HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 7 BLOCK 5 LOT 3 PRE 2000 REPLAT LEGAL\l \a ,i \ N. -r t)t()t\( IogJ z J4 2o =ot t))XF;ft 6- aJco<.t 3H5l i;H; FEI? ItEnae:i Ii?eo<o<oaz E4EF HgEslH"<o> -689t<i! o u,l ul o(,2) ulo2g G oF2ul E uJ a/, ut 9F E ult GooJII ||,1E FoJ FoF ulE EooJtt J FoF ! E tr lrl 0. o z -oJ -f o = l&e -,-ot- YE.l z $3 !l i I I ota3 (o:tG tr o2v G Atotttto ot! uJttv(, IIJE(, 2 4 G,i4ulc S zo F oo : 2o F .EulF 3 uJ2 2o F IE cLlo o2 El(J E P 2f z f tto ciz 2o F I 4o t|- IuF o 2 .J 2 I w n UJ oo : (9z J tt v o Fo o zo v, o ;\) I\ro :* UJ =o =o zo .JBaf.oFllQ9 =>ps6f !.ITTB FGl x o3tt 2o trA E(,v, uJ J c Ia DES IGN REV I EI.I BOARD DATE 0F 6EETI11G: August I, L974 MESBERS pR[SENT: Ruoff, Bill Abbott, Dudley Hanlon, Bill z--/ Parker, Lou L-:_J-<___ -/-Sage, Dave t / CRAWF0RD residence - addition of deck - ACTION TAKEN BY SUBJECT: BOARD: golf course - Jim Morter MOTION VOTE:AGAI NST: APPROVED: DISAPPROVED: SUMMARY: a :"::\:,: rr5i: @tel-e, roffEtz RANTT.l A(rENr) €KAVEI- 3 FT. l-tar Js : 4) 2't-Gl-.L*,.r;*,,oo (e-*r*o O 2"" G^ iuT1.'t1: 2'-a" o-4. RiE€,Ir;lEjT€E .A, JULY tartel4 f{aRIH -_: - To Insure Inspection the same day call: 476-5613 before 11:00 A M DO NOT COVER UP ANY WORK NOT INSPECTED INSPECrION RECO BUILDING DEPARTMENT Vail, Colorado Phone 476-5613 Notice: Inspections will not be made unless this card is posted on the job. -ALL subcontractors must be licensed and sign this card to obtain insnection. Permit No. ,78 tj ;(olaartss Contxactor General Corrcrete Heating Electr,ical I I I I Plumbing Tl| COMPI.Y WITH G(IIIE INSPECTION RECORI) To obr.tr.*ln in:;pect.ions call 4?6-5613. Inspections will be made the same day irn calls befo:e 11 A. M. No i-nspection will bemade on Saturday, Sunday, or legal holidays. Inspections will not bd made until Dermit ha^s been secured antl contrac- ior has signed and placed his llcense nunber in the sPaces above. Inspectlon lFootings 6'/-6 I\fiasonry l'o'tl Plumbing Approved Rejeoted By ,l ll I Elec'trical Hea Frame I 2" 4 )A. l Notice: CertiJicate of ![cupancy and Compliance must be ob- tained before Ttlqtu.e is occupled. L] .\ \ .4P aPLI ) RMICATION FOR BUILDiNG PE THE TOWN OF VAIL ti 0)c Fo h <; t) f{& t) - L)o t-{ d qJJ Buildine addre s s Date of 3 oplication Address. City licant fiLl in this section onl Ael. No.s<ql-zsfl BUILDING INFORM/ TION New ,'A ddition A lteration_ Reoairs Type of o..up^n.y-/,2 BUILDING DIMENSIONS Total floor area (sg ft'|41!g_ No. of storie s 2-,, Ht. Nr. of rooms d No. baths z- arne I ddress City ,/t d'; ttnn Tel. No. e o/- nttJ .A rea of Lot Narne zf. E lock Subdivision Narne t Address City Lot X.. R.-;.t.1 -fJ No. of water closets No. of Farnilie s ESTIMATED COST OF CONST RU CTIONjQlgpn, a 6(Materials & Labor) I' 77r a2-236 1021 (Circle correct cla ssification) Type of construction I, II, ru, fV@ Z. Occupancy B, C, D, E, F, G, hrl d\ oq grouo A H J rl d.p t-.tu t{ F{ >rr o &(! Io fd F fi lrdI o (g P. (6 r+ ! oqI) ( t, $ q) +)(!r\ \\cj (J sl\l () d \ I +t' tr{ I {U c) ,1 .) F !4. u d ii iiII I t1tr :! $ li - --t;,. -6- ---t"12 23-s,&it_::=_ I)()Lr,,uis W, L. RENNER CONTRACTOR -_-LtJ,.I !--:at,-,-t\ CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY AND COMPLIANCE Vail, Colorado ----.--.-------- 1 9---- TeI. No. *74,--S{t? I ru olrd lJ d b0 d+, 0,) o z l-{F H 14v) o tl-t (! trl{ v) Permit is hereby granted-.--.-.-. -;--..--..,....---,.,..-...------,-.------.---- to occuPy the building 45-.-.--- j-- :-;:.1-i-.--L-'----- ---.--..- on Lots ---]--i-:'r.,=..--.-.----, Block--:..,-.-:-,;1,--:--..- ji-.i.--,.-.-- - Addition. Located i11 .J..t-*l.r-,.t-,--.-:iil;V.-L_.;-i.,-ir:,itii&i___._-. zoning disrict. The address knou6r as ----:..:.--:i-:-:,':.l-'-."---,a11.---':i.t.-:-----l-:--...-.--. Applicant shall maintain said building in accordance wirh all present or future ding ald zoning. I i-4s- .-. ,,-.,.. _,,,. BUILDING PERMIT Vail, Colorado TD^t" y'u-c 4 r9-C?- Pe rrnit Perrnission is hereby grant"d Ay'. /, ,Eeaae- , as /aa /-..fo-to ou-tfrxet a 2 story cc-trZhr,c -l ddre s s In accordance with the Committee, subject to Protective Covenants, Type of Construction E Contractor I'r/, /. t?"rn.- provisions set forth by the Vail the rules and regulations as set and in cornpliance with the I954 "A' rchitectural Control forth in the Vail Village Uniforrn Building Code. rGroup I pproved INSPECTICN RECORD (For Departrnental use Only) INSPECTION FOUNDATIONS ,\ PPROV} L COMMENTS DATE & SIGNr'TURE FR/MING b0 g.l FINAL ROUGHo qJ 14 FINi L ROUGHai. t FINI L ROUGH bo ;-'(! {) 'r{ ol FIN,A L