HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 7 BLOCK 6 LOT 14 LEGALatr*( Design Revieu Eoard ACTIOI{ FORlrl Depaftment of Commufl ity Develspment 75 South Fro$tage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel:970.479,2139 fax:970.479,2{52 web: www.railgorr.(om W'/Lq.frry7 /'* "/,b/Lb cfittstrY Evalnp E.it Prcject Name: Proiect Description: Prcject Addressl 1195 HORNCILVER CR. Legnl Description: Parcel Number: Comments: Pailicipantsr owNER JOHNSTON, PAUL R. & SAMH A.O9lI4l200s 356 HANSON MNCH RD VAIL co 81657 APPUCANT COLORADO'S LANDSCAPING CO. 109/14/2005 Phone: 949-0868 PO BOX 6694 AVON co 81620 1195 VAIL VALLEY DR VAIL JOHNSTON RES. LANDSCAPING CHANGES DRB t{umber: DR8050495 FINAL APPROVAL FOR TREE REMOVAL-ASPENS Location: Loh 14 Block 6 Subdivision: VAIL VILTAGE RUNG 7 2101-092-0600-2 SEE CONDiTIONS Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Actlon: STAFFAPR Date of Approval= O9l28l2OO5 Cond: I (PIAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities, Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. ConC: CON0007587 THE APPLTCANT SHALL PLANT A MINIMUM OF THREE 2.5{AUPER ASPENS ON THE NORTH PORTIC DF THE SITE ALONG THE DRIVEWAY TO REPI.ACE THE TREES BEING REMOVED. INSTALI.ATION OF I '-ffit:]Hiffii#ddl'a*ff-web: www.vailgov.com General Information: All projecb requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be rs/iewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction @mmences within one year of the approval, Description of the Request: Physical Address: ,r Parcel No.:(Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Zoning: o 7tw U. vl s { 4 Name(s) of Owner(s): Mailing Address: -. Owner(s) Sigirature(s): ( { Name of Applicant: E-mail Address: Mailing Address: Type of Review and Fee: tr Signs E Conceptual Review tr New Constructiontr Addition tr Minor Alteration (multFfamily/commercial) -( Minor Alteration (single-fam ily/duplex) tr Changes to Approved Plans tr Separation Request $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 Construction ofa new building or demo/rebuild. $300 An addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). $250 Minor changes to buildings and site implovements, such as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 Minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-roofing, painUng, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 Revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. No Fee ******t*+*****++******+*+************************'l***+*+*+i'x****tt****t***+*++***'i********** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO statement*++*********1**a********+******+*****+++++*lf+*+++**+*************+**++++++tt*********t*+*** Statement Number: R0S0001512 Amount: 920.00 09/X4/?OOSa1 :13 AM Palment Method: Check Init: ,fS Notation: 128s,/COLORADO ' S LAtiIDsCApING CO Permit No: DRBO50495 e4>e: DRB-Minor AlE, SHR/DUP Pareel No: 2101-092-0200-1 Site AddreaB: 1184 CABIN CR VAIL Lrocat.ion: 1195 HORNCILVER CR. Total Feea: $20.00ThiE Pa)rment: $20.00 Total ALL pmts: $2O.OOBalances $0-00 'l****+++++tf++*+*******{.********{r**************ft**+a{t******'t*******{'1*++++++********f****** ACCOIJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current pmta DR OO1OOOO3LT22OO DESIGN REVTEW FEES 20.00 Itt N'!-: ! o Desi o gn T Review Action OWN OFVAIL o F Project Name: G.S. Johnson Residence Project Description: fnstallation ofsplit rail fence along landscaped berm Owner, Address and Phone:G.S. Johnson. 1195 Hornsilver Circle Proiect Street Address:1195 Hornsilver Circle Legal Description: Lot 14, Block 6, Vail Village 7th ParcelNumber: 210l-092-06-002 Comments: Project#: n/a Building Name: fuchitect/Contact, Address and Phone: Tim Kehoe/Gcorge Shaeffer Construction, PO Box 373, Vail, CO 61658, 845-5656 orm Motion by: Seconded by: Vote: Conditions: Town Planner: Brent Wilson Date: 512U99 FIE!'ERYONE\DRB\APPROVAL99UOHNSON. WPD Board / Staff Action Action; Brent Wilson DRB Fee Pre-Paid: $20.00 Qucstions? Q, tn. ,t*,", staiTai 4li--128 APPLICATTON FOR DESTGN REVIEW APPROVAL GENERAL INFORMATION This application is for any projcct rcquiring Dcsign Rcvicrv approvat. Any projcct rcquiring dcsign revierv must rcccivc Dcsign Rcvierv approval prior to subnritting for a building pcrmit. For specific information, see the subnittal rcquircmcnts for thc particular rpproval that is rcqucsted. Thc application cannot bc acccptcd until all thc requircd inlbrnration is subnrittcd. Thc projcct rrray also nccd to bc rcvicrvcd by thc Torvn Council and/or thc Planning and Environnrcntal Conlnission. Dcsign Rcvierv Board approval crpires one ycar aftcr final approval unlcss a building permit is issued and construction is startcd. A. DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST:tJ,* B. C. D. E. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: LOTI BLaCK: (" FILING: PHYSICAL ADDRESS: Ftqrte F. G. ZONING: NAME OF OWNER(S): MAILING ADDRESS: OWNER(S) SIGNA NAME OF APPLICANT: MAILINC ADDRESS: E Ncrv Construction - $200 Construction of a new building. tr Addition -$50 Includcs any addition rvhcrc squarc footagc is added to any rcsidential or comrncrcial building. $20 Includcs nrinor changcs to buildings and site improvcments. such as. rcroofing. painting. window additions. landscaping. fenccs and rctaining walls. etc. @"o'Altcration DRB fccs are to be paid at the timc of subnrittal. Latcr. rvhcn appllng for a building pennit. pleasc identiff thc accurarc valuation of thc projcct. Thc Torvn of Vait rvilt adjust thc fce according to thc projcct valuation. PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPLICATION, ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF CONIMUNITY DEVELOPIVIENT, T5 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD. vArL, coLoRADO 81657. PARCEL *: 2lO I Oq2- OC nkontact Eaglc Co. Asscssors Officc at 970-328-8640 for parcel #) H. TOWN OFVAIL oo ld f /{ lv -t NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUS$ BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL ELECTRICAL PERMIT Pernit #: /'tL fl G) TIMES E95-0105 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 303 -47e-2 I 3 8 / 479-2 I 39 FAX 303-479-2452 APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER CONTRACTOR Description: INSTALL ELEC. ]N NWE I]OME DRB fcr SHAEFFER, CONSTRUCTION P O BOX 3?3, VArL CO 81658 SHAEFFER CONSTRUCTION P O BOX 373, VAIL CO 81558 ,]OHI..ISON SUSAN P ONE BLOCKBUSTER PLAZA, FT LAUDERDALE EAGLE VALLEY ELECTRIC P O BOX 1116, MTNTURN CO 81545 Phone: 3038455656 Phone: 3038455656 333011860 Phone z 3A38275772 Val-uation: ?92.8 ?92.00 ' --Deltartrnent of Comnunity Development ?,/././,. Job Address-:-."i195 VAIL VALLEY DR ..i Statua... ! rssuED Location Applied..: 05/t0/!995 Farcel No..: 2101-092-06-002 Issued...: 06/05/1995 Project No.: PRJ95-0048 Expires..: t2/02/1995 .00 *ff,f,*f,ff,ffi#r*trffi FEE SUff'IARY ##rl***ffiJrffirffiit***f,t*ffi***t*rffirt*'nt* Etcctri ca L-->289.00 Total catcutated Fees--> 292.N Investigatior> tli t L cal.t---> TOTAL FEES---> .00 3.00 297.M Additionat Fees-------> TotaI Pcrnit tee--------> Payments------- EALANCE DUE---- rffiffi.ftrt*ffiS*******rr***#**ffi**#***tlrt*ffi#*##rr*r*ti*ffi***tr**t!#.*Jr*Jr*t******|t*}||tilffitt** Dept: BUILDING Division:Item: O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMENTO5/26/L995 GARY Action: APPR ***rr**#tiHrffitrffi*rffiHtrffit#rtr*l**H#*rt***fH**ffi*t#.ffi*t|trffi*ffir*irt******* CONDITTON OF APPROVAL ffi ffirffi ffi 1ff **ffi **H**ffi ,rrrffi **ffi *lr*tr*#ffirr*Jrtr*Jrt*Sr****ffi DECLARATIONS t hereby acknovtedgc that I have read this application, fil.ted out in futt the information required, conpteted an accurate ptot pLan, and state thit att the infornation provided as requircd is correct. I agree to compty vith the infornation and ptot plan, io conpLy vith al.l, Tolrn ordinances and stite [aus, and io buitd this structure according to the Tor.h's zoning and subdivision codes, design revier approved, Uniforn BuiLding Code and other ordinances of the Town appticable thereto. REOUESTS FOR II{SPECTIONS SHALL BE I4ADE TIIENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-213E OFFICE FROI.I **************************************************************** StatenntTOWN OF VArL, COLORADO**************************************************************** sratennt Number: REC-0031 Amountt, 292.00 06/05/95 15:15 Palrment Method: CK Notationt 28459 Init: JR E95-0105 Type: B-ELEC ELECTRICAL PERMTT 2tot-092-06-002 1195 VAIL VALLEY DRTotal Fees: 292.00 Total ALIJ Pmts: Balance: **************************************************************** Permit No: Parcel- No:Site Address: This Paynent Account Code 01 0000 41313 01 0000 41336 Description EIJECTRICAL PERMIT FEES WII,L CALIJ INSPECTION FEE 292.00 292.00 .00 AInount 289.00 3.00 -**************************************************************** TOWN OF VArL, COLORADO Statemnt**************************************************************** Statemnt Number! REC-0031 Amount:2 ttsg.25 06/05/95 15:18Init: JR P95-0070 Type: B-PLMB PLUMBING PERMIT zLOl-092-0 5-002 1195 VAIL VALLEY DR * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * :l * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Payment Method: CK Notation:28459 Permit Nor Parcel No:Site Address: This Payment Account code 01 0000 41311 01 0000 47332 01 0000 47336 Total Fees: 2,L59,25 Total ALL Pmts: Balance: Description PLT'MBING PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES WILI, CALL INSPECTION FEE 2,L59 .25 2,L59 .25 .00 funount 7,725.00 431.25 3.00 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES TOWN OFVAIL 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 303-479-2 r 3I / 479-2I se FAX 303-479-2452 Deparnnent of Conmwniry Deve lopment OWNER JOHNSON SUSAN P oNE BLOCKBUSTER PLAZA, FT LAUDERDALE 333011860 Description: DEMO OF OLD HOME & CONST. OF A NEW ONE. Job AddresE: Location. . . : Parcel No..; Project No.: Status. . . Applied. . Issued. . . Expires.. ISSUED o4/!4 /ree5 05 /26 /Lee5rL/22/Lee5 1195 VAIL VALLEY DR 2101-0 9 2 -0 6-0 02 PRJ9 s-0 04I Valuation:a03,224.00 Add Sg Ft: 6905 tifeptace lnformltion: Restri cted: YES fof Gas Appliances: 1 fof Gas Logs:5 fof t,ood/Pa l t?t: trf,trhtrf*!ffi*#*rrhffi**ffiff,****ffi****ffi*S*# FEE SUtilTARY *Jrr*'r*Jr**ffirtt*l(**rrffi*rr*****f,tttr***t1**r*t*ffi****rt*Jr Occupancy! R3 Type Construction: V N Bui tdi ng--->3,5 56.00 Restuarant Ptan Rcviel.t--> Ptan check---> ?,311 .40 DRB rnvest i gation> tli l.l. cal.t----) .00 3.00 Recreation Fee----------> ctean-Up Deposit------> TOTAL FEES----- Single Family Residence Tvpe V Non-Rated .00 400. m 690.50 750.00 7 .710.90 Totat catcu[ated F!!s---> AdditionaL Fees---------> TotaI Pernit Fee--------> Payments------- BALANCE DUE---- 7 ,710 .9A 100.m 7,810.90 7,810.90 -----_--2 trl lv.,v o,rL,rrrrt uuc ffi *-***rr***#rffi ffir'Ho|f.ffi ********in** ***ffi tt*itt*rr:ffir*ffi *f rffi t*Jrf'f'*'(** Dept: BUILDING Division: Dept: PLANNING Division: Dept: FIRE Division: Dept: PUB WORK Division: *lr**tffirt*ii**irffiik*f**ffi**ffr#Hrffi**rt*ffi#drffi*i*rtlr***trffi*#**ffi**tffr*ltltirhHrfrrtnHtffirHr#' See page 2 of this Docurnent for any ccnditions that nay apply to this Permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknor.rtedgc that I have read this appl,ication, fitted out in futt the infornation required, comptsted an accurate ptot pl,an, a'nd state thit att the information provided as required is correct. I rgree to compty eith thc inforration and ptot plan, to cinpty eith atl, Toen ordinances and state laws, and io buitd this structure according to the Town's zoning and subdivision codes,'disign revieu approved, Uniforn Buitding Code and othe. ordinances of the Tovn apPticabte thrreto. REOUESTS FOR INSPECTTONS SHALL BE I'IADE TIIENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY IELEPHONE AT 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROII 8:@ A1'l 5:00 Pf',l *Xit; @ $\lb,eo :' 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT6/1995 GARY ACTiON: APPR:'05500 PUBLIC WORKS6/1995 GARY Action: APPR Send Ctean-Up DePosit To: GEoRGE SHAEFFER t Page 2 *****************************************************'k************************** CONDITIONS Permit *; 895-00?7 as of 05/30/95 Status---: ISSUED **********************************rt*************************tr******************* Permit Type: NEw SFR BUILDING PERMIT Applied--z 04/.L4/.L99s Applicant--: JOHNSON SUSAN P Issued---: 05/.26/.1995 To Expire z Ll/22/1995 Job Address: 1195 VAIL VALLEY DR Location---: Parcel No--: 2101-092-06-002 Description: DEMO OF OLD HOME & CONST. OF A NEW ONE. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * COnditiOns t *******************:l********* 1. THIS PROJECT WILL REQUIRED A SITE IMPROVEMENT SURVEY. SUCH SURVEY SHALIJ BE SUBMITTED AND APPROVED PRIOR TO REQUEST FOR A FRAME INSPECTION 2. ATTIC SPACES SHALL HAVE A CEILING HEIGHT OF 5 FEET OR LESS, AS MEASURED FROM THE TOP SIDE OF THE STRUCTURAL MEMBERS OF TITE FLOOR TO THE UNDERSIDE OF THE STRUCTURAL MEMEBERS OF THE ROOF DIRECTLY ABOVE. **************************************************************** TOWN OF VArL, COLORADO Statemnt, ****************.**************************!t************lrlr******* Statemnt Number: REC-0026 Amounti 7r810.90 05/30/95 14:53 Palrment Method: CHECK Notationt 28423 Init: LRD 895-0077 Type: B-BUILD 2IOI-092-05-002 1195 VAIL VALLEY DRTotal Fees:7r810.90 Total ALL, Pnts: Balance:**************************************************************** Permit No: Parcel No:Site Address: This Payment Account Code 01 0000 41310 01 0000 41331 01 0000 41332 01 0000 22002 30 0000 45032 01 0000 4t336 01 0000 41330 NEW SFR BUILDING PER Description BUILDING PERMIT FEES DESIGN REVIEW FEES PLAN CHECK FEES CLEANUP DEPOSITS RECREATION FEES WILI, CALL INSPEC?ION FEE OTHER FEES 7, 810 .90 7, 810 .90 .00 Anount 3 r 556. 00 400 .00 2,3Lr.40 7s0.00 690.50 3 .00 100. 00 ?9 -?orr 'Y I ^ , AppLrcATroN MUST BE FTLLED OUT COMPTETELy OR rT,l.l+y. NoT BE 4g,CREtEp [***************************** pErwrr rNFoRldATro" *ild[ilr*lirl("r*tl-U|IJn..***:r*rl 'G ToI{N oF vArlJ coNsrRucrroN &or -o?=--06 -od. u#Ilri:PlrcArro" to*., lollY I il'clis pg--Auiraing t l-plunbing [ ]-E]ectricar [ ]-Mechanieal [ ]-other Job Nane:,/a Job Address: Legal Description-. tot /4 Address : fr]Auec4aac, Fz 3a I Prl.?d-77?-7223 tBlock 6 P}l..?7d-//q7 General Description:'tv( ...Vfork Class: 1yf-New [ ]-Atteration [ ]-AdditionaL I Nunber of Dr'relling Units t / f Cfilzftsur Number of l-Repair [ ]-other Accomrnodation Units; O #*"t and Tlpe of Fireplaces: Gas Appriances_/_ eas Logs 3 wood/pelret_/H"#.Wr;?; ....:;;I:..".**"********* Plunbing Contractor: Address:rown of vail Res. No. f7-PPhone Nunber: Contracto r t -{rA arza /2a r**, < rz Town of vait Res. no. /Z/-/V Phone Nurnber: Mechanical Address: ******************************** FORBUTLDING PERMIT FEE: PLIIMBING PERMTT FEE: MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: ELECTRTCAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: oFFICE USE ******************************* BUTLDTNG PI,AN CHECK FEE: PLUI.{BTNG PIAN CHECK FEE: },TECHANICAL PI,AN CTIECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES3 BUTLDTNG: STGNATURE: ZONTNG: SIGNAII]RE: CLEAN IP DEPOSIT REN'HD €ra.<ea €eaa-ora Town of Vail- 25 South Frontage Road Vail, colorado 81657(303) 479-21-38 Plan analysis based onthe L991 Uniform Buildinq Code Project Nur cer: PR,J9 5- 0 04I Address: 1195 VAIL VALLEY DR" Occupancy: R3, M1 Type of Const: v-N Townof Vlil OFFICE COPV Name: .TOHNSoN RESIDENCE Date: April 24, ]-995 Contractor : Architect: G'WATHMEY Engineer: MONROE Plans Examiner: CHUCK FELDMANN NoTE:The code items listed i-n thj-s report are noE intsended to be a compl-ete listing of all- possi-ble code requlrements in the 1991 UBc. It is a guide to selected sections of the code. AREA MIN.LIGHT MIN,VENT NO.EXITS EGRESS 2 Kitchen 344 34.40 2 Dining room 240 24.OO 2 Living room 60'7 60.70 2 Bedroom #1 235 23.50 2 Bath room 44 0. 00 2 Master bedroom 29L 29.L0 2 Master bath l.64 0.00 2 Halls, closets, etc. fI66 0,00 TOTAI, FOR FLOOR 3 091 1 Garaqe 72:-0 0.00 1 Bedroom #1 27O 21.00 1 Bath room #1 66 0.00 I Bedroom #2 L85 l-8,50 1 Bath room #2 66 0.00 L office 498 49. 80 L Bedroom #3 292 29.20 1 Bath room #3 7 4 0. 00 ]. C.ARETAKER APT . 525 52 . 5 O 1 HaLls, cl-osets. eLc. 590 0,00 TOTAL FOR FLOOR 3816 BUILDING TOTAI, 6907 FOOTNOTES: L ) EGRESS - An operabl-e r4rindow or door that is required from this room, The rni-nimum the following. -- Sec. 1204. opens dlrectly to the exterior clear openable area must meet r"1 .20 ?n ?q 11.75 14.55 8.20 0.00 0.00 10.50 9.25 2 2n 24.90 14.60 3.70 26 .25 0. 00 L t-I I 1 1 1 2 L I 1 L l. 1 I 1 L L 2 2 No No No Yes No Yes No No No Yes No Yes No No Yes No No No 1) The minimurn clear hei.ght is 24 inches 2) The minlmum clear width is 20 inches 3) The minimum clear area j.s 5.7 square feet 4) The maxj.mum sill height is 44 inches 2) The number of exits is based on Table 33-A (Dwellings) 3) A rnechanica-l ventilation system may be used in in lieu of exterior openings for wentilation. -- Sec. L205. (c) ROOM DIMENSIONS: Habitabl-e space shall have a ceili-ng height of not less than 7 feet 6 inches. Kitchens, hall-s, bathrooms and toilet cotq)artments may have a ceiJ-ing height of 7 feet measured to the .l-owest projection. If the ceiling is sloping, then the minimum height is required in only l/2 of the a!ea. --sec. L207. (a\ Every dhteflinqr unit shal-l have at least one room which has not l-ess than 120 square feet of floor area. Other habitabl-e rooms excepl kitchens shall have an area of not l-ess than 70 square feet. -- Sec- 1207- (b) Habitable rooms other than a kitchen shall not be l-ess than 7 feet in anv dimension. -- sec. L2O1 . (c\ GI.JAZ ING REQUIREMENTS I AII glazing in hazardous locations is required to be of safetyglazing materia.l-. -- sec. 5406. (d) 1") clazing in ingress and egress doors except jalousies 2) Glazing in fj-xed and sliding panels of sfidinqf door assemblies and panels in swinging doors other than wardrobe doors. 3) GJ.azing in storrn doors. 4) Glazing in a1I unframed swingi.ng doors. 5) Glazing in doors and enclosures for hot tubs. whirlpools, saunas, steam rooms, bathtubs and showers. Glazing in any portion of a bui.Lding wa1l enclosing these compartments where the bottom exposed edge of the glazing is less than 60 inches above a standing surface and drain inlet. 6) Glazing rn fixed or operable panels adjacent to a door where the nealest exposed edge of the glazxing is within a 24-inch arc of either vertj-cal edge of the door in a closed position and where the bottom exposed edge of the glazinq is less than 60 inches above the walking surface. 7) Glazing in an individual fixed or operable pane.L, other than those focations described in items 5 and 5 above, than meets al-1" of the f olJ-owing conditions ! A. Exposed area of an individual pane greater than 9 square feet. B. Exposed bottom edge less than 18 inches above the floor. c, Exposed top edge greater than 35 inches above the floor. D. one or more walking surfaces within 36 i-nches horizontalLy of the pfane of the glazing, 8) el-azing in railings regardl-ess of height above a walking surface. Included are structuraf baluster panels and nonstructural in-fill panels. see exceptions. SMOKE DETECTOR REQUIREMENTS : A smoke detector is required on the ceiling or wa1.I at a point centrally located in the corridor or area giving access to each sleeping area. -- sec. 1210. (a) 4. A smoke detector is required on the cei-ling or wall in each sleepj.ng area. -- Sec. 1210. (a) 4. A smoke detector is requj-red on atrI stories. -- Sec. 1210. (a) 4. If the upper fevel contains sleeping room(s), a smoke detector is required in the ceiling of the upper level cLose to the stairway. -- Sec. 1210. (a) 4 smoke detecto.rs are required to be wired to the building's power source and shall be equipped with a battery backup. -- sec. 1210. (a) 3. Detectors shalf sound an afarm audible in aLI sleeping area of the dwelling in which they are located- -- sec. 1210. (a) 4. FIREPI,ACE REQUIREMENTS ; FACTORY BUILT FIREPI,ACE: L) unit must be an approved unit. -- sec. 3705. (a) 2) Clearances and hearth si-ze must be per manufactures approval. -- sec- 3705. (a) a (b) 3) Chimney height must be per manufact.urerrs approva-I and Tabl.e 37-B OCCUPANCY SEPARATION: Between the garaqe and the residence, materiaLs approved for thr fireconstruction are required on the garage si-de only and any doors betweenthe garage and the residence are to be a self-closing 13,/8 inch solidcore door or a 20 nLi-nute fire door. -- Table 5-B & Sec. 503. (d) exc. #3 STAIR REQUIREI{ENTS : A stairway in a dwelling must be at l-east 36 inches wide. -- Sec. 3306. (b) The maximum rise of a step is 8 inches and the minimum run is 9 inches. -- sec. 3306. (c) exc. #1Provide a handrail- on one side a stairway 34 to 38 inches above Lhe nosing if there is 4 or more risers. -- sec. 3306. (i) Provide a guard rail where drop off j-s greater than 30 inches. Minimum height:36 inches, maximum opening size = 4 inches. -- Sec. 1712. (a) exc, *1 The minimum headroom is 6 ft,- 8 inches. -- Sec. 3306. (o) Enclosed usable space under the stairs is required to be protected as requiredfor Lhr fire-resi-stive construction. -- sec. 3306. (1) SHAET ENCLOSURES : 1) Chutes and dumbwaiter shafts with a cross-sectional- area of not more than 9 square feet may Ij-ned on the inside with not less than 26 gage galvanized sheet metal with aLl joints locklapped. The outside must be t hr construction. A.l- I openings into any such encfosure shal-] be protected by not .l-ess than a self-c.losing solid wood door 1 3/8 lnches thick or equivafent. -- Sec. 1706. (f) 2) Gas vents and noncombustible piping installed in walls passing through 3 ffoors or less do not need !o be in t hour shafts. -- sec. 1?06. (c) 3) shafts for gas ventsf factory-built ehimneys, piping, or ducts that do not extend through not more than 2 floors need not be in t hour shafts. -- Sec. 1706. (c) 4) A1I other shafts are required to be enclosed in a l- hour assernlcLy. -- Sec. 1706. (a) ADDI TIONA], REQUIREMENTS : For R3 occupancy This project will requi-re a site inq>rovement survey. such survey shall be submrtted and approved prior lo request for frame incnoal-ian A11 crawl spaces within the Town Of vail are .l-j-mited to a earth to structural- floor ceiling heighE of 5', be ea.rth fLoor only, be ventilated as per UBc 251.6(c)6 with minimum access as per UBc 2515(C)2 and maximum access of 9 sq. ft. Any buitding site with a slope of 30 degrees or more shal.I require an engineer clesign. such design shal-I address drainage, soil retainage and structural desiqn. Excavation beLow slabs on grade sha].]" not be pernitted without prior approval . Address numbers shaLl- be posted plainly visible and legible from the For Ml occupancy sl"ope garage floor to a11ow for drainage to outside to provide a fl-oor drain with sand and oil- interceptor to dry well- or to sewer. Any garage floor drain connected to ser,{ex must be approved by UpPer Eagle val-l-ey water & sanitation District. fn garages with livi.ng area above, the wafls of the garage wiich are bearing the area above shalf be protected with one hour fj-re .resistive construction. uBc 503 (B). 'l'own or v a-I_L 25 south Frontage Road Vail/ col-orado I165 7(303) 479-2L38 Project Numicer: PR.t95-0048 Address : 1 ].9 5 VAIL VALIJEY DR . r)^^rr^r h ^rr. D? Ml Type of Const: v-N Town of Vrif {lFFtcE coPy Pl"an review based on the 1991" Uniform Buildinq Code Name: JOHNSON RESIDENCE Date: April 24, 1995 contractor: Architect: GV'IATHMEY Engineer: MONROE PIANS EX MiNET: CHUCK FELDI'TANN Al1 electrica.l work is to be comp.Iete to the requirements of the latest National Electrical Code, al-l- Town of Vail ordinances, and Hofv cross Requirements. This project will require a site improvement survey. This survey shall be submitted and staff approved prior to a request for a frame inspection. under no circumstances will a frame inspection be done withouL an approved s.lte improvement survey. Al-I new construction within the Town of VaiL will be required to have a Pubfic way permt-t plus an initial inspection by the T.o.v. Public works Department to approve site draj-nage and culvert instal-Lation prior to any euilding Dept. inspections. This project is restricted from the burning of wood in fireplaces. Unless the lot is a restricted lot in size, three gas logs fireplaces and three gas appliances are permitted per unit aIlowed. Gas 1og chimneys encl-osures shall be one hr. protected. In bathrooms with a tub or shower and in faundry rooms a mechanical ventilation system connected direcLly to the outside shatl be provided, Bathrms which contain only a water cl-oset or lav. rnay be ventilated with a recirculating fan. uBc 1205(c) . Domestic cfothes dryer exhaust ducts shalL be instal-.Led as per uMc 1104 and 1903. fl-exible duct connectols may not exceed 6' in length and shafl not be concealed within construction. Ducts shal-l- terminate outside the buildinq and not exceed L4' length. No domestic dishwashing machine shall be directly connected to a drainage system without the use of an approved dishwasher air-gap fitting. uPc 608. cross connection control devices shaf-l- be installed to protect polJ-ution of potab]e water supply by use of.approved backflow preventj-on devi-ces. UPc 1003. 10 Isl-and flxtures sha1l be special vented as per UPC o_Lq. Plumbing fixtures with mechanical apparatus shall be suppfied wlth an access panel for inspection and repair of equipment- UPC 904. Domestic ranges sha.l-I have a vertical clearance above the cooking surface of not less than 30" to unprotected combust.ible material . UMC 1901. A chimney encl-osure for a wood burning fireplace f.l-ue shal-.]- be protected by a one-hour fire resistive construction. UBc 1705. This involves Lining the inside of such chase with 5/8" type x sheetrock and fire-taping j oints. Approved gas logs may be installed in soLid-fuef burning fireplaces provided the instal-lation is according to the listing instructions, any damper shal-f be removed or permanently blocked, and a safety shutoff val-ve is provided. llMc 803. Gas f.ireplace appliances are required to be insLa-l1ed as per listj-ng instal-lation instructions - with a "8" vent only. combust.ion air must be supp]ied from the outside for al-l- new constructLon in the Town of Vail. The enclosed usabfe space under the stairs j.s required to be protected by thr fire-resistive constructi.on, -- 3306. {l) At eaves and valleys an adeguate underlayment shafl be provided to protect a structure from ice buildup and water damage. Two Layels of fe.l-t solid mopped to sheathing and between layers or a commercial hrater & ice shield may be used as per Table 3281 . Because of this project's focation, the foundation is required to be dampproofed to prevent damage to areas bel-ow f j.nished grade. UBc l-707 (d) . The structure is required to be anchored to the foundataion wiL}. l/2 inch anchor bolts. The bolts must be lnto the concrete or masonry 7 inches and spaced a maximum of 6 feet apart. See code for additional requj.rements. -- sec. 2907. (f') Include a copy of the soils report for the site to be built on. -- sec. 2905. 11 t2 T4 15 16 !"1 18 LY dJI.I DF VRIL COM-DE|.nn' :' #b'tr5';:, "i'#j:-::=]. ^*---*j:ffi{5'EE[Wffif ; " ;ffitypfrseoors/. TKgf, Xlll,HIiSI"#tr* ApR | 1 iler-gtDATE:_ Appr,rcArro' uusr BE Frr,LED ou, *ililf o* I0y*0il{lf,ffl[ffiTp" Job ACldres!: I*Eal Descrlptlont rct 14 atociK-L Flr Ounern Narne:AddresF; Address lArchitectr l-19 General DeEcrl l{ork ClaEa ' ELectrl.cal Contractor:' Addreeei [ ]-Alteratlon [ ]-Addltlonal I J-Repatr [ ]-othar Plunbing Contractorr tovn of ValI Phone Nuilber: Beg. N0 Town of val,I Reg. Ho.-v Phone Nunbarl Town of Vall Reg. lfO._ Phone Nurober: l-/Addreae: MechEnlcal Contrastor I Addresg: ***********{*t******************roR oFFICE USE *****t*f*****.****t*i********i** BUfIJDING Pf,Rl'lIT FE8! PI..UMBTNC PERUIT FEE! IIECBANICAL PERIIIIT FEE: EIECTRICAI, FE8: OTHER IYPE OF SEEI^ ,7 DRD FEE: ,(w f"{ BUIIJDING PIAN CI{FCK FEE: PU'I{BING PI'AN CHECK tr88! I,IECFANICAL, PLAI| CHECK FEE' \ / r--\ rnite , O!{umber of #rt.tndunlte: lt-HU (N ilrrnber of Aoco'nodatton t\q --r: 2 {ffi|fl .rt:::::::::: jliiffi "*j::.::k:r*1fi ll.l.; !-' ---, ir,rmniuor T---:= lmcnAricAr,t r: roEALr F--__ ,i Xru: I Tilil::il; I.ii,Hi.ibfffitfiffi **,il;. : lr:i i.i:; : * * * * * * * * * * * '7 Egngral L;9nEraGEor; rc'wrr lJr Yalr rf,Eal ' Nrr" '' Addressr - Phone Nunbcri .RECR.EATION. FEEI CIfiAlf-UF DETOSITI [OTAD BUIITDfNG! SIGNATUBE: zoNINcr ,i {I omngnte: ICNATI'RE! ltd 4;ilu Uf 't ''-"t o TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE RD. VAIL COLORADO 81657 (3031 47e-2L3e * * * * * * * * rk * * * * * * * INFORMATfON INPUTED *************** TOTAL VALUATION ... 803224 THE NEW SQ. FT. ADDED. ... 73t7 THIS 1S NOT A FAST TRACK PERMIT OTHER VALUATIONS THE BUILDING VALUATION.... . Electrical Fee is Based on THE PLUMBING VALUATION.. ... THE I',TBCHANICAL VALUATION.. . 69L224 sQ. FT. 100000 12000 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * PERMIT FEE INFORMATION ***********'r BUILDING PERMIT FEE.. . 3556 BUTLDING PLAN CHECK FEE..... 23LL.4 ELECTRICAL PERMIT FEE....... 305 MECHANICAL PERMIT F88....... 24O MECHANICAL PLAN CHECK FEE... 60 PLUMBING PERMIT FEE.. . 15OO PLUMBING PLAN CHECK FBE..... 375 RECREATION FEE 732 DESTGN REVIEW BOARD FEE..... 4OO CLEAN UP DEPOSIT 75O TOTAL PERMIT FEES. LO229.4 TOWN OF VAIL Id: ACTP185 Keyword: 0ACm[AcLivities Associated to PROJECT: PRJ95-0048 U6eT; GARY NEW os/26/es SFR BUILDING PERMIT DR Total 7 0 7 930 ,224.O0 10,593 . 15 100.00 10, 693 . 15 128 .00 10r565.15 Permit No: 895-0077 Statue: APPROVED Active Count....Inactive count..Total Count..... Valuation Calculated Fees. Owner: JOHNSON SUSAN P AddresEs 1195 VAIL VAI-,LEY Project 1 0 1 .00 .00 .00 Activity 6 0 6 930,224.00 10 r 593. 1s 100.00 10, 693. 15 128.00 10,565.15 Addl Fees .00Total Fees.......00PaYments .00 Balance Due..... Fl=Detail List, ESC=Exit Sunmary , .,F UffIL COI'I-DEU ,tr-orr-r,r, I .rfrtrd ul?/la Tlre totn 18 utcd co verlly tcntlca Ehould be used in conjunscioa wich echeduling lastallatlonr. For any aglllcane ErrEt pEottldo a @plet€d U.9. Wast Couuuicatioat {63.6860 or 9{9-{s30 Public Senice Corqrany 919- 6135 66sy Halt/nich Cooley Eoly Crorf Blrctric lc3oc. 9at-5892 bslatctl3s Dagt. Ted fiuaky/lticbael traverqf 15r10 No-012 P.01 DAEE 4-rJ-?f availabtllty atrd locatioa. Tbia preparing your utility Dlan rnd ary- congcruction ptoPosal. Ettc utiligy veriflcatlon form. Ths location aad avaltallllty of utiliLies, whcther tley be tnala tnrnl( litres oE proposed llnei, qrat be approved and rreritieil by tbe foUowisg utilitles tor Lbs accontrnaying sice plan. All aughorlzlng slgraLures ned to be originals. i ! t I trAcr cablevision of the nocttns * b 949 - 122.ilark Gfavec, .foDpsr Eagro valloy ragGrr Salltatloa Dlstrict . 1?6-7480 Fred Harlee '{- ra -15, , . .rl rlBe DltE t9 reqBlr|lc. llyrtel! loertta oC fooE utlutlar . ,ur9 be thoro on tui-afto-9rul- iitlftv locrtLdt nav or lav not ' otler rerlce to ibe DroFty ltne. rny ugilig .[Ealllloo rs$rlrtc chaU be tbe raslpEtibilttt of tbe DloDergy ow,r.: -, ^.' lrot8l 1. rf I uttlii eompanv baa concerac Stq' * ptopo"#' cortEsltcltc, rbi utlliBy rrttrsE€otat'ive shoulat notdirectly'o ilre ur,iliry veri'licatiu fotl that tbaroir n grobl* Ittich neede to be tetolved. Tbe lssua ehoull tla bo sPelled ouL in deBaiL in on attaebedlottet to tho Toiro of vail. ltotsver' Plartc krrP ln utnd thal lt le the reeponslbtilly of tbe utlllty cqtrgy to regolvs tCescifled probleos. 2. Il the uttllty verllleqtiotr forn bas slEitralureg frm aach of tba ultllt'y comg|nla!, and !o colutents aro nade dlrectly on the forn, tle lwtt tti1l Dresume thab tber€ are no problens and that' tbe devol'oPmcnt zrgr-gtr(€o€) 'EJw zrTnscs wwd trsrBrvl{s 8rr50 96lTl/90 t. Aa eas- q{*lmd ,tOB Authorized 9icroaEure ur\aP. 600 'iI J ar slq{L'4 -"-"-'-t l\. 4 i,$a @ Fo :- ir:I !,ii H i,,f uTr,tc ^vtF.@ kag (9'z ; 9_ ,Qlto e g' 6 Fo EF qt EE T F z trJ aaueyltIt |rl (9 lJ I t> ?.\7 (t E ,@is nlI ,R\:q [5lla v. Jts:d tile -tt ru f 't .+ oJ ; @ R.{ 7 zrgr-grr(eoe) 'HJw zrroscs rrwd rgrF&vlr, 6r:60 s6/tl/so0r0 'd NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED MECHANICAT PERMIT 1195 VAIL VALLEY DR 2L0t-092-05-002 PRJg5-0048 Status...: ISSUEDApplied.,: 05/LB/L995 rssued.. . : 05/26/1995 Expires. . : tL/22/L995 AT #: ON JOBSITE Permit ALL TIMES M9s-00? 6 Job Addrea6...:Location......: Parce1 No.....: Project Number: SHAEFFER CONSTRUCTION P O BOX 3?3, VArL CO 81658 SHAEFFER CONSTRUCTION P O BOX 373, VArL CO 81658 JOHNSON SUSAN P ONE BLOCKBUSTER PLAZA, FT I,AUDERDALE 333011860 STONE SHEETMENTAL MECHANICAL 1111 SOUTH 9TH, GRAND JUNCTTON 81501 Phone: 30324250L4 Description: MECH FOR NEW HOME Fireplrcc Infomation: Rest ri cted: * FEE SUIIITARYechsnicat---> 240.00 Restuarant PLan RevieH--> .m Totat catcul,ated Fees---> 303.00 Pt.n Check*--> 60.00 DRB ,00 Additionat Fees--------> .0O Investigation> .OO ToTAL FEES-----t,itt cal l,---> 3.00 Paynents----- BALANCE DUE_--ffi Ile.uri .q5lgo-ggILDING DEPARTMENT Dept: BUILDING Division:05/26/L995 GARY Act,ion: APPRiletrrl',054Qo,gteNNrws-DEFAHiMiINt- Dept: PLANNTNc Division:05/26/1995 GAF.Y Action: APPR CONDITION OF APPROVAL ******************************************************************************** DECLARATIONS I hcreby acknovtedge that I have read this apptication, fil,ted out in futL the inforDation required, comptcted an accuPate ptot ptan, a-nd state thit aLt the information provided as required is correct. I agrcc to compty t{ith the infomgtion and plot-Ptan, io cornpty vith al,l, Tonn ordinances and state [avs, and to build this structure according to the Toun's zoni ng and subdivision codcs, dlsign revie|J approved, UniforD Buil,ding code lnd other ordinances of the Tgun apPticabte thereto. RECI'ESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SITALL BE }IADE SIGilATURE OF OI'NER OR CONTRACTOR FOR H APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER CONTRACTOR #0f Gas Apptiances: Valuation: #Of Gas Logs: Phone: 3038455656 Phone; 3038455656 12, 000 .00 #0f tlood/Pattet: U( l,oqT7 FRoil 8:00 All 5:00 Pl{ -, - :o l-cr-rJ-lG -1r r.- :tEo<j a>P August 15, 1995 Mr. Chuck Feldmann Town of Vail Communitv Development 111 South Frontage Road West Vail. CO 81657 RE: JOHNSON RESIDENCE-LoI 14, Block 6, Vall Vlllage lst, 1195 Vail Valley Drive Secondary Stair Telephone Conference Memorandum- Boturoen Chuck Feldmann, Town Of Vail Buildlng Dept. Danny Swertfeger, GP$ Archltects Dear Chuck: Per our conversation, concerning the Johnson Residence at 1195 Vail Valley Drive. lt was agre€d that the clear tread width on the secondary stair will be no less than 2'-8 114" lrom the skirt board on the wall to the ballaster supported rail, Sincerely,,rl\r'cvtfu/ Chuck Feldmann Dave Hammond liatoCD a! CD:!t copy to: t Vail. Oolorado Denr<-'r, Clolorado Monroe & Newell En€iineers, Inc. December 5,1995 Gwathmey/Pratt Architects 1000 S Frontage Road Vail. CO 81657 Re: Johnson Residence, Vail, CO (M&N #2794) Gentlemen: The structural framing of the above residence was observed by Monroe & Newell Engineers, Inc. during construction. It is our opinion, based on our limited visual observations, that the framing of the residence is constructed substantially in compliance with the intent of the construction documents prepared by our office. To the best ofour knowledge, any deficiencies found during our observations have been corrected. If you have any questions or comments, please call. Very truly yours, MONROE & NEWELL ENGINEERS.INC. Claire Jacobi Engineer 0o48 E. Beaver Creek Blvd. . Suite 301 . P. O. Box 1597 r Avon. Colorado 81"620 c (3O3) 949 7768 r FAX (3O3) 949-4054 . .ri' r. litl;';,r-_l ]l " r'" {ls NN "a\J rN atl sN',.frJ \-s.$ Jss ;t\$J s; rfc\\ €s N $h ls r) Ft ^*:\| t\iv\L blB 1B jj !.{ s-\, cJ\ j s \$ Td s5 r0 sr A L.l t: .n I ,trr JS $lY \9 S] Af rn )n I i i'!t-\ I jrtri\t- -$ i J. N\ .\ d -"1 - \J sl, { \ ksi:t.,' a UJ \ 1. \\) A $\\ l\ 7. ${\a I \ - r ,n b\ +R Fl 1 ds l\r s $N $* < ^\)$u\i \-s YsGili\./ :-)dF.c\' Sr d :t n\ ^$ \\ s lNtt{i .l$A s \- Jhr $vi .ra '4,'sl A$: -{r "' blP\c Js' $us' t' 1-s.l t) \\I- $s $: E .sl. .5 st \r .:/ I. s sl J ; tt\a, I',t Io ) s I ffi 4 L J 0_ \DLr il_ tL J U lJlJ il_ I]J 0_ 0_l uzr(g 0t ul 0 b-l rn-\s 'rNst (f) uJ F 0L \D Lr il.lLo pcle/ f I t.t/i ( /, N4/\i-\r \ \ t \ '"1 t- 4pt I lz/c*t a /211..-. f/7 p o%,, P/r tb -JN,l;Rh* rAYES :RS lF,lC. tt.lltl. (l^. :aitl? cLtENT JOHNSONRESTDEHCE \AlL. coLoR^oo D^TEta.q1g/SHEFT NO. LORAWNtagTiffi'-- l',4*iu {rtAlg t+r.J.lDEAll.-Tcl.tt g 4 I ---o07) :RS \ fu,It t' jt,, -- t ' S'+tfrrL Q. € izr'v3s-' ,'ii 1 4au<!Lt '/- JU'.- /c+rz? a*<.2*t,t-, ,/:yic, b )r\\n-\ \ CI'\ o 7".?>oeeiu:ho,J- N-* ?--4 \\ -l{ ,(;',,(it.l'' qbf "fr{ro ..J:. Htl J {\ a$ )rrrq ^\.^l tl{ lrrt;t $ uI G v' JBaFzz,Eat - .i e totilv -- hr tarlrl,,rl I I :8 I CJEAI t\l, / tA .Iq 3hvd u38Hn'1,\3'l'1VA lllv"ld l 'l''RAprlsl r, Tot,lN oF uAtL, coLtlRADo- F,RGE t'o6/el/96 07t@4 REnUESTGR TNStrECTII]N r.ltrRK SHEETIFRI htPr/96 AREA: EG Aetivityr Addrege r .Locat i on l trarc'e I r Daecriptionl Rppl icant r OwnErl trontractor: E95-9163 6leL/96 Type: B-ELEC T195 UAIL VRLLEY DR elBl *a9e-o6-6ae INSTALL ELHC. IN NhIE HT]ME SHAEFFER EBNSTRflCTION JOHNST]N SUSAN P SHREFFER CONSTRUtrTION Status: ISSUED Constrr NSFR 0ec: Uge r Fhoner 3O38455656 Fhone; Phoner 3O38455656 Inrpept ion Reqr-rest Requestorr Dee - Inf or'mat i on. . . . , EAGLE VRLLEY ELEC Connents: be Inspected... trhone t BE7-5772 Req It ad-g 06199 -:i--,--_.-i l:---:: i Ti ne r tltS:EtO raque*ted to EIEC-F i na I Tine Er d, 3/-76. tsohrer - 1e/O8/95 Inspeetorl EG' IOO13A €LEC-tronduitgO14O ELEC-MiEe- E6\ :rii, Aetionr AFtrR Actiont APtrR APtrRT]VED APPRf]VED7,Ie/ t+/93-Inspect or rlg$l90 ELEC-FInal !t REFT131 AAIPI|96 e7 t64 Acrtivityr Address: Locat i on:. Paree I : De scri pt i on l Appl ieant:, Own et^; Contract or: 895-rAA77 : :, Lr'p l Erl;€r9E!-El6_OS|e DEMO TlF BLD HOIIE JOHNST]N SUSAN tr vAIL, COLORAD ION i^IORK SHEE Re 6lEllXG PAGE AREA: CF Type: n-FUILD Sltatue: ISSTJED Congtrr NBFR Use: V NOecr 0807 & troNsT. oF A NER'-0.NE. Fhone: F,hone I Fhone: Loeke, Holdro and Notices.... ACTI U ITY Notieel ilr appr.oved with condition of welk-thrr.r 6 frame inspeet ion Inspect i on Request Information..... Requestor: FILL/SHREFFER CONSTRUC Req Ti ne r Ol : tZtO tromment s IIters requested to be Inspected... OOS3O BLDG-Tenp. trln trhone: 476-O693 "bti":Tine Ermment E Xnspeet i on Hi st ory. . . . .Iten: AOStta driveway grade final Item r 00Olel BLDG-Footings/Steel &A/0t. /95 Inspector: CF Act ion:trI F,ARTIAL INStrECTION Aetion! RNStr NUT READY', Actionr AtrCR INSTALL Ttlp CORNERS Action: AtrtrR FR0NT 51TE HALL'Action: trI STAIR ENTRY Actionr AFtrR height and dinensions ok Aetion: NO ENE LETTER RECEIUED Act i on: AtrF'R AF,F.ROVED Aetion: AtrtrR E garages onlY Action: FtrtrR REST UF HOUSE I,JHERE REGUIRED Act ion: FIFF'R CHIMNEY CHASE Notear SITE ttALL AND THICRENED FOOTER INStrEtrTIUN LIFT STEEL IN THICKENED FOOTERS Iten r fiAAAil FLDG-Foundat ion,/Steel A6/38/95 Inspectop! CF A7/A3/93 Inspectorr EF frA/6A/95 Inspeetor; DS OB/15/95 Inspectorr CFIten: 6O5eO FLAN-ILtr Site F,Ian L?lfi1/93 Inspeetor: RSIten: OAq30 BLDG*Fr'aning 1Ale9/95 Inspectorr CD.-**Itenz o,oQ4A * * Not 0n File * *'ib*r r 6@O50 BLDG-Insrrlat l onle/13/9= Inspector": EG' Itenr 6OO6EI BLDG-Sheetrock Nail Le/?A/95 Inspector: EE' lglP9/95 Inspector. I EDNotes: lNSTffLL GREEN BUARD O6OSA * * Not Bn File * * OA07O BLDG-frli sc.Lt/t7/93 Inspector: trD 00096 BLDti-Final 60538 BLDG*Temp. ClA 40544 BLD6-Final C/0 fall1/95 Inspectorr CD flction: APtrR IN$FIECTED I'e/g/93 Notes: SUBI4IT STAMtrED LETTER FROH STRUCTEN6. FOR AtrpRflVAL OF CHNNGES TCI ROOF AND INSF.ECTIT]N OF ENEINEER Itent Iten r Iter r Item: Iteml :. ,7 - ',1r.;. I- 'i, ,.: ' lEiElfti- oz:rr4 R.ouEs'|lio*'?il$oE[rY3,l'mHl'gfi33t R: 6/p1/e6 ^HEHT ",Retivity: M95-Otl76 6/et/96 Type: B-tttECH Status: ISSUED Constr.: NSFR Flddress r 1195 UAI't= UALLEY DR n;r:r * i nn. \Locat i on r Farcel I €181 -rZt9i1--86-BrZa Deser.i pt i on I MECH FOR NEt{ HEI4E Applicant : SHAHFFER CONSTRUCTI0N 0wner! JOHNSON SUSfiN F, Contr.aet or. I SHAEFFER CONSTRUCTICIN Inspeet ion Req r-re st Infor"mation..... Req*s516p: $T0NE MECHANICAL Req Ti me: tll : OtZt Comment s I Itens reqr-restecl to be Inspeeted. . . Aet i ofi 80390 MEtrH-Final MP. Occl Use: Fhone: *1OJ4455655 F'hone r Phone: J{t3845E656 Fhone z 837-37fl4 ime ErComments Inspeet i on Hi st or.y. . . . . Item: 00Eo'a HECH-Rough t2t8/fi I /95 l rr s pec* or I CF Notes: NEED T0 RETEST THE THIS IEST FOR MffIN Iten r AO3f tZ' fllECH*Heat ing ll/77/q3 Inspector: f,F Ie/ft4195 Inspecton: ED @S,/;Jgrl96 Inspect or": DS Notes: SN0WMELT NOT UNDERIteml qtOSF:tA HECH*Exhauet Hoods Le/fr7/93 Inspector: CD Itemr tAU330 lvl€CH*Slrpply Air- Item: 0ff34fi MHCH-Misc. ff5/31/9{:' Inepect or: DS Iterg : 4O390 I{ECH-Fina1. Aet i on : F, I F,nRT I AL I hISF EDT I UN SOUTH/WEST GARAGE FLOOR NNLY Action: AFtrR 6OLBS. AIR TEST Action: AtrtrR 7e PSI+74 PSI UN 6AUGEAction: DN DENIED F'RESSURE REINStrECTION REAUIRED QCt i ON : ffF.FF AF'PROUED Actionr AtrFiR AFFROVED FEPTI31 &6let /96 Aelivityr Address r Locat i on I Farce I I Deseri pt i on I Appl i cant : Owner r Contr"act or r l 67 r flr4 1?ilU":ft13i'mHfl'3f;glb'-, 6lEL/i6 PA6E AREFI: CF F9:i-rZ"Z'qA &/el/96 Type: B-pLMB 11e5 VAq VALLEY DR \tl Ol -rzrqe-d6+0BE INSTRLL F.LUMBING FBR NEII FEs. SHAEFFER CT]NSTRUCTION JtrHNSON SUSAN P SHffEFFER CONSTRUCTION Status: ISSUEtt Constr: NSFR Occl Use: Fhone: 3t2t38455656 Frhane r F,hone: 3038455656 I nspeet i on Reqtrest ReqtlEsb o' I SNlJt^l Req Ti me I lZtl : O{t It ems rrequest ed t o AEegA trLFlB-Final Inf or"mation..,. COUNTRY SERVII]ES Comm ent s l be InEoected... trhone:9*6-7575 ction Conments Time +P - -+Pfrgg,g'.D Inspection History. ..,. Item : OOeIE FLlvlB*Undergr.or-rnd It em r OQeeA F,LMB-Ror-rgh/D. W. V. A7/2Q/95 Inspector*: CF Action! AFtrR t^lAT€R TESTED l?/ft4/95 Inspector: CD Aetion: AtrtrR WATER TESTED It en I ulogsrzl trLMR-Rnr-rgh/l"lat er Le/V4/93 Inrpeetor: CD ftetion: AtrtrR AFF'RUVED Notesr DOIIIESTIC Be FSI FRN COILB 69 F'SI SNUIj MELT 74+79 p51 ItenI Cuzre4ff FLMB-Gas triping 1e/11l95 Incpector"l CD ffction; APFR 15 FSI ON GAUGE Iten: OGgEEt F,LltlB-trool./Hot Tr-rbItemI O6e6'A FLMB-FIisc. Itemr AAA9A FLMB-Final Er Irl tizi'it: =zE..a ': z.t ;:); ] ii;?"i€ e;fe: U-:-3 !: ': :.. q=!:i:'j 6i Ei 7'i'!Ycii-; t-EbF..:9 i.{ ::;; i.2 ; z:: \c ^t t ". -!49 -.:::: F;.-ii>-:tE?:':zii'ia- f,:s7ii: "q Fl H -:i-l oH F] C) Fv)z CJ 3 -_ = I ,z Ha rlFl Ha 7< iz F) 7. :) - :.r-* .r- :. i:F=Zi xQ..:-\:\ /.\ {<< )i :- -; i: a\ )- -{.- :- <- ---; :t -; \, r-; ': -: i:,F= \-i-.< .4 aa ../)I. Ss.= :. -< .,i i-i> <|" i<{::<:*:- \,'--\-/\-'{ -i-a; .": u/: :- -:- ->!.?/-'--: \ \, ./ :-:=< 4-../*\,:--^- :-Z'.- ---^!.:- ,/:-..--:-<:<-- :--r :: -- \:-\/-:.- e:4 6* !s*r 3"r u4 &4".6{ t# &1 & i"{ tw \rcs{ rdd *i4sf4,@k'nFq q{'"4 #F\ R,'\'F/ ffr.S +.4 Sd,ccEa {rar+ Sll F'84ffit**d +s\ rFEt d fr*f ed dqx$ trdQ a,/uf nrrl++F€f-f Se f+*?.\Fi\l\/ h*lFbs6 S"t tf-+ fEa +<1, i-+ r@ tFd r *f,,*stl.l A* \ffi, 1 \d 'b iii IB da.c t/ e/ {..- rttT ''u TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WAY PERM o PERMTT No. u ijc'?08 Contractor's copy to be kept on iobsite.IT I I95 I{ORNSTLfrl'R CIR.CL,E 59 TIIP 55 R 8OW1. 2. 3. PSCo P0 BnX 430 I{INTURN, (Job Nam6 or Localirn ol Wotk) co 81645 Work is for (circle one) -€\wArER SEWERTGAS + OTHER (Ercavaling Oo.fraclor'6 Nam6, Address. Phone. and Licensa No ) ECTRIC TELEPHONE CATV LANDSCAPING TEMP.SITEACCESS Receipl #: Permit Fee $50 Bill to: Paid. JAI,IEIL TUR]IF.]JLi,:\ai (Public Worl(s) INSPECTION REMARKS: SKETCH PLAN OFWORK ATTACHED White - Public Works Yellow - Finance Pink - Comm. Dev. Gold - Conlractor i,// 7t 3S ',:: 'L'l, --r' -+-,, t4&L'/z/."f'grJ5-,.-"i' , APPLIEATION FOR TOWH OF VAILpufiffinvPERurr 1e '"j , // 4J " tn+'.' ,"ri -s / nt' s s i i ,ot-- Job Name Legal Description Street Addross..: art_L. -t { "-,\ { }5 /-.tu_u//v.\ .' .-/' ,J-- Excavaling Conlraclor Name Addross Phons# TOV Contractor's License Number e L' /7- +< 7-,./7-?{-' Slad Dale Cornpletion Date (permit Expiration Date) 4. Work is for 1circte onel Water Sewer @ Electric Telephone CATV Landscaping Temp. Site Access 5. Trench-width (min.4') BondAmount $ TCI Cablevision of tLength .{ 5 Depth 1t-s Euc 6a eNCI oF Permit Fee $ \IE N? Total Permit Fee $ 6. 7. 10. 11. ALL MATERIAL, EQUIPMENT, AND TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES MUST BE ON THE JOBSITE BEFORE THE JOB IS STARTED. Rubber out-riggers are required on excavating equipment when working on asphalt. Asphalt surfaces undemeath the bucket shall be protected at all times. A signature below indicates a review of the area and utility locations and approvals. Once all utility company signatures are obtained, permittee has option ot routing application through the Public Works office to obtain the necessary Town of Vail signatures. Please allow one week to process. Upper Eagle Valley Consolidated Sanitation District (476-7480) Public Service Company (1-800-922-1 987) : 'f Public Service Natural Gas Group (1-800-922-;t - ..4;" Holy Cross Electric Company U.S. West (1-800-922-1987) ;'/5 (1-800-922-1987)- /q/- q5 lrigation Electricians Conslruclion Inspector THERE WILL BE NO TOTAL STREET CLOSURES! A construction traffic control plan must be approved by the Public Works Department prior to issuance of the permit. All excavation must be done by hand wilhin 18" of utililies - (Senate Bill 172\. Permittee must contact Public Works Department at 479-2158 24 hours prior to commencing backfill operations. Fafiure to notify the Town will result in lorfeiture of bond money. Scheduled inspeclions which are not ready may result in the Town charging the contractor a reinspection fee. I cenify that I have read all chapters of Title 12 - Streets and Sidewalks, of the Vail Municipal Code and all utility //t,r/ tt/ .' I { L-! t4( Cor"raciorb Srgnat*e ot Ag { -/r- es- Oale ol Signature ATTACH PLAN OF WORK, INCLUDING CONTRUCTION TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN Show streets with names, buildings, and location ot cuts. USE DASH LINES FOR CUT' White - Public Works Yellow - Finance Pink - Communily Development Gold - Contractor 't2. MEMORAIVDT'I[ TO: FROM; DATE: RE: johnson file:lot 14,blk 6,w7th Randy Stouder 5/2s/e5 building permit review notes get deed restriction recorded and convey current. renta] requirernenLs for tlDe rr ehu to owner. 528 sq ft unit. W e|q construction st,aging and public way permit-charlie ok? -/put up t*{ee protection fencing and revise landscape plan to aII crawl spaces to be l-ess than 5 feet hiqh with 6 sq ft access hatch max. heiqht must noE exceed 33 feet. confirm all ridges. number of ouLside light fixtures shown on electrical plans apears to exceed Ehe 23 fixtures allowed- ){,appeat, Eo be /\pioposed. details on fixtures not. supplied.- 24'- p.lt^ttq 7,(W need $100 for previous review. 200x2 (250's) ptus 2OO ,"tw'Mfu cond. use owed-500 pd previously. 1.7 .f/ s-c:,*ril PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL t (LV PM DATE / - ) Y :?) | r - \i JOB NAME CALLER -INSPECTION: i UOru ,/TUES WEDREADY FOR LOCATION: THUR FRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND D ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL N FRAMING - tr ROUGH/WATER r-r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB N SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR APPROVED CORRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR NOTE DATE _ COPY OF PERMIT TO BE Itxifix rN 0N ocT 10, KEPT ON JOBSITE 1991 N0 PLAI'IS CONSTRUCTION PERMIT 0051 50PERMIT NO. of community danelopment TO BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY PRIOB TO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT n autlotl.rc II rlrcrRrcnl I D MECHANICAL f] PLUMBING FOUNDATION 1195 I1ORNSILVER CIR 1. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION III III IV V 2, OCCUPANCY GROUP ABE H IR M DIVISION 722a34 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK : REI,IODEL KITCHEN ADDING OUTLETS AND MOVING CABINETS. z E:l GROUP G R.F A, VALUATION PERMIT FEES LEGAL DESC.FILING VAIL VILLAGE 7TH BNAME: TEDOR KITCEHT REI()DEL 1I95 HORNSILVER MAIL ADDRESSvArL 6-3095 BUILDING PERMIT NEW() ALTERATION +^i\ ADDITIONAT REPAIR() DWELLING UNITS HEIGHT IN FT ACCOMMODATION UNITS - NO FIFEPLAC€S IHICKNESS R.VALLUE ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED: ST, CUT J( BLASTING x PARKING X DEMO X ARCHITECT MAIL ADDRESS DESIGN REVIEW BOARD GENERAL CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO.TOTAL PERMIT FEES ERNST CLATZLE LOILII9L rrlonc ornFrAl -- - - SATE ING ADMINISTRATOR FrRM SHAW ELECTRTC 106-E TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. 926-33s8 PLUMBING TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, lilled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the Town's zoning and,subdivision codes, design review approved, Unilorm Building Code and other oTQinanceg of the Tfilvn applicable thereto. AND THE OWNEF. TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. MECHANI CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. TELE, OTHER CONTRACTO CONSTRUCTION PERMIT rtment of community danelopment TYPE OF PERMIT PROJECT NO.096PERMIT NO. Itn L-] BUILDING! elecrnrcnl fl MECHANTCAL PLUMBING FOUNDATION ONLY nTn r. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION III III IV V 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP A BEH IR M DIVISION r22a34 cENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK : - Lr IAI.L f\I\ErrF Q-. PERMIT FEESTYPE GROUP SO.FT. VALUATION BUILDING PERMIT NEW ALTERATION () ADOITIONAL REPAIRI DWELTING UNITS - ACCOMMODATION UN G.R.F.A. -BEDROOMS COMMERCIAL SYST -RESTAURANT SEATING HEIGHT IN FT. - BATHTUB/SHOWER NO FIREPLACES -NO. TOILETS COVERED PARKING - UNCOVERED PARKING CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT TOTAL PERMIT FEES NING NOTES: MAIL ADDRESS INSULATION MAIL ADDRESS MAIL ADDRESS OTHER CONTRACTO VAIL WATER & SAN, DIST. TAP FEE : SPECIAL NOTES: LEGAL DESC. ARCHITECT GENERAL CONTRACTOR .fl'^i?3'- PLUMBING CONTRACTOR MECHANICA CONTRACTOR Tot1il 0F BUILE INGI ItA tI ]'EFIM IT TOTAL FLOOR AREA TOTAL LOT AHEA FLOOR AFEA BATIO EASEMENTS VAFIANCE UNCOVERED APPLICATION ACCEPTED tI I READ THIS APPIJICATION AND STATE TTIAT Tl|E ABOVE IS COBRECT AND AGR,EE TO COMPI,Y WITH ALL TOWN OBDINANCES AND STATE ToBNAME DonsLd Kidder DATE OF APPLICATION MAIL aDDBEss 8ox 134?ruewfi etrenenoN ( ) ADDrrloN I ) REpATH( | rrsE oFaurLDrNG Prs Fab SSLllnl.n c Pool NAME San Juan Pogls Ina. MAIL ADDFESS U895 Tcst Cealar OFF ST. LOADING t{o, oF Ltvt G ur{rTs 1. TYPE OF CONSTRT CTTON I t lv v I HR 2. OCCUPAT{CY GROUP A B C D E F G H I J DtvtstoN 1231 SPECI FIED PLAN CHECK FEES NERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK T0tryil 0F l,Att BUILEIINGI FEFIMIT TOTAL FLOOR AREA TOTAL LOT AREA FLOOF AREA NATIO EASEMENTS VARIANCE (tru*{ oL. UNCOVERED APPLICATION ACCEPTEO a-? - 7z OATE OF APFLICATION NEW ( } ALTERATIONATADDTTION D( REPAIR ( I I,'SE OF BUILDING NO. OF LIVING UNITS Rl I ELEG( I UlrllTl I I.TYPE OF CONSTBUCTION I II III IV V I HR 2. occuPANcY GRouP A B c o e r c r@.r DtvlstoN 12 3 4 PLAN CHECK FEES FIBE SPRINKLEBS DESCntPflOl{ OF WOFK f penurr # WITII ALI. TOWN OEDINANCES AND,STATE READ THIS APPLICATTON AND STATE TIIAT TIIE ABOVE IS COIIRECT AND AGN,EE TO COMPI,Y r HER,EBY THAT I HAVE ffn rARl8$74 *.r*-tr"_ //e err^.t e fii;z{ Sb& *+t."ttn q n5t H, --.t- - u a w 9 ,-4, O L<I) 3 * th az1l+ /@-+_M ?/y r ,;L 44fu tfu1- tNc. vAlL, a Rtl JULl8$n July tg, tg73 .: . .l': .- Dqaald Klddar AdtlltlonVall, Coloradoir'oJioi-ni. -r6ra '. ,. Tlia fO}towlng are our lncrnt'c to gucrttonl frorn Jcrry lldrlch, Butldtng Inapcotor: I. Stcp to outdoor dcoklng along gouth raIl of srtrnnlng pool bulldlng rhell not erocGd 6".. $ee Sootlon 'A-A" and atll dctrll of tlldln5 Slrsr door" dctalla ahcct A-.5. 2 x 8 dcoklnS Jotrts End 3-e r 10r s oontlnuoua ehall nr treattd t'lth crcorot. tc pGr mamrf,actufcl'! lnrtnuottonr. oca plplng lhal1 ba Ield to at not to tntcrftrc fllth :,splral 6talr Rason"y ptcr rnd bc looatcd abol6 nasonrypler footlng. ,,&te Peqa,rcea EA A,tt4"r l7eus fiaauz€A4&</."l\rnt Jar .. \I ^-, ." JuLy 12 t 1973 Donald Kldder Resldence AddltlonPnoJect # 1518 nu JUL I 8$n 1. Provlde B x 8 flxed vent louver, a naxLmum of 6r above floor. ?. Make sure exlstlng door between exlstlng garage and resldenee1s solld cor"e wlth cLoser. 3. Provlde a mlnlmurn dlstance of 5n between solr and bottJm of J olst . lf. Pnovlde L/2" flrecode o? 5/8n drywall lnstead of l/Zn drywallat ganage ce1l1ng. 5. Provlde sleeve at gas p!.pe 1n foundatlon wall 5. Provlde expanslon Jolnts € wlndows and doons and on gardenwaLl and north_walI of pool bulldlng. Fo:: exact tobattonsee Offlce of Fltzhugh Seott. 6 Expanslon Jolnts 1n wall- and, l- each slde of wlndows(2060WC2) entr.y door" @ south wall. tp (l"' 'FFICE OF FII2}IUG}I SCOIT _ AFCH ITECTS / PLATIN ERS, INC.vAlL, coLonADo el657 3031{76-3038 Fil.t JUL 1 81973 -*.d,i-*:- --;i;-'.,.. July 12, 1973 I Va1l, Colorado 81657 Re: Kldder Resldence Addltlon ProJect No. 1518 Dean Mn. Kldder: EncLosed are our solutlons to the attached Plan Check. Iten 6 ls ln neference to the phone dlscusslon wlth a bldder on the plaster" work (stucco). The bldder has not been inforned that expanslon Jolnts should be provlded. If you have any questlons please feef free to call . Very truly yours, ?,UI^;'dr"'-'&*"tt /e-P*- Cralg $fiowdon CS:cb Fnr. 1 CC: Contractor PLAN CH€CK l0 July l97t - RES | CIEilCg L. AldrfEh ADDITION Jorry The foltcrlng ltrlr arr found ?o bc Invlolatlon of thc Unllorn Esfldlng Codc aod nurf becorrcctsd on fhc plans beforr * gormli ncy br lcsutd, . SH€ET A-l a. grrtga Area Rcqulrot. b. Door Brfrlen €{ragorlth Cloter 60 sq. I n. Vrnt. Sre. | 50rlrad Drol llng fo bc $ol ld Gerr TAB 5-B 2 . SHEET A-5 or Steg Fron Drol llng to Pool Arua canRot rxclcd 8rr rlre. 3oc. !i05-Cb. lood Dcclr nurt be l3pcrltod f ron rol I by lSrlor frcafsd 9rc.2!l7tc)7 ]. SHEET A-6 a, Garage Cel llng to bi onc hour TAB 5-B 4. SHEET t{- I o. Oas Plplng connof be run undor fooflng.b. 0as Pl p I ng roqul ror r I cevc rhcn pcsa I ng .throughconemtc rel l. AODITIOilAL NOTE$: Srlnnlng Pool ruqufr.E acprrrte pernlt, d'- KIDDER RESIDENCE ADDITION Jerry L. Aldrlch lowing items'are found to be lnUniform Bui lding Code and nust beplans before a permit may be issued. l. Step From Owellfng 8rr r I se. Wood Deck musf beor treated to Pool Area cannot exceed Sec. 5505-C sepa rated f rom so i I by | 8rr Sec. 2517(c)7 C-ao^:- Town of Vai IBuilding 0fficia flrf JULr81923 PLAN CHECK fO July 1973 The fo Ivlolation of thecorrected on the 4. concrete wall. ADD IT IONAL NOTES: " Swimming Pool SHEET A-2 td. Garage Area Requ i res 60 sq . i n. Vent. Sec. | 504b. Door Befween Garage and Dwelling to be Solid Core w lfh C losEr TAB 5-B 6o 3. SHEET A-6 /a, Ga rage Ce i I i [g to be one hour TAB 5-B SHEET M- I G. Gas Plping cannot be run under footing.-b. Gas Plping requlres sleeve when passing through requi res separate permit. J;h- )FFICE OF FlXlllUOH 3COTT - AieHFgCtS/ PIA|IXERS, lt{C. P. O. BOX 1173, VA|L,,eO!ORAOO StS57 303/a76.3008 Date July 5, L973 ro Bu11d1ng fnspectlon Town of Va1l Re Donald Kldder Additlon Va11, CoLorado Job tto. l!l$ Gentlemgn: We ars sending to you: ---:E- herewilh - und€r separate cover - by m€ssengef tor your approval - for your use - tor distribution to your subconlractors -_-x_ as per your Gquesr - approved as noled. - lo be corrected f lhe following on the above proiecl: ' 2 cornplete sete of anchltectural , electrleal and mechanlcal drawlngs. - Destroy or mark "VOID" any prints previously issued to you not bearing revision dal€ of as noled in the revision column. Very iruly yours, FITZHUGH SCOTT _ ARCHITECTS / PLANNERS. INC. RY Gordon Plerce +?$q rNsr=tlot FIEOUESiT ,qitth';TOWN OF VAIL DATE T.ME REcErvEd ',.L or@ CALLER I orxen 6e;) OOMMENTS: TUE E pnnrrnl. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI AM PM APPROVED E upor,r rHE FoLLowrNG GoRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS florsaeeRovED E nerNsPEcr DATE ?*="=tto* TOWN OF VAIL FIETIUE9T DArE B*/L-Tg JOB NAME " rfME REIEwED ii40 oM@ CALLER E orxen MON COMMENTS: TUE E penrrel LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR @enn flaeeRovED lJ uPoN rF€, ,/t I CORRECTIONF,'/ E orsappRovED FOLLOW]NG CORRECTIONS: n nerNSPEcr o o H- GAYLE WELLER JULIUS M. FRIEDRICH JOt-tN R. HtCKtSCA \ivlLLIAM H. HAZIITT W. ROEIERT l/vARO MARTIN J. AND REW JAMES C. FATTOR ARTHUR H. DOWNEY R, sTERLING AM BLER MICHAEL E. OLDHAM G}EOFFREY S. RACE DAVID K. KERR RICHARD A. BAU ER ANOREW J. FRIEARICH LAW OFFICE3 'WELr r:R, Fnruoatcrt, Hrcrrscg exo lla.zr-ttr 9OO CAPITAL LIFE CENTER DrNnne, Corona-no Eosoe November 4, L970 Town of Vail Vail, Colorado Attention: Mr. Struble RE: I. R. Hansen - Vail Residence Dear Mr. Struble: Mr. Robinson has sent us a copy of the ordinance showing the vacation of a portion of Hornsilver Circle adjaeent to the Hansen residence. Thank you for your assistance in that connection. We are wondering whether you will now be in a positi.on to issue the certificate of occupancy. Sincerely yours, Weller, Friedrich, Hickisch and Hazlitt ") M'fi)i^+ JMF':cag cc: Mr. L R. Hansen REcA> x4'0i^ EO '.t- d. re?o o H. GAYLE WELLER .J U L'U5 M. FRIEDRICH JOHN R. H ICKISCH WILLIAM H. HAZLITT W. ROEERT WARD MARTIN J. ANOREW JAMES C. FA-T'TOR ARTHUFI H. DOWNEY R. STERLING AMBLER LAW O FFICEsi Wnrr-en, Fnrsonrcrr, Hrcrrscrr elro Ea,zr-rrr 9OO CAFITOL LIFE CENTER Dslrvsa. CoroEADo aoeoa September 10, 19?0 IELEFHONE 222.4'7?5 AREA C.OOE 3O3 I{ICHAEL E. OLOHAM GEOFFREY 9. F|ACE DAVIO K. KERR RICHARD A. EAUER ANOFIEW J. FRIEDRICH Town of Vail Vail, Colorado Attention: Mr. Struble RE: I. R. Hansen - VaiI Residence Dear Mr. Struble: Today we received from Meurer, Serafini and Meurer, Inc. some addi- tional copies of the plat showing the proposed vacation of 10 feet of Horn- silver Circle. We are sending you two copies. If the vacation as proposed appears to be acceptable, please let us know and we shall have the necessary engineering computations made. If the Town officials do not wish to continue the vacated strip all of the way to the cul-de-sac, we should appreciate receiving some sketch of what would be acceptable. Thank you very much for the time and assistance which you gave us last Friday. Sincerely yours, Weller, Friedrich, Hickisch and Hazlitt n/ p* \Jt{ ' Fu'h4br'l^ (l JMF:cag Enclosures cc: Mr. I. R. Hansen ,r*rfio PERMrrorrr,.tpN /A /3 TOWN OF VAILJurisdiction Applicant to complete numbered spaces only. I I DESCR.lflsee erucxro sxeerl te/ 3 I.ICEN9E NO. '/a R ARCHIAECT OR DESICNE MAIL ADOFESS PHON E LICEN3E NO, 4nc MAIL ADDh ESg FHONE LICENSE NO. MAI L ADO'ESS UgE OF 'UILDINC 8 ctass of work: tr NEW tr A0DtTt0N tsnlrennrrou tr REPATR D M0vE tr REMovE 10 Change of use lrom 1l Valuation ofwork: $ ' /5AO. d A PLAN cHEcK FEE 7.fo PERMIT FEE SPECIAL CONDITIONS: Size of Bldg. (Total) Sq. Ft. Flre Sprlnklors Required n\/esAPPLICATION ACCEPTEO 8Y: OFFSTREET PARKI NG sPACEs:No. of .l Owelling Units NOTICE SEPARATE PEFMITS ARE REOUIRED FOB ELECTRICAL, PLUMB. ING, HEATING, VENTILATING OR AIR CONDITIONING. THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC. TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 60 DAYS, OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK ISSUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOH A PERIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM. MENCE D. I HEREBY CERTIFV THAT I HAVE REAO AND EXAMINED THISAPPLICATION ANO KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE ANO CORRECT.ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES GOVERNING TH|STYPE OF W|)RK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SP€CIFIEDH€REIN OR NOT, THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT DOES NOTIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOANY OTHEg-Sd4fE OR LCANY oTllEc-sJ{IEO R LogADlLAw REGULATINGOR'FIE PERFORI$ANCE-O' CONSTRUCTION. HEALTH DEPT. SOIL REPORT TUiE OF CONTRACTOR WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED IIN THIS SPACE} THIS IS YOUR PERMIT PLAN CHECK VALIDATION PERMIT VALIDATION cK. M.o. y'-/q-il 22,so 4t',t INSPECTOR REOROER FROM: INTERNAITONAL CONFERENCE OF BUILOING OFFICIALS ' 60 SO. LOS ROBLES ' PASADENA, CA!I'OTNIA 9I IO!Form 1OO.l $59 INSPECTION RECORD DATE FEMARKS INSPECTOR FOUNDATIONS: SET BACK TRENCH REINFORCING FOUNDATION WALL & WEATHER PROOFING CONCRETE SLAB FRAMING INT. LATHING OR DRYWALL EXT. LATHING MASONRY FINAL USE SPACE BELOW FOR NOTES. FOLLOW-UP. ETC, PLUMdTKG P IT AP roN /2t812 Juridiction Applicant to complete numbered spaces onty. c SrJ*nce- 5--[Cours c. I oEsci,1[see lrrrctreo sx:er] MAIL ADDRESSr- t t I€d ftc4san J LICENgE NO. HIIECT Oi OESIGNEi LIC ENSE NO. ENGINEEi LICENSE NO. /u' ,'r//,4 U5E OF BUIIDIN6 7 l--) il{c:, Acrrr C-- 8 ctasolwork: tr NEW tnootrtoru trALTERAT|0N tr REpAtR {r -f.f ..rrf,, I Type ot Fixtura or lLm SPECIAL CONDITIONS:WATER CLOSET (TOILET) LAVATORY (WASH BASIN) KITCHEN SINK & OISP. OISHWASHER ^""''"^'it:;;"o"''LAUNORY TRAV CLOTHES WASHER WATE R HEATER THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC. TION AUTHOBIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 60 DAYS, OR tF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDEO OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 12O DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK tS COM. MENCE D. I I.{EREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE REAO AND EXAMINED THISAPPLICATION AND KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT.ALL pRovrstoNs oF LAws AND oRDtNANCES GoVERNtNG THtsTYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIEOI{EFEIN OR NOT, THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT DOES NO-SEESU!'E TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THEPROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATINGCONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANC€ OF CONSTRUCTION. SIGNATIJRE OF CONTFACIOR OR AUTHORIZEO AGENI (OA.rE OR INKING FOUNTAIN FLOOR..SINK OR ORAIN SLOP SINK GAS SYSTeMS: NO. OUTLETS WATER PIPING & TREATING EQUIP. WASTE INTERCEPTOR VACUUM BREAKERS LAWN SPRINKLER SVSTEM SEPTIC TANK & PIT WHEN PFOPERLY VALIDATED IIN THIS SPACE) THIS IS YOUR PEFMIT PLAN CHECK VALIDATIOtT cAsH PE RM lT VALIDATION cK./)-/1 ) L'/'.w ' n' 'l -Al' t t M.O. CASHcK. M.O. INSPECTOR IN TERNATION AL CONFEFENCE OF BUILOINGForm 1OO.2 +69 REORDER 'ROM: PASAD ENA, CALtFoRNtA 91t 0! USE SPACE BELOW FOR NOTES, FOLLOW-UP, ETC. o P PPLICATION FOR BUILDING PE T:{E '_. ,.:'/Il C:' VAIL It RMIT BUILDING INFORM}TION A ddition A lteration Repairs -F rea of Lot ,rZ, /f 4 -] ti IJ ?p j Building address_ Date of .A oplication arne P ddress City Narne Address 7 City Z. Occupancy grou.D A, E, INSPECTIO}J FOUNDATIONS licant fili in this section onl New Tel. No. Tel. No. .-, .' Lct ./S-$ H Elo;k -- z -- Fl Q i bubdrvlslon (Circle correct clas sif ication) l. Type of conrtruction I, II, lll',@@ No. of roorns V Xo, baths y' No. of water clos ets No. of Families ,/ ESTIMATED COST oF CoNSTF.TJCTTON 4i:s) ry_(Materials & Labor) t:€ C) l": t]) (j () ()ii a :i ir-d ';1 tstrlO :: ..r I l bo ct 'I 'I o I-J, T O .r-r (J f.) l_l 0l ri n. lr n (J t-{ .'l ..a :t n. () u 11 tl D, E, F, G, H INSPECTION RECORD (for Departrnental use only) APPROVA L COMMENTS DATE & SIGNATURE I d lJ.l t+l 6. (, oq) t, z ts U trl t4ltnz uzF{ FlH trl otr +) {$c hI) U] C)+)d A I UA |l)ri{J't:...a aIl o':trvcJa .d *' dq)di) b0 .ttri t7 <i o+,-; o'r i\o tst,Of{O,- 1i tr. !6trr{()F ir '-1 ta (5 --4trt i<.8'o +J nlA o +rI Q) o.o tr r0 tr f.{ +l,g .d G) .g rdt € a) ao H l.o o+) tllA oo u (D (to d Fr ,,x \.\\& o .P F tr +)tr F { +,da oad rL (t Fi n 4 la t'l I trd{) o () t'+t(r, Eoo x {J .d (J oo o r!u $.1 c,u BUILDING DIMENSIONS Total floor area (sg ttl 7,/tA f No. of stories 2 /,.2 Ht. T $i \ $ FRAMING FIN^ L ROUGH c) rt FINI L ROUGH F#l-u FINA L ROUGH FIN.A L ot)F () o *2^' u-.^fr GEOFiGE & :i'.i::;\ii :i 'HNii-)i'l 909 POIN.ITAI.JA :]!1;VI FORT LAIJT;ER'.)Al'E. i::, l].lll,. li Fil rll i !: i .'/'l: ar - / i',r,1rt-1. ll:lt -'..'ir i ')6 ji r':_ : i i :,. :I'I rlq5 . i . f-i:.' L :ia- : 02)':^ '.. i: r:)'l I r,li ' ) I I I rlri!, l\ 1/1r | "ti .\, ,i'i I.I.r'i '' & :-r'F i.-Ai. I Ni; - "::.riAY liiiNITi i'AV::lr-l :i:|.;r 'l : t !_t' il ;'ri nT t'-r' /'\ : -'\ 'F ' i,ii' I arJN:ltE'iE .']ll)A',l'l.)]l l,' )RMWi'l' i'. t it {"$r-,{tj' tr!? EE$r i$^tttnttt o 08/?5198 11:51 FAX 80$5045850 l# ffiw"1 @oog.]OHNSON I'EVELOP iloAusra ks;/.r*e - R*a M,f 0rre ol Addrss!: IMPROVEMEATr A< , alg. f tl^.r6 _o d a sp\. lT A.iw, tA (qr.a[es."g,-Nt - f3l, 11l,- D "r'w..r2 o"ph*t7 {zoo.t TD)'{f 21,I BTE' NOW. THEHEFOFIE, in conskteration of tre fo[owing mutual covenants and4rgsm€nls, t}le Developer ind the Town agree as follows: 1.The Developer agreos. at tts sole coet and sxp€nses, to fumish all equipment ' and maqialrnscgis-a(y to pertorm Bnd complete aI tmF,rove,nent*, bn or before1lA-. Tne Devetopw snilt compteti, rn a good'wgrkmanliko manner,aI IXf:lgTlIE as risted {ove: in accbrdanes with irl ptins an? speu:icerions fir€d In th€gtticg of the communrry Doreropmenr oepartrnent, ni rown "i t;,r:;;a to do au wortfncidenlal lhereto according ro and in comptrarrce with ttre following:' - - a. Such omer d€signsr drawlngs, mape, epeciflcaltms. skoFhes. anct oth6r manersubmltted bv rhg Deveroper to be approved by afiy of the abo/e-referencedgovernmontal enlities, All satc wsrk shall be dono under he inspgc{on of, andlO lhg satisfecdon ol. the Town FnnincAr rtra Tnwn Rrfilrlirta {.}ffieisl nz nlhe!, 6\:,fftk "7mF;Le. DEVELOPER MFROVEMENT AGREEMENT THlq AGREEMENT, made and €nterod i.,tq this J {tay of _T- xr__. 1 g{G Oy:ld.9Tplg tYJ" B;!i4i{= -"- lirl?#"nu, catroc, rhe -Devetoper.). and ths rowNOF vArL (h€roinaftpr caneo ttrE-TililFt ,Ll!|tsS JhB Deve,oper.-qga concrition or approval of the}* Vci wQplane,631sd{v\ar<-\+*.-.-Gq;fi;;;rni"r*rfi o"l}Ji, j|p#ffi 5;AgreornEnt and WHEREAS. the Oevetgpsr ls obtigated to prcvide soct/rity or colleterat sufF,cient h theiudgm€flt of the Town to make reasonaor-e prwtions hr compfetion ot cenatn irnprevernentssel forttt below; and WHEREAS, the Deveropcr wishes to provide coilatersr t0 guargnbe pertormange 0flhls Agreemenl. including construclion of the'above-refErerrced i-li*remenrs by mesns of thebllowing: I ooYglPpg ggre:s lo establlsh E cesh depostt wirh rhe Town ot vait in a dofier amounrot s3!p?EI*5- (125o/e ol the total cosl of the work shown bolow) to provkle securiryfor th6following: I06/25/96 I0: t2 TX/RI N0.?020 P.002 tt6/2t/gB 11151 FAI 8035S4s8F0 JfJHNSON DEVELOP Pzgs I of 3 @ oo3 onrciar rrom rhg.rofn o, vJi. ;a;;il ild;ial-oeffi; Jiii*;,. Afir,".is their respSllve in^ler€$ may amear. arro shaft noias oer-.o cornplete unflapproved and_accepted ", co,i,pfeteO-Oy tho Tovn oi Va'-commu",yDanetopmenr Depaitrnent a^i- f"Lra w6r,s odp",tirlir. - 2' To secur€.and g-uaranie€ perr-ormen3g o^r ilr obagations as ssr forilr harein, theDeyeloper a9rs6 io provide "-*ftryli;;rr:ra'rftl as fottnrus: 06/25/96 I0: l2 rxlRx N0.2020 P.002 o 0g/?5/s8 1l:51 FAL 8035{l{5856 .IOHNST.IN DEVELOP @ oo,t i*}FE:n"f, ff "',[,',ltJff lafi f iI#a defautt undEf rhe Agrr;;iby o-*ir"i"i. rggt.a5. to be hetd by rhe Torn, asifiiprovements sqt terltr aiove it lherr i; 3' The Dovefopel may al any fim€ subsrlhns lhe conaterat origtnafly sef ,orthabove for anorher rornr_or;;ils;*tri""a6tfr€ io rho Town to gu:uqnto€ the fEirhru,complelion of those tmprovernents t"rl"fuli rt"r.rn and the per{ormence ot the terns of nlrsff:?:fril' such acceplanaa bv rh;'i;il or arrnarrc ;t'fiH'ilatr be er rhc rown,s 50te 4' The rowrr shafl nor, oor shafl ary orficer or efr{rroyoe thereor. be liable orresponslble tor anv accicbnt' loss'til"-til1l3Pinhg or. occurrrng ro ,t,,e work spcemsd ar1this Agreement pri-or to no oompletioi-*itil_rpt"nce ol the sarns, nor shgll lhc Tqfii. norany oftieef or emploves ttt"t"oi-f,"tr"d'ioft.w pensons o,, p.op"rv Inlur'd try reason o, thenarure ot said worrr' bur ar or saldriJjiii"."-"h"i ffi;;;;r&y;'J;med ry tho Davelopor. The Oevatooer hereby agreei lo indcmnify End hold hEmlle$ the Totyn. arx, any ot ittollicers, asonts ani empravoe" u;;J,r";;io1e1,_9rgms, damages. or,abiririe' to which fieJourn sr arry of its ofticers. p:rli o, E pi6it"" ray become "rbjil to, h.orar as any $rchfosses, claims. ctamagss o-r tialiUrfes t*'I"UoiS in respsct thercotf nat ari", oul o, or arsbased uPon anv petrdnl]?nce-by rne o*"-rop"r hereuncler: snct thi Dwofoper sherr rcimbu*eme Town tor any "no,1ljp-",_9r-;1H-e-frffi€€ roasonebty incuroc, by the Town inc'onne.ion wilh invesrigatlng..or defendrtto ;;; :ych lgss,-.crlm. demagq 'abiriry or qcrion-Tft{s inclemnitv provision snit be in .donili i6 any other'rab{iity *,t ifr n" Dweiloper may I 5- rt is muluaty agreed ]har Ule oeveroFrer ray. apely to ho Town and rhe Townshall authorize for Darfial.r6r"ise "r ur-u "oiui"r.r dbposlrei d;r'd; iourn tor_ each carcaoryol lmprovement at'sucl'r time as gucrr ii'ilJu'iil *tr are construcred In cornprrarEe wtrh arlplens and specitiearions-a,s_ rererencad nEriuii"r and Bcc'plcd by the Town. Under nqcohd,tlon will the Emounr or tne cotraier;a;;i; b€ing h€tr, be reduced Deto,il ths arnountnecessary to complelo such improv6;;;d.-' ' €' lf lhe Towr deteTjn:" that sny of the ifiprov€tnenrs eonternplated herein erenol eonstructed in cornptiance with rhe pranl inO "pr.mLtrlii'liirJm horqtn by ttrs dale Betlorth in pataoraph z. th'e Town r"v, OriJirli*tr un requirsd to, with{raw rrom rhe c.ashdeposlt such funds as inlr ue necisiirv io comprere tie unfinished imprwemente. TheTorn shatt rolcase srrch tlnds iil;#,Jfl* reguest or lhe staff of tne communttyDeveloprnent Departmenl staunftnain. irrpiouemente have not been clrnplea€d as requlre<lby lhe agr€oment' Ths rown s6ar "oir"dft h6 con*"."""iriil'ooraoper prior to therelease of he funds, n"..:11[^,p I":"; d ;eqrlrod to vertfy independerrty rhat trelmprovoments have not been.cgTeleled * r"lit"d by lhis Agr.emenr, but shall releass sucnfirnds sotctv upon lhe requ€sr o.rre ci-mmr"iii o&orber"iior-pirriii"t. It lhe costs of compleilng the work exceed rhe amount of lhe depo'[, the erc€fs,togelher w*h interest at.lrrerve perc"nt per ain,?l", .1nrl be a ,en agarnst .nE property eildmay oc corected bv civu suit or may Dacertitbd to ure rr.isir;'ifTi'iie Counry m becollecled in lhe same rnanner as delinguent ad vajorem lares levied agaanst such Frgpeny. tlthe permit hotdar taits or rgluses. to coffi"ltlin cteanup snd tandsc+ing, a= dafined in thiechapter, such faiture or refusat Snaff Ue [on"iO'sieO a vloladon of the Zontng Cocle. 7. The Devaloper werrants all ilrork anc, matgriat for a porlgd ot one yedr aft€,actoptance ot Eil work retened tu In thls AgroemCnt by tile-form-p"-_i""t to Secton17'16'250 ll such work is located on ioin?r-iill property oi wlhfn Town or vair rrghr-of-$ray. B' Thc Darties hereto mutually Eorse thar thla Agreeme6t may b€ arnendad fromtima to tlme, provided lhat such r-"rO,irL"G OJ in wrlUng and erecuted tsy all pardeE hsreb. Dated the day and year flrst cbwe wrlttsfl. 06/25/SE I0:12 Tx/Rx N0,2020 p.00J I o 06/251S0 1l:51 FAX 8035045850 far,d hel_< STATE OF EE€F#A JOHNSON DEVELOP ) ) s6- ) STATEOFCOLORADO ) l ss. colJNTY OF EA.GLE ) My commisslon oxPires ;.-- - -- --.., ..1.7 -# Notart gtbuc I *z'/atbt's COUNTY OF ET€* ./ ^ -4. TnE lorsgoirrg Doveloper lmPm\tsmont AgrOement F{at aclfiOwlodg€d beloro ms lhls TJuy ot -rtEZ--: BLbv bam-c*.?r'tJtr v=r -Witnc$ my hand and olliclal seal My commission grPile3: i/- /q*-'tY @ ooo 06/25196 l0:12 TXlRX N0.?020 P. 004 3F".t:X$?i'T'*?'.if""'.1-dd,[' P.O. BOX 3524 SPABTANBUBG, SC 29304 Lfzt ,, qr 3248 67.44/532i3lB 55t.e5THE oF. NetionsBsnk uf Sor.rth Carolina' N A' Sr)artd'rl,urg, S'C. 20302 ,o&tArea ':o gaEfr {f,'.sasL?t'I aL8 I o o i 07 /LO/s5 14:11 GWATETEY PRATT SCEULTZ ARCH. ( 3Of )475-1512oo P. 002 fown d \trll fttl/tdirs fP@rAtr V/Rut- HANorArr---'.\* |'rii"---..*-:-r ', \ I$ rJr----F-'--r\r \. \ I T=;=;=:=:=:::oo-\. / | I _ T _ i _i l_ _ _ _ _rls;r...r --l+-*--'=1==------J i i i i i, ,'' ," )\\-''.r l\ / lllll/'I l r I r. ., ,/' .r'- -r\.lt--l-- | | l .l iiiii .,"))t:. I I i I | ," ,".r".,'-,\:J=-]--t-r-L-LJ-.}- ./ ,' ,r' i- -rr-fr'I1'i:=-=-:::::t. ./' ,, ,, / rr I rilF- ----tr\.r' ," .r'' ll i itri\,'," itr \ '\$. / lr".1K, il ^'ffiffifii$ DES'G"Ntil'i 1"6 ll2' *Al | | 2' llr I Flo t* tl o t DTiTi: J REVISED LOU/ER FLOOR PLAN t1,-a ll I 14'.1'-O' JOI.]NSCN PES I 23 JUNE 95' LOT I4.BLOCK 2.VAI VAI L. COLOPADO DENCE L VALLEY F IPST A5 l n3 gHEET D Gwqthmev Prott Schullz fi*rr'. l'€rtu5tatrItffiHnrlE 4F*