HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 7 BLOCK 7 LOT 1 LEGALdopartmont of commr.mity developmbnt TO BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT ntr D ra 6trn CONSTRUCTION PERMIT PLUMBING FOUNDATION BUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL FILING JoB NAME: Furstenberq Residence nlue P..J. FUfS ,ro,, ooo".r, 6420 E. Berry Ave GENERAL CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO, TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. PLUMBING CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. CONTRACTOR FIPM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. OTHER CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. TELE, i|. prlnhly/vail NOTE _ COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE DArE J+i,-lll83 AN r. TYPE oF coNsrRucnoN ru rrr rv@ 2. occuPANcY GRouP n e e x r@r,t DtvtstoN t z za@e GENERAT DESCRIPTION OF WORK : TYPE GROUP G.R.F.A. VALUATION NEW| ALTERATION AODITIONAL O REPAIR ACCOMMODATION UNITS - NO. FIREPLACES ADOITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED. INITIAL TOTAL PERMIT FEES v-fu(u.rrt OFFICIAL NG ADMINISTRATOR I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the Town's zoning and subdivision codes, desiqn review approved, Unitorm Building Code and other ordyter€sffihe Town applig$tc thereto. PERMIT iurst,-', NO. Proposed improvement Continuous "Vent-a-Ridgeil roof vent Shake shingles w/felt 1/2" Plywood 2X2 24" O,C. -air space ridge vent Shake shingtes w/feLt 1/2" Plywood 2)fr2 24" O.C. -co[d roof air sPace Bituthene ice and water shield existing roof --.:- of cold roof ventilation P 1l Vr M o4 E. 7', Project Application F..r.: ienberl ii es rdenc e r\larct"r I ?r9t3Date Project Name: t,:;: le|:'.rlr ..,"f: d lrcnr,i)vementProject Description: Contact Person and Phone I erer .1, .L rrrstenbers 476-5753 (Vr;'iLl 155-F:'i7 (i)ffLce! Owner, Address and Phone:! eler ,1 . i rirslenbers i.nd Dor,,ihy r li.irst.eriberg ti42} ':i. I,erry i'rer:rre, hl:,pler;r'ood. ioiorarlo 8011i; i'?1-0538 reg. , "55-11 t7 ttfflce: sanleArchitect, Address and Phone: -',.1id requires ',.-i -lzelir:f e rcli sf\rrrtg, l- ro,recl is t,o remcve 4:j.rsi.ng s'lrace rlrll, irr,qt.ril ' IJitothene r.c€ .rorl ,. itrlr ,,,nreld, cr:Id rr,,f, ..r.od ^n]r]ri)ved .rilge vent ner 1tt.^.. he,,-: Design Review Board Legal Description: Lot l Block 7 Fiting t , Zone - Comments:::ltictrri c': lr; r'.r'lf ' has .,.nade1rrir;e ventiL:rticn wl-rich c'i,l:ie.'; ir'e br"ild up Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL summary: 2fii$f " rQ:'>F ,/'f{r T'; r*Tct+ Statf Approvalowntr i Q.tt " t!, iu.rt"r['"g 64zo t. !&"oy 4o*u' t"{"""./, CJozo/o EonQ March 17, 1983 Department of Community Development Town of Vail Vail, Colorado B1657 Gentlemen, Enclosed is an appLication to improve the cotd roof on our residence at 1130 Ptarmigan Road. The new ridge vent would be simitar to those I have noticed on houses built in the l-ast few years on the gotf course, and the architectural change would be very minor. If you have any suggestions to further improve the efficiency of this system I would appreciate your comments. ,lt PROOF STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE OF PUBLICATION ss. r, ln ,aa (^ora do soremnry swear thar r am the printed, in whole or of THE VAIL TRAIL; that the same is a weekly newspaper in part and published in the County of Eagle, State of Colorado, and has a general circulation therein; that said newspaper has been published continuously and unintemrptedly in said County of Eagle for a period of more than fifty-two consecutive weeks next prior to the first publication of the annexed legal notice or advertisement; that said newspaper has been admitted to the United States mails as second-class matter under the provisions of the Act of March 3, 1879, or any amendments thereof, and that said newspaper is a weekly newspaper duly qualified for publishing legal notices and advertisements within the meaning of the laws of the State of Colorado. That the annexed legal notice or advertisement was published in the rcgular and entirc issue of every number of said weekly newspaper for the period of I consecutive insertions; and that the first pubication of said notice was in the issue of said newspaper dated .D. IS:EL and that the last publication of said notic€ was in the issue of said newspaper dated un€{ rS an.nA In witness whereof I have hercunto set mv hand this day of W.n Y tuLs& Subscribed and sworn to before me, a notary public state of Colorado, 11ri, / g fu a^y o1 t*/*ut*t l,-D. 1g?r/ Fubllc llotlce NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE t5 HEREBY GIVEN THAT Mt. C. C. Martrn, representing Lionshcad Lodgc, has app:rod for a conditlonal uga p€rmit ln accordence with ArtlEle 18, Section 18.400 ot t- -. l. .*_ Ordinance 8 (Setier oi 19731 In arder to permlt a protesslohal oftlce in an HDMF zone located on Lot 7, Block t. Vail Lionshead First Filing. NOTICE IS HEREAV GIVEN THAT Mr. Gordon Pierca, represent' ing Vail Mountain Schoql, hat aDplied for a condittonal us€ permit in accordance with Article 18, Section l8,4OO of ordinanco 8 (S6n€s of 1973) In ord6r to allow a Prlv e school In an existing rstidence .locat6d On Lot 31, Block 7 Vall viltag3 Flrst Fiung.NoTICE IS FIER€AY GIVEN I#"JF"#-rh*![iiJii#"Jiifl Sectton 3,505 and Ssctlon l9.2OOof Qrdinancc E (Sctlos ol 1973! In oidcr. io enclo!€ 165 additionrl square f€€t ot ltoor ar€a in an 6xl5ling l63ldon96tdrtod on -Lot lr Qlock 7, vall Vlllagr 7lh fillnE.A Publie llsnring will b6 held lo accbrdance wlth S€ctlon 2I.4Oo ot ordinancs 8. {S€ries of 1973t on .March t, 1974 at 2!oo P.m. in th€ vall. Munlcipal Bulldins. Slld condl' tlonal Usc permlts tnd vrtFnc€ wlll b€ h€ard bqfgrs the Town ot Vlll Plannlng Commlselon and tlndir.rlswill bo transmlttdd to th€ Town Councll tor the Town Of Vall. TOWN OF VAILqlroa S. Toughill Zafllng Admlnlstrator lstq . Publltrtod ln thc Vatl Trrll on Fdbruary '15, 1974. ?urd for the County of Eagle, My Commission expircs Wldu+l' /ta LSZ{ Fobruary 12, l?74 iloT tcE or PUBL lC tiEAR lliG iloTlc-L ls liERlcY GlvEli TIiAT t.lr. C. C. l'iartln, rG.rres(;ntlnij L I cnshoa d Lodgc, has opplled for a condlf ional use perl;rlt in accor<liincc ,llth Articlc lB, Sect lon 18.4C0 of Crd Inanca B (Ser- tos of 1973) ln order to pernlt a professlonol offlce ln an t!Dl,'lF zone located o;r Lot 7, Dlock l, Vall LIonsheaC First Flling. lloTlcE ls l'lEREgY GlvEil THAT llr. Gordon Plerce, trePresenflng Val I ilountaln Schoo|, has apPlied f or a conditlonal use Perr'it 60 accordancs r{lth Artlcle lB, sec*tcn 16.400 of ordlnance B (ser- lee of l97E) in order to allow a prlvste school ln an exlstlilg resid6nco loeatecl on Lot 31, Block 7 Val I Vlllaqo Flrsf Flllrg. NOT ICE lS HEREBY GIVEi't THAT Mr. Jay M. Utter has aFp I I ed for a varlanco i n accorrJanco $ | th Section 5.505 and Sccf lon l9 .2C0 of Ordlnanco B (ssries of l97J) tn order to enclose 165 addltlonal Seuare feet of f loor area In an exlstlng resldonce located on Lot l, Block 7, Valt Vlllage 7th Flllng. A Publlc Hearlng wlll be held in accordance !tlth Sectlon 21.400 of Ordlnanco B (Serles of 1973) on l'larch 7, 1974 at Z:00 p.m. In the Val I llunlcipal But tdlng. Sald Condltlonal Use Perml'tg and varlance wlll be heard before the Town of Valt Plannlng Corrrnission and flndlngs wl ll bel transnltted to fhe Tovrn Councl I for the Town of Val l. TOWII 0F VA lL Diana 5. Toughl I I' Tonlnc A,dr, lnistrator ot.. , cA'r' I ott FoR vAR I ANc E And/Or CONDI TIONAL USE PER14IT Ordinance llo. E (Series of 1913) App t Pub I i ca t i on out" -7--/1--? Hear i ns Da t" E- 7 V4 - uea r ins r". & Finaf Decision date for Town Councll El'-4?-74 r(wer@-4& "' n &ae--- (Staie) (CitY) do hereby request permission to appear before the Vai I Planning Commission to request ihe follovring: ) Variance f rom Artic | "% Section ) Zoning Change from ) Park i ng Va r ience ) Conditional Use Pe rmi t to allow Zone.in icat ion Da te ( ( ( ( TO ng described p rope rfy:Lot/t ractr- ./ , Blocx fFor the Fi ling Clearly sta.le foll.owi Number .2V purpose and i ntent of th is aPP I ication What do you feef is the basis for hardship in th t. ,ut.r-25''n cant 97** 'tL dL TO: FROM: RE: DATE: TOl^lN COUNCIL PLANNING COMMISSION REQUEST FOR GROSS VARIANCE FROM JAY MARCH 8, 1974 MEMORANDUM RESIDENTIAL FLOOR AREA UTTER In a meeting on l.larch 7,1974, Jay Utter came before the Planning Commission request.ing a variance of the gross residential floor area for his house on Ptarmigan Road Mr. Utter recently purchased this house from Steve Arnold. The ""qr..tcenters on Utter's desire to enclose two small balconies with glass and to enclose two sma'l 1 porch areas at the back of the house with glass. The net effect is to put the resjdence over its allowable GRFA by 20? square feet. The Des'ign Review Board hdd previously given its hpprova'l to Mr. Utter's proposal. That Board felt the changes would not materially affect the design or appearance of the house. In accordance with the zoning ordinance, the Planning Conrnission found: (1) That the granting of the variance wi'l 'l not consitute a grant of specia'l privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other pioperties classified in the same district. (2) That the granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare, or materially injurious to propert'ies or improvements in the vicinity. (3) That the variance is warranted for one or more of the fo1 lowing . reasons: (a) The strict or literal. interpretation and enforcement of the specified regulation would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of this ordinance. The Commission then voted to approvefloor area variance and to recommend the request for gross residential same to Council. DS/runm P,,..0. Box lO88 Ycl.l , Colorcds Rrt Yarlancr: lor resldrncr Jay: Dtaor S. Toughl ll -'- Tie Toxn Councl I atf trned untfil&our,f y th-'.Plrnnlng Coaolt3lonThe Torn councl I atf trrb€d un!fi*&out:f y rna .rllnfllng l.oEElt5l declglon to tpprovc t d€fio|t! iednfr'ot Ytrlsnsr to al lor en- ': rddltton of 202 squan fcrl to your hosie loeatcd on Pfarmlgen 'Rord, The addltlonel squarc foatagr rll l raqtlrc a recrustf on aontcct thls offltr, Yours truly, * *r: ., Frbruary 12, 1974 HOTICE OF PUSLIC HEARII{G HOTICE lS HEREBY 8IYEX THAT l{r. C. C. l4artln, rcFr.!.ntlnS Ltonthead Lodge, ha3 tppllcC lor a condltlonrl sta perult In eecord€ncr rlth Artlclo 18, $rctlon l8-400 of Ordlnaacr I (5rr- lrs of 1975t In ordor to pcrnlt a profcrslonal cfflcc ln on HOlfF tonc located on Lot ?, Block l, Vall Lloarhead Flrst Flllng. HOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEil THAT ltr. Oordon Plorct, reprcsentlng Vol l Hountaln gchool, hrr aBpllcd for a condltlontl u3. prmlt lo oceopdtncr rlth Ar?lcl. 18, Srctlon 18.400 of ordlnancc 8 ( cr- lrr of lglt!, In order to al lor o prlvcfr rchool In tn oxlrtlng rceldcncr locatrd on Lot 5l, Bloch ? Yrl I Yl I lrerr Ff rtt Fl I Ing. I llOTlCE lS IIEREBY CIV€H THiT Hr. Jry tl. Utisr htr rppl lrd lor a varlancc In cccordenco rlth Seetlon 1.501 tnd $eeflon 19.20O of Ordlnlnce I (srrlrr sf l97tl ln ordar ?o cnclore 165 rddl?lonal tqu.r. foet of floor lrla In tt exlrtlng ratldonsr locttad on Lot l, Btock 7, Valt VtIlcgr 7?fi FlIIng. A Publlc Herrtng rlll be bctd ln accordlncs xlth Scctton 21.400 of Ordlnrncc 8 (srrles of t97lt on Harci 7, 1974 af 2:00 p.n. In tho Val I Munlclpal Bulldlng. Sald Condltlonal Usr Pr.rnltr and varlancr rtll br hcard bcforu tha Torn of Yell Flannlng Comnlgllon and llndlngr rlll bc tranrnlftrd fo thc Torn Gouncll {or thc Torn of Vrl l. TOHH OF YAIL Dlanr S Zon I ng . Toughl | | Adnl n I strator I BUILDING PERMIT VaiI, Colorado Perrnit c^tu 4^;/ t4 ts-E- Perrnission is hereby er^ft"d ?&- Z Fln f.- /6o.o as 2*rr- fio-"-. .l ddre s s r'/,?, ar/story In accordance with the C ornrnittee, subject to Prote ctive Covenants, provisions set forth by the Vail the rules and regulations as set and in cornpliance with the 1964 Group .l rchitectural Control forth in the Vail Village Uniforrn Building Code. rType of C onstruction C ont ra cto r / pproved Vail Building Inspector INSPECTION RECORD (For Departrnental use Only) INSPECTION FOUND.\TIONS )J,TMENTS DA?E & SIGNI.TURE FR,^ MING bog g.t FINA L BEST -'=;6q FIN/ L AVAILABLE ROUGH ROUGH t: ,6 PPLICA TIOry r.OR EUILDING rHB tc.fm c: vArL'// i 0)F Bo BUILDING INFORM} TION New X+A ddition y' rea of Lot ESTIMATED COSTdUd0 y){.) Drl 9 co rrect cla ssif ication oF coNsTF.UcTtoN_iftfiMp (Materials & Labor) IR\ ,",o o trd (li I a)+,t{ d P. o zo F FlA(/) 7' z arl D o l.ru d Fi bo U) ,a.' (s P. d h ,ro +,o,ou Fou .d tro o rt) ,-l{eg# H-tugt4f;FHFCEI Hil<9o I z4z&Z ti*<ix 'lOp,() .+) ' tr o E .n tU oo @ u} h {t} o du C)o +r h {U o +)d 1-l o .6 (J o.P Jdu l.i 0,) sui,l,!l !,ili .18 = '-r.:o()x &ndlI :'r l, aDd J,Ol'l F' 23.53Tf20= IN, PAY TO THF: O RDE Ii OF :TURE (c E r\tTFl 4l l- n FC FF ClA N l{ ^-o rRr,sT D€ VER. COLORAOO ti lO ?OnrDO 5 lrl lil{nrlg!ln.F'II ROUGH /at't plck 7 7-licant fi!.l in this section onl Buil g address Date of F pplication ame y'.ddres s City ZZrztztZ TeI. No. PERMIT A lteration_ Repairs Type of o."up"n yrfi*ffiGT No. of stories ,/4, 1g1t.n/ Nr, of "oorrr" F.l g"t 1No. of water "tor"t"-3(--' No. of Families / BUILDING DIMENSIONS Total floor area (s.q ftl I r{ 1.. Fo() N^rnu &t Address City Tel. No. Narne ;iEt*L Addres s City TeI. No. Lot Block Subdivision (Circle l. Type of construction I, II, I11, Z. Occupancy group E, C, D, E, F, G, J E:; J lE['f l]i €a.ssFrl L.o; PerER J. or DOROTHY C, FURSTENP5 i- i>{ {' ' 5522 EAsr coroRADo evtxue I ' DENVER, COI.ORADO 80222 Ilic .Fl (! ett{ \., tt6 t+'Co)d0, bo .ltri.'rE EEtd O+r? o'5 ho kprloroFro -! c! -'FoD.c ol) 91 FINI L ROUGHts 6 ho+ i0 |l) FINAL ROUGH / FINF L EEST t| - ,'; ' \ i i.iIo t INSPEC,TION RDCOBI) BUILDINq DEPARTMENT I Vail, Colorado Permit No. Phqt", 476-5613 Notice: Inspections will not be made unless this card is posted on tlte job. ALL subcontractors must be lioensed and sign this fr4, m, 7 -*a1Pot24bwen inspection' 5/3/6f To In'sure Inspection .the . '. . same day call : ,,..r 476-5613 before 11:00 A M. DO NOT COVER UP ANY. WORK NOT INSPESIED,. Heating Electriaal F.*',larl-t I I T(| C||MPTV WITH C(IDE INSPI]CTION RECORD . To obl.aln in:pections call 4?6-5613. Inspections w!$ be 'mrde the same day -trn calls before 11 A. M. No inspection frill be mrde on Saturday, Sunrlay, or legal holidays. Inspections will not be made until permit has been secured and contrac. for has signed and. ptaced his llcense number in the spacos obove. Inspection Approved Footings 6't*t Plumbing | >Zt< lElecrical l7- t" ^rat /f o x I Heating ,- FYarne - /t-l I-ath a ? - zz-c Notice: CertrJicate of Occupa.ncy and Compl,iance hust b-e ob- tained before struclure t occupied. I I lVlssonrvt- 4 ?E!ttraoita Ccxtt t!|lol?? l.LGr 7ll-tts o HOIT{ESCAII{BRIDGE HAVANA BUILDBRS, INC. I lloo Er.T xraaLaD'. avrr.ur Auiotr^, cc|'craD,o lOOl I Aori I 28 '1969 EuiIdtnq InsoectorVall, Colorartn Dear 9lr: Ilefetence ttflesidence f'or iIr. and lY!rs. P.J. Furstenbergttolease be advisad oi" the folloruingl (a) The olans as submltted are drawn to be ln comoliance rui.th bhr: trllnlforrrr Buildlng Cocleil.(t ) ,1 lL ulring wllL be in cornollance wlth Lhe I'National ilectrie Coderr.(c) 1.'onst-ruction will cornply wtth the ItFlre Freventi-on iodert .(rt) Ihe olans erE aDoroveri by the Vaii Architectural Control Committec tlarch 17,195C,(e) iiyself or rEerBsentittvc wlll lnsoect the structr,rrethroughout the various staqes to insure cornoli,anceurllh tha olans. l/e ry--tl ru I v you rs ,4tg7{4Peter J. Furstenberg /