HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 7 BLOCK 8 LOT 1 LEGALTOI4'N# Design Review Board ACTION FORM Deparbnent of .Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 faxi 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Prcject Nam€: Hyatt Residence DRB Number: DRB030230 Project Description: Deck extension Participants: OWNER HYATT, EILEEN CHARLES 06/172003 Phone: 301 COOK ST DENVER CO 80206-4422 License: APPUCANT HYATT,EILEENCHARLES C6,1til2003 Phone:303-321-0537 301 COOK ST DENVER CO 80206-4422 License: Projed Address: 1200 PTARMIGAN RD VAIL Location: 1200 B Ptarmigan Road Legal Description: Lot: 1A Block: 8 Subdivision: VAIL VILLAGE RUNG 7 Parcel Number: 210109208009 @mments: BOARD/STAFF ACTIOT{ Motion By: Actlon: SIAFFAPR Second By: Conditions: Cond:8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (PI-AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: CON0005941 flood lights on upper deck must be removed. Cond: CON0005942 All construction materials and dirt stored on TOV property must be removed by July 1, 2003. Planner: Allison Ochs DRB Fee Paid: $2O.OO one yoar of the approval. Description of the Request: __ Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Fmntage Road, Vail, C.olorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2'1 3€) taxi 970.47 9.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.ts General I nformation: Al proj€cts requiring despn review must receive approval pior to submitting a building permit application. Pl€ase refer to the subrnittal requiremenb for the particuhr approrlal that b requested. An application for Design Rwiew cannot be acoepted unlil aI required information is received by the Community Det/eloprnent Department. The proi:c{ may aho need to be revier,ved by the Tom Councl and/or the Planning and Ervironmental Commission, Deslgn revlew approval lapses unl€ss a bulldlng permit ls issued and constructlon commencee Yvithln locauonof theproposat: tor:JA abck: 8 sraairi"iontl/aif k/4e.. 7fi Fr'/',rl? Physical Address: Parcet no.: ) lO Zoning: Name(s) of Owner(s): Mailing Address: Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant: Maaling Address: Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. Fa an addition where sq€re footage is added to any resklential or commercial building (includes 250 additlons & interior conversids). For minor changes to buildirps and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. For minor charges to buildings and site improvemenls, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences rd retaining walls, etc. For revisiors to plars alrcady apprwed I Hanning Staff or the Design Review Board. Replace rotted wood decklng to the back (east side of bedroom) 20', extendlng the deck to wrap around the back (south side) of the property 20', uslng TrexPro decking, made from recycled product, with no chemical preservatives (see product brochures). Installed by a Trex- approved and warrantied contractor, Classic Designs, Inc. 7 Type of Review and Fee: . Signs . Conceptual Revlew . New Coflstruction. Addition . Minor Alteralion (multl-family/comlnercial) Minor Alteration (single-family/d uplex) Ctranges to Approved Plans Separation Request $50 No Fee $650 $300 $2s0 _/:>-f s7n \ $20 No Fee tft ] lolo?do Soog- (conract Eagle co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.; {ileen (harles llyatt 301 Cook Street Denver, CO 80205 303-321-0637 milehvatt@msn.com June 16, 2003 Ms. Judy Rodriguez Planning Permit Technician 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Re: Application For Design Review Deck Replacement and Extension 1200 ftarmigan Road, Vail, CO 81557 Dear Ms. Rodriguez: Enclosed are documents to support approval of the above project. 1. Application for Design Review2, Joint Property Owner Written Approval Letter3. Site plan with Clerk & Recorder's Ceftificate4. Hand-drawn sketch of propefty and proposed deck dimensions5. "Before" photo of old deck6, Photos of where extended deck will be added (old retaining wall already replaced with Keystone)7, Contractordocuments a. Letter from Classic Designs, Inc. b. Design sketch of framing foundation for deckc, Design sketch of deck layer8. Trex brochure describing decking product 9. List of press releases regarding Trex decking10. List of Trex contractors, including Classic Designs, Inc, on page 2 I appreciate your review of these documents and acceptance of them. d'tf#h#&'il-- Enclosures 't 't + ++{.'f t*!t x.***!****'l't:}*++*i.**r.*,}*** *'}'t*+'t* **+*'l'lt*r***'t*1r**l' * r.!***'tir***+*'t't++'f TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO + + * ****'****,i* *****+'t+*'t**{.{.*****'r*{'{r**+++*!t**+**t(r!**+*,hf *t**** *{'***+f l*'l'}*l' Statement Number: R030004195 Amount: $20.00 05/t1 /200301 :29 PM Statement Init : iIAR Notsation: 1022 Eileen Payment Method: Check HyaEf Permit No: DR8030230 Type: DRB-Minor ALC, SFR,/DUP Parcel No: 210109208009 Site Address: 1200 PTARIT{fGAN RD VAIL Location: 12OO B Pearnigan Road Total FeeE: $20.00 Tbis Palment; $20.00 Total AIJIJ Pmts: $20.00 Balance: $0.00 't 't,* ** 'i * *** * * ** * 't 't **{.*** * {. {.i* i * {. rt** * *:}*** * * * * * I +{. * *** l.'l,t,f rr I ir'|.*,r tr* {.{r'r.:}* * '1. ir '* * *'i 'lr 'lr * *{.'*,}'* + * * * * +* * * ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descriotion Current Pmts DR OO1OOOO31122OO DESIGN REVIEW FEES 20.00 r.n(ln to t* o E o+ to (r, o @ classit dcsigns, inc, 5tt3 .347 .r2r2 sn*'-de.Jsici gos.conr This d*ign is en irtmrmem of service and rhe sole properry of Classic Designs. Any uoaurhodzed usc oi rhese plens or dcck features rlevel- oped by Claslic Designs shall h'e de emed a breat'h of coorract and shall cnride Cla*sic Designq to 16slsa $t,ooo.oo, induding reasooable attorocy's fce. to enforce its lcgal remctlic for such breaclr. l2Lr' L o r-l E t-o!t to classic designs, inc, to1.y7.t2t2 wrw.<letkdesigns.crrn Itis rlesign b an insmrmcm of service and the solc propnny of Clusic Designs. Any unauthorizal use ofthac plans or deck ftetuces detel- oped S Classic Derigns shall k dccmcd a breach of contnrr and .rhall enritlc Classic Dcsigns to reccivc $r,000.00, induding reasonable acrorney'r fees, to coforce its legrl rcmedies for . such brcach. I; i' I lo' , q'-l no t r. o chssh dcsigns, inc, i ilt.t17.1212 wn.decticsigns rorn 'flris dsign is an I lnstn|mcnt Of Sen$e I and rhe solc poperty of Clarsic Dcsigns. Aoy unauthorized use of thcce plans or dcck feeoms dcwl- opcd !ry Clarsic Dcsigns shell be dcemerl a breach of conrrrrt and shdl cnride Classic Designs lo receivc 6l,000.00, irrcluding lnomeyk fees, to enbrcc its legal rcmedies for such brcrh.- o E 3 o 0-o!t to o fFt I t,' 5;L y-,", H D U\ sc - t^'U':'\( y.ln\ * t]y L','v.r llr' ab'rzqr"r'g.\,tkfo,nl. S,irr'r c^ {o".} CL td_ f,}i"} classh dcsigns, inc, t03.t47.r2iz wwnJccklcsigns.crrn This dcsign is an iostrumenr of scoice and thc solc proprry of Chssic Derigns. Any unauthrized usc of rhcsc phns or deck foruas &vel- oped hy Classic Designs shrll be deemed r kcach d controct and shall emitle Clessic Designs to rteive $1,0m.00, including reasonable atmrney's fedi to ro.iorcc its kgrl rcmcdies ftr sudr brcach, Jrn.l l.0l \ 0t v^r! cqfruiltrv fiv:roPt|il?cT0ltet{tl :' T-ltf ?.0021002 l.tzl a I 0l:17pn Fror.lOltil tWfrepon,sarea l/wc urrd*retrnd trom rFa conduSron3 mat lho prlopo..rr burrsrng ra roce!,od rn . hazard aone, rnd thrrr l: tha potantiel hazard olr (EE'E| 'rr avt.Er atl(, u.!tE 15 trrE pgtlnllal nlzalll c',roctlY Lrg.E-5 reachfng thc proposcd hours, c€uging damage. we are preprnrd to of Voil EuildloE Ooportmcnt gront rJo a perniit, STATE OF COLORADO couNrY orffive* Th e foregoin g Instruqcnt was aSlgrordgd ged.lcfore! -.2ora,bv (tZtz", (i/*t-f-et dl*az+E:#W*i #l*"t[.J,"'.lltl per8On v/hoBe namt i3 sttbrcrtbcd to the forcgoing {nstrument and acknowledged to My uvrrrr risoiur r crlrires. STATE OE EOLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE Thrjndcrslgn€d - =.' PrenarerlatY me lhat he executcd ih6 3arng for the purposes ftobgie4 bc.. thcrein expreseed, 38. I 1'hr lorogorng in3truti1.nt woc ocknowlrdgud baforc nrc ttr ir _ doy ol_,20__. by , known to mc [r;l btr llrr: ptlrlt(ltr wlro.rs: rrallre ll rtttrsriri]red ln lha fnrrgning lnrlrrrtrr:rrl irrrl talcrerwlarlOld frl ".c f hrt ha -f-.r ,t-4a lhr ar,+,e f6e {hr 6. rr6r6a+r r*d mrairlrritina tharcin rxpressad. My comm tslon erplrcs: t rcqs.Gt /' t*,4das f;." 1\T.ifdrlNr{at,\f.O&\I9l0culg}i, Hrrrll lcr is*.drrr otro*2m2 t vI I tfct t .te \q F( |.l $i *$$s u$13 \ct* i $i $ iirisiiii s$ii ilt$ ri \' -$ N. ,i{ ,it{ { !lf : irit ii i|$\|is :l t!Vl ir' Gl 9*:I JG.ll 'r ei ii $i iii ii',is ' iiiitisd -t aL s q o d L Flr SI:o-#-E 4 \) l. orl' <- aa' "tlLI-v \ :g? l7 t8 I9 20 2T 22 23 24 25 ,l'' 1 :l 'i;' o Design Review Board ACTION FORM Departnent of Community Development 75 Sor.rth Frontage Road, Vail, Colondo 81657 tef : 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479,2452 web: www,d.wil.co.us Protect Name: Hyatt Residence DRB l{umber: DRBO3O319 Proiect llescription: DrMeway change and spa addition Parttipants: OWNER HYATT, EILEEN CHARLES 08/1V2003 phone: 301 cooK sT DENVER CO 802M4422 License: APPUCANT HYATT, EILEEN CHARLES 08/1{2003 Phone: 301 COOK ST DEI,IVER CO wz06.4r''22 License; ProjectAddress: 1200 ffARI'IIGAN RD VAIL locauon: legal Dessiption: LoU 1A Bloclc 8 Subdivlslon: VAIL VIII-AGE FIUNG 7 ParcelNumber: 210109208009 Comments: BOARD/STAFF AGTION l.lotion By: Acilon: SrAFFAPR. Seond By:Vote: DateofApproval: 08/13/2003 Condldons: Cond:8 (PLAN): No changes b these plans may be made wlthout the written onsent of Town of Vail shff and/or the apprcpriate review @mmlttee(s). Cond; 0 (PIAN); DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please onsult wlth Town of Vail Buildlng personnel prior to aonsbuction activiUes. Planner: Allison Ochs DRB Fee Pald: l2O.Oo **'i**'i'tt****'i*t***********')***********+***+t**++t***a****+**'*t'{.{.*****t**********'t*********** TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement***f+'itl*'i***+****i.*******t*a*****+***+++****+t*++t****************{+tt*+*******rr*****+**** Statement Nudber: R030004453 Amount: $20.00 Og/LL/2OO3O3:52 pM Palment Method: Check IniE3 DDG Notation: Hyatt 1031 Permit No: DR8030319 Tlrtr)e I DRB-Minor Alt, SFR/DUP Parce]- No: 210109208009 Site Addre6s: 1200 PTARIT{IGAI{ RD VAIIJ IJocation: Total Feee: $20. oo This Payment: $20,00 Total ALL Pmts: $20.00 Balance: $0. oo *'l* r * ** * t*'lr'i !*'*'t * * 't * * * * ** * * *'i* l. * * * * *** * * *'r*'t' ***{.** * ***** *** f + * | | | | t * * *** {.* *** 't * * * * {. r. * * * {. * '}* ** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Cunrent Pmts DR OO1OOOO31122OO DESIGN REVIEW FEES 20 .00 Parcel Detail Ehded offlciEls.t Countg seruicca!Visitors t Community t Page 1 of3 I wrnt I H*glr,H*t-#yl|'fY r,o*"lr site tndexlr .oun., .0n....,ll sEARcH Eagle County Assessor,/Treasurer Parcel Detail Information Assessor/freasurer Property Search I Assessor Subset Query I Assessor Sales Search Basic Buildlng Characterlstlcs I Tax tnformation Sales Detail I Value Detail I Residential/Commercial Improv€ment Detail I Land Detail Tax Area Account Number Parcel Number Mill Levv sc103 R043514 210109208009 45.8s3 Own€r Name and Address Legal D€scription SUB:VAIL VILLAGE FIUNG 7 BLK:8 LOT:14 BK-0691 PG-0541 MAP 04-04-96 BK-0691 PG-0542 DEC 04-04-96 BK-0692 PG-0250 QCD 03-21-96 Locatlon Property Tax valuation Informatlon 12OO PTARMIGAN RD VAIL VAIL VILLAGE FILING 7 Acres:0.106 http://www.eagle-county.com/Goodtums/assessor/parcel.asp?ParcelNumber2l0109208... 08/1112003 Parcel Detail Page 2 of3 Sale Date: Sale Prlce: Basic Building Characteristics Number of Residentlal Bulldlngs: Number of Comm/Ind Buildinqs: Residential Bulldlnq Occurrance 1 Characterlstics ONE STORY:574 BALCONY:155 MAIN FLOOR AREA:961 FIN BSMT=TO ABOVE:489 DECK:t26 HEATED AREA:2,O28 ABSTMCI CODE:SINGLE FAM.RES.IMPROVEMTS ACT_YEAR_BLT:L975 AIRCOND:NONE ARCH STYLE:1 1/2 STY BATHS:I BEDROOMS:4 BUILDING-TYPE:DUP.TRIPLEX IAVERAGE ECON OBS:80 EFF_YEAR_BLT:L977 EXTERIOR WALL:FR STUCCO EXTERIOR_WALL:WD SID AVG FIXTURES:-L:t FLOOR:CARPET INV FLOOR:SHT VINYL FRAME:WOOD FMME HEATING FUEL:GAS HEATING TYPE:HT WTR B/B INTERIOR WALL:DRYWALL I NEIGHBORHOOD:VAIL VALLEY ROOF-COVER:WD SHINGLE ROOF STRUCTURE:GABLE/HIP ROOMS:7 STORIES:STORIES 2,0 UNITS:t USE CODE:RESIDENTIAL http://www.eagle-county.com/GoodturnVassessor/parcel.asp?ParcelNumber{10109208... 08lll/2003 ?arcel Detail o Page 3 of3 Tax Xnformation Tax Year Transaction Type -l[Amount l- 1rr?ilt $2,210.16 [-lrr?-Tax Payment: Whole t ($2,210.15) 1998 Tax Amount $2,408.11 1998 Tax Whole ($2,408.11) 1999 Tax Amount $2,536.06 1999 Tax whole ($2,s36.06) 2000 Tax Amount $2,674.94 2000 Tax Whole ($2,514.94) 2001 Tax Amount $2,337.40 2001 Tax Payment: Whole ($2,337.40) 2002 Tax Amount ll $2,462.32 | 2002 I zooz Tax Payment: Whole ($2.370.28) Tax Payment: whole ($92.04) Top of Page Assessor Database Search Options I Treasurer Database Search Options Contact us by phone: (970)328-8640, in Colorado (800)225-6136 By mall: Eagle County Assessor, 500 Broadway, PO BOX 449f Eagle, CO 81631 Or by e-mall: markc@eagle-county.com The Eagle County Assessor and Treasurer's Offlces make every effort to collect and maintain accurate data, However, G Software and the Eagle County Assessor and Treasure/s Offlces are unable to warrant any of the information herein cor Copyrlght @ 2001 Good Turns Software. All Rights Reserved. Database & Web Design by Good Turns Software. http://www.eagle-county.com/Goodturns/assessor/parcel.asp?ParcelNumber'=210109208... 08/Il/2003 JOINT PROPERTY OWNER WR ITTEI{ APPROVA LETTER l, (print name , a Fint owner of prcperty loceted at (addr€6sflegal been submitted to the Torn of Vail Conrmunity Developrnent Departrnent for the propced improvements to be completed at the address noted above. I understand that the proposed improvemenb includei -1. Replace current rotted wood decking to the back (east side of bedroom) 20', extendlng the d€ck to wrap around the back (south eld€) of the property 20', using TrsxPro decklng, Install€d by a Trex-approved and warrantied contractor, Clas.gic Deslgns, Inc. Replac€ grav€l drlveway wlth asphalt driveway Put hot tub In southeast comer of deck I furthor understand that minor modifications may be made to the plans over the course of the review process to enswe oompliance with the Tourn's applicable oodes and regulations. /'/.-H3 (Dat€) z. 3. P€lW2ot12lo7l17lo2 o frto f s + E ?'- ID v /( noo k) Ptorais"n / Sfar..Par ) A)ioi^, n" Resi Ae nse. rano LA) P*a.rmisa.n- t laY ,r.t**r,p.l 5oUr,o M Asphalt & Coathgs' lnc. P.O. Bo:t l9J6 Fd*ents, Co 81632 (970)c?G3343-Office i970i926-0ll? .ilev .pS 03 Oir,r?p r*---El€€ctipftoo Estimate .- ,.lnEotlor i r:rucd 6t itiliC lredeof&ivc urrBsrttctrbe 1. z. 3. + 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Obtt|n T.O'V. Pctmltild; ;onilc'ipton eno .ll matslals rt tunt of grragc rnd entrv door iil;". dco--trrral to "nir*- pll-*-.-,t of +'aei6 rorOurse and 3, dafth 'rPhdt on .pFodm.t lY 11t SF tkhrcur.Y Dmlsbffi of rcrt: i..' zb-ilJi rt mnt of ggtag€, runnerg east ard wcct, ltom 'alt 'dgo of lddendal !*ruerunr b 6.dge of brid( Patiou r.iatrno n6tut to 20 feet at to.detay brtmen Gast&Gt qrrbcrlt I ii-le* -notwsouth hom roadway to g.ragp door and €ntry door Crarl. dlvt br pocmvc CoPG and diahrge,- Fn..rilq-iia"." ina corpai +;Aasee r6i b.se, ucne ilEtsfrt'. fof hlg8t d€ndty stettlEa inat to ptevent veg€t don grsrth ffiffi; 'ir.ii "ia -.p"4 s- oe*[ asph.lt on aPproxtm't€lv 1157 sF clrlvewav ;lffi;;ii€,-;bd rirtdasitd dcbrcfrotn sle *"d of prolsct ini;l-ft; "ilptolrt€ eno lnocpcnaem conrnctorq txlotmry oxn'r fbr 'rry ildlllty uP b $1 rt|llbn Armrnt: +'lr.l00.0o f '-- I II i I : !-r I r- I ,lF4ih I Aro.roric.INCIrDBDI 1 Da DovEf I dgd wilf GFCI her l rdricrys l trrt pli Ofr*lo:Sr:r l orEtopt'orf ry6 01*+;rsdsee*lprfrp 1U47Io2 Hffl - t'fet - t@ew-Ath CE*Wnzfie,'Ory.1@ Ftshw.IIICDAaaa5ts,,'' Te KlLBalawCMt,Eb.A*+.tuedwtt725nMgtt G TOiI PERFETN Directot ol Sales and rri--- rrr- !_.* FF *-"sitEss D€vebpr|ent MAXIMUM COMFORT POOL & SPA, LLC' Swimming Pool & SPa Sales SeNice and Construction PO. Box 2670, Vail, CO 81658 970-9494339 Fax 970-9494113 Cellular 97&W-40o4 En a i | : tP Br lslti@ftE P s v ai I con E$igment-- Delivcry ' Subcontraqted scrvicas +E::;:i:1,;'ji;,:i;i,ii|''ii!i,ii;ii:j:r:',..t:t|l':i:il!*';;:..iE.'ti+i.j+'|t:mi:i.;i!ii;||)::.'::;:|:iin||;|Ji.?:i:;:;$ttdt Apotldb / mvcrblo 4r and s6c.tdi€N Spe TNCIIJDEIT:qty d..odpai,ott Eodd.d Psl # l parslcar Eot*fd,Asg'?','dgt' oolor / ntrftcc ir tt&r - &o{/a hrt lrdiot volt gr clcotriod $pply udrig ald ovolonat fioo d loocl to BYOTgAnA. p|td to p.6d BY OIEER& l.,it):.!|it:ttt:!r::ii:#i,ti:ij.!i I Dryurltl Rqdr ofcdl &d !"ililg ln hdhrty b Ea hcfudtd BY Otf,E[s ,.:,;tr:,;::1,:::ij:::,-.,.,:ii;::.j,ii:::ii::lli:iii::i::-iii::ili;ii';::i:;iii:i::l:::iillliiil.:i:.:'.:i;:::iiul:,:.,i:liii.lii:iiilii,'iii;-':iirliii:il;]i!:,r.i.i:!: :#S#,ii'.{iii:liiiii::li:r,ii:iij;ii;;:;:iili;ii:iiiili'::::'.ii.r.rlii SrbTex &4% Stac Co|rty |[d City Sto'e Locatian: 41010 U.S. HwY. 6 E 24 Eagle-vail Bu siness Cente I @*qmg i:1tii.l:ii;:i:j:i.l+ ili!!:4ii::i|rri: ixlfi*:,c"{:.il,,:,i illl1+i.,,:'#:r..t;ij ::;i:i::u:*1,{::ill. 'iriiiil'1iiii{iiii.{i lat{,iiii::li.:jj:i.;iti:iiiit:::t:i.i::,ntli!:ii.i:;iiiir.:j:iiit;i,r.i;itigllijii,t;itt:,...:ii Dclitt!'t ldd rn rruiio rcnrice tl{CLlIltEDr Sty dcroriPfio|t 1 D€livrry to Jobdtt or Rlridocc by: {r'!r'd*rciard' 1 -----t Stsd.ra{.$t$y or rctEt|! ddiE y 0 trt.fF.J.db6{M.f{F 1 sci,up rd lrtq of Tr d loc$ioo: 0@r}!'.dr lftEF:."'S'tt:' i tr.: t:r.' PORTABIT SPA SALES ORDER DATE: PROJECT: LOCATION: 10{t2(m October 2, 2002 {yrtt Rcrtdcnce 12lX) Ftrrn[u Vrit Cal Wlnn Sales & SPA, LLC. @*q#E Slotd Location: 41010 U.3. Hw 6 & 24 Eagle-Vail Eusiness Center ta')atara rliaaaaaliartttll?ltt!tialaaaaaaraaaaal*aartaaaaa' Submnitted to: Eileen Eyrtt Ilenver, CO Fu infmation cottsot Shannon Knalb d - phme 97G'949'5339 email sloaub@cpsvail.cqtr fax 97G'949-61l3 laatl+a'ill*llallalllaaataaaaaatlaaaaal+*tf +aaaaaaaal*tlllll lrrim Codo.r Fool & 56 ILC krh iibritrd r 4rcP8" b Pls!.cd to frit thir e. !.hJ oda fa tto c6tipocal *ir\ od *rrdoor rtraaild a rtrcribsd h tb btlowing rr&r oi'drr, to tho Scocrsl oofg c orncr lrr,citr i.Ldificd r 'ocrrlltod or ior+d !{CPS pqc6 lo ryrfy ad irr|dt c pct$lo owrblc ryr. lto 4rwi[ bo a Hd SFirg Sf. bnd oodrl "no65f.Lladocd by Wdb Lffiittg, lio' dvil+ Cdifrcda tr roorturcwilh tto pb aa +Ufcaioc &f0n fluR!.idm rd ltE r.$.aed t|GdEoaim providdly lb orur ad ec rpccnirdor F!ryidod tEr€b by AlCPti rd tlc prolidury &lirtry nd ilrllriq atredo a1"6 !o bc drl€@ilEd- Aoooditr to tho f!.6 of ttb Spr Sdc| Ordtr Il@6i propoccr to firnb tb po&*, ad gvis r rpcoified trrcia frr 6a ftltorriry an: TOTALPRICE:s9,860.98 NiE PREE5 STATED HEREN ARE OilLY VALID FOR 30 DAIE FR()f,I ISSUI ACCEFIED PROPO6ALS'WIII{ DOVVII PAYIIE]{nS RECEII,EDWXI. REMAI FOR 270 DAYS UNLESS OTHERI,TISE AGREED UPOfl II'I ADVfl{CE Iil WRN Tnir :eta cdrr ooly imludd rhc oppty md ir||ellnim of tb litt d hcrcitr lrdtuldpm&.t,ltcrc ir ao omdln hbor ud procofrn ixruhtcd a fu in thb rrlg ordcr. If tic plharing plty roqdrc! | ootudia rrbcdrcto. rgEd b r!&q|!o ! o.dor to !trtdt* tho F!,Poad Paodtdl thco IttCPS will wilErrr &i! s.lc. aidlr rd win rcocgode die.ca A.cifiodim' t nE, rd Fisilg iWRC[t*161c. re MAXIMUM COMFORT POOL Swimming Pool & Spa Sa/es Service an d C on struction P O. Box 2670 . Vail, CO 81658 970-A94i39 . Fax 970-9496113 Cellulat 970@4-4006 E -,nail : cwinn@mcp svail corn { ODIGY SPAR( A spacious five-person spa, the Prodigy ftaures a variety :t configurations in six seating locadons. From the soft yer errating full back massage o[ ten Precision jes, to the gorating lower back massage of a powerfi.rl jetStream |et, a omized hydrom assage cxperiencc awaits. S..tiog GFcity Dimeosions Vater C-epecity Wei$t SF Shell Sp. C.Uiootlsfu t- Jets (fotal iea.l9) Jct Syrtcrnr C,ontrol Systcm Conrrol ltnds Htater Thenlmut Senitivity Jct Puop Gndrrion Pump ry_!ry E&cdw Elcr Arra *:f o; Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 Sotth kontage Road, Vail, Crlorado 81657 teli 970.479.2L9 taxi 970.479.2452 web: www.ci,vail.co,us o Project Name: Project Description: DRB Number: DR8030076 Uo Hyatt final review of retaining walls Replace retaining walls Participants: OWNER HYATT, EILEEN CHARLES 301 COOK ST DENVER CO 80206-4422 License: APPUCANT HYATT, EILEEN CHARLES 301 COOK ST DENVER CO Milehyatt@msn.com 802064422 License: 0312412003 Phone: 0312412W3 Phone: 303-321-0537 ProiectAddress: 1200 PTARMIGAN RD VAIL Location: 1200 B Ptarmigan Road Legal D$cription: Lot: 1A Block: 8 Subdivision: VAIL VILLAGE FTUNG 7 Parcel Number: 210109208009 Comments: Motion Byl Second By: Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: SIAFFAPR Date of Approvalz 031 24 I 2OO3 Cond:8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (PI-AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Planner: JudyRodriguez DRB Fee Paid: 320.00