HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 7 BLOCK 4 LOT 3 LEGAL7 I DRA EPPLTCATION - TOW}I .OF 1TAII,, DATE APPTICATION RECEI\TED : DATE OF DRB MEETING: .-, I revisedL= COIORADO s/4/eL Rtc'o JUN 29 lggt I. ********** TATS APPLICATION WILL NO! BE ACCEPrED t ltflr. alt REQUTRED INFORI{AIION IS SItBUIttED********** PRO.IECT INFORMATION: DESCRrprroN: 7^ -rf.rl/ E/-.fri .o / P.Jes./q q f Tra n s Fo". ,-- -t' c)t-t t3 . < k /o/ /r'z-'t f 7d Q r <- a ,r" 1yy),/a /-a,5,- c .n-t L[=.ftica / 5<. r.zr'c- -f TYPE OF REVIEW: New Construction Addition ($50.00) t/($200.00) _X Minor Alteration ($20.00) Conceptual Review ($0) ADDRE55 7ll Pfqo.-isonc. D.LEGAI DESCRIPTION: LoI BlocK Subdivision If property is described bydesqription, please provide at,tach to this apptication. ZONING: Rnr, /rn t'q/ a meet,s and bounds legal on a separat,e sheet and ir G. LOT AREA: If required, applicant stamped survey showing lot area. $o<z ,r /t a- must provide a current, NAI,IE OFMailing APPLICANT: Address: H.NAIqE OFMailing I z-' APPTICANT'S REPRESENTATM: S4 /'5-'.' /A (e.rs Address; /,d.. lSas 7tz a.,- Phone I4f253)-' T oF owNERs1. 6-u,1 ? </.o'e-- J. Condominlun Approval if applicable. K. DRB FEEi DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid at lnZthe tirne of submittal of DRB apptication. Later, when 1-o l-f-applying for a building permit, please identify the ll'Ut .taccurat,e valuation of the proposal . The Town of Vail V] ^{-lwill adjust the fee according to the table below, to ,t lL) - ensure the correct fee is paid. ...\ n ^,* .lA 1" FEE PAID: S cy'O, (,U V ,-. FEE sGHEDULE: - [flV VAI,UATION FEE$ 0-$ 1o,0oo $20.00 $101001 -$ 50,000 $50.00.$50,001 -$ 150,000 $100.00 s150, 001 - $ 500,000 s200.00 $500, 001 - $1,000, 000 9400.00$ Over $1,000, 000 $500.00 * DESIGN RS\rIEW BOERD .EPPRO!'AI EXPTRES ONE YE"AR AT'IER FIIIAI, .EPPRO\TAIJ I'NLESS A BI'II'DTNG PERMIT IS ISSUED AND CONSTRUCITON IS STIRIED. **NO IPPLICATION WILI. BE PROCESSED 9TITEOUT O!|NER'S STGNATURE L.. I - *srcNArItRE tsl: 4Z EAi-Mailing Address z P. o. Ba>t ?3 Quc-rt Cct. E./C s-o Phone f qf 75-3)-- rr. PRE-APPLr.oel MEETTNG:t, A pre-application meeting with a member of the planningstaff is strongly encouraged to determine if any additionalapplication information is needed. It is the applicantrsresponsibility to make an appointment with the staff todetermine if there are additional submittal reguirements. Please note that a COMPLETE application will strearnline theapproval process for your project. III. IMPORTN.IT NOTICE REGARDING AI,L SUBMISSIONS TO THE DRB: A. In addition to meeting submittal reguirements, theapplicant must stake and tape the project site toindicate property lines, building lines and buildingcorners. All trees to be removed must be taped. AIIsite tapings and staking nust be completed prior to the DRB site visit. The applicant rnust ensure that stakingdone during the winter is not buried by snow. B. The review process for NEW BUILDINGS normally requirestwo separate meetings of the Design Review Board: aconceptual approval and a final approval . Applicants should plan on presenting their development proposal ata minimum of two meetings before obtaining final approval. C. Applicants who fail to appear before the Design Review Board on their scheduled meeting date and who have not asked in advance that discussion on their item bepostponed, will have their items removed from the DRBdocket until such time as the item has beenrepublished. D. The following it,ems may, at the discretion of thezoning administrator, be approved by the Community Development Department staff (i.e. a formal. hearingbefore the DRB may not be reguired): a. Windows, skylights and sinilar exterior changeswhich do not alter the existing plane of thebuilding; and b. Building addition proposals not visible from anyother lot or pubJ.ic space. At the time such aproposal is submitted, applicants rnust includeletters from adjacent property owners and/or fromthe agent for or manager of any adjacenL condominium association stating the association approves of the addition. E. If a property is Iocated in a mapped hazard area (i.e. gnow avalanche, rockfall, flood plain, debris flow,wetland, etc) r a hazard study must be submitted and the owner must sign an affidavit recognizing the hazardreport prlor. to the issuance of a building permit.Applicants are encouraged to check with a Town plannerprior to DRB application to determine the relationshipof the property to all mapped hazards. F. For all regldentlal construction: a. Clearly indicate on the floor plans the insideface of the exterior structural walls of thebuilding; andb. Indicate with a dashed line on the site plan afour foot distance from the exterior face of thebuilding walls or supporting columns. c. If DRB approves the application with conditions ormodifications, all conditions of approval. must beresolved prlor to Town issuance of a building permit. TOWN OF VA]L D EPART;\{ENT OF COM]VIIJNITY DEVELOP}IENT . S.TLES ACTION FOR}{ ' 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD oIo)/ t'lisce l l.3neous Cash : -^.-: :" .1q. al.t-n= i",.i.,:.;,,r i- i i, L "ll'il',lr:::; l:i, , I'i,..ji it. l,;, i...:ii. ,l+ +.'ljii jt :i',.ir.:i.:ii i:;r' ;''l l:: F:'i, i',il::: f:[t: ;i ,r, i.,..:ri,:t.:, j ., ill,ljfl:l i i.erri p.:id Flsto{-tnt F.iid ,ii :'''." i;i.j: f :!.1., tlil 0l REo {T{TZ--.TCU:qIRACTSR'uSE. 56 FLE5- -- 0l (€00{l--r30 SIGN APPLICATION FEE.01 000041113 0l 0000 41.{ | 3 ADDITION^I- SICNACE F]:E ISI.OO;'ER SO.IT. 0t 0(00 42.{.,10 lTC ART PROJECT DON,\T]ON 0t 0000 ,l r 33r PRE PAJD DESIGN REVIE1VBOARD FEE Ot 003042412 I BUILDING-CONSTRUCTION PERMIT COI"IPUTER DI *.0I 0000 4t0I0 1' X 01 0000 4237I TNVESTTGATToN FEE (BUTLDTNG). TOTAL DUE: . ur u.( r.1rJJr, tAuui UNALbKF.{ -2JO- \. I Cr000 r 1330 | coNDt'noNAL usE pEL\{lT 0t 0000 .t l3i0 RIOR ALTER'\T]ON IIiORE TH,4.\ IOO SO.FI. 0t 0000 41330 DISTRICT I}'lAJOR 0l 0n00dl3i0 rspEcl4LDEvELopItENT lru.NOR Ai\{E\l) 4 | 3i0 | suB Dlv'lsto.\ | 0000.1t 3 tk * * * 2t * * * # clri Lt 't t'r REQUEST'/c I c'l PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT 11 | :.-, I r^' -> 9419 I / .'t(-'l 'l J JoB NAME INSPECTION TOWN OF VAIL I r"'l'loc, I i7 t J INSPECTION:qq4 F' MON i 6y\ pMREADY FOR LOCATION:r^t- BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEU tr FRAMING r-r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL O FINAL tr FINAL ELEGTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT N SUPPLY AIH APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR nffisop t Project Application o Date Proiect Name: Prolect Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot encx / , ritins Comments: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPBOVAL DISAPPROVAL E statt Approval o oro,-rro{ro* FOR PROPERTIES IN FOR AOOITIONAL GRFA EXCESS OF ALLO",IABLE GRFA oate of tpplication-#- ft6ol Date DRB Meetinq PRE-APPL ICATION CONFERENCE A pre-application conference with a member of the plann'ing-staff is strongly. enlou"agba to discuss the provisions und"" which addit'ionil GRfA can be added io-i si[e. It should be uirderstood that this ordinance does not assure each property an additional 250 square feet of GRFA. Rather, the ordinance al1ows for ug to 250 square feet if certain conditions are met. Applications for additions under this section wi'l'l not be accepted unless-they CIE iompiete. This-inciuUet all information required on this form as vell as Design Review Board submittal requirsnents. A. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: ) d of B.LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: Address Legal Description: Zone District ut-3 elock:f-Filin E. lr* c. D. NAME OF APPLICANT:' Address NAI,,IE OF Addres s APPLICANT' S REPRESENTATIVE: NAI4E OF OI'JNER(S): Signature(s )[/ t tt-i Addres s 4. Existing floor plan of structure. hone _4t n"Ai&.-ouaL u.F. Filing Fee of $100.00 is required at tine of submittat 3 f zlff q 7, t-^-'--- /{ The following"information, in addition to DRB submittal requirements, shall. be required with this submittal: l. .Verification that the unit has received a f,inal certifjcate of occupancy. Z. Names and maif ing addresses of adiacent property-or'riers an4-e't+me+s.cf n+i+€-on-th€4anr*. This information is available from the Eagle County Assessor's office. ...1:rn,.."r. -.4,*' oz\fts\=c UJN+R}.\It.d! r!qh oo oo$t FI4 oulull!F =E UJo- /dn/ 7rF/h/2/.p o),P p+'T)tlrl Dqg\- |.lJ' +PNg ^lXV tE >t-.clE -ff-.lJ I *l Si= l; Ei: sErv,Z ul ,tr-t6 ,rl >.:li i? an UIF z zo!ldt.t a =z t!Julo = Eolt (v)sf<fo@ oc) oI an cD!E!- $ot\Or{E@ (5Xoa()(5 ao E'no -Jo,\.)€ oc6 o!)oo o) =f CD E..:og+)!*, PBY CLI6 trt.'-!qo-oor6 =a, L. .Y t|'ci c,(ir- .tJ ano CL (tJ! CL =Ic C'o q) olo(l,o o o)! o "4 >l E -ofo E o .E oN -attr 3oF o o)c Pooo6 E o at o E .cl o It (g U;;6 o'i (, '=Og, sbEc.9 g..Hv 6tocF.= 6 ispc-o ::;:€ed'i =c9d 3E= EEE =!E,FoO e oeg= E cl.o cL sEE 6- dE€e €6: E E.Ecr$= EEE:ag -: C6 0'-.c; o- -..c gEE '6>,O o=iEEHi8 as: e5g -o6 cc q(\ oo F{ I I oe c)Or-l oq <\,I<f F{ E =eulo-oz J Yo uJ z I J Iel ollJ TIJ 0z = d J 9z o u,tz ul uJltzoF ulE() UJc ql =IJJ uttz(J a u.lo F E UJ z uJJ(, x F uJol o IJJ uJt! = =t IJJ o- J FoF zo J :) co o c. FourJ UJ 26 =J L z () uJ: NOrlVn'rV A Itt+E l.rQg " l:a- - I li= ur oi l; = lo N l( .. I-e.a9i6 6 5"tr - 6 zaq 5 = 9!F9 OE' o o c'(Z ; Or8 9 fil ( b { ;sH 6 *! E t ;jr N (.'- J oEf!u t 3o zIF J u- u.lo- F oo(\l Fl llJ e, J z Eoo z tr IJJ J =utz a =z z tr o tsz o 7)J uJ3 at) UJo 5e tr ciz F TLz F trI UJf J t!zY =F Jl<l:-l zl zl .. >lo UJ ul llJzo E = uJ zo F 6o vFtt Jql (Y) Ie. z,r9z4 roo =zt= dP ..i3 =F==;'i'i (J;;E utFaooazo t-o- UJY lu to oF E CCluo l!o o-oo I utFoz tr fio- t!oEUrt>E<B]€uE9IrkF9Eo"- =>.=lu:-E FE: >[E 8bE itE ;IE14o-i!E H F L' E:---)r _|-*-rtl l- \ L/TFY'E!: { t(\{ I 't fdt n :l f,|l'l UJF o E =E, lrJo-zo 5fE 6zoo t]Dn -c.|-,t\ z J lt- I Jlo I I 1FoJ rtsood.EIGorc&..r raI(u.tr-+.uoNc<o<(50 ui =z co -)I n aoN q'lq+l r.,lq q @ JE 4 t\orof) xo llJ J = (\ (t I t- rt =()tr aul oo = o- 6 ,l dq dr JoaIEq trl U1 Isf(\t tol2 u,l CE J ]Loz =oF tr l z t!(E i t!oz3oH tr =tr oz qt ul(E J a lt z =o F =tr oz oru .E J ltoz =oF LIJ UJF' t tr z =o F() ul ts ()t E <FCQul<zEIIJ F crl zoO EF IJJJ uJ.^ r ( 2 ) (,z @ =) ( =c L) *5 i3 Y,z =8 EoFsi l-o2 J<()fffr =o/ trtrtr t I t- Z4- Z,/ u r4 etr*/ryrt^trr"-//- ,'zM r-/rr4'/"fu 'z'/zt/z-- [-an h64 /, SR i$=\i F =ul ul ql zl \\ \.t \ (r\ 2i d N) EH:Ei;:gri-f3"3F-^ac{ :. y z F.I:F?',) i;EnEq:si: Ei:eio<A<Ol'1 2; EiEEa Ei:iHQ>-aas3i? E{}ll ul 2 S Fzul =Itlvl ul F UJ oJt! ul ar FoJ J FoF utft oo II aFoF t Er lrl 0, t t..\ \ o z -0J -f o -l lret -,-oF ! 5tI NO]lvnlVA tt!.1 !JF =oz -o t zo F =i-c6 Fllt4|c =>xo:2Bf d(J>oFO ;.i Town of Vail EI,ECilRICAL PERMIT Building Valuation Electrical Valuation Permit Fee Inspection Fee Total Fee 139 $.. A.L r.?..?..!"...... $............€..* -. -. - " $...e.a..::-.. N9 APPROVALS $..... 1*- s..*-{-* Electricalcontractor...?-l*..'-.6-*::..(/Sr O'rrr"*r...ilril*s,'!'ara &7 uAIa THIS FORM I5 TO BE POSTED ON JOB SITE DURING COilSTRUGTIOI{ 24 HOtrRSi ADVAI{CE NOncE' REQUIRED FIOR INSPECNONS txt !. l. fi!t!lat 40, !ttvll t!ltll z F Ft z o z AI z tsl \ 3H:s<F4i:!Et < l. y zFE'< HhHftq::i =<oz EE:8o <i)<Ol'lZaiEi3iu'Eg.'t:E;ia> -<on tr<3! + ts EEg, C z <g9L 6-O IJJ IJJ z ll,l z -< ItFzu, Eulv, ul ur J t! ulE FoJ J F F ul G lloo tt J F F II E 5 t 5t- =tr=ulo l&Gto -?-oE'IF=l o \ltN -ut zr.r 9 2 tr(lB -f-oFG9e=>:z:< r(J>(J ;.i rl-,ln{v" Z oB: s {:l. \^ o PLUMETING/MECHANICAL PEFIMIT TOWN OF VAIL oor, '7/)t roB NAME //rLn, "o.ro-n owNER At'u //4n t""/..4r'/ ADDREss ??f /r'Z,rttt9&nt coNrRAcroR Kr^ /^t, //te/,'- {$r.r'/9 Fr,-ito*- 6il)rroru. u c/2."u/et Tl/'-f?sr- Edx Ez?t usE oF BUILDf NG: frec, d.-.fro2 LASS oF woRK: ! ruew Keoorrroru ! neuooel E nepntn R]PTION OF WORK: PLUMBING: NUMBER MECHANICAL: NUMBER vALuArroN s 3hor:VALUATION $ REMARKS:REMARKS: ,r *r{rr, &J. s-o PERMIT FEE 6ir-yLL' T/;:t' E orsappRoveo TOTAL FEES: s %. ,sa TOVTN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, CO 81657 970-479-2L38 a a' Yr^l Lttlt'"r' ?*^ DE'ARTMENT oF coMM'Nrry DEVELo'MENT Lo?l 0l4Ll NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT .fOb AddTESS: 994 PTARMIGAN RDLocation. ..: 994 PTARMfCe-lq no ParceI No.. : 2101-081_-15-002Project No.: MASTER SEALERS P. O. BOX 4473,',VArL, CO 81-658 MASTER SEALERS P. O. BOX 4473, VAIL, CO 81558 INTERNATIONAL MILIJING LTD T RANDOLPH G MUHLESTEIN, 555 S FLOWER ST Single Family ResidenceappfovedTlpe v Non-RaLed amount Add Sq Ft: date FEE SUMMARY ResLua_rant PIan R€vi.e'r- - > DRB Fee-------- .OO Recrealion F€e----------> Sof cas Appliance6: clean-up Dcposit- - - ---- -> . o0 50.o0 . o0 250.00 996.O0 STAEuS...: APPROVED Applied. . : O6/2s/1"998 Issued. . . : o6/25/1,998 Expires..: L2/22/1998 Phone z 97O-476-3975 Phone: 97O-476-3975 25TH FI,, LOS ANGEI,ES CA TOV/Comm. Dev. ToLal calculated Fees--->995.O0 \ .]OBSITE AT AtL. TIMES Permit #: B98-0170 APPIJICANT CONTR,ACTOR OWNER Inve6tsigation > will caII----> DescripLion: REROOF SAME FOR SAME SHAKES Occupancy: R3 Type Construction: V N Valuation: 40,000 Fi replace Infotrat-ion: ResE):ict ed: Buitding-----> 42o.00 Plan check- - - > 213.oo 3 .00 Tolal PermiE Fee------ - - > Paymenta------- BAI.Aj.'CE DUE... . 995.O0 .00 Clean-up Deposit Refund #of eaa Logs: Additional Fees---------> .oo *of wood/Pallel: ILem: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT DerrE: BUILDING Diwision:06/25/1998 .]RM ACTiON: APPR APPROVED JRltrItqm: .05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT Dept: PLANNING Division:06/25/l-999 JRM AcLion: APPR N/AItem: .055Q0 FIRE DEPARTMENT '. Depr: FIRE Division:O6/25/L998 .IRM Action: APPR N/AIEem: .05500 PIIBLIC WORKS '. Dept: PIJB WORK Division:06/25/L998 JRM AcLion: APPR N/A See Page 2 of this Document. for any conditions that may apply Eo this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknoeledge tha! I have read thj-6 applrcalion, filled ouL in full Ehe infolrnation required, conpleled an accuraEe plot plan, and Etsat€ thats a1l th€ infolmation provided as required iE colrecE. I agre€ to comply vith t'he infoEmalion and plots pIan, Eo comply rich aI1 Tolln ordinancea and 6EaLe la\,ls, and to build Ehi6 struclule according !o ghe Town'6 zoning and BubdiviFion codes, deoi,gn review approved, unifolm Building code and other ordinanceE of the fown applicablc !he!cEo. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE MADE TWEMY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-213S OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM g:00 AM 5:00 PM SIGMTURE OF OWNER OR COIITRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND O'.INERSend CIean-Up Deposit To: MASTER SEALERS ..r/.rr.l. t*. r.ir ti rrr!rr. i t trr rt rr r. rt r..O.t. r r t r r r i * r.ra ir lo|ot oP vAIL, co&onAD SErgartrc IurDar: REC-Oala lmrnc ! P.yr.nc tfBhod 3 cK t{otrElon r 1193 D.lulc t{o ! E9a-o170 ftE.! A-BUILD lDD,/At T gFR BUIIJD Pa Prrc.l tfo ! 2101, -091-15-002 SLEc lddr.r.: 99a FllrutC ll RD locrCion! ,9{ FllRlllclll RD It|l! Pqmlnc r r rr l i trr i arr t a ra t i a t t t | { r t r rt a r i r arlr r r r t,a t ttt', t t at a rr a a rt r t. arr i i lcooung Coda D.!crtpElon 996.00 06/2s,/9e 10.0a InlB. TAW gtacanng Tolal Faaa ! 996.00 Totrl lll hErt EaIanc! ! ,96.00 996.00 ,00 loount 420.00 50, oo 273,00 250. 00 3,00 Bp 0010000t111100 Bt[LDIlc Ptn$rr FEErt DR OOtOO0031t2200 Dtglqg RII,TEB FBBS pF oo10000311t300 PLtr cHEct( FEEa LD00100002403100 clBllfuPDBPogtra l{C 00100001112800 $ILIJ Cl!! IIfIIPECTION l!! Page 2******************************************************************************** CONDITIONS Permit #: 898-0170 as of 06/25/98 StaEus---: APPROVED******************************************************************************** Permit. T\4pe: ADD/AI-,T SFR BUILD PERMIT Applicant-- : MASTER SEALERS 970-476-3975 iIOb AddrCSS: 994 PTARMIGAN RD LocaEion--_: 994 PTARMIGAN RD Parcel No-- : 2101-081-15-002 Applied--: 06/2s/L998rssued---: 06/25/L998 To Erqrire:. L2/22/L998 Description: REROOF SAME FOR SAME SHAKES * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * COnditiOns * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *:l * * 1. FrELD TNSPECTIONS ARE REQUTRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLTANCE.2. SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.1210 OF THE 1991 UBC. K:"' Eagte counc, n""o""o'lrrr"" PER.\IIT f t l-Building [ ]-Pluhbing [ ]-Electrical t J-$2ctyntcat [tz]-orher __ rob Name 3 daz'. >z z,ziJ? .z///f,-tz4{{ l,aaress: Z Legat Description: Lot 7 BLock--/- nitins #2 ruu7r'Ai.{*,z?cz.o(4 l*nefs Nane:-Z-?1_ rD'lfi,.???,?Jrtd ac 97O-328-8640 for ParceI /J. TOWN OF VAfL CONSTRUCTION\R!EL /l t P./at.n q.z .t-s'zzzz I PERMIT AppLICATION FORMK DATEI,E-"_p ?/ 2f, APPLICATION MUST BE FILLED OUT COHPI,ETELY OR IT MAY NOT BE ACCEPTED \rchitect: leneral DescriPtion: lork class: [ ]-New [ ]-Alteration I z-7/'4:.aa/ J--',>..-.4-- f-a--zz-/fr lumber of Dwelling Units: 'Ulmber and Type of Fireplaces: cas Appliancest -- t * * * t< * * * * * * * J< !t rt rt * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * VALUATIONS )IUILDING: j__ :LUMBING: $, ',cloress z 14,_,__A* *zf .---c €,., .erf-;-;/ I -Additional [ ] -Repair lffother Nunber of Accomnodation Units: Gas Logs Wood/Pe11et ********************************* EI'ECTRICAL: $ MECHANTCAL: $--orHER: +;?a. as-a' r TOTAL: f 6 * * * * rr rtr >\ * rr * * * * * * * * *.{.* * * * * * * * CoNTRACTOR INFORMAAToNleneral Contractor: +or& dy2r.'e"/ .-/--1 Town of Vail Reg. NO.,f>2-Z lechanical Contractor: \ddress: : rt * * * * * *:t rt * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * FOR }UTI-,DING PERMIT FEE: ,LUMBING PERMIT FEE: IECHANICAIJ PERMIT FEE: ;LECTRTCAL FEE: )THER TYPE OF FEE: )RB FEE: * *** * rk * ***rt rt * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * Phone Nurnber: Town of VaiI Reg. NO. Phone Nunber: Town of Vail Reg. No. Phone Number: Town of VaiL Req. NO. Phone Number: PLUMBING PI,AN CHECK FEE: MECHANICAL PI,AN CHECK FEE: .RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: contractor: BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: ilectrical contractot, - ?D'12 - QITOiddress: )Iumbirlg rddress: VALUATION lomments: CLEAN I]P DEP.OSIT R-EFIIND TO:'/4 r64z,t/z-!' -Za- z 4 a, .6a* .? ----Z aa 7??3F4.r{ REPT131 0i/04/98 D7t46 TOtfN tlF vAILr COLORADII REOUESTS FOR INSPECTION bIORK SHEETS FtlR: 9/ 4/94 PA6E AREA: trD Activity: Address r Loeat i on I , Paree I : Dpscriptionl flppl icant : {lvrn e r : Contractor: B9g-O170 994 PTARI{IGflN RD 99rl FTFRITIffi,I Rparol-oar-rs-@a RERtt(F StriE FOR Sff'lE;til'IAKE$. }IASTER SEfl-ERS INTERNATIONAL I'IILLINE LTD }IASTER SEALERS 9/ 4/95 Type: A-BUILD StatuE: ISSUED Constrr ASFR Occ:Usel V N Phone = 97o-476-3975 trhone: Phonet 97o-476-3975 Inspection Request Inforration.... Requestor! richael Req Tire: O8:OO Corrents:Iters requested to be Inspected... .€S54O BLDG-Final ,trf0 Phone: B?7-555O Aet ion Corrent s Tire Exp Inspection History.. . ..Iter: OS51O driveway grade final . Iter: A0lgl0 BLDG-Foot ings/SteelIter r 0,o10,?6 BLDE-Foundation/SteelIter: OO58O PLAN-ILC Site PlanIter : GSOSO BLD6-Frarinq Iter: o,0ro,40 * * Not 0n File * * Iterr 0O{|5O BLDG-InsulationIter: OOO6O BLDG-Sheetrock NailIter: 00O8O * * Not Bn File * * Iter : g$g70 BLDG-ltlisc.Iter: SOO9O BLDE-FinalIter: OO53O BLDG-Terp. trltrIterr 40540 ELDG-Final C/O 'llr'Dr s o o€ c oo std3R. o o H3Bi8 oo o N oo C' oo o GI cto N C) oo o o| a 'lg YuE 9 o ,tiE,E B o .D * H'f, Eilril6Egu6 HHEf,&tAC' .\ EE ad qFl !lHHOolo -nAoF oo 6Fot cl!l c) ,f iiA HE-*F8..UHcEIP rlA.( ZrEE EEi8E< .i! .E: E lr Fl EB E9Rrl { BE gg oto g fiE E: H I o 'n c| H Ull EdIU40tz9 E|EEtrEo e'E I *Rtt E- H lr a) !lf. p l.Eo !t& A B EE l.|aloo E G| * )p Eclatr&a AU-EOH Ef;H oz F =e uJo-$ a UJtuu-F =El! a). c,-J/cx'11., N,Dub\E+ CN I I F- o '-{sq +Jo s-l IIJ $J 9l!ILo z 6 f uJ F E|-Iz zz <J' uJFoz oz J o .5 zz -.: - o c l+ i;;:c l3 E!H:tIn :iEEE $ ;gile jl= e*ii;N;lcl: - o "(E: o-E :t:!I :ie Hg :'-EE= c= o sr E ef;!c€ ;ii=E TfiE:A EEg;E c.l F C.l F\ E =E UJ (9z J d) xo UJ (J z a F() u,J UJ z fJ oz uJ = UJ UJ z tr ltlEo UJ o(o 3g ujE z.o6ut6 F6 UJ o-l z uJJ(J x uJof uJ UJtL tr =E IJJ FoF z I o (J t F. lLl tr zo = o- 9z l! = NOrl.VnlVA Yq. 3Zv- 6z>Y IIJ J luz lrJ >E -r z tr^ 49. aOz>-OoQzu-<o* ()'Y FO iN ulJI rl dtl{l -IYI Iul -,tl-rl >l{l UInl I 'lUI I ill .,1 .il al.l tr !rl 1I Fr zIF 4 f uJo- E (L ulE j z Eoo XR zo E uJF tL!z Fzlz <(Joq >n>d 3o<z !:z 9z-i t 3dolE I I url?l:l<l?l -l I Tu)l z =F Il F z F Jlaz l F )l<l FI zl zl .>lo UJo uJ u.tza tr Et!(L z E z (! oz (E d cn I ano ul tro c0oazo FL uJY lrJo oF ts Gmlu o\l! 6\ 611 > c't IO -rl(1l6hl | .tl| .)l UJFPb=zo z ze(Dozz Ot! dffC'o= =*idd= = uJ(L u-o uloz aI FE cc JFUJ-h= c llJ>(!OIoo \{! x> J ; UJ(I] oF Eo E 3o (|, .:c =E Eo(t ts =E lrJ o-zIF(J :) E,Fazo(J tluf ol =.1olull 5l al>l l!lol zl 3l FI I I I ^l ;l 1l 3lttlol 5l col uJFI F ,lrl(nl cl :lol =.1ol uJl 1t <l>lttlol zl 3lolFI o trp OJ a zl ol tl <l>l t!lol zl;l 9lFI I r! hp'5 Hq {.{ 1.itlolq UArq olol<l Ja =l oo d N LIJ z OJ dEi rr C.t o 6' rd N o trJ =z d) '-) t/ltrt-lrl'tl tx-sl; ---,1 t>l;J '1S Ilotz F'- -J t! F Fz z -O LIJ e. ir Fo2 oFc) Fz O J F F UJ (l 9P =#fFi6o E <FC(.)r!<ZEUJF(42o F LUF T E r_lkln Projecl Applicatlon /oate 7//1/qs ' Project Name: Project Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner. Address and Phone: Architect. Address and Phone: Design Review Board t/o^t" t//z/r't DISAPPROVAL Summary: ,",", 7f/z/rs Staff Approval I oz t =tEIo- o o @ o @ a UJ Lllu- L = UJ(L s\s \\NS"\I ^lo\ | o\'\,, \6! I (\tl\ --Po lg oteF{ k F{ro It' el I MI E:r I r:I' o.r{ | E,A i i; siE9lE x.zi l5 -rlEc) l(5 rr'fH .Z Hr..E t6 il :l= ,7 BriquJFF9l o>zV OHJ ftElM4g4-# $rulo i tl- oFo l-z lEo (r uJz =o, '6 .io!E(D ra-q €!o -{tL,.o ad6.9'aE';o E(!-oc?iqro (, O g) ! E = d.. 9 et+o r'lT E slTo. pt+(ol+ > at+< <t+.:: tdt+ 0 dl+ F 0) ot .EE oo(,) (u c) o .2 =0 o I' (5 .ri '6 q) ct o oc a! oo 6 E o ]o E o (! o o- E (o o (g E ;.c E = '>o. Eoo o (1, 0) o)(! P()o oo .9 1tqt.: fct c) o(! o (t (! o l! o (!; (5 o. o (g oo(! (t q) q, o Eo .(t () o 6 E o (|) Eg .9 a5 .o o- (5 ,atE 6(D o (! C' q) o)o -9;o J() G oo o o\o\ln o Lnc{ 4 F = UJ z J f Y uJ z) J F qJ UJ oz (It =J J 2 I tu uJ uJu-z tr tu e. C) UJ E o ao 3u,it|r,l z 6ul F I uJ z uJJo x F UJo at> uJ LUu- E =E UJo-J FoF z oI (o () e t--oul ul z o- z IIJt dc H NOrlVn]VA 2 E F Fl 5 Fv) x ] l! z a UJ E,luz UJ(, =>9, fu.S =coN zz9oF^a/,:< .-rr==FY.n 65bozr,r <oq o- !?>x ;(\i z tr { rri o. uIo- F @ a E z Eoo Rt!z tr F =UJz LzlzOoF -.uJ t1lltltl o tsz ,. gz do36OI ut E It- 2l FL aOzld I 2 a =F- UJ I oV t] 5ll'l il illu- ll ltlOll o-l!olL >or( ll F X JI i-l zl .t ^ll X llJo z trv) J(D oz )< (a I z I cr) (o .-J Cf IJJF U'oo? z FLluY uJo oF F P;EO\ |J- -rlol> \OlIL NIr)l ^ lrll-AlI s)l 'IHuJbEzo "/l -A-l I * 9, r/.r T'h4U'' z 'nY =ecoo =z O- tL zdot: = E UJ o- ILoul z f U)c F tro- Jl-!J-h="iGduJ>aLOlr9o 6O-x>fiF =rl uJdlo co Eo -9o Et, .E 5 E Eo(, o Eo E FILot t-l- l-I-- E =E trJ o-zoF C)3EFazo() !D .-4 ) 9z I() uJ =! 1l l*lI t rl 531 Irllr{tt{ -l s tzF-.i9i & h & vt FI Nz (9 uJ =z U) H Nz (, H Jr] fElofi UJ 2 o\ o cr) E Fr'lE 14 03qo = >.rHHq) o Hx rrrt tr z z E E l! Fo\ Ln xo U) uJ o i o- 14 4|:]P IIJ ;i FFHE ^rh ?dvtII =E t! IF c\ .iz .'i uJE J ll-o z =F r\\o.v @ Ie{\ot\ Id LIJJl!F g t'r- z .ri uJ J IL z =oF =e, =.J(,l l!1 qt IIoz Bo F = tr z t.i ul J a u. z BoF =E z .'i UJ J o 2 =F UJ luF E UJz = F LU =I E -rO<F LIJ <zE[!Fozo <oOF F5!tE\2.JF oz6 =f, o- I 5 I 7 35 =F<3 g6 E irg+EF!-Oz o <don14=-a rX rrtxl_t .4r 75 .oufr hontlga rord vdl, colof'do 816!i7 (3Cr) 47$2138 (3Gt) a79'2r39 offfce ol communlty development Plan RevleY Bagod oD th€ 1988 UDlforD cod88 PROJEqT NUITIBER: 92690 ADDRESS: 994 PTARI.IIGAT{ VAIL, COIORAm occuPN{cy: R-3 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: V-N DRB APPROVAL REQUIRED: YES NN{E: GONZAI-.ES ROOF REBUII.,D DATE: oel. 2, 1990 CONTRAqTOR: EAGLE ST'!{MTTT ARCITITECI: NONE ENGINEER: UONROE ENGINEERING PI-.A}IS EXAMINER: !,IICHAEL WHITAI(ER 1. coRREClroNS nEQUIRED tbe ltens llsted belov are aot lntended to bc a conplete llatlng of all possible code requirenentg ln the adopted cod€s. It ig a qulde to so!'ectedl gectioas of tbe codlas. llbe followlug I'g aot to be congtrued to be an lpptoval of atty violatlon of auy of the pro- vlglong of the adopted Loaes oa any ordl|aaace of tbe llon of Vail. Underlalment consisting of two layers of 15 lb. felt applied shinqle fashion shall be installed and solid uopped together betw6en plies and sheathing extending 36rr inside exterior wall line of the building and min. 24rr fron center line of valleys. A water & ice shleld product nay be substituted for such underlalment. UBC 3203 (d)3 llinirnun 28 guage galvanized sheet netal shall be applied in valleys for flashing as per UBC 3203 (d) 5D. AII materials to natch existing roof cove::. 2. 3. a! oc!l..- o g c! 8trtr E 8trtr Jl:lf:l^fl lfr u. .l I I I I I I L$ '31€t:,V.i,t.r,.. ' ffionroe Englneerhg Otnants "o.r,o " ,,* ,-ll- * CILCT,TATED BY olE 48 E. Beaver CtGck 8lvd.. *307 Avon, Colorado 81620 303-949-7768 ct€cKEo 8Y mfi &r F.O-ta6! lal@1r,ir'50ror.bbtrcllrfi 1$22'c ,*QQ{ l4rzrnlenrc onroe Englneerlng|eufiants 48 E. Beaver Crc.k Blvd., f307 Avon. Colorado 81620 30:l-949-7768 C}IBCKED BY- mrta+rli*aet6r fUE='oEerr'harn.rriCtqrEtlzts 7 rrlJ IJJ Fa r!. rlEee,.I 4 G5 ';-i:r c., - ;a .! 3.: e E i E'E.E.':.;nq':E5a .:. = = s'.,;EEe ; '--9_ :go3 . :5Ee *' .;rii la X=;..lEa {- ;,Fq=-.-,..,!alj_ p-: lE Es 5 E\' E--CL LJ I-I o li1t- i: u)-2 J rll.i u & 3 ul-z ,lt{q|r|, I . i-r.'r :{ i j .l IJ t ti, a t I i I \1 ii n I !1 g I \ yl u rl{ Tt iJ ,i I i I I i I' t'l r$',l uj -.r$ . 1 I I ) !!.,rt, "',I Project Applicalion nbrrl:r? - Gort fpsdenCd o^t" /o -/ - /o t€e,Pr/'Proiect Name: Project Oescription: Conlact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Design Review Board Motion by: Durc /o -/-7o DISAPPROVAL Seconded by: APPROVAL twsh.tnqQelu. Pe&< att4 no/ -P-x Town Plan ner 33'/,4r egt . x W/6/s I PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT / o /z r/qb JoB NAME rNstcnoN *Jouly TOWN OF VAIL ' . >--6- /e -r Y{ fo <>DATE READY FOR LOCATION: TION:ooINSPEC D uto l)-t<rJon wED rHun @ AM@ ss ) lL CALLER BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr uNDERGRouND il tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr BOUGH i D,W.V. O ROUGH / WATERfr rnnr',,trr.rc tr tr o tr ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING D GAS PIPING INSULATION O POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr D tr FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: D TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr tl tr ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR E FINAL O FINAL /{'enoveo tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTI INSPECTOR FH (a H ts ts <na M&t z I I !* l5 I I I I lo. IEe tb2 t= le c'r @cll o\ z F) z E 'F !4 e IH lo I I I I I I l-, rct IE;o l(9 l= tJ o\ co O\ o{ EIv F-) .t7 H4 z F) o o o E FJ z ltJ uJo:I e.ott Eo IE IJJz =o a FlH t-rtso\l+ F{ E.-lEFXu)O FC Ff' r4a F A z Fl o Eo.c g .cl tr CLo.6 tr;oF q,t -lolol()l6E P oE o Ec(! oItoo ct)c E c0 E o =cl do Io.o.6 '.g E oc6.9-rE EEc-(ggl.^o;{Edo-owc.9o,: 5'E,o6F -o6;5o;.: .>bo.N!-o9Ce!ooaF -Ee r,o agr EE66,tro€3Eql e6.sPoE E,2 EE'lo EEtroo:g1toc -6o-6,n:i;'g eoo oI .9 E '3 C E ooEqtp cl c .9 6 E o .g @E o (!s (D (g ooc6i6 CL o E. o eI()o6 (lto -9cl Eoo E E fr E co € E o .g o.c 5 .s 5o ttg io o .9 cto. GI .9E E6 o qt =o.c o ct!Itg 3ocJo6 tto o N (n 6 a))ut u.ll! E-t UJo- J FoF I ^l2l<l 6l Et .<lF>tzOlfrl>tE rrl I lE&lnt<AIH€lt p< lclH lrrl< lrlJ El'l(),1tz< lFr 04 lHtalzztH'rI1t<() lAr a -Eo =ZZtLo ooF^tttizq 5 :9Eg oE ooe.Zt()89 frl!<9q iH6 *-ti z iNO IJJ tltl-{l (\ltl Pz z9aiU6< =o- =Hxrr6o<z =2,. 9= d6}E Lr1\o.$ I c''t.if cl\ I oz oIuG J oz!o F H&H Fl B z : @ (! N Io\ @F I'l dl HqH<ldl >l !d |!lqq IAt3lg9l tl| Fl @\o(! 6l I Ol @|-\ oz oulG t! z 3 F ci2 ciu E, J lto z3 F 4 (,z J lJ- ,a o FoJ a Fl Nz ':i=z .oo-r I IItl'llIH o\ cn E& fq c oah IIJ e, , I I .,l frfl 3l al ol EI Fqlolel ul g \o 1.. co I \o|-\ FA IF- N cjz a uJ IE J t!oz =IF tn& Ff FHHEE rd Fl I tr (9z ao =J o- Ehg+(ro2 z HE4 F \'s z o9 =eoo =z>) a-,P tr tulo-|roEqa3€8IPe!cD9'EE =>:uI:-F h=E o,:ffE ;*E Ub3 trtnE Xo-E HTsi ut TD F Fn ._i5!?:t; =I5< =qg.oil= 6Hr o2 E-GuIc o\ Ol F\ rdv F) u,lF o uJ E U' @o?zo Fo. 1r.lY ulo oF ts Gulo. t!o o-oo I UJFoz E =Elrlo-z9F(J :)EFazo() m Y4E - P(,4trt *.-., F lrz c EE2 F H ti z E c)2 2 p A blF Fa z ct, z z a z F F rJ )i z F. H @ El &l>E<F tE*; El.gtA '!z;:otz=Xlr()<<aaiB?E9 -tr + F =E!t o Gcc autE uJ ooz ulo2 s aFz |ll =!,1v, uJ 9 |l.1 G EooJtt ltlt FoJ J FoF IJJ .E GooJtt J Fo t Er lrl B o z I o Jl o \l;l +.-[$ \ \= lrG' -,-e)F IE 4ul .E I =t (92 J Ito d2 I2 J tt - aq Fo Ig. O"c' :*N l,|J F 2o9 -.!t 2 Fg3 EOFEQOx>xo:z6fHBEt;d xEo3tto 2o FEt aulo =o F c J E o u,lF o 'LUME N.,.TME.HANT.AL pEFrMrr /tt'-2+ TOWN OF VAIL NAME Bun L,tvtlqf .-- (,, ., I e-(.". l- ADDRESS G.t{ cccrse - rRAcroR T3,r" n,1 f- i?S f 1 PHoNE e))-fi-42- USE OF BUILDING:lfl r',ne oF woRK: E Hew ! aoorror'r A[ nEmooer- E REpAtR scRlPrfoNoFWoRK: t n uJ-'// - +'' ('f 'stle'z-t t- /ou''f-'n"rf -/- L,f1 PLUMBING: NUMBER /MECHANICAL: NUMBER VALUATfON$ /A4dt.a VALUATION $ REMARKS:REMARKS: fl O s--, PERMIT FEE / - i,<;t ' PERMfTFEE / /Jti,,, e APd 3 iq;:. iTrFrrq-rr a\{$ ldiir,Q-Frt)' forr*ou.o I orsarrnoveo F ,.- s-c/- ,--7 J " TOTALFEES: $ / -_.-' ArE ) Afp zJ lo rNsPElfbru FrEeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL CALLER E orxen MON COMMENTS: TUE E pnnrrnl. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI AM PM t' I nerRovED E orsnppRovED I nErNsPEcr ! uporu THE Fol-LoMNG coRREGTToNS: coRRECIoNs ',' ,,i, DATE r:1rl l;l oo rNseeOfbru F|EOUEST VAIL CALLER E]orsen MON COMMENTS: FRITUE, E penrrnu LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR aM. pM fl aerRovED ! orsarnRovED ! nerNsPEcr IJ UPON THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS ltt ri,i ;,. o.. luun PLAN CHECK l4 August 1973 ot box t oo vail, colorado 81657 303.476-5613 B. G. !,lRIGHT Addrn.J. L. Aldrich TYPE V | / J 0ccupancy Va luation $25,64 | .00 SHEET 2 l. One hour 2. Max imumjoists, f ire sepa rat ion including allowable soan for 2 x l0 Grouo ll Lumber is l4r6tt open ings TAB 5-B l611 0.C. Floor TAB 25-T SHEET 3 l. Show Fireplace 2. Show Guardrail 3. Show vent detai deta i ls inc I ud ing detai I at sfai r I of dryer f loor support 30r-(d) 50t-(d) 30t-(d) SHEET 6 l. Provide weather barrier on exte r ior wall 2. Provide l0rranchor bolts 17 07 2518(g) t0 SHEET 8 | . Doub le supporting 2. [4aximum allowablel6rro.c., llf9rr rafters span for rafters, 2 x PLAN CHECKB. G. WRIGHT Page 2 ADD I T ION SHEET M- I | . Sewer & 2. I'lasher Water must draln to be be separated m 1 n i mum 2rr 3 t7 UPC TAB 4- I UPC L. AldrichBuildino 0f f lcial