HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 7 BLOCK 5 LOT 6 PRE 2000 REPLAT LEGAL^. ) d L, blu.A5,Voil Vll,*'q-'7/lr €r,s/rno15rl "ii.,{ tnee r tYl"a{l'",iApyr'e pI A, Btgc)s, V"iLVitloN, Y+h ProF;d S{D ncVazeer:/rlo,rftesi[eru' Io TOWN OFV,AIL RECEUT NO. DEPARI]IIENT OF COl' TL}iITY DE\TLOP}TENT NAI\tF._, ,*: (-*=.rr;-/;',,:d DATE CHECKS MADE PAYABI.E TO TO\AN OF VAIL ;il E ACCOU:IT NO.(./ ITEM 0 0000 41540 ZONING AND ADDRESS ]\,IAPS s5.00 0 0000 42415 UNIFORN{ BUILDINC CODE $54.00 0 0000 42415 UNIFORM PLL',\4BINC CODE s39.Otl 0 0000 424 | 5 T]NiFORI{ MECI{ANICAL CODE s17.00 0 0000 42415 UNIFORM FIRIJ CODE s36.00 0 0000 42415 NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE s37.00 0 0000 4241 5 OTIIER CODI, BOOKS 0 0000 4l 518 -BruETRNTSlNiYr nst s7.00 0 0000 42412 XEROX COPIES s0.25 0 0000 424 I2 STUDIES 0 0000 421t2 TOVFEES COMPUTER PROGRA]\,{s5.00 0 0000 42i71 PI]NALTY FEES / RE-INSPECTIONS 0 0000 41332 ffi[s40PERr{R.l 0 0000 423-r2 OFF IIOURS INSP]]CTION FEES 0 0000414r2 CONTRACTORS LICI]NSES FEI-S 0 0000 4 l4 13 SIGN APPLICATION FEll s20.o0 .:1 0 0000 4 t41l ADDITIONAL SIGNACB FEE [S1.00 Pi:R SQ.FT.] 0 000j,4:4{L VTC ART PROJECT DONATION .ei'!@l)-4ltil-DRETAID DESICN REVIEW BOARD FEE - g E ls't Glt: 0l 0000 42371 INVESTIGATION F'EI] (BUILDING) JT 0000 451 l0 TOV PARK]NG FUND ,ffi lrrkH cF !-JFflt_ rT00lTOm Hiscel lerresug Cagh Lr4- I rj*:r:11: rl!:4'_r Fi*t* i p,1. +| 1 i:i :r.r ficc,:LrTr t. # t_:ll ,* t:.jrj? FFi I T;LEI.I, F' I EF]|:E ! EIFr I I.]EFJ'., I!FrE FIE Hrinun l, l*nde re,:i ::. ::t:i, rlij I tern paid Fr*,:Un t Frsid {:11ffrjr16.i13f,1f-1fir3 :ri1. r:1r:1 li:lisnge r,j lri rrr{-,j .i i,i,,:.tl -FHHf-lF:- 'lrftl1 . rrrrjru r ,:a::h ie r FiEfiTHH CASH I---t cK.d t t!1.OL1 Ntc. BYt ULt Category Number il't Review Action Fant TOWN OF VAIL l'7-'oate 5/tt/4 Project Name: Building Name: Project Description:ord{ :'/'t ( /.J .,,| -c.r/'.,,,.r- 'f,,,,I y'", //-< Owner, Address and Phone: ArchitecVcontact, Address and Phone: Legal Description, Lot 6 Bbck 5 Subdivision Zone District Project Street Address : Commenls: Board / Staff Action Motion by:Vote: Seconded by: n ApDroval (, ,' ,)',, , ..,, !Disapproval i,.,,. ,-'' tt {-- E4tatf Approval Conditionsi. .'t , ,,/ ,{ | 1/ /(, , .. ../ /f-. r Town Planner o^r"t 3/ Z 7/W DRB Fee ere-paia rr,/(( t"rt''I INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 479'2138 Raf - rttt/-t / ) -/--' -- t///t2 PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT / - / ,4--2 o;.e h- Lkt - 75 JoB NAME READY FOR INSPECTION:MON 'os jy'r,'n WED THUR FRI lr' -----@ PM r)()AT 'a/\flhq A/ ,h*, 7li Z- BUILDING: E FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O FOUNDATION / STEEL N UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V, O ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING r-1 ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr 0\ d r,*o. -N tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL: T] TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr- tr SUPPLY AIR n tr FINAL O FINAL PF.fiOVED tr DISAPPBOVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED GORRECTIONS: S s e=--${'\=a \N\^$ s .r Vsr. .l I ttr INSPECTOR GEORGE SHAEFFER P.O. Box 373 Vail, Colorado 81658 (303) 84s-s6s6 REc'otfAy i 4tggl May l-3, L993 Town of Vail Departnent of community Developrnent75 south Frontage Roadvail, co aL657 RE: THE MAY RESIDENCE 1119 PTARMIGAN ROAD BUILDING PERMIT #5963 Dear sirsi Enclosed is a site plan of this Lot which indicates the proposed Iavout for the instlllation of Temporary construction Fencing. Tha 6' high fencing actually wiII bonsist of panels that are 14' Iong and 6' high, 6overed w-ith a green screen material' This fence will be placed by All State Rent A Fence, Inc. along the north property line which borders the qolf course and along the west piop-erty- line which separates the-neighborinq private propeity-. rt is scheduled to be placed during the week of May 24th and will remain in place for 6 months. We have placed snow fencing at the street locatj.ons where indicated on the attached flan not only as an intended barrierbut also to protect the ex-isting trees. A note was included on our building perurit pertaining to construction fencj.ng. Please confirm that our proposed plan is adeguate or advise us on any additional requirements that you may have. Your cooperation regarding this rnatter is greatly appreciated. George llanasterShaeffer construction Co. ql'{ r\)c*) 0-e\./ ^VN'. ( $ "\ildT i I {$ u $ $r \\ $$ i! i{ i.\ f YJ )I 1: I )) \,\l li, fr ; / ,::, * tt't ,j rl'Iw \r- ( -L f;s E r(\ -,J S {tl .\- ii (i 9,\ {r ..1 t:-li ,\) n\iY-i)l\l hit-- ..4 ;.. , a a.l3 ,<- v fi ii l$ t-*t t ti rio ;il r'A :drt +.1/" r--'1 rlL--r I s, -! ^IE ,K /\(\ | -r' \ 11.\l t--h (\ i\,l!\ l\ \ l fl -f ils s\'\ s["r \ I I t I \ --l!Ji(\ \y (il s r x il: ll lt / 'i lt(\ 4! +*-.l-l -ul}N:o $rlr \i -, - .)' I : r 11 \\\\'\\o\\\t :\'\t- i' Illt E d $ hl \J i. N \ (s ,il1i. -a-l \rr ll '\al@ri :ij @ , ,, , ttt, +_r.: r '{''' /t'It-*t----:-.+.+-'\9'. 1 i.''1 $\ U (II \.- aIlI $\! -]{ 'tr$tld{'1[1t 'at u.l_i- -L r-.lrI{ rDmr88 1119 pTAAr!.rGt+N DAIE March 25, 1993 I wr 6 BLoq 5 lxNelr rtun v fierualnvmcoNotnY loupr-zv l_)$.oPE owR 30.t [,s-ore uxoen trl (3031 4't 5-4942 303t 476-6342 16s5 9 5255.9 3311.8 Category Number *ign Review Action Fl" TOWN OF VAIL Date nrqect ttame, ftl Building Name: Proiect Description: Owner, Address and Phone: ArchitecVGontact, Address and Phone: Legal Description: tot Lf' etocx 15 Subdivision-Zone District Project Street Address: Comments: Board / Statt Action Motion by:Vote: Seconded by: ! Approval ! Disapproval .l-S._Staff Approval I Conditions:a'N\ Ra c: .\\,t':t" t! N I \$ F. cfy< LIJ a EEE __J _':l F=-:{lItl li-tl L=ll IFfoa I r'r I 4or\ a-3\ \d ?s + sl <' \l'! *t I Fo Lu' -, ' o I F.tro1 tsign Review Action frt TOWN OF VAIL CategorynrrO", l7 Project Name: Building Name: ,^n =/,2/q= ., eri"( c[q,,€c (frt^u.d /'^t49. ,o*.&J6t* Project Description: t4qlq Owner, Address and Phone: ',/' ArchitecVoontact,Addressand Phone; b, t ( Ptif.'e t/Za - Ag Va ?o. ky s :L CA ,t Legaf Description:Lotbt:ioiSBbck .- Subdivision Zone District Project Street Address:t// Comments: LLe 3 Disapproval ! StaffApproval €sw'to ? /,<'.aedtY Lod L )o<(f i < a i' : -t, (-i9C,id G itag a,rc. clloer,-,n 5 Cet)etarrAction Mdtionby, bL & - uo,"' -Fa ._s*#ry_\'. NlzApproval o{i[er '( Q r' ,n, DRB Fee Pre-paiq /'.I FlL T Deparunent of Comntunity Developrnent COP Y TOWNOFVAIL 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 303-479-21 38 / 479-2 r 39 FAX 303-479-24s2 January 25, 1994 Mr. Bill Pierce Fritzlen, Pierce, Briner 1000 Lionsridge Loop Vail, CO 81657 RE: The May Residence, Lot 6 and part of Lot 5, Block 5, Vail Village 7th Filing Dear Bill: Thank you for your letter regarding the May Residence fence approval. As I understand from yuut tvtrut u<l(cld u<irttJdty ;i, iJ;.1, ii i. ii,u rJyyr<;r o i,,l,,.,,iiv,, i,,.ri i.tr.,ir.lrgu ii,l- ,,..,tIi; prvy.., 11 line lence. On January 19, 1994, I discussed the issue with the DRB. At that time they presented a concem regarding the owner's decision. While I realize that this fence was a part of the initial proposal and was approved, it is my understanding that when the reapplication was reviewed by the DRB for the fence around tfre pool area, you were directed to discuss the fence along the north property line with the owner and either match lhe pool fence or provide a similar transparent or semi-transparent altemative. At this time, it is necessary that the issue return to the DRB for discussion. The DRB feels strongly that this fence should not be of the material that you are proposing. No Temporary Certificate of Occupancy will be issued until this issue is resolved. As of January 28, 1994, I will be leaving the Town of Vail. At this time it has not been determined who will be taking over this project, but there will be a planner assigned. I will leave he information that I have available to me with the staff. Please contact me before the 28th at 479-2138 should you have any questions. f\uth" tign Review Action r*n TOWN OF VAIL 4ect Name: Building Name: Project Description: ArchitecUOontact, Address and Phone: (ec *,{76 _ 6 Owner, Address and Phone: ''. : Legal Description: tot 6rp-fS Block-Zone DistrictSubdivision ct y'"1A CProject Street Address:/l/ Comments: Board / Statt Action uotionoy, 4rtte# vote: S-O Seconded by: g{p.u^t 3 Disapproval ! Statf Approval Conditions: c; tL T5wn Planner ,/ ,/oat", 4./ 4/43 rcorole llH^ /7/.,.,-:-Y DRB Fee Prc-paid V( / 1! Fr i t- z I cn P i rr sG Br i ner BE34?6499 I P. BI PE: mft1 @/PEN% I$T V*iu GntzlenPtercegrtnerI ARCH IttC rUFl PlANlttN0 rN TtRTORS ::?6trd#*,rav ca llrrn, 1f 1af q+ FAX i PHOT{E: rrcntor/ PAGEs 516 Vrct-a<* 7w f1u *1a J05 476 6342 FAX 303 476 4901 Fr.-rwt4aE{" Nrer*+ ftpr-. ffi*t-t-{=f,-T/.e' Oc*trttffi- Or WE, fi&au* Pe@re1y //rF- gTuprf=, rtz-l4tUrule-g fte. TT1E reNffi &teF15 lER. NAeVTU ffaftu'r1 tjua- €,lF Hrt+ Ftezs-'w 7a &Ngl€udr fflE falE fp,e aPM/N,+1-ut flf?Fquw 6Y TtE 5P.6 -- y'lHQ o/ot*-(a TD maTu nE llar# |lna+ /1*ri*l /^Ja 67oNE flLLrt@' frtL-frreo p03T oFfrcE 00x 57 r000 L|oN5R|D0El,00P vA|lC0L0RAD0 0t656 !. .'J. \'i..'Y4:.4.'.jl i''r Cign Review Action FOr TOWN OF VAIL Project Name: Building Name: Project Description: Ovner, Address and Phone: 7t E ArchitecUContact, Address and PhonE: (ec rc"ef ouee o-q55 ?t Legal Description''-o, 6ri#5 enck "uoo..r,",on \/o)( O,(^".Jn 7+4 zoneDistrict {"7 Projec{streetAdaress, | [ / Comments: Board / Staff Action uotionw: /fae# vote: 5-O seconded oy, .6a |*iL 6prou^r ! Disapproval fl Staff Appro/al Conditions: ,C;. T'e- c Ll DRBFee pr"-paa 0O@ o F!LE fiOP1f 2. 4. That the applicant lower the roof form over the main entry. The PEC felt that the Design Review Board should review this item. 5. That the applicani utilize a shake roof on the building. The PEC would like to see this condition deleted as a condition of approval. 6. That the applicant contribute a total of $32,000 towards the redevelopment of Seibert Circle. The PEC felt that the Town Council should review this condilion, however, that the $32,000 was appropriate, with the understanding that this amount would be credited to the Golden Peak House if a future special improvement district were formed. Diana Donovan encouraged the Town to work on the redevelopment of Seibert Gircle in conlunction with the Golden Peak House construction activities. 7. That prior to the Town's issuance of a Temporary Gertilicate of Occupancy for the redevelopment project, the applicant restrict the two new accommodation units, so that in the future, they cannot be converted into dwelling units via the Condominium Conversion section of the Subdivision Regulations. Dalton Williams seconded this motion and a 7-0 vote approved this request. Kristan PriE stated that this item would be heard by Town Council at the October 19, 1993 evening meeting. A request for a fence height variance to allow for a lence to be consfucted around a swimming pool at the May Residence located at 1119 Ptarmigan Roadilot 6, and the east 1/2 of Lot 5, Block 5, Vail Village 7th Filing. Paula May Shelly Mello Shelly Mello made a presentation per the staff memo. She stated that staff was recommending denial of this reguest. She added that staff could support a variance for fence height if the proposed fence was made of a more transparent material and the fence was limited to the enclosure of the swimming pool area. Diana Donovan stated that the fence appeared to look like a "fortress". Plannlng and Envlronmental Commlsslon October 11, 1993 Applicant: Planner: Herman Staufer stated that he felt that the fence should be located at least 5 feet back lrom the property line to allow for a feeling of openness between properties. He stated that a fence is necessary to enclose the pool for salety reasons, but that it should be limited to the pool area. Bill Pierce stated that the reason that the fence was located on the property line on the west side was so that the fence would be lower than the existing wall. Shelly Mello stated that staff would like to see the fence moved in from the property line and that additional landscaping be added between the fence and the propefi line. Bill Anderson stated that he did not feel that a hardship existed on the site. He said that he would like to see a more transparent material used for the fence. Diana Donovan agreed with Bill's comments. Greg Amsden stated that he agreed with the comments contained in the statf memo and that the proposed configuration did not conform with the Design Review Guidelines. He stated that he would like to see the fence tightened up on the west side. Jeff Bowen and Allison Lassoe had no furher comments. Dalton Williams stated that he agreed with Bill's comments. Bill Anderson asked the PEC whether moving the fence back to the location by staff indicated on the drawings would be an acceptable solution. Greg Amsden stated that he would like to see the fence pulled back on the west end. Dalton Williams stated that he agreed that the fence should be pulled back on the west side. Herman Staufer stated that he would like to see the fence located outside of the setback. Kathy Langenwalter stated that she was comfortable with the solution that statf was proposing. Dalton Williams stated that he felt that he was mainly concerned with the safety of fence and the impacts the fence would have on adjacent property owners. He felt that Design Review Board should look closely at the west end of the fence. Allison Lassoe stated that she agreed with Dalton's comments. Plannlng and Envlronmental Commleslon oclober 11, 1993 3. Bill Pierce stated that there is no state law concerning the requirements for fences around swimming pools. Dalton Williams made a motion to approve this request for a fence height variance per the PEC's discussion and the sketch that Shelly Mello presented to the PEC. He added the condition that the fence be constructed of a more transparent material (i.e. thin metal railing versus the wood fence). Jeff Bowen seconded this motion. Dalton Williams added that the criteria which he was basing his motion for approval on w€ts for public safety reasons. A 7-0 vote approved this request. A request lor a height variance to allow for dormers to be constructed at the Mountain Haus located at 262 East Meadow Drive/part of Tract B, Vail Village 1st Filing. Applicant: Planner: Mountain Haus Condominium Association Shelly Mello Shelly Mello made a presentation per the slatl memo and stated that this request was similar to the request made by the Mountain Haus in 1989. She stated that staff was recommending denial of this request. She stated that the dormers did not have huge impacts with regard to design, but that there was not a physical hardship to justify the addition of dormers. Tom Cole, of Morter Architects, stated that this request arose out of the contemplated 1994 reroof project for the Mountain Haus and concerns that what currently exists at the Mountain Haus is not in conformance with the 1991 Uniform Building Code. He stated that the proposed dormers would not add any additional height to the building nor would the dormers impact any adjacent property owners views. He stated that they were attempting to improve the existing situation via this request in the hopes of adding additional light. Dalton Williams stated that he cannot find any grounds for hardship to grant a variance. Allison Lassoe, Jeff Bowen, Greg Amsden, Diana Donovan and Bill Anderson stated that they had nothing further to add. Kathy Langenwalter suggested that the applicant flatten the roof slope to accommodate the reroof. She explained that the Vail Athletic Club went through a lengthy Special Development District process and that they went through an extensive give and take process. Jeff Bowen made a motion to deny he applicant's request for a height variance in order to add dormers to the upper floor of the Mountain Haus based on the finding that there is no physical hardship as outlined in the stafl memo. Diana Donovan seconded this motion and a 7-0 vote denied this request. Plannlng and Envlronmentrrl comm|3slon Octobor 11, 199:t 10 I DV,,aQ Yero-( &r ^Wb's Aq4.l- pa-&<f Xi- Laa'z't-a.r-- 3 3)1J ^ez'd*4y'?-t?." J rt cl-t d ' ''), /t/a'/t&' luu ,tt'*t'h--,,,- y'a'i-' qoq '!oJ{''', u'a) T;:;; ], -kt- ;"-L;n.,-/ / ,*,/1n-/, PLEASE I'fAKE TOWN OF VAIL D EPA RTi\{EN T OF CO JVI;VITIN ITY D EVELO P}IENT' S,TLES ACTION FOR}1 ' 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD N,II'IE l'liscel larpous Csh S:r-l€'-Ff, 14:33:4t F:etreipt S 1:94811 Flc':runt# r:F.*5581 FFi I TILEi.l, F I EFir-:E r 8R I l'lEE..l,lFV RES I f:,Et.{CE..r,.tHE . s30.00 ( It+.lt:E Flrr'rgun t t ende rEd ) ?Sff. gB Item paid fuount paid ! EterjErff4tf,f,BfirlEl -JEF-'. Bt3 tl, t:t -1 C [:h.rrrg* rr t.u rned :i ; ; -THFIhI|< 1/OLJ Vour caghier REFITHII 520.00 n : i 1.) *.01 0000 41010 T X 0l 0000 42371 TNVESTTGATToN FEE (BUTLDTNG)TOTAL DUE: 0l @fi)tl3 USE PER\NT 0l 00c0 .r 1330 LYTERI O R, A LTN,R.{]-T ONlR.{l-roN TMORE TH.A"{ 100 SO.FT. 0t 0cr004t330 DEVELOP}IE;\' 0l 00c\1r'1:jjo S PECL4 L DEVELOP|\fENT DISTRICT II\[\'OR A:\I E\1) 0l 0L1Ol4l3i0 I 0000 .r t;io sLE DtvlSl .{r330 lzoNT}.'G coDE tuvE\D},tEVTS 0l 00004t3 tt * * * * * * * * "rry- ARC H oer oR5ITECTURE Septenber 13, 1993 Town of Vail Corrnuni-ty Development IPlanning Department : 75 South Frontage Rd. West IVaiI, CO 81657 I I aPPLISATIqN FOR VI,RrANCE UAY RESIDENCE LOr 5 aND 1/2 LCttI 5 VAIL VIIJ,AGE 7TH FILING The Owner of the above referenced property requests pe:mission toconstruct a five foot high fence to tfre w-estr -south ind east of aswinuning pool that has been approved and constructed. The Ownerwould also like to install pillars and a gate per attached draw-lngs. The fencg_and gate congtruct,ion is intended to be as transparentaa possible. It consists mainly of sma1l diameter steel rods 14"maximun opening) with eteel upright posts and a top and bottom8traP.__The top of the fence and gate witl be level, but the bot-tom will -srop9 with the ,finish gride. The fence and gate will bePailted dark brown to match the other deck and railinfs on thebuilding. I The dark color and mininal struqture should make the securityfence and _gate quite invisible against the d.eep evergreen thebackground which the fence lies Sehind. The sione pillars willmatch the stone on the residence. The fence is offset in'plan in order to minimize disturbance ofexisting vegetation and to avoid definition of the property line. 1. Due. to-the high level of current and proposed landscaping thefence should have no impact on other existin! or potential uies orstructures in the vicinj_ty. 2. Strlct or literal interpretation and enforcement of theregulatiol wggrd prove a haioship in t,his case. The proximity ofthe Pool to the structure could lrovide an attractive nuisance.Due to the deep 6now cover, a thiee foot high fence would providelittre deterrent to casuar or intentionar iitrud.ers. 3. The variance would have no impact on light and air, distribu-tion of .population, tran3portatioir, traffic facilities, utilities,or public eafety. 4. vail's comprehensive plan does not apply to this application. Page 1 T0v0914 . DOC l-4-Sep-93 POST OFFICE BOX 57 1000 LIONSRIDGE L00P vArL COLORADO 816s8 303 476 6342 FAX 303 476 4901 HERMAN STAUFER 1067 PTARMIGAN ROAD P.O. BOX 5000 vArL, co 81658 PETER AND DORTHY FURSTENBURG 6/.20 E. BERRY AVENUE ENGLEWOOD, CO 80111 fMAY USFS P.O. BOX 190 MINTUHN, CO 81645 q lae lqs - dd &rr dlV TOWN OF VAIL 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD vAtL. co 81657 o THIS ITEM MAY EFFECT YOUR PROPERTY PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission ol the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on October 11, 1993, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. ln consideration of: 1. A request to relocate the helipad to the east end of the Ford Park parking lot located at 580 S. Frontage Road EasVan unplatted parcel located between Vail Village 7th Filing and Vail Village 8th Filing and a portion of the l-70 right-otway. . Applicant: VailValley Medical Center Planner: Andy Knudtsen 2. A request for a height variance to allow for dormers to be constructed at the Mountain Haus located a1262 East Meadow Drive/part of Tract B, VailVillage 1st Filing. +, Applicant: Mountain Haus Condominium Association Planner: Shelly Mello A request for a fence height variance to allow for a lence to be constructed around a swimming pool at the May Residence located at 11 19 Ptarmigan Road/Lot 6, and the east 'll2 of Lot 5, Vail Village 2nd Filing. Applicant: Paula MayPlanner: Shelly Mello 4. A request for an amendment to SDD #4, Area D, lo allow an expansion to the Glen Lyon Office BuiHing located at 1000 South Frontage Road WesULot 45, Block K, Glen Lyon Subdivision. Applicant Paul M. DeBoer, representing Calumet Federal Savings and LoanPlanner: Shelly Mello 5. A request for a major exterior alteration in CCl, for an addition to the Cyranos Building, located at 298 Hanson Ranch Road/Lot C, Block 2, Vail Village 1st Filing. Applicant: Margretta B. ParksPlanners: Mike Mollica 6. A request for a worksession to discuss the establishment of an SDD to allow the redevelopment of the Cornice Building and a request for a conditional use permit to allow the construction ol three Type lV employee housing units, located at 362 Vail Valley Drive and more specifically described as follows: A part of Tract '8" and a part of Mill Creek Road, Vail Village, First Filing, County of Eagle, State of @lotado, more particularly described as follows: Commencing al the Northeast corner of Vail Village, First Filing; thence Norlh 79"46'00" Wesl along the Southerly line of U.S. Highway No. 6 a dislance of 367.06 feet to the Nonheasl corner of said Tract "B"; thence South 10.14'00' Wesl along the Easterly line of sa.id Tracl "B'; a distance of 198.31 feet to the Soulheaslerly corner of said Tract "B"; lhence North 79'46'00'West along the Soulherly line of said Tract "B' a distance of 100.00 feet lo the lrue point of beginning thence North 09'10'07'West a distance of 41.67 feet; thence South 88"27'11'West a distance of 75.21 feel; thence South 27'13'37" East a dislance of 77.37 leeli thence North 57"24'00" East a distance of 55.1 1 feet, more or less to lhe true poinl of beginning. Applicant David Smith Planner: Jim Curnutte 7. A request for a minor subdivision for Lot 1, Block 4, Vail Village 3rd Filing/38l Beaver Dam Circle. Applicant: Leo Payne Planner: Jim Curnutte 8. A request for setback and site coverage variances to allow for a new residence on Lot 18, Block 7, VailVillage 1st Filing/325 Forest Road. Applicant: Timothy Drisko Planner: Andy Knudtsen 9. A request for approval of the Cemetery Master Plan and Report, for the Town of Vail Cemetery to be constructed in the upper bench of Donovan Park. Applicant: Town of Vail Planner: Andy Knudtsen 10. A request for the establishment of a Special Development District, a CCI exteriol alteration, a minor subdivision, a zone change, and an encroachment into View Corridor No. 1 for the Golden Peak House, 278 Hanson Ranch Road/Lols A, B, C, Block 2 and Tract E, Vail Village 1st Filing. Applicants: Golden Peak House Condominium Assoc.A/ail Associates, Inc./GPH Partners, Ltd.lMargaritaville, Inc. Planner: Mike Mollica o UEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Dspartmont October 11, 1993 A request for a fence height variance to allow for a fence to be constructed around a swimming pool at the May Residence located at 1119 Ptarmigan Road/Lot 6, and the east 1/2 of Lot 5, Block 5, Vail Village 7th Filing. Applicant: Planner: I. DESCRIPTION OF THE VARIANCE REOUESTED The applicant is requesting a variance for a 5 foot solid wood fence with 6 foot stone pillars to be constructed in the front setback in order to provide a safety barrier between an approved swimming pool and the public right-of-way. Fences no more than 3 feet in height are the allowed in the front setback. A variance is required for the additional 2 to 3 fset of fence height. The applicant is not proposing any additional landscaping with this application lor the fence height variance, but a landscape plan was approved by the Design Review Board (DRB) with the approval ol the residence on March 3, 1993. The Town of Vail does not have an adopted Unilorm Building Code regulation requiring fences around swimming pools. The building is currently under construction on the site. On March 3, 1993, the DRB approved the proposed swimming pool in the front setcack. By Section 18.58.020(A) (Fences, Hedges, Walls and Screening) of the Town of VailZoning Code, encroachment into setbacks are allowed for recreational uses if approved by the DRB. II. VARIANCE CRITERIA AND FINDINGS Upon review of Criteria and,Findings, Section 18.62.060 of the Vail Municipal Code, the Community Development Department recommends denial of the request€d variance based on the following factorsl A. Consideration ol Factors: 1. The relationship of the requested variance to other Existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity. Due to the topography of the site, the top of the fence is 1 to 3 teet above the roadway grade. The top of the pillars will be 2 to 4 feet above the road grade. This situation helps to mitigate the impact of the fence as one would not t TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Paula May Shelly Mello ir perceive the entire height of the fence driving along the roadway. We leel that if the fence were made of a more transparent material and kept within a reasonable distance from the swimming pool, it would not have any impact on the potential uses and structure in the vicinity, The staff does not believe that it is appropriate to run the fence along the property line as is being proposed. We feel that the scale and length of he proposed fence is excessive and should be limited to the pool area that the fence should be located along the wsst property line. As proposed, the fence creates a solid fence line along the property line which is not encouraged in the DFIB Guidelines. An additional 6 loot wood fence with pillars has also been proposed along the rear of the property adjacent to the golf course. A portion of this fence has been approved, the remaining portion has yet to be approved by the DRB. Staff would like to avoid the appearance of the wall around most of the site by encouraging the lence around the pool to be less massive. In addition to the visual impacts of the fence, the staff leels that the proposed pillars will require substantial excavation and construction which may impact he existing vegetation due to lhe proximity of the frees to the proposed lence line. A simpler inslallation that does not require extensive excavation or construction would be preferable. 2. The degree to whlch reliel from the strlcl and llteral Interpretation and enforcement ot a specltied regutatlon ls necessary to achleve compatlblllty and unlformlty ot treatment among sltes In the vlclnily or to attEln the oblectlves ol thls tltle wlthout grant ot speclal prlvllege. The statf recognizes hat in order to provide a sale situation for the srimming pool that it is reasonable to allow some relief from he sfict intepretation of the Code. However, we feel that the proposal is excessive and the fence will impact adjacent properties. 3. The effect of the requsslsd rrarlance on llght and alr, dlstfibutlon of populatlon, transportatlon and trcfllc iBcllltles, publlc facllltl$ end utilitiss, and publlc $fety. The staff does not believe that he proposal as presented will have a substantial adverse impact on any ol ths above items. B. The Planninq and Environmental Commission shall make he followino findinqs before orantinq a variance: 1. That the granting of the variance will not constitute a grant ol special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified in the same district. 2. That the granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvemenls in the vicinity. 3. That the variance is wananted for one or more of the following reasons: a. The strict literal interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with lhe objectives of this title. b. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the same site of the variance that do not apply generally to other properties in the same zone. c. The strict interpretation or enlorcement of the specified regulation would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the same district. III. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The statf recommends denial of the fence heighl request. The staff could support a variance for fence height if the proposed fence was made of a more lransparent material and the fence was limited to the enclosure of the swimming pool area. We would also suggest that the fence be buffered from the property to the west with several tees. We find lhat the request is excessive and would have impacts on adjacent properties. The staft recognizes that it is important to provide a safe situation in circumstances of this nature, but feel that this can be achieved wih a fence which will have less impact on adjacent propefties. lk'nnun -- c:ts6cvnemosvnayl011UW Atw WltJluY q ^4"wft W $. "#ut' qlM^NIe ^nl td kw wul.fut uv'dn vtW< All -"lf f^k} W,14k"? - rltwtk ,/@V( +* V'"ft*"'( fu{qwr^+1w ,,',, ,, Dtnna \nSftitvw'c9t= Wn- yrwdrfffArwnnww,. -+t*4?tunu\t- yt h ,fu'--w:, 3r fr)$rp,,, " ffiXd;'-- f,wrrt/Y v\tn^f rc w.P^* a f; H B o Eoo ir Itl t 8$ F $\ tI F i.l t n 3toH e tt F 8 INt'n. ' tp' "'*'I :3 f' i' il F N' a.4 Rn :s TT Iz A Rt l I I I I I I $$ u! F T oa B TT KK D.Jt -|} -)Q* \( { I I\ ft.m/ I \ 1tK r-lt\ y ,-L W-&WWWW,*ttu i A)*t1a;/aJ/ UA/"Y'd/Jaifta%Wtun' u,l >"/+o/\ u U o HYwo m,wffi#,w;mwDmwWMffi -[!w vnlAan ffiw**- ,Nl 1-D 7-,F- AlcillrlcTunt P!Al]illr€ | r rr R I oRs w*'ery# Suff '*ttesfa$e Af A7 47 lll= DSIIIIA OB S$rRnEr.lr <--- slarJz D<e ?.u. st"tlJaVffl 4"6 2- zKtZ DNG.. DEoiEgt um BBIrlgIOU uo, w'f e4e"6sgz .; o'zs'4g 74uvl ""'lii:' i rauL 2 rEwv ?tl,Ag 'age I )ncggt; .l-Xat EilklmFleraoBrlner Arc$lrlcruRl PlAxlillr0 | il rr R I oRs Hfr axleslane +r I : DqTYITC OB SCEBDTII.E 2x"H3.4Y Z-2rt? PaEg l .,:.: -11" Qrp fuw,' @+atvuat) 2*.gltpqv lr/(t"-W st?lrl4(w(*+rcza) ett ca1z 6Laop-37.rlx6 ArJ, StctlJASttl 3tP75 zt 9.41r],4\\44r.a -t*.\ lia=ztp tuag +.\HFr +$qavguAF l-AF/)I88rE TI\rISION DNg. ruw 7lwe' + DRCgSl.@-. rr-ras-qliqf rewtHa revSocd t0lg'192 IPDI,ICATIoN Thls procedure ic requlredvarlance. The apprlcatlon inf ormation ie subrttitted, A.NAME OF ATPI.ICAI.IT ADDRESS lppllcation ? I n NN'|E OF ADDRESS ADDRESS -hdAlt U.TOCATION OF BL0CK,_ ADDRESS puc MFETTN G D^rE/,4144h-' t 11995 ION A YARIAIICS RECO ST'P 1 ' for any project requE$firlg a will not be accePted until all /^o1./e .... . BHINE.SJZJ&a355* APPI,ICAIITt S RE sENTAT rva Et-.- n'reg- Eo vnorta t7r, 1-9*Z- c.NAI{E oE oWNER:(g) (uYPe or Print) OWI.IER (S) SICNATURE (S) yk/n -ploqlfll4 ry-Q ?'W PROPOSAL:LEGAL DEscRIPTIpvt ror b,i ttzar 5 It rEE s2so . oo PArD- c x * 54J,. Bv ,re- THS rEE WEE BE PAID BEFoRE TiIE Co!'IMUNITY DEVE],OFMBNT PPPERTI'TSNT WILL ACCEPT YOUR PROFO$AI,. F. staruped, addressed enveLopes of the nslires of owners of arr |ropetuy adjhcenE to the gubjecs prepert'y TNcLUDING pnOp-nnfi BEHIND-Al.tD ACRO$$ STREETS, and a Iist of th.lr nanes and rnalllng addressee. fHE APPLICANT vrIl,t BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CORR,ECT MAILIIqG ADDRESSES. II. A pre-applicatlon conf,grence.wlth a plannlrrg.staff member is stlongfy- suggested to determtne tf any addltlonal tnforfrailon-is needed. No appllcat,lon wilI be accepced urrtess lt ts cornglefe (ftust loalude aII items reguired by tho aonlng aarolnistrator) , tt ls the applicatr!'s iesponstbifity to make an aPpointment with the sEaff Eo flnd out about additional submlttal requ{rernerrts' IIL ptEASE NoTt 1HAT A coI,rFLErg A9PLICATI0N VrrLL STREAI'|I'INE THE APPROVAL PROCESS NON t6UN FROJECT BY DECREASXI$G THE NUMBER OF CO}IDITIONS Otr APPROVAL T}IAt THE 9I./AbINING AIID E}WIRONMENTAI, COMMI$$ION (FEC) D4AY STIPULATE. 4+! coNDITIoNS oF APPRoVAL l,'I]sT BD CoMPLIED WITH EEFoRE A tsUII,DING FERMIT T8 I$SUED' F'OUR (4) COPIES OF THd FOITO}IING MUST BE SUB}'IITTED: A. A WRITTEN STATEMENT OF THE PRECISE NATURE OF THE VARIANCE REQUEETED S}ID THE KEGUT,hTION JI.^/OLVED. THE SIATEMENI I'IUST AI,SO ADDRE$S I 1.. the relatlanFhtP of t'he lequested, variance Lo other exlstlnE or potentlal usge'and structures ln , she vlcinJ.tY. I DEC-219110N 14r23 ,*o*"?r^o*, !a/3g/9? 16:55 FAX NO, STEt'ltiFlT TITLE 0F It 2t ORDER Ntn.BEF' !F[ECIIVE POLICB OR Dr A!trA FROPOSSD HOlm ,EREIA C. AIrTA ccltlDurJ8 0Eaooce Octebsr 03, 199a at 6to0 tg.,!o EE. !,SEuEDr A.M. N{ggNf I $ l. elrTl tS POttrCf IBOFO8ED PAUTlA r RoY R. t{Al ano FOJjICI!N$ERID: TIIE.FRUDEt|rIAI. @![FAllYr INC' r I D/OB Ae6lCN8, ASg'MAI APPUAR INC', ItE HROPO8ED PollfCY INSUREDI 3.ITHE EBIAT8 OR colofi$rENl TtsE E ISEIIVE INTEREB! III IXID I.AITD DESCRTBED OR COV.iMTO HEAEil I8 gEB BIUPla AI{D DA'J!! H8BlOE lfE9TED III: ltabD 8. .l .E tB IAITD L,ot 6 and BaBt 1/2 of L'og 5f Dloelc 5 t$rlEliltE FxrJrNovltt couN4t 8!!ArS To rfl TtrtrE coD{Ic:[truENt IS DESCRIBED OF OF l THIS Coulrlrdrrrr' !Y$g pREPARED ON OCIIOBER 3Or x992. FOR PIJEASE CALf,lSANbt CAPEIJT hT (303)949-1011, 41,,L9.| ,/PS$MIOII: i .t (;1/oafisR8r 1ar1o,0.00 Y' trORrtla€EBt i50r00llAlt CIStt!. ! i10.00tokt{ 100 i30,D0 FOFII 8.1 lB0.p0roRlt 100.30 i160.00 Foiu[ tos.r irt.oo Icobl"6r to! |Rol.B. May IPalrla &rYre4ce t{ayguB RyohBl !I oontlnuod on noxt ltag.i -rqt$lri!;. ;llfLuii P, 02 .,n^^lJUq t0-llod ERALE CDUNTY I I I l I I I I or ftrsunJrcs 1,025, oool. oo I ?oo. oool. oo I I I RBFIRAED FO IT{ THIB IIt-!,! tlfEhE'SO lg tB I I IAS fpI.lIloWS! I Pagc 2 l{0N 14124 BRAr*-F CADI1US toN/92 16:56 Il. oRDDR mtt{BER! ezgoSrt.oocz TNA REQUIRE$aflIS EO BS loR E$E ASCODNT OE' AON EEE NSTATE I (8) GREATTNG TttE EETATE o5 rllTgF Nri-bgr,t-tir,au Fon REcoBD, lro }|trTr ef,ltcavit aE to Dcbts and LLcng and ltg cualenty GouPanY, Efa€tsery to Eterra8t rltl.e truarilnty-company pt. i-oiiiC,6ndini-tixel ifri-aeieeaudntE as- aeitl rle'I cqurrty SaeaBuser. I cf,ectpry !o stetart tltle Gunrantv-cgnPgny !f'l!-!tterensi&- tax ctEcEEcd by thc .Town 9f lall hat btcn the Eilaiaoclon le e*errpt frqn aaldl ta*' : _'!d_|.i P,03 a FAX N0, -,4-6c,oo STEUFRT TITLE OF EAGLE CO[JI'IT\,084 3CllEDUrrlB-EACIIoNl RA0UthlNllllTB 'llls fortrornrs ITE! (A) PIITFNT()F THE iOI.,IJ CONE sTEr{ (!} EBsPtR IN9URED T{UET EE lxebutlon ot cottPI/IED tfITIlt T'NE GRANEORS OR . OR Iil.ISRESf BO BE EtlRED. '.to DE 1. 2,Evtllensr set Fteltart [it Datrmnt of ab'y-tlrc E6gle 9. Evlf,enca larcal cllatcprlll or that 4. DeeC trsmuay and Pa ud F. Frrrlchct IJanrenoe- ilaf. 5. iOt I€E EICAL ADDnEES or THE.g&ANTEE uusrl APP8ARlroTp: oN DtB s PsB 1976 lt$t{Dl{Inlr ro -39*1.09 (2) , STAfOTT ON RECPRD af A/AC6lrl,st guo reLattvs thcrsto. ffon thi Bomio$Er to ghe Prrbllc trustea f uorfd lctrdsa to cesure the lootl' the rrlntrmrn dotall EtahdardE 9f tr-rg t6tet$d cbtroledo slrav9y,or Ila(lo auaveyoEgtGUatt SitIE)r. lrittri.n tha 6nGrA to gtesalt SitIE ttuarantyor.to !.trq delgCloE 9t tny-aurveyrl Drlol Eo qnll qe.lBEaon oE arry -e|rsYrlt - Ei loah polloy to be iesued hsqeulo9T-fr_tll 6. 7. D!!DB CRg I tr6n th6 A airrveyp neprcDarcct byrotrthflr t[uEEfor ltE appr : D€ed of Eausuceiof the 5l A rlrlviy, ropu.lrarce Dy ilonchF, lllllSgfor lti rDDrfron the AlJt Csntlnued cn next Page - rioN 14:24 sncffcpcnunus _l FAX NO, ,J347F,,oo gTEtlf,RT TITLE 0F ERELE CoLINTY P,04 es5la/3g,,92 16:Ea/ oelobca CONnINUAIIION SHBET SCHEDI'LIB-8EClIoN1 onDER NltttDERs 93 I of born roo Cn ths &LtA Lobn Pcrlloy' Steiwart lttlt cu.araiitf rleaivie thi rishu !9 !"h:-'I!9Ft{on.. ---[5-5ni-"aner}e-riaiE;B $-F[&n 6-i ril6 survefr oT I?F? rurther tilflit"t#+f, *;r#ihri"li::itdt"[3'&"'il3:?ilr']:]'i"' covbragE any lacveieo aattlrs lt may deeu neoctEary' I ,2 HoN 14 r25 I RIOEIA PUBLIC A' TOoB[etN 0. ItrB ctf,€ct rtr I R:ccrvata[thorls Eook 93 atvbln or lo BR,..tscADltus TAnA/n 16:St FAX N0,'lfo:qlo:rse STEUfNT ]]TLE If EAGLE CIJUf{]Y P,05 696 SCTIEDU&EF-EECfION2 EXCEPTIONg RECORDE DI FHOTEI{. ANC SAOWN '. DNEE(IT.BIlI INY A TO TAEtEE 6 r ITWPA$f WTTER cm3, cr.eruS -oH - rfnrr lo -wlren. Itottr: rr-ra- v,.\ 4aaru,tl av tll\4 ti5l. i iP,lIFqi' ArcD/oR ilcrLpD pRotEcrlxoN I I i cl/'sIxts oD PtRrxEs IN PossEs8toN NoT enovrNl sr tHf,:AOBD8. I,'oR cljlru8 ot' EASEMEHTS, llor ExowN rv rxrl puBtr/trc 'Ctr.EgI E$NT$ICTS IU EOUNDART IIINES, EITOBTAGE IN AREA,IETTE, A}ID Tffi FECTg HSICII A CORRECT EURVETI NID N OF TEE PREIISE8 IIOUbD DIBCTOSE N{D TIIIICTIIARE NOTtflF;FrDrnc RlcoRDs. IOA:RIGIII 1!O A IJIEII, FON SRVICE3, IABOR OB I.IATERTAIJE 'O8 IIIRITTTER I?JiNiSIIED, I}IPOAED-BY IJAW AND NOT IIfEi Ft BIrIC EbCORDS. i :d4Fs, DtcmBRANcEg, tDvERsE crJtrus oR orHF,R MATTERST Ift4l: rvf,lJllr .I.DUVIUTD .rrfNs, DncmERANcEg, tDvERsE crJtrus oR orHtR l CREA,DEDT ffRST APPEARXNG IN llll PUEIJIC RECOFUEA SUIBBQUEilI' [O $IIE ETTESIIVE DATE HIREOF BI'8 ] ATE FKO"OEED TI|8IM,ED ACQUIR,E9 OF RECORD T'OR! VATE oR rttTBaEgt on lroRrcAoE rIlEREolt cove,ED bylflr' I ED IIINIT(G GLATilSI REBBNVATIONF OR EXCEPTIONb T.s..9n.}!_l9r-lulgqllulryc T!4 ISFUANeE THERIpF; I :l-r}|s, arlr}.sa|,A,rll\.G19, alL, Y lrlf,.tcl t-rJAJ.l'lg !,.r vllrfr|a rarla *D iCREATED' rrfRST APPEARXNG IN llll PUEIJIC RECOhDE ORfa suDBEQuElrtr [o $$E ErrEstIvE DATE HEREOF Eptr pRrOR lAtE Pko"oEED rr|8rm,ED ACQUIRE9 OF RECORD fORl VAIJVE ITE OS II{TBBEST OF }'ORTGAOE TflEREOII COVER,ED bY THIS TIIE 8A!IE Efi IggUED WII,L CONTAIN ARE DTSPOSED OF TO TIIE unptld tt)(eg and areesrmenta and any TO I EXCtrPTIONB SO THEgATISFACTTgF OP ONF 4 AND 5 }DOVE) IIAT DE AVAI&ABIJE I{If,II ANi POIJIEY OT trITTJ! INEUFANCE ON RESIDENTIAI, IttPolr cot[PtJIAlfcE rtl[Il slEtrArfr 'lrtl,n ouAI"ANrINTC. FI,EIEE CAIJJ TON FURTIIER TNFORMAEION IlI IPEeIFIq tiEQnrREr{ENr (e) NEcEEsAny ro ils govtRAcE. 7, li,y "noEAIeE. of LnslurlsnB ln any qeneral or en , -tirs Protection, BoIt oonlctvatilnglualon ln any-water oervlca or ecltl"o wil9n 0rstrG6t otthe 9.rxer;rtlonr aontalned ln u.p. Fttents,fE6UEne6 thereof. reoorded !{ty 27, 19146, rBEerytng rt RJghte ot the proprterEracE and relrove hlE ore therefron a f lrr Aote6 i.n Contlnued on noxt page d2) ,2 HON 14125 I'! ,*r,StcADrrus t4/fr/gz 16.58 -^, o FAX No, 30gqlo:ree STEI.RRT TITLE OF ERGLE CIfJI,ITY n .\arr, u0 867 I CONTTUIIATIQN SHtrET 9gHBPIIIIEB-SECfIONA BXCEFTIONsI BXCEFTION8 ,iloRDER lrlnrtrER: 924O84,O0C2 |:l I,II Ilgplg,9t Yly.-fo8--ol!cqEr and canalr oqnctrucssd untler; Lheauthortty if tht Unttcd Etatcr.iliJ'0' lheclentE, irastfl.stlcns anit rlshtg-of,-weys ag ehown oni the praLgf vat--+ vl,llage qgytnth ftlrnE; r3corded'Decenber 1? I f965 -ar Rioocptton tlo. -loazEo, - ili11. Tiiltnr{ con{ltlona, rEservatlono, reatrlotlone anct obll,caLlone o.ceeDtalneCl in covohante lsr vrll vlllsEe ssvehth FlllnsrresordlecDBcernber 1?, f966 J.n Boolr 1g? .t page-At5 as naoe;ltlofii Xo. roz??9. 1.3. Inqluetgn {n ts; Vrll Dlre preteotl,on Dletrlot, bv oroL"rlcorqsq ar ReclDtlQn lfo. 103647 rnd tnclusl.on'ln-thr i:Frr_Ig!y94ollt$r DlstulqEr by Ordar racorded as neceptlonilD. 1o364BJ - -i :ll ah€horlty {t'trrr-uil[ed-EtiUcl;------ - - -:i -'" iliJ'0' lhEorentEr irasifl.gtlcns anit rlshtg-of,-weys ag ehown oni the pl 9f Vai+ Vlllage Eevcnth ftl,tnE; r3corded'Decenber t?, !,965 -ar Rjesrptton tlo. -loazEo, - iri1r. T'eEnr, con{ltlonar Fgeorentlone, restrlotlone ana oblllaLlonceeDtalnedl in covchange lsr vrll-vlllsEe ssvehth FlrlnsireoordDBcernber 1?, f966 J.n Boolr 1g? .t page-At5 as Raoeptlofii Xo. rc 1.3. Inqlueton {n ts; Vrll Dlre preteotl,on Dletrlot, bv oroL"rlcorqsq ar ReclDtlQn lfo. 103647 rnd tnclusl.on'ln-thr iy:rr_Ig!y94ollt$r DlstulqEr by Ordar racorded as neceptlonilD. 1o364BJ - -i :ll 13. ?hr.f,cllow{ng nutten a6 ahown pn the Tppoqraphical IAaL.by lnter-DfguntrLn Englneeslng ltd., daceA Eentenrer tEI'regz!encrorehilent of flagetone eldevallr' onto adJolntng propergyanct gravel-ldrtvo. anf,o aa$o-lnlni FlopiiiGy- - r fEt"i*l.tti6 horth ot thE propErti le n'ot ettrins on rfreiEt"i#[.16 noaEn or rns properry le not eltilng on rfe strucburc {r looatctl sa thr 1ot ll-ne of Lota s and o I.tr1{, I9lll__Ell4Sl"a,Droeprtonr .Lt zt 3 wtrr be clBr€recl upohrFcritrry of rtlr! gurvey requlred herein.uxceptlon t -iJrITi-frei6EEi-iioii recerpt or the Afrtdai'tr, IFqIulFpc hqre4n .nsautedl tD' both thc sbller and purchasers,4(crpEl9n 5 wtll be dgleteil prsvldclt Etgvlrt rltle of Eaqlc ;FTII l3Lli#rfTe oIoElnE or aald rra4eacrlon aDn reopriilns Eltorptlon t{o. 's'wlll be deleted. i f,Fit"r{ls,.rr er 0Rs I SCBDUTiE 7?7itN\ lst:pn 646t nra $ I ro 4't-*llW )1a' o6 crL. miev,Gt@r$> SE|VISIOT 7 t*",Project Ap1 Proiecr Name: tr/ ^ t- Proiect Descrip r,.", C/rtq{ fZS ,fu4 Post-lt* brand tax'EtSmittal memo 76.fl ,f of p"g"" t / W,.' fr&r-{ff'2":n/ Co,Co. Dept.Phone # Fii--E .at r 1-a 7' 3.tr;4 ,t4 //.> //" I Fax # "{ 6t1/z 'Y-> /v6. / Architect, Address and Phone: Block t Zone - Legal Descriplion: Lot Comments: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVA L DISAPPROVAL /;4 .to.r# o lan zy'zr/ { "f,"+, . az./ zo, V/ nz? frto/,as. s/zr"-/'1r&/e. {"'^"Approvar I BOARD ie ' iur."o r t rr,ro DESIGN REVIEW APPLICATION . TOWN OF DATE RECEI\IED: DATE OF DRB MEETING: *****t*!tt* VAIt, COLORADO '[U0APR l7 iyyl *!r******tt T PRO.JECT INFORMATION: DESCRIPTION:finishto B.iFVDE alE' D Er\'T rrrr . New ConsLruction ($200.00)Addirion (950.00).c Minor A1 t.eraLion ($20.00) ConcepEual Review (90) c. D. E. F, If propert.y is described bvdescription, pleiase providlto t.his app.licaLion. ZONTNC: ADDRESS i llla prarmigan Rd. LEGAL DESCRIPTION:Lot 6 BlockSubdivision NAME OF APPLICANT: D-..1- M--. Mailing Address t NAME OF APPLICANT,S REPRESENTATfVE: R.i.l .l piornaMailing Address: P.O. Box 57 a meets and bounds on a separat.e sheet legaI and a t. t.ach T .I . I.I . NAME OF OWNER(S):Paula Ma OWNER(S) SIGNATURE: Mailing Address: vai1. CO 81657 APPLICATIONS WILL NOT BE PROC.ESSED Condominium Approval if applicable. CHECK FF E Q nur.r'\rrr E|. VALUATION/h n i+r . ar r\ar^lJ v 9 _!v, uuvg l-0, 001 $ s0, oo0$ s0, 001 $ 1s0, 000$1s0,001 $ s00,000 $s00,00r. - $1,000,000$ over $1, ooo, o0o DESIGN REVIEW BOARD APPROVAIJ EXPIRES APPROVAL IJNLESS A BUILDING PERMIT ISIS STARTED. WITHOVT O'{NER'S .9TGNETURE FEE i 20.00 $ s0.00 $100.00 $200.00 $400.00 $s00.00 ONE YEAR AFTER FTNAI-, ISSUED AND CONSTRUCTION DRB FEE: DRB fees. as shown above,\ are Lo be paid aL EheLime of submi-rLal of rhe DRB appri[arion. -L;t.;;, whenapprylng for a building permit,-prbase i.dentify the accurare :l^1r?!1o".gt Lhe proposal. rhe iown of Vail wi:.:. aarusr. rheree accordrng Lo Lhe Lable below, to ensure the correct feetq t"ri 1.1 P trIT III A pre-applicacion meeLing with a member of the plannrngstaff is encouraged [o determine if any addicionalapplicacion information is needed. It is the appl-icant,sresponsibility t.o make an appointmenL \^rith the staff todet.ermine if Lhere are additional submit.tal reguirements.Please not.e that a coMpLETE apprication wirl sLreamrine thereview process for your projecL. In addi t ion Lo meeLi.ng .submi tt.a1 requirements , theapplicant musL stake and Lape Lhe projecL sice Loindicate property Lines, bui. lding Iines and buil,dingcorners. A1l Erees co be removed musE be t.aped. AI1sice tapings and staking must, be complet,ed piior to theDRB site visiL. The appricant must. ensure t.hat. stakinqdone during Lhe wint.er is not buried by snow. The review process for NEW BUILDINGS normally reguirestwo separate meeLings of Lhe Design Review Board: aconceptual review and a f i.nal review. ApplicanLs who fail to appear before Lhe Design Revj.ewBoard on their scheduled meeting daE.e and who have notasked in advance Lhat discussi.on on Lheir iE.en bepostponed, will have their items removed from Ehe DRBagenda unLil such Lime as Lhe j.E.em has beenranr r l-\ I i chod The followrng iLems may, aL Lhe discreLion of thezoning administraLor, be approved by Lhe CommunityDevelopmenL Departmeric sLaff (i.e. a formal hearingbefore Lhe DRB may noL be required) : a. windows, skylights and similar exterior chancreswhj.ch do noc alrer rhe exist.ing plane of Lhebuildinq; and b. BuiJ.dl,ng addi tions noL visible f rom any oLher 1otor public space. At the t.ime such a proposal issubmiLLed, applicqnLs must include lett.ers fromadjacent properEy owners and,/or from Lhe agenL foror nanager of any adjacenL condominium associationsLaLing Lhe assoc!aLion approves of Lhe addiCion. If a property is locaLed in a mapped hazard area (i.e.snow avalanche, rockfall. flood plain, debris f1ow,weLland. etc.), a hazard sLudy must be submiE.ted andthe owner musL sign an affidavit recognizing the hazardreport prior ro the issuance of a buildinq permit.Appricants are encouraged to check wit.h a Town plannerprtor to DRB application to det.ermine Lhe relaLionshipof Bhe properry ro aIl mapped hazards. For alI residenIia] construcLion: C1early j.ndicaLe on Lhe floor plans t.he insideface of Lhe exLerior sLrucLural walls of t.hebui Id j.ng; and b, Indrcate wrLh a dashed li.ne on Lhe siLe plan a f our f ooC dis [ance f rom t.he exLerior f ac-e of thel- , , i I .l ; * - . , - 1 I q nr clrr1n/1r-l' in^uur.ro'.lng war__ _-..o columns. If DRB approves che applicaLi.on with conditions ormodif icat.ions, aII condiL j.ons of approval musE beaddressed prior Lo the application- tor a buildinopermi t n Category Number Project Name: Building Name: Owner, Address and Phone: ArchitecV0ontact, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot /p glock 5 Subdivision IQ / /t" ''/r'',,7H- Zone District Proiect Street Address: Comments: Board / Staff Action Motion by: Seconded by: Town Planner * t^ /, o"t t 5/ 2 7/4 DRB Fee pre-oaia r, /t'1= iltgn Review Action Fr" TOWN OF VAIL Calegory Number Project Name: Building Name: Project Description: Date ArchitecVOontact, Address and Phone: (t-, )'/6 Legal Description: Lot6*-::..L5 Block -Zone District Project Street Address: Board/€@i, =.--- /./Motionby: I / /4 voet A/4 Seconded oy: /ilh I ! Approval ! Disapproval -- -;---: ---:::a1( E4taff Approval )\.--------./ ,(i,rr,e*n,,#{ fown Planner / on, 'l/Iq,/qS DRBFeepre-paid # ae>e- ) COPYrILE 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorada 81657 303-47e-21 38 / 479-2 I 39 FAX 303-479-2452 May 3, 1993 Department of Comnunity Development Ms. Paula May 21 Scott Street Chicago, lL 60610 r/ RE: A request for a conditional use permit to allow for a Type ll Employee Housing Unit for the May residence, located at Lot 6 and the east 1/2 of Lot 5, Block 5, Vail Village 7th Filing/1 1 19 Ptarmigan Road. Dear Ms. May: Enclosed is a copy of the minutes of the February 22, 1993 Planning and Environmental (PEC) meeting at which your conditional use permit request was approved. The attached copy of the meeting minules will serve as your record of this approval. Please note that the approval of this conditional use permit shall lapse and become void if a building permit is not obtained and construclion is not commenced and diligently pursued toward completion, or if the use for,which the permit is granted has not commenced within two years from approval the approval date (February 22, 1993). lf approval of this conditional use permit lapses, an application must be resubmitted for reconsideration by the Community Development Department staff and the PEC. lf you have any questions or comments regarding this information, please do not hesitate to contact me at 303/479-2138. Sincerely, Tim Devlin Town Planner Enclosure FIL E COPY PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION FEBRUAHY 22,1993 MINUTES PRESENT STAFF Diana Donovan Krislan Pritz Jeff Bowen Mike Mollica Greg Amsden Tim Devlin Chuck Crist Shelly Mello Kathy Langenwalter Jim Curnutte Cena wnitten A'iidy Knudtsen Dalton Williams Russ Forrest Larry Eskwith 1. Starting at approximately 2:15 p.m., the Planning and Environmental Commission was called to order for a request for a conditional use permit to allow for a Type ll Employee Housing Unit, for the May residence, located at Lot 6 and the east 112 of Lot 5, Vail Village 7th Filing/1 119 Ptarmigan Road. Applicant: Paula MayPlanner: Tim Devlin Tim Devlin made a presentation per the staff memo and stated that stafl recommends approval of this request for a conditional use permit with the condition that the applicant needs to enter into an employee housing agreement with the Town of Vail. Jeff Bowen commented that it looks difficult to get from the EHU to the EHU garage. Bill Pierce stated that you do have to go outside the EHU to get to the garage. Tim Devlin said that there are actually two entrances to lhe unit, and pointed them out to the PEC on the lloor plans. Diana Donovan stated that there is a problem with this site because it is located on a portion of Ptarmigan Road that belongs to the Forest Service. Herman Staufer stated that the property line seems to be 3 to 4 feet lurther west and that there have been parking problems in the past. He then inquired whether there was a way for the PEC to address the parking issue on Ptarmigan Road. This is a concern due to the construction activity that will result with approval of the conditional use permit on this site. Plrnniog rnd EnMronmonlll Commbslon Fabrur.y 22, tg93 Kristan Pritz stated that there would inevitably be some construction workers parking on Ptarmigan Road, but the applicant can request that construction workers park in the driveway and till it up before parking on lhe street. Chuck Crist inquired whether the lot would be resurveyed. Bill Pierce responded that the lot would be resurveyed in the spring once the snow melts. Kathy Langenwalter motipned.to approve this request per the staff memo and asked that the applicant not impede the neighbors access to parking. Chuck Crist seconded this motion and a unanimous 7-0 vote approved this item. 2. A request for setback variances to allow an addition to the residence located at 4582 Streamside Circle/Lot 1, Distelhorst Subdivision. e, Applicant: Drs. Fred and Ines DistelhorstPlanner: Jim Curnutte Jim Curnutte made a brief presenlation per the staff memo reiterating the encroachments, wetland impacts and the requirement of mulching any trees that are removed. He stated that statf was recommending approval of this request for a setback variance and requested that the applicant add a cluster of three aspen trees in front of the west unit and additional spruce and aspen trees along the east side of this site. Kyle Webb stated that the DRB has approved the landscape plan as is and that he did not wanl to add aspen trees to the front of this site because he wished to utilize this space for snow storage. He also inquired about whether a letter lrom the Army Corps of Engineers would be required if the deck is moved turther to the wesl. Jim Curnutte stated that a letter from the Corps would be required prior to the issuance ol a building permit. Kyle Webb inquired whether it would be possible to obtain a building permit for the house without the deck. He proposed this option so that he would not have to wait for the letter before beginning construction on the remodel. Kristan Pritz stated that staff needs to see where on the site the deck is to be constructed and that there are options such as removing the deck from the drawings and getting a building permit, then the deck could be added later when the applicant receives the Corps letter. chuck crist stated that he would still like to see the tree saved. Plrnnlng rnd Envlrmmentrl Co.rxnlaslon FrDrurry 22, 1993 a TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJEGT: TIEMORANDUM Planning and Envlronmental Commission Gommunity Development Depanment February 22,1999 A request for a conditlonal use permlt b allor,v tor a Type ll Employee Housing Unit tor the lvlay resldsnoo, locabd at Lot 6 and the east 1/2 of Lot 5, Block 5, Vail Village 7th Filing/l119 Ptarmigan Road. Applicant: Planner: Paula lvlay Tim Devlin I. DESCRIPT]ON OF THE PROPOSED USE In September and December of 1992, the Town Council passed Ordinances 9 and 27, Series ol 1992, lo create a new Chapter 18.57 - Employee Housing, lor the addition of Employee Housing Units (EHUs) as permitted or conditional uses within certain zone districB wihin the Town of Vail. The definition in that ordinance states: Ssc-tion 18.04.105 'Employee Housing Unit (EHU) shall mean a dwelling unit which shall not be leased or rented for any period less than thirty (30) consecutive days, and shall be rented only to tenants who are full-time employees of Eagle County. EHUs shall be allowed in c€rtain zon€ districts as set forth in Chapter 18 of this Gode. Development standards lor EHUs shallbe as provHed in Chapter 18.57 - Employee Housing. For he purposes of this Section, a full-lime employee shall mean a p€rson who works a minimum of an average of thirty (30) hours per week. There shall be five (5) categories of EHUs: Type l, Type ll, Type lll, Type lV, and Type V. Provisions relating to each type of EHU are set torth in Chapter 18.57 - Employee Housing of this Code.' The applicant has applied for a conditional use permit to allow for a Type ll Housing Unit to be located on her property at 1119 Ptarmigan Road, which is zoned Pdmary/Secondary Resldential District. PresenUy, a slngle family residence is locatsd on this 16,559 square foot property. The applicant is proposing to demolish and rebuild the primary unit on this lot and create a Type ll EHU, utilizing two 250 square foot GRFA additions as allowed by 18.57.050 85. There will be no secondary unit located on the lot. The area of the proposed EHU is 425 square feet. r/ : tr/"r/2"^. rd k/z1l/{ J*e, fi,ce, ly'r'r/ y'z"nnrn a/' 4/4/A1f n n/4 y'e mrn O DUxA: ftrewttt<C/itc/(: Z"o / ruhrl /"/ ,1/e r dsr /1C> . /a,o A (/flpn4az t /3 a^z .Q7a23r -;:,2-'p,rf' /)pay,utrrf, //tnnau trAlFln ; /a-ca*,./&f,zr",;.a !'!rr',ti . ?y|.?t/c:Ti;A,- i /zr /tnff, fr B/^ /tgtutf> /P: lt,z p //# /tttrtwvy fttt,/ 7)t2t'r "*Ot i,1/ t/,7t' //t,^ //, 1,,.. II. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS Upon review of Section 18.60 - Conditional Uso Pormits, the Community Development Department recommends apprcval of the conditional use pemit based upon the lollowing factors: A. Conskjeration of Faclors: Beforc acting on a condltonal use permit application, he Plannlng and Environmental Commlssion shall conskler the facbt€ wlfi rsspsct b the proposed use: 1, RelationshiD and imoacl of ths use on the der/eloomsnt obiedivgs ol tho Town. The Town Council and Land Use Plan encourage EHUs In the Town of Vail as a m€ans of proviling quality living conditons and to gxpand the supply of employee housing for both year-round and seasonal local residenb. 2. The effect of the use on lioht and air. distribution of pooulation. transoortation facilities. utilities. schools. oarks and recreation tacilities. ard other oublic facilities needs. The 425 square feet EHU is proposed to be a one bedroom unit wih a fullbathroom and kitchen facilites. One enclosed parking space has been designated for the EHU use. There is a Town of Vail bus stop In the vicinity. ll is lell that the impact on the use of parks and recreation facilities and on lransportation facilities would be minimal. maneuverabilitv. and removal of snow from lhe streel and oarkino areas. It is likely thal th€ro woukl be one dditional vehicle driving to ths residenca. Staff feels that this would be an insi;nificant impact upon traffic. Effect uoon the character of lhe area in which the orooosed use is to be located. includino the scale and bulk of the oroposed use in relation to surroundino uses. The stafi feels that the character of the area will not be negatively impacted by the adclition of an EHU in lhis area. The proposed EHU is to be 425 squars feet, and the pfimary residence ls to bs 4,831 square feet. There is no secondary unit on the property. Howevor, the overall GRFA for he property will not exceed what would be allored for a 'traditional' PrimarylSecondary that utilized both of its 250 GRFA additions. 3. 4. 5.Emolovee Housino Units mav be allowed as a conditional use in those zone districts as soecified bv Title 18 of the Vail Municioal Code for Ordinance No. 27. Series of 1992. Emolovee Housino and shall b€ subiect to lhe followino conditions: a. lt shall be a conditional use in the Sinole-Familv Residential. Two-Familv Residential and Primarv/Secondarv Residential zone districts. The subject property is zoned PrimarylSecondary Residential zone dislrici. b. lt shall be permitted onlv on lots which comolv with minimum lot size reouirements of the zone district in which the lot is located. The minimum lot size for a Type ll EHU in this zone district is 15,000 square teet. The applicant's property is 16,559 square feet. c. lt shall be located within. or aftached to. a sinole{amilv dwellino or be located within. or attached to. a two-familv dwellino oursuant to Section 18.54.050(1) - Desion Guifrlines Duplex and Primary/Secondarv Development. lt mav also be located in. or attached to. an existino oaraoe orovided the oaraoe is not located within anv selback. and lurther orovided that no existino oarkino reouired bv the Town of Vail Municioal Code is reduced or eliminated. The proposed EHU is attached to a single-family dwelling. Existing parking is not being reduced or eliminated. Please see oaraoraoh h below for further explanation of proposed parking on the site. d. lt shall not be counted as a dwellinq unit for the ourposes of calculatino densitv. However. it shall contain kitchen facilities and a bathroom. as defined in Chaoter 18.04 - Definitions of the MunicioalCode. lt shall be oermifted to be a third dwellino unit in addition to the two drellino units which mav alreadv exist on the lot. Onlv one Tvoe ll EHU shall be allowed oer lot. The proposed EHU contains kitchen and bathroom facilities as delined by Chapter 18.04. Since no secondary.unit exists on the property (alttrough one is allowed), the EHU will be a second dwelling unit in addition to the one that already exisB on the lot. However, for the purpose of calculating density, the EHU does not count as a dwelling unit. e.It shall have a GRFA not less than hree hundred (300) souare feet. nor more than nine hundred (900) souare feet. An amllcant. however. shall be oermitted to apolv to he Communitv Develooment Deoartment of the Town of Vail for additional GRFA not to exceed five hundred (500) souare feet to b€ used in the construction of the EHU. The apolicant shall submit an aoollcation for the additional GRFA on a form orovided bv the Communitv Dsvelopment Deoartment. Aporoval or denial ol the reouest shall be made bv the Desion Review Board in accordance wih Sec{ion 18.t4.O40. lf an aoolicant obtains additional GRFA oursuant to Chaoter 18.71 - Additional Gross Residential Floor Area ol this Code lor either unil on he lot. ll an amlicant obtains Desion Review Board aporoval for not more than 250 souare feet of additional GRFA for he EHU. he or she shall be entitled to receive adclitional GRFA oursuant to Chaoter 18.71 - Additional Gross Residential Floor Area of this code for one dwellino unit on the lot. The applicant has applied lor an additional 500 square feet ot GRFA to be used in lhe construction of the EHU. 250 square feet is being used tor the EHU, and 250 square feet is being used for he single-family dwelling unit pursuant to Chapter 18.71 - Adrlitional Gross Resklential Floor Area. The final approval of the 250 square foot GRFA additions will be determined by the DRB. It shall haye no more than two bedrooms. The proposed EHU will be a studio unit with a combined bedroom/living area. No more than two (2) adults and one (11 child not older than sixteen (16) vears of aoe shallreside in a one (1) bedroom Tvoe ll EHU. No more than two (2) adults and two (2) children not older lhan sixteen (16) vears of aoe shall reside in a two (2) bedroom Tvoe ll EHU. Since this is a proposed one (1) bedroom Type ll EHU, the above regulations will need to be applied. Each Tvoe ll EHU shallbe reouired to have no less than one (1) oarkino soace lor each bedroom located therein. However. if a one (1) bec,room Tvpe ll EHU exceeds six hundred (600) souare feet. it shall have two (2) oarkino soaces. All oarkino soaces required bv this Code shall be located on the same lot or site as the EHU. lf no dwellino exists uoon the propertv which is g. h. orooosed for a T\p€ ll EHU at the time a buildino oermit is issued. or if an existino drrellino is to be demolished and reolaced bv a new dlvellino. not less than one (1) of the oarkino soaces reouired bv tris oaraoraoh shall be endosod. A 300 souare feet GRFA credit shall be allowed for the construction of one enclosed oarkino soace for the Tvoe ll EHU. The proposed one-bedroom EHU, to be built at the sarne time as the existng chrelling unit being demolished and replaced by a naw drrelling, has one designated enclosed parking space of 300 square feet for which a garage credit has been given. B. Findinos: The Planning and EnvironmentalCommission shall make the followlng findings before granting a conditional use permit for an Employee Housing Unit: 1. That the proposed location ol the use is in accord witt.the purposes of this Ordinance and the purposes of the district in which the site is located. 2. That the proposed location of the use and the conditions under which it would be operated or maintained would not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. That the proposed use would comply with each of the applicable provisions of Title 18 ot the Vail Municipal Code. III. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Community Development DeparFnent stafl recommends approval of this application for an Employee Housing Unit. Statf finds that all applicable review criteria and findings have been satisfactorily met. The applicant understands that she needs to enter into an employee housing agreement with fie town, which also will be recorded with the county. Please note that under Section 18.60.080 of the Town of Vail Municipal Cod6, fre approval of a conditional use permit shall lapse and become void if a building permit is not obtained and construction not @mmenced and dilBently pursued toward completion, or the use for which the approval has been granted has not commenced within two years from when ths approval becomes final. Frltz l€n PicrBe Br iner 3O3476499L P.€ll___iFr tzlcnPterceBrlner ARCHITECTUAE P t A N N I N 6 I'N r I q I Q A 3 ro: 77rn DeVl-/rV wcn fl4l P/EIry ItArE: 1,/F,?? FAX: PHONET PAGElorfrlers fl7Tnffi Apg ffiy1*1Or' ffiqenw 77te fiar FtEpavt 57ryF P e/r+rd/. I posTofFlct!0x57 1000Ll0t{sRlD6EL00P vAttcotoRADoBt6SE 305 4766342 FAXJoS 47649rcltlEbrra *rrrtalan \ \ 'h.or.{"ql $3 r.-,$r I O6i9rlesl \ .s\'-r\ -l ,,9i*fr \ r$N E -t'+ s\ r B6t9elEge I. Date of Appltcati on dan' 29--- Date of P-e-c Meeting W.'VT AEPI,Ie,AItrON TOR CONDTTIONI\I/ US! PERMIT This procedur€conditional uee The application submitted. A.NN,IE OF APPLICNTT ADDRESS B. c. NAME OE' APFLICANT' S REPRESENTATIVE le regulred for any project required to obtaln apermit. wlII not be accepted untll all informatlon ls 14aar ADDRESS NAI'IE OF owilER(8) ADDRE$S OWNER(S) (print srcNrrunE (s) PHONE HONE .D. fzo vhrvd fir E. enP.toga UvLil IJOCATION OF PROPOSAL;I,EGAL I /z BLOCR 6 IJ,ING ADDRESS FEE $2OO.OO PAID cK* THE FEE Egg:g BE pArD BEFORE TttE DDPARTMENT OF COMMUNTTY DEVELOPMENT WII,IL ACCEPT YOUR PROPOSAL. Stampsd, addressed envelopes qf the narnee of or.rners of, aIIproperty adjacent, to the subject property INCi/UDING pROpERTy BEHIND AND ACROSS STREETS, and a list of names and mailingAddTesses. THE APPLICANT WII,L BE RESPONSIBLE F.oR coRREcT OWNERS AND CORRECT ADDRESSES. II. PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE: A pre*applieation conference with a planning staff nenber lsstrong).y suggested to determlne if any additional information lsneeded. No applicatlon wiIl be accepted unress lt complete (mustinclude aII it,ernE required by the zoning adninietragorl . It ist,he appltcant, s responsibiltty to make an appointmenr with t,hegtaff to find out about additional eubrnittal requlremonts. III. PLEASE NOTE THAT A COUFI,EEE APPLICATION WILL STREAMLINE THE APPROVAI., PROCESS FOR YOUR PROJECT BY DECREASING THE NUMBER Ol. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL T}TAT THE PI,ANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAT coMMrssloN (PEc) I'rAy sTrpur.,ATE. rrrrl coNDIrIoNs 0E AppRovAL Musr BE COMPLIED I^IITH BEFORE A BUILDING PERMIT IS ISSUED. Eour (4) copies of the folJ.owing informat,ion must be submlt ted: L. A description of Lhe precise nature of the proposed useand its operatlng characteristics and measures proposeclto nake the use compatible with other properties in thevlclnity. The descript,ion must also address: a, Relationship and impact of the use on developnent.objectives of t,he Town. ' 7JL tlY F. PHON t# q/ TOLJN !F VRIL COl"l-DEV ,tr-orn -24s2 ,0, l,8 :38 No .001 P .02 b. Effect of thE use on light and air, distrlbutionof populationT transportation facilities,utilitiesr ochoolsr parks and recxeationfacilitles, and other public facilltles and publicfacilities needs. 2, c. Effect upon t,rafflcr wlth particular reference tocongest.ion, automotlve and pedestrian safety andconvenience, t.rafflc flow and control, access,maneuverability, and removal of snow fron thestreets and parklng area. d. Effect upon the character of the area j_n whlch theproposed use is Lo be located, lncludlng the scaleand bulh of t,he propoeed use in relatlon tosurrounding uses. A site plan at a Ecale of at. Ieast I., = 20' showtngproposed development of the site, including topogriphy,bullding locaEibnsl parking, trafflc clrcuiatt-onluseable open gpace, Iandscaped areas and utlllties anddrainage features. Prelininary building elevatlons and floor plans. A title report to verify ownership and easements, If the building is condominiunized, a letter fiom thecondomlniurn association in supporc of the proposal mustbe subniLted to staff. Any additional naterial necessary for the revlew of theapplication as determined by the zoning adlnlnlstrator. *r( For interior modifications, an tnprovement surveyand site plan may be walved by the zoningadministrat or. 3. 4. 5. D, rV. TIME RI;OUIREMENTg The FLannlng and Environmenlal Commlssion meets on the 2ndand 4th Mondays of each month, A complete applicaLion f,ormand all accompanylng material (as desbribed ltove) must besubmltted a ninimun of four (4) weeks prior to the date ofthe PEC p\:blic hearing. No inconplete appllcatlons (asdet,ermlned by the zoning actmlrristrator) iliff fe accepted bythe planntng staff before or after the designated eubrnlttaidate. All PDC approved condiLional. use permit.s shall lapse ifconstruction is not commenced within one year of the date ofqpproval and diligently pursued Eo completlon, or if the ueefor which the approval is granted is nbt conrnenced withinone year. rf this application reguires a aeparate review by any rocal,State or Federal agency other than t,he Town of Viitr"ttreapplication fee shall be increased by $200.00. Examples ofeuch review, may Lnclude, but, are not, limited tot ColoradoDepartnrent of liighr,eay Access permitsr Army Corps ofEngineers 404, etc. lbe applicant shall be responsible for payinq any publtshingfees wbich are in excess of 509 of the ippf:.catf6n'fee. i;at the applicantrs request, any matter is postponed forhearing, causing t.he matter t,o be re-publt-shedl then, theentlre fee for such re-publlcation shalt be paid by theapplicant. A. P A. n TIIiN OF VRIL CO14-DEV 8 :39 N0 ,001 P .03 C. Applicatlons dEemed by the Community Development Depart,mentto have significant design, Iand use or other igsues which nay have a slgnlficant lmpact on the conrnunity may requlre review by consultants other that town staff. Should a determl.natlon be rnade by the town staff that an outeide consulLant is needed to revLew any applicatlon, communlty Development may hire an outside consulEantr It, shall egtimate the amount of money necessary to pay htn or her andthis anount shall be forwarded to the Town by the appllcant,at the time he flles his applicatlon wlth the CommunlLy Development DeparLment, Upon conpf,etlon of the revlew ofthe appllcatlon by the consultantr anV of the fundsforwarded by the appl.lcant for paymenL of the consultantwhich have noL been paid to the consultant shall be returnedto the appllcant. Expenses l-ncurred by the Town 1n excesaof the amount forwarded by the appllcant shall be pald tothe Town by the appllcanL within 30 days of notlflcat.lon bythe Town. ,o,f-orn -z*sz JFN20 J*rt"nPlerceBrlnerl ARCHITEC TURE PIANN INO INTERIORS January 25, 1993 Town of VaiI Community Development Planning DepartmentAttn! Tim Devlin To whom it nay concerns Our clients, Paula and Roy May, are proposing an em-ployee unit as part of their residence at 1119 Ptarmigan Road in Vail. The proposed employee unit would be con-sj-stent with all conditional use regnrlations in Chapter18.50 of the Vail Zoning Code and with Ordinance 7 and 9of 1992 regarding employee housing. Paula and Roy May's property on the east half of Lot 5all of Lot 6 of Block 5, Seventh Filing is zoned primarysecondary. The employee unit woul-d be the secondary inthis case. Building an employee unit is consistent yrith the development objectives of the Town of Vail and there would be no negative impact on the use of light and air,on the distribution of population or on transportation.Furthermore, there would be no effect on the characterof the area because the proposed unit is tota.lly inter-nal and the building appears to be a single farnilyresidence. Sincerely, Page 1 r0v127.DOC 27-Jan-93 qfir*-l,rt t Laura NashFritzlen, Pierce, Briner POSToFFICEBOXST l000L|ONSR|DGELOoP VA|LC0L0RAD06l656 3034766342 FAX3o347649ol,tEl ntur ft, ol^ ttltl!. PtBot !Fra, t1 FIL E COPY PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION FEBRUARY 22.1993 MINUTES PBESENT STAFF Diana Donovan Kristan Pritz Jeff Bowen Mike Mollica Greg Amsden Tim Devlin Chuck Crist Shelly Mello Kalhy Langenwalter Jim Curnutte Gena Whitten Andy Knudtsen Dalton Williams Russ Forrest Larry Eskwith 1. Starting at approximately 2:15 p,m., the Planning and Environmental Commission was called to order for a request for a conditional use permit to allow for a Type ll Employee Housing Unit, for the May resldence,olocated at Lot 6 and the east 1/2 of Lot 5, Vail Village 7th Filing/l119 Ptarmigan Road. Applicant: Paula MayPlanner: Tim Devlin Tim Devlin made a presentation per the staff memo and stated that staff recommends approval of lhis request for a conditional use permit with the condition lhat the applicant needs to enter into an employee housing agreement with the Town of Vail. . -, Jeff Bowen commented that it looks ditficult to get from the EHU to the EHU garage. Bill Pierce stated that you do have to go outside the EHU to get to the garage. Tim Devlin said that there are actually two entrances to the unit, and pointed them out lo the PEC on the floor plans. Diana Donovan stated that there is a problem with this site because it is located on a portion of Ptarmigan Road that belongs to the Forest Service. Herman Staufer stated that the property line seems to be 3 to 4 feet further west and that there have been parking problems in the past. He then inquired whether there was a way for the PEC to address the parking issue on Ptarmigan Road. This is a concern due to the conslruction activity that will result with approval of the conditional use permit on this site. PbnnlDg lnd Envlr€omonid Cormb3bn F.bru.ry 22, lee3 Kristan Pritz stated that there would inevitably be some conslruction workers parking on Ptarmigan Road, but the applicant can reguest that construction workers park in the driveway and fill it up before parking on the street. Chuck Crist inquired whether the lot would be resurveyed. Bill Pierce responded that the lot would be resurveyed in the spring once the snow melts. Kathy Langenwalter motioned to approve this request per the staff memo and asked that the applicant not impede the neighbors access to parking. Chuck Crist seconded this motion and a unanimous 7-0 vote approved this item. 2. A request for setback variances to allow an addition to the residence located at 4582 Streamside CircleiLot 1, Distelhorst Subdivision. Applicant: Drs. Fred and Ines DistelhorstPlanner: Jim Curnutte Jim Curnutte made a brief presentation per the staff memo reiterating the encroachments, wetland impacts and the requirement of mulching any trees that are removed. He stated that statf was recommending approval of this request for a setback variance and requested that the applicant add a cluster of three aspen trees in front of the west unit and additional spruce and aspen trees along the east side of this site. Kyle Webb stated that the DRB has approved the landscape plan as is and that he did not want to add aspen trees to the front of this site because he wished to utilize this space for snow storage. He also inquired about whether a letter from the Army Corps of Engineers would be required if the deck is moved further to the west. Jim Curnutte stated that a letter lrom the Corps would be required prior to the issuance of a building permit. Kyle Webb inquired whether it would be possible to obtain a building permit for the house without the deck. He proposed this option so that he would not have to wait for the letter before beginning construction on the remodel. Kristan Pritz stated that staff needs to see where on the site the deck is to be constructed and that there are options such as removing the deck from the drawings and getting a building permit, then the deck could be added later when the applicant receives the Gorps letter. Chuck Crist stated that he would still like to see the tree saved. Plrmlng rnd Envlronm.nld Combrlon FcbruTy 22, 1903 r€vised 9/4/9t COIOR,ADO /) t.1,,.*-/ 1," DRB 'T;; No tu1' ' lr'ii ozo Elu ' hrl z g*'ls IPPLTC,ATION - TOTIN Otr VAII,,, DATE APPLICATION RECEI\IED : DATE OF.DRB MEETING: R[0'DDEC 2 1 l99t' I. ****t*t*at IBIS IPPLICtrTTON NIL'I. NOII BE ACCEPTAD ttNlIL AIJ. REQUIRED III8ORUATION IS SIIBIIITTED**t**tt*tt @: A. DESCRIPTION: l,lay Residence - New slwJ.e famlly resldence with euDlovee houslng unlt to repJ'ace €xlstiug slngle fanlly residence. B.TYPE OF REVIEW: New Construction ($200.00) Addition ($50 .00) C. ADDRESS: D.L,EGAI DESCRIPTION: L""tt Minor Alteration (920.00) Conceptual Review (90) Subdivisiotl Sawenth Flllns If property is described bydescription, please provide attach to this application. ZONING: p-s- a meets and bounds legal on a separate sheet and E. b. LOT AREA: If required, stamped survey showing applicant must provide a currentlot area. caeo IL 506 FEE $ 20.00 s 50.00 $100.00 $200.00 $400 .00 ss00.00 H. I. NAME OF APPLICANT: Paula MaMairins Address, ,t *"... r... .$*:ffi, ilZ=g8f$iqa NAME OF Mailing APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE: Bill Pierce Address: Rox 57. Vall-. C0 81658 Phone 4V6-6342 NAI.{E OF OWNER,S: f- SIGNATURE(S): JMaillng Address: Condominlun Approval if applicable. DIi,B FEE3 DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid atthe t,lne of Eubnittal of DRB application. LaLer, when applylng f,or a building permit, please identify the accurate valuation of the proposal . The Town of VaiLwill adJust the fee according to the table below, to ensure the correct fee is paid. DEE PATD: S FEE SCHEDULE: VALUATIONI 0 - $ 1o,0oos 10,001 - I 50,000 $ 50, 001 - s 150,000 s150,001 - $ 500,000 $500r 001 - $1r 000r 000$ Over $1r 000,000 * DESIGN REf,'IE9f BONRD TPPROIIAI. EXPIRES ONE YEAR AI'TER FTNAL aPPRO\IAL UNI.ESS A BUILDING PER!{IT IS ISSUED AND CONSIRUCTION IS STARTED. **NO APPLICAIION IIILL BE PROCESSED WITSOIru OI{NER'S SIGNAIURE -\-. I L J. K. /\ Phone 3L2-794-1L94 | ,,rtst ot *t"*tott @sJeo NA},IE OF PRO'JECT: LEGAL DES€RIPTION:q * SUBDIVISION S eventh STREET ADDRESS, 1119.Pta DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT J houslng unit to repl-ace exlstlne slnele famll-v residence. ?/al7a\ The following inforrnation is Review Board before a flnal BUILDING MATERIATS: D /... €a\v\r a Siding Other watl Materials Fascia Soffits !\lindows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Ha4d og Deck Rails Elues E lashlngs Chlnneys Trash Enclosures reguired for submittal to the Design approval can be given: MATERIAI COLORuN4tF*u 4x FEeNaoD rn+Tcri s)olilL*!3zE Zg rZEpl'looo tn*rr.*/ ctm*lL LZ'h atwc t^t/APat c*e eea*"t %Z'F. 'Z,f ' F-^*tr PffiB lof@- /xb flc> FEApodr2, 'cb,i q1@r-flt)- AlEt^E VENEI74 e4rkt?^,'' ,,ni)< (rna*tz-y 6E€y6tuu'N\ Greenhouses Other LANDSCAPING:Name of Designer z hJtut't+'zrt ln"He Phone z PLANT MATERIAIS: PROPOSED TREES 'loPELItr",q tr 2,,- Z/tsv t+w Botanical Nanew Common NaneEt\EtEmfr.J4&paz Ouantitv Size* 3 L',-/a', F ,za- Z/7utt EXISTING TREES TO BE REMO1ED .., Evefi@l eto erute,te'+ ' ' ")'- .*'''(H.aae iF ?a#ioLe) Zxb dr& ZxlZ rTr4rut s/O/N4 ,nt-rA *rra N*'n-lt4+<-- trees. PROPOSED SHRUBS a;!.ftff.e tiffi|- -4 €eL .i-r.---- 4qAA^lAleC, ,a ?..--.W- aa<vrcea&u /5-5a*t- Common e Ouantltv Size* SA/+L 56a- €ie8/4b / 5 5aa- e,,n4,lc.t7\t PLut-t p,16EO +1-F|NE ,, -'At PlNlJb a-Lffi^lJi O? @+a4,Oetcl6A EEafl^tto .-?cwaretee-'@ '1tt &n-na&hn,/eea-'ftatrtue@&l@- ft)f'4n1U-efrur/s@!t- \PNt"*.-4, l*J3+tvtt-lb /1 5a&- frragntte /O &At-. : Jup lret<ll 6uAt- , *Indicate size 5 qallon. GROUND COVERS of proposed strrubs.Minimun size of shrubs is Square Footaqegybet" t ) '.;i FOD= r\ -tl ' SEED i>:..) \ Z€eot 6uot TYPE OF IRRIGATION . ,{s TYPfr.OR METH9D OF EROSION CONTROL .LANDSCAPE LIGHTING:: If exterlor lighting is proposed, please shovr the number of fixtures and locations on a separate liqhtinq p1an. Identify each fixture from the lighting plan ;;-tha iiit ueto""and plovtde the wattage, height above grade and tyPe of'light ProPosed, D.-; . OTIIER LANDSCAPq FE4TgRE.S (retaining walls, fences' swimrning- rj.r ;;liI'J,letc:y:.t:.,$rliJiel:irFEqlfyr' rndi6ate heishts of retainins ,.,.,' warts. uaxiniu-ri[fiElfir;E:qi-r,itrg within the front setback is i-i;;i. l4aximum'.-frdibfrt'-of. walls el.sewhere on the Propertv is 6 feet. '.:,:b;;EZe& (ru'rce lD runtu dl0rla i 6to*te ValEe) .**-..J--.,._ mu FrltzlenPlerceBrlner AR,CH ITEC TURE P I ANN INS IN TERIORS Date: e/g/- =t Job No. '7i:4-'1 RelDatT Attns Attached Please Find: _ Progress Prints\ Specificat,ions ;;Flans _ Shop Drawlnge Other LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL The itens listed above are: _ For Review and Coment _ As Requested Other )<..Por Your Use Returned After Review ?age 1 TRANSOOO. DOC Remarks 2 6, 5 54 PT, 6P#, FEtl trx.ti: t ..t,:.t-'o r t -1 UPPef< lBleu ( E'arzu cg u.tpn+ e>t= Fzvrn\ 452 :;', t. t"'7-l .4 {'? /'-:,t+ t2unleUJrlt 1ffi- /' t p dt/FA/ -- a;ZZ*?.'\ - ELf:r/ttlaoN {z /1 By:F: t 't: ,' :-f|r]Eu eD Coples to: t 000 LtoNsRtDcE L00p vA !L Cot oRADO 61658 -/.. ' l J"t)).'1, ? ' POST OFFICE BOX 57 303 476 6542 FAx roa4?6 irro r )t - o PP.OJECT: DATE SU3I{ITTEO: CCI.!..IENTS }IEEDED 8Y: SRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: I HTEP.-OEPARTI.IENTAL REVI El,l .a)/QSt42.+>vqe_ . DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING '/f P.evierved'by: Connents: 0a te conments: z/ .4..,----- --1/O qr/-z-/.a,.2c-u .a '-2 .. z 2-----t /4r.j,..t2- /h, --'/ I J (J FI RE DEPARTI,iENT Reviewed by:./4 6'"pz'Date .7'Z? F 3=__.- ,- /zrEq_ ,/p, ZO ZzJ z/.12,//.,-*f E -ZZzl,7/...?//,z-zJ'-7 ' , *- <r'zz,zaz.-ti/ ,- .//or.* sJ ,/ /,' E 'z?"ootnJ 2e<e'1-'<7 POLICE OEPARTHENT Revieved by: Comnerrts: 0ate REC;:EATiOII DEPARTI.:eNI Revie"red by: Co;;ents: TIJN,1lr"f /,ooi-\t-. a PROJBCT: rNIER-pEpARTMENTAL REVTEw /fo^' /)ttt1u OF PUBLIC I{BARING tlat l* (t:1:d COMMENTS NBEDED BY: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OT /-,I [,/fu 'f> i.tit ?, I J', t'\ PUBTTC WORKS Reviewed by: ^\comment,s: , )'/Vel- & alJ*'n, Jz) /J"{ j)_ FTRE DBPARTMENT Reviewed by: Comments:5) Bo/- . dot t iJ 2vr-,/<- Dat,e: Date; 4) *^".-Tt+.--^. T"^^-fi"c^es"r Date: Dt;vz*1 Lavtr.ro L gplz) 9nnt*6 in Ta,to Tbus*,n+z "-=c. ?l^ | POLICE DEPARTMENT Reviewed by: CommenCs: RECREATION DDPARTMBNT Reviewed by: Comments: \ q' f&tt: /t"/aoour y'+l a/3 Dcvurr/ PROJECT: DATB SUBMITTED: I q9 COMMBNTS NEEDED BY: I NTER-DBPNRTMENTAT, REVT EW :/QFt€ DATE OF PUBLIC IIEARING rH /*/r: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OE TTIE PROPOSAL: pfno/4rfato wrrtt fica ,z€a's PUBLIC WORKS Reviewed by: POLICE DEPARTMBNT Reviewed by: Comment,s: Reviewed by: ' Comments: Comnenrs r ,) Rgrrla\t.i|t,o**o. *''d ?L'^-'6 ^ M*-, tla',-: . oz) ue ,,.1.. lt vrrtlt i-., N.q ru*- c^ 6,ea;ss/ €ar(,*ar lttLl.- !v< roaL eacrc,.zl€s b"F,, ttc Dl;,rvvluUtlt_ Xw {04L e^c(u14W3 b"l- ll* eo1y1rlg ? N\d{-J ?a.w..LU- PJ u' P.*,..L C.' pbtr.ll* _ pl_t ..,. A) lrw= Ate,{- $1;te-,.^,1- tL,,-[J V<- ,*o-x'{ ia'*l-' urou ounnor"u*rb y'el1 q;+Pv o>'[4n'''' ?-V\^,'- 5<j' '?LLl** Reviewed or, .) D,'*-:7 ,Tr& *X"'#Lt e% / iltJ., ,L Comments z l,1a A% rnr,r' u O^- lpa* #lcL{-,e ;s /4,5% 5u, l^ u Dat.e: DaEe: DaLc: PI,ANT MATERIAI PROPOSED SHRUBS sxt+fiHscF:slrFmTHE-*EI|*F Botanical Name 6lFulaAVULG.1Fl5 AryAt^t4re'@-P'/aee'ALTtNu+ - (e^*rr,Cetel@Ace*wE_ BETULAatMJ&@- frr-rNt16,47/?Hla/llt* ft)BlT1uefrurfE&e_ a)E€tia\ff /&erbr16@- 6ie4ta/ea{ P'ztEElCttttJ PLvt-t ft7t*naaa 56eu 56r+t- 56AL 6aao /1 56a- lO &a-. Ouantitv Size* A €&+t- u/5 4 z:l /5 .* Indicate size 5 qall.on. GROUND CO\ERS SOD TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHgD OF EROSION CONTROL of proposed shrubs. Tvbe I Minlmun size of shrubs is Square Footaqe sEl; -' c. LANDSCAPE LIGHTING: If exterlor lighting is proposed, please show the number of fixtures and locatlons on a seParate Iighting plan. Identify each fixture from the lighting plan on the lilt Uetow and piovide the e,attage, height above grade and tYPe of llght ProPosed. OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retalning walls, fences' swimming ;;;I;, erc.) preiie speciry._rndicare heighrs of retalnlns watls. Maximun fi"teni-oi-*itts wlthln the front setback is 3 feet. Maximun height of wal.ls elsewhere on the property is 6 feet. D. A'LelHa ZSoat NA},TE OF PROJECT: LEGAL DESCRIPTION:e *"8 LTST OF I.TATERIALS &SUBDIVISION Seventh STREET ADDRESS. 1119 Ptarolgan Rd. DESCRIPTION OF PRO.]ECTi l{eq €1qclq faqtbr reeLdence with employee housing unlt to replace etilqtl4g slngl.e faqlly residence. The following lnformatlon ls Review Board before a flnal regulred for eubmittal to the Designapproval can be given: TYPE OF MATERIFL COLOR EHattnr;z ZXb d\/AZ ZX/Z 17747z+, s/c.,,/r^J4 btLTlA Ftra xl*'nlE*<, lzy .eE E2Ndot2 tn+'rctl .5) t)i^l/- lrlqo ,*ou't I A. BUILD]NG MATERIAI.,S: Roof Siding Ot.her WaIl Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Ralls Flues Flashings Chimneys lrash Enclosures Greenhouses Other lz'b Z{ aElthtoaf> }.tt^rr*/ -, ntn., '_ lpt?@- NE Ole Noore R-4*.1 l^J 4r+e,t%.e Conmon NameEt-ElEmfrJa.dl<utZ! .1aPEAl Ouantitv Size* 3 l-'-/o', 4 ?/t- ZL'ltl EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED rfrlY. ,ryPn? Ev#@NAN?PT ts-tazr- |+ We(amte /F ?o#rc221 *fndicate caliper for deciduous trees. Minimum caliper for LtetTarr, - LlarlfFtt&Pt^toa> o7./- "kJ QTENE VEttEE& eAn tae.^,,.rr,* 6'r Bzowr r B. LANDSCAPING: Name of Deslgnerz h/tt-t-t*+zn Fl"He Phone: 47b6,42 PLANT MATERIAI,,S: PROPOSED TREES Botanical NamePE#!** fuPuLuO#Ey>'tct/ tt tDE6 Erees. Indicate height for coniferous "SUBDIVTSTON VaiL Vlllage NAME May ResldenceJOB LOT 6 & E. L/2 Lot 5 BLOCK 5 FILING Seventb ADDRESS 1ll9 Ptarmlsan Rd. The location and availability of utilities, whether they be main trunk lines or proposed lines, must be aPproved and verified by the following utitities for the accompanying site plan. Authorized SiqnaLure Date U.S. west Conmunications 1-800-922-1987 468-6860 or 949-4530 Public Service Company 94 9-5?81 Gary HalI Holy Cross Electric Assoc. 949-5892 Ted Husky/Michael Laverty Heritage Cablevision T.V. 94 9-5530 Steve Hiatt Upper Eagle Valley Wat.er & Sanitation Pistrict. * 4'7 6-1480 Fred Haslee NOTE: 1.Iocation. This should be used in conjunction wj-th preparing a utility plan and scheduling installations. 2. For any new construction proposal, the applicant must Provide a completed utility verification form. 3. If a utility conpany has concerns with the proPosed construction, the utility representative should note directly on the utilit,y verification form that there is a problem which needs to be resolved. If the issue is relatively complicated, it should be spelted out in detail in an attached letter to the Town of Vail' However, please keep in mind that it is the responsibility of the utility conP?ny and owner to resolve identified problens. 4. If the utitity verification form bas signatures from each of the utility companies' and no comments are made dlrectly on the form, the Town wiII presume that there are no problems and that the deveLopment can Proceed. 5. These verlfications do not relieve the contractor of his responsibllity to obtain a street cut permit from the Town of Vail, Department of Public Works and to obtain utilitv locations before diqqinq in any pu5lic right-of-way.or easement in the Town of Vail' A buildinq pernit is not a street cut pernit. A street cut pernit must be obtained seParatelY. * Please bring a site plan, floor plan, and elevations when obtaining Upp6r Eagle Valley Water & Sanitation signatures. Fire flow needs must be addressed. o/r/Z /J -A -fa- D'a- r> \oooL{*on ' tZ'.t-?L rhis rorm is to ?'9t!r".SthS\*trYl1fi.tv u,,a t7f @ UJ(t JJ J s o F- UJF^F; u1s(r3 H!z./sf : glJu*L,r .Y Fo GF o, J (-,ct (9zltr -c tr- UJ(9 JJ J (9 ,'ll .;l lrs -,Lll ll .B s| *(/) [$,U. i5PI o trJl-F o_ l li- \--s \ teDn II $ () z ; i\ ir ol f! =l o .() F T F z. hJ IJ a UJ () N rOctd(\lolqt g / I ,/I \\ ooJf4c{o z I Io{.O I = il$fi 'lElan \E ils$ r=* \E \N $) ) i 4-\7 t'/ l{ OO Planning and Envlronmental Commission Community Development Department February 2,,1999 A requost lor a conditional use permit to allow for a Type ll Emfloyee Housing Unit for the lvlay reskJ'snce, located at Lot 6 and the east 112 ot Lot 5, Block 5, Vail Village 7th Filing/i119 Ptarmigan Road. TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: IIEMORANDUM Paula May Tim Devlin Ff[ t 80P y AFplicant: Planner: I. DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSED USE In September and December of 1992, the Town Council passed Ordinances 9 and 27, Series of 1992, to create a new Ghapter 18.57 - Employee Housing, for the addition of Employee Housing Units (EHUs) as permitted or conditional uses within certain zone districts wihin the Town ol Vail. The definition in that ordinance states: Section 18.04.105 'Employee Housing Unit (EHU) shall mean a dwelling unit which shall not be leased or rented for any period less than thirty (30) consecutive days, and shall be rented only to tenants who are full-lime employees of Eagle County. EHUs shall be allowed in certain zons districb as sel forth in Chapter 18 of lhis Code. Development standards for EHUs shall be as provided in Chapter 18.57 - Employee Housing. For the purposes ol this Section, a full-lime employee shall mean a person who works a minimum of an average ot thirty (30) hours per week. There shallbe five (5) calegories of EHUs: Type I, Type ll, Type lll, Type lV, and Type V. Provisions relating to each type of EHU are set forth in Chapter 18.57 - Employee Housing of this Code." The applicant has applied for a conditional use permit to allow for a Type ll Housing Unit to be located on her property at 1119 Ptarmigan Road, which is zoned Primary/Secondary Residential District. Presently, a single lamily residence is located on his 16,559 square foot property. The applicant is proposing to demolish ard rebuild the primary unit on this lot and create a Type ll EHU, utilizing two 250 square foot GRFA additions as allowed by 18.57.050 85. There will be no secondary unit located on the lot. The area of the proposed EHU is 425 square feet. lo II. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS Upon review of Section 18.60 - Conditional Use Pemits, ths Community Development Department recommends approval of th€ conditional use permit based upon the folloring factors: A.@: Before aciing on a conditional uso permit application, the Planning and Environmental Commission shall consUer the fac'los wlth rcspect to the poposed use: 1. Relationshlo and lmoact of the uso on the der/elooment obiectives of the Town. The Town Council and Land Use Plan enoourage EHUs in the Town ol Vail as a means of provlding quality livirB conditions and to expand the supply of employee housirq for both year-round and seasonal local residenb. 2. The effect of the use on lioht and air. distribution of oooulation. transoortation facilities. ulilities. schools. oarks and recreation tacilities. and other oublic facilities needs. The 425 square feet EHU is proposed to be a one bedroom unit with a lullbathroom and kitchen facilities. One enclosed parking space has been designated for the EHU use. There is a Torn of Vail bus stop in the vicinity. lt is felt that the impact on he use of parks and recreation facilities and on transportation facilities woud be minimal. maneuverabilitv. and removal of snow from the sfreet and oarkino areas. It is likely that there would be ons additionalvehicle driving to the resklence. Statf leels fiat this would be an insignificant impact upon traffic. Effect uoon the character of the area in which the orooosed use is to be located. includino the scale and bulk of the oroposed use in relafion to surroundino uses. The staff feels that the character of the area will not be negatively impacted by the addition of an EHU In this area. The proposed EHU is to be 425 square feet, and the pdmary residencs is to be 4,831 square feet. There is no secondary unit on the property. However, $e overall GRFA lor the property rvill not exceed what would be allowed lor a 'tsaditional' PrimarylSecondary hat utilized both ot lts 250 GRFA additions. ! It 3. 4. oa Emolovee Housino Unils mav be allowed as a conditional use in those zone districts as soecified by Title 18 of the Vail Municioal Code for Odinance No.27. Series of 1992. Emolovee Housino and shall be suuect to the tollowino conditions: a. lt shall be a conditional use in the Sinole-Familv Residential. Two-Familv Resldential and Primary/Secondarv Residential zone districts. The subject property is zoned PrimarylSecondary Residential zone district. b. lt shall be oermitted onlv on lots which comolv with minimum lot size requirements of the zone district in which he lot is located. The minimum lot size for a Type ll EHU in this zone district is 15,000 square feet. The applicant's property is 16,559 square leet. c. ll shall be located within. or attached to. a sinole{amilv dwellino or be located within. or attached to. a twojamilv dwellino oursuant to Section 18.54.050(1) - Desion Guid€lines Duolex and Primarv/Secondarv Develooment. lt mav also be located in. or attached to. an existino oaraoe orovided the oaraqe is not located within any setback. and further orovided that no existino oarkino required bv the Town ol Vail Municioal Code is reduc€d or eliminated. The proposed EHU is attached to a single-tamily dwelling. Existing parking is not being reduced or eliminated. Please see oaraoraoh h below for further explanation of proposed parking on the site. d. lt shall not be counted as a dwellino unit lor the ourposes of calculatino densitv. However. it shall contain kitchen facilities and a bathroom. as defined in Chaoter 18.04 - Definitions of the Municioal Code. lt shall be permitted to be a third dwellino unit in addition to the two dvellino units which mav alreadv exist on the lot. Onlv one Tvoe ll EHU shallbe allowed oer lot. The proposed EHU contains kitden and bathroom lacilities as delined by Chapter 18.04. Since no secondary,unit exists on the property (although one is allo^red), the EHU will be a second dwelling unit in addition to th€ one that already exists on the lot. However, lor the purpose ol calculating density, the EHU does not count as a drvelling unit. e. OO It shall have a GRFA not less than three hundred (300) souare feet. nor more than nine hundred (900) souare feet. An amlicant, how€ver. shall bs oermitted to aoolv to the Communltv Development Department of the Torwn of Vail for additional GRFA not to exceed five hundred (500) souare feet to be used in the construclion ot the EHU. The aoolicant shall submit an amllcation for the additlonal GRFA on a form orovHed bv the Communitv Deveboment Deoartment. Aporoval or denial of ths reousst shall be made bv hs Desion Ret/iew Board in accordance rvih Secfion 18.t4.040. lf an apolicant obtains a*lilional GRFA oursuant to Chaoter 18.71 - Additional Gross Resldential Floor Area of this Code for either unit on the lot. lf an amlicant obtalns Desion Revi€rir Board aporoval lor not more than 250 souare feel of additional GRFA for the EHU. he or she shall be entitled to receive additional GRFA oursuant to Chaoter 18.71 - Additional Gross Residential Floor Area of this code for one dvvellino unit on the lot The applicant has applied tor an additional 500 square feet of GRFA to be used in the conslruction of the EHU. 250 square feet is being used for the EHU, and 250 square leet is being used for he single-family dwelling unit pursuant to Chapter 18.71 - Additional Gross Residential Floor Area. The final approval of the 250 squars loot GRFA dditions will be determined by the DRB. It shall have no more than two bedrooms. The proposed EHU will be a studio unit with a combined bedroom/living area. No mors than two (2) adulb and one (1) child not older than sixteen (16) vears of aoe shall reside in a one (1) bedroom Tvoe ll EHU. No more than two (2) adults and two (21 children not older than sixteen (16) vears of aoe shall r€side in a two (2) bedroom Tvoe ll EHU. Since this is a proposed one (1) bedroom Type ll EHU, the above regulations will need to be applied. Each Tvoe ll EHU shallbe reouired to have no less han one (11 oarkino soace for each bedroom located therein. However. if a one (11 bedroom Twe ll EHU exceeds six hundred (600) souare tset. it shall have two {2) oarkino soaces. All parkino spaces reouired bv this Code shall be located on the same lot or site as the EHU. lf no dwellino exists upon the orooerU which is s. h. oa orooosed lor a Tvoe ll EHU at lhe time a buildino oermit is issued. or if an existino drrvellino is to be demolished and reolaced bv a nsw drnellino. not less than one (1) of the oarkino soaces reouired bv ttis oaraoraoh shall be enclosed. A 300 souare feet GRFA credit shall be allowed for the construction of one enclosed oarkino soace for the Tvoe ll EHU. The proposed one-bsclroom EHU, to be built at the same tims as the existing drrelling unit belng demolished and replaced by a new drelling, has one designated enclosed parking space of 300 square feet for which a garags credit has been given. B. Flndinos: The Planning and EnvironmentalCommission shall make the following lindings before granting a conditional use permit for an Employee Housing Unit: 1. That the proposed location of the use is in accord with.the purposes of this Ordinance and the purposes ol the district in which the sit€ is located. 2. That the proposed location ot the use and the conditions under which it would be operated or maintained would not be detrimental to he public health, safety, or welfare or materially iniurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. That the proposed use would comply with each of the applicable provisions of Title 18 of the Vail Municipal Code. III. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Community Development Departnent staff recommends approval of this application for an Employee Housing Unit. Staff finds that all applicable review criteria and lindings have been satisfactorily met. The applicant understands that she needs to enter into an employee housing agreement with the town, which also will be recorded with the county. Please note that undsr Section 18.60.080 ot the Town of Vail Municipal Cod6, tre approval ol a conditional use p€rmit shall lapse and become void il a building permit is not obtained and construction not @mmenced and diligently pursued toward completion, or the use for which ths approvalhas been granted has not commsnced within two years from when the approval becomes final. of DATE: Lot 5 TEGAI DESCRIPTION: LOt (East l/2) &6 glock 5 Fillng ADDRESS: lll9 Ptarmlgan Rd. owNER &qy ! leclc,llal ARCHITECT llilllaur F. Plerce Height TOtAl GFJ'A Prinary GRFA g&reeoc*r^ - setbacks 5il:: Rear . water Course Setback ,Site Coverage ,.Landscaping ... Retaining WaII lleights , Parklng - Garage Credlt - Drive: View Corridor Encroachment: - Envi ronmental /Hazards : PIIONE PHONE 112-7qtt-t 19L tt7 6-61L) ZONE DISTRICT P.S. pROpOSED VSE G//\E-E ffi7nL\/ A//T?t E?nPLCly'FE ftbcr,tn/L UN tT **Lor sr.zE /bt55a Allowed (30) (33) 52Z. +w + 425 Exlstinq Proposed 37 1735 TOTAI "a=t'44V5 201 15' 15' (30) (s0) -.1a' "'frl/3 '\l't4 *)nr1 J7n ---t -+ 3=t t ' ,. - ,,? rT)F+/ 5 3' /6' Does thla request involve a 250 Addttton? ? How much of the allowed 250 Additlon is used with tbis request? **Not.e: Under Sections 18.12.090(B) and 18.13.080(B) of the Municipal Code, fots zoned Two Fanily and Prirnary/Secondary which are less than 15rOO0 sq. ft. in area may not construct a second dwelling ul+t. The Colnnunity Development Depirtnent may grant an exception t,o thls restrictl.on prov!.ded the appllcant neets the criteria set forth under sectlons Lg .12.090 (B) and 1-8 .13.080 (B) of the Munlcipal Code including permanently restrict,lng the unit as a long-tern rental unit, for fu]l- time employees of the Upper Eagle Valley 6 rteqra (3oo) (ooo) (9oo) (t2ool l?aa Permitted Slope -sQ!- Actual Slope 7 A% Date approved bY Town Englneer: Yes- No-[ ??? 1) Flood Plain 2) Percent Slope ) ?>c% 3) Geologlc Hazardsa) Snow AvaLancheJb) Rockfall , c) Debris Flow4) wetlands_ Prevlous conditions of, approval (check property file) 10 rt i..d l0l2/A Date Of APFllCaUOn n"""-l.. rt - tqqr Dateof DRBlvleeUU APPUCANO}I FOR ADDMONAL GRFA FOR PROPERNES N EXCESS OFALLOWABLE GRFA PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE A pre-appllcaUon conference wlth a member of the plannlng statl ls sUongly encouraged to discuss he provlslons under whhh ad<lltonal GRFA can bo #d to a slte. lt should be undsrstood lhat fils odlnance doee nol8,ssuro €adr property an addltlonal 250 square feet ol GRFa. Rdter, the odlnance allora forgg.,1p.,1!!Q3gggg@l ll certaln condlUone aro met. Appllcatons lor addluons under thls secdon wlll not be accoptod unless they aro corplote. Thls lncludes all Informatlon tequlred on thls fom as *ell as Deslgn Revlaw Boad submlttal requlremenF. A. PROJECTAPPLICATION Uav nestaence - tlew stn wlth enployee hous unit to replace existLne slnele fanllv residence. B.LOCATION OF PFOPOSAL: Legal Descdptlon: Lot 5 (East Llz) &Lot--!- Block-g Fillng seventh c. Zone NAME OF APPLICANT:Paula May Address 21 Scott Srreer. Chlcaeo. IL 60610 E. D.NAME OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE:BllL Plerce AdClreSs Box 57r Val1, C0 81658 NAME OF OWNER(S): pauLa t noy uay , Slgnature(s) P.. oQ'.-ff\a,\ ' J 312-794-1194 F.Flllng Fee ot $200.00 ls requlred at tlme of submlttal The followlng Information, In addlllon to DRB submlttal requlrsmonts, shall be requlred wlth this submltlal: 1. lerificatlon that he unlt has recolvod a flnal cedlflcate of occupancy. 2. Stamped, addrossed envelopes and a separate llst of adjacent property owners and of ownerg of unlts on the same lol, Thls InformaUon ls available from the Eagle County Assessor's ofiice. 3. Condomlnlum AssoclaUon approval (lf appllcable). 4, Exlstlng floor plan of struoturo. .'=t Nicholas Lampiris, Ph.D, CONSULTING GEOLOGIST 0185 INGERSOLL LANE stLT, coLoRADO 81652 (309) 87e!OO (24 HOUAS) Octnharr 19, tqr?2 tliILiam Fiercei Fritirlfinde fx'i tlrfi$,r Br:i, nner. Ft]ll Box Yi'Z Vai I Cti {il:t /r5B l-iit:r l...nt rs and mart fral'frm{ 5r Fl],ock 5o Vail Vi.}1ar:re Dear l"lr,, lsiercel: ll hnvm eva.[ r"rated the ahove ref errenced prnper'{::'y r,'J j. i:h rE't*pHct tc, tfr* l'lnderate Ruc:[';{aL l t.{arnrd on the pr"opnrt y fln the lown n{ Vail's maps! prndr"rced by me in :l?84. l"here is an s':r:i.stirig hnme nn the lot whicl-r will be replaced. The debrig {: l. t:t"t ha?ard 6rea i!: nr,',rpperi nn hhs mtherr s:ide r:f the rnarj , nrrd dcirir|ii not er{tr3nd i:t} f lru,sm I o*g, It i:s nosei hl r* {or rr:ch: f al l {rom tirei smltf h t:o a{:{Fict the F,ropert.y, despite the dislsnce {rnm the $our-ce t the exten';ive trmg. covmr, ;lnd thtr meaeFr ButErnp sn tl"laf l"r i. 1, .i. rsi de ;rrrmsin. {rnnt tho :rite. There is a rir-rtrcl i v i si i on roacl betrleen Lhe hi 11 and tlre home si te to the north. The chances of rocl,:s reachi ng thi g si te arF very i;1. im hul i+ a :imal l wall c|r^ bsr-m c.frn hriJ consf-rltctecl j.rt 'l:r'orTt o'F the trnme i t y{pul d be adr,,s.nf agrpulre" The :lit€+ iiE in a geologically r:ensitivc. area br-.rt- <Jxl'rel o;:intent -as deEicri hs+cl r,r i 1 I not i ncrease the harard tn mthor prnp$rty $r :lt:r'uctut-clri, or to pr.,rbl i c right,ri;-o{-.way, trrrl, ll. rl:i, l"tcl$, r"n$d!i,g:trfisf $r I siasHment,*,, r.rti L i'hi es or {aci I i ti eE or otfrer prnFerti Es o{ .;rny l';irrd" l:+ I can be o{ {urther servj,fi€.f , ;:lease dn not hesi tatn tm contact me. Si ncerel y ,, '/at^41n*^ Ni chol a6 l,-a'npi r-i si Cr:nerrl tI nq l3*c'1. oq:i nt otrru ru aa tr{ ]n{o{ ruo J aa =€-ru uloo = E IJJz Eoroil ulFo: _tr8lll o.'ox2duJ;J: t- E!r o \Ai o Nicholas Lampiris, Ph.D. CONSULTING GEOLOGIST 0185 INGEFSOLL LANE slLT, coLoRADO 81652 (30:D 8765,(,0 (24 HOUHS) OctcrbFr 19,, LSc,l!, t,l:i I .L i, am la i. er-cn Fri tgl and, Fi ercer Hri nnerF0 Fox li7 Vai l. llCl Bt658 Ft[[l t-trL 15 a.nd $tar't frnl.ljoS 5, hllor:l': 5, Vrri.[ Villa.rre De:ir l"lr, Fi *rr c sr; I havn H,r,,nl Lratecl {:he above ref mrsncerJ prmper..[y wi tfr re::lpect .Lcr 'Lh* l'lnder*it* R':ctl{al I l.laeard on the prDp*r.t./ on the Torln o{Vail's mapr prnduced by nre in tPB4. There is dln pxistinq hnme Dnthe lot Nhi cl-r wiII be replaced. "fhe derbr-i.:; {: l. on ha:t.iiir.d ar-ea is m'lptlted on tlrt:l mther si. der r:r.F thn rpar:I , ,i:\ n d rltrt, rii; nnt eiltr+nd Lp f"l-ruri:irir! I ftt s; ,, Ib itli por,*ihle for roch fall from the $$Lrth t-u *r.ffs:ict thepr"upertv, dc*s1:rite the distance {rrrm the solrrc:e. ther extensiveI:rmB cct\.1*,r'r f,nd the meager ouf"trrop crn tlre fri l. l, side aurmge 'f r-$rrrth€! si. te. 'fherE is a subdivi:lion r-crad betr.reen 'l:,lre tri I I an,J t-hei home site to the rrorth. The chances o{ lTc]cl.:si reaching this siteare very sl im br,rt i{ a smal l wall or berm csn l:},t constrlrcte,J irr.Fron'l of the home i t r,lor"r il, d be advg.n t aclmmur* " 'I hei, l;itt+ i.r; in a ge'ological ty *ensitiv€ are!a br.r'[. cleveloprnen,l: .as tlegcri bed hri I I not i ncrease the harard to other prrnperLy orstructr"u-es, or tc] public rightri-o.f-.r.lay, huil,Jinrl15, r-oadB, !$trer.Lsn cllastlment*i, uti. l, i'hies nr f acil:i'hi.tan nr- tl1;h*'r' prrrpefrti F]t;o'f .:rny f,: j, ncl " I'f I carn be of { urtfrer ser-v j. t:e , p I e.B$n rJn not hnsi tatn to cuntaqt me. Sii n c e'r'm I y. '/Ut41/,; Nli clrol as L*rnp i r- i r EonErrl ti nq lSeoL oqi Eh I j CGHSULTAHTS, I NC.30394 915?? DilrUO C SCEDsra 1 ; Fuff #te3/tz1-Ja (8a GoND BEAI/ Lt/ .(z)- *a's coNT' AT 'ro? cavR'vq- IgTEP DQND EH. DOIJN As hIALL goF6gr 'L"|-FFIN4 +Lo e ffi",Ir* o/ztltz ili;fr"'"-- Fill,!l --f:'s vecT. €:z fptep ^r w Fat*rT avv\r+ 4brE. gla+ atb PAFO,$C. t+v ?Avf,{l4 lbr larc'f.--1 ' .". 6"W darl?6fw. e+,€fii. ---+ + -ttn )\o t-o 1l-s to b-o 5''q , 2to l-o lLo te' (3)-rFeE coN T, ot'14y +- ao .oile e,w sTD, lJtRe JoIHT R6INF, e ift'l lo *E DHL* " l+ e fo! fi eh> io f'z e h1'tn 4-*1e{ z?w, fltreLY rl ,6l --- --11. rr+*E-€!*(f +- turv. Pfl# s FE'fAllJA i-}l\l.|. srplviitJAY P. 93 ! FlAtLlrc lxf t9.|0Ri 0,25.Tr DRc. rc. SfltttqnslorcoBrlner ArGIlrlcllltt PlAxtl I ll 0 I H r l nl 0ns 'fAFf 'r*.7t5(4ta OT SCIGDUIA 2X UV.N I a , I I II 2-2ralz 2*^leplra lge ?rl, Ltvtvh(W*+trt*) ;ilrl5:-lil:ri,t.: tlt lz\ -Fz DNLS x 6r-0, =!'---.- -r ..- l-tlaxrg.lD z'-l tqto 6 MAioNtty caEt 2'-g7a2l-gytt-o C'Nc, FAD __._.::E: " " - '---'l-;. lWqYuY+1FIf.l Zqu124', MAgy ptgR, eFDvT Q2LID r' -@)'tb o'^rusxfl- - -.Fz 6Po? 3lPt|Jar lxa| 6r'11+ 'l I L. a'2-tlF'-t12 2IY-IVEarP .l 24*lz ffrta? hr*F + rewt$a 6.25,15 WYJIlA Planning and Environmental Commission oo ) ct'.rr' ,;/lVrt t't(. & yo*l tq g{a'"lu^r/v\TO: FROM: DATE: RE: Community Development Departnent June 25, 1990 A reguest for a Conditi6nal Use Perrnit to allow for the operation of a Bed and Breakfast on Lot 5, Block 5,vail village 7th Filing, LLL9 E. Ptarmigan Road.Applicant: l,lonie S. Beal I. DESCRTPTION OF PROPOSED USE In December of L989, the Vail Town Council passed ordinance No. 3l-, Series of 1989 to allow Bed and Breakfasts in the Town of Vail with certain criteria. The definition given inthat ordinance states that trA Bed and Breakfast means a business which accomnodates guests in a dwelling unit in which the Bed and Breakfast proprietor lives on the premises and is in residence during the Bed and Breakfast use.rl A Bed and Breakfast uray short tern rent separately up to 3 bedrooms or a maximum of 900 square feet of the dwelling unit. Ms. BeaI has applied for a conditional use pennit to allowher to use two bedrooms in her home in a Prinary/Secondary zone district for a Bed and Breakfast rental . The bedroorns contain a total of 568 sg. ft. Two guests could stay in each bedroom for a total of 4 guests. II. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS Upon review of section L8.60, the community Developnent Department recommends approval of the conditional use permit based upon the following factors: A. Consideration of Factors: Relationship and impact of the use on deveLopment obiectives of the Town. The Town Council encourages Bed and Breakfasts in the Town of Vail as a favorable type of lodging for tourists. L. a oo oo 2. The effect of the use on liqht and air. distribution of population, transportationfacilities, utilities, schools. parks andrecreation facilities, and other public facilities needs. Four guests can be acconrnodated at one tine and it is unlikely that there would be nore than two guest vehicles. There is a bus stop J- L112 blocksa\ray. It is felt that the inpact on the use of parks and recreation facilities and on transportation facilities would be nininal . 3. Effect upon traffic with particular reference to concrestion, automotive and pedestrian safety and convenience, traffic flow and control access. maneuverabilitv, and renoval of snow from the street and oarkinq areas. It is likely there would be two additional vehiqles driving to the Beal residence. Staff feels that this would be an insignificant irnpact upon traffic. 4. Effect upon the character of the area in which theproposed use is to be located, includinq the scale and bulk of the pronosed use in relation to surroundinq uses . The staff feels that the character of the area will not be negatively inpacted by the addition of a Bed and Breakfast in this area. No exterior changes to the residence are proposed to accommodate the Bed and Breakfast. 5. Bed and Breakfast Operations mav be allowed as a conditional use in those zone districts as specified in Title 18 of the Vail Municipal Code for ordinance No. 31, Series of 1989. Bed and Breakfast otrerations shall be subject to the followincr reouirements : a. Off-street desiqnated tlarkinq shall be required as folloh/s: one space for the owner/proprietor nlus one snace for the first bedroom rented plus 1/2 sDace for each additional. bedroon rented. The Beal property contains nore than the required 3 parking spaces. oo Enclosed trash facilities and recrular qarbage renoval service shall be provided. ![s. Beal does have enclosed trash facilities with covered containers and regular garbage removal service. c. Removal of l.andscapinq for the provision of additional parking is stronolv discouraoed. There will be no removal of landscaping. d. Each Bed and Breakfast shall be allowed one recrulated bv the Town of Vail Sign Code. Ms. Beal is not applying for a name plate sign at this time. e. If a Bed and Breakfast operation shall use common or iointlv with other propertv owners such asparking spaces or a drivewav in duplex subdivisions bv wav of example and not lirnitation. the written approval of the otherpropertv owner. owners, or applicable owners I association sha1l be required to be subnittedwith the application for a conditional use permit. Not applicable. ITI. FINDTNGS The Planninq and Environnental Commission shall nake the followinq findinqs before qrantinct a conditional use Dermit for a Bed and Breakfast operation: A. That the proposed location of the use in accord with the purposes of this ordinance and the purposes of thedistrict in which the site is located. B. That the proposed location of the use and the conditions under which it would be operated or maintained would not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare or materially injurious toproperties or improvements in the vicinity. c. That the proposed use would cornply with each of the applicable provisions of this ordinance. oo b. oa oo IV. STAFF RECOMIT{ENDATTON The Cormunity Developnent staff recornmends approval of thisapplication for a Bed and Breakfast operation. staff flndsthat all applicable review crlterla and flndings have beensatisfactorily net. o.e/='li1 Pr:u Item No. 1: Aporoval of nl-nutes from June 4, 1990 and June 11. 1990 neetinqs. VOTE: 6-0 IN FAVOR Chuck CriEt stated that on page 13 of the 6/LL/9O ninutes thevote should be adJusted to show that he had abstained. Katlry warren aIEo had changes to be nade on l}r.e 6/lL/9o minutes and asked if she could nake then later and have the minutes resubnitted for approval at the next neeting. Item No. 2: A recruest for a conditional use permit to allow VOTE: 6-0 IN FAVOR Item No. 3: A recruest for a conditlonal use pernit to allowfor a Bed and Breakfast at Lot 8' Block 3' Bighorn Subdivision. 5th Addition. 5198 Gore Circle.Applicant: John and Paula Canning There were no public connents and the applicant was not Present A motion to approve the recruest ner the staff memo was rnade bv Chuck Crist and seconded bv Ludwicr Kurz. VOTE: 6-0 IN FAVOR The neeting ras adjourned at approxinately 7:00 p.m. There were no public conments and the applicant sas not present A notion to approve the request rrer the staff meno was made bv Dalton Willians and seconded bv Chuck Crist. A request for a conditional use petmit to allow Aoolicant: Irlonie S. BeaI. 2L ta oo L j, sr'Date Received by Conmunity Development Department Date of PEC Meeting BED Al{D BREAKFAST CONDITIONAL USE APPLICATION (Ordinance No. 31, Series of 1989) A.Name of Applicant: Mailing Address: Location of Proposed Business: Address: Snn e- Lesal Descriptiont rnt/ddboc* f suuaivision tllideltad 4,, Name of Property owners lnnV e- S. Aec.l Mailing Address of owner: 3 nn e- B. D. E. Ownerrs Phone Number: *owDerrs Sl.g:laturel C. Condoniniun Association Approval (if applicable):li/ 4 Up to 3 bedroours or a naxinum square footage of 900 square feet of the dwelling rnay be utilized for a Bed and Breakfast (B&B) operation. Please proved two Copies of the following information: 1. A floor plan with dimensions of all rooms to be used fortheB&8. 2. A site plan with the designated parking indicated. The required parking is as follows: 1 space for owner/proprietor plus I spac:e for first bedroou rented, plus 1/2 space for each additional bedroon rented. (It is possible that floor and site plans of proposed locatLon may be available at the Cornnunity Developroent Departnent at 97.00 per copy) If a Bed and Breakfast operation proposes to use property or facilities owned in con:non or jointly with other property olrners, such as parking spaces or a driveway in a duplex subdivision, the written approval of the other property owner, owners, or ownerrs association shall be required. Describe trash facilities available (i.e. enclosed trash facilities/regular garbage rernoval service/etc. ) . Pnifnfc - B-F.I - c-?n8 cickaV ei(E/ l''ep f/ 7rtnfr/ //(// at ^ etc/aseD, S///E/772, fiect l/lrr',6atft /rp/ 8,,n1 ouEtar laase ' F. /w4 ata L sha,f- G. ?a oo H.Application Fee3 $100.00 paLa 4', /r. cr # Include one copy of a title report to verify ownership. A list of the nanes of owners of all property adJacent to the subject property INCLUDING PROPERTY BEHIND Al{D ACROSS STREETS, and their rnailing addresees. THE APPLICN{T I{fLL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CORREqT OflNERS AT{D CORRECT ADDRESSES. Additional materLal nay be necessary for the review of the application as detetmined by the zoning admlnistrator. Time Requirenents: The Planning and Envl-ronnental Cornrnission meets on the 2nd and 4th Uondays of each nonth. A conplete appllcation foru and all acconpanying naterial (as described above) nust be eubnltted a nininun of 4 weeks prior to the date of the PEC Public Hearing. fnconplete applications (as deternined by the zoning administrator) will not be scheduled until the subnittal is deterrnined to be complete. s By I. J. K. L. E/1l *//t &Eoarvp\'/./trc,,( "/ tfrctzfruc c-M ,iot n D.)(-./ \. -'/.1_ ./ ,t,"/ L' ')\- @Vh'ae 6e8|poo\ \t I i'.- t fuPnc e ,=rtoind'- F farg csl .ft4rtrr,,(a,uo Ff,srghbAU ,e/IArt_A l 4!.,1.rOD', |---.:-:_=--: i /ZAO,9 /vt, srrlar/7eaufr" J p*1,a7 sV,erc< .y'/Afrll/ J zire,e,a,/ zt p/e//,./ Dn/ /t- Go/ /(?UE f<- tf cglt>crrtc e + l/tipygra t ,/c,eua,r sTj"fi.eE///( t. PtaRniaeu &(*iL , co. g//tr7@k *) tountelslgled: AGET{I18 OOFY +i,illlEfiJ f|t,i.i - r l;ru/ tr I z $leto srm.o Fllct{o S{n Polhy t{o. ArnomE SCHEDUIE A l. z Pdiry Date 0sbD.? 15. lgn rr 8:dl lJl. Thc luurcd hcreunder, in whom title to the fce simple csute is wstc4 d the date hereof, is: ,,\ f V^"',, ut^ 'Affi FE!qS d mD S. fnERtos, r3 'iblat T.lxtr 3. The land refqrgl to h this policy is situated in the Cannty of strt" of---co!cr'6-and is described as fdlows: Erglc tct Sfu (61, Dd tb Ebt ln 6 lst Flrr (5]. tlod Flr (5), tlll tllllEE' SEIEfiH FILIF, rcoN{log to th rlq*d plrt hrof,, Oqnty of Eleh. Steb a'f Color&, * rFlr S'This golhy vCid or{y if ScficdrL B b.tdr.d.A r rtrilr8 cF File No.ev{n Po[avrrG r $ltt! SCHEDUTE B This policy does not insure against loss or damage by reason of the following: l. Facts which would be disclosed by a comprehensive survey of the premises herein derribed. 2. Mechanics', Contractors' or Materialmen's liens and lien claims, if any, where no notice thereof appears on record- 3. Rights and claims of parties in possession. l. e1nfel or 3p16|1l ttni .nd Gscstptts 1rqd1ad to br nrld lr h yl1p lttl lnd 3|&c.{|cfrt !i!ar"t3. t. Llrrr for utDald nt€r.nd $*r drrrgts, lf rqy' 6, hctrlctlrr Oorranmts, *tldt do aot ootdn r fot{Llttn c rrtrtt clElr_B mtrlncd la llctrhrt rroded Oecunrr7l l$5' lr bof lf rt tlF 5lt, l. R.*rlctfr€ Goyrlrrats, tftlch do rot cdrtrln r forfbltrG c l|ilttr cl|G|.thlt tb trbject DcoDertt rhrll mt bc rold, lcrad or Eld tb trl F P cf cnrctlno F cDerrtlnq I qrsollne s€wlot statlm uttfl ld th |3 tl: rmurl $t& of imottre rt-ttt rcvdce strtfo' lanted B h fnrlsr rold to hll Tlllege lur croeeds 600,(m g.tlfis rs cct fnGd In lartnmt rrcerdld Srptrdcr 25, l5l, fn bt l8 rt Prgc l5l. A L, r, 'tt, ii) t'U|.iL I oo oo DtrFMRTMtrNT @trtr@MMUNITV DtrVtrL@FMENT XXXXXXX sALEs AcroN FoRM XXXXXXX v- PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS HEFJEBY GMN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Torrn of vail sitl hotd a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the rnunicipal code of the Town of Vail on ;Iune 11, 1990 at 3:oo p.m. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. Consideration of: 1. A reguest to apply High Density tlulti-Faruily zoning to the t{arriott }lark Resort, a najor amendnent to Special Development District No. 7 (Marriott ilark) and for a conditional use perrnit in order to add 58 timeshare units and I employee housing units.Applicant: Marriott Corporation. 2. A request for a front setback variance and a creek setback variance for Lot 6, Vail Village west' Filing No. 2, L755 West Gore Creek Drive.Applicant: Dan and Karen Forey 3. A request for a height variance for an addition to condohinium Unit E-5, Lot P, Block 5D, VaiI Village First Filing, 141 East Meadow Drive.Applicant: H. williaur Snith' Jr. 4. A request for a height variance for an addition to condominium Unit E-5, Lot P' Block 5D, vail Village First Filing, 141 East Meadow Drive.Applicant: Robert Srnith 5. A najor amendment to Special DeveloPment District No. 4' Area c, Section 18.45.100, Paragraph C: deletion of the following sentence trNo residential lot shall contain more than eZoo square feet of GRFA per the GIen Lyon subdivision covenantsrr, which amends the GRFA requirement to confonn to the Primary/Secondary zone district, Section 18.13.o80, Density Control .Applicant: Greg Arnsden for 758 of the property owners. 5. A request for a setback variance in order to add a bay window at ViIIa Valhalla, Unit No. 3, Lot JI , Block A, Vail Village 5th Filing.Applicant: Harry Davison 7. A request for a naJor subdivision, a request to approve the preliuinary plan, i request for a variance to the naximurn Leight for-retaining walls, and a request for a variance to the-maximum percent grade for a road, on a parcel connonly referred to as Spraddle Creek, an approxinrate 40 acre parcel located north and east of the Main vail I-70 interchange and east of the Spraddte Creek livery. Cornrnencing at the Northeast Corner of the Southeast L/4 of the Southwest L/4 of Section 5, Township 5 South, Range 8o West of the 6th Principal lleridian, being an Eagle County Brass Cap properly marked-and set, with all-bearings contained herein being 1//r./d A(@,for] d.'',-'*- r'-Y\ r/aa|q o 9. 10. retativealc a bearing of S oo 11r ollE between the x;I'H:=:*it3."8";*: ::":lil':"k1"t'lio':;'til:=' r/!' Southwest L/4 beLng an Eagle County Brass cap properly narked and seti said NortheaEt Corner of the Southeast L/4-of the Southwest L/4 belng the Point of beginning; thence S OO 11 | OOrr E along the east line of said Southeast L/4 ofthe Southwest L/4 of Section 5 a distance of 1320.14 feet totbe Southeast Corner the said Southeast L/4 of the SouthwestL/4 of Section 5i thence S 89 47r 48n I{ along the south lineof said Southeast L/4 of the Southwest- L/4 of Section 5 a distance of 901.00 feett thence N 73 48t 32" tl alongInterstate 70 Right of l{ay line a distance of 2L4. 12 feett thence N 66 52 | L2tt I{ along said Right of l{ay line a distance of 24L.10 feet to a point on the west line of sald Southeast L/4 of the Southwest L/4 of Section 5; thence N 002or 31rr W along the west line of said Southeast 1rl4 of the Southwest L/4 of Section 5 a distance of 1161.65 feet to the Northwest Corner of the Southeast L/4 of the Southwest l/4of Section 5 being an Eagle County brass cap properly narked and seti thence N 89 41r 12r E along the north line of said Southeast l/4 of the Southwest L/4 of Section 5 a distanceof 1331.07 feet to the Point of Beginning. Said real.property containing 39.55 acres, more or less. AppJ.icant: ceorge Gi11ett, Jr. A request for a conditional use permit to allow for a Bed and Breakfast at Lots 6 and L/2 of 5, Block 5, Vail Village Seventh Filing, 1119 E. Ptatmigan Road.Applicant: Monie S. Beal A reguest for a conditional use pernit to allow for a Bed and Breakfast at Lot 3, Block 3, VaiI Internountain, 2754A Basingdale. Catherine s. cheney A reguest for a conditional use petmit to allow for a Bed and Breakfast at Lot 8, Block 3, Bighorn Subdivision, 5thAddition, 5198 Gore Circle.Applicant: John and Paula Canning A request for a conditional use pennit to allow for a Bed and Breakfast at Lot 8A, VaiI Vitlage 10th Filing, 920 Fairway Drive.Applicant: A1ice M. Cartwright information about the proposals are inspection in the Corarnunity Development 11. The applications and available for public Department office. Town of Vail Conrnunity Development Published in the VaiI Department Trail on ltay 25, 1990. oz t- =G llJo- tr LA ar, uJ UJ]l- tr =Iu o- \\\\s\ @ r\ I E zH trlFE E @ @q lgJ .E,-rO-l >i E JZS!lo< (JEzo6FJ uJF E FIz =o zz o uJF z =J t0 .5 zza) Jt! i Fo Fz uJz 3var !!U,6z;3 Ev <FZrtYZo< !I .{. z -Uil " //. it 77.' ,/ 1. 1r &:( J\//J /'t,'.1 ;t)t-'t a".. F-{ z Fl ; Eo o .9 (! c- R(D oo .cE o, o (o a)Eo q) == d) E o = l o 0) o o-(! 3o't o '=O(,;i*ipi9Eh; =.c s? €*Eg8EiE: € 6P.0c-o> e$:E* 6.0 deE!sc96F.lo5od3;; EE-F;*.9 o -c cEoS.r'- O Otq-F E !;e o- 6 o--o=-o.u: O*o!E-qr =€:€P6(!6e:tB a: oE * E6ES -+Cf(uo'-!.c= o (a ar <lrF.9gEEs €Ei= .iiGF9 ;?t X - o:9-46jjh9E or -c5g: e.l F \o CN @ C-l E ur o- z J o Y()!!I z ) - F UJJ uJ z J z f uJ: ul uJ z tr uJ uJ 3 UJ uJ z oo-Iuo =z |rl F ulo U' uJ uJt! tr =G, uJo- J FoF z 6J o ) EF() uJ tr z = Jo- 2 Ioul '-iH ts NOrrvntv^ eIp4 t4H E JoFFT Jdoll EH HqIilH A1rllfi x G,o3Z tJ-oornz>9 a ulo J c uJz ll,0 <\l 6l =>c itg =co z ho- totrcu>O1>9C)a)zr.L<o* iH .iGi z tr fJ u. CE e.(, UJ F rn F!, (L t/J J z Eo z tr llJ F =IJJz tltltltl tzlzOatru,<oo< =F9E5o<z trz,- 9= fio3fiOI utlJ a LIJzY iF z F 5az tt) =3t uJ x X X X Flo i z tr z YE t! o uJo <l:-| z) z o uJot! llJz 9)t tlt IL J z Eo cn I A/l /i: ''.-//z ) @o\ o\ I E u,F o ulFo c0o-zo Fo- IJJY lrJo oF tr (E uJ IIo TLoo uJF z & z HE H z o9zQ coo =z dP dfi Zr-1 ;HEbrr tr: uJIL IL :1{EZE<ofo96YE9vc( 'eEE =a=Lrl-E !:=(r*;ijE =*--c Ub9 \utE XO-t x>O;Fcl ..1g= LIJ F I-- !tr E =Glrlo.zIF(J DEFozoo Itr F-i9; H Hz E ii =z o-) 2 E F a UJ oo - =z c. rt I F F =o tt, uJ = tr I z HH chz =(r I|-\.if, z IJJt ltoz3 9l NF\F\ I t\$ l,a't.$\' cf) I C\o\ tli llJF tr oz I!tr a o 23o oz .; ullr oz3 F tr z ,i uJ = z3 F t! Ju/F E oz o uJtr l!oz3oF t!J llJF E UJz = F uJ F IOE <FEOt!<ZE,UJF(42oO )E<o()F ES XF',2 -oJO >Y =<z.efF!zrr- o <= =F?()d<r-(! nJ=>U E I'ru.J i \JZ O <c)9.n =a '6 a \ INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL orre\'.,-''t-\ .roe CALLER .....: READYFoR|NSPECT|oN:MoNrTUES.'WEDTHURFR|-AM,PM.\.r(-. \.\ '.*--..- t." .. --- ' LOCATION: \$ ',. \\\.r", .'. . r - ,. .'- "', -l s ..,r- BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGBOUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr { r,"or- Al/ ,tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr tr FINAL tr FINALaffiE DISAPPFIOVFD r-'l FlFlNs9trr]TlnN Ptrl'1r ||ElEn ()RR ECTIONS: ,t ?.pJne J s,,b Q\",..,g i",, *",,,..Q P"..,*. g-T> \, +,-- b... t2 .J INSPECTOR O SURVEY v5-83R.ICHARDS ENGINEERS, INC. D. O. Bor l9 O8 Veil, Coloredo 81657 Phonr tl76-5072 Dcnvt linr. 8?5'l 5J II I I Iolt .\l SI\il .sl ]l\l ,ti u6t s{l :l q g o D {(, 9 aO I it i| rl it {l Fo 1 I I I!q q {q .q) d\(.tJ aJ ..1 ) sEoo Ve r t Vtttaa s Ssvsuru Frt tua 5E?o23'42'E \E ose me n t (utititg / Dr a in a ge ) {rr"F t-4t o lL o6 e.o o(, o FzDo(J { Or's \ a\ s s tf) oss \ / ,,' oz oz -I , Kenne th E. Richards, half of Lot 5, and aLl of Lot under my supervision and thai corners. R,EGISTER,ED AND LAND survey of the East oue- SevenEh Filing was nade the f rlre pr oper Ey PROFESSTONAL ENGINEER suRvEYon No.2183 \ $ s' ,[osl /z of /.o/ 5 l.t .\ \g $s\ Tracf D hlql iln{ ks,w NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ADD/AIT SFR BUILD PERMIT Job AddrEES: 1119 PTARMIGAN RD Location...: Parcel No..: APPLICANT STIAEFFER CONSTRUCTION P O BOX 373, VArL CO 81658 CONTRACTOR ST{AEFFER CONSTRUCTION P O BOX 373, VArr, CO 81658 OWNER MAY ROY R & PAULA L 416 VArL VALLEY DR, VArL CO 81657 t ON JOBSITE AT Permit .m Tot![ Catcul.tcd te!s--> 50.m Additional' Fcc3--> 100.@ Payr.nts--------> 474.75 BAIAI{CE DUE-- ALL Statu8...: APPROVEDApplied..: os/L6/Lees IaEued. . . : Expirea. . : Phone: 3038455656 Phone: 3038455656 474.75 .m195.00 R$tu.r.nt Ptan Reviar-> '126.75 DR8 .m Rccf.ation Fc.---------> 5.00 ctcm-Up D.posit-----> roTlL f EEs---- *: TIMES 89 s-0116 Description: STONE VENEER NORTH SIDE OF HOUSE Town of VaiI Adjusted Valuation:15, oo0 Fircptrce tntornation: Rcstrictcd: JOf G.s ApPl,irnc!5: lrof Gas Logs: tlof ftood/Plttet: FEE SUIIIIARY Bnitdirur-_> Pl,rn chcck-> Invcstigltion> tlitt Crt t---> .m rotal Pcrmit Fee--------> 474'75 .00 474.75 Item: O51OO BUILDING DEPARTITIENT os/rc/wss DAlr Action: APPR Item: 05400 PLANNING DEPART'I'IENf o5/L6/L99s DAN Action: APPR Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARIMENT O5/L6/L995 DAN Action: APPR o5'/L6'/Lgg5 DAN Action: APPR N/A Item: 05500 PUBI-,IC WORKS O5/16/L995 DAN Action: APPR os'/L6'/L995 DAN Action: APPR N/A Item: O5?OO ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH o5/16/L995 DA\t Action: APPR N/A Dept: BUILDING Divieion: Dept: PLANNING Division: Dept: FIRE Divieion: Dept: PUB WORK Division: Dept: HEALTH Divieion: See page thie Document for any conditions that may aPply to this perrnit. DE C LARATION S I hcrcby ackmltcdge th.t t hlvc rcad this rppticltion, fittcd out in ful,t the inforration required, corptctcd an .ccurlte P[ot ptan, and 3t.te that .tt thc intomation providcd as rcqui red is corrcct. I .grc! to coryl,y Yith thG inforr.tiotl .nd ptot pt.n, to coTty uith al,t Toun ordinancca and rtatc [avs, and to build this structurc according to thc Tounr3 zming rnd suHivision codcs, design ranieu approrcd, Uniforr Bui tding Code and othcr ordin nce3 of thc Toi.n apPlic.bl. thcreto. REruESIS FOR IIISPECTIq{S SHALL BE IIAOE ]IIENW-FOIJR TIOI'RS I1{ ADVANCE BY TELEPHO{E AT 4T)-218 OR AT OUR OfFICE fROIi E:ff) III 5:d) PTI ;,W,) 6't.(,,- scnd c [..n-up o.posit To: RoY llAY SIGI{ATURE OF O}INER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIIISELF AND OIII{ER /.. *************it****!t************************************************************* CONDITIONS Permit *: 895-0116 ae of o5/L6/95 status: APPROVED ******************************************************************************** permit Blpe: ADD/ALT SFR BSILD PERMIT Applied: 05/L6/t995- -appiic$.' gpl;#lu;o*ttRucrrox ," *ffff:: Job AddreeE: Location: Parcel No: 2101-092-09-001 Deecription: STONE VENEER NORTH SIDE OF HOUSE Conditions: I.I.FIELDINsPEcTIoNsAREREQUIREDFoRcoDECoMPI,IANCE. r1/ I . -. ,i/( 10 7zo7aa7 "-^-^: ,, ' rt To$N oF vArL coNsrRucr-O penr"rir *. rAIaylL 'I;- PERMIT APPLTCATToN FoRMoem: eftp 5 , APPLfCATION I'{UST BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY oR IT II{AY NoT BE AccEsrED I********* * *************:r * * * * * * PERMIT INFORMATJON ******* * *** * ********** ****** *f! r,lr\-auirding [ ]-Prurnbing [ ]-Electricat [ ]-rrrechanLcat [ ]-other Job Narne:rob Addre ==t / I l? Plw^ten- Ro aJ Legal oescripti oil Lo.-_lh Bl _.-i,!.TITNq / SUBDIVISION: owners Name: 4?*Qo-pn ff)*v Address: Architect:Address:P}.. fr6 -63y -l Pock \9 General Description: vtork class: [ ]-New [ ]-Atteration gt{additionat [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Number of Dwelling Unlts:Nurnber of Acconmodation Units: ^ Irnber and Type of Fireplaces: cas Appli an,,es :Gas Logs- I{oodlperlet-v fi*******.----.-lET*ttiQ|********** VALUATTONS ********************************* :Y.*3Il::: I 4@ -tlqqTrlgr!' orHERs s- Phone Number: Ecft,<4A1e- Electrical Contractor: Town of Vail Reg. NO._Address:phone Number: Plunbing Contractor: Town of Vail Reg. NO._Address: ________ phone Nurnber: Mechanical Contractor: Town of Vait Reg. No._Address:Phone Number: ********************************FOR OFFTCE USE ********** ************** * * ***** orHER TypE oF FEF- .' . ,.---'-'---=---, ta-tLw<4tu-_L_99L_CLEAN-UP DEPOSTT:DRB FEE:la,oo TOTAL PERMIT FEES: BUTLDTNG: STGNATURE: ZONTNG: SIGNATT'RE: BUTLDING PERMIT FEE: PLI'MBING PERMTT FEE: MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: ELECTRTCAL FEE: ,/at1,oo BUTLDTNG PI,AN CHECK F8E: PLUI.{BING PI,AN CHECK FEE: MECHANICAL PIAN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: gonments: MEMORANDUM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MAY 9, 1gg4 WHEN A ''PUBLIC WAY PERMTT'IS REQUIRED {\ , TO: FROM: DATE: RE: ls this a new residence? ls demolition work being performed lhat requires the use ol the right of way, easements or public property? ls any utility work needed? ls the driveway being repaved? ls different access needed lo site other than existing driveway? ls any drainage work being done atfeaing lhe right of way, easements, or public property? ls a "Revocabla Right Of Way Permit' required? 8) A. ls the right of way, easemenls or public property to be used for staging, parking or fencing? B. lf no to 8A, is a parking, staging or fencing plan required by Community YES NO / ,./ t/- ta' I/ 1) 2) 3) 4) s) 6) 7) Development? !!9u_ alswered yes to any of these questions, a'Public Way Permit' musl be obtained.?ublic Way Permit' applications may be obtained at the Public Work's office or atC-o.Tlq'ty Development. lf you have any questions please cail CharliE Davis, tna to*nof Vail Construction Inspector, at 479-2't58. read and answered allthe tr t, ! 3)u3Id \'3lZIIXJ T08t9l'0!8 rvJ fr: n1 98,,tT,,t0 tt i"E .Q?l-jraq\lfi -.1 i--i-- t:/t. r-.1:-" :l-- i l-.. I i-.! -i-.1H -|-: -{t-l ; t{t!t !. ill !. j-tt- ! *-- 6loN xlj ,u-lsod 33U3Id \TIZIIUI uJo Jc tn Etn2 o z F6 '?i!?,?€ 52 aE Z'.ii:=i.ii ii2,a::.c = i e = a4i-1i ? E 2 iz a a I ia - .t,.-.=a'21i2 Z z : i ! - -=zz:i;a:aizi2 = t'- -.= , =tivEa=9i?i:."-iiE.:iilrz=- 2i ziii= I I I I I l^ *l- O\l O\lIql-l tsl HIFIbl z, FlH tsl-\ Fl.t t-{ FfH v FI \o F ,l z c) H & FA 0\ E Fl !5 ' U F (t't ln oo z I CN I 6 <iHI 2l Ei(/ll r't I*l I '= g€ g 3 B zld H FT >.! z Fl A z z via Y\-<>x >22ca<<;irr-<\,.Y^;- z"Y-z= $.,t*tsz a\ la 'v'. - c4 rnt--ZEIT <c<=r{.1 F- ,J c< q4 CO oxz -t-J F F-* '-,1 <sei)-<7-F<Y O;r<i"zF !.r- > =o5EE*3-_r F- ;< /^<:..F8 tio> =ic.On>:,.i z{_-YV 3FQl<si<xUFn- l{rrcZlF>oyff;:?Do!.-x3.^FY*ifi*tF-U>F- +t -A..ts:t -t!+ilr Et+e. FR tfr F -aiF,aH .i|J|+ H -affJdF fH {f,T\{=7 <r- -tsr -? -El9 a+\ -aLrtsirdtrtFlFf-lH {=v rFr E1 A.tFadi-lraJfH rlJirtfra. € z Ff !q l+l tr ]J o0 +r t{o ,u d H +J +Jad(, !, .r{ t, r-l +J rl +, OJq, lrP U) 0,o Bp q) +, r-l o Fl 'rl qJ $l rlrl ol trlq '-rl 3 5l ol!lol ol oJl qJl in UJ oz oz I cl c5 I I I I .uJ .Ft< or1tl jt I I I -l >r <O.}E >zEl =+Jl 6o< Fl o.rll z It!IFca.<orlot, rOl lr I I I I .,1- ErScl9 $tH-'lo a,z rn o F o IJJ IIJ lJ- F =E uJc uJi F tl-J uJ U' =I tL tro aoA Et')+ #"*9. ,.4, EE OAo.YoE si q) 6q)l.,o F(E6.9 6 -o.to5(oog;esor-coEooo)NO grFcc ep-Peb.,E PF E3oo3oGcD o.E =tt5'53dl Bg 3€ol =E;^(D,->l cq) atoo stoooo .9 .2 .= o F(0 ol oN -at) ]o F o ct) ; G o o o .9 p'5 <t o (o .ti 3G ;-oo'.: (u '=qr(a g8E E:$t(DcF.= 6 isEc-o'- ut :iFd'l =c96 EEE E EE.FOO --E o eie!q!c!=E0-6 cL FEE|,-o_E*: E6:EE EO(!: EE E ; 6.s5ae s€;oi3 '6>.9 6a =ccii(!:6T 6i't s9Eo eEg -o(! F co \a F- ca \? ,--t .v.$ e{ Fo\ tat $_r ra) al, UJ u.Jl! tr =E uJo-J Fo F Lz, 2z d636OI +J 'rl OJo>' r-l qj OJ tr +,ootr +r B >' .r{ (! lH (,,-l o0 .rl o F OJz - 3zz!- h o. 4=X f >Yg9, of, tfroEZ:.ORQ fi tr <(9C d-' 5 -e.-R 2 d(\t0 =>E -I(',iui,{ =.oN lJ- q o- oE(, I I 9l:l uJlEl JI slr!lol 3l sOl urFI F 5l <l>l t!lol zl 3lolFI c\\' c'\$ I Fs o- FlH b0dorr.l E EI sl Bl*l 3lltnl uJlEIol I E (! =c! (! ca ul z c! -:r I\o |..\.ir-e F{r{ (d E() Xo UJq. ! lr o) t.oH c.)t{ N .J t{ =E rn rn I -{- dI I el olull(El JI <lilol zl3lolFI Po lr 0,+tr{{ (, o OJ b0lr o =tr IJ F cr b€dr-l,-lr{ FI (0 (Jz =u- >'dE (! FI (s A !d h i'i =z (D 2?;;o =<-ef,Fd3 E ir+i t- t--Oz E -.r O<Fc(J IJJ <zE IJJ F(aZo F(J LUF ? O(l t =G, uJL -<')-- a^- q+ t lu t! gj z L Fc = Jl!F IUJ =o UJJ l! IJJ oF co Ectoo Btt 'Et E EotJ o co E to! -f - .31'- ol.^ Lr)Isl\SI ---' i\.1--\ Oz an c'\o\ ra Fl r-llr uJ tsooo-zo Fo- LIJY UJ @ oFt EuI o- ]Lo o-o C) I ulFoz ts =E,lrl o-zIF C)fEFazo() uJF o Q oz E =g o- L f\ ..t) UJ IIJ LL F =E, IIJ jz 2Z'L # /l''''l) cr) a.) .v cno\ IN IF Jd q,l rd rJln .d !u o J trl!ooz oJ f uJF o F FIz =o zz utulF z z If6 !5 zz Julo =I EoFo Fz o .r IJJz3vE Iul .:,3 Gvf ujFI<FZnoz U'< o =(ll o-\A\\(o\ ,:l \\'-. \c\ _E "\ O r\,^ .l.J:{)Y\\(, rt€NNbl (! o o d) ! (D c = l (D (! i .o q) .9 at @ a!; @Eo Q .o .9 .= o (! CD'- oN -(r 3oF o o) € o() .D o o o .2 = -o E (! a; =(! o'i(!'=9(,l g8E Ef; g E=E O YEc-o'-oe:5 -Xia=#F3'i =c96 E sE_'E >, EEF E;Stq! tr.:- (! o-(5 0-$Et oP O.E*e E6:EE EO(!: Ers rrC(6 0'-"c; @F-.c S,*; E :.8 =6>o (!= T{ Ehte9E o P5g -o(! 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E I I I Ith r0 Tq T s I "? ihoalt Lu ry6 ,,,| < =l iz2 I Eo =E UJ .J = o- =e. oz d lLlE = oz3 =Etr 2 ,; ulE J a ll-oz3o 0,1E CE '.1 i( FI =ttr A I\o F-l z o UJE I t! z BoF =E z llJ J a IL z3oF uJJ llJ iIJz E F ul 'r <FG(Jl!<zE (42 JE<o(JF Hf;F =zlo E 2P e?>01 '.-6 <5YF 13iFiz =g l-E( uJIO @ UJoa J UJ J Llt-iEl l*o* oF vArrJ coNsrRuqrroJ PERr.{rr *kJ_fJ- i PER!,TIT APPLICATTON FORU DATE: ^ APPLICATION UUST BE FILI..ED OUT CPUPLETEI,Y OR II UAY NOT BE ACCEPTED Irl**************************** PEIUIIT INTORUATTON ***************************** 7t [ ]-Bulldtng [ ]-Prunbing [ ]-Etectrlcal p(l-Uechanlcal [ ]-other'4+4klc+L Job Name:ilob Address: Icgal DescriptJ.on: Lot Block_ filing susprvrsroN! Owners Nane:L,' Address:Ph. Architect , Biu f ttla t Address:Ph. General Descrlptiona h.:ctlllt; ic/+L tLt-k- Qe/J5'TL,'c-i1a/ a' I{ork class: D{L-r"* [ ]-Alteration g J-Addttional t l-Repair [ ]-other Number of Dwelllng Units:Nunber of AccornraodatLon Units: ^ rypnber and Tl4re of Fireplaces: Gas Appllances_ cas Logs_ Wood/Pellet_ D************* *** ******** **** ***** VAI;UATfONS **** *********************** **** **rl IiUTT,OTTIc: I EI,ECTRICAL: $ oTHER: $ PIIJT'IBING: uEcHANrcAu Iffi TOTAL: f- lr********************t****** CONI'RAerOF INFORI.IATION ********************t******t Eeneral Contracporz Gralz6[ €AAttFfJ? Ua,,slp'*,,t',", Tolrn of Vail Reg. NO._eneral L:OnEraCtOf : L>2atz6tl n fftfFf2 VapS't Pc(ttFt' a'OWn OE ValI Reg. Ng.Address: p O . '1.r" Phone Nunbers 8?r- <AT ElectrLcal Contractor: Town of Vall Reg. No.-Address: Phone Nunber: Plunbing Contractor: Address: Uechanical Address: ********* * * * * *t****** * * * ******** FoR BUTTDING PERMIT FEE: PI,I'MBING PERMIT FEEs UECTIA}IICAL PERilIT FEES EI"ECTRICAL FEE: OTITER TYPE OF F8E: DRB FEE: Town of VaiI Reg. NO. Phone Nunber: oFFrcE usE ** * **** * * * ****** ******** **** *** BUTLDTNG PL,AN CHECK FEE: PLUI'{BING PLAN CHECK FEE: UECHANICAI, PIAN CHECK FEES RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSTTs TOTAL PERUIT FEES3 Town of Vail Reg. No. E//#P Phone Nurober: *?'--1 ) i) ?3b , oo BUILDTNG: SIGNATURES ZONING: SIGNATIIRE: Conments: CI.EAI{ I'P DEPOSIT BEFIIf,D TO: VALUATION @ () sea JEr PUMP i SPA CIRC PUMP @ eoor- crRc PUMP @ spa FTLTER @ eoor- FTLTER @ t" wATER FILL LINE I]POOL OZONE I CHEM]CAL FEEDER POOL HEAT EXCHANGER SPA HEAT EXCHANGER C*,.c) (.} LLJq Lr-Lr-O g oc =g o @ (} iaA ispe ozoNEv/ EQUIPMENT ROOM LAYOUT (UntitIed) POOL EQI'IPMENT 1. CIRCT'LATION PUMP 2. FILTER 3. HEATER 4 . SANI TI ZATI ON- OZOI{E 5.C}IEMICAL FEEDER 6. POOL LIGHTS 7.POOL COVERS SPA EQUIPMENT l.CIRCULATION PUMP 2.JNT PUMPS 3. FILTER 4 .IIEATER 5. SANI TI ZATI ON-OZONE 6. CI{EMICAL FREDER 7. SPA I,IGHTS 8.SPA COVER STA-RITE 2 H.P. STA-RITE SAND CARISON HEAT EXCH. CTEAR!^IATER TECH RAINBOW-LI FEGAURD FIBERSTARS SAVE-T COVER II STA-RITE 1 I{.P. STA-RITE 2 H.P. 2SPD sTA-RITE SAND CARLSON HEAT EXCH. CLEARWATER TECH RAINBOW-LIFGAURD FIBERSTARS s.P.r. P4RA6GL 230 V s8s70 1_0.0 cs-2800 115 V 320 INLINE 3-352L 3-tt5 V 2-Lt5V P2RA5EL 23OV .6A P4RA6YGL 23OV 72F. S7S5O 5.0 cs-1400 L15 V 2A 320 INLINE 1-3521 1-115 V 2A 2 I/2" FIOATING 2A 5A GEORGE T. SANDERS 19i t^JE3T NINTI-t PU OUA iO]/ SI LVERTHORI'IE ,co 80498 Telephone (3O3.\468-8254 FAX (3o3)893*0856 I^IIP.5BO COMPANY EUILDINIG ASSESSMENT PROGRAM Project Number 37 l"lanifold Prinlout NAMC MAY/BLACK DIAMOiID System Warer TemPerature L52 :k*t<)XX*X;<****x*x**X)r**X)r***XXX*X**XXt<X****X:i(*X>k*X*X)k**x*l()k*x**x****r(*xx***t(* Manifold * 1 * * Xx* * * ** *>F****)t<*XX**x * ****X** Xx******** ** * *:k1()KX*)F***x *X*** x*****Xi< *x x** *xx BTUH,/Sq F t Total Head Valve Loop Room Up Down O.c. Length Flow Pressure Turns or zt GARAGE 1.L 23-5 0-6 L2 (Eil A'72 s.48O6 4-o :(*x*x(*x)r**xx***x********x*x)t(x***x*x*<:F***x*xxxx*x*****x***x>Fx)F******xx**r<*x* Manifold Flow Manifold Head Pressure **********x*****x***x****x*xx***xx**x***x*****x**x*****x**********;( *x ***)k:k* Manifold * 2 x x x x*x * * r( x( x*xxxx1(***** ****** x***** * x ****x** x*** x ** **** * l. *x * )i<* * ** ***x*xx* *x* BTUH/Sq Ft Total Head VaIve Loop Room Up Doh,n O. C. Length Flow Pressure Turns /--\ol 22 BR rO3 24 -a 22.4 L? \l€4./ O -7e 3. s680 4 -o 02 Z2 BR 1O3 ?4.8 22.4 L2 (L66) O.7e 3.s68o 4-o *r.**x*x)r *********************** **xx* x *** x xx*og#x x**** * * *x**x ********x*x**** o.72 5 - 4806 1.58 3.5680 1. 16 10 -6813 1 7-l ?.ao4a *xx*************x*********************x*****x**x* **x********xx ************x ManifoLd * 3****x*x**t<*x***x*****x*x********f*******xx*******************x***x******r16*' BTUH/Sq Ft Total Head Valve Loop Room Up Down O.C. L€ngth FIow Pressure Turns 01 23 BR 106 2r -5 24.2 L2 1.16 10-6A13 4-O xx***x*******x***************x************xx***********x******x*xxx** Manifold Flow Manifold Head Prossure Manifold FIow Manifold Head Pressure Hanifold Flow Manifold Head Pressure *****************************xx*********x *****x******************t(** xx xx**i f'4anifold * 4*******x**x*********x******x******x*x*x*xx * **xx *******x*x**** *x************ BTUH/Sq FI Total Head Valve Loop Room Up Down O. C. Length Flow Pressure Turns /\01 24 BR 1o9 LA-L 22-4 L2 ql41 0-69 2-AO48 4.0 o2 z4 BR 1O9 18.1 ?2.4 t2 ( tst I 0.68 2.7sA5 4-O **x*xx***x*************** xxxxxxxxx* *****x x x\xrdx xx* * * ********x*x***** * * **** o COMPANY BUILDING ASSESSMEN l,!anifold Printou! I^' I RS 8O ProJecE Numoer J/ BTUH/Sq FI Up Down O-C. ToiaL 195 0-47. 195 0.47 195 0.47 195 0 -47 195 0.47 195 0 -47 195 0-47 193 0-47 OGRAM Valve 3.3257 s.3257 3.3257 * x * x * x**** * * * ** ** * t(xx***x*xx**xx**x***>F**X**x>kX*t(x**:Ki<>F**XX**x***x**xx*X*)Ft<*)f*)F**x<X**>fxxx**** Manifold * 6 *x*****r(t(*;t<******)K*****X*XX**X***xr(xx**X****:l<X>l(XX***xX*:k*X)r***x***)F*:kX*X*X* Manifold Flow Manifold Head P ressu re Loop Room 01 Z7 ENTRY, 02 Z7 ENTRYO5 Z7 ENTRY Manifold FIow Manifold Head Pressure o1 o2 o3 o4 .05 o6 o7 o8 BTUH,zSq Ft Up Down 0. C - r- .35 3 -3967 L.A4 1 .8605 - 2.40 3.3257 Loop Room Manifold Flow Manifold Head P ress u re Total l.Jo a r{VaIve Length Flow Pressure Turns Total Head Valve Length FLow Pressure Turns BTUHISq FtUp Down O.C. 32.A 19.8 L2 32-A 19-8 L2 32.A 19-8 L2 ** * * x *** ** * * *** x x* ** ** x ** * * ** * * * * * x * * x** * * *x 4.O 4.O 4.O 4.O 4.O za za za za za za za za LrvrNG 21 44-6 3.5 6 LrvrNc 21 44.6 3.3 6 LrvrNG 21 44.6 3.3 6 LrvrNG 21 44-6 3.3 6 LMNG 21 44.6 3.5 6 LrvrNG 21 44-6 3-5 6 LMNG 21 44.6 3.3 6 LrvrNG 21 44-6 3.3 6 t -6607 L.6607r-6607 4-O L.6607 L -6607 4.O 4.O 1.6607 4-O 1.6136 4-0 o I rfl NAIIE MAYi,BLACK DIAMOND System Wa ter TemPerature 152 :K)k*X.****)k>k)k***:j<*:F***)l<**:l<*:i<***X:{<XX**x****>k:k:kX*)ts.**X***:kX:X*)i<*:i<:F)kX**)l<***:k*.**)K*X l4anifold f 5 X)* *X*>f * **XX* X ** X*XXXX *X* t<* X *:F*>k ** * X *)KX:F** *>k *x>k * >k X * X:k *)kX>f :k * )k *:k)K;k*>kX:lK>KX*:K:KxX:k Loop Room 01 25 EMPLOY L1 L9 .2 13.6 12 (?C.e<' 0 - 68 .3.3967 4 -O 02 ;5 EMpLOy 11 L9 .2 13 - 5 L" @6-, 0 " 58 3 "3e67 4.O >t< )t< **X)t<:i()t< **t(*:k>Ki(*:k****;<*)F)f *** **XX xx * * *** X*:f xYf-X X * x X X*t<*XXi<*)l<:F*******X****)t<)k Lenqth Flow Pressure Turns 01 z6 GARAGE lt L4-6 5.4 L2 ,@ 0-46 L-86os 4-O o2 z6 GARAGE 11 L4.6 5. 4 12 (uED ,0 .46 1 .8605 4 -O 03 z6 GARAGE 11 t4.6 s.4 L2 o@ 6.+a 1.860s 4-o 04 z6 GARAGE 11 14.6 5.4 L2 izzt O-45 1.8379 4.0 * * ** **xx** xxt(l(*>Fx** ** * * ****** xxxx)K>F * *** *xx x xY*-xx x xxx* x** *x** ******* ** * x***x *x*x** *x****** x*x*** ** xx*******t<x* t<* * ** *****x x*xx**** * *)F********Xr)F)F* **)F**** Manifold * 7*******x(x*****x******* ************x*******xx*************************xx**** ***t(**************x********x**xxxx******x*x*****x**x***xx *******x********** . :-:a1,Manifold * I ''{i..,"**xxx**** xx************x**x*x***xxx*******xx*xx*********** * ***********xx*** BTUH/sq Ft TotaI Head VaLve - Pressure Turns L.6607 4.O Loop Room Up Dovln O.C- Length FIow -CCMPANY BUILDING ASSESSMENT t4ani f o1,C Pri.ntout o PRO NAMC MAY,/BLACI( DIAI4OND Syscem Water Temperature 152 * x x*x***xx*x*x** *x**x,*x;Kx *:Fxx)tx:r.k,K>F,k.*;t***x)k:F:t(***x***-*x;k*x * * *:k:k.Yx*:l* *:rx x*x** :k * ** *X* **x)F* )t< X:k * )X:F .* X:k * * )K :k * :K :K * *:k;k * * x )k x * )F *)tlK** )F**Xx**;k*** * )l< * X:* * * ***;f X *;k x ***>F* i'1anlfold * 9 x**t>fX**x**>f**x***X*)f*>Fx*>ki<*x**i<xxt<*)K:F**:k:k:F*****;<x*x**>fx*)t***x>F****xx>k***** t:rr rLJ /e^ Ffurvrr/sv ' e Head VaIve l- - c]o\-'l \ L.27 1- 1011 i{ I RSBO Projeci Number 37 GRAM Loop Room Up Down 0 - c - Length Flow Pressure Turns Manifold FIow Ilan! fold ,lead P ressu re Loop Room OI 211 DINING02 211 DINING03 211 DINING Manifold Flow Manifold Head Pressure /l1 7q MqTA RA ,) t< Q 1 tr 'a> 02 Z9 |,ISTR BR 2 23.8 1.8 L2 l"lani f old Flow Manifold Head Pressure Loop Room ManifoLd Flow Manifold Head Pressure ?33 0.60 1aa A a6 153 0-42 153 0.42154 0-43 7 A17A 3.0736 4.O 4-O ********x*x,******)K*xx.*xx***:k**)r)k>k*)i<)k*****:k***X*****:f***x*****)K***)k*)k****xxr< *xx***x***x;F * ******:k *x*******x*x******t<*x* x *******x* xxx<*****t<*********xx*** Manifold # 10 :k * *** t< *** * * * * ** * ** * * x x** * ** x* * *** x x***X *X* * * *** * * * * X * * * * * * * x* * x* X ** * * x** X** 3.0736 o.76 L.2372 Up Down o-C. Length Flow - Pressura Turns 26.6 0.9 L2 26.6 0.9 L2 26.6 0.9 L2 1 - 0813 4.O l.o8l3 4.O 1.1011 BTUH/Sq Ft Total ... Head Valve Up Down O. C. Length Flow Pressure Turns 01 210 MsrR BAT r7.r 0.6 L2 2L3 0.38 L.?372 4-O 02 210 MSTR BAT 17.r 0-6 L2 2L3 0.38 r.2372 4-O *x******x**** *****x********x****x*********x*********r( *** x* *x x x*** ***x * **** x xxx******x**************x x****xx**x******x*******x**t(*xx* *x**************** Manifold f 11*******x**************************x(*****x**x*x*x************ x*************t( BTUH/Sq Ft Total Head VaIve 4-O **********xx******xx xx****x********** ******xx*x**x****** *xx******x********* Manifold Flow Manifold Head Pressurts * * *** *** * x x ** x** **** x ** * * * * * * ***xx x**x * * * * * *x* x* * * * * * * ** x x * x * *** * * * * *x* x* * x Manifol.d * L2********x* * ****************** ****xt<*** ************** ***************** ****** BTUH/Sq Ft TotaI Head VaIve Loop Room Up Down o. c. Length Flow Pressure Turns 01 212 KTTCHEN 34.6 L.2 12 r79 0.65 2.6845 4.O 02 212 KITCHEN 34.6 L.2 12 r78 0.64 2.6429 4.O ******xx***x *****xxx*x**** *x *** x x**x ** x ** **** *** x* t( * * ************ t * *** x**** r.29 7.6845 Project Number 57 l'lame i"lAY,/8LAc1( DIAMOND System Na Ee r Temper^ature t52 X:k * * * ** * * * *** X*x * * * * X>k>k* ** * * ** * **x x *x xr(*******xt<xX**;<xx****** x x**** x,*:r**t<*)t< Manifold # L3 X:FXX**:FX***1(*-**r<**t(*X<*)f**XX********)FX>FX********:i.*****XX***:kXx:<****:fx)|<X*)f*X* 8TUH,/Sq Ft Total Head Valve Locp Room Up Down O. C. Lengt'h FIow Pressure Turns ol 213 STUDY 30 19.1 L.4 L? 157 0.32 0"6A74 4-0 02 zts sruDY 30 19.1 1.4 L2 156 0.32 0-6755 4-0 ** xx**)r****:Fxt(x*xx*x;t(***x*x****x*xx******)k*x*xxx*xx*)i()k**x**x*;k **x***..ts**xx:k)K Monifold Flow 4.64 Manifold Head Pressure 0-6474 . x * xx*** * ***x*x**x* * **** )r* *)r *** * * * x * x * * **** ** * xxx*x* *.Y x * x**** xx ** **x* * **xx* x Project Totals System Flow 19-35 System Head Pressure 10-6813 System Delta-T Temperature 20 System water Temperature L52 Tubing Type hePEX Tubing Size L/2 * x x* **x * * **** ****** x*****x***x* * * ** * * x****x*** **xx)& xxxx* x**** *****x** ***x* * or WIRSBO COMPANY BUILDING ASSESSMENT PROGRAM Manifold Printout I pfr( $ott tlz fZt6 tDtucc LATouf '. - 10"4to' u tu.Stts TtO*t ..'{! Dud5 .^tt t2" AFr Pt tl't &rubl Ct 'I't ^t(. 8" Ftn!t!. ,, .)a 33o,Doo Brt) gotLtR B,ntLt& 5 rfs o^, tt " Pll 3" FLvL vf Ttf t2!.t i?oO F Town of Vail OFFIEE CCPY P. O. Box 581 / Avon, Colorado 81620 / (3O3) 845-9717 ftr* tr.H r.xr t.x, oozo{7 f-o{oz 'u FTF ={ _n _\,Orccz=9@2=ooz d @ mIq1-O,LE 11 : 3IHE El9s 3 la; : gItrP crliq Il-m=f-I zX=.o<To.deg,*ctt>a7,8iii "t1 m -.{ D =oz fFlH mt-moIn o r tr m T z t- tr!n oz =o''i #ll HgF<be mG3\o>eJl -{o @mx mT-{ozco @a -.1m 1tmv =-l 2o o) Cf F- ()o4o -{E+tfr =mo z z-tn -tov 9:ic3= d67 o9"-{mnz>mon-l>o|-n trl\oo\ no.1- =mo-{ €z,mn (- z =m t FIY Foo o o =_zo p qa rt.tIr I z m P 0l Hp) E PJ 3 t- m \o IT d 0q A I pr F @ \.1 '{ lr.m lOrl; li IM le, l6 I I I Hb l!lm lF,tz le -l :z o 'r1 :- m F'zo !! = tJ) 0){ tso rtntso o tito l=lz E t;tmlo t>lo l- la t; \otJor I UJ (..)u @ I = o B 0qo o Fh r+lo H .) o |-r li IB lF,lzlo I' s. I c'r IOtr€ 4F26' 'z f z(n r Joz oF n Ooeffr E;:P t olE a e\<n 2 2 'cIo 64oX Z c k 7z .4 - jl:0 0 0't 'n z z. 5 7 Nr@= 5-a< = r-t (t rt|.i rl ts.o F!' O - frE3a iigtsEi 3 =i *F ttt <D 2= =-.o otcf-* IeEfI r e.t 3aB=(og4o ae[€ -E o! e"3- = il i3 3i('3t= EEE 8 i'= g P Podr = =< l E g$; 6:3.n 3 ;E.ei8u a': ;i;e : o --* o 5.ot Do o o -oc =o 3 @g. 3' (EI ooo.o fo o =(D o 4 > at, ozitmC YM 20m 'tl Fo €zm z-{! o{o, "r|oI I U'filr'rl t-im t oz =z t- tn_q !mn = ='Tl mmC' -l!! 9rEz'ic,t; 3i; Slil' 'lN HI' I I I z F (Dg t-Izaz -lm(t, oI t- !mF = ='Tt mmU' KRM CONSULTANTS, INC. P.O. Box 4572 vArt. coLoRADo 81658 (303) 949-93e1 FAX (3O3) 949.L577 I o, ------l- JO8 SHEET NO, CALCULATED BY zeM CHECKED BY SCALE o^n lof tq f qs OATE zxb e'wD -'-'1 l^lA LL NOT r + c4u g.PPvreD bu$ )lElNF, t4,/ i4 VeC7.e lo" AND 6tD' Nlee ''hf NT BEINF, HOF.!?. e gr.lch{N ttl(t !ti' x U qA, sr&L For+'t, t;erx- *ls x sLue rctt rll*4e e 12 41's eE tL+'lt uaLilr ,1!1v+ llTas r.ltrs NA BEAM CANTILEVER HEAPTH DETAII. 16l L1 f q.3 ={E;" vVaA. AAehf tttuta.afi(p127 4t',%a4- fuv Al?a?ta orcoBrlner DqltrIlrc oR scsBDrII.E o @D 9'l fiePI aa4Pa6a ,4zt_?..-Vt.y4+ +" a\?E bv46v- - 14" ure.avqe 4',WWIM?' aTea- ?AH - afare vTllTeV nEvISrou DaG. uo. rr-uar-g3'.: iddf cncgaox 57 1000 uorsnlDglt0'villcq.oRADo0l650 soJ 476 6J42 FAx 30s 476 4e0l :i=3:!?-* xnf HsuLTANTS, r Hc.=u=f r=tt P.8t KRM CONSULTANTS. INC. P.O. Box 4572 vAtL, CoLORAOO 81658(303) 949-9391 Fo( (303) 945.1577 CHECXED EY 1/ u t^- (.)sa{L! _ ztb ?T]"JD "-"-+l I,^IA LL NoT ; 9FD.l/{N if4s x 9l'6ae v.t' JFl's etZ BEAM CANT ILEV E R H EA R1'H DE 1-A I L* ..-1r" *24 qt,. srrf..L FoRM tEr'E t'4 DNusx -{- e E't -L usltlt ! l/9 '+ Ct"1U qpovTED *dL'D,sElNF, {^l/ #1 ven.C, tb ANo 6TD, r.,.Jl R€ dOINT EEINF, FJOfr.t?. e le 3,i+ :::*.r.';.i"' -. .,. 'agE I )RGSUE.doo . r-Uat-g3 WF4Ao It4A /ra- SttWfaE &/qNED *Fot+. EltzlsgPlerceBrlner ARCHITECTURI PIAXNINO INTT RIORS Dqi|n:Iuc oB snllRryIrr8 D, I M n.r.a t .y h 4'.-?'T UulilbP@t/ F/%ftn6 4'Lt Lon 8EI'ISIOI gb-t t-t y9i Lg: tgHt'l l-t{,I"t UEU ltHHEt-Fh.R CDNS]'RUC .. ,. . cahfP, erNb Bh,l,. . Al (fi'+#s's .-......: .a1lg tdirl=&'.# qowffi olj'r.,.5 io 9ri. , llt=llll .' {FE ptlr.6 x e +Lo \pp!.0ved 0anred 4?92L5? P.El K-faoL O Qfflt,y1;4 ,,.. w l,,[ALL. MAY . 'EF€ I t n ,rq,q ./ a-i q ,o ol Vall Comrnunlry Flre rl D lslonrl'-tJN ffin tr D *l + ?:' r@1i oTq6-$,,eor. fi'{iflf, n treeoi 3olffiTs au.tt he isyuance o, gr.nt,ng .l Ia_Permit or approval af pl;a5 74.l0lrlicatrons shall nol driunr:"""" v' of.,P'uvdr ol 01iflS anr. rrrovnt ot rnL,,,,^r.ri^^ ^, ^_!ru!d..to be a pernrit ior, ot an !l,v..,i,uo,,u,,r rrar n0{ ce construad..t0 be a pernrit ioi,.ii on.ppr,oval of, any vrclatjon of a-t ot anv nfhff n"rri..^.- ^..Jl .0,.th9 provrsions u, thi! corj€z\o :l ;ff *,1'j : 11,:i :t :: : i rI l;; il;;,5ffi : i ffi il,ffi.ii iffiTfl9l6$rmit ba$sd upon plans. so - r!r rverwrrvrr' I r16 rssuance 0l 'rot 0rDr,6nr rh. h,,;,ri^^ ^.. -..€clllcati0ns and other dala shar: aN8 EAET €tt>6 oF ffib'8Lor rrors in-sarc prans,'$;;iilil;;iffi'3J::aa,.r ^rl iilibai;i,#"rlhl,.rJlcinsrrriciarf r0;6ffi ;,#,ft ;ffi s,fi : /trz Flkar6AN 4- o/ /ne (,, * | l-q 3 TOTAL P.Al KRI'It COHSULTANTS, I NC. I 8t3949 L377 O Rtc,r,.li'r'i i, 7 og5 F.6t KRM coNsuLTANTg, txc. f.o. rox4E7z vAil_ g9L0RADO 8t057 €0319+9-9391 FAX 949.1677 LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL TO: TOI^IN OF VA I L .BU ILbIN G I\E.PART M ETV T ATTENTIONI DAN JOB NUMEERI wE TRANSMTT HEREWTTH THE FoLtowtNG trEMS: I I MAiL I I oVERNIGHT ;{rex I I orHER COPIEST DESCRIPTION: I or=rrtu-.,7/*^ (gr.J.rpen) ,- REMARKS: BIGNED:COFY TO; KRI'It CONSULTAHTS, I NC. EoND 3M, W/ (e)- *Fri 4oNT. P. €2 .r'D [ilAY 27 lggt vszrea F.1larc 5A'.O :, illl {'#t ver.r. € eC *a'r c 12" C-o .6TD, NIP'E JOINT lsrt.rr. ior,tz, e tax gffi llll .I?llf5 ovtre*-$[_g 14r- ' 2tf z z o ^l+ MAY R-EEIbFNCE SECTION 3/4--r-o t Town of VaiI 25 South Frontage RoadVaiI, Col-orado 81657(303) 4'19-2138 Plan analysis based onthe 1991 Uniform Buildinq Code Project Number: 032593 Address: 1119 PTARMIGAN RD ConLracLor: GEORGE SHAEFFER Architect : FRITZLEN, PIERCE Engineer: K. MCGHEE Name: MAY RESIDENCE Date: March 25, 1993 Occupancy: R3, Ml- Type of Const: V-N Plans Examiner: DAN STANEK NOTE:The code items ]j-sted in this report are not intended to be a complete listing of all possible code requirements in t.he 1991 UBC. It is a guide to selected sections of the code. SEPARATION DIRECTION BOUNDARY AREA INCREASE FIRE PROTECTION NORTH Property line l-l-.0 Feet 11.0 FeetEAST Property line 47.0 Feet. 47.0 Feet SOUTH Property line 23.0 Feet 23.0 Feet WEST Property line 20.0 Feet 20.0 Feet EXTERIOR WALL FIRE RATINGS AND OPENING PROTECTION Table 17-A & Tab]e 5-A NORTH EAST SOUTH WEST OCC BRG NON-BRG OPNG BRG NON_BRG OPNG BRG NON-BRG OPNG BRG NON_BRG OPNG WALL WALL PROT WALL WALL PROT WALL WALL PROT WALL V'7ALL PROT R3 Ohr Ohr None Ohr Ohr None Ohr Ohr None Ohr Ohr None M1 Ohr Ohr None Ohr Ohr None Ohr Ohr None Ohr Ohr None The exterior wafl-s may be of COMBUSTIBLE material-. Sec .220I . None -- No fire protection requirements for openings. ProL -- Openings are to be protected wlth 3/4 hr fire assemblies. 50% of the area of the wal-I maximum. Sec.2203. (b) & Table 5-A Maximum single window size is 84 sq.ft with no dimension. glreater than 12 feet. -- Sec. 4306. (h) NOP -- Openings are not permitted in this wal1. * -- These wal-l-s may be required to have a parapet waII 30 inches above the roofing. The parapet waff is required to have the same fire ratinq as the wal]. See section 1710. for detail-s and exceptions. FL NAME AREA MIN . LIGHT MIN.VENT NO.EXlTS EGRESS 3 STUDY TOTAL FOR FLOOR,2 Kitchen ? nininrr rnnm t r 'i ,, .ia L)L VrrrY !\J\JI|I'2 Of f i-ce2 Bath room2 Master bedroom 2 Master bath2 Halls, closets, etc. TOTAL FOR FLOOR1 Garage WEST & EAST1 EMPLOYEE LIVING1 WEST BEDROOM & BATH1 MID. BEDROOM & BATH1 Bedroom EAST1 Bath room #1 1 T arrnrlrrr r.\.1rrJ - --^.11 HaIIs, closecs, etc. TOTAL FOR FLOOR BU]LDING TOTAL 383 383 554 '7 56 1A?' '75 30 241 241 252 2904 LI91 410 306 239 2r2 54 4-t 644 3109 6396 38.30 55.40 75.60 '7 4 .3Q 10.00 0.00 24.70 0.00 0.00 0.00 41 .00 30.60 23 .90 2\.20 0.00 0.00 0.00 19.15 21 .10 37.80 37.15 s.00 12 .35 0.00 0.00 20 . s0 15.30 11.95 10.60 2.35 0.00 No NO No No No No Yes No NO No Yes YeS Yes Yes No No No 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 FOOTNOTES:1) EGRESS - An operable window or door that opens directlyis required from this room. The minimum cfear openablethe following. -- Sec. 1204.1) The minimum cl"ear height is 24 inches2) The minimum cl-ear width is 20 inches3) The minimum cl"ear area is 5.7 square feet4) The maximum sifl- height is 44 inches2) The number of exits i-s based on Table 33-A (Dwellings) 3) A mechanical ventil-ati-on system may be used in in l-ieu openings for ventilation. -- Sec. 1205. (c) to the exterior area must meet of exteri or ROOM DIMENSIONS: Habitable space shall have a ceiling height of not fess than 7 feet 6 inches. Kit.chens, haIIs, bathrooms and toilet compartments may have aceiling heighc of 7 feet measured to the Lowesc projeccion. If the ceiling is sloping, then the minimum height is required in only I/2 of the area. --Sec. 7201 .la) Every dwelling unit shall have at feast one room which has not fess than 120 square feet of floor area. OLher habitable rooms except kitchens shall have an area of not less than 70 square feet. -- Sec. 1207. (b) Habitable rooms other than a kitchen shall not be fess than 7 feet in anv dimension. -- Sec . 7201 . (c\ GLAZING REQUIREMENTS:All glazing in hazardous locationsglazing material. -- Sec. 5406. (d) 1 \ Cl rz i nrl i n i nrrrocc rnd orrrac^L' \Jrqz.rrrY ..r- r r rrrYrcoo o.rr\,r q:V!s,5) .i c rarrrri rarl l-n l-ro ^€ ^-.F^+r,"L5 !s\{tlrrs\.r u \.,/ !s (Jl >argLy doors excent -a I ouSieS. 2) Glazing in fixed and sliding panels of sliding door assembfies and panels in swinging doors other than wardrobe doors. 3) Glazing in sLorm doors.4\ Glazing in alL unframed swinging doors..5) Glazing in doors and encl-osures for hot tubs, whi-rlpoo1s, saunas, steam rooms, bathtubs and showers. Gl-azing in any portion of a buil-di-ng wal1 enclosing these compartments where the bottom exposed edge of the ' glazing is less than 60 inches above a standing surface and drain inLet. 6) Glazing in fixed or operable panels adjacent to a door where the nearest exposed edge of Lhe glazxrng is wj-thin a 24-inch arc of either vertical edge of the door in a cl-osed posj-tion and where the bottom exposed edge of the glazing is fess than 60 inches above the waLking' surface.'7) Glazing i-n an individual fi-xed or operable panel, other than those locations described in items 5 and 6 above, than neets all- of the following conditions:A. Exposed area of an individual pane greater than 9 square feet. B. Exposed bottom edge less than 18 inches above the f l-oor. C. Exposed top edge greater than 36 inches above the fl-oor. D. One or more walking surfaces within 36 inches horizontally of the plane of the glazing. 8) GJ-azing in railings regardfess of height above a walking surface. Incfuded are structural- bal-uster panels and nonstructural in-filI panels. See exceptions. SMOKE DETECTOR REQUIREMENTS: A smoke detector is required on the ceiling or waf -I at a point centrally l-ocated in the corridor or area giving access to each sleeping area. -- Sec . I2I0. (at 4. A smoke detect.or is required on the ceiling or waII in each sleeping area. -- Sec. 1210. (a) 4. A smoke detector is required on all slories. -- Sec. 1210. (a) 4. If the upper l-evel contains sleeping room(s), a smoke detector is required in the ceiling of the upper l-evef cfose to the stairway. -- Sec. 1210. (a) 4 Smoke detectors are required to be wired to the building's power source and shall be equipped with a battery backup. -- Sec. 1210. (a) 3. Detectors sha1l sound an alarm audible in all- sleepins area of the dwellinq in which they are located. -- Sec. 1210. (a) 4. OCCUPANCY SEPARATION: Rcf wFpn thp cr: r:oe :nrl thc resi dpnr-e- matcri al q annrnrtao f ar thr f i;grrrv YqrqYs qlru urre !eorqerrug, rqro qlJlJr constructj-on are required on the garage side only and any doors betv',een the garage and the residence are to be a self-closing 1 3/B inch sol-id core door or a 20 minute fire door. -- Table 5-B & Sec. 503. (d) exc. #3 STAIR REQUIREMENTS: A stairway in a dwelling must be at least 36 inches wide. -- Sec. 3306. (b) The maximum rise of a step is B inches and the minimum run is 9 j-nches. -- Sec. 3306. (c) exc. #1 Provide a handrail on one side a stairway 34 to 38 inches above the nosing i-fthere is 4 or more risers. -- Sec. 3306. (i) Provide a guard rail where drop off is greater than 30 inches. Minimum height = 36 inchesr maximum opening size:4 inches. -- Sec.IlI2.(a) exc. #1 The minimum headroom is 6 fL.- 8 inches. -- Sec. 3306. (o) Enclosed usabfe space under the stairs is required to be protected as required for thr fire-resistive construction. -- Sec. 3306. (I) SHAFT ENCLOSURES:1i Chutes and dumbwaiter shafts with a cross-sectional area of not more Lhan 9 square feet may lined on the inside with not fess than 26 gage oa I rzan i zec] sheet metal with af .l ioi nt.s I ock I anned. The outside must be t hr construction. A11 openings into any such enclosure shall be protected by not less than a self-closing solid wood door I3/B inches thick or equivalenL. -- Sec. 1706. (f) 2) Gas vents and noncombustible piping installed j.n wall-s passing through 3 f l-oors or less do not need to be in t hour shafts. -- Sec. 1706. (c) 3) AI] other shaft-s are required to be encfosed in a t hour assembly. -- Sec. 1706. (a) Addi t ional rcorri rgJJlgnf g; For R3 occupancy Thi s nrnier-f will rccrrri rc a si fc i mnrorzemenf srrr\/o\.r Srrr-h sttrrzeyIrrrUIJlvJUvuLU]rLLF!Jglvu] shal1 be submj-tted and approved prior to request for frame inspect ion . AII crawl spaces within the Town Of Vail are l-imited to a earth to structuraf floor cerling height of 5', be earth floor only/ bevenlilated as per ubc 2516(c)6 h/ith minimum access as per ubc 2516 (c) 2 and maximum access of 9 sq. Ft. Any building sice with a slope of 30 degrees or more shall require an engineer design. Such design shaII address drainage, soil- retainage, and structural- desiqn. Excavation befow sfabs on grade shall not be permitted v,ithout prior approval-, Address numbers shall be posted plainly visible and J-egibl-e from the sLreeL. For M1 occupancy slope garage floor to allow for drainage to outside or provide a floor drain with wiLh sand and oil interceptor to dry well or to sewer. Any garage floor drain connected to sewer must be appproved by upper eagle valIey water * sanitatj-on district. ln garaqes brith Iiving area above, the walls of Lhe garage which are bearing the area above shall be protected i^,ith one hour fireresisti-ve construction. Ubc 503 (b) . Town of Vail 25 South Frontage RoadVail, Colorado 81657(303) 4'79-2138 Plan review based on the 1991 Uniform Buildinq Code Project Number: 032593 Address: 1119 PTARMIGAN RD ContracLor: GEORGE SHAEFFERArchitect : FRITZLEN. PIERCE Engi-neer: MCGHEE # SHEET IDENTIFICATION NAME: MAY RESIDENCE Date: March 25, 1993 Occupancy: R3rM1 Type of Const: V-N Plans Examiner: DAN STANEK CORRECTION REQUIRED A11 sheets to be stamped and signed by an Architect or Engineer registered in this state. -- Sec. 302. (b) Sloped glazing (skylights) shall be tempered over laminate glazing as per UBC 3402. Plastic alazingshal1 be as per UBC 520'7. A curb may be required depending upon glazing material, slope of roof, or flashing used. AII electrlcal work is to be complete to the requirements of the latest NaLionaf Electrical Code, aII Town of Vail Ordinances, and Holy Cross Requirements. Glazing in a hazardous location is required to be gJ-azed with safety material. -- Sec. 5406. A bathroom is required to have an openable window ora mechanical ventilation system. -- Sec. 1205. (c) This area requires an exterior opening for emergency escape or rescue with cl-ear arealdimensionsspecified. -- Sec. 1204. In bathrooms with a tub or shower and in laundry rooms a mechanical- ventilation system connected directly to the outside shalI be provided. Bathrms which contain only a water cfoset or lav. may beventilated with a recircul-ating fan. UBC 1205(c). 10 Domestic clothes dryer exhaust ducls shall bej-nst.a1led as per UMC 1104 and 1903. Flexible duct- connectors may not exceed 6' in length and sha1l not be concealed within construction. Ducts shall terminate outside the buildinq and not exceed t[l length. Cross connection control- devices shall be installed to protect pollution of potab.l-e water supply by use of approved backflow prevention devices. UPC 1-003. Domestic ranges shaII have a vertical clearance above the cooking surface of not less than 30" to unprotected combustible material-. UMC 1901. Heating and cooling equipment located in the garage shall be installed with the pilots and burners or heating elements and swj-tches at ]east 18" above the floor l-evel- of the garage. UMC 508. In buildings of unusually tight construction (aII new construction wj-thin the Town of Vail), combustion air shall be obtai-ned from the outside. Such combustion air openings shall be as per UMC Ch. 6. Furnaces not l-isted for closet or afcoveinstallation shall be installed in a room or space having a volume at least 12 times the vofume of the furnace. A boiler unit will require a space 16 times larger than the boiler. UMC 504 (b) Supply a mechanical- drawing indicating design of system, size (BTU and volume) of equipment, vent location and terminaLion, and combustion air to be supplied prior to any installation. Gas piping shall not be installed in or on the ground under any building or structure and exposed gas piping shall be kept at least 6" above grade. uMc 221-3 (b) Due to Colorado State StatuLes, al1 si-nk faucetts and shower heads are required to utilj-ze flow restriction devi-ces. Also, the maximum water closetflush usage is Limited to a maximum of 3.5 gallons per flush. A smoke detector is required in the access area toall rooms used for sleeping purposes. -- Sec. L2L0. (a) 4. 11 12 13 I4 15 I6 L1 18 A smoke detector is required in a1l rooms used for t sleeping purposes. -- Sec. 1210. (a) 4. :ffi:":::': *ffi: 5::::.::"T: ::;"H:3 i:'ileepins ceiling at the stairs. -- Sec. 1210. (a) 4. '20 A smoke detector is required on al-1 levels wired t.o an alarm in the bedroom area(s). -- Sec. 1210. (a) 4. 2I The garage must be separated from the dwelling by thr fire-resistive construction on the garage side. -- Table 5-B & 503. (d) exc.#3 The stair(s) indicated does not provide the required minimum wi-dth of 36 inches. -- Sec. 3306. (b) The maximum rise of a step is 8 inches and the mi-ni-mum run is 9 inches. -- Sec. 3306. (c) exc #l- The mini-mum width of the run at the narrow end i-s 6j-nches and the run must be 9 inches at a point 1-2 inches out from the narrower point. -- Sec. 3306, (d) The minimum headroom vertically from nosing line is 6 feet 8 inches. -- Sec. 3306. (o) A handrail is required along a sta-irway. It is required to be 34 to 38 inches above the nosj-ng of the steps and if the side is open, the maximum size of an opening in the railj-ng at the stairway is 4 inches. -- Sec. 3306.(i) & 1'71.2. A 36 inch high guardrail with a maximum opening of 4 inches is requied where step is greater than 30j-nches to floor or grade below. -- Sec. 11L2. There sha1l be a ffoor or fanding on each side of a door (except at the top of stairs provided door doesnot swing over stairs) . UBC 3304 (i) . The open side of aII decks, porches, scairs' etc. which are more than 30" above grade shal-l beprotected with a guardrail. Openlngs can not exceed 6". Within R-1 occ. and all R-3, height min. is 36"-outside R-l occ. height min. t-s 42". UBC 1711. Unl-ess the lower level is clearly shown as a basement (6' or less from ffoor above to grade for 50% of building peri-meter) , a 3 level dwelling wj-ll require 2 means of exiting from the 3rd. Ievel j.f 3rd. level- exceeds 500 sq. ft. vBC 420 & UBC 3303 (a) . 22 23 24 ZJ 26 2'7 28 29 30 31 32 33 Every required exit door shall be not l-ess than 3tin width and not less than 6'8" in height with a clear width opening of 32" UBC 3304 (f) . Sliding doors or overhead doors are not acceptable as required exit doors. UBC 3304 (h) . At eaves and valleys an adequate underlayment shall be provided to protect a structure from i-ce buildup and water damage. Two layers of felt solid mopped to sheathlng and between layers or a commercial- water & ice shield may be used as per Table 32BI - A one-line elect.ricaf drawi-ng for each fevel is required for this project. Fai1ure to provide such may result in fiel-d corrections at the expense of a.arrrf re a.f l.\r 1A 35 36 Swimming pool and spa drawings need by the Town Of Vail before any work either of these areas. Mechanical drawings are required and approved by the Town of Vail before be started on the mechanicaf. to be approvedis started in need t.o be any work can 31 THIS IS A FAST TRACT PERMIT, GOOD THROUGH FOUND- ATION ONLY. Construct.ion fence required on lot line between road and construction 1ot. DEC'21-e2 lloN I 4 : 23,,,=r,::0ry:.lADllus srEu,,l*r l?tlt; ttu 1133'" P, 02 aaz ORDER 11Ttr{BERI 92 1. EITECTSVE DAT A. POLtrCY OR l. AIJTA 08.ooca r Qcteber CIE$. IlO EE 8CHEDUI,S I 03, 1994 at 8iO0 TSEUEDs ArlI. AUOUNf OT INE g 1,025r f zoo, 'S POl,ICt FROPOSED I ROY R. HAY ANO HAY /oR A66rCN8r as.IdAY APFEAR PaoPoSED IINSURED| I 3. r'p DsrArE onlrmnnnsr rN t*E *ft!'E!ffi1H"-ffF ftlilffi"fffrFgntlr$"if,-' aofiliffiExi $iti-AoY'istu HBRET]I rE qEE Brt{EtE AND rr tilu urFscrrw IDAdE lttrREor vEsrED rN: r I r'tltD s. t${r*is I I4. ,rtrE IAND REFEBRED TO IN TIIfs co1lt{IlrdElrA tB DESSRIBED Ag fplfOWSl rlt-Lpt 6 anC ttls Eatst 1/2 of l,ot 5r i Blook5, I :' i PAUTA Dr AIJTA FOI,ICI ifro;aoslo irllsunro: rHE FRrIDENII$. HOUE t{gvccE6 QOMFANTI. INCr I If8glF.tr l, tNvU oR A66lCNg, C. AI]TA liOA$ Po;tlEeY PAOPOSED iINSURIDI DI99lf 9r | :VAI! VIiiIJAGd SBVENtE FIIJTNGveii,-vii,uct SBVEtttE FrrrrNc i colrNTY OF E4GIrE, I I 6TATE OF EO$ORADO iii THIS COMIIIIilNNT fiAq PREPARED ON OCtrOEER }QI T9g2' FOR Q}'EFTXON9 PIJEASE CALITISANbI CAFELI-, AT (303)949-10l'lr ^:L,loQ I| -,'u' iFREMIIIIT: i nn e69 |OWltERsr I?r16d.00 I'tohTGAcEDr i50.00iAt cuh!. r ito.oo i iitiir{-r'do'- i5o:[o I contlnued on next Pags DEC-21-92 t10N 14r24 t. z, 3. 5. trr FAXNo, gogqtse sTEINRT TITLE OF EAS.E COUNTY Bg4 ORDDR TITilSERI ,lrte rorrlowr}rc rrn4 (Al PAYI{ENT OF THE BT'I.,IJ CONE TTE}I (D} PROFER INSURED. MUgI BE Bxebutlon of, Ete'ilcrt fitl Ev:l9enoe set DBvflant of a by'hlrre Eagle Evlf,enos iatreal. nEuatcpala of that 4. DeeU ftgl! Uay anal Pa efactspry tg FtewaEtt ouggtandlilg tat oE Counby TreaEutrer. I I I e2q0840oc2 I t$lt. tltlc TG.AGORg $URED. to Bs ff,lea Roy R, APPE,hRor the fo ef,aot'ory ts etEwart -Iltte- c${-1${ConpanYVaIl ha at the bsan /AC6M,t tno 7. A str!\t6y, hopreFarett DynontnB, llluBBfor lti aDDr the srlnlnrrn 'iletall Ftahdafdg 9{ tltg l6tet6d cbloledo sulveYg)tr lti.thln thc ieeenuco to gtevalt $itls'ouarantY co ACST{,lilo onE ennHnE;cnouus tana/sz 16r56 dCIIEDUL!B'EECIIoNl REQUrhfi-lENtg T'r{A RFQfiREIdEffES EO BE COMFIJIED WtrTlrt To oR FoR SIIE AccpultT oE THS.gElIq9-Rs oR pfueFrbil-r6ii rsu nsiArr oR rlt'trrRts$ [o BE T (B) CNSATTNG THE EETATE OR INTEF Ali-bgL!-tii,pu ron BFCOBD, tro tltrTr afflilavig aE to Debtd and L,lcns and ltg r Guabanty ConPanY. Tltle Guf,f,anty comFany. and agseegDentB as c6rE ;;fr;Fli'tix aacelecd bY thq :Toun 9lthe ursnsaogion lE oxenpt ftroln Ealgt onPaValI ud F. Srrrlche, vlstinE feti rlnPlc Tra$renc€ l[ay. P. 03 NOSF; No. A[JoN qi rcc DBc[Il eDDaEEa or fiE.cl&ANTEE Mltar tiil-Firn DErli-[e rf6 riTo-fu,mnpumr ro srArsrt oN RE6.9RDIN DEEDS CRs 3.1-35*loe (2),DEEDE CRs 3{-35*loe (2}, IA eirrvey, ne4ttng^ttra ufnlrngn datall cuaildardQ of th9 AIJ pr-Slre'e' bt' 4- ;e{t;tereE -ciiiorii6 eurviitoi, t'rltrrln bhe I nonthd, 6usE IFB pfeiehl-a- to - Stowatt [ft]c - Cuaaant-y,,CoDp-ron-Iti -a6nidvar'5iior to the deretion oq any suavcY 6tlc irom the llrd porl.cr to bs lEcueal hotBuhqel. :!;[*t*i:li.E;l[it;r ::igillffi Sl",IlgnEu;3'l:*3""ffi fiB'te epy advLnqtrlry of lrtxnentg relatlvs gherBgo. frot[ thg Borrg$'at to the Publlo llrusteo f uoEES lcndet to seeure the loan'D€sc of SrUBt frou ttl6 ueel'of th- p{opopgd lcndlt to seeure tbe loanr fron the al-nrlor to tlra lteletlon of, any-suhtey..ex loah poltcy to bo ieEued heleuncer or tnB Ccntlnueil on hext Fage EFuance 'lrc-el-se ,,oN 14:24 ,*rotr*o*, ta/3g/32 16:58 oRDlh NItI'rDlR8 93 ! oB.topcl FA){ NO, sTEIIFRT TITLE OF CONfINUAIIION SHBET gCtlCDttLEE-SEC[Ioil1 tlrF arrEA lro'un PoItoY' gogltrBs Ef,6.E COLINTY P, 04 rl I of Forn 1o0 StEirart trttlto bny advetr lngutrry or r GtralantY tuz c'iilaii[f riEarveE thb rignt tP !"L:- rxclP-il[iElIA -$-F[d,n oii. ryff eu"EIl-9I *?f?i,il H+,"8nEllt':'Hd$?3[-$il[h;-;Ishd !o ex9]9!1-!*3 f uiiirre tt fiaY deem neoelearlt'covct8ge any ,rr-run, t10N 14r25 "^rrr?roonm|A/3Q/SZ 1635? FAX NO, 'O'O'?*STETJART TITLE 0F EAELE CO.,NTY scnnud&s B - EEcrrotl EXCEPf,TONS 08400e2 CISE TO 8A}TE FS ISSUED WIIJD eoNIBrN ABE DISPOSED OF TO [TI8 ETTISF RXCHlt'6 dn Cr..Anrs oF PABrrEs It{ POSFEsstoN NOT aH6wN FUBLIC UTOOFDS.z.' nAgnruruts, oR crrf,rug oF EASEMEHrS, Nor EHoqIN BY IN ' nucotuel3. DiecdEFdilcr.Esr coNrlrcrs r-l! EPrr-lDARr rIltESr-s{9.EIlG E{ eio[a-rii,i innb ; IND - iNv - racrs tiu r clt- 4, 9g41E91- I g*YgY FHOIW BX 'ftrF: 6F'tHb rnanrsEs-tfourrD Drgctogn AND HHr EiFT'8DIC RECORDE.4. ANS iiu*aFoFcifts-oh- tteiterrsR FUnNistlED, rI{PoaED' BY r,Aw gnot{N Bli mriFuBrrrc RbcoRDs. -iiiii nieitt to-A r.rsn, FoR srRvtcEqr-I.^*son a oh nunrerrgR Fta'NistlsD, rIttPoaED BY r,Aw ITfTiFUBIJIC ShCORDS, 7, 8. 5. onnnctsl ritfi{g, ENcmtBRANcEg, eDvERgE cr,uus oR ortl rN ANY,';cnretnfi, SrRsr lppueftrxo rN TnE PTSEEI!:-E4Co AqTEbNiilC SUbSBAUENI 1[O SHE ETSECTIVB DATE TIEREOF Eto trtu datr irno$osnD rHEttRtED AcQurREsl oF REc-oRD troR tgE TSTdIN Oft INTEREST OR I.IOF|TSAqE rHEREON C-OVEh'ED com{rrt{$nt.' '6r VNFATHNCED iulurwc clarl{E, nEEERVATT9NE oR E)(cEE{rroN rN Feubilrs en eN AcE AufiloRrurN€ Tsd xssulNeE r$EBE. WATER RICHE3, CLtrffiS OR DIT',E [O WAtrER. INo!8! ttdggttF$1gr8 LxENtr AND/OR rtctl?rr PRofEctrIoN (EXCEPIIONE 4 AND 5 AIAVE} IIAT DE AV.BTI.AEI,E I{IfTI AI{ OI|NER'9 IP9IJICY OF 8ITI,E I!{EUAANCE oN REBIDENTIAIJ PROPDNTI| UPOS CO}HIJTANCE ITIIS gIElfATtr IDITI,E OUARAIIT NEOUIREilENTE. FI,EtrSU Gf,L'J FOR FUT'TN8h INFOTT$AtrION AF To rrfosE BPEerErc t8gUrRlMENt (61 NEgECSARy '8O oBIATN 4ErS 9oV!RAGE. .l Riry anO al{ unpeld taxes anA a$se35msnts arrd any unred EI.IGE r I I Tire etf,esE lot lnstusisnE ln any general or speclllo wa conEentancli, firs Ftrotaction, BoIl oonrervatlon or othdlttrlct ofi'tncLuelon l-n any'water servlcc or strcat Iaf,ea, i I RiaervatLorie or cxccbtlons contef.nad ln u.p. Pntents,alrthorlzlnd ttre lcsu-cnce thereof , Dsoorded tlay 27, t?rbor ga iclpade i+6, idiertlnd ii Rlehts ot the Droprlveln or lode €p extract and r6noire hls ore therefro[ a I contlnued on nstrB Page I I I 9, P, 05 gg6 I DXCEPTIONs THEor A}TD ARE NOT E)a ifitr PUBf,fC IN AR$A, tlATERrAfr NOtr MATTERg oh DBIOR VAITVET THIS Acbe ofa r .ln6ln ---.-...-.4lta ott-e r.nz t10N l4 | 25 ,*oroFroonu, ta/3€/92 16:58 FAX NO. STEMRT TITLE OF COITINUATION STIEET ECtlSDrrf,E B - eEC{trON'a xxcgenroxe ORDEB X0t t-1. LZt r{tnrsER: 92 r:tqhtc ofair€hortty i cqntaLned, trhqluelenricordad v for dttglrer an(l aanals oqnctructed und-thr Unltad EtaLae. DC2 rcE!tslstlone Iage Eavcnth . - 1O1780 ' Itlone, re€srvatlotrar reetrlstfone. and ob l-Eo-vcfioiti-ioi - valr' vi usgb sqvent]r Fllt; 15;il'iii-noEx-r6?-ic'Frge'Erb as Reoeptl n the Vlll Receptlonolltsir Dis ns mtstterE dc thown pn the fopographlsal Ma l":rrrrrugtlfi fl ltfl "]lli' "$BffluiStlEH';'t;drlve onto aauolnlng DroPetBY.A-;nicii;i [ii6 proptrty le rtbt elttlns on t and rlshte-of,-Ways ag shown CrirfnEi iecordeil'Dddeniher 1? | Flre Prsteotlon oletrftii. roge+z *nd rnctueilot, by Ocater reoorded aeVaillvo. 1o3648 13.Ihc f,cllty ln encroBand grevel fBnoe onlpt ltne,Ftrucburi 14, s lobatce oh tha trot ltne of trotB 5 Bnd 6 rd., El|oeptlons ,Lt _2_, 3 srl]"l bA aEletedl uiri6o'f'"i.iii1*lriTl"ttffi*nli'fi$et"iE*Biq-*- "e !!e 4l{1f IrrracutEd, w b-oth thtl EHIler and be dsleEeA Brovldedl Etsvflr! Elwl1tr be deleEeii provtdedl Etgvlrt r ed Uhe cloalnE o-e sEld tranEaqtlon Irrl1l be deletEd. NOT$t Egarbqcip! ot trkceptlonrequlrgd h Ei(coptloncpunty hEn of, aIl doo Eltocption gogntss EMLE COJHTY P, 06 the pxaL AE abLong ae teoordeilNo. 104?79. 1992 r tr BtBr f,1e the 965 ana ori l^ -"t':i ,.: -1v t.' ;. TOWN OF VAIL STREET CUT PERIIIT ,_-ii''- - *\. '___a:....u->_ .__.iD{-\.-\\pEnrrrro.00245t Conlr.clo/. copt lo D. l.pt on lob.lL. f. z t Publlc Service Conpany Wofi bfot: rcr.cr.nt IY TER P.rmlt Fc. TELEPT{ONE__wCAELE OrHEB_.// {aa",l d tza.Ju---J- ! Glo.rtIfrff.rri on, Co 81620 gilto: Publl- Paid:Foc.lptft Fa,c tvo.6) INSPECTION REMARKS !0 Box 43 Mi.nruru, nd. $ndd SKETCH PIIN OFIVORK AITACHED APPLICATION FOR TOWN OFVAIL STREET CUT PERIIIT 19 9_3 4, Wbrk is for (dtcleone) Waler sewer @erearr Telephon€CATV Other Length 4',-tDeilh 55. Trench-wldtfi z' 6. 7. 8. 10. 11. BondAnpunt $Permit Fee $Total P€rmil Fss $ ALL MATERIAL AND EQUIPMENT MUST BE ON THE JOBSITE BEFORE THE JOB IS STARTED. Rubber out-Iiggers are required on excavaling equipment when wofting on asphalt. A sEnature below indicates a review of lhe area and ulitily locations and approvals. Once all utility company signitures are obtained, permittee has option of routing application through the fublic Wofis ofibe lo oblain lhe nocessary Town ol Vail signalur€s. Please allow one week to procass. Upper Eagl€ Valley Water ard Sanitalion (476-7480) Public Service Corpany (1-800-922-1 984 Western Slope Gas Company (468-2528) lbly Cross Elecldc Company (949-5892) U.S. Wesl (1-800-922-1 Heritage Cablevisbn Televlsbn (949-5530) Town of Vall: lrigation (479-2161) Public Wofts (479-2158) 9. THERE WILL BE NO TOT A construc'tlon trafi'tc control Plan musl b€ appoved by the Public Works Depanment pr'nr lo lssuarcs of lho permn. An sxcavation musl be done by hand within 18'ol utililies - (Senate Bill 172). permittee nxjst contacl Publlc Worts Deparlment at 479-2158 24 hours prlor to cormerrclrg bac*fill operatlonB. Failure to notity the Town will resull in foileilure ol bond money. 12.I certily that I have read all chaflers of TdlE 12 - Streels and Sirlewalks, ot the Vail Municipal Code- and will abkle by Bond Rel€as€d Dab Special Conditions SKETCH PLAN OF WORK BELOW show streets with names, tuildirBs, and locat'ron of culs. usE DASH LINES FOR cUT. ' 7 < Eleclr'rclans(479-21711 b: Company THIS IS NOT A STREET CUT PERMITT O *a\ TOWN OFVAIL SN STREET CUT PERMIT nw,norvInlY -- ^r\-orn VDJ PERrr?tlo. 00249'l Conlr.clo/t copt to b. t pt on lob.n . t- Il19 Ptarnlean Road PormltFo $75.00 + Bond of $540.00 = $615.00 Bllllo: P.id:nehhl e Roel and: :: : : ReCOlpU:lhrltclrtdcl 5928 INSPECTION REMARKS sll i Itti 5sKgrcH PtlN oFuoax ATT :nxctilms;&t6t;fl}q.f;' o -,/'f''f/',:' r / . APPLICATION FOR. TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WAY PERMIT 19 .1 ? 3. (,rh- ll Gas Electric Telephone CATV S.!. rJ",\ TOV Contraclor's License Number Other. 4. Work is for (circle one) 6', Temporary Site Access Length /2' Depth5. Trench-width (min. a') 7. 6. 8. Bond Amount $| 5c1C . r..t-PermitFee $1-, 'n rotarPermit Fee $ Ul5' C L' ALL MATERIAL, EQUIPMENT, AND TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES MUST BE ON THE JOBSITE BEFORE THE JOB IS STARTED. Bubber out-riggers are required on excavating equipment when working on asphalt. Asphalt surfaces underneath the bucket shall be protected at all times. A signature below indicates a review of the area and utility locations and approvals. Once all utility company signatures are obtained, permittee has option of routing application through the Public Works office to obtain the necessary Town of Vail signatures. Please allow one weekp process. _.1 / UpperEagleVafleyWaterandSanitation (476-748A\ r-l-k-(+a/ u/1a,L,'t 6- - / - '/ Public Service Company (1-800-922-1987) ,! ",rt i - -! i . I i PSCO-Natural Gas Group (468-2528),.-'i'it*a - _-i':F i) Holy Cross Electric Company (949-5892) U.S. West (1 -800-922-1987) TCI Cablevision of the Rockies (949-5530)€ Town of Vall: lrrigation (479-2161) 9. Electricians (47 9 -21 7 1 ) Public Works (479-21 58)- q3 THERE WILL BE NO TOTAL STREET CLOSURES! A construction traffic control plan must be approved by the Public Works Department prior to issuance of lhe permit, All excavation must be done by hand within 18" of utilities - (Senate Bil 172). Permittee must contact Public Works Department a|479-2158 24 hours priorto commencing backfill operations. Failure to notity the Town will result in forfeiture of bond money. Scheduled inspections which are not ready may result in the Town charging the contractor a reinspection fee. Show streets with names.of cuts. USE DASH LINES FOR CUT. 7t I j J, \ il ,1rir,1t r' .) Qc l---..r lr eirtd' '10. 11. 12. I certify that I have read all chapters of Title 12 - Streets and Sidewalks, ol the Vail Municipal Code and all utility company agreements, sigled by me, and will abide by the same, and that all utilities have been notified as required. , )ti ! i,' ! ,,R:,. i.:,,!i'i*--i/--Ee---- 6-l-4( _, Contractor's Signaturs bf Agreem€nl / i Date of Signature ATTACH PLAN OFWORK, INCLUDING CONTRUCTION TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN ,nr1 trs. r i\\\ J. ti 4I\ I Ci fl''ttr'ttc'2''r7 {t", ili 5 r!tl'1 .ttr. ti bnr, ,rnd *b THIS IS NOT PUBLIC WAY PERMIT! While - Public Works Yellow - Finance Pink - Community Development Gold - Contractor (w-"G} sewer Lanoscaprng PUBLIC WAY PE IT TOWN OF VA o IL RM )lAY RESIlttNCL PERMrrNo. CliCl'r Contractor's copy to be kept on jobsite. I.OT 6, 8I-K 5, V.V. 7T;i i"II.T\C 1t 19 PTAl{;.rICA\ i{OAt, TOI.|/N OFVAIL 1. (Job Name or Local on of Work) i.ouc's ExcAvA'rrNG FoF c. sliy',ErrrFR co..isr. q|9-46t.2 L7 L-Y. (E{cavating Co1t'aclo/s Nare, Address, Pfono, and License No ) Bill lo: Work is for (circle one) WATER SEWER GAS ELECTRIC TELEPHONE CABLE TV OTHER, EANDSCAFiITd-)TEMPORARY SrrE ACCEgS 975.00Hermrt Fee paid: JA;{ETL TURIiBiILL :)\:J Receipt #:I('40 (Public Works) INSPECTION REMAFKS: SKETCH PLAN OF WORK ATTACHED lfr'io'oN FoR TOWN OFVAIL PUBLICWAYPERMIT 19 Excavating \t.Start Date 4. Work is for (circts one) Completion Date Water Sewer lelo9-g-epjlg.--- Gas Electric TeleDhone CATV (Permit Expiration Date) Other 5. Trench-width (min.4') ,:.,, Temporary Site Access - '.;Length '7 Depth Permit Fee $Total Permit Fee $75 aoBond Amount $ ,/n-Lz LO 7. ALL MATERIAL EQUIPMENT, AND TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES MUST BE ON THE JOBSITE BEFORE THE JOB IS STARTED. Rubber out-riggers are required on excavating equipment wh6n working on asphalt. Asohalt surfaces underneath the bucket shall be prolected at all times. A signature below indicates a review of the area and utility locations and approvals. Once all utility company signatures are obtained, permittee has option of routing application through the Public Works office to obtain the necessary Town of Vail signatures. Please allow one week_ to process. , Upper EagleValleyWaterand Sanitation (476-7480) J dr"t,tui--a {' q- l 4 a Public Service Company (1 -800-922-1 987) PSCO-Natural Gas Group (468-2528) Town ol Vall: I rri gation (47 I -2'l 61 ) Public Works (479-21 58) Electricians (47 9-217 1) I i' 10. 11. 9. THERE WILL BE NO TOTAL STREET CLOSURES! A construction traffic control plan must be approved by the Public Works Department prior to issuance of the permit. All excavation must be done by hand within 18" ot utilities - (Senate Bil 172). Permittee must contact Public Works Department at 479-2158 24 hours prior to commencing bacKill operations. Failure to notify the Town will result in forfeiture of bond money. Scheduled inspections which are not ready may result in the Town charging the contractor a reinspection fee. I certify that I have read all chapters of Title 12 - Streets and Sidewalks, of the Vail Municipal Code and all utility company agreements, signed by me, and will abide by the same, and that all ulilities have been notified as required. ,/- -- .+. / Conlraclor's Signature oJ Agreement Dale of Signature ATTACH PT-AN OF WORK, INCLUDING CONTRUCTION TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN Show streets with names, buildings, and location of cuts. USE DASH LINES FOR CUT. I l\-'i t, . r 7, ,,1 , ,,1 12. White - Public Works\ THIS IS NOT PUBLIC WAY PERMIT! Yellow - Finance Pink - Community Developmenl Gold - Contractor I IL RM 1. ? permit Fee $50.00 31-llt-d ;'11 crlid oi ,'.:.ir Bill to: I'ubLlc 5.r1rigr: P.O. Bo:: 411(J l'i.;rturir, CO cil645 -.U TOWN OF VA n /1 nl.'!n'1 PERMfT NO. !-r,,- LU U \) PUBLIC WAY PE IT Contractor's copy to be kept on ,obsite, riiQ Pr-r'rri.:err (J"b N"t" ol L*at"" "f work) i'ubl{e Service P.0. }t.r;r 430 i',tnturrr, CU 81645 (Excavating Conlraclor's Name, Addross, Phon6, and Ucanss No.) /----.-\ Work is tor (circle one) WATER SEWER (9AS/ ELECTRIC TELEPHONE CABLE Tv OTHER LANDSCAPING TEMPORARYSITE Paid:Receipt #: (PublicWorLs) INSPECTION REMAFKS: (Public Works) SKETCH PLAN OF WORK ATTACHED z. 3. APPLICATION FOR TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WAY PERMIT 19 4. Work is for {circte one) 5. Trench-width (min.4') z' Bond Amount $ Water Sewer Landscaping Telephone Temporary Site Access tengtn /dd ' Permit Fee $ -" "' CATV Other 3' PSC-, 44ti Hu:-t 6 2 62 -,aai a Excavating Contractor Name Ady'less Phone # TOV Contractor's License Number ? E/rA I a or/e z start Dal6 comoletion Dats (Permit Expiration Date) 6"")t""t,i. Depth 7. e Total Permit Fee $ - ,' .r . t I ALL MATERIAL, EQUIPMENT, AND TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES MUST BE ON THE JOBSITE BEFORE THE JOB IS STARTED. Rubber out-riggers are required on excavating equipment when working on asphalt. Asphalt surfaces underneath the bucket shall be protected at all times. A signature below indicates a review of the area and utility locations and approvals. Once all utilily company signatures are obtained, permittee has option of routing application through the Public Works office to obtain the necessary Town of Vail signatures. Please allow one week to process. Upper Eagle Valley Water and Sanitation (476-7480) I Public Service Company (1-800-922-1 987) PSCO-Natural Gas Group (468-2528\ Holy Cross Electric Company (949-5892) U.S. West (1 -800-922-1987) fi1 : . ]r i TCI Cablevision of the Rockies (949-5530),). 1 Town of Vail: frrigation (479-2161) Public Works (479-21 58) THERE WILL BE NO TOTAL STREET CLOSURES! A construction tratfic control plan must be approved by the Public Works Department prior to issuance of the permil. All excavation must be done by hand within 18" of utilities - (Senate Btll 172), Permittee must conlact Public Works Department at 479-2158 24 hours prior to commencing backfill operations. Failure to notify the Town will result in forfeiture of bond money. Scheduled inspections which are not ready may result in the Town charging the contractor a reinspection fee. I certify that I have read all chapters of T'itle 12 - Streets and Sidewalks, of lhe Vail Municipal Code and all utility company agreements, signed by me, and will abide by the same, and that all utilities have been notified as required. ATTACH PLAN OF WORK, INCLUDING CONTRUCTION TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN Show streets with names, buildings, and location of cuts. USE DASH LINES FOR CUT. THIS IS NOT PUBLIC WAY PERMIT! White - Public Works Yellow - Finance Pink - Community Development Gold - Contractor o 10. 11. 12. foe rsr- (479-2171) 147-tBUILDING PERAAIT APPLICATION Jurisdiction of Applicant to complete numbered spaces only. PLAN CHECK VALIDATION WHITE - I NSPECTOR WHEN PFOPESLY VALIDATED (IN THIS SP IHIS IS YOUR PERMIT PERMIT VALIDATION 4 PINK - APPLICANT cK. M.O. CASH ,tfut<'. a-<> GOLOENFOD _ TEMP, FILE ,r'a /J I oc3c i.tQi7ltrr lcteo rtzttr rclr i)i"^'rJo,tl AJts 7 MAIL ADDRESS PXO{E LIC'NIE NO. ARCIII'ECI OR OESICNER MAI| aDoRESS t PHOr'aE Crasef(, a/t Bu,//. 1?t s-ro,s' LICENTE NO.a co'' MAIL AODRE5S PHONE LICENSE NO. MAI ! AOOFESS IiANCH USE OF 6UILOING 8 Class of work:fnew dnoorrron N ALTERATION E REPAIR tr MOVE f] REMOVE 4 )),i 10 Change of use from Change of use to 1l Valuation o{ work: $ * Sg ddt a o PLAN CHECK FEE PERMIT FEE ff::3"*" I + JSPECIAL CONDITIONS: Slze ot Bldg. (Torar) sq. Ft. Flrs Sprinklsrs Roqulred E.\/es OFFSTREET PARKING SPACESINo. ot - t.- Ow€llino Units NOTICE SEPARATE PERMITS ARE REOUIRED FOR ELECTRICAL, PLUMB. ING, HEATING, VENTILATING OR AIF CONDITIONING. THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC- TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 60 DAYS, OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 120 OAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM- MENCED. SOI L REPC'RT CANAFY - AUDIT /472 12 ttufif,*o PERMrTnpprltir,o( / r{ Jurisdiction of. Applicant to complete numbered spaces only. PLAN CHECK VALIDATION WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED (IN THIS SPACE} THIS IS YOUR PERMIT PERMIT VALIDATION F.rr," /{s 5;-f F Caurs<- | 0 €sc R,1!see rrucr eo sx:rt1 -, / CJ'' '-J' L ICENS E NO. ,nbrnq 'a z Pz t:- ARCITITECI Oi DESICNER MAI L ADORESg ' PHONE IICENSE NO, ENCIiIEER MAI L ADOF ESS PHONE LICENSE NO. MAIL AOORE 55 BiANCIi USE OF BUILOIN C 8 Class oI worK: tr NEW tr AODITION tr ALTERATION tr REPAIR I Describe work:J ,^ d u,..t h b-J I €-*r =ttnr b I Type of Fixturr or lte||r WATER CLOSET (TOILETISPECIAL CONDITIONS: LAVATORY (WASH BASIN) KITCHEN SINK & DISP. LAUNDRY TRAY CLOTHES WASHER WATER HEATER NorrcE ll THrs pERMrr BEcoMEs NULL AND voro rr wdgk oR coNsrRuc. TION AUTHORIZEO IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 60 OAYS, OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WOHK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONEO FOR A PERIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTEB WORK IS COM. MENCEO.I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ AND EXAMINED THISAPPLICATION AND KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE ANO CORRECT.ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS AND OROINANCES GOVERNING THISTYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIEOHEREIN OR NOT, THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT DOES NOTPRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THEPROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATINGCONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. ORINKING FOUNTAIN FLOOR -SINK OR ORAIN GAS SYSTEMS: NO. OUTLETS WATER PIPING & TREATING €QUIP. WASTE INTERCEPTOR VACUUM BREAKERS SEPTIC TANK & PIT J-^ INSPECTOR REOiDER FROM: INTEFlNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF BUILOING OFFICIALS ' 5(' SO. I.OS iOBLES ' FASAO€N^, CALIFOhNI^ 9I lOtForm 1OO.2 9-69 STATE OT COI'NTY OF COLORADO ) )EAGLE ) building is as follows:(Descniption nay be atta description). SS. DECLARATION OF LAND ALTOCATION site fon e pnoposed Lo 6 surveyor in the afonesaid Zoning I, l-u"-e'",': ZE-.r./l:, , being first duly swonn upon oath <iepose a statements are true anci connect acconding to my best knowledge, infonmation and belief, to wit: 1. That this statement is made in conjunction with the filing of an application fon a building penrnit to the Town of Vail and to comply witn tfre requirements of-Anticle VII, Seetion 3, Ondinance Numben ? (Senies of 1969) Zoning Ordinance fo:: the Town of VaiI as amended by Ondinance Nurnber 8 (Series of 1970) and Ondinance Nunber 15(Series of 1970). 2. The description of the building 3. The pnoposed building site and the existing buiJ.ding contains contains lt"rq6ol n6 squane feet, 3 aGf }@-Eet and the- square-feet; the total buildingpnoposed addition containsiquine feet is J.S7J- Ondinance as am6?idlf-- 4. The proposed building and/or existing building_and addition as it nelates to the building site anea, conply to the Fl-oon Area Ratio fon the zoning which applies to the building site, as defined in the aforesaid Zoning Ondinance as arnended. STATE OF COUNTY OF The awonn tottri s I COLORADO )) SS. EAGLE ) fonegoing be_fone me,2. - -auv affidavit and declaration was a Notary lublic , bY : *. , . -', , ,.f Jt-(,I ;-fET, \l My Coramiscion Ercpires _+ .t'_il' --!:-...--.- (SeaI) t TO\,IN OF VAiL tsOARD 0F ZO1{rNG, A?PEALS At'iD EXAMINERS ]{IIiUTES FOR i,lEETiNG OF OC?OBER 21. 1971 Meeting Called to Order A. The neeting r,ras called to orden at g:25 a.m. in the newI{unicipal tsuildj_ng.ts. The foll-owing members were present: Messrs. Cl_ark, Knox,Hoyt, Viele, Young, and Struble (ex-offici-o). C. lhe follov/ing guests were presenr: Messrs. Arrhur tsishop,Bill- Bishop, Gordon Pience repnesenting M:r. and.Mns. Rich; lDonafd Cnaplin of the Mountain Hausl Tennence P. Cowhey; Chuck Ogilby of Apollo Park; Evan Bickell of F::edenic Bene-dict and Associates nepresenting the Kiandra Lodge; Terry Dragoo of Rogers, Nagel, Langhart and Mr. Ross Davis repne-senting the Lodge Associates.D. Minutes of the meeting of Septenben 17 wene deferned untilthe next meeting due to the long agenda. Past Business A. Case 8-1-71 - The Mountain Haus - Mr. Don Chaplin aDDearedto represent this case which has been pending since -Febnuary. Mr. Chaplin feels there are three options open to the Moun-tain Haus: Fi::e escapes on the outside of the building, .which he feels woul-d arehitecturatly disfigure it; partitionsections to make the stairways smokeproof enciosunes; ordoor close::s. They have tried several types of eloser"s,but none have worked weIl. Buildens Servi_ce Bureau hasgiven them much infonmation and they are going to try anothentype of device. Woul-d tike to keep thein costs down, butwant to please the Boar"d. Mn. Clark necommended that wegive them the thnee alternatives to choose among and thatrhey be given a time limit. Mn. Chaptin stated that theywould have one closen installed this week and if it works,he wilt orde:: them r.ight now. M:r. Struble then stated thathe would not sign a permanent certificate of occupancy.It must be a letten which will state all of the facts thatdidnrt meet Code. It will be a pnovisional occupancy penmit.A motion was made by M:r. Knox that the Mountain Haus choose. one of the thnee alte::natives and that the p::oject.be com-pleted by December I and completed to the acceptance of theBuildine Official III. New Business Case 2-11-71 - Request fon setback variance of 4t i.n lieuof IOt - Mr. Arthur Bishop, Mr. BilI Bishop and Mn. Gordon' Pi-erce appeared to nepresent the interests of the Rich ts andMn. Fitzhugh Scott. Mn. Pierce stated that they need a set-back on two cornens because of the strange shape of the 1ot.These l-ots wene orginally designed fon nesidences and now commencial buildings are being built and it is a problemto set the larger buildings on the odd shaped lots. Hefunthen explained that the building was originally designedwith a scisson stai:: which would not meet the unifonm Buirding II A. / 1l //. Pacro )/' ,r M; n,r+6c .fnn lJaa+-i n^ n€ l,-,a+a1---.-Jer 2-, L97L I ^ Boand of Zoning, Appeals and Examinens J Code. This necessitated adding two exits oft the corners and that is 'fhe onl-y thing that made the setback variancenecessary. If they do not get the variance, it will be necessary to completeiy redesign the pnoposed building He feels that the building is very much in scale with the srrz'r'orrndino irrriIdinoq Tha Ri qtrnnq wtlr^r ,ay'c tL^ -r:^-------orlr ! \J\,r.tt\l-LIrB !u*4uJ-rr5u. r rr\- y-!orr\./y'!l t wll\,/ o.! s Lllg cl,qJ\J-LlrJ-rr6proper.ty owners on the west stated their feelings as follows: This is a violation, but is a practical type of thing and should be considened as an exception. They have no objectionto rhe building as ir is designed as there is adequate sPace to get fire equipment through and also to prevent fire from jumping from one building to another. The Board feels that the objectors ar:e objecting to the buifding r"ather than to the setback because of loss of view. A motion was made by M::. Young that the variance be granted. The motion wasqenanrlprl hrr lr,ft'. Knox and approved unanimously by the board. B. Case B-I 9-71 - Tenrence P. Cowhey - Request for building variance for an alte::native method of exit from a sleepingroom. Mr. Cowhey stated that everyone concerned through +1.'a n- ---i-- -hl \,,-i l..li-^ +!.^,.-.l..! !1,--F t-li^r' '.r^r-o moaf ino t-haLrrv P-Lo,rrrrrrrB d.rrLr uu-l-Lu.l-rr6 LltL.rutsrr L LllcL L LrrsJ wc! s rrrq.\- LrrrS Lrrr- Code. The A::chitect stated his opinion and had no written notice from the Building Depantment whethen this was satis- factory. During this peniod, Ed was on vacation. The fab:ri- cator spoke to Dick and until the 10th of this month, he was under the impnession that the problem had been resolved. The wall in question is glass and the ventilation is provided near the ceiling. They have not tried to evade any of the problems, and the mate:rial is already fabricated. The aethetics of the building pnohibit windows or doors andthe fabnication is such that they cannot be added now. Mr. Hoyt made a motion that an inter"io:: door be placed in the naster bedroom between the two rooms for exit. The motion sras seconded by Mn. Viele and aPProved unanimously by the Boand C. Case 2-13-71 - James Slevin - Request for setback variance of 5 | on the nontheast side in lieu of f0' in order to preserve trees and lot contours. A motion was made by Mr. Hoyt that.we grant the setback variance. The motion was seconded by Mn. Young and approved unanimously by the Board D. Case B-17 -7I - Apollo Park nequest fon building variance to a1low less than the ::equired open wal1 space for natural light and ventilation - The aPantments that contain the waI1 in question were not oniginalty designed that way. They tal-ked with Ed about changing the wa11s and at that time found out that they would have to build a window in the wall. They thought they had met the requirement but thene was a misundenstanding and the window was built to the wrong size and the window is about 12 square feet too small . A motion was made by Mr. Vie1e that the va::iance be granted since there is no safety hazard involved. The motion was seconded by Mn. loung, and appnoved unanimously by the Board. ' i ?aee eIlinutes for Meeting of October ZI, l-971 Board or' Zoning, Appeals and Examiners )t 0 G H. Case 8-18-71 - Rec-uest *'or building variance to allow a lspinal stairway to serve a loft area largel than 120 squarefeet - Mn. Evan Bickell presented the facts in the case.The stairs are not ac'Eua11y spiral stairs, but only in twoplaces do rhey actually wind. It also appears that Ed hadmiscalculateo the loft area, as it was not dnawn to scafeproperly. A morion was nade by Mr. Viele that the variancebe gran-ced with the stipulation taat in rhe pfaces where Stat'n sninr'l e i+ 1-.^ \^.,^,r .i- ^- -ho n6r-no..'c cn .t-'n.rf minimrrmr L rrE rr(r.ne Ll rlr vll LrlF \nv1 llc{.9 p\., !:t4 ! ljllll*lllullttread wiatn is approximately 6il . The motion was seconoedby Mr. Knox and approved unanimously by the Board. BenedictrsOffice will submit a drawing showing what they propose to do. Case 8-15-71 - Request for building valriance ro all-ow a 36"handrail to natch existing in l-ieu of 42" required - A motion was made by Mr". Knox that the va::iance be granted and r,t: < corr?'\nlazi trrr ltvs !J .'1r. Young and app:roved unanimously by the Boand. (Request made by Eugene Frenichs and Monie Fnerichs). Case B-14-71 - Chanl-es Rosenquist - Request fon building vaniance to allow handrails to be funthen apant than BStr -A <iecision was deferred on this case so that Yr. Rosenquist ' can submit an alternative method. He will have to complywith the Code requir^ement unless he does submit this alter-native me'Ehod. Case Z-I2-7L - Lodge Properties, Inc. - Request for Zoning vaniance to aIlow no setback on the South pnopenty lineat one point and 5rsetback al-ong that side of the buitding. Mn. Terry Dr"agoo of RNL, Inc. and Mn. Ross Davis appearedto pnesent their case. They presented drawings of the p::o- posed building to the Boa::d and explained that they will needthis variance if Vail Associates will not agree to an ex-tension of addition into the rear yard setback up to thesouth property line. A motion was made by Mr. Knox that the vaniance be granted subject to permission not being granted for the other by Vail Associates. The motion was secondedby I4n. Hoyt and approved unanimously by the Board. Case B-1 6-71 - Lodge Pnopenties, Inc. - Request fo:r building va:riance to allow five story building with first floor. of Type I construction ( 3 hour) and put four floors of Type IIf construction (one hou::). Code does not cLearly definea parking structure with other types of construction above. They would pnovide thnee smokepr"oo.f enclosures for safety -*r ,.-: r 1d.rr.Lr wrlr yuL .Lrr a wet and dny standpipe systems. They will ,.also agree to pnovide a two houn sepa::ation between unitsnather than one hour as required by Code. Would do a fourhour fine wall to divide building into two segments. A motion was made by M:r. Hoyt to gnant the variance. The motion was seconded by Mn. Knox and apProved unanimously by the Boand. I. g oo Q; octobcr 11, 1971 lir. llcherd telbyl. O. tor 561 YrlI , Colorrdo SubJ.car Vrrlrncl Appllertloa Ileer l{r. lrlhyr Plrorr bo laterrrd tbrt Hr. But.ar !. lroricbr hrr eppllrd tbr r bulldlng Ytrt.rno. lu aonconfotttlct' v13b 8.ctloo 1714 ol thr Ualtorn tu11dh3 Codr ln ordrt to urr 36" rr11 b.t8bt ln ltru of, 42" it ti-gulrcd. They rlrh to do ro to pr.rcrrr. tbr rrchltcc-turr of th. orl,tlDel dcck. Tbr Eorrd of Zolla3, Appoetr rad Branlnors vlll acrt rt 9s00 lrl. oE fburrdry, Octobta 21 et thc nev lovt ol Vrtl oftlerr. It yoc rl,rh cq DtotGat thir vlllanctr plrrro bc psatant 8t th. r..31at os rotl!tar youa pro.t.rt by crrtltlrd rr11. Yourr truly, toAtD o? uoulrc, A?P!AL8 AtD ExAltllBRt tobrrt R. ClrrhCbrlrlr! ol thc lorrd 4v I I I i I I| .. , . ot o; /A- APPLICAT IO N BOARD OF BOARD OF DATE: TO APPEAR BEFORE THE ZONING AD'USTMENT BUILDING APPEALS Jept. ?3 1.r"t ' '-tl1l/.. | | nespectfully nequest /) tt t . - :., v r -.rl^^.'ul_11q. a detenmihation oir zoning the Bolnd considenJ oni''rrr'rcl^r,tg a oerenmlnatr.on on zoning the Boand considenJ-o"iv, 1. un-9:f lllg:hiq, 2. .need fon the-lnopdsea_v"niir,..,--3. compatibility of;::^f::f::d^:"::ince with.the-suino""a:."!-i""i, u. effect on futunedevelopment of the a-nea and, 5. h;;i;i;;-'"Ediil'J; ;i;=;jril"j"Ii""the inhabitants of the fown. rn.building code vaniances the Boat-d may considen only, 1. suit-ability of artennate mateniats ana meth6ds oi-""n"t"uition and,2. neasonable intenpnetationJ-oi--ti. p"J"i"i"n"-"i tr," code. .rt is undenstood that a fee of $2s.00-is payable in advance and thataten(10)daypostingperioaienequinJa-pi,io"-toapub1ioheaning on the.above nequeete. -, The ACministnative Officialgoes beyond the scope of the .o {Y rnay challgnge any vaniance gnanted whichporrens of the Boand. \ I B I " ,Lt/ f Group Pe rrnit Perrnission is hereby ltas Q,tzt*rac*or -l ddre s s In accordance with the Cornrnittee, subject to Pr ote ctive Covenants. Type of C onstruction Contractor UILDING PERMIT VaiI. Colorado Dat granted 4rr a;our?er provisions set forth by the VaiI the rules and regulations as set and in cornpliance with the 1964 -A, rchitectural Control forth in the Vail ViIIage Uniform Building Code. T Jo,'l T96F L pproved Vail Euilding Inspector INSPECTICN RECORD (For Departrnental use Only) INSPECTION ..\PPROV3L COMMENTS DATE & SIGNATURE }-OUNDATIONS FRI MING bo .11 )a FINA L ROUGH 0) FINI\ L ROUGHai. 11 -l tl-!FINi L ROUGH o c) U} FINT L I Iv nrurit New A lteration Reparrs Type of occupancy .E BUILDING INFORM} TION 3 ddition y' rea of Lot BUILDING DIMENSIONS ,APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PE THE TO1VN OF. VAIL licant fill in t ection onl i Buiiding address Date of A oolication arne y' ddresstl 0).c Bo City Narne &ntx. S,arX () d f'r F I City VAIU (dt-a Ter. No.Qtr;l??/ correct cIa ss if icatiotr) ,-construction I, II, ru{IV'J V ,C,D,E,F,G, J INSPECTION RECORD (f or Departrnental use only) A ddres s City Narne Address TotaL floor area (sq ft'r*!q?A- Tel. No.No. of stories 2 Ht. 2-/ / Nc. of roorns_f,No. No. of water clos ets baths CircIe t. Type of Z, Occupancy group No. of Families ESTIMATED COST OF CONSTRUCTION (Materials COMMENTS DATE & SIGNATURE n- * ,i o .n & o d otp- n { Ed fl. o +rA q, o!, troucou .0 cl-t rd ol. .0 t o {) .-l{eg$ I-t ,."tU8 HE E$ HE :d Uttzxzi,zv<iz ,1 0p,9 I$ iu 'oo @o F hop Q) fil A s\ ;'..J's:H bae.3 i+a OtOr{ +rQE 9gtrd{F, xu Ad Ja() o o nlo +)k 0,u Ic CI tU (J g o (J tl o Eou tr +r(J og og dc f{ d 'o |. .n 0) tU o.(6 F.| INSPECTION APPROVI L FOUNDA.TIONS -''.:, Lot f EIRT) / A $ 3' Flo;--Eo 6' Elock .U le| ^Fl n i DuDorvls lon 2.>c> 3.rf,c*irrO166 €+'ga) d!) bo +,tr'F.EF gHd o+r? u.F >o hJolrO+t P'tsodlau€rn€.',r lo -{at'i<5Jl zo Fru tqAaz zl-laJ p g.t (u tr +,r(! tr oo U) c) dA ]A d A ({ h t{ dd C' ?.li dc tt c)h o' u) ho ho .xo q) q) E(! tr 0)Edk o tro d q) g' .|.a q) a. ood tu d k (6 li o E' tlt o, o o doo Ed t FRAMING FIN^ L ROUGH FINA L ROUGH FINAL ROUGH F'IN.A L , Y;,\i ) \\\. )1 '.'{''' ).1. ? {_ _.5:. , ! '.:i=-i-F ..i, ..'tl I t 'i ." I ,i..iJ! .tt.: i :,<i il -: '; I" \ -;. t! :, I ft,. i's,