HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 3 BLOCK 4 LOT 1 LEGAL' )a-,.( \.), L(** : L.'\ r B.\\i'r DEPARTMEI(T OF COMMI]NITY DEVELOPMEI.ilT THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON .]OBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit #: E9B-0218 ilob Address: Locat,ion. . . : Parcel- No. . :eet No-: 38]- BEAVER DAM CR 381 BEAVER DAM RD 2101- 071-r-1- 001 TOI/'IN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, eo 81657 970-479-2L38 APPLI CONTRA OWNER Electrical - - - > DRB PEE InveBtigation > wi 1l Cal1----) TOTAI, FEES-- ) Status. . Applied. Issued- . Expi.res. ISSUED 09/09/L998 09/09/t998 03 / 08 /Ls99 , VAIL, CO 8r-557 75 S FROI\ITAGE RD, VAIL, CO 8165?7 LD CORP 8 MARK PAYNE, ]-5753 WEST 65TH CIRCLE, ARVADA CO BOOOT Phone: 970-479-2L00 Phone1. 97O-4't9-21-0O Description: STREET LIGHTS IN RIcIil oF wAy (Tov)Valuat.ion:1, 000 .00 FEE SUMMARY 50 ,00 .oo .00 3 .00 53 .00 53.O0 s3.o0 . o0 .00 . o0 Total Calculated FeeE- - - > Additsional Fees---- ---- > Total Permit Fee--- -- --- > Pa!.men!6--__---_ BAI.ANCE DUE---- rICM: -06000 ELEETRICAL DEPARTMENT DCPT: BUILDING DiViSiON:09/09/1998 JRM Action: AppR AppRoEVD JRM'Itgm: .05600 ErIRE DEPARTIVIENT Dept: FIRE Divisi-on:09/09/1-998 JRM Action: APPR N/A CONDITION OF APPROVAIJ DECI,ARATIONS I hereby acknouledge Lhat I have !.ead this application, filled outs in fu1l the information required, compleEea an accurate plot plan, and state lhat all the infor-mation provided as required iE correct. I agfee to coiEply with the infonnaeion al:Id plot plan. to conply rrith a1I Town ordinances and sLate laes, and t,o build Lhi6 Btructure according to the Town,s zoning and Bubdivj.gioh 3ode6, desigh review approved, Itnif or:m Building code and otheri ordinancee of the Town applicable therelo. REQI'ESTS FOR II{SPECTIONS SHAIT BE UADE TI']ENTY - FOT}R HOURS I}I ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479.2138 OR AT OIJR oFFIcE FRoM 8:oO A},I 5:oo PM TOI,'IN OF VAIIJ fffi/fi 3ff :i; o 8T::'rf :: i " i,l"r:?? oF vAr L "o""r*u"r, O PERMIT APPLTCATTON FORM DATE: PER}IIT /I T : :: :::.eHdil:Dqffif fff 'u' a'ffi""t* ;m ?xl I j-Building g 3-etunbing [ ]-Electrical [ ]-Mechani-cal Job Address: Legal Description: Lot_ Block_ Filing owners Narne: 'fO U ' ' Address, ) IVISION ,n. +h?t;6 Architect:Address: ceneral Description:'ztD g/, e'-work crass:- [ ]-New I J-Alteration [ ]-Additional t J-Repair [ ]-other NurDber of Dwelling Units;Nunber of Accomnodation Units: Phone Number: Phone Number: Address: Plunbing ContracEor:Address: llechanical Contractor: Address; Town of Vai] Reg. NO.Phone Nurober: - --Town of Vail Req. Nb.Phone Number: - oFFIcE usE ******+*****************:r****** BUILDTNG PI,AN CHECK FEE: PI,UMBTNG PI,AN CHECK FEE:I'TECHANICAI, PIAN CHECK PEE:RECREATTON FEE: CI-,EAN-UP DEPOSITT TOTAL PERMTT FEES: PLUMBING PERMIT FEE: MECHANICAI., PERMIT FEE: ELECTRTCAL FEE: OIHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: BUILDING: STGNATURE: ZONTNG: SIGNATURE: CLEAN ItP DEP9SIT BEnNL m: oo TOWN OF VAIL Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail. Colorado 81657 974-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us Iantary22,2003 Ron Byme 1000 lionsridge Loop #3A Vail, CO 81657 Re: Completion Bond for 38land 387 Beaver Dam Circle Dear Ron: The purpose of my lettcr is to inform you of the Town's acceptance of the exterior improvements which. have now been completed and release your financial obligations pusuant to the tenns ofthe completion. bond. As you are aware, Peak Properties posted a completion bond with two checks in the amounts of$5,226.00 and $3,141.25 to bond the incomplete exterior improvements at the time the Temporary Certificate of Occupancy was issued for the above-mentioned properties. I have inspected the site and determined that each of the items outlined in your Developer Improvement Agreement, have been completed to the satisfaction of the Town of Vail. I have included the checks for your records. Please accept this letter as written notice from the Town of Vail as a release from the performance bond and its associated requirements. I want to personally congratulate you for a project wetl done and thank you for your continued commitrnent to the success of our community. Should you have any questions please do not hesitate to call. Sincerely, to A/ pv ///-4 I1*-Q*s-- George Ruther, AICP Chief of Planning Town of Vail {g *r-toto"^ro oo oo CASH DEPOSIT FORMAT Legal Descnptron: Lol- Block _ Feceipl Junds to: Name: Addres s i Subdivision: Address: Dale of Expiralion: DEVELOPER IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this /4tu aay oL/n44xl-xw6. by and amongN4E4debp'taeu.r LLc (hereinafter called the "Developer"), and the TOWN OF VAIL (hereinafter called the "Town" ) and the "Bank"). (hereinafter called WHEREAS, the Developer, as a condition of approval of the 1g_, wishes to enter into a Developer lmprovemenlplans, dated Agreement;and WHEREAS, the Developer is obligated to provide security or collateral sufficient in the judgment of the Town to make reasonable provisions for completion of certain improvements set forth below; and WHEREAS, the Developer wishe ollateral to guarantee performance of this,{greement, including construction followino: eferenced improvements by means of the ot $ 3, t41,"5 (ash deposit with the Town of Vail in a dollar amount total cost of the work shown below) to provide Develope.r agrges to security for the fo /, a\JY Y\& .nl/\' vide \wAIL\DATA\EVEFYONF\FORMS\DIACASH. DOC 1 of4 o1 o3 NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration ol the following mutual covenants and agreements, the Developer and the Town agree as follows: 1. The Developer agrees, at the sole cost and expenses, to furnish all equipment and material necessary to perform and complete all improvements, on or before . The Developer shail complete, in a good workmanlike manner, all improvements as listed above, in accordance with all plans and specifications filed in the office of the Community Development Department, the Town of Vail, and to do all work incidental thereto according lo and in compliance with the following: a. Such other designs, drawings, maps, specifications, sketches, and other matter submitted by the Developer to be approved by any of the above-referenced governmental entities. All said work shall be done under the inspection of, and to the salisfaction of, the Town Engineer, the Town Building Official, or other official from the Town of Vail, as affected by special districts or seryice districts, as their respective interest may appear, and shall not be deemed complete until approved and accepted as completed by the Town of Vail Community Development Department and Public Works Department. 2. To secure and guarantee performance of its obligations as set forth herein, the Developer agrees to provide security and collateral as follows: / A cash deposir account in the amounr ot s3, t4( ,"5 to be hetd by the Town, as escrow agent, shall provide the security for the improvements set forth above if there is a delault under the Agreement by Developer. 3. The Developer may at any time substitute the collateral originally set forth above for another form of collateral acceptable to the Town to guarantee the faithful completion of those improvemenls referred to herein and the performance of the terms ol this Agreement. Such acceptance by the Town of alternative collateral shall be at the Town's sole discretion. 4. The Town shall not, nor shall any officer or employee thereof, be liable or responsible for any accident, loss or damage happening or occurring to the work specified in this Agreement prior to the completion and acceplance of the same, nor shall the Town, nor any officer or employee thereof, be liable for any persons or property injured by reason ol the nature of said work, but all oi said liabilities shall and are hereby assumed by the Developer. The Developer hereby agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Town, and any of its officers, agents and employees against any losses, claims, damages, or liabilities to which the F:'€VERYONE\FORMS\DIACASH. DOC 2of4 ao oo Town or any of its officers, agents or employees may become subject to, insofar as any such Iosses, claims, damages or liabilities (or actions in respect thereof) that arise out of or are based upon any performance by the Developer hereunder; and the Developer shall reimburse the Town for any and all legal or other expenses reasonably incurred by the Town in c0nnection with investigating or defending any such loss, claim, damage, liability or action. This indemnity provision shall be in addition to any other liability which the Developer may have. 5. lt is mutually agreed that the Developer may apply to the Town and the Town shall authorize for partial release of the collateral deposited with the Town for each category of improvement at such time as such improvements are constructed in compliance with all plans and specifications as referenced hereunder and accepted by the Town. Under no condition will the amount of the collateral that is being held be reduced below the amount necessary to complete such improvements. 6. lf the Town determines, at its sole discretion, that any of the improvements contemplated hereunder are not constructed in compliance with the plans and specifications set forth in this Agreement on or before the date set forth in Paragraph 2, the Town may, but shall not be required to, redeem the letter of credit as necessary to complete the unfinished improvements. The Bank shall release such funds upon written request from the Town stating that the improvements have not been completed as required by this agreement. The Bank shall not require the concunence of the developer prior to release of the funds to the Town nor shall the Bank be required to verify independently that such improvements have not been c0mpleted as required by this agreement, but shall release such funds solely upon the Town=s written request. lf the costs of completing the work exceed the amount of the deposit, the excess, together with interest at twelve percent per annum, shall be a lien against the property and may be collected by civil suit or may be certified to the treasurer of Eagle County to be collected in the same manner as delinquent ad valorem taxes levied against such property. lf the permit holder fails or reiuses to complete the cleanup and landscaping, ad detined in this chapter, such failure or refusal shall be considered a violation of the Zoning Code. 7. The Developer warrants ail work and material for a period of one year after acceptance of all work referred to in this Agreement by the Town if such work is located on Town of Vail property or within Town of Vail right-of-way pursuant to Section 17.16.250. L The parties hereto mutually agree that this Agreement may be amended from time to time, provided that such amendments be in writing and executed by all parties hereto. FlEVERYONE\FORMS\DIACASH. DOC 3 of4 o1 Dated the day and year Jirst o1 : 'J STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE My commission expires The foregoing Developer lmprovement Agreemelhx* davot- fiy'hd --. - ,W, Wtness my hand and officialseal. SS, Planner, Community Development STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE The foregoing Developer lmprovement Agreement was acknowledged before me this day of 19_ by Witness my hand and officialseal. My commission expires: Notary Public F:\EvERYoNE\FORMS\DIACASH. DOc 4 of4 CBCRTIUC €NVIRONIUICNTS I,ANDSCAPE DESIGN & COATSIRUCTION oo TJNITPRICE $670.00 EA s930.00 EA $1,510.00 EA $1,840.00 EA $2,220.00 EA $576.00 EA $135.00 EA $480.00 EA $34.00 EA $135.00 EA $149.00 EA $33.00 EA $255.00 EA $33.00 EA $33.00 EA $33.00 EA $l r.00 EA I,JNIT DESCRIPTION IO' COLORADOSPRUCE I2' COLORADOSPRUCE 16' COLORADOSPRUCE 18' COLORADOSPRUCE 20' COLORADOSPRUCE8' CLIIMP GINNALAMAPIf 2".2.5" COLLECTED ASPEN 6' CLUMPSERVICEBERRY #5 COTONEASTER 3-4'B+BISANTI DOGWOOD 24.30" MUGO PINE #5 POTENTILLA #6 GLOBESPRUCE #5 ALPINE CI,JRRANT #5 SUMAC #5 DWARFARTICWLLOW #I ASSORTEDPERENMALSF32 32.2W POTS ASSORTED PERENNIALS$EO.OO EA CTIYD CEDARBARKMT]LCH $7s.OOCI,JYD LNFT 4" STEELEDGING $2.?5 LNFT LMSM 6 STATION CLOCK WTII{ 2 DRIP ZONES AND 3 ROTORZONES BACKFLOW PRE\IENTER ST]PPLIED BY US BUT I" COPPER STIJB OUT TO BE INSTALT-ED BY PLUMBER SQFT MTN. MEADOW SEEDMD(TO DISTURBEDAREAS MNHRS2 PONDS AS SHOWN ON PLAN TO BE ENLARGED BY TIAND $32.00 MNHR $896.00 .CONTINIJED. BEST COPY PO. Box 53t3UNL, CO 81658 970-926-1992 $363.00 $440.00 $400.00 $495.00 $275.00 $.12 SQFT $540.00 -*-".--5?o PAGE 2 QTY 1 I 4 2 6t22100 EXTENSION 73lrf I I lt 3 5 5 6 6 J 6 I ll 40 l 6.6 r00 1 $670.00 $930.00 $6,040.00 $3,680.00 $2,220.00 $575.00 $r,485.00 $1,440.00 $170.00 $675.00 $894.00 $198.00 $765.00 $r98.00 $33.00 4,500 28 F'i, * j\\\x6 AVAILABLE Ll B V //a',r F ILT {]ilPY Deparlment of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 MX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us Jarnary 22,2003 Ron Byme 1000 lionsridge Loop #3A Vail, CO 81657 Re: Completion Bond for 381and 387 Beaver Dam Circle Dear Ron: The purpose ofrny letter is to inform you of the Town's acceptance ofthe exterior improvements which have now been completed and release your hnancial obligations pursuant to the terms of the completion bond. As you are aware, Peak Properties posted a completion bond with two checks in the amounts of$5,226.00 and $3,141.25 to bond the incomplete exterior improvements at the time the Temporary Certificate of Occupancy was issued for the above-mentioned properties. I have inspected the site and determined that each of the items outlined in your Developer Improvement Agreement, have been completed to the satisfaction of the Town of Vail. I have included the checks for your records. Please acccpt this letter as wriften notice from the Town of Vail as a release from the performance bond and its associated requirements. I want to personally congrafitate you for a project well done and thank you for your continued commitrnent to the success ofour connunity. Should you have any questiors please do not hesitate to call. Sincerely, l1t*-R,*t*, George Ruther, AICP ChiefofPlanning Town of Vail {So"ourr^ru t CASH DEFOSIT FOFMAT Leqal DescnDroni Lor I . atock "i:3*:tffi\c'B,*l@t DEVELOPER IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT r.,. I lt.'; rrJ i THIS AGFEEMENT by and among , made and enrered inro rhis 7J- oay dTfuhE€-, tfiZpn (hereinafter called the "Developer"), and the TOWN the "Town") and --? (hereinaftercalled the "Bank"). WHEREAS, the Developer, as a condition of approvalol the 381 **te. +O*n 0-e. plans, dated , 1 9_, wishes to enter into a Developer lmprovement (frl *.r" 6l Agreement; and WHEREAS, the Developer is obligated to provide security or collateral sufficient in the judgment of the Town to make reasonable provisions for completion of certain improvements set forth below: and WHEREAS, the Developer wishes to provide collateral to guarantee performance of this Agreement, including construction of the above-referenced improvements by means of the following: Developer agrees to..estflbli$h a.gash deposit with the Town of Vail in a dollar amount of $ 5 , r- u b. oa (z*Edt the total cost of the work shown below) to provide securitv for the followino: IMPROVEMENT L A FJOJ av€s.t ' u I *pqn 6u fiE *+ *le -To'r*l otr \'*if rr€loprreur E4eme' d \\/l{b \WAIL\DATA\EVEBYON E\FoRMs\DIACASH. DoC I of.4 . rr.-j .:... .l:.. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the following mutual covenants and agreemenls, the Developer and the Town agree as follows: 1. The Developer agrees, at the sole cost and expenses, to furnish all equipment necessary to perform and complete all improvements, on or before . The Developer shail complete, in a good workmanlike manner, all v€{nent$,Fs lis!e*.+qve, in accordance with all plans and specifications filed in the office o?ifi.e'bOmmdriit!' bariacipment Department, the Town oi Vail, ""9"tg:g34lwpJ11 Fcidental thereto according to and in compliance with the following: ... r . ^\. -. ,1,".:1 "-'-"a. . '' 'Sfifll btneidesigns, drawings, maps, specifications, sketches, and other matter , 'i 'r'-'ir '' . submitted by the Developer to be approved by any of the above-referenced governmental entities. All said work shall be done under the inspection of, and to the satistaction of, the Town Engineer, the Town Building Official, or other official from the Town of Vail, as affected by special districts or service districts, as their respective interest may appear, and shall not be deemed complete until approved and accepted as completed by the Town of Vail Community Development Department and Public Works Department. 2. To secure and guarantee performance ol its obligations as set lorth herein, lhe Developer agrees to provide security and collateral as follows: A cash deposit account in the amount ot $ 5, 2?6.o to be held by the Town, as escrow agent, shall provide the security forihe improvements set fofth above if there is a default under the Agreement by Developer. 3. The Developer may at any time substitute the collateral originally set forth above for another form of collateral acceptable to the Town to guarantee the faithful completion of those improvements referred to herein and the performance of the.terms of this Agreement. Suph acceptanceby the lown of alternative collateral shall be at the Town' s sole discretion..:?tq -4 : :;''., ::;.j.:. lrt -;,,r i .t,.. .;.;i,r^ r :."!l-:..{,i i. :.1:i 4. The Town shall not, nor shall any officer or emplovee thereof, be liable or responsible for any accidbiril'hEs'oludiffrdse,hbppeningdro'fttirtngt6ltttdworft$pecified in this Agreement prior to the completion and acceptance of the samel nor shall thq Town, nor any otficer or employee thereof, be liable for any persons or propefty injured by reason of the nature of said work, but all of said liabilities shail and are hereby assumed by the D€veloper. The Developer hereby agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Town, and any of its officers, agents and employees against any losses, claims, damages, or liabilities to which thb F:\EVERYONnTRMS\DIACASH.DOC 2of+ Town or any of its oificers, agents or employees may become subject to, insofar as any such losses, claims, damages or liabilities (or actions in respect thereof) that arise oul of or are based upon any performance by the Developer hereunder; and the Developer shall reimburse the Town for any and all legai or other expenses reasonably incuned by the Town in connection with investigating or defending any such loss, claim, damage, liability or action. This indemnity provision shall be in addition to any other liability which the Developer may have. 5. lt is mutually agreed that the Developer may apply to the Town and the Town shall authorize for partial release of the collateral deposited with the Town for each category of improvement at such time as such improvements are constructed in compliance with all plans and specifications as referenced hereunder and accepted by the Town. Under no condition will the amount of the collateral that is being held be reduced below the amount necessary to complete such improvements. 6. lf the Town determines, at its sole discretion, that any of the improvemenls contemplated hereunder are not constructed in compliance with the plans and specifications set forth in this Agreement on or before the date set forth in Paragraph 2, the Town may, but shall not be required to, redeem the letter of credit as necessary to complele the unfinished improvements. The Bank shail release such funds upon written request from the Town staling that the improvements have not been completed as required by this agreement. The Bank shall not require the concurrence of the developer prior lo release of the funds to the Town nor shall the Bank be required to verify independently that such improvements have not been completed as required by this agreement, but shall release such funds solely upon the Town=s written reguest. lf the costs of cornpleting the work exceeq the amount bf,the deposit, the excess, together with interest at twelve per$oldef qnXpin, g$lJlgg lign against the property and may be collected by civil suit or may be certified to the treasurer of Eagle County to be collected in the same manner as delinquent ad valorem taxes levied against such property. lf the permit holder fails or refuses to complete the cleanup and landscaping, ad defined in this chapter, such failure or refusal shall be considered a violation of the Zoning Code. 7. The Developer warrants all work and material for a period of one year after acceptance of all work referred to in this Agreement by the Town if such work is located on Town of Vail property or within Town of Vail right-of-way pursuant to Section 17.16.250. 8. The parties hereto mutually agree that this Agreement may be amended from time to time, provided that such amendments be in writing and executed by all parties hereto. FTEVERYONE\FO RMS\DIACASH. DOC 3 of4 -.! Dated the day and year first STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE Witness my hand and official My commission expires Notary Public before me this 2f,7 - _ The foregoing Developer lmprovement Agreement was acknowledged before me this Z-.Zaav ot --Dn!e.,",.hr-n ' .+r---bv 6earco Q' XIi- Witness my hand and officialseal. My commission expires: F]EVEBYONElFORMS\DIACASH, OOC 4of4 CR€RTIV€ CNVIRONfUI€NTS I,ANDSCAPE DESIGN & CONSIRUCI/ON PAGE 2 QTY UNIT DESCRIPTION 6/22t00 UMTPRICE EXTENSION 12' COLORADO SPRUCE16' COLORADOSPRUCE18' COLORADOSPRUCE20' COLORADOSPRUCE 2.5" SPRING SNOW CRABAPPLE 34'B+BISANTI DOGWOOD 24.30" MUGO PINE#5 POTENTILLA #5 AI}INE CTJRRANT#1 ASSORTED PERENMALSF32 32,2W'POTS ASSORTED PERENNIALS$8O.OO EA CUYD CEDARBARKMULCH LNFT 4"STEELEDGING LMSM 4 STATIONCLOCK WTTH l DRIP ZONE AND 2 ROTORZONES BACKFLOW PREVENTER SUPPLIED BY US BUT I" COPPER STUB OUT TO BE $.12 SQFT $2,900.00 $1,200.00 TOTAL......... NOTE: ABOVE PRICE ASSUMES GRADE IS ESTABLISHED TO IVITHIN .33' PRIOR TO LANDSCAPE COMENCEMENT. ANY SITE PREPERATION TO ESTABLISH GRADE WILLBE CHARGED AT THE FOLLOWINGRATES: LABORER..... .$32.00P/HR SKID STEERWOPERATOR..., ....................$65.00 P^IR LOAD OF TOP SOIL DELTVERED (12 CUYDS)....................$180.00 P/LOAD f,TED, I I J z z t2 ll l1 60 8 6.1 40 I $930.00 EA $1,510.00 EA $1,840.00 EA $2,220.00 EA $485.00 EA sl35.00 EA $149.00 EA $33.00 EA $33.00 EA $11.00 EA $930.00 $1,510.00 $5,520.00 $4,440.00 s970.00 $1,620.00 $298.00 $363.00 $363,00 $660.00 $640.00 $4s7.50 $110.00 $75.00 CLryD $2.75 LNFT INSTALLED BY PLUMBER 10,000 SQFT MTN.MEADOWSEEDMD( CREATTVE EI.IVIRONMENTS # 1, AA6,o o A,ooo'ao| --------' P.O. Box 5313 VAIL, CO 81658 970-926-t?92 2l[frf:x> 7(7&6.00 WESTEF'V ECOLOGICAL RESOURCEINC. 711 l talnut Steea Eo/U/deE Cdotado 80302 (303) 449-9o09 FlJ< BO3) 449-5n38 EM AI L W E DCO RPCI ao l. co m July 13, 1999 Mr. Mike Claffey U.5. Army Corps of Engineers 402 Rood Avenue, Room 142 Grand Junction, CO 81501 RE: Beaver Dam Circle Residence Via Courier Dear Mike: Please find enclosed a Wetland Permit Application for the Beaver Dam Circle Residence located in Vail, Colorado. This project would result in the filling of 814 ft, of the outer, drier edge of a bog birch/mountain maple wetland, which extends onto the project site. Construction activities would temporarily impact 373 ft2 of this same werland. There is a small zone (263 ft2) of hydrophytic vegetation in a disturbed area, which no longer has a wetland hydrology. This habitat would also be filled. This application discusses avoidance and minimization procedures and proposes to mitigate 350 ftr of the 814 ftz wetland impact. The alternatives analysis concluded that the most important ecological features on the project site, a small drainage wetland and the Engelmann spruce forest, would not be impacted. Please call if you have questions. D.l/ds Enclosures Tom Mayhew Sincerely, ( "--A*1 ' David Johnson Ecologist Forme y western Resource Developmenl I I I I I I I I I Wetland Permit Application I Beaver Dam Circle Residence - Lot 1, Block 4 Eagle County, Colorado t I I I prepared for: I w&BDevelopment,ILC I 3 Essex Road, Summit, Nf 07901 I prepared by: r Western Ecological Resource, Inc. I 711 Walnut Street, Boulder, Colorado 80302 I fuly leee Table of Contents Number/Section paqe 1.0 Introduction ... 1 2.0 Environmental Setting 1 3.0 Wetlands l 3.'l Delineation .... l 3.2 Wetlands Present 1 3.2.1 Wetlandl.... 4 3.2.2 Wetland2.... 4 3.3.3 Non-Jurisdictional Stand of Hydrophytic Vegetation . . . . . 6 4.0 Proposed Project . 6 5.0 Wetland Avoidance and Minimization . . . 6 6.0 Mitigation B 7.0 Literature Cited . 8 Appendix A. Field Data Forms I List of Figures Number/Title page 1. Project Location Map . . 2 2. WetlandMap.. ..... (BackFolder) List of Tables Number/Title Paee l. Wetland Plant Species List . . . 3 List of Photos Number/Title Page 1. Wetland 1. Bog Birch and Mountain Willow, Characterizes most of this wetland. ......... 5 2. Wetland 1. Drainage Channel 5 3. Zone of Hydrophytic Vegetation. The area between the pink ribbon is a small area (263 ttl ot wetland vegetation separated from the main body of the wetland by an old road. . ........ 7 I t I I I I I I t t I I I I T I I I I 1.0 Introduction The house currently existing on the 0.8671 acre lot located at 381 Beaver Dam Circle in Vail, Colorado in Section 6 of Township 5 South and Range 8l West, is to be demolished and two new homes constructed. A wetland delineation was conducted to provide information for planning the location of tne new structures. 2.0 Environmental Sefting The irregular shaped lot is located west and north of Beaver Dam Circle at a topography ranging in elevation from a high of 8,150 feet to a low of 8,112 feet. The site slopes and drains to the north and northwest. A small perennial drainage fed by springs and seeps in wetlands upslope of the project site flows northwest across the lot. This small drainage appears to have been relocated numerous times. The upper end of this drainage was likely moved toward the southwest to accommodate the existing residence northeast of the channel, Areas downslope of Beaver Dam Circle were filled to create the road and perhaps to create a leveler area for home construction. This fill, which was likely added 15-20 years ago or longer, extends about | 00 feet into the project site in the area southwest of the small drainage. Fill material was also added to create a level landscape for the current house. The steep slope east of the existing residence is characterized by a dense stand of Engelmann spruce (Picea engelmannii) up to 50 feet tall and with diameters-at-breast-height (dbh) up to 18 inches. Numerous large, maturing Engelmann spruce occur along the small drainage channel, primarily on the southwest side. These trees are up to 50 feet tall and have dbh's up to 24 inches. A few blue spruce (Picea pungens) occur mixed with the Engelmann spruce along the small drainage. 3.0 Wetlands 3.1 Delineation Wetland boundaries were delineated according to procedures outlined in the U,S. Army Corps of Engineers' Wetlands Manual (1 987). An on-site routine wetland determination procedure was conducted in accordance to guidelines described in this manual. Wetland boundaries were delineated and flagged based on the prevalence of hydrophytic vegetation, hydric soils, and indicators of wetland hydrology. A wetland ecologist conducted the vegetation survey and the hydrologic analysis, and a soils scientist completed the soil identifications. Field data forms for the soil, vegetation, and hydrology are located in Appendix A. Plant names are according to Kartesz (1994 a and b), wetland status of plants as listed in Reed (1988), and wetland classification is according to Cowardin et al. (1979). Flagged wetland boundaries were surveyed by Eagle Valley Surveying, 3.2 Wetlands Present As illustrated by Figure 2, the project site is characterized by tlvo wetlands, and a small stand of hydrophytic vegetation which no longer has a wetland hydrology. Table 1 provides a list of the major plants in the wetlands. oo N I $ A Scale 1" = 2000' Contour lnterval = 40' CH.sbsFhh. FIGURE 1. Project Location Map I I I I T I I I I I I I I I I I t I I Scientific Name Trees Picea engelmannii Picea pungens Shrubs Betula glandulosa Cornus sericea (stolonifera) Lonicera involucrata var. i nvolucrata Pentaphy I I oi des f I o ri bu nd a Salix monticola Perennial Graminoids Bromus inermis Carex utticulata (C. rostrata) luncus balticus Poa pratensis Perennial Forbs Cirsium arvense Coeloglossum viride Epilobium angustifolium Equisetum atvense Fragaria vesca ssp. bracteata Calium boreale Ceranium viscosissi mu m Heracleum maximum Linaria vulgaris M aianthemum stellatum (Smilacina stellata) Taraxacum officinale Valeriana edulis Annual/Biennial Forbs Daucus carota lntroduced Native TABLE 1 Wetland Plant Species List Beaver Dam Circle Residence Property Common Name Familv Engelmann spruce Pinaceae Colorado blue spruce Pinaceae Betulaceae Cornaceae Caprifoliaceae Rosaceae Salicaceae Poaceae Cyperaceae Juncaceae Poaceae Asteraceae Orchidaceae Onagraceae Equisetaceae Rosaceae Rubiaceae Geraniaceae Apiaceae Scrophulariaceae Convallariaceae Asteraceae Valerianaceae Apiaceae Oriqin * N N N N N I N N N N N N N I N Obligate Facultative wet Facultative Facultative upland Not listed Wetland Status ** FACU. FAC- OBL FACW FAC FACW OBL NL OBL FACW FACU FACU FAC FACU FAC+ NL FACU FACU FAC NL FAC. FACU + FACW- NL N N Bog birch Redosier dogwood Fourline honeysuckle Shrubby cinquefoil Mountain willow Smooth brome Beaked sedge Baltic rush Kentucky bluegrass Canada thistle Creen bog orchid Fireweed Field horsetail Strawberry Northern bedstraw Ceran ium Cow parsnip Bastard toadflax Starry false Solomon seal Dandelion Edible valeriana Wild carrot I N N I I N * Orieint- N *+ Wetland Status OBL FACW FAC FACU NL I t I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I 3.2.1 Wetland 1 This 0.11 acre wetland occurs at low elevations on the western and northern portions of the project site and along the small drainage. This wetland represents the outer drier edge of a large wetland complex to the west and north. Classification. According to Cowardin et al. (1979) this wetland is classified as a Palustrine system with a scrub-shrub wetland class and a broadleaved deciduous subclass. Vesetation. This wetland (Photo t) is dominated by a dense cover of bog birch (Betula glandulosa), but has some mountain willow (Sa/ix monticolal at the lowest, perhaps wettest elevatibns of the project site, Shrubby cinquefoil (Pentaphylloides floribunda) and fourline honeysuckle (Lonicera involucrata) are sparsefy represented. The sparse understory is characterized by starry false Solomon seal (Maianthemum stellatum), smooth brome (Bromus inermis), dandelion (Taraxacum officinale), Kentucky bluegrass (Poa pratensis), field horsetail (Equisetum arvense\, strawberry (Fragaria vesca), cow parsnip (Heracleum maximuml, valerian (Valerian edulis), and bastard toadflax (Linaria vulgaris), an undesirable weed. The area along the small drainage (Photo 2) has a dense cover of field horsetail with beaked sedge (Carex utriculata) along the channel margins. Other herbaceous species present include starry false Solomon seal, green bog orchid (Coeloglossum viride) and fireweed (Epilobium angustitol ium). lnfrequently occurring shrubs include dogwood (Cornus sericea), shrubby cinquefoil and mountain willow. Engelmann spruce and blue spruce form a dense overstory canopy. Hvdroloev. Water for this wetland is provided by groundwater, originating from springs and seeps. Soils at pit 1 were moist below the 15 inches of fill, but not saturated. Past upslope fills, for residences and roads located to the south and east, may have permanently altered the hydrology of a portion of this wetland. Soils. One soil pit was dug in this wetland near its upper elevation limit in an area that has 15 inches of fill over the original soil. Originally, this soil was a typic epiaquentis, but today it is classified as a typic epiaquolls. These soils are hydric. 3.2.2 Wetland 2 This 0.06 acre wetland is located on the east corner of the project site under the evergreen canopy and in a forest clearing. Classification. According to Cowardin et al. (1979) this wetland is classified as a Palustrine system with a scrub-shrub wetland class and a broad-leaved deciduous subclass. Vesetation. This wetland is characterized by a sparse cover of low-growing mountain willow, bog birch, shrubby cinquefoil, and fourline honeysuckle. Infrequently occurring forbs include starry false Solomon seal, field horsetail, geranium (Ceranium viscosissimum), bedstraw (Calium boreale\, and dandelion. Hydroloev. This wetland is supported by seasonal seeps. Soils. The soils of this wetland were not sampled, but are likely typic epiaquents. Photo 1. \ btland 1 . Bog Birch & Mountain \Mllour Characterizes mst of ihis Wetland Photo 2. V\rbfland 1. Drainage Channel 3.2.3 Non-lurisdictional Stand of Hydrophytic Vegetation A small stand of bog birch, with a few mountain willows, is located on the western portion of the lot (Photo 3), upslope of the large wetland extending onto the lot. This stand of hydrophytic vegetation is now separated from the larger wetland by fill material used to create a road. This stand of hydrophytic vegetation is growing in 16 inches of fill material. This area is hydrologically separated from the larger wetland and likely does not have a wetland hydrology. The small drainage may have flowed through this area in the past. At the time of the field inventory on June 1 1, I 999, the hydric soils of this site were dry. It was concluded that the hydrology of this sitei has been permanently altered by fill material for roads and residences to the east and south, and perhaps a drainage channel relocation, and hence is no longer a wetland. The deep rooted shrubs persists because they can extend into the moist soils below the 16 inches of fill. Furthermore, the sparse herbaceous understory including smooth brome, wild carrot (Daucus carcta), bastard toadflax, starry false Solomon seal are not indicative of a wetland. 4.0 Proposed Project Two single family residences are proposed for the 0.8571 acre lot. The main residence would be I located northeast of the small drainage and the secondary unit would be located southwest of thisI drainage (Figure 2). 5.0 Wetland Avoidan€e and Minimization Factors considered in the siting of the two residences include: ' Per the request of the Town of Vail, avoidance of impacts to trees,. Avoidance of impacts to the drainage and the trees lining the small channel.' 20 foot setback from Beaver Dam Circle.. Avoidance of impacts to wetlands. Originally, the property owner wanted to build one large structure comprising of two units basically at the site of the original house. However, due to height limitations of 33 feet and the potential impact to the Engelmann spruce forest and the small drainage wetland, the Town allowed two small structures rather than one larger structure to be built. One structure was to be located on the site of the original house and the other was to be located southwest of the small drainage. The main residence located on the site of the original house avoids all impacts to the small drainage and would have no impacts on the Engelmann spruce forest. The secondary unit, located southwest of the small drainage, would result in the filling of 814 ft, of wetlands and create a 373 ft2 of wetland construction impact. This residence could not be located on the east end of the lot because: (1) that area is too small; (2) wetlands would be impacted; and (3) a significant number of Engelmann spruce would be lost. This residence could not be moved upslope and closer to Beaver Dam Circle, due to the 20 foot setback requirement, I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I t I o Photo 3. Zone of Hydropftic Vegetation. The area bet\,\,een the pink ribbon is a srnall area (263 ff)of r,vetland vegetation separated from the rnain body of the \,vetland by an old road. I I I I t I t I I I I I I I I T I I I The secondary unit was carefully located to avoid impacts to the small stream and its adjacent maturing Engelmann spruce. This linear wetland corridor is considered the highest quality wetland on the lot and the mature trees along its fringe, likely over 100 years old, represent a valuable ecological resource. However, this unit does impact the upper dryer end of the large bog birch/mountain willow complex, and afl of the non-jurisdictional area (263 ft2) of hydrophytic vegetation. In fact, a portion of the bog birch/mountain willow wetland complex has up to 15 inches of fill material and may not, at this time, have a wetland hydrology. Minimization procedures designed to reduce wetland impacts include installing columns, which support the upper floor of the house, by procedures that avoid all wetland construction impacts and reducing the construction disturbance around the house to a zone not to exceed five feer. 6.0 Mitigation A portion of the shrubby wetland materials and up to 18 inches of the soils of the impact area will be salvaged and relocated along the southwest lot boundary. The topography of the 350 ft2 mitigation site will be lowered up to three feet prior to the wetland materials relocation. After relocation of the wetland materials, a sprinkle irrigation system will be installed to water the plants. All wetlands in temporary construction impact sites will be salvaged along with lB inches of hydric soils. These materials will be stored and watered during construction, Following construction, these wetland materials and their hydric soils will be returned to the impact site and watered as necessary to initiate growth. 7.0 Literature Cited Cowardin, 1.M., V. Carter. F.C. Golet, and E.T. LaRoe. 1979. Classification of Wetlands and Deepwater Habitats of the United States. FWS/OBS-79-31, U.S.D.l., Fish and Wildlife Service, Washington, DC, 103 pp. Kartesz, J.T. 1994a. A Synonymized Checklist of the Vascular Flora of the United States, Canada, and Creenland. Volume 1 - Checklist. Second Edition. Timber Press, Inc., Portland, Oregon,622 pp. Kartesz, J.T. 1994b. A Synonymized Checklist of the Vascular Flora of the United States, Canada, and Creenland. Volume 2 - Thesaurus. Second Edition. Timber Press, Inc., Portland, Oregon, 816 pp. Reed, B.R. 1988. National List of Plant Species that Occur in Wetlands - Colorado. U.S.D.l., Fish and Wildlife Service in cooperation with the National and Regional Interagency Review Panels. St. Petersburg, Florida. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. I987. Wetland Delineation Manual. Technical Report Y-87-1. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, Mississippi. I I '': DATA FORM ROUTINE WETLAND DETERMINATION (r987 COE Wctl.rrrds Delineation Manuil) ProjecVSite Applicant/Owrrcr Investigator DATE UI / 59 STATE OO Do Normal Circrrnrslorrccs cxist on lhe site? ls the site significantly disturbed (Atypical Situation)? ls the area a potential Ploblcnr Area? (lf needed, explain on revcrse) Yrs Qlo 6@:No rl-E5."'No Communily Transect lD ID Plot lD VEGETATION lndicator Status CEL Ft.4 c t."-t {nc' Undcrstory l0D l,\ /'1 Ovcrsl(tryJ L,, \-/ ___ ,..h.',*' Cover ; Relative Overstory ct r't> nUnderstory_:] tl '-i!\ Pt 1l\' Donrinnnl Plant Soe<:ies t. ilnJ ,, i o ,- 1., -.---.-_-.-_- r, _l ,t , lj ! |2.--l-aJLS_t,A ^,1 [ { l, r j::_i. - t' t, ! t . t -,1 t l, "t fh tl (t(1,-tC r,'l t:il .,[ '= 4.--__ 5, (r.-- - ------ 8.-_--- 9. t0.-_-_ Percent oi Oomin nl Specics that rc OBl, F^CW or FAC (cxcludin6 FAC-) Remarks; 1,,/i,.;..-. a f 'l ,,., "1. t.-.1 ,\.1'.1 l<rl - I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I HYDROLOCY :_x_ Rccorded DntJ (Dcs(:rilrc irr Rcnrarks): _Slrl:irr, l-.rlt: rrr lirlt: G.ru6r: _Acrial Photogr phs -Ollrcr No Rr:r:ordccl Data AvaiL lk': Wctllnd llydrolo6y Indic.alors: Primary Indicalorsl _ Inundated _ SflturJlcd In Uplnr | 2 inchs _ Wnl(:r Marks _ Drift Lincs -_ Scdiment Deposits _ Dralnnlie l':rtbrn:i in Wctlands Sccondory lndicators (2 or morc requiredl: X Oxidizcd Rool Channcls in Uppcr 12 inches _ Wale dtaincd Lcavcs _ Local Soil Survcy Drl.l _ FAG Neutral Tesl _ Othet (Explnin in Remarks) Iticld Obscrvatitns: Depth of Surface Walcr Dcpth of Frr:e Wntcr in lrit Dr:l)th oI S.rtrrr,rtrxl Sr)il Remarks: \,1 ;t ,\': ,..., .\,a.t 1. . .-\ N U.l ll ( *". t yi1'.!,ati ,,,1 Jt^ t(-f ;l r',';'t,,,... c,$,n^"sr-e/ !f{1 -.. /li',, ..i, -((,r-tt fl u ,1,,, , ;. l,j-.., ,I It u ,1,,, I DATA FORM ROUTINE WETLAND DETERMINATION (19S7 COE Wctlands Dclineation Manual) ProjecV5ite Applicarrt/Ownt:r Investigator oxtt 6/tt / 9? . STATE C A Do Normal Circumstanccs exist ot'r the site? ls tlre site significantly disturbed (Atypical Situation)? ls tlre area a potential Problenr Area? (lf needed, explain on reverse) YES iNO , YEs )NO 6vti'r.ro ' Community lD Transcct I D Plot lD 2- I I I I I I I I I I I I T I I I I t I VEGETATION :. l; 1t 1l ,, ,'1 ",.-. 5\- ei /'-.'J,', Percent of Donrinant Specics that arc ODL, FACW or FAC Unclcrstory- O outrstory Nt) V"r "rc '), 'y,,.r. .i ... I l',. "'l:'t t t rt^ a'b, ttt./ HYDROLOCY .-- Rccordr:d Dat.r lDcsr:riln in Rt:nrarks): _slrr:.lnr, l-rkt: or 'l i<Jtt C.ttrgt: Aerial I'h()l(r8rJphs Other --[ N-o n,'roraed Dlra Av,ril,rblc Wctland l-lydrolog,y Indicalors: Primary Indicalors: _ Inundated _ S.lturatcd In UPPer l2 inchcs __ W.rt(:r M.rrks _ Drift Lincs _ Sediment Deposits - DninaSc Paltctns in Wcllands Sccondary Indicalots (2 or mortl requircd): X Oxidized Root Channels in Uppcr 12 inches Walcr-Slaincd Lcaves - Local Soil Survr:Y Data _ FAC- Nculral Tcst - Othcr (Explain in Remarks) Ficld Obscrvatiorrs: Deplh of Surface wnter i-) (n.) Dcpth of Fn:c Watcr in Pit )/ L lin.f l)r:ptlr of Satrrrirlr:rl Soil jz/ 1,. (in.) Remarfts: fr"t 7 (t(u1,t'ri otLs Map Unit Nemo (Sorios snd Phaso):Droinago Closs: Fiold Obsorvations Taxonomy (S ubgroup):-<-ILt t'p; ta.q u "ll t Confirm Meppod Typo? Yos No Profilo Doscription: Dopth Matrix Color linchos) Horizon (Munsoll Moistl Motds Colors (Munssll Moist) ' Mottls Abundanco/Contrast Toxturo, Concrstions, - Structuro, otc. )/1' 1- a4 fl1 ,q .-'J O-lr F;tl-t il- t6 F;tt- z t6- t7 17- 7c> I | 'k v cv, 7.s//z/z_ Hydric S oil Indicetors: _ Histosol _ Histic Epipodon Sulfidic Odor X Aquic Moisturo Regimo _ Roducing Conditions _ Concrotions _ High Organic Contont in Surfoco Loyor in Sandy Soils _ Orgonic Stroaking in Sandy Soils _ Ustod on Locol Hydrio Soils Ust _ Listod on Notional Hydric Soils Ust _ Othor (Exploin in Romarks)X Gloyod o Romarks: A F1p;.J s;'l .-...1.., F; lt ' Z ho.s ve1 l",t 6i-\fr- jc.,,s;.11 t t\a1 hqt -(- {."-". a,-'' C) h*Lz--' ( o'.1,,^..) , Hocrc,-,rr {L. +l';, + Lc- *le' s,*'*.J-[.r', , {lr- _ ft4r\ "1y e* art trm l".r -l 1- Ao-r,"-- t.:-r-',. u cr. 1 -"t s.+clr as a see-?. ,ia. t ETLAND tJ moi tI 6e-lc."r +L {it l" DETERMINATION Hydrophytic Vogetation Prescnt? Wotlsnd Hydrology Prescnt? Hydric Soils Prssent? G) No (circle) ls this Sompling Point Within a WotlandT (Circlol ves 6o\ 0^t5,,.o((1 {-t^- so"l 6,'1 h*a +--\ a- ' ,/4o(l; - X(u1u.4*a {,1,"',,,' .io'1 l.: t5pil I orLs Mep Unit Namo {Sorios ond Phoso}:Drainago Closs: Fiold Obssrvations Confirm Mappsd Ynod ud! Toxonomy (subgroup) : -'G pr' c- _i{L i o a zr . //s Typo? Yos No Profilo Doscriotion: Dopth Mottlo Colors (Munsoll Moist) 'Monlo A bundanco/Contrsst .-- Toxturo, Concrotions. - Structuro, atc.(inchos) Horizon (>-tL (, ll t- a:- .L,, / rn sLF 2p-23 (L' Matrix Color (Munsoll Moist)lDre 211 Hydric Soil Indioators:; Concrotions _ High Organic Contont in Surfoco Layor in Sondy Soils _ Organic Stroaking in Sendy Soils _ Listod on Local Hydric Soils Ust _ Ustod on Notionsl Hydric Soils List _ Othor (Exploin in Rsmarks) _ Histosol _ Histic Epipodon Sulf idic Odor"t:_I Aquic Moisturo Rcgimo Roducino Conditions X Glovod or Gori-dh-i6ho Colors.\-...-- Romarks: Al1p,,J .;;J.,alson . /5" ,fr Att o-uar Att ha':- '{+n; n"''l]:lt-s * oxtclr'ztI ,ni,l ctAen^.ls' at;r;^"1 s-,,1 l-ln^t- fk 6L-2i,.roe A )szLzr>,. Odulr'n<r( f*t"^ <',". I i : 5i','l.' Lo - u', .l-ykAu.s ia m r.' i t{ lrq l^.- j"q {-A.{lt ND DETERMINATION Hydrophytic Vogetation Present? @ ruo (Circte) Wotland Hydrology Presont? Ycs No Hydric Soits Prosont? @ ttto (Circlol ls this Sampling Point Within a Wetland? Yes No 5* .'( rd (s E,g; +1'u-xJ- SRomarks:fl -.'5 r rafi1 J.l 't\P' I o LtT t (\lV L( Vu-ll v"l a,rl Monroe & Newell Engineers, lnc. July 18,2001 Peak Properties 1000 Lions Ridge Loop, Suite 34' Vail, CO 81657 Attn: Mr. Ron Constein Re: 381 Beaver Dam Circle Vail, CO 81657 Dear Ron: Monroe & Newell Engineers, Inc. has reviewed the proposed 3' x 4' opening in the concrete wall. The concrete can be cut out and removed at the location shown. Ifyou have any questions or comments, please call. Very truly yours, MONROE & NEWELL ENGINEERS. INC 200t Pt^tt NUM I I ON30i Otata c o loR^oo 1701 rlqyn koop Street. Suite (303) 623-4927. FAx (303) 623-5502 , D'4" PA|DiUL202001 200 o Denver, Colorado 80202 . email denver@ monroe- nervell. com i\!r' ffim o RTIESPEAKPROPE looo Lions Ridge Loop #3A Vail, CO 816SZ c AA r cAAft o t'c f r rr 55 YToN From: Ron Constein, Proiect Coordinator Fax Numb urt (Z rz) taz -S6o{otal Pages (includi lver_;r 3st FFAv trt t_Dtn c/R v4 CQ I. fr/\4 Cu |-T/p O 4 p oeft v, x / / // fflF f(atptfri,^t. THfrtr ts t A' C o y co ETE BFE/\ a vFn ,e,t . PLE4{E t eot ,+r TH:E ,1/2 SEpt,1 KElefrT Z C1ru G/ve To THrof VAlL COmpany. /vtgNRoE €) lvEtrEt( Date: ENLtlvEERS 7 lrlAool Fax97o-479-o619 /qF faL,'rv' Ko rv 37c-offr tu' t ---_ Telephon e 97 o - 4T g -9990 4'X 4' x t1 FOOTII{6 l.{TH (5)-*{ EACH t{AY lLr^u.Lr- srEp Foortt!6 gTeP i rf) -loo lL;-,,Jml ?t-O' O X lC t"llTH f3)-lr5 I ItIII.LI _t ._r-- ) .' e-. Pssq- OW gCH a al--cc 2'-@'x3'-Q'r I I ll lAa e CFFICE CCIPY 0z =a 1) a)0 $ o 4/AA.l V Eo J' c3l! ditz -a.o uo 2'-4'xb'-@u 2/4,9.1 z',-6', X 3'-O',4/AA.l z',-b' x 9'-4"2/AA.l 2'-6' x 7'-6' 2',-b', x ,',-@' s .a .9 a)v 2'-6', X r'-6', 3'-@', X 5'-6u 2'-3', X 1',-@" 1'.-@" X '' -@" a) Ir:i9 UH EN(o tf oI gE 9r $ a) crA " *H E $$ P $$0;i:I.o.0 a) .o 6sIts n us U E$ 6t 3: B $Eo 6!r $,J6 iu pq''i 2',-g', X 6'-4" 2'-4\X s'.-D" 4'-6', X ].',-4" 7',-O" X 4'.-O', 4',-OVt'-6) 2'-8'x6'-8' l'_6" x 2'_6" 3'-@" x 6'-6' I I I I t I t I I I I I I I I T I I I The secondary unit was carefully located to avoid impacts to the small stream and its adjacent maturing Engelmann spruce. This linear wetland corridor is considered the highest quality wetland on the lot and the mature trees along its fringe, likely over 100 years old, represent a valuable ecological resource. However, this unit does impact the upper dryer end of the large bog birch/mountain willow complex, and afl of the non-jurisdictional area (263 ft2) of hydrophytic vegetation. In fact, a portion of the bog birch/mountain willow wetland complex has up to 15 inches of fill material and may not, at this time, have a wetland hydrology. Minimization procedures designed to reduce wetland impacts include installing columns, which support the upper floor of the house, by procedures that avoid all wetland construction impacts and reducing the construction disturbance around the house to a zone not to exceed five feer. 6.0 Mitigation A portion of the shrubby wetland materials and up to 18 inches of the soils of the impact area will be salvaged and relocated along the southwest lot boundary. The topography of the 350 ft2 mitigation site will be lowered up to three feet prior to the wetland materials relocation. After relocation of the wetland materials, a sprinkle irrigation system will be installed to water the plants. All wetlands in temporary construction impact sites will be salvaged along with lB inches of hydric soils. These materials will be stored and watered during construction, Following construction, these wetland materials and their hydric soils will be returned to the impact site and watered as necessary to initiate growth. 7.0 Literature Cited Cowardin, 1.M., V. Carter. F.C. Golet, and E.T. LaRoe. 1979. Classification of Wetlands and Deepwater Habitats of the United States. FWS/OBS-79-31, U.S.D.l., Fish and Wildlife Service, Washington, DC, 103 pp. Kartesz, J.T. 1994a. A Synonymized Checklist of the Vascular Flora of the United States, Canada, and Creenland. Volume 1 - Checklist. Second Edition. Timber Press, Inc., Portland, Oregon,622 pp. Kartesz, J.T. 1994b. A Synonymized Checklist of the Vascular Flora of the United States, Canada, and Creenland. Volume 2 - Thesaurus. Second Edition. Timber Press, Inc., Portland, Oregon, 816 pp. Reed, B.R. 1988. National List of Plant Species that Occur in Wetlands - Colorado. U.S.D.l., Fish and Wildlife Service in cooperation with the National and Regional Interagency Review Panels. St. Petersburg, Florida. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. I987. Wetland Delineation Manual. Technical Report Y-87-1. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, Mississippi. I I '': DATA FORM ROUTINE WETLAND DETERMINATION (r987 COE Wctl.rrrds Delineation Manuil) ProjecVSite Applicant/Owrrcr Investigator DATE UI / 59 STATE OO Do Normal Circrrnrslorrccs cxist on lhe site? ls the site significantly disturbed (Atypical Situation)? ls the area a potential Ploblcnr Area? (lf needed, explain on revcrse) Yrs Qlo 6@:No rl-E5."'No Communily Transect lD ID Plot lD VEGETATION lndicator Status CEL Ft.4 c t."-t {nc' Undcrstory l0D l,\ /'1 Ovcrsl(tryJ L,, \-/ ___ ,..h.',*' Cover ; Relative Overstory ct r't> nUnderstory_:] tl '-i!\ Pt 1l\' Donrinnnl Plant Soe<:ies t. ilnJ ,, i o ,- 1., -.---.-_-.-_- r, _l ,t , lj ! |2.--l-aJLS_t,A ^,1 [ { l, r j::_i. - t' t, ! t . t -,1 t l, "t fh tl (t(1,-tC r,'l t:il .,[ '= 4.--__ 5, (r.-- - ------ 8.-_--- 9. t0.-_-_ Percent oi Oomin nl Specics that rc OBl, F^CW or FAC (cxcludin6 FAC-) Remarks; 1,,/i,.;..-. a f 'l ,,., "1. t.-.1 ,\.1'.1 l<rl - I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I HYDROLOCY :_x_ Rccorded DntJ (Dcs(:rilrc irr Rcnrarks): _Slrl:irr, l-.rlt: rrr lirlt: G.ru6r: _Acrial Photogr phs -Ollrcr No Rr:r:ordccl Data AvaiL lk': Wctllnd llydrolo6y Indic.alors: Primary Indicalorsl _ Inundated _ SflturJlcd In Uplnr | 2 inchs _ Wnl(:r Marks _ Drift Lincs -_ Scdiment Deposits _ Dralnnlie l':rtbrn:i in Wctlands Sccondory lndicators (2 or morc requiredl: X Oxidizcd Rool Channcls in Uppcr 12 inches _ Wale dtaincd Lcavcs _ Local Soil Survcy Drl.l _ FAG Neutral Tesl _ Othet (Explnin in Remarks) Iticld Obscrvatitns: Depth of Surface Walcr Dcpth of Frr:e Wntcr in lrit Dr:l)th oI S.rtrrr,rtrxl Sr)il Remarks: \,1 ;t ,\': ,..., .\,a.t 1. . .-\ N U.l ll ( *". t yi1'.!,ati ,,,1 Jt^ t(-f ;l r',';'t,,,... c,$,n^"sr-e/ !f{1 -.. /li',, ..i, -((,r-tt fl u ,1,,, , ;. l,j-.., ,I It u ,1,,, I DATA FORM ROUTINE WETLAND DETERMINATION (19S7 COE Wctlands Dclineation Manual) ProjecV5ite Applicarrt/Ownt:r Investigator oxtt 6/tt / 9? . STATE C A Do Normal Circumstanccs exist ot'r the site? ls tlre site significantly disturbed (Atypical Situation)? ls tlre area a potential Problenr Area? (lf needed, explain on reverse) YES iNO , YEs )NO 6vti'r.ro ' Community lD Transcct I D Plot lD 2- I I I I I I I I I I I I T I I I I t I VEGETATION :. l; 1t 1l ,, ,'1 ",.-. 5\- ei /'-.'J,', Percent of Donrinant Specics that arc ODL, FACW or FAC Unclcrstory- O outrstory Nt) V"r "rc '), 'y,,.r. .i ... I l',. "'l:'t t t rt^ a'b, ttt./ HYDROLOCY .-- Rccordr:d Dat.r lDcsr:riln in Rt:nrarks): _slrr:.lnr, l-rkt: or 'l i<Jtt C.ttrgt: Aerial I'h()l(r8rJphs Other --[ N-o n,'roraed Dlra Av,ril,rblc Wctland l-lydrolog,y Indicalors: Primary Indicalors: _ Inundated _ S.lturatcd In UPPer l2 inchcs __ W.rt(:r M.rrks _ Drift Lincs _ Sediment Deposits - DninaSc Paltctns in Wcllands Sccondary Indicalots (2 or mortl requircd): X Oxidized Root Channels in Uppcr 12 inches Walcr-Slaincd Lcaves - Local Soil Survr:Y Data _ FAC- Nculral Tcst - Othcr (Explain in Remarks) Ficld Obscrvatiorrs: Deplh of Surface wnter i-) (n.) Dcpth of Fn:c Watcr in Pit )/ L lin.f l)r:ptlr of Satrrrirlr:rl Soil jz/ 1,. (in.) Remarfts: fr"t 7 (t(u1,t'ri otLs Map Unit Nemo (Sorios snd Phaso):Droinago Closs: Fiold Obsorvations Taxonomy (S ubgroup):-<-ILt t'p; ta.q u "ll t Confirm Meppod Typo? Yos No Profilo Doscription: Dopth Matrix Color linchos) Horizon (Munsoll Moistl Motds Colors (Munssll Moist) ' Mottls Abundanco/Contrast Toxturo, Concrstions, - Structuro, otc. )/1' 1- a4 fl1 ,q .-'J O-lr F;tl-t il- t6 F;tt- z t6- t7 17- 7c> I | 'k v cv, 7.s//z/z_ Hydric S oil Indicetors: _ Histosol _ Histic Epipodon Sulfidic Odor X Aquic Moisturo Regimo _ Roducing Conditions _ Concrotions _ High Organic Contont in Surfoco Loyor in Sandy Soils _ Orgonic Stroaking in Sandy Soils _ Ustod on Locol Hydrio Soils Ust _ Listod on Notional Hydric Soils Ust _ Othor (Exploin in Romarks)X Gloyod o Romarks: A F1p;.J s;'l .-...1.., F; lt ' Z ho.s ve1 l",t 6i-\fr- jc.,,s;.11 t t\a1 hqt -(- {."-". a,-'' C) h*Lz--' ( o'.1,,^..) , Hocrc,-,rr {L. +l';, + Lc- *le' s,*'*.J-[.r', , {lr- _ ft4r\ "1y e* art trm l".r -l 1- Ao-r,"-- t.:-r-',. u cr. 1 -"t s.+clr as a see-?. ,ia. t ETLAND tJ moi tI 6e-lc."r +L {it l" DETERMINATION Hydrophytic Vogetation Prescnt? Wotlsnd Hydrology Prescnt? Hydric Soils Prssent? G) No (circle) ls this Sompling Point Within a WotlandT (Circlol ves 6o\ 0^t5,,.o((1 {-t^- so"l 6,'1 h*a +--\ a- ' ,/4o(l; - X(u1u.4*a {,1,"',,,' .io'1 l.: t5pil I orLs Mep Unit Namo {Sorios ond Phoso}:Drainago Closs: Fiold Obssrvations Confirm Mappsd Ynod ud! Toxonomy (subgroup) : -'G pr' c- _i{L i o a zr . //s Typo? Yos No Profilo Doscriotion: Dopth Mottlo Colors (Munsoll Moist) 'Monlo A bundanco/Contrsst .-- Toxturo, Concrotions. - Structuro, atc.(inchos) Horizon (>-tL (, ll t- a:- .L,, / rn sLF 2p-23 (L' Matrix Color (Munsoll Moist)lDre 211 Hydric Soil Indioators:; Concrotions _ High Organic Contont in Surfoco Layor in Sondy Soils _ Organic Stroaking in Sendy Soils _ Listod on Local Hydric Soils Ust _ Ustod on Notionsl Hydric Soils List _ Othor (Exploin in Rsmarks) _ Histosol _ Histic Epipodon Sulf idic Odor"t:_I Aquic Moisturo Rcgimo Roducino Conditions X Glovod or Gori-dh-i6ho Colors.\-...-- Romarks: Al1p,,J .;;J.,alson . /5" ,fr Att o-uar Att ha':- '{+n; n"''l]:lt-s * oxtclr'ztI ,ni,l ctAen^.ls' at;r;^"1 s-,,1 l-ln^t- fk 6L-2i,.roe A )szLzr>,. Odulr'n<r( f*t"^ <',". I i : 5i','l.' Lo - u', .l-ykAu.s ia m r.' i t{ lrq l^.- j"q {-A.{lt ND DETERMINATION Hydrophytic Vogetation Present? @ ruo (Circte) Wotland Hydrology Presont? Ycs No Hydric Soits Prosont? @ ttto (Circlol ls this Sampling Point Within a Wetland? Yes No 5* .'( rd (s E,g; +1'u-xJ- SRomarks:fl -.'5 r rafi1 J.l 't\P' I o LtT t (\lV L( Vu-ll v"l a,rl Monroe & Newell Engineers, lnc. July 18,2001 Peak Properties 1000 Lions Ridge Loop, Suite 34' Vail, CO 81657 Attn: Mr. Ron Constein Re: 381 Beaver Dam Circle Vail, CO 81657 Dear Ron: Monroe & Newell Engineers, Inc. has reviewed the proposed 3' x 4' opening in the concrete wall. The concrete can be cut out and removed at the location shown. Ifyou have any questions or comments, please call. Very truly yours, MONROE & NEWELL ENGINEERS. INC 200t Pt^tt NUM I I ON30i Otata c o loR^oo 1701 rlqyn koop Street. Suite (303) 623-4927. FAx (303) 623-5502 , D'4" PA|DiUL202001 200 o Denver, Colorado 80202 . email denver@ monroe- nervell. com i\!r' ffim o RTIESPEAKPROPE looo Lions Ridge Loop #3A Vail, CO 816SZ c AA r cAAft o t'c f r rr 55 YToN From: Ron Constein, Proiect Coordinator Fax Numb urt (Z rz) taz -S6o{otal Pages (includi lver_;r 3st FFAv trt t_Dtn c/R v4 CQ I. fr/\4 Cu |-T/p O 4 p oeft v, x / / // fflF f(atptfri,^t. THfrtr ts t A' C o y co ETE BFE/\ a vFn ,e,t . PLE4{E t eot ,+r TH:E ,1/2 SEpt,1 KElefrT Z C1ru G/ve To THrof VAlL COmpany. /vtgNRoE €) lvEtrEt( Date: ENLtlvEERS 7 lrlAool Fax97o-479-o619 /qF faL,'rv' Ko rv 37c-offr tu' t ---_ Telephon e 97 o - 4T g -9990 4'X 4' x t1 FOOTII{6 l.{TH (5)-*{ EACH t{AY lLr^u.Lr- srEp Foortt!6 gTeP i rf) -loo lL;-,,Jml ?t-O' O X lC t"llTH f3)-lr5 I ItIII.LI _t ._r-- ) .' e-. Pssq- OW gCH a al--cc 2'-@'x3'-Q'r I I ll lAa e CFFICE CCIPY 0z =a 1) a)0 $ o 4/AA.l V Eo J' c3l! ditz -a.o uo 2'-4'xb'-@u 2/4,9.1 z',-6', X 3'-O',4/AA.l z',-b' x 9'-4"2/AA.l 2'-6' x 7'-6' 2',-b', x ,',-@' s .a .9 a)v 2'-6', X r'-6', 3'-@', X 5'-6u 2'-3', X 1',-@" 1'.-@" X '' -@" a) Ir:i9 UH EN(o tf oI gE 9r $ a) crA " *H E $$ P $$0;i:I.o.0 a) .o 6sIts n us U E$ 6t 3: B $Eo 6!r $,J6 iu pq''i 2',-g', X 6'-4" 2'-4\X s'.-D" 4'-6', X ].',-4" 7',-O" X 4'.-O', 4',-OVt'-6) 2'-8'x6'-8' l'_6" x 2'_6" 3'-@" x 6'-6' Detail No' A9I E Revieion,Seaver Dam Circle PRII1ARY REgIDENCE Draun Bg: Resort Oesign Collabor alive lnLernalional 1611 Uazec gLreer gutLe C-2 Fax, 1OJ-6Z3-2262 Dq,v6;r Colorado eO2A2 Tclt 3@7 -623 -7V99 Scale:3/8" -- l'-O" - -- -_- $t HEATEDi@'lc.PA\€Rs/ ill \ /\ "\; ' t.a"---I -l -' .-14 ;'' ,' a"r'i ,'.'t: "\.hr r )r*'io' , -+*,{ ^,i.\. *:.' 'r" ),;,'t'.. {-: - i..r-r' ' \- \TED RED . PAN 'Y '..._ REIIOVAL OF TRA9I{ gItED 9ITE PLAN R;E' llA2O ,re; It=_-# ro g+:l r \::d_.* --''-"::-l.r.I O;1 .t."=",;;,-. ref,r-*; i*i$ mrtEtr Detall Na' Ael *b Beaver Dam Circle PRIr1ARY REgIDENCE Revision'Job No,'z3@db OA Draurn Eg:9HK Resort Dresign Collabor atiwe Internationa I bll ll4zeg gtrcf 9,rltc c'2 Fa^' )O''b7'-?262 c|cfrv.q c,olar.ao Mlo2 lelt td)-e2t'1t59 Dare' 6rt@na 9cale, l' = @O'o*T T---t \__:l- KYDN taR { REI-1OVAL OF TRAgI{ gI{ED PLAN Detail No, A91 fl Beaver Dan Circ,le PRII1ARY REgIDENCE Rerzision' Draun 9!' 9l1K Resort Deelgn Collabor atiye International 16l'l ulrzee 5rrc.t guite c-2 Fax,101-b2)-22b2 Det\vcr Colo.ado AO2o2 lel, V@) - b2) -3V99 gcale' l/4" . l'-@" fib l'lb t1''l YA OF TRA9I] SItED P ELEVATION 11 \r%IHOIIN IIADE TAYHEW Beaver Dam Circle PRII,IARY REgIDENCE Revision'Job No' 2V@@6 Oe Deta il Na, A9I #B Draurn Bu' SHK Resort Design Collabor aLive lnletnalional lbll Uazec gt.eet guite C-2 Far; t@7-b23-2262 Dg/(1ver Colo.ado M2O2 f el, 3@7-62V-33bb DaLe. OZ/3OBA Scale:1/4" = 1'-O" RE-2/A9.O o I KlTcliEN/FAl1l LY Roorl GRADE AT Ktr,A|< i,l r1 REI.'1OVAL OF TRAgI] gI{ED NORTI] ELEVATION K!:,: l/A?.1 f*-=v"*-&h *l MAYIIEY' l* THOITAS WADE MAYHE[l, Beaver Dan Circle PRII'IARY REsIDENCE Revision..Jo6 No,7300b-Oe Detail No' Agl €Draun Bg, SflK Regort Design Collabor aLive International 1611 Wazee grr€st 5u1te C-2 Fa,a' tol-623-22b2 O€fwer Colo(ado eO2O2 Tel: )O)-62a-3Vbb Dare' o3/9@na 5cale, l/4" = l'-o" o tbl f1 REI*1OVAL OF TRASH gI]ED tsUILDING 5ECTION RE.2/4.9.1 Beaver Dan Circle PRIIIARY REgIDENCE l(€vr9tor'1:Job Nc.' z1o@b.Oe DeLail No' A91 #l@ Drawn Bg, 9P'1K Resort D esign Collabor atiwe, lnlernalional l61j Uazee gtreet guite C_2 Fa* 30?_62g-2262 oe^ver calorado 8@2a2 rel tov-627-1t99 oate' o?/3@/33 Scale' l/4" - l'-O" u3 f19 Y6 111 ...-'-..-- LU3 ---.- -i1-r!rl Wln L__ t. -\ I I_T _I I \ ''-tLAUNDRY 33'-3" AIc,O!r'E tr-- 39'-r"L__ __J \ REI'1OVAL OF TRAg+..I 3I]ED EAST ELEVATION RE,t/r',92 ffiI. -} 1 THoMAS I{ADE i4 MAYHEW I iI t- -7 Beaver Dam Circle PRIIIARY RESIDENCE Revision'Job Not 27006 Ae,Detail Na' A9l #ll Draurn Bq: 9l-lK Resort De=ign Collabor ative International \611 Uazee gtreet gutte C_2 Fax, 707-62)-2262 DqMer Colo. ado M2O2 Tel' 3@t-62V-?t>> Dafe, @?/3@/ZZ 5cale' l/4" . l'-@" Zl* BV :oN l!P1aC l€"f'N :ele?g :uo!9!,Aad q9€,€-€29-€o€ 1eL z@z@e opeJolo2 E^ueo Zga?,-€Zq-€A€ .xe) Z-? elln€ 1eeJ1g eezPm Ll?l I Puol19uJalu I el\neroqello) u5leaa 1Jo€a>6U@€/6@ :alPcl >l^19 :n€l uflle:O =rN=dt6fal rHVt-Jl>dePr!2 w"a )e^eeg7@ 9@@€Z,oN qoa C=Hg HgVdJ JO IV^OI.J=H s$ vooo otuo u @'ev,=d tuJfoluI()o vooo -\T tu IL t- vooo tuvps frtoF ltl zat p =l ]u.t-ll 55 =l 80_.Jr V-3 8+' uur HLXFtuF 6P ffux)- ,'u i- a^\ ,/swoulFoz utu 3ou{a ),.u vL F U -v. IL >' U<t dtr fp> ilE o-eo: >' U Etr ul E{LV{rLI luF( Eu oo A ooo3 Aoo3 ooo3 oo a ooo3 ooI ooI oo g AoI oo g I x 3 uJNd s t- x \0 s l- x $ .\r s r x 6 N -s t- x o .\l -s r x o .\l 6F UoJ rqss r{ TF o (qsa t IF o Nss 9 f o v.oluo sa n Eoovo uto noo rq Eoovol|l m ln 0_ F (J ()U (J () il<( E El E E E E =a5 tu ILFF s r x s h -a i. x o (\ 0 + x a a\ ss s lll s.voFtl) ----+ o@3 EATH 4 tsED IUALL lo'-lo' CRAuJL SPACE b'-o" l-.llGt-l llAx. r^(?11 DIT]ON OF TUING IIJALL - PLAN RE l/A3.@ Beaver Dam Circle PRII*1ARY RESIDENCE Revision:Job No:23O@6.Oe Detail No: A9l *13 Drawn By: 9f1K Resort Design Collaborative International 161? Wazee Street Suite C-2 Fax: 303-623-?26? Denver Colorado g0z0e Tel: 303-623-3355 Date: @A/3O/aa ScaIe'. l/4" = l'-@" f{ s I-6| (\a b'-3" AgONRY HE I GAg Lda 3ET ADDITION OF UJING UJALL RE l/A3.1 Beaver Dan Circle PRIIIARY REgIDENCE Revigion'Job No,23@@b@A Detail Na: A9l #14 Draurn Bg, 9l1K Resort Design Collaborative Interna tiona I 1611 tJJazec gtrcet gutte C-2 Fax. )O1-62)-2262 Dq've? Colorade 802@2 lelt ?O3-62?-i)>b Date: oa/30n4 Scalet l/4" : l'-O" -..--1122- ADD lTION EA9T OF IIJING I.UALL ELEVATION |t<ja.t l/A?.1 I fr% Seaver Dan Circle, PRII1ARY REgIDENCE Revision'Job Not 23O@6 @e,Delail No' A9l #lbDratun Bu: 9HK Reeort Design Collaboralive lnlernallona f6f'1 Uraze€ Srreet guttc C-2 Fa* Vot-e2t-2262 Dg']|,e. Colo.ado Ao2O2 lel: )@V-62V-V7bb Dale, @?/a@/?a 'c.ale. l/4" = l'-a" t t ffiw_ CRA - "r,zJ lo 4{il ADDITION OF IUING TUALL tsUlLDING SECTION Beaver Darn Circle PRII1ARY REgIDENCE Revision'Job No.z'O@b.Oe Detail No: A31 *lbDr€urn Bq: 5l-1K Resort Design CallaboraLive lnternationa I 16l'1 ltJ€zee gt.cet $rite C-2 Fax, 3O3-b23-2262 Oq|et Colotado @2@2 Tel. iO)-62)-3799 Dale' o1/?a/aa 5cale, l/4" = l'-O" RE-2/Ar92 Beaver Dam Circle, PRII1ARY REgIDENCE Revision:Job No: z3@Oboe Detail No: Ag.l #l-1 Drawn By: gf'lK Resort Design CollaboraLive lnternational 161? IYazee Street Suite C-2 Fax: 303 -623-226? Denver Colorado 80202 Tel: 303-623-3355 Date: @9/3@/3? Scale: l/4" = l'-@" t 2 LIERARY II 'rl n{qi ADDITION OF STORAGE AREA RAILINGg AT PAT\O LEVEL RE, r/A3l ff%nf0tAs tTtDg .-nFLOOR TO CElLll.lG Y BooK gr..rElvEg h u,.1. RA|LlrE T.O. UJALL ---t' - -- --=.- / _ /\_ \ -CONTAINED gPA DetailRevision'Seaver Dam Circle PRIIIARY REgIDENCE Resort Deeign Collaboralive lnlernaLiona . 1611 llazee Strccr Suite c-? Fax. 7O)-627-2262 Oq,wer Colorada 8d2o2 Tel, 7@t-621-3V5>5cale. l/4" = l'-@" t. 1 1. tilftt "" ' i 1' !;1 lJ' \r i IIETAL ACCE51 IUl CEDAR TRII'I \€NEER ANDgCREENED LOUVERg :%IHOilAS TADT-;rAnffi- ADD]TION IUE9T OF gTORAGE ELEVATlON 9PACE RE' l/A9.@ Beaver Dam Circle PRII1ARY REgIDENCE li(€vtStofl:Job No ' 23OO6.Oa.DeLail No' A3l #13 Dra urn tsg, gflK Resort Design Collabor ative lnlernational 1611 ltjdzee gt.eer guire C-2 Fax. aO)-62V-2262 Denvet Colo.ado A@2O2 lel, 3O3-62a-3?>9 DaLe. Oa/9O/34 Scale' l/4" = 1'.@" t BEDROOFI ADDITION OF STORAGE A NORTH ELEVATION tU.I. RAILING #sa Beaver Darn Circle FRIIIARY REgIDENCE Revigion'Job No'23OO6Oe Draurn Bq, 9F1K Resort Design Collabor alive International 1611 Uazee 6L?eeL Sulte c-2 Fax: ?@)-6?a-2262 DeF,ver Colorado eO2A2 Tel: 7Oi-623-335b oate. 09/30/2? 5calet l/4" = l'-@" RE, l/A5.1 o+#t fiE F; ++.l Eld+l ,l$ql E|$ sx a$ ro !D omo n ADDlloN oF sroRAGE s?AcE nf+ln tsUILDING gECTION # IHOilAS WADT Seaver Dam Circle PRII1ARY RESIDENCE Revision'Job No.23A@6Oe Detail Na' A9l 2lDraun Bg: 9l'1K Resart Deeign Collabor ative, lnLetnaLional 1611 ttlazc,c grraer gurta C-2 Fax' ?0)-623-2262 D€fvcr @lorcdo 6O2@2 fel. VOV-629-tt > Date' OA|1OBA Sc.ale' l/4" = l'-Otr RE- 2/A6Q t '_?))iJ Planning and Environmental Commission ACTION FORM Departnent of Community Development 75 South Fontage Road, Vail, @lorado 81657 tel: 970.479 -2139 fax: 97 0.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail,co.us Prcject Name: W & B Development, LLC PEC Number: PEC020002 Proiect Description: Duplex Subdivision Review Participants: OWNER W&B DEV LLC 01/2512002 Phone: 3 ESSEX RD SUMMIT NJ 07901 License: APPUCANT Jay Peteron OUZ5|2002 Phone:476-0092 Bailey & Peterson 108 S, Frontage Rd. West #210 Vail, CO 81657 License: PrcJect Address: 381 BEAVER DAM CR VAIL Location: 387 Beaver Dam Circle Legal Description: [-ot: 1 Blodc 4 subdivision: VAIL VILLAGE FIUNG 3 Parcel l{umber! 210107111001 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: STAFFAPR Second By:Vote: Date of ApprovaF A40712002 Gonditions: Cond: I (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate rwiew commiftee(s). Planner: George Ruther PEC Fee Paid: $100.00 Pattcel -Numbe^ - Ut 328-86401 - # &tOr O7 t t t 6a Revised 5/2/92 APPLICATION FOR DUPLEX SUBDIVISION REVIEW (Chapler 17.24 Y ail Municipal Code) (PLEASE PRTNT OR TYPE)A. APPLICANT W&BDevelopment,LLC MAtLtNcADDRESS c/o Patrick J. WEI-sh 3 Essex Rd. summit, NJ 0790I PHONE 212-8q3-q500 B. APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE ADDRESS Suite 210, WestStar Bank pHONE 476-0092 c.PROPERTY OWNER OWNER'S SIGNATU MAILING ADDRE U.LOCATION OF P STREET ADDRESS 387 Beaver Dam Circle LOT I BLOCK_4_SUBDIVISION Vait Village FILING 3rrl APPLTCATTON FEE $1 00.00 pAtD x cHEcK #_By: MATERIALS TO BE SUBMITTED: Two mylar copies and one paper copy of the subdivision plat shall be submitted to the Deparhenl of Community Development. The plal shall include the following: b. The final plal shall be drawn by a registered surveyor in India ink, or other substantial solution, on a reproducible medium (preferably mylar) with dimension of lwenty{our by thirty-six inches and shall be at a scale of one hundred feet to on€ inch or larger with nrargins of one and one-half to two inches on the left and one-half inch on all olher sides. Accurale dimensions to the nearest one-hundredth of a fool for all lines, angles and curves used to describe boundaries, streels, selbacks, alleys, easements, slruclures, areas lo be reserved or dedicated for public or common uses and other important fealures. All curves shall be circular arcs and shall be defined by the radius, central angle, are scored distances and bearing. All dimensions, both linear and angular, are to bs determined by an accurate control survey in the field which must balance and close within a limit ol one in ten thousand. Norlh anow and graphic scale. A systematic idenlificalion of all existing and proposed buildings, units, lots, blocks, and names for all streels. An identitication of the streets, alleys, parks, and other public areas or facililies as shown on the plat, and a dedication thereof to the public use. An identificalion of the easements as shown on the plat and a grant thereof to lhe public use. Areas reserved for future public acquisilion shall also be shown on the plal. A wrillen survey description of the area including the lotal acreage 10 the near€st appropriale significant figure. The acreage of each lot or parcel shall be shown in lhrs manner as well. A description of all survey monumenls, both found and set, which markthe bnrrndaries of the subdivision, and a description of all monurnenls used in conducting the survey. Monument perimeter per Colorado statutes. Two p€rimeler nronurnents shall be eslablished as major control rnonuments. the rralerials wlrich shall be determined by the lown engineer. A slateorent by the land survsyor exolaining how bearing base was delerminsd. A certificate by the registered land surveyor as oullined in Chapler 17.32 of this h. Date Received by the commun,,rT t ^ -' V E D Development Delartment: "JAn ! ,, 2001 fEeo z-oao:L Jav K. Peterson E. r d. t. 9. litle as to th€ accuracy of th-e surv€y and prat, ancr thal lhe survey was performed by him in accordance whh coloraclo Revised slatules 197g, Till; 38, nrticle st . A cerlificale by an altorney admilted io practice in rhe Slate of Colorado, or corporale lille insur6r, thal the owne(s) of record dedicating to the public lhepublic right-of-way, areas or facilities as shown lhereon arJthe owners thereof infee simple, free and clear of all liens and encumbrances except as noted. The proper form lor filing of the plat with the Eagle county clerk and recorder. certilicate of dedicalion and ownership. should the cerlificate of dedication andownership provide for a dedication of land or improvements to the public, allbeneficiaries of deeds of rrust and mortgage hoiders on said real property will be required to sign the certificare oi dedicarion and ownership in addirion ro ihe fee simple owner lhereof. All current taxes musl be paid prior to the Town's approval of plat. This includes laxes which have been billed out but are nol yet due. Ths certifrcate of laxes paid must be signed on the plat or a stalement from the Eagle counly Assessors ciftice must be provided wit the submirlal information'slating that all raies have been paid. n. Signalure ol owner. 2. The plal musl conlain the tollowing stalemenl: "For zoning purposos, lhe lols crealed by ihis subdivision are lo be lreated as one lot wilh no more lhan two dwelling unils allowed on the combined area of lhe two lols." The statement shall be modified to indicate the number of units and lots proposed." 3. A copy of the declarations and/or covenants relating to the subclivjsion, which shall assure the mainlenance of any common areas which may be created. The covenanls shall run with the land and shall be in a lorm suilable lor reiording with the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder. 4. Schedules A & B of a lille report. APPROVAL PROCESS, REVIEW CRITERIA Upon receiMng lwo copies ol a complete submiital along with payment of the appropriate fee, lhe zoning administrator shall roule one copy of the site map to lhe town engineer ior his review. The zoning adminislrator shall then conduct this review concurrently. The to-wn engineer shall review the submittal and return commenls and notifications to the zoning administratoi who shall transmit the approval, disapproval or approval with moditications of the plit within fourteen days 1o lheapplicant. The zoning adminislrator shall sign the plat if approved or require modifications on theplat for approval or deny approval due to inconsistbncies wlh the originally approved plan or failure 1o make other required modifications of the plat. FILING AND RECORDING The Departmenl of Community Development will record lhe plat and any relaled covenants wilh the Eagle county clerk and Flecorder. Fees {or recording shall be paid"by ihe applicanr. Tlre Community Development Department will retain one mylir copy of ihe ptar tor ttreir records and willrecord lhe remaining mylar copy. lf this applicalion. requires a separals review by any local, Stale or Federal agency other lhan the Town ofVail, lhe applicalion tee shall be increased by $20d.00. Examples of such reiiewi may include, but are not limited to: colorado Departmsnl of Highway Access permits, Army corps of Engineers 404, etc. The..applicanl shall be responsible for paying any publishing fees which are in excess of 50% of the application lee. lt, a1 the applicanl's requ€st, any matler is poslponed for haaring, causing the malter to bere-published, then, the enlire fee for such re-publication shi| ue paid by the "ppTi""nr. Applicalions deemed by the Communily Development llepaflment ro have significant design, land use or other issues which may have a significanl impact on the community may reqriire review by"consultanls other than lown staff. Should a determinalion be made by the lown stafi thai an oulside consultant is needed lo review any applicalion, the Communily Development may hire an outside consultant, il shallestlmate lhe amounl ol money necessary lo pay him or her and thisamounl shall he forwarrled to the Townby lhe applicant al the time he files his applicalion wilh the Community Development Department. lJponcompl€tion of the review of the applicalion by the consullant, any of the funds iorwardea Uy the applitanr fr:r payment of th€ consultant which have nol been paid to the consultant shall be returnedlo the'applicant. Expenses incunad by the Town in excess oi the amounl foruvarded by the applicant shall be paid to'the-Iown by lhe applicant within 30 days of norification by the Town. X t. G. H. DECLARATION OF COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESERVATIONS FOR Lot I, BLOCK 4, VAIL VILLAGE, THIRD FILING, TOWN OF VAIL, COUNTY OF EAGLE. STATE OF COLORADO RECITALS W&B Development, LLC., a Colorado Limited Liability Company, (hereinafter referred to as "Declarant') is the owner of the real property situate in the County of Eagle, State of Colorado, described as Lot l, Block 4, Vail Village Third Filing, according to the Plat recorded thereof, County of Eagle, State of Colorado, subject to the restrictions set forth in the attached Exhibit "A" ("Subject Property"). Declarant has constructed on the Subject Property, two buildings consisting of two units, each designed and intended for use and occupancy as a residential dwelling unit, which are sometimes referred to herein separately as o'IJnit'n or collectively as "IJnits". In addition, as part of the building located on Lot lA, the Declarant has constructed a Type II Employee Housing Unit ("EHU"). DECLARATION Declarant does hereby publish and declare that the following terms, covenants, conditions, easements, restrictions, use, reservations, limitations and obligations shall be deemed to run with the land described herein, shall be a burden and a benefit to Declarant, his personal representatives, heirs, successors and assigns and any person acquiring or owning an interest in the real property which is described herein and improvements build thereon, his grantees, personal representatives, heirs, successors and assigns. l. DEFINITIONS. Unless the context shall expressly provide otherwise, the following terms shall have the following meanings: A. "The Properties" means all of the real estate legally described as Lot l, Block 4, Vail Village Third Filing, according to the recorded Plat, County of Eagle, State of Colorado. B. "Lot", "Building Site", or "Parcel" means Lot 1A or Lot lB as shown on the Map. C. "Building" or "Buildings" means the dwelling units constructed upon the Parcels or Lots. D. "Unil" means flry one of the two dwellings. E. "Owner" means a person, persons, firm, corporation, partnership or association, or other legal entity, or any combination thereof, owing an interest in the Lots. F. "Map" means the engineering survey of the Properties by Stan Hogfeldt, Colorado P.L.S. 26598, entitled Final Plat, Vail Valley Third Filing, a Resubdivision of Lot i, Block 4, Town of Vail, County of Eagle, State of Colorado, depicting and locating thereon the Lots, recorded on 2002 as Reception No.and is hereby submitted to this Declaration. G. "Assessment" means any periodic or one time charge to cover the cost of any expense or charge that becomes due and owing by virtue of this Declaration. 2. DESCRIPTION AND RESERVATION, Every Contract of Sale, Deed, Lease, Mortgage, Trust Deed, Will or other instrument shall legally describe a Unit or real property interest as follows: Lot lA and Lot lB (as the case may be), according to the Final Plat, Vail Village third Filing, a Resubdivision of Lot l, Block 4, Town of Vail, County of Eagle, State of Colorado recorded 2002, as Reception No. Every such description shall be good and sufficient for all purposes to sell, convey, transfer, encumber or otherwise affect the Lots and all appurtenant rights, benefits, and burdens thereto as created by the provisions of this Declaration, and each such description shall be so construed. This provision shall apply to the properties as said term (the Properties) is defined in this Declaration. 3. PROPERTY DIVISION A. Declarant hereby establishes this plan for the subdivision of the Properties into Two (2) Lots for Ownership in fee simple by the individual and separate Owners of Lot lA and Lot 18. B. Lot lA and Lot lB shall be subject to the easernents noted on the map and those set forth herein. C. In the event Lot lA and Lot lB are owned bv the same entities. the doctrine of merger shall not apply. D. The parties, if more tJran one, having the Ownership of a Lot shall agree .unong themselves how to share the rights and obligafions of such Ownership, If a corporation, partnership, association or other legal entity shall become an Owner or the parties, if more than one, have the concurrent Ownership ofa Lot, then such entity or concurrent Owners shall from time to time designate one individual who shall represent such entity or concurent Owners in all matters concerning all rights and obligations pursuant to this Declaration. E. Any such entity or concurrent Owners shall give written notice to the other Owner designating the individual to act on its or their behalfand such notice shall be ef[ective until revoked in writing by such entity or Owners. Any act or omission by such designated individual shall be binding on the entity or Owners having designated him in favor of the other Owner or any other person who may rely thereon. F. Each Lot shall be considered a separate parcel ofreal prcperty and shall be separately addressed and taxed. 4. ENCROACHMENTS. If any portion of Lot 1A or Lot lB now encroaches upon the other Lot as a result ofthe construction ofany building, or ifany such encroachment shall occur hereafler as a result of s€ttling or shifting of any building, a valid easement for the encroachment and for the maintenance of the same so long as the building stands, shall exist. In the event any building shall be partially or totally destroyed as a result offire or other casualty or as a result of condemnation or eminent domain proceedings and then rcbuilt, encroachments of parts of the building on the other Lot, due to such rebuilding, shall be permitted, so long as such encroachments are ofno greater extent than those previously existing, and valid easements for such encroachments and the maintenance tlereofshall exist so long as the building shall stand. 5. LANDSCAPING, SERVICE FACILITIES. DRIVEWAYS AND WALKWAYS. A. Each Owner shall frorn time to time, at his sole cost and expense, irrigate, maintain, preserve and replace, as needed, the trees, shrubs and grass located within the boundaries of his Lot commensurate wilh the standards set by the original developer's landscaping of the Lots, and each Owner shall from time to time, at his sole cost and expense, undertake such landscaping and general outdoor improvements on his Lot as the Owners mayjointly deem necessary and proper for the harmonious improvement of the Lots in a common theme. The Owner of one Lot shall not unreasonably damage the value of the other Lot by shoddy upkeep of the Lot, but both Owners shall make all reasonable efforts to preserve a harmonious common appearanc€ of the Lots. B. Commou utility or service connections or lines, common f'acilities or other equipment and property located in or on either of the Lots but used in common with the other Lot, if any, shall be owned as tenants in common of equal undivided one-half interests by the Owners of each Lot and, except for any expense or liability caused through the negligence or willful act of any Owner, his family, agent or invitee, which shall be home solely by such Owner, all expenses and liabilities concerned with such property shall be shared in the proportions set forth in paragraph 7 below. The Owner of the Lot on which such property is not located shall have a perpetual easement in and to that part of such other Lot containing such ploperty as is reasonably necessary for purposes of maintenance, repair, and inspection. C. Each Owner shall be responsible for all necessary maintenance, repair, replacement and improvements, (including snow removal), of all driveway and walkway areas, including any snow melt system, located on his Lot. D. Nothing provided in this Article 5 shall prevent the Owners from jointly maintaining the improvements located on either Let, with the cost to be shared on an equitable basis as agreed to by the Owners. 6. ALTERATION. MAINTENANCE AND REPAIRS. A. Each Owner shall, at his sole cost and expense, provide exterior maintenance and exterior repair upon his Unit and the other improvements located on his Lot as well as the unimproved portions, of the Lot upon which his Unit is located, including, but not limited to, the exterior walls and the roof of the Unit. Such maintenance and repair shall be commensurate with the standards set by the original developer and each Owner shall undertake all maintenance and repair (including periodic painting and staining) necessary and proper for the harmonious appearance of the Lots and Units in a common theme. The Owner of one Lot shall not unreasonably damage the value of the other Lot by improper maintenance and repair of his Unit and Lot, but both Owners shall make all reasonable efforts to preserve a harmonious common appearance of the Units and Lots. Nothing provided in this Article 6.4'. shall prevent the Owners from jointly maintaining the improvements located on either Lot, with the cost to be shared on an equitable basis as agreed to by the Owners. B. Each Owner shall be solely responsible for maintenance and repair of the inside of his Unit including fixtures and improvements and all utility lines and equipment located therein and serving such unit only. C. Utility or service connections or lines, facilities or other utility equipment and property located in, on or upon either of the Lots, which are used solely to supply a service or utility to one unit shall be owned by the Owner of the unit using such utility or service and all expenses and liabilities fbr repair and maintenance shall be home solely by the Owner of such unit, who shall have a perpetual easement in and to that part of such other Lot or Unit containing such property as is reasonably necessary for purposes of maintenance, repair and inspection. 7. ALLOCATION OF EXPENSES. Costs and expenses of all activities whose cost is anticipated to be shared by both Owners, except as caused by negligence of willful act of an Owner, shall be allocated in the following proportions: Lot 1A Lot lB 5A% 50% 8.MECHANIC'S LIENS: INDEMNIFICATION: A. Except for items incurred as a common expense as provided for herein, if any Owner shall cause any material to be furnished to his Lot or Unit thereon or any labor to be performed therein or thereon, the other Owner shall not under any circumstances be liable for the payment of any expense incurred or for the value of the work done or material firnished; all such work shall be at the expense of the Owner causing it to be done, and such Owner shall be solely responsible to contractors, laborers, materialmen and other persons fumishing labor or materials to his Lot or any improvements therein or thereon; nothing herein contained shall authorize either Owner or any person dealing through, with or under either Owner to charge the Unit of the other Owner with any mechanic's lien or other lien or encumbrance whatever; and, on the contrary (and notice is hereby given) the right and power to charge any lien or encumbrance of any kind against one Owner or against one Owner's Lot for work done or materials furnistred to the other Owner's Lot is hereby expressly denied. B. Except as provided for below, if, because of any act or omission of any Owner,, any mechanic's or other lien or order for lhe payment of money shail be filed against the other Owner's Lot or any improvements therein or thereon or against any other Ownedwhether or not such lien or order is valid or enforceable as such), the Owner whose act or onrission forms the basis for such lien or order shall at his own cost and expense cause the same to be canceled and discharged ofrecord or bonded by a surety company reasonably acceptable to such other Owner, within 30 days after the date of filing thereof, and funher shall indemnifr and save the other Owner harmless from and against any and all costs, expenses, claims, losses or damages, including reasonable attomey's fees resulting therefrom. 9. RIGHT TO LIEN. A. If an Owner, at any time, shall neglect or refuse to perform or pay his share of any obligation required hereunder, the other Owner may, but shall not be obligated to, after 30 days written notice unless the circumstances require immediate action, make such payment or, on behalf of such other Owner, expend such sum as may be necessary to perform such obligation including, but not limited to, the payment of any insurance premiums required hereunder or the undertaking of any work required hereunder for repair, restoration or maintenance, and such other Owner shall have an easement in and to that part of such defaulting Owner's Lot as is reasonably necessary for such repair restoration or maintenance, B. All sums so paid or expended by an Owner, with interest thereon at the rate of l8 percent per year from the date of such payment or expenditure, shall be payable by the Owner so failing to perform (the "Defaulting Owner") upon demand of the other Owner. C. All surns so demanded but unpaid by the defaulting Owner shall constitute a Iien on the Lot of the Defaulting Owner in favor of the other Owner prior to all other liens and encumbrances, except: (i) liens for taxes and special assessments; and, (iD the lien of any first mortgage or first deed of trust of record encumbering such lot. The lien shall attach from the date when the unpaid sum shall become due and may be foreclosed in like manner as a mortgage on real property upon the recording of a notice or claim thereof executed by the Nondefaulting Owner setting forth the amount of the unpaid indebtedness, the name of the Defaulting Owner, and a description of the Unit. In any such foreclosure the Defaulting Owner shall be required to pay the costs and expenses ofsuch proceedings, including reasonable attomey's fees, D. The lien provided for herein shall be subordinate to the lien of any first mortgage or deed of trust, including all additional advances thereon. Sale or transfer of either Lot as the result of court foreclosure of a mortgage, foreclosure through the public trustee, or any proceeding in lieu of foreclosure, shall extinguish the lien of such assessments as to payments thereof which become due prior to such sale or transfer, but shall not relieve any former Owner of personal liability therefor. The mortgagee of such Lot who acquires title by way of foreclosure or the taking ofa deed in lieu thereof, shall not however, be liable for any past due assessment and shall only become liable for frrture assessments on the date it becomes the Owner or is entitled to become the Owner of such Lot. No sale or transfer shall relieve such Lot from liability for any assessments thereafter becoming due or from the lien thereof In the event of the sale or transfer of a Lot with respect to which sums shall be unpaid by a Defaulting Owner, except transfers to a first mortgagee in connection with a foreclosure of its lien or a deed in lieu thereof, the purchaser or other transferee ofan interest in such Lot shall bejointly and severally liable with the seller or transferor thereof for any such unpaid sums. E. Upon written request of any Owner, mortgagee, prospective mortgagee, purchaser or other prospective transferee of a Lot, the Owner of the other Lot shall issue a written statement setting forth the amount he is owed under this paragraph, if any, with respect to such Unit. Such statement is binding upon the executing Owner in favor of any person who may rely thereon in good faith. Unless a request for such statement shall be complied with within fifteen days after receipt thereof, all unpaid sums which became due prior to the date of making such requ€st shall be subordinated to the lien or other interest ofthe person requesting such statement. 10, USE RESTRICTIONS. A. Each unit shall be restricted to a residential dwelling as a permitted use, and conditional and accessory uses as defined by the Town of Vail Zoning Ordinances. B. Located on Lot lA is an EHU which is subject to certain restrictions imposed by the Town of Vail. These restrictions are set forth in the document entitled Type II Employee Housing Unit Restrictive Covenant recorded July 28, 1999 at Reception NO. 703687. C. No exterior mounted radio, shortwave, television or other type of antenna (except for a satellite dish in a size not to exceed two (2) feet in diameter) or tank of any kind, either elevated or buried, or clothesline or incinerator ofany kind whatsoever or outside storage ofany personal property shall be permitted or maintained on either Lot without the prior written approval of both Owners. D. No animals shall be kept or maintained in, on or upon either Unit, except that each Owner may keep and maintain within his Unit domesticated animals; provided, however, that such domesticated animals are kept under control at all times, do not present a nuisance to the other Owner, and are kept controlled in strict compliance with all Town of Vail ordinances that may apply to such animals, E Parking on either Lot of boats, trailers, campers, motor homes, ATVs or recreational vehicles is expressly prohibited, rurless located within an Owner's garage. F. No "time sharing", "interval Ownership" or similar interest whereby Ownership of a Unit is shared by Owners on a time basis, shall be established on either Lot without the prior written approval of both Owners and all lienors holding a first mortgage or first deed of tnrst of record on any pot-tioll of Lot lA or Lot 18, which approval shall be reflected in a document of record. G. The Owners understand and agree that potential development rights may exist under present or future Town of Vail regulations that may permit expansion of the Units, which development rights have not becn utilized to date. The Owners of Lot lA and Lot I B shall be deemed to have exclusive Ownership of any rights as cunently are being utilized by their respective Lots, including the right to construct an EHU. No exercise of any development rights not utilized to date shall be made by one Owner without first obtaining the written consent of ihe other Owner, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. The other Owner, before giving written consent, shall be entitled to review the development plans and any blueprints or surveys prepared in connection with the development plans. The Owner of Lot 1A shall have the exclusive right to the use of 40Vo of the Development Rights which have not been utilized to date and 40Yo of all future Development Rights allowed by the Town of Vail. The Owner of Lot 1B shall have the exclusive right to the use of 60%o of the Development Rights which have not been utilized to date and 60Vo of all future Development Rights allowed by the Town of Vail, If either Owner exceeds his development rights, without the consent of the other Owner, and because of this the other Owner is not allowed to utilize his full development rights, the excess development shall be removed by the Owner thereof immediately upon the demand of the other Owner. l l. NOTICE. Each Owner shall register its mailing address with the other Owner and all notices or demands intended to be served upon Owners shall be sent by fax, e-mail, certified, registered or overnight mail, postage prepaid, addressed in the name of the Owner at such registered mailing address. In the alternative, notices may be delivered if in writing, personally to Owners. 12. DURATION OF DECLARATION. Each provision contained in this Declaration which is subject to the laws or rules sometimes referred to as the rule against perpetuities or the rule prohibiting unreasonable restraints on alienation shall continue and remain in full force and effect for the period of 2l years following the death of Patrick J. Welsh and Ronald J. Byme and their living issue, or until this Declaration is terminated as hereinafter provided, whichever first occurs. All olher plovisions contained in this Declaration shall continue and remain in full force and effect urtil January 1,2032 A.D., and thereafter for successive periods of l0 years each; unless at least I year prior to January 1,2032 A.D., or at least I year prior to the expiration of any such l0 year period of extended duration, this Declaration is terminated by recorded instrument, directing termination, signed by all Owners and all lienors holding a ftrst mortgage or first deed of trust of record on any portion of Lot lA or Lot lB. 13. AMENDMENT OR REVOCATION. This Declaration may be amended or revoked only upon unanimous written approval in recordable form of all Owners and all lienors holding a first mortgage or first deed of trust of record on any portion of Lot lA or Lot 1B. 14. EFFECT OF PROVISIONS OF DECLARATION. Each provision of this Declaration and Agreement, promise, covenant and undertaking to comply with each provision of this Declaration, and any necessary exception or reservation or grant of title, estate, right or interest to effectuate any provision of this Declaration: (i) shall be deemed incorporated in each deed or other instrument by which any right, title or interest in any portion of Lot lA or Lot 1B is granted, devised or conveyed, whether or not set forth or referred to in such deed or other instrument; (ii) shall, by virtue of acceptance of any right, title or interest in any portion of Lot lA or Lot lB by an Owner, be deemed accepted, ratified, adopted and declared as a personal covenant of such Owner and, as a personal covenant, shall be binding on such Owner and his heirs, personal representatives, successors and assigns; and shall be deemed a personal covenant to, with and for the benefit of each Owner of any portion of Lot lA or Lot lB; and (iii) shall be deemed a real covenant by Declarant, for itself, its successors and assigns, and also an equitable servitude, running, in each case, as a burden with and upon the title to each and every portion of Lot lA and Lot lB. 15. E}IFORCEMENTANDREMEDIES, A. Court Proceedings. Each provision of this Declaration shall be enforceable by any Owner by a proceeding for a prohibitive or mandatory injunction or by a suit or action to recover damages. If court proceedings are instituted in connection with the rights of enforcement and remedies provided in this Declaration, the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover its costs and expenses in connection therewith, including reasonable attomey fees. B, Venue of Court Actions, Each Owner hereby agrees that any and all actions in equity or at law which are instituted to enforce any provision hereunder shall be brought in and only in the District Court of Eagle County, State of Colorado. C. Waiver. Failure to enforce any provision of this Declaration shall not operate as a waiver ofany such provision, the right to enforce such provision thereafter, or ofany other provision of this Declaration. 16. EXERCISE OF RIGHTS. Any exercise of any right granted hereunder by one Owner with respect to the other Owner's Unit including but not limited to the use of any easement ganted herein shall be exercised in a manner which shall not unreasonably hinder, impede or impose upon such other Owner's use of his Unit. 17. SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS. Except as otherwise provided herein, this Declaration shall be binding upon and shall inure to the benefit of each Owner and the heirs, personal representatives, successors and assigns of each. 18. SEVERABILITY. Invalidity or unenforceability of any provisions of this Declaration in whole or in part shall not affect the validity or enforceable part of a provision of this Declaration. 19. CAPTIONS. The captions and headings in this instrument ar€ for convenience only and shall not be considered in construing any provisions of this Declaration. 20. CONSTRUCTION. When necessary for proper construction, the masculine of any word used in this Declaration shall include the feminine or neutral gender, and the singular the plurat and vice versa. 20. CONSTRUCTION. When ncc€ssary for proper constnrction, the masculine of any word usedliElJD6iIEiGiEall include the fenrinine or neutral ge,nder, and the singular the plural and vice versa IN WITNESS WHEREOF Declarant has executed this Declaration this day of -E&!,lt@-,2ooz. W&B DEVELOPMENT, LLC, 23 By: 'TATE of "" S-cse-Y )')ss. COTINTYOF F e&$e-n I Subscribed and sworn to before me this a 3 day of fa-', ,,' a-,. '.l , 2002 by Patrick J. Welsb as manag€r of 'W&B Development, LLC, a Colorado Limited Lihbility Company... Witness my hand and official seal. My commission expires: ilAl|cttclflAlrc]ir,.nf,fntcHESErffilb*inSfiAml a Colorado Limited Liability o l. 2. EXIIIBIT "A'' TO DECLARATION OF COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESERVATIONS FOR LOT I, BLOCK 4, VAIL VILLAGE THIRD FILING, FILING NO. 3, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT RECORDED Lien for taxes or assessments, not yet due and payable' Right of proprietor of a vein or lode to extract and remove his ore therefrom should the same be found to penetrate or intersect the promises as reserved in United States patent recorded September 4,1923,, in Book 93 at Page 98' Right of way for Ditches or Canals constructed by the authority of the United States as reserved in United States Patent recorded September 4,,1923, in Book 93 at Page 98. Restrictive covenants which do not contain a forfeiture or reverter clause, but omitting restrictions, if any, based on face, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, or national origin, unless and only to the extent that said covenant (a) is exempt under Chapter 42, Section 3607 of the United State Code or (b) relates to handicap but doeJnot discriminate against handicapped persons' as contained in Instrument recorded March 25, 1963, in Book 174 atPage 575. Easements, reservations and restrictions as shown or reserved on the recorded Plat of Vail Village Third Filing. Terms, conditions and provisions of Holy Cross Electric Association, [nc. underground right of way easement recorded August 19,1997 in Book 734 atPage 966. Terms, conditions and provisions of restrictive covenant recorded July 28, 1999 at Reception No. 703687. Easements, conditions, covenants, restrictions, reservatiOnS and nOtes On the Resubdivision Plat of Lot 1, Block 4, Vail Village Third Filing recorded at Reception No. J. 4. 6, 8. **** *+** *** *,!*,1. *,t +**** * *:1. '*,i * * * * * * + * * * * * { * * * * * * * * * * t * * * * * * ** * * + * * * + * * * '} * * * *,} * * *.} * ** * * * f**** *:t TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Srarement 'l !t**'**+**** *'t *****+* * **** * *,& ** * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * + !t * * * * + * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * + ** * ********* *'t********** Statement Nuniber: R000001922 Amount: $100.00 OL/25/200202t25 py! Pa]'ment. Method 3 Check Init: JAR Notation: 5524-Bailey & Peterson Permit No: P8C020002 Tlt)e: PEC - Duplex Subdiwision Parcel No : 2101-0 7111- 0 01 SiTC Address: 381 BEAVER DAM CR VAII, Location: 387 Beaver Dam CircLe Total Fees: 9100.00This Pa.l.ment.: $100.00 Total ALIJ PmC6: $100.00 Balance: $0.00+**+*********** * *+++*********,t {t********* *+** ***+++***** **** ** ** *i+ * r. * * + * * * * * * ** * * !i ***+++**++ ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Curnent Pmts PV OO1(]OOO31125OO PEC APPLICAT]ON FEES 100.00 Design Review Action Form TOWI\ OFVAIL ProjectName: W & B Development-ProjectNumber: PRJ99-0025 Revisions to approved plans Project Description: Revisions to approved plans to relocate hot tub and entry gate on east unit Owner, Address, and Phone; W & B Development LLC 3 Essex Rd, Summit, NJ 07901 Architect/Contact, Address, and Phone: Peak Properties (Ron Constantine) 1000 Lions Ridge Loop 3-A Vail, CO 81657 479-9990 Project Street Address: 381 Beaver Dam Cr. (east unit) Legal Description: Lot I Block 4 Vail Village 3rd Filing Parcel Number: 210107111001 Comments: Building Name: Motionby: Seconded by: Vote: Conditions: Town Planner: Ann Kjerulf Date: 07117100 Board/StaffAction Action:Staffapproved with 2 conditions 1. Materials to be used shall match existing. 2. Ileight ofpillars for gate shall not exceed 6 ft. DRB Fee Paid: $20.00 Project Name: W & B Development - Revisions to approved plans euestionszQtt tne f,tl*oct, Planning Staff at 479-2138 10. oo Alt' APPLIC.ATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL GENEML INFORMANON This application is for any projec requiring Design Review approval. Any project requiring design review musi receive Design Review approval prior to submitting for a buiiding permit. For specific information, see the submittal requirements for the pafticular approval that;s requested. The application cannot be accepted until all the required information is submitted. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design Review Board approval expires one year after final approval unless a building permit is issued and construction is started. A. DESCRIPTION OF THE REIUEST: B, c. D. E. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: PHYSICAL ADDRESS: A1 tol - 5'/PGLE BLOCK: EAV PARCEL #r ZONING: "h l0 I - g7l-llado'ntaa Fagie Co. Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 for parcel #) FIh L NAME OF OWNER(S):urP DEvEtttPhrrT LLc MAILING ADDRESS: F- TYPE tr tr v H. NAME OF APPLICANT: Lter?fi tP(rE Lea/ PHONE: OF REVIEW AND FEE: New Construc+ion - $200 Construction of a new buildino. Addition - Minor Alteration - $50 Includes any addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building. $20 includes minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. DRB fees are to be paid at the time of submittal. Later, when applying for a building permit, please identify the accurate valuation of the project. The Town of Vail will adjust the fee according to the project valuation. PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPUCATION, ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, VAIL, COLORADO 81657. '11'osas'qo.h' &/-" f .\/\- A uTf LfTY ----z ---'-- fTASEttENT ------,a- 0 20 40 60 Feer UNPIATTED € *o.\/ LOT :I 0 8671 ACRES \--\. / otcx d.t ROCr ENTRr ROCK STARWELI \ \ \ 6\ \- 0tcK ) 1-d \o?! IrQ 9r57. 1r x /\Yd r 5e ' x ( SOUTH UNIT) 2 SIONY WOOD 'NAME STNGLEFAU,L)' HOUSE L'IIDER COI.ISIRUCTION, , {AIL gfASUREMCNTS TAREN IO ROCX I FAc€ p€,rx vEAsupEMENts tAXtN tC | {rOO0 SHrNGLE9. i N.r oRrvEvar ^r TrMf, ,lr suP.vEY NC POSTEO AOORESS. l:4ft: L=1 T-' | -! \.,;, ,\ //st3;.6 -o '-"o._" ''<.L{._. . - -\. \i_^'\.R: r3.tr .t...J q.-":arii;,iu o.t) a ,l _'-- .j.*/ o.' rRoh{GAlE j',.,,'( .E, o tlir-:-lll, ti D.9 / '- - .- -J-.i oI'f5 fio m HA .1t4 361 FEIV EN D,ltta c I "1 t*f f-s t.t.tl.t,l t t...:t.t.'tttl d ----J----J -----1 ;>' Design Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL ProjectName: W & B Development-Proiect Number: PRJ99-0014 Revisions to approved plans Project Description: Revisions to approved plans to change type of light fixture to match east unit Owner, Address, and Phone: W & B Development LLC 3 Essex Rd, Summit, NJ 07901 ArchitecVContact, Address, and Phone: Peak Properties (Ron Constantine) 1000 Lions Ridge Loop 3-A Vail, CO 81657 479-9990 Project Street Address: 381 Beaver Dam Cr. (west unit) Legal Description: Lot I Block 4 Vail Village 3rd Filing Parcel Number: 210107111001 Comments: Building Name: Motionby: Seconded by: Vote: Conditions: Board/Staff Action Action:Staff approved with I condition l. Lighting shall comply with TOV code. Town Planner: Ann Kjerulf Date: 07117100 DRB Fee Paid: S20.00 Project Name: W & B Development - Revisions to approved plans euestions? t n. prannins r# "3!; rl(r' ( APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPR.OVAL 1O.aDA{' GENEML IIVFQRMATION This.appllcation is for any proJect requiring Deign Review approval, Any project requiring clesign review mustrecetve DesiOl Review approval prior to submrtting for a building permit. For specrfic informafion, see the submittalrequirernents for the particular approval that rs requested. Theipplication .unhoi u" accepted until all the requiredinformation is submitted. The proiect may also ndeo to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the planninj anoEnvironmental Commission. Design Review Board approval expirls onaya"r after flnal approval uilessa building permit is issued and construction is started. DESCRIPION Of THEREQUE5T: _ *(M- r'.ffzr -lvz . _ _(€uitr klsrit4 puq,j - A. B. c. D. E. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: PHYSICAL ADDRESS; encr: lf FILTNG:v80 o(Cohbct Eaqle Co. Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 for parcel #) F. G. ./PG(E FTA L NAME OF OWNER(S): MAILINGADDRESS: 4 E55EK fi D 5atqfl r7r N eT _ PHONE: owNER(S) SrGrrATU RE(S): NAME OF APPLICANT: tl (26 OF REVIEW AND FEE: New Conetruction - i2O0 Construction of a new building. TYPE tr tr ,V H. Addition - Minor AlteraUon - S50 Includes any addition where square footage is added to any residential or commerclal building.$20 Includes minor changes to buildings and slte impro\€rnents, such as, rerooflng/ painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. DRB fees are b be paid at the tlme of submittal. Later, when applying for a building permiL please identiry the accurate valuation of the pmjed. The Town of Vail will a jusi tire iee according io the project valuation PLEASE suBilIT Tl{rs APPUCATION, ALL suBMrrrAL REQUTREII{EI{TS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMEI{T OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMETiIT, 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, VArL COLORhDO 81657, MAIUNG ADDRESS: lw@ qad loI G// ,.., QaX AW)-.&]H- Addreaq ./ Project: Please make checks payable to the TOWN *."",**". Sb/"1 on"-L, ,./0 r-L OF VAIL Account No.Item No.Code #Cost Each Total 001 0000 314 1110 Zoning and Address Maps $s.00 001 0000 314 1112 Uniform Building Code - 1997 - Volume 1&2 $50.95 001 0000 314 1112 Unit-o,i!! F,Vilq!! q9!9 1e9zj !9!!!!e s $60.65 001 0000 314 1112 Internatjonal Plumbing Code - 1997 $36.00 001 0000 314 1112 Internatronal Mechanical Code - 1998 Ul'$3s.00 001 0000 314 1112 Uniform Mechanical Code -1996 $35.60 001 0000 314 1112 Unrform Fire Code LE'$36.00 001 0000 3'14 1112 National Electrical Code Ltt $42.60 001 0000 314 1112 [alemenJ of Dangerous Bldg,'s 1997 $9.95 001 0000 3141112 Model Energy Code - 1995 $10.00 001 _-.- ^. r 41,1.) ranahrsis of Revisions to 1997 uniform codes 001001 ,ey, o0' 00 oooo .-- ^Torn of Uriiil oorr, jji,||lrlolrEr R_Ecrrpr r*r ;i oc -- " tLtuo 'L RE0EIPT: gElIEgl ii mslfi'fff113,,, nl' i!8H If_ ;i -_0lo rgDER DEIATL : ffim,,i**}t rrm,s,egi8s,+e .,, ffiteg. oB t"- - . THflItX YOU Ft}R YOJR MNflII 001 UUUU J I r z.vve r, .--.-. es Tax $12.75 tJF $7 00 $0.25 MS $40.00 MS PN PF OH CL SP $20.00 JF a UK 2(/,(/) PN AD RL JA TP T7 MS PV $200.00 oot oooo aa t 2500 TCondfional Use Permit PV $200.00 001 0000 311 2500 Extenor Alteration - Less than 100 so. fL PV $200.00 001 0000 311 2500 Exterior Alteration - More than '100 sq. ft.PV $500.00 001 0000 311 2500 Special Development District - NEW PV $1,500.00 001 0000 311 2500 Special Development District - Major Amend PV $1,000.00 001 0000 311 2500 Soecial Develooment District - Minor Amend PV $200.00 001 0000 311 2500 Subdivision Fees PV 001 0000 311 2500 Variance PV $250.00 001 0000 311 2500 Zoning Code Amendments PV $250.00 Re-Zoning PV $200.00 001 0000 319 3100 Greenstar Proqram Other -MS TOTAL::/() t(X\ Comments:.-Alwl Au:st'>aon1). t Received r.PD F:/EveryondForms/Salesact.exe 06/06/2000 a/ SEGERBERG, MAYHEW & ASSQCTATES ARCH|TECTS.P.C..ITA.. 1OO0 South Frontage Road West - #300 vAtL, coLoRADO 81657 (9701 476-4433 FAX (970)1476-4608 q. lro I oa*) eF VkL t WE ARE SENDING YOU ffr{ttached E Under separate cover via F(rints fJ Change order €;le ta+ | ) 0llt-4, VV Z'd' LtrTTtrlOF TRANSMTTTAL the following items: fl SpecificationsI Shop drawings n Copy of letter ! Plans U Samples D ** 6b/eo '""V.?oo6 roo AI-TENTtoI! t "'' 14fl,,% n, u rc NI *,ss t eLLo ,.-a 3Ar7 *5r*trn- l/ert Ltpzln- Rqe'r"u.a9ee"r"*wl t)pf I COPIES DATE NO.DESCRIPTION a gtlz'xl,'"cept 99 aFi "f)(tttF,ukxt €rarrorl " RadtqF-T> 9.6<o (R"4q..o..n\ <f**r OED'f THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: n For approval F.5or vour use I As requested Approved as submitted Approved as noted Returned for corrections ! n n tr D Resubmit - copies for approval ! Submit - copies for distribution ! Return - corrected prints L.l For review and comment tr FOR BIDS DUE il PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS SIGNED: COPY TO Ftt-({--' It enclosures are not as noted, kindly notify us at once. o o Fe\t$r.Q .?. lc-oo (e* ?*rit tt$ qk\?F-'#:%nont nDrrtrtcf rilfrtt lffill] trlllY{id T'4Sl'ii o o ' -€|^Flgq FF.\t t,F.g 3- 6.oo (ee F,LrrA t$ qF^vL.#E% THOIIAS WADE B-1287 3g l' DEL|E8 o DA,t't C/K L^+ l,tglb(,/V''L e7 LlGttTf' LZ + oo Design Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL hoject Name: W & B Development LLC Project Description: Minor changes to primary unit per plans of 8-26-99 and new dormer Owner, Address and Phone: W & B Development LLC ArchitecvContact, Address and Phone: Jay Peterson, 108 S. Frontage Road West Suite 204,Yail, CO 81657 hoject Street Address: 381 Beaver Dam Circle Legal Description: Lot 1, Blk. 4, Vail Village 3* Filing Parcel Nurnber: Comments: No increases in GRFA approved Project#: PRJ99-0114 BuildingName: Board i StaffAction Motion by: Action: Staff aPProved Seconded by: Vote: Conditions: Town Planner: Dominic Mauriello Date:2/8/00 DRB Fee Pre-Paid: FIELD HEAgURE FOR TRAP. U,|INDOUJS rT--tt tLII IT----ll:lI Yp\ ADDITION I'1A9TER 381 Beaver Dan Circle OF DORHER BEDROOF1 RE' l/4'9.@ Dela il No: 9l *3 Revision' Resort Design Collaborative. lnlernallona - f6f.l uJazee gtreer gutte C-2 Fax' 701-62)-2262 Ostvq Colorado 802@2 le!.: 70)-627'3999 DaLet ilnllA3 Sc'aler ll4" . l'-@" fttt coPr Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 Seotembcr 14. 1999 Jay Peterson 108 S. Frontage Road West Vai1, Colorado 81657 RE: Primary Residence at 381 Beaver Dam Circlellot 1, Blk. 4, Vail Village 3d Filing Dear Jav: The Corununity Developmcnt Department has reviewed thc proposed minor alterations to the approved plans for this primary residence as shown on plans dated 8/26199. Staff finds all but two ofthe proposcd changes acceptable for administrative approval. Our digitizing of the flool plans to determine GRFA shows that thc site has utilized all of the GRFA available on-site. Our digitizer has a margin of error and therefore there may be other more accurate ways to measure these floor plans. Our digitization resulted in a total GRFA for the primary unit of 3,882 sq. ft. Your proposal is to add I sq. ft. You have two options to deal with this situation. First you can make changes to the building to reduce the GRF'A by 1 sq. ft. or provide a more accuate measurement of the GRFA to the Community Deveiopment Departrn€nt for review. The other issue concerns thc proposed trash enclosure. This enclosure is counted as GRFA since it is enclosed space. Therefbre unless the enclosure can be modified to not count as GRFA or morc GRFA is available, this structue cannot be approved. Additionally, staff is concemed about potential impacts to trees in this area. If this addition can otherwise comply with GRFA requirements, this item would need to bc reviewed by the DRB. Staffwould recommend placing garbage cans in the garage, ratherthan constructing a new stlucturc. Let me know how vou likc to nroceed. -1- {S *n"uor*o If you have any questions, please call me at 479-2148. c F. Mauriello. AICP Chief of Planning a -t' Qucstions?thc Planning Staff at 479-21 2il APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL TOWN OFVAIL CENERAL INFORMATION This application is for any projcct rcquiring Dasign Rcview approval. Any project requiring dcsign rcvierv nrust rcccive Dcsigrr Rcvicrv approval prior to subnlitting for a building pernrit, For specific infornration, see thc submittal rcqrrircmcnts fbr the particular approval that is requcsted. Thc application carutot be acccpted until all the requircd infonrration is subrnitted. The pro.icct nray also nced to be rcvicrvcd by thc Torvn Council and/or the Planning and Environnrcntal Conrnrission. Design Revierv Board approval expircs onc year aftcr final approval unlcss a building pcrmit is issued and construction is startcd. A. DESCRTPTION OF THE REQUEST:Minor building alterations as per attached sheet and building plans. o Call B.LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: LOT: f BLOCK: 4 FILINC:Vail Village 3rd PHYSICAL ADDRESS:381 Beaver Dam Circle o. D. E. PARCEL#: 2I0107111001 {Contact Eagle Co. Assessors Officc at 970-328-8640 for parcel #) ZONING: Primaryl$ecandary _: NAMEOFOWNER(S): W&B Develogment, LLC MAILING ADDRESS: 3 Essex Road Summit, New JeEsey 07901 20t-836-5040 OWNER(S) SIGNATURE(S): C.NAME OF APPLICANT: J terson MAILING ADDRESS:Vail, Colorado 81657 pHONE: 476-0092 H. TYPE OF REVIEIV AND FEE: O Ncrv Construction - $200 Construction of a ncw building. lncludcs any addition rvherc squalc tbotage is added to any rcsidential or conrnrcrcial building. Inch,rdcs minor changcs to buildings and site improvcnrents, such as. rcrooting, painting. rvindorv additions. landscaping, fcnccs and rctaining rvalls, ctc. ll A<ldition -$s0 )Q[ Minor Altcration - $20 DRB fces are to be paid at the time of sr,rbmittal. Later. rvhen applying tbr a building pcrnrit, plcase identiiy the accurate valuation ofthe project. Tlrc Torvn of Vail r.vill adjustthe fcc accolding to the project valuation. PLEASE SUBN{IT THIS APPLICATION, ALL SUBMTTTAL REQUIREI\,IENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTIITENT OF COI\,II\{UNTTY DBVELOPMENT,75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, VAIL, COLORADO 81657. -lu. O9/09/Sg FRI 16:41 FAX 1 970 476 4608l PSA VAIL B o02 Beaver Dam Circle Residence - Primary Unit 381 Beaver Dam Circle Vail, CO 81657 Attachment to Design Review Board Application List of Proposed Changes (As shown on drawings dated 8.26.99) Note: The following list describing the proposed changes to thcprimary unit is a summary of 6ose areas clouded (and oolor marked in yellow) on the preliminary plans reviewed with and submitted to Dominic Mauriello at ou September 2, 1999 me*ing. . . ]>(Increase intotal square footage from 3,802 sq.ft. to 3,803 sq.ft. (l sq.ft" increase)' $'otaZ. Relocate the exterior spa to west side with open trellis top' '$ l. Detete two stone retaining walls on east and west' 4. Delete north side on-grade patio and retaining wall' 5. Reduce size ofwest side on-grade patio' 6. Reduce number of st,eps down to front enhy door' 7. Lower drive-apron by 7" at garage doors' 8. Adtt third parking space with related stone veneer wall and iron gate. r -{ Add an exierior stred with walkway for garbage/trash containers.qlltt 'lb. Revise size and losation of lower level windows on north side. T- - ii. nAO nicfrdjog in foundation wall at lower level (plus 8 sq.ft.) and delete 7 sq'ft. at bottom of stair' 12. Change exterior mechanical access panel to full size door per code requirement. 13. Create approximately 4' x 4' covered alcove, 25o/o open,at patio level for services location. 14. Change patio level east side balcony access from elevated stair to one on-grade step' 15. shift location of living room fueplice and chimney by 6'to the north (same design)' 16. shift location of family room chimney to east for flue clearances. lT.Deletelowerlevelbalconiesandstepstogarageonnorthside. lE. Increatse size of garage dormers and windows' 19. Add 3'-0" x 7'-0" door to garage on west side' 20. Lerrgthen tench drain in parking area' 21. Relocate "J*ting Master'Bath iindows approximately 2'-0" along same wall frnther to the south. 22.Revisekneebrace-bracketdetailbelowdeckonnorthside' END OF LIST 10/06/99 TUE l0:28 F'AX I 970 476 4608 PSA VAIL @ oor DATE F'ACSIMILE TRANSMITTAL .[)BNIJMBIR FAI(NUMM JOB TO CITIPAITY: In0n't REGARDIFIG PAGDS (d&stisos@ FA'(fr Scgcrbcrg, Mayhew & Associates Archite cts, P.C., A.l.A. Plcas contact lhc abovc scndrr ar thc numb6 b.lo{ ifrhcl! rr€ rny qucsims rcgading lii! rnnqnilsion. Thh.facsinilc is intcndcd only for thc addressec md may contain infonnsaion lhsr is privihSed rnd conridential. If the readcr ofrhis mcssogc is nol thc iot€rded rEcipicn! you arc hcrcby notiticd tat rny disrcnimtbo, distribution of copying ofthi3 communicrtion is srriclly pruttibitea lfyou havc reoeivcd this commurication in crror, ptcasc nodlr ur immcdirlsly rr thc rumbcr bciow to annge irs 1;tum. Than& yo3r. MEN[(}\ Mric Ollicc: lqxt Sout Fr.{r8c Rod Wcn, SrihO6E Officc. t6lt W|rE SdEGt SiE C2.aril inf@rnrn E.o.n . f.r: 970 4t6 l60tr fu: l0l 621 226;2 htrprfs{ r-rt|.rdE.dn 970 {?6 'lia3j623 tfJS l0o . V.il, CO E1657 . phqr!: Dawc., m m2m . plEE Jol Ofiice of the Tbwn Attorney 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 1 07/Fax 97 0-47 9-2 I S 7 September l,1999 Gary A. Woods, Esquire Isaacson, Rosenbaum, Woods & Levy, P.C. 633 lf Street, Suite 2200 Denver, CO 80202-3622 Re: 381 Beaver Dam Road Dear Gary: After our meeting on Sepember l,1999,I did discuss the 381 Beaver Dam Road approval process with Dominic Mawiello. He assures me there were at least two site visits of the subject properry by the Planning & Environmental Comrnission and the Design Review Board. Dominic will be happy to discuss with you the parameters of alterations to t}re approved plan that would require a staffapproval. or in the alternative, retum to the Design Review Board. Please feel free to contact me with any questions or comments. Very tmly yours, Town Attorney RTlWaw xc: Dominic Mauriello / Jay Peterson, Esquire {; *"n"uo r^r", o THEc0r I\I -<t-'-"-l ro f+le Lo RESORT DDSIGN TABORATIVE IRNATIONAL TRANSMITTAL JOB NAME JoB NO. REGARDING WE ARE SE\DING \TIA S.roc*"o D OFJGINALS ! UNDER SEPARAT rr colaER ! COPY OF I,ETTER ! SPECI}'ICATIONS ! SHOP DRAI4IINGS N PRINTS N oTHER COPIES DATE DESCRIPTION \<"--> , I{Rnlt*z{ I l*f (A lc btate' a =fi6nuL'tn 6lR7* 1^.01rq -(e) G^te!,q .onro r*ofiYd \__ phone: 970.476.4433 1000 Soulh Frontage Road West, Suite 100, Vail, CO 81657 info@resorldesign.com fax: 970.476.4608 FRISCO DE]{VER SAN NRANCISCO iIJNiIflSiIU !IT3U3 WVCUitAViIg ,l!llliug I fiE(9 eId?o& 1fi EI lr t{ E 3rlA riHi*t ifill#$ll $lllilil#!$,,1ffiffiff* t4 () z t:t&g {o oA --- { -\qP i ! ffi m ,\ [ l-rf if- \' lt llll tl ffiffiffi i iliffittilli#$' it$ffilffi'$ iffBy; ul{'lll' ' Ct-', -fo5 B I !.to { (t,o1,. BEAVER DAM CIRCLERESIDENCE tl HI rB !E I I I t I EiE C fii$ffitiry'i'iliff FiB:EHE EtEE r t i g uilllll mitiiiiiiiiiiiii 6h \]_,/Rlc!laitn:ln rlr slfi lf,F llPrto !l$,'tn r Il- BL> {lz -----T--- fln ffi ) I I ( I I l.. I -.. I _____J -l I la'r m HI u_t BEAVERDAM CIRCLE RESIDENCE lff t, 0fi tv&r rcl.finDRu]|(i lllirliiiilirii4ilil esign Review Action Form TOWN OFVAIL Project Name: W & B Development LLC hoject Description: Minor changes to secondary unit (extension of deck on north side and west side, new windows in EHU on east elevation, reconfiguring of stair to EHU) Oumer, Address and Phone: W & B Development LLC ArchitecVCo'ntact, Address and Phone: Jay Peterson, 108 S. Frontage Road West Suite 204,Ya11, CO 81657 hoject Street Address: 387 Beaver Dam Circle Legal Description: Lot l, Blk. 4, Vail Village 3'd Filing t D Parcel Number: Comments: No increases in GRFA required for changes Proiect#: PRJ99-0114 BuildingName: Board / Staff Action Motion by: Action: Staff aPProved Seconded by: Vote: Conditions: Town Planner: Dominic Mauriello D^tei2l8l00 DRB Fee Pre-Paid: o e.rladeJ J""k. ' lO@'-@u r LN1.0'. 5W' 'v o\aphrn ' @fi \/ il .I k -Eq) +-so ,,$\\ a \n /-^'3 \\ \\ \\ \\ \\-r#ffi t@t JpLQ ,e e. p19 l--'"q:tr' 4 Is -r---ri,J--J:ntL@tl I I I I -. a:aA?:1d36 o ,\vflrJlvm 3t{o}6 d3rv3l-t rl HIJI'l,-'Nl1lVdI 'r'm s.1aNTd2e17 --i,'.:ffi:.|Jfl lli; + ,4q /\+ 0t/B 3EP, jl4' 99 (TUEI l3: 25 rsl,(loNRosEriBAUI,t._ TEl32e23152 P.002 Arronxrvs & CouNsur-ons Ar Law SIrYmxD. nomfl uxG4ttJ! todr s/olulr L ltl,y llDlvpr C. tlrcrf ttcgrrD D, qtrlrcr|D lDtr|DT. n^rl'uu|/u.r.s.r|5l|$furlacll, oo ov^.tf.n6rrrLqrtll'lF|c!I. tlrttrJa nu{t|'frqa.sl sda.Eo{ l" Frttor,rxYREt i,o L NAi'ttlM t(!. Crrjt'&tt){irNf, f,|{ Ax tLEl g lrzr. n@!Ud.!. Sr|ltmr,l Jolol Vooiflr|!fEE^ltfcurlgle{L T.]rsrtlfqflrD K llorxFu.o,rl|r P. $tDr4,| Jgrtx,L qr|xnt OrvD L lfuos^rfuvrDLC6@'l Perrrca lfnr UrrT)qt$ Lcorr D^E{xAmnrt$Ekr.tY. Oltrurrl^||rl.llryr Fxr'}a &IoflEirrfilll|I'Dfottrq{st^clft wc| rxrx .lE{r !rI. tl^r$G$ Iuac{8;J.Y Parflu. L fdorcuSr lyil. lfirrrr Scptcmbcr 14, 1999 l'0r.6 C.lr ,rdso lll|Dltr!!cl rE isr{r.rfu n|d|.rirrt lemrr.r+ CorDorr.ltto$itritJorErr.:lrEurl,0taatrra) - Srrr.DvGrAtg6ts, gs6qalo arrPttt Dtrt$art.oolrsr lhqaoirrl.coF vIATELETACSIMILJ R. Tbomas Moorehead Towu Attoracy TownofVail 75 South Frrontago Roarl Vail, CO 81657 Re: DcarTom: W L l|tt"l, Vo, I lr,il,'y a't- 381 Bea'rer Darn Circle Tbis lcttcr will be a follow-rry fo Gary Woods'rncerinE witb pu on Septeurb€r I, 1999. AsGary orplaincd our oflicc has bctr rEtaincd by lbe Carol Woodc Sohnidi At"tifi"d p66onal Residencc Tnut II, as the oumcr of the ruideuca al,l0l Bcavs Dam Circte in thu towo of Vail. \[/e arr conccraed about thc sccoqdary unit proposed for 3g l Beavcr Dam cirsre its Froxinity a[d scale with rcgard to their rcridcnce, and ftc Town ofVail pmcsdures in revicwing the pgoPo;l f"; tho property at 3El BeaverDarn Cirstc. nrodification ofny kind is madc in ths dcrigu c locatiur of the secondry rcsideocc poporcd ftr 381 BeavEr Dsu Circlq tbst frE Vail Dosien nivisc, Boald is rcquircd punueil to dtoito t t of the Vail Zoniug Regulations. b rnriew any sggh rcviscd 'roeign at a pub-lic meeting of tbe Design Rcvies'Bolrd" Sectiou l2-ll-3(A)ofthcVailZoningRcgulatimsprovidesthat'bopersonshag corurcnce building conshrction . . . cxterior altcruion of ar existing stustuE , , , or othcr,.?TrllTtt of open Bpalc. . . unlesr darip approval has bear grant€d . . .,'. The ouly cxception to thio rule is the additiou of plmt ngHials. Any othcr changes ofstry kind to to apparcnt ryporat, ofthc sccordrry residenc e requirc Deeign Review Bourd airpmvat, iucludin& but ,rot tinrited io, euy' chmge or modificstion to ary cxlcrior portiou of ihc pmposod strlct$rq fra itr Oolo *O patoJ. Wc find no provision in you code wbictr providco for my aduinisrativc aulbodty for revGw sld approval of such matters, Please providc uotice to both oru clicut urd oru officc of auy submissiul at ts72 63J l7m S'rnrrt, Strrrs 2200, DENvsr, coronaoo 60202 . 1lt.Zg:..i6ll6. F^x lOl,292.Jtjz SEP. -14'99{TUE} l3:26 IS/\ACSIR0SENBAUM LRK/smbcc: Jaoee and Carol .cichmidt TEt:3Del 3152 P, 003 ' IsAAcsoN, RosENBtuM, WooDs & LEvy,p.C, R Thomes Moorehearl Septeurber 14, 1999 Page 2 $ a qlan chenge by thc owucr of 381 Beaver Dam circle or of a neethg of the DesigD ReviowBoard reguding zuch a pleo change. . . - -h "*luatingthe.bietowofthepmpocal at 381 BeavcrDan circle, several othsiszues existwhioh have becn brought to your attentiln. we believe that ths r"qm or vail is violating rheTqTft*lt--of due p'ocess of law by conductiug Desip Rcvies, goari ..rrings tbat bsvcsipificant affects ur adioining propertiL, witbour troviaing notice oruose hearings ro nfectodProperty own€rs' while colorsdo courls havc not bad to addrls that ieruc car" ta* iE othcr ststessupports rhis right of due pmcess in land use hcadngs. Section t2-ll-15(I).of.Vail's Zoning Regulations rcquire tbe eubmittal of certaindocumcntalionforthedeterminaliono_fwhethusigninrd.iteoo*tuiot *uldpornitftephysicalscparation of units, From s review ofthe record-ofthc Torvn ofVai[ it looks as thougt irnportantparts oftbat submittal wereuotprovidedatthctime Satthe DesiErReviewBoardruadeitr dccision. with rcgud to the validity-of.the epproval for tbe employee howing by thc planning aodEnvirnnmental commission_, thc vail Zonjru Regulations ,iqui"r ooti"u-to abrrtting propcrtyowners' owclieutis one ofthosoabutti,rgpmpertyo*urrs, andnwerdidreccivenotice oftheJune14, 1999, bearing ou this maner aud the roum orve t roords do not coqtain auy certificete ofproofof mailiag of eush uotice, Because lhe uotice wa.s uot given and/or was defoctive, our client wssunablctoparticipate inthopublichcaring. Wo therefore-bclievethepEC approval oftbeernployeehouing is iuvalid until r hcaring is held with proper notice. All of these issues raise serioqs cotrcenu about the validity of the ability of tho owner ofthelot at 381 BesverDatn circle to corrstruct the secondary unit witi"rthy;; h;using inctrficd 6{we re sdll evaluating sll of our clienfs possible courccs of astim wi'th *gard a the sme. Very truly youn, Date Receive SEP i 5 rc99 Lawrance R. Kueter { tot72 Dominic Marricllq Towr of Vailptnr+ing DqarUcnt . FRry{ -}_UESTERN. EqoLoGrcnL. REUCE nErtY lo rTrExlrox ot RegulaEory Branctr FAX NO. i 3634499@EA DEPART]IIENT OF THE ARIIY U.S. ARTY ENOII{EEB DISTiICT. 3ACRAHEilTq . conPs oF ENOlxEEns t325 J STREET slcRAuENTO. CALIFOn lA 9641a-2922 Septerber 15 , I.999 ( 199e75361) Sep. % t999 @4t39Pn Pz V".tY; LVa z4' Mr. David ,f,obnson wE=tei" Ecological Resouree, Incorporated 7X1 WaInuE SEreet Boulder, Colorado S0302 Dear -Mr. ,.lohnson 3 I am responding t,o your reqfueet,- o5l behalf of W & B Developmeng, LI-,[;-t5r . bepartmjnt of the Army-permit Uo fi]fi#n!"iirl**itEiiar inlo ss3 sguale-feet of-weelands for the constrtuct.iOn of a home on L,ot X, Bfock 4,- Beawer Dam Circle in vail- The projecU is located at isolated within Sectlon 6, fJwnehip s 3ouEn, Range 8l- v{est, Town of vail' Eagle Countsy' Colorado. The chief or sngineers h'as iaeued nationqtide general-permit . pumber--ie rhi"ht..tifr5"iu"s the dlscharge-of dredged or- fill material in waiere of the UniUed Statses for minor discharges. t il:-;;;;-a*-ceii:..red that your project will -not af fect threatened iii ii"a""g"i*a .f--ies pr6tect-ea 6y the Endangered speeies.4c!' Your proJ ect cai: be corrstru.cted, uid"t- Ehis auEhgrltY provided the *"ii ire"Ls the conditlons fisted on Lhe enclosed informati'on lrt""c'rl-:irri.r--"riiicaci.on'authorizes perrnattent.impact= !" :?3-^ scruare feet of weglands and temporary Lonetnrction impacts EO 320 ili];; ;;;; ;; we.Lande. rhe tlmporirv impacte must be fullv ,.ressored upon ";;i;r;,, oi irr"-pi":".i._ t?r muer send a slgned Ietrer of ceruifi-cation to Ehe Cbrpi of Engineere within 30 days afier :corrrpletii;-;i-;h" work (.see leneral.conditj.on number 14)' i.-.."py-"i-ift" certifieation 5tsat€ment i3 ineluded for your use' Thisveriflcationlgvalidf,ortwoyeargf,romghedateor,- Lhis i"lrr.t. Ii to; have not compLeted your project- by.that- ;fi;,-iJ*-.ii""ia iorrro"r rhe Corps of. Engineerg to obtain lnformation on ;"t-;h;;;es wrrich-may haw--occurred tso the nationwid" p*r.:-ii. ' Y6; "5" t.spottLibt" for remairring informed of euch changes Date Received sEP 22 lses oFF"C6bPl FR0l'1 :. TTESTEFN: FcoLmrcfl-. REUCE FAX NO. | 3?J4499Afi Etern Colorado ory Off,ice 402 Rood Avenue, Room 142 Grand Junctsion, Colorado o Sep. 29 1999 E4:39P1'l P3 8r.s01-2553 We have asslgned number Lggg7536i. t'o your- prolect'' P1ease refer eo.rhis n *E", in any ""rr""!lii"n"u"fif, tlrLs office. Tt' you have .r,y q,r."Elo,,., pllase t"tt["ti Mr' Michael craffey of Lrris office-or E;i;il;;inumber (szo) 243'LLee' extenslon L3' i€u^* Enclosure ---- CoPles Furniehed: Mr- Bll-1 Clark,- Colorado DiYl:1?1^of.Wildlife' ?11 Independent , Avenue, .Gtrand ilunction, ,Colorado 81501 Ms. susan r. *liiylil-ula.' eisn-a"a-wi1d1ife- se:rrice'' 7 54'Horj-zon-'Drive,so,,'iffi!x-e,c'u'dJ,'i-.|io'',Co}orado81506j3946' . FRoH',:. UESTFRN: TOLOGICAL. RTUCE Pcrmit File Number'- 799975361 FAX NO. :3a34499e3e CERTIFICATION OF COMPLETION See. tu L999 @4r4APn P4 NATIONWIDE PERMIT 18 MINOR DISCHARGES (Sections 10 a$l404) Efective Darc: Il February 1997 ygrc;, Adgii'gg.gl"T:*r:,,f,"^,*i119,.:$:l*'l-"ide Pcrmits can be obaincrl on thc intcmu ar Expires: 11 February 2002 B W;'.#,f:lff-fffii:L,flUi#r3ffi',Stonw.e Pcrmits car be oo'iunco on ' The Corps of Engineers bas issue<l a nationwidc-g-enerallermit althorizinq milor discharges of dredsed or fill material into all *ut tt oi rn'J fi;ftlxt States provided thit the activity mees ail of the following critrria: a. The quanrrry of discharged material and the volume of excavated area does not exceed 2s cuuicyil.r.sfiioiu-Ii.-frio,J ot rtr; *diryy higb warcr mark or rhe high tide line; b. The discharge, including any excavate<l area,sillrot cause the loss of more Oan 1/10 "# oi " til;i"l ;ii-dtit,'iociuaing..wfuilds' Tol th: ?Y?-ry-t of.this*nationwide p".rir, &e arreirge timiiation inc-ludes.rhe fillerl area and eXcavated ilrea' plus ryectat aauatic sites that ffAffigiy "iiaa;t nooOi"g a:rd-special aquatic si6s tbat are drained il ffi ffi;fi;i no tonger bc a watcr or tuc Uu:iteo Srites as a'result of $e project; :- - ' ,, If the discharge, including alry excavated atea, cxceeds r,9 :*i:f:t-$-b:P:P"pr""..oi'g" g"iii.ry ni$- w1rc. maif o-r ae nigU hae [ire' or thc disclrargc is in a .special aquarrc sne, rncruding wetlalds, the pernittee n6tiJiEs the District engineer in accordance ;iiil."fi"ffi4ffi;"?.i.,:,t'"ilaiuon. 'Foiaii"d*ga rl qge€ial Iquatic sites,.including wetlands, trt" outifiJu-,io"o-iioil il; i;ill" ;ietin""cdn of a*bctcd splcial aquatic sites' includini wetlands. (Also see 33 CFR 330'1(e))- : d. The discharge, including all attendaot features, both temporary and permanent. is parr otisinfie dil;ild; p."J& ."d iirot placed for the purpbse of strcam diversion' ' single and comPlete Project. A. GENERAL COhIDITIONS: The following general conditions must be met in order for I. NavigAion.. No activity may causc more than a minimal ad.lrerse effect on navigation ' '2, hoper Maintenance: Any suusture or flll- Auhorized shall bc properly maintainea, inltudi"g naintenance to e$ure public safety' and siltation conrols must3. Erosion anit Siltation Contrck: Appropriate.erosion ue used-anoi#r;il;e ilAf*;;;i;ii"s 6"d'id"n drring construction, un<l all exposed soil and other fid;;;;il ;--V *.rlt* UcfS*:.O" ordinary.tiigh water mark or high tide lioe,-nG be permanently stabilized at the earlicsr practicable date. lBc llltgll)q at IA . FROI'I i. I,JESTERN. rcOLOGICAL. REs FRX tfo. 2 fi349WBA Sep. 26 7999 W. tPn P5 4'AquaticLileMovenenfs..Noactivitymaysubsntrtiatlydisruotthemovemeutof rhose species-of aquatic iiti'iooig"ooos to t5c *7t#6'iail-i'i"rtaitte thosdsoecies wbich normafy misate tLt"tsiittl;9,;;H il;ail]'(pttilt pirpose is to impourul water. 5' Eouipment: Heavy cquipment working in wedands must be placed on surts' or orher measuris -must lc taken to minimize soil Olsturbauce' 6. Regianat ani! Cae-by.Case Conditions; The activity:nust comply with auy resioml conditious whicn nay dave been ;aldfi by ttre Oivision Ensineer (see 33 CFR 33b.4(e)) .r,rt *itti;;ttilr'd;il liieiii,,i'i"6feo oi tt'" corps-or bv the State or ribe in its Section 401 water qualrty cerhllcauon' .'.T.WiJ/.anitScenicRiyen:Noactivityrytyogcqrina.comDotrentoftheNational Wild arn<l Scelic Ri;''$;;;;;1";;i;'oihci"riyaoiguated bv^g9g-e5,1t "-:*tlv,itE"Ti, possible'inclusion inthe rystcm, w$lc the-river-is in an official study staurs; urrlcss rhe ^pp*pii"'t"-'f"O-"."f "E"nlV, frl air&t *anagement resDollsibiliry for such rivcr' has detcrmined rn wiiti"e that tfe pt"oposeO a"ti"ity witt"nqt arlver6elv affect the Wild aDd Sccnic River designation, or study sta-tus' iffo*i"rtion on y-qg ana Scenic Rivers may be oburined frorn the-appropriate Federal land ma.oagemetr agency.E-99 alga- G'g: It3F9# park Service, U.S. 'i';*fi'!;;tii., S"i*" ui foia Ur"ofemdnt' U'S' Fish and Wildlife Service). 8 . 'Iyibal Rigltts: No activity or is operation may impair reserved uibal rights, inctudiij, ;;; dtitid to, ro"'n"i *uier iigbts aud tr'iatr iishrn-e and hunting rights' :p.Wa|erQualityCerrifuation:Incertalnstates,aniqlividualSecdon40lwater oualirv serrificatiotr must be obained ot friuJ.-ff1 CaL-nOptV6 CX'RTIFICATION Is*Iifidiiliiifr:-1;N.il";i"',iiii'tioo il iJqoit.o in Truckee. and Carson River Drainages. In Utafr l"a C.fo*a", mOi"iauai-Jenification is NOT required (see 33 CFR 330.4(c))' .lo. Coggtal Tlne Management: |n certal+ states' atr. iu<lividual state coastal zoue nreB?gemem consiJtenii concurEnce -uri6J 6iai"li or'waived (see section 330'4('l))' ll.EnfungeredSpecies:(a)No"c|"ityisarrttrorDedrruderany,natio_nwi*^1.:.*', wlricb is likety to jZoparcliZc thc continucd exisreice of a threatene<l or etrdangered sPecres or a species p-po""#Lti*t;"t?;ig*tdo. "i-idJntintA ruder the Federal Endangered species Act, or wtrich is likety to_desnov-;iad"iisilv cguiry the critical habitat of such sriecies. Noo-reciJruipinlittd"s statt gcitiry rni'Disnl"r Engiireer if any listed sPeiieg o1 ciidcat habitat *ilitTu""tifrliiiJ;+ i,;t1,i"-""iiii:"itniirq99t' an<I shalt not begin work ' on rhe acrivity ;fiil;;iffi--d; il riii!4"t-rne6rir ttru 0r9 r6quiremeils of the Hrd;fi4-5p*i", A", lpve beoo satisfieO anl Uiat the activity is authorized' (b)Authorizationofanactivirybyanadonqide.permitdoesnotauthorizethe"take'' of a rhrearene.r o"iifrliigj."a-rpeties'as'o"hiIJ-u"a"i tfie Federal Endaugered Spccies Act' In the abseoce "i '6;;"i. ;;rh,i;;a;("i. * ESA secrion lg.Permit. a Diological Ooinion with 'incidintal takc" prot'isionii'StcJao- tne U'S' Fish and Wildlife Service or th'e Natiorral Marine Fishcries Service, uiitiT.irtiirna oon-tettrat "takesu of prot€cted specics arc io, violarios of the Enctangered SpeciJs-.fJt.'lnto.*"tio".ou ttre location-of threatened anct endangered iit#i'.t *o 6" oUt"iiieq lirlJtiy fi6m the otfices of dre U'S' Fish and wildlife service'fi;'I.i"ilffi Niiri*-ii.n"ii"i Servicc or their world wide wetr pages at , FRor4 ':. TJESTERN. EC0[-0GICAL. REUCE FRX NU. : 34344999!38 Sep. 29 L9€9 @4i42Pn P6 hhtp : //www. fws. govi - rgeudspp/endspp' html antl '-hdf,rktrrgiiiii.iii.r-rr*.gov/tmcintyr/pto1i"s-u-rm#ES and Recoverv, respectivelv' Lz.HMoricProperties:Noactivitywhichmayaffect.historicpropeflieslisted'or eligible fbr tisring, i" ii{-l.f-"rili*i n"gist t'oifriiori"'fnc91-isiuttrorized-' uutil the Disrict Enginceq rras comptlef,ii*'-inl-ptonit%*.of it-qFR p.*ry.gzlt.ltPendix C' The prospccrrve p"r,oruuJiouii""titf tt". Di$rii i"gi""ut^if the.aurlrtiized activity may affect any bistoic prop"r,E'TiriJ, aii".-i"ea to U. ffiiUr", or which the oromective pelmittce :ffi ',',xiiH:ffi #r:#"d'gffiT','::-'9n-"iu*6u*:*Ull-L:'i#ii:"il3ff ' of the National ffitrlii.Tiit?*.ti*-e"t Utu-t'U*oiatisntA a:ig tnat the activity is awhorizcrl. r"r"#loii,-r, ric r;*{y"a'J*iri"o* "f iristoric.rcsotuces car be obtained from rhc sate Historic prcscrvation orrrce an<i--rnt National Register of Historic Places (see 33 CFR 330.4 (e)' 13. Notification: (a)Tining:WhererequiredbytheterrnsoftheN.WP,thenrospectivepermiftee Eust norify me niltrici*di!il;;'v/ith; p.i--Ciriiro"tion Notiticatio:n @CN) as early as i-J*tifit" "it st^tt not begin- the activity: dre NWp *itrr-"iwip-#iif;;,i iii* ilpo."a ty fre District or Division Ensineer; or " (z) If notified by the District or Division Fngineer that an in<livirlrul pemrit is required; or: (3) Usless 30 days (or,45 clays fgr.NWP Ja5 gg-P-h"uu passed ftom the . Districr Eugi'cer's i."Jifi of tt 6 oitift"utioti Aq-F" prospective- per-ii'tee bas uot teceived nottcc ftom thc Dil;;'# iii"iti* -Eiii"*.. Subse{uenllv, tbe-permitlee's risht to proceect under rhe NWp may !g_.ggifi9;*;pild;dl;i rdvokerl'ollv iu accordance widr fi;;;A*t 'ii rona in 3i CFR 330's(dx2)' (b,)contcntsofNofificaian..Thenodficatioumustbcinwritingaudincludetlre .. - fotlowing i.uformation: (l) Nasre,.address aurl EtePhonc uumbgrs of thc prospective permiuee; (3) Brief <tescription of the pro?o.s.d q{;"j9::i-1le project's purPose; direct and indirect aclverse environmentaf effccls.tle projld woUa cause; anv -o6er llffP(s)' regional. seneral Dermit(s) il'ilafiiitfr pi,tilitio "5iioii":t."oJo t" be risect to authorize anv part ;i'iilil"p.s"J p*5""t or any ielated activity; and - (4) For t'[\VP's 14' 18, 2l' 26' 29' 34' qtl 39' thc PCN must also includc a . detineauion of afrcciij iili,'i;&;;l.iti,-i"iiua'i"g't"tt*oi (see- paragrapb l3(0); (c)FornlofNorification..Thestaudardiudividualpermitapplicationform(Form ENc 434s) rnay be ,*"iiJ,iT:ilrntin'Jui6iUut-ii,ti;i.*ti indicati'tlat ir is a PCN and musr include alt of ttre iir"ti"tiiiii?d;t"d il 6i (11-i+j-dt General Condicion 13' A lener may also be used. 3 FRX N0. | 34344998,38 Sep. 26 1999 A4:42Pn P7 t. tbe proposed activity, fte District engin erivifi',iiilifi"6 tinether the activitv authorized by tne NWp will resdl in nrore than minima] ftOivia"J oiCurrulativc adverse euvironmental cffecrs or may be contrary to tt-re pu!!ic.idffi'--Th" Pl9:p195:^oerurittee mav' optionally' subEit a Droposed rnitigation plan with the pre'consmrirtion notifrcitioo to cxpedite th. e #;;'"5e"fiJb1ffi ifi;irlJ';iafi ia;;anyoptioglmitigationtheapplicanthas included ia the proposal in determining '*nlirt-eitf(e riet adverse Environmeniai effccts of the proposed *orr -"tJifr--"1. -itlii; 5il!t,Jt d"line.ia"tcni"es lfat the activitv complies wirh tlrc terms a.ud ffitioit 6t Oe ltlwP;d"that the arluers"-effects-are*minimal' thc ." ;ilrilEodft#;ffi;fiffthJp*ttiin i ino incua" any conditious the DE dccms lecessary. Any mitigatio! proposal ml$ b: -EtPlgvcd.bY-ry ?PSj* Ensineer prior to comme$crng worx. If rhe prospective perfrittee etels to submit a m-itigatidn plan' the Disuicr Engineer'r"ifi .ip"&iiioosty-review-tUiproposea mitigation nlan' but will '1ot courmence ^ r*ooa?o'-a'"Vf[;?5i;i t"I Nqrfi-teiilificafron.pr6cedrue' If the net artvcrse effects of tbe projbct (with O9 ntiClationEoposal) are d&ermincO UV tttg lisgtg;tfiilflil *i#iii, ili]-oireiciioeider wif prbvide a timely wriftea rcsPoDse to me applicanc srating $;I 11'j pioS*t cau ptoiecd-':rdet'the terms and i:onditions of the nationwidc Pernfi. IftheDistriaEngiueerdercrminesthattheadverseefflctsgfthcproposed-y9+-T" urore $an ,oinimi, tf,;r"tffiitl oor_ify1q" ifplicant eidrer: (1) '1tnt F. ntj"".t does not Qualify ror outtor;jafo-J;;i;; th;-NfirP;"d"iniroct-tu".applicant on tbe procedurcs to seek autborkadon "od;;;t;fi"i;;'*ii; ?iitdilh" pt"ieit^ is authorized-unrler the NwP subjcct t, u. "ppiir-r{iuuutini"g." tqtigitioo proposai that would reduce the adverse effccts to ure mrniria-ii""li; "i igi"that d#;;ojed;if authorized uncler the l'IwP with spccifrc modifications or cooditions. (e)AgencyCoordinai'on.'The-DistrictEngirreer.willconsideranyconmentsfrou Fcderat aga sare%i#ffi;;;td-rh";t P#d'*ti"ilvt compliance with the terms and conditions or tte rifiFl;J-tb;;*a'foJ Siti[;tfi io teaio* the lmject's adverse en"it""-entat effects to a minimal level' (i)ForNwP14,?!,26(betweeuonearxlrtrreeacresofimpac0.29'33,37, and 38, Thc Districr Engineer witt,-upon iciiipt of a notifgation' provide PF:g]T:lv' e.g., tbcsimir" ttu**ltS6o, g"erni$1_ryll or other lpeditigul-paruel' a copy to ue ...' appropriarc oirice*s oi'ti'Fhi i"o fi1dff; S;G' -S-ti19 natgraf resource or water -quar$v asencv. EpA. S,ore Historic Preservation"6ff;; (qg!Ol, aTtf if aeDropriare' tle National Maririe lisheries Servicc, With tlc "*""p.-i*-ii i1r;;-P tit theic aelincias will thea bave frve calen<tar days from thc date tU. tatJri"-fit trandfind to telepf,one or fax the District Engineer ooac. ttaf ir.ylilii tJp*"if"-.u'urtitr", iiie-specinl comments' If so 'contactecl uy ao a#nii,'th;-it^ittttct q"gii'"it-ffi;i q atfaiCgnat 10 calendar days (16 calendar days forffii'zt-pcr.rii 6rri,iJ;;kfi;'r Gisi;q.o"-th" notification' The District F.rrqilrger will tully coDsider agency "o.*-*t" rEceived witbin thc specified time fraire, but will prnvide no rcsPonse toti-r-iource "t-:ltt'T* Disuict Engiueer will asencies, concerus were considet"a. apiii""nri *i "."gouttge4 to provide tlle Corps io:nttipt" copies of notificatioos to expedite agency notrtlcauon' FRX N0. | 3@3449WlE,4 Sep. 26 L999 B4i43Pl7 PB ,^'-':^-^l A a,.n^r t-nnwli ' L2' L3' 1?' 18' Z7 ' 31'(ii) Opcioual Aggn9y Coordination' For !'Iwf1f' 7 ar.d 34, where a n#od.l<triiniiuao.r ot'Se''" neglg$-P-5fj'of USFWS' or a Reeional Director .iF NffiiS iii-ro*nrf iequesiea eeneral nodrlcation fiom the District E*Eineer for thc u.itiuiiiitJ con;t"d by a,i. y 6itril-t" fWps the Corps will provide the requcsting as.csgy ;iifr;;ti1ili;; J+ +";*il;,ff'NwPi. -How'"ver. where the agencies havc a recoro or ;lcilillly1uut"Ini"g'sfuituntiu" comments on activities covered by any of tnese NWpli".f; cG-J iirtri"t_.iicii"orti"ue providing notification to those regionat ug.o.y-o#.il: lHffit'i"t Engi""". will cooidinate with the resources agetrcres to ideutify whrch acrivities involving a pcN--iu"i tnt agencies will provide substantive commeuti to dre corps- lle Disrict gngio#-*li-a[o reqey llrunetrts from tbe asencies on o ""r"-I6jiu.s"i"tiJ*nt" t4E.oisirict'Engin-9er?Jctern'ines that such comments wlurd assist,r," co"dit"r;#hil;Hi-iiJiil-"tf,ei-utf"its ate ,oore than minimal eifter individuallY or ornuluivelY' (iii) Optionat Agency Coordination' 401 Denial' - For NWP 26 only' where rhe state has deniecl its 4O1 warcr qtt"rt y. ""tt:iiJ#o"- ioi *ti"itio with less than bne acre of wedaud impacr, tU! tpn *gi"*t iOmiiisrrator rnay reqlest agencv coordinatiou of PCNs , between 1/3 ana oo" acru. *The request di-;;t-in"iude 191'glqliimitations wirhin ftg l/J to ooc acre r.og, fr:riil.h if,c .t"iJ ft* AJ"ierf water quality certification' In cascs where - rtre F,PA nu, roqu"si"C 6dOi*tion-ot pru'l-"it, at G"tiUcd irer9, the Corps will forward the pcN to EpA oory."'fu"-pbN *ur th""b"';;;;td;dio G Fitt'a"o witdlife service arc rtrc'National Marjne Fishelies Serlice by EPe. uncler agreements among-those--agerrcies' ffit'&;il;;".iF; ir.;-pcN *li uc 6orlrd by the EPA tineftames for provrdns corimmts to tbe CorPs. $lWetlanilDelineaions:w:'rqsdelineatio-os-Igustbcpreoaredinaccordance .witb rhe currenr #,f#";;;;lli'uy-tut6#:"r;; NW! 2e s:d pi'agrapn Ox6).(ii2-for parcers less trnu o.j'o"].a-,l"'lire.'rnepilifiitirJd"int.rdc.co'its dd6tiueate fte special aquaric sire. fnere"diy-U"lto.i C"r^y i?t#'e;tPtf"ii UJaUio"ation' Furthermore' the 30<1av period (45;";'f* \nYP ieJ 'iliii o"t tat[until the wetland delineation bas heen ilitfiitiJ i.o \tu""ittlra to ttre co4is, where appropriatc' (g)Mi|igation:Factorsth-attleDistrictEngineerwillconsiderwhendetermiaing (i)T<lbopracticable-,tbgmftigationmustbeavailablcandcapableofbeing dorp considcring ;;", .ffild;,;jffiibliji"Ol"glt6tt in light of the overall project purPoses; (ii)Totlreexregt|Ppropriate,permittcesshould.cousidermitigation|xnking and other forns of midgation inclqdrn' "*Ttii6t:ffi .o *ttt-d tnrst funds' rin lieu fees" to oreaoizations ,.,.liit ffii-Nu*iJbdG"t"ii"lt' sii! ot "'rEI-*.nt*l resource management agEncies, *tr.r" .juii ttfi'""ti.i:it"i"ititt" iisiot"tion,.creation' renlacement' enhancegent' or preser/"uoo oiil.ri*fr". n rtn"r.;: ;il;i;ii1-tgs"gbn ihat mav be appropriate anri pracdcabte inclute, but are nor u,:'#i i3liiiilJii,g-i[i siie of the pioject;-establishi:rg weilind or uptani-l=u}i" zones to pro,*-"qiuril'iJtJ,ii3".""tu!s; urd rei'iaiing thc loss of aquatic tesource vaiues by crcatiug, -*tgtli.g, *1-1ry..:J".g t#tl* fimctions 3a{ valreS' In rtddition, mitigation rnirst address wedandimpaus' such as functions and values' and can ror ue simpry'|lJi liiiilri* tUr *.."ilJ#i["trt ia to55 !9t would occur in order to mert tbe acreasc ffiit;i;;;i G.rffnt^ (il. f"J IIP !' five acres of wetlands cannor ue createoTJJ;rd"-;ir-*[ rgss o] weltaaos to a one-acre loss; however, two created *r", ."o i;;a% i"ou"" it" impacts of a three-acre loss). 5 : FRUM ::. UESTERN:ECOLoGICAL. *tlu*FRX NO. i, 3aB4499a,3e Sep. 2O t999 A4244Pn P9 .--- i^J:a^4i--. F'ar pivcd a Nationwidg14. Complian'ce Ceniftcation-'1- Eyerv Dermiftee who ha's rec rrermit vcrification from th9 Cgrps y1ll *#i'fi;c"A ct"tific"tioo' "tsardinq tlre cornplcterl work a1d any required miti-garioh. fne c"ni'f,ciri;ffiilf i;*^tdfi"by t1i Corps with the authorizatiou lettdr and will include: a'Astatementchattheauthorizedworkwasdoneinac,cordancewitlrtheCorps auttroriiation,' inctuding lny general or specific coudidons; -? ' b. A statcment that any requirerl mitigadon was completed in accordancc with tlre permit condirions; c., The signaure. of the pcrmittee certifying thc completion of the work and mitigarion. L5. Multiple tlse of Naliony'dc-ltfi!;. In any.case where-anv NWP nurnber 12 tlroueh 40 is combined wiin any other \$! ii_,ni6"Ffi +0., as part of i single and #;r"" ;";Fi: ;;;;;ii; ids,Frify -*9 bi't'i"! E".ginccr- in accordance with oarasrmhs a, b, and $il;;'iiifrh;ti6;oenJiJ|oogtgounrmbe'r 13. Anv NWP fiffiftri",#dih rJ ;;;; "o,"uio"a wftrr :uri otlrer NWP withouqnotifiqrtiou ro the Coms, unlcss notfrcatjlii iiiUtiilitJ-t*ruifd'i,V t1gtirms gf.rhe'NWPs' As provided at 33 eFR 330.6(c) t*o iT *or-.-i'i*".*i I.I.YP; ;"i ;; ;*bi"rd to autlorize a si$gle and courplete prqect. n"J1,.i.., in";;;liwp-;ffit 6t-usJd mote than onrc for a siugle ard comPlctc ProJcct. B.: SECTION 404 ONLY CONDITIONS: In arldition to the Geueral Conditions' the following cordirious fii;f ""Iy-itiltivities th? in"oiveG drqclrarge of rlredgcd or fill materiat iffo warers .iiili- ijii""i sa,#, ii[ oi"n ui fottowed in oider for zludrcrization by G.Uaiionwide Perrrits to be valid: l.WaterSupplylruakes:Nodischargeol.drcdgedorfillmaterialmayoccurintle proximity or ^ puuri"?#utliilppiv'il"G-;*;il *r,iii tI* aitg*tg. is for repair of the public walier suppty rntake struchues or aolaceit bauk subilizadon' 2.shellfishProiluctbn:Norlisc'hargeofdredgcdorfillmaterialmayocclurn arcas of coilDn'rared rf,lTffi;t"a;;tfi,.Hilts *rJ aiicnarge is directly related to a ilitdhffi;G-tciiuttv authorize<l bv NWP 4' 3.Saitablelularerial:No.dischargeofdrodgertorfillqaterlalmay.consistof unsuitable marerial (e.g., u'ash, rlcbris, "- dii;:^$heh'.:,t::t# mattiial discharged rtrusr be ftee from toxic pollutants rn toxlc tl]o*is $ce section 307 of the cleal water 'AcD. ' 4. Mitigatbn: Dischargcs qf Arg!-e9d or fill rnaterial-!9':^"tut' of ttre United S-tates must le minimti;at6i+d to tnJri't'ximum extent pfircticablc at the project sitc (i.c., on-sitc), unresstidist'i'i-Eogineet d;;;t t i-omp"*"tionolan that the District Eneineer detennLres is morc beneficial to rfre'eivironm"nt'thur on-sitc minicrization Or avo-idance measures. 5. Spawning Areas: Di$chtrges.in spawning areas during spawning seasons mu$ be avoided ro tt" maxihunr extent practicable' FRX N0. i p3M9%34 Sep. 28 L999 Wi44Pl1 State, or o Apptoved OMB No.: 0710{Xlt2 frl?;'ri'rtJgi|flilil??;#S"1ilL"Nr1iliifi; Glo-ir.rnnlb ey irAME oR oReANrzarrouiu ron rNy REPoRT DERtvEo FRoM 'Tr.ils suRvEY. ENG FoRl\, 5065. Feb 97 . - , = ,,' i;- ---.---':'- - -Trro ffii6ffiiEEffi ts ota odEdim cf itfonn lioo is cafiltlslsd lo 3' rorcr*. grhertng rnd,r-".itirre h]l"',iqiJJ,';i.-"-tJtr!9 o"o r*riiiE-G *rrcrioh rf w-tnat''on' sttd snmoflt5 r'o'rding thir budcn e3|ittrde ot' erpd ol [rir collestbn of idonnaon, till"rdtng *tgld... fE ttAudng 6;;;{€; tg-iinnr".,. * o"L,-", l'tathlntron H"dqFd"r s'Nit'-' oidda|s' ta o*ri6.r3 3rd p.*1. <ozrore, iiis]fiJ,nvr nprr.ry. sut rzo+ rriiiiio", i'l zzzeg4.Rcpondems rhould b' 8Ee l|rd no''ui[Eiardiqg ai pr'v,.Jon o{ }$d, oo pfro.r rrEr b cuttid b .ny Fhelv ror frili4 to^-Tlptifhl JJtiri "r .r"-.rton-tr ltlc not diepbv e eunrntV nlid oMB cltrhol nurnh Do Nor RETUR.{ youR Apruc^Trox To rHE ABovE ADDRESs. FEririili';oirpdTEo ppr-rcrrnN to rHE ADgREss sHo\fvN oN THE APPLISATIo fitte .late |rt other r btonnulio.r y olhs.r. PLEASE x |nE I lau!|J I rttr. 'FEE CUSTOMER 5ERVICE SURVIY . REGUI-ATORY PROGRAM U-3.ARMY CORPS OF EiIGINEERII wc rn lfr U.s. Arrny corp€, of EhohmF R€dabrt BrEdl alE cqnmffi to .rt|F(tinu scfliie b outcl€ldnars anq uicuro r||G rc f,nsnv rEl doirg. wt,o are qrr ctdome*? ycr are aicsorasrs if 1",r ".,b,nacdli {n*ri"tg'*.tg t jlti.didiooat d€ient$tErin o( rtfand &tincerltn' orsGlFdtd€d a p..<pptietcn frccttng with .E. cntclcr;acE inolud. t -i of you r^,t o r*iiw orr iidic 1lolbe srdor aofneol€d o'l a Panigulat Foi€c of your irtr*a tn fir Rsooldory p'-,"r . To Sgiit t,t t hF ."n -"t*r*ii]t*'nliO y"t l'"'P nttre rare.rtt" rit" io h[ eu1 lhb bdsf sutY€ttand tnail it hL io !F' yolr hond ofinidr *l rpfp ur Caranre-rr r1cas in urtrbtr sre ocd 1" itttp-;.';;';;; qu6ain. fiea:e nagfe ha hvd ot seolca yotr Ec' GC byrnattng nuhbc, qd , :€.b frDm 1 €, wilh 1 betry lr,v (d66srHird) snd 5 ldng hhh Gy "atr,ooi rr rrr q.i.oi* drs .|9{ oPpv ro yoq. simpf rmfi l'l/A Th'nk tE{' fot }out dn6 and co.rrn€nrr! R6pon € to lhis s.,"e, is voLUNTARy. u yo. crree mr ro r*ilJiffi-ltJ oJ "ny ""t*r or futura acarngs rou may rF\t u/f,h the t'sAcE in ery lvay' L FOR AFPLrcANTS' OT'IERS REAUniNE AMHOWANOIR LOW SATISFAGiNON ,'rcd s,Tlsf cnoE r . Do yoi.r lhink you reaeiv€d lDur Coti6 p€tmit dlcieln h a Esonable --^..r ^a rl^ lt 1 2 3 4 5 l.|^ 2. Dc y!r| thir* you r€cefYEd ylqr Co(Fitlrisddbr€l deterriEihn in a razsamble amount of time? I 2 3 4 5 NA ! 3. lf UG rrrdnrnsrdadlrcqdFC Droi€ct ct€t€s,modiHirFrte t duo' r----r- ili,a u- -l-+{r' 6r.ii th- rsinrG tlln/? 1 2 3 4 5 l{A 4. lf u,e ncommeoded/tEqulIGd poiect Crang€/mdin€aliql6 to rcdr.n inrc-ie. dd he clr'rgcs *.ttl rcaaTlH€ lo vod? 1 2 3 4 3 NA -rd!--.r .d, sr {,r 16 .bantv ar*rih the rwt nlfV? 1 2 t 4 5 NA ffi d€ady and prof€Gdottdy elPlain lhe bsir forllre enforc.med a.lbn (4., what work we believe yOU -^r^..^r r.;+lr^, ,f ar rrhrrri.''tinn? 1 2 3 4 5 NA 1 I J 4 5 NA , i ' r !.-^^, fllrc.t Al tt4?a\ltEl'e NAffi 1. For perrritte*t eairns, uas the Frm effeaive h thic!'lng appropdate --i'-^r-iri--tt-- tt^' idArr,.Ja 16 .6utlic ?acdIca6? 1 2 3 4 E yrw,,rrnsruuvtr !v' *'r-- -- -l--- 2 For enfccenrent adtons. dd the CorF tequira approp|bE 1 2 3 4 5 NA oompindioffidw n- ie ^fuLlo^rn' e'orr€R' CUs rOUEi'' 1 2 3 I 5 NA z. Ofa m Corpe pcriae suftEbnt hfotdEtion !o anotu log to cocrCrfu an -*f-ats r.,m . nsit dr a o(6[c t$tb- or dletn be G,alutie cuf $tfr? 1 3 4 5 NA 3. Did $lt rcspond to tour ldtrrs and tclepnolre calb in a |ls€onaue atratlnt of 1 '2 a 4 5 NA lEr 4. Did h. Cotps leFesenalive ansr,Er pur querthns deriy. gMtro yoll acajrata info,nalion about dlr RestHdt, Prdra|d? I 1 5 NA 5. Whd k !,our OVERALL r8lhg of thl lei'll C aalvice p|6'ld€d !y the CofF ot enokreers Reoutdorr Prcqtamr. I 2 3 I 5 M dvEffiffiiinro RMAToN wt LL BE rAB- y!IE9ffiIfr-FRoM THs auEsrloNMlREwlLL aE usED BY THE DlsrRlcrro lMl'R (FroFrant: .FRO{ :. UESTERN. ECOLOGICRL. R=U]E FAX N0. z fi34499438, PLEASE COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING AUESTIO.NS-BY GNINO US ANII COMMENTS ORSUGi;SNONS FORI{OWYYE CAAI IMPROVE Pleasa indicalc lhe Tature ot Yout buginess ltt enotic'tllc' ch€sx trorc trt'' oncl: sep. 2@ L999 A4i46PN PLz - Property develoPer - Publlc Agcncy ApPlicanr - Civic or Ttadc Organization - Mernber of Legislature - F.deraV6tat€/l-ocal Official - Conserv?tion Organization - Flood/Water cgnkol District - Cgnsultant - FErming/Ranching - Public Agenoy - Pe rsonauPd\rate Prolect - Adjaccnt PropertY O'vn€r - Sand & Gtavel - LaYv Office - SiMculture - Mining - Media - tlativB Atnerican - Other (4scriDer:. Gcnarc lnfornulion Praeppllcation Cuuultdim Nerionrvide gerrml Peml Rrgimat or Fogramrrrafic gGneral pet'nit stendud hdividtret F|mt tetler of Permlsst'ot - Jutbdctionalrvrdlaffl delerminati'm - R€tol(nion ot vlobriqynon€mPlbn€a - R€llEtdY l'rcOratn Feserfafo(t c,snrnentsd on PuHic Ndicefemit apgnoauoa Oher(.bs6ttttt: Which gosDr otti e Oiwtca Dir,ltiot\ tltg'dqufilct' o/f|er' tlid you dcal with? Name ot p.rso|| you Gonlrctd in cur olfice (oP'loao: Do you havc any Go('rtEms or suggcslions on tho Regul-tory Prograrn? l$ton'raUon +out Vou (oPtlond): Address: T€bphone rrtcLr.ta a€ @d')i ' May wc contact You? YEs Ng arrroritir* Thc gpver mnt pcdoflo"nco ard Rc$rts Act-of 19gg d Eror'fivc order (Eo) 1zss2, 'sctting cusiocEr scrui':' st'ndands" datcd seercnrbc,11, 19Sr. rurponni ;;;;G;;a;*.!..rity.or Jrtli.ri -.rot't'o ttpot+,tt fr"-"ir*it'Judtcdon wiih-usacEs 'tiditE . rc;r,"*. Inrorrnrr'on erw"; ;;il1; *il ri ,r* n .fiF'i-i;iiiili or rn. ;;;-i.s'"tt Progrem' .tloutin' uscr: rhit inrornrdon n'y b. "r,"r.o *il *"^ drt; ol iiii"o.nr.,,t tt'd;;fi';foDos cr 1 . g;' rni "urci fcddL drte' and locd govrnnctrt .g€ncies. Dirclosure: "ro"orns ,.q;..d inlorm'tion is J;fi];t'[ii po"ut'rrtrt nrotmarron witt not rcsutt In adversr astlotL (Rcvcrse of Eng Form 5065) Lo*7,4k ,{d;lV t'lror, *Office of the Tbwn Attorney 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-47 9-2 I 07/Fax 97 0-47 9-2 I 5 7 August 4,1999 Arthur A. Abplanalp, Jr., Esquire Druu; Abplanalp & Mauriello, P.C. 108 S. Frontage Road, Suite 300 Vail. CO 81657 vrA TELECOPTER TO (970) 476-476s Dear Art: Your charactefization of my letter to Jay Peterson, Attomey at Law, is inappropriate. My correspondence was not intended, nor does it constitute, notice ofappeal to the applicant pursuant to any Municipal Code requirements. For clarification, my letter was a professional courtesy to an attomey advising him of actions taken by you against the interest ofhis client. Please do not have the audacify to characterize my professional actions inappropriately. It is neither warranted nor appreciated. Thank you. R. Thomas Moorhead Town Attorney RTlvUjg xc: Jay Peterson Dominic Mauriello Very truly yours, -- \n .fu^ tr|,t, {7 *'"'"uo 'n'"* Aur03-00 05:26pr 071t{78{785 Joti w Dul{r AF?I|UR A. AEFLAt{rlF. JR. DI'I{E ITEFI{AT{ TIAU FIELLO caRitE t{Et{oox o'fl?rL s cglrttiFl: JERRY W. HANIAH Frcrotll{ll "uU I ilAmlEtLo Law OFFlcEg Dutttt, AapLANaLp & MauntELLo, P.C. Wssr€rrn EIANF Burl-et o roe Sourx Feottlage Roao Wesr Surtg soo val, CoroRloo .rat t 3 Augrrst 1999 Mr. Tom Moorhead TownAttorney Townof Vail 75 $outh Frontage Road vailco 816s7 vrA TETficoPIER TO (970)479-2rs7 Re; W & B Developuent Llf,lsdlmidt Trust 381 Beaver Dan Cfucle DearTom: Ttankyou for your letter of this date rrgarding ttre contact with JayPctmon in association wittr the above project- For clariscation, a copf of this notice of appegl, like tbat before it, was not prorrided to Jaybecause the Munidpat Code trot only does not rrequire it, but dirccts ihat the Torrvn is to provide the applicant with a c"opy of the notice of apped after the appeal is ffled, We Lave anmpted to comply with the requireurents of the Municipal Cbde iu wery regard and we hope that our client will reccive the hir consideration of her concelrrs by the Council to whidr she is entitled. ltrank you for yotrr c@tiuued altention to this rtatter- xc: Ms. Garol Sclmidt T-076 P.g1l01 F-301 TELEF|rONE: (9701 476-O30C, F CSrMllEi(970).76-47eE arYr* rri lhvc1ail.nct cSFn7|lo Laox ^Safult ! KAREN rl. OU'{ X. CIA5 JA'{ICE T. SCOFIELD. C LA Office of the Tbwn Attorney 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 1 07/Fax 970-479-2 I S7 August 3,1999 HAND DELIVERY Jay Peterson, Esquire Bailey Haring & Peterson 108 S. Frontage Road , Suite 204 Vail, CO 81657 Re: 381 Beaver Dam Road, Vail Colorado Dear Jay: Enclosed you will find conespondence from Art Abplanalp, dated August 2, 1999, conceming your clients project at 381 Beaver Dam Road. His letter does not reflect that he copied you. The Town of Vail is interested in your clients' position regarding the issues raised. Feel free to contact me with any questidns or comments. Very trulqyours, i.j ---..--\ . /',-',") l/l t /,/. /Yfuo //0/-L/,./ R. Thomas Moorhead Town Attorney RTlWjg Enclosure xc: Art Abplanalp Russell Fonest Dominic Mauriello l. Vail Town Council Date Receivet AU6 0 3 1999 {,7'*"uo"^'o Dururu, )o Lrw Orrrces AaplerueLP & MnuRreulo, P.c. JOH N W. DUNN AFITHUFI A. ABPLANALE JR. DIANE HERMAN MAURIELLO CARRIE H€NDON O'NEIL ot couNsEl; JERRY W. HANNAH WESTSTAR Bnrux Burr-orr.rc roa SourH Fnorrlse Rolo Wesr Su rre soo Vltt, Coloaaoo ere:z 2 August 1999 TELEPHONE:(970) 476-0300 FACSIMILE: (9701 476-4765 e-mail: vail la,,v@vail.net CER'IFIEO LEGAL AggISTAHTS KAREN M. DUNN, CLAS JANTCE K. SCOF|ELD, CLA Administrator Departrnent of Community Development Vail CO HAND DELIVERED Town Council Town of Vail Vail CO HAND DELIVERED Re:NOTICE OF APPEAL OF DECISIONS W & B Development LlC,/Building Permit No. 99-0157 381 Beaver Dam Road, Vail CO As the Council and the Department of Community Development :rre aware, this Firm has been engaged to represent the Carol Sctrmidt Qualified Personal Residence Trust II, the owner of Lot 2, Block 4, Vail Village Third Filing, in association with the apparent violation of the Town of Vail Municipal Code in the development of the adjoining property, Lot 1, Block 4, Vail Village Third Filing. The owner and developer of that latter property is W & B Development LLC. On the 19th of Ju15 we filed an appeal of the issuance of the building permit for the above property and related determinations by the Department of Community Development and the Depaftment of Public Works, based upon the reasons set forth in our letter of that date. A copy of that letter, with its enclosures, is enclosed and incorporated by reference. On the 23rd of July, Mr. Moorhead advised us by his letter (also enclosed) that he had "arrived at the conclusion that there is no merit to [the Trust'sl claims in law or in fact" and that "[t]here is presently no decision or action subject to appeal." It is the position of the Trust that our letter of the L6th of July identified the decisions whidr were being appealed and the grounds for the Trust's appeal of those decisions. It appears that no intermediate opportrrnity for a hearing will be provided under the Municipal Code, and, for that reason, the Trust has directed us to file this notice of appeal. The Trust does hereby appeal the decisions of the Town Attomey and the Town of Vail's various departments relating to: lJate Hecetve' AUo 02 l9g9 -l----,,. o a. the decision of the Chief Building Inspector that the building permit should be issued, b. the decision of the Department of Community oevelopment that the project as a whole, and that notice of the Planning and Environmental hearing specifically, were in compliancewiththe zoningprovisions of the Municipal Code, c. the decisions of the Department of Public Works that (i) the applicant had satisfied the condition of the Design Review Board that engineering plans be completed prior to the issuance of a building permit and (b) that the project was entitled to a building permit from a public works analysis, and d. the decision of the Town Attorney that there is presently no decision or action subject to appeal. Ttre grounds for this appeal are set forth in the enclosed letter of the 16th of July, with the exception of the appeal from the decision of the Town Attorney. The basis for the Trust's appeal of ttrat decision is, simply the fact that decisions have been made from which an appeal may be taken, and the initial appeal was taken in a timely manner. The Trust requests that the Council consider this hearing as an appeal from a denial of a hearing before or by the PEC or, if Council prefers, that it simply overrule the determination of the Town Attorney and remand the matter to the PEC wittt directions that the first three questions be considered, as was originally requested. We will also simply observe, as we did in our letter of the l6th of July,, that the decision being appealed extends to the permitting process for both the "primary" and the "secondary" dwelling units, and, pursuant to the provisions of the Vail Municipal Code, this Notice of Appeal is to "stay all permit activity and any proceedings in furtherance of this action appealed. . . ." Whether or not the Council is in agreement with the analysis of the Town Attorney, I am certain that the Council will be advised by him that it is necessary that the Trust attempt to exhaust its administrative remedies, if any exist, prior to litigation. We trust that the Council will understand that this is a necessary effort to obtain administrative review prior to that next step in ttre process. Arthur A. Abplanalp, TOWN OFVAIL Ofice of the Town Attorney 75 South Frontage Road Vail" Colorado 81657 970-479 -2 1 07/Fax 970-479-2 I 5 7 h;Jy 23,1999 Arthur A. Abplanalp, Jr., Esquire Dunn, Abplanalp & Mawiello, P.C. 108 S. Frontage Road, Suite 300 Vail, CO 81657 Re:Schmidt - 381 Beaver Dam Road Dear Art: After a complete review of your letter of July 19,1999, a review of the Town of Vail records and proceedings on 381 Beaver Dam Road, review of the Vail Town Code and the Uniform Building Code, I have arrived at the conclusion that there is no merit to your claims in law or fact. There is presently no decision or action subject to appeal. It is my understanding that the Town of Vail will continue to monitor the progress of this project as it does all other construction projects within the Town of Vail. Very truly 1ours, / -^---\r'1. / , .,.-'lvr, t /L-Vr /: ! L;-tr\ l ri,i: ,(4L-.( R. Thomas Moorhead Town Attomey RTIWaw xc: Gary Goodell Russell Forrest Planning & Environmental Commission Jay Peterson, Esquire Vail Town Council {S *r,"r"""o r^r* Qp/4.91L999 L4.34 e76-4 JAY K PAGE B3 wAIvER Or NOTrQ The undersigned as owner of arr adjaceot piece of property to Lot l, Block 4, vail village . 3"-E!!"s Coung of Eagle, State of Colorado, hereby waives notice required rurdcr Ch4ter l2'16-2G of the Town of Vail Toum Codc for an Application for Conditional Usc Perurit for a Tlpe II Employee Housiag Unit on thc above-described property. VAILASSOCIAIES,INC. FETERST]No76-AA9o FFOI4:JRSCHMIDT PItrNE hn. : 3A3 78A A12a Jul. 28 LgSg AL:zePn PL Lo* t , 6llL,'4, L// g'L Mr. and Mrl JamesR. Schmirtt 401 Beaver Dam Circle VBU CO 81657 tu}28,1999 Mr. DomhicF.Mauriello Chicf of Plaurirrg TownofVail DearDominic: This lett€r is to confirm ow tclcpbone comrcrsation yestecrday ard s€rve ac rnti:e tht rrye would likc to sttend ay and all future nrcetirryr relffing to the issuare of a building pcrmit for ths secondary unit * 381 Bearrcr Dam Circla Attlrc hvitationof Mfte Claftry, U.S. Army Corpo ofEngioocrs, Jim Schnridt *ended a nccting d the eitc yesterday corrccrning the wetlands pernrit. It is his 'nderstending that tbc Army Corps will not grd a pernit 6r tbe poircl as proposod- This will neccseitste soms desip chauges. As pu erglaincd to mc ye$erday, any &sign chaages flt all will r€quir€ srbmittal to the DesiguReview Board &r approvel At this point wc wiU be cutitled to input. We will try to keep abreast oftbc tovm mecting agcdas po*cd on tbs internct, hrt ws would sincs,ely ap'peciate being notified of any upcoming neetias by tekphone at 303- 761-GU2. This number has nnswcring capebilitics whcr,e w" can *hra1,s refiieve our nessagesr Thank you egein foryoru coopcr4ion. Sircorc CarclSchmidt JOH N W. DTJNN ARTHUR A. ABPLANALE JR, DIANE HERI.IAN iI{AUFIIELLO CARRIE H€NDON O'NEIL OF COUNSILi JERRY W. HANNAH Mr. Gary Goodell Chief Building Official Town of Vail Vail, Colorado HAND DEIJYYTRED L^w OFFrcEs Dut',,ttt, AaplaNaLP & MAURIELLo, P.C. WesrSren Berur BurlorHc roa SourH FnorracE RoaD WEsr Surt-a soo Vert, Coloeeoo ar63z 1.9 July 1999 TELEPHONE:(97o) r+76-O3OO FACSIMILE: (97 0r 476-4765 emdl vlillaw@\r€il.net CERTI'IEO LEGA! ASSISIAN'S KAREN M. OUN N, CLAS JANTCE K. SCOF|ELD, CLA Mr. Russell Forrest, Director Department of Community Development Town of Vail Vail, Colorado HAND DELIVERND Planning and Environmental Commission Town of Vail Vail, Colorado HAND DEITYTRED Re: NOTICE OF APPEAL OF DECISION OF THE CHIEF BUILDING OFFICIAL, DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEIdELOPMENT AND DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS W & B Development [C/Building Permit No. 99-0157 Tttis Firm has been engaged to represent the Carol Woods Schmidt Qualified Personal Residence Trust II (the "schmidt Trust"), the owner of Lot 2, Block 4, Vail Village Third Filing, in association with the apparent violation of the Town of Vail Municipal Code in the development of the adjoining property, Lot 1, Block 4, Vail Village Third Filing. According to the records available to us, ttre owner and developer of that property is W & B Development IIC. According to the records of the Town of Vail Board approved this project on three conditions. following: (enclosed), the Design Review Itrese three conditions are the 1. Must provide stamped mgineering detail on all retaining walls in excess of 4' in height prior to issuance of building permit. 2. Must provide wetland study and obtain Army Corp of Engineers permit prior to issuance of a building permit on secondary residence. 3. Must complywith tree report submitted and have arborist verify that all requirements are being met. A copy of the record of the DRB approval is enclosed. We understand that the Chief Building Official may rely upon input from other divisions of the Town of Vail government (including, apparently, administrative decisions by the Department of Community Development and the Department of Public Works) in determining whether the conditions which permit the issuance of a building permit have been satisfied, and some of that input maybe the problem in this instance. However, the issuance of a building permit for the subject property constituted a violation of the Town of Vail Municipal Code. and this letter is both a request that the building permit be revoked and a notice of appeal of the determination by the Chief Building Inspector. the Department of Community Development. and the Denartment of Public Works. that the building Lermit should be issued. A building permit was apparently issued on Friday, the L6th of July, for the primaryunit of this project, despitethefactthat condition#l imposedbythe DRBhad not been satisfied. In fact, not only is there no stamped engineering detail relating to retaining walls, but there is a letter from Monroe & Newell Engineers, Inc. stating that those "will be engineered" by that office. The future tense indicates that these walls have not yet been engineered, let alone supplied to the Town. We believe you will agree that this indicates that the engineering has not occurred and the DRB's prerequisite for the building permit has not been satisfied. A further issue is the fact that the building permit which has been issued relatesto one of two separate detadred buildings, supposedly identified as a primary/secondary dwelling. The property is located in the Two Family Primary/Secondary zone district, which permits a single family dwelling or apnmary/ secondary dwelling on each property. The zoning provisions of the Town of Vail Municipal Code do notpermit aprimary/secondaryresidence tobe constructed as two separate buildings on this property. While the zoning code does permit a two-family residential dwelling on the property (I2-6D-2) which meets certain criteria related to its primary/secondary nature ( 12-6D-8.B.2), the code defines a two-family dwelling in the following manner: DWELLING, TWO-FAMILY: A detached building containing two (2) dwelling units, designed for or used as a dwelling exclusively by two (2) families, each living as an independent unit. (Emphasis added) 12-2-2. fite critical part of this definidon is the fact that both dwelling units are to be included within a single building. That is not true in the case of the subject project, and the building permit should not have been issued. In rwiewing this matter, it should also be noted that notice of the hearing related to ttre employee housing unit was not received by the trustee of the trust which owns the property, Mrs. Carol Schmidt, although she regularly received mail at the address established by two documents in the Eagle County real estate records when the notice should have been sent. In reviewing the list of adjacent property owners, we note that the ownership information related to the Schmidt Trust property is in error regarding both (a) ttre name of the owner and (b) the city where the owner lives, all according to the public record at Reception No. 672811 and673342 of the records of the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder (enclosed). It is difficult to believe that such information satisfies the requirements of the Town of Vail related to notices of PEC hearings. Mrs. Schmidt is conscientious regarding all notices received bythe Trust or by her and relating to the Trust's property, and she maintains a file of all sudr notices. Had sudr a notice regarding the PEC hearing in this action been sent, it would have been received and the property owner would have objected. It should also be observed that the owner of the property to the west and north of the subject property, Vail Associates, was not even on the list of adjacent property owners supplied to the Town of Vail by the owner/developer, as a result of which it may safely be assumed ttrat Vail Associates did not receive any notice of the proposal. Further, no evidence exists in the Town of Vail records that any notices whatsoever were circulated. These considerations establish, to a Sreater degree than in most circumstances, that notice of the PEC hearing was not properly given to adjoining property owners. Inview of the foregoing, Mrs. Schmidt also has considerable concern regarding the status of any possible building permit for the "secondarf' residence on the subject property. According to the DRB, that building permit is not to be issued until the developer/owner has received a wetlands permit from the Corps of Engineers. Based upon the fact that the building permit for the "primar5/' residence was issued without satisfaction of the DRB's condition related to design of the retaining walls, there is concern that a building permit for the "seconda{y" unit may similarly be issued without satisfaction of the Corps of Engineers requirement. The principal purpose of this letter is, therefore, two-fold. First, the Schmidt Trust requests that the building permit for the "primaqy'' residence be revoked. because the condition prerequisite to its issuance has not been satisfied, because notice was not properly given of the hearing associated with the employee housing unit to be located on the property, and because the project is part of an illegal use of the subject property, specifically, the construction of a primary/secondary dwelling comprised of two separate buildings. Secondly, the Schmidt Trust. by this letter. appeals the decision of the Chief Buildinglnspector. the Departrnent of Communitv Development. and the Department of Public Works that the proposed project is ln compliance with the Vail Municipal Code and that any part of the project is endtled to a building permit. This letter is being submitted as an appeal from the decision of the Chief Building Official, the Department of Community Development, and the Department of Public Works which resulted in the issuance of the building permit for the "primary" unit and extends to the decision that the project, as a whole, is in compliance with the Vail Municipal Code. The grounds for the appeal are those stated above. Based upon an initial review of the documentation related to this project, it seems possible that other grounds for objection may be identified prior to any hearing. The decision being appealed ortends to the permitting process for both the "prima4/' and the "secondary" dwelling units of the purported primary/secondary residencg and, pursuant to the provisions of 12-3-3.8.4. of the Vail Municipal Code, this Notice of Appeal is to "stay all permit activity and any proceedings in furtherance of this action appealed. . . ." In accordance with the provisions of Section 12-3-3.83 of the Vail Municipal Code, a list of the appellant, the applicant (also the property owner) and the adjacent property owners accompanies this letter. Accordingly, the Sdrmidt Trust requests the following action: (a) confirmation that all permitting related to this project is stayed, (b) confirmation that no building permit for the "secondary" residence will be issued until a wetlands permit has been received from the Corps of Engineers, (c) notification regarding whether the building permit for the "primary" residence has been or will be revoked, and (d) advice regarding the sdreduling of the hearing on this appeal. If we identifu any further problems with this application and,/or process, we will make every effort to advise you of that fact at an early date. lhankyou foryour consideration of our dient's concerns, and foryour attention to this matter. Enclosures xc: Carol Woods Schmidt Qualified Personal Residence Trust II Mr. Tom Moorhead, Town Attorney, Town of Vail Arthur A. Abplanalp, Jr. Design Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL Project Name: W & B Development LLC Project Description: construction ofa detached primary and secondary residence Owner, Address and Phone: W & B Development LLC Architect/Contact, Address and Phone: Jay Peterson, 108 S. Frontage Road West Suite 204, Vail, CO 81657 Project Street Address: 381 Beaver Dam Circle Legal Description: Lot 1, BIk. 4, Vail Village 3d Filing BuildingName: Comments: The PEC approved the Type n EHU on June 14,1999 Projec#: PRJ99-0114 Parcel Numben Board / Statf Action Motion by: Pierce Action: Approved Seconded by: Woldrich Vote:4-0 Conditions: t . Must provide stampcd engineered detail on all retaining walls in excess of 4' in height prior to issuance of building permit. 2. Must provide wetland study and obtain fumy Corp of Engineers permit prior to issuance of a buiiding permit on secondary residence. 3. Must comply with fee report submined and have arborist veriff that all requirements are being met. Town Plannen Dominic Mar:riello Date: 6/16/98 DRB Fee Pre-Paid: $200.00 2.ltl ',ry/ ur"l -0r ly;c . cr.NF.RAr,WARRANTYDEnn -'j.v*e1's,ry(,Ueil;rir{Oo f, ., .., CAROL WOODS SCHMIDT, whose address is 3901 South Gilpin Street, Cherry Hills Village, Colorado 801 10, County of Arapahoe, State of Colorado, Grantor, ,l for the consideration of TEN AND NOi 100 DOLI*ARS, the receipt and sufficiency of which are whoso of Arapa-he, State of Colorado, Grantee, the following real property located in the County of Eagle, State of Colorado: Block 4, Lot 2, Vail Village Filing No. 3, all in the Town of Vail, County of Eagle, State of Colorado, also known and numbered as 401 Beaver Dam Circle, Eagle, Colorado 81657, witl all its appurtenances, and warrants the title to the same, subject to liens and encumbrances of record, if any, and subject to &e lien for general taxes for 1998 due ad payable in 1999, subject to covernnts, condicions. resfictions, reservations, exceptions, exclusions, rigbts- of-way, easement!, decrees, aad dl other matters of record, if any. No documeutary fee is required pursuant to Colorado Revised Sanrres Sectious 39-13- 102(2)(r) and 3 9- I 3- I 0a( I )(b). Sigied and deliiered this 10th day ofAugust, 1998. CAROL WOODS SCHMIDT I tru ililr llilil llil ull ll llll|ll lll lllll lll llll CriIt4fz Ll2Vtf tl:tll tltl Srrr FlrhcI of 2 l lt.E D a.f i t.n hrh C0 ',/ STATE OF COLORADO Ciry and CountY of Denver The udenigned, being of lawfrrl age and being first duly sworn' on oatb depors and ssys: 1. Affi&t is a Trustee of &e trust named below and has the authoriry to exeqrte and record this affidavit. 2. The name of tbs trust wb'ich may acquire' convey' encunber' lease' or otherwise deal witb any iaterest in real property is CAROL WOODS SCEMIDT QUALTIIIED PERSONAL RESIDENCE TRUST tr. 3. The nemes and addresses of all Trustees who g9g CAROL WOODS SCHMIDT, 3901 Soutb Gilpin Stree 80110. 4.TheTnrsteeswboEoaycoDvey,encumber'lease'orotherwisedealwitbtbe interesr in reat properry rrer-C.lliOL WbOOS SCIIMIDT, 3901 South Gilpin Sueet' Cherry Hills Village, Colorado 80110. 5. This affirlavit is executcd irnd reoorded Ptrrsuant to the provisions of Colorado Revised Staurte $38-3&166' ) ) s3' ) glis //rt- eay ot d&h. , ',ry!l|IJt|{'l|,$$"r]u!r#j[J,r|lililrf l]!!.rrrrrill Subscribed aad sworn to before me Winess my hand asd official seal' )JJJ&-= CAROLWOODS 1998. Itt Comnblon Enhe.tn ?1' m Notary Pttblic o Ownershin Information Owner information Prooertv Location Lot#/Location Applicant/Property Owner W & B Development LLC 381 Beaver Dam Cirde lot 1, Block d 3 Essex Road Vail CO 81657 Vail Village 3rd Filing Summit NJ 07901 Adjoininq Properly Olvners Carol Woods Schmidt Qualified 401 Beaver Dam Circle Lot 2, Block 4, Personal Residence Trust Vail CO 81657 Vail Village 3rd Filing 3901 South Gilpin Cherry Hills Village CO 80110 Nancy R. Byers 352-A Beaver Dam Circle Parcel A, Lot 5, Block 3, 352-A Beaver Dam Cirde Vail CO 81657 VailVillage 3rd Filing vail CO 816s7 WarrenA. & Laurie E. Miller, 352-8 Beaver Dam Cirde Parcel B, Lot 5, Block 3, Trustees Vail CO 81657 Vail Village 3rd Filing P.O. Box 350 Deer Harbor WA 98243 Beaver Dam Road L.L.C. 392 Beaver Dam Circle Parcel E, Lot 4, Block 3, e/o Howard Koenig Vail, CO 81657 Vail Village 3rd Filing 7 Breakers Isle DanaPoint, CA 92692 Beaver Dam Road L. L.C. 392 Beaver Dam Circle Parcel W, Lot 4, Blodr 3 c/o Howard Koenig Vail, CO 81657 VailVillage 3rd Filing 7 Breakers Isle Dana Point CA 92692 Vail Associates no street address unplatted land north and Post Offrce Box 7 west of Lot 1, Block 4, Vail CO 81658 Vail Village 3rd Filing a:\W&B FRO'I: JRSOI4IDT O Pl'tI.E h[l. : 3EB ?ffi 8128 f, Ju]. e7 tsw az2wt PL F Le . Lol l, 6tx'4 /0, I Uillry" ar^ F,l,;1' 'Mr. and Mrs. James R. Schmidt 401 BeaverDam Chgle Vail, CO 81657 3901 So\sh Oilpin Street CherryHills ViUagc, CO 801t0 Telephouc 303-761-68!.2 Fax 303tBE-0128 Juty 7, 1999 Mr. RusscllFoncst Town of Vail Commrmity Derrcbpmcn Fax97A-479-2/152 RE: Secondary Utrrt, 381 Bcavcr Dam Circle, Vail, CO. Dearl{r. Fonest, For fffteen ycars \rre have owncd oru Vail honA ,1Ol Bcaraer Dam Circb, which is edjacent to the pEaposed recondary unit at 381 Beaver Dam cilch. wo rrycre umrrarc of thc project untit we saw thp states on the poperty. We repeived no prior notificatioa I am writing to infrnn 1ou of orr dipFpoirdnent in and oppositbn to tbe apporal by tbe Vsil Dcaign Revierr Board of ruch a concept qu this $te. It is I specslstiw vmture detrinental to tlre u,Etlands and urpbaractcrigtic of tbc a!ea- We object only to fbe location of tbe secondary unil mt the drrplcx iself or the inshrsiou of a caretaker's uoit' This is a very large sitc and tbe dcvebper couU roconfigrre or doumsize to avoid rbe wethods altogetlrer. The news house buih to the rr€st of us ino urctlands ha$ had major drainage problems itself and crgated additioul rurcfrinto the wctl&ds behind orr bousa. Orn ooucern is tbc negatirrc inpact of thir nsw dcrebpmed on our Fop€rty, the nrnounding wstlards and thp natual beauty of thc seltirg. Tbs structre b massive set in an extrcmcly *mrll space and iroudes desply hto the wctlsds. I rc8lize thet my coqlaiut is flot in tbc s€t timc tarne hl thc intpact on tlre wttlarrds of the eecodary rmlt b stil md€r rcview. I urge pu to personally visit thc sitc and rcview ttp building plans in orderto app,reciare tbc size of the stucarc ploposed for this soall arce- It is within legal l;r.itr, h* it b lot within the best ht€re$l of tbp laod or people wbo live nearby. I renpmbs aseodfog I town council rrcethg lrorrc ],€ers bec& ad hEaing corocil membery in linOsight, e:ercss regrcts for grartftrg ryproral of 'lhe ghss house" on Vail rmldaio- This is simihr. It mey be legcl but see'm r@asrmble to saorifiac the lnn'l and neigbboriag prroperty fora $rictlypersoual finanpial rrcnt.re. I trust you will take thc tinp to ualk the sitc ard look forcmd to 5roru rrply. Wc riucerely appreciate yowtime aod tlank you O rlt : L.t i,tslt"tl'uvid' Mr. and Mrs. James R. Schmidt 401 Beaver Dam Circle Vail, Colorado 81657 Iuly 12,1999 Dominic Mauriello Town of Vail 111 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear Mr. Mauriello: We are longtime Vail residents and have owned the home on 401 Beaver Dam Circle for 15 years. Our home is adjacent to the proposed development at 381 Beaver Dam Circle. We are not in opposition to the construction ofa duplex and employee housing on the property, but we adamantly oppose the placement ofthe speculative secondary unit. The proposed location creates an undue hardship on our home and the surrounding open space. The location of the speculative secondary unit on the lot is uncharacteristic ofthe neighborhood. Rather than extending along Beaver Dam Circle, as the rest of the neighboring homes do, the secondary unit will extend down the vertical property line deep into the wetlands below. Due to the large size of the Iot, this secondary unit could easily be built next to the primary unit or along Beaver Dam Circle without unreasonable expense or delay to the developer. The close proximity of the foundation to the existing trees undermines the developer's argument that this placement of the secondary unit will negate the necessity to cut down trees. The foundation witl be so close to the existing trees that the trees will not survive. We urge you to carefully review our attached free reports prepared by nationally recognized experts. According to the DRB rninutes, the design review board never conducted a site visit. A site visit is essential to understand the configuration of the proposed secondary unit and the detrimental effect it poses on the environment and adjacent property. We were never notified of the request for employee housing and were not aware of this project until recently and therefore unable to object in a more timely manner. We cannot sacrifice the land and neighboring property for a strictly personal financial gain. We urge the Vail Town Council to stay the issuance of a building permit until the Design Review Board has had the opportunity to carefully review the existing proposal and consider the other options available which would be of mutual benefit to the developer and the adjacent homeowners. The proposed structure is staked out on the property, We urge you to conduct a site visit and reevaluate the approval of the DRB. Please feel free to contact me at JR Schmidt & Associates at (303) 778-1752 should you wish to discuss this matter funher. .tl -U : - 4, '. i ,, , :1. rl..l ri ..t l' -, l. Ftr :.:r / -Jr i1"trrrt,t ,-.!r ' I '..- ru.l ,- ir, t r- !l- t{.\"\-!L(.. .,jr, jl ,,,a;tt. ,tri..l !_ .l U:.+ +r., i-.,\ t, l,_ .! f+- - ' Ff. .-,' ,..' !'.. | ,.- l, j- !,r l-e ,i''( Lu i I ,.'. '-,' lt . l-tri-i - I JUL-12-99 FtON t 1:g e UYERLY & AssocrArEs Phonc: (303) 934-4274 EUOENE I.IY€RLY M?rnbrr ol: Am. SCci.V ol C.nrulling l4odtb lnbmatontl Soo!0 ol lrtodruhr. Ari. $odery 0l tlnds€pr &d|xe6 ar$Eisld t,ldx$e co0!s, 0l ColoECo Colo/rdo Nrrltry Agrocirlon July E, 1999 Mr, & Mra. Ja$eE Schmldt 3901 South Gllptn Street Englewood, CO 80110 R€: Constructlon Danags tg TreeB Deqr Mr. & MrF. gchnldt: Pursuant to your phone call regardlng potentj.al damage totreeg qauaed by conatructlon. More qualLtled ltterature lE being produced to help authortttEg and contractola realize,not only the necaEclty lor savlng valuablo 1sgss, botlngtructlgDs of how to do so. A€ early ae 1965, revlaed tn 1975, I Dubllcstion by the NortheaEtern Rcglon, Agrlculture Reeearch Ssrvlce produced anexcellerrt pamFh1et, PEqTECTING TREE8 DURING CoNSTRUCTION. No longer in print trorn U.8. Governuent prlntlng offlce. In 1993, rsvised 1995, a very good current psmphlet PROTECIING TREEB FROU CON9IRUCTION DAltlAGE, A HOMEOWNERS GUIDE, Mlnnesota Extenslon Servlse, University ol MiilnsEota,eolloge of NaturaL Retourceg. fhE mogt recant suthoriBEtivg eource ls rrDorJcutur€, Integrated Managenent of Landscapa lteeg, ShruDs and Vlnee,thlrd adltlon, 1999, by Rtchard W. Harrlg, Jamee R' Clark, Nelda Matheny. Many "so called" authoritlss 8ttll malntaln the drlpllne of the branches ls thE gxtent ol ths'root system' Thla ts an assulgption and hae been proven ilrong urany tlmes. RootE nay extentl es nuch ae 3 to 4 tlmes the drfpllno dlstance, dependlng upon speci€B sn0 age. lilan), clrcuslstancss lnvolv€d by grgsvatlon can deatroy trcoa, such ae. hag beBD wltne€8ec, whEn loEdB sre cut in for a nevt develogrnent that changes dralnage gatterna and all thE t'reas bElow that havc reltGd qrr that natural molstule died wtthrn a couple years. The oldgr treee grow, the note etrtsneive theroot aystem. ?SBE55 P. O1 EYERLY €E ASSO(fIA:rESI-.AM gCAPt C ("hTSL/LTAX\TTS :trF.EE & LAT\TDSCAPE AFPT.AISEI4S t680 South Dccalur I Denvcr Goloredo 80219 |Fa* (303) 975"0355 - 'Il:lL- L z-9't nofi 11;4la f1 a ERLY & ASS']tr I ATES 3689?54355 ErPerLence, reaearch afld cuErant llteratura now provs excavatlon nutt not be cloeer thsn 1.5 leet p€r dlarnaterof the tree trunk, E:aampls: A 20tr dlameter tree should have dirturbance, lncludtng, noat troportantly, trenchingwell aE any ogulDrtrent conpacttng ths Eo1l cloEer than 15 rad,ius from the trurx ol th€ tres. Generally this meanstr6es should havo a barrlcede around the tree to be protectedfor a dlameter ol 30 feet for B 20r' dianeter tf,€e. The prlnary pEoblan exgcrlenced by ltost clrcrrnrgtancas lgi Etree lrequentlf hae the ablllty to survlve on gtored energyfor a couple :rears. Unfortunat€Iy no6t people are not awarethat the axcavation, aoL1 conplctlon, etc, lE tfhat cauged thetre6 to dle. If you heve any gueetione or lf I can bs of further eesietancE to you, pleacs cantaet ne at (303) 93{-4274. Sincerely, Eyerly & AEsoctr,ates P.E2 lnch not sa f,eet JUL-Tg-99 EAT 69:OE gH DAY & AASOCTATEEo E05 t?E 5861o P. B1 : Day t& " il lt I lli | | ii ilti,f,i i llll I ll Ill n Assosems ''rrllllllllllrrlrllllllllllllr|' ll Tr:r rnd tra{tcrpc Conrultrnh Jarnes end Ceml $ohmldt 3g0l South Gitpin Street Chery Hills Vfllage, CO 80110 Vta far O 30g.Zgg,O128 July 10, 1999 R€: Oear Mr. and Mre, S$mkt: Al your rcquecl, vcslotday.l evaluat€d tho potcrrtlal inpsct thst ihe pruposed oonstruction of Ibuildlng would rikely have on estaLtbhed, meture silr; troes dt yuur prop.riy iioi rL*rr Dam crrcre)and at 381 Beaver Dam cryll vail.. t vie'rrsd boiipmperrtec tromeo raany anglee ad po€sibre. but w€snot ablo to enler the proiect site, qg therc ,*Er no orir ,ilrner sfiEndlng thl ffiffiil trailer or wo*ingon th€ ProFelty' Trou on the projwt rite tha w11 rlr<ey ry afieded b'i;r$in .ti";iithe eeconrtary unnwore, ho,vever, cleerly vlelble lrom you, propirty iinc iiAirle ,*0. From your faxcd coneepondence lo mc' ,ny urderstqndlng lc lhet lhe sxi8ting $plit rail ferrceb'rweon ihe subi€cr prop€rries rl rp pr[9i! ii"J, iiaiLr r," id"r'dilk i; rii"t, aacnir*ry, n"86condary unil will be 45 fcet ln hgqni "to.g,c*ra aroig'p"tt * "rioilr" r** m-",lio inro rtre orbringwetrend. (The w€rtend has been detitnear.O ni ir"ig,.i; i#,f with r€epeot to lrec.i-e$q66,en y.e{ pgFtty, there is on€ blue spruo€ tree dlr€c1y adiec€nt to thespilt rair renoe rhat wilr bs €€fiorrev eitectio [v .'onetru"tron, v"ri t,f. j, i; iil:-; ir: diamorer endappfoxlmat€v 40 leet tell, ess.o.ui; cdrnonrv iili*i,lm'urr"o or.prur" t,.i ,*i'*1,.r*., it is highrypr'bable th€t up rc 66 perc.fl o! {e root.ev"nr;'.t v.;; rree is growing tnrolr,"tii'properry. sprucetlo€ regl cyat€rns are ralativcly rtullow, wt(rhc vaain i"rity of nonrrvoody (teedei) rco1, rocqled wlrhinthe upper 12 Inqhoe of the eoil ilt*; iil;#fi;'iiotr responeibre ror warer and nurrienr er€m€nrtplake frorn thc goit. conerructton ot,nj ii.lrOlii "rut-,.", cui:crtU"u in i"w "oo-*prndencc, wouHaeriouslv lmpaot vour rreo' ".*t'r4"*hql;'frlG qr:r ,G.i ;.0 p#i^r Liililrrlr. roor Eysrem.Evon thoush th€te lr e t6.fosr B6t[rck, co,itn qid"d^ir,* ilg r$'ffihi,.i;:d] soit conpa'ion,rnarerial stoclpllins, +utnme-11,.w_111r:gld, drril;;ilirt*1 ,yourd slin havc both a'dir€ct and indiresrrmPacl on I'EB rools' As e rEsllt of thle root lore, ioui-r-rfr'"o,ju tit<ey r,'""- rnitv-iiick ore t ach "no the rree cpuld dmrin€ ov€r tlms, "urntuaty ireuii'iiii. iiirn, Th6 rafi€r msy teke eeveral years. w[h reqp€ct to uc6 ies_u€8 er 3g1, th€f€ arc marry eet3.b]rshcrr, rnaturo apruce r160s In I rsrge'srove' tocared approxirnar€rv oo reeiL"-r irorniiJilri[iir,,r. rhb srov. ilils-i,.fr'ro.rsr'y the roedlo throughour the uotJand. t,t"* "t rrt"li""i "r.t-rgiffiJn,r," ono on your proporry, and mny of rhemwill be aft6cted not onlv bv @nstructlon st ilr" *ecorfo--w *il, bur erso b1i conitrdcir'r,' j'tne primary unit.It ie hishlv probable ttr.rine negaii"e i;iilfrffiil;n'rrucrion nu"J "Jii,iiL-.:ar s81 wi, havoserpu8 conscquerrces for the€e-iee+. mhorarr n-ie iJ-poselule et this llmc to .sceilain th€ 'l rxlenr o,tmpscts to the treee at 881. it wor,rld cert"irrv-6" "ppropfi'l. ao"lnfor* rf,i orLil."lbper, buiHer, anoHil,"H,:lHI'i*::Tft H;;;v;'i#'Hffffideunerinih;-dm.#*i.i!,vo,rkeei'he It woutd br vorv untortunato to lose thc obvlouely rigniflcant scetheilc and ,unctlonalcontribuliorc of the eubjcct treee ee s rcsutt of conctrualon or trre propoecd recondary unit, *perially ., Th*nical,Rtsearch,Apry!:al,Eorcnslc,agna,mfuarcmtrcos 12.573W llooverAvenue r Uttle*,rr,Cotorado aOfZ"{g$ o (g0g) 97}lS1S . fr, (ru) SZg50Ot JUL-14-99 SAT 09:61 F I'I DAY & ASAOCIATEA Jmrr roC S*el Sctrnrlrtt-Dry f A*edrb-zfO0e sirrce the |rsea efe in good condltlon and elrould llve for many morc dccrdc, ll pu have any qus€ffors, ploase feel hoo to glvo rm a call. Eg E 596 rg 9?t P. g2 Stoven J. Day, ASCA, CPPP Regletcrod Concuhing Alborht S2Bg Coilifl€d Profeeebnal Plant Pathologiel Bosrd C€rtltl€d Forenclc Examlnff o. Design Review Action Form TOWN OFVAIL Project Name: W & B Dcvelopment LLC Projcct Description: construction of a detached primary and secondary residence Owner, Address and Phone: W & B Development LLC ArchitectiContact, Address and Phonc: Jay Peterson, 108 S. Frontage Road West Suite 204,Yail, CO 81657 Project Street Addrcss: 381 Beaver Dam Circle Legal Description: Lot 1, Blk. 4, Vail Village 3'Filing Parcel Number:BuildinsName: Comments: The PEC apploved the Typc II EHU on June 14,1999 Project#: PRJ99-0114 Board / Staff Action Motion bv: Pierce Action: Approved Secondedby: Woldrich Vote:4-0 Conditions: 1. Must provide stampcd engineered detail on all retaining walls in exccss of 4' in height prior to issuance of building permit. 2. Must provide wetland study and obtain Army Corp of Engineers permit prior to issuance of a building permit on secondary residence. 3. Must comply with tree report submitted and have arborist verify that all requircments are being met. Town Planner: Dominic Mauriello Date:6/16/98 DRB Fee Pre-Paid: 5200.00 ,'l PLANIING AND ENVIFoNMENTAL GoMM|SSI6N FlLE coPl' MEMBERS ABSENT Diane Golden Driver: George llllf ,--l lI I I\E /r Il NOTE: lf the PEC headng €dends until G:00 p.m., the boad will break for dinner from 6:00 - 6130 p.m. PUBLIC MEETING SCHEDULE Monday, June 14, 1999 FINAL AGENDA Proiect Orientatlon / PEC LUNCH - Gommunitv Devetooment Department 12:00 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT John Schofield Galen Aasland Brian Doyon Tom Weber Chas Bernhardt Doug Cahill Site Visits :1:fl!p.m. 1. Wand-381 Beaver Dam Circle2. Antlers-680 West Lionshead Place Public Hearlno - Town Councll Chamberc 2dXl p.m. 1. A request for a conditional use permit, to allow for a Type ll EHU, located at 381 Beaver Dam CircleiLot 1, Block 4, Vail Village 3'o Filing. Applicant: W. and B. Development LLC, represented by Jay PeterconPlanner: Domlnic Mauriello MOTION: Galen Aasland SECOND: Tom Weber VOTE:6-0 APPROVED WITH 1 CONDITION: 1. The approval is subject to Design Review Board approval of the project. a 2. Afq.iedt for a major exterior alteration and variance for the number of required parking spaces, to allow for a residential expansion of 24 new condominiums, and 7 new employee housing units, located at 680 W. Lionshead Place (the Anders)/ Lot 3, Block 1, Lionshead Third Filing. Applicant Antlers Condominium Association, represented by Hobert LevinePlanner: George Ruther MOTION: Galen Aasland SECOND: Chas Bernhardt VOTE: 6-0 WORKSESSION - NO VOTE (voted lo convert to worksession) 3. A request for a worksession of a proposal to amend the Town's "Public Accommodation Zone District," Chapter 7 and amendments to Chapter 15, Gross Residential Floor Area (GRFA), Town of Vail Municipal Code. Applicant: Johannes Faessler, represented by Braun Associates, Inc.Planner: George Ruther WOHKSESSION--NO VOTE 4. A request for a final review of a proposed locker room e4cansion and loading dock addition to the Dobson lce Arena, located at 321 E. Lionshead Circle/Lot 't, Block 1, Vail Lionshead 2* Filing. Applicant VailRecreationDistrictPlanner: George Rufter TABLED UITITILJUNE 28, 1999 5. Information Update o "Conflicts of Interest'-Tom Moorhead 6. Approval of May 24, 1999 minutes. The applications and information about the proposals are avaihble for public inspection during regular office hours in lhe project planner's otfice located at the Town of Vail Gommunity Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. Sign languag€ interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notiflcation. Please call 479-2356, Telephone lor the Hearing lmpaired, for information. Community Dw€bpment Department TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: t MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department May 24, 1999 A request for a Type ll EHU, located at 381 Beaver Dam Circleilot 1, Block 4, Vail Village 3'o Filing. Applicant: Wand B. Development LLC, represented by Jay PetersonPlanner: Dominic Mauriello I. DESCRIPTION OFTHE PROPOSED USE fn September and December ol 1992, the Town Council passed Ordinances I and 27, Series ol 1992, to create Chapter 12-13 (Employee Housingl which provides for the addition of Employee Housing Units (EHUs) as permitted or conditional uses within certain zone districts. The definition in that ordinance states: Section 12-2-2 "Employee Housing Unit (EHU) shall mean a dwelling unit which shall not be leased or rented for any period less than thirty (30) consecutive days, and shall be rented only to tenants who are full-time employees of Eagle County. EHUs shall be allowed in certain zone districts as set forth in Section 12-13 of this Code. Development standards for EHUs shall be as provided in 12-13 - Employee Housing. For the purposes of this Section, a full-time employee shall mean a person who works a minimum of an average 0f thirty (30) hours per week. There shall be five (5) categories of EHUs: Type I, Type ll, Type lll, Type lV, and Type V. Provisions relating to each type of EHU are set forth in Chapter 12-13 - Employee Housing of this Code." The applicant is proposing a Type ll employee housing unit in the secondary dwelling unit on this property and is 500 sq. ft. in floor area. lt is located above the garage. The EHU includes a single car garage. II. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Gommunity Development Department recommends approval of this application for a Type ll Employee Housing Unit, subject to the followirq findings: 1. That the proposed location of the use is in accord with the purposes of Section 12-13 (Enployee Housingl and the purposes of the district in which the site is located. 2. That the proposed location of the use and the conditions under which it would be operated or maintained would not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare or materially injurious to propenies or improvements in the vicinity. 3. That the proposed use would comply with each of the applicable provisions of Section 12-18 (ConclitionalUse Permitsl of the Vail Municipal Code. The recommendation ol approval is also subject to the following conditlon: The approval is subject to Design Review Board approval of the project. Please note that under Section 12-16 of the Town of Vail Municipal Code, the approval of a conditional use permit shall lapse and become void if a building permit is not obtained and construction not commenced and diligently pursued toward completion, or the use for which the approval has been granted has not commenced within two years from when the approval becomes final. III. ZONING ANALYSIS Lot Size: 42,000 sq. ft. Zoning: Two-Family Primary/Secondary Residential Standard Tota|GRFA Primary Unit Secondary unit EHU Credit Parking Required Site Coverage Allowed 6,700 sq. ft. nla 2,765 sq. ft. 500 sq. ft. 7 spaces 8,400 sq. ft. Proposed 6,588 sq. ft. 3,773 sq. ft. 2,765 sq. ft. 500 sq. ft. 10 spaces (5 enclosed) 5,268 sq. ft. IV. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS A. Consideration of Factors: Before acting on a conditional use permil application, the Planning and Environmental Commission shall consider the factors with respect to the proposed use: -2- \WAIL\DATA\EVERYONE\PEC\]\4EMOS\g9\WAND.DOC 1. 2. 3. When the Town Council adoptod th6 Town of Vail Affordable Housing study on November 20, 1990, it recognized a need to increase the supply of locals/employee housing units. The Town encourages EHUs as a means of providing quality living conditions and expanding the supply of employee housing for botfr year-round and seasonal local residents. The proposed unit will have a positive impact on the Town's rental housing needs. The effect 0f the use on liqht and air, distribution 0f population. transDortation facilities. utilities. schools. oarks and recreation facilities. and other public facilities needs. Staff believes that there will be little impact from the proposed Type ll EHU on light, air, population, transportation, utilities, schools or parks. Etfect upon traffic with oarticular reference to conoestion. automotive and pedestrian safetv and convenience. traffic flow and control. access. maneuverabilitv. and removal of snow from the street and oarkinq areas. One additional vehicle is anticipated in association with this EHU. One enclosed parking space is proposed, along with one other parking space. Staff feels that this would be an insignificant impact on he above- referenced criteria. sunoundinq uses. The scale and bulk of this proposed structure is very similar to those in existence in the sunounding neighborhood. Since the proposed employee housing unit will be located within the secondary residsnce, staff believes this EHU will not significantly impact the scale and bulk of this project in relation to sunounding uses. districts. The subject property is zoned Two-Family Primary/Secondary Residential. It shall be permitted onlv on lots which complv with minimum lot size requirements ol the zone district in which the lot is located. 4. 5. a. -3- \WAI L\DATA\EVERYONE\PECWIEMOS\99\WAND. DOC Employee Housina and shall be subiect to the lollowinq conditions: At 42,000 square feet in size, this lot meets the minimum lot size requirements (15,000 square feet) in the Two-Family Residential zone district. It shall be located within. or attached to. a sinole-familv dwellinq or Primary/Secondarv Develoomeni. lt may also be located in. or attached to, an existino oaraqe orovided the oarage is not located within anv setback. and further orovided that no existino parkino reouired bv the Town of Vail Municioal Code is reduced or eliminated. This Type ll EHU will be located within the proposed secondary residence. However, it will maintain a separate entrance and will not be accessible from the interior of the secondary unit. It shall not be counted as a dwellino unit for the purposes of calculatinq densitv. However, it shall contain kitchen facilities and a bathroom. as defined in chapter 12-2 - Definitions of the vail Municioal Code. lt shall be permitted to be a third dwellino unit in addition to the two dwellinq units which mav already exist on the lot. Onlv one Tvoe ll EHU shall be allowed per lot. The proposed EHU will be a third dwelling unit on the site. lt contiains a full kitchen and full bathroom facilities. It shall have a GRFA not less than three hundred (300) square feet. nor more than nine hundred (900) souare feet. An aoolicant. however. shall be permitted to applv to the Community Development Department ol the Town 0f Vaill0r additional GRFA for the additional GRFA on a form provided bv the Communiv Development Department. Aoproval or denial of ths request shall be made bv the Desion Review Board in accordance with Sectionl2-13-5. ll an applicant obtains Desiqn Review Board Chaoter 12-'15 - Additional Gross Residential Floor Area ot lhis Code for either unit on the lot, lf an applicant obtains Desiqn Review Board approval for not more than 250 souare feet of additional GRFA lor the EHU. he or she shall be entitled to receive additional GRFA oursuant to Chapter 12-15 - Add,?,ona, Gross ResrdentialF/oorArea of this code for one dwellino unit on the lot. The EHU will be 500 square leet in size. The proposed Type ll EHU includes one livirg/bedroom and therefors complies with this requirement. -4- \WAIL\DATA\EVERYONE\PECMEMOS\9g\WAND.DOC c. e. g. EHU. No more than two (2) adults and two (2) children not older than sixteen (16) vears of aqe shall reside in a two (21 bedroom Tvpe llEHU. Since this unit is a one-bedroom Type ll EHU, the first s€ction of this regulation will apply. Each TvDe ll EHU shall be required to have no less than one (1) or if an existino dwellinq is to be demolished and reolaced by a new dwelling. not less than one (1) of the parkinq spaces reouired bv this paraqraph shall be enclosed. A 300 square feet GRFA credit shall be allowed for the construction of one enclosed oarkino space for the Tvpe ll EHU. Since this project is a demolitiorVrebuild, the applicant must provide one enclosed parking space for the proposed EHU. One enclosed parking space is proposed. B. Findinqs: The Planning and Environmental Commission shall make th€ lollowing findings before granting a conditional use permit for an Employee Housing Unit: 1. That the proposed location of the use is in accord with the purposes of Section 12-13 (Employee Housingl and the purposes of the district in which the site is located. 2. That the proposed location of the use and the condilions under which it would be operated or maintained would not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. That the proposed use would comply with each of the applicable provisions of Section 12-18 (Conditional Use Permitsl of the Vail MunicipalCode. h. -5. \wAIL\DATA\EVERYONE\PEC\I\4EMOS\99\WAND.DOC giliilltiini!!!t iICTIiIflSlTU II'I3UI3 WVO UIAVAS <lJItrl vlol 9trLl ll utlr il fflili 9l!!rrL\(-t?J \l-./ /f)\1/ il$:ta a 11-'t> l' I BEAVER DAM CIRCLE RESIDENCE illirlii iiliiirii ii4llit o DESIGN FEVIEW BOARD FINAL AGEQA Wednesday, May 19, 1999 3:00 P.M. FtQ coPr 11:30 pm PUBUC MEETING SCHEDULE PROJECT ORIENTATION / LUNCH - Community Devetopment Department Clark Brinain BillPierce Melissa Greenauer Tom Weber (PEC) stTE vtsrrs MEMBERS ABSEIiIT Hans Woldrich 1. Scorpio - 131 West Meadow Drive2. Dobson lce Arena - 321 E. Lionshead Circle3. Vail lntemational-300 E. Lionshead Circle4. Wand - 381 Beaver Dam Circle5. Hoversten-95 Forest Road6. Waterhouse - 285 Forest Road7. Austrian - 696 Forest RoadL Gold Peak Skier Tunnel-458 Vail Valley Drive9. Lot 13, Forest Glen -4H,39 Glen Falls Lane10. VailMountain School-3160 Katsos Ranch Road Driver: George ldXl pm PUBUC HEARING . TOWN COUNOL CHAMBERS 1. Austrian residence - Conceptual review of a re.model of a primary/secondary residence. 696 Forest Road / Lot 8, Block 1, Vail Village 6'n Filing. Applicant: Mr. & Mrs. NeilAustrian, represented by Robert L. Arnold CONCEPTUAL-NO VOTE 2. Hoversten residence - Conceptual review of a new single-family residence. 95 Forest Road / Lot 32, Block 7, Vail Village First Filing. Applicant: Philip Hoversten, represented by Snowdon & Hopkins Architects MOTION: Bill Pierce SECOND: Tom Weber VOTE:,1-0 CONSENT APPROVED WITH 1 CONDITION: 3:00 pm Brent Brent '1. That a Public Works and Zoning approval be required. 3. Wand B Development, LLC-Conceptual review of a new primary/secondary residence Dominic with a Type ll employee housing unit. 381 Beaver Dam Circle / Lot 1, Block 4, Vail Village 3'o Filing. Applicant: Wand B Development LLC, represented by Jay Peterson CONCEPTUAL-NO VOTE 4. Golden Peak Ski Base - Skier tunnel. Dominic 458 Vail Valley Drive / Tract B, Vail Village Z'n Filing. Applicant: Vail AssociatesMOTION: SECOND: VOTE: TABLED UNTIL JUNE 2, 1999 5. Antler's - Final review of a proposed expansion. George 680 W. lionshead Place/ Lot 3, Block 1, Lionshead Third Filing. Applicant: Antlers Condominium Association, represented by Robert LeVineMOTION: SECOND: VOTE: TABLED UNTILJUNE 2, 1999 6. Dobson lce Arena - Final review locker room/loading dock expansion. George 321 E. Lionshead Circle/Lot 1, Block 1, Vail Lionshead 2no Filing. Applicant: VailRecreation District,representedbyOdellArchitects MOTION: Bill Pierce SEGOND: Tom Weber VOTE: z1-0 APPROVED WITH 2 CONDTTONS: 1. That brick pavers be installed at the entrance to the loading dock.2. Thal a revised landscape plan be submitted. 7. Vail International Condominiums - Removal of trees. George 300 E. Lionshead Circle / Lot 1, Block 1, Vail Lionshead Filing #2. Applicant: VaillntemationalCondominiumAssociation MOTION: Tom Weber SECOND:Melissa Greenauer VOTE:3-0-1 (Bill Pierce abstained) APPROVED WITH 1 GONDITION: 1. That the one tree on Vail International property be removed and no trees on Town of Vail property be removed. 8. Waterhouse residence - Final review of a new garage. Allison 285 Forest Road/Lot 20, Block 7, Vail Village 1"'. Applicant: Steve & Linda Waterhouse, represented by Steven Riden MOTION: Bill Pierce SECOND: Tom Weber VOTE:4-0 CONSENT APPROVED WITH 1 CONDITION: 1. That the rail on the east be wood, rather than stone. 9. Lot 13, Forest Glen - Conceplual review of a new single-family residence. Allison 4439 Glen Falls Lane / Lot 13, Forest Glen Subdivision. Applicant: Lot 13, LLC represented by S.H. Cole Conslruction MOTION:MelissaGreenauerSECOND:BillPierce VOTE:4-0 APPROVED WTTH 1 CONDITION: 1. That it meet Public Works and planning approval. .-. /, 10. Scorpio - Gate anOtfarting improvements George 131 West Meadow Drive/P-art of Lot 1, Part of Block D, Vail Village znd.Applicant: ScorpioCondominiumAssociationMOTION: SECOND: VOTE: TABLED UNTIL JUNE 2, 1999 11. Lot 25, Glacier Ct. - Conceptual review of a new primary/secondary residence. George 1854 Glacier Ct./Lot 25, Block 2, Lionsridge #3. Applicant: Pat DauphinaisMOTION: SECOND: VOTE: TABLED UNTIL JUNE 2, 199!' 12. Vail Mountain School -Temporary structure. George 3160 Katsos Ranch Road/Pirt ot Lot 12, Block 2, Vail Village 1 2th Filing. Applicant: Vail Mountain School, represented by Pam Hopkins CONCEPTUAL.NO VOTE 13. The Marriott (Lionshead) - Conceptual review of a maior exterior alteration George and construction of a new interval ownership club. 715 W. Lionshead Circle / Marriott Mark. Morcus Subdivision Applicant: HMC Corporation, represented by East-west Partners and Gwathmey-PrattMOTION: SECOND: VOTE: CONCEPTUAL- RECOMMENDED APPROVAL TO TOWN COUNCIL Statf Aoorovals Christopher-Wollard residence- Driveway snowmelVre-alignment; revised landscaping. Brent 2550 Bald Mountain Road/Lot 34, Block 2, Vail Village 13'n Filing. Applicant: Rocky Christopher Fredin residence - Finish unfinished basement. Brent 2091 -A Zermatt Lane, Vail Commons #5B/Unplatted, Vail das Schone Filing #1. Applicant: Peter M. Fredin Davie residence - Driveway snowmelUstamped concrete pavers. Brent 776 Potato Patch/Lot 12, Block 2, Vail Potato Patch. Applicant: John Davie La Bottega - Addition of pavers and deck extension. Brent 100 E. Meadow Drive/Lots M & O, Block 5D, Vail Village 1". Applicant: Stephen Virion Meadow Vail Place Penthouse-250 addition. Allison 44 W. Meadow Drive/Lot 1, Vail Village 2n6. Applicant: SpraddleCreekProperties Sonnenalp Hotel & Spa-New canopy (revised) Brent 20 Vail Road/A portion ol Lot K, Block 5E, Vail Village 1$. Applicant: Johannes Faessler one Vail Ptace - Exterior o"?"n. 244Wall StreeUA portion of Block 5A, Vail Village 1"'.Applicant: Hill, Drescher, Smead & Wells Wall Street Building -S(ylight addition. Brent 225Wall StreeuPart of Lots B&C, Block 5C, Vail Village t't. Applicant: WallStreetBuildingCondoAssociation Schofield residence - Stairway replacement. Brent 12148 Vail Valley Driveilot 1 8, Block 3, Vail Valley 1"t. Applicant: John Schofield Vail Associates Pump House & Tennis Courts - Replace 5 spruce trees on W. Forest Rd. Dominic 615 W. Forest Rd./Unplatted, adiacent to Vail Lionshead 3m Filing. Applicant: Vail Associates Brent Brent Brent Jetf Dominic Vail East Condominiums - Window replacement. 4093 Spruce WayA/ail Easi, Bighom 3'o. Applicant: Vail East Lodging Association McDonald's - Two new wall signs. 2112 N. Frontage Road WesULot 2b, a resub of Lot 2, Vail das Schone Filing #2. Applicant: George Greenwald Ginzberg - Bedroom addition. 4034 Bighom Road, #1/Lot 1, Block 1, Bighom Subdivision.Applicant: Stewart & Lisa Ginzberg Eagle Bahn Gondola - New deck on south side of gondola. Tract D. Vail Lionshead 1o. Applicant: VailAssociates Shaper-New garage. 2645 Bald Mountain RoacyLot 1 0, Block 2, Vail Village 13'n. Applicant: Steve Shaper Roost Lodge - Move equipment to non-visible location. Jeff Jeff 1 793 N. Frontage Rd. WesULots 10,1 1 & 12, Buffehr Creek Subdivision.Applicant: Rodney Cotton Stern - Entry addition, Jetf 1517 Vail Valley Drive,#l/Lot 12, Block 3, Vail Valley 1"t.Applicant: Don & Ann Stem Marriott Mountain Resort - New awning. Brent 715 W. Lionshead Circle/Marriott Mark, Morcus Subdivision.Applicant: Selim Wahba The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular office hours in the project planner's otfice, located at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 Sol Frontage Road. Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notilication. Please call 479-2356, Telephor for the Hearing lmpaired, for information. I, trFD tr Anrcndmcnt to an Approved Dcvglgpmcnt Plan Employcc l{ousing Unit (Typc: -lL ) Major or tr Minor CCI Extcrior Alteration (VailVillagc) Major or E Minor CCII Extcrior Altcration (Lionshcad) Spccial Dcvelopmcnt District Major or E Minor Amcndmcnt to an SDD n tr c. D. E.NAME OF OWNER(S): LOCA'I'ION OF PROPOSAL: BUILDINC NAME:ADDRESS: ZONING: MAILING ADDRESS F. O}VNBR(S) SIGNATURE(S): C, NAMEOFREPRESENTATryE MAILINC ADDRESS: FEE'SEE THE SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS FOR THE APPROPRIATE FEE. STJBMIT THIS APPLICATION, ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMIJNITY DEVELOPMENT, ?5 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD. For Officc Use Onty: . Fec Paid:_ Ck#:By: Application Date;PEC Meeting Datc:------_ LOT BLocK 4 FfLfNc V' l/uh4af Vl' H. Qucstions?f l thc l'lanning Sraff ar 479.2t11 A PPLICATIOI\ FOR PI,ANNI NG AND ENVt RONM ENTAt, COMMISSION APPROVAL CENERAI INFORMATION This application is for any projcct rcquiring approval by thc Planning and Environmcntal Commission. For spccific information. scc thc subnrittal rcquircmcnts for thc particular approval that is rcqucstcd. Thc application can not bc acccptcd until all rcquircd infornration is subnrihcd. Thc projcct nray also nccd to bc rcvicwcd by thc Town Council and/or thc Dcsign Rcvicw Board. A: TYPE OF APPLICATION: D Additional CRFA (250) tr Bcd and Brcalcfist )4 Conditional Usc Permit tr Major or D Minor Subdivisiontr Rczoning E Sign Variancc tr Variancc n Zoning Codc Amcndnrcnt B. DESCRIPTION OF THN RF,OI IES' TOWN OFVAIL DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST: VAIL, COLORADO 81657. Rcvi.rd &96 TOII/NOTVAIL Qucstions? lhc Planning Staffat 479-2128 APPLICATION FOR DESTGN REVIEW APPROVAL 7PT11 - o I \ t CENERAL INFORMATION tt i, "ppticatlon is for any projcct requiring Design Reyiew approval. Any project requiring deslgr reviey mryt rcccivebcsign ncvicw approvat prioi to siumitting ror a buiiding pernrit. For spccific information, sec the submittal irquirgm.ntifor thc particular approval that is requested. The application cannot be accepted until all-thc required information is submitted. ffre pio.loct may also nced tobc rcvicwcd by the Town Council and/or thc Planning and Environmentat Commission. ticsign nwiew Board approval cxpires onc ycar aftcr final approval unless a building pcrmit is lssucd and construction is started. DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST: B. c. D. E. F. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: PHYSICAL ADDRESS: NAMEOF OWNER(S): MAILING AD FILING: ?/ad/ PHONE: MAILING ADDRESS: PHONE: G.TYPEOFREVIEWAND fi ncw Construction - $200 Construction ofa ncw building. Includes any addition where square footage is added to any residential or commcrcial building. 11 Minor Altcration - $20 Includes minor changes to buildings and sitc improvcments, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. E Conccptual Revlew - $0 For any application where the appticant wishes to meet with Desigr Review Board to determine whdher or not the project generally complies with the design grridelincs. The DRB does not vote on conceptual reviews' DRB fees are to be paid at the time of submittat: Latcr, when apptying for a building permit, please identi& thc accurate valuation of the project. The Town of Vail will adjust the fce according to the projcct valuation' PLEASE SUBMITTHIS APPLICATION, ALL STJBMITTAL REQUIREMENTSAND TTIE FEE TOTHE DEPARTMENT OF COMMITNITY DEVELOPMENT, T5 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD' OWNER(S) SIGNATURE(S): NAME OFAPPLICANT: tr Addition - $50 updstod l/97 - vArL, coLoRADO 81657. o LIST OF PROPOST'.D M^TERTAI,S BUILDTNG MATERIAIS:TYPEOFMATERIAL:C9LOR:* Roof Siding Othcr Wall Materials Fascia Soffrts Windows WindowTrim Doors Door Trim Hand or Dcck Rails Flucs Flashings Chimncys Trash Enclosurcs Grcenhouses RctainingWalls Extcrior Lighting** Othcr W /24.c' ''r ,4k-pazaql :<4r#--tl3 a//ilPdils mpa zft%? fuTffi- A4fltulffi 6,/&*?U4< wp3H4rtu%xwn ' - ''agft#b ^ra- +rrryt"n*',ffi lr4JL /*rrJ7%o' e4Ltry4, / ' tu +(/) p,r/*w#* eH- &tYL t Please-speCiff the manufaclurer's color, number and attach a small color Chip '* Alt extetior lighting must mect thc Town's Ligbting Ordinancc 1S.54.050(J). lf extcrior tigbting is propced please indicate G number of nxhrcs and locations on a separate tighting plan, Identiff each frxtur€ tJPc and prcvidc itr. tr.lgtrt "bOuc grade, lumens output, luminous area, and attach a clt sheet ofthc lighting fixturcs. /1 PPU- o PRoPosEDLANDscAPINc o Botanical Namc CommonNamc 441ry,) Ouantity Sizc+ & "'/PROPOSEDTREES ANDSHRI,JBS: EXISTING TREES TO BEREMOVED: fuprr"f- lQt 6Lta / GP/ftas-h tau.13 PttlEtE*i fuA#rwJ*anoulrffirsD"B5H.,/Ud# Amraq. *Minimum requironcnts for landscaping: Tlrc dcciduous trecs - 2 inch caliPer coniferous tsces - 6 fcct in hcight shrubs - 5 gallons Square Footagp &&ef+GROUNDCOVER SOD SEED IRRIGATION TYPEORMETTIODOF EROSIONCONTROL 'eaJ 5_fi4 €&Pb 4& 2/6p-t/FTF{r OTHER LANDSC/q,PE FEATLTRES (retaining.walls, fcnccs, swimming pools, 6.) Please speci$. Indicatcloq and bottom elevations of retaining walts. Mu<imum neight of watls within the front s€tb8ck is 3 feef Morimum height of walls elsewhere on thc property is 6 fcet. FfLt g0Py 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970479-213V479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 Department of Comnunity Development May ll, 1999 Jay Peterson 108 S. Frontage Road West Vail, Colorado 81657 RE: Two new residences at 381 Beaver Dam Circle/Id 1, Blk. 4, Vail Village 3d Filing Dear Jay: The Town ofVail has conducted a review ofproposal to construct two unattached residences on the above referenced property. The following revisions aud submirtal information are necessary for this item to be reviewed by the DRB. Please address the following: General: r l. You are proposing to construct a Type II EHU in the secondary unit. This requires a conditional use permit which must be approved by the PEC prior to DRB approval. Please submit the required applicatiou and submittal iterns. 2. Please provide a survey with an acreage figure included. Also, please provide spot elevations along the edge ofasphalt where driveway cuts are proposed and at garage slab. , 3. The secondary dwelling rmit exceeds the 40% GRFA limitation by 50 sq. ft Also, please note that 28 sq. ft. of GRFA was utilized for garage area on the this unit due to exceeding the garage area credit. . 4. Decks on tle secondary rmit may not extend more than 5' into the side or rear setbacks. Please correct tle plan accordingly. 5. Please provide an exterior lighting plan and cut sheets. Please also provide- calculations showing conformance with the Town's lighting regulations. Any proposed light poles must be setback at least l0' from the edge of asphalt. ' 6. The contours shown on the survey as being beneath the house differ fromthose -l- ttr""n-ru* o., n l*1 '"' shbfrh ou the site plan. Please revise the site plan accordiugly. tJ. Please place a note on all crawl spaces limiting the head height to 5' or less. t$. Please clearly show locations of utility mete$. These must be appropriately screened. - '. ' 9. Please prwide a color board and material samples. Driveway: " 10. Provide as 4' wide concrete pan between street asphalt and proposed driveway. The pan shall not be heated. Any driveway heat located in the right-of-way must be place in a separate zone. ' 1 1. You must comply with a 250' Line of sight requirement for driveways. This is measured 20'into driveway and efiends 250' along road, Please adjust landscape plan to remove any obstructions to tle line of sight. , 12. Please provide at least 24' between the garage doors and the edge of asphalt. Grading/Drainage: , 13. All grading on the site shall be retum to at least a2:l gade. Several areas on the site exceed the 2: 1 ratio. ' 14. Please show trench draius on the plan with elevations and show where they daylight. ' 15. Please provide a engineer's stamp for all retaining walls proposed in excess of 4' in height. Provide top and bottom elevations of all walls. Some walls shown on the site plan exceed 6' in height. No walls can exceed 3' in height in the front setback or 6' elsewhere on the lot. Landscapin g/TreesMetlands : ' 16. The proposed plau does not comply with the separation approval given by the DRB. Approximately 7 large trees located in the area of the proposed driveway were shown as being saved by the separation approval, The proposed house could easily be shifted to avoid impacting these trees. Additionally, a tee protection plan must be provided. This plan should show construction fences located at least 1' away for tee tnmks for each inch of tree diameter. Permanent improvements a . 17. ,18. 19. ,20. , 21. o on the property shall also be set back this distance from saved trees. Please also clearly label those trees being removed, those being saved, and tlose being proposed. I recommend providing a legend on the landscape plan. A report from a qualified professional must also be provided, which approves the tree protection plan. Staff has identified the potential existence of wetlands located on the property. Please provide a report prepared by a professional delineating the wetland boundaries on this site. No development shall occurwithin I' of the wetland boundary. Please show a limits of dishubauce liue on the site plan and provide a note that a fence will be erected on this line prior to obtaining a building permit Provide a note stating that appropriate siltation barriers urill be installed and show on an erosion control plan. Please delineate axeas for snow storage on the property. Since yow driveway is heated, an area equal to 10% ofthe paved area is required. These areas must be free of substantial vegetation and other obstructions and must occur on the property. These items ueed to be provided prior to a final hearing with the DRB. Once you have submitted all required items witl three new complete sets of plans, staffwill identiff the next available DRB agmda to place the proposal on. This item has been scheduled for a conceptual review with the DRB on May 19. If you have any questions, please call me at479-2148. Sincerely,5*& Pbt Chief of Plannins -3 - 7 oo I,AND TITI,E GUARANTEE COMPANY TIIANK YOU FOR YOUR ORDER Our Order No.: v264439 OWNER: W&BDEVELOPMENT, LLC ADDRESS:LOTlBK4v\'FI*'3 FOR AIIY EOI,IOW.UP PIIEASE REFER !O OIIR ORDER NUI4BER : \t264439 PATRICK I{ELSII -c/o RoN BYRNE & ASSOCTATtsS (PERSOI,IAL, & CICNFIDENTIAL)Attu: DONNA Copies: 1 SS&F/VARE 230 BRIDGE ST.vAIIr, CO 81657 AEtsN: KIRK VATitr IIEE 970 476-242L Copies: 1 iTAY K. PETERSON WESTSTAR BAIIK BIJDG Atstn: FA)( 303-825-5525 Copies; 1 7 LD CORP. 15601 W. COTTFAI( AVE. GOLDBN, CO 8040XAttn: IJEE PAll{E Copiee: 1 ss&F/VARE SS&F CENTER-AVON RI'NS P.O. DRAWER 2820 AVON, CO 81620AtEn: ,fAlI .IOHNSON 970 845-2000 Copies: x- RON BYRNB & ASSOCIATES* CIOSER (AVON OFFICE)AIEN: LAI'R,,,A HOWE Copies: 1 108 S. FRONTAGB RD. #305 (SEAI-,@ & CONFIDENTIAI.,) vArrJ, co 81-557 285 BRTDGE STRBETAttn: VAIL, CO 81557 303 476-0092 Attn: RON BYRNE 970 476-L987 Copies: 1 Copies; X DOUG WRIGI{T IJAND TITLB GUARA}ITEE COMPAI{YPage 0 This Policy valid onLy if Schedule B is attached. Form AO/CHI Order No. V254439 Amount $3,900,000.00 SCHBDI'I,E A AddresE LOtr1BK4v\/FI,G3 1. Policy Date: ifanuary 19, 1999 aE 5:00 P.M. 2. Name of Ineured: W & B DEVBIJOPMEI{I, IJIJC 3. Ttre estate or intereet in the land d.eecribed in this Schedul-e and which is covered by Ehis policy ie: A Fee Siq>le 4. Title to the estate or int,erest covered by this policy at the date hereof is veeEed in: W & B DE\TBLOPMEMT, I.,LC 5. Ttre land referred t,o in this policy is situated in EAGLE CounEy, Colorado, and is described as follows: IST X, BI,OCK 4, VAIIJ VILI'AGE-TIIIRD 8II'ING, ACCORDING TO TIIE RICORDED PI.IAT TIIEREOF, COTDTIY OF EAGI,E, STATE OF COI,ORADO. o Poric$o. srEU25443e LAND TTTTJE GUARJAIEEE COMPAI{YPage 2 'rtris Policy valid only if ScheduLe B ls aEtached. .4,, Form AO/CHI Ger No. V264439 SCHEDULE B J Eolicy No. C18U264439 This policy does noE, insure against loss or damage (and Lhe Companywill not, pay costs, attorneys' fees or eqlenses) which arise by reagon of: General BxceBtions: 1. RighLs or cl-aims of parEies in possegsion nots shown by ehepublic recorde. 2- Encroactmenta, overlaps, boundary Line dieputes, or oEher inat.Eers whiclr would be disclosed by an accurate survey andinspect,ion of the premises. 3. Easementa, or claims of easemenLs, not shown by the public records. 4. Any lien, or right, to a lien, for Eerwices, J-abor, or materialheretofore or hereafter furnished, impoeed by Law and not shownby the public records. 5. 1.999 TAT('ES NOT YET DUE OR PAYABLB AI{D ASSESSMEIITS NO(r YET CERTIFIED TO TIIE TREAST'RBRS OFFICE. 6. RIGHT OF PROPRIETOR OF A VEIN OR IODE TO EXTRACT A}ID REMOVE ETS ORE THEREFROM SHOUI.D TITE SAME BE FOI'IID TO PEIIETR,.ATE OR IMTERSE T THB PREMISBS AS RESERVED IN IJNITED STATES PATBITT RECORDED Septsember 04, L923, rN BOOK 93 AT PAGE 98. 7 , RIGHT OF WAY FOR DITCHES OR CANATJS CONSTRUCTED BY THE AIIffiORITY OF TT{E TTNITED STATES AS RESERVED IN I'NITED STATES PATENT RECORDED SEPICMbCT 04, L923, rN BOOK 93 AT P.AGE 9'S. 8. RESIR,ICTIVE COVENANIS WHICH DO NOT COIfTAIN A FORFEITT'RE OR RBVERTER CLAUSE. BIIf OMITTII{G RESTRfCTIONS, IF AI\[Y, BASED ON R,',ACB' COLOR, REI',IGION, OR NATIONAIJ ORIGIN, AS CO}ITAINED IN INSTR.I,METIT RECORDED MaTCh 25, 1963, IN BOOK 1-74 AT PAGE 575. 9. UTITITY BASEMENT AIJONG THE NORTII!{BSTERLY A}ID NORTIIEASiTERIJY LOT L,INES OF SITBJECT PROPERTY AS SHOWN ON THE RECORDED PLAT OF VAIL, VIIJLAGE-TIIIRD FILING. 10. EASEMENTS, RESERVATIONS ASID RESTRICTTONS AS SHO9IN OR RESERVED ON TI{E RECORDED PI,AT OF VAIL VILIJAGE- THIRD FII,'II[G. 11. TERMS, COIIDITIONS A![D PROVISIONS OF HOLY CTOSS EIJECTRIC ASSOCIATION, INe. IJIIDBRGROIJND RIGHT OF wAY EASEMEIIT RECORDED Augrust 19, 1997 I]I BOOK 734 AT PAGE 955. Page 3 tt Form +O/$Ir der No. V264439 l- Eolicy No. CTEU264439 SCHEDUIJE B 12. E:TISTING I-,EASES AND TENANCIBS. IrAllD TITLE IS IN RECEIPT OF IMPROVEMEI|T IJOCATION CERTIFICATE pREPARED .]ruNE8, 1998 By EAGLE VALLEY SIIRVEyING, INC., iIOB NO. L469. I?EM NOS. 1 TIIROUGII 3 OF TIIB GENERAL EXCEPTIONS ARE HEREBY DELETED. ITEM NO. 4 OF THE GENERAIJ EXCEPTIONS IS DBLETED A,S TO AIIY IJfENS RESUIJTING FROM WORK OR MATERIAL COMTRACTBD FOR OR FURNISHED AT rgE REQUEST OF 7 IJDcoRP., A COIJORADO CORPORATION. CHICAGO TITIJE INSURANCE COMPAM SHALL HAVE NO LIABIIJITY FOR AltY LIENSARTSING FROM WORK OR II{ATERIAL FT'RNISHED AT TI{E REQUEST OF W & BDEVEIOPMEMT, L,LC. Page 4 Conditional Use Permit Application Type II Deed Restricted Employee Housing Unit W&B Development, LLC 381 Beaver Dam Circle Vail CO 81657 (Lot l, Block 4, Vail Village 3'd Filing; Owner Information Prooerty Location Lot #/Location Carol Woods Schrnidt 3901 South Gilpin Englewood CO 80110 Nancy R. Byers 352-4 Beaver Darn Circle Vail CO 81657 Warren A. & Laurie E. Miller, Tnrstees PO Box 350 De er Harbor WA 98243 Beaver Dam Road L.L.C. c/o Howard Koening 7 Breakers Isle DanaPoint CA 92692 Beaver Dam Road L.L.C. c/o Howard Koening 7 Breakers Isle Dana Point CA 92692 401 Beaver Dam Circle Vail CO 81657 352-4 Beaver Dam Circle Vail CO 81657 352-8 Beaver Dam Circle Vail CO 81657 _ Beaver Dam Circle Vail CO 81657 Beaver Dam Circle Vail CO 81657 Lot 2, Block 4, Vail Village 3'Filing Parcel A, Lot 5, Block 3, Vail Village 3'" Filing Parcel B, Lot 5, Block 3, Vail Village 3d Filing Parcel E, Lot 4, Block 3, vail Village 3d Filing Parcel W, Lot 4 Block 3, Vail Village 3'd Filing * *Stamped, addressed envelopes for each ofthe above Owners are included with this List and Submission. Resort Design Associates Intemational, Inc. 100 South Frontage Road West o Suite 300 r Vail, Colorado e 81657 970 476 4433 phone o 970 476 4608 fax www.resortdesisn.com