ,"ruio to comprere ihetmprovements refened to in tlris Rgr6erient, such faiture or rifusal shall be'considered a violalionof ritle 12 (Zoning Regurations), 6t tnu v.ir io,,rniooe, and the Deveroper shalr be subject to Siili$,lffint to secrion 12-3-'ro (Viorations: penarties) ano ctrapteri+ (Generar F;Jv; 7' The Developer shall warranty the work and materials of all impruvements rebiredto in this Agreement located on-Town p.pdrtv or rit in a Town right-of-way. pursganr to chapbr&'3' of the Vail rown code, ror a periio ,jt ttro-years after fr" rown{ acceptance of sardimprovemenb rvrvrr - ( 8' The parties hereto.mutually agree that this Agreement rnay be amended fom timeto time, provided that such amendments 5"'in 'ritin! and executed by all parties hereto. F:\cdrv\FgRMSIOlAlOtA cash brm.t_.t l2ott2.doc pagc 3 of 5 g'd e I0/.-slB- 0L6 JaJJaeqS aSuoag elo:80 zo eI 5ag a STATE OF COLORADO ) couNryo&f, i"t' My commission expires Jucra tL'?-OC\5 -'M0 il-,#-a.4' srATE OF COLORAOO ) couNwoFEAGLE f" The foregoing- ggveloper rmprovement Agreement was acknowredged before me thist DaYot- Jt-nq-u.1 ,roe\ir- "i-],._i"Ni4EiL . Witness my hand and official seal. My commission erpir"., /l4.nr L lL(,L 6D3 F:\cdrvlFORM$OlA\DlA cash fomat-' 120o2.doc pagc 4 ol 5 y'd e I oe- slB- oas JaJJeeqg a2uoeg eIo:Bo zo eI c-(I Estimate Submittal: Beaver Dam Road Residence 9l3to2 EARTHWORK IRRIGATION PLANT MATERIALS LANDSCAPE MATEFIALS SUB.TOTAL I'ATERI.ALS IABOR. EOI,IP & SUA TOTAL Ofllc. (970t 74&1939F (970) 741t-0031 bnd...p.Vrlll0rol.com Po.l Otflc. Bor 5t47 Vril, Color.do Elo5lt Sl.|l 8xtr.0.n Rl|tc.rr ffiI uxrfcosr Itl l:E;:l I 12.421,25 |I f 71 5.7s I I:.: ,: rii: ,'r::'r, I r....-1| ,r : -r':::1 I rr,ose.oo I| : .:. ::: -. '. i::l | :! :il f:--:]t' -"1 I eor3l Il''l r-l l', ::.i,:. : : : :ii:!l I rs.ec Il,: r r, -:=ll:: :: :-::ii:'rl t-:11l . ': :i. ' , ... :. ::.1 | *za:s II rs.e3 |I to.oo I 1.. :.i ::. .:.: .:.!:::::.;l fJ--:-' ;lt, 'i.!H.;taiiiE^:lu- , _i 1;i:1i'J:!illtGl l.' .lii-'--li; .:ts'r] El :: .:.]:::: $1,O96.00 :: li: :: :,: ::.:a:l::'rtOll aratr' l H,*'l*""*._j( ,., rq>.tf(a - ' t .L , -, Lq''IY75 /, q lqlt. rot-.wilt- Dopartment of Communlty Devclopmenl 75 S, Frontage Road Vall, CO 81657 Receiptuo. f//t/ Oate_3._l_UJ__a3_ Please make checks payable to the TOWN OF VAIL Account No.Item l{o.Gode #Gost Each Total 001 0000 314 1110 Zoning and Address Maps ZA $5.00 001 0000 314 1112 Uniform Building Code - 1997 - Volume 1 &2 CB $50.95 001 0000 3141112 Uniform Building Code - 1997 - Volume 3 oou.o? 001 0000 3141112 International Plumbing Code - 1997 CB $36.00 001 0000 314 1112 International Mechanical Code - 1998 CB $35.00 001 0000 3141112 Uniform Mechanical Code -1996 $3s.60 001 0000 3141112 Uniform Fire Code r- tt $36.00 001 0000 314 1112 National Electrical Code CB s42.60 001 0000 3141112 Abatement of Dangerous Bldq.'s 1997 $e.95 001 0000 314 1112 Model Energy Code - 1995 $10.00 001 0000 314 1112 Analysis of Revisions to 1997 Uniform Codes $12.75 001 0000 314 1112 Other Code Books CB 001 0000 314 1211 stugl44ryErlgpr Isos BF $7.00 001 0000 314 1111 Xerox Copics XC $0.25 001 0000 314 1111 Lionsheed Mactcr Plen MS $40.00 001 0000 314 1111 Lionshead Magter Plan 'rpp.,ndices MS $20.00 001 0000 314 11 1 1 Studies, Master Plans, etc.MS 001 0000 312 3000 Contraclors License Fees nl 001 0000 240 3300 Oevelop€r lmprovement Agreement Deposit D2-DEP10 AD n.243-a 001 0000 312 1000 Restauranl License fee (TOV)RL 001 0000 230 2000 Spec. Assess.-Restaurant Fee to Co.Deot.Rev.SA 001 0000 319 3100 Greenstar Program '110 0000 3t4 1115 Resale Commission Resale Emest Money Deposit )ther -MS Other -MS Other -MS Other -MS Other -MS .001 0000 201 1000 Taxable @ .f.a% (Stato) . Tax payable TP rc01 0000 310 1100 Tuable @ 4.5% (Townl - Retall Salo! Tax IT I-OTAL:rL,rc^q) Comments: chlr;k* to{L Recclvad b$ ftCJCarh _ lloney Order # .- :::-#elld^fiio,t T.,,,, , Hili Hff* r' IIElioi"";'"*sied i -.-: ^ri.n otv Aroult Bfffiffisll1w m -i' l?e4s'eo PEffitT lS : PRJel4fl5 'il.&Lti:.':. re$ il""lB:S Ilt:l i:ll:ii. ii*rs'm Trans date: ?t?41i3 Tire: ll:??ll0 T}SI( YITJ Ft]R YilN PEYtrI{TI o (\| r!.OE.o|o- trouOD.o o EI A( oo 'l; ,.8|IDfi8P*HA![e8EHcta |l aa o at ri t o c| oo ";n o al o s EoE- allc!qt D F IJ:{ 6 dEH B 6 U F'r!E o a l{ 8E d2A 'Ee :' |tcoo Irld IN& I.a{ Q ril.(B fifr(\- f; BE EI cE !',{ FIHz,ED ETqt( EE a9Hat ETo :{ 3't{t EE ts E { EH4 xH 6 E ECIUagl.E ATEIqe EtI SPUU F'ql I E FI ctED HGIEn a E Hut HH R EE t:: t\ o t! Itn|!) E6I} HTT1XaE| dEO t EEP Design Revieur Board ACTIOI{ f0il,]'l Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road. Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax 97O"479.2452 ryeb: www.vailgov.corn Project Name: Prclect Descrlptlon: Partlclpants: Pruject Address: 363 & 383 Beaver Dam l"egal Descrlptlon: Parcel Number: Comments: Motlon Byl Second By: Vote: @nditlons: gDk Change to approved pool fence DRB Number: DRB020355 OWNER BDRJOINTVENTURE - TYLER, JLOIOLIaOOZ 288 C|SYTON ST STE 306 DETWER CO 80206 APPUCANT STEPHANIELORD-JOHNSON 10/0U2002 Phone: 476-6342 FriElen Pierce Architects 1650 E Vall Valley Dr., Fallridge C-l Vail, Co 81657 383 BEAVER DAM RD VAIL |-ocauonI Road loe 3 Blodc 3 Subdlvlslon: VAIL VILLAGE RUNG 3 2101-071-1201-8 BOARD/STAFF ACTIOl{ Actaon: STAFFAPR Date of Approvab l0l L5l20O2 Cond:8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB apprwal does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Toryn of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Planner: Bill Gibson DRB Fee Paid: S2O.OO OglLAl,2gAz LTIAB 974476496L FPS PAGE A2 ruilN Applicatlon fior Design Revlew OcP|dment of @mmunity Devdopment 75 Souh HDnbgc Road, V!il, Cdorl& 81657 teh 970.{t9.2139 tuj, 970.479.2452 w*: wrY*d.vall.o. us G€r:ral IntonruUoo: Al pDiects rcquirhg dcsign rwiew mut rcelve apFoval prior b $bmiEing n bu,lldlng pcrmit applkation. Pl€se |Eftt b $e submittal ruquitememt for the pafthular rpproval th.t ls r€quesEd. An .pplicatidr for Design Redew cannd be acoepted undl all rcgufEd hlbrma6on F recehnd by tie Community OevElogrnelit Depnrtment. The p.ojed may also need to be rwiqrcd by the Tilyn Co|,ncll and/gr the Phnning and E rvldlrnental Cornmissbn. Dcrhn rcvhry approvrl hnrcr unlorr r bullding pcmh b lsuGd ild codctrudon EmrEnc3 wit|rln onc ycrr cf, thc approvrl. Dcccdpdon of tfto Rqucatl Locetionof thePnopocalz l-gr: 7 iloac A Owmr(r) Signrurc(6): llame otApplicant: TYpe of Rcviow and Fcc: tr Signs tr Colcegtud Revkw O Ne$, CorEblEtiontr Addltbn E Mlnor Altelatm (multFfamily/cornmsrclrl) tr Mlnor AltEratton (singlc-family/duplex) { OEnges to Approved phns ' E s€paiation Requelt Carl i50 E15 $1.00 Fr rquae tod of bhl dgn are. tlo Fee i550 For const|rtlon of a n€iv bldldlng or denro/reDuild.$300 For an addition wtrat" sgr|.rE foobge is added to lny 'esilenti.l or . _ comrnercial buldhE 0ndudes 250 addithns & lnErior conversioos).$250 For minor charpes b buildings and sltc imprornmgrts, s,Krt as, raoofirg, finthgL whdorv addifDns, landicaping, fenc andrlt inlng watrg, ctc. +20 For minr dranges b fuildings and ite improlameflts, crdr as, rcrodpg, paintim, wkdow a.ldltiolE, Lndscaflng, fenes arrd nttiating wClt stc.$20 For lwlslorrs b Canc alredy apporled by plannhg Sbtr or dre Dqiign Ra,iery Eorflr. No Fec Mailing Addmrr: IA|tLl.2^g2 14:68 976476494L ' gtttZZlZCC2 t!:35 l?t.?b.9tl .orF -Qe1p1611. Dalrtt0ctr dihGf.CrG **# ^TffiTrDGfrsnRsrerrr,-..'.r'ffirffi lrrrf trGrnilcn: FPS PAE A2 Ft(E e2 iilF.fi#Ftrfi Sr".H#l3xrJ:mmr r h,'rr il,,,r rrfF{c,.'h.!ffiffiirosffi#r"lffiffiffiffiffiErsffiHi*rJtr$Jli,ffi;ruffi t 't|ll|ls lfirlond0!anrrcJ:tar-Z-flcoc3_ i!cr{at: ItarOtOnrqrn l|.dlnt1;frG oroltiig;rilqrl irarrllplbnt fdtr.t lqttrlllr|rui &:A-r{,.'ltr Onal&ltrffr O ikr Cotrdo,u &l|hr nh*in'rtbn (drl|t .fri{Dr*f,h) \./ ,\one..+lov.oirrr- o sdbr.0d r?r*ftt,A ftrctlrntcr(l|ta.t n]t/Sqncrdr6 ffi*b-S.ffiF;ffiffi,''Egluae-t1;.*-fiEfr[ffiii ,frnnrnnC.ffi#gl-Erinfri'.fifrffiffi* tc$m t3t0 C6 f* aootrt..bcstrrr- *ffi."|l'!lurrrrdJr{'tlfl. SS1!, ci[he,.*ngTin !,,rE,srr,! ttsinFuuJ||irr.ffi,4gi;t"6r;4trffiltil,H$ _gffit..!* rlrl rmuru ty rraaurr 1161 c !rolOfrafrt. .$o ll0 Ibftr (A.uc E.lh C.lErr ,roic'.tr'$ft']r_ *i xg/a'd lzet !E? Eaf IISUO SAO:HT 6A:tt nQ-e-&, TOWNOFVAII. COIJORADO Statonoot ]."Ji:L:.:lii.lY#ffi..**....+*r.i..*r....f f +*f f tf f {'ttr*r'rr"f *+ttttf"'l'f "rrttr"' srarenenr Nurnlccr! R0oooo3199 Arbunt: $20'oo Lo/oLl2o020t:l: * PayrEnt lrtethod: Chsck Inlt: iIAR otaUj.on: 5?58 Stapbt'uie Lord-itohnadr Psrmtt Xo: DRB0?0355 iflpe: DRB-Chg to Appr Plans Parcsl No: 210107112018 gItE AddTEAE! 383 BEAI'BR DAI,I RD VAIIJ tJocatlon: 363 & 383 Beaver Dan Road Total Fees:$20.00 s?0.00 s0.00ThIs Pa],nent: $20'00 TOt,AI AXJJ Pt0tg : Ba1anc€ 3 li||.|'tIt'|1...|.|||||t.||'|+|t.t||t||.tl|.....tt|.|.||*..|**||.*|t*|...||.|..|||t'||..|... ACCOT.JNT ITEM LtrST: Account Code DescriPtion Current ffis ;--;iffi;ii;;;;'-' DEsIGN REvIEN FEEs 20'00 o9lL8l26g2 LTZBO 97647849OL !.v'rrl i ri!ri,l1l, A1.1, Arr:hiltinl \tiiiiilrrr {:. f!i,l:F:} . A|i:liiri:! Th,,i'ro: F, n &ti. ,Vriiiltr i slr,ir;tirnie i.r 'rqi.i'fit|\'.1. 'rJ l:irtrt i On.,id li"{r!'r. .{(liite.'t r.:J!h!' Hd:ifi 0&r. ilhift :i; !iina$4r FPS FRITZLEN PI ERCE ARCHITECTS v tt,@toR Do PAGE O1 September 18,2OO2 Eill Gibson TOV Community Derrelopment 75 Soufr Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 EAX; @7O)47s-2152 REr 363 & 383 Beaver Dam Road Oarification on Pool Fence Dear Bill: As per our meeting, attached ls dre application for a change to an apporad plan for the pool fence. I will come by tomorrow and drop of the original and the check. Per code vne are requircd to install a 48" fence around the pool area. We have accomplished this on tre nolth side of the pool with the pool retaining wall and iron railing. Due b gade on the south sidg ule can not ule the same detait without havingan 8'ull fence directly adjacem to the pool. Our solution is to laate the pool fence in the property between the pool wall and the south prcperty line. The intent is to have the fence blend into the trees and lhndscape. We are proposing to use 6x6 timben, 2" black pipe rail, and black mesh. The fence would extend undbmeath each walkway and tie lnto the walhrvay wood Posb and the house. The location is based on ease of grade at these locations- There is a 3' to 4'dlop in grade along the rcuth face of the East Residenoe which complicares fence placement I uould also ask the DRB if they would be open !o a black chain link fence if it b hldden in the trees. Please let me know lf you need additional information. I will be bringing some additional images to the DRB meeting or would be glad to walk the site beforc the meeting. Thank, Stephanie Lord.'Johnson Fritzlen Pierce Architects CC: Rob Fawcet, CSCC 845-2013 .' r.;t0 f;;r. !:,rii Vi,ll?r. !'rri,.',r. li:it:i(l|y. f: .i. \'.'t!. i::f* ' "i1.. tlti:' ,':1!ir).1:i!.',|-i? l._ .t?(,.4.ji,,i:\i.i l :in!:qtL,;il.;r, L .\ itlli.;.* r r ',ni,..a.ra!!:,t.( iitl:...,1.,,:,iti! ES FVd t-a-/-af,!t:-SHi!l!!IF'.rr s3cN3oF3U rfYO UtAVf,8 Agnil2g62 L7.64 974476439L [y4n [rhrhr,, AlA, Ar($itt:rt \t-'tl!hrir f. R{.fir, Arr-ltlL(l Th'rinr:, l. Ot Soit .{.r.hitsrt 5t*Pitair trrfd.tAokrrl. fuahi{".t Dirt id fatrr rt, *rtt|ite| t lirth) flJilirEo. ftBi lr. ^4.ln)brr.r PAGE g4 FRITZLEN PIERCE ARCHITECTS v lL coroRADC) 165t) irJt idil\'{iii.v [r' i\*. ftrltridg.. C:.ir V.ril- (.(+'r,r'i,r 0 | r,'; I Fr .rili:..:i :ir.r,:f t? l:. 9r0. jl if .+ ; f l ittnfibir;,1r(trrrgi.1 rxo \sFna.,,ur:h,..( l|lt$t. 1|.,r..,,,i! PtPltE .ru (M.cA ,-il)Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Golorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Project Name: Beaver Dam Residence DRB Number: DR8030032 Project DescripUon: MdiUon of driveway gate Participants: OWNER BDR 02/2112003 Phone: 288 CLAYTON ST SrE 306 DENVER CO 80206 License: APPUCANT STEPHANIE LORD-JOHNSON 0212U2003 Phone: 47ffi342 FriElen Pierce Architects 1650 E Vail Valley Dr., Fallridge C-1 Vail, Co 81657 License: ProjectAddress: 363 BEAVER DAM RD VAIL LocaUon: EAST SIDE Legal Descripuon: Loe 2 Bbck 3 Subdivision: VAIL VILIAGE RUNG 3 Parcel Number: 210107112019 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION MoUon By: Woldrich Action: APPROVED Second By: Viele Vote: 2-1-1 DateofApproval:0512l12003 Conditions: Cond:8 (PI-AN): No changes to these plans rnay be made without the written consent of Torun of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: CON0006392 The applicant shall revise the driveway plan to align the gates with the garage.side edge ofthe erisUng stone columns. Cond: CON0006393 The applicant shall receive Public Works Department approval of a revocable right-of-way permit, prior to installation of the gates, Planner: Bill Gibson DRB Fee Paid: $2O.OO I0t4nm Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colondo 81557 teli 970.479.2L39 tax: 970.479.2452 web; www.ci.vail,co.us General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Departrnent. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commenbes within one year of the approva!. Description of theRequest A::p=...--r.>*- n= Ga-.:, a-.r E-1.'o-Z:.-,-.- PhysicalAddress: 343 la,o-v=,.r .-i\ --,-7r- :. Parcel No.: ZtOa+ t t Zr^tC3, (Contact Mailing Addressj Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant: Date: A,qlnt Locauonof theProposal: Lot: a Bbck: a Subdivision: Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8540 for parcel no.) Name(s) of Owner(s): va , l8'd ']H101 T0: Melirsa FROM: Miohacl Smith RE: Application Jacobs Chese Frick Kleinkopf & Kelley,LLC t050 lTth shoct, suite t500' Denvcr, Colorado 80265 Telephonc: (303) 685-4800 Faosimile: (303) 635-4869 MEMORANDUM Vir Facsimile (9?o) 476.4s0r DATE; Docenber I1,2000 CLIENT NUMBER: 0855.001 . nmAL PAGEST t *rr***tJ,tttl*l *l*tlvf t*t**il*l tttlrra*l |l**tt| *,t*rt|'t***t+| r I ** tt tt:r*{.* * *'lt*ta i:ltt *frt The Company is ) A2ZHoldhgc,LLC 1050 lTrr $reet Suito 1500 Dcrrvc, Cotorado 80265 Thb is !y signatu$ ald you are authorizcd to place it on ths DRB application: 'fu*/ M,d, !d"*ta 0008tl63,wPD t8/lg'd 3SUF[, sqmut gs:gtr @a?_fii}a ataf*al'|*lfllalfltaa***fl*af*'}'|**'if*la*t*l*'.*fft'tt**f*t*******ttaft+faa**la*a*'}faalttt:}'}ff'tt TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement a a*+ +rta* a **t **aa*a*t* *aaa* +i*f t {' *'}{r* ***** * *** t * a*i* * * * * *** +**** ***** *'t'}+t **f** t taa+ lf'}'} ****t Staternent, linmber: R030003669 Amount: $20.00 02/2L/2OO301 :34 PM PatmanE Method: Check Init: dIAR Notation: 5745 Stephanie Lord Johngon . Pennit No: DR8030032 Tl4)e: DRB- Chg to Appr Plana Parcel No: 2t010711201,9 gitsE Mdrees: 363 BEA\ZER DAIIT RD \TAII.I Lrocation: EAITT SIDE ThJ.e Fal4nent: $20.00 Total Feea: 920. oo Total ALL Pnta: 920.00Balance: $0. o0 tt+tl*1}tfff*ttat*'l't't*ta*fttfl*llfft*i!*'a**lr'i*l**'t't't**l'*+*+*'|t}**tt'|l*******|}|''}**ftf|lt*t**at**t ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descri pti on Current Pmts DR OO1OOOO31122OO DESIGN REVIEI,I FEES 20 .00 T L ynn t:riukli. .{lA. Ardritect Williarn l'. Pii r{:r, .\rdrilcct Thrrnrii-s R l)u Bilis, Afchik'ct 5lcpharie k.,rlJ,.,lrnron, Archittct DJvki Bii.r , Architcct Kath! f ksling.r, tlusirle-{i Man.lqs February 21,2OO3 Bill Cibson TOV Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 FRITZLEN PIERCE ARCHITECTS VAIL, COLORADO RE:363 & 383 Beaver Dam Road Cate at East Drivewav Dear Bill: fu per our site meeting, attached is the application for a change to an approved plan for a driveway Sate at the East Residence. We are required to provide (6) parking space which are indicated on the attached plan. The Bate does not impact this parking in anyway. The driveway at the East Residence is quite exposed to Beaver Dam Road and the owner's would like to install a gate for privacy. The gate is 1 5' off the road, so we are proposing a gate that is bofi a hinged gate and a "pocket" rolling gate to minimize any impact to traffic on Beaver Dam Road. The gate is intent to have a center section that is 12' wide that would role into the side "pockets". This would allow a car to be parked directly in front of the gate while the gate is being opened without blocking the traffic on the road. The pockeb would hinge in both directions so the driveway could be completely opened up for additional off street parking. The gate allows for vehicles to park inside tre gate when closed. The gate is to be a mix of copper panelin& black heat textured iron in pattern to match the fenestration, and open picket railings to match the walkway railings. Please call if you need any additional information or clarifications. Sincerely, \ Stephanie Lord-Johnson Architect *"L____-______.__ 1b5t) lnsl Vnil Vallcv Drivc, hrllridgf C-1, \iail, {-rrk.rrado fl t(rti i' 7,,37i,t.4i1r.(i142 F. o"tt..t t6 4!t(t1 [: i,lio(*),. a ila rr jrite*s.<unr \1,^1111:. !..r i l:l fch ii (r tS. r:r:j n ) <--i'---" - ill ii!!r3 zllt i5u:Nd'F tr,r i !'r.O-: a II ato0 t 80f llt|| @ycoloc .tv^ ovou nvo t€ Y:l€ sts I GeGo u oltr :DVTIA aYA 'G XrO]€ b ? Z tol sScN=tcrs3H y\|vc u3AV38 -o -l tl o rli--f- .o''o II \)t d{ \5 :l.Iltl $ .{ ,b N tr _\|6l.l $ S4,t+$ I\GIps n N UI ,Js\s 5+ K s I I I \ \)}zJ Ei Rr N {fr i$. f;fi I\i --l I .li , ;if; b 5 $ $ s J .s n N. $ K+ f T 0r $ F p 2 Al u ,11 7 fl I As A vft h N dl -1i d[$ JH$r TOWN OF VAIL Department ol Commmity Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-21 38 FAX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us , .- March 10,2003 Stephanie Lord-Johnson Fritzlen Pierce Architects 1650 East Vail Vallev Drive Fallridge C-l Vail, CO 81657 RE: Beaver Dam residence - 363 Beaver Dam Road/Lot 2, Block l, Vail Village 3d Filing . Dear Stephanig The Town of Vail Staffhas reviewed the Design Review application for the proposed driveway gate at the Beaver Dam residence located at 363 Beaver Dam Road. The following is a summary of the comments from that review: Public Works l. Due to safety and site distance concems, the proposed driveway gates may only be allowed to swing inward toward the garage and shall not swing toward Beaver Dam Road. The site plan and plan notes must be revised. 2. A Revocable Right-of-Way Permit is required for the proposed gates to be located within the Beaver Dam Road right-of-way. 3. The entrance to the employee housing unit must be a minimum of 8 feet in width. Plannins l. The Design Review Board has historically required that driveway gates be desiped to accommodate the parking of a vehicle between the gate and the edge of the street. This application is scheduled for review by the Town of Vail Design Review Board at its Wednesday, March 19, 2003 public hearing. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact me directly at (970) 479-2173. Sincerely, 4-L-- h- .r7./-- Bill Gibson, AICP Planner II Town of Vail {g *"n"uor r* J I\r rr I r ill]('i), Al-\. ,\rirhrlr'i t \\lllianr [. Pii'r:r. ,\ri hilr'rt Ih,,r|).15 R. Du U('i1 Arr hitLr(l Sl,,lilr,trrir' I r,rrl ll )lIlyln. r\fd lilr.r l l)a,,iri [J,tLrrt t,,\rr:lrlrr't h,tl ltv I li'slitt13.t. lirisifr{r,': \4ir r Jt{'r March 15, 2003 Bill Cibson TOV Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 FRITZLEN PIERCE ARCH ITECTS VAIL, COLOMDO RE: 363 & 383 Beaver Dam Road Cate at East Driveway Response to your letter dated March 1 0, 2003 Dear Bill: Thanks for your resPonse to our DRB Application regarding a Driveway Cate at the East Residence. Following is my response to your comments: Public Works: 'l . Driveway gates need to swing inwards only. FPA has revised the drawings to show the gates swinging inwards only. 2. Revocable Right- of-Way permit for the gates. The owner will agree to a Revocable Right-of-Way permit. I believe that we already have one in place for the driveway improvements in the Right-of-Way and could include the gate in that agreement. 3. Entrance to the EHU Carage minimum width 8'-0" We would like to propose a7'-6" clearance into the EHU Carage. The drawings have always shown an 8'-0" wide swinging garage door with a clearance of 7'-6" between the doors. We would propose to swing the garage doors inward to eliminate the conflicb between the columns and doors. This would result in 7'-6" clear atthe narrowest point between the columns in front of the garage door. A 9 x 18 parking spot is still provided inside the garage when the doon are swung inwards. Also, as discussed, we will pull a vehicle into Carage to verifu that it does fit in the intend space. Per Architectural Craphic Standards a Medium Size Car is between 5'-7" and 6'-0" wide. This would allow 1'-6" extra around the car pulling into the garage. Planning. 1 . DRB requirement for a vehicle to be accomodated between the gate and edge ofstreet. During the construction process, we shorten the driveway from 19'to 15'-1 ". We did this because if we left the driveway the original length, the TOV required 4' wide concrete curb Ii'lr) F.r:;l \'.ril V.rllr,, |)r.ir'r'. f,rllrirku, (.'1. \.lti t |h,t.xlrr l;l{t t): 'l.-i) -1/{,.{, t"ll I i tl - ( ). .:l ;' l )..1',i ) l F:irtto(i;)r.ril,irr ir ili { 1r t { Jrl ir^"t.,,,,i,rl.ttr lt t<,i lc.r rll FRITZLEN PI ERCE ARCH ITECTS vAll"@LoRAt}c ,^?\-'a would have had to accommodate an o<isting manhole. We have alwap been required torghe existing asphalt parking arca and reclaim fiat area as landscaping. The athched dnwing shows drat we intend to follow our original plan to reclaim the landscape out to the 19' depdr. This would allow for a 19' "parking" spot in front of the gate as required by the DRB. I have not had a chance to speak with the Fire Department but will follow up with their commenb as soon as possible. Please call if you need any additional information or clarifications. Sincerely, '.-- .. (@ Stephanie Lord-Johnson Architect cc: Rob Fawcet, GSCC 1650 Easl Vail Valley Drive, Fallridge C"1, Vail, Colorad0 81657 P:970,476.6342 F: 970.47 6.49{J1 [ : i nfr.i@va ilarch i ted s. r:onr raa,vw.vailarch itects. co m zLu 73u:Nd'Fu i E; i .. i,.i;{fts :€$?lf:iv!{ -1 8t $s3 l"-^1 ,b N 'L -o _l tl o uiJ o(') eE1B4\9K-LINE: I 6{ w sh!Il.l xt9 I Pu r*o"=*rY LINE IJIIi 7ql ?{ ou Ii \t ) I , 0l L sl 'l ,{*I.I] F ^0J{ Jt ,rn $ /)n l-l4J { l d d )+ (r) V-.t t $ Tr T l I AJ,u.a lr1nn Ali Ail ,4, p ! t t1 2 1j t) .\ a .anI ,t AJ \J ! 8t00 t got /90n oovuo]oc -lY ovou t{Yo tfJAY3s e88 I 6eCo]frl oue 3oyTt^ ay^ 'G xcota 'a I z lo1 sfcNSotsSu r\lvo H]AVf8 z {J tI_ { tu M D A tuo M {_t7 M F 0 fr $ e1nI,t 7D $aNttN; AJfiA'$l- - .r. D0 t.l./ ^8I 'al I-, rl \t{ ,/il\\. L. 63/2612As3 17:33 974476494L FPS FRITZLEN PIERCE PAGE A1 ARCHITECTS VAIL @LORADO I vrUI trilrl\'n. Al^, \ntritirl Willi,ll|l l- I'i(1t\1'. .\rr1r[\1 I h ,rrtar t. []tr lkrir .\fi lrrlrtt t $rr.1 *ritrri..' 1,"!rl- h tilr'tr.''l, \rl !)il'.\ | l),|\.f i l],lrril1 .\r\trili,|'l Lrrll\, Ii(\rli!n!, Brrrirrr.rr trl,rr r.tl'lr,l FAX COVER SHEET Date: 03-26-03 Tot Mike Vaughn, TOV Firc Depanment Bill Glbon, TOV Community Development Fa* 479-2176 479-2452 le: Beaver Dam Residences - East Residence Gab Sender: Stephanielor$lohnson CCr Ownei Rob Fawcetr, GSCC You should receive 4 paEp(s) including $is cwer sheet lf you do not rcceive all dre pages, please call (9701 476-6342 FJt.15. Mike and Bill - As pcr your requesb fotlowlng is additional informadon rcprding the pmposed Ddvervay Gate at the East Beavcr Dam Residence: Gab Derign a. The grtr is manually operated b. The gaE hinges inward c. The 6ate both swings and recesses into a "pockef - see drawintt d. There are no rolling rnechanisms and the gate is raised 6' off the drivanay whlch allorvs the gate to swing frcely ewn lf the snolvmelt is not operadonal, e. The pocket section of the gate creaEs a minimum 12' wide opening that docrn't r€quire any swin8ing action. (the width could be increate if needed) f. The gab opens fully, leaving Cre entire driveway open for firc depannrent saging if needed. g. The gate is not locked. [. rtrei *rilt be 19' in fiont of the gate for a car to pull off tre sueet and therc ie. 28'-6" be$reep the gate and the garags doors. L The overall dfiva,vay peved area is significantly larger than the maJority of, drlvewap along Beaver Dam Road j. Ihe gate deslgner is intendint to follow the ASTM specifications for Aubmated Vehlcular Gate Construction for mo<imum safety. Attalr.hed arc shq drawings regarding some of the dazils. l{rrrrt I ,rri \'.ril V\tlh1 I trr\x.. I .rl!rylg(" 1'.1. V.ril, ( ,.hn, hr rll(, ,j' [' 1''!;...|-tr tr,l"l.i f ,t'1r.'|;r...i1lr!1 [. irrt: 'tii\'.tiliii itii'..,'l',.'. 'rr'r \!'rr1\',\.1!!.li\ i!rl('( lr . ' rltl f [.( l|r iir.!il-l A312612gg3 17:33 97A476494t !i,5r'i I.r{ V,ril\.,rii^! l} i\r. \,I1, (i,h 'ri;t1,, iiir,r-l, (i -il .1.',r,(, i-1.,i |: r,"ii.{'r,,+'!r{t: f ';1rir.6\,iii,rr, lrik 1 tr rr,,r' \111 \!'. il l: i. || r'i]il ( .r t:, i , 4,, rrJ FRITZLEN PIERCE ARCHITECTS VAlt, COLORTDO PAGE 82 Gate Prccedenb a. Theru ar€ already at leart (2) Bet€s existlnton Beaver Dam Road and East Forest Road. b' In rcsponse to the sloping hillside 0rat defines fi€ prcpertiee along ftese roads, there are baslcally two approaches to dilveway desi6n: 1 . a 12' wide drive that leads to $e taratdParking area either up or down fmm dre street l*eli 2, creae a wide parking aca at the sbeet lwel with very lltth driw - many of these being a simple, asphalt exEnsion of Beaver Dam Road or a 10, drlveway dirccdy in fiont of ths garage doon, c. Thc East Residcnce Beaver Dam Driveway i: unique along Beaver Dam widr its 30' width ar he street level yet belng almost 48, deep. The Sate would assirt in ptovldiry privacy both ior Sre prcperty and limlt this larye drirervay orposurc b $e tctghborhood- lt should be noted that the drireway deiign was underLken to mlnlmire dre de$ructjon of the exirting aneryreen trees oh dre site and disturbane f the natuml grades. d. Privacy at the majodty of the drivervap is pmvided by rhe 12, wide drive *parating the parkint arc. from the steet, I would be more_than hap.pY g mect wlth bot'r of you at thc sib to further dlscus the pte design arrd t/our @ncerns. Please call widr arry additional questiorE or comrrnb. l.,lirt,li*'(i i. tlU I s t a3 ifi z {J IL { tu EA Alu IZ {Jztu I 63126/2a63 17:33 97a47649aL FPS l#41;|l.--*:--T-'---- J JJ.:Yry"*: iI t $ ,1I Jt g { 4 ) 1I c) t- J IIIil ITir di -atrnttsattt--t-lr!--ni!.rr-ir..|'r s39N:tOtSSU nVO U3AY3€ a'd -uJol les artl ttlu-re-ftlJ.lj.rq8 .t.roao rIEtSO EO 3a Jrt lg6pgLvgl6 ge:tr Easzl;z J P|r $s I Srr jt-' $,g=']i *ril snU! E cn'E l-'[- oI iD I I I I I I I I I -l$t@ I-6 I -{q I -|n tt! $ a .g j r{Iti E E.[ $BB llrlrl fr:g Es r) I'F CLJ 3[.ot'-rE.'6 F5- uo s.n tt.l ::i $. P.l h 6-o 8t 0L-9)t-0aBEA/89'e va \A4lL5l2gg3 15:45 97447649aL FPS PA€E A1 lvt|rl flilfl({1. ,\1,1, A.(fttlrl I \tilll.urr f . Ph'nu. A\ lrik\ | llt xrttf, R, tt(t Bt)ir, .\'( lllh't'l $r'phJrlir.r [, rffl.l{rhnrtt}, An'hitf, t tf,,r'{rl ll.turr r, Vr$itt'r t tfuthv I h'rrlirr*t. fitrlitt($s \'l,lll.lr\'r FAX COVER, SHEET Fu: 04-15-03 Leonard 9ndavol 479-2166 ls Beaver Residencc Eiltt- DflvesvayGabt Scndcn SEphanieLord-lohnson CrCr, Blll Gihon, 479-2452 FRITZLEN PIERCE ARCHITECTS vAlt,@(oi.i\oo To: do not rcceive all lhc pa6es' please call {o70l 476-6142 Fxt15. Leonad . As per our 6,[phonc con emedon, I went out end mcasurcd the dlstances shourn on the aaached ' plan. ler ttty r""rut r*nb, I ccn meet both the rcqulrement to have t car Parkd Inslde the grter lnd h"t" h 6pcn rnd cloce and have 19'-0' in front of dre gate and the stt€et for a car to pull off' I had 2/ extta. I had 69'-2" firom the grogs door o tre south side of Bearar Dam Road. Pleere call me u discuss. t('t() l,lrt \iii v,rlhr lI|\r' \tril. r i *.'nd. ' lllt,5' F. 'r-tl..t:lr.tr l.l -' F: ' |,'| | .| -lt,.|.|i|1 l i'll''(i!Jiinli hilr\ lt,r r,'rl wtrlt',t.til,t|l lrtlit l. , ',ttt l)r "rrrrrrr'rrll lrllrhl*.- (' I. lynn FriElen, AIA Architect Willianr F. Pierce, Ar(,-hilect Thr:nras R. Du 8ois, ArchitecJ. Stepharrie Lord-lohnson, Architect Davicl Baurn, Arcbitect Kathy Heslinga, Business Manalpr May 19, 2003 FRITZLEN PI ERCE ARCHITECTS v rL coLoRADO To: Bill Gihon Department of Community Development Fom: Lynn Fritrlen Fdtrlen Pierce Archieos Re: Beaver Dam Gae Here are a new plan and elevation for a proposed revisions to the Beaver Dam East Residence Drivoray. We have addrcssed $€ Board's concerns by adding a 6x6 timber member at fie end of Sre swlng that dip into a rec€ssed shoe like a bollard. We are asumint that we will be scheduled for the Wednesday May 21* Design Rwiew Board meeting, Phase Inform me of any requesCd changes or other information fnt I need b bring /# 1650 East Vail Vallcy Drive, tallridgc C-l , Vail, Colorado {tl657 P:970.476.6312 f:970.476.4901 [: infcr@ailarchiteers.corn wwwvailarchitects.com - 't Lynn f riulen, AlA, Architect Wiiliam F. PicK:e, ArcJritect Ihr:mas R. Du 8ois, Architecl Stephanie Lord-iohnson, Architeci David Baum, Architect Kathy Heslinga, Business Manager MEMO Date: FRITZLEN PIERCE ARCHITECTS VAII, COLORADO To: May29,20(J.3 Bill Cibson Shana WidmerFrom: Subiect 363 & 368 Bear,er Dam Rd. - Cate at East Driveway CC: File Bill, Attached are the revised plan and elevation of the gate. The plan changed per our discussion in regards to the placement of the gate in relationship to the columns. Thus, we added a wood column in the elevation so that the gate could function properly. Please let me know if there is anything else that needs to be done in regards to our staff approval. Thanks, Shana 1550 East Vail Valley Drive, Fallri<ige C-1, Vail, Cok,rado 81657 ?:970.4766342 F: 97{.t.476.4901 [: infcr@vailarchitects.com ''r"vrry.vai larchi tects.com K:\0048 " Beave rDamResidence\Projer:tCbrresfx)ndence\TOV,.BCt)5-29-0"lgate.drr<r t", 'i s 3 \j s A = # T.+ .o -Q s r$ &* GEORGE SHAEFFER CONSTRUCTION COMPANY P.O. Box 373 VAIL,COLORADO 81658 Tet (90) 845-5656, Fax (970) 845-7013 to: Town of Vail Public Work Department Vait. CO 81657 LETTER, @F TRANSMITTAL DAIE l2ll3/02 JOB NO, ArrENrIoN Ironard Sandoval RE: I,otZ & 3 Vail Village Third Filing WE ARE SENDING YOU EAnached EUnder separate cover via hand deliver the following items: El Shop drawings I Prints E Plans ! Samples fl Specifications I Copy of letter I Change order tr COPIES DATE NO.DESCRIPTION 2 9t2UOl Sheets S2S West Building Enry & Site Wall Foundation Plan 2 Detail H S6W THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: ! For review and comment tr D FOR BIDS DUE - 20 received the stamped copy of these earlier in the project. Please call if there are any questions. Thanks, Rob Fawcett COPY TO: File E Resubmit _ copies for approval fl Submit _ copies for distribution E Return _ corected prints tr PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US ! For approval fi For your use f! As requested ! Approved as submitted ! Approved as Noted E Returned for corrections REMARKS: Leonard, th,44 Attached are two !6i56fpages S2S and detail HS6W as called out on the plans as you requested. I believe your offrce (n\,\ SIGNED. W W If enclosures are not as noted, kind.ly notify us at once. 9TOI€ VEI.EER I/4'PIATE LEDeER AA/4'PLATE AE-ET5 C 24' OC AND 5lb', QX4' EXFAN9|ON Eo|LT9o 24" OC *4c SECTIONI C cttu-ot?2 P|ER 6AP OI]E CAP 2 16 @t{r. TOP ' WT tt4 c 16' O.C. EA6H I^IAY 2) +4Xt2" vEtDED TO OAP z L N _l(o OONT. )RIZONTAL '_ltto @eree SE.-,TION +'+ 2' AL LL ffl*rg'i,"\ i9 rleec ;;oiii]) gTOT.IE VE}EER I/4'PIATE LEDoER ^A/4'PLATE Al*rHrg c 24'oC AltD alo'Qx4t EXPAN9|ON WLTSo 24'.OC o tt4 o 16" oc. SEC.TICN C CIfu-OI?2 PIER CAP TO}'E 6AP 2 E Cpt{T.r@4wr t+4 c 16' oc. EAOTI YTAY 2) *4Xt2" |tl-Dfr TO CAP i =c{In lr coltr. FIORIZONTAI. " ol,u @etee SEC-TION HRIAL {,ALL #slrlp..j rasolB; * f...v....f.9)Jionx\.V Lyno Frilzlen, AlA, Architect Williarn F. Pierce, Architecl Thrimas R. Du Bois, Archiled Stephanie krrd-lohnsr.rn, Architer::t David Baum, Architecl Kathy Heslinga, Business Manager May01,2fl)3 Bill Gibson TOV C-ommunity Dwelopment 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 FRITZLEN PIERCE ARCHITECTS vAil-, coLoRADO 363 & 383 Beaver Dam Road Gate at East Driveway Dear Bill: Please find atadred an alternate gate design for the East Beaver Residence. As per our previous meeting, I harae updaed dre gate design to match the surrounding walh,rray railings. The gate is no,rr comprised of blackened tercured steel, rough sawn cedar, and the standard railing picket The height of the gate pieces will be appmximately 42" to response to the taller driveway columns (railings arc at 36'). There is an end post to finish 0re gate pieces. Phase let me know if 1ou need any additional information for the May 7, 2003 DRB meeting. Thank for all your help. Sincerely, -t-- Stephanie Lord-lohnson Archibct 1650 East Vail Valley Drive, fallridge C-1 , Vail, Colorado 81657 P: 97O.476.6342 J:97O.475.49O1 [: i nf@vaila]chi lecls.corn www.vailarchi tecls.com . .;.:Ie?sst!: lijd$l{ o(] 6I $ ) rfl 0 {$ I 3If/tr I il \) I'lII I ul\rl' Nl" '{ {,t r.{ }r J -:- Lynn tdtzlen, AlA, Architect William f. Pierrc, Archirect Ih0nlas R. Du Bois, Architect David Baum, Archited Kathy Hedinga, Business Manager MEMO Dats JuneO 20O3 To: BillCibson From: Shana Widmer Subiect Bear,er Dam Cate StaffApproval FRITZLEN PIERCE ARCHITECTS vAil,cotoR Do CC:File Bill, Attached are the qnce a8ain revised sketches for the Beaver Dam Driveway Gate at the East Residence. Rob Fawcett with Ceo€e Shaeffer said that he spoke with you and that we could just re-apply for staff approval on this minor change. Rob should be following up with Leonard Sandovall in regards to the revocable right of way permit. Please call if you need any add itional information. Thanks, Shana 1650 fas Vail Valley Drive, Falkidge C-1 , Vail, Cok)rado 81657 ?: 974.476.6342 F:97tt.476.4901 t : into@vailarchitecls,(om w\,rw.vai larchitecls.r-r:m K:'.ttO4B - BeaverDanlResid€nce'lProjecrCorreqxrndence'JOv'I)6.09.038cnlenlo.doc IOI,T'NM Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 Iax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive appro l prior to submilting a building permit application. Ple6e refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a bullding permit is issued and construction commences within ono year of the approval. Description of the Request: Location of the Proposal:Lot: 4 Physicaf Address: Vte %aynt-DvtQ.rc (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8il0 for parcel no.) Zoning: Name(s) of Owner(s): Maifing Address: -]afu_ff 4(pz4 , z- r(c l@-fu.tVEa ,a fu\zu6 ' ' phone: b4.2gn .4-lo+2> Owner(s) Signature(s) : Name of Applicant: E-mail Address: Saarra.dalfcclsctrFax: Type of Review and Fee: . Signs . Conceptual Review . New Construction. Addition . Minor Alteration (multi-family/commercial) . Minor Alteration (singleJamily/duplex) $50 Plus $1.ffi per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. $300 For an addition where square footage b added to any residential or cornmercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversiom). $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, elc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the D€sign Review Board. No Fee y ct"ng"" to Approved Plans Separation Request '2,,7.51 3q +* $$ g$ a, E s iu.s - 3 -J $ F-l 1slI $'t -xIs SI$ 5 sxllj -t 6 Fsxq t p;'' ( I $r *.r 3silT $ r$ *$ss I DEC-OA.OO II.T7 FROM. LAND TITLE ID' St704?€i2eA.l PAGE 2 Clticrgn Thle Inru$u;e Cgupany ALTA COMMITMENT (lur Order No. V27ll4llt-7 SchedutoA Curl. Rcf.: ItopctyAdftcu: I.OI$ ! 119J2.J, BLOCK 3. VAIL VILLAGE, TI{IRD FILINO 4l l. l{tfictveDarc: Novan,*r\1#.,S:txl p.M.\ 2. Policy to bc lnrrrl, and hopocod lruured; "Al,TA' Owner's prrlicy lt)-n -n "ALr^" o;il;'; p,,ir.i io'rr.ge sJ'4r3'414 (tt) $4.J.i3,591,.1Y; Propr.red llruted : A2Z HOLDINCS, LI.C, A EOLORADO LIMITED LIABIUTY COMPANY 'AI.TA" kun Prilicy tO-17-gZ $6,rXXl.0O0.U) ProFrrrd lrr;lurril: UNITED $IATE.S.TRUSI'COMPANY OF NEW YORK J. 'l'bo ria{to or hlcrcxa in the tand de*ribcd or refcrrcd to in thir Cornllilnsrl and covcrcd lurrin is: A lrec Shrrplc 4. ndo |o tho eitrtc or tricresl covcrcrl hcteln lc rt thc cr?Gcffve datc b€reol vcrted i l SEF: ATIiACHEI) 5. l'he hnrl rcfanul to In this Commifmrrt is dqcribcd rs follors: PARCIiI, I: 1,o'l't, A Ru$UBDtvrsrof!.T!91S z ^ND 3, sLoCK 3, vArL VtLt,Acts, rHrRD FtLIN(;.Ac(:oRorNc lu flrir pr-AT RECORDED Noiatuii 14, 2un AT RECEp.froN No. ?4400r.(:OUNTY O}I E^6LE, STATE OF COI,ORADO. PARCUL 2; I,C'I']' A RESUBDIVISIONIIF LC'TS 2 AND 3. tsLOCK 3. !.AIL VILLA$','.'HIR() I;ILINU,AC(:ORDTNC 1'O Tf i pr.AT RECORDED NO';";;i '4, 2010 A' RECB'TT.N N(,. 7,r,10{)4,(:ouN'ry otj |j^(;r.t|, sTAl,E OF COLORADb DEG-Og-OO II,IA FROU. LAND TTTLE tD' s704752€54 PAGE 3 Our Order No. vZ7040tt,? f' litb to rhr *trtr rr rrrrut cornrd hrrrn ir rt th rrfretrvr drtr fnrof v'rcd rn: PARCEL I ,OIIN I". TYLER AS TO AN TJNDIVIDED 3,2E PERCENT INTERB.IT, ROBERT L. TYI.ER AS ,I'C) AN UNDTVTDBD 24.t8 PERCSNT nrBnpsr,lorn r".'rrr-pn, J&. As TO AN UNDrvrnEr)T4, I8 P8R(:NNl'INTERtsST, GEORGE N,r. iilBi N'S-iO AN UNDIVTDED 24, Itt PERCI,NTIN fiREST, MARCARET T, FULLER NS tO rr.I UhibiVrONP 24.IE PERCBNT IN'.IiR'S'I' PARCEI,2 JOI.IN I.' TYLUR, JR AS TO AN UNDIVIDED 25 PERCBNT INTI'I,EST, OEORO.E M. .TYI.BR AS'rOAN lJNDlvlDtiD 2'5 PBRCENT tNTEREsr, R088RT i. rvueR As ro AN uNurvlDrrD z.i priRc:uN.t'rN'rERn$" MARCARST T. FULLER es io nlr ur.jprvrDED 25 pencebrr-l-lrreRls.r, jorir,r t.,TYLTiR AND J UI.IA ANN TYLER AS 'I'O A r.rrE iliAr8 AS DESCRIEED IN DEED RHCORDIJI)|)HCEMEER 28, 1994 lN BOot( 558 AT PACE 139 - '-- .. oEp-oa-oo 11.la FRor, LAND TTALE I O ' 9704?Ei2A6tl PACE { ALTA COMMITMENT Sshcrlulcg_sectioal (R.qulrorcoas) Thr lbllowlng rre ttt rrqdmmccr to bo conplled wlthl Our Ordcr No. V27(H0U-7 Itent (r) Paynren ..r or rirr thc rccouor of oe g*ut.ru.r ,,rcngagors of rlu hru cor$idcr h). tir rrr r;srart: orInaer,N lo lX. insurcd. lt;;,111 ttt'*t irutrunrot(s) crcrdlg drc cutrtc or Inreresl to b3 iururcd nrurr be sxeL:ur0d :ud ttuty t.ilcd firr rcr.urrl. Ilc[t (() Psyruen( olrll mrcs. chrrgcs <x acxssncn$ ler/ied :rnl urcssed rgri$t ths s[!.jcc1 ,rrcnrisc:\ which ar:, ducand prryrblc. hcn (d) Arlrlitionrl rcrluircrrnrs, if rny disrtosc<l below: I. EVfDENCE SATISPACTORY TO THE COMPANY THA'I'THE TER,MS, CONDI'II()NS ANt)PROVI.SIONS OF TIJI? TOWN OF VAIL TRANSFSd iEX I{AVE BBEN SA,I,ISFIED wARRAN'r'y DRED FROM lgHN t TYLER, ROBERTL. TYLBR, JOHN L ryl.tiR, tR.,OEORGE M ' TYLBR AND MARGARTT r. TUULiN iblZZ HOI,OTNCS, LLE, A COLORAI.)(,t.tMnED r.tABt LtTy coMpANy coNvEyrr,f o i;iiii r. WARRANTY DEED TIROM JOHN.L J'YLER, JR., OEORCE M.'TYI,ER. ROBBI(t. I-, TYLI;I.,AND M^R(;ARETT, FULI.ER AS TO A rrc SNrPr.E AiiD JOIIN L. TYLSR ANIJ JIJt,lA ANNTYLER AS TO A LIFE FSTTI AS DFSCRIBED INid6 RECORDtsD DECEMBER 2I. I9I},ItN B(X)K (r.lE A t. pAGE t3e To_A2Z_ HOLDTNCS: aLC,;coLoRADO LIMITED t.tAEtLrTyCOMPANY (:o[{VEYING PARCEL 2. DE'ED OFTRUSI'FROM A2ZIOLDINCS. LIT, A COLORADO LIMITED I,IAgtLITY CObITA}|YTO.THE PI'BI,IE TRIJSTBE Of.BACI,E COUNT-'r_-iOiAE USE OtJ UNTI.ED STA] FJ.\ ]'RIJS,'coMpANy oF NBw yoRK ro sEcURB nre suiidiii,000.ooo.00. Norr!: ARl't(lr.Es oF oRcANrzATroN FoR A?z HOLDrNcs. LLc, A coLoRAuo r.rMrr.Fir)r'rABrLrry coMpANy DTSCLOSE(S) MrcfrAd; s;hir es ftre MANACER(S). NOI'H: lTtsM$ t-t Or.r Tt{E OENBRAT, EXCEPTIONS ARE HEREBY DELBTFD. I J PON I H E APPRO*AL OF T!T.C9Y PANY AND TI{E RBCETPI OF A NO'I'ARIZED FI NAL I.I I]NAFFTDAVTT. ITBM NO. { OFTr.tE onNsi^t-iicinnoLs wrLL IrE AMENI)ED ASFOt.t,ows: I'I'CM NO. 4 OT.THE CENER.AL EXCEPTIONS tS DBLE''ED AS TO ANY I,IIjNIi OR !t, TIIRIJLI6NS RFSULTINO FROM WORK OR MAiiIRIAL FfiN-ISHEO A'r THB REQUEST OFJ(NIN I,. DEC-OA-OO 1 1 , IA FROI.I . LAND TI TLE LD. S?O4?62e44 PAGE 5 AL'I'A COMMITMEN't' SchodulsB-Se$ionl (ncquinrncfr)Our Or&n No. V2704rB.z (lor*bruerl : 'fYr,rR, JR,. OE'ROE M. rILlR, ROEERT L. T'LBR, MAR.ARET r. FULLTR AND ,o'NL' TYLBR AND JOHN L. TYLER AND JULi'ANi.iriiiN.AS rO A LIFE BSI'^TE ASDESCRIU8O Ili DEED RECO-RDED DECBMbdR 'i,'IPIi$.I SOOX 658 AT PACB I39.C:III('^CO T'ITI,D INI|URANCE COMPANY SiiLL ili'; NO LIAEIL]TY FOR ANY L]BNSARISIN$ FROV WORK OR MATERIAL FURNISHE AI;THB RBQUESI'0F A2Z HOLDIN(;Si.l.l.c, A (:oLonADo LtMITBD LIABILITY coMtANi NOTfi: I,TTiM 5 OF TH. GI'NBRAL ExcEPTIoMt *ILL BE DELETED IT. I,AND.*TLERECoRrrs 'rHB DOCUI|BNTS REQUIRED Unpnn iiniuulE B_L Norll: t'PoN PtooF oF PAYMENT oF ALL TAxEs, rrEM 6 wrLL BE AM FNDBD 'r-o Rr.iA': l AXHS AND ASSES.I;MEN'|S FoR,rH6 YEAR 2mo AND SUBSEQUENl. yEAt$. ITFM 7 I]N DER SCHIJDUI,E_B+.]VLLL 8E DELETED UPON PROOI''.HAT THE WAT'R ANI)SUWI]R CHAROBS ^RI] PAID UP TO DATE. .. DF,C-O€|-OO 11 , r9 PROM, LAND TTTLE tD. €t704 762€54 PAGE E ALTA (:OMM]TMENT SehcdulcB-Sction2 (Ercrpalorr)Orr Order No. V271,408-i Tk pollcy or pollcicl to " tl:t_:ilf conhir crccpttors ro thc following ur es rbc lirmc ore dirJro*rlof to the srtlul'rctlon uf the (.mrprny: l, Rights trt clirinrs of perbes ir plxsessi ,n tx)t sk wtr by the public recorrls. 2. lhsonsn(s. rr sli$ns olganrncn$, u)l $town hy he public recorrls. l. Disrrcplrrics, conflic$ in hruurlrq lines, shonrgc in arer, crurnrchntgnts, E|d any fiu:ts vhrch c()ncct srrwcy a]|dirr$pocrior (!l dc ptqui.ses wourd rrisr,lose rn,r wrr[rt ,rii not slrown ty rri, prt ri. i.,i,r.r. 4' Atty lign' tu right to a licn. for rsrvi.rs, lahrr or mrtertel thr:retofrlt or hereaftsr furrrishcd, ilrJxrsccl by r.w.nrlrxrt slxrwn by thc frubtic rccords. 5' uchsrs' lietx' cncuntbrarce'\' ldversc uluins or othcr nrsttcrs, if Iny, crerled. lirsr hnpclnng in tlrc pulrlic ,cc(r(l$ (rrtt0ahing suh:rilucnt to $e cfftr,rjve drte bereof but prior o ore drtc the progxcd inrurcd rcquirus of rcsonl frrrvalue rhc exal! (rr intcrg1t or nnr(gage thcreun crwerid by ttris Conullitrtrnt. It. Tirxrrs or rnecirl lwssn$nt$ whirjh rac ntlt ohown ss exisdng liens try the pubtic recrrrrls. 7. l.iers t<rr urprid wrtcr aut sswr chrrges, ifrny. 8. ll ntlditkrn, rhe orryngl's tr igy will be .subjcct to drc nortgagc. if rny. nutcd irr Sccri(xr t of gshcdu[g lt hcrc,rrf. 9. RIGI]'I .F PROPRII]IOR.OF A VBIN OR U)DE TO EXTRACT AND I.IJMOV6 }IIS ORI.,:l'HliRIiFRoM sHoul'D-THE sAME BB FouND 16 prNernnrg oR INTERsgcT'rHB pRF:MtsirisAS RF;SIJIIVCD IN UNITED STATES PATE^N RECbRDED SEPTBMBFR 04, 1923, IN EOOK!3 A',r PACE 9rt IO' RICH'T 0II WAY FOR DITCHES OR CANALS CONSTRUCTED BY 1'HS AUTH'RITY .F, 11IUI'NITUD.IITATE.S AS RqSERVSD IN UNITBD STAiES PATBNI.RECORDED SEPTTiMBIJR 04,t923. tN ltooK 03 AT PAGE 9t. II' I.I'STRI(:'TIVti (:QVBNANTS WHICII DO NOT CONTAIN A TORFBTTURE OR REVURI'F:R CL^IJSE,BU'T OMI'TflNC ANY COVENANT OR RESTRI'TION NrSEO ON RAEE, COLOR, REL'('ION,sux, r{ANDr(:Ap, r-'AMTLTAL STATus oR NAn6irlu onlclr.r uNLSSS AND ONLy ro.r.}rriEXTBNT rllAl'ttAID covBNANT (A) ts uxErrritr uNoen cHAprBR 42, stic-rtoN :t607 otr'r'H;r uNrffiD STATES c_oDE OR tal isuei's i., inxorc.cp BUT DOES NOr,o llf c R I M I N ATE AcAIN'sl' lANolcrp ppnsbNs. rs corrrltt.tso rN rNsrRUM r. Nr R ri(:oRDri | )MAR(:il 23, te63. tN BOOK t?4 AT PAGB izs. -' '" t2 liAsUMHN'lS' REsERvATtoNs AND RBSIRICTION$ As sHowN oR REsliRvttD oN Ttri pl.A,t.ol, vAlt. vtl.l,AcE.TtftRD FIL|N0, DEC-O€'-OO 1I.19 FROM, LAND TTTLE rD,9?04?e2E|54 PACE ? AI,TA C]OMNIITMFNl ScheduleB.SectiolZ (Exccpttoru) our onler No. vz7040lt,T TIe pollry or gilicla to be igsued will conlain exrefliolu to thc following unless thc scmr nre dlspustrlof to tlr: $rtlsl(tiorr of lhr Cornpany: I3, IiA.SIJMI.:N'IS, RESERVATIONS AND RESTRICTIONS AS SHOWN OR RESERVFD ON 'I'HE TiIIIAI,PI'A'T. A Rh'SUEDIVISION -OF LOTS 2 A}iD 3, BLOCK 3, VAIL VILLAGE, irriiPrrn.rN6. Rri('oRDED AUCUST l r, 1994 rN BOoK 6a7 AT PAOE 508; TNCLUDTNCi BU,fN0't l,llr{i't'HD TO: A vAll, wA'l'!iR AND I|ANITAT|OI\- DrsTRrcr EASEMINT ALoNo TuE NoRTttSRLy r.o.rI,tNU ()F i.O1'2 F. U'III.I'I'Y UASEMEN1 FIVE (5) F6ET IN WDTIi ALONG THE NORTI{ERLY ANI)N()R'THF.^STERI,Y LOT LINE OF LOT 2 AND LOT 3. C' RI(|}I'T 0F }VAY EASBMET.IT FOR BEAVER DAM CIRCLE IN TIIE SOIJTIIWTSTERLY PORT|O\()F LoT 3. D. A(:Cli.$!; FASEMEN'r FOR LOT 3. I4, EASEMt.:Nl'S. RF,SERVATIONS AND RESTRIC?IONS AS SHOWN OR NSSERVSD (IN TIIIiRFS{J8r)rVrSroN pr'lT OF Lors 2 AND r, BLOC( 3, VA'L VILLAGS, rirnn niirrro|TiCORDF.D NOVEMBER 14. ?000 t,ND8R RFCEp.t.tON NO 7,t400f. Norli: r.^Nt)'rrr'LE ct.;ARANTEc (:oMpANy Is rN RecHFr oF A sATrsFA(:ToRyIMPROVf]M T.]NT I.OCATION CERTIFICATE PREPARIiD BY EAGLE VAI..LEY SURVFYIN(;, INC.DATED Srrt''f'UMBER t9,2000JOB NCS. 2691 ANo il12. (Ttlt: AHoVt, t't'RMS A[.'FF,CT SUIH pARCBt^S) I.J. TERbI.S. (':ONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF EASEMENT ACREEMENI'RFCORDED OC.I'OBIIR I0,t966 tN tl(x)K J.ul AT PA(iE 22?. (THtl AB()vti I'fEM ApFECTS PARCEL t) I6' TERMS. (:ONDITIONTi AND PROVISIONS OF EASEMENT RECORDED MARCH 2I, I!XI.I 1NB()oK s21 A1't'AoE 9tg. I7' l'fi,RMS, (:ONI)frIONS AND PROVISTONS OF IASSMENT DEBD RECOI{DED APRII. 09, I9Ii7tN txx)K 46t) A.r PACE 6t0^ G DE.C-9B-OO t1'24 FROH' LAND TITLE lDr 4"O4742C'64 PACE €l ALTA COMMIl.MENT ScMulsB-Sqrion2 (eocfaiorru) Orrr (hdcr No. V27040t-? ttc pollcy od |nltlE !o bc btB{ rritl colrrin cxrca{oru 0o tlc folbwing rnlcrc thc rrnrc rrc rlrposcdctto fhe,rtl*rcdur of thl Conryuy: Gltu ABOW rrEMs AFTECT PARCEI,2' DEC-O€I-OO I I .20 FROI,!, LAND Tl TLE lD, 9?O4"€2SE.I PACE I LAND TITLE GUANANTET: COMPANY DISCLOSUX,E STATETvIENT Requlrcd by C.R.S. t0.l l.lZl A) 'l'h$.\uhiecr rcd prcFcrty mry br loclkd in I {rcial trring district. [l) A (lerrilitaG of Tlxcs Du€ listiog clch taxirrg jurisdicthrn rnay hc ubtain<rl lknn tlrc (ir*^ry'l'rqiuurer'$ lulhorirul r8ent. (i) 'llrc. inlonur-ti'n regrr<ling spcirl thstriots.nrJ tlu b.urxlcrics ofsuch disrricts uuryh,c'ohtnircd fionr t|t Bord of Coonty Cnnrnissionen. itn Courrty Clerk anrj R.'cu,rrlcr, ,,rthc ( lounty Auscsrrr. !tTcetive ScDtcmber l, 1997. CRS 3Ol0-406 requircs rhnt irll d<runrenrs roceivc<l lirr rccrlr(tin[ ()r litrnll in lhcclcrk rnd recottiur's olfice shall coohin a top nuigin uf at lc;rst onc irrh uxt a lcfi. rilrlrt arrd txltlor. rrhruin ol8l lc:tsc 'trs halt''f err iruh. Thc clcrk urd ta.-.r.i rroy iin rc r,r rr.nrar or tilc arry drx-urrrs,'( arut *rs hrltc,rttbltn' qxtspt dul, the raluirenrgr6 for tlre ttrp m.rtln uturtt ttr,r lpply ,., .r,"u,rii,rc ,ri,u, farrrrs,rn whi,;hspucc is rrrovidcd for rccording or firing intbrrrution ai rtr iop mergin uf rrrc rkxunrenr. Nrtlc: (ktlorado Divisioo of lrrsutarcg Regulrtions 3-5-1, pangrrph c of Arlicle vll rcquircs thr( ,,l,lvurv ti(le cltSily shall be restrrrsihlc fur 3ll rrrritcrs whir;,h .pp.ri oi r".nro prior t' rhe ,i,u. ur r.,,,ntii,g ' '"' t wlrruvcr thc .irt€ rnriry r;onducrs rhc.obsing a'*r i* iJffinu tu, rauntiig uf riii,,g,,ti;i,J,rdrrunrcrrt.r rcsulting tioru dtc truxrotion wh'ich o.,.ii,[ti.'t nrvided dlrt l_autl .litle (juanrntcc l ll'tipl:'t corrlucls rherk*ing rrtlhe irsured rrrnsa$ion airu i, ,.*puruiile tirr rccorrrilf rrrclcgill d()curtBrus lhm thc transrction, exceplion nunrtrcr S wiit rct aplrclr 9n ths O$i1er, j{ .l.iti( Prrlicy lrxl rhc Lerxtcrs poticy wtren hsucrl. Nur': At'firnruiw mechanic's lien prorection tor rlrc Owncr rruy hc al,ailahlc(lypica.lly by ttrlurorrot'llxccpri'rr rn, 4 0f schcrrurc B, bcstion e.,t ttrc co,rrmitrrir*, u.rn tht, ownsr,s prrri.y trr rr.,irsuctl) upon u(rntplhnsr with thc folltrwing corrditionr: - ----'- A' 'flp tuul dcsr;ribcrl in schalule A of rhis.u,ntnitoin, nrust be a singlc fanrily rtsi<lerrr whiclrirruludcs it coudonioiun or bw rotrsc unit.ll' Nrl lrthrr or rmterirls hrvc hcca firrnished hy rneehnnir;s or rr{tgriar{rcn rirr p,rposcs rrf0orrrr*,Urn un *. lrnrl desffibcrl in Schcdule A trf thin Conrnritrncnt wirhirr.the pusr 6 ir,,,nrhs.C. 'l'lrc Conlpiny rnu$t rqtuivc en appropriatc rflitlrvit indemnitiirg fhc Cornpany aglirr.st u||.titulrrrcehanis's atrl nutcrial.nrcn,r liens.-l) 'fhc (l)ntncny musa rerjeive plyn*u of de rppropriatc plerniurn.l!. lf tlrcrc luu hcsn constructio ,r pu*:hirscd wid,in ;i; ;;;liJliili:J,tr;[Tltr 'i'.,ffiiliHfH fi,1liffi]fi'll, iii,,,.c()vcrirrlc tirr sp16iq1t{ licru will includc: rlisslonurc of cB-rtdn corst..ri,;;.i,iil";;;i;;;, " lirwrci,l inforuwi., r$ to thc scrcr, the tulocr amr nr rr* con*.rct(x; pr:irnc*t rrf ft!.inpropri lc prcruiurn fully excuun<.l.fuxlcnrniry Agr.*,r,crrts satil*turtory t(, the uxupluy, lrkl,ittty lrJdiriorul rcquirsnrentt ss nray bc rwes,ury iticr ciiixami,sri rn ot rhc etbrcsirirJrrrtonrrrrriorr by tltc (ojnp1ny. No tlvgr1g1, will he girrcn undet Nny cifcunllrunces lirr hhtr ur ntaterial for wbit:h rlre irrsurcrlhN {(}tltftrt(d firr ur agrCc6 to 1ny. Ntxlirrg hutcin couthrd wilt he ilecnx.d to ohligarc lhc coptptny to provtdF rny ()l.rhccr)vcrnlre$ refurrcd to hercin unless the lh,v! corirlit,.n,, are tir[y xrrist-retl. FIU COPY Department of C ommunity Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us Seplember 1,2000 Stephanie Lord-Johnson Fritzlen Pierce Smith Architecls 1650 East VailValley Drive Fallddge C-1 Vail, CO 81657 Re: 363 and 383 Beaver Dam Hoad Dear Stephanie: The purpose of this letter is lo comment on your letter dated September 1, 2000 regarding redevelopment of the two above-referenced lols. Option One This is a realistic and feasible approach to joint developmenl of the two lots. There would be no loss of gross residential floor area (GRFA) for your client and the Vail Town Code would permit the connection of the two struclures via a "recreational amenity," subject to design review approval. The Town would not consider the f ull development of the two lots as a negalive impact since it would be consistent with the established neighborhood characler. The Primary/Secondary Residential zoning designation anticipates a density of two units per buildable lot. This is an acceptable density at this location. Option Two There is nothing in the Town's land development regulalions or master plan documents lhat would preclude the consolidation of these two lots into one lot (although we encourage lot subdividers to create lots that are consistent with neighboring properties). Procedurally, the task could be handled through the minor subdivision process, subject to Planning and Environmental Commission approval. However, your client would stand to lose a substantial amount of GRFA if the two lots were consolidated. Ootion Three Although this option would most likely provide the maximum development potential for your client, I believe a special development district (SDD) would be nearly impossible at this location under existing circumstances for a number of reasons. First, any deviation in zoning or development potential for these two specific lols from what is available to the other properties in the neighborhood and zone districl would be nothing short of a "spot zoning." This is inconsistent with the Town's established land use regulations and policies. Addltionally, an SDD with an underlying zoning of Residential Cluster would be inconsistent with the "Low Density Residential" land use goals identified for the neighborhood in the Vail Land Use Plan. Although you have the right to apply for the establishment of an SDD at this location, staff would most likely recommend denial of the application to the Planning and Environmental Commission {s rurnuoror* "i end Vail Town Council. We would probably not support a rezoning of any type for these two properties. The existing zoning is consistent with master plan goals, the designation of all other residential lols in the area, and the general character of the neighborhood. lf you would like to discuss these issues in greater delail, please do not hesilate to contact me ar (970) 479-2140. Sincerely, ,A l|t"t-'f W""4-t- Brent Wilson, AICP Planner ll g9/0l12t26 12:18 976476499I PAGE A2 FRITZLEN PIERCE ARC H ITECTS FPS Scptcmber l,2q)0 BtmtWilson Town of Vail Comrnrrnig Dcvelopmcnt Departncnt 75 S. Fruntage Road Vail, CO 81657 ' RE: 363 and383 BeaverDamRoad Dec Brent: 4-' As per my tclcphonc mcssage, nrc bave a client rbFt is in thc process of purchasing lots 363 urd 3E3 on BeaYer Dam Road and would like to rederrclopmmt the two lotgfor a ringle family homa. Lynn Fritden ard I have becn reviwing the possible redwelop oprtions for ttrccc lbts. lVe aro lookiag for yow feedback regarding thcse possibilities. Rcdcvclopnent Optionr Optbn0nc 4-Dcvelop a "compound" with multiple struchrrcs fortc-rwidcnce on the tup scprato lots within the existing himary/Secondry zonfuU regulations Per oru celculatioru, therc is a polential to devclop at least 10,866 sq ft of GRFA on the two s€p88re lots. Thc ptujost would uccd to bo dcsigned with thc new stnrctures being buih as close to dre side setbaoks as possiblc. hos -Clientmodmizcs devolopmentpoEntial of botb lots. Cons -Roquires the rcsidencc bc split into a minimum of two seprBte stuctures. -Neighborhood is impoctcd by full devetopment of the trvo lois qdo"T$'o Replat th3 two lots as onc lot and dwelop the residcnce on one lot within the cxisting Primary/Sccondary zoning reguldions P€f our calculations, therc is potential to devclop at lcast 6933 sq ft of GRFA on the g|De rcplatted lot. The pmjcct would rcsult in one primary structurc buitt to its maximum dansity. Pros -rhe residedce could bc constnrcted as ooe 6trq!!Wecons -client docrease the maxim'm GRFA dcvclopmcnt po,tential by 3933 sq ft K:\Th{nr\To\nredevrncno0t!0.rrld PhnnirgoArdtihctuletfnterion 1650E {Vrilvdlct Diy. Frllri'lte C-r a v-1,@6t6SZ r F@or.do.ncr . Fr (9ZO) 47s9().t e {97rD art{i{2 g910112620 12:18 974476499L .l Stephaoie Lo'rd-Johson Archit€st FPS PAE 63 lo*eriug the valuc of rhc lot(s) -Massing of house inconsistcnt with rrcighboring Fo,peiies @ba l\ne Rezonc the propetty Spccial Deralopmcnt Dishict with a Rcsidencc Ctuster gndcrlayanc dietricl Pcr our calorluiols, t$ rwuld !c a potcntial to dwerop up to r 0,0fi) sq ft of GRFA.Additionally, the RC zoning qould linrir the number of atr"iriog *itr to 5. The curreot 3rytq urd scpcarc lot' could have up to 6 drvelling rmits ifenipfovw housing gnia ueincluded. 4,- Pros -thc rnuimurn GRFA dcvclopu:rant potcntial is rcalized -the TOV could impose more derrelopnrcnt rcslrictiors -the ToV oourd havc more inpui on rhe siting and &sigr of thi ,noject. Cons -raning pn cess I have atbchEd my worksrrcet which br.sks down nry GRFA calculations for the tlreeredevclopncot options. Please contact nc with yorn guestions and commeots r€gilding thcscproperties. Sincercly, 4'- Kfflrd|ttuovl|?d.ulano()t30.r4d 4- ,9*s At.. TOWN OF VAIL J. Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail. Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 MX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us october 5, 2000 Steohanie Lord-Johnson Fritzlen Pierce Smith Architects '1650 East Vail Valley Drive Fallridge C-1 Vail, CO 81657 Re: 363 and 383 Beaver Dam Road Dear Stephanie: The purpose of this letter is to comment on your letter dated October 5, 2000 regarding redevelopment of the two above-referenced lots. Definition of "Recrealion Structure" This definition was crealed to allow sizeable recrealional amenities for public or private club use, subject to the issuance of a conditional use permit. The definition is inlended for primary (i.e. non-accessory) uses. Recreation slructures are a designated conditional use within the Vail Run special development district (SDD #5), but they are neither a permitted nor conditional use within the Two-Family Primary/Secondary Residential zone district. Therefore, the terms and conditions outlined for recreation struclures do not apply to the above-referenced lots. Additionally, the swimming area proposed at your client's localion is an accessory to the primary residential use of the property and is spelled out as such in Section 12-6D-4 of the Vail Town Code. Recreational Amenities Within Setbacks The Town's zoning regulations allow ground level site developmenl to encroach upon setbacks. This may include swimming pools (subject to Design Review Board approval). Any struclural development above ground level is subject to the setback limitalions prescribed in the Primary/Secondary zone district regulations. Definition of Structure The Design Review Board has the authority to exempt swimming pools from setback limitations. However, the DRB does not have the authority to exempt structural elements associaled with swimming pools (roofs, enclosed areas) from setback limitations. {g u"n*o r^r", lf you would like to discuss these issues in greater detail, please do not hesitate to conlact me at (970) 479-2140. Sincerely, B'"--rt A/&^- Brent Wilson, AICP Planner ll DRB 12120/00 Beaver Dam residence - Conceptual review of new single'family resldences. 363 & 383 Beaver Dam Road / Lot 2 &3, Block 3, Vail Village 3d Filing. General: Clark: - Likes the main house on lot 2.- Not sure that the bam house on lot 3 fits the character ofthe neighborhood. - Like the first design concept of the house on lot 3 befter. Andy:- The house on lot 3 looks like a house trying to be a barn rather than a barn converted into a house.- Pool shouldn't cross property lines.- Windows in the main house tower element need to be lareer. Mellissa: - The bam house is too strong of an element for the neighborhood. - Likes the overall materials and massinq. llans: - Barn look is not in keeping with character ofthe neighborhood.- The front entry tower element needs more glass. Roofine tvlaterials: DRB: - Like the copper and cortin steal materials. Should use shingle or standing seam, not coregated, cortin steal. Garase bulk & mass: DRB: - Not too concemed about proposed bulk and mass. The Board agrees that something is needed to break-up the rooi are there other design options available? FPSlAlASl2A2A 49237 976476494I Octobor 5,2000 &totf,iilsotr Torm of Vail Community DwclopmcntDepartmc,nt 75 S. Frmtaep Ro.d Vsil, CO 01657 VIAFAX: n9-24s2 RE: 363 a6d3t3 BcavcrDam Road PAGE gI FRITZLEN PIERCE ARCH ITECTS 4-. DearBrmt: Lyna Fria,ten md I cre *itl moving forward oo the dsvetopmcni of 363 and 383 Bcevcr Dam Road- As yOu know *r ue rtill tryin8 tO dctailtins wh€frcr to dcvelop the properties &s lwo soprrrte lots or onc !"-UiU loL. Ia rcviewing th. tOV zoning codcs, vo found thc following informrtion and atc looking for your ftedback. l. Mnitioos - 1t.04.2E5 Rrcrcation Stucfrrc "Ra67eatif,'r stufire neans a4t covering qectcd art,,t a rccrealiotal NE ritty' srch s q svinmhg pod q tct/}',it cost*.rsaatioml structues slull cuatitute sile covqage bu slmll not be subject to building ba1/'- conrol sta,do'dr..'requte a conditiorml we pnit" I would tako lhig to mern that r smloortc crn be built ovcr a swimming pool ald not co,ntibuto to fie GRfA catculrtions (trulk coobol st{d.d$) oo}y thc site coveragc. A conditional use pcnnit would bc reguircd' 4* 2. Rccrcariortal ocnity allowcd use within s€tbick Basod on our p1vviors convcrcatioos of the zoning codc, rccrcationrl ancnitics arc allowcd in the saback Docs a rwrcrtion ghrcture also fall inm this crficgory. 3. Definitionr - I E.04.370 Structurc Pcr thfu dcfmition Orc DRB her tbo urthoriry to cxcnrpted swimmiug poolr rnd tannig courG ftom the defruition of chrcturE. Again, I rrould rdre ihig to mcan thar $e DRB could rllow e pool ctuchrc in thc saback at their discrction. Pterss oall with intergraation of thcso zoning codc dofrdtions and reguhtionc. Thanks for all your help. Sinccrely,#t).., tlA\--, Stophanie f,ord-Jolmcon cc: Milc Srnith Olrncr 4 KilXXt . Ec!rronf.dtkDa3\h,oj.c00Nr9o!&ncc\fi)V\D?ll,05,upd PlanningaArdribcbreolnteriorc 1650 Eirv.ilvallq Drive FallddEc c-l . Vril, co01657 o ft@colondo.nd. fax (970) 47F.4901 . l9rol at!6{3dl IAIAS|2420 a9:37 9744764991 I! ovfcd rad opcred bY r govcmnaatd funcdou or is rvaihblc for urc by dl pcrrmrt si$ q witlrour chrrgc; ol 1t.0.1J89 Scrrond plut prodrctlbulhsr.. . 'Scuond plant poducrr buriacre" mcltrt rtly Frson' corporrtio& conlr.ny or prnncrship wl$ch rlls rry ptmt ' producr, rr dctrncd in Scstiou lt.U.zTl- A rcsmd Plrot iroduc buriacrr rbell only opcr.tc u r condilioqlluc ia mnc iirtfcrr whcrc it ir dlourcd. A rasonrl plsl Ptoduct b'ulincrr rhrll bc cntitlcd to not lrort thrn nrro (2) Frraitr per lot for rny qid ycar. ud crch pcrtnit rbdl not crcccd rirty (60) conrccutivc &yr erch. Whcncvcr r rcrronal Pl|at Ptoductt burir3t h aor In opcnrion, dl mcnncr. frxnrcl metcrirls for rrtairad cquipoent rcldnj !o the burincrr ;hdl bc rc' mvcd $on tbr rirc c locetiu of opcrrtion withil r pcriod nor rc clceed lcvcoty nto 02) hourr. (Orrrl. 43(I9gU ! 2') StGl (vil {4') PAGE 02 B.b owncd or opeitcd by r pcrrol or cntity ilhdr q govcnuuotrl &tity. raa tun{gr_ g-tL -.:PPlq tu 6y rlt pcrror wittom c.lrSp. (ffi- 2t(194) | 6.) e I l&GJ,Jl2' Qud.Pobllc. 'Drrr-- .q".ri-iltli.: u*t e 9rc whigf ir c$rrcrizd $ fil 'd, rvrilrbiity i rhs public. with or sidun corG but wbich ir eondnccd-by u codty, orysizrtio4 s Pcstortr wlrch ir not r govcrnucnul cstity. ((h4 2l(t994) ! ?.)rq. ,1 f8.Oarts lccrcrtbndrgctsrc 4- LUA5l262g a9.37 974476496I FPS PAGE A3 .4\ DEFINMONS| lE.0{.370 Strueturc. .'Stnrcnrrs? neansanilhingconstuccd orerpctcd with afixcd locatim m the ground,'but not iucluding lnlcs, lincs, clblcs, or odpr transmission or disuibution facilitice of public utiliticr, or mritboxcs or lig[t fixturcs. Ar thc dircr*ion oflbl dcqlgn ruvictv and tcnnis couiE bc clcn 1t.0{.3t0 Sludio. "SMio" mlns a bmilding or pution of a building urcd as a plarc of w.orls by an anist, phosognpb, or u articrn in tho 4- .4\ 3r?a O.il ll.16.93) \ qrt qirrtF1 I t Department of Community Development 75 South Frcntage Road Yail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 wwwci.vail.co.us o 10. tl It December 20. 2000 Stephanie Lord-Johnson Fritzlen Pierce Architects 1650 East Vail Valley Drive, Fallridge C-1 Vail, Colorado 81657 RE: Beaver Dam Residences / Lots 2 & 3, Block 3, Vail Village 3'd Filing Dear Stephanie, The Town of Vail Community Development Departrnent recently reviewed the conceptual Design Review application for the Beaver Dam Residences located at 363 and 383 Beaver Dam Road. The following items must be addressed prior to final Desigp Review approval: l. Properly lines must be accurately identified on the topographic survey. 2. The buildable area ofeach lot must be calculated and identified on the topographic suwey. 3. Exact locations of existing utility sources and proposed service lines from their souce to the proposed structures must be identified on the topographic suwey and site plan. 4. Building ridge heights and eave elevations must be identified on the site plan. Existing and proposed grades need to be shown undemeath all rooflines. 5. Site coverage calculations must be identified on the site plan. 6. The site plan must identi$ the existing and proposed layout of buildings and other structures including decks, patios, fences, and walls. lndicate the foundation with a dashed line and the roof edge with a solid line. 7. 8. The location ofall required parking must be identified on the site plan. The site plan must identiff proposed driveways; including percent slope and spot elevations at the property line, garage slab, and as necessary along the centerline ofthe driveway to accurately rcflect grade. Driveway turning radii must be identified on the site plan. Driveway and/or sidewalk heating zones must be idenlified on the site plan. The site plan must identifo a 4 foot wide concrete pan at the edge ofasphalt for driveways that exist the sfreet in an uphill directions. The site plan must identiry proposed surface drainage on and off-site. {go"ouor^ro Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us I J. t4. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 2t. 22. z)- 24. zJ. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. Jt. Snow storage must be identified on the site plan. The limit of disturbance fencing and erosion control measures must be identified on the site plan. Proposed landscaped areas must be identified on the site plan. A complete landscape plan, including a tree preservation plan, must be submitted Floor plans of the proposed development must be drawn to scaie and firlly dimensioned. One set of floor plans must be "redJined" indicating how the gross residential floor area was calculated. All exterior materials and colors must be identified on the building elevation plans. Exterior color and material samples must be submitted. All proposed exterior lighting fxtures on the building must be identified on the building elevation plans. The roof and building drainage systems must be identified on the building elevation plans. A lighting plan must be submitted. Cross-section drawings of the floor plans and roofplans must be submitted. Anny Corp of Engineers' review and approval conceming wetlands on this site must be obtained. A Conditional Use Permit is required for each proposed Employee Housing Unit. The proposed swimming pool should not be located across property lines. The second story (including dormers) of the proposed garage should be eliminated. Crawl spaces should be eliminated. The north side of lot 3 is considered the front of the lot. The proposed structure must meet the 20 foot minimum front setback requirement. No structure shall exceed the maxirnum allowable height of 30 feet for a flat roof and 33 feet for a sloprng roof, without the approval of a vanance. Development of this properry shall not exceed the allowable density (including number of dwelling units, GRFA, and Employee Housing Units) or site coverage permitted by the Town of Vail Code without the approval ofa variance. A physical GRFA connection must be created between the proposed house and garage on lot 2.)1, {p*u* '"* MWNOFVIN DcNtrunt of Commuity Development 75 South Frcntage Rud Yail, Colordo 81657 970,479-213E F/D( 97M79-2452 wwv.ci,vall,co.tu If you have any qucstions or comnents, please feel fiee to call me at 479-2173. Sincerely, ?-44^ hZ. tt-<- Bill Gibson" Plam€r I Conmunity Developmeiil D€pafi n€nt Town of Vail $*'uo 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 970479-2t38 FAj{970-479-2452 COMMTJNITY DE\TELOPMENT FAX TRANSMITTAL SHEET TO: COMPAI\TY NAME: FAX TELEPHONT NUMBf,R: FROM: f3t ll 6;Ason ItDATE: tL/z.o/a TIME:/o!so 4m # OF PAGES IN DOCUMENT (NOT INCLUDING COVf,R SMND 3 - RESPONSE RIQUIRED? YT< SENT BY TOWN OF VAIL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT F'AX # 97M19-UN TOWN OF VAIL COMMIINTTY DEVELOPMENT TELf,PEONE #_97q1ze-zEg- SPECIAL COMMENTS AND NOTES: Buntu Dan Rzrl /t^r. Ldrn*, a,.fS Fl' VBRYONE\FORMS\FIdhelt Vail, CO 81657 970-479-2138 Fm970-479-24s2 C O MMI.II{ITY D EVE L OPMENT FAX TRANSMITTAL SHEET TO: COMPANY NAME: FAX Tf LEPHONE IIIUMBER: FROM: T0wN0FvAil,l7 75 South Frontage Road DATf,: # oF PAGES rN DOCUMENT (NOT TNCLIIDING COVEI. SHEET) RESPONSE REQI]IRED? SENTBY TOWN OF VAIL COMMUN]TY DEVELOPMENT T.AX # 970479-2452 TOWN OF VArL COMMUNITY DEyELOPMENT TELEPHONE #__gzo-a?e-2!!_ SPECIAL COMMENTS AND NOTES: TIME: F:EVERYONE\FORMS\FaSheet February 01,2001 Bill Gibson Town of Vail Community Development 75 S Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 RE: Beaver Dam Residence K:\0048 - BeaverDamResidence\ProjectConespondence\TOv\bgcFINALsub0l020l,wpd Planning o Architecture o 1650 EastVail Valley Drive Falkidge C-1 . Vail,COA.l65Z o fps@colorado.net FRITZLEN P IE RC E ARCH ITECTS Please find attached our final DRB application for the Beaver Dam Residences. The package addresses the comments from our conceptual DRB meetings and yow letter dated 12-20-00. Included are: l. (3) set ofdrawings 24x36 - site, floorplans, elevations, etc 2. Wetlands Report Because we are under quantity of l/10 ofan acre regulation 39 does not require that the Corp of Engineers be notified. However, we have prepared the a wetlands report with our eniwonmental consultant for the TOV benefit. 3. GR-FA Spreadsheet Not included - Tree Preservation Report - Pending - we have met with Mark Stelle who will complete the report prior to 02-21-01. Per our discussion, we are planning on a February 7 ,2001conceptual DRB meeting and a Finat Meeting on February 21, 2001 . we will bring any updated renderings to those meetings. Thanks for your help. Please let us know if you need any additional information. \- -\.\,---_. Stephanie Lord-Johnson Architect Interiors . fax (97014764901 . (970) 476-6t42 Beaver Dam Residence Replat property inio a 15,950 and 26,710 sq. ft. lots East Lot- Allowable GRFA15000 25Yo11710 100/o Total Credit 26710 3750 117'l 4921 850 5771 Parking Required West Lot Allowable GRFA 15000 950 Total Credit 25Yo 'lOYo 3 Main House 2 Employee Housing 15950 3750 95 3845 850 4695 Allowable GRFA Plan Dated 02101101 Site Coveraoe Allowed Plan Dated O2l01lO1 Upper Floor 1782 Main Floor 2046 Basement 425 EHU-overflow 109 Total 4695 4362 3190 3044 Garage 1200 1058 EHU 500 609 Parking Required 5 spaces Dear Stephanie, I As you requested in conversation a feqr minutes ago, I am sending all the information yciu activities in wet[an& to ensute that thery are in compliance with the permit reguliti,oqs..activities in wetlands to ensute that thery are in compliance rvrth the permit reguliti,ons..I have included those regulations with this letter so that you can make your ovrn decision Irbn this matter. In order to be,compliant with the regulations thc action must adhere to the coqditiorls required by Nationwidr! Permit 39 and by the General Conditions (attached). In addidon, in order that the-Corps can assess the impacts of all minor activities fi.y do require that a - a .. - a a :- a a - a P.O. Bc-rx 36ll r VnrL CtrLorunDrt'r need fbryoui proposed building on Lots 2 and 3 Beaver Dam Road. It is always our rocommendation that a client notifies the Corps of Engineers (Corps) prior to any .r\. o-aa-aa 81658 . Pr.rr'rNr/ F,rx ., | | EI{VIRONN/IEI{TAI SOTUTNONS, Ltd. Mr. Mike Claffey Sacramento District p.Sr Army Corps of Engine.ers . 402 Rood Avenue, Room 142 Grand Junction, Colorado 81501.2563 January 17, 2001 Subjectr Nationwide Permit Notificatiocr Iots 2 and 3 Beaver Dam Road, Vail, Eagle County Dear Mrke; Please find enclosed, notification of unavoidable impacts to wedands required in the building of a single family residenge on. l,ots 2 and 3 Beaver Dam Road, Vail, Eagle County, Colorado. The impapt to wetlands is below the threshold for notification under Permit 3g, lhorvwer the proponent wished to advice you of the proposed building plan in order ensure that the altematives analysis is adequately recorded. The Toq.n of Vail also requires notification. A wbdapd delineation from September 19,12000, is'included with this apgficarion. Project coristruction is proposed to begin upon approval of this application, Wetlands impact is 0.015 Acre, in poor,.quality isolated wedands. Plant Ecologist, MS a - a a - o j,a - a a - P.O. Br-rx 36ll . V,ul, C,ftol1np(r l l a-a 81658 . Ptrnt"/ F,rx a a - a a .E . (970) 328-6158 . Pt'tt'tNt, / F,rx a-aa-i (e70) 468-04s0 r' F\ b3 f(o )v ry ? ?o.d /^n ,'E;XEEz6r<: sg6;q H-F3 \ww NATIONWIDE PERMIT NONFICATION NATIONWIDE PERMIT 39 -RESIDENTIAL, COMMERCIAL AND INSTITUTIONAL DEVELOPMENTS LOTS 2 AND 3 BEAVER DAM ROAD, VAIL, EAGLE COLINTY, COLORADO PROJECT Sm LOCAION The Project Site, Lots 2 arrd 3 Beaver Dam Road, is a combined 0.956 Acre Lot with two existing single family homee, The legal description of the property is NE /+ of Section 7, Towruhip 4 South, Range 80 West, 106" 22' 53" West 39" 38' 29" North (Stte). It is accessed ftom Interstate 70 at the main Vail exit, south on Vail Road to Beaver Dam Road. The prcperty is located on the north side of the road immediately prior to Gore Creek Circle. PROIECT PROPONENT AND pROpERTy OWNER MikeSmith AZ Z Holdines 1050 l?d'Street, Suite 1500 Denver, CO 80265 Telephone (303') 3894643 SURVEYOR Intermountain Suwerying 77 Metcalf Road Avon, CO 81620 Telephone (970) 9495072 ARCHITECT Friulen Pierce Architects 1650 E. Vail Valley Drive, Suite Cl Vail, Co 81657 Telephone (97 0l +7 64342 Contact: Stephanie Lord Johnson PROJECT DFSCRTPTION The proponents ptopose to r€morr'e the two old homes and replace them with trro single family homes, a garage and pool declc DESCRIPNON OFWM-ANIDS Vetlands on Site are poor qualrty; willow dominated low gradient slope wedands typical of the Beaver Dam Road area and rernnant of a more ertensive wetland complex prior to general building in the area. Limited evidence of hydrology was found during a late season delineation and the Site is impacted by past landscaping activities. Wedands have likely dweloped due to sheet flows from Beaver Dam Road and subsurface flows off Vail Mountain. Soils were also difficult to determine due to the addition of topsoil for landscape plantings. Generally thery were dark minenl soils. A delineation of jurisdictional wedand areas was conducted on September 19, 2000 using the 1987 Corlls Manual for Vedand Delineation. The delineation repofi is enclosed which includes a drawing of the wetla3nd boundary, walands description, and photographs. The wetland boundary was suweyed by Intermountain Surveying PROIECT LAYOUT wlTH REGARD TO WETLANID AVOIDAI{CE, MINIMZAnON ANID UNAVOIDABLE IMPACTS The architects have attempted to design and locate the houses with minimum impact to wedands while retaining as many meture trees as possible, as requhed by the Tovrn of Vail (Torn). In addition to retaining trees the architects were required to obsene property setbacla. fucording to the Architecg the only altemative rotation of the primary house that would avoid some impact to wetlands would result in the loss of mature spruce trees, over 30 feet in height. In addition to avoiding mature trees, the prirnary house has been located centrally and forward to avoid excessive dewatering due to the high water table in the area. fucording to the Architect this central and forward position was the only location that would enable adequate daylight to reach a two story house, Access was also a coruideration in the location of homes on the Site. There are only two points of access to the Site. The west lot has an €asem€nt across the neighbors property due to Beaver Dam Roed crossing thet property, site lines, grade, and existing trees. The east lot has the same grading issues and wedands across the front face of the Lot. The garage size and driveway length is required by Town of Vail tegulations. The proponent is committed to avoiding accidental impacts to wetlands and will install standard erosion and sedimenation control measures including silt fencing dudng construction. DESCRJPTION OF DISTURBAI\CE Wetlands lnt 2 - 6108 square feet 0.140 fure Vedands lot 3 - 342 square feet 0.008 Acre Total wetlands on Site - O,148 Acre Totalwetlands impect - 667 quare feet" O.O1S acre CONCLIXSION All draurings, calculations, and site surveying included with this application have been provided b'y Friulen-Pierce Architects. I,IVP Ao4,l*n*nlots2 & 3 kwt DamRoad r/17/01 I It I I Ira i$ () FoJ d J F.oJ (.A -----41_.,1 {J|. u A'eX<s;6xJ< Z^lHtrq> 5fi BA Per =14doc.J ) (\l rJl --1- PAGE 03FPS t -I G-l i J 2! 0o lrl Irl co:; rr.t < triH xd \ 7{\, t, I t, ri l,lfl Fcdcd tcgbtor/Vol. 65, No. 4zlThrusday, March 9, 200olNstices 1a88S Tbis NWP does not authorize tho conversion ofa ctream lo andher aqurtic ute, ruch as tho cr€etion of an impoundmant for watorfowl htbitat. Thie NWP dosr not Nuthorizc stFoom channelization.. Thir lrlWp doer nof aulhorize tle convergion of natural wetlands to anolhar aquatic ue, ruch arcrmtion of wetorfowl impoundments whgro a forEsted wdland prcviouctv oxirted. Howevor, thir NVirp authorizes the rslocatton of non-tidal watan, including nontdel wstlandg, ou the proiect .lto provided th6€ arr nat Eainsin 4uatic r€souEo functiona and - values. For- example, thie NWp nray authorize the creation of an orpen water impoundnent in o non.tidal 6monmts6tlsnf, provided the non-tidd " snor3ont wetland ia mplaced bv "I".ti_r!q {{ !"rlmd typo on rf,e prolea site. This NWP doeg nofauthorizd th6 ralocation of tidal watorr or the convergion of tidal waters, including tidal wetlends. to other aquatic ueosfguch er ths conversion oflidcl wstlandr into opon r,vsler impoundmontr. Revelrsi on, For antancsnen t. rarlora tion, and craadon prniacte gonduc-rod under pangraibi trxz) *a (aX4), thts NfirP doer not authorize any future diecharye of drodged or fil| - maleriel astociatsd with the rswrcion of tbe area to itr prior condition. In cuch caaea a loparate psrmit would be requircd lor rny reverrion. For rGtoratioo, otrhanceoont, and cEotion proieAc co_oducted under paragraphr(axl) and (eX3), this NWP-aIso a3t{orfer aay future dircharge of drodged or fiil matsrial asaod*atod wjth the reverrion of the arua to its plowing or diecing br eeed bedprcprration; mechanlzed I andcleerinn to rsmorm undesirable vegelation: and - other related activitiee. stoncy or appropriate Stelo agoncy oxecuung tbe agroament or perrnil. prior to iny rovorsion acdvity, th6 permittoo or the appropriate Fedeml or State age-ncy pqlt trofify thc Dietrict Engineer and include the documantation of-tho ptior condition. Once an arsa bae reverted bact to itr prior pbyri,cal conditioo, it will be cubl€ct to whatever lhe Cotpe regulatory rcquiroDonts will be at tbat future date. (Sectione lO and .4041 l\hr -Oompaeatory mttigau,on ir no requtld fof .ctivitioa rurbori.ad by tbte NWP, !,lovtdsd the outbcizsd worik resultr in a net incrrare in aeultic rcoource frrnctiong end yaluel b tbc pmject rrm, Thir NIYP can be us€d to aulhdlzB (DmpeDsatoty Fititation PIoiectr, induditrg mitigttion bankr, provided tha permittee notifiss tbe Dtstrist StrBirct! ln icccdance witb csnenl Condition 13, end th. priect includes corlpoor8tqy mitigtloa fa furpaclr to wat€rr oftbe Unitod Stltes caured bv tha autborizsd wmk. Howw€r, tbir NWF docr lot euthGire thc ravercion of 6.0 a'.a urad for a compeosatory mitigetioo proiect to its Fior c@dtioD" NWP e7 can be uled to authoriza irnFtctr at a mitigation bank, but only in clrcumstanccr where it hog been approvad unde tho lnterragency Federal lliti8erion Bankr Guidalinie. 30.. fueiffil Clapnncrclol, andhvfiludoml fuiclqments, Diechargea of drefued or fill m;rarial into non-tidal waterr-of tho Unlted Starer, excluding non-tidal wetlands adjacent to tidal - waters, for the condtruction or expaneion of rce idential, commoncial, and institutional [uildinn foundetioos and buildi4 pade and ett-endanr foefurcs ihal are neceraary for the uce end neinteuance of lhe giructuros. Atte,ndant featuree may itrcludo, but are not linitod to, roads, farkiq lois, 88ra86t, yorda, utility hnos, rtounwater msna3emqrt facilitioe, and recreation hclhtiee srrch qr playgrouadr, playing n6_tuc, atrd goll couner (provided the Boil couBe is aa intos.l pan of tho residential developrient). Ite conahrrcdon of new rli arees or oil end gar welb ir not auihorized bv this NWp. Reddential dewlopmonts in;lude qultiple end ringli unit dcveloprnontc. Exanpler of commercial developmentg include retail storer, industrial iiactlitiec. rostruraDts, business parte, and shopping canterr. F.xamplec of institutional developmeirtg include ccbooh, firc stations, governrnent offico buildingc.,-iudicid -buildi ngr, public wor*r_ buildirga, ltbrariee , -hoipi tale, and place of iorrhip. Ito rcditdtloslirted abom ara authbrizad, pmvtded the rctlvitic. m€Gr all of tbe bllowingcriterir: a. Thc dtrcharp doea not caur6 th€ lorr of 3rrater thio rA acro of noo-lidalwrlcn of the lJfilGlSlEE, ccluding non-tidal wedandr ediacenl to tidrl walors: - b. The dischaqe does not cause the losr of greater thln 3oO linoor f6st of strmm bod: c. Tbe permittee murt Dotify the Didrtct Bryinror in accordancs with C,otrsal C.mdition 13, if anv of the blowing crilerir 8rt mcl:(t) ltg diT.{rmc caurer the lcr of gnater tbaT %o icro ol-mfifif.-I-wifurrdllic lliiiod Stelc, exi:Iuatiig-bdh-iidal wetlands adiacent to tidal water; or (2) The dischene caure the locc of -anyop@orilIffifift t6-n-tb'treana, beloi rhe ordinary hig! water mrrk (aee Note, bolow). - d. Fc 4lrghargcr in rpocial aqurtic sifor, ircludirg wsllaodr, fhs notification nul includc r dclinooion of affuctcd cpecial aquatic dtas; e. The di*:harge iC pail of a ringle and complete Drolsct: f. lAa pirdittcc murt apoid and minimte.o dircharyee into wators of the United Strtec rt th6 profect.ite to tba mrxinrrm cxtent prrcticablie, end the notifialion, whon mquirsd, murt includs a rrriltan rtrloh6nt oxpl.iling, horv avoidancs end rainimizadon of - loccsc of welglr of th€ Unitcd S|atog were ecbioved on th prollct dts. Compeneatory mirigdtioo will normally be roquircd to offeet tho lorreg oI waterr of the Unitod Statss. (See Gonerat Conditi,on 19.) The notification must alco include a compomatory mitigation pmpooa, for ofleettlng unevoidable loss€E of watars of thc Unitod Stato!. If an applicant arrfitr that tha adverre efretr of the pmiect rre minimal witho'rt mitigation, then &e applicant may rubdit iusdncation explrining why comp€nsstory mitigalion rhould not be requircd for the Dicbict Enijneer,s conaideration: g. When thir NWP is ured in conjunction with any other NWp, any comblned totrl permatrmt locs of wa-t6rg of ths Unitod Stater exceding %o acre requirea that tho pomittee notify tho District Engineer in eccordance with General Ccmdition t3; h. Any work.authorized by this NlVp DuEt nol cruse mot? tban minimd degndatioo of water qualily or morc ton minimd chrnges to thi ltow cbaractorirtics of Eny rtream (soe General Conditionr b and zrl i. For diccbargcr caurint tle lorr ofllo acre on lo'' of watan of the United StNtes, tho peroitt€e must submil a r-€port, within 30 dayr of completion of the worlc, to tho Djstrict Bryin-eer that containr lhe trollowiry informadon: (f )fire name, addreos, and tolephone numbar of the pcradtteo; (ziTha lolltion of tbe work (3) A dsscription of the worl; (4) The type and acrsrge of ilz documentod prior condition and uce (r'.e., prior to the rertontion, onhrDcomont, or creation activltieo) within five yoarr after expiratioi of alimited term wetland rerioration or clea-tion agraement or pormit, caoo it tho dis- cb-Ego occus after thir NWp dpiros. Thic NWP eLo euthodzs the rsverrion of wetlondr that were roqtored. 6nhmced, or crcaod on prior-convedad croplurd- that her uot bcin abandoned, -in accordancs with r bindinr atreenront betseen tho landownor andl{ifCS or FWS (even ihoqh the rostoretton, onhtDclnont, or croolion activlty did nol roquire a Section 4(N p6rmiti, ilt6 fiv+yerr ruvemion linit doec lot apply to agreenonts withoul tlDre Umit8 macbed under pangraph (axl). Tb€ prior condldon wlll be doctmonted in the original rgreomont or pormit, Nnd tbo det€rDinatiotr of rotum to prior condltioas will be made by th; Fcdonl fdad Raglstrr/Vol. --rrhhj 6s, No. 47lThunday, March g, 20@/Ndicee '&e lo* of wrten of tbe United Strtag (e.9.,-t/rz hCI.a of emeryont wetlauds); and (5) Tbe typc and ecreage ofeny coop€nmtory mitigauon uoed to olfret tbe locr of wrters of the Unlted Statec(e.9., t. rcte of omergent wetlen& craaled on-dte)l i. If thero ara aay op€o wator.r or EtroamB withiD the prcioct area, tbep€rntttoe will establish and maintain, to ihe maximuro ortent practieable, wotland_or upland veletated bu.ffem noxt to lhose open watan or shes[rs consist6ot with General CnnditioD 19. Dsed rortsictiou, conrarvetion estslnents, pmtoctivo covrnants, or other meana oI land concervation andprerottatiou are roquimd to protoct. and maiolaia tbe vetetaled bulhrs establighad on tf,e pmlect rite; end k. Stream chennelizitioo or shED relocation downrlream of the point on lhe strsam whero tha anaual averare llow is 1 cublc foot per racond ir niot authorizod bv this NWp. Only rorid-ential, mmnercial, and parcel loy nating a writton detormllstion lhat tho individual and cumulative advsgg environmental elfecta would be mioimal and the prcporty owr€r had, after Oaober S, 198{, but prior to tuly 21, 1999, committod rubctsntld msourcsr in rslianco on NWP 26 yyith rrgard to igubdivision, in cimumBtanc;B whero lt would bo inoquitable to frusuato tho property ow[o.'e investmsnt.backed sxpetations. Once the exemption is egtablirbed for a rubdivieion, Bubnequent lot development by individnal propsrty oinom may procead using NWP 99. For the purpocet of NWP 39, ths t6rm ..r6al oitato subdiviriou" sball be interpreted to include circumstrnces whers a landowner or devetoper divider a hac{ of land into smaller farccb for the putpoee of se_Iling, conveSring, tranflsring, loa.rilg, or developing reid pamele. This woulil include the eitire aroa of a meidential, commorciat. or o^tber real etate eubdivirion, includin3 all parcele and pertr lhereof. (sections- 10 and {t}4) NalG Arear when tbers ig no waland vegstatiatr-ira dotormined by tbe prcrencc or abrence of an mdinrry hirh water mark or bed and banl. Aroeg tlat ire waters of theUnid Srater bared on thia crtfaria would requirt a FCI.I ewo tbourh waler is ia&equently prerant in tf,e str.8m ch.Dnel(6xcopt for epbdmcrel walers). -{O. lgri-crltum I AclMties. Dirchargea of dredgod or fill meteriat into non-tiiial watem of the United Stat€8. excludinc noD-tidal wetlendr adjacent to tidal - watars-, for _the purpoee of improvingqricurtural producdon and the cooEtruction ofbuildinc pads for hrmbutldingr. Autborizad ac-tivities includo the installation, placement, or construction oI drainege tiler, ditchee, or lovaor; mschanizsd I andcleering; laod. loroling; the ralggation of aiiiing strviceable drainago ditchec conrtructEd in wrtsrs of tho United States: and rirr'ilar activities, provided the pormiltse conplieo with the following tetms and conditione: a. For dhchagca into non-tidal worl:nd8 to impmve agricul tural pmduction. tho followinr criteria muet be met if tbe pernittoo i;a USDA pmgrr"r ptrticipanl: (1) Thc-perrriitee mugt obteiu a clteSorical minimel effrcts exomption, minimal edect exemption, or mitimtion cxempdoa from NRCS in accordaice with the pmvhiqrr of the Food Security Act ol198s, as amended {re U.S.C. rml et eq.)i (z) The digchane into non-tidal rstlandg doee nol rarult in the loes of Broalor tharr rzt acra of non-tidal watlEndg on a hrm tract: {3) The permittso muat have an NRGS- certified wetland delineation; - ({)the pemdttee dust implom€nt 8n NRGS-appmved coopensatoiy miti3rtion plan that fully olbae wetland losgee, if requimdr and (5) The perrritte foust subnit a r_eport,_within,3O dayr oI completion of rha euthorizod work, to tha lllitria 8n-gineer that containr tho ioll,owing information: {a} The name, addraee, atd telephone number of the permittee; (b) The locotion ofrhe worl; (c) A deecriptlon oI the worl; (d) Tho type ald acreago (or squam feet) of the lbse of wetlandr [e9., rr6-acre of emetgent wotlands); and (e) The type. actgage (or rquam !eet), and Iocation of cornponsatory mitigatioa (e.6, Vg oss of emorgsnt_wrcUandr on the larm tract); or b. For dicchargee into non-tidal wetlando to impmve agricullural production, the bl}owing ffitoria must b6 met if tho peroitteo ig not a USDA pr€gran participlst {or a USDA pmgran participant for which the propoaed work do* not quallfy for autlrjrrizotion under paragraph {a) of this NWP): (1) Tho discharee into non-tidil lrretlands does not rasult in th€ locs of gmater thal Vr acre ol non+ldal we ands on a fantr tmct: (2) 1tg permiuee nurl mtify the Dielricl Enginocr in sccddrnci with Goneral Gondition r3, if the dirchame rceulta in the locr of peater lhan Vto- acre of non-tidal wdlanda; (3) The notifrcation murt includs a delinoation of affucud wetlands; and [4) Tbe notificatiot mult include a co--mpensrtory mitigatioo propoeal to offeet losaeg of waterc of th. Unitod Stator; or c. For tho conrtrucUon of buildiog padr for hrm buildiryc, the dircha{e doer not cause tbe los6 of rreater thin r/z acre of non-tidal worlaafu that were in agricultural produaiou prior to December zg, r9S5. (r'.e., frrmed wetlandr) and tho pcrmittos muet nolifu tbe Distdct Engineer in rccordance witf, General Conditlon 13; or d. Any acttvity in other waters of tho Uoitod Ststos ir limired to tbe rulocalion of exiating eerviceablo drain.ge dltches conrhuclod in non.tldal stroams. Tlrlr NWP dooa not authorize tha relocatiou of greater than 3OO linar fret of exiatim csrvi@ablo dralnage ditcher constructd in no-tidal rtrsamn and _ e. Aaivltiec locatod in loo-yoar floodplaine identifisd by FEITfA'I Flmd Ins u_rroco Xrto Mapr or I'EMA-approved locel figg4plain oepr muar compiy with c,eneral conditlon 26. The tcro "farm tract" raferg to a parcel of land idontifled by the Ferm Service Agency. The Corpe will tdentify institutional rc{ivitios with stnrctures on the-Iourdarion[c) or buildiq psd(c), es well ag ihe attendaat Saturos,-are authorized by thie \lltttp. Ths comPoruatory Didgauoo propoeal r€qurred in paregnph {l} ol thtu NWp may ba either conceptual or deiriled. The wetland or upland vegetatod butbr roqlircd in paragraph 0) ol'thf8 NWp wiII normally bo zS to 50 feet wide on oach side of tbe stream, but the Dlehict Eqgineer mny mquiro widar vegeteted bufierr to rddregs docuncnted-water quality concerna, The roquircd wclland or upland vogotsted buffdt ir port of the ovarut oomPonrltory midgstion roqull'msnl for ihir NfWfP. lf the pmJect sito wiE prsvioufly urod for arricirltirral purpoaer_rnd the ihrm owner/oporator ussd NWP {0 to euthoriza aclivitiar in wetord of th6 UBited Strrr to incroaro pmduction or oonstruct frtm buildims. NWP 30 centrot be umd bv the developor to authoria adiidooal activitier in rvatas of tho Untfod Sfatos on the profnl rit€ itr cxorrr of ths ameago limit for I\IWP 3S (j.e., the combined acreagB logs authorized under FIWPI 19 l?d 4o_cannot ercced Vr acrs). Subdiydeionr: For any rsrl sstrle subdivleion crotod or lubdivlded aftor October 5, l9g{, e nouficalioNr purruadt lo peregraph (c) of rhir NVyp ir-roquirodbr any dircharge whicb woukl caura ttro rgt|tltr total lorr of watorc of the Unired Statac for tbs entim auMivirion to axced tl.o tcr6. Any dirchepe in anvral ertate aubdi visior wht cb w-ould caqs tho eggregats totrl lms of raters of the Unirod Shte3 in tho ruMivirld to qcoed rA actc is not luthortzed by thie NWP, unleea rbe Dirrrlct Bngiue6r fieDptr a padiculsr suHlvislon or Federal Register/ Vol. 65, No. 47 lTfu:rsday, March 9, 2000 / Notices 72853 States adverseiy affected by the project; (2) A written stitement to the niitriit Engineer detailing compliance with paragraph (b), above [i.e., why the discharge must occur iu wate,rs of the ULited States and why additional minimization cannot be achieved); (g) A description of measures taken ro ensure that the proposed work complies with paragrapbs (c) tbrough (f), above; and [s) A reclamation plan (for aggregate mining in isolated waters and non-tida_l wetlands adjacent to headwaters and hard rock/mineral mining only). This NWP does not authorize hard rock /mineral mining, includjng piacer mining, in shenms. No hard rocl/ mineral mining can occur in waters of the United States within 1oo feet of the ordinary high water mark of hoadwator streams. The terms "headwaters" and "ieolated waters" are defined at 33 CFR 330.2(d) and (e), respectively. For the purposes of this NWP, the term "lower perennial stream" is defined as follows: "A strsam i.u which the qradiont is low and water velocity is slow, there is no tidal inlluence, some water flows throughout the ye8r, and the substrate consists alainly of sand and mud." ( The following general conditions must be followed in order for anv authorization by an NWP to be valid: 1. Navigation. No activity may cause more than a minimal adverse e-ffect on navigation. 2.-Proper Maintenance. Any Etructure or fill authorized shall be properlv maintajned, including maintenanie to enruro public safety. 3. Soil Erosion and Sediment Coatrols. Appmpriate soiJ eroe ion and sediment controls must be used and maintained in effective operating condition during consuu-ctioo, aird aI expo66d soil and other fills, as woll as any work below the sdinary high water mark or high tide line, musabe permanently stabilized at the earlioet practicabie date. 4. Aquatic tife Movemente. No acdvity may substantially disrupt the movement of those species of aquatic life indiSenous to thi waterbody, including those epecies which normally migrate through the area, u_nloss the activity's primary purpose is to impound water. Culverts placed in streams must be installed to naintain low flow conditions. 5. Equipment. Heavy equipment worki-ng in wetlands must be placed on mats, or other rqeasures must be tqken to minimize soil disturbance. 6. Regional and Case-By-Case Conditions. The activitv must comolv with any regional conditions whicir riray have been added bv the division engineer (see 33 CFR 330.4(e)) and wittr anv case specific conditions added bv thd Corps Lr by the State or tribe in iis Section 401 water oualitv certification and Coastal Zone Managiment Act consistencv detormination. z. Wild ;nd Scenic Rivers. No activitv may occur in a component of ihe National Wild and Sconic River Svstem: or in a river officially designated by Congress as a "study river" for possible i:rclusion in the system, while the river is in an officiai studv status: nnless the appropriate Federal igency, with direct management responsibility for such river, has determined in writing that the pmposed activity will not adversoly affect the Wild and Scenic River designation, or study status. Information on Wild and Scenic Rivers mav be obtained from the aDpropriate Fedsral Iand nranagoment alincy in the area {e.g., Nabonai Park Serrrice, U.S. Forest Service, Bureau of Land Management, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service). 8. Tribal Rights. No activity or its operation may impair reserved tribal rights, including, but not limited to, reserved water rights and treaty fishing and huntine rishls. s. Water Quility. (a) I-u certai-n States and eibal lands an individual 4101 water quality certification must be obtained or waived (See 33 CFR 33o.4{c)) (b) For NWP8 12,74,77,18, 32, 39, 40,42,43, and 44, whore the State or tribal 4o1 certification feither generically or in&vidually) does not requine or approve a water quality rmanagemont plan, the permittee must flnclude design criteria and techniques ffhat will ensure that the authorized iiiwork does not result in more than't minimal degradation of wat6r quality. An important compone[t of a water quality management plan includes stormwatet managoment that minimizes degradatioo of the downstream aquatic system, includiEg water quality. Refer to General Condition 2l for stormwater management requirements. Anolher important component of a water quality managemont plan is the establishment and maintenance of vegetated bulfers next to open waters, including streams. Refur to General Conditiotr 19 for vegetated buffer requirements for the NWPs. 10. Coastal Zone Management. ln certain states, an individua"l state coa8tal zone management consistency concurrence must be obtained or waived (see Section 330.4[d). 11. Endangered Species. (a) No activity is authorized under any NWP which is iikeiy to ieopardize the continued existence of a threatened or endangered species or a species pmposed for such designation, as identified under the Federal Endangered Species Act, or which wiil destmy or adversely modify the critical habitat of such species. Non-federal permittees shall notify tbe District Engineer if any listed species or dosignated criticai habitat misht be affected or is in the vicinitv of-the prciect, or i8 located in the designated critical habitat and shall not begin work on the activity untii notiffed by the Dietrict Engineer that the requirements of the Endangered Species Act have been satisffed and that the activily is authorized. For activities that may affect Federally-listed endangered or threatened species or designated critical habitat, the notiffcation must include the namefs) of the endangered or threatened species that may b€ affected by the proposed work or that utilize the designated critical habitat that may be affected by the proposed work. Ai a result of fo;mal 6r iriJormal consu-itation with the FWS or NMFS, the District Engioeer may add species- specific r€giooal endangered species conditions to the Nl4rPs. (b) Authorization of an activitv bv a nationwide permit does not autliorize the "take" of a threatened or endangered species as defined under the Federalgldangered Specjes Act. In the absence of soparate authorization (e.g., an ESA Section 10 Perrnit, a Biological Opinion with "incidental take" pro"visioni, etc.) from the U.S. Fieh and Wildlife Service or the National Marine Fisheries Serwice, both lethal and noo-lethal "takes" of protected species are rn rriolation oi tie Endangered Species Act. Infonnation on the location of throatened and enda.ugered species and their critical habitat can be o6tained directly from tlie offices of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Sarrrice and National Marine Fishories Service or their world wide web pases at http ://w ww.fivs.gov/rgendsp p/ endspo.h-'nI and http:i/www.nfurs.gov/prot res/ esahome.hhml, re6pectivelv. 12. Historic Pro6erties. lto activitv which may affect -historic propertiei Ii6ted, or dligible for lisun!, ii the National Register of Hietoric Places is authorized, until the DE has complied with the provisions of 33 CFR pa;t 3 zs, Append.ix C. The pmspective psrmittee must notifv the Dishict Eneineer if the authorized activity may afficr a.uy historic properties listed, determined to be eligible, or which the prospective permittee has reason to believe may be eligible for listing on the National Register of Historic Places, and shall not 12a94 Federal Register/ Vol. 6s, No. 4Z / Thursday, March 9, 20OO/ Notices begin the actiyity until notified by the Distnct Engineer that the requircments of tho National Historic Presirvation Act have been satisfied and that the activitv is authorized. Information on the location and edstence of historrc rosources can be obtained bom the State Historic Preservation Office and the National Register of Historic places (see 33 CFR 330.4G)). For activities that may allect historic properties listed in, or elJgiblo for listing-in, the National Register of Flistorjc Places, the notificaiion must state which historic property may be affected by the proposed work or include i vicinitv map indicating the location of the - .o_rstonc propertv. 13. Notifiiati,in (a) Timinq: Where required by the terms of the [IWp, the prospective perrdttee mu6t notiJv the District Engineer wittr a preconstruction notifination [PCN) as early as possible. The District Engineer mu-st deiermioe if the PCN is complete within 30 days of the date of receipt and can reouesi the additional informabon necessarv to make the PCN complete onlv onte. However, if the prospective -perm.ittee dn-es not proside all of the requested idonnation, then the District Encineer will notifu the prospective permi-ttee that the PCN is-still-incompiete and the PCl,l review process will nbt commence until all of the requested information has been received by the Disfict Engineer. The prospecUve permittee shall not beeinthe lctivitv; (1) Until notified in writing by the District Engineer that the actilify mav proceed under the NWP with anv special conditions imposed by the District or Division Enginoer; or (z) If notified in wridng by the District or Division Engineer that an individuai permit is reouired: or- (3) Un-loss'es days have passed from the District Engineer's receiiot of the complete notifilahon and the prospective permittee has oot receivod written notice from the Disbict or Division Engin6".. Subsequently, the permitlee'8 right to proceed under the NWP may be modified, suspended, or revoked only in accordance with the pmcedure set forth in 33 CFR 330.5(dxz). (b) Contents of Notification: The notification must be in writine snd include the followine in-formition: (1) Name, address,'and telephone nupbgrs of the prospective permittee; (2) Location oT the proposid proieci: (3) Brief descriptioir ofthe prbp6sed proiect; the proiect's purpose; direct and i-ndircct adverse environmental effects the project would causs; any other NWP(s), regional generai peimit(s), or individual permitfs) used or intended to be used to authorize anv oart of the proposed project or any related activity; aDo (4) For NWPs 7, 72,74,'18,21,34,38, 39, 40, 41, 42, and 43, the PCN must a-lso include a delineation of affected special aquatic sites, including wetlands, vegetatod shallows [e.g., submerged aquatic vegetatiou, seagrass beds), and rifbe and p"ool complex"es (eee paragraph rs(fl); (5) For NWP 7, Outfall Shuctures and Maintenance, the PCN must include information regarding the original design capacities and confisuations of those areis of the facilitv wf,erc maintenance fuedging oi excavation is prcposed. (6) For NWP 14, Linear Tra"nsportation Cmssings, the PCN must rnclude a compensatory mitigation pmposal to offset pelmanent losses of waters of lhe United State8 and a 6tatement describing how tomporary lossee of waters of tf,e United St"ter *iI be minimized to the maximum extent practicable. (7) For NWP e1, Surface Coal Minine Activities, the PCN must include an Office of Surface Mining (OSM) or state- approved mitigation plan. (8) For NWP 27, Stream and Wetland Restoration, the PCN must irclude documentation of the orior condition of the site that will be mverted by the permittee. (S) For NWP 29, Single-Family Housing, the PCN mus'l also inciude: (i) Ary past use of this NWP by the individud permittoe and/or the permittee's spouse; (ii) A statement 16a1 1[e single-family housing activity is for a personal residence of the perrfttee; (iii) A description of the entire parcel, ilcluding its size, and a delineation of wstlands. For the purpose of this NWP, parcels of la-nd measuring 74 acre or less wiII not require a forma_l on-site delineatiot However, the applicant shall provide an indication bi where the wetlands are and the amount of wetlands that exists on the pmperty. For parcols gr€ater t-b.an y{ acre in sjze, a formal wetland delinoation muet be prepared in accordance with the curont method required by the Corps. {See paragraph ls{fl); (iv) A written description of all land (including, if available, iegal descriptions) owned by the prospective pemittee and/or the prospective p€rmittee's spouse, within a one mile radius of the parcel, in any form of ownership fincluding any land owned as a partner, corpofation, ioint tenant, co-teoant, or as a tenant-by-the-entirety) and any land on which a purchase and- sale agreement or other contract for sale or purchase has been executed; (1O) For NWP 31, Maintenance of Existing Flood Controi Projects, tbe pmspective permittee must either notily the Di.strict Engineer with a PCN prior to each maintenance activity or submit a five year (or less) maintenance plan. In addition, the PCN must include all of the following: ii) Sufficient baseline information so as to identify the approved channel depths and configu-rations and existing facilities. Minor deviations are aulhorized, provided the approved flood controi protection or drainaga is not rncreaseo; (ii) A deiineation of anv affected special aquatic sites, inclurling wetlands: and, (iii) Location of the dredeed materia.l disoosal site.(ir) For NWP 33, Tempomry Construction, Access, and Dewatering, the PCN must a-lso include a restorati-on plan of reasonable measures to avoid and minimize adverse effects to aquatic resources. (12) For NWPS 39, ag, and eq, tbe PCN must also include a written statemont to th6 District Enqinesr explaining how avoidance ind rrinimization of losses of waters of the United States were achieved on the .. .pmiect site. '* -1 ,. J\ t13) For NWP 3$, Rosidential, . I nf eG" Csmmercial. andlnstitutional Developments, and NIiYP 4r-,-.-- Recreational Facilities, th{PCNJmust include a comDensatorv miEcition pmposal that offsets uiavoid-able losses of waters of the United States or justification explaining why compensatory mitigation should not be reorrlred. [rq) For NWP +0, Agricultural Activities, the PCN must include a compensatory mitigation proposal to oflset losses of waters of the United States. (rS) For NWP 49, Stormwater Management Facilities, the PCN must include, for the construction of now stormwater maragement facilities, a maintenatrce pla.o (in accordance with State and local requirements, if applicable) and a compensatory mitigation proposal to offset losses of waters of the United Statos. (16) For NWP 44, Mining Activities, the PCN must include a deicriotion of all waters of the United States adverselv a-ffected by the project, a description of measures taken to minimize adverse effects to waters of the United States. a description of measures ta.ken to comply with tire cdteria of the NWP, and a reclam.ation plan (for aggregate.minfurg actiyities in isolated waters and non- Federal Register/ Vol. 6b, No. 47 / Thursday, March g, 2000 / Notices 12895 hdai wetlauds adjacent to headwaters a-nd any hard rock/mineral mining activi ties ) . (17) For activities tlat mav adverselv affect Federally-Listed endangered or - tbreatened species, the PCN must include the name(s) of those endansered or threatened species that may be - a-ffected bv the proposed work or utilize the designated iritjcal habitat that may be affected by the proposed work. (18) For activities .hat may alfect historic properties bsted in,-or eligible for listing in, the National Registei of Historic Places, the PCN must state which historic property may be affected by the proposed work or include a vicinity map indicating the location of the historic property. (19) For NWPs 72,74, 29,39, 40, 42, 43, aDd 44, where the. proposed work involves discharges of dredged or fill material into waters of tle United States resulting in permanent, above-grade fills within 1OO-year floodplains {as identified on FEMA's Flood Insurance Rate Maps or FEMA-approved local floodplain maps), the notificatiou must include documentadon demonstatine that the proposed work complies witli lhe appropriate FEMA or FEMA- approved local floodplain construction requrrements. (c) Form of Notification: The standard individual permit application form fForm ENG 4345) may be used as the notification but must cleariv indicate that it is a PCN and must in;lude all of lhe information required in [b) (1)-{19) of General Condition 1J. A letter containing the requisite information may also be used. (d) District Engineer's Decisioo: In reuiewing the PCN for the proposed activity, the District Engineer will detennine whether ttre activirv authorized by tle NWP will riault in more than rrinirnal individual or cumulative adverse onviro nnental effects or r_nay bo contrary to the public intercst. The pmepective permitlee may, optionally, submii a pmposed nitigation plan with the PCN to expedite the pmcess and the Dishict Eugineer will consider any proposed comFensatory mi.tigation the applicant nas rtrclud.ed rn the propoBal in detenninjng whether the not adver8e envbonmental effects to the aouatic environment of the proposed *ork are minimal. If the Djstrict Eneineer determines thal fhe actiyitv comoliesffif*"" iqrlfli-q' en viiilrnbnt ire mini nil, tii J DiSiridi Engi.neer will notifu tne permittee and include any conditions the Dishict Engineer deems necossary. Any compensatory mitigation proposal must be approved by the District Engineer prior to commencing work. II the proepective pennittee is required to submit a compensatory mitigation proposal with the PCN, the pmposal may be oither conceptual or detailed. If the prospective permittee elects to submit a compensatory mitigation plan with the PCN, the District Engineer wili expeditiously review the proposed compensatory mitigation plan. The District Engineer must review the plan within 45 days of receiving a complete PCN and determine whether the conceptual or specific proposed mitigation would ensure no more tha.n minimal adverse effects on the aouatic environment. If tle net adverse iffects of the oroiect on the aquatic envimnment (after consideration of the compensatory rritigalion proposal) are determined by tbe Dishict Eugineer to be minimal, the District Engineer will provide a tinely written response to the applica.nt stating that the project can proceed utrder the terms and conditions of the nationwide mitigation proposal that would reduce the adverse effects on lhe aouatic environneut to the minimal- ievel; or [3) that the project is authorized under the NWP with specific modifications or conditions. i^rhere the District EDsitreer determines that nitieation is reou"ired in order to ensure no m-ore than nrilirnal adverse effedg on the aouatic environment, the activitv will be authorized within the +s-dav PCN period, incfuding the necessary conceptual or specific mitigation or a requircment lhat the applicant submit a mitigation pmposal that wou-ld reduce the adverse effects on the aouatic eDvilonment to the minimai level. When conceptual mitiqation is included, or a mitigati6n plan is required under item (Z) above, no work in waters of the United States will occur until the District Engineer has appmved a specific mitication olar. (-e) agency ioordiriation: The District Engineer will consider anv comments froir Federal and State aeincies concerning the proposedactivity's compliance with the terms and conditions of the NWPs and the need for mitigation to reduce the project's adverse offecls on the aquatic environment to a minimal level. For activities requiring notification to the District Engineer that result in the Ioss of greater than Yz acre of waters of the Uniled States, the District Eneineer will, upon receipt of a notificatio-n, provide immediately (e.g., via facsimile transmission, overnight mail, or other expeditious manner), a copy to the appropriate offices of the Fish and WildliJe Sewice, Sl,ate natural rcsource or water quality agency, EPA, State Historic Preservation Olficer (SHPO), and, if appropriate, the National Marine Fisheries Service. With the exception of NWP 37, these agencies will then have 10 calendar days from the date the material is transmitted to telephone or fax the Disnict Engineer notice that they intend to provide substantive. site- specific comments. If so contaaed by an agency, the District Engineer wili wait al additional 15 calendar days before making a decision on the notification- The District Engileer will fully consider a8ency comments received withi:r the specified time frame, but will provide no response to the resource agency, except as provided below. The District Engineer wili indicate in the adminichaLive record aseociated with each notification that tho resource agencies' concerns were considered. As required by Section 305(bX4XB) of the Magnuson-S tevens Fishery Conservation and Managemont Act, the District Engineer will provide a rosponse to National Marine Fisheries Service within 30 days of rtceipt of any Essential Fish Habitat conservation recommendations. Applicants are encouraged to provide ttre Corps multiple copies of notifications to expedi te agencv notification. (f) Wett inds belineations : Wetland delineations must be prepared in accordance with tho current method required by the Corps. For NWP 29 see paragraph (bxgxiii) for parcols less than Vr acre in size. The permittee may ask the Corps to delineaie the special aquatic site. There may bo some delay if the Corps does the delinoation. Furtlerrnore, the 45-day period will not start u-ntil the wetland delineation has been completed and submitted to the Corps, where appropriate. 1{. Compfiance Corti.ffcatiod Every permittee who has receivsd a Nationwide permit verification from tbe Corps will submit a signed certification regarding the completed work aod any required mitigation. The certifi cation will be forwarded bv the Corps with the authorization lefter. The cortification will include: (a) A statenent that the authorized work was done in ffiroc a the NIArP subiect to the applicant's submiesion of a 12896 Federal 65, No.March 9, 2000 / Notices accordance with the Coms authorization, including'any general or specific conditions; (b) A statement that any required mitigation was completed in accordance with the pernrit conditions; arrd (c) The signature of tle pelmittee certifying tbe compietion of the work atrd mitisation. 15. Use of MuJti-ple Nationwide Permits. The use of more than one NWP for a si:rgle aad complete project is prohibited, except when the acreage loss of waters of the Unitod Srares authorized by the NWPs does not exceed the acreage limit of the NWP with the highest specified acreage limit. For -exampie, if a mad crossing over tidal waters is constucted under NW? 14, with associated bank giabilization autlorized by NWP 13, the maximum acreage loss of waters of the United States for the total proiect cannot exceed Va aCIe. 16. Water Supply Intakes. No activity, including structureE and work in navigable lvaters of the UDited Statos or discharges of dredged or fiil material, may occrr in the proximity of a public water supply intake orcept where the activity is for repair of the public water _supply ll t_ake stiucturee of adjacent bank stabilization. 17. Sheilffsh Beds. No activitv, including sructures and work in navigable waters oI the United States or discharges oi dredged or fill material, may occur in areas of concentrated shellfish populations, unless the activitv is direcdy related to a shellfish harvesting activity authorized by NW? r8. Suitable Material. No activiW, including sbucturss and work in' navigable waters of the United States or discharges of dredged or fill material, may consist of unsuitable material (e.g., trash, debris, car bodies, asphall, egs,f and material used for conshuclion or discharged must be free from toxic pollutants in toxic amounts {eee Section 302 of the Clean Water Act). 19. Mitigation. The project must be designed and constructed to avoid and minimize adverse effects to waters of the United States to the maxrnum extent practicable at the project site (i.e., on site). Mitigation will be roquired whon necessary to ensue thaf the adverse effects to the aouatic env.ironment are minimal. The District Engineer will cousider the factors diecussed below when determinins the acceptability of appropriate and - practicable mitigation necessary to offset adverse effects on the aquatic environment that are more than minimal.y (a) Compensatory mitigation at a 'rminimnm 1:1 ratio will be required for all wetland impacts requirins a PCN. cloi sjiienl wiliiltlau ona] poFcy,-68 District Eneineer will establish a prelerencelor restoration of wetlands to m6et the minimum compensatory rnitigation rabo, with preservation used onlv in exceptional circumstalces. [5) To be fracticable, the mitigation must be availabie and capable of beine done considering costs, existing technology, and logistics in light of the ovorall project puiposes. Examples of mitigation that may be appmpriate and practicable include, but are not limited to: reducing the size of the project; establishing and maintaining wetland or uplald vegetated buffers to frotect open waters such as sEeams; and replacing losses of aquatic resource functions and values by creating, restoring, enhancing, or preserving similar functions and values, preferably in the same watershed; (c) The District Engineer will require restoradon, creation, enhancement, or preservation oI other aquatic resources in order to olfset the authorized imoacts to the extent necossary to ensure that the adverse effects on the aouatic en\rironment are minima.l. An important element of any compensatory rritigation plan for pmjects in or near streams or other open waters is the estatrlishqrent and maintenance. to Ue maximum extent practicable, of vegetamd buffers next to open wators on the project site. The vegetated buffer shouid congist of native species. The District Engineer will determi:ne the appropriate width oI the veqetated buffer and in which cases it will-be required. Normaily, the vegetated buffer will be 25 to 50 feet wide on each side of the stream, but the District Engineer may require wider veEetatad b-uffers to iddriss do-crrrnented water oualitv concerns. If there are open watois on ihe project site and the District Engineer reguires compensatory mitigation for wedand impacts to ensure that the net adverse effects on the aquatic enyironment are minimal, any vegetated bu-ffer will comprise no more than r/s of lhe remaining compensatory mitigation acreage after lhe permanently filled wedands have been reolaced on a one- to-one acreage basis. Ii addition, compensatory mitigation must addreee adverse effects on wetland fu[ctions and values and cannot be used to offset the acreage of wetland losses that would occu! in order to meet the acreage limits of some of the NWPs [e.g., for NiVP rs, Vr acre of wetlands cannot be cr€ated to change a 7z acre loss of wetlands to a Yr acre loss; however, Yz acre of created wetlands can be used to reduce the impacts of a 7s acr€ loss of wetlaods). If the pmspective permittee is required to subDit a compenBatorv mitisation proposal with the PCN, rie pro-posa) mav be either conceotual or detailed. (d) To the extent appropriate, Dermittees should consider mitisation banking and other appropriate fSrms of compensatory mitigation. Il the District Engi.neer determines that compensatory mitigation is necessary to offset losses of waters of the United States and ensure that the net adverse effects of the authorized work on the aquatic environment are minimal, consolidated mitigation approaches, such as mitigation banks, will be the preferred method of providing compensatory mitigation, unless the District Enginoer deterrnines that activity-specific compensatory mitigation is more appropriate, based on whidt is best for the aquatic enqironment. These types of mitigation are profened because they i-nvolve larger blocls of protected aquatic environment, are more likely to meet the mitigation goals, and are more easily checked for compliance. If a mitigation bank or other consolidated mitigation appmach is not available in the watershed, the District Etrgineer will consider other appropriate forms of compensatory mitigation to offset the losses of waters of the United States to enzure that tho net adverse effects of the authorized work on the aouatic environmeDt are minimal. 20. Spawning Areas. Activities, including shuctures and work in 0avigable wators of the Uoited States or discharges of dredged or fiIl material, in spawning arear during spawning seasons must be avoided to the maximum extenl. practicable. Activities that resu-lt in the physical destuction {e,g., excavate, fill, or smother downstrean by substantial turbidity) of an lmportant spawning ar€a arc not authorized. 21. Management of Water Flows. To the maximum extent practicable, the activity must be designed to maintain preconstmction downsbeam fl ow conditions (e.g., location, capacity, and flow rates). Furthermore, the activitv mu6t not permanently restria or im-oede the passage of normai or expected high flgws (unless the primary p^*por" of"tb" fiil is to impound-watersi ind'the sbucture oi discharge of dredged or fill materiai must withstand expected hieh flows. The acti\rity must, to-the maximum extent practicabie, provide for retaining excess flows ftom the site, provide for maintainins surface flow iates from the site simiar to preconstruction conditions, and must not increase water flows from the project site, relocate water, or redirect water flow beyond preconstruction conditions. In addition, the activitv Federal Register/ Vol. 65, No. 47lThilrsday, March 9, 2000/Notices 72897 must, to the maximum extent practicable, reduce adverse effects such as flooding or erosion downstrcam and upstream ofthe pmiect site, unless the activity is part oI a larger system designed to manage water flows. 22. Adverse Effects From Impoundments. If the activity, including stuctures and work in navigable waters of the United States or &sciarge of dredged or lill material, cr€ates an impoundment of water, adverse effects on the aquatic system caueed by the accelerated passage of water and/or the restiction of its flow shall be minimized to the maximum extent practicable. 23. Waterfowl Breeding Areas. Activities, including structures and work in navigable waters of the United States or discharges of dredged or fill material, into breeding aroas for migratory waterfowl must be avoided to the maximum oxtent practicable. 24. Removal of Temporary Fille. Anv tempora.ry fills must bi rembved in th6ir entirety and the affected areas r€turned to their preexisting elevation. 25. Designatad Critical Reeourco Wators. Critical resource wators include. NOAA-designated marine sanctu.dries, National Estuarine Research Reserves, Nationnl Wild and Scenic Rivers, critical habitat for Federally listed threatened 66d sadangered species, coral r€efs, State natural horitage sites, and outstanding national resource waters or other wat6r6 officially designated by a State as having partjcular environmental or ecological significance and identifiod by the District Engineer after notice and opportudty for pubiic courment. The District Engineer may also designate additional critical resource waters after notice and opportunity for comment. -[q) Except as noted below, discharges of dredged or fill material into waters of the United States are not authorized bv NWPs 7, 72,14, 76,17 , 27, Zg, g7; gS, 39,40,42,43, and 44 lor any activity within, or directly affecUnt, critical resource waters, indudinq wetlands adiacent to such waters. D-ischarges of dredged or ffll materials into wators of the United States may be authorized bv the above NWPs in l.iationd Wild and- Scenic Rivers il the activity complies with Gsaoral ConditioD 7. Further. such discharges may be authorized in designated crirical habitat for Federally listed throatened or endanser€d soeciei if the activity complies wiil Geneial Condition 11 and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service or the National Marine Fisheries Serrrice bas concurred ia a determination of compliance with this condition, (b) For NWPs 3, 8, 10, 13, 15, 18, 19, 22,23,25,27,28,30,33, 3rt, 36, 37, and 38, notification is required in accordance with General Condition 13, for any activity proposed in the designated crilical resource waters including wetlands adjacent to those waters. The District Engineer may authorize actirities under these NWPS only after he deterrnines that the impacts to the critical resource waters wiil be no more than minimal. 26. Fills Within 1oo-Yeot Floodolains. For purposes of ttris general condition, 1Oo-vear floodolains will be identified througn the federal Emergeacy Management Agency's (FEMA) Flood Insurance Rate Maps or FEMA-approved local floodplain maps. (a) Discliarges Below Headwaterc. Discharges of dredged or fill material into waterc of lhe United States resulting in permanent, above-grade fills within the 1oo-vear floodolain et or beiow the poini on a str€;n where the average annual flow is five cubic feet per second {j.e., bolow headwaters) aro Dot authorized by NWPs 29, 39, qO, 42, 43, and 44. For NW?s 12 and 14, the priospective pemittee must notify the Districl Engineer in accordance with General Condition 13 and the notification must inciude documentation that anv Dermahent, above-grade fills in waieis of the United Statos within the l00-vear floodnlain bolow headwaters comply with i'EMA or FEMA-approved local floodplain construction requirements. (b) Disciargei in Headwoters (i.e., above the Doint on a stream where the average "tritual flow is five cubic feet per socond). 17) Flood Fringe. Discharges of dredged or fill material into waters of the United Statos rcsultine irr pormanent, abovo-grade fi-Ils within the flood fringe of the 1O0-year floodplain of headwatem are not authorized by NW?s 72,74, 29, 39, 40, 42,43, and +q, u-oless the prospective pennittee notifies the District Eneineer in accordance with General Co-ndition 13. The notification must include documentation that such discharges comply witi FEMA or FEMA-approved local fl oodplain construction reouirements. (2) Fl oodway.'Discharges of dredged or fill material into waters of the United Stater rrsulting in permanent, above- grade fills within the floodway of the 100-year floodp'lein sf [s6d\ txlsrs ars not authorized by N$rPs 29, 39,40, 42, 43, and 44. For NWP8 12 and 14, the pennittee must notify the District Engineer in accordance with Genoral Condition 13 arod the notification must include documentation that any permarent, above grade lills proposed in the floodway comply with FEMA or FEMA-approved local fl oodplain construcuon requirements. D. Further Information L. Diebict enginoers have authority to detennine if an activity comphes with the terns and conditions of an NWP. 2. NWPS do not obviate the need to obtain other Foderal. State, or local permits, approvals, or authorizations requjred by law. 3, NWP8 do not Erant any property rights or exclusive privileges. 1. NlWs do not authoriZe any iniury to the property or rights of others. 5. NWPs do not authorize interference with any existing or proposod Federal prclect. E. Definitions Best monagemenl pmclrbesr Best Management Practices (BMPs) are policies, practices, pmcedures, or structurcs implemontod to mitigate the adverse envircnmental elfects on surface water quality resulting from development. BMPs are catogorized as structural or non-structural. A BMP poucy may affed the limits on a develoomout. Compe nsatory mitigatio n : F ot purposes of Section 10/404, compensatory mitigation is the restoration, creation, enhancement, or in exceptional circumstances, pmservation of wetlands and/or other aquatic resouljces for the purpose oI compensating for unavoidable adverse inpacts which remain after all apprcpriate and practicable avoidance and minimization has b€en achieved. Creation: The establishment of a wetland or other aquatic rosource where one did not formeriy exist. Enhancement: Aitivities conducted in existing wetiauds or other aquatic resources which increase ooe or more aquatic functions. Ephememl stream: An ephemeral sbeam hae flowing water only during, and for a short duration after, precipitation events i.!. a typical year, Ephemeral 6tr€em beds ar€ located above the water table year-round. Groundwater is not a souJce of water for the stream. Runoff from rainfall is the primary source of water fo! stmam flow. Farm troc!: A unit of contiguoue land under one ownership which is operated as a larm or part of a farm, Flood Fringe: That portion of the 100- year floodplain outside of the floodway (often roferrod to as "floodway fringe. " Floodway: The area regulated by Federal, state, or local roqrliroments to provide for the discharge of the base flood so the c'mulative increase in water surface oievation is no more than 12898 Federal Register/Vol. 65, No. 47lThrusday, March 9, 2000/Notices " a designated amount (not-to exceed one an ordiuary high water mark. Aquaticfoot as setby the National Flood vegetation witEin the area of stairding orInsurance Progra.m) within the loo-yea_r fldwing water is either non+mergenfloooPrarn., . sparse, or abaent. Vegetated shallows are , ^!!:!1"d"!t ."tilifyr A test to c-onsidered to be ope-n waters. The termd.eteunine what constitutes a singlo and ,,open water,' inclides rivers, streams,complete project in.the Corps regfuatory hllr, and ponds. For the purposes of ' progra:n._A pmject is considered to have the NWps,ihis term does not-includeindependent utility if lt would be ephenreral waters.co[structed absent the conshuction of 'perennia] streamr A perennial streamother pro jects in.the project area. has flowing warer yearirounJ d;;g ;Portions of a multi-phase project that typica.l veai. The dater table is locaied. depend upon other phases of the proiect abbue the stream bed for most of thedo not have independont utility. Pha;es year. Grouldwater is the primary sourceol a proiect that would be constructed bf water for stream flow. Runoffhom even if the other phases are not bujlt can rainlall is a supplemental source of be considored as separate single and water for sbear; flow. co.m.plete projscts with independant Permanent above-gmde fiIl: Autility. - discharse of dredgedor fili material intoIntemittent streami An intermittent waters if th" uoiild statos, including ygeam |1s flowing water during certain wetlands, that rosults i_n a subetantial" times of the year, when groundwater incrsaae in eround elevat.ion andprovide' wator for stream flow. During pemranen[] convert' part or all of the dry.periode, intermittent snoa-ms may- ivaterbody io dry land. stnrctural fillsogt |qy9 flowing-water. lunoffhom- authorizeh by Mnfps 3, zs, 36, etc. arerarruar rs a supp-lemental sourre of not included. water for sheam flow. presewation: The protection of -._Loss o{w.atg1s of the United States: ecologically importjnt wetlands or other waters of the united states that include aquati-c resourcis in perpetuity through the fllled area and other waters that are thl implementation of airprouriate leialpermanently adversely alfected by and ph'ysica.l mechanisms'. pieservatiin tlooding, excavation, or drainage as a may include protection of upland areasresull of tho reguiated- activity. adjicent to wetlaads u" o"""i.rury to Permanent adverse effects incjude eniure prctection and,/or enhancimentpermanent above-grade, at-grade, or of the ovsrall aouatic ecowstem. below-grade fi]ls lhat change an aquatic flesfomtron: fre-establisfimont of area to d4r land, increase tf,e bottom wetlaud and./or other aquatic resource elevation of a waterbody, or change the charactorislics and function(s) at a site use ot a waterbody. The acreage of loss where they have ceased to sxist, or exist of waters of the United States is the in a substantiallv decraded state. threshold measurement of ths imFact to Nffle ond poil coirplex: Riffle and exis".rg wators for determining whether pool complexes are special aquatic siles a proiect may qualify for an NWP; it is undor the 404(b)t1) cuidelinet. Steep not a net throshold that is calculated gradient sections of gteams are after conridcring conpenaatory iometimes characterized by riffle and pitigation that may be used to offset pool complexes. Such stream sections losses of aquatic funclions_ and values. are recogilzable by their hydraulic The loss of str€am bed includes the characteiistics. The rapid. rirovement of linear feet of strcam bed that is fflled or water over a courr" rib.t.at" in riffles excavated. Waters of the United Stites qesults ia a rough flow, a turbulent temporariJy- fflled, Ilooded, excavated, surface, and higlh dissolved oxygen or drained, but restore d to leveis in the wa-ter. pools are delper pr€construction contours and elevations areas associated with rillles. pools are a-fter construction, are not included in charactorized bv a slower stream the measur€ment of loss of waters of the velocity, a suearning flow, a smooth United States. surface, and a finer iubstrate. Non-tidal wetlond; A non-tidal Single and complete project:The term yetlald is a wetland (i.e., a water oI the "singli and compiete pmiect,' is defined United States) that is not subject to the at BTCFR 930.2(i) a6 tire iotal proiect ebb aod'flow of tidal waters. the proposod or accomplished by -one definition of a wetland can be found at owner/developer oi partr:ers-hip or other 33 CFR 328.3(b). Non-tidel wetlands association ofbwneri/developers (see conliguous to tidal waters are located deffuition ofindepeudent utiiity). For landward of the fieh tide line (j.e., the hnear projects, thi ,,singie and Lompiete spnng lligh tide linej. pruiect" (i.e., a single and complete Open water: An area l'at, during a cmssing) will appi!, to each crossing ofyear with normal patterns of a separato *"t"i ilfth" United Statei (r:.e.. prscipitatioo,. hrs standing or llowing a single waterbody) at that locabon. in water for su-fficient duration to establish excefdon is for [nlar proiects crossing a single waterbody several times at Eeparate and distant locations; each cmssilg is considered a singie and complete project, However, individual channels i-n a braided str€am or river, or individual arms oI a large, ineguiarly- shaped wetiand or lake, etc., are nor separate waterbodies. Stormwater managementi Stormwater management is the mechanism for conholling storsrwater runoff for the purposes of reducing downstrean erosion, water quality degradation, and flooding and rritigating the adverse effects oI changes in land use on the aquatic environment. Stomwater manaqement facilities : Stornwater manageient faiilities are those facilities, including but not Iimited to, stormwater retention and detontion ponds and BMPs, which retain water for a period of time to control runoff and./or imorove the quality [i.e., by reducing the concentation of nutrients, sediments. hazardous substances and other pollutants) of stormwater runo.ff. Stteam bed:The subsbate of the sbeasr channel botween ths ordinarv high water marks. The substrate may be bedrock or inorganic partides that range in size ftom clai to b6ulders. Wetlands- contiguous to the sheam bed, but outside of the ordinary high warer marks, are not considired-part of the steam bed. Stream c hannel izotion : The manipulation of a stream s[nnns] 16 ilcroase the rate of water flow thmwh the stream channel. Manipulation n"av include doepening, wideriing, straightening, armoring, or otler activitiBs that gfinnge the 8tream cross- section or other aspects of str€am channel geometry io jncrease ttre rate of water flow through the strcan channel. A channelized s6ean romains a water of the United Statee, dospite the modificatious to increa6; tho rate of water flow. Tidal wetlond: A tidal wetland is a wotland (i.e., a water of the United States) tbat is inundated bv tida-l waters. The definitione of a wetlarid and tidal waters can be found at 33 CFR 32S.3[b) and 33 CFR 328.3(fl, respectively. Tidal watels rise and fall in a oredictable ard measurable rhphm or cycle due to t}le gravitational pulls of the moon and su:r. Tidal waters end where the rise and fall of the water surfacc can no loneer be practically messured in a predictable ihythm a"e to masking by other warers, wind, or other effects. Tidal wetlands are located chan-nelward of the hieh tide line (i.e., spring high tide hne) and are inundated by tidal waters two times per lunar month, during spring high tidei. Fsderal Rsgister/Vol. 6s, No. 47lThursday, March 9, 2000/Notices 12899 ' Vegaate.d buffer:A vegetated upland or weuand area next to rivers, strsa-ms. lakes, or othor open waters which separates ltre open water from developed areas, induding agricultural land. V;getated buffers pdviie a variew of aquatic habitat firnctibns and valuee ' (e9., aquatic habitat for fish ald other aquatic organisDc, modotation of wator tomporature changss, nnd deu,itus lor aquatic food webs) etrd help improve or meintain lorcal watrer Oualitv. A vogetatod buffor can bi established by maintailing an exi8ting vegotated ar6a or planting native trsoe, shrubs, and herlaceous platrts on land next to open waters. Mor,ved lawtrs aro not considered vegetatod buffers because they provide littlo or no aquatic habitat ftrnctions and values. The establishment and maintenallce of vecetated bulfers i6 a method of compeneaiory mitigation that can be ussd in couiunction with the r€s toration, creation, eihancement, or presewation of aquatic habitats to engure that activities authorized by NWPg rcsult in minimal adverse ohecte to the aquatic environmenL (See General Condition 19.) Vegetated s hol I olus: Vogotated ehallows are specia.l aquatic sites under the aoa(bXl) Cuidefin6s. Thev are arsas that are permanently inundated and uader normal cirgumgtances have rooted aquatic vegetation, auch ar seagrasses in marine and estuarine eystems and a varisty of vasculsr motod plants in fre6hwat6r systems. Woterbody: A waterbody is any aroa that in a normal year ha6 water tlowing 91 stending above ground to the €xtent that evidence of atr ordinary high watsr mark is established, Wetlaids contiguous to the waterbody are coneiderod part of the waterbody. IPR Doc. 0Fs194 Flled 9-8-OO; 8:45 8Dl 8 .It{C OOtt€ 3710-€-f 0216A12621 12:58 976476494L PAGE 6L FAX COVER SHEET FPS 4- is cover sheetl lf )0u not I (970) 476-6342 Ext 15. FRITZLEN PIERCE ARCH ITECTS . -l Date: To: Fax: Re: Sender: Feb O8, AX)I SillGlbson 479-2452 Beartr Dam tesidencec Stephanie lod-lohnson Bill- Per oru ionversstio& I xritl conoctthc plur and show a ?f,$ ft storagc area for thc EllU on tte Wcst Lot As discussod d thc DRB nccting ycrtcrday, wcEll providc you with an upd*c sa of architcctual plurs arrd clerrations before tbe fnal DRB meeting on022l4l P,leasc call with aay qucstioos or co,mmcnts. Tbanks*X 4-. KS0,t8 - SE VIRDAII4RE9DENCt\PROIICTCO*RESFONOENCT\IO\AICF X0206-DOC Plannin6oArdrirectur€olnteriolr 1650 €dv.ilvrllcy t)'irt fdldlgc Gl . v.il, CA 01657 e nilrrclluct qn a frx (97O t76.{9or . (ttq at6'63a2 g2l6A/292L 18:05 976476494L -t FAX COVER SHEET FPS PAGE 81 4- FRITZLEN PIERCE ARCH ITTCTS Date: TO: Fax: Re: Sender: February 8, 2001 Bill Gbson 970.479.2452 Bearcr Dam Road Melissa Baum receive 4 cot/er sheeL lr you not receitc 476-6342 Ext 13. Bill- Pfease find the layouts fior both the East and West EHU's at 1/8" = 1''Q'scale- I haw abo included the East nesidence Fict Floor Plan which is not to a scale. Feel free to call for additional information or commenb. Melissa 4- K:SflI . ADMINISIRAION OFFICATIMPLATIS\II ORD rtMPtATES\rA( CS/[R SfiEtT,DOT Phnnlng.Archibchlrc.lnterioE 1650 Edt VCI VrllEt oritE F.[fllBB C-1 . V.il. CO0165t I vr&nhucu.com a hx (!r7O a76{9ol . Ot10) a?t{ear 4-- b't/tdalzvzL r.8: g6 -t Date: To: Far: Re: Sender: FAX COVTR SHEET 97647643bL February 812m1 BillGibeon 970.479.2452 Beaver Dam Road Melissa Baum FPS PAGE AL FRITZLEN PIERCE ARCH ITECTS 4-. rec€ive 4 coversheel lfyou call (9 4765342 Ext 13. Bill- Please find the layoub fiot both the East and West EHU's at 118" = 'l'{' scale. I harae abo included dre East Residence First Floor Plan which is nbt to a scale. Feel free to call for additional informaUon or ommenB. Melisa 4- K:\00O - ADMINISIRAnO I OFFICIVEMPI TI$WORD TEMR It$F X CC rER 5IEIT.DOT PlanningaArf,hitecfure.lnteriom 1650 Errt Vril VdlEy O re Fellddge C.l . Viil, CO 01657 a lnihrchitsstl(nm o f.x 19701 {25-{9ol . (lto) alGGl+! 4r Ilruaafri I I -+-r+ltllr I I I L wlsolz',1rxC- r,Q-,1 ooTt ,*t-mvoelb)_,?f, JlL-+-l-f' I ta6ng/'oL6 99:gI lzgzlgalza bo 3 5 * rrj tt\ \t _t \J 1 sz \\) 0o qdb ,"- b5 #\s * HI s Vli,'9 H tslItJ8 si La€D9LEBL6 9A:8r TZSZ/85/ZA "1$ r-c h G I l$\)z$ -- Hd$s/s* rF ,tsd ', $l $b I I ..1 -+,,1H I -J--+ li ti { -t i_i j [i --L- I'I ro6r9LpgL6 99:8I TZA.IAOIZOsdJVA FVd COPYFIL E Department of C ommunity Development 75 South Frontage Road Yail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us 1. 2. February 15,2001 Stephanie Lord-Johnson Fritrlen Pierce Architects 1650 East Vail Valley Drive, Fallridge C-1 Vail, Colorado 81657 RE: Beaver Dam Residences / Lot 2, Block 3, Vail Village 3ro Filing Dear Stephanie, The Town of Vail recently reviewed the conceptual Design Review application for the Beaver Dam Residences located at 363 Beaver Dam Road. The following is a summary of the comments from that review: A stamped survey must be submitted. The existing driveway exceeds the maximum allowable driveway width of 48 feet. Asphalt needs to be removed to narrovr' the driveway to the west. The site plan must identiry a 4 foot wide concrete pan veith 2 inch invert at the edge ofasphalt for driveways. The pan shall not be heated. Any heated portion of a driveway or sidewalk located in the Town of Vail right-of-way must be in a separate heat zone. The zone must be marked at the control box as "TOV" or "ROW'. Proposed sidewalks must have a 4 foot section of unheated concrete at the street's edge ofasphalt. This must be shown on the site plan. No landscaping greater than 3 feet in height may be planted or installed if it affects site distance requirements or standards. The east driveway wall exceeds 6 feet; therefore, a bench is required per Town standards. The grading plan must be adjusted or revised so all disrurbed grading is renrmed to a grade of 2: l. If a 2:l gradi can noi be achieved, ritaining is required. The parking space located wrthin the right-of-way must be removed. The minimum dimension of all outside parking spaces shall be 9' X l9' and the minimum dimension of all indoor parking spaces shall be 9'X r8'. All walls over 4 ft. in height require a stamped approved drawing from a Licensed PE. No wall may exceed 6 ft. in height. The limit of disturbance f'encing and erosion control measures must be identitled on the landscaping plan.ll. J. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 10. {grrn"uor^o" J TOWNAF snow storage must be provide on site and identified on the site plan. Department of Commnity Development 75 South Frontage Road Yail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 wwwci.vail.co.us 14. 15. 16. t7. 18. 19. 20. )1 )) 23. 24. Bill Cibson. Planner I Town of Vail lJ.Exact locations ofexisting utility sources and proposed service lines from their source to the proposed sEuchrres must be identified on the topographic survey and site plan. The proposed house exceeds the 300 ft. fire hose requirement, therefore, a fire sprinkler system rnust be installed. Fire Department approval is required. A tree preservation plan must be submitted. Sidewalk/bridge details must be submined. The lot size needs to be verified and consistently identified on the plans. All plans must be drawn to scale and fully dimensioned. The buildable area ofeach lot must be calculated and identified on the topographic survey. Crawl spaces should be eliminated. A copy of the maintenance agreement for the swimming pool must be submitted. No structure shall exceed the maximum allowable height of30 feet for a flat roof and 33 feet for a sloping roof, without the approval ofa variance. Development of this property shall not exceed the allowable site coverage pemritted by the Town of Vail Code without the approval of a variance. The physical sepantion between the architectural projection area and the GRFA of the tower entry feanue must be identified on the floor olans. Please refer to my lener dated December 20, 2000 for additional comments pertaining to this project. Ifyou have any questions or comments, please feel free to call me at (970) 479-2173. Si:rcerely, a/,ZC a--rL.e {g*or"uor ro 804606 .I/ai[, Cotorado 81658 .(e70.926-3594 February 19,2001 Ms. Stephanie Lord Johnson Fritzlen, Pierce, Briner Architects 1650 E. Vail Valley Dr. Fallridge C-l Vail, CO 81657 RE: Tree Preservation Plan. A2ZHoldngs, 363i383 Beaver Dam Road, Vail, CO Dear Stephanie: Further to our first site meeting of January 30, 2001, I have inventoried existing significant trees on these two lots. This Tree Preservation Report will address the interface between existing trees, proposed architectural plans, andproposed final landscaping. SUMMARY The detailed information provided in this Tree Preservation Report is intended for use EIs a guide by Project Architects and Construction Project Managers to assist them in maintaining the health of these trees. The three attrachments concerning the "Tree Inventory" address management of specific trees. Additional infomration conceming anticipated over-cuts is needed before I can comment in more detail. A budget, if any, for tree relocation also needs to be discussed. The attachment titled "Plan of Action" should be incorporated in all production schedules. The attachment titled "subcontractor Bidding Specifications" should be incorporated into all bid specifications. The opporhmity to review and monitor the proposed activities of landscape contractors adjacent to the preexisting "save-trees" is often times the most significant impact a consulting arborist can have on a treepreservation project. This report provides recommendations for my advance review of the landscape plan and my post- planting inspection of planting practices. See the attachment titled "Landscape Plan/?lanting Practices Review". ,t S\ .ftAt.ff-.H*,:i. Page2 of8 Ms. Stephanie Lord Johnson - Fritzlen, Pierce, Briner Architects 3631383 Beaver Dam Rd Project Februarv 19.2001 DEFIMTION OF ASSIGNMENT r Evaluate the proposed site plan and identify an agenda for the architect to save the most trees on this site as possible. r Perform a Tree Inventory for all significant existing trees: Create a number designation, measure trunk diameter, dripline radius', and assess condition.r Provide Tree Retention Guidelines, identifu tree relocation candidates, and recommend tree cuUremoval candidates.. Outline a Plan-of-Action for management of the existing trees.r Outline a progrzrm for Monitoring and Protect the New Landscape Investrnent. BACKGROUND The objective of this property owner is reportedly to save as many trees as possible throughout the construction project. This is understandable, since the majority ofthe trees on these two lots exceed 25 feet in height, with a collective valuation exceeding several hundred thousand dollars. My involvement in this project began "after" both new house footprints had been drawn on the site plan. All comprehensive tree preservation programs begin during the surveying segment of the planning process, due to the critical nature of tree trunk diameters and dripline radiuses. Before any proposed impacts to trees could be assessed, a tree inventory had to be conducted. Tree inventory information was faxed to Fritzlen, Pierce, Briner Architects on February 15, 2001. This report is to be used in conjunction with the amended site plan depicting number designations for all trees. TREEINVENTORY A total of 68 signifrcant trees were given number designations. lnclude in Attachments "A", "8", and "C" are details on the majority of these 68 trees. Attachment "A" A total of l3 significant trees are located inside the proposed building footprint. An alternative to cut/removal is to relocate'some or all of these trees. ' Dripline radius - The distance from the trunk center to a point on the g:round imrnediately below the outermost foliage or iateral branch tip. x ree Page 3 of8 Ms. Stephanie Lord Johnson - Fritzlen, Pierce, Briner Architects 363/383 Beaver Dam Rd Project Februarv 19.2001 Options for relocated trees include: 1) Moving trees to a temporary holding site until the project completion, at which time the trees would be again be transplanted to their final location. 2) Permanently transplant trees to an effective location at the perimeter of property where they will not be further disturbed by the construction project. In either case, the Architect/Landscape Architect may wish to propose the final planting site. The Consulting Arborist should then review the proposed planting locations to verifr the absence ofconflicts with buildings, hardscapes, and pre- existing trees. Once approved by all parties, the Consulting Arborist should monitor the ftee transplanting process. Attachment "B" There are l6 trees located immediately outside proposed buildinglhardscape footprints. A general guideline for construction activity next to trees is to avoid critical root zone disturbance. The critical root zone is the area ofsoil within the dripline radius of the tree. The 1-13-01 Site Plan not only locates foundations well within the dripline of several very large tees, but even further disturbance is also apparent once over- cuts2 dictated by the excavation process are calculated. Attacbment "B" discusses the need for additional information conceming over- cuts. Perhaps the most significant calculation conceming tree preservation on a construction site is factoring the necessary over-cut and over-fill required to safely create a foundation wall or a fill retaining wall. For example (in the interest oftree preservation), the best way to deterrnine an acceptable location ofa foundation wall is to add the dripline radius to the calculated over-cut/over-fill to determine an acceptable location of the foundation wall. Given the proposed I-f3-01 Site PIan, many of these trees will be severely damaged, if not killed. Engineered design alternatives that minimize root loss within the dripline include cantilevering, cement block walls, and soil nailing. Attachment "C" There are 21 perimeter trees addressed in this section. The majority of trees located at the westem edge of the property have suffered extensive prior construction damage to the trunk and root system. I recommend core sampling many ofthese trees to assess health and structural integrity. 2 Over-cut - The act ofdigging beyond the main trench or hole in order to provide a safe angle ofrepose or to provide adequate working space. x Page 4 of8 Ms. Stephanie Lord Johnson - Fritzlen, Pierce, Briner Architects 363/383 Beaver Dam Rd Project Februarv 19. 2001 TREE PRESERVATION GUIDELINES Requested Site Plan Amendments This report will later recommend that tree protection fence encircle every tree on the property at the dripline. To underscore the importance of tree preservation on this project, all future site plans should accurately reflect the location of the dripline fences. The following denotations are suggested: e Create a circular dotted line, drawn to scale, representing the ' required fence location around each tree, r Fill in each circle with cross hatches. . Label: "Tree Protectior,Zone, Off-Limits to all People, Materials and Equipment". These denotations will help to reinforce the message to all subcontractors that tree preservation is a priority on this project. Root Zone Protection Protection ofthe critical root zone is essential to insure long{erm health and survival of the tree. Soil compaction can be just as damaging as root cutting and root removal. To protect the critical root zone from excavation and compaction, a fence should be erected before the onset ofany topsoil removal from the site. The wiil provide a much needed physical barrier throughout the construction and landscape construction process. This physical barrier protects against adverse impacts such as excavation, tenching, machinery trafhc, and attempts to temporarily store building materials. Fencing; Prior to any machinery activity on the site, all "save trees,'should be completely encircled with a mesh fence. This fence should be a minimum of 5' tall and installed with "T" posts on 4' centers. This fence should remain, undisturbed throughout general construction and initiaj landscape construction. If tree protection fences are removed too early in the landscape construction phase, "save trees" become susceptible to the following types of damage:r Buthess rootsi are susceptible to damage from landscaping machinery.r The "save tree" can sustain long-term damage from the planting of new hees, shrubs and flowers within the dripline.r lnstalling a shallow irrigation tench within the dripline of the ,,save tree can destroy as much as 80% of its feeder root system. 'Buttress root - A large woody root located at the base ofthe trunk; usually associated with exaggerated Ctth. x Page 5 of8 Ms. Stephanie Lord Johnson - Fritzlen, Pierce, Briner Architects 363/383 Beaver Dam Rd Project Februarv 19.2001 Therefore, during landscape construction, fences should remain intact until the consulting arborist has revi€wed landscape design impacts. Fencing Altemative: Should the fence require temporary disassembly during the construction project for vehicle access, the consulting arborist should first be contacted to monitor the implementation of alternative tnrnk and root zone protection. The trunk can then be protected as specified in the "Trunk Protection" segment of this report. Damage to the critical root zone can then be mitigated by the application of a landscape fabric covered by a minimum of a I 0-inch thick layer of wood chips or a l0-inch layer of T+ inch rock. This method of mitigating soil is a suggested option for west clump that already has a driveway extending to the trunks of several trees. Mulching: "Save trees" should be mulched before initial site excavation. The mulch layer should be 4" to 6" thick and cover the entire critical root zone (from the trunk to the dripline). The material can be wood chips, bark, or straw. Benefits are as follows: . Help to reduce evaporation of ground moisture.o Reduce eroding effects of supplemental water. r Moderate soil temperature. . Help mitigate soil compaction. o Recycle trace amounts of beneficial nutdents. Construction Material Storage and Dumping: The critical root zone needs to be void of any stored materials. In addition, storage (even temporary) of any fuel/oil containers, or other chemical contaminants within 20 feet of the dripline of any significant "save tee', should be strictly prohibited. Once spilled liquids contaminate the root zone, remedial leaching procedtues become extremely expensive and chemical uptake by the root system often results in significant tree decline. Trunk Protection All tree trunks that are subject to runaway boulders or scraping from machinery should be encircled with straw bales. The bales should be positioned vertically around the entire trunk perimeter and tightly bound with twine. Under no circumstances should wire/string encircle the trunk directly against the tree bark. Straw bales will also protect any exposed root collarsa. x *Root collar (root flare or root crown) - A point at tree base where the roots and trunk merge. Page 6 of8 Ms. Stephanie Lord Johnson - Fritzlen, Pierce, Briner Architects 3631383 Beaver Dam Rd Project Februarv 19.2001 Excavation Procedure When removing topsoil, to the extent possible, all excavation adjacent to the root zone should be cut radially away from the trunk. The operator's machine should aiways be facing the trunk when the shovel severs the root. This procedwe minimizes damage to the residual root system. Root pruning: In some cases, particularly those where the excavation cuts must encroach the root zone within the dripline, apre-excavation hand-dug trench can reveal critical artery roots which can be sawn by hand to minimize darnage to the residual root system. Onsite monitoring and root pruning by a consulting arborist is suggested at this point. Stump Removal: The stumps of all removal candidate trees (inclusive of alders and willows) located within or adjacent to the dripline ofa "save tree" should not be excavated. Rather, these stumps should be sawn flush to the ground, leaving the stump's root wad) and adjacent "sqve tree" roots undisturbed. Excess Soil Storage: Excess soil should not be stored (even temporarily) within the dripline of any "save tree". The adverse effects of this excess soil are as follows:r Compaction ineparably damages the critical root zone by inhibiting critical gas exchange and water percolation. . Compaction often kills beneficial soil microbes that are associated with root health. . The cleanup process of removing excess soil by machines often introduces further physical damage to surface roots.. However, if temporary placement of fill soil within the dripline of a tree becomes unavoidable, there are two prudent protective measures. l. Encircle the trunk with vertically place straw bales. 2. Cover the entire area inside the dripline with landscape fabric prior to adding filI dirt. Aeration System: If permanently adding extra soil over the root zone becomes an unavoidable option, an adequate aeration system should first be designed and installed under the guidance of a qualified consulting arborist. Once an aeration system and trunk protection has been installed, the excavator may cornmence with the addition of fill dirt. t Root wad - The mass of soil and large stuctural roots immediately below the trunk. Page 7 of8 Ms. Stephanie Lord Johnson - Fritzlen, Pierce, Briner Architects 363/383 Beaver Dam Rd Project Februarv 19-2001 Soil Retention Any time a proposed excavation cut approaches the dripline and the associated over-cut encroaches the dripline, vertical shoring such as soil nailing should be considered. Water Stress Mitisation A tree on a construction site can become water-stressed from several influences.. Physical root damage or destruction. Increased exposue from tle drying effects of sun upon soil and foliage.r Reduced availability of ground water, due to the wicking effects of an exposed hillside excavation cut.r Soil compaction can adversely affect the availability of rainwater. Supplemental Watering : Supplemental watering of all "save hees" during this construction project should be scheduled. Prior to initial excavation, a supplemental water source should be secured. If hydrant water is not immediately available on the site prior to construction, a water truck should be scheduled. Water Frequency and Volume: A twice per week watering program should then commence. several hundred gallons per tree delivered via sprinkler type or soaker hose system within the drip line is suggested. The water-emitting source should not be located any closer than 5 (five) feet from the tree trunk ofany large.,saveD trees. The target area for the water is just inside the dripline. The roles of a Consulting Arborist are to review proposed impacts to retention trees, provide guidance, and to monitor (dependant upon the project budget) construction impacts. The creation of Tree Preservation Guidelines is an important step in a tree preservation program. However, the people truly hired to,,scye trees,, are the contractors and subcontactors who are onsite every day. In addition to denoting on all future site plans the physical location of the tree protection fence, the bidding prospectus for all subcontractors, particularly excavators, should clearly reference the "off liririts" tree protection zone. This is absolutely essential since the positioning of the fence limits the size of machinery allowable, the access for backfilling, scaffolding size, and general working space between the house and the tree dripline. Contractors must understand that the tree protection fence must remain unaltered throughout the construction process. Suggested contract language is included in the attachment: "Subcontractor Bidding Specifications,'. Page 8 of8 Ms. Stephanie Lord Johnson - Fritzlen, Pierce, Briner Architects 363/383 Beaver Dam Rd Project February 19.2001 CONCLUSION The greatest threat to tree health and srrrvival are impacts to the shallow root system. The detailed tree preservation guidelines in this report provide recommendations for the mitigation of impacts to this shallow root system. For ease of reference, included as attachments are: Three attachments for Tree Inventory, a Plan of Action, Subcontractor Bidding Specifications, Landscape plan/planting practices Review, Assumptions and Limiting Conditions. Ifyou have any questions, please give me a call. Sincerely, Mark Stelle, Certified Arborist Attachments: A) Tree Inventory - Inside Footprint B) Tree Inventory - Adjacent to Footprint/hardscape C) Tree lnventory - Property perimeter D) Plan of Aotion E) Subcontractor Bidding Specifications F) Landscape Plan/Planting Practices Review G) Assumptions and Limiting Conditions x --' d5E 'lEhed O a- c^ a3 .3'H E fr g:* Fngis rE issEs $tr ! o.tr tr oE iEEF* F: ?:E"tt Ei gqg3s b6 EiH*b. o^lE eEE:B e-9. -EEE6 b0€ E;5{E 8.: ;f s=E 6g #sEur b'E sEf:F €H- SIEE-s' Is eEbgi f'=_ b g; E; .eI r.Es€5 !-s bo€.="9 I.;-i(|olrli!.X. s*ESE g E.9 €F-q=; .9:H ;EgE3 A3"€ _E'E€gc EE.= >E € Pr 'd E n ESE'E Y boc I .;E tt, 6 cTE EgEES Ei= Eiei: E Ec Eg,88€ EY, ,a SC--'sits 6afr i€hEt €-89 E;r€E IEg E.9o<: i t;g *EBgFE €S; S&"TESE E.c€ i:4=4'3o, Xq$ hE88Ee E#: bS,Ebit ES€ BcSHFE E +$ *crrB€ ; Fz F tr z p U) \-/ A ol7l al trl<IOI rl(Al tll I FI I () (J o{) v) .iP {) .la.t() o() o\ F o a ; z oh{ <) o o C' () F< o () C)l-r \o o ()I oo c) O J H o ov) C) h o tI r'i o 4 o o {.) 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C) U) tot-o l€t=tot-q|.tl>l lalol() (l| rrlr-lolBl Iol I h0 :l =ol o :_'exl r, €l 5:ledl.5 blo5c0 i5l _l eElg;t.- oltrol B^"1 --t>, xl _o c:l U) AJ I tat3 lN t> t3l<t l!) l(!lot>to I tg Il>l l5'rt|l€ El lo -l ;ol5Xlo.=lr. ol EEl x e{lx:+tlIrlool h.!lg€l ir €l.t ol:l EloEl 661 EEI - .:lb';lo ot I lbi t(l't(a t9 lo IEt? t(glaI a(t l-lI thl c)lcrl ol (dl EI (!lol (€l>l9l olhlol3l(tIal '.! ol00!lEIdt ol l-l -21 ol irlAI\JI lo I c.llbot(! lo lo ll- Itt to lL t'cla.toto ta ttn 1 to Ito I td I!tdlol fitl -a' IUIot?)l olol al hI t-t Iol>l .I JI ()J rj et ^ (^l atl loi l(g lv>tE) | (-)t* t;tat9 lo() x(glolol lrl (.) |ot -l ol ()I C)l -l .-t ol X c)l (qlol >,1>l c)l j I br) lct l9) lq)IJt() lr- l+r c) a6 o |'Ep9 }FFU >rr ?tr t00a,)L 8bEE ?,=r: )r ^(!;'.) lU 2E x(l)i 6Xiaxaxl c) *€o o.otr9(l,0) o9 5o d9pa.=trC ur c)--(|) € .e' =!),.! 5ar*trt/ 9qt*_g dtsru.oo_:, 0)a;aoooJ l€ t."lo l(D cs tch lo ! lg) o l.a Et-E L-, () s., o.=po.tr6-l -= (nl?91 t;l c) ol EBI,{) o I = ol X o0lo.=lc tt4 ^qlcEl d) .Pl|. ol (|) rrl6,) olF bol q-{ dl--l c!) *E i,E E>i:d.)t-C)>z z z z z z ti Gt z c-'l c'l F- (.) 9 ,-.E*,:7(nFtl-< \-/ z $se{','loo c) a oo oo- q) C) obI Fl C) 0) c) bI) F.l o o c) o o (|.: !., 6 o rt It $ C.l c{c.l:+t t--c.lIt ooc.l+b o\ 9o\c{ F .r):+l :ii +t 5 c.t..|l$ $c g '= t/ YA .. !-a> '7.= i,ik Fr{fr/.\er\aR all'X- Z LE.9 A r,lA-Fr- l!Je3 Fld eol &S!.i F !-(J- r. >\,IE i,trqd\J9.X5 : -B d) =-G-ooo >7r- c.lE cn lrlX\OXci aHCi| !-l.E C)Xal=.\it !- v), d\ Ms. Stephanie Lord Johnson - Fritzlen, Pierce, Briner Architects 363/383 Beaver Dam Rd Project Februarv 19.2001 ATTACHMENT "D'' PLAN OF ACTION l. Amend the site plan to accurately reflect, the position of the tree preservation fence. --Architect2. Incorporate "Subcontractor Bidding Specifications" in all contracts. --Architect and Project manager 3. Once the Project Manager and Site Superintendent are chosen, a site meeting should be scheduled with the Consulting Arborist to review this report. --Project Manager 4. Verify the routing of all proposed trenches, This includes but is not limited to utility line trenches, heating system trenches, irrigation line tenches, and any other trenches extending deeper than four inches. The Consulting Arborist, well ahead of any digging, should review any trenching plans that would cause an encroachment upon the dripline of a "save" tree. ---Project Manager 5. Mulch the critical root zone of all "save" trees before initial excavation. --Project Manager 6. Fencing (completely encircling) of all save" trees should be completed before initial topsoil excavation. --Proj ect Manager 7. Provide Consulting Arborist witl proposed date for topsoil removal adjacent to the driplines of all "save trees". Give advance notice so that onsite monitoring of excavation and root pruning is scheduled. --Project Manager 8. Arrange for access to an adequate supplemental water source. Have Consulting Arborist monitor the need for supplemental water and review methods of water delivery. --Proj ect Manager 9. The Consulting Arborist should be scheduled for the day of backfilling the foundation wall adjacent to "save trees". ---Project Manager 10. Prior to the onset oflandscape construction, the Consulting Arborist should be provided with and review the final landscape plan, specifically the planting specifications, and all proposed encroachments upon native "save trees". --Architect I l. The Consulting Arborist should be notified to be present on the day that irrigation trenching is commenced. --Project Manager/I-andscape Contractor 12. Following the completion of landscape construction, the Consulting Arborist should be contacted to inspect the landscaping project for adherence to approved planting practices and adequacy ofirrigation delivery. --Project Manager. Ms. Stephanie Lord Johnson - Fritden, Pierce, Briner Architects 3631383 Beaver Dam Rd Project February 19,2001 ATTACHMENT '6E'' R BIDDING oNs 363/383 Beaver Dam Rd., Vail I hereby recognize and acknowledge that Tree Preservation on this project is a priority. I acknowledge that the entire soil area under the branches of this tree is sacred. The top few inches ofsoil conlain the majority ofthe tree's feeder roots that are crucial to survival. A fence will be erected to protect the entire soil area from the trunk to the outermost branch tips. Under no circumstances should this fence be altered or removed throughout the construction or landscape construction project without prior approval of the Consulting Arborist (Tree Spgcialist). I acknowledge that excavating, trenching, backfilling, machinery taffrc, building material storage and dumping of construction related liquids within the fenced area is strictly prohibited. Tree trunks shall remain free of nails and/or strangling wrre. . I agree to notifr all of my employees of these Tree Preservation requirements. Signed: Date O Copyight Precision Trcc Wo*s, lnc., Yr 2000 Ms. Stephanie Lord Johnson - Fritzien, Pierce, Briner Architects 363/383 Beaver Dam Rd Project Februarv 19.2001 ATTACHMENT "F" APE PLAN/PL PRAC Irrigation Trench Layout and Installation Trenching, even EIs shallow as 6" can cause significant damage to neighboring frees. r A plan depicting the layout oftrenches adjacent to the dripline of"save trees" shouid be review by a Consulting Arborist before trenching is started. . A Consulting Arborist should also be scheduled for monitoring of trenching. Irrigation Head/Emitter Layout Many landscape contractors have misunderstandings about the airlmoisture requirements of trees. The volume, frequency, and head placement are all critical components of an irrigation system for new landscape trees. A Consulting Arborist should review all of these components, particularly the head/emitter placement. Planting Specifications Approved planting procedures optimize transplant establishment. Have a Consulting Arborist review the adequacy ofplanting specifications before tree installation . Post-planting Inspection Close adherence to approved planting practices will shorten tlle transplant shock period, improve survival, and assure a healthier start for transpiant trees. An inspection by a Consulting Arborist can address the following: . Presence of insects or diseaseo Relationship ofroot flare height to that offinal grade o Root ball preparation and relationship to adjacent soil . Guying/strappingadequacy. Tree/grass conflicts and mulching adequacy Soil Structure and Fertility The heavy clay soil type prevalent in this region can cause many long-term problems with transplant tree establishment. A Consulting Arborist can review the adequacy of imported topsoil and suggest alternate methods of soil preparation. Protecting the Landscape Investment While the Landscape Architect and Landscape Contractor provide the artistic design, and plant material, the Consulting Arborist provides a background in tree biology and the technical expertise necessary to manage the living investment for its full potential. To schedule Mark Stelle, Certified Arborist, call 9'10-926-3594 Ms. Stephanie Lord Johnson - Fritzlen, Pierce, Briner Architects 363/383 Beaver Dam Rd Project February 19,2001 ATTACHMENT "(r The roles of a Consulting Arborist are to review proposed impacts to retention trees, provide guidance, and to monitor (dependant upon,the project budget) construction impacts. The people truly hired to"seve trees" are the contactors and subcontractors who are onsite every day. All inspections were limited to visual examination of accessible parts, without dissection" excavation, probing, boring or other invasive procedures, unless otherwise noted in the report. Neither tree heights nor hee age measurements were considered relevant to the assignment and were not calculated. There is no waranty or guarantee, expressed or implied, that furlher problems or deficiencies of residual trees may not arise in the future. February 20,2OO1 BiflCibson TOV Community Development 75 S Frontage Road Vail, CO 81658 RE: Beaver Dam Residences FRITZTEN PIERCE ARCH ITECTS Dear Eill: The documenb dated 02-1 9-01 reflect the isues outlined in your letter dated Feb 15, 2001 and our ;|ffil"-a:|,"b 16, 200'l' There are stillseveral iterhs that are still under discusion or pending more 1. Lot 3 Driraeway (west) a. Sib Disbnce i]il,f,fl"t I will be meeting the week of February 26, 2cri1ro review sire distance and possibte b. Fire Department access I met with Mike Mccee and will be tryitg to improve the street access. This may require workingwith the neighboring Property owner whth will extend our time rrar". rn" site distance isuemay also impact acces. 2. Revocable permit on public Right of Way (Lot 2 and 3) I will get this to you next weeli 3. Fire Sprinkler Sptem ([ot 2 and 3) PYtl"s Ty meeting with McGee it was confirmed that Lot 2 (East Residence) will be sprinkled.Lot 3 will not need to be sprinkted if we can get the acces addressed. r wif Ue ,""r.ki;;;;;;;"r,next week. 4. Landscape plan I will submit the revised Landscape pran per our discussion ne)c week 5. Tree Report The report is complete and I will submit it next week 6. Pool Maintenance Agreement The agreement has been generated and t will submit it nelc week. \\sEK'vERWAINSHARE\Oo{8 - BEryERDA ,rREsrDENcnpRoJEcrcoRREspoNDENcE\Tc^ABcr-TRo22o.Doc PAGE I of 2 phnning.Architectureolnteriors 1650 East Vaif Vaffey Drire Fallridge C-t . Vail, COot65z r va architecrs.co m . tax (g7),t 476-490.t . Om) 476$g42 FRITZLEN PIERCE ---: i 1. a. b. c. d. 7. SidewalldBridge Details I will submit those next week also A couple of lsues on the site plan dated 02-19-01 Stephanie Lord-Johnson Architect Lot 3 waffsover 4' -theywillbeengineered ARC H ITECTS limit of disturbance - | have shlown this to the best of my ability. I imagine it will be updated as the staging plan and tree preservation report are integrated. sidewaTk iiitars in easement - | have movid the pillars as far out of the easement as posible. One corner still sticks into the easement otherwise the grading Sets to steep. ehu storage - I did not show the EHU storage because we have the garage space for storage' Lot 2 a. snow storage - | forgot to hatch the (2) areas to either side of the driveway - | will update accordingly Please call with any questions. As I mentioned on the phone, Lynn Melissa and l, are out the remainder of Sris week (21-23). They will be in Monday the 26h or I will be in on Wednesday the 28q. Thanla again for your help. Sincerely, ....6U28/2A2L L8:A2 974476494I FPS PAGE tsL 4- To: 0:r-2e01 BillGibson 479-24 2 Beaver Dem Residences Stephanie lord.Johnson FAX COVER SHETT llate: Re: Sender: Bill- Aftadted is the Tree Preservation Repon. Folloring ate some commenE rc6pdir6 the findings in the rePort: 1 . Attachment A - Trees inside building fooprint 4- The S tlees that are easily atocated will be reptarmC on-site. l-ocation to be deErmind The 3 nrees that reguirc alternate methods will be araluaEd with the orrner regarding relocating 2. Anachment B - Trees immediately oubide propooed building We will revier,v each tree and discuss the best murse of action with the owner, aontractor, structural engineer and arborist to determine the next course of action' 3. Attachment C - Tree$ at Perimeter of property Again, the project team will reviar thl comments and determine 0re next course of action. We will be scheduling a rneeting widr the archimct, confactor, and arborist to reviot the report findinp and how to i-ncorponte recommendations. This is 6Oing to be an.on-gping proc€s At _th* arboril, involremenl I do not imagine *e will hare all deciions finalized by Mardt 7 (Final DRB). Please let me know hor you nould like 0ris addressed. Thanlal ARCH ITECTS 4_ o Architecfure . lnterioB . V.lL co 81657 l wihrchect'com . f.x (920)'176^a901 e (tt[) aTCsiLz FRITZLEN PIERCE call(970) 476-6342 EICICUMENTl Phnning 1550 E r Y.il v.ll€ry odve F.lldd8p C-r REC'DMAR-12001 621281262L L8:.A2 974478499I Page 2 oft Ms. Stcphruie Lord Johnson - Fritzlen, Picrcc Brincr Arshitects 363/383 Beaver Daur Rd Project Fcbruary 19,2001 pEFTNITION OF ASSI,G. ]TMENT. Evaluatc the proposed site plan and identify nn agenda for Ore architcct to ssve thp rnost trees on this sitc as possiblc.. Perform a Tree lnventory for all sipificmt cdsting uecr: Crcate a oumber dcsignation" measure tnrnk diasretcr, driplinc radius', and assess condition' r Provide Tree Retention Guidelines, idcntify troe rclocation oaudidatcs' and rpcommend tree cul/Fmoval candidates. 4- ,r Outline a Plan-of-Actiss fo1'nnnngcmcnt of thc existin! trecs. o Outline a program for Monitodng ad hot€ct the New Landscapc Invcstm€nl BACKCROI.JND The objcctive of this pmpcrty owner is rtportodly to savc 8s many hEes as Possiblc througborrt the corstruction projccl This ir rmd$standsble, since tbe majority of tbc trces on these two lots exceed 25 fcct in hcight, with a collcctivc valuation cxccediug scvcral hmdred thousand dollan. My involvement in this plojcc't bcgan "aficr" boih ncw house fooqrints bad beerr drarvu on the site plao. All conprchensivc lcc prtservation proFrams b€gin dtuing tbc srweying segment ofthc planning process, due to Ore fiitical nafiue ofu,ee trut diEfiretcrs and dripline radtuses. Beforc any proposed impacts to rees could be asscssed a tree inventory had to be conducted. Trcc invcntory information was fsxcd to Fritzleo, Picrcc, Brinet Arrhitects on Fcbruary 15, 2001. This r€port is to be uscd fur conjunction withthc ameod€d sitc plan depicting nunba dosignations for all trccs. TREEINYENTORY A total of 68 significanl fecs werc givcn number dc*gnatione. Iucludc in Attaohmcnts'A", "8", and't" ar€ dstails on the urejority of thcsc 6E trces. Anachmenl'jA-l A total of 13 significant Uees ale locatcd inskle the proposed building footprint. An alternative to cut/removal is !o r€locate some or all of thcsc tlecs, I Driplir* t"di* - Thc dimcc fron thc trunt ccntcr b a pofirt or rlrc gmrrnd aotnoAi*cty bclor fu outcmroct folirgc or l.rs l k'[cb tip- PAGE 62 x I 4* O2l28l2A2L LBiAZ 97447649OL FPS PAGE A3 Page 3 of8 Ms. Stephanie Inrd Johnson - Friulcn, Picrcc, Brincr Architccts 36ll38t Bcaver Dam Rd biect Fcbnuryl9,200l -' .. Optious for rclocarcd trees inslude: l) Moving tees io a t€mportry holding site rrntil the project cornplction' at whichtirre thefieesworld be sgainbc bansplanted to thcir final laation 2) Pemancntly eanspl8nt tces to rn effcctive location * the P€rimcflr of propcrty urbcrc thoy will not bc fiuthcr distrubcd by the corrstnrction proj€ct In eithcr casc, tbs Arshitsst/Landscspc Architcct mly wish to proposc thc fiual planting site. The Consulting Artorist should thcn r€view thc ptopo$ed planting locatioirs to vcri$ the abscnce ofconllicts with building$ hardscapes, and pre- cxisting trccs. Once epproved by all pqrtics, thp Consulting Arborist should monitor the tec tansphnting proccss. Attachsrcnt'?" Thcrc arc l6 ftcs locatcd immcdiatcly outsi& proposed building/hatdscspc fooSrints. A gcocral guidclirc for construstion activity ttcxt to trccs is !o avoid critical rrot zone disturbance. Tbc critical root zonc is tbc arcs of soil within tht driplinc radius of thc tcc. 4- - .. The l-13-01 Site Plsn not only locates formdatioru well within thc driplinc of sevcral very targe tcec, but wen fir0re,r disturbaaco is also appsr€dt oncc ovcf,- cutd dictatcd by the excavation proc€ss ar€ calculatcd. Attachm€ff "8" discusscr thc need for additional information concemitg ovef,- cuts. Perhaps tlrc most significant calculation concaning hee preservation on a constnrstion sitc is frdoring the necessary over-cut and ovcr-fill rcquired to safcly crcatc a foundation wall or a fill rctsbiqg wall. For cxamplc (in the interest ofhec prescrvation), thc best rvay to dctErmhc an acccptablc location ofa foudalion wall is ro add thc dripline radius to thc calculated over-cut/over-fill to dctcrmine an acccptable location of tbe foundation wall. Givcn fbc proporcd f-l&01 Sitc Plrn, nery of ttoc hler ilill bc rwcrcly drmrgcd, if nor Hllcd. Engineered design altcrastives that minimizc root loss within thc &iplinc includc cantilwcring, cemcnt block walts, and soil nailhg. A$achment'C" Thcre are 21 perimctcr becs addrcssed in this section. The majority of trccs locEfcd at thc nrcstcnl edgc of the Fop€rty havc qrffcrcd sxtcnsiye prior coffitsuction damagc to thc tnmk and root systcdFfracammend corc saurpling mtly of thesc tsees to asscss bcalth and strnctural inrcgnty- 2 Ottr-cut - Tl|r et of dlgging bcyood rbc ruin tarcb or holc in onta to provide e rafe rngle of rcpor c m povidc adcqulc uro*irrS sprce. a2/2A/2A2L. LSt62 97647649OL FPS Page 4 oft Ms. Stephanir: Isd Jolrnson - Friulst, Pierce, Brircr Architects \ 363/383 BcaverDau Rdkoject ,rX February 19,2001 TRFE PRESERV. ATrON gTJDFLTNES Reoucsted Sirc Plan Amcndmcnte This report will later rccommcod thar rce p,otcction fcnce cncirsle cvcq, tlce on thc property at thc driplirc. To uudcrgcors thc importancc of tce prescrrration on this projcct, all finrc sitc plans rhould accuraefu rcflcct the location of thc driplinc fenccs, Ttc followiry dcnotationr arc snrl[egcd:o Crcale a circulu dotted line, drawn to scale, rcprcseoting thc rcquircd ftncc location arrorurd cach tec.. Fill in crch cirslc with sloss hatches.r Labcl:'Trec ProtcctionZnnc, Ofi-Umits to all People, Materials and Equipmcnt". Thesc denotations will hclp to rcinforcc thc raessagc to all subcontractors rh{ trcc preservetion is a priority on this prqioct. Root ZgEe Pmtection Frotection of tbe critical rcot zonc is cssential to insw€ lory-t€rm h€alth atrd survival of thc trcc. Iloil compaction can be jrut as daqrsging as root cutting and root rcmoval. To protoc't thc critical rcot zonc frorn occsvation and compactio4 a fence should be crestod beforc the onset of any opsoil removal tom the site. The will providc a much ncodcd physical barriorthroughout the commlction ard landccapc construction Foccrr. This physical barrier protects agains advcrsc impacis such !s cf,cdfation, tcnching, n*hinery taffic, End oncNDpts to temporrily storc buitding matcrialr, Fcnciag: hioro any machineryactivity oo lhe sil€, #save trecs'should bc completely cncirclcd wittr a uresb fencc. This fcr$e irhould be aminimum of 5' tsll aod installcd with'T"'posts on 4' ccntsrs. This feircc drould rcrnNin, undismfucd throughout gcncral oonstrrction and initial landscape constuction. Iftrcc protcction fonoes arc rsmovEd too earty in the landscapc construstion phasc, "savc tccs" bccomc susceptibtc to thc following types of damagc:o Buttess rootsr arc susceptiblc lo daurage firom landscaping maclrinery,r Thc "savr hw" oan $tst8in long,tcrm damagc from the planting of nenr trres, shrubs and flowcrs within thc dripline.r Ingtalliru a sballow inig*ion ncnph within rhe driplinc of the *stvc bee cau dcstsoy as much as 80% of its feeder root systcm. rBrttrcas root - A largp woody root loslrcd at ttrc brsc of thc rur*; usurlly srocirrcd witb exrggestcd tirtlt, PAGE A4 4-' O2l2Bl2a2L t8:92 974476498L Pagc5ofE 4--.. Ms. Stephsnic Lord Jotrnson'Fdtzlco, Pie,rce, Brirrct Architccts 363R83 Bcever Dam Rd Project Fcbruary 19,2001 Thcreforc, durfurg landssapc sonstuctiol, f:ncor should rcurin htrca urdl tbc consubing uborb, hrt rcrdc'wcd hndccepe dcrign luprctr. Fencing Altcrnative: Should tha farcc rcquire tcrnporary disasscrnbly druing the constnrction project for vchiclc access, thc cottsulting aftorist should first bc contactcd to monitorthc implcarcotation of altcmative runk and root zonc prctoc-tior The trur* can thcn bc proaotcd as spocified intbc "Truol ltotcation" scgmcnt of this rrport. Damagc to tbc criticrl root mrc can thcn bc mitigatcd by thc application of a landscapc frb,ric covcred by e minimum of a lGinch thick laycr of wood chips or a l0-inch lalu of % fuich roclc This mahod of mitiggting soit ls a suggestod option forwest clump that alrrady has a driveway extcnding to thc trunks of scvcral trecs. Mulching: "fure trees" should bc mulc,hed before initial sitc cxcavation. The mulch layer should bc 4" to 6" lhick and covcr thc cnrirc critical root mnc (fi,om thc trunk to thc driptine). Tbe rnaterial can be wood chips, bart, or stsaw. Benefits re as follorra:o Help !o roduce enaporciort of groud moisture.r Rcducc qoding cffccts of supplcnrcntal water.r Modcrato soil tenrperature.. Hclp mitigatc soil compacrion.. Rccyclc tracc omounts of benefisial nutients. Constuction Matcrial Stmagc arrd Drmping: The critical root zone nccds !o bc void of any stored rratcriah. In addition, storagc (even tcmporary) of any fuoUoil contsitras, or other chemical contarnioants within 20 fect of the dripliac of any srgnificEnt "savc hcc" should be strictly prohibited. Oncc spillad liquids contamhate ths root zonc, remedial lcaching procedurcs become €cdrcnrely expcnsive and cbcmical uptake by thc root systun often results in sigpificurt tec declinc. Tnmk Protcctio,n 4- ' .. All tree tru*s tbst ar€ zubject to runaway boulders or sc,reping ftom machiaery should bc eircircled with straw balcs. Thc bales Sould bc positiorcd vertically around the cntire trrurk pcrimcter and tightly bowd with twine. Undcr no sircumstances should wirc/string encircle the trunk dircctly ageiml lhg t€e bsrk Strlw bales will also protcct any exposod rmt collars.. PAGE 05 x 'Root ooller (root flarc or root oown) - A poinr d tcc brec whcre thc roots and Ounl mergc. a2/28/242L !8162 974476494L FP5 Page 6 ofB Ms- Stephanie lord Johnson - Fritzlcn, Pierce, Brincr Arshitccts \ 363683 Bcavcr Dam Rd Prcject r)1 Fcbnraryl9,200l Excavation Proccdure Whcn rc,rnoving topsoil, to tbo extcnt possible, gll ccrcavation adjaoent to thc root zone should be cut radially array fiom the ururkJlc'operator's machire should atways be faoing thc tuttk when thc shovel scvers the root. This procedurc minimizes danagc to thc rcsidud root $yst€m. Rootpruning: In somc cqlcs, particularly thosc whcrc thc cxcsvauon cuts must crrcroach thc rpat zone witbin thc &iplinc, a pre-cxcavation handdug trerrch can revcal critical atery roots which can be sawn by hard to mirumize daurage to the residual root s)6teur. Onsite moniloring and root pruning by a conmlting arborist is suggestcd at this point. Stump Removal: The stumps of all rsrroval candida,te uecs (inclusivc of aldcrs and willows) locatcd within or adjaccnt to the driplinc of a "save trree' should not bc cxcavatcd. Ralhcr, thcsc stumps should be sawn fluth to the groun{ leavmg the stump's root wadr and adjacent'scve lrse" roots undistubed. Excess Soil Storage: Excess soil should not bc storcd (cvtn tcrnporarily) within thc driplittc of any *save t!€". The atrverse effccts ofthis excess soil sre ss follows:r Compaction irreparably d"mages thcci$cal root zooe by inhibiting critical gas exchange ad urater pcrcolation.". Compaction often kills bcncficial soil microbcs tlrst arc associdcd with root hslth.r Thc clcanup proccss of rernoving crccss soil by machincs often intr,oduces finthcr physical dauragc to surfacc roots.. Howwer, if tenrporary placement of fill soil within the driplinc of a bec becomes unavoidablc, thcre ate two prud€nt proteotrvc mcBsutco.l. Encircle the trudc witb vcrdeally place straw bales. 2. Cover thc cntire area inside the dripline with landscape fabric prior to adding frll dirt. Aeration Systcm: ffpermmcntly adding cxta soil ovcr thc root zone becomes m unavoidable opion, an adequale acratim system should first bc dcsigncd ard installod wrder the guidsnco of a qualificd corcrrling arborist. Once an acratiou rystem and trunk potcction has been fursttllc4 thc excavator may co|Itmcnse withthc additionof fiU dift. PAGE g6 t Root rrad - '[rc mrss of roil and lrrge rtucNral roots irediaply-hlow rhe tunk. OU2A|262L LfJ:A2 974478496L FPS Page 7 of8 Ms. Stophanic lord Johnson - FriElco, Picrcc, Briner Architccts 36313t3 Bcavcr Dam Rd hojcct February 19,2001 PAGE g7 Soil Ren@don Any time a propooed cxcavation crn approaches thc dripline and tlrc associstod ov€r-cut cncrcachcs thc dripline, wrtical shoring suc,h as soil nailing strould be considcrcd. Water Sbess Mitigation A tlee on a sonstsuction sitc csn bccomc wuier-sfucsscd from scvcral influcnces.r Physical root damagc or dcstructionr lncreascd €xpostuc from the drying cffects ofsun upon soil and foliage-r Rcdnccd availability of ground warcr, duc to the wicking cftcts of an cxposcd hillsido cncsyation cut. 4- -. Soil can adversely alfoct thc avaitability of rainwater. S npplcmcntal lVateri rrg : Snpplancntal watering of all "save hees" ftning this constnrction pmjcct should bc scbEdulod. Prior to initial ecrcavatiorl a sr.Fplcmcntal qrEtcr sourcc should be secut€d. lf hydrurt rvater is not immcdiately availablc on thc site prior to consfucdoD, a war€r huck should be schcduled. Watcr Freque,ncy and Volume: A twicc pcr *cek $'stsring program drould then commeuce. Swersl hundrsd gallons per trec delivcred via sprinkler tlpc or soaker hosc systcm within tbe drip linc is suggestcd. Tbcwetcncuitting rource rhould rot be tocrtcd rny clorcr then 5 (fwo) frct fron the trec tnrnk of rny lrrac .revC trcu. Thc trrgpt area forthc watcr isjust insidc the dripline. suBcoN[RAcToR BIDDFTG SpECmcATroNS The roles of a Consultirtg Arborist ars to rcvicw proposcd impacts to rctcntion tttcc$r provide guidmce, and to monitor (dependant upon tbe project budgct) coDrilruction impacs. The creation of rree hesen arion ouidelines is an imporiant step in a Fec presenation prograur. Horrwcr, thc pcoplc truly hirgf to ,,save trees- trelhe contrBctors and subcontactorc who are onsite every B. ' .. In addition to denoting on all future sits pl8trs the physical location of thc lce protcction fencc, thc biddirrg prospcctus for all subcontractors, puticularly cxcavatorr, should clearly rcfcrenco the "off limits' uec protcction zonc. This is absolutely essential siqc€ tte porltioning of thc fcnec limits the rlze of mrchlncry ellovrblg thc rcccn for brckfilling rceffoHing rizc, end gcncrrl rorting lprs! betwecn thc houre eud thc tree driplina Contractors must urdercland rhtt the trec protection fcncc mrrst rcrnain unaltergd throughout the constuation process. suggcsted contact language is includod in the anachrncnt: *Subcontnctor Btdding Specifications',. g2l28l2g2| 18:42 979476496L PAGE g8 Pagc 8 of8 Ms. Stcphanic Lorrd Jolrnson - Fritden, Picrcg Briner Archit€cts 363R83 BcavcrDasn Rd Projcot February 19,2001 ,. _ CONCLUSION Thc grcatcst tbrcat to tree health ad survival arc impasts to thc shaUow rcot systm. The dctailed trce pruscrvation guidclines in this raport provide rccommcndations for . thc mitigatien sf imfracts to this shallow root system. For easc of referencc, includsd as attachmcnts are: Thrce qttacbmcnts for Tree lflvcntory, a Plan of Action, Subconhaplor Bidditg Spccifications, Landscapc Plan/Ptanting hactices Reviar,, Assumptions md Umiting Couditions. Ifyou havc any questions, plcasc give me a call. Sincerely, Mark Stelle, Certificd Arborist Attachncms: A) Trce Inventory - Inridc Footpiut B) Trec Inventory - Adjaccnt to FootprinilnrdsqRc C) Tree Invcniory - Propcrty p€dmeter D) Plan ofAction E) Subconrrcor Bidding Spccifications D LsndscAe Plao/Planting Practiccs Review O) Assurptions and Limitiug Conditions 4-.- h 6.iE c? e'E EFilg€EB € affIe Eg EgEii tsE e$EgE 33 +iEur 'i F i*Fig E $ lE?EE # 'l , :gE,EE EgS €Fs=R ig sEg[; .EE: aEE.FU A€t sEeAg g I!EEigi,g fgFgEEiiE t- ac. E(,z Fl la A|a(rtIog gla vtz oUIt- g ut 3I1EI*F 6Eo Fu.l eDo 6 a'6 &a, g aa Elo E E Ci .g aI{l Es Ett Io6 aco .e!o FAg v1 o FI coc;o&v, o7 &a E l, E -u€q F Eo E E $g A.E t. di!t Egl E 3o\C' o EI E E { eF a l-e-o B e .E > d fi ql .t ! Eo & 8 3 E E 0 E eo !atr !l sfIt E .9 a) E Pou .9 & 3o ;co E 8xtrl o€t9l s .E Io\o o E) t :E .lc CI Edi nt .E€,; .lo Etr oE'at:t nxJ dItt6 -tIoC'\ o E/ E .-E E .t g sEId 0c .P aaoDCAo E f,eo\ Eo .!ittg F$s a o I .) z a,s g oz oz o7, I 6 a 8 3.+€A& FI o *o\\o o\ cn Ea I 6 vt {GI N \o o'\tnt\ (D E.vt co Eac, cleo a,() eCI at .)a E rE atc'6 E)o rtr o -g|r E)o .Ea at Eg€6 E eo!a B E Ea h o3 E I B atto I eI .Etr E ? ^tta al(, e B(, =E oo ? ET a g E o atl.D 3m lt OI:l!:t!:t ({ :lt G :|l a{(!I :lG Fs €tt{& ctr iil a :* CNtal:t \G|Tt \o\t)lt E! =&€PE> .= |r1&u triF a.9 A. rYtiEE E6 col &!Eor F ;3s I!n* 2sE frl QH i+irJ*E?$F2t 4Aigr rzgzl\zlzsTSENgL'AL6sdl50 39Vd v,€€ru E' oo,. .E qt!)ot E tr -:0gs ELO 3d'aE|,Ec:= !!k5e €F3E 6t.:()0(lzg:E? PE-'d!!all :6E e.. -t!.EeBE =olFSESsaP+6a 9'5 -t i*a>.d.EEEI ?EE €f*s iiEaF o iig g?F € 5e gBg I€ E€ IEEg lgis lE 3s IEEg liEs IFi$ J il EI Ef, HEI HEI 3[l EilIt ol =t nEl iEflIEJ rloct6aIFT 16il>i IHg t8E IEE lpEIE IEI€t:l.il9 6 a b-t Eo CJ 6 L 'vt >'c,I € o! .5a €(txtg € "8 Ea)6 C:o Ee .g Ei httl. E !otr q! 3xt) B;8.95f E€AF EE lE3 Ir .E IEs D Io{€ EI(,} .E .E g 3 6 g' l) E E Eo o a &a e€# 5oG A7 e B .E to oE o.t{ Ef 8€ :..9gi ET 8AEit Err EE €* :sEaAa D EoI" =.$rlorl|,.= ""Ta- o9-.t .='iE qA?> E€E 'ttc.ECi- ,E*'ag u)a B .fi" Eglf "r.I E! =E't8 oQ6-lEiEoE5 3-glE rl lFg .2€tcg o Ec,!:€it3 HEaa a!t FA ,eEgi >a,BE>o ':..9 '=o968 € E 'g aI d 'oI €{ .E I E.€I ec oI& E 'an!3ov) -1I!t() o e o 8t)z €IoEo -b E=at b-t HEAE li$E!t9!6EiE|64, Tg5$5E 6e:s EE CE .EEgb E€ct !tEC SE'6J 5g g HE $iEodE6 iE 6'E IE Eg sE E-e sb e€o!ltrG $.8 si a) E 3u =&B:'!ri :-8HT 5.EOru>.8 EEra!BA EEEo EF8cIEE 9E I 3 6!a oalt 3o T E E E {, F. Ffs {z {z z Ia o o7 aI(rl{, r3 Eo 2 27 o B o7 2E Eo 6z oz II o o7 23 Eg 67 *to1' 2E E E E 7 gE€g $Ei.t b\o *-BtEI J' o !+ Etl.E€El€ o b c3.9t Ea€I b. C!.9 EEa€g c.9 6.o Ea€ o \o EIo 6tt E€ o il E0 .t g ,gI € ti0 { 5€ jj o\ ocl artio d I \o {'c\ 3a E! I .-.: c ,Eg Ea€I go 5ctt ,g o \o EJ'Et 'it 19d'0 ., t5Ago- io !a,t-t0o b 0a.s-6dJ t--c{t? F e \4,o O it c{ol n & Ee so ?{E aE 3|)r4E 9_0F, 6 no\Ira!t Io af{d tt(\cl f\l t F a€rt|,atE lo,r! u 'a6tGln:tr l,a!(\r€rat o\('EoFr't|3-C-llhi5 BI(h r!, EaIAo2tq Et o.ltte to E at F J6 E B g 6 8A out .g6 I Ev, c la o(, E.at,ea 8 eCLvt !)a E I ELta oto I F. 3o I2 hvlt =a a)o ea <n -3o ol.ta h. o2o 8e o. 3o 8a .La2o3o oo B9,rlEo it :tt *tit \o:lt Frll :lt €N:t a.tit!(!.ll {:& cl .lD ! F'v)lt}\C)itt F*O\Er* EEfrE2.E l!ra5s3 z.Ed :iP,E Ercl r ?gs i 5*" Eq3 Hl)l{.E C)Bfii? E zg|Bt rzazlBzlzara6n9LvgL6sdlst +f,vd r /nl o4O. lr.odgrtssl &lrtA & q)z Tdt- g .A 3{* to Et!t ci 6 a r"(A -t!)0.E6 c!.o Ci6(, fiatt E b 3 a)€ .E00,3E 69 ERtir Eg EY =EIds irEat;E€.tt.=- FEqrguta $ol5 , g octt Fo Btr E =t-€E EEElga8x0r. a)ii€€F =.rr:a |\lx:ltgb g.t r€ s€ €g EE 3E iE d.6 A 5lII E c .fl l,l Tc .| Et'ot E a>oe Pt 3t'i E ti-cg Eo E EtaciI !to D to! .1, 6 E E E o'E" E, u E t_C\.! Ec (, C!5 * b .l o.b.!E $g =lt d-E clF E Ec $ E 4' cE54)s Hc - s E EI e ttg E'ctqs 5 b E i EG A F $ It) E cl E # E }\6I.tt ErEg EE.=u ':EB5';|el: !i€ .Etg.t E€ $T3l AE !j E € EFa.) Ffi o95; Tp-'E cLP6EEg;E€a Eg .EsA q, -9 EEEt E.Elre dLJ a ife €Eata:a fiEg3 r.r 9 =3rgU<q E$54r Tg EE E.s Eg 5.H 3g'f,c E€gE H5Ebtsgat at F$r z oz 0z oz oz 0z .) n .E€Fr|A* z GI FI o F. c9,< .EF {z a :rtN vl E Io 6-(t E B Etrl g F 3€ tocI B 3 ulo.c E 3 H -to l)e tr 6- o =6 t E: .{ gL EEA.D 5Eo* oo E. Jla :tt a.l :lt rat{::({:lt \o({:|t r.N:ll sc{:lt 52 R Egrat =t it =c{J.t'-::E99TE Erx n>.EfrtB2.9 a r?r:EE fi -9 eq F.,.gAE T cgFilri frl EH O*.€EiE zaigt r4BZlEZlZAla6p9LvgL6sdlII jPVd O2/281242L l8ia2 976476496I FPS Ms. Stcphanic L,ord Johnsou - FdEle& Picrs€, Brincr Architocts 363/383 Bcavff Danr Rd Project Fcbnrary 19,2001 AITACHMENT "D'' EILAN OF ACTION l. Amcnd ttc ritc plan to accuntely reflcct, fu position of the bee prreserrration fence, --ArcNtcst 2. Incorporate "Snbcontrecaor Eidding Spccificrtionr" in all couttct* --Architcct and Projcct rnaoager 3. Once the Prcjcct Mnnagcr and Sirc Supcrintcnacat are choscn, a ritc ceeting should be schcdutcd witb thc Consulting Arboris'ib tcvior thi^r rrport. --Projcct l,IsmgE( 4. Vcri$ thc routing of all proposed trcncLc. This includes but is nort limitcd to utility line trenches, heating sy$cm tcnshcs, irrigation line Eanchcs, and any other treuches extending deeper than four inches. The Consulting Arborist" well atread of any digging, should rwiew any tenching plans that would cause an encroashment upon ihe dripline of a "save" hee. :-Projcct Managcr 5. Mulch the sritical root zone of all "save" uees before initial cxcavstion. --Project Managsr 6. Fcuciug (completcly cncfuGhns) of all ssvc'tr€cs should be complctcd bebre initial topcoil cxcavation. -Pmject Managm 7. Provide Consulting A6orist with proposcd datc for toproil rcmovd adjaccnt to the driplines of all "save tecs". Oivc advancc notisc so that onsitc noniloring of excavation and root pruning is sclpduled. --Project Managsr 8, Arrange for access b an adequate ruppkmcntrl wetcr souncc. Have Consulting Arborist monitor t}re need for supplementsl wst€r and rcview mctbods of natcr dclivery. --Ptojcct Murager 9. Thc Consulting Arborist should bc scbeduled for 0re day of brckfi[ing tb: loundetlon well adjaccnt to "Bave trees". --Projoct Manager 10. Prior to thc onrt of landscape construstion, the Consulting Aftorist should be providcd with and rwiav thc fuel landrcrpc pht Wccifically tlte planting specifications, and all proposed encroachments upon native'$ave Eccs". --Architect I l. Thc Consulting Arborist should be notified to bc present on thc day thd irrigrtion trenching is corunenccd. --Projcct Manager/Landscapc Contactor 12. Following the complction of landscepc consbrrction, the Consulting Arbrist sbould bc contrctcd !o inrpect tbc hrdrsrping pnoiect for adher,ence to approved plarrting practiccs and adequacy of irrigation dclivcry. --koject Maruger. PAGE L2 a2/28/292L L8182 97O47649Ot FP5 Ms. Stcphanic lprd Johnson - Fdtzlso" Piercc, Briner Architects 363n83 Beavcr Dam Rd Projcct FebruarY 19,2001 4- - .. ATTACHMENT "E' I hercby recogntza and acknowledge that Trce Prescrvction on this project is a priority. I acknowlcdge that th€ entire soil arca r.urder the branches of this tec is sacrcd' The top few inches of soil contain lhe majority of the tee's fecdcr roots that arr crucial to survivql. A fence will bc crccrcd to protect the entirc soil area from the tuok to tbe outemost brarch iips. Under no circum.staDc€s should this fcnce bc altcrod or removed througbout the con$tnrclioD or landsCape construction prroject without prior ap,proval of thc Consulting Arbqist (Trcc Spccialist)- r t acknowledgc that excavating, trenching ba*fi1lhs; rnachinery traffic, building matcdal storage and dumping of constmciion rclated liquids within thc fenccd area is strictly prohibitcd Trce trunks shall rerrain ficc of nails and/or srangling wire. e I agree ro noti$ all of my cmployccs ofthcse Troc Prescrvation raquiremelrts. PAGE 13 Signed: Date O Copyrifbt Ptlcitim Tr!? wo(b, Itrc. Yr 2000 4-. 363/183 Bcrvcr Dm Rd.' Vril 62128/2A2L IAIA2 974476494L FPS Ms. Srcphanie Lord Johnson - Fritzleu, Pierce, Briner Architects 363RE3 Beaver Darn Rd Project Febnrary 19,2001 AIIACHMENT *F" To schcdulc Mrrk Stcllq Ccttltcd Atborirg cell 970-92G!594 PAGE 14 Irrigrtion Trench Lryout rnd Inrtrlledou ircnchipg, """r, a.i shallow as 6- can causc sigpificfurqFgc to reighboring tces. r A plan depicting drc layout of trcnches adjacent to thc driplinc of "save tnees" should bc rcvicw by a Consulting Arborist bcforc tEnching is started. o A Consulting Arborist strould also bc sctreduled for monitoring of trcnching' Irrigltion Hcrd/Emltter Lryout Many landscape contracton beve misuod€(stmdings about thc air/moisture rcquircmenrs of Uees. The vottmtc, freqwncy, urd head placenrent ar3 Ell critical compotrents of an irrig1tion systcm for new landscape trees. A Consulting Arborist should rcview all of thcse componcnts, particularly the hoad/emitter placr'ment. Phnting Spccificahooc Approvcd planting pocedrws opimize ransplflnt establistrment. Havc a Coruultittg A;botirt review the adcqgacy ofplanting specifications beforc rcc install6ion . Posl-phntirtg Inrpcction Ciosp adfercnce !o appmved planting practiccs will shorten the transplant shock pcrid, improve survival, and assure a healthier start for Eaosplant trees. An inspection by a Consulting Arborist can ad&ess thc following: . Prcsence ofinsects ot disease r Relationship of root flare heigbt to that 61fir.rl grade r Root bsU prg"sntiou and relationship to adjapent ibil . Ouyurg/strappingadaquacyo Trec/gnss conflicts and mulching adequacy Soil Structure and I'crtility Thp heaW clay soil t1ryc prevalent in thir region can csusc msny long-term problerns witb rransplant tcs cstablishment. A Consulting Arborist can review the adequaay of importcd topsoil and srggest altemate mcthods of soil preparatiou' Protccting thc Landrcrpo Invertmcnt While the Landscape Architect and t arrdscape Conbactor provide thc artistic design, and plant material, the Consulting fuborist provides a background in tree biolory and the technical expertisc neccssary to rnanage the living investnent for its firll potcntial. 4- A2|2U2A2L LB:82 9744764341 PAGE 15 4--.. Ms. Stephanic lord Johnson - Fritzlc4 Pisrco, Briner Arehitects 3611383 Beavcr Dam Rd Prcject February 19,2001 ATTACHMENT "G'' ASS-IIMPTIONS ANp TIIMITING CONpITIpNS r The roles of a Consutting Arborist ale to review proposcd impocts to rctention trees, providc guidancc, and to monitor (depcndant upon tho projoct budget) consrtnrctiou impacts. Thc people truly hired O "strve tee!" are the contrastors and subconfacbrs nho art onsitc every day. r All inspections were limitod ro visual cxamination of accessible parts, without dissection, orcavation, probing, boring or otber igvasive procodurcs, rmless othcrwise notcd in rbc report. - - 4- - .. - r Neitlrcr ree heights nor tee agc rncasurements wErE cousidercd rslevmt to the assignurcnt and were not calculared. . Thcrc is no warranty or gusrantcc, expr€sscd or implied, tlbt fr[ther pmblcurs or dcficicncies of residual trecs may not aris in the firture- 4-. 83/AU2A2L L7:44 976476494I FAX COT/ER SHEET FPS PAGE AL Date: To.. Fax RG: Sender: 03.02-0r Sill Gibson 479-2454 Eeawr Dam Residences Stephan ie lord-joh nson FRITZLEN PIERCE ARCH ITECTS ( 47G6342 Ext 15. Por our conversation on Thursday I hsrre the follpwi* information: L SightDisrucc on tVestlor Lconad and I mcct and thc lot todsy urd determined that there arp tlrrcc tres blocking the sight distancc. [5 4 minimrrrn rve will pnruc the hees a lcast 7' abovc gradc. Wc wilt contac't TOV so they can bc available for tbe pnming and ep,prove thc sight disiance at that time. Additimally, I will rsview with the rborist if (2) hccs should bc removed. Thcir heatft and impoct on otbcr tsees rnay make it beneficial to rernovc tbcse tnees. Thc threc tres arc called orrt on tlrc updated site plan dated 03-02-0l. 2. fire Deparurcot Clcarance I will fax thc drivcway configuration to Mike McGcc$confirm tbat the 40' radius I have sbown wqkt forhis dcpartnat 3. GRFA. Your nurbcrs arc oorrectcd md we re updating thc plms to match tho conect GRFA. 4. LaadscapcPlm I was supposc to havc ittoday - I wil try a get it to your dcsk by Mo Please let me know whu else you necd. Tlriurlcs! K:\0O40 - BEAvtRtt MRESIO€I.ICE\PROJECI@RRESPONDIi{AIOI BCFA3020i.oOC PlanningaArchiEcturetlnteriors 165OEdVrilV Gy Ddre FrlrklBe C-l O Vril, CO 81657 . vdhEhitccb.com . fu (970),+76.490r . (9?!) a76d3{2 G rlf r rrnn"' Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Yail. Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us FILT COPT March l, 2001 Mike Claffey Sacramenlo District U.S. Army Corp of Engineen 402 Rood Avenue, Room 42 Grand Junction. CO 81501-2563 RE: Nationwide Permit Notification 363 & 383 Beaver Dam Road, Vail, CO (Lots 2 & 3, Block 3, Vail Village 3'd Filing) Dear Mike, The Town of Vail is currently reviewing a proposed residential redevelopment ot363 & 383 Beaver Dam Road, Vail, CO (Lots 2 & 3, Block 3, Vail Village 3'q Filing). Wetlands are prcsent on these two properties, so the Town has required the applicant to prepare a Wetlands Report and receive Amry Corp of Engineers' approval prior to the Town approving their redevelopment plans. We received a copy of a letter sent to you by Montane Environmental Solutions, Ltd. dated January 17 , 2001 regarding Nationwide Permit Notification for the proposed redevelopment of these properties. Please find attached a copy of that letter for your reference. Please respond to the Town of Vail, in writing, to the accuracy and appropriateness of the January 17 ,2001 Montane Environmental Solutions, Ltd. letter you received. Please send yorr response to my attention at the following address: Town of Vail Community Development Departrnent Attn: Bill Gibson 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Also, please fax a copy of your response to my attention at (970) 479-2452. Thank you very much for your time and efforts, your assistance with this matter is geatly appreciated. If you have any questions or cofilmenls, please feel free to call me at (970) 479-2173. Sincerely. 4,/.4 at- ,rL-.U Bill Gibson Planner I Town of Vail Enclosure: Montane Environmental Solutions, Ltd. letter dated January 17. 200 | {j *"n"uor^ro . NIIONTANE ENVNRONN/NtrINTAL S OLUTNOINS, N-rd" Mr. Mike Claffey Sacramento District U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 402 Rood Avenue, Room 142 Grand Junction, Cblorado 81 501-2563 January.l7, 2001 Srbjectr Nationwide Pe-rmit Notification . / Iots 2 and3 Beaver Dam Road, Vail, Eagle County Dear Mike; ' Please find enclosed, ncitification of 'unavoidable impacts ro wetlands required inthe building of a , single family residence on Lots 2 and 3 Beaver Dam Road, Vail,.Eagle County, Colorado. The impact to-.wedands is below the threshold for notification under permit lq; rhoqrever the proponent wished to advice you of the proposed building plan in order ensure that the alternatives .. anal,ysis is adeqtrately 1ce9lded. The Tovrn of Vail also requires notification. b i- i :' 'l bto Trilii ^zt9 z -S Ir tN 9Z OSStd!'tw tt ssvd lttv4 I - a ? ?c _< nrY? 4EaEdFZN<= Hg6;q' Fl-FaH ?3i;H' ilflTt ffiiltw1t( 11'-"- c) -',. i:.)a --'---.../'//, .-'l::-4-.t/'.-,/: i'tllnll<li:ll| /'! f'\ |I v. x II Hf;? Ii 2>61 '- '-t '-aI <?O Ii F>ti I(n!UItU)l| -1 itzl 'i NATION\\,IDE PEfu\{IT NOTIFICATION NATIONW]DE PEtu\4IT 39 -RESIDENIAL, CON!\,IERCIAL AND INSTITUTIONAL DE\tLOPA/IENTS LOTS 2 AND 3 BE{VER DAM ROAD, VNt E{GLE COUNTy, COLORADO PROJECT Sm LOC,\TION The Project Site, Lots 2 and 3 Beaver Dam Road, is a combined 0.956 Acre Lot with two o<isting single family homes. The legal description of the property is NE /+ of Section 7, Tovmship ,1 South, Range 80 West, 106" 22' 53" r$fest 39" 38' 29" North (Site). It is accessed from Interstate 70 at the main Vail exit, south on Vail Road to Beaver Dam Road. The prcperty is located on the notth side of the road immediately prior to Gore Creek Circle. PROJECT PROPONENT AND PROPERTY OWNER Mike Smith A Z Z Holdings 1050 lP Street, Suite 1500 Denver, CO 80265 Telephone (303) 3894643 SURVEYOR Intermountain Suweying 77 Metcalf Road Avon. CO 81620 Telephone (97 O) 9495072 ARCHTTECT Friulen Pierce fuchitects 1650 E. Vail Vallery Drive, Suite Cl Vail, Co 81657 Telephone (970) 47ffi3+2 Contact Stephanie Lord Johnson PROJECT DESCRIPNON The proponents propose to remov€ the tryo old homes and replace them with wo single family homes, a gamge and pool deck- DESCRIPTION OF WETL"{NDS Vedands on Site are poor quality; willow dominated low gradient slop€ wetlan& typical of the Beaver Dam Road area and remnant of a more ortensive wedand complen prior to general building in the area. Limited evidence of hydrology was found during a late sea.son delineation and the Site is impacted by past landscaping activiries. Wedands have likely developed due to sheet flows from Beaver Dam Road and subsurface flows off Vail Mountain. Soils were also difficult to determine due to t}e addition of topsoil for landscape plantings. Generally they were dark mineral soils. A delineation of jurisdictional wedand areas was conducted on September 19, 2000 using tl-re 1987 Coms Manual forlilVedand Delineation. The delineation report is enclosed which includes a drawing of the wetla3nd boundary, wetlands description, and photographs. The wedand boundary was surveyed by lntermountain Suweying PROJECT LAYOUT WrTH REGARD TO WETL,{ND AVOTDANCE, MTNTMZAION ,{ND LINAVOIDABLE IMPACTS The architects have aftempted to design and locate the howes with minimum impact to wedands while retaining ,$ qurny mature ffees as possible, as requhed by tfie Town of Vail (Twn). In addition to retaining trees the architects were required to obsewe property setbacks. fucording to the Architect, the only alternative rotation of the primary house that would avoid some impact to wetlands would result in the loss of mature spruce trees, over 30 feet in height. In addition to avoiding mature trees, the primary house has been located centrally and forward to avoid excessive dewatering due to the high water table in the area. According to the Architect this central and forward position was the onfu location drat would enable adequate daylight to reach a two story house. Access was also a consideration in the location of homes on the Site. There are only two points of access to the Site. The west Lot has an easement across the neighbors property due to Beaver Dam Road crossing that pro'perty, site lines, grade, and existing trees. The east Lot has the same grading issues and wedands across the front face of the Lot. The garage size and driverray length is required byTown of Vail regulations. The proponent is courmitted to avoiding accidental impacts to wetlands and will install standard erosion and sedimentation control measures including silt fencing during construction. DFSCRJPTION OF DISTURBANCE Vetlands Lot Z - 6108 square feet 0.14O Acre Wcdands l-ot3 :342 square feet 0.008 Acre Total wedands on Site - 0.148 Ace Totalwetlands impact = 667 square feet,0.015 Acre " CONCLUSION All drawings, calculations, and site sunreying included with this application have been provided by Fritzlen Pierce Architects. NIFP Applrc4ttot i.oa 2 I3 Beattq Darn Road 1/17/01 d J F.. JI I lt I i I 'a n ,/.\, 1r'F u Z.',t n LlY<t- /^\'<Y r IH5>J<r'r Av-Z*t n!J.>=<-,-rJ l+//.li ,.f\ ncn6t ql .t,.. a<)f Oc.tts Arnt OFv Ja)Ii AJ ) i$/a'\t it '{,t 2! 0 o i.i] H ui< ;i- =) () Y + Fo \ 7{ (at'i ,t--q, ....-.-'l$,K') :r---r-:i .l il/;!rr ( t.fiii"'* t\t -"'r"' )il; tr A3lAU2g2L AB:58 97447649OL -a FAX COVER SHEET FPS PAGE AL FRITZLEN PIERCE ARCH ITECTS < Datc: To: Fax: Re: Sender: Affi- z+52 br-^v-tLD*"a r d:-yi A.trtd L"--- u\-*'-n=or-+ - %tshouldreceive lZ V"gqtSl indudingthis cover sheet- lf you do not receive atl the pases, please call 1979; 476'6342 E <t # 3 -A -'C) \ -$r-' Gt,ba* -B,rn,--' 4-. OOC1JMINT2 Phnning o ArchiEctrre ! 1650E rt Vr VdlGy Orive Falrkbe c.l a V.il, @ E1557 r nlud tcc.tr.cofir lhterio;s . ,.x,a97rJ0 11U901 . (9101 .t a{3a2 Ar-o"*gu FtvF C4 Srarrr=D ED:C ' Dz'tctrt*l&t-'rs 'tD Fczut-Qv-2 LJ ) T.on -- A...'-o''tFF\-- - -T?-.nu /2+t-t--\*,/ lsr...tY Qoee..t t out b-- fficDMAR-32001 AUA2/2A2L 08:58 976476499L . jtturt4l-'/,'g/t rb!u5 J t{lllat (}}bE , t' NECONDING XFQTJESf,@ BY A!'iD WIIPN RECORDBD RETURN TO: McD||rA. $nnb noobr Cht|c Fiic& KlcinkoC& Kollq LI'C 1050. lnb sttl*, sult 1500 Doqvs, Colando t0265 FPS PAGE g2 JEJ 4..5 ld3l r.Y,E qrD ftil Grol Ucrorc Agrr@d frr ns!"imd Fdni6 (tt& nCros Liccrt'c iitwmoar') ir rar u ortF- drv of . .....-J 2001, Dy rnd b6r!'o A2Z HOLDINGE Il'c, r colondo liEilEd lirtility GonPsyCotm!d')' Bddr A. ocn r ir $a otrcr ud dcvclopcr oftrotr 2 rld 3, vlil viltrgc FilinS 3' E|tl' Oordy, Srrc of Colordp (tll'"rop'nfl' B. Ar I prsr of irr dcmloond of t! fropcqv, -o*T-.q. l;ryTfy |tcrrceti(rnrl f,rflirics-thnwill rirn rad bq!6t bo0r lott(coudiltcly' tuB "|rErslnoD IfrDrotlcoonl'). c'SouncportkmofthrRcrcrtioolnDsownlltr!wiubc|ocrtcdoncrrboflptrZ rad r. D. OwG dcdrEtocstdalbrCrct!Lilcd$Agltrnttoprwidcbrthcurc' "ecrl"q nri",*t* t"A-t"'Olcc t of thc Rpcrndu ffurot'QDntt' ifu n63 poi6 ia Sc fribrc, t-oc Z rd t rrc aor orncd by thc ruuc owu. CfnnlftPrAss'nc+ h conddcrrion of thr ftrc3oioS lld othr good rnd vrlrrbtc ootddtt|t'toq tbc t€cciPt od ar olwbich arc tcr*y-1c1no$,lpdga4 rtr Omcr U*y ccatcs lhc Crost Liccorc Ccrdbcd hstin: l, 00'.ilnwD 63lAU2a2L 0B:58 974476494L t |Ft\-lja-gsur te. Uo J l'i rEE \ttrtE FPS PAE 83JttJ .t.D l€3a r .v). .).1 ( ICFIS( DNAFT .z,DNWI (a)Owncrhorobycrt$cs,brthrbol0loftbcPropctyendrlehudsrso tre p,ooncty r ion-crrcluivc cro$ licla,. o'o', .or''', undcr rd thOudt tho. T.r dcrignatcd 'rc;nJ*foo"Crog Lkrorc" on E:chibit A rfrrcbcd hatco md imfpontcd brrin" o)TbcptttporofthcRfffilttiotrcto'.Lh|!*iltoPfovib6c'rcccf|of orpusr of lolrb trg I tti edcen Or conguaio!, iortrlrtioq opartiO4 rnrhtanrce, ropeir, i.nd*tC -a $pp*t ofthc Roorrrfioct toDtaxtmrlq or_ury gorrionr 6creof' tlet rrc contuctcd, iutdlii or locnod wirhin rbr Rccutiorr Crorc Liccnro' (c) thir crolr Licoor Agrcsmil thdl d hcoc &criwudttl &lcb dnc erl,ou 2 rd 3 rrc orrncd by rcprnc prrtirr. (d) Ths Croal Liccnec Agrwmert, once ir becomcr efioctive cr$ bG t1a1aiaarrd otyuionttrc ;1ggrtion by rbc On*.r of t-ot" 2 rad 3 of rn qSfogorot tPocifcdty rcrniDalilg ddr Crorr Ligarc Agrcold. 2. @dr Tb.Rfrfion'Inprovcomrsrbrltbc op.r.roaffin'trtprovrtcfortlcsft,ordcrlyrndcffcicatur .iJ "f*rtioq "frlc R$toiticn tmpovocrrtr. Tbe $|ccc3ttr ownarr dilll bo Gqusly t OoiltUf" ftr rlt grc,l mnr ofoplrrrkrg mrinraucc |trd rcprir. Tbc ownr of Ft 2 lhrll tdlc' p,ti..y r6pfldbilit'' br t1c opcretioo, trdrtcmncG ed rcprir of thc R'ecturion lmprorcouuq ;ffijgtt ;Uigrriqr of ttrc bws of f.ot I o reiuburrc tho (}rlor of lnt 2 for ooc hrlf of ili;;;. l ittfr; ro rsird.rrc wirbia ilftty drys rfirr arclr cors ge prwided rhll rcq,h in intd b.hg.r"*"d rr l?6 per ruontb, Erci orvncr shdl ;lriildn rt|oh innrnrrcc covcrrg;cr in' erch roorn-r f,rr ttreir o.rn t6t rad thc Rercdion Clor Errcrrtt rr rrc prudrut. Ercb otmg ;[1[ "a.6a not d"n Crors Liccnrc in a rrrancr thrt rcgPss'tt tho Ctprovnor's ult of thc kopcrty. 3, B$naSSl[ Esch ownc rcsrvq rhc right to urc 6s ponioo of itl lot enonrlorco tyE-n*rotiol Gos Uccorc br rny purporc whiclr docc not ir*crftrc with tho Rcc,rcrfi oa Crorr Liceorc. 4. Succcen ld Ar|iPr. Thc bcocfits aDd hrdar of ths Rscilior Cror Liccnrc aad wvcnrntr bcrain rhall nn wirh end bc apprrncnnn ro laO 2 rnd 3 nrc.b rhet e tnarf,a. of lclEl litb to dl or r nortion of3rctr proprriil rhdt atourticrlly r|nrfu rs iil.fcst in luch blnc0tr ud burdc[$.'ijpo lny 116 irniCer q cu,ayroe 6'tc titb to rtt or r$pon1qr of ercb rc1proptny' p rc ttl portila of m propcrty rrurarncd, Oc lialitty ofihc tnnrfcor, but not tho rnarfcrcc, for trorcl oe uy oHildon or corqirrrt undr this Crors Licmc Aer€cslcrlt oconing a6rqucnt oDaa0tetD A3lA2l2b2I 68:sB 978476499L FPS PA6E 04,)g.t .{Jt tzGl f 'ur''|r (P taa\-iuL'at,ret t9'llP Jtiral'E ir \Jlr:E Asy rishl or lcsdry Fovidod britrthir Crocr Licqrrt Agrfqct lhdt oot b' dccncd io brv! b.s -.hri W "ir; or otittloo' imlrrding withorrt rytttTt y resptrncc of p.y^, ot i"fuE ttt* or ral' roocrrrc' cnccPt bt !$ islntrrat In writtou rpccrling l."n tisnTJ;;;'ffi; bv d;Pttfi rrnhr*-wton cdorccsrcar of ruchweiwr ir rorghl 7. AffEdEE[g Tbir Cmrr Litsuc rsruqncgt rnry oot bc rnodcd modi:ficd' $pplcmcntd' tcrroted or trnninded *t 0n b,,. nfi*t ibstn''.6 duly occgfcd bV thc prriicr hcrao' JST(KDR FT'21912001 to thc drrc of grch tilld€r $rll anlonrlicrlly tomilrte witb rc|P Gc,] to ths Portion of thc Droparty rc ttrodcrcd' 5. Snr{abilitv. 4* ' " If ray clnuc or povidouof&r Crc* Ucedc 4qrcoctt $]t l"-Fd t bt hvrlid in whob or in Prtt, 'lt'G '-ttintg tt*t"t aJ;rwiliot' o' Pdnioi tbmoq' full *ttttt lorr br ild rcodr h ful forca rnd cftct' Wrirc E.ad!, If ery party heoro rlullbrbg,rtry lrit or rctil*r'gnht3 rmths for rdid' 6xl'erory or otbrwirg ;;;-* "i,Ut-CdtUccttr" Agnucnr, rlc Fwuliog prty sbrll hnc rnd rccotrs.g.Lt rtmoriip.tiy,Erddhlooo U durt co*r Jtd di$urucmartr, sd -- * rl" court riv adjudrn ro bi rcrril'blc dtorncyr' foo'r' e. Ug-rtetr. llbthchte[iliorofocpt'th!lh*thcrcprntecnrtcsud'rigbtsclErtcdh.r*y rtrtt not ncrgc-if;ylort6n of fa1. aud 3 rrc o'ncdb tfc unr inAivnud or mtity' 10. Etlftc Atranant Thic cro|| uod!! A8rccnrcc conrrinr thr rodre agrecocn rnd uo&rstlntlios of thc putlor witb rcrpcot to tni uitt i*o Ertter bcsco(, ud thcc r11 m rtgrecstrtionq iri"'"**t ,prodrn *.gr;"*r,.i"tor ortt*ltn, uoiEbodied.hfci0.-Atryuddlptior diroutioor, rgrcmfrrtr, pripon[ nogoridkru lnd ltptllcd'dou rclillng tbttdo tlg nrporsodcd ttlscbY. oottffo7.S,tD 4-- 63lau2g2L 68:58 97647649oL FPS . mt+ur-441 15; lU J l{utai (}r'l*' ,-A*.,Arlih, rowil oFvAtL ',,o FF APrucrrpil Fil FEvoGAtll penrrrro tvtt'vr rtutt'- sEcToFrrt{rAltlflPnovErg{lgo}lA FrrrucHglfT-otu Y OIVNEFOTIMPEhTY ADOr€ts OF PNO'EFTY.'O BEtor (lt arcrrr& $dr SrcdpiloD m iltr|tl coru#._ hfrlct- Oo.r rt.lFonc p|aarilt adtt? Propfiad dab for eqrrrfrF nt tt ot o.tt|Fijetoq-r in cqr-(lrrrbn d !r irtuu|o3 c r nlJggfD5 lr1|' wrEtoFtIFROyffXT| ft.Ealrhlu*qtr.A-OGlt Y '.*..--< "oS. ffi l,afrcrn rorcat hllcra: l. lhrthtinffr haninl|ao.trcg|r,lrrFrl|r,allnlD||lbruttbd eEudli|ryD tnc |.nd |Drr drtc.rD||t 2. Th.t thoFrrnilb limtld rtacrlJtFt||uDaCrhd||td.doh rhBrP9lc.liqt' $ Yhrt lh. lPtbrnl rnU mfy rm p'tlrq th'|r.nrt t|.utc Ucrtg.p.rtxril c.nair dsty|UnoiEac r|||t htrv.fturhil,3 tr|.'ur,rc. drh.r|t tor c'ililnrrranrrd c oolwvcfoa, n ortcr orrt gqcr fugactofi ira, b.,qdrbyh.?drr: . rFfpercrrrOra nkrdcno|y rnd tdEh.nrrb|.ha roildv&t, ttror|Fr|t. mrrtt r r|s.e.rtlrn tJ lgmy, otd|ntt|drb|I ibsrrccoot ct hlw. torr or aenngn-mt*t rtttrirl ril*dcrr drrr-rffho l'enr oooril hpty. tfiotrat Hglr *r0rarr fioacr. drat , Drogftty trr or6rnc.;or rny otlU ln ol rnt fin! r|lrtcrr. rt iOr rnr fu d Or rn i rnfi mn-ndrso{nsrd rth reCclFf uryrfi|3 n runnr r Oir nml,|. jrC, rrluri. hfa, ;fiirrfr h crtirrd h dlon or h prn Oy, u |r arfrlti t Ot sllrO fr ri,ioij or rn fad bt, lie *t mrircicr. .'rr, erCrriisrl orce, rnim. '}'ilgtrp orgt,ttrtedt ol hr lrDFftgr4 lrC oontreoE' or rulcontrrciiiiir,r, onirr.6tu dnFru.nrdhlr otftr rfp0c.nr, li. eqrtncu er m rrlsitrcii, fni lin-lorrtgr..t tc bl,..trrrr|aidt rrDeng F..no b 9|evtr|. Ct*tro la-iiiliiiO - r0f,rn, |'ry *|en raDrlt glrlna, o. nrrrAr Itr rcn aerlriOl 5l - - :.p?ttrl t|re Ttrct tr tfo aCratf to brr d rp.,urt lr;lrno nrrrrlo.irtUone €'.tt anr .nq atbtnaft tLa. rit trr o, nc tu r,,rcf, uDrq, 36ip,ordrrr|r.lr dref,d r'r erurflir. t5a, o, iardrDni PAGE O5$3 q& llcl | 't914. DCSOtlTtbil o7$tit CTUiE Ot JtAr6|rfiO RI6HTOF.WAY: s3/O2/262L 68:58 976476494L FPS JIAL, 4& rz4'L PAGEe.Vrr t4.f)r<4L-&L lJr ll< AFIla,r lltal b ,loict rt lid ilrinbh. c ar fl,r col a 9ry d Doltllt d trrxrrs *rnd.nt b rmur qdnrt il f-fllt m|lnr. Onnl| rldofiatooffiie usncd !t $c *llc|nt purlj.'r b $l pmg||ti + ApDlb.nE fifitutF. D r.Ld ttr Torn CUrf, |l| oJlleat. rFrI rd rmCqro fnn rrU rxt fl l$llt. ddnrr. d..n rur a rElln3 or arrr-f?!- .' mbm rnErrr ti&|g orn d rnyom|e|, lo.| or $ry blll .!dd ot b lhr|9g|ba||r! ,|!t|'|yc.wr, by th. Toutt of lrt& ia dlEa|t' qttti.ttd .crnCFr $b sl$e'd h |t|l|nftup or ryur nnqtl 6afrr r ary o[l|r rsu*|r rl|tcvri cn tdn of valFP||v, rh!a!, Jttstb, 9f 4ittd'Jft' Thal n F.rvrlfltr ilolcdri|||v.r ll|fibrrurdllrtltf cnclrcur:rt olrndbr, c ollif rnrtu.r oon|lt|||a a n||rpr al|rlF o7l||prl! Oo uF ot ft. rtthl{t{tlt i|. Frih ondhrm I |||rtlts hand or lh. '|wa,tv rFfi {&{r !f 'rrg|ct|trrft olnrcloO, or |ruarr drtr brlq$rd rs t|f tJt n f|lDl$ c?at ntry D rwlrC rt rry tr|| fof ]W ilFl *ornad rrtlttrrr !y 0€ twr C vil. fht f flgfod rlt.rn f. !ln|| efir.lh..rrur nl 0ttltauon,or'ductrr rat$ |.r dryrrnrr'|criullgrruc. oa ar|' ]|ffil..| Ctid p.rfirtt. irn nr tmtt* ag,rt|'r b,natnteh&Vl|'rtrrt|Iro|.att|d utrfr arrcru*hrr|il ct ila neh$6t{rtt ?|||t h fia ruanl r-d ilIord of lho rrcrt*lrrrnt o&rrdbn. cr rhrlir|t a .iltl rdilt|r{rhfd rlhh !r rlrrt, mt rffn b h.nbterttortsld to rilmv.|rfir a||d hil hr rtf{ b rn|h| rn so|f,|rt a[rirl.hr ,rFrtl ryd colalhf oq|i or '.,rrF{t h trl. lt.|il mrnnf,|' g|narlt tlrr r'.colbcicd- . fh|]or fFplcrrt h.r rrd.rrd uic|rthndrat Ot lhrfrtr|rd eodgnf fattotlh lr ttn rpglaat!|r|. Rtoorc't0 4otqFrarde REDlof{f,t F rnt |tlo.D|'|d lEsh*!|ry ..oae.tfrr.lbr. I|l..haclr -!Lfb 6Eat Crs*yCbl,rd roord-. 3ccdJoldilolr: "l/el,4ryu_ J )1Lrrlb !r}{rl r0. ft. IPPIIOUED: ffi rru![|Fsqllrrartrilrc flnrao rrtfrt ( E3/a2l2B2L 88:58 976476494I fl\-QL-4atl) a r '.,' 'r' '', +*uE|g rJt+-' FPS PAGE A7 '.J/lJ 'r;r) \Lr r 'r'l' V ' Llffii$H G g $ I 3I EI il 4-.- E3lZ2l282L E8:58 979476492I ryfi-ul-,/641 lJ: 14 FPS PAGE 305 4:6' l?21 P.16"'mJ '{PBE Cl.lnSE tiH 6tg o rl I I E5 5 3 ",,dJ ot $ol I '! DTriL F, 8?4,-. FIL E COPY Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2r 38 FAX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail,co.us March 4, 2001 Stephanie Lord-Johrson FriElen Pierce Architects 1650 East Vail Valley Drive, Fallridge C-1 Vail, Colorado 81657 RE: Beaver Dam Residences I Lots 2 &3, Block 3, Vail Village 3'd Filing Dear Stephanie, The Town of Vail Public Works Department and Community Development DeparEnent recently reviewed the Design Review application for the Beaver Dam Residences located at 363 and 383 Beaver Dam Road. The following is a surnmary of the comments from that review: 363 and 383 Beaver Dam Road l. An accurate stamped topographic survey must be submitted. 2. The "buildable area" of each lot must be calculated and identifred on the site plans. 3. Revocable fught-of-Way Permits are required for all landscaping, concrete pans, driveway heating, sidewalks, etc. 4. Identiff the location ofall utilities including existing sources (from street or easement) and proposed service lines from source to the structure on each site plan. 5. The site plan must be revised so any disnrbed grading is retumed to a 2: I grade. If a 2: I grade cannot be achieved, some form of retaining wall will be required. 6. Retaining walls located in the front setback may not exceed 3 feet in height. 7 - All walls over 4 ft. in height require a stamped approved drawing liom a Licensed PE. No wall may exceed 6 ft. in height. Identifu the size (4 ft.) of the unheated portion of the stdmped concrete sidewalk on the site plan. No landscaping greater than 3 feet in height may be planted or installed if it affects site distance requirements or standards. l 0. Identify all required parking spaces on the site plans and floor plans with a 9'X I 8' box tbr all enclosed spaces and a 9'X I 9' box for all surface spaces. Garage plans will need to be revised to accommodate the minimum parking space areas- I l. Label all street right-of'-way lines on the site plans. 8. 9. $*"uor r* TOWN OFVATT Department of C ommuity Developmenl 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colordo 81657 970-479-2 r 38 FAX 970-479-2452 www,ci.yail.co.us 12. 13. t4. 15. 16. 17. 18. All inconsistencies between the site plans, roofplans, floor plans, and elevations must be correcled. Page I of the 8 page tree preservation report must be submitted. Crawl spaces and attic spaces should be eliminated to reduce unnecessary building butk and mass. A copy of the maintenance agreement for the swimming pool must be submitted. Garage GRFA credits can not be transfered beween dwelling units, including primary units and EHU's. A revised landscaping plan addressing the tree pr€servation report must be submitted. The Limit of Disturbance / Erosion control fencing must be identified on the landscape plan. All fees that are to be removed or relocated must be flagged. {groto"oruo Department of Community Deve lopmeni 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 wvtw.ci:vail,co.us ). 6. 7. 8. 9. 4. 363 Beaver Ilam Road.iLot 2 (east lot) 1. L. J. The driveway must be narowed and existing asphalt removed to meet the requirements of the Public Works Deparment. Provide details of the proposed driveway (i.e. bridge type structure or enclosed with walls?). PE stamped and approved design ofthe driveway to meet Town of Vail sight distance standards is required. Detail drawings must be submitted. The PE must determine if site distance can be achieved while providing a safe environment for the property owner and the driving public. Please contact the Public Works Department to resolve this issue. All plans and calculations (GRFA, site coverage, landscaping, etc.) must be consistent with a total lot area of 25,710 square feet as identified on the Amended Final Plat for a Subdivision of Lots 2 and 3, Block 3, Vail Village, Third Filing approved by the Planning and Environmental Commission on November 13, 2000. Required parking location inconsistencies between the site plan and floor plans must be corrected. Roof design inconsistencies between the drawings must be congcted. Garage dormers and windows must be identified on the floor plans. North/South and East/West section drawings of the garage must be submitted. A minimum functional area equaling l0% of the paved area must be provided and shown on the site plan contiguous to the paved area and designed to accommodate snow-stor:rge. All "attic" areas and "open to below" areas must be labeled on the floor plaus. East elevation drawings of the proposed house must be submitted. The height of the separation between GRFA and the architecmral projection in the entry tower element must be identified on the site olan. 10. I l. 12. tp*o,,o TOWN OFVAIL Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 r 38 FAX 970-479-2452 www.ci,vail.co,us 383 Beaver Dam Road/Lot 3 (west lot) Relocate the concrete pan per TOV standards to the edge of aspbalt. lndicate on the site plan that the heated portions of the driveway within the access easement must be on a sepaftrte zone and rnarked at the control box. Details about the culvert at the driveway must be submitted (i.e. existing size, daylight area, prosing to remain or remove, proposing to be extended, etc.). The edge of asphalt for Beaver Dam Circle needs to be identified on the site plans from the .intersecrion with Beaver Dam Road to the north of the existing and proposed driveways. Please note: Ifthe site access is designed for vehicles to back out into Beaver Dam Circle, the site distance requirement increases to 15 leet instead of l0 fleet. Sidewalk support pillars must be removed from the road easement area. All existing and removed wetland areas (i.e. northeast corner of lot) must be labeled on the site plans. The height of the retaining wall at the south side ofthe pool deck must be identified on the site plans. East and West elevation drawines must be submitred. This proposal is tentatively scheduled for hnal design review at the March 21,2001Design Review Board meeting. However, these comments and all requirements of the Public Works Departrnent and Fire Department must be addressed and resolved prior to f,rnal Design Review Board review. Please refer to my letters dated December 20, 2000 and February 15, 2001 for additional comments pertaining to this proposal. Ifyou have any questions or conments. please feel liee to call me at (970) 479-2173. SLncerely, ?4/-Lh--4-e Bill Gibson, Planner I Town of Vail {p r""rotoruo Beaver Dam Residence 03-19-01 Replat properly into a 15,950 and25,710 sq. ft. lots East Lot- Allowable GRFA 15000 25% 10710 10o/o Total Credit 25710 3750 1071 4821 850 567'l Plan Dated OgnAOl Parking Required Yuest Lot Allowable GRFA 15000 950 Total Credit 3 Main House 2 Employee Housing 15950 3750 95 3845 850 4695 25o/o 10% Allowable GRFA Pfan Dated 02101101 Site Coverage Allowed Plan Dated 02101101 Upper Floor 1800 Main Floor 2062 Basement 619 EHU-overflow 109 POOL MECH 64 Total 4695 46y.3190 3044 Garage 1200 980 Bruce D. Chapman BRUCE D. CHAPMAN COU:,{SELORS & ATTOR:,{EYS AT LAW, P.C. Post Office Box 6500 Vail, CO 81658 March 21, 2oo1 Of Counsel Mary Isom Hal S. Dishler David F. Rock (Admitted rn Colorado and Georgia) Town of Vail Design Review Board Re: Lots 2 and 3, Vail Village Filing 3 Our File No.: gzo8 To Whom It May Concern: This law firm represents Michael Herman,o!\rrer of t ot r, Vail Village Filing 3, and we are wdting this letter regarding Mr. Herman's concerns with the proposed new residences on l,ots 2 and 3. After reviewing proposed plans for the development of Lots e and 3, Mr. Herman wanted to know more about the development, in particular the impacts to the character ofthe neighborhood and his adjacent property. tots z and 3 are heavily treed lots and of particular concern for Mr. Herman is the significant tree loss due to the development. Mr. Herman had been waiting for the arborist's report in order to understand the impact of the development to the existing trees. After review of the report from Precision Tree Works, Inc., the arborist, it appears the majority of the trees on the two lots are large trees and many will be Works,the arborist, destroyed as a result of the development. According to Attachment A of the arborist's report, thirteen trees are located within the proposed building footprint. The report states some of these trees are transplant candidates' Attachment B of the report indicates that numerous trees outside the building footprint will be lost due to impact from the development, While Mr. Herman realizes that some trees will be lost due to the development, he would like to see as many trees saved as possible, in particular, trees 67 and 68 as numbered by the arborist, and the trees near the proposed swimming pool, since these trees offer a buffer between the nelv residence and Mr. Herman's residence. The arborist's report and the latest plans (in particular section T-ror) submitted by the owners, state that it is the o\a,ner's objective to save as many trees as possible. The architect's plans indicate a proposal to "save" approximatily twenty trees. Many of the proposed "save" trees are listed in the arborist's report as trees that will be lost due to proximity to buildings or from construction impact. While it is admirable that the plans designate these trees as trees to be saved. it is unclear exactlv what will be done to save these trees since PHONE: I97 O) 926- 1100 . FAXr 19?O) 926 ' 1136 ' E- MAI L bdc@vaiIIau com -2-March 21. 2oo1 the arborist's report indicates these trees will be lost. Before plans for this development are approved, Mr. Herman would like to see a definitive plan for the "save" trees detailing what will be done to ensure that the trees will be saved or a change in status indicating which trees will be lost. Merely having an objective to save trees without a definitive plan is fruitless. In addition, a plan to save some of the critical buffer trees is much more important than a blanket objective to save as many trees as possible. While tree removal is one of Mr. Herman's concerns regarding maintaining the integrity of the neighborhood, the proposed swimming pool is another concern. While Vail Town Code allows swimming pools as an accessory use in primary/secondary properties, the code also specifies that the regulations are intended to: "prevent excessive population densities and overcrowding ofthe land with structures; conserve and maintain established community qualities and economic values; and safeguard and enhance the appearance ofthe Town". The swimming pool, as it is proposed, is located on the lot line between Lots z and 3. We believe that the swimming pool, as proposed, would be located in setback areas. The purpose ofsetback areas is to provide open space between developments and the location of a swimming pool in a setback area effectively destroys the objective of a setback. In addition to the loss of setback or open space due to the swimming pool there is the issue of tree and natural terrain lost due to the pool development. Our client requests that you consider the overall tree loss, the lot owner's lack of a plan for implementing their objective to "save" some twenty trees, the loss of critical buffer trees adjacent to Mr. Herman's property, and the swimming pool impact to setback areas and tree loss before granting final approval for the owner's development. cc: Michael Herman \\wsr\d\WPDOC\R€alRes\92o8ltr S-2r-or.doc March 2't , 2001 y'Ur. eil Gibson, Staff Planner Community Development Department And Town of Vail Design Review Board Vail, CO Re: Beaver Dam Residences Lots 2 & 3, Block 3, Vail Village 3'o Filing 0048 E BEAVE R CREEK BLvD SUITE 207 Box 5100 AvoN, C0 81620 970.949.5200 vmdo@vmdo.com FAX.9q9.5205 TECTS Ladies and Gentlemen: On behalf of Michael & Karen Herman, the owners of Lot 1 (adjacent to Subject Lot 2), I forward to you this letter with comments and concerns for your consideration this afternoon. Additional information will be presented to you on behalf of the Hermans' by Ms. Mary lsom, Esq. The Hermans' are very desirous of having these issues fairly considered by the Staff and Design Review Board as they pertain to the expectations of neighboring development constraints and quiet enjoyment of their own property, as afforded in Title 12 Zoning Regulations. In preparing this letter, we have reviewed the various file documents made available to us by Bill Gibson and the 31 Sheets of drawings provided by Fritz, Pierce Architects dated March 12, 2001. Our comments and concerns are as follows: l. General Comments and Goncerns: A. The drawings and Tree Preservation Report do not seem to cross-referenc,e entirely or provide specific direction as to the ultimate fate of the "B" Category of Trees to be Saved within the forum of public input, but instead left to the entire discretion of the Developer and his Design Team. \Mat about public and neighboring input beyond a granting of Final Design Review Board Approval? This potential "weak linkage" between drawings and reporting could result in a lack of enforcement of intended conditions. B. The East Elevation of the East Residence lacks the architectural detail and massing of an otherwise appropriate design style. C. Are the open stairs (partially within the side yard setback) really able to be constructed within the limits of construction shown; and are these stairs really necessary? 2. Open/Outdoor Swimming Pool: A. While the subject Pool is an Allowed Use, the particular placement of this proposed Pool is "bridging" the common property line. Recognizing the proposed agreements to govern this common use, this interpretation allows the developer to utilize most of the area that would have been a required setback area between two separate developments, thereby causing more site disturbance and tree removal than if the developments were done separately. B. The loss of some of the trees in and around the common property line would have afforded a reasonable amount of audio/noise screening to all of the neighbors. An outdoor pool of this size, with the supplemental deck areas and a hot tub will generally include music and groups of users that may impact the neighborhood in a negative tashion. lt seems that more screening should be considered in and around the proposed Mr. Bill Gibson. Staff Planner And Town of Vail Design Review Board March 21, 2001 Page Two pool area to mitigate the potential disturbances being echoed and broadcast to the neighboring properties. C. The retaining walls on the North side of the Pool Deck are not shown in Exterior Elevation and we do not have an associated foundation plan to verify placement and depth. We therefore note that the real impacts of this portion of the proposed development are not being revealed. D. lt seems that a vacation of the common property line would allow this pair of developments to be evaluated by the Staff under rules and regulations that are more appropriate to such unique circumstances and desires of this developer. ls utilizing a "private agreemenf' to govern the future use of the development as responsible as reviewing this proposed development under a "single lot status"? 3. Demolition of Strategic Existing Trees: A. lt seems that more detail is needed at the "ground level" to evaluate the application properly and completely. The commingling of concrete walks, patios, projected balconies and roof overhangs together with mature tree drip lines, root systems and grading proposed will likely result in many more trees lost than suggested. A thorough understanding of those issues could also likely reveal slight design modifications that please all parties. B. We believe that a more detailed review of the structural/foundation drawings would reveal that many more trees are fated for demolition than appears to be identified on Sheet T101. Subsequently, we believe this Design Review Process should include specific and reliable conclusions that support the overall spirit of the written regulations for this development. Thank you for your time and consideration of the above noted comments and concerns and my office with any information regarding updated design proposals and future Subject Application. Michael and Karen Herman Mary lsom, Esq. Bruce D. Chapman, Esq. Cc: Director of Design April20, 2001 BillCibson TOV Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 RE: 363 & 383 Beaver Dam Road Final DRB issues Dear Bill: FRITZLEN PIERCE ARCHITECTS As per the DRB's request, enclosed are revised elevations showing the new column detail and the grill detail on the north elevation of the garage. lt is my understanding that we received Final DRB Approval at the meeting . The only condition was that we provided Community Development with the corrected elevations. The DRB requested that the columns be changed to a continuous tapered column. The drawings show the use of the larger stones at the base of the columns and then transitioning up into the stack stone. This mimics the detail on the house. The DRB requested that windows or grills be added to the north elevation of the garage. The enclosed drawings show (2) wrought iron grills sized to match window openinp on the house. It is my understanding that we do not need to attend an additional DRB meeting regarding these two items. Please contact me with any questions or commens. Thank you. Sincerelv.€rlt__\\\ Stephanie Lord-Johnson Architect \\SERVERU4AINSHARAOO4s - BEAVERDAMRESIDENCE\PROJ ECTCORRESPONDENCE\TO\ABGELEVO424O1 . DOC PACE 'l of 1 PlanningoArchitecturerlnteriors 1650 EastVail Valley Drive Fallridge C-1 . Vail, CO81657 . vailarchitects.com . fax (97Q) 476-4901 . (9701476-6342 April20, 2001 BillCibson TOV Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 RE: 363 & 383 Beaver Dam Road Tree Preservation lssues Dear Bill: FRITZLEN PIERCE ARCHlTECTS As per our discussions, attached is an updated tree preservation plan outliningthe latest information and Replant Plan. Quantity of Trees per 3-19-01 per 04 -18-01 Saved (remain in existing location) 19 15 Replants and Possible replants 't4 17 Demo 9 14 No lssues 26 23 Smaller Trees (6'-8' I height) I TOTAL 68 77 (cottonwood added to list) Through our review of the project, arborist recommendations, and owner input we have 5 additional trees that are listed for demolition. This is primarily because the arborsit found (3) trees that are life safety concerns from the No lssue category. These (3) trees are also in the sight line distance area on the West Lot that TOV Public Works has identified for thinning. Two additional trees are of poor quality and cannot be saved because there isn't enough separation from an adjacent tree in befter health that is slated for replanting. Also note that (4) trees originally marked for demolition are to be replanted. An additional (8) trees have been added to the list. These are some of the smaller trees that \\SERVERWATNSHARE\0O48 - BEAVERDAMRESTDENCE\pROJECTCORRESpONDENCE\TOWCTREES041901.DOC PACE 1 of 2 PlanningoArchitectureOlnteriors 1650 East VailValley Drive Fallridge C-1 o Vail,CO81657 . vailarchitects.com o fax (970) 4764901 . (970147G6?42 were not identified on the original survey. We will in-fill the landscaping with these trees. The location will be determined on-site after the larger trees have been moved. FRITZLEN PIERCE The attached plan shows that the majority of all replants are being located alongthe perimeter of the property and around the pooldeck for screening. Thisaddressesthe neighborsconcerns presentedatthelast ARC H ITECTS DRB meeting. To relocate the large trees a company from Texag Environmental Desigl has been commissioned. This company specializes in the moving of large trees using a variety of techniques. We will be using a large crane for the Beaver Dam Site. Due to unknown sub,surface site conditions we cannot guarantee that trees will be placed exactly as shown. There may be boulders or other hidden issues that we can not foresee. We will notify the TOV if any outstanding conditions arise. Please call with any questions or comments. We will continue to update this information as it becomes available. Thank you. Sincerely,Ct5- Stephanie Lord-Johfi6n Architect \\SERVERWAINSHARAM4S - BEAVERDAMRESIDENCE\PROJECTCORRESPONDENCE\TO\ABGTREESO4l9O'I ,DOC PACE 2 of 2 PlanningoArchitectureolnteriors 'l650 East VailValley Drive Fallridge C-1 . Vail,CO81657 . vailarchitects.com r fax (970) 476-490'l . (97O> 476-6342 / FPS PAGE OIA4/251282L 16:08 I Date: To: 970,476495r rAX COVTR SHEET 04-25-01 BillGibson &"t',.' FRITZLEN PIERCE 4* \.t t ARCH lTECTS Far: 479-2452 Re: Sender: Beaver Dam Reldences - Tree Prcservation Stephanie tord-f oh nson Bill You should receive I page(s) including this cover sheet. lf you do not receirae all the pages, pfeasecaff l970l476-6342 Ext 15. Attached is updatod trce inforrnation:. L Replant PlanDat{ +2341 2. Transplant List by kecision Tree Works 4-23t 3. Scope of Work rc: replant plan 4. Lett€r re: Need to rtplant prior to June l, 2001 Please notc that some of the Trce Transplants may rcquirc impacting the Wetlands -I will forward my infonnation from our Environmental Consulrant r€gardin! trcc roots in rrctlands. As per our conversations, we are hoprng to perform thc dcmolition and tree presenation worh during the month of May. Please let ms know,what 1ou need to pnocecd. Thanks! I Ifl K:\0O.0 - St vtRD lt lREslDENCAPRoTEqICORRESpONOINCI1rO\ATRernXC#r.oOC PlanningaArchitectureOlnteriors 1550 E.d v.ilValley Driw F.lhidge C.r . v.il co81557 r vrilarcfiltect$com o fer (970) 47tsa901 r (97Ol am{r{l > r$ ga:9r tzgelgTlDaIA6'9LFgL6zB 39Vd 0I $I 6 T I\J \-\b { N$v ! i # 3r! lr IEET! HliEi E3ai$ iei iEE!s{ i i'E:3& =d!g =Jar#: B0:9r lzazlgzliaraangLvgL6 .E €E^ Fe'E{ E9 EE9E!EBrt E?'o 'ArsJCr ii-:d, sBEs;igf E P F 8B:9T rzg|lgTliL I Et 5tElr 6 !ts{?sfuiii,ii* Vg :l9vd laBngLrAL6 . .._.s_4_/2F128?L 15: BB 6tnt by: PnECISIoNi| 974476496L ?iEE IIORKg FPS 9m926:tE9f AFil 23,20ol Mr. RobFawcau Oeor|P Strdtcolraucrio! P.O. 8ox 373 Vail CO,tl658 Rc: TncErn4fir* ndrcc funofithnqriB' 36!/tt3 Bavrr Ernr n'd., vril Dcrr Rob: o:a$x Job tql PAGE 05?.e. xl+ 'Cob;r$ousse c n6--t5i a a a a Srndl Trurphnr:Cmdidrer: .10utc6 n . ard 6 vrry rdnlli:ncrrn Totd ccr of rtrdcd tn6es:.-. ....,. ..., -. ., -.. - Lrrfs frsnpliittCudidlls(ittfuriw of cirr): t tltcs rt.,..':.,... ",.. Iruull stdrilizilt crblcc id thccro*n af, #6?..,....,-,,'.. Clrip dskih[ion 30 tls.tdot.oDe of rracplmtcd tner.. ] Two labortrr(t^rborcrr litcfyrqiplitdby:Shrficr) lbr a futtr dey lnrra$*iin of teiryorary u?c crown ipinld!ru fttr Yrai 2001: , x I lrcr =,.... .........'... Ilndtltion of tcfiporqf &iplincr for l0 sDdG &U frns.Dbots.. :. :......... Root fccd dl.t{ipldi trvicc qiainlly drrririg Vcrr 1001:irid YGd 2flI2. SmdlrrdruFhilr: : pcr ipplieuiorr;Lrjcutorplants: perrpplicalio[; Gon br rwo.yerr proSr{rr: E . --.:.,,h,;....,,..,.. Tord....-....... a a @ 64125/2ti21 15:AB $cnt Dy: Pf,EOISISll 97647E496L thEE tto.t(8 t70924359.r FPS D+lfil0l di 5qA$ 'rob 1e3 g6 g.r.l PAGE Prge Pagc 2 of2 I linclorod ir r qmti fibr- Ehrirlnm$Ial Doligt f6J tirc.tr-rnqplrating of I hrgc uecr, Unda iny rtquEsl nic diin*ct of dic root lrqllt har ios|Dqcil (to iricrlBro thc'cbrtrscs of riuftivrl} Ildr idcre lo icitlE.trir irir* lbc.co6t..Pldtctrcpt!:6ind dta'&b uir:n pricd for erh sea witl laal b- t,c:attitletcd |f thc qtA!|iDl'of oces &ngir . A3ai4 ttosry roil cutilryaird dtrcncc of largc bould& cotditiffi urcprcrnri. Ar pu lnow; thr finftl qu$tity of &nolhion frcri Urd trrrrptur: rrtcs ls cootiol nn AprilIl.2ffil tv{t. Rob Fncqt 151683 Bearcr Drrr Rd Pttrjcct G-- 0F)nl t. 2. 3. 4. Ilre llod rurrcy lAl'ing.SttnWw itc ortebt of idtligned:ftiudrtion rraUritrr-lrrd wirhh thc driplii* af*rvc trw"..ArchitictEitghucr . (.r,.- Th!.rcrorrfifirarion of or qDrirrcc.of erirting utillticJ br.trrncn f21 rnd rhc ,\ird G.nGqrI Cott?elv i Thc prccirc loolkm rrd dopth of rhc wgcr/srwtr liri n thc nonlr pmpcrty cdtp (*tcrc.rcrccrlttlG balllwill bc tocatcd to a 5.$footidepth). GcacrcI Co*etu If t'o hrva |fry qucstioru ibout tb:c pricc qucnm or oonringcnplar, Fleale giw trc a t:rll. yrt sreth, cmiiid Arborisl cc: Srcphrnic l..ord lohrrgon .Enclo$rcs: 'l':rc 1nnrplmt Crdidrt.r.4.21.0I ! crrion trwimrirrlottl Dctigl etnratiori . G-' g4/25/292L 15: AB FIECIIIOfl 976476499L tiEE maffi 970926360.1 0.t?5l01 g: CaAl, iob te+ PAE 67 P.g. 212 ffi .vt6 L:ebtdo tlStE o Arlru hoq Scsstiolofr $"urliblc ud$diiicbc6 rclocaion,pbgrm hr t*nnuy dnftr rnd rcylrionr. At ruf foini,.l baliwo rue hrvda rrortrbla riclcr.to"ph'' lloutlcr' tho'gr,crtcct ovorll bcooorc of nccccc for pur.lcc rlocatirn ptojtct ir rhc cqcctty to hrnc dl lrcq rctocficd byJrrnt Itt; Trce bu& aoccgc fi6 hG l4t rbnu8h.roid-lu.,t"Aft.riblil tlmcp.rio4 th. lcvpl ofuudsn gact tagurrc rd &ra0cc!,".b +rillilhp;:Gotrrrql,Gfity; e? edd* fort"for dffcicot druulug drnhg itr "ncttr ot irrry r o. tllc*rrra&:*Gtir't'# drrt Sanhrlic l.ord Johran Frtrzhn, Plrcc' Diin?. Archilacf. l6tO E, Vail Vdloy t}.; FdtidfcC-l v|il. co il657 RE: Ploporcd Codtiry Scrvico - Trcc Pnrcrr'atioo & Ttcc Rcloslirxr progmr 3636t3 Bcevct Dur Rord, Vail. CO G. DcrrStphuie, " I look forqrd to rccivinj rrydrtcs m tbcsc fivc cmi.r*cnci.s lr.roon .. potribre- Md( Stdlc Cqrtfrcd Artodsl Attnchrncnt: il5\ -icl @ G-.- \./ .__. t t 't lL' . Ia 't''JOHN L. TYLER/TOWN OF VAIL EASEMENT KNOW ALL MEN by these presents: J0HN L. TYLER ("Grantor"), for ten dollars ($10.00) and other good and valuable consjderation, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, has granted, bargained, sold, and conveyed, and by these presents does grant, bargain, sell, and convey, and confjrm unto the TOWN 0F VAIL, a Colorado municipal corporation ("Grantee") the following interest jn real property sjtuate in the County of Eagle, State of Col orado: A perpetual exclusjve easement and right-of-way on that portion of the Grantor's property which js set forth and.designated on txhjbit A attached hereto for the construction, maintenance, repair, reconstructi on of a road right-of-way for the use of Grantee and the general public. Acceptance of this easement by the Gtnantee shall constitute its agreement and consent as follows: 1. At such time, and in the event that the easement is abandoned or no longer used by the Grantee, then Grantee's interest in the easement shall jmmediately revert to and be thereafter merged with the serviant estate of the Granlor. 2. Grantee shall indemnify and hold the Grantor harmless from any and all claims for damages to real and personal property, and injuries or death suffered by persons in any manner growing out of the construction, maintenance, reconstruction, repair, or use of the public roadway within said easement,. unless such damages, injuries, or death are caused by the negligence of the Grantor. Such 'indemnifjcation shalI jnclude the cost of defending said clajms including, but not I imited to, reasonab'l e attorneys fees. 3. Grantee shal'l at alI times maintain the public roadway located on the easement in good order and repair. Said roadway sha'l I be constructed of and shall be maintained of asphalt materi al . 4. Grantee shall obtain liability insurance, which sha'l I insure against claims made for damages result'ing in death, injury, or damages to real or perscnal property, resulting from the construction or majntenance or use by the Grantee of the public roadway with limits of not less than one million dolIars ($1,000,000). 5. It is understood by the parties that the square footage located wjthin the easement may be used by the Grantor for the calculation of gross residential floor area. IN I/ITNESS WHERE0F, GrEptor has caused these presents to be duly executed on this bW day of ffi,axaP , 1990.' <.r'i*r\ . I-) UAES E i.i.i * ae{ +c L:- * Iui c ,,1- i? \ai ni}-."r F s:ifnG'\, ij "!l frj .J]af; .$ r:. _t ii= I Lr1 LrjF \i i,,! AZ qn TOI,|N 0F VAIL, a Colorado municipal tion. Grantee STATE OF CoLoRADo )) ss. COUNTY OF EACLE ) The foregoing lns trument \ras day l'lLatrtltt , t/|t ^ --- llLAAA,llW for the Town of Vail.--:-. - . acknowledged before me this bV leeo by Rouatt t). prnfus of as WITNESS my hand and officlaL seaL. My couqis:elon explres: Notarv Public q) H STATE OF COLORADO COIJNTY OF EAGLE ) ) ss. The foregoing lnstrument 6roAJ4.r acknowledged before ne tirfs d/t' aaywas 1990 by of a6 WIII{BSS rny hand and officlal My conmise ion erplres: seal(----*-:\ t NOCaTV rUDIL" Frmela A. &andmeytr, Notary public My Commission elgircG AuS. S, 1992 4*1ArB4 Et-5P4 F,-9i9 rZr.!./31 ,/?€r l F.: : 4;:F'L:J ';; IJT. 3 LL r'l c. s ill {'l '.d ar' i,l r.:ls s FT I tL !-l r! EXHIBIT A l" : 5O' o$ LOr i Y s6-ro@bo"w,6zz0' N7!p4t4l"w,49.45' ROTD :W SCALE: €Ftr{eB oNl I,EGIL DESCRIPTION fhat part of tot 3r Block 3, vail VlIIage Thtrd Fillngl according to th€ rnapthereof recorded in the offlce of t:}le Eagle county, Colorado, C!.erk andlP,reccrd.".r.:r deac.ril,ed as f,oIlorrE t Beginning tl _o polnt -- iri the weaterly llne of eaid lat 3 whencethe aouthwesterly eorner-of sald r,ot 3 bea-rg sisiooroo"e zz.rs ieetl tisn;e,along aaid weaterly line, N23.oo.oonr{ 39.68 }eetl trrence, aeparting -3ira weaterry llne, 675o59r4?',8 34.55 f€et, thence sg3o34,27trE gr.se'r..l-'to-tt"southsrly llne of gald Lot 3, thsnc€, -"t-ong aaid southerly tina, g6?cOO,OOtr9l67.70 fe€tt- thqncai d.partlng eald aoutherl-y ]lne, p79"41r41trt{ rt9.45 feet totlre polnt of b€glnnlng. contalnlng. zaes equaie -f-i;'i, .o"e. o. f""r:-'- -*- fr:_Tutil|qg ln the _legal deacrlption abovs are ba8ed on the westerly lln€ ofsaid Lot 3 beinq N23oOOrOO"}, (see ilrawlng ). ocJ EAGLE VALLEY ENCINEERING RI0Jiu,qy 972001May 31 ,20O1 BillCibson TOV Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81 657 RE: 363 & 383 Beaver Dam Road Minor Alterations Dear Bill: FRITZLEN PIERCE ARCHITECTS As per our meetin& attached are two DRB applications for Minor Alterations to the two Beaver Dam Residences. The minor alterations being requested are: 1. Driveway retaining walls and TOV required stepped planters adjacent to retaining walls over 6'-0" I believe that the TOV required planters are inconsistent with architectural character of the project. The house is intended to sit in the natural landscape and slope. In no other location is there a mediating device between the site and the house. Additionally, we have buiHing walls of similar height in these areas that do not step in the TOV preferred method for retaining walls. .lt is my understanding that the planters are required to limit a large retaining wall expanse. In that regard, we are proposing to continue the stone boulder detail that is shown on the residence along the retaining walls. See attached elevations. I believe that the large boulders at the base of the wall would provide the visual relief the TOV is seeking in their regulation. 2. Corrugated Corten Roof I am requesting the change in roofing material for two reasons. a. The fire department has requested the roof be a Class A non-combustible roof material on the East Residence b. lstill believe thatthe aesthetic ofa corrugated corten roofwould enhance the projectand the neighborhood. On the East Residence we would also like to play up the contrast between the copper roof on the architectural elements and the main roof. I will provide some additional graphics for the meeting. Please contact me with any questions or comments. Thank you. Sincerely-,.,'- \-.... - \ \t'-- l---r \ Stephanie Lord-Johnson \ K:\0048 - BEAVERDAMRESI DENCE\PROJ ECTCORRESPONDENCE\TO\ABCoS31 01.DOC PACE 1 of 2 PlanningoArchitectureolnteriors 1650 East Vail Vafley Drire Fallridge C-1 o Vail, CO 81657 o vailarchitects.com o hx(97014764901 . Oml476-6342 Questions? Call the Planning Staff at 479-2I3A APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL GFNERAL INFORMATiON This application is for any project requiring Design Review approvai. Any project requiring design review must receive Design Review approval prior to submitting for a building permrt. For specific information, see the submittal requirernents for the particular approval that is requested. The application cannot be accepted until all the required information is submitted. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the planning and Environmental Commission. Design Review Board approval expires one year after final approval unless a building permit is issued and construction is started. \ -, z : lli DESCRIPTION OT THt REQUTST: LOCANON PARCEL #: lL lL\ 4i NAME OF OWNER(S): TYPE OF REVIEWAND FEE:tl New Construction - 9200 $s0 $20 Construction of a new building. Includes any addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building. Includes minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. DRB fees are to be paid at the time of submittal. Later, when applying for a building permit please identify the accurate valuafion of the project The Town of Vail will adjust the fee according to the project valuation. PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPLICATION/ ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD. VAIL. COLORADO 8L657. TF'd '1Hr0l_ Jacobs Chase Frick Kleinkopf & Kelley, LLC 1050 l?th Stecf Suite 1500 Denvcr, Colorado 80265 Telophone: (303) 685-4800 Facsimile: (303) 685-4869 MEMORANDUM Via Facsimile (9?o) 476-4eor T(): Mdissa FROM: Michacl Smith RE: Applioation rtrr:l*rt**tt*f**a,lrtVlrr.****{rt*+*rr.**l'tttfft+r*lt*rtttrtr{.t*t'l*r.fj3+rt*lrrlr***'t!f*r*****tlff The Company is I A2Z Holdingc,I-rc l05o l?6 Street suitn | 500 Dcnvcr, Colorado 80265 Ttue ir my signaturc and you are authorizcd to place it on the DRB application: 'd/-t-/ 4,-4"fl , rd'""14 u0083163,w?D ta/t@'d DATE; Dccember I l, 2000 CLIENT NUMBER 0855.001 TOTALPAGES: I 35JF€, SAtrJUf 9s:9tr @Ae-fii]O __ Bql]2.!n_2\_ f' ZA.LZ 9744764€Al June 14,2fl)1 To: Town of Vail Design Rerrial Board From: Lynn Fritzlen FPA Re: Requert to Change Roofi ng Materials Bearaer Dam Residences FRITZLEN PIERCE ARCHITECTS FPS PAGE A2 Eac$ruund: The Residences harrc received final DR8 apprwal for the materiab presented. Approved ioonng;"t"rials are wood shake on ttre strid roves and copper at the rotundas and arch itectural projections. sometime afterflnal DRB we reviewed the projectwith Mike Mccee of the Torn of vail fire Oepartment Mike expreSsed severat fireproteCion and suppresion concems ' FPA was directed to look at a number of fire protectlon options. One of the options was to switch to a Class A roof to diminish the Possibility of fire sprcading from one of the largs trees in pro,rimity to the building. FPA and tie Owner are Iri "!r".ri"n. dris is a safety dncern anJ vrould iiku to propc. a non-conbustible roof for both buildinp. Currcnt Requecu Currently the non-combustible roofing materiab for the buildinp drat have already been "ppt*"b are standint seam copper and corten steel. The palete of materials chosen for ttrese buitdingp r"ar based on adesign response to $e she. The site is dominated by matyre conifers and &posed boulders. Theiopper and corten werc selected for their rich mix of teecures, colon, motrling and the ability to patina gracefully' The copper and corten steel patina is unique both when installed and as it ages therefore we are proposing to replace the wood shakes on dre East Residence with cofien. K:bO'E . B€A\trRDAIViRSSIDE}{6PRO'EqTCORRESPONDEI{CE\DiB MTMO 062@1.DOC P CE Iofz Plannin8aArchiHrrreolnteriors 1650 E&V.ilv.lhy Dire Frllddge c-1 . vril, co 81657 a vrihchircct.Eorn o t ir (9701 a7H90l . (gtol a75{la2 s6/19/zgn 29.L2 974476499L FPS PAGE A3 FRITZLEN PIERCE ARCHITECTS Corugated vs. Cortcn We previously requested the use of com.rgated conen rdler than standing seam. We would like b addrcss thii issue qgain. lt is our piferenct to rre the corrupted corten for the following neaions: - One of the design fremes of the Bear,er Dam Residences is to contrast the unhewn, unmanicured Uuitding materials in their natural state with a forceful architectural formality. An o€mple of this, is the use of large rorrgh cut boulders at the base of the building Srat transition to an ashlar masonry. We believe that the rusticity of the corrugated corten roof will contrast equally well with the precision of the steel windows and vertical siding - The corrugated beter matches the residential scale of the building. Standing seam installations are more often associated with commercial and large scale structures. The ridges of the corrugated roofing are approximately 6 to E" on center. This is similar to the spacing of the board and baften siding we are proposing Standing seam battens are typically 24't O,C. - The additional relief on the corrugated material vs. the corten diminishes reflectivity. This is a stated goal in the DRB guidelines. - The roof can hardly be seen from the public right of way but the dominant features will be the trees. The windorrvs and the siding will be the next most visible feature. Exhibie: -Flat orten roofing -Corrugated corten roofing -Masonry and Siding Samples -Ahernate rendered elevations of South Elevation East House K:\00'10 - EEAVERDAI R€StD€r{CE\tRortqrqoRRESpoilDENcSDRE Mt^to O6z0ot.ooc PtrCj.2 ol2 Planningofuchibctureflnteriors 1650 trrt vsil velhl Od\€ F.fite G1 . Vril, CO At6sz . niLrdriFcrr.com. far (970,47H901 . (tm) 47t{taA L,ynn Frifzlen, Al,{, ir{:hiic,ct: Wiiliarir F. Picr(;|), Afchik){] 'l hrrr a; R. Du lloi$. Architrxl Str:phanie l.r,rd-|(rhnsoll,,{xlriter:i David Baunr, Afchi|I:.t t a:hy Hnslinlp, Buinr:ss lvliinager MEMO Date: From: Subject: CC: April2,2OO2 George Ruther, Town of Vail Lynn Fritzlen Beaver Dam Residences - Architectural Projections Bill Cibson, Stephanie Lord, Rob Fawcett FRITZLEN PIERCE ARCHITECTS VAIL, COTORADO To: This memo serves as a follow up to our phone convenation last week in regards to clarifing the requiremen8 for areas within an architectural projection. lt is my underctanding following on our discussion, fiat interior areas within an architectural projection need not be enclooed if they are inaccessible, such as an area above a stair. You pointed out to me that this was allowed atthe May Residence on the Vail Golf Coune, It is my understanding that interior areas t}at are too small in plan to be usable or accessible are also exempt from the requirement to be enclosed. We faxed you diagrams of the areas in question on Fdday. Based on your guidance and revielv of the sections of the rotundas at both the west and the east house it is my understanding that the areas within the rohrndas are not required to be enclosed or modified. Please advise of any further clarifications within 3 dap. As alwap thank you for your help. 1t,50 [asl vaii \irllev Drire, fa:iridse C. 1, !i;il, Col()I;do l1': 65: P: !r 70.417 (). ii"l4: t:170.17ri.49t1 f: info{g}r,; il,:: r;hjter:ts. r.:r;n r 61.!",^,'.r"a il,t f,::h iliirls-con I (;!l0"lil"Boaxrrllanrl{i:sicklnce\Pi<;ji:<;lLlorro:jpon{jenc,:!'ilOV\ar<*..pn'ioi:ti,:,n1.<i,;r. Lynn Fritulen, Al4 Aruhitect ltilliam [. Pie|(e. Aft:hito(l Ilronps R. Du $ois, Architect Stephanie L.r:rd-.Joh,tson, Arcltitect David Baum, Ardlitc(l iftrthv Hcslinga, Business tlanaser MEMO FRITZLEN PI ERCE ARCH ITECTS VAIL, COLORADO ,' +.'la.z-452, Subjech Zoning Interpretations -Beaver Dam Residences CC: Stephanie Lord Thanks for your call today. Cooking Devices - lt is my understanding based on our conversation that a microwave is not sufficient to qualifr as a cooking device. A cooktop or stove is required for each employee housing unit. Architectural Proiections - fu we discussed I am forwarding sections, elevations and plans of areas within the architectural projections for your review. lt is our hope that the area is nominal enough and distant enough from an adjacent floor to be considered inhabitable and may be open to the space below. Thank you for your time. Enclosed drawings Sheeb 2-4: East Residence- Exterior Elevation, Building Section, and Floor Plan of area (Entry Foyer) affected by the height limit. Sheets 5-7: West Residence- Exterior Elevation, Building Section, and Floor Plan of area (Stair Tower) affected by the height limit. 'Iri50 fast \jail Vallev L)ri\ie- fillridgn (:-1, Va,i- Llolorad0 i!165 7 P: 970.17li.fil4l F:.q70.471:>.4(i01 l. : inio(i!vailarr-hitccu.r:onr '.urj^,'.vd i la rc hitc{- ts, c0 nl K: ..0i.)1i:l - Dlav'"'rDantRr.siden.:cLlProject(--,)rr!.st{)nd{)ncc\ i OV'Oit 2lrV1<rrnr; lrn ,\rItli Projecii3f i:.dlx: 9ro|!, @ @dLLraro9 BtAVtR DAM RtSIDtNC[S tAST LOT 2 & 5, SLOCK 5, VAIL IILLAGE JRO FILING 363 & J68 BEAVER OAM ROAD VAIL, COLORADO 81657 JoB ' 0048 :0.V. 3121 7*1 FRITZLE PI TRCE ARCHITECT l, n :J r\ U)oc -l/ -( mr-m -{lolz$l IIa Iot>-adB 8r '6ll 3 ll 'l_)j E2 I g I lf;z-a a Efi dI. U N6 €= E-ilB= ;9tt-6 8 g 6q 8iI ei r! ut oI g $ HI Rt =l <o*i ^lo(' $I Qtrn \/trD nn [/ 'r-\i-ri f-^(^'-rLiL-^vLr\ L./rrrvr KL>lULl\LL-5 LASl LOT 2 & 5, BLOCK 3, VAIL VILLAGE JRD FILING 363 & 368 BEAVER DAM ROAD vAtL. coLoRADO 8t557 Jog J 0048 FRITZLE PI ERC E ARCHITECT .O.V' 4n 4-1 ++F l.glet\AEpVc'ltEfq*r LrHfT -^*"ita--*"-#Eo i-i- ---.-Jl I tt @Par,l' R@ai I BEAVER DAM RESIDENCES LOt2IILOO|(LY I tttlc F Fllto$ I 9t SEAVB Dt|t X'AD'*fim* - EAST \_<\__aw BUILPINE S=-;CTION goAlt UD'.l'4' TO.V. 3t27,4*l FRITZLEN PIERCE A:CHIIECT' 9{ E5 gT 3i t6lllt>II -g BEAVER DAM RESIDENCES . WEST LOT 2 r 8, ltoct( t, V t_ vtr^oE s F|.rbslIlttEAvEnoIrcao v |.fr:rffittt' R Y Eo =cl 6 4r -t 1 $ $ a o a E \\j #;li tii j: il J * $i i $: ri+o ej fr il 6,lc d6 f;{{} p't Nfr.o 9l .rrrl 0tEo, Sfit lt*,tE+$ $l ='st !it !Fa FRITZLEN PIERCE ARCHtIaCtS :o.v. "lztlo6oFl I EI ,A .l e I 6i)\l-,/ ilo: >;a: liffi:Y+ g ,nft D fi; llo ;tF HI+ i!q Ei9 *i+ dq $f{} "i9l *is o,q rlq{} pl E]:ie aii xqr' txct- U =o (tl nto-l oz il IAT\( 8IN ,l\L./ BEAVER DAM RESIDENCES - WEST LOT t r q eloct( 3, vlr. vlt^e sE Fl.iEtas I tct 3€AvEn D r Fo D v t- caloR^oo tttT $B t t^ :lEl *e al$iiige FRITZLEN PIERCE Alclttt:cls ]o.v, Tor T No @ Iil ilf lt $ll m lt I ilt FRITZLEN PIERCE AacHtrtctS p 1 Toy 421, 60F BEAVER DAM RESIDENCES - WEST LOt r r a loc( q vlr Y|l^c so Fr.||O*,lr.nffi;#- ,DC r 00aa AV?2/29A2 09:51 974476494L FPS PAGE AL a l.I|n l tit,Jr . 4lt. t'( I'hii.i ii4!lixit! i. tri,:,r, ,.., .tr l:irr..,.r fllirr"d., S. l)t, !t:rir. Arr lri|(ir.l fu{ri riof r, 1., }?i .i. ;ii ii}r !! r" {rr.i!iLr.rjl Diritl tltu,,t. ..tn.lirtir.l S,lth'r I td:liDii;, lI r1ir.1;1;1 ;41;r1g.1 I FAX COVER SHEET FRITZLEN PIERCE ARCHITECTS v^tt. coLoR^oo I os-27-o2 Eflf Gibon t, 479-2452 Eearer Oam neridenccr Stsphanie Lord-Johnson i\ I Date: to: , Fql te: Scrdcr: CG' Biil - You shou{ rcceive pageG) including rhis aover she€r, tf pu do not- ,*eilii_ (97o1476-6s42Ext1i. pages, please all ls the '.x. helghr of a sbp 4'+"t cln r. use eitlrer one of the opbns pre*nted in theauached sketchcs? I[tl'1 , | | bok bruard to freari/g from you. I I 'i(;:iI tr.t rjrji \"il'i.ir,;.r.... t,,ri;riil*.. r -r, V.il. (lr[tr.u]; tl ii.! I f:: -{t :,tj..l: i! irj.li ll .l:t.1id..l.rl:.il lir ir r t7.-1J'.,. ri,,r'i hit r'r t.. r'.,r:, t\Y.l riliitf'I'ir':ri!-, "' f.,ri'tt'lri.li(..i,0!lfl.'rrii.'.ri..i:.r,r't'..rrt:i.,.!,,r.:,.txr!.!!.:r:Itl.r.i|:{t..,.r.,!n..iiixt)i.,,!.r.:ri!r l\ I\ I g5l2U2AO2 rA9:51 I 974476490I { A { J 4j .f 1i { ul ^dr* 05122/2402 09:51 97O476499L FPf \ I i I' 0 1Iic j J { J 7 1 I F rrjl ...8t\ | ------l- I I \ nn3lzagL -_L3:,58 ..- 976474494I FPS PAGE A1 lflft tritelan, AI,{" Afihitot:t ttilliam F. PicrrP. Ardriltcl Tktrnas R. otf B{i1 Al{iitfrll Srephdnh Lord'Johtrson, An:hite(t Diuid Bdunl,,i.tltltecl xathy fleslfqr, Brdna$t MrnnBPl FAX COVER SHEET Oate: l{ovtnrber 13' 2llll To: Blll Gibgon At Totrn Of Vall Fd! lc: Scndc?: Lynn Fritrlen CC SbPhanie Lotd FRITZLEN PIERCE ARCH ITECTS v rL coLoR DO (B7Ol 479-24t2 Bearcr Dam Regldences Minor Wlndott Rcvis'lons u do not pceiw all 0re pogcr' plcasc call (970) 476342 b(t Bill, The Owncr ts considedng rnaklq the blbrring minor windor/ chanEc to the el€YatiorF Can dris bc rottar"O as a stefi tPPoril or do-we have o be sheduled m aPF.ar -in fmntof DRE' The dnngsd areas Ite bubUed iih a doud. I nould appreciab a rcsponse tday if possible' Thanks Lynn 1650 frst Vrll Vallcv Diir\.. Frtllfi.lFr C-1, VJil, C$lo/rdo ttl fi5i P: !t)0..1rai.63{2 l : 97(t ,l l6.ag0'l E I in ft.,@vd lorx.h i trcrtn:oln rryr,iw'vOilOr<.hltt'<t'1. C<rnr \; Vtl46 - BcrrorDirr Ri$idsn(:!'{t(ia{ tcorr*!pon(l9tl(!e'r f t)V\lrdLx.window nlvishrn{d.x: ILIL3/2ilAL 1A:58 97g4764901 - -'aritffil AEsT ELEVATIO' . PAE A2--t*? -?t'rptrgfi ^ --14tE pc*.e W --"-,',-.',fri teW,W,,fiNc LLIL3IaAAL 16:58 97a4764981 . ---!--- FPS PAGE A3 t,/.tr/o1 ':.'lI.-,:::::_-:::.--:.:---=:'r €l:/ Pd'*,"'1 Ti"rr-, tl/,;/..n- 9744764901 '-- IOWN OF VAIL DESIGN REVIEI,I' STAFF APPROVAL PAGE g2 yllE?T ELEVATIA' --'tr.dR --fa:le.r#f; ^ _-T4t!ffiI p.*.e. t8 - --'**Ei - irEtEwE-o *- trif.r,n e-' | 3 2001 pffi xLlL3l2BAtt_16:58 9764?6496I .;i#1y't+e FPS TOWN OF VAIL DESIGN REVIEW STAFF APPROVAL PAGE 03 6/'/ Pl''o't<t*<aj 'T;r "r-. tt/;J-*- 4A_,_ NrJv i :t 2001 ILi1UmBL 12:61 9704764901 ttnn F lrtho AlA,.^n:hat!fi W{f{|tr F. t'|ra. A,ltllod flrrn|r F. 0u &rr, Arhtuct SUphrnie t-ord.lotnrcn, Ardtibl* Devil Borm. enlrimrt ttahy l-lcrfirgt 6'udoos Mrn gF FPS FRITZLEN PIERCE ARCHITECTS vAtLcotc Do FAGE O1 tlowmber 19,2001 ElllCihon . TOV Cornmunity Darelopmerrt 75 south F ontage Road Vail, CO 01657 FAX: (9r0l f79-2,f!iil Rf: 363 & 3E3 Bearer Dam Road Rcvisicnr to Wec W|ndotrs Dear Blfl: Tte fax b to cpnfirm our phorxe corvenatlon of lrt lslalconfirmlng staff app,qrel of the aitrchcd window rcrybioru to thc Wcrt Residcnoe. pleasc call me if fu harre any qrre*loru orc(NtoerE 1 650 €.{ VJI V.n ? Drirt, Foil'k{te C-l . V.tll, Crrbrado $tf.Sl E .J.'C.a i6,63{e ?t il0.176r n €,'rnb,(DlrlirlrHnornrrn rtl,r*.rtttalrAia(1tl,.tr,n Thank you, PAGE g2 /t/oz/a1 FPS :,lt+G; LLIL9/2a,Br LLlr9l26BI L22AL 97A476498r PAE O3 - -----rli - --xa?i#---*Taff|il -.rEE/HE hIEsT ELEVAT'CII -*la.rc.ntrfiE -dHir F3ttt.?- tuJ&.,*t,.4r ez--_#iffiro FILT COPY TOWN OF VAIL Depmtnent ol C ommunity Development 75 South Frcntage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us November 21, 2001 Lynn Fritzlen Fritzlen Pierce Architects 1650 East Vail Valley Drive, Fallridge C-l Vail, Colorado 81657 Beaver Dam Residences - minor wildow revisions (west residence) 383 Beaver Dam Road/Lot 3, Block 3, Vail Village 3'Filing Dear Lynn, This letter is confirmation that the proposed minor window revisions to the building permit application for the west Beaver Dam Residence @01-0140/B0l-0141), located at 383 Beaver Dam Roa4 has been Design Review staff approved. Please conbct Charlie Davis with the Town of Vail Building Division at (970) 479-2142 to discuss any additional requirements for revising your building permit application. If you have any questions or commentg please feel free to contact me directly at (970) 479-2173. Sincerely, "J>u- 21.,4/L Bill Gibsoq Planner I Town of Vail Enclosure: DRB staff approval stamped v/indow revisions {gr""nuor "o lL/L3l2AAl 16:58 97A4764981 FPS TOWN OF VAIL DESIGN REVIEV1I STAFF APPROVAL €1./ ?a)''^.',4 T;r,"r- ttl;J-n- t/DATE: rt/L?/tL----- -alrAtRE c€+rl.Eo*- - No'/ t 3 2001 TOWN OF VAIL DESIGN REVIEW STAFF APPROVAL Gl./ Pz,l*,4 T;.""r4 tt/,J-,"-- t-*- fL*f EfuJoe-. -iltht -sEes'l.En*- - NOy t 3 2001 jot- otll luly24,2(fi2 BillGihon TOV Community Doelopment 75 Souft Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 FAX: (970) {7$2t52 RE: 363 & 383 Bearer Dam Road Pool Area Walls Dear Bill: Anached please find examy'es of the t\4o types of stone \€neer we are proposir6 for the pool area walls. Style '4" is a hanered larger bouHer stone veneer. Style "8" is a drysuck small rcctangular telluride gold *one veneer. The majority of the wall will be Style "8" and then the louer *ep@ out portion near the grill will be Style "A". I believe this address lour rcquest for tuo different material tlfes. Plesse call wi*r any addltlonal questions or comments. L*T\L-- Stephanie Lord-Johnson Fritzlen Pie rce Arch itecfs CC: Rob FaMe.tf GSCC 845-7013 Lfnn Irif:lerl, Al{, .{l(*ril(.i:i Williari: i:. Pic'c9, A.clitcrl lh:'rrres R. D{r 3{ri, .\Kritr Stsphaoie I urrJ-jr Jr nv ';r. r\rr1;ihr I f)ar'id Saunr. Architc( t ltuthv lJ*:!lini$, $uti']i:$$ iUdnit$l}r li,'.iJ f)s \.'ilil\jillkrv nrivg, [r.ii'iix'.'i- 'i, t.ii1. (,>lr;rarj. Btii5: t): :);'r).i lit.i' t-lj Fr 9:i).n:6..',ilir l :ii!c!ili)i;ilsritir:tr! t.- i,,iri !!!..1(. ! itij_.l irlii i l(..1.' rl!t FRITZLEN PI ERCE ARCHITECTS vAa.,@LonADo Thanks, ,..*iS-^aql;ln rlJn c rvttA tt I Dqt I r r ttl3lrs - s3cN30ts3H nvo u3^v3g tltttttattt 13U3 td |WIZIIUJ ,a i $L tr v 0 r0 kt xe't tn aa, B\rr t ,fJ tttt f; f$F Z{.. r' FH# ui E +,n6-.8 n s ll ^it J 0 fi ( A 1 d t4l. A} {[ J,ff fr bl ht l-I TI p f \l I \J \ ,1 h' DJI I A er t>=o.r*-tJlo.r 3*.**- J!p= nBtt IUAll2Ag2 !2=2L 97A476495L FPS PAGE A1 t.r',:rr lriilr',r,,\l\,,\rdirt.r't \t illi{tt f. Itnf.:t. t!(llil('t I Itvdne,r R. lJu tl*it. Atr'llilri:i Si,:grlrarr,e 1. .:..1'1. lrrt{'t!. $Jil':il nrtlri lt'rrllt, {ttlt{'. 1 K,rt!'r HrAlinX.:r Su$,r!|:'ri.\t.!!lF.'t FAX COVER SHEET Detr: fax: Scndcr; SephanicLord-Johnson CG Rob Faurcet, GSCC E45'7o13 To: Re: - you shogld recei\€ S p.S.O i@6\a rll the PaFs, dease cdl 1970147G6342 b( 15- Bill- Folloring are rhe e) EHU R$tdctiw cwen.nB signed for A2Z Holdlngs.for 363 and 363 8€'rGt Dam.j|"i. fi.r. let rne kno* lf pu need Ore signed iiginab. lrvould abo like o ga back a copy oncc the TOV has dgned the foms. Please call with any quertions or ommenb. FRITZLEN PIERCE ARCHITECTS v lLCrLon Do 10{9-02 Bill Gib6or 479.2452 Beaver Dam Residences - EHU Restictive Covenanb I lr.:if l.L.! \.r,ri! Vrl!.!r l :|.i,c, I.illrrllr' I : 1. Virli, C,..1',r..|'j rt'i rJ:: t, .iIi;.,t lir.rr t4.J l r::i.,,r-t,.i.airi [: i r, i,..,;J!..hil?r( irih....$.' .,||| \.tr\,t Jii.:!()litr" tti ,. ttl l:;.(di.lfi . H, r. Nr.t | ,nrli ilr:rr(li'rr, r ".i!riii:rl(.1 111'1> 'rrrl' n, r'.1 ()Y ,l rtlllr'l ;trloi ..L r FPS FPli PAGE A2 I D, rTDftrltl' *dffi#&*'' 2. a ?. I ,nrrit lzlc4t?/nz r?!c5 9?3475'tl -Frr"--an . 13 r ! o ?tol : tc9'cet'Dlu'lrtt' ..ruiFl0||ttlstrya Goilwltrtfrir* '4. f t, lFl t naaal3 rll0D siff^3nroqqga;gn*r *im?s;**dtlr|P''lFvttrrDIGC r. nnE'Frr*r,r-,nurLeFlrl€#ll#nffi-'" i*tlF{r-.tilnrrsomff'rutt!'rttluxlEl&dtflrrrto Tho Ttf I Slf U $il tll r rfitlltr' co'Sr' rF r"t fo.rn dtlt|d|e InF'd (iil.t'b.rtTfdar. wsisaatrjflll$Sffitg'i Eia-icrr rtrrqrGilEaf oceprsf C nrl,t I E rU .tf, b hbrl o r csrun Cm nnur fc *fErr t hl Tt . I Bf,, b s-tfft d!|r r dfla gil!3,-r-nrirrrtr olram$lr (75') .ii'irr r qr rr rt rio 6'i[.i tc.i rir lr *i'l ror rtr cd-'r grol no crtl cf Ota TrDa tl l{u. Tb T}F r o|tl afi|| .!rrfl|| rfrtr. Thf't dld !a o0 hh'!t Eil ?ffi "ryEnr D.u ffitr |4l p r|rlth I tlvb*tr-. fi.ryr. x aru iltil a rbfEl a lDIn* ril I !|lrucn rnT}'al ailr'rr' il ta |fl. rt*rli. ot6lr|!d rrfn* tienrll' uurillrtlctibrdtld. i{c rrr G-rU t c ch Fr. tr c- I m iyc. tl Ef{t, il-*ur$ rt e)ffiCal|rtrrh|iq|rlb|r|D boE tlltsn ttCF ttt{t b,t.F.ra DrFtttat|t. E AacetFrnryFrrf,E nsfltDdt .Gltgt ]tucD-DI|t3liftaafiFltrrlE*gull5 hr 'l-taotufrd- ftotfiairn F-. ttarut r!. I lltott- rI !|r Da ril|l rtF r.|0 rlr| ot fflF llq|ml rrr a.rrtfrlhretr rtGtlFgerry. PAGE 02?lel 1r. l^. rt.' n' lli" ' ' ilJrfrcrna(o$t Orrtt'lC wzg'd rzet 9ct t8q 39r{0 SStDUf !{:91 &-*'JaIl L2lg9l2^g2 L2=21 97847849OL FPS.PAGE g3 L2lmtzdrz . 12:0:i. 97!.?6.1191 7r rD.atratata'a ;F; t.;|r rr. .!oe'sor'on"Dr?l' fowx ot v. AL.. sbs'nn3ftc'Pr*t tf, t0. tr, stafi.odcaLil 0o cotJltTtof r ilc ).t.l ) Tr.tuae!il t||tril -.llfl-t3t so rnr tr -dry ot rchffrry. r|orrhlth urcauflorrrytrr' tFil ,li{-rd rl |000 q lp- Fr|r t dl xctnttulG lryiill|I.t l2t. Er.ffi-ffif#f ',^,.fflp1Yfti *Ogt=-"r'*-hflrtE; - ,& DG n .0.it| |lh4til rtla*tfllild !.6i t|r |lLlD'i 3i ia aw '^fjc Jt Hffii#Fnm"mffiffit-" I'IC, . A gft@',4 lezr st EE as*o *@r t8tsl &^*Jn t2/s9126s2 l2r2l 97A476499L FPS * ro, tr-r.tatn PAGE g4 Fr 8att|,! "'1" rztgqznz r2le5 9?E.754991 !f,v-ar'at iilr t.i. ' toe'cor'ctu'latl ' T''rll hfilFra IOD -.r" ({hrtomt r. rhErrrtonlrtl'noq#t6;f;.l'im.."'" ii;tlitl{i*ntrnnslwtllorrltrDluCilien,dlmrrrC' #tJgsFnq*--:CUGPilttYX.E! cgrrDorttt|fiil|:.,5r-ry wnatrE, rrroqr g rl:ffi ?s.E ** * 2. T|.l'tr$gil, * 1o161$frl|f rrllfrd norryloan dllnJun.. hrsl - crrriU.tffirlbr. rFrFlgrrfir b|l-!-t|6 HId fr-qF E- rryS!.*::l5t!t'::i.lgtqirorl*al3:ffi"91fiffi;F,dotlEffiH;'ffi ilA,iJ;iiEfi-+-e-r13qsl111l13q*nf;31HtSJLIEl5-riEfr iiiE-Filri-.,-f;1al',Tg,;E"'*ffiirffi€f,Finrrrcr*arledutrrg.ar '**ffisw ***lTsl oFEr.t d ur ly' ll E)llJ .h|ll D. h.E q. rrf|rllt C ro g"uro F Elrul'r' f rlr lyr tl lt rE*|I5tifura-f,f,H Stlt.r ry|ifr|||r Cra,Gtttr (?O ;;;i'fi'a-.ii#-n-- e' - tEd *d r b qdd tb lhrd'r rn * lr oqjt tlr TlUr s Drr. tralt'.t| O{u dfl nDa -omrilrfE. n-r nrr tr ttc hrru mr tonr rrl EHU D.u Orlllt l,|trEfir tnrtDl rr-s. rh. Tf'F|l a{u ,|acdlra lfr|:r a'IErhiG ||4 ! lalirooir' I|L rlF I e|l/ ,r|' rd 5r u, ttraf'td, aomrtro rrrruy lient na urt dhrIErl{r.rotrll ro h|' :r F|!n|'t t d nh tL tr ilnr d h tD. lt E{u dr|[ rl,|it trc @Ftsct iltr ffi oJr. hri b IurE igh Ir cqilnunft Drt|}oen|rrilrrt|trt E rrfcdttrrt| Dicfrill f.furr|i. Er! m aril|Fr -Drrn'reEtlr lrr!|Do'ltOtrol'f!3 ||llr n|| nnrl|tta frilfrrDbl |tcudn rht tu, lrril!!a:F. !|3ruqv_..!!!rtD rr! lto rEn ilIrr ltr fit9|o'|. |tuqn! qrt c r tulFlh. i|tm h sl|b Courru. i e "t a. g, 7. c- t?t? FF cgl{-aq|a5 ct:l7r{l rttrt.at LUAy2gg2 I2z2l 974476499t FPS g0'd tlor i#r*,'o--i$f'drt 'I o . atoa?l.'3t !F9-ll-ll tt: 13 ffiiln o.'galr?tttrtrt- :iottn ol vru 1 66161 matofJ atF fr 9t grAiloFadgrADo , --,roourilvoFrm.- ) PAGE O5 tzt r?-rrrH$s"t#8gffiffi. iilr'dficstlp' lf i;amtottt f'n trth itSttrtilEr|:|rofi'tfd!'hiillf Qd to-- tanhlr.!t ttE nt*, llcmuealtir lztrtlq * ItAltot .f? &+4*,n'n o.L xoruRDE Itac.nils..rf.3 tyrr irrta.rnrl D A I!t .a ^F5 litla htt-t lct{fi qf,fitln fcrgt ?ffi'-n-)& Ll csl l-bf zoNE CHECK oatc: z/zt/ot Lcgal dcscription: Lot--- Block_ Filing Addrcss Orrttsr Pbonc Phonc Architcct Proposcd usct-otsiza Lf,qfu ?sv{Allorvcd Existing . proposcd Total TotalGRFA (.A_L?'L + t€o =__3!i.L Primary GRFA -+ (42j) (6?j*) - efiu - --JEF---- +GOl= + 6'15 = 425 crcdit plus 250 addition Docs this rcqucst involvc a 250 Addition? de Rcmaining t6{ @ ,4.+rtt/!!@D = lsgo 3to (30x33) Front Sidcs Rcar Minimum qt7.6 3'l 6'.e+q z Rcquircd 3 20' .t 5' l5' Encloscd Etlt,r Q-) Proposcd Slopc _% z z Garagc Crcdit Drivnvay Complics with TOV Ligbring Ordinancc Arc finishcd gradcs lcss than 2:l (50%) Enironrn cntal4lazards I ) Pcrccnt Slopc (< >10%) 2) Floodplain f; fVr,t.nd, % 4) Watcr Course Setback (30) (j0) 5) Gcologic Haards a) Snorv Avalancho b) Rockfall c) Dcbris Florv Pro,ious conditions ofapproval (chcck propctty filc): Is thc propcrfy non-conforming? Dacribc: Horv mucb of tbc af lorvcd 2j0 Addition is uscd rvith tlris rcqucst 2 Ar/A Sitc Covcragc Hcigbt Sctback Lrndscaping RctainingWall Hcights Parking (300) (600) (e0orri@ Pcrmiftcd Slops --%Ycs- Nq Ycs_ No 2- 3 = 36V/ /./L DESIGN REVIEIV CIG,CKLIST Projcct: tr SURVEY Scilc Bcnchrnark ! =_ Lcgal dcscription :i' Lot Sizc Buildablc Arca Eascmcnts Topography l00yr. floodplain tr FLooRPLA}.IS Scalc GRFA 250 additional CRFA Crarvl\Attic Spacc EI{U Q BUILDINCELEVATIONS Scalc -:- Color\Matcrials Roofpitch Q LANDSCAPEPLAN Existing trccs - ..Proposed recs Lcgcnd MISCELLANEOUS Condo Approval Titlc rcport (A & B) Utility verifi cation form Watcr Counc Sctback Environmcntal Hazards Trees Utility locations Spot clcvations tr SITE PLA].I Scal c . Building Height Encroachmcnts Sctbacks Sitc Covcrage EavcVOvcrhangs (4) DecLtsfBalconics Pbotos ofsitc Garage connection - Sun\ShadeAngtcs -- . Sitc Gradc\Slopc Vicrv Corridon.Rctaining lVa s Fe.nr.... Varianccs Turning Radius Drivcrvay (acccss and gradc) Snorv Storagc Firc Access Buil ding matcriat samptss C.O. Vcrification ZONE CTIECK Grncr Architcct Phono Phonc Allorvcd Existing aJ/A +TosL GRFA ttl7,D + rall =--4ti:u- d/* -+ Gptq}-lcRFA F(D *{sl{F =__fop_ alfr + Sitc Covcragc Hcight Sctbacks l.andscaping RctainingWall Hcights Par]i ne Garagc Crcdit unvcrvay Minimum 20' l5' l5' I Complics with TOV Ligbring Ordinancc Arc finishcd gradcs tcss tban 2:l (50%) Environm cn taL/llazar& Proposcd usc (r * 6rl4t uutauau*u )s,ZqoTJ4 . Proposcd Total Rcmaining Err,* over yw tl g/qL ilfA +.x= qi'IZ Z,Z-?o 3t* n: \r/, l''f Rquirea3{,2(eilq.l ,/^ t/+z 6 Enctoscrl (300) (500) (900).(1200) (oa + 3a(ew1 , ge6 Pcrmittcd Slopc % proposcd Slopc % Ycs_ No Ycs- No 2) Floodplain 3) Wcrtands__yAr___ % 4) Watcr Course Sctback (30) (SO) t /F 5) Gcologic Hazards a) Snorv Avalanchc b) Rocldall c) Dcbris Flow A/A Pro'ious conditions of approval (chcck propcrty filc); ls thc propcrfy non-conforming? Dcscribc: + 675 = 425 crcdit plus 250 addition Docs this rcqucst involvc a 250 Addition? nla Horv much of tlc allorvcd 250 Addirion is uscd rvirh 0ris rcqucst?__Ay'A - (30x33) dff;i''@ Rcar ,4q.4 3't6' ,t h [. tui$.J DESIGN REVIEIV CEECKIJST O SURVEY Scalc .:_ Bcnchrnark I . Lcgal dcscription i- Lot Sizc Buildablc Area Eascmcnts 1'opography l00yr. floodplain tr FLooRPLANs Scalc GRFA, 250 additional GRFA Crarvl\Anic Spacc EHU Q BT'ILDINGELEVATIONS Scale Color\lviatcrials PLAN Existing tccs - Proposed rccs Lcgcnd MISCELLAI.IEOUS Condo Approrrl Titlcrcport (A &B) Utility verifi cation form Pbotos ofsitc Buil ding mataial samplcs C.O. Vcrilication SunrShadcAnglcs Utilities (undcrgrorur ) Vierv Corridors. Varianccs PIat rcshictions Watcr Counc Sctback Envirorunenbl Hazards Trees Urility locations Spot clcvations Q SITEPLAN Scalc. _-__= Building Height Encroachmcrtts Sctbacks Site Covcrage Eavcs/Ovcrhangs (4) Decks/3alconics Garagc conncction __ . Sitc Gradc\Slopc RcbiningWalls Fcnccs - TumingRadius Drivcrvay (acccss and gradc) Snorv Storagc Firc Acccss b€€plb bE-e*Eq, F€f tE Ed59EgE Prd'E a 6 €AFEPF}.: E€E 6 c xP.EE='i9=+-5" r$g E* E = U F ! ES €.,. E r ;'s ;"^ :'3'H .E .E ^s 5E 9i E, eEEE€.EE=i Er E.i E€ F " P a-':* 6 gIil:ac !ll Yl I; t E, F OJ z I I o a.) xl-J i'{ cti& o lr >r I(Jal E'.e3: -ci 3 xtr :ia :(JH.E u: 3 b.g-, i-r > {.s_6,Y q=vsE Y-8 P€ 5E!,(,)L.E3€ E!E "EEb €38:rgEgtu Spbo-8trti o= i€Eggp ! =ionF Ex P AP:!.8€ag 9:--xttEi r.' o'-d0J.9&9 0J ra tE #5E iHt,UU:(a-.:'l 'a tFt s HUz4A DUUo trto FIH 14UH tqH Hfr frlU (a'F *..*s F_t SSt N F $EP .P LJ A< co EF$* s ^$,R €h- !i H. Ss^8ss .\ LJ S.QA*E YR'3nE'S S F.i Js,r\ sgos.= ,a\sLJE Htr.{O = OF-r oq) '6E 'o- (, (q ko 3 U l-r .F Iq at. c) z a TOI4'N# Design Review Board ACTION FORM Departmert of Community Development 75 Sorrth Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Project Name: Beaver Dam residences DRB Number: DRB030136 Project DescripUon: Revised landscape plan Participants: OWNER BDRIOINTVENTURE-TYLER,J05/02/2003 Phone: 288 CI.AYTON ST STE 306 DENVER CO 80206 License: APPUCANT STEPHANIELORD-JOHNSON 05/0212003 Phone: 476-6342 Fritrlen Pierce Architects 1650 E Vail Valley Dr., Fallridge C-1 Vail, Co 81657 License: ProjectAddress: 383 BEAVER DAM RDVAIL Location: 383 Beaver Dam Road Legal Description: loH 3 Block: 3 SuMivision: VAIL VILLAGE FIUNG 3 Parcel Number: 210107112018 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: STAFFAPR Second By:Vote: DateofApproval= 051L4/2003 Conditions: Cond:8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be nrade without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (P|-AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Planner: Bill Gibson DRB Fee Paid: $20.00 Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 teli 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us General Information: All p@ects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the C.ommunity Development Department. The project may also need to b€ reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design r€view approvat lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year. of the approval. Description of the Request: Location of the Proposal: Lot: j alock:3 Subdivision: Parcel No.: ^ tOv.':lll7r-12- (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-86,10 for parcel no.) Zonin'g, Name(s) of Owner(s): Mailing Address: Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant: Type of Review and Fee: D Signs El Conceptual Review tr New Construction D Addition D Minor Alteration ( multi-fam ily/com mercia l) tr Minor Alteration (single-fam ily/duplex)\,/ -F<Changes to Approved Plans t tr Separation Request $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. $300 For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and $20 ff'llfl#l'iihun, ur,".dy approved uy ennnineR6€&lltED Design Review Board. No Fee /Dr\r For Office Use Only: Fee Paid: Check No.:ay g6#'+ I h\r' I MAY 0 ?. 2il{13 Jacobs Chase Frick Kleinkopf & Kelley, LLC 1050 l?$ Sheef Suite 1500 Denver, Colorado 80265 Telephonc: (303) 685-4800 Facsimile: (303) 685-4869 MEMORANDUM Via Facsimile (e?o) 4i6-4wl Mdissa Michael Smith Application t rtr:l*****t****ttf lv*t**r.,1****,1r.*'t**|l*|N.'1+f frlr*tir*rf t rtr*r r,t,fit! +t *{ x'i'if, * *t+* rt |i f *,ti {r * f The Company is A2ZHoldinge, LI-C 1050 l?6 strect Suite 1500 Dcrnrc,r. Colorado 80265 Tlus is my signaiuru rnd you are authorizcd to place it on the DRB application: ,4-,tu/ a-fu"f,, rd'"'ra TO: FROM: RE: 00081t63.wPD ta/tB'd DATE: Docembar I l, 2000 CLIENT NUMBER: 0855.001 TOTALPAGEST I 3SU|O sqolu.c 9S:9I @Ae-fi-Ji3{ a, 1 *t|ll*ll*a'l*l*tllll|l*tl*tt,i***'it***ttttattttt*lrtttt*atrt*+'t*a****'rr|***'i**a****trtrtt||la||tialal*i TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Stablnont*'|:l******tl***r***frar****'|**r|**r*|lat**ttl'|t*a*t*'|***rt'l'l**'|**'***r****{.*****a'tr*aarr**ra*l*a**** gtatemcnt lluriber: R030003902 Amounts $20.00 o5l02/2oo3o1 :55 PIrl Payrnent Method: . Check Init: JAR Notation! 5844 gtephanie Lord itohnson Pernit No: DR8030136 lYpe: DRB-Cbg to Appr PIanB Parcel No: 210107112018 SitE AddrCgS: 383 BEAVER DAM RD 1'AII, Locatl.on: 383 Beaver Dan Road Total Peea: $20.00 Thia Palmrent: $20.00 Total ALL, Pmts: $20.OOBalance: 50.00 tf|tt|ltt||||tatlrll*afl|l+*alla'i*'|****t*lXrattltttttta*r*****t**{r**'t*+a**tll{ t*'ll+l*a|}*at||||lla*l*l*a ACCOTJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code DescfiDtion Cunrent ffis DR OO1OOOO31122OO DESIGN REVIEI,{ FEES 20.00 TOWNOFVAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81557 970479-2138 toorrr* oF coMMU** ortllorr* Plan Check-> $7 , 3 05 . oo DRB Fee-.-...__-.-> $500 . 00 Additional Fees-> SO.OO Recreation Fee--> 95s2.20 Total Permit Fee---> $19,?31.20 gO. OO Payments-> 919, 731.20 Investigation-> will call-> $0 .00 $0.00 $3.00 Clean-uPDePosit-> TOTAL FEES'---> 519,?31.20 BALANCE DUE-> Approvals:Ifem: O5100 BUILDING DAPART!4EMI o8/o6/2oot cDAvrs Action: AP Item: 05400 PLAIINING DEPART!,IEI.IT o7/24/2ooL bgibson Action: AP ItEM: O55OO FIRE DEPARTI1IEMT Item: 05500 PUBIJIC WORKS o6/29/2oot Ls Action: AP Item: 05550 EI{GINEERING t""\ s, 3\\r 3 \:c^\ O,L(..3- 3 NOTE: THIS PERMT MUST BE POSTED ON TOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PROIECT TITLE: NEW (SF&P/S,DUP)PERMIT Permit #: 801-0140 fob Address: 383 BEAVER DAM RD VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: WESTRESIDENCE Applied..: Parcel No...: 2701.07112018 Issued . . : W/08/2001 ProjectNo: PRI01-0006 Expires..: 02/04/2002 owlrBR BDR iIOINT VElrTtrRE - Tyr,ER, J05/23/2OO1 phone: 288 CIJAYTON ST STE 306 DE}.I\TER CO 802 05 License: APPITCAT{T SIIAEFFER CONSTRUCTION 05/23/20O! phone: 970-845-5656 P O BOX 373 VAIIJ CO 8L558 Iricense: 129-B CONTRACTOR SHAEFFER CONSTRUCTIOIT 05/23/2O0L Phone: 970-845-5656 P O BOX 373 VAII, CO 81658 Lricense z L29-B / Descintion: NEW SFR WITH TYPE U EHUOccuiancy Trce Factor Sq Feet Valuation Dwellings Zone 4 v-N 2tL.9O 4,548 i963,72L.20 Private Garages zone 4 v-N Masonry 51.88 882 954,578.15 Totals... 4,54e $3,300,000,00* Number of Dwelling Units: 2 Town of Vail Adjusted Valuation: 3,300,000.00 Fkeplace Infornation: Restricted: Y # ofGas Appliances: 0 #of Gas lngs: 0 #of Wood Palleh 0 FEESUMMARY Building-> $11,240.00 RestuarantPlanReview->SO.OO Total Calculated Fees_> S19,231.20 lo See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the inlornation required, courpleted an accurate plot pl,an, and state that all the infonrration as required is correct. I agree to comply with the inforsration and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the tovuna zoning and subdivision codes, desig;n review approved Uniform BuildingCode and other ordinances of the Townapplicable thereto. REQIJE;ITI FIOR INSMCNON StrIALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICB ROM &M AM - 5 PM. Send Oearrup Depoeit To: N/A SIGNATT'RE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEI PAGE 2 *****r***it****!t#r|*****rffi ,*****************t************iffi rt*****r*#ffi f***#*r*,w* CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Perrrit #: B014140 as of 03-06-2002 Status: ISSUED PermitType: NEW(SF&P/9DUP)PERMT Applicant SHAEFFERCONSTRUCTION Job Address: 383 BEAVER DAM RD VAIL Location: WESTRESIDENCE ParcelNo: 270107112078 Applied: Issued: 08/08/2n7 CONDITIONS Cond:33 (PLAN) THIS PROIECT WILL REQUIRED A SITE IMPROVEMENT SURVEY. SUCH SURVEY SHALL BESTIBMTTED AND APPROVED PRIOR TO REQUEST FOR A FRAME INSPECTION. Cond: L2 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: CON0N4776 NEEDSTAMPED APPROVED DRAWING FROMLICENSE PE FOR WALLD OVER 4 FT IN HEIGI{T. NEED REVOCABLE RIGI.IT OF WAY PERMIT AND FEE. .O o **l' '|taf lf|} | | | tft *l:i'} *+ttl ***'l I f f'l 'l * *'t'a'** | *+ * | * **** * * **l' ** * * t | * l' *lr'l *l t*l +lfl* ff lll ltalll'lf la* TOWNOFVAIL, COIORADO Stalemcor *f*ftaa*++*afflfff,aal**l*t+tta**t*t*+*+ff*'|t**f+***l********l**l*'|l*ttf+{r*at'}{raaataf*lat+f+t staternent Nudber: R000002017 Amount: 99,009.00 03/06/20o2o4:01 PM Payrnent Method: Check InLt: LC Notation: 54915/Shaeffer Permit No: 801-0140 Type 3 NEw (SFR,P/g,DUP) PERIIIT Parcel'No! 210107112018 Site Addrees: 383 BEiA\IER Dr|M RD VArIJ IJocation: ttEST RESIDET{CE Total Fees: $19,731.20 This Paynent: $9,009.00 Total ALL Pmts: $19,731.20Balance: $0.00 't** l'}*l' **'i | * ++a* a* t + *a*l* t|l't * * 't {r** * * * *** +'iirf * * t *'t** + + + * * * * * ** *t}* | * f *** * * +* a *{tt{tl' *a|'l * *tt* *+* ACCOTJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts BP OO1OOOO31111OO BUILOING PERI.{IT FEES PF OO1OOOO31123OO PLAN CHECK FEES 5 ,460 . 00 3 . 549. 00 TOWNOFVAIL 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970479-2738 |ob Address: Location.....: Parcel No...: Project No : ISSTIED 08/08/2007 02/04/2002 OW}IER DEI.I\/ER CO 80205 License: COI\|:TRJACTOR S}IASFFER CONSTRUCTION P O BOX 373 \fAIL, CO 816s8 Lricense: 129-B APPI.ICAIf,f SHAEFFER CONSTRUCTION P O BOX 373 VAIIJ CO 81558 L,icense: L29-B BDR ,JOIltT VENfltRE - TyIrER, JO5/23/200]- 288 CI,AYTON ST STE 305 Permit #: 801-01 Phone 970-845-5656 /23/2OOL Phone: 970-845-5556t\i Desciption: NEW SFR WITH EHU T "Occuiancy Ty?e DwelIings Private Garages Number of Dwelling Units: Fireplace lnformation: Resbicted: Y , ,'.n i-,./ a Je)).uu'. -z ),tSq FeeE /r4,548 i963 ,72L.20 ^Ara82 $s4, s78.16 . $- 4, 548 $1,480, OOO, OO*'{P Zone 4,-N Zone 4 V-N Totsals. . . 1 Maaonry Factor 2LL.90 51.88 # of Gas Appliances: 0 Town of Vail Adjusted Valuation: 1,480,000.00 - # of Gas Lngs: 0 # of FEE SUMMARY Wood Pallec 0 ILO ,722 -2O $0. oo 9ro ,722 .2O iLo ,122 .20 $0. 00 Building-> Plan Check-> Inve6tigation-> willcall-> $5,780. o0 Restuarant Plan Review-> S3, ?s? . oo DRB Fe€-_-> S0. 00 Recreation Fee--> $3 . 00 Clean-uP DePosit--> TOTAL FEEg--> go . oo Total Callculated Fee6-> S5oo. OO Additional Fees----> S682 . 20 Total Pemdt Fee-> $o . 00 Payments--> gLo ,122.20 BALANCE DUE--.-> **rr*+*r********r4ir*r Approvals:I€dm: O51OO BUIIJDING DEPARTI{EMI 0e/o6/20oL cDAvrs Action: AP Iten: 05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT o7/24/20oL bgibson Action: AP Iten: 05500 FIRB DEPARTI{ENT Item: 05500 PttBIJIe WORKS 06/29/2OOL LS Action: AP Item: 05550 ENGINEERING OO DEPARTMENT OF COMMTINITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE TtrOSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PROJECTTITLE: NEW (SF&P/gDUP) PERMIT 383 BEAVERDAMRDVAIL 210107772018 PRI01-0005 €. rt ;r\. L:cr,{Jtl<_ See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this applicatiory filled out in fulI the inforsration required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the infornration and plot plao to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zonin6 and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances.of the Town apptcable thereto. REQUESIS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOUIIS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2138 OR AT OLIR OFFICE FROM 8:(X) AM - 5 PM. Send Clean-up Deposit To: N/A OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNET PAGE 2 * **##*##ffi**t*ffi CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Pennit#: 801-0140 asof08-08-2001 Status: ISSUED PermitType: IIEW (SF&P/S,DIJP) PERMT Applicant SHAEFFERCONSTRUCTION |ob Address: 383 BEAVER DAM RD VAIL Location: ParcelNo: 270707712018 Applied: Issued: B/$/2W7 CONDITIONS Cond:33 (PLAN) THISPROIECT WILLREQUIRED A SITE IMPROVEMENTSURVEY. SUCHSIJRVEY SHALL BE SLIBMITTED AND APPROVED PRIOR TO REQUEST FOR A FRAME INSPECTION. Cond:12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQLnRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: CON0004Z5 NEED STAMPED APPROVED DRAWING FROM LICENSE PE FOR WALLD OVER 4 FT IN HEIGHT. NEED REVOCABLE RIGHT OF WAY PERMIT AND FEE. . *af ++++t*l*aa*l* | l+ ++'}*'t !t**r+*++ ** **** *t | * + *+* | *** ** a** *tt******++ {'*'t t + ft | *f f+f *fa+*+a*aa*a+ TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO t+tatta t ++a*+t+aaf* ata *ta** *+ * +a +f *t * * t* +**t *t +a * fatt t + + ++r + + t+ Stat€ment Statenent Nurnber: R000001206 Anrount: i]-0,722.20 Oe/08/2OOLO4:35 PM Palment Method: Check Init: LC Notation: #6s295/George Shaeffer CongtsruBtion Permit No: 801-0140 T)4)e: NEW (SFR,P,/S,DUP) PERMIT Parce1 No: 21010? 112 018 SiTE AddreaB: 383 BE.AI/ER DAM RD VATI, Irocation: Total Feea: ilo,722.20 Ttrla Payment: SLO,722.2O Totsal ALL PtntsE 3 S1O,722.2O Balance3 $0.00 *+f+++**l +t*t a** *aaaaa a **a* + + r +* + + t + +t + | t*t+ a **t a+ +a* * **+* + ++ + * * *f I * a tt t + a f+ t + a a+a* la+***+*a ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code DescriDtion Current Pmts BP OOIOOOO3I1i1OO BUILDING PERMIT FTES DR OO1OOOO31122OO DESIGN REV]EId FEES PF OO1OOOO31123OO PLAN CHECK FEES RF 111OOOO31127OO RECREATION FEES I,IC ()()1OOOO31128O() WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 5,780.00 500.00 3,757.00 682.20 3. 00 .A g,y$lryffu,.e- APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR -\ tl NVNOFYAIL Building Permit #: uired lbr 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 O CTOR General Contractor: George Shaeffer Construc Town of Vail Reo. No.:Contact and Phone #'s: COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMTT & Materials BUILDING: 5z$!fufoo'ELECTRICAL: $ l0O,600 -OTHER: $ PLUMBING: $ ?5,og0 -MECHANICAL: $ IZO NO -rOrAL:$ 3,9A),000 - Parcel ,t*************************************FOR OFFICE USE ONLY*****,?***t ***********:t*****:k**r&*****lr* Other F:/everyon€y'forms/bldgperm of Construction: For Parcel # Conbct Assessorc Office at 970-328-864O or visit Lot 3-2101-071 -12-O1B Job Name: -IJeaver Dam Resi.dence Job Address: .r-3(3 &(383 Legaf Descriptionll lou 1{@llerrcx= 3 llririnst 3rd llsuuairi"ion:vait vil|aoe ( |l^rnerc Nrmp''-'"'-'AZZ Holdinos Address:Phone: Architect/Designer:Fri fz l an Di ar Address: PO Box 57, vaiL. co 81657 enbngT s-aii-e sqz Enotneer:- Bowla Fnnin Address: 143 E. Meadow Dr vAit_. collflSBg Detailed descriotion of work: WorkClass: New(p Addition( ) Remodel ( ) Repair( ) Demo( ) Other( ) Work Type: Interior ( ) Exterior ( ) Both t()Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Type of Bldg,: Single-family (1) Two-family ( ) MultFfamily ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this building: Noffype of Fireplaces Existinq: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Loqs ( ) WoodiPellet ( ) Wood Burninq ( Noflype of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Loqs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burning (NOT ALLOWED) Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes ( ) No (Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( ) No ( ) RE0'D MAY 21,2001 I0h'ry 0f lilt Questions? Callthe Building Team at 479-2325 Department of Community Development Project Name: t+<atx. T>u ?z+vt*< ProjectAddress: >S L Pe-ri-,-^' D6* kl - l/d( (o albs| / Tht:s Checklist must be completed beforc a Buildina Permit aooliation is accepted. f All pages of application is complete r Has DRB approval obtained (if required) Provide a copy of approval form d Condominium Association letter of approval attached if project is a Multi-Family complex ry Complete site plan submitted B' Public Way Permit application included if applicable (refer to Public Works checklist) B' Staging plan included (refer to Public Works checklist) No dumoster,parkino or material storaoe _ allowed on roadwavs and shoulders without written aooroval / ntu"ttot i"J ""J ,"rrre submitted if demotition ,. "..-'"g P., t "{ o$<.^, y*df + po[ - o0l I d Architect stamp and signature (All Commerciat and Multi fariily) d fuU floor plans including building sections and elevations(4 sets of plans for Multi-Famiiy and Commercial) C Windo* and door schedule c1- Full structural plans, including design criteria (ie.loads) o-ltructural Engineer stamp and signature on structural plans (All Commercial and Multi Family) ( Soils Report must be submitted prior to footing inspection a Fire resistive assemblies specified and penetrations indicated B Smoke detectors shown on plans tr Types and quantity of fireplaces shown Appficanrs sisnature: ?&'{ +*,8,t Date of submittal: \ F:/everyoneforms/bldpermZ Received By: K}f+d.J MnioFvffiY HOW DID WE RATE WTTH YOU? Town ofVail Survey Community Development Departnant Russell Forres! Director, p7q4n-213e Chect all that applies. 1. Which Department(s) did you contact? Building _ Environmental_ Housing_ Admin Planning _ DRB_PEC 2- Was your initial conbct witr our sbfr imrnediate slow or no one available ? 3. lf you were required b wait, how long was it befure you were helped?_ 4. Was pur projrxt revieiled on a limely basis? Yes / No lf no, why not? 5. WasthisyourfirsttimetofileaDRBapp_PECapp_ : Bldg Permit_ l,l/A : 6. Please rate the performance of he staf person who assisted you:51321Name: (knowledge; responsiveness, availability) 7. Overall efiectiveness ofilre FrontService Counter. 5 4 3 2 1 8. What is the best lime of day for you to use fie Front Service Counter? 9. Any commenb you have which would allow us to beter serue you next time? Thank you fortaking $e time b complete ilris survey. We are commitbd b lmproving our serrnce. / WHEN A *PUBLTC WAy pERMrT" IS REQUIRED PLEASE READ AND CHECK OFF EACH OF THE FOLLOMNG OUESTIONS REGARDING THE NEED FOR A "PUBUC WAY PERMIT'': o o Is this a new residence? Does demoliUon work being performed require the use of the Right-of-Way, easements or YES-)C- public property?YES_X_ NO Is any utility work needed? YES X NO0 o cl o a !l Is the driveway being repaved?YEs-rL- No Is a different access needed to the site other than the existing driveway? YES-{- NO Is any drainage workrpeing done that affects the Right-of-Way, easements, or public property?yES_ NO_X Is a "Revocable Right-of-Way Permit" required?YEsl- No Is the Rlght-of-Way, easements or public property to be used for staging, parking or fencing? YES x NO_ If answer is NO, is a parking, staging or fencing plan required by Public Works?YES NO If you ans:wered YES to any of these questions, a "Public Way Permit" must be obtained. "Public Way Permit" applications may be obtained at the Public WorKs office or at Community Development (a sample is attached). If you have any questions please call Leonard Sandoval in Public Work at 479-2198. I HAVE READ AND ANSWERED ALL THE ABOVE QUEfiONS. dr.n. >+,'*(( c->t ,-lu'fi-- Company Name Job or Project Nane: fuen'<+ lla,. ?<io&,-'.''- Date signed: tlq IOt \ Contractor Signature F:/s/eryone/forms/bldperm4 How it relates to Building Permits: Fill out the attached check list with the Buildino Permit Apolication. If yes was answered to any of the questions then a "Public way" permit is required, you can pick up an application at either Community Development, located at 75 South Frontage Road or Public Works, located at 1309 Elkhorn Drive. Notice sign-offs for utility companies. ALL utilities must field verifo (locate) respective utilities prior to signing application. Some utility companies require up to 48 hours notice to schedule a locate. A construction traffic control/staging plan must be prepared on a separate sheet of paper. An approved site plan may also be used. This plan will show locations of all traffic control devices (signs, cones, etc.) and the work zone, (area of construction, staging, etc.). This plan will expire on November lst and will need to be resubmitted for consideration for approval through the winter. Be aware that your resubmission for winter may be denied depending on the location of construction. Sketch of work being performed must be submitted indicating dimensions (length, width and depth of work). This may be drawn on the traffic control plan or a site plan for the job. Submit completed application to the Public Work's office for review. If reguired, locates will be scheduled for the Town of Vail electricians and inigation crew. The locates take place in the morning, but may require up to 48 hours to perform. The Public Work's Construction Inspector will review the application and approve or deny the permit. You will be contacted as to the status and any requirements that may be needed. Most permits are released within 48 hours of being received, but please allow up to one (1) week to process. As soon as the permit is approved, the Building Department will be noufied, allowing the "Building Permit" to be released. Please do not confuse the "Public Way permif, with a "Building Permif'. i NOTE: The above pnocess is for work in a public way ONLy. public Way Permits are valid only until November 15th. A new Public Way Permit is required each year if work is not complete. Re-application each November 15th does not mean an automatic renewal. I have read and understand the above. kq\*,4Signature E(z,l t r ,/ F:/everyone/forms/bldperm5 Date Signed IWNOF BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If this permit requires a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval, Enginee/s (Public Works) review and approval, a Planning Department review or Health Department review, and a review by the Building Department, the estimated time for a total review will take as long as three (3) weeks. All commerciai (large or small) and all multi-family permits will have to follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residential and small projects should take a lesser amount of time. However, if residential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned departments with regard to necessary review, these projects may also take three (3) weeks to review and approve. Every attempt will be made by this department to expedite this permit as soon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame. I also understand that if the perrnit is not picked up by the expiration date, that I must still pay the plan check fee and that if I fail to do so it may affect future permits that I apply for. Agreed to by:P-b-+ Q-.zr Print name pl*( 4 -s- Signature Project nane: [Z<tr* E*,^ P+i-&.^t-, slzt ( atDate: \ F: everyone/forms/bldperm3 APPLICATION FOR TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WAY PERMIT 19 V,-.i r; -i llill|-VV*: rr i 'li; Parcel#: I l-l I Blds. Permit#'E X o ITIr.IITliI.I I I i:r--1i-i__Jt L_i 1.Job Name Streel AddrBss n n ll_:-l (tfunknonncalrI ll ll ; i | 479.2138 ext.') Excavating Contractor Name Mailing Address TOV Contraclor's License Number REOUIFED () Phone *VpCity 4. Start Dale Work is for lcircle onel Completion Date Water Sewer Gas Electric Telephone CATV (Permit Expiration Dal6) Landscaping Temp. Site Access Other Trench-width (min.4') Bond Amount $ ALL MATERIAL. EQUIPMENT, AND TRAFFIC JOB IS STARTED. 7.Rubber out-riggers are required on Asohalt surfaces underneath the A signature below indicates a signatures are obtained, permittee necessary Town of Vail signatures. BE ON THE JOBSITE BEFORE THE working on asphalt. at all times. utility locations and approvals. Once all utility company application through the Public Works office to obtain the up to one week to process. Depth Total SF $ TolalLF $ Permit Fee Total Pernit Fee $ Public Service Nalural Gas Group (1 -800-922-1987) Public Seryice Company (1 U.S. West (1-800-922-1 987) TCI Cablevision of the Rockies (1-800-922-1987) Eagle River Water & Sanitation District (970-476-7480, ext. 114) Holy Cross Electric Company (1-800-922-1987) Town oi Vail Electricians (970-479-2158) Town of Vail lrrigation (970-479-2158) Town of Vail Public Works Construction lnspector (970-479-2198) 9. THERE WILL BE NO TOTAL STREET CLOSURESI A construction trafic control plan must be approved by the Public Works Department prior to issuance of the permit. 10. All excavafion must be done by hand within 18'of utilities - (Senate Bill 172)' 11. Permittee must contact Public Works Departm€nl at 479-2198 24 hours orior to commencing of lvork. Failure to notify the Town will result in forfeiture ol bond money. Scheduled inspections which are not ready may result in the Town charging the contractor a reinspection fee. 12. I certity that I have read all chapters oi Title 8 - Public Ways and Property, ot the Vail Municipal Code and all utility company agreements, signed by me, and will abide by the same, and that all utilities have been notified as required. ATTACH PLAN OF WORK, INCLUDING CONSTFUCTION TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN Show streets with names, buildings, and location ol cuts. USE DASH LINES FOR CUT. White - Publlc Works Yellow - Contrastor / ,a DRAINAGE AND CULVERT INSPECTIONS ARE REOUIRED BY PUBLIC WORKS! Please read and check off each of the items below: u The Town of Vail Building Department has developed the following procedures to ensure that new construction sites have adequately established proper drainage from building sites along and adjacent to Town of Vail roads or streets. a The Town of Vail Public Works Department will be required to inspect and approve drainage adjacent to Town of Vail roads or streets and the installation of temporary or permanent culvets at access points from the road or street onto the construction site. Such approval must be obtained prior to any requests for inspection by the Town of Vail Building Department for footings, temporary electrical or any other inspection. Please call Leonard Sandoval at 479-2L98 to request an inspection from the Public Works Department. Allow a minimum of 24 hour notice. a Also, the Town of Vail Public Works Department will be approving all final drainage and culvert installation with resulting road patching as necessary. Such approval must be obtained prior to any Final Certificate of Occupancy issuance. Agreed to by:Rut F,^,',^a- Print Name b-a,,- (>- p*;a.,"-e. !tsFttl 1 Project Name: Date Signed: F:/everyonqforms/bldperm6 Please read and check off each of the items below, (Copies of complete text are available upon request) CODE 5-2-10: DEPOSITS ON PUBLTC WAYS PROHIBTTED P,' Unlawful deposits: Subject to subsection C thereof, it is unlawful for any person to litter, track or deposit, or cause to be littered, tracked or deposited, sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, icef or any other debris or material upon any street sidewalk, alley or public place, or any pottion thereof. z' Notice; Abatement: The Director of Public Works may notifo and require any person who violates or causes another to violate the provision of subsection A hereof, or who has in the Director's employment a pe6on who violates or causes another to violate the same, top remove such sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice or any other debris or material within twenty four (24) hours after receipt of said notice by the Director of Public Works. In the event the person so notified does not comply with the notice within the period of time herein specified, the Director of Public Works, or other authorized agent, may cause any such sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice, debris or any other material to be removed from any street or alley at the expense of the notiFied. J Summons and Penalty: As an alternative to the notice for removal provided in subsection B above, any person who violates or causes another to violate the same, may be issued a summons to appear before the Municipal Court of the Town for said violations, and upon being found guilty of a violation hereunder be punished as provided in Section 1-4-1 of this code. / ltotice and Penalty: It is unlawful for any person to fail or refuse to comply with the notice of the Director of Public Works as provided in subsection B hereof, and any such person shall, in addition to payment of the expense of removal incurred by the Director of Public Works, as provided in subsection B hereof, upon being found guilty of a violation hereunder, be punishable as provided in Section l4-l of this Code. (1997 Code: Ordinance 6 (1979). CODEST-3A-I AND 7-3A.3: PARKING OBSTRUCTINGTRAFFIC&IMPOUNDMENTAUTHORIZED A No person shall park any vehicle upon a street or at any other place within this Municipality in such a manner or under such conditions as to interfere with the free movement of vehicular traffic or proper streetor highway maintenance. (Ord. 2(1968) $ 1) / Whunuu"r. any police officer finds a vehicle attended or unattended, standing upon any portion of a street or upon any place within this Municipality in such a manner as to constitute a violation of any section of this Article, or left unattended for a period of Wventy four (24) hours or more and presumed to be abandoned under the conditions prescribed by Colorado Revised Statutes section 424-1102, as amended, the officer shall require the vehicle to be removed or cause it to be removed and placed in storage in the nearest garage or other place of safety designated or maintained by this Municipality, and the charges for towing and storage of such vehicle shall be charged to the owner of the vehicle in addition to a ten dollar ($10) impoundment charge. (Ord. 2(1968) 5 3: Ord. 28(1981) 5 1) I have read and will comply with the above code provisions: R, bgtt E-.Utt- Position or Relationship to Project: DateSigned: f[zIOt Print Na 7r ' Sisnature ' -Lv ' -$k\{(o' c-7v'; F :/everyone/forms/bl dpermT .t 0o \ -olqo SOIL AND FOT]I\DATION II\II{ESTIGATION FOR PROPOSED RESIDENCE LOCK 3, VAIL VILLAGE IILING NO. 3 383 BEAVER DAMROAI) TOWNOFVAIL EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO PROJECT NO. 20173 SEPTEMBER 17.2OOO Town of Vall OFFIGE COPY PREPARED FOR: FRITZLEN PIERCE ARCHITECTS ATTENTION: STEPHANIE LORD-JOHNSON 1650 EAST VALLEY DRTVE, FALLRIDGE C-T VAII,, co 81657 d,.+9i:EF $S '-qi;'j;:!;# P.O. Box2837, Edwards, CO 81632, (9?0) 926_90gg Tel,(970) 926-9089 Fax, E-mail: lkpeng@saowcap.net TABLE OF CONTENTS E)(ECUITVE SUMMARY SCOPE OF STIJDY . . . SITE DESCRIPTION PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION . FIELD IT.IVESTIGATION. . . SUBSUMACE SOIL A].ID GROUNDWATER CONDITION FOI-TNDATI ON RECOM}fENDA]] ONS SLAB CONSTRUCTION RETAININGWALLS. UI{DERDRAIN SYSTEM SI]E GRADING AND DRAINAGE LAWN IRRIGATION LIMTATION a 2 2 J + ) 6 A 6 7 1 FIGURES LOCATION SKETCH ...DRAWINGNO. I SUBSURFACE E)(PLORATION LOG S....FIGURENO's l-2 SWELL-CONSOLIDATION TEST RESULTS. . . . FIGURENO. 3 GRAIN.SIZE DISTRIBUNON...FIGURENO's4-6 PERIMETERDRAIN ..... FIGURENO. T LKP Engineering,Inc. EXECUTTVE STJMMARY 1. The proposed residence should be zupported witb conventional $rye spread footings, designed for an allowable soil bearing pressure of2000 psf. They .should constr':ct the footings on the undisturbed clayey- gravelly sand to clayey-sandy gravel with cobbles. SCOPE OF'STUDY This report.presents the results cf,a subsurface Soii and Foundation In'restigaticn for a proposedresidence to be constructed on Lot 3, Block 3, Vail Village iilingNo. 3, Town of Vail. Eagle County, Colorado. The purpose of the subsurface soil and foundation investigation was to determine the engineering characteristics of the for:ndation soil and to provide recommendations forthe foundation desigr, grading, and drainage. SITE DESCRIPTION Lot 3 is at 383 Beaver Dam Road, at the northeast comer of the intersection with Beaver Dam Circle, in the Town of Vail, Eagle County, Colorado. At the time of our soil and foundation investigation, there was an existing residence on the lot. The house was two'story, wood frame LKP Engineering,Inc. 3 structure on a concrete foundation. The topogaphy of the site is moderate. Vegetation consisted of pine tees and gass. On the northeast part of the lot were willows. Drainage is to the north and northwest. PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION From our conversation, we understand that the existing residence will be replaced with a new residence. We anticipate loads to be light, typical of residential construction. If the finalized plans difier significantly from the above rurderstanding, they shogld notifu us to reevaluate the recommendations of this report. FI-ELD IIW:ESTIGATION 'Ihe field investigation conducted on September 6, 2000, consisted of excavating, lrgging and sampling two test pits. Excavation of tbe test pits *as done with a conventional rubber-tire backhoe. The test pits' locations are shown on Drawing irio. 1. We show the soil profile of the test pits on &e Subsurface Exploration Logs, Figure No's 1 arri?. Soil samples for laboratorlr soil analysis and observation were taken at selected intervals. SUBSURFACE SOIL AIID GROT|AIDWATER CONDITION The soil profi"les encountered in the test pits were fairly unifbnn. Test Pit No.l had 3 feet oftopsoil over 4 feet ofgrayisb, ciayey-gravelly sand to clayey-sand with organics over two feet of yeilowish-brown to orange, clayey-graveily sand to sandy gravel with cobbles. Test pit No.2 had one foot oftopsoil, over 2.5 feet offill in part ofthe test pit and clayey gravelly sand in the otherpart over 2 feet ofbrown, clayey-gravelly sand over 3.5 feet ofbrown, firm, sandy gravel, with cobbles' In Test Pit No. 1 ground water was not encountered, but was very wet at 7 feet. We sampled the soil in the test pits at random i:rtervals. The soil sarnples were tested ia LKP Engineering, Inc. our laboratory for natural moisture content, natural dry density, swell/consolidation, and grain- size distibution. The test results are shown on Figure No's 3 through 6. FOTJI\DATION RECOMMEIIDATIONS The proposed new residence should be supported with conventional type spread footings, designed for a morimum ailowable soil bearing pressure of 2000 psf. The footings should be placed onthe undisnubed clayey-gravelly sandto clayey-sandy gravel withcobbles, belowthe layen of soil mixed with organics. The ground water elevation can vary, and it is possible, on the northern part of the lot, it will rise as high as the proposed foundation. A minimum of two feet of separation shottld be maintained between the ground water and the bottom of the footings. The high ground water elevation can impact the formdation bearing soils. The proposed foundation grade might be too yieldiag for the placement of the footings. The yielding bearing soils can be improved by placement of sobble size rocks into the soil and running over with light equipment untii firm base is achieved. Also, ground water dewatering might be necessary. We recommend an underdrain behind every step in the foundation. We also recommend two feet of gravel rmder the slab on grade areas. The gravel should be connected with the perimeter drains. More detailed recommendations for the underdrain system can be provided once the foundation and grading plaas are complered. A basement is not reconrmended for this sire due to the very moist and soft soils. We recommend minimum width of 16 inches for the continuous footiags and 2 feet for the isolated footing pads. Continuous foundation walls shoutd be reinforced top and bottom to span an unsupported length ofat least i0 feet. We recommend a mfudmnm of 48 inches of backfill cover for frost protection of the footing subsoils. The foundation excavation should be observed by the undersigned engineer to verify that the soil conditions encountered during construction are as anticipated in this report. The foundation excavation should be free fiom excavation spoils, frost, organics and standing water. We recornmend proof-rolling of the foundation excavation with iight equipment on LKP Engineering, Inc. 5 tacls. Heavy equipment can bring up the moisture from the underlaying soils and create soft and unsuitable base for th'e foundation. Soft spots detected during the proof-rolling, should be removed by overexcavation. Any overexcavation within the proposed foundation, should be bacldlled, in 8-inch loose level lifu and compacted to 100yoof the maximum dry density and within 2 percent of the optimum moisture content as determiaed in a laboratory from a Standard Proctor test (ASTM D-698). A structural fill, placed under footings should be tested by the engineer or her representatives on regular basis. As an altemative, the structural fill can be repiaced with clean, crushed rock. SLAB CONSTRUCTION The natural on-site soils, exclusive oftopsoil and organics, are suitable to support lightly ioaded slab-on-grade construction. The zubgrade forthe slab-on-grade construction shoulcl be proofcompacted to detect and remove soft spots. They should backfill overexcavated soft spots and other underslab fill with the on-site soil, free from topsoil and organics, or other suitable material, compacted to a minimum of 95 percent of the maximum standard Proctor density (ASTM D-698)' Suitable material should be free from topsoil, organics and rock fragments greater thaa 3 inches. The concrete slab should be constructed overa2-foot layer ofclean gravel consistiag of- 3/4 :mch gravel with at least 50% retained on the No. 4 sieve and less than 3 percent passing the No. 200 sieve. The underslab gravel should be connected with the gravel for the perimeter drain. They should reinforce the concrete slab-on-grade and score control joints according to the American Concrete Institute requirements and per the recommendations of the designer to reduce damage due to shrinkage. The concrete slab should be separated from the foundation walls and coiun:ns with expansion joints to ailow for independent movement without causing darnage. LKP Engineering, Inc. RETAINING WALLS Foundation walls retaining earth and retaining structures that are laterally supported should be designed to resist an equivalent fluid density of60 pcffor an "at-rest" condition. Laterally unrestrained structures, retaining the on-site earth, should be designed to resist an equivalent fluid density of40 pcf for the "active" sase. The above design recommendations assume drained backfill conditions and a horizontal backfill surface. Sr:rcharge loading due to adjacent structures, weight oftemporary stored construction materials and equipmenl inclined backfill and hydrostatic pressue due to undrained bacldll should be iacorporated in the design. They should try to prevent the buildup of hydrostatic pressure behind the retaining wall. UNDERDRAIN SYSTEM To reduce the risk of sr:rface water infiltrating the foundation subsoil, we recommend installation of a perimeter drain (see Figure No. 7). TtLe foundation perimeter drain should consist of a 6-iach diameter, perforated pipe, sloped ro a suitable gravity outlet, or to a sump pump location , at a 1/4 inch per foot for flexible or at a 1/8 of an inch for rigid pipe. The drain pipe shouid be covered with a minus 3/{inch free-draining granular material. The depth ofthe gravel should extend to within two feet of the finished grade. Geotextile (Mirafi 140N or equivalent) shouid be used to cover the freedraining gravel to prevent siltation and clogging of the drain. SITE GRADING AND DRAINAGE Grading plan was not available for our review. The following recommendations are general. Efierior backfill should be compacted at or near the optimum moisture content to at least 95% of the ma.ximwn standard Proctor density under pavement, sidewalk and patio areas LKP Engiaeeriag, Inc. and to at least 90% of the maximum standard Proctor density under landscaped areas. They should use mechanical methods ef sempaction. Do not puddle the foundation excavation. The site surounding the building structure should slope away from the building in all directions. A minimum of 12 inches in the first l0 feet is recommended in "npaved areas, and three inches in the first l0 feet in paved areas. The top of the granular formdation bacldll should be covered with a minimum of l'foot of relatively imFewious fill to reduce the potential of surface water infiltrating the fouudation subsoils. Surface water naturally draining toward the proposed building site should be diverted around and away from it by means of drainage swales or other approved methods. The roof drains and downspouts should extend and discharge beyond the limits of the backfill. LAWNIRRIGATION It is not recommended to intoduce excess water to the foundation soils by installing sprilkler systems nefi to the building. The installation of the sprinkler heads should insure ttrat the spray from the heads wiil not fall within 10 feet of foundation walls, porches or patio slabs. Lawn irrigation must be controlled. LIMITATION This report has been prepared according to locally accepted Professional Geotechnical Engineering standarcis fep simiisr nnsrhods of testing and soil conditions at this time. There is no other wananty either expressg6 6s imFlied. The findings and recommendations of this report are based on field exploration, laboratory testing sf samFles obtained at the specific locations shown on tle Location Sketch, Drawing No.1 and on assumptions stated in the report. Soil conditions at other locations may vary, which may not become evident until the foundation excavation is completed. If soil or water conditions seem different from those described in this report we should be contacted LKP Engineering, Inc. 8 inmediably to ree\laluatc the recommendations of this report. This rcport has been prepared for thc exclusive use of Fritzlcn Picrce er*itcs8, for tbe specific application to the proposed rcsidence on Lot 3, Block 3, Vail Village Filing No. 3, Eagle CormtSr, Colorado. Sincerely, LKP LuizaPctrovskq PE hesidcot c:$attf .drldrDoctElt?trtr.ltlrld f;iwi egseo -i* ffi LKI Fngineering, Inc. o BEA VER DAM R o OAD DECK PiI f2cY_$, .///////t 'l t EXISTING / RESTDENCE t-- 50' I I I 25' I I Io Pit ft NO|E: TEST PITS LOCATED 8Y PACING FROM EXISTINq EUILDING Engineering, Inc. P.O. Box 2837 Edwordg. CO 81632td (970) 926-9088 rox (970) 925-9089 LOCATION SKETCH LOf J, ELOA( 3, VNL ULLAGE FILNG NO, J JE' SEAER OAU ROAD uNL EAGLE C)UNTY C0LUA00 PREP^RED F*: FRITZLEN PIERCE ARCHITECTS TEST PIT NO. 1 DATEotssERvED, Septembf -;0 ELEVATION:o DEPTH s Y M B t s M P L F DESCRIMON OF MATERI.AL AND SAMPLE LOCATTON LAAORATORY TEST RESULTS REMARKS l' t: t :,, --'15 IIt, 1... l J{I lo I l'" I I l' I Topsoi I Very wet at 7 fect Grayish, clayey-gravclly sand to claycy sand rvith organics -200=40.1o/o, MC=15.8% DD=105.3 pcf MC=22.2/o Yellowish-brown, orangc, clayey-gravelly sand to sandy gravel with cobblcs -20O=15.2o/oMC=9.4% Bonom ofTest Pit @ 9'No Ground Water Encountered tr t DD MC -200 LL PI GW LEGEND: Z-inch O.D. California Lincr Samplc (datively undisturbcd sample) Bullq disturbed samplc Natunl Dry Dcnsity (pcf) Natural Moisturc Contcnt (%) Pcrc.nt psssing No. 200 sicvc Liquid Limit Plasticity Indcx Ground Watcr LKP ENGINEERING,INC.SUBSI]RFACE E)CLORATION LOG PROJECT NO- 20173 FIGIJRENO. I oSeptember rEsr Prr No.2 o o,2000 s Y M B o L a M P I DESCRIMON OF MATERIAL AND SAMPLELOCAT]ON LABORATORY TEST RESULTS Fill in part oftest pit, clayey-gravelly sand Brown, clayey-gravelly sand Brown, clayey-sandy gravel with cobbles, firm Bonbm ofTest Pit @ 9' .-- 5 * 15 DD=I03.5 pcf MC=22-8% -200=6.7%,MC=8% No Ground Water Encountered LEGEND: o 2-inch O.D. Califomia Lincr Samplc (relativcly undisturbcd sampl€) I Bulk, disrurbcd samplc DD - Natunl Dry Dcnsity (pcD MC - Natural Moisturr Conto[ (7o) -200 - Pcrccnt passing No. 200 siew LL - Liquid Limit PI - Plasticity Index GW - Ground Watcr LKP ENGINEERING,INC.SUBSIJRFACE E)PLORATION LOG PROJECTNO.2()IT3 A 4 -8 'dz o "o Dt .9t4 -4os- ov -o o N o'6 -2t v-J 3 2 I )I { I t I o.l APPLIED PRESSURE - ksf Somple ol Dark Nolurol Dry Unil Noturol Moislure groy, cloyey sond w/orgonics Weight = 105.J pcf Contenl = 22.2 percen t frotn: Pi! No. 1 ot 6 leet I \< I o.l APPLTED PRESSURE - ksf I 100 Somple of Brown,. cloyey-grove y sand from Noturol Dry Unit Weight = \OJ.S pcf Noturol Moisture Contenl = 22.8 oercent Pit No.ot 4 feet LKP Engineering, lnc.Swell - Consolidotion Test Results PRO,ECI NA: 201 73 ? F'a,/RE NO.: N a, i\ \\a:oidnul t='S:v1 i Ol \g. ;\ b( EN q) oo tr) o ct q-)o ct |o c; tf) o o Percenl Coorser by lrtleigh t OOc\OOF)\rt4(oN 90000\(oro$f,) Percent Finer by Weight o \ q)* r+ C' = ':tr F o a o o So::\ >: !-u Q-.o :- ,o + !4!i\ G: 3:(: (\ =F o s 66 dx 2- = vt{Fs \b o E .o14 q, {) E q, bo(.t !o 6 tu € e, o q, () / /I I a LKP Engineering, lnc.GRAIN_SIZE DISTRBUNON PRO.EC| NA: 201 73 4 FIGURE NA: Nc\ rrt u,o ii bt .^\:66l.) v, Ild:vtY Ol I Eo- b(,\ r.) g o6 c; ra) $ ro oa (f) o s Percent Coorser by Weight oo(o\ sQoao\(ou)sra Percent Finer by Weight d ao N o a SsHc{ >6s: 6a Eb I'oF a s I !4 o3^3i()\ 33 b s -$ E x .< (/j -i o AJ .E o) ^' = s =-;. \ ^ o v) Vl it) €o t! o g o 6 q) € 0)I o U v,l) € E I -aa- -2__! i I LKP Engineering, Inc.GRAIN_SIZE DISTRBUNON Peoecf Na: 20t 73 nCURe NCL: s N 6 Atf bQ(ctt rY\ o ql tirs\'ds iLoi: N i(o a) Percent Coorser by Weigh t oo(o\ oaoo(o t) $ r.) Percent Finer by tteigh t v N o O{ s .l ^.t"l o oq, ol \ ? I G3 ..3H6 E !!t x :-T ul u1 o;\ b i:t/) o o a a a o s LKP Engineering, lnc.GRAIN-SIZE DISTRBUNON 201 73 neuRE ro.: o o SLOPE AI'YAY FROM BUILDING COVER EACKFILL WTH ONE FOOT OF RELATIVELY IMPERWOUS SOIL GRANULAR FlLL FIL TTR FAERIC (i'ilRAFt t40N oR EoutVALENr) a< "1</,/X ',/,< "/,<"1< 'l PLASNC LINER. GLU1D TO THE FOUNDANON WALL. (NOT NEEDED ,T41EN GROUND WATER Is PRESENT) coARsE 6RAWL. J/4 |NCH O/AM. WTH LESS THAN 52 FINES 4-INCH DIAME TER PERFORA TEO PIPE SLOPED TO A SUITAELF OUTLFTAr t/4" PER FOOT FOR FLEX|ELE ANDAr 1/8' PER FOOT FOR RtGtD P\PE GRAWL IHICKNESS SHOULD BE AT LEAST 24 lNCHES AND SHOULD INCREASE IF HEAWER SEEPAGE IS ANTICPATTD { 'S D:s') R' ':r A >) N .DX *":,^-F\oool e clvrL/cE0TEcHNIC.rL Engineering, Inc. P.O. Box 1,152 Avon. CO E|O2Otcl (970) 925-90E8 fox (970) 926-9069 PERIMETER DRAIN PRaEcr Na: 2or 7J LOf J, ELOCK 3. VAIL ULLAGE F1LNG No. 3 3EJ EEAER DAM ROAD VAIL, EAGLE COUNfY. COL&ADO FREFARED FOR: FRITZLEN PIERCE ARCHITECTS sa{4 Nrs o * og- r z- 2ooo nCURE NO.: 7 TOWN OFVAIL 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD vAtL. co 81657 970479-2138 otl*rru*r oF coMMUN,* orurro$i^t NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PROJECTTITLE: ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Permit #: 802-0208 bt-6G1 €or -ot,{o Job Address: 383 BEAVER DAM RD VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 383 BEAVER DAM RD Applied. . : 07/0312002 Parcel No...: 2l0l07l 12018 lssued . . : 07/22/2002 ProjectNo : 'fftSOt'OoOQ Expires. .: 01/18/2003 om[ER BDR irorNT \TENTURE - TYLER, Jo7/03/2oo2 phone: 288 CIJAYTO}I ST STE 306 DENVER CO 4o206 L,icense; CONTRACTOR MONARCH SWIMMING POOLS TNC. 07/03/2002 Phone: 303-757-5481 2211- SOIIIH IJEYDEN DEIWER CO 80222 License: 557-S APPLICAM MONARCH SWTMMTNG POOIJS rNC. 07/03/2OO2 Phone: 303-757-5481 2211 SOUIH ITEYDEN DE}IVER CO 80222 Lricense:567-S Desciption: INSTALLATION OF A POOL AND SPAOccupancy T]rye Factor sq Feet Valuation Totals... $150,000.00* Number of Dwelling Units: 0 Town of Vail Adjusted Valuation: $150,000.00 Fireplace Information: Restricted: Y # of Gas Appliances: 0 # ofcas Logs: 0 # of wood Pall€l: 0 ttta*t*tararrat+ttttttttta*'rraartrial,rrr,rr,r*{**rar'rra+'r*+'}ar'rrrar++++ FEE SUMMARY +at*r,t*.****'r*a+ralt'}*'ritrr Building-> S9{0 .00 Restuaranl Phn Review-> Plan Check-> 5511.00 DRB Fee---*----> SO. O0 Total C8lculated Fe€s_> 91,554.00 $0. 00 Additional Fees_--->9?5.00 Investigation-> 90.00 Recreation Fee--------> $0.00 Total P€rmit Fee----> S1.629'00 Will Call---> 93 .0o Clean-up Deposit----> So. oo Payments---_-_'--'t 91,529 ' 00 ToTAL FEES---> 51, s54 . oo BALANCE DUE----> $0 . 00 |*'tta*aa't*tttt'tlarttrtarrrrriarrala Approvals:Item: 05100 BUIIJDING DEPARTMENI o7/!2/2oo2 JEII Action: Ap included appendix chapLer 4 along with pla reference to barriers, etc. Item: 05400 PIJANNING DEPARTIVEMI 01 /LB/2OOZ bgibson Action: COND The applicant must resolve all DRB issues to the pool area retaining walls prior to final inspectj-on of the pool . IteM: O55OO FIRE DEPARTMEMT Item: 05500 PIIBLTIC WORKS *att alittl'tltartaa* See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I treleby rcknowledge that I have read tris application, filled out in full fte information require4 complebd an accur& plct phru and strte that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plar1 to comply with dl Town odinances and strte laws, and to build this stnrcture according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, desigr review apprcve.d, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofttre Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS KIR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY T 479-2 t38 OR AT OUR OFFKE FROM 8:fl) A[,t - 5 PM. Scrd Cl€&|.rp D.porit To: N/A SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR ANDOWNET PACE 2 ||{'*'|****'}***|'}|'t}**|'}*||*'}**|i'||****t*|:t*t***'t***t't*lt*'t:t't*'}*'|t'}*t:tt*|'}*i'}*'}***|'}*'t*|'}**'tt|t*ll}*|t*t't'}l'ltt CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: 802-0208 as of 07-22-2002 Status: ISSUED *,t't'}lt*||'tt'|*'|***'|*t'f|'|:t*'f|*****'}'!ttt**|***'+***{t'}***|*****'t*'|'t,}*'t***t**|t**,|t'}t}**'t*'}******i|** Permit Type: ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Applied: 0710312002 Applican* MONARCH SWIMMING POOLS INC. Issued: 07D2nO02 Job Address: 383 BEAVER DAM RD VAIL [ocation: 383 BEAVER DAM RD ParcelNo: 210l07l12018 *t}''||t't!t|*||**'}**'t*|t't|+'}**|**:t,t|**'|'*t'|flt't**t***!t***'}t:}'t!t'}*'t'}'t'}*'t***|{t'}'t't*'}*'||}f*|||*'**** CONDITIONS ***:}**'}*'l****:}|'t*t'}{t'}*t**'t*'}|****t**'|'t****'}|{t*'t'}|'|,||:|t**,t,t:|'.t**t*|!t'}{t{tt'}***||'}*'t*'t*||'||'|*|t'ti' Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: 16 (BLDG.): SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER sEc.3l0.6.l oF THE 1997 UBC. Cond: CON0005428 The applicant must r€solve all DRB issues related to the pool area retaining walls prior to final inspection of the pool. fafflfltlafatlaatllaattaaffrarrfttatft*r**fttttartia'trr*ttatt**tftftaftl*rr*|rta+aaafaa+rraa TOWNOFVAIL, COI,oRADO Statcmcnt taalltflllaa'|atalatt*ttt*t*l**aal+aa*a****tl+l't*t**r.***l'*+*a*+****+aa**ta!aa**ata+ttaaaaa'laaa Btaternent l{trmber: R000002772 Anount: s1,629.00 o7/22/2OO2O3:5? Ptrl Pa)ment, llettrod: Check Init: DDG Notation: Monarch Swimdng 012653 P€rmit, No: 802-0208 Type: ADD/AL,T SFR BUrLD PEP"!!IT Parcel No: 2101071.12018 Site Addreea: 383 BEtrVER IIAII'! RD VAIIJ 'Jocatl,m: 383 BBAVER DAlt RI) Totsal Feea: $1,629.00 Thia Palarcnt: $L,529.00 Total ALL Pmta! $1.,629.00Balances 90.00 fta*l*aafftfllla*aflllfl****'}aaaatlllff+aaatt*aaaf*t*ffa+f*l**l'lff++*i*+*f'}*alaalfaafllaalaa ACCOI.JNTITEM I,JST: Account Code DescriDtion Current Pmts BP OO1OOOO31111OO BUILDING PERI'IIT FEES cL 00100003123000 C0NTMCT0R LTCENSES PF OO1O()OO31123O() PLAN CHECK FEES I.IC OO1OOOO31128OO |,IILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 940.00 75.00 611 .00 3.00 tl General Contractor: \r n; /4ror;n n// /,o rs, uc- Town of Vail Reg. No.:Contact and Phone #'s: 50*"J (ie,-c5 7,t3'+5V -sa8 ( TOTAL: $ ljgs, Doo mvTt0Futn 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 Separate VALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT Labor & Materials For Parcel # Contact Assessorc Office at 970-328-8640 orvisit F :/everyondformtbldgperm of Constructionr 2,l0l}+llzD\ Job Name: 6DR JobAddress: 4hI furt,srt-.bnnn Rt - Subdivision: Yt u Vtutg Phone:ar. 7{/.q?b Of wofk: / p s*Z.{*r-rN aF A A-azz- tQ-ctat rta-c.€A -f/+$d-n-e'rt P'xa I Slt4 WorkClass: New($ Addition( ) Remodel( ) Repair( ) Demo( ) Other( ) Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ({) No ( )WorkType: Interior( ) Exteriorfr) Both( ) Type of Bldg.: Single.family (;() Two-family ( ) Multi-family ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Accommodation Units in this building:No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: : Gas Aooliances ( ) Gas Wood Burnino (NOT ALLOWED Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( ) NoDoes a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes ( ) No ( **************************************FOR OFFICE USE ONLY**** *********** T0l{,h,m Questions? Call the Building Team at 479-232s Depaftment of Community Development Project Name: Project Address: r' This chedch:st must be omoleted beforc a Buitdina permit application isarcotd, d elt pages of application is complete / ttas DRB approval obtained (if required) provide a copy of approval form il& ConOominium Association letter of approval attached if project is a Multi-Family complex d Complete site plan submitted u/ o.e.btdr! Vr,.o,-c s-- rrfr Public Way Permit application included if applicable (refer to Public Works checklist) d Staging plan included (refer to Public Works checklist) No dumpster,parkino or material storaoe allowed on roadwavs and shoulders without written aooroval 7* oct C,tv&- 4 th4/a' L fla) r&D nsbestos test and results submitted if demolition is occurringt' Architect stamp and signature (All Commercial and Multi fafiiy) yE/ fult floor plans including building sections and elevations(4 sets of plans for Multi-Family and Commercial) rdt Window and door schedule Lans, including design criteria (ie.loads) .$tas ter ..edAt . e/ Structural Engineer stamp and signature on structural plans (All Commercial and Multi Family) q/ Soifs Report must be submitted prior to footing inspection { ae,u*L Au,tan^. pc*r) o{f fire resistive assemblies specified and penetrations indicated dts Smoke detectors shown on plans NF Types and quantity of fireplaces shown Applicant's Signature: Date of submittal: F:/everyone/forms/bldperm2 Received By: 6^2+'a> HOW DIDWE RATE WITH YOU? Town of VailSurvey Community Darelopment Deparfnent Russell Fones! Directoq (970)479-213s Check alf that applies. 1. Which Departnent(s) did you contact? Building _ Environmental _ Housing_ Admin Planning DRB _ PEC Was your initial contacl wiih our staff immediate no one available ? slow 0r lf you were required to wait how long was it before you were helped? 4.Was your project reviented on a timely basis? Yes / No lf no, why no? 5. Was this your first time to file a DRB app- PEC app Bldg Permit_ ttUA Please rate fie performance of fte staffperson who assisted you:54321Name: (knowledge; responsiveness, availability) Overall efiectiveness of the Front Service Counter. 5 4 3 2 What is the best time of day for you to use tre Front Service Courter? 9. Any cornments you have which would allow us to beter serve you nexttime? Thank you for taking the time to complete his survey. We are cornmited b improving our seMce. o. L L TUR1VOF WHEN A *PUBLIC WAY PERMIT" IS REQUIRED PLEASE READ AND CHECK OFF EACH OF THE FOLLOMNG QUESNONS REGARDING THE NEED FOR A "PUBUC WAY PERMIT'': o Is this a new residence?ves / no o o o a tr Does demolition work being performed public property?YES Is any utility work needed? YES Is the driveway being repaved? :r'tijT \> " the Risht-of-way, easements or YES-No/ o o Is any drainage work fing done that affects the Right-of-Way, easements, or public property?YES NO t ,/ Is a "Revocable Right-of-Way Permit" required? YES- NO-{- If answer is NO, is a parking, staging or fencing plan required by Public Works? YES No- &6 &,6'rtfl &u'tDt"to €Lt''t)\' If you answered YES to any of these questions, a "Public Way Permit" must be obtained. "Public Way Permif'applications may be obtained at the Public Work's office or at Community Development (a sample is attached). If you have any questions please call Leonard Sandoval in Public Works at 479-2L98, I HAVE READ AND ANSiWERED ALL THE ABOVE QUESTIONS. r/a..,/.+,ec( -Lrn*,,.// Fqt lt /,u e, Is the Right-of-WaVfements or public property to be used for staging, parking or fencing? Name: PD &Job or Project Date Signed:6-a+ -oL NO --/ Is a different access needed to the site other than the existing driveway? yES_ NO or Signature F :/everyone/forms/bldperm4 Company Name PUBLIC WORKS AND THE PUBLIC WAY PERMIT PROCESS How it relates to Building Permits: Fill out the attached check list with the Building Permit Apolication. If yes was answered to any of the questions then a "Public Way" permit is required. You can pick up an application at either Community Development, located at 75 South Frontage Road or Public Works, located at 1309 Elkhorn Drive. Notice sign-offs for utility companies. ALL utilities must field verify (locate) respective utilities prior to signing application. Some utility companies require up to 48 hours notice to schedule a locate. A construction traffic control/staging plan must be prepared on a separate sheet of paper. An approved site plan may also be used. This plan will show locations of all traffic control devices (signs, cones, etc.) and the work zone, (area of construction, staging, etc.). This plan will expire on November 1st and will need to be resubmitted for consideration for approval through the winter. Be aware that your resubmission for winter may be denied depending on the location of construction. Sketch of work being performed must be submitted indicating dimensions (length, width and depth of work). This may be drawn on the traffic control plan or a site plan for the job. Submit completed application to the Public Work's office for review. If required, locates will be scheduled for the Town of Vail electricians and irrigation crew. The locates take place in the morning, but may require up to 48 hours to perform. The Public Work's Construction Inspector will review the application and approve or deny the permit. You will be contacted as to the status and any requirements that may be needed, Most permits are released within 48 hours of being received, but please allow up to one (1) week to process. As soon as the permit is approved, the Building Depaftment will be notified, allowing the "Building Permit" to be released. Please do not confuse the "Public Way Permit" with a "Building Permit". ) NOTE: The above process is for work in a public way ONLY. Public Way Permits are valid only until November 15th. A new Public Way Permit is required each year if work is not complete. Re-application each November 15th does not mean an automatic lenewal. 6 'sz 'a-z'- F:/everyone/forms/bldperm5 I have rcad and under nd the above. Date Signed BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If this permit requires a Town of Vail Fire Depaftment Approval, Engineer's (Public Works) review and approval, a Planning Department review or Health Depaftment review, and a review by the Building Department the estimated time for a total review will take as long as three (3) weeks. All commercial (large or small) and all multi-family permits will have to follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residential and small projects should take a lesser amount of time. However, if residential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned depaftments with regard to necessary review, these projects may also take three (3) weeks to review and approve. Every attempt will be made by this department to expedite this permit as soon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame. I also understand that if the permit is not picked up by the expiration date, that I must still pay the plan check fee and that if I fail to do so it may affect future permits that I apply for, Agreed toby: 5i) 4- Lercrc= Project Name: Date: (^27-oT F: everyone/formvbldperm3 O- --.. rr rr rr PW#:L--I | 'L-J Ll J I APPLICATION FOR TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WAY PERMIT 19- Parcer#:IIIX'If I II-M Brds.Permitu'E I I'f I I I MWNOFVAIL t.Job Name Str€et Addrgss Tl Tl [l - l-l (rt unknown carl L-J L_J LJ r | 479_2139ext.0 2.Excavaling Conlractor Name Mailing Address TOV Contractor's License Number BEOUIRED () ApCity Phone # 3. 4. Start Dete Work is for (clrclo one) Other Completion Date Water Sewer Gas Electric Telephone (PErmit Expiration Oate) CATV Landscaping Temp. Site Access 5.Trench-width (min.4') Bond Amount $ ALL MATERIAL, EOUIPMENT, AND TRAFFIC JOB IS STARTED. Rubber out-riggers are required on AsDhalt surfaces underneath the A signature below indicates a signatures are obtained, permittee necessary Town of Vail signatures. BE ON THE JOBSITE BEFORE THE working on asphalt. al all times. utility locations and approvals. Once all utility company application through the Public Works office to obtain the up to one week to process. Depth Total SF $ Total LF $ Permil Fee Total Permit Fee $ 7. L Public Service Natural Gas Group (1'800-922'1987l- Public Service Company (1 U.S. West (1-800-922-1987) TCI Cablevision of the Rockies (1-800-922-1987) Eagle River Water & Sanitation District (970-476'7480, ext. 114) Holy Cross Electric Company (1'800'922-1987) Town of Vail Electricians (970-479-2158) Town ol Vail Inigation (970-479'2158) Town of Vail Public Works Construction Inspector (970'479-2198) 9. THERE WILL BE NO TOTAL STREET CLOSURESI A construction traffic control plan must be approved by the Public Works Department prior to issuance of the permil. 10. All excavation must be done by hand within 18" of utilities - (senate Bill 172), 11. permittee must contact Public Works D€partment at 479-2198 24 hours prior to commencing ol work. Failure to notify tne fourn lvitt result in forfeiture of bond money. Scheduled inspections which are not ready may result in the Town charging the contractor a reinspection fee. 12. I certity that I have read all chapters of Title 8 - Public Ways and Propefi of the Vail Municipal Code and all utility company agreements, signed by me, and will abide by the same, and that all utilities have been notified as required. Contractror's Signature of Agreement ATTACH PLAN OF WORK, INCLUDING CONSTRUCTION TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN show streets with names, buildings, and location of cuts. USE DASH LINES FOR CUT. Prinl name clearly Date of Signaturs Whit€ - Public Works Yellow - Contractor DRAINAGE AND CULVERT INSPECTIONS ARE REOUIRED BY PUBLIC WORKS! Please read and check offeach of the items below: o The Town of Vail Building Department has developed the following procedures to ensure that new construction sites have adequately established proper drainage from building sites along and adjacent to Town of Vail roads or streets. o The Town of Vail Public Works Department will be required to inspect and approve drainage adjacent to Town of Vail roads or streets and the installation of temporary or permanent culverts at access points from the road or street onto the construction site. Such approval must be obtained prior to any requests for inspection by the Town of Vail Building Department for footings, temporary electrical or any other inspection. Please call Leonard Sandoval at479-2198 to request an inspection from the Public Works Department. Allow a minimum of 24 hour notice, o Also, the Town of Vail Public Works Department will be approving all final drainage and culvert installation with resulting road patching as necessary. Such approval must be obtained prior to any Final Certificate of Occupancv issuance. Agreed to by:Jo*lJ ,4' 6z,r-gs --- r '1Project Name: l<AK Date Signed:6'2? - oa Print Name F:/everyone/forms/bldperm6 Please read and check off each of the items below. (Copies of complete text are available upon request) CODE 5-2-10: DEPOSITS ON PUBLIC WAYS PROHIBITED o UnlaMul deposits: Subject to subsection C thereof, it is unlawful for any person to litter, track or deposit, or cause to be littered, tracked or deposited, sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dift, snow, ice, or any other debris or material upon any street, sidewalk, alley or public place, or any portion thereof. o Notice; Abatement: The Director of Public Work may notify and require any person who violates or causes another to violate the provision of subsection A hereof, or who has in the Director's employment a person who violates or causes another to violate the same, top remove such sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice or any other debris or material within twenty four (24) hours after receipt of said notice by the Director of Public Works, In the event the person so notified does not comply with the notice within the period of time herein specified, the Director of Public Works, or other authorized agent, may cause any such sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice, debris or any other material to be removed from any street or alley at the expense of the notified. o Summons and Penalty: As an alternative to the notice for removal provided in subsection B above, any person who violates or causes another to violate the same, may be issued a summons to appear before the Municipal Court of the Town for said violations, and upon being found guilty of a violation hereunder be punished as provided in Section 1-4-1 of this code. o Notice and Penaltyr It is unlawful for any person to fail or refuse to comply with the notice of the Director of Public Works as provided in subsection B hereof, and any such person shall, in addition to payment of the expense of removal incurred by the Director of Public Works, as provided in subsection B hereof, upon being found guilty of a violation hereunder, be punishable as provided in Section t4-l of this Code. (1997 Code: Ordinance 6 (1979). CODES 7-sA-L AND 7.3A-3: PARKING OSSTRUCTING TRAFFIC & IMPOUNDMENT AUTHORIZED D No person shall park any vehicle upon a street or at any other place within this Municipality in such a manner or under such conditions as to interfere with the free movement of vehicular traffic or proper street or highway maintenance. (Ord. 2(1968) $ 1) o Whenever any police officer finds a vehicle attended or unattended, standing upon any portion of a street or upon any place within this Municipality in such a manner as to constitute a violation of any section of this Article, or left unattended for a period of twenty four (24) hours or more and presumed to be abandoned under the conditions prescribed by Colorado Revised Statutes section 42-4-1102, as amended, the officer shall require the vehicle to be removed or cause it to be removed and placed in storage in the nearest garage or other place of safety designated or maintained by this Municipality, and the charges for towing and storage of such vehicle shall be charged to the owner of the vehicle in addition to a ten dollar ($10) impoundment charge. (Ord. 2(1968) $ 3: Ord. 28(1981) 5 1) I have read and will comply with the above code provisions: Position or Relationship to Project:S,**trr, Date Signed: 6.a+'ol- F:/everyone/forms/bld pe rm 7 3rr"l H 64r*tc5 TOVVNOF VAIL FIRE DEPARTI\{ENP VAILFIRE DEPARTMENT Electrical-> 3229. O0 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81557 97M79-2735 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE T,OSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ALARMPERMIT Permit #: 1r02-ffi22 Job Address: 383 BEAVER DAM RD VAIL Status . . . : ISSLIED Location.....: WESTSIDE Applied..: M/18/2002 ParcelNo...: 270107772078 Issued. . : 05/07/2002 ProjectNo : ?R:Ot-OoOe Expires. .: 77/W/2002 ovfNER BDR JOINT VEMfURE - Tyr-,ER, JO4/L8/2OO2 phone: 288 CLAYTON ST STE 305 DENVER CO 80205 L,,icenge: colfTRAcToR THUrJ ETJECTRONTC SYSTEMS O4/t8/2O02 Phone: 970-949-4638 P O BOX 534 AVON, eO 81"52 0 License: 112-S APPIJICAM THI[, EITECTRONIC SYSTEMS 04/L8/2OO2 Phone: 970-949-4638 P O BOX 534 AVON, CO 8152 0 License: LL2-S Desciption: FIREAALARM??? Valuation: $1,365.00 FEESUMMARY DRB Fee--> Investigation-> will call--_> 90.00 90. 00 $3.00 Total Calculated Fees-> 3232.00 Additional Fees->s0.oo Total Permit Fee---> 8232 . oo Payments---------> 9232.00 TOTALFEES-> 3232. oo BALANCE DUE->$0. 0o Approvals:I€em: 05600 FIRE DEPARII{ENT O4/24/2OO2 mvaughan Action: AP changes rnay be required during field inspection. CONDITIONSOF APPROVAL DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information requfued, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivisioncodes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Townapplicable thereto. Rf,etr'srs FoR rNspECTroN 'HALL BE MADtENTy-FouR HouRS rN AD'AN.E By TELE'H'OAT 479-2r3s FR'M 8:00 AM - s pM. SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF o Design Review Board ACTION FORM Deparbnent of Community Ds/elopment 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Cllorado 81657 te* 970.479.2L9 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co,us Proiect llame: DRB Number: DR8010100 Project Description: Type II EHU in proposed new residence Participants: OWNER A2Z HOLDING, LLC 04/25/2001 Phone: 1050 17TH SrREEr, SUIE 1500 DENVER CO 80265 License: CONTMCTORSHAEFFERCONSTRUfiON 0412s12001 Phone: 970-845-5656 P O BOX 373 VAIL CO 81658 Lkrnse: 129-8 APPUCANT STEPHANIELORD-JOHNSON 0412512001 Phone: 476-6342 Fritrlen Pierce Architects 1550 E Vail Valley Dr., Fallridge C-l Vail, Co 81657 License: Project Address: 383 BEAVER DAM RD VAIL LocaUon: 383 Beaver Dam Rd Legal Descrlpdon: Loh 3 Block 3 Subdivision: VAIL VILLAGE FIUNG 3 Parcel Number: 210107112018 Gomments: BOARD/STAFF ACIION ilouon By: Action: APPROVED Second By: VoE: Dab of Apptoval: 05/21i2001 GondlUons: Cond: I (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written @nsent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Planner: BillGibson DRB Fee Paid: $200.00 TOWNOFVAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81557 970479-2738 NOTE: THIS PERMT MUST BE TJIOSTED ON TOBSITE AT ALL TIMES DEMO. OF PART/ALL BLDG. Permit #: D01-0012 |ob Address: 383 BEAVER DAM RD VAIL Status . . . : APPROVED Location.......: 383 Beaver Dam Rd Applied. . : D4/?S/ZJIU, Parcel No....: 21,0107712018 Issued . . . : ProjectNo. : ?? P/..laL ooolo Expires. . .: om[ER BDR JOINT VEI{TIRE - TyIrER, JO4/25/2OO1 phone: 288 CITAYTON ST STE 306 DETWER CO 80205 L,icense: OWNER A-Z Holding Co. 04/2s/2o0L phone: Iricense: APPITTCAIIT SHAEFFER CONSTRUCTION O4/25/2OOL Phone: 970-845-s555 P O BOX 373 VAIIr CO 81558 License: 129-B coMgRiAcToR SIIAEFFER CONSTRUCTTON 04/25/2OOt phone: 97O-845-s655 P O BOX 373 VAIL CO 8155I Licenge : 129-9 Desciption: Demo to reconstruct Type II EHU in proposed new residence Occupancy: R3 Single Family Residence TypeConstruction: VN TypeVNon-Rated TypeOccupancy: ?? o DEPARTMENT OF COMMT'NITY DEVELOPMENT Valuation: $20,000.00 Fireolace Infornation: Restricted: Pl,an Ctrcck-> Investigation-> will call-> AddSqFe 0 #ofGasAppliances:0#ofGaslngs:0#of S0 . 0O Total Calculated Fees-> $248 . OO So. oo Additional Fees->s0.oo WoodPellet0tff*11*.*r****#r**FEESUMMARY Building:-> 9245.00 Restuarant Plan Review-> S0. 00 DRB Fee-> so, oo Recreation Fee--> S3 . 00 Clean-uP DePosit--> 90. O0 Total Permit Fee-> $248.00 $0.00 Payments-->90. 0o TOITAL FEF.+-_--> S24B . oo BALANCE DUE--> $248 .00 Approvals:I€eln: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMEMI 05/03/2O0L CDAVTS Acrion: AP Iten: 05400 PL,AIINING DEPARTMEIiIT $ . os/03/2ooL Be os/o8/200t Be ItEm: 05600 FIRE DEPART!{ENT Item: 05500 PUBIJIC WORKS 0s/03/20o! TK Action: AP ;;Jffi* """,-'"", r,, ".|il;o #;;*rtr ffilil;;*** DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this applicatiory filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the infonnation and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zonin6 and subdivision codes, design review approved Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESIS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 5 PM. Send Clean-up Deposit To: na SIGNATI.JRE OF OVVIIER ORCONTRACTORFOR HIMSELF AND OWNET Action: CO![D SEE COIIDITIOIO Action: APPR PAGE 2 ****'t-**|tr||tr*|l"******:*r**rwt***|ffir{'rl******#*******ffi*rt****r****:t**************fr*** CONDITIONSOF APPROVAL Permit#: D01-0012 asof 01-0&2002 Starus: APPROVED ttlt*!t****il**rts.t**r|'l'l.|ffiffi*******#ffi**#*****************{r*!ts**{r.f*r***i**iH*ffiiffirt PerrdtType: DEMO. OF PART/ALL BLDG. Applied: 04/?5/2007 Applicant SHAEFFERCONSTRUCTION Issued:97UUr55% ToExpire: Job Address: 383 BEAVER DAM RD VAIL Location: 383 BeaverDamRd ParcelNo: 270107172018 Description: Demo to reconstruct Type II EHU in proposed new residence Conditions: Cond: L2 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQLIIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: CON0004693 MUST COMPLY TO 5 / 2/ 01. DRB CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL -EROSIONCONTROL MUSTBE INSTALLED PRIOR TO DEMO AND REMOVAL OF BTIILIDNG -TREE PRESERVATION CONTROTS MUST BE INSTALLED PRIOR TO BUILDNG DEMOLITION FIELD INSPECTION REQUIRED, ^ft€.:l$ffi; dJrL BE ACCEPTED PEc-otooo4 rF rNcoMPLffoE,*J:tS Building Penirit #: Dot -aot"- 97 O- 47 9 - 2149 (I nopectione)D(Uo roroo NWNWYIN 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vall, Cobrado 81657 Sepilte Permits are required for electrical, plumbing, mechanicd, etc-! Conbd Asscssots Ollle at 970-328-864) or visit forhrel # ,**, BD Ltirn+ Y"4/'h,-< Beaver Dam Residence Job Address: i8i Bearzer Legal Description It-ot: 3 ll Bbck 3 |riting: 3.d ISubdivision: tr"tt rr't'tt.,.- owners Ntt"'A2z Hordi #g$ssiTth street, ste 1s00 hrlgl,e;,.rlo An?4tr ArchitecVDesigner: Fv.i $al aaD{;a Adclress: rc"--'-i'o Box 57. vail . co s['i{i{' 970-476-63Q Engineer: Bovle Enoi naer; nrr Mdress:lr? F Ma-/:l n -tTho-ner-anll<.--_,-- Debiled descriPtion of work:Demolition of existing homes WorkClass: New() Addition( ) Remodel( ) Repair( ) Demo(x) Other( ) WorkType: Interior( ) E<terior( ) Both( )Does an EHU odst at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) rvp"*Bldg.: single-family( j Two{amily( ) Multi{amily( ) commercial( ) Restaurant( ) oher( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: 2 No. of Accommodation Units in this building: Nn/Twna nf Firanlarec FYi<tino: Gas Annliances ( ) GasLms( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burninq ( ) -)- No/Tyoe of Fireptaces proposed: Gas Appliances ( 'l Gas Loqs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burninq (NOT ALLOWED), ooes a fire nUrm bdst: Yes ( ) No ( )@Yes() No() CoMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERI{rT (bbor & Materials) REFUND CLEANTIP DEPOSIT TO: CONTRACTOR INFOR"II'IATION Rob Fawcett 970-845-5556George Shaeffer Construct i tr !i t :t * * * * * * :r tr t * t i * :t * * tr * t * * i'i rt * * :l *' * * lr t t FOR OFFICE M,qrLlor {prruoJ ?eB Flleveryone/forms/bldgPerm RtcDAPR 242001 Questions? Call the Building Team at 479-2325 Department of Community Development Project Name: Project Address: o n tr n o c This Checklist must be comoleted beforc a Buildina Permitaoolication is amoted. All pages of application is complete Has DRB approval obtained (if required) ProMde a copy of approval form Condominium Association letter of approval attached if project is a MulU-Family comflo< Complete site plan submitted Public Way Permit application included if applicable (refer to Public WorK checklist) Staging plan included (refer to Public Works checklist) No dumpster.parkino or material stonoe allowed on roadwavs and shoulders without written aooroval Asbestos test and results submitted if demolition is occurring Architect stamp and signalure (All Commercial and Multi family) Full floor plans including building sections ilnd elevations(4 seE of plans for Multi-Family and Commercial) Window and door schedule Full structural plans, including design criteria (ie.loads) Shuctural Engineer stamp and signature on structural plans (All Commercial and Multi Family) Soib Report must be submitted prior to footing inspection Fire resistive assemblies specified and penetrations indicated Smoke detectors shown on olans Types and quantity offireplaces shown o tr ..1 a n o B Applicanrs sisnature: 1>j';( )d Date of subm ittatt 4 ( zll g 1 @ ?rcqt o Tl F:/a,eryone/forms/bldPerm2 Received By: BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If this permlt requires a Town of Vail Fire.Departmelt"Approval, Engineer's (Public Works) review and approval, a Planning'Department review or Health Departmeqt review, and a review by the Building Department, the estimated time for a total review will take as long as three (3) weeks. All commercial (large or small) and all multi-family permits will have to follow the above mentioned maximum requiremenE. Residential and small projects should take a lesser amount of lime. However, if residential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned departments with regard to necessary review, these projects may also take three (3) week to review and approve. Every attempt will be made by this department to expedite this permit as soon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand fie plan check procedure and time frame. I also undersbnd that if the permit is not picked up by the expiration date, that i must still pay the plan check fee anci that if I fail to do so it may affect future permits that I apply for. Agreed to by: Print name Signature Project Name: Date: F :/everyone/fornxs/bldperm3 WHEN A'PUBLIC WAY PERMIT" IS REQUIRED PLEASE READ AND CHECK OFF EACH OF THE FOLLOMNG QUEST]ONS REGARDING THE NEED FOR A "PUBLIC WAY PERIVIIT": o Is this a new residence? YEs No X [)z.t*ol] h'rx o Does demolition work being performed pquire the use of the Right-of-Way, easemenB or public property? YES #- NO- Is any utility work needed? YES-X- NO-TI o n n Are there any improvemenE being clone to the dnveway ? YES- NOJ- is a different access needed to the site other than the existing driveway? YES- NOX- Is any drainage work peing done that affec6 the Rightof-Way, easemen$, or public property? YES_ No_#_ n n Is a "REuocable Right-of-Way Permif'required? YES- NO is the Right-of-Way, easements or public property to be used for staging, parking or fencing? YEs x No If answer is NO, is a parking, staging or fencing plan required by Public Works? YE5 NO If you answered YES to any of these questions, a "Public Way Permif'must be obtained. 'public Way Permit" applications may be obtained at the Public WorKs office or at Community Development (a sample is attached). If you have any questions please call Leonard Sandoval in Public Works at 479-2198. I HAVE READ AND ANSWERED ALL THE ABOVE QUESNONS. Contractor Signature Job or Project N^ * B,ta* t>orr^ FAdc"'<u DateSisned: qlzqlOt Company Name F: /everyone/forms/bldPerm4 PUBLIC WORKS AND THE PUBLIC WAY PERMIT PROCESS How it relates to Buildine Permits: Fill out the attached check list with the Buildino Permit Aoplication. If yes was answered to any of the questions then a "Public way" permit is required. you can pick up an application at either Community Development, located at 75 South Frontaqe Road or Public Works, located at 1309 Elkhorn Drive. Notice sign-offs for utility companies. ALL utilities must field verify (locate) respective utilities prior to signing application. Some utility companies require up to 48 hours notice to schedule a locate. > A construction traffic control/staging plan must be prepared on a separate sheet of paper. An approved site plan may also be used. This plan will show locations of all traffic control devices (signs, cones, etc.) and the work zone, (area of construction, staging, etc.). This plan will expire on November 1st and will need to be resubmitted for consideration for approval through the winter. Be aware that your resubmission for winter may be denied depending on the location of construction. .and depth of work). This may be drawn on the traffic control plan or a site plan for the job. be scheduled for the Town of Vail electricians and irrigation crew. The locates take place in the morning, but may require up to 48 hours to perform. > The Public Work's Construction Inspector will review the application and approve or deny the permit. You will be contacted as to the status and any requirements that may be needed. Most permits are released within 48 hours of being received, bnrt please allow up to one (1) week to process. ) As soon as the permit is approved, the Building Departmeni will be notified, allowing the "Building Permit" to be released, Please do not confuse the "Public Way PermiY' with a "Building Permif'. ) NOTE: The above pnocess is for work in a public way ONLY. Public Way Permits are valid only until November 15th. A new Public Way Permit is required each year if work is not complete. Re-application each November 15th does not mean an automatic renewal. I have read and understand the above. Signature F: /everyone/forms/bldperm5 Date Signed mvv0p DRAINAGE AND CULVERT INSPECTIONS ARE REOUIRED BY PUBLIC WORI(S! Please read and check off each of the items below: {fne Town of Vail Building Department has developed the following procedures to ensure that new construction sites have adequately established proper drainage from building sites along and adjacent to Town of Vail roads or streets. {The Town of Vail Public Work Department will be required to inspect and approve drainage adjacent to Town of Vail roads or streets and the installation of temporary or permanent culverts at access points from the road or street onto the consffiuction site. Such approval must be obtained prior to any requests for inspection by the Town of Vail Building Department for footings, temporary electrical or any other inspection. Please call Leonard Sandoval at 479-2198 to request an inspection from the Public Works Department. Allow a minimum of 24 hour notice. /Alro, the Town of Vail Public Works Department will be approving all final drainage and culvert installation with resulting road patching as necessary. Such approval must be obtained prior to any Final Certificate of Occuoancv issuance. Asreed to by: ?U'*+ Fr-A Print Name Project Name: l\4** I>-^ tL; dt'b/'- Date Signed: Lllzqlor F:/everyoneforms/bldperm6 Please read and check off each of the items below. (Copies of complete text are available upon request) CODE 5-2.10: DEPOSITS ON PUBUC WAYS PROHIBITED o Unlawful deposits: Subject to subsection C thereof, it is unlawful for any person to litter, track or deposit, or cause to be littered, tracked or deposited, sand, gravel, rocK, mud, dirt, snow, ice, or any other debris or material upon any sueet, sidewaik, alley or public piace, or any portion thereof. o Notice; Abatement: The Director of Pubiic WorK may notfy and require any person who violates or causes another to violate the provision of subsection A hereof, or who has in the DireCor,s employment a person who violates or causes another to violate the same, top remove such sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice or any other debris or material within twenty four (24) hours after receipt of said notice by the Director oi Public WorK. In the event the person so notified does not comply with the nouce within the period of time herein specified, the Director of Public Works, or other authorized agent, may cause any such sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice, debris or any other material to be removed from any street or alley at the expense ofthe notified. o Summons and Penalty: As an altemative to the notice for removal provided in subsection B above, any person who violates or causes anothe!' to violate the same, may be issued a summons to appear before the Municipal Coun of the Town for said violations, and upon being found guilty of a violation hereunder be punished as provided in Section 14-1 of this code. o Notice and Penalty: It is unlawful for any person to fail or refuse to compiy with the notice of the Director of Public WorK as provided in subsection B hereof, and any such person shall, in addition to payment 0f the expense of removal incurred by the Director of Public Works, as provided in subsection B hereof, upon being found guilty of a violation hereunder, be punishable as provided in Section 14-1 of this Ccde. (1997 Code: Ordinance 6 (1979). CODES 7-3A-1 AND 7-3A-3: PARKING OBSTRUCTING TRAFFIC & IMPOUNDMEI{T AUTHORIZED f, No person shall park any vehicle upon a street or at any other place within this Municipality in such a manner or under such conditions as to interfere with the free movement of vehicular traffic or DroDer street or highway maintenance. (Ord. 2(1968) g 1) o Whenever any police officer finds a vehicle attended or unattended, standing upon any portion of a street or upon any place within this Municipality in such a manner as to constitute a violation of any section of this Article, or left unattended for a period of twenty four (24) hours or more and presumed to be abandoned under the conditions prescribed by Coloradp Revised Statutes section 42+.1102, as amended, the officer shall require the vehicle !o be removCd or cause it to be removed and paced in storage in the nearest gardge or other place of safety designated or maintained by this Municipality, and the charges for towing and storage of such vehicle shall be charged to the owner of the vehicle in addition to a ten dollar (910) impoundment charge. (Ord. 2(1968) g 3: Ord. 28(1981) 5 1) i have read and will comply with the above code provisions: Print Name Position or Relationship to Project: Date Signed: F:,/everyone,/formVbl dpermT Signature TOWN OF VAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD vArL, co 81657 970479-2138 oil*r".*T oF coMM'Nrry DEVEL.T?^t NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit #: 802-0006 Job Address: 383 BEAVERPAM RD VAIL Status . . . : ISSLIED Location.....: \^sc(\- S. dp Applied. . : }l/ftn0i|lz Parcel No...: 2l0l07l 12018 Issued . . : 04126n002 ProjectNo , f pSOl-O1O1g' Expires. .: l0l23l2h2 ol{![ER BDR iIOrNr VENTI'RE - Tyr.,ER, J0I/L8/2O02 phone: 288 CIAYTON ST STE 306 DENI/ER CO 80205 License: CoNTRACTOR WAGNER ETTECTRTC, rNC. 0t/t8/2002 phone: 97O-949-6L6L P.O. BOX 1620 AVOlt, CO 81520 License:223-E APPLICnlrT WAGNER BITECTRIC, INe. 0L/L8/2oo2 Phone: 970-949-5161 P.O. BOX 1520 AVON, CO 8L620 Iricense: 223-E Desciption: Type II EHU in proposednewresidence Valuation: $25,000.00 ttatttattttaattattt*tt*tittttttatlattar'lrtaararatittarttt+tttttttttrr FEE suMMARy rar:r't'raIalaa!rrrararalllllllllaaaraata'rrartaaaaaaaaaaraaa't+at Elect'ical-> S450. OO Total Calculared Fees-> 9453 . oo Additional Fees_--_> S0.00 Total Permit Fee----> Sr53.00 Payments--> $,153.00 BALANCE DUE-_...>$0.00 DRB Fe€-> Investigatiolr-> Will Call--------> so.oo s0.00 s3.00 TOTALFEES+ S4s3. oo Approvals:It3rn: 05000 EL,ECTRICAJ, DEPARTII{ENI SL/L8/20O2 DF Actions AP ItEM: 05600 FIRE DEPARI.I{EIIT rartt*rttttta{atttttttattttttr*tt*ti*tttttttttttt*ttttlattttatttatittrttttttttttataritttttarlrllllilarta,}llllllaalltlllllllllttallallallt'lara'taar CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIAIICE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, desigt review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. Sent By: I{AGNER;__ _-. r. ..rr..|..^vUr-uEv-DE:FT. REqgelN n BE lcmN $I.A|I,E U^Silrg'ltrf.four Aor-29-02 l0:39:ru,""".f "" Page 3/5 a/" ATOrnofncE lma|{-5'[4, aaflt+alaaaa*aaafataataaaa+aaaa*la*+f{'llr+++ataatl'l'faa+ta*+++aaa+taa+++aaa+aaaa+aaaf++lalaa* TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADOCopy Reprhted on 0,f -2G2002 rt 09:59:12 01t ,5IAn2 Statfmenttallt aaa+ atlt+ *+tliaaa+ +*lll l*a** ***+f t *'ta*+ ++ *r*+ + **a*+ l**l* a*'ll* alla+ a'lal* fatat la*l lafal It gtatenent lt\utber! R00000192? Amount: 9453.00 oL/29/2oo2o7:13 AM Payment Mettrod: Check IniE: DF Notalion: CHECK# 21413 WAGNER EI,EC:TRIC Petmit lto: 802-0006 Tl4re: ELECIRICAIJ PBRIIIT Parcel No: 210107112018 Site Addreee: 383 BBA\'ER DAlr RD \IAIIJ IJocation: ToEal FeeB: S,153 . OO EtrJ.s Palznent: $453 .00 Totsal AJrIJ ltntE: $453 .00 BaLance: $0.00 lf'}laaa**l*tl*ta*tft'|l*f*tl+*+tla++l*'ll*a*'ttft*tfl*t**t{r'a{r'}'}a+tffa*af't**a*taaa*lffafttfflafa ACCOI,JNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts EP OO1OOOO31114OO TEMPOMRY POI,JER PERMITS [c 00100003112800 !{ILL CALL INSPECTI0N FEE 450.00 3.00 Sent By: WAGNEB; 75 S- Froatagc Rd. Vai[ Golcnde 31651 s709494339;lan-rf to:34Atl;Page 3/3 ryPr.rPLErEoRulr- Prulect#: BuiEing ttcnirit #: Elcctrical Pcrmlt #: 97ba7$'21tr0 * Ad(|itbn( ) Rerm&l( ) Rcpah( ) TempPotE( ) Ottter( ) Does an EHU eri* at thb bcatin: Y€s I mrfU-hnrfv( ) Conrr:nbl( ) n:$rurnt( ) 00t r( ) ilo. of Amrunodadon unhs h fitstlo. of EGthg Dwellirq UniE In tttis bkthg: Al,touNT oF 5Q FT IN STRI CTURE: 6MP|..ETE SQ. FEEr FOR NEW and VALUATIOI{S FOR Att OT}IERS (Lbor OOIITRAC'OR, ITFORilATIOII ..ir I r. a. rr a. r....r..... i... I rt al r.. aa |FOR OF|iICE i. i i i ,l USE OflLY. r r.. t... t. rr " "tr " tr'aaaaaaaaa F:/et crys|./f DrG/dtcPqm TOWNOFVAIL 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD vArL, co 81657 970-479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON IOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHAMCALPERMIT Permit #: lv.I014262 fob Address: 383 BEAVER DAM RD VAIL Status . . . : ISSLJED Location.....: .ffiT€IDE (^r<-f,+- r; d,- Applied..: 7L/\O/ZOOI ParcelNo...: 270107112018 Issued. .: 0l/02/2002 ProjectNo : p14.16t _ OoC\a Expires. .: 07/07/2002 owNER BDR iIOrNr VEr{TI,R3 - Tyr.,ER, JL3_/3O/2OO1 phone: 288 CLAYTON ST STE 306 DEIiIVER CO 80206 Iricense: COMTRACTOR CL,IIIIATE CONTROL CO OF GwS LL/3O/2OOL Phone: 970-945-2326 P O BOX 1042 GIJENWOOD SPRINGS, CO 4L502 License : L29 -14 APPL,ICAIfT CIJMATE CONTROIJ CO OF GWS LL/3O/2OOL Phonez 97O-945-2326 P O BOX 1042 GIJENWOOD SPRINGS, CO 815 02 L,icense: 129-M Desciption: ENGINNERED SYSTEN4, FORECEP AIR SUPPLEMENTAL HEAT,GENERAL VENTING.. E/rtiT€IEE ONLY tu<3'$S,&> #ofGasAppliances:0#ofGastogs:0#of Valuation: $40,694.43 Fireplace Inforuution: Restrircted: Wood Pellet **r*** FEE SUMMARY Mechanical-> 5820.00 Restuarant Plan Review-> Plan Check-> 9205. oo DRB Fee--> 50.00 Total Calculated Fee$-> 51,028.00 s0 .00 Additional Fees->$0. 00 Investigation-> will call->$3 .00 Paymmts---> $1, 028 . 00 BALA ICE DU|E-> Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPART!{ENI L2/26/2oo]- JP(N| Action: AP Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTII4ENT CONDITIONOF APPROVALCond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELTD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPITIAIICE. Condt 22 (BLDG.): COMBUSTIOIIAIR IS REQUIRED PER SEC. 701 OF TIIE 1997 I!MC, OR SECTION 701 0F TI{E 1997 rMC. Cond: 23 (BL,DG. ) : INSTALLATION MUST CONFORI{ TO MAIIUFACTITRES INSTRUCTIONS AIID TO CIIAPTER o?o*r** oF coMMUMry psvE;PMrNr S\b w-st $0.00 TOTAL FEES---> $1,028.00 Total Permit Fee--> $1,028.00 $0. 00 r.0 oF TI{E 1992 UMC, CHAPTERI OF THE l-eez rMc. Cond: 25 (BLDG. ) : GAS APPL,IANCES SHAIJIT BE VENTED ACCORDING TO TERMINATE AS SPECTFIED IN SEC.8O6 OF THE 1997 I'MC, OR Cond: 29 (BLDG.): ACCESS TO HEATING EQUIPLENI MUST COMPI-,Y WITH THE 1.997 (JMC AT.ID CHAPTER 3 OF TfiE 1997 IMC. Cond: 31 (BLDG.): BOILERS SIIAIJIJ BE MOI'IITED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST. I'NITESS IJISTED FOR MOT'Ii|:TING ON COMBUSTIBIJE FI.IOORING. Cond: 32 (BL,DG.): PERMIT,PLANS AI.ID CODE AIIALYSIS MUST BE POSTED IN MECITANICAIJ ROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPECTION REQI]EST. Cond:30 (BL,DG.): DRAINAGE OF MECI{ANICAIJ ROOMS CONTAINING HEiATII{G OR HOT-WATER SUPPLY BOILERS SIIAI-,L BE EQUIPPED WITH A FLOOR DRAIN PER SEC. 1,022 OF THE 1997 I!MC, OR SECTION 1004.5 OF TIIE 1997 IMC. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information require4 completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this stucture according to the towns zoninp and subdivision codes/ design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. CHAPTER 8 A}ID SHAI.,L CHAPTER 8 OF THE 1997 IMC. CIAPTER 3 AIID SEE.1O17 OF REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN PM. AT 479-2138 OR AT OLIR OFFICE FROM 8:0 AM - 5 TURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNET TOWN OF VAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 o" **r"r oF coMMUN,t" orurro.t , NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECFLANICAL PERMIT Permit #: M02-0040 Job Address: 383 BEAVER DAM RD VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED [ocation.....: U)e(\. *Aa- Applied . . : 03/2112002 Parcel No...: 210107112018 Issued. .: 03/27/2002 ProjectNo: Expires..: 09/2312002 owNER BDR iIOII{T VEIITIRE - TYIJER, JO3/2L/2002 Phone: 288 CI,AYTON ST STE 305 DEIiIVER CO 80206 License: CONTRACTOR BLACK DIAI,IOIID MECH, INC 03/2L/2002 Phone: 970-926-9O0L P.O. BOX 581 AVON, CO 8L620 License: 115-P APPIICANT BLACK DIAIIIOIID MECH, INc 03/2t/20o2 Phonez 970-926-900l P.O. BOX 581 AVON, CO 4t620 License: 115 -P Desciption: NEW RADIANT HEAT AND SNOWMELT Valuation: $65,000.00 Fireplace Information: Resticted: Y # ofGas Appliances: 0 # ofGas tngs: 0 # of wood Pellet: 0*t*|tl.'||'}'|i+t*'}ltri||'}ti't|***|.*||+|t+|'+i*||+|+|+tt'||*t*i*+|*.'|.**FEEsUMMARY*|*|****|******. Mechanical--> 51, 300 .00 Restuarant Plan R€view--> S0. 00 Total Calculated Fees-> 91, 528 . 00 Plan Check_> 5325. OO DRB F€e__._.._> S0. 00 Additional Fees-> $0. 0O Investigation-> $o . o0 TOTAL FEES------> $1, 528 . 00 Total Pemit Fee-> 91, 528 . 00 Will Call--> S3 . 00 Palrnents--> 91, 628 . 00 BALANCE DUE-__> SO. OO t+ ttt'ttti ttt *tl ili l ll l lir l t+ lltltflIten: 05100 BUII-,DING DEPARII,IEIflI 03/22/2002 CDAVIS Action: Ap SUBJECT TO FIEIJD INSPECTIONS Item: 05600 FIRB DEPART!'IENI CONDITION OF APPROVALCond: 12 (BL,DG.): FIEL,,D INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPITIAI{CE. Condt 22 (BLDG.): COMBUSTIONAIR IS REQUIRED PER SEC. 701 OF TIIE 199? tMC, OR SECTION 701 0F THE 1997 rMC. Cond: 23 (BLDG. ) : INSTATLATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTURES INSTRUCTIOIIS AlrD TO CI{APTER 10 OF THE 199? (JMC, CTIAPTER 10 OF THE 1997 IMC. Cond: 25 (Br,DG. ) : TERMINATE Cond: 29 (BL,DG. ) : THE 1997 Cond: 31 (BL,DG.): BOILERS SHAIJIJ BE MOUNIED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBITE CONST. IJNITESS IJISTED FOR MOI'NTING ON COMBUSTIBIJE FI'OORING. Cond: 32 (BL,DG.): PERMIT,PIJANS AIID CODE AIIAIJYSIS MUST BE POSTED rN MECHANICAI ROOM PRIOR TO A}T INSPECTION REQT'EST. Cond: 3O (BLDG.): DRAfNAGE OF MECIIAI{ICAIJ ROOMS CONTAINING HEATING OR HOT-WATER SIIPPIJY BOII.,ERS SHAJ,I, BE EQUIPPED WITH A FI,OOR DRAIN PER SEC. tO22 OF THE 1997 UMC, OR :,""*:L:-T.-1.0-:-1;,:--.oi--:T-:--t-:3"L-l-Tl.;..--- DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot pla4 to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto, REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOUR HOURS IN ADV AT 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 5 PM. cAs Appr,rANcns sJsE \rENrED AccoRDrNc ro cHApt 8 AND sHArJrJ AS SPECIFIED TN SEC.8O6 OF THE ].997 I'MC, OR CTAPTER 8 OF THE 1997 IMC, ACCESS TO HEATING EQUIPMEIIT MUST COMPI,Y WITH CHAPTER 3 AI{D SEC.1O17 OF ID{C A}ID CTIAPTER 3 OF TI{E 1997 IMC. SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF Building Permit Ptuvlde lisdrrnicrlo Mcchenlcelo Gonburdono Flue, Vorto llcrtLoto Equlpmcnt ;"ffiib Medranical Permft#: mwawL 75 S. Fmntrgc Rd. ValL Cobndo 81657 Permit will not be accepEl wlthout the following: 'ovYn of Vail Reg. No.t OOiIPLETE V & Materials) IIEGHAilICAL: E 65ooo .OO --a Par€€il # hbh*t Bteuilt Wn W$c*.ao JobAddrcss: 3t B- Etl-'tc+ p, p,D. 9le=!poon_l].dt, 2 I Lo*' > | rime: 3 AD suloryEQqi /rqL up.1.262 Owners trtame:A Englneen Adclressi Phone: ueEiEd description d wsrk/htt Fhon.,r th/ar + {te"- ^c.Ttttorkclass: New60 Mdttion( ) Aheqlbn( ) Repatr( ) odrer( ) Does an EHU eldst at thb location: yesA) t{o ( ) Typc of Bldgl Singt+hm'y g,zl OupLn H No. m exisUng Dwelting iJnC !!9{Ire d Flteolaces Exlstlnqt, gas 4ooflances (,J Gas roos ( r wood/peil"t ( r wood Burrltno ( I lorrype of Flreplaces Plopced: Gas ( ) wmd Burning (Nor A[owED) esa wood to an EPA ROUTEDTO: _,, 'ritrfi6ilfffiffi gATE D.UE:% Y*rr.**t***fl.,t TOWNOFVAIL 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL. CO 81657 970479-2138 t^.rf SNOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON TOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit #: M02-0042 Job Address: 383 BEAVER DAM RD VAIL Status. . . : ISSUED Location.....: 383 BEAVER DAM RD Applied . . : 03/26/2002 Parcel No...: 270707772018 Issued . . : 04/04/2W2 ProjectNo : PRSO\- OOOG Expires. ,: 70/07/2ffi2 or{NER BDR ilollqf VENTLRE - TYLER, JO3/26/2OO2 phoner 288 CI,AYTON ST STE 305 DEN\TER CO 802 05 License: coIwRAcToR HEARTI{ EXCIIANGE, rNC. (THE'' 03/26/2002 phonez 970-827-9623 P.O BOX 570 MIISPT'RN, CO 81645 License: 174-M APPTJTCAIIT HE"ARTII EXCIIAIiIGE, rNC. (rHE) 03/26/2002 phonez 970-827-9623 P.O BOX 670 MII{TT'RN, CO 81645 Lricenae: 1?4 -M Desciption: INSTALLATION OF A CLASS A PIPE AND GASLOG SET Valuation: $7,400.00 Fireplace Information: Restricted: Y # ofGas Appliances: 0 # ofGaslogs: 0 #of Wood Pelleh **** FEE SUMMAIIY Mechanical-> $150 . 00 Restuarant Plan Revier '-> Plan Check_> g{0. 00 DRB Fee-> SO. O0 Total CalculaH Fees_> S203 .00 50.00 AdditiorulFees--->so.0o Investigation-> willcall->93.00 PaymenS-> 9203 . OO BALANCE DUE_> S0. 00 *t*ffi rffi *t*aft *dhrt*trs***rtarr*'r**rw*&ffi r***fi r*#******** Item: 05100 BUIITDING DEPARTMEI{T 04/o4/2OO2 dRr Action: AP Item: 05500 FIRE DEPARTMENT CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BL,DG.): FIEI-,D INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIAIICE. Cond: 22 (BIJDG.): COMBUSTIONAIR IS REQUIRED PER SEC. 701 OF THE 1997 IIMC, OR SECTION 701 0F THE 1997 rMC. Cond: 23 (BL,DG.): INSTAL,LATION MUST CONFOR}| TO I'{ATUFACTITRES INSTRUCTIONS Al{D TO CHAPTER 10 oF THE 1997 UMC, CHAPTER L0 OF THE 1997 rMC. O O vo^l \-/\ L\.ql* DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNTTY DEVELOPMENT 4Ru ^1 j d 3\89 So.0O TOTAL FEES---> 5203.00 Total Permit Fee-> S2o3.oo Cond: 25 v (BL,DG.): GAS APPLIAI.ICES SIALL BE VEMTED ACCORDING TO TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED TN SEC.8O6 OF THE 1997 I]MC, OR Cond: 29 (BI-,DG.): ACCESS TO HEATING EQUIPMEIiI| MUST COMPIJY WITH THE 1997 IJMC A}ID CHAPTER 3 OF THE 1997 IMC. Cond: 31 (BI-,DG. ) : BOILERS SHAITIJ BE MOUNTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE IJISTED FOR MOUI{|:|ING ON COMBUSTIBIJE FI-IOORING. Cond: 32 (BI-,DG.): PERMTT,PIJANS AIiTD CODE A}IALYSIS MUST BE PoSTED IN MECHAI{ICA]. ROOM PRIOR TO AN TNSPECTION REQI]EST. Cond: 30 (BLDG. ) : DRAI}IAGE OF MECIIANICAL ROOMS COI{ITAINING HEATING OR HOT-WATER SUPPLY BOILERS SIIAIIT BE EQUIPPED 9{ITH A FI-,OOR DRAIN PER SEC. tO22 OF THE 1997 IIMC, OR SECTION 1004.6 0F THE 1997 IMC. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this applicatioo filled out in full the information required, completed an acculate plot plan, and state that all ttre inJormation as required is correct. I agree to comply with the inJormation and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoninp and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. o CHAPTER C}IAPTER CIIAPTER 8 AND SHAI,I, 8 OF THE 1997 IMC- 3 AND S8C.1017 0F CONST. T NIJESS REQUESTS FOR INSPECTTON SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 5 OWNEROR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND O!\n\IEFSIGNA fttlaftlaa**tftalaallt**'itaaaa'}aal*****ll*l**al*l*******+t*a**'}{'ata*++fa*laff*altfa+aatfaalf TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Sbtem€at a+aataaa*ffal'aaa*ta*a+t+tllla*+a++*ff**ft*+*a+t*++t***++*at+t*r'}*+'t+*t++a+aaaaf,aaaa+aaa**+aa+ Statenent lilrjnbers R000002104 Amoun! 3 s2o3 .00 04/o4/2oo2]: :52 AFI Paym€$t Method: Check Init: LC Notatsion: *2800/Hearth E rchlEEe Permlt Nor U02-0042 Tl4)e 3 UECITAIIICAIJ PERMIT Parcel No: 210107112018 Site Addresg: 383 BEAVBR Dt|M RD VAIIJ r'ocation: 383 BEA\'ER DAIU RD rotar FeeE ! 9203.00 Thia Pa:rneat : $203 . 00 Total. ALIJ Prnta : S203 . 00 Balance: $0.00 aaliaaltlfl'}+aaal**fll+aal'aat'}**a+f+aa*a+aaaaaataa*t+l*f+++afa*+ft*t+aa+aaal**taa*a*'l+aaaltf. ACCOTJNTITEMLIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts MP OO1OOOO31113OO MECHANICAL PERI'IIT FEES 160.00 PF 00100003112300 PLAN CHECK FEES 40.00 I.JC OOIOOOO31128OO IilILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 3.OO OOIIPIETEV *tlrl*****rf *****rt** F: /rrulonc/lbnr/nrdtpcnn TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL. CO 81657 970-479-2138 olo*rr^r oF coMMUNrrY DEVELott NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PLUMBINC PERMIT Permit #: P02-0015 Job Address: 383 BEAVER DAM RD VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: Applied..: 03/2112002 Parcel No...: 210107112018 Issued. . : 03/27/2002 ProjectNo: Expires..: W23/2002 owNER BDR JOrNr VENITRE - TyIrER, J03/21/2O02 phone: 288 CLAYTON ST STE 306 DENVER CO 80206 Iricense : CONIRACTOR BLACK DfAMOIID MECH, fNC O3/2!/2OO2 Phonez 970-926-9OQL P.O. BOX 581 AVON, CO 81620 I-,icense: 115-P APPLICAlillt BLACK DIAMOIID MECII, INC O3/2L/2OO2 Phonez 97O-926-9OQL P.O. BOX 581 AVON, CO 8162 0 License: 116-P Desciption: NEW PLUMBING SYSTEM Valuation: $40.000.00 FireDlac€ Information; Restricted: ??# ofGas Appliances: ??# ofGas togs: ?? # of Wood Peuet: ?? FEE SUMMARY r:ra:t*aa'r!tt{a'rrt*r*'r:}**atr*araa*aa'raa'raaa'rra'tra**.:rrt*r'}r*trr 30.00 Total Calculat€d F€es_> 5753 . O0Plumbing-> $500. 00 Restuarant Plan Reyiew-> plan Check__> S150 . 00 DRB Fee______>so . oo Additional F€es------>90. 00 Investigation-> Will Call--->$3.00 BALANCE DUE-_-.>s0. 00 Item: 05100 BUIL,DIIIG DEPARTI{EIiII O3/22/2OO2 cdavis Action: AP SIBiTECT TO FIELD INSPECTIONS ftem: 05500 FIRE DEPARTMEIII CONDITION OF APPROVALCond: 12 (BLDC.): FIEL,D INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRBD TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPL,IAIiICE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and suMivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. S0. 00 TOTAL FEES--------> g?53 .00 Toial Permit Fee------> S?53 . 00 Paym€nts-----*-> $?53.00 o AT 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 5 PM.REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE .FOUR HOURS ADVANCE o TWENTY OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNET APPLIs mr t{oPVArLly 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 97 O-47 9-2149 (Inspections) Plumbing Contractor: Bt*e.e Da*uD kntl. h.c- Town ofVail Reg. No.: lrc.P Contact and Phone #'s: 0^^,nut', b"uto 590-.sDar contractor stenuruf/AQ} )F_ COMPTETE VALUATION FOR PLUMBING PERMIT (Labor & Materials) PLUMBING: $ ttQ, ooo,OO Assssrc Office at 970-328-864O or visit Parcel # (Required if no bldg. permit # is provided above) rob Name: Bcnaz 0e^1 2&wrn+Job Address: 393 Btfo& 0*r4 RA Subdivision: V/,tt- utt*A+e Detailed description of work:eoJ pCuutbr WorkClass: New()} Addition( ) AlteraUon( ) Repair( ) Other( ) Typeof Bldg.: Single-familyP$ Duplex( ) MultFfamily( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant( ) Other( ) No. of Accommodation Units in this building:No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: Is this a conversion from a wood burning fireplace to an EPA Phase II device? Yes ( ) No ****************************r.**rr*******FOR OFFICE USE ONLY**********************************n** MAI.I Ottrer Fees:Date Received: DRB Fees:Acceoted EY: Planner Siqn-off: IVED it / uoz ROUTED TO: DATE ROUTED: DATE DUE: v-COrvl.DEV. .; .i.*,ri ' Aff'r..,t 'i s i- rt ;W . r. I r: HOW DID WE RATE WTFH YOU? Town of Vail Suruey . Community Dwelopment Departnent RussellFonest Director, (970)ln?"J3/g Check altthat eppfies 1. Which Departnent{s} rlid you conbcf? Than[r pu brbking the lime h compleb tils survey. We are commited b improving our servica .,... | 'l Buildlng Environmenhl_ Housing Admin Planning DRB _ PEC 2. Wasyourinilialconbctwitroursbffimmedide-slow or : .. . . ,:, no one available ._? 3. lf you were required to wait, hor long was it befure you were heloed? 4. Was your proiect reviewed on a limely basis? Yes / No lf no, why not? 5, Was this your first lime u file a DRB app- PEC app- Bld$ Permit_ ilUA I 6. Please ratefie perbrmance of tre sffiperson who assisd you: 54321Name: (knowledgq responsiveness, avaf, ability) 7.. Overall eftctiveness of fte Front Service Counbr. 5 4 3 2 1 8. What is Sre best lime of day fur you to use fie Front Service Counter? 9. Any commenb you have which would allow us b better serve you nextdme? o7lt6l2gg2 11:49 97847649sL FP5 PAGE gT i.}Irn tiriiz:i.Jr. Al.\ ..\i.tr!!r (.i ltiliiilfl! i'. li<.r'.'r.. ,'\1 lir';:l 'l lr.'njrt F. [!h i!cir., .\ic4ihx:! ;Fi;iartt$ t'..rj'l't'lt!'"r'r. .^rt;h;i*rit LLr.hl [.rt!,r!.'v('h it('Jl \jrthy tii'Jiol$. ll! |$ir tr:it .liii,1s" FAX COVER SHEET Drtc: O7-1tsl02 To: Chadie Davir ta:g 4792452 Rc: 8eryer Dam Resklcnces lcnder: SEphanlcLord'Johnson cc RobFaurcetfcsccs4s-74zo FRITZLEN PI ERCE ARCHITECTS v^tt, coLoprDO Cherlie - A9 pcr !,our request, we ar€ rrslnt a Co€r Poob Sav+T Pool Cover on both fre Fool and Spa at the ge;er'D.m Boid"n""t. Follorr'ing is dreir specification sheet slating that 0rey confirm with the ASTM Fl34G91 requicrrnG. not receive all dre pages' please call ' (97o147ffi342Et1s' 'l 6i,i, iJ{ v.r'l !r! llr'' !' lr:$.. F,riirki{'} (. ! . \ril. C,ir..riuitt t' t r.i I l. !rtu..t?C,.6JJ? t. r..rri..r?i,3:hr'l l: ir ri r(i!,r,1i rrt'liit<..rs r',,rir ${rar,r'i! ilitfl hhfi t'\'} '!': Lj.frl4tl - t{r'(:;C.lit;n(}irlq !}.r.!Pfr.,I': lCOrrC$r.ryi':r! r'.1{l\""- :lir r 'ltr"! ,t r.l.air(' Please let rre knor if pu med additional infomatjon. A7lLil2AA2 11:49 FPS tE E$r3X5 sqnh'B.l Ld. oly. w aalrs PAGE A2 SO{47€E! e0t"a8+272a' Frr t01-le{'{f63 744764 o t-t'Fcart UNDERWNITENS I.ABORATONIES INC. LTSTING VEnIFICATTON Covcrpoolr lnc. ir conrmitrcd|o Fodurtnt lhc rdcrt urd hiShccl qurlity fool end.lptcover in ,h; *;i, ti; provi& yorr with rhc followinS informrtion ro vsrify comtlitncc lo thc rpplicrble stondtr& for otlr rdcty pctl covrn' Covlr Pool'r thdtflpntcr lltrrilqri.t ItE. littilg Dlrt[E is lttf ' nb ngnbcr E :lt1t' Covcr pOOlr tnc. FodrCS Snlc -T Cqycf n' D&.d"r./ E{Crort, rld Srcp Slrcrr hlvc ben rilnuf*tutttt unrtct UL'r Fdlow-rp Scwicc, rnd bcer rta L]' Mr* Thc l,rl- t t lT Liltld rnryl crn br found on thc r irla of tho motor mounting brrctet' il ur- u"ri rn.* ir slso t*rEd o.t rhc bormm lcfr cornrr of cha Rbnc rrrninB Lrrbcl. Covcr Fodl ltrc. ProAlctl rc lirtcd urda thc followitlg cl|ctorictl /*a^t"-*cnrorsuinninlPoirmdSq5 . ^--r^,,r-,ir\ a(fM or.."-o\(J;;r"b,lr;,r.r. lao*t SioT Covcr tF. Ctrrlri'cd rn Acsordrnce witb ASTM F1346-el ) It0tlt Swirroing hd ud Sor Cqvs Op.tdorr Elcdtic Pml covcr oFretor. Modcl "Srvc'T Cortr lle Addirionrl conforms:on crt b. oU.iicd by PhorinB Uadcsritcrr hbotatoncl lns. Sm|eClirr.CA (a0t) 9tl.24m crrcnsion 3?010, Oicnt Mviron. Ttcy crn cortirm Qover Fools trrc. Filc nrrrnDcr Ellzill tishnS,l rr c||3toties WBAH I WDDJ' Oo lo SA[g,!LCqU, click on 'Cqrt|lrFs-. click on "UL onlinc ccnrficrtiont" Enlrn UL Fla nurnbcr E!28{l .tf you hrvo my dditiond gucdolrr phec contxt Co'er Poolr * 80G44?-2E38 Z.d EB'g esa eoe a I ooJ lloJruoH !6?: I I ZO gI tnr 67118/2492 15:11 97647849AL FPS PAGE 02 h i{{e ,u {Jjl 0r I 7 c t J lll J I 3 J d $ 0 1 tp 'd J J ? 0 I + 0 PAGE 63a7lLv2aoz 15:11 97A476496L ''"({llr\\\' 7q97 {I {rfip ! 'lIqilqD f;J'$i r( t I I ri o, 9 J d R !r 1g j$ I I II I II t \ '# I I R \\. tg#'t \: ttt p I\) 1 t { T t df t J DI 1 I gTlLg/22O2 15:11 974476494L L,urrr Frilihvr, A[.f.,Vrfr,i,ri O l\,illirrrr f , pirrr:c. .{r{{ritcit '[ttr'rrrF R. IJrr F.rir. Arr'lrhe(.t Str.ttluxi(. innl-i.h,i$rn, AIr.l:r0:!-t ll*,id llirun r. .{rhi tir.r hlily ltr$lilpr, I] f r;tlr Mtirir;;i,1 FAX COVER SHEET Dater FPS FRITZLEN PI PAGE OL E ARCHITECTS v . cot oRADO o ERC To: Fax: Re: Sender: CC: 07.rE{J2 Chadie Davis 479-2452 Beaver Dam Resldences - pool Stephanie Lord.johnson tub Famet, GSCC 845.2013 Jeff & lsaas GKC 477-t470 You should receive 3 Pa8eG) inctuding r,B cou"r itte@ please cari(970)4764t42 Ert15. Charlie - Per our Elephone conve'ation, dre follorving irems wilr be included in tlre poor area prcject toaddress code concerns 1. Pool Earrier - Per code 48" requirement is needed.. a, South side - a 4g' tall banier wilt be tocated inthe landscapeb. North side - the maiority of the propcd barrier is 4g' above gnde when. ourideof tre pool area. There is a small seOion adiacenttodri hourewerethe barier height will need to be raised o rrrcet the 4g, requiremenr.c, East and Weet Sides - the houser enclose trese sides2. Door Alirms -The doors O the pool will be alarmed per codea. West House - Door 2O611 and 2.t 1/1b. EastHouse.- 0oort0l/1, 1O2h $d1OZJ| !-. --'- .' I will fulbw upwith the details on the south banier and the norfi banier adjacent tp house, phrse call with any additional questaonr or commenb. i ti:,i, tut VJrl Viriiry 9ri.'i. l,liirids{ l.: i, V;!1, (-'+[:...]i1,, {il (:5; P: ,:l ''O l!;(t.r',-,.1'.J f (!;U..1;'6..t?U I F: irrtr,G;!.rii,rr':lrit\.t.i,':cnr lr.dttr.vrillr{'lil(|tili {!rir N:\i4.lil - llenvr;()rnrlli.'ri:l!.:ncpinti({(rrrrr'.r|',nddrr|r.!T(J''',.ririF.'10;1rl.dx From: Tkn Boyb To: Chatla D!vl.Datr: gfl U2002 Tirnc: 3;41:92 PM Boylc Engirucring Inc. 143 E. McEdow Drivc Suitc 390 Vril, Colorado 81657 303141G2170 FAx 303/47C4383 Soptarbcr ll' 20@ Chrrlle Drvb TOWN OF VAIL BT'ILDTNG DXPT. 73S. froot{snodWcd VdlColordo t1657 Subjcct Modified Forndcim Wdl' Bavcr Duu Rord East Roeidcncc 363 Beavcr Dem Rosd Vail, Colorrdo Dcrr Cborlic: rltb is to corfirm 6.t I brvc E do a viooal iarpcctbn of thc nodified portim olto {${m *all whcrc ths sbir co@tor @E grc 8p.rgr *lqg ; tc nca"ii bun Rord East Rcsilorc,o' Tbc width of trc cmcrcrc hts bcrn ;;tuJ ii;;n;,.n i"i1gli2 %'.-Jihi. tocrtion. A porpcndicular fourdation wbll abutE lhis vall |t tc localior wtcrc lhc Fislory boarn rcactio born rbovo' P!!. 2 of 2 Fufiham!, tbl qiqity of thc rcrctisr aotrr thc hcador ovcr thc window on 6c sorlh wrll of tbs st8fus blsrt lpprqnnabry 4' b tb "-t ?i;; th.6;' rhfuil'-l P^Tgd*-Y5a1$H.ry1$"f;[ffi'-frt;tt;;il;".f;;Fd"sbtLlbh.dtiortitt*toD. I-y6vap'powoftirgiqrtionssit It. ir.t* gF* c " g4(ilFfrfly qucstiou orco@trts on ttir mattcr' Preidcot Frdn: Tim Boyle To: q|ade Dflis Boylo Engin:cring, Inc. 143 E. Mcrdow Dtirc, Suitc 390 Vril, Colqdo tl6J7 Oate: 9fi82m2 Time: 2:42:34 PM Page 2o'3 Dsic: 9-ll{2 JobNudcc Ol2!- Projcct BcovcrDoEclt Locatiqr: VEfl, Colcrdo C@facloc Gcorgc Shrcftr Const Os/Et: Srcatbcn Sumy, ?4 dcg Presod at Sib: Jefr Kieeano TimBoylc SaplrlhLord FlltdclncrcCSdth 1650 F,. VJI VrlLy Dttvc, S||t C-l Vril, Colondo tl65'7 The followlng ltems werc obsqrcd: Tho prposc of ttis sib visit wrs to rulcc e finl frming inspcctioo of tlc Errt Rcsidencc, At thi! riril. lhc frsdrg for thc buildiilg ig l00e/o conplclc. The ftrning bas bcen irutrlled in eccorihnce with thc plau urd spcctficatiom istucd by thir olFcc, with modificaionr rnd stryplcrcnb tbrt have bcen coordiutcd with Ois oFrce dr.riry thc coutuctio Focess. Thir corylctcs fu itcmt md fuirg thb iruFction Feel 6roc to give rr a call if you havc auy qucdiooe or cormtr rcgarding this TiutbyM. Prcsidcot ffi*gg frT'i''# Cc: JcEKies.oc iron: Tim Boyl€ To: Charlie Davis Boylc Engioccring Inc. 143 E MeadowDrive, Suib 390 Vail, Golorado 81657 Date: 9/18f2002 Time: 2:42:3,1 PM Page 3 of 3 Date: Iob Nurnbqr: Projcct Locatim: Coofsstc: O*lcr: Wortrcc licscot st Site: 9-lt{2 0t24 BeawrDamWcst Vail, Colorado Gcorgc Shaclfcr Cod Snroy,74 &g JcIf Kissro. TinBoyh $lophmie Lord &ltdea Plerte Snllh t65O E. Vell Vrlley Drlvq Sulte C-t Vell, Colorrdo 8165? The following items were obserrcd: Ttc purpoee of this sit€ visit uns to rntc I nnsl fr.ming ilr@ion of tie West Rcsi&Doo. At ftis tim tbo fumiry fc thc hdding is l0flr corylctc. Tbc ftrming h.s bccn irtdld in accordee witt tbc plans ud spccificetions iured by lhir offce, with odificatious ud rupptmtr that hrvc beso c.ordilat d with this of[ca drriry tho amstrl€ti@ Focess. Thir corrylcer thc itorrs notcd ifuriry thir inrpcction Feel i€c to givc lE I csll if ),qr havc any gstionr or coauats regading ttir TinrlhyM. Presi&lrt fffJi:g,e"n ffi3; fui;;'.;:'i',' Cc: IcffKissrnc oo 9,"0J1-#' *ffilrHlf,gt ""t' EP.h@0e! A.thtuConlTtli:Orrh Cgfilrcbr:ADoHttl-ritslct tt&|hc l.lolcc f.lollcr: CoonratComnrtCormJrt sl{t|sluffi.XlI.lTgTIAEFER sI{AEIFER &BT.,T.D subriB: N8FR $ilr: l8SLEDh?An: CD Plrm: 9708'16,ffi Fhonr: 97OE{s656 7 Jof,+rL. Afir.tlTa- A.ion: llm:n qu$r Cofinrl]ArtnrdTo:- A&|[ fEn3R.qu$t: eoflnu*rArts:rlTo:- AE[o|l: hErsleouEna bm 20 Tlm.EIP: 5aO ALDC+lndCfi, GEORGE 8|{AEFFER COlt}B'TRlJCtlO}l 37&6tEa TrnrEp: rilcIt lul.('nrs370'6tEl Ls roota TlrnEp: 6tEa EffiEr DOC,IDEN K R|q|ncbdllmor 0f:00Pt' Plpm: 9?DtaC{668 -q- 3l$ 616{ Er|trdBf DOOLDEN l( &K' Plpm: TtI: ITIIhu 6mln: tO D.^Jlo Hr[..ffi'%*11bRil - Aciloft: APATPROIiEO nETArt[F WAr reST ]l(tt SE RX)Tr'Ei OIILY-lpp|l'\rrd- afr?g/dl, lilcdlCorl|rt: ATPROI d..o(}Forn(|lbnSLl Rq|ecbd Intp|ct9tb: Iqxdry, A{[|ttf A 2U htD.CtlonAnr: CDSlbArktmr: ltt BEAITEROAt RDVAL ffisTREStttEil{CE r€wtFR lbm: Cg7 Pl-Atl+lfilrl|.cronqu* OECnOE SI{AEFFER co0GtTRt cTlol.l Cq|Iltr||: ltcrl t tn|rdfirc.3?8€l8t nc.lvrd on 11113tO1 and ORB rbtf Opond m I l/l'tlot. - BOISON h h h.Hr wtr nt|l|[chil bslch. - retEO{ ROr,IED'TO P|It|t$frl AIS CltrRt E FOR IPFRCi/|IS - RronchdTlno: 0l:00t' Plrq|: 97O85{tC3 q- 378El', Et nd* DOOLEN K sm.A500ilmtot4l AWATTIE FCN RA,OCAIBLE reHT OF YYAY FERI;T AND EE. . L8$M,ALCoilmr* PW l€EOg ST lfED APPROVED DRAYYilBS FROII A LlCEilEE PE. FOR IYAI.a ot,ER a FT A'D ITCED REVOGIEI,E RG}IT OF WAY PERTfi.. LSAT€OVACmrt DiB rrvlrlsl lnrfr, rpruvd nqtlnd ptlor b mrhw d bt{erg e.rrdt - CDAt/lS &stEl4l!$tlhllrl o3 0l:00 Fil - Agetuvtd -CDAI/F A6n: APAPPRCR,ED PEEI t sEDnFriE DOFCO}JI,E!|!X!U$ SFREAD moni|Gg nrE8T)GiG ldlon: APAPPROT,ED REPT131 Run fd: L236 --ltt 0F12-2003 hrFcdon Co|rmfiri fl/t901Coilnrilr: fif2901CqrltlrliGr:ntrlCo|rlrl|n fiftutx2Coilr|nbG':E,eCoorrnix|FEznz tIETALLATION llD.cbcndtrdImibn ffSII: FAFo|fr.lor ndhdrxh.lk- Ac[onr APIglrha?l||eh .tW..||d br|bamtlr. GAST)Aclrir: ]fi l{OT WASFORFRANftI NOTREADYO Ardon: APAPPROGD SDE STARI'YAYEXTERIOR AcOoTu APAPPRO\IEDn*b.mrrtu.trl,Ldon: APAFPRC}I/ED: c.|Yb|lrf,t Ardon: APAFPROI/ED lcfon: Pl PARlllL hEPEClf,,ltm.drrilcd 'oqn rd iunl|E.nd lDgaf lord lhorrlh.ffib|fifng oC,E,|@ Co|tmailr: 6'W@Conlr|rlf. $nlEn Co|tnr.ob: bm: t0 BLFhul[on Codrnaatt: E2UUACfinrtbiB.E*. o{nTtl'eCcil:tl:07n{mCo0nrilr Ad[on: IPAPFfiot/ED STFPCIRT FRAIf{O AI?ROVED lcton: |{OI€TIFED STOP WII}I.EFF OF wlT}I STIMFFER CONsT. FRci'DE 2C , A3 LOIY AS FOSSGLE N S}{|FT FIT TIOI{T ARqJiD AI EI.TTS. RE@ BY il^r{.FCT AAD COD€S.bm: qllnu lXl fn: Tn: bn:hr:lr|r: C/o -AoDrurd-h.ocDt: GCD -- Acdon: APAPPRCIiIED AU, e.fDr'Kl CmE mHS APPROTi/EDd( FOR TCO. cvo " "4Ptund" "ADgtgt.d * lohri' h.Doc5c.c/o A.ilon: APAPPRCII/ED Arilon: APAFFRO/ED i|nie.TttudsrltnrcfrcrD?ne REOI'IIED'BE PEIGDIJP VENTS AI{D F/FS REOI.MED AcToIT: APAPPROIIED TLLED A}O }.IOT hISFECTED EM'I.IEER OF RECORD PROVT IilO 3ET8 G APPROI/ED,OOf\DfnOn|s AT SEAI' rAtlBR CT(ETS(UUs) Adoni Pl PA{TUL hfSPECnO}.| APPRCN|ED AciloTT; APAFPROIED APFRO/ED BtDoftrdGO REPT131 Run L236 12-1$-2002 7:03 em Inspestlofi Request iteportJng _, -' g,qt|.^.co -tohvtt i}E_ _ Regue$ltC hr pe'ul ljat€: Fnaidy, De.Je$,i.j+r ! i:. J00ll- insnecuon Area: C[lite e',Jdrs*: 183 SFAVTR il'Aftt RC'VAJL WEST EESlOst'J*t Page2 4n,gElsr'!!gss BO1-ii14O TtEe : $BUli lrlm occunair'cy. ;' BON JQNT I€NTI.IRE . T'LE,H. ;'.II+: L SHAEnFER CCNSTRtrCTnr'r SI.IAEFFER CONSTRUC'iIC+J NEW SFR wlTH TfFE II EHU Rerdl8hns k. D{ol hralh denlld fdiB ex(.}so 6 fool lr, h€luitl whir q-'sr Arient !n h. - EGIBSON RECETVED RF,VISET, PLAI'Is FCF POT.T AND iXCI,JT!:Ii]'O Ft.A}.iNIt.IC ANt] C}iARI-IE FOR APPROV.ALS. OFLORES Ndlee: Prolrocedwruh$revislqrrsrsrstvsd$n'i1i'!-101 n {: OPB st$tt a!.pro$ed on r 4l14l0l. - BGIBSOI{ Conmlent rLc spFrared. - Cft-OfiCS Cofim€ot PUBTK WORKS iEEPI . HAS f{EclgVr;f, REv0tABLf, tiGtlT SF WAt FERiirr.' CDAVIS(b|tm€nI RECIEVED STAMPETJ DRAWFIGS FUf{ S TCNE }'ASI..IOFIT WALL. zuT NOT FOR BOI.JLDER R€TAININ{' IlIAtLIi. CON] RAC OR F{AS SAID I"iO 6OL'!.ifFR RETAIiIII.JG WALL TO BE U'JSTALLED ON.9m. AL.SA ON Hlt{J14! Al,Vtmf.|G FCF? REVOCALBLE RlGFli OFW'lt PERMII Alit-rFEE -'LSANDS/AL Commenl: PW NTEOS S.TAMPED AppFIAVEL: ftF.aLi/lFlirs fjRctv: A {..Nl"FfJ$E Pf:. t''OF tlVAtLS O\,ER 4 FT AND I'IEFD REdOCASLE RTGHT nF liVA'/ PERMII'. - L|;AFIE!OVA-I. Cor m6nt ERB ralhbn* submfttcrl. appr-oval r$;rdre.l F,iior Ir rcvifltv ot builctng p€rmil. - L:.DAVIS fteqreeted lns9€L{onf s i .\ Aclt*tv: Const Tyl6: o\&icr: Gonlractor: Appllcanl: E)€rcrlFtlon: lftflce: l.lElhe: -iub ]'yl]e t{sFF l.Jss: illr,ni 9?$845I€5,6 Pi,oira: 9iu{d5.565€ stdur: l$$UEf) l|13pAlea: CD Item; -533 PtAil-TEffF, g/L1 Requ.$0.:ftEcRGE sl-iAEFFER ca.,s lFt,crt(.irto,c$Ifi: BGrBsoN Retru*gted iir-re: 08:00 AItl' Pqcn€: 9?0'84$5668 F:rrtersd Byr Lt;{iiPBELL K 12'\3-o2 i?cques aed Tlme; 0t:00 mt Pbons 37S184 Enter*d Sy' LCAI|PBEIL fi+r:uesied Tints: 08:00 All' Phone: i76.S184 €i',tsrad 6y-: LCAITPBEIL K Re{iuested Tlme: 0t:00 PM Phofle. 31ffi1&4 Entarsd By: LCATIIPBELL l( Itcfi: RequoSr: AssQtr-ed To; Acflo{l: Iteml ^ R€qu€Cot: Aselgnsd To: Addon. Iteml fil€$Fdor: Assao''.gdTo:'Ac on: 5SO ALDG.T GEORGE c.oAvts Timt C:{F: CeN*<iTRtt(..i()iV.Ji,tl FIY.TET{F. C'O i;roa rtt. I Ett a-. {,t\, | , cEORcE SI-{AEFFEt? CONSTFIt_ri::TntJi,tr.,eii LgAr\rmVAL Tinn Erp nE\€Exp ,_L:..3O O la ,1,:n--/-CO /l/-r;,/-A^*-0' / \l 532 Fr!.TElrP. C,0 GEORGE SHAFFFER CON$TFiLiI.; YIOI,I.Je,{ LSA}.IDOVAI Tima Exp. !!rrtgguon Hlsbrr fErn. li0m: f,grn: 502 P\IV-Ro.Jf,h orad€ 509 PW-Ftnd difuerrsv srade tC BLDG+oc{nos Sldsl- ' l.ri:love-i "' t {/ l3,Oi- imoector: ilDA,JtS Artlon: AP APPROVEO c.onmcnrs: HELCAL PIERS USEU F|STEAD OF r:Cr\ivEt'illoNlJ- SFIREAL) FOTSINeS {WEST) f6,tl&@. InBD€clof: CF(i Acttior'1. 4P APPROVe9 CotlmrenE. Fcot sit€ wall foodli(Is batw:En slrlnlufr'.,i oniv 0S'26102 lnis€ctor JR[,] '' lcll$r: iP AFFft(;r36p Comn'refiLr: ApPROVED RETAINII'|G \t/{Li WE$1 Fr{}USE F{Xtl-lMi ONIy REprl31 Run Id: 596 TOI^/NOFVAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81557 97M79-2138 plan Check_> S3 , 75?. OO DRB Fee_> gsOO . O0 Additiond Fees-> So . 00 Recreation Fee- > $9?3 . 65 Total Permit Fee-> $11, 013 ' 55 $3 .00 Clean-up Deposit->SO.OO pavments-> 911,013.G5 l*orrrNr oF coMMUNrrY pnrr?-,pvrsNr La{ d,3(h 3 Ut...-t O' ll".-ql' 3 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON TOBSITE AT ALL TIMES 6 TOTAL FEEg---> S11. 013 .6s BAI-r{IVCE DLIE->$0.00 Approvals:I€dm: O5100 BUILDING DEPARTI,IEIf,I o6/14/2ooL cdavis Action: AP Item: 05400 PIJANNING DEPARTMEIIT o7/og/zooL bgibson Action: AP IIEM: O55OO FIRE DEPARI.I{ENT Item: 05500 PUBI-,IC WORKS o6/29/20OL LS Actions AP IEEM: 05550 ENGINEERING PROIECT TITLE: NEW (SFR,P/S,DUP) PERMIT Permit #: 801-0141 Job Address: 363 BEAVER DAM RD VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: EAST RESIDEINCE Applied . . : 05/n/2O01. Parcel No...: 27070771,201,9 Issued. . : 07/77/2001 Project No : Expires . .: 07/07 /2002 OWNER BDR Os/23/2001 Phone: 288 CI,AYTON ST STE 305 DEMTER CO 80205 License: APPLTCAI{T SIIAEFFER CONSTRUCTTON 05/23/2O0L phone: 970-845-5656 P O BOX 373 VAIL CO 815s8 License z t29-B CoNTRACTOR SITAEFFER CONSTRUCTTON 05/23/20Ot phone: 970-845-5655 P O BOX 3?3 VAII, CO 81658 I-,icense: 129-B Desciption: NEW SFROccuiancy fype Faetor Sq Feet Valuation Dwellings Zone 4 V-N 2Ll-.90 6,497.5L,375,442'9O Private Garages zone 4 v-N 55.38 1,485 ia2,294.6e Totals... 6,491 $L,480,000.00* Number of Dwelling Units: L Town of Vail Adjusted Valuation: 1,480,000.00 Fireplace Infomratioru Restricted: Y # of Gas Appliances: 0 # ofGas logs: 0 #of Wood Pa[eh 0 FEE SUMMARY Building--> $s,?80.00 RestuarantPlanReview->go . oo Total Calculated Fees-> $11, 013 . 65 so. o0 lnvestigation-> will call-> See page 2 of this Docummt for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby adarowledge that I have read this application, filled out in fulI the inforrration required, completed an accurat€ plot plan, and state that all the infomration as required is correct. I agree to courply with the infotmation and plotpla+ b comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and tobuild this structure according to the bwns zoniry and subdivisiqt codes, design review approved Uniforur Building Code and other ordinances of theTownapplicable thereto. RIQTJESIS FOR INSPECTION SHAI.I BE MADE TWENTY.FOI,JR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 47}2138 OR AT OT,'R OFFICE ROM &{N AM.5 PM. Smd Clern-up Depoeit To: N/A SIGNATI.JRE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNET PAGE 2 ffi ,it*{i}**ffi *t*ffi ffi **rt*dik***t*rr**********lir*t**4*}********ti********** CONDITIONSOF APPROVAL Per:nit #: 801-0141 as of 03-062002 Status: ISSUED *ri**|H****|*ffi **i***ir***ffi ti*!*rt***ffi d.trt*****r*****************ilr*****!H* Ferudt Type: NEW (SFR P/9DUP) PERMT Applicane SHAEFFERCONSTRUCTION Job Address: 363 BEAVER DAM RD VAIL Location: EASTRESIDEINCE ParcelNo: 270707772019 Applied; 05/27/2007 Issued: 07/7Un07 CONDITIONS Cond: 33 (PLAN) THIS PROIECT VVILL REQUIRED ASITE IMPROVEMENTSURVEY. SUCHSURVEY SHALL BESUBMITTED AND APPROVED PRIOR TO REQUEST FOR A FRAME INSPECTION. Cond:12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: CON0004Z NEED STAMPED APPROVED DRAWING FOR WALI.SOVER4 FT IN HEIGHTFROM LICENSE PE. NEED REVOCABI-E RIGHT OF WAY PERMT AND FEE. lat trtalltat*aaal ltlt*aaa* a+f f***ll* f'|*t++t** f* +t** t+ tf*t+ i**** f * * *+ *t +t** *t* *aaa+ a**a+aaa*a'l TOWNOFVAIL, COIORADO Statcoolrtff+*f*a'}a**f+taflaall*+**l+aa'}'ta**+'}+r*+**l}'}*+ltaa*+*++**r***a**!tftttaaatlatt+f*llfaaalt|ffll gtatenent lJr.mber: R0000020X6 AmouDt: $11,013.6s 03/06/200203:59 PM Pallttrcnt l,lethod: Check Init: L,C Notatsion: 54915,/8hasf,fer Permit No: BO1-0141 fi4re: NEt{ (SFR,p/S,Dup) PERUIT Parcel No: 210107112 019git,e Addregg: 363 BEAVER DAIU ND VAII, I.,OCATI.ON: TAST RESTDEINCE Total Fees: $1.1,013.55Ihls Pa)rmenE: 91x,013.65 Total AIIJ pmts: $11,013.55Balance: S0. OO aaaataaa***altaaa***a***aa*a*tl**+a**l*******aa*a**,}ftal'l****+**9*'}*+**t**aaa*aaaalaaaaaaaaa AC@IJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descriotion Curr^ent Prnts BP OO1OOOO31111OO BUILDING PERMIT FEES DR OOiOOOO31122OO DESIGN REVIEW FEES PF OO1OOOO31123OO PLAN CHECK FEES RF 111OOOO31127OO RECREATTON FEES I.IC OO1OOOO31128OO WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 5,780 . 00 500.00 3.757 . 00 973.65 3.00 (U (ga bPEplb b Ee nFE s il$€EE E eE5$F tr€FEt F$IEseiFEETEE;Eb:; f,€€tE;Etr. H 6.iE E HI IEf gB o ( S* ts .; l,] U 0) o t- I I I Itltltttltlr-{l IDt I!lcol IFll $lI Fllt?llFl I Falrl AItals6 -HX b'FEZX .L' )tl trdfi I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I rl HIl-.1*tlnl rrl NIc.{<l I I 3 OJr.! (d E b 3 I I I I I i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I IolMl >l<lnl xl rl]I>l<l Fal col\Ol'l I it E'd tsr at)th s f't CJ li ? w U CJ (g x 3: -o.r 3 '-q c.Jxtr sH ;eE.E ra 3 b.F*E t:+l=UEE P8e ii =-E:i x!JT ci P €EE rJ o'E e5HEgE #Ee EE90H6Eg vl: eq5gglo I.g tsEx I{d--;H5i€9oP g HTE6oo'rdo.e6 EO ra rd ,9'i,!E:5 F i"t-..,lUUIta '-r .= Fs ! >lUz tr DUUo fito tElH4UHftHHfi frlU N\ro8Sa< oo ^$<:P(,j.r- \ .x{H{S*S !l r\d'"- Rs H f-J.{a = FF{ L :ts A\ x IJ >l s r\ (a r{ la N R (/J ()x a* .h F.ll v) 6O \ / Q*or"rNr oF coMMu*rrr rrutor.*TOWNOFVAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81657 97A-479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE TOSTED ON TOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PROIECT TITLE: Job Address: Location.....: Parcel No...: Project No : BDR NEW (SFR,P/S,DUP) PERMIT 353 BEAVER DAM RD VAIL 9u-sl-siV 270707712079 05/23/2o0L Permit #: Status . . Applied. Issued . Expires. 801-0141 /2007 /7U2OO1 07/07/200/2 OYINER 288 CI.AYTON ST STE 306 DEM/ER CO 802 06 L,i.cense : COIfIRAETOR SI{AEFFER POBOX VAIIJ CO 816s8 License: APPIICA}IT ST{AEFPER POBOX VAIIr CO 8X658 Licease: EONSTRUCTTON 373 129-B CONSTRU TION 373 129-B 0s/23/2oo\-g ,Uy,/ 0c :970-845-5555 3 / 2OOL Phone: 97O-845-5656 ilb {tDD,l;rtDesciption: NEWSFR OccuPansY Dwellings Private Garages EeeE ,--' 'I ,49i $L,375,442.904 V-lr 3 V-lt Factor Sq 211. 90 36.21 6,49i i 1, {86 $53,808. 06 5,491 $3,300,000.00* Number of Dwelling U1!6: 2 Town of Vail Adiusted Valuation: 3,300,000.00 // Fireplace Nornution: ReslteO, Y # of Gas Appliances: 0 # of Gas tngs: 0 # of Wood Palet 0 rg'r*ffi*rrriffiffi** FEESUMMARY Building--> ,/ g11, 2{O . OO Restuarant Plan Review-> $0. OO Total Calculad Fee&-> $20, 022 .65 PlanCheck->,/' 9?,305.00 DRB Fee---------> $50o.oo Addltional Fee+--> 90.00 lnvestigatioy' $O.OO Recreation Fee-----> 99?1.55 Total Pennit Fee--> 920,022.65 Will Call-> $3,00 Cl€an-up Deposit*--> 90.00 Paymenh+--__.-> S20'022'65 TOTAL FEES------> 520 ,022 .6s BALANCE DUE-> $0 ' 00 TotaIs. Approvals:I€dm: 05100 BUIIJDING DEPARTMEITT 06/!4/2ooL cdavis Item: 05400 PLAIININCI DEPARTMENI o7/09/2oOL bgibeon It,em3 05600 PIRA DEPARTMmSI Item: 05500 PIIBIJIC WORKS 06/29/zOoL LS ItEN: 05550 ENGINEERI}IG Act.ion: Action:AP Action: AP PAGE 2 ***'l*ffi *rl*!hltl*******lit***ttihhhr**#*{*ffi **************ft ffi****{*H*** CONDITIONSOF APPROVAL Permit #: 801-0141 as of 07-77-2001 Status: ISSLiED ffi ffi rffi **rt**#*rt**ffi rHrffi ***rt*i*rffi PernitType NEW (SF&P/S,DUP) PERMIT Applied: 05/n/ml Applicant SHAEFFERCONSTRUCTION Issued: 07/7U2N1 fob Address: 363 BEAVER DAM RD VAIL Locatioru ParcelNo: 270107712019 **lr****r**{*it****rffi*{**#*******ffi*ffiH#**{r*****l**********ffi***t*ffiHffi*E** CONDITIONS **rhffi t**lffi lhr*iF**H****rffi rffi *ffi ****{*********iit{*rH**rl*#*ffi **#r*rffifi Cond:33 (PLAN) THISPROIECTWILLREQIJIREDASITE IMPROVEMENTSURVEY. SUCHSURVEYSHALL BE SI.JBIIITTED AND APPROVED PRIORTOREQI.JEST FOR AFRAME INSPECTION. Cond:12 @LDG.): FIELD II{9PECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: CONfi)0427 NEED STAMPED APPROVED DRAWINC FOR WALISOVER4 FT IN HEIGHTFROMLICENSE PE. NEED REVOCABLE RIGT|T OF WAY PERMIT AND FEE. See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the inforsration required, complered an accurate plot plarU and state Urat dl the information as required is correct, I agree to comply with the infor:nration and plot plarl to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design. review approve4 Uniforrr Building Code and other ordinances of the Town appticable thereto. REQUESIS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN 4DTIANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-a3E OR AT OUR OI|FICE FROM 8:(Xl AM - 5Ptu. (,/ ,/ / +_smdclean'upDepooitTo: N/A /at',2-tn-t-l 6 SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIIVISELF AND OWNEI *+'lt* * +tl' * | ** tl + | I + 't f* * * +t * + + * * i + * * tt a | + i+ * * * * + * a ** * a * * * * * ** **** +'i + t* '** * I I t*t 'tatt+ t+tt* *tffl TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statnm€ntItl+raaa**atata* t fa*a*++* l' f*l a +a+l'*tt * +*t{' + *a f+ tif+*r f+++tl*+1++ | i+ + ti* | *la* +*++laal ftaatta* St,atetnent Nunber: R000001053 Anoune: S2o,O22-65 07/LI/2O'LOB:19 A$l PaymeDt, Method: Check Ini!: .lAR NoEatlon: 6+9L5 Permit, No: 801-0141 Typer NEW (SFR,p/S,DItp) pEm{rT Parcel No: 2!07077r20t9 Slte AddreEE: 363 BEAVER DAIrt R.D VAIL IocatLon: ToEal Fees I $20, O22.65 Thla Palment 3 520,022.65 Total AIJJ Pmts: 920,022,65 Balance: $0.00 aa+ I ttt'l++t *+tl'**+ ftft++***at* a*+*+ +* t a * f+ I +t +f ++* * f* * *r* ttt '|* + a + + ft*rf'|*a+*+ir+ *+afi+a* +r** ACCOI.JNTITEM LIST: Account Code Descriotion Current Pmts BP OO1OOOO31111OO BUILDING PERMIT FEES DR 00100003112200 DESIGN REVIEI'I FEES PF OO1OOOO31123OO PLAN CHECK FEES RF I11OOOO31127OO RECREATION FEES I,lC OOIOOOO31128OO I'IILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 11,240.00 s00 .00 7 . 306. 00 973.65 3.00 APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR UNSIGNED Project #: Building Permit #: 97 O- 47 I - 2L49 (Inspections ) mwNhFvnt 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 mechanical, etc.! fr.,s#t; General Contractor: George Shaeffer Construct Town of Vail Reg. No.:Contact anZ Phone #'s: Rob Fawcett 845-5655 COMPLETE VATUATIONS FOR BUITDING PERMTT & Materials BUILDING:, tft&ffl'o ELECTRICAL: $ ? t, od1 -OTHER: $ PLUMBING: $ bO,OOO'MECHANICAL: S 10 , ooi -rorAl:$ l. qgd, 000 - ForParceI # Conbct Assssorc Office at 970-328-864O or visit -2101 -071-12-018 Job Name: Beaver Dam Residence Job Address:r{6a *Beaver Dim Rd Legaf Description ILLof;A}|I ll Btock: 3 ll Fitins: 3rd llsuoaivision: Vait Vitraqe owners *ut"'o, nolaino= ll aodress:Phone:rar\ arllt<E ArchitecVDesiqner:- Frftzlen Pi erce Addressbo Box 57, Vail, CO 81557 Phone:970-47 6-6342 Enqineer:- Bovle Flnoi necr i Address:l 43 E-Meadohr Dr veiI- co R Phone:;57 Detailed descriDtion of work: WorkClass: New(,X) Addition( ) Remodet ( ) Repair( ) Demo( ) Other( ) WorkType: lnterior( ) Exterior( ) Both( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-family ff) Two-famiV ( ) Multi-tamity ( ) Commerciat ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: t No. of Accommodation Units in this building: No/Type of Fireplaces Existing: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Loqs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burninq ( Noffype of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Loqs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Bumins (NOT ALLOWED) Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes (f,) No ( )Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( ) No ( X) Parcel ***********************************,t**FOR OFFICE USE ONLV******************r!*rr**'t************** Clther Fees: Fees: F:/everyone/forms/bldgperm of Constructioni ner RI0'D MAY 2L2OO1 Questions? Call the Building Team at 479-2325 o o a o D {6 d IOI,I,',N Department of Community Development Project Name: hxeu^*-r Du-- Teq,lrtuu.s Proiect Address: This Checktifimust be completed before a Baildina Permitaopliation is accepted, All pages of application is complete Has DRB approval obtained (if required) Provide a copy of approval form Condominium Association letter of approval attached if project is a Multi-Family complex Complete site plan submitted Public Way Permit application included if applicable (refer to Public Works checklist) Staging plan included (refer to Public Works checklist) No dumpster,parkinq or material storaoe allowed on roadwavs and shoulderc without written aoproval ^ ,, . Asbestos test and results submitted if demolition is occurring pe- t '{- 4u'-'o Y" * DOI' oal Architect stamp and signature (All Commerciai and Multi family) Full floor plans including building sections and elevations(4 sets of plans for Multi-Family and Commercial) ( Window and door schedule o- Full structural plans, including design criteria (ie.loads) q- Structural Engineer stamp and signature on structural plans (All Commercial and Multi Family) a- Soils Report must be submitted prior to footing inspection Q- Fire resistive assemblies specified and penetrations indicated o Smoke detectors shown on plans o Types and quantity of fireplaces shown 1 Appficanfs Signature: AhA ft'-*,a Date of submittal: F:/everyoneforms/bldpermz Received By: slu lo I /ftI-ilf+#r/ MniorTmY HOW DID I'YE RATE WITH YOU? Town ofVailSurvey Community Dwelopment Depar[nent Russell Fonest Director, (97011n-213s Check all that appEes. 1. Which Departnent(s)did you contac0 Building _ EnvironmenEl_ Housing Admin Planning DRB _ PEC 2. Was your inilialconbctwitr oursffiimmediate sow or no one avdlable ? 3. lf you were required to wait, how long was it bebre you were hetped?_ 4. Was pur project revie,rved on a timely basis? Yes / No, lf no, why not? (knowledge; responsiveness, availability) 7. Overall efiectiveness offie FrontService Counter. I 4 3 2 1 L Whatis fie besttime of day for you to use tre Front Service Counter? 9. Any commerts you have which would allow us b better serve you nexttime? Thank you for taking fie lirne b compleb this survey. We are commihd b improving our seryice. 5. Was this yourfirstlime b file a DRB app_ PEC app_ : Bldg Permit_ trUA i 6. Please raib the performance of fre staffperson who assisted you:54321Name: WHEN A'PUBLIC WAY PERMIT" IS REQUIRED PLEASE READ AND CHECK OFF EACH OF THE FOLLOWING QUESNONS REGARDING THE NEED FOR A.PUBLIC WAY PERMIT": o Is this a new residence? YES K NO 0 a tr o o Does demolition work being performedT require the use of the Right-of-Way, easements or public property? YES A NO_ Is any utility work needed? YES A No- Is the driveway being repaved?NO Is a differentaccess needed to the site other than the existing driveway? Is any drainage work being done that affects the Right-of-Way, easements,YES NO A YES ^ NO or public property? Is a "Revocable Right-of-Way Permit" required?YES { NOD a Is the Right-of-Way, easements or public property to be used for staging, parking or fencing? YES K NO If answer is NO, is a parking, staging or fencing plan required by Public Works?YES NO If you answered YES to any of these questions, a "Public Way Permit" must be obtained. "Public Way Permit" applications may be obtained at the Public WorKs office or at Community Development (a sample is attached). If you have any questions please call Leonard Sandoval in Public Works at 479-2L98. I HAVE READ AND ANSWERED ALL THE ABOVE QUESTIONS. F :/everyonefforms/bldperm4 Cl-s Contractor Signature TOW,IOF PUBLIC WORKS AND THE PUBUC WAY PERMIT PROCESS How it relates to Building Permits: Fill out the attached check list with the Buildinq PermitApplication. If yes was answered to any of the questions then a "Public Way" permit is required. you can pick up an application at either Community Development, located at 75 South Frontage Road or Public Works, located at 1309 Elkhorn Drive. Notice sign-offs for utility companies. ALL utilities must field verifu (locate) respective utilities prior to signing application. Some utility companies require up to 48 hours notice to schedule a locate. A construction traffc control/staging plan must be prepared on a separate sheet of paper. An approved site plan may also be used. This plan will show locations of all trafific control devices (signs, cones, etc.) and the work zone, (area of construction, staging, etc.). This plan will expire on November 1st and will need to be resubmitted for consideration for approval through the winter. Be aware that your resubmission for winter may be denied depending on the location of construction. Sketch of work being performed must be submitted indicating dimensions (length, width and depth of work). This may be drawn on the traffic control plan or a site plan for the job. Submit completed application to the Public Work's office for review. If required, locates will be scheduled for the Town of Vail elecficians and irrigation crew. The locates take place in the morning, but may require up to 48 hours to perform. The Public Work's Construction Inspector will review the application and approve or deny the permit. You will be contacted as to the status and any requirements that may be needed. Most permits are released within 48 hours of being received, but please allow up to one (1) week to process. As soon as the permit is approved, the Building Department will be notified, allowing the "Building Permif'to be released. Please do not confuse the "Public Way Permif with a "Building Permit". Permits are valid only until November 15th. A new Public Way Permit is rcquired each year if work is not complete. Re-application each November 15th does not mean an automatic renewal. I have read and understand the above, ?-/",{\N-' Signature' <1., (o t F:/everyone/forms/bldperm5 Date Signed BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If this permit requires a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval, Engineer's (Public Works) review and approval, a Planning Depaftment review or Health Department review, and a review by the Building Department the estimated time for a total review will take as long as three (3) weeKs. All commercial (large or small) and all multi-family permits will have to follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residential and small projects should take a lesser amount of time. However, if residential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned departments with regard to necessary review, these projecG may also take three (3) weeks to review and approve. Every attempt will be made by this department to expedite this permit as soon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame. I also understand that if the permit is not picked up by the expiration date, that I must still pay the plan check fee and that if I fail to do so it may affect future permits that i apply for. Agreed toby: T-,t(>+"+ Ta-t.tlf Print name ^QN:( t .-.s Signature ' Project N"^"t B^ne t* WJ"^'/* Date:slzt(o t F :everyoneforms/bldperm3 APPLICATION FOR TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WAY PERMIT 19 J- it-l lr l rirl| f; -J !__-l i rl i i! Parcer#:I l,! I-l'il I I -!r-ll ^ -riLJ Btds. Permito,,'el I L-l, f I I I L Job Name Streel Address n F j-j _:.T (tf unknowncattllL--l i i | 429.?i38 ext. O) Excavating Contractor Name Mailing Addr€ss TOV Contradofs Licens€ Number REOUIRED () Phon€ #ZpCity Starl Dat€ Work is tor (circle one) Comoletion Date Water Sewer Gas Electric Telephone CATV (Permit Expiration Oate) Landscaping Temp. Site Access Other 5. Trench-width (min,4') Depth Total SF $ Tolal LF $ Bond Amount $ ALL MATERIAL. EQUIPMENT. AND TRAFFIC JOB IS STARTED. 7.Rubber out-riggers are required on Asphalt surfaces underneath lhe A signature below indicates a signalures are obtained, permittee necessary Town of Vail signatures. ST BE ON THE JOBSITE BEFORE THE working on asphalt. at all times. utility locations and approvals. Once all utility company application through the Public Works ofiice to obtain the up to one week to process. Permit Fee Total Permit Fee Public Service Natural Gas Group (1-800-922-1987) Public Seruice Company (1 U.S. West (1 -8OO-922-1 987) TCI Cablevision ol the Rockies (1-800-922-1987) Eagle River Water & Sanitation District (970-476-7480, ext. 114) Holy Cross Electric Company (1-800-922-1987) Town oi Vail Electricians (970-479-2158) Town of Vail lrrigation (970-479-2158) Town oi Vail Public Works Construction lnspector (970-479-21981 9. THERE WILL BE NO TOTAL STREET CLOSURESI A construction traffic control plan must be approved by the Public Works Department prior to issuance of the permit. 1 0, All excavation must be done by hand within 18" of utilities - (Senate Bill 172)' 11. Permitte€ must contact Public Works Departmont at 479-2198 24 houts grior to commencing of work. Failure to notify the Town will result in forfeiture of bond rnoney. Scheduled inspections which are not ready may result in lhe Town charging the contractor a reinspection fe€. 12. I certity that I have read all chapters of lltle 8 - Public Ways and Property, ot the Vail Municipal Code and all utility company agreements, signed by me, and will abide by the same, and that all utilities have been notified as required. Contractor's SlgnatJre ot Agreemerf Prid name clsarty ATTACH PLAN OF WORK INCLUDING CONSTRUCTION TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN Show streets with names, buildings, and location of cuts. USE DASH LINES FOR CUT- Dats of Signature White - Public Works Yellow - Contractor o DRAINAGE AND CULVERT INSPECTIONS ARE REOUIRED BY PUBLIC WORKS! Please read and check off each of the items below: a The Town of Vail Building Department has developed the following procedures to ensure that new construction sites have adequately established proper drainage from building sites along and adjacent to Town of Vail roads or streets. a The Town of Vail Public Works Department will be required to inspect and approve drainage adjacent to Town of Vail roads or. streets and the installation of temporary or permanent culverts at access points from the road or street onto the construction site. Such approval must be obtained prior to any requests for inspection by the Town of Vail Building Department for footings, temporary elecfical or any other inspection. Please call Leonard Sandoval at479-2L98 to request an inspection from the Public Works Department. Allow a minimum of 24 hour notice. a Also, the Town of Vail Public Works Department will be approving all final drainage and culvert installation with resulting road patching as necessary. Such approval must be obtained prior to any Final Certificate of Occupancy issuance. Agreed to by: %tn"t E^t-trt- Print Name 12, -f 1.*,"oSionature ' W4^rq fu Pa&*.t--Project Name: Date Signed: F:/everyon4forms/bldperm5 TOWNOF Please read and check off each of the items below. (Copies of complete text are available upon request) CODE 5-2-10: DEFOSITS ON PUilTC WAYS PROHIEITED u Unlawful deposits: Subject to subsection C thereof, it is unlawful for any person to litter, track or deposit, or cause to be littered, tracked or deposited, sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dift, snow, ice, or any other debris or material upon any street sidewaik, alley or public place, or any portion thereof. u Notice; Abatement: The Dhector of Public Works may notifo and require any person who violates or causes another to violate the provision of subsection A hereof, or who has in the Director's employment a person who violates or causes another to violate the same, top remove such sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice or any other debris or material within twenty four (24) hours after receipt of said notice by the Director of Public Work. In the event the person so notified does not comply with the notice within the period of time herein specified, the Director of Public Works, or other authorized agent, may cause any such sand, gravel, rock, mud, dirt, snow, ice, debris or any other material to be removed from any street or alley at the expense of the notified. f, Summons and Penalty: As an alternative to the notice for removal provided in subsection B above, any person who violates or causes another to violate the same, may be issued a summons to appear before the Municipal Court of the Town for said violations, and upon being found guilty of a violation hereunder be punished as provided in Section 1-4-1 ofthis code. D Notice and Penalty: It is unlawful for any person to fail or refuse to comply with the notice of the Director of Public Work as provided in subsection I hereof, and any such person shall, in addition to payment of the expense of removal incurred by the Director of Public Work, as provided in subsection B hereof, upon being found guilty of a violauon hereunder, be punishable as provided in Section 14.1 of this Code. (1997 Code: Ordinance 6 (1979). CODES 7-3A-L AND 7-3A.3: PARKING OBSTRUCTING TRAFFIC & IMPOUNDMENT AUTHORIZED Cl No person shall park any vehicle upon a street or at any other place within this Municipality in such a manner or under such conditions as to interfere with the free movement of vehicular traffic or proper street or highway maintenance. (Ord. 2(1968) $ 1) f, Whenever any police officer finds a vehicle attended or unattended, standing upon any portion of a street or upon any place within this Municipality in such a manner as to constitute a violation of any section of this Article, or left unattended for a period of twenty four (24) hours or more and presumed to be abandoned under the conditions prescribed by Colorado Revised Statutes section 424-1102, as amended, the officer shall require the vehicle to be removed or cause it to be removed and placed in storage in the nearest garage or other place of safety designated or maintained by this Municipality, and the charges for towing and storage of such vehicle shall be charged to the owner of the vehicle in addition to a ten dollar ($10) impoundment charge. (Ord. 2(1968) g 3: Ord. 28(1981) 5 1) I have read and will comply with the above code provisions: Print Name Position or Relationship to Project: Date Signed: F :/everyone/formVb I dpermT Signature o: Engineering, Inc, CIVII.{GEOTECHNIO{t SOIL AND FOUIYDATION II\TVESTIGATION FOR PROPOSED RESIDENCE LOCK 3, VAIL VILLAGE FILING NO.3 363 BEA\IER DAM ROAI) TOWN O}'\rAIL E,AGLE COUI{TY, COLORADO PROJECTNO. 20172 SEPTEMBER 17,2000 PREPAREDFOR: FRITZLEN PIERCE ARCIIITECTS .ATTENTION: STEPIIA\IE LORD-JOH{SON r6s0 EAST VALLEY DRryE, FALLRIDGE C-l VAIL, CO 81657 L$iriffii'';;l;;vf- (970) 925-9088 Tel, (9?0) 925-9089 Faa E-mait; Igcng@snowcap.aet P.O. Box 2837, Efuards, CO 81632, o TABLE OF CONTEI{TS HCECUTfiTE SUMI\4ARY SCOPE OF STUDY . . . SITE DESCRIPTION . PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION . FIELD IN\TESTIGATION. . . SIIBSTIRFACE SOIL A}ID 6ROI]ND\T/ATER CONDITION FO IlNDAlf ON REC OIUIVIENDA.TION S SLAB CONSTRUCTIObI RETAINING W-ALLS . LIIqDERDR{N SYSTK]M SITE GRADNG A}ID DI{AINAGE LAW},IIRzuCATION LiMITATION FIGURES LOCATION SKETCH . ....DRAI*IIN6NO. ISUBSLIRFACEHPLO}IATIONLOGS. ..FIGTIRENO,s I.2 SWELL-CONSOLIDATIONTESTRESULTS.... FIGIJRENO.3 GRAIN.SZEDISTRIBUNON.... ......RGIJRENO.4 PERIMETERDRAIN FIGT,RENO.s ,, t 3 J 4 6 6 T 7 LKP Engineering, Ilc. EXECTITII|E SUMMARY l. The proposed resideuce should be supported with conventional type spread footings, designed for an allowable soil bearing pressure of2000 psf. They should construct the footings on the undisturbed clayey_ gravelly sand to clayey_sandy gravet with cobbles. 2. An rmderdrain system will be needed to provide firm and a workable surface during the consEuction ofthe foundation and to maintain the foundation soils in a firm condition. SCOPE OF STT]DY This rEPort prcsents the results of a zubsurface Soil and Fomdation Investigation for a proposed residence to be constucted on LoJ 2, Block 3, Vail village Filing No. 3, Toum of vai! Eagle Corrnty, Colorado' The purpose of the subsurface soil and for.udation investigation was to determine the engineering characteristics of the for:ndation soil and to provide reconmendations for the formdation design, grading, and drainage. LKP Engineering, lnc. SITE DESCRIPTION Lot 2 is at 353 Beaver dam Road, east of the intersection with Beaver Dam Circle, in the Towu of Vail, Eagle County, Colorado. At the time of our soil and foundation investigatioq there was an existiag residence on the lot, The house was two-story, wood ftame structgre with wood siding on a concrete foundation. The topography of the site is moderate. Vegetation consisted of pine tees and grass. on the north part of the lot were willows. Draigage is to the north and northwest. PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION From ou convelsation, we understand that the existing residence will be replaced with a new residence. we anticipate loads to be light, typical of residential constuction. If the finalized plans differ significanfly from the above rmderstandhg, they shogld notiS us to reevaluate the recomme,ndations of this reDon. FIELD II{VESTIGATION The field investigation conducted on September S,zooo,consisted of excavating, iogging and sampling two test pits. Excavation of the test pits was done with a conveutional rubber-tire backhoe' The test pits' locations are shown on Drawing No. 1. we show the soil profile of the test pits on tbe Subsurface Exploration Logs, Figr:re No's I and 2. Soil saurples for labordory soil analysis and observation were taken at selected intervals. SUBSI'RFACE SOIL ATID GROIJNDWATER COFTDITION The soil profi.les encountered in the test pits were fairly uniform. Test pit No.l haAZ.s feet of topsoii over 5 feet of light brown to multicolored,, clayey-gravelly sand over one foot of LKP Engineering, Inc. yellowish-brown, soft and wet, gravelly sand. Test Pit No.2 had 3 fea of topsoil, over 5 feet of grayish-brown" clayey sand with roots over one foot oforange, sandy gravel, firm but very moist. In Test Pit No. I ground water was encountered, at 7.5 feet. 'we sampled the soil in the test pits at random intervals. The soil samples were tesled in our laboratory for nat[al moisture content, nah[al dry density, swelVconso]idation, and grain- size distibution' The test rcsults are shown on Figr:re No's 3 and 4. FOUIYDATION RECOMMEIIDATIONS The proposed new resideace should be supported with conventional type spread footings, desigaed for a maximrmr allorvable soil bearing pressure of 2000 psf. The footings should be placed on the undisttubed ciayey-gravelly saud to clayey-sandy gravel with cobbles. The gro'nd water elevation can vary' and it is possible it will rise as higb as the proposed foundation. A minimum of nvo feet of separation should be maintained between the grormd water and the bottom of the footings. The high ground water elevation can impact &e foundation bccing soils' The proposed foun'lation grade migbt be too yield;ng for the placement of tlie footings. . The yielding bearing soils can be improved by placement of cobble size rocks inro the soil and running over with light equipnrent until firm base is achieved. Also, ground u,ater dewatering might be necessary' Vy'e recommpnd an underdrain behind every step in the fopndation. we also recommenci nllro feet ofgravel underthe siab on grade areas. The gravel should be conneqed with the perimeter drains. More detailed recommendations for the underdrain system can 69 provided once the formdation and grading plans are completed,. A basement is not recorarnended for this site due to the very moist and soft soils. We recommend minirnnm width of ld inches for the continuous footings and 2 feet for the isolated footing pads. Continuous foundation walls should be reinforced top and bottom to span an rnsupported length ofat least l0 feet. We recomrnend a minimum of 48 inches of backfill cover for frost protection of the footing subsoils. The foundaion excn'ation should be obsemed by the undersigned engineer to LKP Engineeri-ng,Inc. 5 verw thqt the soil conditions encountered &ring corlstnrction ae as anicipcrted in this report. The foundation otcavation should be free from excavation spoils, fros! organics and standing water' we recommend proof-rolling of the foundation excavation with light equipment on tracks' Heavy equipment can bring up the moisture &om the underlaying soils and create soft and unsuitable base for the foundation. Soft spots detected during the proof-rolling, should be removed by overexcavation' Any overexcavation within fts Fsposed foundation, shourd be bacldlled' in 8 inches loose level lifu and compacted to r00% ofthe ma,,ximum dry density and within 2 percent of the optimr.rn moisture content as determined in a laboratory from a standard Proctor test (ASTM D'698)' A structural fill, placed under footi'gs should be tested by the engineer or her rcpresentatives on regular basis. As an alternative, the stnrctural fiIl can be replaced with clean, crushed rock. As another alternative, the proposed new residence can be supported with helical piers. For a recomnendation on strait shaft piers, additional soil and foundation investigation, with a drill rig will be nceded. SLAB CONSTRUCTION The natural on-site soils, exciusive of topsoil aod organis5, are suitable to support lightly loaded slab-on-grade constlction. The subgrade for the slab-on-grade constuction should be proof compacted to detect and remove soft spots. They should bacldll overo(cavatcd soft spots and other underslab fill with the on-site soil, free from topsoil and organics, or other suitable material' compacted to a minimum of 95 percent of the maximrmr standard prostor dcnsity (AsrM D-698). suitable material should be free from topsoil, organics and rock fragments greaterthan 3 inches. The concrete slab should be constructed over a Z-foot layer ofclean gravel consisting of- 3/4 inch gravel witb at least 50% retained on the No. 4 sieve and less thar, 3 percent passing the No' 200 sieve' The underslab gravel should be connected witb the gravel for &e perimeler drain. They should reinforce the concrete slab-on-grade and score contoljoints according to the LKP Engineering, Inc. 0 American Concrete Institute reguirements and per the recommendations of the designer to reduce damage due to shrinkage. The consrete slab should be separated from the foundation walls and columns with expansion joints to allow for independent movement withorn causing damage. RETAINING'fuAIIS Foundation walls retaining earttr and retaining stnrctwes that are laterally supported should be designed to resist an equivalent fluid density of60 pcffor an ,.at-rest,, condition. Laterally uE€strained stuctures, retaining the on-site eartlr, should be designed to resist an equivalent fluid density of 40 pcf for the ,,active', case. The above design recornrnendations assume drained backfill conditions and a horizontal bacldll surface' Surcharge loading due to adjaceut structures, weight of temporar5r stored constuctiou materials and equipmeul inclincd bacldll and hydrosatic pressgre &rc to undrained baclcEll should be incorporated in the design. They should try to prwent the buildup of hydrostatic pressure beirind the retaining wall. I]NDERDRAIN SYSTEM To reduce the risk of surface water infiltating the formdation subsoil, we recommend installation of a perimercr drain (see Figrrrc No. 5). The foundation perimeter drain should consist of a Ginch diameter, perforated pipe, sloped to a suitable gravity outle! or to a sump punp location' at a l/4 inch per foot for flexible or at a 1/8 of an inch for rigid pipe. The drain pipe should be covered with a minus 3/4-inch free-draining granular material. The depth of the gravel should odend to within two feet of the finished grade. Geotextile (tr{irafi l40N or equivalent) should be nsed to cover the free-draining gravel to prevent siltation and clogging of the drain. LKP Engineering. Inc. SITE GRADING AIID DRAINAGE Grading plan was not available for our review. The following recomme,ndations are general' Exterior backfill should be compacted at or near the optimum moisture content to at least95%o of the ma:<imum standard Proctor density under pavem€nt, sidewalk and patio areas and to at least 90o/o of the mar<in'm srondard Proctor density under landscaped areas. They should use mechanical methods of compaction. Do not puddle the foundation excavation. The site surrounding tbe building structure should slope away from the buildirig in aU directions. A minimum of 12 inches in the first l0 feet is recommende4 i1 rrnJraved areas, and three inches in the fint l0 feet in paved areas. The top of the granular formdation bacltrll should be covered with a minimum of I foot of relatively impendou fill to reducc the potential of surface water infiltating the foundation subsoils. Surface water naturally draining toward the proposed building site should bc diverted aror:nd and away from it by mer"s of drainage swales or other approved methods. The roof drains and downspouts should extend and discharge beyond the limits of the bacldll. LAWN IRRIGATION It is not recomnencied to intoduce excess water to the foundation soils by installing sprinkler systems next to tbe building. The installation of the spriakler heads should ins:re that the spray from the heads will not fall within l0 feet of foundation walls, porches or patio slabs. Lawn irrigation mrxt be oontolled. LIMITATION This report has been prepared according to locally accepted Professional Creotecbnical Engineering standards for similar methods of testing and soil conditions at this time. There is no other warranty either expressed or implied. LKP Engineering,lnc. 8 The findings and recommendations of this report are bascd on field exploration, laboratory testing of murples obtained at the specific locatiors shown on the Location Skstcb, Drawing No.1 and on assumptions stated in the report. Soil conditions at other locations may vary, which may not becomc evident rmtil thc foundation excarration is completcd" If soil or water conditions seem differ€nt from those dcscribed in this report we should be contacted immediately to rewaluate the recornmendations of this report. This report has been prepared for the occlusive r:se of Fritzlen Pierce fuchitests, for the specific application to the proposed residence on Lot 2, Block 3, Vail Village Filing No. 3, Eagle County, Colorado. C:\Mylllcbdddodv?| OCS\tOlliL.dCMPI'rfd Petrovsk4 PE *itsi:-_.%W;;:W'r- 2*526 -i* *--t$f*liimcr$ LKP Enginecring,lnc. Pit_i2 ='' ''{'- lt/././zztt)lztt,/./,///4l,/,///,/'///,1lltl,/,/./lz) lt/,EirsnNG'//.1 ltt,nEstQENcE.ttll,/./,//////4l////././//.1lttt/.////1l/,///,/,///4t' - Jt ,7' I 20' I Io Pit ll ENSNNG EUILDINGFROMNO|E: .IEST P|TS LOCA\ED 8Y PACING \n 3: ,/E/ I-fr II A.i- -Y al -lIttlr CIUL,/CEOTECHNTCAL Engineering, Ine. P.O. 8ox 2E37 tdrord!. C0 Et632t.l (970) 926-9068 tor (970) 925-9089 LOCATION SKETCH 201 72 LOf Z A|OA< I U n Url,AG€ ftNG NO. t J6J BEAVER OAI' ROAO uAtL, EAA.E COuNff,, COt &A0O PREP^RED F&: .FRITZLEN PIERCE ANCHITECTS sa{f.. N. ris. oAEt og- | z-zooo C NA: I e Y M E o L s A M P L E DESCRJMON OFMATERIIAL AND SAMPLE LOCATTON I.ABORATORY TESTRESULTS --5 .__- t0 '-? l, Light brown, to mutti+olorcd, clayey-gravclly sand, moist Ycllowish-brown, gravclly sand Bottom ofTcst Pil @ 8.5' -200=0.6%, MC-33.2o/o LEGEND: tr :-inch O.D. Califomia Lincr Srnple (Elativcly undisrurb.d ssmptc) I Bullq disturbcd samplc DD - Nltursl Dry D€nsity (pcD MC - Naturrl Moistur€ Contc|tt (%) -200 - Pcrccnt passing No. 200 sicve LL - Liquid Limit Pl - Plasricity Indcr GW - Ground Warcr LKP ENGINEERING,INC.SI'BSI'RFACE EXPLORATION LOG DATE oBsERvED' ,.O,on?U, ,OOO rEsr Prr No. I o ELEVATION: REMARKS Ground Water at ?.5 feet o TEST PIT NO.2 DATE oBSERVED: September 6, 2000 ELEVATION: o DEPI}I Eggr. s Y M B o s M P E DESCRIPTION OF MATERIAL AND SAMPLE LOCATION LABOfuITORY TEST RESULTS REMARKS --- 5 --- t0 -- t5 I I *t lr.('j V:a tr I Topsoil Grayish-brown, claycy sand with roots and organics DD=|06.3 pcf MC=t7.1% DD=103.6 pcf MC=23.5o/o Orange, sandy gravel, firm, vcry moist Bonom ofTcst Ph @ 9'No Ground Watcr Encountcrcd LEGEND: I DD MC -200 lt PI GW 2-inch O.D. Califomia Lincr Samplc (rchtivcly undisturbcd s.mplc) Bulk disortcd sgnplc Nrtunl Dry Dcfisity (F0 Naturrl Moisturc ContBnt (!6) Pcrc.nl prssint No. 2fi1 sicrc Liquid Limit Plssticity Indcr Ground Warcr T I'D tr'NlaTN!'F D TNII TN^SUBSI,RFACE EXPLORATION LOG PROJECT NO. 20 I 72 lerur!\rt rrr\.. FICI'RE NO. 2 I :.Yr wo be o'G -2t) :+:- v-J -4 I 2 .=t o ,$ rt -t .9l^ -? a) (J-J -4 I nt 1.0 t0 tOOAPPL||D PRESSURE - kst .S:mCle of Groish-brown, cloyey sondNolurol Dry Unit Weigh! = tO6.JNolurol Moisture Conlcnt = tZ.1 w/orgonics Pcl percen I {rom: Pit No. 2 ot 4 leet O.t t.O AppLtED 2R€SSURE _ ksf Somple ol Groyish-brown, clo;ey sond lrom N.ol.urol Dry. Unit tt/eight = | 0J.6 pcfNoturol Moisture Content = 2J.S 'Dercenl Pit No.2 ot LKP Engineering, lnc.Swell - Consolidotion Test Resu/is 20172 ndJRE Noj J Iz--tt* n(in ' , A/ (gv-ee n 'J ..!-{/ \lrr-lnL't, o, V ^ F{-i \ c01 * rft Boyle Engineering, Inc. 143 E. Meadow Drive, Suite 390 Vail, Colorado E1657 r 303/476-2170 FAX303!4764383 .\A\ ^ -o1 September 28, 2001 ZOf ' \J Charlie Davis TOWN OF VAIL BUILDING DEPT. 75 S. Frontage Road West Vail, Colorado 81657 Subject: Beaver Dam Road East Residence 363 Beaver Dam Road Vail. Colorado Dear Charlie: This is to confirm that I have changed the exterior piers on the above noted project from 30" x 30" square to 14" x 14" square. Please give me a call questions or comments on this matter. .t H*Hg".lO c,-TEC rrenc#ier Company ;tr%Bovot{\ Pese-L-or7 n"'ia**ffi- Dete gttJtot PIER #Kips Lced Ilcscrintion 3t 5t 7t Totrl IhDth Inrtrll Tonre Attrch lVDe Rcnrrls 151 It.i rjTri"i 5 L rS jioo fttbbit .Qt"I 152 f,D /il$t,r"1t5'I ,5 &,Ly,l ?;c{c4 153 I I tj ?<1,;-t (.UDl "'-l154Ifo&J,41 155 fo , rooo 156 ,o t Oooo 157 to LLs^t 158 l0 fuL*t 159 g 4tr*t't r60 ,o ,oocO L T t'T Total Footage-lytn Total Footage - 1'/tn t.( q+ Inrtrllrtion Rccord AB Chrlelldi(d Picrs Customer JobAddrcsrgca dlt3 daa@' Aa,-, (odJ Reridence 6ea,xn Dan Eas* G.TEC Helicailler Company Prge to of -7 Drte g /__/3 /91_ Total Footage - 1Y2" Total Footage - l/<" PIER #Kipr Lcrd Dcccrintion 3t 5t 7'Totel Dcoth Inctrll Tonue Attrch Tvoe Renerts 126 27.5 fttt"ptr.s I I t7 SSoo &fto,+ aa^l t27 I t7 f,So s 128 I ,1 65o o 129 I r$Las,t 130 'V SSoo 131 I f$(So o r32 rY SSqo 133 ,rY Sfo o 134 t\SSoo 135 I ll 55o s 136 I tt SSoo 137 I t'7 SSoo 138 ,I t3 .iSoo 139 I tA .fioo 140 )7.i /!'isi""r s I /o 1rD O t4l I ,o o-5oo t42 SS tit s"x -?',I t1 s000 ftx <k".o t43 l/I I ta Jooo Pi.{ (c.Q 144 ]7.;tir li,os6 ,0 16v.t (rrb,f a4,l 145 /o JToo r46 ,/t>S.foo P; ct <a,o 147 ,/L /J 4k^t &J"lo,\ tlti ( 148 t/L ts s-Jo o r49 ,o f,Jou 150 L ,J tJo o 3.t,.| o Helical PiInstelhtion Record AB Chrnce Hcligl Picfs Customcr-$\sif4' GnSt{w6 r On Job Address 343 d 3ts3 ge*.,fu- on..o Rcridcnce _-S3a'.l!15q',r.- 9a:i G.TEC er Company Pege;i of 7 DateS tl3 /O\ tuS /b7 TotalFootage-lYz" Total Footage-l/t" PIER #Kips Leed Dcscriotfun 3t 5t 7'Totel Depth Instrll Toruue Attech Type Remrrks 101 .5o t Tyxs}a1'15 i I tj P.l-sa.,Kubblt 102 r' t I t3 /oooo 103 t/.L I lb &t,.s,-, 104 L/A IL ,oo@ 105 lo loooo 106 I t3 /, ooo 107 ,o /Q ooO 108 I /D t00oo 109 I t ,3 /0000 110 I I t3 &14s,.l 111 I lo /oooo trz I lo ,0 00 l' 113 rO fzLc"\ tt4 t ro ,oooo 115 J7.5 $ts'ho'ks'l'f jio.r 116 ,*SSoo tt7 I r{jios 118 I t1 ?eLs.t 119 ,o LLu^\ 120 I t7 Ssoo 121 rtl Ssoo r22 I r-l SSoo r23 I ,t1 .iSoo 124 ,1 SSo o 125 I r9 (Soo rnsranation Rccord G-TEC Helical Pier Company Ag Chance Hclicrl Piers, ^\ rf aCustomer Shd{<v Lonsiruc, o'n Job Address 3E i i83 8."*, Dr",^ (* "Residence Eea'ev sa,,,. .ia:i Page-l- oI 1 Dzte_L I 13 !-ol- ,,.ioTotalFootage-lYz' Total Footage-lt/a"t?3 PIER #Kips Leed Descriotion 3t 5t 7t Totel Depth Instdl Torquc Attrch Typc Remerks 76 17.g ,jla *,0'15'lo &ky^\ (obbr* U^'J /r\ur{d ltc " d25} 77 /to Lkrsot 78 lD 55o o 79 t/ ,?-rt 5 Soo 80 I t1 SSoo ''t0\r4 d 3 ,,,..f eSt 8l I I r1 55oo 82 I tz SSo o 83 I I t1 5So o rnorr<d q,, i g 84 I tz 6Ls"l 85 I I ,1 R4*.1 86 I tL 5So o 87 e5 r*?s"tz'I rS f,ooo 0 tet C,t O 88 r(Soou 89 I t r.)Sooo 90 ,l)sooo 9r )7.5 lnttd'x6'I E 55o o tubb't ec.^l 92 l-I rD .(Sog L/ 93 ,o 5Sr u 94 So /?etryh\6',,3 1000o 95 I I r3 lo@a 96 z I tb ,oooo mO.rld , L,, ..r est 97 I Z),E ,oooo P; el <a.g 98 3 2.Q|,ooot) 99 I I I .2-O /oooo 100 1 3 L3 , oooo Instrlbtion Reco AA Cbrncc Hclicrl Pirs o rd Customer Sharlkr Gn sq"t,o* Job Addres-s s6s ' ?t3 .4au,.r ja- if^acr Residencc [fu'tet Dant ,t-n o G-TEC Helical Pier Company Pege;i_ oI 1 Dete 4 t tS tol Total Footage-lYz" Total Footage-l/t" PIER #Kips Leed Description 3t 5t 7'Total Depth Instell Torquc Attech Tvoe Remrrks 51 e1.5 /jtrc rlo'y s I I t3 JSo o (r,l'b,+ aa{mov rd 3 so** s2 l3 SSo o ,nound 5 " ^.,lo. *\ 53 I I t3 5So o 54 r3 sso o 55 I t2-8.-(-s^, 56 t/I r3 L6lo-\ 57 I r5 SSoo 58 I tl Lks-r 59 I t3 s'soo 60 \r3 550'J rnorcd 7', So,-.\\,r 6l I I r5 SSo o 62 t'7-S.io o 63 lo .iso o morxd r1,,, uor* 64 I ,u .i(oo 65 \,o {( 0o 66 I ,z &Lso'i 67 ,D .l5oo znoV<Cl b " frf c_S \ 6E I ,o 5So o 69 /o '.f.iao nro,red 5 " €as\ 70 I tL 4,6s.r 7l r0 .SSo o rrrOU{d q5', - a\ 72 lo Sioo 73 ,o riSo o rrovcd g " E,."{ 74 ,o .iSt o nqrcd l," ,rast 75 I 8 &L's*l 283 oo Instarlrtion Rccord G-TEC Helical Pier Company AB Chancc Hdicd Plcrs PrSe 3_ of 7 Drte ? i ,3 tor Cu$omer S\a{"v Gr'$r"+,c'^ Job Address.z-g f te3 Scaoorla," (..J Residco"c B.-." Do- E.r+ PIER #Kips Lerd Dcscription 3t 5t 7'Totel DcDth Instdl TonEc Attech Typc Remerks 26 a.i tit 8'iti'v5 I 10 &Lso.l RaLb,t eh{ 27 I <l <soo mooed 6,',resf 28 I I t3 ss0() 29 I t3 SSoo rn O,r cd t!,, Ea s* 30 I ,o s'soo 31 t/I ,o SSoo 32 I /o Jsoo 33 dt>ttva'l z'Sooo 34 2-t.5 ttveuo'td I lo .iSoo r/arour d t\ tt ^l"r\ 35 I ,o Lh.stt 36 e5 tit- 8\z'l0 Sooo 37 27.5 I ir a'rr oi S I lo <ceA..\ 38 I ,'e f"Lgt 1/ 39 I /o sSoo 40 lo SSoo 4l I ,o SSo o rou<d t\" E:,". + 42 lo fuU$41 43 /o &{.4b,\ 44 ,o ssoo 45 8 &l"s.t 46 I to ssoo 47 fO SSoo 48 ,o a[E l 49 8 '.sso u 50 I r3 f.LE \mooc.d 6"rua1 I -T Total Footege-lYrn Total Footage - lY1' 2iO o cal Pi Customcr Shad[{*/ G"sh...!io.', Job Address 363 I 383 6o.r.,.,Do"^ God Rcridclcc 8ea".r D"-. ri^t- Inctallrtion Rccord AB Clrucc Hclicd Picrs Totaf Footrge - 1y2, Total Footage - 1Yl, C'-TEC Heli er company P4e_1lof 1 Dete I 1,3 lol PIER#Ktpr L€.d Dcrcription 3r 5t 7'Totel DcDtt Instrll Torque Atarch TYoc Renrrkr I 27,5 rall siro'iS I I ,3 55a)f"lu;t e,.xJ 2 t ,o .fjoo 3 lo 650o 4 lo SSo,J 5 lO SSuo 6 lo Ssoo 7 I rO slio o 8 I ,o .i.foo 9 r0 .fSoo 10 1-il .if,oo 11 x-rl fe[.g,f t2 8 polr'..t 13 15 rir 8'i.7'3.L eu 5ooo e; L.l(^P l4 J7,5 lirgirois'I t3 55oO R!'.al,lar-{l5 ,o .iSoO t6 I rD s-6oO 17 a5 r if ('r Z'I 3 ,9 tooo ?;cr Qp 18 z t7 5oo o t9 2 2-Lb 5ooo 20 e7.5 ,jia?"fis I z t8 t fi'st GJd.+u{2l ,,,3 s(oo 22 I I ,3 SSoo 23 L f5 ?.Ltr.[ 24 I ,t3 la/*s4\ 25 I I 65o o I _l 33q gA/2912641 89.52 978476498La FPS PAGE g2 oA ctI @ @oTI qoq, 3-ID.9. CLo =t!tn Fe NIo v.5c ilfz!,31 3'o-o 6. r<x iL .a;oEq t\toct C){Ilt out =bUIx 5-Itq Brntu*Ptt.yyl g\4\ $v ,,,|Bw Vel\ 3-+' o?F e Frurq+ fi.w- L*)rr..rua.+.r A.-* Lb.6 -l€r fut+-e.= A"-e6.n.1{+Ef{U gwP+4 Vdr^roornl BEAVER DAM RESIDENCES . EASTLOtIrlrdrrf,,|iui!itir -aI3[DrFI)YE5:Hil FRITZLEN PIERCE Alcisractt OAl29/2OAL 49.52 Date: To: Fax: Re: FAX COVER SHEET 78490o FP5 C*u,-t= -. /l*"*^et- Co51=-- Qr5srrt*l'. OOCUMENT1 a=_tsu6oE AEr4 T-t\15 u)c\\t5c5s-cl "-Eca1*.atc\, PAGE AI FRITZLEN PIERCE ARCH ITECTS 8-zq-o\ z1 u^e-r..e-I).-r,,5 Eq - z45Z 't-) -:-\Lk+veE- 1r4.-r1 Sender: 4----\ I \- _{E;?t\ArrtF LaeS__f,f"'*^\Sar\l 'LLL'vc, l-6opr rrtLruqlrlg m$ cover sn€leL r you do not receit e all the pages,b , plexe cal (9701 47G6342 1:ott . -q- ?r*..=."r l# gOf -61Wl -rF 't* +-I-:'*v-+t - f, '--FHt) br;a>gcc'l+ r...r1*r5qr*; ?rcv7 -. ,2+ "-1 Ff &.l{€.€'-s Ovest r.s..G-t + T<-u.e=S \-^)'L\bcq_). (_-tror.,S )O U aau\F\Lbr\ t-{d.fElA€-: aHF C^a:c,|E-,'/ -"-1\..--\As /o 1650 Edtv.lf V.ffE Ddw FelldlBe Gl o v.il, CO 81657 o v.il.rdritEcrr,oyr o far (9ru1 476-490r o (gn[ ,'a{,34'2 OED I .d:';i;: #5:W ONASIPPOSTMOUNT ffsk# ONASTPPOSTMOUNT ,7t10^s III ON AS3P3 POST MOUNT IJ'.r3 T I zl IIr tlr"' I !LiiIfI vith Lddet Rsst llil TJ T5r with MB Brack* rnd trthilbox ll ll TJ LPI Aflos I IN^STYCEIUNGMOT'NT CEILINGMOUNT ,9t1osl]'%tlosIII INASzYCEILINGMOUNT lNA$YCTIIJNCMOUNT 861'0 l{I]])ruv|| ilr|lilllll Z0:0 002 '01'd0 oo ,%ihs I INASIWBRACK T Sllas II INAS2WBRACKET ,gilas III INA$3WBRACKET &ihqJi.a ffi Jrrnt'Lluv @j Jw*I)uw ffi ,%ptln I INAOIYCEIUNGIIOI'I{ 5n lUilr, T 1(r 13 I 14' n' tl rl IJtn t0:0tlz00? '01'dorl l)uvr{ [f| lil]ll I Jhol'Ui.n ]hrlrltl/irs J.ontl)in thicot l INVIV1WBRACKEI Wlahon II INVNzWBRACKET Auhon III INVNS$/BRACKET 7 Ji&1&! ffi .SirL llicr ,tl Eech lanrernis rnedeoll6end Z0e,co!,Peil t.|ll DorblescengrhGlrssissondgrd" 0 SpeciaUvdesiSn€dburnersoftrtheba$iful ambiance of a vesol flarne. All lsneme .rc plumbed ro Eccept il4'OD c'or pertubinlwithfunfiuin| Ieruerns ere dcsilned to burn condnuously. All lsilerns include s shuroEv:lp locled er tlre baee ofthe burner inside tha ce]rinea AnOptional windBnorai$ s,aibblcfr"h$h windarcos Pleasswritcorcdl h,rnorin$muion rndto 6ndthrd:alcrnmotyod tDn*'fur.l'<U o ,rt it Jb tlNH LXGEIInW TJGHNIS, 1015lSrth Flomod lhivc Jceleon M939lt2 r8(x}3totrl (60l)c32{a}2hr w.ru.tclm&ryli8lnir0roo to conply c/fthANSI SondrrrlZzl[2 to,r Indmr or Outdom Ligluint' lll)luvl| TOWN OF VAIL FIRE DEPARTMEN' VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD vArL, co 81657 970-479-2135 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ALARM PERMIT Permit #: A02-0021 Tol-o(t{t Job Address: 363 BEAVER DAM RD VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: EAST SIDE Applied. . : 04/1A2002 ParcelNo...: 210107112019 Issued. .: 07123/2002 ProjectNo : ?RS Ol-O&1 Expires. .: 0lll9/2003 owNER BDR 04/18/2002 Phone: 288 CI,AYTON ST STE 305 DEI.TVER CO 80205 License: APPIJICAI|T THUIJ EIJECTRONIC SYSTEMS 04/!8/2OO2 Phone: 970-949-4638 P O BOX 534 AVON, CO 8]-620 License: 112-S CoMIRjACTOR THUI-, ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS O4/L8/2OO2 Phone t 970-949-4538 P O BOX 534 AVON, CO 81620 License: 112 -S Desciption: FIREALARM?? Valuation: S3.025.00 Electrical---> DRB Fee-------> I nvesligation----> Will C8ll---------> TOTAL FEES..> s72 . oo $0 .00 s0.00 s3.00 $7s.00 I FEE SUMMARY rl+t*:|r*a*rt+.*ar*ararrt'|*a*al+llll!a't'rar'tit*r**.r.**.*:r*:r*rt Tolal Calculsted Fees-> 5?5.00 Additional Fecs->$o.oo Totsl permit Fee_> S25.00 Ps)'ments--...-.--> BALANCE DUE-> s75. 00 s0. oo t *aa aa*tata'tta'ta l Approvals:If6m: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMEIIT 07/L7/2002 mcgee Actj.on: CR Plans do not meet minimum requirements. 1. Point to point wiring not shown. 2. Plans are not stamped. 3. Devices are not on reflect.ed ceiling p1als. 4. zoning is not disclosed. 5. Monitoring is not digclosed. 6. RP's are not disclosed. 7. Hallway 117 is missing a detector. 8. Courtesy walk through indicates devices are not rough- in per drawings. O7/22/2OO2 mvaughan Action: AP thul will submit these plans when stanped . fpe or nicet leve1 3. these will be subnitted prior to final inspection request. agrees in concept with changes noted on fietd inspection. final submittals will revlect these changes *.lt|f||t|||t|tltllf|'t|1||tl|l||i**....***l..'tit|'}:l|l'*t'.ti|tl'l'l|'li*.'|l*'|*|.t''l.,,..*,,l.,.||||l|.ll|.l||...|.|.|..|i.|i|||. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN FROM 8:lXl AM - 5 PM. OWNEROR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF *lllta*flaaaa*l'tlllaaa*+a*f+t'tla***+**+*fla*+**a+*****f+*aa++*****a**at{'*'lata*laa*aafatattaa TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statcment * t'la* **** +tfal' *a*a* a***+ t*'a'} *aa*+ *t' **t* ***+ * * +t*f *+ ***** + +*+* +*+** *a*il' ***** *a*** ta***aaa{' ta gtatenent Nurnber: R000002779 Amount: $75.00 O7/23/2OO2L1 :1.3 AM Payment Method: Check Init: DDG Notation: Thul 15175 Petmlt lto: A02-0021 D}?e: AIAR!! PERIIIIT Parcel No: 210107112019 siLe Addreee: 363 BEAVER DAI,I RD VAIIJ Locatsion: EA8T SIDE rlrla pa'menu: s?s.oo r".JT;l ff::: 3li:33Balance: $0.00*aaa*tal*a+aa*tltltfaa+taaa+atl*f*fa++ftl'f'll*+t+a****'i'il*{'fff+t*aa*+*ltt++*tlia+la*lli**ttlaaa ACCOI,JNT ITEM LIST: Account Code OescriDtion Current Pmts EP OO1OOOO31114OO TEMPOMRY PCI.JER PERMITS r.rc 00100003112800 I.,ILL CALL rNspEcTr0N FEE 72.00 3.00 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUI.; DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES DEMO. OFPART/ALLBLDG, Permit #: DOI-OOII Job Address: 363 BEAVER DAM RD VAIL Location.......: 363 Beaver Dam Rd TOWN OF VAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2t38 Valuation: $20,000.00 FircDtape Informalion: Resbic{ed: Status...: ISSLJED Applied. . : 0412512001 Issued...: 0510912001 Expires. . .: lll05l200l AddSqFt: 0 # ofGas l-ogs: 0 #of Wood P€llel: 0 FEE SUMMARY rt'ir'r'r*rrtr*ritrr..rr.*rr******'t*.*********rrrraaa****rttrrt 90. oo Tolrl Cslculated F€es-> 92'18. o0 So. oo Additional F€€s->90.00 90. oo Total Permit Fee-> 9248.00 SO , oo Paymens--> 9248 . 00 O$lllER TYIJER aIOHN L JR - TYLER FrOBE04/25/200L Phone: 289 CI,AYTON STREET DEf.I\IER CO s0206 License: CONIRACTOR SHAEFFER CONSTRUCTION 04/25/200L Phone: 970-845-5656 P O BOX 373 VAIIJ CO 816 58 License t 7.29 -B APPLICIIIT SmEFFER CONSTRUCTION 04/25/200! Phone: 970-S45-5555 P O BOX 373 VAIL CO 81658 License : t29-B OWNER A2Z Holding r,r,C 04/25/200L Phone: License: Desciption: Demo to reconstruct Type II EHU in proposed new residence Occupancy: TypeConstruction: VN TypeVNon-Rated Type Occupancy: ?? # of Gas Appliances: 0 Building-> 9245 . 00 Resturmnt Phn Review-> Plan Chock-> Inr.tstiglriorF> MllCall---> $0.00 DRB Fee----> 90 . 00 Recreation Fe+--> S3.00 Clean-upDelnait-> TOTAL FEES-> 5248 . Oo BALANCE DLIE -> Approvals:If6m: 05100 BUII-,DING DEPARTMEMI 05/03/200L CDAVIS Act,ion: AP Item: 05400 PLANNING DEPARTMB{T O5/03/2O0L BG Action: CO![D SEE CONDITION s0.00 0s/o8/zooL BG Item: 05500 FIRE DEPARIT'{SIT Item: 05500 PIJBLIC Y|ORKS 05/03/2001 rK Action: APPR Acti.on: A.P raaat't'rttattaaaaal See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in frrll the information required, complercd an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as reguired is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plaq to comply with all Toum ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and zubdivision codes, desigr rwiew approvd Unifonn Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQI..IESTS FOR INSPECTTON SHALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOUR HOURS IN BY TELEPHONE AT Sead Clou+p Depcil To: na SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTORFOR PAGE 2 ******tlt*1.**1.ltril**!t ***t*l*f'i**rlrl*t**'*'ittt**+**:t***tt'|'t*tt't***+*** I +tt*'tit*'t'tr*{'{r't*** * '}******i ****rtrtti ***** CONDINONS OFAPPROVAL Permit#: D0l-0011 {.******l**************t*tl*****rt!t{.**{r*:tl*lrt:l**1.*** as of05-09-2001 Stahs: ISSUED Permit Type: DEMO. OF PART/ALL BLDG. Applied: 0412512001 Applicant SHAEFFERCONSTRUCTION Issued: 0y09n00l970-845-5656 To Expire: lll05l200l Job Address: 363 BEAVERDAM RDVAIL Location: 363 BeaverDam Rd PrcelNo: 2l0l07ll20l2 Description: Delno to r€construct Type tr EHU in prqosed new residence Conditions: Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cmd: CON0004692 MUST COMPLYTO 5I2IOI DPA CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL .EROSION CONTROL REQI.JIRED TO BE INSTALLED PRJOR TO DEMO AND REMOVALOFBI.JILDING .TREE PRESERVATION CONTROLS MUST BE IN PLACE PRIOR TO DEMOLITION FEILD INSPECTION REQI,JIRED PRIOR TO DEMOLITION f *l*'l't**t*f *,t*f +f*f *'r **rrO****f ***f *+**'rr*fi***r**'*'r ****r'r*O**t'r*'|**'r**r*t'trttrt't't TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Stot@€ot **tlltll**ll*l*'lll*llltlttll**:il*ttlt*ll*'|***ttillt*l!ttt||t**ltl*l*tl*:$'i'il*r3tl*l*f tll*:lllf af la*lla* SEatement Number: R000000713 Arnount: 9248.00 O5/Ogl2OOLlL:32 All Payilent llethod: Checl< Init: DP Notatlon: CIIECK #64031 Pelndt No: D01-0011 Tl4re: DBUO. OF PART/ALL BLDCI. Parcel Ro: 210107112012 Site Addrese: 363 BEAVBR DAI{ RD VAIIJ Irocation: 363 Beaver Dam Rd Total FeeE: $248.00 Thia Payrnent: 924E.00 Total ALL htE r 9248.00 Balance: 90. O0 It*tftftttt*lll**lll*lll*********+*ltlltl**tt+tllll***+ll**'t*lt*lftltfft't'l:tttf**t**'tttl'lttt't ACCOI,JNT TTEM LIST: Account Code Descriotion Current Pmts BP OO1OOOO31111OO BUILDING PERMIT FEES brc ()()1()()()()31128(l() hJILL CALL INSPECTIOil FEE 245.00 3.00 P ?rotoaS a AppucArrou 1} Nor BE AccEprED r mcouPLfffluJsl Building Permit #: 970-479-2149 @irCd for electrical, plumbing, mecianicd, ete! 6 Paot o'o t NWT]WUAIL 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 Ass€ssors Otrrce at 970-328'8640 orvisi! CoMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT (Labor & Materials) for Parcet #Conbct Tlol - O ?_- 6tn Job Address:363 Beaver DaJob Name: Beaver Dam Residence Subdivision: VaiI VilFiling: 3rd Owners Name: a2g Holdinqs WorkClass: New() Addition() Remodel() Repair() Demo("d oth9{) Does 'dn EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( )WorkType: Interior( ) Exterior( ) Both( ) ffi)Two{ami|y()Mu|tiJa;iv()Commercial()Restaurant()other() No. of Accommodation Units in this buiiding:No. of Existing Dwelling Unils in this building: @: Yes() NoixET fire ntann fxist: Yes ( ) No ( ) &fi[ffiruc, $ zo. o TOTAI: $ REFI'ND CLEANIJP DEPOSIT TO: CONTRACTOR IN FOR"II,IATION Contact and Phone #'s: Fawcett 9l0-445- Town of Vail Reg. No.: George Shaeffer Construct r*rnr*:trii,t:ti**t**r!i**t*it*i:t**t:r*t*!t*i*FOR OFFICE USE ONLY***:t****!ii'i!****tt,r'ttitrliitt'iti***lrtr F:/everyone/Forms/bldqPerm ft Eqsv fficDAPR 242001 Questions? Call the Building Team at 479-2325 Department of Community Development Project Name: Project Address: n n a1 o n IJ o This Checklist must be comoleted before a Buildina Permit aooliation is acceod. All pages of application is complete Has DRB approlal obtaine.d (if required) Provide a copy of approval form Condominium Association letter of approval attached if project is a Mulfi-Family complo< Complete site phn submitted Public Way Permit application included if applicable (refer to Public Works checldist) Staging plan included (refer to Public Works checklist) No dumoster.oarkins or material storaoe allowed on roadwavs and shoulders without wriften aooroval Asbestos test and resutts submitted if demolition is occurring Architect stamp and signature (All Commercial and Multi family) Full floor plans including building sections and elevations(4 sets of plans for MulU-Family and Commercial) Window and door schedule Full structural plans, including design criteria (ie.loads) Structunl Engineer stamp and signature on structural plans (All Commercial and Multi Family) Soils Report must be submitted prior to footing inspection Fire resistive assemblies specified and penetrations indicated Smoke detectors shown on plans Types and quantity of fireplaces shown Appficanrssisnature: 1>j^:( )d Date of subm ittatz Ll( z1l91 co Stcql tr o o T1 o n o o F:/everyone/brms/bldperm2 Received By: BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If this permit requires a Town of Vail Fire.Departme$.Apprpval, Enginee/s (Public Works) ieview and Approval, a Planning.Department review or Health Department review, and a review by the Building Department, the estimated time for a total review will lake as long as three (3) weeKs. All commercial (large or small) and all multi-family permits will have to follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residential and small projecB should t:ke a lesser amount of time. However, if residential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned departments with regard to necessary review/ these p@ects may also take three (3) weeks to review and approve. Every attempt will be made by this department to expedite this permit as soon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame. I also undersbnd that if the permit is not picked up by the expiration date, that I must still pay the plan check fee and that if I fail to do so it may afiect future permits that I apply for. Agreed to by: Print name Signature Project Name: Date: F:/everyoneforms/bldperm3 o WHEN A *PUBLIC WAY PERMIT'IS REQUIRED PLEASE READ AND CHECX OFF EACH OF THE FOLLOMNG QUESTIONS REGARDING THE NEED FOR A .PUBUC WAY PERMIT'': o Is this a new residence?YEs- No-X- f>"*,,oll lt'rt" o n n Does demolitjon work bdng performed lequire the use of the Right-of-Way, easements or public property? YES X NO- Is any utility work needed? YES X NO- NOJ_Are there any improvemenb being done to the driveway ? YES- Is a different accecs needed to the site other than the existing driveway?YES_ Nox_ Is any drainage work peing done that affects the Rightof-Way, easemenE, or public property?YEs- NO-J_ n Is a " Revocable Rig ht-of-Way Permif' req uired?YES- NO Is the Right-of-Way, easemen$ or public property to be used for staging, parking or fencing? YEs x No_ If answer is NO is a parking, staging or fencing plan required by Public Works? YE5 NO If you answered YES to any of these questions, a "Public Way Permit' must be obtained. 'Public Way Permif'applications may be obtained at the Public WorKs office or at Community Development (a sample is attached). If you have any questions please call Leonard Sandoval in Public Works at 479-2198. I HAVE READ AND ANSWERED AIITHE ABOVE QUESTIONS. (-.-e;o,l.-- y (( ct*s{"d*.n Job or Project Name: Date Signed: Contractor Signature F: /e\reryo ne/fu rms/bldperm4 Company Name ,NWI{OF PUBLIC WORKS AND THE PUBLIC WAY PERMIT PROCESS How it relates to Buildine Permits: If yes was answened to any of the questions then a "Public Way" permit is required. You can pick up an application at either Community Development, located at 75 South Frontage Road or Public Works, located at 1309 Elkhorn Drive. utilities prior to signing application. Some utility companies require up to 48 hours notice to schedule a locate. P A consffr:ction traffic control/staging plan must be prepared on a separate sheet of paper. An approved site plan may also be used. This plan will show locations of all traffic control devices (signs, cones, etc.) and the work zone, (area of construction, staging, etc.). This plan will expire on November 1st and will need to be resubmitted for consideration for approval through the winter. Be aware that your resubmission for winter may be denied depending on the location of construction. P Sketch of work being performed must be submitted indicating dimensions (length, width and depth of work). This may be drawn on the traffic control plan or a site plan for the job. ) Submit completed application to the Public Work's office for review. If required, locates will be scheduled for the Town of Vail electricians and inigation crew. The locates take place in the morning, but may require up to 48 hours to peform' ) The Public Work's Construction Inspector will review the application and approve or deny the permit. You will be contacted as to the status and any requirements that may be needed. Most permits are released within 48 hours of being received, but please allow up to one (1) week to process. ) As soon as the permit is approved, the Building Depaftment will be notified, allowing the "Building Permit" to be released. Please do not confuse the "Public Way Permif' with a "Building Permif'. ) NOTE: The above process is for work in a public way ONLY. Public Way Permits are valid only until November 15th. A new Public Way Permit is required each year if work is not complete. Re-application each November 15th does not mean an automatic lenewal. I have read and understandthe above. l Signature F:/everyone/forms/bldperms Date Signed o NWr{0F DRAINAGE AND CULVERT INSPECTIONS ARE REOUIRED BY PUBLIC WORKS! Please read and check off each of the items below: {me Town of Vail Building Department has developed the following procdures to ensure that new construction sites have adequately established proper dninage from building sites along and adjacent to Town of Vail roads or streets. {fhe Town of Vail Public Works Department will be required to inspect and approve drainage adjacent to Town of Vail roads or streets and the installation of temporary or permanent culverts at access points from the road or street onto the construction site. Such approval must be obtained prior to any requests for inspection by the Town of Vail Building Department for footings, temporary electrical or any other inspection, Please call Leonard Sandoval at 479-2198 to request an inspection from the Public Works Department. Allow a minimum of 24 hour notice. { Also, the Town of Vail Public Work Department will be approving all final drainage and culvert installation with resulting road patching as necessary. Such approval must be obtained prior to any Final Certificate of Occupancy issuance. Agreed to by: f>hk4- Signature ProjectName: t\4r* I>.^ 't ;d/'u'" Date Signed:tl[zqlot Print Name F:/everyone/forms/bldperm6 MATERIAL STORAGE AND CONSTRUCTION PAR.KING Please read and check off each of the items below. (Copies of complete to<t are available upon request) CODE 5.2-10: DEPOSITS OI{ PUBUC WAYS PROHIBITED o Unlawful deposits: Subject to subsection C thereof, it is unlawful for any person to litter, track or deposil or cause b be littered, tracked or deposited, sand, gravel, rocK, mud, dirt, snow, ice, or any other debris or material upon any street, sidewalk, alley or public place, or any portion thereof. tr Notice; Abatement: The Director of Public Works may notify and require any person who violates or causes another to violate the provision of subsection A hereof, or who has in the Director's employment a person who violates or causes another bo violate the same, top remove such sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice or any other debris or material within twenty four (24) hours after receipt of said notice by the Director of Public WorK. In the event the person so notified does not comply with the notice within the period of time herein specified, the Director of Public Works, or other authorized agent, may cause any such sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice, debris or any other material to be removed from any street or alley at the expense ofthe notified. o Summons and Penalty: As an alternative to the notice for removal provided in subsection B above, any person who violates or causes another to violate the same, may be issued a summons to appear before the Municipal Court of the Town for said violations, and upon being found guilty of a violaUon hereunder be punished as provided in Section 14-1 of this code' o Notice and Penalty: It is unlawful for any person to fail or refuse to comply with the notice of the Director of Public Works as provided in subsection B hereof, and any such person shall, in addition to payment of the expense of removal incurred by the Director of Public WorK, as provided in subsection B hereof, upon being found guilty of a violation hereunder, be punishable as prouided in Section 14-1 of this Code. (1997 Code: Ordinance 6 (1979). CODES 7-3A-r AND 7-3A-3: PARKING OBSTRUCTING TRAFFIC & IMPOUNDMET{T AUTHORIZED o No person shall park any vehicle upon a street or at any other place within this Municipality in such a manner or under such conditions as to interfere with the free movement of vehicular trafiic or proper street or highway maintenance. (Ord. 2(1968) 5 1) o Whenever any police officer finds a vehicle attended or unattended, standing upon any portion of a street or upon any place within this Municipality in such a manner as to constitute a violation of any section of this Article, or left unattended for a period of twenty four (24) hourc or more and presumed to be abandoned under the conditions prescribed by Colorado Revised Statutes section 42-4-1102, as amended, the officer shall require the vehicJe to be removed or cause it to be removed and paced in storage in the nearest gange or other place of safety designated or maintained by th6 Municipality, and the charges for towing and storage of such vehicle shall be charged to the owner of the vehicle in addition to a ten dollar ($10) impoundment charge. (Ord. 2(1968) 5 3: Ord. 28(1981) 5 1) I have read and will comply with the above code provisions: Print Name Position or Relationship to hoject: Date Signed: F: i everyone/forms/bldperm? Signature <a?.f '' GEORGE SHAEFFER CONSTRUCTION COMPANY P.O. Box 373 VAIL, COLORADO 81658 Tel (970) 845-5656, Fax (970) 845-7013 To: Town of Vail Building Department Vail, CO 81657 I}l - 6tD^ ffi#"trrRidF il*NSMrrrAL D^rE 5l2l0l JOB NO. AnENrroN Charlie Davis RE: Lot2 & 3 Vail Village Third Filing WE ARE SENDING YOU EAttached EUnder separate cover via hA4!k!gUyg! the following items: ! Shop drawings E Prints E Plans ! Samples ! Specifications E Copyofletter E Changeorder tr THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: I For approval ! Approved as submitted E Resubmit _ copies for approval ffl For your use E Approved as Noted fl Submit _ copies for distribution I As requested E Returned for corrections ! Retum - corrected prints E For review and comment f1 _ E] FOR BIDS DUE - 20- tr PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS: Dear Charlie. Attached is Colorado Environment's letter explaining their abatement scope of work is complete. Thanks and call ifyou have any questions COPY TO: Dominick Castelluccio. File COPIES DATE NO.DESCRIPTION I 5t2/01 Asbestos Abatement work comoleted from Colorado Environments ' STGNED: &--n- If enclosurcs are not as noted, kindly notify us at once. IU.. v :-r J, .t I IuoL(2 ----- t -//o,hs /z x /> 2y 2t9 '<33 '{/o ?o Elhk,Brre. tr32 7Le,* ftn( oua_/ P.r3039-4553'7fJ o ServCO Env i ronnenta I o llas 02 O l I O: OOa Golonnoo EnvlnoN[TtENTAL Seavlces, LTD" May 2,2001 George Shaeffer Constrrrction Company P.O. Box 373 Vail, Colorado 81658 Anention: Rob Fawcen FAX: 970-845-7013 RE: Asbestqs Abatement 363 Beaver Darn Road Vail. CO Colorado Environmental Services has properly removed ard disposed of the asbestos containing maierials identified in the suwey performed by A& B Asbestos Abatement The materials removed were sheet vinyl flooring and associated mastic from three bathrooms and kitchen pantry ofapproximately I l0 square feet. Sincerely, COLORADO ENVIRONMENTAL SF]RVICI]S. INC. YT\ 2331 WgstH.mpdclAverue e Srite137 e Sherida,OO8O110 o (S)780-f001 r FAX(38)Rl9456S D;;%"r A & B ASBESTOS ABATEMENT, INC. 635 WEST WHITE AVENTIE GRAND JUNCTTON, COLORADO 81505 1-800-74&1204 INSPECTION REPORT PREPARED FOR GEORGE SCHAFFER CONSTRUCTION P.O. BOX373 VAIL, COLORADO 81658 LOCATION: RESIDENCE 363 BEAVERDAMROAD VAIL, COLORADO 81657 REPORT PREPARED BY: JOHNR PETERMAN B1JILDING INSPECTOR CERTIFICATE NO: 526 1 90 I 92 INTRODUCTION: On February 20,2001, ten bulk samples were collected of suspected asbestos containing material at RESIDENCE 363 BEAVERDAM ROAD VAIL. COLORADO 81657 The inspection was made and the samples were collected by John R. Peterman, an A.H.E.R.A. and State of Colorado certified Building Inspector. Great care was taken during the inspection and sampling to be as accurate as possible. It should be noted that minimal damage was done to the existing building structures during the inspection so there is no documentation for unseen conditions or stored items. All samples were analyzed by DCM Science Lab in Lakewood, Colorado. This laboratory is deemed "Proficient" in the E.P.A. Quality Assurance (QA) program for the determination of asbesros in bulk materials, and is accredited by the American Hygiene Association (AIHA). SAMPLING PROTOCOL: A random sampling scheme was used to sample the suspect materiais that were discovered. If during any future demolition or renovation work suspect material is discovered that hasn't been sampled and would be disturbed, work should be halted until the material has been tested. BUILDING DESCRIPTION: The residence at 363 Beaver Dam Road is a four story building that is planned for demolition. The exterior walls are covered with wood and brick. The soffits are exposed wood. The roof is snow covered wood shake shingles. The interior walls are covered with taped and painted sheetrock and old wood. The ceilings are taped and painted sheetrock and sheetrock with sprayed on acoustic texture with open wood beams. The floors are covered with carpet throughout, two types of sheet vinyl and ceramic tiles. The heating is provided by hot water baseboard heating and a fireplace. The boiler is metal jacketed with fiberglass under the metal jacket. No suspect TSI was visible on the piping. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS : of the bulk indicate that the sheet in the closets and bathrooms excess content was verified by the required point count analvsis. The sheet will need to be removed as per Colorado Regulation #8 prior to disturbance of the SAIIIPLE LOCANON AREASAI'PLED FROM Storags room foor by frronl door KitchEn foor Upstairs bedroom wes[ Kitchen elllng upstairs Living rcom ceiling Kitchen pantry wall Upstairs bedroom east Downs{airs laundry room wall Downstaira bedroom west Downstahs bedrcom east closet DESCRIPTION Sheet vinyl Sheet vinyl Spray on texture Spray on texture Spray on texture Composite sheetrock Composite sheebock Composite sheefock Composite sheetrock Composite sheetrock FRI,ABLE YtSn{oSATIPLET 36&840r 363-8-002 36&S003 363"8-004 363-B-005 363-8-006 363-&@7 36&B-008 36&8-009 36&8-010 Yss Yes Yes Yes Yee No No No No No SATPLE# 363-8-001 363-8-002 363-8-003 36$B{04 36&B-005 36&B-006 363-B-007 363-S008 363-F009 363-8-010 SAMPLE RESULTS COLLECTION DATE:2/20/0 I DESCRIPT|ON Sheetvinyl Sheet vinyl Spray on ta<fure Spray on teocure Spray on texture Composlte sheefi,ock Composite sheetuck Composite sheetrock Composite she€rock Composlte sheetrock ASBESTOS TYPE CHRY NAD NAD NAD NAD CHRY Point couni CHRY Point count CHRY Pohtcounl CHRY Point count CHRY Point counUbacg % 30 0 0 0 0 0.05 0.05 0.04 0.03 0 KEY: l{AD - No Asbestos Detected CHRY - Chryostile SUSPECT TIIATERIAL CONDITION TYPEOFSUSPECT OVERALL TYPE OF CONDITIONS DAIIIAGE % DAIIAGESATPLE# MATERNL 363.8-001 MISC363-8-002 M|SC363-&003 SUR363-8-004 SUR363-8-005 SUR36&8-006 SUR36&8-007 SUR36&8-008 SUR3$.e009 suR303-8-010 SUR KEY: SUR- Surfaclng MISC - Mleoellan€ous N/A N/A N/A N/A t{/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO GOOD GOOD GOOD GOOD GOOD GOOD GOOD GOOD GOOD GOOD POTENTIiAL FOR DISTURBANCE ACCESSIBILITY FOTENTIAL INFLUENCE CONTACT VIBRATION POTENNAL LOGATED INAIR PLENUM EROSION YES'NO SATPLE# 36&B-001 36&B-002 363-8-003 36&8-004 363-&005 36&8{06 363-8-007 363.8-008 36&.8-009 36$,8-010 YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES HIGH HIGH LOW LOW LOW HIGH HIGH HIGH HIGH HIGH LOW LOW LOW LOW LOW LOW LOW LOW LOW LOW LOW LOW LOW LOW LOW LOW LOW LOW LOW ,. LOW NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO e9g q'':qe qqqet3-x 8g-r qqqq qeqeooSd ccl.. ECE:E EEEE lot- I I I I d qqe e eEEE E E dFF qqq =EE :E= 3 : 3 l; l=tltl cr,co crnooCoCd ddd6' i= IF tl Q E 3 a: E 6 E : =:F E3 *. J J lej l:E:?=2 ":? i = i riEi Htgt ;'=A lii E E E El Ii 9EEE*? iE= = = g F=E= 2=x= ., 4i idi.i .i .i < ided adL;d I qeq le loi3 ictltltltl ccc ccceFi ddd 5II ) F LlJ I (J J F ? c ${I d 5 d ESrd EEdE^;g e t r -egF .rgg* clicc]iddcTn.:.:dCa EEEdd'dssE sssc€c-i et oi Ed il 'E^L) ? .i3 1,2 FX A 5l-oz4EE] za9Zzo 3P96 69 EF EEE U'L aoF U) . lrlEdfl=Y< =o-E-o z 4 g ':E27.i.J4- diE 7e7-- Ao.2- t{ z 4 JE lrl tt; O j = rd llordz>td <-Fi:;EF.tdnsil?.!d*.i!r;< iiifiiirgEiiizi(, 0 =iE ;{ Fr;: 5 F:5? !E Et-3 E E() z !.1 4I.l =gztri 5iE;l3P,ez-_<tazeZ 9,F;h8EZa0-- <aaoi.;s!!i 't\i19 ':z J qqqi -=e= =c=. =E3E E3== ==== ge't*3rtrco ora.ocde'1 * t$.* qqqe qqee ooooec5.. €5F.4 <jirici cddd l- t- l-!d ld lii"lulttlrtl eu,eo cvrcoc'CCd 6'ddd ti F at Q eat =i c, i ''l c '.i '.1 u: ..1iRi ?=i z=-<zrx/ 2787 2787fFEE fESX sE_EEHF;P EHig HHiE,izr- i>Er- ,rEi &F td F u, F t{ -J, 4 I E{58 rdds E5r5-'E- -;€gd -tggF s Ll F = F Llu F Ll , i Jt J1 < d..: ct {ddd<dLici d A e .t t!' q' J Ll 2 .l F E;PFEI.;i -4-'' :Fozr3 .lF4 tlhczzo 9? 6Zt'l.l 2Z tlt, E -ro:Ji<E=?ai Ee-q2 Lti> BF .!t ZE!jEY< EE z 4I!I rtE{Ei vtiT- ,eE 2tr2E6i Ll z IJ aL) 'F -U j r|lg(J92>d<-;Eq3EEFFREe$.ictA.l;< ,. F liifuiEEEEgE =;E r E,i=F J H:ii ' . (J z FI dldE o2 ; Ega;egorze-<LlZ E>- 2 EHU E==<- aciz :gB i:7Ll!u O DCM Science Laboratory,Incf 12421 W.49th Avenue, Unit #6 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 OCM Project No.: client Job No.: Bulk Sample Analysis BULK SAMPLE ANALYSIS PROCEDURES: AB 2098 363 BEAVER DAM ROAD ease ? ot j'- DCM Science Laboratory, lnc. analyzes bulk asbestos samples following procedures developed by the Mccrone Research Institute and in compliance with guidelines established by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA-600/R-93/1 1 6, July, 1 993). Bulk samples are prepared for analysis using a 10X-E0X stereo microscope in a hepa filter hood which provides a contamination-free environment. The sample is then analyzed by polarized light microscopy (PLM) at 100X. When the sample consists of more than one layer, each layer is prepared and analyzed separately. Fiber and matrix materials are identified by the characterization of optical properties including color and pleochrorism, form, cleavage, relief, birefringence, extinction, orientation, twinning, interference figure and other distinguishing features. Dispersion staining is also used to further aid in mineral identification. All percentages of asbestos, other fibers and non-fibrous constituents are calculated from the values obtained from the stereo and PLM microscopes analysis. In-house and NIST standards as well as a chart prepared by R.D. Terry and G.V. Chilinger for "The Joumal of Sedimentary Petrology', (Volume 24, pp. 229-234,1955) provide a guide for estimating percentages. All samples are arChived for six months unless other anangements are made by the client. ACCREDITATION: PqMS_L is accredited by the AIHA (since 1986). Our accreditation number is 305. DCMSL is accreditecl by NVLAP (since April 1, 1 989). Our NVLAp Lab Code is 101258. ENDORSEMENT: The results of this analysis must not be used by the client to claim endorsement by NVLAP or any agency of the U.S. Govemment. This test report relates onty to the items tested. This report may not be reproduced except in fult, without the written approval of the laboratory. The analysis was performed by : Ron Schott Laboratory Director Robert Wagner, Analyst CLI ENT: ^ & B ASBESTOS ABATT:I\IENT. INC. 635 \\'. \l'HtTE A\TENUE GRAND.tt'NC ON, CO 8t 505 DCM SCIENCE l-.\ltoR.\ foRl . tN(:. t242t W.49Tt{ AIE\t t.. t,\tT#6 WI{E..\T RIDGE, CO 800Jj (l0jt 463-82111 BTiLK ASBESTOS ANAL}'SrS. P()I\T (]OtI]\'r NTrI'IIOD PAGE I OF 3 ANALYSIS D..I'I'E: Rf,PORTINC DA'I'E: RECEIPT DATE: CLIENT JOB \O.: PROJECI''IITt-E: DCI\{SL PROJT]C'I': CROSS REFERENCE: PERCENTAGE COMPOSITION B\' AREANIOLU\tE 3-2-01 3-2-01 3- t -01 IIESIDENCE 363 BE,\\'ER DA]\I ROAD, \'AIL, CO AB2l I I A82098 DCIT{ LAB NO.: SAMPLE DATE: % OF TOTAL SAMPLE: CLIENT NO.: .ASBESTIFORM MINERAL FIBERS: CI{RYSOTILE AI\IOSITE CROCIDOLITE TREMOLITE.ACTINOLITE ANTHOPHYLLITE TOTAL ASBESTOS COUNTED TOTAL ASBESTOS TN LAYER TOTAL ASBESTOS IN SAI\{PLE NOTES: SAMPLES NO. tR - 4R ARE \\,HI'|'E DRYWALL MUD. TOTAL ASBESTOS COUNTED = TOTAL ASBESTOS IN LAYER TOTAL ASBU,STOS lN SAMPLE = DEFINITIONS TIIE AMOUNT OF ASBESTOS PRESENT tN THE S,AMPLE EXPRESSED AS A PERCENT. THE PERCEM OF SAIUPLE REMAINING TI!\{ES ASBESTOS COI.INTED EXPRESSED AS A PERCEN'T. TllE PERCENT OF TO'I'AL S.{MpLE (FROt\t pr.t\t/sM ANAl.ysls) Tll\{Es t'ltE't'O'fAt_ ASBES'IOS tN 1..4\.ul (tr.' \O ASBI]SI.OS tN O'I'IIEIt LAYERS). -tR 2-2041 t0.0% 363-B-006 PART B 0.50% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.50% 0.50% 0.05% _2R 2-20-0 t r0.0% 363-B-007 PART B 0.50% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.50% 0.50% 0.05% -3R 2-20-01 8.0v. 36$B-008 PART B 0.50% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.50% 0.50% 0.040/" -4R 2-20-01 6,0n/. 363-B-009 PART B 0.50% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0,50o/o 0.50% 0.03% D(]I\{ SCIENCE LABORATOR\" IN(.. 12421 11'.49't'H ..\\'ENUE, LjNtT #6 WHEAT RlDcE, (:O 80033 (.j03) 4(rJ-82?0 Bt't,K ASBESTOS ANAt.'I'sts - p0lNl- (:ot'ti]. t\.t; loD PA(;E 2 OF J Cl-lll\T: A\At.l SlS D,\l.t_: J_2_0r A & I ASBESTOS .\BA1'El\lEN'l'. lN('. REt,OR't'tNC DA.IE: 3_2-0t 6J5 W. WHlTtl Avt:Nl:E RE(:E|p].DATE: J_l_{tl GR..\ND J(rN(']'lO\, CO 8t505 CLIEr.'.t.JOB t\O.: RESTDENCE PR0.IECT TITLE: 36J BEAVER DAI\,| ROAD. r,AtL. ('O DC]\,!SL PROJECT: AB2r I t CROSS REFERENCE: .482098 PERCENTAGE COMPOSITION BY AREAN'OLT:!\I E DCM LAB NO.: SAMPLE DATE: % OF TOTAL SAMPLE: -5R 2-20-0t 10.04/o CLIENT NO.: 363-B-tlt0 PART B ASBESTIFORM MINEML FIBERS: CHRYSOTILE 0.00% * AIUOSITE 0.00%CROCIDOLITE 0.00%TREIIIOLITE-ACTINOLITE 0.00o/oAMHOPHI'LL|TE 0.00% TOTAL ASBESTOS COUNTED TOTAL ASBESTOS IN LAI'ER TOTAL ASBESTOS IN SAITIPLE 0.00% * 0.00% . 0.00o/o * NOTES: SAMPLE NO.5R tS WHTTE DRYWALL MUD. A CHR}'SOTILE I1'AS IDENTTFIED IN SAMPLE NO.5& BI-IT NOT COUNTED. DEFINITIONS TOTAL ASBESTOS COITNTED = THE At{OtrNT OF ASBESTOS PRESENT tN Tur_ SAt\{pr.E EXPRESSED AS A PERCEN'T. TOTAL ASBESTOS lN LAYER = THE pERCENT OF SAMPLE REMA|N|NG TTMES ASBESTOS COUNTED EXPRESSED AS A PERCENT. TOTAL ASBESTOS lN SAI\'IPLE = 'tHE PERCENT OF TOI'AL sAMpLE (FROM pLM/SM ANALYSIS) Til\l lis THr: TOTA L ASBES'|-OS lN I_AYER (tF NO ASBtiS.t"OS lN OTTIER I-A\'I'RS). DcM Science Laboratory, Inc. analyzes bulk samples in accordance with the National Emission Standard for Hazardous Air Pollulants (NESHAP) for asbestos (Federal Register, Vol. 55, No. 224, pp. 48406-4s433, 11120190). The analytical procedures followed are described in'lnterim Method forthe Determination ofAsbestos in Bulk Insulation Samples", (USEPA 6OO/M4-83-020, 1982), with minor modifications recommended by the Atmospheric Research and Exposure Assessment Laboratory, USEpA, Research Samples analyzed by the point count method are milled to homogenize the sample, prepared on microscope slides and point counted using polarized light microscopy (PLM) in conjunclion with a point counting stage andcounter. one hundred counts are performed on four separate preparations of each sample for a toiat ot+oopoints.. lf asbes:tos is identified but not counted during the point counting procedure, lotal asbestos is reported as zero and presence is noled on the report. Other preparation proceduies including ashing and acid washing may be performed with client permission to improve accuracy in determining asbestos concentration. Allsamples are archived for six months unless other anangements are made by the client. ACCREDITATION: PCMSI- is accredited by the AIHA (since 1986). our accreditation number is 30S. DCMSL is accredited byNVLAP (since Aprit 1 , 1 989). Our NVLAp Lab Code is 1 01258. ENDORSEMENT: The results of this analysis must not be used by the client lo claim endorsement by NVLAP or any agency ofthe U.S. Government. This tesl report relates only to the items tesled. This report may not be reproduced except in full, withoutthe written approval of the laboratory. The analysis was performed by : d:i:ff:;:*J::fr'J" r Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 DCM Project No.: AB 2111 Client Job No.: 363 BEAVER DAM ROAD Quantitative Bulk Sample Anatysis (point Count) QUANTITATIVE BULK SAMPLE ANALYSIS PROCEDURES:eage 3 ot 3 Roberl Wagner, Analyst Ron Schott Laboratory Director GEORGE SHAEFFER LETTER oF TRANSMITTALCONSTRUCTION COMPANY P.O. Box 373 VAIL,COLORADO 81658 Tel (970) 845-5656, Fax (970) 84t7013 To: Town of Vail Building Department Vail. CO 81657 5/y0|2410r JOB NO- ArrEN'oN Charlie Davis RE: Lot2 & 3 Vail Village Third Filing WE ARE SENDING YOU lAttached ffiUnder separate cover via hand deliver the following items: tr Shop drawings fi Prints I Plans ! Samples n Specifications E Copy ofletter ! Change order tr THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: ! For approval ! Approved as submitted ! Resubmit _ copies for approval [| For your use ! Approved as Noted ! Submit _ copies for distribution [t As requested ! Returned for corrections D Retum _ corrected prints E For review and comment ! _ tr FOR BIDS DUE - 20- tr PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS: Dear Charlie. Attached are the asbestos abatement reports from A & B Asbestos in regard to Lots #2 & #3 as we discussed. The abatement is in progress today and I am hoping to have a complete report from Colorado Environments in the next two days which I will forward to you. Colorado Environments is the abatement subcontractor we have hired to do the work. Thanks and call ifyou have any questions COPY TO: Fritzlen / Pierce Architects Domin ick Castelluccio. File t--\ \ SIGNED: CJ" h-q- coPtEs DATE NO.DESCRIPTION I 3/2/01 Asbestos Abatement reDort for 363 Beaver Dam Rd. Lot #2 I 3t2/01 Asbestos Abatement reDort for 383 Beaver Dam Rd. Lot #3 If enclosures are nol as noted, kindly nolily us at once, Charlie, Yeeterdry the DRB^approved changes to the previously approved landscape plans for the Beaver Dam residences. One of the condlilons of approval is thaf all erosion contiol measures and tre€ pre8ervation measures must be installed and inspected prior to any demolition on the site. At this time the ercsion and tree preservation controls have not been installed. Please wait with yo.rr apprwd of their demo permit until their installation and our inspection have been completed. thanks Page I ofl fi le : //C :\Windows\TEMP\GW) 00002. HTM 05/o3Dool o o.?:$' f,P' A & B ASBESTOS ABATEMENT, rNC. 635 WEST WIIITE AVENT'E GRAND JUNCTION, COLORADO 81505 1-800-74&1204 INSPECTION REPORT PREPARED FOR: GEORGE SCHAFFER CONSTRUCTION P.O. BOX 373 VAIL, COLORADO 81658 LOCATION: RESIDENCE 383 BEAVERDAM CIR VAIL, COLORADO 81657 REPORTPREPARED BY: JOHNRPETERMAN BUILDING INSPECTOR CERI]FICATE NO : 526190192 1a INTRODUCTION: On February 20,2001, nine bulk samples were collected of suspected asbestos containing material at RESIDENCE 383 BEAVERDAM CIR. VAIL, COLORADO 81657 The inspection was made and the samples were collected by John R. Peterman, an A.H.E.R.A. and State of Colorado certified Building Inspector. Great care was taken during the inspection and sampling to be as accurate as possible. It should be noted that minimal damage was done to the existing building structures during the inspection so there is no documentation for unseen conditions or stored items. All samples were analyzed by DCM Science Lab in Lakewood, Colorado. This laboratory is deemed "Proficient" in the E.P.A. Quality Assurance (QA) program for the determinafion of asbestos in bulk materials, and is accredited by the American Hygiene Association (AIHA). SAMPLING PROTOCOL: A random sampling scheme was used to sample the suspect materials that were discovered. If during any future demolition or renovation work suspect material is discovered that hasn't been sampled and would be disturbed, work should be halted until the material has been tested. BUILDING DESCRIPTION: The house at 383 Beaver Dam Cir. is a two-story residence that is planned for demolition. The exterior walls are covered with wood and stucco. The roof is covered with snow on what appears where visible to be wood shake shingles. The exterior soffits are exposed wood. The interior walls are covered with taped and painted sheetrock. The ceilings are covered with taped and painted sheefock like the walls. The floors me covered with carpet throughout wittr ceramic tile at the enty and sheet vinyl in the kitchen. The heating is provided by electric base board heating and a wood stove. No sirspect TSI was visible at the time of the inspection. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Laboratory analysis indicates that no asbestos was detected in the bulk samoles. SAIIPLE LOCATION AREASAITIPTED FROII Kftcfien wall by refridge LMng room wall northeasl comer Upstairc bedroom closet wall Dormstrairc entry rcom northeasl comer Downstalrs bedroom southeast comer Kitcfien foor by reftidge Souh sid€ s)dgriorwall East side exterior wall West eide exterior wall DESCRIPTION Composite sheetrock Composite sheebock Composite sheetrock Composite sheetrock Composite sheEhock Sheet vinyl Stucco Stucco Strcco FR]ABLE YES'ilOSAilPLE# 38&8-001 38&,8-002 383-B-003 383-B-{XX 383-8.005 383-B-006 38$B-007 383-8-008 38&B{09 No No No No No Yes No No No SAMPLE RESULTS COLLECflON DATE:2/20/01 SAUPLE# DESCRIPTION ASBESTOS TYPE 383-&001 383-8-002 38&8-003 38&B-004 38&8{05 383-8406 383-&007 38&B-008 383-9-009 Compos'rte sheetrock Composite sheotrock Composite sheebock Composite sheetrock Composite sheetrock Sheet vinyl Stucco Stucoo Stucco NAD NAD NAD NAD NAD NAD NAD NAD NAD oh 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 KEY: NAD - NoAsbestos D€tected SAMPLE# MATERIAL SUSPEGT MATERIAL CONDMON TYPEOFSUSPECT OVERALL TYPE OF CONDITIONS DAMAGE % DAMAGE 38&8-001 38&B{02 38&,8-003 38&B-004 383-8-005 38&B-006 38&B-007 383-B-008 383-8-009 SUR SUR SUR SUR SUR Mtsc SUR SUR SUR N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO GOOD GOOD GOOD GOOD GOOD GOOD GOOD GOOD GOOD KEY: SUR - Surfiacing MISC - Miscellaneous POTENNAL FOR DISTURBAI{CE ACCESSIBIL]rY POTENTIAL INFLUENGE CONTACT VIBRATION POTENTI.AL LOGATED INAIR PLENUU EROSION YES'NO SATIPLE # 38&8-001 383-8-002 383-8-003 38$&004 383-B-005 38$8406 383-B-007 383-8-008 38$8-009 NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES HIGH HIGH HIGH HIGH HIGH HIGH HIGH HIGH HIGH LOW LOW LOW LOW LOW LOW LOW LOW LOW LOW LOW LOW LOW LOW LOW LOW LOW LOW E==E ==== ==:= O:= ==== = = ttcE qqqc.tScE ==-= =--: xxv= qeqtscctF qqqE eq9cootr- ccgF qqqr qqqsootF cctF lclc I I I c'dcd l=i=tt qqqq QQCCcroco ciictct l: l=tltl dddd ei.t ci c;c 'lOF-ip3 F6 :8, A E<F< v7 ll!'=r R X3=:E E3Hpete :EE ==z= $<=ii;i E=i .ddcid .f d iH$H i*$i E*$H i$HH s*si H 5 d q:3 38 i :E =E;F: : * ;Fi =F; =iii izlli =i:E =EiiHHtF PIiE Elll l=?e ==3= ==3= 7=3= ==7=<ddd idr,d .iddd iidd Y .:a EEEi E-.. 96Li eE2O U 3?ozg3 -t- FE 5u EEE z FA hta Ll g r.t ;E z 4 att FEIlt) *Ll>!!F -LEd FiE F3 E;g+Ez Qtiz- - tt F do-JH EEZ U 0a E rrCu !.1z>r!<^FiieB$..l!r!t.lpao...lAx;< c =.:g e ii F!s : eiiiiE E Slis;;EE=EEiH;E * :v=r 5 6 =ii c Ex-: 8)g x lrl F2 ral !.r z:FEH6; 5=u.<taza?! EE9a== 6>Zsit<UIJ fiz Ju xxx qqq =ctrr rg dcd QA Cectt .td qqe Eeloo Fe l=l=tlll qqc atc coococ cc ddd fN:toig E-- s i tJ tl = EF ||'iJ F 9Jq LCFF L<ZJ F=1Z Yi ''t 7- =. 6=E:E:E gFFFEFEg d{d {Eo-8 \ct P lt <d idrtidu d t !c *ni.FE; =F9A czzoI v, vt3F'oz 53 sE =zF9 ,8F EEE 2En V1 Ld> ;F .LJEdFi= fiFr.6 zo LcILl E':dti e!:6Ai ld z 4 LlJAo: =F-<.nA j !t E tdE9!lz>El<^ $iiE;E (t iigfiricEEEEiHte x z9=a;9iiSi E tsE-= H'E Itilof aI E =EHa;Lgo EZ-o-<lrZ 8?PEF9 EF:Eiz :68 Fzt Ju O o"* Science Laboratory,ln".O 12421 W.49th Avenue. Unit #6 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 DCM Project No.: Clienl Job No.: Bulk Sample Analysis BULK SAMPLE ANALYSIS PROCEDURES: AB 2099 383 BEAVER DAM RD Page DCM Science Laboratory, Inc. analyzes bulk asbestos samples following procedures developed by the Mccrone Research Institute and in compliance with guidelines established by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA-600/R-93/1 1 6, July, 1 993). Bulk samples are prepared for analysis using a 10X-80X stereo microscope in a hepa filter hood which provides a contamination-free environment. The sample is then analyzed by polarized light microscopy (PLM) at 100X. When the sample consists of more than one leyer, each layer is prepared and analyzed separately. Fiber and matrix materials are identified by the characterization of optical properties including color and pleochrorism, form, cleavage, relief, birefringence, extinction, orientation, twinning, interference figure and other distinguishing features. Dispersion staining is also used to further aid in mineral identification. All percentages of asbestos, other fibers and non-fibrous constituents are calculated from the values obtained from the stereo and PLM microscopes analysis. ln-house and NIST standards as well as a charl prepared by R.D. Terry and G.V. Chilinger for "The Journal of Sedimentary Petrology", (Volume 24, pp. 229-234,1955) provide a guide for estimating percentages. All samples are archived for six months unless other anangements are made by the client. ACCREDITATION: DCMSL is accredited by the AIHA (since 1986). Our accreditation number is 305. DCMSL is accredited by NVLAP (since April 1, 1989). Our NVLAP Lab Code is 101258. ENDORSEMENT: The results of this analysis must nol be used by the client to claim endorsement by NVLAP or any agency of the U.S. Govemment. This test report relates only to the items tested. This report may not be reproduced excepl in full, without the written approval of the laboralory. The analysis was performed by : Ron Schott Laboratory Director Robert Wagner, Analysl ,221-0 t ot.r"r,ur oF coMMUN,r" orurro,tu, NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTR]CAL PERMIT 363 BEAVERDAM RDVAIL 2l0t07l12019 OTINER BDR 288 CLAYTOI{ ST STE 306 DEMTER CO I0206 License: COIITRACTOR WAGNER ELECTRIC, Ir{C. P.O. BOX 1620 AVON, CO - 81620 License z 223-E APPIrIeel[T WAGIJER ELECTRIC, INC. P.O. BOX 1620 AVON, CO 81620 Licenee:223-E 990.00 s0.00 90.00 93.00 s93.00 Action: AP Lo/L1/20OL Phone: L0/!7/20Ot Phone: 97O-949-GL6L Toral calculded Fe€s-> Mlditional Fe€s-> Total Pqmit Fe€-> Paynents---> BAL{IICE DUE--> E0l-0241 ISSUED rol17l200r tol24l200l 0412u2002 TOWN OFVAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970479-2138 Job Address: Location.....: Parcel No...: Project No : to/t7/20OL Phone: 970-949-61.6t Desciption: ELECTRICALSERVICE Valuation: $5,000.00 aaaaaaaa,ataaaaaaa'raaaaaaat'l'ttltlataaaaaaaaattaatattatataaaaaaaataaa'tt FEE SUMMARY aaa'taaaa'taraa.aa*arrttaaaaaaa'|aiaalaallalal*alaaaataaa*ll'.ta Elcct'ical-> DRB Fes-> lnvostigatior}-> will csll-> TOTAL FEES-> 993 . 00 s0,00 s93.00 $93.00 s0. oo Approvals:Item: 06000 EIJECTRICAI DEPARTMEIII L0/L7/200L DF Item: 05500 FIRE DEPARTMESIT aaaaaiaaaaaa'taarrat'traaaaaaaaaaaaa'taaaaat**rar'|aaaa*rr'|'|a'l'la'laaaaa+l|ll++'lll:l,taaatrtttatata',,laa'ra*taaar CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BL,DG.): FIELD INSPECIIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CIIECK FOR CODE COMPIJIAITCE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required" completed an accrrate plot plaq and stat€ that all the information as required is correct. I agree t,o comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approvd Uniform Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. Ssnt By: WAGNER; *Yi[$^ oct-17-0.| 9:08AU; os70949433S;Page 212 .fI* ry rF rIrcoHPr"ErE oR ii:ffi8.1\r .'#lHffi[i: V 9ro.{7$'2lre Omec TtNflUWr, ?5 S. FrmtrgcRd. Vell, Gobredo e1657 @HPtlTE SQ. FEET FoR I|EW ElrItDS rld vAtUAuOilS FOR Alr OEERII (ta!a AOilTRICIOR IIIFORHATIOT OFFICE lf$f (lfltfrrr.lr... * r....... F/GnrfE./fqfirarda$Cnrl tob Add."ss:flr3 T>a"..r*ito\ff't., z \\o\\\oqs tkr er a |SOO Afinm() Rarcdd() Repir() T€tnphtiler() OOt€r( Does an E}U €flttttrt thb locEtionlwod(Type: Interior( ) &b'br( ) Bdl h{tsr( ) mu|!-tlrrtr( ) CorrrrrElbl( ) Rdnrilt( ) ootr( ) ilo. daistino Dweltu unG h oG bulding:lb. of Ammnrdatin Unls In dtb A!,lOUt{T Of SQ fT Iil STRTICTURE; TOWN OF VAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2t38 ol.*r"r*r oF coMMr.JNrr" orurrot* NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit #: E02-0005 Job Address: 363 BEAVER DAM RD VAIL Status. . . : ISSUED Location.....: EAST SIDE Applied. . : 01n8n002 Parcel No...: 210107112019 Issued . . : MD6n002 ProjectNo : ? 1|-5 OV-<g6T Expires . .: l0/23n002 oI{NER BDR 0t/i,B/2oo2 phone: 288 CLAyTON ST STE 306 DEDT\TER CO 802 05 L,icenge: CoNTRACTOR WAGNER ELECTRIC, INC. 0L/L8/2002 phone: 970-949-61.61 P.O. BOX 1620 AVON, CO 4L620 License z 223-E APPIJICAIU WAGNER EIJECTRIC, INC. 0L/L8/20O2 Phonez 970-949-6t6t P.O. BOX 1520 AVON, CO 8L620 I-'icense z 223 -E Desciption: COMPLETE ELCTRICAL THROUGH OUT BUILDING Valuation: $35,000.00 f,ls€fricrl-> 3530. 00 FEE SUMMARY 'i 't r rr.. *. r 'r. 'r | | r. t....t.. t t Total Calculated Fe€s-> 5533 .00 Addirional Fees->90. OO Total p€nnit Fe€_> 9633.00 Payments--------------> $533.00 BALANCE DUE-->s0. oo DRB F€€-> Invcstigation-> wilt ch[-> s0. 00 $0.00 $3 .00 TOTAL FEES-> 5633 . OO tat'tl'tllata'|'lt*l'}a:lltaalat'lattaal'|lat''la''ta'|:laatalal'l'|'la't'talaaa Approvals:IE,im: 06000 EIJECTRICAL DEPARI'!'IEIIT ot/L8/2OO2 DF Action: AP IIEM: O55OO FIRE DEPARI.!{ENT attatta+t ttt ttt ttrttttt{rtttttt ttt ttt +tt itttittti I itt tttttt{ tltt ttt tttt +t+tttt *r*it*t ttt rartltlllr artltlllt*aal ll{ lllallaltlallall lllllral*lltl *l CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BL,DG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CI{ECK FOR CODE COMPITIAIiICE. +a'ttl llr l:!a la**tl DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plaq and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and suMivision codes, desigt review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto' sent By: WAGI{ER; 970S494339;' A.fr.-28-O2 l0reS lFEOI|. Tourr-DEv-DEpr. REqIESIS FoB DEffiTI)N S||AIM la^tE T\lrEr-rTrfiXJR t(run3 N Apr-29-02 10:40; rD.e?o.e52 Page 5/5 OB ATOIJT OFFEE tfl af -rna.AI.rcEBY tl*tfalftt*lltltlraalftflft*tl*+*tftrt*a*rffrffl'r**lltrt*'t:i*ttt*irftlaarllfffltlffflatflfaftlafl TOWN OF VAIL, COIORADOtCopy Reprlntcd on M-2G.2002 rt 09:5t:26 04t2tt2,N2 Statemetrt ll**laaf'tatal'}aa*flfltlllt'i'}'}'t**all**fl*l*+*+f*'|lr*f*'ti'}'}*f+l**f***rl+*a***la**aa|}alfall}taaalaa gtatement Ntrmber: R0O0001928 Arnount: $633.00 O]-/29/2OO2O7:15 AIrl Palznent Method: Check Init: DF Notatioa: CITBCK* 21412 l'AqtER cIrBc1tRfC Pernlu No: 802-0005 Tylre: EIJECTRICA! PERMIT Parcel No: 2LOLO7II20L9gite AddreBE: 363 BEAVER DAM RD VAIIJ Iocatlonr EAST SIDE Tota1 Pees: $533.00 Thie Paymcnt: $633.00 Tot,al ALL Fntss 9633.00Balance: $0. oO tlt*aatlltllafalt+ta+a*at+t*fltaaa**laaa*t**tftt+*afta*+tt+**t*taaatt**ataa*ataaaftaaallfaal ACCOIJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts EP OO1OOOO31114OO TEMPORARY POWER PERMITS l',C 00100003112800 I{ILL CALL INSPECTI0N FEE 630 .00 3.00 sent By: WAGNEH;Page 2/3 APruCA BuiHirtg hrmit ElGctrical lrcmdt#: t70.,1ir9.zL49 7f,JEtl$VrL 75 g. p3onrrgc Rd. VelL Colondc 8168'lt coHPtEtE sQ" FCET FOR ilEW EnILDS md YALUATTO|{S rOR Arr OTHERS (t Dor COTTTRACTON, UIfORilATIOIT r*rlrrrrrrr.rrr.trr.a.rrrt*t***.rrtrrrIFOROFFICEUSEOllLYtllr.aat.r..a.t..*la.tftr{a Jan-17: no bldC. Frnft # b ruldcd.bou€) Jobrddrcss:3, WolkCb: Neil() Addirtbn( ) nermdel( ) Rcpeir( ) TcnrpFot'Gr( ) 6ter( ) Does an E}IU €(bt.t$b botbn: YesworkType: lnE|br( ) Ecerbr( ) Sottl ospls( ) Mufi-tamilt( )( ) Rlstnrrcnt 1 1 Otha( ) ilo. d rcornndation Unhi ln thbNo. of Bisting Dwdkrg Unlis in thb buMing: Al,lOU{tlTOF SQ fTIN STRIJCIIJRE; ffieENq JAN 2 i 2U(l2 TOV-coM. F:/arr'oilartunsr.ltFm *ootrr* oF coMMUN,r, orutuMENr :\u L64v TOWNOFVAIL 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 97M79-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON IOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit #: M01-0263 Status...: I$StlED Applied. . : 71/30/2007 Issued. .: 07/02/2002 Expires. .: 07/0U2W2 $0.00 s0 . o0 ToTAL FEES-------> Sso3 - oo Total Permit Fee--> $803 . OO $3 .00 Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARI'!{EMI L2/26/2ooL JF(NI Action: AP Item! 05600 FIRE DEPARTT{ENI CONDITION OF APPROVALCond: 12 (BLDG.): FIEL,D INSPECTIONS ARE REQUfRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: 22 (BLDG.): COMBUSTIONAIR IS REQUIR$ PER SEC. 701 OF THE 1997 IIMC, OR SECTION 701 0F THE 1997 rMC. Cond: 23 (BIrDG.)r INSTAI-,LATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTTRES INSTRUCTIONS AND TO CHAPTER 10 OF THE 1997 I]MC, CTAPTER 10 OF TI{E 1997 IMC. fob Address: 353 BEAVER DAM RD VAIL Location.....: \aE5tr€ilDE -e-da*J, d{. ParcelNo...: 270107112019 Project No : OU'}IER BDR 288 CI.AYTON ST STE 306 DENVER CO 802 05 License: tL/30/2oot Phone: CoNTRACTOR CLIMATE CONTROL CO OF GWS LT/3O/?OOL Phone z 970-945-2326 P O BOX 1042 GrrmlwooD sPRrNGs, co 8L602 License : L29-M APPLICAIIT CIJIMATE CONTROL, CO OF GWS 1,L/30/20OL Phone t 97Q-945-2326 P O BOX 1042 GLENWOOD SPRTNGS, CO 4t602 License t L29 -Yl DesCiption: ENGINEERED SYSTEM FORCED AIR HEAT GENERAL VENTING Valuation: $31,811.25 Fireplace lnformation: Restricted:# of Gas Appliances: 0 # of Gas Logs: 0 # of Wmd Pellel **k** FEE SUMMARY Mechanical-> 5540 . 00 Restuarant Plan Review-> Plan Check-> S1G0 . 00 DRB Fee*-----> 90. 00 Total Calculated Fees-> $803 .00 $0. oo Additional Fees-.-> Investigation-> wil call->Paynents-> $803 . OO BALANCE DUE-> $0.00 Cond: 25 (BLDG. ) : GAS APPLIAITCES SHALL BE VElllfED ACCORDING TO TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.8O5 OF THE 199? I'MC, OR Cond: 29 (BI-,DG.): ACCESS TO HEjATING EQUIPMENT MUST COMPIJY WITH TIIE 1997 IJMC AND CITAPTER 3 OF TIIE 1997 IMC. Cond: 31- (BLDG. ) : BOILERS SIIAI-,L BE MOIJM|ED ON FLOORS OF IIONCOMBUSTIBITE CONST. ITNL,ESS IJISTED FOR MOI]NTING ON COII{BUSTIBI,E FIJOORING. Cond: 32 (BLDG. ) : PERMIT, PLAIIS AND CODE AIIAIYSIS MUST BE POSTED IN MECHANICAI-, ROOM PRIOR TO AI.I INSPECTION REQUEST. Cond: 30 (BLDG.): DRAINAGE OF MECHANTCAI-, ROOMS CONTAINING HEATING OR BOILERS SHAI,I-, BE EQUIPPED WITH A FLOOR DRAIN PER SEC. 1022 SECTION 1004.5 0F THE 1997 IMC. U CHAPTER CTIAPTER CTIAPTER I AIiID SHALIJ 8 OF TITE 1997 IMC- 3 AND SEC-1017 0F HOT-WATER SI'PPLY OF TI{E 1997 I'MC, OR DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoninp and subdivision codes/ design review approved, Unilorm Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN PM. ANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 5 TURE OFOWNEROR CONTRACTOR FOR HIN,ISELF AND OWNEF TOWN OFVAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 o?o*r"r*r oF coMMUNr* orurrot*, NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit #: M02-0039 Job Address: 363 BEAVER DAM RD VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: . WEST SIDE Ea-Sl.--ll Ae__ Applied. . : 03/21/2002 Parcel No...: 210107112019 Issued. . : 03127/2002 ProjectNo: Expires..: 09123/2002 owNER BDR O3/2L/2O02 Phone: 288 CI,AYTON ST STE 306 DENVER CO 802 05 Lricense: coNrRAcToR BLACK DrAI{O!ID MECH, rNC O3/2L/2002 phone: 97O-926-9OOL P.O. BOX 581 AVON, CO 8162 0 License: 116-P APPIJICANT BIJACK DIAI'{OND MECI{, INC 03/2L/2002 PhONE: 970.926-9001 P.O, BOX 581 AVON, CO sL620 License: 115-P Desciption: INSTALL NEW RADIANT HEAT AND SNOW MELT SYSTEM Valuation: $70.000.00 Fireplace lnformalion: Restricted: Y # of0as Appliances: 0 # ofGas Logs: 0 # of Wood Pellet: 0 ll+l+++llt+t'i||+.|..lt||f|l*|{|.1tt+l|ftllt+|{l|t'**l''l*'l.*1t't''i.*|i.FEESLMMARYtl|l|+*'}l..'.|iii Mechanical-> 91,400.00 Restusrant Plan Review-> $0.00 Total Calculsled Fe€s--> $1,753.00 Plan Check-.> 93 50 . OO DRB Fee----> g0 . OO Additional Fces----> $0. O0 Investigation> $0. 00 TOTAL FEES--------> $1, ?53 . oo Total Permit F€€-----> $1, 753 .00 Will Call---> $3 . 0O Psyrnents--.--------t' $1, 753.00 BALAIICE DUE-------+ $0 . 00 * t'tt***t **t *t t +at l at * a{ l lt + a:t *l+t'l Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARI'I{ENT 03/22/2002 CDAVIS Action: AP SttBiIECT TO FIEI-'D INSPECTIONS IICM: O55OO FIRE DEPARTMEI\IT CONDITION OF APPROVALCond: 1-2 (BL,DG.): FIEI-,D INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPIJIANCE. Cond: 22 (BL,DG.): COMBUSTIONAIR IS REQUIRED PER SEC. 701 OF TIIE 1997 UMC, OR SECTION 701 0F THE 1997 rMC. Cond: 23 (BLDG.): INSTAJ.,LATION MUST CONFORM TO I.IAI.IUFACTURES INSTRUCTIONS AND TO CI{APTER 10 OF TIIE 1997 t]MC, CHAPTER 1.0 OF THE ]-997 IMC. Cond: 25 -.(Br.,Dc.): GAS APPrJrAlrcEs ,rroBE vEr[TED AceoRDrNe ro cHAFlB, 8 A]ID sHAr.rr TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.8O5 OF THE 1.997 I'MC, OR CIIAPTER 8 OF THE 1997 IMC. Cond: 29 (BL,DG.): ACCESS TO HEATING EQUIPMET.IT MUST COMPI-,Y WITH CHAPTER 3 AIID S8C.1017 OF THE 1997 UII{C A}TD CHAPTER 3 OF THE 1997 IMC. Cond: 31 (BLDG.): BOILERS SHALIJ BE MOIINTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST. ITNLESS I-,ISTED FOR MOI'MTING ON COMBUSTIBI,E FIJOORING. Cond: 32 (BL,DG.): PERMIT,PITANS AIID CODE AIIAIJYSIS MUST BE POSTED IN MECIIAIIICAIJ ROOM PRIOR TO A}T INSPBCTION REQI'EST. Cond: 30 (BLDG.): DRAINAGE OF MECHANICAI ROOMS COMIAINING HEATING OR HOT-WATER SUPPLY BOILERS SI{AIL BE EQUIPPED WITH A FIJOOR DR,AIN PER SEC. 1022 OF THE 1997 t'MC, OR SECTION 1004.6 0F Tr{E 1997 IMC. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this shucture according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, desigr review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADV AT 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 5 PM. SI OF OWNER ORCONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF Building Permit #l 75 S. Fronttgc Rd. Vcll, Colondo 8165t Medranical Permft#:renmry-- 003? PrcvldeJ{cdrrnicrl Room Lryout dr.wt b rcrbto Indudc:o Mcchenlcel o tt o n Flua, Vcntllclt Lq Permit will not be accepEl without the following: II(ALII IIVF'ORMA TION Mecfianlcal c.onbacbn &tF* \w,ono l-1Lc*t, tpc Town ofVail Reg. No.t llt-P Cp/fcr.and Phop #'s: |-A.a44 D$aqq,?o-sbf,rContractoffi I t4*rlt'.t, r..---ruD I - I AtIp,nt'ri=nl.rt. (tlt zlt-'. OOiIPTETEV rrfEcf{tr{rcAl : $ 70t ooc tffi ,?l .{ rafEelffi Job M*t Be*o,en_ Of,* R s rYep,ct :obnddrcss: 66a-ts€4,4R ylm /2D g"f dm""- [ l*t z I sb.k, 3mivbion: vfrc ul4A4L Owners &ro t)ili-M"rAEngineer: re Phone: Detalled descri@ ttO,- 4,*q rttF t_f,lraa.&r *L€t -srff/r.a WorkClass: ltew6{r/AaOiUon( ) ruteration( ) nepalr( ) Ofrer( ) Boihr l-ocation: InErtor OAL e<erlor t I OUre, f I Does an EHU exbt at ttrb locatbn: yes X) No ( ) T,e" of AHg, Si'| -No. of BGUng Dt No. of Accornmodatlon Unns in tlrb bulldlng: _No/Tyoe Nofiype - Isfibarl+--- "f Flreplace" E F6nar Gas Apot"nces, ) of Flrcpfaces propced; Gas npdianc* Buming (NoT ALLOWED) Dnrrelsion fiom a wood buming nrept o t I *!t**!r*l F:/cvorpnr l*!t**rf *!r****rt*rf * * *FORffi$ /fom4modrporm rtrirtrlrf, rl. * **,r RECEIVED [it,l**|r*!r***,t*** mmozoo2 TOV.COM.DEV. r* 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD TOWNOFVAIL VAIL, CO 81557 970479-2138 tot** oF coMMUN,r, o*tRnr*AD O^\o'('q-{nLr1 I NorE: rHrspERMrMUSrBEposrEDoNIoBSrrEArALL"tFi@ 3, lo{ 4 MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit #: M02-0043 fob Address: 363 BEAVER DAM RD VAIL Status . . . : ISSLIED Location.....: 363 BEAVER DAM WEST SIDE Applied . . : 03/26/2002 Parcel No...: 270707112019 Issued. . : M/M/2002 ProjectNo : PR5- oi - ooo 7 Expires. .: 70/07/2002 owNER BDR 03/26/2002 phone: 288 CI,AYTON ST STE 306 DEIWER CO 80206 License: coMrRAcToR HEARTII EXCHANGE, INC. (rHE', 03/26/2002 Phonez 970-827-9623 P.O BOX 570 MI}fTT'RN, CO 8154 5 L,icense z 174-M APPIJIcAtirt HEjARTH EXCHAIIGE, INc. (rHE) 03/26/2oo2 phone: 97o-a27-9623 P.O BOX 670 MIMTURN, CO 81545 License: L74-Yl Desciption: INSATALLATION OF A GAS FIRE PLACE Valuation: $13,000.00 Fireplace Informatim: Restricted: Y # of Gas Appliancesr 0 # of Gas logs: 0 # of Wood Pellet *!!**}tt***g*r**t****r*-** FEE SUMM Mectnnical-> S260. 00 Restuarant Plan Review->So. oo Total Calculated Feer-> $328. oo Plan Check-> g6s. 00 DRB Fee--> S0 . 00 Additional Fees--> S0. OO Investigation-> $0. o0 TOTAL FEES------> $328 . OO Total Pemrit Fee-> $328 . 00 will call->s3-00 Payments--> $328. 00 BALANCE DUE->$0. 00 ltem: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 04/04/2002 JRM Action: AP Item: 05500 FIRE DEPARTI{ENI CONDITION OF APPROVALCond: 12 (BL,DG.): FIELTD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPL,IAIICE. Cond: 22 (BL,DG.): COMBUSTIONAIR IS REQUIRED PER SEC. ?0L OF THE 1997 IIMC, OR SECTION 701 0F THE 1997 rMC. Cond: 23 (BIrDG.): INSTALTLATION MUST CONFORU TO MANUFACTURES INSTRUCTIONS AIID TO CHAPTER 10 oF TIrE 1997 I,MC, CIIAPTER 10 OF THE 1997 rMC. Cond: 25 (BL,DG.): GAS APPITIAI{CES SIIALL BE VENIED ACCORDING TO TERMINATE AS SPECIFTED rN SEC.805 OF THE 1997 UMC, OR Cond: 29 (BL,DG.): ACCESS TO HEATING EQUIPMHIT MUST COMPLY WITH THE 1997 I'MC A}ID CI{APTER 3 OF THE 1997 IMC. Cond: 31 (BL,DG. ) : BOILERS SI{AITL BE MOUIITED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST. ITNL,ESS IJISTED FOR MOT'NTING OT.{ COMBUSTIBI.,E FIJOORING. Cond: 32 (BLDG.): PERMIT,PLAI{S At{D CODE A}IAITYSIS MUST BE POSTED IN MECHANICAI ROOM PRIOR TO AlT INSPECTION REQIIEST. Cond: 30 (BL,DG.): DRAINAGE OF MECHANICAIJ ROOMS CONTAINING HEATING OR HOT-WATER STPPIJY BOIIJERS SHAITIT BE EQUIPPED WITH A FLOOR DRAIN PER SBC. LO22 OF TIIE 1997 tMC, OR SECTION 1004.6 0F THE 1997 IMC. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, fiIled out in full the information require4 completed an acfluate plot plan, and state that all the inlormation as requfued is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state lawt and to build this structure according to the towns zonin5 and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. - -CHAPTER CHAPTER CIIAPTER 8 AI.ID SHAIJIJ 8 OF TIIE 1.997 IMC. 3 Al{D SEC.1017 0F REQI.JESIS FOR INSPECNON SHALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:(x) AM - 5 OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEFSIGNA *** * + + | i ** * * * * * * ** t + + + * I I * * * * * + * * * * * * * f * * * + * * t * t f ** * * t * * * t t * ** +**** +* ** * a t * a * * * f * *a**** *** ** TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement + * * *+ *t ** 't **+ *'t * *+ + +*+ * +'t ** | * i ++ 't 'l * *l' * +**+ +'t 'i * 't* * * * * ** * * + ** + + + * + i + * t * * * * a ***** * ***{' {' *l* * * *l{' Statement Number: R000002105 Amount: $328.00 04/04/2002!1 :52 All Pa)ment Method: Check Init: LC Notation: *2800/HearEh Exchange Permit No: M02-0043 I\rpe: MECTANICAL PERMIT Parcel No: 210107112 019 Site Addreas: 363 BEAVER DAllt RD VAIL I,ocaeion: 353 BEAVER DAM $IEST SIDE Total Feee: $328.00 ThiE Palmenc: $328.00 Total AL,L Pmta: $328-00 Balance: $0. oo + * + + **l + ** ** ** * * + *+** +t t f | ** ** * *** * i tl + f *** ** * * +* * + * i l!i 't + a f* * * * + * *'t*+***** * * t ** a* *a{t*lt* ++*t ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descniption Current Pmts t4P OO1OOOO31113OO MICHANICAL PERMIT FEES 260.00 PF OO1OOOO31123OO PLAN CHECK FEES 65.00 I,IC OOIOOOO3i12BOO h'ILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 3.OO l._ mww 75 S. Frprrtegc Rd.Val[ Colondo 8lGSz 1- Permit will not be acepEd wtttrort Ure fottoilinE Town of Vail Reo. No.: 27-7CZv / toz-zzn RoUrEDro'@SFillv DATE ROUTE O, b Job Lfame: yr" g * 7?3 6+.*,o-- l?J JobAddrcss: ?6? O*t*. /Z.n Wo*Class: Neil0O Addtdon( ) Alteraflon( ) Repatr( ) Other( )Boitertocadonr InEro@ Does an EFIU ocistatthb bcadon: yes ( ) No (rd Tlpe dBdg: Ence-hmfly ( ) o,., No. of EGdng Drdllng Units h tnS lufUtngr No. of Acornmodation Unlts in tils bulElng: ylrveecnreptaceu p a conversion frorn a b an EPA Phase tr & frlahrlals) -,t/,4 /7, i-*t *,r * * * * * ** !3 r* * rt |t* **,r* ** * *,f F: /cuaryon/,bnrrt|td|Df||r ,r****r|**!r**tt!*t IlearthDxchanoe Fireplaces . Stoves ' Barbeques ' Patio Heaters Description of work at 363 Beaver Dam Rd,: Installation of 2 runs of clsss '.rr' flue pipe and 2 gas log sets on 2 Isokein l\dasomy Fircplace. We are not installing the Isokern Fireplace. rile are also installing a .B" vctrt gas fireplace. HEARITI O(C}IAT{GE Meadou/ Mountain Business Park, Suite A2 . 23698 N. HighwAD/ 24 . p.O. Box 670Mimrrn Colorado I | 645 . i970!. g2Z-9623 . fax plOl B2l-9222 TOWNOFVAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD vArL. co 81657 970-479-2138 Job Address: location.....: Parcel No...: Project No : OT{NER PLUMBINGPERMIT 363 BEAVERDAM RDVAIL EAST RESIDENCE 2l0l07tt20r9 fQn r- oool Permit #: P0l-0100 Status... : ISSLJED Applied. . : 09ll8l200l Issued. . : O9ll9l2OOI Expires. .: 0311812002 otrrr*r oF coMMUNrrv pev*ot"r NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES BDR 289 CLAYTON ST STE 306 DEIIVER CO 80206 I-,icense l CONrRACTOR BLACK DIAMOIID M3CII, INC P.O. BOX 581 AVON, CO 8152 0 Iricense: 116-P APPLfCANr BLitCK DIAMOND MECH, INC P.O. BOX 581 AVOIT, CO 8L620 License: 1l-6 -P Desciption: Type II EHU in proposed new residence Valuation: $95.000.00 Fireplace Infornulion: Restricted: ??# ofGas Appliances: ?? 09/L8|2OOL Phone: 09/L8/2001 Phone: 97O-926-9O0L 09/L8/200L Phone: 970-926-9001 # of Gas Log: ?? # of Wood Pallcl: ?? FEE STMMARY Plwrbing-> Plan Chc.ck-> Inveetigrtion-> will cslt-> S1, 425. 0o Restuarant Plan Review-> 93s6.2s DRBFee------------> 9o. oo TOTAL FEES-------> 93.00 s0.00 s1 , 784 .2s Total Calculated Fces-> Additional Feee--> Total Pcrmit Feo--> s1, 784 . 2s 15s.00 91.839.25 s1.839.2s s0. 00BALANCE DUTE__> Itsem: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMAflT 09/L8/200L CDAVIS Action: AP Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTTONS ARE REQIIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPL,IANCE. ttirtatttttaa.a$ri DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application. filled out in full the information requird completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Tov.'n ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design rwiew approvd Unifonn Buildhg Code qpd other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. **'l't****f,t{t****l * * * * * i' * * 't 't * * * * * * * * !t,} * * * * * * * * 't * * * * * * r * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * {! * * * * * * * * * + * * * * * * * ** * i * * + TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADOCopy Repriuted on 03-13-2002 at 10:51:33 Oytf!,n002 Statement * + t 't * * * * * * t* * *** + + * *** * * * + * * *l * * * l* + * * * + + * ** t* * ** * ** * * * ** * * * f* {. + + + * * } + + * ***+ * * * *+ * * ** +* * l*** Statement Number: R000001412 Anount,: 91,939.25 09/t9/2OOLI1 :41 Altt Pa)menE Method: Check Inig: DF Notation: CHECK # 3788 Permit No3 PO1-0100 Type: PL,UMBING PERMIT Parcel No: 2LOI.O71I2OL9 Site Addregs: 353 BEAVER DAl,r RD VAIL IJocation: EAST RESIDENCB Tota1 Feee: $1,839.25 . ThiE Payment: $1,839.25 Totsal ALrI-r Pmte: $1,839.25 Balance: $0.00 * * * * ** * * * ** | t * * +t ** * t + + * * f * ** * * * * * +,1' i * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * t * * + * * * * * * * * * | * 't *** | | * * * | * * * '}*f + **'t * ACCOI,JNTITEM LIST: Account Code Descrintion Curnent Pmts cL 00100003123000 C0NTMCTOR LTCENSES 55.00 PF 00100003112300 PLAN CHECK FEES 356.25 PP OO1OOOO3I112OO PLUMBING PERMIT FEES 1,425.00 r.lc 00100003112800 ritlt CALL INSPECTTON FEE 3.00 i:fi'iJfilf."" lf;" ffid'lhone,r's'-(\rp*o>acrr =t''s"{ffiniT vait Reg. No': iltumoins contractor:'Bt*c* Dtftno,'O htc,1. lrtc' ffi;N FoR 'L'MBTNG PERMTT (Labor & Materials) s#roooor"rr' 3Q3 BcAvtP Dfth &D JobName: Q6ftvc| b47.1 fl,Dtt"3 Subdivision: Vtl! vtL Address: r,- (.., IjYtSf sf| llq 6iliEEName: hloZ FoLqNG Addition( ) Alteration( )Repair( ) Other( ) ffi()Frur!-iaiii,,Y\r.,^- af Rldo-: Single-tamllY ! - ffiAC unitt ilthit building' ffi-'rs a conversion from a vaG F/everyone/f orms/PlmbPerm C q't-r W&rio { ,.:r., ,*- 1,. . i" rown of vait,rffy D'D wE RAIE wrIH You? fftT||.} $tvelopment Oeparrnenr Russer Fone* Director. Ctreck all that appfies. ' #l1xl1'ryg":1l:Hffisns Admrn _ _-,. #Tr[TJff:r*,__* ?r,_**r*n,....-- srow ort f"f$1:"-'*y*ow rons was * berore you were4 w€sfi1iffi"'*"';il;;; t,On t.* '-'"-'[dfo;gp*,'*ot^.,,p t. a DRB app__-- pEC app ?ea:e late _f,e performancr f^^!,^:^^, i N;ffi--r&e sffiperson who assrsred you:(knowtedss*p"r, j.i.f;raf,6,m Overall efectiveness of he ffinryG;ffiil:;:x,:;" 1 ;"^.*flrJtt*Itr t-" which urcurd airow us ro berersenre you 7. 8. 7L-.-.----.-- ;1y1.yoyior takjns tfre timr'ulltrurbd b rmprovrng d'i[.::*ab ffris survey. We are --Crt' R.qu.stdl lnsp€ct DsE: Frktly, Argust t5, 2@3- lnrordton Ana: CD Sltc Addftr!: 363 BEAVER OAfl RD VAL EAST RESIDEII{CE AIPID Informrllon of $ryg.miltfiq#ln I FOOL AtlD ROOTED' -Actvtu: CCcdTn6: owtlat: Cmtrrctor: ADpllcJtt DriqF0on:lffce: l.ldcs: ilotlcr: ltlodca: l.lollc.: Coilm.tl: Commr* CoEnmrnt CotnnrcntemmfltCorneitCqtmfit Comrncr*: Commont B01.O1.lt TyD.; &B|-[LD1q1_ Oca.paifty: 7 8t)R SI{AEFFER COi.ISTRIJCTION STIAEFFER CONFTRIETION iIEWSFR {.C eP|o|id rutl.ct b loilorlng condltbn: Sub TF.: l,lSFRLhc: VN St!i.lr: ISST EDFrpAr: CD Plpno: 97084$5656Phoil: 970,846{!868 '' i, r..,: lt'J . KUYFRIEL IPPROVATS. Ccrrdrrtr ffoeg nlrdon s6 .nbr.d lor thh !.rmfi. Ch.ct t649{6 ior $20.042.66 pdd fo. tr. Yllultor,r of $3,3XD,00O.0O. Thb.hnc.of|hb<*rxtwl[conrth..ddilomlcoelrft,rB0t{10.-LCIFELL Erslrrrc$rglElrdrl Itm: 5a0 E|.Dcf,lndcrot|loc OEORO€ gTIAEFFER CONS,TRIJCTION6T0: CDAVIS RlqrFgn Acdon:Tlmr Exp: lnto.coonHBbn lem: 2oBl.D$Fcnbllmrsbd -fooro'rrd- Oltl6'Ol h.D.dhf: ctYh-- A.don: PAPARTULAFPROVACo.nmrrlr: Prdrlda ldor fiofn rfiuc .nolnnsr aDqot lno h.fcal dcn0*13iol h3D.cloc GR(} - -Acdon:- APAPPROVED Commer|3: R.iffi1n hr dfounddo|E ritfbDiars, E. €nd.09fil70l h.p.dor: JRm A.!ort: APAPPROVED A'FROVAL OK. CDA\'IS RECIEVED STATIPED A'PROVEO DR/{WII{GS FROTI I-EENSE PE. FOIR STOhG TIASOMRY WALut 4 - 6 FT . t{O BOtt DER RETAnmG WALS W[-L EE INSTALLED Of.l SITE. I H \/E TOLD @NIR^CTOR {OOMONC . SfIAFFER COT.ISTRI'CTbNI THAT IF BOIJLDER WAIL ARE T.ISTATLED A DRAUVIIO FROil LICEIISE PE,I,YILL 8E REOI.'|RED. STil-L AWAlThlG FOR RE\TOCaBLE RIGHT OF WAY PgRlftT AtO FEE. - LSAI{OCnTALCoflnfiCSTil-L AWAlThlG FOR RE\TOCaBLE RIGHT OF WAY PgRlftT AtO FEE. - LSAI{OCnTAL iEED RE\'OCABLE RICiHT OF WAY PERIdT AilD STAFED APFRCI ED DRAIW{G FROiI tEEr.lSE PE FOR WALLS O\GR { FT IN FIEICIHT.. LSAIfiOVAL tg"ffitrH$.TrftrryLilfi*'r (EHl,, nol n dy for rc,o In p.cron). - Bctsof.l hr poolt!l|t d{ded -\ialb Geeql6lbd ln h.htrtrltl lnqttclentbench.- !9899N (t/17/Ol Mcbr: CDA\its Acdon: APAPPRO/ED cotnn flrr: FouT[tlo FoR DRtvEwAY RET hflNG WWALLS A^D6 SONIpTIF€S ON firrhrm Dhrir.DDforrS slbLctb E bulttyultl $ilflDmd ffilmlhel InlDacilon. mrcGEE Fml arc kdl ttrililqlc mdJetl bv Ph'nkn 71294@.'- BGBS€IN 9RB_flltlEh{tt 3ubmlud, dpnfont ir$ff.d_ Flq lo_(lylrw o{ b.ndng p.|rnL - el\,ls F6t BU O&'con h pbnnkis iil r.t b od. - LCAMPBETI Phmlq d.9l h.r rdF.dDGmltu-9f,i r.vldr - LC tfBELLru8LE WORKS EPARTT'ENT HAS RECIEVED REVOCAELE RIGHT OF WAY PERHT. GrEitX- lilD.cbf: cd.rrld - Acdon: PA PARThL APPROVAconurnE: ffi ffirffi"t b( rle hescat c.r ffithoon frcm .tr$. cn![n .? ot rsofrt(917/Ol ffib.: CDA\rts Acnon: APAPPROVED Arclglprl.To: REPT131 Rlrn Id: L247 TO 1.1X14 DC'tIh[C TO PRol/DE TETIER FROIi' lOOlOl tllD.cbr: COfr|t| trb: RRISrcNSTO Acdotr: APAPPROVEDCommnb: REl,lSlOf.lSl TO EXIEREn mRS FRC,ilM gfx CF TO lfl( I4'AFPROI/ED BY $At C E}|GNNEROFRECORD, SEE F[.E i "!ilom: 540 nJntll.cs|bPhn -AgFsr,ed.' firm: 50 ElDc'{nid.fon (Flntm h*.clor: blgbco.i Acdofl: CO|.IDAPPRO\,EOGOiEI|IIOhECqrm.|rE: R-C mrII lhoritop of toutr clc|n.nt and bp ol GRFA r.p.rdon ln b$r. xllrnr: 30 EtDGFrroilno -AiDrod-Br0l/@ hF.cbr: cdrib A.fion: Pl PARTIA| INSPECTIO$J i Comn n0r: FLOOR FRAltlhlc LOCATED WlTFllN Tl€ CRAmSP CE TO ArOW TIC frtlsfiAur SI€ETROCI( TO T}EN ALLOTI' THE TSTALIATIOO.I OF ffiCt| Trc^L PNhloFTC..o?l:il@ lnrpccbr: cDAt/}s Adhn: APAPPROVED \ril\ Corrn€rltt: APPROVEDWIT}I@M)|T|OiJ - .-r I' j - Aooroved * ocu Ac[on' APAPPRCIrED;ff*"Adon- Fl PARTI L ftlsPEcTrcrfrlCcwndrb: FLIE C]IASE StlEETnOg:K AtPRgVEg o7l:n@ ln D.cbr: cDAt/}s Adhn: APAPPROVED 'rr il\ , .Corrn€rlt: APPRCIVEDWITH@M)ITIOiJ - .-r' i j, i,. -.,PRol/EE REvlsE nrs TO A!PRo!ED sTRt c PllIilS AtlD APPRCI|rAI FFAil smt C ' I ' l\-}..ETSIIEEROFRECORD r \r. ir' f \]m NoT co$.JcEA A rY EotLER vENrs tI.|TlL I.TSEPCT|QN$QffiIEFS ' U t\U trrm: dl BtDosh..focl( o/'flEfin Commmt: htr 70 ELDG'I,{.o.oTtnnl Cmu|tdrb: w1?N2 Coumr.3: @{o,txt CornnflE: bn: A) SLDCFlni (P{B& h.pector: @Gsh..focl( f.Ll ItlSfSf, -cda,L UEAIW hre.cbr: CDAIttilnmtr: FL(.E CIIASE SF Acdon: APAPPRCh/ED aI lhretod< coolcbd.nd |DDrovrdMrd S pror,l& ono fingAl rsvllol€ to ltruc dfiranb" ADProad -hp.dor: eRG Ac{oO: APAPPROVED f{eqtrd b b*filfi tctlcrl condul to build !cc.$ rocd. Vslfird 3 confuflr hr|.d 2f of rnoil.'WI lsy. bo|h.ndt open br drctlc.i h$cdor b Y|ilIy blr.ln|ocbr: CDAVISi- Ac0ofil ATAPPRCVED F/P SHJAFT ATD HEARTH SUPPORT APPRO/ED WT't| CORRECTIOI,IS -hKITALI IiSSilO rc|'TS AT STEEL @i.IhECTr3NS OR VYETD OOM€TLY-l{E RTH EXTEN9IONS rfl"rsT BE A [il].|. OF 2(,r BEYOiD FROIIT OF FIP A D 12" BEYOiTD EDES OF FiP OPEI{iGS 97 1r8C SEC. 31m.52h.pc{or: .nM Asdon: I{ONOTIFED OEED HAS BEEN RECORDEDON BOTH SIOES. bm: GX)BTDGT 08,12/(B InrD.doc GCD tcdon: CRCORRECTI)IIIREOUREDComm.dr: EUARD R^,[. RE@ TOP BE $. IIfi.IAT RADfl.JS DECK TEMPERED GtASs AT Tt.E APPROI'ED. DGTmD.C/O @10y0:t h 6 Approryl(l -Gy1(!fit h!reb.: JRil " A.don: APAPPROVEDccfmilb: APPROVED.OI( PER E|LL G. Of.t F{.ANr.th'G StrE. CORRECTNNS TO BE Tt|^D€ BY C.O. AN'USTqJARDRAfl-S ON DECKS TO 36 if,NMUM.' FhDSFIPFTIIG LADELhIG ON SAFETY GAI-ZIN AS REOIffiEDARCT,I.DOI,AL Tt,B LOVYERFhDS] tEvEt. PW-TEtp.CrO TCOf,orin ln hqrL. Ptlll-TEfjp. oO tApD|orr€d '@ll'lifXj lnrOrdor: bslb.oi- Arcilon: APAPPRO/ED -Comm!||f$ Apfioval ftr palmary unn o($y. EHU TCO nol oppiovad.ruXt|-FFf/fLC,tO "AAo.cfltd#(Erl3t/(x| l'|lrftbr: bglb.oit Actbo: APAPPRO/ED PUY+II|AL C/O *ADD.o,rd " oAit2log ln*cdoc b Acilon: APAPPROVEDlLDrSFhrl(VO' bm: $n Lm: 5(B lmr537 .lhr:-{SB lbm: 5lo A&n: APAPPROT/ED Coflrmonlr:gnly. Fh,r baua* $,il,r EHU gE|rgta ortanoa. {-JF-!P-,CJ-O . "Apprord F Gt/OdGl hrD*br: brmmrnbr TCDmtv. Fhr,tbau€c$,1|h E I REPT131 nin'(td: L241 TZt6--m03 In*pecflon Rnqu**t FeporttnE ItlilL. CO :,? Llltl.rtt-Ofj t{eguestes I ntubc 1 if }tc. ry..dneg ca /, t- eur rt.rt ? d. 2003 insrectiirn fu*ir. Cl Slte Addressr 363 aEA'.rER Dirlu RD vAlL eAs'!- sints Page 9 6:47 arn Me-blbF!|gs! Adttvtv: Mo?-o039 Co.lS Typir; f}lmbr: BDR RsquBstol: Acslonftl To:- Actbn: Tvr/e B"MECH 0ccrrFairry' 3 b i-yF€. ^ISFFt-rs€: Slri,|3: Insp 66"'ISSUED CD Conttactof: BLACI(SIAITONFr'iECIj )NC Phon(:: 97r-L92S.9001 Applhsttt: BLA'CK OlAtulO$lD MECH. lllc Fhorre: 3/0-926-9(XX Descilpttcn: lf.6TALL HEW RArTANT HEAT.q{\tD gtio:rv MELT SY$ !'Err! Caminmt: ROU1ED TO CliAliLlE FOR APf{ICVAL.REuEW$ fin"OREl; F€ouegteCttrsteodou$ Item: 390 filECH-F,n€l o? - 26-C nlf i""L/ l\ /l9U tnrpecfron Flrbry A lEcltRoudlMEC|,|l"leaino 't AporuvorJ " O7l(niOZ fnspect<e: irr' ' ' . ir.ii(1{, r:/t PAfiTlAr- TNSFECTiCN Comm€nts: arrorowro edR'lGF. ll.J Fl-{3:R HE.i.f ONLY 8tff AIF TEST O?126i@, hi:ipector: JRM Ac&:ft. ,{F AFPiigtEO CO'NTNCNIS: APPROVEL1 ALL iN FLIf,CR NEA]'A'I ICT.J d Afi I'EST PLlBGrs PlCnq MEcl't-Efiat*l Floods UEC}}Suppfy Alt ilECFlMFr. MECH-Flml CIJ ''nff-7 eO=r**T*f/'ck,fuT* [om: ?0Onsn: 310 Item: 315lbm: 340 Item: 330 nim: 340 llcrn: 3gl Joft - Sc CDAVIS REtrT131 Run Id: 833 Q,.,D lf,*,rli - lw t rt': I Qm {l'*e sldo o- / s."\ z I atr /h{J- 6a(zrq^- J t'-^ 'h/'1 i"^1.- --a'/ _ /. / i n (" u* ' ) b'--'' "f^<z ta'' ' o'a.-y 1"'k 6'.--- t-- r-.:-< r'l-- i,- s ,,/ ,('"-'"'5 oL[ (at kA-' o 4 )r-o, t*z I n"-y fu fl-' I LL,;P( 0"'nett' ,4-f l-i"n L (' *rre ku.r-''- 6\u qS Qrf- gJ e'Y 6\u w.k ,uqd'oLc 1 €6L brl*r, "l--- 7,/rT Pk ' o/< (at.^ PLANNTNG AND ENVTRONMENTAL COMMTSSION f ,/t MEETNG RESULT' t<f ^a t', Monday, November 13, 2ooo 6?Pr^ PROJECT ORTENTATION / - Community Development Dept. PUBLIC WELCOME tt:lO am / MEMBERS PRESENT Chas Bernhardt John Schofield Brian Doyon Doug Cahill Tom Weber MEMBERS ABSENT Galen Aasland Diane Golden Site Msits : 1. Austria Haus - 242 E. Meadow Drive2. Tyler residence - 383 Beaver Dam3. Hilb residence - 1552 Matterhom Circle4. Lionshead View Conidors '1. 12:45 pm Driver: George -_--rllM l-:\ lt Il\='/ rll NOTE: lf the PEC hearing extends until 6:00 p.m., the board may break for dinner from 6:00 - 6:30 p.m. Public Hearino - Town Council Chambers 2:00 pm A request for a variance from Section 12-84-5 of the Vail Town Code ("Lol Area and Site Dimensions") and a request for a minor subdivision, lo allow for the creation of two legally platted 'Agriculture & Open Space" zoned tracls of land, located at 615 Forest Road / a cunently unplatted tract of land located in the North % of Section 7, Township 5 South, Range 80 West of the 6'n P.M. Applicant The Vail CorporationPlanner: Brent Wilson WITHDRAWN A request for a minor subdivision to allow for the relocation of the common lot line, located at 363 and 383 Beaver Dam Road, Lots 2 & 3, Block 3, Vail Village 3d Filing. Applicint: John L. Tyler Jr., represented by Braun and AssociatesPlanner: Ann Kjerulf MOTION: John Schofield SECOND: Brian Doyon VOTE: 5-0 APPROVED 2. 3. A request for a minor amendment to an approved development plan (SDD #35), to allow for a reduclion in lhe number of parking spaces (and lhe conversion of these spaces into :ommon storage) at the Austria Haus parking garage, located at 242 East Meacow Drive/A part of Tract C, Vail Village 1o Filing. Applicant: Austria Haus Condo AssocialionPlanner: George Ruther MOTION: Brian Doyon SECOND: Doug Cahill VOTE: 4-1 (Schofield opposed) APPROVED WITH 1 GONDITION: 1. That the applicant submits a revised parking level plan to the Community Development Department illustrating the removal of the nineteen (19) spaces and the crealion of the common storage area, prior to the applicalion for a building permit. 4. A request for a minor subdivision, to allow for the division of a tracl of land into two lots, and a request for a rezoning from Residential Cluster District to Two-Family PrimaryiSecondary Residential District, localed al 1552 Matterhom CircleiSW % of Section 12, Township 5 South, Range 8'1/ West of the 6th Principle Meridian. Applicant: David G. HilbPlanner: Bill Gibson TABLED UNTIL DECEMBER 11,2OOO 5. A requesl for a worksession to amend ihe zoning regulations to allow for the creation of a new zone district, the Housing Zone District. Applicant: Town of VailPlanner: Allison Ochs WORKSESSION - NO VOTE 6. A request for a recommendation to lhe Town Council for the adoption of two view conidors within Lionshead, as identified within the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan. View Conidor 1 is located approximately at the main pedestrian exit looking southwest lowards the Gondola lift line. View Corridor 2 is located approximately from the pedestrian plaza at the east end of the Lifthouse Lodge looking south up the Gondola lift line. A more specific legal description of the two view conidors is on file at the Community Development Department. Applicant: Town of VailPlanner: Allison Ochs MOTION: John Schofield SECOND: Doug Cahill VOTE: 5-0 RECOMMENDATION OF APPROVAL TO TOWN COUNCILWITH 1 CONDITION: 1. That consideration be given to Lionshead Cenler on lhe east side of View Corridor#2 with regards to future development 7. A requesi for a minor subdivision, to allow for the vacation of lot lines, located at2475 Garmisch/Lots 1-4, Block H, Vail das Schone Filing 2. Applicant: Town of Vail, represented by Nina TimmPlanner: Allison Ochs )\ TABLED UNTIL NOVEMBER 27, 2OOO a.a 8. A request for a minor subdivision, to allow for the creation of two lracts, located at 1778 Vail" Ygtley Dfive / a currently unpiatted tract of land within Section 9, Township 5 South, Range 80 Wesi of the 6rn P.M. directly north of Lot 3, Sunburst Filing 3 within the Vail Golf CourJe. Applicant: Vail Junior Hockey Association, Vail Recreation District, Town of VailPlanner: Brent Wilson TABLED UNTIL NOVEMBER 27, 2OOO 9. A request for a final review of a minor subdivision, to allow for the reconfiguration and replatting of two existing lots and the rezoning of Lois 15 & 16 from Agricullure Open Space and Primary/Secondary Residential to Natural Area Preservation and Primary/Secondarv Residential, located at 3886/3896 Lupine Drive/Lots 15 & 16, Bighom 2^d Addition. Applicant: Wilson Family Trust, represented by Jay Tschimel First Land Development, LLCPlanner: George Ruther TABLED UNTIL NOVEMBER 27, 2OOO 10. A request for a site coverage variance (Section 12-7A-9) Vail Town Code and setback variance (12-74-6), Vail Town Code, to allow for a new front entry to the Mountain Haus, located at 292 E. Meadow Drive/Lot 5, Part of Tract B, Vail Mllage 1" Filing. Applicant: Mounlain Haus, represented by Fritzlen Pierce ArchitectsPlanner: Bill Gibson TABLED UNTIL NOVEMBER 27, 2OOO '11. Approval of October 23, 2000 minutes 12. Information Uodate The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular office hours in the project planner's office located at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. Please c,all 479-2138 for information. Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification. Please call479-2356, Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information. Community Development Department TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Department of Community Development November 13, 2000 A request for a minor subdivision to allow for the relocation of the common lot line, located at 363 and 383 Beaver Dam Road, Lots 2 & 3, Block 3, VailVillage 3'o Filing. John L. Tyler Jr., represented by Braun and Associates Ann Kjerulf Applicant: Planner: DESCRIPTION OF REQUEST This request involves the minor subdivision or resubdivision of Lols 2 and 3, Block 3, Vail Village 3d Filing to allow for the relocation of a common lot line. In addition, the applicant is requesling that a note establishing a "no build" zone on the existing (1994) plat be removed. Pursuant to the Vail Town Code, 13-2-2 (E), a minor subdivision is defined as follows: "Minor subdivision" shall mean any subdivision containing not more than four (4) lots fronting on an existing street, not involving any new street or road or the ertension of Municipal facilities and not adversely affecting the development of the remainder of the parcel or adjoining property." Currently, Lot 3 is .548 acres (23,870 s.f.) in size and Lot 2 is .4084 acres (17,790 s.f.). The relocation of the common lot line approximately 60 feet to the west would result in lhe area of Lot 3 being reduced to 15,950 s.f ., a difference of -7920 s.f., and the area of Lot 2 being increased to 25,710 s.f ., a difference of +7920. The proposed plat is compliant with current zoning and suMivision regulations concerning lol area, frontage, and site dimensions and would not result in any non-conformities with respect to the existing buildings on each lot. The second component of the applicant's request involves the removal of a'NO BUILD' zone and corresponding plat note. Correspondingly, the applicant has proposed that the existing plal note be replaced with the following lext: "Prior to construction on these properties, all applicable development permits shall be obtained from the Town of Vail and if applicable, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers". The applicant believes that further development of Lots 2 and 3 should be allowed to occur through cooperation with both the Town of Vail and the Army Corps of Engineers as has been lhe case with neighboring properties. II. BACKGROUND Lots 2 and 3 were originally platted in Eagle County in 1965 and were incorporated into the Town of Vail in 1966. In 1977, the lols came under the designation of the'Primary Secondary" zone district. In '1994, the PEC approved a request for a minor suMivision by the owner of Lols 2 and 3 lo relocate the common lot line 30 feet to the easl thereby reducing the size of Lot 2 and increasing the size of Lot 3. Upon the recommendation of Town of Vail staff, the PEC approved a "NO BUILD" zone designation on the plat: "The'NO BUILD' zone defines the limits of jurisdictionalwetlands with a 10 foot buffer. This zone is a result of a wetlands analysis by Dames & Moore dated may 27, 1994, file:28127-001-050. No development is allowed in this zone." The imposition of such a reslriction is unusual because the Town of Vail has no codified regulations concerning wetlands. Coincidentally, this type of plat restriction has not been required on any neighboring properties. The protection of wetlands and regulation of development impacls upon wetlands falls under the jurisdiction ol the U.S. Army Corps ol Engineers. In fact, where development has occurred on neighboring properties, the U.S. Army Corps has allowed wetlands to be impacted to varying degrees. The existing plat note does not allow the owner of Lots 2 and 3 to work with the Army Corps during the developmenl process and as such, does not give him the same opportunity thal has been afforded lo neighboring property owners. III. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Community Development Department recommends approval of the proposed minor subdivision subject to the following findings: 1. That the applicalion is in compliance with the intent and purposes of the Subdivision Regulations, the Zoning Ordinance and other pertinent regulations lhat the Planning and Environmental Commission deems applicable. 2. That the application is appropriate in regard to Town policies relating to subdivision control, densities proposed, regulations, ordinances and resolutions and other applicable documenls, environmental integrity and compatibility with lhe surrounding land uses and other applicable documents, and etfecls on the aesthetics of the Town. tv.ZONING ANALYSIS Zoning: Primary Secondary (No change in zoning is proposed). Standard Currentlv Allowable Existinq Proposed Allowable Lot Size Lot 2 Lot 3 Density Lol2 Lot 3 GRFA Lot 2 Lot 3 Site Coverage Lot 2 Lot 3 2 dwelling units 1 type ll EHU. 2 dwelling units 1 type ll EHU. 4,879 s.f. 5,487 s.f. 3,558 s.f. 4,774 s.l. 1 dwelling unit 1 dwelling unit 2,597 s.f. 1,750 s.f. 1,393 s.f. 1 ,183 s.f. 2 dwelling units 1 type ll EHU" 2 dwelling units 1 type ll EHU. 5,671 s.f. 4,695 s.f. 5,142 s.f. 3,190 s.f. 17,790 s.f. 25,710 s.f. (+7,920 sf) 23,870 s.l. 15,950 s.f. (-7,920 sf) V. *not included as a dwelling unit for the purpose of calculating density and a conditional use subject to approval by the PEC MINOR SUBDIVISION REVIEW CRITERIA One basic premise of subdivision regulations is that ihe minimum standards for the creation of a new lot must be met. The first set of review criteria to be considered pertaln to lot area and site dimensions as specified in the Zoning Regulalions, 12- 6I)-5: A. Lot Area The Town of Vail Municipal Code requires that the minimum lot or site area for a property located within the Primary/Secondary Residential zone district be 15,000 square feel of buildable area. The Municipal Code defines 'buildable area'as any site, lot, parcel or any porlion lhereof, which does not contain designated floodplain, red hazard avalanche, or areas in excess of 40% slope. Both proposed Lots 2 and 3 meet the minimum lot size requirements. B. Fronlaoe The Town of Vail Municipal Code requires that any lot in the Primary/Secondary Residential zone district have a minimum frontage of 30 leet. Both Lot 2 and lot 3, as proposed, would meet the minimum lot frontage requirement of 30 feet. C. Site Dimensions The Town of Vail Municipal Code requires that each site be of a size and shape capable of enclosing a square area, 80 feet on each side, within its boundaries. The applicanl's proposed resubdivision will create lots of a size and shape that satisfy this requirement. The second set of review criteria to be considered with a minor subdivislon request is as outlined in the Subdivision Regulations, 13-&4, and is as follows: "The burden of proot shall rest with the applicant to show that the application is in mmpliance with the intent and purposes of this Chapter, the zoning Ordinance and other pertinent regulations that the Planning and Enironmental Commission deems applicable....The Planning and EnvironmentalCommission shall review the application and consider its appropriateness in regard to Town policies relating to subdivision nntrol, densities proposed, regulations, ordinances and resolutions and other applicable documents, environmental integrity and compatibility with the sunounding landuses and other applicable documents, effects on the aesthetics of the Town." The purpose section of Title 13, Subdivision Regulations, is intended to insure that subdivision is promoting the health, safety and welfare of the community. The subdivision purpose statements from 13-1-2 (C) are as follows: 1. "To inform each subdivider of the standards and criteria by which development proposals will be evaluated and to provide information as to the We and extent of improvements required." Staff Resoonse: One purpose of suMivision regulations, and any development control, is to establish basic ground rules which the staff, the PEC, the applicant and the community can follow in the public review process. This application has been submitted according to the requirements of Chapter 13, Subdivision Regulalions. 2. "To provide for the subdivision of property in the future without conflict with development on adjacent land." Staff Resoonse: The proposed plat does not create any conflict with development on adjacent land. 3. "To protect and conserue the value of land throughout the Municipality aN the value of buildings and improvements on the land." Staff Response: Since there are no changes to land condilions or development standards proposed, staff believes this proposal will not be detrimentalto the value of land throughout Vail, nor will it be detrimental to the value of land in the immediate area. 4. "To ensure that subdivision of property is in compliance with the Town's zoning ordinances, to achieve a harmonious, convenient, workable relationship among land uses, consistent with Town development objectives." Staff Resoonse: Staff believes the proposed plat will not preclude a harmonious, convenient and workable relationship anong land uses consistent with the Town's development objectives. 5."To guide public and private policy and action in order to provide adequate and efticie nt transportation, water, sewage, schools, parks, playgrounds, recreation, and other public requirements and facilities and generally to provide that public tacilities will have sufficient capacity to serve the proposed subdivision." Staff Resoonse: This purpose statemenl is intended primarily to address large-scale subdivisions as opposed to this particular proposal. Staff does nol believe that this proposal will impacl any of the aforementioned facilities. "To provide for acturate legal desciptions of newly subdivided land and to establish reasonable and desirable construction design standards and procedures." Statf Resoonse: This goal of the subdivision regulations will not be impacted by the proposed plat. 'To prevent the pollution of air, streams and ponds, to assure adequacy of drainage facilities, to saleguard the water table and to encourage the wise use and management of natural resources throughout the Town in order to preserue the integrity, stability, and beauty of the community and the value of the land." Statf Resoonse: Since this proposaldoes not involve any construction or development, it will have no immediate impact on these issues. In the event that development is lo occur in the future on either Lot 2 or Lot 3, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers would be consulted with respect to the impacts and mitigation of existing wetlands. 6. 7. ! lr 1 I IL ll illn ,lll u !t llll !!!! ! I lf ti I l tttiitrI ii ti tr i-l rl iltLr iilfi,lj|l ,lll I t!I ll :llll ' iirlu {tll ,lll Ir!:! I 1I I 'I- -i.rrF,, , ...- It ItIt ,lll II ffi${" ilil ,lll il*o t I ,lll : i{rrt 'il$ ill ffifir oz I Eox F 685filcl>o..r 9sa12crF*!{E f:=rdE{.ari 36HE"iX BEE EAqa=F{> I lr.oo =7:/9U)F Etr (r, f:lE rii i r0\ h li! !t0! ---i i, -,4 -.,-or.J *ol':hnul ),.zsr @@-wr-(fr'92SLWL6*ror*t/l,&ftt&6'd o I g,qynR.AtutN ASSoclAl-lES, llNC. PLANNING and COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT October 16, 2000 George Ruther Chief of Ptanning Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Re: Minor Subdivision Lots 2 and3,Block 3, Vait Village 3'd Filing Dear George: Included with this letter is an application for a minor subdivision to relocate the common lot line between lots 2 and 3 and to remove a note from the current plat establishing a "no build zone." Summary of Request Iots 2 and 3 are currently zoned Two-Family Primary Secondary Residential which requires a minimum lot area of 14,000 sq. ft. Lot 2 is cunently 17 ,790 sq. ft. and Lot 3 is currently 23,870 sq. ft. The owner would like to move the common lot line between Lots 2 and 3 approximately 70' to the west making Lot 3 15,000 sq. ft. and Lot 226,660 sq. ft. in size. The owner is also requesting that the "no build zone" designation be removed from the plat. Background on Lots 2 and 3 In 1994 the owner of these lots applied to have the common lot line between Lots 2 and 3 moved to the east from its original location. As part of that application and approval process, the Town staff proposed and the Planning and Environmental Commission approved a "no build zone" designation on the plat in order to protect a wetland area on the site. This was an unprecedented action by the Town in order to protect a wetland area. The Town Code does not contain regulations protecting wetland areas and therefore relies upon the Army Corps of Engineers to regulate these areas. Any impacts to wetlands must be approved by the Army Corps pursuant to its regulations. Army Corps regulations provide a variety of alternatives for permitting development that impacts wetlands, most notably Nationwide Permit # 29 allows for up to one{uarter acre impact to wetlands on residential lots. The application of a "no build zone" by the Town effectively denies the owner of these lots the right to pursue mitigation altematives provided in the Army Corps' regulations, an opportunity that has been afforded to all other properties in this neighborhood. Edwards Village Center Suite C-209 0 | 05 Edwards Village Boulevard Pod Offlce Box 2658 Edwards, Colorado 8 1 632 Ph. - 970.976.7575 Fax - 970.925.7576 wwwbraunassocrates.com The wetland areas on these lots have been characterized by biologists as low quality and therefore would likely be allowed to be impacted by development. Development on other lots in this neighborhood has been allowed to remove or impact wetland areas. Lot 4, located directly south of the subject lots, was allowed to encroach upon this same wetland area. Additionally, Lot I of Block 4 was also allowed to remove a portion of the wetland areas on-site to accommodate development. There are many other examples throughout the Town where wetland areas have been allowed to be encroached upon based on Army Corps regulations. Therefore, tbe owner is requesting that the "no build zone" designation be removed from the plat and that the owner be allowed to work directly with the Army Corps with regard to wetland issues. This action would be more consistent with Town policy than the current plat restriction. Zoning Analysis GRFA The proposed re-subdivision complies with all of the Town of Vail zoning standards. The GRFA that is cunently allowed on l,ot 2 is 4,879 sq. ft. and Lot 3 is 5,487 sq. ft. The GRFA based on the proposed plat is: Lot 2 at 5,766 sq. ft. and Lot 3 at 4,600 sq. ft. The existing homes on Lots 2 and 3 contain 2,597 sq. ft. and 1,750 sq. ft. of GRFA, respectively. Buildable Area The proposed buildable area for [,ot 2 is approximately 25,505 sq. ft. and for Lot 3 is approximately 14,325 sq. ft. 80' x 80' Square and Minimum Frontage Both lots comply with the 80' x 80' square provision as well as the minimum lot frontage requirerrent. We believe you will find this application complies with all of the criteria necessary for the Planning and Environmental Commission to grant approval. We have included 4 redline versions of the proposed plat. We will provide a final revised plat and Mylars prior to the PEC review. If you have any questions, please feel free contact me at926-7575. Lots 2 and 3, Block 3, Vail Village 3 Braun Associates. Inc. Filing Page 2 of 2 I the Planning Staff at 479-2138 APPLICATION FOR PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION APPROVAL GENERAL INFORMATION This application is for any project requiring approval by the Planning and Environmental Commission. For specific information, see the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. The application can not be accepted until all required information is submitted. The prgect may also need to be rorievtred by the Town Council and/or the Design Review Board. A. TYPE OF APPLICATION: o Questions? Cal n Bed and BreaKastn Conditional Use Permittr Major or I tttinor SubdivisionB Rezoning - n Sign Variancetr Special Dwelopment Districttr Major or tr Minor Amendment to SDD B.DESCRIffiONOFTHEREQUEST: flA,rnar 6,bdrw,L {c flrug t.t lrn<- o{ ^^'la Bui l.{ :.-.62. tr tr U tr tr tr Employee Housing Unit ffype: Major or tr Minor Exterior Alteration (Vail Village) Major or Minor Exterior Alteration (Lionshead) Variance Zoning Code Amendment Amendment to an Approved Development Plan c. D. E. F. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL:LOT: ? *3 BLOCK: 3 ,,rr*6. y.; I fi llale 3d. PHYSICAL ADDRESS:*46-< I%.ter LL"'^- PARCEL #:(Contact Eagle Co. Assessors Office at 970-328-86'{0 for parcel #) ZoNING: Plt, NAMEOFOWNER(S): MAILING ADDRESS: PHONE: G. H.NAME OFAPPUCANT: MAIUNG ADDRESS: FEE: 5ee submittal rquirements for aryropriate fee PLEASE IUBMIT THIS APPLICATION, ALL SUBMITTAT REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMEilT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, VArL, COLORADO 81657. PHONE: ?26:7 s75. ocT-12-@A g5:44 PFt MSI ,trT-le-&d 17t6 FR0!,ffiO,s€oclflrEs 9?a9e61l?E ilJ;IH'P,i&,lG Qu.tthnt? Oli o1 q66ry E111 .t,flg.Zlig APFI]!CAIIO]{_IoI puilt{-rilc Ar{D Et{VrRorrtrlilTtlcor|iltsstol rpprovrr #fffiffi#ffi EmCsyE? r.toutno unr! Oyil! I 1Hrt"fl6,""" e.ur6r r' rffi-' f,qor q ttror E .tris Anartin (tronJrcnd) Vlrlrnct ZOnlne Ccdc Amcndmcrt Arrndnrart b en Appfot ad Ordoprnfrt Flrn A. TypE OF lppr.FqnOil: H Etd |ls 8.!116rr: cfidtuon JWtmttH HgffiN"'*rsubdrttong lbn,rofrncH t_Htd ocvebEflft ots!rt.?u Mt or or tr u.rpremendrnrnt to sOD tr o tr tr tr tr 0Escn|nloiloFTHEREqlESfl P. A2 c. D. E, e H. M[4FO! fi rutG ourilo, M'IESAFH.rcArr: l{ l|No L- Lla tl- FlfiE:.Ea.fsl6. FEE fu t/Arrudrq.rl6/rtt:'E f,r.pq,lfu ta ttr il glHtTTtn 'ro-nEnridrffifi ft ni$S,#,?l1ffi yJl#:#H: 7r nt ?n rrorrres RdD; yfur iiilbifr,io-r-irTi. --'", I{EAIfOII OF PROFOTAL: (Gortcr Ergtc 6, Agcrors Off* * 97}gll.t6.0 lb 9.Ed t) '*r-*r'----- rY..-ErLt]u!, !1,. o t<ut uyHnt_ e HrbI.EIAlE CblcrpTtdc&nmuC@nry ALTA COMMITMENT r,o.646 P.2 ()trorrlcrNo- V:170{01 Curt f,nf.:SchddcA rtpef Adtusr LOIE 2 AIID 3, lIOCtr 3, VAIL Vll.AG, II|IRD Ftr.N$O l. 2. n+cttvoDca Argut2ll, 2(E0 rr S;00 l-lt. FolLt io br Iq end Progccl lrurd: 'ALTA' O*ac,r Hicy lHn _n P4Docldl!ffi& cARl@{r4. IIIAU,I 3. De db c ttc||t b tlt hDd dalbql c rrfhnrt lo ia rb Co@ot rcn oII,1 lrib tr. ' AReSh![o 4. Ihb !o ftt *rr r Inrrc finGd hrd! f, A & cfitdrc ddc lrrlof rU.d bt 'OE{ L I"IJR, AI\IDJUIJA AII}I TruR AS q1-EBSTATE Alt DESEIre IN DBEDffiffi^"imft i*'ri"rii&ie'il"pAcE;;;D;bi.TcolonADoroNr 5- Ihchlddarr,l ro Intlb Cmr1mr b dccrlbd u lolmrl . I.ofS 2 AND 3, +l RBlillEDlVrslnx nE I rvr.e a r r -sffi ft"rffi ffffffimffi ffiJffi i,,rffi ffi ffi .ffi**, rs.646 P.3..r-t.L1.4/ta 5:*tt't _ l(rt Hil{rc & NOCIATES - ALTA COYMITMENT lldrtulcB-Scaiocl oR.oqdrut.ntd Thr follwlry erc tfc nqpttorDts b Dc mp[€d uith OrrOrdcrNo. V?040t IE (d Socut b c ftr tg rEe@ of tb 3nlbcr or Ecgqtst of & fttl cooCrbirn 16 6i crar ctuffibbelrcd" IEI-O)PIQDEhsu -(r)"rattng6ocroncbn$rtbbc llrurEd@rtbscraoedudihfyfib6turccotrbsiE . XaP G) Pryet of dt tats, CDrpr orurcsucm lflled e.l awd.gi*t [! suticcrg6ls€ n6i6 rtr dncrdpeylbla tm (Q aeeut rtgiaoctA if art dtedorad bdory i EVIDE{CB SAfiSFASTORY TO TIIE COIdIA!rY TITAT TIIB IERI[I', CONDIIIONS AIIDPROVTIIOI{S OF THE TOWN OI VAIL TR,AT{S:FER TAX IIA\IB BEEN-SMWrc. .WANRANTY DqD TROM JOHN L TYI,XR A!i!D JUIJT A}IN TTITB.TS TO A UFA BSf,ATB ASDBSCT.IBED INDBED RBCOADED DECBMBER?, I99f D{ IOOr 65S AT FA@ E5 AirD-- -- EDT. A COIONADO TODIT VETTTJtrE A8 TO A RIiMN}IDBN. 1ENEOF M CTNTMI U. 1TTANCO}TI'EYINO SI,BIECT PROPEBTT. NOTR IIAD DOG{'rdErrrrfi'ST M E,GfiTTD BY JOIIN L TYI$, AS JOTNI VBtnJnln, O;ED& A COmnADO JOINT VE{TUR8, A8 DTSCLCNED rV .lrrorvn nrconoro wq-95IN EOOK 66i /tI EAOts3io. ilorr: rraes l-3 oF rE dmAi ExcEsrlor{s s4lr EB DEITTED rRoM rrr.ow*ER sPOLI T UKN RBC@r OF AN AFIROI'ED SNVNV. MATIERT| DISCrc6 Er SAID.SURYSTMAY BSADDED TO SCEEilIIA 8.2 HBREOF. uPoN rEBl$rnrorrAl. oF THE coupAriry ero tnp nscsnt ot ANorARrz@ F0{AL uB{AlFDAvrr' IIEI{ No. 4 oF fiB G{RrtL EKcBp'no{s WILL BB AldEt{DD AsFOIIQNN: ITzu-NO. 4-OFIIIB.GNEN.ALErcEPIIONS IS DELETED AS rc ANYIJBTS ORFT'TT,RBIJBNS nBIil'UNNO BRO' WOTR OR, MATERHL FURMSIIED AT THF REqI'BSf OF IOHN LTYI.ERA{D JUIJaaNN TYTJRAS ro A IJF! ESTATE /{s DBSCRIEED IN-DEED NEOORDED DECBMBBR U', 199{ IN EOOr 6$ AT PACE B9 E\TD DDr', E COION.IOOJONT vEt{lIrRElrS m A RBMA!{DER IHEREOF. CHICAGO 1TIII INST'nANCB COMP.AI{Y SHAI.i HAVB NO TJAEIITTT FCIRANY IjBNSARISINC FSOM WMT OT, IdAIEN,IAL FURI{ISHED AT TITE REQI'EST Or CANrrNg U. TTIAIN. NOIE TNEM 5 OF IITE CENENAL SXCESNONS WILL gE DELETED IF I.AND IilLB Lots 2 and 3, Block 3, Vail Village 3d Filing Adjacent Property Owner List HERMAN. MICHAEL E. & KAREN M..JT 6201 WARD PKWY KANSAS CITY, MO,64113 bvens LrvrNG TRUsr NANCY R. BYERS TRUSTEE 352 A BEAVER DAN CIR vAtL, co, 81657 brrceou, PANAYES J. 1615 CALIFORNIA ST 707 DENVER, CO,80202 I DE VEER, ROBERT KIPP, JR & MABY L. - JT 8 EASTWIND HfLTON HEAD, SC, 29928-5227 I bcxwnRrznErcH, sTEVEN & ELATNE -JT 1O CLOCKTOWER LN OLD WESTBURY, NY, 11568 httvtsxttttC 28OO SAND HILL RD 2OO MENLO PARK, CA,94025 1 OKI, SCOTT D. & LAURIE B. 4315 HUNTS POINT RD BELLEVUE, WA,98004 I 354 BEAVER DAM ROAD PARTNERS % T. O'MALLEY, ARGUS INVESTMENTS INC 72 CUMINGS POINT RD STAMFORD, CT,06902 l KOENIG, HOWARD 7 BREAKERS ISLE DANA POINT, CA,92629 I POCH, KATHRYN C. 152 CANFIELD DR STANFORD, CT,06902 llil RECEIPT_ Thc TovnofVdl llji nrcrvsornou .z rl RECEIPT- Thc Ton "fvdt// l/ rDArE /1'/'/U .2oU)- Ng 51938/ .'/ 11 T.DDRESS ll rl ! ll Ptrmit Numbers- O1 Police ReceifA|.,lumben-.-.............- ll "o* PAtD-cash-c'"rk:25n By tfv It Town of Vall Ilcprilment of Communlly D,evelopment 75 S. Frontage Road Vall. CO 81057 Receipt No. DrEJ!-tJ/LJ-AtL make checks payable to the TowN oF vAlL Account No.Item No.Code #CoBt Each Total 001 0000 3141110 Zonins and Addrees Mape 7A $s.00 001 0000 3141112 Uniform Buildins Code - 1997 - Volume 1&2 CB $50.9s 001 0000 314 1112 Untform Buildinq Code - 1997 - Volume 3 $60.65 001 0000 3't41112 Intemational Plumt*ng Code - 1997 CB $36.00 001 0000 3141112 lntemational M€chanical Code - 1998 CB $35.00 001 0000 314',t112 Uniform Mechanical Code -l996 $35.60 001 0000 314 't 112 Uniform Fire Code CB $36.00 001 0000 314 1112 National Eloc'trical Cod€CB $42.60 001 0000 314 1't12 Abatement of Danoerous Bldo.'s 1997 $9.95 001 0000 314 11't2 Modd EnerEy Code - 1995 $10.00. 001 0000 314 1112 AnahBie of Revieions to 1gg7 Uniform codes s't2.7s 001 0000 314 1112 Other Code Books CB 001 0000 314 1211 Blue P rlntg/lilVar Copy Fees BF $7.00 001 0000 314 1 1 11 Xerox Copies XC s0,25 001 0000 314 1't 11 Lionshead Master Plan ($1.80r$1 .60)MS $40.00 001 0000 3141't11 Studies. Magter Plans, etc.MS 001 0000 315 3000 Penalty Feeo/Re-lnsp€ctions PN 001 0000 311 2300 Plan Review Re-check Fee ($40/per hou0 PF 001 0000 315 2000 OIT Hour8 Inspection Fees OH 001 0000 312 3000 Contractors License Fees 001 (X)00 312 4@0 Slsn Application Fee SP $20.00 001 0000 312 'f000 Addfiond Sign Application Fee SP 001 00003112200 D€elon Rwiew Board Fee (Prs-paid)DR 001 0000 315 3000 Bulldino lnvdtisdon Fee PN 001 0000 240 3300 Dqr€loDar lmDrov{|rant Aoresment Ocpostt Dz-OEPI 0 AD 001 0000 312 1000 Rdtaurant Licenge fee (TOV)RL 001 00002302000 Spec. Aseess.-Restaurant Fee to Co.Dept.Rev.SA '001 0000 201 1000 Taxable O .1.5% (Stalel - Tax Dayable TP '001 0000 310 1100 Tuable O rt.0% {Town) - Retall Salec Tax T7 Other/Misc. -MS 001 0000 311 2500 PEC APPUGATION FEES 001 0000 311 2500 Addfional GRFA -'250"PV $200.00 001 0000 311 2500 Conditonal Us6 Permit PV $200.00 001 0000 311 2500 E$edor Afteration - Leee than 100 sq. fr PV $200.00 001 0000 311 2500 Exterlor Alteralion - More than 100 sq. ft.PV s500.00 001 0000 311 2500 Special Darolopment Diatrict - NEW PV $1.500.00 001 0000 311 2500 Special Dcvelopment Dietric't - Maior Amend PV $1.000.00 001 0000 311 2500 Special Dwelopment District - Minor Amend PV s200.00 001 0000 311 2500 Subdivision F€€s PV aq).@<_ 001 0000 311 2500 Variance PV $2s0.00 001 0000 311 2500 Zoning Code Amendmenb PV $250.00 Re-Zonins PV s200.00 (x)l 0000 319 3100 Greenstar Program Other -MS TOTAL: Comm€nb: 3, ' ,/) 4 4 t tLL'l 4-a- F/<-l&t<t<--t-r^ Carh_ MoneyOder#Recefved -;fu,Check # I F JEvr.yone/Foms/Sdeacl.m /+L-- o6/082(m ,., , Tom of Uai iiIT CIETOER RETEIPT rrr I)flTE: l$/17l00 0l REEEIPI: 0lSSt3 ___DEtiuPII0{ oTY ffiu{r Tp m _pEc, llnll$fct FEE I €se.fi iPU tXBffiIf{ ASOCIATES IB{D€R DEIAILq{ ?579 |e5e.e0 i8ift 1,9il1* IIr€: 13116:57.* sfin{T TilrEnEo ias6:ii IISI{ YIITJ Ft]R YilN PflYI€}{TI 354 BEAVER DAM ROAD PAFTNERS 7O T-. O'MALLEY, ARGUS INVESTMENTS INC 72 CUMINGS POINT BD STAMFORD, CT,06902 gYFRs LtvtNG rRusr I1N9Y R. BYERS TRUSTEE 3.q2 A _BEAVER DAN CtRvAlL, co, 91657 KOENIG, HOWARD 7 BREAKERS ISLE DANA POINT, CA,92629 DIKEOU, PANAYES J. 1615 CALIFORNIA ST 707 DENVER, CO,80202 Post Ofi€c Bo>( 2658 Edmrdr Colorado 81632 BAI/BMUN ASSOCIATES, INC. PLANNING .nd COMMUNTTY DEVELOpMENT DE VEER, ROBERT KIPP, JR & MARY L. - JT 8 EASTWIND HTLTON HEAD, SC, 29928-5227 SCHWARTZREICH, STEVEN & ELAINE.JT 1O CLOCKTOWER LN OLD WESTBURY, NY, 11568 RIMSKIINC 28OO SAND HILL RD 2OO MENLO PARK, CA,94025 OKI, SCOTT D. & LAURIE B. 4315 HUNTS POINT RD BELLEVUE, WA, 98004 HERMAN, MICHAEL E. & KAREN M..JT 6201 WARD PKWY KANSAS CITY, MO, 641 13 HIS ITEM MAY AFFECT YOUR PRO PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 12-3-6 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on November 13, 2000, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. In consideralion of: A request for a variance from Section 12-84-5 of the Vail Town Code ("Lot Area and Siie Dimensions") and a request for a minor subdivision, to allow for the creation of two legally platted 'Agriculture & Open Space" zoned tracts of land, located at 615 Forest Road / a cunently unplatted tract of land located in the North % of Section 7, Township 5 South, Range 80 West of thd 6th P-M. Applicant: The Vail CorporationPlanner: Brent Wilson A request for a minor subdivision to allow for the relocation of the common lot line, located at 363 and 383 Beaver Dam Road, Lots 2 & 3, Block 3, Vail Village 3'o Filing. c PERTY Applicant: Planner: A request for a final review for a minor subdivision, to allow for the reconfiguration and replatting of two existing lots and the rezoning of Lots 15 & 16 from Agriculture Open Space and Primary/Secondary Residential to Natural Area Preservation and Primary/Secondary Residential, located at 3886/3896 Lupine Drive/Lots 15 & 16, Bighom 2no Addition. Applicant: Wilson Family Trust, represented by Jay Tschimer, First Land Development, LLCPlanner: George Ruther A request for a minor amendment to an approved development plan (SDD #35), to allow for a reduction in the number of parking spaces (and the conversion of these spaces into common storage) at the Austria Haus parking garage, located al242 Easl Meadow Drive/A part of Tract C, VailVillage 1s Filing. Applicant: Austria Haus Condo AssociationPlanner: George Ruther A request for a minor subdivision, to allow for ihe creation of two tracts, located at 1778 Vail Valley Drive /^a cunently unplatted tract of land within Section 9, Township 5 South, Range 80 West of the 6"' P.M. directly north of Lot 3, Sunburst Filing 3 within the Vail Golf Course. Applicant: Vail Junior Hockey Association, Vail Recreation District, Town of VailPlanner: Brent Wilson A request for a minor subdivision, to allow for the vacation of lot lines, located at Lots 1-4, Block H, Vail das Schone Filing 2. Applicant: Town of Vail, represented by Nina TimmPlannen Allison Ochs A request for a minor subdivision, to allow for the division of a tract of land into two lots, and a request for a rezoning from Residential Cluster District to Two-Family Primary/Secondary Residential District, located at 1552 Matterhorn Circle/SW % of Section 12, Township 5 South, t, Range 81, West of the 6th Principle Meridian. ., , ,,1 2, I t *t<ange 61, West ot the 6"' Pnnciple Meridian. .,, ,rL -, t d " , Appricanr: David G. Hlb t f y:J'tii lro lrcPlanner: BillGibson ,fui*) ( .. ,'.Hd/ 7F'' John L. TylerJr., represented by Braun and Associates Ann Kjerulf A requesl for a site coverage variance (Section 12-7A-9) and setback variance (12-74-6), Vail Town Code, to allow for a new front entry to the Mountain Haus, located al292 E. Meadow Drive/Lot 5, Part of Tract B, Vail Village 1' Filing. Applicant: Mountain Haus, represented by Fritzlen Pierce ArchitectsPlanner Bill Gibson A request for a recommendation to the Town Council for the adoption of two view conidors within Lionshead, as ideniified within the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan. View Conidor 1 is located approximalely at lhe main pedestrian exit looking southwest towards the Gondola lift fine. View Corridor 2 is located approximately from the pedestrian plaza at the east end of the Lifthouse Lodge looking south up the Gondola lift line. A more specific legal description of the lwo view conidors is on file at the Community Development Department. Applicant: Town of VailPlanner: Allison Ochs A request for a worksession lo amend the zoning regulations to allow for the creation of a new zone district, the Housing Zone District. Applicant: Town of VailPianner: Allison Ochs ,:r A request for a work session to discuss the establishment of a Special Development District and a conditional use permit to allow for the construction of a new conference facility/hotel/fractional fee unit club and Type lll employee housing units at 13 Vail Road / Lot A, B, C, Block 2, Vail Village Filing 2. Applicant Doramar Holels, represented by the Daymer Corporaiion Planner: Brent Wilson The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular office hours in the project planne/s office, localed at the Town of Vail Gommunity Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. The public is invited lo attend project orientation and the site visits that precede the public hearing in the Town of Vail Community Development Department. Pfease call 479-2138 for informalion. Sign language interpretation available upon requesl with 24 hour notification. Please @ll 479- 2356, Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for informalion. Community Development Department Published October 27, 2000 in the Vail Trail. Er -*um 11 : 34 FHil: wlt{flArEs PmpoeodPhlNorc: Prior to cousEucthr oo lhcss trrpstiee, dl rpplicablc derclopfltent p@riu chrll bc obtri&d &rqn du Town of Vril rnd, if applicablo, lho U.S, Aruy Corpe of Engineert' .4L I ll- r !ir t, s7ffi67578 jnae;e+= P.@'& 4- .4L. wT -&-wE 11 : s FRo'l: RFtbl(}mIATEs * 1t*r*4*.97effi7576 FAI INAil'TI''IOTI P.SBL/ZEE 'o ft^n. FAI#r 4- l,€* a^e En t",* f',r s rvlr- 'ear@' a,+l La b 51-* rtthy I* kl"lLottJe {*Sjn"{re- lsntfoil' T4r-!t -.Jr'' - Dhcr od It you horr tror rrcdrrd c[ pogrs or tnrc cny poblonl rrltlr tfih trnmrldco OCIATES nrNNnG rtd Cofl'l|\llTY OE\r€I-OPFICNT ^Frotr fA.,*in C_. DArEs U-+24 . RB llbfl-#. nltw*'L, (iffhdct fhll cerr ftrcf) gONEilTS Edrr6v{rfe cgta; grilc C-209 OlO5 Edfi&\rbca Salcrrtd Fod Ollpe 8cl( 2658 Ed,nnd* Cclqdo tl63ll P;n--.r'p9jrf,7s75 Frx-YlO'1u;,S75 rrvv*br4tr-odda*rom 'f TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJEGT: MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commisslon Gommunity Development Department February 14, 1994 A request for a minor subdivision located at 363 Beaver Dam Road and 383 Beaver Dam Circle/Lots 2 & 3, Block 3, VailVillage 3rd Filing. Applicant: Planner: John Tyler/John Tyler, Jr./Robert Tyler Mike Mollica r. pEscRrPTloN oF THE REOUEST The applicants are proposing a minor subdivision in order to relocate a common property line between Lots 2 and 3, Block 3, Vail Village 3rd Filing. The applicants proposs to relocate the property line 30 feet to the easl, thereby reducing the size of Lot 2 and increasing the size ol Lot 3. Both Lots 2 and 3 are zoned Primary/Secondary Residential, which requires a minimum lot size of 15,000 square leet of buildable area. By shifting the common property line 30 feet to the east, Lot 2 would be decreased by approximately 3,979 square leet. Cunently, Lot 2 consisls of 21,767 square feet. Wth this minor subdivision, Lot 2 would be reduced lo 17,788 squar€ feet. Conversely, Lot 3 cunently consists of 19,894 square leet. This minor subdivision would increase he size of Lot 3 to a totaf of 23,873 square feet. In order to accomplish the proposed minor subdivision, the applicants have located the proposed lot line in such a manner that each new lot would meet the minimum lol size requiremenb in the Primary/Secondary Residential zons district (15,000 square feet of buildable lot area). Additionally, the proposed minor subdivision would not create a nonconlorming situation, with regard to building setback requirements, site coverage, GRFA or numbers of units, for the existing development on each lot. The net result of thls mlnor subdlvlslon ls that there would be a reductlon of 397 squaro feet of GRFA for Lot 2' and an lncrease of 397 square leet of GRFA avallable to Lot 3. No additlonal unlts are requ$ted. II. BACKGROUND AND HISTORY The subdivision plat creating Lots 2 and 3, Block 3, Vail Village 3rd Filing was approved by the Eagle County Board of County Commissioners in 1965. The Beaver Dam, Forest Road, and Rockledge Road neighborhood was part of the original 'Town of Vail" when incorporated in 1966 and was zoned'Residential" when the Town established its first comprehensive zoning regulations in 1969. The allowed uses within the Residentialzone district included single family dr,vellings and two family dwellings. lt was not until 1977, that the Town a' amended the zoning regulations to create the Primary/Secondary Residential zone district. lt was at this time that all of the lots along Beaver Dam Road, Beaver Dam Circle, Forest Road and Rockledge Road were zoned Primary/Secondary Residential. III. ZONING ANALYSIS Site Coverage: 4,353 sq. ft. Units: GRFA: Units: GRFA: Allowed 2 5,277 sq.ft. Allowed 2 5,090 sq. ft. Lot 2 Existinq 1 2,597 sq. ft, 1,393 sq. ft. Lot 3 Existino 1 1,725 sq. ft. 1,183 sq. ft. Proposed 2 4,880 sq. ft. 3,558 sq. ft. Prooosed 2 5,487 sq. ft. 4,774 sq. ft. 'g!@9. 0 -397 sq. ft. -795 sq. ft. *D,lfference' 0 +397 sq. ft. +795 sq. ft.Site Goverage: 3,979 sq. ft. * Ditference = Proposed - Allowed IV. MINOR SUBDIVISION CRITERIA One of the basic premises of subdivision regulations is that minimum standards for a new lot must be met. These standards typically Oeatwim minimum lot size, lot configuration, etc. As " r"iul, these standards establisli the iirst set ol review criteria to be considered with this application: A. Lot Area The Town of Vail Municipal Code requires that the minimum lot or site area for a property located within the Primary/Secondary Residentialzone.district be 15'000 sqiareieet ol buildable area. The Municipal Code defines "buildable area" as any iite, lot, parcel or any portion thereof, which does not contain designated floodplain, , red-hazard avalanche,'or areas in €xcess ol 4C'h slope. Both proposed Lots 2 and 3 meet the minimum lot size requiremenls and will be verified by the applicant's surveyor beforo th€ minor subdivision plat is signed by the Town' 2. The recommendations section of the wetlands analysis states that "such development Should, however, leave a butfer of vegetation between the wetlands and disturbed areas to protect the wetlands from degradation that could be caused lrom excavation or increased erosion from adjacent areas." Further discussions with Loren Hettinger, SeniOr Ecologist with Dames and Moore, revealed that the wefands assessm€nt was conducted in a very conservative manner, given the snow depth on the property at ths time the analysis was completed. Mr. Hettinger felt that his "conservative assessment" has produced a mapped wellands which is most likely a larger area then would be iOEniitied for this site without snow cover. Additionally, Mr. Hettinger indicated that this "buffer of vegetation" should be approximately 10 feet on either side of he mapped wetlands area. The staff and the applicant both agree that an 3d!I!!.@l wetlands analysis should be conducted in the late spring or early summer, when lhere is no snow on th€ ground' The applicant also agrees that they would not have the final plat signed and recorded until such time as tlris additional environmental study can be completed, Once completed, the applicant agrees to designate a'no build" area on the final plat to furth'er ensure thai no development would occur in the wetlands and wetlands buffer areas of the site. To provide for the subdivision of property in the future without conflict with development on adjacent land. Staff Resoonse: While Lots 2 and 3 were originally platted in 1965, prior to incorporation into the Town of Vail, Town zoning has guided development in this area for the past tvventy yoars. The proposal's compliance with the current development standards implies consistency with ihe'Town's overall development objectives. The proposed "no build" locations create buffers which will limit impacts on the site's identified wetlands. To protect and conserve the valu€ ol land throughout the municipality and tha value of buildings and improvements on the land. Staff Resoonse: The value ol a lot, and to a greater extent tho value of a neighborhood, is in large part dependent on the level and type of development within it. Staff believes that this pr6posal's compliance with the cunent development standards, as well as the 'no build' restrictions for buitding locations, demonstrate that this proposal will not be detrimental to the value of land throughout the Town, nor in the immediate neighborhood. 3. 4 B. Frontaqe The Vail MunicipalCode requires that any lot, in the Primary/Secondary Flesidential zone district, have a minimum lrontage of 30 feet. Both of the proposed Lots 2 and 3 would be able to meet the minimum lot frontage requirement of 30 feet. C. Site Dimensions The Vail Municipal Code requires that each site be of a size and shape capable of enclosing a square area, 80 feet on each side, within its boundaries. The applicant's proposed resubdivision will create lots of a size and shape which meet the 80 square foot regulation. The second set of criteria to be considered wilh a minor subdivision request are outlined in Section 17.16.1 1 0 of the Vail Subdivision Regulations, and are as follows: "The burden of proof shall rest with the applicant to show that the application is in compliance with the intent and purposes of this chapter, the zoning ordinance, and other pertinent regulations that the PEC deems applicable. Due consideration shall be given to the recommendations by public agencies, utility companies and other agencies consulted under Section 17.16.090. The PEC shall review lhe application and consider its appropriateness in regard to Town policies relating to subdivision control, densities proposed, regulations, ordinances and resolutions and other applicable documenls, eflects on the aesthetics of the Town, environmental integrity and compatibility with surrounding uses." Some of the key aspects of the above statement refer to "compliance with the intent and purposes of this chapter..., ... environmental integrity and compatibility with sunounding land uses," etc. The applicant has addressed the environmental integrity issues in a wetlands analysis, completed by Dames and Moore (January 21 , 1994). Overall, the purpose section is intended to insure that a subdivision is promoting the health, satety and welfare of the community. The subdivision purpose statements are as follows: 1. To inform each subdivider of the standards and criteria by which development and proposals will be evaluated and to provide information as to the type and exlent of improvements required. Staff Response: One ol the underlying puposes of subdivision regulations, as well as any development control, is to establish basic ground rules with which the staff, lhe PEC, applicants, and the community know will be followed in the public review process. During the staff's analysis of the applicanfs proposed minor suMivision, the staff identified a potential wetlands area that straddles the common boundary between Lots 2 and 3. Because of this factor, the stalf requested that the applicant complete a wetlands analysis which would specifically identify and map the wetlands area. This wellands analysis is attached to this memorandum for the PEC'S information' 4.To insure fiat subdivision of propefi is in compliance with the Town's zoning ordinance, to achieve a harmonious, convenient, workable relationship among land uses, consistent with municipal development objectives. Stafl does not believe that platted building envelopes are necessary on these lots, as we feel that ths existing setback regulations, the required review of future development by the Design Reviiw Board, and the "no build" wetland area, provide ample environmental protection. Staff Response: Both ol fire proposed lots comply with the Town's zoning ordinance and are additionally restricted in such a manner ("no build" areas) that subsequent develOpment will achieve a harmonious, convenient, workable relationship among land uses, consistent with municipal development objectives. Statf does not believe that platted building envelopes aro necessary on these lots, as we feel thal the existing setback regulations, coupled with tre 'no build" wetland area, provides ample environmental protection. To guide public and private policy and action in order to provide adequate and efficient fansportation, water, sewage, schools, parks, playgrounds, recreational and other public requirements and facilities and generally to provide that public facilities will have sufficient capacity to serve the proposed subdivision. Staff Resoonse: This purpose of the subdivision regulations is intended primarily to address large scale subdivisions as opposed to this particular proposal under consideration. We do not believe that this proposal will impact any of the above facilities. To provide for accurate legal descriptions of newly subdivided land and to establish reasonabls and desirable construction design standards and procedures. Staff Resoonse: This is an inherent goal of the subdivision regulations that has little specific reference to this particular application. To prevent the pollution of air, streams, and ponds, to assure adequacy of drainage facilities, to safeguard the water table and to encourage the wise use and management of natural resources throughout the municipality in order to preserve the integrity' stability, and beauty of the community and the value of the land. Staff Resoonse: The staff feels comfortable with the applicant's proposal to review the wetlands areas of ths site, once the propefi is free from snow. The identified wetland area would tren be protected by the use of a "no build' area which would be designated on the final plat. This "no build" area would also include the 10-foot buffer on both the east and west sides of the wetland boundary. ThE staff believes that these development 5. 6. 7. limitations would adequately mitigate the initial concerns that stafl raised regarding the wetlands on the property. V. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Ths staff is rscommending approval ol tho applicant's reguest for a minor suMivision. We believe that the applicant has met the review criteria as outlined in Section lll of this memorandum. The statf recommendation for approval canies with it the following conditions: 1. That prior to the Town's signature on the final plat, that the minimum lot size requirements for both Lots 2 and 3 be verified by a registered surveyor' 2. That prior to the Town's signature on the final plat, that an updated environmental assessmenl be conducted and that said assessment shall occur on the site when it is free of snow, and that the "no build" area identified on the plat reflect that of the wetlands area and the 1o-foot buffer on both the east and west sides of the wetland boundary. lf the wetlands area is greater than indicated on the cunent Dames and Moore map, the project would be required to return to the PEC for reconsideration. clpecvn.m6\M.r21,1 I I25 SEVENTEENTH STREET, SUITE I2OO, DEIIWER, COLORADO 80202.2027 (303) 294-9t00 FA* (303) 299-790r January 21,1994 Community Development Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Attn: Ms. Shelley Mellow Re: Wetland Analysis - Tyler-Minor Properties, Lot 2 and T-ot 3 363 Beaver Dam Road and 383 Beaver Dam Circle Vail Village Dear Ms. Mellow: The above-referenced property was inspected on wetlands occur on the site. This inspection was I t^ ^---*G. I lArrDo ,S- [nr\r\DEIY |.\J \-' I\ T.i I:ngenwalter. This analysis must be considered preliminary because of snow, which covered most understory vegetation. Therefore, shrubs were used to indicate potential wetland areas on the properties. The results of the field inspection are provided in the attached letter report. Please contact me at L-299-7836 if you have questions on the information provided herein. Sincerely, cc: I. L. Tyler D. Peel LRlf:ncar t:\'rl\rylcNrtrol Rts0 JAN 2 [$e[ File: 02442-050 January 19, 1994, to determine whether conducted with David Peel of Peel and Enclosure OFFICES WORLDU/ITJE PRELIMINARY WETLAND ASSESSMENT TYLER.MINOR PROPERTIES Field Inspection Results The Tyler-N{inor properties that are adjacent to Beaver Dam Road in Vail, Colorado, were inspected on January L9, 1994, to determine if wetlands occur on the sites, and to indicate the approximate extent of wetlands. Because of extensive snow cover, exact locations of wetland boundaries could not be determined. However, the presence of wetlands were indicated by plant species that were evident, and usually occur in wet areas. It appears that water crosses the property from south to north in conjunction with drainage from Beaver Dam Road. This area is marked by a stand of willows (Salix spp.) that vary in width from 15 to 30 feet. Several reiosier dogwood (Comus stolonifera) and alder (Alnus tenuifulia) shrubs occur near the road, and along with tall larkspur @elphininn barbeyil also indicate wetland conditions in this area of the property. Blue spruce (Picea pungens) are scattered between the two properties, as well as near the lromes, and vary in diameter at breast height (DBH) from approximately 6 to 18 inches. Recommendations The location of the willow-dominated wetland is shown on the attached map and occurs on the property line between the two lots. Moving the property line to the east would not affect the wetlands, and a different setback-development plan could be developed on both properties if so desired without affecting the rvetlands. Such development should, however, leave a buffer of vegetation between the wetlands and disturbed areas to protect the wetlands from degradation that could be caused from excavation or increased erosion from adjacent areas. i$.\\t$$ I I Platc l. Looking cast across willorv-dorninated area along propcrty linc. .i,t. q! :i',,1 I']latc 2. Looking south along propcrty line. Although scattered ncar thc bluc spruce trec, thc rvillows primarily occur along the propcrty linc. \ t...-o-- I-"i I L-'1 I folI io il1+;- = +lt- lll o/,' !I o aEAVER Dlx clRcLE asc l -+<'j7---,.' i z(. --'/'/u ---f^) IfLU,,..,.r ,. i t.'4-a.. - ) lii$ ,7o { ,1l I \ \i) \ \l1 o .t' 2 : ,i -^/ gF ae 3?v h t'll I I I f/ ,./ / ..'.\.i ,t6l'Y t L{I oc SgavEN OAx Ctrc!! a !c'l t'; ...-!:{'-; 1// I I t t ,l I i _d i It l. a tIi rl I:l 3I'at I \ i I., Ir +z<-t -ba \ta z, ID €eG ,9._ t\to oq \ Dtz -2 I'D iet't ,"t t.o 1..-.: i l'._rl i 4-..)r I'-1t I125 SEVENTEENTH STREET, SUITE 1200, DENVER, COLORADO 80,02-2027 (303) 294-9100 FAX: (303) 299-7901 May 27,1994 IvIr. Mke lvlellica Community Development Town of Vail 75 SouthFrontageRoad Vail, CO 81657 RE: Wetland Analysis - Tylcr-Mhor Properties, I-ots? & 3, 363 Beaver Dam Road and 383 Beaver Dam Circle, Vail Village. }JlA'f 10\' c0\l\l{\' DE\l' 0[?1' Frle: 28127-001-050 DearMr. lvdlica: A summer wetland sunrey was conducted on the above referenced property on lvlay 19, l994,to update the preliminary survey that was conducted in January ofthis year . Three copies ofthe report documenting the results ofthe survey are enclosed for your review. Please contact me at (303)299-7836 ifyou have questions on this report. Sincerely, LH:mdh P:\tylerklcu.lb CC: T. Tyler - I D. Peel - 2 OFFICES VORLDWII)E VYnTT,exI DELINEATION Tvlpn-Mnron Pnopnnrrps VHt,, Cor,oneoo BACKGROITNI) The Tyler-Mrnr properties that are adjacent to Beaver Dam Circle in Vail" Colorado (Lots 2 and 3) were initially inspected on lanuary 19, 1994, to daerming on a preliminary basis, the ortent of wetlands. A report on this field inspection was sent to Ms. Shelley Mellow at the Town of Vail, Community Development on January 21, 1994. Additional data was obtained on the properties on May 19, 1994, to supplement the preliminary assessment and to more definitively locate the wetland boundaries using U.S. Amry Corps of Engineers (COE, 1984 guidelines. Data was obtained on plant species, soils, and hydrology, and waland-upland bourdaries were marked with *rvey flagging and wooden stakes. The percent cover of each plant species was estimated and the change in the species from wetland to non-wetland was noted. Soils data was then obtained including color (Munsell Color Chart), mineral verses organic compositioq and relative moisture content. Hydrologic observations included widence of past sr&ce flow, aswdl as presence or absence of zubsurface water in tle soils. The wetlands area was also located on plat maps of the properties. RESI'LTS Vegetation and soils that are indicative of wetland conditions were observed between the two properties (Figure l.). This wetland area is dominated by shrub vegetation ofwillow (,Sallx planifoliQ, honeysuckle (Lonicera monowii), and bog birch (Beula glandtlosa), with scattered Colorado blue spruce (Picea ptngens) (Table 1). Prominent under story species include larlspur (Delphiniun fubeyi), horsetail (Eryisetum (IlWpochaete) hyemalis), cow parsnip (Heracleum splnndylium), wintergreen (Pyrola asuifolia) and sedge (Cr* spp.). Except for larkspur, cow parsnip, and wintergreeq these species are either obligate or facultative to wetland conditions (Reed 1988). Soils also indicate that wetland conditions are pronounced in this area" and although mineral, contain a high proportion of organic matter, were mois! and generally a dark grey or black color (Table 1). In several instances, the soil profile contained mottles (Table 1, Site 7) which indicates a fluctuating water table. Non-wetland sites on the property (e.g., Site 2) are dominated by bluegrass (Pu spp.), wild strawberry (Fragaria ovalis), Wood's Rose (Rosawodsii), dandelion (Truaam fficioruIe'), and currant (Ribes spp.). Soils were mineral, moderately well drained and of a dark reddish brown color (Munsell color 5 YR 3/2). Photos of the area investigated are provided inPlates I. and2. TTIIR\Rr 0527194 (l23tFlP Teble 1. Plent Species Composition (prcsent cover) end Soil Color of Wetlend Aree Srmple Sites WcthndIndhrtbnr Facultative Facultative ldeadow rue Facultative Facultative wet Facultativc Facrltative aleriana occideirtalis Facultative Facultative Wood's rose Sedgp (Cacx spp.) Obligatirrc -Facultative wet Facultative wct Facultative wet 5YR2^, sYR 3t2,Dark reddish brom matrix with 5YR 5/6, 5YR4l2,Da*rcddish gr€y matixd5YR5E, ! Catagories followReed (1988): Obligate = Almost always occr.us in wetlands (90%) Facultative Wet = Usually occrus in wetlands (67-99%) Facultative = Equally lilcely to occur in uplands or wetlands Facultative Upland = Uzually occurs in uplands TYLER\RI 0527D1 (r2:4{)!mlP soILcol,oR CONCI,USIONS/RECOMMENDAIIONS Based on the characteristics observed in the field, jurisdictional wetlands occur between the two properties from south to nortll and along the north and south property boundaries (Figure l.). These wetlands have developed in conjunction with zurface and subsurface water flows that are channeled across from Beaver Dam Road onto the property. The wetlands area varies in width (east to west) from approximately 16 to 65 feet along the property boundary, and extend to the north approximately 88 feet along this line (Figure 1.). A nanow band, approximately 10 feet wide, also ortends east along Beaver Dam Road" probably in response to runofffrom the paved surbce. Wetlands ortend along the northern boundary of the properties @igure l.). Dweloprnent should not be planned for the area that has been delineated as jurisdictiond wetlands, so that a Section 404 (Clean Water Act) permit is not required. It[oreover, a l0-foot buffer should be maintained between dwelopment and wetlands to minimize any impacts, such as sedimentation from excavation activities to enter into the wetland area. REFERENCES CITED U.S. Army Corps ofEngineers (COE). 1987. Corps of Engineers wetland delineation manual. Waterways Experiment Statioq COE, Vicksburg MS. Tech Rpt. Y-87-1. Reed, P. B., Ir. 1988. National list of plant species that occur in wetlands: National summary. National Wetlands Inventory, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. U.S. Department of the Interior. Biol Rpt 88(24), Research and Development Washingtoq D.C. TrLER\RI 0t/27l9a (l23tpmlP -of 5 ;., N Ec(u cf) aFtoJ ir -A6.e PEdg 6o- =bglrtsCE := 5 EEp fiF o6'F E*$, '.... ." lr:i:i::;I -cLoz ..o 7- I te,.Y'. .1 l.; ",i:i Plate l. Wetland vegetation of willow and bog birch with blue spruce. Plate 2. Wetland GiCht) - upland (left) boundary on Tyler - Minor property. riL[ f;ffPy Allison Lassoe said that the decks over Garfinkle's were a problem. She stated that the addition lacked coherency. Dalton Williams stated he was concerned with the overhang on the north side and thal he would like to see these overhangs stepped back. He said that a one story addition on the lower level could work and would look better in terms of mass. He said that he was not in favor of the small deck. He did not want to see the wall jut out. He said that adding a deck on top of Garfinkle's does make sense. Kathy Langenwalter stated that she was concerned with the north elevation. She said that the decks need lo be more compatible with the existing building. She stated that the proposed additional mass and bulk at that height is not appropriate. Bill Pierce stated that he would discuss different options with the applicant and get with staff. A request for a minor subdivision located at t-ots 2 & 3, Block 3, VailVillage 3rd 7. Kathy Langenwalter stepped down from the PEC due to a conllict of inlerest, and Greg Amsden was chairperson for this item. Mike Mollica made a presentation per the staff memo. He stated that staff believes this request meets the purpose section of the Subdivision Regulations. He said that staff recommended approval of this request for a minor subdivision with the two conditions ouflined on Page 6 of the staff memo. Mike stated that by going through this minor subdivision process that a nonconlorming situation would not be created. Don Byers, an adjacent property owner, stated that he supported this request for a minor exterior alteration. Diana Donovan made a motion to approve the minor subdivision per the staff memo with the two conditions of approval as recommended by staff. Dalton Williams seconded the motion and a 6-0-1. vote approved this item. A request for a minor exterior alteration and a sile coverage variance to allow for an enclosed trash and grease dumpster at the southwest corner of the Gore Creek Plaza Building, specifically located at'193 Gore Creek Drive/Part of Block 5-8, VailVillage 1st Filing. Applicant: Planner: Applicant: Planners: John Tyler/John Tyler, Jr./Robert Tyler Mike Mollica Charles Rosenquist, represented by Kevin Clair and Tom Armstrong Randy Stouder Hrming md Enyhonm€ntal Commisliol F.brurry 14, lo94 13 #F Deurs & Moonp 1125 SEVENTEENTH STREET, SUITE I2OO, DENVER, COLORADO 802U2.2027 (303) 294-9100 FAX: (303) 299-7901 January 21,1994 Community Development Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Attn: Ms. Shelley Mellow Re: Wetland Analysis - Tller-Minor Properties, Lot 2 and Lot 3 363 Beaver Dam Road and 383 Beaver Dam Circle Vail Village Dear Ms. Mellow: The above-referenced prcperty was inspected on January 19, 1994, to determine whether wetlands occur on the site. This inspection was conducted with David Peel of Peel and I:ngenwalter. This analysis must be considered preliminary because of snow, which covered most understory vegetation. Therefore, shrubs were used to indicate potential wetland areas on the properties. The results of the field inspection are provided in the attached letter report. Please contact me at l-299-7836 if you have questions on the information provided herein. Sincerely, I. L. Tyler D. Peel LnH:Dco p: kriltytrrurtol. s$D JAN 2 4-$e+ File: 02442-050 Enclosure OFFICES V/ORLDVIDE + Deuns & Moonn PRELIMINARY WETLAND ASSESSMENT TYLER-MINOR PROPERTIES Field Inspection Results The Tyler-Minor properties that are adjacent to Beaver Dam Road in Vail, Colorado, were inspected on January 19, 1994, to determine if wetlands occur on the sites, and to indicate the approximate extent of wetlands. Because of extensive snow cover, exact locations of wetland boundaries could not be determined. However, the presence of wetlands were indicated by plant species that were evident, and usually occur in wet areas. It appears that water crosses the property from south to north in conjunction with drainage from Beaver Dam Road. This area is marked by a sknd of willows (Salix spp.) that vary in width from 15 to 30 feet. Several redosier dogwood (Cornus stolonifera) and alder (Alnus tenuifolia) shrubs occur near the road, and along with tall larkspur (Delphinium barbeyi) also indicate wetland conditions in this area of the property. Blue spruce (Picea pungens) are scattered between the two properties, as well as near the homes, and vary in diameter at breast height (DBH) from approximately 6 to 18 inches. Recommendations The location of the willow-dominated wetland is shown on the attached map and occurs on the property line between the two lots. Moving the property line to the east would not affect the wetlands, and a different setback-development plan could be developed on both properties if so desired without affecting the wetlands. Such development should, however, leave a buffer of vegetation between the wetlands and disturbed areas to protect the wetlands from degradation that could be caused from excavation or increased erosion from adiacent areas. Plate 1. Looking east across willow-dominated area along property line. Plate 2. Looking south along property line. Although scattered near the blue spruce tree, the willows primarily occur along the property line. f(iL r, ,"...,r t g lgg( 8E^VER Olx CIRC!€ ( 30'l fl?tritlrlfrl c t tS: i \I. t*Zr i?v \ \It:t 1 ? t t6,Y T t t II \o jr- \'..'\'i$\ \ + lJ|| Iq EEAVER OAI{ CTRCL€ ( !c l -' / -lr 8 IIr I rtrliit:it .. t ) : gi 'l.t :,1' { Itl TN>(i:tz(-t \n€6D IE z.6 t \ .tl-e' /; -.-ti, /1 i5 I ,l lo o +r l -L ilia) , \l1;9-4,eog- \D€.b D :zL!rbo h TOIdN NF?VHIL COM-DEV I D :303-479 -2452 300.176.1506 voll, co 0165C FEB 07 o '94 13 :58 No .005 P.01 2588 ororo drlw poildflobor l?0ll Dotor From FAX Nurnb*, 303'f 76'1506 Cotnpont t, t0d t(r9.SIiJII I H"JdV dll rvtlNJgNv r/ Voot t',tloqc 3''d Add'nq'r LotJ,6'ccF3 t\ ( Rocrrir.,<r\ r:(l( !i.(\.r\\ , ,^/^/-vw'_-!_\ r-{Jd dabt 9l,F t"0u ' ddt oL r0-du-ttiti t 'rJ'- TObIN OF VHIL CIJI'I-DEV FEB 13:59 No .005 P.0207'94 v AIL , H3 (JeulcE.n q FoY'l JoHll [. TlflEllTo]lll oF v IAlg[su KilOt AIL ltttt bY lhcsl Prmrntr l JoHil'[, TYLEi'('Grrntors), for lon. doilars t$10'00] l4,9S"I^to91-lll,ttl::ll? iliiJiiing'"t;tiilriiii il,"i.'iiiei'ti iiiuiti in tire county of Erslc' strir of 3, drrntm shrlt 'ln{rnnlfv lntl hold thr !rrn131 |rlllig tq-*f ::1.:11crrrii rol'ili,ill.!"ii'rilii'lfii''pniiJnii'i"op"rii'l rnc t{flg:l-&ltl^:fl::*^lt ;llffi'' il ltilfid; iiiil iii'"Q ;i iU. ifi:liittl.*t nl:r::o,":l':::::::'r *' ffi;iil # ;il ;?:fi1 ii,Siii"Iii*.v lllltl ftlc..t'tli'lh-Illr|l.3uch drnases' tf trtxr r!r I lnicnnlf icrt'lon rhrl I iiuiiu bt-thi ncii{irnn ol thc.6r"inton' .suchfnlurlir. 0r dcrth lro crusrd by thl nSlllgrncr or EnG srcnEer' "uErlilii"iiiii.iirii-iiirir-tiliil; ih-iir[-or'Iironctng sald clalnrr Insluclns,but 4ot lirltrd to, rugonlble attornryf ftfr. 3. Gnntrt rhrll rt rll t{ner mrlntrln thr publlc.nordwry locrtrd 0n tht ....irntfi-ifi;iiiiiilio-iipii'i.-iilie-;;id'dtitrattleconr-tructrdofrndthrll br na'lntrlnrC of mphrlt nltrnlrl, ' od IA '{Cl sd d $H di> -l-2 IE ilul !H 9r Fg )tffi-.nt f,t !|B til t{lTllEss I{HERE0F, Grpton.hil srUrrd bU-drYof M, thttl Prcrrnts 1990. to bc duly uscutrd on thlr ) ,DI ...'. stc3r I HOSY d3r1vr.1N39NV1/''r33d l ' a.e/qt 9/r c0E . tlr0-e0-tE6 r0?r0l Fnc6u7'; Golorrdo: t lriprturt ucluqlvo'lrqm?nt.nnd rlsht of'rrv cn.!ltr! P?It!$ of thr Brnntorro lrliiiiJ iiriii rs'nt iiiiii-iro-uJstg-nrtrd on Exhlblt A attachrd hrrrto for tJ|o Eiiiiiiltiiri,'nainirnriii,"riiirr,-riioni{ructiol olo a roed rlsht'cf*trv ?or thr urc ;i.'ilili;i;i'd'-IilTil;ii ;u6ii;: rccgptinii.of thts rrrrmnl bl thr t|rrntcr rhr|l iiniiifiii ili agrcimrnt rnil'conmnt rr followri l. At ruch ttn.r rnd ln thr.rvlnt thrt thr rrurucng lr $rlCoirl ?f I!. longar urcd by thr errn3.rf irrlil-crliniii'i,itiiriiii ii-ttri ugorrrnt rhrll lmrdlrtrlv lliifl"ti"inilj-irririiit"i'"..iJ,r-'ritli-ttii servlrnt 6rtrb cf tho grrntoF. 5. lt lr undlnrtood bY the Prrtlrs rurnrnt rry br urrd by the Grantor for thrt the sgutrr footrgr tho crlculrtlon o? gril locrtrd il{thln thrrrrldrntlrl flccr oF VAII., r Colorrdo ilunlctPrl TOIJN OF VHIL COM-DEV 03-479-2452 9lt aa. aal\. l,-a-ye tr- b.r .iltt' dtl.e..r, t U3r-lYt1N3DNVl/'133d erlb 9lt' C0C tn ' z o tSAtE Or 60l,0l^Do gouirr ol IAGLt Harai i\r+ a Utir-tllll sr33rl Hctt{ )) cr. ) ) ) ) ct srAtB 0l €olotaDo couilrr or licrr lhc foregolng lnr 4tlOO4 S-Ee4 r'-gl9 Oat/el/9o tet+ic hmh A Bnilfriltr, ilohry ftrttfcilr commlrhn ultar An D, l9lt iaa'-rTac'fiorlilvitrrfi ilro-ltntt- ..i nc rrr rchncvlrdtcd brfctr !r thttilflddt ol r leeo at ffi#,[,Tulkt , .T Ds re-er. h-a, . .a..t.r. H.F | | tA r 0l l0-20-t861 t' 00d t00 FEB '94 13 : 59 N0 .005 P . 03CI7 o rclnotrlrdsrc brtcre ulc rlrlt -.,1fllouy of I ' Leso b!:-gfuil-t. *?M!- .a for thr Toro of Vrll. PBgOFS Thr torqcfir3 lu.trulGnt lnrtruDcnc TO|JJN VNIL COM-DEU ID:3t13-479-2452 'l .-. *lqt's &!eil. *lClI&'!101" "''i.ffrr$l|U rt, r. tdth. ac|ufialarlt Drl ,0d [ 00 ' , | ., rr....,. r.. a sJc3rlHclY d3r-]vl'1N30NY-l/-133d ?l9b 9lt c0E UF FEB 07'94 14:gg No .005 P.04 nI a0t oi$ nnt fr,* ol lat lr.ftodt't'. vrll vUl.t lirlr! tfllntr rofod&|| tc t,|r r'D , ttrrrrcf nec0r4 -ln tlr olttcr ct tlrr lrllr 0arltt. coLraaor |lrrt m6 llrrnr{utr dororllrl il follilri { . r ddd,;- il U:. rrrl*ly -llirr. cf 'rrtl hl I rilrrnorrrtr i*nii:'ril .rt{ lat t b.rst |ltrOOlqFr t?.tt. trrtl. 9rlotrthi rcrtf,nrlrrlr s6*nli "e .rrtl tet t b.r;r'dtrl]q rell i..rlrrly ' l&irr. l|l9rggtoorlf !t!o60 & r4-r:-t- | l-- rtlllAaraaj l/ ll t-t. rL-.- ta th. rc|tLmalrrlt Dmc "!il .da le,t t b.rrr llt'Ooro'l l?.lt trrtl- tlr$rtrrllrr *ll iorrrly 'l&ir. l0tr0Orootf !t!.60 lertr thrnr'- rlrprL[q' rrtl. r tirll ltr|o, l'lflcratrt ta.ll l.rtl, thrrro E !'sarltrt'tt.lf '.rt_ tc q4-lff?.tlt rlrtrr. atD-|9'll'l la.t! ratlIru|sft Uar cf rdl .lcl..lr.tlnrrrr t*trutt tllrooroq{. t$. Lrtlntt ti Ure -fqrr fielltlo .tpr| .t b.rdr 6 t4r nrtirif llnr ct|rld lor t t lDt lll,6r00rf (r.o lrnlnrl. -!A ltotr r,l|.Lft rftollltElttt t?:0t l0-20-t56[ V' r|'roobgt, fi?dl-farltY,|f,.J .ni.d lOt2/P DATE RECEIVED BY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT APPLICATION FOR MINOB SUBDIVISION REVIEW CHAPTER 17.20 VAIL MUNICIPAL CODE (4 OR FEWER LOTS) (please print or type) A.APPLICANT JOHN L. TYLBR, JOHN L. TYLER, JR. AND ROBERT L. TYLER 2552 E. Alaneda. MAILING ADDRESS #37, Denver, C0 8020opHONE 3O3-32L-O29L PROPERW OWNER JOHN L. TYLER, JOHN L. TYLER, JR. AND ROBERT L. TYLER OWNER'S SIGNATURE MAILING ADDRESS Applicant address above.pHONE Applicant above. c.LOCATION OF PROPOSAL (street address)363 Beaver Dan Rd. and 383 Beaver Dan Cir. LOTS 2 and 3 BLOCK SUBD1V1SION Vail Village 3rd Filing D. E. FEE $2s0.;), o,, M %',flT"r=u r--153t, ^uTheYirst step is to request a meeting with the zoning administrator to assist the applicant in meeting the submittal requirements and to give the proposal a preliminary review. F. SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS 1. The applicant shall submit three copies, two of which must be mylars, of the proposal following the requirements for a final plat below. Certain of these requirements may be waived by the zoning administrator and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission if determined not applicable to the project. 2. A list of all adjacent property owners (including those behind and across the strse| WITH COMPLETE ADDRESSES shall also be submitted. ln addltlon, submlt addressed, stamped envelopes tor each of the above. 3. Title Report verifying ownership and easements. (Schedules A & B) 4. An environmental impact report may be required as stipulated under Chapter 18.56 ot the zoning code. 5. FINAL PI.AT - REQUIREMENTS AND PROCEDURE: (Some of these requirements may be waived.) a. The subdivider shall submit four copies of the final plat, two of which shall be mylars, twelve copies of the final EIR (if required) and any adclitional material as required below. Wittlin thirty days of receiving the complele and correct submittal for a final plat, the zoning administrator shall cause a copy of a notice of the time, place and general nature of the hearing and proposal to be published in a newspaper of general circulation in the Town of Vail at least fifteen days prior to said hearing. Also, adjacent property owners to the proposed subdivision shall be notified in writing at least seven days prior to the public hearing. |nld rotcl DA.IE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NECEIVED BY DEPARTMENT APPLICATION FOR MINOR SUBDIVISIOH REVIEW cHApTEn 17.20 vAlL trluNlclPAt COOE (4 oR FEWEF LorS) (please prlnt or type) A.AppLtCANT .loHN L- TYLER, JOHI{ L.TYI,ER, ..iR. AND ROBERT L. TYLER 2552 E, Alanteda, lrrAlLlNG AUDRESS B.PHOPERTY JOHN L. TYLER, JOHN L. OWNER'S SIGNATU #J7, Denver, C0 80209pHONE 303-321-0291 ANI] ROBNRT L. TTIER { MAILING ADORESS A eant address above.r pHONE AppIir:ant ahove. o.L@ATION OF PROPOSAL (stroet address)363 Eeavel Dsn Rd. and 383 Bea'.'er Dan Clt Lors- 3 3lj_BLocK_l _sueDrvrstoN Vatl \iiLIaBe 3rd Filing D, E. ....\qeg $bso.oo) P^D-A-? a-_cHEcK The'{lrgt step.l! to requsst a meeting wlth the zon F. applicant In meetlng the submlttal requirements end to givo ihe proposal a prBlimlnary rgvlew. SUBMITTAL FEOUIHEMENTS 1. The appllcent shall submit threo copies, two of which rnust bs mytars, of the proposal following the requiremente tor a linal plat betow. CEnaln of these requirumants may be walved by the zonlng adrninlstrator and/or the planning and Environmental Commisslon lf deterrnined not appticable to the project. 2. A liet of all adjacent property owners (hctuding rhose behind and across the street) WITH COMPLETE ADOBESSES shail also be submitted. In addtilon, tubmlt eddressed, $tamped envelopes for eaeh of tho above. 3. Title Fleport vEritying ownorship anct easemenlS. (Schedutes A & B) 4. An environmental lmpact report rnay be requlred as stiputated Undgr Chaptsr.|8.56 of the zonlng code. S. FINAL PI.qT, REQUIBEMENTS ANO PROCEDUFE: (Some of thsse requirements may be watved.) a. The subdlvider shall submlt four coples ot the ftnal plat, two of which shall be mylars, twelve copies of the final EIB iif requir€d) and any a*lltional material as required bolow. Within thirty days of receiving thE complete and conect submlttal lor a llnal plat. lhe zoning qdministrator shall cause a copy ci a notice of the tirne, place and generai naturE of the hearing and prroposal to bo pubiished ln a newspaper of general circulation In ths Town of Vail at teast lifteen days prior to said hcarlng, Alm, adjacenl proporty own€rs to the proposod subdivislon shallbE notlfled h wrltlng at lsast sev€n days prlor to the pubflc hearlng. t( 85 r 60 0e-11-i Fqnr = n 1 srcsrlHSilY U3t'lVl1N39NV-]/-]f3d elgt ert 808 l AOf-l 1-'Jn 1A ' '1 tr Ing administrator to a0d 100 o david mark peel, a.i.a. kathy langenwalter, a.i.a. architecls 2588 arosa drive o.o. box | 202 vail, co 81658 30347 64506 3034764572 lax TYLER MINOR SI'BDTVISION Lots 2 and 3, BLock 3 Vall Vil1-age 3rd Filing The applicantsr onners of Lots 2 and 3, Block 3, Vail Village 3rd Filing (363 Beaver Dan Road and 383 Beaver Dan Circle, respectively), propose a Minor Subdivision to relocate the comon property Line between the tvro lots. The existing property line (S 23"00r00n E, L32.62') is proposed to be Doved 30r-0" to the east, thus decreasing the lot area and Beaver Dan Road front- age of Lot 2 and increasing the lot area and frontage of Lot 3. ,.-oK OK The existing Lot 2 has a 1ot area o ?1,i01 $rt ^ and ^t\y'^exist-ing 0.4 acre (19.894 SF Lot 2 is to 2I ,137'SF of buildable area by subtiaciing the-630- SF of l-ot area over 4F@ Ttre minimum lot size for Primary/Secondary zoning is 15,000 SF of buildable area. The ALLOIIABLE GRFA for the EXISTING 1ot configurations is as follows: GIG/+ 25 SF/100 SF of first 15,000 SF 10 SF/f00 SF of over I5,OOO SF 425 SF/Unit TOTAL ALIOI.'ABLE GRFA 25?',1 { ---(lu,t.z) /rn'-s)-=- ---Ttso sta A-,lso sF " 677 SFl 490 850 SFl 850 5,277 SF/ 5,090 SF f g single fanily resi- to the east decreases the 1ot area of tely 3,979 SF. The revised (2L,767 SF - 3,979 SF) and SF + 3,979 SF). Reducing SF of 402 sLope gives at rhe 630 This is 2,158 SF over the zoning nin- SF ". SFr' The Gro qences and Moving the comon property line Lot 2 and increases the area oflot area of bea the revised area of Lot the buildable area of the r revised buildable lot area of imurn of 15,000 SF. t125 rea GRFA bf the 30r_orl Lot3b at/'t- o The revised ALLOWABLE GRFA will be as follows: 25 SF/IOO SF r0 sF/100 sF 425 SF/Unit first 15,000 SF over 15,000 SF Lot 2 Lot 3 3,750 SF"-- 3,750 SF -of of 279 SFl 850 SF / 887 SF r'- 850 SF ,- TOTAL ALLOWABLE GRFA ASSTJMED EXAMPLE: 4,879 SF,/' 5,487 SF t/ If the existing residences remain intact, Lot 2 will have an additional 2,304 SF (4,879 SF - 2,575 SF existing) of GRFA to use and Lot 3 will have an additional 3,787 SF (5,487 SF - 1,700 SF existing) of GRFA. The square footages will have to be allocated for each 1ot as per the T.O.V. Primary/Secondary zoning regulations, i.e., one unit shall not exceed 4O7. of. the total allowable GRFA, etc. The revised western side setback for the existing building on Lot 2 will be 22.851 (79.85 1 - 27.01 - 30.0t, per survey). The zoning minimun side setback is l5r-0". The Lot 2 frontage on Beaver Dam Road will be approxinately 118.69r. The zoning mininun is 30f-0rr. The revised 1ot will enclose an 80rx 80t square area. Not only will the revised boundaries of Lot 3 provide increased buildable area and a11owable GRFA, but the frontage along Beaver Dam Road will be in- creased by 30t-0tt. This nay provide better site access to the property should the owners decide to expand the existing single farnily to create a ptimary / secondary residence. The existing Beaver Dan Road frontage is already Linited in itts ease of access by the steepness of the road embankrnent where it en- croaches onto the property. (See easenent. granted to T.o.V., EagJ.e Co,42LO84i' 8-524, P-919, 03-21-90. ) Should future development require additional parking, garage space, etc., the existing shared (with Lot 4) access from Beaver Dam Circle may prove liniting because of the location of the existing building i.n relation to the north pro- perty line, the steep road embankment to the south and existing trees that would be advanEageous to save. The subject properties are not Located in a rock fa11, debris flow or avalanche hazard zoae. TYLER MINOR SUBDIVISION Lots 2 and 3, Block 3 Va11 Village 3rd Filing ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS Page I of 2 Lot 7, Bl-ock 2, Vail Village 3rd Filingz (394 Beaver Dam Road) RII.{SKI , INC. 101 California Street, 4550 San Francisco, CA 94111 Lot 8, Block 2, Vail Village 3rd Fil!!lg: (374 Beaver Dan Road) 374 BDR LIMITED PARTNERSHIP OKI, SCOTT D. & LAURIE B. Box 577, Harris Plains Road 4315 Hunts Point. Road Litchfield, CT 06759 Belleview, WA 98004 Lot 9, Block 2, VaiL Village 3rd Filinst (344/354 Beaver Darn Road) BOSSO}J, GARY R. & MARA GRASIS VAIL HOLDINGS, INC. Drawer X Vail , C0 81658 354 BEAVER DAM RD. PARTNERS T. 0'l,ta11ey, Argus Invest., Inc. 72 Cumnings Point Road Stamford, CT 06902 126 East 56th Street New York, NY 10022 I.ot 1. Block 3, Vail Villaee 3rd Filijg: (333 Beaver Dan Road) TYROL-VAIL, LTD. c/o Bolduc Real- Estate Management P.O. Box 5800 Avon, C0 81620 Lot 4 Block 3, Vail Village 3rd Filingz (392 Beaver Dam Circle) MORGAN, ARruTJR A. Diemer, Erwin Co-Trustees 245 Summit Street Toledo, 0H 43603 Lot 5, Block 3, VaiI- Village 3rd Filingz (352 Beaver Dan Circle) MILLER, WARREN A. 424 34Eh Street Manhattan Beach, CA 90266 HICKS, DAVID M. 4705 Ortega Boulevard Jacksonville, FL 32210 MILLER, WARREN A. & LAURIE E. 352-8 Beaver Dam Circle Vail, Colorado 81657 BENSON, BRUCE D. 1560 Broadway 1900 Denver, CO 80202 BYERS, NANCY R. 352-A Beaver Dam Circle Vai1, C0 81657 Lot 6, Block 3, Vail ViLl"age 3rd Filine: (332 Beaver DAm Circle) TTLER MINOR Iote 2 and Vail V SCHMIDIT, 3901 South Englewood, Route 2, Bo Buckhannon, IVISION , Block 3 3rd Filing Vall V WOODS 80110 375-7 2620L AIIJACEIfT PROPERTY O!{NERS Page 2 of 2 THE LIMITED PARTNERSHIP 8853 Klng Highway Mentor, OH IF REQUIRED TOV PLAI{NING DEPART}IEI,IT: Vall V & DIAIIA G. , McBRIDE, et. al. Filin : (401 Beaver Dan Circle) z (42L Beaver Dan Clrcle) : (324 Beaver Dan Road) T?Ltl1 Aorloc\trs 354 BEAVER DAM RD WROL-VAIL, LTD. ARTHUR MORGAN/ERWIN PARTNERS % BOLDUC REAL ESTATE DIEMER T. O'MALLEY, ARGUS MGMT. CO-TRUSTEES INVESTMENTS, INC. P.O. BOX 58OO 245 SUMMIT STREET 72 CUMMINGS POINT ROAD AVON, CO 81620 TOLEDO, OH 43603 STAMFORD, CT 06902 WARREN A. MILLER WARREN AND LAURIE MILLER NANCY BYERS 424 34TH STREET 3s2.BEAVER DAM CIRCLE 352.A BEAVER DAM CIRCLE MANHATTAN BEACH, CA 90266 VAIL, CO 81657 VAIL, CO 81657 DAVID HICKS BRUCE BENSON CAROL WOODS SCHMIDT 4705 ORTEGA BLVD. 1560 BROADWAY, #1900 3901 S. GILPIN JACKSONVILLE, FL 32210 DENVER, CO 80202 ENGLEWOOD, CO 80110 THE INNSTEAD LTD. RIMSKI, INC. 374 BDR LTD. PARTNERSHIP PARTNERSHIP 101 CALIFORNIA STREET, #4550 BOX577, HARRIS PLAINS RD 8853 KING MEMORIAL HWY SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94111 LITCHFIELD, CT 06759 MENTOR, OH 44060 SCOTT AND LAURIE OKI GARY AND MARA BOSSOW VAIL HOLDINGS, INC. 4315 HUNTS POINT RD DRAWER X 126 E.56TH STREET BELLEVIEW, WA 98004 VAIL, CO 81658 NEW YORK, NY 10022 l/ablq4- ocrPcoYrs ,StrF cuur- Qt.'t THIS ITEM MAY EFFECT YOUR PROPERTY PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on February 14, 1994, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. In consideration of: l. A request for a minor subdivision located at 363 Beaver Dam Road and 383 Beaver Dam Circle/Lots 2 & 3, Block 3, Vail Village 3rd Filing. Applicant: John Tyler/John Tyler, Jr./Robert TylerPlanner: Mike Mollica z. A tcqucst lo1 a wul|(sesstolr tor a i djgt \-,\", ti extc||ul d||t ratiu|| d.iru s€rL/d.uN vd.llqllvri to the Lionshead Center Building to allow for the expansion of the Vail Associates offices located at 520 Lionshead MalliLot 5, Block 1, Vail Lionshead 1st Filing. Applicant: Vail Associates, Inc. . Planner: Andy Knudtsen 3. A r€quest for a worksession for a major CCll exterior alteration and setback variance to allow for the expansion of dwelling units at the Lionshead Center Building located at 520 Lionshead Mall, Units 208,209,308 and 309/Lot 5, Block 1, Vail Lionshead 1st Filing. Applicant: Victor Gano Faro, Transcon Investments, Inc., and Jose Luis ChainPlanner: Andy Knudtsen 4. A request for a minor subdivision located at 4316 Streamside Circle WesVLots 2 and 3, Block 4, Bighorn 4th Addition. Applicant: Walter KirschPlanner: Randy Stouder 5. A request for a conditional use to allow for a Type ll Employee Housing Unit to bs located at 1358 Vail Valley Drive/Lot 21 , Block 3, Vail Valley 1st Filing. Applicant Chris KempfPlanner: Randy Stouder 6. A request for a worksession to discuss proposed text amendments to Chapter 18.38, Greenbelt and Natural Open Space District;Chapter 18.32, Agricultural and Open Space District; and Chapter 18.36, Public Use District of the Vail Municipal Code. Applicant Town of VailPlanner: Jim Curnutte 7. A request for a worksession for a major CCI exterior alteration to allow for the redevelopment of the Covered Bridge Building located at227 Bridge Streeulots C and D and a part of Lot B, Block 5-B, VailVillage 1st Filing. Applicant: Hillis of Snowmass, Inc. and East West Partners Planner: Mike Mollica 8. A request for an SDD to allow for the redevelopment of the Cornice Building and a conditional use for the otf-site relocation of three existing employee housing units, located at 362 Vail Valley Drive and more specifically described as follows: . A part of Tract "8" and a part of Mill creek Road, Vail Village, Firsl Filing, County of Eagle, State of Colorado, mole Parlicularly described as follows: Commencino at the Northeast corner of Vail Villaoe. Firsl Filino: thence North 79"46'00'West alono lhe southerly llne ol u.s. Htgnway No. b a orsrance ot .jtj/.uti leet to tne hionheasa corner oi saro lract l, ; thence South 10" t4'00" West along lhe Easlerly line of said Tract "8"; a distance of 1 98.31 feet to the Southeasterly corner of said Tract "B"; thenco North 79"46'00" West along the Southerly line of said Tract "8" a distance of 100.00 feel to the lrue point of beginning thence north 09'10'07'Wesl a distance of 41.67 feet; lhence South 88'27'1 1' West a distance ot 75.21 feet; lhence South 27'13'3T East of dislance of 77.37 feet; rhence North 57"24'00" Easl a distance of 55.1 1 feet, more or less to the true point of beginning. Applicant: David Smith Planner: Jim Curnutte 9. A request to modify the landscaping plan associated with the previously approved exterior alteration proposal for the Slifer Building, 230 Bridge StreeVPart of Lots B and C, Block 5, Vail Village 1st Filing. Applicant: Planner: Rod and Beth Slifer Kristan Pritz 10. A request for a minor subdivision and lo rezone a tract from Primary/Secondary Residential to Low Density Multi-Family, located at 2850 Kinnickinnick Road/more specitically described as follows: A oarcet of lard h th6 Southyresi Quart.r ol Seclion 14, Torvnshh 5 South, Rango 81 WEst of the 6,th Principd Meridhn, mo€ parliculdy doscrb€d as tollovYs: Boglnning d a po|m whenca a br.s8 c.p sel lo. e wtne5. corner lor the Wbst Qu.ttef ol 6.ld Sedion 14. b€r8 (Nonh 29 doge€s 28 minut€€ 5l sacdds W63t, i 073.08 teet DeeO (Nofth 43 O€gre€3 15 minules 02 seconds Wosl, 915,96 teel Measur.d): Th.nc6 Nonh 7,1 degress 05 minulss 19 seconds Easr, 't 0.76 fo€t: Thehca 183.62 t€et .bng the r.c ol . cude lo lhe righl whlch are subtend! a chod be.ring Nonh 88 de9r6e6 t 2 mhules 30 s€conds E.st. t81.76 leet: Ihence Soulh 77 degces 40 minut€r 21 sgconds E.st, 622 teet; Thence 1,17.43 leet along the arc ol e qr.ve to rhe left whhh .rc sublends a chord bearlng Nodh 86 degre€s 36 minlJtee 17 s€.onds Ersl, 145.60 t€el; Thonce Nodh 70 degrees 52 minules 55 seconds E$t, 406,55 testi Th€nca 51.10 teot abng the arc ol a curvs lo lhe dgt{ whkh arc subtend3 a drord be.rlng Sou$ 47 d€gteea 20 minutEs 37 secon& EasL ,1,{.20 lsgl: Ihrnce Soulh 1 4 degrees 25 mlnutes 50 seconds Wesl 110.51 t€el: Thgnce South 68 degr€es 18 rinutes 91 €gconds wosl, 320.m lg€t: Thonce North 19 degrees 07 minutet 05 ssconds Wesl, 50.m bet Thsnce South 77 deg€es 48 mlnutes 4l seconds Wesl, 1@.18l9eli thence Sodh 10 degrees 53 mlnut€s ixt secondr West, 36.48feel; thoncs North 87 degro€s 40 minulG 08 lgconds West, 337'72leel; thqncs (North i i d69.€.s 52 mlnutes 13 s€conds East, 130.00 leel DeEd) No(h I t degrees 55 mlnut$ 31 s€conds E3sl, 129.75l€el Measured) l0 the POINT OF EEGINNING. BeE lng l.om c.L.O, record lor South hall ot Sedlon lin€ between SeclioN 1+ 15. (G.L.O. record Soulh 0'l degrees qr.2 min!.rtes Erst) (Soulh 01 degre6 38 minules 32 socondg Easl Measured) Applicant: Juanita l. Pedotto 11. A request for a minor exterior alteration and a site coverage variance to allow for an enclosed trash and grease dumpster at the southwest corner of the Gore Creek Plaza Building, specifically located at 193 Gore Creek Drive/Part of Block 5-8, VailVillage 1st Filing. Applicant Charles Rosenquist, represented by Kevin Clair and Tom ArmstrongPlanners: Randy Stouder/Shelly Mello 12. A request to relocate the helipad to the east end of the Ford Park parking lot located at 580 S. Frontage Road EasUan unplatted parcel located between VailVillage 7th Filing and Vail Village 8th Filing and a portion of the l-70 right-of-way. lij:::::" y,i:'"1i':lyj'""' '"5..; i,::ri,,,;;:Ly 13. A request for preliminary plat approval of a major subdivision (Trappers Run) on Lots 16, 19 and 2'1 , Section 14, Township 5 South, Range 81 West, generally located north of l-70 and west of lhe Vail Ridge SuMivision. Applicant: John Ulbrich, represented by Gateway Development Planner: Jim Cumufte TABLED TO THE MARCH 14, 1994 PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION MEETING ...: .. o o LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COUPANT Representing Old Republic National Title Inaurance Conpany TITANK YOU FOR YOT'R ORDER Septenber 29' L993 Our Order No.: V22242 BI'YER/OTINER: TO BE DEAERUINED S8I,LER3 JOHN L. TYLER, JOHN L. TYIJER, JR. AND ROBERT L. TYLER AS TO LOT 2, JOHN L. TYLER AS TO I,oII 3 ADDRESS: FOR TITIJE QUESTTONS CAI.'L KAREN FI'ETCHER 3O3 476-225L FOR CLOSING QUESTIONS CALL PICKED UP FOR DELIVERY Al{ PIt{ ' COVENANTS ATTACHED YES NO t: Gommitment To Insure . AITA Commitment - 1970 Bev. 010 RIPUBIIC NAT|0NAI TlTLt INSURANCE C0MPANY. a Minnesn corporarion. herern callsd the Company. for a valuable considerarion, hereby commrts to rssue its pohcy or polrcies of lrtle rnsurancg, as rdendred rn Schgdule A in favor 0t lhe proposgd Insursd named in Schedule A, as owner or mongagee ol the estate or rnErcst coveBd hereby in the land descnbed or rsiensd to in Schedula A, upon paymenr of rhe premiums and chargBs fterefor, all srbiscl to the provisrons ol Schsdule A and I and (o rhe Condnrons and Sroularions hereof. This Commitment shall be ellective only when the idenriry of rhe pmposed InsuEd and rhe amounr ol the pohcy or policies commited for hale been Insened rn Schsdule A hereof by the Company, erther at thg lme of the rssuance ol rhis Commnment or by subse0uent endorsemenl Thrs Commnment rs prelmrnafy t0 rhe issuance ol such polcy or policns of ule Insurance and all lnbrliry and obligalions hereunder shall ceasa and lerminate srr months aher the elfectve date hereof 0f when the polcy 0r polcres commrlnd l0r shall tssue. whtchever lrrsl occurs, provided tlral llre failure l0 rssue such polcy or po|tcres rs nor ths faull 0f the Company. C(]N()ITI()ITS ANt) SIIPUI.ATI(]NS l. Ihe tetm "monqage". when used herern. shall rnclude desd 0f rrusl. uusr deed,0r 0rher securly Insuumenl. 2. lf the proposed Insured has or acqurres aclual knowledge ol any defect, hen, encumbrance. adverse clarm 0f olher maner alfec ng tha esble 0f rnterest 0f mongage thenon coverbd by thts Commrtment other rhan rhose shown rn Schedule B hercof. and shall la lo drsclose such knowledge totheCompany|nwn(ing'f€companYsha||bere|iovedk0m|rabr|ny|orany|0ss0'damageresu|tingfromanyactolre|tancehere0nlotieertenttheCompanyispiUdicgd by failure ol lhs proposed Insured t0 so drsclose such knowledge. ll lhe proposed Insurcd shall drsclose such knowledge lo the Company. or rl the Company olhemss acqufies actUa|kn0w|edgsofanysuchde|ect,|ien'encumbtance,advelseclatm0|0lhermatle|'theConpanyal|ts0pl0nmayamendSchedule80llh|sC0mm|lmenl such amendmenl shall nol rsli€vo lhs Company from liabrhry prevrously rncurred plrsuanl t0 paragraph 3 ol these Condrttons and Snpulatrons. 3. Lrabrlny ol the Company under thrs Commilmenr shall be only ro rhs named proposed lnsured and such panres included under the delinilon ol Insuled rn the lorm 0l pohcy ot po|rcres cornmrtted lor and oniy ior actual loss rncurred rn relnnce hereon In undenakmg In g00d larth lal to comply wnh the foqurnments hereol or {bl lo ehminale exceptons shown rn Schedule B, or lcl to acquire or create rhe eslate 0r Interesl 0r mortgage thereon covered by thrs Commrtment. In no ev€nt shall such |abilny erceed ths amounl sraled In Schedule A for rhe pohcy or polnres commr ed lor and such lab try rs sublecl t0 the Insuing pmvisions and the Conditrons and Stipulations and the Exclustons from Coverage of Ihe form of porcy or polcres commrued for rn favor 0i lhe proposed Insured whrch are hereby incorporated by reference and made a part 0f this Commnmenr except as erpressly modrled heern. 4. Any aclron or aclrons or nghts of artron that lh' pfopos"d Insured may have 0r may bring agarnst the Company ansrng out ol lhg status 0f the Il e to the eslate 0r Inlerest or lhe sbtus ol rhe mongage thereon covered by lhrs C0mmtment must be based 0n and aE sublecl l0 the provisions of thrs Commrlment. STANt)ABO EXCTPTIONS In addrlon to lhe matters conmrned rn the Condinons and Str0ulatrons and Erclusrons from CoveraQe above refened to. thrs Commnment is ako subject t0 the follorvrng, 1. ffrghls or clarms of panres In possesston not shown by lhe pub|c rec0rds. 2. fasements, cr clarms of easements n0t sho$/n by lhe oublc records. 3. [}tsctepanctes. conl[cts rn boundary hnes. shoflage ,n area. encroachmenls, and any lacs whrch a c0rrcct survey and rnspectron ol the premrses would dFcloss and whrch are not shown by the publtc records. 4 Any |ten. 0r flghl lo a [en. lor servrces. labor 0r malenal lherulofore 0r hereafter furnrshed. rmposed by law and not shown by the oublc records. 5. Oefects. hens. encumbrances. adverse clarms 0r olher mallers, rl aoy. created. fint appeanng In the public records commitment lN wlTNtss wHtBt0F old Bepublrc Narronal Trlle Insurance company has caused rls corp0rcte name and seal ro b0 hereunlo aflixod by its duly authonled ofhcers on the date shown rn Schedule A, r0 be va|d when counrersgned by a valdatng offrcer or ofi€r au60nzed siqnatory. OTO REPUBTIC ilATIOTAI TIITE ITSURATCC COf,PAXY A Stocl Conpany 400 Second Avenuc South, Mnneaplhs. Mtnnesota 55101 t6 t2i 3lt if{i 16nn,- fAetl*z 0y Prcsidenl Au wittd Sbrt,o,l OiI fon 2ill Attest </-, EA7 5ffHary ALTA COI,IUTTMENT SCHEDULE A our order No. v22242 For Infornation only - charges - ALTA owner Policy--TOTAL.-313!:33 IDAI D /b-4+3 F,6vr ****WITH YOUR REMTTTANCE PLEASE REFER TO OUR ORDER NO. V22242.*T** 1. Effective Date: Septenber 20, 1993 at 8:OO A.l,l. 2. Policy to be issued, and proposed Insured: ffALTAn owner's Policy LO-L7-92 Proposed Insured: TO BE DETERMINED 3. The estate or interest in the land described or referred to in this Corunitnent and covered herein is: A Fee Sinrple 4. Title to the estate or interest covered herein is at the effective date hereof vested in: JOHN L. TYLER, JOHN L. TYLER, JR. AND ROBERT L. TYLER AS TO LOT 2, JOHN L. TYLER AS TO LOT 3 5. The land referred to in this Cornmitment is described as follows: I,oTS 2 AND 3, BLOCK 3, VAIL VILLAGE, THIRD FILING, ACCORDING TO THE RECORDED PLAT THEREOF, COI'NTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO. PAGE 1 ALTA COUI,TITI{ENT SCHEDULE B-1 (Requireroents) our order No. v22242 The following are the regui.rements to be conplied with: 1. Palment to or for the account of the grantors or mortgagors of the full consideration for the estate or interest to be insured. 2. Proper instrunent(s) creating the estate or interest to be insured rnust be executed and duly filed for record, to-wit: 3. EVIDENCE SATISFACTORY TO THE COMPANY THAT THE TERI.iS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF THE TOWN OF VAIL TRANSFER TAX HAVE BEEN SATISFIED. 4. WARR,ANTY DEED FROI{ JOHN L. TYLER, JOHN L. TYLER, JR. AND ROBERT L. TYLER AS TO LOT 2, JOHN L. TYLER AS TO LOT 3 TO TO BE DETER!,IINED CONVEYING SUBJECT PROPERTY. NOTE: THE 9155.00 CHARGE DOES NOT REPRESENT THE TOTAL PREMIT,I{ FOR THE POLICY AMOT'NT SHOWN IN SCHEDULE A. THE $155.00 CHARGE IS DUE UPON RECEIPT OF THE INVOICE AND I{ILL BE CREDITED TOWARDS THE PREMIT'I{ CHARGE UPON CLOSING OF THE TRANSACTION. THE COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDERS OFFICE REQUIRES RETURN ADDRESSES ON DOCI'MENTS SENT FOR RECORDING! ! PAGE 2 ALTA COMMITMENT SCHEDULE B-2 (Exceptions) Our Order No. V22242 The policy or policies to be Lssued will contain exceptions to the following unless the sane are disposed of to the satisfaction of the Companys 1. Standard Exceptions 1 through 5 prlnted on the cover sheet. 6. Taxes and assessments not yet due or payable and special assessments not yet certified to the Treasurer'1 office. "'iu. 8. Liens for unpaid water and sewer charges, if any. 9. RIGHT OF PROPRIETOR OF A VEIN OR LODE TO EXTRACT AND REI.{OVE HIS ORE THEREFROM SHOULD THE SAME BE FOUND TO PENETRATE OR INTERSECT THE PREI'IISES AS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED September 04, L923, IN BOOK 93 AT PAGE 98. 10. RIGHT OF WAY FOR DITCHES OR CANALS CONSTRUCTNO bV THE AUTHORITY OF THE UNITED STATES AS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED SepteMbCT 04, 1923, rN BOOK 93 AT PAGE 98.. Ll.. RESTRICTM COVENANTS WHICH DO NOT CONTAIN A FORFETTURE OR REVERTER CLAUSE, BTIT OMITTING RESTRICTIONS, IF ANY, BASED ON RACE, COLOR, RELIGION, OR NATIONAL ORIGIN, AS CONTAINED IN INSTRTIMENT RECORDED MaTch 23, 1963, IN BOOK 174 AT PAGE 575. 12. UTILITY EASEMENT FIVE FEET IN WIDTH ALONG THE NORTHERLY LOT LINE OF SUBJECT PROPERTY AS SHOWN ON THE RECORDED PLAT OF VAIL VILLAGE, THIRD FILING. 13. STREAM AND POND AFFECTING A PORTION OF SUBJECT PROPERTY AS SHOI{N ON THE RECORDED PI,AT OF VAIL VILT,AGE, THIRD FILING. 1"4. EASEMENTS, RESERVATIONS AND RESTRICTIONS AS SHOWN OR RESERVED ON THE RECORDED PLAT OF VAIL VILLAGE, THIRD FILING. (TTEMS 9 THROUGH 14 AFFECT BOTH LoTs) ]-5. TERI,TS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF EASEMENT AGREEMENT RECORDED OctobeT 10, 1966 IN BOOK 2OO AT PAGE 227. PAGE 3 a AI,fA COMI.TITMENT SCHEDULE B-2 (Exceptions) our order No. v22242 (AFFECTS rpT 2) 16. IEnf,8r mrpITIOtrE AltD PROVTSIONS OF EASEI,iENT RECORDED ltarch 21, 1990 llf loox 52{ Ar PAGE 919. i 17. TER!{S, CONDITIONS AND PROVTSIONS OF EASEUENT DEED RECORDED April 09, 1987 IN BOOK 460 AT PAGE 510. (rrws 16 Ar{D 17 AFFESI rOT 3) PAGE 4 r ) LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COUPANv '-.} DISCLOST'RE STATEI,TENT Required by Senate Bill 91-14 A) The subject real property may be located in a special taxing dlEtrict. B) A certificate of Taxes Due list,ing each taxing jurisdiction nay be obtained fron the County Treasurer or the County Treasurer's authorized agent. c) The infornation regarding special districts and the boundarieeof such districts nay be obtained fron the Board of County Conmissioners, the County Clerk and Recorder, or the County Asaessor. Required by Senate BilL 92-143 A) A Certificate of Taxes Due listing each taxing jurisdiction shall be obtained fron the County Treasurer or the county Treasurerts authorized agent. o dovid mork orll, o.1.6. kothy longcnwoltcr, s, i,o. 2588 sroro driw porl offlcc borl2O2 303-476.4506 voil. co 81658 Telcco icr Tronrmittol Shcet Dolc:Number of Compony FAX Numbcr From FAX Nurnbcrr 3O3.476 '/506 Fr4J ,ar 6^2 114 ddruI 10-d0-uHH ttud torj slJrrlHJdv dtJ- tvflNltNv t/ Hld dLst JLu uou I 'j, LJOoo,Q.'e (Je l,rl OG.ltl t0{01{ ALL trtff{ by the* presents: JoHN't. fiLER'('Grantor"), for ten dol'lars ($10.00) rnd other good rnd valuab'le cgnsldcnrtlon, UtlN rc€eipt of whlch ia horcby icknowlcdgad, has granted,. bargained, ioiO, ene conveyed, and by these prerents Coes grant, bergaln, soll, and convgy, and confi rm unLo thi TOI{N 0F VAIL, a Colorado munlclPa] corponetlon (rrGrentaeN} the folloring Interrst ln rCal. pnoperty sltuate ln the County of Eegle, State of tolorrdo: A peiprtuat excluqlve'€asem€nt anrl rlght-of-"uy on that portlon of the Grutontg orbprity which ts set forth and designated on Exhiblt A attached herrto for the lonitruitlon, nalntanance, repalt, nCconstructlon of a road right-of-ray for thc. u:c of grrntrc md thr generri pubttc. Acceptrnce of thls €asen€nt by thr Grrntce shrll constltutr lts agreement and.consrnt rs fo'llows: 1. At ruch ttfic, md ln th. svant th.t the c|trcrr3|rt is abrndoncd 9f no-longcr' uscd by the Granget, ihrn Grenteors lntertst In the sascment shall lnnedlrtrly fevcft-to rndbe thireafter mergerl nith the scrYiant 6stat. of the GrrntoF. Z, 6rantee shall lndemnlfy antl hold the Grantor harmlcss from Env rnd-ell ctailli for-Aarnrges [o rral and [arsonal property, and inJurles or death suffered by pefsons ln any franner growtng oirt of bhe'coistrtrition, rne{ntenancs' rcconstructlon, iiiitn, o" usi of the iubljc-roadway riithin sald easement, unless such drnages, lnliurlis. or d0rth aFe Crused bJ thc negligencc oF the Grantor. Such iniemnlfication shall lnclude the cost of defendlng sald cla'lms Includ'lng, but not 'llmitrd to, reasonable attornays fesl. 3. Grantm shall et all tlnes maintaln the publlc noadway located 0n the aasemint in good order and ncpa'lr. Srid roadway ihall be constructrd of and shrll b: malntelned of arphalt naterl:l o VAIL Wilirtf ': JOHN L. TYLER/TOI|II{ OF EASETlINT Sl33l-lH38Y dlI-lUlYNSDNYt/-'133d e/gb 9tb e 0t Ee:01 oFl FI o1!Ao(tccrO odGU vcl$otJso 0l> 2e:lgto\U ruuJ tt Og(l l/,1 odO'oo I l'. Ltl lrl xDFl q +oe ftJ$ t[ i,tlTl,tEss I,|HERE0F, GrS,ptor.has ceused thess presents to be du]y executed on this LlP. dry of . nl4xo-,r-l , 1990. I Dt I e0d 100 rl 5. lt {s undsnstood bY the Parties els:ment may be used by the Grantor for tr.a. that the squ*t foofrEc the calculatlon of gross located lllthln the reslCentlal flocr T0t{N 0F VAII., r Colorrdo munlclpal r0-20-f6Et gTAIE couNrl 0tcot tD0 )) lr.or rAclt ) for thc Town of Vrll. HlfilEES-oi hrud rnd officlel rcsl.lfr ig1flltJoh rxplrcs: STATE OI COI'8ADO tB.'?. Icoln{fl 0F EtcrE ) ) ) The forcaolng lnstruEenc w8E relrncrrLrdgcd bcforr nr thla3flfaay ot r990 4aloa4 H-se4 P-919 O3/el /86 tE.4'd FBEOFS ( T -aarDa 9v{ a !9tv_gttl SI3fI I HSUV .la. $r\. v-rr-rr va d =I -'t Yt1N3 I N V -'l / -'lf 3d H.e $.tie dr.$.rl , er9r 9tf 808 Dz re-e-i.slt sir.r ....r | | itsr0t L0-eC-bE6[ /, Notary Pubuc Notrry fubllc hmdr A 8ildfitar, lfobry Hrllh ttlcomntdoo spt'l|At|| I l99Z E0d [00 OJra 0l I tu E d! ?A + 0,!l Ie oo 0l{ t0d t00 Ellltlll i1 SCILE' l'r rol os+ E L.o n o!. 3--.-- F/'?-_--= LOr Z 'r...+nt oF A!H{/IL? rr'rodoov, fa?d ,lt9larh'v..r..tJ eNl #rs* llclL ![gcnuilloBl E cLE Vlr.Ld rflcu8fllllo sl33rl HCdV d:r-'lVHNSeNV-t/-'ll3d elSt 9/t E00 fhit d.rU ol toE !; , rrooh' 3,, Vrll vlllotr t'trlt[ t{Ilnlr raaorttlrlg ro tir up, tlrof.€f rree*drC Ll liho olll,cq ol tbc Erglc Courlt, Eoldf.do, ctcsl lrdllrettdc.rr Acro{llr€d lrrllffri ' , ' " ' '+glrutttlt at ' r. Fht;' ',i; 't;. rgtorly . ff.hr ol 'rdd ldt ! r6,rcrtht routhnrtrrlt oqrncs ro! tald lot ! borrr 'gil!.0OtOO.! 2?.1! fortl thrncrrdong |rld irretrrl-y ' llnlr. 119rg6roo.i io.@ lcrbl tlrordr r-' dc1,.5 u{ng. rrlc.u..hrly lln., ft!rse,{?.!' 3l.t! fotr. thrrr: B!rtart?.! 9!.!t- trri L u*' Foul|tlt l|r|. of rtld .liot. tl. th.nca. .tsrt mld feutbrslt lla., fgl.oo.Oo'l'E7.70 lr.gt thrnbrd . Ltaltl||g |rl4 rorthcrly llnr. [?9'{l tal.tf. t9.{! ! d 'to' ' ul.'tnhl ol DlgfnnfDr, sotr{nfrn. l0tig qu.r..!crt, -rcn or tir. sl-!.J{qt.ri gf^l:Stl_.dorortsrtt*r etovr rr. Iror.d (rr thr nrtiril ilsr ptreltl lot t lhltlt [2!.@r00rf (raa itnrlntl. . r-. Boro ,i bet0[ I0-e0-bE6[ to I E 'A THE ITEM MAY EFFECT YOUR PROPERTY 4.# PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vailwill hold a public hearing in accordance wilh Section 18.66.060 of the MunicipalCode of the Town of Vail on January 10, 1993, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. In consideration of: 1. A request for a minor subdivision and an amendment to a previously approved development plan and a conditional use permit for four Type lll employee housing units at The Vail Swim and Tennis Club, 2893 Kinnickinnick Road/a porlion of the SW, 1/4, Section 14, T5S RBIW of the 6th P.M., Town of Vail, Colorado. Applicant: T. Charles Ogitby and Stanteigh H. Cole Planner:Shelly Mello 2. A request for a major amendment to SDD #4, Area D, to allow an expansion to lhe Glen Lyon Office Building located at 1000 South Frontage Road WesULot 45, Block K, Glen Lyon SuMivision. Applicant: Paul M. DeBoer, representing Calumet Federal Savings and Loan Planner:Shelly Mello 3. A request for a worksesslon to relocate the helipad to the east end of the Ford Park parking lot located at 580 S. Frontage Road EasVan unplatted parcel located between Vail Village 7th Filing and Vail Village 8th Filing and a portion of the l-70 right-of-way. Applicant: Vait Vailey Medical Center Planner:Andy Knudtsen A request for a minor subdivision located at 363 Beaver Dam Road and 383 Beaver Dam Circle/Lots 2 & 3, Block 3, Vait Vi[age 3rd Fiting. Applicant: John Tyler/John Tyter, Jr.iRobert Tyter Planner:Shelly Mello 5. A request for a minor exterior alteration and a site coverage variance to allow for an enclosed trash and grease dumpster at the southwest corner of the Gore Creek Plaza Building, specifically located at 193 Gore Creek Drive/Part of Block 5-8, Vail Village 1st Filing. Applicant: Charles Rosenquist, represented by Kevin Clair and Tom ArmstrongPlanners: Randy Stouder/Sheily Mello b. 7. 8. A request for an approval of the master plan to allow for an expansion and renovation of the Town of Vail Public Works site located at 1309 VailValley Drive/an unplatted parcel located north of the l-70 right-of-way, immediately north of Vail Village 8th Filing. A notification of approval of a minor SDD amendment to allow for a change in building location and building height located at 1335 Westhaven Drive/Lot A, Millrace lll Subdivision. Applicant: Planner: Applicant: Planner: Applicant: Planner: Applicant: Planner: Town of Vail Andy Knudtsen Michael Lauterbach Jim Curnutte Town of Vail Andy Knudtsen Leo Palmer Mike Mollica A request to amend Section 18.69.050 - Special restrictions for developments on lots where the average slope of the site beneaih the proposed structure and parking area is in excess of thirly percent in single family residential, two-family residential, and two- lamily primary/secondary residential zones to allow the standards of this section to apply to the Hillside Residential zone district. 9.A notification of approval of a minor SDD amendment to allow for the addition of an airlock entry to the Gateway BuildingiLot N, Block 5D, Vail Village First Filing/l2 Vail Road. lliI'tll{li\t\ It t I tl rit",t tl$ ,e lr 'tr i iitl 'l\\ [" (_r .!. otr.,'- dl /,.,o -](; +J 0)o$ltr C.,lpOv)o ,IJ F\OZro q)zH zH >r 3oz FlH\O< c..l> F-r -r'(n €pqtc oFOEV)E\oAOF{o o0oF.l (!o+J o -, i 6€ r-.{ a k k >>, F{ 8.Ets"9O -Z EtV) 113E .Ao o|n dFC)F>o I ''3,p* 354 BEAVER DAM RD WROL-VAIL, LTD. ARTHUR MORGAN/ERWIN PARTNERS % BOLDUC REAL ESTATE DIEMER T. O'MALLEY, ARGUS MGMT. CO-TRUSTEES INVESTMENTS, INC. P.O. BOX 58OO 245 SUMMIT STREET 72 CUMMINGS POINT ROAD AVON, CO 81620 TOLEDO, OH 43603 STAMFORD. CT 06902 WARREN A. MILLER WARREN AND LAURIE MILLER NANCY BYERS 42434TH STREET 3s2.BEAVER DAM CIRCLE 352-A BEAVER DAM CIRCLE MANHATTAN BEACH. CA 90266 VAIL. CO 81657 VAIL, CO 81657 DAVID HICKS BRUCE BENSON CAROL WOODS SCHMIDT 4705 ORTEGA BLVD. 1560 BROADWAY, #1900 3901 S. GILPIN JACKSONVILLE, FL 32210 DENVER, CO 80202 ENGLEWOOD, CO 80110 THE INNSTEAD LTD. RIMSKI, INC. 374 BDR LTD. PARTNERSHIP PARTNERSHIP 101 CALIFORNIA STREET, #4550 BOX577, HARRIS PLAINS RD 8853 KING MEMORIAL HWY SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94111 LITCHFIELD, CT 06759 MENTOB, OH 44060 SCOTT AND LAURIE OKI GARY AND MARA BOSSOW VAIL HOLDINGS, INC. 4315 HUNTS POINT RD DRAWER X 126 E. 56TH STREET BELLEVIEW. WA 98004 VAIL, CO 81658 NEW YORK, NY 10022 Izl z-zlqs- cq{ $J \--,, o.*J€ tq THIS ITEM MAY EFFECT YOUR PROPERTY PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section '18.66.060 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on January 10, 1993, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. ln consideration of: 1. A request for a minor subdivision and an amendment to a previously approved development plan and a conditional use permit for four Type lll employee housing units at The Vail Swim and Tennis Club, 2893 Kinnickinnick Roacl/a portion of the SW, 1/4, Section 14, T5S R81W of the 6th P.M., Town of Vail, Colorado. 2. A request for a major amendmenl to SDD #4, Area D, to allow an expansion to the Glen Lyon Office Building located at 1000 South Frontage Road WesULot 45, Block K, Glen Lyon Subdivision. Applicant: Planner: Applicant: Planner: Applicant: Planner: Applicant: Planner: Applicant: Planners: T. Charles Ogilby and Stanleigh H. Cole Shelly Mello Paul M. DeBoer, representing Calumet Federal Savings and Loan Shelly Mello Vail Valley Medical Center Andy Knudtsen John Tyler/John Tyler, Jr./Robert Tyler Shelly Mello Charles Rosenquist, represented by Kevin Clair and Tom Armstrong Bandy Stouder/Shelly Mello 3. A request for a worksesslon to relocate the helipad to the east end of the Ford Park parking lot located at 580 S. Frontage Road EasVan unplatted parcel located between Vail Village 7th Filing and Vail Village 8th Filing and a portion of the l-70 right-of-way. 4. * A request for a minor subdivision located at 363 Beaver Dam Road and 383 Beaver Dam Circle/Lots 2 & 3, Block 3, Vail Village 3rd Filing. 5' A request for a minor exterior alteration and a site coverage variance to allow for an enclosed trash and grease dumpster at the southwest corner of the Gore Creek Plaza Building, specifically located at 193 Gore Creek Drive/Part of Block 5-B, Vail Village lst Filing. 6. A request for an approval of the master plan to allow for an expansion and renovation of the Town of Vail Public Works site located at 1309 Vail Valley Drive/an unplatted parcel located north of the l-70 right-oFway, immediately north of Vail Village 8th Filing. 7. 8. A notification of approval of a minor SDD amendment to allow for a change in building location and building height located at 1335 Westhaven Drive/Lot A, Millrace lll Subdivision. Applicant: Planner: Applicant: Planner: Applicant: Planner: Applicant: Planner: Town of Vail Andy Knudtsen Michael Lauterbach Jim Curnutte Town of Vail Andy Knudtsen Leo Palmer Mike Mollica A request to amend Section 18.69.050 - Special restrictions for developments on lots where the average slope of the site beneath the proposed structure and parking area is in excess of thirty percent in single family residential, two-family residential, and two- family primary/secondary residential zones to allow the standards of this section lo apply to the Hillside Residential zone district. 9.A notification of approval of a minor SDD amendment to allow for the addition of an airlock entry to the Gateway Building/Lot N, Block 5D, Vail Village First Filing/12 Vail Road. PLEASE I'IAKE CHECKS TOWN OF VA]L D E PA RTI\'I E liT O F C O rvl Il Li'l ITY D EV EL O P ItE N T' S.\LES ACTION FOR}f zcl$D{G .d\D .{ DDRES S l,tA.p S0t 00004,510 0t cf-lc{2415 LMTO R-\{ B L]TLD[".'G COD E 0l 0000 .{24 t5 U M FOtu\{ P LU I'tE L\"6 C OD E UM FOR.\'I )UEC Hr'}lC.I.L CODE0l 000042.,|15 0l 00C0 {2{ l5 | Un-lFOtu\{ FIRE CODE 0l oooo 12115 I X,rroN.lt- ELECTPJCAL CODE 0l 0000 {2115 oTl.iER CODE;OOKS 0l 0000 .{ | 54 3 BLUE PRD{IS (\IYLAIt 0l 0001{2112 | }:ERox coPrFs/s'iuDtES 0l 00c{123?t i PENAI.TY FEES/RE.t.'-'SPECTIONS 0t 00c0.il-132 | FL,L\ REVISV RE.CIIECK FEE ls.(0 FER HR.l 0l 0000 {2i21 OFT I]OUR,5 T\iS?ECT]ON FEES CONTJL\ CTORS L] C L\S FS FI.]:S0l 0003.1lr l2 0l c400{r330 loT}iER I-TE-S slcN APPLIcA'i-loi{ F:E.01 c\100 4 l1 I 3 ADDITIONA I- SICNAGE ;;E {5I .O] P5R SO.IT.0lCO/J041{13 VTC ART PROJF.CT DONANON0l c00c.{2.:40 0t 0000,{133t PRE PAJD DESICN REI'iEW lOARD FEE 0t cN042412 | BUILDING-CONSTRUCTION PERTYIT COI'IPUTER DI *.01 0000 41010 T x 0r 0000 42371 TNVESTIGATToN rEE (BUrLDn'^\r\''' TorAL DUE: 0l cr'ocr1330 AL USE PER\fIT 0l c000{1330 0l 0000 't I 330 R ALTTiATION ILESS EYTERIOR ALTER,'\]]ON II|ORE THA"\ I OO SO.F|. 0t 0000.1!330 0l 0C00 41330 lSPEClz\L DEVELOP.\IENT DIS SPECIA d l3i0 ') | SPECLAL DEVELOPI\DISTRICT [;\fi\'OR AllE\ DtvlstoN 0l 0000{1330 0l ctc00{1330 "T.r':.' COl llvlEl ,r tr * * * * x i I TEhfhl {fF UFIII- Hiscel laned:s Casfl 12-F7-93 13: 16: 10 Fl*ceiPt * 134758 Flc*,:,unt * f,l'l * 881591 iv\i\/ *t^b .rfiHll TvLEFi" 258. ES Hnorfit Paid 258. EEt B' atj V{]IJ Flrrr,:un t. t endered Item PEid El1EF8L]it1f,.lB8B6 [.h.:rrg* r* t u rned ] THF|H}< 3(+ %, q*o$1 J5' JOHN L. TYLER/TOWN OF VAIL EASEMENT UEoa F UEuJ8 ll') KN0t.l ALL MEN by these presents: JOHN L. TYLER ("Grantor"), for ten dollars ($10.00) and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, has granted, bargained, so1d, and conveyed, and by these presents does grant, bargain, se1 1, and convey, and confirm unto the T0t'lN 0F VAIL, a Colorado municipal corporation ("Grantee") the following interest in rea'|. property situate in the County of Eagle, State of Col orado: A perpetual exclusjve easement and right-of-way on that portion of the Grantor's property which is set forth and designated on Exhibit A attached hereto for the construction, maintenance, repair, reconstruction of a road right-of-way for the use of Grantee and the genera'l public. Acceptance of thjs easement by the Grantee shall constitute its agreement and consent as follows: 1. At such time, and in the event that the easement is abandoned or no longer used by the Grantee, then Grantee's interest in the easement shall immediately revert to and be thereafter merged w'ith the serviant estate of the Grantor. 2. Grantee shall jndemnify and hold the Grantor harmless from any and all claims for damages to real and personal property, and injuries or death suffered by persons in any manner growing out of the construction, maintenance, reconstruction, repair, or use of the public roadway within said easement, unless such damages,'injuries, or death are caused by the negligence of the Grantor. Such jndemnification shall include the cost of defending said clajms including, but not limited to, reasonable attorneys fees. 3. Grantee shalI at all times naintain the public roadway located bn the easement in good order and repair. Said roadway shall be constructed of and shall be maintained of asphalt material . 4. Grantee shall obtain liability insurance, which shall insure against claims made for damages resulting in death, injury, or damages to real or personal property, resulting from the construction or maintenance or use by the Grantee of the public roadway with'l imits of not less than one milljon dolIars ($1,000,000). 5. It is understood by the parties that the square footage located within the easement may be used by the Grantor for the calculation of gross residential floor area . IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Grantor has caused these presents to be duly executed on this bW day of tll,a,r$t , 1990. od r') t..l o(tIY JfnnAU xtf $u i'J >-iF7 E:fh a1\U U\Jfr') lnrS([ trl cn.r (toaI l-ra_lJ\t F{ r-'l I Ul f!t{t! lrlFF.t UJqz 'SZ f'l O.tb TOWN 0F VAIL, a Colorado municipal STATE 0F C0L0RAD0 )) ee' COI'NTY OF EAGLE ) The foregoing iBetrument STATE OF COLORADO COI'NTY OF EACLE ackaowLedged before ne wgo ay RntAilt i. ?l,u(i4s for Notary Publlc hmcla A. Brendmcycr, t{oa.ry hrblic ftly Commirsitn epiru Auf. t 1992 traS , o?{ )) ee' ) , 1990 ;r, ffi1r:.*..d My and offlclaL erplres : 8ea1r-----\ t Notary Publlcin-Alil|lf.lEtef:ItCoilEooTrf||'t,ftn 4eto84 B-5e4 p-919 03/21 /9A L?e4?,trGeoF3 EXHIBIT A /el s")SCALET l" . 5O' IDGAI, DESCRIEIION: a$ /pkFt r.l o r.) rn z ___ l-r- LOr 2 =_../EDGE oF ASPHALT f'l.it ru a 0l f.lF m crt I { ru tf, I $s sers e5$ s67o@'oo"ty,ezzd oef Nzyct'et"w, eg.e5' Roro ,{ttat pa.rt of Iot 3, Block 3, Vail VIIIage Third Filing, aceordJ.ng to ttre napthereof recorded ln the office of the Eagle eounty, cororado, clerk andReccrder. 1 deecribed aa follong: Eeginning at a Foint: in' ttre weeterry ri.ne of eaid lot 3 whencethe southweaterly corner of, eald rot 3 beaie s23oooroonE 2?.15 feetr thence,along aaid iresterly line, N23oOOrOO"w 39.68 feetr thender'.a"p"rti"g.-i"iiwesterly line, S75o5Or4?,,E 34.55 feetl thence Sg3o34r2?nE 93.56 feei io thesoutherly line of, eaid t,ot.3, thence, arong eai<t southerry rine, s6zoooroon!{6'7.?0 feetr therice, departlng gaid eoutherry line, t'l?9o41 i4l "vf ig.as teet tothe point of beginning r containing 2965 rqo"i" feet, more or reEe. llhe bearings Ln Wre legal deecrlption abovesaid Iot 3 lielng N23oOO|OO(W (see drawing). are based on the westerly line of '47'h, 9trs6' EAGLE VALLEY ENGINEERING { hwn 75 louth lronl,lgo road vall colorado 81657 pql) 47$2138 (3G)|7la39 olllce ol communlty development February L, l-99O Tin Tyler 2552 East Alameda, #ZlDenver, CO 80209 Dear Tim, Please review the enclosed easement dedication agreenent. If itmeets your approval , please sign the agreement, have itnotarized, and return the original- to me. I will then present itto the Town Council for their approval . Thanks again for your patience during this process. If youshould have any questions, please feel free to call ne at479-2t38. Sincerely, HA h'k- Mike Mollica Town Planner MM/AJ Dear 2:00 Stan Berryman 2: 10 Mike Mollica 2:20 Shel ly Me]'lo 2235 Shelly Mello EXPANDED AGENDA 1. Discussion of Extended Late Night Bus Service Ridership Action Requested of Counci'l : Review ridership numbers and @ service through the remainder of the ski season. Background Rationale: The Council authorized staff to @ night bus service for a three week test period on February 13. Staff will present ridership VAIL TOWN COUNCIL i,l0RK SESSI0N TUESDAY, MARCH 6, 1990 2:00 p.m. Action Requested of Council: Accept,/decline the easement. Background Rationa] e: A portion of Beaver Dam Road has ffied upon the southwest corner of Lot 3, Block 3, Vail Vi'l1age 3rd Fi1ing. The property owner has agreed to grant the Town an exc'l usive easement and right-of-way for the maintenance, construction, repair, and reconstruction of the road right-of-way for the use of the town and the general public. Staff Recomnendation: Accept the easement. Discussion of Supplementation of l,lages for 1990 Census Enumerators Action Requested of Counci'l : Approve/deny supp'l ementation offi Background Rationa'l e: Eagle County is experiencing a 'lack @0 census enumerator positions. This 'l ack may be attributed to the low wage being offered by the Census Bureau. The adninistration recognizes the importance of the census and fee'l s it may be necessary to supplement the wage for these positions. Presentation of Art in Public P'l aces Current ProJects Action Requested of Counci'l : Approve/deny AIPP to continue on r{ith the following proiects: 1) Brick paved areas at new Vail Vi'l lage Transit Center; and 2) Niches for art on East Meadow Drjve e'l evation of panking structure. Background Rationale: AIPP is currently preparing two ffia] 'l ation of public art. First, is a competition project which wi] I provide for an artist to prepare a plan for the brick paved areas at the Vail Village parking structure. The budget for the project wi'l I be discussed at the Town Counci'l work session. The second project is an addition to the architect's add/alternate item for the sidewa'l k along East Meadow Drive. It invo'lves cutting 2 niches into the wa] I which wi] I serve as sites for the display of art pieces. 3. 4. 2. Discussion of Easement Dedication for a Portion of Beave Dam Road,, at the Intersection of Beaver Dam Circ'le (Grantor: John L. Ty1 er 2: 50 Kri stan Pritz 3: 10 Carol i ne Fi sher 3:30 Steve Barwick Ron Phill ips 3:50 Peggy 0sterfoss Merv Lapin 4:00 Ron Philljps 4:05 4: 10 Larry Eskwith 5.Discussjon of Undergrounding of Electri cal Service from the East End of Cascade Vi1'l age to the Upper Eagle Valley Water and Sanitation District Property, a1 ong the South Frontage Road Action Requested of Counci|: Approve/deny an expend'i ture of ffierground electrical service at the 01d Town Shop with the understanding that construction costs may increase or decrease once the final design is developed. Direct staff to proceed/discontinue the coordination of the project for construction this sunmer. Background Rationale: The property owners within the ilroject area have a1'l agreed to participate in funding the cost of undergrounding the utilities. Andy Norris - Vail Ventures, Ltd. - wil'l contribute up to $21,000. Chevron would provide +/- $6,600. The Cascade Crossing proiect (previously ca1 |ed the Voliter project) will underground their electrical service per their building permit. Holy Cross will contribute approximately $63,000. Staff legs!89_!4q!_194: Approve the contribution and direct ffih the coordination of the proiect for construction this spri ng,/summer. Please note that the final costs will need to be reevaluated once the design work is completed by Holy Cross. Discussion of 1990 Citizen Survey on Feb. 20th. Staff Recomrnendati on: Staff of the survey agreed upon by date is March 26, 1990, with 1990. Give input and feedback on the s circu'l ated to Councilmembers hooes to have the final version March 8, 1990. Target mail responses requested by April 9, 7. Discussjon regard'i ng ABC School Lease Agreement Act'i on Requested of Council: Approve/deny the ABC School's request for a 15 year lease extension. Background Rationale: ABC School has requested a 15 year lease extension on the land leased ($1 per year) from the Town of Vail. This lease extension is necessary for ABC Schoo'l to proceed with plans for an expansion of their current faciI ities. Counci1 may wish to table the issue until after the Eagle County Child Care Task Force report is compl ete. 8. Approval of Funds for Disseminating Factua'l Information concerning the County Recreation and Affordable Hous'ing El ecti on Action Requested of Council: Approve/deny $4,000 for this purpose. Background Rationale: The County Recreation Task Force has recommended that the County, Town of Avon, and Town of Vajl each approve up to $4,000 in additional funds for expenses for disseminating information for the upcoming election, such as printing and mailing fact sheets and pay for Peter Jamar's t'ime for presentati ons. 9. Information Update 10. Other 1i. Executive Session - Legal Matters 6. Action Requested of Council draft questionnaire, which -2- ( t- l o JOHN L. TYLER/TOWN OF VAIL EASEMENT KNOtl ALL MEN by these presents: J0HN L. TYLER ("Grantor"), for ten do1 lars ($10.00) and other good and va1 uable consideration, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, has granted, bargained, so1d, and conveyed, and by these presents does grant, bargain, sel|, and convey, and confirm unto the T0WN 0F VAIL, a Colorido municipal corporation ("Grantee") the fo1 lowing interest in real property situate in the County of Eagle, State of Co'l orado: A perpetual exc'l usive easement and right-of-way on that portion of the Grantor's property which is set forth and designated on Exhibit A attached hereto for the construction, majntenance, repair, reconstruction of a road right-of-way for the use of Grantee and the general public. Acceptance of this easement by the Grantee shall constitute its agreement and consent as follows: 1, At such time, and in the event that the easement is abandoned or no longer used by the Grantee, then Grantee's interest in the easement shall immediate'ly revert to and be thereafter merged with the serviant estate of the Grantor. 2. Grantee shall indemnify and hold the Grantor harmless from any and all clajms for damages to neal and personal property, and injuries or death suffered by persons in any manner growing out of the construction, maintenance, reconstruction, repair, or use of the public roadway within said easement, unless such damages, 'injuries, or death are caused by the negligence of the Grantor. Such indemnification shal'l include the cost of defend'i ng sajd claims including, but not limited to, reasonable attorneys fees. 3. Grantee sha'l I at all times maintain the public noadway'located bn the easement in good order and repair. Said noadr.lay shal1 be constructed of and shall be naintained of asphalt material. 4. Grantee shal'l obtain liability insurance, which sha'l I insure against c'laims made for damages resulting jn death, injury, or damages to real or personal property, resulting from the construction or maintenance or use by the Grantee of itre'puUiic roadway-with limits of not less than one million dollars ($1,000,000). 5. It is understood by the parties that the square footage located within the easement may be used by the Grantor for the calculation of gross res'idential floor area . IN WITNESS I{HEREOF,Grantor has caused these presents to be duly executed on this day of , 1990. TOWN 0F VAIL, a Co] orado municiPal corporation, Grantee u..'''1D I STATE 0F C0LoRADo )) ss. COUNTY OF EAGLE ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me FilaMut , reeo by WITNESS my hand and official seal. My commission expires: this d/9 day of as for the Town of Vai I . Notary Publ ic Address STATE OF COLORADO )) ss. couNTY 0F EAGLE ) The foregoing instrument was .4 acknowledged before me this &tv day of tt,fU,l,u^at^l , 1es0 W {Nut L. fidJt r as 6tn'tlt" ilITNESS my hand and official sea'|. I'ly comlssion expires: hmrNr A. Bnndmcyrr. l{drry hrDllc "--' -7tS. Fmtrsr Fotd Ydl.OO 81657 -,__<-V 'aa&pl. Notary Publ ic EXHIBIT A SCALET l" : 50' /4, $d, a$ /$dr LOr 2 ld\r t\t\ tI t soz"@bo"w,e;zzd __/rou. oF ASPHALT N?glo4l'41"w, 49.4s' Roro oNl \.,, EAGLE VALLEY ENGINEERING 'a?'h, 93.s6' g9tr{en . . ;:.i: ,,r r'cAr, D'scRrptroN: : 'i* i .--.''.t.Ihat part of lot 3, . Block 3, VaiI. Village Thlrd Fillng, accotdJ.ng to the nap'thereof recorded tn tlre off,rce of the sagre countyl- colorado" crerk anlRecordee'r deecri.bed aE follmrei :BegJ.nning at ' 6. notng:- ";1 *. westerly . ri.ne of eaid r{qt 3 wheneethe southresterly corn€r of, said rot 3 beaie'g23oootooxE 2?.15 f,ectl thenceralong eaid ireeterly ' lln'e, N23cOOrOO,.t{ 39.68 feetl .thendE;j, de;;ti";.-;;f;weeterly rine, s75050r4?"E 34.55 feetl thence sg3034r2?.'8 93.56 feet io th6aoutherly ll.ne of ea{d rot.3, thence, arong aaid edutherry rr.nel 66?o0oroo.,rf6?.?o feet;_ thericer. departrng aaid southerry lr.ne, ltzg.arilrlwl ig.rs i""i-r"the'point of begl'nnrng, conlarnJ,ng. 2g65 rqo.i".feet, 'nors or rese. lttre bearinge ln ttre- -legar description above are based on the westerry rine ofaaid lot 3 tielng N23oOOr00"tt (eee-drawlng). { JOHN LTNER 2552 EASTAI.AMEOA *'7 DENICB COtORADOsozog wW UichaeL J. Mollica Town Planner Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 February 13, 1990 Re: Lot 3, Elock 3, Va1l V11lage Third Ftling Dear Mlke, Thank you for the Easement and the ZonLng Code on the above proPerty. I would l1ke to insert the followlng paragraph as part of the document: Easement area shall be considered to be owned by Grantor for purposes of meetiog minimum square footage requirements for construction purposes. Pl-ease run this through your lega1 department ' and perhaps we can close this transactioo qulckJ-y, Thanks for your help. StncJrelyr 4ffi.l-- Jotrln L. Tyler lEci@Eolvl aoa-?74-o776 lnun Mike Mollica Town Planner wt/tur 75 lou|h fiDntrg. rc.d rrl, cdon.do 8l€57 (3C)4rlz|38 (36) 4?$'d3e of f lcs ot comnrudty devdopnenl February 1, 1990 Tin Tyler 2552 East Alameda, #llDenver, CO 80209 RE: Lot 3, Block 3, Vail Village Third Filing Dear Tim, Please review the enclosed easement dedication agreeruent. If itmeets your approval, please sign the agreement, have itnotarized, and retrrrn the originaL to me. f will then present itto the Tordn Council for their approval. Thanks again for your patience during this process. If youshould have any questions, please feel free to call ne at 479-2L38. Sincerely, tl* h"k- oz ts =t uJr cc cIJF c(o oo ooo rr) cc cc oo o|J)(\l oo ooo o 4 U' IJJ IJJII E =t IJJo- o'g rEhghTJ qB F€/ L P4 r.o (f) GI r\ a z, {, =l=l <l c5 l !! o SloloEltr'-b-l(,'zxl6al = 'i, uJF o F FI2 = =z o uJFoz oz 6 J lo€ o =z l!J uJo =I oIt GoFo EFzo o utz3od t! lllatz ._.4 aEvfulF-<FVoYZo< /)v4u. f1 a-l I7t'+ qf' ggl H;qg x(o Ja)oo^ ?w)iatr elJEtb =3d) g# o AA Ieo lrJ;d o Eq) -9.o(! .9Eo.6 'oF o.c oq)(, (rlc Eo @ oItc(! oEoo(tc E Idl E o =f, do o CIo,(|t 3 .g E E;* 5 aE€: EgEE € EE:3 +;:EFE!sc966Iofo 3 6;.5 E E-st EE gE EltccL c o--sEig fEig EE€E - cL.i: o Go'-!E-^60 iEa€ P !lo5 sfis; EsH't OrJ) sfNro ro(\l r\(n (Y) o rJll\ oo o|<' o rt) FI oO Ort\(\l tl ()ul o oo LO Fistul (\ tr =G IJJc z -() uJ C)z J ot F C)utJ IJJ oz ao: Jo- oz o uJ = o(o @r-l UJ uJltzIF uJ G,() llJ o o =UJ UJez 9. UJo Fo o. UJ z uJJ x F uJo U' IJJ UJt! b =t UJcJ FoF ozoJ f.o J I i() UJJul oz .o-DJc J Iz uJ = J FoF NOtlVnlVA IE lr lE lI E=oI+-z b* Fe NFxc r.! = JF E2z>llJ s =>G -l.')3ur,S =tOnl zz99 =a eFaroo EPr!<olHFiEj$i zo F f lt G o- oE(, uJG F oo ooo o Fl Fl ao-llJc, J z tr z9F E llJti .> 3 u,lz lltl| .-rltl Qtrzlz9!a5? =F8T<z tltol'1 cl tl a trz. 2=-iFd63EOI IJJ f, (f o <nllJzxI-F z tr 6z -.) 3 F ul ooo = o o lJI<l FI zl zl .. >l UJ uJ uJz = ulC J zI = O(\.1 rJ) Fl =at> J6 r) I J@3 -.-<cl) .f -t2frr/l crJ,O ./ .-'rqtI 4 4,8'..4 @ tuqz93Ei rJJ l\ c0Fe3F FIJ:-FEEulcblis8*rT Hur23 zo9ze60 =z dP =fi8 ts =E uJo. t!oE82Zes€8B9tt ir 51-E ;tE FEE =9E U5E irE ;-Eu{ €= uJoo E =e, lrJo-zoF CJ :)E 6zoo flnn .l .t F-9i IJ(')z,lrl lt',IJ d. U.JJ F ui =z co -l L c, F J c-c F) IJJ =z t.ltPtl-lrd !l:t Ll(u.'-lq -cl'1*lct .lg lrJ I $RlIr{lglilgoulHHqq Et 3 <l>lrtlol zl FI (-)z t r', Lul- (Jov)v) oa SZq) Lr.ld! E tr >l t!lol zl FI I I zl aH I I EI <l>l bl Pl E o E irgi+to2 o F C) uJ tsrot ttI EEE \ Project Application Or=ll o^r" c-l< K ( Project Name: Project Description: Contact Person and Phone "v i:> riting ? . Zone Architect. Address and Phone: Legal Descriplion: Lot Comments: Design Review Board Date APPBOVAL DISAPPROVAL 3-O summary: d{PB'.'*r[ / ,fuAurrffirrD r.:rn+ rztoDrRcrfflo^]^ Fa Lt *****THIS APPLICATIoN tIILL NoT I. PRE-APPLICATION MEETING: APPLICATION DATE:June 2, 1986 DATE OF DRB MEETiI.IG:June 18, 1986 DRB APPLICATION BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL INFORMATION IS SUBI.IITTED***** A pre-application meeting with-a planning staff member is strongly suggested to Jeiermiirb if any additional inforinatjon is needed. No app'licatjon will be accepted untess.it is coirplete (must include al'l items required by the zoning administrator). ii is ttre applicint's responsibi'tity to make an appo'intment with the staff to find out about aitiitional submittal requirements. Please note that a C0MPLETE appfic:- tion will streamline the approval process for your project by decreasing the number of conaitions-oi approval ihat the'DRB may sti-pulate. ALL conditions of approval must be resolved before a building permit is issued. A. PROJECT DESCRIPTION:A seconda unit on a vacant lot zoned B. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: Address Beawer Dam Circle ' Legal Description Lot-l- Block 3 Fi'ling Third Zoning Primarv/Secondary C. NAME OF APPLICANT: Address Beck & Associates, Inc. P.0. Box 1413, VaiI, C0 8i658 tel ephone 827 -57 Lr D. NAME 0F APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE: DeGette, Armon, Kreuz Ltd' Address E. NAME OF te'l ephone 328-2340 OI,INERS:John L. T ler I. " Signature Address F. DRB FEE: V1OO HumUoldt Street nver, C0 80218 telephone 778-0775 permit is requested. VALUATION The fee will be paid at the time a building FEE $ o-$ 1o,ooo $10,001 -$ 50,000 $50,001 -$ 150,000 $150,001 - $ .500,000 $5oo,oo1 - $1,ooo,ooo$ Over $1,000,000 $ 10.00 $ 25.00 $ s0.00 $100.00 $200.00 $3oo. o0 IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBMISSIONS TO THE DRB: ). 1. In addition to meeting submittal requirements, the applicant must stake the site to indicate property iines and building corners. Trees that will be removed should a]so be martLa. This work must be completed before the DRB visjts the si te. Z. The review process for NEl,l BUILDINGS wil'l normally involve two separate nieetings of the Design Review Board, so pian on at least two meetings for their approval . 3, people who fail to appear before the Design Review Board at their scheduled reeiing and who have'hot asked for a postponement will be required to be republ i shed. ' l.'' . l" 4, The following ltems no longer have.to be_presented to the Design-Review Board- iiiey,-trowevei, have to be [resented to the Zoning Administratoi for approval: a. llindows, skyiights anci srmilar exterior changes that do not alter the existing Plane of the building; and b. Building additions that are not-viewed IloT 9*y other lot or public space' which hive had letters submitted from adjoining property owners approving the addjtion; and/or approval from the agent for, or manager of a condominium associ ati on ; :' 5. You may be required to conduct Natural Hazard Studies on your property. You should check with a Town Planner before proceeding MATERIAL TO BE SUBMITTED NEl^l CONSTRUCTION A. Topographic map and site plan of site containing the following (2 copies): y Licensed surveyor's stamp. //. Contour intervals of not more than 2' unless the parcel consists of 6 acres or' / more, in which case, 5' contour intervals will be accepted. g/ e*:sting trees or groups of trees having trunks with diameters of 4n or more / --- .c--i -L-..^ ---r- I. one foot above grade. ,/!(. Rock outcroppings and' Jntermittent streams, other significant natural features (large boulders' etc. ) . crz'Property 'l ines showing distances and bearings and a basis of bearing dn/ Proposed driveways with percent slope and spot e'levations { n I easements Existing and finished grades. .{ m existidg and proposed improvements including structures, landscaped areas, service areas, storage areas, walks, dri veways, off-street parkin1j' loading areas, retaining wa1ls (with spot elevations), and other site improverents. { nevations of top of roof ridges (with existing grade shown underneath) to determine height of building. g/ n sbrcment from each utility verjfying locat'ion of service and availability. To" be'submitted with site p'lan'./ / prelim'i nary title report to accompany a'l 'l submittals, to insure property ownership' and all easements on property. D. Landscape Plan (1" = 20' or larger) - 2 copies 1. Show the location of 4" diameter or larger trees,,other'shtulis'afrd-iia'tive p'lants thare on the site and the location and design of proposed landscape areas w'ith the varieties and approximate sizes of plant materials to be planted. N 2. Complete landscape materials list. ,/ fr Designate trees to L; saved and those to be lost. NOTE: As much of the above inforrnation as possib'l e should occur on the sjte p1 an, so that the inter-relation of the various components is clear. The landscape plan should be separate. The existing topographjc and vegetational characteristics may be a separate map. The applicant must stake the site to show lot lines and building corners. Trees that will be lost during constructjon must be tagged. The work should be completed before the DRB site vis'i t. y'lvalanche areas, 100 year flood plain and slopes 40% or more, if applicable. 6uz'Ties to existing benchmark, either USGS landmark or sewer invert. 7. Locatjons of the fo'llowing: ar,/Proposed surface drainage on and off site showing size and type ofv culverts, swales, etc. p/txact locations of all utilitjes to include existing sources and proposed' service lines from sources to the structure. Utilit'ies to include: cable TV sewer gas Te'lephone water el ectri c Arch'itec;ural Plans (Uo 8"= 1' or larger) 2 copies ' .r/, 'r,{ Must include floor plans and.al'l elevations as they.wil'l appear ii.uutio"t must show both existing and finished grades' Z, Exterior surfacing materjals and colors shall be_specified and submitted for review on-it" mat6rials list available from the Department of Conrnunity Develop- men;. Color chips, siding samples etc.' should be presented at the Design Revlew Board meeting. F. The Zoning Adminjstrator and/or DRB may require the_submission of additional plans' drawings, speCificat'ions, samples and other material (including a model) if deemed necessiry tb determine whether a proiect will comply with design gu'idel'ines. II. MINOR ALTERATIONS TO THE EXTERIOR OF BUILDINGS photos or sketches that clearly indicate what is proposed and the location (site p'lan) oi proposal may be submitted in lieu of the more formal.requirements given above, as lon! ai ttrey piovide all important specifications for the proposed includ'ing colors and materials to be used. III. ADDITIONS - RESIDENTIAL OR COMMERCIAL A. Original floor plans with all specifications shown B. Floor plan for addition - 2 copies c. site plan'showing existing and proposed construction - 2 copies topos D. Elevations of addition E. Photos of ex'i sting structure F. Specifications for all materjals and color Department of Commun'i ty Development At the request of the Design Review Adm'injstrator you may also be required to submit: G. Statement from each utility verifying location of service and avai'lability. See attached uti'lity location verification form' H. S'i te jmprovement survey, stamped by registered professional surveyor. I. pre'liminary title repor.t, verifyjng ownership of property and lists of easements. IV. FINAL SITE PLAN --after a bui1ding permit has been issued, and when the project is undervay., the following will be requirei U"fot. any building receives a framing inspect'ion from the Bu'ilding Department: A certified improvement survey showing: A. Bu.i 1d.i ng locations with ties to property corners, i.e. distances and angles. B. Building dimensions to nearest tenth of foot' .1 on comPletion. samples on materials ljst available at sholing size of lines, type of materia'l used'C. All utility serv'ice lines as-builts and exact locations. 2 coPies D. Drainage as-builts. 2 coPies t. Basis of bearing to tie to sectjon corner' F. Al 1 property pins are to be ejther found or set and stated on map. G. All easements H. Building floor elevations and roof ridge elevat'ions. o LIST OF MATERIALS 'NAME 0F pR0JECT: _ Tyier Resid,ence ..LEGAL DES:iIPTICII: STREET AOORESS: DESCRIPTION OF PR The following Board before A. BUILDING information is required for submitta'l a final aPProval can be fiven: MATERIALS: TYPE OF MATERIAL by the applicant to the Design Review COLOR Roof Si di ng Other tlalI Materials Fasci a Soffi ts l.li ndows }lindow Trim Doors Door Trim ' Hand or Deck Rai'ls Fl ues Fl ashi ngs Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses 0ther ' codt- Shik€s N' 1" ''-o 1 DeL:UtI(Iit\y l.rrlJ.L \Jltlrv rrrr -a !vL zvIC\' .-' Pri merw/Seccin4ary B. LANDSCAPING:of Des'igner: . phone: Botanical NamePLANT MATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES EXISTING TREES BE REI4OVED Matthews & Associates =- Common Name Quani ty Indicate he'ight for conifers. (over) N.ame Si ze* *lndicate caliper for deciducious trees. ]\.-' u-.-V (-c,'tsree.F -\"c'v\-S V*'\ F{NL.-,' . r\ r\ ---\ ; \t- e, J-'*'H'\ \'\t- a- 1 pe.. PL'*e \t I t- --\ *, = -*--\ o r<e'r.- P\--**.r *-EL-'\ .:/=\tc- 'pLANT I'IATERIALS: Botanical Name Common Name Quanity Size . (con't) SHRUBS EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REI'IOVED Tvpe Square Footaqe GROUND COVERS s0D SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL C. OTHER'LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls, fences, sw'imming pools, etc.) Please specify. UTILIfi LOCATION VERiFIC.\TION SUBDIVISION Vail Village NArVE Tyler ResidenceJOB LOT 3 FTLING ThirdBLOCK ADDRESS The location of utilities, whether they lines, tnust be approved and verified by accompanying site plan. be main trunk the following lines or propos erl utilities for the fountai n Bel lJ l-634-3778 l-.t6S.l060 }lestern S'lope Gas Harry Moyes Date P,rbl i c,/ Gary Service Company Hal'l v+-se -414/ ,4,iii.'?'i,i'il aiiached sheet -Fzz-4 41sl- 3 - e7-eL * }$1y Cross El ectri c./ Ted Husky/Michael Vgil Cable T.V. "/ Gary Johnson Assoc. Laverty U/per Eagl e Vai 1ey I'later / and Sanitation Discrict David Krenek NoTE: These verificati.ons do not relieve the contractor of his responsibility to obtain a street cut pernit from the Tovm of Vail , Departrnent of Publ ic l'lorks and to obtain ut.ility locatj.ons before digging in any public right- of-way or easenent in the Town of Vail. A building perrnit is not a street cut perni.t. A street cut pernit nust be obtained separately. This form is to verify service availablity and locatlon. This should be used in conjunction with preparing your utiLity plan and scheduling installations. Authorized Signature tlDATE: zf 'll8t"leenr- @ Block_--3- Fil ing ZONE CHECK FOR SFR,, R, R P/S ZONE DISTRICTS one Phone Al I owed (30)(33) ja3? ^)sq3.9 _@e 20' 15' 15' (30) (50) ADDRESS: Ol^lNER ARCHITECT ZONE DI PROPOSED USE LOT SIZE Hei ght Total GRFA Primary GRFA Secondary GRFA Setbacks: Front Sides Rear Water Course Site Coverage Landscapi ng Fence/Retaining 'lJal I Park'ing Credi ts: Garage Proposed 3E ffi lSeo Hei ghts (3oo)(600) (eoo)(1200) (50)(1oo) (25) (50) (2oo) (4oo) / / t\ -sot-Lw) L{Mechani cal Ai rl ock Storage Solar Heat Drive: Slope Permitted Envi ronmenta I ,/ Hazards :' ;Dtb Slope Actual Aval anche Flood Plain Sl ope Wetl ands Geologic Hazards Comments: Zoni ng:i sapproved oo LANF TITLE 6UARANTF-E COHPANY Reeresenting Title Insurance Comparry of Minnesota THANK YfiU FtrR YOI-IR ORDFR l"lav 2./, l9AA 0rlr Order'I V?134 BUYERg ,-IffHN L. TYLEH .qELLER! AtrNRESSI TOWN OF VAIL PLANNING SI'AIJF I Attn: ANEY EECKF.O. EoX , VArL CO 8165A Attn I .t'"'o'T 25a22/7a AMERT.AN f,o r,raa AssocrATro" aott,r"t - 1970 Rev. Jrn-e lr.rsunnrucr fiorvreaNy oF |\/|'rNESorA a Stock Company of Minneapolis, Minnesota TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY OF MINNESOTA, a Minnesota corporation, herein called the Company, for a valuable consideration, hereby commits to issue its policy or policies of title insurance, as identified in Schedule A, in favor of the proposed Insured named in Schedule A, as owner or mortgagee of the estate or interest covered hereby in the land described or refened to in Schedule A, upon payment of the premiums and charges therefor; all subject to the provisions of Schedules A and B and to the Conditions and Stipulations hereof, This Commitment strall be effective only when the identity of the proposed lnsured and the amount of the policy or policies committed for have been inserted in Schedule A hereof by the Company, either at the time of the isuance of this Commitment or by subsequent endoresement. This Commitment is preliminary to the issuance of such policy or policies of title insuance and all liability and obliga- tions hereunder shall cease and terminate six months after the effective date hereof or when the policy or policies committed for shall issue, whichever first occurs, provided that the failure to issue such policy or policies is not lhe fault of the Company. CONDITIONS AND STIPULATIONS l. The term "mortgage", when used herein, shall include deed of trust, trust deed, or other security instrument. 2. lf the proposed Insured has or acquires actual knowledge of any defect, lien, encumbrance, adverse claim or other matter affecting the eslate or interest or mortgage thereon covered by this Commitment other than those shown in Schedule B hereof, and shall fail to disclose such knowledge to the Company in writing, the Company shall be relieved from liability for any loss or damage resulting from any act of reliance hereon to the extent thi Company is prejudiced by failure of the pioposed Insured to so disclose such knowledge. If the proposed Insured shall disclose such knowledge to the Company, or if the Company other- wise acquires actual knowledge of any such defect, lien, encumbrance, adverse claim or other matter, the Company at its option may amend Schedule B of this Commitment accordingly, but such amendment slull not relieve the Company from liability previously incurred pursuant to paragraph 3 of these Conditions and Stipulations. 3. Liability of-the Company under this Commitment shall be only to the named proposed Insured and such parties in- cluded under the definition of Insured in the form of policy or policies committed for and only for actual loss incuned in re- liance hereon in_ undertaking in good faith (a) to comply with the requirements hereof or (b) to eliminate exceptions shown in Schedule B, or (c) to acquire or create the estate or interest or mortgage thereon covered by this Commitment. Ih no event shdl such liability exceed the amount stated in Schedule A for the policy or policies committed for and such liability is subject to the insuring provisions and the Conditions and Stipulations and the exclusions from Coverage of tlte form of policy or policies com- mitted for in favor of the proposed Insured which are hereby incorporated by reference and made a part of this Commitment except as expressly modified herein. 4. Any action or actions or rights of action that the proposed Insured may have or may bring against the Company arising out of the status of the title to the estate or interest or the staius of the mortgage thereon covered by this Commitment must be based on and are subject to the provisions of this Commitment. STANDARD EXCEPTIONS In addition to the matters contained in the Conditions and Stipulations and Exclusions from Coverage above referred to, this Commitment is also subject to the following: 1. Rights or claims of parties in possession not shown by the public records. 2, Easements, or claims of easements, not shown by the public records.3. Discrepancies, conflicts in boundary lines, shortage in area, encroachments, and any facts which a correct survey and inspection of the premises would disclose and which are not shown by the public records. 4. Any lien, or right to a lien, for services, labor or material theretofore or hereafter furnished, imposed by law and not shown by the public records. 5. Defects, liens, encumbrances, adverse claims or other matters, if any, created, first appearing in the public records or attaching subsequent to the effective date hereof but prior to the date the proposed insured acquires of record for value the estate or interest or mortgage thereon covered by this Commitment. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Title Insurance Company of Minnesota has caused its corporate name and seal to be hereunto affixed by its duly authorized officers on the date shown in Schedule A, to be valid when countersigned by a validating officer or other authorized signatory. Jrn-e lr.rsunaruce fiorvrearuv or ffltruNEsorA -&."y*:e_ Secretary vros3NNrfif ro ^Nvdr'lroN rltvunsrul rrrrl :6ull uaserdaU attrra) 6ul f*-S 0 -"-TmJfU t9zz-9rt (eos) 899 18 0c 'llen lgt xo€ 'o d psou ooeluorj qlnos 80 ! ANUdn0c ilI]{uuut|0 fll|IONV] lo aclgo aql qbnorql penssr pue pecnpo:d se/o luaulluuroc slql ]UNSNI OI rNil U-il |NOC o ALTA COT,II,I ITIIENT $CHETIIJLE A Aprl lcrtion No. V9tg4 Fon tnfonmetlon Onlv tlhrr|'r -Usnrr Pol lcY PRELII.I REPORT ilOO.OO --TOTAL-- ftOO.OO lrlth vour. Fctttttnce rlarrr pcfrr to V9194. l. Effcctlvo Drtcl l.la.v 15, t986 rt AIOO A.M. 2. Pol lcv to br. llrurd, tnd pnolorad Inrurodt "A|-TA" Osnrr'l Pol lcv Forn E-t97O (Anrndrd lO-17-7O) Proporcd Inrurodr .X)HN L. TYLER 3. Thr rrtrta oF int.rcrt in thc lrnd dcecnibcd or rcfcrrrd to tn thtr Connltnrnt rnd covorrd henrln irt A Fcc 4. Tttle to thr rrtrtc oF lnteFfrt covcrcd hercln lr rt tho effestive datr horeof vrrtod inr \FT+T L. TYLER ft. Thr lrnd rcfrrpid to in thlr Connltnrcnt ir drrcribrd rr Lot 9' Elock 3' VAll VILLASE' THIRD FILXi{O' ACCORIIINC TO THF REOORNSD FI.AT T}EFEOF, COUITITY OF EABI.ET $TATE OF CI?LORADO. rat PA{'E I $CHEDULE B':l (Rcrulrcmentr) Appllcetlon No. Vt134 Thr follorl,or rrr thr rfqslFonantr to bc coorlt€d ultht 1. Prvnrnt to or for the account of thc rrantoFr or noptsarorr ofthr ful I conrldrratlon for the crtntr or lnt*rcrt to br i nrurrrr. 2. Propcr lnrtruntnt(r) cncrtlnr thc ertlto or intorort to bc tnrurcd nuct br txccutrd ud dulv fllcd for rccordr to-sltr tt- THE CTX.'iITY CLEFI( AI{O RE@RTER8 OFFICF REzuIRFA RETTS{N ADTNESSES OIII IX'CIS.I€NT$ AENT FOR RECMDIN€! ! .. TII o ALTA CO}II'{ITI'ENT FAOE 2 o ALTA CttHH SCHLI]ULE ( Exce.pt i ons ITI.IENl' B-2 ) Appl lcation Na. V?l34 s. The rolicv or polici*e to ba iggued uil I contain exccptionf to thc follorrrinc unlerc thc serre arc dtspotcd of to the ratig+actlorr of the Comranvt 1. Standar'd Exccrtions I throush $ printad on thc crrvar shcet. 6. laxes and arrcrgmcntr not vet due or pavabl c and sFecial asse!!'mcntg not vet qcntificd to the Tne*surcr''3 office. '/. Anv unpeid taxcg or Esessmcnts anainrt s*id land. B. Licns f or unpeld uraten and scu*r. char.scs ' i t anv. RIOHT LIF PROPRIETOR UF A VEIN (IR L$DE I'O ETTRAI]"I AND IIT,I'II]VE HIS OIIU THEREFRO].I SHOULD THE $AI.IE FE FOI.'NLI TO FINF'TI{ATF. C,H IN ERST.:CI TIIH PRF-I'1I$F.S AS RESERVEE IN UNITED STAfilS PAI'ENT RECOfIDEO tieptcmber O4' l1t23r IN B0OK 93 AT PAGE 94. 10. RIGHT OF I.IAY FOR NITCHES OR CANALS CCINSTRUCTEF FY THE AUT'HORITY OF 'THT.: UNITEO STATES AS RE$ERVED IN UNITED $l'ATE$ PATENT TIECORFEO Septcnbcr O4' 1923, IN BOOK ?3 AT PACIE ?8. II. IIESI'RICTIVE COVENANTS HHICH UO NUT CON'fAIN A FORFEI]UHE OH REVERTER CL.AUSE' 8UI CrFllT'fINO RHSTIIICTIONS' IF ANY' BASEI ON fIACE' COI-$R' REl-ltlION' OR NATIONAL ORIGIN' A$ CONTA}NED IN INSTRUI{FI'II RECORDED ilarch 23' I?63, IN BC|OK 174 AT PA6E 575. 12. IITILITY EASEIIENT FM FEET IN tfIDTH ALONG Tl'tE NOR'IHWE$TERLY LOT LI|.IE OF SUBJECT PROPERTY AS SHCIslN ON TllE RECoRnlln PLAT nF VAIL VII-LAGE, 'fHIltB FILINCI. 13. STREAII AND POND AFFECTING A P']RTION OF SUBJFCT TTOFERTY AS S}IOT.IN ON THE RECORBEO PLAT OF VAIL VILLAGE, HIRO FII.IN€. 14. LIS PENDEN$ IN THE NI$TRICT C(trtKT IN ANU F(IR T}IE COUN'TY OI-'EA(JTE ENlI]'LE.U Tl|of'lAS B. ANEERIjON' PI-AINfIt:F(S), VS VAIL A$Sllt-:IAI'US' INC.r A COL'IRAUO crrRPoRA'l't0N, E:T AL, DEFEHIIAN'r($), REC0Rn[:D Hav t/, 1971' lN F00< ?"O A'l PAGE 509, CML ACTION NO. 16S1. \ lti. RESTRICTION AS CUNTAINEN IN },ARRANTY NEUN Rf.JCIST{NFD DENFHFTF]'FI 14' 1977 IN BOOK 263 AT PAGE ii34 A$ FOLLOI,XiI ,,NO II"{PROVEf",IFN S UF ANY KINU T.IHATSOEVER S}ItrILL tsE CONS'I'RUCILtI OTI EI{ECIEI.I UFON THE SUBJECT PREI"TISES lflTHCLIT THE $lRIf fl:N AI''PROVAL' IN f\tlVAfilL:E' OF r:. GARY SKARTVEUT ANN VIRGINIA B. SI(ARTVEIIT, I.'}IU SI.IAT.L HAVE THE RIG}IT TO APPROVE OR DENY THE LT}CATION AS I"IELL AS EXTCRIOR APPEARANCE I]F ANY SUCII II,IPRCIVEHENT, PROVIOEB T}IAT STJC}I APPRI]VAI. OF FXTFRIOR AI'PEATIANI:E OF fd'CII IHPRTIVIiHENI' SlJAr..l_ NOI ttE r_tNfrFASr-rNA$t-y WItilt{El n $tt I r}Nrl rlB SAIE EXTERIOR FAI:JE ALT cofit{tT $c|{Eort-E B -2 ITENT {Excrrt I onr I AFFI lcation l{o. V9l3{ OOTSOR}IB OET€Rfl.LY tN APPEAR,I$ICE TO THOJE STRI,CTURSE CURRE}ITLV L$AT€D t]r{ LOTS 2 AND 4r VAIL VILLABE' THIRB FILINS' COUNTY OF EA{ILE' grATE tr OS.IIRAIIOT A}ID PRttr/IDED FURTI.ER THAT T|IE COVENANT SIUT-L EXFIRT OF ITS (ilil{ TERII TE}I YEffi FROII TI{E DATE HEREOF OR AT Si".,CH TIT.IE AS C. OARY SfiRTWDI ff,l0 VIRIIINIA D. SNffiTVEDT OR TtlE SIIwI\AIR OF rH€lt HAVE Ml lli€RgtltP OR EISFICIAI. Ii{TEREST IN AAIT' LOT 4, VAIL VILLAGE' THIRD FILIIifi'. " t A Fff'€ 4 i __ .T.nr i. I ,: I rNs#ctoNTOWN OF REQUEST VAIL- I i* -fi-lDATE * *-- rl\LI JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT BU ( [, NG: TIN NDI vl lN o STEI {/s ER AILII .EE G PLUMBING: tr UNDERGBOUNO tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr tr tr tr tr tr ,ILDII FOOT FOUN FRAM ROOF PLYW INSUI. SHEE \Tto G- SHE )DN f toN ocK E A EL ;TE NG tr GAS PIPING TINGS NDATI I\4ING IF&SF /VOOD JLATIC ETROC tr POOL / H. TUB ROOF PLYW INSUT SHEE-NAIL tr tr EFINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL PPROVED tr DISAPPROVED EI REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR ,1 ,onre f]: I 1 {--r \- L rNsf"roN REouEsr TOWN OF VAIL r ' . -t.t PEBMIT NUMBEF OF PROJECT DATE JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: A"? APPROVED ./lCALLER !,' '- ' ',-MON TUES , WED ,j THUR FRI - AM PMIUE!' . ,WED J THUR FRI - AM PM', a \"----'/ i.!*.. -- i. ,.i ..,' ii -?, / i)rt t"^ ,' ,.;L tr DISAPPROVED tr BEINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL DATE INSPECTOR I INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VA|L ' . I It- DATE READY FOR LOCATION: I CALLER INSPECT WED _l) iTHUR FRI f t,5(tr I |.r Ir )(.-ru {' .-4.)tl PEBMIT NUMBER OF PBOJECT n BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: RTOUNDAT|ON / STEEL tr tr tr tr tr tr tr UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK POOL / H. TUB NAIL FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP, POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr o /ruer-tr FINAL ,/".:4 TPPROVED RRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED 0fh, Jii INSPECTOR rNs#croN.TOWN OF I i PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT REQUESTVAIL I.r L l(tt-DATE '/ l,).> / I u JoB NAME I CALLER ' READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: MON TUES fe;:,K), .! ,,"tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED THUR PMAMFRI q/l.eeaoveo CORRECTIONS: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS i STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL u tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING q RoUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL { FINAL / \ TNSPECTORDATE l i JOB INSPECTION:MON THURREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: D FOUNDATION / STEE- tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION -tr POOL / H. TUB O SHEETROCK NAIL tr \o trtr FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR p r,rftnr-tr FINAL 'PROVED RECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR.. PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE f-a INSPECTION REOUEST TOWN OF VAIL . t t I i JOB NAME MON CALLEB TUES ,'WeD ilrun \tl'.-$i'..r., AM @FRIREADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: "-,':).-lJ l --,-!n \ BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr FOUNDATION / STEEL ttr'u tr tr tr tr o FRAMING -ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr tr tr u GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETROCK POOL / H. TUB NAIL FINAL FINAL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND V *oron / D.w.v. Si*oro* / wArERt\ ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANIGAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS D CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr ,'lr,*o,-FINAL OVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED coflRECTTONS: D^TEW ) .,{ 1<tltJ IF a( _-:t t r PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT oot= ?- f 3-?(o ,o, *o* rNs#cnoN REQUESTVAIL I I ; TOWN OF READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MoN ruES @ THUR FBI CALLER BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER\r*nrr,rrruc: FOOF & SHEERYpLvwooo NAtLtNG tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK, NAIL tr tr tr tr FINAL B FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT - tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr UFINAL tr FINAL \PPROVED RRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECT boyle engineerlng, Inc' 143 e, meadow dr. 3uite crosrroadl rhoPPing vail. colorado 81657 3031476-2170 THE FOLLOWII'IG WAS NOI-EI.): ,__kJa)A*4,W fu GF\G, M A VPJ^L +il\tAL I&Wld_fr tsFAMr^J9z roa7+Ehrbte WD _%eeEle-, a++e @Uj,blN(2 Ltls4 No.eo- --:*M reP#AlN(a- --:9U:!M6 tsl Wt.A W+v.ffi @e4-ut-14*4Vum> -_3O W- @rNfw lAIfr NOs{' a+aAL &2u1i - kvde @? @!Nq1A6 4*.a @uu^-1Fle no ffi1xv, 4M-AVE trl A-re tuJr tW-(tr @tAW>, -_4Q aulMNIs Do 11s6 *Ne y'd\H twotzhra a*Ec:wW -_M p 7-tlv1@r-4tz W:il. b\ a.lutut= AJq# ----fuW- l rWr-a> w-\ 5tfr lE Ar{ heen^sG __awffvre,,_9_W rc+4rxJ6- - - UJ--ruLr$ cbl%,tthltG'p P fu:*4 -=W1' abvw y+AEw A)rrwv\tb -----: -?-=- Ld @ El--lD F.l.AtuNC, e?-, *---: -4: Od r& t=tttwz, _J?frJ_We A{.H @+rrlo+s ?€@,m4o 1Tlb aar> W+*AAg @sM n:Ut mtE, paggttlvl4sT6t2- M|AJIMUM rrJAturura- t INSPECTIONTOWN OF REQUEST VAILPERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES,WED THUR FRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr tr tr. tr tr tr FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILI tr GAS PIPING INSULATION i tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr trFINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: E TEMP. POWER MEGHANICAL: tr HEATING O ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr flNAL tr FINAL \PPROVED RRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED E'REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR --. _4)r\) INSPECTION TOWN OF a REQUESTVAIL r ' DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME CALLER BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tNG /'?[- tr RoucH / wATER ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR i:-VF PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: rNs#cnoN TOWN OF |l REOUESTVAIL r/ } NAME MON l.t CALLER @,-WED THUR FRI PM-@ LOCATION:-s' ,i' ?a\ 'f .// /'--L: ..t,'c / BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER -, ROQS & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION fl sneernocr tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr tr tr trtr FINAL FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING E] ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL At OVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED RECTIONS: INSPECT . ' ' ( I (! PERMIT NUMBER OF PftOJECT INSPECTION REQUE"S.TVAIL i DATE JOB NAME TOWN OF VAIL READY FOR LOCATION: CALLER TUES ) r"', l INSPECTION:M WED THUR ,,.-Fil)PMAMON ^ 1i. Vorr*ou.o tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr tr tr T1 tr tr UMBING: tr tr tr tr tr tr FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERFRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: D HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr N,/FINAL tr FINAL DATE INSPECTOR {urdm-, CALLER TUES INSPECTION TOWN OF THUR FRI t REOUESfVAIL r READY FOR LOCATION: PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr tr tr tr tr tr UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH i WATERtr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. .POWER MECHANICAL: D HEATING tr ROUGH EI EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr_ tr SUPPLY AIR n tr F/NAL N FINAL (t d AFpnoveo -r-co - tr DTsAPPRovED./i ! dORRECTIONS: - tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECT U (-tn-t PER IT NUMBER OF PROJECT I INSPECTION TOWN OF a REQUESJVAIL t ,) DATE JOB INSPECTION:MON CALLER TUES 'd i,br WED THURREADY FOR LOCATION: \'\, .I BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER{*nnrr,trruc 3-\ <--e. d 19.95^LSJ.qFR.. ^ _tr GAS PIPINGPLYWOOD NAILING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK E POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr tr tr trO FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANIGAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr q FINAL tr FINAL 4lhppnoveo Jd*r."r,o*., tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOh- -'-I/J. j Yr// PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: G INSPECTION I REQUES.T TOWN OF VAIL JOB NAME --r. CALLER t{Dy" TUES WED THUR FRI tr FOUNDATION / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING r_r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR E FINAL PROVED RECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTO a. t.i a I MEMOBANDUM TO: GENE A. SMITIT IROM: DIANA S. TOUGIIILL SUBDIVISION OF LOT 3, BLOCK 3, VAIL VILLAGE-THIRD FILING Approximately three months ago we discussed. the attachedcorrespondence from Lamy Reno and you were going to replyto the letter. Larry Reno just telephoned and i.nformed. me that he has had noreply to the Letter as of this date. Iyill you please checkinto this matter and let me know your opinion and r wirl theiranswer the letter. My position on the matter is unchanged from our conversationand from the position stated in ny ietter of March 4, LgZb,a copy of which is attached. Thanks. RE: IJATFRENOEI R. RDNO ATTORNEY AT LAW 646 METROPOLITAN BUILDING 1612 COURT PLACE DENVER, COLORADO 9O2O2 August L2, L975 TELEPHOHI (!o!) 2r!-.4!t Town of Vail Deparunent of Cornmunity Development Box 100Vall, CoLorado 81657 Attention: Dianna S. ToughiJ.l Zoning Administrator Dear !ls. ToughilJ.: At long last, I am responding to your letter to meof March 4, L975 (which for some reason was not receiveduntil March 24, L975). This is in regards to the "Resubdivisionof Lot 3, Block 3, Vait Village-Third Filing". I previouslydealt with your office on this matter but perhaps it wouldbe beneficial to the parties to explain again tlre intentionsof my clients. First, I do not believe that paragraph 1 ofSection 2 of Article I of your Subdlvision Regulations isapplicable. That provision is to the effect that: Itwhoever divides a lot, tract or parcel of landinto two or more lots, plats, sites or otherdivisions of land for the purpose, whether inunediateor future, of EereE SuirEffiireEEffiE,EE[-be subject to the provisions of these regulations whether a plat is recorded or notrr. (emphasis added) The purpose and intention of my clients is not, eittrerimnediate or future, for saLe or building development. Quite the contrary is true. At this tiJne, they have nointention of building on existing IJot 3 or upon either orany of the proposed subdivisions of Lot 3. They wouldmerely like to subdivide the tract at this time for purposesof ownership, maintenance and, control. They are willing toprovide in the d,ocuments creatj-ng the division that ttrere can be no building on either portion of the lot so long as Lhe ownership remains separate. In other words, anyonedesiring to build on Lot 3 wouLd be required to reassemblethe lot. This could be provided easily in a deed so as tobe a covenant or condition running with the land to bind allfuture heirs, assigns, etc. Obviously, I am attenpting tosave my clients as much money as possible and I would liketo avoid the necessity of a public hearing. I hope that youwill agree that the language of your Zoning Ordinance doel T..AWRENOE R. RE.NO Town of Vail August L2, L975 Page Two not apply to this situation. Further, the Town of Vail would have a built-in saf,ety feature in ttrat if anyone ever attempted to build on one or the other halves of this lot,they would. have to apply for a building permit and, the Townof Vail would be entitled to deny the permit based upon the covenant in the d,eed and of your ninimun lot size. I would appreciate it if you would review thismatter thoroughly, and with the Eown Attorney if necessary, and respond to ne as soon as you can in order that we rnaydeternine if it is necessary to proceed under the applicationfor variance. Very truly yours, . r"i LttiufaLL& {{Lur L,awrence R. Reno LRR/J$cc3 C. Gary Skartvedt ilohn L. Tyler l.|r. Lawrenca R. Reto Reno & Judd, Attorneyr at Law 646 lbtropolltan Bulldlry lhnvrr, Colorado 80202 Ra: Regubdlvlglon ot Lot 3, Block 3, Vall Vlllage Thlrd Flllng Oern l{r. Reno: In rnswcr to your latter of Fcbruary'28, 1975, lt rlll be neccssary for Jour cllents io resu$lvlde the sub]ect lot In accordance ulth Artlclc i of the Su$lvlslon Regulatlons of the Torn of Vall whlch stttes *l{ho- ever dlvldcs a lot, trait or prrcel of land lnto tno or nore lots' plats' sltes or othor dlvlslons of lind for the purpore' whethcn Inmdlata or future. of salc or bulldlng developent shali be subJect to the provl3aao! of thcre mgulatlons'. I am encloslng an rppllcatlon for the resuMlvlslon and a coPy 9f tlo.- Subdlvlslon Regulrtlbns. You should also be rwarc that the Zonlng td!n- rnce provldes i mlnlnr,rn lot size of 15,000 squarc fcot ln.a Rerldentlal Zone blrtrlct rnd the Plannlrg Csrnlsslon nay therefore dlsapProve the rosuMlvlrlon. Plmse accept our apologles for the overslght on the part of the Torn Attorney"s bfflcc th scnatng you the nccetiary docunents you reqmsted. lf you hrve further que3tlons, please feel free to call or wrlte. Yours tnrly, DEPARII|EilT 0F C0iflJllITY DEVEL0P|-|EI{T llarch 4, 1975 Dlcna S. Toughlll Zonlng A&lnlstrutor LAWRENCE R. RENO RICHARD O. JUOD RENO & JUDD ATTORNEYS AT LAW 646 METROPOLITAN BU I LDI NG oENVER, COLORADO e0202 303 - 255-4A31 February 28, 1975 OAVID J, TURN ER Town of Vail Planning DepartmentVail, Colorado 81657 Dear Sirs: I am enclosing herewith copies of two Warranty Deeds (unexecuted) whereby my clients, C. Gary Skartvedt and ,fohn L. Tyler, desire to divide, for purposes of est,ateplanning and title ownership on1y, Lot 3, Block 3, VailVillage-TtrjJd Filing, County of Eag1e, State of Colorado. They currently own the l-ot as Tenants in Common. As you cansee, there is a restriction j.n the deeds to prevent constructionof any building until such time as the Lot is re-consol-idated. I have had a great deal of discussion with the Town of Vail regarding this lot over the past few years, commencing with several conversations with Larry Robinson. f-,ast sunmer, I raised this matter by telephone with theoffice of the Town Attorney and was informed that recently adopted buiJ-ding, zoning and subdivision reguJ-ations wouldbe forwarded to rne, but I never received them. As thisproperty is located in an incorporated village, I woul-d assume that the provisions of "senate BilI 35" (L973 CRS 30- 28-101-, et seq.) are not applicable. HopefuJ-J-y, this conveyance does not amount to a re-pJ-at. Otherwise, I would assumethat an exemption or waiver could be obtained upon properapplication and perhaps with a restriction in the resoLutiongranting the waiver. In any event, I would appreciate it ifyou would obtain an opinion from your Town Attorneyrs officeas to whether or not this transactj-on is satisfactory aspresented or if we must make an application to your planning department and follow through from there. I wouLd also liketo receive copies of your planning, zoning, building andsubdivision regulations. Verv trulv voura.,,-T) f//-Ui'/-( (,,( QLufi-awrence R. RenoLRR/kb Enclosuresqc: C. Gary Skartvedt ilohn L. Tyler irr-^.wrrr(r(Al\I I ut.ulJ VEDT and TYLtsR, whose address is c/o C.G. Skartvedt, 23Drive, Englewood, County of Ara paho e colorado , for the consideration dollars, in hand paid, hereby sell(s) and convey(s) JOHN L. TYLER Arap aho e C. GARY SKARTVEDT and JOHN L. TyLER, andtheir respective wives, VIRGINIA D. SKART_ Sunset , State of of Ten to rvhose address is 4825 So. Fairf ax, EngJ-ewood County of , and State of Colorado the following real property in the County of Eagle , and State of Colorado, to wit: cove-'lf per- ha11 A part of Lot 3, Block 3, Vail Village-Third Filing, County ofEagler state of colorado, more parti.cu1ar1y described as f or.lows: o€t 76r a- Beginning at the southwest corner of said LoE 3; thence Northerlyalong the I'Ies terly line of said Lot 3 to the Northwest corner ofsaid Lot 3; thence Easterly arong the Northerly line of said Lot3 to the Northeast corner of said Lot 3; thencl and along adirect li.ne in a southwesterly direction to the southwest cornerof said Lot 3, being the true point of beginning, according tothe recorded plat thereof .with aLl its appurtenances, and warrants the title to the saEXCEPT general taxes and assessment.s for i-975, payable in 19AND EXCEPT all easements, rights of ruay, liniiaiic,ns, reservtions of record or apparant; AND EXCEpi recorded. protectivenants; AND the Grantee acknowledges and covenants, for himsehls heirs, successors and assignJ, that no buirding sha1l bemi-tted on the property conveyed to Grantee unless the same sbe consolidated wj-th_the othLr part of said Lot 3, BJ.ock.3,conveyed to John L. Tyier by deed of contemporaneous date. Thewives of grantors joln in this conveyance sorely to evidencetheir consent to such conveyance. with all its:ap,pn*man*sex dxrucant(e k thqtitle< bctba xan€, :sthif c&:d& Signed this day of ,1975 c. cttt siia;ilaar'--""- JOnn L. Ivler STATE OF COLORADO, "Vi f s infa"'D':""SIe-fEV da-d--"' County of The foregoing instrument was ]'" acknowledged before me this day of ,19 ,by C. Gary Skartvedt and John t. Ty1er, j;J; ;;;- - -',*"'', ii- My commission expires- ' - -1t4v commission expires Witness my hand and official seal. Notary Publlc s'otrtory acLnolobitomcnt'-rf by-nr'tu-ral porsotr or Daaaons hgrg tns€rt Dams or Dairles: ll by p€rsou eg lg Ln trpresgnt& vo orofftcl'al c:'Daattv or s.a attorngy-h-fa4t. tb6n bseft-ni;; oi- persoo a-s erecutor attonrey-tir-'lacc o! othor clDs,clty or. d6erlD-trou ; lJ bv orlcer ot corooratlbo tlen lnsen nanii oiirici-oirriei-oioiirii,ii-irJiii,ii-ritii.,'ot o" ot-ber orrlcora ot srrch cor-poratlon rratnlna lL No.897. Wlrr.ntr D€crl.-Shon For.o--g.c. tl8-l-lt, C,R.S. 1963-Bradtord publishina Co., 1894.a6 Stout Street, Denver, Coloredlo_ro.z3 i I I ri I I : I I.IARRANTY DEED C. CARY SKARTVEDT their respec tive and Colorado and JOHN L. TYLER, wives, VIRGTNIA D, 23 Sunset Drive, Engl_ewood , and State qf Colorado County of Eagle and S KARTVE I I TYLER, whose address is c/o C. G. Skartvedt, 23 SunsetDrive, Englewood, County of Arapahoe , State of , for the consideration of Ten dollars, in hand paid, hereby sell(s) and convey(s) to C. GARY SKARTVEDT rvhose address is Ar ap ahoe I i, County of i ; the following real property in the j il , and State of Colorado, to wit: ; A part of Lot 3, Block 3, Vail ViLlage-Third FiJ_ing, County of iiEag1e, state of colorado, more particularly descrii.a a= rorror":;i Beginning at the southwest corner of satd Lot 3; thence norttrerry. jalong the I,Iesterly J-lne of sald Lot 3 to the Norr.hrrest corner of irsaid Lot 3; thence Easterly arong the Northerly rlne of said Lot,i l.,::^:ni.I:t:1":":-c:,rner. of-said Lor 3; thencL ana arong-;- --- ,idirect l-ine in a southwesterly direction to the southwest corner .iof said Lot 3, being che true polnt of beginnittg, """o.;i";-;;-- ljthe recorded plat thereof, 1i wtth alL its appurtenances, and warrants the title to the same, iiExcEPT general taxes and assessments tor L975, payable in L976, .iAND ExcEPT al-l- easement.s , righrs of way, tiniiaiiLr," , ru".i".iioo" o-f _ record or apparant; AND EXcEpr recorded protecti-v" .o.r.rr"rra" r:ail iN? the Grantee acknowledges and covenants, for hi-mse1f , his i li l.i::, successors and assigns, that no buiiding sha11 be pernirted . on tne property conveyed to Grantee unless the same shal1 beconsolidated with- the other part of said Lot 3, Block 3, conveyed ,i tr John L. Tyler by deed of conremporaneous date. The wives of ,I granto-t" ioin in this conveyance solely to evidence their consent,, i, ao such conveyance. r: t:ix:rvrith*ll:tbggrpm*emures7<a*wan:axb(xktbsctisectodberdnersubdn0fido iw.EE aerv, dq.^rxrr,fr / : il i. i, il Siereal this day of , 19 7 S l; il ile':--.'ce;t"'skrfEnEat' '----' .l i IL J o h ii'-'t'. " tt1'e-;-""-'---- 'i V i-r g i. ii ia---D . --Skei-tVEA t-'-""'-"""- iSTATE OF COLORADO. 'I - ]' lss. I County of J*' Tyrer John L. Ty1er, ;and i Notary Publlc gtdrt9-rt Aokiolrbatgrnen|.-lt by tlPtua8l Dsraon o! por'rons b6r6 tns€r! namo or o4tnes; lf by DorooD r,cting tn nspre6onta,tlvo orolflclal- capacltr or as s'ttorncy-h-Ja.et -theB tusort nahe oi pe.rson a€ erecutor attornby-tir-?act or ottei &pedtii;;'ad;;:tton i .u by otflcer of c-orpoEtlbd t-hea tnsert namC ot euch oitftii oioiitcois-irs-ijio -irristisot oi oi-nei oif66rJ-of;u;ii-;;r-poratloq tramlna tL The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me thisilayof ,19 , by C. Gary Skartvedt and *"9 by their respective wives, Virginia D. Skartvedtrvler.- My commission expires Witness my hand and official seal. No.897. Wrrntrtt De.Nhoit ForE--Scc. f l8-f-ft, C-R.S. lgfj-Brodford publiehins Co-, 182d-d6 Stout Stre€t, Denver. Colo.adlo-lo-73 a o lL- tf-t?to-- C ttsrttr{v -i-' \J-t * bb. t ^l | -n0 lr,*-- *,--,, I ut-l>t- .a444'-- g-- - t ^' e.r41+-- -t- -h a4>caee- 7{L -.vr-tzWzt- a'- a. . /1>+r'/w*-+*! ,/