HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 7 BLOCK 4 LOT 1 LEGALft-ol \ TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 3\K .\ \)"^\ \)i \...u--tto Total Permit Fee---,*> $284 - 25 Paymenls-------------- > 5284.25 BALANCE DUE-----.--. >$0.00 ltem: 05100 BUII-,DING DEPARTMEN| 08/29/2006 'Js Action: AP Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: l-2 (BI-,DG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUTRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPI-,IANCB. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and suHivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479.2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:OO AM - 4 PM. NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PLUMBING PERMIT Permit #: P06-0100 Job Address: 998 PIARMIGAN RD VAIL Status . . . : FINAL [.ocation.....: 998 PTARMIGAN Applied . . : 08/29/20[,6 ParcelNo...: 210108115004 Issued. .: 0813112006 I*gal Description: Expires . .: 03ll4l2W Project No : owNER PAU],SEN, litARy L,OU 08/29/2006 940 HIJMBOI-,DT ST DENVER co 80218 APPLTCATqT C & H CONSTRUCTION, LLC 08/29/2006 Phonet 949-a5O2 PO BOX 341" AVON coLoRADO 8L620 License t 822-B coNTRAcroR cAsEY PI-,I]MBrNG & HEAITNG o8/29/2006 Phone1. 97Q-653-430Q P.O. BOX 1830 EDWARDS co 8L632 License t 21-3 -P Desciption: REMODEL 3 LOWER BATHROOMS Valuation: $14.100.00 Fireplace Information: Restricled: '!1 #ofcas Applianc€s: ?? #ofGastogs: 2? #of Wood Pallet: ?? FEE SUMMARY Plumbing-- > S225.00 Restuarant Plan Review-> SO.0o Total Calculated Fe€s-- > S284'25 Pfan Check--> $s6 .25 TOTAI, FEES-------------> i284 .25 Additional Fees-'--------- > 90 - 00 Investigation-> Will Call---> $0.00 $3.00 SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR tt-o/oo Building Permit #: Plumbing Permit #: 970-479-2149 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 CONTRACTOR INFORMATION,'uffo,iffli;t; t*Jn Town of Vail Reo. No.: P-2t-r Contact Person and Phone#-'s: 0*^ (l,ceu Tcls- gl.il E-Mail Address: - / 4^FJ,r'#, r-St- +lioD Contractor Signature:4't*4az CoMPLETE VIIUATIOMOR PLUMBING PERMIT (Labor & Materials lq./do.ot> pTat rspn Pd Phone: f 76- .tt /) Repair( ) CIher( )WorkClass: Neut() Addjlion( ) Alteration Dupler ( ) Multi-famlly ( ) Commerdal ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( )Type of Bldg.: Single-family No. of Accommodation Units in this building: 'No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: ***************************************FOR OFFICE USE ONLY************************************* frft'2 F:\cdev\FORMS\PERMITS\Building\plumbing-permit-1 1-23-2005.doc Page I of 1 LU23l2005 ; ..r if. I .t .. i .,rn.'.-)^a.-r .J ;i ,i ". tf.. ,/ffi") i- .'" 't*/,J nrnfivfrV HOW DIDWE RATEWTTH YOU? Town of Vail Suwey Community Development Departnent Russell Fonesl Director, (970)479.213e Gheck allthat appfies. 1. Which Departnent(s) did you contact? Building _ Environmental_ Housing_ Admin _Planning DRB _ PEC 2. Wasyourinitialcontactwithourstaffimmediate_dow_or ; . . no one available__ ? 3. lf you were required b wait how long was it before you were helped? 4. Was your.project reviewed on a limely basis? Yes / No lf no, why no? 5. Was this your first lime b file a DRB app_ PEC app_ Bldg Permit- ll/A 6. Please rde fte performance of he stafiperson who assisted you: 54321Namq (knowledgq responsiveness, availability) 7. Overall efiectiveness oifre FrontService Counter. 5 4 3 2 1 L What is the best time of day for you to use fie Front Service Counter? 9. Any comments you have which would allow us to beter serve you next time? Thank you for taking the time to complete this sun ey. We are commited b improving our service. fi********'tl+++a'|'*t+{'*******i+ll+****+t***+++ff*+*f+*******t+++++++*************t*****ttl.++*t TOWNOFVAIL. COI,ORADO Stat€ment Seatenent Number: Palment Method: R060001331 Anount: Check $26s.so 08/29/200602202 PM Tnit.: lIS Notation: 5L2r/C H CONST Permit No: Parcel No: Site AddreEE : Location3 This Palment: ACCOI.JNT ITEM LIST: Account Code PF 00100003112300 PP 0010000311110 0 l{c 00100003112800 P05-0100 2101-081- 1500-4 998 PTARMfGAN RD VAIIJ 998 PTARMTGAN s265. s0 Description fype 3 PLI'MBING PERMIT **llttttt+*+*t{"t***'}***{r**'t**ft|lfl*tt*+****+ll**'}****+***{'{'**t+ll*i*******{'{'{'{'{'+t{'{'*++****l* Tot,al FeeE : Total AL,L Pmts : Balance: $284.2s $265.50 s18.7s Current Pmts !o. zJ 206.25 3 .00 PI,AN CHECK FEES PI,T]MBIIiIG PERMIT FEES T{ILL CALIJ INSPECTION FEE TOWN OF VAIL . 75 S. FROMAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 970-479-2t38 Lott,-B\kqtl-(ciL(*-4 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Permit #: B0@176 Project # PRI06-0283 Job Address: 998 PTARMIGAN RD VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 998 PTARMIGAN Applied. . : W/W|20[,6 Parcel No...: 210108115004 Issued . .. I 08129n0/J6 Expires. .,: Ul25l2n7 omlER PAITJSEN, It{ARy IOU 07/07/2006 940 HI'Ii{BOIJDT ST DENVER co 80218 APPL,ICAITT C & H CONSTRIICTTON, rJtC 01 /07/2006 Phone: 949-t5O2 PO BOX 341 AVON colroRiADo 81620 I-,icense:822-B CoNTRACTOR C & H CONSTRUCTTON, r,IJC 07/07/2005 Phone: 949-L5O2 PO BOX 341 AVON cor,oRADo 8L520 License z 822-9 Description: REMODEIJ 3 IJOWER BATIIROOMS Occupancy: R3 Single Family Residence Type Construction: V B Valuation: $30,000.00 Revision Valuation: $0.00 Total Sq Ft Added: 0 t****t{.1rt*rt**t*t*tttt ***a*}ttt{.{.*** Building---- > WL.75 Restuarant Plan R€view- > $0,00 Toral Calculated Fees-> $731.89 Plan Check--> g2v.l4 Recreation Fee------- > S0.m Additional Fe€s-----> $0'm Investigation- > $0.00 TOTAL FEES------- > $731.89 Total Pcrmit Fee----> $731.89w'rcdr___> $3.00 ix,ffffi;_;;-::-l "31:ffi Approvals: Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARlItlElflI 07/21/2006 ,Jwt Action: AP Item: 05400 PITANNING DEPARTMENT 07/07/2006 Js Action: AP ITeM: O55OO FIRE DEPARTMENT 07/20/2006 McGee Action: AP See the Conditions section of this Document for any that may apply. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances ard stae laws, and to build this suucture according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances oftbe Town applicable thereto. NEQTJES$ TOR INSPEC-TION SIIALL BE i{ADE TU'ENTY.TOUR UOIJRS IN ADVANCE AM-4PM. AT47!l-2149OR AT OUR OtrtFICE ROM 8:fl) SIGNATURE O FOR HIMSELF AND OWNER ,ll.!t{.'|.{.*i.,t!t|t*****,**'****'f**:t.*'l.*{.'t('t.'tt't.*{.**,l!t.**x.**i.**,.**l.,}lt't*'t.{.* CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: 806-0176 as of 0E-29-2006 Status: ISSUED 't.*1'*'t.*,f*:|.*,r***i.*'f*'t*{.*'r***:f**{.!t*,**:**!**!t*,******'i*'t*!t.*:t.*:t.***:f*!t.*1.**|*'|.,t:**.* Permit Type: ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Applied: UlWl2W6 Applicant: C & H CONSTRUCTION, LLC Iszued: 0812912w6949-t502 To Expire: O2/2512W7 Job Address: 998 PTARMIGAN RD VAIL Location: 998PTARMIGAN Parcel No: 210108115m4 Description: REMODEL 3 LOWER BATHROOMS ****{.*1.*****{.***rr*'f ***{.***,****'f 'f ,t*!**:t******l$t *:N.*** COnditiOnS 'f ***1.**r}:1.{.'k*{.'1.:t!***:t***{.*{.*{.*!t*{.*,}*,1.***{.**'fi** Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQLnRED TO CHECK FoR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: 16 (BLDG.): (SFR) SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED PER SECTION R3I3 OF THE 2OO3 IRC. *f +*+i't+ l+*+t****t* * * * * ** *********t'*+tl*tf f t+t**t**'t**++lf tf *t'tt**tt***{'l''t*l'+***li*t**lt{t't't*'lt TOWNOFVAIL COLORADO Statement It+*+att++*ttttt*'t*f*talff*f*ttttt*+**l*tf**tt*atft'lt*++tft***'a'tf{r++***'}'}*'}****++l*l*'}+*:tlr*+ R050001328 Amount: S731.89 08/29/200509:53 AIvI Check Init: DDG Notation: C & H 5119 Statement Number: Palzment Method: Construction IJTJC t**+t*tt******tt*****t***********f**'t'|*tt*t+*'t***'t****r*******'.t|*ti*****'i*t******l'{'{'**+****** ACCOI,JNT ITEM LIST: Permit No: Parcel No: Site Addrees : tocation: This Palment: Account code BP 00100003111100 PF 00100003112300 we 00100003112800 B05- 0175 2101- 081- ls 0 0 -4 998 PTARIIIIGIAIiI RD VAIIJ 998 PTARI4IGAN $731.89 DeEcription TITpe: ADD/AI,T SFR BUII.,D PERMIT Totaf Feea: Total ATJI, PMIS : Balance: 9731.89 $731.89 $0.00 Current Pmt,a 44L.75 287 .L4 3.00 BUII..DING PERMIT FEES PI,A}I qHECK FEES WIIJJ CAIJ' INSPECTION FEE TOVN0pvAIL TOWN OF VAIL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION Separate Permits are required for electrical, plumbing, mechanical, etc.t 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 rt******.**n*t**t**:Htt*,Fr****r**i*FOR OFFICE USE ON LYr****a*tl*l**l*.*ll*****ir*rirt'rrt,lr**r* CONTRACTOR INFORMATION General Contractor: La H Gxvta,A"',, roE{iz.lg,*o''Contact and Phone #'s: R A4ehs 31o'6sv> Email address:AtvA'?bO) l)a,'l,Atef Contractor Si gn "ru' ", ffi VALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT & Materials BUILDING: $ l9, 6OOLA ToTAL:$ 3ID ar)PLUMBING: $ L OO For Parcel # Contact Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 or visit ffiiffi 2tc:1 - ott - l{- Oo'f JobName: PaulSo" / B,,.r"hrJt Prrh rob Addrcssitn I PTa ur,ya ful Lesaf Description ll r-or,'J ll aro"r, { ll ririns, ? ll suuui"i"ion, lr/A,t I U i llqZ Wlfl2tl#'a*Jon llnooressi"u tlutolfs? fuaetz lT'$alu:acru WIlf$?Tn""" AfL',r'.Address: "A%qi- 9to- et3, Engineer:Address:Phone: Detailed descriDtion of work:P*-.4 / lor-c.?Ea-ft Foornt Workclass: New() Addition( ) Remodel F4RepairD*Demo( ) Other( ) Work Type: lnterior (rrd Exterior ( ) Both ( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No (fu Type of Bldg.: Single-fami! ffiTwo-family ( ) MultFfamily ( ) Commercial ( ) Restauranl ( ) Other( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: I No. of Accommodation Units in this building: I No/Tvpe of Fireplaces Existinq: cas Appliances ( ) GasLoqs( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Buming ( \ t/t? No/Tvpe of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Appliances ( 'l GasLoss( ) Wmd/Pellet ( ) Wood Burning (NOTALLoWED) Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes (){ No ( )Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( ) No (4{-. FlUs€rs\cdev\FORMS\PERMITS\BLDGPERM.DOC Df,STGNER:CARRIE HILBORN (303) 810{132 CLIf,NT: MARY LOU PAULSEN 998 PTAR]VIIGAN RD. vAtL, co STAIRWELL BATH SCOPE OFWORK a a a a a DEMOLITION: RSMOVE ALL EXISTING CABINETRY. REMOVE EXISTING LAMINATE COUNTERTOPS WTTH (2) REMOVE (2) EXISTING FAUCETS. RX,MOVE EXISTING GLUED-TO-WALL FULL LENGTH REMOVE (2) EXISTING LIGHTBARS. REIV1OVE EXTSTTNG TOILET, REMOVE EXISTING GLASS TUB BYPASS DOOR REMOVE EXISTING TUB/SHOWf,R VALVE. REMOVE EXISTING TILED TUB WALLS. REMOVE EXISTING TUB. REMOVE EXISTING SHOWf,R DOOR TO 3'X3' SHOWER Town of Vail OFFICE COPY REMOVE EXISTING SHOWER VALVf, TO 3'X3' SHOWf,R.. REMOVE EXISTING SHOWER WALL PANEL SYSTEM TO 3'X3' SHOWER.. REMOVE EXISTTNG I-PC. ACRYLIC REMOVE EXISTING WINDOW TRIM. REMOVE EXISTING WINDOW. REMOVE (3) EXISTING DOORS AND MOLDING? REMOVE EXISTING FLOORTNG, REMOVE EXISTING BASEBOARDS IN ENTIRE BATHROOM, AT,SO IN W.C. REMOVE EXISTING BASEBOARD HEAT VENT TJNDER WINDOW? REMOVD "L" SHAPED WALL BETWEEN THE TWO EXISTING VANITIES. REMOVE ALL EXISTING ACCESSORIES: TOWEL HOOKS/BARS, TOILET PAPER HOLDER, ETC. HAUL TRASH CONSTRUCTION: BUILD NEW }ryALL THAT DEFINES NEW W,C. AREA, SHEETROCK BOTH SIDES OF NEW WALL POSSIBLE SHI,ETROCK PATCHING NEEDED WHERE f,,XISTING 3'X3' SHOWER CAME OUT. PATCH WALL ABOVE VANITY WHERE ELECTRICAL IS RELOCATf,D TO BE CENTEREI) ABOVE SINKS. PATCH CEILING AND WALL WHERE'L" SHAPED WALL CAME OUT. PATCH CEILING IN ALL AREAS WHERE LICHTING WILL BE MOVED/ADDED. RETEXTI.'RE EI{TIRE BATHROOM WALLS AND CEILING TO MATCH IIALLWAY TO SI,IITE BEDROOM? PATCH SUBFLOOR WHERE EXISTING SHOWER DRAIN WAS. PREP ENTIRE BATHROOM FI,OOR, INCLUDING W.C., FOR TILE. PREP SHOWER WALT,S FOR TTLE, POUR CONCRETE SHOWER PAN FOR TILE IN EXISTING TUB LOCATION, USING EXISTING DRAIN LOCATION. FRAME IN (2) CUBBY SHELVES ON SHOWER WALLS. INSTALL (3) NEW DOORS, THE ONE TIIAT DIVIDES THE TWO MAINAREAS WITIIIN THE BATHROOM BEING A POCKET DOOR?r INSTALLNEWDOORHARDWARE?o INSTALL NEW WINDOW AND TRIM. ELECTRICAL: SEE LIGHTING PLAN RELOCATE EXISTING ELECTRICAL FOR LIGHTBAR ABOVE VANITY AREA TO BE CENTERED ABOVE SINK. INSTALL NEW LIGHTBAR ABOVE VANTTY AREA. DO YOU WANT SCONCES HERE? ,*fu#**'i***fixr:* BOC 6 |?6 * L= \, lE U V l_E . INSTALL NEW LIGHTBAR ABOVE DRESSING AREA. . DOYOUWANTSCONCESHf,RE?O ADD (I) ELECTRICAL OUTLET AT NEW WIDER VANITY AREA. . ADD (2) ELECTRICAL OUTLETS TO DRESSING AREA. . SUPPLY AND TNSTALL NE\il WATER-RESTSTANT CAN LIGHT IN CEILING ABOVE NE\ry SHOWER. SUPPLY AND INSTALL NEW VENT W HEATER IN CEILING IN ROOM WITH SHOWER? . WE NEED TO ASSIGN LOCATIONS OT SWTTCIIES FOR LIGHTS, NEW AND EXISTING. > t4,ME!& O RELOCATE EXISTING PLUMBING TO CENTER NEW WIDDR VANITY AREA' . HOOKUP (l) NEW SINK. TYPE: LINDERIvIOUNT, SELF-RIMMING'VESSEL?o INSTALL (l) NEW FAUCET AND TRIM. . INSTALLNEWTOILET.r CAP OFF WATER SUPPLY TO EXISTINC 3'X3' SHOWER vALvE. . CAP OFF DRAIN TO EXISTING 3'X3' SHOWER.r INSTALL NEW SHOWER VALVE, AND TRIM. . SUPPLY AND INSTALL NEW SHOWER DRAIN. . DUCT NEW VENT FAN IN ROOM WITII SHOWER TO OLITSIDE THROUGH TILED ROOEI > !NbEAL!Q!!i o INSTALL NEW FREESTAI\DING CABTNET AT NEW WIDDR VANITY LOCATION. o INSTALL NEW CABINET TIARDWARE. . INSTALL NEW TOWf,,LBAR AND TP HOLDER ACCESSORIES. o INSTALL NEW FRAMED MIRROR ABOVE VANITY o INSTALL NEW FRAMED MIRROR lN DRESSING AREA ABOVE SIDE TABLE' > TILE INSTALLATIONI SEE ALL TILE, DRAWINGS FI,OOR:. INSTALL l2"Xl2" AND 6"X6" PORCELAIN TILE lN PINWHELL PATTERN ON FLOOR. o TNSTALL 3"Xt2" SBN AS TOEBASE IN ALL 3 BATHR(X)M SPACES. r TUCK CARPET AT MAIN BATH DOORWAY TO GAME ROOM. SHOWER WALLS:o INSTALL t2"Xl2'PORCETAIN TILE STRAIGHT TO CEILING. e INSTALL DECO STRIP AT 5' ON ALL THREE SHOWER WALLS, WHICH CONSISTS OF: 2 ROWS 2X2 MOSAIC TILE FLANKED BY I ROW l"Xl2" BRONZE TILE (CUT FROM l2"Xl2" T|LE ON SITE).. INSTALL 3"X12" SBN DOWN BOTH SIDES OF SHOWER FOR FINISHED EDGE. o DO YOU rilANT TO TILE THE CBILING IN TIIE SHOWER? r TILE IN (2) CUBBYSHELVES. SHOWER FLOOR:. TNSTALL 2"X2" MOSAIC PIORCELAIN TILE STRAIGHT ON CONCRETE PAN. DESIGNER: t CARRIE HILBORN (303) 8r0sl32 CLIENT: MARY LOU PAULSEN 998 PTARII{IGAN RD. VAIL. CO DEMOLITION: REMOVE ALL EXTSTING CABINETRY. REMOVE EXISTING LAMINATE COUNTERTOP AND SELF-RIMMING SINK' REMOVE EXISTING FAUCET. REMOVE EXISTING GLUE,D-TO-WALL FULL LENGT}I MIRROR REMOVE EXISTING LIGHTBAR. REMOVE EXISTING TOILET. REMOVE EXISTTNG GLASS TUB BYPASS DOOR. REMOVE EXISTING TUB/SHOWER VALVE. REMOVE EXISTINC TILED TUB WALLS. REMOVE EXISTING TUB. R,EMOVE EXISTING VENT/HEAT I,AMP IN CEILING? REMOVE EXISTING DOOR AND MOLDING? REMOVE EXISTING BASEBOARDS IN BATHROOM' REMOVE EXISTING FLOORING. REMovEDIv|D|NcWALLBETWEENBATHRooMANDSITT|NGRooMTosUlTE BEDROOM. REMOVE ALL EXISTING ACCESSORIES: TOWEL HOOKS/BARS' TOILET PAPER HOLDER' ETC, HAULTRASH CONSTRUCTION: PATCH CEILING AND WALL WHERE EXISTING WALLS WERE REMOVED. BUILD AND SHEETROCK NEW WALLS THAT DEFINE NEW BATHROOM SPACE' MATCH EXISTING TEXTI'RE TO REST OF HALLWAY AND SITTING ROOM. BUILD AND SHEETROCK NEW WALLS THAT DEFINE NEW W.C. AREA. FRAME OUT ART NICHE IN NEW DIAGONAL WALL IN BEDROOM. SHEETROCK AND MATCH EXISTING TEXTUR.E TO REST OF SITTTNG ROOM. PREP SHOWERWALLS FOR TILE. PREP FLOOR FOR TILE, INCLUDING NEW W.C. AREA. RETEXTURE ENTIRE BATIIROOMWALIS AND CEILING TO MATCH IIALLWAY TO SUITE BEDROOM? PREP ENTIRE BATHROOM FLOOR, INCLUDING W'C'' FOR TILE. PREP SHOWER WALLS FOR TILE. PoURcoNcRETEsHowERPANFoRTILE|NEXISTINGTUBLoCAT|oN'UsINc EXTSTING DRAIN LOCATION, FRAME IN (2) CUBBY SHELVES ON SHOWER WALLS. TNSTALL (2) NEW DOORS, THE OND THAT DMDES THE MAIN BATH FROM THE W.C. BEING A POCKETDOOR? INSTALL NEW DOOR IIARDWARE? ELECTRICAL: SEELIGHTING PLAN RELoCATEEXISTINGELECTRICALFoRLIGHTBARABovEvANtTYAREAToBE CENTERED ABOVE SINK. TNSTALL NEW LIGHTBAR ABOVE VANITY AREA DO YOU WANT SCONCES HERE? ADD (I) DLECTRICAL OUTLET AT NEW WIDER VANITY AREA. SUPPLYANDINSTALLNEwWATER-RESISTANTcANI,IGHTTNCEILINGABovENEw SHOWER. SI,PPLY AND INSTALL NEW VENT/IIEAT I,AMP IN CEILING? wE NEED TO ASSIGN LOCATIONS OF SWTICIIES FTORLIGHTS, NEW AND EXISTING. } PLUMBING: . RELOCATE EXTSTTNG PLUMBING TO CENTER NEW WIDER VANITY AREA' o HOOKUP (l) NEW SINK. TYPE: UNDERMOUNT, SBLF-RIMMING' VESSEL? O INSTALL (I) NEW FAUCET AND TRIM. o INSIALLNEWTOILET.o INSTALL NEW SHOWf,R VALVE AND TRIM' . SUPPLYANDINSTALLNE\ilSHOWERDRAIN. > !NbL!,II!W o INSTALL NEW FREESTANDING CABINET AT NEW WIDER VANITY LOCATION' r INSTALLNEWCABINETHARDWARE. TNSTALL NEW TOWELBAR AND TP HOLDER ACCESSORIES. . INSTALL NEW FRAMED MIRROR ABOVE VANITY } TILE INSTALLATION: SEE ALL TILE DRAWINGS FLOOR:. INSTALL l2"Xl2" QUARTZITE TILE ON DIAGONALWITH 2X2 SLATn bOTS. . INSTALL 3.Xr2. SBN AS TOEBASE tN ALLS BATHROOM SPACES. CUT SBN FROM l2"Xl2" ON SITE AND SEND THEM OUT TO BE BULLNOSED. . TUCK CARPET AT MAIN BATH DOORWAy TO BOILf,'R ROOM BEDROOM' SHOWERWALLS:o INSTALL t2"Xl2" PORCELAIN TILE STRAICHT TO 3' ON ALL 3 SHOWER WALLS' . INSTALL 3 ROWS 1"X2" BRICK MOSAIC AS DECO STRIP ON ALL 3 SHOWER wALLs AT 3" O INSTALL I2'XI2- PORCELAIN TILE ON DIACONAL TO CEILING WITH RANDOM 2"X2" SLATE DOTS. o INSTALL 3'X12" SBN DOWN BOTH SIDES OF SHOWER FOR FINISHED EDGE' o DO YOU WANT TO TILE THECEILINGIN TIIE SIIOWER? o TILEIN(2)CUBBYSHELVES. SHOWERFLOOR:. TNSTALL l-X2' BRICK MOSATC QUARTZITE TILE STRAIGHT ON CONCRETE PAN' DESIGNER:CARRIEHILBORNCLIENT:MARYLO-U-PAUISEN (303) Sl0-sr32 9e8 PTARMICAN RD' VAIL, CO SUITE BATH SCOPE OF WORK > DEMOLITION: o REMOVE ALL EXISTING CABINETRY. . REMOVE EXISTING LAMTNATE COUNTERTOP AND SELF-RIMMING SINX' . REMOVEEXISTINGFAUCET. o REMOVE EXISTINC GLUED-TO-WALL FULL LENGTH MIRROR' r REMOVE EXISTING LIGHTBAR. o REMOVE EXISTING TOILET. o REMOVTEXISTINC GLASS TUB BYPASS DOOR' o REMOVE EXISTING TUB/SHOWER VALVE' . REMOVE EXISTINC TILED TUB WALLS. o REMOVE EXTSTING TUB. . REIVIOVE EXISTING VENT/IIEAT I,AMP IN CEILING? . REMOVE EXISTING DOOR AND MOLDING? o REMOVE EX|STINC BASEBOARDS IN BATHROOM. . REMOVE EXISTING FLOORING. e REMOVE CLOSET ROD AND CIOSET DOORS TO PREP FOR DEMO OF WALL' E REMOVE BOTH DIVIDTNG WALLS BETWEEN BATHROOM AND BEDROOM. . REMOVE ALL EXISTING ACCESSORIES: TOWEL HOOKS/BARS, TOILET PAPER HOLDE& ETC.r HAULTRASH > @NIBllgIIQlL . PATCH CEILTNG AND WALL WHERE EXISTING WALLS WERE REMOVED' E BUILD AND SHEETROCK NEW WALI,S THAT DEFINE NEW BATHROOM SPACE. MATCH EXISTING TEXTURE TO REST OF BEDROOM. . BUILD AND SHEETROCK NtrW WALLS THAT DEFINE NEW W'C' AREA' o FRAME OUT ART NICHE IN NEW DIAGONAL WALL lN BEDROOM' . SHEETROCK AND MATCH EXISTING TEXTTJRE TO REST OF BEDROOM' o PREP SHOWER WALLS FOR TILE. . PREP FLOOR FOR TILE. INCLUDING NEW w.C. AREA' . RETEXTTJRE ENTIRE BATHROOM WALLS A}ID CEILING TO MATCH HALLWAY TO ST'ITE BEDROOM?o PREP ENTIRE BATHROOM FLOOR, INCLUDING W.C.' FOR TILE' o PREP SHOWERWALLS FOR TILE. .POURCoNCRETEsHowERPANFoRTILE|NEXISTINGTUBLocATIoN'USING EXISTING DRAIN LOCATION. o FRAME IN (2) CUBBY SHELVES ON SHOWERWALLS. O INSTALL (2) NEW DOORS, TTIE ONE THAT DIVIDBS TIIE MAIN BATH FROM TIIE W.C. BEING A FOCKET DOOR? . INSTALLNEWDOORHARDWARE? } ELECTRICAL: SEELIGHTINGPLAN . RELOCATE EXISTTNG ELECTRICAL FOR LIGHTBAR ABOVE VANITY AREA TO BE CENTERED ABOVE SINK. r INSTALL NEW LIGHTBAR ABOVE VANITY AREA. . DOYOUWANTSCONCBSHERf,?. ADD (l) ELECTRICAL OUTLET AT NEw WIDER VANITY AREA. O STJPPLY AND INSTALL NEW.WATER.RESISTANT CAN LIGHT IN CEILING ABOVE NEW SHOWER. . SUPPLY AND INSTALL NEW VENT/IIEAT LAMP IN CEILING? . wE NEED TO ASSIGN LOCATIONS OF SWITCHES FOR LIGHTS, NEW AND EXISTING. > EE!4gIlq O RELOCATE EXISTING PLUMBINC TO CENTER NEW WIDER VANITV AREA' . HOOKUP (l) NEW SINK. TYPE: UITIDERMOUNT' SELF-RIMMING' VESSEL? o INSTALL(1)NEWFAUCETANDTRIM. o INSTALL NEW TOILET. o INSTALLNEWSHOWERVALVEANDTRIM. r SUPPLY AND TNSTALL NEW SHOWER DRAIN. > !NIA!4MN: O INSTALL NEW FREESTANDINC CABINET AT NEW WIDER VANITY II)CATION' o INSTALL NEW FREESTANDING OPEN BOOKCASE IN ALCOVE. r INSTALLNEWCABINETHARDWARE.. INSTALL NEW TOWELBAR AND TP HOLDER ACCESSORIES. . TNSTALL NEW FRAMED MIRROR ABOVE VANITY > TILEINSTALtdTtqN: SEEALLTILEDRAWINGS FLOOR:O INSTALL I2'X12'PORCELATN TILE USINC BRICK PATTERN' O INSTALL 3"XI2" SBN AS TOEBASE TN ALL 3 BATHROOM SPACES. . TUCK CARPET AT lvlAtN BATH DOORWAY TO BEDROOM. SHOWERWALLS:. II{ST/,LL T 2'X12"6'X6', AND 3"X6' FORCELAIN TILE USTNG BRICK PATTERN TO CEILING. PAY CLOSE ATTENTTON TO TILE DESIGN HERE. . TNSTALL 3-XI2" SBN DOWN BOTH SIDES OF SHOWER FOR FINISHED EDGE. O DO YOU TIAITIT TO TILE THE CEILING IN TIIE SHOWER? o TILE lN (2) CUBBY SHELVES. SHOWER FLOOR: . INSTALL 2"X2" MOSAIC PORCELAIN TILE STRAIGHT ON CONCRETE PAN. F5i 2;/?LlEi L2134 3S3846?23i LIFLSTTLF tirT(}lEN FAGE A2 lwLLtam-s 5uffe -p&il 4r\ tF;d lfr' .i_ , ,.'. ', "t^' ,]lil',,t- T- ,to' n7'-] -'ir' 61Al-oxebt@w. - CfDffi q"A'l Ercyaa+Etr+4), pa. ; Al! dilDcotixtr -ris. d€rilsrtimr gr!'.o s! I F$bir.a rg vsrifiortion gn jgb lit rrd , lJjr{{rrhelt to fir job cottdltioori De$rlncdi l?ngnws rdntar; 12/5Cr2005 fhtt ir .'' 9ri!i^rl dcalSlt atrd |ltult |tol rttcsscd ot col,icd dtrllr! rpIlbobk fcc !86 b(c! prid orjob oitar plrsGd. d5,':6, leE6 1?:34 3838402281 LIFESTULF '.IT'IHEI'I PAGE g9 \z,t-r, . Porzl&*tN s.rilart+T Iu4' 4,;i,p,e -W1WLl,)lp4,kfui' vr5 ?kp*ctlocowlur ialest& P/pA f YUdl \ 'vE-{s \ ---_Ar; Ou!.|I[rarn! ,sirc dcda ri.:rir irvdr art ' alrlt.<t ao v.riti.Iion o[ job su( &{ I rcj$lo|crnt !c tt Jqb eoqdjrpor (>ttz frp+e++L,sNfr?.ra*T - ; rrr4 \r *f 9ngilrtl Octltn rtd mu|t a.r F! | 9qi,lrLd, \)!3ly2lEs'f.rcrr.d or copi.C u l.r! opplifrble fcc I., lFrbGd: !:6/:|CrD6 I bGC! p31a Or Jlab Oldcr pl.ccA ---=-4- -.--.-- -.--.. - t, il 'l '-_*F ?., r+\T.fsi{ a\,lF*i IAf F 1i e $r: sS;l $l f;H Ff uI +(tl rpil : $riLlsr ifEl =- ^i i Fgl +i ii ngal Ftiri rb cl I' I { * 6 I l: s'i I lfri;F I a€.4t.l'l;HIII:'{ i1^,fs3lI1EA 39,tsd l{lnil, 1t^- lur^l:u'y 'it, 4?is kar>u-- gLwlJ. l<- d^a,'t<*' (,t-nAv *n n*W fr; ?wny a,lllvyJ 1+Yif t+ p6vLafa"'i l'-in j ' t' . "-;* -,pt - t. ^ t) ,r'ohj, '-#,- *a"'bih&+E ; i,." Sh'*ara1* e',n,icv+# al+n.l& ,uatzL:f{'- }t-n^'z'iha yf,rlrh t ilx--r"*4ll!' 44Dv( + r,l shzu^eu wtuL.lg. A-t I *1,^- $.r,w' Sutd *iV- o,-d" 4uL 9htw&r vmll +.4{ b4xe- +-i-Q ss'{-w dtr dT V&.t-ttt- ^ 4'. ',,V utl 1-/..rl1 pt\tuu4f VI W t>t'twe gydzri l*'l"t >l I \\,,<\r $ F SF hV aI ${-^]'! f-! > lllal II oi f,r 9,1 'a:|.; ttl rtl olEI.I Gl da:x oIi -,8ir*d o5 5'SIr o R$\tt F b A & IN STlB'IL.'gr^I ,-...{f sf,s; .5\'+\ NR l\r' ilFti SaIig;ql 5t E'i ?EFl asEi EtilIar i*11Irlfl '\ o! $$'?- c'- N X .tq o\ |.J 5 o tr 6 Sxl o tl a- I 35Vd N:hJiI..t J'r/,rsfli1 ilez0F3EErE p€ :Zi r,:[r3i i '-ri, -i':r r-r3/ at,?, Jij(iE, I Z: Jq JU3b4EI:IUI LII.EsTYLF T-ITCHEN F'A.!E 12 V\ F Ff,a $ N \tl \tlc?I \n $ . ...) \-- I ta\I dttf.i, I I \\-*- I :t-- .i*-J.rc--!--"t ffi:]fi li sl iiiltEii flHEr-- i iir -'1 iii!* i.{I rEE' j f;l--1.i$igI risgg ii J^lpi'-_--,l il l'-*m;I i h,lT----l ll I ;l[E i ii+ f i€is ili;ligii ,/j;\ el l;fir iisl \jfE$E \iit /'--Y 3838(iB?281 LIFES]'i'LF f(ITCflEl.l PririE aa \-t\ I I I jr: {o m oN i I -i.r Yt I I 0I N {.1 dlrrrclriiorB .slar 0c!lt'|actJ/|s glvan rrc fl.rbJccl lo vcrafrc.trqD o! job rilc rf,d r .Ciultacol 19 th jo$ oonditig1!fi, I I I ! I I I. -.: 21{" *''., tl",-(- Lk-- I 5;sf4"----1-65t'---- '' Dcoilrrc!: l)nv$)s tkint dr 3/6/200d I roitr |t|d Doilq brOFDGwz Sc.lc O i/'J" = r' FJF:t26i24t6 12:34 LIFEST\II-F liiTCHiN WJt-qvtl Wr+l- *F *ga stA+e It'7**ti ?o' ffnrl r<*t tii,r ir rn ariSioal dr:!i8n and fitlli nor lrc rcl€lrad or coErioo utrlaar al'Flcsbla se€ trrr 'bcc$ p.id ot j.rb otd?r phccd. \ v | '-. a'Jffiry y" 'Wr**-( iu* ? T @' u T tta iryP, it4ou tit t-p+fn-t^l1 tr r. I : .r ',: - "rif, j-('t\Lt't' ,-':i',b,r.,;, ;1.1.+t1"- :-r83B4tt12A:L:FEII,,LF lr:IT,:FlEFi F,AGE 85 '--J*""r -- I I-4i WtsTtNa lSatLaL- F/4. *fta?-r*. ''rtrr ir rfl o-itlnn! dcrtn rnd otusl notte ilrcrisJtcd: !7n9/,26)s :r€ld!.d or cqoiqd uolrre rFplic.ble ltr h.s ihitt.d l?rJqlo.f,! i ; b.cD prjd ot.iob or@' ptttE?,t i I f ? $\ ,oL ^pt+, cl s. \.1 ?: $u $* Si $*it ? \ $d-e sl \,1 t\ $nH*Jhs't $] SJilr tt-+ I I '.9 r.f I t+ 'l- I I I I r s I I l+ + t t * i+ @ G i Tlir iJ |D orlgi[.] dcllgn .nd murl no( Da I tllaatad or gOpi.d urIG$ .f"rlicrb). f.. b.! I tr6 prid or job onl.r pt.ccd : Derrtrrcd; lZ3OA0O5 Pril^t&t 2)t6n0!r6 Sc{c.ol/:t'=l' , All diri.orioft.tirc dcd3nrriorlivco clt ! |r|DJiCt m vc(ifi..rtion g! job tltt rrdI iaJutr&rrll b tlt job coldrt Olr. ',...ftw DWtaN ir !r:,i a$i lBLrS f 4; Jq F$, E {t\ ts $sdx3e6 J\, a-$ 38 s$ rq i1$ I $ $[$ sp6'll d i Lsg tt-i. G fis Trrir ir |Il origia.i d.tifn rna nnr, iot tcrllartc! 6t EoPi.d u!Jq6 rtrfrlgtblc tr. 0.ibtctt prid orjob erolr plocla: DtripEd: l2/try20ojhirridi zt 6/2005 $cdcr0t/!":1' i AI: olmcrriont ,d:r a.rfrtiqt. ff,rgr rc | $rb,t.d to vliticrrioD or job rhc rrra : rolunDlol ro tlr j(E couditioor, l frtE D6l€'J A ffi H I I I I I o J{ $t € $$ $ Ir,+ 'i e.l 3 I t^:lo rg s,t!xTfE 36 I AI airFFnt{ll$ .ti.a d.att'l$ronn gtta! aGlubj.qt le vcritla:atiD! onjob rit! lnd sdjurtarc0l ao tit joD cooditioar. ar#^H TOWN OF VAIL ' 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 Job Address: Location.....: Parcel No...: Project No : Desciption: Valuation: Electrical------- > DRB Fee----- > Investigation-- > Will Call----- > TOTAL FEES-- > ELECTRICAL PERMIT 998 PTARMIGAN RD VAIL 998 PTARMIGAN 210108115004 Permit #: 806-0164 Status...: ISSUED Applied. . : 09ll4l2ffi6 Issued..: Wll8l2006 Expires . .: 031171200'7( oto& -oL69 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES OWNER PAI]I,SEN. MARY I-,OU 940 HIJMBOLDT ST DENVER co 80218 APPLICANT DANICI ELECTRIC PO BOX 7246 BRECKENRIDGE co 40424 License : 7]-4-E CONTRJACTOR DANICI EIJECTRIC PO BOX 7246 BRECKENRIDGE co 40424 License:114-E 09 /L4/2O06 09/!4/2006 Phone z 97o-39o-aL'73 09/t4/2006 Phone z 970-390-LL73 ELECTRICAL FOR REMODEL 3 LOWER BATHROOMS $0.00 Square feet: 350 $51.75 $0.00 90.00 s3.00 $54. ?s $s4. ?5 s0. oo $54.75 $o .00 FEE SUMMARY ,r+*+++**1.****:i****'**xl.**:r**'*'t*r('1.:t'*'i"t*:il.:r:l.i*+***'***'t'******'*** Total Calculated Fees-- > Additional Fees-------> Total Permit Fee--------> Payments---------- > BALANCE DUE-__- > Approvals: Item: 05000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT 09/a4/2006 shahn Item: 05500 FIRE DEPARTMEI{m Action: AP CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLTANCE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN BY TELEPHONE AT 4'19.2149 T OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. OR CONTRACTOR AND OWNEF '|t*+'|.{.+:I,l.+.|.'t'l.'t('t.'}:|.,i'|.'.'t.!t(*{.!t'l.i.{.*,t{l!t.**,}*,t****{i,tt*********f*{.'N.++************ TOWNOFVAIL. COLORADO Statement ++++++++++'i+**************************f **+**++*+********+++++********+*+* * ** * * * ****+ + ++*+*** Statement Number: RO5OOO1475 Amount: $54.75 09/L8/200602:48 PM Pal.menu MeEhod: Cash 54.75 Init: LT NobaEion: D 'Anici / cash Permit No: 806-0154 TIT)e: EI-,ECTRICAI, PERMIT Parcel No: 2101-081-1500-4 Si[e Address: 998 PTARMTGAN RD VAII, L,ocation: - 998 PTARMIGAN ToEal Fees: This Payment :$s4.7s Total ALL Pmts : Balance: * ***** * * * * * * * *** * * * * ****** * * * * * * * ** * ***+**'t:t,i'trli. *:t1.{. * * * ** ** * * *:r * * ** *,}*,} * * * l.{. {. * '1. * * * l. * * * * {. '} *+'} $s4.7s 9s4 .75 $0.00 current Pmts ACCOI.JNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description EP 00100003111100 wc 001000 03112I00 EI.,ECTRICAI., PERMIT FEES VIITL CAI,I, INSPECTION FEE 51.75 3 .00 APPLICATION II/ILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF TNCOMPLETE OR ED L- oz9 Building Permit &Y CONTRACTOR IN FORMATION Tffcal Contractor: Wutzt 5,16affic fi<Town of Vail Reg. No.: IH-E Contact Person and Phone #'s: 0fu'10 Mrtlt 3q0- / 175 E-Mail Address:Fax#: q?0^ 517'clzz\ COMPLETE SQ. FOOTAGE FOR AREA OF WORK AND VALUATION OF WORK (Labor & Mabrials) ELECTRICAL VALUATION : $AMOUNTOF SQ FTIN STRUCTURE: 35O ft Afie at 970-328-8HO or visil for # Par(lI# ajInSIte 0o+ Job Name: P*UISW Job Mdras: qqs Pfftpil tl.tffr Bo lcgal Description I LoG I Blodc I Filing:Subdivision: X lPtu* Engineer:Address:ry,/ ||Phone: Detailed descripfion of work: 0 tuNIP"L 3 Btf*roone Work Class: N€w ( ) AddiUon ( ) Ranodel fQ Repalr ( ) T"mpj.ne!!-L -jtherl-)WorkType: InErbrfi) Bterior( ) Both( )Does an EHU sdst at this location: Yes ( ) No QQ TypeofBldg.r Single,familyp{ Duphx( ) Multi-family( ) Commercbl ( ) Restaurant( ) Other( ) No. of b<lsting Dwelllng Unlts in this bulldlng: I No. of Accommodation Units in this building: I ls this permit for a hot trb: Yes ( ) No (A) F:\adev\FC,RMS\PERMITS\tulldlng\elecHcal-rerflt-u-23-2(x)5.DoC Page 1 of 2 Lu?3n$05 r0nil0Fyilt t'l t' Amendment to the 2002 N.E.C. Town of Vail Ordinance 4. Series of 2005 Overhead services are not allowed in the Town of Vail. Underground seruices shall be in conduit (PVC) from the ufility transformer to the electic meter, main disconnect switch, and to the first electrical disfibution circuit breaker panel. The main disconnect switch shall E readily arcible, andloated next to the meter on the exterior wall of the structure. All underground conduits are required to be inspected before back-filling the trench. In multi-family dwelling units, no elecbical wiring or feeder cables shall pass from one unit to another. Common wafls and spaces are exempt NM Cable (Romox) an h ued only in single and mufti-family dwellings net exding 3 sturiw llpe NM annot be u*d in any building mixd wiilt Upe 4B.$F.H,I,M &S occupanciu. Aluminum onducTotssmaller than size #8 are not permitted with the Town of Vail. TOWil OFVAIL ELECTRICAL PERMIT GUIDELINES All installations of exterior hottubs or spa's require a DRB approval from planning. This application will not be accepted without a copy of the DRB approval form attached (if applicable). If this permit is for installation of an exterior hot tub or spa on a new elevated platform or deck over 30" above grade, you must also obtain a building permit. If this permit is for installation of an e:<terior hot tub or spa on any existing deck or elevated platform, a structural engineer must review the existing condiUon and veriff that it will support the added concentrated load. Please provide a copy of the structural engineers wet stamped letter or drawing with this application. If this is a remodel in a multi-family building with a homeowners associaUon, a letter of permission from the association is required. If this permit is for a commercial space, two (2) sets of stamped drawings are required. Eleotical one4ine and panel schedules arc rcguited ff load is added or distribation is alfuted. I have read and understand the above. Signature Date Signed If you have any questions regarding the above information or have additional questions, pfease contact the Town of Vail Electrical Inspector at97O-479-2147. The inspecbr can be reached on Monday thru Friday mornings behrueen the hours of 8am and 9am. You may also leave a voice mail and the inspector will call you back. o tr F:\CdeV\FORMS\PERMITS\Building\electicaUlermit-l 1-23-2005. DOC P?€,e2otz rrl23lzms TOWN OF VAIL' DEPARTMENT OF COMMUMTY DEVELOPMENT 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970479-2t38 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE FOSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PLUMBING PERMIT Permit #: P06-O100 W{-6QQ Job Address: 998 PTARMIGAN RD VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 998 PTARMIGAN Applied . . : 0812912W6 Parcel No...: 210108115004 Issued. . : 08l3ll2ffi Irgal Description: *-RTOG -6 {g \ Expires . .: 02l27DW Project No : OWNER PAI'IJSEN, MARY IJOU 08/29/2006 940 HI'MBOI,DT ST DENVER co 80218 APPLICAIIT C & H CONSTRUCTION, IrIJC 08/29/2006 Phone: 949-1502 PO BOX 341 AVON coI_,oRADO 81520 L,icense z 822-9 coNrRAcToR cAsEY PLUMBTNG & HEATTNG 08/29/2006 phone: 970-653-4300 P.O. BOX 1830 EDWARDS co 8L632 License:213-P Desciption: REMODEL 3 LOWER BATHROOMS Valuation: $14,100.00 Il'filffi*m*;-----"--*Tfi:ffi*********J1",.***----",-.-.1-:l-9*$go!t1p;fr" # or Gas Logs: 22 # or wood Parret: ?? Plunbing-- > $225. oo ResMrant Plan Review- > $0 .00 Total Calcldated Fe€s-- > $284.25 Plan Check--> Ss5.25 TOTAL FEES - S2a4.2s Additional Fees------- > $0.00 Investigation- > Will Call--- > so.oo $3. OO Total Permit Fee-----> 5284.25 PaynEn6---------- > 9284.25 t||tt|:i|l.t|t||i|tt|||ti{.*t+*i|*****{tt*'||**||i||tl.|t*t**l.t*****t**|.*|||ta||'l..'t'|:t,tt*iti*"**.***"*H9l Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPART!,IENT oe/29/2oo6 Js Action: AP fIeM: O55OO FIRE DEPARTII{EI{II CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BIiDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CIIECK FOR CODE COMPLIAIICE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as reguired is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Intemational Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOIJR HO{JRS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2149 OR AT OLlR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. >'- cl...Q\na *lalalllt+tlfl*l**{'!t{rlrlrl.*{'*******ttttttr*11*++**{'ttt1tXl{'{r{'********t++***l*'}++****+*+******* TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement ttt+++ttttt+lr+l*t************ft*ltfll*tt't+****{ra'*++*{r+t++tt*+*{'***+l'*+*********+{'*+'}+***++++ gtatement Number: R060001359 Amount: $18.?5 OS/3L/2OO6O3:25 PM Payment Method: Check Init: LT Notation: C&H Conatruction / c.k't2} Permit No: P05-0100 r!4)e: PIJI'I{BING PERMIT Parcel No: 2101- 081- 15 0 0 -4Site AddregE: 998 PIARMIGA}I RD VAIL L,ocation: 998 PTARMIGAIV Total Fees: $254.25 This Payment: $18.?5 Togal ALL Hnts: $2e4.25' Balances S0.00 It!r!r*t'**ttt*Sl*lf +'i*'i'i't'|*'''i'i'i*'i!t'l!t*'t'ltttttlll{*tt{rt{r!t*lr'}**'}**l++l+{ta'*'t'l*{'+**+++************* ACCOT]NT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description current Pmts PP OO1OOOO31111OO PLUMBING PERMIT FSES 18.75 -----------:-- il l?r-la-zoo6 Inspec$on FedruFqt Reporting eage 61 q- Requested Inspect Date: Friday, December 15, 2006' lnsosction Area: SH SIIo Addrsss: 998 PTARMIGAN RD VAIL 998 PTARMIGAN $.. A/P/D lnformatlon Activitv: E06{164 Const Tvo6:Oiviier: PAULSEII Aoolicant: DANICI E Cohlractor: DANICI E Description: ELECTRII Twe: &ELEC Sr Occuoahbv: OU REMODEL 3 LOWER BATHROOMS ASFR StAtuS: ISSUED Insp Area: SH 970-390-1 173 970-390-1 173 Reou€atsd Insp€ctlon(o) oouested Time: 08:30 Aill' Phone: 970-390-1173 Entered By: DGOLDEN K P*,,lt '6uJ'l^ 61*l*9 Ineoectlon Hlstorv Item: 110Item: 120 " Approved * Item:130Item: 140It€m: 190 €s -rougn \t u,_ /?17'Lzo7 / Colrr*d t, fr, 'p 'clvo a Action: APPR APPROVED REPTl31 Run Id: 6L28 /\ll to,rD, -------- 03-13-2007 Inspection Be_que_qt Roquested lnspect Dat6: Wednesday March'14, 2007' Inspectlon Area: CG Site Address: 998 PTARMIGAN RD VAIL 998 PTARMIGAN A/P/D Informatlon Ac'tivitv: P06-0100 Const Tvp6: Ovrfrier: PAULSEII Aoolicant: C&HCO Cohtractor: CASEYP Description: REMODE Sub Tvoe: ASFR Status: ISSUEDO'se: lnsp Area: CG Phone: 949-1502 Phone: 970-653-4300 Reouested Time: 09:30 AM' Phone: 3766373 Entered By: DGOLDEN K Reouested Insoec{ion(s) Insoectlon Historv Action:NP APPROVED APPROVED PIPE IN AL (3) BATHS. WAItem: 290 PLM&Final 03112107 Insoector: JRM Action: DN DENIEDComment NO ACESS. LEFT NOTE TO SET UP AS WILL CALL *fr! ,n n\.-/ ' rt6/l/1t'.. 'r', ;) 0,),i, f ,u ) \nP -t-\v Av, l ^/ \ sNVn Jr ,0,) ^t/V \ u U{-.' /r) rc( 1\,.,r4 1,t u M\ f\lt | |v\/\//v, \)U' ( t" L .b,l ,!'4t1 D ! l U REPT131 Run Id: 6464 Prolect Appllcation Project Name: Proiect Description: Contact Person and Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot atocr y' ,r,,,^n U u ')*L' ,zone- Comments: Design Review Board i l^ /'r/' /Y")Date ->1 ) / u / DISAPPROVALAPPROVAL <,/ - a) Town Planner o^," {i 3 /r 9 / Staff Approval a APPLICATI0N DATE: March 2R- l98ll- DATE 0F DRB l,tEETItiG. April 9, 1989 DRB APPLICATION / NOT BE ACCEPI'ED UNTIL ALL INFORMATION IS SUBMITTED****#***THIS APPLICATION }IILL I.PRE.APPLIcATI0NMEETING:............' iiin-niii iireimtine the approval process for your.pruiggl by decreasirg tiie number ji-loiaiiions-of approvit lirat the'DRB may sti.bulate. ALL conditions of approval must be resolved before'i Uuitatng permit is issued. A. 1) pROJECT DESCRIpTISN: Retod*l of ""ftting res'idence as fol I ows : Expand existlng second floor balcony to the North, 2)Relocate an existing hot tub A pre-application meeting $!h-a plannino staff member.ls strong]y suggested to - '1:*Tf a'ele"mihL if any aaiiiiijiai intorfialion is needed.. No application will be accepted , ,r#H uni"rt ii is ioirpteie (must lnc'tule all ltems required.by the zoning administrator). ,*'.#Ei ii'ii tni applicint;i iesponsibility to make an appointnent with the staff to find - -.:i cr:t aber:t add.itiona! submitta'l requiremenil. -pf eii" note. that a COMIIEIE-lpp'li!3- lr,'','.$ffin from the interior courtyand to the ground level at the North side,3) Lower the window sills of the existinq windows at the NorthWest corner and add one more window l) add a fenceB. LOCATION OF at tne NorthWest corner and remodel kitchen cab'inets (interior only). PROPOSAL: Address 998 Ptarmioan .. Legal Description Lotl Block 4 Filing Zoning two family primary/secondary resjdential district C. NAMF OF APPLICANT: Address Marv Lou t,lal ters telephone. 777-9416 D.NAME OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE: VJCTOT MATK DONA]dSON. ATChitCCt Address Box 5300 Avqn, Colorado 81620 telephone 949-5200 MME OF Fc Address tel ephone same at the time a building permit is requested' FEE F. DRB FEE: The fee will be Paid VALUATION $ o-$ 1o'ooo $10,001 -$ 5o,ooo $:50,001 - $ 150,000 $150.001 - $ .500,000 $5oo,oo1 - $1,ooo,ooo$ 0ver $1,000,000 $ 10.00 $ zs.oo $ 50.00 $100.00. $2o0.oo $3oo. o0 IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBMISSIONS TO THE DRB: 1. In addition to meeting submittal requiremdnts, the_appljcant must stake the site shoutd also be inirfia. itris wort< must be completed before the DRB visits the . si te. Z. The review p"o".r, for NEll BUILDINGS wi'll normally involve t},o separate meetings oi-the oeiibn Review eoiid, so plan on at least two meetings for their.approval- 3. People who fail to appear before the Design Review Board at their schedu'led meeling ind who hive'hoi aiiea for a postponement will be required to be republ i shed. Polo Clu Colorado 81620 ., #t. . !_.1:' " "ii't .'-*a to the Design Review Boar{. .-"ti{ Mmlnlstrator for approrial: ': I a. l,lindows, s(ylights and slmllar exterlor changes thtt dd not alter the existing Plbne of the bulldlng; add b. Bulldlns addltlons that are not vlaned tlol 9ny other lot or publlc 3pace' 'j ifriif,-'tii"C-had letters submitted frqn adJolning property fiill€t1s- approvlng - l-tle_iaaitton;and/orappr.ovalfromthea9entfor,ornamgerofacondominium associ atl on The following ltems no longer have-to be.presented iiiiv,-trou"uei, have to be prcsented to the zoning . .:: Shrdies on your property, You-shsuid "{' 4. 5.You may be required .to conduct lhtural Hazard check with a Town Planner before prcceedfng. ': -;'-. l :\ .t? LIST oF IIAIERIALS Ijt l- I N(; JJ for submj.ttal by the applii nt to tl're Design Rcvicw Siven: The fol louing inforrnation is lloard bcfore a final approval A. BUlLI,IiiG I\tA'fERIALS Roof Si ding Other l'Jall l"taterials Fasc ia Soffits lfindoris liindow Trin Doors Door Trin Hand o: Deck Rails Flues F I ashi ngs Chirirneys Trash Encl osures Grcenhor.rs es Other' B. LANDSCAPING Name of Des'igner: Phone : PLANT MATERIALS Botanical llame TREES lil,0c rcqu i rcd cun be vtstu, 1 - zrJe Type of l.lrrt_crial Color Common Name atl @l tz ;flec -t' -6"JO_lz' +,:,. -+3Ye'o< 45 Ll Z t 4t4 a 7e SHRUBS r/t V\ IA GROUND COVERS SOD SEED TYPE OF I RRI GAT I ON TYPE SQUARE FOOTAGE o UARESQ FOOTAG E SQUARE FOOTAGE TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL 0ther Landscape Features (retaining wa11s, fences, swirnming pools, etc.) Please specify.r (n Date Project Applicalion Project Name: Proiect Description: Contact Person and Phone /h-, o //n-, ,, , ,-rr y'7a' 3r,o t Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: 'n tt ,o, ' 4Pr n /'o ''- -'u t f ke o c Legal Description: Lot Zone - .. Gomments: Design Review Board Date DISAPPROVAL,r-fffi-)r- E statt Approval ll lnwn 75 3oulh frontage rd. vall, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 department of community development April 25, 1983 Rudge |,Jilliams l913l E. Euclid Dr. Aurora, C0 800.|6 Re: AndrikoPolous Garage Addition Dear Rudge: 0n April 20, .|983 the Design Review_Board approved the.Andrikopolous glrjg" aaOiiion and 'landscipe revisions. The Town Eng'ineer is now i.ri6*i"S your bui3.ing permit applicat'ion; after he is satisfied the applicltton will be forwarded to the Building Department' The residence has reached its max'imum allowed GRFA. Si ncerely, A- tlL^ *'1.^'- Jifrr Sayre / Town Planner JS/bb Project Application Proiect Name: , 'y Proiecl Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Addr€ss and Phone: Legal Description: Lot '.cx t/t , rr^n i, l/ '/ E' , zone - Comments: Design Review Board Motion by:tp-rELy Seconded by: 5- c) - ) DISAPPHOVAL 1,y'A jTtl! v\/S 4 A.rn,* summary: '4 ( 5J 4l-'/ Tf'b Town Planner E Statt Approval iItCK foP SFR, R, R P/S ZONE DISTRICTS Ut/ft,4 Archi tect l^rA.z4ErZ_ Zone Distrj * - f< P/S Proposed Use S,E Lot Size Hei ght Total GRFA Primary GRFA Secondary GRFA Setbacks : Proposed o?__ Front Si des Rear lrlater Course Site Coverage Landscapi ng Parki ng Legal Owner Credi ts: Garage Mechani cal Airl ock Storage Solar Heat Storage Drive: Slope Permitted Envi ronmental /Hazards : 20, 15' 15' (30)(50) t#i@,, (50)@ (2s)(50) N4 Al l owed ,,2)jf! Wot@t 4oo ok Slope Actual Aval anche Flood Plain Sl ope NA NA /')A t i(iii, c Description: Lot -*L Block -!- Fil ing |) Commentg: AEc+14t-)tc4 L Zo n i ns : 67rra' ,o ni s a pprov ed O O UTILI'IY LOCATION VITI{IFICATION SUBDIVISION JOB NAME LOT__l_BLtrKj__prlrNc ADDRESS The location of utilities, whether they lines, nust be approved and verified by accornpanying site plan. be main trunk the following li.nes or proposed uti.lities for the r Mountain Bell '? Western Slope Gas f Public Service Company f Holy Cross Electric Assoc. .f Vail Cable T.V. 6 Upper Eagle Valley Water and Sanitation District Date z-/h-/E5z ,t -- .z- f I).'>'J-W-F' a-_-_4._-t-=- 4 -6 -{? /-a-Ys _4-/-U NOTE: These verifications do not relieve the contractor of his responsibility to obtain a street cut Permit frorn the Town of Vail, Departrnent of Public Works and to obtain utility locations before dj.gging in any public right- of-way or easenent in the Tom of Vai1. A building pernit is not a street cut pernit. A street cut pernit must be obtained separately. firis form is to verify servi.ce avai.lablity and location. Thj.s should be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan and scheduling instal.lations. ,,' rncrnErntHc cuEfr tlst : ..'.i: . ';';.,:t (Acceptable) (tlot AccePtable) Pop€ : '4.v Subdivision Lot B'lock Fil ing 1. Submittal ltems l,/,+a' (ltttAG( t (A) Topo Map (B) Site P'lan (c) Uti'lity Plan -- (D) Title Report .. -. t _r -)z-iii i"uaitision Asreement (if applicaltle) 2. f,nqineering Requi,rements AJaT (t/au,.l ii,',' 3. Source of Utilities (A) Electric > B) Gas C) Setteri. .. (D) llater E) Te'lePlrotie F) T.V. (A) Cu'lvert Size -i ii i D; i uu,'.y craaE-TFgx nax)-(Tc [[a Oc,c*<-,n 4-/2- t^'--ZZc-e-EpcZ e 7""7 NonL:- 4. Comnents: 1qK R-a-r Approved: Di sapproved: t-errTn',:iffi BiIl Atrd:'e'.'rs ao I 116 ul ,+-/ (tlrll/. : r i rrlr l'j'()ii.i, i Orltaet , | (r.lrl i r',rl 1'0t' ';tti,r,il 1 i'l l,t t:;rli irc ,l.lV(:lr: itl)l!l i,.,',i tr> t.ltc l)c:;i1.rr Ir'1,i, '' (.1 lo r l'ia 1 I l"lat cri.al s Fascia Soffits Windo'.rs Itinriovr T'rirn Doors GA RAfu. Door 'l'rilr Hanr! or: Deck Rails Flues Flashj ngs Chinneys fo fllltt! -6xrt. Sf Hc Ao.ll NdNli r( r'i ANofrou wooo tuoop /4N60 BA(N voo o ll,r ll It aaalQtlt v. Trash Enclosures 6tecnhorrs e s 0ther: B. LANDSCAPING Name of Designer: Phone : PLANT MATERIALS Botanical Name Common Name Quantj ty Si ze TREES 'ttsrrpt 2" ASPaU 4A6Es fo 8E rl^uacAfgz-- tF pttsrtt.€. O 7 t'tEn Q4ilns.*P|tVk--AL--PZ---g P fAs,s-HE-t? SHRUBS Project Applicalion o^t" 1'/ 'f/AR k3 A ' /)fv'[)ft t "; i tt :';'- '::u';Proiect Name: /l u A I t,. t4./ Proiect DescriP,lon' i v i'/l {t'flt,,, :/lllr'er' \ y1,lt:u t wtLt /4H iContact Person and Phone Itilt t, i(cLtn Pfr AtlrltinA CO t'u5 / I 6 {3'a6.2z At 4Npnt6a/',(,taL((,Owner, Address and Phone: ?ft ^,It :.tl ftN t, (N v'tl r /.//- 76 3J',t Architect, Address and Phone:!. n . v/4 1( fr/i li ,?taLr | lAA/. y'ttr tNVi. /, Legal Description: Lol arocx 4 , riting 74 zon" 'ot ''ar)A.*., Comments: Design Review Board Molion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL'[z1r3t.$ n/%U r 4 st1 Summary:l*'e L L Y1r- f yl ( 1_ t*1t.. ,lt,E L4v tr '.,:1 ;z: I l- )'Pt-rA .r+T .{*'T- ,.^i41(4 b, xti r/'l f7 ,ti:ttlE E4E u ltl i-.2t{.' 4-- t,e-Ee9 ,42L &/:L-,.; t- {O , r y L;7)^l b /aa-:<t 4v / /f4 t i<>t! "A-a A rr LoT E staft ApprovalTown Planner I 75.south frontage road . vail, colorado 81657. (303) 476-7000 January 5, 1983 Land Tit,le Guarantee Company I08 South Frontage Road VaiJ-, Colorado 8L657 Re: Lot l, Block 4, Vail ViJ-lage Seventh Filing Dear Land Title, This letter is to confirm that approved, on January 4, 1983, from A.G. Andrikopoulos for a the above referenced property. Sincerely, the Town of Vail Councilthe 12 foo.t variance request garage on the west side of PETER TAMAR, pb 1lo$n Planner -2- 'l'hc: ricxL itcm on thr: alJt'n<1a was Cit.jzt'n Particjpat ion.for inlruL on the <:ablc Lclr:visi()n r('(:r,l) I. i r>n, sta1.irr1l Iwor:;c jn thc last 1.wo rlcr.:ks. Rich C;ipl:,.n stated Llr:iLmeetjng with Heritage and he would mcnLion the conct:r-n rfTlrs l)riu l Johns l. on :r skcd lr;Lt. his had 11ot. I.r:n irr., itad an u1rc, 'rr' i rr1; Lo them at that time. Rod Slifer introduced Dr. Charles Schrvahn who was in attr:ndance at the meet ing. The next item on the agenda was the appeal of the PEC decision regardingvarj ance request for Lot 1 4..,__Ia j I Vi llage 7th f i I j,q-g. This deci.sionwasbeingappea1edbytlre.IownCounclffihathelvou].c1be abstaining from this matter, and Bill $'ilto took over as chairperson for themeetjng. peter Jamar explained the granting of the varjance to the Courrcil.Gordon Pierce, representing the applicant, a.ddressed the Council, giving hisreasons for requesting the variance. There was some discussion fo116wing,rerating to the best locatj.on for the garage in question. After somediscussion, Paul Johnsfon made a notion to deny the appeal. Hermann Stauferseconded the motion. Ron Todd sta.ted that he would vote against the motion,stati.ng his feeling that variances should not be granted generously, whichhe felt had been done in the pa.st.. A vote was taken and the motion passed3 to 1 - Ron Todd opposing. The next item on the agenda was a departmental report from Jon EberleTransportation Dept. Eberle presented the council with a packet ofinformation on the bus system and training. Eberle then ga"ve a reportcovering the new travelers! information servj.ce, which sliould be inoperation by the end of the week. the 4-way stop,'conjestion problem,the Gold Peak dropoff area, the parking structures, the Hostess Program,and bus ridership. Rod Slifer commended the Public lforks Department onthe snow removal program, especially after his return from Denver theprevious day. under Town l'lanager Report, Rlch caplan stated that there would be adepartmenta.l report at each regular council meeting, cornmencing withthis evening's report from the Transportion Department. Mr. Caplan also stated that a letter of concern would be sent to Gov. Lammand I\layor McNichols regarding the response to the snow removal after therecent Denver bLtzzard. Bill 19ilto suggested that Capla.n contact VailAssociates before the letter was sent. There was no Town Attorney Report. Rod slifer rvished t-,a.iy Eskwith, Rich caplan and peter Jamar a HappyBirthday. As there was no further business, the meeting was adjourned. at 10:00 p.m. ATTIIS?: Colleen ll . Kfine, forvn Cferk Decenber 30, 1982 Town Council Town of Vail 75 South Frontage RoadVail, Colorado 81657 Re: Lot l, Block 4' Vail Village Seventh fil-rqg Dear Sirs: This letter is to express my understanding and approval of the application by A.G. Andrikopoulos for a variance on the subject property in order to build a garage. Sincerely, ,8.2{>'@ Jack Pester pb -2-Ot.lr 1 lt,-- Unclrrt. 'l'rrwn Mirn;r11r'r' Ik.por'l;, I\lr. 0lr Jr lrrrr t't.:fef r<.:tl L0 | lr,' t'trttllcll trr :L mcm(/ l-ltqy had rg<:r,iv<,d Irgm Comnrrrnrly I)cve Lolltnt.'tt l. l'r;'.:iltli.ng &ll a1;irr':r I <rf a vrr t'i trnoo r('rltrr'sl. t'rrt{at'tli ttt{ t,}r,: (11)ll$Lru(lL iolt ol' :' 'lltt'itg€ ott --l:l],]|::-Ti-l;t,,,rt "woulcl lrt: prescnlccl to the Counc all u li t'y Mr. Caplan stated that thecirculation plan would beits review Mr. Caplan also mentloned that the Town of Vail had received a congratulatory message from the Town of Breckenridge and would be responding accordi.ngly. There was no Town Attorney Report. As there was no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 10:15 a.m. 4th, 1983 wrrlli sEEslon. ,Arteri.al Ilusiness District. l'raffig and going back to the Planning Commisslon for ATTEST: rc 7Lh T6wnfilanager PEc -4- r2t13/82 o a Donovan moved and Piper seconded to recormend the oroposed zoninq to Towtt Council stain'in for lacl( 0f suffic'ient information Patten told the audjence that this would be brought to the Council meeting of Jan- uary 4, 1983. 5. R uest for a side setback variance to lot'l bl ock 4 age 7 pp I rcan Peter Jamar showed the site plan and reviewed the memo. Gordon Pierce, architect for the applicant, said that the memo covered any points he would add. Vie1e asked if any other variances would be needed--Pierce replied that there would not. The size of the garage was discussed. Donovan stated that from the discussion whi'l e they were at the site, she wondered if the garage were one or two stories. Pierce replied that it was one story. Trout felt that the request was consistent with the zoning objectives. More discussion fo1lowed. Vie'l e moved and Trout seconded to approve the varjance. The vote was 4-0 in favor Patten explained that in the packet each member received was a memo concerning condo conversions that he was asking the board to study per a request from the Tovm Counci'|. The existing ordinance (A of 1978) was inc'luded in the memo. He added that there wou'ld be a full discussion with the Counci'l early in 1983. rl KOpOU IOS PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION Decenber '13, '1982 l:45 pm 2245 3:00 pm pm Site visits Preliminary review exterior alteration of LionsHead Gondola bui'lding Publ jc Hearing and November 22'l. 2. Approval of Request for variance to Filing No. minutes of November 8 front and side setback construct two garages 2 Appl icants: Patrick variances and a site coverage on lot 3, block G, Vail das Schone Dodson and Leonard Voge'laar 3.Reouest for an amendment to Section G Views and Foca'l Points of the i;ii-Vn i ;;"-tiruin'o"iisn cuide Plan--Design Considerations to inc1ude lanouaqe w6ich protects"views whose deterioration could be caused by ievEiopment outside of the Commercial Core I Zone District. Applicant: Town of Vai'l Request for an amendment to the officia'l zoning maP oI. the Town of t;ii-46 impose zoning on parcels recently annex.ed.to the Town in the iiiiein l'lalterhorn aiea. lApplicant: Town of Vail Request for a side setback variance to construct a garage- on lot I 'uidii +, Vail Village 7th Filing.. App'licant: Andv Andrikopoulos 4. 5. I MEMOMNDUM I Planning and Environmental Commission on lot l, b'lock 4, Vail Village 7th Fi'ling. Appl icant: 6, 9'T ftl ',.k1 u'lTO: FROM: DATE: SIJBJECT: oepartment of Connunity Development At/(/, December 8, '1e82 f\t I'(l' Variance request to construct a garage partial'ly riitt{tn a side setback Andy Andrikopo'lous DESCRIPTION OF VARIANCE REQUESTED The applicant requests a side setback variance of l2 feet for the purpose of construct- ing a garage. The appljcant states that due to the configuration of the property and the location of the existing house which was built jn 1967 It would be djfficu'lt to add a garage in any other than the proposed location. (See attached site plan.) The required setback is l5 feet and thus the garage would sit 3 feet from the property l ine. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS review of Criteria and Findinqs Section 18.62.060 of the Munici 'l Code rtrnent of Cqnmun t t rec s aDDrova I o uested variance Consideration of Factors : The relationship of the requested variance to other existing or potential uses and strtttures in the vicinity The requested varjance will have very'little impact upon adjacent properties and structures. The property directly adjacent to the proposed garage site is owned by Vail Associates and is utilized as a part of the go1 f course. The area between tie fairuay and the garage is heavily wooded and separated by a change in grade. A positive impact will be the enclosure of automobiles currently'l eft uncovered. to which relief from the strict or literal interpretat'ion and enforcement of requlation is necessarv to achieve c tv and uniform'it alment amonq s srn ortoa nl ect'l ves o s t it'le without gienf of -te-ieT pi It has been the poiicy of the staff and of the Plann'ing and Environmental Com- missjon to attempt to encouraqe qaraqes. In several instances setback variances have been granted in order to'medt tfris goai. The zon'ing code states that the purpose of a lariance is to'lessen practical difficulties inconsistent with the objectivesof the zoning code. The code also states that a practical difficulty may result from the size, shape or dimensions of a site or the location of existing structures upon the site. In this case the configuration of the lot and the location of the existing house'limit the possibi'lities for locating the garage upon the site. The proposed location would have the least impact upon the neighboring house, exist'ing vegetation, and the grade of the site. No negative impacts are expected from the.setback encroachment. following reasons: of the specified regulat'ion physical hardship incons'istent The effect of the uested variance on 'l i ht and air distribution of es and ut No impact, Such other faclo1114lqdtefra as the commission d FINDINGS: The Planning and Environmenta'l Cffmission shall rake the fo]lowing findings before granting a variance: That the granting of the variance wi'l'l not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified in the same district; That the granting of the variance will not be detrimenta'l to the public health, gqfety, or welfare, or materia'l ly injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity; That the variance is warranted for one or more of the The strict or I iteral interpretation and enforcement would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary with the objectives of this title. circumstances or conditions applicable to apply generally to other properties in the The strict or'literal interpretation and enforcement of the specified regulation rould deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the trrners of other properties in the same district. STAFF .RECOI'fi ENDATI ONS The Department of Comnun'ity Development reconrnends approval of the requested variance. The addition of garages has been seen as a positive improvement to the appearanceof the Town and has been encouraged. The location of the proposed garage nnkes sense from a site planning standpoint and has no negative impact upon adjacentproperties on structures. There are excepQions or extraordinary the sfte, of the variance that do not same zone. - f AI)PLICATION I. This procedure is regui-red The applicat.ion will not be ,Irp1:lication Da FORl.l FOR h VARIANCII for: any projc:ct requesting a Varj-ance. accepLed until al] information is submittecl . A.NAME OF ADDRNSS APPLICANT NN Lc>3 {-.rjv,PHONEO. ADDRESS lo s' @ctt}rN6r POAtr - vA(L . pHoNE4]|:6.?-561. -TT6:M'T_ AUTHORIZATION OE SIGNA ADDRESS o.puonn63l-oB8[ Derr0ffi6pg1-cs D. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL ADDRESs Lof * | gtoe-c 4 Vtrr- Utr-t''c6r -lE frutr-r6 T,EGAL DESCRIPTION 1ot block !'i1in9 B. Np^I.rE oF App,,rcANr,s RB'RESENTATT'E &;zrcr_: ? Rgu^c-e E. FEE. $100.00 plus an anount equal to the then c.urrcnt fir.st-class rate for each property owner to be notified hercundcr. F. A fist of the names of or,r'rrers of all property adjacent to subject property and their a<Idresscs. )oh"r pc)s tage the ,"' ',^, fuA, , ;"i-' VA /,art It''r!,, r,7t'h i.Y 1""\;:.,t(l(f Page 2 copies of the following information: A statement of the precise nature of the variance reguested,the regulation involved, and the practical difficulty or unnnecessaryphysi-cal hard.ship inconsistent with the objectives or tnis titlethat would result from strict or lit.eral interpretation and enforce-ment of the specified regulation. . A site pLan showing all existing and proposed features on thesite, and on adjoining sites if necessaryl pertinent to the variancerequested, inci-uding site boundaries. required setbacks, buildinglocations and heights, topography and physical- features and similardata. such additionar materiar as the zoning administrator may pre-scribe or the appricant may submit pertinent to the apprication. III. Time requirements The Planning and Environmental commission meets on the 2nd. and4th Mondays of each month. An application wj-th the necessary accom-panying materiar must be submitted four weeks prior to the hateof the meeting. application rorrf a variance aII. .Fotrr +4) A. B. c. Gordon R. Pierce ' Architect ' A.I.A. November 10, 1982 l{r. Peter Jamar Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road, West Vall, CO 81657 Dear Peter: The applicant is request lng a setback variance of 12 feet (i.e. 3r-0" lnstead of 15r-0") on one corner of hls property for the purpose of constructlng a garage. (See attached drawLng). Dief.o the conflguratlon of the property and the location of the existing house (bullt in 1967) lt would be extremely difficult to add a garage to the al-ready establlshed design of the house except ln the location requested. Thls proposed locatlon woul-d have the least lnpact on the neighbors house, the existing planting, the natural contours and as mentloned, the existing house. The design of the roof of the garage would have a very l-ow profile so as to l-imLt lmpact on the view from the 5th tee. Please note that this property ls surrounded on three sldes by the ValL Gol-f Course. GRP iP Enc losures 1000 South Frontage Road West. Vail, Colorado 81657'303/476'6776 oz F =e, lrJo- r--{ tt, IJJu,lr E =tulo- t$ u$T\o\ o\ H an z - o\ @q luJlE'oloF rE IMr@, rillFf lcaIO t-:iF19 ;.'llr Lr,: aotvt(Jtzro tJ uJF G F E F2 = =z zH F-lH z E-{ .lt ps o^za or4ZF gH dB o-':ZP 2\ar:= tl, UJ U':T olt Fo (EFzoO Go E IIJz =od rL llla'tZ;tcE\JlutFI<F7oYZo< I <\ -o \\ rR. .. ts j-oc iHr f, eg E: E UP:Ec-o> E;:E F E!:c96F.l eS or !EiF E5 gF E!eecL (g cl-sEie fE='g E6:i iEEE - ct,:3 (, --C?6 0'- .:r;o., ETE€ ; H;: I; E; isH'r N CN e\| \a F =et!o. z J o g t! z o- J o EFo u.l UJ (,z to =J z UJ = UJ uJu-z9F gJ Eolu olo 3u,l ulc,z 6 uJ F at IJJ z IIJ x F uto a/, uJulu- b =tulo- FoF z J 9c,F UJJ UJ oz @ =J J z. () UJt Fl H H NO[Vn'lVA z B zHB F.l z Ft-l a v A ts z Yc = z tr E uJo E uJz UJ =>E __(v) lur.S =ocl zzoo F^ah;a eoo1>9()<)2q-<oq o.- !2t6 -ioi U) FT z BE]z zo ll. oEo uJ G.-.L UJE z E ,<{.x z tr uJ =|ltz tltltltlatrzlzO(' koo< =t*x46ct<z Fz, Oz -iF do =6OI gJ l -) outzv i z F Jlaz ll. 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E E lrLco4'su Copy Available trr - 2-.tr6 r-,o+.€H**lH* >TLo lvl I l,t !," F,- :l I Best -f( I coe) t-. 8>s) :l -Jr l-: : I ; .1 .i -. l.::-.-- l' "- 'i-' ; . . r::j - (D u-url .c <J tt u \ \ E5Et: <J EV" a =ctF *'db l- E i5o .-a- )> -o;(gEt- -ai! {Or .9 f v 6 .9 t q,,123ec-<-o -el ot >el3 ?9* ,{I, 3 11@,' t,1,' J () tt- i.r. 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