HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 7 BLOCK 7 LOT 3 PART 1 LEGALFls SI igEEE- ;EEEg; EsE€#g EIiiEE Y o s66Yvrz 94lFlX-r 3Fod z t) L) o U' 0.) fq z 3 -r F- Jv) z I F.1 I J tJ u d c) a > lI17 z IJ]A .t) & -laoz r-l F.l E (Jq)'E' oulc)-o 'rt ct () (gz Oq B; T'E€8>E xE!Ee8E.g u K -:'.5 rE_Ad EEpE -sEd?.{!JOfi:; --vlll* =,EEb -, ttt .5 eflEtsEpEEts EEg E.E E EsBg FE9.s A -(i 9 HE;r,:l o A1} oE€F taJ6 aE Hg bDSt! E.= €BE 5EE FSg r\vz A F=!{Ffgr\\Jr\\JAV fvnV tv\ (-,rl t'\\J t'!- . f-tnFr' F+< Fr\ rt\v '3* \E ssss .FE$E E SF*FEti F iAE,€, e.E'di I-SSF:UdF r\ goF Sc-'sq F [--.{ F \o € (J z E 3 t-. c, C) E Qv)g Lar 3 (d'I {)x V,l ?T {.t." TOWN OF VAII, 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArt, co 8L657 970-479-2l.38 DEPARITIEI\TT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE r THIS PERM]T MUST BE POSTED PROJECf TITTE: BILLINGSLEY NEW (SFR,P/S,DUP) PERMIT ON JOBSITE AT RESIDENCE Permit TIMES 800 -0019f+.Tr. P O BOX 373, VAIL CO 81658 DAVIS RAIJPH E JR TRUST - DAVIS MARy s, :-izo PTARMTGAN RD, vArL co 81657 BILLINGSLEY I.,UCY 2200 Ross AVE, SUITE 4800, DALtr-,AS, BIILINGSI.,EY I.UCY 22OO ROSS AVE, surrE 4800, DALT,AS, : 1170 PTARMIGAN RD : 1170 Pt,armigan Rd z 2LOL-092-08-004 : PR,l99-0198t No. Action: NOttE AcLion: APPR TX 75201 TX 75201- . oo 3.O0 o2/25/2OO0 KATITY o3/2t/2OO0 AOCHS +of cas r,096: 1 fof wood/Pallec ! .OO Toeal Caleulated Fee6---> 12'3so'55 5oO. Oo AddiEional fees---------> '00 652.2O Total Pomits Fee--------> 12'3so'ss 1. OOO.OO Palments------- t2' 3SO '55 Division: Division: Division: ,00 II,em: O51OO BUILDING DEPART14ENT o2/2e/2o00 KATIfv AcEion: NoTE O3/20/2OOO KATHY Actionr NOTE 03/TL/2OOO CHARLIE Action: APPR 03/22/2OoO KATHY Action: NOTE Item: O54OO PIJANNING DEPARTMEMf TOV/Comm' Dev. Clean-up DePqsit Refund tppr"".iO Wfu^dress amount Cate 71 APPT,ICAIIT SIIAEFFER CONSTRUEfION P O BOX 373, VArL CO 81658 CONTRAC:IOR SHAEFFER CONSTRUSTION OI,VNER OWNER APPLICANT Building-----> Ptan check- -- > Inwe6tigaEion> Hill call----> Fireptaca Inforoation: Restricced: yc€#of c.E APPliances I FEE SOTIMARY 5, 1?9. oo Restuarang Plan Rcvi€v--> {.016.35 DRB Fee-----'--- RscreaLion Fca-----_---_> c16an-up Dcpo6il- - ------> TOTAL FEES----- 12'380'55 BAIANCE DUE---- *rr*rrrtrttltir tt***r****t*ttt DePE: BUILDING Division: RouEed tro Charlie ILEMI 05600 FIRE DEPARTIVIEIIT 02/28/2000 KATI{Y Action: APPR Itrem: 05500 PIIBLIC V{ORKS STA}iIPED STRUCTS TO CD see corrections lisE PLAI{NING SET TO CIIART,IE DePt: PL,ANNING RouLed tso Allison checkj-ng on hot Lub Dept: FIRE Description:Nev, prim,/secondary Number of Dwelling units: 002 occupancy Type FacLor sq' r99t varuatrion Dwellings Zone 3 v-N l-38 ' 55 3 ' 536 489 '9L2 'gO thdeJ.J.ings Zone 3 V-N BasemenL 30'09 L'OL2 30'451'08 PrivaLe Garages Zone 3 V-N 36'2L 324 LI'732'O4 SubEotsal z 4,872 532'095'92 Tab}eDate:05/L7/:jg6TotalValuaEion:532,095.92Town of vail Adjusted valuaEion: L'5]-2'444'000 Status...: ISSITED APPIied..: 02/28/2OOO rilued.. -, 04/06/2oOO E>qrires. . : L0/03/2000 Plrone: 970-845-5656 Phone: 970-845-5555 Phone 2r4-754-L7I7 Ptrone:. 2t4-754-L7L7 3/2 WORK N/A Routed02/28/2000 KATITy OO KATIIY Action: .Ac!io_n; 03/31-/2000 04/ 05 /2000Item:05550 02/2e/2000 APPR APPROVED APPR See public Dept : ENGINEER Division: works REQUESTS FOR INSPECTTONS SHALL BE MANB PMNTY.POUR HOURS II.I AD'UANCE BY send clean-Up Deposit. To: Shaeffer conBtsrtrction Permit T149e: NEW (SFR,P/S,DUP) PERMIT AppLicant : SHAEFFER CONSTRUCTION JOb AddTESS: 1]-70 PTARMIGAN RD Location: l-l-70 Ptarmigan Rd Parce] No : 2l-01-092-08-004 8r00 AM 5:00 PM Applied: 02/28/200o rssued: 04/06/2ooo KATIIY Q."tiorr: NOTE STMPD per, rrstO LS LSANDOVA Actionr ENGINEERING KATHY AcL.ion: See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that, may appl-y to thls permit. DECI,ARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have :ead this appLlcation, filled outs in full Ehe informaLion req\rired, comPleted an accuraee ploL pian, and sEaEe thac a1i the infor-macion provided as r:equired is correct. I agtee ho comply with the infortnation and Plot plan, to complv {ith alf Tonn crCinance6 and slare 1aws, and Lo build Lhls sts-ructute according Eo Ehe town'3 zoning and subaivi.Eion codes, deEiglr review approved, uniforn 3uj.lding code and other oldinancee of uhe app)" i eable GNATIJRE OF OIINBR OR CONTRAdOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNER PAGE 2 *********************************************************************J.********** CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: 800-00L9 as of 04/07/00 STALUS : ISSTIED *****************************************Jr***************************J.********** * * * * * * * ** * * * * * t Jr ** * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * ** * * ** * * * * ** * * * * * * ** * * ** * * *** *** * * * ** * ** CONDITIONS********************************************************************:************ 1. THIS PRO,fECT WirJL REQUTRED A SITE TMPROVEMEI\rI SURVEY, SUCH SI]RVEY SHALL BE SI]BMITTED AND APPROVED PRIOR TO REQTIEST FOR A FRAME TNSPECTTON. 2. .A.TTIC SPACES SIALL HAVE A CEILING I{EIGHT OF 5 FEET OR LESS, AS MEASI]R-ED FROM THE TOP SIDE OF THE STRUCTUR]\L MEMBERS OF THE FLOOR TO THE UNDERSIDE OF THE STRUCTURAL MEMEBERS OF THE ROOF DIRESILY ABOVE. ol **************************************************************** TOI^IN OF VAIL, COLORADO Reprint.ed . 03 /27 / 00 10 : 00 SEaEemtE,*************************************************Jr************** stafemnt Number; REc-061_1 Amount: L2, 190.55 03/27/OO 10:00Palment Met,hod: CHECK Notation: #5921_G/Shaeffer Init: KMW Permit No:800-0019 Tlpe: B-BUIIJD NEW (SFR,p/S,DUp) pE Parcel No: 2101-092-09-004 Sit.E AddrESS: 1170 PTARMIGAN RD This Payment ***********************************************************Jr**** Account Code Description BP OO1OOO03111].OO BUTLDING PERMIT FEES DR OO10OO031.1-2200 DESIGN REVIEW FEESPF 001_0000311-2300 pr,AN CHECK FEES AD D2-DEPO8 CLEANI]P DEPOSITS RF 1r_10000311_2700 RECREATTON FEES WC OO].OOOO31]-2800 WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE Tocal Fees: 1-2,180 .55 Total AL,L Pmts: Balance: 12,380.55 t_2,380.55 .00 Amount 6 ,179 .00 300.00 4, 0r_5 .35 1, 000 . 00 682.20 3.00 7 TowN oF vArL Srrr*rcroN pERMrr ^rr?.ff-T;iltINTORMATION MUST BE COMPLETE OR THE APPLICATION WILL BE, REJECTEI) Contact the Eagle County Assessors at 97&32E-8640 for Parcel # Parcel # Zt Permit # ^o**'", Ts,ll;rytl"V Roary'eore rouaaaress: I l?O P{anyn\aan ?r,a.l nuaing p(Plunbing ( )Electrical ( )Ivlechanical ( ) Lot 3 nroct-l Filirle 7 subdivision f Address: lddress:?,0,A< G37t *!on,tt 8lb2o Legal Description: Owners Name: Architect:6 Phone#-Zll-754- )lff Pho"e#_4fu:_71D:J9S Description of lob: Work Class: New ffi Alteration ( )Additional ( )Repair ( )Other( ) Number of Dwelling Units:L F,-1tt/s"cq6611g Number of Accommodation Units: Number and Type of Fireplaces:Gas Appliances -O -Gaslogs atle (l) Wood./Pellet BUILDING: s f rAtZ,444 PLIJMBING $-|9r - VALUATIONS ELECTRICAI: S -.1 - MECHAMCAL$ - c - CONTRACTOR INFORMATION General contracton 4cecgrqhae-.mq Gil.4.Address: P,0, F - zZ3 , I/d!, (Dg 'o zZ, Town ofVail RegistradonNo fLt:E Phone # Eledrical Contractor, Nof &leo\d Town of Vail Registrarion No. Plumbins Contrector, Whi{u *faBf Town of Vail Registration No. illechanicar Contractor t ar*r- illeJWtarL Address: Town of V'ail Registration No. FOR OFFICE USE -O- WrD OT}IER: TOTAL $ Address: Phone # Address: Phone # BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE:PeernrtS ?.0'I Vo^\r ,O. tlox 12tq0 q70 -7zo -770b \ 173 D gpst t Pirl'1 ',lld t \. | . il i'!r"o.'i4 rl-t)ar;^s{ T$r"i Cili \? t t r l.YaJ:d ., ji.n.' \: YJrt -+-ti - 5iI #..1=S, c.Nt"r+i.{;rj\:.ni*.''""t.rS.tf X-:..:il1rc +\.':1-{+"i -q!t tS{rlt q! \nrr}A, (f€+ tJf .ts, t.l$ ,e': -sPo ! ors (1?- ts- s \ t-t' I rr -r-'!t'. 1s\.-J.s:dljf l,si epri:ii)l\ \, ,ta FSIr, ! tt (F ,usieoni;^ idi .usJJ..\, -L r) rttr\ i$d$\i,st,rli .l\rrt\r \s\ \r\SSFJIS) , $rqod 1d,;t+1,,t ts rotti'i'U$g{ i( r rtt'l', ,tt yr- j... lrla mt [i s ?< 6 ?-. olT,F5 5"'"i , sP t),! *t" t'-;.', .,,.iri"i ., AT€ ".ft ,",i1. -.h -u"i i '.FSF.- s+\- 'l:f'*tntr; ,t,Tr: ilj l'l'i auo $t$if s.rrtlr. r,Fi{- xo€ ,c,'.' .tt$\€." {q:.T- {\1 $ "'rr.'l 1++ei: 'r|a '.)1.- 'b.li'8 - TSg - sI \' .J,ho-, ao$'Enri ? +maF; a- fst wrsr* roi''l *tr*$ ul,flil; )" r41'lf,,r .tlao$!\ rD Q' 're.$',Bt:\ ., "\q*!, 't /.o.f s +*l ESIJC jJ,lt <1' o9p5aF h+X trYD -POI OEN{ aEd.olJ(,|o@E -eEPe E(o(o Ia.b(DTD CL;SExs 5 6'-0" N/AX. P @ C-o -l n -1 !-) t-- w Cf-O Trln n TI --J z.z =f-f- q Z t- Trl TTIn wr T z .Dot- tn { fr nlq v flI7 o rn + ooo w I G. €uI-0 b,o cD ---l-t- t\lN) c,r N) :lz Il-1 I ++=Fe B=P H'.P F i;mF=+ 6;i ^AE l!4 |=a-;2 -PR Y:5 ' _l_:l<Ia ob *z!-3r1e FFs =;a 3= |\ /- L,?-'ou' o-F d<> on 72iE =Hs IHe t;<--6 =iX rX- zm =xI"= -.=2 +2d 6=:HPr t6 Eln ;;Ho=# d+ n-_ 24' /n /\ >fi -'.^ '' ul,rllY> =< cfA z;A ,+H-++ Yr-=l Ou)-U>*A -ro tnon=x d 2=c\rzoT z'n r i a"t tn l-n crr]> zftT \24= .am>-t f,l-<n Xcn> -l:z;.( z"'u) o2-'taa =2a>!-:.1-r-+>!^r r OrrlIoz on --l Trlt z a r- rrl -) .-! \ --{ \ qs #ffi Cfo, o=ff7 trr Tl-j (D rr.r C =(D.(D @ C)q o 5 o 1 iJ Monroe & Newell Engineers, Inc. December 1,1999 Cotfle Graybeal Yaw Architects, Ltd- 37347 HiSway 6 Avon, CO 81620 Attn: Mrs. Jill Spaeh Re: Billingsley Residence (M&N #4539) Dear Jill: Monroe & Newell F.ngineqrs, Inc. have desigred ttre attached site retaining walls for the on-site soils conditions as outlined in the Supple,melrtal Subsoil Study by H€pworth- Pawiak Geoteshnical, Inc. , datedAugust 2, 1999 (Job no. 199239). If you have any questions or commexrts, please call. Very truly yours, MONROE & NEWELL ENGINEERS, INC. Pgrqq - olqa Boo - oolqffi Principal 70 Benchmark Road o (970) 949-7768 . Suite 204 + P.O. Box FAx (970) 949-4054 . 1597 . Avon, E iil E G E ! w till FEB 2 4 2ooo ii] ?v Date Received FEB 24 2000 email: mnengrs @vail. net i^., 6dL\aW+ , bvi-Ltl - 34b_ v/tltpLictaj- c*:-tt*t+T hAb b€aFi vrrTl z-*4 ar{T goi t"oD{ \EVinLLL itl N<:+tw *L,- Rev,set,g'AIE D{rE . ll-3o.lC.t1 W4t* &-flox) \i1 ll\ Hirl r+j4+T \laf15 +J- ?1?, Tu4 laSLot' 4trV-re{etF, t LfiA T{r !pP'. +u,b qvgLtLdIS l*)-r*t 4E #- lge,z\8 ++J}-Tfdf *5el'-a" .rerP 4-d;Ffirl. t ,1 U = I + -tv u>A1 uAclzlL | 'r # -911=ll=il 8".4.-eru . ._) glt'*i" -"' F $ I N0.3457 P,l/1 Vt\d,plr vJb\ , -?'F Gr{--.- "' ,{,3 I I fi ff r---- I I'-* i +ffi-zUtdo Tcwrnqf Vail - CFFIEfi CIOPY 'ra6q 'H""iipmv+si struc&Jral engineering and design PO. Bq4ti72 [97o] 949Et391 Vail,Coloredo 81658 Fs945|.1577 1 1/2 FILTER FABRIC PER SOILS ENGINEER FOR DRAINAGE AND EROSION CONTROL NOTES: 1. BOULDERS ARE TO BE .I,-6 TO4'-O IN DIMENSION AND SHALL BE OF ANGULAR SHAPES (NOT ROUND) 1 PLACE BOULDERS SO THEY INTERLOCK BOTH VERTICALLY AND HORIZONTALLY. DIMENSIONS SHOWN ARE APPROX. BUT THE TOTAL HEIGHT OF THE WALL MAY NOT EXCEED 12'-O AND THE SLOPE MAY NOT BE STEEPER THAN 1 l/2:1 BACKFILL AND BASE SOILS SHALL BE VERIFIED BY SOILS ENGINEER DURING CONSTRUCT]ON OF WALL.A. BOULDER TYP.5. DESIGN CRITERIA: 80 pcf nTyPtcAL BOULDER RETAIt\llNG WALL (DOUBLE TIER) N rs \./ BILLINGSLEY RE3IDENcI= #ooo3-IU < / at /nn PgJqq-olqt-/ - /t 'u boo oolq 1'-6" MtN. Kro,sgo..-Drz .r4 ,f,ng"d|f|si tr.tllf tl{"ltf i" i,flf}V Bu.t-trvcsurt pEs. Reoesrcl.l 41 6l (jsza ?@ c i;. l.#Lvt$Erts u+ I :Foq1p. , l'. = ]e Br lU - &,oo psl fiAbP;eaP{ vr-ni Z-*4 a*T +6 *r.l'.1'ffi-,ltt:fiLlL ?i|ttv -vE{EtF ltF t I I lbt4,l1 Vafits +J-f,L, lt-6.r.+ Hrx C- i* h%$tJc 4r,,- I THtct{.JESt 6t' L+14 -(t,-- lJSo Ito z'- lo" lJpp. ,=+'b qVdII4rldAbl*J-,*'t i'e#J#t t+(o g Zto,' &orox lf6 lt t'-o" Toe tP.# UI :lll=lll=il chqr Ft* €oseFerE, soup rAl c€.rr-s e5J-,/"-) €FrD€Arl" t\rrff, PAArFoF.FftE Jl- li - to Et ly = 6o,oa Ft Hi\.1 li lt -- J oAcrtzlE-WF f il.!-lf r -ril ^-E_LP_3lll secnru PeraNNc urA* tr--.?!.-ou o MENT o DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPTOWNOFVAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit #: A0l-0002 Job Address: 1170 PTARMIGAN RD VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 1170 PTARMIGAN RD Applied. . : OllOSl2OOl ParcelNo...: 210109208004 Issued. .: 0l/l 1/2001ProjectNo: Expires..: O7/lO/2001 OWNER I-,UCY BILLINGSLEY 0L/O5/200r phone: 2L4-754-L7L7 2200 ROSS AVE, SUrTE 4800 DAI,I,AS, TX 75201- License: COMIRA.CTOR THtL ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS 0L/05/200]- phone: 970-949-4639 P O BOX 534 AVON, CO 8t620 License: 1L2-S APPITICAIVI THUL ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS ,T/OS/Z}O! phone: 970-949-4638 P O BOX 534 AVON, CO 8L620 License:1L2-S Desciption: NEW P/S Valuation: $1,200.00 tt 't tt i t t t t t*t*,|,*,1,.,****t***13r*r*** ifrk,t,f,t)t,*,t**,t*:*:ttttit'ttttttt tt**,t*****t***t*lFi FEE sIr\4MARynlectrical-____:' g5O. OO Total Calculoled Fees-> S53 . 00 DRB F€€-----> lnvastigatiott---> Will Call----> Additional Fees---> Total Pern'if F€€--> s0.00 90.00 s3. o0 s0.00 ss3. oo PayrnenS--> 953 .00 MLANCE DUE_> S0.00TOTALFEES--> s53.00 Approvals:ri6m: 06000 EI-,ECTRICAL DEPARTMEIflI IIEM: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMEIIT Oa/08/2OOL rmraughan Action: AP confirm knox box inst,all on fiel-d inspection. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL DECLARATIONS I hueby acknowledgc that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, conpleted an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot ptan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review appove4 Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. ++*'i* **** **,t * * * * * * ***** * TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADOCopy Reprlnted on 0l-ll-2001 et lD:14:39 0l/ll/2001 Stsl€menr***{t!i'tdt++++**'l**********d(**'l t*!*'t***:l*'},t***:i't,t*t'lt+*t****!*{.11.{!**!t{.,*:}'}:t '1.*{.+:t!t**+i't*ltl'f +****!f {r!t gtatement Number: R000000357 Amount: SS3.00 Ot/LL/zOOLOg:14 AIrt Palment Method: Check Tnit: Klrtl{ Notat,Lon: *L497 6 lTItItu EITBqIROIIICS Permit No: Parcel No: Site Address: IJocation: Ttrig Payment. : A01-0002 210109208004 1170 PTARIIIIGAN 11?O PTAR}IIGAII Tytrle r ALARM PERIT{IT RD \'"AIIJ RD Tota1 Fees: TOTAI AI.,L T'MTB: Balance : s53.00 $s3. oo $o. oo $s3 .00 l+*tf f 'f {t ***.* * **,1.,} * **{?'**l*'f *'1.**'*'t **t"t't ir**'t+*,i*t*{r'f'tr**{.***t*'t rt***:t:tr'tr,tr*'tr*ittt,t****'t**i'tt++,t,tr*{.:tr ACCOT]NT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descri pti on Cunrent ffis EP 00100003111400 t.lc 00100003112800 TEMPORARY POtllER PERMITS WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 50.00 3. 00 AppucArrolrll Nor BE AccEprED rF r*co'pr5ftu;ilrt$Uiqn-"ne MVNWYilL 75 S. Frontage Rd. Colorado 81657 Building Permit #:-()o Alarm Permit #: 97 O- 479 - 2135 (I nspections) & Residential Fire Alarm shop drawings are required at time of application submittal and must include information listed on the Vail, 2no page of this form. Application will not b€ accepted without this information. Office at 970-32&8A0 orvisit forParcel # Parcel # (Required if no bldg. Permit # is provided above) Job Name:B.\\...o=\q v JobAddress: lllO q\^"^,*^^ R.\. Legal Dscription Lot:Block:Filing:Subdivision: Owners Address: it-ro ?!..."-".'..j Phone: Engineer: ll Address:Phone: Detailed Location of work: (i.e., floor, unit #,€'.\,.. B*,\\.^- blds.#) Detailed descriotion of work: T^'\-\\A.o* .[ \..*,e 3,-..rr<\J"-\*-. r. .r..-\\.\.\ WorkClass: NewQQ Addiuon( ) Remodel( ) Repair( ) Retro-fit( ) Other( ) rype of Blds,: Sinsle-tumif (p rwo-family Q^g|t'JC{q! ) Commercial( ) Restaurdnt ( ) fther ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: Itilr" | -No.0of Accommodation Units in this building: Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes ( ) ltto (X Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exise Yes ( ) No (V) COMPLETE VATUATIONS FOR ALAR"I,I PER"TI{IT (LAbOr & MAICTiAIS) Fire Alarm: $ 1 CONTRACTOR TNFORMATION Fire Alarm Contractor:Town ofVail Reg. No.:Contact and Phone #'s: a\1-q(.31 Contracbr Signature: t*!t*********r***********i***********i**FOR OFFICE USE OIILY***rr*********r******n*'!r*****rr*?rr** F: /everlone/brms/a lrmp€rm TOhIN OF VAIL DEPARTI,IENT OF 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 8L657 970-479-2L38 DEMO. OF PART/AI,L BUDG. .Job AddrCSS: 1170 PTARMIGAIiI RD Location-..: 1-170 PTARMIGAIiI RD Parcel No.. : 2101-092-08-004 Project No. : PRJ99-0198 COMMT]NITY DEVELOPMEI{T SHAEFFER CONSTRUqTION P O BOX 373, VArL co 81558 SIIAEFFER CONSTRUqTION P O BOX 373, VArL co 81658 DAVIS RALPH E .]R TRUST - DAVIS MARY S, !t7O PTARMIGAN RD, VAIL co 81657 Single Family Residence Type V Non-Ratred NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON iIOBSITE AT ALL TIMES APPLICA}iIT COI\ITRA TOR OWNER Permit #: D00-0007 status...: ISSITEDApplied..: 03/L5/2000Issued.... 03/20/2000 Ercpires. . : 09/L6/2OOO Phone: 970-845-5656 Plrone:. 970-845-5556 Description: REMOVE EXISTING SFR PRIOR TO NEW CONSTRUETION OccuPancY: R3 Tl4)e Constructsion: V N T14)e Occupancy: ValuaEion: FireDlac€ fnforeation: Raotsrl'ctsad: 29,700 llof gra Applianc.e: clcan-I4r Depoait - - - - -- -- > TC'XAL FEES-.. - - {*of ca6 Lo95:*of nood/Prllrt: Totsa1 calculaled F...---> 580 .50 Additsionar Fees------- --> 97 '7e To|:al Pgrnlit Fee--------> 579.24 Pa)dents_------ 67s.24 BAr,ANCE DIrB-- - - .oo Add sq Ft: .rrt***trrtrt.ta***r'rttt**t*.t*ttrt*ittti*** FEE slruMARY ***ttt*t**1**** Buildj.nE-----> Plan check- - - > Inw€BgiErtlon> will call----> 22',1 .50 3.OO ReEtuarant Plan Review--> .00 DRB Fee-------- .00 RecreaCion Fce----------> .00 .oo 5AO.50.'."*".;;;*;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ffi;;"*'**a*a* ****_ _;;;;:;;;;;;1,,i " i.,, 017T./,660-CIARtIE ACTiON: APPR CHARLIE DAVIS iE6fr;'6516o-.p-L,er.nrrNs DEFARiuiitIT-- --- ---- DeFgI--P-LANNTNG Division:oi7Ist16oo-c r- -AEE-ibn; NorB RotlrED To-ALLrsoN o3/L6'/2O00 AOCHS Ac!r.e4i APPR looks good- hrIEem: OSOdO--FiriE DEPffiTUENf " Dept: FIRE Division: Allfi/2OOO CIIARLIE AcTiON: APPR N/A iEam;'o55oo-b-usli-c wb'nxs---' -- - '-- -- -^ DeP-E-:-PUB woRK Division: diTTa/i660-csanr,rE Acji.qn: NorE RourED To LEoNARD----- iEAm;' o 5 7 o o -hlwrnouu-r-ntnr,-HEi[rn A1/L5/2OOO CIIARIJIE AcTiON: APPR N/A FJiEAm;' 6 5 g o o -l,r-ou6n617Ti/r660-cHAnr,rE Action: APPR N/A ;;;.;' ;;;;;;;;. .;;;;;;;;;. ;;;.;;; ;;; DECITARATIONS r h€reby acknonledge thah r have rced thi6 ap!r1ica!1on, filled out in full tho informacion rcquircd, coB[tX'ccd an accuraEe plot p1an, and .crg. chac ilr che infon.tion prowided as required ie cor-ects. r agr.. to conpty nich lhe infor[ation and plots Plan' Lo courply tith all To{n ordinanceg and state 1av6, .nd to builal thig gtructsure according Eo !h. Tovn'€ zoning and eubdivision codee, deeigtr revief apploveal, unlfon Building coda rnd other oralinanceg of tho To$n atr4)licablE chereto' - O - rrnn*cE By TELE'H.NE rr rzs-Qs oR AT ooR oFFrcE FRolr s:oo Afi 5.oo pMREQT'ESTS FOR INSPECIIONS SHAIJL BB UADE TTIEITY.FOI'R HOI'RA IlV TDVANCE BY TALBPHONB AT gend Clrrn-Irp D.po.il To: SmEFFER coNsTRUcIIoN SIqI{ATURE OF OWNBR OR CONTRAeIOR FOR HIUSELF IND O!{NER *****************************:k**************************************:r*********** CONDITIONSpermit #: D00-000? as of 03/27/00 Status: ISSIIED ************************************:k*****************************************:l* Permir. Tlpe: DEMO. oF PART/ALL BIIDG. Applicant : SEAEFFER coNsTRuelIoN 970-84s-5656 ilob Address: LOCAIiON: 1170 PTARMIGAN RD Parcel No: 2101-092-08-004 Description: REMOVE EXISTING SFR PRIOR TO NEW CONSTRUCTION Conditions:1. FIELD INSPE(IIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CIIECK FOR CODE COMPITIAIICE. 2 . NO EXCAVATION ALI-,OWED T NTIL BUILDING pERMIT IS ISSITED Applied: 03/ts/2000 Issued: 03/20/2000 To E)q)ire. I9/L6/2OOO Ittt**t*!rr***itlrli*il*+*tl*******tt****.1***l*il*l*ll**t*l******llil*l* TOWN OT VAII.,, COIORADO Reprinted: 03/27 /oo 1o.o7 staternnt ***t+tl***t**t**t****t****til****t*******taf ***l*********lt******* gtatennt Number: REC-0610 Amount: 6o3.2s 03/2ol0o 08:13 Pa)ment Irlethod : 5aO6 0 Notation : george Bhaef f er Init : ilt{ Pernlt No: Doo-ooo7 T1rye: A-DEMo DElto. oF PART/aLL Bu Parcel No: 2101- 092 - 0S- 004 Site Addlesg: 1170 PTARMIGATI RD tocation: l-170 gfARMIGAtil RD This Payment Total Fees: 503.28 ToEal AIJr Pmts; Balance : *rtttt****l*t|lt*****t****i*****at***************l***'****l:l*i*** Account code DeEcription BP OO]"OOOO31111OO BUII,DING PER!,IIT FEES PF OO1OOOO31123OO PI,AN CHECK FEES BF OO1OOOO3141211 BI.IIEPRINT MACITINE FEES WC OO].OOOO31128OO IEI,L CAI,L INSPEqTION FBE 67A.28 6'IS .24 .00 Arnount 350 . OO 227 .50 22 .'16 3.00 TO!.IN OF VAII, 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIIJ, CO 81657 970-479-2L38 DEPARTII,IENT OF COMMT]NITY DBVEI.,OPMEI{T NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED DEMO. OF PART/ALL BI'DG. ON JOBSITE AT AI,L TIMES Permic #: D00-0004 ilob Address: Location. . . : Parce1 No..: ProjecE No.: 11?O PTAXII{IGAI\T RD 1170 PEarmigan Rd 2101- 092 - 08 - 004 PRir99 - 0198 SEatsus...: ISSITBD Applied..: 03/|t/2oao regued... : 03/06/2000 E:<pires. . : 09/02/2000 A 6. B ASBESTOS ABATEMENI, INC- Phone: 635 WEST WHITE AVENIIE, GRAND illtNqrroN, co 81505 A & B ASBESTOS ABATEMENT, INC. PhONC: 535 WBST WITITE AVBNUE, GITAND 'IIINCIION, CO 81505 DAVIS RATPH E JR TRUST - DAVIS MARY S, LLTO PTARMIGAI'I RD, VA'IL CO 8L657 BILLINGSLEY I.,UCY Demo for Asbestos Abatement only APPTIEA$T coNTRAeroR O9INER OWNER DescripEion: OccuPancY: R3 Tlpe ConsEruction: V N Tytrle Occupancy: ValuaEion: Fir.pl.ce Infotnation: R..tlLcbed: Single FamilY Reeldence Type V Non-RaEed 970-243-2575 970-243-2575 *of t{ood/P.Il.c: 500 $Of oas Appli.ncag: Add Sq Ft: *Of, Oat l6gs I *t**r**ir*lr*rrti*arrr*r.t*rrfi*,1**r****rr***,r****r**.r**t* FBE EUMMAny *ttta*ttrlf*trt*+*t****rtt**lttt*l**t*tf*tt*tt*tt*t*ltift** Butldlng-----> 2o,oo R€eEuaraDt pl|n Ravr.ctt--> .oo ToBrf, CalcuLrged Fce6---> s5'oo P1|n ch.ck---> 13.00 DRB E6€-------- 2o'oo Addltlonal FsoB---------> 5a'0o Invrsgigatlon> .oo Rccrcauidn Fc.----------> .oo ToB.1 gctuLe F'r--------> 111'OO will crrl----> ''oo ;:;il-::":::::i:::------l ,.::: liil,i:1";:-:::::--::-:: "':ll ***J|rrrtrtrrtr*rtirrrrtrrr*r*ttt*rettrr*t*it**t*alr*r*t**t**rt*t***atr.rrtrrltttitlitt*l*lit*'l****t*r,'tr*t ,.ttltt* IEem: 05j-00 BUILDING DEPARII,IENT - Depp-:- BUILDING Division: 93{$i /3 gl 8 o *BffintNG'"SEtSftiM$fiER Allrove" pfiEptl pLAr,INrNc Division : Ail6L/2000 KATHY AcEion: APPR N/AiE6il;'656d0'TiflE DEPA[rI'tEtiT DepE.: FIBE Division: 6 57iii,z566o - Kli{tr --- ildeioiil appn Notif led via- e -mail rEEm: ossdo'TfiEirc w<jFRS--' ^ - -::----. -Dtpi:^pus wonr Divieion: o57iii/t600-KArtrv-- Actiqn: APPIT All work on-Br.Eertem: oszSo't'fiVinom,tir'triEf,--ttsAl,Tn DeFE ' -HEAIJTH Division: 61loLt26o0 rltrrY Action: APPR N,/Artem: 05900 LrouoR ' "'^* '.- Dept: ctERK Division: 6176iti600-KArf,'V--- Action: ApPR N/A *tatttltttt**ttr'r'aitt*r***.*,tr****t****t****r tt**r t*t***fli*t*tti1+ 'tt* t trtttttrt**r+tt*tttl**tl,*l t*t*******l,*t**ra* See Page 2 of Ehis Document for any condltions thaE may apply to Ehis permit' DECIARATIONS r hcr.by acknorr.atgq thrt t hrvE read lhlg applicallon, fi116d our in full tha infoEmtlion requirod, conPleted qn aceur'gc pLol pl|rt, rt'ld etag6 ehrC all tsh. lnfornaLlon providcd a, r€quired La correct. I agree Lo conPly witsh thc inf,onraflolt qnd plot plan' to co[ply nlth tlt to$n ordl,nr|leeg end rlate lat.g, |nd to build chi6 etructu!. aceo:.'dlng to ghe totn'8 zoning end tubdlvLtlon co&e, drcign rewlcr approwcd, uniforrr BulldinE cod. rtld oEh.r ordinances of, chs foun appllcabl' Ch'rcto' REQUTSIS FOR TTAPECTIOtrA EHA'JL EE I.IADE -FOI'R HOURE IN AII'INCI BY TE&E o TIdEI}?T oR AA OrrB OFFICE rRoll I ! O0 Al,l 5 ! 00 Pl,i oR C0ltlltCloR FOB fllltsll,F AXD OinlEB ********t***t*******************************!t***t*****************************tl* COIIDITIONS PemiE #: D00-0004 as of' 03/06/00 statu6: rssnBD **********************************:l***************:t***********t***************** s.nd Clrrn-ttr Dstroalc To: A&B AtbcltoE Abrc.!.t!L ilob Address: LocaEion: 1170 Ptarmigan Rd Parcel No: 2101-092-09-004 Applied: 03/oL/2O00 iieueO, 03/06/2000 To Expire: O9/I2/2OOO Permit Ty19e: DBMO. OF PART/AIJL BIIDG. Appliclnt : A & B ASBESTOS ABATEMENT, INC. 970-243-2575 DescripEion: Demo for Asbestos Abatement only Condiuions: l.TIIISPBRI,|ITIsGooDFoRAsBEsTosAB]ATEI{ENToNLY.AI.I ASBESTOS ABATEI'EI{T CERTIFIEATE SIIOWING TIIE AREA FREE FROM ASBESTOS IS REQUIRED PRIOR TO Alfl/ FLTRTHER WORK OCCURIIIG ON THIS SITB. IF FI'RTHER QI'EsTIoNs ARISE, colfTAcT THE VAIL FIRS DEPARII4ENT AT 479-2250. 2. FIBB DEPARIIIE!{T APPROVAL, IS REQUIRED BEFORS AIIY WORK CA}r BE STARTBD IF TIIERE IS A FIRE AI"ARI4 OR SPRINKLBR SYSTtsM EXIST- ING IN THE AREA oF coNTRUerIoN. TtIIs wIl'I, PREVENT FAJ,SE ALARMS. 3 . FIELD INSPECIIoNS ARE REQuIRSD TO CHECK FOR coDE col'lPLIAl[cB ' o T 4?9-3138 i* *i* t!)ttlat***tt *** ** l*l *+t *i *tt ***A* t*ttt*i i*i***t****** |lt***t TOWN OF VAIL, COI,ORADO StaEemnE ******it*!l*t****at***l*ttt***ttlt**tt*t*++tttilt*t***a*tr*tt*t*t** Statemnt Number: RBC-O6O9 Amount 3 111 .oo 03/06/00 tfz40 Palment l4ethod ! 5971 Notatj-on: A & B AsBEsToa Init: iIN Permit No: DO0-0004 Tl.pe: A-DEt{o Da o. oF PART/ALL BU Pa.rcel" No: 2101- 092 -og -oo4 gLte Address: 11?o PlARtr{IcrAN RD L,ocatlon ! 11?0 ptarmigan Rd Total Fee6: 11-1 .OO Total AI,L PrnEs: Balance : **l!*atl********tt**.r*t*i*itl**t*t*it+******i*!}**tt+il+|tt******l*f*t Aceount Code De6crl-ptl-on BP OO1OOOO31111OO BUII,DING PERI|IIT FEBS DR 00100003112200 DESIq{ REVIEW P:EBs PF OO1OOOO31123OO PLAN CHECK FEBS cL 00100003123000 coI{TRAeroR IJICENSES wc 00100003112800 vtILL CALL TNSPECTTON FEE ThlB PalrneEt 1L1 . 00 1l-1 . OO .00 Anount 20.00 20. oo 13.00 55.00 3.00 . FRor'r : A&E ffiEESTt]s AEnrEl4El.|r, o.pfflE.rio. i t snz4_4+r!H_.1__*".at ffi !2|57W1 12 APPLICATIOil WII,J- IIOT BE ACCEPTED IF TTrcOUPLETE O|t .orQ RPqUll.S P.r Oninar|e llq 19, Serals of 1996 Penait apticatiorr uflt not be rceptcA ritltout the folcring: 1" ftpEs of GcnFd AbsEn€nt C?rtfficrc end SC cf Cdorldo CErtnctticn Z A i4W d wliBsn er.rigeriltttr wfrh dtC f5try opanbs fur any tenporery dlsadlng of tne ;fr handing sl,silnit fire sOninklev syfutt, atd fhfin 5yllcmJ wlth tm nemei aill aonft plmnc rumbcrs of thege hdi,l&ab. s. sn€pbnu,ir'd€bilsd'ls*l$ ffi ffffrffiy cnty rnd edddg Ceb[s d abBEnEtrt .nea. d€ildts of €ncy otrd sfttng planf fur th" ffi+.nl5 d ttr€ rtnfinin u|dlhckt 4rc.5.fwFed, coflTt GroRlt{Fnl| rrrn vALuAftofi Fon nSaEgTog AE rEtlEilT PERrilrr (lrbor t ilrErbls) $Desllem"neI OFFICE llSE OlllYr+rrrrrrtr*+**e*ealttlrl'**=*:'l**+*** 75 S, Frofitrg€ Rd- VrIl, cobredo tltlttT Date Received ilb* PrrEr[i5 zmT-092 d8 oo4 Job Name: BII.:LITGSLSC RESIDENCE Job addrcrs: r t70 PxlRrlcliL trsrlDcldbtiol} [urr. |Hodc z |Fitins: zm lq4qf/tflqiyAl!vrII4GE ffiffiF;* couFANY Addr€sc 3agfl[Rg$f; t,AUH{l{E, ;thone,(Zt+)fS4_LlL7 Proiect Matiilet: x/A ryF' -r/A Phore: N/A ftoicdEqln.r: x/1.fddflc [/A Pl$ns N'A @ttt$ N/L Mtttss: w/A -ffi' "/^-E-*-ffiTffir EEE arrAcrr*E'r. &aourtsfAsfi.stos LinelrFed: Euar€F€€b-ll0- Tryh-T- Uro*Typer lnta*r(a) Eedor( ) Bdt( i ryc d r|ds.: Ssplefamltu (X) ?un4mi ( ) lruti ry MAR 01 2000 . FRO'I : *,B SESTUS nBnTEGlfi, o FI{I.E r.rl. i L gru 242+IL?€ a Har. 91 wE Lz2STPl'l P3 Eallingsl€y Residence 1170 Ptarmigan Vail. Colorado 81657 1. GopyofGAC 2. N/A 3. A Weste dorage - insUe lnuse or srdoc€d fiuck B. Insile house C. Air lock / flaps outside of ababmenl ar!a. D. No occupants in houee durirq abalement ac,tivitie! Work Areae: 1. Down etairc kitdren south ur€st cotncr ld floor 2. Upstairs kitchen up striru to leff 3. Upctalm balhrmm up stain to tha igl{ Oescription of Work- Sheet vinyl and flmr tile, isolaG urork enra with 6 mil poly s€condary containment pffi,id! differental air fow witt e 1ff)0 C.F.M. HEPA hn unit vented ortslte of the buiHirq. Remo\ral at thoet vinyl and floor tile by non-fTrcchanical wet metlrodg. Final clean wq* a13i ly H.E.P-A" vaorum and uat wlplng methods. ftopaly pcc*age and lebel Edl rrbecb€ wasb for' dispossl at an EPA apprcved landill. , FRSI'I : ffi.E RSBESTOS RBflTENENT PFUNE r{. i 1 97A 242+7L?€,Har. ?11 nffi LAiS,eFn P4 . FROFI : R8B RSEESTOS ABNTETNT,f PHINE ][. . 1,97s aqz+fin a w" .s!.y.,. '::- . -: -.. . cr< st u, 'l lEllg arFatr . -llctldl #o.;l,ll;l E 8rhtbl g ,ET PE €snr])Eg v, f- o-Q #€ .FrRo,1 : A8B reEEST0S ABATEIC.|T, o.F+0.8 i'n- i L 97@ 242+tl?a O Har, 81 W tz.s€fitl P! @ Asbestos Abarement Inc. Hazard Assessment . Air Monitorlng . Complete Asbestos Removal & Disposat ErI: ( 970) 2{2 -1128 r 18001 7t8-1?0a **, -11 /o.o rlTEf,IIOII OF: IG:ETCII OI COIIPIIT: rar llB.ltfsulrlf,l& 11O: T&AfffiE:TATI TIDIBEB OP PTGES ITT TNAXSHTITIL Irc&EDITG tlIA IF RECIPIEIIT BIS TTNT QT'ESfISIS EAGINDIIG TBISra CU,{IT|CT t \* t/(!tX - Ferom: L IIR.IXSrrEtl!, 635 West White Avenue . Crand lunclion. Colorado gt SO5 . lgT0ll 24\-2575 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FROIITAGE ROADVAIL, CO 9L657 970-479-2L38 APPTIEA}IT COIVTRAEIOR OWNBR OIINER ElscEricaL---> DRB Fce Inve€ti9atsion> l{ill C.lI----> TO|IA! FEES- - - > DEPARTIi{ENT OF COMMT'NITY DEVELOPMBIIT NOTE: TIIIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT AI,L TIMES ELECTRIEAL PERI4IT Permiu #: 800-0147 iIOb AddrCSS: 1170 PTARMIGA}I RDLocarion...: 1170 PTAXIIIGAI{ RD Parcel No. . : 2L0]--092-08-004 ProjecE No. : PRJ99-0198 PREMIER ELECTRIC CO., INC.P. O. BOX 3839, AVON, CO 81620 PREMIER ELE TRIC CO., INC.P. O. BOX 3839, AVON, CO 8L620 DAVIS RAIJPH E JR TRUST - DAVIS MARY S, 1170 PTARMIGAN RD, VAIL CO 81657 BIIJIJINGSLEY SEatug.. Applied. Ia8ued. . E:cpires. ISSI'ED o8/02/2000 Phone: 970-949-93',77 Phone z 970-949-93'17 Description: ELEC FOR NEw SFR w/EHu varuation: .00 **ttir.tt*.r*rtrttrt*t*tiirr!rrr*'.r.rf*******rrrrrr,r*r*r*rrrt FBE gulit{ARy ***trtf.t*r*rrrr )-77.OO . o0 3 .00 1S0 . O0 Total calculated Fee6- - -> Addilional FeeE- ------- -> Eo!.l P€rDit F.c--------> Pal|nonts6- -- ----- 180.00 ' 00 190.00 l"Bo . oo BAI,AIICE DUE--.- ****r*rr*rr***.ttt*a*r**i**rt*t* a tar r*i *r**r*r tr ITem: OSOOO EIJECTRIES,L DEPARIIIEI.{T DeDT: BUIIJDING DiviSiON: O8/02/2OOO KATIIY ACTiON: APPR APPROVED PER-K![iEbm;'.05600- rrns DEpART!,tErIf Dept,: FIRE Division:08/02/2000 KATI{Y Action: APPR N/A rrtrtrarf rrr!rtat*t***rtt**rtr*rt COIIDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIEI-,D INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIAIICE. *+ i** ttr r r iri.r*rltirrrrrri*irt'rt!|att*!rr+*tJial*tttt*ltt.*tt trt*tttt.rtttttt DECI,ARATIONS I h.r.by acknouledge that I hav6 rord thi6 applieatign, filled out ln full Chc infolurblon r.qultad. coqtloesd an accurlto FIoC plah, and sbats. tshat ell the infornat.ion provldgd as r€quirsd ie correct.. I agree to co[ply cibh the inf,olratiotl and plot plan, tso cooply rith all Torn ordinanccs.na srare larB, ana co bui.Id lhlr Bcrucrurc accordlng Eo ghc Tovn'. tonLng and aubdlvi.ion codea, design rovl€n apFroved, unl, forrn Building Cod. and ogh€r ordin.nc€€ of ch. Tonn applicable chareto. 4?9-2134REQUESTA FOR TTAPECTIONS EHAI]L BE I'ADB TWB$AY.trOUR HOIJRII IN IIN'II{CE BY **************************************************************** TOV|N OF VAIL, COT,ORADO statemnt ******************************************:t********************* Statemnt. Number: REC-0551 Amount;180.00 08/02/00 L4t04 PalmenE Method: CI{ECK NoEati-on: #3076/PFGMIER Init: KMW Permit No: 800-0147 Ifpe: B-ELEC ELEqTRIcAt PERMIT Parcel No: 2101-092-08-004 SiT,E AddrESS: 1170 PTARMIGAI.T RD I.OCAIiON: 1170 PTARMIGATiI RD This Payment Totsal Fees:L80.00 Tocal AL,L Pmts: Balance: 180. 00 180.00 .00 *****************************************************+********** AccounE, Code DescripLion Atnount L77.OO 3 .00 EP OO1OOO0311140O ELECTRIEAT PERMIT FEES WC OO1OOOO31128OO WILI, CAI.,L INSPECTION FEE '\-,!., !,rl.l i L ,TOT BE ACCEPIED i'r.._'i_ * 3oro Electrtcal Permit #: I 7 A 47 9 -2L{l9 (I.tspcctlonf,) 75 S- FroDtrfc Rn.vail @lotado 8165, @MFLETE SQ. FEET FOR NEty EUILDS and VALUATIONS FOR ALL OTHERS (tabor & Materials) CONTRACToR INFORMATION FarcEf # eReqn@bpror-dErasve) 2/o/=o,yg-. otr-dd 7 Jobrrame: BruurH65ue\ QesrDet{C€iobAdcress: ttlO ?TARMAGtN RD. Legd Description b Bioclc 1 Filing: -l subdiveior: vatr vnerY Onrners Narne *"n"HItI"Lddress: ?o. Bor 11i \atu Phqle: Bctg-Etotr.J(p Enganeer:Addrss:Phcnr;ffi tlprrsstrK work oass; ru.n, ffi Addfior i ) Fernodd ( )*e6ir ( ) Tertrp Povrer ( ) Orher ( , wgrk type: lnten-or i Eenior ( )Bae(x)Does en Ei{U exist ai ihis iorition:Yes ( )no r)) Typ..f Btdr- St"gtee"iV (X pup,er ( ) i\tutci-ft,mily { ) Com:.rertial ( ) Rcctaurant ( ) Oth€r ( ) t'f,o. of Existing Dwdling Unrts in this srrilding: 7-tlo. of Atrrmrnad6l;q6 tJnits in this bJiidins: b is thts permlt for a hot gJb: Yes ( i -Uo l0 lDroe6€ FirG spftnkler :.'!5tem Exlt-:g!-L-I9lX) EI-ECTRICAL VALUATION : $AIVIOUNT CF 5Q Fr I1'l sl?uCltJRE: Ll +* **a*ii** r r.**tr**r. t * r- i**tr r n* i4 *:' t+:!:i +tFOR OFFICE USE ONLY**t * *i*+* a ti * t:f * * " it n Rr'rr t** :i t' t t'+t !r *!t t l83.cc) TOWN OF VAII-, DEPARTI{ENT OF COMMI'NITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S. FROI{TAGE ROADvArL, co 8L657 970-479-2L38 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT AI,I, TIMES ELEgfRICAt PERMTT PermiL #: 800-0039 APPLICAI T COIiITRAETOR OwlIER OUINER JOb AddTESS: 1170 PTARI'{IGAI{ RD Locatsion...: 1170 PTAXMIGATiI RD Parcel No.. : 2101-092-08-004Project No. : PRJ99-0198 PREMIER ELESrRIC CO., INC. P. O. BOX 3839, AVON, CO 81520 PREMIER ELECTRIE CO., INC. P. O. BOX 3839, AVON, CO 81620 DAVIS RAI.PH E iIR TRUST - DAVIS MARY S, tL70 PTARMTGAN RD, VAIL CO 81657 BILL]NGSI,EY status..,; ISSITED App1ied. . : 04/O'7 /2000Issued...: 04/L3/2000 E:q)ires . . z L0/LO/2A00 Phone: 970-949-9377 Phone: 970-949-9377 53 .00 .00 53.OO . oo Description: ELEC FOR TEMp POWER r*ri*ir...;*ta Valuation:00 BIecCrical---> DRB Fee InvostigaEion> Will Call-- - -> Togal calculaccd Fee6-_-> Addtclonal Fce6----- ----> fotal. Parmit Fec'_- _ __ -- > Pal4entE-------- BA.LANCE DUE.. --' .00 ,00 .00 3.00 TOTAT ?EBS---> s3.O0 It,em: 06000 ELECTRICAL DEPARITI4EIIT _ Dep-t: BUILDING Division: 94/!L/?9QQ KATITy Acqlog: APPR approved per kwi[bm;'o56oo-r'ifre DEpi\F.tt',iEilit Dept': prRe Division: o4/LL/2000 I(ATI{Y Action: APPR n,/w **rr *r*i**** rt****r*rtrr*** ******r***it *i***i *** ** 1**r ** tn * **|'tt i r t ** CONDITION OF APPROVAI, 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIAITCE. **t*t**?i,it***t DECLARATIONS I harlby aclcnorrl.dgc Chat I have read Chie applicaeion. fllled out in full ch€ inforuacion !6quirad. eoDltloged an accufale pfo! plan, and 6LaEe chat all ehc lnfor$arion provided aa required iE cofrect.. r agleo go coEply t{ith the lnfornatsion and Plob plan, Eo coElrly lrlth all To$n ordinancee and gc.te lalrr, and eo build thi6 BEruclure adcording Eo the Tovn'6 zoning and Eubdivl6lotl eodea, deEigr rGvlee apploved, Unifom Building Code and other orditlancas of the tocn aPPlicable bhereto. REeuEgtA FOR INEPE(f,ION9 SHALT, BE UADE TIIEIITY-FOUR HoURg IN IDVL!'C8 BY TELAPHONE AE {?9-2138 oR Al OUR OFFICE 8RO[l g:00 AIi' 5:O0 PM 7-,*' ******!r********tt**t******!r:l**:r********************************** TOWN OF VArL, COIoRADO staEennt ***:r***********it************:l********+**********!t*****'t********* StatemnE Number: REC-0515 Amount: 53'00 04/11/00 09:58 -i:rl1i T:iTi: T:{:Y=:::: t::::1:TYTi------ill: vT- Permit No: 800-0039 Tlpe: B-BLEC ELEgIRTcAL'. PERMIT Parcel No: 2L01-092-08-004 SiEE AddTEgS: 11?O PTARMIGAN RD LOCATiON: 11?O PTARMIGAN RD Total Fees: 53 ' 00 This Palment 53'OO Tota1 ALL RnEs: 53'00 Balance: '00 **************************************************************** .A.ccount Code Descrlptsion AmounE EP 00100003111400 TEMPORARY pOWSn PERMITS 50'00 wc 00100003112800 wrr-,t cAtrJ irlsFCclrror'r rss 3 ' 00 APF-@4-AO 1! : 3" FROH ' TOt'-COl'!-DEV-DEPT. ru#ilsH ID,9?O,+732452 Project #: Building Perrnit #: Electrical Permit #: 97 O- 47 9 - 21.49 (hepectbn$) P qGE z.r' 4 2000 75 S. Frontsce Rd.vail Colorado 4f,657 CONTRACTOR IN FORTTIATION $teo.or: Pcirh;t $ eg oo temp 'iE [l' ilt . APR }{'o'1 zt of V.far is Ptodded ahove) Johl,lamer 13riurrSC<;.-€{JobAdcress: il.1O'kaemnetN-RD. Legal Description z Biock 'l Filir'lg: --l SubCivisionr Varu \,la4f-'l %fEE,esrFoe"*lr=, Vatt TEone:-b.15 - dD;la Engiieerl Phdfiei Detailed descriotion of work: workclass; n*ril Mditicn( ) Retnodel ( ) F,epair( ) -r-IqPryll-oth-(lffip., imenort ) Elcerior( ) aothdj Dces en EHU exist at ihis locaticn: YeB ( )nor)() T'/p. "f Bldst Sltgi*fr*iy fr Urrliex (p' Multi'iamilv ( ) Connercial ( ) Resu€nt ( ) oth€r ( ) nr+ of e*istinE Dwdling unrtJ in this building: L No. of Accomrnodation Unils in ihis buiidirtg: t! Isthisoermitfqralrotff.rb: Yes( ) ryoXL - "*--- GEilire ffirrn exisl Yo i _) NojX Doe#Tire-prnrbr 51stem Fxlst Yes { ) llio t) COMpIETE sQ. FEET FOR llElll, BUILDS aild VALUATIONS FOR Au- OTHERS (Labor & Mater'als) ELECfRICAL VALUATION : $AI4OUNT OF SQ Ff II'I STRUCTUREi *.r rr*ri* +*** rrr* *** * *+ + *+: +rt+ tr i* J.-i*;: r.++:r.4* FOR OFFICE U$E ONLY"** i ri: * i' f,** +++:"*ri* *sErr *i t **:" ?'+ **+ + * *i t I TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 8t_657 970-479-21-38 'Job Address...:Location..-..-: Parcel No.... -:Project Number: 1170 PTARMTGAN RD 11-70 PTARMIGAN 2L01,-092- 08 -004 PRiI99-0198 SLatus...: ISSITEDApplied..: Os/24/20ooIssued...: 06/02/20OO E:cpires. . : Lt/29/zooa AI,L TIMES M00 -0045 Phone: 970-328-3708 Plrone: 9'70-328-3708 o DEPARII,IENT OF COMMT'NITY DE\IELOPMEMT NOTE: I1IIS PERIvIIT MUST BE POSTBD ON ,JOBSITE MECIIANICAL PERMIT permit. AT #: APPI-,ICAI\TT WHTTE WATER PLIJMBING & HEATTNG P O BOX 4290, EAGLE, CO 81-631 CONTRACTOR WIIITE WATER PLIIMBING & HEATING P O BOX 4290, EActE, CO 81631OWNER DAVIS RALPH E iIR TRUST - DAVTS MARY S, LLTO PTARMTGAN RD, VAILOWNER BTLLTNGSLEY Description: MECII FOR NEW SFR co 815s7 Valuation:54, 000 .00 *of wood/Pal1ot !FLroplac.Rostricc€d: Y *Of ca6 Al>pli.nc€E:*of Or. Loga: CONDITTON OF APPROVAT CCORDING TO CI{APTER 8 ANDsEc.806 0F THE 1997 IIMC. OR MechEnl,cal- - - > Plan Ch€ck- - - > Inwc Bt Lgat ion > wlll crll----> 1,353 .00 BAI,ANCE DI]E-- - _.00 1, 080 .0 0 270.OO Reseuarant Plan Revier- -> DRB F6€-------- .OO TOTAIJ FEES---_- 3 .00 arri. rrr**r*r*rrr{r.****l**r*****e*{rral.rrrrrra BUILDING DEPART14ENI DeDt: BUTLDING Divi-sion:I(ATITY ACTION: NOTE ROIIIED TO ,IR!!iIRM Action: APPR approved E'IRE DEPARTIVIEIiIT Depts: FIRE Diwision:KATI{Y AcI.ion: APPR N/A ,00 .0o Addltional Feee---------> .00 1,353.00 Tohaf Pentrit Fe6--------> 1,353.0O Pry|leltts------- Item: 05100 os /26 / 2000 06 / 02 /2000Item:0560005/26/2000 1_.2. 3. TO 1.0 OF TTTE 1997 t]MC, CHAPTER 10 OF TI{E 1997 IMC.CES SHALL BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CI{APTER 8 ANDGAS APPLTAIiICES SHALL BE4. 5. 6. '1. 8. SIIALL TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED TN SEC.806CIIAPIER 8 OF THE 1997 IMC. ACCESS TO HEATING EOUIPMENT MUST COMPI,,Y WIfiI CHAPTER 3 .ANDSEC.]-O]-7 OF TIIE 1997 I]MC AND CIAPTER 3 OF TTTE 1997 IMC.BOTLERS SHALL BE MOI]NTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST.I'NLESS LISTED FOR MOI]NTING ON COMBUSTIBTE FLOORING.PERMIT,PLANS AI{D CODE ANALYSIS MIUST BE POSTED IN MECIIANICAL ROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPECTION REOI]EST. DRAINAGE OF MECTANICAL ROOMS CONTAINING HEATING OR HOT-WATER ST'PPLY BOILERS SHALL BE EOUIPPED WITH A FLOOR DRATN PER SEC.1022 0F THE 1997 I,MC, OR SECTION 1004.5 0F TIIE 1997 rMC. INSPE TIONS ARE REQUIPSD TO CIIECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.IrqN_AIR IS_REQqIRED_PER SEC. 70L OF Tr{E 1997 rMe, ORN 701 OF TIIE 1997 IMC. I-.ATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFA TURES INSTRU TIONS AND ************************ DECT,ARATIONS r hcrc&ty aoknorlcdga th* r hrrr. read uhle appllqatiqr, ftuad out in full the inforurlion rlquirGd, codlrlaesd .t! ac('uratB pJ,ocplrn' .nd !trc. that all Ehe lnforutLon Provlded Ea raiuired b corzlcB. I rgre! to conlrly rlth the infon tion .nd plot platr,Lo ceqtly vith rlt tdn ordinancce .nd ttttc h|'t' ]rd. co build thie stluctu rccorall,ng Eo th. Torn, d zcd.ng and subdivid,oncodcs. desigD !avlr{| tltEEovt|d, Itnlfortr Buildlng cod! .nd obhrr ordin nc.e of, thc Tovn appliqable th!rc!o, RBQUAAT' FOE, IItSpECtIOl|3 $A!IJ BE UADE TtlUrg-Foun noong EY oR AT OER OPrICI l?dl g:oo Alt s:oD pu I*** s:GlnEURa O Onnls (|R COnRAetOR ton HI||AEIF tnD OmlR tt*tt*tt*a*airt**rt****+t*************ri*******tt*****a**t****it* lonf OF VAIIJ, COI.rORAI)O .,.srate nt tt*a*****ttli*:t*!t*:li***********t+*+t***rl****r*lrt*!r*****tr*t*t*** scf.teQr !nuber: _ REc-o636 nmount: 1,353,0O O6/O2/Oo 14t35 Payl|€.rt llethod: CK Notatlon: 94o9/rftitewater fnit: LrC pel1fiit no: DtoO- 0046 T14E: xt-XECg UECIIa ICAIT pRllfT Pa.rcel No: 21O1-O92-08-Oo4 Site .Addregs r 1170 PTARITfGAN RD Locatlon ! 1170 PTIru{IGAN . Total Fees: 1,353 ,00 ftta fayreut 1,353.Oo Total AIrIr pnrs: 1,3s3.OO Balance: .OO ** **** *t**t*l*!ti+*** ti * *l t ** *tt *t ttl * * *****rt****l*t * t*!t********* Account Code Descrlption emount MP 00100003111300 ||BCIIAI|ICAL pERt{IT EBES ].,O8o.oo PP 0O1OO0031123O0 puw eHEcK PBBS 2?O.OO we 00100003111800 wuJJ cAUr rNspBetroN FE 3.OO -, _,fr, LL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF Building Permit #: Mechanical Permit #: 97 O- 47 9 -2149 (Inspections) Permit will not be accepted without the following: Provide Mechanical Room Layout drawn to scale to include:; Mechanical Room Dimensionsr Combustion Air Duct Size and Locationu Flue, Ventand Gas Line Size and LocaUono Heat Loss Calcs.r: Equipment Cut/Spec Sheets 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 Conhd Aswsorc Offre at 97O-328-8640 or visit for Parcel Parcel # (Required if no bfdg. nre:rmit :ouruam!8i ll,,qslt^/rob Address; / / 7o &znanrl !ry49qq'ptq' ll *.'3 llawrx, J I ririns' 7 Subdivision: A Owners *u "EtlltwW Address:Phone: Engineer: \r Address:Phone: lf,teafscrret:onotv .u: T Repair( ) Other( ) Eoibr Location: Interior QQ Exterior ( ) Other ( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Type of Bldg: single-family!(l Duplex ( ) MuttFfamity ( ) commerciat ( ) Restaurant ( ) orher( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No, of Accommodation Units in this building: No/Type of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Appliances '2f Cas r-ogs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burning (NoT ALLOWED) Is this a conversion from a wood burning fireplace to an EpA phase lt oevicer ve! ( J No X) COMPLETE VALUATION FOR MECHANICAL PERMIT (Labor & Materials) MECHANICAL: $ f .oo CONTRACTOR INFORMATION ;itrfuWWIlna#'*"Town of Vail Req. No.?-pl $ontaS anfiPtgtng it's; JryZUifAzxg-Ebx-4od Contractoi Signature: J J * ** * * ** * * * ** * * x x* * * ** * * * FoR oFFICE USE ONLY** * * * * * * * * ** +************ F: /ev€ryone/torms/mectp€rm req+ecbivec HAY 2 4 2000 TOI{N OF VAIL 75 S. FROIiTTAGE ROADvAIr,, co 8t657 970-479-2L38 ifob Address...:Location......: Parcel No.....: Project, Number: DEPARIIIENT OF COMMUNTTY DEVELOPMEIiIT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON iIOBSTTE PermitsMECHAIiIICAL PERMIT AT ALL TIMES #: M00-0024 1170 PTARMIGA}I RD 1170 PTARMIGA}I 2LOL-092-08-004 PR'J99-0198 Status...: ISSIIEDApplied..: 04/26/2000Issued...: 05/tO/2OOO E:cpires . .: LL/05/2ooo APPI.,IEANT STONE MECI{ANICAL, INC. 111_l_ souTII 9T1I, GRAND ,fItNgIION, coNTRAqIOR STONE MECHANTCAL, rNC. 1111 SOUTH 9TI{, GRAND .IrNgrrON,OI{NER DAVIS R.,,AI,PH E ,JR TRUST - DAVIS I,IARY S, L7,70 PTARMIGAN RD, VAILOWNER BILIJINGSLEY LUCY DescripE,ion: MECII FOR IryAC SYSTEM Fireplacc InforEaeion: RestricCed: Y #of Ga6 Appli|nc€s: co 81501 co 81s01 co 81657 Phone z 970-242-50L4 Phone- 970-242-50L4 Valuat,i-on:31, 293 . 00 #of wood/Pa11et: *arrirr***rtt***Jr****r**ir*** FEa gwMARy +of caE !ogB: .00 ToCal Calculaled FeeE- - - >Mschanical - -- > Plan Ch6ck- - - > Inv€6tigrclon> wilI call- - -- > 640.00 Reetuaratrt Plan Review-- > 160.00 s03 .00 .00 903 .00 ao3 . oo BAIANCE DUE---- .OO tt !| t* tttt tirtn * * Dept: BUILDING Diwision: JRM DepL: FIRE Dj-vision; BUILDING DEPARIT{ENTKATIIY ACI,iON: NOTE ROIITED TOiIRM ACEiON: APPR APPROVEDFTRE DEPARI1iIENTKATI{Y AcEion: APPR N/A CONDITION OF APPROVAL FIELD INSPESfIONS ARE REOUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIAI{CE. DRB F.a-------- .o0 Additional Fe6s---------> .00 TCITAL FEES-- - - - 3 .00 803 .00 Total Pernit gee--------> Palment6------- sEqrroN 701_ oF THE 1997 rMC. INSTAJ,I-,ATION MUST CONFORM TO MANI'FA INSTRUCTIONS AT.TD SIIAIL TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN CHAPTER 8 OF THE 1997 TMC. ACCESS TO HEATINGsEc.1017 0F THE 19 Y WITH CHAPTER 3 AIiID AND BtE EONST, BE POSTED IN MECHANICAL HEATING OR HOT-WATERWIfiI Item: 05100 04/.27 /.20000s/0s/2000IEem: 05500 04/27 /2000 1.2. 3. 4. FIELD INSPESfIONS ARE REOUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIAI{CEcouBusTroN ArR rs REQUTRED pER SEC. 701 OF TrrE 1997 I,MC, ORsEqrroN 701- oF THE 1997 rMC. INSTAJ,I-,ATION MUST CONFORM TO MANI'FAqflIRES INSTRUCTIONS A}TDTO CHAPTER 10 OF THE 1997 TJMC, CHAPTER 10 OF TIIE L997 TVIC. GAS APPI-,IA}ICES SHALL BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 8 ANDSI{AIL TERMINATE AS SPECIEIED IN SEC,8O6 OF THE 1997 ITMC, ORSIIAIL TERMINATE AS SPECIFIE CHAPTER 8 OF THE 1997 TMC. ACCESS TO HEATING EOUTPMENTs8c.1017 0F THE 1997 tMC AN 5. 6. 7. 8. PERMIT, PI,ANS AIiTD CODE ANALYSIS M ROOM PRIOR TO AI{ INSPEqTION REQU DRAINAGE OF MECIIANICAL ROOI,IS CON SUPPLY BOILERS SHALL BE EOUIPPEDLO22 OF TIIE 1997 I'MC, OR SECTION BOITBRS SIIALL BE MOI]NTED ON FI'NLESS LISTED FOR MOI'}IrING ON WIfiI A FI-,OOR DRAIN PBR SEC.1004.6 0F THE 1997 rMC. * * f *** ***** **tt * !t * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *r** * * ** * *****:t ***, rl * :l* rtt * * * ** *** **** * * * * DBCIJARATIONS I hc$a&tl| aclcnorlcQo lh.c I hsve !.Bd lhir .pplicrllffr, flllad ouf tn ful,1 Eha lnforo.lLd! roquired, cc4rlaccd.n recur|'tsG plot'ple, luid Etat. thrt .11 th. lnfonr.tsloo providcd aa rcgulrcd {e qotracg. t rgrlee Co couply vitb th€ infonEatio[! .nd plot pl.n, to c@ttly iltl! ill $oyB o:rdlnrnc.t and rlrgr 1Nr. arild tso bulld thls aEruolurr .ocordiDg to lhc ToDrr'. aorlag end aulodirriglqr codegr deeigt| =rvirr ttrrprovod' IrnLforo Bullding codc end, oEhrr edinancca of !h! tovn appliqabl! theleto. REQ{E8Ea tOR IttEPlerIoNg smlrrr BE I{ADE Tl{8}tft-FOIn HOftRg IN lDrDIcr BY IELEPHoXT .[T {79-2138 OR Ar Om OFAICE FiOu sroo N'| 5!oo EU I *** sretArws oF stsGR oR cotcRAetoR FoR HMgrlt AlD mNaR *****!r*!r***,1*+art*************t**t*!r**it**********t******ll***t**t TOIII| OF VNIIJ, CTI|oRADO Reprlnted: 05/10/00 13:19 Statemne tt********tr******t**t*t**t*i****+r***t******at**rtt**********i*. Statemt ltunber: RAC- 0525 Amount :803.00 05/10/00 11:09 Init: aIARPrlme0t llef-hod: CK Notation: 14363 perrhits No: [00-0024 Type: B -trlECII UECIiAI{ICAIT PER fT $erccl No: 210L- 092- 08 - 0o4 ait€ ndd!e6B: 1170 PIARI|IGAIII RD LooatLqr: 1170 EIARITIIGAII Total Feee: TltiB Palnert 8O3 . OO Totel i{IIr ltlte : BaLanrce: .00 *********t***t'ttt*at***************ita******t**t+at**t+f t***a*t*.t Aacourt Code Deecript,ion IiP OO1OOOO311].300 TGCHANICAI, PERUIT FEtss PP OO1OOOO31123OO PIJAN CHECK FEES trc ootoooo3112800 FIIJr CAIJL IIISPBCrION FEE 803 . OO 803 - OO Arnount 640 . O0 160 . 00 3.O0 , l, -' ! i,",&,,,i ic:tt?$:1pile.counry,A""u*"o,"frr"" I kJqq,0tqEt at 970'328-8640 for parqel #.. TowN oF vArL coNsrRucrroN pERurr il t fpATEr tt9tor ozz oEo64 -iiilurr ApplrcArroN F'RM ^"'f46b;E4l oerr,_.11[a"l - --t*,.o,o6et2r.,.. t1#: :6,;; _ ilif , . APPLICATTON MUST BE FTLLED OUT COMPLETELY OR IT MAY NOT BE ACCEPTED.f il***'t************************* pERMrr TNFoRMATToN ***************************** [ ]-Building 6 l-plumbing [ ]_Electrical 1V{'-uecfranibat [ ] -other Job Name:Lorc Job Actdress: /l*e ?TrAgAtrAAV Legal Description: Lot 3 owners Nanes Lr.r.r R,,-.t^rr-a Architect: ceneraL Description: ,aWork Class: lrzf-Uew [ ]-Alteration t l_Additional Nurnber of Dwelling Units;Nurnber Address: ******************************** SUBDIVISION I t-Lls.-lca Ph. Ph. [ ]-Repair [ ]-other of Accomnodation Units: Gas Logs_ Woodr/pellet *******************************ri* Block 7 Filirrg #nber and Type of Fireptaces: Gas Appliances $ * * * * ** *** * * ** * * *** * * * * * * ** ** ** * * * VATUATf ONSIBUTLDING: $ _ ELECTRICAT,:$ oTHER:$TLUMBTNG: T- urcraiiiiiij; r:tr'Ba rorAl: f.--f t]i: :: i .;ilil#:; :,e[1j,T*".31"TH:j .'g:'.*"o*rrii. : ;.;: I i .;:; : .;; : . . . . . . . Address !Phone Number: ELectrical contractor: Address:Phone Number: _ Plumbing Contractor: Address i Phone Number: Mechanical Con BUTIJDING PERMIT FEE: PLUMBING PERMIT TEE: !,TECIIANICAL PERMIT FEE: ELECTRICAI, FEE: CTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: ? 5)o I @ AIL Town of Vail Reg, NO. /0tle9Phone Number: dll-S+i- oFFf CE USg ** * ** * ** ** * * * * * * * * * * * * ** rr * * *'r * * BUTLDING PI,AN CHECK FEE: PLUI{BTNG PI,AN CHECK FEEsMECHANICAL PIAN CHECK TEE: RECREATION FEE: CIJEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMTT FEES: BUTLDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: CLEAil IIP DEPOSIT RSIZUND TOhIN OF VAIL 75 S. FROIfrTAGE ROADVAIL, CO 816s7 970-479-2]-38 APPLICAIiIT COI{TRACTOR OWNBR OTTINER DEPARI14ENT OF C'ICMMI'NITY DEVELOPMETqT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON PLUI4BING PERMIT Job Address: 1170 PTARMIGAN RD tocation. -.: 1l-70 PTARMTGAN RD Parcel No- . : 2LOL-092-08-004 Project, No. : PR,J99-0198 UIIIITE WAT'ER PLI]MBING & IIEATING P O BOX 4290, EAGLE, CO 81531_ WIIITE WATER PLUMBING & IIEATING P O BOX 4290, EAGLE, CO 8153L DAVIS RALPH E iIR TRUST - DAVIS MARY S, T]-TA PTARMIGAN RD, VAIIJ CO 81657 BILLINGSLEY Phone: 970-328-3708 Phonez 970-328-3708 Valuation:45, 000 . 00 lotal CalculaCed f€et|---> 865.50 Addit'iond Fees---------> .0o tolal, Pennic Fee--------> Pal/merrt 6 - - - - - - - BAIAIIC8 DUE.... Dept : BUII-,DING Division: PER- KI,TDept: FIRE Divj-sion: JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: P00-0048 StaEus. , Applied. Issued- . Expires. ISSTJED os /24/2000 0s /3t/2000 1,t/27 /2000 Description: PLIIMBING FOR 6 NEW BATIIS *t*.r*+r*****r*r*a*++*trttt.*t***********r**rr*tlrt.*r*ir**ir FBE su!.ltilARY Ph,rDbing-----> PI.n Check- - - > InveEtigation> will call----> rr**r**rr*rttir RestuararrE PIan Rgview--> TOTAL FEES- - - -- 690-O0 172-50 .00 . 3.OO ITCM: O5].OO BUILDING DEPARTMEI{T O5/25/2OOO KATITY AcTioN: APPR APPROVEDITCM: 05600 FIRE DEPART14ENT05/25/2000 KATI{Y Action: APPR N/A .00 965,50 865.50 ************i** **+a t* ** * * *i * ta * COIIDITION OF APPROVAL ]-. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CIIEEK FOR CODE COMPLIAI{CE. **r*t******irr*J**r**ritttt!r** ****t*:r**trt**t*r1lrt*f*****i*:l**!r*****ttttt** *t**l*!t***t*****t*rt*ttt* DECI.ARATIONS I hereby acknorrlsdE6 thac I have read thi6 al{rlication, tilled out' in full the inforGatsion required, couPl€Ced an accuratse Plo! pI.n, ind 6bate that al.l the infornation provided ae required i.s correcc. I ag-ee to colrply wieh the inforr|ation and Plob ltlan. tso couply {ifh all Totfn ordinancas and stae6 lare, a'rd, tso buj,td tshi6 struclure according to the To{.n'6 zoninE attd Bubdj.wieion cod€6, deEign rGvier applovea, unlford BuiLding code and other ordinance6 Tofn at'I)lidablc tshereto. REQUESTS FOR TNgPESIONS SHAIJT' BE MADE T'IENIY.FOUR HOURS IN ADI'ANCE BY g:00 3!i 5:0o PM CONTE,ACIOR ::IIISELF AND OI{IIER I **************t****rr*********a***t***************t*******t****** TOlftr OF VLIIT, @II0RIDO .'Stateont *rt*f t********rlrl******t*+*****t******r************rit************ gtat€@t lltrnber: REc-0635 Anouut: 865.50 05/31loo 10;38 Palnnent lilethod: 9405 Notatlon: I|HITE fiArER pllru Init! inl Fet ui!' No: P00-0o48 T1ryre: B- plrttB PLU BIISG pEru,rrr Parcel No: 2101-09?-08-OO4 Site Address: 1170 PTARIIEGAIiI RD LocatJ.on: 1170 grAnMrGAN RI) Total Fees: 855 .5 0 Tlxis Palment 865.50 TotaL ALL.Pntr: 865,50 Ba1ance3 ..00 tt !tt**t**l}**il I *!tat!t!r+* * tt *** ******* *** a* *tttaif ** * t* *t****:t*t *tl*.1 Asreount Code Deacriptioa trnounc PP 00100003111200 PIjITUBING PErutrT FBES 690.00 PF 00100003112300 PLAI{ CHECK FBBS L72.50 wc 00100003112800 wrt;lr cAlL INSPEqIISI rEE 3,00 AppLrcATroNL, no, BE AccEprED ,r rn o"r.rrl* mmt0FvilL 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 a/f/ Building Permit #: Plumbing Permit #: 970-479-2149 (Inspectaons) Contad Assessots Office at 970-328-864O or visit for Parcel Parcef # (Required if no bfdg. permit # is provided above) A/AEWrobmnet|SlM rob Address: /? zo fuzmaazj Legal Description {py,3 Qll ero.r,, /Filing: /Subdivision: /hf ownerc nane: l4t//tnOqbZ( ll Address:Phone: Ensineer: { 6 llaaoress:Phone: Yn d*oifren d *"f, ,, D, | /toL work class: &-4( Addition ( )Alteration ( )Repair( ) Other( ) rypeof Brds.: Sinele-familylFA Duptex64 t*,lTq(_] ,:"jHrA*(.), n.ttuurunt( ) other( ) No. of Accotmodation Units in this buildinq; Is this a conversion from a wood burning fireplace [o an EPA Phase II device? Yes ( I tto !O COMPLETE VALUATION FOR PLUMBING PERMIT (Labor & Materials) 0. CO NTRACTOR IN FORMATIO N i))#ffiffiffirrLotu Town of Vail Req. No.:P-to4 (Tffitf#"{'"n-sbY^sD7 Contractor Signature: ************************r!***tr*r.***:t****FOR OFFICE USE ONLY* 't**** *****+******* * * ****** ***** **rr * rr F/everyone/formtpl mbperm Date Receiyee MAY 2 4 20/00 ,(t.\'l.'At-=v"i rvwEffitV HOW DID WE RATE WITH YOU? Town of Vail Survey Gommunity Development Deparfirent Russell Fonest Director, {970}479-2139 l Check allthat applies. 1. Which Deparfnent(s) did you conbct? Building Environmental_Housing_Admin Planning --DRB -----.- PEC 2. Was your inilial contact with our staff immediatb siow ' br . no one available:_? 3. lf you were required to wait, how long was it before you were helped? 4. Was your project revietved on a timely basis? Yes / No lf no, why not? 5. Was this your first lime to file a DRB app- PEC app_ Bldg Permit_ lrUA 6. Please rate the performance of tre staf person who assisted you:54321Nams (knowledge; responsiveness, availabili$) .i 8. What is Sre best time of day for you to use the Front Service Counter? 9. Any comments you have which would allow us to beter serve you nexttime? Thank you for taking the lime to complete this survey, We are commitbd b improving our seruice. TOWNOFVAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970479-2t38 TMENT OF COMMI.]NITY NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT PErMit #: MOI-OOO7 Job Address: 1170 PTARMGAN RD VAIL Status . . . : ISSIJED [ocation.....: IIT0PTARMGANRD Applied..: 0l/18/2001 ParcelNo...: 210109208004 Issued. . : 02/2ll200l ProjectNo : POSIR -oL1V Expires. .: 08/2012001 OWNER IJUCY BII-,LINGSIJEY Ot/18/200I Phone: 2L4-754-L7L7 2200 ROSS AVE, SUITE 4800 DAILAS, TX 7520r Iricense : COMTRACTOR HEARTII EXCIIANGB, INC. (THE) 01/1S12001 Phone: 970-927-9623 P.O BOX 670 MINTURN, CO 8 L645 License: L74-M APPLICNTT HEARITI EKCIIAIiIGE, INC. (TIIE) 01/18/2001 Phone: 970-827-9623 P.O BOX 670 MINTURN, CO 81645 I-,icense t L7 4 -tI Desciption: INSTALL I GAS LOG SET Valuation: $875.00 Fir€plac€ bfdmrtict: Restic{ed: Y # ofGas Applimces: 0 # ofGas Logs: I # of Wood Pellet: 0 FEE S{JMMARY o DEPAR o DEVELOPMENT Mechanical-> PlNn Che€k-> Investiglfion-> win c8u*> 920. oo Restu$8rt Plan Review-> 95. 00 DRB Fee---> 90. oo TOTALFEES - - -> 93.00 So. oo Total Cdcdafed Fer> $0. oo Addilional Fees--> 92e . 00 Total Permit Fee---> Pa!'mcnl!-------> BALAIICE DL|E-> s28 . oo 90.00 s28.00 92E.00 s0.00 Item: 05100 BUIIJDING DEPARTME!f,I 0!/!8/200]- K!flARRBI Action: IIO ROIIIED TO CXIARIJIE FOR RSVIEW oL/a8/2OOt CDAVTS Action: AP CONDITION OF APPROVALCond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CIIECK FOR CODE COMPLIAITCE. Cond: 23 (BI.DG.): I}ISTAI-,L.ATION MUST CO}IFORM TO !,IA}II]FACTUPES INSTRUCTIONS A}ID TO CIIAPTER 10 oF TIIB 1997 UMC, CHAPTER 10 OF TIIE 1997 IMC. Condr 25 (BLDGI.): GILS .APPLIAITCES SIIAIJL BE VmqfED ACCORDMG TO CIIAPTER I Al.lD SHALL TERMIIIATE AS SPECIFIM IN SEC.8O6 OF THE 1997 I'MC, OR CHAPTER 8 OF TIM 1997 IMC. t'.'t|.|.||||||.|.'..||..t.*'l*|**'}'}**'||||.|...'|.'.|'....:**.*********$ DECLARATIONS *t I hereby acknowledge that I have read this applicatiorl fined out in firll the infqmation required, complet€d m accurat€ plot plan" and statc that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the infomation and plot plaq to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this stucture ac€ording to the tovrns zoning and subdivision codes, design rwiew approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQI'ESTS FOR.INSPEETION SIIALL Bts MADE TWENTY-FOIJR HOTJRS IN ADV 479-2138 OR AT Ot R OFFICB FROM t:00 Alt4 - 5 PM. OR CONTRACTOR FOR HMSELF' AND OWNE TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADOCopy RcpriDtcd oD 0t-l&2001 tt09zA;47 0l/lt/2001 Statemelrt {r't'}'}f,*:*'i'}*,}:t*dt!t'}**{.*'t't**:t**++++++***,}t}*tft,*****,},t,}*{t*,t,}*t.trt**l{r{r***{r:}***{r:t:t**,t!t,},}tt*:}*tt!t**r}:}* Statement Nunber: R000000360 Amount: 92S.00 OL/Lg/2OOrOg:24 Atr[ Palment ltethod: Check Init: xMw Notation: #1326,/HBARTII E:I(CHANGE $28.00 ***+*+'|''t'l****+*'l+*+t'iri*'t't*****:**'|*.****{'{.*:*:}|}*'t'tr,}'}'}*!t**'}****:*****:r***,}:t,t*:tr{!,t*{.{.{.*{.t *******{r** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descri Dti on Permit No: M01- 000? Parcel No: 210109208004 Site Addreee: 1170 PTARIitIcAtI Irocation: 1170 PTARUIGAN TtriB Palmenc : q4re : IIECHANICAIT PERI'IIT RD \TAIL RD Total Fees : Tota1 AIJr PmtB : Balance : Current Pmts $28.00 : $28.00 $o. oo l.,|P PF l,JC 00100003111300 00100003112300 00100003112800 MECMNICAL PERI,IIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 20.00 5.00 3. 00 mwva|yln Zi S. fronage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 ";:,ffi,ffi.T,-;.% Mechanical Permit #: IIIOI- 0d0/l 97 O-47 9 - 2119 (Inspectidrs) f.y,-a" Medranical Room layout drawn b scale to include:: lrledianical Room Dlmeniionso Combustion Air Duct5ze and LocaUono llue, Vent and Gas Une Size and Locafronq HeatLossCalcs.c EquipmentCut/Specsheets Permitwiilnotoea@ Parcet * (nequiffi above) aroi o?a. JobAddress: gtG Addition( ) AlterdUor{ ) Repair( ) Orher( )Boilertocauon: Intgio:Exterior( ) Other( )Does an EHU odst at this location: yes ( I fVo f IType of Bldg: SingteEm,ty (Muld-famrly( ,-&nmeroalt I noaurant( Ffr;..1 I No. of Eristing Drrvelting UniS ilEF;ffi No. of Accommodation Units in this building: to an EPA Phase mevace? ConEd fo o'5 Omo "tgZO1g2g-eOa| oruistt for Parcel # No/Type of iirelrara. pr: ------'_-=== :,'osed: flsAppllances ( )Gastogs(l) wood/pelet( i woo@i C'MPLETE vAtuATroN FoR MECHANTCAL pERMrr (Labor & Materiafs) MECHANICAT: S CONTRACTOR INFORMATTON &ntacbn Conh"@r Signahlre: ,/ everyone /fonns/ medtpcrm ***lfiiFt{r*tfroff fu'/,6bPnr'W/rfu>,4.7"fiil-*ing-z'X (pilntu+ ;#,a ,M4 er#g'd%py PPJo- otc8 m6O.6gilto 5'3 ll2" STONAGE TANK lffi,ffifr1*c"-*'$s\\ rFF H3 e6fi HH g 7aE86 Pde I EHE fiEIH HAsE fiEEfi fignH HgFE EfiEE Hass SHEH EEEH HEEBE FTAOTO\F('|Fr Fr c' Fr .i e.l Fr \O q\('| \oclt OO O-tO z^ ?**f;e f;eeeefieR te Hs*$*HHeHHHEEEH*HEtH*H*E:J HHHIH HHHHHIEH eeeooooooooooooov)r'lvlr r.1 r r |'tlar r tnravlrnt'l -.f r-a d Ft.a r{ Fa 4 d d d F{ !-a Fl Fa Fl o$.gI.fiS.FgHRSIE .-in3EEaaaeGsEa =EFra C*ralOEloo .rrvro.rl5r,F38ooSIRIFEF HEsHaeEfu eEeEga*EaiaEEH * Eoox H F \o 'a tt\d.i o \o cl€o io-FOO ol cl cl F. t\ ra |'t !n -rOOO Afi 'rgE =a(, &t- EsEnusE Fr oo t*oj lsn iss I F*SHenn l lnnan IlFr'{NFr I *+(.1 o^^o)<)< -rr|al rarott\oc \ooo\\O c.l F. t-'ooo o\ '-{l- .-r al *EE HHA EEH ^trur EHg u).l ge* & ,-. 'rrt EHE EH3? hlF "'se OFtA2 )- -rHEgTQEE{T€€FFFF FF FFs€€FFFEEq*ddddddddsssstsh h dddssss gA ScoolI S€ €€ 6 oco co gcoooS* o goe .8 r ,gB *- ll..H<r i- i*- !^- l*-.^-..,*B-; . . EHF=FRRsR 1R K s fr !$F. I Br- RB $ $ s s eTaEEHES gAhfi U f F g:H EHS $ fi E 3 R F EH3\ocrr''r\oFr€r|'tFl*-.R F.ttr .lv.l -=-.-3 !a Ce..t Q Gt $ F."r at a,t c' t\ F< 0\ c,t € c{ c.r O \O c) g\ €l.tti .: \O t - aO ra F O \O co \O + O 6 ot a\ F f \o 6 ;,{ O\ + 6b. !t- Gl Fr Fr r-r Fr + FF. : - --**- i? ia \o a- HlrFIEozo() Ft 5 ao EIutfrBt2rra ),t EsIE=>>=ptslErDi2a6t8zFl|lXt{t HFH Fi N r'1.. dr tt h \o F t F oo o 9 I = I I I = Io a Foz :l! r'.tlldo tqal4FzI & Eo ol:tb &t4Fl og a tq zlrl r', Fo at ca:lt &q og ;!Fz FI & 1I] Boa. * g, rri otr AtrlFz FI &gl Boo, A tr.,l a6 pA c{Idt gpA Tdl DoisI cn o< pA oFl & a ct DA o '-1 il co. tri E A F o ;) iD €f H Fl F{zHl>Ir{l-lIA IAta P{ p Azo F{U F1 zIp p tr{ XrI] liFlg Boz(A A E Azo t-i z Fz A e A B F.r J A a F. 7a fr A Oi 5 Or (A Fz a & o. ;f,A(\lg (A rrl& tl H Boz(,h A p t,l H F.l F] Bozi^ A() () rll& F1z li trl eo Frv) E6 & tq E t-r\\ F E A(J & L)p FE6 Frtr'<u) u) /q o co tllFv) (A q =B za tI1N rr) trl Fr 3c.l tr'roo F1 & &a. Fzirl Fl & & at rqNa tqA A c-l I Fz a fr F]N v) EI a(\ F F]q.l oz(tt Fzatl H M rrlF F F{o (J t-r(n FI oo 11 e Fr !tv 6 F.ia rl (.f 3 Ea & E1oz E CJXtrl F rrlE F*l FI Bozir1 F]Uz rdeafrF ri u a I7 4 IE I I L lallrItrIH IFl< llF IIE Is I I I lotc|.\lrc ll$ ll! f'lFl:lafrltrq Ivl IFta I frl t>IA lFr lcItt:ILIFt2l<lrILlfrl: FllFilAIoi l:l l€lItrlFtIEtplFr IUt<thtptzl<l> Frl5lAI al '-11al *rltrl>lolot c'r I&lrI]irJlonoo(1ltI() lqltz te t>lv)la IHt> t<lF-\ | AIzl al oi olol(\.l &r{Fl6trotolqt> lrI1tztz tsl(r)l.a IH FI zl,flol EI >lololcrl &1 Irttooo$ Ut{ at<i>laIrt) IB l-r I AI al ,-.1 |(nl EItrl>l RI &lEll H1 io1 iFA l lolqt>IU lsltztzl< t>l(Alu) IHt> r*oo oO 1-r tt{F-o o(J k t-,oooa F-. f\ooo(J f-t t&N ooo() I-r N 8o(J Ft I trilo tolotolc)t< I t-t Ir,{F-oo o(J ErF.Io() l-t o oo oo $-t F\ oo() t-r Er$ ooo L) l-l I rif ooo L) h l-H oooa F.. ooo(J F. \o ooo I-t tloo (J I-{ xa FlofrF a'):tr Flo&F \osl$:ll o&F @ $o() f-( &o 2 Fz o& tr..LA vt:lh Flo/,F \o toO F o S&Fi ,! BF rrt H(,z et{ c.l f-ta cn B t4F Fal&lo I lr.. l<t& lco lal + OrFt-l rrl tqp F lFt l(,tzt<til | [-t HAoU Ico q co coI co 1!a IItJ $6J c.lI6/ $ I I \o a6. l'- d, €oI o\ ar o Ia-I6. N IAJ aa I $ I Ia- \o OJ c* I IFi e.lI F. Ia Iv)4 q (A Iv) t?)Iv2 tl Fr{B F{vt X BLUTreALEY REA|DENCE BOILER 8IZINC UU{ITEWATER P&I{' 2tzGtOO . WITH SNOll,tlELT ARE/43 tr 2 t 3 ... AREA. HOUSE-. SNoWMELT NET BTUH 161000 2?2875 TOTALNET BTUH 393t75' TOTALBTUH INPUT REO'D 72$197 3zfrt{zoc f-lF- fit Fefiz>&3^ aF<= 2=? E3EFE€*kFt EEE AJFI EHgssl ?CPa 772 EUE944tuatrio (.r{a ^r rI r')oif,EREF =*--, l'I N cr (n N FrJH "|{il {flO Q O\ O O \O * t O (\l Flf9ffRaR od-,-'-'61E-'FS-'e Fc{ SCHHSR AH E5_ AH atl ral |'t o\ o o '-. tt (.t oo \o rfd:TRKR JJ F' fl Rs ooctoot€so\\ort.|P$ilER ri -: F' €rn l.l t-(d H 4H a iE **t FHEEEnEEFFEHEqq? .H a HAH 35c H E3X H Hq3 A Atola-EC zr Residential atmospheric gas-fired hot water heating boiler Wet-base sectional cast-iron design Boiler Series ECD, ECV Heating input: 65 to 200 MBH High Ouality Wet-Base Gast-lron Boiler in an Economical and Compact Design t'----' i ov ref;mANN i i I i instance indirect-fl red , A.2qyearlimited warranty on the heat .. exchanger and a full 2'year warranty on all controls are standard on each Atola - for chimney venting D O E Viaasmann Manufacturing company (U,s.l Inc. 83 Vermont Avo., Bldg. 3 Warwick, Rhodo lsland 02888 USA Tel.: (401) 732-0667 Fax: (4011732-0590 ovlEEMANN Viessmann Manufacturing Company Inc. 750 McMurrav Road Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2V 2G5 Tel.: 1519) 885-6300 Fax: (5'19) 885-0887 e (L @o, a\ Atola-ECD CEORCE SHAEFFER PO. Box 373 Vail, Colorado 81 658 (970) 845-56s6 (970) 845-7013 FAX June 4, 2001 Leonard Sandoval Town of Vail 1309 Elkhorn Drive Vail, CO 81657 RE: Snowmelt in the Town Right of Way Billingsley Residence 1170 Ptarmigan Road Vail, Colorado Dear Lenard: This letter is to inform you that George Shaeffer Construction Company has placed snowmelt heat tubing under the asphalt driveway in the Town Right of Way at the Billingsley Residence. The heat pipes consist of two heat loops. zones #4 & #5, with shut offvalves located on the north side of the Mechanical Room and labeied "City". Ifyou have any questions please feel free to give us a call. Sincerelv. GEORGE SHAEFFER CONSTRUCTION COMPANY 6*l Brad W. Foster Project Manger /-t6-o I Ch*tf ,e A.urs, Fo t fr::'r?:5ffi T 'tpPu/ug=- €- t"k,^55 so lo*3 /" J./ yo u rcPow ft - fi" rc7,.sLJ frn< F-,.^.,3 ruSPrctn^ u^J'- P"*{ 4 g*-oo lo(" k"-{ Y}^Q- &^o^ et=e, Th"uk /ou.BODFfi ffit*gr-u-- #.ss- €r GfC KtEsone- q77- /737 3? L - 6/x/ ,f yoo ,rt*J o"7f,',g ",FPz<-Ce( Pfu*' PO. Box 373 . Vail, Colorado 81658. (970) 845-5656 r (970) 845-7013 FAX oo FrsrelElA Printed by ,Joan Nolen ]t too o9: 09am From: Joan No'l enTo: Leonard sandoval subiect:fudi Yesterday BradschaLffer ===f{eff==:r=======--=--3/2V I 0=10 I 15am== construction came in to pick up a Public way permit (actual'ly demo) forttzo ptaririban (sillinqsley), but whenr pul]ed up-n80q8 it said that thbre was ir -0- ba"l a'hce & i t was not added into the demo permit. r was jupt wonderino whv there was a .175.00 credit on the r{ peinit since it hadn't beenpaid for. Fwd=by : =Leonard=Sando=3/27 / z O==7 z 52an== nrd t6: loan Nol en fron cood t,lorni ng .rt was supp6sed to be included in the Demo perrnit, Kathy or chlr'lie may knoDemo perrnit, Kathy or char'lie may k the ahswer to this question. we had knorr fee was ever the ahswer to this question. we had agreeed- to have shaffher construction oiv with iust one check, that's why it hal a zer6 ba'lance. r gave the public way permit to lR.wiv permit to lR. becalse r needed itsilnld.let me know if the fee was evesloneo. L€tcoll ected? Page: 1 , FRfil : ffi.B ffiESTT]S RB8THIE.IT, O.i' €gBAsbcstos Abate FHl€ Ml. . L gru 242+It?€Mar. @ Am tf'igEnn ft2 Pzs-ong Doo- Dod4 BlurNqbtB Hazard Assessment . Air Monitoring nt lnc. Lead Paint Abatement e Cornplete Asbesos Removal & Dispoaal March 8,2000 Town of Vail 75 Sotrth Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 NOTICE OF COMPLETION LQGATIUI: 1170 Ptarmigan Road PARQEL M): 2101{9a0€{04EffirT#; D0O-Ofi)4 A & B Asbeetoe Ababment, lnc, completed the asbeetoa abaterrent of all asbesbs conbinirg mahrials in excess of the regulabry limit (ereeter than I %) hat were idffitiliod in ttre a*tresrrn surysyof lhas prqpeily. The asbesbs ababmcnt wa8 conrpleted on tho afiemoon of i{arch 7, 4)00. Thk uork was done under the Tom dVail permit #D,flX)OO4. lf you have arry qreetiors regarding this poject. pl€ase contact me et 1,AO074&1Z(JE._ Thank you. Date Fteceived trE#*,"^* John R. Peterman, Pruject Manager MAR 13 2000 635 Wbst White Avenue e Crand.lunclion, colondo 815o5 . (97or 243-2575 . 1.800-746-1 2M o FAX {9701242-1125 o A & B ASBESTOS ABATEMENT, INC. 635 WEST WHITE AVENUE GRAND JUNCTION, COLORADO 81505 1-800-748-1204 INSPECTION REPORT PREPARED FOR: LOCATION: REPORT PREPARED BY: JOHN R. PETERMAN INSPECTOR MANACER CERTIFICATE NO: 526190 I 92 GEORGE SHAEFFER CONSTRUCTION P.O. BOX 373 VAIL. COLORADO 81658 R#+I+Ezrdl{S RESIDENCE I I7O PTARMINGA}I ROAD VAIL, COLORADO 81659 Date Received FEB 24 2000 PBTfrOqg 800 -009 tsrr.urr.rersr-a,i PFF' PO. Box 373 Vail, Colorado g1658 (970) 84s_5656 (970) 84s_7013 FAX Email bradf@gsconco.com qEORCE SHA EFFER Brad Foster INTRODUCTION: On January I l, 2000, an inspection/sunr'ey was conducted and 16 bulk samples were collected from the DAVIS RESIDENCE I17O PTARMINGAN ROAD VAIL, COLORADO 81657 The purpose ofthe inspection/survey was to locate and sample suspected asbestos containing materials that might be present in the house that is planned for demolition. The inspection was made and the samples were collected by Jobn R. Peterman, an A.H.E.R.A. and State of Colorado certified Building Inspector. Creat care was taken during the inspection and sampling to be as accurate as possible. It should be noted that minimal damage was done to the existing buildingstnrctures during the inspection so there is no documentation for unseen conditions or stored items. All samples were analyzed by DCM Science Lab in Lakewood, Colorado. This laboratory is deemed "Proficient" in the E.P.A. Quality Assurance (QA) progam for the determination of asbestos in bulk materials, and is accredited by the American Hygiene Association (AIHA). SAMPLING PROTOCOL: A random sampling scheme was used to sample the suspect materials that were discovered. If during any future demolition or renovation work suspect material is discovered that hasn't been sampled and would be disturbed, work should be halted until the material has been tested. BUILDING DESCRIPTION: The Davis Residence is a two story building that is planned for demolition. The lower exterior walls are concrete with a plaster coating applied to the surface. The back exterior walls are wood frame with wood siding. The interior walls are wood framed and covered with taped sheet rock, lightly texhred sheet rock and wood paneling. The ceilings are exposed wood and open beams. The floon throughout are mostly covered with carpeting. There are areas that are covered with 9" x 9" a floor tile, 12" x 12" floor tiles and sheet vinyl. The first floor is concrete and the upper floors are wood frame. There is no attic or crawl space in this building. The attached carport is constxcted ofwood framing. The heating is provided by hot water baseboard heating and a fire place. No suspect T. S. I. was visible on the heating system. The exterior soflit is exposed wood. The roofwas covered with snow at the time ofthe inspection and was not accessible. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENNATIONS : Laboratory analysis of the bulk samples indicate that five of the eight suspect materials tested were identified as asbestos containing material. Ofthe five asbestos containing material samples, three contain asbestos that is greater than the regulatory limit (greater than l%). The remaining two asbistos containing materials asbestos content is less than the regulatory limit. The asbestos containing materials that contain asbestos that is in excess of the regulatory limit are the sheet vinyl flooring in the first floor kitchen and the two layers of floor tile in the upstairs kitchen. The asbestos containing materials that contain asbestos in excess of the regulatory limit must be removed prior to demolition as per Colorado Regulation #8. There is an option on the non-friable floor tile in the upper kitchen can remain in place during demolition provided that it doesn't become friable during the demolition process. The asbestos containing materials that contain asbestos that is less than the regulatory limit are taped sheet rock and the sheet rock texture. The asbestos content ofthe sheet rock texture and the composite sheet rock samples were verified by the required point count analysis. These items will not need to be removed prior to the demolition ofthe building. However the OSHA Regulations to protect workers from airborne asbestos fibers is still in place. SAMPLE# RDR-B-OO1 RDR-B.O02 RDR-B-OO3 RDR.B.OO4 RDR-B-OO5 RDR-B-OO6 RDR-B-OO7 RDR.B-OO8 RDR-B-OO9 RDR.B.O1O RDR-B-o11 RDR.B-012 RDR-B.o13 RDR-B-o14 RDR.B.O15 RDR-B-o16 SAMPLE LOCATION AREA SAMPLED FROM First Floor Kitchen by ref. First Floor Linen Closet Fumance Room Wall 1st Floor First Floor bathroom under wall paper 2nd Floor bathroom wall under wall paper 1st floor wall by fire place 1st floor bed room closet wall 2nd floor closet wall pantry 2nd floor bedroom wall middle of building 2nd floor master bedroorn wall by entry door 2nd floor kitchen g" x 9" floor tile top layer 2nd floor kitchen floor tile under other floor tile 2nd floor bathroom Exterior wall Exterior wall Exterior wall DESCRIPTION Sheet vinyl with mastic 9" x 9" tile with mastic Taped sheet rock Taped sheet rock Taped sheet rock Sheet rock texture Sheet rock texture Sheet rock texture Sheet rock texture Sheet rock texture Floor tile Floor tile 12" x 12' floor tile Plaster Plaster Plaster FRIABLE YES/NO Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No SAMPLE # RDR-B.OO1 RDR-B.OO2 RDR-B-OO3 RDR.B.OO4 RDR-B-OOs RDR.8-006 RDR.B.OO7 RDR-B{08 RDR-B.OO9 RDR-B-O1O RDR.B.O11 RDR-B-012 RDR-B{13 RDR-B{14 RDR.B.O15 RDR-B-ol6 ASBESTOS TYPE CHRY NAD CHRY NAD CHRY CHRY CHRY CHRY CHRY CHRY NAD CHRY CHRY NAD NAD NAD SAMPLE RESULTS COLLECTION DATE: 1t1trcO DESCRIPTION Sheet vinyl with mastic 9'x 9" tile with mastic Taped sheet rock Taped sheet rock Taped sheet rock Sheet rock texture Sheet rock texture Sheet rock texture Sheet rock texture Sheet rock texture Floor tile Floor tile 12'x 12'floor tile Plaster Plaster Plaster % 25.2 0 point count 0.04 0 pointcount 0.08 point count 0.45 point count 0.08 pointcount 0.05 pointcount 0.05 pointcount 0.08 0 2.9 3 0 0 0 TYPEOFSUSPECT OVERALLMATERIAL CONDITIONS SUSPECT MATERIAL CONDITION DAMAGE %SAMPLE # RDR-B-OO1 RDR-B-OO2 RDR.B-OO3 RDR-B-OO4 RDR-B-OOs RDR.8-006 RDR.B.OO7 RDR-B-OO8 RDR.B.OO9 RDR-B-O1O RDR-B-o11 RDR-B{12 RDR-B-o,I3 RDR-8.014 RDR-B-o15 RDR-B-o16 GOOD GOOD GOOD GOOD GOOD GOOD GOOD GOOD GOOD GOOD GOOD GOOD GOOD GOOD GOOD GOOD TYPE OF DAMAGE N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A MISC MISC SUR SUR SUR SUR SUR SUR SUR SUR MISC MISC MISC SUR SUR SUR NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 n 0 0 POTENTIAL FOR DISTURBANCE SAMPLE # RDR.B-OO1 RDR-B{02 RDR-B-OO3 RDR.B-OO4 RDR-B-OOs RDR-B.OO6 RDR.B-OO7 RDR-B.OO8 RDR.B-OO9 RDR-B.O1O RDR.B-o11 RDR.B-o12 RDR-B-013 RDR-B-014 RDR.B-o15 RDR.B-016 ACCESSIBtLtw YES/NO YES YES YES NO NO YES YES YES YES YES . YES NO YES YES YES YES POTENTITAL CONTACT HIGH HIGH MOD under wall paper underwall paper HIGH HIGH HIGH HIGH HIGH HIGH under floor tile HIGH HIGH HIGH HIGH INFLUENCE VIBRATION LOW LOW LOW LOW LOW LOW LOW LOW LOW LOW LOW LOW LOW LOW LOW LOW POTENTIAL AIR EROSION LOW LOW LOW LOW LOW LOW LOW LOW LOW LOW LOW LOW LOW LOW LOW LOW LOCATED IN PLENUM YES/NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO O Dcu scrENcE HBoRAToRy, rp BT'LK ASBESTOS AIIALYSIS . PAGE 1 OF 5 ANALYSIS DATE: 1.13.00INC. RECEIPT DATE: 1-12-00 CLIENT JoB N0.: ITALPH DAVIS RXSIDENCE PROJECT TITLE: 1170 Pf.ARttIGAlI ROAD, VAIL PROJECT NTJI{BER: AB183O PERCENTACE COMPOSITION By AREA/VOLU.IE -1-B -1-C -2-A -2-B 1-11-00 1-11-00 1-11-00 1-11-OO36.0* 60.01 1.0r 99.0rRDR R,DR RDR RDR8-001 8-001 8-002 B-OO2 [70-80] 0.0 0.0 o.o0.0 0.0 0.0 0.00.0 0.0 0.0 0.00.0 0.0 0.0 0.00.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 CLIEM: A & B ASBESTOS ABATEI{EM, 535 W. WHITE AVEI{UE GRA}TD JIJNCTION, CO 81505 DCM IAB No.: .1-A SAIPLE DATE: 1-11-00* OF SAI.IPLE: 4.0r CLIEM NO.: RDR ASBESTIFORI{ MINERAL FIBERS: B_OO1CHRYSOTILE O.OAt{osrTE o. oCROCIDOLITE O.OTRET{OLITE.ACTTNOLITE O.OAI{THOPITNIITE O. O TOTAL ASBESTOS: TOTAL ASBESTOS CONTENT OF SAI.IPLE OTTTER FIBROUS CONSTIIUENIS NON. FIBROUS CONSTITT'ENTS TOTAL PERCENTAGE IDEMIFIED MATERIAIS 0.0 70.0 25.2t 0.0 100.0 5.0 25.O 0.0 0.0 100.0 0.0 0.0r TR 100.0 0.0 0.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 NOTES: SAI{PLE NO. 1 CONSISTS OF 3 PARTS. PART A IS BROSIN RESIN, PART B IS IIHITEFIBROUS UATERIAL AT.ID PART C IS I.{I'LTICOI'RED RESINOUS TILE. SAI{PLB I.IO. 2 CONSISTS OF2 PARTS. PART A IS YEIJOII RESIN AND PART B IS IIIIITE RESINOUS TILE. DCM SCIENCE TABORATORY, INC. BULK ASBESTOS AI.IALYSIS . PAGE 2 OF 5 CLIENT: A & B ASBESTOS ABATEI{ENT, INC. 635 W. WHITE AVENUE GRAND JI'NCTION, CO 81505 ANALYSIS DATE: RECEIPT DATE: CLIENT JOB NO,: PROJECT TITLE: PROJECT NTJMBER: PERCENTAGE COUPOSITION BY AREA/VOLI'ME 1-13-00 r-12-00 RALPH DAVIS RESIDENCE I17O PTARMIGAN ROAD, VAIL A81830 0.0 0.0 DCM IAB NO.: SAI.IPLE DATE: t OF SAUPI,E: CLIEM NO.: ASBESTIFORI'I !{INERAL FIBERS : CHRYSOTILE AI.{OSITE CROCIDOLITE TR.EI{OLITE. ACTINOLITE ANTHOPETLLITE TOTAL ASBESTOS: TOTAL ASBESTOS CONTENT OF SAMPLE OSHER FIBROUS CONSTITUENTS NON-FIBROUS CONSTITIJENTS TOTAT PERCENTAGE IDENTIFIED HATERIALS -3-A -3-B -3-C 1-11-00 1-11-00 1-11-003.0r 10.0t 87.0tRDR BDR RNR8-003 8-003 8-003 lrR-l] 0.0 0.0 0_0 0.0 0.00.0 0.0 0.00.0 0.0 0.00.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 <0.1r 0.0 99.0 97 .0 3.0 3.0 97 .O 100.0 100.0 100.0 NOTES: SAI{PLE NO. 3 CONSISTS OF 3 PARTS. PART A IS WHITE PIASTER. PART B IS TAN FIBROUS MATERIAL AND PART C IS WIIITE FIBROUS PIASTER. DCl.t SGIENCE IABORATORY, INC. BI'IX ASBESTOS A}IALYSIS - PAGE 3 OF 5 GLIEM: ANALySIS DATE: 1-I3-OOA & B ASBESTOS ABATEI,TEMT, INc. REGEIPT DATE: 1.12.00 535 W. WITITE AVENUE CLIENT JoB NO.: RALPH DAvrs RESTDENCE GMND JUNCTION' c0 81505 PRoJEcT TITLE: 1l7o PTARHIGAN RoAD, vAIL PROJECT NIJI,fBER: A81830 PERCENTAGE COMPOSTTIoN By AREA^OLI'ME DCM IAB NO.: -4.A -4-B .4.C SAMPLE DATE: 1-l-1,-00 L-11-00 1-11-00 t 0F SAilPLE: 10.0t 15.0t 75.0* CLIENT NO.: R.DR RDR RDR ASBESTIIPRI.! I.IINERAL FIBERS: B-OO4 8-004 B-OO4CHRYSOTTLE 0.0 o.o o.oA.r{oslTE 0. o 0.0 o. ocRocrDolrrE 0.0 o.o o.oTREI'TOLITE-ACTINOLITE O. O O. O O. OANTHOPHTLLITE O.O O.O O.O TOTAL ASBESTOS: TOTAL ASBESTOS CONTENT OF SA!,IPLE OTHER FIBROUS CONSTITIJENIS NON- FIBROUS CONSTITUE}rTS TOTAL PM.CENTAGE IDENTIFIED MATERIAIJ 100.0 100.0 100.0 0.0 0.0r 97.O 3.0 0.0 0.0 TR 100.0 3.0 97.0 NOTES: SA},TPLE NO. 4 CONSISTS OF 3 PARTS. PART A IS BROWN FIBROUS MATERIAL, PART BIS W1TITE PIASTER AI.{D PART C IS I,IHITE FIBROUS PI.ASTER. t INC. COI'NT CROSS REFERENCE: 481830,1831 PERCENTAGE COMPoSITION By AREA^OLI'UE DCtl IAB NO.: -1 -2 -3 -4 SAUPIJ DATE: t-11-00 l.-11-00 1-L1-00 1-11-00t oF TOTAL SA.MPLE: 3.0r 10.0* 45.01 10.0r CLIENT No.: RDR-B-003 -ihi-l.r R.DR-B-005 Thi-8.t ASBESTIFORI,I, UINERAL FIBERS :CHRYSOTILE 1.25IAti{osITE 0.00rCRoGIDoLITE 0.00rTREMOLITE.ACTINOLITE O.OOtANTHOPHYI,LITE O.OOI TOTAL ASBESTOS COITNTED 1.25r TOTAL ASBESTOS IN IAYER 1.25* TOTAL ASEESTOS ]N SN{PLE O.O4t NOTES: SAI{PLES NO. I - 4 ARE I.,HITE PIASTER. TOTAL ASBESTOS COT]NTED TOTAL ASBESTOS IN IAYER TOTAL ASBESTOS IN SAMPLE DCM SCIENCE IAEORATORY, BUI.I( ASBESTOS N{ALYSIS . POINT PAGE 1. OF 3 ANALYSIS DATE: RECEIPT DATE: CLIEM JOB NO.: PROJECT TITLE: DCMSL PROJECT: DEFINITIONS THE AI{OIJNT OF ASBESTOS PRESENT IN THE SAT.TPLE H(PRESSED AS PERCENT. THE PERCENT OF SAI{PIJ REHAINING TIMES ASBESTOS COIJNTED D(PRESSED AS A PERCENT. THE PERCENT OF TOTAL SAt{PtE (IROr,r Pu{,/Sr{ AI{ALYSIS) TItmS TOTAL ASBESTOS IN I.AYER (IF NO ASBESTOS IN OTHER IAYERS). CLIEM: A & B ASBESTOS ASATEI'IEM, INC. 535 W. WHITE AVENUE GRAND JUNCTION, CO 81505 I.TETHOD 1-24-00 1-20-00 RALPH DAVIS RESIDENCE 1170 P'IARIIGA}I ROAD, VAIL A81833 0.75r 0.00r 0.00* 0.00r 0.00r 0.75r 0.75r 0.08s 1.00r 0.00r 0.00r 0.00r 0.00r 1.00r L.00r 0.45r 0.75s 0.00r 0.00r 0.00* 0.00r 0.75r 0.75r 0.08r DCM SCIENCE IABORATORY, IT BI'LK ASBESTOS ANALYSIS - PAGE 4 OF 5 CLIEM: ANALySIS DATE: 1_13-00A & B ASBESTOS ABATEI.TENT, INc. RECEIPT DATE: 1-12-OO 535 W. IHITE AVENUE CLIEM JOB No.: RALPH DAvIs RESIDENCE GRAND JIJNcrroN, co 81505 pRoJEcr rrrlE: 1l7o prARl{rcAN RoAD, vArL PROJECT NIJMBER: A81830 PERCENTACE COUPoSITION By AREAAOLUIfE DCM lAB N0.: -5-A -5-B -5-C sAl,tPLE DATE: 1-11-00 1-11-00 1-11-00r oP sAl.tPLE: 10.0* 20.01 70.0r CLIEM NO.: RDR RDR RDR ASBESTIFORM I.IINERAL FIBERS: 8-005 8-005 B-OO5CHRYSOTTLE tTR_rl o.o o.oAMOSTTE 0.0 o.o o.ocRocrDolrrE o.o o.o o.oTREI,TOLITE-ACTINOLITE O.O O.O O.OANTHOPHTLLITE O.O O.O O.O TOTAL ASBESTOS: TOTAL ASEESTOS CONTENT OF SAHPLE OTHER FIBROUS CONSTII'I,'ENTS NON. FIBROUS CONSTII'I.'SrTS TOTAL PERCENTAGE IDEMIFIED I.{ATER.IAIS NOTES: SAI{PLE N0. 5 CONSISTS OF 3 PARTS. MI'LTICOI.ORED FIBROUS UATERIAL AND PART C 100.0 100.0 100.0 PART A 1S WHITE PIASTER, PART B IS ITI{ITE FIBROUS PIASTER. 1.0 0.1r 0.0 99.0 0.0 0.0 95.0 4.0 3.0 97.0 IS DCM Science Laboratory, ,n".1 12421 W. 49th Avenue. Unit #6 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 DCM Project No.: Cllent Job No.: Bulk Sample Analysis BULK SAMPLE ANALYSIS PROCEDURES: AB 1830 RALPH DAVIS RESIDENCE Paee-[of 5 DCM Science Laboratory, Inc. analyzes bulk asbestos samples following procedures developed by the McCrone Research Institute and in compliance with guidelines established by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA€00/R-93/1 16, July, 1993). Bulk samples are prepared for analysis using a 10X-80X stereo microscope in a hepa filter hood which provides a conbmination-free environment. The sample is then analyzed by polarized light microscopy (PLM) at 100X. When the sample consists of more than one layer, each layer is prepared and analyzed separately. Fiber and matrix materials are identified by the characterization of optical properties including color and pleochrorism, form, cleavage, relief, birefringence, extinction, orientiation, twinning, interference figure and other distinguishing features. Dispersion staining is also used to further aid in mineral identification. All percentages of asbestos, other fibers and non-fibrous constituents are calculated from the values obtained from the stereo and PLM microscopes analysis. In-house and NIST standards as well as a chart prepared by R.D. Terry and G.V. Chilinger for'The Journal of Sedimentary Petrology'', (Volume 24, pp.229-234, 1955) provide a guide for estimating percentages. All samples are archived for six months unless other arrangements are made by the client. ACGREDTTATION: DCMSL is accredited by the AIHA (since 1986). Our accreditation number is 305. DCMSL was accredited by NVLAP (since April 'l , 1989). Our NVLAP Lab Code is '10'1258. ENDORSEMENT: The results of this analysis must not be used by the client to claim endorsement by NVISP or any agency of the U.S. Govemment This test report relates only to the items tested. This report may not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of the laboratory. The analysis was performed by : John Silverman Ron Schott Laboratory Director l-t3-Oo l-VI DCU SCIENCE IABORATORY, INC- BULK ASBESTOS ANALYSIS . PAGE 1 OF 6 cLIENT: ANALySIS DATE: 1-14-00 A & B ASBESTOS AEATEI.IENT, INc. RECEIPT DATE: 1-12-OO 535 I{. llt{rrE AVENUE cLrEM JoB No.: RALPH DAvrs RESTDENCE GRAND JtNcrroN, c0 81505 PRoJEcr rrrlE: 1170 praRl.ficAti ROAD, vArL PROJECT NIIMBER: ABl83L PERCENTAGE CottposITION By AREA^OLI UE DCM IAB NO.: SAITPI,E DATE: t OF SAI{PLE: CLIENT NO.: ASBESTITOR}T I{INERAL FIBERS : CHRYSOTILE A!.TOSITE CROCIDOLITE TR.EI.TOLITE. ACTINOLITE AI{TTIOPHY]I"ITE TOTAL ASBESTOS: TOTAL ASBESTOS CONTENT OF SAMPLE OI'ITER FIBROUS CONSTITMNTS NON.FIBROUS CONSTITT'ENTS TOTAL PERCENTAGE IDENTIFIED UATERIALS -1-A -1-B 1-11-00 1-11-003.0r 3.0rRDR RDR8-005 8-0060.0 0.00.0 0.0 0.0 0.00.0 0.00.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.2r -1-C 1- 11- 00 4s.0* RDR B-006 lrR-1j 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.5 -1-D 1- 1L-00 49 .0r RDR B-006 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 100.0 2.O 98 .0 TR 99.5 97 .O 3.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 NOTES: SAI{PIJ NO. 1 CONSISTS OF 4 PARTS. PART A Is WHITE PA]NT, PART B Is I,HITE FIEROUS PIASTER, PART C IS WIIITE PIASTER AI{D PART D IS BROWN FIBROUS I'IATERIAL. FOR cALCUIATIoN OF ToTAL ASBESTOS CoNTENT OF SAI{PI.E, TRACE (TR) rS ASSTMED TO BE 0.5*. Ot DCI.T SCIENCE IABORATORY, INL: BUII{ ASBESTOS ANALYSIS - PAGE 2 OF 6 AI,IALYSIS DATE: RECEIPT DATE: CLIENT JOB NO.: PRO'IECT TITLE: PROJECT NUI,TSER: PERCENTAGE COMP0SITION By AREAAoLWE DCM I,A8 NO. : SAI.IPLE DATE: I OF SAI{PLE: CLIEM NO.: ASBEST]TORH MINERAL FIBERS : CHRYSOTILE AI.TOSITE CROCIDOLITE TRE}TOLITE - ACTINOLITE ANTHOPHTLLITE TOTAL ASBESTOS: TOTAL ASBESTOS CONTENT OF SA}.I,PLE OTHER FIBROUS CONSTITUENTS NON - FIBROUS CONSTITUENTS TOTAL PERCENTAGE IDEMIFIED MATERIALS -2-A -2-B 1-11-00 1-11-00 10.0s 10.0t R.DR RDR8-007 8-0070.0 0.0 0.0 0.00.0 0.00.0 0.00.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1r -2-D 1-11-00 70.0r RDR B-007 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 CLIEM: A & B ASBESTOS ABATEMEM, INC. 635 W. IIIIITE AVENUE GRAND JIJNCTION, CO 8T505 1-14-00 1-12-00 RALPH DAVIS RESIDENCE 1170 PTARMIGAN ROAD, VAIL AB1831 -2-C 1- 11-00 10.0* RDR B-007 trR-11 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.5 0.0 100.0 2.0 98 .0 0.0 99.5 97.0 3.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 NOTES: SAUPLE NO. 2 CONSISTS OF 4 PARTS. PART A IS I{TIITE PAIM, PART B IS WHITE FIBROUS PIASTER, PART C IS WHITE PIASTER A}ID PART D IS BROWN TIBROUS MATER,IAL. FOR cAI.ct'IaTION Or TOTAL ASBESTOS CoNTENT OF SAt{pIt, TRACE (TR) IS ASSWED TO BE 0.58. CLIENT: A & B ASBESTOS ABATEI,TEM, INC. 535 W. WHITE AVENUE GRAND JUNCTION, CO 81505 ASBESTIFORU HINERAL FIBERS : CHRYSOTILE AI{OSITE CROCIDOLITE TRXUOLITE-ACTINOLITE A}'ITHOPIIYIJ.ITE TOTAL ASBESTOS COI'NTED TOTAL ASBESTOS IN IAYER TOTAI ASBESTOS IN SAMPLE NOTES: SAI{PLES NO. 5 . 7 ARX WHITE PIASTER. I INL COI'NT METHOD PAGE 2 OF 3 ANALYSIS DATE: 1-24-00 RICEIPT DATE: 1-20-00 CLIENT JOB NO.: RALPH DAVIS RESIDENCE PRoJECT TITLE: 1170 PTARI.fiGAII RoAD, VAIL DCMSL PROJECTT A81833 CROSS REFERENCE: A31830,1831 PERCEITTACE COI{PoSITIoN By AREA/VOLIITTE DCM IAB NO.: -5 -6 -7 SAI{PLE DATE: 1-11-00 1-11-00 1-11-00t oF ToTAL SAIPLE: 10.0* 10.0t 10.0t CLIEM N0.: RDR-B-008 RDR-B-009 poR-8-010 PART B PART C PART C DCM SCIENCE IABORATORY, BI'IX ASBESTOS ANALYSIS - POINT 0.50r 0.00r 0.00r 0.00r 0.00r 0.50r 0.50* 0. 50r 0.00* 0.00* 0.00* 0.00* 0.50r 0. 50$ 0.75r 0.00r 0 .00r 0.00* 0.00r 0.75r 0.75* 0.08r0.051 0.05r TOTAL ASBESTOS TOTAL ASBESTOS TOTAL ASBESTOS COT'NTED IN IAYER IN SAI.TPLE DEFINITTONS THE N.IOUIfT OF ASBESTOS PRESENT IN TIIE SAI-TPLE EXPRESSED AS PERCEM, TI{E PERCE}IT OF SAI{PLE REMAINING TII{ES ASBESTOS COTJNTED EXPR"ESSED AS A PERCEI'IT. THE PERCENT OF TOTAL SA}IPIJ (FR.OM PIU/SM ANALYSIS) TIMES TOTAL ASBESTOS IN IAYER (IF NO ASBESTOS IN OTHER I.AYERS). DCU SCIENCE IABORATORY, INP BI'LK ASBESTOS A}IALYSIS . PAGE 3 OF 5 CLIEM: ANALYSIS DATE: 1-14.00 A & B ASBESTOS ABATEI.IEM, INc. RECErpr DATE: 1-12-OO 635 W. IIHITE AVENUE CLIEM JoB No.: RALPH DAvrS RESTDENCE GRAITD JIrNcrrON, co 81505 pRoJEc:r rrrr.E: 1170 prARMrcAN RoAD, vArL PROJECT NLJI{BER: A31831 PERCENTACE COMPOSITIoN By AREA^OLInIE DCM IAB NO. : -3-A -3-8 SAMPLE DATE: 1-11-00 t-Ll--00t OF SAIiPLE: 5.0t 10.0t CLIEM NO.: RDR RDR ASBESTIFORI.{ I{INERAL FIBERS: 8-008 B-OO8CHRYSOTTLE 0.0 [TR_11AttosrTE 0.0 o. oCROCIDOLITE O.O O.OTR3I{OLITE-ACTINOLITE O.O O.OAI{TIIO*naLLrTE 0.0 o. o -3-C 1- 11- 00 20.0r RDR B-008 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -3-D t. - 11-00 65.0r RDR B-008 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0TOTAI ASBESTOS: TOTAL ASBESTOS CONTEI{T OF SAI-iPLE OUTER FIBROUS CONSTITUENTS NON. FIBROUS CONSTITUETfTS TOTAL PERCEMAGE IDEMIFIED MATERIALS 0.0 0.1r 0.0 100.0 0.0 99.5 3.0 97.O 97 .O 3.0 0.5 0.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 NOTES: SAI{PLE NO. 3 CONSISTS OF 4 PARTS. PART A Is WHITE PAINT, PART B Is WHITE PIASTER, PART C IS WTIITE FIBROUS PIASTER AND PART D IS BROWN TIBROUS UATERIAL. FORcAIfttrATIoN OF TOTAL ASBESTOS CONTEIIT oF sAl{pLE, ISACE (TR) rS ASSII'IED TO BE 0.5t. DCM SCIENCE UsORATORY, INp BI'LK ASBESTOS ANALYSIS . PAGE 4 OF 6 CLIEM: ANALYSIS DATE: 1-14-OO A & B ASBESTOS ABATEI,iENT, INC. RECEIpT DATE: I-12-OO 535 ll. IJItrrE AVENUE GLTENT JoB No.: RALPH DAvrs RESTDENCE GRAND JIrNcrr0N, co 8l-505 pRo.tEcT TrTLE: 1170 prARnlcAlr RoAD, vAIL PROJECT NLII{BER: A81831 PERCENTACE COMPoSITION By AREAAOLIIME DCM IAB NO.: -4-A -4-B -4-C SAilPLE DATE: 1-11-00 1-11-00 1-11-00r oF sAl.{PLE: 5.0* 5.0r 10.0r CLIENT NO.: RDR RDR RDR ASBESTIFORU I{INERAL FIBERS: 8-009 B-OO9 8-009CHRYSOTTLE 0.0 0.0 [rR-l]AI.!oSITE 0.0 0.0 0.0cRocrDolrrE 0.0 0.0 0.0TREI{OLITE-ACTINOLITE O.O O.O O.OA}'IfiIOPHYLLITE O. O O. O O. O 0.0 0.5 -4-D 1- 11-00 80.0r RDR B-009 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0TOTAL ASBESTOS: TOTAL ASBESTOS COIfTENT OF SAI{PLE OTHER FIBROUS CONSTITUENTS NON-FIBROUS CONSTITUENTS TOTAL PERCENTAGE IDENTIFIED MATERIALS 0.0 0.1r 0.0 100.0 2.0 98.0 0.0 99.5 97.O 3.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 NOTES: SAI{PLE NO. 4 CONSISTS OF 4 PARTS. PART A IS IITIITE PAINT, PART B IS WHITE FIBROUS PIASTER, PART C IS WTITE PIASTER AI.ID PART D IS BROIJN FIBROUS I{ATERIAL. FOR CALCUIATION OF ToTAL ASBESTOS COI{TENT OF SAI.IPLE, TRACE (TR) rS ASSTTMED TO BE 0.5r. DCM SCIENCE IABORATORY, INP BULK ASBESTOS ATIALYSIS . PAGE 5 OF 6 CLIEM: A & B ASBESTOS ASATEI,IEM, 635 W. WIIITE AVENUE GRAND JI'NCTION, CO 81505 CORRECTED COPY ANALYSIS DATE: 1-14-00 INc. RECEIPT DATE: L-12-00 CLIEM JOB NO.: RALPH DAVIS RESIDEIICE PRG'ECT TITLE: 1170 PTARI.fiGAI{ ROAD, VAIL PR0IECT NUUBER: A81831 PERCENTAGE COT.IPOSITION BY AREAAOLWE DCU IAB NO.: SAI'TPLE DATE: $ OF SAMPLE: CLIET{T NO. : ASEESTIFORI{ MI}IERAL FIBERS : CHRYSOTILE AI.TOSITE CROCIDOLITE TREUOLITE.ACTINOLITE A}ITHOPI{YLLITE TOTAL ASBESTOS: TOTAL ASBESTOS CONTENT OF SAI.IPLE OITIER FIBROUS CONSTITUENTS NON-FIBROUS CONSTITUENTS TOTAL PERCENTAGE IDEMIFIED I.IATERIAI"S -5-A -5-B 1-11-00 1-11-005.0r 10.0rRDR RDR8-010 8-0100.0 0.00.0 0.00.0 0.00.0 0.00.0 0.0 -5-C 1- 11- 00 10.0* RDR B-010 lrR-11 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.5 -5-D 1-11-00 75.0r POR B-010 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.00.0 0.1r 0.0 100.0 0.0 2.0 98 .0 0.0 99.5 97.O 3.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 NOTES: SAITPLE NO. 5 CONSISTS OF 4 PARTS. PART A IS I{HITE PAINT, PART B IS WHITE FIBROUS PIASTER, PART C IS WHITE PIASTER AI.{D PART D IS BROI,JN FIBROUS MATERIAL. FOR CALCII^ATION OF TOTAL ASBESTOS CONTEI'IT OF SAI.IPLE, TRACE (TR) Is ASSITI.fED To BE 0.5t. O DCM science Laboratory, ,n".1 12421 W. 49th Avenue, Unit #6 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 DCM Project No.: Client Job No.: Bulk Sample Analysis BULK SAMPLE ANALYSIS PROCEOURES: AB 1831 RALPH DAVIS RESIDENCE Pase G ot L, DCM Science Laboratory, Inc. analyzes bulk asbestos samples following procedures developed by the McCrone Research lnstitute and in compliance with guidelines established by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA-600/R-93/1 16, Juty, 1993). Bulk samples are prepared for analysis using a 10X-80X stereo microscope in a hepa filter hood which provides a contamination-free environment. The sample is then analyzed by polarized light microscopy (PLM) at 1OOX. When the sample consists of more than one layer, each layer is prepared and analyzed separately. Fiber and matrix materials are identified by the characterization of optical properties including color and pleochrorism, form, cleavage, relief, birefringence, extinction, orientation, twinning, interference figure and other distinguishing features. Dispersion staining is also used to further aid in mineral identification. Ali percentages of asbestos, other fibers and non-fibrous constituents are calculated from the values obtained from the stereo and PLM microscopes analysis. In-house and NIST standards as well as a chart prepared by R.D. Terry and G.V. Chilinger for "The Journal of Sedimentary Petrology", (Volume 24, pp. 229-234, 1955) provide a guide for estimating percentages. All samples are archived for six months unless other arrangements are made by the client. ACCREDITATION: DCMS_L is accredited by the AIHA (since 1986). Our accreditation number is 305. DCMSL was accredited by NVLAP (since April 1 , 1 989). Our NVLAp Lab Code is 1 01258. ENDORSEMENT: The results of this analysis must not be used by the client to claim endorsement by NVLAP or any agency of the U.S. Government. This test report relates only to the items tested. This report may not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of the laboratory. The analysis was performed by : John Silverman Robert Wagner l- t4- oo Date Ron Schott Laboratory Oireclor Dctt SCIENCE IABORATORY, Ip BUII( ASBESTOS AI{ALYSIS - PAGE 1 OF 4 cLTENT: AtrAlysrs DATE: 1-14-ooA & B ASBESTOS AIATEffENT, INC. RECEIpT DATE: 1-12_OO635 W. tntITE AVENTE CLIEITT JOB NO.: RALPH DAVIS RESTDENCE GRAND JlrNcrroN, c0 8L505 pRoJEcr TrTLE: ttTo prARIifiGAt{ RoAD, vArL PROJECT Nl,ll{BER: A81832 PERCEMAGE COI.{POSITION BY AREAAOLI'I{E DcM IAB NO.: -1 -2-L -2-B SAI.IPLE DATE: 1-11-00 1-11-00 1-11-00* OF SAI'iPLE: 100.0* 4.0r 96.0* CLIEM NO.: R.DR RDR R.DR ASBESTITORI{ I{INERAL FIBERS: 8-011 8_012 8_012CHRYSOTTT,E o.o o.o t1-5IAMOSTTE o.o 0.0 o.ocRocrDoLITE 0.0 0.0 0.0TREMOLITE.ACTINOLITE O.O O.O O.OA}ITHOPHILLITE O.O O.O O.O 0.0 0.0r 0.0 100.0 0.0 2.9* 0.0 100.0 3.0 0.0 97.0 -3 1- 11- 00 100.0r RDR B-013 t1-sl 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.0 3.0r 0.0 97.O TOTAL ASBESTOS: TOTAL ASBESTOS CONTENT OF SAI,TPIJ OTHER FIBROUS CONSTITUENTS NON.FIBROUS CONSTITUENTS TOTAL PERCENTAGE IDEMIFIED I{ATERIAIJ NOTES: SAI'TPLE NO. 1 Is WHITE TILE. TAN RESIN AIID PART B IS WHITE TILE. (rlrsEPAMsLE). 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 SA}IPLE NO. 2 CONSISTS OF 2 PARTS. PART A IS SAI{PLE NO. 3 IS TAN TILE/BU,CK TAR DCM SCIE}ICE IABORATORY, INC. BT'LK ASBESTOS ANALYSIS . PACE 2 OF 4 CLIEI{T: A & B ASBESTOS ABATET,{ENT, INC. 635 W. WHITE AVENUE CRAND JUNCTION, CO 81505 ANALYSIS DATE: RECEIPT DATE: CLIENT JOB NO.: PRoJECT TITLE; PROJECT NI,JMBE8,: PERCENTAGE COMPOSITION By AREAAOLLUE DCM IAB NO.: -4-A -4-B 1-14-00 l_- L2 -00 RALPH DAVTS RESIDENCE 1170 PTARtfIcAN ROAD, VAIL AB1832 t OF SAT{PLE: CLIEM NO.: ASBESTIFORI.T UINERAL FIBERS : CHRYSOTILE AI.!OSITE CROCIDOLITE TREI.{OLITE - ACTINOLITE A}ITHOPTrYIJITE TOTAL ASBESTOS: TOTAL ASBESTOS CONTENT OF SAI.IPLE OTI{ER FIBROUS CONSTITI,'ENTS NON-FIBROUS CONSTITUENTS TOTAL PERCENTACE IDENTI,FIED UATERIAIS SAMPLE DATE: 1-11-00 1-11-005.0r 95.0r RDR RDR 8-014 8-014 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.00.0 0.00.0 0.0 -5-A 1-11-00 5 .0* RDR B-015 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0r 0.0 100. o -5-B l_-11-00 95.0r R}R B-015 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.00.0 0.0* 0.0 100.0 0.0 0.0 100.0 0.0 100-0 100.0 NOTES: SAI{PLES NO. 4 AI.ID 5 coNsIsT oF 2 PARTS. WHITE CONCRSTE PIASTER. 1.00 .0 100 . 0 100 . 0 PART A IS WHITE PAINT AT.{D PART B IS DCM SCIENCE IA3ORATORY, II{P BI'IX ASBESTOS ANALYSIS - PAGE 3 OF 4 CLIENT: ANALySIS DATE: 1_14_00A & B ASBESTOS ABAIEMENT, TNc. RECEIPT DATE: 1-12.00 635 I{. IIHITE AVENUE CLIEM JOB NO-: RALPH DAVIS RESIDENCE GRAND JlJNcrroN, c0 81505 pRoJEcr rrrlE: 1170 pTARMTGAN RoAD, vArL PROTECT NUMBER: A81832 PERCEMAGE COMPOSITION BY AREAAOLWE ASBESTIFORU MINERAL FIBERS : CHRYSOTILE A}.IOSITE CROCIDOLTTE TRETTOLI TE - ACTINOLITE A}I$TOPTTYLLITE TOTAL ASBESTOS: TOTAL ASBESTOS CONTENT OF SAMPI.E OTHER FIBROUS CONSTITUENTS NON- FIBROUS CONSTIfi'ENTS TOTAL PERCENTAGE IDEMIFIED I.IATERIAII; NOTES: SAIIPLE No. 5 C0NSISTS OF 2 PARTS. CONCRETE PIASTER. DCM IAB NO.: -5-A -6-8 SAI{PLE DATE: 1-11-00 1-11-00r oF SAMPLE: 6.01 94.0* CLIENT NO.: RDR RDRB-016 8-0160.0 0.00.0 0.00.0 0.00.0 0.00.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0r 0.0 0.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 PART A IS IIITITE PAINT AI{D PART B IS WHITE O DCM science Laboratory,,n"! 12421 W. 49th Avenue, Unit #6 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 OCM Project No.: AB .1832 Client Job No.: RALPH.DAVTS RESTDENCE Bulk Sample Analysis BULK SAMPLE ANALYSIS PROCEDURES:Page tt of rJ D€Ivl Science Laboratory, Inc. analyzes bulk asbestos samples following procedures developed by theMccrone Research Institute ard in compliance with guidelines establish"ei oy ine environmental protection Agency (EPA€00/R-93/1 16, Juty, 1993j. Bulk samples are prepared for analysis using a 10X-g0X stereo microscope in a hepa filter hood which providesa contiamination-free environment. The sam-ple is then analyzed by pohrted iiltrt microscopy (pLM) at'rooi.When the sample consists of,Tofg than one layer, each layer is prepared and analyzed sepiiaiety. riueiJnamatrix materials are identified by the characterilation of opiicar pioplirtieJ incruaing'coror and pbothrorism,form, cleavage, relief, birefringence, extinction, orientation, twinning, interference frgure and oitrer oistintu[hingfe9tur9s. Dispersion staining is also used to further aid in mineral identification. Ail percentages of asbestos,other fibers and non-fibrous constituents are calculated from the values obtiained from the stereo and pLM m.icroscopes analysis. In-house and NIST standards as well as a chart prepared by R,D. Terry and G.V.chilinger for "The Joumat of secrimentary petrotogy", (Votume zt, pi. zisil/', is5s1 provioe a guide forestimating percenhges. All samples are archived"for iix montns uniess other arrangehents arehade by theclient. AGCRED]TATION: !.!.tvfS^t- js. accrgoi!9! uy tnq efA (since_'1986). Our accreditation number is 305. DCMSL was accredited byNVLAP (since Aprit 1, 1989). Our NVLAp Lab Code is 101258. ENDORSEMENT: T.he results of this analysis must not be used by the client to claim endorsement by NVLAP or any agency of theU.S. Government. This test rePort.relates only to the items tested. This report may not be reproduced except in full, without thewritten approval of the laboratory. The analysis was peiformed'by : John Silveman l- tq-60 Ron Schott Laboratory Direclor , GEORGE SHAEFFERO PO Box 373 CONSTRUCTION CO.Vail, CO 81658 FAX Faxphone: 41q-Z45- 7j8.lrtt , 411_ 1,oq Date:-@a Number of includingcoversheet: S Fa.xphone: 970/845-7013 REIL{RKS: fi Urgent f] for your review f Reply ASAP I Ptease comment Bwusc,*& ?".4,'^^a1 $ BCg- CICtq OF.^ t*..(- 9;/^ \r+>{ufr*'.., lf any problems with receiving this transmission please call GSGC's main office immediately. H|-l(-dcJ-<t)w) tvj. aa H_T UEU IELFI o& P,VZ/W Il.pwort||.PrelrL G€otcchnicrl, Ioc.gl20 Cou y Rold 154 Ghnvood SDrinls. Colorodo tl60l Phonc: 97Glc5-19iffi Far: 97G945€a5,t hpgeo@hpgcolech.con April 19,2000 Billingsley Company Attn: Lucy Billingsley Suite 4800 Wcst Texas Commerce Tower Dallas, Texas 75201 Job No. 199239 Subjcct: Observarion ofExcavatioa, Proposed Residence, Lot 3, Block 7, Filing 7, Vail village, 1170 Rarmigan Road, Vail, Colorado Dear Ms. Billingsley: As requested by Brad Foster of George Sbacffer CoDstruction Compauy, a reprcsentative of Hepworth-Pawlak Geotcchnical, Inc. observed the excavation at the subjcct site on April l7 ,20ffi to evaluate the soils exposed for foundation support. The findings of oru work and recomrnendations for rhe foundation design are presented in this report. We previously cooducted subsoil snrdies for design of foundations at tbe site and preserued our findings in reports dated April 30 and August2, l94lg, Job No. t99 239. The proposed residince will be a multiplc story wood ftame structure over a walkout basement and garage as described in our previou.s report. Groultd floors will be slab' ou-grade. Spread footings bcaring on the natural granular soils orproperly compacted granular stucnrral fill were recomnended in our previous studies. An allowable soil bearing pressurc of 2,000 psf was recommerded for foorings beariry on tbe near surface clays and sads encountered in Borings I and 2 (downbill part), and an allowable soil bearurg pressure of 3,000 psf was recommended for fooringp placed on the uaderlying clayey sand and gravel soils. At the time of our visit to th€ site, the fouodatios excavation was mostly complete aAd had bccn cut in multiple levels from 3 to 15 feet below the adjacent ground surface. The dowobill, north end had not been completed. The excavadon geucrally stqrs down to tbe nortb and daylights at the lower end. Tlre soils exposed in rhe bottom of the excavation consisted ofrelatively de15e clayey sand and gravel witb Sub-roulded cobbles and boulders. No free water was encountered in the excavatiou and the soils were moist. The SOil cooditioos exposed in the excavadOn are consisteut with the clayey sand and gravels previously cucogntcrcd on the site and suitable for support ofspread footings n r Llc,u t cLrt Brllingsley Company April 19, 2000 Page 2 designed for the recomrnendcd allowable beafug pressure of 3,000 psf. Loose and disnrrbed soils should bc reooved ro expose the undisturbed oanual soils or recompacted in the footilg areas. The excavation in the northern pan of rhe buildiag area could encoutrter thc lower bearing soils. Otber recornsrendations preseutcd in our previous reports which are applicable should also be observed. The recommandations submitted in this lener are based on our observariou of thc soils exposed within the fouudatiou excavation on April 17, 2000 and the previous subsurface exploration at the site. Variations in the subsurface conditiors below the excavation could increase the risk of foundation movemeil. We sbould be advised of any variadons encountered in the excavadon conditions for possible changes to recommendations contained in Ou letter. Ifthere are arry questions or ifwe rnay be offurther assistance, please letus know. Sincerely, HEPWORTI{ - PAWLAK GEOTECHNICAI-, INC. Thomas J. Westhoff TJWksm cci George Shaeffer Consuucrion Company - Ann: Brad Foster Cottle Graybeal Yaw Architects - Ann: Jill Spaeh f , vJ/145 ffil,il?{*l #fr.ffi H.P GEOTEcH TOTAL P.B3 : :il.'i.:{'i\L, p.2 PA€ B1 {sDlEagssl Frtlsa$rs7, ffiU'reHBT TO: Mercin Enghccrirp FAX 748.9021 AffwTrotrt Jomey MsGalh ?Bof,{T: Eillhgsl€v Retaining Walll MTE: AMiN'E: DEPMI: TIIFAIWE: JOE tf,IilE4: 4ntn@ 2:15 p.rn. 2:rt0 p.n. runny 0003.16 / . I virlnd rho slu of rhc abovo r.f6r€ncsd prolect ro ob|rnc tlre consmrcrim sf fir roc.t,Eining wrlbfor which ri,| hstb providd structuttl drt ils. Thc upprr two tiers of rockr hry. b-rr pleced, rndcmgrucrinn wm h pro0ngs on rhr lovwr rnra of the sita. In geffid, fi6 u'alb app€ar to b3 inaccordrncf wirh our dmile rnd rgrcificetions. CONTO: JillSprdt - CGY '7f 6- l5 t6 a1l'i6./i0Ei iE: ??u9888 aeo MONF:IE NEWELL PAGE 8I.i A3 Mcnroe & Newell Engineers, Inc. PO Box 1597 ?o Benoirmark RoaA suite 2o+ Avon. Cclorado 81520 9711)49-'t158 9701949-4()54 Fax E'lr{ali : alQlli&t[ouroc'nervel] coul F ACS IMILE TR{NS\f ITTAL LETTER BILLIN GS LE Y RESID EI{ CE TO: VIrs. Iiil $paeh lv1r. Brad Foster ?em Ktcrl*re From: Mr-, CllrstcPh SPae\ Project #; 4539 Company: Cottlc Graybeal Yaw Architects George Shaeffer Consfi uctroir o X A Telephole: 970/?48. l5 r 6 970i84s-s656 k?1- tr3? Fax: 9,r'0/?48- 15 i B 970/845-7013 vn -na o*. r I tala*t r.gus, L* Enclcsed Irtl:ssage: ---_-*--ftg- *rordg Af. rl+s AD€gF tF -1lff- -'" -]1-n rn*-uz L{e's l,e"n aarP &anl. fit( Be ?e?trceo gnPsa.) lf t*nsmittal is not as ir,dicated piease nr:tify sender oL/6912ggI r5:59 9709494 654 o I€NROE NEWELL ENGII.IFo PAGE 61/52 Monroe & Newell Engineers,Inc. PO Box 1597 70 Benchmark Road, Suite 204 Avon, Colorado 81620 970/949-7168 970/9a9-4054Fax E-lv{ail: avon@inontoe-newcll.com FACSMILE TRANSMiTTAL LETTER BILLINGSLEY RESIDENCE TO: ts M*.hllSpachd tutr. Brad Foster{ Jerr (rrtals Company: Cotlle Graybeal Yaw Archircce George Shaeffcr Construction tt Telephone: 970t748-1516 970/845-5656 {n -,73? Fax: 9701748-rsr8 970t845-70r3 v7t - n?8 From: Mr. Christoph Spaeh Project #: 4539 o"., ,lrf agr Pages:b Enclosed: Mcssage: lf transmittal is not as indicated please notifr sender I I -- UP ONLY I ,{ALL ABOVE .--i EEAM POCKET | ,no'a v+,, r- ,^|ALL I ^ieove t2" v AT I'. AB. RE' 93.1 sLAT, RE. 93,I Monroe & Nerl'etr"l Engineers, Inc. EIEtD3ES-RT Date: December 20, 2000 Project: BillingsleY Residence Weathcr: SnowY To: Cottle Crtaybeal Yaw Architects PO Box 6337 Avon" CO 81620 Attn: Mrs. Jiil SPaeh 7O Benchmark Road ' Suite (g7o) 949-7768 o FAX (970) The site visit was an additional service requested by the general contractor' The purpose ofth€ site visit r*'as to rcview rhe frarning' The following was noted: 1. The floor and roof framing was nearly completed' ?' The fwo columns near the enky wEre not installed at the time of orrr site visit, We advised thecontractorlolnstallthecolumnssoonsincctheyshouldsupportthecantileveredroof. 3,Thedcckjoisrsatthenorthwestdeckappearedtobeinstaliedpertheconstruction documents. 4. At the roof over the master bath, the conffastor cut some rafter at midspar'' The load is being traasfened out with (2) - 2x 12 transfer learn wittr hangers' The resraining rafters at eaoh sidc shall be doubled uP' 5.Theholdownswereuotinstalledatthetimeofoursitevisit.AtgidlileF/3,thecontractor. requested * rr*" " n"t steel plate in lieu oithe holdown. Refer to the additional detail t' 6. At thc back wall of ,Jrc master bedroom an approximately 10" wide strip of floor sheathing was cut out over the entire width of the r;'The floor is needed to brace the concrcte wall' Blocking shall be installed as shown on the provided detail' vait, Coloraco Den?!r, Co; otrCo Dillon, Coi ota do ,c4r t LAtlNu s ito Nt ol c, ata eo lora D o Project #4539 Location: Lot 3, Biock ?, Vail, Colorado Temn: 20" at l:3C P.M' 2C,{. P.O' Box li97 ' Avon, Co;orado 8i620 g4g-4054 + email: avon (t monro e-newe ll-co m . ''t o 7. Thc co1tra6lor asked us tro dasign at tcmporary structure to close off the back opearings against potestial avalanche loads. Refcr to attachcd detail and elevations' 8. No othcr cxceptions to the stnrctural documonts wcre noled' fu't ft( Chis@h Spaclt Engiaca vail, Co Iorrdo Denear, co lorado Di:lon, Colore Co Ivfonroe & Neweli Enginccr.s, Inc. FIELD REPORT Date: October 17, 2000' Project BillingsleY Residence Wcarlrcr: Sunny Attn: Project f4539 Loiation: Lot 3, Block 7, Vail, Coiorado Temo: 60" at 1:30 P.M. To:Cottle GraYbeal Yaw Architects PO Box 6337 Avon, CO 81620 Mrs. Jill SPaeh The site visit was requested by the general contractor' The purpose of the site visit was to review the progress ofthe framing. The following was noted: l. The floor and roof framing was nearly conrpleted' 2. The steei tsnsion chord between the tube steel fiame at gridline I was not ins"alled at the time of our site visit. It shall be welded to the tube steel columns with )/." filiet welds' 3, The header at grrdline 2 supporting the stair stringer may be a (3) - 5 %', versa-lam beam in lizu of (3) -2x8' 4. All stair stringers shall be connected to the headers with Simpson L90 angles' At gridline 2 each stair stringers may be connected with (2) - Sirnpson TS12 straps each' 5. The interior stone veneer above the main stair shall be supported as shown on the provided detail scction 8iS4.4. 6. All beams in bcam pocket shall be protected by a moisture balner, have solid bearing (non- shrink grout ifnecessary) and shalllae securedin thd beam pocket. Refer to section 18/54'1 for details. 70 Bcnchmark RoaC + Suitc 304 ' P'O Box 1597 ' Avon' Colorado 81620 O7O) 949-7768 ' FAX $7A) 949'405{ o email: avon0 monroe-neg' el I corn 7, The valley bearn at gridlines B/3 shall be supPort€d on the shown header or shall be bolted to the ridgc beam using (2) - %" diameter thru-bolts' g. The connection as shown on section l7lsheet S4.3 was changed as previously discussed with our office to use (2) - %" diameter thru-bolts in lieu of (4) * Vr" diameter ttru-bolts. The triangular sdffrrer plate was omitted to allow the asscmbly' 9. Two missing studpacks under roof beams at gfidline E w'ere pointed out to the contractor who agreed to comPlete them" 10. The required holdowns as slrown on the structural documents were not installed at the time of or.u sitc visit. 11. No other exceptions to the structural documents wcrc noted' t4t {ri Christo,ph Spach Enginccr o o i 'l{OEol?.oO:E .; FnllJDF8Fttlcl ql URqlqoo o o rii $ ElqE9 (|' B c 6 s 6 a, ttoE (, koq{ li o rrl E8qt|q IAOEOA! F F o Hoz J8 ArlH !l EitH I EEI aap F N UF o AE F. '<qc(, xt, FI4o }1 (, F EEEI&: cn E{ EEE9 E8!0l{t 4 AEfB H*I' go FTFH!qtpoo BE F E t e EtTA)rlr to l{ HEE:U ,A cl!EIEE EE(o aoB EU o H B I E allr* D t!t CrT& a! REt F q|ITo l! : o )p "EiI +rHto HEE E:29 am -_-. APiDlniotrr!|dan tf,xloo4G e{010ffir}F004 F||Gnfcffd tFsH#qfdql lryprGtonHBwv RequeEted Inc0cstD6br A$lCned To: InrF.odan TyFcl Insireofror lter: Slte Adrnr*: lyodrnc(|8y, Hd Jlf,('i$xRAGot{ y 3$, 1001 TECH JRT II?O PTAffiIGAN ROV,uL IITOPTARTFN _ Tlpe: B-I#CH (]CCUF6nqf, ststm: tts$rR $dn: ISSIED furpAru: .Rld w!0TE $TATER PtUttBf.&gA grm*e UttllTE WATER PLtlffi$.|G& FEATIIG SAI'IS RATPH E JR TRI.JST. NAVSI AI.LII'GSLEY ItrCHFOR r#1ilSFR Phonr: 9?b.&8^37S Ptrorxr 970-lEl&il70B 3e0 Js{l Rrquclbrl Tlm*; 0Cr00 Atd' Fhono: $?6.S184Efmedry; LCA{tFfftL lsn: 2S[j|l: 2.olbm: 3lO lmt: Arflon:0AlsCl0 Cotwneru..* APPRAgP'RO,I/ED APPRAPFRCR'ED ffiza'Ul ll'3Fel$r: .frtl e$n: COCEFITFICATEtrQCCIFAiICYCo,nmn{r: SDTL COfiliS - TEST t PPER E^ST Afir} $EST SSgg3a0t#C}|.FxtrfiililH$rrde loelhnJt mAlDtsd* 0a{AO1 hbpcclor: JRM' A.ilon: AFAPPfiCIvEgCoffinaMr: Fd5PROI/ES EOfl-ER PIPhF$ECH.surDlrAlr f$ptbml)ECH.hihc. (Mor|!0'"As9|ottd" 11t?7im h6psrfo{; Jtr A.fon: APAPmoI/EEI Comnsnr3: ApFfl $t FftEIENT.AL I-EAT tllfiS O lmt AR TESTi,EettPrnol iRd(Frfi{l) - colvu tcr p*,uc"e_ r,.-t Etr\) Cu^urve II|f, SOlbn: ilS lhfit: 390 " .t I REPTl31 Run Id,: -.6-?0 R€qu€cbd lffipfcttleb: A*ihnrd To: lnsFcciloft TYE0:Insindsn Aibr:SlhAdd're!: Tlpr: BlrffiCHocctl!{ia!': Y$rdtss{|rlt Hay iXl, 2{Xll CDA\'S flECllJffi |l7O PTARilIGAII ROVAg-rrt0 PrARxKiAr{ AF|Dld€Urtlsu A{Srtr }*A$O024conltTytnFlicd: 210rffifi80o4 Sbhr3:tspAra:E8I'ED JRTI ArnUcent STOilE MECflAMCfi-. SlC.CdiMn STOilI€ l$ECHAl.lEAt. il{C.. OUil: DAVISRALFI{E.NTMJST.DATdBOrflrr: Bfl.LlllGSl"EYLUCY OoiHbdon: t ECll FORPi/AC SYSTEM frqF$.d.lmucstretrtsl ArCgnrd To:- A.ilon: tme.a0onHl!&rX lsc 201) Req{|.ctedThnc| 08tdrAfl' Plrm: gltl.?l|a{tt4 Edeaedff: DFLOftE$ K t-..Phrno: Phom: 9782€'601{ s70'24AJi0t{ APAPPRCh/ED SYSTEMDUCTS . srolg: hlDtlP tt*m: S$0 tECH+ln lRqrrilm: $-rgnE XECI{AI.|ICAL, hlc. Coflfin6fib: WC itARK 8??-S7t4 AtL BATTI I'ENT5 CRAH&SPICE lrEltlTlllTlOl.l O(nrS AAID SUPPthiENTAL I{EAT DU0TS A}S rA(E IFAR TXJCTSAFPRCN'ED* t rJST STTLI t{AvE B vE}XrS FOfi BO&ERS A}tD CO}rAffi FOR rffiC,}.lAt{CAt ROOII ilt!$,PECTHDbm lb|n: limr: Ww;Yo, lbfir 3:il) irEcFl-Sulpir Armn: 3{0 lrEc}l-ltakc.lblrr: 3S t ECH-Fhd top{one0(Ct$od.l)(nas*.dl - hLL b?tcc1 Cicu6{s Pgoto ro B.r t;ttgt:.ttrt-tr:/l oP HtJWc /5,*run-nrltfe 11,4r _ $. ,. UJ€,*P 7 t Ittrn fdr 670 ' , '"'; o il-iffia _ jffi .-__'"*1 ReCucci3d lmF.ctDrbtnaiEnGllorln|piofrg|Typ.l lruoecfonAlrrr SlteAddnce: fTttr){n'r) wrdncifiy, Hry 30,2001JtcxtgRAG{t{- lGCH CD IITO PrlffiK}Atr FDVA|I- IITO FTAffiAt{ RD AFfi)lnfrnrrarbn sl.{no7 Fr.aEb.ilna{lEueddl ItEn: 390 ISECH#|n l *"*o$i &MECH stbrlffi: NDI'FAcilytu ConrlDl6:Pdc.il O{,rtr;Coilr#b|lAflflc.nil DGitH,oor $hil$: Erg.Eohry&fi: CD 2r+7*lv1l$ro'84?ffi#fi!&1?-ffi3 Rccuorhf, Afien€dTo:Llhri: Rec%i 0&s0*tr Efhrdry LCAi#EIJ- X LaG Str NsvIzd /^l MfrgttWf Ftut :f' . "1: RE!4r131 Rlrn Id,! 6?0 o .,r -1i, I n8s$d lncpcet Dctli Atilenrd To: InE,frcfldtTyf:lnrFcafqrlfbr: $lbAtthcfs: AIPID lnfrflnrilon I Acilff F{XI0O4S T'yre: &PLtfiBCotdtytti ftcrnrii:v ParE t z1fiOga0o004 ADPIICII|I WHITE WATER PLUHA$E &+GAN!.|(TCoiibrdor: $flnTE WATER P{-UfisANF &I|EATS{COffif: DAVI$ M,-PH E.JR TRI"J*T. DA\IISOr.mr: 6ltt$\fl3$tEYDccrolon: PLI*ffihlG FOR 6 tl€W HATHS Hn|ffir|niffigtie${El Thurudry, Iay t{,2001 cDAV|S PLNB CD IITO PTARTKTAII FD t'At IITO F'tARilEAI{ RO SttrrE:Fl$Alt:65tED CD Ptronc: 970&&$708 Phooo: 970€CFS708 R.cu.ct d Tlflo:' Plrorn: Er*tadry lbm; Rcqr.rior:Cmincrt:Ar$nrdTo:- A&n: ?9S }VHITH N|cJEFFcD yts .i .. {..:." ,i lwrlbtl Conrn ils: CO|dFLETEWA COITIPLETE ElNl(fNlT/ur lmo.cfon t{ib{y {ffit?'Ji$O henor:tot: CD comineffiff ADDnce{fftg- bm; ffiOaro0 lmroclor: slMCoounns: ADDTL CO*ffi . IOFT}EAD {l6E?/0O lrrl!{rctor: CDcoffiodr{$: iJt\fi}ERSt AB 'TFFECT|O}| |b|n eil) |ht|l: 24O 12/"!900 Comilefl|r:h; 290 FLlf&Flr€f FLMFRaoOldWatar {Ogdond}11ft7ffi hlsoocio{: JRf,l - _Qq!!nink_ AFFR €l 100# TER AiMBATH ON.Y AT tC[Xhlpffir: JfiH *Atofotftd "-' ATJon: APAFPROVED Plfffi€osFbrro -' {CrEtlond} *Aporovcd* lUlCOO haFror: JRri lc{bff AFAIIPRO{,ED Conrfti€{&: CrAS TAS LEFT W COfr|TRICTOR 16* AR TEST Ihm: 250 PLti$Fr$fl}+qtTubhm 260 PLtul&Mhc. srlorlffi: tEriP Arrun I Prn 0&0{Hiltt" Sti}S?8.3fitB oFLOnE$ fi N IiASTER TI-ts PA PNRTITL ftIPROIJAL Arfon: COCERTF|CTqTE OFOCCilPflSY Adon: APFRAPPRCh/ED |oefr'omo(OS{kaEo Jnff11i?7rEO lns;Dsctor: Jnff Ac{on: FIPARTIALfiSPfCTD}'| COM!flONh; AFTJRO{'HD SJ FTOOR 1*AT LINES IN DSIfriIO ROOIII AREA'. AIStrS fiOOM I'IASTER EED AFPMDO{-E L6rELr.l FLOCTR }EAT lfiI 05f,4tr01 F*ilrccjloi; fftlmrsrite: C{ff.tTRA w4 AcNoil DNDE'trD Cofinns$ls: C{A.fTRlCTtr Comus$s; C CTtrCIIICELIED CDA\IE ?EWATERTreflTSEAL 06ffi0/ft{ ttttptcir*; {me$$s; COt{PLg' Aelbn: DNDEI{ED TreflT SEAL tsETIflEEN WAtl- A'S TI.'8 ENCISHdNE ST ffFSl?R TLJts SEIIELY ltl K|ICIEN l.ElfiL BAIIIJEEDRff IT€ROI.PC0T,IPLETE @ C€RTFICATE 6F CCCrpnruCY BATH GROTP FOR Al.lf'Eg BEOROOff irlA'sIER BATHAn PLM&ff0{uffD.W.V, {Odona$ "A!Drov.d* 1cy15t{to lftasrciDr: JRM Acdofi: AFAPPRCIED Cofiwlor$: APm DYbl/ 10 FT COUnfi.l TEST Acilon: P|PARTIAL hlSPECTlOlf RSPT131 COT,IPLETE Sbt( A$SETIELY ltl K|ICIEN l.ElfiL BAII h67ALL SI,{UTSFFVAII,ESAT I.AVN FON'DER EATH Run Id: 69 ,tfr .L !'? REPTl3I TOWH OF VAIL, COLtrRADO PAGE 1 AREA: CD@4/20/2o@,O @8207 RITAUESTS - IHSPECTH I{ORK SHEETS FORt 4/7O/2@ Actlvltyz B@@-@@L9 4/2A/2O Type: B-BUILD Etatuer ISSUED Conetr: NDUPAddresa: 117@ PTARI.IIGAN RD Locatlon: 117@ Ptarmigan Rd ParceJ. z Zl@L -O92-OA-AO4 Descriptlon: Hev Prim/Secondary Applicant: SHAEFFER COTISTRUCTIOH Onner: DAVIS RALPH E JR TRUST -Contractorr SHAEFFER COI{STRUCTION trcet Q&Q7 Phone: 974-845-5656 DAVIS Phone: Phone: 97@-845-5656 Use: V N ( Locke, HoIde, ACTIVITY Hotice: llotice: Hotlce r Notlce: and l{otleeg. 51ot 13 REC'D STAMPED RECIEVED FAX T'ILL DELIVER DOUBLE TIER RET. coPY oF 6' STOI{E HARD COPY WALL DWG 3/31 /@@ MANSORY WALL STAI{PED BY PE Inapectlon tequest fnformation.. .. . Requeetor r tbred Req Tlne r QBzo0 Commentg: footing 39@-6L4L slII caII Tine Exp reb Act Phone: , pour at 2, Commentg.. Itemg requaated to be Inepected. I OAATA BLDG -Footings /5teeI Inepection Hlstory..... OO5o@ Pl{ -Backf i-l-I Inepectici OO5O1 Pll - Temp. acceee/drainage A@5gZ PU-Rough grade OO5O3 Pl{-Final driveway grade 0O5fO drivevay grade final OOO I@ BLDG-Footlnga/Stee). O@O2A BLD6-Foundation/Steel OO52A PLAN-ILC Site PIen 00O36 BLDG-Franing @@ASQ BLDG-Insulstlon @0@60 Bl.DG-Sheetrock Nal1 AO@7O BLDG-lllec. O@@9@ BLDG-Flnal 6o339 BLDG-Temp. C/O 09532 PIJ-TEilP. C/O OO533 PLAN-TEI.'P. C/A OO337 PLAN.FTNAL C/Q GO539 Pb'-FINAL C/O OO54O BLDG-FinaL C/O Item; Item: ftem: ftem: Item:ften: ftemrIten: ftem: ftem: Item: Iten rIten: Item: Iten rften: ftem l Item: Item r ,s, FSPTl31 Reoue3ied hrsoectlonls) R€qu6ted hspoc{ Dde:- lrlspectirrhfura: efte Adde|s: Tuesday, Jafuary 23,2lJo1 E9 I17O PTARMCAil RO VAIL IiTO PTARITGA}I RD SubT*re: NDUP Uie: Phone: 97&9499377 Phonc: 97&9499377 Run Id: 345 S'tatus: Inlp nrca: ,t l.f-.i r: ht't(rElJ E/: Rcouested The: 08:[t0 All' Phons: 97b54*9377 Er*erad By: LCAMPBELL K. APPR APPROVED (,,, P /d= l1L3 ._-.""{ REPT].31 Run Id: 353 Requestod ktsF€ct D*o:' A!,iiqred To: lnspectiSn Tyne: ll#oaction Afea: 5[e lrddres: AfPlD hfixnrlknr ActMty: E0+0147 TyDe: B-ELEC Const TvDa: Occwanor:Paiccl: 210109208004 Applicant: PREMTLR ELECTRIC CO., ll,lc. Coiitfaclof: FREbI|ER ELECTRiC CO.. ll,lc. O*neT: D,IVIS RNLPH E JR TRUST-DAVISfiNcr: BILLING.SLEY. Dcscridlon: ELEC FOR NEW SFR WEHU ,;.,^ . Rsr€stcd trgrroctiurls) :': 't' CO.. lNc./April Tim. Erp: Effif1gn"'uet't*t ELEC EG 1170 PTARTIIGA}I RD VAIL IiTO PTARTIGAI{ RD .$atus: Insp 416a' Rcquested Tlmg:' Phone: Entcred By: 08:00 Altl 97G94S9377 LCAMPBELL K APPROVED APPROVED ls$uED E.L' tsm: Rcouogtor: Assigrrcd To: Action: lterh Comrrierrls: v *au ktsogctlori Hlstorv illh A/^*{+ /',t . 'l . ,,,s- --' * Approv€d :' APPR P Ilv- -tYs -w{ ,'t "i oq)^? srye- R.qGed mf,Ti ffirusf 18, ?00f tngpccUqrTvpo: q-DG ln*incdolrlibr: CD Stb Arffrcr: ll70 PTAffiGAtI mVA|LllT0PErnEmRd SUDTYDO: tU.Pfid vl.l Plsrc: Slltr8{6{€AePlEtr: 970.84&68G6 x+7*rw?r+7*1717 f OF WAY PERIIT At'D IETTER rcn GEORGE 9H|€FFER N DRIVEWAY f i RCifl AREA rffi'|| - LS^I,|DC'UALEd{rh lgfl}ftqlr l!ra{ !i g{Q 9;!q1-l_ -hr|.nc. c t{d$ J Fffi ROCK ffiTAN$X}WALL8.. LSAFFCN'TL ftar+ebd ltupcc$or{Sl lbm 140 Bl-SG"FlndCrOFIE|||hE SHAEFFER C,OilfiITRtJCTTC{Vfiil Can*nrdr: e co$rnonb ontcoArtsrulTo:- Arilan: hrarclhHbbrr BSJSDcosffis:f6pAnr: Phona: P'Fflc: B4|.fr.Dtm? AD[tln@milIql Acfil!f, Hx}(fis CordtyDar:ffi* 2rrlt09t0foplctr|t SFIAEFFEC{fihrcbn SHIEFFTOum DAttlSRlOin* SS,III|GSInnlcnt 6{,thfiisD|.riStoru t{rRffil5lbr: Plt}|AtSl Co.flneni: nel|lilR€CD RoeuecbdTlme:- Pftilr.* E$.niltr 6S0Ar AiB818if hE 8d|bn: UD bm! 20 Plitfioum(r!*, |ffiorl.||Rfl+lneFdrfifltrs.do {OadorhDOfr300l funidoc tS ' ' AEJon: D$lffit{ED CofitfncrtoB: D$miHWAV t8 F€ TEDORCIfiA.P[ f.lDDt'PTC.lLt FOR TOryt'bI OF VAL R"O.IV Id"tsT BE H SEPERATE &IIW. TtneElg: (odhmD *4pmpd-* , ZOFES UIfi'TBE MAM(EDAT@IITROLEOX,hm: lO Bl..OBFodr03'SH {A6omlt "ApImlrO*0rtiz(ym hsDccbfi CO A.non: APPRAPFFOI,ED COITEfianIB: AFPRoI/ED }GAT. }fATEDDRN'WAY I{ I.{On: APPRAP?RS,ED Acton: COC€RTFICA'IEOFOCCT.FAIFY ,Sn: APPRAFFRCryED *ilonF.d lfir no||r TtG glghc.rdr.Go|d hs bfli |lclw h ng$bll 04,2?ffiCqrun*#: s4&710 Coilrmflt!: cD' APFROI/AL NSTATLED ON SOt'TII lfilon: FAPARTT{"APFROq/AI CO C€N|IFEATE OF OCCIJPIhICY ALtFofiril lrdon: DNDEfffD lp0on: APFRIFPfi0/EF hD..ior: COtDDTtCOilAIS-|o|nttErwt{Lr6Fb orunldrcarxrdo Dlbcfird CALL I T}IATTfrIE ITWTIBE {{t ii !: t,\ I { 1r.: Ut t l, l- r-,' i. t1 $r Wv;)ttI .lromn mtd trom REf,tttlRCSF rbri -tsomodlrl,nl!|brb"tta#FotitbAtl$+An I . - t' EEtitFRoERLY t-,t t t t" r"EWm h*ercbc JRll t do.f, AFFRApPRCilED CO'UMcTlf AFFR REIIA$N\F HORTTIITYAIhft 6at I{-At${.CF.ouLSonFhn tRcqr|hst} "Aogond-ffiAlOO Inrocchr: lq,S 'ilrfon: tlOtglFED Cofimdr&: RtttTEDTOruJBON 06,?2J00 l'|sprcbr ATLFO$I CotntrHlbr d{r{srt rfio{y w *Scct 07/?O0O ft$pechr: ALtXBOi'l CommnE: urit sroockrfrrnhni SilO F|lfii.ltc$lhphn olmdrcdf 'rA33spvr6nlln€ioo hapoctor: !o " A.{ofr APAPPrcryED R8P1.131 -- ' 11 li r.,8rn S4:' 'l6a ' t''' i ,. lhrn: 50 nMa01 eorilftrirki 01/2fl01 Corrrtr.'#: ol/3lm1 Sofltrnifltsi Ac0on: APIFFROI/ED tffsshrc INFLE LIIL JRM PRO{IEE ALt LETTERS OFAFPNflTAL FROil4 STRI',C ETre OT R€COM ADO OEAil FOCI(ET OR f,,ElTAI S€tE TVPE OF BEARIF FO6| TEADER ll CES(|ES BATH EASTVSAI,L JRM Acflon: FIPrON fi} AFPROT/ED EXC€PT FON ROOtr.tl?/@{ti grsD{rcfof: Jmlco{Fil|{{il$ ALl. ht$Ul""dn0$c0ilPLETE Acflon: Fl PARTICL F,|SPECTIO$J xc€PTFOn 11€ tffiC}nr{CAt fi A.flon: APAFPROVED lln: S S,Dc-She*oct(ilrfi (OofronaD -AllrwrdFO1n?ftl hts$octr\r' JRlt |f0on: PtPiqRTlALhlgFECTpN Coramenlr: PART1Ai, AFPf,OT,ED 5 BEDROOilS AiD SAITIS OI{.Yo0Delt}l fts,fecb{: JRt, lcforu Fl PARIIAL STSSPECTION. CgTs$sIb: AFFRCN,ESALL EXCEPT L$TI,ER LEVEL,CEL$S Y{A"L BE TTG, ROCX VE?GER ALOIIG sTduRs(Wffi,TX hsD€cbf: CDAl,Ts Acfm: APAPFROUED I IA\, Comfl€{sr RFSTOFHrfl-DSIOEXCEPTFORUECH mCALROOil t \mro${ti hrsocbr: JRll Ac{on: APApPffo\lED L } fconmsf&: AFpRHECIrRHOil-Y{ALLCOFI"ETE) f \ |I J.f n"ffi #ftffii ,ffi$ { \/h RUtftiffi:5i0-Fidd-ifrre.cvo "'-'6ffirul \ " IIt \'106f}rruf hirspoch'r: CdAVtS A.en: Dt'lDEtlEt) \ J t/rr. \efimsrds: FI.AITS.I}fiAIPPROV LREOIfiED \ Vl \ -PUSLTCWORTSApPROI/ALRfAUnEO J hTF,I€REAREiSEI'*-DNC}CODEIS{'I.ES ' \\ t.hn: 5fi1 Ftlt.TEMF.CfO r'O'|lomD "noonnd* -,.^ 0W30101 huoacbc tS ' Arilon: DN DE}{GO / | Co{rmcnt3: NEED TO DO DRll/El,t/AY GRAff }lSPECTKttt I t ORII,EWAY g l-€AT TO pAN. O|FOIIAL Ptlll$ D,E r€T Sltttfl IGAT lN R.O.w. I IPOSTF/E DRlfr.tAGE REO(,[RED. \ , $fTE iff.,S? FE CLEATI TOAPPROI/E FOR TCO AilD TTEF TilTTgT BE I$C LiFE SAFTrr xssuEs. TRACT F MT^|$T EE CLEAhEOANF NEVEGATED EEFORE APPRO}/AL B G&EiI. COf.|TRAGTOfi WA$ AflVARE T}IAT ltlO STAShE O..tS|TE ALLOVIED, {H0,eI(,{ |ntEHrclo.: Lg A.ilon: COS&APPROVGfiCOIPfIK'}IS08lthffar'l lr$EHrclo.: Lg A.ilon: COS|DAPFROVEDICOAE{TK'}.IS COfifiNNOD: JEFFTOFfICI,bE}ffiWITHAREI'OCABLERIGI{TOFWAYFERTNTfl'|fi)LSTTERFNOCI GEoRGE Shl,lFfER COftlBT. REGNIARDflII(| }EAT f{ ROtil ORRGWAY} BY 6'6.01 OTtffiR l&gtt€S lrffJ$T E COT|PLETEO BY 7-t5{t ntrADt_tr.tE FoR tA06ctPE. TRTCT F, TOBE CT€A'{EDATSRESEEDED STNEET TO gE CLEANEDONI EOTHSF€S OF ROAD STREtrT CI"'T TCI tr RESEILED tAl.fDsc.APE TO 8t{O{v POgtTt E DR^t?.nGE AWAY FRCil r$iltr. wl€N COImLETED. STNEET TO gE CLEA'{EDONI EOTHSF€S OF ROAD STREtrT CI"'T TCI tr RESEILED tAl.fDsc.APE TO SFtO{v POgtTt E DR^t?.nGE AWAY FRCil r$iltr. wl€N COImLETED.0g06ttl |trspoctor: Ul lrfloo: AFiiPPRSIED OOMMU*r: REGIEVED REVOCIC&JE R*THT OF WAY PERT|dT AIS LSNEN FRO[' EEOF(E EHAETFER CONSTRI CTIOt'l RFBUARD'hF IfATED DR|tTEyt AY hl ROITAREA.btn: 033 PLef*.!€Mp.CO * tffiom0 *ADgtoi,ld'' _ (80,*-Ot lnpfqor: o0 Coornrr{s: borfui{or bndecrsho Grob6 7ll5o{lgn: 687 Pl.AtlFRhlALeO -* ropovrd "J ATfron: APAPPR€ilED (Ogilon 0 *AIry{swd* LS AcToO: APAFFRCNIED{nq$il|) ftnr: hm 07/06/0{ Hupc&:$e PW+llALClO ' 07S&01 5rpffir:6tP SLDG.FtrlolC/O- REPTl31 Run Id: 764 oo Residential Fire System Specifications Billingsley II70 ftarmigan Rd. Vail, Co. Thul Electronics 182 Avon Rd. Avon Co. 949-4638 T*:;n T f t'{:il SirF;;: u*,j'/ REGEIVED JAN 0 5 zt't00 TOV-COM.DEV" CourraeRcnt Svsreus Dvtstotrt ur$lA-40 Partitioned Security System An ABEMC0 Group Compary he VISTA-40 advances well beyond that of traditional security systems in sophistication without sacrif icing everyday convenience for the end user. Flexibility is the key with this UL Listed - two partitioned security system. The Vista-40 supports a host of easy t0 install and operate devices including: traditional hardwire. compatible wireless and V-Plexil (Polling Loopl devices. In addition. powerful output control through relays and X-10 power line canier receivers can activate lighting, HVAV. appliances and overhead garage doors. An optimal wvo-way voice feature is also supported. Key Fefrrres I Nine zones standard O Expandable to 64 zones O 70 user codes t} Two partitions O 100 event log capacity t} Seven authority levels <) Four trigger outputs I Hardwired, wireless and V'Plex technology O Temporal Code ComPliant I Supervised digital dialer circuit <) Supports major communication formats <} UL Commercial Burglary Listed The inloflnation contained is intended lo be up-lGdat8 and accurate. All specificaiom are $biect t0 ciaoge wiftrul notlce. tor more infonnation, contEst us at 8qI57$0154 or visit w wSsite at htFlurlw€dem@rom lS0S[l EngineedrE and Manufaduting ouality Systems Cenified to hremational Sbrdad lsGgnl CorunaeRcnl Sysrenas Dvrsrotrl UI -40 Partitioned Security System o$il An ADEMC0 Group Company APPIICATIONS The VISTA-40 partitioned secunty system is well suited for a variety of applications as a mid-sized integrated burglary alarm control/communicator. A diverse line of ADEMC0 alarm notification appliances as well as initiating devices supports this extremely powerful control. Some of the applications supported are medical and professional buildings, supermarkets. churches or synagogues, office buildings, retail stores, and factory or warehouse environments. INSTATTATION The VISTA-40 partitioned security system has been designed to mount both quickly and easily in a convenient cabinet. It meets all applicable requirements for UL Commercial Burglary installations. SPECIFICATIONS Electrical: Primary power: - 120VAC to ADEMC0 No. 1361 Xfmr. or 4300 if X-10 is used - Secondary rated 16.5AC, 40VA 0uiescent panel currefi draw: - 250mA Backup battery: - 12VDC,4.0AH min to 7.0 AH max - Lead acid battery (gel type) Alarm power: - 1ZVDC. 2.BA max Aux. standby powen - l2VDC.750mA max Total power: - 2.8A from all sources - For UL installations, combined Aux and alarm output cannot exceed 750mA Standby time: - Four hours with 400mA standby load using 4.0AH battery Fusing: - Battery input. aux. and notification (bell) outputs are pr0tected using PTC circuit protectors. All outputs are power limited. Line seize: - Double Pole 165 Eileen Way, Syosset, New York '11791 ' @ Copyright 1998 Pittway Corporation ADEMC0 is an 1509001 Registered Company ws4oc/D 7/98 Ringer equivalent: - 0.78 Dial lormat: - Touch tone or pulse Formab: - ADEMC0 Low Speed, ADEMC0 4+2 Express, ADEMCO Contact lD, Sescoa and Badionics Mechanical: Gabinet dimensions: - 14.5'H X 12.5"W X 3-D Environmental: Storage temp: - -1{)oC ro 70"C - 0perating Temp: 0"C to 50'C - Humidity: 85% BH EMI: Meets or exceeds the following requirements: - FCC Part 15, Class B Device - FCC Part 68 - IEC EMC Directive AGENCY TISTINGS The VISTA-4O has been approved for use in burglary applications. lt has been listed under the following agency approvars: - Ut609 Grade A Local Mercantile Premises and Mercantile Safe and Vault - U1611/1610 Grades A, M, Central Station - U1365 Grades A. M Police Connect Fire: - California State Fire Marshall - Residential - U1985 - Residential Fire COMPATIBTE DEVICES The complete line of ADEMC0 hardwired, compatible wireless and V-Plex polling loop devices supports the VISTA-40 for commercial burglary applications. See ADEMC0 Group Conlrol Accessories Compatibility Chart. ORDERING INFOHMATION Part No. Description VISTA-4O Partitioned Security System AtrlEN,|EtrlGFIOI.JP 4. Plug the supplied llying lead connector into the keypad PC board and splice the panel wiring to it, or wire directly to the t€rminal block on the PC board (wire colors are marked next to tarminale). Wire colorg and functions are described in the SPECIFICATIONS sectio!. 5. Re-attach the keylad to its case back. 6. Remove tbe clear protective filrns from the LCD display aad keypad labels. Aamow c,'laf,pl Wptntt'l4al*nar 2''/l',po' atorrg dElqF,d, aop.dCCa.tpttw ah. cewt SETTING TIIE XEYPAD ADDRESS The keypad can bs s€t for an address of 0-31 (the keypad will not accept €ntries Breater than 3l), which is stared in EEROM memory. The keypad'e default address is 3l (non-addressable rnode-some early versions of6139y'6139R default to 1l). To chaage the keypad's address, do the following: 1. Ent r address mode: Power up (plugin) the keypad. Within 60 secondr of power-up, press and hold down the [1] and 13] keys at the same time for 3 seconds- (If uaable to €nt€r address mode, power up and try again,) The current keyped address will be displayed, and the cursor will be under the 'tens" digit. lf l0 seconds have passed with no key entry, the ke5pad automatically exits address mode. You must power dowo, powcr up and start address mode again. NOTE: The heypad will not elter address mode if the panel to which it is connected is io prcgramming mode. 2. Set thc current address t '0O': Press l0l to clear the curreDt't n5' digit. The cursor will move to the'ones" digit position. Press l0l to clear the current "ones" digit. The cursor will move bacL to Ore "tans" digit position, 3, Entcr the keypad's address: Enter the proper 'tenl' digit of the keypad's address. The cursor will move to the'ones" digit position. Entcr the proper "ones' digit of the keffad's addre$, Note that address "31" s€ts the he5pad to non-addressable mode. ,[. hit address mode: Press ItH to eave the displayed address and exit addrerr mode. VIEWING TIIE IGYPAD ADDRESS Presg and hold dowa the [fl and [3] keys at the same tine for about 3 s€co[ilE. The current address is displayed. No tey entry is allosed. Preee any key to elit or wait 10 sconde to exit viewihg mde, SPECACATIONS Physical: 6128: 4-3l4"H x 5-3/4"11I x l"D (l2lmm x 146mn x 25.4rnm) 6f3?/6f37R 4-8l4"H x 6-U4"W x l'D (lZllnm x 159mm r 26mrn) 513&6139/6139R: 4-U4'H x 6d4\Y r l-V4'D (l21mmxl59mmx32mm) I il Wiring: (all lftypads) Current: 6128: 6137/6r37R: 6139/61398: Displayr: 6138: 6139,5139R 6128, 6137: Souoder: Red: +I2VDC Blach Ground. Blue: lfpresenl not used. Green: Data to control panel. Yellow: Data from coltml paDel. 40nA sounder on, 30mA standby, alarm sounder oll 85nA (ARMED LED lit, LCD backlight and sounder on), reduces to 40srA when panel is operatiag ia standby mod€ (ba.ktight off). r00mA (ARMED LED lit, LCD backlight and mundcr on), reduces to 40mA when panel is operating in stendby mode Gacklight otD. I x 16 alpha-aurneric supertq'iet LCD, bactlit. 2 x 16 alpha-numeric supertwist LCD, backlit Fixed-Word l,CD (613? backlit). Piezo-electric (fire elarm is loud, pulsing single tone; (all lcypads) burglary alarm is loud, coutinuous, dual tone). REFER TO INSTALI.ATION INSTBUCTIONS FOB THE CONTROL PANEL FOB DETAII.S ON UMITATIONS OF THE ENTIRE AIAS}I SYSTEM. 165 Eiben Way" Syoss€t, llew Yotk 11791 Copydght O 1 993 PIITWAY CORPORATION ilr||il]]ililil]t]ililtt[ tocrt|o. or olEdl! tar|C atlt !'XE r|olUaED toa tatgc a'€natat. ADEMCO LIMITED WANN.AI{TT Al|nnD.ri..ll.nuf.durin8comP.ny'sDivirionofPilt$.yco!Po'.t,idL.ndit.diYisio,.ub.ldi.ri!..Id|fli.t.tcsc||cr1'l65Eilccnhy'gyl'NYd!!r loh.inonfo.t!rnc.firhiEofnd.$rrtd.Fci6otioo|drdtob.f.!t!n&..d,ist!.t.ri.l..8dto.lm.'ddPutd.'nonndtr..Ddr.n'i*f.r2{&onth.foDth.d.r. thrF!drrqor,forF!duGtaoth.vio'.nAd.m.odalr1.mDtfo'l2|F!tlufomd|r.ofdittnrlPu'ch!.uttl..t6.inrt.ll.tic|iodnrtioorar.lotrt.fh..hdl.r it..[.thod.rP.'iod.h.l||pdy.s.||cr,'obli8stionthdlb.|iDit.dtonpdrirrgotnplrcirg,etii.oDtio'r,f..ofd||4.fo'tt|.l.rltl.o'lrbor'!V li.hs.l|.....p.cifG!tiaB..P'w.'dd!ctiv.innr.t.dd.f$o'lDJuhiDu!dr'!6n.lo&Ddlrv|cr'Sc|lcrArllfrvcnoobtlrtionundct6i.Limirdw.!'|D|y6o|ff i'd1.'.dorim9$P.y'cFrirrdo'r&'vicrdby.nyon.oth.'th|nAd.D!ofrctd!.y&n'h..For9rf|nty..n'ic!,r.tufaFoducl|'.PorutiotlF.D.id'|oAd.!|coP.i, w.y, SF{.r. .\-c$ Yo.l I ltgl. A.RE,\-O WARRf,\TIES, EXPRASS oR lllPLlED, OF NERCHAMAAILITY. OR FTn.IESS IOR A PARTICIT|AR PITRPOSE OR (}fllERwlsE, WHICH EnEND BAYOND DESCRIPIIO).. Oi{ THE FACE HEREOF. l.\" \'O CASE SHALL SELLER 8E UABLE TO ANYONE FOR AJ{f CONSEQITEN?IAL OR INCIDE}{TAL DAMAOES FrOR EREACH OF THIS A\Y OTHER T'ARR.L\?}', EXPRESS OR I}IPLIED. OR UPON ANY ON|ER BASIS OF rjAATLNY WHAISOEVER. EVEN tF THE IOSS ON DAI|ACE IS CAI'SED BY THE ||"EGLIGE.\-CEORFAULT. s.l|Grdooaorn9r.&ntthetthGprodu.ititt.lltDeynotbG.'|trProhi4dof.ittoirE!t.d;.h|t6.Produd.r,illF.r.nt!uF''o6jiniu''oiFoFn'|o$''!ncd. .rrd|.ioith|tth.product.$il|in.||c$!rP]ovid.rd.qust.r'rrniitdprntr.tioD.cu.o.rudrnt$drth.t.pfoD.rlyi|ut.|l.d.ndrnri[bin 3l.ry,fbb.':'.f]to.o$...v.n|roGt.iintgitlto0tPEvidi{|nddrn'butiti.o.ri'r8.t|.....tufrnt..t,[..ud|wi[mtoGu'orth46.!.ril|b..o!.n6|liwi 'e.'dr cossEQvEsTry, SEI,I.ER SHAj.L HAVE NO LhBrLrTy FOR Alty PERSoNAL tNiURy, pROpEFry DAiIAGE OR OTIIER LOSS BASED ON A CIAIM ?llE PRODUCI FAILED tO GlvE w^R\tsc. HOwEl,E& IF SELLER tS HEID LhBLE" WIIETHER DTRECTLY OR TNDTREC&Y, FOB At{Y LOSS oR DAI,IAGE AISING T NDEB THIS LIMITED IV^RRA\TY OR OTHERWISE, BEGAROLESS OF CAUSE OR ORIGTN, SELLERS M.AITMT'X LIAS|LITT SHAT,L NOT IN At{Y CASE EXCEED T1IE PUNCHASE PRICE OF TTIE PRODUCT. I!'lltCH SHALL 8E THE COIIPLE-IE A}iD EXCLL?S|VE REMEDY AGAINSr SEUIR lir s.rrrnty rrC&.. my prwiou! wir.ntlg.rd t tlc oolt vtrt ntt sfdc hy Scllcr oo N6752V8 998 AtrIETVIEtrI O An ADEMCO Group Company With their sophisticated look, durahility and adaptahility these devices are the right choice for all your system smoke detector needs. 5192 Smoke Detector The ADEMC0 5192 Series low profile, addressable V-Plexil smoke detectors deliver state-of the-art features and benefits in a cost-effective package. These detectors are designed to provide open area coverage and are compatible with ADEMC0's VISTA controls supporting V- Plex technology. An LED on the detector will blink periodically during normal conditions, remain on steady during alarm and cease to pulse if the chamber is out 0f acceptable sensitivity range. An extremely powerful feature available within the 5192 Series is the Automatic Maintenance Alert/Reporting capability - a feature normally found in today's high end analog addressable systems. The detectors continually monitor their own sensitivity levels in addition to the basic normal and alarm conditions. These HIGH and LOW SENSITIVITY signals are communicated back 1o the control, via the V-Plex addressable loop, to indicate locally and at the central station that the detector may not be able to detect smoke or may false alarm. This feature works with Vista-3zFB. 128F8. 1288 and First Alert Professional FA1600C. More important is the cost saving associated with Automatic Maintenance Beporting. The leature is an approved alternate to NFPA 72 field sensitivity calibration testing that require external test meters. This eliminates the need to schedule inspections to detetmine detector sensitivity/viabi lity. Another important benefit 0l these V-Plex (addressable) smoke detectors is their ability to operate 0n existing wiring. There is no need to run special twisted pair, data grade or shielded wires. providing you with the right choice ior all your retrofit applications. That equates to cost savings in time and materials! FEATURES: i Low profile design O V-Plexil addressable loop device t Automatic maintenance reporting O Available with integral heat sensor O Simple 2 wire installation a Tamper resistant <) DIP switch or serial number programmable O Lines on existing or conventional wiring APPTICATIONS The 5192 Series smoke detectors are designed to provide open area coverage and are well suited for most fire detection applications. These smoke detectors are compatible with all ADEMC0 VISTA Fire and Burglary controls that support V-Plex addressable loop technology. These agency listed alarm initiating devices support most commercial and residential applications. They are suited for use in museums, hospitals, day care centers, retail stores. strip malls, schools, libraries, fast lood chains, medical or professional office suites and in factory and warehouse environments. AtrlETv|EclGF|EUF @MI/IEFSAL S.YEIEI,|S (y/VEET{ ATIE]VIEtrT An ADEMCO Group Company 0rdedng Inlomation Parl No, Descripttign 5192SD Addressable Pholoelectric Smoke Deteclor 5l92SDT Addressable Photoelectric Smoke Delector w/lntegral Heat Sensor These smoke detectors are compatible with all VISTA control panels that support V-Plex (addressable) polling loop technology. The detectors support DIP switch or serial number addressing. DIP switch configuration are compatible with 5140XM, VISTA-40, and VISTA' 50P controls. Serial number addressing is supported on VISTA-32F8, VISTA-100, VISTA- 128F8, VISTA-I288 and First Alert Professionals FA1600C controls. Heler to control oanel and smoke deteclor installalion instructions for details. Automatic Maintenance Reporting Compatibility The automatic maintenance feature is compatible on with the following control panels 0/Vll4 VISTA-32F8 (corning soon). VISTA 128F8, VISTA 12BB and First Alert Professionals FAl600C. The automatic maintenance may be disabled for all other controls that d0 not support this feature. Befer to control panel and smoke detector lnstallation Instructions for details. SPEClFICATIONS Electrical: System voltage range: ) 7 .14V 165 Eileen Way. Syosset. New York I t/91 . Copyrighl @ 1998 Pitlway Corporatio|| ADEMCO is an lS0900l Begistered Company u5192lD 1tS9 INSTALLATION The 5192 Series smoke detectors are supplied wilh a convenient mounting bracket that allows the detector to be mounted t0 a variety 0f electrical junclion boxes. A removable terminal block, that accepts 14 to 22 gauge wire to provide easy wiring connections. The detectors are designed to meet all applicable requirements for UL Commercial and Residential Fire inslallations as well as NFPA 72 requirements when installed in compliance with the National Electric Code and approved/listed control panels. COMPATIBITITY Standby current {maximum @ l2V): O LED off : 1.2n4 O LED on: 2.BmA Mechanical; Diameter: .r} 5.5 inches (140mm) (including mounting bracket) Height: O 1.7 inches (43mm) (includirrg mounting bracketl Weighl: O 5.3 ounces (150 grams) Environmental: Installation temperature range: | 32o to 100'F (0" to 38'Cl Installalion humidily range: O 1070 to 93% RH, nott-condensirtg Heat sensor (5192S0T onlYl: <) 135" fixed temperature electronic thermistor EMI: O Meets or exceeds the following requirements: t FCC Part 15. Class B Device o IEC EMC Directive AGENCY TISTINGS Fire: a Ut26B Commercial System Smoke Detector a Meets UF 217 Requirements for Besidential Applicationst Factory Mutual(Pending) t California State Fire Marshall o MEA (Pendinsl COMPATIBTE DEVICES t VISTA 40 Partitioned System '(flesidential Fire) O VISTA-50P and VISTA-50PUL Partitioned System .(Residential Firel a VISTA-100 Integrated Fire/Burglary Control *{Commercial Fire} a VISTA-l28FB Integrated Fire/Burglary Control (Commercial Firel a VISTA 1288 Partitioned Eurglary Control (Residential Firel ..) VISTA-32F8 lntegrated Fire/Burglary Control {Commercial Fire Pending) *Automatic Maintenance Beporting feature not supported by control panel GFIOLJP COMMEFCIAL SYSIEMS DIVISION REMOVABLE TERMINAL BLOCK diagram lor 5lg2SD/SDT smoke det€clor dffF- AJfo.(r E8 fr3a6 #F5E o AEETVTECI Multl-Alert Model3 sounder M L2/24D Strobes ss24LO ss24M SS24LOLA Sounder/St.ob€s MASS24LO MASS24M MASSLOLA Mlnl-Alert Sound€rg Red Belge Whlte PA400 PA400 PA400w PA4OOR.F PA4OOB.F PA4OOW.F Ad+on Strobes Red PS24LO Product Overvlow Whlte PS24LOW MultS-Alert Sounder: Ul and 24V operatlon 8 field€electablo tones Multl-Alert Strobes and Sounder/strobes: 24V operatlon 1.5 or 15 candela UL1638 llsted Mlnl-Alert Sounders: U2 and 24V operatlon 1.5 cd add-on strobe available g@e@mm En€ilne€dng speclflcatlons System Sensol's MultlAlert soundet and sounder/stfobes are suited to provlde p.imary or secdndary slgnallng tor tire and security apPlications. The MA and MASS modols provlde elght field€elestablo wamlng tones. The Multi-Alert models mount directly to 4" square back boxes. Optiond mounting plates are availabk for eidrer flush or semi-flush insallations Model MA124D is zuitable for outdoor applicadons when installed with the \ilBB weather'proof back box. Muttt-Alert Strobes. System Sensor's Multi-Alen strobes are UL1638 compliant electronic visible warning signals that flash approximately every 1.5 seconds. All circuits are polarized to be compatible with DC alarm supervision. Minl-Alert Sounders. System Sensor's PA400 series Mini-Alert sounders operate at 12 and 24 volts and are ideal for hotel, motel or residential fire system applications, where a smaller notification device is desired. The P4400 sounders are available with or without FIRE identification, and are offered in red, beige, and white. Multt-Afert Sounders shall be a System Sensor Model MA 12124D capable of operating at 12 and 24VDC. Sounder shall be listed to Underwriter's Laboratories Standard lJL464 for fire protectiue signaling syriems. Sounder shall have an operating temperature between -31'F and 151'F. Sounder shall have eight tone options, selected by means of clips. Minf.Afert Sounders shall be a System Sensor Model - capable of operating at L2 ^nd 24VDC. Sounder shall be listed to Underwriter's Laboratories Standard UL464 for 6re proteitive signaiing sysiems. Sounder shall have an operating tem- perature berween 14'F and 140oF. MuttFAlert and Minl{lert Sounder/strobes shall be a System Model - capable of operating at 24VDC' Sounder/strobe shall be listed to Underwriter's laboratories Standards UL464 and UL1638 for fire protective signaling systems. Sounder/strobe shall have an operating remperature between 32'F and 120oF. Sounder shall have eiglt tone.options, select- ed by means of clips. Strobe shill be powerid independently of the sounder and shall operate at.?4VDC, with a Ul..ra-nge rating of 22J to 3bVOC. Actual opeiating voltagj must bi berween 18 and 33VDC. Strobe shall have a minimum light output of 1.5 or 15 candela and shall be UL1638 listed for private mode applications. Multl-Alert Sounder Specificatlons Dimenslons 4"\4"x2Y4" Mounting Surface 4" r 4" back box (1y2'to 2a/8,, deeplFfush 4" x 4" BBD deep back box (2y4, deegl Semi-flush 4' x 4" back box l1-y2" to 21/a" deep) w h MP-SF mounting ptate Operating Temperature Range -32" to 151oF {-35" to 66oC) Weight 5.7 oz. 1162 El I Operating Voltage 12VDC to 24VDC FWR unfiltered* Input Terminals 12 to 1A AWG iActual 12 V operating voltage cannot be less than 9.6VDC or greater than 18.7VDC. Actual 24 V operating voltage cannot be less than 18VDC or grealer than 33VDC. MultFAlert Strobe Speclficatlons Dimensions 4"x4"x21sh6" Mounting Surface 4' x 4' back box l7L/2" lo 2 1/e' deepl Semi-flush 4" x 4" back bor. (L1/2" to 2 L/8" deep) with MP SF mounting plate Ope.ating Temperatufe Range '31" to 151'F (-35" to 66"C1 Weight 4.2 02. (232 gl 0perating Voltage 24VDC and FwR unfilteredr Input Termlnals 12 to 18 AWG *Actual 24V operatlng voltage cannot be less lhan 18VDC or g.eater than 33VDC. Mlnl-Alert Speclflcatlons Oimensions 4t/2" x 23/a"x l|/s" Mounting Surface Single gang back boxFlush 4" x 4" BBD de€p back box (274"deep) 12/24VDC Operating Temperature Range 14' to 140"F (-10' to 6O'C) Weight 2.4 oz, (159 g)Input Termlnals 12 to 18 AWGOperatlng Voltsge 12VDC to 24VDC FwR unfiltered* 'Aclual 12V operating voltage cannot be less than 9.6VDC or greater than 18.7VDC. Actual 24V operating voltage cannot be less than 18VDC or greater than 33VDC. Ord6rlng lnlormation/Current Draw Multl-Alert/Minl-Alert Model Numbers t current ranges from 10mA to 55mA depending upon voltage and sound selected** Current ranges from 35mA to 8OmA depending upon voltage and sound selected 't' * * Sound output varies depending upon voltage and sound selected. Note: LO and lr4 style strobe and sounde./slrobe models are not MEA approved. System Sensor Sales and Servlce Syrt€m SsnSor Hoadquart€rs 3825 Ohio Avenue St. Charles, lL 60174 Ph: 8OO SENSOR2 Fx:630/377-6495 Documents on Demand 1-80G736-7672 x3 www.systemsensor.com Syat€m Sertor Canada Ph:905.812.0767 Fr: 905.812.0771 S),alem sonsor Europs Ph: 011.44.1403.276500 Fx: 011.44.1403.276501 Syrtem SenSor In Chlna Ph: Fxt O1L.A6.29.524.6259 Sy3tgm Sgnso. In Slngapolo Ph: Fx: Syalom Sonsot- Fat €aat Ph: Fx: Syst.m Sgnsor- Ausitalla Ph: ot 1.613.54.287.!42 F x. O1,7.6L3.54.281. !7 2 Red Beige White Description Voltage Average Curreot I Candela dB Output (UL)1* * MAL2/24D Multi-Alert sounder 12/24VDC 75 85 ss24LO Multi-Alert strobe 24VDC 25 mA S524M Multr.Alert strobe 24VDC 75 mA 15.0 ss24LOLA Multi-Alert strobe ('FUEGO"lens)24VDC 25 mA 1.5 MASS24LO l\,lulti-Alert sounder /strobe 24VDC 1.5 MASS24M Multi-Alert sounder /strobe 24VOC 15.0 7185 MASS24LOLA Multi-Alert sounder/strobe ("FUEGO'lens)24VDC 1.5 PA4OOR PA4OOB PA4OOW MioiAlert sounder t2/24VDC 12/75 mA PA4OOR.F PA4OOBF PA4OOI#F Mini-Alert sounder ('Fire' identification)L2/24VDC 72/15 nA a2 PS24LO PS24LOW Add{n strobe 5mA a2 Acce$ory Model Numbels Flush mounting plate (redlbeige) Flush mounling deep back bor, 23/4" deep Weatherproof back box tor MA L2/24D O 1999 Syst€m SeGor. The company roserves the right to char{F product specifcatjons witiout nollce.Ao52o7{)7. 11l99(10K). #57 1 Chemetronics Heat Detectors 600 Serieso Page 1 of 3 chern etFdiirE$'. Decorative Heat Detectors Click here to download the datashect (PDF) 600 Series Rate of Rise and Fixed Temperature Heat Detectors The Series 6fl) deiector olfers Rate-of-Rise and Fixed Temperature propertles, with 135"F (57"C) or 200'F (94"C) settings, visual indication, Slngle or Dual circuit optionq and normally open contacts, incorporated Into 8n attractlve, low prolile design. Cllck on the folowing topics for more information DESCRII'TION SPECIFICATIONS INSTALLATION CAUTIONS ELECTRJCAL RATINGS LISTINGS AND APPROVAI,S Description: The Serles 6il) heat detector is attractive, durable and features a combination rate-of-rlse and lixed temperaturc operatlon. The hest detectors are available ln 135T (57'C) or 20OF (94qC) temperature ratlngs. Rate-ot-Rise The rate.of-rlse function detects heat quickly by respondlng to a rapid temperature lncrease The pneumadc element responds to a rapld rlse In temperature, approximately fS'F (tqC) per mlnutet when the alr expands faster within the sealed chamber than lt crn escape through the calibrated vent The Increase in preessure depr.esses the diaphragm, causing the etectrical contacts to close the clrcuit Rate'of-rise unlts have a wide spacing allowance of 50 foot centers. See Specilication Table for detalls. Fixed Temperature The lixed iemperafure ftrnctlon reacts to heat by respondlng to a spedfic temperature settlng The element is constnrcted of a fusible alloy, which fuses at the lixed temperature setting of eltber 135'F (57f) o" 26n'p (94'C). When actlvatcd, the externat heat collector drops away to provlde quick vistal conllrmation that the element has operated. Low Profile http://www.chemetronics.cor/600.htm 4lruoo Chemetronics Heat Detecton 600 Seriest Page 3 of3 CAUTION: Vlhere life safety is lnvolved, smoke detectors MUST also be used. Heat detectors sboutd be used for property protectlon only. Reliance sholld not be placed soley on heat detectors for tife safety. Detectors must riot 6e - palntcd. Heat detectors should be electronlcally supervised with battery backup at the panel Electrical Ratings: 6-125 Volts A.C, 3.0 Amps. 6-28 Volts D.C" 1.0 Amps. 125 Volts D.C.,03 Amps 250 Volts D.C.,0.1 Amps. Listings/Approvals: Llsted by Underwriters Laboratories (UL) Factory Mutual Approved (FIVI) Californis Stste Fire Marshal Approval (CSFM) #t2?0-fi)61:(n5 City of New York MEA) Listing No f88-94-E Listed by Underwrlters' Laboratories of Canada (ULC) Main Street MA 01?21 I 800 496 E:tE3 Fr* 1 800 496 7272 Homc - hoducts - Comp.rny - Salcs - Suppon - Links Copyright @ 199t Applicatlons: Normal temp€raturc lluctuations and ceiling tempera tures not exceeding 100"F (3E'C) Applications: Normal temperature lluctuations rnd celllng temperatur€s exceeding 10ll'F (38"C), but not 150"F (66'C) Applicatlons: Normal temperatur€ llucluations and celling temperatures not exceeding 10(PF (38'C) Appllcations: Normol temperature fl uctuatlons and ceiling temperatures exceeding 100"F (3E"C), but not l50PF (66"C) Max. Spacing Allowance 50x 50 fL. UL 30 x 30 fL - FTVI Max. Spacing Allowance 50r50ft.UL 30x30f...FM Mar Spacing Allowance 25x25fL-UL 20x20ft -FM Max. Spaclng Allowance 15x15ft"-uL http://www.chemetronics. corn/600.hm 4nuw lo:9{9,1638 4 frol: ldeuco Far8ack Systeo {-06-00 lr38po p, 0 ot 6 lnstallatlon Instructions 4193SN Serlallzed Interface Module (SlMl Ttre rl193sN lr a roriafizsd lwo-zono e:gandcr trEad to connect atarm sensing devicec lo cmbolc rttrich fuppo{t sortrl nunb€r po$ing loop devices (1.c., Msta. 40, Vistr-S0P, and Vatrt @[ lha 4l93SN can be conllgwed a3 on€ srprvis€d zone (tOK EOLR) and onc unsupervlsed tono, or two unsupervised zooes (nonnally closed devices only). cmsdt ttg ombd panel Ins{allatar lnsouc'tiorrs forprograrnmirrg information. Elcctrlcel Specltlcetlon: Vollagr: 7-1l\rDC (as ruppllcd frqn lhc Addnco contsol pansfior muldplcrpofing loogl Currnt 1.5m4 WHTEGOOp tl SUPERUSED EO|R toK RED r-outNG LOOP B|-ACK(.) Wtrht Dbgrrm For Fln AgpllcrUcn r Th. 4tgilsN nu,st br rnounled ircidc lhe cmbol panel cabinet or Insldc e UL- Ucted functloa bos. toop 1 mrrct b. ur6d in thc oupervlsed configuraUm faFin. Loop 2 may bo ucrd lor Burgt rt For ltr Burfrlrrf Appllartlonr: ll usltp en unup;yds.d zonc ol tha 4lgi\Stl, ttc unil mugt bs mountsd witrrin O foct ollhc alrnn tlde&rg dcvice, wiith no htrvonlng banlen. 6)\r/ USTEO S?E qREFI G@P $ TJIIST'PERI/ISED FItt No.082 o7/2? '.W 11:02 J:GE\ESIS Cffil SYSTEIS Fnx:r nlsa7 ot o PAGE 1 GENESIS CABLE SYSTEMS Customer SPecificallon Part Number: Description: Complianse: 4107 18 AWG 4IC FPL UL Standard 1424; NEC Artiole 760 ConstrucUon: Conductor No. of Conductors 18 AWG Solid Barc GoPPer 4 Insulption Polypropylene Black, Red, Ylw, Gm 0.008" nom. 0,057n nom" Straight Jac,Eg! PVC Rod 0.015" nom. 0.187" nom. g.nrrlr c!bl. ly.tomr - tt AWB {c - (UL) Type Color Thickness Diameler Lay Lenglh Type Color Thlckness Diameter Legend (lnk Print)TYPE F?L Et7510l -wrot- Propertles Temperature Rating Operatlng Voltage Capacltance lmpedance DC Reslstance Flame Rating -20 to 75 oC 300 Volts max. 18 pf/fi nom. 100 Ohms nom. 0.32 Ohms/M'at 20oC UL Veilical Tray .2x..'{} J3e il:i';t' 5. Polling Loop Current Draw Worksheet mA,Loop Auxillary Power Current Draw Worksheet . For UL 6re or firerburglary installations ?50mA maximum including alsrm output and polling loop. *r If using hardwire devices such as PlRs, refer to the specifications for that particular unit's current draw. t Only applies if powered from controth auiliary power. RPM Devlce Current # Unlta Total Current 998I\A PIR lmA 419fSN Contact lmA 4194 Contact fmA 4192SD Photo Smoke 0.4 mA 4r92SDTSmoke w,4leat 0.4 mA 4l92CP Ionization Detector 0,4 mA 4275 Dual Element PIR lmA 42?8Quad Element PIR lmA 4190WH 2-Zone RPM I l mA(LOW) 5iq) 5b 'i .1.-..o, /.1 .c! ,-..,.lLl , (" .a -... / 3"i .a ".-...4208 8-Zone RPM 16 mA 42?8EX.SN PIR fmA 493gSN Contact lmA 495gSN Contact lmA '.1t13 s.irl N"x,*\.. $ i.n.-.{L r.. To 'tal Current'e).s{ ,-* lq c.a* If the total current draw exceeds 64 mA. a 4297 Inoo E>:tender module must be usei. Devlce Current # Unitg Total Currenl 6128 Keypad 30mA 6137 Keypad 85mA 6139 Kelpad l00mA I I c\O rr. 675 Ground Start Module 50 mA 4281 RF Receiver 35mA 5881 RF Receiver 6OmA 4297 Poll Loop Extender 50mA + ext, loopt 4204 Relay Module lSmA standby 40tnA per activc relay " Lor lr\"..\-€l i q a- Tolal ,)urrentr I $ (-\ r'r-r r- . 13.3 I I' VtSTA.nO Installation Instrtrctions Dev lce Current # Units Total Currenl PA ti ,oc '* 1>c^^\,.,.| 5 r''..q I'lr' '' Tolal Alarm Outputr r35 'For UL fire or firelburglary installalione 750nrA maximum including aux power and polling loop. Alarm Output Current Draw Worksheet { fi {.|* s # rt :r fi ,i .r! !1 '''il!:i $ t,] J}ri! rFlrrC ); ri,.1 \r5 ,.'; r8 1J8 <J i$ .:,{ fi:? il .For UL burglary installations l.7A maximum. Total Currenl Draw Worksheet Battery Calculatlon Table Ballery Selection Table (- in parallel. Oulpul Total Standby Curr 'nl Total Alarm Current Auxiliary Power Tolal -l Q Q, rtr .-I gQ r-n q Polling Loop Total 2). ,(6 in .r 15,a w. Alarm Output Total 6r i-31; ,^.. PC Board Current 250mA 330mA Tolal Current Draw 3la .<t ,^-Gtb.).^ Capacity Calculated Value For 4 hour standby time, use following formula: Total standby load x 4 hours x 1.4 loading contingency tactor ").o'i A For 24 hour slandby time, use lollowing lormula: Toial standby load x 24 hours x |.1 contingency tactor Total alarm load x 0.067 hours (for 4 minute alarm) Total alarm load x 0.25 hours (for 15 minute alarm) Add slandby and alarm capacltlesTota I Capacity Recommended Battery Comments 4AH Yuasa NP4-I2 7AH Yuasa NP7-T) 12AH Yuasa NP12-12 Fits in large mercanlile cabinet only 14AH Yuasa NP7-12 Connecl two batleries in parallel 17.24H Yuasa NPGl8-12 Fits in lar qe mercanlile cabinel only Note:The cabinet supplied with the VISTA-4O can house up to two l2V, ?AH batteries wired 13-4 @ffil and corrosion protection) rhe teadins hish security key hox. . n:ffi::lm*lg rn r", ii* @ffi: and corrosion protection)Ihe leadrng high security key box. . ur"n ."rr"l naor'itinn i'it ro, ii*' ,,*f,.-*'il !(|!"9}-;Y^f||"tJ,.on,.'uo,on @ ffi ffi : ffi;:i:,':-J;:::1?:,,,,".,p,ans,and WH, ffik ldeat for larger businesses and - |,-^ D^, rust and corrosion protection) industriar properties. ' n:ffi:""j#;;ntins Kitrornew ffLJ.';'. -:I a5I KIIOXKEYSWITGH @ - fi . Electronic override for perimeter gates,ffi @, ffitM .::l**.mT',r:"T:::i:nt'.''* HW :llffi:'*if'f"fop'li*' ,gS02 ,3501 tgsm o f r.LF.r' f t I I T I I I I t I I t !:.ltMt!t 3. Lc'|-t't LU | | LL GKHIIiLH_ YF+l - rfx.J.249 I I I I t I BILLINGSTEY RBSIDENCE 1170 PTARMIGAN ROAD VAIL, COLORADO CONSTRUCTION DOCTIMENTS SPECIFICATIONS ISST'ED JAI\IUARY ZI, 2OOO COTTLE GRAYBIIAL YAW ARCEITECTS, LTD. ( Project Architec't is Hans Berglund ) 3?347 US Hehwry 6, Suitp 200 P.o,-Box 633? Date ReCeiVed Avoo, Colorado 81520 FEB Z / Z00X. 970.748-1516 e7o'74t^Ls1' ra:( nrJiffr/-iii;iy JoB N'MBER ggozj \ l.'i.i,-"r"l Uf",- I ?BTqq i Otqg 8oo'oog I I I T BILLINGSLEY RESIDENCE COTTLE GRAYBEAL YAW ARCHITECTS Issued Januara 26,2000 TABLE OFCONTENTS SECTION NO. SECTION TITLE I DIVISION I - GENERAL REQUIREMENTS DIVISION 5 - METALSOIOIO SUMMARYOFWORK O5I2O STRUCTURALSTEEL - 01020 ALLowANcES 05500 METAL FABRICATTONS I 01026 UNIT PRIcE 05720 oRNAMENTAL HANDRATLS ANDr 0rc27 AppLIcATIoNS FoRpAyMENT RAILINGSOIO3O ALTERNATES 3 olo3s MoDrFIcATroN pRocEDURES I ol04o cooRDINATIoN DIvtsIoN 6 - wooD AND pLASTrcs OIO5O FIELDENGINEERTNG O6IOO ROUGHCARPENTRY I OI2OO PROJECT MEETINGS 06130 HEAVY TIMBER CONSTRUCTION I 01300 SUBMITTALS 06185 STRUcTuRALcLUED-OI4OO QUALITY CONTROL LAMINATED TIMBER I 0t421 REFERENCESTANDARDSAND 6200 FINISHCARPENTRY I DEFINITIONSr ol5oo coNSTRUCTToN FACrLrrrEs ANDTEMPORARYCONTROLS APPENDIXES I 01530 BARRTERS A - SOLS REPORT t 01600 MATERIALSAND EQUIPMENT B _AVALANCHE-LOADING ANALYSTS0163I STJBSTITUTIONS C- ISOKERNFIREPLACEINFORMATION |l 01700 coNTRAcTcl-osEouT D_LIGHTING&FIXTURESCHEDULE I 01740 WARRANTIES E-INTERIORFINISHES SCIIEDULES F-CABINET SCHEDULES G - EXTERIOR COLORS I DTVISIoN 2 - srrE coNSTRUcrroN I 02060 BUILDINC DEMOLITION 02210 SITE GRADING I 02230 SITECLEARINC I 02240 SoIL STABILIZATIoN 02260 EXCAVATIONSUPPORT& PROTECTION t 0226t FrNrsH GRADTNc ' O23OO EARTHWORK 02711 SUBDRAINAGESYSTEM t 02980 LANDSCAPING I t DIVISION3-CONCRETE I 03300 BUTLDTNG & SrTE CAST-rN-I' PLACECoNCRETE I T DIVISION4. MASONRY O44IO STONEMASONRYVENEER I I BILLINGSLEY RESIDENCE COTTLE GRAYBEAL YAW ARCHITECTS Issued Januarv 26.2000 TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTIONNO, SECTION TITLE I t I T I I t I t I I I I I t I I I I DIVISION 7 - THERMAL AND MOISTURE PROTECTION 07I11 MEMBRANE AND COMPOSITE SHEET WATERPROOFING 10801 ACCESSORIES TOILET & BATH ACCESSORIES DIVISION II . EQUIPMENT I I45I RESIDENTIAL APPLIANCES DIVISION 12 _ FURNISHINGS 12356 KITCHEN. VANIry & BUILT-IN 12520 CASEWORK MOTORIZED SHADES DIVISION 15 - MECI{ANICAL I5OOO MECTIANICAL SYSTEM OUTLINE DIVISION 16 - ELECTRICAL 16000 ELECTRICAL SYSTEM OUTLINE APPENDIXES A - SOILS REPORT B - AVALANCHE.LOADING ANALYSIS C - ISOKERN FIREPLACE INFORMATION D - LIGHTING & FIXTURE SCHEDULE E - INTERIOR FINISHES SCHEDULES F - CABINET SCHEDULES DIVISION 8 - DOORS AND WINDOWS 07160 0721o 07317 07411 07620 07'n0 07920 0821l 08361 085r0 08550 0871I 08712 08800 08801 08920 DIVISION 9 - FINISHES 09220 09255 09310 09385 09600 09640 09680 09900 DIVISION IO - SPECIALTIES 10200 103r0 BITUMINOUS DAMPPROOFING BUILDING INSULATION WOOD SHINGLE SIDING & ROOFING MANUFACTURED ROOF PANELS SHEET METAL FLASHING AND TRIM MANUFACTURED ROOF SPECIALTIES JOINT SEALANTS FLUSH WOOD DOORS SECTIONAL OVERHEAD DOORS STEEL WINDOWS WOOD WII\iDOWS DOORFIARDWARE HARDWARE SCHEDULE GLAZING DEBRIS MITIGATION CLAZING GLAZED ALUMINUM CURTAIN WALLS INTERIOR PLASTER CYPSUM BOARD ASSEMBLIES CERAMIC & PORCELAIN TILE DIMENSIONAL STONE TILE STONE PAVING & FLOORING WOOD FLOORING CARPET PAINTING LOUVERSAND VENTS FIREPLACE SPECIALT]ES AND B. C. D. I t I T I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I Copyright 1993 AIA MASTERSPEC - SLV lt/93 BILLINGSLEY RESIDENCE SECTION O1O1O - SUMMARY OF WORK I.I GENERAL The project is located at 1170 Ptarmigan Road, Lot 3, Block 7, vail village, Seventh Filing. The project consists of one custom single family residence, lock off apartment and attached garage with livable space above. Applicable building code is the 1997 UBC and Town of Vail amendments. occupancy type is residential R-l and garage S-3. Construction type is v-N with one-hour occupancy separations between the garage and dwelling areas. The existing house is to be removed as part of General Contractors contract. All existing trees not within the footprint of new constmction of house driveways and walkways shall be preserved. 1. Owner: Henry and Lucy Billingsley, Dallas, Texas contract Documents, were prepared for the project by Cottle Graybeal yaw Architects, P.O. Box 6337,37347 U.S. Highway 6, suite 200, Avon, Colorado 81620. Contact Person: Hans Berglund. Phone: 970-748-1516. Fax: 970 748-1518 The work consists of demolition of the existing home, removal of existing driveway, walkways and landscape timber walls, site clearing, construction of the new home, landscaping, site hardscape and new utility connections. l. The Work includes conventional wood frame construction on reinforced concrete footings and foundation walls. The exterior finishes are wood trim and wood siding. The roofing materials are to cedar shingle and standing seam metal roofing. All construction must comply with the 1997 Uniform Building code and Town of vail Ammendments. The Work will be constructed under a single prime contract. Regulations: Comply with industry standards and applicable laws and regulations of authorities having jurisdiction including, but not limited to, the following: l. Building code requirements. 2. Health and safety regulations. 3. Utility company regulations. 4. Police, fire department, and rescue squad rules.5. Environmentalprotectionregulations. 6. Subdivision regulations and covenants SUMMARY OF WORK 01010 - I Copyright 1993 AIA MASTERSPEC - SLV rU93 BILLINGSLEY RESIDENCE F. Contractor Use of Premises; During construction the Contractor shall have full use of premises, including use ofthe site. The Contractor's use of premises is limited only by the Owner's right to maintain a sales trailer, perform work or employ other contractors on portions of the project. 5. Allow for Owner occupancy and use by the public as allowed by the owner. F. Permits All permits and licenses necessary for the Project shall be the responsibility of the Contractor, but paid for by the Owner. G. Removal of Waste, Demolition material, and Excess excavation The Contractor shall dispose of and remove all waste materials and trash from the site. H. Traffic Control Traffic Control for the project shall be the requirement of the contractor I. Construction Staging Area A site for a construction staging are4 office and chemical toilet shall be determined by the Contractor and approved by the Town . All temporary utilities will be the responsibility of the Contractor. The chemical toilet shall be of a suitable type and maintained by the Contractor at all times. END OF SECTION O1O1O I I I I I l t I I I I I I I t I t I ISUMMARY OF WORK 0r010 - 2 I copyright 1993 AIA MASTERSPEC - SLV 11t93 I I I.1 GENERALiI' r A. This section covers only materials and equipment not yet selected or specified and which I are specified in the Contract Documents by allowances. Allowances are established to I defer selection of actual materials and equipment until additional information is available. Additional requirements will be issued by a Change Order. - |l B. Types of allowances required include the following: l. Lump-sumallowances. 2. Unit-cost allowances. Calculated areas shall include allowance for typical wastage I ^ *d overage. I 3. Contingency allowances.I 4. Inspection and testing allowances. ,l I C. Division I Section "Modification Procedures" specifies procedures for submitting and'' handling Change Orders. I D. Selection and Purchase: At the earliest practical date after award of the Contract, advise!l the Architect ofthe date when selection and purchase ofeach product or system described I by an allowance must be completed to avoid delaying the Work. I E. At the Architect's request, obtain proposals for each allowance for use in making final I selections. Include recommendations that are relevant to performing the Work.r -. F. Purchase products and systems from the designated supplier. Ir G. Submittals: Submit proposals for pruchase of products or systems included in allowances, in the form specified for Change Orders.II l. Submit invoices or delivery slips to show quantities of materials delivered to the - site for use in fulfilling each allowance. rr H. Unused Materials: Retum unused materials for credit to Owner, after installation has been completed and accepted. l. Prepare and deliver unused material for storage by Owner when it is not economically practical to retum the material for credit. Otherwise, disposal of unused material is the Contractor's responsibility. BILLINGSLEY RESIDENCE SECTION O1O2O . AILOWANCES l, I t I I ALLOWANCES 01020 - I Copynght 1993 AIA MASTERSPEC - SLV BILLINGSLEY RESIDENCE 1.2 PRODUCTS (Not Applicable) I.3 EXECUTION lv93 A. Examine products covered by an allowance promptly upon delivery for damage or defects. B. Coordinate materials and their installation for each allowance with related materials and installations to ensure that each allowance item is completely integrated and interfaced with related work. END OF SECTION O1O2O I t I I T I t t I I I I i T I I I ,l tALLOWANCES01020 -2 rt/93MASTERSPEC - SLV B. c. I I I I I I I t I I I T I T I I I I I Copyright 1993 AIA BILLINGSLEY RESIDEN SECTION 01026 - IINIT PRICES I.I GENERAL I CE unit price is an amount proposed by bidden, stated on the Bid Form, as a price per unit of measurement for materials or services added to or deducted from the Contract Sum by appropriate modification, if the estimated quantities of work required by the Contract Documents are increased or decreased, Unit prices include necesszry material, plus costs for delivery, installation, insurance, overhead, profit, and applicable taxes. Measurement and Payment: Refer to individual Specification Sections for work that requires establishment of unit prices. Methods of measurement and payment for unit prices are specified in those Sections. l. The owner reseryes the right to reject the contractor's measurement of work-in-place that involves use of established unit prices, and to have this work measured, at the olvner's expense, by an independent surveyor acceptable to the Contractor. END OF SECTION 01026 UNITPRICES 01026 - I MASTERSPEC - SLV rt/93 t t I.I GENERALI r A. Coordinate the Schedule of Values and Applications for Payment with the Contractor's I Construction Schedule, Submittal Schedule, and List of Subcontracts. I B. Schedule of Values: Coordinate preparation of the Schedule of Values with preparation I of the Contractor's Construction Schedule. I l. Correlate line items in the Schedule of Values with other required administrative schedules and forms, including: a. Contractor'sConstructionSchedule. b. Application for Payment forms, including Continuation Sheets.c. Listofsubcontractors. d. List ofproducts. e. List ofprincipal suppliers and fabricators.f. Schedule of submittals. I I Submit the Schedule of Values at the earliest possible date but no later than 7 daysf before the date scheduled for submittal of the initial Applications for payment. t C. Format and Content: Use the Project Manual table of contents as a guide to establish the format for the Schedule of Values. Provide at least one line item for each SpecificationI Section. I l. Include the following Project identification: a. Project name and location.b. Name of Architect. c. Project number. d. Contractor's name and address.e. Date of submittal. 2. Arrange the Schedule of Values in tabular form with separate columns to indicate the following for each item listed: a. Related Specification Section or Division.b. Description of Work. c. Name of subcontractor. I copyright le93 AIA BILLINGSLEY RESIDENCE SECTION 01027 - APPLICATIONS FOR PAYMENT I I I I I I ) t I I APPLICATIONS FORPAYMENT 01027 - | ICopyright 1993 AIA MASTERSPEC - SLV tt/93 BILLINGSLEY RESIDENCE d. Name of manufacturer or fabricator. e. Name of supplier. f. Change Orders (numbers) that affect value. C. Dollar value. h. Percentage of Contract Sum to nearest one-hundredth percent, adjusted to total 100 percent. 3. Provide a breakdown of the Contract Sum in sufficient detail to facilitate evaluation of Applications for Payment. Break subcontract amounts doun into several line items. Round amounts to nearest whole dollar; the total shall equal the Contract Sum. 4. Provide a separate line item for each part of the Work where Applications for Payment may include materials or equipment, purchased or fabricated and stored, but not yet installed. 5. Provide separate line items for initial cost of the materials, for each subsequent stage of completion, and for total installed value.6. Show line items for indirect costs and margins on costs only when such items are listed individually in Applications for Payment. Each item in the Schedule of Values and Applications for Payment shall be complete. Include the total cost and proportionate share of general overhead and profit margin for each item. a. Temporary facilities and items that are not direct cost of work-in-place may be shown as separate line items or distributed as general overhead expense. 7. Update and resubmit the Schedule of Values when Change Orders or Construction Change Directives change the Contract Sum. D. Applications for Payment shall be consistent with previous applications and payments as certified by the Architect and paid for by the Owner. E. Payment-Application Times: Payment dates are indicated in the Agreement. The period covered by each application is the period indicated in the Agreement. F. Payment-Application Forms: Use AIA Document G702 ard Continuation.Sheets G703 as the form for Applications for payment. G. Application Preparation: Complete every entry, including notarization and execution by a person authorized to sign on behalf of the Contractor. The Architect will retum incomplete applications without action. l.Entries shall match data on the schedule of values and the contractor's Construction Schedule. Use updated schedules if revisions were made. Include amounts of change orders and construction change Directives issued prior2. I I t I I I I I ! t T I I I I I I IAPPLICATIONS FOR PAYMENT 0t027 - 2 MASTERSPEC - SLV t1/93 I to lhe last day ofthe construction period covered by the application. I H. Transmittal: Submit 3 executed original copies of each Application for Payment to the Architect within 24 hours. One copy shall be complete, including waivers of lien and '1 similar attachments. I L Transmit each copy with a transmittal listing attachments and recording appropriate- information related to the application. I I. Waivers of Mechanics Lien: With each Application for Payment, submit waivers of lien I from every entity who may file a lien arising out of the Contract and related to the WorkI covered by the payment. I 1. Submit partial waivers on each item for the amount requested, prior to deductionr for retainage, on each item. I 2. When an application shows completion of an item, submit final or frrll waivers. I 3. Submit each Application for Payment with Contractor's waiver of lien forthe period ofconstruction covered by the application. It a. Submit final Applications for Payment with final waivers fiom every entity involved with performance of the Work covered by the application who may t file a lien.r 4. Waiver Forms: Submit waivers of lien on forms, and exeeuted in a manner, acceptable to the Ou'ner. J. Initial Application for Payment: Administrative actions and submittals that must precede or coincide with submittal of the first Application for Payment include the following: 1. Listofsubcontractors. 2. List of principal suppliers and fabricators. 3. Schedule of Values. 4. Contractor's Construction Schedule (preliminary if not final). 5. Submittal Schedule (preliminary if not final). 6. List of Contractor's staffassignments. 7. Copies of building permits. 8. Copies oflicenses from governing authorities. 9. Certificates of insurance and insurance policies. 10. Performance and payment bonds. K. Application for Payment at Substantial Completion: Following issuance of the Certificate of Subsantial Completion, submit an Application for Payment. This application shall reflect Certificates of Partial Substantial Completion issued previously for Owner I r Copyright 1993 AIA BILLINGSLEY RESIDEN o CE I I I ! I I t I T APPLICATIONS FORPAYMENT 01027 -3 Copyright 1993 AIA BILLINGSLEY RESIDEN MASTERSPEC - SLVo CE tt/93 I I I T I I I I I I I t I ! ! I I T I occupancy of designated portions of the Work. l. Administrative actions and submittals that shall precede or coincide with this application include the following : a. Occupancy permits. b. Warranties and maintenance agreements.c. Test/adjust/balancerecords. d. Maintenanceinstructions. e. Meter readings. f. Changeover information related to Owner's occupancy.g. Final cleaning. h. Application for reduction ofretainage and consent ofsurety. L. Final Payment Application: Administrative actions and submittals that must precede or coincide with submittal of the final Application for Payment include the following: L Completion of Project closeout requirements.2. Completion of items specified for completion after Substantial Completion.3. Transmittal of Project construction records to the Owner.4. Certified property survey. 5. Proof that taxes, fees, and similar obligations were paid.6. Removal of temporary facilities and services.7. Change of door locks to Owner's access. END OF SECTION 01027 APPLICATIONS FOR PAYMENT 01027 - 4 I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I t Copyright 1993 AIA BILLINGSLEY RESIDEN MASTERSPEC - SLV rr/93 SECTION 01 O3O . ALTERNATES I.I GENERAL A. An altemate is an amount proposed by bidders and stated on the Bid Form for certain work that may be added to or deducted from the Base Bid amount if the O'*.ner decides to accept a corresponding change in either the amount of construction to be completed or in the products, materials, equipment, systems, or installation methods described in the Contract Documents. l. The cost or credit for each altemate is the net addition to or deduction from the Contract Sum to incorporate the Altemate into the Work. No other adjusunents are made to the Contract Sum. B. Coordination: Modifu or adjust affected adjacent Work as necessary to completely and fully integrate that Work into the project. C. Notification: Immediately following award of the Contract, notifr each parfy involved, in uniting, of the status of each altemate. Indicate whether altemates have been accepted, rejected, or deferred for later consideration. Include a complete description of negotiated modifi cations to altemates. D. Schedule: A "Schedule of Altemates" is included at the end of this Section. Specification Sections referenced in the Schedule contain requirements for materials necessary to achieve the Work described under each alternate. I.2 SCHEDULE lcoMMENTll END OF SECTION O1O3O O CE ALTERNATES 01030 - I I t I Copynght 1993 AIA BILLINGSLEY RESID MASTERSPEC - SLV rt/93 t I I t I t I I I I B. D. E. I I t t I I a ENCE SECTION 01035 - MODIFICATTON PROCEDURES 1.1 GENERAL Minor Changes in the Work: The Architect will issue instructions authorizing minor changes in the Work, not involving an adjustrnent to the Contract Sum or Contract Time, on AIA form G710, Architect's Supplemental Instructions (ASI). The Contractor, shall advise the owner & Architect, prior to commencing any modification required by the ASI, when the Contractor determines that there will be additional cost. Failure to provide this notification may result il additional cost request being denied. Owner-Initiated Change Onder Proposal Requests: The Architect will issue a description of proposed changes in the work that require adjustment to the contract Sum or Time. The description may include supplemental or revised Drawings and Specifications. l. Proposal requests are for information only. Do not consider them an instruction to stop work or to execute the proposed change.2. As soon as possible but within 20 days of receipt, submit an estimate of cost necessary to execute the change for the Owner's review, a. Include an itemized list of products required and unit costs, with the total amount ofpurchases. b. Indicate taxes, delivery charges, equipment rental, and amounts of trade discounts. c. Indicate the effect the change will have on the Contract Time. Contractor-Initiated Proposals: When unforeseen conditions require modifications, the Contractor may submit a request for a change to the Architect. l. Describe the proposed change. Indicate reasons for the change and the effect of the change on the Contract Sum and Time. 2. Include an itemized list of products required and unit costs, with the total amount ofpurchases. 3. Indicate taxes, delivery charges, equipment rental, and amounts oftrade discounts. Proposal Request Form: Use AIA Document G709. Allowance Adjustment: Base Change Order Proposals on the difference between the purchase amount and the allowance, multiplied by the measurement of work-in-place. Allow for cutting losses, tolerances, mixing wastes, normal product imperfections, and similar margins. 1. Include installation costs only where indicated as part of the allowance. MODIFICATION PROCEDURES 01035 - I Copyright 1993 AIA BILLINGSLEY RESIDENCE MASTERSPEC - SLV 1t/93 2. Prepare explanations and documentation to substantiate margins claimed.3. Submit substantiation of a change in work claimed in the Change Orders related to unit-cost allowances. Submit claims for increased costs because of a change in the allowance, whether for purchase order amount or handling, labor, installation, overhead, and profit. Submit claims within 2l days of receipt of authorization to proceed. The owner will reject claims submitted later than 2l davs. 1. Do not include indirect expense in cost amount unless the work has changed from that described in Contract Documents. 2. No change to indirect expense is permitted for selection of higher- or lower-priced materials or systems of the same scope and nature as originally indicated. Construction Change Directive: When owner and Contractor disagree on the terms of a Proposal Request, the Architect may issue a construction change Directive on AIA Form G714 instructing the Contractor to proceed with a change. 1. The construction change Directive contains a description of the change and designates the method to be followed to determine change in the Contract Sum or Time. Documentation: Maintain detailed records on a time and material basis of work required by the Construction Change Directive. 1. After completing the change, submit an itemized account and supporting data to substantiate Contract adjustments. change order Procedures: Upon the owner's approval of a proposal Request, the Contractor will issue a Change Order on AIA Form G701. END OF SECTION OIO35 I j I I t I I I I t I I I I t t t I t F. G. I. MODIFICATION PROCEDURES 01035 - 2 I copyright 1994 ArA O MASTERS'E. - s,,v T BILLINGSLEY RESIDENCE I sEcTroN 01040 - cooRDrNArroN t l.l GENERAL 2t94 A. This Section includes requirements for coordinating construction operations including, I but not necessarily limited to, the following: I 1. Coordinationdrawings. I 2. Administrative and supervisory personnel.t 3. Cleaning and protection. I B. Progress Meetings, coordination meetings and pre-installation conferences are includedr in Section "Project Meetings." I r.2 cooRDINATroN -tlt I A. Coordinate construction to assure effrcient and orderly installation of each part of the t Work. Coordinate operations that depend on each other for proper installation, connection, and operation. 1. Schedule operations in the sequence required to obtain the best results where installation ofone part depends on installation ofother components, before or after its own installation. 2. Coordinate installation of different components to assure maximum accessibility for maintenance, service, and repair. I 3. Make provisions to accommodate items scheduled for later installation. B. Where necessary, prepare memoranda for distribution to each party involved, outlining I procedures required for coordination. lnclude such items as required notices, reports, andI attendance at meetings. I l. Prepare similar memoranda for the Owner and separate contractors whereI coordination of their work is required. I C. Administrative Procedures: Coordinate scheduling and timing of required proceduresr with other activities to avoid conflicts and assure orderly progress. Such activities t I I I I include, but are not limited to, the following: 1. Preparationofschedules. 2. Delivery and processing of submittals. 3. Progress meetings. 4. Project closeout activities. I cooRDINArroN 01040 - I Copyright 1994 AIA BILLINGSLEY RESIDENCE 1.3 PRODUCTS (Not Applicable) 1.4 EXECUTION MASTERSPEC. SLV D. Conservation: Coordinate construction to assure that operations are carried out with consideration for conservation of energy, water, and materials. l. Salvage materials and equipment involved in performance ol but not incorporated in, the Work. Coordination Drawings: Prepare coordination drawings if needed for installation of products and materials fabricated by separate entities. Prepare coordination drawings where limited space necessitates maximum utilization of space for eflicient installation of different components. I . Show the relationship of components shown on separate shop drawings.2. Indicate required installation sequences. 3. Comply with requirements contained in Section "Submittals." Staff Names: Within 15 days of commencement of construction, submit a list of the Contractor's staff assignments, including the superintendent and other personnel at the Project Site. Identif,/ individuals and their responsibilities. List their addresses and telephone numbers. l. Post copies in the Project meeting room, the temporary field office, and each temporary telephone. 2194 I I I I t I I I t I t I I T I I t I I F. A.Inspection of Conditions: Require Installers of major components to inspect substrate and conditions under which work is to be performed. Do not proceed until unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected. Coordinate temporary enclosrues with inspections and tests to minimize the need to uncover completed construction. clean and protect construction in progress and adjoining materials, during handling and installation. Apply protective covering to assure protection from damage. Clean and maintain completed construction as necessary through the construction period. Adjust and lubricate operable components to assure operability without damaging effects. Limiting Exposures: Supervise constuction to assure that no part is subject to harmful, dangerous, or damaging exposure. Such exposures include, but are not limited to, the B. c. D. E. COORDINATION 01040 - 2 I Copyright 1994 AIA T BILLINGSLEY RESIDENCEI -IOllowlng: MASTERSPEC - SLV 2/94 I I I I 1. Excessive static or dynamic loading. 2. Excessive internal or extemal pressures. 3. Excessively high or low temperatures. 4. Water or ice. 5. Solvents and chemicals. 6. Abrasion. 7. Soiling, staining, and corrosion. 8. Combustion. 9. Excessively high or lowhumidity. 10. Air contamination or pollution. r I l. Heary traffic. I 12. Theft.I 13. Vandalism. I F. Manufacturer's Instructions: Comply with manufacturer's installation instructions and recommendations, to the extent that those instructions and recommendations are more I explicit or stringent than requirements contained in Contract Documents. I G. Provide attachment and connection devices and methods necessary for securing Work. I Secure Work true to line and level. Allow for expansion and building movement.I H. Visual Effects: Provide uniforrr joint widths in exposed Work. Arrange joints in expose I Work as shown or to obtain the best visual effect. Refer questionable choices to thet Owner (& Architect at Owner direction) for final decision. t L Recheck measurements and dimensions, before starting each installation.I I J. Install each component during weather conditions and Project status that will ensure the I best possible results. Isolate each part of the completed construction from incompatible material as necessary to prevent deterioration. I K. Mounting Heights: Where mounting heights are not indicated, REQUEST HEIGHTS FROMARCHITECT. t L. Inspect material immediately upon delivery and again prior to installation. Reject damaged and defective items.,lIr ENDOFSECTIONOIO4O I I I cooRDINAnoN 01040 - 3 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t t I Copyright 1994 AIA BILLINGSLEY RESIDENCE MASTERSPEC - SLV SECTION O1O5O . FIELD ENGINEERING I.I GENERAL A. This Section specifies requirements for field-engineering services including, but not limited to, the following: 1. Land suwey work. 2. Civil-engineeringservices. 3. Damage surveys. 4. Geotechnicalmonitoring. Submit a certificate signed by the Land Surveyor certifying that the location and elevation of improvements comply with Contract Documents. Final Property Survey: Submit 6 copies offinal property survey. Project Record Documents: Submit a record of Work performed and record suwey data. Surveyor Qualifications: Engage a land surveyor registered in the state where the Project is located. I.2 E)GCUTION A. Identification: The Owner will identifi existing control points and property line corner stakes. Verifi layout information, in relation to property survey and existing benchmarks, before proceeding to lay out the Work. Locate and protect existing benchmarks and control points. Preserve pennanent reference points during construction. l. Do not change or relocate benchmarks or control points without written approval. Report destroyed reference points or requirements to relocate reference points because of changes in grades. 2. Replace desroyed Project control points. Base replacements on the original survey control points. Establish and maintain a minimum of 2 permanent benchmarks. 1. Record benchmark locations, with horizontal and vertical data, on Project Record Documents. Existing Utilities: The existence of undergrowrd utilities and construction is not guaranteed. Verifu locafion of underground utilities and other construction before beginning sitework. 2t94 B. C. D. E. B. C. D. FIELD ENGINEERING 01050 - 1 Copyright 1994 AIA BILLINGSLEY RESIDENCE MASTERSPEC - SLV 1. Prior to constructiorl veriff location and invert elevation at points ofconnection of sanitary and storm sewers, and water-service piping. E. Work from lines and levels established by the property survey. Establish benchmarks and markers to set lines and levels at each story ofconstruction and to locate each element. Calculate and measure required dimensions within indicated or recognized tolerances. Do not scale Drawings to determine dimensions. 1. Advise entities engaged in construction activities of marked lines and levels provided for their use. 2. As construction proceeds, check every element for line, level, and plumb. F. Surveyor's Log: Maintain a surveyor's log of control and other survey work. Make this log available for reference. 1. Record deviations from lines and levels. Advise the Architect when deviations exceed tolerances. On Project Record Drawings, record deviations that are accepted and not corrected. 2. On completion of foundation walls, major site improvements, and other work requiring field-engineering services, prepare a certified survey showing dimensiors, locations, angles, and elevations of construction and sitework. G. Site Improvements: Locate and lay out site improvements, including pavements, stakes for grading, fill and topsoil placement, utility slopes, and invert elevations. H. Building Lines and Levels: Locate and lay out batter boards for structures, building foundations, column grids and locations, floor levels, and control lines and levels required for mechanical and electrical work. I. Existing Utilities: Fumish information necessary to adjust, move, or relocate existing structures, utility poles, lines, services, or other appurtenances located in or affected by construction. Coordinate with local authorities having jurisdiction. J. Final Property Survey: Prepare a final property survey showing significant features for the Project. Include certification that metes, bounds, lines, and levels ofthe Project are accurately positioned as shown on the survey. l. Recording: At Substantial Completion, have final property survey recorded by goveming authorities as official "properfy survey.,' END OF SECTION O1O5O 2/94 I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I t IFIELD ENGINEERING 01050 - 2 I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I Copyright 1994 AIA BILLINGSLEY RESIDENCE MASTERSPEC - SLV 2t94 I I SECTION O12OO - PROJECT MEETINGS I.I GENERAL A. This Section specifies administrative and procedural requirements for the General Contractor for project meetings, including, but not limited to, the following: l. Preconstnrctionconferences. 2. Preinstallationconferences. 3. Progress meetings. B. Preconstruction Conference: Schedule a preconstruction conference before starting construction. Review responsibilities and personnel assignmenls. 1. Attendees: Authorized representatives of the Owner, Architect, and their consultants; the Contractor and its superintendent; major subcontractors; and other concemed parties shall attend. a. Participants shall be familiar with the Project and authorized to conclude matters relating to the Work. 2. Agenda: Discuss items that could affect progress, including the following: Tentative construction schedule. Critical work sequencing. Submittal of Shop Drawings, Product Data, and Samples. Use of the premises. Record significant discussions and agreements and disagreements, and the approved schedule. Promptly distribute the record of the meeting to everyone concemed, including the Owner and the Architect. C. Owner, Architect, Contractor ( O.A.C.)Progress Meetings: Conduct O.A.C. progress meetings at the Project Site twice a month or at intervals approved by the Architect. Notifu the Owner and the Architect of scheduled dates at least two weeks in advance. Coordinate meeting dates with preparation of the payment request. l. Attendees: The Owner, Architect, the Contractor and its superintendent and other entities concerned with cunent progress or involved in planning, coordination, or future activities shall be represented. Participants shall be authorizedto conclude matters relating to the Work. 2. Agenda: Review and correct or approve minutes of the previous meeting. Review a. b. c. d. PROJECT MEETINGS 01200 - I Copyright 1994 AIA BILLINGSLEY RESIDENCE 1.2 PRODUCTS (NotApplicable) 1.3 EXECUTION (Not Applicable) END OF SECTION O12OO MASTERSPEC - SLV items of significance that could affect progress. Include topics for discussion appropriate to Project status. Contractor's Construction Schedule: Review progress since the last meeting. Determine where each activity is in relation to the Contractor's Consffuction Schedule. Determine how to expedite construction behind schedule, secure commitments from parties involved to do so. Discuss revisions required to insure subsequent activities will be completed within the Contract Time. Review the present and future needs of each entity present, including the following: 1) Time. 2) Sequences. 3) Status of submittals. 4) Deliveries and off-site fabrication problems. 5) Temporary facilities and services.6) Quality and work standards.l) Change Orders. Reporting: Distribute meeting minutes to each party present and to parties who should have been present. Include a summary of progress since the previous meeting and report. Schedule Updating: Revise the Contractor's Constnrction Schedule after each meeting where revisions have been made. Issue the revised schedule concurrently with the report of each meeting. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I 2/94 b. c. PROJECTMEETINGS 01200 - 2 I I I I I I I I t I I t I I I I I I I Copyright 1994 AIA MASTERSPEC - SLV BILLINGSLEY RESIDENCE SECTION OI 3OO . SI.JBMITTALS GENERAL Submittal Procedures: Coordinate submittal preparation with construction, fabrication, other submittals, and activities that require sequential operations. Transmit in advance of construction operations to avoid delay. I . Coordinate submittals for related operations to avoid delay because of the need to review submittals concurrently for coordination. The Architect reseryes the right to withhold action on a submittal requiring coordination until related submittals are received. 2. Processing: Allow 2 weeks for initial review. Allow more time if the Architect must delay processing to permit coordination. Allow 2 weeks for reprocessing. a. No externion of Contract Time will be authorized because of failure to transmit submittals sufficiently in advance of the Work to permit processing. 3. Submittal Preparation: Place a permanent label on each submittal for identification. Provide a 4- by 5-inch ( 1 00- by I 25-mm) space on the label or beside title block to record review and approval markings and action taken. Include the following information on the label for processing and recording action taken. Project name. Date. Name and address of the Architect. Name and address of the Contractor. Name of the manufacturer, contact person, phone & fax number. Submit sequence number. Drawing number and detail references, as appropriate. 4. Submittal Transmittal: Package each submittal appropriately. Transmit with a transmittal form. The Architect will not accept submittals from sources other than the Contractor. 5. Transmittal Form: Use AIA Document G810. On the form, record requests for data and deviations from requirements. Include Contractofs certification that information complies with requirements. 6. Approved samples shall be kept on thejob site for later reference. B. Conhactor's Construction Schedule: Prepare a horizontal bar-chart-type, contractor's construction schedule. Provide a separate time bar for each activity and a vertical line to 5194 l.l a. b. d. t. o SUBMITTALS 01300 - I ICopyright 1994 AIA MASTERSPEC - SLV 5/94 BILLINGSLEY RESIDENCE identiff the first working day of each week. Use the same breakdown of Work indicated in the "Schedule of Values." Indicate estimated completion in 10 percent increments. As Work progresses, mark each bar to indicate actual completion. C. Shop Drawings: Submit information, drawn to accurate scale. Indicate deviations from Contract Documents. Do not reproduce Contract Docrunents or copy standard information as the basis of Shop Drawings, Contractor shall review and initial shop drawings prior to Owner's or Architect's review. Note: Architect will not review and will retum shop drawings to the contractor which have not been reviewed and or initialled bv the contactor and or do not include/comply with the following information: l. Dimensions. 2. Identification of products and materials included.3. Notation of coordination requirements.4. Notation of dimensions established by field measurement.5. Sheet Size: Except for templates, pattems and similar full- size Drawings, submit Shop Drawings on sheets at least 8-1/2" x I l" but no larger than 36" x 48".6. Quantity: Submit one correctable translucent vellum print and one blueline print for review. The corrected translucent vellum print and one blue-line print ofthe noted translucent print will be returned.7. Do not use Shop Drawings without a final starnp by the Architect or Engineer indicating action taken in connection with construction.8. When required by applicable codes or the contract documents, provide manufacturer's engineers stamp on shop drawings. Note: quanities of products/materials will not be verified by the Architect or Engineer in the shop drawings. This is the responsibility of the Contractor. D. Weekly Construction Reports: Prepare a weekly report recording events at the site. Submit duplicate copies to the Architect at weekly intervals. Include any or all of the following information: 1. List ofsubcontractors at the site.2. High and low temperatures, general weather conditions.3. Accidents and unusual events.4. Stoppages, delays, shortages, and losses.5. Meter readings and similar recordings. 6. Emergencyprocedures. 7. Orders and requests ofgoverning authorities.8. Servicesconnected,disconnected. 9. Equipment or system tests and startups. 10. Substantial Complefionsauthorized. I I I I I I t I t t I I I I I I I T SUBMITTALS 01300 - 2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I Copyright 1994 AIA MASTERSPEC - SLV BILLINGSLEY RESIDENCE E. Product Data: Collect Product Data into a single submittal for each element of construction. Mark each copy to show applicable choices and options. Where Product Data includes information on several products, mark copies to indicate applicable information. Unless noncompliance with Contract Document provisions is deserved, the submittal may serve as the final submittal. F. Samples: Submit full-size Samples cured and finished as specified and identical with the material proposed. Mount Samples to facilitate review of qualities. l lnclude the following: a. Specification Section number and reference. b. Generic description of the Sample.c. Sample source. d. Product name or name of the manufactruer, contact person, phone & fax number. e. Compliance with recognized standards.f. Availability and delivery time. 2. Submit Samples for review of size, kind, color, pattem, and texture, for a check of these characteristics, and for a comparison of these characteristics between the final submittal and the actual component as delivered and installed. Where variations are inherent in the material, submit at least 3 units that show limits of the variations. a. Refer to other Sections for requirements for Samples that illustrate workmanship, fabrication techniques, details of assembly, connections, operation, and similar characteristics. b. Refer to other Sections for Samples to be incorporated in the Work. Samples must be undamaged at time of use. On the transmittal, indicate special requests regarding disposition of Sample submittals.c. Samples not incorporated into the Work, or designated as the Owner's property, are the Contractorfs property and shall be removed from the site. Submit Samples for all exposed finishes including but not limited to the following:l. Exterior wood trim, columns, beams, siding and roofing2. Floor tiles. 3. All paints and stains. 4. GWB texture. 5. All exposed mechanical and electrical components. 6. Casework. 7. Door construction & wood selection. 8. Color concrete. 9. Stone flooring and wall veneer work. 10. Millwork, Interior wood trim and flooring 11. Wood, metal and clad wood door and window colors. 5/94 SUBMITTALS 0t300 - 3 Copyright 1994 AIA BILLINGSLEY RESIDENCE MASTERSPEC - SLV s/94 12. Stucco color and texture 13. All exterior and interior exposed metal, flashing and decorative metal work. 14. Interior integral plaster color and textues. 15. All other items required to be submitted in other sections of the specifications. G. Architect's Action: Except for submittals for the record or information, where action and retum are required, the Architect will review each submittal, mark to indicate action taken, and return. Compliance with specified characteristics is the Contractor's responsibility. l. Action Stamp: The Architect will stamp each submittal with an action stamp. The Architect will mark the stamp appropriately to indicate the action taken. 1.2 PRODUCTS (Not Applicable) 1.3 EXECUTION (NotApplicable) END OF SECTION OI3OO I I I T t I I I I I t I I I I I t I ISUBMITTALS01300 - 4 D. 1.1 I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I Copyright 1998 BILLINGSLEY MASTERSPEC- SLVAIA O RESIDENCE 9t98 SECTION 01400 - QUALTTY REQUIREMENTS GENERAL Testing and inspecting seryices are required to verifr compliance with requirements specified or indicated. These services do not relieve Contractor of responsibility for compliance with the Contract Docurnent requirements. l. Quality-control services do not include contract enforcement activities perforrned by Architect. Delegated-Design Performance and Design Criteria: Where professional design services or certifications by a design professional are specifically required of Contractor by the Contract Docurnents, provide products and systerns complying with specific performance and design sriteria indicated. 1. If criteria indicated are not zufficient to perform services or certification required, submit a written request for additional information to Architect. Delegated-Design Submifial In addition to Shop Drawings, Product Dda, and other required submittals, submit a stdement, signed and sealed by the responsible design professional, for each product and system specifically assigned to Contractor to be designed or certified by a desip professionaf indicating that the products and systenrs are in compliance with performance and design criteria indicated. Include list of codes, loads, and other fastors used in perfonning these services. Reports: Prepare and submit certified nnitten reports that include the fo[owing 1. Date of issue. 2. Project title and number. 3. Name, addresg and telephone number oftesting agency.4. Dates and locations of samples and tests or inspections.5. Narrcs of individuals making tests and inspections.6. Description of the Work and test and inspection method.7, Identification ofproduct and Specification Section8. Corrylete test or inspection data9, Test and inspection rezuhs "nd an interpretation of test results. 10. Ambient conditions at time of sample taking and testing and inspecting. I l. Comments or professional opinion on whether tested or inspected Work cornplies with the Contract Document requirements. References QUALITYREQTIIREMENTS 01400 - I Copyright 1998 AIA BILLINGSLEY RESIDEN MASTERSPEC - SLVo CE 9198 I I I I t I I I I I t I I I I I I I t l. ANSVASTM D3740 - Practice for Evaluation of Agencies Engaged in Testing and/or Inspection of Soil and Rock as Used in Engineering Design and Construc- tion. 2. ANSVASTM E329 - Recommended Practice for Inspection and Testing Agencies for Concrete, Steel, and Bituminous Materials as Used in Construction. Permits, Licenses, and Certificates: For Owney's records, submit copies of permits, licenses, certifications, inspection reports, releases, jurisdictional settlements, notices, receipts for fee payments, judgments, correspondence, recordq and similar documentq established for compliance with standards and regulations bearing on performance of the Work. Fabricator Qualifications: A firm experienced in producing products similar to those indicated for this Project and with a record of zuccessful in-service perforurance, as well as sufficient production capacity to produce required units. Factory-Authorized Service Representative Qualifications: An authorized representative ofmanufacturer who is trained and approved by manufacturer to inspect installation of manufacturer's products that are similar in material, design, and extent to those indicated for this Project. Installer Qualifications: A firm or individual experienced in installing, erecting, or assembling work similar in material, desigrl and extent to that indicated for this Project, whose work has resulted in construction with a record of successful in-service performance. Manufacturer Qualifications: A firm experienced in manufacturing products or systerns similar to those indicated for this Project and with a record of successful in-service perforrnance. Professional Engineer Qualifications: A professional engineer who is legally qualified to practice in jurisdiction where Project is located and who is experienced in providing engineering services of the kind indicated. Engineering services are defined as those performed for installations of the systen\ assembly, or product that are similar to those indicated for this Project in material design, and extent. Testing Agency Qualifications: An agency with the experience and capability to conduct testing and inspecting indicated, as documented by ASTM E 548, and that specializes in types of tests and inspections to be performed. L. Owner Responsibilities: Where quality-control services are indicated as Owner's responsibility, Owner will engage a qualified testing agency to perform these services. F. I. J. QUALITY REQUREMENTS 01400 - 2 N. o. P. I I I II t I I t I t I I t I I I I I t a CE a 9/98Copyright 1998 AIA BILLINGSLEY RJSIDEN MASTERSPEC - SLV 1. Ounrer will furnish Contractor with names, addresses, and telephone numbers of testing agencies engaged and a descripion of the types of testing and inspecting they are engaged to perform" 2. Costs for retestrng and reinspecting construction tlnt replaces or is necessitated by work tlrat failed to comply with the Contrast Documents will be charged to Contractor. Contractor Responsibilities: Unless otherwise indicated, provide quality-control services specified and required by authorities havingjurisdiction. 1. Where services are indicated as Contactor's responsibility, engage a qualified testing agency to perform these quality-control services. a. Contractor shall not employ the same entity engaged by Owner, unless agreed to in writing by Owner. 2. Notifi testing agencies at least 24 hours in advance of time when Work that requires testing or inspecting will be performed. 3. Where quality-control services are indicated as Contractods responsibility, submit a certified written report, in duplicate, of each quality-control service. 4. Tesing 4d inspectilg requested by Contractor and not required by the Contract Docurnents are Contraclor's responsibility. 5. Submit additional copies of each unitten report directly to authorities having jurisdictioa when tlrey so direct. Manufacturer's Field Services: Where indicate4 engage a factory-authorized service representative to inspect field-assembled conponents and equipment installation, including service connections. Report results in writing. RetestinglReinspecting: Regardless of whether original tests or inspections were Contractor's responsibility, provide quality-control serviceg including retesting and reinspecting, for construction that revised or replaced Work that failed to comply with requirements established by the Contract Documents. Testing Agency Responsibilities: Cooperate with Architect and Contractor in performance of duties. Provide qualified personnel to perform required tests and inspections. l. Notifi Architect and Contractor promptly of inegularities or deficiencies observed in the Work during performance of its services. 2. Interpret tests and inspections and state in each report whether tested and inspected work complies with or deviates from requirements. 3. Submit a certified written report, in duplicate, of each test, inspection, and similar quality-conhol service through Contractor. QUALITY REQUIREMENTS 01400 - 3 Copyright 1998 AIA MASTERSPEC - SLV 9/98 BILLINGSLEY RESIDENCE 4. Do not release, revoke, alter, or increase requirements of the Contract Documents or approve or accept any portion of the Work. 5. Do not perform any duties of Contrastor. a. Associated Services: Cooperate with agencies performing requhed tests, inspections, and similar quality-conhol services, and provide reasonable auxiliary services as requested. Notifr agency suffrciently in advance of operations to permit assignment of persomrel. Provide the following: l. Access to the Work. 2. Incidental labor and facilities necessary to facilitate tests and inspections. 3. Adequate quantities of representative samples of materials that require testing and inspecting. Assist agency in obtaining samples. 4. Facilities for storage and field-curing oftest samples. 5. Preliminary design mix proposed for use for material mixes tlrat require control by testing agency. 6. Security and protection for samples and for testing and inspecting equipment at Project site. I I I T t I I I t I I I t I I I I t I 1.2 1.3 A. Coordination: Coordinate sequence of activities to accommodate required quality- zrssurzmc€ and quality-control ssrvices with a minimum of delay and to avoid necessity of removing and replacing construction to accommodatetesting and inspecting. l. Schedule times for tests, inspections, obtaining samples, and similar activities. PRODUCTS (NotUsed) E)(ECUTION Repair and Protection: On completion of testing, inspecting, sanple taking and similar services, repair damaged construction and restore substrates and finishes. 1. Provide materials and comply with installation requirements specified in other Sections of these Specifications. Restore patched areas and extend restoration into adjoining areas in a manner that eliminates evidence of patching. 2. Protect construction exposed by or for quality-control service activities.3. Repair and protection are Contractor's responsibility, regardless of tfie assignment of responsibility for quality-control services. END OF SECTION OI4OO QUALITY REQIIIREMENTS 01400 - 4 B. c. D. E. F. G. H. I I I I t I I I t I I I t t I I I I I Copynght 1997 AIA MASTERSPEC - SLV tt/97 BILLINGSLEY RESIDENCE SECTION 01421 - REFERENCE STANDARDS AND DEFINITIONS I.I GENERAL A. Definitions: Basic contract definitions are included in the Conditions of the Contract. "Indicated" refers to graphic representations, notes, or schedules on the Drawings; or to other paragraphs or schedules in the Specifications and similar requirements in the Contact Documents. Terms such as "shou'n," "noted," "scheduled," and "specifiedt' are used to help the user locate the reference. Location is not limited. "Directedr" "requested," "authorized," "selected," "approved," "requiredr" and "permitted" mean directed by the Architect, requested by the Architect, and similar phrases. "Approved," when used in conjunction with the Architect's action on the Contractor's submittals, applications, and requests, is limited to the Architect's duties and responsibilities as stated in the Conditions of the Contract. "Regulations" includes laws, ordinances, statutes, and lawful orders issued by authorities having jurisdiction, as well as rules, conventions, and agreements within the construction industry that control performance of the Work. "Fumish" means to supply and deliver to the Project site, ready for unloading, unpacking, assembly, installation, and similar operations. "Install" describes operations at the Project site including the actual unloading, temporary storage, unpacking, assembling, erecting, placing, anchoring, applying, working to dimension, finishing, curing, protecting, cleaning, and similar operations. "Provide" means to fumish and install, complete and ready for the intended use. "Installer" is the Contractor or another entity engaged by the Contractor, either as an employee, subcontractor, or contractor oflower tier, to perform a particular construction activity, including installation, erection, application, or similar operations. Installers are required to be experienced in the operations they are engaged to perform. l. The term "experienced," when used with the term "installer," means having successfully completed a minimum of five previous projects similar in size and scope to this Project; being familiar with the special requirements indicated; and having complied with requirements of authorities having jurisdiction. 2. Using a term such as "carpentry" does not imply that certain construction activities must be performed by accredited or unionized individuals of a corresponding generic name, such as "carpenter. " REFERENCE STANDARDS AND DEFINITIONS 0r42t - | Copyright 1997 AIA MASTERSPEC - SLV 1r/97 BILLINGSLEY RESIDENCE J. "hoject site" is the space available to the Contractor for performing construction activities, either exclusively or in conjunction with others performing other work as part of the Project. The extent of the Project site is shown on the Drawings and may or may not be identical with the description of the land on which the project is to be built. K. "Testing Agencies": A testing agency is an independent entity engaged to perform specific inspections or tests, either at the Project site or elsewhere, and to report on and, ifrequired" to interpret results ofthose inspections or tests. L. Specification Format: These Specifications are organized into Divisions and Sections based on the 16-division format and CSVCSC's "MasterFormat" numbering system. M. Specification Content: These Specifications use certain conventions for the style of language and the intended meaning of certain terms, words, and phrases when used in particular situations. These conventions are as follows:L Abbreviated Language: Language used in the Specifications and other Contract Documents is abbreviated. Words and meanings shall be interpreted as appropriate. Words implied, but not stated, shall be interpolated as the sense requires. Singular words shall be interpreted as plural and plural words interpreted as singular where applicable as the context of the Contract Documents indicates.2. Streamlined language is generally used in the Specifications. Requirements expressed in the imperative mood are to be performed by the Contractor. At certain locations in the Section Text, subjective language is used for clarity to describe responsibilities that must be fulfrlled indirectly by the Contractor or by others when so noted. a- The words "shall," "shall be," or "shall comply with,,' depending on the context, are implied where a colon (:) is used within a sentence or phrase. N. Applicability of Standards: Unless the Contract Documents include more stringent requirements, applicable construction industry standards have the same force and effect as if bound or copied direcfly into the Contract Documents to the extent referenced. Such standards are made a part of the Contract Documents by reference. O. Publication Dates: Comply with standards in effect as of the date of the Contact Documents. Copies of Standards: Copies of applicable standards are not bound with the Contract Documents. Where copies of standards are needed to perform a required construction activity, the Contractor shall obtain copies directly from the publication source and make them available on request. Abbreviations and Names: where abbreviations and acronyms are used in the Specifications or other Contract Documents, they mean the recognized name of the tade association, standards-producing organization, authorities having jurisdiction, or other P. a. I I I I I I T I I I I I I I T I I I T REFERENCE STANDARDS AND DEFINITIONS 01421 - 2 I I I I T I I I I I I I t t I t t I I Copyright 1997 AIA MASTERSPEC - SLV tt/97 BILLINGSLEY RESIDENCE entity applicable to the context of the text provision. Refer to Gale Research's "Encyclopedia of Associations" or Columbia Books' "National Trade & Professional Associations ofthe U.S.," which are available in most libraries. Most commonly used abbreviations: l. ACI - American Concrete Institute 2. AFPA - American Forest & Paper Association3. AGA - American Gas Association 4. AHAM - Association of Home Appliance Manufac.5. AISC - American Institute of Steel Const.6. AITC - American Institute of Timber Const.7. ANSI - American National Standards Inst.8. APA - American Plywood Association 9. ASHRAE - American Society ofHeating, Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Engrs. 10. ASTM - American Society for Testing & Materials 11. AWI - Architectural Woodwork Institute 12. AWS - American Welding Society 13. BIA - Brick-Inst. of America 14. CRSI - Conc. Reinforcing Steel Inst. 15. FGMA - Flat Glass Marketing Assn. 16. FM - Factory Mutual Research Organization 17. KCMA - Kitchen Cabt. Manufac. Assoc. 18. NCMA - Natl. Conc. Masonry Assoc. 19. NEC - Natl. Elect. Code 20. NFPA-Natl. FireProtec. Assn. 21. N.F.P.A. - Natl. Forest Products Assn. 22. NWWDA - Natl. Wood Window & Door Assn. 23. PCA - Portland Cement Assn. 24. PCI - Precast-Prestressed Conc. Inst. 25. SDI - Steel Door Inst. 26. SIGMA - Sealed Insulating Glass Manufac. Assoc. 27. SMACNA - Sheet Metal & Air Conditionins Contractors Natl. Assoc. 28. TCA - Tile Council of America 29. UL - Underwriters Laboratories 30. WWPA - Western Wood Products Assn. 31. WRCLA - Westem Red Cedar Lumber Assn. R. Permits, Licenses, and Certificates: For the Owner's records, submit copies of permits, licenses, certifications, inspection reports, releases, jurisdictional settlements, notices, receipts for fee payments, judgments, correspondence, records, and similar documents, established for compliance with standards and regulations bearing on performance of the Work. END OF SECTION 01421 REFERENCE STANDARDS AND DEFINITIONS 0t421-3 B. D. F. 1.1 I I T I I I I I T I II t I I I I t I I T Copyneht 1994 AIA MASTERSPEC. SLV BILLINGSLEY RESIDENCE SECTION OI5OO - CONSTRUCTION FACILITIES AND TEMPORARY CONTROLS 5t94 GENERAL Summary: This Secfion specifies construction facilities and temporary controls including temporary utilities, support facilities, and security and protection facilities. Provide facilities, ready for use, maintain, expand and modiff as needed. Remove when no longer needed, or replace by permanent facilities. Use charges: cost or use charge for temporary facilities are not chargeable to the Owner or Architect, and will not be accepted as basis of claims for a Change Order. Regulations: Comply with industry standards and applicable laws and regulations of authorities having jurisdiction including, but not limited to, the following: l. Building code requirements. 2. Health and safety regulations. 3. Utility company regulations. 4. Police, fire department, and rescue squad rules.5. Environmentalprotectionregulations. 6. Subdivision regulations and covenants Standards: Comply wift NFPA 241 "Standard for Safeguarding Construction, Alterations, and Demolition Operations," ANSI Al0 Series standards for "Safety Requirements for Construction and Demolition," and NECA Elecfical Design Library "Temporary Electrical Facilities." l. Electrical Service: Comply with NEMA, NECA, and UL standards and regulations for temporary electric service. Install service in compliance with NFPA 70 'T.{ational Electric Code." Inspections: Arrange for authorities having jurisdiction to inspect and test each temporary utility before use. Obtain required certifications and permits. Temporary Utility Installation: Engage the local utility company to install temporary service or connect to existing service. Arrange for a time when service can be intemrpted to make connections. Provide adequate capacity at each stage of construction. l. Water Service: Install water service and distribution piping of sizes and pressures adequate for construction. Sterilize water piping prior to use. Provide 3/4" heavy-duty, rubber hoses 100 ft. long with shut-off noule at each outlet. 2. Electric Power Service: Provide weatherproof, grounded electric power service and CONSTRUCTION FACILITIES AND TEMPORARY CONTROLS 01500 - t Copyright 1994 AIA BILLINGSLEY RESIDENCE MASTERSPEC - SLV 5/94 distribution system ofsufficient size, capacity, and power characteristics. Include meters, transformers, overload protected disconnects, automatic ground- fault intemrpters and main distribution switch gear. Install service underground. a. Power Distribution System: Install wiring overhead, and rise vertically where least exposed to damage. b. Electrical Outlets: Provide properly configured NEMA polarized outlets. Provide outlets equipped with ground-fault circuit intemrpters, reset button and pilot light, for connection of power tools and equipment. c. Elecuical PowerCords: Provide groundedextension cords; use "hard-service" cords where exposed to traffrc. 3. Lighting: Provide temporary lighting with local switching to fulfrll security requirements and provide illumination for construction operations and traffic conditions. a. Lamps and Light Fixtures: Provide general service incandescent lamps. Provide guard cages or tempered glass enclosures, where exposed to breakage. Provide exterior fixtures where exposed to moisture. 4. Telephones: Provide temporary telephone service for personnel engaged in construction. At each telephone, post a list of important telephone numbers. Materials and Equipment: Provide new materials. If acceptable to the Architect, the Contractor may use undamaged, previously used materials in serviceable condition. Provide materials suitable for use intended. 1. Open-Mesh Fencing: 1l gauge, galvanized 2-inch chainlink fabric fencing 6 feet high with galvanized barbed-wire top strand and galvarrized steel pipe posts, l-1l2 inches I.D. for line posts and2-l/2 inches I.D. for corner posts. Temporary Construction and Support Facilities Installation: Locate for easy access. Mainain facilities until Substantial Completion. Remove prior to Substantial Completion. Personnel remaining after Substantial Completion will be permitted to use permanent facilities, under conditions acceptable to the Owner. 1. Provide temporary construction office and sheds, as needed, located within the construction area. Comply with code requirements.2. Temporary Heat: Provide temporaf,y heat for curing or drying of completed installations or protection of installed construction from adverse effects of low temperatures or high humidity. Select equipment that will not have a harmfirl effect on completed installations; heating units shall have been tested and labeled by UL, FM or another recognized trade association related to the type of fuel used. Coordinate ventilation requirements to produce the ambient condition required. t t I I I I t I I I I I I t T I t I I G. CONSTRUCTION FACILITIES AND TEMPORARY CONTROLS 01500 - 2 I I I I I I I I I I t t I I I I I t I Copyright 1994 AIA MASTERSPEC - SLV 5/94 BILLINGSLEY RESIDENCE a- Heating Facilities: Provide vented self-contained LP gas or fuel oil heaters with individual space thermostatic control. Use of gasoline-buming space heaters, open flame, or salamander type units is prohibited. ' 3' Field Offrces: Provide insulated, weathertight offices of size to accommodate personnel. Provide heated, prefabricated units or similar construction, on adequate support, with lockable entrances, operable windows and serviceable finishes. Keep clean and orderly for use for small progress meetings. 4. Provide temporary toilets and drinking water fixtures. Comply with regulations and health codes for the type, number, location, operation and maintenance of fixtures. Install where facilities will best serve the Project. Provide disposable materials for each facility. Provide covered waste containers for used material.5. Toilets: Install self-contained single-occupant toilet units ofthe chemical, aerated recirculation, or combustion type, properly vented and fully enclosed with a glass fiber reinforced polyester shell or similar nonabsorbent material.6. Drinking Water Facilities: Provide containerized tap-dispenser bottled-water type drinking water units. 7 ' Temporary Enclosures: Provide temporary enclosure for protection ofconstruction from exposure, foul weather, other construction operations and similar activities. Where heat is needed and the building enclosure is incomplete, provide enclosures where there is no other provision for containment of heat. Coordinate enclosure with ventilating and material drying or curing requirements to avoid dangerous conditions.8. Collection and Disposal of Waste: Collect waste daily. Comply with NFPA 241 for removal of combustible waste. Enforce requirements stictly. Handle hazardous, dangerous, or unsanitary waste materials separately from other waste by containerizing properly. Dispose in a lawful manner.9. Stairs: Provide temporary stairs where ladders are not adequate. Cover finished permanent stain with a protective covering so finishes will be undamaged at the time ofacceptance. I. Security and Protection Facilities Installation: Except for use of permanent fire protection as soon as available, do not change from use oftemporary security and protection facilities to permanent facilities until Substantial Completion. l. Fire Protection: Until fire protection is supplied by permanent facilities, install and maintain temporary fue protection of types needed to protect against predictable and controllable fire losses. Comply with NFPA l0 "standard for Portable Fire Extinguishers," and NFPA 241 "standard for Safeguarding Construction, Alterations and Demolition Operations. "2. Fire Extinguishers: Provide hand-carried, portable Ul-rated, class "A" fire extinguishers for temporary offices and similar spaces. In otler locations provide hand-carried, portable, Ul--rated, class "ABC" dry chemical extinguishers. Locate CONSTRUCTION FACILITIES AND TEMPORARY CONTROLS 01500 - 3 Copyright 1994 AIA BILLINGSLEY RESID 5/94 fue extinguishers where effective for the intended purpose, but not less than one on t each floor near each usable stairwell.I I t I I I Io ENCE MASTERSPEC - SLV Maintain unobstructed access to fire extinguishen, fire hydrants, temporary fire protection facilities, stairways and otler access routes for fighting fires. Prohibit smoking in hazardous fire exposure areas. Store combustible materials in containers in fire-safe locations. c. Provide supervision of welding operations, combustion type temporary heating units, and sources offire ignition. 3. Permanent Fire Protection: At the earliest date complete installation of the permanent fire protection facility, including connected services, and place into operation. Instruct key personnel on use of facilities. 4. Banicades, Warning Signs and Lights: Comply with standards and code requirements for erection of banicades. Paint appropriate waming signs to inform personnel and the public of the hazard being protected against. where needed provide lighting, including flashing lights.5. Enclosure Fence: When excavation begins, install an enclosure fence with lockable entrance gates where indicated, or enclose the entire site or the portion sufficient to accommodate operations. a. Provide open-mesh, chain-link fencing with posts set in a compacted mixture ofgravel and earth. 6. Environmental Protection: Operate temporary facilities and conduct construction by methods that comply with environmental regulations, and minimize the possibility that air, waterways and subsoil might be contaminated or polluted. Avoid use of tools and equipment which produce harmfirl noise. Restrict use of noise making tools and equipment to hours that will minimize complaints. Execution: Enforce strict discipline in use of temporary facilities. Limit availability to intended use to minimize abuse. Maintain facilities in good operating condition until removal. Protect from damage by freezing temperatures and the elements. l. Maintain operation of enclosures, heating, cooling, humidity control, ventilation and similar facilities on a 24-hour day basis to achieve indicated results and to avoid damage. 2. Prevent piping from freezing. Maintain markers for underground lines. Protect from damage during excavation operations. Termination and Removal: Remove each facility when the need has ended, or replaced by a permanent facility, or no later than Substantial Completion. Complete or restore b. T I I T I I I t I I I J. K. CONSTRUCTION FACILITIES AND TEMPORARY CONTROLS 01500 - 4 I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I t I I I Copyright 1994 AIA BILLINGSLEY RESID MASTERSPEC - SLVo ENCE 5194 construction delayed because of interference with the facility. Repair damaged Work, clean exposed surfaces and replace constuction that cannot be satisfactorily repaired. Temporary facilities are property ofthe Contractor. Remove paving that is not acceptable for integration into permanent paving. where the area is intended for landscape development, remove soil and fill that does not comply with requirements. Remove materials contaminated with road oil, asphalt and other petrochemical compounds, and other substances that might impair growtb of plant materials. Repair or replace street paving, curbs and sidewalks at the temporary entrances. At Substantial Completion, renovate perrnanent facilities used during the consfiuction period, including but not limited to: a. Replace air filters and clean inside of ductwork and housings.b. Replace wom parts and parts subject to unusual operating conditions.c. Replace bumed out lamps. END OF SECTION O15OO L 2. CONSTRUCTION FACILITIES AND TEMPORARY CONTROLS 01s00 - 5 I O SECTION 01530 - BARRIERS ,T BILLINGSLEY RESIDENCE I,r I PART I -GENERAL - A. Requirements Included a Furnish, install, and maintain suitable barriers as required to prevent public entry, and I to protect the work, existing facilities, trees, and plants from construction operations; remove when no longer needed, or at completion of work. I l B. Related Requirements Section 01010 - Summary of Work I PART 2. MATERIALS t A. Nlaterials, General - Materials may be new or used, suitable for the intended purpose, but must not violate - requirements ofapplicable codes and standards. - B. Fencine I Materiis to Contractor's option, as appropriate to serve required purpose. I C. Barriers I Materials to Contractor's option, as appropriate to serve required purpose. I I PART3.EXECUTION I, A. General I L lnstall facilities of a neat and reasonably uniform appearance, srrucnuallyf adequate for required purposes. I Z. Maintain barriers during entire construction period. 3- Relocate barriers as required by progress ofconstruction.Ir B. Fences I I . Prior to start of work at the project site, install enclosure fence with suitably I locked entrance gates. 1; 2. Locate fence as appropriate to serve required purpose. t C. Tree and Plant ProtectionIr l. Preserve and protect existing trees and plants at site that are designated to remain, and those adjacent to site.-. I I BARRIERS 01530 - I SECTION 01530 - BARRIERS BILLINGSLEY RESIDENCE l I I I I I I I I I I I t I I t I t t 2. Consult with the Engineer, and remove agreed on roots and branches that interfere with construction. 3. Provide temporary barriers, to a height of6 feet, around eachroot zone, or around each group, oftree's and plant's root zone. 4. Protect root zones oftrees and olants: a. Do not allowvehiculartraffic or parking. b. Do not store materials or products. c. Prevent dumping of refuse or chemically injurious materials or liquids. d. Prevent puddling or continuous nmning water. 5. Carefully supervise excavating, grading and filling, and subsequent construction operations, to prevent damage. 6. Replace, or suitably repair, trees and plants designated to remain that are damaged or destroyed as a result of construction operations. D. Removal l. Completely remove barricades, including foundations, when construction has progressed to the point that they are no longer needed, and when approved by the Engineer or Architect. 2. Clean and repair damage caused by installation, fill, and grade areas of the site to required elevations and slopes, and clean the area. End of Section BARzuERS 01530 - 2 5/94 B. C. D. 1.1 I T I t I t t I I I T I I t I I I I I Copyright 1994 AIA MASTERSPEC - SLV BILLINGSLEY RESIDENCE. SECTION 01600 - MATERIALS AND EQUTPMENT GENERAL "Products" are items purchased for incorporation in the Work, whether purchased for the Project or taken from previously purchased stock. I ' "Named Products" are items identified by the manufacturer's product name, including make or model number or designation, shown or listed in the manufacturer's published product literature. "Materials" are products substantially shaped, cut, worked, mixed, finished, refined or otherwise fabricated, processed, or installed to form a part of the Work. "Equipment" is a product with operational parts, whether motorized or manually operated, that requires service connections, such as wiring or piping. Source Limitations: To the fullest extent possible, provide products of the same kind from a single source. I . When the Contractor is given the option of selecting between 2 or more products for use on the Project, the product selected shall be compatible with products previously selected. 2. All exposed products of one type must be of the same kind and finish. Deliver, store, and handle products according to the manufacturer's recommendations, using means and methods that will prevent damage, deterioration, and loss, including theft. l. Schedule delivery to minimize long-term storage and to prevent overcrowding construction spaces. Coordinate with installation to assure minimum holding time for items that me flammable, hazardous, easily damaged, or sensitive to deterioration, theft, and other losses. 2. Deliver products in manufacturer's original sealed container or other packaging system' complete with labels and instructions for handling, storing, unpacking, protecting, and installing. 3. Inspect products upon delivery to ensure compliance with the Contract Documents and to ensure that products are undamaged and properly protected.4. Store products to facilitate inspection and measurement of quantity or counting of units. Store heavy materials away from the structure in a manner that will not endanger the supporting construction.5. Store products subject to damage by the elements aboveground, under cover in a weathertight enclosure, with ventilation adequate to prevent condensation. Maintain MATERTALS AND EQUIPMENT 01600 - I Copyright 1994 AIA BILLINGSLEY RESIDENCE. MASTERSPEC - SLV 5194 I I I temperature and humidity within range required by manufacturer's instructions. 1.2 PRODUCTS General Product Requirements: Provide products that comply with the Contract Documents, that are undamaged and, unless otherwise indicated, new at the time of installation. l. Provide products complete with accessories, trim, finish, safety guards, and other devices and details needed for a complete installation and the intended use and effect.2. Standard Products: Where available, provide standard products oftypes that have been produced and used successfully in similar situations on other projects. B. Product Selection Procedures: Procedures goveming product selection include the following: l. Semiproprietary Specification Requirements: Where Specifications name 2 or more products or manufacturers, provide I of the products indicated. No substitutions will be permitted. a. Where products are specified by name, accompanied by the term "or equal," comply with provisions concerning "substitutions" to obtain approval for use of an unnamed product. EXECUTION Comply with manufacturer's instructions for installation of products. Anchor each product securely in place, accurately located and aligned with other Work. Clean exposed surfaces and protect as necessary to ensure freedom from damage and deterioration at time of Substantial Completion. END OF SECTION 01600 l^3 T I I t I I I I I I t I T l I IMATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT 01600 - 2 B. l.l I T I T t t t I I l I I I t I I I I I oCopyright 1994 AIA BILLINGSLEY RESIDENCE. SECTION 0163I . SUBSTITUTIONS MASTERSPEC - SLV 8/94 GENERAL substitutions: changes in products, materials, equipment, and methods of construction required by the Contract Documents proposed after award of the Contract are considered requests for substitutions. The following are not requests for substitutions: 1' Substitutions requested during the bidding period and accepted by Addendum prior to award of the Contract. 2. Revisions to the Contract Documents requested by the Owner.3. Specified options included in the Contract Documents.4. contractor's compliance with regulations issued by goveming authorities. Substitution Request Submiual: The Architect will consider requests for substitution received within 60 days after cornmencement of the Work. l. Submit 3 copies of each request for substitution. Submit requests according to procedures required for change-order proposals.2. Identify the product or method to be replaced in each request. Include related Specification Section and Drawing numbers.3. Provide documentation showing compliance with the requirements for substitutions and the following information: a- Coordination information, including a list of changes needed to other Work that will be necessary to accommodate the substitution.b. A comparison of the substitution with ttre work specified, including performance, weight, size, durability, and visual effect.c. Product Dat4 including Drawings and descriptions of products and installation procedures. d. Samples, where applicable or requested.e. A statement indicating the effect on the Contractor's Construction Schedule compared to the schedule without approval of the substitution. Indicate the effect of the substitution on Contract Time.f. cost information, including a proposal of the net change, if any in the contract Sum. 4. Architect's Action: If necessary, the Architect will request additional information within one week of receipt of a request for substitution. The Architect will notify the Contractor ofacceptance or rejection within 2 weeks ofreceipt ofthe requesr or one week from receipt of additional information. Whichever is later. If a decision on the SIJBSTITUTIONS 01631 - I Copyright 1994 AIA MASTERSPEC - SLV BILLINGSLEY RESIDENCE. use of a substitute cannot be made within time allocated, use product specified. Acceptance will be in the form of a change order. a. Use the product specified if the Architect cannot make a decision within the time allocated. PRODUCTS Conditions: The Architect will receive and consider a request for substitution when one or more of the following conditions are satisfied. Otherwise, the Architect will retum the requests without action except to record noncompliance with these requirements. l. Extensive revisions to the Contract Documents are not required.2. Changes are in keeping with the intent of the Contract Documents.3. The specified product cannot be provided within the Contact Time. The Architect will not consider the request ifthe specified product cannot be provided as a result of failure to pursue the Work promptly. 4. The request is related to an "or-equal" clause.5. The substitution offers the owner a substantial advantage, in cost, time, or other considerations, after deducting compensation to the Architect for redesign and increased cost of other construction.6. The specified product cannot receive approval by a governing authority, and the substitution can be approved. The Contractor's submittal and the Architect's acceptance of Shop Drawings, Product Data, or Samples for construction not complying with the Contract Documents do not constitute an acceptable request for substitution, nor do they constitute approval. EXECUTION (Not Applicable) END OF SECTION 0163I 8/94 I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I l I t 1.2 A. B. 1.3 SUBSTITUTIONS 0163r -2 I I I t t I I I t l I I I Copyright 1994 AIA BILLINGSLEY RESIDEN MASTERSPEC - SLVo CE 8/94 1.1 SECTION OITOO - CONTRACT CLOSEOUT GENERAL Substantial Completion: Before requesting inspection for certification of Substantial Completion, complete the following: 1. In the Application for Payment that coincides with, or first follows, the date substantial completion is claimed, show 100 percent completion for the work claimed as substantially complete. a- Include supporting documentation for completion and an accounting of changes to the Contract Sum. 2. Submit specific warranties, workmanship bonds, maintenance agreements, final certifications, and similar documents.3. Submit record drawings, maintenance manuals, final project photographs, damage or settlement surveys, property surveys, and similar final record information.4. Changeover locks and transmit keys to the Owner.5. Complete startup testing of systems and instruction of operation and maintenance personnel. Remove temporary facilities, mockups, construction tools, and similar elements. 6. complete final cleanup requirements, including touch up painting. Touch up and repair and restore marred, exposed finishes. Inspection Procedures: On receip of a request for inspection, the Architect will proceed or advise the Contractor of unfilled requirements. The Architect will prepare the Certificate of Substantial Completion following inspection or advise the Contractor of construction that must be completed or conected before the certificate will be issued. l. The Architect will repeat inspection when requested and assured that the Work is substantially complete. 2. Results of the completed inspection will form the basis of requirements for final acceptance. Final Acceptance: Before requesting inspection for certification offinal acceptance and final payment, complete the following: 1. Final payment request with releases and supporting documentation. Include insurance certifi cates where required.2. Submit a statement, accounting for changes to the Contract Sum.3. Submit a copy of the final inspection list stating that each item has been completed or otherwise resolved for acceptance. B. I I t I I I CONTRACT CLOSEOUT 01700-l Copyright 1994 AIA BILLINGSLEY RESIDEN o CE MASTERSPEC - SLV 8t94 I I I t I I I I t t I t I I I t I I t 4. Submit final meter readings for utilities, a record of stored fuel, and similar data as ofthe date of Substantial Completion. 5. Submit consent of surety to final payment. 6. Submit evidence of continuing insurance coverage requirements. complying with insurance D. Reinspection Procedure: The Architect will reinspect the Work upon receipt of notice that the Work has been completed, except for items whose completion is delayed under circumstances acceptable to the Architect. 1. Upon completion of reinspection, the Architect will prepare a certificate of final acceptance. If the Work is incomplete, the Architect will advise the Contractor of Work that is incomplete or obligations that have not been fulfilled but are required.2. Ifnecessary, reinspection will be repeated. E' Project Record Document: As a part of the Substantial Completion submit project documents to the Owner or Architect for review and transmittal to the Owner: l. As-Built Drawings: Complete clean copy of conhact documents with changes which occurred during construction noted in red. Show actual location of underground utilities on site plan with reference dimensions to building comers, or other permanent reference. Indicate actual routing of mechanical and electrical systems inside of buildings. 2. Clean copy of the Product Data for all manufactured materials, systems, equipment and fixtures actually installed on this project. Data is indexed by project specification Table of Contents. Submit in three-ring index labeled "Record Documents". Project data may be photocopies of specific product data or original brochures. 3. Clean copy of shop drawings submitted for this project. Drawings are folded to one size no larger than I lxl7 inches and contained in manila envelope(s).4. Typed list ofproject zubcontractors and suppliers indicating company name, address and business phone numbers. Include emergency and service phone numbers where applicable. Include in binder with product Data required in Item 1 above.5. Manufactuer maintenance instructions for special finishes such as hardwood floors, countertops, special paint finishes, etc.6. Original, signed Certificates of Warranty required by specifications or as a part of equipment purchase. Include in Product Data filed under appropriate Section.7. In separate three-ring binder labeled "Operating & Maintenance Instructions", insert manufacturer operating and maintenance manual for each piece of equipment installed on this project. Include sources for spare and replacement parts, lubricants and any maintenance agreements required by the Contract Documents.8- Where combined systems require a sequence of operations not contained in Manufacturer Instructions, provide: a. Start up and shut down procedure. CONTRACT CLOSEOUT 01700-2 I I I I I I I I I I I t I Copyright 1994 AIA BILLINGSLEY RESIDEN MASTERSPEC - SLV b. Emergencyoperatinginstuctions. c. Procedure for noise and vibration adjustnents.d. DescriptionofSafetyprocedures. 9. Complete list of all paint color code numbers, paint manufacturer and local supplier(s). Include these documents as indexed sections of the "Operating & Maintenance Instructions". F. Final Cleaning: Employ experienced workers for final cleaning. Clean each surface to the condition expected in a commercial building cleaning and maintenanc€ program. Complete the following before requesting inspection for certification of Substantial Completion: 1. Remove labels that axe not permanent labels. 2. Clean hansparent materials. Remove glazing compound. Replace chipped or broken glass. 3. Clean exposed hard-surfaced finishes to a dust-free condition, free of slains, films and similar foreign substances. Restore reflective surfaces to their original reflective condition. Leave concrete floors broom clean. vacuum carpeted surfaces.4. Wipe surfaces of mechanical and electrical equipment. Remove excess lubrication. Clean plumbing fixtures to a sanitary condition. Clean light frxtures and lamps.5. Clean the site of rubbish, litter and other foreign substances. Sweep paved areas; remove stains, spills and other foreign deposits. Rake grounds that are neither paved nor planted, to a smooth even-textured surface. G. Pest Control: Engage an experienced exterminator to make a final inspection, and rid the Project ofrodents, insects and other pests. H. Removal of Protection: Remove temporary protection and facilities. I. Compliance: Comply with regulations of authorities having jurisdiction and safety standards for cleaning. Remove waste materials from the site and dispose of in a lawful manner. 1.2 PRODUCTS (Not Applicable) END OF SECTION OITOO o CE t I t I I t CONTRACT CLOSEOUT 01700-3 B. C. D. F. l.l I I I t I I t I t t I I I I t I I I I Copyright 1994 AIA BILLINGSLEY RESIDENCE SECTION OI74O - WARRANTIES G. MASTERSPEC - SLV GENERAL Standard product warranties are preprinted written warranties published by individual manufacturers for particular products and are specifically endorsed by the manufacturer to tle Owner. Special warranties me written warranties required by or incorporated in the Contract Documents, either to extend time limits provided by standard warranties or to provide greater rights for the Owner. L Refer to the General Conditions for terms of the Contractor's period for correction of the Work. Disclaimers and Limitations: Manufacturer's disclaimers and limitations on product warranties do not relieve the Conhactor of the warranty on the Work that incorporates the products. Manufacturer's disclaimers and limitations on product warranties do not relieve suppliers, manufacturers, and subcontractors required to countersign special wan:anties with the Contractor. Related Damages and Losses: When correcting failed or damaged warranted constuction, remove and replace construction that has been damaged as a result of such failure or must be removed and replaced to provide access for correction ofwarranted construction. Reinstatement of warranty: when work covered by a warranty has failed and been conected by replacement or rebuilding, reinstate the warranty by written endorsement. The reinstated warranty shall be equal to the original warranty with an equitable adjustnent for depreciation. Replacement Cost: upon determination that work covered by a warranty has failed, replace or rebuild the Work to an acceptable condition complying with requirements of the Contract Documents. The Conhactor is responsible for the cost of replacing or rebuilding defective work regardless of whether the owner has benefited from use of the work through a portion of its anticipated useful service life. Owner's Recourse: Expressed warranties made to the Owner are in addition to implied wa:ranties and shall not limit the duties, obligations, rights, and remedies otherwise available under the law. Expressed warranty periods shall not be interpreted as limitations on the time in which the owner can enforce such other duties, obligations, rights, or remedies. rr/94 WARRA}.ITIES 01740 - I Copyright 1994 AIA BILLINGSLEY RESIDENCE MASTERSPEC - SLV tU94 I I I I T I I I t I 1 Rejection of Warranties: The Owner reserves the right to reject warranties and to limit selection to products with wananties not in conflict with requirements of the Contract Documents. 2. Where the Contract Documents require a special warranty, or similar commitment, the Owner reserves the right to refuse to accept the Work, until the Contractor presents evidence that entities required to countersign such commitnenls are willing to do so. 1.2 PRODUCTS (Not Applicable) END OF SECTION OI74O I I I I I I t I tWARRANTIES01740 -2 l.l t.2 1.3 I I I I I I t I I I I I I t I t I I I Copyright 1994 AIA BILLINGSLEY RESIDENCE MASTERSPEC - SLV 5/94 SECTION 02060 - BIIILDING DEMOLITION GENERAL Definitions: As follows: l. Remove: Remove and legally dispose of items except those indicated to be reinstalled, salvaged, or to remain the Owner's property.2. Remove and Salvage: Items indicated to be removed and salvaged remain lhe Owner's property. Remove, clean, and pack or crate items to protect against damage. Identifi contents of containers and deliver to Owne/s designated storage area.3. Remove and Reinstall: Remove items indicated; clean, rervice, and othenvise preparg them for reuse; store and protect against damage. Reinstall items in locations indicated.4. Existing to Remain: Protect construction indicated to remain against damage and soiling during demolition. when permitted by the Architect, items may be removed to a suitable, protected storage location during demolition and then cleaned and reinstalled in their original locations. Except for items or materials indicated to be reused, salvaged, or otherwise indicated to remain the Owner's property, demolished materials shall become the Contractor's property and shall be removed from the site with funher disposition at the Contractor,s option. Record drawings at Project closeout according to Division I Section "Contract Closeout." l. IdentiS and accurately locate capped utilities and other subsurface structural, electrical, or mechanical conditions, Regulatory Requirements: Comply with governing EPA notification regulations before starting demolition. Comply with hauling and disposal regulations of authoritieJhaving jurisdiction. owner assumes no responsibility for actual condition of buildings to be demolished. Storage or sale of removed items or materials on-site will not be permitted. PRODUCTS (Not Applicable) EXECUTION Survey the condition of the building to determine whether removing any element might result ina structural deficiency or unplanned collapse of any portion of the structure or adjacent structures during demolition. Perform surveys as the Work progresses to detect hazards resulting from demolition activities. Utility Requirements: Locate, identif, shut off, disconnect, and seal or cap off indicated utility services serving structures to be demolished. B. c. D. E. F. B. c. BUILDING DEMOLITION 02060 - I Copyright 1994 AIA MASTERSPEC - SLV BILLINGSLEY RESIDENCE l. Provide temporary services during intemrptions to existing utilities to remain, as acceptable to Owner and to goveming authorities. D. Drain, purge, or otlerwise remove, collec! and dispose of chemicals, gases, explosives, acids, flammables, or other dangerous rnaterials before proceeding with demolition operations. E. Conduct demolition operations and remove debris to ensure minimum interference with roads, streets, walks, and other adjacent occupied and used facilities. F. Conduct demolition operations to prevent injury to people and damage to adjacent buildings, facilities, and site improvements to remain. Ensure safe passage of people around demolition area. G. Provide and maintain interior and exterior shoring, bracing, or strucfural support to preserve stability and prevent movement, settlement, or collapse of buildings to be demolished H. Explosives: Use of explosives will not be permitted. I. Use water mist, temporary enclosures, and other suitable metlods to limit the spread of dust and dirt. Comply with goveming environmental protection regulations. J. Remove and transport debris in a manner that will prevent spillage on adjacent surfaces and ar€as. K. Building Demolition: Demolish buildings completely and remove from the site. Use methods required to complete Work within limitations of governing regulations and as follows: L. Completely remove below-grade construction, including foundation walls and footings. M. Completely fill below-grade areas and voids resulting from demolition of buildings and pavements with satisfactory soil materials according to requirements specified in Division 2 Section "Earthwork. " N. Damages: Promptly repair damages to adjacent facilities caused by demolition operations. O. Disposal: Promptly dispose of demolished materials. Do not allow demolished materials to accumulate on-site. 1 . Do not burn dernolished materials.2. Transport demolished materials off Owner's property and legally dispose of them. END OF SECTION 02060 I I I I t I I I I I I T I I I I I t IBTIILDING DEMOLITION 02060 -2 I sECrroN ozzlo -rr* ort^o - BILLINGSLEY RESIDENCE I t PARr l -cENERAL r A. Work Included I 1. Remove topsoil and stockpile on site for later use. I 2. Excavate subsoil and reform to grades, contours, and levels. I 3. Excavate for roadways, walks, curbs, gutters, parking areas, Iandscaped areas, andr sfructures. t B. Related Work - l. Section 02230 - Clearing - 2. Section 02260 -Excavation I 3. Section 02261 -Finish Grade. I C. Existing Conditions I l. Known approximate underground, surface and aerial utility lines, buried objects are I indicated on the drawings. Contractor to coordinate ufility locations. D. ProtectionI I 1. Protect trees, shrubs, lawns, rock outcroppings, and other features remaining as paxt of final landscaping. r 2. Protect benchmarks, property pins, existing structures, fences, roads, sidewalks, paving, - and curbs against damage from equipment and vehicular traffrc. r 3. Protect aerial, surface, or underground utility lines or appurtenances that are to remain. I 4. Repair damage to the approval of the Owner, utility owner or the Engineer. T PART2-MATERIALS A. Products I 1. Excavated fill material - soil free from roots, rocks larger than 3 inches, and buildingr debris. I I Site Grading 02210 - 1 'ECTION 02210 -rrr' Or?^O BILLINGSLEY RESIDENCE 2. Additional fill material - AASHTO Designation M145, soil classification groups. PART 3 - EXECUTION A. Preparation L Establish and identifu required lines, levels, contours and datum. 2. Maintain benchmarks, monumentso and other reference points. Re-establish if disturbed or destroyed, at no cost to the Ovmer. 3. Before start of grading, establish the location and extent of utilities in the work areas as required in Section 01010 of Division I of these specifications. Notify utilities to remove and relocate lines which are in the way of construction. 4. Maintain, protect, reroute or extend as required existing utilities to remain which pass through the work area. B. Removal of Topsoil I . Remove topsoil of horticultural value from building area of site, and stockpile in the area designated by the Owner and Contractor. Do not permit topsoil to be mixed with subsoil. 2. Do not strip topsoil when wet. 3. Do not stockpile topsoil to depths exceeding 8 feet. Do not drive over stockpiled topsoil. I I I I t I I I I I I t I I I I I t t End of Section Site Grading 02210 -2 I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I Copyneht 1997 AIA BILLINGSLEY RESIDEN MASTERSPEC - SLVo CE 5197 1.1 SECTION 02230 - SITE CLEARING GENERAL Materials Ownenhip: Except for materials indicated to be stockpiled or to remain Owner's property, cleared materials shall become Contractor's property and shall be removed from the site. Traffc: Do not close or obstruct streets, walks, or other adjacent occupied or used facilities without permission from Owner and authorities having jurisdiction, Protection: Provide temporary fences, barricades, coverings, or other protection to preserve existing items indicated to remain and to prevent injury or damage to persons or property. Provide protection for adjacent properties as required. PRODUCTS A. Satisfactory Soil Materials: Requirements for satisfactory soil materials are specified in Division 2 Section "Earthwork." l. Obtain approved bonow soil materials off-site when satisfactory soil materials are not available on-site. EXECUTION Locate and clearly flag tre€s and vegetation to remain or to be relocated. As determined by the Engineer, existing on-site materials shall be carefully removed and stored on site as directed. Transplanting will be limited to smaller trees and shrubs (0-3-in diameter). Payment shall be on a per tree basis. Protect existing site improvements to remain from damage during construction. l. Restore damaged improvements to their original condition, as acceptable to Owner. Erect and maintain a tempomry fence around drip line of individual trees or around perimeter drip line of groups of trees to remain. Remove fence when construction is complete. L Where excavation for new construction is required within drip line of trees, hand clear and excavate to minimize damage to root systems. Use nanow-tine spading forks, comb soil to expose roots, and cleanly cut roots as close to excavation as possible. B. C. 1.2 1.3 SITE CLEARING 02230 - | Copyright 1997 AIA BILLINGSLEY RESIDEN MASTERSPEC - SLV 5/97 D. Do not excavate within drip line of trees, unless otherwise indicated. E. Repair or replace tees and vegetation indicated to remain that are damaged by construction operations, in a manner approved by Architect. F. Utilities: Locate and identifr exact location ofall utilities on site before any digging. Discorurect, and seal or cap off utilities indicated to be removed. Do not intemrpt utilities serving facilities occupied by Owner or others unless permitted. Arrange to provide temporary utility sewices. 1' Excavate for and remove underground utilities indicated to be removed. G. Clearing and Grubbing: Remove obstuctions, trees, shrubs, grass, and other vegetation to permit installation of new construction. Removal includes digging out stumps and obstructions and grubbing roots. All stumps, roots, willows, shrubs, and limbs are the property of the Contractor and shall be disposed of by the Contractor. Small limbs and shrubs may be chipped on site. Owner will provide an area for storage of chipped material. Hand grubbing may be required in roadway sections to insure that no organic materials will be present in the road section.1. Fill depressions with satisfactory soil material. Place fill material in horizontal layers not exceeding 8-inch (200-mm) loose depth, and compact each layer to a density equal to adjacent original ground. H. Topsoil Sripping: Remove sod and grass before stripping topsoil. Strip topsoil to whatever depths are encountered in a marurer to prevent intermingling with underlying subsoil or other waste materials. l. Stockpile topsoil materials away from edge of excavations without intermixing with subsoil. Grade and shape stockpiles to drain surface water. Cover to prevent windblown dust. I. Site Improvements: Remove existing above- and below-grade improvements as indicated and as necessary to facilitate new construction. J. Disposal: Remove surplus soil material, unsuitable topsoil, obstructions, demolished materials, and waste materials, including trash and debris, and legally dispose of them off Owner's property. K. Pollution Controls: Use water sprinkling, temporary enclosures, and other suitable methods to limit dust and dirt rising and scattering in air. Comply with goveming regulations pertaining to environmental protection. l. Do not use water when it may create hazardous or objectionable conditions END OF SECTION 02230 o CE I I I I I I I I t I I T I I T I I t I SITE CLEARING 02230 -2 I sECrroN oz24o -ro,r r#rrrzArroN - BILLINGSLEY RESIDENCE I PART I.GENERAL I A. Scope This section of the specifications shall cover all work required to fumish and install the item I known as soil stabilization. Soil stabilization considered under this section is the complete I removal of all unsuitable soils and replacement with stabilization material. Replacement shall include required compaction of stabilization material to 95yo of Modified Proctor Densiry.I I B. Requirements The approximate extent, location, and requirements of soil stabilization shall be noted on the I project plans. It will be necessary for the Geotechnical Engineer to determine the necessity of- soil stabilization during the construction process. I C. Related Sections ' Section 02210 - Site Grading I Section 01010 - Summary of Work I PART2-MATERIALS I A. Dredge Rock I l. The item commonly known as dredge rock shall consist of rounded cobbles 3 to t 12 inches in diameter and containing approximately l}Vo fines by weight. I 2. All dredge rock shall come from the local river tailings. Other sources subject to I approval by Engineer. t 3. Engineer may reject any shipment if, in his opinion, it will not satisfu the I requirements for soil stabilization.r B. Other Stabilization Material I Material other than dredge rock will be sonsidered for stabilization material only when ther Contractor provides sufficient information to the Engineer, prior to placement of the - material, to prove it has physical characteristics that will provide an equal stabilized I structure. I PART3-EXECUTION I A. Removal of Excess Material The requirements of Section 01010, &02230 shalt dictate the Contractor's responsibilities I for removal of excess material. I r End of Section I I I Soil Stabilization 02240 - | sECTroN 02260 -EX.AV,A.?.N suppoRT AND pRorECTroNl BILLINGSLEY RESIDENCE 1.I GENERAI A. Performance Requirements: Design, provide, monitor, and maintain an anchored and braced excavation support and protection system capable ofresisting soil and hydrostatic pressure and supporting sidewalls of excavations. B. Existing Utilities: Do not intemrpt utilities serving facilities occupied by the Owner or others unless permitted in writing by the Architect and then only after ananging to provide tempomry utility services according to requirements indicated. C. Project Site Information: l - Make test borings and conduct other exploratory operations as necessary. 1.2 PRODUCTS (Not Applicable) I.3 EXECUTION A. Protect stuctures, utilities, sidewalks, pavements, and other facilities from damage caused by settlement, lateral movement, undermining, washout, and other hazards that could develop during excavation support and protection system operations. B. Install excavation support and protection systems to ensure minimum interference with roads, streets, walks, and other adjacent occupied and used facilities. C. Locate excavation support and protection systems clear of permanent construction and to permit forming and finishing of concrete surfaces. D. Monitor excavation support and protection systems daily during excavation progress and for as long as excavation remains open. Promptly correct bulges, breakage, or other evidence of movement to ensure excavation support and protection systems remain stable. E' Promptly repair damages to adjacent facilities caused by installing excavation support and protection systems. F. Remove excavation support and protection systems when construction has progressed suffrciently to support excavation and bear soil and hydrostatic pressures. Remove in stages to avoid disturbing underlying soils and damaging structures, pavements, facilities, and utilities. END OF SECTION 02260 I I I I I I t I I T I I I I I I I t IEXCAVATION SUPPORT AND PROTECTION 02260 - 1 SECTION 02261 . FINISH GRADING BILLINGSLEY RESIDENCE PART I - GENERAL A. Work Included l. Finish grade subsoil. 2. Cut out areas to receive stabilizing base course materials for paving and sidewalks. 3. Place, finish grade and compact topsoil. B. Related Work l. Section 02210 - Site Gradins. C. Protection l. Prevent damage to existing fencing, trees, landscaping, natural features, benchmarks, pavement and utility lines. Correct damage at no cost to the Owner. PART 2 . MATERIALS A. Products 1. Topsoil - Friable loam free from subsoil, roots, grass, excessive amount of weeds, stones, and foreign matter; acidity range (pH) of 5.5 to 7.5; containing a minimum of 4o/o and a maximum 25o/o organic matter. Use topsoil stockpiled on site if conforming to these requirements. PART 3 - EXECUTION A. Grading l. Rough grade subsoil systematically to allow for a maximum amount of natural settlement and compaction. Eliminate uneven areas and low spots. Remove debris, roots, branches, stones, etc. in excess of2 inches in size. Remove subsoil thathas been contaminated with petroleum products. 2. Cut out areas, to sub-grade elevation, that are to receive stabilizing base for paving and sidewalks. 3. Bring subsoil to required levels, profiles and contours. Make changes in grade gradual. Blend slopes into level areas. I T I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I IFinish Grading 0226t - | r sEcrroN 0226r -FrNrsH R-^o I t t BILLINGSLEY RESIDENCE Ir 4. Slope grade away from building minimum 2 inches in l0 feet unless indicated otherwise on the drawings. r 5. Cultivate sub-grade to a depth of 3 inches where topsoil is to be placed. Repeat I cultivation in areas where equipment, used for hauling and spreading topsoil, has I compacted subsoil. I 6. Compact subsoil to BS0A-90% Modified procror Density. B. Placing Topsoil r 1. Place topsoil in areas where seeding, sodding or planting is to be performed. Place to the following minimum depths, up to finished grade elevations: a. 6 inches for seeded areas. b. 4-l/2 inches for sodded areas. c. 24 inches for shrub beds. d. l8 inches for flower beds. I 2. Use topsoil in relatively dry state. place during dry weather. I 3. Fine grade topsoil eliminating rough and low areas to ensure positive drainage. MaintainI levels, profiles and contours ofsub-grade. I 4. Remove stone, roots, grass, weeds, debris and other foreign material while spreading. 5. Manually spread topsoil around trees, plants, building and to prevent damage that may I be caused by grading equipment. - 6. Lightly compact placed topsoil. rr C. Surplus Material I 1. Remove surplus subsoil and topsoil from site. || 2. Leave stockpiled areas and entirejob site clean and raked, ready to receive landscaping.I End of SectionI I I Finish Grading 0226t -2 copyright 1997 AIA MASTERSPEC - SLV BILLINGSLEY RESIDENCE SECTION O23OO - EARTHWORK 5/97 1.1 GENERAL A. Definitions in this Section include the following: l. Backfill: Soil materials used to fill an excavation.2. Base Course: Layer placed between the subbase course and asphalt paving.3. Bedding Course: Layer placed over the excavated subgrade in a trench before laying pipe. 4. Bonow: Satisfactory soil imported from off-site for use as fill or backfill.5. Drainage Course: Layer supporting slab-on-grade used to minimize capillary flow of pore water. 6. Excavation: Removal ofmaterial encountered above subgrade elevations. a. Additional Excavation: Excavation below subgrade elevations as directed by Engineer. Additional excavation and replacement material will be paid for according to Contract provisions for changes in the Work.b. UnauthorizedExcavation: Excavationbelow subgrade elevations orbeyond indicated dimensions without direction by Engineer and required remedial work directed by Engineer., shall be without additional compensation. 7. Fill: Soil materials used to raise existing grades.8. Structures: Buildings, footings, foundations, retaining walls, slabs, tanks, curbs, mechanical and elecnical appurtenances, or other man-made stationary feafirres constructed above or below the ground surface.9. Subbase Course: Layer placed between the subgrade and base course for asphalt paving, or layer placed between the subgrade and a concrete pavement or walk.10. Subgrade: Surface or elevation remaining after completing excavation, or top surface of a fill or backfill immediately below subbase, drainage fill, or topsoil materials. I 1. Utilities include on-site underground pipes, conduits, ducts, and cables, as well as undergrorurd services within buildings. B. Existing Utilities: Do not intemrpt utilities serving facilifies occupied by Owner or others mless permitted in writing by Architect and then only after arranging to provide temporary utility services according to requirements indicated. C. Testing The Owner will engage soil testing and inspection service for quality control testing during earthwork operations as required by Engineer. I I I I I I I I I I I T I I I I I I IEARTHWORK02300 - I 5/97 B. C. D. E. F. G. B. l.J I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I Copyright 1997 AIA BILLINGSLEY RESIDENCE 1.2 PRODUCTS MASTERSPEC - SLV Soil Materials: Provide bonow soil materials when suffrcient satisfactory soil materials are not available from excavations. Satisfactory Soils: ASTM D 2487 soil classification groups GW, GP, GM, SW, SP, and sM, or a combination of these group symbols; free of rock or gravel larger than 3 inches (75 mm) in any dimension, debris, waste, frozen materials, vegetation, and other deleterious matter. Unsatisfactory Soils: ASTM D2487 soil classification groups GC, SC, ML, MH, CL, CH, OL, OH, and PT, or a combination of these group symbols. Backfill and Fill: Satisfactory soil materials. Materials to be used for earthwork include excavated material that is free from roots, organics, rocks larger than 5 inches, and building debris. Additional fiIl material will be from the Ml45 AASHTO classification of soil groups. Subbase Material: Naturally or artificially graded mixture of natural or crushed gravel, crushed stone, and natural or crushed sand; ASTM D 2940; with at least 90 percent passing al-ll2-nch (38-mm) sieve and not more than 12 percent passing a No. 200 (0.075-mm) sieve. Bedding: Naturally or artificially graded mixture of natural or crushed gravel, crushed stone, and natural or crushed sand; ASTM D 2940; except with 100 percent passing a l- inch (25-mm) sieve and not more than 8 percent passing a No. 200 (0.075-mm) sieve. Drainage Fill: washed, narrowly graded mixture of crushed stone, or crushed or uncrushed gravel; ASTM D 448; coarse-aggrcgate grading Size 57; with 100 percent passing a l-ll2- inch (38-mm) sieve and 0 to 5 percent passing a No. 8 (2.36-mm) sieve. Detectable warning Tape: Polyethylene film warning tape encasing a metallic core, minimum 6 inches (150 mm) wide and 4 mils (0.1 mm) thick, continuously inscribed with a description of the utility. EXECUTION Preparation: Protect structures, utilities, sidewalks, pavements, and other facilities from damage caused by settlement, lateral movement, undermining, washout, and other hazards created by earthwork operations. Provide erosion- and sedimentation-control measures. EARTHWORK 02300 -2 Copyright 1997 AIA MASTERSPEC - SLV 5/97 BILLINGSLEY RESIDENCE C. Prevent surface water and ground water from entering excavations, from ponding on prepared subgrades, and from flooding Project site and surrounding area. D. Protect subgrades from softening, undermining, washout, and damage by rain or water accumulation. Excavate to subgrade elevations regardless of the character of surface and subsurface conditions encountered, including rock, soil materials, and obstructions. l. If excavated materials intended for fill and backfill include unsatisfactorv soil materials and rock, replace with satisfactory soil materials. Excavate for structures, pavements, and walks to indicated elevations and dimensions. Extend excavations for placing and removing concrete formwork, for installing services and other construction, and for inspections. Trim bottoms to required lines and grades to Ieave solid base to receive other work. Excavate utility trenches to indicated gradients, lines, depths, and invert elevations of uniform widths to provide a working clearance on each side ofpipe or conduit. Excavate trench walls vertically from trench bottom to 12 inches (300 mm) higher than top of pipe or conduit. 1 . Excavate trenches deeper than bottom of pipe elevation, 6 inches (150 mm) deeper in rock, 4 inches (100 mm) deeper elsewhere, to allow for bedding course. Hand excavate for bell ofpipe. Proofroll subgrades, before filling or placing aggregate courses, with heavy pneumatic- tired equipment to identiry soft pockets and areas of excess yielding. Do not proof roll wet or saturated subgrades. Reconstruct subgrades damaged by freezing temperatures, frost, rain, accumulated water, or constructi on activities. Fill unauthorized excavation under foundations or wall footings by extending bottom elevation of concrete foundation or footing to excavation bottom, without altering top elevation. Lean concrete fill may be used when approved by Architect. 1. Fill unauthorized excavations under other construction or utility pipe as directed by Architect. Stockpile borrow materials and satisfactory soil materials, without intermixing, in shaped, graded, drained, and covered stockpiles. Stockpile soil materials away from edge of excavations and outside drip line of remaining trees. E. F. G. I I I I I I t I I I t I I I I H. J. I I I t K. EARTHWORK 02300 - 3 I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Copyright 1997 AIA MASTERSPEC. SLV 5t97 BILLINGSLEY RESIDENCE L. Utility Trench Backfill: Place, compact, and shape bedding course to provide continuous support for pipes and conduits over rock and other unyielding bearing surfaces and to fill unauthorized excavations. 1. Place and compact initial backfrll of satisfactory soil material or subbase material, free of particles larger than I inch (25 mm), to a height of 12 inches (300 mm) over the utility pipe or conduit. Place and compact final backfrll of satisfactory soil material to final subgrade. 2. Install waming tape directly above utilities, 12 inches (300 mm) below finished grade, except 6 inches (150 mm) below subgrade under pavements and slabs. M. Drainage System Backfill Drainage facilities will be in place at the time of rough grading. Contractor shall protect facilities as outlined in Contract Documents. N. Fill: Place and compact fill material in layers to required elevations. O. Uniformly moisten or aerate subgrade and each subsequent fill or backfill layer before compaction to within 2 percent of optimum moisture content. l. Remove and replace, or scarifu and airdry, otherwise satisfactory soil material that exceeds optimum moisture content by 2 percent and is too wet to compact to specified dry unit weight. P. Compaction: Place bacldill and fill materials in layers not more than 8 inches (200 mm) in loose depth for material compacted by heavy compaction equipment, and not more than 4 inches (100 mm) in loose depth for material compacted by hand-operated tampers. Q. Compact soil to not less than the following percentages of maximum dry unit weight according to ASTM D 1557: l. Under structures, building slabs, steps, and pavements, scarify and recompact top 12 inches (300 mm) of existing subgrade and each layer of backfill or fill material at 95 percent. 2. Under walkways, scarifl and recompact top 6 inches (150 mm) below subgrade and compact each layer ofbackfill or fill material at 92 percent. 3. Under lawn or unpaved areas, scarifu and recompact top 6 inches (150 mm) below subgrade and compact each layer of backfill or fill material at 85 percent. 4. All fill areas shall be compacted to 95o/o Modified Proctor Density for road construction and structures. Compaction shall be accomplished using vibratory or sheep's foot rollers or as required by soils engineer. R. Grading: Uniformly grade areas to a smooth surface, free from irregular surface changes. Comply with compaction requirements and grade to cross sections, lines, and elevations indicated. Grade lawns, walks, and unpaved subgrades to tolerances of plus or minus I inch EARTHWORK 02300 - 4 Copyright 1997 AIA MASTERSPEC - SLV 5/97 BILLINGSLEY RESIDENCE (25 mm) and pavements and areas within building lines to plus or minus % inch (13 mm). S. Subbase and Base Courses: Under pavements and walks, place subbase course on prepared subgrade. Place base course material over subbase. Compact to required grades, lines, cross sections, and thickness to not less than 95 percent of maximum dry unit weight according to ASTM D 1557. T. Under slabs-on-grade, place drainage course on prepared subgrade. Compact to required cross sections and thickness to not less than 95 percent of maximum dry.rnit weight according to ASTM D 698. U. Testing Agency: Owner will engage a qualifred independent geotecbnical engineering testing agency to perform field quality-control testing. l. Allow testing agency to inspect and test subgrades and each fill or backfill layer. Proceed with subsequent earthwork only after test results for previously completed work comply with requirements. 2. When testing agency reports that subgrades, fifls, or backfills have not achieved degree of compaction specified, scarifr and moisten or aerate, or remove and replace soil to depth required; recompact and retest until specified compaction is obtained. V. Repair and reestablish grades to specified tolerances where completed or partially completed surfaces become eroded, rutted, settled, or where they lose compaction. W. Where settling occurs before Project correction period elapses, remove finished surfacing, backfill with additional soil material, compact, and reconstruct surfacing. X. Disposal: Remove surplus satisfactory soil and waste material, including unsatisfactory soil, trash, and debris, and legally dispose of it offOwner's property. END OF SECTION O23OO I t I I I I I I I I I I I T I I I I tEARTI{WORK 02300 - 5 Copyright 1994 BILLINGSLEY AIA O RESIDENCE MASTERSPEC - SLV 3/94 I I ISECTION O27II - FOUNDATIONDRAINAGE SYSTEMS l.l GENERAL 1.2 A. This work shall consist of the corylete construction of drainage ftcilities as required to provide adequate site and formdation drainage per the soil report, and drawings. Provide continuous 4" perforated perimeter foundation drains at all footings, and as shown on landscape and architectural drawings and behind all engineered site walls. Connect to storm sewer or gravel sumps as required. Submit product data forthe following: l. Perforated piprng. 2. Unperforated piping 3. |lainage panels. 4. Filter Fab,ric PRODUCTS Pipes and Fittings: The applications of the following materials are indicated in ptping applications paragraphs. 1. Unperforated Polyethylene (PE) Drainage Tubing and Fittings: AASHTO M252 Interim, Type S, comrgatd with smooth walerway, for coupled joints. a- Couplings: AASHTO M252, comrgated, band type. Unperforated Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Sewer Pipe and Fittings: Select one of the following: a. Gasketed joints: ASTM D 3034, SDR 35, bell-and-spigot ends, Gaskets: ASTM F 477, elastomeric seal. b. Solvent Welded joints: Rigid polyvinyl chloride sewer pipe and solvent welded fiuings complying with ASTM D2779. Perforated, Polyethylene (PE) Ptpe and Fittings: ASTM F 405, comrgated, for coupled joints. a. Couplings: Manuftcturer's standard, band type. Clay Pipe and Fittings: ASTM C 700, Extra-Stength class, unglazd socket-and-spigot ends, for closed joints. B. I I I I I I I I t I t I ) J.I I I t 4. FOI.]NDATION DRAINAGE SYSTEMS 02711 - | I I I I t Copyright 1994 BILLINGSLEY AIA O FJSIDENCE MASTERSPEC - SLV 3194 F. I I I I I I I II I I I I I I b. Gaskets: ASTM C 425, rubber. 5. Special Pipe Couplings: Rubber or elastomeric sleeve and stainless-steel band assembly fabricated to match otrtside diameters of pipes to be joined. B. Cleanouts: ASME A112.36,2W with round-flanged, cast-iron ho*iog, ad secure4 scoriated, Medium-Duty Loading class, cast-iron cover. Include cast-hon ferrule and countersurh bnass cleanout plug. c. sleeves: AsrM A 53; Type F or Type E, Grade A; schedule 40; galvanized-steel pipe. D. Mechanical Sleeve Seals: Modular and watertiglrt. Include interlocking rubber links sttaped to fill annular space between pipe and sleeve and conrrccting bolts and pres$[e plates. Molded-Sheet Drainage Panels - Provide over insulation at foundation walls: Prefrbri- cated, cornposite drainage panels, made with drainage core and filter fabric. l. Drainage Core: 3-dimensional, nonbiodegradable, molded-plastic-sheet material designed to effectively conduct water to foundation drainage syst€m under maxi- mum soil pressures. a- Minimum Flow Rate: 15 gpm/foot at t hydraulic gradient and 3600 psf normal pressure, when tested according to ASTM D 4716. 2. Filter Fabric: Nonwoven geotextile fabric of polypropylene @P) or polyester fi- bers, or corrbination of both. Soil, Back fill and Misc. Materials: As follows; l. Irpervious Fill: Clayey gravel and sand mixtrne capable of coryacting to dense state. 2. Drainage Fill: Washed, evenly gaded mixture of crushed stone, or crushed or uncrushed gravel ASTMD 448, coarse aggr€gate, with less than 2 percent pass- ing the No.200 seive, less tbems}%passing theNo.4 sieve and have a mfiimum size of2". 3' Fiftering Material Evenly graded mixture of natural or crushed gravel or crushed stone and natural sand, with 100 percent passlng l-ll2-inch (37.5-mm) sieve and 0 to 5 percent passing No. 50 {0.3-mm) sieve.4. Synthetic Drainage Fabnic @rotective covering for impervious material): Mirafi l40N or accepted substitute in accordance u.ith Section 01600. Submit mmple for acc€,ptance. 5. Matting: Geotextile fiher fabric, in I or more layers, for minimum total weight of 6 oz./sq. yd. (0.20 klsq. m).6. Plastic Shet: Fiberglass reinforced polyethylene sheeting, six mil minimum thickness. FOI'NDATION DRAINAGE SYSTEMS o27tt -2 Copyright 1994 BILLINGSLEY 1.3 A. B. MASTERSPEC - SLV Gravel Surnp for Perimeter Drains as required. Sumps shall be approximately 3 cubic yards of clean pit run, buried with a minimum of 4 feet of cover. Top of sump shall be covered with a filter fabric Mirafi l40N or equal. E)GCUTION Examine surfaces and areas for suitable conditions where foundation drainage systems are to be installed. Do not proceed until unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected. Excavation: Trenches shall be excavated to a width zufficient to allow for proper jointing and thorough compaction ofthe bedding and backfill material under and around piping. Where feasiblg trench walls sball be vertical. The completed tench bottom shall be firm for its full length and width. Keep trenches dry during installation of drainage systern Fowrdation Drainage System Applications: Use the following: l. Systems with 4-Inch (DN 100) Piping: Provide either: a. Perforated, polyetlylene (PE) pipe and fittings, couplings, and coupled joints. b. Perforated, clay prpe and fittings, gaskets, and gasketedjoints. Special Pipe-Coupling Applications: Use where required to join piprng and no other appropriate method is specified. Piping Installation: Drawing plans and details indicate general location and arrange- ment of foundation drainage system piping. l. Instail piping beginning at low points of systenr, true to grades and alignment in- dicated, with unbroken continuity of invert. Bed piping with full bearing, solidly in fiftering material Install piping according to manufactureds writte,n inslruc- tions and other requirements indicated. a. Install pipe with clean interior b. Install piping pitched down in direction of flow, at a minimum slope of I percent ( 1 : I 00) and with a minimum cover of 36 inches , except where oth- erwise indicated.c. Lay open-joint tile spaced as indicated on Drawings or, if not indicated, with l/4-inch space between ends. Cover top 2/3 ofjoint opening with joint screening material and tie with corrosion-resistant wire.d. Provide recesses in excavation bouom to receive bells of pipe bell ends. Lay pipe with bells facing upslope and with spigot end entered fully into adjacent bell. AIA . RESIDENCE 3t94 I I t I I I I I I t I I I I I I t I t G. D. FOUNDATION DRAINAGE SYSTEMS 0271t - 3 F, G. I I I It I I I t I I t I I T I I I t I Copyright 1994 AIA MASTERSPEC - SLV 3194 BILLINGSLEY RESIDENCE e. Apply and compact impervious fill material to raise low areas or where un- satisfactory bearing soil rnay occur. 2. Use increasers, reducers, and couplings made for different sizes or rmterials of pipes and fittrngs being connected. 3. Extend piping and connect to storm &ainage systerl of sizes and in locations as shown and as required. Temrinate pfplng as shown and as required. Pipe Joint Construction and Installation: Join and install pipe and fittings as indicated and according to the following: l. Polyethylene (PE) Pipe and Fittings: As follows: a. Install according to ASTU D 2321 and manufacturer's written instructions. b. Install perforated prpe with perfordions down- 2. Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Pip€ and Fittings: Join and install sewer pipe and fit- tings a. With elastomeric seal gaskets according to ASTM D 2321 . b. With solvent joints per ASTM D2779. 3. Clay Pipe and Fittings: As follows: a. Join perforated prpe and fittings with gaskets according to ASTM C 425. b. Lay drain tile with open joints and joint screening material. c. Install according to ASTM C 12 and NCPI 'Clay Pipe Engineering Man- ual.u d. Install perforated prpe with perforations dowrr 4. System Piping Joints: ldake joints using system manuficturer's seals and cou- plings, except where otherwise specifred. 5. Join piping made of different materials and dimensions with special couplings made for this application Use couplings t}rat are coryatible with and that fit both pipe materials and dimensions. Install cleanouts and riser extersions from foundation drainage piping to cleanouts at grade. Use Service cliass, cast-iron soil pipe and fittings for foundation drainage piping branch fitttngs and riser extensions to cleanouts. Instail frttings so cleanouts open in di- rection of flow in piping. l. Set cleanout frames and covers in earth in a cast-in-place concrete anchor, 18 by 18 by 12 inches deep. Sa with tops I inch above sunounding earth grade. 2. S€t cleanout frames and covers in concrete pavtng with tops flush with paving zurfrce. Insiall sleeves in Iocations and at elevations indicated- FOT]NDATION DRAINAGE SYSTEMS 02711 - 4 Copyright 1994 AIA BILLINGSLEY RESID MASTERSPEC - SLV 3194 Instal drainage parcls according to rnanufacturer's written insfiuctions and as indicated. Coordinate placement with other foundation 6[4inage materials. l. Comply with manufacturer's written instructions for securing drainage panels to substrate. Use adhesives and mechanical fasteners recommended by manufac- turer. Lap edges offabric and extend fabric around formdation drainage plpe ac- cording to manufacturer's recommendations. Do not penetrate waterproofing. Protect installed panels during backfilling.2. Do not use drainage panels as protection over waterproof membrane, unless oth- erwise approved by waterproofing-membrane nranufacturer. Soil Material Insallation: As follows: 1. Impervious Fill at Footings: Place impervious fill material on subgrade adjacent to bottom offooting after concrete footings have been cured and forms removed. Place and compact impervious fill to dimensions indicated but not less than 4 inches above bottom of footing and 12 inches wide.2. Filtering Material: Place supporting layer of filtering material over compacted subgrade where drainage pipe is to be laid to depth indicated or, if not indicated, to compacted depth ofnot less than 4 inches. 3. Drainage Fill: Place fill over drain piping after satisfactory testing and covering with filtering material. Cover piping to width of at least 6 inches on each side and a minimum of l4"above top of pipe to within 12 inches of finish grade. Place fill material in layers not exceeding 3 inches in loose deptlU and compact each layer placed. Place I layer ofsynthetic drainage fabric, overlapping edges at least 4 inches, over drainage fill material.4. Fill to Grade: Place impervious fill material over compacted drainage fill. Place material in loose-depth layers not exceeding 6 inches. ThorougNy compact each layer. Fill to finish elevations and slope away from building. Field Quality Control: As follows: 1. Testing: Test drain piping with water or visually check piping to ensure free flow before backfilling. Remove obstructions, replace damaged corqronents, and re- peat test until results are satisfactory. Place additional filtering rnaterial to depth of4 inches around sides and top ofdrains aftertesting. END OF SECTION 0271I o ENCE I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t J. FOTJNDATION DRAINAGE SYSTEMS 02711 - 5 I sECrIoN o2e8o - ro*o#l,*^o BILLINCSLEY RESIDENCE I l.l .ENERAL t t I I Provide landscaping as shown on the Architectrual and landscape drawings including but not limitedr to rock retaining walls, stone pavement, concrete driveway and pavement, planters, plant material trees, sprinkler system and stairs. T- 1.2 PRODUCTS I A. Flagstone Paving l. Provide Colorado Buffflagstone at the front entry walk, steps and landing: install in random pattern over mortar bed over concrete slab. 2. Provide Colorado Buffflagstone at the South Patio offthe KitchenlDining level patio, walkway, steps and around hot tub: Install in random rectangular pattern a- Install over sand bed as slpwn on landscape drawings except as noted. b. Install over mortar bed over concrete slab at snow melt areas as shown on landscape drawings. B. Stone Site Walls at Hot Tub I I Provide Colorado Buffstandstone veneer site walls over concrete masonry wall I around hot tub as shown on landscape drawings. Top ofhot tub to be approx. 18" above tlre patio as shown on landscape drawings. r C. Stone Site Walls 2 Provide Standstone slab boulder site walls for retaining as shown on landscape drawings. t ENDoFSECrIoNo2eso I I t I I II t I LANDSCAPING 02980 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I sEcrroN 03300 -Brr,,ort " srrE cAST-rN-pLAcE "o*"*frBILLINGSLEY RESIDENCE 1.I GENERAL A. Submittals: Submit the following: L Product data for reinforcement, forming accessories, admixtures, patching cornpounds, waterstops, joint systems, curing compounds, conc. color materials, and others as requested by Architect or Engineer. 2. Laboratory test reports or evaluation reports for concrete nraterials and concrete mix designs to 1fue Fngineer, signed by nrangfacturers certifiing that each corrcrete material cornplies with requirements. 3. Written report to Engineer for each proposted concrete mix at least 15 days prior to start ofconcreting. Do not begin concrete production until mixes have been reviewed by Engineer. 4. Color chart ofstandard available colors for colored concrete axeas, B. Quality Assurance: Corryly with provisions of ACI 301, "specifications for Structural Concrete for Buildings," ACI 318, "Building Code Requirements for Reinforced Concrete," and CRSI 'Manual of Standard Practice," except where more stringent requirements are indicated. I.2 PRODUCTS A. Form Materiat Furnish form material with sufrcient stabih'ty to withstand pressure of placed concrete without bow or deflection and to provide firll depttr, cnntinuous, straight, smooth, exposed surfrces. a' Forms lumber for all exposed corrcrete surfrces shall be dressed at least on one side and two edges and shall be constructed so as to produce mortar-tight joints and smootb, even concf,ete surfrces. b Forms for une4posed finish concrete may consist of panel tlpe forms of plywood lumbeq metal or other acceptable rnaterials. B. Reinforcing Material As follows: l. Deforrned Reinforcing Bars: ASTM A 615, Grade 60, unless otherwise indicated. ASTM A706, Grade 60 for welded bars.2. Welded Wire Fabric or Mesh: ASTM A185.3. PlainSteelWire: ASTMA82, asdrawn4. Supports: Bolsters, chairg spacers, and other devices for spacing, supporting, and fastening steel reinforcement; manufactured according to CRSI's "ldanual of BI.JILDING & SITE - CASTINPLACE CONCRETE 03300 - l sECrroN 03300 -BU*to " .ITE cAsr-rN-pLACE.o""fit BILLINGSLEY RESIDENCE Standard Practice C. Concrete Materials: As follows: G. I I I Portland Cement: ASTM C 150, Type l-[. FlyAsh: ASTM C 618, Type F. Normal Weight Aggregates: ASTM C 33, except local aggregates of proven durability may be used when acceptable to Architect. Lightweight Aggregates: ASTM C 330. Water: Potable. Fiber Reffircement: Engineered polypropylene fibers designed for secondary reinforcement of concrete slabs. 6. Synthetic Fiber: Fibrillated or monofilament polypropylene fibers engineered and designed for use in concrete pavement, complying with ASTM C I I16, Type III, %to l nch(13 to 25 mm) long. 7. Additional concrete materials for Civil work: -Coarse Aggregate: 67%-100% passing l-inch sieve. -Fine Aggregate: Clearq sharp, natural sand fiee from loarq clay lunrps, or other deleterious zubstances. Admixtures: Provide admixtures that contain no more than 0.05 percent chloride ions. l. Air-Entraining Admixture: ASTM C260.2. Water-Reducing, Retrding, and Accelerating Chemical Admixtures: ASTM C 494. Type A and Type D, and contain not more tbanlyo chloride ions. Calcium chloride not permitted. Mix Proportions and Design: Proportion mixes complying with mix design procedures specified inACI30l. l. Limit use of fly ash to not exceed 15 percent of cement content by weight. Design mixes to provide corrcrete with the following properties, as indicated on drawings and schedules: Mix A: Footings foundation walls and other Concrete unless othrwise indicated.a. Compressive Strength: 3,000 psi at 28 days.b. Sluurp: 4" + lu. c. Air Content: 8 percent plus or minus 2%.d. Minimum Cement Content: 5 % sacks per cubic yard Mix B: Interior slabs on grade. a. Compressive Strength: 3,000 psi at 28 days-b. Slump:4" + ln. l. 2. J. 4. 5. ). I I I I I I D. I t IE. t I I I I I 1. T BUILDING & SITE - CAST IN PLACE CONCRBTE 03300 - 2 a. b. c. d. l. J. 4. ). 6. I I t I I I I I I I I t I I I I I t I sEcrroN 033oo -cAST-^Ca, coNcRETE BILLINGSLEY RESIDENCE a. Compressive Strength:3,000psi at2g days.b. Slump: 4" + lu. c. Air content: 8 percent plus or minus 2%.d. Minimum cement content: 5 % sacks per cubic yard - cement only, 3. Mix C: Exterior slabs on grade, sidewalks and below flagstone paving. Compressive Strength: 3,000 psi at 28 days. Slump:4" + 1". Air Content: 8 percent plus or minus 204 Minimum Cement Content: 6 sacks per cubic yard (6 sacks with water reducing admixture). H. Water-Cement Ratio: Provide concrete for following conditions with maximum water- cement (WC) ratios as follows: All concrete subject to freeze thaw cycle thaw have a maximum of WC ratio of .40 I.Mixing Slump Limits: Proportion and design mixes to result in concrete slump at point of placement as indicated. Adjustment to concrete Mixes: Mix design adjustments may be requested by contractor when characteristics of materials, job conditions, weather, test results, or other circumstances lryarrant, as accepted by Architect. Laboratory test data for revise mix design and strength results must be submitted to and accepted by Architect before using in work. Use air-enhaining admixture in exterior exposed concrete, providing not less than 4 percent nor more than 8 percent entrained air for concrete exposed to freezing and thawing, and from I percent to 3 percent for other conqete. Use water-reducing, accelerating, and retarding admixtures that have been tested and accepted in mix designs in strict compliance with manufacturer's directions. Ready mix concrete shall be fumished to the concrete contractor at the construction site, and he shall fumish and provide all equipment necessary to receive and install the ready mix concrete as soon as it is received at the site. Mix certificate shall be fumished to contractor by ready-mix driver for each load of ready-mix concrete delivered to the job. All materials and the proportioning of same shall conform in every respect to those specified heretofore. Ready-mixed concrete shall be mixed and delivered in accordance with "Specifications for Ready-Mixed concrete', (ASTM C-e4). Retempering. Indiscriminate addition of water to increase slump shall be prohibited. -Concrete shall be mixed only in quantities required for immediate use. Concrete that has set shall not be retempered, but shall be discarded. -when concrete arrives at the project with slump below that which is suitable for placing, water may be added only if neither the maximum permissible BUILDING & SITE - CAST IN PLACE CONCRETE 03300 - 3 sECTroN 03300 -cAST-oOro., .'NCRETE BILLINGSLEY RESIDENCE water-cement ratio nor the maximum slump is exceeded. The water must be incorporated by additional mixing equal to at least half of the total mixing required. Such additional water must be approved by the Engineer. 7. Cold-Weather Concreting. To maintain the temperature of the concrete above the minimum placing temperature of 50"F, the as-mixed temperature shall not be less than 55"F when the mean temperature falls below 40"F. -If water or aggregate has been heated, the water shall be combined with the aggregate in the mixer before cement is added. Cement shall not be added to mixtures of water and aggregate when the temperature of the mixture is greaterthan 100"F. J. RELATED MATEzuALS: 1. Waterstops: Provide flat, dumbbell-type or center bulb-type waterstops of either rubber (CRD-C-513) or PVC (CRD-C-572). 2. Nonshrink Grout: CRD-C 588, factory premixed grout. 3. Absorptive Cover: Burlap cloth made from jute or kenaf, weighing approximately 9 ounces per square yard, complying with AASHTO M 182, Class 2. 4. Moisture-Retaining Cover: One of the following, complying with ANSI/ASTM C polyethylene film or white burlap-polyethylene sheet. 5. Liquid Membrane-Forming Curing Compound: Liquid-type membrane-forming curing compound complying with ASTM C 309, Type I, Class A. Products: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide one of the following: "Maxseal"; Maxement Company. "Kure-N-Seal" ; Sonnebom-Contech. "Hydrozo Concrete Aire." 6. Bonding Compound: Polyvinyl acetate, rewettable type. 7. Epoxy Adhesive: 100% solids, two component material suitable for use on dry or damp surfaces. 8. Joint Fillers: Expansion- and Isolation-Joint-Filler Strips: ASTM D 1751, asphalt- saturated cellulosic fiber, or ASTM D 1752, cork or self-expanding cork. Homex 300; Homosote. 1.3 EXECUTION I I I I I I I t t I I t I I I I I I IBUILDING & SITE - CAST IN PLACE CONCRETE 03300 - 4 I t I I I I I I I I t t I I I I I I I sECTroN 03300 -cAST-^lo"r coNcRETE BILLINGSLEY RESIDENCE A. Formwork: Construct fomrwork so that concrete members and structwes are of correct size, shape, alignment, elevation, and position. select form materials to obtain required finishes. l. Maintain formwork tolerances and surface irregularities within ACI 347 limits, Class A tolerances for concrete exposed to view and Class C tolerances for other conuete surfaces.2. Provide openings in formwork to accommodate work of other trades. Accurately place and securely support items built into forms.3. Clean and adjust forms prior to concrete placement. Apply form-release agents or wet forms as required. Retighten forms during concrete placement, if required, to eliminate mortar leaks.4. Metal ties or anchorages within the forms shall be constructed as to permit their removal to a depth at least ll2 inch from the face without injury to the concrete. The cavities shall be filled with cement mortar and the strface left sound, smooth, even and uniform in color.5. Provide commercial formulation form release compounds that will not bond with, stain, nor adversely affect concrete surfaces, and will not impair subsequent treatnents ofconcrete surfaces requiring bond or adhesive. B. Reinforcement: Reinforcement: Accurately position and support reinforcement, and secure against displacement. Set wire ties with ends directed into concrete. 1. Install welded wire fabric in lengths as long as practicable; lap at least one full mesh, and lace splices with wire. C. Joints: Locate and install construction, isolation, and controljoints as indicated or required. Locate construction joints so they do not impair strength and appearance of structure. Place isolation and control joints in slabs-on-ground to stabilize differential settlement and prevent random cracking. D. Installation of Embedded Items: Set and build anchorage devices and other embedded items required for other work, that is attached to or supported by cast-in-place concrete. Use setting diagrams, templates, and instructions provided by others for locating and setting. E. Concrete Placement: Comply with ACI 304, *Guide for Measuring, Mixing, Transporting, and Placing Concrete," for placing concrete in a continuous operation within planned joints or sections. Do not begin concrete placement until other affected work is completed. Protect concrete from physical damage or reduced strength due to weather extemes during mixing, placing, and curing. In cold weather comply with ACI 306. In hot weather comply with ACI 305. l. Preparation. Before placing ofconcrete is begun, hardened concrete and BUILDING & SITE - CAST IN PLACE CONCRETE 03300 - 5 sEcrroN 03300 -cAsT-r,Oroar .oNCRETE BILLINGSLEY RESIDENCE t T I I t I t I I t I I I I I I I I I foreign materials shall be removed fiom the inner surfaces of the mixing and conveying equipment. 2. Prior to deposit of concrete, formwork shall have been completed; ice and excess water shall have been removed; reinforcement shall have been secured in place; expansion joint material, anchors, and other embedded items shall have been positioned; and the entire preparation shall have been approved by the Engineer. 3. conveying. concrete shall be handled from the mixer to the place of final deposit as rapidly as practicable by methods that will prevent separations or loss of ingredients and in a manner that will assure that the required quality ofthe concrete is obtained. 4. conveying equipment shall be of size and design to insure a continuous flow of concrete at the delivery end and shall be approved by the Engineer. Conveying equipment and operations shall conform to the following requirements: 5. Truck mixers, agitators, and nonagitating units and their manner of operation shall conform to the applicable requirements of "Specifications for Ready-Mixed Concrete" (ASTM C-94). 6. Chutes shall be metal or metal-lined and shall have a slope not exceeding one vertical to two horizontal and not less than one vertical to three horizontal. Chutes more than 20 feet long and chutes not meeting the slope requirements may be used, provided they discharge into a hopper before distribution. 7. Pumping or pneumatic conveying equipment shall be of suitable kind with adequate pumping capacity. The equipment shall be cleaned at the end of each operation. 8. Placing. Prior to the placing of concrete, the contractor shall submit to the Engineer a placing schedule showing the amount and the limit of each pour in walls and columns, as well as all slabs. This schedule is for the purposes of establishing the location of all construction joints, as well as a method of conelating the test cylinders to the area in which that particular batch of concrete was placed. 9. concrete shall be deposited continuously, or in layers ofsuch thickness that no concrete will be deposited on concrete that has hardened suffrciently to cause the formation of seams or planes of weakness within the section. If a section cannot be placed continuously, constructionjoints shall be located at BUILDING & SITE - CAST IN PLACE CONCRETE 03300 - 6 F. G. t t I I I I I I I I t I I I I I t t t SECTION 033 OO -CAST-TNIACS CONCRETE BILLINGSLEY RESIDENCE points as provided for in the drawings, or as approved by the Engineer. Placing shall be canied on at such a rate that the concrete that is being integrated with fresh concrete which is still plastic. concrete that has partially hardened or has been contaminated by foreign materials shall not be deposited. Temporary spreaders in forms shall be removed when the concrete placing has reached an elevation rendering their service rmnecessary. They may remain embedded in the concrete only if made of metal or conqete and ifprior approval has been obtained. 10. concrete shall be deposited as nearly as practicable in its final position to avoid segregation caused by handling or flowing. concrete shall not be permitted to fall free more than five feet, and shall not be dripped through reinforcing steel or into a deep form nor subjected to any other procedure that will cause segregation. I 1. where a surface mortar is to be the basis of the finish, the coarse aggregare shall be worked back from the forms with a suitable tool as to bring a full surface of monar against the form without the formation of excessive surface voids. 12. All concrete shall be consolidated by vibration, spading, rodding, or forking so that the concrete is thoroughly worked around the reinforcement, around embedded items, and into comers of honeycombing, putting, or planes of weakness. I 3. Mechanical vibrators shall have a minimum frequency of 8,000 vpm and shall be operated by competent workmen. over-vibrating and use of vibrators to transport concrete within forms shall not be allowed. Vibrators shall be inserted and withdrawn at many points, from 18 to 30 inches apart, for periods of5 to l5 seconds. Evaporation Retarder: Apply to concrete surfaces if hot, dry, or windy condifions cause moisture loss approaching 0.2 lb/sq. ft. x h before and during finishing operations. Apply according to manufacturer's written instructions after placing, screeding, and bull floating or darbying concrete, but before float finishing. Monolithic SIab Finishes: As follows: l. Float Finish: Apply float finish to monolithic slab surfaces to receive trowel finish when surface water has disappeared and when concrete has stiffened suffrciently to permit operation of power-driven floats. consolidate surface with power-driven floats or by hand-floating. a. Check and level surface plane to tolerances ofF(F) 18 (floor BUILDING & SITE - CAST IN PLACE CONCRETE 03300 - 7 sECTroN 03300 .AsT-fioau .'NCRETE BILLINGSLEY RESIDENCE flatness) and F(L) 15 (floor levelness). Cut down high spots and fill low spots. Uniformly slope surfaces to drains. Immediately after leveling, refloat surface to a uniform, smooth granular texture. 2. Trowel Finish: Apply trowel finish to monolithic slab surfaces to be exposed to view and slab surfaces to be covered with resilient flooring, carpet or paint. a. After floating, begin first trowel-finish operation using a power-driven trowel. Begin final troweling when surface produces a ringing sound as trowel is moved over surface. Consolidate concrete surface by final hand-troweling operation, free of trowel marks, uniform in texture and appe€uance, and with surface leveled to tolerances ofF(F) 20 (floor flatness) and F(L) 17 (floor levelness). Grind smooth surface defects that would telegraph thrcugh applied floor covering system. 3. Nonslip Broom Finish: Apply nonslip broom finish to exterior concrete platforms, steps, and ftlmps, and elsewhere as indicated. a. Immediately after float finishing, slightly roughen concrete surface by brooming with fiber-bristle broom across float-finished concrete surface, perpendicular to line of traJfic, to provide a uniform, fine-line texture. 4. Roughened Finish: To assure adequate bond ofapplied tile and stone finishes; provide a roughened or heavy broom finish. Refer to finish schedule and large scale plans for locations oftile and stone finishes. G. Curing: Protect freshly placed concrete from premature drying and excessive cold or hot temperahfes. Maintain a relatively constant temperatue for the period of time necessary for the hydration of the cement and proper hardening of the concrete. In hot, dry, and windy weather, apply an evaporation-control compound according to manufacturer's instructions after screening and bull floating, but before power floating and troweling. l. Begin initial curing as soon as free water has disappeared from exposed surfaces. 2- For surfaces to receive stone ortile: cure unformed concrete surfaces by water ponding, continuous fog spraying, continuously wetted absorptive cover, or by moisture-retaining cover cruing. Cure formed surfaces by moist curing until forms are removed. Keep concrete continuously moist for not less than 72 hows for high-early strength concrete and Z days for all other concrete.3. Apply membrane-forming curing compound to exposed interior slabs and to exterior slabs, walks, and curbs as soon as final finishing operations are I I I I I I I t I t I t I I I t I t IBUILDING & SITE - CAST IN PLACE CONCRETE 03300 - 8 I t I I I I I l T I T I I I I I I I t sECTroN 03300 -cAST-^fo"r .oNCRETE BILLINGSLEY RESIDENCE complete. Apply uniformly according to manufacturer's directions. Recoat areas subject to heavy rainfall within 3 hours after initial application. Maintain continuity of coating and repair damage during curing period. DO NOT APPLY CURING COMPOTINDS TO CONCRETE SURFACES RECEIVING STONE OR TILE FINISH. WET CURE ONLY.4. Formed Surfaces. Steel forms heated by the sun and all wood forms in contact with the concrete during the final curing period shall be kept wet. If forms are to be removed during the curing period, one of the above curing materials or methods shall be employed immediately. such curing shall be continued for the remainder of the curing period.5. Cold-Weather Temperature. When the mean daily temperature of the atrnosphere is less than 40oF, the temperature of the concrete shall be maintained between 50oF and 70"F for the required curing period. When necessaly, arrangements for heating, covering, and insulating ofhousing shall be made in advance of placement and shall be adequate to maintain the required temperature and moisture conditions without injury due to concentration ofheat. 6' Excessive Temperature changes. changes in temperatures of the concrete shall be as uniform as possible and shall not exceed 5oF, in any one hour, or 50"F in any 24-hour period. 7. Protection from Mechanical Injury. During the period, the concrete shall be protected from damaging mechanical disturbances, particularly load suesses, heavy shock, and excessive vibration. All finished concrete surfaces shall be protected from damage caused by construction equipment, materials, or methods, and by rain or running water.8. Self-supporting structures shall not be loaded in such a way as to oversftess the concrete. Field Quality control: The owner will employ a testing agency to perform tests and to submit test reports. sampling and testing for quality control during concrete placement may include the following as directed by Architect. L Sampling Fresh Concrete: ASTM C 172, except modified for slump to comply withASTM C 94.a. Slump; ASTM C 143; one test at point of discharge for each day's pour of each type of concrete; additional tests when concert consistency seem to have changed.b. AirContenr: ASTM C 173, volumetric method for lightweight or normal weight concrete; ASTM C 231, pressure method for normal weight concrete; one for each day's pour ofeach type of air-entrained concrete.c. Concrete Temperature; ASTM C 1064; one test hourly when air temperature is 40 deg F (4 deg C) and below, when 80 deg F Q7 deg C) and above, and one test for each set of BUILDING & SITE - CAST IN PLACE CONCRETE 03300 - 9 sECTI'N 03300 -cAsr-nOtoar coNCRETE BILLINGSLEY RESIDENCE I I I I I I t I I t I T I I I I I I I compressive-strength specimens.d. Compression Test Specimen: ASTM C 3l one set of six standard cylinders for each compressive-strength test, unless otherwise directed. Mold and store cylinders for laboratory- cured test specimens except when field-cured test specimens are required. e. Compressive-Shength Tests: ASTM C 39; one set for each day's pour exceeding 5 cu. yd. and one more set for each 25 cu. yards more than the first 25 cu. yd. ofeach concrete class placed in anyone day; one specimen tested at 7 days, two specimens at 28 days, and one specimen retained in reserve for later testing ifrequired. 2. When frequency of testing will provide fewer than five strength tests for a given class ofconcrete, conduct testing from at least five randomly selected batches or from each batch iffewer than five are used.3. When strength of field-cured cylinders is less than 85 percent of companion laboratory-cured cylinders, evaluate cunent operations and provide correcfive procedures for protecting and cwing the in-place concrete.4. Strength level ofconcrete will be considered satisfactory ifaverages ofsets of tfuee consecutive strength test results equal or exceed specified compressive strength and no individual strength test result falls below specified compressive strength by more than 500 psi.5. Test results will be reported in writing to Owner, Structural Engineer, ready- mix producer, and Contractor within 24 hours after tests. Reports of compressive strength tests shall contain the Project identification name and number date of concrete placement, name of concrete testing service,, concrete type and class, location of concrete batch in structwe, design compressive strength at 28 days, concrete mix proportions and materials, compressive breaking stengtlr" and type of break for both Tday tests and 28- day test. 6. Non destructive Testing: Impact hammer, sonoscope, or other nondestnrctive device may be permitted but shall not be used as the sole basis for acceptance or rejection. 7. Additional Tests: The testing agency will make additional tests on in-place concrete when test results indicate specified concrete strength and other characteristics have not been attained in the structure, as directed by Architect. Testing agency may conduct tests to determine adequacy of concrete by cored cylinders complying with ASTM C 42, or by other methods as directed. I. Repair of Surface Defections 1. Removal. After forms have been removed, any concrete that is not as shown BUILDING & SITE - CAST IN PLACE CONCRETE 03300 - l0 T I I I t I t I T t I I I I I I I I I sECTroN 03300 -cAST-^lo"r coNcRETE BILLINGSLEY RESIDENCE on the drawings, that is out of alignment of level beyond required tolerance, or that shows a defective surface that cannot be properly repaired or patched shall be removed. 2. Repairing and Patching. All tie holes and all repairable defective areas shall be patched immediately after form removal. 3. Defective Area. All honeycombed and other defective concrete shall be removed to sound concrete, but in no case to a depth of less than one inch. The area to be patched and an area of at least 6 inches surrounding it shall be dampened to prevent absorption of water from the patching mortar. The bonding compound "Euco Weld" by the Euclid Chemical Company or ',Weldcrete" by Larsen company shall be applied. The edges ofthe patch shall be vertical, or if possible, undercut. a- The patching mixture shall be made of the same material and of approximately the same proportions as used for the concrete, except that the coarse aggregate shall be omitted and mortar shall consist of not more than one part cement to2l/2 parts sand by damp loose volume. Use White Portland Cement as required to produce a color matching the color of the surrounding concrete, as determined by a trial patch. b. The quantity of mixing water shall be not more than necessary for handling and placing. The patching mortar shall be mixed in advance and allowed to stand with frequent manipulation with a trowel, without addition ofwater, until it has reached the stiffest consistency that will permit placing. c. After the bonding compound has dried, the premixed patching mortar shall be applied. The mortar shall be thoroughly consolidated into place and struck off so as to leave the patch slightly higher than the surrounding surface. To permit initial shrinkage, it shall be left undisturbed for at least one hour before being finally finished. The patched area shall be kept damp for seven days. Metal tools shall not be used in finishing a patch in a formed wall that will be exposed. 4' Tie Holes. After being cleaned and thoroughly dampened, the tie holes shall be filled solid with patching morlar. 5. Structural. With prior approval of the Engineer, as to method and procedure, all structural repairs shall be made by using the specified epoxy adhesive and/or epoxy moruf. J. Maintain exposed concrete and concrete pavement free of stains, discoloration, dirt, BUILDING & SITE - CAST IN PLACE CONCRETE 03300 - l1 sEcrroN 03300 -cAsT-nlecr coNcRETE BILLINGSLEY RESIDENCE and other foreign material. Sweep concrete pavement not more than nvo days before date scheduled for Substantial Completion inspections. END OF SECTION O33OO BUILDING & SITE - CAST IN PLACE CONCRETE 03300 - l2 I I Copyright 1995 AIA BILLINGSLEY RESIDEN MASTERSPEC. SLV SECTION 04410 - STONE MASONRY VENEER I.I GENERAL c. o CE tt/95 I I I B. D. I I I I I t I I I I t I t T Submittals: Submit the following: l. Product Data: For each variety of stone, stone accessory, and other manufactured product specified. a. For stone varieties, include data on physical properties required by referenced ASTM standards. 2. stone Samples: sets for each color, grade, finish, and variety of stone required showing the full range of variations expected.3. Colored Pointing Mortar Samples: For each color required.4. Qualification Data: For stone masonry Installer. Include lists of completed projects with names and addresses of architects and owners. Installer: An experienced installer who has successfi.rlly completed stone masoffy veneer similar to that indicated for this Project. Mockups: Before installing stone masoffy veneer, construct sample wall panels, in location and of size indicated, to verifu selections made under Sample submittals and to demonstrate aesthetic effects and qualities of materials and execution. Stain Prevention: Immediately remove mortar and soil to prevent them from staining the face ofstone masonry veneer. cold-weather Requirements: Do not build on frozen subgrade or setting beds. Remove and replace stone masoffy veneer damaged by frost or freezing conditions. Comply with the following requirements : l. cold-weather construction: Heat mixing water and sand to produce mortar temperatures between 40 and 120 deg F (4 and 49 degc). Maintain mortar above freezing. 2. cold-weather Protection: cover masonry with insulating blankets or provide enclosure and heat to maintain temperatures above 32 deg F (0 deg c) for 48 hours after construction. Use wind breaks when wind velocity exceeds 15 mi./h (25 krn/h).3. Cold-Weather Cleaning: Use liquid cleaning methods only when air temperature is 40 deg F (4 deg C) and above and will remain so until stone masonrv veneer has dried out. STONE MASONRY VENEER 04410 - I MASTERSPEC - SLV 1l/95 Hot-Weather Requirements: Protect stone masonry veneer from excessive evaporation of water from mortar. Do not apply mortar to substrates with temperatures of 100 deg F (38 deg C) and above. PRODUCTS stone varieties and Sources: colorado Buff sandstone in drystack, ashlar type installation. Provide mix of other color stones such as Telluride Gold and Fred's Brown sandstone. Provide approximately 25olo moss rock of the above varieties. Provide horizontal band in stone/mortar joint per architectural drawings and details. Mortar Materials: As follows: o CE Portland Cement: ASTM C 150, Tlpe I or II, except Type III may be used for cold- weather construction. Provide natural color, white, or a blend to produce mortar color similar to Colorado BuffSandstone. Typical 3 parts Portland cement, I part Sand. Hydrated Lime: ASTM C207,Type S. Use for workability. Aggregate: ASTM C 144 and as indicated below: a. For joints narrower than l/4 inch (6 mm), use aggregate graded with 100 percent passing No. l6 (1.18-mm) sieve.b. For pointing mortar, use aggregate graded with 100 percent passing No. 16 (1.18-mm) sieve. Colored-Mortar Aggregates: Natural, colored sand or ground marble, granite, or other sound stone, as required to match color of Colorado Buff Sandstone. Water: Potable. Copynght 1995 AIA BILLINGSLEY RESIDEN l. 2. J. 4. F. I t I I I t I I 1.2 B. c. 5. I I I I I I I I I Masonry Cleaners: As follows: L cleaning: wet brush stone masonry after each day's lay-up to remove excess mortar and splash-over. Spray and brush clean entire stone installation when complete.2. Acidic Cleaner: Manufachrer's standard-strength masonry cleaner designed for removing mortar/grout stains, efflorescence, and other stains from stone masonry sufaces of type indicated without discoloring or damaging masonry surfaces; expressly approved for intended use by stone producer. Stone Fabrication; Fabricate stone in sizes and shapes required to comply with requirements indicated, including details on Drawings. C, D. I ISTONE MASONRY VENEER 04410 -2 I I t T I I T I I I T t I T t I I I I Copyright 1995 AIA BILLINGSLEY RESID MASTERSPEC - SLV 1t/95 l. Shape stone for type of masonry @attem) indicated on elevations: 2. Finish exposed faces and edges ofstone as follows: a. Finish: Natural cleft. E. Mortar Mixes: Do not use admixtures, unless otherwise indicated. Do not use calcium chloride in mortar or grout. L Mortar for Stone Masonry Veneer: Comply with ASTM C 2Z0, proportion Specification, for types of mortar indicated below: a. Limit cementitious materials in mortar to portland cement and lime.b. Set stone with Type S or Type N mortar. 2. Mortar for Scratch Coat over Metal Lath: Mix consisting of I part portland cement, % patt lime, 5 parts loose damp sand, and enough water to produce a workable consistency. F. Provide complete waterproof system behind all stone including but not limited to asphalt- saturated felt over the plywood, flashing above all opening in stone wall and as shown, and weep screeds at bottom of all walls. l. Asphalt-saturated felt per ASTM D 226,Type II, No. 30. 1.3 EXECUTION A. Preparation: Accurately mark stud centerlines on face of asphalt-saturated felt before begiming stone installafi on. B. Setting Stone Masonry Veneer, General: Execute stone masonry veneer by skilled masons experienced with the kind and form of stone and installation method indicated. Install stone masonry veneer in pattem as approved from field mock-up panels. l. Arrange stones for good fit, in pattern indicated with color variations uniformly dispersed for an evenly blended appearance, with joint widths within tolerances indicated. Lay walls with joints of the following width. a. Joint Width: At Stone tile floor - l/8" to l/4" Atwall veneer - 3/8 to I l/2" inch. Typical joint tobe'/q" C. Construction Tolerances: As follows: o ENCE STONE MASONRYVENEER 04410 - 3 Copyright 1995 AIA BILLINGSLEY RESIDEN MASTERSPEC. SLVo CE tr/9s I I I I I I I I I I I I l. Variation from Plumb: For vertical lines and surfaces, do not exceed 1/4 inch in l0 feet or Yz inch in 40 feet or more. For extemal corners, expansion joints, control joints, and other conspicuous lines, do not exceed 114 inchin 20 feet or % inch in 40 feet or more. 2. variation from Level: For bed joints and lines of exposed lintels, sills, parapets, horizontal grooves, and other conspicuous lines, do not exceed l/4 inch in 20 feet or %inch in 40 feet or more. 3. Variation of Linear Building Line: For position shown in plan and related portion of walls, and partitions, do not exceed %inchin 20 feet or 3/4 inch in 40 feet. Pointing: As follows: l. Prepare stone joint surfaces for pointing with mortar by removing dust and mortar particles. Where setting mortar was removed to depths greater than surrounding areas, apply pointing mortar first in layers not greater than 3/8 inch (10 mm) until a uniform depth is formed.2. Point stone joints by placing and compacting pointing mortar in layers not greater than 3/8 inch (10 mm). compact each layer thoroughly and allow to become thumbprint hard before applying next layer.3. Tool joints, when pointing mortar is thumbprint hard, with a smooth jointing tool to produce joint profile indicated. In-Progress Cleaning: clean stone masonry veneer as work progresses. Remove mortar fins and smears before tooling joints. Final cleaning: After mortar is thoroughly set and cured, remove large mortar particles with wooden paddles and nonmetallic scrape hoes or chisels and clean stone masonry veneer as follows: l. Test cleaning methods on mockup; leave one-half ofpanel uncleaned for comparison purposes. Protect adjacent stone and nonmasoffy surfaces from contact with cleaner. wet wall surfaces with water before applying cleaners; remove cleaners promptly by rinsing thoroughly with clear water. clean stone by bucket and brush hand-cleaning method described in BIA Technical Note No. 20 Revised II. G. Waste Disposal as Fill Material: Dispose of clean masonry waste, including unusable stone, waste mortar, and excess or soil-contaminated sand, by crushing and mixing with fill material as fill is placed. 1. Do not dispose of masonry waste as fill within l8 inches (450 mm) of finished grade. END OF SECTION O44IO D. E. F. 2. J.I I I I I t I 4. STONE MASONRY VENEER 04410 - 4 I I I I l I t t I I I I I I I I I I t Copyright 1994AIA BILLINGSLEYRESIDEN MASTERSPEC - SLV tu94 SECTION O5I2O - STRUCTURAL STEEL 1.2 A. B. C. D. GENERAL Structural Performance: Engineer structural steel connections required by the Contract Documents to be selected or completed by the fabricator to withstand design loadings indicated. Submittals: In addition to Product Data and mill test repofts on structural steel and bolts, submit Shop Drawings detailing fabrication of structural steel components, including connections, splices, holes, welds, and bolts. comply with applicable provisions of the following specifications and documents: 1. AISC's "Specification for Structural Steel Buildings-Allowable stress Design2. ASTM A 6"Specification for General Requirements for Rolled Steel Plates, Shapes, Sheet Piling, and Bars for Structural Use.',3. Research Council on Structural Connections'(RCSC) "Specification for Structural Joints Using ASTM A 325 or A 490 Bolts.', Welding Standards: Comply with applicable provisions ofAWS Dl.l "Structural Welding Code--Steel." I' Present evidence that each welder has satisfactorily passed AWS qualifrcation tests for welding processes involved and, ifpertinent, has undergone recertification. Store materials to permit easy urccess for inspection and identification. Keep steel members off ground by using pallets, platforms, or other supports. Protect steel members and packaged materials from corrosion and deterioration. l. Store fasteners in a protected place. Clean and relubricate bolts and nuts that become dry or rusty before use. PRODUCTS Wide flange and tee shapes: ASTM A572, Grade 50 structural steel Shapes, Plates, and Bars: ASTM A 36 (AsrM A 36M), carbon steel. Cold-Formed Structural Steel Tubing: ASTM A 500, Grade B. Nonhigh-strerrgth Anchor Bolts, Nuts, and washers: ASTM A307, Grade A; carbon-steel, o CE l.l B. D. STRUCTURAL STEEL 05120 - l Copyright 1994 AIA BILLINGSLEY RESIDEN MASTERSPEC - SLV tl/94 hex-head bolts; carbon-steel nuts; and flat, unhardened steel washers, uncoated. E. Concrete Fill: Comply with requirements of Division 3 Section "Cast-in-Place Concrete" for normal-weight concrete with a minimum 28-day compressive strength of 3,000 psi (20 MPa). F. Nonshrink, Metallic Grout: Factory-packaged, nonstaining, noncorrosive, nongaseous, ferrous-aggregate grout complying with ASTM C 1107. I.3 EXECUTION A. Erect structural steel accurately in locations and to elevations indicated and according to AISC specifications referenced in this Section. Perform cutting, drilling, and fitting required for installing metal fabrications. Set units accurately in location, with edges and surfaces level, plumb, and true. l. Fit exposed connections accurately together and weld, unless otherwise indicated. 2. Provide temporary bracing or anchors in formwork for items that are to be built into concrete masonry or similar construction. B. Base, Bearing and leveling Plates: Provide for steel items bearing on masomy or concrete, as indicated. Drill plates to receive anchor bolts. Clean concrete and masonry bearing surfaces ofbond-reducing materials and roughen surfaces prior to setting base and bearing plates. Clean bottom surface of base and bearing plates and set on wedges, shims, or setting nuts as required. 1. After the items have been positioned and plumbed, tighten anchor bolts, cut off wedges or shims flush with edge of base or bearing plate, and pack with nonshrink, metallic grout where not exposed to moisture and nonshrink, nonmetallic grout in exposed locations solidly between bearing surfaces and plates. C. Maintain erection tolerances of structural steel within AISC's "Code of Standard Practice for Steel Buildings and Bridges." D. Fabrication: Fabricate and assemble structural steel in shop to greatest extent possible. Fabricate structural steel according to AISC specifications referenced in this Section and in Shop Drawings. 1. Comply with fabrication tolerance timits of AISC's "Code of Standard Practice for Steel Buildings and Bridges" for structural steel. 2. Install and tighten nonhigh-strength bolts, except where high-strenglh bolts are indicated. o CE I I I I I I I T I I I T I I I I t T ISTRUCTURAL STEEL 05120 - 2 aJ. 4. 5. L I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Copyright 1994 AIA BILLINGSLEY RESIDEN MASTERSPEC - SLVo CE tt/94 Install and tighten high-strength bolts according to RCSC's "Specification for Structwal Joints Using ASTM A 325 or A 490 Bolts." connection Type: snug tightened, unless indicated as slip-critical, direct- tension, or tensioned shear/bearing connections. weld connections: comply with AWS Dl .1 for procedures, appearance and quality of welds, and methods used in correcting welding work. weld corners and seams continuously. use materials and methods that minimize distortion and develop strength and corrosion resistance of base metals. obtain fusion without undercut or overlap. Remove welding flux immediately. Finish exposed welds and surfaces smooth and blended. shear and punch metals cleanly and accurately. Remove sharp or rough areas and ease exposed edges. Shop Priming: Shop prime steel, except surfaces embedded in concrete or mortar, surfaces to be field welded, surfaces to be high-strength bolted with slip-critical connections, and surfaces to receive sprayed-on fireproofing. surface Preparation: ssPC-sP 2 "Hand rool cleaning" or SSpc-Sp 3 "power Tool Cleaning." Priming: Immediately after surface preparation, apply nonasphaltic primer complying with SSPC's "Painting System Guide No. 7.00', to provide a dry film thickness of not less than 1.5 mils (0.038 mm). use priming methods that result in full coverage ofjoints, comers, edges, and exposed surfaces. Primer to be fast-curing, lead- and chromate-free, universal modified-alkyd primer with good resistance to corrosion, compatible with finish paint systems, and complying with performance requirements of FS TT-p-664. END OF SECTION 05120 STRUCTURAL STEEL 05120 - 3 I Copyright leeTAIA BILLINGSLEY RESIDI t ENCE MASTERSPEC - SLV 5/97 SECTION O55OO - METAL FABRICATIONS I l.l .ENERAL I A. Submittals: In addition to product Data" submit the folrowing: I l. Shop Drawings detailing fabrication and erection. 2- Samples materials and finishes as may be requested by Architect I Full size mock-up of balcony railings. B. Fabricate and Pre-Fabricated items in this section include: Deck railings and all other misc. I angles, channels, tubes, plates or otler misc. steel section as indicated and or as required.I .- c. welder qualifications: currently qualified according to Aws Dr.l I D. Structural performance of handrails and railing system: Comply with ASTM E 985 based on I testing per ASTM E 894 and E 935. I E. ?revent galvanic action and other forms of corrosion by insulating metals and other materials tiom direct contact with incompatible materials. I 1.2 PRODUCTS l A. General: Provide materials selected for their surface flatness. smoothness. and without blemishes.t I I I I I I B. Ferrous Metals: As follows: l. Steel Plates, Shapes, and Bars: ASTM A36/A36M. 2. Stainless-Steel Bars and Shapes: ASTM AZ76,Type 304. 3. Steel rubing: cold-formed steel tubing complying with AsrM A 500. 4- Steel Pipe: ASTM A 53, standard weight (Schedule 40), unless otherwise indicated. 5' Concrete Inserts: Threaded or wedge type; galvanized ferrous castings, either ASTM A 47 (ASTM A 47M) malleable iron or ASTM A27lA27M cast steel. Provide bolts, washers, and shims as needed, hot-dip galvanized per ASTM A 153/A 153M. METAL FABRICATIONS 05500 - I Copyright 1997 AIA o MASTERSPEC - SLV 5t97 BILLINGSLEY RESIDENCE C Shop Primer for Ferrous Metal: Fast-curing, lead- and chromate-free, universal modified- alkyd primer complying with performance requirements in FS TT-P-664 and compatible with finish paint systems indicated. D. Shop Primer for Ferrous Metal: Organic zinc-rich primer, complying with SSPC-Paint 20 and compatible with topcoat. E. Galvanizing Repair Paint: High-zinc-dust-content paint for regalvanizing welds in steel, complying with SSPC-Paint 20. F. Fasteners: Provide Type 304 or 3 l6 stainless-steel fasteners for exterior use and zinc-plated fasteners with coating complying with ASTM B 633, Class FelZn 5, where built into exterior walls. Select fasteners for type, grade, and class required. G. Concrete Fill: Comply with requirements in Division 3 Section "Cast-in-Place Concrete" for normal'weight, air-entrained, ready-mix concrete with a minimum 28-day compressive strength of 3000 psi, unless otherwise indicated. H. Fabrication, General: Use connections that maintain structural value ofjoined pieces. Shear and punch metals cleanly and accurately. Remove burrs. l. Weld corners and seams continuously. Use materials and methods that minimize distortion and develop strength and corrosion resistance of base metals. Obtain fusion without undercut or overlap. Remove welding flux immediately. Finish exposed welds smooth and blended. 2. Fabricate joints that will be exposed to weather in a manner to exclude water, or provide weep holes. 3. Form exposed connections with hairline joints, flush and smooth, using concealed fasteners where possible. Locatejoints where least conspicuous. I. Loose Bearing and Leveling Plates: Provide for steel items bearing on masonry or concrete. Drill plates to receive anchor bolts. l. Galvanize plates or provide protective paint per structural notes. I I I I t I t I I t I I t t I t I I IMETAL FABRICATIONS 0ss00 - 2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I T I I I I I Copyright 1997 AIA BILLINGSLEY RESIDEN MASTERSPEC - SLVo CE 5197 J. Loose steel Lintels: Fabricate from shapes and to sizes indicated. l. Galvanize lintels located in exterior walls or provide protective paint per structural notes. K. shelf Angles: Fabricate to sizes indicated and for attachment to framing. provide horizontally slotted holes to receive 3/4-inch (19-mm) bolts, spaced not more than 6 inches (150 mm) from ends and24 inches (600 mm) o.c. Galvanize shelf angles to be installed in exterior walls or provide protective paint per structural notes. Fumish wedge-type concrete inserts, complete with fasteners, to atiach shelf angles to cast-in-place concrete. Miscellaneous Framing and supports: provide steel framing and supports that are not a part of structural-steel framework as necessary to complete the Work. Fabricate from structural steel of welded construction. Cut, drill, and tap units to receive hardware, hangers, and similar items. l.where indicated to be cast into concrete or built into masonry, equip with integrally welded anchors at 24 inches (600 mm) o.c. Fabricate steel girders for wood frarne construction from continuous steel shapes. where wood nailers are attached to girders with bolts or lag screws, drill holes at 24 inches (600 mm) o.e. Fabricate steel pipe columns for supporting wood frame construction with steel base plates and top plates welded to pipe with fillet welds the same size as pipe wall thickness. Galvanize members to be installed in exterior walls or provide protective paint per strucfural notes. Miscellaneous Steel Trim: Fabricate units with continuously welded joints and smooth exposed edges. Miter comers and use concealed splices where possible. Provide cutouts, fittings, and anchorages; coordinale assembly and instalration with other work. Finish metal fabrications after assembly. Comply with NAAMM'S "Metal Finishes Manual for Architectural and Metal Products" for recommendations for applying and designating l. 2. 2. 4. M. N. METAL FABRICATIONS 0s500 - 3 Copyright 1997 AIA BILLINGSLEY RESIDEN MASTERSPEC - SLV 519'l finishes. Shop prime ferrous-metal items not indicated to be galvanized. See structural not es for protective painting. 1. Hot-dip galvanize items indicated to be galvanized to comply with ASTM A r23 or ASTM A 153/A l53M as applicable. 2. Preparation for Shop Priming: Prepare uncoated fenous-metal surfaces to comply with SSPC-SP 3, "Power Tool Cleaning." 3. Apply shop primer to comply with SSPC-PA 1, "paint Application Specification No. 1," for shop painting. EXECUTION Installation, General: Provide anchorage devices and fasteners for securing metal fabrications to in-place construction. Perform cutting, drilling, and fitting required for installing metal fabrications. Set metal fabrications accurately in location, with edges and surfaces level, plumb, and true. l. Provide temporary bracing or anchors in formwork for items that are to be built into concrete, masonry, or similar construction. 2. Fit exposed connections accurately together. Weld connections, unless otherwise indicated. Do not weld, cut, or abrade galvanized swfaces. Set bearing and leveling plates on cleaned surfaces using wedges, shims, or leveling nuts. After bearing members have been positioned and plumbed, tighten anchor bolts and pack with nonshrink, nonmetallic grout. Touch up shop paint after erection. Clean field welds, bolted connections, and abraded areas and paint with the same material as used for shop painting. Galvanized Surfaces: Clean field welds, bolted connections, and abraded areas and repair galvanizing to comply with ASTM A 780. END OF SECTION O55OO o CE I I I l.J I T I I I I I I I I I I I I I t B. C. D. METAL FABRICATIONS 05500 - 4 t I I t I I I I I I I T l I I I I I I Copynght t997 AIA BILLINGSLEY RESID MASTERSPEC - SLV 5/97 SECTION 05720 - ORNAMENTAL HANDRAILS AND RAILINGS I.1 GENERAL A. Structural Performance of Handrails and Railings: Comply with ASTM E 985, based on testiag per ASTM E 894 and ASTM E 935. B. Structural Performance ofHandrails and Railings: Capable of withstanding structural loads required by ASCE 7 without exceeding allowable design working stresses of materials involved. C' Structural Performance of Handrails and Railings: Capable of withstanding the following structural loads without exceeding allowable design working stresses of materials involved: 1. Top Rail ofGuards: Concentrated load of200 lbf applied at any point and in any direction, and uniform load of 50 lbflft. applied horizontally and concurrently with uniform load of 100 lbf/ft. applied vertically downward. Concentrated and uniform loads need not be assumed to act concurrently.2. Handrails Not Serving As Top Rails: Concentrated load of 200 lbf applied at any point and in any direction, and uniform load of 50 lbflft. applied in any direction. Concentrated and uniform loads need not be assumed to act concurrently. D' Prevent galvanic action and other forms of corrosion by insulating metals and other materials from direct contact with incompatible materials. E. Submittals: In addition to product Data, submit the following: l. Shop Drawings showing railing layout and details, with structural computations.2. Samples for each type ofexposed finish required. 1.2 PRODUCTS. A' Provide railings in sizes and frnishes called out in drawings and finish schedule. Submit required changes in design due to structural performance requirements previously specified. F' Brackets, Flanges, and Anchors: Cast or formed metal of same material and fmish as supported rails. G. Wood Rails: Hardwood rails of species and profile indicated; bonded to steel subrail; with o ENCE ORNAMENTAL HANDRAILS AND RAILINGS 05720 - 1 Copyright 1997 AIA MASTERSPEC - SLV s/97 BILLINGSLEY RESIDENCE manufacturer's standard transparent fi nish. H. Fasteners: Same basic metal as fastened metal; concealed unless otherwise indicated or unavoidable and standard with systems indicated. I. Anchors: Fabricated from corrosion-resistant materials with capability to sustain, without failure, a load equal to six times the load imposed when installed in rmit masonry and four times the load imposed when installed in concrete, as determined per ASTM E 488. J. Shop Primers: Provide primers to comply with applicable requirements in Division 9 Section "Painting." K. Shop Primer for Ferrous Metal: Fast-curing, lead- and chromate-free, universal modified- alkyd primer complying with performance requirements in FS TT-P-664; with good resistance to corrosion; and compatible with finish paint systems indicated. L. Shop Primer for Galvanized Steel: Zinc-dust, zinc-oxide primer formulated for priming zinc-coated steel and for compatibility with finish paint systems indicated, and complying with SSPC-Paint 5. M. Fabrication, General: Fabricate to design, dimensions, and details indicated, but not less than that required to support structural loads. l. Form changes in direction of railing members as follows: a. Bybending. b. By inserting prefabricated flush elbow fittings. 2. Fomt curves by bending in jigs to produce uniform curvature without buckling,' twisting, cracking, or otherwise deforming exposed surfaces.3. Welded Corurections: Connect handmil and railing members by welding. Cope and weld or use welded-in fittings. Weld connections continuously.4. Brackets, Flanges, Fittings, and Anchors: provide wall brackets, flanges, miscellaneous fittings, and anchors to connect handrails and railings to other construction. 5. Close exposed ends of handrail and railing members with prefabricated end fittings.6. Provide wall returns at ends of wall-mounted handrails. N. Shop-Primed Steel Finish: Prepare per SSPC-SP 7, "Brush-offBlast Cleaning," and apply primer. 1.3 EXECUTION I I I I I I I I I I I t I t I I I I IORNAMENTAL HANDRAILS AND RAILINGS 05720 - 2 I Copyright 1997 AIA MASTERSPEC _ SLV T BILLINGSLEY RESIDENCE I A. Installation, General: Perform cutting, drilling, and fitting required to install handrails and railings. Set units accurately in location, alignment, and elevation. l. Set posts plumb within a tolerance of l/16 inch in 3 feet(2 mm in I m).2. Align rails so variations from level for horizontal members and fiom parallel with rake of steps and ramps for sloping members do not exceed l/4 inch in 12 feet (5 mm in 3 m). I B. Anchor posts to wood surfaces with fittings designed for railing system and for this purpose. t c- Attach handrails to newel posts with wall brackets or end fittings. I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1. For wood stud partitions, use hanger or lag bolts set into wood backing between studs. END OF SECTION 05720 I oRNAMENTAL HANDRAILS AND RAILINGs 05720 - 3 I si#trH,'#+ts,o,*O CE MASTERSPE. - SLV O 5/9s I SECTIONO6IOO-ROUGHCARPENTRY I I.1 GENERAL I A. Refer to Structual drawings for stress-rating requirements of wood structwal components. I 1.2 PRODUCTS I A. Lumber, General: Comply with DOC PS 20 and with applicable grading rules of inspection I agencies certified ty tile emerican Lumber Stanaarai Committee's (ALSC) Board ofr Review. Provide dressed lumber, S4S, with each piece factory marked with grade stamp ofinspection agency. r I ' Provide lumber with 15 percent maximum moisture content at time of dressing for 2-inch nominal (38-mm actual) thickness or less, unless otherwise indicated. B. Wood-Preservative-Treated Materials: Comply with applicable requirements of AWPA C2 (lumber) and AWPA C9 (plywood). I' Pressure treat aboveground items with waterborne preservatives to a minimum retention of 0.40 lb/cu. ft. (4.0 kg/cu. m). After treatrnent, kiln-dry lumber and plywood to a maximum moisture content of 19 and 1 5 percent, respectively. Treat indicated items and the following: a. Wood cants, nailers, curbs, equipment support bases, blocking, stripping, and similar members in connection with roofing, flashing, and waterproofing.b. Wood sills, sleepers, blocking, furring, stripping, and similar concealed members in contact with masonry or concrete.c. Wood framing members less than 6 inches (460 mm) above grade.d. Wood floor plates installed over concrete slabs directly in contact with earth. 2. Pressure treat wood members in contact with ground or freshwater with waterbome preservatives to a minimum retention of 0.40 lb/cu. ft. (6.4 kg/cu. m).3. Complete fabrication of treated items before treatment, where possible. If cut after treatment, apply field treatment complying with AWPA M4 to cut surfaces. Inspect each piece of lumber or plywood after drying and discard damaged or defective pieces. C. Dimension Lumber: Provide dimension lumber of grades indicated according to the ALSC National Grading Rule (NGR) provisions. l. Non-Load-Bearing Interior Partitions: Provide standard, Stud, or No. 3 grade and any of the following species: I I I I I I I t I I I ROUGH CARPENTRY 06100 - I copyright 1995 AJA OBILLINGSLEY RESIDENCE Species: Eastern softwoods; NELMA. Species: Northem species; NLGA. Species: Mixed southem pine; SPIB. Species: Westem woods; WCLIB or WWPA. 2. Framing Other than Non-Load-Bearing Partitions: Provide Construction or No. 2 grade and any of the following species: a. Species: Southern pine; SPIB.b. Species: Douglas fir-larch; NLGA, WCLIB, or WWpA. 3. Exposed Deck Framing: No. I grade, Douglas fir-larch For timbers of 5-inch nominal size and thicker, provide Douglas firlarch, Select Stuctural per NLGA, wcLIB, or wwPA rules or southern pine, No. I Dense per spIB rules. Miscellaneous Lumber: Provide No. 3 or Standard grade lumber of any species for support or attachment of other construction, including rooftop equipment curbs and support bases, cant strips, bucks, nailers, blocking, and similar members. Engineered Wood Products: Acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction and for which curent model code research or evaluation reports exist that evidence compliance with building code in effect for Project. Provide engineered wood products with allowable design stresses, as published by manufacturer, that meet or exceed those indicated. Manufacturer's published values shall be determined from empirical data or by rational engineering analysis, and demonstrated by comprehensive testing performed by a qualified independent testing agency. 1. Laminated-Veneer Lumber: Lumber manufactured by laminating wood veneers in a continuous press using an exterior-type adhesive complying with ASTM D 25sg to produce members with grain of veneers parallel to their lengths and complying with the following requirements: a. Extreme Fiber stress in Bending: 2800 psi for l2-inch nominal- depth members. b. Modulus of Elasticity: 2,000,000 psi (13 800 Mpa). 2. Parallel-Strand Lumber: Lumber manufactured by laying up wood strands using an exterior-type adhesive complying with ASTM D 2ssg, and cured under pressuri to produce members with grain of strands parallel to their lengths and complying with the following requirements : a. Extreme Fiber stress in Bending: 2900 psi (20 Mpa) for l2-inch nominal- (286-mm actual-) depth members. 5/95MASTERSPEC - SLV I I I I I I T I I I I I I I I I I I I a- b. c. d. D. F. ROUGH CARPENTRY 06100 - 2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Copyright 1995 AIA BILLINGSLEY RESIDEN MASTERSPEC - SLVo CE 5/9s b. Modulus of Elasticity: 2,000,000 psi (13 g00 Mpa). 3. Prefabricated Wood l-Joists: Units manufactured by bonding stress-graded lumber flanges to wood-based structural-use panel webs with exterior-type adhesives complying with ASTM D2ss9, to produce l-shaped joists complying with the following requirements : a. Structural Capacities: Establish and monitor structural capacities according to ASTM D 5055. G. Wood-Based Structural-Use Panels: Provide either all-veneer, mat-formed, or composite panels complying with DOC PS 2, "Performance Standard for Wood-Based Structural-Use Panels," unless otherwise indicated. provide plywood panels complying with Doc ps l, "U.S. Product Standard for Construction and Industrial Plywood," where plywood is indicated. Comply with structural drawings and the following: I' Trademark: Factory mark structural-use panels with APA trademark evidencine compliance with grade requirements.2. Span Ratings: Provide panels with span ratings required to meet "Code plus" provisions of APA Form No. E30, "APA Design/Construction Guide: Residential & Commercial. "3. Combination Subfloor-Underlayment: %" T & G, APA-rated Sturd-I-FloorPlywood, Exposure I, with fully sanded face. Provide at waterproof deck roofing. Provide at subfloor - underlayment directly under any finish flooring lcarpet. (O.S.B. may not be substituted) 4' Subflooring: y1" T & G, APA-rated plywood sheathing, Exposure 1. (o.s.B. may not be substituted) 5' wall Sheathing: vz", APA-rated Structural I sheathing, Exposure 1. May be plywood or O.S.B. 6. Roof Sheathing:5/8",APA-rated Structural I plywood sheathing, Exterior. (O.S.B. may not be substituted) 7. Plywood Backing Panels: For mounting electrical or telephone equipment, provide fue-retardant-treated plywood panels with grade, c-D plugged ixposure l, in thickness indicated or, if not otherwise indicated, not less than 15/32 inch (1 1.9 mm) thick. H. Particleboard: Comply with and factory mark each panel according to ANSI 4208,1. Provide thickness indicated. L Particleboard Underlayment: Grade pBU. I. Air-Infilration Banier: Air retarder complying with ASTM E1677; made from polyolefins; either cross-laminated films, woven shands, or spunbonded fibers; coated or uncoated; with or without perforations to transmit water vapor but not liquid water; and with minimum water-vapor transmission of 1 0 perms (57 5 nglPax s x sq. m) when tested ROUGH CARPENTRY 06100 - 3 Copynght 1995 AIA BILLINGSLEY RESIDEN MASTERSPEC - SLVo CE 5/95 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t according to ASTM E 96, Procedure A. J. Metal Framing Anchors: Provide galvanized steel framing anchors of structural capacity, type, and size indicated and as follows: 1. Research or Evaluation Reports: Provide products for which model code research or evaluation reports exist that are acceptable to authorities havingjurisdiction and that evidence compliance of metal framing anchors for application indicated with building code in effect for Project. 2. Allowable Design Loads: Provide products with allowable design loads, as published by manufacturer, that meet or exceed those indicated.3. Galvanized Steel Sheet: Hot-dip, zinc-coated steel sheet complying with ASTM A 653, G60 coating designation; structural, commercial, or lock-forming quality, as standard with manufacturer for type of anchor indicated. K. Sill-Sealer Gaskets: Glass-fiber-resilient insulation, fabricated in strip form, for use as a sill sealer; l-inch (25-mm) nominal thickness, compressible to l/32 inch(0.8 mm); selected from manufacturer's standard widths to suit width of sill members indicated. L. Adhesives for Field Gluing Panels to Framing: Formulation complying with APA Af'G-01 that is approved for use with type ofconstruction panel indicated by both adhesive and panel manufacturers. 1.3 EXECUTION A. Set rough carpentry to required levels and lines, with members plumb, true to line, cut, and fitted. B. Fit rough carpentry to other construction; scribe and cope as required for accurate fit. Correlate location of furring, nailers, blocking, grounds, and similar supports to allow attachment of other construction. Securely attach rough carpentry work to substrate by anchoring and fastening as indicated, complying with the following: 1. CABO NER-272 for power-driven staples, P-nails, and allied fasteners.2. Published requirements of metal framing anchor manufacturer.3. "Recommended Nailing Schedule" of referenced framing standard and with AFPA's "National Design Specifications for Wood Construction."4. "Table 23-I-Q-Nailing Schedule" of the Uniform Building Code. Use hot-dip galvanized or stainless-steel nails where rough caryenty is exposed to weather, in ground contact, or in area of high relative humidity. Hammer nail heads flush with surface on exposed carpentry work. C. D. E. ROUGHCARPENTRY 06100 - 4 I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I t I Copyright 1995 AIA BILLINGSLEY RESIDEN MASTERSPEC - SLVo CE 5/95 F. Framing Standard: Comply with AFPA's "Manual for Wood Frame Construction." rmless otherwise indicated. G' Installation of Structural-Use Panels: Comply with applicable recommendations contained in APA Form No. E30, 'APA Design/Construction Guide: Residential & Commercial." for types of structural-use panels and applications indicated. l. Comply with "Code plus" provisions of above_referenced guide.2' Fastening Methods: Fasten panels as indicated below and per structural notes: a. Combination Subflooring-Underlayment: Glue and nail to framing throughout.b. Subflooring: Glue and nail to framing tlroughout.c. Sheathing: Nail to framing.d. Sheathing: Nail to framing.e. Underlayment: Nail to subflooring. H' Water proof membrane stripprng around windows: After windows are installed, but before air-infiltration barrier, provide self adhering water proof membrane stripping around' windows. l. Provide 20 mil, self sealing Rubberized-Asphalt Composite Sheet product, self- adhering sheet consisting of rubberized asphalt laminated to a 4-mil- thick polyethylene film with release liner on adhesive side, (available in approx. l0- wide roll ) by W. R. Grace or approved equal.2. Apply to overlap top of window / door head and jamb nailing flange.3' Note: Apply to wrap behind windoWdoor nailing flange sill and to lap over Air- infiltration barrier, see section below. I. AirJnfiltration Barrier: Cover sheathing with air-infiltration banier to comply with manufacturer's written instructions. l. Apply air-infiltration barrier to cover upstanding flashing with 4-inch (100-mm) overlap. 2 Apply air-infiltration barrier to overlap top of windod door nailing flange and membrane strips at head and jamb of window.3 Air-infiltration barrier to wmp behind membrane strip and flashing per drawings at windoddoor nailing flange sill. J. Provide continuous bead ofsealant at outside edge ofjoint between concrete foundation / slab and wall bottom plate to create watertight joint. Install sill sealer to inside of sealant joint. END OF SECTION O6IOO ROUGH CARPENTRY 06100 - s I t I I t I I I I I I I I t I I I I I Copyright 1996 AIA BILLINGSLEY RESID MASTERSPEC - SLV 8/96 SECTION 06130 - HEAVY TIMBER CONSTRUCTION GENERAL Heavy timber is defined as rectangular solid-wood framing members 5 inches nominal (114 mm actual) and larger in both dimensions. Timber standard: comply with AITC 108, "Standard for Heary Timber construction." Schedule delivery ofheary timber to avoid extended on-site storage and to avoid delaying the Work. PRODUCTS General: comply with Doc PS 20, "American Softwood Lumber standard." and with grading rules ofthe following inspection agencies: l. SPIB - Southern Pine Inspection Bureau.2. WCLIB - West Coast Lumber Inspection Bureau.3. WWPA - Westem Wood Products Association. Exposed Interior Timber Species and Grade: Douglas Fir, No. 1, select tight kno! smooth sanded finish, l5 percent maximum moisture content at time of dressing. l. Structural Properties: As indicated on Structural Drawings. Exposed Exterior Timber Species and Grade: Cedar, No. l, select tight knot, ruffsawn, 19 percent maximum moisture content at time of dressing. L Structural Properties: As indicated on Stnrctural Drawings. Dressing: Provide dressed timber (S4S), unless otherwise indicated. End Sealer: Manufacturer's standard, transparent wood sealer that is effective in retarding the transmission of moisture at cross-grain cuts. Penetrating Sealer: Manufacturer's standard, transparent, penetraling wood sealer that is compatible with indicated finish. Connectors, Anchors, and Accessories Per Requirements of Section 05500: Fabricate from structural-steel shapes, plates, and bars complying with ASTM A 36; steel bars complying o ENCE l.l B. c. 1.2 B. C. D. E. F. G. HEAVY TIMBER CONSTRUCTION 06130 - I Copyright 1996 AIA BILLINGSLEY RESIDEN MASTERSPEC - SLV with ASTM A575, GradeM1020; and hot-rolled steel sheet complying with ASTM A 570, Grade 33. I' Finish each assembly and fastener with rust-inhibitive primer, 2-mil (0.05-mm) dry hlm thickness, all exposed members to be finish painted with color per schedules H. Fabrication of wood columns and timbers: Shop fabricate members by cutting and restoring exposed surfaces to match specified surfacing. Predrill for fasteners and assembly of units. 1. Machine sand exposed surfaces to remove planing or surfacing marks, finishing with No. 120 grit sandpaper.2. Seal Coat: After fabricating and surfacing each unit, apply a saturation coat of penetrating sealer on swfaces of each unit. I.3 EXECUTION A. Installation: Erect timber framing true and plumb. Provide temporary bracing to maintain lines and levels until permanent supporting members are in place. B. Fit timber framing by cutting and restoring exposed surfaces to match specified surfacing. Predrill for fasteners and assembly of units. l. Machine sand exposed surfaces to remove planing or surfacing mmks, finishing with No. 120 grit sandpaper.2. Coat crosscuts with end sealer. C' Repair damaged surfaces and finishes after completing erection. Replace damaged heavy timber if repairs are not approved by Architect. END OF SECTION 06130 o CE I I I t I I I I It t t I I I I I I I IHEAVY TIMBER CONSTRUCTION 06t30 - 2 I I I I I I I I t I I t t I I I T I tI Copyright 1996 AIA BILLINGSLEY RESID MASTERSPEC - SLVo ENCE 8/96 l.l SECTION 06185 - STRUCTURAL GLUED-LAMINATED TIMBER GENERAL Structural gluedJaminated (glularn) timber is defined as an engineered, stress-rated timber product assembled from selected and prepared wood laminations bonded together with adhesives with the grain of the laminations approximately parallel longitudinally. Submittals: In addition to manufacturer's Product Data and installation instructions for glulam timber and accessories, submit the following: I . Shop Drawings: Show layout of structural glulam timber system and full dimensions of each member. Indicate laminating combination. 2. Sample of resawn finish for exposed glulams. Manufacturer Qualifications: Provide factory-glued structural units produced by an AITC- licensed firm. Quality Standard: Comply with AITC Al90.l, "structural Glued Laminated Timber.', Delivery, Storage, and Handling: Comply with provisions of AITC 1 11, "Recommended Practice for Protection of Structural Glued Laminated Timber during Transit, Storage, and Erection." l. Individually wrap members with plastic-coated paper covering, with water-resistant seams. PRODUCTS Species and Grades for Columns, Beams, Purlins, and Arches: Provide glulam members of the following species that comply with AITC II7--MANTIFACTURING for the following combination symbol; l. Species and Combination Symbol: Douglas fir,24FY4. 2. Species and Combination Symbol: Douglas fu,24FV8. Appearance Grade for exposed glulam: Provide resat{n industrial grade appearance grade members complying with AITC 110. Preservative Treatment: Pressure treat lumber before gluing according to AWPA C28 for waterbome preservatives. B. C. D. E. 1.2 B. c. STRUCTURAL GLUED-LAMINATED TIMBER 06185 - I Copyright 1996 AIA BILLINGSLEY RESID MASTERSPEC - SLV D. Adhesive : Wet-use type complying with ASTM D 2559. E. End Sealer: Manufacturer's standard, transparent, colorless wood sealer that is effective in retarding the transmission of moisture at cross-grain cuts and is compatible with indicated finish. F. Penetrating Sealer: Manufacturer's standard, transparent, penetrating wood sealer that is compatible with indicated finish. G. Cormectors, Anchors, and Accessories: Fabricate from structural-steel shapes, plates, and bars complying with ASTM A 36; steel bars complying with ASTM A 575,Grade M 1020; and hot-rolled steel sheet complying with ASTM A 570, Grade 33. 1. Finish each assembly and fastener with rust-inhibitive primer, 2-mi1 (0.05-mm) dry film thickness. H. Shop fabricate for connections to greatest extent possible, including cutting to length and drilling bolt holes. 1. Sizes on drawings are member sizes before they are resawn coordinate connections & elevations for size after resawing. 2. Larger members may be cut in half width or height wise to make a smaller section. For example, a9 l/2" x 5 712" may be cut to make two 4 l/2" x 5 l/2,,members3. The sizes on drawings are intended to be standard sizes-submit altemate sizes for members which are not shown as a standard size. Contractor to coordinate all member size changes with other members and connections. I. Camber: Fabricate horizontal and inclined members, units of less than l:1 slope, with either circular or parabolic camber equal to l/500 of span. J. End-Cut Sealing: Immediately after end-cutting each member to frnal length and after wood treatment (if any), apply a saturation coat of end sealer to ends and other cross-cut surfaces, keeping surfaces flood-coated for not less than l0 minutes. K. Seal Coat: After fabricating and sanding each unit, and end-coat sealing, apply a heavy saturation coat of penetrating sealer on swfaces of each uni! except for treated wood where treatment included a water repellent. I.3 EXECUTION A. Installation: Erect structural glulam timber framing true and plumb, with uniform, close- fitting joints. Provide temporary bracing to maintain lines and levels until permanent o ENCE 8/96 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I T STRUCTURAL GLUED-LAMINATED TIMBER 06185 - 2 I I I I T I I I I t I I I I I I I t I Copyright 1996 AIA BILLINGSLEY RESIDEN MASTERSPEC - SLVo CE supporting members are in place. 1. Use padded slings and protect comers with wood blocking.2. Verifu dimensions in field before cutting members to final length3. Adequately brace members as they are placed to maintain safe position until full stability is provided. 4. Install miscellaneous steel cormectors, anchors, and accessories as indicated. Field drill after members are in place to insure positive uniform bearing and proper alignment. B. Fit structural glulam timber framing by cutting and restoring exposed surfaces to match specified surfacing. Predrill for fasteners and assembly ofunits. l. Use connectors as templates for drilling bolt holes.2. Machine sand exposed surfaces to remove planing or surfacing marks, finishing with No. 120 grit sandpaper. 3. Coat crosscuts with end sealer. C. Cutting: Avoid extra cutting after fabrication. Where field fitting is unavoidable, comply with requirements for shop fabrication. l. Where treated members must be cut during erection, apply a field-treatment preservative to comply with AWPA M4. D. Repair damaged surfaces and finishes after completing erection. Replace damaged structural glulam timber if repairs are not approved by Architect. E. Do not remove wrappings on individually wrapped members until they no longer serve a useful purpose, including protection from wea*rer, soiling, and damage from work of other trades. END OF SECTION 06185 STRUCTURAL GLUED-LAMINATED TIMBER 06185 - 3 T t I I T I I t I I I I t I I I I I I Copynght 1995 AIA BILLINGSLEY RESIDEN MASTERSPEC - SLVo CE 2/95 SECTION 06200 - FIMSH CARPENTRY I.1 GENERAL A. Submittals: In addition to Product Data, submit Samples for each furish and type of siding and paneling. l. 3 foot length of each type of wood siding, battens and boardwalk B. Definitions: l. Finish Carpentry: Woodwork exposed to view but not considered as cabinets or casework. 1.2 PRODUCTS A. Lumber Standards: Comply with DOC PS 20, "American Softwood Lumber Standard," for lumber and with applicable grading rules of inspection agencies certified by American Lumber Standards Committee Board of Review. B' Softwood Plywood: Comply with DOC PS l, "U.S. Product Standard for Construction and Industrial Plywood." Hardwood Plywood: comply with HpVAHp-I, "Interim voluntary standard for Hardwood and Decorative Plywood." Interior Standing and Running Trim: Provide finished lumber and moldings complying with the following requirements: l. Species: Varies, provide per finish schedule2 Grade: No. l, select tight knot (unless noted otherwise on schedule) with maximum 12olo moisture content, suitable for natural finish or stain, E. Interior wood ceiling at Living/Dining/I(tchen: l. Species: Pine 2 Grade: No. 2 or better, select tight knot, with maximum l2olo moisture content, suitable for natural finish or stain,3. lx6 Tongue & Groove (T & G ), with V groove joint., oriented in same direction and joints lined up with I x 6 exterior soffrt at underside of type I roofrakes. ( To look as ifboards are continuous from inside to outside. ) c. D. FINISH CARPENTRY 06200 - 1 Copyright 1995 AIA MASTERSPEC - SLV BILLINGSLEY RESIDENCE Wood Molding Pattems: Refer to drawings for molding and base profile. Shelving: per finish schedule Wood top on Interior Railings:1. Species: Alder 2. Grade: No. I grade select tight knot (unless noted otherwise on schedule) with maximum 12% moisture content, suitable for natwal finish or stain, Board Paneling: Interior wood board paneling complying with wMMpA wM 9, pattern as indicated. l Species: Alder (unless noted otherwise on schedule)2. Grade: No. 1, select tight knot (unless noted otherwise on schedule) with maximum 127o moisture content, suitable for natural finish or stain. Wood deck: l. Decking at Living room: No. I grade, either 2 x 4 ot 2 x 6, redwood decking:a. over #2 grade 3 x Douglas fir sleepers (bottom cutatyi'per 12" slope to provide level deck surface), over protection board over waterproof roofing over 3/q" underlayment grade exterior plywood, exposure I , over 2x 1 2 j oist with top cut to slope %"per 12." 2- Decking at Annie's room: No. I grade, either 2 x 4 or 2x6,redwood decking:a- over # 2 grade or better, select tight knot, 2 x joists, ruff sawn surface, westem red cedar; NLGA, wcLIB, or wwPA. Maximum moisture content of 15%. per structural. Alternate # I' price option of providing Select 2 x 4 or 2x6 Mahogany decking at both decks. K. Fasteners for Exterior Finish Carpentry: Provide nails of stainless steel, hot-dip galvanized steel, or non corroding hi-strength aluminum. Brass-plated screw-type fasteners. L- Exterior Siding: Provide No. 1, select tight knot, ruff sawn surface, western red cedar; NLGA, wcLIB, or wwPA. Maximum moisture content of l5vo. (except as noted) Of rhe following types: l. Type I Siding: VerticalBoardonBoard: I x Sboarddirecttowall, I x6outerboard to provide equal 5 %" exposure on front and back boards. 2. Type 2 Siding -shingle Siding \^rith 5" exposure. I I 2/95 E. F. G. I I I I l I I I I I I t H. J. I I I I I FINISH CARPENTRY 06200 -2 t t I t I I Copyright 1995 AIA BILLINGSLEY RESIDEN MASTERSPEC - SLVo CE 2/95 N. B. D. 1.3 I I I t I I I I I I I t I 2. Type 3 Siding - lx8 Horizontal Tongue & Groove siding with v groove profile. 3. Type 4 siding - lx8 Horizontal Tongue & Groove siding ( no V groove at joints) M. Exterior soffits i exterior ceilings, wderside of stair to Annie's room, exterior soffit below deck at living room and underside oftype I roofrakes (oriented in same direction and joints lined up with I x 6 interior ceiling): l. Provide No. 1, select tight knot, ruff sawn surface, westem red cedan NLGA. WCLIB, or WWPA. Maximum moisture content of l|vo. F. 2. Provide I x6TongueandGroove( T& G), V groove atjoint. Exterior standing Trim, Running Trim and Roof Eave / Rake soffits (except as noted above): hovide finished lumber and moldings complying wittr the following requirements: l. species and Grade: No. I grade, select tight knot, ruffsawn surface, westem red cedar; NLGA, WCLIB, or WWPA. Maximum moisture content of l5%. EXECUTION Condition finish carpentry to average prevailing humidity conditions in installation areas before installation, for a minimum of 2 weeks for siding and exterior trim, and 4 days for interior trim. Prime and back prime all lumber, trim and siding exposed on the exterior. comply with requirements for surface preparation and application in Division 9 Section ',painting." lnstall finish caryentry per ASI custom Grade: plumb, level, true, and aligned with adjacent materials. Use concealed shims where required for alignment. Scribe and cut finish carpentry to fit adjoining work. Refinish and seal cuts as recommended by manufacturer. Blind nail wherever possible. where surface nailing is necessary, use finish nails carefirlly set with nail punch. Nail holes filled under Section 09900. Standing and Running Trim: Install with minimum number ofjoints practical, using full- length pieces from maximum lengths of lumber available. When butt joints are necessary, bevel joints and stagger in adjacent and related trim. cope at returns. Trim comers/intersections per drawings. Paneling: Install according to manufacturer's recommendations. Select and arrange units on each wall for best match ofadjacent units where grain character or color variations are noticeable. Install with uniform tight joints between units. Exterior Trim: wherever possible provide length of trim in one piece. cope end joints FINISH CARPENTRY 06200 - 3 Copyright 1995 AIA BILLINGSLEY RESIDENCE MASTERSPEC. SLV 2/95 I I I I t I t I I I where more than one piece required, centering required joint over bearing. Face nail using casing nails tapped flush. Do not set. Trim intersections as indicated. Sealjoints at inside and outside corners and at trim locations. Layout jointery for uniform appearance and consistency. wood decks: Install with %" between boards. Apply to wood rafters using brass plated, galvanized or stainless steel Phillips type screw fasteners which penetrate one inch into woodjoist/sleepers. Provide2fastenersperbearingfor2xdecking. Copeendjointsover sleeper bearing only. Staggerjoints in adjacent rows. Exterior Fasteners: Fastener length adequate to penetate l-t/2" into wood studs or blocking using casing nails; 1-%" for ring-shank; and one inch for screw-fype. Repair damaged or defective finish carpen@ where possible to elimiaate functional or visual defects. Hand smooth ready for finish under Section 09900 free from machine or tool marks or any roughness. where not possible to repair hamrner marks or mars, replace finish carpenty. Replace any interior finish bearing splits, cracks, or defects of any natlre. Adiust END OF SECTION 06200 G. H. I I I I I I I t I FINISH CARPENTRY 06200 -4 B. c. D. B. l.l 1.2 I I I T I t I I I l I I I J I I I I t ;ii#tb1,#+ff*,or*", o MASTERSPEC - sLV 5/95 SECTION O7I1I - MEMBRANE AND COMPOSITE SHEET WATERPROOFING GENERAL Summary: Provide composite sheet waterproofing that prevents the passage of liquid water under hydrostatic pressure and complies with requirements as demonstrated by testing performed by an independent testing agency. Submittals: Submit Shop Drawings showing locations and extent of waterproofing, including details for subsfratejoints and cracks, sheet flashings, penetrations, tie-ins, and other termination conditions. Deliver materials to Project site and store in original packages with seals unbroken, labeled with manufacturer's name, product, date of manufacture, and directions for storage. Protect stored materials from direct sunlight. Environmental Conditions: Apply waterproofing within range of ambient and substrate temperatures recommended by waterproofing manufacturer. Do not apply waterproofing to a damp or wet substrate. Verification of Conditions: Comply with Section 01040: l. Existing Conditions: Examine substrate before beginning installation.2. Surfaces: Veri$ substrate is smooth, free of major defects, cured and dry.3. Floors: Cured with clear resin based curing compounds not containing oil, was, or pigment.4. Notification: Notifo General Contractor of unsatisfactory conditions in writing with copy to Owner (or Architect at Owner direction).5. Acceptance: Beginning work means acceptance of existing conditions by installer. PRODUCTS Deck Membrane Products: Bituthene; Grace: W.R. Grace & Co. -Install in double layer with minimum 50% overlap of next sheet. -Provide protection board recommended by the manufacturer. -Installed over A surfaced fully sanded exterior grade 314" T & G plywood per section 06100 -Install pressure treated 3 x sleepers over protection board. Do not attach sleepers with fasteners through membrane. W.P Membrane Product at shingle roofi. W.R. Grace & Co, Vicor Ice and Water Shield. Rubberized-Asphalt Composite Sheet product, consisting of polyethylene-sheet-backed, selt adhering, polyrner-modified, bituminous sheet; minimum 40 mils (l mm) thick.withrelease liner on adhesive side, per ASTM D 1970; W.P Membrane Product at metal roof:. W.R. Grace & Co, Vicor Ultra Ice and Water Shield, high MEMBRANE AND COMPOSITE SHEET WATERPROOFING 07lll - I Copyright 1995 AIA BILLINGSLEY RESIDENCE O MASTERSPEC - SLV 5/95 melting temperature, (for use with metal roofs ) Rubberized-Asphalt Composite Sheet producr, consisting of polyethylene-sheet-backed, self-adhering, polymer-modified, bituminous sheet; minimum 40 mils (l mm) thick.with release liner on adhesive side, per ASTM D 1970; D. Water proof membrane strrpping around windows: Provide 20 mil, self sealing Rubberized- Asphalt Composite Sheet product, self-adhering sheet consisting of rubberized asphalt laminated to a 4-mil- thick polyethylene film with release liner on adhesive side, (available in approx. 10" wide roll ) by W. R. Grace or approved equal.2. Apply to overlap top of window / door head and jamb nailing flange before air infiltration barrier is installed. 3 ' Note: Apply to wrap behind windoddoor nailing flange sill and to lap over Air-infiltation barrier. 4. See section 06100. Auxiliary Materials: Primer, sheet flashing, liquid membrane, patching membrane, and liquid mastics recommended by waterproofing manufacturer for intended use and compatible with waterproofing sheet membrane. 0. Provide liquid-type auxiliary materials that meet volatile organic compound (VOC) limits of authorities having jurisdiction. EXECUTION General Installation: Clean, prepare, and treat substrate according to manufacturer's written instructions. Remove projections, concrete splatter, general surface dirt and other foreign materials to leave surfaces in clean, dust-free, and dry condition suitable for application of membrane. l. Cleaning: Clean surfaces with high pressure air to remove dust, loose stones and debris. 2. Patching: Patch holes and grossly irregular surfaces with patching product compatable with me mbrane per manufactures recommendations. Prepare, treat, rout, and filljoints and cracks in substrate. Prepare, prime, and treat inside and outside corners, terminations, penetrations, drains, and protrusions according to waterproofing manufacturer's written instructions. Apply primer to substrate at required rate and allow to dry. Install membrane and self-adhering composite sheet membrane according to waterproofing manufacturer's written instructions. -At intersections with walls at both types of membranes, continue membranes 3'up the wall and per the drawings. -Install vicor and vicor Utra Ice and water shield under all roofing areas I I I I t I I I t I I I I t l I I I I 1.3 B. D. MEMBRANE AND COMPOSITE SHEET WATERPROOFING 07111 - 2 I I I I I I t I t I I I I I I 1 I I I Copyright 1995 AIA BILLINGSLEY RESIDENCE O MASTERSPEC - SLV 5t9s E. Apply membrane from low points to high points across fall line so that laps shed water. Stagger end laps. F. Roll entire membrane firmly and completely as soon as possible with linoleum roller or standard water-filled garden roller less than 30" wide. Protect face of roller with resilient material such as %" plastic foam or two wraps of indoor-outdoor carpet. G. Seal end laps and T-joints at end of each work day. H. Apply double thickness of membrane over properly sealed expansion, construction and control joints. I. Apply and firmly adhere sheet membrane over area to receive waterproofing. Accurately align sheets. Overlap and seal seams and stagger end laps to ensure watertight installation.1. Seal laps within 12" of corner details with trowelling of EM-3000.2. At the ice & water shield sloped roof membrane, maintain uniform2-l/2-nch- (64-rnm- minimum lap widths and end laps.3. At fte Bituthane deck membrane, maintain uniform lap widths of a minimum of 50Vo of the sheet and end laps of a minimum of 12,,.4' For vertical applications, use heavy hand pressure and seam roller on laps. At roof wall intersections, continue water proof membrane a minimum of 3'up wall.5. Coordinate installation of membrane products with all shown and requircd flashing ro provide a waterproof system.6. Apply continuous layer of membrane under all flashing, Apply layer of membrane counter flashing over all flashing to shed water on to flashing. Note membrane counter flashing to be completely covered by roofing or siding, it is not to be exposed. J. Protrusions: 1. Projections: Apply double layer of membrane around projections at least 6" in all directions and seal terminations with EM-3000. K. Terminations: Terminate by pressing very fumly to wall and finish with trowelled bead of Elastomeric Mastic Bituthene EM-3000. M. Protect waterproofing from damage and wear during application and remainder of construction period, according to manufacturer's written iastructions. N. Repair all holes and damage to membranes per manufacture's requirements. If fasteners, for membrane, blocking, roofing, flashing or roof security devices, which penetrate membrane are removed, seal hole in membrane at fastener location per manufacture's recommendation.. O. Clean spillage and soiling from adjacent construction using cleaning agents and procedures recommended by manufacturer of affected construction. END OF SECTION O7II1 MEMBRANE AND COMPOSITE SHEET WATERPROOFING 07lll -3 I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I t I t T Copyright 1994 AIA BILLINGSLEY RESIDEN MASTERSPEC - SLV SECTION 07160 - BITUMINOUS WATERPROOFING I.I GENERAL A. Submittals: Submit product data for each type of product specified, including data substantiating t}lat materials comply with local regulations controlling use of volatile organic compounds (VOCs). B. Proceed with waterproofing work only after substrate and penetrating work have been completed. Allow concrete drying time in accordance with waterproofing manufacturer recommendations, but not less tban72 hours after concrete forrn removal. C' Perform waterproofing work when existing and forecast weather conditions are suitable and as prescribed by waterproofing manufacturer. D. Verification of Conditions: Comply with Section 01600: l. Existing Conditions: Examine substrate before beginning installation.2. surfaces: veri$ substrate is smooth, free of major defects, cured and dry.3. Notification: Notify General Contactor of unsatisfactory conditions in vniting with copy to Architect. 4. Acceptance: Beginning work means acce,ptance of existing conditions by installer. E. Install, bituminous waterproofing to exterior of walls below grade not covered by waterproof membrane. 1.2 PRODUCTS A. Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide products by one of the following: l. Hot-Applied Asphalt water proofing: a. Meadows: W.R. Meadows, Inc.b. Owens-Coming Fiberglas Corp.; Trumbull Division. B. Bituminous waterproofing, General: Provide products recommended by manufacturer for designated application. l. Odor Elimination: Provide material warranted by manufacturer to be odor fiee after drying for 24 hours under normal conditions. o CE 2/94 BITI.'MINOUS WATER PROOFING 07160 - | Copyright 1994 AIA MASTERSPEC - SLV BILLINGSLEY RESIDENCE c. Hot-Applied Asphalt waterproofing: waterproofing asphal! complying with ASTM D 449, Type I. D' Primer: Asphalt primer complying with ASTM D 41, for asphalt-based waterproofing. E. Glass Fabric: Woven glass fabric, treated with asphalt, complying with ASTM D 1668, Type L I.3 EXECUTION A. Preparation: Clean substrate and comply with recommendations of prime materials manufacturer. I I I I I I I t I t I I I I I I I I I l. Install cant strips and similar accessories as recolnmended by prime materials manufacturer. 2. Fill voids, seal joints, and apply bond breakers as recommended by prime materials manufacturer. 3. Install separate flashings and comer protection stripping as recommended by prime materials manufacturer.4. Prime substrate as recommended by prime materials manufacturer.5- Protection of Other Work: Prevent spillage and migration onto other surfaces of adjoining work. B' Application: Apply waterproofing at all perimeter foundation walls. Apply I or 2 coats as recommended by manufacturer. l. Reinforcement: At changes in plane or as shown, install lapped course of glass fabric in first coat of waterproofing compound.2. Apply vertical waterproofing down walls from finished-grade line to top of footing, extend over top offooting, and down to bottom face offooting. Extend 12 inches onto intersecfing walls and footings, but do not extend onto surfaces exposed to view when the project is completed. c. Hot-Applied Asphalt waterproofing: Apply on exterior surfaces only. Do not apply when substrate condition causes foaming. l. Apply a coat at a rate of 20 lb or 2.5 gal./100 sq. ft. to a uniform film thickness of not less than 30 mils.2. Apply a second coat, as specified above, after allowing 24 hours for first coat to cure. Double the thickness of second coat where first application has failed to produce a smooth, shiny, impervious coat. D. Protect exterior, below-grade dampproofing membrane from damage until backfill is completed. Remove overspray and spilled materials from sur ces not intended to receive BITUMINOUS WATER PROOFING 07160 - 2 I copyright 1994 ArA O MASTERSIEc - sLV BILLINGSLEY RESIDENCE I waterproofing. I E. Protection Course: Comply with waterproofing materials manufacturer,sr recommendations for method of support or attaching of protection materials and rigid insulation. Support with spot application of trowel-grade mastic where not otherwise I indicated. I END oF sEcrroN 07160 I I I J t t I I I I I l I I BrruMrNous WATERPROOFTNG 07160 - 3 MASTERSPEC - SLV 5/95 SECTION O72IO - BUILDING INSULATION I I.I GENERALt, v A. Submittals: Product Data for each type of insulation product specified. I B. Fire-Test-Response Characteristics: Provide insulation and related materials with the fue- test-response characteristics indicated as determined by testing identical products per I ASTME 84, ASTME 119, or ASTME 136 by UL or another testing and inspecting I agency acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction. Identiff materials with appropriate markings of applicable testing and inspecting agency. I 1.2 PRODUCTS I A. General: Provide insulating materials that comply with requirements and with referencedr standards. I 1. Preformed Units: Sizes to fit applications indicated; selected from manufacturer's-r standard thicknesses, widths, and lengths. I B. Exterior Insulation: un-faced, flexible glass-fiber insulation: ASTM C 6l2,Type IA orF ASTM C 553, Types I, II, and III; Provided a minimum R-19 for exterior walls, R-38 at r roofs. l,l. Nominal Density: 1.5 lb/cu. ft. 11 2. Thermal Resistivity: 4. 13 deg F x h x sq. ft./Btu x in. at 75 deg F. I 3. Surface-Burning Characteristics: Maximum flame-spread and smoke-developed indices of25 and 50, respectively. |J 4. Acceptable product: Owens-Coming, Manville, USG, Insulface 3 Certainteed. I C. Rigid Insulation: I 1. Provide closed cell extruded insulation board as shown in drawings.ll a. provide I %" closed cell extrudedrigid insulation board under all interior slabs 3 ongrade. r D. Sound Insulation: Provide fiberglass batt sound insulation at all bathroom and bedroom I walls, at all floor/ceiling assemblies and per locations specified in the specifications and I drawings.- l. Provide 3 Yz" and,5 1/2" thickness for corresponding wall thicknesses. I 2. Provide 12" thickness for all floor/ceiling assemblies to completely fill cavity. fJ 3. Do not over compact insulation. I Copyright 1995 AIA BILLINGSLEY RESIDENI I I BUILDINGINSULATION o CE 072t0 - | Copyright 1995 AIA BILLINGSLEY RESID MASTERS?EC - SLV 5195 E. Inzulation Supports: Type IS by Simpson Strong-Tie or adhesive-attached pin-anchors with 2 inch minimum diameter selfJocking steel washer, or equal. F. Provide Polyethylene Vapor Retarder at all exterior walls and roof/ceilings: ASTM D 4397,6 mils thick, with maximum permeance rating of 0.13 perm. Lap Joints one stud orjoist spacing G. Vapor-Retarder Tape: Pressure-sensitive tape of type recommended by vapor retarder manufacturer for sealing joints and penetrations in vapor retarder particularly at wall and ceiling j oints H. Adhesive for Bonding lnsulation: Product with demonsfiated capability to bond insulation securely to substrates indicated without damaging insulation and substrates. 1.3 EXECUTION A. Installation, General: Comply with insulation manufacturer's vnitten instructions applicable to products and application indicated. 1. Install insulation that is undamaged, dry, unsoiled, and has not been exposed at any time to ice and snow. 2. Extend insulation in thickness indicated to envelop entire area to be insulated. Cut and fit tightly around obstructions and fill voids with insulation. Remove projections that interfere witlt placement. 3. Apply single layer of insulation to produce thickness indicated. Notify Architect if this is not possible. B. Protect below-grade insulation on vertical surfaces from damage during backfilling by applying protection board. Mechanically fasten or set in adhesive according to written instructions of insulation manufacturer and bituminous waterproofing manufacturer. C. Extend vapor retarder to extremities of areas to be protected from vapor transmission. Secure in place with adhesives or other anchorage system. D. Protect installed insulation and vapor retarders from damage due to harmful weather exposures, physical abuse, and other causes. Repair all cuts, holes and tares in vapor barrier. Replace improperly installed, wet or damaged insulation. END OF SECNON 07210 o ENCE I I I I I I I I I I I I I T I I t t IBUILDING INSULATION 07210 - 2 I I Copyright 1996 AIA O MASTERSPE.-SLV BILLINGSLEY RESIDENCE SECTION 07317 - WOOD SHINGLES SIDING & ROOFING 1.I GENERAL A. Submit Product Data for each type of product specified. B. Submit samples of wall shingle and roof shingle. C. Delivery, Storage and Handling: Deliver materials to Project site in manufacturer's unopened bundles or containers with labels intact. Handle and store materials at Project site to prevent water damage, staining, or other physical damage. comply with manufacturer's recommendations for job site storage, handling, and protection. D. Wood Shingle Grading Standards: Comply with the following: l. U.B.C. Standard l5-4.2. CSSB's "Grading Rules for Certigrade Red Cedar Shingles." 1.2 PRODUCTS A. Fancy-Butt Cedar Shingles: No. 1 grade, clear heartwood red cedar, edge grain with no defects, 16 to l8 inches long by 5 inches wide by l/4-inch nominal thickness, with butt shape indicated, L Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide products by one of the following: Cedar Valley Shingle Systems. Shakertown. B. W.P' Membrane Underlayment throughout under shingle roof: see section 07l l I C. Nails at roofing: Hot-dip galvanized nails or Type 304 or 316 stainless-steel nails of sufficient length to penetrate l/8" through sheathing or at least 3i4 inch into 2x material. l. Use shingle-type nails to attach wood shingles. D. Staples: 0.05-inch (1.3-mm), Type304 or 316 stainless-steel staples with minimum 7/16'inch (l l-mm) crown width, of suffrcient length to penetrate through or at least 3/4 inch (19 mm) into sheathing. E. Sheet Metal Flashing at shingle siding & roofing: Provide per the following: 1. Provide Copper Sheet except as noted: ASTMB37O, temperHO0 or 060; 16 oz.lsq. ft. (0.55 mm thick). WOOD SHINGLES SIDING & ROOFING I t t I I I J I I t I I T t I I I a. b. 07317 - | Copyright 1996 AIA MASTERSPEC - SLV 2/96 BILLINGSLEY RESIDENCE 2. Open-Valley Metal Flashing: Preformed, inverted "V" profile at center of valley and extending at least 9 inches or per drawings in each direction from centerline ofvalley. 3. Vent Pipe Flashing: Lead conforming to ASTM B 749, Type LSIl2l, at least 1/16 inch tlrick, unless otherwise indicated F. Fabricate sheet metal flashing to comply with recommendations of SMACNA's "Architectural Sheet Metal Manual" that apply to design, dimensions, metals, and other characteristics of item indicated. C. EXECUTION Examine substrates for compliance with requirements for substrates, installation tolerances, and other conditions afGcting performance of work specified in this Section. Do not proceed with installation until unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected. Clean substrates of projections and substances detrimental to application. Cover knotholes or other minor voids in substrate. coordinate installation with flashing and other adjoining work to ensure proper sequencing. Do not install roofing materials until all vent stacks and other penetrations through roof sheathing have been installed and are securely fastened against movement. Installation, General: Comply with manufacturer's written installation instructions. 1. Roof: w.P. Membrane underlayment: Apply underlayment horizontally over entire sheathing surface, lapping ends and succeeding courses a minimum of 2 inches and per manufacturer's requirements. (50 mm). Fasten with a sufficient number of galvanized roofing nails to hold membrane in place until shingles are applied.a. Continue W.P. Mernbrane 3' up all intersecting walls or roofs. 2. Walls: Air infiltration barrier: Provide at all walls over sheathing per section 06100 Roofing Installation: comply with cSSB's "Design and Application Manual for New Roof construction" and NRCA's "The NRCA Roofing and waterproofing Manual": section "The NRCA steep Roofing Manual," chapter "wood Shingle and wood shake Roofing." l. Install wood shingles, beginning at lower end, witl a double-layer starter course, projecting shingles 1" beyond fascia (including at gutters). Install 16 to lg-inch- (455-mm) Iong shingles with 5-inch weather exposure. Space adjoining shinglesl/8 inch apart, attach each shingle with 2 fasteners spaced 3/4 to I inch from edge of shingle and l-l/2 to 2 inches above butt line of subsequent course. Stagger edge joints a minimum of l-l/2 inches in succeeding courses. prevent I I I 1.3 I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I A. B. D. E. WOOD SHINGLES SIDING & ROOFING 07317 -2 I t I I I I I I I I t l t I I I t I l Copynght 1996 AIA BILLINGSLEY RESIDENC MASTERSPEC - SLVo E alignment of vertical joints in every third coluse. Drive fasteners tight to top surface of shingles without crushing wood. Ridges and Edges: weather protection. sheathing as specified. 3. Flashing: Install metal flashing as indicated, according to details and recommendations of NRCA's "The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual": Section "The NRCA Steep Roofing Manual," chapter "wood shingle and wood Shake Roofing." a. Valleys: Construct open valleys, which comply with ARMA and NRCA recommenda- tions. F. Wall Installation: Comply with CSSB's "Design and Application Manual for Exterior and Interior Walls." 1. Install Fancy-Butt Cedar Shingle: Apply shingles to wall sheathing, to fuiring strips, or on panels to be installed on walls. On walls, begin at lower end with a double-layer starter course, projecting shingles 1-l/2 inches beyond lower fascia. Center each shingle between the 2 below and allow l/8-inch space between shingles. Install l8-inch- long shingles w:r.h 7-l/2-inch for weather exposure. Attach each shingle with 2 fasteners spaced 314 to I inch from edge of shingle and l-l/2to 2 inches above butt line of subsequent course. Drive fasteners tight to top surface of shingles without crushing wood. Butt interior comers against wood stop. Butt exterior comers against corner boards. G. Replace damaged materials installed under this Section with new materials that meet specified requirements. END OF SECTION 07317 Cut and fit Install with ridge and edge pieces to provide maximum fasteners of suffrcient length to penetrate WOOD SHINGLES SIDING & ROOFING 073t7 -3 lv95 I.1 GENERAL I A. Submittals: In addition to Product Datq submit Shop Drawings, installation instructions, color samples, and general recommendations, as applicable to materials I and finishes for each conrponent and for total panel assemblies. t I 1.2 PRODUCTS - A. Manufactwers: Provide panels by Kovach in 24 guage panel with Galvatique Finish t (similar to a preweathered galvanized finish) I B. Subject to compliance with requirements, provide panels with similar Galvatique finish - by one oftlre following manufactures: Finish must be approved by architect. t l. SteelRoofPanels: r' a. AEP-Span.r I Bffiitlffiim*susArnc. t d. Butler Manufacturing Co.I e. CopperSales, Inc. r. f, Delcoa Industries" Inc. . g' Englert, Inc' C. Steel Panels: Structural-quality steel sheet galvanized according to ASTM A 653, G90 I (ASTM A 653M, 2275);0.034 inch (0.85 mm) thick, unless otherwise indicated. J 1. Finish: Galvatique (Kovach) or approved similar finish- t D. Standing-Seam Roof Panel Assembly: Designed for concealed mechanical attachment ofpanels to roofpurlins or deck. I l. Clips: 0.0625-inch- (1.6-mm-) thick, stainless-steel panel clips designed to meet negative-load requirements. 11 2. Cleats: Mechanically seamed cleats fornred from minimum 0.0250-inch- (0.65- I mm-) thick, stainless-steel or nylon-coated aluminum sheets. I E. Undedayment required. Self-Adhering, Polymer-Modified, Bituminous Sheet I Underlayment: ASTM D 1970, minimum of 40 mils (1 mm) thick. Provide primer when recommended by underlayment manufachrrer. -I 1. Products: See section 071I I I copyright l99s AIA O MAsTERsPEc- sLV I BILLINGSLEYRESIDENCE SECTION 07411 - MANUFACTURED ROOF PAI.IELS I I I MANLJFACTURED ROOF PANELS 07411 - I Copyright 1995 AIA BILLINGSLEY RESID MASTERSPEC - SLVo ENCE t|95 I I I I I t T I I I t I I t I I I I l 1.3 F. Fasteners: Self-tapping screws, bolts, nuts, self-locking rivets and bolts, end-welded studs, and other suitable fasteners designed to withstand design loads. G. Closure Strips: Closed-cell, self-extinguishing, expanded, cellular, rubber or cross- linked, polyolefin-foam strips. H. Sealing Tape: Pressure-sensitive, polyisobutylene tape with release paper backing. I. Bituminous Coating: Cold-applied asphalt mastic, SSPC-Paint 12, compounded for 15- mil (0.4-mm) dry frlm thickness per coat. E)(ECUTION Examination: Examine substrates and conditions for compliance with requirements indicated for conditions affecting performance of metal panel roofing. Examine roof framing to verifr that sheathing, blocking and other secondary structural support members and anchorage have been installed according to written instructions of panel manufacturer. Do not proceed with roof panel installation until unsatisfuctory conditions have been corrected. Panel Installation: Comply with panel manufacturer's written instructions and recommendations for installation Anchor panels securely in place, with provisions for thermal and structural movement. Field cutting exterior panels by torch is not permitted. Install panels with concealed fasteners, unless otherwise indicated. 1 . Standing-Seam Roof Panel Assembly: Fasten panels to supports with concealed clip according to panel manufacturer's written instructions. Install clips at each support with self-drilling/self-tapping fasteners.2. Over solid substrate, inSall panels with at least 3-inch (75-mm) side laps and 4- inch (100-mm) end laps. Accessories: Install components required for a complete roof panel assembly including trinr, copings, fasciae, ridge closures, clips, seam covers, battens, flashings, gutters, sealants, gaskets, fillers, closure strips, and similar items. Separate dissimilar metals with a bituminous coating, rubberized-asphalt underlayment, orby other means recommended by manufacturers of dissimilar metals. Install W.P. Membrane underlayment on roof deck under metal panels throughout roof area. Continue minimum 3' up all intersecting walls or roofs. Apply from eave to ridge in shingle fashion and lap joints a minimum of 2 inches (50 mm). See section 07lll. Coordinate installation with flashings and other adjoining work to ensure proper sequencing. Eave, rake, ridge and any other roof flashing at metal roofto be same Galvatique finish B. C. D. F. MANI.JFACTI.]RED ROOF PAI{ELS 074t1 - 2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I t l Copyright 1995 AIA MASTERSPEC - SLV rU9s BILLINGSLEY RESIDENCE G. Weatherproofing: Install gaskets, joint fillers, and sealants where indicated and where required for weatherproof performance of panel assemblies as recommended by panel manufacturer. Seal panel end laps and side joints as recommended by panel manufacturer. Install weatherseal under ridge cap. Flash and seal panels at eave and rake with rubber, neoprene, or other closures to exclude weather. l. Standing-Seam Roof Panel Assembly: At end laps of panels, install tape calk between panels. Install factory-calked cleats at standing-seam joints. 2. Field Seaming: Complete seaming of panel joints by operating portable power- driven equipment of tlpe recommended by panel manufacturer to provide a weathertight joint. H. Damaged Units: Replace panels and other components of the Work that have been damaged or have deteriorated beyond successful repair by finish touchup or similar minor repair procedures. I. Cleaning: Remove temporary protective coverings and strippable filmg if any, as soon as each panel is installed. On completion of panel installation, clean finished surfaces as recommended by panel manufacturer and maintain in a clean condition during construction. END OF SECTIONOT4lI MA}II.JFACTURED ROOF PANELS 074tt -3 I Copyright 1994 AIA BILLINGSLEY RESIDl o ENCE MASTERSPEC.SLV I SECTION 07620 . SHEET METAL FLASHING AND TRIM r I.1 GENERAL I A. Conform to profiles and sizes shown on drawings, and comply with "Architectural SheetJ Metal Manual" by SMACNA, for each general category of work required. I B. Shop Drawings: Submit in accordance with Section 01300. Include:t - l. Overall layout of sheet metal work. I 2. Type, thickness, and details of sheet metal components.3. Joints, expansion joints, attachment and anchoring of sheet metal components. t 4. Submit standard colors chart, provide 9" x 9" color samples of selected colors. t C. Wananty: Provide two year written warranty covering materials and installation for sheet ;1 metal in accordance with Section 01700. ! l. Provide a system that shall be watenight and weatherproof.T I D. Finish: Provide manufacturet's warranty against cracking, peeling, chalking and fading for a period of20 years in accordance with Section 01700.I t E. Coordinate this section with section 07320 and 071 I l. t r.z PRoDUcrs I A. Pre-finished Steel Sheet ( PFSM): 24 gage, ASTM A792,tnth factory-applied finish. I Standard color per exterior color schedule.1. Painted Galvanized Steel Sheet Zinc-coated, commercial-quality steel sheet, I complying with ASTM A755, G90 (ASTM A755M,2275) coating designation, I minimum 0.0336 inch (0.85 mm) thick, coated with inhibitive primer and fluoropolymer color topcoat containing not less than 70 percent pollwinylidene fluoride resin by weight, in color selected by Architect. I B. Miscellaneous Materials and Accessories: As followsr I 1. Solder: ASTM B 32, Grade Sn50.2. Fasteners: Noncorrosive metal. Match finish of exposed heads with material beingIfastened.u 3. Asphalt Mastic: SSPC-Paint 12, asbestos free, solvent type. I 4. Roofing Cement: ASTM D 4586, Type I, asbestos free, asphalt based. I 5. Mastic Sealant: Polyisobutylene; nonhardening, nonskinning, nondrying, nonmigrating sealant. I f SHEET METAL FLASHTNG AND TRIM 0'1620 - 7I I 8/94 Copyright 1994 AIA BILLINGSLEY RESID MASTERSPEC - SLVo ENCE 8/94 I I I I I I T I I I I t I t I T I t I 6. Elastomeric Sealant: As specified in Division 7 Section "Joint Sealants."7. Epoxy Seam Sealer: 2-part, noncorrosive, aluminum seam-cementing compound.8. Adhesives: Type recommended for waterproof and weather-resistant seaming and adhesive. 9. Clips, Straps, Anchoring Devices, and Similar Accessories: Compatible with material being installed. C. Fabricate sheet metal flashing and trim to comply with recommendations of SMACNA's "Architectural Sheet Metal Manual" that apply to the design, dimensions, metal, and other characteristics of the item indicated. 1. Gutters: 0.040-inch- thick galvanized steel sheet. 2. Downspouts: 0.024-inch- thick aluminum. 3. Splash Pans: 0.024-inch-thick galvanized steel sheet.4. Roof-Drain Flashing: 4.0 lbisq. ft., hard-tempered lead.5. Scuppers: 16 oz./sq. ft. (0.55-mm-thick) copper.6. Base Flashing: 0.024-inch- thick galvanized steel sheet.7. Counterflashing: 0.024-inch- thick galvanized steel sheet.8. Valley Flashing: 0.024-inch- thick galvanized steel sheet.9. Drip Edges: 0.0217-inch- (0.55-mm-) thick galvanized steel sheet. 10. Eave Flashing: 0.0217-inch- (0.55-mm-) thick galvanized steel. 11. Roof-Penetration Flashing: 0.0276-inch- (0.7-mm-) thick galvanized steel sheet. D. Coil-Coated Galvanized Steel Sheet Finish: GalvahimerM finish. l. Color and Gloss: As indicated by manufacturer's color and gloss designations. 1.1 EXECUTION Installafion: Comply with manufacturer's instuctions and SMACNAs "Architectural Sheet Metal Manual" allow for thermal expansion; set true to line and level as indicated. Fabricate sheet metal with flat-lock seams to indicated profiles for roof eave and rake flashing and misc. flashing profiles. Coordinate and install flashing with roofing, w. p. membranes, air-infiltration barrier, windows, doors, vents, trim and siding as a complete waterproof system with laps, joints, and seams permanently watertight and weatherproof; conceal fasteners where possible. Anchor work in place with noncorrosive fasteners, adhesives, setting compounds, tapes and other materials and devises as recommended by manufacturer of material. Expansion Provisions: Provide for thermal expansion of exposed sheet metal Work. Space movement joints at maximum of l0 feet with no joints allowed within 24 inches of comer or intersection. where lapped or bayonet-type expansion provisions in work cannot be used or would not be sufficiently weatherproof and waterproof, form expansion joints of intermeshing hooked flanges, not less than I inch deep, filled with mastic sealant A. B. SHEET METAL FLASHING AND TRIM 07620 - 2 D. F. G. I. I I I I I I I I l I I I I t I I I t T Copynght 1994 AIA BILLINGSLEY RESIDEN MASTERSPEC - SLVo CE 8/94 (concealed within j oints). Conceal expansion provisions where possible. C. Soldered Joints: Clean surfaces to be soldered, removing oils and foreign matter. Pretin edges of sheets to be soldered to a width of l-l/2 inches, except where pretirmed surface would show in finished Work. 1. Do not solder aluminum. 2. Pretinning is not required for lead. Sealed Joints: Form nonexpansion, but movable, joints in metal to accommodate elastomeric sealant to comply with SMACNA standards. Fill joint with sealant and form metal to completely conceal sealant. Seams: Fabricate nonmoving seams in sheet metal with flatlock seams. Tin edges to be seamed, form seams, and solder. Counterflashings: Coordinate installation with installation of assemblies to be protected by counterflashing. Install counterflashings in reglets or receivers. Secure in a waterproof manner by means of snapin installation and sealant, lead wedges and sealant, interlocking folded seam, or blind rivets and sealant. Lap counterflashing joints a minimum of 2 inches and bed with sealant. Roof-Penetration Flashing: Coordinate installation with roofing and installation of items penetrating roof. Edges: l. Hem edges 3/8" unless otherwise indicated.2. Drips: Angle bottom edges of vertical surfaces to form drips. Coat back-side of fabricated sheet metal with I 5-mil sulfir free bituminous coating, SSPC- Paint 12, where required to separate metals from corrosive substrates, including cementitious materials, wood or other absorbent materials. END OF SECTION 07620 SHEET METAL FLASHING AND TRII\4 07620 - 3 I t I l I I l I I I I I I I I I I I l Copynght 1996 AIA BILLINGSLEY RESIDEN t CE MASTERSPEC - SLV 5/96 SECTION O77IO. MANUFACTURED ROOF SPECIALTIES I.1 GENERAL Submit Product Data for each item specified. Submit Samples of each metal and finish specified. Performance Requirements: Comply with recommend.ations of FM Loss prevention Data Sheet 149. 1.2 PRODUCTS A. Vent Channel at roof insulation: l. Cello Foam, Perma-Vent EPS Ventilation Channel (Comes in standard 4' lenghts for rafters 16 to 24" O.C. ) or approved equal. B. Soffit Vent: 1. Expanded metal type with bug screen behind, paintable mtl surface so it can be painted to match soffit color, screen to be black. Provide approx. 4,, x 12,, vent between each rafter. I.3 EXECUTION A. Examine walls, roof edges, and parapets for suitable conditions for roof edge system installation. Do not proceed with installation until unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected. B. Installation: Comply with manufacturer's written installation instuctions. Coordinate with installation of roof deck and other substates to receive work of this Section and with vapor retarders, roofing insulation, roofing membrane, flashing, and wall construction. Anchor products secuely to structural substrates. C. Isolate metal surfaces of units where in contact with dissimilar metal or corrosive substrates, including wood. D' Provide Ventilation Channel at all locations where depth of specified insulation could block ventilation, such as at2xl2 cathedral ceilings where ceiiing is at bottom of2xl2 rafter. E. Provide soffit vent between all rafters END OF SECTION O77IO B. c. MANUFACTURED ROOF SPECIALTIES 07710 - | I Copyright l9e7 AIA BILLINGSLEY RESIDEN o CE MASTERSPEC-SLV . I SECTION 07920. JOINT SEALANTS I I.I GENERALII A. Submittals: In addition to product data submit color selection samples for each type. I B. Contractor's option to install one part premixed sealant components or multi-part job mixed-r products. I C. Provide three year written wan"anty covering installation for sealants. I D. Provide sealants with minimum ten year product warranty. I 1.2 PRODUCTS I A. Elastomeric Sealant Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide sealants by one of the following: 1. Silicone Sealanls: a, Tremco. 2. Urethane Sealants: a. Mamecolnternational. b. Pecora Corporation. c. Tremco. I B. Compatibility: Provide joint sealants, backings, and other related materials that are I compatible with one another and with joint substrates under conditions of service and application, as demonstrated by testing and field experience.II C. Colors: Provide color as selected by Architect from manufacturer's standard colors. I D. Sealant: Provide manufacturer's standard chemically curing, elastomeric sealant of baseI polymer indicated complying with ASTM C 920 requirements, Type S or M, Grade NS, Class l2-112 or 25, use NT; Silicone or Urethane for all exterior joint applications exceptI asnoted.I a E. Caulk Acrylic-Emulsion (Latex) complying with ASTM C 834 for interior non-working I joints with capability to accommodate joint movement up to plus or minus 7-ll2percent. t l I I t I JOINT SEALANTS 07920 - | Copyright 1997 AIA MASTERSPEC - SLV 2/97 BILLINGSLEY RESIDENCE Manufactures: a- Pecora 60+ Unist1i.. b. Tremco Mono or Butyl Sealant.c. Protective Treatments pTI 73g or 757.d. SonnebornMulti-purpose. F. Acoustical Sealant: Nonsag, paintable, nonstaining, latex sealant complying with ASTM C 834 and effective in reducing airbome sound transmission tJuough perimeter joints and openings in building construction as demonstrated by testing representative assemblies per ASTM E 90. Manufactures: a. USG Sheetrock Acoustical Sealant.b. Pecora AC-20 FTR. c. Tremco Acoustical Sealant. G' Foamed-In-Place Seals: Polyurethane or Polyisocyaruate systems. Colors: Provide colors indicated for exposed joint sealants or, if not indicated, as selected by Architect from manufacturer's full range for this characteristic. H. Sealant Backings, General: Nonstaining; compatible with joint substrates, sealants, primers, and otherjoint fillers; approved for applications indicated by sealant manufacturer based on field experience and laboratory testing. I. Primer: As recommended by joint sealant manufacturer where required for adhesion of sealant to joint substrates indicated. J. Firestop GE Pensil200 Foam; usG Firestop system; Tremco FyRE-Shield. K. Backer Rod Plastic Foam Joint Fillers: Preformed, compressible, resilient, nonwaxing, nonextruding strips ofplastic foam ofsize, shape and density to control sealant depth and otherwise contribute to producing optimum sealant performance. Size for minimum 30% compression when inserted in joint. 1.3 EXECUTION A. General: Comply with joint sealant manufacturer's instructions for products and applications indicated. Sealant Installation Standard: Comply with ASTM C 1193. Acoustical Sealant Application Standard: comply with ASTM c 919 for use of ioint sealants in acoustical applications. I I I B. C. I I t I I I I I t I I I I t t IJOINT SEALANTS 07920 -2 t t I T I I T I I I I I I I I I I I I Copyright 1997 AIA BILLINGSLEY RESIDEN MASTERSPEC - SLV D. Install specified sealant at perimeters of exterior windows and doors, flashings, reglets, isolation joints, joints at penetrations of walls and floors for electrical, mechanical and plumbing construction and expansion joins, joints between dissimilar materials and other miscellaneous exterior applications. E. Install caulk for all interior window, door perimeters, electrical devises, mechanical devices and other interior applications. F. Install acoustical sealant at perimeters of interior panitions where sound partitions are indicated on drawings. G. Install sealant at all joints between vapor barrier sheets to maintain vapor barrier integrity. H. Install sealant at perimeter of electrical or other devices which occw in exterior walls and ceilings to maintain vapor barrier integrity. I. Provide confinuous bead ofsealant at outside ofjoint between top ofconcrete walVslab and wood sill plate to create watertight joint, Install sill sealer at inside of sealant joint. J. Firestop all floor, wall, and ceiling penetrations of mechanical electrical and equipment spaces, as required to maintain fire rating using specified firestop materials. K. Exterior Window Sills: Set in full bed of polyurethane sealant. L. Exterior Thresholds: Set in full bed of latex acrylic sealant. M. Joint Sizes: Install sealants to depths as indicated or, as recommended by sealant manufacturer but within following general limitations. Provide backer rods to control depth ofsealantjoints as follows: l. For normal moving joints sealed with elastomeric sealants but not subject to traffic, fill joints to depth equal to 50% ofjoint width, but not more than 1/2" deep or less than l/4" deep. 2. For joints sealed with non-elastomeric sealants and caulking compounds fill joints to depth in range of 7SYoto 125%o ofjoint width. END OF SECTION 07920 t CE zl97 JOINT SEALANTS 07920 - 3 B. c. B. 1.1 r.2 I t I I I t I I I I I I t I I t I I I Copyright 1999 AIA BILLINGSLEY RESIDENCE MASTERSPEC - SLV 5/99 SECTION O82I I - FLUSH WOOD DOORS AND APPLIED TRIM PANEL DOORS GENERAL Submittals: 1. Product Data: For each type of door include finishing specifications.2. Shop Drawings: Indicate door types, ratings, size; jamb and stop construction details; DETAILS oF APPLIED TRIMAND PANEL coNSTRUCnoN, location and extent of hardware blocking; limitation of hardware cut outs/attachments (particularily in regard to rated doors); veneer matching; and other pertinent data.3. Samples: Sample of actual door in 12"x72" sections for each face material and finish, showing range ofveneer patterning and color variation. Note greater variations in veneer pattems and color beyond approved sample limits will not be accepted in the field. Quality standard: For "Architectural wood Flush Doors", comply with AwI- premium grade for house doors and AWI custom grade for apartment, storage and mechanical doors. Fire-Rated Wood Doors: Doors that are listed and labeled by a testing and inspecting agency acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction, for fire ratings indicated. PRODUCTS Available Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, manufacturers offering products that may be incorporated into the Work include, but are not limited to, the following: l. Algoma Hardwoods Inc.2. Ampco Products, lnc. 3. Buell Door Company. 4. ChappellDoorCo. 5. Eagle Plywood & Door Manufacturing, Inc.6. Eggers Industries; Architectural Door Division.7. GRAHAM Manufacturing Corp.8. Haley Brothers, Inc. 9. Ideal Wood Products, Inc. 10, IPIK Door Company. I l. Lambton Doors. 12. Mohawk Flush Doors, Inc. 13. Oshkosh Architectural Door Co.14. Southwood Door Co. 15. Vancouver Door Company, Inc.16. VT Industries Inc. 17. WeyerhaeuserCompany. Solid-Core Doors for Transparent & Stain Finish: l. Grade: Premium- with GradeAA faces for House doors, custom -GradeA faces at Aparhnent, Storage & Mechanical doors. FLUSHWOODDOORS 08211 - I Copyright 1999 AIA BILLINGSLEY RES MASTERSPEC - SLV 5/99 2. Species: White bilch. 3. Cut: Base price per rotary cut, submit samples and altemate pricing for plain sliced.4. Match between Veneer Leaves: Base price per book match, submit samples and altemate pricing for slip match. 5. Assembly of Veneer Leaves on Door Faces: Base price per balance match at house and running match at Apartment, subrnit samples and deductive alternate pricing for ruruting match at house and pleasing match at Apartment, Storage & Mechanical. C. Interior Veneer-Faced, Solid-Core Doors: 1. Core: Glued block2. Construction: 5 plies with stiles and rails bonded to core, then entire unit abrasive planed before veneerins. D. Fire-Rated Doors: l. Construction: Construction and core specified above for type of face indicated or manufacturer's standard mineral-core construction as needed to provide fire rating indicated. 2. Edge Construction: Manufacfurer's standard laminated-edge construction with improved screw-holding capabilify and split resistance.3. Edge Construction: Intumescent seals concealed by outer stile matching face veneer, and laminated backing for improved screw-holding capability and split resistance. E. Hollow-Core Doors: Not allowed in project. F. Interior Applied Trim Panels Doors -Interior Hardboard-Faced, Solid-Core Doors with applied trim panels per following requirements (Wood veneer faced doors may be substituted which meet the following requirements): 1. All doors must have bonded core: 2' Interior Door Core Material: may be particleboard, glued block or laminated strand lumber (made from Aspen strands) which comply with AWI - economy grade standards.3. Construction: Three plies (5 plies if wood veneer doors are substituted) with stiles and rails bonded to core, then entire unit abrasive planed before faces are applied. Cured in hot press. 4. Apply wood trim with wet adhesive per the drawings. If exposed fasteners rnust be used, notiff architect. 5. Applied trim Species: Alder, No. I or better, Select tight knot, Grade A finish, kiln-dried with maximum moisture content of l2yo, finished lumber (S4S). G' Exterior Applied Trim Panels l)oors - Veneer-Faced, Exterior Grade Solid-Core Doors with applied trim panels per following requirements: 1. All doors must have bonded core: 2. Exterior Door Core Material: may be glued block or laminated strand lumber (made from Aspen strands) which comply with AWI - economy grade standards..3. Conshuction: Five plies with stiles and rails bonded to core, then entire unit abrasive planed before faces are applied. Cured in hot press. o IDENCE I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t IFLUSH WOODDOORS Q8211 - 2 I t I Copyright 1999 AIA BILLTNGSLEY RESIDENCE MASTERSPEC - SLV st99 4. Apply wood trim with exterior grade wet adhesive per the drawings. If exposed fasteners must be used, notifu architect. 5. Applied trim Species: Alder, No. I or better, Select tight knot, Grade A finish, kiln-dried witJr maximum moisture content of lTYo, finished lumber (S4S). Fabricate doors in sizes indicated for Project-site fitting. Factory fit doors to suit frarne-opening sizes indicated. Comply with clearance requirements of referenced quality standard for fitting. Comply with requirements in NFPA 80 for fire-rated doors. Factory machine doors for hardware that is not surface applied. Openings: Cut and trim openings through doors to comply with applicable requirements of referenced standards for kind(s) ofdoo(s) required. Finishing: Contractor has option to finish doors at factory if stain colors and finishes can match approved Architects sample, otherwise field finish doors to match Architects stain and finish samples. l. Grade: AWI Premium at house doors, AWI Custom, at apartnent, storage and mechanical doors. 2. Finish: AIilII System for TR-4 conversion varnish or TR-6 catalyzed polyurethane to match approved sample.3. Staining: Match Architect's sample.4. Sheen: Semigloss per sample. EXECUTION Manufacturet's Written Instructions: Install doors to comply with manufacture/s written instructions, referenced quality standard, and as indicated. L Install fire-rated doors in corresponding fire-rated frames according to NFPA 80. Job-Fitted Doors: Align and fit doors in frames with uniform clearances and bevels; do not trim stiles and rails in excess of limits set by manufacturer or permitted for fire-rated doors. Machine doors for hardware. Seal cut surfaces after fitting and machining. 1. Comply with NFPA 80 for fire-rated doors. Factory-Fitted Doors: Align in frames for uniform clearance at each edge. Factory-Finished Doors: Restore finish before installation if fitting or machining is required at Project site. Field Finishing: Doors for transparent field finishing must be protected from sunlight to avoid uneven photo-oxjdation (darkening) ofwood. Proper field finishing requires that the doors be block sanded with 120 to 180 grit sandpaper to remove scratches, scuffs, compression marks (bumishes), raised grain, and other blemishes. Staining should be done with the doors in a H. I, J. K. 1.3 A. B. c. D. I I FLUSHWOODDOORS 08211 - 3 Copyright 1999AIA BILLINGSLEY RESID MASTERSPEC. SLVo ENCE 5t99 horizontal position before thay are installed. Protect finish while drying from dust. stable temperature and humidity while finishing. END OF SECTION 0821I FLUSH WOODDOORS 08211- 4 t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Copyright 1996 AIA BILLINGSLEY RESID MASTERSPEC - SLV SECTION 08361 - SECTIONAL OVERIIEAD DOORS t-2 A. GENERAL Performance Requirements: Provide sectional overhead doors capable of withstanding the effects of gravity loads and 'niform wind-load pressure (velocity pressure) of 20 lbflsq. ft., acting inward and outward, without evidencing perrnanent defonnation of door components. Design sectional overhead door components and operator to operate for not less than 10,000 cycles. one corrplete cycle of a door begins with the door in the closed position. The door is then moved to the open position and back to the closed position. 1. Provide tracks, wheels, Inotor and mounting for as quiet of operation as possible. Provide isolators at all attachrnents of track and motor to walls and ceiling. Submittals: In addition to manufactureds Product Dat4 submit the following: l. Surnmary of forces and loads on walls and jambs. PRODUCTS Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide insulated core Flush wood door with windows and applied siding/trim as shown, by one of the following: 1. Amarr Garage Doors.2. Fimble Door Corpordion.3. Overhead Door Corporation.4. Wayne-Dalton Corp. Tracks: Provide manufrcturefs standard, steel track systenr, sized for door size and werght, designed for lift type indicated and clearances show& and complying with AsrMA653 (ASTMA653M), for minimum G60 (2t80) zinc coating. provide cornplete track assembly including brackets, bracing, and reinforcement for rigid support of ball-bearing roller guides for required door tlpe and size. Slot vertical sections oftrack at 2 inches o.c. for door-drop safety device. Slope tracks at proper angle from vertical or otherwise design to ensure tight closure at jambs when door unit is closed. weld or boft to track supports. coffigure tracks for the following lift type: l. Standard. Track Reinforcement and supports: Galvanized steel complying with AsrM A 36 (ASTM A 36I\4) and ASTM A 123 as required for door size and weight. support and attach tracks to opening jambs with continuous angle welded to tracks and attached to wall. Support horizontal (ceiling) tracks with continuous angle welded to track and supported by laterally braced attachments to overhead ceiling at curve and end oftracks. o ENCE 8/96 l.l B. c. SECTIONAL OVERIIEAD DOORS 08361 - I Copyright 1996 AIA MASTERSPEC - SLV 8/96 BILLINGSLEY RESIDENCE D. Weatherseals: Provide replaceable, adjustable, continuous, compressible weather- stripping gaskets of flexible vinyl, rubber, or neoprene fitted to bottonl jambs, and at top ofoverhead door. l. Provide motor-op€rated door with combination bottom weatherseal and sensor edge. E. Windows: Provide 3-mm clear float glass windows as shown on elevation, cornplyng with ASTM C 1036, Type I, Class l, Quality q3, for windows in arrangement shown Set glazing in vinyl, rubber, or neoprene glazng channel for metal-framed doors and elastic glazing compound for wood doorso as required. Provide rernovable stops of same material as door section frames. F. Hardware: Manufacturer's standard heavy-duty, corrosion-resistant hinges, rubber or vinyl rollers (for minimizing noise) , push/pull handles for emergency-operation of doors and locking device with Cremone-type locking bar, engaging slots in tracks at bothjamb sides, operable from inside and outside. 1. Provide zubmittal of standard Lock cylinder. G. Door unit is power operated, provide safety interlock switch to disengage power supply when door is locked. H. Counterbalance Mechanism: Consisting of adjustable-tension tonion springs, fabricated from oil-tempered-steel wire complying with ASTM A 229 (ASTM A' 229M), Class II, mounted on a cross-header tube or steel shaft. Connect to door with galvanized aircraft-type lift cables, with cable safety factor of at least 5 to 1, wound around cast-aluminum or gray-iron casting grooved cable drums- Mount counterbalance mechanism with manufacturer's standard ball-bearing brackets at each end of shaft and at interurediate points as required for support. Include cable safety device, spring anchor support bracket, and sprurg bumper. I. Design cowrterbalance mechanism so required lift or pull for door operation does not exceed 25 lbf. J. Electric Door Operator: Type, size, and capacity recommended and provided by door manufacturer for door, track configuratiorU and operational life specified, with electric motor and factory-prewired motor controls, starter, gear-reduction unit, solenoid- operated b,rake, clutctr, remote-control stations, control devices, integfal gearing for locking door, disconnect device, emergency auxiliary operator, and accessories required for proper operation. Comply with NFPA 70. Design operator so motor may be removed withotrt disturbing limit-switch adjustment and without affecting emergency auxiliary operator. l. Electric Motors: Provide polyphase, nredium-induction tlpe with high-starting torque, reversible, continuous-duty, Class A insulated, electric motors, complyng with NEMAMGI, with overload protectiorl sized to start, accelerate, and operate door in either directiorl from any position, at not less thanz/3 fps or more I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t ISECTIONAL OVERIIEAD DOORS 08361 - 2 B. I I I I I t T I I I I I I I I I I I I Copyright 1996 AIA MASTERSPEC. SLV BILLINGSLEY RESIDENCE than I fps, without exceeding nameplate ratings or considering service factor. Coordinate wiring requirements and electric characteristics of motors with building electrical systen a. Provide open dripprooitype motor, and controller with NEN4A ICS 6, Type I enclosure. 2. Control Equipment: NEMAICS l, NEIVIAICS2, and NEMAICS6, with NFPA 70 Class 2 control circuit, maximum 24-Y, ac or dc. Provide mornentary- contact, 3 -button control station. a- Interior Units: Full-guarded" surface-mounted, heavy-duty type, with general-purpose NEMA ICS 6, Type I enclosure. b. Provide remote radio tlpe kelpad at exterior for operation of door. 3. Obstruction Detection Device: Provide each motorized door with self- monitoring, 4-wire-configured-6pe, electrically actuated, external automatic safety sensor able to protect full width of door opening. Activation of sensor immediately stops and r€verses downward doortravel. 4. Adjustable Limit Switches: Interlocked with motor controls and set to automatically stop door at fully opened and fully closed positions. E)GCUTION Installation: Install door, track, and operating equipment complete with necessary hardware, jamb and head mold strips, anchors, inserts, hangers, and equipment supports according to Shop Drawings, manufacturer's written instructions, and as specified to create as quiet ofoperation as possible. Fasten vertical track assembly to framing at not less thanz{ inches (600 mm) o.c. Hang horizontal track from ceiling framing (do not attach to floor fiaming) with angle or channel hangers welded and bolt fastened in place. Provide sway bracing, diagonal bracing, and reinforcement as required for rigid installation oftrack and door-operating equipment. Lubricate bearings and sliding parts; adjust doors to op€rate easily, free from warp, twist, or distortion and fitting weathertight for entire perimeter. END OF SECTION0836l 1.3 A. SECTIONAL OVERHEAD DOORS 08361 - 3 I t I t I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I Copyright 1990, AIA O MASTERSPEC-SLV 11t90 BILLINGSLEY RESIDENCE SECTION 08510 - STEEL WINDOWS l'l General: A. Metal Window System Description: 1. Provide glazed steel doors and windows syatems capable of withstanding wind loads and thermal and structural movement requirements indicated without failure, based on testing manufacturer's standard units in assemblies similar to those indicated for this Project and called out as Metal Window System. Failure includes air infiltration and water penetration exceeding specified limits and framing members transferring stresses, including those caused by thermal and structural movement, to glazing units.a. Glazing is physically and thermally isolated from framing members.b. system is reglazable from the interior or exterior (interior prefered if possible). Provide systems capable of withstanding avalanche debris impact loads as required in the Avalanche Loading Analysis by Arthur I Mears, P.E. dated ]iuly 27,1999, to provide life safety to house occupants.a. In event of debris avalanche, system must comply with the following 1. Glazed steel door and windows system may not fail within required loading per Avalanche Loading Analysis, but deformation of framing members, glass cracking and loss of watertightness and airtightness is acceptable 2. Deflection of system per avalanche debris impact loads must be within tolerances approved by glazing manufacttue inorder to prevent failure of glazing. 3. Deflection of system must also comply with the following Test Performance requirements: Provide door and window system that does not evidence material failures, structural distress, or permanent deformation of main framing members exceeding 0.2 percent of clear span when tested according to ASTM E 330 per the following requirements. a. Deflection of framing members in a direction normal to wall plane is limited to l/175 of clear span, unless otherwise indicated.b. Deflection of framing members in a direction normal to wall plane is limited to l/360 of clear span, maximum, where plaster or gypsum board surfaces are subject to bending. l. Test Pressure: 150 percent of inward and outward wind-load design pressures. STEEL WINDOWS 08510 - I Copyright 1990, AIA BILLINGSLEY RESIDEN o CE MASTERSPEC - SLV 2. Duration: As required by design wind velocity; fastest I mile of wind for relevant exposure category. Note: copy of Avalanche Loading Analysis report and preliminary glass system information is included in appendix B at end of specifications. B. System Performance Requirements: In addition to the complying with the requirements of the Avalanche Loading Analysis, comply with the following additional structural performance, air infiltration, and water penetration requiriments indicated as demonstrated by testing according to methods indicated.l. Air Infiltration: Not more than 0.5 cfin per foot of operable sash joint, for an inward test pressure of 1.56 lbf per sq. ft., when tested in accordance with ASTM E 283.2. Water Penetration: No water penetration at inward pressure of 2.86lbf per sq. ft., when tested in accordance with ASTM E 331. C. Thermal Movements: Provide glazed steel door and window system, including anchorage, that accommodates thermal movements of system and supporting elements resulting from the following maximum change (range) in ambient and surface temperatures without buckling, damaging stresses on glazing, failure of joint sealants, damaging loads on fasteners, noise or vibration, and other detrimental effects. l. Temperature change (Range): 120 deg F, ambient; 180 deg F , material surfaces. D. Dimensional Tolerances: Provide glazed aluminum curtain wall system, including anchorage, that accommodates dimensional tolerances of buildine fiame and other adjacent construction. E. Submittals: Submitthefollowing: 1' Product Data: Include construction details, fabrication methods, profiles and dimensions of components, data on hardware and finishes, weight per foot of each section, and recommendations for maintenance and cleaning.2. Shop Drawings: Include installation details, elevations of continuous work and typical window unit elevafions, full-size details of typical members, reinforcement, hardware, accessories, glazing details and information not in product data.3. Samples for Color Selection: Each finish on l2-inch sections.a. Color to be similar to Eagle windows aluminum cladding color at Living room windows4. Material Test Reports: Certified test results showing that each window type, grade, and size complies with requirements indicated. F. Standards: Comply with Steel Window Institute specifications. G. Design Concept: Drawings indicate size, profiles, and dimensional requirements and are based on specific types and models indicated. Windows bv other manufacturers may be considered provided deviations are minor and do not chanle design concept. 11/90 I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I T STEEL W]NDOWS 08510 - 2 I t I I I I I 1.2 I I I I I I I I I I Copyright 1990, AIA O MASTERSPEC-SLV l l/90 BILLINGSLEY RESIDENCE H. Installer Qualifications: Engage an experienced installer to assume engineering responsibility and perform work of this Section who has specialized in installing glazed aluminum curtain wall systems similar to those required for this Project and who is acceptable to manufacturer. l. Engineering Responsibility: Prepare data for glaznd aluminum curtain wall systems, including drawings, based on testing and engineering analysis of manufacturer's standard units in assemblies similar to those indicated for this Project. I. Source Limitations: Obtain each type of glazed steel door and window system from one source and by a single manufacturer. Notify architect if this is not possible. J. coordinatethissectionwithsections06l00,06200,07lll,07620,o'7920,and0gg01. PRODUCTS: Provide system capable of withstanding avalanche debris impact loads as required in the Avalanche Loading Analysis by Arthur I Mems, P.E. dated July 27, 1999 of the following or other required products. A. Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide products by one of the following: 1. A& S WindowAssociates, Inc.2. William Bayley Company.3. Bliss-Cashier Metal Products, Inc.4. Coast To Coast Manufacturing Co.5. Hope's Architectwal Products, Inc.6. Torrance Steel Window Co., Inc. B. Materials: Include the following: 1. Steel Window Members: Form members from hot-rolled new billet steel sections. Size and weight shall conform to SWI specifications.2. Trim members: Extruded or formed sheet aluminum or stainless steel. Trim located on the interior face of windows may be formed steel.3. Fasteners: Bronze, brass, stainless steel, or other noncorrosive metal compatible with window members, trim, and other components. 4. Anchors, Clips and Window Accessories: Stainless steel, hot-dip zinc-coated steel complying with ASTM AI23, or bronze/brass. Provide sufficient strength to withstand design pressure indicated.5. compression-Type Glazing strips and weatherstripping: Molded EpDM or n€oprene gaskets complying with ASTM D 2000, Designation 2BC4l5 to 38C620, or molded PVC gaskets complying with ASTMD2ZrT, or molded expanded EPDM or neopren€ gaskets complying with ASTM C 509.6. Sealant: Permanently elastic, nonshrinking, and nonmigrating tlTe recommended for ioint size and movement.I I STEEL WNDOWS 08510 - 3 Copyright 1990, AIA BILLINGSLEY RESID MASTERSPEC - SLV tU90 7. Glass Fiber Mesh Insect Screen: l8 by 16 mesh of plastic-coated glass fiber threads, woven and fused to form a fabric mesh resistant to corrosion, shrinkage, stretch, impact damage and weather deterioration. Comply with FS L-S-125.8. Glass and Glazing Materials: Refer to the "Glass and Glazing" Sections of these specifications. C. Hardware: Nonremovable solid bronze hardware, with steel or brass/bronze operating bars and rods. 1. Four-BarFrictionHinges: ComplywithAAMA904.1 a. Friction Shoes: Adjustable friction shoes of bronzeo brass, nylon or nonabrasive, nonstaining, noncorrosive, durable material, 2. Pivots: Drop-forged steel pivot leaves with brass pins.3. Gear-Type Rotary Operators: Comply with ASTM E 405, Method A. All ventilators shall operate simultaneously, securely closing without use of additional manually controlled locking devices.4. Group Motorized operating System: Provide system type in groups as shown. Coordinate design with fabrication and hardware selection, to ensure smooth, durable operation of one of the following motorized types where specified:. a. MotorizedTorsion-type rack and pinion system operators with steel pipe torsion shaft and factory-sealed, oil-encased gear box.b. Tension-type horizontal movement system with steel rod or cable transmission lines operating in conduit between ventilator operators. 5 Power-Driven Control Unit: Fully enclosed electric motor of required horsepower, with a gear or belt unit located at the operator. Equip unit for reversible operation, with limit switches and push-button control stations. 6. Manual Operating System: Provide system type as shown. Coordinate design with fabrication and hardware selection, to ensure smooth, durable operation. Provide crank operator. D. Accessories: Comply with indicated standards.l. Insect Screens: Locate on inside or outside, depending on window type. Design for tight-fitting removable arrangement with minimum of exposed fasteners and latches. a. Screen Frames: Tubular-shaped nonmagnetic stainless steel members of 0.020-inch minimum wall thickness, with mitered or coped joints and concealed mechanical fasteners. Finish in No. 28 bright mill finish. Provide removable PVC spline-anchor concealing edge of frame. 2. Weatherstripping: Apply to inside metal contact line of each operating vent. E. Awning Windows: Provide the following equipment and hardware: o ENCE I I I I I I I I I I I t It I I I I I T STEEL WINDOWS 08510 - 4 I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I t I Copyright 1990, AIA O MASTERSPE.-SLV tt/90 BILLINGSLEY RESIDENCE l. Operating Device: Gear-type rotary operator on jamb at the sill.2. Window motorized operating system where specified: Wall-mounted, electric motor gang type. 3. Hinges: Concealed four-bar friction hinges on each jamb near top rail. Operation shall permit inside cleaning of the outside glass. 4, Lock: Cam-action, lever-handle lock with concealed pawl. 5. Hinges: Concealed four-bar friction hinges with adjustable slide shoe.6. Hinges: Heavy duty 3-knuckle butt hinges with nylon bushings. F. Projected Windows: Provide the following equipment and hardware: G. Fabrication: Comply with indicated standards. Provide units that are reglazable without dismantling ventilator framing. l. Provide weepholes and intemal passages to conduct infiltrating water to the exterior. 2. Provide water-shed members above side-hinged ventilators. 3. Subframes: Form of hot-rolled or cold-rolled steel matching windows of profile indicated. Provide not less than 2-inch-deep sections of l/8-inch-thick steel. Miter or cope comers; weld and dress smooth. Finish to match windows.4. Glazing Stops: Screw-applied or snap-on type coordinated with glass selection and glazing system. If steel, finish to match windows; otherwise provide finish as selected. 5. Glazing Clips: Where face glazing is indicated, furnish glazing clips for concealment in glazing compound.6. Finishes: Comply with NAAMM "Metal Finishes Manual" for recommendations relative to application and designations offinishes.7. Surface Preparation: Before fabrication clean surfaces of dirt, oil, grease, and other contaminants followed by a zinc-phosphate pretreatment. 8. Shop Prime-Coat Finish: After fabrication provide 1.0-mil dry film thickness shop prime coat consisting of hot alkali solution cleaning, followed by rinse and hot-phosphate solution treatment, chromic-acid rinse, drying, special-dip metal primer coating, and oven drying for 30 minutes at 300 deg F (149 deg C).9. Baked Enamel: Immediately after cleaning and pretreatment, apply 2-coat baked enamel ltnish consisting of prime coat and thermosetting topcoat, with not less than 1.0-mil dry film thickness for topcoat. Comply with paint manufacturer's instructions for application and baking to achieve a minimum dry film thickness of 2.0 mils. a. Color and Gloss: As selected from manufacturer's standard. 10. Provide altemate pricing for High-Perfonnance Organic Coating: Prepare, pretreat, and apply coating to exposed surfaces to comply with coating and resin manufachrels instructions. a. Fluorocarbon 2-Coat Coating System: 2-eoat, thermo-cured system, of specially formulated inhibitive primer and fluorocarbon color topcoat STEEL WINDOWS 08510 - 5 Copyright 1990, AIA BILLINGSLEY RESIDEN MASTERSPEC - SLV tt/90 C. containing not less than 70 percent polyvinylidene fluoride resin by weight; comply with AAMA 605.2.l) Color and Gloss: As selected from manufacturer's standard. EXECUTION: Inspect openings before begiruring installation. Verify that openings are correct and sill plate level. l. Masonry shall be dry and free of mortar, sand, and other debris.2. Metal shall be dry, clean, free of welding slag, grease, oil, rust, corrosion, and without sharp edges or offsets atjoints. Installation: comply with manufacturer's instructions, unless more stringent requirements are required per avalanche debris impact loads as required in the Avalanche Loading Analysis. Set plumb, level true to line, without warp or rack of frames or ventilators. Provide support and anchor securely to surrounding construction. l. Separate corrodible surfaces from sources of corrosion or electrolytic action at points of contact with other materials.2. Set sills in a bed of compound or with joint fillers or gaskets. Coordinate with wall flashings and other components. Seal exterior joints between sash, trim, and mullions watertight with sealant.3. Repair abraded areas of factory-applied finishes. Install glazing according to Shop Drawings and comply with requirements of Division 08801 Section "Glazing," unless otherwise indicated. D. Adjust ventilators and hardware for a tight fit at contact points and weatherstripping, smooth operafion and a weathertight closure. Clean surfaces after installation. Avoid damage to the finish. Remove excess glazing and sealant compounds, dirt, and other substances. Lubricate hardware and other moving parts. Provide final protection and maintain conditions, in a manner acceptable to manufacturer and Installer, that ensure glazed aluminum curtain wall system is without damage or deterioration at the time of Substantial Completion. clean glass after installation. comply with the "Glass and Glazing" Section for cleaning and maintenance. END OF SECTION 08510 o CE I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I t 1.3 A. B. F. G. STEEL WINDOWS 08510 - 6 B. C. D. F. I I I I I I I I I I I I I T I I I I I Copyright 1996 AIA BILLINGSLEY RESIDEN MASTERSPEC - SLV SECTION 08550 - CLAD WOOD W]NDOWS AND DOORS I.I GENERAL o CE This Section includes wood windows and patio doors of the types and performance grades indicated. l. Provide wood windows and patio doors engineered, fabricated, and installed to withstand normal thermal movement, wind loading, and impact loading without failure, as demonstrated by testing manufacturer's standard window assemblies representing types, grades, and sizes required for this Project according to test methods indicated. Product Options: Drawings indicate sizes, profiles, dimensional requirements, and aesthetic effects of wood windows and are based on the window types and models indicated. Other window manufacturers whose products have equal performance may be considered provided deviations in size, profile, and dimensions are minor and do not alterthe aesthetic effect. Refer to Division I Section "substitutions. All proposed substitutions must be approved by Architect. Performance-grade number is the actual design pressure in pounds force per square foot (pascals) used to determine the structural test pressure and water test presswe. Standards: Performance requirements for operating force, air infiltration, water penetration, structural performance, and forced-entry resistance for wood windows are those specified in NWWDA I.S. 2, "Industry Standard for Wood Window Units." Coordinate this section with sections 06100, 06200, 071 I l, 07620,07920, and 08800. Submittals: Submit the following: l. Product Data: For each type of clad wood window and door required. Include a list of provided accessories& finishes. Provide recommendations for maintenance and cleaning of exterior surfaces. 2. Shop fhawings including the following: a. A list of all window types with manufactwe's required rough opening. provide overall rough opening size for ganged units. b. Installation details at 3" :l'-0" scale, which show all manufacture's recommendations and requirements for a windoddoor head, windoddoot jamb, double hung sill, awning/ casement sill & patio door sill;c. At all door and window types with applied divided lights, provide elevations of each type at 1/2 inch = 1 foot scale with the locations of the divided light dimensioned and the size ofthe applied "mullion". d. Submit sample of window hardware finish to match interior door hardware finish. e. Submit sample of sliding and hinged patio door hardware & finish to match tv96 CLAD WOOD WINDOWS AND DOORS 08550 - l Copyright 1996 AIA MASTERSPEC - SLV tr/96 BILLINGSLEY RESIDENCE interior door hardware finish. 3. Samples for Initial Color Selection: One l2-inch- (300-mm) long section of window members. Where finishes involve normal color variations, include Sample sets showing the full range of variations expected.4. Manufacturer's window and thermal glass unit warranty. G. Glazing Standards: Comply with recommendations of GANA's "Glazing Manual" and "Sealant Manual," unless more stringent requirements are indicated. H. Insulating-Glass Certification Program: Provide insulating-glass units permanently marked on spacers or at least on one component pane ofunits with the appropriate certification label of the inspecting agency indicated below: l. Insulating Glass Certification Council.2. Associated Laboratories, Inc.3. National CertificationTestinsLaboratories. 1.2 PRODUCTS C. Manufacturer: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide window writs by one of the following or equal: l. Eagle Windows and Doors2. Hurd Windows and Doors 3. Weathershield Windows and Doors Clad Door and Window Units sizes are to be manufacturer's standard except as indicated in this section or on drawings. windows were based on Eagles's standard sizes. Notifu Architect of window sizes shown on window schedule which are not standard. Materials: Comply with NWWDA I.S. 2. Wood: Clear ponderosa pine or other suitable fine-grain lumber, kiln dried to a moisture content of 6 to 12 percent at time of fabrication and free of visible finger joints, blue stain, knots, pitch pockets, and surface checks larger than l/32 inch (0.8 mm) wide by 2 inches (51 mm) long. Lumber shall be water-repellent preservative treated after machining per NWWDAI.S.4. D.Rollform Aluminum: Formed sheet cladding in factory-applied, baked-on enamel finish; in color per exterior color schedule from the manufacturer's standard color range. anically bond cladding to exterior wood sash and frame members. Trim Members: Aluminum-clad wood, hollow-aluminum extrusions, or roll-formed aluminum. E. Anchors, Clips, and Accessories: Fabricate of aluminum, nonmagnetic stainless steel, or I t I t I I I I I I T I I I I I I I It B. CLAD WOOD WINDOWS AND DOORS 08550 - 2 t I I I I I I I I I I I t I t I I t I Copyright 1996 AIA O MASTERSPEC - SLV rU96 BILLINGSLEY RESIDENCE hot-dip zinc-coated steel or iron complying with requirements of ASTM B 633 for SC 3 (severe) service conditioq provide sufficient strength to withstand desigr pressure indicated. Fasteners: comply with NwwDA I.s. 2 for fabrication and with manufacturer's recommendations and standard industry practices for type and size of installation fasteners. Compression-Type Weather Stripping: Designed for permanently resilient sealing under bumper or wiper action, and completely concealed when sash is closed. l. Weather-Stripping Material: Molded, expanded, EPDM or neoprene gaskets complying with ASTM C 509, Grade 4. Glass and Glazing Materials: hovide manufacturer's standard double pane low E, sealed, insulating glazing material that complies with Division I Section uGlazing." Glazing seal: Provide manufacfurer's standard extruded, vinyl, or butyl glazing gasket providing weatherti ght seal. Hardware- General: Provide manufacturer's standard hardware, necessary to operate, tightly close, and securely lock windows. Do not use aluminum in frictional contact with other metals. 1. Solid bronze hardware with plated steel operating bars and rods. All harware for all windows shall have the same brushed chrome or similar finish and to match interior door hardware. 2. Gear-Type Rotary operators: comply with AAMA 901.1 for rotary operators. Comply with ASTM E 405, Method A, when subjected to operating moments and closing torques indicated in AAMA 101. Operator shall operate all ventilators simultaneously, securely closing tlem at both jambs without using additional manually controlled locking devices. K. Insect Screens: Locate screens for each operable exterior sash or ventilator on inside or outside of window sash or ventilator, depending on window type. Design windows and hardware to accommodate screens in a tight-fitting, removable arrangement, with a minimum of exposed fasteners and latches.l. Screen Frames: Fabricate frames of tubular-shaped, extruded- or formed-aluminum members of 0.040-inch- (l-mm-) minimum wall thickness, with mitered or coped joints and concealed mechanical fasteners. Provide removable PVC spline/anchor concealing edge of screen frame. Comply with SMA 1004. a. Finish: Anodized aluminum or baked-on organic coating in color selected by the Architect from manufacturer's standards. 2. Wickets: Sliding or hinged-type wickets, framed and trimmed for a tight fit and F. G. J. CLAD WOOD WINDOWS AND DOORS 08550 - 3 Copyright 1996 AIA MASTERSPEC - SLV tt/96 BILLINGSLEY RESIDENCE durability during handling. 3, Glass-Fiber-MeshlnsectScreen: l8-by-14(1.4-by-1.8-mm)orl8-by-16(1.a-by-l,6- mm) mesh of plastic-coated glass-fiber threads, woven and fused to form a fabric mesh resistant to corrosion, shrinkage, stretch, impact damage, and weather deterioration. Comply with ASTM D 3656. L. Casement Windows: Comply withNWWDA Performance GradeDPl5. l. Hardware: Provide the following equipment and operating hardware: a. Operating Device: Gear-type rotary operator. b. Hinges: Concealed four-bar friction hinges with adjustable slide shoe (two per ventilator). l. Provide ventilator operation that provides access for cleaning. c. Lock: Lift-type, cam-action lock. d. Limit Device: Stay bar with an adjustable hold-open device. M. Double-Hung Windows: Comply with NWWDA Performance Grade DPl5. Provide windows with tilt-in feature permitting both sides of the sash to be cleaned from interior.l. Hardware: Provide the following equipment and operating hardware: a. Sash Balances: Concealed, counterbalancing-mechanism-type sash balances (two per sash). b. Sash Lock: Cam-action sweep lock and keeper on meeting rail.c. Lift Handle: Not required for Windows with recessed pull @ bottom of window. 1.3 EXECUTION A. Examine openings before installation. Verifr that opening is correct and sill plate is level. 1. Wood fiame walls shall be dry, clean, sound, well-nailed, free ofvoids, and without offsets at joints. Ensure that nail heads are driven flush with surfaces in opening and within 3 inches (75 mm) of comer. B. Installation: Comply with manufacturer's written recommendations for installing window units, hardware, operators, accessories, and other components. Coordinate window installation with membrane window strip flashing, air infiltration barrier, uall flashings and other builtin components. Set window units level, plumb, true to line, without warp or rack of frames or sash. Anchor securely in place. l. No interior exposed fasteners may be used to secure windows in place . All fasteners must be concealed. 2. Apply water proof membrane stripping around windows: I I I I t I I t I I I I I I I I I I ICLAD WOOD WINDOWS AND DOORS 08550 - 4 r copyright 1996 AIA O MASTERSpEC - sLV O tr/96 I BILLINGSLEY RESIDENCE ll a. to overlap top of window / door head and jamb nailing flange before air infiltration barrier is installed. I b. lo Tup behind windoddoor nailing flange sill and to lap over Air-infrltration Darner. t C. Set sill members in a bed of sealant or with joint fillers or gaskets to provide weathertight constuction. t D. Adjust operating sash and hardware to provide a tight fit at contact points and weather shipping for smooth operation and a weathertight closure. Lubricate hardware and moving I parts.I E. Clean surfaces immediately after installation. Avoid damage to coatings and finishes. I Remove excess glazing and sealant compounds, dirt, and other substances.I I F. Clean glass immediately after installing windows. Remove nonpermanent labels from glass I surfaces. Replace glass that has been broken, chipped, cracked, abraded, or damaged dwing construction. I G. Protect window units from damage until the time of Substantial Completion. I H. Provide insulation to fiIl voids between rough and finished frames. Coordinate installation I of vapor retarder specified in Section 06100 ROUGH CARPENTRY with window installation to provide integral vapor barrier membrane at interior wall line. f L Provide water proof membrane strrpping around windows:1. Apply to overlap top of window / door head and jamb nailing flange before air I infiltration barrier is installed.r 2. Apply to wrap behind windoddoor nailing flange sill and to lap over Air-ffiltration barrier. ! J. Final finish to wood specified in Secrion 09900 PAINTING. I K. Replace or refinish windows and patio doors damaged during construction. Causes for rejection include chips, scratches, gouges in jambs or frames; bowed glass; and glass sealr failures. I END OF SECTION 08550 I I r I CLAD WOOD WINDOWS AND DOORS 08550. 5 I I t I I t Copyright 1998 AIA O MASTERSPE.-SLV BILLINGSLEY RESIDENCE SECTION 0871l - DOOR HARDWARE (SCHEDULED BYNAMING PRODUCTS) I.1 GENERAL A. Submittals: In addition to Product Data for each item specified, submit the following:l. Samples: Foreachtypeofexposedfinish. 2, Door Hardware Schedule: Organize into door hardware sets indicating type, style, function, size, label, hand, manufacturer, fasteners, location, and finish of each door hardware item. 3. Keying Schedule: Detail Owner's final keying instructions for locks.4. Product Certificates: Certifying that door hardware complies with listed fire door assemblies. B. Supplier Qualifications: Door hardware supplier who is or employs a qualified DHI Architectural Hardware Consultant. C. Templates: Obtain and distribute templates for doors, frames, and other work specified to be factory prepared for installing door hardware. t I I I I I I I T I I I I I 1.2 A. PRODUCTS Scheduled Door Hardware: Provide door hardware for each door to comply with requirements in this Section, door hardware sets indicated in door and frame schedule, and the Door Hardware Schedule. l. Door Hardware Sets: Provide Rocky Mountain Rustic Line Hardware in quantity, item, size, finish & color indicated in Interior Finish Schedules in Appendix E. Standards: Comply with BHMA Al56 series standards, Grade I Certified Products: Provide door hardware that is listed in one of BHMA's directories ofcertified products. Hinges and Pivots to have frnish to match Rocky Mountain Rustic Line Hardware: Except for hinges and pivots to be installed entirely (both leaves) into wood doors and frameso provide only template-produced units. 1. Hinge Base Metal: Unless otherwise indicated, provide the following: a. Exterior Hinges: Brass, with stainless-steel pin body and brass protruding heads. b. Interior Hinges: Brass, with stainless-steel pin body and brass protruding heads c. Hinges for Fire-Rated Assemblies: Stainless steel, with stainless-steel pin B. C. D. DOOR IIARDWARE (SCHEDULED By NAMING PRODUCTS)08711 - r Copyright 1998 AIA BILLINGSLEY RESIDEN MASTERSPEC - SLV 2/98 2. Nonremovable Pins: Provide set screw in hinge barrel that prevents removal of pin while door is closed; for outswinging exterior doors3. Machine Screws: For metal doors and frames. Install into drilled and tapped holes. 4. Wood Screws: For wood doors and frames.5. Threaded-to-the-Head Wood Screws: For fire-rated wood doors.6. Screws: Phillips flat-head screws; machine screws (drilled and tapped holes) for metal doors, wood screws for wood doors and frames. Finish screw heads to match surface of hinges. E. Locks and Latches to have finish to match Rockv Mountain Rustic Line Hardware if exposed: As follows: l. Provide the lockset design designated: 2. Dummy Trim: Match knob, lever, lock trim and escutcheons.3. Lock Throw: Comply with Iabeled fue door requirements.4. Backset: 2-314 inches (70 mm), unless otherwise indicated. F. Bolts to have finish to match Rocky Mountain Rustic Line Hardware if exposed: Comply with labeled fire door requirements. G. Surface Bolts to have finish to match Rocky Mountain Rustic Line Hardware if exposed: Flush bolt heads of minimum l/2-inch- (12.7-mm-) diameter rods of bronze, or stainless steel with minimum l2-inch- (305-mm-) long rod. H. Cylinders: Tumbler type, constructed from brass or bronze, stainless steel, or nickel silver, and complying with the following: l. Number of Pins: minimum of five.2. Manufacturer: Same manufacturer as for locks and latches.3. Cores: Manufacturer's standard; finish face to match lockset; interchangeable removable cores. 4. Construction Master Keys: Provide cylinders with feature that permits voiding of construction keys without cylinder removal. Provide 10 construction master keys.a. If not available provide Construction Cores: Provide construction cores that are replaceable by permanent cores. Provide l0 construction master keys. b. Replace construction cores with permanent cores, as indicated in keying schedule. I. Keying system: Factory-registered keying system: master, grand master, or great-grand master key system. 1. Keys: Provide nickel-silver keys permanently inscribed with a visual key control number. Provide three change keys and five master, grand master, or great-grand master keys. O CE I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I t t I IDOOR HARDWARE (SCHEDULED BY NAMING PRODUCTS)08711-2 I I I I I l I I I I t I I I I I I I I Copyright 1998 AIA MASTERSPEC - SLV 2/98 BILLINGSLEY RESIDENCE J. Key Control System: Include key labels and key tags. K. Strikes to have finish to match Rocky Mountain Rustic Line Hardware: Manufacturer's standard strike with strike box for each latch or lock bolt, with curved lip extended to protect frame, finished to match door hardware set. L. Push-Pull Design to have hnish to match Rocky Mountain Rustic Line Hardware: As illustrated on Drawings. M. Carry-Open Bars: Provide carry-open bars for inactive leaves of pairs of doors, unless automatic or self-latching bolts are used. N. Protective Trim Units: Furnish protection plates sized 1-112 inches (38 mm) less than door width on push side and l/2inch (13 mm) less than door width on pull side, by height specified in Door Hardware Schedule. Fasten with exposed machine or self- tapping screws. O. Floor Stops to have finish to match Rocky Mountain Rustic Line Hardware: For doors, unless wall or other type stops are scheduled or indicated. Do not mount floor stops where they will impede traffic. P. Silencers for Door Frames: Neoprene or rubber; fabricated for drilled-in application to frame. a. Door Gasketing: Provide continuous weather-strip gasketing on exterior doors, provide sound gasketing on interior bedroom doors, provide smoke and fire gasketing on interior rated doors as required per rating. Provide noncorrosive fasteners for exterior applications and elsewhere as indicated. l. Air Leakage: Not to exceed 0.50 cfm per foot (0.000774 cu. m./s per m) of crack length for gasketing other than for smoke control, as tested according to ASTM E 283. 2. Smoke-Labeled Gasketing: Assemblies complying with NFPA 105 that are listed and labeled, based on testing according to tll. 1784.3. Fire-Labeled Gasketing: Assemblies complying with NFPA 80 that are listed and labeled, based on testing according to UL 10B or NFPA 252.4. Sound-Rated Gasketing: Assemblies that are listed and labeled, based on testing according to ASTM E 1408. 5. Gasketing Materials: Comply with ASTM D 2000 and AAMA 701/702. R. Sliding Door Hardware: Provide complete sets consisting of rails, hangers, supports, bumpers, floor guides, and accessories indicated.L Bypassing Sliding Door Hardware: Rated for doors weighing up to 200 lb, 125lb or 75 lb as required per doors. 2. Pocket Sliding Door Hardware: Rated for doors weighing up to 200 lb, 125 lb or 75 lb as required per doors.3. Folding Door Hardwme: Provide complete sets consisting of overhead rails, hangers, supports, bumpers, floor guides, and accessories indicated. DOOR }IARDWARE (SCHEDULED BY NAMING PRODUCTS)087il - 3 Copyright 1998 AIA BILLINGSLEY RESIDEN F. MASTERSPEC - SLV 2/98 4. Interior Doors: Provide door hardware for interior bifolding doors when not fumished as part of door package. 5. Bifolding Door Hardware: Rated for door panels weighing up 200 lb, 125 lb or 75 lb as required per doors. 6. All exposed hardware to have finish to match Rocky Moturtain Rustic Line Hardware 7 . Fabrication: As follows: a. Base Metals: Furnish metals of a quality equal to or greater than that of specified door hardware units and BHMAAI56.I8 for finishes. Do not furnish manufacturer's standard materials if different from specified standard. b. Fasteners: Phillips flat-head screws with finished heads to match surface of door hardware, unless otherwise indicated. Provide steel machine or wood screws or steel through bolts for fire-rated applications.c. Spacers or Sex Bolts: For through bolting of hollow metal doors.d. Fasteners for Wood Doors: Comply with requirements of DHI WDHS.2, "Recommended Fasteners for Wood Doors." EXECUTION Examine doors and frames for compliance with requirements for installation tolerances, labeled fire door assembly construction, wall and floor construction, and other conditions affecting performance. Examine roughing-in for electrical power systems to verifu actual locations of wiring connections before electrified door hardware installation. Wood Door Preparation: Comply with DHI Al l5-W series. Mounting Heights: comply with DHI requirements, unless otJrerwise indicated. Installation: Comply with manufacturer's written instructions. Set units level, plumb, and true to line and location. Adjust and reinforce attachment substrates as necessary for proper installation and operation. Drill and countersink units that are not factory prepared for anchorage fasteners. Space fasteners and anchors according to industry standards. 1. Thresholds: set thresholds for exterior doors in full bed of sealant complying with requirements specified in Division 7 Section "Joint Sealants.,' Adjust and check each operating item ofdoor hardware and each door to ensure proper operation or function. Replace units that cannot be adjusted to operats as intended. Adjust door control devices to compensate for final operation ofheating and ventilating equipment and to comply with accessibility requirements. clean operating items as necessary to restore proper function and finish. Door Hardware Schedule: See section 08712: o CE I I T I I I 1.3 I l t I T I I B. C. D. I I I I I I E. DOOR HARDWARE (SCHEDULED By NAMTNG PRODUCTS)087t1 - 4 I sECrroN 08712 -DooR "t** r"r, BILLINGSLEY RESIDENCEt I I 1.1 GENERAL I A. See section 08711 for hardware specifications. I B Weather stripping: Provide neoprene bulb type concealed weather strip (Pemko S88)r must exceed ASTM E 283 and SDI I 16 air infiltration rates. r C. Door Shoes/Bottoms: Pemko 2l6G I D. Door stops: Finish to match Hdwr. Submit sample for Architects approval. I 1.2 HARDWARE SETS- Provide the following hardware sets. I-1. HW #l - House Entry I I' Mortise "Entqr Lock'o ANSI type F04 operated by thumb latch w/ integral deadI bolt in escutcheon. Keyed same as g&9. 2. Hinges 2 PR. I 3, Wearher-stripping at jamb and head of door.l' 4. Therm.Barrier Threshold 5. Door Stop, floor mounted approx. 6,'offwall to stop door @90 degreet 6. Door bottom T I 2. Hw #2 - Mechanical RoomrB 1. Non rated 2. Passage latch 3. Hinges l%PR. 4. Door stop - wall or floor mounted per mech. equip., veriff location w/ Arch before installing 5. Metal threshold I 3. rrw#3-GaragetoFoyer l. 20 minute rated, w/ spring hinge 2. Smoke seal for 20-minute rating 3. Bored Lockset -"Entry Type", key same as HW #l4. Hingesl%PR. 5. Metal Threshold 6. Door stop floor mount 6" from wall-stop door @ 90 degree. I 4. HW #4 - Garage to Apartmentr l. 20 minute fire rated w/ spring hinge t 2. Smoke seal for 20 minute rating I D'.RHARD'ARESET' I I I I I 08710 - 1 sECrroN osTtz -DooR t**o*u rr* BILLINGSLEY RESIDENCE I t I I I I I 3. Bored Lockset "Entry Lock" ANSI type F04 operated by thumb latch w/ integral dead bolt in escutcheon, operated by knob, keyed same as HW# 54. Hinges 1% PR. 6. Weather-stripping at jamb and head of door. 6. Door bottom 7. Metal Threshold 8. Door Stop, wall mounted. 5. HW #5 - Entry to Apartment 1. Mortise Lockset "entry lock"ANSI type F04 operated by thumb latch W integral dead bolt in escutcheon.keyed same as HW# 4 2. Hinges 2 PR. 6. Weather stripping at jamb and head of door. 7. Therm-BanierThreshold 9. Door Stop, floor mourted. 6. Weather-shipping at jamb and head of door.7. Door Bottom HW #6 - Garage to Storage 1. Non-rated 2. Bored Lockset "Classroom type"- keyed same as #15. 3. Doorstop - wall mounted. 4. l% PR Hinges. HW #7 - Garage to outside 1. Mortise "Entqr Lock" ANSI type F04 operated by thumb latch w/ integral dead bolt in escutcheon. Keyed same as 1&8,9. 2. Hinges 2 PR, 3. Door Stop, wall mounted 4. Weather-stripping at jamb and head of door. 5. Door Bottom HW #8 - Top of Stair @ Master to outside l. Mortise Lockset- "Entry Lock" type, Lockset compatible w/ stl. Doors, keyed same as 1,7 &9 2. Hinges per stl. Door manufacturer. 3. Door Stop, wall mounted. 4. Weather stripping at jamb and head of door. 5. Door Bottom 6. Thermal broken threshold. 1 l I I I I I I I I I t I DOORHARDWARE SETS 08710 -2 10. ll. 14. I t I t I I I I I I I I I t t I I I I sECrroN o'Trz -DooR r,tro*" ,"r, BILLINGSLEY RESIDENCE 9. #9 Kitchen to Back Patio l. Mortise Lockset- "Entry Lock" type, Lockset compatible w/ stl. Doors, keyed same as 1,7 &9 2. Hinges per stl. Door manufacturer.- provide hinges, which only allow 90-degree operation 3. One active leaf, other has bolts @ top and bottom of door, operable by lever hdware. 4. Door Stop- see hinges above. 5. Weather stripping at jamb and head of door. 6. Deadbolt - keyed same as HW I & 8 7. Door Bottom - thermal broken threshold NOTE: It is preferred that there be no column between doors- column not req.' structurally ffW #10 Bedroom Entry/Powder/Laundry l. Privacy Latch 2. Hinges 1% PR. 3. Doorstop - floor mount @ master & laundry, wall mount @ Apartment, Trammel, Lu Lu, George & Powder FIW #11 Bathroom l)oors l. Privacy Latch 2. Hinges l%PR. 3. Door stops - floor mount @ Lu Lu, George, Annies, wall mount @ Appartment Trammel & master IfW #12 Coat Closet @ Foyer l. Passage Latch 2. Hinges l%PRperleaf. 3. Door Stop- floormounted. HW #13 Pocket Door @ TV Room l. Recessed door pull 2. Complete pocket door track, frame and hardware package. IIW #14 Closet Doors 1. Complete sliding door track, frame and hardware package. 2. Keyed Sliding Door Lock @ bottom of door in house closets. DOORHARDWARE SETS 08710 - 3 SECTION 08712 -DOORTDWARE SETS BILLINGSLEY RESIDENCE I I I I I I t l I I I I I I I t I I I 15. HW #15 Owners Closet off Garage l. Bored Lockset "classroom" @ active leaf, keyed same as HW # 62. Hinges l% PR per leaf. 3. Door Stop- hinge mounted. 4. Inactive leaf- provide top & bottom bolt operated by lever hdware. 16. HW #16 Owners Closet in Master Bath l. Lockset - cabinet type to lock all four closet doors & 4 drawers on either side of closet 2. Hinges - per cabinet maker 17. HW #17 Closet Entrv l. '?assage" type 2. Door stop, wall mount @ Amie, Lu Lu, Trammel & George5. Hinges l% PR. END OF SECTION O87IO DOOR HARDWARE SETS 08710 - 4 b. I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I t I I I Copynght 1997 AtA BILLINGSLEY RESIDEN MASTERSPEC - SLV SECTION O88OO _ GLAZING AT WOOD WINDOWS AND DOORS 1.I GENERAL A' Performance Requirements: Provide glazing systems capable of withstanding normal thermal movement and wind and impact loads without failwe, including loss or glass breakage aftibutable to the following: defective manufacture, fabrication, and installation; failure of sealants or gaskets to remain watertight and airtight; deterioration of glazing materials; or other defects in construction. l. Glass Design: Glass thicknesses indicated are minimums and are for detailing only. Provide glass lites for various size openings in nominal thicknesses indicateA, but not less than thicknesses and in strengths (armealed or heat treated) required to me€t or exceed the following criteria: a. Glass Thicknesses: Select minimum glass thicknesses to comply with ASTM E 1300, according to the following requirements: l) Specified Design Wind Loads: Determine design wind loads applicable to Project from basic wind speed indicated in miles per hour (meters per second) at 33 feet (10 m) above grade, according to ASCE 7, Section 6.4.2, based on mean roof heights above grade indicated on Drawings.2) Specified Design Snow Loads: As indicated, but not less than snow loads applicable to Project, required by ASCE 7, Section 7.3) Probability of Breakage for Vertical Glazing: 8 lites per 1000 for lites set vertically or not more than 15 degrees off vertical and under wind action. 4) Probability of Breakage for Sloped Glazing: I lite per 1000 for lites set more than 15 degrees offvertical and under wind and snow action. with a load duration of30 days. 2' Thermal and Optical Performance Properties: As determined according to procedures indicated below: o CE 8/97 c, B. Submittals: Center-of-Glass U-Values: NFRC 100 methodology using LBL-3529g WINDOW 4.1 compurer program, expressed as Bhr/sq. ft. x h i deg F (Wsq. mxK). center-of-Glass Solar Heat Gain coefficient: NFRC 200 methodology using LBL-35298 MNDOW 4.1 computer program. Solar Optical Properties: NFRC 300. In addition to Product Data for each glass product and glazing material, submit GLAZING ATWOOD WINDOWS AND DOORS 08800 - I Copyright 1997 AIA BILLINGSLEY RESID MASTERSPEC - SLVo ENCE 8/97 I T T I I I I l t I I I I I I I I I t the following: I . Samples: only required for transluscent type window glazing as called out on window schedule and shower door. 2. Glazing Schedule: Use same designations indicated on Drawings for glazed openings in preparing a schedule listing glass types and thicknesses for each size opening and location. C. Glazing Publications: Comply with published recommendations of glass product manufacturers and organizations below, unless more stringent requirements are indicated. Refer to these publications for glazing terms not otherwise defined in this Section or in referenced standards. 1.GANA Publications: GANA'S "Glazing Manual" and "Laminated Glass Design Guide." AAMA Publications: AAMA GDSG-I, "Glass Design for Sloped Glazing," and AAMA TIR-A7, "Sloped Glazing Guidelines." SIGMA Publications: SIGMA TM-3000, "Vertical Glazing Guidelines," and SIGMA TB-300l, "Sloped Glazing Guidelines." PRODUCTS Float Glass: ASTM C 1036, Type I, Quality q3; class as indicated in schedules. Insulating-Glass Units: Preassembled units consisting of dual-sealed lites of glass separated by a dehydrated interspace, and complying with ASTM E774 for Class CBA units and with requirements specified in the Insulating-Glass Schedule. l Provide Low E Glazing. Dense Compression Gaskets: Molded or extruded gaskets of material indicated below, complying with standards referenced with name of elastomer indicated below, and of profile and hardness required to maintain watertight seal: l. Neoprene, ASTM C 864. 2. EPDM. ASTM C 864. 3. Silicone, ASTM C ll15. 4. Thermoplastic polyolefin rubber, ASTM C 1115. 5. Any material indicated above. Fabricate glass and other glazing products in sizes required to glaze openings indicated for Project, with edge and face clearances, edge and stuface conditions, and bite complying with written instructions of product manufacturer and referenced glazing standard, to comply with system performance requirements. 2. J. 1.2 B. c. D. GLAZING AT WOOD WINDOWS AND DOORS 08800 - 2 I copyright teez ArA O MASTERSpEc - st,v BILLINGSLEY RESIDENCEI I ' Clean-cut or flat-grind vertical edges of butt-glazed monolithic lites in a manner thatr z. tTl;H::ffirffi,rff|',*:lXifl::,rH:'ionswithindoorandoutdoorraces. I I.3 EXECUTION I A. Comply with combined written instructions of manufacturers of glass, sealants, gaskets, and other glanng materials, unless more stringent requirements are indicated, includingI those in referenced glanngpublications, I B. Protect glass edges from damage during handling and installation. r C. Do not exceed edge pressures stipulated by glass manufacturers for installing glass lites, t D. Set glass lites in each series with uniform pattern, draw, bow, and similar characteristics. I E. Protect glass from contact with contaminating substances resulting from construction t operations, including weld splatter. a F. Remove and replace glass that is broken, chipped, cracked, abraded, or damaged in any t way, including natural causes, accidents, and vandalism, during construction period. I G. Wash glass on both exposed surfaces in each area of Project not more than foru days beforeI date scheduled for inspections that establish date of Sribstantial Completion. Wash glass as recommended by glass manufacturer. I END OF SECTION O88OOI I I I I I r GLAZING AT WOOD WINDOWS AND DOORS 08800 _ 3 I I Copyright 1gg7 ArA l I I t t t I t MASTERSPEC - SLV BILLINGSLEY RESIDENCE I SECTION O88OI -DEBRIS MITIGATION GLAZING AT METAL WINDOWS AND DOORSt I.I GENERAL .' A. Performance Requirements: 1. Provide glazing systems capable of withsanding normal thermal movement, wind and impact Ioads without failure, including loss or glass breakage attributable to the following: defective manufacture, fabrication, and installation; failure of sealants or gaskets to remain watertight and airtight; deterioration of glazing materials; or other defects in construction. 2. Provide glazing systems capable of withstanding avalanche debris impact loads as required in the Avalanche Loading Analysis by Arthur I Mears, P.E. dated July 27, 1999,to provide life safety to house occupants. In event ofdebris avalanche, glass system may not fail within required loading per Avalanche Loading Analysis, but glass cracking and loss ofwatertightness and airtightness is acceptable; Note: copy of Avalanche Loading Analysis report and preliminary glass system information is included in appendix at end of specifications. l. Glass Design: Glass thicknesses as required to withstand loads as required in the Avalanche Loading Analysis. a. Provide glass lites for various size openings in thicknesses and in strengths (annealed, heat treated, tempered and laminated) as required to meet or exceed the Avalanche Loading Analysis criteria: 2. Thermal and Optical Performance Properties: As determined according to procedures indicated below:II Center-of-Glass U-Values: NFRC 100 methodology using LBL-35298 I Xffirot 4.l computer program, expressed as Bhr/sq. ft. x h x deg F (Wsq. ll a, Center-of-Glass Solar Heat Gain Coefficient: NFRC 200 methodology using t LBL-35298 WINDOW4.I computerprogram. I b. Solar Optical Properties: NFRC 300. I B. Submittals: In addition to Product Data for each glass product and glazing material, submit I the following: I . Samples: for each different type of window glazing in this section. I 2. Glazing Schedule: Use same designations indicated on Drawings for glazed openingsa in preparing a schedule listing glass types and thicknesses for each size opening and location. I I DEBRIS MITIGATION GLAZING AT METAL WINDOWS AND DOORS O88OI - 1 I Copyright 1997 AIA BILLINGSLEY RESIDEN MASTERSPEC - SLVo CE 8t97 T I I t I I I I I I I t I I I I I I t Glazing Publications: Comply with published recommendations of glass product manufacturers and organizations below, unless more stringent requirements are indicated. Refer to these publications for glazing terms not otherwise defined in this Section or in referenced standards. I.GANA Publications: GANA'S "Glazing Manual" and "Laminated Glass Design Guide." AAMA Publications: AAMA GDSG-I, "Glass Design for Sloped Glazing," and AAMA TIR-A7, "Sloped Glazing Guidelines." SIGMA Publications: SIGMA TM-3000, "Vertical Glazing Guidelines," and SIGMA TB-300l, "Sloped Glazing Guidelines." PRODUCTS: Provide glazing systems capable of withstanding avalanche debris impact loads as required in the Avalanche Loading Analysis by Arthur I Mears, P.E. dated July, 1999 ofthe following or other required products. Float Glass: ASTM C 1036, Type I, Quality q3; class as indicated in schedules. Insulating-Glass Units: Preassembled units consisting of dual-sealed lites of glass separated by a dehydrated interspace, and complying with ASTM E774 for Class CBA units and with requirements specified in the Insulating-Glass Schedule. 1. Ifpossible, provide low E coating to glass. Dense Compression Gaskets: Molded or extruded gaskets of material indicated below, complying with standards referenced with name of elastomer indicated below, and of profile and hardness required to maintain watertight seal: 1. Neoprene, ASTM C 864. 2. EPDM, ASTM C 864. 3. Silicone. ASTM C 1115. 4. Thermoplastic polyolefin rubber, ASTM C I115. 5. Any material indicated above. Fabricate glass and other glazing products in sizes required to glaze openings indicated for Project, with edge and face clearances, edge and surface conditions, and bite complying with written instructions of product manufacturer and referenced glazing standard, to comply with system performance requirements. L Clean-cut or flat-grind vertical edges of butt-glazed monolithic lites in a manner that produces square edges with slight kerfs atjunctions with indoor and outdoor faces. 2. Grind smooth and polish exposed glass edges. c. J. 1.2 B. C. D. DEBRIS MITIGATION GLAZINGAT METAL WINDOWS AND DOORS 08801 - 2 I copyright res't ArA O MASTERS'EC - sLV BILLINGSLEY RESIDENCEI 8t97 I 1.3 EXECUTIoN I A. Comply with combined written instructions of manufacturers of glass, sealants, gaskets, I and other glazing materials, unless more stringent requirements are required per avalanche debris impact loads as required in the Avalanche Loading Analysis. I B. Protect glass edges from damage during handling and installation. I C. Do not exceed edge pressures stipulated by glass manufacturers. D. Set glass lites in each series with uniform pattern, draw, bow, and similar characteristics. r E. Protect glass from contact with contaminating substances resulting from construction r operations, including weld splatter. Ir F. Remove and replace glass that is broken, chipped, cracked, abraded, or damaged in any I way, including natural causes, accidents, and vandalism, during constuction period. '- G. Wash glass on both exposed surfaces in each area of Project not more than four days before I date scheduled for inspections that establish date of Substantial Completion. Wash glass I as recommended by glass manufacturer. I ENDoFSECrroNossol I I t I T I I I DEBRIS MITIGATION GLAZING AT METAL WINDOWS AND DOORS O88OI - 3 I l. 2. 2. B. I I I I I I I t I I t I I I I I I t T Copyright 1995 AIA BILLINGSLEY RESIDENCE MASTERSPEC - SLV 5/95 SECTION 08920 - GLAZED STEEL ORALUMINUM CURTAIN WALL SYSTEM 1.I GENERAI Metal Window System Description: Provide glazed aluminum curtain wall system capable of withstanding wind loads and thermal and structural movement requirements indicated without failure, based on testing manufacturer's standard units in assemblies similar to those indicated for this Project and called out as Metal Window System. Failure includes air infiltration and water penetration exceeding specified limits and framing members transfening stresses, including those caused by thermal and structural movement, to glazing units. a. Glazing is physically and thermally isolated from framing members.b. System may be reglazable from the interior or exterior, but interior is preferred ifpossible. Provide syst€ms capable of withstanding avalanche debris impact loads as required in the Avalanche Loading Analysis by Arthur I Mears, P.E. dated July 27, 1999, to provide life safety to house occupants.a. In event of debris avalanche, system must comply with the following:1. Glazed aluminum curtain wall system may not fail within required loading per Avalanche Loading Analysis, but deformation of framing members, glass cracking and loss of watertightness and airtightness is acceptable Deflection of system must be within tolerances approved by glazing manufacture inorder to prevent failure ofglazing. Note: copy of Avalanche Loading Analysis report and preliminary glass system information is included in appendix B at end of specifications. Wind Loads: In addition to the complying with the requirements of the Avalanche Loading Analysis, provide glazed aluminum curtain wall system, including anchorage, capable of withstanding wind-load design pressures calculated according to requirements of authorities having jurisdiction or the American Society of Civil Engineers' ASCE 7, "Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures," 6.4.2," Analytical Procedure," whichever are more stringent. l. Deflection of framing members in a direction normal to wall plane is limited to li 175 ofclear span, unless otherwise indicated.2. Deflection of framing members in a direction normal to wall plane is limited to 1i360 of clear span, maximum, where plaster or gypsum board surfaces are subject to bending. GLAZED ALUMINUM CURTAIN WALL SYSTEM 08920 - I Copyright 1995 AIA MASTERSPEC. SLV 5t95 BILLINGSLEY RESIDENCE 3. Test Performance: Provide glazed aluminum curtain wall system that does not evidence material failures, structural distress, or permanent deformation of main framing members exceeding 0.2 percent of clear span when tested according to ASTM E 330. a. Test Pressure: 150 percenl of inward and outward wind-load design presswes, b. Duration: As required by design wind velocity; fastesr I mile (1.609 km) of wind for relevant exposure category. Air Infiltration: Provide glazed aluminum curtain wall system with permanent resistance to air leakage through system of not more than 0.06 cfm-isq. ft. (0.3 L/s/sq. m) of fixed wall area when tested according to ASTM E2B3 at a static-air-pressure difference of 6.24lbflsq. ft. (299Pa). water Penetration: Provide glazed aluminum curtain wall system that does not evidence water leakage when tested according to ASTM E 331 at minimum differential pressrre of 20 percent of inward acting wind-load design pressure as defined by ASCE 7, "Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and other Structures," but not less than 10lbflsq. ft. (479Pa). Thermal Movements: Provide glazed aluminum curtain wall system, including anchorage, that accommodates thermal movements of system and supporting elements resulfing from the following maximum change (range) in ambient and surface temperatures without buckling, damaging stresses on glazing, failure of joint sealants, damaging loads on fasteners, noise orvibration, and other detrimental effects. l. Temperature change (Range): 120 deg F, ambien! 180 deg F , material surfaces. condensation Resistance: Provide glazed aluminum curtain wall system with condensation-resistance factor (CRF) of not less than 55 when tested according to AAMA 1503.I, Average Thermal Conductance: Provide glazed aluminum curtain wall system with an average u-value of not more than 0.66 Btu/sq. ft. x h x deg F (3.75 wsq. m x K) when tested according to AAMA 1503.1 . Dimensional rolerances: Provide glazed aluminum curtain wall system, including anchorage, that accommodates dimensional tolerances of buildins frame and other adj acent construction. Submittals: Product Data for each product specified and the following: C. D. E. I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I F. G. H. I. GLAZED ALI]MINI.]M CURTAIN WALL SYSTEM 08920 -2 J. K. L. M. B. 1.2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I Copyright 1995 AIA BILLINGSLEY RESIDENCE MASTERSPEC - SLV s/95 l. Shop Drawings showing fabrication and installation of glazed aluminum curtain wall system including plans, elevations, sections, details of components, and attachments to other units of Work.2. Samples for initial selection showing the full range of colors available for components with factory-applied color finishes.a. Color to be similar to Eagle windows aluminum cladding color at Living room windows 3. Product test reports from a qualified independent testing agency evidencing compliance of glazed steel or aluminum curtain wall system with requirements of the specifications and drawings, based on comprehensive testing of m anufacturer's current system.4. Product data for selected glazing complying with section 08801. Installer Qualifications: Engage an experienced installer to assume engineering responsibility and perform work of this Section who has specialized in installing glazed aluminum curtain wall systems similar to those required for this Project and who is acceptable to manufactwer. l. Engineering Responsibility: Prepare data for glazed aluminum curtain wall systems, including drawings, based on testing and engineering analysis of manufacturer's standard units in assemblies similar to those indicated for this Project. Source Limitations: Obtain each type of glazed window system from one source and by a single manufacturer. Notiff architect if this is not possible. Product Options: Drawings indicate size, profiles, and dimensional requirements of glazed aluminum curtain wall system and are based on the specific system indicated. Other manufacturers' systems with equal performance characteristics may be considered. Refer to Division I Section "Substitutions." Coordinate this section with sections 06100, 06200, 07111,07620,07920, and 08801. PRODUCTS: Provide system capable of withstanding avalanche debris impact loads as required in the Avalanche Loading Analysis by Arthur I Mears, P.E. dated July 27, 1999 ofthe following or other required products. Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide products by one of the following or approved equal: l. EFCO Corporation., thermally broken curtain wall system, shear block framing.2. Kawneer Company, Inc. similar thermal storefront system to the EFCO system, with shear block framing. Materials: As follows: GLAZED ALUMINUM CURTAIN WALL SYSTEM 08920 - 3 Copyright 1995 AIA MASTERSPEC - SLV BILLINGSLEY RESIDENCE l. Aluminum: As follows: a. Sheet and Plate: ASTM B 209 (ASTM B 209M).b. Extruded Bars, Rods, Shapes, and Tubes: ASTM B 221 (ASTM B 221M). c. Extruded Structural Pipe and Tubes: ASTM B 429. 2. Steel Reinforcement if required per window manufactures calculations based on wind loads: ASTMA36 (ASTMA36M), ASTMA6II, or ASTMA570 (ASTM A s70M). 3. Glazing as specified in Division 08801 Section "Glazing."4. Glazing Gaskets: Manufacturer's standard sealed-comerpressure-glazing system.5. Glazing sealants and fillers as specified in Division 8 Section "Qlnzjng."6. Framing system gaskets and joint fillers as recommended by manufacturer for jointqpe. Brackets and Reinforcements: Manufacturer's standard high-strength aluminum brackets and reinforcements. Provide nonstaining, nonferrous shims for aligning system componenB. Fasteners and Accessories: Manufacturer's standard corrosion-resistant, nonstaining, nonbleeding fasteners and accessories compatible with adjacent materials. Finish exposed portions to match glazed aluminum curtain wall. l. At movement joints, use slip-joint linings, spacers, and sleeves of material and type recommended by manufacturer.2. No exposed fasteners, unless otherwise indicated. Anchors: 3-way adjustable anchors that accommodate fabrication and installation tolerances in material and finish compatible with adjoining materials and recommended by manufacturer. Concealed Flashing: Provide Manufacturer's standard corrosion-resistant, nonstaining, nonbleeding head and sill flashing, compatible with adjacent materials, and of type recommended by manufacturer. Coordinate with installation of air-infiltration barrier and shown and required stucco edging, weep screeds and flashing. Fabricate glazed aluminum curtain wall system according to Specifications and Drawings. Fabricate components that, when assembled, will have accurately fitted joints with ends coped or mitered to produce hairline joints free of burrs and distortion. Forming: Form shapes with sharp profiles, straight and free of defects or deformations, before finishing. Prepare components to receive concealed fasteners and anchor and connection devices. 5195 I I I t I I I I I I I t I T I I I I I D. E, F. G. GLAZED ALUMINUM CURTAIN WALL SYSTEM 08920 - 4 J. L. M. N. A, B. 1.3 I I I I I I I I I I I I I T t I I t I Copyright 1995 AIA BILLINGSLEY RESIDENCE MASTERSPEC - SLV 5/95 Fabricate components to drain water passing joints, condensation occurring in glazing channels, condensation occurring within framing members, and moisture migratiag within the system to the exterior. Glazing Pockets: Provide minimum clearances for thickness and type of glass indicated according to FGMA's "Glazing Manual." Metal Protection: Where aluminum will contact dissimilar metals, protect against galvanic action by painting contact surfaces with primer or by applying sealant or tape recommended by manufacturer for this purpose. Where steel or aluminum will contact concrete or masonry, protect against corrosion by painting contact surfaces with bituminous paint. Frame Units: Factory assemble frame units according to Shop Drawings to greatest extent possible. Rigidly secure Donmovement joints. Seal joints watertight, unless otherwise indicated. Assemble components to drain water passing joints, condensation occurring in glazing channels, condensation occurring within framing members, and moisture migrating within the system to the exterior. 1. Install double pane low E coated insulated glazing according to Shop Drawings. Comply with requirements of Division 08801 Section "Glazing," unless otherwise indicated. Finishes: Comply with NAAMM's "Metal Finishes Manual for Architectural and Metal Products." Finish designations prefixed by AA conform to the system established by the Aluminum Association for designating aluminum finishes. Class I, Color Anodic Finish: AA-M12C22A421A44, integrally colored or electrolytically deposited color coating 0.018 mm or thicker, and complying with AAMA 606.1 oTAAMA 608.1. a. Color and Gloss: As selected by Architect from manufacturer's full range ofchoices for color and gloss. b. Color to be as similar as possible to Eagle windows aluminum cladding color at living room windows. STEEL PRIMING for steel reinforcement if required per wind loads General: Comply with NAAMM'S "Metal Finishes Manual for Architectural and Metal Products" for recommendations relative to applying primer. Surface Preparation: Perform manufacturer's standard cleaning operations to remove dirt, oil, grease, or other contaminants that could impair paint bond. Remove mill scale and rust, if present, from uncoated steel. GLAZED ALUMINUM CURTAIN WALL SYSTEM 08920 - 5 Copyright 1995 AIA MASTERSPEC - SLV 5/95 BILLINGSLEY RESIDENCE C. Priming: Apply manufacturer's standard corrosion-resistant primer immediately after surface preparation and pretreatment. 1.4 EXECUTION A. General: Comply with manufacturer's written instructions for protecting, handling, and installing glazed aluminum curtain wall system, wrless more stringent requirements are required per avalanche debris impact loads as required in lhe Avalanche Loading Analysis. B. Do not install damaged components. Fit joints to produce hairline joints free of burrs and distortion. Rigidly secure nonmovement joints. Seal joints watertight, unless otherwise indicated. Provide means to drain water to the exterior to produce a permanently weatherproof system. C. Metal Protection: Where aluminum will contact dissimilar metals, protect against galvanic action by painting contact surfaces with primer or by applying sealant or tape recommended by manufacturer for this purpose. Where aluminum will contact concrete or masonry, protect against corrosion by painting contact surfaces with bituminous paint. D. Install components to drain water passing joints, condensation occurring in glazing channels, condensation occurring within framing members, and moisture migrating within the system to the exterior. E. Install framing members plumb and true in alignment with established lines and grades. F. Install factory-assembled frame units plumb and true in alignment with established lines and grades. G. Anchorage: After system components are positioned, fix connections to building structure as indicated on Shop Drawings. l. Provide separators and isolators to prevent metal corrosion and electrolytic deterioration and to prevent impeding movement of moving joints. H. Install glazing according to Shop Drawings and comply with requirements of Division 08801 Section "Gla'ing," unless otherwise indicated. I. Install sealant according to Shop Drawings. Comply with requirements of Division 7 Section "Joint Sealants," unless otherwise indicated. J. Erection Tolerances: Install glazed aluminum curtain wall system to comply with the followine maximum tolerances: I I I I I I I T I I T I I I I I I I IGLAZED ALUMINUM CURTAIN WALL SYSTEM 08920 - 6 I I I I I I I I t I I I I t I t I I I Copyright 1995 AIA BILLINGSLEY RESIDENCE MASTERSPEC - SLV sl9s 1. Plumb: l/8 inch in l0 feet; l/4 inch in 40 feet .2. Level: l/8 inch in 20 feet; l/4 inch in 40 feet.3. Alignment: Where surfaces abut in line, limit offset from true alignment to l/16 inch; where a reveal or protruding element separates aligned surfaces by less than 2 inches, limit offset to l/2 inch.4. Location: Limit variation from plane or location shown on Shop Drawings to 1/8 inch in 12 feet; l12 inch over total length.5. Repair or remove Work that does not meet requirements or that is damaged by testing; replace to conform to specified requirements. K. Provide final protection and maintain conditions, in a manner acceptable to manufacturer and Installer, that ensure glazed aluminum curtain wall system is without damage or deterioration at the time of Substantial Completion. END OF SECTION 08920 GLAZED ALUMINUM CURTAIN WALL SYSTEM 08920 - 7 MASTERSPEC - SLV 5t95 r SECTION 09220 -PORTLANDCEMENTINTERIORWALLPLASTER t I.I GENERAL I A. Provide alternate pricing to provide Integral Color Interior Plaster at the Entry, Stair, Living, Dining, Kitchen, and Stair to the Master. I B. Provide alternate pricing to provide Integral Color Interior Plaster at the TV room. I C. Provide alternate pricing to provide Integral Color Interior Plaster at the Powder room. D. Provide product Data for each product specified and Samples for each type offinish I E. Provide 4'x4' mockup of interior plaster color and texture F. Coordinate work under this section with required fiaming and gyp board per sections 06100 andI oszssI I 1.2 PRODUCTS I A. Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide products by one of the r following: I l. Expanded-Metal Lath at interior plaster: I a. Alabama Metal Industries Corp. (AMICO).t b. California Expanded Metal Products Co.c. Dale/,{ncor Industries, Inc.d. Dietrich Industries, Inc. I e. National Gypsum Co.f. Unimast Inc.g. United States Gypsum Co. I h. Westem Metal Lath Co. r- 2. Metal Accessories: I a. Alabama Metal Industries Corp. (AMICO). b. Califomia Expanded Metal Products Co. r i B:igt1;:llllustries, rnc e. Flannery, Inc. r i [?,ffi:T::""oration h. Metalex (Keene Products). i. MM Systems Corp. I I copyright 1995 AIA I BILLINGSLEY RESIDENCE I I PORTLANDCEMENTPLASTER 09220 - | MASTERSPEC - SLV 5t95 j. National Gypsum Co.k. Pittcon Industries. l. Stockton Products. m. Unimast, Inc. n. United States Gypsum Co.o. Western Metal Lath Co. Expanded-Metal Lath at interior plaster: ASTM c 847, diamond mesh, flat or self-furring configuration as indicated, and with minimum 3.4-lblsq. yd. (1.8-kg/sq. m) weight. Accessories: Comply with material provisions of ASTM C 1063 and the requirements indicated below; coordinate depth of accessories with thicknesses and number of interior plaster / stucco coats required. l. Afuminum components: ASTM B 221 (ASTM 8221M) for alloy and temper 6063-T5 or aluminum extrusions with similar properties.2. Galvanized Steel Components: Fabricated from zinc-coated (galvanized) steel sheet complying with ASTM A 653, c40 (ASTM A 653M, 290) minimum coating designation. Zinc-Alloy Components: ASTM B 69, 99 percent pure zinc. Plastic components: ASTM D 4216, high-impact polyvinyl chloride (pvc) for building products. Metal Comerbeads: Fabricated from zinc-coated (galvanized) steel. Plastic comerbeads: Small nose cornerbeads, with perforated flanges, fabricated from high-impact PVC. strip Reinforcement: smooth-edge strips of expanded-metal lath fabricated from uncoated or zinc-coated (galvanized) steel sheet. Provide cornerite or shipite form as required. 8. Casing Beads: Square-edged style, fabricated from aluminum coated with clear plastic, with short or expanded flanges to suit kinds ofplaster bases indicated.9. Curved Casing Beads: Square-edged style, fabricated from aluminum coated with clear plastic, preformed into curve of radius indicated.10. Control Joints: Aluminum coated with clear plastic and adjustable for joint widths from li8 to 5/8 inch (3 to 16 mm). 1 I . Foundation Sill (Weep) Screed: Fabricated from zinc-coated (galvanized) steel sheet.12. Steel Drill Screws: ASTM C 1002. Fiber for Base coat: Alkaline-resistant glass or polypropylene fibers, l/2 inch (13 mm) long, free of contaminates, manufactured for use in portland cement plaster. Acid-Etching Solution: Muriatic acid (10 percent solution of commercial hydrochtoric acid) mixed I part to not less than 6 nor more than 10 parts water. Water for Mixing and Finishing interior plaster: Potable. Lime: ASTM C 206, Type S; ASTM C 207, Type S. B. I t I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I T I .). ^ 5. 6. '7. D. F. G. PORTLAND CEMENT PLASTER 09220 -2 H. I. J. K. L. B. 1.3 I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I Copyright 1995 AIA BILLINGSLEY RESIDENCE c. MASTERSPEC - SLV 5t95 Bonding Agent ASTM C 932. Base-Coat Cements: White or gray, as required. 1. Portland cement, ASTM C 150, Type I. Base-CoatAggregate: ASTM C 897, sand. Finish Coat: Recommend material and color options listed below to best match the interior plaster sample by the Architect: l. Job-Mixed Finish Coat: ASTM C 926. a. Portland cement, ASTM C 150, Type I. b. Cement Color: Pigmented, factory-packaged standard product consisting of white or gray cement combined with colorfast mineral pigments to match Architect's sample. c. Finish-Coat Aggregate: ASTM C 897, manufactured or natural sand, in color matching Architect's sample. Mixes and Compositions: Comply with ASTM C926 for base- and finish-coat mixes as applicable. 1. Proportions: Proportion materials for base coats and job-mixed finish coat in parts by volume according to ASTM C 926. 2. Fiber Content: Add amount of fiber recommended by manufacturer to base-coat mixes after ingredients have mixed at least 2 minutes. 3. Factory-Prepared Finish Coat: Add water only; comply with finish coat manufacturer's written instructions. Mixing: Mechanically mix proportioned cementitious and aggregate materials with water to comply with applicable referenced application standard and with recommendations of plaster manufacturer. EXECUTION Lathing and Furring: Install lath and furring indicated to comply with ML/SFA 920, "Guide Specifications for Metal Lathing and Furing," and with ASTM C 1063. Install over gyp board. Install supplementary framing, blocking, and bracing at terminations in work and for support of fixtures, equipment services, heavy trim, grab bars, handrails, furnishings, and similar work to comply with details indicated or, if not otherwise indicated, to comply with applicable written instructions of lath and furring manufacturer. Isolation: Where lathing and metal support systems abut building stnrcture horizontally and where partition or wall abuts overhead structure, sufficiently isolate from structural movement PORTLAND CEMENT PLASTER 09220 -3 Copyright 1995 AIA MASTERSPEC - SLV 5t95 BILLINGSLEY RESIDENCE to prevent transfer of loading from building structure. Install slip- or cushion-type joints to absorb deflections but maintain lateral support. I . Frame both sides of control joints independently and do not bridge joints with funing and lath or accessories. Metal Lath: Install metal lath where plaster is to be provided. provide appropriate type, configuration, and weight of metal lath selected from materials indicated that comply with ML/SFA 920, "Guide Specifications for Metal Lathing and Furring," and with ASTM c 1063. Preparing Solid Surfaces for interior plaster / stucco: Clean plaster bases and substrates for direct application of plaster, removing loose material and substances that may impair the Work.l. Install temporary grounds and screeds to ensure accurate rodding of plaster to true surfaces; coordinate with scratch-coat work.2. Surface Conditioning: Immediately before plastering, dampen surfaces indicated for direct plaster application, except where a bonding agent has been applied. Moisten to obtain optimum suction for plastering. Installation of interior plaster accessories: Comply with referenced lathing and furring installation standards for provision and location of plaster accessories of type indicated. Install accessories oftype indicated at following locations: I . External Comers: Install corner reinforcement at extemal corners.2. Terminations of interior plaster: Install casing beads, unless otlrerwise indicated. Interior plaster Application: Sequence plaster apptication with installation and protection of other work so that neither will be damaged by installation of other. Do not use materials ttrat are frozen, caked, lumpy, dirty, or contaminated by foreign materials. Do not use excessive water in mixing and applying plaster materials. l. Interior plaster Application Standard: Apply plaster materials, composition, mixes, and finishes indicated to comply with ASTM C 926.2. Tolerances: Do not deviate more than plus or minus l/B inch in 10 feet (3 mm in 3 m) from a true plane in finished plaster surfaces, as measured by a l0-foot (3-m) straightedge placed at any location on surface.3. Grout hollow-metal frames, bases, and similar work occurring in interior plaster areas, with base-coat plaster material, before lathing where necessary. Excep where full grouting is indicated or required for fire-resistance rating, gout at least 6 inches (152 mm) at each jamb anchor.4. Plaster flush with metal frames and other built-in metal items or accessories that act as a plaster ground, unless otherwise indicated. Where interior plaster is not terminated at metal frame by casing beads, cut base coat fiee from metal frame before plaster sets and groove finisb coat at junctures with metal.5. Comers: Make intemal corners and angles square; finish extemal corners flush with I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I 6. 7. D. E. F. G. cornerbeads on interior work, square and true with interior plaster faces. Thickness: As indicated or as required by ASTM C 926. Number of Coats: Apply plaster in 2 coats. PORTLAND CEMENT PLASTER 09220 - 4 I. J. I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I Copyright 1995 AIA BILLINGSLEY RESIDENCE MASTERSPEC - SLV 5t95 Finish Coats: As follows: 1. Float Finish: Apply finish coat to a minimum thickness of l/8 inch (3 mm) to completely cover base coat(s), uniformly floated to a true even plane with fine-textured finish matching the sample of interior plaster. 2. Trowel-Textured Finish: Apply finish coat with hand-troweled-textured finish matching the sample of interior plaster. 3. Prepared Finish: Apply finish coats, and other factory-prepared finish coats according to manufacturer's written inshuctions. Moist-cure plaster base and finish coats to comply with ASTM C 926, including written instructions for time between coats and curing in "Annex A2 Design Considerations." Cutting and Patching: Repair cracks and indented surfaces. Point-up finish interior plaster surfaces around items that are built into or penetrate plaster surfaces. Repair or replace work to eliminate blisters, buckles, check cracking, dry outs, efflorescence, excessive pinholes, and similar defects. Repair or replace work as necessary to comply with required visual effects. Cleaning and Protecting: Remove interior plaster from other surfaces not to be plastered. When plastering is completed, remove unused materials, containers, equipment, and plaster debris. Protect plaster work from damage or deterioration until Substantial Completion. END OF SECTION 09220 PORTLAND CEMENT PLASTER 09220 - 5 I Copyright 199s AIA MASTERSPEC. SLV 2t95 BILLINGSLEY RESIDENCE t SECTION 09255 - GYPSUM BOARD ASSEMBLIES Ir l.r cENERAL I A. Coordinate work under this section with section 09220 for the areas to have interior integrally colored plaster. I B. Sound Transmission Characteristics: For gypsum board assemblies with STC ratings, provide materials and construction identical to those of assemblies whose STC ratings were I determined according to ASTMESO and classified according to ASTME413 by ar qualified independent testing agency. I C. Fire-Test-Response Characteristics: Where fire-resistance-rated gypsum board assembliesr are indicated, provide gypsum board assemblies that are identical to assemblies tested for I fire resistance according to the U.L #s indicated and ASTME 119 by an independent I testing and inspecting agency acceptable to authorities havingjurisdiction. I 1.2 PRODUCTS I A. Manufacturers: Subject to compliance wilh requirements, provide products by one of the I I I I I I I I I following: l. Steel Rigid Funing channels ASTM 6 645. 2. Grid Suspension Assemblies: a. Armstrong World Industries, Inc. b. Chicago Metallic Corp. c. USG Interiors, Inc. d. Worthington Steel Company (formerly National Rolling Mills). 3. Gypsum Board and Related Products: a. Domtar Gypsum. b. Georgia-PacificCorp. c. National Gypsum Co.; Gold Bond Building Products Division. d. United States Gypsum Co. B. Steel Framing Components for Suspended and Furred Ceilings: Provide components complying with ASTM C 754 for conditions indicated. l. Steel Rigid Funing Channels: ASTM C 645,hat shaped, 0.0179-inch minimum base metal thickness. unless otherwise indicated. a. Where shown, provide manufacturer's special type designed to reduce sound I GYPSUM BOARD ASSEMBLIES 09255 - 1 I copyneht 199s AIA MASTERSPEC - SLV BILLINGSLEY RESIDENCE I SECTION 09255 - GYPSUM BOARD ASSEMBLIES Ir l.t GENERAL I A. Coordinate work under this section with section 09220 fot the areas to have interior integrally colored plaster. I B. Sound Transmission Characteristics: For gypsum board assemblies with STC ratings, provide materials and construction identical to those of assemblies whose STC ratings were I determined according to ASTMES0 and classified according to ASTME4I3 by a! qualified independenttesting agency. I C. Fire-Test-Response Characteristics; W"here fire-resistance-rated gypsum board assembliesr are indicated, provide gypsum board assemblies that are identical to assemblies tested for I fire resistance according to the U.L #s indicated and ASTME 119 by an independent I testing and inspecting agency accepable to authorities having jurisdiction. I 1.2 PRODUCTS I A. Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide products by one of the I I I I I t I I I following: l. Steel Rigid Funing channels ASTM 6 645. 2. Grid Suspension Assemblies: a. Armstrong World Industries, Inc. b. Chicago Metallic Corp. c. USG Interiors, Inc. d. Worthington Steel Company (formerly National Rolling Mills). 3. Gypsum Board and Related Products: a. Domtar Gypsum. b. Georgia-PacificCorp. c. National Gypsum Co.; Gold Bond Building Products Division. d. United States Gypsum Co. B. Steel Framing Components for Suspended and Furred Ceilings: Provide components complying with ASTM C 754 for conditions indicated. L Steel Rigid Funing Channels: ASTM C 645, hat shaped, 0.0179-inch minimum base metal thickness. unless otherwise indicated. a. Where shown, provide manufacturer's special type designed to reduce sound I GYPSUM BOARD ASSEMBLIES 09255 - 1 Copyright 1995 AIA MASTERSPEC - SLV 2/95 BILLINGSLEY RESIDENCE transmission. C. Gypsum Board Products: Types indicated in maximum lengths available that will minimize end-to-end buttjoints in each area indicated to receive g)?sum board application. l. Gypsum Wallboard: ASTM C 36, in S/S"thickness unless noted otherwise. Type: Regular for vertical surfaces, only for non-rated partitions. Type: Type X where required for fire-resistance-rated assemblies. Type: Sag-resistant type for ceiling surfaces. Edges: Tapered. Coordinate with section 09220 for areas to have interior plaster. 2. Water-Resistant Gypsum Backing Board at bathrooms (but not behind wall tile): ASTM C 630, in 5/8" thickness. a. Type: Regular, unless otherwise indicated. b. Type: Type X where required for fire-resistance-rated assemblies and where indicated. Type: Sag-resistant type for ceiling surfaces. Edges: Tapered. Coordinate with section 09220 for areas to have interior plaster. D. Cementitious Backer Units: ANSI Al 18.9, in maximum lengths available to minimize end- to-end buttjoints. Thichness: 1/2" thickness behind all bath wall tile, l/2" thickness (over 3/4" plywood) under all stone countertop/vanity tops, 3/8" thickness under all tile floors set over plywood. (Where gyp-crete and concrete slab does not occur under tile.) Product: USG Durock or approved equal. E. Accessories for Interior Installation: 90 degree comerbead, edge trim, and control joints complying with ASTM C 1047, formed metal or plastic, with metal complying with the following requirement: l. Steel sheet zinc coated by hot-dip process or rolled zinc. a. 90 degree comerbead on outside comers, unless otherwise indicated. 2. Coordinate with section 09220 for areas to have interior plaster. F. Joint Treatment Materials: Provide joint treatment materials complying with ASTM C 475 and the recommendations of both the manufacturers of sheet products and ofjoint teatnent materials for each application indicated. a. b. c. d. e. I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I c. d. e. GYPSUM BOARD ASSEMBLIES 09255 - 2 G. I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I Copyright 1995 AIA BILLINGSLEY RESIDEN MASTERSPEC. SLVo CE 2t95 Joint Tape for Gypsum Board: Paper reinforcing tape, unless otherwise indicated. a. Use pressure-sensitive or staple-attached, open-weave, glass-fiber reinforcing tape with compatible joint compormd where recommended by manufacturer of gypsum board andjoint treatrnent materials for application indicated. Drying-Type Joint Compounds for Gypsum Board: Factory-packaged vinyl-based products complying with the following requirements for formulation and intended use. a. Ready-MixedFormulation: Factory-mixedproduct.b. Job-Mixed Formulation: Powder product for mixing with water at Project site. l) Taping compound formulated for embedding tape and for first coat over fasteners and face flanges oftrim accessories.2) Topping compound formulated for fill (second) and finish (third) coats.3) All-purpose compound formulated for both taping and topping compounds. 3. Joint Compound for Cementitious Backer Units: Material recommended by cementitious backer unit manufacturer. 4. Coordinate with section 09220 for areas to have interior plaster. Acoustical Sealant for Exposed and Concealed Joints: Manufacturer's standard nonsag, paintable, nonstaining latex sealant complying with ASTM C 834 that is effective in reducing airborne sound transmission through perimeter joints and openings in building construction as demonstrated by testing representative assemblies according to ASTM E 90. Miscellaneous Materials: Provide auxiliary materials for gypsum board construction that comply with referenced standards and recommendations of gypsum board manufacturer. l. Laminating Adhesive: Special adhesive or joint compound recommended for laminating gypsum panels. 2. Spot Grout: ASTM C 475, setting-type joint compound recommended for spot- gouting hollow metal door frames. Fastening Adhesive for Wood: ASTM C 557. Steel drill screws complying with ASTM c 1002 and corrosion resistant for the following applications : a. Fastening gypsum board to wood members. b. Fastening gypsum board to steel shaft wall studs 1. 4. GYPSUM BOARD ASSEMBLIES 09255 - 3 Copyright 1995 AIA BILLINGSLEY RESIDENCE I. MASTERSPEC - SLV 2t95 I I I T I I 1.3 c. Fastening gypsum board to structural steel members as required. 5. Gypsum Board Nails: ASTM C 514. Nails may only be used for accessories per manufactures recommendations. All gyspum board panels are to be attached with screws. 6. Polyethylene Vapor Retarder: ASTM D 4397, thickness and maximum permeance rating as follows: a. 6 mils (0.15 mm), 0.13 perms (7.5 ng/Pa x s x sq. m). Texture at painted gyp-board finish: As follows to match light knock down finish sample approved by Architect: l. Primer: Of type recommended by texture finish manufacturer.2. Aggregate Finish: Factory-packaged proprietary drying-type powder product formulated with aggregate for mixing with water at Project site for application to produce texture selected by Interior Designer. EXECUTION Install supplementary framing, runners, furring, blocking, and bracing at openings and terminations in gypsum board assemblies and where required to suppon other work that cannot be adequately supported on gypsum board alone. Polyethylene Vapor Retarder: 1 . Install on warm side of assemblies 2. Extend to extremities of areas to be protected from vapor transmission. 3 Secure in place with mechanical fasteners or adhesives. Secrue to framing at top, end, bottom, perimeter of wall openings and at lap joints. 4 Vapor barrier is to be a continuous "membrane". Continous by second floor rim joist. 5 Seal vertical and horizontaljoints in vapor retarder over framing by lapping not less than two framing spaces. 6 Sealjoints in vapor retarder caused by pipes, conduits, electrical boxes, light fxhues and similar items penetrating the vapor retarder with vapor retarder approved tape. Repair any tears or punctures in vapor retarder. Gypsum Board Application and Finishing Standards: Install and finish gypsum panels to comply with ASTM C 840 and GA-216. 1. Install sound-attenuation batts, where indicated, prior to installing gypsum panels unless batts are readily installed after panels have been installed on one side.2. Install ceiling board panels across framing to minimize the number of abutting end I I t I I I I I I B. I I I I C. GYPSUM BOARD ASSEMBLIES 09255 - 4 I I t I I I I I I I I I I It I I I I I Copyright 1995 AIA O BILLINGSLEY RESIDENCE MASTERSPEC - SLV 2/95 joints and to avoid abuffing endjoints in the central area ofeach ceiling. Stagger abutting end joints of adjacent panels not less than one framing memhr.3. Isolate perimeter ofnonload-bearing gypsum board partitions at structural abutnents, except floors. Provide l/4- Io Yz-inch- (6.4- to 12.7-mm-) wide spaces at these locations and trim edges with U-bead edge trim where edges of gypsum panels are exposed. Seal joints between edges and abutting structural surfaces with acoustical sealant. 4. Floating Construction: Where feasible, including where recommended by manufacturer, install gypsum panels over wood framing, with floating intemal comer construction. 5. Space fasteners in gypsum panels according to referenced gypsum board application and finishing standard and manufacturer's recommendations. a. Space screws a maximum of 12 inches (304.8 mm) o.c. for vertical applications. 6. Space fasteners in panels that are tile substrates a maximum of 8 inches (203.2 mm) o.c. 7. lnstall cementitious backer rurits to comply with ANSI A108.11. Install glass- mat,cementitios backer board panels to comply with manufacturer's installation instructions. To be installed behind all wall tile/stone (except tile base) below all tile/stone countertops and below all tile/stone floors over plywood. 8. Install water-resistant gypsum backing board panels in all bathrooms except behind tile ( where cemtitios backer board is required), and where indicated. Install with l/4-inch (6.4-mm) open space where panels abut other construction or penetrations. 9. Single-Layer Fastening Methods: Apply gypsum panels to supports as follows: a. Fasten with screws to penetrate wood 1" D. Installing Trim Accessories: For trim accessories with back flanges, fasten to framing with the same fasteners used to fasten gypsum board. Otherwise, fasten trim accessories according to accessory manufacturer's directions for type, length, and spacing offasteners. l. Install comerbead at external comers. 2. Install edge trim where edge of gypsum panels would otherwise be exposed. Provide edge trim type with face flange formed to receive joint compound, except where other types are indicated. a. Install LC-bead where gypsum panels are tightly abutted to other construction and back flange can be attached to framing or supporting substrate. b. Install L-bead where edge trim can only be installed after gypsum panels are installed. c. Install U-bead where indicated. GYPSUM BOARD ASSEMBLIES 09255 - 5 Copyright 1995 AIA MASTERSPEC - SLV BILLINGSLEY RESIDENCE E. Finishing Gypsum Board Assemblies: Treat gypsum board joints, interior angles, flanges of comerbead, edge trim, control joints, penetrations, fastener heads, surface defects, and elsewhere as required to prepare gypsum board surfaces for final finish material/texture. l. Prefill open joints, rounded or beveled edges, and damaged areas using setting-type joint compound. 2. Apply joint tape over gypsum board joints, except those with trim accessories having flanges not requiring tape. 3. Apply joint tape over gypsum board joints and to flanges of trim accessories as recommended by trim accessory manufacturer. 4. Levels of Gypsum Board Finish: Provide the following levels of gypsum board finish per GA-214. a. Texture per sample approved by Architect. Provide integral color plaster at walls per section 09220. 5. Finish water-resistant gypsum backing board to comply with ASTM C 840 and g)?sum board manufacturer's directions. 6. Finish glass-mat, water-resistant gypsum backing board to comply with gypsum board manufacturer's directions. 7. Finish cementitious backer units to comply with unit manufacturer's directions. F. Applying Texture at Painted Gyp-Board Finishes: As follows: l. Surface Preparation and Primer: Prepare and apply primer to gypsum panels and other surfaces receiving texture finishes according to texture finish manufacturer's instructions. Apply primer only to surfaces that are clean, dry, and smooth. 2. Contractor to approve all drywall panels and joints before texture is applied. 3. Texture Finish Application: Mix and apply finish to gypsum panels and other strrfaces indicated to receive texture finish according to texture finish manufacturer's directions. Produce a uniform texture to match approved sample, free of starved spots or other evidence of thin application or of application pattems. 4. Prevent texture finishes from coming into contact with surfaces not indicated to receive texture finish by covering them with masking agents, polyethylene film, or other means. If, despite these precautions, texture finishes contact these surfaces, immediately remove droppings and overspray as recornmended by texture finish manufacturer to prevent damage. 5. Contractor to approve all textured surfaces before paint is applied. END OF SECTION 09255 I I I I I I I I I I T I I I I T I I IGYPSUM BOARD ASSEMBLIES 09255 - 6 MASTERSPEC - SLV B. D. I I I 1 I I I I t I t t I I I I I t I o CE SECTION O93IO. CERAMIC TILE I.I GENERAL A. Submittals: In addition to Product Data for each type of tile and setting material indicate4 submit tlrc following: l. Samples of each type and composition of tile and for each color and texture required, at least 12 inches square, mounted on bnaced cementitious backer units, and with grouted joints. 1.2 A. Copyright 1995 AIA BILLINGSLEY RESIDEN ru95 PRODUCTS lvlanufacturers: subject to compliance with requirements, provide products by one of the following nor approved equal: 1. Tile Products: a. American Olean Tile Coryany.b. Dal-TileCorporation. c. Quarry Tile Company.d. Seneca Tiles, Inc. e. United States Ceramic Tile Coryany. 2. Tile-Setting and -Grouting Materials: a. American OleanTile Corpany..b. Bostik. c. C-Cure Corporation.d. Custom Building Products.e. Dal-TileCorporation f, DAP,Inc.g. TEClncorporated. ANSI ceramic Tile standard: Provide tile that corrylies with standard Grade requirements of ANSI Al37.l, nspecifications for Ceramic Tile,', for t1pes, compositions, and other characteristics indicated. ANSI Standards for Tile Installation lvlaterials: Provide materials conplying with referenced ANSI standards. colors, Textwes, and Patterns: For tile, grout, and other products requiring selection of colors, surface textures, patt€fiis, and otlrcr appearance characteristics, conply with the fo llo wing requirements :1. Provide Architect's selections from manufacturer's full range of colors, textures, and pattems for products of type indicated. CERAMrc TILE 09310 - r Copyright 1995 AIA BILLINGSLEY RESID MASTERSPEC - SLV rr/95 E. Factory Blending: For tile exhibiting color variatiom within the ranges selected during Sample submittals, blend tile in the factory and package so tile units taken from one package show the same range in colors as those taken from other packages and match approved Samples. F. Factory-Applied Temporary Protective Coating: Where indicated under tile t1rye, protest exposed surfaces of tile against adherence of mrtar and grod by precoating them with a continuous film of petroleum paraffin wax, applied hot. Do not cod unexposed tile surfaces. G. Unglazed Quarry Tile: Provide square-edged flat tile complyng with the following requirements: l. Wearing Surftce: Nonab,rasive. 2. Wearing Surface: Abrasive aggregat€ embedded in surface3. Facial Dimensions: 6 by 6 inches (152by 152 mm).4. Facial Dimensions: 8 by 8 inches (203 by 203 mm).5. Thickness: 3/8 inch (9.5 mm). 6. Thickness: l/2inch(12.7 mm).7. Face: Plain. 8. Face: Pattemofdesignindicated. 9- Face: As indicated. H. Unglazed Paver Tile: Provide flat tile corrylying withthe following requirements: l. Composition: Porcelain. 2. Corrposition: Natural clay.3. Facial Dimensions: 7-718 by 7-7/8 inches (200 by 200 mm).4. Facial Dimensions: 11-13/16 by I l-13/16 inches (300 by 300 mm).5. Thickness: ll4inch(6.35 mm).6. Thickness: 3/8 inch (9.5 mm).7. Thickness: l/2inch(12.7 mm).8. Face: Plain with square or cushion edges.9. Face: Plain with square edges. 10. Face: Plain with cushion edges. 11. Face: Pattern ofdesign indicated, with square or cushion edges. 12. For latex-portland cement mortared and grouted paver tile, precoat with temporary protective coating. I. Glazed Wall Tile: Provide flat tile complying with the foilowing requirements: l. Module Sizn: 4-l/4by 4-l/4 inches (108 by 108 mm).2. Module Size: 6 by a-U4 inches (152 by 108 mm).3. Module Size: 6 by 6 inches (152 by 152 mm).4. Thickness: 5i t6 inch (8 mm).5. Face: Plain with modified square edges or cushion edges.6. Face: Plain with modffied square edges. o ENCE I I I x I I I I I I t I t I t I I I ICERAMIC TILE 09310 - 2 I copyright lees AIA O MASTERspEC: SLV BILLINGSIJY RESIDENCE tU95 I 7. Face: plain with cushion edges.8. Face: Pattern of design indicated, with manufacturrds standard edges. I 9. Mounting: Factoryback-mounted. I J. Trim Units: Provide tile trim units to match characteristics of adjoining flat tile and to I comply with the following requirements: I 1. Size: As indicated" coordinated with sizes and coursing of adjoining flat tile I where applicable. K- Waterproofing for Thin-Set Tile Installations: Provide products that conrply withr AIISI All8.l0. ' L. Setting Materials: As follows: I l. Portland Cement Mortar Installation Materials ( Mud set ): Provide materials corplying with ANSI Al08.lA and as specified below: I a. Cleavage Membrane : polyethylene sheeting ASTM D 4397, 4.|mils thick. - b. Latex additive (water emulsion) described below, serving as replacementr n:[il'L*,Tfff]'il1'T,J'#f ffi."#J friiltri**'r,'ffi I ii""-ffiilH#; Acrvricresin r 2. Latex-Portland Cement Mortar (Thin set): ANSI Al18.4, composed as follows: I a. Mixture of Dry-Mortar Mix and Latex Additive: Mixture of prepackaged dry-mortar mix ard liquid-latex additive corrylying with tk following I i"f'"#;Tl*itive: Acrylicresin r M. Grouting Materials: As follows: I l. Latex-Portland Cement Groufi ANSIAIIS.6 for materials described in Section H-2.4, composed ofthe following as required: I a. Mixhrc of Dry-Grout Mix and Latex Additive: Mxture of factory- prepared, dry-grout mix and latex additive complying with the following I ;'TH" Dry-Grorr Mix Dry-set sro,o corylyinc with AIISI A118.6 for materials described in SectionH-2.3, for joints l/8 I z) ffi$'fi#]ffiT}] commerciar portland cemenr srcut- complying with AlISIAllS.6 for rnaterials described in SectionH- I - 2.1, for joints l/8 inch (3.2 mm) and wider.3) Latex Additive: Acrylic resin. I 4\ Color: to rnatch tile as closely as possible. I CERAMICTII-E 09310 - 3 Coplright 1995 AIA BILLINGSLEY RESID MASTERSPEC - SLVo ENCE rr/95 I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I t I I I I I N. Elastomeric Sealants: Provide manufacturer's standard chemically cwing, elastomeric sealants of base polymer and characteristics indicated that comply with applicable requirements ofDivision 7 Section "Joint Sealants." l. One-Part, Mildew-Resistant Silicone Sealant: ASTM C920; Type S; Grade NS; Class25; UsesNT, G, A and, as applicable to nonporous joint substrates indicated, O; formulated with firngicide. O. Miscellaneous Materials: As follows: 1. Trowelable Underlayments and Patching Comporurds: Latex-rrodified, portland- cement-based formulation provided or approved by manufacturer of tile-setting materials for installations indicated.2. Metal Edge Strips: White-zinc-alloy tenalzo strips, 1/8 inch (3.2 mm) wide at top edge with integral provision for anchorage to mortar bed or sub,strate, unless otherwise indicated. 3. Temporary Protective Coating: Provide product indicated below that is formulated to prot€ct exposed surfaces of tile against adherence of mortar and grout; is compatible with tile, mortar, and grout products; and is easily removable after grouting is completed without damaging grout or tile. a. Petroleum paraffrn wax, fully refined and odorless, containing at least 0.5 percent oil with a melting point of 120 to 140 degF (49 ro 60 deg C) per ASTMD 87.b. Grout release in form of manufacturer's standard proprietary liquid coating that is specially formulated and recommended for use as a temporary protective coatlng for tile. I.3 E)GCUTION A. Verffication of Conditions; Before proceeding, examine surfaces to receive tile, setting beds or accessories for defects or conditions adversely affecting quallty and execution ofthe installation. Report unsatisfactory conditions to the General Contractor in uniting with a copy to Architect. Verify locations of all expansion and control joints in substrate for cornpliance with Article 3-04. Begirming of installation means acceptance ofsubstrates. Do not install stone or tile set in Portland cement mortar when the ambient temperature is below 50 degrees F. Comply with minimum temperature requirements of bonding and grouting materials manufactures. B. Provide concrete substrates for tile floors installed with latex-potland cement mortars that comply with flatness tolerances specified in referenced ANSI4108 series of tile installation standards for installations indicated. l. Use trowelable leveling and patching compounds per tile-setting material manufacturer's written instructions to fill cracks, holes, and depressions. CERAMICTILE 09310 - 4 I t I I I I T I T I T I I t I I I I I Copyright 1995 BILLINGSLEY MASTERSPEC - SLV rl/95 2. Remove protrusions, bumps, and ridges by sanding or grinding. C. Blending: For tile exhibiting color variations within the ranges selected during Sample submittals, veri$ that tile has been blended in the fuctory and packaged so tile units taken from one package show the same range in colors as those taken from other packages and rnatch approved Sarryles. Otherwise mix tiles from several packages to provide even distribution of color variation throughout roorn D. Field-Applied Temporary Protective Coating: Where indicated under tile tlpe or needed to prevent adhesion or staining of exposed tile surfaces by grout, protect exposed surfaces oftile against adherence ofmortar and grout by precoating them with a continuous film of terryorary protective coating indicated below, taking care not to coat unexposed tile surfaces: 1. Petroleum paraffin wax or grout release. E. ANSI Tile Installation Standards: Cornply with parts of AIISI Al08 series of tile installation standards in "Specifications for Installation of Ceramic Tile" that apply to types of setting and grouting materials and to methods indicated. F. TCA Installation Guidelines: TCA's "Handbook for Ceramic Tile Installation." Comply with TCA installation methods indicated. G. Extend tile work into recesses and under or behind equipment md fixtures to form a corrylete covering without intemrptiom, unless otherwise indicated. Terminate work neatly at obstructions, edges, and corners without disrupting pattem orjoint alignments. H. Accurately form intersections and retums. Perform cutting and drilling of tile without marring visible strfaces. Carefully grind cut edges oftile abutting trira finis[ or buift- in items for straight aligned joints. Fit tile closely to electrical outlets, piping, fixtures, and other penetralions so plates, collars, or covers overlap tile. I. Jointing Pattern: Lay tile in grid pattern, unless otherwise indicated. Align joints where adjoining tiles on floor, base, walls, and trim are the same size. Lay out tile work and center tile fields in both directions in each space or on e:rch wall area. Adjust to minimize tile cutting. Provide uniform joint widths, unless otherwise indicated. J. Expansion Joints; Locate expansion joints and other sealant-filled joints, including control, contaction, and isolation joints, where indicated during instalation of setting materials, mortar beds, and tile. Do not saw-cut joints after installing tiles. l. Locate joints in tile surfaces directly above joints in concrete substrdes.2. Prepare joints and apply sealants to comply with requirements of Division 7 Section "Joint Sealants." K. Crrotrt tile to conply with the requirements of tlre following tile installation standards: L For ceramic tile grouts (sand-portland cement, dry-set, conrmercial portland cement, and latex-portland cement grouts), comply with AI.{SI 4108.10. AIA O RESIDENCE CERAMICTILE 09310 - 5 Copyright 1995 AIA MASTERSPEC. SLV rU95 BILLINGSLEY RESIDENCE At showers, tubs, and where indicated, install cementitious backer units and treat joints to comply with AI.ISI Al08.1l and manufactruer's written instructions for type of application indicated. M. Install waterproofing to comply with waterproofing manufacturer's written instructions to produce a waterproof membrane of uniform thickness bonded securely to substrate. N. Do not install tile over waterproofing until waterproofing has cured and been tested to determine that it is watertight. O. Floor Tile Installation: Install tile with Mud set Portland Cement Mortar to comply with requirements indicated, including those referencing TCA installation methods and ANSI Al08 series oftile installation standards. l. Joint Widths: Install tile on floors withthe following joint widths:a. Quarry Tile: 1/4 inch (6.35 mm).b. Paver Tile: ll4 inch (6.35 mm). Back Buttering: For installations indicated, obtain 100 percent mortar coverage by complying with applicable special requirements for back buttering of tile in referenced ANSI Al08 series oftile installation standards. 3. Metal Edge Strips: Install at locations indicated or where exposed edge of tile flooring meets carpet, unod, or other flooring that finishes flush with top of tile. P. Wall Tile Installation: Install types of tile designated for wall installations with thinset Latex - Portland Cement Mortar to couply with requirements indicated, including those referencing TCA installation methods and ANSI setting-bed standards.l. Joint Widths: Install tile on walls with the following joint widths;a- Wall Tile: 1/16 inch (1.6 mm). 2. Back Buttering: For installations indicated, obtain 100 percent mortar coverage by complying with applicable special requirements for back buttering of tile in referenced ANSI Al08 series oftile installation standards. a. Cbaning: On completion of placement and grouting, clean all ceramic tile surfaces so they are free of foreign matter. Use cleaning materials and methods that conrply with tile and grout manufacturers' written instructions. l. Remove temporary protective coating by method recommended by coating manufacturer that is acceptable to brick and grout manufacturer. Trap and remove coating to prevent it from clogging drains. 2. Apply grout sealer according to manufacturer's recommendations. Exercise care to avoid damage to adjoining surfaces. I I I I I I I t I I I I I t I I t I ICERAMICTILE09310 - 6 I Copyright lee5 AIA O MASTERSIEC - sLV BILLINGSLEY RESIDENCE tr/95 t r' fi:tffifr"tr-Tgl#:.1Ti"H:' recreanannoorandwalltileaccordingto END OF SECTION O93IO CERAMICTILE 09310 - 7 A. B. c. D. 1.1 I t I t I I I I I I I T I I I t I I t Copyright 1997 AIA BILLINGSLEY RESIDEN MASTERSPEC. SLVo CE tt/97 SECTION (D385 - DIMENSION STONE TILE 1.2 A. B. GENERAL Dimensional stone tile is between y4" and %" thick. Submittals: In addition to Product Data, submit the following: 1. Shop Drawings: Show stone tile sizes, thichness, and exposed edge details.2. Samples: Full-size units of each type of stone tile indicated; in sets showing the full range of variations expected in these characteristics. PRODUCTS Provide stone tiles that are free of cracks, seams, starts, and other defects impairing their function for use indicated. Provide stone floor tiles with the following properties: l. Ab'rasion Resistance: Minimum value of l0 for non bathroom floor locations, as determined perASTM C 1353 or ASTM C 241.2. Abrasion Resistance: Minimum value of 12 for batlnoom floor locations, as determined per ASTM C 1353 or ASTM C 241.3. Static Coefficient of Friction: For stone tile installed on walkway surfrces, provide products with the following values as determined by testing identical products per ASTM C 1028: a. Level Surfaces: Minimum 0.6.b. Rarnp Surfaces: Minimum 0.8. Provide stone thresholds that are free of cracks, searls, starts, and other defects impairing their structural integnty or function. Setting Materials: As follows: 1. Portland Cement Mortar (Thickset) Installation Materials to be used at all stone floors: Provide materials complying with A}{SI Al08.l and as specified below: a- Cleavage Membrane: polyethylene sheeting, ASTMD4397,4.0 mils (0. I mm) thick. b. Reinforcing Wire Fabric: Galvanized, welded wire fabric, 2 by 2 inches (50.8 by 50.8 mm) by 0.062-inch (1.57-mm) diameter; comply with ASTM A 185 and ASTM A 82, except for minimum wire size.2. Latex-Portland Cement Mortar (Thin Seg only at wall tile: Al.ISIAll8.4, consisting of the following: DIMENSION STONE TILE 0938s - I Copyright 1997 AIA BILLINGSLEY RESID MASTERSPEC - SLV rU97 a. Mixtrue of Dry-Mortar Mix and Latex Additive: Mixture of prepackaged dry-mortar mix and liquid-latex additive cornplying with the following requirements:. l) Latex Additive: Acrylic resin 3. Water-Cleanable Epoxy Adhesive: A}'{SI Al18.3. E. Grouting Materials: As follows: Submit gout tpe proposed for each installation type l. Grout Colors: Provide colors to comply with the following requirement:a. As selected by Architect from manufacturer's full range of colors to match stone as closely as possible. 2. Latex-Portland Cement Grout: AITISI A118.6 for rnaterials described in H-2.4, composed as follows: Submit grout qpe proposed for each installation type: a. Mixture of Dry-Grout Mix and Latex Additive: Mixture of factory- prepared, dry-grout mix and latex additive complying with the following requirements: l) Unsanded Dry-GrorI Mix Dry-set grout complying with Al.lSI All8.6 for materials described in SectionH-2.3, for joints l/8 inch (3.2 mm) and ruurower.2> Sanded Dry-Grout Mix Commercial Porttand cement grout complying with AhISI A118.6 for materials described in SectionH- 2.1, for joints l/8 inch (3.2 mm) and wider. Avoid with polished stone finislr. 3) Latex Additive: Acrylic resin. F. cementitious Backer units: ANSI Al 18.9. see section 09255 for re4uirements G. Sealer for Floors: Colorless, slip- and stain-resistant sealer, not affecting color or physical properties of stone surfaces as recommended by stone tile manufrcturer for application indicated. H. Fabrication: As follows: 1. Facial Dimensions: Do not vary facial dimensions from specified dimensions by more than plus or minus li64 inch (0.4 mm) for tiles with polished or honed faces; or plus or minus 1/32 inch (0.8 mm) for tiles with sand-rubbed, natural- cleft, or thermal-finished faces.2. Thickness of stone Tiles with Smooth Finish: Do not vary from specified thickness by more than plus or minus l/32 inch(0.8 mm).3. Thickness of Stone Tiles with Natural-Cleft or Thermal Finish; Do not vary avercge thickness of each tile Aom specified thickness by more than plus or minus l/16 inch (1.6 mm).4. Backs of Pieces: Dress backs ofpieces smooth and flat. o ENCE I t I I t I t I t I t I T I T t I t IDIMENSION STONE TILE 0938s - 2 ). D. F. 1.3 I I I I I I I I I I t I t I I I I I I Copyright 1997 BILLINGSLEY MASTERSPEC - SLV tt/97 Backs ofnatural-cleft stone need not be dressed ifgap does not exceed l/16 inch ( I.6 mm) when tested with a24-inch (600-mm) sraightedge. Thresholds: Size and profile as indicated or required to provide transition between adjacent floor finishes. Bevel edges of thresholds at l:2 slope, aligning lower edge of bevel with adjacent floor finish. Limit height of bevel to l/2 inch (13 mm) or less, and finish bevel to match face ofthreshold. E}(ECUTION Verification of Conditions: Before proceeding, exarnine surfaces to receive tile, setting beds or accessories for defects or conditions adversely affecting quality and execution ofthe insallation Report unsatisfactory conditions to the Gereral Contractor in u/riting with a copy to Architect. VeriS locations of all expansion ad control joints in substrate for compliance with Article 3.04. Beginning of installation means acceptance ofsubstrates. Do not install stone or tile set in Portland cement mortar when the ambient ternperature is below 50 degrees F. Coryly with minimum temperature requirements of bonding and grouting materials manufactures. Provide concrete substrates for tile floors installed with dry-set or latex-Portland c€ment mortars that comply with flatness tolerances specified in referenced ANSI Al08 Series of tile installation standards for installations indicated. 1. Use trowelable leveling and patching compounds per tile-setting material manufacturer's written instructions to fill cracks, holes, and depressions.2. Rerrove protrusions, bumps, and ridges by sanding or grinding. ANSI Tile Installation Standards: C.otnply with parts of AITISI Al08 Series of tile installation standards in "Specifications for Installation of Ceramic Tile" that apply to tlpes of setting and grouting materials and to methods indicated. TCA Installation Guidelines: Comply with TCA's "Handbook for Crramic Tile Installation" and TCA in$allation methods indicated. Extend tile work into recesses and under or behind equipment and fixtures to form a conplete covering without intemrptiory unless otherwise indicated. Terminate work neatly at obstructions, edges, and corners without disrupting pattem or joint alignments. Accurately form intersections and returns. Perform cutting and drilling of tile without marring visible swfaces. Fit tile closely to electrical outlets, piping, fixtures, and other penetrations so plates, collars, or covers overlap tile. Where cut edges will be visible after instailation, finish to match factory-fabricated edges. AIA O RESIDENCE DIMENSION STONE TILE 09385 - 3 Copyright 1997 AIA BILLINGSLEY RESID MASTERSPEC - SLVo ENCE 11l9'1 I T I I I t I I t I I T I T I G. Lay tile in grid patterrl unless otherwise indicated. Align joints when adjoining tiles on floor, base, walls, and trim are the same sizn. Lay out tile work and center tile fields in both directions in each space or on each wall area Adjust to minimize tile cutting. Reject tiles that are not within approved color and pattern range. Mix tiles within room to achieve a uniformly random distribution ofcolor shadings and patterns. For stones with directional grain patterq orient tiles with grain in same directiorU at walls orient grain pattern horizontally. Expansion- and Control-Joint Installation Method: Comply with TCAEJITI. Joint sealant materials and installation are specified in Division 7 Section "Joint Sealants." Butter backs of tiles with setting material before setting, and place tiles before back buttering and setting bed have skinned over. Remove and replace material that is stained or ofrerwise damaged or that does not match adjoining tile. Provide new matching units, installed as specified and in a manner to eliminate evidence of replacement. Clean stone tiles after setting and grouting is complete; use procedures recommended by stone producer and manufacturer for tlpes of application indicated. Apply sealer to cleaned stone tile flooring, according to sealer manufacturer's written instructions. END OF SECTION 09385 J. N. I I I IDIMENSION STONE TILE 09385 - 4 8/95I T Copynght 1995 AIA O MASTERSPEC-SLV BILLINGSLEY RESIDENCE SECTION 09600 - STONE PAVING AND FLOORING I.I GENERAL A. Stone paving and flooring is between /e" a\d I l/2', thick. B. Stone Abrasion Resistance: Minimum abrasive-hardness value of 12, as determined per ASTM C 24I. C. Static Coefficient of Friction: ASTM C 1028, values as follows: l. Level Surfaces: A minimum of 0.6. D. Submittals: Submit the following: 1. Product Data: For each variety ofstone, stone accessory, and other manufactured products specihed.2. Shop Drawings: Show details offabrication and installation ofstone paving and flooring, including dimensions and profiles of stone units; anangiment and details of jointing; and details showing relationship with, attachment to, and reception of related work.3. Stone Samples: Sets for each color, grade, finish, and variety of stone required; not less than 12 inches (300 mm) square. E. Mockups: Before installing stone paving and flooring, construct mockups, in locations and of sizes indicated, to verifu selections made under Sample submittals and to demonstrate aesthetic effects and qualities of materials and execution. 1.2 PRODUCTS A. Provide stone from a single quarry for each variety of stone required in the finish schedules. 1. Provide Architect with samples that show color variation for each variety, color, finish, and other stone characteristics relating to aesthetic effects.2' Provide stone that is free of cracks, seams, and starts impairing structural integrity or function. 3. Provide matched blocks extracted from contiguous locations in a single bed of quarry stratum unless stone from blocks randomly selected for aesthetic effect is approved by Architect. B. Granite; ASTMC6I5 and the National Building Granite Quanies Association's (NBGQA) "Specifi cations for Architectural Granite." C. Limestone: ASTM C 568. t I I t I I I I t t I I I I I I I STONE PAVING AND FLOORING 09600 - I Copyright 1995 AIA MASTERSPEC - SLV BILLINGSLEY RESIDENCE D. Marble: ASTM C 503. E. Quartz-Based Stone: ASTM C 616. F. Pattern: As follows: l. At Dining, Kitchen and South Patio area - Randorn, rectangular pattern composed of units not less than l0 inches nor more than 36 inches in nominal dimension.2. At front walkway, steps, landing and entry - Randorn, polygonal pattern composed of units not less than 1 sq. ft. nor more than 8 sq. ft. in area. G. Mortar Materials: As follows: l. Portland Cement: Mud Set, ASTM C 150, Type I or tr; natural color, white, or a blend to produce mortar color indicated to match stone as closely as possible. a. Low-Alkali Cement: Not more than 0.60 percent total alkali when tested according to ASTM C I14. 2. Hydrated Lime: ASTM C 207, Type S.3- Aggregate: ASTM C l.rl4 and as indicated below: a. For joints ruurower than 1/4 inch {6 mm), use aggregate graded with 100 percent passing No. 16 (1. l8-mm) sieve.b. For pointing rnortff, use aggregate graded with 100 percent passing No. 16 (1.18-mm) sieve.c. Colored-Mortar Aggregates: Natural, colored sand or ground marble, granite, or other sound stone, as required to match stone as closely as possible. 4. Mortar Pigments: Natural and synthetic iron oxides and chromium oxides, compounded for use in mortar mixes. Use only pigments with record of satisfactory performance in stone mortars.5. Latex-Portland Cement Mortar: ANSI All8.4, frctory-packaged dry-mortar mix with water-emulsion latex additive added at project site.6. Water: Potable. H. Grout Materials: As follows: 1. Grout Colors: Provide Architect's selection from manufacturer's full range of colors. The grout color is to match the stone as closely as possible.. I. Latex-Portland Cement Grout: ANSI Al 13.6 and as follows: 1. Mixture of Dry-Grout Mix and Latex Additive: Mixture of factory-prepared dry- grout mix and latex additive to corryly with tlrc foflowing requirements: a. Unsanded Dry-Crrout Mix Dry-set grout complying with ANSI 4118.6, for joints l/8 inch (3 mm) and rurrower. I I I I t t I I T I I I I I I I I t ISTONE PAVING AND FLOORING 09600 -2 I t I t I I t I l I I I I I I t I t I Copyright 1995 AIA BILLINGSLEY RESIDEN MASTERSPEC - SLVo CE 8/95 b. Sanded Dry-Grout Mix: Commercial portland cement grout complying with ANSI Al 18.6, for joints 1/8 inch (3 mm) and wider. Avoid using with polished stone. c. Latex Additive: Acrylic resin. J. Accessories: As follows: 1. Cleavage Membrane: Polyethylene sheeting, ASTMD 4397, 4 mils (0.1 mm) thick. Reinforcing Wire Fabric: Galvanized, welded-wire fabric,2 by 2 inches (50.S by 50.8 mm) by 0.062-inch- (1.6-mm-) diameter wire, complying with ASTM A 185 and ASTM A 82, except for minimum wire size. Cork Joint Filler: Prefonned strips complying with ASTM D 1752,Type II. Cleaner: Specifically formulated for stone t1pes, finishes, and applications indicated- Do not use cleaning corryounds containing acids, caustics, harsh fillers, or abrasives. Floor sealer: colorless, slip- and stain-resistant sealer not affecting color or physical properties of stone surfaces, as recornmended by stone producer for application indicated. K' Stone Fabrication: Fabricate stone paving and flooring in sizes and shapes required to coryly with requirements indicated, including details on fhawings and Shop Drawings. 1. For granite, cornply with recommendations ofNational Building Granite Quanies Association's (NBGQA) "specifications for Architectural Granite."2. For marble, comply with recommendations of Marble Institute of America's (MIA) "Dimensional Stone-Design Manual IV."3. For limestone, cornply with recommendations of Indiana Limestone Institute of America's (IL!'Indiana Limestone Handbook.', L. Pattern Arangement: Fabricate stone fiom one block or contiguous, matched blocks, and arrange units with veining and other natural markings to comply with the following requirements: l. Arrange units with veining in same direction on floors and horizontal on walls. M. Mortar and Grout Mixes: Comply with referenced standards and with manufacturers' written instructions. Do not use admixtures, 1. Mortar: Comply with ASTM C 270, Proportion Specificatio4 Type N for interior applications and Type S for exterior applications.2. Latex-Modified-Portland Cement Mortar: Proportion and mix portland cement, aggregate, and latex additive to mmply with latex additive manufrcturet's written instructions. 3. Cement-Paste Slush Coat: Mix to consisteircy of thick cream and consisting of eitlrer cement and water or cement, sand, and water. 3. 4. ). STONE PAVING AND FLOORING 09600 - 3 Copyright 1995 AIA BILLINGSLEY RES 1.3 A. MASTERSPEC - SLV 819s a. For latex-modifred-portland cement mortar, substitute latex admixture for part or all of water according to latex additive manufacturer's written instructions.. b. Pigmented Pointing Mortar: Select and proportion pigments with other ingredients to produce color required. Do not exceed pigment-to-cement ratio of I :10, by weighrc. Colored-Aggregate Pointing Mortar: Produce color required by combining colored aggegates with portland cement of selected color. 4. Joint Grout: Cornply with mixing requirements ofreferenced ANSI standards and manufacturer's written instructions. E)GCUTION Verification of Conditions: Before proceeding, examine surfaces to receive tile, setting beds or accessories for defects or conditions adversely affecting qualfiy and execution ofthe installation Report unsatisfactory conditions to the General Contractor in writing with a copy to Architect. Verifr locations of all expansion and control joints in substrate for compliance with Article 3.04. Beginning of installation means acceptance ofsubstrates. Do not install stone or tile set in Portland cement mortar when the ambient temperature is below 50 degrees F. Comply with minimum temperature requirements of bonding and grouting materials manufactures. Vacuum clean substrates to remove dirt, dust, debris, and loose particles. Remove substances from substrates that could impair mortar bond. Clean stone surfaces before setting by thoroughly scrubbing with fiber brushes and then drenching with clear water. Execute stone paving and flooring installation by skilled mechanics and erryloy skilled stone fitters at the site to do necessar5r field cutting as stone is set. l. Use power saws to cut stone. Set stone to comply with Drawings. Scribe and field-cut stone as nec€ssary to fit at obstructions. Produce tight and neat joints. Stone Paving over waterproofing at showers and tub decks: carefully place stone and setting materials over waterproofing so protection materials are not displaced and waterproofing is not punctured or otherwise damaged. o IDENCE I I I I T I I I I I I T I t I I I I I B. c. D. F. G. STONE PAVING AND FLOORING 09600 - 4 I I T I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Copyright 1995 AIA MASTERSPEC - SLV BILLINGSLEY RESIDENCE 1. Provide cork joint filler, where indicated, at waterproofing that is turned up on vertical surfaces or, if not indicated, provide temporary filler or protection until stone paving installation is complete. I. Expansion- and Control-Joint Installation: Locate and install according to Drawings and Shop Drawings. Joint-sealant materials and installation are specified in Division 7 Section "Joint Sealants." J. Installing Stone Directly over Concrete: Install as follows: l. Saturate concrete with clean water before placing setting bed. Remove surface water before placing setting bed.2. Apply cement-paste slush coat before placing setting bed. Limit area of slush coat to avoid its drying orx. Do not exceed 1/16-inch (1.5-mm) thickness for cement-paste slush coat.3. Apply mortar setting bed over cement-paste slush coat. Spread and screed setting bed to uniform thickness at elevations required for accurate setting ofstone.4. Mix and place only as much mortar as can be covered with stone before initial set. Cut back, bevel edge, and discard setting-bed material that has reached initial set before placing stone. 5. Place stone before initial set of cement occurs. Apply uniform 1il6-inch- (1.5- mm-) thiclq slurry bond coat to bed or to back of each stone unit.6. Tamp and beat stone to obtain full contact with setting bed. Set each unit in a single operation before initial set of mortar; do not disturb stone for purposes of realigning. K Installing Stone over Cleavage Membrane or Waterproofing: Install as follows: l. Place cleavage membrane over subfloor surfaces indicated to receive stone flooring, lapped at least 4 inches (100 mm) at joints. 2. Place reinforcing wire fabric, lapped at joints by at least one full mesh and supported so mesh becomes embedded in middle of setting bed. Do not butt edges against vertical surfaces.3. Place mortar setting bed with reinforcing wire fabric fully embedded in middle of setting bed. Spread and screed setting bed to uniform thickness at elevations required for accurate setting ofstone.4, Mix and place only as much mortar as can be covered with stone before initial set. Cut back, bevel edge, and discard setting-bed material that has reached initial set before placing stone. 5. Place stone before initial set of cement occllrs. Apply uniform l/16-inch- (1.5- mm-) thick, slurry bond coat to bed or to back of each stone unit.6. Tamp and beat stone to obtain full contact with setting bed. Set each unit in a single operation before initial set of mortar; do not disturb stone for purposes of realigning. L. Grout stone joints to comply with AIISI Al08.l0 and manufacturer's written instructions. 8/95 STONE PAVING AND FLOORING 09600 - 5 BILLINGSLEY RESIDENCE l. Avoid use of sanded gxou for potished stone.2. Grout joints as soon as possible after initial set of setting bed. After initial set of grout, finish joints by tooling to produce a slightly concave polished joint.3. Cure grout by maintaining in a damp condition for 7 days, except as otherwise recommended by latex additive manufacturef,. M. Remove and replace damaged and defective stone paving and flooring in a manner that results in stone paving and flooring's matching approved sarnples and mockups, complying with other requirements, and showing no evidence ofreplacement. N. Clean stone paving and flooring after setting and grouting are complete. Use procedures recommended by stone fab,ricator for tlpes of application O. Apply sealer to cleaned stone flooring according to sealer rnanufacturer's written instructions. P. Prohibit traffrc from installed stone for aminimum of 72 horns. a. Protect stone paving and flooring during construction. Where adjoining areas require construction work access, cover stone paving and flooring with a minimum of 3/4-inch (19-mm) untreated plywood over nonstaining lcraft paper. END OF SECTION09600 Copyright 1995 AIA MASTERSPEC - SLV I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I tSTONE PAVING A TD FLOORING 09600 - 6 B. C. D. 1.1 I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I t t I I Copyright 1997 AIA BILLINGSLEY RESIDEN SECTION 09640 - WOOD FLOORING GENERAL A. Submittals: As follows: 1.2 A. MASTERSPEC. SLVo CE s/97 l. 2. Product Data: For each type ofproduct indicated. Samples for Verification: For each type of wood flooring and accessory, with stain color and finish required, approximately 12 inch long and of same thickness and material indicated for the Work. Include sample sets showing the full range ofnormal color and t€xture variations expected. Oak, beecll birch, hard maple, peca4 or ash hardwood flooring: Comply withNOFMA grading rules for species, grade, and cut. Maple Flooring: Comply with MFMA grading rules for species, grade, and cut. Conditioning: Maintain relative humidity planned for building occupants and an ambient temperature between 65 and 75 degF (18 and 24 deg C) in spaces to receive wood flooring for at least seven days before installation, during installatio4 and for at least seven days after installation. After post-installation period, maintain relative humidity and ambient temperatrue plarmed for building occupants. l. Open sealed packages to allow wood flooring to acclimatize.2. Do not install flooring until it adjusts to the relative humidity of and is at tlrc same temperature as the space where it is to be installed.3. Close spaces to traffic during flooring installation and for time period after installation recommended in writing by flooring and finish manufacturers. PRODUCTS Solid-Wood Plank Flooring: Provide kiln-dried wood flooring as follows: l.t 4. 5. Species: White or Red oak. Architect to select one based on stain samples Grade: Clear. Cut: Quarter sawn. Thickness: 3/4 inch. Face Width: Varies, provide roughly even distribution of board of approx.3", 5" andT' Matching: Tongue and groove, and end matched. Backs: Channeled (kerfed) for stress relief. Random Lengths: Provide standmd random-length strips complying with applicable grading rules. No Simulated Wood Pegs: Do not provide wood pegs at ends of plank flooring preces. 6. 7. 8. 9. WOODFLOORING 09640- I Copyright 1997 AIA BILLINGSLEY RESID MASTERSPEC - SLV B. Urethane Finish System: Complete system of compatible cornponents that is recomrnended by finish manufacturer for application indicated. Type: Vy'ater based. Stain: Penetrating and nonfading type. Compatible with finishing system a. Color: Match Architect's sample. Floor Sealer: Pliable, penetrating type. Finish Coats: Formulated for multicoat application on wood flooring. Manufacturers: subject to compliance with requirements, provide products by one of the following or approved equal: a. Basic Coatings.b. BonaKemi USA, Inc.c. Dura Seal Division: Minwax Co.. Inc. C. Wood Filler: Formulated to filI and repair seams, defects, and open-grain hardwood floors; compatible with finish system components and recommended by filler and finish manufacturers for use indicated. If required to match approved samples, provide pigmented filler. D' Vapor Retarder: ASTM D 4397, polyethylene sheet mt less than 6.0 mils thick to be installed over concrete/gypcrete and under plywood underlayment. E. Plywood Underlayment: Provide 3/+" toungue and groove underlayrnent grade plywood over g)?-crete or concrete. F. Felt underlayment dhectly under flooring: ASTMD 226, Typel, No. 15, asphalt- saturated felt. G. Fasteners: As recommended by manufacturer, but not less than that recommended in NOFMA's "Installing Hardwood Flooring." H. cork E4pansion Strip: composition cork strip complying with Fs HH-c-526, Type I- B, Class 2. I.3 HGCUTION A. Concrete Slab Preparation: As follows: 1. Veri$ that slabs are dry according to test methods recommended by flooring manufacturer or, if none, by test methods in NOFMA's "Installing ttardwood Flooring." However allow no less than 45 days for drying of gyp-crete and 120 days for concrete slabs under wood flooring. o ENCE I I Il. 2. 3. 4. I I I I I T I T I I I I I I I IWOOD FLOORING 09640 -2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I Copyright 1997 AIA BILLINGSLEY RESIDEN MASTERSPEC - SLV Where wood flooring is installed directly over concrete slabs and gyp-crete, grind high spots and fill low spots to provide a maximum l/4-inch (6-mm) deviation in any direction when checked with a lO-foot (3-m) straight edge. B. Installation: Comply with flooring manufacturer's written instnrctions, but not less than recommendations in NOFMA's "Installing Hardwood Flooring,' as applicable to flooring type. Pattern: Lay wood flooring in pattern indicated on Drawings or, if not indicated, as directed by Architect. Verify layout pattern prior to installation. Wood sleeper to be installed perpendicular to flooring. Expansion Space: Provide expansion space at walls and other obstructions and terminations of flooring of not less tlran 3/4 inch (19 mm), unless otherwise indicated on Drawings. a. Unless fully concealed by trirq fill expansion space with flush cork expansion strip. Provide 2x4 sleepers at 24" o.c. in g)?-crete, perpendicular to direction of flooring Vapor Retarder: Install a layer ofpolyethylene sheet over gyp-crete/concrete slab, with edges overlapped over sleepers and turned up behind baseboards. Tape/seal all joints, cuts and tears in vapor retarder- lnstall 34" T & G underlayment grade plywood over vapor retarder over gyp- crete/concrete. Nail to sleepers per section 06100 Felt Underlayment: Install flooring over a layer of asphalt-saturated felt. solid-wood Plank Flooring: Blind nail or staple flooring to substrate according to NOFMA's written recommendations.a. Plank Flooring: For flooring of face width more than 3 inches (75 mm), install not less tban two countersunk nails at each end ofeach piece, spaced not nore than 16 inches (406 mm) along length of each piece, in addition to blind nailing. Fill holes with matching wood filler. Accessories: Nail baseboard to wall and nail shoe rnolding or other trim to baseboard; do not nail to flooring. C. Sanding and Finishing: As follows: Machine-sand flooring to remove offsets, ridges, cups, and sanding-machine rr,arks that would be noticeable after finishing. Vacuum and tack with a clean cloth immediately before applying finish. Apply filler according to manufacturer's written instructions. a. Fill open-grained hardwood.b. Fill and repair seams and defects. Apply stain to match approved Sample. Apply floor sealer according to finish manufacturer's written instructions. o CE 5/97 1. J. 4. 6. 7. 5. 8. t. ) ). 4. WOOD FLOORING 09640 - 3 Copyright 1997 AIA MASTERSPEC - SLV BILLINGSLEY RESIDENCE 5. Apply floor finish according to finish manufacturer's written instructions. Applyin number of coats recommended by finish manufacturer for application indicated, but not less than three.6. For water-based finishes, use finishing met}ods recommended by finish manufacturer to minimize grain raise. D. Cover installed wood flooring to protect it from damage or deterioration, before and after finishing, during remainder of construction period. Use heavy ka.ft-paper or other suitable covering. Do not use plastic sheet or film that could cause condensation. 1. Do not cover site-finished floors with kraft paper, or any other material until furish reaches full cure, but not less than seven days after applying last coat. END OF SECTION 09640 I I I t I t I I I I I I T I I t I I IWOOD FLOORING 09640 - 4 I copyright tee8 AIA O MAsrERspEc - sLV I BILLINGSLEYRESIDENCE 2/98 SECTION 09680 - CARPET II' I.1 GENERAL I A. Submittals: As follows: r 1. Product Data for each tlpe of product indicatd showrng ctrpet qpe, color, seam f types, and methods; b?e of installation; pattern type, and type of cushion!' 2. Samples for each product required. I 3. Product schedule using same room and product designations indicated on f Drawings and in schedules. 4. Maintenance data for carpet to include in maintenance manuals specifred in Division l. I- B. Comply with CRII04, Section5, "storage and Handling," and Section6.l, "Site I Conditions; Temperature and Humidity." I C. Extra Materials: Furnish full-width rolls equal to 5 percent of amount installed for each t type ofcarpet indicated, but not less than l0 sq. yd. (8.3 sq. m). I 1.2 PRODUCTS t A Caryet CPT-I: Provide $40 a yard allowance for carpet carpet pad and installation for carpet at house: -I B. Carpet CPT-2: Provide $20 a yard allowance for carpet carpet pad and installation for carpet at aparunent: I C. Trowelable Leveling and Patching Conpounds: Latex-modifie4 hydraulic-cement- based formulation provided by or recornmended by [carpet manufacturer] [and] I [carpet cushion manufacturer]. I D. Tackless Carpet Stipping: Water-resistant plywood in strips as required to match I cushion thickness and that conrply with CRI 104, Section 11.3. I E. Seaming Cement: Hot-melt adhesive tape or similar product recommended by carpet I manufacturer for taping seams and butting cut edges at backing to form secure seams I and to prevent pile loss at seams. I F. Metal Edge Strips at Apartment (not to be used in house): Extruded aluminum with I mill fmish of width showrU of height required to protect e4posed edge of carpet, and of maximum lengths to minimize running joints. 1.3 DGCUTION I I CARPET 09680 - 1 Copyright 1998 AIA BILLINGSLEY RESID MASTERSPEC - SLV A. Examine substrates, areas, and conditions for compliance with requirements for maximum moisture content, alkalinity range, installation tolerances, and other conditions affecting carpet performance. Verifu that substrates and conditions are satisfactory for carpet installation and comply with requirements specified. 1. For wood subfloors, veri$ underlayment surface is free of inegularities and substances that rnay interfere with adhesive bond or show through surface. B. Preparation: Comply with CRI 104, Section6.2, "Site Conditions; Floor Preparation " and carpet manufacturer's written installation instructions for preparing substrates indicated to receive carpet installation. C. Use trowelable leveling and patching compounds, according to manufacturer's written instructions, to frll cracks, holes, and depressions in substrates. D. Provide Stretch-in Installation: Comply with CRI 104, Section ll, "stetch-in Installation." E. Stair Installation: Comply with CRI 104, Section 12, "Carpet on Stairs." F. Comply with carpet manufacturer's written recomrnendations for seam locations and direction of carpet; maintain uniformity of carpet direction and lay of pile. At doorways, c€nter seams under the door in closed position. G. Cut and fit carpet to butt tightly to vertical surfaces, p€rmanent fixtureg and built-in furniture including cabinets, pipes, outlets, edgings, thresholds, and nosings. Bind or seal cut edges as recommended by carpet manufacturer. H. Extend carpet into toe spaces, door reveals, closetq open-bottomed obstructions, removable flanges, alcoves, and similar openings. I. Install pattempmallel to walls and borders. J. Install carpet cushion searns at 90-degree angle with carpet seams. K Perform the following operations immediately after installing carpet: 1. Remove excess s€am sealer, and other surface blemishes using cleaner recommended by carpet manufacturer.2. Remove yarns that protrude from carpet surface.3. Vacuum carpet using comnercial machine with face-beater element. L. Protect installed carpet to comply with CRI 104, Section 15, "Protection of Indoor Installations." END OF SECTIONO968O o ENCE I I t I t t I I I I T I I I I I I I T 2t98 CARPET 09680 - 2