HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 7 BLOCK 6 LOT 13 LEGAL6r|'iaTY oEvEL(FtfitT Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tef:970.479.2139 hx:97O,479.2452 web: www.vailgov.ccm Project Name: SHARER CHANGE Project Descrlptlon: Particlpants: Project Address: 1187 HORNSILVER CR Legal Descriptlon: Parcel Number: Comments: Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: DRB Number: DR8070703 FINAL APPROVAL FOR A CHANGE TO THE APPROVED PI.ANS TO A NEW SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE OWNER SHARE& KEVIN W. THOUSAND OAKS THOUSAND OAKS cA 91320 APPUCANT SHEPHERDRESOURCES, INC, rzlLOlaOOT PO BOX 1624 AVON co 81620 License: C000002193 ARCHnECT SHEPHERDRESOURCES, INC. LULOIaOOT r2lr0l2oo7 Phone: 949-3302 Phone: 949-3302 PO BOX 1624 AVON co 81620 License: C000002193 1187 HORNSILVER CR VAIL Location: Lot 13 Blockr 6 Subdivision: VAIL VILLAGE FILING 7 2101-092{500-1 BOARD/STAFF ACTION ACtiON: SIAFFAPP Date of Apprcval= oIlOT 12008 Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate rwiew committee(s). Cond:0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities, Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval, pursuant to the Vail Town C.ode, Chapter 12-3-3: APPEALS. Cond: 202 Apprwal of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final apprwal. unless a buiHing permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Cond: 113 All development applications submitted to the Town after the efrective date of Ordinance 26, Series 2006 shall be subject to the pending employee housing regulations in whatever form they are finally adopted; prwkled, horuever, that if the Town fails to adopt the pending employee housing regulations by April 15,20fl7, this Ordinance shall not apply to such development applications. Planner: MCHEL FRIEDE DRB Fee Paid: $20.00 -. t-\lllrtl l;i 'l Changes To The Approved Pla Application for Design Revie Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2128 fax: 97 0,479.2452 web: www,vailgov.com General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Departrnent. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town council and/or the Planning aM Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval, Locationof theproposat: r-ot: 13 etoct: b suooiuision, VAIL VILIAGE -lTFtFtLlNG Physical Address: Parcer No.: ZlOlCqZO5 DDt (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) TOWN OF VAIL F 6rg ovo (rlZonlng! Name(s) of Owner(s): Address: Owner(s) Signature(s): Phone: NameorAppti""nt' S\\tP!{pRLt RT€f}WF6, INC Mailing Address: Type of Review and Fee: f, Cnanges to Approved Plans Submittal R€quirements: 3 Sets of Plans Addressing Project Changes Signature of Homeowner(s) or Association For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. $20 F:\cdelAFORMS\Permits\Planning\DRB\drb_change_to_approved_plans_1_page_10-18-2006.doc *m % 'OINT PROPERW OWT{ER WRITTEN APPROVAL LETTER I, (print name), a joint owner of property located at provide this letter as written approval of the plans dated which have been submitted to the Town of Vail Community Development Department for the proposed improvements to be mmpleted at the address noted above. I understand that the proposed improvements include: (Signature)(Date) Additlonally, please check the statement below whlch is most applicable to you: n I understand that minor modnnfions may be made to the plans over the ourse of the review pro@ss to ensure compliance wlil1 the Townb appliable des and regulations. (/diaa/ lere) D I request that all modifiations, minor or otherwise, which are made to the plans over the course of the review proess, be brought to my attention by the appliant for additional approval before undergoing further review by the Town. /Iaiael lere) joint property owner letter revised 10/18/2006 Er F:\cdev\FORMS\Permits\Planning\DRB\drb-change-to-approved-plans-1-page-10-18-2006.doc **+f+**********+*tt++++***l****+***t+f+++*+***t**f*****t**tfi*******,f+*r.f'r****+*,t"t'**'t+++f*{r{. TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO ststem€nr****l++***'i********+++++**l'*******++*lllf****+*l}**i******'fir***++,t'****'t***!r:**:r:***'r******aat++ Statement tituniber 3 R020002685 Amount.: gzo.O0 t2/tO/ZOO7T!222 pN! Payment Method: Check Init: ,JS . Notation: 12653/SHEPHBRD RESOT]RCES. INC. Permit No: DR8070703 T14n: DRB-Chg to Appr plans Parcel No: 2101-092-0500-1 Site AddreEs: 1187 IIORNSIIJVER CR VAIL Location: 118 ? HORNSIIJVER CR Total Fees: $20.00This PaymeDt: $20.00 Total AIJIJ pnts: $2O.OO Balance: $0.00 **+**'i**l*****************t**tt+*****+*******************t**tf******++**:i****'t**!*!t'i***!****l* ACCOTJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts DR OO].OOOO3TI?2OO DESIGN REVIEW FEES 20.00 hft3, blL b li"z l1ita?* frZ c{ks&raT.r OE!FLtrF{€1*! Sesign Revlew Board ACTIOR FOR}I Department of Community Developrnent 75 Sslth Frontage Roed, Yail, Colsrado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 farr970.479.1452 web: www.vaitgov.co{x} Project Name: SHARER HOTTUB Project Descdption: FINAL APPROVAL FOR ADDING A HOT TUB Participants: OWNER SHARER, KEVIN W. THOUSAND OAKS THOUSAND OAKS cA 91320 APPUCANT VERONICA GUZMAN 0812412007 DRB Number: DR8070,141 0812412007 Phone: 970-375-4275 Location: 1187 VAIL VALLEY DR PO BOX 863 EDWARDS co 81632 1187 HORNSILVER CR VAILProiect Address: Legal Description: Parcel Number: Comments: Loe 13 Bbck 6 SuMivision: VAIL VILLAGE FIUNG 7 2101-092-0500-1 Screen w/ min 4 ft evergreen shrubs BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: Dunning Gillette 5-0-0 Action: APPROVED Date of Approvah 091 L912007 Cond: 8 (P|-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review commitee(s). Cond:0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval.. Cond:202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Planner: Nicole Peterson DRB Fee Paidl $2O.OO -- Description of the Requesh Cd(V\r,ffc,t V1r'1 *r V-., e ..-J Location of the Proposal: t-ot: [ 3 etoct(: Physical Addrcss: '' rKl Vn r \ Ucou Minor Exterior Alterations Application for Design Review ; Departnent of Community Developmenti b75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel:. 97 0.479.2128 tax: 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgw.com General Information: All projects requiring design review must reeive approval prior to zubmifring a building permit applicaUon. Please reftr to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Depadment. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission, Deeign review approval lapses unl..s a building pennit is issued and constru.tion commences within one year of the approval. -- Parcel No.:(Contact Eagle @. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Name(s)ofowner(s): l rn ''il- 5\rorr f Jafr? - Owner(s) Signaturc(s): Name of Applicant: l4ailing Address: Phone: E-mail Address: $50 Plus $1,00 per square foot of total sign No Fee For constuction of a new building or demo/rebuild. For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (indudes 250 additions & interior conversions). For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc, For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, sudt as, re-rooftng, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. v 6g v.R {b 3'9o )' Type of Review and Fee: tr Signs tr Conceptual Review New Construction Addfion Minor Alteration (multi-familykommercial) Minor Alteration (single-family/duplex) Changes to Approved Plans Separation Request $6s0 $300 $2s0 \t=-) $20 No Fee tr tr tr tr tr Mailing Address: (1t ",^rA.C S At AUG 2 3 2007 TOWNOFVAIL. COLORADO Stat€m€nt * ** * * * * * **+******,t********+*{.*****++* * * ** * *********+*****:1.*{'******++*** * * * * * * * * ** * '}* * * +* * * ** stsatsenent Nurnber: R070001546 Anount: $20.00 08/24/2OO708:22 Al.rl Pa)'ment Metshod: Cash Inits : rIS Notation: $/KEVTN SHARER Permit No: Parcel No! Sitse Addreas: IJocation: T-hi s Payment: DFiB0 7 0441 Tlfpe: DRB-Minor A1t, sFR/DtrP 21.01-092-0500-1 1187 HORNS IIJ/ER CR VAIIJ 1187 VAIIJ \IAI.'LEY DR Total FeeE: TOtAl AIJII PMTS : . Balance: $20.00 $20. o0 $o. oo $20.00 t+++l+**'1.**:t****'t*+*'**'l*t****l**d'{'***l'+*a'+++al+*'}**+'l'**lrt *{.'t'i*f***************++++++**+*+t** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Des cript ion Current Pmts DR 00100003772200 DESIGN REVIEW FEES cdaEilttcqllfl E-aaS''' HORNSILVER CIRCLE (50' R.o.w.) Pr.to.rd Ee..€r*6 TEe3E '6'1xlt iqD ,i u6 L #,# 4 t9a\9 l\il\ G1\o-t\frlA'c\/\ 3 IIls dnT lt - lt I JIJ .r, /o o/o 5C;z ffi "':er4ri#;oghb{"}'r<h Wffi "Y"ffi'o^{*k'.n f-- ir.'tot Ede.. \A/.rl Eirsi t"" ro 'en'tr'*UJ PROPOSED ,.-. rENoSiApE PLAN ,+\,..:/a- w {/ F'r6s?d !.€lduous @,Lb^.vr..r^nn ill e-sc*"u.r*r .-"* !' Uerrtlr"Zut W "z*:t'",it;*R"l':lil5:il"' Sl,tvwls {7ffr6a-- ts+'aa - fiir* ( eY 0 r0 :0 t'y$F, ' SCAL€: l'= l0-1r VA.UEY Lt.l Ir ll ll - b4? DRB MINOR ALTERATION THE SHARER RESIDENCE I I87 HORNSILVER CIR. LOT I3, BLOCK 6 vArL, co.8t657 LANDSCAPE PI.AN r -*.. rrilll @\l|||jrnl-t tE\,€LOaiEr.- Vr* Vtta4' 1+n'yot t3, b/pb Design Review Board ACTION FOR]II Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel:970.479.2139 ta'..970.479.2452 web; www.vailgov.corn Project l{ame: SHARER NEW SFR Proiect Description: FINAL APPROVAL FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A NEW RESIDENCE Pafticipants: OWNER SHARER, KEVIN W. THOUSAND OAKS THOUSAND OAKS cA 91320 APPLICANT SHEPHERD RESOURCES, INC, 0312612007 Phone: 949-3302 PO BOX 1624 AVON co 81620 License: @00002193 ARCHITECT SHEPHERD RESOURCES, INC. 0312612007 Phone: 949-3302 PO BOX 1624 AVON co 81620 License: @00002193 PtojectAddrcss: llBTHORNSILVERCRVAIL Location: 1187 HORNSILVERCR Legal Description: Lot: 13 Block: 6 Subdivision: VAIL VILLAGE RUNG 7 Parcel Number: 2101-092-0500-1 Comments: See Conditions DRB Number: DRB070U7 0312612007 Motion By: Dantas Second By: Du Bois Vote: 5-0{ Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION ACtiON: APPROVED Date of Approval= Oal $l2AO7 Cond: B (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date ? i of final apprwal, unless a building permit is issued and @nstruction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Entry: 04/18/2007 Byr RLF Action: COND 1. The applicant shall remove all proposed cobble from the swale on the north side of the property. 2. The applicant shall provide an internal fire sprinkler and fire alarm or shall prwide a three (3) foot wide heated path to prwkle Fire Deparbnent acess ftom Vail Valley Drive. 3. The appllcant shall rcduce the height of fte element abore the master bedroom entry to not o(ceed 33 feet from natural grade. Planner: MCHEL FRIEDE DRB Fee Paid: $650.00 r0ffiY aFvAtt 75 South Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 970479-21381479-2139 F4X970479-2452 April 18,2007 Shepherd Resources, Inc. c/o Debra M POBox 1624 Avon, CO 81620 Fax (970)949-5121 Re: DRB07-0117 Lot 13, Block 6, Vail Village 7s Filing Department of Community Development Dear Deb'ra, Thank you for your application for a new single-family residence at 1187 Homsilver Circle. The Design Review Board has approved your application at their April 18, 2007 meeting with the following conditionsl l. The applicant shall remove all proposed cobble from the swale on the north side of the propedy. 2. The applicant shall provide an internal fre sprinHer and fre alarm or shall provide a tlree (3) foot wide heated path to provide Fire Deparhnent access from Vail Valley Drive. 3. The applicant shall reduce the height ofthe element above the master bedroom entry to not exceed 33 feet from natural grade. Please note that ifyou choose to heat the path, per condi tion#2,you will be required to create a different zone for the snowmelt system in the right-of-way. I have attached the Design Review Action Form for your records. Per our discussion, I made a copy of the survey on file, which you can pick up at your convenience at the front desk of the Dept of Cormnmity Development, Do not he sitate to contact me with any questions or concerns. Rachel Friede Planner, Town of Vail (e70147e-2440 Rfriede@vailgov.com New Construction Application for Design Review Depaftment of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 ael: 97Q.479.2t28 fe|i.t 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com General Information: All projects tequiring design review must receive apprwal prior to submifring a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design revlew approval laps6 unless a bualding permit is issued and construction comrnences within one year of the approval. Locationof thepropoeal' t-ot' 13 alock: tD s"uoi"rtion'VAIL VtUMEr-11}l FlLthl(7 Physical Address: parcerrro.: 7lOttff2 SFOO | (contact Zoning: v eg o hr \ {Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant: lrlailing Address: E-mail Address: Type of Review and Fee: tr Signs E Conceotual Review )K ruev'r Construction-tr Mdition E Minor Alteration (muttFfamily/commercial) E Minor Alteration (sing le-family/duplex) - Charpes to Apprwed Plans tr Separation Request Phone: $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 For construction of a na/\, building or demo/rebuild. $300 For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, rs-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site impro/ements, qrch as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscapirE, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. No fue C-o. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no,) Name(s) of Owner(s): Buildino Materials PROPOSED MATERIALS Tvoe of Material Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting Other Notes:k?Pt\overr. b-{ TbT^'N OF VAIL' \^Jb'{uovb %we4 vlun {uon iwrrAl sNw \^IND C-uPPee 5IbNE, \IE\ITEE UC:CtT stFtrf Please specify the manufacturert name, the color name and "rru"rSF,tlSSEr-EVj F1., F: \cdev\FORMS\Permits\Plan ninq\DRB\drb-ne\ r-construction- 1-2 5-2 007.dih ,flrp+' rLw I't/A Page 7 ot 14 711231200s INTERIOR EXTERIOR 3'X3'TIMBER gILL T.I/ 5LOPED TOP 4"xl2" CEOAR tsELLYBAND gEALANT A/ EACKER RO9 COPPER FLASHIN6 K'Il DRIP EDOE f'"-" ----. ., -l ,l IL4l((lo+ II ,uw ll F\ FW' '':'r'.11_ ) SECTION AT WOOD BELLYBAND SCALE: I l/2"= l'-0" ISSUE: DATE:04-15-07 3.20 | REISSUE: I I87 HORNSILVER CIRCLE vA[- co.8r657 PROJECT # 06r6 Doucus Mrllen DrCulNr ARcHrrEcrs SHEPHERD RESOURCES INC /AIA INTERIOR r r-F::n F'./t,"rhr-t t *- i.:, I jj EXTERIOR 9lDlN6. RE,. ELEVATIONS SEALANT V,I/ B.ACKER ROD COPPER FLA9HIN6 A/ DRIP EDOE FULL SEALANT BED BETI^.IEEN CAP AND FLA9HIN6 ffi?* T"l" l gfi:',-'' ) tlr {\(st6? r- ' (Lw + prr i: rnE: s-rAFF IT i,T/"'"'rl,' ' SECTION AT STONE CAP TO WOOD SCALE: I l/2"= l'-0" ISSUE: DATE:04-15-07 REISSUE: 3.202 I I87 HORNSILVER CIRCLE vAll- co.81657 PRO.IECT# 06r6 Doucus Mrlun DeCHnrur AncHrects SHEPHERD RESOURCES INC /AIA INTERIOR q[r.fo* WJG t EXTERIOR. LINE OF CORNER BoAR'D, RE. ELEVATIONS COPPER FLASHING Y'Il DRIP EDOE 4xl6 CEDAR BELLYBAND l'1/ SAACUT DRIP EDOE COPPER FLA5HIN6 T.I/ DRIP EDOE bxO TTMBER OUTRIOGER 2x6 TtG DIN6 REF, tdiffit- nlsl I:VIL W SIAF}:Pi.t(.)vAt- LAP SIDINO TO CORBEL A1 t lt ll SECTION AT WOOD BELLYBAND.GUEST SCALE: I l/2"= l'-0" ISSUE: DATE:04-15-07 REISSUE: 3.203 I I87 HORNSILVER CIRCLE vAil- co.81657 PROJECT# 06t6 Doucus MrllER DECHANT ARcHrrEcrs SHEPHERD RESOURCES INC /AIA LINE OF STONE I I DRAINAGE MAT EXTR:UDED OR EXPANDED POLYSTYRENE RI6ID INSJLATION ftAPED OR 9EALED JOINTS) CONTINUOUS VAPOR RETARDER ARAPPE9 AROUND cORNER cONTINUOUS AIR INFILTRATION BARRIER NRAPPED AROUND CORNER FULL I^IIPTH STONE AT cORNER TO REINFOR6E "LOAD BEARIN6" APPEARANCE INTERIOR EXTERIOR I ulu[T_* lt ll EXTERIOR CORNER SCALE: I l/2"= l'-0" AT STONE ISSUE: DATE:04-15-07 3.30 | REISSUE: I I87 HORNSILVER CIRCLE vArL co.8r657 PROJECT# 06r6 Doucres MrlleR DeCuarur ARcHrrrcrs SHEPHERD RESOURCES INC /AIA ll CONTINUOUg VAPOR RETARPER ARAPPED AROUNP CORNER CONTINUOUS AIR INFILTRATION BARRIER I^{RAPPED AROUND cORNER AAOD StDtNO, RE, ELEVATIONS 2x2 R.3. CEDAR GORNER TRIM EXTER IOR INTERIOR t-7'--- ':; l^/ -''i 'l r'.t I, +l ftlor,WW t,, bAIE; Li i''!I\"r;F bz :c 9 ;oa lt ll il DESIG ) I,A T F A.lt- VIEW INTERIOR CORNER AT WOOD SCALE: I l/2"= l'-0' ISSUE: DATE: O4-15-07 3.308 REISSUE: I I87 HORNSILVER CIRCLE vA[_.co.8t657 PROJECT# 0616 Doucus Mrllen DeCxlNT ARcHTTECTS SHEPHERD RESOURCES INC /AIA INTERIOR EXTERIOR I E ]t z t:6 a 3 1j tl 5 1t h 2 h 2 zi 2! i! I. _3 J I5 CONTINUOU9 VAPOR RETARPER hIRAPPEP AROUND CORNER cONTINUOUS AIR INFILTRATION BARRIER NRAPPED AROIJND cORNER CORNER FRAMIN6, RE' gTRUCTURAL vpoD 5lDrN6. RE' ELEVATION9 3xl2 R.9. CEDAR CORNER TRIM LOCK MITER +f sl,+ K- vr It EXTERIOR CORNER AT WOOD SCALE: I l/2"= l'-0" ISSUE: DATE: 04-1547 3.309 REISSUE: I I87 HORNSILVER CIRCLE vAtL co. st657 PROJECT # 06t6 Doucr-rs Mrrren DeCHaNr ARcxrecrs SHEPHERD RESOURCES INC /AIA r (+" RE: ROOF PLAN ' ROOF FRAMIN6, RE, STRU6TURAL DRAI^{1N65 2x BLOCKIN6 BETY',IEEN ROOF pt5T5 3"xI?" RIPPED 6EDAR FRIEZE EoARD 2"x6" TtO C,OPPERDR.IP.EOOE FLASHIN6 l"x4" CEDAR FA7-IA 2"x8" CEDAR FA9r-IA 3"xl0" TlMBER RAFTER TAIL, RE:9TRU6TURAL DRAI^{1N65 ;l r, ) T' I I- qlgloro* EAVE DETAIL - 6:12 ROOF SCALE: l" = l'-0' ISSUE: DATE:04-15-07 4. 101 REISSUE: II87 HORNSILVER CIRCLE vAil- co.8r657 PROJECT# 06r6 Doucus Mrlun DeCuerur ARcsrrEcrs SHEPHERD RESOURCES INC /AIA il '.\\/4 \"7_\- |--.\l .r RE. ROOF PLAN f---r- cowER oRlP-EooE \..- --' FLASHING ROOF FRAMIN6, RE!STRUCTURAL DRAAIN6S 2x FLOCKINO BETI^{EEN ROOF JOI5T5 3"x1?" RIPPED GEDAR FRIEZE OOAR.D 2"x6" T60 l'x4" CEDAR FA*.IA 2"x8" CEDAR FA%.IA 3"xl0" T|MBER RAFTER TAIL, RE. 9TRI]6TURAL DRAI^{|N69 ii"Pi-li:!' -.:= '; r r, ; ) {plotpw EAVE DETAIL - 4:12 ROOF SCALE: l'- l'-0" ISSUE: DATE 04-15-07 4.t02 REISSUE: I I87 HORNSILVER CIRCLE vAiljco.9t657 PROJECT# 06r6 Doucus Mrlun DeCxlNT ARcHrrEcrs SHEPHERD RESOURCES INC /AIA ll ROOF FRAMIN6, RE, STRU6TURAL DRAt"llN65 2X BLOCKINa BETI^IEEN ROOF JOI5T9 3"x14" RIPPEP CEDAR FRIEZE tsOARP 2"x6" T8O COPPER DRIP-EDGE FLA5HIN6 l"x4" 6EDAR FAN,IA 2"x8'CEDAR FAK.IA 3"x10" rlMBER RAFTER TAIL, RE, 5TRU6TURAL DRAT.IIN6S I ii') tlI LllldD*' t' , li;'..r1.,i;t, - L Uf- lt ll v? RE, ROOF PLAN EAVE DETAIL - 7.5:1 2 ROOF SCALE: l" = l'-0" ISSUE: DATE 04-r547 4. r03 REISSUE: I t87 HORNSTLVER CrRCtt vAil- co.8t657 PROJECT# 0616 Doucues Mruen DrCxeNT ARcHtrEqrs SHEPHERD RESOURCES INC /AIA il =" ROOF FRAMIN6, RE: 9TRUCTURAL DRAI^IlN69 2x BLOCKTNG BET}^|EEN ROOF pt5r5 3"xlB" RIPFED CEDAR FRIEZE EoARD DRIP-EDGE FLAgHIN6 2"xO" CEDAR FA%.IA S"xlO" T|MBER RAFTER TAIL, RE, STRUCTURAL PRAY.IlN65 ll EAVE DETAIL - 6:12 ROOF SCALE: l"= l'-0" ISSUE: DATE:04-15-07 4.104 REISSUE: I I87 HORNSILVER CIRCLE vA[- co.8t657 PROJECT# 05r6 Douclls Mrlun DECTnNT ARcHtrECrs SHEPHERD RESOURCES INC /AIA I - l+F 5l dl {o.e I +orl I r,z5._.l I I I lr t I 5l EDOE OF cHIMNEY CAP AB,oVE AOOD FRAMIN6 RE 5TRUCTURAL MITRED .-APSTONES A/ ROUOH gNAPPEP EDOES u(w("* fq,t= RIB SHEET METAL ON !" errvvoo 2x BLOCKINO I,,l/ ]^IRAPPEP COPPER CLADDINO ]^IOVEN COPPEP SCREEN 6ONNE6TED TO AN6LE E.RA.-KETS W BA6KIN6 PLATE STORM COLLAR FLASHINo A5 READ ON PREggIJRE TREATED PLYI^ID COPPER FLA9HIN6 6 SEALANT 4"xt2" 'APSTONE n/ R.OUOH 9NAPPED EDOE ROOF OEYOND tl ll TT -.,\.,,,.,,.\\...,/ \\ '/t r/ \././ \\ CHIMNEY DETAILS SCALE: 3/4" = l'-0" ISSUE: DATE:04-15-07 4. t05 REISSUE: I I87 HORNSILVER CIRCLE vArL co.8r657 PROJECT# 0616 Doucus Mrr-lrn DrCsrNT ARcHrrEcrs SHEPHERD RESOURCES INC /AIA DECORATIVE COPPER CAP b"x9" R5 VIOOD NEI^IELP6T 3"x6"COPPER CAPPED I'VOD TOP RAIL PROFILED LMOO G'UARDRAIL APRON I'PROFILED METAL PICKET9 PROFILED TIMBER PICKET1 4"x6' COPPER CAPPtD BOTTOM RAIL ' 1'\i1l-, t I L* tl ullrlo t' 'L'w lt ll il TYPICAL DECK GUARDMIL SCALE: l" = l'-0" ISSUE: DATE: O4-15-07 5.40 | REISSUE: I I87 HORNSILVER CIRCLE vArL co.81657 PROJECT# 06r6 DouGrAs Mrlun DpCxnNT ARcHrrEcrs SHEPHERD RESOURCES INC /AIA INTERIOR EXTERIOR CONTINUOUS VAPOR RETARDER hIRAPPED AROI,]ND 6ORNER 6ONTINIJOt'5 AIR INFILTRATION EARRIER hIRAPPEP AROUNP CORNER cORNER FRAMIN6, RE' 9TRJ6TURAL LOCREO LAP CORNER ATTACHEO TO 6ORNER LINE OF COR.BIEL ABoVE LINE OF OUTRIOOER Affil/E t[ rrfo* ll ll ll t. pq EXTERIOR CORNER AT WOOD.GUEST SCALE: I l/2'= l'-0" ISSUE: DATE: 04-15-07 3.3 t0 REISSUE: I I87 HORNSILVER CIRCLE vAlt, co. 8t657 PROJECT# 06r6 Doucus Mrlun DeCsnrur Ancxresrs SHEPHERD RESOURCES INC /AIA COPPEE FLASHIN6 EXTENP AIR INFILTRATION tsARRIER AROUND OPENINo '/'.IRAP VAPOR RETARDER AROUND OPENIN6 HEADER. RE, STRUCTURAL Dhl65 STEEL AN6LE, RE, STRUcTURAL DAGS TRIM. RE, INI Dl469 9EALANT T BACKER ROD INgJLATED SHIM- SPACE }^{INDO}^{ PER PLANS/}^IINDOI^I X,HEDULE JAMB EXTENSION IO" CUT SANDSTONE HEADER 1.\FPFE."ED B.i TrIF: '^ " 1:' t''' ') qlg[* ll ll ll WINDOW HEAD SCALE; |12"=1'-9" AT STONE ISSUE: DATE: 04-15-07 7.30 | REISSUE: I I87 HORNSILVER CIRCLE vAtL co.8t657 PROJECT# 0616 Doucr-rs Mruen DeCnnrut AncHrrsrs SHEPHERD RESOURCES INC /AIA EXTEND AIR INFILTRATION BARRIER AROTJND OPENINo COPPER FLA9HIN6 HEADER' REF STRUCTURAL Dt.'l@g TxlO R:9.6EDAR TRIM SEALANT 6 BACKER ROD INEJLATEP 9HIT4 5PACE, TYP. \"- C,OPPER FLA5HINO tA/ DRJP EDOE RUN 6" UP AALL MIN. TYP. I^.IINDOh.I PER PLANS AND 9CHEDULE JAMB EXTENSION q[rrl,''uw r i tl ll IT WINDOW HEAD.WOOD SCALE: l 12'= 1'-9" ISSUE: DATE:04-15-07 7.302 REISSUE: I I87 HORNSILVER CIRCLE vArL co.8t657 PROJECT# 06t6 Doucr-ls Mru-rn DpCslrur ARcsrrcrs SHEPHERD RESOURCES INC /AIA COPPER SHINGLE 3IOIN6 A/ IO'EXPOgJRE TYP, EXTEND AIR INFILTRATION BARRIER AROUND OPENINa AINDOI^ HEADER - REF gTRUCTURAL D}"{95 gEALANT T BAC.KERROD INSJLATED SHIM 5PACE, TYP. COPPER FLASHIN6 I,.I,/ DRIP EDGE RUN 6' UP T'IALL MIN. TYP. 2x2 R'5. CEDAR TRIM I^IINDO'I PER PLANS AND K.,HEDVLE JAMB EXTENSION, '1,F;r\:''1 r;-i1: 4"+'Lr-( ll ll il WINDOW HEAD.COPPER SCALE:3'= l'-O' ISSUE: DATE: O4-15-07 7.303 REISSUE I I87 HORNSILVER CIRCLE vAlt, co.8t657 PROJECT# 0616 DouGrAs Mrrren DeCxnrur AncxrrEcrs SHEPHERD RESOURCES INC /AIA JAMB EXTENSION DOOR CA5E, RE' INTERIORS CONTINUOUS VAPOR RETARDER. }.,IRAP ANP 9EAL TO OPENINo AIR INFILTRATION BARRIER, "{RAP PER OPENINo 5PEC INgJLATED 5HIM SPACE NON-gHRINK ORA)T gTONE VENEER BACKER ROD AND SEALANT l^ilNDON, RE' l",flNDOl^,I X.HEP.]LE ', 4[K(o+ [-1*i\{.'.i -' - PW z 6I I ll ll IT wTNDowJAMB - STONE SCALE: I l/2"= l'-0" ISSUE: DATE:0415-07 7.401 REISSUE: I I87 HORNSILVER CIRCLE vAil- co.8t657 PROJECT# 0616 Doucus Mtlun DeCslrut AncHrecrs SHEPHERD RESOURCES INC /AIA JAMg EXTENSION DOOR CA5E, RE. INTERIORS AIR INFILTRATION BARRIER }.{RAP OPENINo PER SPEC INE'LATED 3HIT4 SpA.-E COPPEE FLA5HIN6 - 9ELF-ADHERIN6 6OPPER FLASHINo RO OF SILL TO FOR,M. ?-5IDED DAM AT INT JAMB, RF. gILL 2x6 R5 CEPAR TRIM EACKER ROD AND gEALANT I^IINDOA, RE. PLANS AND SCHEDULE r I. I t Itrl"rut tl ll IT wtNDowJAMB - WOOD SCALE: I ll2"=l'-0" ISSUE: DATE: 04-15-07 7.402 REISSUE: II87 HORNSILVER CIRCLE vAtL co.8r6s7 PROJECT# 0616 Doucll's Mrllen DeCslNr ARcHrrEcrs SH EPHERD RESOURCES INC /AIA JAMB EXTEN5ION, RE. DOOR CA5E, RE. INTE AIR INFILTRATION tsARRIER }^IRAP OPENINO PER 5PEC INSULATED SHIM' SPA.-E COPPER SHINoLE 9IDINO A/ IO" EXPffi)RE. TYP. 2x6 R5 6EDAR TRIM BACKER ROD AND 5EALANT }IIINDOI^I, RE: PLAN9 AND 9CHEPULE vItrlo* ft-'|.'f lt ll il wINDowJAMB - COPPER SCALE: I l/2"= l'-0" ISSUE: DATE: 04- l5-07 7.403 REISSUE: I I87 HORNSILVER CIRCLE vAil- co.8r657 PROJECT# 0616 Doucr-x Mrlun DpCHINT ARcHrrEcrs SHEPHERD RESOURCES INC /AIA 9ILL EXTENSION, REI INTERIORS I^{INDOhI, RE' PLAN5 AND %HED(JLE IN9,I.,,LATED SHIM. 5P ACE BA6KER ROD AND gEALANT AIR INFILTRATION tsARRIER NRAP PER 5PEC STONE SILL 1,1/ RO'JGH gNAPPED EDOE, RE. gTONE VENEER DETAIL CONTINUOUg VAPOR RETARDER, h.IRAP ANP 9EAL TO OPENINo TRIM, RE! INTER DRAINAGE MAT 5TONE VENEER PSSIGN HF" ; t, ftqrF,4 [ rlo+^_. *t*l _ t=,'_at:rutru- /Lt ,e:. IT 'rlr(ft/ED 3Y , TOWN Cir: . WINDOW SILL - STONE SCALE: I l/2"= l'-0" ISSUE: DATE 04-t5-07 7.50 | REISSUE: I I87 HORNSILVER CIRCLE vAtL co.8t657 PROJECT# 06t6 Doucus Mrrren DeCrnrur Ancxrecrs SHEPHERD RESOURCE5 INC /AIA 9ILL EXTENSION, RE. INTERIOR5 t^,llNDoy,l, RE. PLAN5 AND 5CHEDULI IN3JLATEP 3HII4 SPACE BAcKER ROD AND 9EALANT COPPER FLA9HIN6 - gELF.APHERINO COPPER FLASHIN6 RO OF SILLro FoR.v 3-5toED pAt4 AT INT JAMB AIR INFILTRATION BARRIER I^,RAP PER 9PEC 2xb R5. CEDAR rRlM A/ DRIP EDGE { 11af or lt ll ll WINDOW SILL - WOOD SCALE: ISSUE: DATE: 04-15-07 7.502 REISSUE: I I87 HORNSILVER CIRCLE vAil- co.8t657 PROJECT# 0616 Doucr-Rs Mrlun DeCuerur ARcurrucrs SHEPHERD RESOURCES INC /AIA SILL EXTENSION - REF INTERIOR D11{|65 t^llNpol^{ - REF PLANS AND 96HEDULE LINE OF JAMB TRIM BEYOND INAJLATED 5HIM SPACE BAoKER ROD AND SEALANT COPPER FLA9HIN6 - 9ELF-ADHERII{2 COPPER FLA9HIN6 RO OF SILL TO FORI4 3-5IOEP DAM AT INT JAMB 2x2 R9. CEDAR rRlM AIR INFILTRATION BARRIER I^IRAP PER 9PE6 COPPEA SHINoLE SIDINO A/ IO" EXPOA)RE,TYP. ll ll IT WINDOW SILL. COPPER SCALE: 3" = l'-0" ISSUE: DATE: 04- l5-07 7.s03 REISSUE: I I87 HORNSILVER CIRCLF vArL co.8t657 PROJECT# 0616 Douclrs Mrrren DrCseNT ARcHrrEcrs SHEPHERD RESOURCES INC /AIA TEKA ILLUMINATION Descriolion Exterior woll mounted downlight luminoke for PAR 3O lomp lvloleriols ond Conslruction A. Cost honze cop B. Heoqr pure copper sho& C. Stqinl€ss steel o. copper on sloinless sleel ring boffels D. Sdid bross soocers E. Cost oluminum woll plote with pure copper co/er F. Heovy pure copper sfem - 7;6" O.D. Mounling Recessed 4' oclrrgonol wiring box Produd Number lqrp Rings Finish Option BWM-2I 46 / Noturol 75W PAR 30 Copper Brown Potino T-21 Beocon WollMouni +-- I t"t8 Qnunu q ow{A- t{A}e.Q, = 3 'fnatvl ?4 UpPr,* * t r(tcb r LWBW,#2 i l8 / Noturol Z5W PAR 30 Sr. Srl.Brown Polino BWvf2166./ Nickel. Z5W PAR 30 Sr. Srl. Nickel Plate Oplions ovoiloble ot odditionol cost A. Add su{fix BP for brorvn potino Nole U.L. ond CUL listed, suiioble for wet locoiions. TEKA ILLUMINATION, INC 86 Gibson Rood, #3 Templeion, Colilornio 93465 l8O5l 434-35 I l 6Vr' Fox 18051 434-35 I 2 wwwtekojlluminolion.com @ Copyrigt\t TEKA 2004 TEKA ILLUMINATION T.3B Beocon Stem Mounl t-"-T 'B' funurr{ 3 lg$)t'L - | fha, n'- L r-- a-: :.' l- - t i,,' i;1J r ,l tl .-t | (k/o r*- *f *._-|. Descriplion Exlerior/lnterior stem mounled luminorre Moleriols ond Conslruclion A. Cost bronze cop B. Heovy pure copper shode C. Stoinless sleel or copper on sloinless sbel ring stock D. Solid bross spocers E, Pure copper gloss reloiner with cleor gloss disk F. Cleor gloss cylinder G. Pure copper lompholder cover H. Stoinless steel sel screws l. 28"swivel, hong skoight conopy J. Pure bross stem " /a- IPS Mounting Racessed 4' octogonol wiring box TEKA ILLUMINATION,INC 86 Gibson Rood, #3 Templeton, Colifornjo 93465 (8051 434-35I I Producl Number Lomp Rings M CC Finish Option BS A2046 ,/ Noturol I00W Al9 St. 51. 12' 6Vi Brown Porino BSAA2OI 6 / Noturol IOOW Al9 Copper I 2" 67a" Brown Porino BSM-2066 / Nickel. 100W A19 Sr. Stl. 12' 6tA, None BSM-2246 / Norurol _199WA19 Sr. Srt. lS' zz." B BSlVr22l6 / Noturol 1 00W Al 9 Copper I 5' Z%" Brcnarn Pofino Ssl,/v7z& / Nickel* ]OOW Al9 St. Stl. l5' 7Vr' None *Nickel Plote Oplions ovoiloble ot oddilionol cost A. Add suff;x BP for brorvn potino B, Longer stem length up io l0 ft. ovoiloble - specify Note 57a' O.D. conopy musl be completely covered for exterior opplicofions U.l-. ond CUI listed, suitoble for wel locotions. Fox l8O5J 434-3512 www.leko- liuminotion.com O Copyrighl TEKA 2004 ,^ r \:Z/Calculite* Evolution Incandescent Glasslite C4MRGD Page 1 of 2 I 'c' 5 tt Qtrfu.ffmV IW 6"mb.'51/1" 51,2'mal- ' 5' mtn. is ror W to Vt' thid ceilir€, Ceiling Cu4|t 51nf fl29 mn) Dia. 4112" Aperture MR16 Glasslite Downlight \os*\ {229mm}-\-t 14 U8' (365mm) c| ncD/orAtcty C4MRGD Etched White Interior and flange { \ta\'"' u_w Non-lC 120V/277V Non-lc Airseal' 120V/277V lC Airseal" I20V OILVMU Magneticl20/277VglwEl Elecuonic 1 20V 0lwE2 Electronic 277V 4?-15W M R16(12V) C{Atltltilu Magnetic 1 20/277V CIALVEI Electonic 120V 42.75W MRl6(12V) C4AICLVM1 Magnetic'120V C/UUCLVEI Electronic l20V 20-50w t\rR]6(12v/) Remodel Frame.ln Kit Nonlc 120V gtwElRM 50W Max. Refleclor Trim Frame.ln Kit MR16 (12V)See se06mte soecificztion slrcet for mtre inforrnation, Features 1, Glassliter one piece borosilicate glass wilh integral flange, etched interiot and white ceramic coated exterior. Etched white cone flnish emits a subtle glo\,t/, Hinged. and snaps onto lampholder assembly for easy tool.less instal- lation. InterclEngeable with other Evolution 4 1/2" low v0ltage triflE. Suitable for spas, hot tubs and other wet environments. 2 Lanpftoldor A3s€Nnbly: Diecast aluminum. Euilt-in aperture shietd. Matte black finish. bmp shield keeps interior offixture dark. 3, Lamp Support Die-forrned aluminum with knurled surface fr easy gripping during relamping. Spring Gnsion clips hold lamp and lens and atlolrv fast snaPin, snapout relamping. Matte black finish. 4. Socket H.mess: Porcelain bi,pin socket. Pre-wired with No. 18 Teflon" rea0s. 5, Power Harness: Provides pow€r to transformer, 6. frame.ln Kit Compatible frameln kits are listed above. See separate frame-in kit specification sheets for details. Non-lc and Nonlc Ai6eal'- Insulation must be kept 3" away fiom fixture sades and wiring companments and must not be placed above fixture in a manner which Mllentrap heat. lc-Airseal'. Fixture may be in direct contact with insulation. Options & Accessories Euolution {" Trims wilh Non.lC Frames C4MRGD I Secondary Color Lens o/ I Mixing Color lens and 1 Specialty tilter Iabels UL Listed (suitable for wet locations), LB.E.W Teflon" is I registered trademark of E.l. DuPont. US Patem o. 5.967,511 Orfier llS and Foreign Parenb Pending. Type: Job Nanrer Cat. No.r L.np{s}: llotes: Lightolier a Genlyte company www.lightolier.com 631 Airpon Road, Fall Riw,MA02720. (508)679-8131 . tax (508)674-4710 We reserve the right t0 change details of design, materials and flnish. @ 2006 Genlyte Group LLC . C1206 II In{l II-lnv I Tr Illl I4 LTG PollcyNo. CTAI50014723 Form AO/CHI Chicago Policy No. 72106-1402228 Our Order No. V50014723 Schedule A Amount $5,650,000.00 Propert5r Address: 1187 VAIL VALLEY DRM / VAIL VILLAGE FILING ? BLK:6 LOT:13 VAIL CO 8165? 1. Policy Datc: September 14, 2006 at S:fi) P.M. 2. Name of Insured: KEVTN W. SHARER 3. The estate or interest in the land described or referred to in this Schedule and which is covertd by this policy is: A Fee Sinple 4. Title to the estate or interest covercd by this policy at the date hcreof ls vcstcd ln: KEVIN W. SHARER 5. The land referrod to in this policy is described ar follows: LOT 13, BLOCK 6, VAIL VILLAGE SEVENTH FILING, ACCORDING TO THE RECORDED PLAT THEREOF, COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO. This Policy valid only if Schedule B is attached. Land Title Guarantee Company Representing Chicago Title Insurance Company LTG Policv No. CTAI500I4723 Form AO/CHI Chicago Policy No. 72106-1402228 Our Ordcr No. V50014723 l. Schedule B This poltcy does not insure against loss or darnage (and the Company will not pay costs, attorneys' fees or expmses) wldch arise by reason oft General Exceptions: Rlghts or claims of parties in possession not shown by the public records. Easemenls, or claims of easemenls, not shown by lhe public records. Discrepancies, conllics in boundary lines, shortage ln area, encroachments, and any facts which a correct survey atrd inspection of the premises would disclose and whlch are not shown by the public records. Any lien, or right to a lien, for services, labor, or materlal heretofore or hereafter furnished, imposed by law and nol shown by the public records. 2006 TAXES AND ASSESSMENTS NOT YET DUE OR PAYABLE. RIGHT OF T}IE PROPRIETOR OF A VEIN OR LODE TO EXTRACT AND REMOVE TIIS ORE THEREFROM SHOULD THE SAME BE FOUND TO PENETRATE OR INTERSECT THE PREMISES HEREBY GRANTED AS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENTS RECORDED MAY 20. I9O5 IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 5II. RIG}TT OF WAY FOR DITCHES OR CANALS CONSTRUCTED BY THE AUTHORITY OF THE UNITED STATES AS RESERVED IN UNTTED STATES PATENT RECORDED MAY 20, T905, IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 51T. RIGHT OF WAY FOR DITCHES OR CANALS CONSTRUCTED BY THE AUTHORITY OF THE UNITED STATES AS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED MAY 27, T926, IN BOOK 93 AT PAGE 146, RESTRICTWE COVENANTS WHICH DO NOT CONTAIN A FORFEITURE OR REVERTER CLAUSE, BUT OMITTING ANY COVENANTS OR RESTRICTIONS, IF ANY, BASED UPON RACE, COLOR, REUGION, SEX, SEXUAL ORIENTATION, FAMILIAL STATUS, MARITAL STATUS, DISABIUTY, HANDICAP, NATIONAL ORIGIN, ANCESTRY, OR SOURCE OF INCOME, AS SET FORTH IN APPLICABLE STATE OR FEDEML LAWS, EXCEPT TO THE EXTENT THAT SAID COVENANT OR RESTRICTION IS PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW, AS CONTAINED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED DECEMBER 07, 1965, IN BOOK 18? AT PAGE 515. EASEMENTS, COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS, RESERVATIONS AND NOTES AS SHOWN OR RESERVED ON THE RECORDED PLAT OF VAIL VILLAGE, SEVENTH FILING. 3. 4. 5. 6. t. 8. 9. 10. LTG PolicyNo. CTAI500I4723 Form AO/CHI Chicago Policy No. 72106-1402228 Our Order No. V50014723 Schedulc B 1I. EASEMENT AND RIGHT OF WAY AS GRANTED TO COMMUNITY TELEVISION INVESTMENT, INC, IN DOCUMENT RECORDED DECEMBER 17. 1968 I,JNDER RECEPTION NO. 109785. I2. THE EFFECT OF ASPHALT DRIVEWAY ONTO VAIL VALLEY DRIVE RIGHT OF WAY AS SHOWN ON IMPROVEMENT LOCATION CERTIFICATE PREPARED BY EAGLE VALLEY SURVEYING. rNc., DATED st22t06,IOB #1774. 13. THE EFFECT OF PAVER DRIVEWAY ONTO HORNSILVER CIRCLE RIGHT OF WAY AS SHOWN ON IMPROVEMENT LOCATION CERTIFICATE PREPARED BY EAGLE VALLEY SURVEYING. rNc., DATED st22t06, IOB #1774. 14, THE BFFECT OF THE EDGE OF LOT 12 LAWN ONTO SUBJECT PROPERTY AS SHOWN ON IMPROVEMENT LOCATION CERTIFICATE PREPARED BY EAGLE VALLEY SURVEYING. INC., DATED s/22t06,IOB #1774. ITEM NOS. I THROUGH 3 OF THE GENERAL EXCEPTIONS ARE HEREBY DELETED. ITEM NO. 4 OF THE GENERAL EXCEPTIONS IS DELETED EXCEPT AS TO ANY LIENS RESULTING FROM WORK OR MATERIAL CONTRACTED FOR OR FURNISHED AT THE REQUEST OF KEVIN W. SHARER. Dolrcus l'lu"s. DGCHAMT ArcHmcr3 SH EPHEiD IESOURCES INC I AIA POST OFFICE BOX I624 AVON COLORADO 8r620 T970 9,f 9 3302 F970 949 5t2l WWW.SRIARCHITECT. COM April17,7007 Rachel Friede Planner,Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81557 RE: | 187 HORNSILVER CIRCLE PROJECT # 0616 T.ETTER OF RESPONSE TO DRB PHONE CONVERSATION Dear Rachel, ln response to our phone conversation yesterday, dated April 16,2007, please note thefollowingchangesthat we have made to the drawings: | . Please see the attached title report schedule A and B. 2. Please note under schedule B, specific easements are not noted. 3. Please refer to sheet A0.3 for a graphic representation of site coverage. According to our latest calculations we are currently showing 2,562 square feet of she coverage. Please note the red line drawing. 4. Please refer to sheet A | . | -Site Plan. We have relocated the snow storage so that it is not in the right of IT ll 5. Please refer to sheet A0.2 as well as A0. I for a graphic representation of GRFA. 6. Please refer to sheet A3.0 and A3. I for dimensioned elevations to gnde. We have also added the top of main roofs to the site plan sheet A | . | . 7 . Please refer to the attached revised cut sheets for the light fixtures as well as the floor plans for the quantity tI of fixtures. Per our conversation, we have reduced the amount of lisht fixtures down to 13. II 8. The trees will be marked as follows:ry I O\Client FilesV006 Prolects\06 | 6- | | 87 Hornsilver Circle\B Pro.l Administration\O8 Agency Approial & Model\Agenry Approva\DRB\Revised per Plan Comments 041707 .doc 9. Please referto the attached section lSl0-,,4Ardtibcirral Pnoieclions, Deds, Bakonies, S@ Bay Windom, etc., 'F. "Cupolas, and similar architectural features not usable as habitable floor.rea, may extendabovetheheiglttlimitadishnceofnotmorethat25%oftheheigfrtlimit." lfyoureadthe definition of habitable, "any area designed for sleeping, cooking, living, dining, meeting, or recreation as applied to foor area.' This area of this space is 3'- | I'x3'- | l'. This area is too smallto do any of the above mentioned items thus should not be considered habitable. Please call if you have any questions. Wth B€st Regards, Debra Monroe, Senior Project Maruger Project Manager , O\Client FilesVO05 Projects\06l6- I 187 Hornsilver Circle\B Approw\DRB\Revised per Plan Comments 04 l 707.doc Proj Administration\O8 Agerrcy Approwl & ModeN\ency Dorrct^s M[r.g DOt ttr ARo{rEcTs SHEPHIRO RESOUICES INC ' AIA POST OFFICE AOX 162,1 AVON COLORADO 81620 T970 949 I302 Pt70 9.19 5t2l WWW.SRIARCHITECT. COM April 12, 2007 Rachel Friede Planner,Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 I I87 HORNSILVER CIRCLE PROJECT # 0616 LETTEROF RESPONSE TO DRB COMMENTS Dear Rachel, In response to the staff comments dated April 5, 2007, to the drawings: pleme note the following changes that we have made I . Please see attached title report from the Eagle County website. 2. Attached is an updated stamped topographic survey. 3. Please refer to sheetAl.l-Site Plan; A l.lA-Construction management plan; and Al.3-Landscape plan for all the revisions that were noted letters a-j. 4. PleaserefertosheetAl.l-SitePlan.Weharcnotedthattheevergreensbythedrivewaywill belimbedup 7 feet to allow for proper line of site. 5. Please refer to sheet A0.3 for a graphic representation of site coverage. According to our latest calculations we are currently showing 2,564 square feet of site coverage. 6. Please refer to sheet A0.2 and A0.3 for a graphic representation of GRFA and Site Coverage calculations respectively, 7 . Please refer to sheet ,{3.0 and A3. | . We will be using a slate tile roofing system for all roofs that were previously called out as wood shake. 8. We will provide a public way permit with building permit application. I O\Client Files\2006 Projects\06 |6- | |87 Homsilwr Circle\B Proj Administration\08 Agency Approval & Modelt Agency Approva\DRB\Revised per Plan Commenb 040507.doc ll RE: ll lt E-@ervE APR 16 2001 TOWN OF VAIL 9. We will provide a revocable right of way permit with building permit application. f 0. Pfease refer to attached 8 Vz'xl | " detail sheeE from our detail manual for fascia. trim. etc. | | . Pfease refer to attached I th"xl I sheet included wifr our debil sheets. 12. Please refer to sheet A0.2 and A0.3 for a gr:aphic representation of GRFA | 3. We are working with the fire department in order to find or.rt if the building will be required to have a firc sprinkler system and fire alarm. Phase call ifyou have any questions. Wrth Best Regards, Debra Monroe, Senior Prcrject Manager Project Managgr 2 O\Client FilesV006 Projecs\05 | 5- I | 87 Homsihrer Crde\B Prcj Administntion\O8 Agerry Approwl & ModeNegerry Approw\DRBtRevised per Plan Cornmenb 040507.doc rOWN OF VAIL 75 South Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 9704792r38t479-2t39 Ftx970479-24s2 April 5,2007 Shepherd Resources, Inc. c/o Debra M PO Box 1624 Avon, C0 81620 Sent via email: Debram@sriarchitect.com Re: DRB07-0117 I187 Hornsilver Circle Lot 13, Block 6, Vail Village 7ft Filing Department of Community Development Dear Deb'ra, Thank you for your application for a new single family residence on Lot 13, Block 6, Vail Village 7'Filing. Staff has reviewed your application and requires the following additional material and changes: Title Report, schedule A and B Updated stamped topographic survey,5howing all easernants, per our submittal requirements (The application tai.r tttot ttt" survevia-s srGtTeT6Fid6iffitual review but we do not have it in our files). 3, The site plan: a. I"=10' scale(6) Clearly show all roof ridge lines with elevations and natural grade elevations below c. Four feet (4') concrete pan with 2" invert and no heat d. Comrgated metal pipe under driveway must be a minimum of 18" @ en sniw storage must be on property, not in right-of-way f. Stone walls on both sides of driveway need to be taken out of the right-of-way g. All walls must be at least two teet (2') from property line h. Show limits of disturbance fence around all grading to be done. Fence should be on the property unless absolutely necessary for constuction (can be on construction plan) . i, Provide erosion control detail (can be on constuction plan) drt4. Remove the light out of the right-of-way by the walk path on the south west comer of the lot 4. Evergreens by the driveway need to be limbed up 7 feet to allow for proper line of site./ @ Uporicatculating site.ornjog", it seems that you are over on site coverage by at least 100 square feet. All eaves beyond 4 feet count as site coverage. You will need to comply with a maximum of 2565 square feet of site coverage. 6. Please include a redlined set of floor plans showing how you calculated site coverage and GRFA. The diagonal lines used to indicate your calculated space was difficult to read. 7. All wood shake and shingles have been banned from all structures within the Town of Vail, Please select another material for your roof that is either a Class A assembly or a Class A roof covering material, per the Vail Town Code. 8. Provide a public way permit with building permit application. 9. hovide a revocable right-of-way permit with building permit application. ATh. architectural elevations need to include a detail sheets of fasci4 trim, etc. (l l Jlnclude a chart showing lighting fixhre counts, lumens ou@ut and luminous area for each - fi*tu.". 12. The GRFA calculations for the lower level differed slightly from staff counts. Please review your numbers and double check the math on the GRFA calculation. Garage square footage is included as GRFA and then a 600 square foot credit is given for the two enclosed parking spaces. The red-lined set of plans will help to ensure that we are counting the same space as /_\GRFA. /.1!P.er the Fire Department, the shucture is required to have a fire sprinkler system and a fire alarm svstem. In order to remain on the Wednesday, April 18, 2007 Desigrr Review Board agenda, the requested information needs to be submitted to the Departrnent of Community Developmort by Monday, April 16, 2007. If you require additional time io submit your application, please let me lnow and I will move your application to the next agenda. Do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or concems. Best. Rachel Friede Planner, Town of Vail (970Y79-2440 Rfriede@vailgov.com Status: I Approved Gonnnrtunffy DEVELopMENT Rountc Fonur I epproved with conditions fl Denied Routed To:George Chalberg, PW Date Routed:03t28t07 Routed By:Rachel Friede Date Due:o4t04t07 Description of work:New single family home Address:1187 Hornsilver Circle Leqal:Lot:13 Block:6 | Subdivision: I VailVillage 7'" Filing S1L rc @rnrna,tt/z: nA P.P.uomments:Date Reviewed:4l2l07 Fire lssues. Need additional review bv Fire rtment.I -D Provide a site that is 10 scale. Provide a stamped survev that shows all easements. CMP under drivewav to be a min 18" Call out concrete 4'with 2" invert no heat. Show all snow storage on property. .- \\o E drivewav to be limbed uo to allow for orooer line of site. The stone walls on either side of the drivewav to be removed out of ROlrV. - Show limits of disturbance fence around all oradino to be done. Provide an erosion control detail. Provide a Public Wav Provide a Revokable ROW it. Remove the light out of the ROW bv the walk path on the south west conner of the lot. More comments le with revisions. December 21,2006 Shepherd Resources Inc. c/o Debra M. PO Box 1624 Avon, GO 81620 Re: Necessary items for final review of proposed Sharer Residence located at 1187 Homsilver Circle/Lot 13, Block 6, VailVillage Filing 7 Debra, This letter is being sent to inform you of several items which are necessary to complete your application submittal for the Sharer Residence. The following bullet points identify comments by staff and the Design Review Board which need to be addressed and additional materials that will be needed to accompany the application. ,/l/ The cunent site plan does not show the correct setback off of Homsilver Gircle. lt should be shown a9,/20 teet and that portion of structure within the setback shall be Vemoved. \/ rz The front entry stairs should be adjusted so as to not fall within the right-of-way.p/fhe driveway shall be revised to show only one curb cut not the two shown. Staff unable to check to verify the proposed structure complies with the height' regulations. - On the plans submifted for final review top-of-wall and boftom-of-wall elevations shall be, ,hown on all retaining walls. The maximum height of all retaining walls is six feet.y' A preliminary analysis of GRFA was performed and the allowable GRFA is 5,623 s.f. As currently calculated there is approximately 7,408 square feet of GRFA without any basement deduction analysis having been performed. The applicant shall comply with fhe maximum allowable GRFA of 5,623 s.f. q/ The applicant shall submit a complete application as defined by the design review application for final review. It was felt that there was an exoess of hardscape shown on the conceptual plans which should be reduced. c/Jt was felt that the preservation of the existing evergreens on the western property line as shown in the conceptual plan was a positive. It was suggested that having the separated building mass may be causing more challenges on the site in complying with Section 14-10-5, Building Materials and Design, 7,1Vail Town Code. Specifically preservation of natural land forms on the site. l)" conjunction with a final application greater detail will be needed on the water feature. Please review these commenb and if pu have any questions regarding this letter plaase contac{ me at 970479.21u18. I look forward to working with pu on this project onoe )/ou have submifted an application for final revierrr of the proposed residence. Wth regards, Wanen Campbell Senior Planner Cc: File NEW CONSTRUCTION SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS General fnformaUon: The review process for new construction normally requires two separate meetings of the Design Review Board: a conceptual review and a final review. Applicants should plan on presenting their development proposal at a minimum of two meetings before obtaining final approval. I, SUBMITTAL REOUIREMET{TS'}{' b All pages of Application is completeb Checklist is completed and signedF Stamped Toposiaphic surveyl - SUBl.t\fiE D eE Site and Grading Planxb Landscape Plan*\ lrchitecturalElevations* \ Exterior color and material samples and specifications.\ Arch itectural Floor Plans*-5O Ugtting Plan* and Cut-sheds) for proposed fixtures CSn'cEptr$,L R€NE\^I e -":nt|e-repo|t' indudi ng€ehedules4r&-Bt'\reriflrownenshh€n+€AieE{effi * .. ^ t*Fhote€&tf.re odsti0g:si,teran+adjac€nt'gb.Hetr,e5i1yhgq 6pplicabls. \A @ndemintsrraEsoci?HGr9fl le N/\ ^-Si+*F.i@e*o The Administrator and/or DRB may require the submission of additional plans, drawings, specifications, samples and other materials (induding a model) if deemed necessary to determine whether a project will comply with Design Guidelines or if the intent of the proposal is not cleady indicated. Pleose,talairhlree (J) co/ra o/themalenizbaatcdwAh an ntertht (1. xxFor interior @nversions with no exterior chanoes, the submittal requirements include a complete set of existing and proposed floor plans, a title report, and written apprwal from a condominium association, landlord, and joint owner, if applicable. I have read and understand the above listed submittal requirements: Project Name: Contractor Signature Date Signed :.i -\ F:\cdev\FORMs\Permits\Planning\DRB\drb_nevr_construction_1-25-2007,doc Page 3 of 14 r1l23l200s ***''ff***t*****t+'l*+****ff,*{r{.{.*1.**!******{'t*fftt'}**tttt******'t,tt****'}*'}:t******++t*ttt++ftt+** TOWNOFVAIL, COLoRADO Srarement*+t+*,*'|'3'+*ll'}*f******+++f+******++**********++ttatff*t***+**+t **{.***+*t+********++*+*t*+++** Statement Number: RO?00003S9 Atnount.: g65O.0O 03/26/2OO703:38 pM Paltment l{ethod: Check Init: iIS NoEation: 12193/SHEPHERD RESOI'RCES Permit No: DRB070117 Tl4)e I DRB - New ConEtructionParcel No: 2101-092-0500-1 Site Addrees: 1187 HORNSIIJVER CR VAIIrLocation: 1187 ITORNSIITVER gR Total Feee: $650.00This Palment: $650.00 Total AJ.,L pmts: 9650.00Balance: $0.00+++**+'t**{.t**t**+********fat+***{r{r*****+'t'l*i*****+*************f'|f'}*fl+'t******************'t* ACCOI,JNTITEM UST: Account Code Description Current. pmts DR 00100003L!2200 DBSI6I RwTBW FEES 550.00 1, .dJ._1ar-..,,4 l_ .r*-rd\' t +L rr* t- .i ' Il.r .i:'.r.{ ;rr*-e' .!:..lc .n IJ/-s- VeeI. 4xiel,':S ,r*rL^"- + ytc,, L o.tl. Sharer Residence Conceptual Review DRB December 20,2006 As this is a conceptual review a complete application was not required, nor provided by the applicant. However, staff has performed a review on the information provided in order to attempt to identify any issues as early as possible. Staffs comments are as follows: The current site plan does not show the correct setback off of Hornsilver Circle. lt should be shown as 20 feet and that portion of structure within the setback shall be removed. The front entry stairs should be adiusted so as to not fall within the right-of-way. The driveway shall be revised to show only one curb cut not the two shown. Staff unable to check to veriff the proposed structure complies with the height regulations. On the plans submitted for final review top-of-wall and bottom-of-wallelevations shall be shown on all retaining walls. The maximum height of all retaining walls is six feet. A preliminary analysis of GRFA was performed and the allowable GRFA is 5,623 s.f. As currently calculated there is approximately 7,408 square feet of GRFA without any basement deduction analysis having been performed. The applicant shall comply with the maximum allowable GRFA of 5,623 s.f. The applicant shall submit a complete application as defined by the design review application for final review. llwpr'*Zone Gheck 3 Phone Phone Proposed use Buildable area Existino Prooosed . Total TotalGRFA Allowed E,.A2V t) Filing Site Coverage Height Setbacks Landscaping 0 F nninirut Retaining Wall OV Heights Pairring ljS Garage Credit Driveway (2(-- . Complies with TOV Lighting Ordinance Are finished grades less than 2:1 (50o/i d(- EnvironmenrauHazards otf / Vll fowcr 2?oo lor.ryL.r.l,(ectr)nnq,irl zlb t\* rs33 5111 Previous conditions of approval (check property file): tYes -'. No (< > 30%) Floodplain Wetlands Water Course Geologic Hazards a) Snow A b) Rockfall 20' 1s', 15' olz- ot4 eE-. RoRl.-? LIRequired I (3oo){@(eoo) (1200) No 1) 2) 3) 4)30) (s0) c) r\,tl ls the Property non-conforming? Describe: Sno- s{€ \A^\rr""--r1 4 = t. lu? @ a..[[ hr,&/n* ote ega1.,+ $, o"'V.l^ hl^ich *t( t{c/-dt fu'/L"-o--- )5bL{.t,a.5^tr !@p Front Sides Rearnbql 3',/6' rr1 F Permitted Slope lU % Proposed Slope ? % Yes fu"n^"", @ 7V' Design Revlew Ghecklist tr SURVEY Scale Legal description Lot Size Buildable Area Easentents ' Topography l,,, I tr FLOORPLANS r rl 'tt.- ',' r. '- '\r il '--r ri. !, t Sbele, ,.,..' i,. i . " ., . ,.. GRFA ur: ? r t zso additi6hal GRFA Crawl/Attic Space EHU O BUILDING ELEVATIONS Water Course Setback Environmental Hazards Trees Utility locations Spot elevations ; r- | Scale . .a. . Bultiini neignt Encroachments Setbacks Eaves / Overhangs (4') Decks / Balconies Garage connection Site Grade / Slope Retaining Walls Fences Parking / Garage Turning Radius Driveway (access and grade) Snow Storage Fire Access Color / Materials Roof Pitch |-1 LANDSCAPE PLAN tr SITE PLAN Existing trees Proposed trees..+*f tr MISCELLANEOUS Condo Approval Title report (A&B) i vil* c#rilors Variances Plat restriclions Utility verifi catiOn torm Photos of site ! l Buildingf material samples r t-\ C.O. Verification .' : Sun / Shade Angles Utilities (underground) Joz Io v_tu LL ILo\) I u_l olh Otn rr---o 14-1.0-4: ARCHITECTURAL PROJECTIONS. DECKS. BALCONIES. STEPS, BAY W... Page I of I 14-104: ARCHITECTURAL PROJECTIONS, DECKS, BALCONIES, STEPS, BAY WINDOWS, ETG.: A.Architectural projections including eaves, roof overhangs, awnings, louvers, and similar shading features; sills, belt courses, cornices, and similar features; and flues and chimneys may project not more than four feet (4') into a required setback area or into a required distance between buildings. B.Porches, steps, decks or tenaces or similar features located at ground level or within five feet (5) of ground level may project not more than ten feet (10') nor more than one-half (1/2) the minimum required dimension into a required setback area, or may project not more than ftve feet (5') nor more than one-fourth (1/4) the minimum required dimension into a required distance between buildings. Steps that form an exit discharge may project into a required setback area to the degree necessary to conform with the adopted buiHing code's means of egress standards, at the discretion of the administrator. C.Balconies, decks, terraces, and other similar unroofed features projecting from a structure at a height of more than five feet (5') above ground level may project not more than five feet (5') nor more than one-half (1/2) the minimum required dimension into a required setback area, or may project not more than five feet (5') nor more than one-fourth (1/4) the minimum required dimension into a required distance between buildings. A balcony or deck projecting from a higher elevation may extend over a lower balcony or deck but in such case shall not be deemed a roof for the lower balcony or deck. D.Fire escapes or exterior emergency exit stainarays may project into any required setback area or distance between buildings not more than four feet (4). E.Bay windows and similar features extending the interior enclosed space of a structure may project not more than three feet (3) into a required setback area or a required distance between buildings, provided that the total of all such projection does not exceed more than one-tenth (1/1 0) the area of the wall surface from which it projects or extends. http ://www. sterlingcodifi ers.comiCOf/ail/ I 80 I 0000000004000.htm 4/17t2007 cupola definition - Dictionary - MSN Encafia Page I of3 MSN Home My MSN Hotrnail Shopping Money Sign tn Web Search: f--- Encafta'>>Sl Home I Encyclopedia I Dictionary I Thesaurus lWorldAtlas I Multimedia I Quizzes lTop-10 Lists I Fducation I Upgrade youl > > Click here to search all of MSN Encarta Click here to search all of MSN Encarta TBsl Prep Financial Aid Dictlonary Thesaurus ABCDEFGHIJKLMN ... Translations oPQRSTUVWXYZ cupcake cupel Cupertino cupful Cupid cupid Cupid's bow cupidity ) cupola cuppa cupped cupping cupping glass cuppy cupr- cupra mmoniu m cu prate cupola cuDola cu.po.la I kyobpala I (plural cu'po-tas) noun Definition: 1. nncnnecrune dome-shaped roof: a roof or ceiling in the form of a dome 3. utumnv gun turret: a domed structure protecting a gun, e.g. on a warship 4. Nrurrnv RArL small observation dome: a glass observation dome on the roof of an armored vehicle or railroad caboose 5. uernLLuney blast furnace: a cylindrical blast furnace used in foundries for remelting iron or other metals [Mid-16th century. Via Italian < late Latin Prlnt Preview See pronunciation key Search for "cttpola" in all of MSN Encarta Dictionary Advertlsement Hf.arffirruidg|"" L.ff |lr|'} p.dlcl cfact o 4 out of 5 Appr {.801 . Rann!,4s€ . ConrolSdde E€El . lloqrq l!qptp!!q!E!|l . ggqF--q$ iqE!!-a!'E . 8ed C!€$t l-qtnq . -Lqqna f,qr *lf: Ergtdgvfid*ggnqwq,r,s { JtimSs L6cn r . t{s}lt mll{ c|n I se{ I How mu! eactl str . C.n I loc lqv! rda ! . Flqdb{e I OFSons . lntcr6rt { Also on Encarta . 10 tips for building your English . 10 life-changing careers--and th match . 4 ways to earn respect at your fi . Celebrity CEos . M.B.A. programs hone'soft skill! . Best and worst college savings p . More parents uproot lives to pur education . Coffee break: Recharge your brE http : I / encarta.msn.com/dictionary_ I 86 I 60 I 93 6/cupola.html 4lt7/2007 , 12-2-2: DEFINITIONS OF WORDS AND TERMS:Pase 6 of l6 FRACTIONAL FEE CLUB UNIT:An individualdwelling unit in a fractionalfee club described as such in the project documentation and not an accommodation unit within the fractional fee club. No offer of a fractional fee club unit shall be made except pursuant to an application for registration and certification as a subdivision developer of a timeshare program or an exemption from registration approved by the state of Colorado real estate commission pursuant to Colorado Revised Statutes 12-61-401et seq., and the rules and regulations promulgated pursuant thereto. Within ten (10) days after receipt of a written request, the developer of a fractional fee club unit shall provide to the staff of the department of community development a copy of the application or request for exemption filed with the state of Colorado real estate commission and/or evidence of approval of the application or request for exemption. FULL TIME EMPLOYEE: A person who works an average of thirty (30) hours per week or more on a year round basis in Eagle County, Colorado. FUNICULARS AND OTHER SlM|LAR CONVEYANCES: Exterior, tram like vehicles, designed to move up and down steep slopes by use of rails or tracks. GEOLOGICALLY SENSITIVE AREA: An area within the town of Vail which may be subject to rockfalls, mudflows, debris flows, debris avalanches, and unstable soil, slopes or rocks. GRADE, EXISTING: The existing grade shall be the existing or natural topography of a site prior to construction. GRADE, FINISHED: The finished grade shall be the grade proposed upon completion of a project. GRADE, INTERPOLATED: The reestablished topographic conditions of a development site expressed in two foot (2') contour intervals and determined by connecting surveyed spot elevations located at ten foot (10') intervals around the perimeter of a property boundary and used in the determination of maximum allowable building height. HEIGHT: The distance measured vertically from any point on a proposed or existing roof or eaves to the existing or finished grade (whichever is more restrictive) located directly below said point of the roof or eaves. Wthin any building footprint, height shall be measured vertically from any point on a proposed or existing roof to the existing grade directly below said point on a proposed or existing roof. HOME CHILD DAYCARE FACILITY: A residence or facility that provides regular care and supervision, for an entire day, for more than two (2) but not more than six (6) children from birth to sixteen (16) years of age who are not related to the owner, operator or manager thereof, whether such facility is operated with or without compensation for such care. Residents of the home undertwelve (12) years of agewho are on the premises and all children on the premises for supervision are counted against the approved capacity. A daycare home shall comply with all applicable standards for childcare centers of the Colorado department of social services. httD://www. sterli nscodifi ers. com/CC)/Vai I / I 600200000000?.000. htm 4t17t?OO7 ,' 12-15-3: DEFINITION, CALCULATION, AND EXCLUSIONS: paee I of 10 12-1 5-3:. DEFI NlTlON, CALCU LATION, AN D EXCLUSIONS: A.Wthin The Hillside Residential (HR), Single-Family Residential (SFR), Two-Family Residential(R), And Two-Family Primary/Secondary Residential(PS), Districts: 1. Gross Residential Floor Area Defined: For residential uses, the total square footage of all horizontal areas on all levels of a structure. as measured to the outside face of the sheathing of the exterior walls (i.e., not including exterior wall finishes). Floor area shall include, but not be limited to, elevator shafts and stairwells at each level, lofts, fireplaces, bay windows, mechanical spaces, vents and chases, storage areas, and other similar areas. Garages; attics; vaulted or open to below spaces; basements; crawl spaces; and roofed or covered decks, porches, terraces, or patios shall be included as floor area; except the horizontal areas of a structure as set forth herein shall then be deducted from the calculation of GRFA. a. GRFA shall be calculated by measuring the total square footage of a building as set forth in the definition above. Excluded areas as set forth herein. shall then be deducted from total square footage. (1) Enclosed Garage Area: Enclosed garage areas of up to three hundred (300) square feet per vehicle space not exceeding a maximum of two (2) vehicle parking spaces for each allowable dwelling unit permitted by this title. Garage area deducted from floor area is awarded on a "per space basis" and shall be contiguous to a vehicular parking space. Each vehicular parking space shall be designed with direct and unobstructed vehicular access. Alcoves, storage areas, and mechanical areas which are located in a garage and which are twenty five percent (25%) or more open to the garage area may be included in the garage area deduction. lnterior walls separating the garage from other areas of a structure may be included in the garage area deduction. (2) Attic Areas Wth A Ceiling Height Of Five Feet Or Less: Attic areas with a ceiling height of flve feet (5') or less, as measured from the topside of the structural members of the floor to the underside of the structural members of the roof directly above. (3) Attic Areas Wth Trusses: Attic areas created by construction of a roof with structural truss type members, provided the trusses are spaced no greater than thirty inches (30") apart. (4) Attic Areas Wth Nontruss System: Attic areas created by construction of a roof structure utilizing a nontruss system, with spaces greater than five feet (5') in height, if all of the following criteria are met: (A) The area cannot be accessed directly from a habitable area within the same building level;and (B) The area shall have only the minimum access required by the building code from http ://www. sterlingcodifi ers.com/CO/Vail/ 1 60 1 5 000000003000.htn 4/r7/2007 : 12-15-3: DEFINITION, CALCULATION, AND EXCLUSIONS: page 2 of 10 the levelbelow;and (C) The aftic space shall not have a structural floor capable of supporting a "live load" greater than forty (40) pounds per square foot, and the "floor'' of the attic space shall not be improved with decking; and (D) lt must be demonstrated by the architect that a "truss type" or similar structural system cannot be utilized as defined in the definition of floor area; and (E) lt will be necessary that a structural element (i.e., collar tie) be utilized when rafters are used for the roof system. In an unusual situation, such as when a bearing ridge system is used, the staff will review the space for compliance with this policy. (5) Crawl Spaces: Crawl spaces accessible through an opening not greater than twelve (12) square feet in area, with five feet (5') or less of ceiling height, as measured from the surface of the earth to the underside of structural floor members of the fl oor/ceiling assembly above. Crawl spaces created by a "stepped foundation", hazard mitigation, or other similar engineering requirement that has a total height in excess of five feet (5) may be excluded from GRFA calculations at the discretion of the administrator. (6) Basements: On the lowest level of a structure, the total percentage of exteriorwall surfaces unexposed and below existing or finished grade, whichever is more restrictive, shall be the percentage of the horizontal area of the lowest level deducted from the GRFA calculations. The percentage deduction calculations shall be rounded to nearest whole percent. The lowest level's exterior wall surface area shall be measured from the finished floor elevation of that level to the underside of the structural floor members of the floor/ceiling assembly above. For the purposes of lhese calculations, retaining walls and site walls shall not be considered part of the lowest level's exterior walls. (7) Vaulted Spaces: Interior vaulted spaces and areas "open to below" with a floor to ceiling height less than sixteen feet (16'), as measured from the finished floor to the underside of the structural members of the floor/ceiling assembly above. (8) Roofed Or Covered Decks, Etc.: Roofed or covered decks, porches, terraces, patios or similar features or spaces with no more than three (3) exterior walls and a minimum opening of not less than twenty five percent (25%) of the linear perimeter of the area of said deck, porch, terrace, patio, or similar feature or space, provided the opening is contiguous and fully open from floor to ceiling, with an allowance for a railing of up to forty four inches (44") in height and support posts with a diameter of eighteen inches (18") or less which are spaced no closer than ten feet (10') apart. The space between the posts shall be measured from the outer surface of the post. 2. Additional Calculation Provisions: a. Common Interior Party Walls: Where more than one dwelling unit exists within a single structure, GRFA shall be measured for each dwelling unit from the center of common interior pafi walls to the outside face of the sheathing of the exterior walls. http://www.sterlingcodifi ers.com/CO/VaiV1 60 I 5000000003000.htm 4/17t2007 l2-l 5-3: DEFINITION, CALCULATION, AND EXCLUSIONS:Page 3 of l0 b. Greenhouse Wndows: Greenhouse windows (self-supporting windours) shall not be counted as GRFA. "Greenhouse windows" are defined according to the following criteria: (1) Distance Above Inside Floor Level: In order for a window to be considered a greenhouse window, a minimum distance of thirty six inches (36") must be provided between the bottom of the window and the floor surfiace, as measured on the inside face of the building wall. (Floor surface shall not include steps necessary to meet building code egress reguirements.) The thirty six inch (36") minimum was chosen because it locates the windorr too high to be comfortably used as a window seat and because it allows for a typical four foot (4') high greenhouse window to be used in a room with an eight foot (8') ceiling height. (2) Projection: No greenhouse window may protrude more than eighteen inches (18") from the exterior surface of the building. This distance allows for adequate relief for appearance purposes, without substantially adding to the mass and bulk of the building. (3) Construction Characteristics: All greenhouse windo,rrs shall be self-supporting and shall not require special framing or construction methods for support, with the exception that brackets below the window may be allowed provided they die into the wall of the building at a for$ five degree (45') angle. A small roof over the window may also be allowed provided the overhang is limited to four inches (4") beyond the window plane. (4) Dimensional Requirement No greenhouse window shall have a totalwindow surface area greater than forty four (44) square feet. This figure was derived on the assumption that the maximum height of a window, in an average sized room, is four feet (4) and the maximum width for a four foot (4') high self-supporting window is between six feet (6') and eight feet (8') (approximately 32 square feet). Since the window would protrude no more than eighteen inches (18"), the addition of side windows would bring the overall window area to approximately forty four (44) square feet. (5) Quantity: Up to two (2) greenhouse windows will be allowed per dwelling unit, however, the forly four (44) square foot size limilation will apply to the combined area of the two (2) windows. (6) Site Coverage: Greenhouse windows do not count as site coverage. B.\Mthin The Residential Cluster (RC), Low Density Multiple-Family (LDMF), Medium Density Multiple-Family (MDMF), High Density Multiple-Family (HDMF), And Housing (H) Districts: 1. Gross Residential Floor Area Defined: For residential uses, the total square footage of all horizontal areas on all levels of a structure, as measured to the outside face of the sheathing of the exterior walls (i.e., not including exterior wall finishes). Floor area shall /http://www.sterlingcodifiers.com/CO/Vaiyl 60 I 5 000000003000.hnn 4n7t2007 CO* fi.$*1TCE\IELEFIEHT Deslgn ReYiew Eoard ACTIOII FOtItl Department of Community DeveloBment 75 south Frontage Road. Vail, colorado 81657 tel:970.479,2139 fex:970.479.2,{52 web: www.uailgolr.rorn Proiect Name: SHARER RES. CONCEPTUAL Proiect Description: Participants: DRB Number: DR8050555 OWNER SHARE& KEVIN W, THOUSAND OAKS THOUSAND OAKS cA 91320 APPUCANT SHEPHERD RESOURCES, INC. I2l07l2W6 Phone: 949-3302 PO BOX 1624 AVON co 81620 Ucense: C000002193 1187 HORNSILVER CR VAIL CONCEPTUAL REVIEW FORTHE CONSTRUCI-ION OF A NEW RESIDENCE L2107/2006 Location: Lot 13 Block 5 Subdivlslon: VAIL ULLAGE FIUNG 7 2101{92-0500-1 See Conditions PrcJectAddrcss: 1187 HORNSILVER CR Legal D6siption: Parcel Number: Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: CONCEPT Conditions: Cond: 200 A conceptual review is NOT a Design Review Board approval. Cond: 113 All development applications submitted to the Town after the effective date of Ordinance 26, Series 2006 shall be subject to the pending employee housing regulations in whatever form they are flnally adopted; provided, however, that if the Town fails to adopt the pending employee housing regulations by April 15, 2007 | this Ordinance shall not apply to such development applications. Planner: Warren Campbell zoNE CHECK Datc:11.a Lcg3l 6 Addrcss Orrncr Architcct Pbonc Phonc. %zonc otstrtct Lot sizc w hoposcd usc Allorvcd Existing rorarGRFA !lL&* toag =5(A3 Prinmry GRFA _+ (425) (625*y - Sccondary GRFA + t+ZSy 1OZ5*y - * 675 = 425 crcdir ptus 250 addition Docs tlris rcqucst involvc a 250 Addition? Horv much .of tlc alloivcd 2 j0 Addirion is uscd with this rcqucstl aSss (30x33) + . Proposcd . -7LlN = Total SitcCovcngcflQ/, Hcigbt Sctbacks Front Sidcs Rcar 1,t 6, Requircd 20' .! 5' I5' Landscaping IOZ Minimum -7t LB Rctaining Watl Hcights Farking Garagc Crcdit (300) (600) (e00) (1200) Drivovay Conrplics rvirb TOV Ligbting Ordinancc Arc finishcd gndcs lcss rhan 2:l (50%) Environmcn ta L/llazards Ycs- Nq 2) Floodplain t*_r':, PcrmittcdSlopc ___% Ycs-_ Ne Encloscd Proposcd Slopc % 4) Witcr Coursc Scback (30) (50) 5) Ccologic Hazards b) RocHall c) Dcbris Florv Prcvious conditions of rpproval (cbcck propcrty filc[ ls thc propcrty non-conforming? Dcscribc: Projcct: DESIGN REVIETY CIIECKLIST o suR.vEY Scalc Bcnchmark Lcgal dcseiption Lot Sizc Buildablcfuca Eascmcnh Topography 100 yr. flood plain O FLOORpLAI.IS Scalc GRFA. CraM\Anic Spacc EHU Q BT,ILDINOELEVATTONS Scal c --T \r a ;,.... 6 Watcr Couns Sctback Environmcnal l{azards Utility locations . _- Spot clcvations 0 srrspLr,I.r -- Color\Matcrials Roofpirch Erisfrng trccs proposed hccs Lcgord .,tti:J J[ISCq;.4l.rEous: r'. . q n..' .. --- Condo Approval : Tittc rcport (A & B) Uf il i ty.verif cati on. fomr Ptotos ofsilc Building matcrial samplcs C.O. Vcrilicati on SunlShadcAnglcs Utilitics (undcrground), Vicrv Conidors. Varianccs Plat rcshictions 1rt '.. r \' - l;rr " fjt'l** t., Descra ption-of th" n qu""t, Locauonof theProposat: Loh l? slock G suuoivision: VAru UttlAclE,T[\f,,-r Nt'-r Physicaf Address: \\%1 *oo"u>tutlt+ auc'-r- Parcef No,: 2-tO\612-O b=ol (Contact Eagle co, Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) zonins! Ado -( drF.rw-( ?un rsv.1 f =tonoavt Name(s) of owner(s): trarJrN >*bA,€A' v 8or o tt t4 "l '''7.nl\cnt> ?-@>a)o4*> lNa- .Name of Aoolica nt: l2i Maifinsmdrese: ?pb \G.LA A{oArZ-D o,2\b7o .I Pnonez n1o'9tL9'9a4- n Signs tr Conceptual Review D New Constructiontr Addition I Mimr Alteration (multi-family/commercial) tr Minor Alteration (slngle-family/duplex) - fl Changes to Appron/ed Plans D Separation Request $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 For constuuction ofa nal building or demo/rebuild. $300 For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). $250 For mimr changes to buildings and slte impmvernents, such as, r€-mofing, painting, window additiont landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscapirE, fences and retaining walls, etc, $20 For rerlslons to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. No Fee Conceptual Review Application for Design Review Departrnent of Community Development 75 SouE Frontage Roa4 Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2128 fdti 9V0.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com General Information: All projecG requirirg design rariew must receive apprwal prior to submitting a building permit applicauon. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Rwiew cannot be accepted untll all required information is received by the Community Development DepartmenL The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Cruncil and/or the Planning and Environrnental Commission. Desagn review approval lapses unless a building pemit ls issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. Maiting Addiess: A\F/ Arl E*rra)- tfu. ^lr) oAV-b Phone: Owner(s) Signature(s)! E_ ma i t Add res s: eefu\ Vl @-, 4t rtYitI.ttrlFax:!€sf,mdrt Type of Review and Fee: DoJc.rs ].|[.rER DEe ifi Arcffitgrs SHEPHERD IESOURCEI INC ' AIA POST Of FtCE BOX t62,f AVON COLORADO 8I620 T'70 949 3302 F970 9,19 5l2l wur'w.SRtARcH ITECT. COM December 5, 2005 PI.ANINI NG ANID ZONING REPORT It I I87 HORNSILVER CIRCLE VAIL, CO PROJECT #06 r5 This report summarizes the applicable zoning information for Lot 13, Block 5, Vail Vllage, y' fiting, ( I 187 Vail Valley Drive) as we understand it at this time. r.0 GRoSSRESTDENTIALFLOORAREA(GRFA) (n^io-FAMTLY PRJMARYAECONDARY RESTDENTTAL (PS) DTSTRTCI) l. I The GRFA is based upon Ordinarrce Number 14, Series of 2004 of the Vail Town Code. | .2 The GRFA is determined by a proportion of lot coverage, and allows for a residence to be: 4696 of area for the first | 0,000 square feet of site area *3806 of area for the subsequent 5,000 square feet of site area + | 3% of area for area above | 5,000 square feet. I .3 For this propert/, the dlowable gross floor area (not including garages) is calculated as follows: Total Site Area= 12,824 square feet .46 x 10,000 - 4,600 square feet .38x2,824 = 1,073 square feet .13x0 = 0 squarefeet TOTAL = 5,673 square feet max. floor area (plus deductions or additions) 1.4 GRFA Deductions: Lower building level below grade building, which is calculated as a percentage of unexposed wall surface, and is not counted against the GRFA maximum. 2.0 SITE COVEMGE 2.1 Since this propefty is less than ffteen thousand ( | 5,000) square feet, a secondary unit will not be allowed on the she, with the exception of Type I employee housing, per the Town of Vail Planning Depaftment. 2.2 Allowable site coverage for this properly is, based upon a maximum of 2006 of total site area:.20 x I 2,824 square feet = 2,565 souare feet. This includes building, carport, porte cochere, arcade, covered or roofed walkways, overhangs over4', coraered decla, porch, terrace, patios that extend more than 4' from eKerior face of building walls or Sharer fusidence- 2 Prolect #06l6 sDp6 ll ll Page I of3 columns, 3.0 HEIGHT For a flat roof or mansard roof, the height of buildings shall not exceed thirt/ feet (30'), For a sloping roof, the height of buildings shall not exceed thirty three feet (33'). HEIGHT: The distance measured vertically from any point on a proposed or existing roof or eaves to the existing or linished grade (whichever is more restrictive) located directly below said point of the roof or eaves. 4,0 SFTBACKS l"linimum front setback shall be twenty feet (20) fYinimum side setback shall be fifteen feet ( | 5') lYinimum rear setback shall be fifteen feet ( | 5'). Retaining walls up to six feet (6') in height may be permitted in the setback, except for the front setback, wtrich is a maximum of 3', Roof overhangs may extend into setback no more than 4'-0" Decks may extend into setback halfthe distance ofthe required setback as long as they are within five feet of grade. lf the deck is constructed five or more feet above grade, it may only extend fve feet into the setback. (including supporting columns). 5.0 LANDSCAPE At least sixty percent (607o) of each site shall be landscaped. The minimum of any area qualifing as landscaping shall be ten feet ( l0') (width and length) with a minimum area not less than three hundred (300) square feet. 6.0 PARKING lf a dwelling unit's GRFA is 4,000 square feet or more, but less than 5,500 square feet 4 spaces, mtntmum. lf a dwelling unils GRFA is 5,500 square feet or more: 5 spaces, minimum. 7.0 copEs The following codes, adopted by the Town Of Vail Wll apply to this propert/, including all amendments under Chapter | , Title I 0 of the Vail Colorado Town Code: A. Building Code I The international building code, 2003 edhion, including appendix chapterJ, and the international residential code, 2003 edition, including appendix G. B, Fire Code: The International Fire Code, 2003 edition. C. Mechanical Code: The Intemational Mechanical Code, 2003 edition, including appendix A. D. Plumbing Code: The Intemational Plumbing Code, 2003 edition. E. Fuel Gas Code: The lntemational Fuel Gas Code, 2003 edition. F, Energy Code: The International Energy Conservation Code, 2003 edition. G. Electrical Code: The National Electrical Code, 2002 edition, Sharer Residence- 2 Pro1ect #06 | 6 tusn6 Page 2 of 3 PROPOSED RESIDENCE GRFA Garden Level = | ,7 | 4sf f4ain Level = 7,023 Upoer Level : 1,582 Total GRFA : 5,3 l9sf NIC Sub-grade Level= 1,460 sf Garage : 600 sf Site Coverage : 2,55 lsf LandscaPing - 6QVo Height : 32'-8" Parking: 4 sPaces Sharer Residence- 2 Project #06l6 t2/s/06 Page 3 of 3 Sharer Residence Conceptual Review DRB December 20, 2006 As this is a conceptual review a complete application was not required, nor provided by the applicant. However, staff has performed a review on the information provided in order to attempt to identify any issues as early as possible. Staffs comments are as follows: The current site plan does not show the correct setback off of Hornsilver Circle. lt should be shown as 20 feet and that portion of structure within the setback shall be removed. The front entry stairs should be adjusted so as to not fall within the right-of-way. The driveway shall be revised to show only one curb cut not the two shown. Staff unable to check to verify the proposed structure complies with the height regulations. On the plans submitted for final review top.of.wall and bottom-of-wallelevations shall be shown on all retaining walls. The maximum height of all retaining walls is six feet. A preliminary analysis of GRFA was performed and the allowable GRFA is 5,623 s.f. As currently calculated there is approximately 7,408 square feet of GRFA without any basement deduction analysis having been performed. The applicant shall comply with the maximum allowable GRFA of 5,623 s.f. The applicant shall submit a complete application as defined by the design review application for final review. Depailment of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-24s2 www.vailgov.com December21,2006 Shepherd Resources Inc. c/o Debra M. PO Box 1624 Avon, CO 81620 Re: Necessary items for final review of proposed Sharer Residence located at 1'187 Hornsilver Circle/Lot 13, Block 6, Vail Village Filing 7 Debra, This letter is being sent to inform you of several items which are necessary to complete your application submittal for the Sharer Residence. The following bullet points identify comments by staff and the Design Review Board which need to be addressed and additional materials that will be needed to accompany the application. o The cunent site plan does not show the conect setback off of Hornsilver Circle. lt should be shown as 20 feet and that portion of structure within the setback shall be removed.o The front entry stairs should be adjusted so as to not fall within the right-of-way,r The driveway shall be revised to show only one curb cut not the two shown.r Staff unable to check to verify the proposed structure complies with the height regulations.. On the plans submitted for final review top-of-wall and bottom-of-wall elevations shall be shown on all retaining walls. The maximum height of all retaining walls is six feet.r A preliminary analysis of GRFA was performed and the allowable GRFA is 5,623 s.f. As curently calculated there is approximately 7,408 square feet of GRFA without any basement deduction analysis having been performed. The applicant shall comply with the maximum allowable GRFA of 5,623 s.f.e The applicant shall submit a complete application as defined by the design review application for final review.r lt was felt that there was an excess of hardscape shown on the conceptual plans which should be reduced.o lt was felt that the preservation of the existing evergreens on the western property line as shown in the conceptual plan was a positive.. lt was suggested that having the separated building mass may be causing more challenges on the site in complying with Section 14-10-5, Building Materials and Design, Vail Town Code. Specifically preservation of natural land forms on the site.. In conjunction with a final application greater detail will be needed on the water feature. tDrp AECYCLED PIPER Please review these @mments and if you have any questions regarding this letter pfease contact me at 970-,479-2148. I look forward to working with pu on this proiect once you have submitted an application for final review of the proposed residence. Senior Planner Cc: File TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL. CO 81657 970-479-2138 ******:r:**l*r.***:!.trt****r.*************:t*************:t ,*:r{.tr,*******t***'}t FEE SLJMMARYBuilding------> 9451.85 Resnrarant Plan Review- > Plan Check--> 5293,70 DRB Fee---------- > lnvesdgation- > v/i cdl--- > $0 . 00 Recreation Fe€-------- > StAfuS...: ISSUED Applied. . : Ml10lzffi5 Issued. .. : 06lnl20ls Expires. ..: l2/2412W5 06/20/2oos Phone: 970-658-5552 06/20/2OO5 Phone: 970-668-sss2 # of Gas Appliances: 0 # ofGas Logs: 0 #of Wood Pellet 0 $0. 00 Total Calculated Fces- > $748.5s So. oo Additionsl Fee6------>$0. 00 S0.00 Total Permit Fee---- > S?48. 55 S3.00 Clean-up Deposit------ > 90.00 Paymen6------:-- > $?48.55 TOTAL FEES------,------> s?48.s5 BALANCE DUE----> $0.00 Approvals: ItEm: O51OO BUTI,DING DEPARTIqENT o6/20/2oos qs Action: Ap Item: 05400 PIJANNING DEPARTMEITT IIEM3 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT ftem: 05500 PUBLIC WORKS See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot I DEPARTMENT'F..MMUN *hrK!3;f;: ;" NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Fermit #: 805-0157 Job Address: 1187 VAIL VALLEY DR VAIL Location.....: 1136 HORN SILVER CR, D-6 ParcelNo...: 210109205010 Proiect No : tz.- I rJ o5-o 251 owNER SCHWARTZ, KATHERINE S. 06/2012005 31. COOPER RD SCARSDAI.E NY 10583 APPIJICAIiIT G & G ROOFINGp.ol gox grz FRISCO co 80443 License: 124-S CONTRACTOR,G & G ROOFING P.O. BOX 817 FRISCO co 80443 L,icense; L24-S Description: REMOVE AND DTSPOSE OF EXISTING ROOF A}ID TNSTALIJ TRESTED SIIAICE SHINGLES, SAI.IB FOR SAI'{E. Occupancyl Type Construction: Valuation: $30,559.m Add Sq Fr 0 Fireplace Infonution: Restrictcd: Y oplp, {{state that all ttle information at*.a is correct. I agree !o compty witlr the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this strucurie accorOing o tn" o*nr zoning and suMivision coAes, Oeiign review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances ofthe Towriapplicable thercto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FO{,R HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 4?}2149 OR AT OIIR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4PM. G Ro{,' OR CONTRA R FOR HIMSELF AND OWNER PAGE 2*:t*!**!t*{3*,s*****!*****:t':i*'i:s:}:|******:F****:t**t'l*:|+*t|t*'t*!*'l*!t*****!t*****{.{.|t.*|tl!t.'}:r*******:|!*{.*|(d!:t3d.:t|.:* CONDMIONS OF APPROVAL Permit#: 8054157 asof0G27-2005 Stan$: ISSUED*:|.'l:t|*t'}':}*,***'}**lF{.**|t*!&***'!{.:tt't't*'}*t}*,}*!**'$*!*'3{.*t}*:t.******{.|.:*'}:}|:i|*|!t|,||,t't,f|t:t****l*| Permit Tlpe: ADD/ALT SFR BIJILD PERMIT Applied: M1ZO1}OO1 Applicanu G&GROOFING issueA: Mm\ffis97G668-5552 To Expire: lzlhlzWs Job Address: 1187 VAIL VALLEY DR VAIL Location: 1136 HORN SIL\|ER CR. D-6 Parcel No: 21010905010 Description: REMOVE AND DISPC}SE OF H(STING ROOF AND INSTALL TRESTED SHAKE SHINGLES, SAME FOR SAME. '|.'}'k*******:|t!t'**'t***'}*********:lttt'tt'ft}*,|*,}******|.****Conditions***,r*****!t***:|.***:t*{t*:|e*!F*:*{t{g{t:F*,F*|i***'!***** Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQLJIRED TO CHECKFOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: 16 (BLDG.): (SFR) SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED PER SECTION R313 OF TTIE 2OO3IRC. I **t+*+f*****!F*********f******'t****'tr*+*********'tt**{.+t**********ltt*********rrt***r,*,r******t** TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statemcrt*+*'i***'f****************+++*********'t*****++f*a'{.'tt**********ttt************+***************t g748.ss 06/27/2ooso1 :10 PMInit : L,CNotation: #026974/c & e o Statement Nufliber: R050000939 Anount: Palment Method: Check ROOFING PETMiI NO: BO5-0157 TYtrIC: ADD,/AIT SFR BUIIJD PER},{ITParcel llo: 2101- 0 92 - 0501- 0 SiTe AddreEs: 1187 VAIIJ VA.I.I.,EY DR VAILIJocation: 1135 HORN SILVER CR, D-5 ToEal FeeE:$?48. ss s748.55This Palment.:$748 . s5 Total AIJIr PmtE : Balance: S0. O0********'s****+******ffft*!}******++t****++*+++*************t***+*******+*+*****a**+++++++++++ ACCOI.JNT ITEM LIST: Account Code :::::tTi:: BUITDING PERMIT FEES PLA}iI CHECK FEES WILI, CAtt INSPBETION FEE Current Pmts BP 00100003111100 PF 00100003112300 v{c 00100003112800 451.85 293 .7 0 3 .00 o APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR Project #: tl NVNOPVAIL 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 its a-e required for Buildinq Permit #: APPLIC umbing, mechanical, etc.! CONTRAGTOR INFORMATION General Contracior: G&GROOFING, INC. Town of Vail Reg. No.:jlq -s Contact and Phone #'s: carolvn Crisr 970-668-5552 Email address: ggroofingl@earthlink.net Contractor Signature: R BUILDING PERMIT bor & Materials BUILDING:$ S0, s59.00 ELECTRICAL: $OTHER: $ PLUMBING: $MECHANICAL: $TOTAL: $ COMPLETE VALUATIONS FO FICE USE ONL For Parcel # Contact Assessors Office at 970'328-8640 or visit Parcel #" *'210109205010 Job Name:Kathv Schwartz Job Address:1136 Horn Silver Ci-rc1e D-6 Legal Description Lot: 19 ll Btock: 6 Filing: 7 Subdivision:yail Villaqe owners N"t"kuthv schwart z Address: 31 cooper Road, scarsdare Phone:o1, \ ArchitecVDesioner:Address: Ny IU5UJ Phone: Engineer:Address:Phone: Detailed description of work: Remove & Dispose of existing roof .Instatl drip edge,Graceice & water shie.ld and nedium fir treated shtkes. Same as existing WorkClass: New() Addition( ) Remodel ( ) Repair(4 Demo( ) Other( ) WorkType: Interior( ) EKerior( ) BoJh( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-family ( ) Two-family 1.zJ Uutti-tamity ( ) Commercial ( ) Restauranl ( ) Other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this building: No/Tvpe of Fireplaces Existinq: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Loqs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burning ( No/Tvpe of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Loqs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burninq (NOT ALLOWED) Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes ( ) No ( )Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( ) No ( ) \WailUata\cdev\FORMS\PERMITS\BLDGPERM.DOC ut4*07t2612002 o o Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Ds/elopment .75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel : 970.479.2139 fay.i 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us ProlectName: SCHWARTZRE-ROOF DRBNumber: DR8050286 Project Description: RML APPROVAL TO REMOVE AND DISPOSE OF DCSENG ROOF AND INSTALL TRESTED SHAKE SHINGLES, SAME FOR SAME. Participants: owNER SCHWARTZ, TGTHERINE S. 0612012005 31 COOPER RD SCARSDAI.f NY 10583 APPUCANT G &G ROOFING 06/20|2005 Phone:970-668-5552 P.O. BOX 817 FRISCO CO 80'143 License: 124-5 CONTMCTOR G & G ROORNG 06/2012005 Phone; 970-568-5552 P.O. BOX 817 FRISCO CO 80,t43 License: 124-5 Project Address: 1187 VAIL VALLEY DR VAIL location: 1136 HORN SILVER CR, D-6 Legal Description: lot 10 Block: 6 SubdMsion: VAIL VILLAGE FIUNG 7 Parcel Number: 2101-092-0501-0 Comments: SEE CONDfiONS BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: STAFFAPR Seond By:Vote: DateofApprcval: 06/20/2005 CondiUons: Cond:8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review commitee(s). @nd:0 (PIIN): DRB approval does not constrtute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building perconnel prior to construction actvities. Cond:201 DRB approval shatl not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. OnO: ZOZ O Approval of this project shdl hpee and beome voH ore (f) year tullo,rring the date of frnal apprural, unless a buldlttS pennft b bsr.nd and @nstructbn ls omnnnd and is diligenfly pursued btyard asnpletim. Phner: Joe Suher DRBFeePaid: f2O.0O a Requcsted lnspect Date:' Inspddon Area: Siteeddrwsl Wednesday, September 07, 2005 JS '187 VAIL VALT.EY DR VAIL t136 HOnN SLVER CR, D.6 A-g,LO Ti|nr Erpi Status: Insp +lrea: Reauest€d TIme: 'l 1 :00 AM' Phone: 970468-5652 Enbied By: DGoIDEN K tsst ED JS rtlr Drtr.l 9l5\L E I l-rl Run Id: 3590 TOWNOFVAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL,CO 81557 970479-2738 hvestigation-> wilt call-> Job Address: 1187 VAIL VALLEY DR VAIL Location.....: Same ParcelNo...: 210109205001 ProjectNo: Status...: FINAL Applied.. : W/07/1995 Issued...: 03/17/7995 Expires. ..: W/73/1995 TOV/Comm. Dev. Clean-u p. Depgs;t Refundapproved &tnF--amount laa, Plan Che*-> $94 . 2s DRB Fee-> S2o . 00 Additional Fees->90. 00 50.00 Total Permit Fee--> S352.25 $3.o0 Clean-up Deposit-> $100.00 Palnrrenb-> S362.25 $0.00 Recreation Fee-> TOTAL FEE$-_> 5362.2s BALANCE DUE-> 6r G vu{t7 DEPARTMENT oF CoMMUM*Q,**ft9A1* NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALTSFRBUILDPERMIT Permit #:Bl954C4;2 APPLICAI.IT BOIJES CUSTOM BUIL,DERS, rNC O3/].6/L995 phone: 3039263202 P O BOX 1279 AVON CO 8162 0 IJicense: 158-B Also is CONTRACTOR CONIRACTOR BOIJES CUSTOM BUIIJDERS, INC O3/1.6/t995 phone: 3039263202 P O BOX 1279 AVON CO 81520 License: 168-8 Also is Applicant OWNER ITARRIS WII,IJIAII{ A & KATIIIJEEN 03/15/1995 PhONC: 513], MEADOWLAKE DR DI'NWOODY GA 30338 Iricense: oIJNER SCHWARTZ AIJAI{ D & T(ATHERINE O3/L6/L99' phone: * BEAR STELRNS & CO 245 PARK A\IE NEW YORK NY 10167 License: Description:Demo'bf Existing Home Occupancy: R3 Single Family Residence Type ConstructioruV N Type V Non-Rated Valuation: $10,000.00 Add Sq Ft 0 date Fireplace tnfornation: Restricted:# of Gas Appliances: 0 # of Gas Logs: 0 # of wood pellet 0****r***$fr*l***,*i*ffiffi1*!.*r'n***+fi*i*****r*s#rrids FEE SLIMMARY Building----; $145.00 RestuanntPlanReview->S0. o0 Total Calculated Fees-> 5362.25 $0.00 Approvals:IIE]M: O51OO BUIIJDING DEPARTMENT 03/1611995 GARY Accion: APPR -ra.t, 05400 PIJAIINT*G Or"*rrilT 03/16l199s GARY ItEM: 05600 FIRE DEPARIT,TENT 03,/L5l199s GARY ItEM; O55OO PT'BI,IC WORKS 03/15/199s GARY Action: APPR Action: APPR Action3 APPR See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereloy acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the inforsration required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved Uniforur Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESIS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TI IENTY-FOUR HOIJRS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:(X) AM - 4 PM. SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF ***rt*fttrh****fr*t *.r***:t,r,t*iffio********rit******{i*****-***-"*ff13-.***..*******n*********** CONDITIONSOF APPROVAL Permit#: B9F0ol2 asof 061g-2003 Status: FINAL ***rt***!t*ffi|t***********{ir|HrlHriB*Jt*'lr*******irttt***{rtr#*****#**rffir*rir*****rHh***r*****f*** Permit Type: ADD/ALT SFR BLiILD PERMIT Applied: 0g/07/t995 Applicant BOLES CUSTOMBUILDERS,INC Iszued: 03/77/19953039263202 ToExpire: 09/73/79% ]ob Address: 1187VAIL VALLEY DR VAIL Location: Same ParcelNo: 210109205001 Description: Demo of ExistingHome **t*'.***1t***rht'r*iwr)F,v*ffi*ffi ******** COnditiOnS #**}r**#r*r*rffi *i*tiL#**{r*t**li}{rtitit Cond: CON0000311 contractor shall contact randy stouder af 479-2138 prior to commencement of demolition to discuss tree relocation requirements. o *t*+*'l *+++***** ** + * +**1.* *++****tr*** ***{r***t | * *t **** * * t* * **i* !* * **+ tr * *** ** +*+ + + * ** * * * * + t**,} '***TowN oF vAIr, coloRADocopy Reprhbd m cGl&2000 rt l2:uit:lt o6/18t2003 Stat€ment **+'i++f{.******+**'r*****f**'}****+l'***'i!t ******'rt*+**********t,}+*f*********t******{r*{r*++***d.*** Statenent Number: REC-0009 Amount.: #362.25 03/t1 /t9g'!0:15 All Palment Meehod: CIIECK Init: LD Notation: Permj_t I{o: 895-0042 T14>e: ADD/AIT SF'R BUILD PERMIT ParceL No: 21010 92 05001 21010920s010 Site Address: 118? \I'AIIJ VALLEY DR VAIL, Irocation: Same Total Fees: $362.25Thia Payment: $362.25 Total AIrIJ pmts: $362,25 Balance: $0.00 't *,t* * * + + *** * * * + * * * * *** * * *** *** * *+**+ * **t *** ++ + a** ********++f f* * ** *1+ * i ++ + * * ****'i ***+*+ * * * *t* ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Curnent Pmts AD Dz-DEPO8 CLEANUP DEPOSITS 1OO.OO BP OO1OOOO31111OO BUILDING PERMIT FEES 145.00 DR OO1OOOO31122OO DTSIGN REVIEW FEES 2O.OO PF 00100003112300 PLAN CHECK FEES 94.25 t,JC OO1OOOO31128OO I{ILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 3.OO Pnocn$ nR{15l' Tor! of, vall I'EPOIIIT RFIIID NEPORT-I'PDATB PTOB 1 c{tgT-tD cugtol|lR rut rl?r cr xs! DEPogrt DaPogrl-Anrt AAIts$rEnr r.PrER-RrruD ---------------T:=T:T- ---,/--.------.-i-TT---T:TT--------YT.--------YT---------g---------Yg {3? 895-00{2 Aol€r Custc Aull&r8 D2 DlP08 DeD-Cl€rsut, tlLLlgg TltLlOt 100.00 10O.OO 1OO.OO- .00 IOTAL FOR COSTOIEn TYPI: D2 .00100.00 100.00 1oo. o0- oRAND TOrA!: 100,00 100,00 100.00- DBPOSU Colrtfar 1 c/r. BATCH CR8ATED: tAlcrt-oal{g 2o03,/o? uaERrD-rrxorrfrcA rp BEID cottNT-1. O0 AUOI'l|'a-100.00 TOI^/NOFVAIL 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970479-2138 ]ob Address: 1187 VAIL VALLEY DR VAIL Location.....: 1136 HORNSILVER CR ParcelNo...: 210109205010 Project No : wood peuer r**,r********{**r.r|****** FEE suMlr4ARyBuilding--> S205 - O0 Restuannt Plan Review-> Plan Clleck-> S133.2s DRB lee*---.--_> S50.00 Additional Feee-> S0.00 Total Calculated Fees-> S491.25 $0. 00 S0. 00 Recreation Fee-->s0.00 Total Pemdt Fee-> S491.25 TOTAL FEES--> 9491 . 25 BAIAhICE DIJE->$0. o0 $3.00 Clean-up Deposit-> $100.00 Paymmb-> ${91.25 I DE'ARTMENT.FC.MMLTNT***-'# J':' # " NOTE: THIS PERMT MUST BE IIOSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALTSFRBUILDPERMT Permit #: 80G0097 APPIJICAI.IT AUJEMAN COITSTRUCTION INC. 0S/1,G/2O0O phone: 970-476-493t 365 VATI, VALI-,EY DRII/E vArrr, co 81557 License: 480-8 Also is CONTRACTOR CO\ITRACTOR AILBMAN COTISTRUCTIOII rNC. OS /L6 / 2OOO phone : 97O-476-483L 365 VAIIJ VAIJIJEY DRTVE VAIIJ, CO 81657 L,icense: 480-8 AIso is ApplicantowNER SCTTWARTZ AIAN D & KATHERINE 05/L6/2000 phone: t BTAR STEARNS & CO 245 PARK AVE NEW YORK NY LOL57 I-,icense: Description: REMOVE/ENIJARGE EXISTING DECK Occupancy: R3 Single Family Residence Type Construction:V N Type V Non-Rated Valuatioru $15,500.00 Add Sq Ft 0 Status...: FINAL Applied. . : 05/15/20ffi Issued...: 05/18/2000 Expires...: 11/14/2000 TOV/Comm. Dev. Clean-up Deposit Refund approved v-4_ amount I ou'"o date to \ rn t n3 Fireplace Information: Restricted: YES # of Gas Appliances: 0 # of Gas tngs; 0 #of lnvestigation-> will calt-> Approvals: IEelm: 05100 BUIITDING DBPARTMENT O5/L6/2OOO I(ATIIY ACTiON: NOTE ROUTED TO iIRM 05/L7/2OOO J3-I[ Action: AppR APPROVED Item: 05400 PLA}INING DEPARTI,IENr !5/L6/2OOO KATHY Action: APPR DRB APP RSCEMD ItEm! O55OO FIRE DEPARTMENT O5/t5/2oo' KATI{Y Action: AppR N/A IItem: 03500 PITBLIC TIORKS os/t6/2oo0 KATny Action: APPR N/Affi*"";; - DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the inforrration required completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the inforuration and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state la6 and to build this structure according to the towns zonin6 and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniforsr Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESIS FoR INSPECIION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 4792149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. SIGNATURE OF OI^/NER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF PAGE2 ffi**&:[****rh*********rljt**{nt***lr*rts*.'****ffi*#*****rr*******tt***t****************r************ CONDITIONSOFAPPROVAL Pennit#: 80G0097 asof0G17-2m3 Status: FINAL**|u*rl.lll**t*'*l**1ts**iffi!H******#trf****!tri*rr**********tr**********ttlit****inr.******************** Permit Type ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Apptied: 05/15/2000Applicant ALLEMAN CONSTRUCTION INC. Issued: 05/78/2000970476-831 To Expire 17/1.4/2N0 job Address: 1187 VAIL VALLEY DRVAIL Location: 1136 HORNSILVER CR ParcelNo: 210109205010 Description: REMOVE/ENLARGE DOSTING DECK I'lik**!l|l:t:ht**!ht*rffi!*!***tif'tri*w#{i}titslits'B COnditiOnS *****{it***li**tt*********#{i************** Cond:12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CFIECK FOR CODE COMPUANCE. Cond:16 (BLDG.): SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQLIIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND E\'ERY STORY AS PER SEC.310.9.1. OF THE 7997 Urc.. ++**+* * ****++ * * * ** {.lt * +'l* * ** ** *** +** * ** ****+ * * *** * * * * * + * t* * {' * * 'l * * * * * 'lr * t t * * l' * { {' *** * * **+ +'t'* * * * * TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADOCopyReprhbdm0GlT-20|Xl rt13:O:15 06117/2003 Statemeot * * {. *,}'} * * * * * * * 't * * * * * * * * *,} * * * * * + * f * * * ***** * + + + ** * f,!t* * * ++ + | *+ * * f * ** * * * ****'}++ * * * ** * * * ****++ + * * * Statement Number: REC-0631 Amount 3 #47L.25 o5/t8/2oOOO3:08 PM Palment Method: 2189 Init: 'JNNotation: ALLEMAN COIISTRUC Permit No: 800-0097 T14>e: ADD/AIJT SFR BUfLD PERMIT Parcel No: 21010 92 05 010 Site Address: 1187 VAIL VAIIJEY DR VAII, L,ocation : 113 5 HORNSIIJVER CR Tota1 Fee6: 54 91 .25 This Payment: $41L.25 Total ,llrr Pmts: $491--25 Balance: $0. O0 *****++*++l'{.,t * ** * ***+:t + ***** ** ++ + ++** * * ** *****l*** * **'t{.* *********'t*++ + +***** ** * **** + * * +++!r'** ACCOUNTITEM LIST: Account Code DescriDtion Cunrent Pmts AD D2.DEPOB CLEANUP DEPOSITS 1OO.OO BP OO1OOOO31111OO BUILDING PERI4IT FEES 2O5.OO DR OO1OOOO31i22OO DESIGN REVIEI.I FEES 3O.OO PF 00100003112300 PLAN CHECK FEES 133.25 !'IC OO1OOOO31128OO I'IILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 3.OO DRIPAnaD 6lL9l0t, 11159!1? DrDOgrI RErttfD $pOnE-npDrT! DIOI 1trq|Blr Ealto "out o! Vril ------:--------qtal-ID @E5o!on tqE TrEt eHlB@ DIFOSIr BP'OgIT-rAt rDt!gn|4.! AlllB.-mnnDcoDE DrscP:f,DtroD rx-DATt &t-DrrE rl(FIT l||O|Itl' Ar|OUl|! lt€utll'--.-.---.--.-.: 1a5? 800-0097 tllolB Cooatructl,oB, m DEp08 EFftrrT slTglOO 6lL9lO3 1oO.O0 100.00 1oO.OO- .00 TOrtIr FOn CdglON|Eg. TfP! 3 92 .00100.00 100.00 100.00- GRNID TOll!3 100.00 100.00 100.00- DlFOglT COuFrt 1 c/t EArcB cREltEr aArEr-01932 2003106 o8lBrD-mrorarcr rp a!!D cornrr-1.00 rxoitxr-100.00 t r /fr',ffa,'#/DEPARTIiIENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENf ,'/ /t ,',^_L 7TOI'IN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 8L657 970-479-2L39 ess: 11-87 VAIL-VALLEY DRion...: 1136 HORNSITVER CRParcel No. . : 2L0L-092-05-01_0Project No. : PR,J98-0213 DescripE,ion:BATHROOM REMODEIJ Number of Dwetling Unit,s: 001 Town of Vail Adjusted ValuaEion: 30,000 FirepLace Infor$at'lon: Restricted: Y *Of oaB ADDlianc€s I lfof Gas Logs:+of Hood/Pallets: ***.r***t+ttt** FEE sttMuARY r***i*rirrr*r*t Building-----> PIan check--- > lnveEligaeion> will CaIL----> 350. OO 22't .50 .00 3. O0 .oo 50.00 .00 250. OO e40.50 Restuaranl Plan Rcvi€r,r- -> DRB Fee-------- Recreati,on Fcc----------> Claan-Itp Drpo.lt- - -- -- - -> Total calculaged Fees- - - > Additional FeeE------- -- > Total PermiE Fee- ----- -- > Pal4ienlE------- BAI,ANCE DUE. -.. ITEM: O51OO BUILDING DEPARTIUEI TO9/03/l99B,JRM Action: APPRIIEM: O54OO PLANNING DEPARTI4EMT 09/03/1998 iIRM Action: APPRItem: 05600 FIRE DEPARTI4EMI o9/03/L998 JRM Action: APPRItemr 05500 PUBLIC WORKSO9/03/L998.IRM Actj.on: APPR APPROVED PER BRENT N/A N/A BUILDTNG Division: PLANNING Divieion: FIRE Division: PUB WORK Division: Dept.: ,JRM Dept: Dept: Dept,: **t**r*!J**i*trt See Page 2 of this Document, for any conditions thaL may apply to Ehis permiL DECI,ARATIONS L h.rcby acknoltl.dg. that I have lcail this appli,crtion, filled ouc ln fu1l thc infofiration rcquircd, conpl.eted an BccuraEe pLoE plan, and €tat€ chal all bhe infornatiolr providcd a8 r€quired i6 co!!ec!. I agree Lo couply sith lhe iDfornation and plo! plan, to codrply eith all Town orainancrg and Btatr l.rr, rnd tso build tshi6 Btructur€ according to th. Town'6 zoning and .ubdivision code6, desig! rcview approved, UnifoFr BuiLdlng codc and oEher ordinance€ of Ehe To$!t appllcable therelo. REQUEATS FOR INSPSCTIONS SHA!,IJ BE MADE TWET+TY-FOUR HOURS IN ADI,aNCE BY s.nd ClGrn-ttr D.potit To: *o"* *""t ' TOV/Comm, De\Pf'' ffi53rEETII"HY'3d#"iff'H3r3il"flo""'E Ar ArJrJ rrMEs Glean"up De RgfundaoD/Ar,T sFR BUILD pERMTT Pefiiit,#: 898-0257 6pproved afnount dete S.PPT,ICAI{| ALLEMAN CONSTRUCTION INC. 365 VaiI Valley Dr., Vail,Co 81652 CONTRACTOR ALLEMAN CONSTRUCTION INC. 365 Vail Valley Dr., Vail,Co 81657OVUIIER SCHWARTZ ALAN D & KATHERINE S8 BEAR STEARNS & CO, 245 PARK AVE, NEW YORK ego.50 -20.00 e50.50 e50.50 .00 Status...: fSSI'EDApp1ied..: 09/B/a998Issued...: 09/OB/L998 E>cpires. . : 03/07 /L999 Phone; 9'70-476-483L Phonel. 970-476-4831 NY 10157 o **************************************:l::*?************************************ CONDITIONS OF APPROVAI, Permlt, #: 898-0257 as of 09/0e/98 SEatus: ISSIIED******************************************************************************** Permit $pe: ADD/.ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Apptied: O9/03/L998ApplicanL: AL,LEMAN CONSfRUCTION INC. Issued: O9/Oe/$9e Job Address: LL87 VAIL VAIJIJEY DR LOCAIiON: 1136 HORNSIIJVER CRParcel No: 2101-092-05-010 ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONS**************************************************t***************************** 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPIJIANCE.2. SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUTRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AIiID EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.12]-O OF THE 1991 UBC. TOHN qF TTAII,. @I'RIDO ,.,....,.u,*.t*,r,r,,*,,, gtqt.rnt a at tt*attt*r**r r Strbang $1t@bar r RIC-0.i,16 Anoun! r' r - .r' M.thod! Ct Notrtionl 1327 s60.50 otlo!/ts 15r16 Inl!, ID P.nit lor B9a-025? t1rp. ! A-BltlID Am/tl.T APR Bt IIrD pE Prrc.l I{o! 31O1-O92-os-O1O sLE. ld&.... ''1at lr:AI[ rrE.BY DR l,oc.tsion r 1ll8 llORt|afLVR CR r' '' . 'ttt t1|-- c50.50 a50.go .00 Totstl fc.rt B5O.5O TOC'I AI,I, PtBIs I lrlstc.! t l, rrr!l atatttttltttii! trtrt**ttatrrtt.trt ttrlrat tttitrr t tttrtttattttt*tt Accdrn! Coda D.rcripEion DR 00100003112200 EnE PArD DIA nEV BOrnD BP 00100003111100 BErr,OInq 9!R||IT IEES DB tO10oOO311Z200 DBSTON nBlEEn ?EEs PF 00100003112300 PtAlt CEEeK tllg Aoouttt -20.00 350,00 60.o0 227 .50 250 . O0 l.oo AD DA-DEFO8 CI,EAI'Ug DEPOTIITS rc d'10000t1t2a00 l{Itrl clltl tNS9lcttoH aaE "t". rrrl - I:rL" . ^.";::"rf : :;* "ilj* ^,6{ ''. ito1ze-salo $r.%i?" : r,s't : i:i:tW ] tr"E"n X#l, Eiili3$"ffF*tt y AJ.r.r (;vatD.( t(U U.[.L UN pFR,\tTT /!]ERMTT APPTTCATION FORM ' DATE: - flr -^--J ApplrcArroN lrusr BE FTLLED ;"**** "" fFt"q"l ; ?rzJE rr* il.r:-:-l:::*-*---*********:r*** PERMJT TNFORMATToN *****l+*********,r**,.?rr(,r,rrr***, ['{-BuiJ-ding [, J-p]unbing [ ]-Electrical [ ]-Mechanibar [ ]-other r,egal Descriprion: r.ot__.e_b[ro"x__-t6_ Fi]ing Job Namer bJrlumtz- fio, Owners Nane: Architect: Job Address: I' Address, er f,c'fe'Kl gcarrilotnNFt lfj|aryr_ Ua,l urllaq e3eve"SUBDIVIgION: Address: ceneral Description: Addres!:Contractar: Electrical_ Contractor:Address: 9n *,.r rrl(/ .Plunbing Contraccor: Address: Mechanical Contraccor.: Address: PLUMBTNG PERMTT FEE: MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE:ELECTRICAL FEE: OTHER ?YPE OF TEE:l)DR rrFE. it3$:i : :i:iili Til. H titePl,?":..*"1!:r: +-tn * 4ffi ?,$';"": #,i;z;I_Eiynone Number: AUq-XVt * f ?torn or VaiI Reg. No . t-lb-pPhone liunber : f-JJ -2";rn+ Town of Vail Reg. No.lnone Number: . FOR OFFfCE USE ***********************:r******ir P:UI!9ING PI,AN CHECK FEE: 3IYIPING PLAN CHECK FEE:I'{EcHANTcAL pLAN cueck nrn:RECREATION FEE: CIAAN_UP DEPOSTT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: BUTLDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: ToTAL: +Ea, var,uertolr Schwartz Bathroom Remodel Remove existing sxledor door and Sairuay replace Mlh wirdow to matcfi exi$ing Remove existing linen closst to enlarye Mhroom . New vanity, sinks, tub, toilet Newtile floor Repaint walls TOWN OF VAII. 75 S. FROI.ITAGE ROADVAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2t38 APPI,ICAI{T CONTRA TOR OIIINER Description: PLIIMBING FOR BATH REMODEIJ ***'!**r**1+*i*rr**r+***rrtr+rr{r******tri*rr FEE su uARy DEPARTMENT OF COMMTJNITY DEVELOPMEIiIT NOTE: TIIIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON .JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit. #: P98-0120PLUI'{BING PERMIT .JOb AddrCSS: 1187 VAIL VALLEY DR SEAt,Ug...: ISSI]ED Locat,j-on. . . : 1187 VAIIJ VAILEY DR (1136App1i€d. . :P.Og/03/L998Parcel No..: 2L0]--092-05-010 rssued...: o9/03/L99eProject No.: pRit98-0213 Ercpires- -: o3/02/L999 GUARAMTEED PLUMBING & IIEATING P O BOX 4210, AVON, CO 81520 GUARANTEED PLI]MBING & HEATING P O BOX 42L0, AVON, CO 91520|-$Cf,TI{ARTZ AIJAN D & I(ATT{ERINE S B BEAR STEARNS & eO, 245 PARK AVE, NEI,{ YORK Phone: 845-5300 Phone: 845-6300 Nv 10167 Valuation:11, 000 . 00 ***rt*a t t t * t t r r 'r r * 'r r * r r r r r * r * r Plurubing---- -> PIan ch.ck---> Investigation> wl1l call----> Regtuarant Plan Revien- -> ?ctlAL PEES----- Total. Celculated Fcc.- - - > AdditionaL Peea---------> Totsal P.rmit Fee------ --> Pavuenl€------- .o0 .00 209 .25 209 .25 .oo 209 -25 209 .25 IECM: O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMEMT Dept: BUILDING Di-vision: iTRM-Dept: FfRE Division:09/03/L998 'JRM ACt,iON: APPR APPROVEDIEEM: O55OO FIRE DEPART!'TEIiITO9/03/L998 JwI Act.ion: APPR N/A *tllr**ttt**tf*tttl*t*'lr+***1rr+*r*r**ir{tt****t**at*t*tottt'lt *}rtr*a****r****'rati*ttt*!rt*a*tr.tr*tir**r*rrr*r COI{DITION OF APPROVAL r''*'r****+***,*.a DECI,ARATIONS : I hereby acknbvledge tshaC I havc read chL6 rpplication, fil1ed oub in ful.l Eh. information rcqulrcd, cotrpl.c.d an accuratc plot plan, and 6trts. that all thc infordetion provided rr rrquir€d is corr.ct.. r agrea Lo conply siLh the inforbetion and plol p1an, to couply wifh all Tonn ordinances rna 6Eatsc 1ate, and to build tshis Btructura eccording tso the Torn'a zonlng a'rd 6ubdivi6ion codcs, dasign rcvlor approvcd, Unifontl BuildinE codc rnd othcr ordlnrnc.s of thc Town REQI'5STS FOR BE !,IADE tI{EtfTy-PoIJR HOt RIt IN AIwANCE BY EORAT I:00 Atl 5:00 PM OF OWNER OR HTMSELF AND O{NER i a a* rr *ar*t*t* tatttatt iti i!t ta* * !t t !t * rlt rlt Tovw ot vl.l!, cotJonlDo I ,t.,.1!ritl,t tt* '}'|ttt *lt *tttt tttt.l !t'l.aii *ttof tt *trir+ *rrlrarr. r *rrr* a, Prnj.c tfo: Pge -01to r\'p. ! B-PLMB Ptrtt'tBtNc plRUIr P.rc.l troi 2101-092 - 05-OlO gLlc Addr.!! ! 1187 VAIL VIltJlY DR Locarion! tltt vttD vlLIJEr DB (u35 HoRltgILvER) Total F.ar ! I11i6 Prlm.nt 209.25 Totsrl tljl" hrrr r Bel,rncat SEatclnt Nulbqt ! RtC-o{aS lnouns ! galqant Urehoal ! O( NotrElon! 31e3 SCrCcnnt 20t.2s otl04l9a t2rL Inlt ! aIRU 209.25 ?o9.28 .o0 lccount codq D.lcrlpcion PP 00100003111200 PllDtBIltG PBRI|II FBES PF 00:.00003112300 PrrtN cHEcK PEEg $c 00100003112e00 nllil CALL t[SPEcIroN FEE iqnount 155.O0 4'-.25 3.00 DEPARITVIENT OF COMMIINITY PMEI{T NOTE: THrS PBRMIT MUST BE POSTED ON .JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES EI,ESTRICAI., PERMIT PermiE #: 898-02t4 a DEVELO .Job Address: ]-187 VAIL -VALLEY DRLocation...; 1187 VAIL VATLEY DRParcel No. . : 2]-0L-092-05-010Project No. : pRJ98-0213 SIIAW ELECTRIC P O BOX t45L, AVON CO 8L620 SIIAW ELECTRIC P O BOX L45L, AVON CO 81-520 SCIIWARTZ AI,AN D & KATHERINE S B BEAR STEARNS & CO, 245 PARK AVE, NEW Scabus-..: ISSITED (1136App1ied. . : R09 / 03 /L998Issued...: 09/08/L998 Ercpires. . : 03/07/L999 Phone: 9709263358 Phone: 9709263358 TOU'N OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 81657 970-479-2L38 APPI-,IEANT CONTRACTOR OhINER YORK NY 3-OL67 Valuati-on:4, 000 . 00Description: ELECIRICAL FOR BATH REMODEL *'r**rrir*rii* PEE su,lMARY ElcctsricaL--->72.OO DRB Fe. .oo 3.00 75,O0 To!.tl calcul.ated Fcco- - - > Addltional Fccs---------> Total, Permit Fcc--------> Payncnt6------- EAIANCB DUE---- lnvc6tigaLion> will call----> TOTAI, FEES-.. > 75.O0 . o0 ?5.OO 75 .00 .00 * t * t a r t r l * * .l * * * * !} t i r r r a i * r * * | * i * * * * r * * s * * * * r r * * r r r t r ., * * * * * * J r * rl * i * i , * * * r r r l. t r r r * * t t * t t t t * * * * * * t t t * r * IEem: 06000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT Dept: BUILDING Division:O9/O3/L998 JRM ACTiON: APPR APPROVED .]RT'fIt.e.m:'.05500 FIRE DEPARTMENT Dept: FIRE Division:O9/03/L998 JRM Action: APPR N/A tirri*r***trrt* CONDITION OF APPROVAI, 1. FTEIJD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. rr****r*rrttrr*ittttt****t*r*rr *ri*r**r*****a*ll******rr***rlr**r****ii*ittiirt*t**l,r* DECI,ARATIONS I hereby acknowL€dge thal I hsve read thl,E applicatLon, fill€d ouC in fuIl Ch€ lnfohnatl,on required, completed an accurate plo! plan, and Btabc Ehats all thc informaclon providcd ra rcquirGd la corr€c!. I egrce bo comply witsh tsh. {nformatsion and plot plan, to codply wi.th rll Town ordinaDce6 and ltate Lawe, and to build this strucEurc according !o thc Town,E zoning antl aubdivi.sion codc6, deEign rcviev approved, uniform Building code and oEher ordlnanccr of th€ Town applicable theleto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE MADE I'9,IEMIy-FOUR HOURS IN.B,DVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2138 oR AT oUR OFFICE FROM gr0o AM s:oo PM loHlr ot vrIL, CotroRADO gEaEalttt atttiattat.l'tlltltttiltf*tt.rtatt{ * r a t t til.t trt* t i *,t * rr gCrEaEulE tluEb|r t LEC-oil{5 AolounB: Prl r.ng H.thod! CR Not gion: 1a2? 75.00 0trr0t,/9i 15t14 InLr,. TD P.niE Ug t Palcal tro: slb. ilddlarr ! Lo€rtlon: Thla P.yo.nt Eotal Fc..: 75.00 rotsal ltll t'!E. ! 898-02I,! lyp.: B-ErEC E rEcrnlcrtr PERIIIT z10t -ot2 -05-010 1137 VI'IL Vlt &tV Dn 1ll7 vllti vLLLa! DR (1136 EOR![9rrrVER] Brlanca: ?5.00 ?5,00 .00 AccounG Ood. Irslerlpeion ;tr rc ooo0llll.loo E EelRIqNr PlRl,llT ?EEA nc o010000ttt2300 t[Lr, cAr.r. ll|apEetr€fl FEB lloLqlC 72.OO 3.00 rlctivityr 898*rA,*5'7 t/?.A/19 Typel A-BUILD Statusr ISSLIED Constnr ASFR llddresri r l1B7 VAIL URLLEY DR[.-ocationr ll36 l-t0RNSIL,UEII trR Farce I : clgrl-fi9t.-*3-010 Occ; E€t{t7 Use: V N fiescri pt i on : BATflROilh REM{fDEL Bppl icant : ALLEI'lxlrl {-;OI'ISTRI,JCIION INC. Byrner: SCHtJAit"fZ HLAN D & HATHERINE 5 Corrtrartorr ALLEl4rrN i";Ot'IbTRUCTIEN INC. t{t:F I l .1l AIi'*8/1999 O€r l6 REQUES"fS TUi.lf.l UF VnILr_ INSPEtrTN I^J[]NK G0L|RADO. ,. SHEETS FOR: 1/88/1999 Phone l [-,hone l Fhone: Fihone: 476-4&3t; Connents F'R6E I AREAI CD 9-/tA'-476'-463L 97A-476-4g31 376-'[r89O oDIl VRF,OR B$RRIER lrrspeet i on Request lnfarmatinn.,... Req r'rg 5tr r. r LEE Req fimel lZtl:tlltZl L:omffentsl l^tILL CALI*; CIFC Items r.eque*ted tr: tie Ins;:ected.,. licb ion SBracjril [JL.D6-F i na 1 -* trDD IFI Ti me Exp t'- 'i*--._ -:- - --'- * ---- '-Inspect i,on Hl et ol'y" , , . . Item: A&010 ELDE'-i'uot ings/Steel il::; BH33B Hiilli:F:ffiltofrf,{A Ag / e2 / 9 S I rr s p &Ettrdr,,raQilntnnnr6Q Act Iten I @AEgSr FLDG-.I rr$r-il"StCSh 69 /et/sa rnspgEt'afrFr 6EFt6e fiUhftt 0CrO6s BLDG-5h6'etr-dtk Nai 1 Foi'$mu,o11/f l/gFJ Inspector'.r f,D Actioni- AFFR' f,FFTRD ',o,sr. at T{l nG _r,t, *c_. - ^_ i,Itp grytrle ffiH Gffi d.r,.rrr t,r" r--:r.oo0, 7,i H t-. D G - lit i *e",, i",,, ti"!*i4ffi 'f, iffi ffirt*T. j,:' :'; : IUr$690 fit-DF -f: ihs{thi' tEA }o bvqtsirl.rlrqrrrad h,D,!n-..,UnA690 fit-D$ -r: i hsStrtnin lrltotndg-inffiE;ffi;J':i" = 't -.',.'ir,,,,'uiyjlo-rndiiJreb-fr -ti--iilil"!r;;-1;-i, ,.,di r,, ;n'i?ivorr.e,o_bc1{dF. if,ffilXifr,fi.i1,111., .'' -- gUErrlr*uwJv! (r,tftrtr,,: :.. :1 I,brbffdqlltr.Eil|Dldloadrnrl:.:r<,,.. .,?,-,ro '"t'-,*o r"rJfif;Fffilffi"dffiffiT: '. ,,,'l.. --i.:__:-- -:,:*.-:-"FF q ro tEgd ltrnrq f t., : i;t! l,:.T,',1TI] srlrlilIDrSl|dratolf ld,r,'fio grr[rji!,,r..., :..r:rr,',:,r;,1s'ri?'r,niffi;;f-ffiT*";il#.iT.."l:1',:':li::'::',:i.yy:ord;d.bffi;*'#i;Ll,l#i::i,'';lr-: r' : iii') Eldr lo ccit.ttiv ni crdw urutr.,rdt r,t l,,rl. .i.,: I ,.:.,.,, Ibeml lten l Itemr t a : tt :.iir. C-' Bulkllng Salety & Inspection- ServicesTI/WI{oFltilLly -erv'|c ffi$;;; ;; ;ffi il;"6 otu ldco d s !c ntc.m;';xn*'ffi#'ffi*t[in,ato or-t, apAfi€adou ;'ohr!*ckn prcmiryluildhs ilil'-'t ;i;;;ilJ "i o.nt-o.i tu" in vtoldoo or ort code m of aiy ot h : r "d inanccs of tlis i urisdictioo INITIALS:DATE: e1( " 63' , - q (71 €r4' I PREPIRBD slLo/99, 113 40:29 PRocRIll llR,a lsu tJEr,9 DBFOgIT REFUIID RIPORI- I'PDATE PTGE 1 cuat- rD clnlllol|ER tnl|B TTPB DBPOSIT DEPO9IT-ADi' .TDfl'glTIgT I'TIR-RBFT'TDTI.DITB .Ai!-DATE At'OT'fT AI|OI'FT Al|OI'l T A!.IOT'MI cHtRCll@DE DEACRIPITOW 133{ B98-o2STtrrIrExN[CONgTRUe[Ifi D2 DBPo8 DEPOgrt tzlLelge 3/LO/99 250.00 2sO.0O 2s0.00-,00 250.OO 250.OO 250. OO- qRN{D TOrLl,L: 250.00 2SO.0o 25o.O0- DBPO6IT @UNT! 1 Fofllr rOR CUgIoflBR fcPE: D2 G/L BAICH CREATED: BItCH-o0617 1999/03 USBRID-,IPOPECr lP HELD colrN?- .o0 1.00 -$toIItT-250. OO O TUn:{ lFVAIL 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 303-479-2 I 3 I / 479-2 I 39 FAX 30i-479-24s2 NOTE: THIS PERM]T MUST BE POSTED ON ']OBSITE AT ALL TIMES Department of Comnunity Deve lopment APPiICANT BOLES CUSTOM BUILDERS' INC P O BOX t279, AVON CO 81620 CoNTRACTOR BO'.,ES CUSTOM BUTLDERS, rNC P O BOX L279, AVON CO 81620 OWNER HARRIS WILLIA}4 A & KATHLEEN M 5131 MEADOWLAKE DR, DUNWOODY GA 30338 OWNER SC}IWARTZ AIAN D & KATHERINE S t BEAR STEARNS & CO, 245 PARK AVE, NEW Description: Demo of ExisLing Hone Job Address: 1187 vAIt VAILEY DR Location...: Same Parcel No.. : 2101-092-05-001 Status...: ISSUED Applied..: 03/07/1995 rilued. .. : o3'/L7/t9e5 Expires..: 09/L3/t995 Phone l 3039263202 Phone z 3039263202 YORK NY 10157 Occupancy: R3 Type Constructionl V N Single Farnily Residence Type V Non-Rated Valuation:10,000 Add Sq Ft: Fi reptace tnfornation: Fest r i cted:fof Gas App t i !nccs:#0f Gas Logs:fof Uood/Pa t tet: *ffi**:r**ffit i****r*****llr************ir***** FEE SUl,tltARY *tr*lr***l#***#r*****fHt**ttt**t*i*t**k'rJr**r*ffi**l* Bui f,ding----> 145.@ Restuarant Ptan Reviey--) .OO Total catcutated tees--) 362 '25 Ptan Check---) 91.25 DRB tee-------- Investigation> .00 Recreation Fee----------> .OO Total Pernit Fee------) t62.25 ui tf. catt---> 3.oo ctean-up Deposit-------> 10o.oo Payncnts----------a 362.25 TOTAL FEES-----**ffi fficffi( ffi *ffiri**********W*#**#rt** Dept: BUILDING Division; Dept: PLANNING Division: Dept: FIRE Division: Dept: PUB WORK Division: DePt: HEALTH Division: firffi trf *ffi *ffi ffi *ri***tfirt***f,f****i**t*td**t**tli***ffi i*Jr*t*irt See page 2 of this Docunent for any conrlitions that rnay aPPly to this permit. DECLARATIONS flem: ,O51OO BUTLDING DEPARTMENT03/1611995 GARY Action: APPRIt,em:, O54OO PLANNTNG DEPARTMENT03/1611995 GARY Action: APPRItffi:: 056OO FIRE DEPARTMENT03/1511995 GARY Action: APPRItbm:' 05500 PUBLIC WORKS03/1511995 GARY Action: APPRIt'en:' 05700 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH03/15/1995 GARY Action: APPR I hercby acknoutedge that I have read this spplication, litt.d out in futt thc infornation. requlfed, conPteted.an ptan, a'nd statc thit a([ the infornation providcd as riquired is correct. t rgree to conp ly xith the intorEtion io cimpty vith att Toun ordlnances and stite trwE, and io buitd this structute according to thc Torn'3 zonlng and codes,'dlsign reviev approved, Uniforn Buitding Code and other ordinanccs of 9l}Jcryn appticabte th.r.to. // accuratc Ptot end ptat Ptan, subdi vl si on E:00 Al| 5:00 tREOUESTS FOR TNSPECTIONS SHALL BE I.IADE TI{ENTY-fOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY Sefid Ctean-Up oeposit To: Botcs custottt Bui lders ,rrw,& Page 2******************************************************************************** CONDITIONSPermit #: 895-0042 as of O3/t7/95 status---: ISSUED******************************************************************************** Permit Type: ADD/AIT sFR BUrLD PERMTT Applied--t 03/07/1995AppJ.icant--: BOLES CUSTOM BUILDERS, INC lssued---z 03/L7/19953039263202 To Expirez O9/L3/L995 Job Address: 1187 VAIL VALLEY DRLocation---: Same Parce1 No--: 2]-0L-092-05-001 Description: Derno 6f Existinq Home * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * j * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * COnditiOns !r !r !r * * tt r. rt * * * * !r * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 1. contractor shal1 contact randy stouder aE 479-2738 prior to conmencement of demolition to discusa tree relocation requir ement,s. ''J."#kffi:"/ q * D^rEz < hi/ qt CATION MUST BE FILLED OUT COT,fPLdTELY ]IARr rat.lo r, Ert I J.trLd;L, 9U'I CO!1PT.T:TEIJYUx * ** *************** * * ********* PERMIT TNFORIIATI -f [ ]-Building [ ]-pturnbing I J-Electrical t l-Mechanical Job Name; l+A{AlE l<ei7lsv cF- Job Address: IcAal Descriptionz t-ot_.,,|_/.BIockllf->Flling 5t7Owners Name: Architect: ceneral Description: Address: Address: p};-.,7F-766s Ph. work crass: [ ]-New [ ]-Alteration t l-Adatitional [ ]-Repair t-{-oil.terwo 1[*"t and rype of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances ,f* * * * * * *. * * * * : * :: * * * * * * ** * * * * * * 'ALUATTONSBUTLDTNG:ETECTRICAL:9 O r.tEcEANrcAtr l--;A-- Nunber of Ehuelling Units: I Address: Electrical Contractor: Address: Number of Acconnodation Units: Gas Logs_ I{oodlpellet z ********************************* OTITER: TOTAL: oN *** * ** *** * ***** * * * * ******** Plunbing Address: Contractor: Town o_f Vail Reg. No. /6A8Phone Number: a^e frlt Town of Vail Phone Number: Town of Vail Phone Nunber: Town of VaIl Phone Number: Reg. NO. Reg. NO. Reg. NO. ***************** * * ****** * * ** * * *FOR oFFICE USg **** ******** ************ * ****** Dlechanical Contractor: Address: BUTLDTNG PERMIT FE8: PLT'MBING PERMIT FEE: MECHANICAL PERI.TIT FEE: ELECTRTC,AIJ FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: BUTLDING PI,AN CIIECK FEE: PLT'I{BTNG PIAN CHECK FEE: IIIECHN{TCAL PI.AN cHEcK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CI-.EAN-UP DEPOSTT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: BUTLDTNG: SIGNATURE: ZONTNG: SIGNATT'RES 7 1s95 OR TT I{AY NOT BE ACCEPTED oN .T0\/*00[/LIu.DEy.D[PI- * * * * * * * * RLIIMBTNG: $ 7-v ----'- I* * ******* * ********* * *******fEeneral Contractor: ?r.,t>c t GI.EAtr T'P DEPOSIT REFNTD TO:'ib/rt fo eroz Far" p*-s.frrc. fip,h, v1q t fuat ,(O Qr6zo a NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON NEW SFR BUILDING PERMIT JOBSITE AT Permit TIMES 89s-0043 ALt +. 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 303-479-2 I 38 / 47e-21 39 FAX 303-479-2452 APPLICANT BOLES CUSTOM BUTLDERS, INC P O BOX 1279, AVON CO 8t620 CoNTRACTOR BOLES CUSTOII BUILDERS, rNC P O BOX 1279, AVON CO 81620OWNER HARRIS WILLIA}.4 A & KATHLEEN M 5131 MEADOWT_,AKE DR, DI'M{OODY GA 30338 Description: NEW RESIDENCE WITH DEMO Bui Lding----> Ptan Check---> Investigat ion> 0i tL CaLt-*-> 2,520.00 Restuarant Ptan Revi eH--> 1,638.00 DRB Fee-------- , @ Recreation Fee--------> 3.00 Ctean-Up Deposit-------> TOTAL FEES----- Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT O4/L2/1995 TRYNIS Action: APPRItem: 054OO PLANNING DEPARTMENT 04/L2/t995 TRYNTS Acrion: APPR ITem: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT 04/L2/1995 TRYNTS Acrion: APPRItem: 05500 PUBLIC WORKS 04/12/1995 TRYNIS Action: APPR .00 Totat calcutated Fees---> 6,017.35 /.@.m Additionat Fees--------> .00 706,35 Tota[ Permit tee--------> 6'0'17.35 750, m Paynents-----------> 6,0'17 .35 6,917.35 BALANCEDUE--- Dept: BUILDING Divj-sion: Dept: PLANNING Division: Dept: FIRE Division: Dept: PUB WORK Division: rob Address : 118? vArL vALLEy DeParunent gf9tllg::tyrD?8!98htr' Location...: Parcel No..: tipcptacc Infornation: Re3tricted: yes #of Gas App[iances:1 fof Gas L€s: 1 fof tJood/Pat Let: *ffi****ffit-trffiffitffir**#H$tffiffi**r* FEE SUltltARY ffi***f,**ld*r*rrftrffi*tt ffi ffi See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknovtedgc that t have read this apptication, fitl,ed out in futt the infoprEtion required, cotnleted an accurrte p[ot ptan, and state that att the inforrnation provided as requircd is coprect. t agrec to compty rjith the infornation and ptot Ptan, to compl,y tJith att ToHn ordinances and statc [avs, ard to build this structure according to the Tovn's zoni ng and suHivision codes, design reviev approved, Uniforn Building code rnd other ordinances of the Toxn appti cabte thereto, REqUESTS FOR II{SPECTIONS SHALL BE I'IADE T}IENW-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELE Occupancy Type Factor Sq. Feet Valuation Table Date: o4/01/L992 Total valuation: .00 Town of vail Adiusted valuation: 545'000.000 Applied..: 03/L7/LeesIssued...: 04/12/199sExpires..: Lo/09/L995 Phone z 3O39263202 Phone: 3039263202 Send Ctean-Up Deposit Toi BoLES CUSTOII BUILoERS SIGI{AIURE OF Oi.'NER OR CONTRACTOR FOR ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONSPernit *: 895-0043 as of 04/L2/95 status: IssuED******************************************************************************** Pernit Tlpe: NEW SFR BUILDING pERMIT Applied: 03/.L7/.L995 applicant: BoLES CUSTOM BUILDERS, rNC l88ued: 04/.1:2/.1:2?1 3039263202 To ExPire z lO/09/L995 Job Address: Location: Parcel No: 2101-092-05-001 Description: NEW RES]DENCE WITH DEMO Conditions:1. THIS PROJECT WILL REQUIRED A SITE IMPROVEMENT SURVEY. SUCH SURVEY SHAI,I, BE SUBMITTED AND APPROVED PRIOR TO REQUEST FOR A FRAME INSPECTION. 2. 2. soils report required prior to a footing inspection 3. manhole/sump purnp discharge to be coordinated with town engineer.4. exferior lighting plan to be submitted and approved prior to TCO.5. no concrete slab in garage crawl spaie-only wood platform large enough to suPport \'itater Eoftner aflowed in crawl sPace NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECSRICAI-, PERMIT Perrnit #: 895-0031 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 3li47g-2138/ 479-2139 "roD Aqqress : FAx303-47s:2452 l3i:!i"i;::; Department of Comnunity Development APPIJICANT EAGI-'E VALLEY ELECTRIC P O BOX 1116, MINTURN CO 81645 CONTRACTOR EAGLE VALLEY ELECTRIC 1187 VAIL VALLEY DR 1187 VAIL VALLEY DRIVE 2101-092-05-001 Statu6... ! ISSUEDApplied..: o4/o7/1995rssued...: 04/12/L995Expires..: L0/09/L995 Phone: 303827 5772 Phone: 3038275772 OWNER P O BOX 1116, MTNTURN CO 81645 HARRIS WILLIAI{ A & KATHLEEN M 5131 MEADOWLAKE DR, DTJNWOODY GA 30338 Description: Valuation: NEW SINGLE FAI.{ILY F€SIDENCE FEE SUIIIIARY E Icctri cat---> P lan Check--> Investigation> lli l. L CaLt----> TOTAL FEES---> 201 .00 5.00 204.00 Total catcutated Fees--> 204.00 Additionat Fe€s-----> .00 Total Pefmit Fee-------> 204.00 Payndnts----- BALAI{CE DUE--_ **tfi*f*tr**rffiffi Item: .O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT04/12/7995 TRYNIS Action: APPR Dept: BUILDING Division: CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. exteriof lishting pfan not apDroved-submit plan forapproval prlor t6 installatibh of wiring/fi*tures. ffi*tffi*ffiH*ffi***fi DECLARATIONS I hcreby acknovtedgc that I have read this apptication, fitled out in ful,l, the information rcquired, corpteted an accuratc plot ptan, and state that att the inforrnetion pfovidsd as nequired is corrcct. I agree to conpl,y with the infornation and ptot ptrn, to compty vith al,[ ToHn oFdinances and statc Laws, and to buitd thls stfucture according to the To]rn's zoning and subdivision codes, design rlviev approved, uniforr Buil,ding code and other ordinances of the Toen applicabte thereto. REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE IIADE TI,IEIITY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 179-2138 OR AT OUR OTFICE FRO}I 8:CD A[ 5:OO P TOWN OFVAIL NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE PII,]MBING PERMIT PCTNJ-I AT #: AI.,I, EIMES P95-0018 75 South Frontage Road Vail" Colorado 81657 3a3-47s-2138/47s.2r3s i::"iijl:::; 1187 vArL VATLEY FAX303-479-2452 parcel No..: 2101-092-05-001 APPI,ICANT AST AND MCFERRIN PLIIMBING & HE P.O BOX ?84, GLENWOOD SPRrN 81502 CONTRACTOR AST AND MCFERRIN PI-,,I'T'TBING & HE P.O BOX 784, GLENWOOD SPRrN 81602 OIINER HARRIS WILLIAM A & KATHLEEN M 5131 MEADOWLAKE DR, DUNWOODY GA 30338 Description: PLT]MBING PERMIT FOR NSFR Deparonent of Community Developtnent DR Status...: ISSUED Applied. . : 04/.07 /.tgesriiued... : o4'/L2/LgesExpires..: L0/09/L995 Phone: 3039280488 Phone: 3039280488 Valuation: FEE SUIII.IARY Totr[ cal.cutated Fees---> 1,390.50P turnbing----> 1,110.00 Restuarant Ptan Revi ee--> TOTAL FEES----- .m 1,39O.50 Additionat Fees--------> Tota I PerDit FeF----> Fayrents------ BALANCE DUE---- .00 1,390.50 1,390.50 .00 Ptan check--->277 .30Invegtigation> .m uitL cal.t---> 3.00 *fFlf*tr$ Dept: BUILDING Dj.vision:ITem: 05lOO BUII,DING DEPARTMENT04/12/1995 TRYNTS Action: APPR CONDITION OF APPROVAL DECLARATIONS I hcreby acknontedge that I have rcad this apptication, fitted out in futt the infornation required, corptetcd an sccufate Plot ptan, and state thit att the information providrd as requi ned is correct. I agree to conply nith thc information and Ptot ptan/ to c6nrpl,y with al,l, Tor.rn ofdinances Bnd strte [aws, and do buiLd this structur. according to the Town's zoning and suMivision codes, design reviev approvad, Unifortr Buitding Code rnd othef ordinances of the Town appticablc thereto. REOUESTS FOR INSPECTTONS SHALL BE ttADE TI'ENW-fOUR HOURS Il{ ADVANCE BY TELEPHoNE Ar 179-2138 OR AT OURTFFICE tRoll STGNATURE OF OUNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HII'ISELF AND OIINER NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE MECHANICAL PERMIT PeTmit AT ALL TIMES M95-0048TOWN OFVAIL 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 303-47e-2 I 3 8 / 479-2 I 39 FAX 303-479-2452 APPLICANT ALLEN.S HEATING, A/C e SSEETME 5570 HARLAN STREET, ARVADA CO 80002 CoNTRACTOR ALLEN'S HEATING, A/C & SHEETME 5570 HARLAN STREET, ARVADA CO 80002OWNER HARRIS WILLIAM A & KATHLEEN M 5131 MEADOWLAXE DR, DttNWOODy GA 30338 Description; MECHANICAL FOR NSFR P[an ch.ck--> Invest igat ion> lli l. L cat l.----) 75.00 .00 3.00 Regtuarant P[an Revi elf--> DR8 FaF-__-------> TOTAL FEES-_-- CONDITION OF Valuation: AdditionEt Fccs-----> Tota[ Permit Fee-------> Paynents*--* .00 .00 378.00 .00 37E.00 378.m BALAT{CE DUE__ffi **ffi***t Dept: BUILDING Division: ' Dept: PLANNING uivision: APPROVAL IIem: 051OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT04/12/1995 TRYNTS Action: APPRItbm:, 054OO PLANNING DEPARTMENT04/L2/L995 TRYNIS Action: APPR Job Address : 118? VArr, VALLEy figtarnnent gf*wglni7,,,Dryggffitr' Location...: Parcel No.. : 210l-092-05-001 Firaphcc lnfornation: Rcstricted: #0f 6as Applianc.s:#of Gas Logs:fof l,ood/Pa t tet: FEE SUI{}TARY l,lechani cat--) 300.00 Total Ca[culated Fees--> 378.00 ffiffr****ffr*****t**frfir**tit*#r*Hr,l#ftr*********t{rl(*ffirffi*t**'*i****lr**t**lr*tr* DECLARATIO'IS I hereby acknoi{ledge that I have read this apptication, fitl,cd out in tutl, the infornation required, conplet.d an accuratc p[ot ptan, and statc that alt the information pfovided as requi red is correct. I agrec to corply vith the information and pLot pl,an, to conpty vith atl, Town ordinanccs and state [aus, and to buitd this stnucture according to the Tovn's zoning and ssHivision codes, dcsign revieu approved, Unifom BuiLding cod! lnd other ordinancrs of the Torn appticabl.e thereto. REAUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE I,IADE TIIENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVAT{CE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2138 OR AT FRo 8:00 Atil a SIGNATURE OF OI.'NER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIIISELF AND O!'NER App1ied.. : 04/o't /.1995Issued. ..: 04/L2/L995 Expires. . : lO/09/L995 Phone: 40442L402O Phone: 4044214020 o THIS PERMIT MUST ELECTRICAL BE POSTED ON .]OBSITE AT AI.',L TIMES PERMIT Pernit #: 895-0041TOWN OFVAIL 75 Sourh Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 303-4zs-213s/47s-213s 9?!-1991t"": 1187 vArL vAr'LEY FAx 303.47e-24s2 "'lil!i"*;: : ; ll31_N#lrftffi" APPLICAI.IT EAGLE VALLEY ELECTRIC P O BOX 1116, MINTURN CO 81645 CONTRACTOR EAGLE VALLEY ELECTRIC Department of Community Development DR DR Status...: APPLIEDApplied..: 03/29/L99s resued. . . : Expires. . : Phone: 3038275772 Phonez 30382757?2 OITINER P O BOX 1116, MINTURN CO 81645 HARRIS WILLIAM A & KATHLEEN M 5131 MEADOWLAKE DR, DttNtrOODy GA 30338 Description: Valuation: TE}IPORARY POWER W*ft****i*i****k*t tEE SUttltARy E Iectri caL---> Ptan Check---> Investi g.tion> tli tl Cat L----> TOTAL f EES--> .00 .00 5.00 55.00 Total catcutated Faes--> 53.00 Additionat Fees-------> .m Total Pcrrit Fec------> 53,00 Payments---- BALANCE DUE---- ffi ]TeTn: O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT03/3O/1995 TRYNIS Action: APPR Dept: BUILDING Divj-sion: ffi **rt*****ffi ffi**ffi **r*#*ffi *****#*t*****ffi CONDITION OF APPROVAL ,nHr*t*i#*#ffi***ffi ' DECLARATIONS I hereby acknovtedgc that I have read this apptication, fitted out in fult thc information required, co$pteted an accufate plot ptan, and state that att the information provided as required is correct, I agree to compLy riith the information and ptot ptan, to conpl,y uith alt Toun ordinances snd state [aus, and to buitd this structuFc according to the Tolrn I s zoning and subdivision codes, design revieu approved, lJniforn Buitding Code and otheF ordinances of the Town applicabte thereto. REOUESTS fOR II{SPECTIONS SHALL BE IIAOE TIJENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY 1t880 oUilER ,fr $ TELEPHoNE Ar 479-?13E oR AT oUR oFFIcE FRorl 8:00 Atl 5:00 {zo9 {{,uluo(qr Ju-oee -o5-ool TIIE FOLLOIIING IS I{EEDID L^JorK S)'teeT- ol community devcloPmcnt riff {f Tfglrffi il,ft$F}"*q l" lffHft S "[ RE ?:""' EUILDING EL€CTRICAL tltECHANICAL PTUMBING FOUNDATION lum llni ntrn Da U X Y I ( EL€CTRICAL CONTRACT PLUiltBING CONTRACTO MECHANI CONTRACT OTHER CONTRACT fIFM Il)wN oF vAlL RE6. NO. TOWN OF VAIL EEG. HO. I€LE. BLK-_Q- VaiL VaIIs/ 56,grBr LEGAL oEsc. JOB NAME: OWNER Locai Add. 6ENERAt CONIRACTOR ARCHITECT t@ ^rrv ._ll-ctlY -rr- 4 .,"- fLitzlgr Piece kirg ulr enonrss Bco( 57 r,p,, Boles OEtdn Rri ldfl€' kE.. rowx or verl ReG. xo. 168 P rrnu Egle VallE Hetrio, Trr- ro*x or vetl Rec. xo. 156 E -.'. ffi-ffi, f IRM . TOWN OF VAII FEG, NO, - L typE OF CoNsrpuc1o ltnSlv Y ^;;;, rildR ? e2.OccuP^r'lc{GnouP Tl^t,T,11orvrsror tl4/llt.r|;} ,, GENELAL OE5qRIPIION OF lvO.EK : -=---r-:='jlsq^ -trEtaLL ISIDCffi/ tq^Er I?IIEL x VA!UATION f t itrenerton( , ADDITIoNAL( ) REPAIn( I DVUGII-INO UN|IS - AOCOMMODATTON IJNITS- HEIGXTiIFT. - NO. TIREPLACES AOOTTIONAL PERMITS NEEOEO: v. PERMIT FEES EUItOttIC P€RMII plnn cHgcx ELECIRICAL PluM6tt!G MECHANICAL RECREATION F€E f - -€^{t2 !{- :oNl c ADMttiltslRAToR D^'E I BUILDTNG NOTES: I horcby scknowlsdge that I hsvo rcad this sPPlicsllon., filled-out t" lylt-tF]il11T-:^1",1 lj;l^u,ol;Jifiil;';fi;; il;i ;il,;;;are ip!;1t rhe Intormarron.P'?:i911.l'i,:tYLd-j ill'lil;j agreb to comply wilh tho lnlormstion 8nd Plot to comply wilh all Tow.l orrJinances and slale ;;;.;Ji;'ffiiri'iriil'irir"luie ilcoroin'g ro'rhoflrown's zonins.arrd sr,!,,,:,:i."::,:d.:.t:.::',on t€vasw spproved, Unilorm Builcling Cods 8nd o' xxxxxxxxxxxxx lhorelo, FOR HIMSELF CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT TOTAL PERMIT FEES EE f - =-95-i TIJE 15:52 EOLE=; c:USTOl'I t' itrxutrurntrrs. r.lfc, BIJ I LI}ERS oil*r, r* ? - g2 F.6t Fqfll$ul,IANr$, tNc. i+$il| (9701949-0001 FAX S49.t577glsSq P rE: *-ilqJqb,,", ARRIvE:_-_ €;go pM._*-- oEPotr'- llio -F.}A, -!{EATHER: JOg NUMLERI COPYTO: I **************************************************************** To!{N OF VAIL, cor,oRADO statemnt **************************************************************** statemnt Number: REc-0013 Amount: 378'00 o4/L2-/9.? 09:50-;;yrffii uein"a: crzoss Notation: HARRTs MP rnit: TT ----_-_-- ).1 Permit No: Parcel No: Site Address: This Payment Account Code 01 0000 413L2 01 0000 4L332 01 0000 41336 Description MECHANICAL PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES WIIL CAI,I, INSPECTION FEE M95-0048 Trpe: t@ uEcItAlllcAL PERMrr 2t0l-092-05-001 1187 VAIL VAILEY DRTotal Fees: 378.00 Total ALL,, Pmts: Balance: **************************************************************** Amount 300.00 75 .00 3.00 t O rrrrg&J,. .,*!r***********?********************************************************** TdwN or vArr,, cor,oRADo statemnt' *************************Jr************************************** statemnt Number: REc-0012 Amount: ?06.'35 04/L2/95 09:19 --i1ry:li-y: :Pl-illgf -Y=!:l=::-:T--:/:------- lii::-T-- Permit No: Be5-0043 -rYP{l l-:9gg9, NEw sFR Burr'DrNG PER Parcel No: 2101-092-05-001 Site Addrese: 1187 VAIL VAI-'LEY DRTotal Fees: This Payment ?06.35 Total ALL Pmts: Balance: ************J.*************************+************************* Account Code DescriPtion Amount 30 oooo 45032 n'scRsetroN FEEs 706'35 .,.-tt * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * !r * * * * * !* * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * ** ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statemnt * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * *** * * * * * * * * * * * * *** * * * * * * * * * * * * * :a tl * Statemnt Nunber: REc-0012 Amount: 200.00 O4/L2/95 09:09 Palrment MCthOd: CK NOIATiON: PREPAID DRB FEES INit: TT B9s-0043 Ttpe: 2101-092-05-001 1187 VAII, VALLEY 200.00 *******tk******************************************************** Permit No: Parcel No:Site Address: This Paynent Account Code 01 0000 41310 Description BUILDING PERMIT FEES B-BUILD NEW DRTotal Fees: Total ALL Pmts: Balance: SFR BUILDING PER Amount 200.00 **************************************************************** BOWN oF vArL, coLoRADo statemnt **************************************************************** statemnt Number: REC-0012 Anount: 5,111 'oo 04/12-/95 09:11 -i1r::ii::T9:-i:-----v=:i:::-l g: u- - - - - -----------*::-:i-- Permit No: 895-0043 TyPe: B-BUIL'D NEW SFR BUILDING PER Parcel No: 2101-092-05-001 site Address: 1L8? VAIL, VALLEY DRTotal Fees: 5r311'00 This Palment 5, 111.00 Total AL',L Pmts: 5 ' 311 ' 00 Balance: '00 **************************************************************** Account code Deecription Anount ,ZQlo' 01 OOOO 41310 BUILDING PERMIT FEES 2'320'OO & 01 0oo0 41331 DESTGN REVTEW FEES '400 ' OOl l' 01 0000 4L332 PLAN CHECK FEES l-',638'00 01 oo0o 22002 CLEANUP DEPOSTTS 750'00 01 OOOO 4L336 WILI, CALL INSPECTION FEE 3'OO d) o ffilX"Y".- Iii;i -;;.****** ********** * ** * * * ************ ****** * **** * statennt Number: REc-0012 Amount: 204'00 o4/L2/25 09:26 .'^r- -.r-; ^n . f,iErw qFP nP Init: TT;;y#; u"tn"at cK2o35 Notation: NE!{ sFR EP rnr-E: a'r pernit No: 895-0031 rvp",a6i@ ELEcrRrcAr PERMTT Parce1 No: 2101-092-05-001 --site Addregs: 118? VArr-, VALT'EY DRTotal Fees: This Palzment 204.00 Total ALL Pmts: Balance: * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * :l !t * !t * * * * * * * * * * Account Code DescriPtion Amount 01 0o0o 41313 ELECTR1CAL PERMTT FEES 201'00 01 oooo 41336 lfrr-,r, CALL rlvspsctroN FEE 3 ' 00 204.00 T6WN OF VArL, COLORADO statemnt **************************************************************** Statemnt Number: REC-0013 Amount: 1,390.50 04/12/95 09:33-p"yt""t Method: CK23O5 Notation: HARRIS PP rnit: TT Permit No: Parcel No: Site Addrese: Thie Payment Acceunt Code 01 0000 41311 01 0000 4!332 01 0000 41336 Total Fees: Total ALL Pmtsl Balance: Description PLT'MBING PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES WII,L CALL INSPECTION FEE P95-0018 rype{fiffi) PLUMBTNG PERMTT itot-ogz-s 5 -ib 1\---------- ].187 VAIL VALLEY DR 1,390.50 ***********************************************************!t**** Amount 1, 110 . 00 27? .50 3.00 1, 390.50 ?eJ"ni fff6"x.u"r vArL coNsrRucrr0 40Ffufiit or vArL coNs**u"rto*tlilF'":'Hd .^A -l t/ ' PERMIT Appl-,fqATron ronUj[Ul \t , DArE: 3lr lqs €l{ NAfr T r995 APPIJICATION MUST BE FIIJI'ED OUT COI'IPI,ETELY OR ffi-Building [ ]-Plunbing I J-Electrical I J-Uechanicat I J-other Job Nane:Job Address: ltB-l VAIL \lALreY belurr Owners Name: Architect: ceneral Description: work class: [x]-New [ ]-A]teration t l-Additional [ ]-Repair [ ]-other nwv'wwML* ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * r. pERMIT fNIORUATION ** * * ** * * ** **3ffilqwMptrDiFffl******* Number of Accommodatlon Units: I - ftpnber and Type of !.ireplaces: Gas Appliances I Gas Logs I Wood/pellet_v tt********************************* VALUATIONS ********************************* !y*9ll!9, $S5Ja=9-- ELEcrRrcAr: $ e.1ri orHER: $ BLUITBTNG: $1qb6- MEcHANrcAr,: g..ffi&*rt Torili $-;iffiE#r' ;6-f,i[; r-- [,m;::#;::.#:qff INTORMATIpN *** ********************:r***:NC Town of .Vail Recr. No- lr-s'{Rteneral Contractor: ger-es-c.iroryEr]r_ELl&.. fte r Town of VaiI RecAildress3 Borl l?-lq, /+vc'\t. co, hrr-tD'- Errra-^ r'..-!-^-- J;,ll!'lFB-'r|r.,rrseD. s()^ r.-(rl .rY:,.\r, csi. l' t6l4' phOne Number: laer.szoa-mtstElectricar contractor: ruaE i$tLEy -"rt l3{"*' q,,*.r,. .-t' rr- i.l. S,=o.f phone Number: OZt-9777 nlumUing Contractor:$I:r" of vait aes. no.&J-P ;\ Phone Number: 6+s-AGrS- \) l.les BILL HA(ara\ Legal De-scription; Lot 13 Blockl[_ riling ]] ,uuorurrro*, VA Address: 6tgt f1E/+bocd LA*E se-. '{ot{- #Ph.e3€-76b3 Number of DwelLing Units: I Address:PLt,4B, IN6 Mechanical Contraclori ALLf.jN'S HEATtt,tC>i Town of Vail Reg. NO. lfl-rnI Phone Number: s6-qzt -EffiAddress: €tslS H4RL-&t"/*4 , C_oLo. ION BUILDTNG PIAN CHECK FEE: PLUMBTNG PIAN CHECK FEE: MECHANICAT PI,AN CHECK FEE: RECREATTON FEE: CI-,EAN-UP DEPOSTT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES3 BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: I'P I'EPOSIT RETU}ID BOUAS q(,SToH ?.o br.lruDt=Qs prlo1.1. 4<> , rNc- ' El(&o TOWN OF VAIL CONSTRUCTI PERI.{IT APPLICATION FORIT APPLIqATION FORM DATE: Slr lqS ildf 7 1995 APPLICATION MUST BE FILLED OUT COT-'PI,ETELY OR ******* P{-BuiLding t l-Plunbing [ ]-Electrical [ ]-Irtecttanical [ ]-other Job Nane! l-\AeQ-\\ Q.6,Fr=lrGg ,rob Address: rtE-t__V4\l4Ltey Delute- Legal Descriptionl Lot 13 Block_..!_riling -lB suBprvrsroN, VA .loq -Address: 6tgr ftsq.Do€ LA*E ep,Ph.aq6-76b1ffiOwners Nane: Hpdt'ies BILL HAera Architect: ceneral Description: Work Classs [X]-New t l-Alteration [ ]-Additional [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Nunber of Acconmodatlon Units: I ^ Iplober and Type of Fireplaces! cas Appliances I Gas Logs_[_ Woodr/pellet_v l|t**tr************** * *************** VALUATTONS ******** * *************** **** ***** BUTLDTNG: ${SLl.qq ELECTRICAT: ! rc,Sf]-_OTHER: $PLU{BING: $lsro-TOTAL: ' Nurnber of Dwelling Units: I Electrical Contractotz w,tE: VAu-Ey ELELTtztLAddress3 p.o. tsox lllg .,ffi Plunbing Contractotz AsT I ts1.trt'aatN ?LU!-1Br /6Address! ?.o.tsor leA Mechanical Contra ******************************** FOR BUTLDING PERMIT FEE: PLUMBING PERMIT FEE: UECHANICAL PERI'{IT FEE: ELECTRTCAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEEa DRB FEE: Pl' ,{ ***t*********************** Town of.Vail Reg. NO. lb€R Phone Nuuber: 1&.Szoa Town of VaiI Reg. NO."ISL,€ Phone Nurnber: 621 -S'1 1L- Town of Vail Reg. NA &J-PPhone Nunber: A+S-agrS Town of Vail Reg. NO. if/-/nPhone Nunber: 3or-qzt -4oao oFFICE USE ******************************* BUILDING PI,AN CIIECK FEE: PLUMBING PI,AN CHECK FEE: MECHANTCAL PIAN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: : AIIFA/S H E47TI9G .?n TOTAL PERMIT BUTIJDING: STGNATURE: ZONTNG: SIGNAI'I'RE! BOuES qcaSToH ?.o .Boy" lz?q, bsrLDEes, fF\c- ptroH, c,o ' 6lrJo CLEAI UP UUBOSIT REIOIil) Town of Vail 25 South Frontage Vail, Colorado 8l (303) 47e-2138 Plan analysis based on the l99l UniformBuilding Code Project Number: PRI95 -0023 o Road 657 Address: 1187 VAIL VALLEY DR. Date: March 28, 1995 Contractor:BOLES CUSTOMBLD, Occupancy:R3,Ml F.P.B TYPe of Const: V-N Engineer: Plans Examiner: CHUCK FELDMAI'IN NOTE:The code items listed in this report are not intended to be a complete listing of all possible code requirements in the l99l uBC. It is a guide to selected sections ofthe code. o" Torn dtlil OFFICECOPY Name: IIARRIS RESIDENCE Architect: McGEE q\a NA]VTE ^,1^r/ 4o4t ffiPAREA MIN.LIGHT MIN.VENT NO.EXITS EGRESS 2 Bedroom#l 194 2 Bath room#l 59 2 Bedroom#2 180 2 Bath room#2 82 2 Master bedroom 221 2 Masterbath 109 2 Halls, closets, etc. 748 TOTALFORFLOOR 1593 I Office 241 I Bedroom 237 1 Bath room 60 I Kitchen 286 I Living room 330 1 Halls, closets, etc. 535 TOTALFORFLOOR 1689 B Garage 668 B Bath room 65 B Bedroom 138 B Family room 149 B Laundryroom l5l B Halls, closets, etc. 256 TOTALFORFLOOR 1427 BIJILDINGTOTAL 3282 19.40 0.00 18.00 0.00 22.t0 0.00 0.00 24.10 23.70 0.00 28.60 33.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 13.80 14.90 0.00 0.00 9.70 2.95 9.00 4.10 I1.05 15.45 0.00 I 12.05 I1.85 3.00 14.30 16.50 0.00 0.00 3.25 6.90 7.45 7.55 0.00 Yes No' Yes No Yes No No No Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No Yes I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I, FOOTNOTES: l) EGRESS - fur operable window or door that opens directly to the exterior is required from this room, The minimum clear openable area must meet the following. - Sec. 1204. ' ;l ;li: il;ililtfr :fil *'f,f ,f i'#T 3) The minimum clear area is 5.7 square feet 4) The maximum sill height is 44 inches 2)The number of exits is based on Table 33-A @wellings) 3) A mechanical ventilation system may be used in in lieu of exterior openings forventilation. -- Sec. 1205.(c) 4) The requirement for an egress window in the basement is based on Sec. 1204. ROOMDIMENSIONS: Ilabitable space shall have a ceiling height ofnot less than 7 feet 6 inches. Kitchens, halls, bathrooms and toilet compartments may have a ceiling height of 7 feet measured to the lowest projection. If the ceiling is sloping, then the minimum height is required in only 1/2 of the area. --Sec. 1207.(a) Every dwelling unit shall have at least one room which has not less than 120 square feet offloor area. Other habitable rooms except kitchens shall have an area ofnot less than 70 square feet. -- Sec. 1207.(b) Habitable rooms other than a kitchen shall not be less than 7 feet in anv dimension. - Sec. 1207.(c) GLAZING REQI.JIRETvTENTS : All glazing in hazardous locations is required to be ofsafety dazrne material. : Sec. 5406.(d) l) Glazing in ingress and egress doors occept jalousies. 2) Glazng in fixed and sliding panels of sliding door assemblies and panels in swinging doors other than wardrobe doors. 3) Glazing in storm doors. 4) Glazing in all unframed swinging doors. 5) Glazing in doors and enclosures for hot tubg whir$ools, saunas, steam rooms, bathtubs and showers. Glazing in any portion of a building wall enclosing these compartments where the bottom exposed edge of the glazing is less than 60 inches above a standing surface and drain inlet. 6) Glazing in fixed or operable panels adjacent to a door where the nearest exposed edge of the glazxing is within a 24-inch arc of either vertical edge of the door in a closed position and where t}re bottom exposed edge ofthe glazing is less than 60 inches above the walking zurface. 7) Glazing in an individual fixed or operable panel, other than those locations described in items 5 and 6 above, than meets all of the following conditions: A. Exposed area ofan individual pane greater than 9 square feet. B. Exposed bottom edge less than 18 inches above the floor. C. Exposed top edge greater than 36 inches above the floor. D. One or more walking surfaces within 36 inches horizontally of the plane ofthe glazing. 8) Glazing in railings regardless of height above a walking surface. Included are structural baluster panels and nonstructural in-fill panels. See exceptions. sMoKE DErEcroR*o**t , A smoke detector is required on the ceiling or wall at a point centrally located in the corridor or area giving access to each sleeping area. - Sec. 1210.(a) 4. A smoke detector is required on the ceiling or wall in each sleeping area. -- Sec. 1210.(a) 4. A smoke detector is required in the basement. -- Sec. 1210.(a) 4. A smoke detector is required on all stories. - Sec. 1210.(a) 4. If the upper level contains sleeping room(s), a smoke detector is required in the ceiling of the upper level close to the stairway. -- Sec. 1210.(a) 4 Smoke detectors are required to be wired to the building's power source and shall be equipped with a battery backup. - Sec. 1210.(a) 3. Detectors shall sound an alarm audible in all sleeping area of the dwelling in which they are located. - Sec. 1210.(a) 4. FIREPLACE REQUIREMENTS : MASONRY FIREPLACE: 1) Fireplace must be supported by a foundation. -- Sec. 3707.(b) 2) The firebox must be at least 20 inches deep and walls of firebox are to be l0 inches thick. If the lining is of firebrick then the walls may be 8 inches thick. - Sec. 3707.(c) 3) The mininnrm clearance to combustible material is from the fireplace, smoke chamber, and chimney walls is 2 inches. Combustible material may not be placed within 6 inches of fireplace opening and combustible within 12 inches may not project more than l/8 inch for each I inch of clearance. - Sec. 3707.(h) 4) The hearth must be noncombustible, a minimum of 4 inches thick, and supported by noncombustible material. The hearth size must be at least: If Opening size is: Front extension Side efiension Less than 6 sq.ft. 16 inches 8 inches 6 sq.ft. or greater 20 inches 12 inches -- Sec. 3707.(k) & 0) 5) Chimney height must be per Table 37-B OCCI]PA}ICY SEPARATION: Between the garage and the residence, materials approved for thr fire construstion are required on the garage side only and any doors between the garage and the residence are to be a self-closing I 3/8 inch solid core door or a 20 minute fire door. -- Table 5-B & Sec. 503.(d) exc. #3 STAIRREQUIREMENTS: A stairway in a dwelling must be at least 36 inches wide. - Sec. 3306.ft) The maximum rise of a step is 8 inches and the minimum run is 9 inches. -- Sec. 3306.(c) exc. #l Provide a handrail on one side a stairway 34 to 38 inches above the nosing if there is 4 or more risers. -- Sec. 3306.(i) Provide a guard rail where drop offis greater than 30 inches. Minimum height = 36 inches, ma<imum opening {rze:4 inches. - Sec. 1712.(a) exc. #l The minimum headroom is 6 ft.- 8 inches. - Sec. 3306.(o) Enclosed usable space under the stairs is required to be protected as required for lhr fire-resistive construction. : Sec. 3306.(l) SHAFTENCLOSURES: . 1) Chutes and dumbwaiter shafts with aYross-sectional area of not more than 9 square feet may lined on the inside with not less than26 ga3e galvanized sheet metal with all joints locklapped. The outside must be t hr construction. All openings into any such enclosure shall be protected by not less than a self-closing solid wood door I 3/8 inches thick or equivalent. - Sec. 1706.(f) 2) Gas vents and noncombustible piping installed in walls passing through 3 floors or less do not need to be in t hour shafts. - Sec. 1706.(c) 3) Shafts for gas vents, factory-built chimneys, piping, or ducts that do not extend through not more than 2 floors need not be in I hour shafts. - Sec. 1706.(c) 4) All other shafts are required to be enclosed in a I hour assembly. - Sec. 1706.(a) CRAWLSPACE REQUIREMENTS : l) Provide ventilation either by mechanical means or by openings in exterior walls. Opening shall provide a net area of not less than 1 square foot for each 150 square feet ofarea in crawl space. Openings shall be distributed on two opposite sides and be located as close to corners as practical. -- Sec. 2516.(c) 6. Note: Vent openings may be reduced to l0% of the above ifground surface area is covered with an approved vapor barrier and the building official approves. For a 64.0 sq.ft. crawlspace area: Ratio Minimum sq.ft. of vent l/150 0.43 2) Provide l8-inch by 24-inch access opening to the crawl space area. Note: opening may be required to be larger if mechanical equipment is located in the crawl space. -- Sec. 2516.(c) 2. 3) Unless the wood is listed as an approved wood of natural resistance to deoay or treated wood, the minimum clearance between exposed earth and floor joist is 18 inches. The minimum clearance to beams and girders is is l2 inches. - Sec. 2516.(c) 2. ADDITIONAL REQUIREI\,IENT S : ForR3 occupancy This project will require a site improvement survey. Such survey shall be submitted and approved prior to request for frame inspection. All crawl spaces within the Town Of Vail are limited to a earth to structural floor ceiling height of 5', be earth floor only, be ventilated as per UBC 2516(C)6 with minimum access as per UBC 2516(C)Z and maximum access of 9 sq. ft. Any building site with a slope of 30 degrees or more shall require an engineer design. Such design shall address drainage, soil retainage and structural design. Excavation below slabs on grade shall not be permitted without prior approval. Addresf numbers shall be posted dafvisible and legible from the For Ml occupancy Slope garage floor to allow for drainage to outside to provide a floor drain with sand and oil interceptor to dry well or to sewer. Any garage floor drain connected to sewer must be approved by Upper Eagle Valley Water & Sanitation District. In garages with living area above, the walls of the garage wiich are bearing the area above shall be protected with one hour fire resistive construction. IJBC 503(B). CUtnn of tfifl CFFICECOPY Town of Vail . 25 SouthFrontageRoad Vail, Colorado 81657 (303) 479-2138 Plan review based on the l99l Uniform Building Code Project Number: PRI95-0023 Name: HARRIS RESIDENCE Address: I187 VAJL VALLEY DR. Date: March 28, 1995 Contractor: BOLES CUSTOM BLD. Occupancy: R3,Ml Architect: F.P.B TYPe of Const: V-N Plans Examiner: CHUCK FELDMANNEngineer: McGEE :::=:=:=:=::=:: I All electrical work is to be complete to the requirements of the latest National Electrical Code, all Town of Vail Ordinances, and Holy Cross Requirements. 2 This project will require a site improvement survey' This survey shall be submitted and staffapproved prior to a request for a frame inspection. Under no circumstances will a frame inspection be done without an approved site improvement survey. 3 There shall be only one kitchen designated per dwelling unit allowed by the Town of Vail Zoning Regulations. All other such labeled areas are not approved and shall not be rough-in constructed as such. 4 Exterior surfaces with stucco shall be provided with exterior metal lath as per UBC 4706 with 2 layers of paper. Windows and doors are required to be adequately flashed(not with just screed metal)' A lath inspection is required prior stucco application. 5 All new construction within the Town of Vail will be required to have a Public Way permit plus an initial inspection by the T.O.V. Public Works Department to approve site drainage and culvert installation prior to any Building Dept, inspections. 6 This project is restricted from the burning ofwood in fireplaces. Unless the lot is a restricted lot. in size, three gas logs fireplaces and three gas appliances are permitted per unit allowed. Gas log chimneys enclosures shall be one hr. protected. 7 ln bathrooms with a tub or shower and in laundry rooms a mechanical ventilation system connected directly to the outside shall be provided. Bathrms which contain only a water closet or lav. may be ventilated with a recirculating fan. UBC 1205(c). 8 Domestic clothes dryer exhaust ducts shall be installed as per UMC I104 and 1903. Flexible duct connectors may not exceed 6' in length and shall not be concealed within construction. Ducts shall terminate outside the building and not exceed 14' length. 9 No domestic dishwashing machine shall be directly connected to a drainage system without the use ofan approved dishwasher air-gap fitting. UPC 608. l0 Cross connection control devices shall be installed to protect pollution of potable water supply by use ofapproved backflow prevention devices. LJPC 1003. I I Island fixtures shall be special vented as per UPC 6t4. 12 Plumbing fixtures with mechanical apparatus shalt be supplied with an access panel for inspection and repair of equipment. UPC 904. 13 Domestic ranges shall have a vertical clearance above the cooking surface ofnot less than 30" to unprotected combustible material. UMC 1901. 14 A chimney enclosure for a wood burning fireplace flue shall be protected by a one-hour fire resistive construction. UBC 1706' This involves lining the inside of such chase with 5/8" Type X sheetrock and fire-taping joints. 15 Approved gas logs may be installed in solid-fuel burning fireplaces provided the installation is according to the listing instructions, any damper shall be removed or permanently blocked, and safety shutoffvalve is provided. UMC 803. 16 Gas fireplace appliances are required to be installed as per listing installation instructions - with a "8" vent only. Combustion air must be supplied from the outside for all new construction in the Town of Vail. 17 Supply a mechanical drawing indicating design of system, size (BTU and volume) of equipment, vent location and termination, and combustion air to be supplied prior to any installation. 18 Due to Colorado State Statutes, all sink faucetts and shower heads are required to utilize flow restriction devices. Also, the maximum water closet flush usage is limited to a maximum of 3.5 gallons - per flush. 19 A handrail is required along a stairway. It is required to be 34 to 38 inches above the nosing of the steps and if the side is open, the maximum size of an opening in the railing at the stairway is 4 inches. -- Sec. 3306.(i) & 1712. 20 At eaves and valleys an adequate underlayment shall be provided to protect a structure from ice buildup and water damage. Two layers of felt solid mopped to sheathing and between layers or a commercial water & ice shield may be used as per Table 3281. 2l Because ofthis project's location, the foundation is required to be dampproofed to Prevent damage to areas below finished grade. UBC 1707(d). 22 The structure is required to be anchored to the foundataion with l/2 inch anchor bolts. The bolts must be into the concrete or masonry 7 inches and spaced a maximum of 6 feet apart' See code for additional requirements. - Sec. 2907.(f) o 23 lnclude a copy ofthe soils report for the site to be built on. -- Sec. 2905. 24 This header is inadequate to support the loading on it- o Pran Review Baeed "PFFi/'r{iffrhe 1ee2 unirorm ^""PFitHiopv NAME:HARRIS RESIDENCE DATE;3/3L/95 ADDRESS : 1187 VAIL VAI,LEY DR. CONTRACTOR:AJ,LENS HEATTNG VATL, COLORADO ARCH]TECTINONEOCCUPANCY:R3 ENGINEER:NA TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION:V PLANS EXAMINER:C. FELDMANN CORRECTIONS REQUIRED The items listed below are not intended to be a complete liating of all possible code requirements in the adopted codes. It ie a guide to selected sections of the codes. The following is not to be construed to be an atr4grorral of any violation of any of the pro- visions of the adopted codeE or any ordinance of the Town of Vail. 1) COMBUSTION AIR IS REQU]RED PER SEC.6O7 OF THE ]-991 UMC. 2) ACCESS TO HEATING EQUIPMENT MUST COMPLY WITH SEC.5O5 ANd 703 OF THE 1991 UMC. LADDER ACCESS TO UPPER MECHANICAL ROOM MUST BE AT LEAST 24" IN WIDTH. 3) INSTAILATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTURES INSTRUCTIONS AND TO APPENDIX CHAPTER 21 OF THE 1991 UMC. 4) GAS LINE TEST AND INSPECTION IS REOUIRED BEFORE CONNECT]ON OF ANY EQU]PMENT PER SEC.L2O6 OF THE 1991 UPC. 5) GAS APPL]A}JCES SHALL BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 9 OF THE 1991 UMC AND STIALL TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC. 906 OF THE l- 991 UMC . 6) DRA]NAGE OF MECHANTCA]., ROOMS CONTAINTNG HEATING OR HOT-WATER - SUPPLY BOTLERS SHALL BE EQUIPPED WITH A FLOOR DRAIN PER SEC. 2119 OF THE 199]- UMC. 7) BOTLERS SHALL BE MOUNTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONSTRUCTION UNLESS LISTED FOR MOUNTING ON COMBUSTIBLE FLOORING. 8) FIELD INSPECTION IS REQUIRED FOR CODE COMPLIANCE PER SEC.3O5 OF THE 1991 UMC. 9) PERM]T, PI,ANS AND CODE ANAI-,YSIS MUST BE POSTED IN MECIIANICAI ROOM PRIOR TO A}I INSPECTION REQUEST. o tsF .',' E j $I? t J q FI il au E 3o {r s-f 3 ..\ l:df 3o ,I= 0-|. -z4+ !t i$ TPo' U hJ f>) Ci:Q: T tJ ! o'(, tr j !u\l LJIZIu\lAl nl \ \\l o4 I \r1 Ec4 F=-lt-llr *; $ii '$:*n $; $ r$ f; -= p (rl ?u i$ -F:cl_Lt_la -lr Ia =Eo<-) *P 7 o 'gno<t4I a\.L\e/ * I g -( ,i'l {r;TI --q:dtd.{ {N.:!q oIlll{$(!+t st : rl rn 11 T E Ho iti{':o ,- 'rl$$J .tl-0{ foE iluis efl .r\tr-fjt lu.\) ilci PorL Rxto ={-t ulS\{ $$ :g \N N :{'$I$N Ns 8- ,Jt N N aa +s ooo \0r{l ooo { oI d 8 {\ =\ q{ I fr 4 $lN -1 6L 3 fi 4J N tLP .f l'l,.s T\) $ JA { u- o .E s $ \l e,€ t tr- E N N cL08El ouTurtE . ... ------.;--r-'<-- Q''' "'----- 'i,rNrMUM cr.ginmrcg ro cougugrrgLE $IJRFAcES' 3 t{erg. CLIARANCE AROUNO* -Mltllt|Uil RAOIAL BOII.ER slzE 0lXEt'|gottl ttt aoea ll 20sA Irl'T ar4A tl * eocA fl' EO6A \?{r| eoTA 27-,I e00l to;,t eoDA,t{' 2r0l s7 I r+ itorEi Af,eA.oF €lCH 9FExtUC.I 3il. lr'l FoR €ACH loQQttult rhFt ?' wl?H A Htt|txux 0F 100 9Q. lil HETCfiT 0F oFEf{nq i*tosLo 6E t/4 wl9tF. Fig, FrantVievy TopVlew Minimum Clearancesr Sldcs: 6') Rearr 6"; frontr 1' (slzes 50-100), Unobstiqicted lsizel 195.0!5) Topr Q3' (from top ol boiler) li @ iNu\r IN stlr, t6 ntmurnl @nv @orsourr \ t*n*, (161,9 ro. i& !0t Input BTU/H s[€ r 1000 Hsating C6p. STU/H x 'r 000 N€t IBR 8IU/H x 1000 ATUE tr S0ark lqnition Stondinq Pllot Drmensions tlnchss)Wattf 6or Appro) Conn. [onn. wright (lnchei) (insher) (lbc.) N6t ProG!9 Gar Nat P(0 6ar Gol Ndr Fo Net PrcGds Gor Got GBi I CDV 50 50t5 ?5 100 r00r05 1951& t60 19 4563 6{83 8510{ 106133 135 30.5 s7.,1 5,r.8 55.679.r 73.990.4 99,t 115,? 117.1 84.1 85.4 00.! 8!,08,t.0 gs.e 80,5 8?.38{.0 850 80.7 8e.?83.0 84.5 80.7 89,78:.0 84,8 81.0 83.0 13-3/8 17.3/4 t3.y8 !1-3/1 r 13-3/8 ?7-3i4 !4.1/8 91.3/{ ; r 6.7/8 Q8.3/{ 8,1.1/3 99-3/1 5 rc.7/8 98.3/{ 93.54 g!'l/a 6 90.3/8 98-3/1 93.5i8 99.3/1 6 1.1/4 119 1t0 l-1/4 1i9 196 f.1t4 1n 13{'t.111 w 138 1'I4 1E 164rts c!5 166 r90 t6l.t r65.9 83,9 85.0 81.s 83.5 96-5,/a -1'1.1/9 9:1.1,/a 9,1.3,11 '!.v{ 1E 1g!_ Accnssontrs Power Vent Klt - For through.the.wall venUng on 50,000 to 195/000 BTU/hr stzes, Continuously regulated dnft reducas energy costs by malntdining efficient combustlon, Nott'Comburtibls Eosc -. MINI"THERM ll must be installed on a Teledyne Loars non-Combusflbls base assembly or other opproved non.combustible surfoce, 86s€ adds 1" to boller heights llstcd h table. Non"(ombustlble $tond - For easy malntenance accesslbllitf, a 19-1/9il high non.combustible floor stand ls also ovellable. Compres$on Tankr - Air.charged dtaphragm-q,pe tdnk with outomatic mokeup wdtcr control. 'Not .valliblc in Cansd6, ACC$|ory Sircr Port Ne, Power vent Ktt (U.5.) 50-l!5 10570000(Cinada) s0-995 PY'09 Non.Combustibte Base S0 e 75 10{00701 100 & l?5 10460709 160 10166703 e25 1016670. Non.CombBtib,. stand s0-1!5 10.|09800160.C!5 C0r09900 'Compfesslon Tonk 50' l!5 40066800' J60 & 995 A@66900 Wntnn Rnrov ro llrtn You The hot water specialists at Teledyne Laars would be happy to put their over 40 yearr of experlence to wot4< for you. For ossistonce in choosing thB flght unlt for your appticatlon - or if you'd simply like to know more about our productS, servicfi, and extenslve wananty - Just call toll-free 1'800.362-5678 (U.5,). 'trTELEDYNE LMRS !!.!qUgtllt W9r, ng,gfcetcr, NH 03867 . Tet, (go0) 369-s67a, (603) 335.6100 toxl (603) 395-3g5s {805.-Servlcc Road Westr OoMtlc, Ontlrlo, Canado tOK gru I ieh (905) g44.Bg3J iax, pO51 841.9635 6000 Condor Drlve, ,{oorpork, CA 930?l r Tel: (80S) lg?.!0OO tax; (g0S} 599.593{ r,||.nrrrl | .-,"--- Model No. Capacity gallons Height Inches Dlametsr inches 26 301/4 WH.7P-DW -Dl / denoles &uble wan h€at o(dwq€r. (Alt models tApMO tisted) Model Cold Water Hot Water Boiler Boller DrainNo. lnlet Outlet Supply Return AII MOdEIS 3/4" NFTM 3/4'NPTF 3/4" NPTM 3/4'NPTM 3/4" NPT lor VVH-7P is g/4' Flang8 AMTBOL Model WH-9L Hot Water Maker'' AMTROT Model WH-7L Hot Water MakeP AMTROL Model WH-7P Hot Water MakeP Ratlngs T€rms (1) Fk€t Hour Rating - ths ability ot th€ water heater to supply hot water In a @ mlnut€ p€riod, assumlng that the hour starts with both boll€r water and domestlc content up to s6t temp€ratur€. h is lhe sum of lhe usable storago capacity plus the amount of healed water generated during tho 60 minute period. The rate is bas€d on: . 90oF tempsraturo rise . Bcfler mass heat slnk eouivalont to 10 lbs. of water . No low limit on bciler It sfrould not be consldered a lru€ rneasuromgnt of porfofmance or reco\rety during a normal Intsnnittent (regl lvorld) draw . porlod ot 24 hours. Durlng such 'roal world' usage, tho actuaf recovery ablllly of tho water h€ater may be mor€ or less than lh€ 'lirsl hour' rating, depending upon usage and installation parameters. (2) Continuous Flow - th6 domestic water flow that absorbs boll€r heat output. The rate is based on: . 70oF temperature riso. Boiler high-limit sel 20'F (mlnimum) abova Hot Water Maker water temperaiuro t-t BoilerI Output (5 GPM Input to HWM) BTU/TIF (1) lst Hour Raling (SO' Rls€) GPH 14 Continuous Fow (70' Ris€ - Stsady Slat€) GPH Boilsr Oulpul (5 GPM Input ro l-lwM) BTU/HB (1) l st Hour Raling (go'Blse) j GPH tc:l Continuous Flow (70' Rls6 - St€ady stat6) GPH HARnIS RESII'EII{CE AST/MCFEBAINP&H HEATLOSS SUMMARY. V:IRI'BO IN GYTCRETE ZONE ROOM L(X)P TOTAL gUPPLY GPMsa BTU BIU N(). 0.c. TTBES/r-T Hf,AT PER LOOPS (IN) JOU'T LOSS SQFT SPACEl4 3570 26 t2 SLAB29 401 14 FT HEAII rLfi)ROOVERINC NTPAUSED HEAVYCARPET/?AD HEAVYCARPET/PAD TILE HEAVYCARPET/PAD 'I]LE SIAB wooD w@D wooD wooD STONE wooD HEAVTCARPET/PAD ' HEAVTCAXPET/PAD TILE HEAVYCARPET/PAD TILE wooD 1.9 HEAVYCARPET/PAD STONE t.2 HEAVY CAR.PET/PAD 5.6 LGTIIII T"TOF WATER(8"D TUBE TEMP0 150I BEDROOM IO.Ir cLosETl04 I BATI{ I()3 2 RECROOM 1052 LAIN/HALUCLOS 3 GARAGEit cuEsrR@M2oI 4 BATH2O5 5 LIBRARY2Oz 6 LIVING2IO 6 SNTRY2OT7 KITCIYHALL2OS .8 BEDR@M 302 8 CLOSET3os 8 BATH3O69 BEDROOM3OI 9 BATH3OT IO HALL3O{STAIRSIO MSIRBEDROOM II MSTRBATI{ ll cLosET3o9 TOTALS t2 12 SLAB SLAB 2N t50 t50 150 150 r50'0 150400 150 0.72fr 150 0.7 r50 150 150 t50 150 150 150 r50 150 150 150 150 5200 TOTAL rr.4 5.60.7 0.8 1.3 2 l:l 0 250 0 400 500 0 600 400 0 0 600 0 600 0 800 0 .100 6 1240 19153 2470 16198 3560 l8600 10400 t7255 4470 t859 765 t321t 6000 25 329 t0500 32t40 6220 44 298 13500 45196 6780 3534 368 ll@ t470 252M 6120 3t84 1680 20100 3050 3l 326 13100 402tt 9?80 4257 618 ll 37!N n6A62 28 212 2t6 3 2 t2 t2 l0 t2 l0 o I t23t2 63J2 t246 6 212 25 SI-{B SLAB SLAB 200 2fl 200 250 200 200 CYP Gl? GYP GYP GYP CYP GY? GYP CYP GVP GYP GYP GYP GYP GYP 212 t12 ;; 200 200 ;' NOTES: I . CAS OR WOOD FIREPLACES WIruOUT SEALED DOORS MAY ADVERSELY AFFECT THE PERFORMANCE OF RADIANT FLOOR SYSIEMS. 2, IF TWO DIMENSIONS APPEAR IN IITE "OC (T$N COLUMN, INSTALL 50% OF FLOORAREA ON ONE DIMENSION AND I}IE OTHER 5MO ON THE OTHER DIMENSION. THE CI,OSER TI.JBE SPACING SHOTJLD BE DONE CLOSEST TO EXIERIOR GLAZED WALLS, SUPPLEMENTAL HEAT TOTALLING 8OO BTWI Ig SHO\ilIY TO BE REOUIRED IN NEDROOM 304. SB{CE TTIE AMOUNT RDOUIRNN IS SO SMALL. NO SUPPLEilIENTAI, HEATIIAIT BEEF{ADDED TO IIIE DESIGITT. SUPPLEMENTA,L HEAT TOTALLING 2{0O RTUH IS SHOWN TO BE REOUIREp IN TEE M^sTER BEnROOilL A TOTAL OF r0' Or BNEBOARI} rrrr{ BEFI AIIDED TO IIIE I}ESIGN TO COVER IIIIII SUPPLEMENTAL HEAT. OIHER OPTIONS INCLUDING RAI'LNYT \ilALLg AIIII TIIE I'TINUAL USE OF THE GAI' LOG sET DIJRING fTffREME COLD R1EAIIIER ANE AI,SIO AVAILAELU TO CO\/ER TIIIS SUPPLEMU\TTAL IIEAT. IIARRIS RESIDENCE TLOOR COYEITINGI TYPES. RADTAI{T CONSTRUfTION TYPE AI{D NRl' VALI'IS HAVT BEXNT A!il$T'MED IF NOT SII(MN ON TffE PRINT!|. PLEAIIE USE TIITII SIIEET TO OORRECT AIiIY ASSUMPTTONS MADE THA.T ^Af,E TNCORNEET. Z(r{EROOM f,LOORCOVDRING CXIAITICEtrLOORCOVERING SOI'RCEOTTYPEUSED TYPETOT (LIsrcxIAt{cES) HEATLOSS RIIVALI'E (EAIIGEiR'TOI u$ED (LISTCEANGES) BEDR@M IO4 HEAVYCARPET/PAD CLOSET IO4 HEAVYCAXPET/PAD BATI{ IO3 TILE WALT,s CEILING GLASS SLABEDGE -:, O FOUI.ITATTONWALL'-' 10 AIRCHAIIIGS/8R". . 05 %GLYCOL .'.. {0 INSIDEDESTGNTEMP 70 OUTSIDE I}ESIGT{ TEMP .?S 19 30 22 FSCROOM TO5 HEA\trCARPETIPAD2 LAUN/TTALUCLOS TILE3 GARAGE St,A8L cuEsrRooM2ot .wooD4 BATI{205 W@D5 LIBRARY2Oz . WOOD6 LMNC2I0 w@D DOORE 3.s 6 ENTRY2OT SfONE7 KrrcwHALL2oS W@D8 BEDROOM3O2 HEAVYCARPET/PAD8 CLOSET3O5 HEAVYCARPFTNADt 8AT11306 9. BEDROOM3OI HEAVYCARPET/PAD9 BATI{307 TILE IO I{ALL3MSTAIRS WOOD IO MSTRBEDROOM HEAVYCARPET/PADII MSTRBATIT STONEII CLOSET3Og HEAVTCARPETNAD .E RADIANT rLOOn INSTALT.ATTON IypE $t ACTUALLY (CrRCLf, ONE):1 TUBINGSTAPLEDIJNDERSI]BFLOOR 2 TUBINGINCONCRSIESLAB 3 TUBING IN GYPCRETE WIffi FINISI]:D ILCCT D:RXCTLY C',':.1, GI?CRETE4 TUBTNG IN GypcRE'IE WTII{ _" SIjBFLOOR DIRECTLY OVER Glt'pCRETE IS IIIERE ANY PLAIIS TO INSTALL AT{ AIR.TGNR HEAT EXCIhNGER?? Y N IS IIIERE A,\Y PLAIYS TO INSTALL ANY EI(SAUST SYSIEM OIIIER IIIAN BATIIROOM FAI{S OR RANGE HOOD?? Y N HARRIS RESIDENCE AST/MCFERRIN P&H HEATLOSS SUMMARY - WIRSBO IN GYPCRETE SLqB TYPE--O=ON GRADE B=BELOWGRADE W=!"JALK-OUT BSMT FLOOR WPE--W' V';OOD T=TILE C=CARPET LF EXT WALL SQFT GLASS AREA SQFT SKLT AREA OBW SLAB TYPE osET 104 ROOM 105 UEST ROOM 201 BRARY 202 DROOM 301 'l WTC FLOOR TYPE YN HEATED BELOW? SOFT ROOM AREA LF EXT WALL SOFT cLAss AREA SQFT SKLT AREA LF SLAB EDGE OSET3O9 Bo.o Qustonrt LETTETOF TRANSMITTAL PDecs,- :t+ Ztot -o1z-O5-oo I t/Wa hp)eO thefolowins items: ItulLDERs posr oFFtcE Box 127e. AvoN, caLoRADo 81620 - t)tc. (303) 926-3202. (303) 926-2078 FAX wE ARE sENDTNG You {macnea ! under separate cover via tr Shop Drawings ! Prints n Copy of letter n Change order E Plans ! Pj& tr Samples ! Specif ications DATE Z/Ztl1g |,ioeNo ?SOA to' Tt**.. oF V}'l. bq$. oQ C^-n-i{* [\u.>t-U RE: Ffmfa* Rer brr rcF- ll€i'? il**' U*,..,.sr brrr* z.or-o1z-o5-oo coPrEs NO.DESCRIPTION tlel 'qq MSc-ga^'r a*c Roo,.a - P"+lex- -B-,1 te^ c^,:F qL"**s C") . A.*or .** :I,.o"ts(r ) Ae*/rn.aonr*, T+ tA 'u\"^$Lee (1\ s'L*. r THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked fiu approval g4, your rse I As requ€sted I For review and comment N FOR BIDS DUE Delow: ! ! ! n Approved as submitted Approved as noted Returned for corrections n Resubmit - copies for approval ! Submit - copies for distrubution ! Return _ corrected prints 19- N PRINTS RETURNEDAFTER LOAN TO US tub>f? l/49nc are'u*<c., ll ancl8wes eE rnt as notdd, klndly notify us at once. COPY TO 04/18/1995 L4i26 3B3s4s(t PAGE AL Mountaln Englneer{ngr.r* Aprll 10, l99g !tr. BIll Harrl: 5131 l|eadoc Lakf Dr{vrIt}antr, ct 30339 RE! Opcn HoIe obmrvatlonLot 13, Block 6, ValL vlltaga FlllnE !to. ?Tonn of Vai.l , Ergl.a countyr-Colorad6ProJect No. gtB58C Eol.! Custon Bulldffc, e*cavatlon rLte on Lrotof VaIl, Eagle County, The tolls exporcd ln tho forurdatlon sxcavatlon conclttcd ofEandy CRAVEL on thr touth rlde to claycy SA!|D on thr north slde;ae anticLpatcd ln thl Sollc and Foundltlon Invutlgatlon Rcport,ProJact No. 9{858c, datad Noveuber l{, l99l . There uaE anow on tht eurrorrndlng ground and ln thr trenchardurlng thr lagt rltc vhlt. praoautloia should br talcan not totrap exoeea nolrturc under the foundaElon. For detalhd rrcobnendatlonr, durlng tlrr rshalnd€r ofconstructlon, ploaac refer to thr abovt naned aolle report. If you havo any queetlona, plcal* do not h66ltate to call. $incrrely, ,r-)t-'U ,tT) r' FL;zt>p F'**nl Lulaa Detrovrka, P.E, FroJeot Englnear ss! ur. John boler-vla tax (9?0)926-2o78 IME Dear ilr, Harrlr! At thc raquect ot t{r. ,tohn Bolar fronon Apf,lI zth and 10th, 1995 nc vlrlttd thr13, Block 6, Vall Vlllage flllng No. ?, TownColorado for an opcn hole obscrvatlon. Zt Mercall Foad, #200 . Box 978 r Avon, COlOrado 81620 ' Phone:949.5072 r From Penvef Direct:893.1531 1420 Vance $treet o Lakewood, Colorado 80215 ' Phone; 232'0158 t I I I t I I SOILS AIID FOUNDATION I}TVESTIGATION FOR PROPOSED RESIDENCE 13, BLOCK 6, VAIL VII,IAGE SSVENTH FILTNG rgI{N oF VAIL . EAGLE cotNTY, coroRADo PREPARED TOR: BILIJ HARRIS PROJECT NO.94858G NOVEMAER 14, 1994 $s% {:. 29s26 !* %im &q TABTE OF CONTENTS CONCLUSIONS SCOPE STTE LOCATION AIID DESCRTPTION STTE I}TVESTIGATTON SUBSI'RFACE AND GROT'NDWATER CONDITIONS PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION FOT'NDATTON RECOMMENDATIONS EXCAVATION DIFFICI'LTIES SI.AB CONSTRUCTTON GROI'NDWATER AIID DRAIN SYSTEI'T REINFORCING BACKTILL AIID SIIRFACE DRAINAGE I,AWN IRRIGATION I.{ISCELI"ANEOUS LOCATION OF TEST BORINGS S['I'{HARY OF TEST PTT ST'MUARY OF TEST BORINGS GR"ATN SIZE DISTRIBUTION TNTERIOR UNDERDNAIN SYSTEI{ 2 2 3 3 4 5 5 6 6 7 I 9 10 10 DRAWING NO. 1 FIGI'RE NO. 1 TTGURES NO. 2 rTGI'RES NO. 4 TIGIJRE NO. 8 -3 2 coNcLusroNs 1. Subsoil conditions are fairlyuniforn over the site with less than1 foot of Topsoil over clayey-gravelly SAND with few cobbles-andboulders. Due to the .construction of the existlng residence fiIImaterial should be anticipated,specifically near the building,driveway and utility trenches. 2. The proposed residence shouldbe founded on undisturbed clayey-gravelJ.y SAND with conventionalspread footings designed for anaxtmutn soil bearinq pressure of2,000 psf. 8COPE This report presents the resurts of a soils and Foundation rnvestigation for the proposed residence to be constructed on Lot 13, Block 6, .VaiI village Seventh Filing, Toefn of VaiI, Eag1e county, colorado. The investigation was prepared by neans of test borings and a test pit, and laboratory testinq of sampres obtained fron the borings and the pit. The purpose of this foundation exprorati,jil nas to deterrnine the various soil profile conponents ancl r-he engineering characteristics of the foundation naterials, rnd to provide criteria frorn a geotechnical point of view, for use by the structural engineers in preparing the foundation design, and tbe design engineers and architects in preparing grading and drainage plans. 3, and tes 3 STTE LOEATTON A}rD DESCRIPTTON The site is a O.2g acre lot located, at 1187 VaiI Valley Drive in the Town of Vail, Eagle county, Colorado. Hornsilver clrcre is to the north and east of thE .1ot, vair varrey Drive is to he south and Lot, 12 is to the west. There is an existing residence on the J-ot as shown on Drawing No. r.. The topography of the rot is noderate with about 10 feet elevation difference from south to north. Drainage is the north. 6ITE TIIVESTIGATTON The fierd investigation perforrned on october 28 and November 1994 ,consisted of excavating, logging and sampling 1 test pit drilling 2 test borings. The locations of the test pit and the t borj.ngs are shown on Drawing No. 1. The test pit was excavated with a conventi.onal backhoe. The test borings were drilred with a 4-inch diarneter continuous flight power auger. summaries of the test pit and test boring rogs are detailed on Figures No. 1 - 3. Laboratory sanples fron the granuJ.ar soils were sampled by bulk sanpling at selected intervals. Standard split spoon was advanced in the borings with a 140 lb hanrner falling 30 inches, for sampllng of the granular soils. These sanples were returned t,o our laboratory, inspected and crassified in accordance with the unified soil classification Systen and the test boring logs were edited as necessary. fo aid in classifying the soils encountered, and to deternine general o I soj.Is characteristics, selected laboratory tests (grain size distribution), were performed on representative soil sanples. Sunmaries of the test results are shown of Figure No.rs 4 - 7. SUBST'RFACE AND GROSNDFATER CO!rDrTIONg . Refer to the surunary of the test pit and the test borings, Figure No.rs 1 - 3. subsurface conditions are fairly unif,orrn with Iess than 1 foot of Topsoil over clayey-gravelly SAND with few cobbles and boulders. Due to the constructlon of the existing residence f111 naterial should be anticipated, specificall! near the building, driveway and utility trenches overtot grading has been done prior to ttris investigation during the construction of ttre existing residence. . No Groundwater was encountered in any of the test borings or in the test pit at the tine of drilling and excavation; however, the soils were very noist and caving, and due to the close proxirnity to core creek, seasonal high groundwater fluctuations should be anticipated. According to ordinance No. 5, Section 5, chaPl-er 18.69 of the Vail Municipal Code the fottowing Town of Vail official Maps were reviewed: 1.) The debris flow and debris avalanche irazard analysis rnap prepared by Arthur I. Mears, P.8., Inc. and dated Novernber 1984. 2.1 The rockfall map prepared by Schnueser & Associatesr Inc' and dated November 29, 1984. Lot 13, Block 6, vail Village Seventh riling is not classifled as Geologically Sensitive Area based on the above naps. I I I I t t I I I I t I I I Il I I I I PROPOEED CON8TRUCTTON Based upon the infornation provided by Bruce Crabb from Fritzlenn Pierce Briner, Architects it is understood that the proposed new residence will consist of 2 floors with a basement. Loads are anticipated to be light, typical of residential construction. ff the proposed project differs significantly frorn this understanding, a review should be nade after the plans are Eore complete. FOT'NDATTON RECOI.TI,iSNDATTONS Very rnoist, clayey-gravelly SAND with occasional cobbles and, boulders, as we.ll as some filt and disturbed soil fron the construction of the existl-ng residence wiLl be encountered in the foundation excavation. The proposed residence should be founded on conventional type spread footings desigrned for a rnaxirnum soil bearing pressure of 2rooo psf, The footings should be constructed on the undisturbed clayey-gravelly SAND below the existing fill and debris left fron the removal of the existing buildino. The footing excavations should be relatively snooi:h, free of debris, organics, loose soil, frost, and standing water. ff groundwater seePage is encountered during the basenent excavation, the excavation should be dewatered fron the outside of the footing excavation area prior to concrete placement. Any over-excavations should be backfllled and conpacted to 1OO percent within 2 percent of optinum rnoisture as determined by a Standard Proctor Test (ASTM D-698). A representative of this office should be contacted to 6 inspect the foundation excavation to verify that the soil conditions are the sane as those anticipated in this report. After all of the final grading is conpleted, the bottom of the footings should be covered with a niniraun of 48 inches of backfill for frost protection. Voids left by the renoval- of cobbles in the bottom of the footing excavation should be filled with lean concrete or a granular soil with a rnaxj.nurn particle size of 3 inches conpacted to Loo percent of Stand,ard Proctor Density (ASTM D-598), within 2 percent of optinum moisture. EXCAVATTON DTFFTCULTTEE . Due to the naturally rnoist condition of the on-site soils.and the close proxinity to Gore Creek, it is anticipated that either groundwater seepage or very noist soiLs witL be encountered during the foundation excavation. Deltat,ering rnethocl., as well as excavation shoring should be planned for this sitp. SIJIB cotfgTRUCTfON The natural on-site soils, exclusive of Topsoils ;':rd organics, are suitable to support lightly loaded slab-on-grad' rnstruction' A11 excavations made for the foundations under Proposed slab- on-grade areas must be properly backfilled with suitable naterial coupacted to a ninimun of 95 percent of the rnaximun Standard Proctor Density (ASTtt D-698). The on-site soils, exclusive of Topsoil and organics are suitable for use as backfill. cobbles and T I t I I I I T I I I I I I I I T I I 7 boulders rarger than 3 inches shou]d be screened out prior to using this rnaterial as backfilr. Before the backfill is placed, all water and loose debris should be renoved from these excavations. Prior to the construction of concrete floors, the undisturbed subgrade, free fron topsoil and organics, should be proof compacted with a loaded rubber-tired loader to a uniform high density. special care shourd be taken in areas where underground utllities have been installed. The floor slabs should be reinforced, and joints shoild be provided at, the junctions of the slab and the foundation walls, so that a snall auount of independent movement can occur without causing..damage. . The slabs should be scored in accordanee with the Anerican Concrete fnstituters recommendations to contt-cl cracking, . A granular mat (-3/4 inch gravel , with less thl'! 5 percent passing No. 20O sieve), should be provided below the I roor slabs. This should be a nininuro of four inches in thickness. The purpose of this granular rnat is to provide a capillary brear betveen the subgrade and the slab. GROUNDWATEN AND DRATN SYSTE}T while no ground water was encountered at the time ....rr field invest,igation r,tas conducted, it is possible that seasonal variat,ions will cause fluctuations, or for a water table to be present in the upper soils during the spring months, or after prolonged periods of rain. An interior foundation perimeter drain as detailed on Flgure No. 8 .is recornrnended to reduce the risk of as well I assurface water infiltrating the footlng subsoils, lowering of seasonal high groundwater table. . It is recoumended that the the interior of the foundatlon. An area to the east of the proposed dry well location, shown on the Site Plan dated July 14, 1994 prepared by Fritzlen Pierce Briner, Architects was investlgated for the purpose of disposal of the water from the perineter drain and the driveway drain. Boring No. 2 and Test Plt No. I lrere drilled and excavated respectivety in the proposed dry well area. The soils encountered, clayey-gravelly SAND with cobbles and boulders were found'to be unsuitable for a dry well construction due to the very high rooisture content. The excavation vrall-s in the test pit itere caving-in constantly. perimeter drain be constructed on This drain should be connected with the underslab gravel, providing an effectlve draw down of possible high seasonal withstand differential settleuents. earth and laterally supported should thus water table. The top of the interior drain should be a rninimur,r of 12 inches below the slab-on-grade, and it should be sloped to a surnp pit' fhe sunp pit should be a nlninum of 3 feet deep and it can be placed at any convenient location in the basernent' REINFORCINC The foundation should be well reinforced and rigid enough to Foundation walls retaining be designed to resist an III FtI F F F F FII I ittI : I 9 eguivalent fluid pressure of 5O pcf for an rtat-restrr case. Retaining structures wtrich are free to deflect at the top, should be designed to resist an eguivalent fluid pressure of 40 pcf for an lractiverl case. In both instances drain conditions are assuned behind the walls with a horizontal backfill surface. Surcharge loadings above the backfill as weII as buildup of water behind the waII will increase the lateral pressure and should be considered in the design. BACXFTLIJ ATD 8T'RFACE DRAINAGE The backfill placed around the foundation walls should not settle excessively after compLetion of construction and the toP one foot af the backfill naterial rnust be relatively inpervious. th: on-site soils exclusive of Topsoil and organics are suitable for use as backfiLl. Cobbles and boulders larger than 6 inches should be screened out prior to using this naterial as backfill. Backfill should be ntoistened or dried to near its optinun noisture content and compacted to at least 90 percent of the naxinun Standard Proctor Density. Structural backfill should be cornpacted to at least 95 percent of the rnaxinum Standard Proctor Density. surface water running toward the structure from upslope areas should be diverted around and away from the building by rneans of drainage swales. or other sirnilar measures. The final grade should have a positive slope away from the foundation walls on all sides. A nininun of 12 inches in the first IttItt i I II II I l I I t T : : 10 10 feet is recoruroended. Downspouts and sill cocks should discharge j-nto splash blocks that extend beyond the liuits of the backfiLl. The use of long downspout extensLons in place of splash blocks is advisable. LArtT INNIGATTON Do not j-nstall sprinkler systems next to foundation walls' porches or patio slabs. If sprinkler systens are installed, the sprinkler heads should be placed so that the spray from the heads, under full pressure, does not faII within flve feet of foundation walls, porches or patio slabs. Lawn irrigation nust be controlled. If the future owners desire to plant next to foundation walls, porches or patio sJ-abs, and are willing to assume the risk . of structural damage, etc., then it is advisable to plant only flowers and, shrubbery (no lawn) of varieties that requir-'r very little moisture. These flowers and shrubs should be hand ":rtered only' !IISCEt IJNIEOUg The recornmendations provided herein are based oii experience in the area and fron the on-site field exptoration. The information obtained forrn the field exploratlon and laboratory t+sllng reflects subsurface conditions only at the specifJ.c locations at the particular tirnes designated. Subsurface conditions at other locations and tiures nay differ from the conditions at these Iocations. The extent of any variations between the test pit and test borings nay not appear evident until excavation is perforrned' tr I t t I I I I I t I II Ft F F F Hoetever, only minor variations are expected. If during construction conditions appear to be different, this office shourd be advised so re-eval-uation of the recon:nendations rnay be made. Thls report has been prepared for the exclusive use of gill Harris for the specific application to the proposed new residence structure to be located on Lot l_3, Block 5, VaiI Village Seventh F1llng, Town of Vail, Eagle county, Colorado. The findings and reconnendations of this report have been prepared in accordance with locally accepted profesbional engineering standards for siroilar conditions at this time. There is no other warranty, either expressed or inplied. Sincerely, .. IMER.MOT'NTAIN ENGINEERING, LTD. il,-r ''fu*w Luiza Petrovska, P.L. Project Engineer A H*RNS'LVER ,,RCLE\ $\i, i J. rr--F-r \ \lW+o,r \ \ I tpRoposEDREstDENc€ ) [- I VAIL VALLEY DRIV€ .-..--------* LOCATION OF TEST BORINGS FRo.JEct No.: g4g,gc PROPOSED RESIDENCE Lot lJ, Slock 6, Vorl Villoge, Seventh Filhg lown ol' Voil, Eogle County Colorodo Prepored for: 9i/l Horris on^n 8y: L.p, lscnE: ,^, 1,, : 4O. lo^rEr 1l_10_94 oRAI{NC NO.: I lrt I t F /'%!;:).adq,t llEitl|.IITIATS PIT NO. r A BuLk saDDle OEPTX IN |EEIO-r 10 F111, lopsoll, rools, cleyey- sandy GMVEL lrlth cobbles Reddlsh-browlt ckyey-gravelly SAND elth about 40 to 60percent cobbles and boulders Brownlsh-red s l lsht lyclayey gravelly SAND' BottoE of Plt I No groundwater' I eocounEered SUMMARY OF TEST PITS PEoposed RecldenceLol 13, Block 6, Vall, Vlllsge Sevenrh FlltngIorn of Vall, Eagle Counly, Colorado Prcprred for: BtlI Harrls T l| t t l ll llr I I rt I I I I I I T I Tlt t II i I I t II lI II l It tt I t i ; It It It I I I I eonrNc No. r* OAIE OBILLEO: OcEober ELEVATION: 28, 1994 OEITH D. ;E€l ,;t F EMAR(5 0 Re fusal boulder at 2I feel on No groundwater encountered A Bulk ss$p le layer lhtckness ls aPProxllate ln all borlngs Llgh! brol{n, sllly-gravelly St'r\D ttul!1-colored sl.lghlly s 1lly, s llghEly gravelly SAND gravelly SAND erl th scattered cobbles and boulders L6ll,z 12lLz cobbles and boulders oASUMMARY OF TEST BORINGS Proposed ResldeneE Lot"13' Block 5, Vall Vlllage Sevench Flllng Town of Vail, EaSle County' Colorado Prepared for: B11I Harrls O BoRtNG No. , O OATE ORILLED: october 28, L994 ELEVATION: D€SCiI?TION OF MATERIAL,i**, * tts '"o 1^ | ,,,,, |*tj.!'F, tt*ttt"***"""'" '" , , -,,*, * ' I :l m"""*""'*'"'-'"1""-"" I I I I I l'o""' or Borrns I y-:.:::l*,'"' i Ill ll 1""-":"'"', l__l l Bulk saople t0 l5 SUMMARY OF TEST BORINGS Proposed Restdence Lot 13, Block 6, Vall Vlllagc Seventh FllLng TotJn of Vall, Eagle County, Colorado Prepared for: 8111 Harrls rnO:eCr No', 94gsgG FTI]URC t{O.: 3 + * * * I II Ir I r|r I I I I I I I I I U.S. ST^NDAND SIEVE OPI ffi :HING IN INCIIES U.S. STANOAND SIEVE NUMBENS -gravelly SAND ( Slr- SC) TIYDNOMETEN PLt No. 1@8l @ ffil to 5 | o'5 0I o.o5 o.Ot O.OO3 .OOt'--Grotn Slt o In Mllllm.l ott I = 0oo E o o Gravel . 26.61 Sand = 55,11 Flnes - 8.3t GRAIN.SIZE DISTRIBUTION CHART Proposed Resldence Lot 13, Block 5, ValMllage Seventh Fl1!.nglosn of Vall, Eaglc C6un!y, Colorado . Prepared for: l11l HarEls PROJECT NO. 94858c FIGURE NO. L U.S. STANDAND SIEVE OPE}IING IN INCHES U.S. STANDARD SIEVT NUMBENS HYDNOMETf Groln Slrc In Mllllmrtrrr BorlngNo.2@51 R GRAIN.SIZE DISTRIBUTION CHART Gravel - 18.41 Sand - 49.5t Flnes - 32.11 Proposed ResidenceLot 13, Block 6, Vall Vtllage Seventlr Flllng Torrn of Vall, E.gla Counry, Colorado Prepared fori Blll Harrls PROJECT NO. 94858c FIGUIE NO. 5 U.S. STANDAND $EVE OP re No. HYDNOMETEN l-o. ffiffiiffifffltHro 5 | o.5 0l oo5 o.ot o.oo5 .oot.--Grotn Slr o ln Mllllm. I or 3 Cravelly SAND (SP) ENING IN INCHES U.S. STANOAND SIEVE NUMBENS 6 o iO(J o- o a Gravel - 27. 2t Sand = 69.7% Ftnes - 3.14 "RAiN.SIZE DISTRIBUTION CHART i::0fi:trl3:lo3l"i"rr virlase seu"nttr rrrrng lown of Vall, Eagle County, Colorado Prepared for: Etll Harrls PROJECT NO. 94s5Bc FIGUNE NO. 6 Bo U.S. STANDAND $EVE OPENING IN INCHES U.S. STANDARD SIEVE NUMSENS HYONOMET rlngNO.2@15r ER l-l="-rl-l'' _l_l_1,"_t_t_l-l-l-l'" -t-t------l-l-l--1.. :l_l_L"Itl-Fl=- _l_l=- _l-l___1""j-l-l'" -l-l-__l,"" ,ool t IG' = o ooo srG Gravel * 20.11 Sand - 74.71 Flnes - 5.2t SRAIN.SIZE DISTRIBUTION CHART Proposed Resldence Lot 13, Block 6, ValMllage Sevenrh Ftltng To$n of Vall, Eagle County; Colorado'Prepared for: liff nsrrfi - PROJECT NO. 9qs5sc FIGI'RF NO .I I 14:59 393949933e IME ElhliIA''&f$F"95'F8[F do'o' WALL. MINUMUM oF 6" oF 3/4 INCH. GFAVEL I PAGE 1i DETATL oF PERIPHERAL DRA|\I -qYFrEM r.ON_ FOOTING TYPE FOUNDAT]ON Figure i REpT131 TO$|N OF VArLr COLORADO o,9/tg/96 11:38 REOUESTS FOR INSPECTION IIOFK SHEETS FOR: eleg/96 PAEE AREA: trF Flctivity: Rddress:Parcel: Descript i on: Appl icant : Orln er : Contraetorr 895-OS43 A/2e196 Type: B-BUILD Status: ISSUED 1187 VAIL UALLEY DRelol-s92-s5-so1 NEl,l RESIDENCE I",ITH DEFtrl BOLES CUSTOm BUILDERS, lNC HARRIS }JILLIAFI A & RATHLEEN FI BOLES CUSTOITI BUILI}ERSI INC Constr: NSFR Use: U NOcc: trhone: Fhone: Phone: R3 3639e63e4e 3039e63ege Inspect i onIter r Iter rIter: Iter r Inspeetion Request Inforuat ion. .. . . Requestor: RICHARD B{ILES CUSTOFI Req Tire: O8:OO Correntsr REIIS?ECTI[}{Iters requested to be Inspeeted... BO54O BLD6-Finat C/O Phone:936-3?OE Tire Exp Action: AtrPR APPROUED Action: APtrR APPROUED Actionr APPR FPROUED Aetion: APPR PARIRL INTERItrR FOOTINES Action: DN DENIED APPROVED/CORRECTION REED trLANNING DEPT. AND C.O. BEING ISSUED 6/1 History..... oo:i39 trr.r-FINAL C/O o16/18/96 Inspectorr LF Og5lg driveway qrade final Wddlg BLDG-Foot ings/5t eel BOO?O BLDE-Foundat i on./Steel 84/18/93 Inspector: CF e4l?3/95 Inspeetor: DS 06/19/95 Inspeetorr DS OOS?S PLAN-ILC Site trlan OOO3O BLDE-Fraring OOS4O * * Hot Bn File * * OSOSO BLDE-Insulation tUNDEg BLDG-Sheetroek Nai I 0ooao * * Not tln File * '* WilBTE BLDE-F|isc. O0S9B ELDG-Final W/QS/96 Inspector: CD Iter:Iter;Iter:Itcr IIterrIter:Iter: Iter: Notes: DAN NOT DO uhlTIL PUSLIC bfORKS AND PLANNING AppRtlVE FIRST I CALLED RICHARD/BOLES AND INFI]RIqED HIFI OF THIS AND HE T.TI CALL FOR PROtrER INSPECTITTNS FIRST Iter: OO53O BLDG-Terp. ClA O3/L8/96 Inspeetor: CF Aetion: APCR Notes: TCD ISSUED UNTIL 6l1196 AND REAUIRES trUBLIC I.JORKS APPROUAL PRIT'R TO AIter: It er: OO54O BLDG-Final CIOg?113/96 Inspector: CD Action: DN DENIED Notes: trUBLItr tfORKS HAS MIT APPROVED FROJECT l"fILL DO ?lLS/96 09537 PLAN-FINRL C/O(&tlllgb Inspeetor: LAUREN Aetion: APPR APPROUED 'i '?.tritlti ; g rd JIR tFd 1,1 $1'lf5ll3rrL. i- fr CHECK REQUEST FREPiF.ED 3Y: 1rF|ir1n? l-l:l.tF ' VE1\DO3. NL;].13ER: DESCRIPTIOi{ OF ]XFE].JSE:r'e!-zar'e Ij.rj.l: cl Jo3: ACCOUIiT lfl?'ltsER I AUOLTNT 03 REFLIND: DATE .T.PFi,OVED: APFP.OVNL SiGNATURE: $,wttfirutr uf (Drrupunru @umn (Df liluil ilutliling Brpurtnrnt .THIS CER'TIFICATE TSSUED PL/R.ST/ANT TO TH[. REQU/REMENTS OF THf UNIFORM BUII.D/NG CODE CERT/N'ING THAT AT THE TIME OF ISSUANCE THIS STRUCTURE WAS IN COMPI-'ANCE WITH .THE VAR'OT/S ORD/NANCES OF THE TOIVN RECUI-A?'NG BU'I.DINC CONSTRUCTION, AND OR USE, TO THT. BEST OF OUR KNO\VI-EDGE. N;rntc -- WILLIAM A. HARRIS AND KATI{LEEN M. HARRIS RESIDENCE t trc Clarsif ic;rr ion RESIDENTIAJ,R-3Croup (lt Building l)crnrit No. Bql-0O41 Typc Construction 5 N Owncr of Building Building Address II87 VAIL VALLEY DRIVE VAIL COLORADO Thebuilding official may, in writing, suspcrdor revokc a Ccrtificstc ofOccupancy issucd undcr the provisions ofthis code whenever thc cerlific{te is issued in cnor, or on thc basis of incorrect information supplied, or when it is delcrmined rhar rhe building or structure or portioD thereof is in violation of any ordinance or regulalion of thc Town ofVail or any of the provisions of this codc.IturlJrns ( )lfio.rl POST IN A CONSPICUOUS PLACE \i r o o Boms Cusrom BulPeRs tt'tc. P. O. BOX 1279 303-926-3202 AVON. CO 81620 203 5 Apo1-lr,n9S**"'0" PAY TO THE OROER OF $ r7t7. 8 < -r/).etar4laus,d. t5105lol'El FEE-28-g..LlllE r5: O9 H Er ,_e__J.E t' t tt FERRIH P S. H 45E 5r5 o Ast &- McFercin Plwntbing &" I-Ienting, InIC, P.O. llo.t 78a Glenr,tood Sprirrgs, C() b'/ 60? (J03) .9{i.8J r 5 Fo:: (303.) 845-791 i FAX TFANISh{ISSION CC)\/ER. SHEET Do,te: 2-ZA- 1S lr.r; P*ll sfANEF c/o lrwrrl oF VAil- Fnu .{J? Z15Z Rr; H4pp1-E RE$rner-rgg, ilg7 vAlL vALl-Ey D€. r VAru, co. Serrder; €uerutV A+;r yOIJ SHOtitD I{ECEIyE 5__PACF.(Sj, INCIUD/NC T't-tts CU\/l /i S//l I l!: \'ou Do Noi n_r.cuvf ,tu ru{l' t,/|c}.].$. l,il;r.iJl cALt ('J0 J) irJ i r I r , DftN r f t'.t nec#eD TD 6p6 PHON€ cbi{VERs4Trcaf oN z-?,€-15, You $TATED THAT wF. waul s\ r.16r rNc,uJDE ThtE sPAc{j usHD rcF THE B-veNTs, D.IArtrT l'tOOErSrV€r.J1p p4MpFRS ,,& @pFeR FlplN6, tN CIJR cALcUL,qTo^t dF TH€ CUBts FEET NFEbEb FbR T?tE EotLER EO6M. TRE RtRr,trrLA sttout-o 't nERER)re uE : BorLERs cuBn FEET >1 16 + ALL orl+6R tsot.tl=R R0o,v1 corr,tFoNeur.s (.e. HEftT. EXC.HANG€RS, Fu/r4pgr aXpA l-slo$ .n+runs). wE ARH r*xrue fl4E 86il€.R Dr,t,rEN6(ONS W rTli OURcALc.lJLATl6NS FOR youR RgvrEw dr nepRovAL. TttANK yr)rt vERy/hucH. #,:egt*mrr*f,rro PLUMBING A HF.ATING- If{N 2y. BuRNHAA| Eorr.EFr +Fe06r1 (HousE RorLEEs) DEpTti. Z+r/+o = z,oG wtDr-H (n) z+/,r'" xZ.oz 2* FEt'-i4IJ-:'3 IUE I5:1E| AST & IICFERRIN P & H e43eE15 P.B2 ro.0+ u2'26;8 (r,u,aes) 4!+a (aoae) 1t,5+y. l(t, &6+.6+ (t^qp^#3 orH€R BoTLER Rao,"t ccd{P' Pt rls: 2v. AtAWFt-? AftTRbL- t-bT WATER p,r,AHeFs DrA41g.6g4 zz,,l+eiqu:r- 48" : 10.6 cu.FT. x Z = 20'lz ctJ'FT' 7 u *u tn'o Ar'arr+q. p'xpAtJ3r6,-! DrfuLtereR lld _t4tHEKt'tr- N' - rr ?e 9 x Puaps D nve. .-?6 c-l,.Fr To-rALs: 66..+,6.t 2o.tz z'6+ G:tsbrr_.--lj(a1+.lS cu. FJ-. lF nnEa o+- /tlEchtANtcAL Roo i f/ER pRlAtTs "7o3 ctj, FT, L+, t6 HErGftr Jt,. = I@ t t: ,'7ixz 2t,t+G LAAR9 ;I v, zzs ( sruow l,rF.r r- Dt,t,ttt ?J'lz, = .Z,Zq wturr+(ri) zsiA, !ff_ 4.A1 l+El6f+T Z_*!i, = y.2,O(o \ fSalr ,F PS' ) TANKE cu.Ff, ,AA r Z,Al CU.FT: = G.73 Crr.Fr. r eE-.€aJ-:rE| r uE t a: l +t o f S. MtrFEFIRIH P & H P. S34543 15 o TopVlerv I I I I Ll/4'-+F I Minimum Ocardnces: $ides: 6*; Reart 6{; Frontr 4. (rizes 50-100), unobstructed (dzes 1g5-2g5);Iopr !l'{from top d boiler) 97"1/E (46.!T fo izr E0) atcftrcv llret para Hn Potner vent ttit (u.s.) ffi_. _ (Cina.Jii 50-tEE pv 0ENen'(orloqtibtr Easc 50 & ?t -m;td- 100 & te5 10466?Ott60 10d66703 - t95 t 0466?od $o.r{€rnbulttbt; sbrxt 50rrr5----I6iM'-. 160,9!5 90101900 'Conpresgon Tmr ffi; 160& ?P5 A00d6900 lVuone Rrroy ro Hfl.p yorj The hot water specldlists 6t TslecVns Lddts would be happy to put their ov€r 40 years of erperience to wo.k for you. For assistatlce in chooing Bre right unit for yotr nt)filication - or if youd rimpiy like to knsw moru about our producE, seMc€9i ond extenske wananty -Jusr call toil"free i {0Gt6g.56tg (U,S"), Arrnssonms Fgwer VBnt Kit - For frrough-th€.wall venung on 50,000 to t SSp0O BTUthr sizes. Continuously regulrtcd draft reduces energy cosb by malntai,njng efficlent combu$ilon, l,lon.(onbustibls Bffc - MtNl THERI,,I ll must be installcd on a l€ledyne l_aars non-cornbustible bose Bssemby or other epprored non.corirbustible zufaca, Base adds 1" to boita helghb llsted in table, Nontombustibls thnd - For euy rnahhnince occesitriliV, B tg-1/U, hgh non.combustlbfe ftoor stdnd is 6lss avafieble, Cofipresrlon T€nk - Airtharged diaphragm-type tank with outamotls molteup wdter control 'Not ava !bl? lo con8da. "FTELEDYNE LAARS l0 ndustrhlvay, Rochsrt?r. NH 03M7..Te,r (800) J6t-s678, (603) 3Js.6300 Far (601) 33j.335i.80 S. S.dcs Ro,rdr0?crt, dhritrc-o,,hrlo,_canaoi r.oi. uir-i ilLlCGf sar.B!33 tax: (905) gt1.!6356o(xt Condor odvc, r,roorpo/,<, c^ e3ogl . i.l ieOiillcjeiro'rii.,iibsl s9e.s934 Ftont VietY Input BIU/H Ske r i000 Hrarlng crp, ITU/H x 1000 Nat Procor Ool Nct l8t -FIU/Hx 10iC0 AfUT * Sp6/k lEnitJon $drdtng pilot Di|nanrjgnr (rnchca)l otcf G{r Appfo(onn. Conn. W?ighi (inche3i (inchet flbs.) ii6i Pfo6oi 6$ Nrt Pro Nit pfoGdi Gas cas Grr CDInA ?5 75 100 100r25 195 160 1609t5 !05 19 .t63 6483 85!o{ ioo133 135r8o tto 36.3 7r,154,8 55.673.C 73.e90.{ 99.9 115,t 111.1 161.7 tb5.{ 8{.+ e5,{ EO.g 6i,o84.0 85.9 80.5 8r.584,0 85.0 80 r 8!,7E3,0 81,5 60,7 89.7E3.0 84.8 91.0 83.0c3,t 85,0 81,5 83,5 13.J/E l/,J/4 t21.5tg 81,3t1 4 13.3/8 87,t/4 t1"1iE Rl,3/1 5l,s.t/! 09 3/4 21-1tt 89.1t1 5 16.78 98-3,,,1 9&5/8 ec.3r1 6 90-36 t8.3i4 !3.y8 9t-y1 6 15.$/8 31-1i! 93.1/1 E4-3/4 7 r.t/a ltg 1gC "'1ll 1/! lg01-1t1 l,,l r34,,.'t!4 1n 138t-1r4 lE taa1.114 1t9 ttl Lr01g ,fi u5I F EIJ-ZIJ-lJ= TUE_ I5 : 1 1 & I4CFERRIH P & Hf{ETt 458515 o P. S4 BUNHHAI4-SERIEs ZA I-IOTWATERGAS EOILER DOE Heating Capabilities 31to 2!14 f'lBtl Desiqned to fit tiqht-closet iristallations The Series 2Aboilerwas designed specifically for honrcs where space is a premium. The controls and gauge are lorated up front so the scdEs zA can be insralled even in close closet areas. lt i$ ideal for condominiums, townhouses and homes without basemenm, The Series 24 is equipped witir split connols: an operating/high limit control, a transformer and a circulator relay. By using off-th*shelf separatc controls, instead qfa combinatlon conrol, Burnham has slmplined control replacement and reduced replaceminrcosts. The locatlort otthe controls also makes regular s€rvicing easie(. The safe, home heatlng alternatlve The Series 2A design tncorpo- rates a broad array of safety features' For example, each standard Series 2A boiler has a tlme-proven safery feature with its own backup system. lf you lose pilot flame, a thermocouple supervisor sends a signal to a redundant gas valve cuttingoffthegas flow. Gas valves and conlrols are safely hidden inside the Jacket away fiom children and s.rfe from accir'lental bumps and tampering, AFlame Roll-Out Switch (FRs)' standard on all 2A models, is a thermally actlvate d swltch' located near the burners, that senses temDeratures ln the vestibule.- FoI example, lf the fluwaYs, within the boiler, becorne blocked or restricted, the flanre rolloul switch will autotuati- cally shut off gas flow to prevent dantage to your boiler. once the switch is activated it rnust be replaced, The boiler cannot be restarted until tlre obstnrction is cleared and a new switch is insralled. Modol No. Crpacity Hobrtt inches 30 r/d qe Dlamcter inches 22 ;^ thipphg wdohl (1b5,) 93 1fl-, 134 1d{ 141 rq{ wt-t-91 26 WH.SL'DW wl-{-?P WH-7P.DW IE (.1 44 4O na41 AMTROL ModelWH-91 Hot Water Malter' AMTROL Model WH.7L Hot Wrter Makere AMTROL llodel WH-7P Hot Weter MakeP 40.000-- ---*rolj,lcoo"" - " r ?0,060 Bciler Ovtput t3 GPM hDst rol-MM) BTUA4B 40.000 tl) I st HoLr Falint igo. Rrse) EPH'- ia' t2l OEntinuous Fl0w (?04 Ree SteBdy gtalcl GPH 60,000 80.000 Boikr OutPut i5 GPM htut to l-MfYl BIU/HR 40,000 0) 1sl Hou( Rqting (90'n'se) GPH o9 t0J t39 (uI &nuruoug Flow i79' FUsE . slsad/ glRre) CPH 60,000 111 104 roa .;- ' tEi Fatings TermB (1) Frrst Hour Ratino - th6 abilrq" 0t tne weter hoater to supply hot w.lter in a so rntnut€ treriod, agrr,ming thal the hou/ slans with both boiigr water and domeslic conlsnt up to set teri$arat!/e . lt is th€ srm of the ugable starage capecity pli.,s lhe amount cf heated wat€r generated during tle 60 minute p+nod, ThG ralB iE basgd onr. 30!F temoeraturg r4e . Boiler rnagg h€At ElnK fituNalcnt to 10 lbs. ol water. No low llnit on boils!' It should not be considerEd a irue m€a9uf€mefit Ol peiloffnanog 0r reoovery du/ing a norfilal iftigrmlttent {fadt wodd) uraw period ol 24 houtg, Otrrlng suih 'rsal wodd" dsage. the acl.ual recovBry abilit/ ef lhe rv3lor h93tQ/ rnev be {tofg cr less than lhe 'lhst hour" reting, dependlng upon usage and i/r$tallat;0n Perafi gle19 {2j Coittnuo(r$ FlO,/'/ . lhg dQmesllc walcr ir|* that abBorbl troddr he9l Otl1pul The rat€ lg baE?U on. 70sF temp€rature n$e . gorler hgh-tmil set l0'F (nlrntm,Jrni aixr,g Floi Walsr Maker walof lemoBratur€ .DW Co'rot$ oouble wa haal ixchangar. [q[ nlod€ls IApMO lrlod) oro- r.tptr tl: itiPTM - 3ll' NFrM 3r+' I'JFT Itr:iiz AST & IICFERRIN P & H E45gB 15 p.82 tts'-t'lW r Lt1 i I il/l-#lttr lFn I| | '- l RE J, 1tt'. l';, -rl1!4i-.J )K[ 8*r,'.0- I lbate /t*. nqalFo.lal laaclah ''f0 qruanhn\' '-_lajlh+ ]; '."{'u*'*"' 5'citt4 F T6:5E AST & I1CFERRIN P &FEB-?E-g5 TUE Nctural and LP Gas rd Equipment'' CAN/ 4' st editlon obtainable Associetion,6fi $cars- )ntario, Oanado MBB llEtion ar€ not aveil- I CERTIFIED FOR LE FLOORING. DO ON CABPETING. lnrtrlletion Posltlolr level floor ag clo!€ rat Instsltsttouir !no- ; nerfeetly level or {f rs9und Boilet, th*t the rar trnltion rsrn urrtcr (driPPing' opcretion and seilice ,hccusnb etc.l rnove wlth ell othor rnpinn ,r drtlabias *ll hold. rurc E). LEH Relief valve dlechargo piping mu.st be piped. neer iiLi- trf u*' io - no"i- Eiui"' to eliroinat?- ?:Fltil':i Eev8ne burns. Do not pipe to Eny area wnere rrleezrng oJuii-oceiri. no noi ifi*tatl ariv shutoff provilionE in relief valve piping. lqui 4tE onflroa rlt l(teA ll a IFA t+a 20aA t7 I 20ir il' r0lA \tal I eo?A n,I |o|t to I rD'A.l{' er0A t?t I x61s; ${ 'tr"Bft^?f$S.'l?ufi Dplrl . u|l t{ l illlilU*09'#S,,it. '*l'l0llt0 tE llt $Cn|, 'ilnrtftt GuEARAIIGE Fis. 3 T0 coMgugTlELE I fotEt | - r||IlllUI FAOlll @ cro6Et6uru[E curarrcd llouxo TUE rD;J-}t I 19 FIUFERRJH P & H 458315t P. e5 l(; . lmr {tu //'I/FORrANT: lhe boiler ehall be installed on a ttoot of non-combu9tible construDtian with nan-combustible fiooring and suiace tinish and with no combustible mateilals aeainst the underside, or on lirc-resisfanl s/abs or arche$ having no comhustible nele'ials against the undetside unless listed for instelletion on e combustible llopl All boilerg rnust be instaiied on a non-ccrnbustible srrrfane That nreens e sl rdeec not naFahlc r:rf heing igniled and burning, such as surfaces consisting 6ntifely 4'f a 4ornbination of stBel, iron, briek, tile , concrete , Elals, glEss or pla$tef. ,All boilers can be installed on a comLrustible floor rf a non+ombustibl€ base assembly, availabte from Teledyne Laars, is used. See the boiler rating plate for the appropriate base pan number. Boilers must never be Inslalled on carpeting. AS an alternalive to the Telcdyne Laars non- cnmhrrstitrle f,ase nlat6. the National Fuei Code aliow$ a ooiler to be placed orr other than a non-conrbustrOlg srJrlane whcn st rch arr installat on complies witlr the American Insurance Code. Th,s code specilies tne rurtaee L{ftder lhF hoiler hF nrntcnied witn hollnw masonry no less than 4" lhick, covered wilh sheet metai et leasl 24 ga, in thickness. Such masonry rnust lre laid wrth ends unsealed, and ioinls matched in such a way as to providc a frcc circulction of rir from srde to side through lhe masonry. See Figure 3. 1F. Gas Supply and Piping Hsview tha tollcwing instructrons beiore procseding with the installali0n. Verily that the boiler is filted lor the p/oper type ul gas by cfreckrrtg the rating plat€. Telodyne Laars boilers are normally equipped to 0perale below a e000 fuot altilurju. Builers equipperJ tu 0pelate at higher altiludes have appropriate slickers 0r tags anachec (nert to the rating prate). Use the f igures in Table tl to providc adequete Bas piping from the gas rneter to the boirer. 't. z. U=UnobslructcdMtlotlg Jv r UU a JVZZb ctn orty Oe nsla ed In etcove€, not oloE€tr Closel Installatiqn Fo/ Modelr J!.50 to JV-t O0 Note. These lr0ures ere lot Nalurel G.g (65 59, Or,i, and;rE bi6srl on l/2" wal€r oolrlmn Dfe$ure droo. Chg*\ iuooty 0r$ssrrr v{[h 3rnanofiEler. and loc8l code rgqi.r,rernerts 10/ .,enAl'Cns FCrLp6. feducfl Frpe diamel0r ong $Ze. bul nrS,dla n [ 1]?" lt,r.']nrun drRdtcr{ir A ',tor.n3l nvrnbgf Ot TeeS and elbo{r htvt h**i tAttl.n |rno A lowanca. itlpf! o,le:E ,'.ore' '\\ V A-/'a-.,,.' .,^ M F rnrhF{rr i4 4,,n,r,, \L}..ir-!./- j u, r... Gerran leq \l-r- l!,.r ' / TowN o, uo,rl I PUBLIC WAY PERMIT II87 VAIL VATLET DRIVE €11 d EICAVATIf,C o. BOX 2gl, lfntTuBl{co 81645 (E|rcavslhg trd Lrcon3a Work is for (ckcle one) )ermit Fee l7E-OO liilio. BOLES CUSTOI{ BnIIDEIIS, INc., p.o. BOX 1279, AVON, CO g1620 Conlractor's copy to be kept on fobslte. n cc{55 t NSQ, "rg 6z1. 2. 3. 'aid: DEBBIE ROEr.AIlp..._. ._... . Receipt #:ffi NSPECTION REMARKSI I if o ac t! ItI6 Ii .ot Io : SKETCH PLAN OF WORK ATTACHED eveoeor rr rulytr !I vcut stgttalutes. rttsase a[ow one wegx Io process.lpper Eagfe Valley Water and Sanitation (476-Z4g0l ublic Service Company (1 -BO0-922-1 98r, SOO-NaturalGas Group (468-2528) 4.,,4, ahr r^'^^- El^^r-:- ^- - oly Cross Etectric Company (S49-S8gA) lf Cablevision of the Rockies fg4!t-ssnn\ At Ats (949-Ss30) \rrrn ,'rt lr^tl. - (479-2161) Electricians (479-2171) A. A.Works (479-2158)- Io^ T"TJilS5r}.?#n',":]J5il:":Tu,,X11,f,,:*'iruction trarric conrror pran must be approved by the must be done by hand within 1B,,of utilities _ (Senate BttI 1ZZ). nee musl conlact Public works Department at 479-2158 2_4 hours prior to clmmencing bacgil operations.iJ?r:"+;"#ilruilil:?ll[i,"J"j'ru;:l*;ila scneoureJinspecii""i *r'i.r, are not ready may thal I have read all chapters of 'l'itle 12 - skeets and Sidew-alks, oJ rhe V-ail Municipal code and all utitity 'nTtpigned by me' and will abide oy ir'e sai'te, and that ail uririties n.u"-ru"n notified as required. ITTACH PLAN OF WORK, INCLUDING CONTRUCTION TRAFFIC CONTEI.,I OI Irr '.] CALLER /MON/ /-1 TUES WED THUR CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 '-t.' 7. Y /.Y<s t 1,',572 ,r INSPE DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: B UNDERGROUND .'tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr FOUGH/WATER n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr POOL / H. TUBtr INSULATION E SHEETROCK tr FINAL TEMP, POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL APPROqEO CORRECTIONS: -' tr REINSPECTION.FEQUIRED \ ,*) ,- ? / ., ,' -.'OATE J ---' / .' --' INSPECTOR I I ulx.xyr TOWN OF VAIL Y'I/ IT PUBLIC WAY PERMIT II87 YAIL YALLS? DRIVE PERMrrno. CliS*3 Contractor's copy to be kept on iobsite. 1. 2. e ETCAVATING, P.O. BOX 28I xrrnBr{, co 61545 Phone. and Uc€n8e No.) Work is for (circle one) WATER SEWEB 'HQNE CABLE TV OTHER LANDSCAPI TEMPOFARY SITE ACCESS r\* Permit Fee 375.00 Bilt ro: EOIES C:I,STOI{ BUrLDEnS, rNC.. P.O. BOX 1279, AVO}|, CO 81620 (Job Namo or Locadon ol wod() Paid: DMBIE BOSIANI)Receipt #:2837 (PublicWorks) INSPECTION FEMARKS: (Publlc Works) SKETCH PLAN OF WORK ATTACHED \o- Ary ' '' APPLICATION FOR TOWN OFVAIL PUBLfC WAY PERMTT 19 7 q 4. Work is for {circte one)Water I ,,, i\ - V' || Sewer Gas Electric Telephone CATV Temporary Site Access I \I,y/ i tt. 5.Trench-width (min. a') Landscaping tJ iJ, Other ^l,l , 7. tengtn N,At Depth Bond Amount $ /J. /l ' Permit Fee $ 75, OO Total Permit Fee $75,OO 6. ALL MATERIAL, EQUIPMENT, AND TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES MUST BE ON THE JOBSITE BEFORE THE JOB IS STARTED. Rubber out-riggers are required on excavating equipment when working on asphalt. Asphalt surfaces underneath the bucket shall be protected at all times. A signature below indicates a review of the area and utility localions and approvals. Once all utility company signalures are obtained, permittee has option of routing application through the Public Works otfice to obtain the necessary Town of Vail signatures. Please allow one week to process. Upper Eagle Valley Water and Sanitation (476-748O) Public Service Company (1-800-922-1987) ,,\l il , PSCO-Natural Gas Group (468-2528)N,rl Holy Cross Eleclric Company (949-5892) iV /l U.S. West (1 -800-922-1 987)Al. rl CI TCI Cablevision of the Rockies (949-5530) N A , Town of Vail: Inigation (479-2161)Electricians (479-217'l) }r. A , Public Works (47 I -21 58).:. .- t L.., THERE WILL BE NO TOTAL STREET CLOSURESI A construction traffic control plan must be approved by the Public Works Department prior to issuance of the permit. All excavation must be done by hand within 18" of utilities - (Senate Bill 172). Permittee must contact Public Works Department at 479-2158 24 hours prior to commencing backfill operations. Failure to notify the Town will result in forfeiture of bond money. Scheduled inspections which are not ready may result in the Town charging the contractor a reinspection fee. I certify that I have read all chapters of Title 12 - Streets and Sidewalks, of the Vail Municipal Code and all utility company.?greements,,Eigned by me, and will abide by the same, and that all utilities have been notified as required. ,' / ti.' l .t r| .'{-. /'.;- *'.rtrt,/?-f Conlractor's Signature of Agreement Date dl SignCture ATTACH PLAN OFWORK, INCLUDING CONTRUCTION TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN Show streets with names, buildings, and location of cuts. USE DASH LINES FOR CUT. THIS IS NOT PUBLIC WAY PERMIT! White - Public Works Yellow - Finance Pink - Community Dev€lopment Gold - Contractor 10. 11. tz- Job Name Legal Description ,.,i ;Z- 'i L.rl 4 Streel r_-r'tj , r.,,. , ,z- ..A 7,. ..'' ,t., r ..^. * -4\ , | :i .:,1 ,( ].,/i.,i,- Excdvating Contractor Name ' Address Phone # - TOV Contraclor's License Number r nINSPECTION REOUEST TOWN OF VAIL 479-2139 pPERMITNUM DATE INSPECTION: I NAME MON lj*ru*' TUES WED THUR Gs,) ),/,/ AM t P_N/./'ts - 7- 76 ,o, READY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER rrlrtLlrrrr\J. tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING ..- ROOF & SHEER" pLYwooD NA|L|NG tr INSULATION - tr SHEETFOCK NAIL.- tr GAS PIPING..- ROOF & SHEER" pLYwooD NA|L|NG tr INSULATION - tr POOL/ H. TUB ,t H(f;-'-S / hp,rrvn6E tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP, POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED CORREOTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED rtrr o<:, l, hPl',),., r 0 I\f ar ,",tltr-r ) \ tl .,'./ oarc '/' /' 7 2 rNspEcroR r INSPECTION REOUEST TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:THUR FRI PERMIT NUMBER F PROJECT JOB NAME 6UILDING: -) \__r,<-_ p roorrrucs / srEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING r-r ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING tr INSULATION O POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETBOCK NAIL E ou tr FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING t] ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR B tr tr FINAL tr FINAL /.fr OVED tr DISAPPFIOVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED CORRECTIONS: D^rE <Z-z// ? S rNSPEcroR &Z-' *l- fr?'r ;jt, / 5 -*-- 1- INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138F PROJECT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: ( INSPECTION: .. ii-] JO8 NAME bI THUR FBI CALLER BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr UNOERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH /WATER qFoUNDAION / SrEEL tr FHAMING r- ROOF & SHEER" PLYwooD NAILING D GAS PIPING B INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL o o D oE FINAL FINAL ELECTRIeALT tr TEMP. POWER MECHANIGAL: E HEATING T] ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS O CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr E tr FINAL tr FINAL #tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQbJIRED COFRECTIONS: INSPECTOR t INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 DATE JOB z6 NAME .i/ -. CALLER MON -TUES ,,. l','i ii.' , N l7- THUR FRI AM PMREADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:WED tr'L PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL E UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V, tr ROUGH / WATEBtr FRAMING I-1 ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROEK O POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr FINAL ELECTRICALT EIdEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL tr FINAL {/kpfrovED tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECI DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON 479-2138 JOB NAME CALLER TUES BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS i STEEL PLUMBING: b-{goencnouruo O FOUNDATION / STEEL .H noucr-t./O.w.{._ D ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING ,- ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOoD NA|L|NG tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION EI SHEETROCK O POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr tr tr trFINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: D HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIF tr o U F|I\AL tr FINAL 11:AFPFOVED CORRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE INSPECTOR PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT ; INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL ,1 I 479-2138 A'e az{e n.tn----/t:-tp - c1'DATE -' t {.: / -JOB NAME lru--j READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION:----@ PM '4,az_ BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND N ROUGH / D-W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING D GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tro tr FINAL O FINAL ELEGTRICAL: . tr TEMP. POWER MECHANIGAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH E EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr F TNAL O FINAL '4h.6ovED tr DISAPPBOVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIBED CORRECTI@NS: INSPECTOR :I JOB NAME CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 I READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLER TUES WED THU 6il=) ev', i ii 't!,. BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMEINGI T] FOUNDATION / STEEL tr o tr tr tr tr tr ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr_ FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAT: tr TEMP. POWER MEGHANICAL: tr ROUGH E::::::tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT E SUPPLY AIR tr B FINAL tr FINAL W{w- :/nRecrrorus, tr DISAPPROVED i] REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 INSPECTION: I NAME MON CALLER TUES WED M7 READY FOR LOCATION: PBOJECT BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMAING: g FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND T] ROUGH / D.W-V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING n BOOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr_ O POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELEGTRICA!: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH T] EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUTT tf tr SUPPLY AIR Fl tr FJNAL r] FINAL IEOVED ECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED CTIONS: + ,/ INSPECTOR TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 I 'Esl ,r THUR FRI tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED rN toN REeuEsr .fr JOB NAME READY FOR INSPECTION:MON TUES //( ,t filnppnoveo -S,e'\ ('-' n CORRECTIONS: - tr DISAPPROVED oorr S''2J-9s- rNSPEcro /t* o L) I, f,r, flrl,^4, /. INSPECTION REQUEST READY FOR INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON PERMIT NU TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 CALLER LOCATION:'nf {-4 2oz BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND i] ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL { D FRAMING . ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING t] GAS PIPING tr tr tr tr INSULATION SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr tr FINAL FINAL MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr tr FINAL FINAL D tr DtsAppRovED tr FEINSPECTTOW neoutReo ','':"i.';-:-t-DATE INSPECTOR PERMIT NUMBER OF'PROJECT INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL - /,"-r7 /DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON ','. n !.{ .&" 475-2138 LocAroN: /li'/ i+i t/ ti'.t / tl e-i qa'3zo BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING |-1 ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILTNG tr" INSULATION T] SHEETROCK O POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr o tr FINAL MECHANICAL: !i Henrrruo t] ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL /It'*g DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED CORRECTIONS: t-/ ..DATE / ,.,, '' , INsPEcToR 7/.-.','.i""'- -' | ,i.lt1. /^, i, (/2'I / | \ i 'l) , -_) :-i - .:j1r INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 7(, -'rAl-.' CALLER r'?AM @', fneenoveo CORRECTIONS: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL O FBAMING tr ROUGH / WATER B GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS E SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECToR ':''''': to i \ i'I...\.,-.1 | ---'--** - *\ ,)---.---- - * DATE I ,,: -''' .JOB NAME INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 / READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLER TUES I trr/-lNl WED THUR FRI AM PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDEBGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER E FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION O POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr D otr FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH E EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR B tr ET] FINAL FINAL O APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR -f,c rN toN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138PERMITUMBER OF PRO DATE READY ron-irusrecrro,u, LOCATION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES THUR FRI 7>rl BUILDING: E FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDEFGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING - B ROUGH / WATER ,- ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOoD NATLING tr GAS PIPING tr ]NSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB trSHEETBOCK NAIL+ tr{--"'i'afs@tu tr FI tr FINAL ( .)-,. NAL MECHANIGAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR Tt tr nrltAL tr FINAL APPROVED I tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED CORRECTIONS: .it,i|,,.. - --'r INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL PERMTT rUM 479-2138 il '->((t L ----@)'r' DATE I READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. U ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION FSHEETRocK tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr FINAL FINAL ELECTRIGAL: T] TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING T] ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr_ qjrNfL tr FINAL a?fr C] DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORHECTIONS: INSPECTOR b INSPECTION REQUEST 479-2138 CALLER TOWN OF VAIL READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: MoNil TUE (_, , ,APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION BEQUIRED EUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH/WATER O FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING O INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr POOL/ H. TUB ELE ET OF EC tr_ tr SUPPLY AIR TEMP. POWER CONDUIT oo* lC37-75 rNspEcroR f5i;+il' o6:46 REeuEsrto*'?ilHo3[r13,1'uffl'g[EP$t Ra ?/ 7 ti6 PA6E AREA: EG flctivity: Address: Loeat i on: Farcel r Descript ion: Appl ieant r Owner: Contractorr E95-0031 El 7li6 Type; B-ELEC I1g7 VAIL UALLEY DR I1g7 VAIL UALLEY DRIVE alst-gge-os-ool NET.J SINELE FAEILY RESIDENCE EA6LE VHLLEY ELECTRItr HARRIS I.'ILLIAT{ A & RATHLEEN iI EA6LE UALLEY ELECTRIC €tatus; ISSUED Constr; IWiFR Occ: lJse: Phone t 3tilW7577? Phone c Fhonet 3Q3A27577? Inspection Request fnforration..... ' Fequestor: Dee Eagle Ualley Req Tire: 681O6 Eorrents: Iterr,, requaeted to be Inspeeted... Fhone: E?7-5778 Tire Er @190 'ELEC-Final Iflrfaction Hietory.,...2^ 7^ 7/Itei rftel * Iter r Ite.r lIterr '. \. 1 BOItO ELEtr-Terp. Power 6S1eS ELEtr-Rough SOt30 ELEtr-Conduit 00146 ELEC-Hisc. @196 ELEC-Final ! { [E:llii. "l!Elti=nu,=,ft ;'?ilg"gE,Y8i1"fil'3lP#n- z ?, t? r e6' PflEE I AREA: Ltr Act ivity: Address I Farcel: Deseription: Appl icant : Owner: Contract sr: 895-6043 ?/le/96 Type: B-SUILD Status: ISSUED 1Ig7 VAIL UALLEY DR elol*o9e-65-00r NEI.I RESIDENCE T.JITH DEIIO BtlLES CUSTO}| BUILDERS, INC HARRIS I.JILLIAIII A & KRTHLEEN FI BOLES CUSTtrIiI BUILDERS}, INC Constr: NSFR Uee: V NOcc: Fhone: Fhone: Fhone: R3 3C39e63e0e 3&39e63ese Inspeet ion Request fnforrat i on. . . . . Requestor: RICHAFD Req Tire: O8:45 Eorrents: DRIUEI'IAY FINAL Iters requested to be Inspected... ?-15-96 Phoner 926-32SP FOR T. C. {t. Corrent s Tire El Inspcetion History...,.Iterr OO51O driveway qrade finalIter; OAO1O BLDEi-Foot inqs/SteelIter : olfiUZA BLDB-Foundat ion./Bteel O4llg./55 Inspeetor: CF o,4/?3195 Inspector; DSg5l19./95 Inspector: I)€i SOSP0 PLflN-ILtr Site trlan BOO3O BLDG-Fraring 0!OS4A * * Not Un File *.* OOO50 BLDG-Insulation 6006Ql BLDG-Sheetroek Nai I 0O0AO * * Not On File * * Wi07A BLDG-ltlisc. 60896 BLDG-Finalgelg)lSb Inspeetor: CD Bg53& BLDG-Terp. C/O 6e54O BLD6-Fina1 trlO Action: AtrPRAetion: trPPRAction: APtrR flppRovED APPRT}VED PARIAL IHTERIoR FOOTINGS Iter: Iter:Iter: Iter rIter:Iter rItea: Iter: IterlIter: Aetionr DH DENIED ef ro APPLICATION FOR REVOCABLE PERMIT TO ERECT OR MAINTAINA STRUCTURE ON A PUBLTC RIGHT-OF-WAY Landscaping X DATE OWNER OF PROPERTY NAME OF APPLICANT ADDRESS LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERry TO BE SERVED: hP;"*.#.-:-::,'fu :$3?ix,:l"$;#*# Corner lot lf, Inside lot DEqCRtPTtoN oF sTF oR |TEM(S) lN RIGHT-OF_WAY: (Please type or print)Fence Wall Other Attach plans.showing * :n::."*iil1:l-11y, "ller affecred appurtenance in rhe proje-t ;d fto scate ordimensioned) and section(s) as weil "r'di*"tion, 1if appfic'anfLy. Does structure presenflv exist? tlo< Proposed date for "ornrn"na"rnffi In consideration of the issuance ol a revocable permit for the structure above indicated,applicant agtees as follows: 1' That the structure herein authorized on a revocable permit basis is restricted^ exctusively to the land above described,2. That the permit is rimited specificarrv to ine rype of structure described in thisapplication.3' That the applicant shall notify the Town Manager, or his duly authorized agent, twenty-four hours in advance of the time for commencement of construcrion, in order that- qroper inspection may be made by the Town.4' The applicant agrees-to- inoemnity anJ hold harmless the Town ol Vail, its officers,employees and agents from and against all liability, claims and demands on account ofinjury, ross or damage, incruding wltrout limitation craims arising from bodiry injury,personar injury, sickness, diseaie, death, property loss or oamige, or any other ross ofany kind whatsoever, which arise out of or are in'any ,nann", co"nnecteo withappricant's activities pursuant ro rhis permit, it such i;jut, io;s;;i o"rug" is caused inwhore or in part bI, or is craimed to be caused in whore or in part by, lhe act, omission,e'or, professionar_error,.mistake, negrigence or other faurt or ihe appricant, hiscontractor or subconlractor or any oftlc6r, employee or r"pr"s"ni"iive of the applicant,his conrractor or his subcontractor. The appricant agrees to investigate, handrerespond to, and to provide defense tor anO OelenO a--gainsiany s-ucn fiaOifify, claims, orclemands at the s.ore, expense of the_ applicant. The appricant also agrees to bear allother expenses relating thereto, including coun costs and attorney's fees, whether ornot any such liabili$, claims, or demandl dleoed are oroun.lles*'t too rrr r.5,,,r,,r^,r0Tire appiicanr agrees to procure ano maintainl"t i,j *" l"ri, "-oJ[rti'p",,*.'"i,.insurance sufficient to ensure against all liability claims, oemai'roJano other obligarionsassumed by the appricant pursuant to this paragraph ;. Td;[ri."nt further agreesto rerease the Town-of Vair, its officers, agents and emproyees from any and arlliability' claims, demands, or actions oi""L.". ot actions whatsoever arising out of anydamage, ross or injury to the appricant or to me appricant's property caused by theTown of Vair, its offrcers, ag"nis and emproyees wh'e engaged in maintenance orsnow removal activities or any other activities whatsoever-oi ro*r .iv"ir';ffi"r,r,streets, sidewalks, or rights_oi_way. 5. or lr That the permit may be revoked whenever it is determined that the encroachment, obstruction, or other structure constitutes a nuisance, destroys or impairs the use of the right-of-way by the public, constitutes a traffic hazard, or the property upon which the encroachment, obstruction, or structure exists is required for use by the public; or it may be revoked at any time for any reason deemed sufficient by the Town of Vail. That lhe applicant will remove, at his expense, the encroachment, obstruction, or structure within ten days after receiving notice of any revocation ol said permit. That the applicant agrees to maintain any landscaping associated with the encroachment on the right-of-way. That in the event said removal of the encroachment; obstruction, or structure is not accomplished within ten days, the Town is hereby authorized to remove same and have the right to make an assessment against the property and collect the costs or removal in the same manner as general taxes are collected. That the applicant has read and understands all of the terms and conditions set forth in. this application. Special conditions: 4"b" Date 6. 7. 8. L 10. ,,/t - ,i{av/"b,r^- / /1. V at*i't I APPROVED: Project Planner gl%.0b Date #-t,1, o signature of Property owner rvTl (lf joint ownership, both signatures) oo oo 75 South Fro|ntage Road Vail, Colorodo 81657 970-479-213q479-2139 F4X970479-2452 D epartrnent of C ommunity Deve lopment March 13, 1996 Boles Custom Builders P.O. Box 1279 Avon, Colorado 81620 RE: TCO for the Harris Residence, l I 87 Vail Vallcy Drive/Lot 13, Block 6, Vail Village 7th Filing. To whorn it may conccrn: The Town Engineer has reviewed your request to incrcase the slope of tbe pull-out offof Vail Valley _ Drive to l}%-ndresolve the existing slop'e problcms by adding ah overlay to the existing pavemcnt. The Town Engineer accepts this resolution, pending a final inspection by the Public Worlq Depgbnent-to insure tlra-i grades of10% or less have been acf,ieved throughout thb cntirc length ofthe pull-out. The Town Engiieerwould also like to emphasizc to the property owner that road improvonents along Vail Valley Dfrvc are pending and may adversely impactihe puli-out at some date in ihe near future. The ownei may be requircd, at thcir own cxpcnic, to make additional improvemcnts to the-pllloul, depcnding upon thc final constmction riquirements for Vail Vallcy Drivc. Pottions of the pull-out loiated in thb rigtrt-of-way may bc affcct6d and may need to be reconstructed when the Town makes the road improvements. If you have any qucstions regarding this matter, please feel free to call me at 479-2154. Sincerely, e1 #/ Randy Stoudcr Town Planner RS{r cc: Grcg llall, Town Engincer {P'""'"uo"u" Soms Qusrom UITDERStl{c. POS| OFFTCE BOX 7279 AVON, COLORADO 87620 (303) 926-s202 (303) 926-2078 FAx 12 March 1996 Town of Vail - Building Department 17 Vail Road Vail, Co 81657 ATTN: Randy Stouder Randy: Enclosed please find our check in the amount of $468.75 (125%) as a security deposit for the driveway paving at the Harris Residence. Also attached is a copy of B & B Excavating's estimate. This work is to be completed no later than 1 July, 1996. Physical Description: 1 187 Vail Valley Drive Legal Description: Lot 13, Block 6, Vail Village 7th Filing Permit # 895-0043 The owner's address is : Mr. & Mrs. William Hanis 5131 Meadow Lake Drive Dunwoody, GA 30338 Thank-you. Sincerely, Boles Custom Builders. Inc. o o :0.d.UV B,i,r". Qusrom posr oFFtcE Box ,2zs $rrrr=r.* AuoN' coLoRADo 81620 ** Four Hundred Sirty-Eight Dotlars and ?5 Cents oeltrzle6 FTBST BANK AVON AVON, CO 81620 82-999-1012r .PAY ORDEB OF 0t2404 $rs**459.7 TO?IN OF VAIL 17 VAIT, RD.vArL, colo. 81657 rro I lLoL{r & B EXCAVATING, INC. P.O.Box 2d9 Vail, CO 81653 * (303) 926-33t l*Fax (303) 97.6-Z3JJ AGREEMENT TO: ATTN : Boles Custom Builders P.O. Box 1279 Avon, CO 81620 DATE: February 23, 1996 JOB NAME: Harris Residence LOCATION: 1 187 Vail Valley Dr. FAX: For your consideration we otfer the following quotation which if accepted shalt constitute a contract between us : Driveway paving, approximately 260 sq. ft.: Work to lnclude: 1.) Clean existing surface; 2.) Apply Tac oil; 3.) Place and compact up to 2 'l /2 inches of asphalt; 4.1 Tax on materials only; Cost - $375.00 Utility locates are the responsibility of the owner. Price does not include relocation of utilities if needed. Elevations are critical for proper drainage. B & B Excavating, Inc. will not warranr any work without 27o slope for drainage. lf you need help with the layout, please call. Please sign in the space provided and return to B & B Excavating. This project will be scheduled upon acceptance of this agteement by B & B Excavating, Inc. A signed copy will be forwarded to you for your files. This agreement is subject to conditions as shown on reverse side hereof. FOR : BY: B&BEXCAVATING, INC. Signature Authorized Sionature.fl^- t"JJ Estimator Date DATE: Print Name and Title a oo Accounl Number: DEVELOPER IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT ftonis ffiy s1 /t'fu'r'/' , ', "&.P1. ^na ^^o,niiilibi-f^rii'ffi1W6;;;"ii;; ."rr.o tn. "Deveioper''), and the roWN OF VAIL (hereinafter called the "Town")' WHEREAS, ttp Developer, as a condition of approval of the pl"nr, i"tui' '-'*1 - - , is_, wishes to enter into a Developer lmprovement Agreement; and wHEREAS,theDeveloperisob|igatedtoprovidesecurity.orco||atera|sufficientinthe judgment of the Town to t"f,"?""tonaOie provis'r'ons for completion of certain improvements set forth below; and WHEREAS'theDeve|operwishestoprovideco||ateraltoguaranteeperformanceol.'. this Agreement, including construction of the abovl-referenced improvements by means of the following: Deve|operagreestoestab|ishacashdepositwiththeTowno|Vai|inado||aramount ottl!kt-./}_iriszoiinutotalcostiiitreworrshownbe|ow)toprovidesecurity for the following: IMPROVEMENT. k{n,t slqt" af lf (,ff akry 5'4 n/' 1€ res^)/:[* 5"")ni fl- Pts ,W o( so'##r #'1-f" k:'Y: NOW, THEREFORE, in cOnSideration Of the lollowing mutualcovenanls and agreements,'the Developer and the Town agree as follows: sole cost and expensestL. jyT]:1.11 equipment and m uri "r n ".".ti.-w to i Jrri?t tti o c o mplete al I i m Frov em en ts' 9l-,9:*13.t^tril';;;Jd; tnliicotpr"te, in a good workmanll:,1Tne1"ll l;llffi;Til";'EJ"",ir.iiy"otvelopment Department, th6 Town,of vail, and to do all work in.io"nt"i thereto accoiding to and in compliance with the following: i r' "or*9 ?' y *Y"'y:*#81"7 rygtfri,?anur;5 Suchotherdesigns,drawings,maps,specifications'sketches'andothermatter submitted by the Develoilit"t,i u"inbliv-e! oy. any of the above'referenced ;;;;;;;id-"ntiti.r. fiisaio work'sha1 be.oone under the inspection of, and to the salislaction of , tne fown ingineer, the Town Building Ofticial'. or other olficial lrom the Town of Vail, as affected by special districts or service districts' as their respective int.r.rt-r"y "pp."r, "1ir sirall not be deemed complete until approveO and accepted as coirpt'eiea by the-Town of Vail Community ow-etopment Depaitment and Public Works Department' 2,Tosecureandguaranteeper|ormanceolitsobligationsasset|orthherein,the Developer agrees to provide sLcurity and collateral as follows: oASH DEPOqI FORM4T- Legal DescdPrion:,Lot !:I Block 6'- sudaision /i/ //,/lg/<. riqqoTS Pags 1 of 3 rooo A cash deposit account in the amoun t ot !--!y'[ '/!.-'to^be held by the Town' as - . escrow agent, sha* provide tne security.tJffidimplffiffis sei forth above if there is a delault under the Agreement by Developer' 3'TheDeve|opermayatanytimesubstitutetheco||atera|originallySetforth above for another ror* oi[oir"t#t-icceptaute to me rown to guarantee the faithful comptetion of Jhose irpiou-"r"ni. ,"lerr6O ro n.t"in "nA the p6rformance of the terms of this Agreement. Sucn accepia;;;'by th;i.*n or ariJinaiiue collu:tlrar shall be at the Town's sole discretion. 4. The Town shall not, nor shall any ofticer or employee thereof, be liable or responsible ror anv *"#;t,'il;';il;;dh't#ffis;i;Jc111ol1-the work specified In tfris Agreement prior to m" totprttion and accebl"nt"-or ht-lil9l.",ilshall the Town' nor any officer or employee inlr"or, be liable ror anf persons.or property.injured by reason of the nature ot said work, nu "iitt t"iO tianlities snait ana are nereby assumed by the Developer' The Developer hereby agrees to indemnily and.hold 1111"^t: the Town' and any of its officers, agents and employees against any tossds, claims, damages,. or liabilities to which the Town or any of its ofticers, agenls o, ,mptoyees-iia-y u".dtt *919:ll.' insofar as any such losses, ctaims, Oamage;;rlLOifiiie, (or ictlons in.idtp"tt thereofj that arise out of or are based upon any performance by the Developet ft"i"r[J"t; and the Developer shall reimburse the Town for any and all legal or other.expenses ieasonaoty incurred by the Town in connection w1h investigating or debndlp a1v ;;h;;;; clait, damage, liabili$ or action' This indemnity provisio'n-snif iOe in aOOiti-on tb any other liability which the Developer may have. : 5. lt is mutually agreed that the Developer may ap'ply'to the Town and the Town aha' authoriz" ro, panLi'ilr"i"" of the collaterJ O[positefu wiin,ge- 1-own for each category of improvement at sucir-time is sucn tmprovemin-ts'are constructcd In compllanca with all plans and specifications as ieterenceo nereunoer an- accepteo by the.Town' under no condition wil the "r"".iorii".oir"t"tirthd i;];in; hetd'be reduced below the amount n""".""ty to complete such improvements' .6.lftheTowndeterminesthatanyoftheimprorlements.contemp|atedhereinare not constructed in compliance with the plans..anli tp"tiiii"iiont set,forth herein by the date set torth in paragraph z, tn!'iot"n'riy, nri ,n"tt nil Oli*q"itud.to,.withdraw from the cash deposit such functs ". r"V Ur neclss.ary to..otbftt" ihJ unfinished improvements' The Town shail release such funds upon the written ;quest ol the st?l olJhe community Development o"p"rtm'enili"ti.g ih"t tnu itpt*Jffinti have not been completed as required by the agreement. fne'iown siatt not t.quit"-ini'.on.utt.nc. ol the'developer prior to the release of the funds, nor shall the Town Ue requireO !o vgftV.inllrcndently that the improvements nuu, noiolrn compteteo *r r.duitra by this'Agreement' but shall release sucn funds solely upon tne-reiu"rt of tft. Communiiy Development Department' |tthecostso|comp|etingtheWorkexceedtheamounto|thedeposit,theexcess' togetherwithinterest"tt*"tu"-percentp","nn,',sha||bealienagainstthepropertyand may be coilected ov .iliirrii "ir"v o" certiilJ io the treasurer ol Eaole county to be colected in tne same-m"nn", ", detinquent ; ";j";;t*es tevieo adainst such property' lf the permit holder faits oir"trr", to comptete.iiuir""n,p "no landscaiing' as delined in this chapter, such faiture-oi*ifr..i.n"fl Oe ionsideieO a violation of lhe Zoning Code' 7. The Developer warrants all work and material for a period of one year after acceptance ot att wor'k iet;ried to in tnis ngreement by the Town pursuant to section 17.16.250 ir such *oixi. ro."i"J on ro*n oiV;iil6"rty or within Town ol vail right-of-way' 8. The parties hereto mulually agree that this Aglgtryll tav be amended from time to time, providel inat sucn amendmenti'0" in *titing ind executed by allparties hereto' Dated ths day and year first above written' Page 2 of 3 |o oo srATE OF COLORADO 1"". COUNTY OF EAGLE ) t!: o:;"o;'ry\ii ff' "'" " :' 6&ov ---eLYn"Jzep The torygi1q-ieveloper lmprovement Agreement was acknowledged before me this tpr0 7Lo Witness mY hand and oflicialseal' Geoeiamallffirs,Iot1yq*g ilt-c&;EJqtE$lns.tPv.l6*.r!-el My commission expires: -;''"'};;fr;' i65llai, do dtesz STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE belore me thisIt:x"w Witness mY hand and officialseal' My commission exPires:?t 66r\iffiiffi-ilELoPMENT Page 3 ol 3 ,@ gz/ 26/ 96 l5:0u f .{J,c7u4764C0t !.I(I I'ZLUN f IgBgU +++'luv o FritzJenPierceBriner Archit e cture Plaaning Inteio n 1650 E. vail valJay Drive, Ssib Ct . va4 tulilaio, 81657 . n0 47H312 t F*: 970 tt764901 Fcbrrrory 26, L995 Town of Veil Greg llall and Larry Pardee 75 S. Frontage Ril. Vail Cu. 81657 Be: Driveway slope on south drive*ay at the llarris residence, I187 Vail Valley Dr- Crreg and Larry, Per Larry's inspcction of the above rcfcresr,ed driveway on February I 5, 1996, we pfopose to iastall a tapcred overlay of tle drivcway in oder o reduca all portions of the driveway tit 10% grode or loer, I hope you will t'avorab.ly receive tlts requesti[ iighl of the secondary and limited use of this acc€ss as wetl as its southern exposure. I am certain that you aic aware of the flatheatedpdmary {tcccss to the home and garage on Flornsilver Circle. ln that it is impossible io accomplish the overlay at this tine, Boles Custom Builders will execute a staDdard "Developers Agrremmf' md posr an appropriaie bondbased on 1.25 times tbc esti.rrnte fo make l'he cntterrions. Please provide tbe appropriare agreenen[ to ny u-[Iirr aud I will dishiLute it. In ury abscncc please address inquires to Brrrce Crabb of my office. Igl uu]. CC: Eoles Custom Buildcrs Bill llanis Randy Stouder - TOV Vin fax tn all panies Euc: Reqriest for i'spection aod field notes. F:\A!Ps\wPwlN60\9367 r OvD,W I'D Post-it' Frr NotE 767'l Dttal,Zt .1,o lJ"EkD 3rrcnffia(E 448--roRRr,lot CoJDepr. ?>/Go f?b Phonc f, FE:( t Phone tl Fax I t'b?r,"i". t1of,J.'i- :'O;J,i il'io,,-, "*"JlX'e 17 :06 uEtli?teB 08:54 REruEsrs FBR ritEpEert* io*-*i;* ritF-: z.ttatg.€ utl zo/ vo Io; ao tAA v I u{, o{uuL .t,KJ.l.ruN rrEKL'! +++ luY rgluuz No .014 P.O2 , FAGiE I IIREA: l.r -==--=:=-Ei==Ft=tlvity: F9!-Q+B etl8.flr6 Typer B-BIJI-D $tatur: I3SJEDffctreser lfg7 UHIL VHLLFV Df,Ftrnoe l; ElSt-ggE-SE-@t Ucc: ngIlrrrr.iFt lon; t{Etr RagIItElrf:E I{ITH DE:}toApplierntt IOLEE trlJETtU{ BUILEEE, tHDQrnr:r; Hfifrhtta ItLLIFil{ n f Xnirf-eE?f fGontrietarr BdLEA CuSrrEil BU!LDER6. lNc GonsL r. : lf. F Ft Uar: I N Pltong r Plr{'n P r Fhone a 3439e6346E ,aft39e6EF0P fnrpec+ion Raqurrt Inforrstionr r e. oRerruc st irr* r RICIIfiRDRaq Tirer OBr4$ Eolleri'oc! IlRMHny Ffl{AL ::::t :::T':::__.:.::_i:::":0"' -' ffi) -"\-.15- rl4 Fltqn* r 9e6-3eTI FEN T.E.O. EEltatrtr,llirr I 4:..r.,' Inrprctiorr lll*tany.,. . .fterr il&ltt0 dr.l.vcney grrdr.._f inrlItqtr 63161e ILDE-#ootings/EtoelItsr I OOOIO ELEG-Founct+* ior/BtrrlO4lr8l95 fnrpeEtoF! EFA$fEljE InrF;etorr E9S/f9/95 lnspeetorr EItcrr OqEgg PLHIf-ILC Site FI.nf?rrr soto BLttcJ-hlarlnEItrrr e00ae * I Not on Fl,t. * rftrrr eE SO ELD€-IrEulrtionttrrr aot6o ELtIG-€hertFoele ltrilItu= t0ole * ll llot Orr Filc * *ltrrr 0A076 ELDG..trlirc.ftrrc GOO?6 BLDE-finallD?laglqa Inspectonr CDItrrt DltESO BLDE-Terp. E^/EItprr G6!{19 BLDO-Finet G/E Aetisnr FilrFRfi6f,i663 ffif,|l{fictioar FFFIT AFtrRO(,ED RPFNOT'EDllftFliL INtriI(IR FnoTrNGh Acti[,nr DN DEIIIIET) 02/20/96 15:54 Irx/RX N0,3103 P, 002 02/28i96 l5:5E FAtr 8704764s01 y'# unrr coM-DEu I1o: tKl lz|.tN rl.tlKt E +++ ruv FES Tq,E 17:0? A c No .014 w T .l I .i I I I I I I I I I I I i I I t I i ; .t- 4 le t' i r&+f 02120/96 13:54 TX/RX N0.3103 P. 003 I Borrs Custo* Bu,ro=*s tNc. Mr. Randy Stouter Town of Vail Community Developmenr 75 Souttr Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Re: Permit #895-Cf,43 February lJLrl!)X Dear Randy: This letter is to serve as acknowledgment that dre plant material ttrat is on the site will be planted in tlrc Spring of 1996 per the approved l:ndscape Plan. We appreciate your waiving the deposit that is normally required in these sinrations. Sincerely, :- ders, Inc.Mr. Bill Harris - Owner lrb k t BuilBoles Custom John Boles ' r"r*!/^-# i,Mffif;l-ry f7^brtP av?F /rc (nd FOST OFFICE BOXI279 * AVON. COLORADO t1620 (97 0) y26-3202, F LX (97 0)C2G207 I 7 Gli g n Review Acto-nftrr TOWN OF VAIL Project Name: Building Name: Project et ,.61eafr1/fi ArchitecVOontact, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot_ Block_ Subdivision Proiect Street Address: Comments: Zone District Board / Statt Action Motion by:Vote: Seconded by: ! Approval ! Disapproval /t'w^{u,I l$n,4240+ 6 r,'''to'"'/c'{ i 'ht'nuf 't"ruuflho"" o4'0" {$aff nnnrovar *^A+dx - a;Conditions: Town Date:DRB Fee P,.-p'nit ?0 U +/il{J / Hnr.ta -Hf =oC) tr tt) TO:2. b.13 . q?cn nhatrg %roortF ATTN: ATTACHEDPLEASEFIND: PROGRESS PRINTS SPECIFICATIONS &PLAIIS OTIIER SHOPDRAWINGS PtilenPiierceBi#lw ARCHITECTURE PLA}{NING INIERIORS LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL ,G O.U . (otllpr il^r. ft Jttu*rL THE ITEMS LISTED ABOVE ARE: -FORREVTEWANDCOMMENT x FORYOTJRUSE _ASREQUESTED RETIJRNEDAFTERREVIEW OTIIER COPIES TO: L:\8000\TMN8000.WPD REMARKS: tb You. BY: $Cotz &46 POSTOFFTCEBOXST 1000UONSRrDGErOOp VAILCOLORADo 81658 303476-6342 FAX3034?64901 itzleri P icrcc Erincr =95476+981 FHtzlenPlerceBrlner ARCHtrlsruFt ptAt{t{ t 6 lN rfRtoRs ?0: f3;rt|,l StUuPeG f,O.{. 6,rt*,. 9g1t. rRoyr 6t\rE cffAi9fi DATE, f'15.n5 ?eI6€ | 'bf Z G€ tt1Ffig FcttP€$raf, '13? VAIL rrrriret oE' $ao1-rl ,VrO" fk pr$p44urrrrb ase' FEQ06T Tb F€$uce v t]tte. NrJrhAqL o€ @*$t- [tolttodob fl'$ le fol' lttFt tllt^. F€nnt,^l Acf Tl|g L6c#,fi.64t r'Figa!.'P 6'{ / llht 9L3,, ''.) 4-917v'11t,'n2,ry$e ujwup Lrw fD fen?& ltffi AaorTro^r of tt l'A-{ I ---- .--.:'--,{-: rP 4 ffit A^lD z Fr.osdrwc 4g4$o rb Tlt€ Fr e. P.€tt t i I I i i I i I 4z ;'n'3 -t'|.,fr'i . VAru $Ar,t^g:1 W\re Lffi,qe . t^, @* ft 64,{ ilsfl.;m*i,: 2:-rco s*u'*n fe r W ''* rrorrt SVt aF nte fgg3srrt. \ We gfiLL Bsurdrf 4l't*r krocr*rnlb Tffi 5trgutE T6 Tltg f.JoFf,ir a:o€ ' griri Br AN *rtrl Ib ,.5 ffi JNo|t MAf 9ou-8- eN(,;Et'xrE . It'l A K rft*D - ldlLL Qeoyt Tb fire 3ft^'e tJsrua overL 7V€ o€ ItE 3t-c- lold- ffi tx€ bF**$, A€ Sfict/- arftr ftt€ 3Qv*** b€n9. Y{'^,r' lA**'*'A**1 4 tltar**t. Suerrtrf lW 6n+'r 4849 rF ft (ets& t,c(',''l.et> Vq, A&4.-. lAt65qa,a nJA^t of iu<, ?f*e 'fb 11tt9 cPno^, l}| AIff faqjl.lM''tAu- c Fo[Lot'lrrrr6 ls ft 56rf,1,c'.t Tlt46rr6H ,|nlif|l't x.3 f,l|t tttc -.tF fts gsareST.s). :t tr.,o{-*r'trr ' a"f"-*-' *ok *t4&.w' posr ofFlcE 80x 57 I 000 tr0NsRiD6t Lcop vArL coLoRADo Et 6s8 305 476 63{2 FAX 303.{76 4901 Fr itz lrn P iarc,C Br i ncr 5EE4?64991 l*,"renPlercegrrne! A RcH I rEc ruRt pr. ANNTNG r Hitp tc*s P. A1 -- tov enoNr: {'ll -/,;lf,.o PACEI0F3PAGES AEAn fot-tnwt'.tt- 15 TJ'E ffi@', gVe fl{$ 4r.l Vnru vnLr'bt{ O?. (nr I Entrlrgros rr) . rf Fot LD 6e A d-d, ftrto Nn*t 6trcg' frl* httlft .-a 4,_o" wteq,e* f,;vftig.., Ng Uotrro Lrtc fo ftAALtz-E , fttt /aruorntlrrS N 2rtl3ffirlvr,e lgsrtBs & arg ,{rFr f?dag r,rr$ F;frrun*.r- ffire+> Ar.r*t aoruc{Prus To F,lE **tO lo* €trorrocn- /f.oU lbnr'r.rrrrr{ ?Ata.fi€\I Fl l.?o,Gt6 tD T|r*f LJg r4A.t &,(t", fr?PolLtl* flo$, O6tt''t F€\,la.' ON l.Z?.lS _ ltnrr pP @ Var* darrrgd+ntr0 : I /j.e1l p{1rtflilr1g.$tf . l 000 LroNsRrDGE LccP vArL coLoR^Do 0 r 65a .id-tLr I arr irt- -Ea -rt I rc: d?EA HALL. FRolt:86[tr 4t# DAtil: f . al.'75 l'AX: 41q'ZlLQl flt6tsc tl4s5 : I I' I I I i I ) POST OTFICE BOX 5 'J03 476 634? YAX 3Cr 4?6 490i .,Y j t, $ g ilE l5ll! i'lrj.i' ". I \ r9'0ql -3,,6ri9goo I I I I I I t I I I I z$ $ Ee'd I66t9lbSElF egSrit la>-aa*bl lrl "*E,' e- 9 s o'lj t 1t t- frE\[t d 7. I II ) ,V \t he.':/|oo- ir- h 't I I \ \ \ lq tr t I Dn.e A.ePI arou - rolru or vatr,, DAIE AFPLICATION RECEIVED : DATE OF DRB MEETING: r. lsrs *"ord*ffifiilfi" BE ncc'?rE" TOV'C0[VllVl, DEVItNrrrJ'etrL REQUTY* -l11o-mnroN rs suBMrrlEDW trhrrr".ak,,4A. DESCRrprroN: Winlte 6in-t euse%rtd B.TYPE OF REVTEW: ,C. D. E. F New Construction (9200.00)( vlnor Alteration ($20. 00) ( $0)Addltion ($50.00). Conceptual Revl.ew ADDRESS: 116?IL VALLET/ oL LEGAL DESCRIPTIoN: I,ot 13 .. Block Subdivlslon Vftu y1;-Ls6s. 5evaN)il FrLIF{6 @datr^*J-rr ^l -t-^-9::l"iq|ton, .please.provfal orr- a-sepurare sheeU uXJettach t.o rhts appltlar{;;:, - zONINc z ?Anrc'(, lSuall;ane< Kcgrryaltne- psrqcf *_ ,,- 19I_19": rf reguired, gppllcanr must provtde a. currenrseamped survey showlng ltt area, -tio'tA.';;4 h-' G.NN'IE OF APPLICAI{T; 6lUu ,r$rp,_l<4,fly HAqASMaillng Addregs : sTfr-T-fiEil z Phone 4 NAT'{E OF AFPLICANT'S REPRESENTATTVE:Matllng Address:5 IC'LONO Phone I. NAI'IE OF OIITIERS: H. -?tsreweruRE (s) :4' Mattlng adaiesE * DESIGN REVIEW BO1RD AIPROVAI., EXPTRES N.PPROVAN UNIET'S ll.BUII.DINO EER!.IIT IE FE Phone ONE YEAR AI'ISR FTNAIJ TESI'ED AITD CONSTRVCEIONSEAEIED. **NO APPITICAfION WILL BE FROCESSED Condomiqlum Approval lf appllcable. PFB FFEI DRB'f,ees, as shown aboveT are to be pald atthe ttme of, eubmirgq+ of una ippiicairon. --r;t;;, whenltt.llllg fo5 a. bulldlne..perdtl preaJe -ra""triy-ir," accurate varuation bf the proposal. The rown 6f, vaitIlli ldjpst the fee _accoraing" io tr,e rabte uerow, to il"::-:ili:*ect ree ls paid' ""s 'o'o' o&d/ /{Lql ah\ veLUArroN 'EB ,q / 3 ,0, ool I $ 33; 333 t 3S.S3 t\qnr _$ 50r 001 - $ 150, 000 $100.00 1150/ 001 - $ 500, 000 $200 .00 $500, 001 - $1, 000; 000 $noo. ooI ovbr $1, 000, 000 $S00,00 ) Ir8i,it I a WrIHOUT OWNER' S SIG}TATURE rzr t 484 *tNiez LIST OF MATERIALS llaun or PRo,rEcr. LLA?a$ 96,€tW .LEGAT DESCRTPTTON: LOT_!!_ BTOCK JiL SUBDTVTSTON STREET ADDRESS: DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: l/r,ft5FEV, VAtv VtuAAe rilLY tdflJN6 The following i.nformat,ion Ls Revi-ew Board before a flnal A. BUTLDTNG MAIERIAI,S: Roof gV, 1.6'15 Siding Other WalL MateriaLs required for submittalapproval can be given:to thelx Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doois Door Trim Hand or Deck Ral_is Flues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other LANDSCAPING:Nane of Des5.gner: phone: TYPE OF MAIERTAL kl ,&PAP 5Hr'r6l6b tf|(p tu % Za+ N /LN) fr I'bo? C@ne i tut rtz.*.l oie l-bf Flytb#(6L44.\ ,&L! ,/4 v? 0N6 t17f*L- fu.rz-+l Paf(a 5lhJ6 ila* FzO lN hneAse B. PLANT MATERIATS: PROPOSED TREES Common Name Ouantity Size't z-3tlffiA t5 EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED E)4rtrhJ(' 14" SW_ Z Axgwl 4t\qPPtE t6 re FE-oo*rEp ?€* spr1121ca+ft P"pl.l. *fndicate cal-l.per for deciduous trees.Minimum caliper forheight for coniferous l f4 \(0 V4* Botanical Name trees.Indicate PrANr l.rArERrc PROPOSED SHRUBS loratrttt vt rylttt'o* 'h?''str$ooo' Botanlcal Name .Common me ouantiLv Size" SYAuan,vuuonat UUtc, l3 (r I ew- 5 6nt- €Et t,6.a< EXISTING SIIRUBS TO BE REMO\TED *Indicate size5 qaLlon. GROUND iOVenS soD SEED TYPE OF TRRIGATION I6kv of proposed shrubs. Minimurn size of shrubs is Type Square Footaqe Qr,l€ ,62n+ lctue Mw-oa?dfre.v?, L,AIIDSCAPE LIGHTING: If ext,erior lighting is proposed, please show the number of, f15tur-.9s . and ..logatlons on a separateLighting pJ.an.'--Ident,ify eich fixture from the lilhting ptan on the }ist, bel.o! qd provlde the wattage, height abovegrade and Lype of light proposed. TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSTON CONTROL OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls, fences' swinmingpo9ls, etc.,) Please specify. IndLcate helght,s of retainingwalls. Maximum height-of wllls wlthln thelfronL setback i63 feet. Maximum height of walls elsewhere on the properr,yis 6 feet. FrrArr.trr'r, !.lM- 4' -qil D. 8 96tt- I SER, DATE: 5,9?.74 LEGAI DESCRIPTION: LoT ADDRES5: tt01 {Arr- vlquuaV fr_, ZONE CHECK FOR.R, R F,/S ZONE DISTRICTS BIock FiIingt3(., olrNER Lltuuarr * Y+rntr lw+s PHONE PITONE 404- 13q-?.035. ARCHITECT ZONE DISTRICT PROPOSED USE **LO? SrZE Height TOtAl GRFA ,47b -6312 Allowed (30) (33) Existinq Propoqed TotaI ?v 33 Prinary GRFA SzoG + 425 =3L3-V72 3671'tzl Secondary GRFA + 425. =-_ Perl1,1.15 Setbacks Front Sides. Rear Water Course Setback Site Coverage Landscaping Retaining walt Helghts Parking Garage Credlt Drive: View Corridor Encroachment: Environmental,/Hazards : 20, 201ls' )5_l_15, 2or (30) (5e1 WA 2564.0 I b17 , '1611,4 Ar^l_ . /0 OaiI /b7'1 3' /6' 2,5 Regrd 4t-1tl (30o) (60o) (90o) (tzoo't /soo Permltt.ed Slope 8? Act,ual Slope L to' Date approved by Town Engineer: l0 031 Yes 1) 2', 3) Percent slope N/A Geologic Hazardsa) Snow Avalancheb) Rockfallc) Debris Flow4) Wet,Lands Ptevious conditions of approval (check property file) Does thle reguest involve a 250 Addition? Y6.HowmuchoftheaIIowed25oAdditionisuseffiisrequest?25o. **Note: under sections Lg.L2.0g0(B) and 1g.13.0g0.(B) of the ltuniciplcode, lots zoned. Two Famiry and'Prlmary/secondary whieh are Less than15r000.sq. ft,. in area may not, const,ruct a second dwelling unit. -TheConmunity Development Department nay grant an exception to t.hisrestriction provided the applicant meets the criteria set forth undersections 18.12.090(B) and 18.13.080(B) of the Municipar code lnctudingpermanently restricllng the unit, as a long-terrn rental unit for fuLL-tirne employees of the Upper Eagle Val.1ey.- No-Z( ? ? ? Flood Plain t{11 10 l*r"renPlercenru# ARCH E C IURE PLANN IN6 INTER, IORS Al€;e ilou-re gEL)tE c(A# | 1-qs $$ 1l*l . (-?.s. At g -'- (Vease f;ilo Arlqurtao l) Wg A(Turnnt*t fte z) won- D(9 trEE. lF jar l+$,e p ptJatoA> qbrc' Fe dbuLP etaa\tf €eqrtC€r4u^/fs- iJllrrlfrs .3*ar^r 11t!Yf W€ F€Fa*rrrel5. t*: glsfo* 5?x+g1 zsde . fu** ilo(€?lrtlc , 9 Asto Ht+n ^tdfrh.t "lt€ DFA$rrJt3 Yonr lnA^r- O^t fitu€, tJAs c(W SX ft flAf rrtb enaYe*t*,tc 1b ose 216 fg4on..tt fS 7t<b , k Fmasert .flV (I.Bt flon) l{m11- fudv os ANl ad€snoi\r: ?6ne A+'^' POST OFFICE 80X 57 1000 LIONSRIDGE LOOP VAIL C0L0RAD0 81656 303 476 6342 FAX 3oJ 476 4s}lae! tttltt t<. c itltl t'ttdt ti.l TO: FROM: DATE: I , lB Jtl lt t '-* _..,. 10\ 'CollllluLtl'ouv llfe Fet-t-otJ*r)G ylrrrloP ALTt{Zl+ftohl 3) h?/?o.,ev g?B flas aeT +) ?tNr3rc'J ro 71afia*r-z*t' 4n'e ftT oF ltte '^Le P.t€ Td bgeftie flfA^!X,mlt@f€O ttlu,. t#vE fb dft*+to Loutw- LerEU . 31 F * fW f'tgdA^,r(r\- I FnrrzrnNPIgncEBRINER 1000LIoNsRrDGELoop SurEl-D.VA|L.CO 81657.303-476-6342.FAx:,303476-4901 January 4, 1995 Mike Mollica Town of Vail Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail. CO 81657 re: Harris Residence. 1187 Vail Vallev Drive Dear Mike,: Bill Hanis has requested that we submit the following changes to the landscape plan and , el.,gfuations for staffapproval. ltl |;(1). m. Harris would like to change the proposed Redtwig Dogwood "Cornus Sericea ,/ Colorandense" to Red-Osier Dogwood "Cornus Sericea Cardinal". Both plants have the brightf red twig color. Additionally Mr. Harris would like to reduce the number of plants from 12 to 6 due to the increased sizeldensity ofthe later. WZl. In reference to the two spruce hees being relocated to the southwest comer of the property, Mr. Harris would like to move one of these trees from its proposed location to the north side of larger areas of stucco on the north elevation. 'V ,r"^" note that we have added an enclosure for snow melt boilers at the /\h"nouse.(t t ,,'! , , '.t;;.'.', i,,d - (,J *.t'dti Vvt,,..*.1r) 4). Changes to the elevation include: J"K"; "Yt ' ': . #o"'!t; ,, pzA). Elevations now reflect sawn wood shingles as agreed to as a condition of approval. V/ B). Windows.on the east elevation lower level were changed from eyebrow top to meet- egress requirements per code. U.0. fn" windows at the stairwell now have been resized to allow for operable windows. L:\9367\DOC\TREE.WPD t a, Mi!" Mollicu Page2 January3, J.995 Addition4[lwe hun" ud!1!g$[!g!l provide additional detail and consistencyto the elevationlf stonebase@ofthestainrell. IFinary,"*r Sj,*l$l;; #,/"f'*u Form dated 7l2Ol94.I am not sure what condition 3 is refening to. And, to tlrc best of my A understanding the Public Works Deparfirent has not yet started any design work for the bike path -'dct, or any other improvements for Vail valley Drive. please advise. /*rg;" # Thankyouforyouconsideration, * %\ ,f+'MW L:\9367\DOC\TREE.WPD 5954764901Frliatar,l PtaFea Br l|,|lr i d.r I v$ & ItlIE q-{(J ur =P R E 't'a || 5o tt !,) H $ -{-l$i hd 0. !ustF-O *l Ur- sb Ph fl 3t $i $[ xdt p -l rrlr{l xt N b llto + Ftrt l|lgtutu ua $ -l a -l T + ot DRB AFpxO ,rro' - rowu or .\nIrJ, "*a r.Pl, DAIE AFPLxcArroN REcEI\IED 3 lJlI' DATE OI' DRB MEETING: , ********** TsIg .h,FPIJlc.H$fON WILL, NOr BEUNII JJIj REQUIRED fNrORlttrtION * ********* ,{ccEPrED T\y./;iltfrj{/, 18 SUA}IITTED Y FRO.ZECT INFORMASTON: A. DESCRIPTION: NEU.I E. TYPE OF REVJEW: X N", Construcrion ($ZOO.OO) Addltion ($s0.00) Ml.nor AlteratLon Conceptual Review oz- ($20.00) ( $0) 'C. D. ADDRESS: lt6l L VALL LEGAL DESCRIpTI0N: L,ot 13 Bloclc b Subdlvlslon vAt'- vLtLAbe FtLrN6 If, property ts descrlbed by.adesqriptlon, please provldi on neet,8 and bounds legala separate oheet, and E. rr .attach to rhii appll-datton. , ZONING:lseopeapl ff-stoesnx- ?tslrr{l/.T LOT AREA: If reguired, appllcant sE,amped {rurvey showlng lot, area. NAI.'E OFMalling must provide a. currentt2624.064 fr -- APPTTCANT: 6TUu A^,P FAf$Y HAelt,Address: 513 n r.l c, 6e4-6tA Phone H.NEI."TE OF APPI,ICANT' S REPRESENTATTT/E :MalIlng Address: P.. VAtu, lenqmo M. '- rr.p , ovboyrrLto ?r(a56, . , phOne A.|L-/;AZ- I. NAICE OF OIINERS; tltr-r-re.'r n .Aro r{nrr._r+ryaa> _ --jtSIGNATURE (S) : d' Malttng edoiesl dt. K. tJUtoogl Phone Condomirllum Approval if appllcable. DRB EEE! DRB'f,eesr as shown above, are to be pald at:l:':|,Il gf suup{!!q} or pns ippiic"t,roi. --d;;;, whenilll*p f9I ": bulldtns.,permrillpr;;;;-i;"nrr;;"ifieaccurate varuatlon bf ihe propbsir. The town of varlyl11 tdlyst the fee-accoraing-io-the table u"ro",'toensure the correct fee is paio. FEE $ 20.00, $ 50.00 l $100.00 $?00 .00 $400.00 9s00.00 * DESXGN REVTEW BOhrD TPIROVAI EXPTBEiS ONE YEJAR .trI.fER TINATJRIPRO\IA-Ir UNIrEgs A .BUIIDINO PERMIE Ig tSgItED At{D CONgTRVCffOtf fSSEARIED. r*No trPPlrcstloN yrrrJl, BE PRocEssED t{rlHoug OI{NER. s STGNATURE ''t-- 1 Var.uegrou$ 0 - $ 1o,oo0 f 10,001 - $ 50r 000.$s0,001 -$ 150;000 ilso, oo1 - $ soor ooo $500,001 - $1, OOo;000$ Ovbr $1r 0001 000 4o4 -93I-'2833 C OE'FROJECT: LEGAI DESCRIPTION: STREET ADDRESS: DESCRIPTTON OF L]ST OF MATERIALS 04r(E toT--.1!3- BLOCK Z, sUBDIvIsIoN Alt F.ev, z/e/* VAI- VILL.A& PRO.IECT: The following informatlon is Revi.ew Board before a fLnal reguired for subml-ttal to the Designapproval can be given: TYPE OF MATERTAIJ COLORA.BUIIDING MATERIALS: Roof Siding Other Wall Materlals Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trirn DoOrs Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chimneys Trash EncLosures Greenhouses Other ].ANDSCAPING: Name PIANT },IATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES of Designer: Phone: tt4b*16tua*-\ t+. B. Common Name OuantitvfqeFl E Size* 2-3tl EXISTING TREES TO BE REMO\IED 3 E{tfff}.16 l41r SW_ Z Axgwq. 1\ aQ4rul lte€eq.oo*I?.P f€F- t-*rJo1l-t*ft Minimum caliper forheight for coniferous *fndicate call,per for deciduous trees.deciduous trees is 2 inches. Indicate fifNc',*#*n ?€k NAN6 Botanical Name t,rees. \ O LTST OF MATERIALS NAI,IE oF PROJECT: L'lfu(gt gS,oaJG o L-.,.-, / "-'r /, i.. - .,,t:'./, //'..)/" /;i| ./ / LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT I3 BLOCK b SUBDIVISION VAIU VILLA& STREET ADDRESS: I DESCRIPTION OF pRO,tECr: N4) Aln&Le PnrttuV tl^)Eltjlr6 The following infornatlon is Review Board before a final A. BUILDING !'ATERIALS: required for submittal to the Design approval can be given: rYPE OT' MATERIAL oaa :YPE OT MATERIAL pOLOR ltfittort;E 9un rl4ttp'L ff21; L lta:;t rrttV^'f- 6r"* ;1Roof Siding Other Wal]Mate Fascia Soffits Windows Irlindow Trim Doors Door TrLm Hand or Deck Rails FIues Flashings Chimneys Trash Encl-osures Greenhouses Other R LANDSCAPING:Name of PLANT I'fATERIATS: PROPOSED TREES EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED Designer: Phone: 7:,",i ,:_-:1:alr> t, -./-.c r: -1/.:)-,'t: t' '', Ouantity Size * ?-3tll5 thj6 l4r'57eDL€ ftnJD Z 6yq51 t/\Ja fb 6e g8-ocAGP f€k ,kP01.4.?e Prpri. *fndicate caliper for deciduous trees. \ .{.\/t- /,^.l0uvF.*'-t' tr: / /4.t.'l:! .) "Ftzi't,:' t t Common Name t,rees.Indicate Minimurn caliper forheight for coniferous PLANT MATERIAI PROPOSED SHRUBS BotanicaL Name ?olat.}ftwe farlfttoSh)Aggofruoo?' 5YFtUan uuuA^*t Ouantity Size* I ew-- 5 6nt- ?wu,tttvt+. ua4 l3 (-t tnq)v-, Uontfai h,*a,*ffi:Z 12 96evt EXISTING SITRUBS TO BE REMOVED *fndicate size5 qallon. GROUND CO\TERS soD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL of proposed shrubs. Tvpe Minimum size of shrubs is Square Footase c.LANDSCAPE LTGHTTNG: rf exterior righting is proposed, pleaseshow the number of fixtures and to6atiois on'i-E.parut,elighting.plan. Identify each fixture from the tiltrting planon the list belo! ?ld piovide rhe wattage, heighi'abovegrade and type of light proposed. orIlER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retainlng wallsl fences, swimrnlngpo9ls, etc.) please- spectfy. rndi6are h;!.gha;-;i'"erui'ir,!warls. Maximum height- or witts wLthin trre-iio"i setback is3 feet. Maximum height of walls elsewhere on-irr.-propertyis 6 feet FztXNtr^g hb{.l- 4' -qil D. t",gn Review Action ilt TOWN OF VAIL category Numaer 6 o^r. -t/=o4c( prcieat'tane: /{qtt'r9 Re^'J<rtce Building Name: -project Description De*o / f< hJr Cd e { etr>{raq = ,'F vt X5o Owner, Address and Phone: @rFr, Address and Phone: proiecrsrreerAoorn' ltft7 vo,'{- vq((er of. 3o Board / Staff Action uotionoy: 6 . &Pt ut 'Q Voie: seconded ov, 5 , BP in<rd(ftffi;;;;{_fD s_o E Disapproval n $affApprpvalPPYval YnR*r A. "^;l *n ./et{qrf DRBFee e,.-pia { }@* 8e wr{ ft/J+t^eLY e rO {--h'o t^J'Q,*e q-e€. fi{qf*e(-- O-! )ae q=t* ek^.eyc*{ kyf aS. t'*'.h (.,-)s.^f'*t ftH-t P';!<L ; /'ANA..*s' ^.=L'VoohuT qs rc,99ffit ^^/ :.i- eas Ge ,t-;' - P-{(- i, ril -.ss.-!(*l L€ a-,**rA rG=a"- r= 6-.*€- li - (-rs fo.o{, ,ts ,u,zr/qL /.€x,Fe #"ign Review Action Ftm TOWN OF VAIL '/ , h' 7-ICategory Number | /'; Project Name: Building Name: Project Description: Owner. Address and Phone: e@/r3#l Address and Phone: Legal Description: tot l li Block 6 Project Street Address: Comments: suaaivision l/u^y' t4'd4-e l{ zoneDistrict Board / Staff Action Motion by: Seconded by: [] Approval ! Disapproval n $affApproval Vote: -f - O Genditios: O.., /,1 /, /*i Town Planner A t, nn 9-9oate: 7. 6 74 DRB Fee Prc-patd r' ^1uu, o :bRB # ii I- ii,t,af.(.. _ A:O ti LETTER OF TRANSMTTTAL ,roz drliff ADlsstA Date: 1,l+,14 No. 13'n Attn: Attached Please Find: KT_ ffitrl?nHfl',",fi?-#,ff b Job Re: _ Specifications _ Shop Drawings Item No. No. of Copies Description .EAlrSuY, ggr\t€lL t-r,u*- AfqrJ above are: CorEnent For Your Use Returned After Review 6&#. '.\ Progress Prints Plans Other l\L : 2 3 | fW 6\vat Ocxtxtt,ts The items listed X For Review and _ As Requested Other Remarks I A16- ug|'.'oq.vA€ ?L*0 ghatB ftt*^* alA(E M bJ f/{.htf . &E?&. Page 1 TRANSOOO . DOC By, @w fr#, Copies to: PosT oFFlcE BOX 57 r000 LIONSRID€E L00P VAIL CoLoRADO 6r556 303 476 6342 FAX 303 476 4901 Pl|ca BEl,| |l(.0! DtltrPtq8ilt Iil !t lr ll lltt t I'' I It-t-IIlrlt t oo ft*r- , /,t"/,/r,>&ftrb? k*t^-t &*;J / f^4 + hl u^g-\,. /'4 ^**( A-**, ryft A.&t- fteA /4*r&* -r---n a F, e1 i 3 4'? o i += l+h P ic|rct Br incr 3SFr o 649A1 F!'ltzlenPlerseBrlner June 15, 1994 ArCf iTtCiUltt FLAI.INtNC tN'f ilCR5 Greg'Hall Tolln of vail - Dept. of Comnunity Development REr HarriF Resldenc€Lot 13, Block 6, Vail ViIIage 7th rillng 1187 VaiI Va[sy Drive Gregr On behalf of, Mr. and Mre, Willian Hagis,slder our current application to alter theing area (that abute Vall Valley Drlve) onpropetty. The exlBting parking area wlll acconmodatedriving lanes of Vail Valley Drive. I request that rrou cgn-exls'ting south side park- ihe above referenceci t0 - 12 cars oucalde thd ft is our proposal to reduce this parking capacity to one parallel spacE north of the driving lanes i-:nproving the aesthetic'inpaet 'ofthe exj-eting conditl.on. , couespondence wLth your office indLcates that you do not favon proposal becauEe a bike Lane (proposEd for construction someln the.future) nay confllst wlth this parking {rpace, ft ls my undelstanding that Mr. and !'{rs. Harris wlII vokabl-e Right of ?lay eaaenent for thia parking Epacethe Tori'n needs thls proposed space for any purpose. I Our our tt.rne I an not aware of uhe layout of the proposed blka }ane, but it seeslsthat locating the bike lane on the south side of Vail Valley Drlve makes more sense, parttcularly on a year round basls, than locatlngtheb1kepat'honthenorthside.The€ouths1dea1tgnmentwould mlnimize €treet and driveway crossings, reducg-coft{lict in snow re; moval, and minirnlze removal of exlstlng mayufe landseape naterl-al . ' to a re- evgnt In cloaing, it ir clear that our proposal to red.uce the parking areanotth of the driving lanes of Veil valley Drive to one parking spece (granted with a Revokable Right of Way Permit) is a substangial i-s-: provement to the current situation {that could remain indefinitely):. the €x1stlng and proposed be appreciated. i have enclosed drawlngs of YOUI ltive response would litfrB F. Phltect ccr wilt Harrls ,l agre€in the .Doc 94 POST OFFICE 8OX 57 '1000 uoNsRD6E tooP vAlL coL0RADo 81658 ,rrKa&r4lirAa c !l tR,rlrN Ali(t lrr{i 303476634? F^J( 303 476 491I .16l oo 'b/4 7r;.2 - d'-/Lad -J4,4e.2 4U?. i a, ,0/2,/-'/// C,.;* /*J f tu- Ri-,q h;4 L .V.-9.-. /t &.l.--L ^e.;,( f .4 4 V n4. ,.r"/. t) x ur z.4$a//- TO: MIKE McGEE o TODD netum to INTER:DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW Nb4J ei.a.A. Engineering: Fteviewed by: Commenls; t) 4-N, ?^-Lx bn R/ot t^:: lt 6pJ {:,0 i", )i7 , 3) ,tt*J .,.jkn :^^, ,\^ s /"o+ ehus. " | /", t lL /1,7 yt: f,-1,7^;"x Loluer I "{ Lu+k *-l COMMENTS NEEDED BY: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: OPPENHEIMER }{lke ltollica - .. Town Planner t't/ (D, +t L. cL Ja,r *.,,rpd a) No GaJt ,Lo, lJ'n Landscapin$: e;+rur CanC,P"o 6v llt-tq Ic-C )lc,ce_ Date: Datc: ";\,l)1;v€t',-tc,--l / .. n-r, "/A;^' Qr,tJ,A J,n- Jr-7L',-a Reviewed by: Comments: Fire Dept.: Reviewed by: Commonts: Distributed to the Fire Deparlment, Public Works, and Landscaping on s '29 ,?i . DATE SUBMITTED: 9,22 DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING MIKE McGE GREG HALL TODD OPPENHEIMER Fleturn lo Town Planner INTE R:DEPARTM ENTAL REVI EW DATE SUBMITTED: 5,23 .DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING COMMENTS NEEDED BY: 6.T, ?.1 A }RT BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: Datc: Landscaping: Reviewed by:Datc: Comments: Fire Dept.: Reviewed ay, 4'/-d o^to;/ ,, i/; N'.".-y ry - /"^-/^'je/ Engineering: Reviewed by: Commenls: Commcnls: . pt -/-) - ,/z--/ |4,/O O ta/z-'"zz // \r-' r' J Distributed to the Fire Deparlment, public works, and Landscaping on 9.25.H . orHtzlenPlerceBrln ARCHITECTUR€ PTANI{IN6 I TERIOR JUt'l 1 1994 IJETTER OF TRAIISMITTAL Toz f1J:(E t4dALA Date: T.o,rt Job No. 4361 Ptez WA9 Attn3 Attached Please Find: _ Progress Prints _ SpecifLcationsPlans Shop lrawings$ ottrer TtrLn t,,sTw+t$E ftem No. No. of Copies Description The items listed above arer For Review and Coment ! es Requested/ Other For Your Use Returned After Review Remarks: TOV.C0i{ri'ii DEV, DIPI b-t't4 ay ffi)J&, L&A4B- Copies to: Page I TRAN8000.DOC 'r000 LToNSRTDGE L00p . vAtL cotoRADO 61658tlt.I 'ttl,oa arc. s |l|ttlt rtlq !|g|303 476 6342 FAX 30J 476 49olPOST OFFICE BOX 57 li,;,: . :':.. a.o !^:.dj..1-^ . \-,-i.^4 . :'.' POLICY TITLE INSURANCE ISSUED BY I t. i: GUARANTY COMPANY SUBJECT TO THE EXCLUSIONS FROM COVERAGE, THE EXCEPTIONS FROM COVERAGE CONTAINED IN SCHEDULE B AND THE CONDITIONS AND STIPULATIONS, STEWART TITLE GUARANTY COMPANY, a Texas corporalion, herein called lhe Company, insures, as of Date ol Policy shown in Schedule A, against loss or damage, not exceeding the Amount of Insurance stated in Schedule A, sustained or incurred by the insured by reason of: i. Tille to lhe estate or inleresl described in Schedule A being vested other lhan as slated therein: 2. Any defect in or lien or encumbrance on the tifle: 3. Unmarketability of the title; 4. Lack of a right ot access to and lrom the land. The Company will also pay the costs, attomeys'fees and expenses incurred in defense ol the tille. as insured. but onry to the exlenl provided in the Conditions and Slipulations. lN WITNESS WHEREOF. Slewarl Title Guaranty Company has caused this poticy to be signed and seated by its duly authorized ofJicers as of the Date of Policv shown in Schedule A. STE\'I'ART TTTLE GranlNTl cotfP,'!fY Chairman ol/the Company City. State pubhc records at Date ol Pohcy. (b) Any oovemmental police power not excluded by (a) above. except lo the extent that a notice ol the exercise thereol or a notice of a defect, lien or encumbrance resulting from a violation or alleged violation aflecting the land has been recofded in lhe public records at oate o{ Pohcy.2. Righs ol eminent domain unless nolice of the exercise lhereot has been recorded in the public records at Dale of Policy. but noi excluding trom covecge any taking which has occurred pnor to Date of Policy whrch nould be binding on the rights of a purchaser tor value without knowledge.3. Detects, liens, encumbrances. adverse claams or other rnatters: (a) created. sutlered, assumed or aoreed to by lhe insured clairnant: ,(b) not known to the Company, not recorded in the public records at Dale ol Policy, but known to the insured clatmant and not disctosed rn writrng lo lhe Company by the insured claimant prior to the date the Insured claimant became an insured under this policy; (c) resulllng in no loss or damage to th€ insur€d clairnantl (d) attaching or created subsequent to Date oi Policyi ot (e) resulting in loss or damage whtch would not have b€en sustained if the insured clarmanl had paid value lor lhe estate or int€rest insuted by this policy.4. Any claim, which arlses oul ol the transaction veslin0 in the Insured the estate or interest insured by this policy. by reason ol the operati6n ol ieoerar bankruplcy. slate Insolvenc'y. or stmilar creditors rights lat\6. that is based on:(a) the lransaction creattng the eslate or Interest insured by this polcy-heing deemed a fraudulent conveyance or fraudulent transterl or(b) the transaction creatlng the estale or interest insucd by this policy being de€med a prelerentiat tGnsler exceot where the Drelerential transler results trom lhe lailure; (i) t0 limely record the inslrument of transtert or (ii) of such recordation to impan notce to a purchas€r for \alue or a judgment or lien creditor. EXCLUSIONS FROM COVERAGE The lollowing matters are expressly excluded lrom the coverage 0l this policy and lhe Company will not pay loss 0r damage, costs. attorneys lees or exDenses which anse bv reason ot:1. (a) Any law, ordinance or governmental regulation (including bul not limited to buildino and zoniog laws, ordinances, or regulations) restncrng. regulaling, prohibilino 0r relating to (i) the occupancy, use, 0r enloymenl ol the land; (ii) the character, dimensions or location of any improvement now or hereafter erected on lhe land; (iii) a separation in ownership 0r a change in the dimensions or area ol the land 0r any parcet ol which the land is or was apan: 0r (iv) environmenlal proteclion, or the eltecl ol any viohtion 0f thes€ lau/s, ordinances or govemmental regulations, except to the extent that a notrce the enlorcement thereol or a notice ol a delect, lien or encumbrance resulting fr0m a violation or alleged violation aftecting the land has been recorded in ,im"-o-ggg3.llZllf ], DEflNITION OF TERMS. 'The follo',rng terms when used in thls pgliry meoF {o) "insured": the incured nomed in Schedule A, ond, subiect to ony righh or de{enrer rhe Compony would hove hod ogoinst the nomed insured, those iho succeed fo lhe 'nter€li ol the nomed insured by operotion of low os di:tinguished . {d) In otl.coses *'O,, pollg perm;rs or requ'res the compony to prose- CUle 0r provrde lor tne delense ol dny Octton or proceedrng, ihe Insured iholl se(ure lo lhe Compony lhe right to so prosecute or provide defense in the oction or proceeding, ond oll oppeok therein, ood permit the Compony to use, oi ih option, lhe nome o{ the insured lor this purpose. Whenever requcsted by the Compony, the insured, ot the fqrnpqny'5 expense, shorl give the Compony otl reosonoble oid (i) in ony oction or proceeding, securing evidence, obtoining wit- nesser, prosecuting or defending lhe oction or proceeding, or ef{ecling settle- ment, ond {ii) in ony other lowful oct which in the opinion of the Compony moy be necelsory or de:iroble lo estoblish the tifle to the estote or interest os iniured. lf lhe Compony is preiudiced by the loilure o{ the insured to furnish the required (ooperolion, the Compony's obligotions to the Iniured under the policy rholl ter. minote, including ony liobility or obl;gotion lo defend, prosecute, or continue ony liligotion, with regord to rhe mottor or motfers requiring such cooperotior,.5. PROOT Ot LOSS OR DAMAGE. In oddition to ond offer the notices reouired under Seciion 3 o{ ftese Condi. tions ond Sfipulotions hove been provided the Compony, o proof of loss or dom. oge signed ond sworn to by the insured cloimont sholl be furnished to the Com- pony within 90 doys oher the in$rred cloimont sholl oscertoin ihe focts giving rise lo the loss or domoge. Ihe proof of loss or domoge sholl describe the defect in, or lien or encumbronce on lhe title, or other motter inrured ogoinst by thk policl which constitules the bosis of loss or domoqe ond sholl stote. lo the extent oossi. ble, the bosis of coleuloting the ornount ol ihe los or domoge. lf the Compony is preiudiced by the foilure of the insured cloimonl to provide the required proof ol loss or domoge, lhe Compony's obligotions to the insured under the policy sholl terminote, including ony liobility or obligotion to defend, p.osecute, or continue ony litigolion, with regord lo the motter or rnotters requiring such proof of loss or oomoge. In oddition, lhe insured cloimont moy reosonobly be required to submit to exominotion under ooth by ony outhorircd representotive o{ the Compony ono sholl produce {or exominoiion, inspection ond copying, ot such reoson;ble times ond pioces os moy be designoled by ony outhorized representotive of the Com- pony, oll records, books, ledgers, checks, correspondence ond memorondo. whether beoring o dote before or ofter Dore of Poiicy, which reosonobly pertoin to.lhe loss or domoge. turther. i{ requesled by ony ourhorized represenlolive of the Compony, the insured cloimont sholl gront ih permission, in writing. for ony outhorized represenlotive of the Compony to exomine, inspect ond copy oll records, books, ledgers, checks, correspondence ond memorondo io the cudody or. control o{ o third porty, which reosonobly pertoin to the loss or domoge. All inlormonon designoted os confidentisl by the insured cloimont provided to the Compony pursuont to ihis Seclion sholl not be disclosed to others unless, in ihe reosonoble judgment of the Comoony, it ir necessory in the odministrotion of fie cloim. Foilure o{ lhe insured cloimont to submit for exoninotion under ooth, pro- duce other reosonobly requesied informotion or gront permission to secure reo. sonobly necessory in{ormotion from third porties os required in this porogropn sholl terminole ony liobility o{ the Comoony under inh oolicv os to thor crorm.6. OPI|ONS IO PAY OR 0IHERWISE SEIII.E CLAIMS; IERMINATION 0t UAEIIITY. ,..|n cose oi o cloim under fhrs poiicy, the Comgony sholl hove ihe following odclrtronol opttons: (o) Io Pcy or Tender Poymenl ol lhe Amosnt of Insuronce. To poy or tender poymenr oI the omount oi insuronce under rhis policy fogether wilh ony cosh, oftorneys' fees ond erpenses incurred by the insured <loimonl, which were oulhorized by the Compony, up to the rrme oi ooyment or lender of poymenf ond which'he Compony is ooligorq6 rq eqy. . Upon the exercise by the Compony of this option, oll liobility ond obligoiionr fo lhe insured under this policy, other thon to moke the povment required, shqrl lermrnote, including ony liobiliry or obligotion to ciefend, pfosecute, or <ontinue ony iiiigotion, ond the policy sholl be iurrendereci .o rhe Compony ior concellolron, (b) To Poy or Otherwise Setfle With Porties Other rhon rhc Insured or With the lnsurud Cloimont. (i) to poy or otherwise settle wilh other poriies for or in the nome ol on insured cloimont ony cloim insured ogoinst under fhil poiicy, togelher with ony cosfs, otlorneys tees ond expenses incuned by fhe in:ured cloimont which were outhorized.by the Compony uo to the time of poymenr ond which the Compony rs oblrgoled to poyj or (ii) lo poy or ofherwise seifle wirh the inrured cloimont the loss or dom. oge provided for under this policy, rogether with ony cosrs, oitorneyr' fees ond expenses incurred by the insured cloimont which were outhorized bv the Com, pony up to the time ol poymenr ond which rhe Compony is obligoteJ ro poy,. Upon the exercise by the Compony of eirher o{ the options provided lor in porogrophs (b)(il or (ii), the Compony's obligorions ro rhe insured under this poi. icy for the cloimed loss or domoge, other thon the pdyments required to be mode, sholl terminote, including ony liobility or obligorion ro defend, prosecure o. conlinue ony liligqtion.7 DET€RMINAIION, EXIENI Of I.IAEIUIY ANO COINSURANCE. This policy is o controcl o{ incjemritv ogoin5t octuol monetory loss or dor:r- oge rustoin€d or incurred by the insured cloimont who hos suffered loss or dom rge.by.reoton of motten insureo cgornsr by thir ooiicv oncj only': the exte.' nerern descnoed. from purchose including, but not limired to, heirs, 'disrriburees, a e"iiees, 'iu"r";"orr, personol reo.esentolives, next ol lin, or corporote or fiduciory successors.(b) 'insured ctoimont": on insured cloimine lors or domooe. (c) "knowledge" or "known": ociuol lnowledge, not coni;udrve knowreoge or notice *ni(h moy be imputed to on insured by reoson ol the public records -os delined in_ th's policy or ony other records which import consiructive nolice of motters oflecrinq rhe lond. (d) _'lond": the lond described or reierred to in Schedule A, ond improve- ment3 offixed rhereto which by low consritute reol property. The term ,\lond,, does not include ony pfoperty beyond the lines oi the oreo described or refenedlo in. Schedule A, nor ony right. title, intereli, eilole or eosement in obuning streels, roods, ovenues, olleys, lones, woy! or woterwo)rs, but nothing herein shoii modrty or trmrr the erlent ro which o right of occess to ond from the lond is insured by this policy. , (e) ''moagoge": nortgoge, deed of trust, trust deed, or other recurity inslrumenr. (f) "public records": records erroblkhed under ltote stotutes or Dote ol pol- ity lor the puroole o{ importing constructive notice of moners reloling to reolpropery lo purchoters to. volue ond without knowledge. With resged to Sedion l{o)(iv) oi the Exclusions From Coveroge, "public ricords,, shojl olso include environmenio.l protedion liens liled in the re<oidl of the clerk of the United Stofcs diiirict courr for the di:rrict in which rhe lond is locotad.(g) .rnmorketobility of the title": on olleged or opporenr norrer offeciinolhe tiile to 'he lond, not excluded or excepted fiom coveioge, which would entitli' o purchoier of rhe estote or intereet desc;ibed in Schedule-A to be releoled fromthe.obligoron lo purchosc by virtue of o cont.octuol condition requiring fhe delrvery ol Torketoble lrtle,2. CONTINUAIION OF INSUIANCE AFTER CONVEYANCE OF IITTE. , Ihe coveroge. of .rhis policy sholl continue in force os of Dote ol policy.in lovor ol on insured only so long os the insured retoing on eslote or inlere$ rn the lond, or holds on indebtedners secured by o purchose rnoney morlgogc given by c purchoser from rhe insured, or only.so.long os the insured.;hall tri"J t;oir;tity Uy feoson €f covenonti o{ wormnty mode by the insured in ony tronsfer o, convey. once ot the esrote or interesr. This policy sholl not continus ,n force in fovor of ony- pr.rrchoser lrom lhe insured ol either (i) on esrote or inrerert in the lond, or (ii) on indebtedness secured by o purchose money morteoqe oiven to the insuredl ' 3. NOIICE OF CIAIM IO BE GIVEN BY INSURED CI,AIMANT. . The insured,sholl. norify.the Compony prompdy in writing (i) in co:e o{ ony rhgotron os set torth in Sedion 4(o) below, (ii) in cote knowiedqe sholl come ro rn rnsured hereunder o{ ony clorm ol title or inrerest which is oo-verse to the title ro lhe estote or inleresl, os insured, ond wnich mighl couse loss or domoge {or which ihe Compony moy be lioble by 'rnr:e o{ this policy, or (iii) if trtle io rhe eslole or ;rteresl, os insured. is reiected os Jnmorkefoble, l{ prompt ootice sholl 1ol be given ro rhe Compony, then os to tne insured otl iobiriry of tne Compony sholl termrnote with regord to the moner or morers {or which orompt notice is requireci: provided. however, thot foilure to notify the Compony shollin no cose preludice the rights oi ony insured under this policy unless rhe Compony sholl beprejudiced by the foilure ond then only to the extint of the oreiudice.'J. DEF€NSE ANO Pf,OSECUTION OF AOIONS; OUTY Oi IN5UIEO CIAIMANI IO COOPERATE. (o) Upon written request by the insured ond subiect io ths optiong conloined in Sectron 6 ol these Condition: ond Stipulofions, thi Compony, ot ih own cost ond without unreosonoble deloy, sholl provide {or rhe definse of on insured in litigolion in which ony third poriy osserti o doim odvene to the ti e or interejf os nsured, but only os to those ltoted couses o[ oction oileging o defecl, lien or encumbronce or other motter insured ogoinst by this poli{. ihe Compony sholl hove fhe right to seleci counrel o{ its choice (subiect to the iighr ol the'rnsured ro obieo for reosonoble couse) to repfesent the in:,rred os ro rh-ose stoted couses oI oction ond sholl not be lioble for ond will not poy the fees ol ony other counsel. The Comoony will nor poy ony feer, cosis or eipenses incurred bi the insured in lhe detense oI lhose couses o{ octron which ollege motten nol jnsured ogoinsf by this policy. (b) rhe.Compony sholl hove the.right, or its own cost. to in$itute ond prese-(ul(. ony o(tion or proceeding or. io do onI other ocl which in its opinion moy be necessor) or desrroble io estoblish the title to the estqte or interest, os insured, orto orever r or reduce loss or domoge to the rnsured. The Compony moy toie ony oppropflore octron under the terms of thrs policy, whether or not it sholl be iioble rereunde,, ond sholl not thereby concede liobility or woive ony provision of this rolicy. lf ,tre Coirpony sholl exercise its rights under rh,s porogri:it,, ,t snofi oo so lilioentlv . lc) 'dhenever the Compony sholl hove brought on oclion or interposeo o'relense o5 ree.rired or permined by the provisions o{ this policy, the Compony.oy purs\re ony litigofion to linol dererminotion by o court oi competenl lurisdic-ln Ond.sxpfessly reserves lhe rrght, in t9 sole dircrerion, lo Oppeol irgm qny ilverte ludgmenl 0r order. {continued and concluded on last page of this poiicy) CONDITIONS AND STTPULATTONS Continued (continued and concluded trom rarerse side of policv Face) . . (o) The liobiliry of the Compony under this policy sholl not exceed rhe reosr ol: {i) the Amount ol Insuronce sroted in Sthedule A: or. (ii) the dilference between the volue o{ the insured eslote or rnteresr os insured ond lhe volue ol fie insured estote or Interest subiect to lhe defect, lien or en<umbronce rnsured ogoinst by this policy. . (b) In the event the Amount of Insuronce stored in Schedule A or the Dote o{ Policy is les fhon 80 percent of lhe volue of lhe insured esiote or inlerest or lhe tull considerotion poid {or the lond, whichever is less, or if subsequent to the Dote of Policy on improvcment is erected on the lond which increoses'the volue ol tne insured eslote or interest by ot leost 20 percent over lhe Amount of Insurqnre stored rn khedule A, then $is Policy is subjeo ro rhe {ollowing: {r} where no subiequ€nt rmprovement hos been mode, os lo ony por. tiol loss, fhe Compony sholl only poy the loss pro rofo in fhe Drooortion thol the omount of insuronce oi Dote of Policy beors lo lhe lotol volue of the insured eslofe or intcrerf ol Dote o{ Policy; or (ii) where o subsequent improvemeni hos been mode, os to onv ooriiollos, the Compony sholl only poy rhe ross pro roro In the proponion ih;t l20 percent of the Amount ol Inruronce rtoted in Schedule A beor io the sum of the Amounl of Insuroncc stoted in Schedule A ond the omouni expended for rne improvement, Ihe provisions of $is porogroph sholl not opply to costs, o orneys'feer ono expcnses lor which the Compony is lioble undcr this policy, ond lholl only qppry to lhot portion of ony lors which excceds, in the oggrca'ote, l0 perceni oiihi Amounl ol Insuronce rloled in Schedule A- (c) Thc Compony will poy only those (osts, onorneys' lees ond expenses incurred in occordoncc with Section 4 or these Conditions ond Stipulorions.8. APPOTTIONMENI. lf the lond described in Schedule A consists ol two or more porcels which ore not used os o single site. ond o loss is eyoblished of{eoinq one or more ol the oorcels but not oll, the loss sholl be conpuied ond settled on o oro roto bosis os il thc omount o{ insuronce under fhis policy wos divided pro roto oJ lo the yorue on Dote of Policy of,eoch ieporote porcel to the ;hole, ercrusive of ony improvements node subsequent fo Dote of Policy, unles o liobilitv or volue hoi otherwise becn ogreed upon os to eoch porccl by the Compony oird lhe insured oi the time ol lhe issuonce o{ this policy ond shown by on expreis stotemont or by on cndorsemenl ottoched to $is policv.9. UMITAIION OT UABITITY. io) lf the Compony estoblishes the tille, or removes lhe olleged defea, tren or encumbron(e, or cures lhe lock ol o right o{ occess to or lrom the lond, or <ures the cloinr o{ unmorketobility ol title, oll os insured, in o reosooobly diligent monner by.ony method, induding litrgorion ond the completion of ony opp-eols therefrom, it sholl hovc fully perlormed its obligotion: with respect to tliot moner ond sholl not be lioble lor ony loss of donroge coured ihereby. 1b) In the event ol ony litigotion, including lirigotion by rh6 Compony or wirh lhe.Compony t consent, -the. Compony sholl hove no liobiliry lor losi or domoge ,.rnlil there hos been o finol determiirotion by o coun of competent iurirdicrio-n,ond disposition ot oll oppeok therefrorn, odvene to the title o's insurid. . (c) The Compony $oll not be lioble for loss or domoge ro ony insured for liobilily volu orily ossum€d by the insured in se ling ony cloim or suit without the prior wriflen content of the Compony. 10. REDUCIION OF INSUIANCE; REDUCITON OR IERMTNAITON Ot UABIUIY. , All poynents unde,r this poliq, excepi pgynenis mode for cosfs, ofiorneys, teet ond exp€nser, rholl reduce lhe omount of lhe insuronce pro fonto. l r. uABtulY NoNcuMUlAilVE. , ,,lt is expressly understood thot,the omounl of inguronce under this policy sholl bc reduced by ony omounf the Compon; moy poy under ony policy iniurini o mortgogr to which erception is token in Schedule B or ro wlii;h th! insurej hos ogreed, os.urned, or.token rubiect, or which ir hereofter erecuted by oninstred ond which il o chorge or lien on the estote or iniereit describei or re{ened ro in Schcdule A, ond the omount so poid sholl be deemed o poymenl under this policy to the insured owner. 12. PAYIEilT 0t toss. (o) No poyment sholl be msde withoul producing this policy {or enoone- menl or rh€ poyment untess the poliq hos been lost o, destroyed, in which <sse poof.o{ los or destruction sholl be furnished to the sotis{odioi of rhe Compony. .. .(b) Whcn.liobility ond rhe exrenr o{ loss or domoge hos been de{inireiy fixed in occordonce with theic Conditions ond Stipulotiois, the lors or dornoge sholl bc poyoble within 30 doys thereoher. 13. SUBIOGATION UPON PAYl,tENl 0R SEIITEMENI. (o) Ihe Gmponyt Righf of Subrogorion. . Whenever the Compony sholl hove settled ond poid o cloim under this pol. icy, oll right ol subrogotion sholl vest in rhe Compony nno{leoed by ony oci of the insured cloimonl. The Compony sholl be subrogoted to ond be entitled to oll rights ond reme. dies which the insured cloimont would hove hod ogoinst ony person or properly i0 respecr io fhe cloim hod this policy not ')een ilsued. l{ requesred by the Com. pony, lhe insured rloimont sholl tronsfer to the Compony oll righrs ond remedies ogoinst any person or pfoperty necessory in order to perlect this right of subro. golion- The insured cloimont sholl oermit lhe Compony ro sue, compromise or sellle in the nome o{ ihe insured cloimont ond to use ihe nome of rhe insured cloimonl in ony tronsodion or litigotion involving these rights or remedie:. lf o poyment on occount of o cloim docs not fully cover the loss of the insured cloimont, the Compony sholl be subrogored ro th;se rights ond remedies in the proportion which lhe Compony's poyment beors to the whole omovnt o{ the loss. l{ los should rerult {rom ony ocl of the inlured cloimonl, os stoted obove, thot oct lholl not void thrs policy, but the Compony, in thot event, sholl be required to poy only thot pod ol ony losses inured ogoinst by this policy whicr sholl erceod lhe qmount, it ony, lost to the Compony by reoron of the impoir. ment by the insured cloimont of lhe Comoonv'r riohl ol srrbrooolion. !!i Tle Gmpony: Ri9hts Agoinst Noir-in:-u'ed Ob|igo.-rs. Ine Lonpon), s n9ht ol subrogolion ogoinsf non-insured obliqors sholl exist ond shollinclude, wifhout limirotion, the righk of lhe imured to indimnities, 9uo- ronlies, ofier policies ol insuronce or bonds, notwithslondinq qny 161ms s1 ,.^t'- tions contoined in those instrumenrs whicn provide for subro-goti6n righh by reo. son o{ thir policy. I1, -ARBIIRAIION Unles prohibrted by opplicoble low, eiihenhe Conpony o'the insured moy demond orbitrotion pursuont to the Title Insuronce Arbitrotion Rules of the Ameri. con Arbirrotion Associolion. Arbihobie moners moy indude, but ore not limited lo, ony conlroversy or cloim bekeen the Compony ond the insured orising out of or reloling lo this policy, ony service ol the Comiony in connection with-its issu. once or the breoch ol o poliry provision or ofier obliootion. All orbitroble mot. ters when the Amount o{ lnsur6nce is 51,000,000 or lesi sholl be orbitrored onne oplion o{ cither the Compony or the inored. All orbitroble moner! when the Anount ol Insuronce is in excess of 51,000,000 sholl be orbirrored onry wnen ogreed to by both the Compony ond the insured. Arbitrotion pursuoni ro this policy ond under ihe Rules in effeo on the dote the demond fbr orbitrorion is mode or, ot the option of the insured, the Rules in ellect ot Dote ol Policy sholl be binding upon the porties. The oword moy include o orneys' lees only if the lows o{ the slsie in vrhich the lond is locoted pernrit o couri to oword oh'ornevs, fees to o prevoiling porty. iudgment upon the oword rendered by the Arbitro.lo(, mo), be enrered in ony covd hoving judldiction thereof. The low of the situs ol ihe lond sholi dpply to on orbirrorion under the Title Inruronce Arbitrotion Rules. A copy ol fhe Rules moy be obtoined {rom lhe Compony upon requesf. 15. UA$UTY IHIIED lO ltllS POIICY; POUCY ENTTRE CONIRAC]. (o) Ihis policy together with oll endoncments, if ony, onoched hereto by fhe Compony is the entire policy ond conlrod between the insured ond the Com- pony. In inlerpreting ony provkion of this policy, this policy sholl be consrrued os o wnott. .. .(b) .Any doim of loss or domoge, whether or not bosed on negligence, ono wht(h orrr6 out ot lhe stolus oi the tille lo lhe etote or interest covered herebv or by ony oction osierting such cloim, sholl be redricted to this policy. (c) No omendment o{ or endorement to this policy <on be rnode except oy o wriling endorsed hereon or otfoched hereto signed by either the Presidinr, 6 Vice President, the Secrefory, on Assistont Sccretory, br volidoting o{lker or outhorized ignolory ol the Compony. I6. SEVEIABIUTY: In the event ony provision of lhe policy h held involid or unenlorceoble under opplicoble low, fhe policy sholl be deemed nor to indude thor provision ond oll ofier provbions sholl renoin in {ull force ond ef{ect. I7, NOIICS. WHERE SCNI. All nolices required to be qiven the Com6nny 6nd ony stotemenl In writino required b be fur'nished the C-ompony sholl incfude rhe riumber ol rhis oolici ond sholl be oddressed ro rhe Compbny or P.O. Bor 2029, Housron. Texoi* n252.2029. STI'\IZAfIT 'I'ITI-E POLICY INSURANCE HEDU oRDER NO.: 93009521 DATE OF POLICY: Decenber 15, j.993 ac AMOUNT OF INSURANCE: $ 92o.OOO.Oo I. NAME OF INSURED: LE A POLICY NO. : O-9993-172977 L0:47 A.M. sc WILLIAM A. HARRIS AND KATHLEEN M. HARRIS 2. THE ESTATE OR INTEREST IN THE LAND WHfCH IS COVEREDIS: Fee Simple 3. TITLE TO THE ESTATE OR INTEREST IN THE LAND WILTIAM A. HARRIS AND KATHLEEN M. HARRIS BY THIS POLIC)' IS VESTED INI COLORADO,THE LAND REPERRED TO COUNTY OT EAGLE, AND Lot L3,Block 6,VAIL VILLAGE SEVENTH IN THIS POLICY IS IN THE STATE OFIS DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: FILING STEWAIT'I' TI'I'LE GUARANTY C(I[{PANY POLfCY NO. : 0-9993-I7297i THTS POLICY DOES NOT INSURE AGATNST LOSS OR DAMAGE (AND THECOMPANY wrLL Nor PAY -cosrs, ATToRNEys' FEES oR EXpENsEs)WHICH ARISE BY REASON OF: RTGHTS OR CLAIMS OF PARTIES IN POSSESSION NOT SHOWN BYTHE PUBLIC RECORDS !49FryENTS, OR CLAIMS Op EASEMENTS, NOT SHOWN By THEPUBLIC RECORDS.3' DrscREPANcrEs' coNFlrcrs rN BoUNDARY LTNES, SHoRTAGE rNAREA, ENCROACHMENTS, AND ANY FACTS WHICH A CORRECTSURVEY AND TNSPECTION OF THE PREMISES VTOULD DISCLOSEAND WHICH ARE NOT SHOWN BY THE PUBLIC RECORDS.4. ANY LIEN, OR RIGHT TO A LIEN, FOR SERVI'iS, LABOR ORMATERIAL HERETOFORE OR HEREAFTER FURNISHED; TMPOSED BYLAW AND NOT SHOWN BY THE PUBLIC RECORDS5' UNPATENTED MTNTNG cLArMS,' RESERVATTONS oR ExcEprroNsrN PATENTS OR AN ACT AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE THEREOF;WATER RIGHTS CLAIMS OR TITLE TO WATER. 6. Taxes for the year 1993, not yet a 1ien due and payable. 7 . The effect of incrusions in any general or specific waterconservancy, fire protection, ioil coni.r,ruiion or ot.herdistrict oi'incrusion in any'water service oi-street improvementarea. 8. Reservations or exceptions contained in u.s. patents, or in Actsauthorizincr the issuince thereof, recordeil vliy zl, 1926 inBook e3 ar-pase 146, resertiil-ii Ri;;i;-;; iilL proprieror or avein or lode to extiact ana i6rnove ni! or"-tr,"reiroir ina zl-- - figl',t=. of way for ditcher und canals constructed under theaurhorlty of the United states. 9- Easenents, restrictions and rights-of-hrays as shown on the platof vail Village seventh FiJ-i.ng, recorded December 17, 1965 asReception No. 1O27gO L0. Terrns, conditions, reservations, restrictions and obtigations ascontained in coveriants for vair'viitJq.-s""itrtn Fiiinq';;;;;;";'Decenber 17, 1965 in Book rg? at page 515 as neceptioi N;:-----102778. 11. A Deed of Trust dated December 7, !gg3, executed by lrrillian A.Harris and Kathleen M. {a5riq, t6 the public Tiustee of EagreCounty, to secure an indebtedness of g69O,OOO.OO, in favor-ofchase Manhattan personal Financial s"i"ic6i, -in". recordedDecenber 15, r,993 in Book 627 at page 584 as neception-N-.523646. SCHEDULE 1.. EXCEPTIONS NUMBERED 1-4 ARE HEREBT.OMITTED o ENDORSEMENT TO TTTLE POLICY SERIAL NUMBER 0-9993-I72977 FORM L30 LnAXLjr5 25.(; oNO. 93009521 s Hndorsenen s maoe a parE or sard po s?EwARr rriii"S8all*r, coMpANy HEREIN CALLED THE COMPANY Provided there is situated on the Land describeid under scheduLeA of-the Policy a single fanily residence, the policy is herebyarnended as follows: Notwithstanding anything_therein to the contrary the policyInsures against ross or danage by reason of the-folroi,ring:- +. Any unfiled lien for Labor or materiaL furnished forlmprovements on the land (except for any such lien arising outof construction contracted for- or assum6d by the insured) |provided construction of arI inprovernents ii conpieted at dateof policy; 1. -llshts or clains of parties in possession of the principaldwel l ing , 3. The enforced removal of the principal. dwelling on accountof, at Dale of policy: (a).. +ny encroachment of said prj.ncipal dwelling ontoadjoining l_ands or onto any eisement shown as anexception in Schedule B or onto any unrecordedsubsurface easenent.(b) -.A{ry violation of building setback lines or covenants,conditions or covenants, conditions or restrictionsreferred to in Schedule'B of the policv.(c) _ Any viol-ation of any zoning ordinince if the Land isused only for a single family r6sidence. I!:..!:ll: "principal dwe).Iing" neans any single familyrestclentLal structure on the rand whether detached or-not. rfthe principal dwelling i.s a condominiurn unit it r;fers to thespace within the boundaries of the unit. Additional improvements'and areas such as.out-buildings, detached garages, fentes,driveways,.retaining walrs, piants and comfron Sreis are noEtncluded !tlthrn this definition. The terms rrzoning ordinance'ldoes not include building codes, occupancy regulations andsubdivision Laws. the schedul-es,modified bv the cond it ionsprovisions and stipulationshereof. cy an s-G[6lect totherein,except as STBWART TITLE OUARANTY CO[,I PANY NO, 93009521 CONTINUATTON OF ENDORSEMENT TO TITLE POLICYSERIAL NTJI.,IBER O-9993-I7 2977 FORM 130 Nothing herein contained shallchanging the effective date ofexpressly stat.ed. Signed under seal.valid only when itas of the date of Stewart Morris Jr. Chai.rrnan of the Board Countersigned: be construed as extendinq orsaid policy, unl.ess otheiwise for the Company, but the Endorsement is to bebears an autho_rized countersignature, effectivethe policy thereto. Malcolrn S. Morris President Stevrart TitIe of EagleCounty, Inc.P.O. Box 2000Vail, Co. 916S8(303) 949-1011 CounEeF.lsTE-frlE NO. 93009521 ENDORSEMEI{T TO TITLE POLICY SERIAL NWBER O-9993-L72977 FORl,t 103 .7 CHARGE $ so. oo Issued by STSWART TITLE GUARANTY COMPANY HEREIN CALLED THE COMPANY The Conpany hereby assures the Insured That said l-and abuts upon a physically open street knownas3 1187 VAIL VALLEY DRM, VAIL, CO 81557 and-the conpany !'ereby insures said assured against loss whichsaid assured sharl sustain in the event said [erein shal]. proveto be incorrect. The Total liability of the CorBpany under said policy and anyendorsenents thereto shall not exc6edl in tne aggrigatel theface anount of said policy and costs wnicn the 65npiny isobligated under the -conditions and stipulations tnlre6t to pay. This endorsdment is rnade a part of said policv and issubjeet to the schedules and th6 conditions and slipurationstherein, except as modified by the provisions hereoi. orsenen s nade a parE, ot sarcl pollcy aniland stipulations therein,ect tothe schedules,modified by the conditionsprovisions hereof.AS Malcolrn S. Morris President Stewart Titte of EagteCounty, Inc.P.O. Box 2000Vail, Co. 81658(303) 949-1011 STEWART TITLE CUARANTY COMPANY Nothing herein contained shall be construed as extendinq orchanging the effective date of said policy, unress otheiwiseexpressJ.y stated. signed under- seal for the conpany, but the Endorsenent is to bevarrct onry_when it bears an authorized countersignature, effectiveas of the date of the policy thereto. Stewart Morris Jr, Chairman of the Board Countersigned: .L A1t, !!I9 DBEq, Uade thla lothldal' o! Dcc€trber, 1993, betneen ttAICOIJtt D.'# il#ltT.'ff.fi;tsTil""f^{*mF":"idl;:.,i:,:"igl,e#!lil: iluu,,,lferdovLaka DrLve, Dunsoody, cA 30338 of the Coun{.y of Dekalb .ndState of Georgia, grrnte6!: \g. nfffrfSsETH, That the grantor for and Ln coneideratlon of th€ aun of ^\r_ TEt! Dol!4Rg AND oTHER. cooD AND VATJUABLE coNsrDERATroN thc receipt Td)P'n0 3"4 sufflcloncy oc-wtrtctr f.- h;.;bt-l;fnowledsed, rrie grintea. ' 1V Tbargained, oold and conveyed, and- by thege pieeenta d6ee oran^1v/Pargain€d, ?9ld and conveyed, and by these pieaenta d6ee grant,\7 ltrrgatn. _l€Il, convsy - and confln unto the grantees, thelr helre and / aas19n6 forever, not_ ln t€nancy in conraon but in Joint tenancy, all' :o?I pToperty, togeth€r wlth luproveDents, lf anyl sltuate, lling anaDotng l'n the County of Eagl€ and gtat€ of Colorado deecrLbed aafolloes: Iot 13 ,'t! Block 6, VAIL VIIJLAGE SSVENTH FII,ING . I SCBEDLLE , OOO8414 aa_ knonn by atrebt and nu[ber as: 1f87 vall valley Drlve, VaLl,Colorado 81652 TOGgfttER rrlth aII and al.nEular the heredltanents and. appurtenancesthcreto belonging, or Ln inywlee appertal.ning, and the- levereLon analravsrsl,on!, renalndcr and renalndcr-, rente, -issueg and pro!1t6ther€of, anal all tha estat€, right, tltle, interegt, claim and dernandwhatsoev€r of the grantor, eithtr in law irr eguity,-of ln and to thelbov€ bargal,ned prculeee, rrlth tho h€redltanente iira appurtonances. To HAVE Al{D To HOLD the aal.d prenlses above bargrained and alegcribed,t lth the rppurtenanc€e, unto Lhe grantee, hia hilre and aeelsnBforever,. And th€ grantor, lor hinself, irls heire, and persoialrepreEentatlvee, doea covenant, grant, bargain, and agrie to and withthe grant6e, hle helrg and asel.gne, that a€ the tlne 6f tneensealing rnd deLivery of these-presents, he ls well seized of theprernJ.ees - above conveyed, has goo-, sure, perfect, absolute andlndefeasibl€ e6tat6 of lnherltance, in Lair, in fie eluple, and hasgood rlEht, tull porer rnd lanful iuthortt! to grant, Larialn, seIIand convey the Ban6 Ln uanner and for! as iforejaid,'and fhat'theaaDe are frB€ and clear froE al1 forner and other grrants, bargalns,sfle€, Ii€ns, taxas. raseaanentE, encunbranc€s and -reEtrictloig ofwhrt€ver klnd or nature soev6r, except Thor. tratt.rr Bet forth ln Exhtbtt nAri attaoh€d h.r.to .nd tBadG apart hereof. The grantor shall and nilL WARRAilT A}{D FOREVER DEFEND theabove-bargalned. prenisee ln the qulet and peaceable poseesslon of thegrantee, hls helrs and-aeaigns, igalnet aI-I and ever| person orperaons lauflrlly clalnlng the nhole or any part therioi. Theslngular nunber shall include the pluralr-tle plural the singular,lnd the uge of any gender ehall be- appliiable to aif gendersl rr nrrNEss I|IIEREoP, the grcntor hae €xecuted thls deed on tlre date €6tforth above. al:l 3 523645 8-627 Sara J. Fi sbe r P-583 lZ/15/93 10:46A PG I OF 3 Eagle County Clerk &. Recorder REC T'OC 15.00 92.00 ,'b ' ' rx -J Stcrort tttlc of €.rt! Co6ty, tnc. . 9i0095 .Ct State of County ol *-t EAGLE . r,U--fr. torcgol.nE lngtrulsnt yar lcknorlodged before at tbl.ellII eey ot D.c.!b.r, 1993, by Xrtool! D. B.ilcy. l{y-counl.raton oxpl.rea G)6p^x- Z\ rgQ\, tt].tnerc !y hand andolllclal mal. Cri{T -\s. u"lr+..llotlry Publlc ea er 6236{5 R-621 P-583 t2/t6/g3 10:46A Po 2 oF g F$,tl$ -tt'--d IBIT A Attached to and crantor(B) , to part of ll[rrnty De€d fron IIALCOIJII D. BAILSI ,l. IIARRIa ilfD KAlSllLEEl| ll. I{ARRIS , Grantee(a) . Iaxea for the ye.r 1993, not y6t a lLen due and payabLe. ReaervatLone of exceptlonB contal,ned ln u.s. Patentg, or th ActE ruthorir lng the Lsauance thereof, recorded l4ay 27, 1926 ln Book 93 !t Plge 1,16, re!.rvLng 1) RlghtB of, the proprletor of a veLn or lode to extrlct and re[ov. hls ore tharcfrorn and 2)rlghte ol uay for dltcher rnd canllr constructed under theauthorlty of the unlt.d 8trt6s. Eaaenentg, r€strLctlons rnd rlghts-of-eays as ghosn on the platof Vall v111a9e sevonth Flllng, recorded Decenb€r t7, t965 aa R€ceptlon llo. 102780. Tsrns, condltlons, rcacrvrtione, regtrlctLona and obllgationE ae contal.ned in covenantg for vall vlll.ge Seventh ftltng r€corded Dscenber 17, 1955 In Book 187 .t PaE€ 515 as Reception No. 102778 . 523645 8-62? P-583 12/16/93 10346A Po 3 oF 3 v made a IIIIJ,IAl'I ri el Cr f9vlsed 2/E{/0C Date of AFplication Date ol DHB Meetins ApPLIGATI0N FoR ADDTTTONAL GBFA (250) t.rYBE OF HEQUE$T /( $tandard pSO Type I EHU 250 Type ll EHU 250 TYPE V EHU 250 fr. PRE-AF,P_IJCATTONpgJtFERENcE ilr. APPLTCATTON INFOHMATTON A, PHOJECT DHSCHIPTION i TOV . C0l!i[/l.|D['j. D RffiTYI rApre-applloatlon conferenoe with a mernber of tho plannlng staff is strongly encouraged todlscuss the provlslons undet whlch additional GRFA can ui uoa.J to-a stte. lt shoutd beundorstood that lhis ordinance does not essute each property an aioitlonat 2so square feet ofGRFA. Rather, the ordlnance allows for-up to 2sq.Fqua; fe;t ir *re conditions *j riir.r'r --' Chapter 18.s7 or Chaprer 18.7r of tno rown ot VEijEEd?E-met. Applications for additions under this section will not be accepled unteEs they ars comptete.Thls Includes att informafon required on this form as vr{ellas Design Review A"ard;;b*ltinf requirernentg B, LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: Address Legal C Zone D I vAu-E! oe,. Lot*I3.- Btock_lA __ Filinfu C. NAME OF APPLICANT: D.NAME OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVT: FEIfZI4II, PTECCE E8ldEE" :Addross Pr. 6aF_6-t .VAr!-, tr al NAME OF OwNER(sl:, # 4: ..da**u _*k,. - * u - Slgnaturo(s Filing Fee of $200.00 is requlred at time of submittal requesl involving an EHU, the lee is walved. F. ' of a standard 250.. For a tltlArl A^tO pnon{,t/iD-?i:f-rtq MAY 31 :t ,.i '.1 ;tl 1.1 !I :..t tt,j a:,:-J tY!4 IJETTER OF TRAIISMITTAI. ror fllW mou-tc* T.o.v. Attn: Attached Please Find: Progress Prints PIansEOther Zbo _ Specifications _ Shop Drawings The items listed above are: _ For Review and Connent _ As Requested Other _ For Your Use Returned After Review Remarks z fW€- TOV.COMM. DEV, DEPT, Dare: 5.21.14 Job No. q36l Re: BtAry> 9 (Mk $ZAor Page 1 rRAN8o00.DOC eyt Btla 0AI* Copies tol I OOO LIONSR,IDGE LOOP VAIL COLORADO 6 I656,!rlt|lil..i aa.0! tttllltlt(tcE POST OFFICE BOX 57 503 476 6342 FAX 303 476 49ol ADJACBNT OTII|ERSBill and Kathy Earria Job* 9367 OWNBRIi: Block 6, Lot L3, Vail Village ?th FilingPhysical: 1187 Hornsilver CircleParcel #: 2101 092 05 001William A. and Kathleen M. Harris 5131 !{eadowlake Drive Dunwoody, GA 3033S IDJACENT OI{NERS: Block 6, Lot 12, Vail Village ?th PilingPhysical: 1157 Hornsilver CircleParcel #: 2101 092 05 002Verner Averch 4900 Clarkson Street Denver, CO 80215 Block 6, I-,ot 14, Vail ViIIage 7th FilingPhyslcal: 1195 Hornsilver CircleParcel #: 2101 092 06 002 Donald M. and Helen H. Kidder 120 S. Riverside Plaza Suite #L420Chicago, IL 60606 Block 2, Lot.2, VaiI Valley lst FilingPhyElcal: 1184 Cabin CircleParcel *: 2101 092 02 001Paul R, and Sarah A. Johnston 356 Hansen Ranch Roadvail, co 91557 Tract DParcel *:2101 081 14 002 Town of Vailc/o Finance Department 75 South frontage Roadvail, co 81657 ,_._o, \ b I r I q4 - oc[doca-nrs NLr$- cr.rf ii t \ \ Page 1 adjaown.doc 27-May-94 PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Design Review Board will be reviewing the following application on July 6, 1994 in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. 1. A request for an additional 250 square feet of Gross Residential Floor Area for a new single family dwelling at the Harris Residence located at 1187 Vail Valley Drive/Lot 13, Block 6, Vail Village 7th Filing. Applicant: William and Kathy Harris The applications and information about the proposals are available in the zoning administrator's office during regular otfice hours for public inspection. TOWN OF VAIL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Published in the Vail Trail on June 3, 1994. o I'zt'7i 0K_ oK_ oK- - ..l'Dt,,) 5. F M-^-t "-y/r-Q **f+^f^t * 6RFt+ : ,- -Lg*t , _.oK M**t N/-J 0r.to.-- 0r-- lLf + +@rde/\j{,S ' ( -b.z--*-"1 "-7 b.r''-+ O 6<fA' q,v* ry O /.*'"- ,z,-r4 o SFR ZONE CHECK FOR , R, R P/S ZONE DISTRI lho(lic+o cTs DATE: D 26.?4 LEGAL DESCRTPTTON: Lot 13 Block 6 rifing IJ. tr,., ADDRESS: OWNER PHONE PHONE ZONE DISTRICT ARCHITECT Height @ ds b /R /'"-J'-/1 Existinq Proposed TotalAllowed N@D I?/1 Primary GRFA jzob + 425 =_3631 a2so,3t?J_ "8?1 Setbacks Front Sides Rear 20' 15' 15' (30) (s0) +v ,'t/a lb,t4 t?az 3 neqra 3 v/ (3oo) (66t))eoo) o.2oo , 600 Permitted Slope ;Q!_ Actual Slope Date approved by Town Engineer: Water Course Setback /\Sit,e Coverage V0"r) )/ -\Landscapins (bo'/o ) Ret.aining WaII. Heights Parking carage Credit Drive: ,rrd. -f 7 L?4..q /",.,n 3' /6r Yes h'ix. -+ 2561.8 1",,,c r.) 2',, 3) View Corridor Bncroachment: Environment.al,/Hazards : o-t/1'r', Geologic Hazardsa) Snow AvaLanche Nn 4) b) Rockfall )c) Debris FIowWetlands N,' Prevlous conditions of approvar (cheek,:property filel: lr/A Does thls request involve a 250 Addition? Ve9How much of the allowed 250 Addicion is useffi-ffiis requesr,? A/l #,+l **NoLe: Under Sections 19.12.090(B) and 1g.13.0g0(B) of the Municipalcode, lots zoned Two Fanily and primary/seconoaiy wnicn are tess-tnan15r000-sq- ft- in area may not const,ruct a second dwelring ""ii. 'rrr. Community Development Deplrtment may grant an exception t6 ihi;resLriction provided the appJ.icant meets the criteria set forth underSections 18.12.090(B) and r-8.13.080 (B) of the uunicifaf-coou-i""fuAingpermanently restricting,the unit.as. a.Jong-Lerm rentll unit for full_time employees of t.he Upper Eagle Valley. 10 DATE: 5'25,74 DESCRTPTION: oa sFR, R, R P/S ZONE DTSTRTCTS r,ot 13 Block 0 FiLing SS: I 16 ot{l,,IER ARCH: ZONE DI PROPOSED USE **LOT SIZE Height TOTAI GRFA Primary GRFA Secondary GRFA Setbackg AIIowed (30) (33) Existinq TotaI 4A FronL Sides. Rear Water Course Setback Site Coverage Landscaping Retaining waIl Helghts Parking Garage Credlt Drive: <p + 425 =_3L3t +22 + 425 20t 15' 15' (30) (s0) /6t 44- tb17 l0 031 (B) of the Municipal which are less thandwelling unit. Theeption to this 3 th Io resp,riction provided the applicant meet.s the cri eria set forth underSeQtions L8.L2.090(B) and 18.13.090(B) of the cipal Code including Te9ze 6Frr.l€.47 b -631L ab6l ?olw 2o', I b11 t0 o4.I 4'- l \ool toool (eoo) (12oo1 leeo Per\it,ted Slope -1ilL Actual Slope -a)</- loJ Date \approved by Town Engineer: View Corridor Encroa Yes No-X- ??? Environment.allHaz 1) rlobd Plain NA 2l Pe t sJ.ope N/A 3) GeoLoUlc Hazardsa) \Snow Avalancheb) \ockfallc) DAbris FIow4) Wetlands Ptevlous con tions of approval (check pro y file) Does t,hLs st involve a 250 Addition? How much of/the allowed 250 Addition is used w this. reguest2 22o **Note: Ulder Sections Ig.LZ.090(B) and 19.13.0 99dgr |fis zoned Two Family and primary/Seconda L5t0W sq. ft. in area may not construct a secoCom$unity Development Department may grant an ex nently restricting tbe unit as a tong-termemployees of the Upper Eagle Valley J.U tal unlL for full-