HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 3 BLOCK 4 LOT 2 LEGAL||l Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of @mmunity Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax:. 970.479.2452 web: www,ci.vail,co.us Project Name: Schmidt re-roof DRB Number: DRB030415 Prciect Description: Remove erisUng cold rack and cedar shakes; replace with Class B fire-rated shakes, same for same Participants: OWNER CAROL WoODS SCHMIDT QUAURE09/23I2003 Phone: PERSONAL RESIDENCE TRUST II 3901 S GILPIN ST CHERRY HILLS VILLAGE CO 80110 License: APPUCANT TCC CONTMCTORS, INC. 09/2312003 Phone: 970-328-2340 P.O. BOX 1822 AVON, CO 81620 License: 540-8 CONTMCTOR TCC CONTRACTORS, INC. 0912312003 Phone: 970-328-23,10 P.O. BOX 1822 AVON, CO 81620 License: 540-8 ProjectAddress: 401 BEAVER DAM CR VAIL Location: 3901 S GILPIN ST Legal Description: Lot: 2 Block 4 SuMivision: VAIL VILLAGE FIUNG 3 Parcel Number: 210107111002 C.jomments: BOARD/STAFF ACTTON Motion Byr Actionr SrAFFAPR Second BylVotei Date of Approval= 0912412003 Conditions: Cond:8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not consUtute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities, Planner: Elisabeth Eckel DRB Fee Paid: $O,OO o lsru+'c,lprcco) Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 Soufr Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2t39 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Departrnent. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. the Request:..;q,il1.., <"\ (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Zoning: ?/3 Name(s) of owner(s): Co.r/ Scll r,..,Lt Mailing Address: M, .\Cactrt Ftut,.\k Physical Address: Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant: Mailing Address: E-mail Address:Fax: 9Ze =, Y -)oz7 Type of Review and Fee: ! Signs E Conceptual Review tr New Constructionn Addition tr Minor Alteration (multi-family/commercial) Separation Request $s0 No Fee $6s0 $300 $2s0 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, funces and retaining walls, etc. For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. t RECEIVED $20 No Fee For Office Use Only: Fee Paid: JOINT PROPERTY OWNER WRITTEN APPROVAL LETTER G,yct U)pcrc{ sQ-Wridi Cua li$*l fuuq,uol ai** owner of propefi located at (address/legal tls4drr^cz--Tlagl-I, (print name description) provide this letter as written approval of the plans au($ 2u!,lyirth.- q I tq l0Z which have been submitted to the Town of Vail Community Development Depaftment for the proposed improvements to be completed at the address noted above. I understand that the proposed improvements include: I further understand that minor modifications may be made to the plans over the course of the review process to ensure compliance with the Town's applicable codes and regulations. ^tl "1 lt4lo3 (Date) Page 2 of 72102/07/02 Buildino Materials PROPOSED MATERIALS Tvoe of Material Color Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting Other rklonouur fl.,\+l'nq w'l\ ynr*rh $r^ri cM Notes: Please specify the manufacturer's name, the color name and number and attach a color chip. Page 6 of l2lOU07lO2 D Existing and proposed contour lines. Retaining walls shall be included with the top of wall and the bottom of wall elevations noted. Lighting Plan:tr Indicate type, location and number of fixtures.o Include height above grade, lumens output, luminous areatr Attach a cut sheet for each DroDosed fixture. II. REPAINT PROPOSALS For all proposals to repaint existing buildings, the following supplemental information is required: o Color chip or color sample including the manufacturer name and color number(s)D Architectural elevation drawings which clearly indicate the location of proposed colors (ie. siding, stucco, window trim, doors, fascia, soffits, etc,) The following is an example: : l:l i t i Page 5 of 12102/07loz {:sij I0l{rffm Design Review Board ACTION FORM Departrnent of Community Development 75 Soust Frcntage Road, Vait Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 ta<: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Project Name: Schmidt Residence DRB t{umber: DR8010347 Project Description: New deck Participants: OWNER CAROL WOODS SCHMIDT QUALIFIE10/122001 Phone: PERSONAL RESIDENCE TRUST N 3901 S GILPIN ST CHER.RY HILLS VILI.AGE CO 80110 License: APPLICANT CAROL WOODS SCH MIDT QUALIFIETl / 17 | 2001 Phone : 303-76 1-6842 PERSONAL RESIDENCE TRUST II 3901 S GILPIN ST CHERRY HILLS VILLAGE CO 80110 License: Project Address: .101 BEAVER DAM CR VAIL Locationl Legal Description: Lot: 2 Block: 4 Subdivision: VAIL VILLAGE FILING 3 Parcel llumber: 210107111002 Comments: Approved as submitted. BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: STAFFAPR Second By:Vote: Date ofApproval= L0lt7l200l Conditionsr Cond: 8 (PLcN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN)l DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Planner: Brent Wilson DRB Fee Paid: $20.00 !1 rulwm Application for Design Review Deparbnert of Community Development 75 Soufi Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81557 tel: 97O.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us General InformaUon: This application b br any project requiring Design Rsriew apprcval. Any project requhing design review must receive approval prior to submitting a builcling permit application. Please reftr to the submittal requiremenb for theparticular approval that is requested. An application fur Design Review cannot be accepted until all required infunrEtion is received by the Community Do/elopment Department. The project may also need to be reviewif by the Town Councll and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design Review Board approval lapses unless a bu3lding permit is issued and construcUon oommencer within one year of the appioval, LocationofthePropcal: Lot: 4 Block: 4 Subdivision: Physical Address: Name(s) of Owner(s): Mailing Addressr Name of Applicantl Mailing Address: Type of Review and Fee: E New Constnrtiontr Additbn Minor AlEration tr Changes to Approved Plans lFusl lf, $200 $s0 $20 Ftr construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. For an addition where square fuotage is added to any residential or commercbl buildirg (includes 250 additions & interior conversiom). For minor changes b buildings and site improvemmts, sudr as, reroofing, painting, wirdow additions, landscaping Ences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Rwiew Board PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPLICATION, ALL SUEMFTAL REQTJIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENTOF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, VAIL, COLORADO 81657. (Conbct Eagle Co. Assessor Owner(s) Signature(s D(frot -oal7 fuur Questions? Callthe Planning Staff at 479-2138 MINOR EXTERIOR ALTERATIONS TO BUILDINGS AND SITE IMPROVEMENTS SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS ped topographic survey*, if applicable Cft l-' 4 ls or plans which clearly convey existing conditionsx (_) l\Fi L, PDotos or plans which clearly convey the proposed building or site alteration(s)x ll relevant specifications for the proposal including colors and materials to be used.o Lighting Planx and Cut-sheet(s) for proposed fixtures, if applicableB Written approval from a condominium association or joint owner, if applicableo The Administrator and/or DRB may reouire the submission of additional olans. drawinos. soecifications. samoles and other materials (including a model) if deemed necessary to determine whether a project will comply with Design Guidelines or if the intent of the proposal is not clearly indicated. Please submit three (3) copies of the materials noted with an asterisk (*). II. REPAINT PROPOSALS For all proposals to repaint existing buildings, the following supplemental information is required: o Color chip or color sample including the manufacturer name and color number(s) o Architectural elevation drawings which clearly indicate the location of proposed colors (ie. siding, stucco, window trim, doors, fascia, soffits, etc.) The following is an example: TO}I[I General Information: This application is required for proposals involving minor exterior alterations and/or site lmprovements. Proposals to add landscaping do not require DRB approval unless they involve the addition of patios, water features, grading, or the addition of retaining walls. o LIST OF PROPOSED MATERUTI.S Tvoe of Material ColorBuildins Materials Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia SofRts Windows WindowTrim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting Other Notes: ?x/c trrlr'"'aocl ltrl:r,ui rtnrfnl--n' D Please speciff the manufacturer's color and number and attach a color chip. All o<terior lighUng must rneet the Town's regulations regarding lighting (see TltE 14 - Development Standards). If oderior lighting is proposed, please indicate the number of frxtures and locations on a separate lighting plan. Identiff each fixture type and provide the height above grade, lumens output, luminous area, and attach a cut sheet ofthe light fixtures, I qu &Mrs.-Ni,r,L Uplt- \ 1 (r ).- r \ .,4 t,/ 9 'r-( L F\ i : i,t .*._ \.) o.'..- i \ . rl .! |i)r,sL rs lJo l4L0-ct\kfr,te 30" aboat- olLad-e- U ttl.'t{.t *l!t**f*'},1***{.*f**********++*****f**+*'tr}**********:t *r}+********+*+*******irt****f,t****,r*** TOWNOF VAII-, COLORADO Sratement*****:**'llt**+***++****d.'*******************t***r**+{'*{.'*******************:t'**************++++:*++ Statement Number: R000001524 Amount: 920.00 1"O/17/2OOIO3:24 py! Palment l,lethod: Check Init: .fAR Notati-on: 4492 Permit No: DRB01034? Type: DRB - Minor Alteration Parcel No: 210107111002 Site Addrege: 401 BEAVER DAM CR VAIL Locat ion : Tota1 FeeE: $20.00 Thie Payment.: $20.00 Total ALL Pmts: 920.00 Balance: SO - O0 +++**+ * ***** * ** * * ***!*,***** ** *** ** ** * ***** * * * *+** * * ++!t*'f**** * * ** * * * ** * * * ** ***** * * ** *****:t** ** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts DR O()1OOOO31122OO DESIGN REVIEW FEES 20.00 t t Design Review Board ACTION FORM Departnsrt of @.nmunlty DeveloFnent 75 South Fontaoe Road, Vall, Colonado 81657 tef : 970.479.2139 faxi 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail,co.us Prot€ct llame: Schmidt Residence DRB l{umber: DR801010!) ProJcct Deccription: Relocation of sewer main Participante: OWNER SCHMIDTCAROLWOODS 05/0V2001 Phone: 3901 S GILPIN ENGLEWOOD CO 80110 License: APPUCANT Johnson, Kunkel &Associates05/01/2001 Phone: 970-328-5368 x 236 P.O. Box zl0!) Eagle, CO 81631 License: PrcJect Addrcss: ,()1 BEAVER DAM CR VAIL Location: ,IO1 BEAVER DAM CIRCLE legrl Decription: Lot: 2 Block: 4 Subdivision: VAIL VILLAGE FIUNG 3 Parcel l{umber: 210107111002 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Actlon: SIAFFAPR Sond By:vote: Dab of APProvalz sj.l06l200I Conditions: Cond: 8 (PLAN)t No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail sbff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: CON0fi)€82 Applicant shall coordinate with Public Works Department on relocation of electrhal meter. Cond: CON0004983 No grading or construction access shall occur on Town of Vail property' Cond: CON0004984 Berm shall be raregetated with natural grasses and shrubs. Plannen Ann Kjerulf DRB Fee Pail: $0.00 Questions? cafnrannin'{ s15ff ;ir 478:2fi8 APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVALl,lodification to Application submitted September 25, ?000 GENERAL INFORMATJON This application is for any proiect requiring Design Review approval. Any project requiring design review must receive Design Review approval pnor to submitting for a building permit. For specific information, see the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. The application cannot be accepted'until all the required informatlon is submitted. The project may also need to be re,,,iewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commisston. Design Review Board approval expires one year after final approval unless a building permit is issued and construction is stafted. A. DESCRIpTIONoFTHEREOUEST: Provide bluel ine drawings in support of Building Permi L for re locaiion o B. n E. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: LOT: #?tL Rl oaK. +4 I/-it Uitt-^^ {?FILING: vqrr vrrrqys TJ pHySICALADDRESS: 401 Beaver Dam Circle PARCEL #; 2I0I-071-00? (Contact Eagle Co. Assessors ffice at 970-328-8640 for parcel #) 2gp1x16. Res i dent i al NAMEOFOwTEn(S): Jim and Carol Schmidt F. MAILING ADDRESS: 3901 South Gi l pen Englewood. Colorado 80110 pHoNE:(303) 761-6842 OWNER(S) SIGNATURE(S): NAME OF APPLICANT: Johnson. Kunkel and Associ ates ALLn: bJarren M, Garbe MAILINGADDRESS: Post Office Box 328-6368 OF REVIEW AND FEE: New Construction - 9200 Construction of a new building. Addition - $50 Includes any addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial buildinq. site improvements, such landscaping, fences and H, TYPE n tr H Minor {ltg;a{gn - $20 Irrcludes minor changes to buildings andPaid e-25-00 i",*llltlili,Jaintin"s,windowadditions, DRB fees are to be paid at the time of submittal. Later, when applying for a building permit, please identfy the accurate valuation ofthe project. TheTown of Vail will adjust the fee according tothe project valuation. PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPLICATION, ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, VAII, COLORADO 81657. Laqlc. Colorado 81631 (fr to f,,1r7 Y Gl-Ilrl Johnson, Kunkel & Associates, Inc. IIII CIVIL ENGINEERING . LAND PLANNING . SURVEYING . MAPPING r- August 6,2001 Ms. Ann Kjerulf Community Development Department Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 RC: SCHMIDT RESIDENCE 4OI BAVER DAM CIRCLE VAIL VILLAGE,3'd FILING, BLOCK 4,LOT #2 SEWER MAIN RELOCATION JKA Project EA003l6 Dear Ms. Kjerulf, This letter is a follow-up to my previous Application for Design Review Approval subrrritted approximately September 25,2000, my letter dated April 9,2001 relating to the Town of Vail Council review, and our telephone conversation on the reference project. The Town Courcil at its working session on April 24,2001 denied the use of the Town of Vail Open Space area for an easement of the sewer main, for spillover of the earth berm and as access to the site for construction purposes. An updated Town of Vail ,.",;.,Application for Design Review, enclosure (I), is provided for staffreview and supporting data for a building permit application. Subsequent to the April Town of Vail Council meeting, a thorough review of the design rvith the Eagle River Water and Sanitation District resulted in a change in the method of installation of the sewer main relocation. This redesign is provided as enclosure (2). The revised design is based in the installation ofan encased sewer main that bridges the wetland area on a supporting steel framework. The design (l) has lowered the earth berm fron 5 feet cover to 2 feet cover; (2) has eliminated the spillover ofthe berm on the Town of Vail property; (3) has eliminated the utility easement area on Town of Vail property; (4) does not cause any intemrption to the ground water flow to the Town of Vail wetland areas; and (5) has less disturbance to the existing surface vegetation. In discussions with the Schmidts, the decision is to proceed first with this utility project and address the design ofthe residence addition at a subsequent time. The project is a relocation of a public utility (sewer main) on private property being completed in cooperation with the Eagle River Water and Sanitation District. Based on the revised design, I do not foresee any impact on the Town of Vail properfy other than the stone galleries to allou'the surface and wetlands water to continue to flow to Town of Vail property. The final landscaping of the property will be submitted as part of the . ,g- '\ P.O.Box409. 1286 Chambers Ave. . Suite 200 . Eagle, Colorado 81631 . Phone (970) 328-6368 . Far (970) 328-1035 /f t[ -\ P.O,Box771196. ll20So. Lincoln Ave, . Suite 202 . Steamboat Springs, CO 8(H77 . Phone: (970)879-4676. Fax (970) 879-4870 ( \r o residential addition design and will integrate the smaller sewer main berm into the overall landscape scheme that the Schmidts select. The design as provided in enclosure (2) was presented to the Eagle River Water and Sanitation District Construction Review Committee on Tuesday, June 5 and was approved for construction without any changes, see enclosure (3). While working with Continental West Construclors, Inc, (CWC) to address all details related to the constructability of the sewer main relocation, a different pile support system using concrete micro-piles was recommended. This modified design is included in enclosure (2) revisions. We expect to start construction of the relocation of the sewer main as soon as possible. CWC will apply for the necessary Town of Vail building permit. Thank you for all your assistance in supporting this project. The result ofthis redesign effort is a product that has the least impact on the sensitive wetland areas and will significantly improve a very deterioraled sewer main section. If you have any questions, please call me at 328-6368 (ext 236). Sincerelv. ffi(ftt^* Construction Administrator Johnson, Kunkel and Associates, Inc. Enclosure: ( I ) Town of Vail Application for Design Review (updated) dated August 6, 2001 (2) Blueline prints revised 08-06-2001 - Schmidt Sewer Main Relocate - 3 sets (2 sheets) (3) ERWSD letter dated June 6, 2001 Cc: Eagle River Water and Sanitation District; Attn: Ms. Linn Schon (without enclosures) Mr. and Mrs. Jim Schrnidt (with encloswes) EaclE Rlven -27 WnreR & Sanrrerton DtsrRtcr 846 Forest Road . Va l, Colorado 81657 (97Ot 476-74A0 . FAX (970) 476-4089 June 6, 2001 Mr. Warren Garbe Johnson. Kunkel & Associates P.O. Box 409 Eagle, CO 81631 Subject: Lot 2, Block 4, Filing 3 - Schmidt Residence Sewer Relocation Dcar Y/arrcn: The District received your correspondence dated June 4,2Q01 regarding the above-referenced project. Plans are approved as submitted. The Distict will require a five (5) year wananty from the owners of the property for the construction of the new main. A mandatory pre-construction meeting must be held at least 48 hours prior to consfuction. Please feel free to contact me with anv additional questions. Sincerely,\"s\ U*l^- Fred S. Haslee Re gulations Administrator Cc Project file FSlVmem WnreR. WlsreureR. OpERetLor.rs & MrrunGevenr SeRvtces N Srnvrces @Rp. @ GorsuulrrNrruneTsctl ,,,0, u,u..uu3'j'ffi |!1#31 ?':ililor*on . no May 3,2001 Atm. WanenGarby Johnson, Kunkel and Assoc. 1286 Chamb€rs Ave. Eagle, CO 81631 DeuWanen: Please find enclosed a copy of the regulations pertaining to Nationwide Pennit #39, whioh is the permit request we filed for the Schmidt parcel. I've highlighted the pertinent sections for yow review. In short, your project meets the requirements set forth in NWP 39 (e.g. your wetland impact is less than Yzacr.ein size, you are not effecting any streambed, the pcrrnit was requested as part of a single aad completc project, you've shown that the impa.ct cannot be evoided, you have done ev-eryt[ing possible within the design to minimize the unavoidable imFact and the Army Corps of Engineers (ACOE) has been notified cven though the impact was smaller than the standard required for pre-construction notification). Please note Section (i) on the first page. In your case (impaca less than l/10 acre in size), the way NWP 39 functions is that you may move forward with your project at tbis time without any firther action from ACOE. Once you've completed the worlq you must submit a report to ACOE within 30 days of completion of the work, outlining the five items listed under Section (i). We work with these permits a geat deal and can do the report and design the mitigetion for you as well. In the interim, tho regulations packet should be more tlrm enough to placate the town council mcmbcrs and move you forward. Please sall me if you have any questions or if you need any othet infomtation. I can be reached at (970) 625-0138 or (9?0) 518-9056. Sincerely, Stwe D. Dahmer Director of Ecological Operations RtcD AUG L5 20rjl ffioaue J42001 May 3,2001 Attn. Warren Garby Johnson, Kunkel and Assoc. 1286 Chambers Ave. Eagle, CO 81 63 I Dear Warren: Please find enclosed a copy of the regulations pertaining to Nationwide Permit #39, which is the permit request we filed for the Schmidt parcel. I've highlighted the pertinent sections for your review. In short, your project meets the requirements set forth in NWP 39 (e.g. your wetland impact is less than lz acre in size, you are not effecting any streambed, the permit was requested as part of a single and complete project, you've shown that the impact cannot be avoided, you have done everything possible within the design to minimize the unavoidable impact and the Army Corps of Engineers (ACOE) has been notified even though the impact was smaller than the standard required for pre-construction notification). Please note Section (i) on the first page. In your case (impacts less than 1/10 acre in size), the way NWP 39 functions is that you may move forward with your project at this time without any further action from ACOE. Once you've completed the work, you must submit a report to ACOE within 30 days of completion of the work, outlining the five items listed under Section (i). We work with these permits a great deal and can do the report and design the mitigation for you as well. In the interim, the regulations packet should be more than enough to placate the town council members and move you forward, Please call me if you have any questions or if you need any other information. I can be reached at (970) 625-0138 or (970) 618-9056. Sincerely, {i""o.nut-'J, Director of Ecological Operations I golf course is an integral part of the residential development). The construction of new ski areas or oil and gas wells is not authorized by this NWP. Residential developments include multiple and single unit developments. Examples of commercial developments include retail stores, industrial facilities, restaurants, business parks, and shopping centers. Examples of institutional developments include schools, fire stations, govemment office buildings, judicial buildings, public works buildings, libraries, hospitals, and places of worship. The activities listed above are authorized, provided the activities meet all of the following criteria: a. The discharge does noi cause the loss of greater than 112 acre of non-tidal waters of the United States, excluding non-tidal wetlands adjacent to lidal waters; b. The discharge does not cause the loss of greater than 300 linear feet of stream bed: c. The permittee must notify the District Engineer in accordance with General Condition 13, if any of the following criteda are met: (1) The discharge causes the loss of greater than 1/10 acre of non- tidal waters of the United States, excluding non-tidal wetlands adjacent to tidal waters: or (2) The discharge causes the loss of any open waters, including perennial or intermittent streams, below the ordinary high water mark (see Note, below). d. For discharges in special aquatic sites, including wetlands, lhe notificalion must include a delineation of affected special aquatic sites; e. The discharge is part of a single and complete project; f. The permittee must avoid and minimize discharges into waters of the United States at the project site to the maximum extent practicable, and the notification, when required, must include a written statement explaining how avoidance and minimization of losses of waters of the United States were achieved on the project site. Compensatory mitigation will normally be required to offset the losses of waters of the United States. (See General Condition 19.) The notification must also include a compensatory mitigation proposal for offsetting unavoidable losses of waters of the United States. lf completion of the work, to the District Engineer that contains the following information: (1) The name, address, and telephone number of the permittee; (2) The location of the work: (3) A description of the work; (4) The type and acreage of the loss of waters of the United States (e.9., '1112 acre of emergent wetlands); and (5) The type and acreage of any compensatory mitigation used to offset the loss of waters of the United States (e.9., 1112 acre of emergent wetlands created on-site): j. lf there are any open waters or streams within the project area, the permitlee will establish and maintain, to the maximum extent practicable, wetland or upland vegetated buffers next to those open waters or streams consistent with General Condition '19. Deed restrictions, conservation easements, protective covenants, or other means of land conservation and preservation are required to protect and maintain the vegetated buffers established on the project site; and k. Stream channelization or stream relocation downstream of the point on the stream where the annual average flow is 1 cubic foot per second is not authorized by this NWP. Only residential, commercial, and institutional activities with structures on the foundation(s) or building pad(s), as well as the attendant features, are authorized by this NWP. The compensatory mitigation proposal required in paragraph (f) of this NWP may be either conceptual or delailed. The wetland or upland vegetated Nationwide Permit SummaryU.S. Army Gorps of Engineers Albuquerque District No.3e, RESTDENTAL, coMMERcrAL, AND lNsrruroNAL iltrj*1liliffi,T'S"lr':ff''j".Ti;5"i:*f,",3,ffii"il"T:ili:illil *,DEVELOPMENTS compensatory mitigation should not be required for the District Engineer's (NWP Final Notice, 61 FR 12889 para. 39) consideration: Dischargei or dredsed or rin materiar into non-tidar warers or the united comoinel,T,:ilJHJYf itr::?';:,:f'iiiit:"t,lii$il#T:llY5;it States; excluding non-tidal wetlands adjacent to tidal waters, for the 1nO acre requires that the permittee notify the District Engineer in construction or expansion of residential, commercial, and institutional 3ccordance with General Condition 13; building'foundations and building pads and attendant features that are h. Any work authorized by this NWP must not cause more than neceSsary for the use and maintenance of the structures. Attendant minimal degradation of water quality or more than minimal changes to the features may include, but are not limited to, roads, parking lots, garages, flow characteristics of any stream (see General Conditions 9 and 21); yards, utility lines, stormwater management facilities, and recreation 'r"_!. i. For discharges causing the loss of 1/'10 acre or less of waters of + facilities such as playgrounds, playing fields, and golf courses (provided tne " f -lN the United States, the permittee must submit a report, within 30 days of t\,I Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Yail, Colorado 81657 970-179-2 r 38 FAX 970-479-24s2 www.ci.vail.co.us April 26, 2001 Planner IVGIS Specialist Town of Vail Wanen Garbe Johnson" Kunkel and Associales, Inc. P.O. Box 409 Eagle, CO 81631 Re: Schmidt sewer relocation project - 401 Beaver Dam Circle / Lot 2, Block 4, Vail Vilage 3d Filing Dear Warren: Thie letter is a follow-up to the Vail Town Council meeting on April 24, 2001 where the Council reviewed fte proposed relocation of a sewer main on the Schmidt property locat,ed at 401 Beaver Dam Circle. Your orieinal roquest involved the cooperation of Council in lhree areas: (i) to allov a portion of the required Eagle River Water and Sanitation Disfict utility easement to be placed on the adjacent Town of Vail open space parcel; (ii) to altolv a portion of the sewer berm and associated grading to ocor on Town of Vail property and iiiil to allow access across the adjacent Town of Vail open space parcel for consmrcdon of a new sewer line' The Cogncil made two sepamte motions with respect to the project. The fust motion was to deny lhe use of Town of Vail property for the placement of a portion of fhe requirea mWSp easement but to allow for a portion of the berm and for a minimal amount of grading to occur on Town of Vail property subject to Desi8n Review Board apprwal. The second motion was io deny access a6oss the Town of Vail open space parcel for consfruction. The Council's greatest concern with respect to the open spece porcel is for the prevalence of wettands in the area and the potentiat for darnage to these wetlands. The Council is also concemed with making preced€nt-setting decisions regarding the use ofpublic open space. Council is not restricting the use ofthe open space parcel entirely because ttrey are pennining soms grading to occur in associatron with the sewcr relocation project. I will be anticipating a rwised proposal from your office for the relocation of the sewer line. Please be advised tlut prior to constuctiotr, approval wili first have to b€ obained ftom the Design Rwiew Board and from the Army -Corps of Engineers for mitigation 0f impacted wetlands. If you have any questioflg or concems, please contact me at akjerulfCr$.ci.vail. co. us or 47 9 -21 48. Sincerely, {gu*uor ruo TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Vail Town Council Department of Community Development April24,2001 A request for permission to use a portion of Town property for the relocation of a sewer line, located at 40 1 Beaver Dam Circle I Lol2, Block 4, Vail Village 3'o Applicant: Jim and Carol Schmidt, represented by Warren Garbe, Johnson, Kunkel and Associates. lnc.Planner: Ann Kjerulf BACKGROUND AND DESCRIPTION OF THE REOUEST In June of 2000, James and Carol Schmidt began to pursue the possibility of constructing an addition to their home located at 401 Beaver Dam Circle / Lot2, Block 4, Vail Village 3'o Filing. During the course of having their utilities located, it was discovered that the sewer line servicing their home runs diagonally across their property rather than through a designated utility easement along the perimeter of their property. They realized that in order to construct their addition as planned, it would be necessary to relocate the existing sewer line. Johnson, Kunkel and Associates was contracted to study the site and find an engineering solution that would work with the proposed residential addition. The solution that was devised involved the construction of a berm to house the sewer line along the Schmidtb rear property line. However, in order to meet ERWSD standards, a portion ot the line woud have to be located on the adjacent unplatted parcel of land belonging to the Town of Vail. In addition, some grading would be required on Town property. Fufihermore, an easement agreement would need to be established and temporary access would be required in order to install and maintain the sewer line. On November 28, 2000, the applicant went before the Town Council lor permission to proceed through the development review process, given that the proposal involves the use of Town property. Town Council granted this permission and requested that the applicant review the proposed solution to minimize the impacts and encroachment upon Tovvn property and associated wetlands. The engineering firm, Johnson, Kunkel, and Associates, has reviewed the original proposal and made some modifications to comply with Council's request. The major modification involves the construction of a three foot tall slacked rock wall along the edge of the berm to decrease the amount of encroachment upon Town property. Johnson, Kunkel and Associates now has three requests of Council: i. Allow the easement for the sewer relocation of Town of Vail Open Space property;ii. Allow the berm fill area to extend beyond the easement line onto Town of Vail property; andiii. Grant permission and identify requirements for temporary use of Town 0f Vail property as access for construction ol the sewer main. lt. Io STAFF RECOMMENDATION Stall recognizes lhat the cunent location of the sewer line and on-site wetlands present an obstacle to future improvements upon the Schmidt property. However, the proposed addition could be modified so that the sewer line would be located entirely within the Schmidt property. Correspondingly, a new utility easement could be created entirely within the property along the property line, as is the case with most residential propefties within the Town of Vail. Staff also recognizes that although the line could be relocated entirely within property boundaries, some grading may be necessary upon Town of Vail property. Staff does not believe that this would negatively impact the Open Space parcel assuming thal any areas that are disturbed are revegetated accordingly and that Army Corps approval is received for dislurbance of any wetlands areas. Staff recommends that Johnson, Kunkel and Associates be allowed to proceed with the sewer relocation proposal within the parameters mentioned above and subject to the approval of the Town Council and Design Review Board. 5tte \Aap: 5chnldL?roperb.1 - Troposed 5ewer Llne ?'e'locaLlon 531 b 452 Tredope RIT*** A N LOT Z, BLOCKIK, VAIL VILLAGE,ILING NO.3 SEWER LINE RELOCATE i $ I Y I' REGRADE CONTOURS AT 1' INTERVALS EXISTING COUNTOURS AT 2, INTERVALS t|OnCE: Acc6dh9 lo Coldo.to lor F, lUSl co.rirnGca oary Lool ocliod bo3.d ugcr ant dltlct h th'n rrtE rlhi^ lhrc! y6tt ott.t ta, frtt dilcor.t &ch CalacL h na allrri moy ont octb. t{{d upclont d.Lct h lhi3 rrrtlt !€ cdnmarcld rnq. lhq!l.n !.dr fro.n lh. dotc ol li. c-tillcotlo. lhora MH NEW STA: 1+33.8 RrM 8135.40 INVERT IN 8130.39 INVERT OUT 8130.19 INSTALL BOULDER RETAINING WALL (MAX. J' TALL) STRUCT SILT FENCE I ION GALLERIES VASHED STONE INSTALL BOULDER RETAI WALL (MAX. 3' TALL) Or reciinn <? f^:ll lanning S€ff ai 479-2!38 T0t.l,\APPLICATION FOR DESIGN R,EVIEW APPROVAL GENERAL INFORMATTON This application is for any projec requiring Desi-on Review approval. Any project reguiring design review musi receive Design Retriew approval prior to submitting for a buiiiing permit. For specffic information, see the submittal requirements for the particuiar approval that 6 requefleo. The application cannor be accepted untrl all the required information is submiiteC. The p@ect may abo need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the planning and Environmental Commission. Design Re,.riew Board approval expires one year after final approval unless a building permit is issued and construction is started. A. DESCRIPTION OFTHE REOUEST:tion on TOV :, vJ2) a11ow berm fill area to extend bevond easement line onto TOV pro entify requirements for temporary use o properry as access tor Ife LOCANON OF PROPOSAL: PHYSICAL ADDRESS: LoT: #2 BLOCK: I 4 FiUNG:Vai I V'i 1i aqe #3 401 Beaver Dam Circle C D. t. G. pARCEL #: 2i01-071-002 (Contact Eagie Co. Assessoc Office at 970-328-8640 for parcel #) ZONING: Residential'ti NAME OF OWNER(S): ' "" o"' vcrr v I JLrrrrr | \r L l MAILINGADDRESS: 3901 Sorrth Gitpen Enqlewood. colorado 80110 pHoNE: (303) 761-6842 owNER(S) SIGIT|ATURE( NAMEOFAppUCANT: Johnson, Kunkel and Associates,Inc. Attn: Warren Garbe i-I MAISNGADDRESS: Post 0ffice Box Eaqle. Colorado 81631 PHONE:(970) 328-6368 ext 236 TYPE OF REVIEW AND FEE;tr New Construction - 9200 Construction of a new buildinq.tr Addition -$50 Includes any addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building.EI Minor Alteration - $20 Includes minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. DRB fees are to be paid at the time of submittal. Later, when applying for a building permi! please identify the accurate valuation of the project. The Town of Vail will adjust the fee according to the project valuation. PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPUCATION, ALL SUBMITIAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMEilT, 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, VAIL, COLORADO 81657. fusq owq frtfon-atg? at IlrI Johnson, Kunkel &Associates, Inc. IllI crvrL ENGTNEERTNG - LAND pLANNTNG . suRVEyrNG - !o MAPPING April 9,2001 Ms. Ann Kjerulf Community Development Department Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail. Colorado 81657 RC: SCHMIDTRESIDENCE 40I BEAVER DAN,I CIRCLE VAIL VILLAGE 3'd FILING. BLOCK 4.LOT #2 SEWER MAIN RELOCATION Dear Ms. Kjerull This letter is a follow-up to our previous Application for Design Review Approval submitted approximately September 25,2000. After the Town of Vail staff review of the previous design, the application was submitted to the Town of Vail Council to address the issue of the impact on the Town of vail unplatted open Space land. During the working session with the council on November 28, 2000, the Council agreed to aliow Johnson, Kunkel and Associates, Inc. to proceed with the design that included a portion of the sewer berm impacting the Tou'n of vail land. The Council also requested the impact on the Town of vail property be minimized and that any wetlands in the ToV property, damaged during the construction work. be restored to its original condition. We have reviewed the design as initially proposed in September and have concluded that the alignment as designed is the best solution. We addressed the concem of the Council for the distance the toe of the berm extended into Town of vail property by including a three foot (3') high stacked rock wall along the edge of the berm. This rock wall reduces the width of the berm by approximately six feet (6') into the To*n: of Vail property. We have re-checked all calculations related to the alignment and elevations. The final design reflects minor corrections from this review. The design has been approved by the Construction Review Committee of the Eagle River Water and Sanitation District (copy of approval enclosed). we have sent a follow-up letter to vail Associates requesting permission and time of availability for access to the rear area of Lot #2 via the vail Associates property. This letter is a request for the Town of Vail Planning and Zoning Board to complete action for approval of the three (3) requests on the application as previously submitted. These requests are: l) allorv the easement for the sewer relocation on Town of Vail unplatted Open Space property, 2) allow the berm fill area to extend beyond the easement line onto Town of vail property, and 3) grant permission and identifu requirements for temporary use of Town of Vail property as access for construction of the server main. P.O. Box 409 . 1286 Chambers Ave. . Suite 200 . Eagle, Colorado 81 63 1 . Phone (970) 328-6368 . Fax (970) 328- 1035 P.O. Box 771 196 . | 120 So. Uncoln Ave. . Suite 202 . Steamboat Springs, CO 80477 ' Phone: (970) 8794676 ' Fax (970) 879-4870 to we will also develop the necessary legal description and sketch for recording the easement area in the Town of Vail Open Space according to your guidance to complete that action. Two (2) copies of the construction plans as approved by the sanitation District are enclosed. A copy ofthe previous Application is also enclosed. Please schedule the review of this project with the planning and Zoning Board at the earliest time available. I will plan to attend the meeting and assist in the presentation as required. Thank you for all your assistance in supporting this project. Ifyou have any questions, please call me at 328-6368 (ext 236). ConsEuction Administrator Johnson, Kunkel and Associates. Inc. Enclosures (3) Cc: Mr. and Mrs. James Schmidt (without enclosures) Wanen M.-GFb qa q Lleo Unl! Nam6 f. I ,.. 'i ,,.. ., i : . a-{sc,r.i 6^0 Phor.), fV) ,r, i :i/r"l'i J i/.? j:1 itr" S':a o'.,^^!e. c:r's: U Fictd Ob ! o.v. !ron! T6toncany (Subgroupl: Cont;.m l'l.ppcC Typc? Ycr No Matrix C.lo, (Llonsrll Mo'l (l lr'\\'h 2/lu tK t7- l*'locrl o Colo r: (l,4un r cll Mort tl ? f,tl u/t S ;.r,Mont6 Y'_ t Torturc. Concrotions, Abu^dancc/Cont.as( SlructUre..lc. Hyddc S oil l.|dic!!ors: Hisioiol Concrctionr \ Hi"t" Epipcdon High O.O!.vc con(.nr in Surtlc. Llyor in Sandy Soilr _ Sulfidic Odor _ Orgrnic Strraking in Sondy Soilr _ Aquic Moitrurc R.gimi _ Urtcd on Locd Hydric Soilt Litt - Rcducing Conciitionr - Urtcd on Nrtional HYd.ic Soilt Litl _ Gloyad or Low-Chromr Colorr _ Oth.a (Exglein in Romorkrl wETLAN D D ETERfv1INATION {Circlol lr thir Sernpling Poinr Within o Wcdad? yo' @ HydrcphyncVogotrronPro.6nt? Y.r<Xe>(Circl.l w'.odnd Hydrology Prlfrntl Ylt <-tio, Hy?nc Soilt Prorontl Q!J: No Approv6o wTl. 1995 DATA FORM ROUTINE WETLAND OETERMINATION (1987 COE Wetlands Oelinearion Manuall Projecr/Site:C€ Appiicant/Owner lnvesrigator: 7 Da te: Counry: (t:ro' -+-11- Ea,q le -{ o lo"ra/ p Do Normal Circumstances exist on the site? ls rhe site significantly disiurbed {Atypical Situation}? ls the area a potential Problem.Area? (lf needed, explain on reverse.) G'No Yes @ Yes ds) Comrnuniry lD: Transect lD: Plor lD:3 'S< rt > VEGETATION Ooe-rnsnl Plant Soccie r 6. I 7. t. li",o.ria Vulaa.riJ h lJi o. sa i;x' lu]ra ' 5 )i.j,- ----\ | I a^s. fir'\tiA ia r ^a J;: t Strarurn lndic!(or Oornino n t Plaot Soccies 12. tJ. l5_ 16. S(rotum Indr c a(or Pcrcrnt ol Oomiunt Sprcicr that rrc (oxcluding FAC-1. OBL FACW or FAC ,t I ^ ^l4 /r . (2t-y'l^ I J |,/\J lu Romart:l i) I IE)ATdt, 1' '' t' o' t,gL '. tfr. Nl i;,i,-,-' ^ - i HYDROLOGY X Rccordod D.ra (O.rcribr ln R.mo.ktl; _ Stroa'n. Lrko. or Tidr G augc _ Aori.l Photogrlthr - Othcr No Recorded Orrr Avrilrble W.d.nd HWf ology lodic!tott: Primsry Ind ic ! (o,-!: lnurdatad f S.*ro,oa in UPPcr I 2 lncho5 _ !l'|.!6r M.rkr - Orifr Unor _ Sodim6nl O6potit5 - Orornagr Ponom: io WGdlndg S ocondary Indicatorr (2 or moro roqut'6dl: - Oxldr:.d Root Channilt in Uppor l2 lnchot - W! (or-5 ttio6d L'rvct - Locd Soil SurvcY Oera FAC-N outrai Tosr Oth6/ (E:<Plain in R dma'k3, Fcid Ob.arvroonr: Coorh of SLrriaco lvrt.r; Occli (o Fro c Wator in Pii; D6oth to S an.rrrt od Sorl; R..n.rkt: _ v^; .,r.i. { 6n.l ll =rl:--:--i Bn .) ii| | (in.) SOILS +1'- Orci^lt! Clris: Frcld Ob l6.v! trons Contirrn MappcC TyPc? Yo: No c. iortt. *Z ( Toxturc. Concrotions' b,..;ndancEiCont':jt S(avc(vre alc' Y^A\) I gonl lrganic Contonl in Sudaco Layor in Sandy Soil: ic Strerking in Sandy Soil: on Locd Hydric Soilr Lirr on Nrtionai Hydric Soilt Litl (Exphin in Romrrkrl {scfrca lllcj Phasc}: N0 tnrl \:t(,J€'-t ClO14 'tD' --5t*< Orcinatq CIr:r. T 6x c ^ol.ny [S ub grou p l: Profrlc Oc J crio tt o n; Sr'r a Ocrth M.(.ix Cgtof Morllo Colo.r Mortl. ";- t Toxturc. Concrotions' liecrcsl Hor!:a'.! lMu^sc,l M6titl (Nlunr.ll Mctttl Ab'..;nda^cEiCont':5t S(.vc(vre 'lc' o-lB" A \Y z,s/, ?,,qY \/, F ,^zr p ---;-_-----T- Hyq ric Soil Inciicrtots; ' co ncrationr_l! His tc s al - Hi:ric Epipodon - High Organic Contonl in Sudaco Layor - Sut(idic Odor - Orgonic Strerking in Sandy Soil: - Aqulc Moi:tuto Flrgim! - Urtcd on Locd Hydric Soilt Litr - Reducing Conciitionr - Urtcd on N.tionli Hydric Soih Lirt - Glcycd or Low-Chrom. ColotJ - Oth.r (Exphin in Romrrkrl Ro.n6rkJ: Hydropnync Vogo t roo n Prorcntl \\'od6nd Htdrotog'y Ptcrcntl Hr<inc S oil: P.t3cntl dD No (circta) t,&l xo(!.:t *"lr thir Sernpliog Pornt Wi(nio. (Circlol WcdarxiT <fr No Rcmsrtr: WETLAND D ETERi!1 IT{ATIO N 1;;ft;;-6t'rousAcL 3/ wn. 1995 DATA FOFM ROUTINE WETLAND OETERMINATION (1987 COE Wetlands Delinearion Manual) Projecr/Site: Counry: Srate: Do Normal Circumstances exist on the site? ls rhe sire significantly disrurbed (Atypical Situation)7 ls the area a potential Problem Area? (lf needed. explain on reverse. ) €E ruo Yes (]1t.gr':' Yes $1o'> Communiry lO: Transect lD: Plot lD: VEGETATION S i.6 ar.r.rrDornrnant Plrnt Soccia t lndic!tor OBL -()Gt3. 6. r'.f -r 7. 8. Oomincnt Planr Soccics S taoturl,' Indtc!(o. 9. 't o. 11. !'t 13. Porce nt o{ Oomiunt Ss.cilr thlt rrr oBL FACW or FAC 4/( = (j;'-,') !,,(orcluding FAC-|. == ! J 'jr - Rorn€ rk5 HYDROLOGY Wodand HldrologY lndic!lot3: Pri.n!ay lndicttof'; _ laualdrtld Y Sltursrad in UPg.. l2 Inchot' Waror Mrrkr Orih Lin6t - Sedimtnt Ooporits -a Drornagr Prncmr in Wcdands Socond'ary lodica(orr (2 or moro roqutrodl: - Oxidi:ed Root Chsrlnolt in Uppor l2 Inchoe War6r-St!inod Lcdv6t Locd Soil S urvcY Oara FAC'NcuIroJ TGrt Oth6r (E:(Dl6;n an R6.n!rk5l _ Rocordod Oata (Oorcribc in Rcrnortr): _ Strlrn, Lrka. or Tida G 6uO. _ AoriJ Photooraph. Oth.. -,f, Xo A.-"o"a.A Ortr Avrilable Fcld Obrrrvrtionr: D.prh o, Su.frc. W.t.r: - i'J. '- {in.) Oaoth to F.66 lva(cr in Pii: - i'-- n"-t Oopth ro S.trrrlicd Sorl: i .: ''-t -ti".l SOILS l!1.o Ualr ( Namo {Scrcs ond Phc: c):Ora,najo Clas r: Flcld Ob 36 rvctro^t Co^!i.m M.og cCI6xooomV Typc? Y63 No Hyo ric 5 oil lndicrio.r: Hi3tosol Hi:ric Epipadon Sullidic Odor _ Concfa!ont - Xigit Organic Contont in Ssrlaco Laycr in Srndy Soill _ Orgenic Strorkjng in ScndY Soik _ Ustad on Lccd Hwric Soilr Ljrt - Urtod on Nrtionai HYd.ic Soil. Litt - Othrr (E:<Plein in Rom:rkr) _ Aquic Moi:turq Rlgimc _ Rcducing Conciirionr _ Gloyod or Low-Chromr Colorr R6mcrks: (Circl o) It rhir s!.npling Point wi(hrn c wcdand? @ X" Hydrophync Vcgotaoon Prr.cntl H'6drnd HVdtology Prr:c nt I !..\rn- < ^,1< Pt -..^t, No lCi.cl. i NO V/ETLAND D ETERMiNATIO N vcc CY l-{ wn. 1995 DATA FORM ROUTIN E WETLAND OETERMINATION ( t SB7 COE Wetlands Delineation Manual) VIProjecr/Site: A p plicant./O wn e r Investigaror: Date:e- Cou nty: S ta re: Do Normal Circumstances exist on the sire? ls rhe sire signi{icanrly disrurbed (Atypical Situarionl? ls the area a potential Problem Area? (lf needed, explain on reverss.) @, tito Yes G Yes {!-!) t-t Communiry tO: )fZfi-.>..t ! Transect lD: Plor lD: 5 VEGETATION Domtnant Plrnt Soec;et Strcturn Indic!to. l. ., 5.( 0?,i" I 1 Oorninant Pl rn( Soccics Stroturn Indics (o. lo. 11. t.l I i_ 16. P.orcrnt of Oomincm Sgocio: thot rto OBL FAC-W or FAC (axcluding FAC-!. rf>/tr - iii') r/' I ,) - !\tv ,e _ _ -t,?nomqrxt: F- ^ -,{: , j -,{-,,,q I u' iL'..-1,1.,- C:1, a J.i v. r' rS it -r-,iaiel-v1 I {1', ':,. ! /a _i) {+c, ' :- I D v-!iJ 4.t oBi '. HYOROLOGY _ Riqo.d?d O.t6 (O!rcrib. In 8€.n6.t!l: _ Stra*n. Lrk.. o. Tid. G.ucc _ Aonrl Photographr Othcr X Xo F.-.o.a.a Drrr Avrilable Wod6od Hldrology lndicatorr: Prim.ry Ittdic!to.': _ Inurtd.tod _ Seturatcd in UPg.r l2 Inchot _ Watar Markt _ Oritt L,inor _ Sodimcn! D6potits - O.6rnrg. Pancm: in Wcdands Socondcry l.dicdto.t (2 or mo.a aaqul,od]: - OtJdir.d Roo( Ch!nn!|. in Uppo( 12 Inchas - We tor-Stainod Lcavc: - LocaJ Soit Surv'Y Os(! _ FAC'Noutral Tc:t Orh6r (€:Qlain in Rornlrki l Fcld Obr c rvroonr: O.9(h ot 5 ! rf!c. Wi(..: Cco!h tc Fror Watcr in At: O.pth to S.ru..rcd S oil: R.m.rtr: l'r !.f (n.l . t ,_r-___:._i__ti n_t t SOILS V6o Unlr Narno \t t | | f -. j (Srrrc s cnd Pnor.fr J Tar o norny (Subgrouo): Orain: O o Cia::: Frcld Ob t orv6ar ont Contirrn MaOOcd TypcT Yc3 No Protilc De5c.io (io n: Ocath {inc..6sl n l-lv-tl Hofl?on Mlrrix Colof (lJunt€ll tuo's tl Morrto Colo rr Monts {||lunsell Morstl Abund anc e rCo nr ri s r Taxturc, Co nc,6 tio ns, S tructuf c, c lc. Hyd.ic S oil Indic!to.!: l/ _lL HiE !o sol _ Hi:tic €tip cdon _ Sulfidic Odor _ Aquic Moi:turo tirgimc _ Roducing Corxjitiont _ Gloycd or Lov,-Chrom. Colo.r Concr. dont High Orgrnic Contcnt in Sudac o Layor in Sandy Soilr t_ Orgrnic Strcoking in Sandy Soil _ Urtad on Locd Hydric Soib Lirt Urt6d on Nrtional Hydric Soih Ust Othrt (&pkin in Rcmcrtrl Rcm6ikr: WETIANO OETEFMINATION Hydrophytiq V!96r!boo Pr.r.nt? @ No (circtct Woolnd Htd.ology Prc:cnrl yor G,f H,ytnc Soil: Pr6!6nt2 \Ili., ru" (Circlol lr rhit Sr.npting Point Wirhin a Wcdandl Ycr aal-o,] Rornartr: l^rn. 1995 #,,/ ,r-9 / 't '//' TP-3 t\f/l TP-z I rl.. Rfi'n ..d, \./ J I l-- 's Found Cap fi6826 .€r .h'.L -o >,&9- {)/"ir-.,. / \i .a { \ l\"rP-4- .v'/^..t /.\/dil-l,/ | ^o ./e-:/ / /+:r"'f/ i ' 0i I|uI ,r, / / ll I li olli PiIl :\ |6l \) | OJi E I //\1i :"/ ia)ti>l i I TIr-5 -.rlti Y"a-nt\ \ L T2 I(=90.0' '.\ T--53.221'r -lL-I23.86' \ l\i-r': \-- 4t*Wetland Area : 0.1 I acres J'otal Area of Prr.rperry '= 0.62 acres w | - - Propcny' ISounilaryl I r---:----.;-r Ill- - I \\'cthn<l Fl)uudary'lr-l l lETP-,t l cst l'it I l"_ Snlir rail {.'ncc I N Iwffe I s 40200r Scalc in Icct Wctlancl lluurrtl:lii Surt i... Ilasi survc'r' rlrai) i)rc11:lr cil (.orrrplcictl $.'26.'t)'t. l'nrn.'rlr. Iiountiurv rlatl iiorrt hv St:rrbuck Surrcvors & l:ttgirrccrs iuridrtcti ). PoBox t3ol \ COtoRADO if *.. t,tr;. \g H,iE, * .. *, * o Civil Engineering .q/bt,nbh|l ),,t,''dMhri&Pln .Gtut'.l6r.. W.llPaminim Jim & Carol Schmidt 401 Bcavcr Dam Circle Vait, CO. 81657 Wetland Delineation NatureTech Consultant Services 2128 Railroad Ave. Ste 201 Rifle, Colorado 8 1650 Filc Namc: 9808/rchm idt/Figurc I Job No: 9808 Figure No. I.llydobgy, Flad PAo tvl'./|^rs . cdn rs. Prpetures, Dsms Drawr by:CM I Aprvd by: CM Darc: Aug-99 to Eecle Rven Waren & Sarurmon Drsrnrcr 846 Forest Road. Varl. Colorado 81657 (970) 476-7480 . FAX (970) 476-4089 March 1.2001 Mr. Warren Garbe Johnson. Kunkel & Associates P.O. Box 409 Eagle, CO 81631 Subject: Schmidt Residence Sewer Line Realignment Dear Warren: I have reviewed your plans for the above-referenced project and found them to be in general conformance with our specifications. The District requests the addition of the following two (2) notes to the plans. 1. 2. Excavation down to suitable soils will be witnessed by a geotechnical engineer and representative of the District prior to placement of compacted backfill material below sewer line pipe. There will be a minimum of 5-feet of cover over the pipe in a// directions. Your plans are hereby given preliminary approval, please provide three (3) copies ofthe plans indicating the referenced notes. As you are aware, the District requires a pre-construction meeting to be held 48-hours prior to start of construction. Please feel free to contact me wi'Jr any questions. Sincerely, ll'*A 0+',* Y$J* Linn Schorr Staff Engineer Cc Construction Review George Ott LS/mem :\l 5WSD\8REGS\LTRS\LsSFfeR00AEdffiSgedaqoNs & M.clrnoEvrrr SEnvrces N )s/25/OO CKO2ost l It to20.00 DATE 09 / 25/ 00 .00 CHK TOTAL: 20 511 20.00 20.003HECK:0205rr 09/25/00 TOWN OF VAIL JOHNSON, KUNKEL & ra-ze ASSOCTATES, tNC. BOX iloll 970328€368 EAGLE CO81631 *TWENTY DOLLARS A}ID NO CENTS IIORWESI BANK EAGL€, CO 81631 z3-7t1020 20511 AlrouNT********20.00* O THE RDE R TOWN OF VAIL SCHMIDT REVIEW ORIZED IGNATUR r.oeoSI VAIL TOWN COUNCIL WORK SESSION TUESDAY, November 28, 2000 NOTE: Time of items is approximate, subiect to change, and cannot be relied upon to determine at what time Gouncil will consider an item. 1. Lunch at Pasta Pronto (pubtic is invited to have lunch with (11 :30) the Councilmembers) followed with a walkabout of West Vail. (1 1:30 - 1:45 P.M.) Work Session TOV Council Chambers (2:00 P.M.) VAIL TOWN COUNCIL 2. 3. Lorelei Donaldson - 10 Year Anniversary. (5 mins.) Larry Pardee - 20 Year Anniversary. (5 mins.) Discussion of a proposed sewer line relocation project at 401 Beaver Dam Circle I Lot2, Block 4, Vail Village 3rd Filing and implications for the adjacent unplatted parcel owned by the Town of Vail. (30 mins.) ACTION REQUESTED OF COUNCIL: Grant or deny permission for Johnson and Kunkel, Engineers to proceed through the development review process with the proposal. BACKGROUND RATIONALE: In June of 2000, James and Carol Schmidt began to pursue the possibility of constructing an addition to their home located at 401 Beaver Dam Circle / Lot 2, Block 4, VailVillage 3rd Filing. During the course of having their utilities located, it was discovered that the sewer line servicing their home runs diagonally across their property rather than through a designated utility easement along the perimeter of their property. ln order to construct their addition as planned, it is necessary to relocate the existing sewer line. Johnson and Kunkel, Engineers have studied the site and devised a solution to the problem. The proposed relocation of the sewer line adjacent to the property line would require a minimal amount of grading on the adjacent unplatted parcel of land belonging to the Town of Vail. ln addition, access through the adjacent Town of Vail property would be required in order to install and maintain the sewer line. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that Johnson and Kunkel, Engineers be allowed to proceed through the development review process. Review of the Pine Beetle activity in the Vail Valley and review of draft MOU between TOV, USFS (United States Forest Service), CSFS (Colorado State Forest Service), Vail Resorts and Gunnison Service Center. (30 mins.) ACTION REQUESTED OF COUNCIL: Provide input on current actions and on draft MOU (Memorandum of Understanding). 4. Ann Kjerulf Greg Hall 5. Patrick Hamel 6. Allison Ochs Brent Wilson 7. 9. Steve Wright Joe Russell 8. BACKGROUND RATIONALE: For the past several years the Mountain Pine Beetle has been destroying healthy lodge pole pine trees in the VailValley and recently activity on Town of Vail land and adjacent to Town land has increased. Staff has concerns that if some type of action is not taken within the next year that we will see increased numbers of dead lodge pole pines in the Town of Vail. The other concern that the staff has noticed over the past few years is the increase in the fuel load on many areas around and in Town due to the amount of dead trees. This increase in the fuel load makes the risk of wildfire greater. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Commit to fulfilling the actions drafted in the memorandum of understanding. PEC Report. (5 mins.) Business License Fee Allocation. (15 mins.) BACKGROUND RATIONALE: During earlier discussions of the Y2001 budget, Council showed a willingness to allocate up to $240,000 of the Business License Fee as start up funding for the Vail Chamber and Business Association. Recently, lodging representatives have questioned this allocation not be used directly to support marketing efforts, and in particular, into the year 2002 when the Vail Local Marketing District could possibly find itself with reduced funding of $1.7M, ratherthan $2M. ACTION REQUESTED OF COUNCIL: Determine funding for the Y2001. Outdoor Sales - Eric Baumann Request. (5 mins.) BACKGROUND RATIONALE: At last week's work session, Council heard an overview from the Vail Chamber and Business Association (VCBA), regarding future steps to be taken in response to this request. Those included: oversight and approval by the VCBA; issuing a separate business license for these outside sales to current business license owners in the Town of Vail;working with the Town to secure through lease agreements public right-of-way for licensed outdoor sales (such as the Town does with restaurant deck leases). ACTION REQUESTED OF COUNCIL: Direct Staff how to proceed. Resolution No. 14, Series of 2000 - A Resolution approving the law enforcement assistance fund (leafl contract #L-51-01 (5 mins.) ACTION REQUESTED: Consider Resolution at Worksession to meet reguired December 1, 2000 deadline for signing of contracts. 10. 11. 12 13. 14. BACKGROUND RATIONALE: This DUI (Driving Under the Influence) grant, LEAF (Law Enforcement Assistance Funds), funds such things as: TlPs (Training lntervention Procedures) education and training, the DUI bus, wages for off-duty officers to emphasize DUI enforcement, local educational efforts, and so on. The Police Department must have Council approval in order to access the funds from CDOT (Colorado Department of Transportation). The deadline is December 1, 2000, to qualify for Y2001 funding, up to a total of $18,500. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve by resolution, which is a formal motion. Resolution No. 14. Review Council Critical Strategies. (10 mins.) Information Update. (10 mins.) Council Reports. (10 mins.) Other. (10 mins.) Adjournment. (4:20 P.M.) NOTE UPCOMING MEETING START TIMES BELOW: (ALL TIMES ARE APPROXIMATE AND SUBJECT TO CHANGE) THE NEXT VAIL TOWN COUNCIL REGULAR WORK SESSION WILL BE ON TUESDAY, 12l5r00, BEGINNING AT 2:00 P.M.lN TOV CONCIL CHAMBERS. THE NEXT VAIL TOWN COUNCIL REGULAR EVENING MEETING WILL BE ON TUESDAY,l?srcO, BEGINNING AT 6:30 P.M. lN TOV COUNCIL CHAMBERS WITH A SPECIAL MEETING WITH THE VAIL LOCAL MARKETING DISTRICT TO APPROVE THE 2OO1 BUDGET. THE NEXT TOWN OF VAIL WALKABOUT WILL BE 1,23/OO, AT 11:30 P.M. IN VAIL VILLAGE (Lunch will be at the Red Lion) Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24-hour notification. Please call 479-2332 voice or 479-2356 TDD for information. oa ol TOWN COUNCIL AGENDA REOUEST (Request form must be given to the Secrelary to the Torrrn Manager by 4:00 p.m. Wednesdavs.) MEETING DATE:November 28. 2000 @de Request for each agenda item. lf the agenda item will be discusEed at both a Work Session and an Evening Meeting, be certain to check both boxes in this section and indicate time needed during each meeting.) Work Session TIME NEEDED: 15 min Evening Meeting TIME NEEDED: Site Visit TIME NEEDED : 15 min (weather-dependent) V\NLL THERE BE A PRESENTATION ON THIS AGENDA ITEM BY NON-TOV STAFF? _\_ NO. YES. Specifics: WILL THE PRESENTATION OF THIS AGENDA ITEM REQUIRE ANY SPECIAL EQUIPMENT. i.e. overhead projestor, etc.?X NO. YES. Specifics: WILL THERE BE MATERIAL TO BE INCLUDED IN COUNCIL PACKET FOR THIS ITEM? NO. _X_ YES. lf yes, is lhe material also for public distribution? _X_ Yes. No. ITEM/TOPIC: Discussion of a proposed sewer line relocation projest at 401 Beaver Dam Circle I Lot2, Block 4, Vail Village 3' Filing and implications for the adjacent unplatted parcel owned by the Town of Vail ACTION REQUESTED OF COUNCIL: Granl or deny permission for Johnson and Kunkel, Engineens to proceed through the development review process with the proposal BACKGROUND RATIONALE: In June of 2000, James and Carol Schmidt began to pursue lhe Possibility of consiructing an addilion to lheir home located et 401 Beaver Dam Circle / Lot 2, Block 4, Vail Village 3d Filing. During the course of having their utilities located, it was discovered that the sewer line servicing their home runs diagonally across their property rather than through a designeted utility easement along the perimeter of their property. ln order to construcf their addition as planned, it is necessary to relocate the existing sewer line. Johnson and Kunkel, Engineers have studied the site and devised a solution to the problem. The proposed relocation of the sewer line adjacant to the property line would require a minimal amounl of grading on the adjacent unplatied parcel of land belonging lo the Town of Vail. In addition, acoess through the adjacent Town of Vail properly would be required in order to install and maintain the sewer line. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that Johnson and Kunkel, Engineers be allowed to proceed through the development review prooess. Ann Kierulf@ 'ltem to be presented to Gouncil by Greg Hall f :\everyone\cou ncilvequesb\sch midt. REQ. doc 2. 3. Kirk Aker Matt Stanton Trey Warren 4. Brent \Mlson the council prior to final council review of this item. Please refer to the staff memorandum for complete details. Todd Scholl -20year anniversary (10 min.) ITEM/TOPIG: Municipal Center Overview (30 min.) BAC KGROU ND RATIONALE: Morter/Aker/Cole is currently working on a feasibility study for a consolidated municipal site, to include all of its current uses, e.9., Community Development, Administration, HR, Court, Finance, lS, the helipad (the Police Department remains untouched), as well as an added two-company fire station, underground parking, consolidated information booths, and employee housing. A number of designs will be shown, as well as an "alternative design," derived from previous discussion with staff. Morter/Aker/Gole is looking for input on the schematic design, as wellas permission to move into Phase ll, which would include some cost estimating, some architectural drawings, and road and traffic studies (which will be coordinated with the Vail Plaza West, hospital, the Evergreen, and Vail Center). STAFF RECOMMENDATION: \Mth input from Council, proceed according to the contract. ITEMffOPIG: An appeal of a Design Review Board decision regarding a requested modification to the grading and landscaping plan for the McKeeta Residence, located at 1808 Alpine Drive / Lot 14, VailVillage West Filing #1. (15 min.) Applicant Gordon McKeeta, represented Gleasner ACTION REQUESTED OF COUNCIL: Uphold, Uphold with modifications, or Overturn the Design Review Board's decision. BAGKGROUND RATIONALE: On March 21st, 2001, the Town of Vail Design Review Board (DRB) denied the applicanUowner's request for the removal of certain trees on the propefi to allow for an expanded construction disturbance area. In moving to reject the request, the DRB cited the following design guidelines from the VailTown Code: The location and configuration of structures and access ways shall be responsive to the existing topography of the site upon which they are to be located. Grading requirements resulting from development shall be designed to blend into the existing or natural landscape. Any cuts or fills shall be sculptural in form and contoured to blend with the existing natural undisturbed terrain within the property boundary. Building siting and ac@ss thereto shall be responsive to existing features of terrain rock outcroppings, drainage pafterns, and vegetation. by Ernie VAIL TOWN COUNCIL TUESDAY, Aprll24,2001 NOTE: Time of items is approximate, subiect to change, and cannot be relied upon to determine at what time Council will consider an item, NEIGHBORHOOD WALK-ABOUT . FORD PARK 11:30 A.M. Meet at Municipal Building at i l :30 A.M. to ,'van,' over to Fordpark Ford Amphitheater Renovation Tour (4S min.) Vail Alpine Garden (10 min.) Site visit - McKeeta Residence - 1808 Alpine Drive (30 min.) Site visit - Schmidt Residence - Beaver Dam Circle 1. prent Wilson tM'"eP woRK sEsstoN (Gouncilwill have lunch in Ghambers.) COUNCIL CHAMBERS l:00 P.M. ITEM/TOPIC: A request for a Town Council work session to discuss the proposed Vail Plaza HotelWest Special Development District - a new conference facility/hotel/fractionalfee unit club proposal at 13 Vail Road / Lot A, B, C, Block 2, Vail Village Filing 2. (1 hour) Applicant: Doramar Hotels, represented by the Daymer Corporation Planner: Brent \Mlson ACTION REQUESTED OF COUNCIL: Provide feedback to the applicant and staff regarding next steps for the SDD proposal. BACKGROUND RATIONALE: The Vail Plaza HotelWest is a mixed-use development proposal. Uses within the hotel include residential, commercialand recreation. The proposed plan currently includes a 116-room hotel, 15 condominiums, 40 fractional fee units, 14 (on site) employee housing units, a restauranUbar, retail space, conference space (including a 10,000 s.f. ballroom), and a spa/health club. The current (and proposed underlying) zoning for the property is "Public Accommodation.' RECOMMENDATION: The Design Review Board will review the item and provide a recommendation to the VailTown Council on April 18th. me Planning and Environmental Commission will review the proposal on April 23rd and provide a recommendation to the Vail Town Council. Staff will forward a recommendation to Removal of trees, shrubs, and other native vegetation shall be limited to removal of those essentialfor development of the site or those identified as diseased. Please refer to the staff memorandum for additionar detairs. RECOMMENDATION: The Department of Community Development recommends that the Town Council uphold the Design Review Board's decision pursuant to the above-listed findings. 5. DRB/PEC Report (10 min.) I _ Spaeth Design Funding proposat(1S min.) Todd Oppenheimer 7. Russ Forrest lrEM/ToPlc: Vail center Design preferencing. (45 min.) 8. Ann Kjerulf Greg Hall ACTION REQUESTED OF COUNGIL: Conduct design preference exercise. BACKGROUND MTIONALE: On April 17th, the Town Council gave staff direction to move forward with the design process on the Vail Center. A critical first step in this process is to obtain the Town Council,s preference for an architectural direction. On April Z4th, the design team will provide a series of design images (alpine to contemporary) and ask the Council and members of the audience to rank their preferenoes on a scale of 1-5. On May 1st, staff will review the resufts of this design preference excercise. In addition, Council requested that a discussion occur on creating additional partnerships with the Vail Center project. RECOMMENDATION: N/A ITEM/TOPIG: Discussion of a proposed sewer line relocation project at 401 Beaver Dam Circle I Lot 2, Block 4, Vail Village 3rd Filing and implications for the adjacent unplatted parcel owned by the Town of Vail. (20 min.) ACTION REQUESTED OF COUNCIL: Grant or deny permission to use a portion of Town property for the relocation of a sewer line BACKGROUND RATIONALE: In June of 2000, James and Carol Schmidt began to pursue the possibility of constructing an addition to their home located at 401 Beaver Dam Circle / Lot 2, Block 4, Vail Village 3rd Filing. During the course of having their utilities located, it was discovered that the sewer line servicing their home runs diagonally across their property rather than through a designated utility easement along the perimeter of their property. In order to construct their addition as planned, it is necessary to relocate the existing sewer line. Johnson and Kunkel, Engineers have studied the site and devised a solution to the problem. The proposed relocation of the sewer line adjacent to the - D€J{ w$e( 1bv ?*+rqdafln$. - AlloD $eDrnQ o.t 1\v ?pffifitJ - DeUl aa.t1ilarnbA taisg tsw, @v Twr$l {lUUproperty line would require a minimal amount of grading on the adjacent unplatted parcel of land belonging to the Town of Vail and an easement agreement would need to be established. In addition, acoess through the adjacent Town of Vail property would be required in order to install and maintain the sewer line. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that Johnson and Kunkel, Engineers be allowed to proceed with the proposal, subject to Town Council and Design Review Board approval, Special Events (15 min.) Shoulder Season Signs (15 min.) 9. Kaye Ferry CeilFolz JoelHeath 10. Russell Forrest George Ruther 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Review Council Critical Strategies. (15 min.) lnformation Update. (10 min.) Council Reports. (10 min.) Other. (10 min.) Executive Session - Properg Acquisition and Litigation (30 mins.) Adjournment. (6:05 P.M.) NOTE UPCOMING MEETING STARTTIMES BELOW: (ALL T|MES ARE APPROX|MATE AND SUBJECT TO CHANGE) THE NEXT VAIL TOWN COUNCIL REGULAR WORK SESSION WILL BE ON TUESDAY,5/1101, BEGINNING AT 2:00 P.M. tN TOV COUNCTL GHAMBERS. 16. THE NEXT VAIL TOWN COUNCIL REGULAR EVENING MEETING WILL BE ON TUESDAY,5r1r01, BEG|NN|NG AT 7:00 p.M. tN TOV GOUNCE '| i , rHE NExrvArLrowN;il;-;***woRK ;ilt;,, ': : tWLL BE ON TUESDAY, 5'8/OI, BEGINNTNG AT 2:OO P.M. IN ToVcoUNcIL GHAMBERS 'j'r'i; l'r't' THE NEXT VAIL TOWN COUNCIL REGULAR WORK SE$IrcN.; ;.r,. ;, ..1. ri WILL BE oN TUESDAY, b/lsr01, BEG|NN|NG AT 2:00 p.M. tN TOV*QpltCt!,:i,.,.\ CHAMBERS- THE NEXT VAIL TOWN COUNCIL REGULAR EVENING MEETING Wf LL BE ON TUESDAY,5l15n1, BEG|NN|NG AT 7:00 p.M. tN TOV GOUNCIL THE NEXT VAIL TOWN GOUNCIL WALK.ABOUT . STEPHENS PARK REGULAR WORK SESSION UYILL BE oN TUESDAY,5t220l, BEG|NNING AT 2:00 p.M. tN Tov couNctl CHAMBERS. Sign languago interprctalion avallable upon rcqueetwith 24-hour notiftcation. Pleaee catl 479-2332 voice or 42g-2356 TDD for information. R[cDJUN 262000 tt RECDJuNz62000 FROI'I :J R SCHt'llDT l' PHONE NO. : 3A3,.,Uil-/b-CUUU flUN IUIbU fiN]ilTR AKER ARCI,{IIECTS_'ffir'il61r'0,.#,0'"" ' 26 nn ';,''oT" "' ,. . * .-,,,--"-_-1,_:-_.. ,.- .*.,-" ., .:,i, ' '1 1t,,. .'rym r?rj ntvl(rw ,No t'tifir .' - - - - ^l* r t,, 1r.153nrr'l.o"i - +1op ijs.sr,r,nlrorr u1's n'w bu.dhg, :j''.,: ;. .,;.,, ;,. ' : ' ' _. . ,c5, t\!rJolttl0,_ lJalnutE, vfhdow addldUrr, bndgCaptrrH, h0re+ frfl, ' ,, ' tqluruillg will$. etc." ,,'.'t" ," ,,. ' ., l ",., " ':.'i . iDflHrrLB{rt!1,1 h0 l)ald.trtfieumettsulrinittnl. hrtctwJrcn.ilppvkrgfrrabrililngprftritdpaFeicendtf .. ., , .:.i. ,'., ..rtlc ir'lrrftrt* irtuirtlnri * the projCcl. rur'iiioivl]i,riri;di;:ffi'6r";,6kt, ir,i ur oiit[l-*ffi;;1 , :'; i ',.'', "' ..' er-drsr.gu3r.11g;ryr.s lF_?HgJrI[_o!l Alr sulilffrAt nreut?llrrFiln, '] , ..':..',:'t..,, . , Ailtrrm FlFTor.!!E llp-ARTr,utinoFEoltiluiit iirft-ropuonir sourFr iforfrGJilril,liil l6iiitlio6'iiii-fn' " r.. . I,.,:';';.'.,.,..,."7tgouT}tFRo|n^6En$lD{vAll'coEr^Dolrii1|.v,'|- Questions? Carr tnning staff at 479-2138 MINOR ALTERATIONS TO THE EXTERIOR OF BUILDINGS AND SITE IMPROVEMENTS " ri''.;'nl:- ;r' ,.1 '..,.,. i '., . ',,"J.i. , ..-Tnrs'dprilcatioYtpplles to changes made to a site orbxibribiiterations of a buitding. Any alterdtion in which additional nuitAing square footage is bdaeOwill require an "additions"application. r- ' - i! ' I. SUBMTTTAL REOUIREMENTS 'l ! .- .. tr Phptos or sketches wnicn'cteiitv .onV.t,nJ''#*ing conditions. .1 tr Photos or sketches which clearlv convey the proposed building or site alteration(s). ? ' D All:relevant specifications fopthe proposal inch.rding colors and materials to be .. used. n Condominium Association approval (if appljcable). .t -.-.. ,. rf. . tr If the intent of the proposal is not clearCy'indicited, the Administrator may .'.',r t r 1,-) ' . ' ,,i. ; determine that additional materials arc,neceOsary for the review of the application. 6fa,a"4v) \ r. Lt. , ..t.' 4,, | .l '! ... f -' .'')\..t A'""' j-'.1. tl p \1^tu-t-2.1 fr , ('\. i IISI OF PROPOSED UAIERIALS BUII.DING MATERIALS: Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors DoorTrim Hand or Deck Raib Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Ughting Other TYPE OF MATERIAL:COLOR: V+ N\ A\:ct-o ffi"n)&p sllArbs tt rllt rl rtrt fttltlri r(i( IrItrl{;L{ ?;LJ lrlnH^;f+-,'?"..-s lsA ll 6cu LJr <' *o\t itu'.o /1" lght * Please specify the manufacturer=s color, number and attach a small color chip ** All o<terior lighting must rneet the Town=s Lighting Odinance 12-11-51. If o<terior lighting is proposed, please indicate the number of fixture and locations on a separate lbhung plan. Idenuff each fixtur€ type and provide the height above grade, lumens ouFuL luminous area, and attach a cut sheet sf the lighting fixtures. v PROPOSED LANDSCAPING Common Name: Ouantitvr S!ze*:Botanical Name: PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS:cD BUr <rPU6€ b -..-..T_.-.i_6'lo' EXIfiNG TREES TO BE REMOVED: *Minimum requirements for landscaping: deciduous trees - 2 inch caliper coniferous trees - 6 feet in height shrubs - 5 gallons TVDe:Souare Footaoe: GROUND COVER SOD SEED IRRIGATION TYPE OF EROSION CONTROL N.,l.,-.-.Q.ansyg OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls, fences, swimming pools, etc,) Please specify, Indicate top and bottom elevations of retaining walls. .Maximum height of walls within the front setback is 3 feet. Maximum height of walls elsewhere on the propefi is 6 feet. UTI LITY IOCATIOTf, VERIFICATIOil This form is to veriry seryice availabilrty and location for new construction and should be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan and scheduling installations. The location and availability of utilities, whether they be main trunk lines or proposed lines, must be approved and verified by the' .rfollqwing utilities br the{ccomF0ying sile plan.:.. , --! , { '; .:' , r.C. ' Authorized Sionature Date U.S. West Communications 1-800-922-1987 ,168-6860 or 949-4530 Public Service Company 949-5781 (Gary Hall) Holy Cross Electric Assoc. 949-5892 Oed Husky;lohn Boyd) T.C.r. 949-5530 (Floyd Salzar) Eagle River Water & Sanitation District * 476-7480 (Fred Haslee) * Please bring a site plan, floor plan, and elevations when obtaining Upper Eagle Valley Water & Sanitation signatures. Fire flow needs must be addressed. NOTES: .l,.t.C';.. o."u.,t.l 1. If the utility verification form has s$natures fonr eacir df'fire*,titity corpanies, and no cornments are made directly on the form, the Town will presume that there are no problenr and the development can proceed. 2. If a utility company has concems with the proposed construction/ the utillty representative shall note directly on the utility verification form that there is a problern which needs b be resofued. The issue should then be detailed in an attached letter to the Town of Vail. However, please keep in mind that it b the responsibility of the utility company and the applicant to resotue identifled problerns. 3. These verifications do not relieve the contractor of the responsibility to obtain a Public Way Pennit from the Departrnent of Publh Works at the Town of Vail. Utiliw locations must be obtained befure diooino in any public right-of-way or easement within the Town of Vail. A buildino oermit is not a Public Wav oermit and must be obtained seoaratelv. Y.t I Jun. 2A WB 11:43AFt P2v l!.-'l ; c"r Ii+ " P:=7:l 13:1 p,rrrr,r-,frt S*(l{)" $*.3. ClO ,tClr*ss !, Poi icr Eate.: r-ianuar.y ?7, 1PS,5 st g! {!O A.iri. !. Namq a!: Irrgr-lr'€,1 : '*JA!'tEg R. SCH}4lttT:and C*f,Or- r/.t. SfiHi"lIiJT i 6.$ Jc' j'.rit Tsc*r:tE '3. 'Thc +str.tk or intencet tn the lanri dcccr.il!€d j. rr th:.6 S'f hea*|J j *' :rrd r:rf:i rl"r is ,:,tvcr,*'d hr' 'Lhis ro,:'l iry j,n: +. Fcc q. iitle ta thc estato si. i rrter,*st {c,vsFed r.y tiig F.--.i tii:i irt tlrcgete her.er,f i.s vceteri ifrt ' ,-tAt4ES R- stril+iIfT arrd.f,ARSL- {.i. $;t:iiHf$T , *n ,-i<,j,nt T{rr:er,+rF .: 5. Tht i a.nd r'tt:crrce t.r ii\ thig pol tcv 1s 6it'JstGrt irr SAE:LE i:r:r,nt'.',,Etlor&dcl ar'rd 1s d*sfirihed +s *:c, l'l uu*; !-ct ?' EtlcLck 4? VCIL VILLAf.iS THXRD FILIi\iS, .qllC,-affllirifi TG T|tH RE*ORDEN PLAT IHERE$F, CCIUNTY OF ESGLE, FTATE T'F TQi..8RAF.*, . lrrlt FRO'I: JRSCI{'IIDT .a T!l,i i''cnei's r:irrr; 331:)1 FHI\E Ml. : 36 ?Bg A12B ir';1c Ns" V:34*S F-;EHEE IJLE f4 fficDJUL052000 FROI'I: JRSCHMIDT t Pl-uNE No. i 343 ?88 4128 t Jun. 28 Z@A 1.Lt44fr1 p3 i'lit'i i,lr;ir,Iif $.",1.1,! :;':;l i :: i: i I * i\i,i, r"iilir:ll?!! l',; 1 .r .- ,. i{r}. *71I-:: i .''/:: .':: L. fl r: !._r l..,ii ii ',iliri -c !='ri jt,. dod,s hr:'lj j. r'r i, i-: i-.€ egstir;t I *r:s ,:r r'. ,j,n.t?:h.*-e l.r' r'rae;n c'f tll€ . i:n I i L, '.t, i, tr'J t J.. lii:rl:tl {rt. c i;riRrs r+ 't'i}r,+.-.rs's itr ptFicasiair lr;tt si-:ruf, l,:' the Fub i !. r'€(f i-ds.. t, ' Ea!i,a$ef'tgi r $r' clairrts r:, l: (r6.sot1!et'lliir Fr,rrt $l'rc'iul-l i', * l'rtir r,u!.;,i:itll . t-g L: {r i-.il $ r 1 3" Iiisrf gFE,ncl.€s: t,:ifrf i icts iti houi-:d,ar.r' i l."es' ihr-:r't+-:s ir: B.iei-.: ' €ltdrsa{;hnentg, a.-rrd arrr" fe*ts rr,i-rich, €. qrj,rrgit srjl'\j4,r' |Lnri j.ngt*rcl: j. nfr' c,f tl-:e pr'tni. $ri,$ rrJ * r-r j rl dinc lose a,tr4 *ti'r:i,t l'r &r'e, r: r..:'f ;hrrrrrr Ltr. f itg, i+ubl ic !.d-':6t'ds. 4.' eny 'l iGtr, f,r f. f iEti'.lt l& a I i*rrr f rltf servj.c€s' !ahc,;*' .r !" lilti.tini'it! ! tli€!*?*x\f cr'c rir f'eFss,f *tr Furrris!':*dr irrptscl,j t,r' lau anc"l ':l't , s.hrcurn h',, tirq' pf-ll:,'i :r. ': r'ecit'dF. ti. i9S6 fAXH.g tlrl'i YET I|UF: Rirjt FAY{IE{I-E. tt. LIEhls Firil i"'f,if5A jll: !.lATilF: Ai!!j' g=hlHt,{ c:llARrf;:fl, ji.: sf.lY,, '?^ RI|]l-iT fii5 falt0F,itiE:Tiifi rlF A vEli.i fin Lr:nE Tr:i ExttiAlT rt:i\n Ri::l'4l\rE iJi:ii si-:g'':. Tr-{€REFRT:rm El{$Lrlf,i TH= ..rsr-lE sE Ft'uNn rff FEi{FTitATtr iltt .TNTE.-'.EI:CT i't'48 t-Rf:l,li,trf.: A:{ REE:ER'JHil IN;J;\ii7H[r 5;IATFS FC"E|{? RE$r.it(i]ES F€ptaqrk,,!iti. *4, .tgtii. ii'i Ffifirl.i pF ftT PfiEE 1711. B. ,itIrSHT frF U|AYiFrlrR IriTE:itEc-{ trtt tlA:.jAL.E Ci:rNSTFiut:;TFi1 8v'lHE p:rjT!+rlnlTY'.:jF THg uN;TEEr E:tATS5 AE RES€RVFI ii{ TjNITEF SiTATES PAi=r\.lT,q:EG*I[FFF Septe+rh+,r.(:.r!.': :1.9:l*" If'l BrlBF; fB A1' PAGE '/'-r. '?,. ilESrRIi:TiV[ C:'jVgNANT'g; tJl.tIvH [rO NAT Cr]iiTAiit 6r FORFEITTjFE Cil FtEVEfrTFB 'tL.RiltE,.. ,NirTini'iAL ':tRI8]N, AS (:(rN'rAINFll iff INFTltLrMEf.,lT irH{:f.rRnfli riar.cl'r !J5" 1?&n, !i{ B.|lc'tK i74 A't F,AGS E7fi, . 1O:'.UTiLITY HASEI"iENT 'i-rjilcrlriiH TliE: t't!5r(1.'l".li,tHl:i1 HRl.\, 1,$ FEET L-jF Si-rE.-rEi"',!' Fe,litrE.qTy At 5HUI,!N r)l'+ i'HFt RE{:A$.nE[J F;AT" , ll- Urll-lrY tiesEPli;N'r' Ti"{ff.gLl*ii-t r!4lF ];;c,LiT$i:i'{t-y At.trl {^tE,J:TEF:t-y T F:ET i'F 'd,r{jn-rtir:t'l F'ltilF'EltT\, /,\Ir fiil'iC'ir,lti rlN Ti.tF{ iltt';i1ftEE:n ltL6iT- ''' l.;;;HnHDeve,opmenr 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 t Please make checks payable b the TowN oF vAlL ReceiotNo. )L(o5l- o^t" b r 'zlrob Accounl l{o.Item No.Code #Cost Each Total 001 0000 314 1110 Zoning and Address Maps ZA $s.00 001 0000 314 1112 Unitorm Building Code - 1 997 - Volume 1&2 $50.95 001 0000 3141112 Uniform Building Code - 1997 - Volume 3 $57.20 001 0000 3141112 International Plumbing Code - tggT .ra $36.00 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 0ol 001 oo1 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 I 0or 001 1 001 | oof; Torn of Uril*rr CUSIOIER REEIPT *r{ DATE: 6/?7/00 0l RECEIPT: 9Bl06i? DESCRIPTT{}| gfi 0il{ltftl Tp Til tlEslolt REuiEt FE I t50.00 rDR cK I{IRTER RIGR ORCHITECTS les TEI{DER DETAILcl( 9233 DAIE: 6/?6/88 TIttE: T0TAL Cl€Ct( RIT{IUHT TEI{DEFED t50.09 l5:34r?7 t50.0{ t59.0s ) THRIfi YdJ FOR Y{}IJR PAYIIEI{TI Plo 1000 230 2OOO lSp€c. Assess.-Restaurant Fee to Co.DeptJl-6i CB $s5.00 $33.60 CB s36.00 UE $s7.00 cq q4 $10.00 $12.75 Uc, BF $7.00 XC $0.25 MS $40.00 MS PN PF OH /-l SP $20.00 SP DR {o. cto PN AD BL SA.001 0000 201 1000 Taxable @ 4.5% (State) - Tax pavablo TP '001 0000310 1100 Taxable @ 4.0% (Town) - Retail Sales Tax T7 OtheriMisc. -MS 001 0000 311 2500 PEC APPLICANON FEES 001000031 12500 Additional GRFA - "250'PV $200.00 001 0000 31 1 2500 Conditional Use Permit PV $200.00 00 0000 31 1 2500 Exterior Alteration - Less than 100 so. ft.PV $200.00 001 0000 31 1 2500 Exterior Altoration - l\/{ore than 100 so. ft.PV $500.00 001 0000 31 'l 2500 Special Development District - NEW PV $1,s00.00 001 0000 311 2500 Special Development District - Maior Amend PV s1.000.00 001 0000 311 2s00 Special Development District - Minor Amend PV s200.00 001 0000 31 1 2500 Subdivision Fees PV 001 0000 311 2500 Variance PV $2s0.00 001 00003112500 Zoning Code Amendments PV $2s0.00 Re-Zoning D\/s200.00 001 0000 319 3100 Greenstar Proqram )ther -MS TOTAL:54.4t" Comments: Cash _ Money Order #Received ty:k- T F:/Evervone/Fomts/sal€sact.Ex6 'j.'r'6?1617-trb NI;:: : T-PF- DFPARI'MENT OF TH E AFT,IY u.$. Anit\' ENclltE8R DtETRtCr, sr\cRAr,l€NTCI ccfirs or ENctf,,Er,h$ 1IXs J STFEEI sAcnAMEHT$, CALTFORIIA 96t1 4.r32t Apr:l '!'7, ZCjt) i!iuJL,'3J"1ll .dir':,: U:.r L,I har,-'Y lc AtTft^rr!1N Ct liegule t,:ry' E:::iich Mr. 11:,ci,,.;.e1 v:.1!a l.iaiureT€c,:. Ccl:toul t ant Servi:es Corprrai:ian 2123 Ra:llral .b.venue, $ui:e 20LRif1e, lc-c':.'aCr 8165:) Dr:ar Fix. ViIla: i\'e ;re respcndillg Lo yoir requeg:, c,rr beiraii c:I'is, an.l I,Jrsi. s:h:ridt, icr a jurisdi(:tlona! deterr:ri:ation fc::4li Eee.ver DEpt C:ycle :.n r"teti, CoIcr.i,io, Tne pr:oqerty tE iocated(-lore CreeF- ',''ithin Sec;io: ?, l,-rrvn.siu.p 5 s.):IEl:, Rai,g(+ E0 t^I€6r, :ic.ini oI Va:i, Faglc CcJunE!', Coloratlo. Eased. on the info::maL:.c:1 6u.bnitted., rvs hav* Ce:ern:ned thag reierenced belcl" 1s a::' accurate dep j. r::.i-o:: ci rha llrr[ig cf Feck:r;:i juir-sdiciicn '.:ndre: Section 4arg oi ihe ilea: !iei;gr' 41,'i.?re plarrs are l-abeled: ?Ietiand :]g1lnaatton, Flgure No- 1., llaturetecb CansuliantServices. gurveyor: Colorndo R:i.vcr Hngia*erln$, 6cale lF*40.r Dat,c,; Aug. 99 This r.er:fica:icc :s vuii-d i,:r a period cf five years trcmr-ie date of this lef.t+= and:.e ce$ed on rnforrr.li:'r:: aupS:lied by )-lu. : f thaL i:rf ormat iir; Frc.,ee i,a b+ f =.Lee or in:orrect, vre wril eCj':aE cur dei e rr;tin a-- !o:i acccrdingly. We l:ar'a ass\g;'eC n'":iaber 2:007515:" io this CeF-erminat Lo.:. 9least-. coniaci Mr.l'lichael iieffey i-.nd refer to ehis r.,ur.Uer if you have ar1' g;eetLt>ne regarciing 1: !'.1s r,at,Eer an'j .f :: perrli :'e.;u1rer;encs e: i570) 243-l-199, exE.ensi-cn i3 cr the acdreEe beicw. ,s I rre-.1 , l+tt-'----*n-'-' /n :hwester'n Ccicr.Co io.cr')'Cffide Avenue, Rof,n :42 l:nccro::, Cc--I.:)raC3 il5ti-2)6J fnl E NatureTech Consultant Senices Corp. Biological Assessment, Wetland Delineation and Mtigation, Fish and Wildlife llabitat Enhancement WETLAND DELINEATION REPORT JAMES AND CAROL SCHMIDT RESIDENCE EAGLD COUNTY, COLORADO PREPARED FOR: JAMES A}[D CAROL SCEMIDT 401 BEA\ZER DAM CIRCLE vArL, coLoRADO 81657 AUGUST 5. 1999 \Yf, TI,AM) Df, LII{ EA'IION RE PORT JAMf,S AND CAROL SCHMIDT Eagle County, Colorado Site Description The property is ouned and managed by Jaures and Carol Schmidt, 401 Beaver Dam Circle Vail, Colorado 81657. The contact person is Carol Schmidt and can be reached at (3031 76r-6842. The properly is located on the northwest side of Beaver Dam Circle, 0. I mile north from the intersection of Beaver Dam Road and Beaver Dam circle. From the intersection of Vail Road and exit 176 offof Interstate 70, go 0.2 mile south on Vail Road across the Gore Creek Bridge and turn \vest on Beaver Dam Road. Go 0.4 rnile west on Beaver Dam Road until the intersection of Beaver Dam Road and Beaver Dam Circle. The property is approximately 0.62 acre is size and contains a sipi-ficant amou:nt of jurisdictional wetland. Beaver Dam Circle forms the northern property boundary residential lot 381 forms the eastem properry boundary, and residential lot 445 forms the western properry boundary. The land to the north of the Schmidt properry is owned by the City of Vail and no distinct boundary exists between the two. Wetlands and waters of the U. S. were delineated on August 4, 1999 by Kyle D. Johnson ofNatureTech Consultant Sen ices Corp. using the routine onsite determination method as described in the 1987 Federal Manual for Identifying and Delineating Jurisdictional Wetlands. NattueTech Consultant Sen'ices Corp. flagged the jurisdictional boundary. Mike Villa, President ofNarureTech Consultant Services Corp., stpervised and reviewed the delineation. Vegetation There is one distinct lvetland tlpe that occurs on the property. The shrub-scrub rvetland occurs along the north and west property boundaries. The dominant vcgetation of the wetland area consists of a mid-story ofyellorv willow (Salix lutea), planeleaf willow (S. planifolia), choke cherrl,(Pmnus virginiana), and bog birch (Betula nana) and an understory of beaked sedge (Carex utriculata), large-leaved avens(Getrnr macrophyllurn), tufted hairgrass (Deschampsia cespitosa), and yellow toadflax (l-inaria vulgaris). The upland area is dominated by srllooth brome (Brornus inermis), orchardgrass (Dactylis glornerata), Canada thistle (Cirsium canadensis), and oxeve daisy ( Leucanthemrttrt r.ulgare). Table I shorvs a conrplete list of plants encountered on the property. Iiydrolo-eJ" The wetland on the propeny is a sloped rvetland and is supported by srrrface mnoffand water seeping frorn a spring on the side the rnountain. The \vettest part of the rvetland on the properfy occurs along the west property boundary with saturated soil conditions to the surface. The lvetland on the east part of the propeqv is much less wet, with saturated conditions from five to l0 inches. Soils Seven study pits rvere dug by hand to evaluate the soils on the properfy. The results of five ofthe pits were recorded on the routine onsight determination data forms. The other trvo pits were used in order to make a detennination when there was a question. All soils encountered on the property were histosols with deep, black A horizons. The mottles present ranged from 2.5Y 4/3 to 1OYR 3/2. lnthe wetland, free water occu:red from l5 to 18 inches and saturated soils ranged fromthe surface in study pit 4 doum to l0 inches. Soils in the upland area were had thick histic epipedons and the depth to liee water and saturated soil conditions were sreaterthan l7 inches. Surnmary One distinct wetland type is present on the property. The shrub-scrub wetland is a sloped wetland and is in excellent functioning condition. The wetland along the west property boundary is sahrrated to the surface and the wetland gets less wet to the north aud east. The spring that supports the lvetland has created the underlying histosols. ID Scientific Name Common Name Indicator Status Stratum I Carex rostrata Beaked Sedge OBL H 1 Bromus inermis Smooth Brome NT H J Deschampsia cespitosa Tufted Hairerass FACW II it Dactylis glomerata Orcharderass FACU H )Solidago canadensis Canada Goldenrod FACU H 6 Heracleum lanatum CowParmip FAC H Linaria vulgaris Yellow Toadflax NI H 8 Geum macrophyllum Large-Leaved Avens OBL H 9 Leucanthemum r,ul eare Oxeye Daisy NI H l0 Cirsium aryens€Canada Thistle FACU H tl Equisetum aryense Horsetail FAC+H 12 Smilacena stellata False Solomon's Seal FAC H 13 Salix lutea YellowWillow OBL S l4 Salix planifolia Planeleaf Willow OBL S I5 Betula nana Bog Birch OBL S t6 Prunus virsiniana Chokecherrl'FACU S tl Cornus stolonifera Red-Osier Doewood FACW S TABLE 1: Common Plants Found DATA FORI!4 ROUTIN E WETLAND DETERMINATION ( 1987 COE Wetlands Delineation Manuall ? Projecr/Site A p plica nt/O wn er: lnvestigator:Y Co u nry: State: Do Normal Circumstances exist on the site? ls rhe site significantly disturbed {Atypical Siruarionl? ls the area a porential Problem Area? (lf needed, explain on reverse.) Gt No Yes G Yes q$) ,,\i : n Communiry | D.\Lrz1.:&l' Transect lD: Plot lO: VEGETATION Dorrrrnant Plant Soccie: Str6ru.n lndic!(or C' r i r r-t -t. )Ol :z1r, a i Cn..nri.r n !..; _ fl f-F ( i I .;2- 14,?.,r:;\i j."1'. ,;' ii l-i IJI Oorninont Pl.ot Sgec'ls S(rotum lndrcllo/ to. 1q Porcrnt oi Dominent Sp.ci.. thlt rro OBL FACW or FAC (cxcluding FAC-1. ,- -t 2i \jl i< ,i- HYDROLOGY V,|od6od HYdrology lndicarorr: Primary Indicarorr: lnundt(od f, Soru.ot"a in UPPor l2 lnchor _ Wctor Mrrkr Orift Unor - Sacimont Ocporits _;l Oro."og. Pancrnr in Wcdands Socondary l.dic6(ort (2 or moto roqutrodl: - oxrdircd Roo( Channolr in Uppor l2 lnchor - Vy'dt6,_Statnod L'rv!t Locd Soil SurvcY 0 eta FAC-Nou(rd T€3t Otho / (&Pt6in in Rorn!.i(tl _ Raeo.dod Osra (Oorcribr in R€.n!.tt): Strcrn. t-|kc, or Tid. G.(lg! _ Alrid Photographr _ Othcr R!cordGd Or1. Avtilebl. F cld Ob r crvr oonr: Ocpth of 5u./6cc W.t..: O60(n (g Frao Watar in Pit: O.pth lo S rturrr ad Sorl: _ .', ,f.. (in ) t-;,l:...- ", ! trn.l - I i-: {in-) SOILS Nl6o Unr( lJamo t.t - I ; (-. l^ tsc,:cr ond er'or.r, l\0 .SO, | <,;f './i'-r. r;..; -i-l 'l'ii r )'1? Dreineeo cta:: J Ficld Ob! 6.w6 tronJ iaxonornv {S ub C rou p,:Co^l;.m Mlppcd TyPci Yc! No Pro t;le Dc5crrotlor\: O€cth I'ilinx Cclo. Mordo Colo.! Mortt6 i;Z{ T6rtur., Concro(ions. {;ic.1.51 fioft?on (Mu^5ell MotJll {Mu^scll Mct5ll AbundancEiconti!rt Sr.Jcture. ctc. 0-i3 A. 5Y i.,sf t lcyir 3/z C ,t ,T Hvc ric S oil Indicrlo.r: Hi3 !o s ol Hirric Epipodon Sulfidic Odor _ Aquic Moi:tlr: Rogimo _ Sociucing Con<jitionr _ Glcyod or Low-Chromr Colorr * Concrc!onl - High Orgrnic Conront in Sudaco Layor in Slndy Soilr _ Orgrnic Stnaking in Sondy Soilr _ Urtcd on Locd Hldric Soik l-jrt _ Ust.d on Nrtionol Hyd.ic Soil. Litt Oth.f (ExDl.in in Rcmrrkr) WETLAND D FTEFM IIVATIO N (Ci;clo) h thir Semplins Poiat Witnin a Wodard? (GD N" Hyd.ophync V.g6r!oon Pr6r6nt7 i"'60!nd Hydrqlagry Prcsontl H\,Ena S o!l! Ptcrcntl ffi {Y:r, No (Circl a ) Ho No wTl- 1s5 OATA FORNl RO UTINE WETLAND DETERMINATION ( I 987 COE Wetlands Oelineation Manual) PrniarrlQiro. A p piica n t/O rvner: lnvesrigalor: Dare: Counry: State: Communiry lD: GP:r'i; Transect lD: PIot lD: 3- Do Normal Circumstances exist on the site? ls the site significantly disturbed (Arypical Situation)? ls the area a polential Problem Area? (lf needed, explain on reverse.l @ tto Yes OVD Yes rNO' VEGETATION Dornr na nt Pla nt Soccicr Stro!urn ilr{ lndicrlor l,t1 Oorninont Plaot Soccics S(.6tum Inctic.to' 11. '| 3. 14. 15. 16. '| 5 Nf t,rij Porcrnt ol Oominrnt Soocior thct rro oBL FACW ot FAC (oxcluding FAC.). HYDROLOGY W6d6dd Htdtoloqy lndic!tort: Pnm6ry lrldicrtor!: _ InualdatGd - Slturr(od in UPP€. l2 lnch63 _ W6toa Marka -- Orift Linor _ 5 edimo nt oopo:its -_ Or!rnrgr Plttom: in Wodandg Socondory lMicltoat (2 oa moto roqurrod): -Qndtzed Root Chr^d.lr in Uppor l2 lnch6l - wa(0.-S toinod Laavol - Locd Soii Sr',rvcY Oero -- FAC'Neutral Tost Oth6r (€j(plrin in R omarksl _ fl.co.dod Orta (Oorcribr in Ramlrktl: S(r.t'n, bk.. or Tidr G au qc _ Aorid Pho togr.p ht _ Orho. Rccordcd O.u Avr;l.bl. F.ld Ob r..v. oonr i Ooprh of Sudlcr W.r.r: -.,-. '' ': fin.l Doorh ro Fr6o wa(a. in Pir: ,',i-,---Lr-i" , Dapth ro S.rurri6d Sorl: rI " I(io.) !oto EAOO316 TOPO VAIL LOT2 8_3_OO LOOKING NORTH 2OF6 to!o EAOO3]"6 TOPO VAIL LO?2 8-3-OO LOOKING WEST 3OF5 U o-o EAOO316 TOPO VAIL LOT2 8-3-OO LOOKING WEST 4OF6 !t o rt o EA0031-6 TOPO VArL LOT2 8-3-00 LOOKTNG llE 5OF6 tto EAOO316 TOPO VAIL LOT2 8-3-OO LOOKING IE 6OF6 fiuE ^r/ Department of Communiry Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 r 38 FAX 970-479-2452 Lot Size: Znmng Standard .610 acres / 26,571.6 s.f. Two-Family Prinury/Secondary Allowed/Reouired 425 s.f. credit 250 s.f. bonus Total: Ianuarv 19.2001 Carol Schmidt 3901 S. Gilpin CherryHills Village, CO 801l0 Re: Daelopnenr potentialfor Lot 2, Blo& 4, VaiI Village { FIIing / Schrt& Residence Dear Carol: Based on the information in our files, lhe following is a zummary of the development potential of your property at 401 Beaver Dam Circle. GRFA: Site Coveragc: Setbacks: Landscaping: 4,907 s.f.850 s.f. 5,314 s.f. (maximum allowable) 20 ft. (front) / 15 fi. (sides and rear) 15,943 s.f. (minimurn required) 250 s.f.6.007 sf. While planning for an additioq there are some issues to consider. If more than 500 s.f. of GRFA is adde{ your property is required to come into compliance with the dwelopment standards. This includes such things as eliminating any non-conforming light fixhres, cre;ating a GRFA connection between the garage and main unit, and providing all required parking within property boundaries (if the GRFA is increased to more than 2000 s.f., there wil! be a requirement for a 3* parting space). There is the possibility that the Design Reriew Board would allow for the residence and garage to be s€parated if it carbe demonstrated that there is a unique, physical hardship present on the propeny- rvhich makes the oonncction difhcult. I hop,e this information is helpfirl to you. Ifyou have any further questions, please contact me at 479-2148 or akj erulf@ci.vail. co. us. Sincerelv. AnnKjerulf Plarmer I Tovyn of Vail {,7 *""'"""o 'o"* "" TOWI{ OFVAIL Department of C ommwity Development 75 South Frontage Road Yail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us Lot Size: Zoning: Slandsrd August 3,2000 Kirk Aker Morter Aker Architects 143 E. MeadowDr Crossroads at Vail Vail, CO 81657 Re: Development potential for Lot 2, Block 4, Vail Village 3- Filing / Scbmidt Residence Dear Kirk: Thank you for your letter outlining GRFA calculations for the Schmidt residence located at 401 Beaver Dam Circle. The Community Development Deparfiaent uses the snme method to calculate GRFA as demonstrated i! your letter. One diffetence that affects the overall calculation is that ofthe lot size that the Community Development Departusnt bas recorded for this property. On the survey thal was submitted with your original application, the lot size is indicated to be.610 acres or 26,571.6 s.f. ln your letter, your calorlations for GRFA are based on a lot size of 26,589 s.f. This discepancn however, is so minor that it does not have a large impact on available GRFA. Our calculations are as follows: .610 acres / 26,571.6 s.f . Two-Family Primary/Secondary Allowed/Required 425 s.f. credlt 250 s.f. boaus Total: GRFA: Site Coverage: Setbacks: Landscaping: 4,907 s.f.850 s.f, 5,314 s.f. 20 ft. (front) i 15 ft. (sides and rear) 15,943 s.f. (minimum) 250 s.f.6,007 r.f. While plaluring the addition for the Schmidt rcsidence, carefirl attention must be paid to the parking requirenent for this propety. With the proposed additio[ a third parking space must be allocated within the propeay boundary. Furtherrrore, there may only be one curb-cut on the property unless a second unit is added or a variance is granted from this Development Standard. Revised plans should reflect this information. Furthermore, please be sure to include roof ridge heighm and proposed light features on a revised site plan. If you have any further questions, please contact me at 479-2148 or akjerulf@ci.vail.co.us. Sincerely, {p*"no"o"o A Prolessional Corporaticn 143 East l\4eadow Dirve Crossroads at Vail Vail, Colorado 81657 970/476 5105 F AX 97 A i47 6.07 1A Email lvlorterAker@ MorlerAker co0l MoruenAreR Anc ri I T EC TS ffiCD.lut_ zgzooo July 26, 2000 Ann Tenell C/O Town of Vail Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail. CO 81657 Dear Ann: Thank you for your help in clarifying the Schmidt's allowable square foot for their home located on Lot 2, Block 4, Vail Third Filing (401 Beaver Dam Circle). As we discussed, the following is what we will be working towards. Please let me know if you take exception to any ofthe calculations below: Lot size 26,589 square feet 25o/o of the first 15,000 s.f.................. ...3,750 s.f. 10% of the remaining s.f.or .10 x(26,589 - 15,000 : 11,589)....., ...1,159 s.f. 425 s.f. additional per allowable unit (p/s residential zoning)......... ....850 s.f. Total a11owab1e................... .................5.759 S.F. Kirk Aker, AIA MorterAker Architects CC: Carol Schmidt ZONE CHECK ouc JJtA ?p, ?roo I nrnl rlaca-i^r:^^. r -^ - Lcpl dcscription:Lot v ')- ntoct t fitiruAddrcss IOt fZta,ro, N:,tn pn Grncr Architcct Zonc distri* Lot sizc Allorvcd roralGRFA venq * fi{D =_tlEL Prinrary CRFA '-___+ (425) (675*) = Sceondary CRFA + (42j) (67j+) = Proposcd usc Buildable arca Existing . hoposcd Total Phonc Phonc Rcmaining * 6.15 = 425 crcdit prus zsO ^aar;"(nffffi n.l JSD\ Docs this rcrlucst involvc a 250 Addition? '/ Horv much of thc allorvcd 2i0 Addition is uscd rvith this rccucst? Sitc Covcragc Hcigbt Sctbacks t-andscaping RctainingWall Hcigtrts Parki ng {g rl sr (30x33) Front Sidcs Rcar Minimum t{qL$ 3F 3',/ 6' (300) (600) (e00) (1200) Pcrmittcd Slopc % V^c \r^ Ycs._- No l) Pcrccnt Slopc (<>30%) 2) Floodplain 3) Wctlands 4) Watcr Course Saback (30) (50) 5) Geologic Hazards b) Rockfall c) Dcbris Flow Proposcd Slopc --..-_-% Encloscd 20' .l s' I5' Prcvious conditions of approval (chcck properry file); Rcquhed I Garagc Crcdit Drircrvay Complics witb TOV Lig!ting Onlinancc Arc finishcd gradcs lcss t[an 2:l (50%) Environm cnta Wlazards Isthcpropcrrvnon-conforming? Dxcaae: ifrl)o1r. ttv ffl-oNi ,Grfu.k,,H/a4 lN K.o.al. Q SURVEY Scalc __- Bcnchmark I +_ Lcgal dcsoiption Buildablc Arca Eascmcnts Topograpby I00 yr. flood plain Watcr Coursc Sctback Environrncnal Hazards Trees Utiliry Iocations Spot clcvations O strEplAl.r Scalc BuitdingHcigbt Encroachmcnts Sctbacla Site Covcnge EavcVOvcrhangs (4) Decls/Balconics Garagc connection _ Sitc Gndc\Slopc Rctaining lyalls o DESIGN REYIE1V CHECKLTST E FLOORtt-{.{s Scalc GRFA 250 additionat CRFA Crarvl\A.tfic Spacc EHU Q BULDINGELEVATIONS Scale ColorWaterials Roofpitch tr LA}IDSCAPEPLA]'{ Eisting bccs - .Proposcd trces Lcgcnd MISCELLANEOUS i, - Condo Approval Tirlc rcport (A & B) Utility verifi cation form Pbotos ofsitc Projcct: Buil ding matcrial samplcs C.O. Veri{ication Sun\ShadeAnglcs Vierv Corridon. t*rna$ PIat restrictions Fcnccs __ Tuming Radius Drivcrvay (acces and gradc) Snow Storagc Firc Acccss ao-,n uo?Sevelop me nt Plan *o"rin!tr- Routed To:Greg Hall or Tom Kassmel, Public Works Return To:Ann Kjerulf, Planning Date Routed:09/26/00 Return By:r 0/03/00 Project Name: Project Address; Project Legal: Project Description: Sewer line relocate/easement on TOV property 401 Beaver Dam Circle and unplatted parcel to north (TOV owned) Lot 2, Block 4, Vail Village 3d Filing / unplatted parcel Relocation of sewer line on Schmidt property to accommodate a new addition to the existing residence; relocation of sewer line will require construction of a berm at rear of property and some grading on TOV property as well as the creation of a new utility easement on TOV property; written permission for access is forthcoming from VA; Army Corps is reviewing the project at this time for wetlands impacts/mitigation measures Approved X Denied (cite detailed reasons)Approved with conditions - ?0hl,ffi of Questions? Crfilanning Staff at 47g-Z!3A APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAI GENERAL INFORMATION Thb.application isforany prolsct reguiring Design Reviewapproval. Any project requiring design review mustreceiye Destol Rwievrr approval prior to suominin{ ror i building pemit. For specific information, see the submittalrequirernents br the particular approval that b re{uesed. Theipplkation .unioiL accepted until all the requiredinformauon is submitted' rhe proiec may also ;Jto oe revtewbu ov tnJiorn council and/or the planning ancrEnvironmental commission' Design Rev'iew aoaro . ppro.rat expires on.y... after finat approval unlessa buiHing permit is issued and construction t startea. DESCRIPTION OFTHEREQUEST: (1) Allow eas(?) allow berq fill area to extend be TOV easement line onto TOV B. c. D. E. ent'tty requirenents for-Gmpor.ary usEr-, J ' ryr,,, s'rsr') ru' Ltsrpu'd'y u'e or ruv properry as access for LOCATION OF PROpOSAL: LOT: PHYSICALADDRESS: 401 Beaver Dam Circ'le PARCEL a2 2107-07I-002 (contact Eagie Co. Assessors ffice at 97G328-8640 for parcel #) ZONIITIG: Res i denti al t.-NAMEoFOWNRIS;: Jim and Carol Schmidt t F. G. MAITING ADDRESS: PFIONE: owNER(S) SIGI{ATU I,IAME OF APPUCANT:Johnson,Kunkel and Associates, Inc. Attn: Wairen Garbe H.TYPE OF REVIEW AND FEE:tr NewConstruction - 9200tr Addition - $SO X MinorAlteration - $20 MAIUNG ADDRESS:Post Office Box PFlOf.lE: Constructbn of a new building. Includes any addition where square footage b added to any residential or commercial building. Includes minor changes to buildings and site impror,aements, such as, reroofing, pairting, window addfions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. DRB fes are b be paid at the time ofsrbmittal. Later, when applyins for a building pennit, please identifothe accurate valuation of the project rhe Town orvaii wirr aoiui tne iee accoroing io t e pruject valuatbn. PLEASE suBMrr-THIs APPucATroIt' ALL suBMrrrAt REQUTREMEI{TS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPART}IENIOF COMMUTIITY OCV'EIOPIIENT,75 SOUTH FROTTITAGE ROA4 VAIL COLORADO 81657. 328-6368 ext 236 It. to| -llt\-.I o! | -r:I 9tI ot3t? I I I Ii I I EAGLE COUNTY :rol'OC,r.Ot-('Ot WHITE Ntn -rr/1 Nr n I Adjoining ? ror-o6.-ot-oo9 2 ror-o6 4 I ffJ--l,a1"":;tr r-06..6.61 i:{!D JO X9^u'l 3.ae_._, Ro4o "@ Bg A V E R R O AO ---.rirr- 6 ,6, i I Iqr ; Adjoining 2tot472 a @ VAIL VILLAGE SIXTH FILING SUADIVISION BOUNOARY RIVER r.\t)ra-r- Vr+tt- Assocratx.s l> o- UNDARY ;3, :'el> FoRgs.r UEOrvTH'RD FILINVAIL V ILI=AG E 6F;1",;;<Q i; <6i) ," IN\ERT OUT 812A.60 9E t9l'cts \\ -{ (\\ p L .SAF 'Ao o rr \ '.1 lrt(4 \ C) Pr f\oI j I rl! l\ Ai tii !:il ,i ;J <[l\: fg n *= 9+\<,rP \ g 7 4--l z @ *i nq fla u* O(no '<rt oti3i FI 0\F' \ { }\t h hi't o dl No F\| { soiI a IFI o z-{ c z rrl -.1 =zr r --t O TD lrl 3f, 3Ct oX9-d>,! g< I ^'-E2i6 @cr 3e REI,OCATE eu ' 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, CO 81057 Please make checke payable to the TOWN OF VAIL neceiptruo. S l4}? oa"--fu-Jb d1tr Account No.Item No.Codc #Co3t Each Total 001 0000: oo-T oooil 001 0000: 06'16000: 60iTo6il 001 o00o: oo1 oooo: 001 oo0o I ooT0006 r 001 0000: 06Toooo 0ol o00o 001 00oo 001 oooo 001 0000- 06'T666'0-- 001 0ooo 0ol o0oo odl 0006' 001 0000 061 0600 ool oooo rtlc Ioun sf vai i*** CIJSIOI,IER ftECEIFT r*r itAIEl ?l?s/88 61 tiEttll,l: 8d14515 SESCRIPTIOH OTY ffH{]UIiT !.5IFil FTIiTEIJ FE i 'A0.98J0HNg[H,KUHi(EL, & A550r TF TII*}R [K III{DER }ETAII-cK eFSriDritl; 3l16180 TliiE; T0TatL [rit[( Aflili,lii lEIDEREIt ra5. Eg l:1r 39 !Bi ieo,08 ti8, EB iHAr{ii lrlii F0ft Y00k PAYnEHTI 001 0000 3 , , --, , -.$en R€Vi€ty Board F6o (Pr6.paid) ZA $5.00 CB $50.95 $60.65 CB $36.00 CB $35.00 $3s.60 CB $36.00 CB $42.60 $9.95 $10.00., $12.7s CB BF $7.00 XC $0.2s MS $40.00 MS PN PF OH SP $20.00 SP DR (j.tu,w e.Q .OL) 001 0000 315 3000 Buildng Inv6tigation Fee PN 001 0000 240 3300 D.wlopcr lmDto\6m6nt Ao..e.n nt El.9o6t D2OEPI 0 AD 001 0000 312 1000 Redaurant License fee (TOV)RL 001 0000 230 2000 Spec. Assess.-Restaurant Fee to Co.Dept.Rev.SA '001 0000201 1000 Taxable @ d5% (Stabl - Tar payable TP '001 0000 310 1100 Taxable @ tL0% (Town) - Retail Sales Tax T7 Other/Misc. -MS 001 0000 311 2500 PEC APPLICANON FEES 001 0000 311 2500 Additional GRFA - "250"PV s200.00 001 0000 311 2500 Condfional Use Permit PV $200,00 001 0000 311 2500 Exterior Alteraton - Less than 100 sq. ft-PV s200.00 001 0000 311 2500 Erterior Afteration - More than 100 so. ft.PV s500.00 001 0000 311 2500 Special D€velopment District - NEW PV $1.500.00 001 0000 3t l 2500 Special Development District - Maior Amend PV $1.000.00 001 0000 311 2500 Special Development District - Minor Amend PV $200.00 001 0000 311 2s00 Subdivision Fees PV 001 0000 311 2500 Vadance PV $250.00 001 0000 311 2500 Zoning Code Amendmenb PV $250.00 Re-Zoning PV $200.00 001 0000 319 3100 Greenstar Program Other -MS TOTAL:Jo r4) Commenb:J, BLOCL V^l!' Ut Carh - Money Order #check# JaD l( Received F:/Ewryone/Fomd6elasacl.o(g 06/06/2000 ooIo 8-3-OO LOOKING NORTH ]-OF6EAO O 3 !.6 TOPO VAIL LOT2 .J 3 CONSTRUCTION PERMIT PLUMBING FOUNDATION fimil rai , department of community dwelopment TO BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT nn U uun BUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL BNAME: SCHMIDT DECK ADDITION 61ry Englewood, C0pg FtRu John Rpsol ack GENERAL CONTRACTOR BECK & ASSOCIATES, IN NE|.l ELECTRIC 949-4651 TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. PLUMBING CONTRACTOR MECHANI CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. OTHER CONTRACT TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. TELE. f|. prlntrry/vaii \\*u...s NNOTE _ COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE DATE July 8, 1987 002e83 T. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION I II III IV V 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP ABEH IR M DfVfSfON t22a34 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK : ^nnl[\tn nFnv 9. unT T R PERMIT NO.-- z tr J BUILDING 28-000.00 ETECTRICAL 2-000.00 PLUMBING iIECHANICAL TOTAL $ 30,000.00 TYPE GROUP G.R.F.A. VALUATION PERMIT FEES It U R-3 30,000.00 BUILOING PERMIT 285.00 \ NVDo\ Fr-$n {F PLAN CHECK t42.00 ELECTRICAL 45.00 NEw( ) ALTERATION ( ) ADOITIoNAL(v9v REPAIR( )PLUMBING DWELLING UNITS - ACCOMMODATION UNITS - UECHANICAL HEIGHT IN FT. - NO. FIREPLACES RECREATION FEE THICKNESS OESIGN REVIEW BOARD CLEAN.UP DEPOSIT 250.00 EXT,wALLS I I I USE TAX 250 _ 00 TYPE OF ELEC, SOLAFHEAT GAS wooD TOTAL PERMIT FEES ( o72 nn GARY MURMIN July 15 , 1987 ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED: Y N INITIAL ST- CUT J|LD|NG OFF|C|AL OATE BETSY ROS0LACK July 9, 1987 INING ADMINISTRATOR DATEry)NING & BUILDING NOTES: 'o"*,"u I T CLEATI UP TO I hereby acknowledge that completed an accurate plot agree to comply with the in laws. and to build this strr review approved Unilorm t I have read this appli( lJ:fi'"?,:X"ifif;ffiH rcture according t\thr luilding CQde and o\ ration, filledffi out in tull the information required, ion provided as required is correcl. I with all Town ordinances and state ning and subdivision codes, design ; of the Town applicable thereto. ffi ht-*.'^\et \ sl(?-rs#\l:\" nnorneo\ufet Project Application t/?/31 sci-il'lil-JT lECiiProiect Name: :tairs and CeckProiect Description: Contact Person and Phone tseck Aed Assoc'i ates Owner. Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot 2 , Bloct< 4 , riting V Vill lrt; Itilirrg , zone - Comments: Motion by: Design Review Board Date APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL This :rcr iidditrcn does not impact any neighbcrs, Seconded by: Sum mary:Sta: i ao;' r'u re 1 . Town Plan ner L Rlsolack c,4s. S/F:it.; E statt Approval I I.ITER-DEPARTMENTAL REVI E|^I PR.JECT: -S.C L*,.-.' DATESUET,ITTTTD: sl{ DATE COt',iltNTS NEEDED By:_ / / BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: -/\Il t tGl-<-[ ra'7-&t v tN-t'1 4t- .- I I OF PUBLIC HEARING Fi RE DEPP.RTI4ENT Reviewed by: Conments: Revierved by: Conmerrts: POLICE DEPARTI4ENT Date Date RECREATi OI,I DEPARTH ENT Reviewed by: Co;;ents: Date APPLICATION DATE: t DATE 0F DRB MEETING, {/[ DRB APPLICATION *****THIS APPLICATION t,lILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL INFORMATION IS SUBI{ITTE[J***** I. PRI-APPLICATION.MEETING: A pre-application meeting with a planning staff member is strongly suggested to determine'i f any additiona'l information is needed. No application will be accepted unless it is cornplete (nrust include all items required by the zoning adrninistrator).It is the applicant's responsibility to make an appointment with the staff to find out about additional submittal requirenrents. Please note that a COMPLETE applica- tjon will streanrljne the approval process for your proiect by decreasing the number of conditions of approval that the DRB nray stipulate. ALL conditions of approval must be resolved before a building permit is issued ; A. PR0JECT DESCRIPTI0N: Ileck Extension and Hot Tub Installation B. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: Address 401 Beaver Darn Circle Legal Description Lot Block 4 Fi I ing 3rd filing. Yail Yillage Zoni ng Resi denti al C. NAME OF APPLICANT:Jams Schmidt Address l3l3 So. Huron, Denver, C0 80223 _ telephone 779-LtSz D. E. NAME OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE: telephone 927-S7llP.0. Box 1413 Yai'l c0 8r658 tel ephone 7tv-t752 The fee wjll be paid at the time a building pernrit is requested. Addres s NAI'IE OF Si gnatur Address Janes Schni e* c0 80223 F. DRB FEE : VALUAT ION FEE $ o-$ 1o,ooo$10,ool-$ 50,oo0 $50,001 -$ 150,000 $15o,ool - $ 500,000 $5oo,oot - $l,ooo,00o$ Over $1,000,000 IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBMISSIONS TO THE DRB: 1. In addit'ion to meeting subnrittal requirements, the applicant must stake the site to indicate pt'operty iines and building corners. Trees that will be removed shoulrl also be narked. Thjs work must be completed before the DRB visits the site. 2. The review process for NEW BUILDINGS will normally involve two separate meetings of the Design Review Board, so plan on at least two meetings for thejr approval . 3. People who fail to appear before the Design Rev'i ew Board at thejr scheduled meeting and who have not asked for a postponement will be required to be republ i shed. $ 10.00 $ zs.oo $ s0.00 $1oo.oo $200.00 $:oo . oo 4. The following items no longer have to be presented to the Design_Review Board. They, howevei, have to be fresented to the Zoning Administrator for approval: a. t,lindows, skylights and similar exterior changes that do not alter the existing plane of the build'ing; and b. Building additions that are not viewed from any other lot or public space' which hive had letters submitted from adjoining property owners approving the addition; and/or approval from the agent for, or manager of a condominium associat.ion. 5. You may be required to conduct Natural Hazard Studies on your property. You should check with a Town Planner before proceeding. LISI OF I'IATERIALS NAI'IE 0F P|I0JECT: Schnidt Deck LEGAL DESCRIPTIOI{: STRETT ADDRESS: 401 Beaver Dam Circle DESCRIPTION OF PRO The folloling informatjon is required for submitta.l by the applicant. to the Design Revjetv Board before a final approval can be fiven: A. BUILDING I'IATERIALS: TYPE OF MATERIAL COLOR Roof Si di ng Other Wal I t'lateri al s Fasci a Soffi ts lli ndorvs !l.i ndow Tri nr Doors Door Trinr Hand or Deck Rails Fl ues Flashings Chirnneys Trash Enc.l osures Greenhouses 0ther a LAI'IDSCAP I IIG :Nanre of Designer: phone: PLAI'IT MATTRIALS: PROPOSED TREES Botanical Name Common Name Quani ty Size* EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED for coni fers. (tt v r-' r' ) materi aI s exi sti *lndicaLe caliper for dec'iducious trees.Indicate height PLANT NATERIALS: (con't) SHRUBS EXISTING SIIRUBS TO BE REI.IOVED GROUND COVERS' Botanical Name Common Name Type Quani t.y Si ze -?.-- Square Footage SOD SEID TYPE OF I RRI GAT I ON TYPE OR I'IETHOD OF EROSION Ct)NTROL C. OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls, fences, swinuning pools, etc.) Please specify. j. U ILI]Y LOCATION VERIFICATION SUBD IVI SION JOB NATIE LOT BLOCK FILING ADI]RESS 'Ihe location of utilities, whether they be main trunk lines or proposedlines, must be approved and verified by the following utilities for tlle accompanying site plan, Authorized Siqnature Da te Mountai n Bel I I -634-3778 l,lestern Slope Gas llarry Moyes Publ i c Serv ice Company Gary lla 1 I * tloly Cross Electrjc Assoc. Ted flusky/Mjchael Laverty Vail Cable T.V. Gary Jolrnson Upper Eagle Valley llater and Sani tati on Di scri ct Davi d Krenek NO'I'I: T'hese verifications do not relieve the contractor of his responsibility to obtain a street cut pernit frorn the Town of Vail, Department of Public l{orks and to obtain utility locations before digging in any public right- of-way or easement in the Tor.m of Vail. 4 building permit is not a stxeet cut perrnit. A street cut permit must be obtained separately. This forn is to veri.fy service availablity and location. This should be used in conjunction uith preparing your utility plan and scheduling installations. * For ncw consl pl ease fi 1l out attached sheet. " \ ') )( ct .1 JU /INSPECTIONTOWN OI REQUEST PERMIT NUMBEH OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLER TUES WED UR JOB NAME AM G!') I C TOWN OF VAIL BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH/WATER FOUNDATI z-ON/STEEL@ tr FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL/ H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS - tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR - tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED INSPECTO ;. \-,,t$a-\\u.,I INSPECTION REOT.|EST TOWN OF VAIL r oo-, a-\--:'5.' JoB NAME C\ ruES .^@,=E r"rt PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT MON CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECT FRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBINGT tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING ,{_cns PIPING >of.+ I hf 4\ tr INSULATION T] POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER - tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR E FINAL ISAPPBOVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: "ore E- 5 - ';7 rNSPEcr INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL _ rNG a}( o RoucH / wArER ; ROOF & SHEEB- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS P]PING tr INSULATION tr POOL/ H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED t -. -INSPECTIONTOWN OF i-lr aREQUESfvAlL rPERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: JOB NAME , r fl^ I MON,WED . ,.: CALLER TUES ,THUR ! FRI PM LOCATION: BUILDING: N FOOTINGS / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND - tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERE FRAMING r-r ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING 'r.cAs PlpfNG t. !:. .' ,-,n ,.,' .J'. I ' ,i. tr POOL / H. TUBtr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK NAIL ELE trT trF trC tr- tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION BEOUIRED c RRECTIONS: INSPECTION REOUEST TOWN OF VA|L I \ i'. .. 114Y5 ' 1r \ r,. \l-r\, \' '- ' '...-. PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT CALLER READY FOR INSPECTION:MON TUES .WE6 THUR FRI AM LOCATION: BUILDING: PLUMBING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND - tr FOUNDATION / STEEL E ROUGH / D.W.V- -T] FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER _ n 199.1^&^s-H.qFl...^ tr cAS prprNc - " PLYWOOD NAILING tr INSULATION - D POOL / H. TUB - tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr - tr tr--- tr FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: MECHANICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS N CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR -11 n- E FINAL tr FINAL &hppnoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR '.,.!l,$, PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT, ., ..1 ..L\ ,\ onte \* ',- '., \ JoB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL .... tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER HOOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS P1PING INSULATION POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED onre 9-ll-.\r rNsPEcroB I FINAL INSPECTION'S COMPLETED The belo,v items need to be complete beforegiving a permit a final C of 0. Please check off in the box provided. FINAL PLUMBING DATE: n FINAL MECHANICAL DATE: FINAL ELECTRICAL n FINAL BUILDING CERTI FICATE OF OCCUPANCY TEMPOMRY C of O DATE: CONSTRUCTION PERMIT - copy oF pERMrr ro BE KEpr oN JoBSrrE *L $\\N.. \ NOTE DATE PERMIT NO. dopartment of community development TO BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT n Dtr unu BUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL PLUMBING FOUNDATION r. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTTON | [ t rV V 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP AEEH IR M DfVfSfON 122a34 n'nFRil\&tE'KEff 'r?f ilfdff rsrm=vsrm-- IN CARETAKER UNIT. TYPE GROUP G.B.F,A, VALUATION PERMIT FEES 7,000.00 BUILOING PERMIT N! \e \ \ tv) $ Y<) JoaNnr4e' SCHMIDT HEAT SYSTEM NAME James Sehmi dt 401 Beaver Dam ALTERATION ( V} ADDITIONAL () REPAIRO - ACCOMMOOATION UNITS - - NO. FIREPLACES INSULATION: TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. 1I7-A 827-57rt GENERAL TOTAL PERMIT FEES ING AOMINISTRATOR FIRM NEI.I ETEETRIE rowru or vrt neo. no. 110-E 949 -46s 1 PLUMEING CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the informalion required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the inlormation and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state I/U-T TOWN OF VAIL FEG. NO. MECHANICA CONTRACTO OTHER CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. TELE. Itr PrhLry/vail AI, \\ ,*,m L-JorK shff* dcpartment of community rfrrr FL,-1'JffiFAl,$H BUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL THE FOLLOWINGI I etter' from IS NEEDED FOR Condo Assoc(if FILING PERMJ .applicable) x X X X X DAT * 2 sets of compl'ete -drawi n js ( i f iro --- ' -ldrawings twb compl"t. "ipiinaiion orrork.nunity development I'fl lg^ I" l|fffagcE fl E ?:.",, Q FurusNq LJ FOUNDATTON LJ I.IYPE OF CONSIRUqTION 2. OCCUPA'!CY GROUP DrvtstoN f il!t8l[,?:r'3^'rfrI3i "S.Sf€$ffi le' IJ BUITDINC E!ECTRICAI. ffi I 1,000.00 x | -T ;'*i3,H-l PLUMBING :,'unlf.l(- - TYPE GRoUP G.R:F.A. -- VATUATIONl___;_.| -^^^ c-a- MECHANICAL IOTALtuK-?t:-PERMIT FEES BulIDtNn eEor,It 7(/, -- ETECTRICAL PLAN CHECK -__..--PLUMEING MECHANICAL RECREATION FEE +9.-=-qE.:"t-rr^,tw OITELTING UNITS - ACCOMMOOATION UNITS- HEIGHTINFT.NO. FIFEPI.ACES tttlSUtettOt't:THrcKNEss n-vn[r_u-E ADOITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED; -Y N lNtTlAL EXT. WAI.LS ROOF ELEC. ST.Cul BLASTING PARKING eo, " OESIGN REVIEW EOARD CLEAN.UP DEPOSII Qo,'u USE TAX leuqrolEE9=l I cf -t 'J ONING --'-.' 6 ?22= trr. -- -onE :____m' /4&s t tl J I here.bV acknowledge that I have read this anI :9ry':!ed an accura-re.pror prrn, ,ijljuiJ,inli| 3_9r9e ro compty wirh tho tniormirion unJjiij.' laws, and lo build thl!re'iu",ippiii-0,'i,;:?;;l'Hi:iffi ;'d;r:,:fl J"" XXXXXXXXXXXXX / j'|6^r{ruFE oF OWNEAl\,s THE OWNER. .R OR CONTRAC |k.EE- ttmalon requlred, lulred ,9 Correct, , Inances and stal6 on codes, design icable lllereto. ;TOR FOB HIMSEI-F tf,i---.arr- LEGAL oEsc. LOI BLK+_ JoB NAME: Schmidt lfeat Systern OWNER Local Add. ARCHITECT tl{Il Beaver Danr Rd GENERAL CONTRACTOR 827-57tr Ilew Electric, TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO 949-465 PLUMBING MECHANICAT CONTRACTOR 949-4320 'OWN OF V^tL REG. NO. z+{+: (', [. tY r=rTFrTi s*L;Fil rTitr 11 o o O SCITIIIDT RESIDEI{CE PR&'ECT DESCRIPTIff{ 401 Beaver lhr Gir.,cle, Uail, C0 A. Provide a new boiler and hydronic heat system in the caretakerunit under the garage. B. illscellaneous refurblshing and drywall work to accormodatelnstallation of hydronic system. I/ .-, '-.i\i v'llflt' I PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:TUES -.. WED THUR FRI (-.,-.. BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: EI UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V, tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING E.GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr ! trtr FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: N HEATING tr BOUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR u C D nrNAL tr FINAL 514, :r)Fl PROVED IECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED ; PE i CTION REQUEST ' TOWN OF VAILPERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:\ JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES WD THUR FRI FUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND ,tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V. -tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER r-1 ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETBOCK NAIL tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER (ryfiFArlNG tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR E FINAL PPROVED RRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED WHEN PBOPERLY VALIDATED IN THIS SPACEI THIS IS PERMIT VALID //v?1 ,M.q. \laltz- BUILDING PERIVIIT APPLICATION Jurisdiction of Applicant to complete numbered spaces only, PLAN CHECK VALIDATION WHITE _ INSPECTOR Vat-[ Coforado tiAc T Bsaver hn Olrcle (l llEl ATTACXEO 9Hatt) 2 Clayton 8.. Freenan Box 526 Va1l PHOta 476 5444 MAIL ADORESS Constr, Co. FHONE LTCEI{SE NO. Box 114 vaIL 4165429 B 1o4itramee C* Oral ARCH ITECT OR OESIGNER MAIL AOOiESS LICENSE NO. LENOER MAt L AOD IJ5E O'' BUILDIN6 8 CIASS OI WOrK: fI NETV 8 ADDITION tr ALTERATION tr REPAIR D MOVE tr REMOVE l0 Change of use from Change ol use to il Vatuarion ol worf: g SOOO rOO SPECIAL CONDITIONS: Sir€ ol Bld9, _-a(Total, Sq. Ftit ,i' OFFSTREET PARKING SPACES: NOTICE SEPARATE PERMITS AREIREoUIREo FoR ELECTfiICAL. PLUMB. ING, HEATING, vENTILATfNG oR AIR coNDITIo|\!,'IG. THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC. TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 60 DAYS. OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK ISSUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM. MENCED.I HEREBY CERTIFV THAT I HAVE REAO AND EXAMINEO THISAPPLICATION AND KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT.ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS AND OROINANCES GOVERNING THISTYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIEO WITH WHETHER SPECIFIEDHEREIN OR NOT, THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT OOES NOTPRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THEPROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATTNGCONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANC€ OF CONSTRUCTION. CANARY _ AUOIT PIN K - APPLI GOLDEN ROO - TEMP. FI LE PLUM o BIN G PERA,IIT APPLICATION /7* 5 I (_llE E aTYACHED sHEEYI.IECALI oEr3Ci. MAI L ADOi'S3 2ca aictltrEct oi DESrGNE I ADOiCss .4t ' Pxolll ENCINEEi 5 LIC€NSE NO. USE OF !UI LDI''IG 8 ctassof work: !new DA00lTl0N OALTEBATI0N tr REPAIR Typ! ot Fhtur. or lt.m WATER CLOSET (TOILET'SPECIAL CONDITIONS: LAVATORY (WASH BASIN} KITCHEN SINK & OISP. LAUNORY TRAY WATER HEATER URINALNOrlcE I I THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WONKIOR CONSTRUC. TION AUTHORIZED lS NOT COMMENCED WITH llrLrE0 DAYS. OR lF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 12O DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTEB WORK IS COM- MENCED.I HEREAY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ AND EXAMINEO THISAPPLICATION AND KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE ANO CORRECT.ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS ANO ORDINANCES GOVERNING THISTYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIEDHEREIN OR NOT, THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT OOES NOTPRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE PROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATINGCONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. ORINKING FOUNTAIN FLOOR--SINK OR ORAIN SLOP SINK GAS SVSTEMS: NO. OUTLETS WATER PIPING & TREATING EQUIP. WASTE INTERCEPTOR VACUUM BREAKERS LAU/N SPRINKLER SYSTEM SEPTIC TANK A PIT Juridiction of Applicant to complete numbercd spaces only. PLAN CHECK VALIDATION WHEN PFOPERLY VALIDATED (IN THIS SPACE} THIS IS YOUB PERMIT PERMIT VALIDATION ql ilircK. M.O. CASH WHITE - INSPECTOR CANARY _ AUDIT PINK - APPLICANT GOLOENROD - TEMP. F ILE