HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 7 BLOCK 5 LOT 2 POST MAY 2000 REPLAT LEGALcolif, .$ltY (EvEr,roFrElf r Vo,z4lry{i Z Deeign Review Board /otJ' b/P{ ACTIOil FORl,l Department of Comrnunity Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel:970.479.2139 fax:970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.co Proiect l{ame: THOMA IANDSCAPING CHANGES Project Descriptlon: Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: DR.B Number: DR8060306 Participants: OWNER THOM& CARL & MARILYNN 140 MELROSE AVE KENILWORTH IL 50043 APPUCANT MICHAEL SUMAN ARCHffiC| , LLC07lL3l2006 Phone: 970-471-6t22 PO BOX 7760 AVON co 81620 License: @00001764 ARCHffiCT MICHAEL SUMAN ARCHITEC' f , LLC07 I 1312006 Phone: 970-47 L-6L22 PO BOX 7760 AVON co 81620 License: C000001764 PrciectAddress:, IO27 PTARMIGAN RD VAIL Location: 1027 PTARMIGAN Legal Description: Lot: 2 Block 5 Subdivision: VAIL VILI-AGE 7 Parcel Number: 2101-092-0900{ @mments: SEE CONDffiONS REMOVE 13 TREES THAT POSE WILDFIRE THREATTO EIXSING RESIDENCE AND REPI.ACE WfiH 6 ASPENS 07/1312006 BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: STAFFAPR Date of APProvalz O8l 02/2006 Cond:8 (PIAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the dabe of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is ommenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Cond: CON0fl)8299 THE APPUCANT SHALL PLANT A MTNTMUM OF 6 (SIX) ASPENS OF A MTNTMUM OF 2.s TNCHES rN CAUPER ON THE NORTHERN END OF THE PROPERTY PRIOR TO MAY 31, 2006. Planner: Wanen Campbell DRB Fee Paid: $20.00 Minor Exterior Alterations Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 telt 970.479.2128 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submifting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. D€sign r€view approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. Description of Locauon of the Proposa rr,r:,?r:ock: 2 srul$Ei^t.W Physical Address: Parcel No.:210to?Zoloe Zoning: Phone: Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant: Mailing Address: Phone: E-mail Address: - Fax:l<tW Type of Review and Fee: tr Signs $50 Plus $f .00 p€r square foot of total sign area. For construction of a neu building or demo/rebuild. For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). For minor changes to fuildings and site improvemenE, such as, re+oofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions. landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. No Fee No Fee $6s0 $300 $2s0 U J\) c)oa o wortr E tr tr /4. ! ! Conceptual Review New Construction Addition Minor Alteration (multi-family/commercial) Minor Alteration (single-fam ily/duplex) Changes to Approved Plans S€paration Request (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Name(s) of Owner(s): For Ofrie_Use Only: ***'l"l'*******'|!'t**faff*****f*t***+*,1'4!t'*{.********tf*t*********f**t****ll*********************** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement r******+'it*'t****++***f*+*'i*'t********t!'a++++++*++{'*+++****l'*'t*+**+++++*++***{.+ft+i*******+++* Statement Nrxnber: R050000989 Amount: $20.00 07 / 73 / 200601- :57 PM Palment Method: Check Init: iIS Notation: 1190/MrCHAEI, SI'MAN ARCH Permit No: DR8050306 Tlt)e: DRB-Minor A1E, SFR/DUP Parcel No: 2101- 092 - 0900 - 6 Sitse Address: 1027 PTARilfcAN RD VAfL Location: 1027 PTARIT{ICIAN Total Fees: $20 , 00 This Payment.: $20.00 Total AL,L Pmts: $20.00Balance: $0.00 ACCOIJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code DescriDt ion Current Pmts 20.00DR OO1OOOO3II22OO DESIGN REVIEI{ FEES 1- SUMAN ARCXITECT July I l, 2006 Lot 2. Block 5 Voil Villoge 7'h Filing 1027 Ptormigon Rood RE: Tree removol on Lot 2 Deor Town of Voil Plonning Deportment: The owners of Lot 2 ore requesting opprovol to remove the identified lhlrleen frees shown on the site plon ond in ossocioted phoios. Forty-three of the fifty-six existing trees ore proposed to remoin. Mony of the trees to remoin ore plonted in close proximity io one onother ond ore neither heolthy for continued tree grovrth nor oestheticolly pleosing. At this time, however the owners ore not plonning to remove or thin more thon the thirteen proposed. Due to the overpopulotion ond overgrowth oi the trees on Lot l, the opplicont requesis thot no replocemenl be required. The trees proposed 1o be removed ore identified bosed on the threot they pose to ihe sofeiy of the exisiing siructure ond inhobitonts. The proximity of the subject trees to the existing residence ronges between 4 inches ond 5 feet from irunk to structure. The bronches of the trees hove grown over the roof, under eoves, ond olong the exterior wolls such thot the house is olmost completely engulfed in them. See otioched photos. This condiiion poses o significont wildfire threot putting lhe sofety of lhe slructure ond inhobiionts ot risk. As outlined in section 3.13.4..l.o of the Eogle County Wildfire Regulotions, the identified trees ore in Zone I which is the oreo meosured l5 feet from the edges of the structure. lt is recommended thot "oll trees within Zone I be removed to reduce ihe fire hozord". lt olso stotes thot "oll bronches thot inierfere with the structure's roof or chimney must be removed". The opplicont hos studied the feosibility of pruning these bronches owoy from the struciure. The omount of pruning necessory to mitigote ony of the risk is so significont thot il reduces eoch tree to essentiolly jusi o trunk. And the trunks still remoin os o fire threot. This option is oestheticolly unpleosonl ond relotively ineffective in oddressing the risk of fire. The structurol integrity of the foundotions, roofs ond decks is olso threotened by the close proximiiy of ihe trees. Bosed on the diometer of the tree conopies ond ossocioted drip lines, there is little doubt the root systems ore up ogoinst ond below the foundotion wolls. As the tree roots extroct moisture, the soil shrinks cousing potentiol settlemenl ond domoge lo the struciure. Tree+oot uplift from roots growing below the siructure con olso couse domoge. In oddition to the poteniiol foundotion domoge, the trees threoten the structure obove grode. Trees thot hove o truncoied root system on one side lose loierol stobility. Most of the identified trees ore significont in size ond hover over the structure. A strong wind could potentiolly push the trees over on to the struclure cousing serious domoge to life ond property. michael(c4sumanarchitect.com 143 East Meadow Drive Suite 300 Vail, CO 81657 970.479.7502 f 970.479.7st| n 970.471.6122 Atc||tttct The opplicont feels il is onerous to reploce the removed trees per the Town of Voil development siondords. Lot I is presenlly overgrown ond overpopuloted wlth trees thof were inopproprioiely plonted too close to the struciure ot the time of building construction. The size ond diomefer of the trees involved would require on unnofurol omount of trees to be replonted on the property. Following lhe proposed reducfion in lrees, Lot I will continue to comply wilh the londscope requhement of the development slondords. Despite the removol of the proposed trees, o significont omount of old growth irees will remoin. See site plon for species, numbers ond locotions. The reduction in trees will better protect life ond property; offord needed views ond doylight to the residence; ond will continue to fif the chqrocter of the lots in this neighborhood ond olong the golf course. Pleose feel free to contoct me 1o discus this opplicofion. Best regords, ^4. /-a]t.-- .f ,- rJ Y Michoel Sumon, AIA michael@sumanarchitect.com 143 East Meadow Drive suit€ 300 Vail, CO 81657 970.479.75V2 f 970.479.7s1rn 97O.471.6122 SUT'{ANaRct{tt€ct ' q, j;;#,',, lat. l'; trees propsed to be removed TREES 3,4,5,6,7,8 1 T 7.5.06 THOMA RESIDENCE P.O. Box 7/60 Avon, CO 81520 970.47t.6122 TREES 3,45 2 Avon, CO 81620 SU}'IANlRcxtt€ct 7.5.06 MA RESIDENCE trees propsed to be removed P.O. Box 7760 970.471.6t22 SUMAN ARCHII€CY 7.5.06 THOMA RESIDENCE trees oroosed to be removed TRE ES 3,45 3 P.O.\ox776A Avon, CO 81620 970.471.6122 TREES 3,45 4 Avon, CO 81620 SU}-{AN ARCHIIECT 7.5.06 THOMA RESIDENCE trees propsed to be removed P.O. Box 7760 970.471.6122 SU}'IANARClftlEcT 7.5.06 THOMA RESIDENCE trees propsed to be removed TREES 4,5,6,7,8 5 Avon, CO 81620P.O. Box 7760 970.471.6122 sul'rAN.A R C X I I E C Y 7.5.06 THOMA RESIDENCE trees propsed to be removed TREES 5,6,7,8 P.O. Box 7760 Avon. CO 81620 970.471.6122 SUMAN ARCXITECY 7.5.06 THOMA RESIDENCE trees propsed lo be removed TREES 7 ,8,9,10,13 P.O. Box //60 Avon, CO 81620 970.471.6122 SUMANancxlrEct 7.5.06 THOMA RESIDENCE trees propsed to be removed TREES 8,9,I0I Avon, CO 81620P.O. Box 7760 970.471.6122 TREES I3 9 Avon, CO 81620 sul'lAN ARCHITCCT 7.5.06 MA RESIDEN trees propsed to be removed P.O. Box 7760 970.471.6122 SU}'IANaRcHtlecl ",r.iitt". trees propsed to be removed TREES 46,47,48,13 t0 7.5.06 MA RESIDEN P.O. Box7760 Avon, CO 81620 970.471.6\22 Br q 6 i] :6 it;: o ! z u 9 : E{t E"E9 6o EH vi - v/ t40.r1 iuFfli:-1,,' $ st 6.-! - s_! Ii " o zi t I z Thoma Residence Lgld O€dgns By tlliEon Po.l Ofllcr Eox l25O A\,.n, cdo.odo 61620 97O.9a9.17000h 970949.5204ir LETTER OF CREDIT FORMAT Legal Subdivision: Address: Developer: Project Number: Permit Number: lmprovement Completion Date:. Letter of Credit Expiration Date: THIS AGREEMENT, made and_entered into this r 266sv ot A{a,-oh P.V.:Ll a19n9=Bohs,4a.f",n^ B,ll1"rs (ttre,bevetffi;, anO Vail (the "Town") and Lro[[. 6--#o- (the;Bank). WHEREAS.the;1 Developer, as a condition of approval of the Temporarv?*armraa^ Q.'L. to+ 2"Rlae,D { t}^tl't/:llo,Occupancv for I PRJ oi- on TEry;#$1"sJo pmnrete "" ''oi3u;[""Tr'.:"ffi3"1:]:"'n:'.1p'"."*T:,f "jr":*::l:| <.1- ' 5_!,3,yof __.ltr-ty,, , ,20_99 The Devetoper shati' complete, in a good )rKmanlike manner, 6ll improvements referred lo in thic Anrpcmant in anr-trr{anna rrrilh arr | _v__:=_, yvrer\rlJsr tttsllt vvtttytgtEr ||t a guuuworKmanlike manner, 6ll improvements refened to in this Agreement, in accordance witi allapproved plan-s gnd specifications filed in the office of the Corimunity Eievelopment oepartment of lhe Town of Vail, and to do all work incidental thereto according to and in compliance with thefollowing: ;;;ffir'ff#;the following: The Developer agrees to establish an irrevocable letter of credit # 6l b 8q I intheamount ot$ .,-lO,Oil" ZS with tJcL[r il Agreement, in the event there is a default under this Agreement by the Developer. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the following mutual covenants and agreements, the Developer and the Town agree as follows: 1. The Developer agrees, at its sole cost and expense, to fumish all equipment andmaterials necessary to perform and complete all improvements referred to in this Agreement. The ,20-9_9.- Town of Certificate.- <tat r MA, Block 5 F:\cdev\FoRMS\Permits\planning\Administrative_Adions\Elq credit format-s-1G2007.doc Page 2 of 6 a. All said work shall be done under the inspection of, and to the satisfactionof, the Town Planner, the Town Engineer, the Town Building Official, or otherofficial from the Town of Vail, as affecied by special districts or iervice districts, astheir respective interest may appear, and shall not be deemed complete untilapproved and accepted as completed by the community Deveropment Department and public Works Department of th-e Town of Vail. 2. To secure and guarantee perfbrmance of the obligations as set forth herein, theDeveloper agrees to provide security as iollows: in this Agreement, in the event there is a default under ihis Agreement oV in"Developer. 3' The Developer may at any time substitute the security originally set forth above foranolher form of securiiy or collateral acceptable to the Town to guarantie tne faitrrut completionof those improvements referred to in.this Agreement and the fiqrformance of the terms of thisAgreement. Such acceptance by the Town of alternative r""irjiy- or rollateral shall be at theTown's sole discretion. s 4. The Town,shail not, nor shail any officer or emproyee thereof, be riabre orresponsible for any accident, loss or damage happening or o'ccuring to tne work specified in thisAgreement prior to the completion and aJceptance oi the s".e, -nor shall the io*n, noi "nyofficer or employee therggf,. b6.liable for any persons or property injured by reason of tne natur6of said work' but all of said liabilities shall and'are hereby "srm6o rjv tr.r" iil"LG;. ," '- '-'-'" The Developer hereby agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Town, and any of itsofficers, agents and employees against any losses, claims, damages, or liabilities to which theTown or any of its officers,.3qglls or empioyees may become rr"u.;"irt to, insofar .s "ny ,uchlosses, claims, damages or liabilities (or actions in respect t|rereorl ttiai arise out of or are basedupon any performance by the Developer hereunder; and the Developer shall reimburse the Townfor any and all legal or other expenses reasonably incurred b/1i;; iown in connection withinvestigating or defending any such loss, claim.,. qamage, tiauitity or action. rnis inoemniiyprovision shall be in addition to any other liability which thebevelote'r my nave. 5. lt is mutuaily agreed that the Deveroper may appry for and the Town mayauthorize a partial release.of the security provided io the iown ior each category of improvementat such time as such improvements 'are constructed in compliance with all plans andspecifications as referenced hereunder and accepted by the Town. 't;;;r no condition shall thedollar amount of the security provided to the Town be reduced below the dollar amount n""*.""wto complete all uncompreted improvements referred to in this ngreumeni. lrrevocable letter of creoit *-----(2!-(i Q'{ l---in the amounr of $ J4 oq,I.2S rj:lr:r fi, " i"t " f "@ r"qffi ,iftE 4A4e&lrta,ss-set to expire on the 3I sf aarl of 'A ?O_AQ_(not to expire less than 30 days atter ttre Oate set forth set to expire on the 3I s t aay or A",.q,.,F |-, less than 30 days atter tne Oate set tort-tr in Fiilgraph 1 ofihis ngreemenQ as the security for the-complution o?-"riir;;;;;;.il;;ffi; ;,; Flcd"u\FoRMs\permits\pranning\Administrative-Adions\DrA credit format_s-16-2007.doc Page 3 of 6 6. lf the Town determines, at its sole discretion, that any of the improvemeits referred to in this Agreement are not constructed in compliance with the approved plans and specifications filed in the office of the Community Development Department of the Town of Vail or not accepted by the Town as complete on or before the date set forth in Paragraphl of this Agreement, the Town may, but shall not be required to, draw upon the security referred to in this Agreement and complete the uncompleted improvements referred to in this Agreement. Pursuant to Section 12-11-8, Vail Town Code, the Temporary Certificate of Occupancy referred to in this Agreement may be revoked until all improvements referred to herein are completed by the Developer or the Town in accordance with this Agreement. lf the costs of completing the uncompleted improvements referred to in this Agreement exceed the dollar amount of the security provided to the Town, the excess, together with interest at twelve percent (12%) per annum, shall be a llen against the property and may be collected by civil suit or may be certified to the treasurer of Eagle Gounty to be collected in the same manner as delinquent ad valorem taxes levied against such property. lf the Developer fails or refuses to complete the improvements referred to in this Agreement, such failure or refusal shall be considered a violation of Title 12 (Zoning Regulations), of the Vail Town Code, and the Developer shall be subject to penalties pursuant to Section 12-3-10 (Violations: Penalties) and Chapter 1-4 (General Penalty), Vail Town Code. 7. The Developer shall warranty the work and materials of all improvements referred to in this Agreement located on Town property or within a Town right-of-way, pursuant to Chapter 8-3, of the Vail Town Code, for a period of two years after the Town's acceptance of.said improvements. 8. The parties hereto mutually agree that this Agreement may be amended from time to time, provided that such amendments be in writing and executed by all parties hereto. Dated the day and year first above written srArE oF rJtO-raC,p couNrY or fu_114 Witness my hand and official seal. My commission expires 2-lr->0 to Flcdev\FORMS\Permits\Planning\Administrative_Aclions\DlA credit format_516-Z007.doc SS. Page 4 of 6 Town Planner STATE OFCOLORADO ) couNw oF EAGLE ltt' F:\cdev\FoRMS\Permits\pranning\Administrativeictions\DrA credil format_S-16-2007.doc Theforegoing. Develo-pe' rmprovement Ag-repment was acknowledge_d before me this Witness my hand and official seal.z-ot I My commission expires: /t^-c-. Notary Pr.rblic Page 5 of 6 L V..l[,tcr *6 E\uj,.te- ' f t[ J+oG Ro& ftA*^f":,^ h*'*wt"'J-{ C''*st'' " I 28lqn 'y I Ch'*rlrn r"^ ilrlJ'ia1: { 't, bw '"ry (o "* '* + G't-'*) d al"^l-:S 56,O13,ao K t ,'{ ( tzs t'];, & 10 l o1I, 2{ F:\cdevlFoRMS\Pomits\Planning\Administrative_Aotions\DlA credit brmat_5-1&2O0Z.doc Page 6 of 6 oosTcoDENo. E VNCN&ENTAI@i€III.'GT|oN NA LAI,IDSCAPE . IRRIGATI0N . REGLAMATI0N . DEslclrl May 14,2007 Boles Custom Builders, lnc. Attn: Brack Crouch P.O. Box 426 Edwards. CO 81632 Dear Brack, RMEC, Inc. is pleased to offer the following proposal for landscape and irrigation per pians by Sonesmac dated 512107 for the Wells Remodel. The bid is itemized and bid exactly as per plans. Coloradosprucel-16' Coloradosprucel-18' Coloradosprucel-20' Aspen 8 - 3" Aspen l0 - 4" Montgomery spruce 13 - 3' B&B Dig perennial beds and expoft Topsoil and compost perennial beds and sod areas Perennials 1038 - 1 gallon Perennials - 44 32 count flats Buffflagstone steppers 10 each Buffflagstone steps 6"x18"x4' - 4 each 18i2 Rain Bird pop-up headsT2 each GRAND TOTAL $ 1,6s2.00 $ 1,960.00 $ 2,980.00 $ 1,024.00 $ 2,160.00 $ 16,688.00 $ 5,840.00 $ 4,640.00 $ 1 1,899.00 $ 3,168.00 $ 148.00 $ 728.00 $ 8,640.00 Qarn a\nin<, %.I^^to- t'lU(oS d o.cto 0 9o.ao tss i",.7u" * Iz?** f,T^',T;a $ <i'-t"- ,5o.trc -i\ { i', o+o'd $61,527'oo * 29,461'9 All materials and workmanship wili cafty a one-year warranty from date of installation. Ifyou have any questions, please call. Thank you. 1060 East County Road 6G. Beilhoud, Colorado 80513 (303)449-2929. FAX (s70) 532-3634 2007-1G18 09:rl2 JLFPalr ln&lnc, 97F32&3all>> 970926207E Ghrletonarn Weldlng, lnc. PO Box 9967 Eagl", CO 01631 (070)818{080 BillTo: Eohr Cultom Eulldors, Ina P.O. Box428 Edwada.CO 81032 Rgvlred Derorlpllon Jobnime: The Trelllr @ thr GuestHouee Phone:Foc Endl (97oFr-tot0 (9ru) 3zl-srtl cody.drrl*cnrmt6@ydtoo.com P3r5 Egtlmato-bec8d on plana dated 8/8/07, Thlc proporal le for the hbrloatlon and ercdlon ot Btructursl steel for the Trcllls at lhc Wella Regldence cluGst Hous6- Thla propoaal lncludag tha steol columno, roobnEular tublng and etecl cllps, urclded to 4x4 T.S. to hrten he 212" wood lPE, Noo Includes fte labor for Chrlstonsen Weldlng lnstalltng Trelltr wood with lhq help qf "othcrt". Thls bld lncludea pdmcr, Thls bU does not lncludE concrcte androrg or bolts. 6tee! to rtcrl connecdons wlll be llcH rveldod upol Engln..r apprcyel. Thls bld dooe no lnclude any angle lrcn. mesonry Bnglet, ot cons€te angler. Thls bld do.s not Include palnt Thls bld does not Include grout Grcut l9 to be done by others. Thls bld doca not lncluele a crane allomnce. Cusbmer wlll be naponslble ior any cr6oe chetgea. Thls bld does not lnolude shop drewlnga Thb bld does not lnolude any omamcntal lron or relllng fot hh proj€ct Thl3 bld docs not lncludo rtalrc or rt k onponenlr ruch aa rbb slrlngero, shh treedB of stalr pans. Thh bld prlco ls baeed upon collaboradon wlth $c fnam€nB. For us to pmvlde the bert posrlblc Gchedufing and seillcc coop€]rllon conUnued communlsBUon behrean CWl, lho head tilmrr, genoraloonFgotor. archltcctand he onglnoer lo eesental. Thlt bld lc lorstrusfural Stecl boamr, columnc and cFuofural connectlons lol thore columnl and bcams only. Any dlEratlons or devlallon from lho above epeclllcauons lnvoMng extra costs wlll be rxeouted only upon w.ittcn ordcF and wlll hcome en exl|a charye over and above lhe e3Umate. Thls propolrl b vdld for 30 days from the dato on the propoeal. lf thls Hopogal lr not slgncd. datod end rltumEd to ur wihln hc 30 dsys thls prDposrl bcoomes vold. Paymenb t/vln br mrde as bllo'n: A doposll for 30% of ths total bid prico ls required to beilh lhe projoct ln odcr to covrr the oost of lha steel (30% of $22,000.00= $6,670.00), Th. rcmElnlng brlance ol thc bld wlll be progresc bllled onca . monlh untll lh" proJcct lt complete. Proposal Prcpocef Dsllz 10117 P|007 Prcporel#: 700 Proleot Wells RcddeDco Tohl 22.900.00 GO\, G*',pl'-k Rev'wainin2 B..\** | 60.ry Duo:- SIOMTURE ,lFP.ldln&lnG 97G32&.34t1>> t70925297A Chrlrtrnrcn Wrldlng, lnc. PO Box 3967 Erglo, CO 81001 (970)61F80e0 BlllTo: goLr Curbfii Bulldol', Inc. P.O, 8ox {26 Edrtardr, CO 81832 Revbad D.|orlpuon Job nrma: ThcTrclllr @ the W€lb R€sftlenceE!Umdct!!.d on planr datod 016/07. Hourc Ttb propoml lr lor the lebrloatlon ord grecuon of ttruc-tural gteel for lhe Ttcllle at ths Wellr Rcgldcncc Maln Housc. Thb pmposat lncludel be steclcolumns. rectrnsular luHng rnd sbcl clpf, rrcldcrl lo 4x4 T.8. to hlt€n h€ 2"rA" wmd lpE. Alro lnd-r.rdes tfte hbor br Ohrltbn.cn W€ldlng Inrtalllng Trellb rvood Mth the help of ,othors". Thb bld Includce pilmer, Thlc bld does not hcMs aonsrete anchom or bolts. stecl to ll€rl connectlone wlll bs tield unlded upon Englneer approval Thb bld dos3 no lndud. .ny ansb lmn. me8onry Nnglcs, _of conclrte anglcs. Thlr bld doer not lnclude palnl nts bld docs not Include'groul. grout b to bo dono bry olheo. Thls bld does not lnduda e crene allowrnce. Guctomorwlll bo rcapondbla brrny crane chergrs, Thlc bld docs notlncludo shop 9rulDSr. Thls btd docr not hctudc eny ornamfital lrgn or rBillng fur thle pfellct ihF bld dor3 not Includo thln or drlr componcnb rrch ar rtnlr ttdngara etalr tLads or ebk panr. Thl! bld pice lE b83ed upon collrboretion with tho trairere. For u3 lo provld! thg best pomlue .chodullng end DeMcc coopar|lion conllnued communlcailon bctrucn CWI the hrrd framer, gsneral contraotor. archlbct rnd the engheer lr esaonf!|. Thio bid l! for EEuot ral tteel beims, columns snd Dtruclural -conncctlonr fbr tholo @tumns and bermsonly- Any dtcntlonl ordevlaton fiom tia rbove lpldncattont InrroMng extra costswill bc executcd on! upon wltbn ord€r| and wlll bccome an exire ohrrgb ovsr and Ebove lhe ostlmtl6. Thls proporal la vrld for 30 dayr ltem the drtc on the propoml. tf thlc prooooal lr not elgncd, drted and lrtumarl to u! wlhln the 30 dryn trli proporrl bcconreevotd. Psymgntt wlll be m|dc ft fbllollE: A deposlt for 30% of the tohl bld pflce b r€culFd b bsgh hc prolrct In odrrlo cover the cort ol he rred (30% of f 16.3i!0,00= $4,490.00). The romahkq brhnoo of thc bld wlfl bo ptogm blllcd onc. I monh undl drc imjcct ir compleb. Phonci Ful E-null (910)6tE{m0 (vro)32r.t{tl cody,cM*coronlti@rhoo,con R"-^^ai-r,i^ 2%-Unee b tszo .e-{ P 1t6 Proposal ProporrtD'''rr 10n7noo7 Proposrtil. 7ol Prq.cr; Wells Rasldrnco r0,s00.o0 60% G*'71-*< sIGt.lAlURE WELLS FARGO BANK N.A. Tnde Seruices - Standby Letters of Crdit Operations One front SEeet, 21* Floor, San Frcnciso, Califomia 94111 Pfnne: (800) 79S-2815 Option 1; Fax (415) 29G8905; E-Mail: sftrade@wellsfarqo'@rn Inevocable Letbr of Credit March 17, 2008 Letter of Credit No. N2S616841 To:The Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Road West Vail, Colorado 81657 COPY Ladies and Gentlemen: We here issue our Irrevocable Letter of Credit No. N2S616841 in your favor as Beneficiary, at the request and for the account of Boles Custom Builders, Inc., 210 Edwards Village Blvd., P.O. Box 426, Edwards, Colorado 81632, in an amount of Seventy Thousand Ninety-One & 25l100's (US$70,091.25) effective immediately and expiring at our close of business on August 31, 2008. ihis Letter of Credit is available with Wetls Fargo Banlg N.A. at One Front Street - 21$ Floor, San Francisco, California 94111 by payment of your draft drawn on us at sight when accompanied by the original of this Letter of Credit (and amendments, if any) and your signed and dated statement worded as follows with the instructions in brackets therein complied with: "The undersigned, [insert one of "Mayor of" or "a designee of the Mayor oft The Town of Vail, hereby that Boles Custom Builders, Inc. has failed to comply with the terms and conditions of that certain developer improvement agreement for subdivision Vail Mllage, 7s Filing, lot 2, block 5, located at 1067 Ptarmigan Road, project No. PU07-0042, permit number 807-0084, and The Town of Vail is entitled to draw the amount of US$[insert drawing amount] under Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. Letter of Credit No. N2S616841." Only one draft may be drawn and presented under Letter of Credit No. N2S616841 and the draft may be for less than the full amount of the Letter of Credit. The draft must be marked: "Drawn under Wells Fargo Ban( N.A. Letter of Credit No. N2S616841 dated March t7, 2008". If any instructions accompanying a drawing under this Letter of Credit request that payment is to be made by transfer to an account with us or at another bank, we and/or such other bank may rely on an account number specified in such instructions even if the number identifies a person or entity different from the intended payee. Except as otherwise proMded in this Letter of Credit, this Letter of Credit is subject to the Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits (2007 Revision), International Chamber of Commerce Publication No. 600 (the "UCP"). BanK N Byr NamdVllKE L Very.truly Title: ASSISTANT VICE PRESIDENT T'0I{NOT'IIAIL Departmmt of Community Deuelopment 75 Soath Frontage Road Vail, Cohrado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 tttutut aailgoa.com March 18, 2008 Mr. Mark Lin Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. Trade Services-Standby Letters of Credit Operations One Front Street, 21"' Floor San Francisco. CA 941 11 Re: lrrevocable Letter of Credit No. N2S616841 Dear Mr. Lin, Enclosed is the executed Developer lmprovement Agreement for Boles Custom Builders, Inc. Upon project completion this letter will be released and returned to Wells Fargo. In the mean time, if you have any questions do not hesitate to contact our office a|970-479-?139. Sincerely, 4.,t^* Lynne Campbell Office Manager enclosure n RECYCIED PAPER I'OIITIOF I/AII Department of Community Darlapment 75 Soatb Frontage Road VaiL Qlorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 wwtu adilgov.com July 1,2008 Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. Attn: Mike Lin, Assistant Vice President One Front Street, 21$ Floor San Francisco, CA 94111 Re: lrrevocable Letter of Credit #N2S616841 Borrower: Boles Custom Builders. Inc. Dear Mr. Lin: The above mentioned letter of credit has been released. Please find the original letter enclosed. lf you have any questions contact Warren Campbell, planner for the Town of Vail at 970-,479-2148. Sincerely, .! -f.:. ./J'n i',.C-j&a iUL-'! Lynne Campbell tl Office Manager Enclosure {S u"ouor*o JAN, 3,2006 1 REAL ESTATE .:. NO,533 '' P. 1 Park Hyarr @ iloyer Creei< P.O. Dr,awer 2820,' 4ro4, CO 81620 (970) 84s-940'0 Phone ' (970) 84s-7635 Fax'lh< RigLr lcopln Company: Far #:,/54 From: 'Date: / This facsinlile rarumision oort{ins documdrr bdonging o'ttE lcnac udicbEy bc canfdcntial raC tcfficaed lnformNrio'r b incndcd orrly for whom (h'f lrlrlsmistio|r wns s6ld indicrH sbovc lfyou nrc nord|c inrdodrd GcipiE4t llld Cisclosurg copying ditibrJdqn or *tion tdcir in nliqcc cn coDEdb is stricrly prohibilcd. tfyou Mv€ ncliyed rll tronmiqlon in cnor, glcose notif ur by lehphonE inmddiacly so wc may urmge o rciriuva hin qaljsmission or no cct n yar lhauk yor. Pages trnclu Cover Page: ?fr* ffI t Ir ti ili tilt{t ,ilj rlIts $* ! II t @ # im il Selrtq ieE* IEF il lgAS3*!E FE $5HHE FE Ff, HE FErsE EHF jr fi I It ll I ,.j i iii iqfi ##, iItltl.tt ?c -:- $il alri a !l fililisl-rl g.J tnt I I J Il d 4I ## .iff ii iiifril lr a +q I.I : !r lig I 1 d, i li' I i\i 'l $ l'{ rffl , ! l'titri * i$ N T,HIt; iiqN f;I,i ilit j 1 l"ifiiiir ii$i I I.. ! --.tx iqtt$ fiIq. rl A !,! ;l: :hIr il t I:l al cg E u F $ ti: ll|n :f l! fr$ hli #$$J @i, +l*r a { $q: s, fri El# i iI! ilti:ill b ASf is:l # Ith ol'q Er ir l-g--; trFEe x*I= ;fEF E :gI; F 4J= -: o.i=5 rft c') c4l a F| No N I ul t.ct" 'ri m F o 'l o| N N Nf- o t{ Xao?,r,t d00 :z t 9001 '[ 'NVl]IVTS] IV]U[[E'0|\l G ii til'H , H'ffiiffi (\l c{ 65 Fi ctQz>.t.iF.AZEE{ EE HE qa E. FP *5E I3E EHE r.l< EFZA E3ilir. iv 5E ftx HF IE fr ffi ffiffi ffiffi HHSIffiffiffiffiffi t s !: frEE nt: f;l H} !5 rE gr!:r,liDrrtrET Fildlf;turlf,!V.f, nBsE l{: I D r.'- ei H=FF 3==E = E3=;;qFJc E*SFElo - N No N I |n rO n @ f. m o N N Nt- r-.l ['ld LZ :Z t 9002 '[ 'NVl .o Vllvlst .,o,, iln*ttI UN \ t$ a_ a $ auFgH fiEEHfEEi 5$"rnagg Eg IgEEEE oF qJ 0, o @ Gl rF ; tD ct Nru o =(9 l-lz) Jh tL-F-=F I.IJz>L! ll.rt- vt IT' UJ(9 (jl<< (rr JJJ-J l-,-! H O>>J Hl.1 Z<< IJJ>>Ez!tncEulr-:l.>eJoJdl (5 ooa' rfoo @O -.o(o (!trIN O(\t\ tn tJt-lJJ-JJJJtr.<<<<<<Fl-{ F{ l-, H}-{ HtllFFFFFFI{2ZZZ.Z26 uJ trr lrJ lrrlll uJ >60cl6aoz<.H l-{ }-{ 1-{ H HC -COUl(/l mt'ttn>r I ll., Lt ut!u.tuJF Lclcilrcrcf,fr<o>l>>>>->.>-cll-tItIE(IETEt|JlI4<4<<<UrtttrlcfclOlf,Cllr,lFrzz,zzzzE6,ooodooo.cJ(J(Jcj(J(J c' uJ uJul lJllftl! < <ur.nqoaouo\\\\\\C!EE EEErIEE IJ<<<<<<Jl-l =-==E=<JFr r-rFt H H Fr CE COEEEEEETCf==CLo.ELg.ELELFEL z No NooN tt) il(r| f- f'l N N NF o X tht,,Lrdf u:il 9002't 'NVf:TVIS: IV]U[[E '0Ni 'd f(tt\ \d.a$r s-xu0 eI \9 \s()\ \$ N tv) i _!o)- q. D h tss K $"1,* $rlR .$. +. .rl /ct ;' l' ..},l-olo (i b.'c[l Bn EI &xt<l E FIv Rst E h it f, \ H E9 \ H- EF HH HA Fe EJ T c ro b HE EE EE FE BT B EE 4 Eqrt € ||r o o N N NF (, dvo !.t{n h3l\ll- r. Eh E$ B F .00'Eoc A.or.Er,0E \" K ...9 t [5, Noo NooN I u1 rt) (n @ I I l/-tt \\ I1\-Z lt , 6t. rb +<K]tl FJ H Fr E: FI its:. F€Sn6E UH HH Eq 5it.FJ ;\' Fl,rE s;\ t. t9 I tis FE E sq E $ .1 JO FJAN. 3,2006:112:21PM ttt$ REAL ESTATEo rs:26:22 2oos N0. 533rge rP, 6z Gilcago II[e In$rame C-ougry ALTA COMMITMENT Scbedu[c A hoperty Addrtssr r0zr PTARMTGAI{ nD vAtr+ co Er6s7 1. Eilec0veDate: Dec&rl4,2005rt5:00P.M 2. Pollcy to be llsoeq aoil Proposed Insued: 'UD"Codhrnt htoposed linsrcd; TOB@DEIERTIIIND Ol:lr Orilcr No. VSOOI:AflI CtsL Rd.: 3. Ihe e93a,!e or lnterast ln tbe tanrl descrlbcrl or referted io ln &ls Commlhenl and covered herdn ts: AFce Slm$e 4. Tltle to the eshte or lnl€Fcst covercd hele|n ts at the decdve rlate hcreof vcrteil Inr DOUGIASS. EAWF{S 5. The l.nd rderreil !o tn thls Commlbeur Ir rlescrlbed ss follows: IXT 4 BLOCK S, VeU, rnUcq SEVEhITE rU.E{g A@OBITING llOTEE FINAL PI"aT OF nEP!.aT Ox'L(yNi 1-4 ELOCK S CF VAIL VILLAGE SEVEilTTE rll,rNq nEPr,/\T OF IOT 6 VA,ILVD-I.A@TEIrIESE.$IG, AND Gd\MB{ME{TIPT3, BEOOBDED MAY 14 2OOO, RECEPTION NO, 729628 AI{D ACOOf,DIING TO TEE *EIEE PT.AT OF WEICS XS BE@RD@ AS PL,AN EILE oF LOIS l-6 BI.OCK S oF VAIL VILI"aGIE SE\ZENIE FEJI{G, BEIAT qF LOT 4 OE'l'AtrJ1E,LAGEIEhNEFIIINGAI{D GOIZRI{MENTLOT3REC(BDEDJANUART'I7,2AO2AT nEcEPnoN NO. 7E3155, q)IrNTr (F EAG[.E, STAIE OF CqLGAITO. FJAN, 3,2006112:2lPN4 REAL ESTATEo LSt26t27 2ooj N0,533rge cP, ltttts ALTA COMMITMENT ScleddeB- See0on I ficqdnnEnb) OntOrderNo. VS00l2Yr2 Ite folbslng are &e reqdrelneob to bc coq)lcd fll&: ICn (c) PlVrDcBt D orfor fre accouhr of frc grarrbu or rmrtgagors ol 6e ldl csdderglon lor lbe es@ or tlEl€at to be lnsurrt IEm O) Propr tnstrmn(s) crsdry ahe err . orlnerert b be lnrqed mstbe executed snil rtrly ffIetl for rccor4 b-wlC Iho (c) Peyneot ol stl fuer, c.Uge or assesmrs levtcd od sessed og"irrt Se cu[lect ptdses wldch sc tbc ulpryatNe- rEIn (O Arlrlflonal tsSrfr@D[B, ! ry ilbcloscd belorl 1. @OD AtlD SUfFtcxE[\Ir Dffi) TBOM ROY R, MAY AEA RCJY MAY AND PAUIA L' MAY AKA PAIII,A IT{AY TO D(XIGI,A,S N EAWKT{S CO!{VEABIG STIEJECI PBOPERTY. NOIB IEEABOVESAD DED IS !{ECESSABY TODIVEST AT{Y II\IIENESTBOY N. MAY AKA AOYMAY Al{D PAUI.A L MAY A.EA PAUIA MAY MIGM EAVEIN SI'BFSI IBOIBIY. 2, CKXD AIID SIJTTTCreMT D TO FR(M[ S.L B(IJN PROFRIIES, LTD., A TTXASI IILUIED PARIIIERSHIP TO DOT,IGtr,AS H, EAUESNS COI\IVEYING SUEFCT PNOPERTT. NOIE; llEE ABdE SAID DEE) s NE@SSARY IO DIVEST AIIIY DIIEBEST B.L BOIJN ?R(PESIIES, LID., A TEtrAS IIMIIID PAFTITIERSEIP MIGHT EAVE IN SUBFCT PR@ETIIY. IF TEEffi rs + CEANGE IN oI[tt{RS@ OF TEE pROpEf,y Tt) EE rNsrrnffi) EEBEIN f,ROilt IE VESTE 'OTrfr\rER SET FORI',A IN ITEil{ 4 OF SC@DULE A EEREN, lEE rmr![S! TROVTSIONS AI\D COIIDTIIOI\IS OF TgE TOS'IT OB VAIL IRANSFER TAX MAY BE ATPIJCAsT,E 3. wASRalfTYDffilnFRO[]lilntcl.asE EASKINS TOTOEDEIEBII/IDIID COfVEfn'{CSUAECf PBCIFERTC. NOIE ADDtrIo!{ALnEOuES}@{TS G'EXCEPM{S May E NECESSAn|g WHEN lgE BU SBS NAMES ARE AITDE lto IEIS @D/Od[vlD{T, COVERA@S AND/OR CEARGES RtrI,ECq mm{, IFAIllf, ARE SUEECT TO CEAIIGE IJFOI\I RECEIPT OA IEE COD{TRA T FO ETIY Ab[D SE.L BEAL ESTATE A.!TD AI{Y AME{DIT,@{TS Tf,EBETO, I I FJAN. 3,2006t12:21PM N0, 533rge lP. BtttU REAL ESTATEo LtizltzT zoos I ar-r.l coMMrrMENr SchftncB-Secdon2 (Erapdone) Our Order No. VS0012872 I Tbe pollcy or poucles ro bc lrsoed wIIl conraln excc?oom 30 thc followlng unlees be raue are dlsposed of to thc sstls(Fctbn of tbe Conps,Dy! r l. Dlglb or dtu ol pr{es ln poeeeedon mt sbown by &e gIiltc t€cottu. L EasemnS, or clrlE of easemeffi, not sbwn by the puulc, Fcordt. 3. Dlrcrepder, s[OlcF In boudst [Dcsr Sodrge lD erts, erErDBGhb, mil eoy &cS rldeh e corcct rrvoy anil |lsplctbn ot 6e pedres wodd dscJooe rr'l iuc.b r|t Ft sbo*n bt th pdc r€cod3. I4. A4y [Gq o* r4nt O I IlcD, for selrlcnq labor or uandal lbrciofon or bcre4Er lMgh.{ hposeil ty lav dl bt sbowtrby fupHc rccords. 5. Ddecb, Ueb engtrmce+ adrer'GG,lqrrr'e otofrermst&rs, lf ary, cceled ffi0ppeadEtuttc PilUc tccords or a0mlillg s;beqtriE n &e esec0ve ib hcrcof E plor h 6e ihb h popsed lnsund scqu|res of rccord for rdu fre eslrb or lnb8est or Drttrtc fuNGon covered by ods CdhL 6. TBee or spectal assessnens whch srt trot sbwtr as eilsdrg lleos by fu pnilc rtcords. o fu ltiaslef s ofiDce 7. Llens for upatd wshr ood sewcr c[agcs, |l ony.- & Ib -ilrf,oq tu owds pollcy slll be subJcct b fu ur€ge tr srv, mbdln Secdon I of Sch&le B bcreof. 9. TEBlvtrs, C(f,{DnIq{S AI\ID pROVISIottS On E'(CSANGE AGRmVTENT EEqIRDED lvfArcg 1% r9y, IN B@K?20 ATPAGETIt. I 10. NXGHT OF PR(ERIEI.oR G' A YIIN G,I.ODE TO D(IBACT AITD AEMOVE EIS (XE IEERETRoD1SOIJI.D lEE SA.I}IEBE FOI,ND TOPED{SIBAIE@.DTTMSECTlEEPREII4XSES AS f,ESHSE) rN UNnED SlalES PaTENT BECCIFDS) JULY 12, 1899, IN B(x)K 4E AT PAGE 47s AND RECOnDD l{AY Vt, t9?4 rN BOG 93 AT PAGE 146. iII. BIGFT OF WAY FOR DtrICEES Q' CAITIAIS CONSRUCID EY THE AIIIK)IITC OT' TEE UIYTI@ SEATES AS RESM(VE) IN IJNIID STATES PAIBTT RIECORD@ JI'LY 12, 1t99, E{ EOOK 4E ATPA@ 475. 12, RESISICIWE COVENANIS Ii|HICHDONOI CoNT:uNA EonrtrTuBE OBnEvRTEn CLAUSE BUT OMETINGAI{Y @VENAI{T 0n'RESIRICIION BA@ ON RACE' Cd,(B, BM][GK'N, sB, HAlrscAP, FAlf{ILtALSIATTJS CRNatI(t{ALOEIGINTINLESSAI\ID (f,$LYTO1''EE EXIE\T TFAT S/UD COVATTAIVT (A) IS EXETUPTUNDIR CSAJSTIR44 SECNON 36U' OF TgE tnl'Xl@ SrarEs coDE oR @) nsArEs 1I) EAMTCAP StIt DOES NOT ITP AQ\IIIST EANDTCAP PEDSOIIS, AS @NTAINED tr{ II{STBUMIT{T NECOBDDD ut, 1965, INBOOKItT ATPAGEsls. FJAN, 3, 20061 12:21PM SSFA REAL ESTAIEo 1sr26:27 zoos N0. 533rse e P, 9t ALTA COMMITMENT ScHde B - Sccdon2 , (ExctP6om) Or Order No' Vffi1:LAn r\ Tbe poficy or $tc{ ]o tc,tssued t'U coDEttr ef,ccpdotrr io ahe folloerlDg uDlesg tc srEe rte aurposeal of to tte lheConpany: 13' EASEN@rIIS' BGS4YATIONS AllD IESIRICIIONS As SHOWII{ ORRESERVED oI{ fiE NECONDED PT.AT & VAtr, YIU.ACE, SDYED{TE FILING. L4. RrGET OF WAY TCEOTC$S OR CaNAI.s CONSIRITSI@ EY lEE AIrrEOlfiY Otr rEE UIIIIEI STAITS AS/XESRI/ED IN IINT@ STAIES PAIEIIT 8EC@E DEGMBM,Ig, 1997, rcWflq\l NO 642t36. I 15. EASEMEIniS, nESEBvAfi(tr[S A![D XESITBTCIIONS AS ffiOWN OR nSSnVD ON IEE IINAL PI.AT G'n@La',r 6 LoTs 1.6 Br.{lG,s o['vArL VILIAGE SEVE{IIE E'.II.ING, REFT,AT OF LOT 4 trYAIL VILIAGE IEIIIIEFILINQ AI{D GOVBNMEi',IT I,oT 3 RE@FDH) MAY la 2000, RgwIIoN No. 729628. L6. 1Bl4S, COIIDIIICTIS At{D PROVISIoNS oF @I{SB$'AIIOI{ DED EASil4ENT nEcOnDiE) sEPIE[[Bm,zr, 2000 arnEcwrroN No ?40273. IJAN. 3,2006112:22PM ssF/IA REAL ESIATE0 L5'26'27 2oo'o 1'16, 533tee zP. 10 LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY DISCf,OSUBE STAlE!fiTqSI I IrM,{.rDVt(J9 DIAI! I Nob: hmrtrt b CRS f G'U-12, DocE ts breby glre!| lbE A) Ib subrect \€al Folreffy rEt he locaEil ln a speclal ts@ dsttct B) A cedgcale of Tses Irr tbdry.retr wlng Jutlgdcrlon uy be obtslmd frou lbc Coil$ fteasrtrf s oeor|zerl +sil. Cf The lrtrqnrdon regsdrg strdrl ftdcts lnal be bodec of snel r[rtrlcb ry be ottdttcd tom b Bof,lr d cordy CorddoEtr, h CounF clc* ud B3cordrr, or b CowF Assccsor. NfE; Eflcctve Sep&dcf 1, l!}97, CRS 30-fc406 ref,nr lbd elt doclm$ ltcdvql ftr Fcotdrg or ![4 h l$e dpd( std reaordeds ot[ce sball coildn a bp uglu ol d lerst orc lncb od s.ldf dgtt rd botlom ErgID t( at Last oa b[ of rn taclr Ib e&r* md rccords Dry Irttse b recori or ile rry rlocmcnt &lt rloes notlcofop, cxccpa hl frc rcqr/rerrwrlfor fu Dp EElr sbelt rt aldy ro doc@rc u$tg fotm oa dnc{ cprclts pmvlded for ncordl4 or nxng tdortdob il ibe bP Etgb of h dorrlnd' n"t, "ioJlltvlslon of lrrrae B€tflanoDr '$1, Ptagraph C of arrtclc Vtr nqrdres ltrr 'Er€rt iltle sdtl gbll b slgpoduc tor ell EotbF whlcb rftr otr rccord prlor D tu tllE of teolfltlg whrverfre d[e enttt cotrcb fu clo@ odls |f,+o6tu! forltcotdq ortrlng of legrl docmnb rcstiltl4 non f uaraqlon qddcb res choerl". Provhhit blsd Tl0e Gqraotle CoryV cophcls tu cloilry of b lnnrcrl Eurcdon od b retlodHc tor rcconil4 6c legt +c@s from te Foscauoq excson m'hns w|Il ml tpr on Oc hef I I|tlo Po[cy adSp IdnPoDcy whnlsecd. INobl AmmFnve nsr-"dc's lico pooGc[oB for b Omer my b ardlalle (lyDlcdy tY ildcrlon of Bcep0onp. 4 of Scb.lule 4 sccdoh 2 dtb CdffirttoD b oprf6 hlcyb be lsscd) Wn con$on 116 tu fo[otlng coni[6ora: A) The led decdbd tn Sc|redde A of 0ils comlmcot nn* be e dogfe fuly rtddee wbc.b Incllurlee r coniloffim or bwbhu3c rrdtInc.luilee r coniloffim or bwbhu3c rrdt B) No fiDoq oruletos hrc tocatHshdby ccMcs orEsbdrl-mr for fFses of cof @on on tu hrd rlegclbed h Schahle A d ods cord@errt stodn b pst 6 Eo!&s' C) Ih{ CoD*nry rinat Fcdrie e .pgopdsb d{ivfi rtttlarilillyhg h C6FF rty €rtut trFlled _- re$adc's unl4abdrlm's tlen* nyD bcco D-) fta Conp?ny qst rtcerve ftrrut ol tb epoprE FdrD. E) I tuts hCbcco poartscfloq 4ov@rs orudq nDdn urbralsr on h FoFttt o be pucbzsed rttindx Ftorlo b Ds& ol ft Cordr"'-Dg tbe rtEflunf b obtdn covcrege (orrmcotded dlt |nfrrb a[scto$re of cemeta coastdon ldostloru 0rqrdal Moston truudcr rnil o! & comarbE pcot ql @ qlFoFdG FtdtD tuy Agltemed r.[strDryb thc coryy, o4 sryr&illond reqdtdr ray be No covenge rlll b bs coFa.Gd for or Noc:l0-ll.l,iX!, rdce le hraby glvenl Xlds otce Polcy cdmF contsld4 NDh.lel seYe|'re lEtiM ctcq{oq or lr SchiHcB, Sccdoo2, A) Thi ed eY|alm 6ar e rdcal crtrle b beeir ceecre4 lccs4 or obplsc sodie estrtc &d &al fuis ts a nfthdal Dtr:hod, tr'.t a ddrd Inrtl rU lntscst ln dl, gGr ohr dml|, ot geo pnd cmlEf lh tbe poperty; eud esun 4 lr.lude ec ilght b cobr qi'n rr3e Sc trop.tlt tlfro|! fte s P.ffiorL No0dng bemln wfllbilemtD oHgan beonpoy bpvldcaryof h covcmgc cferrerlb uless b ebow coundoc rlatillysaft[cd. lerrr DI9CLOSi'hE OtlOJ,lOZ qeetrCd Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.vailgov.com December 30, 2005 Ms. Sue Rychel Re: Lots 4 and 6, Block 5, Vail Village 7h Filing Dear Sue, Thank you for your inquiry regarding the development potential for the referenced lots. lfound enough information in our files to hopefully get you started. lt seems as though Lots 5 and 6 were developed jointly, which is why I provided statistics for Lots 4 and 6 only. Legal Description: Lots 4 and 6, Block 5, Vail Village 7tn Filing Phpical Address: 1067 Ptarmigan Road Zoning: Lot Size: Hazards: Standard Setbacks: Front: Sides: Rear: Height: GRFA: Site Coverage: Density: Two-Family Primary/Secondary Lot 4: 16,500 square feet, Lot6: 16,559 square feet Moderate Severity Rockfall Allowed/Required 20ft. 15 ft. 15 ft. 33' (sloping), 30' (flat) Lot 4: 6,695 sq. ft. allowed (with 4,748 square feet already constructed according to 1996 records, which assumed a different GRFA calculation than is used today) Lot 6: 6,703 sq. ft. allowed (with 5,(35 square feet already constructed according to 1993 records, which assumed a different GRFA calculation than is used today) 207o of total lot size for each lot 2 dwelling units allowed per lot Landscape Area: 600/o of total lot size for each lot Finally, please note that the Gross Residential Floor Area (GRFA) formula for residences within the Two- Family Primary Secondary zone district is as follows: The following gross resrdentra I floor area (GRFA) shall be permitted on each site: a. Not more than forty six (46) square feef of gross residential floor area (GRFA) for each one hundred (100) square feet ofthe frrstten thousand (10,000) square feet of site area; plus f,-p *"."."uo,n'"^ b. Thifty eight (38) square feel of gross ra sidential floor arca (GRFA) for each one hundrcd (100) square feet of site area over ten ttnusand (10,000) square feet, not exceeding fifteen thousand (15,000) square feet of site arca; plus c. Thirteen (13) squarc feef of gross residential floor area (GRFA) for each one hundrcd (100) sguare feet of site arca over fifreen thousand (15,000) quare feet, not exceeding thitty thousand (30,000) sguare fieel of site arca; plus d. Sti (6) square feet of gross resriy'entra/ f/oor area (GRFA) for each one hundred (100) squarc feet of site area ln excess of thirty thousand (30,000) sguare feet (Section 12-6D8- B, Vail Town Code). Please feel free to call me if you still have any unanswered questions and I will be more than happy to help you resolve those issues. Hapgy Ngw Year! 970.479.2454