HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 3 BLOCK 4 LOT 3 LEGALorm TOWN OF'VAIL ProjectName: SchwarzneichRcsidence ProjectDescription: FrontEnt4ylmprovements Owner, Address and Phone:Steven & Elaine Schwenreich, l0 Clocktower Lane, Old Westbury, l[Y 11568, 800-529-5361 Architect/Contact, Address and Phone: F'ritzlen Pierce Smith, Attn: Lynne Fritzlen, 1650 East Vail Vnlley Drive - F'allridge C-1, VaiI, CO 81657, 47G6342 Project Street Address: 421Beaver Dam Circle Legal Description: Lot 3, Block 4, Vail Vitlage 3d Filing Parcel Number: BuildinE Name: Commsnls' Project#:PRJ99-0174 Board / Staff Action Motion by: Seconded by: Vote: Action: StaffApproved il n ReviewAcrfi$ I sig Conditions: 1) A revocable right-of-way agreement is required to cover the improvements located within Town riqht-of-wav nrior to buildine permit issuance. This agreement (attached) will be recordid with the Eagle-Cbunty Clerk & Recorder. A filing fee of $t 1.00 (payable to Eagle County Clerk) is required. 2) A minimum of 8' between the edge of asphalt and the lamp posts is required for safe clearance of snow removal equipment. 3) Due to GRFA restrictions and pursuant to Section L2-15-3,TOV Code, the ski storage lockers must remain at least 25D/o open to the outside. Tonm Planner: Brent Wilson Date: June 30, 1999 F:\EVERYONE\DRB\APPROVAL99\SCIIWARZRWPD DRB Fee Pre-Paid: $20.00 APPLTCATTON FON DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL I j 1-oD*nfrTgsit*fu ff Hfl xy*m::r, g"i*,r,i*, *; J; ";TItu",:n*i*,#*i.Gl?1""rffitffi?tl"lto'.l. A',t'Fojectrcquille_lamrcvrgtnl*r ff5:Y,g ro'rt c ptd&lr rqrpvel rhd is rcouc*cd ;["T*fl|! IT 1$fio tnrongio. ra rtc ruil*ulrr4uircnrcrre for tt c nr.dou, -- r@ 'u rv 'e',.urnnS to' r Duildlrg pcmrit. For srrocific rnr."rntii. .* ii Jt*,'il'i,*i.-.{'Iffiltrrfl jff Hffi ,*:fl*.l11:G''J*cdu,trirdrrhcrcq.iiurin-lbnnuion lrarumiaoa Ttri -":-'- "'c '5 rEqucstoo' Trc rttFlictioo ceturor bc rcceprcd u"ril "iiir,"l"q,r-niEnvio,rnrqmrr oo","o*'.''ffifffi .*H :"T*:f,y-t;;-;,;; "nd/or rrc pranins .,,de."-,-*,",o","'*''"-ri"ili'n'JioTlffi IpT.Hffi ,3,,Il;il:ffi ""jt'ffi*trffiDultdtaj pcrnrtrrr t$rGd rrd d;;;;r.;;Jl A, DESCRIPTIo}{oFTHEREQUEST: (1, r,oT:u. c. D. € LOA{TION OF pnOpOSrtt_, PHYSIC?LADORESS: F. G. PARCEL .ZONrNo: MAILING owNEn(stslct{A NAME OF APFLICANT: MAILIN€ ADDRESS: H. TYPEOFREVIEWANDFEE: El Nc*Corrructrn-ql Co*uiooftncvtoitdi4.El Adrttdca' srn rdr8rq.;iiff#-"rqruetboagcceddodooyrcidsrrielor y'urrrrnore,*; Do ffi;;;;$chas.tumodns; rtri"riDs; .dd"- ;ffi. r#dil:ilffi;"m.. tr cclSlturl Rr'|.l r !0 {frer"q.+*&orldia.mri,hc, ro l'csirft D6r3n Reier.ffi ,I:il"* DRB ftcr rc to tG trid-'t ttc riruc of eindrnl' 15: *||: ypryr"c for I buitrrhB F.ouit. prcrsc idcntilythc nocttilc tttutiq' ornc roh* -frliid "iv.ir *'rr "ciiliriiffits to rhc Foj€ct vsrudroo.PLEASEEUB}iTTT TS Aoer^RxttddilfJH"?ilS#'E'#ffi ft ffi gffiffi .#ruXJ^lirorrr'yArLc{rt,(tR^t oaen _ (Corlrr ?!!o. Arcsoa Ofticc rr 9?0.llt.B6{0 ror.fro, o, o a oo June 10, 1999 George Ruther Town of Vail Deparhnent of Community Development 75 S. Frontage Road Vail Colorado 81657 re: Schwartzreich Residence Remodel 321 Beaver Dam Circle Vail Colorado FRITZLE N P I E RC E SMITH ARCHITECTS Dear George, On behalf of Steven and Elaine Schwartaeich I am submitting for DRB approval of modifications to the Beaver Dam Road entrance to their home as shown on sheets l-8. I am also including a site plan of the approved residence dated 5/18/95. We have addressed the following issues: - GRFA and Site Coverage: The Schwartreichs are aware that there is no remaining site coverage or GRFA. All of the proposed improvements do not increase either. Roof overhangs are limited to 4' and all enclosed areas are less than 5' in height. Suney and title insurance: There was a survey submitted with the original DRB application in '95. We will have additional survey work done prior to construction to field locate property lines and easements. I am assuming title insurance is not necessary since they have been the owner ofrecord for several years. The house in not listed or under contract for sale. Improvements in the right of way: The plans proposes new heated steps, rails and columns. The existing steps will be field located and moved onto the Schwartzreich's property if necessary. Additional work not shown on the drawings: The Swartzreichs would like to include heating the steps to the north entrance of their home in the work as well. Please call me with any questions. As always thank you for help. Schwartzreich K199 1 9-Schwartzreich\documents\TOVDRB.wpd PlanningoArchitectureolnteriors 1650 EastVaif Vafley Drive Fallridge C-l . Vail,CO81657 . fps@colorado.net o fax(970\ 4764901 . (97O) 4764342 Tz- GO^ FFs ARcurltcr"?l . P.03 E03 L|sT OF PROPOSED M^IARl^rs tt EUII&O:IG.TdA|TEEIAIJ: Roof Si&B OlhcrWrll Matcriels Fercir Soalits Windotr WirtdwTiim Doors Door Trirt Hmdor D,ekltrils Flrtcs Fbdtingr Ciimoryr Trrrlr Em,lcsut!6 CrgilCIrtcr RGiJnicwdls Euictigltiui' Ott ffllJlB:' ffi|142* ttstcTr Je.r)#/- '*+P*t- 8'4G1 ' Plcssc spcify tllo rBaufscturr'r c.olor, nurnbo rod roch a rnrell colot chip r. All crtsir ltbdog bus r|l€t thc ToPa'r Ughinj Ordiune 1S.54.050(J). lf exrric liglting is propoccd p[; bii* ti -iU- onAmrn nd tocdols onr rqrnrc ligtsiq dn ldcntig G.cb ftts! tyF rtrd Ptovidc ife fafU *enrc !trd4 twra|! odtr4 lurhous la, rnd .eEb t cd s[Et of thc li3htitg firtures' ao ('o o rnoo rn o-n I U I Fnl _q t 6 \ o0\ 9B s,i\)<tat? ?J3 --lrn\l a m7 UT F>>il FP OG\ ei :8 7= 3 I I -0 fro 1Io(fl rn U t-o ntfr ar z ::4 --N+nf, 7mZ SCHWARTZREICH SKI & BOOT ADDITION LIAEll!'Ir-t|Dtrt Ealp .rlt I I Effi.B I rE---.!E:I ecuoplseH r{clerzlrEfiqrs I t c I -F PH{u>zpq-,F i$E fi; $H* tE zo t- { tuJlu z fJ FIIIz oA Jtuz{ IL IUzoFo oaroo; oo oo *'.[f;i? 1-s00-as-30a0 t"WB 0ro9-reFmar '+ffi!.a* I I Schwartzrelch Resldence|n.....--'n---hl{.6oFa- P*fo/ 614, *z o _! I 3! tu cI z {J IL t L e'l)(n\\--/ r JOP ru- v0l Eu€Ptuzo{ do Hy FF H$ Ct ;z trF{ ILvl F. ouFo lu oo $z Idlu o ol llo'oz uloC {I ntr nt I oz qg Rqro ii $f $E flili i SCHWARTZREICH SKI & BOOT ADDITION lf,Etntrf,tEur.GmD I I I Pm : \ tl 6 T I riiJ{ s !iliEt I t I.| r ktt fi H$1I +P I h $ i* i "E { E:r$ i. 19 Ift0.rr.l| EE EI ii[E IFSE { I zo F \)lu U) ullfll I norrroov roos l rfffiGHzruvmHcs OOoo ol oo (tl mo { oz I W ILtr|I! -I I 6 dl tlE $* fluH9o$iR Hi A8 H:;l-' 4' t$ rifl I dl 3ta 9F^ ilv # scHwARTzRErcH sKr & Boor ADDrroN i!a, E tEa;ttnflrt[rIrDt] =o I ; t :|ll c tl II ?ffiF0&fin NO|I|OOV IOOS ? tys HCEUZTUV^ HCS I -[F$ $f; ,[E Hr$ilF EF fuiut i58$EI$H A I zo F \)lu U) l- i-t< blr,l: It $tItr;[I t li IE?t!l 3tf (tl mo { oz I o iidt J' 1+ dl'l$t- ,TA ZIm $ SCHWARTZREICH SKI & BOOT ADDITION IT.EITitttmw.o.mr II o 'i.- - ---:l--'l LiJ:'-r I I 't /t - . ,-----'<rye*;r.,rxi *_,7 - - .- r,t{rr:,, i: nt,. i.'i_) ' -) /ii:"- '1' l; li/, |.," :1,' CIII|CK ITEQUDST PREPARI]D BY:DATE: I 1,. VENDOR NAMI.1:o.{5f06. l-l " ru, VENDOR NUMI]ER:'l o cl )'7'l DESCRIPTION OII EXPENS E:cLnAN UP DEPOSIT IIIlryD l-oR Bp # i|? s- orc,y NAME OF JOB:, l,- / ('c-t c lt ACCOUNT NUMBER: 0t 0000 22002 AMOLINT OF REFUND:% /, otc'. oL) \ .1 t /'^ t-(-DATEAPPROVED: h ^ I cl - cj APPROVAL SIGNATURE: Nuzp () o, U.trtifirulr uf (Drrupunrg @nurtr (Df lilutl frutliitrg Frpurtnrnt -rHB CLR',TIFICATE Is'.SUED PI/RSL/ANT TO THE REQU/REMENTS OF TLIE UN/FORM BUII.D/NG CODE CIRTIF}'ING 'THAT AT THE TIME OF ISSUANCE TT'IS STRUCTURE WAS IN COMPI-IANCE WI-TH THE yAR/OUS ORDINANCIS OF THE TO\Y/N REGUI-ATING BI/II-D'NG CONSTRUCTTON, AND OR USE. TO.TIIL. BL,ST OT OIiR KNO\T,'I,EDCE. N,r nrc -.III-TCECOCK-RE$LDENCI DUPLEXI lsc Clasiiicarion Group l(-J Building ltcrnrit N,r. 895-01ffi T'pc Consrrucrion VN O$ ner of Building Tt{E IilINSTFAn T.TMITED PAIITNFRSIIIP Building Addrcss 421 BEAVER DAM ROAD Building O(trcirrI Thc building omcial may, in \^.Titing, suspend or retoke 8 Ccnilicatc of Oc4upancy issued undcr rhc provisions of this cadc whcncver the certificate is issucd in eror, or on thc basis of incorrect informa on supplied, or whcn it is dctcrmiocd thar thc building or structur€ or poniolr th.r.of is in violation of any ordinanc€ or regulation of th? Town of Vail or aoy of thc provisions of this code. B - lo-?z POST IN A CONSPICUOUS PLACE O tt,r-v NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES TOWN OF VAIL Department of Community Development Valuation:t,I75,440.00 Add Sq Ft: 6995 Fi reDtace Infortnation: Restricted: YES flof 6as Appl.iancrs: 1 fof Gas Logs: 2 fof Uood/Pat Let: *lcffi*Jr**rr|t****|t**********t*'rl|i************i***#****** FEE SUl,ll,lARy Jd*****s**********************ffi********ff********* Bui Lding--->4,898. m ***fffi**ff*ffi*trtrtr#****ffi***tr****#trlrtrtr****ffi1*trr****SJ********ft*********#*ffi******#***#ffi*ff***** See Page 2 of this Document, for any conditions that nay apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS Lq -r 'l t5" ?, U.L,,rt l,./fchb"k 75 South Frontage Road VaiL Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 Pf,an Check--> 3,183.70 Job Address Location. . . Parcel No.. Project, No. 421 BEAVER DAM RD SAME ADDRESS 2101-0 71-11-0 0s PRJ95-0074 APPLICANT WOODSTONE HOMES, INC. P.O. BOX 205, VArL, CO 91658 CoNTRACTOR WOODSTONE HOMES, INC.P.O, BOX 205, VAIL, CO 91659OWNER INNSTEAD LIMITED PARTNERSHIP THE 8853 KING MEMORIAL HWy, MENTOR OH 44060 Descript,ion: coNsrRUcTroN oF NEW p/s Occupancy: R3 Single Family Residence Type Construction: V N Type V Non-Rated Phonez 3034799775 Phone: 3034799715 TotatCatcutatedFccs---> 10.633.95 Additional, Fees--------->.@Totaf.PepmitFeF-------> 14,63.95 Peyments------- Deptr BUILDING Division: Deptr PLANNING Division: Dept: FIRE Division: DeDI: PUB WORK Division: Status. . AppIied. Issued.. Expires. ISSUED 05/02/ree5 06/o7 /!ee5 t2 /o4 /tee5 accurate ptot and plot ptan, subd i vi si on 8:00 Al't 5:00 P Invest i gati on> tli [[ ca L L----> Restuarant Ptan Rcvieu--> DRB Fee-------- Recreation Fee----------> Ctean-Up Deposit--------> .00 3.00 500.00 1 ,O49 .?5 'l ,000.00 TOTAL FEES-----*ffi**ffi'hi*fiffffiffiffitrtiffiffffJrff(ir*lr****rrffft*ir******ff*****tr**ffitr#*ffff*****ffitrffiffi*fiffi**ff****ftff** Ite.m: 051OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT05/23/7995 CHUCK Action: APPRItb_m:'.05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT05/24/1995 LAUREN Action: AppRIt.e,m:..05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT05/26/1995 SARY Action: AppRIt'e.m:'.05500 PUBLIC WORKS05/25/1995 CHARLIE Action: AppR I. hereby .acknoll tedge that I have read.this application, fitted out in ful.l, the information requ.ired, compteted anpLan, and state that atl the in{ormation provided as required is correct. I agre! to conply tiith the informationto -conPty Hith att Tor,n ordinances _and state Lays, and to buil,d this structure according io-the Toyn,s zoning andcodes, design revieu approved, Uniforn Bui Lding Code and other ordinances ot the p^/ aiptjfabJcTthereto. REouEsTs FoR INspEcrIoNs SHALL BE l,rADE Tr,rENry-FolrR HouRs rN AD'ANCE By ,rrrrrrffiu)r-t4rKAl ouR oFrrcE FRo'rL/,/.4,-_ Send C tean-Up Deposit To: {P'"noto'uo OF Ot.'NEi OR CONTRACTOR FOR H AND OTINER TOWN OF VAIL 75 South Frontage Road VaiL Colorado 81657 ffswLP1frl4ptBgtoB CONDITIONS as of 06/07/95 De partment of Communiry Deve lo pment St.atus---: ISSUEDt t Fxffi7ffi!ffitt****t ************************************************************ Perrnit Type: NEW SFR BUILDING PERMITApplicant--: WOODSTONE HOMES, TNC. 30347 99715 Job Address: 421 BEAVER DAM RDLocation---: SAME ADDRESS Parcel No--: 2101-071-11-005 npplied--t 05/02/1995Issued--- . 06 /07 /).995To Expire. L2/04/1995 Description: coNsTRucTIoN OF NEW P/S * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * COnditiOnS * * * !r * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * THIS PROJECT WILL REQUIRED A SITE IMPROVEMENT SURVEY. SUCH SURVEY SHALL BE SUBMITTED AND APPROVED PRTOR TO REQUEST FORA FRAME INSPECTION. ATTIC SPACES SHALL HAVE A CEILING HEIGHT OF 5 FEET OR LESS, AS MEASURED FROM THE TOP SIDE OF THE STRUCTURAL MEMBERS OF THE FLOOR IO THE UNDERSIDE OF THE STRUCTURAL MEMEBERS OF' THE ROOF DIRECTLY ABOVE.Prior to TCO, the Town of VaiI will be granted an easernent for a section of Beaver Dam Circle now located on t.his proper Ey. No exterior lighting shall be allowed until approved by the DRB 1. z. 3. 4. {grtno*"u", *,****l********************************************************** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statemnt**************************************************************** statennt Number: REc-0032 Amount: 10r633.95 06/07/95 08:46 Payment Method: CHECK Notation: #552 Init: LRD **************************************************************** Permit No:Parcel No:Site Address: Location: This Payment Account Code 01 0000 41310 01 0000 41331 01 0000 4L332 01 0000 22002 30 0000 45032 01 0000 41336 895-0108 Type: B-BUILD NEW 2101-071-11-00s 421 BEAVER DAM RD SAME ADDRESS Tot.al Fees:10,633.95 Total ALL Pmts: Balance: Description BUTLDING PERMIT FEES DESIGN REVIEW FEES PLAN CHECK FEES CLEANUP DEPOSITS RECREATION FEES WTLL CAI.JL INSPECTION FEE SFR BUILDING PER 10,633.95 10, 633 . 95 .00 Amount 4,898.00 500.00 3,L83.70 l_,000. 00 L,049 .25 3 .00 I *rlurco'k- NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES DEMO. OF PART/ALL BUDG. Permit +: D95-0003TOWN OFVAIL 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER Ddscription: DEMO OF OLD HOME Occupancy: Type Construction: Type Occupancyi VaLuation: Fireptacc lnfor0Etion: Rest ri cted: Job Address: 421 BEAVER DAM RDLocation... : SAME ADDRESSParcel No.. : 2!01-071-11-005Project No. ! PRJ95-00?4 wooDsToNE HoMES, INC.P.O. BOX 205, VArL, CO 8L658 wooDsToNE HOMES, INC.P.O. BOX 205, VAIL, CO 81658 INNSTEAD LIMITED PARTNERSHIP THE 88s3 KING MEMORIAL HWy, MENTOR OH 44060 Status... Applied.. Issued... Expires. . Phonez 30347997L5 Phone z 3034799775 Dept: BUILDING Division: Dept: PLANNING Division: D e partm e nt of C ommunity Development ISSUED o5/02 /tee5 06/07 /rees12/04 /ree5 R3 Single Family ResidenceVN TypeVNon-Rated 80, 000 fof Gas Appl. i ancca: Add Sq Fr: flof Gas Logs:fof Uood/Pa t Let: *ffi**ffi*ffi********ff******ir************************* FEE SUtll.tARY ***************##****fi*#*****************lr**ft***** Bui I'ding-----> 640.00 Restuarant P[an Reviev--) .OO TotaL catcutated Fees---> 1,309.00 P[an Check---> 1+16.00 DRB tee---------InvestigatiorD .00 Recreation Fee----------> ,.---:8A Total. permit Fee------> 1,3O9.OOUi|'|.c8|'|'-_->3.0octean-uPDePosit------_>rzso.@Payments-----_-_-----> TOTAL I EES-----**t,r**trffiffi*ffiffi't*,tJrl.ffi**d(Hrri***li********i****t**************fiff****Hffi*******ffi#*ffi****** IIen: -O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMENTO5/26/L995 GAP.Y Action: AppRIIEn:..05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENTO5/.26/.L995 GARY Action: AppRO5'/.26'/799s GARY Action: AFFR Q5'/.26'/.1995 GARY Action: CANCO5'/26'/L995 GARY Action! AppRItOm:'.05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT05/26/1995 GARY Action: AppRItem:'.05500 PUBLIC WORKSO5/26/L995 GARY Action: AppR CDIten i' .05700 ENVIRONMENTAL HEATJTH0s/26/199s cARy Acrionl-Appii N/eIte.m:'.05900 LIOUOR05/26/199s aARY Acrionr AppR N/A Dept Dept Dept Dept FIRE Division: PUB WORK Division: HEALTH Division: CLERK Division: ir*ir*rrt******tt*t***J(**ffiffiffi**ffiffi*#ff****#*****ft*******#**************ff***************l*ff*ff*ffi**fr******** See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS l. hereby .acknovtedge that I havr raad_this appt'ication, f itl,ed out in ful,L the information required, conpteted anPtan, and state that att the information provided as requi red is correct. t agnrc to compty r^iittr the iniormationto comPty vith att Toln ordinances -and state tavs, and to buitd this structure according io the town, s zoning andcodcs, dcsign rcviev aPproved, Uniform BuiLding Code and othen ordinances of the rown app!ieabte.thereto. accurate plot and ptot p [an/ subdivision REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE I.IAOE TI.'ENTY-TOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE SY TE Send C lean-Up Deposit To: OUR OFfICE FROII O!'NER OR TOR HI}ISELF TUTI'IOFVATT 75 South Fronnge Road Yail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 I 3 8/479 -2 I 3 9 Department of Community Development FAX 970-479-2452******************************************************************************** ********************************************************************************Permit #: D95-0003 CONDITIONS as of 06/07/95 Status: ISSUED ANY WORK CAN BE CODE COMPLIANCE. Permit Type: DEMO. OF PART/ALL BUDG.Applicant: WOODSTONE HOMEST INC. 30347 9 97 ts Applied: 0s/02/L99s Issued. O6/07 /1995To Expire: L2/04/1995 Job Address: LocaLion: SAME ADDRESSParcel No: 2101-071-11-005 Description: DEMO OF OLD HOME Conditions:1. FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAT IS REQUIRED BEFORE STARTED. 2. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REOUIRED TO CHECK FOR {P *"o-'uo **************************************************************** TOWN OF VArL, coLoRADO i !.'rr.!r&&& statemnt **************************************************************** statemnt Number: REC-0032 Anount: 1'309 'oo 06/07-/?: 09::0 -:lry::i 5:T1 :ry1--l*!::l-tll ?!- - - - - - -- ------lii::-li:- Permit No: D95-0003 Type: A-DEMO DEMo' Or eeRr/af.,r., ru Parcel No: 2101-071-11-005 Site Address: 421 BEAVER DAM RD Location: SAME ADDRESS Total Fees: 1,39?'q9 This Payment 11309'00 Total ALL Pmt6: 1'309'00 Balance: '00 **************************"************************************* Account Cod'e Description 'Amount 01 0oo0 41310 BUTLDTNG peRlart rens 640'00 01 00oo 4L332 PLAN CHECK FEES 416'00 01 oo00 22002 CLEANUP DEPOSTTS 250'00 01 0ooo 41336 wrLL cALIJ illipectroN FEE 3'00 .'' TOWN OF VAIL ?5 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 970-479-2L38 DEP.ARTMENT OF COMMI'NITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAI, PERMIT permit #: E95-0086 Job Addresez 42L BEAVER DAI'{ RD Location... : SAME ADDRESS Parcel No.. : 2101-071-11-005 Project No. : PR,J95-0074 APPL,ICANT WOODSTONE HOMES; INC. P.O. BOX 205, VAIL, CO 81658 CoNTRACTOR WOODSTONE HOMES, rNc. P.O. BOX 205, VArL, 'co 81658 OWNER INNSTEAD LIMITED PARTNERSHIP THE 8853 KrNG MEMORTAL l{WY, MENTOR OH 44060 Description: EL,EC FoR NEvt P/s Status...: ISSUED Applied..z 05/02/L99s r-siued. .. z o5'/22'/L996 Expires..: LL/L8/L996 Phone: 30347997Ls Phone: 3034799715 Valuation:39 r ooo. oo FEE SU}IIIARY Etcctri cat--> 2E9'm DRB fec -> .mtnvcstigEtioD .00 r,fi tt catt-_> 3.00 ToTAL FEES-> ?92.00 Totat cltcutatcd Fees--> 292.6 Additlonat Fees-) .00 Totst Pcrnit Fee-----> Z9Z.@ PayD.nt s---- 292 'OO s/ri{rgg pt g------> ' m Item: O6OOO ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT DeDt: BUILDING Divieion: ******tt*ttrttti CONDITION OF APPROVAL DECLARATIONS r hereby acknortedgc that t havc read this rpptication, fitted out in futt thc infornetion,reqlil{lTl?lil*.li ptan, airO statc thit atI the information proviaeA as requircd is correct. I agfcc to. conPty,:]t!_:I?-t i11::t]:lio "6pty uith ltt Toyn ordinances lnd state tavs, and to bui td this structurc tccordi ng_to-thi^t:I1::-1*ttts tno codcr,'disign reviel appnovcd, Unifon Bui tding Code and other ordinances of the Toun aPpliclbl'' thtrcto' accurrta ptot and ptot ptan, subdivision REouEsrs Foi lrspEcrlo{s sH LL BE IADE ruEt{Ty-Foun HorrRs IN AovANcE By TELEPHo E AT 47}2158 oR AT drR ofFtcE tRotl 8:q) rl 5:m P ****************************************************************Statemnt TOWN oF vAIt, coLoRADO il:ffiil.i"*"t'-*.-0145 Amount: 2s2'oo 05/22/e6 11:0e r'^r-r^^r. ..,,n.t{ Notation: *5993 rnit: LRD P"yt ""t Method: CHECK Notation: ELECTRICAIJ PERMITPermit No: 895-0086 TyPe: B-EIEC Parcel No: 2101-071-11-005 SiTE AddTESS: 421 BEAVER DA}'T RD Location :. SAI'IE ADDRESS Total Fees: 2g2,OO Total ALL Pmts:' Balance: DescriPtion ELECTRICAL PERMIT FEES WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 292.00 292.00 .00This Palzuent ****************************************************************ni^rrr.r+AnountAccount Code 01 0000 41313 01 0000 41336 289.00 3.00 ctD-t4- t:t5b uv: rt'lHt l 479?45? P.E1 PO Bo:( 3939 Vail, CO El65E 97 0,17 g -97 l S . Fot 070-47S-9[21 Mayfi,1996 Town of Vail Attn: Lauren Waterton Fox (9?0) 479 2452 DerLauren, This lettpr is serving ss tlotico that wo ere proeccding rt our own risk at the residenrce at 421 Beaver Darn Circlt, Vail, CO. Woodstono Homcs, Inc. holds hamles the 'l'own of Vail fot eny cost ramificstions in the event of any problems with the l.L;C, We want to sincerely thank you for working with us in regards to this is$e. $inccrtly, tll,a.4 /lk^- ct"i'r. r8; A.,J Vicc Prcsident TOTfiL " 81 lv NOTE: THIS PERUIT UUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TI}IES UECHANICAL PERMIT PETMit #: U95-0072 APPIJIED 05/02/L995 Job Address.... 42I BEAVER DAU RD Iocation...... : SN,!E ADDRESS Parcel No..... : 2L01-071,-1-L-005Project Number: PRJ95-0o74 l,lechanical- - -> 840.00 Restuafant Plan Revier--> Plan check---> 210.00 DR8 Fe€-------- .00 totlt catcutatGd Fcca---> 1,053.00-00 Additionat Fees-- --- --"> .00 Status. .. Applied..Issued... Expires.. APPLICANT I{OODSTONE HoMES, INc. Phone: 3O347997Ls P.O. BOX 2O5, VArr-,, CO 81658 CONTRACTOR I{OODSToNE HoMES, INc. Phone: 3O347997Ls P.O. BOX 205, VArr,, CO 81658OWNER INNSTEAD LI},IITED PARTNERSHIP THE 3853 KING MEMORIAL IIWY, I.{ENTOR OH 44060 DescriptJ.on: Valuationz 42'0oo.o0 INSTALL ITIECH FOR NEW P/S Fireptace inforrrtion: nestricted: #of c.s Aptirncae:JOf Gas LoOe:frX Hood/Pet tet: tEE Stlfl RY tirHlrl*tt*a**.tttF.t**rll*ltlr*|FtrFrttlltat**l*rtrrrth}r1bH'atrlt trw€stigation> .00 ToTAL FEES-----gitt catt----> 3.00 Pa),#nts""-" BALAXCE DUE- -- - tt*tfl'ttt*tttt***at*flt*tattt**rfttttt*t*rta***r*f,***rra*a*rl*rtt**t*tttttt*r***fFttt* ***i'*ttl.ttttt*la*rl*titaat*tili**ttii.tlt*t ItEM: O51OO BUILDING DEPARTUENTItem: O54OO PI,ANNING DEPARTUENT CONDITION OF APPROVAL ** ************* * * * *** * * * * * ********************************** *** * **************** DECI,AR.ATIONS f hereb/ acknortedge that t have read this Epplication, fitted o|rt in fult the infonnation requi rcd, corplcted an accurate plot ptan, and state that atl the information provided as requi r€d is correct. t agre€ to coply rith the informtion and ptot ptan, to corpty rith att Torn otdinances and state la*s, and to bultd this stflrture according to thc Tosr's zoning ard sttdivisim codes, &sign reviec approved, tlnifom BuitdirU Code erd oth.r or"dinancas of the tor.n appt icable thcreto. RECI,ESTS Ffi TISPECTTOTS S}IALL EE HADE TIJfIITY- FOJR HqJRS III ADYATCE 8Y TELEPHc|IE AT 479-2136 (n AT q,R OIFICE FRG|I 8:OO AI{ 5:OO PI{ stcx^tunE ot orftER * corTnAcroR FoR xn{sEt F Alr0 c ft€R Dept: BUILDING DiViSiON:Debt: PL,ANNING Division: crea/{ NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PLIJMB]NG PERMIT Permit #3 P95-0064 D ep arnne nt of C o mmunity D eve lo p me nt TOWI'I OF VITL 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-213e FAX 970-479-2452 Job Address Location. . . Parce1 No..Project No. 421 BEAVER DAM RD SAME ADDRESS 2t0L-071- 11-005 PRJ95-0074 APPLICANT WOODSTONE HOMES, INC.P.O. BOX 205, VAIL, CO 81658 CoNTRACTOR WOODSTONE HOldES, rNC. .tr r P.O. BOX 205, VAIL, CO 81658 OWNER I(I\CI,I{oc,(INNSTEAD LIMITED PARTNERSHIP THE 8853 KrNG MEMORIAL HWy, MENTOR OH 44060 CONTRACTOR CM MECHANICAL P.O. BOX 2645t AVON, CO 81620 Statug...: ISSUEDapplied..: os/02/L99s IsEued. . .; 08/25/L995Expiree..z 02/2L/L996 Phonez 3034799715 Phonez 30347997t5 Phone: 925-3563 Description: INSTALL PLIIMBING FOR NEW P/S Valuation:51, 072 .00 fftrffi****lr***ffi**f,f,*f#***i*** FEE SUlilllARY *r****tffirffirr**** P tumbing----) 780.00 nestuarant Ptan Reviey--> TOTAL TEES_-_ .00 978.00 Total catcutated Fecs---> Additionat Fees--------> Totat Pernit F!F-------> 978.00 .00 978.00 Plan Check---> Invest igat ion> 195.00 .00 tli l,l, Ca L L---) 3.00 Payments----- BALANCE DUE--_*ffi rH*ffi **ffirr.ffi ffffi ffir*ffi***ff ff * Dept: BUILDING Division:ItE.M: O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT05/23/1995 CHUCK Action: APPR 'r**rH*ffi*tr*ffi*iJlJ*'wl******************fi*t**t********ff***fir**r.*ffifrffiffit1r*#r*'***ffi#(**rrtd*ff*** CONDITION OF APPROVAL **ffiffi **fin*ffiffi ffir.diffi **f,t**t'***ffi rffi nffi ff *ffi ffi ffi ffi ffi*# DECLARATIONS I heneby acknowtcdge that I heve read this Epptication, fitled out in ful.L the information required, conpteted an accufatc plot ptan, and state that atl the infofmation provided as requi rcd is correct. I agfcr to compty vith the infornation and ptot ptan, to compty with atl, Toun ordinances and state [avs, and to buil,d this structune according to the Tovn's zoning and subdivision codes, design revieu approved/ Uniforn Buil.ding Code and other ordinances of the Town appticabte thereto. REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIOI{S SHALL BE I{ADE TI.IENTY-FOUR HOURS IN AOVANCE SY TELEPHONE A OR AT OUR OFFICE F HIITSELF {srnnuoruo 4* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * :t Jr * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * TOWN OF VArL, COLORADO Statemnt ************************************************i**************** statemnt Number: REc-0058 Amount: Payment Method: CK1051 Notation: 978.00 08/25/95 16:05rnits uMc **************************************.3:lil::;*************99** Permit No: Parcel No: Si-te Addrese: Location: This Paynent Account Code 01 0000 41311 01 0000 41332 01 0000 41336 P95-0064 Tn)e! B-PIilB 2101-071-11-005 421 BEAVER DAI.I RD SA}48 ADDRESS PLI'MBING PERMIT Total FeeEs978.00 Total ALL PmtB: Description PLI'MBING PERMIT FEES PI-,AN CHECK FEES WILL CAIJL' INSPECTION FEE 978.00 978.00 Amount 780.00 195.00 3.00 'ftto(-o7t-tt't PBT?5-oo-74 AppLrcArroN r4usr BE FTLLED our cor.4pLErELv oR rr "r;V-fijlVfjfl,ilbffltq"l:* x t * .* * * * .l * * * jt * s fr * x t * * x t f, x x x s fr x PERM I T r NFoRr,lAT I oN t fr * rf, * )f, * rr {( x * fl { * * * * r( I * r x * * * x * I s tf:-nuilding fdiplurnutn,t cX*pr*.trlcat p(l-Electricai )Q-Other 2AAA__ Job Narne r hffCW+: Qf5;tsq!c9 . - Job Address: 4Zl SEA,tey- g?A ,#;pa a-iev6Legal DescriptionI u"t .E_--atict_ 4 Filing VArL VE!4(€.-.-I$!9_ Flutrrt"_. _ IOWN OF VAIL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT APPLICATION FORM DATE: 5'2'15 I,IAY 1$95 ' the lt r.l 5TEAD Ll r4flEe ft Ne35Er? 48b L,NfgrrXtpos DE, (ZtC\owners Narner Owroew tlfcl &(, il-fl!ffiu.-ss, cnaqgl:t feis t vF 4g.?z pi-fiA:q6" ?a' b*51 _ - Addrecs: 1!1.q-_f^b-_ Tile Wd Sle^o ut4fiev fr*tuea*|'/|t? Arc hi tec t;8IG5E en.47,L='l'3:32 General Description! @C_gbGr l /Kq{Eo ?af\,?q l*l.,re+l W.SrFgls,e hjork claEs: t/:-w'* [ ]*Alteration [ ]*Additionet [ ]-Repair t l-other Nurnber of Dwel I in'g Urr-i. ts: _1 Number of Aqcommodation Units t O Nurnber and Type of Fireplacesr Gas Appliances I Eas Loqs_-L Wood/peIIet-- *t**xx*rf.rry|y\2[:!r#:tt*(*xxttxx VALUATT0N, _\\*:.V*.y;r**xxxxnrx*x*]]r]****xxx*x PLUl,fBIN9t <Le"2- t 1*7.?,a - /,+ a /,/ at\ ^OTF|ER t UQ,Oo9. '= __ # YVffiZV: i t?-.oz-77* ' :'-" - ' 41 t 4: Y7{) ' *t*tx*)ttf{tx*f**)kx*{ft coNTRACTOR INFORMATION r(xxx**rr**)|(*t**x**.xxxrx)krr**t MECHAN I CAL :ICAL: ,u?e-al ToTAL t /,/3;[= <<: , *x * x * * *t *t x*)r t f { tx*f,n Genera 1 Contrac tcir:Address:Town o{ Vail Reo . NA,l48-4 Fhone Number t 47c)-'?775 - P l urnbing Con t rac ter :el c.l Town of VaiI Phone ftlumbpr l Town o{ Vail. Phofle Number: Reg. NO. Add reEs I ReE. NO. BUILDING PLAN CHECK FEE 2 PLUMBING PLAN CFIECK FEE: I.4ECHANICAL PLAN CHECK FEE: CLEAN-UF DEPOSIT: Iown of Vail Req Phone Number: txx*t(**t**xxx*xftt*x*xxf t*{*x*x. FoR OFFIcE usE x*xxx.*****r(xx*x**r**x,l(*****xx*x Mechanical Con t rac tor; BUILDING PEFMIT FE€; PLUMEINEI PERMIT FEE: I4ECHANICAL PERMIT P-EE: RECREATION FEE; OTHER TYPE OF FEE: ,,r TOTAL PERNIT FEHS b------- -. Sienature r Town of vaiJ- 25 south Frontage Road vail, colorado 8l- 557(303) 479-2138 PIan anaLysis based on the 1991 uniform Buil"dinq Code o#Hffipv Project Numberr PRJ-0074 Name: HITcHcocK PRII'IARY .A.ddress: 42 L BEAVER DAIII CR, Date: May 22, :-995 Contractor: WOODSTONE HOMES occupancy: R3rM1 Architect: F. P. B. TIA)e of const: V-N Engineer: BoYIE Plans Exarliner : CHUCK FELDI"IANN NOTE:The code items Listed in this report are not intended to be a complete listing of all possible code requirements rn the 1991 uBc. It is a guide to selected sections of the code. SE PAXATI ON DIRECTION BOUNDARY AREA INCREASE EIRE PROTECTION NORTH Building 0.0 Feet 0.0 Feet EAST Property line 25.0 Feet 25.0 Feet SoulIH Property line 24.0 Feet 24.0 Eeet WEST Property line 24.0 Feet 24.0 Feet EXTERIOR VIAI.,], EIRE RATINGS AT'ID OPENING PROTECTION Table 17-A & Table 5-A NORTH EAST SOI.TTH WEST OCC BRG NON-BRG OPNG BRG NON-BRG OPNG BRG NON-BRG OPNG BRG NON-BRG OPNG WATL WALL PROT WATL IdAII., PROT WALL WAI,L PROT WA],I, WAIL PROT R3 thr* thr* NoP Ohr Ohr None Ohr Ohr None Ohr Ohr None M1 thr* thr* NoP ohr ohr None Ohr Ohr None ohr Ohr None The exterior walIs may be of CoMBUSTIBLE materiaL. Sec.220L. None -- No fire protection requirements for openings. Prot -- openings are to be protected with 3/4 hr fire assemblies. 5Ot of the area of the wal-]- maximum. Sec.22O3- (b) & Table 5-A Maximum singte wi-ndow size is 84 sq.ft with no dimension greater than 12 feet. -- sec. 4305. (h) NoP -- openings are not permitted in this wall-.* -- These walLs may be required to have a parapet wall 30 inches above the roofing. The parapet wal-l- is required to liave the same fire rating as the wall . see sectj-on 1?10. for details arid exceptions- NAME AREA MIN.LIGHT MIN.VENT NO.EXITS EGRESS 2 Bedroom #L L81 18.10 9.05 1 Yes 2 Kitchen/Dining Room 329 32.90 15.45 l- No 2 Living room 321 32.L0 16.05 1 No 2 Maste! bedroom 222 22.20 L1. L0 1 Yes 2 Master bath 95 0.00 4.'75 1 No 2 Bedroom #2 161 15.L0 8.05 L Yes 2 Halls, cLosets, etc. 806 0.00 0-00 l- No FL, TOTAI, FOR FLOOR 2L1.5 1 I Garage 559 0. 00 0. 00 l- No L Family room 296 29,60 14.80 1 No 1 Bedroom 225 22.50 I1 .25 l" Yes 1 Laundry room 57 0.00 2.85 L No 1 Halls, closets, etc. 'l2I 0.00 0.00 1 No TOTAT FOR FLOOR 1858 1 BUILDING TOTAL 3983 2 FOOTNOTES: 1) EGRESS - An operable window or door that opens directly to the exterior is reguired from this room. The min.imum clear openable area must meet the follouring. -- sec. 1204. 1) The minirnum clear height is 24 inches 2) The minimum clear width is 20 inches 3 ) The minimr.rm clear area is 5 . 7 square feet 4) The maximum sifl- height is 44 inches 2) The nunbe! of exits is based on Tabl-e 33-A (Dwellings) 3) A mechanical ventil-ation system may be used in in lieu of exterj-or openings for ventalation. -- Sec. 1205. (c) ROOM DIMENSIONS: Habitable space shall have a ceiling height of not less than 7 feet 6 inches. Kitchens, hal1s, bathrooms and toil-et compartments may have a ceiJ-ing height of 7 feet measured to the lowest projection. If the ceiling is sl"oping, then the minimum hej.ght is required in only 7/2 of the area. --sec. L20'7 . (a\ Every dwelLing unit sha.l-l- have at teast one room which has not less than 120 square feet of floor area, Other habitabLe rooms except kitchens shal-l hawe an area of not less than 70 square feet. -- sec. 1207. (b) Habitable rooms other than a kitchen shall not be less than 7 feet in any dimension. -- sec. l2O'7. (cl GI,AZTNG REQUIREMENTS : Al-I glazing in hazardous locations is required to be of safety glazing materj.al". -- Sec. 5405- (d) l- ) Glazing .j.n ingress and egress doors excepL j al-ousies , 2l eLazing in fixed and slidi:ng panel-s of slidinqr door assemblies and panels in swing.ing doors other than wardrobe doors, 3) Glazing in storm doors. 4) Glazing in al-1 unframed swinging doors. 5) Glazing in doors and encl-osures for hot tubs, whirlpooLs, saunas/ steam rooms, bathtubs and showers. Glazinq in any portion of a building walJ- enclosing these compartments where the bottom exposed edge of the glazing is less than 60 inches above a standing surface and drain inlet. 5) Glazing in fixed or operable panels adjacent to a door where the nearest exposed edge of the g.l-azxing is within a 24-inch arc of either vertical edge of the door in a closed position and where the bottom exposed edge of the glazing is less than 60 inches above the walking surface. 7) Glazing in an individual fixed or operable panel-, other than those l-ocations described in items 5 and 6 above, than meets all, of tshe following conditions: A. Exposed area of an individual pane greater than 9 square feet. B. Exposed bottom edge less than 18 inches above the floor. c. Exposed top edge greater than 36 inches above the floor. D. one or more walking surfaces within 35 inches horizontally of the plane of the gl-a zing. 8) Glazing in railings regardLess of height above a walking surface. Included are structural baluster panefs and nonstructuraL in-fj-l'I panels. see exceptions. SMOKE DETECTOR REQUIREMENTS : A smoke detecto.r is required on the ceiling or wall at a point centrally located in the corridor or area giving access to each sleeping area. -- sec, 1210. (a) 4. A smoke detector is required on the ceifing or rda.l-.1- in each sleeping area. -- sec. 1210. (a) 4. A smoke detector is required on all stories. -- sec. 1210. (a) 4. If the upper level- contains sleeping room(s), a smoke detector is requ.i-red in the ceiling of the upper leve] close to the stairway. -- Sec. 1210. (a) 4 Smoke detectors are required to be wired to the buildingts power source and shatl be equipped with a battery backup. -- sec- 1210. (a) 3. Detectors shaLl sound an alarm audible in al-f sl-eeping area of the dwelling in which they are located. -- sec. l-21.0. (a) 4. FIREPI,ACE REQUIREMENTS : I'IA.SONRY FIREP],ACE: 1) Fireplace must be supported by a foundation. -- sec. 3?07. (b) 2) The firebox must be at least 20 inches deep and walJ-s of firebox are to be 10 inches thick. If the Iining is of firebrick then the wal-ls. may be 8 inches thick. -- sec. 3707. (c) 3) The minimum clearance to cornbustible material- is from the firepl-ace, smoke chanber, and chimney waLLs is 2 inches. combustibl-e naterial may not be placed within 6 inches of fireplace opening and combustible within 12 i-nches may not project more than 1/8 inch for each l- j-nch of c.Learance. -- sec. 3707 . (h) 4) The hearth must be noncombustible' a rn-inimum of 4 inches thick' and srrnnorf ecl b\/ noncombustib-Le material-. The hearLh size must be at least: If opening size is; Eront extension side extension Less than 6 sq.ft. 16 inches 8 inches 6 sq.ft. or greater 20 inches 12 inches -- sec. 3?07. (k) & (l) 5) chimney height must be per Tabl-e 37-B TACTORY BUILT FIREPI,ACE: 1) Unit must be an approved unr-t. -- Sec. 3705. (a) 2) clearances and hearth size must be per manufactures approval . -- sec. 3705. (a) & (b) 3) chimney height must be per manufacturer's approval and Table 37-B OCCUPA}TCY SE PARATION : Between the garage and the residence, material-s approved for thr fire construction are required on the garage side only and any doors between the garage and the residence are to be a self-closing 1 3,/8 inch solid core door or a 20 minute fire door. -- Table 5-B & sec' 503. (d) exc. #3 STAI R REQUIREMENTS : A stairway in a dwell-ing must be at least 36 inches wide. -- sec. 3305. (b) The maximum rise of a step is I inches and the minimum run is 9 inches. -- sec. 3305. (c) exc. #1 Provjlde a handraif on one side a staj-rway 34 to 38 inches above the nosing if there is 4 or more risers. -- Sec. 3305. (i) provide a guard rail where drop off is greater than 30 inches. Minimurn height = 36 inches, maximum opening size = 4 inches. -- sec- 1"172- la) exc- #1 The nr:inimum headroom is 6 ft.- 8 inches. -- sec. 3305. (o) Enclosed usable space under the stairs is required to be protected as required for thr fire-resistive construction. -- sec- 3306. (1) SITAFT ENCLOSURES : 1) Chutes and dumbwaiter shafts with a cross-sectional area of not more than 9 square feet may l-ined on the inside with not less than 26 gage galvanized sheet metaL with all- joints locklapped. The outside must be t hr construction. AII openings into any such enclosure shall be protected by not less than a self-cLosing solid blood door 1 3/8 inches thick or equivafent. -- sec. 1706. (f) 2) Gas vents and noncombustible pi-ping installed in walls passing through 3 floors or l-ess do not need to be in t hour shafts. -- sec. 1705. (c) 3) Shafts for gas vents, factory-built chimneys, piping, or ducts that do not extend through not more than 2 floors need not be in t hour shafts. -- sec. L706. (c) 4) AII other shafts are required to be enclosed in a t hour assembly. -- Sec. 1706. (a) CRAISLSPACE REQUIREMENTS : 1) Provide ventiJ-ation either by mechanical means or by openings in exterior walls. opening shall provide a net area of not less than L square foot for each 150 square feet of area in crawL space. Openings shal1 be distributed on two opposite sides and be located as close to corners as praceical- -- Sec. 251-6. (c) 6. Note: Vent openings may be reduced to 10ts of ehe above if ground surface area is covered with an approved vapor barriex and the L.rri rAihd ^€+i ^i r'r approves. For a 247.0 sa. ft. crawlspace area: 2) Provide 18-inch by 24-inch access opening to the crawl- space area. Note: opening may be required to be l-arger if mechanical equiprnent is located in the crawl space. -- sec. 25L6, (cl 2. 3) Unless the wood is lisLed as an approved wood of naturaf resj-stance to decay or treated wood, the minimum cl-earance between exposed earth and floor joist is 18 inches. The minimum clearance to beams and girders is is 12 inches. -- Sec. 2516.(c\ 2, ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS : For R3 occupancy This project will requlre a site improvement survey. such survey shall be submitted and approved prior to request for frame inspection. Al- I crawl spaces within the Town of vail are limited to a earth to structuraf floor ceiling height of 5', be earth floor only, be ventilated as per uBc 2516(c) 6 with minimum access as per UBc 2516(c)2 and maximum access of 9 sq. ft. RaLio L/L50 Any building site with engj-neer desr.gn. such and structural design. Excavation below slabs approval-. Address numbers shall sEteet - Minimum sq. ft. of vent 1.65 a sLope of 30 degrees or more shall require an design shaLL address drainage, soil retaj-nage on grade shall not be permitted without' prior be posted plainly visible and legible frorn the .L For M1 occupancy slope gaxage floor to allow for drainage to outside to provide a fLoor drain with sand and oil interceptor to dry well or to selter 'Any garage fl-oor drain connected to sewer must be approved by UpPer Eagle Valley water & sanitation District, In qarages with living area above, the wall6 of the garage wiich are bearing the area above ahall be protected with one hour fire resistive constructlon. IJBC 503 (B) . Town of vail 25 south Frontage Road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 479-2138 Plan review l-991 Uniformthe Project Nurnber: PRJ- 007 4 Address: 421 BEAVER DAI'{ cR. occupancy: R3, M1 Type of const: v-N Town of Vrt OFFICE COPY based on Building Code NaME: HITCHCOCK PRIMARY Date: MaY 22' L995 Contractor: WOODSTONE HOMES Architect: F. P.B. Engineer: BoYLE PIaNS EXAMINE!: CHUCK FELDMANN A11 e]ectrical work is to be complete to the requirements of the latest National Efectrical code' aII town of Vail ordinances, and Holy cross Requirements. Ttris project vill. reguire a ritn i4rowernt surltcy ' ftris iunrcy .baII bc suboittcd rnd staff aPtrtrovcd prior to a rcqu.3t for a fr.re incPGctiotr' und'r no tircumstancet xill r fran€ iatP'ctj.on bc donc withouc an apProved sitc i4)rovctrlat 3urncy ' Exterior surfaces with stucco shall be provided with exterior metal lath as per uBc 4706 with 2 layers of paper. vlindows and. doors are required to be aalquatefy flashed(not r^tith iust screed metal) ' A lath inspection is required prior stucco application. Al l- new construction within the Town of VaiL will- be required to have a Public Way PelrLit Plus an initial inspection by the T.o.v- Pub1ic Works Department to "ppio.te site drainage and cuLvert installation praor to any Building DePt. inspections. This project is restricted from the burnj'ng of wood in fiieplaces. unless the lot is a restricted lot in size, three gas logs fireplaces and three gas appliances are permitted per unj-t allowed' Gas log "Li*tt"y" enclosures shall be one hr. protected' THIS PROJECT REQUIRES TWO ONE HOUR IIAILS BETVTEEN EACH I'NIT WITH A ONE INCH AIR S PACE FROM FOT'NDATI ON TO T'NDER SIDE OF ROOF SHEATING. rn bathrooms with a tub or shoh,er and in laundry rooms a mechanical ventilation system connected directly to the outside shall be provided' Bathrms which c6ntain only a water closet or lav' may be ventil-ated with a recirculating fan' UBc 1205(c) ' Domestic clothes dryer exhaust ducts shall be installed as Per UMc 1104 and 1903' Elexible duct connectors rnay not exceed 6r in lenqth and shalJ' not 10 be concealed within construction' Ducts shall terminate outside the bulldj'ng and not exceed l-4r length . crawl spaces are required to be ventilated by rnechanical means or by openings' such openings shall have a net area of not less than 1 sq' ft' for each 150 sq' ft' of under-floor a!ea' UBc 2515(c)6' No domestic dishwashing machine shall be directly connected to a drainagi systern without the use of an approved dishwasher air-gap fitting' UPc 608' cross connection control devices shafl be instaLled to protect pollution of potable water supply by use of approved backflow prevention devices' uPc 1003' Plumbing fixtures with mechanical- apparatus shall be supplied with an access panel for inspection and repair of equiPment. UPc 904' Domestic ranges shall have a vertical clearance above the cooking surface of not less than 30" to unprotected combustible material' ttMc 1901' A chirnney enclosure for a wood burning fireplace flue shall be protected by a one-hour fire resistive construction. uec 1705. This involves lining the inside of such chase with 5,/8" Type x sheetrock and fire-taping joints. aFproved gas logs may be instalLed in- solid-fuel luining fireplaces piovided the installation is according to the listinq instructions, -any darrq>er shall- be removed or permanently blocked, and a safety shutoff valve is provided' UMc 803' Gas fireplace appliances are required to be instal-l-eb as p"f Iisting installation instructions - with a "n" vent only' cornlcustion air must be suoolied from the outside for all new constructaon in- itre Town of vai1. Supply a mechanical drawing indicating desi:gn of .ytt"., size (BTU and voLume) of equipment, vent Location and temination, and comlcustion air to be supplied prior to any install-ation' Due to colorad.o state statutes, alL sink faucetts and shower heads are required to utilize flow restriction devices. ALso, the maximum water closet flush usage is linited to a maximum of 3'5 gallons per flush. This factory-built fireplace must be an apProved unit. Inctude the manufacture's name, model nuriber' and approval inforrnation. -- Sec' 3705' (a) The size of the noncombuslible hearth must be per the manufacture's approval . -- Sec' 3705' (b) 11 L2 LJ 15 l-5 L'7 L8 19 20 o 2t The chimney is required to extend 2 feeL above any roofing wiltrin 10 feee. -- sec. 3703. (f) & Table 37-B The minimum clearance from the fireplace and chimney to cohbustible materials is 2 inches' -- sec' 3707. (h) 6 Table 37-B At eaves and val.Leys an adequate underfalment shall be provided to protect a structure from ice buildup and water damagl. Two l-ayers of fe.It solid mopped to sheathing ano b"tween l-ayers or a comrnerciaL water & ice shield Inay be used as per Table 3281' Because of this projectrs location, the foundati'on is required to be darPproofed to ql:v:nt damage to areas below finished grade- uBc 1?07 (d) ' The structure is required to be anchored to the foundataion wj-E]n L/2 inch anchor bolts' The boLts must be into the concrete or masonry 7 inches and spaced a rnaxj'mum of 6 feet aPart' See code for .-dditi-onu:- requirements - -- Sec ' 2907 ' (f I Include a copy of the soils report for the site to be built on. -- Sec. 2905. z5 24 25 ao Town of VaiL 25 South Erontage Road VaiI, coLorado 8 L657 (303) 479-2138 PLan analysis based on the 1991 uniform Buifding code Ploject Nurnber: PRJ-007 4 Add.ress: 42L BEAVER DAl.4 cR. occupancy: R3, M1 Tl4)e of Const: v-N SE PARAT I ON DIRECTION BOUNDARY AREA INCREASE NoRTH Property Line l-5-0 Feet EAST PropertY .]-ine 62.0 Feet soUTH Building 0.0 Feet wEsT Property line 25-0 Feet FIRE PROTECTION 15. 0 Feet 62.0 Feet n n F aat 25.0 Eeet OPENING PROTECTIONEXTERIOR WALL Table 17 -A & NORTH OCC BRG NON-BRG OPNG WAIL }TALL PROT R3 Ohr ohr None M1 ohr ohr None FIRE RAT INGS A}.ID TabIe 5-A EAST BRG NON-BRG WATL WA],L Ohr Ohrohr Ohr The exterj:or wal-l-s may be of CoMBUSTIBL,E material' sec'2201-' None -- No fire protection requirements for openrngs' Prot -- openings are to be protected with 3/4 hr fire assemblies' 508 of th" "t"" of the wall maximum. Sec.22O3' (b) & Table 5-A Maximum single window size is 84 sq.ft with no dimension greater than 12 feet. -- Sec. 4306' (h) NoP -- openings are not permiLted in this wal-f . * -- These walls may be required to have a parapet walI 30 inches above the roofing. The parapet waII ts required to have the same fire xating as the wall. see section 1710. for detaifs and exceptions. FL NAME AREA MIN.I.,IGHT MIN.VENT NO.EXITS EGRESS 3 Bedroom 3 BaEh room 3 Halls, closets/ eLc. TOTAL FOR FLOOR 2 Master bedroom 2 Master bath 2 Dinj-ng room 2 Livj-ng room 2 Kitchen 2 Hal.Is, cLosets, etc ' 150 156 358 t91 88 23L 365 1?1 390 1-5.00 0.00 0.00 19.l-0 0.00 23. l-0 36.50 13.10 0.00 7.50 2.ro 0.00 9.55 4.40 LB .25 O. JJ 0. 00 Yes No No Yes No No NO No No 1 1 1 I I 1 1 1 1 1 Town ofvrg OFFICE COPY Name T HITHCOCK SECONDARY Date: May 22, 1995 contractor: WOoDSToNE HOMES ^-^1^i +a^i. E D F, Engineer: BoYLE PIANS EXAMiNET:' C}IUCK FELDMANN SOUTH WEST OPNG BRG NON-BRG OPNG BRG NON-BRG OPNG PROT WA].L WAIL PROT WALL WAI.'L PROT None l-hx* lhr* NOp ohr ohr None None thr* thr* NoP Ohr ohr None TOTAI, FOR ELOOR L Garage 1 Bedroom #1 1 Bedroom #2 1 Halls, closets, TOTAI FOR FI,OOR BUII,DING TOTAL FOOTNOTES: l-5vb 545 t49 ,L .4 5 etc. 42L 1258 30t2 0,00 0.00 14.90 'l .4s 14.30 7.15 0.00 0.00 L 1 1 L 1 1 2 No Yes Yes No 1) The minimurn cl-ear height is 24 inches 2) The minimum clear width is 20 inches 3) The minimum clear area is 5.7 square feet 4) The maximum sill- height is 44 inches 2) The number of exits is based on Table 33-A (Dwellings) 3) A mechanical ventil-ation system may be used in in lieu of exterior openings for ventrlation. -- sec- 1205- (c) ROOM DIMENSIONS : Habitable space sha1l have a ceilinq height of not l-ess than 7 feet 6 inches. Ki-tchens, hafls, bathrooms and toilet compartments may have a ceiling height of 7 feet measured to the lowest projection. If the ceiLing is sloping, then the minimum hei-gh! is required in only 7/2 of the area' --sec. 1207. (a) Every dwe1lj-ng unit shall have at least one loom which has not less than 120 =qir"ra feet of ffoor area. Other habitable rooms except kitchens shall have an "r"" of not less than ?0 square feet. -- sec' l-207' (b) ttabitable rooms other than a ki€chen shall not be less than 7 feet in any dirnension. -- sec. L207. (c) GLAZ ING REQUTREMEN"TS : A11 glazing in hazardous locations is required to be of safety glazing material . -- Sec. 5406. (d) 1) Giazing in 5-ngress and egress doors except jalousies' 2) Glazing in fixed and sliiing panels of sliding door assembljres and panels i:n swj-nging doors other than wardrobe doors ' 3) clazing in storm doors. 4) Gl,azing in all- unframed swingj-ng doors. 5) Glazing in doors and enclosures for hot tubs, whirlpools' saunas, steam rooms, bathtubs and showers. Glazing in any poltion of a bui,lding walI enclosing these compartments where the bottom exposed edge of the glazing is 1ess than 6O lnches above a standing surface and drain inLet. g) erazing in fixed or operab.le panels adjacent to a door where the nealest expor"d edge of the glazxing j-s within a 24-inch arc of either vertical edge of the door in i closed posrtion and where the bottom exposed edge oftheq:.azirlgis]-essthan60inchesabovethewalkingsurface. ?) Glazing in an individual fixed or operable panel-, other than those Iocationsdescribedinitems5and6above,thanmeetsaf]-ofthe 1) EGRESS - An operable window or door that is required from thj:s Eoom. The minimum the following. -- sec. 1204. following conditions: A. Exposed area of an individual B. Exposed bottom edge less than c. Exposed top edqe qreater than D. one or more walking surfaces plane of the glazing. 8) Glazing in railrngs regardl-ess of heiqht Included are structural" baluster panels panel s . see exceplaons. opens directlY to the exterior cl-ear openabl-e area must meec pane greater than 9 square feet. 18 rnches above the floor. 36 inches above the fl-oor. within 36 inches horizontally of the above a wal.king surface. and nonstructural in-fill SMOKE DETECTOR REQUIREMENTS : A smoke detector is required on the ceiling or waL.l- at a point centrally Located in the corridor or area giving access to each sl-eeping area' -- sec- 121.0. (a) 4. A smoke detector is required on the ceiting or walt in each sfeeping area. -- Sec. 1210. (a) 4. A smoke detector as required on aLL stories. -- sec' 1210' (a) 4' If the upper J.eve1 con€ains sleeping room(s), a smoke detector is required in the teiling of the upper Ievel close to the stairway' -- Sec. 1210. (a) 4 smoke detectors are required to be wired to the buildinqrs shal"t be equipped with a battery backup- -- sec' 1210' (a) Detectors shal-l sound an alarm audible in all sleeping area in which they are .Iocated. -- sec. 1210. (a) 4' FIREPI,ACE REQUIREMENTS : MASONRY FIREPI,ACE: 1) fireplace must be supported by a foundation' -- sec' 3707' (b) 2) The iirebox must be it t_east 20 inches deep and r^ralls of firebox are tobe]'0inchesthick.Iftheliningisoffirebrickthenthewalls may be I inches thj"ck . -- sec . 37 O'7 . (c', 3) Tha minimum clearance to corcustible matelial is from the filePlacet smoke chanber, and chimney waLls is 2 inches' combustible material may not be placed within 6 inches of fireplace opening- and combustible wiLhin 12 inches may not project more than 1/8 inch for each L inch of power source and of the dweJ-ling clearance. -- sec. 3707. (h) 4) The hearth must be noncombustible, a minimum of 4 supported by noncorbustibLe material . The hearth If Opening size is: Eront extension Less than 5 sq.fL. L6 inches 5 sq.ft. or greater 20 inches -- sec. 3707. (k) & (t) 5) chirnney height must be per Table 3?-B FACTORY BUILT FIREPI,ACE: l-) Unit must be an approved unit. -- sec' 3705' (a) 2) clearances and freaitir size must be per manufactures approval' -- sec. 3705. (a) & (b) 3) chinney heighE must be per manufacturer's approval and Table 37-B OCCUPANCY SEPARATION: Between the garage and the residence, materiafs approved for l-hr fire construction are required on the garage side only and any.doors between the garage and the iesidence are io b! a self-closing L 3'l8 inch solid core dooi or a 20 minute fire door- -- Table 5-B & sec' 503' (d) exc' #3 STAIR REQUIREMENTS : A stairway in a dwelling must be The naximum rise of a steP is 8 -- Sec. 3306. (c) exc. #1 Provide a handrail- oD one side a stairway 34 to 38 inches above the nosing if inches thick, and size must be at leastl side extension l-2 inches at least 36 inches wide. -- sec. 3306' (b) inches and the minimum run is 9 inches' there is 4 or more risers. -- sec. 3305. (i) provide a guafd rail where drop off is greater than 30 i.nches. Minimum height = 35 inches, maximum opening size = 4 inches' -- sec' L'lt2' (a'' exc' #1 The mi:nimum headroom is 6 ft.- 8 inches. -- Sec' 3306' (o) Enclosed usable space under the stairs is requj.red to be protected as required rar thr ri ra-rcqisfive construction. -- Sec. 3305. (I) SI{AFT ENCLOSURES : 1) Chutes and dumbwaiter shafts with a cross-sectional area of not more lhan 9 square feet may lined on the inside with not less than 26 qage galvanj.zed sheet metal with all- joints locklapped, The outside must be t hr construction. AJ- J- openings into any such encfosure shal-l- be p.rotected by not .Iess than a self-tlosing sotid wood door l- 3/8 inches thick or equivaLent. -- Sec. 1?06. (f) 2) Gis vents and noncomlcustibfe pj-pj.ng tnstalled in walIs passing through 3 fl-oors or less do not need to be in t hour shafts' -- sec. 1706. (c) 3) A1t other shafts are required to be enclosed in a l" hour assembly- -- Sec. 1706. (a) CRAWLS PACE REQUIREMENTS : l-) Provide ventilation either by mechanical means or by openings in exteriox walls. opening shal]. provj-de a nel area of not less than 1 square foot for each 150 square teet of area in crawl space. Openings shal1 be distributed on two oppos-rte sid.es and be located as close to corners as practical' -- Sec. 25:16. (c) 6. Note: Vent openings may be reduced to 10? of the above if ground surface area is covered with an approved vapor barrier and the building o f f icial- aPproves. For a 140.0 sq.ft. crawlsPace area: Ratro Minimum sq. ft. of vent 1/ 150 0. 93 2) Provide L8-inch by 24-i'nch access opening to the crawl- space area' Note: opening may be reiuired to be larger if mechanical equj-pment is located in the crawf space- -- Sec. 25\6. (c\ 2. 3) unless the wood is listed as an approved wood of natural resistance to decay or treated wood' the minimum- clearance between exposed earth and flooi ioist is 18 inches. The n-inimum clearance to beams and girders is is 12 inches . -- sec . 25L6 . lc't 2 . A,DDITIONAI REQUIREMENTS : For R3 occupancy this projlct ;i11 require a site improvement survey' such survey shaff be submitted and approved prLor to request for frame inspection. Al- f crawl spaces wit.hin the Town of vail are lj-nrited to a earth to structuraf floor ceiling height of 5r, be earth floor only' be ventilated as per UBc 2516(C)6 with minimum access as per UBc 2515(c)2 and maximum access of 9 sq. ft' Any building site with a slope of 30 degrees or more shal-l requare an u.tiit..t aeiign. such design shall address drainage, soil retainage and strucLuraL desrgn. Excavation bel"ow sl_abs on grade shalI not be permitted without prror approval-. Address nunlcers sha.L1 be posted plainly visible and legible from the street. For Ml- occupancy slope garlge iloor to aLlow for drainage to outside- to provide a ffoor drain with sand and oil interceptor to dry weII or to sewer' Any garage floor draj-n connected to sewer must be approved by upper Eagle valley water & sanitatj-on District. Tn garages with living area aboveT the walls of the garage wiich are beaiing the area abov; shaLl be protected with one hour fire resistive construction. uBc 503 (B) . ltunottru OFFICECOPY 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-213V47e-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 Department of Community Deve lopment Plan Review Based on bhe 1992 Uniforn Codes NAlilE : HITCHCOCK MECHANICAL ADDRESS:421 BEAVER DAM RD. VAIIJ, COLORADO OCCUPANCY: R3 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION:V DATE: I /29 /9s CONTRACTOR : R&H MECHANICAIT ARCHITECT I NONE ENGINEER: NA PLANS EXA}4INER:C. FEIJDMANN CoRRECEIONS REQUTRED The items lisEed below are not intended to be a complete 1istingof all possible code requirements in the adoBEed codes. It, is aguide to selected secEions of the codes. The following is not tobe construed to be an approval of any violation of any of the pro-visions of the adopted codes or any ordinance of the Tonn of vair. 1) COMBUSTION AIR IS REQUIRED PER SEC.6O? OF THE 1991 UMC. 2) ACCESS TO HEATTNG EQUTPMENT MUST COMpLy WrrH SEC.505 and ?03oF THE 1991- I]MC.. 1l 4) INSTAIJLATION MUST APPENDTX CHAPTER GAS I-,INE TEST AND OF ANY EQUIPMENT CONFORM TO MANUFACTURES INSTRUCTIONS AND TO21 0F THE 1991 UMC. TNSPECTION IS REQUIRED BEFORE CONNECTION PER SEC.T206 OF THE 199]. UPC. GAS APPI.,,IANCES SHALI.J BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 9 OF1991 UMC AND SHAIJL TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC. 906 OF1-991 IJI.,IC. THE THE {p'u"'"""n"*o 75 South Frontage Road Vail" Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 FAX 970479-2452 Department of Community Development DRAINAGE OF MECHANICAI, ROOMS CONTAINING HEATING OR HOT-WATER SUPPLY BOIIJERS SHALL BE EQUIPPED WITH A FLOOR DRAIN PERs8c.2119 0F THE 1991 UMC- 7) BOILERS STIALL BE MOT'NTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBI,E CONSTRUCTION I]NLESS I,ISTED FOR MOUNTING ON COMBUSTIBTE FLOORING. 8) MECHANICAIJ EOUIPMENT MUST BE PROTECTED FROM VEHICLE DAI\'IAGE. 8) FIELD TNSPECTTON IS REQUIRED FOR CODE COMPLTANCE pER SEC.305oF THE 1991 UMC. 9) PERMIT, PLA}TS AND CODE ANALYSIS MUST BE POSTED IN MECHANICAL ROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPECTION REQUEST. 6) {P *""'""o "*'* dob ?w.?ffi" u croiiiffiffiPvsnt /o 7os/ )ic \ tn,x'/7 J|r -.1' I I I -.. - ., ^,.i - AJotztf.z + P00 x ,tr * ,l+ x ?0 = bT\tffir ,t t prL CO fi'".I 6W . -- ..-rF gfu //t 4uf: 'o{;; tou ''AlF'--:r '7't 'E {Y,q t ,r; l\.F,.U E Elf ' + ''6? = lo lr 7Li lr.tilwu'A*Xl lo,e6 :.' J i "'V ssrt *fryffi' o T, cnw oEVry, i t I I I II ilJ> I\V rm' o Q,|o= ll '4,35t'f* bttro,q tlfr' a. dtr'Ft Ue.' \.3llg -' It n t . @bra/r,#/oL'3t2 \ 'f**. : lo ')]s- /5^, ft, = a.Jlz- l -- ^ m&t 87,r't tl r A,a. .tt:-{ ^fl n 4 I-,.-- /-,ilr{lt-b '7, GtlzT x7,237 Oarr",'**ru,r,ry, O d*0#4 +]ot'"ot- ' llWhlt^ (tu' L/JlU"e4 gt*C-' Vd b tfi"s1 ,h*"1/ 1 I t3): p6,r/"^t- k ltr'!* B"dl "&ir, 'tt L;""1 f*'1,!" u';!*l* MJ*, +dry N: o o EFFICIENT & ECONOMICAL GAS FIRED HOT WATER I-IOI-4E HEATING o .F'IBurnham AM E R I C-c'S BOI LER COMPAI\Y sERlEs zA & zAh (High Effici Loo*of vail "#FffCEC0Py BURNHAI'I ZAGA$FIRED HOTT,1/\TER BOILER Quality home heating you can count on Ifyou're investigating a heating system for your new home, or if you're replacing an old, inefficient, or worn-out boiler, a 2A gas-fired hot water boiler from Burnham is the home heating investment that's right for you. Burnham's Series 2Aboiler offers you all the benefits ofhot water heat together with the advantages of quality cast iron construction and advanced engineering. When you speciff Burnham, you get home heating that is comfortable, eco- nomical, and reliable - all from a boiler thafs safe, quiet, and fteld proven in thousands of installa- tions. Honey saving solution If your present boiler is like many older gas boilers, it's probably operating at an annual efficiency of only 6096. Which means much of the heat you paid for is going right up the chimney. So when you upgrade to a Bumham Series 2A or 2Ah gas boiler with an efficiency up to 83%, you get more usable heat for your dollar. The 2Acan alsobe combinedwith the Burnham Alliance indirect-fired water heater for installations requiring high volumes of domestic hot water. The Alliance uses the heating power of the 2Aboiler to provide abundant domestic hot water year-round. Burnham makes heating your home with gas a practical invest- ment bday, and one you l[ appreci- ate over the years Hydronic heating-the home comfortadvantage Heat and comfort go hand in hand at Burnham. The Series 2A gas boiler generates hot water which is transmitted through pipes toheat every room ofyour home. This type ofhome heating, referred to as hydronic heating, has proved itself over the years to be the most effective and economical comfort system available. A well designed, properly main- tained hydronic systemwill provide you with long term comfort and economy. You'll never experience hot and cold spots or drafts so common with forced air syster$ and you won't be bthered by airborne dust, smoke, odor, or germs being carried from room to foom. In short, hydronic heating is cleaner, more versatile, and more comfortable than alternative heating systems. And Burnham is your key to the hydronic heating advantage. Cast iron dependability Burnhambuilds America's hardest working, most de- pendable home heating boilers. A rugged cast iron heat exchanger gives the Series 2A boiler outstanding durability 2 and trouble-free performance. And the cast iron sections are designed to extract the maximum amount of heat, reducing fuel consumption and saving you money. Plus, only Burnham boilers come with the exclusive Iron Nipple Seal of Dependabilityceftirying the use of a proven method of boiler con- struction that assures reliable performance for a lifetime. The iron nipples expand and contract with the cast iron boiler sections thev join. This insures the integdtyof the enthe sections assembly. Time- proven iron nipples last the life of the boiler. Quality comfort since 1873 Burnham has earned a reputa- tion for quality and dependability goingback to 1875. And Bumham is dedicated to insuring that your Bumham boiler provides your familywith reliable home heating comfort. That's whythe Burnham Series 2A boiler is backed by lltlnter Wormth Assurar.ee - the most comprehensive warranqr program in the industry. When purchased through a member of Amerlca's llome lleathtg Tean, this unique homeowner protection plan offers maximum protection with 5-gearBlanhct Correragethat 10@6of the cost for qualified repairs for five full years after installation. And that's not all. Burnham is the only manufacturer that backs its products with a Lifetime True-Blue Limit€d Warranty on the hot water heat exchanger. It's all part of the Burnham Winter Warmth Assur- ance, the hottest deal in home heating. Alllane andzA BURNHAM SERIEs ZA, HoT WATER GAS BoILER DOE Heating Capabilities 51to 2214 MBfl Desiqned to fit tiqht-closet inEtallations Thc Scrics 2A boilcr was dcsigncd specifically [br homes r,4rere space is a prenrium. The controls and gauge are located up front so the Series 2A can be installed even in close closet areas. It is idcal for condominiums, townhouscs and homcs without baseulents. The Series 2A is equipped rvith split controls: an operating/hi.qh Iimit control, a Lransformer and a circulator relay. By using off thc shclf scparatc controls, instead of a conrbination control, Burnhanr has simplificd control rcplacement and reduced replacenrent costs. The location ol the t ontrols;.rlso makes regular sen icinq easier. The safe, home heating alternative The Series 2A design incorpo- rates a broad arrav of safety features. For example , cach standard Scrics 2n boilcr has a time-provcn safcty fcature rvith its own backup systenl. ll you lose pilot l1arne, a therrnocouple supen,isor sends a signal to a redundant gas valve cutting off the gas flow. Gas valvcs and controls arc safcly hiddcn inside the jackct away fronr children and sale Ironr accidental bumps and tampering. A Flame Roll-Or"rt Switch (FRS), standard on all 2A nrodels, is a thermally actir,,ated srvitch, located near the burners, that senses temperatures in the vesribule. For cxamplc, if thc fluways, withirL the boiLc'r, bccome blocked or restricted, the flanre rollout switch will automati cally shut off gas florv to prcvent darnage to your boiler. Once the srvitch is activated it must bc rcplaccd. Thc boilcr cannot be restalted until the obstruction is cleared and a nerv slvitch is installed. l9t/+ 111,4 4 22h 741,t 4 32lt 24th 6 Dimensions and Standard Equipment Dcluxc Itrsrlat d lacker lY.' Clrcolator w/plpllg to boller Prccsute Temperatu.e Cauge Dralo Cocf Edlt-h AtiEllnination Hlgh Unlt Clrcl|lator R€lav TransforDer a;d lunctlon Box l()096 Shut-off Combimrion Step Opentug Gas Vahra Stahles8 St€€l Burners ASME Saftay R€li€fvalve Drafthood vent Iratrp€t Blocted veft S$'ltch Flanc RoU-O[t Swltch Plug-l! Colncctlon I,e ft Side View Front View Right Sidc Vicw SPEC|FrCATrOfiS UBurnhani' A /ERrc]csEolLE*.ot*a SERIES 2A RATINGS NaruralctLpcas o@@m S@i@; m N/A Not Available Wbter onty- 30 PSI wolking pressue DoE heating capacity and annual eficiency are based on U.s. covernment standard tests. 5ER|E5 ZAh RATlllGs Naturatcas 4x15 4x15 5x15 6x15 6x15 7xl5 7x15 8xl5 8x15 N/A E0.0 80.1 80.2 80.3 80.4 80.4 6U.J 80.7 82.3 82.6 82.3 62,V 8t.7 81.4 8t.2 80.9 80.6 .tl 52 80 108 136 163 191 218 244 Ratlng Footnotes: (t) A.E.,t- radngs shown are for installations at sea level and elevations up to 2,OOO ft. For elevaalons above 2,000 ft. A.G.A. ratings should be reduced at the rate of four percent (4%) for each t,000 ft. abo!€ sea level. (2) Net l=B=R ratings shown are based on normal I=B=R piping and pick up allowance of 1.5. Consult Bulnham for installations having unusual piping and pick-up requir€ments such as intermicent sy$€m of operadon, e*ensive piping systems, €tc. FUEL SAVING EQIJIPM ENT: STANDARD: FUELSAVING VENTDAMPER- lncreases annual efhciencv and saves fuel dollars: Automatic-allv closes the flue after the burner Jhuts off and reopens it again before the burner comes on. Mounts and wires easily, includes prewired connec- tion harness with plug for use on all 24v. Standing pilot or EI control syslems. ELECTRONIC IGNITION_ Standardon 2OZA&2O8A- 21oA (6rAllSZes2Ah) Spark ignited pilot (EI) is available on all sizes for natural & LP gas. Coupled with a redundant gas valve the svstem shuts down o-n loss of pilot flame within .8 sec. The control tXBurnhani Amef ica's Boiler Company Bufnham Corporarion Form No. 4170D-12/94-30|\rtl Printed in U.S.A. O 1992 Burnham Corporalion, Lancaster, PA utes. This 90 second try/five minute shutdown cycle continues until the Dilot is established. Series 2A Flue collar Deluxe insulated jacket Blocked vent switch connector D. Iron nipple ioins sections E. Pressure temperature gauge F. Durable cast iron sections for long life G. Pinned heating surface for maximum heat extraction H. Concealed step opening gas valveI. Flame roll-out switch J. Stainless steel burners for smooth light off K. Brand name quality controls L. Selflubricating circulator never needs oll M. Built-in air eliminator Anothersafety feature included is a elocked Vent Switch (BVS) that is thermally activated if a blockage in the venting sysrcm occurs. The switch senses excessive heat exiting the draft hood and shuts off gas flow. Fuel saving option that increases annual effi ciency The Series 2A boiler can be equipped with a fuel-saving electronic ignition system which improves enerry efficiency. (EI is standard on the 2OzA and 208A-21OA, and all 2Ah boilers.) Electronic ignition is available on all sizes ofthe Series 2A boilers frring natural gas or LP gas. Coupled with a redundant gas valve, the system safely shuts down on loss of pilot flame in less than one second. You get all this in a completely factory assembled boiler with a sleek, compact appearance. Its efficient design makes it much smaller than most older boilers. llew high efficiency - ZAh The new high efficiency2Ah provides annual fuel utilization efficiencies of 83%. In addition to all the standard features included in the Series 2A, the 2Ah features standard electronic ignition and stainless steel flue baffles for even greater heat transfer and efficiency. with a Burnham series 2lq or 2Ah gas-fired hot waf€r boiler, you don't have to make sacrifices. The Series 2A is your long-term investment in quality, dependable home heating. A. B. c. oo lla -2 INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL ,479-2138PROJECT /-, ;;7-'jf'; JoB NAME CALLER INSPECTION: MON TUESREADY FOR LOCATION:' it',f f /, BUILDING: B FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMAING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W,V. tr ROUGH / WATEBB FRAMING rr ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING EI INSULATION O POOL / H, TUB O SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: T] TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: H xeRrrruc tr ROUGH tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr ..._............tr E FINAL FINAL OVED O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR QUEST L PERMIT NUM DAT READY FOR LOCATION: ROJECT lls,e_ecltoN;r, .-J JOB NAME CALLER MON THUR FRI 0 1 BUILDING: +({PLUMBING: V roorrruos / srEEL -UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D,W.V. BOUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEE-tr tr tr tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEEF" PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION u sueelnocx D- tr tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr FINAL .E FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr.TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING d ROUG:H tr EXHAUST HOODS tr.CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR n tr FINAL - tr FINAL TPPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED oerc 7/: a/fs rNsPEcroR t PERMIT NUMBEF OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON JOB NAME t PErNs 1', i-...," CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 CALLER TUES THUR PMAM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: E FOUNDATION /"STEEL B UNDERGROUND ,B ROUGH / D.W.V, tr ROUGH i WATERtr FRAMING rr BOOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING D INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL o tr tl 11tr FINAL FINAL ELECTRlCAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr n tr FINAL D FINAL VEDp, CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR a PROJECT (LOCAIION): TOWN OFVAIL DEPARTIIENT OF PUBUC WORKS 47$2158 FIELD TIEMO &4 t+c- - Nart cz_ CtPctZ- TOlr+6 cue*il :rS ooT 1^ftt IS UP -IS PuOt.r, ee}. lontc{.erz -T4c,cu aF Po *#u*l , Sr,lrrp, ,u6 ?t*rrtse D ee.r TlocuS Ts ur4 SHonl p?apeery tKlsf6446 EDae dtr (L ox"r 8 -/6- E !#,lL 3 ?rn CONTRACTOR'S COMMENTS Recelved by:Date: Whit€-Contrac|q Plrt(-Conslrlclion Ergin€er Canafy-Fit€ ,*rt"toN REeuESrI TOWN OF VAIL ER OF't READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: ?try /5 JoB NAME 2138 rc-L ctfrw) rari:- /2 ';;-T\d2. ,.t0 6)eu 3ort ft'eeeeoveo ;f tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: oor, ?l - J't - lf rNSpEcroR .=r-;it ,i' f,' - ,,trri.? BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.O FOUNDATION / STEEL T] FRAMING tr BOUGH / WATER n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETBOCK NAIL tr FINAL tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL O FINAL rN roN REeuEsr READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTI PHOJECT TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: NDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr tr tr tr tr o tr ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING l\ ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK'.NAIL tr FINAL FINAL ELEGTRIGAIi:MEC}IANICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING -tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr.tr tr IF|NAL T] FINAL prao$eo IRECTIONS: I] DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIBED IECTI ,/1 6/'- - a-oarc ti'L&'21 rNsPEcroR rcS"h lein Consunit Engineers Consulting Geotechnical Engineers 12354 W. Alameda Pkwy. Suite 130. Lakewood, CO 80228 MAIN OFFICE (303) e8e-1223 (303) 989-0204 FAX AVON (303) e4e-600e (303) 949-9223 FAX SILVERTHORNE (303) 468-6933 (303) 468-6939 FAX July 31, 1995 Chris Brennan Woodstone Homes 1253 Spradrile Creek R,oad Vail, CO 81657 Subjecl Excavationlnspection Proposed Hitchcock Residence Lot 3, Block 4, Filing 3 Vail Village Subdivision Vail, Colorado Job No. 95-179 As requested, a representative from our office inspected the foundation materials exposed in the proposed residence excavation at the subject site on July 19,20,21and26, 1995. The purpose of our inspection was to veriff that the exposed materials would safely support a spread footing foundation system for the proposed residence. The materials exposed in the bottom of the excavation for the proposed residence consisted of natural soil and fill. Water was observed to be seeping at approximately 15 feet north of the southwest corner of the residence and in the southwest corner of the garage. The water created soft soils and it lvas recommended that these soils be removed and replaced by granular fill. Fill was placed on the natural soil in the areas where wster was observed tc be seeping. In our opinion, the fill covering the soft soils will safely support a spread footing foundation system designed for a maximum allowable soil bearing pressure of 1,500 psf. The soils exposed in the remaining excavation for the proposed residence consisted of natural soil. The natural soils consisted of a tan, silty, sand and gravel. In our opinion, these natural soils will safely support a spread footing foundation system designed for a maximum allowable soil bearing pressure of3,000 psf. -i -^t Chris Brennan July 31, 1995 Page 2 We appreciate the opportunily to provide this service. contact us, Sincerely, KOECHLEIN CONSULTING ENGINEERS If we can be of further service, please ,tJ'Ur""^, +1, Kt"^-lA'-- William H. Koechlein, P.E. President SBlv{/lrk cc: Eagle County cc: Tim Boyle cc: Dale Smith Boyle Engineering, Inc. 143 E. Meadow Drive, Suite 390 Vail. Colorado 81657 i Mr. Dale Smith Fritzlen Pierce Briner 1000 Lions Ridge Loop, Suite lD Vail, Colorado 81657 Field Report The following items were obseryed: Framing is completed for the building and insulation and drywall work is in progress. The primary reason for this visit was to inspect and approve the rooftruss connections per the Town of Vail's request. I found that all of these connections have been constructed according to the plans and specifications issued by this office, including the modification issued on October 16, 1995 for the end connection on two of the trusses. Please give me a call if you have any questions or comments on this matter. Date: Job Number: Project: Location: Contractor: Owner: Weather: Present at Site: 6-8-96 9517 Hitchcock Residence Vail, Colorado Woodstone Homes Mr. Hitchcock Sunny, 70 degrees Tim Boyle #5,rrh l--t l+sal i(r1 REtrT 1 31 4A/@6/97 07:5S REEIUF-SI-S F0R Tfit{N oF VAIL, COLnRflDO IN$FECTIUN I^IORK SHEET$ FURz 8/ 6/\7 F,R6E lE AREA: CF Activity: 895-tl 1fiB A/ $/97 Type: B'*BUILD Statr-ts: ISSUED fionstr": NDUF' Addr"ess: 481 EEAUER DAltl RD Location: SAME ADDRESS Flar-cel: Elff1-rZr7 1-. 11-tzl05 Occ; Ori,.uZt7 tjse: U N Descriptionr f,fiN,STRUCTION tlF NEW F/S tlppl icant: TJOOD$TONH HfiHFS' IN[:. Owner.: INNSTEFID LI14 ITED T.ARTNERSI..IIF' Contractot': IIOODS-fONE: FIOMES. INC. F'horr e I THE Fhc,n€ ! Fhone: 3'Zr;t47T971S 3834799715 Inspection Reqr-test Inform,ation..,. Requestor': chri s klein Req Tine: tZtE:OrZt Cnmnents: t,ILl.- Items t'equested to bE Inspeeted... l034er BLDB-Finat C/t) Fhone: 39t2t"1651 CAI-L RM F'LEASE Act i on Comnent s Time E.xp NgaaeQ* Inspect i on History.. "..It em : OA5lra dr.i veway gr.arde f inaL 1el19./96 InsFector-: Ltr flction: ffFFR HFFRnVED Iten : ratA0lA ELDG-Foot ings,rSteel fr7/e6/95 In.spector.; CF Ac:tion: AF,trE FENDING SOILS ENG.ts Notes: REtrBRT ALONG NITH STRUCTURRL ENG.rS REUISIONS BA$ED ON SO REF'ORT snLlfrJ GARA6E, SOUTH,8. ttEST WALL HA$ ;:-*5 t:ON-f. fiND 1-#8 B FONTER IS 3fi'' WIDE Hf:$l F;IIOTER OF SOUTH UNIT HAS i:-*5'S &.R *8 IdITH JA" FOOT Il/L7/9*,r InEpector': ED Aetion: AFF'R RETAINING I^JALL I^IEST SIDE Notes: RFIIIOUE f'tUD FROM FARS TIE LOOSE Bf,RS ON NORTHI,IEST CORNER RTITjTIFY FREST IN SUBGRADEIten: ltem: Item: OffrAPAr BLDG"Foundat i on,/$t ee I fig/ l5/\3 Inspect oi': CF Act i on : Notes: ENG. LETTER THAT HnS REOUIREn RENUIRED BY 8/1A/93 II/;g/95 Inspector.: CD Action: Notes r flOMFL"E'IE INSTALATION nF F,ANELS TIT LOOSE SARS OASEA FLffll-ILf Site F,lan E3/e4/96 Insl:ector"r LAUREN Action: rzrsilaSa BLD6-Framing A5/3,9 /tt6 Inspector: CF AF.CR fiF,FREVED,/CORRECTION READ AT FOOT]NE INSF.HCTII]N IS AF.F,R NPF'ROVIJD AF,F,R ffF,F,RnUED Item r Item: Item r Not es r F,ENIIING ELEDTRICAL ftFF,ROVAL STRUCTI"-IRAL EiN6 FIELD INSF.ECTIEN REPORT RESUIRED Pf;CHOIJT F.OINT LNADS FII L, CRAI^'1. sF'ACE TO 5I nI/eg/97 Inepeetor.; DS Act ion: taraftSar BLDB*Insr-tIat i on V6lnl/96 lnrpector: [F Action: AA/fr3/\6 lnspeetorI DS Action: Notes: trACH NINDOT-JS tA€'CtGSt BLD6-Sheetr-ock Nai I A6/tW/96 Inr,pector.: EG Action:gnVTA BLDG*MIsc. Action: fftrCR BOTH $IDF-$ ffFFR AF,FRmVHD ftF,F'R WEST UNIT ftF.F,R ftF'F,ROVED ffF pR AF,F,R0UFD REtrTI3.1 FHGE 13 VA/@6/97 07:53 REnUESTS FUR INSFECTItrN LJURX SHEETS FOR: 8/ 6/97 AREA: CF 06/1q/96 Inspector': trF Action: NO NOTIFIEDNotes: RECEMD ENG FRAMING FIELD REFURT AFtrRtrVALIn/A?/96 Inspector.: CF Action: NO NOTIFIED Notes: HANDRAIL REGUIRES 1lr'e" trLEARANCE EXT STRIRS FIUST BE I,IITHIN CODE ALLT]I^IED RISER VARIATION AI/8'A/97 Inspeeton: CF Action: AFFR fippRflUED Itemr OBO9E FLDG-FinalIten: 0,A3.A3 BLDG-Tenp. C/u LE/L3/16 Inspeetor: CF Action: DN DENIEDNoter: HOUFE NUHBERS REGUIRED HANDRAILS ON NLL EXTERIOR STRIRS REI4BVE I-,ALL IN FRtrNT TlF BBILER . REMOVE DRMF.ER$ FRT]M FIRE PLACES UNCBUER SMOKE DETECTTSR5 CRAI^IL SPACE VENTS RECUIRED F'UBLIC I^ICIRKS/PLANNING DEF'T FFF'ROVAL REGUIRED PRIOR TO A C. O. BEING TSSUEDlelL9/96 Inspectonl trF Action: AFFR both sides Notes: planning/public wor.ks dept. approval required pr.iot to a c. o. being issr"ted by 7lll97Iten: OO53e Flil*TEMP. C/A telLq196 Inspector: Ltr Action: fftrtrR RtrpROVEDItemr 06546 BLDG-Final D/n t TOt^tN UF UAIL, C0LURRD0 f-+-4 eI4 REPTISI EA/46/97 67:53 --TOt^lN OF VAILr CULORADO REOUESTS FoR INSF,ECTION l.lORK SHEETS FDR: A/ 6/97 trAGE 13 AREAT CF Action: NO NOTIFIED Action: DN DENIED A6/ IA/SA Inspeetor.r CF NOTES: RECEIVED EN6 FRAMING FIELD REF'DRT AF'F'ROVAL LAlOel96 Inspector': CF Action; NO NUTIFIED Notes: Hf;NDRAIL REGUIRES 11./4" CLEARANCE EXT STFIRS ITIUST BE WITHIN CODE ALLtrWED RISER VNRIATION 01, /88/97 I nspeet or: f,F Aet i on : AF'F R AtrF'ROUED G8A9B BLDG*FinalIten: Iteo:0053f4 BLDB-Temp. t,/A t7,/ r,3/96 Inspeetorl CF Notes: HOUSE NUMBERS RE0UIRED HANDRAII,S DN RLL EXTERItrR STAIRS REMOUE I'ALL IN FRONT TlF BOILER A REMoVE DftMF.ERs FRCII4 FINFrcTW IJNCOVER S]YIOKE DETEtrTBRS, CRAh'L SF,ADE VENTS REGUIRED trUBLIC t^IORKS/trLANNING DEF,T. C. O. BEING ISSUED Le/L9/Sb Inspector: CF Notes r planning,zpubl ic works , c. o. being issued byItenr OqtSSE PW-TEMF'. C/OlelLS/96 Inspeetor: LF Itea r OA5rr0 BLD6-Finat f,/O ffproval required priot" to a Actio dept.7/t/97 Action: AtrPR APFROUED REPT131 A8/06/97 87:53 RE0UESTS FOR TO[^'N OF UAIL| CtrLORtrDu INStrECTION I^IORK SHEETS FURr 8/ 6/97 Status: I$SUED Constrl NDUtr Occ: Use ! trhone: 3fi34799715 Fhone: trhone: 3034799715 PA6E AREff: CF 14 Activity: Address r Locat i on ; Faree I r Descr.iption: Flppl icant: Owner: Eontraet or I P95-rZrCr64 Bl 6197 Type: B-PLlrlB 4ET BEAVER DAM RD SRME ADDRFSS ElPrt-rzr7 1-11.*fi05 INSTALL F'LUMBING FtrR NEW P/5 hluuDsToNE HuMEs, INC. INNSTEAD LIMITED F.ARTNERSHIF. THE l.tooDsToNE HotYtEs, INc. Inspeet ion Reque st Requestor: CHRIS Req Time! 08!qrO Items requested to fiSte90 PLMB-Final Inf or'mation...., KLEIN Comments: NILL CALL PLEASE be Insoected, Inspection History,..,. . It em I ootlO F,LMF-UndErgr.ound AA/e9/93 Inspectorl DS Action: ,,:$t em I orDSt@ F,LI{B-Ror-rgh/D. W. V. i:r,; ; A4/e3/9A Inspeet or I ED Act i on : t:,. NoteE: SECONDARY UNIT 6 pSI AIR TEFT, F,RIMARY 5 F,SI AIRTESTT NORTH S AF.PR APF,ROUED AF'FR F.RIHNRY RND SECONDARY6 PSI RIRTEST HITCHEN F'SI AIRTE$TISPSI AIRTEST R trhone r 39O-16E8 Time Exp Iten : OOe36 p11v1g-Q6r-rgh/Water. a4lZ3/96 Inspeetor: ED Action: AFFR FRIMARY AND SECT]NDARY NoteE: SECONDRRY UNIT 50 trSI RIRTEST F,RIIYIARY sra trSl AIRTESTItem: Aqe4U F,Lf4B*6as triping U4/e3/96 Inspector.r CD ffction: AFF,R F,RIMARY AND SECONDARY Notes; SEEONDARY l3 trSI AIRTEST,FRIMARY 11 F,SI AIRTEST Iten : '0Ctg3B PLMB-F,oo 1./Hot TubIt ern l CI0890 F,LMB-Mi sc.ItemI O0e9O FLMB-Final Act i on C-omment s LU REprlSt rowN oF vArL, BOLURADO PAGE 15 A8/g16/97 67153 REGUESTS FT]R INStrECTION I.JT]RK SHEETS FOR: Sl 6/97 AFEA: CF -------i-Activityr M95-O073 A/ 6/97 Type! B-ftlECH Status: ISSUED Constrr NDUF Addressr 4El BERVER DAIYI RD Loeationr $AME RDDRESS Frarcel: E1O1-Er7 1*l l-0AsDescription: INSTRLL l{EnH FOR NEW Fr./S Applicantr !{0ODSTtrNE HOMEST INC. Ewner: INNSTEAD LIMITED TARTNERSHIp THE Contraetorr YBUNEi, SCOTT .J Ocel Use I Fhone:3O34799713 Fhone: Fhone: 3fi35304138 Inspect i on Request Reqr.rest or r trHRIS Req Timer EtBrtl0 It ems requested to 00390 FIEtrH-FinaL Inf or'mation. . ... HLEIN C0nnent s t t^JILL be Inspect ed. . . Fhone I 39{'_l6i€ PLEASECALL C.omnent sU,DutO Ti me Exp lnEpection History,.... Iteml OOeCIO MHCH-Rough A5/ L7 /9A Inspeetor': CD Notes: INFLDOR HEAT SOUTH UNIT S6 trSI AIRTEST INFLOOR HEAT NDRTH UNIT 6IA PsI RIRTEST 3 RLL SLEEF.ERS IYIUST BE SCREWED TIEHT FLUE VENT FOR SOUTH UNIT MUST BE FDJUSTED TC] GRIN MIN I" CLEARRNCE FROM COMBUSTIBLES RLL ENIRN, DUCTS INSTAL.LED PND RF,F'ROVED AE/e*/96 In*pectol.! {:F Aetionr flFtrR FOTH UNITS-HEftT&ENVIORN It en: 0O31sr lvlEcH-Heat ingIten: A03gA ilEtrH-Exhaust Hoods Itenr OA33et MECH-Supply Air Item: A|A34A MECH-ttli sc.Iterr OUl390 MECH-Final Actionl AtrPR B0TH UNITS OF 4 MffNIFBLDS ^w o o EFFICIENT & ECONOMICAL GAS FIRED HOT WATER I-IOI-4E HEATING o .F'IBurnham AM E R I C-c'S BOI LER COMPAI\Y sERlEs zA & zAh (High Effici Loo*of vail "#FffCEC0Py BURNHAI'I ZAGA$FIRED HOTT,1/\TER BOILER Quality home heating you can count on Ifyou're investigating a heating system for your new home, or if you're replacing an old, inefficient, or worn-out boiler, a 2A gas-fired hot water boiler from Burnham is the home heating investment that's right for you. Burnham's Series 2Aboiler offers you all the benefits ofhot water heat together with the advantages of quality cast iron construction and advanced engineering. When you speciff Burnham, you get home heating that is comfortable, eco- nomical, and reliable - all from a boiler thafs safe, quiet, and fteld proven in thousands of installa- tions. Honey saving solution If your present boiler is like many older gas boilers, it's probably operating at an annual efficiency of only 6096. Which means much of the heat you paid for is going right up the chimney. So when you upgrade to a Bumham Series 2A or 2Ah gas boiler with an efficiency up to 83%, you get more usable heat for your dollar. The 2Acan alsobe combinedwith the Burnham Alliance indirect-fired water heater for installations requiring high volumes of domestic hot water. The Alliance uses the heating power of the 2Aboiler to provide abundant domestic hot water year-round. Burnham makes heating your home with gas a practical invest- ment bday, and one you l[ appreci- ate over the years Hydronic heating-the home comfortadvantage Heat and comfort go hand in hand at Burnham. The Series 2A gas boiler generates hot water which is transmitted through pipes toheat every room ofyour home. This type ofhome heating, referred to as hydronic heating, has proved itself over the years to be the most effective and economical comfort system available. A well designed, properly main- tained hydronic systemwill provide you with long term comfort and economy. You'll never experience hot and cold spots or drafts so common with forced air syster$ and you won't be bthered by airborne dust, smoke, odor, or germs being carried from room to foom. In short, hydronic heating is cleaner, more versatile, and more comfortable than alternative heating systems. And Burnham is your key to the hydronic heating advantage. Cast iron dependability Burnhambuilds America's hardest working, most de- pendable home heating boilers. A rugged cast iron heat exchanger gives the Series 2A boiler outstanding durability 2 and trouble-free performance. And the cast iron sections are designed to extract the maximum amount of heat, reducing fuel consumption and saving you money. Plus, only Burnham boilers come with the exclusive Iron Nipple Seal of Dependabilityceftirying the use of a proven method of boiler con- struction that assures reliable performance for a lifetime. The iron nipples expand and contract with the cast iron boiler sections thev join. This insures the integdtyof the enthe sections assembly. Time- proven iron nipples last the life of the boiler. Quality comfort since 1873 Burnham has earned a reputa- tion for quality and dependability goingback to 1875. And Bumham is dedicated to insuring that your Bumham boiler provides your familywith reliable home heating comfort. That's whythe Burnham Series 2A boiler is backed by lltlnter Wormth Assurar.ee - the most comprehensive warranqr program in the industry. When purchased through a member of Amerlca's llome lleathtg Tean, this unique homeowner protection plan offers maximum protection with 5-gearBlanhct Correragethat 10@6of the cost for qualified repairs for five full years after installation. And that's not all. Burnham is the only manufacturer that backs its products with a Lifetime True-Blue Limit€d Warranty on the hot water heat exchanger. It's all part of the Burnham Winter Warmth Assur- ance, the hottest deal in home heating. Alllane andzA BURNHAM SERIEs ZA, HoT WATER GAS BoILER DOE Heating Capabilities 51to 2214 MBfl Desiqned to fit tiqht-closet inEtallations Thc Scrics 2A boilcr was dcsigncd specifically [br homes r,4rere space is a prenrium. The controls and gauge are located up front so the Series 2A can be installed even in close closet areas. It is idcal for condominiums, townhouscs and homcs without baseulents. The Series 2A is equipped rvith split controls: an operating/hi.qh Iimit control, a Lransformer and a circulator relay. By using off thc shclf scparatc controls, instead of a conrbination control, Burnhanr has simplificd control rcplacement and reduced replacenrent costs. The location ol the t ontrols;.rlso makes regular sen icinq easier. The safe, home heating alternative The Series 2A design incorpo- rates a broad arrav of safety features. For example , cach standard Scrics 2n boilcr has a time-provcn safcty fcature rvith its own backup systenl. ll you lose pilot l1arne, a therrnocouple supen,isor sends a signal to a redundant gas valve cutting off the gas flow. Gas valvcs and controls arc safcly hiddcn inside the jackct away fronr children and sale Ironr accidental bumps and tampering. A Flame Roll-Or"rt Switch (FRS), standard on all 2A nrodels, is a thermally actir,,ated srvitch, located near the burners, that senses temperatures in the vesribule. For cxamplc, if thc fluways, withirL the boiLc'r, bccome blocked or restricted, the flanre rollout switch will automati cally shut off gas florv to prcvent darnage to your boiler. Once the srvitch is activated it must bc rcplaccd. Thc boilcr cannot be restalted until the obstruction is cleared and a nerv slvitch is installed. l9t/+ 111,4 4 22h 741,t 4 32lt 24th 6 Dimensions and Standard Equipment Dcluxc Itrsrlat d lacker lY.' Clrcolator w/plpllg to boller Prccsute Temperatu.e Cauge Dralo Cocf Edlt-h AtiEllnination Hlgh Unlt Clrcl|lator R€lav TransforDer a;d lunctlon Box l()096 Shut-off Combimrion Step Opentug Gas Vahra Stahles8 St€€l Burners ASME Saftay R€li€fvalve Drafthood vent Iratrp€t Blocted veft S$'ltch Flanc RoU-O[t Swltch Plug-l! Colncctlon I,e ft Side View Front View Right Sidc Vicw SPEC|FrCATrOfiS UBurnhani' A /ERrc]csEolLE*.ot*a SERIES 2A RATINGS NaruralctLpcas o@@m S@i@; m N/A Not Available Wbter onty- 30 PSI wolking pressue DoE heating capacity and annual eficiency are based on U.s. covernment standard tests. 5ER|E5 ZAh RATlllGs Naturatcas 4x15 4x15 5x15 6x15 6x15 7xl5 7x15 8xl5 8x15 N/A E0.0 80.1 80.2 80.3 80.4 80.4 6U.J 80.7 82.3 82.6 82.3 62,V 8t.7 81.4 8t.2 80.9 80.6 .tl 52 80 108 136 163 191 218 244 Ratlng Footnotes: (t) A.E.,t- radngs shown are for installations at sea level and elevations up to 2,OOO ft. For elevaalons above 2,000 ft. A.G.A. ratings should be reduced at the rate of four percent (4%) for each t,000 ft. abo!€ sea level. (2) Net l=B=R ratings shown are based on normal I=B=R piping and pick up allowance of 1.5. Consult Bulnham for installations having unusual piping and pick-up requir€ments such as intermicent sy$€m of operadon, e*ensive piping systems, €tc. FUEL SAVING EQIJIPM ENT: STANDARD: FUELSAVING VENTDAMPER- lncreases annual efhciencv and saves fuel dollars: Automatic-allv closes the flue after the burner Jhuts off and reopens it again before the burner comes on. Mounts and wires easily, includes prewired connec- tion harness with plug for use on all 24v. Standing pilot or EI control syslems. ELECTRONIC IGNITION_ Standardon 2OZA&2O8A- 21oA (6rAllSZes2Ah) Spark ignited pilot (EI) is available on all sizes for natural & LP gas. Coupled with a redundant gas valve the svstem shuts down o-n loss of pilot flame within .8 sec. The control tXBurnhani Amef ica's Boiler Company Bufnham Corporarion Form No. 4170D-12/94-30|\rtl Printed in U.S.A. O 1992 Burnham Corporalion, Lancaster, PA utes. This 90 second try/five minute shutdown cycle continues until the Dilot is established. Series 2A Flue collar Deluxe insulated jacket Blocked vent switch connector D. Iron nipple ioins sections E. Pressure temperature gauge F. Durable cast iron sections for long life G. Pinned heating surface for maximum heat extraction H. Concealed step opening gas valveI. Flame roll-out switch J. Stainless steel burners for smooth light off K. Brand name quality controls L. Selflubricating circulator never needs oll M. Built-in air eliminator Anothersafety feature included is a elocked Vent Switch (BVS) that is thermally activated if a blockage in the venting sysrcm occurs. The switch senses excessive heat exiting the draft hood and shuts off gas flow. Fuel saving option that increases annual effi ciency The Series 2A boiler can be equipped with a fuel-saving electronic ignition system which improves enerry efficiency. (EI is standard on the 2OzA and 208A-21OA, and all 2Ah boilers.) Electronic ignition is available on all sizes ofthe Series 2A boilers frring natural gas or LP gas. Coupled with a redundant gas valve, the system safely shuts down on loss of pilot flame in less than one second. You get all this in a completely factory assembled boiler with a sleek, compact appearance. Its efficient design makes it much smaller than most older boilers. llew high efficiency - ZAh The new high efficiency2Ah provides annual fuel utilization efficiencies of 83%. In addition to all the standard features included in the Series 2A, the 2Ah features standard electronic ignition and stainless steel flue baffles for even greater heat transfer and efficiency. with a Burnham series 2lq or 2Ah gas-fired hot waf€r boiler, you don't have to make sacrifices. The Series 2A is your long-term investment in quality, dependable home heating. A. B. c. oo lla -2 INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL ,479-2138PROJECT /-, ;;7-'jf'; JoB NAME CALLER INSPECTION: MON TUESREADY FOR LOCATION:' it',f f /, BUILDING: B FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMAING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W,V. tr ROUGH / WATEBB FRAMING rr ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING EI INSULATION O POOL / H, TUB O SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: T] TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: H xeRrrruc tr ROUGH tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr ..._............tr E FINAL FINAL OVED O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR QUEST L PERMIT NUM DAT READY FOR LOCATION: ROJECT lls,e_ecltoN;r, .-J JOB NAME CALLER MON THUR FRI 0 1 BUILDING: +({PLUMBING: V roorrruos / srEEL -UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D,W.V. BOUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEE-tr tr tr tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEEF" PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION u sueelnocx D- tr tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr FINAL .E FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr.TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING d ROUG:H tr EXHAUST HOODS tr.CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR n tr FINAL - tr FINAL TPPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED oerc 7/: a/fs rNsPEcroR t PERMIT NUMBEF OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON JOB NAME t PErNs 1', i-...," CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 CALLER TUES THUR PMAM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: E FOUNDATION /"STEEL B UNDERGROUND ,B ROUGH / D.W.V, tr ROUGH i WATERtr FRAMING rr BOOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING D INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL o tr tl 11tr FINAL FINAL ELECTRlCAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr n tr FINAL D FINAL VEDp, CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR a PROJECT (LOCAIION): TOWN OFVAIL DEPARTIIENT OF PUBUC WORKS 47$2158 FIELD TIEMO &4 t+c- - Nart cz_ CtPctZ- TOlr+6 cue*il :rS ooT 1^ftt IS UP -IS PuOt.r, ee}. lontc{.erz -T4c,cu aF Po *#u*l , Sr,lrrp, ,u6 ?t*rrtse D ee.r TlocuS Ts ur4 SHonl p?apeery tKlsf6446 EDae dtr (L ox"r 8 -/6- E !#,lL 3 ?rn CONTRACTOR'S COMMENTS Recelved by:Date: Whit€-Contrac|q Plrt(-Conslrlclion Ergin€er Canafy-Fit€ ,*rt"toN REeuESrI TOWN OF VAIL ER OF't READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: ?try /5 JoB NAME 2138 rc-L ctfrw) rari:- /2 ';;-T\d2. ,.t0 6)eu 3ort ft'eeeeoveo ;f tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: oor, ?l - J't - lf rNSpEcroR .=r-;it ,i' f,' - ,,trri.? BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.O FOUNDATION / STEEL T] FRAMING tr BOUGH / WATER n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETBOCK NAIL tr FINAL tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL O FINAL rN roN REeuEsr READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTI PHOJECT TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: NDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr tr tr tr tr o tr ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING l\ ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK'.NAIL tr FINAL FINAL ELEGTRIGAIi:MEC}IANICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING -tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr.tr tr IF|NAL T] FINAL prao$eo IRECTIONS: I] DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIBED IECTI ,/1 6/'- - a-oarc ti'L&'21 rNsPEcroR rcS"h lein Consunit Engineers Consulting Geotechnical Engineers 12354 W. Alameda Pkwy. Suite 130. Lakewood, CO 80228 MAIN OFFICE (303) e8e-1223 (303) 989-0204 FAX AVON (303) e4e-600e (303) 949-9223 FAX SILVERTHORNE (303) 468-6933 (303) 468-6939 FAX July 31, 1995 Chris Brennan Woodstone Homes 1253 Spradrile Creek R,oad Vail, CO 81657 Subjecl Excavationlnspection Proposed Hitchcock Residence Lot 3, Block 4, Filing 3 Vail Village Subdivision Vail, Colorado Job No. 95-179 As requested, a representative from our office inspected the foundation materials exposed in the proposed residence excavation at the subject site on July 19,20,21and26, 1995. The purpose of our inspection was to veriff that the exposed materials would safely support a spread footing foundation system for the proposed residence. The materials exposed in the bottom of the excavation for the proposed residence consisted of natural soil and fill. Water was observed to be seeping at approximately 15 feet north of the southwest corner of the residence and in the southwest corner of the garage. The water created soft soils and it lvas recommended that these soils be removed and replaced by granular fill. Fill was placed on the natural soil in the areas where wster was observed tc be seeping. In our opinion, the fill covering the soft soils will safely support a spread footing foundation system designed for a maximum allowable soil bearing pressure of 1,500 psf. The soils exposed in the remaining excavation for the proposed residence consisted of natural soil. The natural soils consisted of a tan, silty, sand and gravel. In our opinion, these natural soils will safely support a spread footing foundation system designed for a maximum allowable soil bearing pressure of3,000 psf. -i -^t Chris Brennan July 31, 1995 Page 2 We appreciate the opportunily to provide this service. contact us, Sincerely, KOECHLEIN CONSULTING ENGINEERS If we can be of further service, please ,tJ'Ur""^, +1, Kt"^-lA'-- William H. Koechlein, P.E. President SBlv{/lrk cc: Eagle County cc: Tim Boyle cc: Dale Smith Boyle Engineering, Inc. 143 E. Meadow Drive, Suite 390 Vail. Colorado 81657 i Mr. Dale Smith Fritzlen Pierce Briner 1000 Lions Ridge Loop, Suite lD Vail, Colorado 81657 Field Report The following items were obseryed: Framing is completed for the building and insulation and drywall work is in progress. The primary reason for this visit was to inspect and approve the rooftruss connections per the Town of Vail's request. I found that all of these connections have been constructed according to the plans and specifications issued by this office, including the modification issued on October 16, 1995 for the end connection on two of the trusses. Please give me a call if you have any questions or comments on this matter. Date: Job Number: Project: Location: Contractor: Owner: Weather: Present at Site: 6-8-96 9517 Hitchcock Residence Vail, Colorado Woodstone Homes Mr. Hitchcock Sunny, 70 degrees Tim Boyle #5,rrh l--t l+sal i(r1 REtrT 1 31 4A/@6/97 07:5S REEIUF-SI-S F0R Tfit{N oF VAIL, COLnRflDO IN$FECTIUN I^IORK SHEET$ FURz 8/ 6/\7 F,R6E lE AREA: CF Activity: 895-tl 1fiB A/ $/97 Type: B'*BUILD Statr-ts: ISSUED fionstr": NDUF' Addr"ess: 481 EEAUER DAltl RD Location: SAME ADDRESS Flar-cel: Elff1-rZr7 1-. 11-tzl05 Occ; Ori,.uZt7 tjse: U N Descriptionr f,fiN,STRUCTION tlF NEW F/S tlppl icant: TJOOD$TONH HfiHFS' IN[:. Owner.: INNSTEFID LI14 ITED T.ARTNERSI..IIF' Contractot': IIOODS-fONE: FIOMES. INC. F'horr e I THE Fhc,n€ ! Fhone: 3'Zr;t47T971S 3834799715 Inspection Reqr-test Inform,ation..,. Requestor': chri s klein Req Tine: tZtE:OrZt Cnmnents: t,ILl.- Items t'equested to bE Inspeeted... l034er BLDB-Finat C/t) Fhone: 39t2t"1651 CAI-L RM F'LEASE Act i on Comnent s Time E.xp NgaaeQ* Inspect i on History.. "..It em : OA5lra dr.i veway gr.arde f inaL 1el19./96 InsFector-: Ltr flction: ffFFR HFFRnVED Iten : ratA0lA ELDG-Foot ings,rSteel fr7/e6/95 In.spector.; CF Ac:tion: AF,trE FENDING SOILS ENG.ts Notes: REtrBRT ALONG NITH STRUCTURRL ENG.rS REUISIONS BA$ED ON SO REF'ORT snLlfrJ GARA6E, SOUTH,8. ttEST WALL HA$ ;:-*5 t:ON-f. fiND 1-#8 B FONTER IS 3fi'' WIDE Hf:$l F;IIOTER OF SOUTH UNIT HAS i:-*5'S &.R *8 IdITH JA" FOOT Il/L7/9*,r InEpector': ED Aetion: AFF'R RETAINING I^JALL I^IEST SIDE Notes: RFIIIOUE f'tUD FROM FARS TIE LOOSE Bf,RS ON NORTHI,IEST CORNER RTITjTIFY FREST IN SUBGRADEIten: ltem: Item: OffrAPAr BLDG"Foundat i on,/$t ee I fig/ l5/\3 Inspect oi': CF Act i on : Notes: ENG. LETTER THAT HnS REOUIREn RENUIRED BY 8/1A/93 II/;g/95 Inspector.: CD Action: Notes r flOMFL"E'IE INSTALATION nF F,ANELS TIT LOOSE SARS OASEA FLffll-ILf Site F,lan E3/e4/96 Insl:ector"r LAUREN Action: rzrsilaSa BLD6-Framing A5/3,9 /tt6 Inspector: CF AF.CR fiF,FREVED,/CORRECTION READ AT FOOT]NE INSF.HCTII]N IS AF.F,R NPF'ROVIJD AF,F,R ffF,F,RnUED Item r Item: Item r Not es r F,ENIIING ELEDTRICAL ftFF,ROVAL STRUCTI"-IRAL EiN6 FIELD INSF.ECTIEN REPORT RESUIRED Pf;CHOIJT F.OINT LNADS FII L, CRAI^'1. sF'ACE TO 5I nI/eg/97 Inepeetor.; DS Act ion: taraftSar BLDB*Insr-tIat i on V6lnl/96 lnrpector: [F Action: AA/fr3/\6 lnspeetorI DS Action: Notes: trACH NINDOT-JS tA€'CtGSt BLD6-Sheetr-ock Nai I A6/tW/96 Inr,pector.: EG Action:gnVTA BLDG*MIsc. Action: fftrCR BOTH $IDF-$ ffFFR AF,FRmVHD ftF,F'R WEST UNIT ftF.F,R ftF'F,ROVED ffF pR AF,F,R0UFD REtrTI3.1 FHGE 13 VA/@6/97 07:53 REnUESTS FUR INSFECTItrN LJURX SHEETS FOR: 8/ 6/97 AREA: CF 06/1q/96 Inspector': trF Action: NO NOTIFIEDNotes: RECEMD ENG FRAMING FIELD REFURT AFtrRtrVALIn/A?/96 Inspector.: CF Action: NO NOTIFIED Notes: HANDRAIL REGUIRES 1lr'e" trLEARANCE EXT STRIRS FIUST BE I,IITHIN CODE ALLT]I^IED RISER VARIATION AI/8'A/97 Inspeeton: CF Action: AFFR fippRflUED Itemr OBO9E FLDG-FinalIten: 0,A3.A3 BLDG-Tenp. C/u LE/L3/16 Inspeetor: CF Action: DN DENIEDNoter: HOUFE NUHBERS REGUIRED HANDRAILS ON NLL EXTERIOR STRIRS REI4BVE I-,ALL IN FRtrNT TlF BBILER . REMOVE DRMF.ER$ FRT]M FIRE PLACES UNCBUER SMOKE DETECTTSR5 CRAI^IL SPACE VENTS RECUIRED F'UBLIC I^ICIRKS/PLANNING DEF'T FFF'ROVAL REGUIRED PRIOR TO A C. O. BEING TSSUEDlelL9/96 Inspectonl trF Action: AFFR both sides Notes: planning/public wor.ks dept. approval required pr.iot to a c. o. being issr"ted by 7lll97Iten: OO53e Flil*TEMP. C/A telLq196 Inspector: Ltr Action: fftrtrR RtrpROVEDItemr 06546 BLDG-Final D/n t TOt^tN UF UAIL, C0LURRD0 f-+-4 eI4 REPTISI EA/46/97 67:53 --TOt^lN OF VAILr CULORADO REOUESTS FoR INSF,ECTION l.lORK SHEETS FDR: A/ 6/97 trAGE 13 AREAT CF Action: NO NOTIFIED Action: DN DENIED A6/ IA/SA Inspeetor.r CF NOTES: RECEIVED EN6 FRAMING FIELD REF'DRT AF'F'ROVAL LAlOel96 Inspector': CF Action; NO NUTIFIED Notes: Hf;NDRAIL REGUIRES 11./4" CLEARANCE EXT STFIRS ITIUST BE WITHIN CODE ALLtrWED RISER VNRIATION 01, /88/97 I nspeet or: f,F Aet i on : AF'F R AtrF'ROUED G8A9B BLDG*FinalIten: Iteo:0053f4 BLDB-Temp. t,/A t7,/ r,3/96 Inspeetorl CF Notes: HOUSE NUMBERS RE0UIRED HANDRAII,S DN RLL EXTERItrR STAIRS REMOUE I'ALL IN FRONT TlF BOILER A REMoVE DftMF.ERs FRCII4 FINFrcTW IJNCOVER S]YIOKE DETEtrTBRS, CRAh'L SF,ADE VENTS REGUIRED trUBLIC t^IORKS/trLANNING DEF,T. C. O. BEING ISSUED Le/L9/Sb Inspector: CF Notes r planning,zpubl ic works , c. o. being issued byItenr OqtSSE PW-TEMF'. C/OlelLS/96 Inspeetor: LF Itea r OA5rr0 BLD6-Finat f,/O ffproval required priot" to a Actio dept.7/t/97 Action: AtrPR APFROUED REPT131 A8/06/97 87:53 RE0UESTS FOR TO[^'N OF UAIL| CtrLORtrDu INStrECTION I^IORK SHEETS FURr 8/ 6/97 Status: I$SUED Constrl NDUtr Occ: Use ! trhone: 3fi34799715 Fhone: trhone: 3034799715 PA6E AREff: CF 14 Activity: Address r Locat i on ; Faree I r Descr.iption: Flppl icant: Owner: Eontraet or I P95-rZrCr64 Bl 6197 Type: B-PLlrlB 4ET BEAVER DAM RD SRME ADDRFSS ElPrt-rzr7 1-11.*fi05 INSTALL F'LUMBING FtrR NEW P/5 hluuDsToNE HuMEs, INC. INNSTEAD LIMITED F.ARTNERSHIF. THE l.tooDsToNE HotYtEs, INc. Inspeet ion Reque st Requestor: CHRIS Req Time! 08!qrO Items requested to fiSte90 PLMB-Final Inf or'mation...., KLEIN Comments: NILL CALL PLEASE be Insoected, Inspection History,..,. . It em I ootlO F,LMF-UndErgr.ound AA/e9/93 Inspectorl DS Action: ,,:$t em I orDSt@ F,LI{B-Ror-rgh/D. W. V. i:r,; ; A4/e3/9A Inspeet or I ED Act i on : t:,. NoteE: SECONDARY UNIT 6 pSI AIR TEFT, F,RIMARY 5 F,SI AIRTESTT NORTH S AF.PR APF,ROUED AF'FR F.RIHNRY RND SECONDARY6 PSI RIRTEST HITCHEN F'SI AIRTE$TISPSI AIRTEST R trhone r 39O-16E8 Time Exp Iten : OOe36 p11v1g-Q6r-rgh/Water. a4lZ3/96 Inspeetor: ED Action: AFFR FRIMARY AND SECT]NDARY NoteE: SECONDRRY UNIT 50 trSI RIRTEST F,RIIYIARY sra trSl AIRTESTItem: Aqe4U F,Lf4B*6as triping U4/e3/96 Inspector.r CD ffction: AFF,R F,RIMARY AND SECONDARY Notes; SEEONDARY l3 trSI AIRTEST,FRIMARY 11 F,SI AIRTEST Iten : '0Ctg3B PLMB-F,oo 1./Hot TubIt ern l CI0890 F,LMB-Mi sc.ItemI O0e9O FLMB-Final Act i on C-omment s LU REprlSt rowN oF vArL, BOLURADO PAGE 15 A8/g16/97 67153 REGUESTS FT]R INStrECTION I.JT]RK SHEETS FOR: Sl 6/97 AFEA: CF -------i-Activityr M95-O073 A/ 6/97 Type! B-ftlECH Status: ISSUED Constrr NDUF Addressr 4El BERVER DAIYI RD Loeationr $AME RDDRESS Frarcel: E1O1-Er7 1*l l-0AsDescription: INSTRLL l{EnH FOR NEW Fr./S Applicantr !{0ODSTtrNE HOMEST INC. Ewner: INNSTEAD LIMITED TARTNERSHIp THE Contraetorr YBUNEi, SCOTT .J Ocel Use I Fhone:3O34799713 Fhone: Fhone: 3fi35304138 Inspect i on Request Reqr.rest or r trHRIS Req Timer EtBrtl0 It ems requested to 00390 FIEtrH-FinaL Inf or'mation. . ... HLEIN C0nnent s t t^JILL be Inspect ed. . . Fhone I 39{'_l6i€ PLEASECALL C.omnent sU,DutO Ti me Exp lnEpection History,.... Iteml OOeCIO MHCH-Rough A5/ L7 /9A Inspeetor': CD Notes: INFLDOR HEAT SOUTH UNIT S6 trSI AIRTEST INFLOOR HEAT NDRTH UNIT 6IA PsI RIRTEST 3 RLL SLEEF.ERS IYIUST BE SCREWED TIEHT FLUE VENT FOR SOUTH UNIT MUST BE FDJUSTED TC] GRIN MIN I" CLEARRNCE FROM COMBUSTIBLES RLL ENIRN, DUCTS INSTAL.LED PND RF,F'ROVED AE/e*/96 In*pectol.! {:F Aetionr flFtrR FOTH UNITS-HEftT&ENVIORN It en: 0O31sr lvlEcH-Heat ingIten: A03gA ilEtrH-Exhaust Hoods Itenr OA33et MECH-Supply Air Item: A|A34A MECH-ttli sc.Iterr OUl390 MECH-Final Actionl AtrPR B0TH UNITS OF 4 MffNIFBLDS ^w + \ DECLARATTON AND PARTY WALL AGREEMENT RECITALS T. THE TNNSTEAD LTMITED PARTNERSHTP, an ohio limitedpartnership (,'Declarant,'; i-s the owner of the real property (t.herrPropertyrr) situate in the Town of VaiI, County of Eag1e, Stateof cororado, described as Lot 3A and Lot 38 in Exhlbii A attachedheret.o and made a part hereof. 2. DecLarant has constructed on Lot 3A and Lot. 38 abuilding consisting of two units, with each such unit designedand intended for use and occupancy as a residential dwellingunit.. The units are designated herein as t.he ,'A uniti' and Lhe "Bunit", respecEively, which are somet,imes referred. to hereinseparately ag "unit.tr or collectively as I the unit.s,r . 3. L,ot. 3A contains t.he northerly unit and Lot 38 containsthe southerly unit. 4. DecLarant desires to and does hereby establish a plan f or t.he ownership of Lot 3A and L,,ot 38 as estat.es j-n f ee simple. DECIJARATION Decl-arant does hereby publish and declare t.hat the followingLerms, covenants, conditions, easements, restrictions, uEes,reservations, rimitations and obrigations shall be deemed to runwith the land descri-bed herein, sha1l be a burden and a benefitto Declarant, j.ts heirs, successors and assigns and any personacquiring or ownj-ng an interest in the real property whi-h isdescribed herein and improvements built thereon, their personal representat ive s , heirs, successors and assigns. 1. DIVTSION OF REAL PROPERTY.divided into ,,uniLs,, as follows: (a) The Property is hereby (i) Lot 3A consisting of a fee simple estate inthe ]-,oE 3A, together wi_th the improvements, easements andrights located thereon or appurtenant thereLo,. and (ij.) Lot 38 consisting of a fee simple estate inLot 38, together with the improvements, easemenls and rightsIocated Ehereon or appurtenant thereto. (b) Each unit shall be inseparable, and may be leased,devised or encumbered only as a unit.. No owner (,rownerr ) of aunit shall assert any right of part.ition with respect to a unit. (c) Title to a unit may be held individually or in anyform of concurrent ownership recolnized in Colorado. In case of - any such concurrent ownership, each co-owner shall be jointly andseverally liable for performance and observance of all the dutiesand responsibilities of an owner with respect to the unit inwhich he owns an j-nterest. For all purposes herein, there sha11be deemed to be only two owners, the owner of the Lot 3A and theowner of l-rot 38. The parties, if more than one, having theownership of each such unit. sha1l agree among themselves how toshare the rights and obligat.ions of such ownership; provided,however, that if a corporation, partnership, association or other1ega1 entity shall become an owner or the parties, if more thanone, have the concurrent ownership of a uni-t, then such entity orconcurrent owners shall from time to time designate oneindividual who shall- represent such entity or concurrent ownersin all matters concernj-ng all rights and obligations pursuant tothls Declaration. Any such entiLy or concurrent owners shal_1give wri.t.ten notice to the other owner designating the indj-vidualto act on its or their behalf and such notice shal1 be effectiveuntil revoked in writing by such entity or owners. Any act oromission by such designated individual_ shall be binding on the tr'|l[|'#,1-ll!,t$1,,,#l'+'.!1il!1il!!!1 j,$'' oet entity or owners having designabed him in favor of the otherowner or any person who may rely thereon. (d) Any contract of sale, deed, 1ease, deed of trust,mortgage, will or other j-nstrument affecting a unit. shalLdescribe iE by the- ]egal description of Lhe parcel constitutingsuch unit with such legal descriptions being set forLh in Exhi6itA. (e) Each unit shall be considered a separate parcel ofreal property and written notice sharl be given to ttre aisessorof Eagre county, colorado, so E.hat each unlt shall be separaEel,vassessed and taxed (f ) There .i s hcrcl'rrr areated an exclusive easemen. tenf eet in wi-dth ""'.-"rt-l-"1'-.J"lrtl"i "" the plat for access fromBeaver Dam circle to t.he unit.s construct.ed on each rot ("the Easement. " ) 2. ENCROACHMENTS. If any port.ion of one of the two abovedescribed parcels now encroaches upon any of the other parcel asa result of the construction of any buj_Iding, or if any suchencroachment sha11 occur hereafter as a result of settling orshifting of any building, a valid easement. for t.he encroaihmentand for the maintenance of the same so long as the build.ingstands, shall exist. In the event any building shall bepartially or totally destroyed as a result of iire or othercasualty or as a resuLt of condemnation or eminent domainproceedings and then rebuil_t, encroachments of parEs of thebuilding on any other parcel, due to such rebuilding, shall bepermitted, so long' as such encroachments are of no greater extentLhan Lhose previously existing, and valid easements for suchencroachments and the maint.enance thereof shalt exist so lonq asthe building sha11 stand 3. PARTY WALL. (a) The common wall placed equallydivided on Lhe common boundary separating the A unit -and Lhe eunit, Lhe footings underlying and the portion of roof over suchwall i-s col-lectively referred to herein as the ttparty Wa1]". (b) To the extent not inconsistent. with thisDeclaration, the general rules of law regarding party walIs andliability for damage due to negligence of willful acts oromissions shalL appfy to the party Wal"l. (c) The owners of either unit shall have a perpetualeasement in and to that part of the other unit on which the party WaI1 is located, for party walI purposes, includlng mutuaLsupport, maintenance, repair and inspection. In Lhe event ofdamage to or destruction of the party Wa11 from any cause, theowners shall, at their joint expense, repair or rebuj_ld the partyWaII, and each owner shall have t.he right to the full use of theParty Wa11 so repaired and rebuilt. Notwithst.anding anythingcontained above to the contrary, if the negligence or willful actor omission of any owner, his family, agenL or invit.ee, shallcause damage to, or destruction of, the party Wa1I, such ownershall bear the entire costs of repair or reconstruction, and anowner who by his negligent or willful act causes the party WalIto be exposed to the efements shall bear the full cost offurnishing the necessary protection against such elements. 4. LANDSCAPING, SERVICE FACIIJITIES, ACCESS AND PARKING.(a) Except as otherwise specifically provided for herein or j_n writ.ing and except for any expense or liability caused through t.he negligence or willful act of any o\rner, his family, agent orinvi-tee, which shall be borne solely by such owner, the owner ofthe A unit shalI pay 45 percent and the owner of the B unit sha1lpay 55 percent of aLl- expenses, liabilities and general upkeepresponsibilities with respect to the EasemenL. The owners fromtime to time, shall undertake such landscaping and general c)ct I lililt llilt llllll lilllt llil il lil|llr ilr llil llll llll 61411E O2/O7/tgg? 0l:45P 8718 P14s 133 2 of 9 R 48.00 O O.OA N O.OO Easle. Colorrdo outdoor improvemenEs as they may mutualry and unanimousry deemproper for t.he harmonious improvement of both units in a commontheme with the cost.s therefor being shared in the portion setforth above. The o$/ner of one unit. sharl not unrelsonably damagethe value of the other uni-t such as by shoddy upkeep outside, butboth owners shall- make all reasonable efforts bo preserve aharmonious common appearance of the and the Easemlnt. Each ownermay use the Easement in accordance with the purposes for whichintended, including, but not Limited Lo, a..L="-to his unit,parking, Iandscaping. trash storage and open space, wit.houthindering or encroaching upon the lawful iigtrti of t.he otherowner. (b) Common utility or servj_ce meters, connections orIines, common facilities or other equipment and property locatedin or on t.he Easement or either of Che- units or Lhe- parle]-s uponwhich such units are located but used i-n common for Lhe benefitof both unlts or rots, shall be owned 45 percent by the owner ofI-.,ot 3A and 55 percent by the owner of Lot 38, as tenants in common of undivided interests, and, except for any expense orIiabilit.y caused through the negligence or willful acl of anyowner, his family, agent or invitee, which sha11 be borne solelvby such owner, ar1 expenses and liabilities concerned wi-th suchproperty shall be shared proportionately with such ownership.The owner of the parcel and t.he unit thereon on which suchpropert.y i-s not located shall have a perpetual easement in and tothat part of such other parcer and unit thereon containi-ng suchproperty as is reasonably necessary for purposes of maintenance,repair and inspection. (c) ft is expected that common parking and accessfacl1ities will be provi-ded on a portion of the EasemenE. Theowners shall have equal righE to the use of such access andparking facilities and no owner shall_ hinder or permit hisinvitees Lo hinder reasonable access by che other owner and hisinvitees to the parking areas or such other owner, s unit. It ispresumed that snowplowing will be required from t.ime to time, thecosts of which shall be shared equally by t.he owners. Othermaintenance and repair of such parking and access facilities, asmay be reasonably required from Eime to time, shal1 be undertakenjointly by the owners, the costs of which shall be shared equallyby the owners as set forth in paragraph 4 (a) . 5. AIJTERATIONS, MAINTENANCE A}ID REPAIRS. (a) In addit,ionto maintenance provided for in paragraph 4 above, the ownersshall, with the owner of Lot 3A paying 45 percenE and the ownerof Lot 38 paying 55 percent of the expense thereof, provideexterior maintenance and exterior repair (maintenance, repair andreplacement of items required from ordinary use and on a periodicbasj-s) upon each unit. and the improved and unimproved porlions ofthe parcel upon which located including, but not limited to, theexterior wal1s, decks and st.aircases, and the roof housing theunits and the parking and access facilities located on suchparcels. If the need for repair is caused through the negligenceor willful act of any owner, his family, agent or inwitee, suchowner shall- bear the entire cost.s of such repair orreconst.ruct i-on . (b) Each owner sha11 be solely responsible formaintenance and repair of the inside of his unit. including,without limitation, fixtures and improvements and al-1 utilit.yIines and equipment located therein and serving such unit only.In performing such maintenance and repair, or in improving oraltering his unit, no owner shall do any act or work whichimpairs the structural soundness of either unit or the Party Wa11or which interferes with any easement granted or reserved herein. (c) Utility or service connections or lines,facilit.ies or oLher utility equipment and properly located i_n, onor upon either parcel containing a unit, in such unit., or in on oLl I Lllll lllll lllil 1ilil lllll lll lllllll lll illll llll llll 51411E O2/O7/19973ofSR46.00D 01r45P B?lE P145 133 0.00 N 0.00 Eaglc, Colorado a or upon the Easement, which are used so1e1y to supply a serviceor utility to one unit or the parcel upon which iL i; locatedshal1 be owned by the owner of the unil using such utility orserwice and all expenses and liabilities for repair andmaint.enance shal1 be borne solery by the owner of such unit, whoshafl have a perpetual easement in and t.o that part of such otherparcel or unit containing such propert.y as is r-easonablynecessary for purposes of maintenance, repair and inspection. (d) No owner shall make or suffer any structural ordesign change (including a coror scheme change) I either permanentor temporary or of any type or nature whatsoever to Ehe ext.eriorof his unit or alter any present exterior improvement orconstruct. any additional ext.erior improvemenl or addiEionalbuilding or structure of any type or naLure whatsoever upon anypart of the parcel- containing hi-s unlt. or the Easement without-fi-rsL obt.aining the prior written consent theret.o from the otherowner. In case of damage or destruction (other than as providedfor in subparagraph 5 (a) above) of any unit or any part Lhereofor.of any improvement upon any part of the parcel containing aunit by any cause whatsoever, the owner of luch unit orimprovement shall- cause with due diligence the unlc orimprovement to be repaired and restored, applying the proceeds ofinsurance, if any, for that purpose. rf the cosE of repair orreconstruction exceeds such insurance, the excess sharl be paidfor by t.he owner of the damaged unit or improvement. such unitor improvement shall" be rest.ored to a condition comparable tothat prior to the damage and in a harmonious manner to promotethe common theme of both unit.s and improvements on the parcelscontaining the units. 6. MECHANIC'S I_,,IENS; INDEMNIFICATION. (a) Except f oritems incurred as a common expense as provided for herein, if anyowner shal-l cause any material to be furnished to his parcel orunit thereon or any labor to be performed therein or thereon, theother owner shall not under any circumstances be liable for thepayment of any expense incurred or for the vafue of any work doneor material furni-shed; aII such work shall_ be at the expense ofthe owner causing it to be done, and such owner shal_l be solelyresponsible to conEractors, Iaborers, materialmen and otherpersons furnishing labor or materiars to his unit or the parcelon which located or any i-mprovements therein or thereon; nothingherein contained shaLl authorj_ze either owner or any persondealing t.hrough, with or under either owner to charge the EasemenL or any unit or parcel on which located of the otherowner wi-th any mechanic, s lien or other lien or encumbrancewhatever; and, on the contrary (and notj_ce is hereby given) , theright and power to charge any lien or encumbrance of any kindagainst the Easement or one owner or agaj-nst one owner, s unit orparcel on which located for work done or materiaLs furnished tothe other owner's unit or parcel on which 1ocated is herebyexpressly denied. (b) Except as provided for in paragraph 8 below, if,because of any act or omission of any owner, any meehanic, s orother lien or order for Ehe payment of money shall be filedagainst the Easement or against the other owner,s unit or parcel on which located or any improvements therein or thereon, oragainst any other owner (whether or not such lien or order i_svaLid or enforceable as such) , the owner whose acE or omissionforms the basis for such lien or order shall at his own cost and expense cause the same to be cancelled and discharged of recordor bonded by a surety company reasonably acceptable to such otherowner, within 20 days after the date of fi11ng thereof, andfurt.her sha11 indemnify and save the other owner harmLess fromand against any and all costs, expenses, claims, losses or damages, including reasonable attorney, s fees resultingtherefrom. e{ c') [tullu!ut.ll$"J'J''J#!1ill!t:l'"I . 7. INSURANCE. (a) Each owner shall_ keep his unit and aI1fixtures therein i-nsured against loss or damage by fire andextended coverage perils (including vandafism and mariciousmischief) for Lhe maximum replacement value Lhereof. Any o$rnermay on 30 days' written notice, at any time one year or longerafter tshe last appraisal of the units; obtain a written appiaisarof such uni-ts from a competent appraiser, charging both o-w-nerswith the costs t.hereof. such appraiser sharr re a ai-slnterestedand independent third party who is unrel_ated in any manner toeit.her owner whether through joint business ventures orotherwise. (b) Each owner shal1 provide and keep in force for Lheprotection of himself general public llabiIity and propert.y damage insurance against claims for bodily injury or death-orproperty damage occurring in, on or upon his parcel owned i-n feesimple, the improvements thereon, and the Eas-ement and theimprovements thereon, in a limit. of not l_ess than S500,000 inrespect of bodily injury or deaEh to any number of personsarising out of one accident or disaster, or for d.amage coproperty, and if higher limits shal1 at any time be customary t.oprotect against possible tort 1j-ability, such higher rimits stratt_be carried and each owner shal_I name the other owner as anadditional insured party under such policy. (c) Each owner shall be separately responsible for aLl_insurance covering loss or damage to personal property in hisunit and liability for injury, death or damage- occurring upon hisparcel or inside his unit. thereon. (d) Each owner shall upon wrJ-tten request deliver toLhe other owner certificates evidencing alr insurance required tobe carried under this Paragraph ?, each containing agreements byLhe insurers not to cancel or modify the policies wiihout givingLhe other owner written notice of at least 30 days. Each ownershall have the right to inspect and copy all such insurancepolicies of the other owner and require evidence of the paymentof premiums thereon. (e) Nothing provided in this paragraph 7 shal_l_ preventthe owners from jointly acquiring a single policy Lo cover anyone or more of the hazards required in this paragraph 7 to beseparately insured against by each owner. 8. RIGHT TO LIEN. (a) If an ownerr at any time, shaltneglect or refuse to perform or pay hi_s share of any obligationrequired hereunder, the other owner may, but sha1l not beobligated to, after 20 days written notice unless thecircumstances requi-re immediate act.ion, make such payment, or, onbehalf of such other owner/ expend such sum as may be necessaryto perform such obligation incl_uding, without 1i_mitation, thepayment of any insuranee premiums required hereunder or theundertaking of any work required hereunder for repaj_r,restoration or maintenance, and such other owner sha1l have aneasement in and to that part of such defaulting owner,s unit asis reasonably necessary for euch repair, restoration or ma].ncenance, (b) Al1 sums so paid or expended by an owner, wittrinEerest thereon at the rate of 18 percent per annum from thedate of such payment or expenditure until paid in ful1, shal1 bepayable by Lhe owner so failing to perform (the "defaultingowner'r) upon demand of the ot.her owner. (c) All sums so demanded but unpaid by the defaulting owner shall consEitute a lien on the unit of the defaulting ownerin favor of the other owner prior to all other liens and encumbrances, except: (i) Jiens for taxes and specialassessment; and, (ii) the lien of any first mortgage or first deed of trust of record eneumbering such uniE. The lien shall clg') I llilrillll llilll llllll lllll lll lllllll lll flLllllll llll s cttTia nn1ll9tf? o1:45P B?lE P145 133 5 of 9 R 46.00 O g.Wd N 0.00 Eaglc, Colorado o attach from the date when the unpaid sum shal1 become due and maybe foreclosed in like manner as I mortgage on rear. propercy uponLhe recording of a notice or claim theieot executed bv thenondefauLting owner setting forth the amount of the unpaidindebtedness, Lhe name of the defaulting owner, and a -description of the unit. rf any such lien is recorded, the defaulting ori-t.,shall be. required Lo pay the costs and expenses of thepreparat.ion and recording of the nondefaulting owner's 1ien,incruding reasonable attorney's fees. rn any such forecrosurethe defaulting owner shal-l- be required to pay the costs andexpenses of such proceedings, including relsonable attorney, sfees. (d) The lien provided for herej-n shall be subordi_nateto the lien of any first mortgage or deed of trust, including alladdit.ional advances thereon. sile or transfer of any unit a; theresul-t of court. foreclosure of a mortgage, forecrosure throughthe public t.rustee, or any proceeding-in tieu of foreclos.rr"lincluding the transfer of a deed in tieu of foreclosure, shalIextinguish the rien of such assessments as to payments thereofwhich become due prior t.o such sare or transfe-r, but shalr notreLi-eve any former owner of personar liability t.herefor. Themortgagee of such unit who acquires title by way of forecrosure 9f -tlr" taking of a deed in lieu Lhereof, stratt not, howewer, beliabl-e for any past due assessment and sharl only become riablefor future assessments on the date it becomes thi owner of suchunit. No sale or transfer shall- rerieve such unit from liabilityfor any assessments thereafter becoming due or from the lienthereof. rn the event of the sare or t.ransfer of a unit withrespect t.o which sums shal_l_ be unpaid by a defaulting owner,except Lransfers t.o a first mortgagee in connection with aforeclosure of its lien or a deed in rieu thereof, the purchaseror other transferee of an interest in such unit shalr le iointtyand severalry 1iab1e with the seller or transferror thereof for-any such unpaid sums . (e) Upon written request of any owner, morL.gagee,prospectiwe mortgagee, purchaser or other prospective Lransfereeof a unit, the owner of the ot.her unj-t shatl iisue a writtenstatement setting forth the amount he is owed under thisparagraph, if any, with respect to such uni_t. Such statement isbinding upon the executing owner in favor of any person who mayrely thereon in good faith. unless a request. for- such statementshal1 be.complied with within fift,een days after receipt thereof,alr unpaid sums which became due prior to the date bf making suchrequest sha1l be subordinated to the lien or oLher interest ofthe person requesting such statement. 9. USE RESTRICTIONS. (a) Each unit shal-f be restrictedto a residential dwelling as a permitted use, and such use aswell as conditional and accessory uses shal1 be as defined by theTown of Vail Zoning Ordinance. (b) No exterior mounted radio, shortwave, televisionor other type of antenna whatsoever (except for TV satel_lit.edishes not to exceed 18 inches) or Lank of any kind, eitherelevated or buried, or clothesline or incinerltor of any kind.whatsoever or outside storage of any personal property ihall bepermitted or maintained on either unit without the prior writtenapproval of both owners. (c) No anlmals sha1l be kept or maintained in, on orupon either unit, except that each owner may keep and maintainwithin his unit two domesticated dogs and t.wo domesEicated caEs,.provided, however, that such domesticated animals are kept undercontrol- at all times, do not present a nuisance to the otherowner and are kept and controlled in stricE. compliance with all Town of Vail ordinances that may apply to such animals. niuii]ri ilNllttllluJ[illllluulul ril m cl(": b:"#lif .Rl'i8? 6eY ;: tt-i';*tn'::i:'33 r "'a. (d) In addition to the parking restrictions set forthin subparagraph 4 (c) above, the owner of Lot 3A may keep no morethan three automotive vehicles permanently on Lot 3A, and theowner of Lot 38 shal-l- keep no more than three automotive vehicrespermanently LoL 38. Parking of boat.s, trailers, campers, motorhomes, ATVs or recreational vehicles on either unit is expresslvprohibited. Parking of more than the allowed number ofautomotive vehicles by ei.ther owner or his family, agentr orinvitee on such owner's unit for more than a 48 hour period isexpressly prohibited. (e) No 'rtime sharing,', ',interval ownership,' or similarinterest, whereby ownership of a unit. is shared by owners on atime basis, shall be estabrished on either unit without the priorwritten approval of both owners and ar1 lienors holding a firstmortgage or first deed of trust of record on any porti-on of theProperty which approval shatl be reflected in a document ofrecoro. 10. NOTICE. Each owner shall regisler his mailing addresswith the other owner and alr notices or demands intended to beserviced upon owners shall be sent by certified mail, postageprepaj-d addressed in the name of the owner at such regi_steredmailing address. rn the alternative, notices may be derivered ifin writing, personally to owners. 11. DURATION OF DECIJARATION. Each provision contained inthi-s Decl-aration which is subject to the laws or rules sometimesreferred to as the rule against perpetuities or the ruleprohiblting unreasonable restraints or arienation sharl continueand remain in fuII force and effect. for the period of 2l_ yearsfollowing t.he death of the last survivor of the now livingchildren of Charles Biederman, or until this Declaration istermlnated as hereinafter provided, whiehever first occurs. All-other provisions contained in this Declaration sharl continue andremaj-n 1n furl force and effect untir .ranuary 1 in the year 2o2sA.D., and thereafLer for successive periods of 10 years each,.unless at least 1 year prior to January 1, 2025 A.D., or aL least1 year prior to the expiration of any such 10 year period ofextended duration, this Declaration is terminated by recordedinstrument, directing termination, signed by all owners and aIllienors holding a first mortgage or first deed of trust of recordon any portion of the property. l-2. AMENDMENT OR REVOCATION. This Declaration may be amended or revoked only (a) by Declarant so long as Declarant ?x"i"3llo:1,:n?"H":?'5Ii :;"i?l ::3".il"li::::"'il:l5il"":'i:I3tmortgage or first. deed of trust of record on any portion of theProperty. 13. EFFECT OF PROVISIONS OF DECLARATION. Each provision ofthis Decl-aration, and agreement, promise, covenant andundertaking to comply with each provision of this Declaration,and any necessary exception or reservation or grant of title,estate, right or interest to effectuate any provision of t.hisDeclaration: (i) sha11 be deemed incorporated in each deed oroeher instrument. by which any right, title or i-nterest in anyportion of the ProperLy is granted, devised or conveyed, whet.heror not set forth or referred to in such deed or other inst.rument.;(ii) shall, by virtue of acceptance of any right, title orinterest in any portion of the Property by an owner, be deemedaccepted, ratified, adopted and declared as a personaf covenantof such owner and, as a personal covenant, shall" be binding on such owner and his heirs, personal representat ives, successors and assigns; (iii) shall be deemed a personal covenant to, with and for Lhe benefit of each owner of any portion of the Propertyjand, (iii) sha1l be deemed a real covenanL by Dectarant, for Ehemselves, their personal repre sentat ives, heirs, successors andassigns, and also an equitable servitude, running, in each case, + c-l I mil lllll llllll llllll lllll lll lillll il llll llll llll b{cti{oitg1tr997 or:45? B71E P14s 133 i of 9 R 46.00 O O.gO N O.OO Eaglc, Colorado (llr'iil.r'$7 IU: (l{ .t,rta llo Jrl:g uouo rrt rr.Jrtulrrr 0.1-22-199? gl:3#/Fl F* lE{b.t/tood*'tona Ftrn*a lnc. ltl-. U -ult:s iioirei This 6wcule;r'o is a poor oopy and siIl not photographsell. Ttrl! tt :"i{.{i."- :-.. not the fa,ult of this offloe. tvtti3/,96gfr P.tct ss a burden r+ith and upon thr Litle to each asld svery portion ofthe Properby. 14- EFE9B!:EMENT Slrp REMEpIES- {a) Eaab provLslon of thigDe.cla..ration shull, be enforceable by any owner b'1. a procseding for.a prahihitiwe or mandatory injr.rncLion or by a auit or actioo. ht:rec()ver damaEee. If coujrE. procecdingB ara iflaE.ttruted inc,o:rnection rriLtr the righfe of enforc'er$ent and" remediea prciwidediu thi-s De,claration, the preva-itjng party ehall be elatlr-Ied Eorecover h5 s coeBe ard olqlenaeg !n coffiection therewiLh, includingteectonab1e aht.oroeye' fee6, (bl Eaeh orrner hereby agrees thaB a-ny e-nd a.t 1 actr1on6i.n equity or ats lar vhieh are insti.tsuLed bo sn"force any prvnisionharaunder eJaaI-J- be brought in and onJty in the courto of EagJ.eCounty, State of Coloradp- (c) Fa3-lure to enlorce any prowiriorr of tl:-Le;Declarstion ehall Ejcr crp€rers as & w&Iver of afly aueh provlsiorr, bhe rigrht, tscr enfsrce such Brovision thereafter, or of any otherprowision of thie Declaration- 15- ETRRCIS-F..,_OI A.I$ITS, .Any e:(Ereise of any righh grarlted tre,reunde.r by slle ouT\et with reegnct lo Ehe oLher qeo:leE, s rrsriblncludlng, criLhout linitatiOnr the UEe of any eaE€,menL, grarntedherein ehs.ll he exercLged in a tnanner rrhich s}".all notunteaeonably lrirrdar, irn5lede or irnpone- upon auctr rrt-h€r ounar'E useof trl.l undt,. 1-6- SUCGSSOR"$ AI{D e^9SIcEg. Except aE otherwise provJ.ded.irerein, this Decl.aration Ehall be binding upoa. asd eha3'J. inure t,othe benefit of Ueclarent aqd each <>trner and the peraonal rgpreaentaEirree, heirs, sucge€sors aJrd *eeigns of each. 17- SIBVER+BILITY. rnva.11-d.ILy sr unenforceabilitry pf anypnovisiob. of Ehis Decla-ration l-n yhole or in part sha]-]- notaffeet the validity or enforceabiliry of arry other proviEidn orany valid. and enforcBa.ble parE of, a provision of this DeclaraELon. 18. .CAFtIoNg. Thc eaptions and heacU-ngc i-n rhisinEtrument are for conuenj.ence only and ehaLl noE be cgnsidercdin construing any BrovisionE of this DeclaraE.ien- _ L9. CONSTFUCTICIII- llhen D-ecegger.fr for proper'conatruchion,the qrascu]i-ne of any wcrrd used in r.hio neclariEi;a eha].L includethe fetnlb-ine or neuter grender, and the elngurar Ehc plu-raL, andvLce versa. InI WITHES.9 lfEtR-EOE', Declatant baE exesuted fhie Declaraeirrnbhis - day of iranua1}f . 1-99?. I]ECLAFAIfI : TgB INHSTEAS IIFI TED PARTNERSHXF cl The urtdereigned. hoLdcr of a. deed. of truet uFon the prcperrycovere,d by rhle neclaration lereby 5slprrrtr'n?tee hiE iatelest ln'auch Frc4rerty to the prgvisicrre of Chts DecJ.e-al_iorr. I lillll llilt l]il ilil llllt ]l il||lr lll lllll llll llll 614118 02/07/t9978of9R48,00D 8 01:45P 871E P145 133 0.00 l,l 0.00 Eegh, Colorado STATE OF COLORADO COI'NTY OF EAGLE ss. The foreqoinq instrument was acknowl,edqed before me Unis 7Z day of 4?, rr-." ,- , 1997, Ay (l.rs 4r/4i.k .\./ Witness my hand and official seal . lvly commission expires : (ERAI.,) STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE The foregoing insLrument was acknowledged before me this _day of , t997, by WiLness my hand and offieial seal . My commission expires: (SEAL) Not,ary Public ss. ilililr llilt llllll llllll lllll lll lllllll il lflll llll lllle[{ti{ nmtigl or,4* B?r8 Pr43 ls(] 9 of 9 n 45.00 O O.OO l{ 0.@ Erglr, Colorrdo (, r1 ,AV:n !i'iOI)EJCffitfi:Dxri: lelE '=-rffiffi:oc-t"' DAU6-. HABERMAS NOTARY PUBLIC $I^IE OF COLORADO My Corfmlsslon Er(ptr€3 Dec. i9, t99A Dale Received by the Development Department: APPLICATION FOR DUPLEX SUBDIVISION REVIEW (Chaprer 17.24 Y ail Municipal Code) f. Fr^ MAlLlNc ADDRrss I? O . 8c"I 3131 ,t,l U ni\ APPLICANT.SREPRESENTATTvE O hdr--T [L,.,, -'ADDRESS \A I,4T PHONE C. PROPERTYOWNER OWNER'S SIGNATUR PHONE MAILING ADDRESS D. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: srREEr ADDR ess 4J/ ,(cazp Zrn-r 4, )Jt Lor--rLBLocr-t-suaDtvtsto Revised.,ze2 ?MWn (PLEASE PRINT OR TYPA. APPLICANT B. E. F. AppllcArloN FEE $100.00 p^tD /oJ2_z_cHecx*3[jtL av MATERIALS TO BE SUBMITTED: 1. Two mylar copies and one paper copy ol the subdivision plat shall be submined to the Department of Communily Development. The plat shall include the following: a. The final plat shall be drawn by a registered surveyor in India ink, or other subslantial solulion, on a reproducible medium (preferably mylar) with dimension of tw€nty+our by thirty-six inches and shall be al a scale of one hundred feet to one inch or larger wilh margins of one and one-half to tlvo inches on the left and one-half inch on all other sides. b. Accurate dimensions to the nearest one-hundredlh of a foot for all lines, angles and curves used to describe boundaries, streets, setbacks, alleys, easements, slructures, areas to be reserved or dedicated for public or common uses and other important features. All curves shall be circular arcs and shall be defined by the radius, cenlral angle, are scored distances and bearing. All dimensions, bolh linear and angular, are 1o be determined by an accurale control survey in the field which must balance'and close within a limit of one in ten thousand. c. North arrow and graphic scale. d. A systematic identification of all exisling and proposed buildings, units, lots, blocks, and names for all streets. e. An identification of the slreets, alleys, parks, and other public areas or facilities as shown on the plat, and a dedication thereof to the public use. An identification of th€ easements as shown on the plat and a grant thereof to the public use. Areas reserved for future public acquisition shall also be shown on the plat. f. A wrinen survey description of the area including the lotal acreage lo the nearest appropriate signilicant figure. The acreage of each lot or parcel shall be shown in this manner as well. S. A description of all survey monuments, both found and set, which markthe boundaries of the subdivision, and a description of all monumenls used in conducting the survey. Monumenl perimeter per Colorado statutes. Two perimeter monuments shall be established as major control monuments, ths materials which shall be deitermined by the town engineer. h. A slalement bythe land surveyor explaining how bearing base was determined. l. A certificate by the registered land surveyor as outlined in Ghapter 17.32 of this G. litle as to lhe accuracy of the survsy and plat, and that the survey was performed by him in accordance with Colorado Revised Statutes 1973, Titld 38, Article 51 . j. A certificate by an attorney admitted to pradice in the Stare of Colorado, or corporate tille insurer, that lhe owne(s) of record dedicating to the public the public right-of-way, areas or faiilities as shown thereon are the owners thereof in fee simple, free and clear of all liens and encumbrances except as noted. k. The proper form for filing of the plat with the Eagle County clerk and recorder. l. Certificate of dedication and ownership. Should the certificate of dedication and ownership provide for a dedicalion of land or improvements to the pubtic, all beneficiaries of deeds of trust and mortgage holders on said real property will be required to sign the cerlificate of dedication and ownership in addition to ihe fee simple owner thereof. m. All current taxes must be paid prior to the Town's approval of plat. This includes laxes which have been billed out but are not yet due. The certificate of taxes paid must be signed on the plat or a statement from the Eagle County Assessors Office must be provided wit the submittal information slaling that all taxes have been paid. n. Signature of owner. 2. The plat must contain the following slatement: "For zoning purposes, lhe lots crealed by this subdivision are lo be trealed as one lot with no more lhan two dwelling units allowed on the combined area of the two lots." The statement shall be modifted to indicate lhe number of units and lots proposed." 3. A copy of the declarations and/or covenants relating to the subdivision, which shall assure the mainlenance of any common areas which may be created. The covenants shall run wilh the land and shall be in a form suilable for recording with the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder. 4. Schedules A& B of atitle reoort. APPROVAL PROCESS, REVIEW CRITERIA Upon receiving two copies of a complete submittal along with payment of the appropriate fee, the zoning adminislrator shall route one copy of the site map to the town engineer for his review. The zoning administralor shall then conduct lhis review concurrently. The lown engineer shall review lhe submittal and return commenls and notifications to the zoning administrator who shall transmit the approval, disapproval or approval wilh modifications of the plat within fourteen days to the applicant. The zoning administrator shall sign the plat if approved or require modifications on the plal for approval or deny approval due lo inconsistencies with the originally approved plan or failure to make other required modifications of the plat. FILING AND RECORDING The Department of Community Development will record the plat and any related covenants with the Eagle county clerk and Flecorder. Fees for recording shall be paid by the applicant. The 1 ,, Community Developmenl Department will retain one mylar copy of the plat for their records and will "lrecord the remaining mylar copy. H. lf this application requires a separate review by any local, Stale or Federal agency other than the Town of Vail, the application fee shall be increased by $200.00. Examples of such review, may include, but are nol limited to: colorado Department of Highway Access Permits, Army corps of Engineeri 404, etc. The applicant shall be responsible for paying any publishing fees which are in excess of 50% of ihe application f9e. lf , al the applicant's request, any matler is poslponed for hearing, causing the maner to be re-published, then, lhe enlire fee for such re-publication shall be paid by the appiicarn. Applications deemed by the Communily Development Department to have significant design, land use or other issues which may have a significant impact on the community may require review by-consuhants otherthan town staff. Should a delermination be made by the town stafi thai an outside consuhant is needed to review any application, the Community Development may hire an outside consultant, il shall estimale the amount of money necessary 10 pay him or her and this amount shall be foruvarded to lhe Town by the applicant at the time he files his application with the Community Development Deirartment. Upon completion of the review of the applicalion by the consultant, any of the funds iorwardeO Oy tfre applicant for payment of lhe consultant which have nol been paid to the consultant shall be relurnedto the applicant. Expenses. incuned by the Town in excess of the amount'forwarded by the applicant shall be paid to the Town by the applicant within 30 days of nolificarion bythe Town. ,/ // -- -..a.5..,ir,,,rr Foo,td /trtilnd*.! ''l ,a Pic.a *- 1 - Pnrd * ch. $t4. _-..----,/;, \ 6!irx - aegOw "&tk L"t 3 QLi gU tv'! CITECK REQUEST PREPARI]D BY:DATE: VENDORNAM VENDOR NUMBER: DESCRIPTION oF EXENS!- CLq4N IIP DDPOSIT REFUND FoR BP # & D NAME OF JOB: ACCOUNTNUMBER: OI OOOO 2XO2 AMorINr oF REFUND ft 25DZ DATE APPII.OVED: APPROVAL SIGNATURE: ,-f TOI'IN OF VAIIJ 75 S. FROITTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 8L657 970-479-2138 APPTICANT coltfRAcToR OWNER DEPARTMENT OF COMMT]NITY DEVELOPMEMT NOTE:THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON .fOBSITE AT AIJIJ TIMES PLT]I,IBING PERMIT Permit P99 - 0097 JOb AddTESS: 421 BEAVER DAM CR Locati-on. . .: 42a Beaver Dam Cr Parcel No. -: 2L01,-07L-L1 -016 ProjecE No. : PR,f99-0174 PEAK I PLI,I,IBTNG & HEATING LLC P.O.BOX 963, EDWARDS, CO 81632 PEAK I PI.,I]MBING & HEATING I.,LC P.O.BOX 953, SDWARDS, CO 8L632 SCHWARTZREICH STEVEN & ELAINE -'t L0 cLocKTowER r,N, oLD WESTBIJRY NY 11558 StaEus.. AppLied. Issued. . Extrrires. ISSI]ED 08/3L/]-999 09 / 02 /L9e9 02 /29 /2OOo Phone:. 97O-4'79-7885 Phone: 970-479-7885 Phone: 515-466-8500 Description: Install pipe to 3 Tiki torches & lvaluation:e 5, 000 . 00 rr*r:*rtrt+irrr***.***r***iit**rrr*i**r***** pEE SUStllARy *r*r*ii**rrr*** *r*r****rttt*ti+tt*t*r*ritr*t Plumbing--- - - > Plan check- -- > hweatigation> will C.]I----> R€stuarants Plea hewier,- - > TOrrAl, FEES----- lotrl calculaged Feee-- -> Additional Fees---------> Togal Petuit Fee--------> 75.00 - oo 3,O0 .00 96,75 96.15 -oo 96.75 BAITANCB DUE- --- ****rJataJ*tit'rt*rr*iia **t{ara*i+t+t',tlri'r****r*r*rrt * r***rrti**t!|*rt**irrr* IECM: O5]-OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT DEPE: BUTI.,DING DiViSJ-ON:O9/02/L999 I(ATHY Action: APPR ADDroved Der-KWI!qm:-.05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT -Dept: FIRE Division:09/02/1999 KATIIY ACTION: APPR N,/A COIIDITION OF APPROVAJ, 1. FIEI,D INSPEETIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CI{ECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. a ** *+ * * i ** * *********** ** *r* *r f + DECI,ARATIONS I h.!6by acknoeledge that ! have r€ad thi6 applicatsion, filled out in full the infornalion required. codplcted rrl accurate plot plan, and stsate tsl'.C all Ehe infornatsion provided as required is corrects. I ag'lee tso cortrply wich the informaEion artd plot plan, to comply with all Torrn ordinance6 and state lar,s, and Eo build this sixucture according to the Tonrr'E zoni.ng and eubdivieion coded, de€ign revicfl approved, uni fo:rm Building Code and other oldinances of ehe Torrn applicable cheretso. REQUESTS SIIAI,I, BE ITIADE TWENIY FOUR HOI]RS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479.2L39 OR AI OUR OAFICE FROU 8:OO A}l S:OO PI4 Paynenta- - - - '2"*. --.-'' ,22=--- -- .-,=_4- SIGIATURE OF OWNER oR COIITRACfOR FOR 8I!,ISEIJF AND OVINER ri *r |r*{ iir rr ',a*tt *t+t!, i **t r * i, r* r * * * I !o{[ OF VIIL, OI|oRADO grar@nr trrrraaar,l.ltattt*air+,rrrrall.rtrtatat tr+i*rtrr*1ai t rr,r**,t,t raftrr t StaglDnt Nurbrr. REC-0556 llpunt:96.75 09l02/99 L3126 PayGnE U.Chod: CK l{olatrion r {a29r/PEtK OnE I!it: tC PErrlE tro: Pt9-OO9? Type, B-PtltB PLI,I|BINC pEnrfil: P|rc.l no! 2101.071-11-016 SitG Addta..: 4r1 BEAVBR Dlll CR l,ocrELon: 421 lcav.r Drr CY loc.l Fc€s: ,6.75 Tot'rl AIIL Plrs: BalalteB: PP OO1OOOO!11I2OO PLITIE C PERI'IT FEEA PP O0L00003112300 PLAI CHECK FEEA rc 00100003112900 t{ttl cAtrL I[gPEcfref FEE a * *t't tt t t tttt tt*tre 'fhir Prt|!.nt 96.79 ,6.7s .00 .lrount 75.O0 18.75 3.00 rtt *f irt t ai rr?ir** *J ta* * * rrrl trt tr, * *!r * r* i r *r** t t* * * t tt t t ** r I fr rr * if { * Accormc c.oda DcacripElod rowN oF vArCoNsrRUcroN 'ERM,, orl,.AroN :ffi* 0114 INF'ORMATION MUST BE COMPLETE OR THE APPLICATION WILL BN ITEJECIT,I) #:ff2iht2:"ilry:"2Ftr"i * e7a328-8640 ror Parcet # o.,.' ,A,rq 25, {919 perut+ 891-Ol9tl "-S.,hutrtzc-irh RernodeL meooress: {21 Beduer Drrnn Crrclt- Plunbine (k/Electrical ( ) Block 3 rllne 3 Subdivision DescriptionorJob' Tu*.1\ Cx?r?t"", )o STek', lmfs I J PJ,a"t t-l"n+-rr- Alteration (vf Additional ( ) BUILDING: PLUMBING Gcneral Contractor: Work Class: New ( ) Number of Dwelling Units: Job Name: .---rr: Building ( ) Legal Descripion: Owners Architect: Mechafical(€ Address: Repair ( )Othcr ( ) Number of Accommodarion Units: NumberandTypeofFireplaces: GasAppliances ? Gaslogs VALUATIONS ELECTRICAL: $s--..?ogo- Wood/Pellet OTHER: $ TOTAL $MECHANICAL sdEge CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Town of Vail Reeisuation No Address: Phone # Electrical Contractor:Address: Phone # ,( T Town of Vail Regisfation No. Plumbinq Contractor: Town of Vail Registration No. Address: Phone # Mechanical Contractor'. fuaKCrue- ?1 H Address:,'D TownofVailRegistnnonNo. J65'/ Phone# FOR OFFIGE USE BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: Other ( 970- 126 - tl3l SIGNATURE: AUG E 1 1999 eC9!VOt r ^r i f!t[<- u( O v,'-'\-"" - DEVELOPI'IENf THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON. iIOB-SITE AT ffioJeaciiir,e' scrrwanznercu Et'lrRY REMoD eo;7AJ,i iFn aurr-,o PERMTT Permit DescriPtion:Remodel fronE' '"i#":i ilii"fli:""I$"ilri:ril;1t"n oolEl;oooot Fir.t I.c6 Inford.tiotr: R€.g!ict6d: y *of o.r ApPlLrncct: *of (l" Log6: *of, Hood/Pallets: irt'ttit*tttirr*t '*rt**..tttrtr*i"tattt*t**i' FEE AurtrttaRy t 't ***trtt t tit *tt *rt **'r*trt'rlrtt *'l*ttt**ttt'lr ' iri i tt'** "* t Buildlng-----> 450'00 RcsiuMlc 91aD R'vl''r--> 'oo rotrl carcul't'd t!e6---> 1'111'50 Pl.n check---> 31a'50 DRB rcs--------- 5o'oo Adaltio(l l F'cB---------> 'oo rnrestiEatioo> 'oo R€cr'rtioD F"----------> 'oo ToErl Pclolt Fse--------> 1'111'50 trill c!11----> 3'oo cl"lr-ttt DcPoatB--------> 25o'oo Payocats----------------> 1'111'50 TOrA! FBEB--"----------> 1'111'90 BAIA}ICE DnE---- 'oO i.trrti*.1*.r.****'**.i*rrrtrr*'**tt*'r*tttttt}t*tattt!.*!rl,t..tl|!,tt.'tt'ittlt'rt.i}.t''lt',t|l*.rrlittt,t*r'r''ia*tt*r'r't**lr.rll''t**** rtem: 05100 Burr,DrNG DEPARTT'4BNT DgPt: BUTLDTNG Division: o7/22/Lgg;-KATIrc- Actlon: NorE Rouued to JR o7/28/tgg; iilrtrs acciont Nois pranning sets to JR ol/zg/Lgg; -rarlrr 'gction' l.roffi notteed staging tso iIR oe/Iz/tss; ;nu-- AcEion: APPR APPRoVED iIRM rtem: 05400 Pr-,ANNTNG DEPARTMEIIT blpt' Pr'iaNNrNG Division: o7/22/Lgg;-KATIrr AcLion: NoEE Routsed to Brent o7/2't/Lgs9 BWrLsoN action' iipn iins:pa'rD DRB FEE cost rEem: 05500 FrRE DEPART!4ENT -bepu' rrns Division: O7 /22/Lggg-xernv Act-ion: APPR N/A rtsem: 05500 PUBLTc woRKs " "--:::': Dept: PUB woRK Division: ol7iztr.igi-xetrv Action: APPR N/A o7/22/Lggs KAicV ect.ion' t'totr nbutgq to Leonard o7/22/tsg; iurffit ection: ealc strouLd be routed oT'/zg'/LggS isANDOve AcLion: APPR DETNED oz'lzg'ltggg iseloove Act'ion: cAl{c DENTED or/zgttg5; KATHi- a"tion' llorn nouted staging tro LS oe/oz/fi5; oiu - ectioni APPR appr per leonard rar**t****rt**ttt*'r*rrtIi*iti***a*irrt*rtt****rrr!'*i**'* ti"*tt*I*Jir!'tt**t**t rIttJ**'"tt*l.rft+**t***If**i****a*''l*tt***itt}*!r*t** seePage2ofEhiEDocumenEforanycondiEioneEhaErnayapplytothispermit. TO$IN OF VAIIJ 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAT) VAIL, CO 8L657 970-479-2L18 DBPARIIIEItr OF COMMNITY 421 BEAVER DAI{ CR 421 Beaver Dam Cr 2101-071-11-016 PRJ99-01?4 NOTE: TOV/Comm. Dev. AI-,L TIMES #: 899-0194 Clean-uP DePosit Refund approved amount date APPLICAIiIT WOODSTONE HOMES, INC. P.O. Box 3939, VArL, co 81658 COI.ITRACTOR WOODSTONE IiOMES, INC' P.O' BOX 3939' VAIIJ' CO 81658 or[NER scrrvoaniznsrcg srE\iEN & ELATIIE -J ro cl,dirsowei r,n, or.,D wEsrBuRlr Nlr 11568 staLus. . . : Applied. .: Issued. . . : Ercpires. . : Phone: 970-845'9698 Phone: 9?0-845-9698 ISSUED o7 /22/Le99 oe/02/Le99 oL/2e/2000 DECI,ARATIONS I h.r.bty .cktF l.dg€ chac I h.vo r.4d lhj't tFpllcrgicnr fill.d ouE ln full ch. lnforoecLon r.quLt.d, co{rPl.g.al .rt Bccur.le FloL Pl!n, atrd 6t'age that all the intolErlion provldrd r. lrqudr.d Lr corrrcE. I rgrsc tso conply rllh rh. lniorErliolr rnd Plot plan, to csrply 91Ch.LI Tovn ordilrncar rnd.tr!. lerr, end to butld thl. agtucLura rccordlng !o Lhe Aowr'e loning rnal tu.bdivlcl'gn codcr, dceign r.vi!* rpPlowed, gnlforn Bullctng ccd. tnd och.r ordlnrnc.. dflEh. Toyn c iharato. REQUEST9 FOR IN9PE TIONB AHAIJIJ BE MADE II{E!|1Y-FOUR IIOIJRS IN ADT'f,NCE B1 S.nd Cl.an-Up D6!ro.iE To: Wood.Con6 HoE.. At OltR OfFfCB FROU g:0O Al'i 5:oo Pf, OR, COIITRAqIOR FOR HTUABLT Al|D OI{NER PAGE 2 ********ittt****!t*******************************:r*********:t*********:t************* CONDITIONS OF APPROVAT aa of o8/L7/99Permit, #: 899-0194*********:t:t:t************************************************:r***:t*************** STATUS: ISSIIED Applled: 07/22/L999 regued: 08/02/L999 Permit, Tlpe: ADD/AJ,T SFR BUrLD pERIrtrT Appl-icant: WOODSTONE HOMES, INC. JOb AddTCAA: 42L BEA\IER DA!! CRtocation: 421 Beaver Dam Cr Parcel No: 2101-071-11-016 ******************************************************************************** CO![DITIONS ************:l**********:a!t!t**tltt*****************************il*t******************* 1. FrELD TNSPESTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CTTBCK FOR CODE COMPLTAI{CE. 2. SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUTRBD rN Ar,r. BEDROoMS AND BI/ERY sToRY AS PER S8C.310.5.1 0F TIIE 1997 tBC.3. RAVOCABIJE RIGHT OF WAY AGREBMEIIT IS REQUIRBD ASAP. A FIIJING FBE 0F $11.00 is required4. pts refer Eo condiBions Bet at drb on staff actlon theet *************!r************************************:t!t************ TOI|N OF VAIL, COLORADO StaEemne*****************************************************:t********** SEaLemnt Number: REC-0550 Amount,: 1,091 .50 08/L7/99 ltr24 Payment Met,hod: cHEcK NoEat,ion: #7695 Init.: KMW Permit No: 899-0194 flpe: A-BUIIJD ADD/ALT sFR BurrJD PE Parcel No: 2101-071-11-015sice Addreas: 421 BEAI/ER DAIr{ CRIrocation: 421 Beaver Dam Cr This Payment, **************************************************************** Account. Code DeEcription BP OO1OOOO31111OO BUIIIDING PERI'IT FEES DR OO1OOOO3]-12200 DESIGT.T REVIEW FEES PF 00r.00003r_r_2300 ptAI{ cHEcK FEES AD D2-DEPO8 CIJE',ANT'P DBPOSITSwc 00100003r_r-2800 WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE Total Fees: 1, 091.50 Tot,al AtL Pmtss: Balance: 1,111 .50 1,111 .50 .00 Amount 490 .00 30.00 318.50 250 .00 3 .00 rowN oF vArCoNsrRUcroN pERMrr orQ,.o'", lf-t; q -on'l- INI'ORMATION MUST BE COMPLf,TE OR THf,, APPLICATION WILL BE REJECTEI) 3:I:f;5f8" l"dq" i\"\"i"otr;omce at e7u328-8640 ror Pilcet #'5ffl'"ffiginiiftrI n.t, ?-JO -99 Permit# Bq-olq.J l"u N".., Sch u g,^Izy-e\c-\^. 6\ ----?r1 I .l.'l. -! l\ r^egal Description: Lor 3 gtock L\ rlir,g J hiuO\ subdivision UAI IW, owners Name: Sd eoo,.o, Lll\ {\s*ur.. S$^ Q;*c\r non"*315jzl--6{ {- o*"o*. *\\^ *;* Job Address: Mechanical (Other ( )aulcins $Q Plumbing ( ) Architect C P" <- Description of Job: Electrical ( ) maress: l6 5 \o* Alteration N Additional( ) VALUATIONS ELECTRICAL: $ MECHANICAL $ CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Work Class: New ( ) Number of Dwelling Units:=FU- Number and Tlpe of Fireplaces:Gas Appliances BIJILDING: $ 5O.OOO PLUMBTNG $----- -------- @! Contrlctor: - Town of Vail Registration No. @Elrestq: Town of Vail Registration No. B!u!!s-9s@!sc: Town of Vail Registailon No. Mechanical Contractor: Town of Vail Reeistration No. \l'.J n. or\ s\or* lhr.,*s Address: I3o" 39 3 I U I i \ pr,on.n tQc-9t1g ,/ 3to- tL Address: Phone # Address: Phone # Address: Phone # , ' il$9 FOR OFFICE USE BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: Phone*_\-lL' f,fLl| Slci 4or" n Repair( ) Other( ) Number of Accommodation Units: OTHER: $ TOTAL $ SIGNATURE: TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLY REGISTERED WTII{ TTIE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PT]BLIC WORKS AND COMMTJMTY DEVELOPEMENT JANUARY T. 1999 CONSTRUCTION PARKING AND MATERIAL STORACE CODE $.2-10: DEPOSITS ON PLIBLIC WAYS PROHIBIITII A. Unlawful deposits: Subject to subsection C thereoi it is unlarfirl for any person to litter, track or deposit, or cause to be littered, tracked or deposited sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, icq or any other debris or rnaterial upon any street, sidewalk, alley or public place, or any portion thereof. B. Notice; Abatement: The Director of Public Works may notifu and require any person who violates or c€tuses another to violate the provision of subsection A hereol or who has in the Director's employment a person who violates or &luses anotler to violate the same, top remove such sand, gravel, rocks, mud dirl snow, ice or any other debris or material within twenty four (24) hours after receipt of said notice by the Director of Public Works. In the event the person so notified does not comply with the notice within the period of time herein specified the Director of Public Wodrs, or other authorized agent, may cause any such sand, gravel, rocks, mud dirt, snow, ice, debris or any other material to be removed from any street or alley at the expense ofthe notified. C. Exceptions: The provisions of subsection A hereof shall not be applicable:l. Within the immediate area of any construction, maintenance or repair project of any street or alley or of any water main, sewer mair\ electricity line, gas line, telephone line or any appurtenance thereto; 2. To deposits of san4 dirt or materials necessary for the protection of the public safety; and3. To public areas designated for the dumping or depositing of said materials. D. Summons; Penalty: As an alternative to the notice for removal provided in subsection B above, any person who violates or causes another to violate the same, may be issued a summons to appear before the Municipal Court ofthe Town for said violations, and upon being found guilty of a violation hereunder be punished as provided in Section l-4-l ofthis code. E. Notice; Penalty: It is unlar,lflrl for any person to fail or refuse to comply with the notice of the Director of Public Works as provided in subsection B hereof, and any such person shall, in addition to payment of the expense of removal incurred by the Director of Public Works, as provided in subsection B hereo{ upon being found guilty ofa violation hereunder, be punishable as provided in Section l-4-l ofrhis Code. (1997 Code: Ordinance 6 (1979) Read and acknowledged by: Position or Relationship to hoject: *", uftof gr e. contactor or owner) TOWN OFVAIL Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE TIMf, FRAME If this permit requires a Town of Vail Fire Deparhnent Approval, Engineer's (Public Works) review and approval, a Planning Deparfnent review of Health Deparfinent review, and a review by the Building Deparfnent, the estimated time for a total rwiew may take as long as tkee (3) weeks. All commercial (large or smatl) and all multi-family permits will have to follow the above mentioned maximum requirements- Residential and small projects should take a lesser amount of time. However, if residential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned d€parftnents with regard to necessary review, thesc projects may also take the three (3) week period. Every attempt will be made by this departrnent to expedite this permit as soon as possible. I, the undersigned" understand the Plan Check procedurc and time frame. I also understand tbat if the permit is not picked up by the expiration date. that I must still pay the Plan Check Fee and that if I fail to do so it may affect future permits that I apply for. Agreed to by: Project Name: Date: Work Sheet was tumed into the Community Development Dept. {p**"* TO: FROM: DATE: RE: JOBNAME: MEMORANI'UM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS JANUARY I, 1999 WHEN A .PUBLIC WAY PERMIT: IS FSQIJIRED -t I ISe-hr^rsr.laLerz-h 4. 5. 6. *PUBLIC WAYPERMIT': l. Is this a new residence? YES DATE: PLEASE ANSWERTMFOLLOWING QUESTIONNAIRE REGARDINGTI{E NEED FOR A NO\ 2. Is demolition work being performed that requires the use of the Right+f-Way, easenrents or public property? VSS- NO 'l- 3. Is any utility wo* needed? YES NolL- Is the driveway being repaved?YES No!_ Is a different access needed to the site oth€r than tlrc existine ddvewav? YES NO\ Is any drainage wort being done that atrects the Right-of-Way, easements, or public property? YES 'NOX 7. 8. Is a "Revocable fught-of-Way Permit" required? YES No:- ilJ'$.*l_.{fK.*ffiflj{,yjuic property to be used for sragne. parkine or fencins? B. lf NO to 8A is ala*ing stasitrg orfencing plan required by Community Development?YES NO If you answered YES to any of these questionq a "Public Way Permit" must be obtained. "Public Way Permit" applications may be obtained at the Public Work's offce or at Community Development lfyou have any questions please call Leonard Sandoval from Public Works at 479-219a. pn@x. xRarsu l|€m af Yrll DEPOSIT RtFItrID REPORT- I'PDTII 9I6E L ct gl-ID cuallotcR x tl Tt?t D!pc)6rt Dlpogt!-tttit AI'i'Egn|gtT tFrEn-RaFInfDII-DNII rrr-DATI rrcUm llOIfiT rrcUXT lllq T cHlaSI@DE DISCRIIITON 1606 t99-0194 lioodElora llor||| Dz DEDor DIPOATT e/Lg/9e Lloglor 2s0.00 250.00 2s0.00- TOIIL tOR cltEfd|E?. TXll ! D2 O/t BAACH C ATBDT BAFCXI-ooo66 2oo1l01 USERID-itqtlqRlE lP HEIJD CoItXT-1.00 rl|o0!fl- .oo 250.00 250.oo 2s0. oo- oRIND TqIIL: 250.00 250.00 250.00- DlPosIr COl'lIA: I .o0 250.00 I TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvAlL, CO 81557 970-479-2t38 APPTICANT COI,ITRAETOR O!{NER DEPARTMEI{T OF COMMI'NITY DEVELOPMENT NOtfE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON \TOBSITE AT AIIJ TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit. #: 899-0149 JOb AddTCSS: 421 BEAVER DAIVI CRtocation- . .: 42L Beaver Dam CrParcel No. . : 2L0l-07t-t1-015 Projects No. : PRaI99-0174 BARE ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING, INC PO BOX 2403, #171 NIGIflTHAWK EAGLE RIVER, BARE EI.,ECTRICAL CONTRACTING, INC PO BOX 2403, #171 NIGIIIIIAWK EAGTE RMR, SCHWARTZREICTI STEVEN 6. ELAINE -iI10 CLOCKTOWER InI, OtD UIESTtsI]RY NY 11568 Status...: ISSIIED Applj.ed. . : 08/27 /L999rssued. ,.. 08/27/L999Expires..: 02/23/2000 Phone t 970-926-'7A52 AVON, CO 81620 Phonez 97o-926-7152 AVON, CO 81620 Phone : 51-6-465-8500 DescripEion: EIec for boot. wanner receps,landscapeliValuation:r 2, 600.00 fr***trrrrr**+r**r*r**r**+rr** FEB suMlnRy *r**rrrrr***ii* ElGcerical- - -> DRB Fee Inve!bj.gacion> Hill call --- - > tOtAL FEES- - -> 54 .00 .00 .o0 3 .00 s7.o0 Total calculated F€ee---> Tocal P6rmit Fee--------> Pal'mentB- - - -- -- Additsional Fees---------> ^00 57-00 57.00 BAIANCE DUE--.- .OO 57 .00 fEem: 05000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTI',IEMI DepL: BUfLDING Division:08/27/t999 KATITY Action: APPR Approved per-KW/otc It,b.M:'-O56OO FIRE DEPART!'IEI\IT -DCPT:.FIRE DiViSiON:08/27/L999 KATHY Action: APPR N/A .'";;;;;;;;;;;..'" 1. FIEI.,D INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRBD TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIAI\TCE. DECLARA'ITONS I heroby acknoel,edge tsbat. I have read thiF applicat.ion, fj.l1ed out in fuII Eh€ infoa"dation rsquired, completed an accurate pl-ot p1.n, and staee thats alf the inforl[ation plovided ae required is corlects. I agree to comply with Ehe inforuation .nd plo! plan, to coEply si.th all Tolrn ordlinanceg and state lairs, and go build thi6 strucEuro accor:di-ng to Ehe Torn's zoning add subdivision codca, deeign review approved, Uniform Building cod€ and ot.her ordirrances of bhe Town apFlicabLe tshereco. REQI,ESTS FOR TNgPEC:TIONS SHALIJ BE MADS TWB$TY.!'OUR HOI,RI} IN AD\ANCA BY TBI,EPHONE AT 479-2I.38 OR AT OUR OFFfCE FROM 8:OO Ag 5:OO PM tt+t*+l.rrlrrilr+rr''ra*tr*.r*t+rrir,rrrilrrr*tlrtlart*i*rr*ar**trrt*i** To!*I oP VAfIJ, COLORIDO gt.Ectr tE *tt{*rt*rat***1a*tttriaaatt*tt*Jt*.t*r*r*rr**r****t***rj}ii**+tttt gtatedrrt tfqrbar I REc-o853 A[ounr: .,. s7.Oo Oelz7lgg f6to3 Pryulltt ulEhodr ctr Nor,icion! 2141/EaQUIBEL tnit: tN P.reLi lvo! 899-0149 T)?.: B-BIJEC EfJlC.lRfCAtr DEnMIT Ptrc.l No: 2101-0?1-11-016 git€ Ad&lEe r {21 AEAVER Dlfi Cn !9cA?ion: 421 Br.vGr DBD Cr Tocrl Fa.. ! 5t.00 thia Pq/ocnt 57.00 Tolrl A'JL psr€ r s?.oo Brlatlcr: ,00 ****rttt*t*atlalalattllitattt!rarrtrirr*rrtir*tr*iatrttat '}tar*tit*at .}ceount eoda D.3orLptlon ldourit BP OO1OOOO31T1'OO EI,BCTRICA.L PBRI|IT FBES 5{.OO $c 0010000!112too nMr cAIrL lIgDac:eroN FBE 3.OO wfiq- onq TowN oF vALQNSrRUcroN 'ERM,, oril,.o'offi3;$*tf INFORIIIATION MUST BE COMPLBTE OR TIIE APPLICATION WILL BE RX,JECIT,D Contact the Eagle County Assesso,'s Office at 9TO-32A-E640 for parcel #Parcet# 2\ol - o-1 I - \l- olG tuechanic() Otlrer ( )/\ Subdivision Owners Architect: Description of Job: Work Class: New ( ) Numkr of Dwelling Units: Number and Type of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances BUILDING: $ PLT]MBING $ General Contractor: Town of Vail Registration No. Electrical Contractor: Town of Vail Registration No. Plumbins Contractor: Electrical ( Job Name: Building ( ) Legal Description: Plumbing ( ) Lot Block Additional ( )P€pair ( Number of Accommodation Units: Gas Logs VALUATIONS Phone Phone# Wood/Pellet lt9 ELECTRICAL:$ /orruins MECITAMCAL $ _EFr-- rorAl $_ CONTRACTOR INFORMATION y'ddress: Phone # Addres: Phone # Address: TownofVailReasrratiooNo.S# \E4-Fn non"{}Ql4 th 5rrlT FOR OFFICE USE Town of Vail Registration No. - lJ'l QQ-Off&nooe + Mechanicaf contractor &rtt frpr/A*;t Address , 3O3-y-7Y- ozz :eceived BUILDTNG: JUt gg 1990SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: CLEAN UP DEPOSIT REFUND TO: rowN o F vA S NS rRU c r o N p E RM,, or!i.o' o rtff*?l' o't'l INFORMATION MUST BE COMPLETE OR THE APPLICATION WILL BE RDJECTEI) contactthe-EasteCounfyAssessorsofficeatsTo-3zE-aillforparcet# Z lO I O 7 | llO ftParcal# 2tol - O1l- t\ -olLo "*, (- Ll" - 14 p",a,* E?7 -o W nvN^ "' 1e h Wa4z r ei &t t* o*"*, 4z / r?a k r /4A,( Or€4 ELecncal Ll7 Mechartical ( ) Filinq Subdivisiod I o,"n.rrNrr.,M.loo*., ?-? | A B€atrer,, Mpr - BJ. Archit€ct: Building ( ) Legal Description: Plumbing ( ) Lot Block Phone# Address:Phone# Additional ( )Repair ( )Other ( Number of Accommodation Units: Gas Logs Wood/Pellet Description of Job: Work Class: New ( ) Number of Dwelling Units: Alteration ( ) l VALUATIONS , n ELECTRICAL: s-[-2ao-Po i YMr@ MECHANICAL $ ./ - TOTAL $ CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Address: Town of VaiI Registration No # phone # _ S( Efecrricaf contracror.DM< t&',2"^l Address: tf, floy e+cg Avm fa^ Klb^" rownofvailRegisrationNo ^(el -F mon"* ?2O fJ6'?K? Plumbins Contractor: Number and Type of Fireplaces:Gas Appliances BIJILDING: $ PLI.MBING $ Generel Contractor: Address: Phone #Town of Vail Registration No. Mecbanical Contractor: Town of Varl Rcsistmtion No. Address: Phone # FOR OFFICE USE BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: 2 7 1999 ate AU6 ecg|ve( TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, CO 8165? 970-479-2L38 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Perrnit #: 896-0109 Job Addrese: 42L BEAVER DAl.{ RD Location. . . : Parcel No.. : 2101-071-11-005 Proiect No. : PRJ95-00?4 APPLICANT BC ELECTRONIC SERVICES, INC P.O BOX 730, AVON CO 81620 CONTRACTOR BC ELECTRONIC SERVICES, INC P.O BOX ?30, AVON CO 81620 OWNER INNSTEAD LIMITED PARTNERSHIP 486, LAURELBROOK DR' CARAGIN FALLS DescriPtioN: FIRE ALARM status...: ISSUED Applied. .z 05/28/I996 Issued. ..2 06/L9/L996Expires..: L2/!6/t996 Phone: 303-949-1100 Phone: 303-949-1100 oH 44020 Valuation:1,500.00 FEE SUIIIIARY Etcctri ca t-> 50.00 DRB Fe. Tota I caLcutated Fe"s--> Additionat tees--------> TotE I Perrit F..-------> Pryncnts--_- BALAN CE DUE----------> 53.00 .00 53.00 51.00. .00 tnvestigati on> ui tt c!tt-_-> TOTAL FEES--.> 3.00 53.m *r**t*rrr****r* Irem: o6000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT --_ 99ptI_BgILDING Division: 66/t9/1996 CHARLTE Action: APPR FoR ERNsr AND JEFF A t*****t*********t CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIRE DEPARTMENT FINAL APPROVAL REQ'D PRIOR TO TCO r*********t**r** DECLARATIONS I hcreby acknor|l,cdgc that t h.v. read this apptication, fitLcd out in ful,t thr inform.tiol'l requircd, coPtct.d-an lccur.te Ptot ptin, a'nO statc thft att thc information proirided rs rcquiFcd is correct, t agrce to conrpty vith the infornation lnd ptot Ptrn, io clnpty uith att Torn ordinanccs.and stitc [avs, and io buitd this structurr according to the ToHnrs zoni ng and subdivision codcs,'disign reviev approved, Uniiorn BuiLding Code End othlr ofdinanccs of the Tovn applicabte thlreto. nEouEsTs FoR INspEcTIoNs SHALL BE IIADE rr€NTy-FouR Hol,Rs IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHoNE AT 47F2138 oR AT ouR oFFlcE FRoll E:00 4 5i00 Pil **************************************************************** TowN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statemnt**************************************************************** Statennt Nurnber: REC-o159 Amount:53.00 06/te/e6 10:35Init: CDPa)rment Method: CK Notation: #3016 896-0109 Type: B-ELEC ETECTRICAL PERMIT 2101-071-11-005 421 BEAVER DAM RD Total Fees:53.00 Total ALL Pnts: Balance I ******************r.********************************************* Permit No: Parcel No:Site Addrese: This Payment Account Code' 01 0000 41313 01 0000 41336 Description ELECTRICAL PERMIT FEES WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE s3.00 53.00 .00 Anount 50.00 3.00 Asse rce 00, otrto*; oF vArL co*srRuctl. PER}fIT -APPLTCATTON FOR}I PERIIIT II- <l rr/Jb'r' - Qs -ooaz Town of vail Reg. NO.Pnone Nunber: -- DATE: APPLfCATfON I'tUsf BEal d55r''tr'/1rrL'/n llusr BE FILLED oUI CoMPLETELY oR IT tlAy NoT BE AccEpTED f,*****************:l*********** PERurr rNFoRrtarroN **************************** [ ]-Building t l-plunbins [ ]-Electrical [ ]_Mechanibat gsotner *fu ]ob lrarne: llff' t Rea,qerce Job Addre"=, MffiLega1 oescription: rot_L arock{ ,rrrnn Owners Name:Addrees:Ph._----Architect: - - -Address:Ph.General Description: ttet-- E/iz.- "r-r----- t::*"n.r"lllJNu'ber of Dnelling units:7- Q4trcg Nunber of, Acco'rodation unr.ts: 1t*"" and T11pe'of Fireplaces: Gas Appriances_ Gas Logs_ wooaTreri"a- t[:::.... ****** ******** ************ vALUATToNs * * **************************il BUILDTNG: S =?'Aar-^r +.^ F FtlE ntatLth ^ lidffi; i-- *TS"'*I:l:,:!J,ao' - orirE'i z $_ti@.F(l/--'--"-' ? MEcHANrcAtt $- ^;:::i ":;i::I:::. i^j:.j: * - coryrtAqroR r.NFoRMArro; EcHANrcAt: $----.- a 'vv' --- colfllRAC]nop TrrFrrDur,?r.?^r,. Phone Number: Con_tractor:o !.rFnAqIOR INFoRMA! t'b fi 6q n rl ro -urll|f *,:.*: * : : ": " tr * * !r * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Electriear contractor: *--ir Address: .nlunbing Contractor:Address: (tRefruatFfKclif(4&rn sva _--Ff:Fr,contraczgyz DC Elezrwr,>SEeutes,7fu IlIl^",f..I111. R"g : 19. yn _sW ffi:1""i.ffi:L"ZZIZTW ********************************F6D.|FFt'rar BU_rLDING psRtdT-rsn, FoR oFF,rcE*g.:I :::************************r***pLUr.rBrNG pinrii,i isii BUTLDTNG pr.AN cHEcK FEE:MlcHANrcAr,-iirmlri-Fie, - PLUIIBING pr.all cnnci fsi, !----- EriEqrRrcAl riii-'orHER rvps or-iEn, DRB FEE: -___ TOTAIJ PERI.IIT FEES: I J BUII,DING: ;__l I STGNATURE: l-i-l__l_ i ZONTNG:j6;;;-r.--r- l- | STGNATURE: cLEAx ItP DEPOSI! REnnu, m: TOWN OF VATI 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADVAIL, CO 8L657 970-479-2]-38 ilob Address...: 42t BEAVER DAU CRLocat,ion...... : 421 Beawer Dam CrParcel No..... : 2101-071-1L-01-5Project Number: PRJ99-0174 APPLICAI\TT R & H MEGANICAT LI.C ].047 CIIERRWALE ROA.D, CONTRACTOR R & H MECHANICAL IJIJC 1"047 CHERRWAIE ROAD,OWNER SCIIWARTZREICH STEVEN 10 CLOCKTOWER I.I{, OLD Descript.ion: Mechanical for 200'of snowmelt at DEPARIII'IENT OF COMMI]NITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: TIirS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT Al,L TIMES MECHANICAL PERMTT Permit #: M99-0098 St.atus...: ISSUED Applied.- . : 07 /29/1999Issued. -.: 08/8/A999 Ercpires. . : Ot/30/2OOO FireDl.ace Infotllation: Regtricted: Y #Of Gae Appliances: BOI'LDER, CO BOT'LDER, CO & EI,AINE -J WESTBI]RY NY entry 803 03 803 03 11568 ValuaEion: #Of GaB LogB: Phone: 303-543-9894 Phone: 303-543-9894 Phone: 5l-6-465-8500 2, s00 . 00 *of wood/P.lLct: i*f*i*****r*it**ttt*****r*.*rrrrri1r****+rr+* pEE souMARy r*e*r*i*****r****1****r**lltrirtrrrr'r*rr*t*rr*rtrtrt'r+ri*+* uechanical- - - > Plan Check- - - > Illv€stiEacLon> wiLl call----> 60 .00 15. OO 50.00 3.00 Restuarant Plan Revi-a$--> .O0 DRB Fee-------- TOTAL FITES----- r.38.00 Toeal calculated Fees---> 139.00 Addicional Fe€E---------> .o0 Tolaf Pemib Fee--------> Palmente------- 138.00 138.O0.."'."'.."";;";;.;;;;;;;;';;;;'.'.............';;il;;;;;';;;;;;,."'."' 07/29/L999 KATHY Action: NOTE Routed to ,JRiO8/02/L999 JRM .A,CTJ-ON: APPR APPROVEDItqml .05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT DepL: FIRE Division:07/29/t999 IGTIIY AcEion: APPR N/A CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIETD TNSPECTIONS ARE REOUIRED TO CIIECK FOR CODE COMPLIAIiICE.2. COMBUSTTONATR rS REQUTRED pER SEC. 701 OF THE 1997 IIMC, OR SEETION 701 OF TIIE 1.997 IMC.3. INSTATI,ATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTIJRES TNSTRUCTIONS ANDTO CIIAPTER 1.0 OF TI{E 1.997 IJMC, CHAPTER 10 OF THE 1997 IMC.4. GAS APPIJIANCES SHAI'L BE VEI{:TED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 8 AND SHALL TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.8O6 OF THE 1997 I]MC, OR EHAPTER 8 OF THE 1997 IMC.5. ACCESS TO HEATTNG EOUIPMEI{T MUST COMPLY WITH CHAPTER 3 AIiTD SEC.1O17 OF THE 1997 I]MC AND C]IAPTER 3 OF THE 1997 IMC.6. BOILERS SIALL BE MOI]NTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST. I]NLESS LISTED FOR MOUIfTING ON COMBUSTTBTE FLOORING.7. PERMIT, PLANS AIiTD CODE AIiIALYSIS MIUST BE POSTED IN MECHANICA], ROOM PRTOR TO AN INSPECTION REOT]EST.8. DRAINAGE OF MECHANICAI, ROOMS CONTAINING HEAT]NG OR HOT-WATERSI'PPLY BOITERS SIATL BE EOUIPPED WITII A FLOOR DRAIN PER SEC.1022 0F THE 1997 IIMC, OR sBqrrON 1004.6 0F THE L997 rMC. ********************************************************************!************ DECLARA:TIONS f hcrabf' aclrnorlrdg€ that r hlve re.d Ehis applicatign, f,iucd out, in fuI1 tshc infonetlon roquired, cdlrl6ced an accurrcq plotplan' and etrce lhrc lll ehc infort !io!i prorridsd ae r.quired ir sorr.ct. I .irc! to comply !.lfh the infolfi.tlon.nd plot plen, Eo couPly r1t'h rll Tofrr ordinrrcls alld slate ],ara, and Co build thie etructurr rccording to th! Toun, s zdling atrd rubdlwleionco&a, deign r|vi€r apptoved, gnifots Butlding code |rrd otb.r ordinanceE of thr Tor!1 alDlicable thelBto. RsgC'|rE EOd, IIcl'PEcrlONS SHA'IL BE !'ADB TIIEI{:rY-FOUB HOIJRS IlT ADVAI{CE AICNq"TNE OF OIIIEB ON @|tIRAcIbR FOR HIUEETF A!|D qINR TSITEPHONI AT 479-2138 OR AT OltR OFFICE pRolt a:OO All 5!Oo pr rrrrft **rr;r.rtrt.r,rrrrrt TOtf,t oP vlltr, qaR.eDo StrteEnt r*t* a*i*l att*ir *r* rr* !rr itt t r* ** r | * * r+ *i ** * * Jr i***r rrr*r*r* * ****t gtaE.lnt &rbcr: rue-0557 lrount: Pryr6nt foebadr 229€ noEasion: 13s.oo 0elor,/99 ls:{? hiE: itR Pltldt ror ||99-OO98 typ.: B-UECE r|Ecrul{Iql'J pRxIT Prrc.I N6! ?101-071-1I -016 gige lddtr.€. 421 BEIVIR DAII CR LocrEiorr: 121 Eeavrr Di[ Cr $ria P.l'rant ToLal Fecr: 138.00 tot.l aIJ. P!!a: Balrnc.: 138.00 134.00 .00 lccount Coda rP 0010000311L300 PE 00r,oDoo3t12300 tfc 00100003112800 m 00100003153000 D.. cripEiort l@un! 60.00 15,00 3,00 60.00 xBcHlt|IcrlJ PnUIA FlEg PITAN CITECR FEES WILIJ CAIiI' IlCSPEqIq{ trEE IIVSATIGATIOII PEE (BITE) I TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 97 0-47 9-2L38 Or AT #: Job Address... LocationParcel No.....Project Nurnber APPLICANT CONTR,ACTOR OWNER Description: INSTALI, NEW BOILERS FOR SNOWMELT SYS firepLace Intorn tion: Restricted: Y #Of Gas Apptiances: Ptan Check--> 100.00 oRB Inve3tigation>.00 TOTAL FEES---- Statu8.,.: ISSUEDApplied..: 08/Ls/7996rssued...t 08/L5/1996 Expires . .3 02/Lt/t997 2101-071-11-005 PRJ9s-0074 YOUNG, SCOTT 4461_ DRTFTWOOD pL, BOULDER, CO 80301 YOUNG, SCOTT 4461 DRTFTWOOD PL, BOULDER, CO 90301 INNSTEAD LIMITID PARTNERSHIP THE 486 LAURELBROOK DR, CARAGTN FALLS OH 44022 Valuation: flOf Gas Logs: Phone: 3035304138 Phone: 3035304138 20, 000. 00 #Of l,ood/Pat Let: ffi*f**r*********t FEE Sut{ll Ry ***ffi****tttlt*****r*f,ffi l4cchani ca [-)400.00 Restuarant Ptan Revi e|r-->.00 Total Calcutated Fees-->.00 Additionat F!es-------->503.m Tota[ PefDit FeF-----> 503.00 .00 505.00 Ui l, L Ca L t---> 3.00 Payncnts-------* ffil*- ITC$i .951Q0 BUILDING DEPARTMENT Dept: BUILDING Division:08/I5/1996 CHARLIE ACTiON: APPR CHARLIE DAVISI!q$i',956Q0_FIRE_DEPART\iENT Dept: FIRE Division:o8/7s/L996 CHARLTE Action: AppR N/A CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD IN$PECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.?. qQMBUSTION AIR IS BEQUIRED PER SEC. 60? OF THE 1991 UME.3. rNsrAr,LATroN MUsr coNFoRM To MANrtFAcruneS- rlrSrn0etroNs-AxoTO APPENDIX CHAPTER 21 Or THE 1991 T'MC.4. qAS APPLIANCES SHALL BE VENTED ACCORDTNG TO CHAPTER 9 AND_ EA!!_TEBr'{TNATE As spEcrFrED rN snc.906 or rttE 1991 uMC.5. AQgEgs ro HEATTNG EeurpMENT r.{usr coMpr,y l{lrfr--SEe:50s-alro703 0F THE 1991 rrMC;6. BOILEBS S$ALL BE MOUNTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST.uNLEss LrsrED FoR MoUNTTNG oN coMBusrrBLE FiOORiNG:-7. pERMrrrpLANs AND coDE ANALysrs Mrusr BE FoSTED rll MecHANrcaLROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPECTION REOUEST.8. DRAINAGE OF MECHANICAL ROOMS CONTAINING HEATING OR HOT-WATER tyig"Er"8frtrtgni"tftL.BE EQUTPPED wrrH A FLooR DRAIN pER sEc. **********************************!k********************************************* 3 Kl( (g DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: TI{IS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE PermitMECHANICAL PERMIT Lsf tl Vo,|U/|3-'-,7 ALL TIMES M9 5 -012 4 DECLARATIONS I or lf I.lrFrcby .tcknorrtcdge that I have read thi3 apptication, fittcd out ln ful,l, tha information f.quirrd, conpl,cted an.ccurrte ptotptan, and st!t. th.t rtt the infornation pfovidcd as required is co?rect. I agrce to corpty vith thc iniorration and pl,ot itan,to co*ty uith att Toun ordinances ard state [ar3, snd to buitd this structurc according to thc Toflnrs zoning and subdivision codes, design rcvian approved, Uniforrn 8uiLding Codc and other ordinanc.s of thc Tovn lpptic.blc thcfeto. REOUESTS FOR IIISPECTIOI{S SHALL 8E IIADE II.IENTY-FOUR HOURS IN SIGNATURE OF OIIIIER OR CONTRACTOR TOR HII{SELF ANO BY TELEPKT|{E AT 4n-2138 OR AT OUR OFfICE FRotl 8:00 A 5:00 Ptl t oo o. TOWN OF VArL, COLORADO Statemnt**************************************************************** Statemnt Number: REC-0185 Amount:s03.00 08/Is/96 09: 18Init: cDPalrment Method: CK Notation 2 #2044 Permit No: ParceL No:Site Address: Location: This Payrnent Account Code 01 0000 4t3r2 01 0000 4L332 01 0000 4t336 Total Fees:503.00 Total- ALL Pmts: Balance: Description MECHANICAL PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE M96-0124 Type: B-MECH MECHANTCAL PERMIT 2101-0 71- 11-00s 421 BEAVER DAI,I RD 421 BEAVER DAM CR **************************************************************** 503.00 503.00 .00 Amount 400 .00 100.00 3. 00 Vcc4;r;,ig llor*esOf ae '|il Sedrv !*^ (,relc So*+\Jn,L 6,r*l* --*t. , Z 'z neth , f ocrt w44fr C.I.*r- "%*l'fu!^'ri.""*t*X. s'w* r/'e rr*rfuJ# HHzz{ @ fur+<-L\, t* \)t3 .{ $\ bst) \t $[ J -\Jac r\:s?*{$ trnof Vall OFFIoECOPY b;L ,yii ,, lf " sto,',{ -PPhaJ , b'r ir*Jr+'L1h'". G*r*yc Poo r ro i',,ir;r?ffiho t b , '1. t i - ..r, i. ) 1-3; :-.,r, .r'i.i{ fa, ' tg'. -t'., ttiA* fivfrtt___Lc3.{*-. I , sut{ **,"1"c1- or'{ b"rA b"'V ', C o',nbrs{;a-^ air k b* uo"d'&l{ di^d b*+kg. ";,tP, /oi.;o" %'f?r&r, mr.,u-i + Htl Zz{ oui 5,& *itw ;r'tioh'."""n eXir+' n4filin,' ;-1foam L I 1o bc i{itiIt\);JJN i{i5IJ ix Itt-$ I l$ l= I I L_, IEJ 'fr" /r.* to n''''l'', ,..crf,t\ ,la T*f o. zz' to'+h r/nCf ar{EaT- :m +r^lh 1o ^ &,#t'" . . .rlwl W r';i' J. , UK-tA{4i"Y\ Jf,a' a .si ->,- iII i: -__-*-_-Tl1r." r . :4<EF Io- F.., F I+Q*-"$aJ sA -S.. t.. \ - r$dic\(ij. -) RF e-t \alsla$*F- I K_l5 |+ It 11 r','O I oo Front Vievt Minimum clearances: sides: 6-; Rear: 6o; Frontr 4'(sizes 50-100), unobstructed (slzes 1g5-gg5) }L,IL 97-1n' @nv @ ortspptyl Topr 93" (ftom top of boiler) l hput BTU/H Size r 1000 Heating Cdp. BTU/H x 1000 Net IBR BTU/H x 1000 AfUE % Spark lgnition Strndinq Pilot Dimensions (inchca)water Gas Appror. Conn, Conn. \trcight (incher) (inch€s) (lb's.) Nat Pro Gc G6s Nat ProGas Ga5 Not Pro Not ProGas Gcs Gas Gas I cDv 50 5073 75 -!g 100 +.9 ,t3 63 6483 85 36.5 37.1 51.8 55.6 --?l.e _219 81.1 85.,r 80,9 89.0 8.1.0 85.9 80.5 89.5 8JI^0--J5.L 80.7 8e.7 13-y8 97-A4 23. e 9l-y1 1 13-38 97.y4 91.118 91.3t1 5 16-718 eulh 94-118 9ig-3t1 5 1-1t1 1ts reo t1-111 1t9 1961-1t4 1E 13,r 1-111 1n 138 1-111 ln ft41-1t4 ln 181 -lEL --irr ru_ 104 106133 135186 190 90.,f 99.1 115.7 117.1 161.7 165.9 -s3.0 eat-3-o--8e.783.0 8,f.8 81.0 83.083.9 85.0 81.5 83.5 16-1tg sg-3t1 er.slg ce-3fa---- !0-3a 98.3/,{ 93.5t8 92-3t4 6 95-5/8 31-1/9 23-1t1 g1-3t1 7 ,/.\ AccEssours Porver Vemt Kit - For through-the-wall venting on 50,000 to 195,000 BTUihr sizes. Continuously regulated draft reduces energy cosb by maintaining Efficient combustion. Non{ombustible Base - MlNl-THERlvt ll must be installed on a Teledyne Laan non-combustible base assembly or other approved non-combusUble suface. Base adcls 1" to boiler heights listed in table. Non{ombGtible Stand - For eaqy maintenance accesibility, a 19.1/2" high non-combustible floor stand b also available. Conprcssion Tankr - Air-charged diaphragm-qp€ tank witr automatic makeup water contol. 'Not w.ibbls h Canad., Accc$ory Sizcs pln Na Powsr Vent Xit (U.5.) 50.195 10570OOO(Canada) 50-C95 PV.09 Non-Combustibl€ Ease 50 & 75 10,t66701 100 & lqs 10466709160 10466703995 10,16670,t Non-Combustible Stand 50-lC5 ?0109900 t@- 995 901099m rcorrprcssion Tlnk 50-195 A0066800 160 a 995 A0066900 ft'nE Rr,rly ro H[rp You The hot water specialisls at Teledpe Laarc would be happy to put their over 40 years of experience to work for you. For asistance in choosing tre right unit for your application - or if you d simply like to know more about our products, seruices, and extensive wananty - just call toll-free 1{0G362-5678 (U.S.). "FTELEDYNE LAARS eo1ndstrialWry, Rochester, NH 03867 . Tcl: (800) 369-5678, (603) 335{300 Foc (603) 335-3355 480_5. Service Road W6t, Oatsiile, Ontariq Canada L6K QH4 i Tet, (905) 941{933 Far: (905) g44_9635 6000 Condor Ddve, Moorpa*, CA 93091 o Tel: (905) 599.9000 Fax: (gO5) 599.593 4 Or oo Dimensional Data IBR Net'. - G* rnput , outp"t'' 'ilii!' :::H:i'""$BTU'H BTU/H BTU/H ----:J::-:]::::::_r IOOO x IOOO x l0OO Naturals LPt Conn. Slre 125 101 88 Y2 W 175 142 123 '/z'Yo '/z 250 203 176 325 263 229 11/z 18 27 231/z 6 255 1'/2 22Vz 31'/z ?4Y, 7 285 1fz 26rA 353A 251/a I 325 500 500 405 325 I 1A-1 600 600 486 423 1 %-1 715 715 579 504 1 3/a'1 850 850 689 599 1'1Y1 T+|'/a 1200 1200 972 845 1% 1-11A 1430 1430 1158 1007 11/t 1t/4 1670 1670 1353 1176 11A-1W 1% 1825 1825 147A 1285 11/t-11/z 1'/n 2000 1999 1639 1425 1Y2 1'/t-1% 2450 2450 2009 1747 11/12 '1',/z 3050 3050 2501 2175 1'/z-2 1'/2 3500 3500 2870 2496 2 1',/z 4050 4050 3321 2888 2-?1/2 2 4500 4500 3690 3209 ZYz 2 5000 5000 4100 3565 21/2 2 1010 1010 8',18 711 1'/a 1-1'/a 33% 39% 385/a 445/e 44V4 5OV4 50% 56% 58 64 oo 7a I 1/1 IO Oa 85t/a 91t/s 92% 98Ys aa /2 00 oa/2 |J 78 85th 88 95Yz '100Y2 108 1101/, 1 18 '123 130Y2 [a,n 9 -5fi 23% 10 612 2lz 2% 2'/a 2t/, 2Ve 4 4 225/a 12 75O 215/s 14 830 20s/e 16 986 29% 16 995 19s/a 18 1080 19s/e 18 1175 195/a 18 1270 24Y2 22 1815 24Y, 24 1950 24Y, 26 2100 24Y, 28 2237 24'./a 30 2555 24lz 32 3075 tBR Net,j - Grt.. \ /arcr Inputr! output'4 Ratins .:::f:[1], cgnn' Outdoor BTU/H 8TU/H BTU/HSize x loo0 x 1000 x 1000 Naturals LPs (lnch€5)'? Shipping Wei8ht (lbs). 1'/z lYz lYz 1'/z t/2 2 2t/z 2Yz 21/z 2Vz 4 15 231/? 18 27 22t/a 31% 26% 353/a 313/t 40% 33% 39% 38% 44% 44fa 5O'/4 503/t 563/t 58 64 66Y' 72Y1 76 A2 85th 91Y2 92'A 98'/t 65'/, 73 78 85'/z 88 95v, 10QYz 108 1101/z 118 123 13O'/z 13eAa 5 141Aa 6 185/e 7 193/o I 22% I 230 255 285 325 360 751 821 906 1000 1116 1185 1330 1490 1 630 2300 2670 2750 3175 3380 e2.rn 125 125 98 85 1/, 175 175 137 119 Va-3/a 250 250 195 170 3/a 325 325 254 220 3/t 400 400 312 ?71 s/+ 500 500 410 357 1 600 600 492 428 1 715 715 586 510 1 850 850 697 606 | 1010 1010 828 720 1200 1200 984 856 1430 '1430 1173 1020 1670 1670 1370 1 191 1825 1825 1497 ',1302 2200 2205 1786 1553 'l'/2,2 2800 2745 ?223 1933 1'/z-2 3200 3150 255? 2?19 2 3600 3645 2952 2567 2-21/2 4OO0 4O5O 3281 2853 21/z 4500 4500 3645 3170 2'/z /2 Yz '/z Y2 % % 7a 1 1 1'/t 11/t 1'/, 1t/z 11/z 11/z 2 c Notes: l. Input and output musr be derated 4% per 1000 feet above sea level when installed above 2000 fee! altitude. 2. Dimensions are nominal' i. Units '.n irtr'purpr: Add 20 lbs. to sizes 125-40d and 55 lbs. ro sizes SOO- t giS. l. iqr Uoiler redngs: Boiler Horsepower: HP = OutPut/31J75, Radiation il;;;J i'ddi.'d :'?j",p"visq rgi rq. ft. = trlet teR Rating/ 150. 5. When two gas connection-sizes are shown. the smaller applier to the standard 8as train' while the larrer agpties ro oprionat trains, such as four srage or mo@rized g;; v;iv;i. -onlutt taaoty f- exacr.specifications. 6' Vint damper required for only u.;::"il;ti:;i6il;-t;f;;; ils:iso. For "C" dimension without vent iamper deduct 5" for sizes 125 and 175. Deduct 52" for size 250' $, C Dimensional Diagrams lndoorlOutdoor cast lron 385/0-.- 'with base 409/1a Brome 385/s 'with bass 40eh6 F- 251/2 - ->l Cast kon 'lttu' B,onze 1l1D Pu'nD | | :"'\..d i.''tltlT-ltl.^ Gas I I _TIT TIi| lll,Il!tlJ|l'tlt rlil-_'llftll17l-'"+ i i F-- A ---!74_,_4 Strffi '-,i;ft ir;iri:,F";tJ'ssl"ltxl*,::ilill'?*n? lr --- oari-l---.'---.' Pwr{-oo1.l PERI.IIT iI t APPLICATIoN I'tUsT BE FILLED oUT couPLgtELY oR IT t[Ay NoT BE AccEpTED I****************************** PEtll,tIT INFORI,IABJON *****************************rl t d--builaf"? , q l-plurnbing [ ]-Etectricat pf,-uechanibar "Jo *.", il,Ir,ln,rrrk', R*, ro6 AddresE: Lega1 Description; Lot Block_ Owners Name; Architect: -=--- " Address: Address: WorkClass:W11-atderationt]-Aclditiona}[]-Repair[]-other Nunber of Dwelling unitst G- Number of Acconmodation units: ^ lpmber and Tlpe of Fireplaces: Gas Appriances- cas r.ogs- I{ood,/perret_v 'r************* ************* **:l**** VAWATfONS * ******** *************** *********'t fiq6-o rJ_LlBUILDfNG: eLECTRfCei, $_ - , .,?\ OTHER: f J;tntBiili F- ;"ffiffi;ff:-ryapt I * * * * * * * * * * * * !r * * * * * * * * * * * * * * COIIIRAqIOR INFORI{ATf ON7 Eeneral Contractor: li,/,'', a (,t*,u tJ .r.,rrrrrr.r.r t General Descripti"", fulf Sfbry . Phone Ntlnber: PLWBING PERMIT FEE: r---r v"sv 'tr.,r,trr?^r, PLUI{BrNG PI"AN .CHECK fEE:MECI{ANrCAL pERl,tIT FEE: - '\ }'"n' ELEqtRTcAL FEE: llEcHANrc4L pr.AN cEEcK FEE: - RECREATIqN FEE:orHER TypE oF FEE: = cr.nAN_up-,6npostr,DRB FEE : Er.rrrrr ? rtE'tt'?dTOTAL PER}IIT FEES: BUTI..DING: SIGNAIURE: ZONING: SIGNAtrTIRE: TOTAL:- ***************************Contractor:0 Phone Number: Electrical Contractor:adaressi- ---------"" - I;:1."f#:1,*"e. No._ Plunbing Contractor:aaara="l --------"\'&' - - 3;:1""fi"ffi:1,*"s' No' pn.|tr- %18 Ph. CLBAI{ I'P IIEPOSIT REPI'ND r{): REPT 131 TBIdN BF VAIL, EOLORADO 18113/96 €t6r54 REAUESTS FOR INSFEtrTIDN tdORK SHEETS FORT IE/13/96 Activity: tr93-rZr064 le/13196 Type: B-pLMB Address: 431 BEAVER DAjYI RD Locat i on : SAlrlE ADDRESS Farce I : E101-rI7t-11-AA5 Deseript ion: INSTALL F'LUMBING FOR NEt^l p/S AppI ieent: TJBODSTONE HOHES,' INC. Owner: IIN9TEAD LIMITED trARTNERSHIF contract or : h,EoDsTEiTB HoFtEs, INc. Inspeetion Request Infor"nation...,. Requestor: CEM MECHANICAL/JOHN Req Timer OBrO0 Comments..Itetrs requested to be Inspeeted. , , Act ion Co Atlgg6 trLl'lB*Final Status: IS.SUHD tronrtr; NDUtr ,-:-- Ocr r use: Phone; 31134799715 Fhone: Fhone: 3834799715 trhone : 445-4P99-trAG F,AGE 14 AREA: trF Tine Expntg Inspeet ion Histor'y. . . . Item : Oft;:14 FLMB-Underqround A8/'Ag/93 Inspector.: D$ Action: AtrtrR AFFROVED It en r O0eetA FLFIB-Rough/D. t,. V. ,,:04/e3/96 Inspeetor: CD ,.-f,etionr AtrtrR/ pRIMRRY nND $ECONDARV' Noteg: SECtrNDARY UNIT 6 F,SI^FIR TEST, 6 FSI AIRTEST KITCHEN t/.trRIMARY5p5IAIRTEsT'Nt]RTH5F.sIAlRTHsTl5psIAIRTEsTB'' I t en l ftO830 trLMB-Ro r-rgh lt lat er'.-- @4/e:,t96 Inspectorr:-.ED Action: AtrFR trRiMBRY AND SECONEATIY' Notes: SEC0NDRRY pNIT 5er trSI AIRTEST FRIMRRY 5Ytr$I AIRT.EIIT . .; Itenl AOA4O PLMF-Eag fripinq \ .A4/e3/96 lirspector': CD Action: APPR PRIMARY AND SEtrONDABY / Notes! SECONDRRY t: pSI AIRTEST,F,RIMARY 11 F,SI AIRTESTiy -.--Itern: lAOeSA F,LMB-troo1/Hot Tub r. Item r OOEGA FLMB-Mi =c. =r . Iten: EOegA FLMB-Final ! t l.: INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 , :F JOB NAME CALLER TUES WEDFOR INSPECTION:I MOlrl.ri?- /;d-,TH BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: D UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATEB tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING POOL / H. TUB ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP, POWER O HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED N REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR REPTl31 R.un Id: 316'o 01-04-2001 Inspection Request Reporting Page 4 8'00 am ' Vail, Go'- City Of - { Reque$gd hspect 9a[e: Thursday, January 04, 4ru1 hspedliun Area: JR sre Address: iAl ES""JB:ftrcR vArL AIPID ffiormdfon Srb Type: A$FR Status. U-se: V 1 HR Insp nrea: Phone: 97F84S9598 Phone: 970'.8459698 ISSUED JR Req|ctted krsooctlon{s} ' icril; 90 BLOG.FlnalReqp3tor: WOODSTONE HOMES, lNC. hroecdkn Hls*orv Item: 510 dnva./av arade finsl Item: 10 BLDC-FooIinos/Steel Corrrnerifs: WILL CALL EARLY AM**X$,Iii cc.^.vrs Time ElE: R€ouested Tlme: 08:00 Ail' Phonc: 97G84$9698 -or- CHR|S 9l+5044 Er*ered By: CDnVlg Y. ,A t,,f ln 9. ,'-t,{ '- .' IterYt: Itam: Item:It m: ltem: ItGm: Itt'rrr: Itern: 116m: Item: Itom: (Ootlonali (ODtlonal) ** AEDrowd -JRM ' Ariion: (Optionsl) (Recsrired) (oF,tlonal) (Optiond) tC,trctional) APPRAPPROVED M*.\) t) ," ,oF. fr(r'is ^,qjlro f ^; f ro' '/ '*''J:\"\ *ff- Kp J ,l'J,1 80 7A 90 530 sil0 qi$: ' "'- (*" ;.( O1l24l9g lnsoector: Commems: an6rovso 20 BLDGFIJurclaiioifsteei 5?0 PU\|l ILC Site Plan 30 glDliFraminqtlo (Rcouired) - 50 BLDGlnsulation 60 BL Oci-Sneetrock Nail (Optional) (Raorired). '(optlonal) (Rcquired) OGgn -nevrsw Actron FCn TOWN OF VAIL .r,l ,^ il,a Category Numbet IL Project Name: Building Name: Proiect Descript lsn' l: t' ,.: ;"'r,tg '-','l ii r'i''U A ^il|( lM:i iL, l, :* ' '' r rtat€ fi) t'ru ! ! N Owner, Address and Phone:,_' 1,,,f r, l*r-lrtl-oca_ ArchitecuContact, Address and Lesaf Descriprion:rot 3 Btock 4 s*ai"irion Vatl VillaqLZd Zone Districr ?t3 Proiect street eaaress: k?. \ & a-v<x -Fotm C) c cl+-' Comments: Motion by: @ Vote: Seconded by: n Approval n Disapproval 2ftaff Aorroval ( i,tA{ in *4:,rf. r,- Town Planner on , 12 ?\ 7'1.,' 14 DRB Fee Pre-paid ---.-.- FritzlenPierceBriner 1000 Lionsridge Loop Suite ID t Vail, Co.81658 c (970) 476-6342 o Fax: (970) 476-4901 September 28, 1995 Lauren rYaterton Community Development Town of Vail Re : Hitchcock Residence Lauren, Attached is ASI (Architects Supplemental Information) #3 for the Hitchcock Residence. There are two changes contained in this ASI may require a subsequent DRB review. They are items 'C' and 'F' on the cover sheet. Item 'C' describes the deletion of a partial height stone wall adjacent to one of the spas. Reference details ASI 302 and 306. The wall was about 9 feet in length, and extended above gradefrom 0" to 18" above grade, avery minimal wall. Item'F' notes the deletion of an thirdfloor exterior window, on the east side of the building, overlooking the driveway court. There were conflicts with the interior bath counter and rninor, and with the exterior roof eave lines. ld like to think, as minor as these are, they would both be staffapproval issues. However, if there are any problems or concerrv please let me lmow. Thanks! Sincerely,frtl..J -r- --J-- Dale Smith Architect odO (o O ( C) OOO: (ocoOO It\ O.')r-O HITCHCOCK RESIDENCE Fritzl e n Pier c e B rin er Ar ch ite cts 1000 Lionsridge Loop, Vail, Co. 81658 476-6342 ftu 476-a901 Date:27 3e ?5 Re. A343 Detail No.:eY tu5 CAP r.o. CAP A\ - ,//\ RE: AIOOI FOR DOOR I AINDOA 5CHEDULE T NATERIALS F$H<(\5r=. \ ,\. ^tl- s rrr,' $ FU:XRr wx v s.u$qEi 5Xs $i.jF8 $D \a F': h F-!\J(!s'* *t r\s $ AE/87/1995 L2t5? FROM Koechlein Consulting Eng T0 LE4??L9'7A3?:A?1ES p.Oj AYO_N (303) e49.6009 (303) e4e-e228 FAX SILVERTHORNE (303) 46s.6033 (300).t168€93p FAX :p-]i"tt.'a, rillt KGchlein Consunin? Engineerq . Consulting Geotechnical Engineers 12354 W. Alameda Pkvry. Sulte 130'Lakewood, CO 8q228 MAIN OFFICE (303) 989-1223 (303) 9E9-0204 FAX Subject; Excavation lnspection Proposed H itchcqck Residence Lot 3, Block 4, Filing 3 vail Village Subdivision M^- -4--\ vail. cotorado T0 q2 [ u /? robNo. e5.r7e Z>ri,/ t /ar:-( As requcstcd. a representative fronr our oflice inspected the foundrfion marerials "**$rn *. hrc' proposedrcsidcncccxcavatio'natthesubjemsiteonJulylg,20,2land26, 1995. Thepurpooeof our inspcction was to verify that thc cxposcd matpriat$ would s*fcly support a rpcad footing foundation system for fte proposed residence. The materials exposed in the bottom of the etcavation for the prgpo$€d rasidenco consistcd of natural soil and fill. Water was observed to bc secping at epproximstely 15 fbet north of the southwcst corner of the residence and in thc southwest corner of the garage. Thc wNter crcatcd soft soils and it was rccornmended that thesc soils bc trmoved aad replaced by granrrlar fill. Fitl was placcd on the natural soil in the arcas whgre watEr was obsprvsd to be socping- In our opinion. the fill covuing the soft soils will safcly support a spread footing foundation syatem designcd for a maximum allowable soil bearing pressure of 1,J00 prf. 'l-ire soils exposed in thc rc.maining cxcavation for the pnrposed rcsidence corrsiwd of ndural soil. Thc natural $oils consisted of a tan, silty, sand end gr+vel- In our opinion, these ntfrrral srils will safely support a spread footing foundation systEm desigred for a maxlmum allswable soil bcaring pr'e.s$urc of 3,000 psf 31,1995 Chris Brennan Woodslone Homos 1253 $praddlc Crcek Road Vail. CO E1657 TOTAL P.A3 agla?/LJgs L2t58 Koechlein Consu lt ing Eng TO Chris Brcnnan July 3 l, 1995 Pege2 lVo apprciate the opportunity !o prsvide tbis scrvicc. Coffiact us, Sinccnely, KOECHLEIN CONST'LTING ENGINEERS 978328?185 P.El If nu crn bc of firthcr savioq plcesc FRCT4a LW'77LI aj'U^*"", #. *t*-l-t+", Williarn H. Kocchlcin, P.E. President sBrwhk ccr Eagle County cc; Tim Boyle cc: Dale Smith TI]TAL P. 61 IILE COPT 75 South Fronnge Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 FAX970-479-2452 JulY 14, 1995 Department of Conmunity Development Chris Hitchcock 486 Laurelbrook Drive Chagrin Falls, OH 44022 RE: Lot 3, Block 4' VailVillage 3rd Filing Dear Mr. Hitchcock: Aspartoftheapprovalforyournewprimary/secondaryresidence|oqt.ejonBeavefDamCircle' a Road Easement ngr";l"ii, n.lSrow'tot t#iltii;;; BeaverDam circle that encroaches onto your property. f naue "ncfosed tne Agreemltit "nO'itq,.st that yo.u sign in the presence of a Notary pubtic on paSe i as the property o*n"t.'tn"l yo" fi".y.q .iglg9-lnd returned this to me' I wilt have our Town Manager sign the agreement;ilth; Iwill beiecorded with Eagle County' lf you have any questions, do not hesitate to call me at (970) 479-2138' SincerelY, t .A,,,rt" L*ffi'fuw iirren Waterton Town Planner enclosures tp*"noto'uo ijwun - ROAD EASEMENT AGREEMENT THIS ROAD EASEMENT AGREEMENT (the'Easement") is made and entered into this ?si*aav o1 -T-q-l+ 1995, by and between the TNNSTEAD LrMtrED 0 PARTNERSHIP, an Ohio Limited Partnership ("Grantor.) and the TOWN OF VAIL, a Colorado municipal corporation (the "Town"), collectively refened to as the .parties". WITNESSETH: For and in consideration of Ten and No/100 Dollars ($1O.OO1 and the mutual covenants hereinafter expressed, the Grantor grants to the Town a perpetual easement upon the properties described in Exhibit A, attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference, the "Easement Parcel" as shown and depicted on the Exhibit for the property known as 421 Beaver Dam Circle, also known as Lot 3, Btock 4, Vait Village Third Fiting (the ,'servient Tenement,'); TO HAVE AND TO HOLD, for the purpose of constructing, maintaining, and repairing the following improvements thereon, to wit, a roaclway. The Grantor and the Town mutuallv covenant and aqree: 1- Grantor Shall have the right to utilize the Easement Parcel for any and all purposes not inconsistent with the rlghts and privileges herein granted to the Town, including but not limited to ingress and egress to the servient Estate and Grantor shall have the right to cross the Easement Parcel with driveways for such purpose. 2. Any improvements to the Easement Parcel shall be at the Toyvn's cost and expense. 3. The Town, from time to time, and at all times after the effective date of this Easement Agreement, at its own cost and expense, shall repair and maintiain, in a proper, substantial' and workmanlike manner, the Easement Parcel. The Town shall install and maintain the road$ray provided for herein without disturbing the rest of the Servient parcel or the uses of the owners thereof. Any of Grantors improvements which may be located on the Easement area shall also be restored to their original condition as soon as possible after the Town completes ib work. 4. Access and use under this Easement Agreement shall be limited to the Easement Parcel; there shall be no access to or use of any other part of the seMent renement. 5. The Town shall indemnify the Grantor, defend and hold fie Grantor harmless against all liability, loss or expense for any claim of injuries to persons or damaged property arising out of the construction, use, or maintenance of said Easement parcel, unless the claim arises out of the negligence of the Grantor, its agents or employees. 1 o o 6. This Easement shall be perpetual and shall run with the land. 7. Ths Parties agree that his Agreement contains the entire understanding and agreement between the Parties and cannot be amended, modified or supplemented in any way, except by written agreement executed by alt Parties and duly recorded in he office of the Clerk and Recorder of Eagle County, State of Colorado. 8. This agreement shall be governed by the lar,ns ot the State of Colorado. 9. lf any provision of this Easement shall be held invalid, illegal or unenforceable, it shall not affect or impair the validity, legality or enforceability ol any other provision of this Easement Agreement, and there shall be substituted for the atfected provision(s) a valid and enlorceable provision(s) as similar as possible to the affected provision(s). Grantor shall use its best efforls to install and maintain the Easement Parcel without disturbing the Servlent Estate or the use of any of the owners of the Servient Estate. 10. In the event this Easement shall be abandoned for one y€ar, lt shalt terminate and the property interest of the Grantor therein shall revert to the Grantor, its suc@ssors and assigns. 11. This Easement Agreement may be executed in counterparls with the same effect as if all parties had executed the same instrument. lN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have signed this Easement Agreement the day and year ffrst written above. GRANTOR: THE INNSTEAD LIMITED PARTNERSHIP s4;- STATE OF @rOhADe ) couNw oF A],.thooo- l*'--T-- 0 ,af The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me on n!..,1Oay ot 1995, by Christopher nitcncocX@.r^ttit /a,ffv,t-,, of The Innstead Limited partnership. II)RI A. SARVER.NoUT Public Strtc of Ohlo - Summit County My Conmlsslon Brplrcs April t2.-2000 Christopher HitEhcock Wihess my hand and officialseal. .lr/Otl GRANTEE: TOWN OF VAIL, a Colorado munidpal coForation STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE The loregoing instrument was acknowledged before me on oa5ff AaV ot Jlr-U^--____-v- 1995, by Robert W. McLaurin, Town Manager. Witness my hand and officialseal. My commission expires Ctlnrdtd.||| Robsrt W. McLarfrin, Town Manager ,offishw}.lss" cn.\ JIvaao{uut T' KI I ZLBI\ TIEfiU-I1 o \UY rsl uur FritzJen Pierce Briner P.O, Box 57 t Vdl Cobrado 81658. 303476-842 t Fax: ,N1/6.1m1 May 24, 1995 Dick Duran, Chief l'oum of Vail tire l-)epartment 42 W. Mesdow Drive Vail Colorado 81557 RE: Hitchcock Residenoe 421 Beaver Dam Circle. Vail Colorado 5l15l95 Meeting Dear Dick, Thank you for taking the time to meet in regards to the fire protectionrequtremenls for tlw Hitcbtock residence. This letter is to confinn thai t}.e ounet is not required to sprinkler the building but we will continue to enoouxage thc owner to consider a sprinklet system. Pleasc infonn us if this is inconect. Thank you. cc: Lawen Watertotr TOV Planning Departnent #ol Drg.c t ,rtFost-lt" b.and ta)( fansmittal m€mo 7171 \ To: Lauren Waterton Subject: IliLchcock Residence ===l{Qlf,=========== ====$ /)$ / 9 5==9 :57am== Yes it, is ok to release the permit.Than )-,a"u(Pn\Jrri r'ofi [Ze 5'.Jpurc.E 3. \\u.K 4,)Vfl,l V"\\49t T\ind LIZ\;.-- - , 5<-4vrr .\).-^,^*. 6;. C'rc-\ e, y+i\ C", ^lf r ltn<1 tttbI\4at LA Fire De1rt.: ,;,," UnAl>[t +g r"'i.nc lr sn,tl1|vy I ft) - 4'no-., it f i'itvt't t' U y1,,, r,:...,i. *,bt .l* d,r l, ?..:rt, t,.i 1 ,tf'lt, d'l l, V::,s1r,'i ^l af,.,1 r '-''* f ll;r r" f'trtlr t*, (-t I ::"::":t" €',"-n'''.', {""; A -sr:ng'\e Ac'es5Spri^\r\" r- _Sl-r.ra\.,r''ra l-*ur"4r 1'L*u' ui+, #,'t \ Lrrc\i -:--=- tgo0ttl{r'l'zLt;N Plljltu-Evo/ vV/ Vo . lZ: {O FA:L Y iU{ /b4UUl - Fritzlen Pierce Briner P,O. hx 57 . Vsil Colottu EI65E . 3034766342 . Far: tm47H901 May 9, 1995 JeffAttencio Town of Vail Fire Deparnnent 42 WestMeadowDrive Vail Colorado 81657 re: Hitchcock Residence 421Beaver Dun Circle Dear Jeft 'fhank you for taking the time to review our fire access plan. As I r.rnderstand it the sprinkler requircment is due to the inability to access any pa."t of the building from a single point adjacent to apublicrigfutofrayraithinl50'. Ourfireaccessplanindicaredffio. Iamoftheunderstandingthat tbe restriction to a single access is at thp discretion of the fire marshall and not a uritteu requirement. If this is trre the most restrictive iaterpretation of thc code rnay not be appropriate in liglrt ofthe following: 1,Theresidenceislocatedwithinahalf-mileofthemain$ailFireDepartment Theresponsetime is likety one of the low-est within the diskict. 2. There are two residences proposed with a t hour fue separation between them. 3 The site is well tree<l and is not subjectto wild fire. 4. The proposed building is a minimum of l5' from any property line per Town of Vail setback rcquiremcnts. I also have the following questions: 1. Are you rcquiring both residsnces to be sprinlded orjust one? 2. Are there any altemates that would be acccptablc to you such as a rcmote monitoring system with heat/smoke alarms? 3. Can the system be either wet or dry? Ii would bc very hclpful if you coutd. provi& r:s rvith a copy of the codified section of the fue code that you are relying on for fuhlre rcferencc' OF/0g/gd".l2:18 F.tr IoffAttencio Pagc 2 Mty 9, 1995 970478100L FRITZLEN PIERCT qa 002I Arcbitcct cc: Charlie Biederman Cbris Hitchcook La.uen'Waterton LI9{ TTDOOATTENC.IO.WPD o F ILE C&FY 75 South Prontage Road Vail" Colorado 81657 30s-479-21 38 / 479-2 I 3e FAX 303-479-24s2 May 8, 1995 Deparnnent of Community Development . Chris Hitchcock 486 Laurelbrook Drive Chagrin Falls, OH 440?2 RE: Lot 3, Block 4, VailVillage 3rd Filing Dear Mr. Hitchcock: As part of the approvalfor your new primary/secondary residence located on Beaver Dam Circle, a revocable right-of-way permit is required for the sidewalk connecting Beaver Dam Hoad and the primary unit. I have enclosed the application and request that you sign on the back page as the property owner. For your reference, I have also included a copy of the site plan indicating the area of encroachment into the right-of-way. Once you have signed and returned this to me, I will have it recorded with Eagle County. lf you have any questions, do not hesitate to call me at (970) 479-2138, Sincerely, kill/til- kt,W)- Lauren Waterton Town Planner enclosures +tett\toatct4 +o vily Ir'..Ir APPL'CATION FOR REVOCABLE PERMTT TO ERECT OR MAINTAINA STRUCTURE ON A PUBLIC RIGHT-OF.WAY (Please type or print)Fence Wall Landscaping Other THE INNSTEAD LII,IITED PARTNERSHIP DATEMAY 5. 1995 OWNER OF PROPERTY NAME OF APPLICANT ADDRESS 486 LAURE LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERry TO BE SERVED: lgTl-BLOCK 4 SUBD1V1S;ON vArL vTLLAGE 3RD FILTNG (lf necessary, attachl@iGscriprion on-sepTEiilrreeii Corner lot x Inside lot ottffl,FilroJ\'S5,ilf_lctuFFp#ffiqtu!{f; )rlNAElsHr_oF_wAy: Attach plans "t orln ilitl.lli#iXi"]::'"Tl^oli:I3l'::i:o "o?"rrenance in tne prqeci-a?ea'[o scare ordi m en sio n ed) and s eciio n (s) as wen d;E;;;il0,ffi ;#ltj: Does struclure presentlv exist? No Proposed date for commencemfrfffiiffii In consideration of the iss-uance of a revocable permit for the slructure above indicated,applicant agrees as.follows : 1' That the structure,herein authorized on a revocabre permit basis is restricred^ glclusively to the land above described.1' Inat the permit is rimited specificaily to the type of structure described in thisapplication. -.'- '' r- Yr v" uvru' ., \r'r! 3' That the applicant shall notify the Town Manager, or his duly authorized agent, twenty-four hours in advance of the time foi'commencement of construction, in order that, glop"r inspection may be made by the Town.+' Ine appicant agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Town ot Vail, its ofticers,employees and agents from and against-all liability, craims ano o]emands on account ofinjury, loss or damage, incruding drh;;i rimitarion craims arising from bodiry injury,personar injury, sickness, diseaie, death, properry ross or damage, or any other ross ofany kind whatsoever, which arise out bi or are in any manner connected withappricant's activities p_r.ou3lr to tis permit, if such injury, ross, or damage is caused inwhole or in part by, or is craimed to de lauseo inwhore or in parr by, the act, omission,error, profess'on1^1f^1^T:stake, ne.gtigence or other fault of ihe appticant, his .contractor or subcontractor or any otiicir, emproyee o, ,upr"..niutive of lhe appricant,his contractor or his subcontta"tor. rne appticant agrees to investigate, handrerespond to, and to provide defense tor ano oetend;6il;;i-r-r.n tiuoitity, ctaims, ordemands at the s-ore. expense of the app[canr. The appricant irso agrees lo bear arlother expenses rerating thereto, incrud'in! court costs and attomey,s fees, whether ornot any such liability, claims, orOemandi alleqed are oroundless. fatsa nr,r.r,r{rrt.,nr I'::._tryg..as rees to procure ano maintai nl ;i il ;;;;i, i-;.ii; ;; ;f;;' ;?,.Insurance sufficient to ensure against all liability claims, oem-anJJano other obligationsassumed bv rhe appricanr pursuanr to this parigraph ;. -i;;;iiri."nr further agreeslo release the Town ofrair, its officers, afents and emproyees from any and allliability' claims' demands, or actions oi cirs", of actions whatsoever arising out of anydamage, ross or injury to the appticint or-to tne applicant,s property caused by theTown of Vair, its orficers, "g"ni" anJ emptoyees whire engaged in maintenance orsnow removar activities or any other activities whatsoever"oi ro*n or Vair property,streets, sidewalks, or rights_oi_way. 5.That the permit may be revoked whenever it is determined that the encroachment, obstruclion, or other struclure constitutes a nuisance, destroys or impairs lhe use of the right-of-way by the public, constitules a traflic hazard, or the property upon which the encroachment, obstruclion, or structure exists is required for use by the public; or it may be revoked at any time for any reason deemed suflicient by the Town of Vail. That the applicant will remove, at his expense, the encroachment, obstruction, or structure within ten days alter receiving notice of any revocation of said permit. That the applicant agrees to maintain any landscaping associated with the encroachment on the right-of-way. That in the event said removal of the encroachmenl, obslruction, or structure is not accomplished within ten days, the Town is hereby authorized to remove same and have the right to make an assessment against the property and collect the costs or removal in the same manner as general taxes are collected. That the applicant has read and underslands all of the terms and conditions set forth in this application. Special conditions: The sidewalk sha11 be made of either concrete or o. 7. 8. o 10. asphalt fron t.he I property line to Ehe edge of road. There must be a drainage design lncorporated lnto the sidewalk for roadside drainase. Signature of Property Owner (lf joint ownership, both signatures) APPROVED: Date Project Planner Date Town Engineer Date .'i !r TOWN OF VAIL Proiect Nerne: Bullding Name: Prolect Degcriptiofl: owner, Addres "^aenon' ( ktfh *\lfu)Ult-)(- Address and Phone: tr LegalDesaiption: Lot 4 arlck * Project Street Address: zoneDistrict q5Subdlvision Commente: @'s."frAction Uo|lon$, Yote: 4- O i&mProvat tr Disapproval ! Staff Approval ^- 1. 2. 3. Conditions of Approval llitchcock Residence 421 Beaver Dam Clrcle ,' ?(zioO Vo f C.,O,, The Town of Vail will be granted an easement for a section of Beaver Dam Circle now located on the Hitchcock property. A Revocable Right-of-way permit must be issued for the sidewalk extending from the property to Beaver Dam Road. lf heated pavers are used for the driveway and walkway, heat must be kept four feet ofithe existing edge of the asphalt for the roadway. fi E-U Sl-tkt b t.rt..d 7lLa/s4 o BOARDDESTGN REVIEW APPI-.ICATION - TOWN OF VAIL, COIJORADO DAtE RECETVED: DATE OF DRB MEETING:!r*****t*** ****t!l**itr. A. PROT]ECT TNFORMATTON: DESCRIPTION, V.iI LEGAL DESCRIPTION:LoL 3 BlockSubdivisiorid Filin If property is described bvdescription, pldase providlt.o Lhis applicacion. D. a meets and boundson a separaLe sheet 1ega1 and attach ZONTNG: NAME OF APPLICANT:Mailing Address:tead Lirnited Partnershlp - Christopher Ilitchcock, 4elbrook Drive Mana ar tnerChagrJn Fal1s. OH 44022 phone H.NAME qF OWNER(S) : NAME OF APPLICANT,S R*RESENTATIVE: Lynn FTit.zlenMail.ing Address:vai1, c0 81658 Mailing Address:486 Laurelbrook Drlve ,Chigrin Falls, OH 44022 Phone I. J. APPLICATIONS WILL NOT BE PAOCESSED WITHO:dtr O'f}IE8'S SIGNATURE Condominium Approval if applicable. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above,\ are to be paid at theLime of submiEt.al . of . the DRB ufpirp.crorr. rJater, whenapplvinq for a building permic-,'frbu"e ioenei.iv-lhu u.",.,rur"valuaLion of rhe proposal. The iown ot vail will adjus. .hefee according uo the- tante Uetowl to ensufe the correct feer.D pcrJ.Ll , n,r,r n nn 461;-^ bAZ,ti.| FEE SCHEDULE:, VALUATION$ c $ 1C,000$ 10, 00L - $ s0, 000$ s0, 001 $ 1s0, 000 $150.001 - $ 500,000 $500,001 _ 91,000,000$ Over $1, 000, 000 DESIGN REVIEW BOARD APPROVAL,EXPIRES APPROVAI, I'NI,ESS A BUIIJDING PERMIT ISIS STARIED. FEE ,D ZU. UU $ 50.00 $100.00 $200.00 $400.00 $500.00 ONE YEAR AFTER FINAL ISSUED AI{D CONSTRUCTION Secondarv Residenrial i Itl"lr.a r/ft/ar I TYFE aF ttnVlr.nr I Jfu-.ifew conrtrucbion (f200. 0Ol -;Jddieigo {$50.oot degcriptlon, pldrse provide Eo:EhlE appllcation. U[nor elterlcion (t2g. -Cftncraptsuel hr*'igw (0O)'rl. I neete qnd bounds leEal on a oepfrate rb,eet antl aLtach or. al Paf f,nc:f { n - $rrlct fhlnrln lfrllr" nH fiftf1?? lFl.Elr- F l a..t4r D" llt'" - :E 6 =.17 s., <to DEBIS{ REYIEW HOARD lDPfrlGltlnroxr , S0tflil oi vatrr, co&qnArru DATE II.ECEIVED| D'\AB OF DnB l'|EPftrt$l:) | rl-a t ala- aA ee deflneil t&B D. F. F. R. H. OF APPLtrcIt}I!r l,tng Addrp.qd r ts bald. . VAITUATIONt O i 1c.60o S 10,001 0 ',01000f, qn_ool . l'150,000 $150,001 - $ 500,000 s500,ool - +t.oo0roo0s oucr *1,000,000 ffi.f,tGt{ SHrrRn nntDn .l.DDnalttr !;,D!!n!! aFf&tlYfirr TnfTrfififi i nrJrrr$J.$u l$llftrn TtlI5 STAREED.'l :, ggB t {^ at^? 19.s9 Ir 50.OO 0100. O0 '200,00N{il0. nn' fs00.00 otta 1l$.,{, DrtEllTnmiln lHn Fill E OF IIFDLICATIII''gI'ing AddresBi*I! qF o}|NER(81: I ns arldrerr' NAME OF PROJECT: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: STREET ADDRESS: LOr__3_ 42I Beaver IJrsT oF MATERTAIS BLOCK'_4__ Dam Circle SUBDfVISIOp Vail ViLlage 3rd Filine The following informat.ion is Review Board before a final A. BUIIJDING I{ATERIAI-TS: Lo the Design I x 10 Vertlcal Cedar Shiplap Natural Sandstone - Random Edge Buff 2 x Cedar Fascia IlaturaL 1 x 10 Cedar Natural- reguired approval TYPE OF for submittal can be given: MATERIAIJ Roof Siding OLher Wal1 Mat.erials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim lland or Deck Rails FIues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining WaIIs Exterior Lighting Other LANDSCAPING: Name 2x6Jamb&Ilead 2 x 10 Sil-1 Soft - Dark Green Pel1a UC61326 Natural Raised Panel - Oak Stained to Match Cedar - Soft Greer Wi.ndow Claddlng Painted Window to Match Cladding otT are esigner: Phone: I4fD fixtures at entrv and side of undecided at this tlme garage PLA}IT MA"ERIA; PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS Bot,anical Name co*orr?a.. Plcea Enslenao Amelanchier Engleman Spruce Servic eberry Oregon Grape OuanLi. tv Siz'e* 5 gal r9 J b4-L 6', Mahonia aouifolLum *IndicaEe caJ_iper for deciduous trees. Minimum caliper fornches . rndicare hEishE-Toi-E6ATllerousiduous Lrees. GROUND, COVERS soD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL **rndicate siz@5 qal}on. crees 1s 6 teer.. Minimum size of shrubs is TVpe Match existlng (Nat lve Grasses) Square Footaqe n/a Match existing at dlsturbed areas (Natlve Grasses) underground 1/a c. ITANDSCAPE LIGHTING: If exterior lighting is proposed, pleaseshow the number of fixLures and tocatiois on a separate ii:ii::3,51 t";", li"t:i' I,:i;l.' lti*i*i'""i*" riili::i.i*3"o, light proposed, rumen outpu!., luminous-area ina a cu. sheet ofthe lighr f ixr.ure. (Secritn' 18 . 54 .050 J) OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining waLls, fences, swimmingpoors, erc.) please specify. rndi6ace tr.isht;-"f retainingwal1s. Maximum heishr of wllrs wichin th;-i;;";-serback is3'. Maximum heighL of waLls elsewhere on cfre-pioi"rcy is 6, n I : ISUBDIVISION JOB NJIUbLOT3. !'TII.,I"Y +9qA,TrON VERIFTCATTON Thlrd Fll BLOCK Vall v (. ' thd locirclon and avallablllty of uEllltleE, wheEher lrujlk llnee or proposed lines, musE be approved and to).lowl1rg utlllt,les f or uhc acconpanying slte plan. I ADDRES$; 421 Beever Clrclo I iU.S, WeEE Coftnunlcations 1 '800 - 922'!9.&?.t' ,468. 5880 or 9{9 - {s30 PubIie Service Company 9,19 - 5?81.cary HaII II'loly-Crbss ElecLric Assoc, 949 - 5892 Ted Husky/Mlchael Laverry II{eritagb Cablevision T.v., 9.19 - 5530 stevel HlaLr Upper EagIc VaIley tllater & Sanitation DisbricL '.i76 " 7480 trred itaslee NOTE I | 1. 2. 6. * Please bring a obuaining Upperflow needg musL ApUho4i,z€d giqnatur€ verify service should be usedutiIIEy plan and availabilityand,r, they be **ri, iverlfled byi the M -lo this form is"Lo i?Eiliil; ,3ti"installatiorrs. in conjunct.lon wj,;ehjscheduline I ill : rf a utility company has concerns with Che propolsda consLrucL.ion, the utility repre6enLaLive should horiiireccty on Lhc utility verificat,ion forrn Lilat tfrdreis a problem which'needs bo be resolved. The issrieshould t,hen be spelled ou! ln deEall in an aEtachijdletLar Lo the Town of tail , However, pleaso teeb linmind rhat ir is bhe responsibitity of rhe urilit&icompany to resolve idencified problems. i i If the utility varification form has signatures lffomeach of the u L i I i ty conpanies , and no comments alreimade direcLly on uhe form, uhe Town wiII prcsurn{ Ichat Lhcre are no problems and EhaE the d€velopniericcan proceed. I I For any new cons[ruc[ion proposal, Lhe applicanbi .lmust provide a compleLcd utilicy verificaElon fo'rni. ?hese verif j.cat ions do nob relieve Ehe cent.ractor iofhis responsibility t,o obLain a 6LreeL cut perrniti : f rom Lhe Tovrn of vail, Departmenb of publit wor)4s j ill !o, sP!aili..ug-itlLv locarions be!o_r:e.gjss{ls iln ;any pub}ic right.-of -way or ea$emenb in hhe Town ,of Vail. A sEree[ cut perrnit musL be obsained separately. InstaLlation of service lines are aL the expens{rqsponsibilrty of the ploperey owner. I sit.e p1an, floor plan, and elevaIions whenEagle vaLley }{aUer & Sanitaiion signatures.be addressed. itrii rd q 4P I I I .SUBDrvf SrON Va11 \tOB NAl,lE E Ir0T BLOCK I{DDRESS 421 Beever Dan ClrcL Herl.LaEe Cablevision 9d9. s530 sbeve Hiau[ Assoc, IJaVerty --ro Third I Ili"*"it:lsnoino.rlvairabil.i by of u ril i r,ies,, wherher f,ot lowins utilrir':lt::g lil":t-musb bF -il;;d*?"lTa f or,lowinE uEili[1;[-i;; iililT;"Hil";i"inllil-3rlli U. S. -West, ConnunicatLons1-800-922.L987 d68-6860 or g49-45t0 Fubl i c_ _service Comparyffirffit Holy Cross Erectrlc 949 - s892 Ted Husky/Michael FILING Authorized Slsnatur; they be malverifled bq I i t,rre DaE,e --l- Upper Eagle Vatley water& Saniuat,ion Discricu i 47 6 -7480 Pred Haslee NOTE:1. -----------j availabiLlry and i i{t ,-r.n4..--r- r ^- --.r J-iirr conJuncEion wifrrischeduling I jil This fornr is to verify servicelocaE,ion. q$is shouf a le ueeapreparing yfrr urility plan andinstallations. 4. 3. 4. 5, F brlng A street cub pe L musE be obtained InstalLation of service lines are aLresponslbiliuy of the properly owner, separataly. Ehe expenge z4- ; vi 3A34?849a I PR6E.X* TOTAL PAGE, A tn P1eflse a site pl-an, floor planr and, elevatlons when Faglg Valley waref a saniEaLion signaEures.be addressed.. obbaining Upper'f low needs muEL F.i r. .: t'44 iaa2 a? For any nehr conscruction proposal. t+g-appfic.rrt i imusI provide a bompteced lriiilv-rerificiiion eonnl :l-:.::llilI "g1gunv has concerns $'ith b,he Fiopeq*{consE,rucrlon, the u_tIIiby reprBsentative sh-our'a do{itirectty on che urrri.v ie;iii;;ii;;';;;^'iilli"rii!1.i-s a problem w.hich.needs Lo be ;;;;r";i."' ,iiil-r",lllnshould rhen be sperred our in aeiaii i"-o"-"icilli;EteLter ro rhe roim of vaii.- rro**"!i.^iirll"I'rlElil=*nrnind that, ir is rhe responsfUiii[v of Lhe utillrv Icompany to resolve identified, problems. -- ': i ;jrf the-utility verification forrn hae slgnatures (rdneach of the uEillcy compani€er Erld oo c5*or"ol"-aie imade direcrly on the foirn, bhe TowB wirf preiu*"-i- IBhab there are no probrems and that Erre aEveiopnentcan proceed. .- i lii These verificaUions d,o nol relieve the coDtractof dfhig responeibility ro obtain a atrect cut permit, i rfrbn the ?owrr of y?il, Departrnene of pulfi;-w;;is iil.l lo. t?!"+l f trriw roca -'in any publlc righL-of-way or easemenB in tne-fodn of iVall . A buildino norrnl F. { e nnt n . F'.aar- ,^. r. ir.-'*,.r r{ g '95 14t54 >F "X t rf €I tll! I Troct u @ Troct D p $sa Eo9a42 tNv r{E to96.a3 rxv x t|0231 sw 6097.57 NE 6097.66 ,,-^}.\<::./ 81 23-26 E tr23.36 s t|24.t7 NW 6140.06 sw 8140,32 at47.7J @r 8t29.r9 ,'L.J>N s-H--]. -.\ s a1?e.6e /- 61Eai6-- lY 6t2a.a7 | /s Er29.O7 l. I @ i.:':;1"'* J.7$p Slr8. loogf'n r{o. 2 I l}{ 6169.51I hv r ar6g-tl. t{v s al72.m (N $i\ w 8144.r8st4 tr4.t.ao II i : 1 @ @ PARCEL B a, DA?E: Single Family 3 /13 /9s :::3:"::tcTI:1roN: r,_ot =r.3_- Block 4 subdivision Var_l_ village 3rd Filins 1D_?1!SS: 4?1 Beaver.am Circle : OWNER Innstead LtduwNl;!( Innstead Ltd. partnership PAONEChris llitchcock, manag ing partner ARCHITECT l-wnn T'r"i f zl an ZONE CHECK FOR Residence,. Duplex, pr ZONE DISTRICTS o inary/Secondary PROPOSED I,OT SIZE USE Residential- Exlstlng to be removed Height Tot,al GRFA Primary GRFA 2,409.84+ Secondary GRFA 1,606.56+ SeLbacks Front Sides Rear Site Coverage Landscaping ReLaini.ng Wa11 HeighLs Parking carage CrediC Drive: 3'/6, Complies with T.O.V. Lighring Ordinance Water Course SeEback (30) (s0) Do Finish Grades Exceed 2:L (50e.) Environmentat/Hazards: 1) view Corridor Encroachment: yes, PHONE 476'6342 BUILDABIJE LOT AREA 17 ,664,eO \Ilohred ExisEinq proposed Total\(30) (33)'"... 33' 33, 33,1._-._T\./4016.40 \rgO 5356.50 ,/ SZSO.SO -/ \/-'4ot6.4o \tro 5356.s0 ,/ ssso.so -- Tt G,azS = 2834.u _17E 3110.5/ 3110.s _ A> - -r.r \azs = n3r.ft 430 \ 22:{ 2246 \ \ -l.. \, ,01.s6 430 \ 224d 2246 \ \ 20, -.-7 ] 15'1s, //F N3532 ,/ 3\31 3531 r i\ \3s32 / 3\31 3s31 r N ft\ 10s98 .4 L6,Og6 10680\ 10680 N,-_--- -- \ Permirceasfope 8 t proposedsl-ope, t '$ 5Reqrds\aen"r* (3oo)(600) (eoo),rrooE F +a Yes x No _"1nla q YES- NO x Ns b) Rockfall _ ;7ac) Debris Flow ^t^LII 9 4) Wetlands n/a Nox Does Lhis regiiesl jrrvuive a 250 Adciit.ion? vesHow much of the allowed 250 Addition is usefiffi-Eis requesg2 t00z Previous condit,ions of approval (check property file): 10 Fritulen Pierce Briner P.O. Box 57 Vail Colorado 81657 303476€342 Fax 303476-4901 March 13, 1995 SI]BJECT PROPERTY: ADJACENTOWNERS: L : 19 4 6 2 IDOCVDJO WN ER. WP D 421 BeaverDam Circle 443 Beaver Dam Circle Carol & Thomas Lund P.O. Box 9466 Peoria.lL 6L612-9466 401 Beaver Dam Circle Carol Woods Schmidt 3901 S. Gilpin Englewood, CO 801l0 392 Beaver Dam Road Arthur Morgan & Erwin Diener P.O. Box 10099 Teledo, OH 43699-0099 383 Beaver Dam Circle John Tyler 2552F. Alameda#37 Denver, CO 80209 394 Beaver Dam Road Rimski,Inc. 2800 Sand Hill Rd. #200 Menlo Park, C494025 352 Beaver Creek Circle Warren Miller 352 Beaver Creek Circle Vail, CO 81657 cn.\ JIvaao{uut T' KI I ZLBI\ TIEfiU-I1 o \UY rsl uur FritzJen Pierce Briner P.O, Box 57 t Vdl Cobrado 81658. 303476-842 t Fax: ,N1/6.1m1 May 24, 1995 Dick Duran, Chief l'oum of Vail tire l-)epartment 42 W. Mesdow Drive Vail Colorado 81557 RE: Hitchcock Residenoe 421 Beaver Dam Circle. Vail Colorado 5l15l95 Meeting Dear Dick, Thank you for taking the time to meet in regards to the fire protectionrequtremenls for tlw Hitcbtock residence. This letter is to confinn thai t}.e ounet is not required to sprinkler the building but we will continue to enoouxage thc owner to consider a sprinklet system. Pleasc infonn us if this is inconect. Thank you. cc: Lawen Watertotr TOV Planning Departnent #ol Drg.c t ,rtFost-lt" b.and ta)( fansmittal m€mo 7171 \ To: Lauren Waterton Subject: IliLchcock Residence ===l{Qlf,=========== ====$ /)$ / 9 5==9 :57am== Yes it, is ok to release the permit.Than )-,a"u(Pn\Jrri r'ofi [Ze 5'.Jpurc.E 3. \\u.K 4,)Vfl,l V"\\49t T\ind LIZ\;.-- - , 5<-4vrr .\).-^,^*. 6;. C'rc-\ e, y+i\ C", ^lf r ltn<1 tttbI\4at LA Fire De1rt.: ,;,," UnAl>[t +g r"'i.nc lr sn,tl1|vy I ft) - 4'no-., it f i'itvt't t' U y1,,, r,:...,i. *,bt .l* d,r l, ?..:rt, t,.i 1 ,tf'lt, d'l l, V::,s1r,'i ^l af,.,1 r '-''* f ll;r r" f'trtlr t*, (-t I ::"::":t" €',"-n'''.', {""; A -sr:ng'\e Ac'es5Spri^\r\" r- _Sl-r.ra\.,r''ra l-*ur"4r 1'L*u' ui+, #,'t \ Lrrc\i -:--=- tgo0ttl{r'l'zLt;N Plljltu-Evo/ vV/ Vo . lZ: {O FA:L Y iU{ /b4UUl - Fritzlen Pierce Briner P,O. hx 57 . Vsil Colottu EI65E . 3034766342 . Far: tm47H901 May 9, 1995 JeffAttencio Town of Vail Fire Deparnnent 42 WestMeadowDrive Vail Colorado 81657 re: Hitchcock Residence 421Beaver Dun Circle Dear Jeft 'fhank you for taking the time to review our fire access plan. As I r.rnderstand it the sprinkler requircment is due to the inability to access any pa."t of the building from a single point adjacent to apublicrigfutofrayraithinl50'. Ourfireaccessplanindicaredffio. Iamoftheunderstandingthat tbe restriction to a single access is at thp discretion of the fire marshall and not a uritteu requirement. If this is trre the most restrictive iaterpretation of thc code rnay not be appropriate in liglrt ofthe following: 1,Theresidenceislocatedwithinahalf-mileofthemain$ailFireDepartment Theresponsetime is likety one of the low-est within the diskict. 2. There are two residences proposed with a t hour fue separation between them. 3 The site is well tree<l and is not subjectto wild fire. 4. The proposed building is a minimum of l5' from any property line per Town of Vail setback rcquiremcnts. I also have the following questions: 1. Are you rcquiring both residsnces to be sprinlded orjust one? 2. Are there any altemates that would be acccptablc to you such as a rcmote monitoring system with heat/smoke alarms? 3. Can the system be either wet or dry? Ii would bc very hclpful if you coutd. provi& r:s rvith a copy of the codified section of the fue code that you are relying on for fuhlre rcferencc' OF/0g/gd".l2:18 F.tr IoffAttencio Pagc 2 Mty 9, 1995 970478100L FRITZLEN PIERCT qa 002I Arcbitcct cc: Charlie Biederman Cbris Hitchcook La.uen'Waterton LI9{ TTDOOATTENC.IO.WPD o F ILE C&FY 75 South Prontage Road Vail" Colorado 81657 30s-479-21 38 / 479-2 I 3e FAX 303-479-24s2 May 8, 1995 Deparnnent of Community Development . Chris Hitchcock 486 Laurelbrook Drive Chagrin Falls, OH 440?2 RE: Lot 3, Block 4, VailVillage 3rd Filing Dear Mr. Hitchcock: As part of the approvalfor your new primary/secondary residence located on Beaver Dam Circle, a revocable right-of-way permit is required for the sidewalk connecting Beaver Dam Hoad and the primary unit. I have enclosed the application and request that you sign on the back page as the property owner. For your reference, I have also included a copy of the site plan indicating the area of encroachment into the right-of-way. Once you have signed and returned this to me, I will have it recorded with Eagle County. lf you have any questions, do not hesitate to call me at (970) 479-2138, Sincerely, kill/til- kt,W)- Lauren Waterton Town Planner enclosures +tett\toatct4 +o vily Ir'..Ir APPL'CATION FOR REVOCABLE PERMTT TO ERECT OR MAINTAINA STRUCTURE ON A PUBLIC RIGHT-OF.WAY (Please type or print)Fence Wall Landscaping Other THE INNSTEAD LII,IITED PARTNERSHIP DATEMAY 5. 1995 OWNER OF PROPERTY NAME OF APPLICANT ADDRESS 486 LAURE LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERry TO BE SERVED: lgTl-BLOCK 4 SUBD1V1S;ON vArL vTLLAGE 3RD FILTNG (lf necessary, attachl@iGscriprion on-sepTEiilrreeii Corner lot x Inside lot ottffl,FilroJ\'S5,ilf_lctuFFp#ffiqtu!{f; )rlNAElsHr_oF_wAy: Attach plans "t orln ilitl.lli#iXi"]::'"Tl^oli:I3l'::i:o "o?"rrenance in tne prqeci-a?ea'[o scare ordi m en sio n ed) and s eciio n (s) as wen d;E;;;il0,ffi ;#ltj: Does struclure presentlv exist? No Proposed date for commencemfrfffiiffii In consideration of the iss-uance of a revocable permit for the slructure above indicated,applicant agrees as.follows : 1' That the structure,herein authorized on a revocabre permit basis is restricred^ glclusively to the land above described.1' Inat the permit is rimited specificaily to the type of structure described in thisapplication. -.'- '' r- Yr v" uvru' ., \r'r! 3' That the applicant shall notify the Town Manager, or his duly authorized agent, twenty-four hours in advance of the time foi'commencement of construction, in order that, glop"r inspection may be made by the Town.+' Ine appicant agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Town ot Vail, its ofticers,employees and agents from and against-all liability, craims ano o]emands on account ofinjury, loss or damage, incruding drh;;i rimitarion craims arising from bodiry injury,personar injury, sickness, diseaie, death, properry ross or damage, or any other ross ofany kind whatsoever, which arise out bi or are in any manner connected withappricant's activities p_r.ou3lr to tis permit, if such injury, ross, or damage is caused inwhole or in part by, or is craimed to de lauseo inwhore or in parr by, the act, omission,error, profess'on1^1f^1^T:stake, ne.gtigence or other fault of ihe appticant, his .contractor or subcontractor or any otiicir, emproyee o, ,upr"..niutive of lhe appricant,his contractor or his subcontta"tor. rne appticant agrees to investigate, handrerespond to, and to provide defense tor ano oetend;6il;;i-r-r.n tiuoitity, ctaims, ordemands at the s-ore. expense of the app[canr. The appricant irso agrees lo bear arlother expenses rerating thereto, incrud'in! court costs and attomey,s fees, whether ornot any such liability, claims, orOemandi alleqed are oroundless. fatsa nr,r.r,r{rrt.,nr I'::._tryg..as rees to procure ano maintai nl ;i il ;;;;i, i-;.ii; ;; ;f;;' ;?,.Insurance sufficient to ensure against all liability claims, oem-anJJano other obligationsassumed bv rhe appricanr pursuanr to this parigraph ;. -i;;;iiri."nr further agreeslo release the Town ofrair, its officers, afents and emproyees from any and allliability' claims' demands, or actions oi cirs", of actions whatsoever arising out of anydamage, ross or injury to the appticint or-to tne applicant,s property caused by theTown of Vair, its orficers, "g"ni" anJ emptoyees whire engaged in maintenance orsnow removar activities or any other activities whatsoever"oi ro*n or Vair property,streets, sidewalks, or rights_oi_way. 5.That the permit may be revoked whenever it is determined that the encroachment, obstruclion, or other struclure constitutes a nuisance, destroys or impairs lhe use of the right-of-way by the public, constitules a traflic hazard, or the property upon which the encroachment, obstruclion, or structure exists is required for use by the public; or it may be revoked at any time for any reason deemed suflicient by the Town of Vail. That the applicant will remove, at his expense, the encroachment, obstruction, or structure within ten days alter receiving notice of any revocation of said permit. That the applicant agrees to maintain any landscaping associated with the encroachment on the right-of-way. That in the event said removal of the encroachmenl, obslruction, or structure is not accomplished within ten days, the Town is hereby authorized to remove same and have the right to make an assessment against the property and collect the costs or removal in the same manner as general taxes are collected. That the applicant has read and underslands all of the terms and conditions set forth in this application. Special conditions: The sidewalk sha11 be made of either concrete or o. 7. 8. o 10. asphalt fron t.he I property line to Ehe edge of road. There must be a drainage design lncorporated lnto the sidewalk for roadside drainase. Signature of Property Owner (lf joint ownership, both signatures) APPROVED: Date Project Planner Date Town Engineer Date .'i !r TOWN OF VAIL Proiect Nerne: Bullding Name: Prolect Degcriptiofl: owner, Addres "^aenon' ( ktfh *\lfu)Ult-)(- Address and Phone: tr LegalDesaiption: Lot 4 arlck * Project Street Address: zoneDistrict q5Subdlvision Commente: @'s."frAction Uo|lon$, Yote: 4- O i&mProvat tr Disapproval ! Staff Approval ^- 1. 2. 3. Conditions of Approval llitchcock Residence 421 Beaver Dam Clrcle ,' ?(zioO Vo f C.,O,, The Town of Vail will be granted an easement for a section of Beaver Dam Circle now located on the Hitchcock property. A Revocable Right-of-way permit must be issued for the sidewalk extending from the property to Beaver Dam Road. lf heated pavers are used for the driveway and walkway, heat must be kept four feet ofithe existing edge of the asphalt for the roadway. fi E-U Sl-tkt b t.rt..d 7lLa/s4 o BOARDDESTGN REVIEW APPI-.ICATION - TOWN OF VAIL, COIJORADO DAtE RECETVED: DATE OF DRB MEETING:!r*****t*** ****t!l**itr. A. PROT]ECT TNFORMATTON: DESCRIPTION, V.iI LEGAL DESCRIPTION:LoL 3 BlockSubdivisiorid Filin If property is described bvdescription, pldase providlt.o Lhis applicacion. D. a meets and boundson a separaLe sheet 1ega1 and attach ZONTNG: NAME OF APPLICANT:Mailing Address:tead Lirnited Partnershlp - Christopher Ilitchcock, 4elbrook Drive Mana ar tnerChagrJn Fal1s. OH 44022 phone H.NAME qF OWNER(S) : NAME OF APPLICANT,S R*RESENTATIVE: Lynn FTit.zlenMail.ing Address:vai1, c0 81658 Mailing Address:486 Laurelbrook Drlve ,Chigrin Falls, OH 44022 Phone I. J. APPLICATIONS WILL NOT BE PAOCESSED WITHO:dtr O'f}IE8'S SIGNATURE Condominium Approval if applicable. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above,\ are to be paid at theLime of submiEt.al . of . the DRB ufpirp.crorr. rJater, whenapplvinq for a building permic-,'frbu"e ioenei.iv-lhu u.",.,rur"valuaLion of rhe proposal. The iown ot vail will adjus. .hefee according uo the- tante Uetowl to ensufe the correct feer.D pcrJ.Ll , n,r,r n nn 461;-^ bAZ,ti.| FEE SCHEDULE:, VALUATION$ c $ 1C,000$ 10, 00L - $ s0, 000$ s0, 001 $ 1s0, 000 $150.001 - $ 500,000 $500,001 _ 91,000,000$ Over $1, 000, 000 DESIGN REVIEW BOARD APPROVAL,EXPIRES APPROVAI, I'NI,ESS A BUIIJDING PERMIT ISIS STARIED. FEE ,D ZU. UU $ 50.00 $100.00 $200.00 $400.00 $500.00 ONE YEAR AFTER FINAL ISSUED AI{D CONSTRUCTION Secondarv Residenrial i Itl"lr.a r/ft/ar I TYFE aF ttnVlr.nr I Jfu-.ifew conrtrucbion (f200. 0Ol -;Jddieigo {$50.oot degcriptlon, pldrse provide Eo:EhlE appllcation. U[nor elterlcion (t2g. -Cftncraptsuel hr*'igw (0O)'rl. I neete qnd bounds leEal on a oepfrate rb,eet antl aLtach or. al Paf f,nc:f { n - $rrlct fhlnrln lfrllr" nH fiftf1?? lFl.Elr- F l a..t4r D" llt'" - :E 6 =.17 s., <to DEBIS{ REYIEW HOARD lDPfrlGltlnroxr , S0tflil oi vatrr, co&qnArru DATE II.ECEIVED| D'\AB OF DnB l'|EPftrt$l:) | rl-a t ala- aA ee deflneil t&B D. F. F. R. H. OF APPLtrcIt}I!r l,tng Addrp.qd r ts bald. . VAITUATIONt O i 1c.60o S 10,001 0 ',01000f, qn_ool . l'150,000 $150,001 - $ 500,000 s500,ool - +t.oo0roo0s oucr *1,000,000 ffi.f,tGt{ SHrrRn nntDn .l.DDnalttr !;,D!!n!! aFf&tlYfirr TnfTrfififi i nrJrrr$J.$u l$llftrn TtlI5 STAREED.'l :, ggB t {^ at^? 19.s9 Ir 50.OO 0100. O0 '200,00N{il0. nn' fs00.00 otta 1l$.,{, DrtEllTnmiln lHn Fill E OF IIFDLICATIII''gI'ing AddresBi*I! qF o}|NER(81: I ns arldrerr' NAME OF PROJECT: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: STREET ADDRESS: LOr__3_ 42I Beaver IJrsT oF MATERTAIS BLOCK'_4__ Dam Circle SUBDfVISIOp Vail ViLlage 3rd Filine The following informat.ion is Review Board before a final A. BUIIJDING I{ATERIAI-TS: Lo the Design I x 10 Vertlcal Cedar Shiplap Natural Sandstone - Random Edge Buff 2 x Cedar Fascia IlaturaL 1 x 10 Cedar Natural- reguired approval TYPE OF for submittal can be given: MATERIAIJ Roof Siding OLher Wal1 Mat.erials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim lland or Deck Rails FIues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining WaIIs Exterior Lighting Other LANDSCAPING: Name 2x6Jamb&Ilead 2 x 10 Sil-1 Soft - Dark Green Pel1a UC61326 Natural Raised Panel - Oak Stained to Match Cedar - Soft Greer Wi.ndow Claddlng Painted Window to Match Cladding otT are esigner: Phone: I4fD fixtures at entrv and side of undecided at this tlme garage PLA}IT MA"ERIA; PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS Bot,anical Name co*orr?a.. Plcea Enslenao Amelanchier Engleman Spruce Servic eberry Oregon Grape OuanLi. tv Siz'e* 5 gal r9 J b4-L 6', Mahonia aouifolLum *IndicaEe caJ_iper for deciduous trees. Minimum caliper fornches . rndicare hEishE-Toi-E6ATllerousiduous Lrees. GROUND, COVERS soD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL **rndicate siz@5 qal}on. crees 1s 6 teer.. Minimum size of shrubs is TVpe Match existlng (Nat lve Grasses) Square Footaqe n/a Match existing at dlsturbed areas (Natlve Grasses) underground 1/a c. ITANDSCAPE LIGHTING: If exterior lighting is proposed, pleaseshow the number of fixLures and tocatiois on a separate ii:ii::3,51 t";", li"t:i' I,:i;l.' lti*i*i'""i*" riili::i.i*3"o, light proposed, rumen outpu!., luminous-area ina a cu. sheet ofthe lighr f ixr.ure. (Secritn' 18 . 54 .050 J) OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining waLls, fences, swimmingpoors, erc.) please specify. rndi6ace tr.isht;-"f retainingwal1s. Maximum heishr of wllrs wichin th;-i;;";-serback is3'. Maximum heighL of waLls elsewhere on cfre-pioi"rcy is 6, n I : ISUBDIVISION JOB NJIUbLOT3. !'TII.,I"Y +9qA,TrON VERIFTCATTON Thlrd Fll BLOCK Vall v (. ' thd locirclon and avallablllty of uEllltleE, wheEher lrujlk llnee or proposed lines, musE be approved and to).lowl1rg utlllt,les f or uhc acconpanying slte plan. I ADDRES$; 421 Beever Clrclo I iU.S, WeEE Coftnunlcations 1 '800 - 922'!9.&?.t' ,468. 5880 or 9{9 - {s30 PubIie Service Company 9,19 - 5?81.cary HaII II'loly-Crbss ElecLric Assoc, 949 - 5892 Ted Husky/Mlchael Laverry II{eritagb Cablevision T.v., 9.19 - 5530 stevel HlaLr Upper EagIc VaIley tllater & Sanitation DisbricL '.i76 " 7480 trred itaslee NOTE I | 1. 2. 6. * Please bring a obuaining Upperflow needg musL ApUho4i,z€d giqnatur€ verify service should be usedutiIIEy plan and availabilityand,r, they be **ri, iverlfled byi the M -lo this form is"Lo i?Eiliil; ,3ti"installatiorrs. in conjunct.lon wj,;ehjscheduline I ill : rf a utility company has concerns with Che propolsda consLrucL.ion, the utility repre6enLaLive should horiiireccty on Lhc utility verificat,ion forrn Lilat tfrdreis a problem which'needs bo be resolved. The issrieshould t,hen be spelled ou! ln deEall in an aEtachijdletLar Lo the Town of tail , However, pleaso teeb linmind rhat ir is bhe responsibitity of rhe urilit&icompany to resolve idencified problems. i i If the utility varification form has signatures lffomeach of the u L i I i ty conpanies , and no comments alreimade direcLly on uhe form, uhe Town wiII prcsurn{ Ichat Lhcre are no problems and EhaE the d€velopniericcan proceed. I I For any new cons[ruc[ion proposal, Lhe applicanbi .lmust provide a compleLcd utilicy verificaElon fo'rni. ?hese verif j.cat ions do nob relieve Ehe cent.ractor iofhis responsibility t,o obLain a 6LreeL cut perrniti : f rom Lhe Tovrn of vail, Departmenb of publit wor)4s j ill !o, sP!aili..ug-itlLv locarions be!o_r:e.gjss{ls iln ;any pub}ic right.-of -way or ea$emenb in hhe Town ,of Vail. A sEree[ cut perrnit musL be obsained separately. InstaLlation of service lines are aL the expens{rqsponsibilrty of the ploperey owner. I sit.e p1an, floor plan, and elevaIions whenEagle vaLley }{aUer & Sanitaiion signatures.be addressed. itrii rd q 4P I I I .SUBDrvf SrON Va11 \tOB NAl,lE E Ir0T BLOCK I{DDRESS 421 Beever Dan ClrcL Herl.LaEe Cablevision 9d9. s530 sbeve Hiau[ Assoc, IJaVerty --ro Third I Ili"*"it:lsnoino.rlvairabil.i by of u ril i r,ies,, wherher f,ot lowins utilrir':lt::g lil":t-musb bF -il;;d*?"lTa f or,lowinE uEili[1;[-i;; iililT;"Hil";i"inllil-3rlli U. S. -West, ConnunicatLons1-800-922.L987 d68-6860 or g49-45t0 Fubl i c_ _service Comparyffirffit Holy Cross Erectrlc 949 - s892 Ted Husky/Michael FILING Authorized Slsnatur; they be malverifled bq I i t,rre DaE,e --l- Upper Eagle Vatley water& Saniuat,ion Discricu i 47 6 -7480 Pred Haslee NOTE:1. -----------j availabiLlry and i i{t ,-r.n4..--r- r ^- --.r J-iirr conJuncEion wifrrischeduling I jil This fornr is to verify servicelocaE,ion. q$is shouf a le ueeapreparing yfrr urility plan andinstallations. 4. 3. 4. 5, F brlng A street cub pe L musE be obtained InstalLation of service lines are aLresponslbiliuy of the properly owner, separataly. Ehe expenge z4- ; vi 3A34?849a I PR6E.X* TOTAL PAGE, A tn P1eflse a site pl-an, floor planr and, elevatlons when Faglg Valley waref a saniEaLion signaEures.be addressed.. obbaining Upper'f low needs muEL F.i r. .: t'44 iaa2 a? For any nehr conscruction proposal. t+g-appfic.rrt i imusI provide a bompteced lriiilv-rerificiiion eonnl :l-:.::llilI "g1gunv has concerns $'ith b,he Fiopeq*{consE,rucrlon, the u_tIIiby reprBsentative sh-our'a do{itirectty on che urrri.v ie;iii;;ii;;';;;^'iilli"rii!1.i-s a problem w.hich.needs Lo be ;;;;r";i."' ,iiil-r",lllnshould rhen be sperred our in aeiaii i"-o"-"icilli;EteLter ro rhe roim of vaii.- rro**"!i.^iirll"I'rlElil=*nrnind that, ir is rhe responsfUiii[v of Lhe utillrv Icompany to resolve identified, problems. -- ': i ;jrf the-utility verification forrn hae slgnatures (rdneach of the uEillcy compani€er Erld oo c5*or"ol"-aie imade direcrly on the foirn, bhe TowB wirf preiu*"-i- IBhab there are no probrems and that Erre aEveiopnentcan proceed. .- i lii These verificaUions d,o nol relieve the coDtractof dfhig responeibility ro obtain a atrect cut permit, i rfrbn the ?owrr of y?il, Departrnene of pulfi;-w;;is iil.l lo. t?!"+l f trriw roca -'in any publlc righL-of-way or easemenB in tne-fodn of iVall . A buildino norrnl F. { e nnt n . F'.aar- ,^. r. ir.-'*,.r r{ g '95 14t54 >F "X t rf €I tll! I Troct u @ Troct D p $sa Eo9a42 tNv r{E to96.a3 rxv x t|0231 sw 6097.57 NE 6097.66 ,,-^}.\<::./ 81 23-26 E tr23.36 s t|24.t7 NW 6140.06 sw 8140,32 at47.7J @r 8t29.r9 ,'L.J>N s-H--]. -.\ s a1?e.6e /- 61Eai6-- lY 6t2a.a7 | /s Er29.O7 l. I @ i.:':;1"'* J.7$p Slr8. loogf'n r{o. 2 I l}{ 6169.51I hv r ar6g-tl. t{v s al72.m (N $i\ w 8144.r8st4 tr4.t.ao II i : 1 @ @ PARCEL B a, DA?E: Single Family 3 /13 /9s :::3:"::tcTI:1roN: r,_ot =r.3_- Block 4 subdivision Var_l_ village 3rd Filins 1D_?1!SS: 4?1 Beaver.am Circle : OWNER Innstead LtduwNl;!( Innstead Ltd. partnership PAONEChris llitchcock, manag ing partner ARCHITECT l-wnn T'r"i f zl an ZONE CHECK FOR Residence,. Duplex, pr ZONE DISTRICTS o inary/Secondary PROPOSED I,OT SIZE USE Residential- Exlstlng to be removed Height Tot,al GRFA Primary GRFA 2,409.84+ Secondary GRFA 1,606.56+ SeLbacks Front Sides Rear Site Coverage Landscaping ReLaini.ng Wa11 HeighLs Parking carage CrediC Drive: 3'/6, Complies with T.O.V. Lighring Ordinance Water Course SeEback (30) (s0) Do Finish Grades Exceed 2:L (50e.) Environmentat/Hazards: 1) view Corridor Encroachment: yes, PHONE 476'6342 BUILDABIJE LOT AREA 17 ,664,eO \Ilohred ExisEinq proposed Total\(30) (33)'"... 33' 33, 33,1._-._T\./4016.40 \rgO 5356.50 ,/ SZSO.SO -/ \/-'4ot6.4o \tro 5356.s0 ,/ ssso.so -- Tt G,azS = 2834.u _17E 3110.5/ 3110.s _ A> - -r.r \azs = n3r.ft 430 \ 22:{ 2246 \ \ -l.. \, ,01.s6 430 \ 224d 2246 \ \ 20, -.-7 ] 15'1s, //F N3532 ,/ 3\31 3531 r i\ \3s32 / 3\31 3s31 r N ft\ 10s98 .4 L6,Og6 10680\ 10680 N,-_--- -- \ Permirceasfope 8 t proposedsl-ope, t '$ 5Reqrds\aen"r* (3oo)(600) (eoo),rrooE F +a Yes x No _"1nla q YES- NO x Ns b) Rockfall _ ;7ac) Debris Flow ^t^LII 9 4) Wetlands n/a Nox Does Lhis regiiesl jrrvuive a 250 Adciit.ion? vesHow much of the allowed 250 Addition is usefiffi-Eis requesg2 t00z Previous condit,ions of approval (check property file): 10 Fritulen Pierce Briner P.O. Box 57 Vail Colorado 81657 303476€342 Fax 303476-4901 March 13, 1995 SI]BJECT PROPERTY: ADJACENTOWNERS: L : 19 4 6 2 IDOCVDJO WN ER. WP D 421 BeaverDam Circle 443 Beaver Dam Circle Carol & Thomas Lund P.O. Box 9466 Peoria.lL 6L612-9466 401 Beaver Dam Circle Carol Woods Schmidt 3901 S. Gilpin Englewood, CO 801l0 392 Beaver Dam Road Arthur Morgan & Erwin Diener P.O. Box 10099 Teledo, OH 43699-0099 383 Beaver Dam Circle John Tyler 2552F. Alameda#37 Denver, CO 80209 394 Beaver Dam Road Rimski,Inc. 2800 Sand Hill Rd. #200 Menlo Park, C494025 352 Beaver Creek Circle Warren Miller 352 Beaver Creek Circle Vail, CO 81657 J.ulE d U24E? of Application of DRB Meeting of PEC Meeting ' AppLtcATtoN FoR ADDTTTONAL GRFA (250) I. TYPE OF REQUEST Standard 250 Type il EHU 2s0 Type V EHU 250 lt. Date Date Date A pre-application conference with a member of the planning staff is strongly encouraged to discuss the provisions under which additional GRFA can be added to a site, lt should be understood that this ordinance does not assure each property an additional 250 square feet otGRFA. Rather, the ordinance allows for uo to 2so squaie fe-et if the conditions set forth in Chapter 18.57 or Chapter 18.71 of tne town oiVait coOe aFmet. Applications for additions under this section will not be accepted unless they are complete,This includes all information required on this form as well as Design Review Board submittal requirements. III. APPLICATION INFORMATION A. PROJECT DESCRIPTION as defined (if necessary) B. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: Address Legal Description:Lot 3 Block 4 Filino rhird Zone ondarv Residential NAME OF APPLICANT: rhe Innstead Limited Partnership - Christopher Hitchcock AddreSS 486 LaureLbrook DrJ-ve, Chagrin Fa1ls, OH 44022 Managing Partner TT--T llii,iii iiii,:;it) l, , '.1.,l it' r'l' D. NAME OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE: _ Address P.O. Box 57. VaiI=, CO 81658 E.'i NAME oF ovrrN Ilrc Innrtold Hanag 48-6 LaurelbrooF lglve, Chagrtn Dr1lel oH 216*248-4600 44022 Filing Fee of $200.00 is required at time of submittal of a standard 250. For a requestinvolving an EHU, the fee is waived. aa Fritzlen t-. r a mary DArE: 4t+lqr L,EGAL DESCRIPTION: I,OL 3 SIOCK L SUUAiViSiON \/ ll -?rtl Y i ll a/,r :2 -I Single F o amily ZONE CHECK FOR Residence, DuPIex, Pri ZONE DISTRICTS ,/Secondary ADDRESS a 'T"2-l E*,4v.2r l-zLr-t'\ (:,^.r r. U:- OVINER C-+.r,t- +t,kt x.'o"-e- PHONE ADDRESS z 't2- ARCHITECT ZONE DISTRICT PROPOSED USE i-,,OT SIZE ln,bG* /neishr ,/ TOE.AI GRFA / Primary GRFA / secondary GRFA / SeLbacks Proposed fr '- .2-'; t --3 zzv 3 + + Allowed (30) (33) C, 3to Lp BUIIJDABLE Exis t inq I,OT AREA L'-) --t4 tG- ?t. --- b\,',.r 3|? 2aOz 5.&t Q5 FronL Sides Rear / Site Coverage / L,andscaping r' neLaining wall lleights / parkins r' Garage CrcdiL r' Drive: r' waLer course Setback 42{'2o ,pbq-- qzlt'{zz.n 20' 15' 15' 3. /6' z4lq_ lbpb ,J')| 7f->zc.'i 3bLo'4 I\,1"bll,\4c (r: t ! i* enct (30) (s0)\/\'D YES/no rinish Grades Exceed 2:1 (50%) / Environment.al/I'lazards: 1) 4) weLlands /view Corridor Encroachment: Yes No r -J) / Previous condiLions of approval (check properLy fiLe) : / Does Lhis requesL invuive a 250 irtirfiLiorr? .\Yi =How much of [ne al].owed 250 Addition is usedrwit'h t'hi tts reques E? M'l & neqrd (3oo) (600) (soo).(t2oo!" I\7 t€ \-*.----l permitLed Slope ,f; x Proposed Slope -'l t {conpties with T.o.v. Lighting Ordinance Yes Nol-- Flood Plain K0 2l PercenL SloPe (< > 30t) 3) Geologic Hazardsa) snow Avalanche FP b) Rockf all luo ,c) Debris FIow L,L, Fletufn tO Lauren WaEerEon Town Planner INTER.DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW PROJECT: DATE SUBMITTED: DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING COMMENTS NEEDED BY: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL:'(hio r+ 6 dcrwlr",b^tlL"f a o'tvvw.4l+.oor**y.l.t N\arrirr,e.Date: 1\ rnqrq"\ \'Yi5 Comments: '/y1p *ua an czlSemenv 4t.c o.jr rarlw6-1 on Ftrvau<. p(o penyi YY^u lrcrca't i.,,crter arowld rroL,i e ,nro cx\ll iriarwal '5 heared r b<ir\ r'ru)r \.,o c€^rr- 4, ttt^tt \2" atnP' tIU {OoCb^rd\... rEr'\\ \\w)t \Jt r-'< 'r 4' c[{ a? tt€ er r!i\*} d<\e c(.L(r\.^\t t.r 1,f.ta\\ z^ 0a$ (i\ lt'c rl'ruewal edqp tf') . rl r'lt t"}, .^dr"ir"' t\ ,r..l L--1 I ,',in )" fu."i',u'll. s*[nn4 'f ."'Ao ?^,.t"."0 u'l( L< '''l{o- nJ "{ ail14' {oc' ) "--r Reviewed by: ) RgtUm tO T.euren W:terton Town Planner INTEN.DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW PROJECT: DATE SUBMITTED: DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING 4E BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL:The b a dew(wrr>^;A at o p.rn^rr([ *c-cond.ay comments: fi." s]*.pr v,^*b\€ +e 2y4,","n pi^Fs *'$^-".' lfD' 6{- 14e ce53 ?U, P'<A 4'S ""e\\ a-t $aee55 5iru,c-lur(S zr,w! AgyoveJ $++e"26/ r Sq>ri*-.VV r S+.w"-\"'rc, o 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 303-479-21 38 / 47e-2 I 39 FAX 303-479-2452 April6, 1995 Department of Comntuniry Deve loprnent Lynn Fritzlen Fritzlen Pierce Briner PO Box 57 Vail, CO 81658 RE: Lot 3, Block 4, Vail Village 3rd Filing/ 126 Forest Road Dear Lynn: At the Design Review Board meeting yesterday, three issues were identified that need to be addressed prior to final approval of the Hitchcock residence. Please address these as quickly as possible and submit them to me. 1. In regards to the landscaping, the DRB would like to see a plan showing the limits of disturbance as well as a plan for protecting the existing trees. 2. Two or three more trees (conifers) need to be added to the site. The location of these trees is at your discretion. 3. Provide details of the walkway, windows, trim, fascia, stone and other materials. 4. The attached list of conditions will need to be part of the final approval. As we discussed yesterday, I will be out of the office the week of April 17th. Another planner will take this project to the DRB for final review on April 1gth. lf you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, , , ll /l 't 0t trt"t tn \'U*V,\Z'L- Lauren Waterton Town Planner 75 Sorth Frontagc Road Vail, Colorado 8I5J? t0t -47 9-2 1 t 8 / rAX t0 3 _47 s _2 I 66 Dcpartmcnt of Pillic llorkilTrantportation L.a+ 3, Z\o<-+- fMarch 31, 1995 Charlie Biedermarr Woodstone HomesSpraddle Creek Road Dear Charlie. Here is a memo concerning our conversat.ion about the fiitchcockResidence. An access point for the proposed sidewalk onto Beaver Dam Road willbe allowed wiLh the following conditions: The town will be granted an easement. for a section of BeaverDam Circle now locabed on lhe Hitchcock prop.iiy.-- * The sidewalk be made of eit.her concrete or asphalt from Lheproperty line t.o the roads edge. rf the mater-ial usea is-tobe concrete, then there must be a cold loi"t-.r.uted so as Lomake the sidewalk separat.e more easiiy if it needs to beremoved. '. rf the sidewalk is to be heat.ed, then the porcion heatedwithin the Ri_gh_t_of way must be o" j ".paiu-t" "orr", and theheat musr be held back from rhe edse of i;;;;; Dam Road fourfeet. * There must be some sort of drainage design incorporated intothe sidewalk so the sidewalk d5es ttof ci..te u dam forroadside drainage. charlie, r hope this satisfies your needs for DRB. r will alsocopy lJauren, the planner on this project. rr invttring erse-isneeded don, t hesitat.e to call me. Sincerely, Charlie DavisConstruction fnspector cd\hl t,ch 'T-lv |n u,{.at1 L,)^t/e/ ftwfw-*sA^pUws 4l*r lvcoc u- I il I 5,4?649S totE lan Piercs Er insr 5EFr i a .'Ii,t .. ' 1..1' , I l,I 1 "i : Fritzlen Pierce Briner @ t76lJ, 42,' Fat : 303 476 4gi7 March 31, 1995 Lauren Waterton Planner Town of Vail Cornrnunity Devclopment 75 S. Frontage Road Vail Colorado Re: Hitchcock Rosidcnce DRB , 421Beaver Datt Circle Dear Lawen: Thank you t'ortaking the time to respond so quiokly to'revised DRB submittal last wednesday' It appsars there are thrce issucs that we need to address: l,YorLrcalculationsshowtheGRFAtobe atotalof5394 whereasoursis535T'6adiftbrenccof 36.4. After reviewing our calculations it appears that this disucpanoy is entirely reiated to lvhether GRFA is calculated to thc inside or the ouler side of crawl spdce walls' \tr'e havc always relied on the portion ortrre zoning code thal defrnes 0RllA as follows:-GMA means the total footage of all levels oI a building as measured to the inside face of extelior walls" " Section 18'04 130' Tbis interpretation is consistent wilh other DRB submittals 'we havd madc ilths ryent past such :rs the rt,"in Resioence, the Heliberg Rcsidence and the Dal'ison Residence. Iftlrere has besn a cha$ge in policy or defrrnition we need to be updated' 2. Your calculations show lhe site coveragc to be 3578 r+'hereas ours are at 3531 tbr a difference of 47. We rechecked our calculations with the planimeter function within our CADD program' We included all areas shown in the site plan thaihave the designated site coYerage hatch' we should probably make sure we agrce on the areas included othenvise it would be a matlreuratical enor' I have two suggestions. pirsiwe get together zurd make sru' "\€ are talking about the same area of inclusio[ and ifthat is the same crosslheck the length of the perimeter oflhe area inc-luded to see if we have the same number, ttren recheck the area calculation. Blueprints do not have perfect dirnensional stability and we riray be measuring ciifferent lengths' Fost lt" brand fax rransmital memo ;r6-n /,tt&E^/ If you would be interested in seeing a demonstraaion- of how otu GADD progmm calculates these areas we w-ould be happy to harrs y.ii uiri o* office. This may be helpful in rhis project as vell as I itzler, Picrcc trin+r 499 I tffurcn Walerlon , Page 2 i 'March 3l, 1995 i others in tracking dow1r disorepancies. It is my assumption thal calculating arca within a CADD Fro 5€54?6I ' program is mote accuntc rhan digitizing printrd rcproductions 3, As for the roof ot'the living room ovcr thc norlh unitre setthe ridge height based on an a\'erage grade berwccn 58, 0 and OO,o wtrich is 59.0. Our proposed ridge heighl.is 92'0 or exactly 33' i.""t.. than 59.0. We,lvould be willing to show an intcrpolated 59 topoline on our roof plan to , iemonstratc our assumptior if this would help. Please note that majority of the roof ridge is looated oyer site area that is greater than 60 and there is probably less than I square foot of ar€a that may , be in dispule. Again thank you for taking the time to rcview these drawings so promp0y opportunity to respond prior to our presentation to lhc Design Review Board. and aliowing us an We look fonverd lo ' heating from you. L19462\I)OC\C8l l'fOV.WPD 4"ho FI!.E COPY 75 South Frontage Road Vail" Colorado 81657 303 -479-2 1 38 / 479-2 I 3e FAX 303-479-24s2 March 22, 1995 Lynn Fritzlen Fritzlen Pierce Briner PO Box 57 Vail, CO 81658 RE: Lot 3, Block 4, VailVillage 3rd Filing Deparnnent of Community Development Dear Lynn: I have reviewed your application for the demo/rebuild of the above referenced lot using an additional 250 square feet for each unit and have determined that your application is incomplete. The following information must be provided prior to 5:00 PM on Wednesday, March 29, 1995 in order to remain on the April 5, 1995 agenda. 1. The following information needs to be added to the suruey:r'A. The lot arear'B. Signature and stamp of the surveyor. nO C. The elevation line of 8169. Because the proposed peak ot the entry tower is 8202, tho existing grade beneath the peak cannot exceed 8169. At this time, I am unable to determine if this portion ol the building is within the height limit. /2. Please separate the site plan and the landscape plan. As they currently exist togelher, it is very difficult to read. r'3. Please add spot elevations on ihe walls in the front setback to ensure they do not exceed three feet. On the landscape plan, please clearly delineate the trees to be removed and the trees that will be saved. lf any trees are lo be relocated, identify those as well. The Fire Departmeni has required that the building be sprinklered. I have not received comments from the Public Works Department. As soon as I do, lwill forward the comments lo you. lf you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, a ,4. {rut*,, //itfu,fi2, - Lauren Waterton Town Planner YOI'R I,AT\TD TITIJE GUARANTEE COMPAIIY CONTACTS December 19, L994 Our Order No.: VS25479 Buyer/Borrower: TIIE INNSTBAD LIMITED PARTIIERSHTP, AII OHIO IIMITED PARTNBRSIIIP Seller/Owner: ProperEy Address: If you have any inquiries or require furEher assistance, please contact one of the nudrbere listed below: For Closing AssisEance: For Title AssisEance: SARAH DORMAN 1-08 S. FRONTAGE RD WESTPhone: VAIL, CO 8L657Fax: Phone: 303 476-225t Fax: 303 476-4534 Guides to underst,anding Eitle insurance are available uponrequest. Please caII our Sales deparEmenE at. 303 33L-6299 . Note: Once an original coumritment has been issued, any subsequenL changes wilL be emphasized by underlining. THANK YOU FOR YOIIR ORDER! { r/ 0l-D BtPUBtlc NATT0NAt rTtE rNsuRANC' c0l\4pANy, a rvlnnesora corpomrion, herern calred rh€ company, r'f avalrable c0nsiderall0n, hereby commtts t0 rssue rrs p0licy or poiicres of rrrle rnsurance. as rdenified jn Schedrle A, in favorof the proposed Insrred named in ScheriLire A. as owne,'0, rnr,,rug* oi thr'rr,ae 0r Inlercsl rovered hereby in the landdescrlbed 0r relened to in schedule A up'n paymenl of rne oremlums and charges rheretor; ari subrecr to rhe provisions ofSchedule A and B and to rhe Condrlons and S pulalions hereoflhis commirmenr shat be effecrrve onry when the rdenrrry oi the proposed rnsured and rhe amourr of the policy orp0llcres c'mmjlted fot have been insened ir srhedule A hereof by rle corpany,-arn* ar rhe rjme 0t rh€ rssuance 0f rhisCommitment or by subsequent end0rsemenr. Thts commitment ts prelimrnary to the tssuance of such po|cy or po ces of trlle rnsumnce and all labili(y and ob galaofshereunder shall cease and lermrnale sx rncnths afler the elfective dat€ hereof o, wtren rhe policy or policres commrlled forshall rssue' whichever lirst occurs, provtded that rhe fa,lure r0 rssue such polcy 0r porrcres rs n'r rh€ taulr of the company CONOITIONS AND S]IPUUTIONS 1' Th€ t€fm "m0flgag€" when used h€fern. shall include deed 0r lrust. lrusr deed, or orh€r securiry insrrumenr ma,,er arlec,ns rrie esra,e or ,n,,n,, 11 111n1n' ",j;, l:,HfflT,,jJhTl*l'J,,iJ,r:ifi;::;,i:,#,l,lj'# rnm*lll,l"Jo;.lgn;;y;,,to the Company rn writing, rhe Company shall byfai|ureoltheproposedlnsured1nsndisclosesuchknow|edge|fil"o.o'''o|nsrldsf]| aclual kn.wledge of any such defect h'n' encunbrance advers€ claim or olher matter. the company ar ts 0p1r0f ray ,rrnd schedure g or thrs commrment acr'fdingry, bursuci amendment shall n'l r€|eve the company fr00r liahiliry p,evrously incuued pursuanr r0 paragraph 3 of rhese ccndrrons and sripurai.ns. rncludedunderthedefjnttlono|lnslredln'lhe,,',,l,,,lx?,'lj,l:jTl,if:';i:i.H,i'J:..i:iiJ,]ilxi|.l,li:"#fj,lli,J;H:,l;'l:i'. C0mplyW|lhlhereqU|remeftshereolor{b)toeIimtnaIe Commnment'|nnoevenlsha|lsuchliabililyelceedtheamount,''nji'sil,o,r,Aforthepo|icyo,potni,,,o*,l,,l"torandsuch|iablylssubjecl pr0vlsl.ns and the conditrons and sttpulations and the fxclusrons lrcm coverage of the torm of poricy or p0ricies c,rrmraed for in favor of the proposed Insured wnrcn arehefeby rnc'rp'rated by relerence and made a pan of this Commrlment ,rrrp, "r, ,rp,rrrf' modtfred herein. il:lH,::,,i,,li:;:,j,;,il,j1,,,,* ro rhe esrare,,,,1,,,,lllil'1,'JJ:i1[,#lf,'l,f; jfil,,l,:ll,:1ji;[:iJ,;,ii';,T,:jJ jlXiX1Jl,f:lli;:i SIANDAfiO TXCEPIIt)NS relerredlo,lhisCommitmenttsa|sosub1ect,o,t,',torrj|ui,nxd,',onIothemalterscontailedjnrheCondltionsandSrrp|alilns 1 firghrs or claims of panies rn possessron nct shown by rhe prblrr recorus.2. [asements, or claims of easemenls, not shown by rhe pub]rc recofds. survev and rnspecrron of rhe premrses w0urd disclose ,l; l|;lfl"l'ixl iljlfT;ifilli],:lii;,1n"'n; in ul'. ,n,,0,,t',,n,,. and anv iacrs which a c0rrecl i-9: and not strown by lhe pubhc fec0rds. 4 Any lien 0r righr t0 a rien for serurces. rabor or matenal rhersr0f.re 0r hereafter rurrsne0 imp.s€rr hy raw ;;;Tll,1*0"0,*r ro rhe effecrive dare here'{ ,,l,l,xll'i;,ili;ill ii,i,xll';,.xi:ifl,f:;i;[1T#:jl,TJ:Jr';i;H,iTj;l[[JT,L1f::J:,0, ,,, be hereun,' affired bv irs durv aurhonzed ,,0,,^ ,, ,,]|oT]J1il:,111i::J i iTl? l,ijTffiif ,'HTff ffTxill;:ffi'l j; :'J::TJ:#:: ilil:l. OI.D REPUBLIC IIATIOiIAI TITI-E ITSURAilCE COMPAiIY A Stock Conpany 400 Second Avenue Soath, Mnneapo/rs. Mtnaes\o 55401 (6l2 ) 3// tl Jfi"t*n g 4,ttt:ft,-" Authotiaed Sigoatuy oFiI toftn 25tz 0y Auest 4< !!!!!!- ,./ /2-_+ /22/-\-/ r'Seuetary O, OL,D RETUBITIC I.IATIONAL TITLB INSIIRAT\ICE COMPAI{Y AIJTA COMMITMENT SCHEDITLE A Our Order * V525479 ' For fnformat,ion Only - Charges - AIJTA Owner Policy Tax ReporE $10.00Info Binder $155.00--TOTAT-- $165.00 ****WITVII YOI'R REMITTA}TCE PIJEASE REFER TO OT'R ORDER NO. VS25479**** 1. Effective Date: December 06, 1994 at, 8:00 A.M. 2. Policy Eo be issued, and proposed Insured: ttALTA" Owner's Policy t0-L7-92 Proposed fnsured: THE INNSTEAD LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, A}I OHTO I.,TMITED PARTNERSHIP 3. The estate or interesE in the land described or referred to in Ehis Commitment and covered herein is: A Fee Simple 4. Title Eo Ehe eaLate or inE,eresE, covered herein is aE Ehe effect,ive daEe hereof vest,ed in: rAE INNSTEAD IJIMITED PARTNERSHIP, AI{ OSIO LIMITED PARTNERSHIP 5. The land referred tso in this commiEmenE is described as follows: LOT 3, BLOCK 4, VAIIJ VIL,L,AGE TIIIRD FILING, ACCORDING TO THE RECORDED PLAT THEREOF, COIINIY OF EAGL,E, STATE OF COIJORADO. PAGE 1 oALT'i. COMMITMBNT SCHEDI'LE B-1 (Requirements) Our Order # vS25479 The following are the requiremenes to be coq)lied wi.th: 1. PalmenE Co or for the account of the grantors or mortgagors ofthe full consideration for the estsaLe or interest to beinsured. 2. Proper insErument(s) creat,ing the eat,ate or interesE eo beinsured must be executed and duly filed for record, to-wit: THIS COMMITIvIENI IS FOR INFORI4ATION ONLY, AI\ID NO POIJICY WILL BE ISSITED PI'RSUAIIT HERETO. === THE COIDTTY CLERK AIiID RECORDERS OFFICE REQUIRES RETURN ADDRESSES ON DOCIJMEIiITS SEhfT FOR RECORDING! ! PAGE 2 otALT-. COMMITMENT SCHEDUIJE B-2 (ExcepEions) Our Order # VS25479 The policy or policies t,o be issued wiLl conEain exceptions to thefollowing unless Ehe same are disposed of Eo Ehe saEiifacE,ion ofthe Companyi L. Standard ExcepLions 1 through 5 printed on the cover sheet.. 6. Taxes and assessmenEs not yet, due or payable and special assessments not yet, certified to the Treasurer,s office. 7. Any unpaid Eaxes or assessmenLs against said land. 8. Liens for unpaid water and sewer charges, if any. 9. RIGIIT OF PROPRIETOR OF A VEIN OR LODE TO EXTR,ACT AND REMOVE HIS ORE TIIEREFROM SHOI]LD THE SA},IE BE FOI'IID TO PENETRATE OR TNTERSECT TIIE PREMISES AS RESERVED IN ITNITED STATES PATEMI RECORDED September 04, L923, IN BOOK 93AT PAGE 98. ]-0. RIGHT OF WAY FOR DITCHES OR CANAIJS CONSTRUCTED BY TIIE AIITHORITY OF THE ITNITED STATES AS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED Sept.ember 04,L923, rN BOOK 93 AT PAGE 98- 1.1-. RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS WHICH DO NOT CONTAIN A FORFEITURE OR REVERTER CI,AUSE, BUT OMITTING RESTRICTIONS, IF A.I\fY, BASED ON RACE, COLOR, RELfGION, OR NATfONAL, O&IGIN, AS CONTAINED IN INSTRITD{ENf RECORDED March 25, L963, rN BOOK 174 AT PAGE 575. l-2. UTIIJITY EASEMENT ALONG THE NORTHERLY LOT I.INE OF SITBJECT PROPERTY AS SHOWN ON THE RECORDED PI,AT OF VATI VTLTAGE-THIRD FILING. 13. EASEMENIS, RESERVATIONS AND RESTRICTIONS AS SITOWN OR RESERVED ON THE RECORDED PI,AT OF VAIIJ VITLAGE- THIRD FTLTNG. l-4. TERMS, CONDITIONS Ar,ID PROVTSIONS OF EASEMEMf AGREEMETiIT RECORDED OcEober 10,1966 IN BOOK 2OO AT PAGE 225. PAGE 3 0.-' - r.?rARANrEp coMpANyI,AND T'rTLE GU DISCLOST'RE STATEME}TT Required by Senac,e BilL 91-14 A) The subject, real property may be locaEed in a specia]. EaxingdistricE. B) A Certificate of Taxes Due list,ing each taxing jurisdicUion may be obtsained from the County Treasurer or the CountyTreasurer's authorized agent. C) Ttre informat,ion regarding special dist,ricEs and Ehe boundariesof such dist,ricts may be obtained from the Board of County Cottuttissioners, the County Clerk and Recorder, or the County Assessor. Required by Senat,e BiIl 92-143 A) A Cereificate of Taxes Due listing each taxing jurisdictionshall be obtained from the County Treasurer or the CountyTreasurer,s auEhorized agent. PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Design Review Board will be reviewing the following application on April 5, 1995 in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. 1. A request for an additional 250 square leet of Gross Residential Floor Area for a demoirebuild of a primary/secondary at the Hitchcock Residence located at AddresVLegal. 421 Beaver Dam Circle/Lot 3, Block 4, Vail Village 3rd Filing. Applicant: The Innstead Limited Partnership - Chris Hitchcock, managing paftner. The applications and information about the proposals are available in the zoning administrator's office during regular office hours for public inspection. TOWN OF VAIL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Published in the Vail Trail on March 17. 1995. ?*"Y#'u',,Pu^ -ir1ar-e-d -b f4' ' Fritzlen Pierce Briner March 13, 1995 SUBJECT PROPERTY: 421 Beaver Dam Circle ADJACENT OWNERS: 443 Beaver Dam Circle Carol & Thomas Lund P.O. Box 9466 Peoria.lL 61612-9466 401 Beaver Dam Circle Carol Woods Schmidt 3901 S. Gilpin Englewood, CO 801l0 392 Beaver Dam Road Arthur Morgan & Erwin Diener P.O. Box 10099 Teledo, OH 43699-0099 383 Beaver Dam Circle John Tyler 2552E. Alameda #37 Denver, CO 80209 394 Beaver Dam Road Rimski,Inc. 2800 Sand Hill Rd. #200 Menlo Park, CA94025 352 Beaver Creek Circle Warren Miller 352 Beaver Creek Cirsle Vail, CO 81657 L : 19 4 6 2 TDOCV DJO llN ER ll P D ll 774 l2 7f6 L PoTAro PATI TRACT C SECOND FILING UI{PI-ATTED ,ED SANDSTONE €LEMENTARY 551 . TOWI MOUNTAIN EELL t60 INTERSTATE ( tN T.O.v, ) ITH DAY \IG LOT IQJ ) PARKINC EAD"Tj,"" 5 ICE ARENA 321 LIFTHOUSE ::,s55 3 '-'Znd FILII\G E VALLEY CENTER tPH t2l 6 7 t2 oo TOWN OF VAIL c{7 oot"€ , (,.{tr CHECI(S MADE PAYABLE TO TOWN OF VAIL acoaxrlsT Itt{t rluit !flr. Trx coSrlr. T.'r^L 0l 00004 540 ZONING AND ADDRESS MAPS $5.00 0r 000042415 UNIFORM BUILDING CODE $54.00 0l 0000 42415 UNIFORM PLUMBINCEODE $39.00 0l 0000 424 I 5 UNIFORM MECII,ANICAL CODE $37.00 0l 0000 42415 UNIFORM FIRL CODE $36.00 0l 0000 42415 NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE s37.000l 0000 424 I 5 OTIIER CODE BOOKS 0l 0000 4 548 BLUB PRINTS (MYLARS)li7.0u 0 | 0000 42412 XEROX COPIES $0.25ol 0000 42412 STUDTES ot oooo 42412 TOVFEES COMPUTER PROGRAM $5.00 0l 0000 42371 PENALTY FEES i RE-INSPICTIONS 0l 0000 4 551 PLAN REVIEW RE-CHECK FEE I$4OPERER-ol 0000 42332 OFF HOURS INSPECTION FEES 0l 0000 4 4t2 CONTRACTORS LICI]NSES FEES 0l 0000 4 415 SIGN APPLICATION FEE $20.0o0l 00004 413 AttLtl lloNAL SIGNAGE FEI: ISl.00 PER SO.FT.I 0l 0000 42,{40 VTC ART PROJF]CT DONATION -_r-"100 t0l 00004r33l PRE PAID DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FEE 0l 000042371 TwESTTGATION FEE (BUrtDrNCt 3l 0000 451 I0 TOV PARKINC FUND 0t 00ffi 22027 TOV NEWSPAPER DISPENSER FUND* 01 0000 21t12 TAXABLE @ 4% (STATE)* 01 0000 4t010 TAXABLE @r 4olo (TOWN) 0l 00004237t BUILDING INVESTICATIOFI OTI]ER PEC APPLICATION FEES 0l 0000 4 330 ADDITIONAL GRFA "250"$200.00 TOrl0l 00004 130 CONDITIONN L USI] PLRJviJT $200.000l 00004 330 EXTERIOR ALTERATION ILESS TIIAN IOO SOTT:I $200.00 01 0000 4 330 EXTERIORALTERATION [MORI] TIIAN 1OO SQ.FT.I $500.00 0l 00004 330 SPECIAL DEVELOPM ENT DISTRIETTNEWT-$ 1,s00.00 0100004 330 SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT IMT]OR ANiEID $ 1,000.00 0t 00004 330 SPECIAL DEVELOPMI]NT DISTRIC'T TMINOR AIV{END $200.000l 0000 4 330 SUBDIVISION 0t 0000 4 330 VARIANCE $250.00 0l 00004 330 ZONING CODE AMEN DMLJ.ITS $250.000l 0000 4 330 RE - ZONING $200.00 OTHER OTIIER REC. BY:cAsE r-t '**'9 t'*J!5;.oL, ?*li=cel l =nesug l.ra- 1 i-']i tl.=sh if,:51r 4i Fl'i',:*ii't + 1r:'?:+?'J F1r,:c,i-:rrt. * {:ir: 'l+ 6:il:"+ ri' irif,f ii i h.r,l, r i EF;i:g, ErR I t1EFi'..H i Tr:-:Hr.-:r:ilt. Lllt if i FF..I T:I -Ei.i'1irFi* ;p;".[1iiti I 1 T Ltl ll']L r:liFFl iirir,:,r-rrii. i*r!,1*|ed : 'l[ltil' fitJ 1t*ri Pei'J tj i'iluBii4 i f,:' 18rjt';i r:1 l rjirl [:1i] 4 i ;1-a.t:1 9 0 1:1 llnisurr t P.iid ;li:iti, tjtj :l.tB " i;ir;'i g ?cl AP H!TCI_]CC LANDSC E frt,4 ,\ !"=2O''-O" q-l 'rl ]J ro .-l o.. c{ r*t#t ;.,""t.l;tsr ', !'i:i,* #-tr^,r,*+ AEST ,+ 11 0 O c44'j,J 3 3-r t: JP , r iir o 20 E-. 3PRINO P' 1:e._ T J QIDjE 93 tEtT -+ l_-+ - O. SLAB --,.' '3'.- . 5P: -r ::DAR3-{AKES l-yP) O1lLO a VERI- CAr- rXlO \-ErrK )-r*.- ^\- lIf / )L)JO F 2X CEDAE =AJ':{TYI OitOO F rX6 rtrOOD rRlY 11yp; C8;lO.A Cr_AD Dr,v iDED LIGIT {.LINDOUJS tTYP) OllOO B STONE CAP irypt A J-JI\t V F\EER ITYP) 'J. PA,IC *.{.J'l:, AtiTt I)trlllilrr/ittf-f\J\-/\) | | lss _ r+r O RETAININC T UEST T.O RID6E T O. FLOOR t J L { 1 AI ORTH I.This rocedure var ce. The 1n rmation is lfourypuqs Tteu,/ Application PEC MEETING Da DA for any project requesting awil-I not be accepted until all eg is reguiredapplication submitted. NAII{E OF APPLICANT ADDRESS 2 7'bA II III. L. The relationship of the requested variance toother existing or pot.ential uses and structures inthe vicinity. NAME oF AppLrcANT, s REpREsENrArrvE LYNN Fe fELtNl ADDP€SS PHONE NAME OF OwNER(s) (type or ptint) CJle.tstoptlfte- Htll*lCoz.E- OWNER(S) SIGNATURE(S) ADDP'F,SS " 75bo lpzat/ AJ . LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT 3 LocK -4- Fr:'wc V*rt ltLtA(E 7/f /pD F/4ryf t!- rE|a THE FEE MUST BE PAID BEFORE THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT WILL ACCEPT YOUR PROPOSAL. F. Stamped, addressed envelopes of the names of owners ofall property adjacent to the subject property INCLUDING PROPERTY BEHIND AND ACROSS STREETS, and a list of theirnames and maili.ng addresses. THE APPLICANT WILL BB RESPONS]BLB FOR CORRECT I4AILING ADDRESSES. A pre-appl.lcation conference with a plannj.ng staff member isstrongly suggested to deternine if any additionalinformation is needed. No application wi]l be acceptedunless it is complete (must incl_ude all items required bythe zoning administ.rator). It is the applicantrsresponsibilit.y to make an appointment wiln tne staff to findout about additional subnittal requirements. PLEASE NOTE THAT A COIIPLETE APPLICATION WILL STREAMLINE THE APPROVAL PROCESS FOR YOUR PROJECT BY DECREASTNG THE NUMBEROF CONDITIONS OF .APPROVAL TIIAT THE PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION (PEC) MAY STIPULATE. ILL CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL MUST BE COMPLIED WITH BEFORE ABUILDING PERMIT IS ISSUED. FOUR (4) COPIES OF THE FOLLOWING MUST BE SUBMITTED: A. A WRITTEN STATEMENT OF THE PRECISE NATURE OF THE VARIANCE REQUESTED AND THE REGULATION INVOLVED. THE STATEMENT MUST ALSO ADDRESS: B. tiii:F::irii: rir:r I :rl"#;:H*r;"' compatibility and uniformity of treatment amongsites in the vicinity or to attain the objectivesof this title without grant of special privilege. 3. The effect of the variance on 1ight and air,distribution of population, transportation,traffic facilities, utilities, and public safety. 4. How your request complies with Vail'sConprehensive plan. A topographic and/or j.mprovement survey at a scale ofat ]east t" =,20t stamped by a Colorado licensedsurveyor including Iocations of aI1 existinginprovements, including grades and elevations. Otherelements which must be shown are parking and loadingareas, ingress and egress, Iandscaped aieas and utilityand drainage features. A site plan at a scale of aL l-east- I" - 20, showinqexisting and proposed bui.ldings. A11 preliminary building efevations and floor planssufficient to indicate the dimensions, generalappearance, scale and use of all buildings and spacesexisting and proposed on the site. A preliminary t.itl_e report to verify ownershj-p andeasements. If the proposal is located in a multi-familydevelopment which has a homeowners/ association, thenwritten approval frorn the association in support of theproject must abe received by a duly auLhorized agentfor said associ-at ion. Any additional material necessary for the review of theappi-icat.ion as determined by the zoning administrator. For interior modifications, an improvement survey andsite plan may be waived by the zoning administralor. D. I IV, TIME REQUIREMENTS B. A.v. The Planning and Envi-ronmental Commission meets on the2nd and 4Lh Mondays of each month. A completeapplication form and all accompanying material (asdescribed above) must be subrnitted a minimum of four(4) weeks prior to the dat.e of the pEC public hearing.No incomplete applications (as determined by t.he zoningadministrator) will be accepted by t.he planiing staffbefore or after the designated submittal date. A1I PEC approved varj.ances shalI J-apse if const.ructionis not commenced wit.hin one year of the date ofapproval and diligently pursued to completion. If this application requires a separat.e review by anylocal, State or Federal agency other than the Toin ofvail, the apptication fee shall be increased by5200-00. Examples of such review, may includel but arenot limited to: Colorado Department oi Hignway AccessPermits, Army Corps of Engineers 404, etc. - The applicant shall be respons_ibLe for payj-ng anypublishing fees which are in excess of 50t oi tneappl.ication fee. If, at the applicant,s request/ anymatter is-postponed for hearinb, causing the- mati.er cobe re-published, Lhen, the entire fee for such re-publication sha1l be paid by the applicant. B. Ffizlen Pierce Briner P,O. Bot 57 c Vail ColoruIo 8165E.3034766342. Fox:303176-4901 January4,1995 Jim Curnutte Senior Planner Town of Vail Dept. of Community Dev. 75 S. Frontage Road Vail Colorado 81657 re: Redevelopment of Hitchcock Residence Lot 3, Block 4, Vail Village Third Filing Couceptual Review DearJim: This property cunenfly has a log stuctue with nryo dwelling units in it. The Hitchcock's would like to redevelop the propefty to it's allowed zoning. The existing structure is approximately 33 years old and is in need of numerous repain in order to meet today's building code, energy code and societal expectations. It is the Hitchcock's intent to removing the existing shuchue and construct a new primary secondary residence. The site has several unique features: l. It is sided by two public right ofways, BeaverDan Circle on the east and Beaver Dam ioaa on the south. ' 2. The Beaver Dam Circle access is less than ideal for visibilig and slope. [t curves down to the existing access and slopes up to ten percent. 3. The Beaver Dam Road access has better visibility for access and a relatively flat slope. On the other hand the site slopes doram at 20% from Beaver Dam Road requiring fill for a driveway access. I have spoken to Greg Hall in regards to the Deparhnent of Public Work's stance on access from Beaver Dam Road and Beaver Dam Circle. Greg told me that traffic counts on both roads are relatively low and does not anticipate that an additioual drive access offof Beaver Darn Road would have a negative impact. Itris departnent has no regulation that would limit two driveway accesses as long as they complied with the construction standards adopted. t Jim Curnutte Page2 Ianuary 4, 1995 Here are three site design altematives for the Hitchcock Residence located at 421 Beaver Dam Circle. Alternate #l: This alternate lines up the garages to the steetand requires 24' in front of the garage door for tum around area. I think this altsnative is the least aesthetic of the three because it lines up a wall of garages at the entry elevation and allows little opportunity for architectural relief and variety of form. There is a"fair amount of paving'for this solution because the vehicular "tun around a^rea" is absorbed on the site. tA AltAmate #2 This alternative proposes two driveway accesses. This alternative rcqufues less paving because it relies on the public right of way for vehicle turn around and the driveway area is limited to in"/out. This solution steps the building dovm the slope better than the otler two because the entries are not required to be at the same grade. Two driveway accesses are typically not desirable for a variety of safety and aesthetic reasors. In this case though it may help achieve a nurnber of goals: Limited driveway paving, more flbxibility to preservb existing mature tees, more flexibility to step the building down the site. Alternate #3 Driveway/Courfyard This is the solution tbat we havd worked on the most. This solution hac ths mest amount of paving because it also absorbs the vehicular tum around oq the site and has a circular tum around. This solution has potential for more variety of form and turns the garage doors away from the enty elevation which I find more aesthetically pleasing I think altsnate #2 may be the most desirable but I do not want to pusue it without the input of the staffandthe DRB. Thank you for your consideration Sincerely, JinCttmufio Page 3 January 4, 1995 t I L{9464D0C\0r04T()V.WPD. ,.nl/,,lJunns t,' Date of Application t/4 /7€ Dateof OiieM"rtn: Date of PEG Meeting (if necessary)_ APPLTCATTON FOR ADDTTTONAL GRFA (250) t.TYPE OF REOUEST Standard 250 Type I EHU 250 Type ll EHU 250 _ Type V EHU 250 .,II. PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE A pre-application conference with a member of the planning staff ls strongly encouraged to discuss the provisions under which additional GRFA can be added to a site. lt should be understood that this ordinance does not assure each property an additional 250 square feet of GRFA. Rather, the ordinance allows for uo to 250 square feet if the conditions set forth in Chapter 18.57 or Chapter 18.71 of the Town of Vail code are met. Applicatons for additions under this section will not be accepted unless they are complete. This lncludes all information required on this form as well as Design Fleview Board submittal requlrements. 4.ItI. APPLICATION INFORMATION A. PROJECT DESCRI B. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: Address Description:Lotl- Btock:L rning JuL tl,an{,r, A4 FtttLegal Zone c.NAME OF APPLICANT: Address D. NAME OF APPLTCANT'S REPRESENTAT]flEt /+Nil n-nzlEt\/ Address E. tt NAME OF OWNER(S): Slgnature(s Address F.Filing Fee of $200.00 is required at time of submittal of a standard 250. For a request involving an EHU, the lee is waived. The following information, in addition to DBB submittalrequirements, shallbe required with this submittal: 1. Verification that the unit has received a final certificate of occupancy. 2, Stamped, addressed envelopes and a separate list of adJacent property ownerc! and of owners of units on the same lot. This information is available from the Eagle County Assessor's office. 3. CondominiumAssociationapproval(if applicable). 4. Existing or proposed floor plans of structure. G. Your proposal will be reviewed for compliance with Vail's Comprehensive Plan. H. lf this application requires a separate review by any local, State or Federal agency other than the Town of Vail, the application fee shall be increased by $200.00. Examples of such review, may include, but are not limited to: Colorado Department of Highway Access Permits, Army Corps of Engineers 404, etc. The applicant shall be responsible for paying any publishing fees which are in excess of 50% of the application fee. lf, at the applicant's request, any mater is postponed for hearing, causing the matter to be re-published, then the entire fee for such re -publication shall be paid by the applicant. Applications deemed by the Community Development Department to have signiticant design, land use or other issues which may have a significant impact on the community may require review by consultants other than town staff. Should a determination be made by the town staff that an outside consultant is needed lo review any application, the Community Development Department may hire an outside consultant, it shall estimate the amount of money necessary to pay him or her and this amount shall be forwarded to the Town by the applicant at the time he files his application with the Community Development Department. Upon completion of the review of the application by the consultant, any of the funds fonrarded by the applicant for payment of the consultant which have not been paid to the consultant shall be returned to the applicant. Expenses incurred by the Town in excess of the amount foruvarded by the applicant shall be paid to the Town by the applicant within 30 days of notitication by the Town. I il?o*A"* ii il +t+rbL.+L- rltOlta (o^n 4 lvze Va fln% I rlt WNta cY 6.t-u== ab^")A \>c- ri:l^r,.'<, tf W v\ryu,) JL Yvrr^7"'"o"t-',) - V//A covu.ntpwt ut)t V*Utt-lrU^ ,M +ar/r-' \,\^o4- +xtA e^o"^gf W *^1 Ax-e1A Vro."* woA , (arUuv) cr\\,0- 6e.Ls,51 , +D? -1 tfrfvrA ^L ,^^-( a'c-!-0135- 7Y^/,r4 -- t1/D *hfut't -) v-qtu<'erv\p "( 4 tVrt" fv+D "^q4= voad. q ..Y'tr utt M"A ,*t"*r-g \)eAJ/a, @ )^-* aL gh ?Tzk v-, t 6V U> n&- a.e44A'/\ 4A4le, fl- e'( dhr',^, c,,\e-., fuv P{^*+e cl'wv-<- Ib t(L'b/l a