HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 BLOCK 6 LOT 5 SUMMER LODGE PART 3 LEGAL75 south tronlege rord vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 offlce of communlty developmenl January 27, 1989 Ms. Gilda D. SchinelLoL Green Street San Francisco, CA 94109 Ref: Summer's Lodge Pedestrian Path, Lot 5, Block 6, VailVillage First Filing. Dear Ms. Schine, Recently, you sent a letter to the Town of VaiI with concernsabout the naintenance of the pedestrian path connecting Willow Road to the Village adjacent to Sunmer's Lodge. The Town ofVail will naintain this path. If you have any other maintenanceconcerns about the path, please feel free to give me a call at(303) 479-2L38. Sincerely, {"h^ Qil Kristan Pri|'.z Senior Planner KP: sm II I I I I Il,, l.r II i I r!/IF o: IEz t= l.rl=. I I $ VI.{H .te-ri I I I lt {l -9 z ao I U'l! !EE uJ tJ \\,\ co +J<rEUc HtE o-x4(|J -,c.= .E o+J-a c) u El E \J]olL+le- ol IL {rl oJ -rl +) (,f) |(UlJ C$l LTJ 6- (5z. -t r^ c) ^ll LL ft3 otd t-!J =uv1E-A\5toz Y=z=od F IJ- 0-tJJ T4 llJ6 z - a 6 oz (J =J E I = R F 6 hf, ?I I I I lo- I l I Jttlttl q q J>gE ta \4.-o ll \9 ..1s lii) ttr I 4ol H1 dlzl (,l Hl <l>l t!l :l Bi 9lFI Illlltl-rl IilJTt zl3l oi+l "'tJI JIJt <lll >l Jt td .-J I ol llzl .l HEi ilI lilo-] t?tAtqx l-{ ol r\ -t :l ,-\ fl Fit!,4fiq dqI zt .,1 EI FI Fi 2l I I I I :l slll <i>l.. I YIEl rrj =E z =o F LrJF - E --.r O<FEOu,t <ztr o C) <o(JF EQ:<irg 'l 0agP =<<F d5 Jw< r'r :IF +$ HZ =g t ITJ !rz () d c.'qg s08 \/ \r,g'':9I O6/VZ/VA*:,<: >dINOJ AddIH qqs0 I I t? .,F { EE :I == rn JO 'l(! lL \ J "dg =EtJlii(J E;H a ! arg -ET L\l;?\\l sF ' tYztl/J< lr-J uJ v) =I tc F i N0rlvntvA g? E EgE rNO Ooo f--OZI5 ieE g OE tr, at aiz>(J9s?.JzX |!d UJFLTL< lo-rrJ ulo trJlrtz q) a- = 11,tL J zsF ul2 brn u.r i frEuit;.r o- c( rJ EE g F^{:+X ;f-{Bs g *F€ trE EEH: - ='z ul L F=! EE6E E E=i EEE T &E-E Eq(/! qi.€fii Julr!G!piF+ oF E E F,^.u rllsl fr /vl5rlr+i IJJ s3 )< tsEElrlo-zIF CJ =E azo(J /*'. tr8tr IrjrlE o = E =t UJa e.l rn rr \o Ol 3r, UJ UJll- F =G uJo- \N\$ Ns * lnN $ U) H z b !! J otrt!oo =6 uJF o I =Eo z o uJFoz zoJ l0€ o = ttJuto TI .rolt GoFo tr Fzo Eulz;od EUJdz-= H6:) ulFI<F2;, 9,2o< h rt\ l\{ c.' E{ z trl Fl 0 o o-c -9.o6 .9 o- aN 3 F\ o o\ oOr()c(u .a P'o c'.E o c(t otEoo o)c E=3 c0 E o =cl d{, o CLct(t 3 .g E ---oc i Egg €fr s€E.= 6 -E :..9 6 E EP:Oc-o> cf ;'E =g i;c96i,l oE or 3 E.;.5 EEFI gE 3F EleecL o o-- SE; e oi-o.qts*e€Ea:i EEEE - cL.Y C) -r,C,?6o'-E.c= o o sr=e s g:E P:E5 ;ffE eEg: - () (E: co \trr .if .if ro\o T\ cn & F =EulC (9z6J ao xoqJ-(,z o- F IJJJul o2 @ = o. J oz ourE ulurttzo uJ uJ oE o .D 'uJ uJ z 6llt F th uJo z uJ x F ulof an IJJ u,lt!t =t IJJc J FoF (52 J ) o c,F llJ UJ oz -)o. Iz I() UJ- Fl H H NO|lVnlVA =lr-{lFl <l 14l&lol l,/.1 C)l Hl z ; F F{7\ Fl F-l F{v)zH JGo =l! zo Fo-a() gJ J E llJz uJ =>c, -IttE tr.t .$ =loal zz99 >R =FZ .tO E9l!<oaH6-t ';6i a FT z zH z9 J {t! uJo. E o. uJ E, zoFoo X a =z 2o tr o::ooo o =zl z:J uJ3o atlto 5 u,c A z F z F I|lt u,l J at) IIJzY() F l! F 2 tr 5f,oz -l'lFtlzl ql 'il <l:l 8l lt IE o3 I -f:l F(t) Jl<l FI =l zl .. >lo UJo uJulz (t, tr =ulo- J z E il; lt;,; z tro 6 ozv zo F uJ J =IJJz 6 CD crl -:f,O(f tr{z ,-.o9 Q =< Floo ! =z5 =r o iiCL l! -r :E: - a'r J- B;E ul E U)oo-zo Fo-ulY uJo oF F =3trq bJt"l 8Elt<l H e,'oEzo t =ut b EYE<8Aie._49-,8b93EE ;=E FE! dtE ooE irt :>s E-!E ul @ F 1{-'trl=\ \-4 | t'D\zrE !! E =E,lrl o-z9F(JfE 6zo(J IET]fr.x"- ,l-l HI J3 l ll-r I tF! | lr lr lzq= J<c)qg a tt) o n ui =z c]o-)I h HIHt{x D{ 5 H FfFlHB tt =z z <n t{ FI tt uJGoo J = F\ Itr)NF\ IlnF @ H F H F: F, =t! tt uJeoo :Fo !.1x BIl<ExHxlBiatt A H :g tt T.<r c{ -1 oj z.l ol rl al>l l!ol zl 31olFI lr|rn\o ca I\oNor u u F :g oz dulG J t!oz3oF zH E FlA F FlFl FJH = tr I -l oz dutG J t!oz3oF F|-\F\ I C'\.$ c g t! oz ci UJ J |roz3oF G oz qi NE J ltoz =oF u,Jlll F-' c uJz =o F C) uJtrr C) E -.r O<FGC)uJ<ZEIIJ Farzoo Je<o()F FSqE lIo -o oz (l1 =)(L (t z SE =3i,z =g (! i. =!tY OzEHn e3ps 926 36Es RIPPY CONT o " a|^tvl e vlril tuv{rp Ctu?22 - 4€e Wa-t, t'a)L1.,rJ @oo2 RIPPY COI'ITRACTORS P, 0. Box 999 EDWARDS, C0 8163t JAcOBS L!{IT I Swamers lodge :% 't fi j.'.:.:::. ;l: t- t.. t- .r- I s-- t' 0,i-rr-+ .lrF;*_:{.{' -:-; Ir' j c4 S^ry(g HS6 #ip.' 't'(!ri:1-iP r- ^.4['" E [. ': ofi/vz/bqs99€ 926rN0c Addtu @ @ ,-\'-...-- ;/ rO 4(*-- lll'J. / .4* E ,/, I t.'{ I : I ,+' LJ, r.\qla.' \f x" -l tO\(- :('l K" N-D{ . i .l o ,/// gw3 -\ I nt.. -,L, L".lf,Sj. llr',4./ ,bT@ ' ?ii ,ti-tt."1 a t ".c,-ri i.'.' ,. .J.!r6r'i \ \ \ \ \ ,Y cxrq ;t.t t'oA,-9,+<i? ,ftrE *ti.l i:-.t:V j frt t,/.6' ltrv f tr.rvi.i: Ple,2{r' ttlv /rl-ri, +frJf{' Qt4d. b' |lav. n1,f I hJ!-"'f] tt|49. tt . .,tt r.f|( tr" i!p.4 t i/ti!,4! -d.)1.: r'.ft'44<'r't < | ttta.L4 a\O hrrn !1/'d rd.- Ali ri.tc aH. i,^i , 16 iai r.x'r) \)/.)lt,fl p9 r!&1 l,lzEtaMECHANICA-L..SITE PLAN c4at <. ..- t4 ^.4h RIFPY CONTRACTORS P. O. BOX 999 EDWARDS,CO 8i632 .r.ti faa act..i i ' ' ": " --=: ---- s:i "4: l. -- -- --. -- +\. s..-_ -__ -t), tri td'f.v.(,.. t 'a F tga, A{W 11331 PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE CTION REQUES.T TOWN OF VAIL sl>t JOB NAME \ip READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: 'WED e^"Io,r: nv @ BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL XRoucH / D.w.v. EI FRAMTNG ' i dnoucn / wArEB / o l9.95lsJ5:1,.,^PLYWOOD NAILING tr INSULATION O POOL / H. TUB ELECTRIGAL: D TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING O ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS T] CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL $.4eenoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED /- .aop;,e r'^, ' L \- -7,'2 rNSpEcroR,J nift$,o txTbol ,,*ril".oN REouEst - PERMIT NUMBE.R PROJECT JOB NAME o''Lo CALLER TUES WED TOWN OF VAIL ;1--o"d READY FOR LOCATION: PM T/ APPROVED * coRREcrtoNS: tr DISAPPROVED O REIN ECTION REQUIRED BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL ,.. ROOF & SHEEFD piywobor.rnir-rruc - O GAS PIPING 11 D tr INSULATION O POOL / H. TUB NAIL INAL ELE trT trF trC tr- MECHANICAL: TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIB ' .?'t '.'\6erc -/-fr-Vo rNSPEcroR pdFsxop INS I.i' " I PECTION.. TOWN OFPERMIT NUM DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: BER 1l REQUEStr " VAIL I V\ JOB NAME MON THUR @ OF PROJECT CALLER TUES BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER D FOUNDATTON / STqIL tr tr tr tr tr FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING D tr D GAS PIPIIJG INSULATION POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: Irtr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING o tr tr ROUGH tr tr D EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR drr'.rnr-tr FINAL ,ET'DISAPPROVED E. REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: ',! ,^'{DATE (INSPECTOR O* rNsPEcrroNrs co{PLETED The lteros below need to be cooplete before glviog a permlt a fl.ual C of 0. Please check off ln the box provlded. FINAL PLU{8ING FINAL }iECHANICAL DATE: IMPROVN.TEM SI'RVEY RESID. NAME! 9JEST SIDE: TEMPORARY C OF O DATE: CERTIFICATE OF OCCTIPATCY DATE:rl I.AI{DSCAIING DI'E DATE: FILE I{AUE: TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 81657 97 0-47 9-2L38 Lrr 5 MV- t' ;rlttl U;l I sV DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES aoo/elr MF BUrLD PERMTT permit #: 896-0239 Job Address Location. . . ParceL No..Project No. 123 WILLOW PL 123 WILLOW PLACE 2101-082-s9-002 PRJ96-0141 Status. . ( sUMMERSApplied. fssued.. Expi-res . ISSUED 08/rs/Lse6 08 /1.6 / Lee 6 02/72 /ree7 APPLICANT RIPPY CONTRACTORS P O BOX 999, EDWARDS CO 81632 CONTRACTOR RIPPY CONTRACTORS OWNER Description: ADD HOT TUB TO DECK Occupancy: R1 Type Construction: V Type Occupancy: Valuation: F irep[ace Information: Rest ri cted: P O BOX 999, EDWARDS CO 81632 HAMILTON DAVID R & CATHARINE C 15OO N LAKE SHORE DR, CHICAGO II, Phone: 3033283655 Phone: 3033283655 #0f tlood/PaL tet: 60610 TOV/Comm. Dev. Cf ean-up Drpg.it RefundaPPfOVed 'dCi,-- r-... t****ff*********ff*********ff********ft*******************f FEE SUI'lllARY ************tt*****ff**********lr****Jri****#************** MuIti-Family1-HR Type V l-Hour 10, 000 fOf Gas App I i ances: Restuarant Ptan Revierr--> DRB tee-------- Recreation tee----------> C tean-Up Deposit--------> arnount daie Add Sq Ft: fof Gas Logs: 20. 00 .00 100. 00 .00 TotaI Catcutated Fees---)Bui tdi n9-----) Ptan Check---> Invest i gat ion> Uitl. ca t t----> 1/+5 .0O 94.?5 .00 3.00 AdditionaI Fees---------> TotaI Permit Fee--------> Payments------- 362.25 .00 36?.25 362.?5 0Q/.I5/.L99 6 CHARLIE Action: APPR PLANS TO CHARgpT L6'/ \22q^c!AB!r_E __Ag!is!t 4,eFn eHAnl_,rE-oAVrS Item: -O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT99/,Ir/,!229 gllABI-IE Action: APP Dept: BUILDING DivisionHARLIEoB /.rs /.Lse6 cHARLTE- -aEEiiiii : --Ei;Fn O8'/L6'/L996 CHARLIE Action: APpRItQm:'.05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT OB /.L5 /.L996 CHARLIE Action: NOTE08'/L6'/1996 CHARLIE Action: APPR l/.799 o- ckE-ni,ts-'-eEEi?iii : "frdtE pLANs ro r,[UHErt6./\996 CHARLIE AcIion: APPR PER LAUREN W:'05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Dent!0871tItbm: Dept:p t( FIRE DEPARTMENT!ABI-,IE !,ction: APPR N/A Dept: PLANNING Division FIRE Division PUB WORK DivisionoB /15 /1996 cHAnl_,re-- Aa€ioii:It€m:'.05500 PUBLIC WORKS Dept:Item:'.05500 PUBLIC WORKS08/L5/1996 CHARLIE Action: AppR N/A *t*************************ffi******ff********i***ff*****************#********************************************************** See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS r. hereby .acknow ledge that I have read this appl'ication/ fil,ted out in futl, the information requ.ired, compteted an accufate pl,otptan, and state that atl the information provided as required is correct. I agrce to compty iith tlre iniormation and ptot p1an,to -compty vith att To|rn ordinances -and state taws, and to buil,d this structure according io'the Town,s zoning and subdivisioncodes, design review approved, Uniform Buil,ding Code and other ordinances of the Town appl,icabte thereto. REAUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE IIADE TIIENTY.FOUR HOURS IN ADVANC€ BY TELEPHONE A'I 179-2138 OR AT OUR OFTICE FROI,I 8:OO AM 5:OO PIl(.----\4 t ---f|-r-^- Send Cl,ean-Up oeposit To: RIPPY CONTRAC ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONSPermit #: 896-0239 as of !0/28/96 Statusr ISSUED,.******************************************************************r.************ Permit Type: ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT Appliedt o8/Ls/1996Applicant' Ti3:;r5?NrRAcroRS ,. *;l;3i \tlltlill|' Job Address: Location: 123 WILLOW PLACE (SUMMERS LODGE)Parcel No: 21OL-082-59-002 Description: ADD HOT TUB TO DECK Conditions:1. F'IELD INSPECTIONS ARE REOUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.2. SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.1210 OF THE 1991 UBC.3. IF DECK GUARRAIL IS TO BE RECONSTRUCTED IT MUST COMPLY WITH 1991 UBC SEC 1712 o TORS o SIGNATURE OF OUNER OR CO}ITRACTOR FOR HIIISELF AND OIIN€R TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statennt**************************************************************** Statemnt Number: REC-0222 Amdunt: 362.25 LO/28/96 IO:22 Paynent Met,hod: CK Notation. #4216 Init: DS 896-0239 Type! A-MF ADD/ALT MF BUILD PER 2101-082-59-002 123 WILLOW PL 123 WTLLOW PLACE (SUMMERS LODGE)Total Fees:362.25 Total ALL Pmts: Balance: Description BUILDING PERM]T FEES DESIGN REVIEW FEES PLAN CHECK FEES01 OOOO 22002 CLEANUP DEPOSITS01 0000 41336 WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE This Payment * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * r. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * t * * * * * * * * * * * tr Amount 145.00 20.00 94.25 100.00 3.00 Permit No Parcel NoSite Address' LocaLion Account Code 01 0000 4131001 0000 41331 01 0000 4t332 362.25 362.25 .00 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, CO 81657 97 0-479-2t38 E lectr i ca t---> oRB Fee Invest i gation> t,li l. L Ca l, (----) TOTAL FEES---> DEPARTMENT OF COWUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: 896-0187 Job Address Location... Parcel No..Project No. 50.00 .00 .00 3.00 55.O0 I S SUED 08/L5/Le96 08/16/Lee6 02 / 12 /Tes7 ELECTRICAL PERM]T 123 WILLOW PL Status... 123 wILLOW PLACE (SUMMERSAppIied. .2101-082-59-002 Issued. . .PRJ96-0141 ExDires. . APPLICANT EAGLE VALI.,EY ELECTRIC P O BOX 1116, MTNTURN CO 81645 CONTRACTOR EAGLE VALLEY ELECTRIC Phone z 3038275772 Phonel. 3038275772 OWNER Description: ADD HOT TUB TO DECK **t*****ft ****************************t***Jr*********ff **** F EE P O BOX 1116, MINTURN CO 81645 HAMILTON DAVID R & CATHARINE C ].500 N LAKE SHORE DR, CHICAGO IL 60610 Valuation:1r 000.00 SUH ARY ***************ft **********ff *********ff *ffi *ff ******ff *ff TotaI Catcutated Fees---> Additional, Fees---------> TotaI Permi t Fee--------> Paynents-------- 53.00 53.00 53.00 BALANCE DUE---- ******i*********************i***************tr************************************ff********************************************** Dept: BUILDING Division:FOR ERNST Dept: FIRE Division: *************t t****ff*******************************irltff<*ff************ff*************************i*t*********Jrt****ff*#*ff*** CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQ'D TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE ********ffi***ffiffi*ff******i****ft*t****ffft*ffi*ffffiJr*ff*ff***t*ff*******ff*****************ff#*ff*ffffi**ffi**ffi***** DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowtedge that I have read this apptication, fil,ted out in futl, the intormation requi red, compl,eted an accurate ptotptan, and state that atI the information provided as required is correct. I agree to compty riith tire iniormation and pl,ot il,an,to compty with aLl' To\in ordinances and state [aws, and to buil,d this structufe according to'the Town's zoning and subdivisibncodes, design rev'iew approved, Unitorm Euil,ding code and other ordinances of the Town appLicabl.e thereto. REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIOIIS SHALL BE }IADE Tl,lEt'lTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE Af 479-2BA OR AT OUR OFFICE FROI| 8:00 Att 5:00 Ptl Ite-m: -O6OOO ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT08/16/1996 CHARLIE Action: APPRIt.em:, 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT . : v v **************************************************************** TOWN OF VArL, COLORADO Statemnt**************************************************************** Statemnt Number: REC-0222 Amount:s3.00 L0/28/96 t0223Init,: DSPayment Methodr CK Notation z *4216 896-0187 Type: B-ELEC ELECTRICAL 2I0L-082-59-OO2 123 WILLOW PL 123 WILLOW PLACE (SUMMERS LODGE)Total Fees:53.00 Total ALL Pmts: Balance:**************************************************************** Permit No:Parcel No:Site Address: Location: This Payrnent Account Code 01 0000 41313 01 0000 41336 Description ELECTRICAL PERMIT FEES WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE PERMIT s3.00 s3.00 .00 Amount 50.00 3 .00 PARCEL# 2LOLAA239@@2 TOril OF VArL COI{STBUC,TTOI{ PERT{IT APPLICATIC|N FCIFII DATE: 8/08/96 APPLICATIOH I{UsT BE FILLED DUT COI{PLETELY OR IT IIAY HOT BE ACCEPTED l l; l l l l + l +; l l l l l ) l r r r r r r r r rpERl{IT IllFORl{ATIO}I+rrrrr+lr]]]]]*]]]*]]]]]]]rt]] tXl-Bulldlng t l-Plunbing tXl-Electrlcal [ ]-llechanlcal t 1-Other Job l{ame:EAlfI!.TQlL HqT TUB Job Addreee: f?3-@ Legal Deecrfptlon: Lot 5 Block 6 Flllng@ Ovnerg Name DAVID R. HAI{ILTON Addreee: 919 il. l{ICIGAil AVEI.IUE P}r.3L2-787- *29@A CHTCAGO rL 6@611 L647 Archltect: H/A Addrees:Ph. General Deecrlptlon: II{STALL HOT TUB OH DECK Tork Claee: I I -Her IX]-Alteratlon t I -Addltlonal t I -Repair t I -Other l{umber of Drelllng Unlte:l{umber of Accomodatlon Unite: Nunber and Type of Fi-replacee: Gag Appllance Gae Loge l{ood/Pel.let I P?Sgb -6tq I 'll);;lll; t j***rlW:6dglr}|-*>>|.YALUATI:5;e7 rll)lllllllllrll*ltr;l;llt+ BUILDII{G: LO. @OO PLUI{BIHG: N/A + r l I ll* l l l l+l l I I l lr+ll * + l t r+COI{TRACTOR I!|FOR!{ATION}}}}r}**t+}+}}**rt}}*+}*+ General Contractor: Rippy Contractore, Inc. Torn of Va\I Reg. Ho. 124-8 ELECTRICALz L.@@@ ]IECHANICAL: H/A OTHER: N/A TOTAL: t{/A Phone Number: 328-3655 Torn of ValI Reg. Ho. 156-E Phone Huerber z 827 -5772 Torn of ValI Reg. l{o. Phone l{umber: Torn of Yall Reg. l{o. Phone ilumber: Addreee: P. O. Box 3616, Eaqle, C0 41531 Electrlcal. Contractor: Eaqle Valley Electric Addrees: P.O. Box ll15 Vall, CO 41658 PlunbLng Contractor: Addreae: l{echanlcal Contractor : Addreea: xlA l * l l ; l l l l i l + ) l l + l + ) ' l l l l * l l l l + l + +POR OFF ICE [J$B r r r + r r ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] t ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] BUILDIT{G PERI{IT FEE: PLUilBTilG PERIIIT FEE: I.TECHAI{ICAL PERI{IT FEE: ELECTRICAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: BUILDIHG PLAH CHECK FEE: PLUI{BII{G PLAH CHECK FEE: T{ECHAI{ICAL PLAH CHECK FEE: RECREATIOH FEE: CLEAI{-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERI{IT FEES: ITYPEt-t-Commen VALUATION BUILIDN6: SIGNATURE: ZONIN6: SIGNATUBE: CLEAN UP DEPOSIT REFUND TO:RIPPY COIITRACTOFS P, O. BOX 3610 EAGLE, 4163I L_ -, E E l .f,1 I ,lI t;lnl I $ ara 14-/tb-ry, ---a boyle englneerlng, lnc. 143 e. meodow dr. sulie 390 crossroods shopplng cenler voil, colorodo 81657 '. 3O31476-2170 flNE e b1,15 zs.rt'o* ,:-i 1496 2:fl+1r11Q bxll Ln"\r f+rEh Gx@ {:V 6 ION 11,: t, I f t L.l___1zvQ:_ _f f#'11 I ri g_ yLh tl V*t',r1'-o'l t/; I lq ,r# 4+VzIr N6lJ Ltlo'E FxTtl +tp'v* oF Vl 1r-TtNcr JolSTs Z\ \o lTYl<;1-1 1 1,-^ bLoaF I I t..r 4.> SfuEL. t51r.7,1,4 12 W 1 ?r-! ll.l i,t:1,1-:l> &Y eet:-srFt.tT oD, ,s:,Ltf1l"l LF.1 lDVclL YbVlFIChl IcN Va[dltY of Penni Sec. 3o3ic) 19 u.B.c. 'The issuanco or granting of a permit or approval of plans and specifications shall not be conslrued to be a permit ior, or an approval of, any violation of any ol the provisions of this code or of any olher ordinance of the jurisdiction. The issuance ol a Town of Vail OFFiCE COPY I ,goIe EiuEn ul'erqvp, fo Vxt;TtNq )c: 1*/ Y>4oo F r'lntL p Ito.l e b" or"o ,l .// F vlA '/ * | '-> () tl e :..:,1k'**, trru-.l-^\| / / ^\I I / ,/t Itl/,/tlI tl / t t| 1J/ '€fl+\rlq Lvbr l+rqh tt x@ '14-Lb-1+ -- boyle englneering,Inc 143 e, meodow or. suiie 39! crossrcods shopPing cenler voil, colorodo 81657 3031476-217O trjIE + bt45 bY 12 vc 1"v Lh V+ttt1''on toN t l+ z\xzX; \./ t.'\ I 'Egre 5'il 'trf l"'l F. lto4 I i N6rl l-,, t.-'t \-l t-J o/'c IN + ll 6lJ ;1tlz-l'tal )o Aj(/ l{ ixl 4o o qo o Y 6 ltt2 tslvl ^J'llrL-rA ,a : Ilo2t wA' I ! II I I Y2xOI3I .,41,r# 1-.1 t)L)I Fltl 4t- lo cttlg '.1P6 NtlJ Ltlo'apoffl a lrre<o? E{ lsTtFlq Jol6Ts h.ll E4*l.sfr lt ri. pLoalr I rt.., 4.- sltrtL <l-t3.^l'5 12 W | :rf: I l.t i" t:jt] F 4Y eerrsTFJc:I-ED, UflHLFl L>zqb Ybzl?lc\l oN FT-t 1?(oN rz avvva 12WV ':' dT,ftt$iL"" ''tr': r:; 1496s :k'1t4. , /) ""t*i t-i ,l'll 'tl, ,.:"() lo-F ,e p (2 4Y-2 o oo 'IroaOD.oo! liotEOD.oorJ 3T 4 oo o <; o o n 0.t ts!ax E(0 U II !l xIr o Tl{E a. &qo at (I I o & FI tsE I Fi (, o oLo I6||ttoto!ao At,ol.iqqat al 6oo raEooE F.JBf88" cl sr-a gl.OA 14F|n a:.zzzDtr!.On-E1 E EIF d lr :{2aEPtoF- a d2 '(Ci8|'raqIE Hlrt{,q|tt 88ta(| &li{ CI t,a g F.6 xlr zo FAl.lIc|-(,al.0-x EE-tao (,nl. EOo aoD E(Juo AH Ho ts E FI l.c d tsu a EH!l l.HIAIo o !tD !l Jrl ^rtErrr!tao E5 E EEP o Fcqueebd hrspagt Drb: Assloncd To: lnrpes0&r Typc: Intir€ctlon Area:SlEAddr|ca: Tueedry, Fcbruary 1 3, 2001Jl*rl.ltn GOn - Buls CD 123 WilJlli'u Pl- vA|L t23 rvrltow PLecE {sufflERs loDcEl AIP/Dlrformr0qr Tvtt€: A.llF Occupaily: Strt $ Fltt ED[t.gAm: CD Orqmr }|^M{-TONDA\rD Dccrlpilon: ADOIPTflETO FLo||lbttlntlra0odrl lbmr gO BLDGFIn IRrWAbg RFPYCONIRrcTO,RS/TffiCAdsnedTo: .rmoiDRlgoil- Actbn: Tlmc Erp: lnrEacflon Hlrtorr mm: 30 B-DOFnrilm (ffin t) "loound-tll06t05 -lmp.cbr: EF Acilofl: AIIPR APPRO\JED Connrcn0r: APPRqTEDhtr: 90 BLDeFH (Raqrired) Ptpne: 3Xts28K!668 Requostsd nm6:- Plpne:E{s.dry 0t:00At 9?W&{t866 LC,AIPEELL K li1i.t'r ' '''';l;"'r' subT\rD.: AIFf,he: VI-HR Ptpm: 3G!3283856 zun Id:REPT131 409 C'r'./ t u -r /V .-ife\o L E ^t/- A.+^o".1 F L"',11 .. \ 4-1 I (*r ( ,,,.,f 2_68D t'|. Al,,^j,r* EN--ata/t3-s + ouj\l\^^- /^ ( rrCt { "Q,.^\ \a-}-- t\ " C4tc+'' <\,-\5-= -, n- \'\18 a t'9^LE? Gb f,*'.u""x^\ 5t tr*Jj\ o^\ €- *+$"L ;,*\\ \T\t"^\* t \"\\ ,(*'g ot'.\o\" F.,v/l A + a1 7^', m ' 4"^ 1*1*t >/"'!'i (' ts;a;w'^\ rh +-to I '* 4/" 1' t\^i '?' .--'L!t"* ' f,t- 1"$x.e;.*6 .,'lt b- : t'n. 6._ _* i\, ('o* J^s','5.'(' \)r- ' 1* Sl'"*P) b< ol"uJ' ilrrn B'lS e>''7tloor l* 6 e'lz L'. 7 e't''e''r'!-*' oo303-476.56A I o ARTHUR G. BISHOP & CO. Realtor THE MILL CREEK COURT BUILOING 3O2 HANSON RANCH ROAO vArL, coLoRADO A 1657 November 19, 1983 Mr. Thomas Braun Planning & Enviromental Conmission Town of Vai I Vail Municipal BuildingVail, Colorado 81657 Dear Mr. Braun: Arthur G. Bishop & Co. are the managing agents for the Edelweiss Condominiun Association. Said Association owning the property described as follows: Lot 4, Block 6, Vail Village Lst filing, Town of Vail' County of Eagle, State of Colorado Mrs. Gilda Schine, the Fresident of the Ede'lweiss Condominium Association, has contacted the members of the Assoc'iat'ion and it is their considered opinion that the Association in opposition to a conditional use permit be'ing granted to the appljcant Virginia Eyre. l,le understand Virginia Eyre is not the recorded legal owner of the pfoperty. cc Mrs. Gilda Schine ss/kj Very truly yours, Arthur. G.i sho By_-: OENVER. COLORAOO OFFICE PENTHOUSE. THE OENVER CLUB . 51A.]7TH STREET DENVER, COLORADO AO2O2 TELEPHONE 303-893-996r November 17, 1983 Tom Braun Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road, West VaiL, CoLorado 81657 Dear Tom: - re: Virginia Eyre - Sunll day care center 123 Wlllow Place.Lot 5. BLock 6.W,1st Fil. I have contacted my Board of Directors of the Wi l-Lows Condominium Association, they represent.r 39 owners, regarding the above subject. Their feelings of bringing into this residential area a busiaess in which the public park is uded for business purposes is not appropriate and might set a precedence for the future. One reason the qluners sand guests enjoy our property so much is, that it is a quiet and re laxed atmosphere with the beautiful view of our wonderful landscaped park. Please consider this letter as an opposition to hav ing a day care center on Wil1ow Place. Thank you for your understanding and consideration. S incere ly, Marijke Brofos Manager CC Board of Directors MB/tno 74 EASTWILLOWROAD . P.O. BOX 759 . VAIL, COLORADO 81658-0759 . TELEPHONE: (303) 47*2231 John Box 24JO, Val1 , V.E. lLard-y Colorado 81657 l{ovenber 20, 1983 Mr. A Peter Patten , Zonlng Adninlstrator, Communlty Development Town of Val1 ,Colorado 8t657 Dear Mr. Patten: DeparLnent, As:the owners of condonlnlun 405 ln the Edelwelss Bulld-lng on W111ow Place, I an writ lng to protest the proposed converslon of the prlvate res ldence aL 'J.23 Willow Place to a day care center. At present l,Iillow Place ls a quiet area of resldential property excluslvely. Pernltt lng a day care center to open 1n this area rill upset the existilg patt ern and open the d"oor to other buslnesses who nay wlsh to start up on thls clrcle. There 'are only a few purely res id-ent l-a1 ..ieas left in Vall. Let the d"ay care center be openecl in an area where small buslnesses are alread-y in opera.t lon. In addltion Icall your attentlon to the parking problen on Willow Place. The street ls narrow and no lurklng ls a11owed in ord.er to pass flre trucks 1n case of an energency. Already we are plagued wlth 1llega1 parhilg during the sk1 season. Establlshrnent of a day care center w111 nake the trafflc problem intolerabl-e. Please d-o not approve this app1lcat1on. truly yours , /^ (r ,l Alc-, n,l\lXta,zg-f,-,)til4 Very 7I?.I?'T'r STREET, SIJITE 19OO DErr\/BR, CoLoBADo ao2o2 November 17, 1983 !lr. A. Peter Patten, ilr. Zoning Administrator Town of Vail Community Development DepartmentVail, Col-orado 81657 Dear Mr. Patten: In regard to Item 4 on the pubJ-ic hearing notice for the hearing on November 28r 1983, as a residential property owner at 103 WiLlow Place, I am opposed to the day care center in a residentiaL area. Very truly yours' RMK ASSOCIATES 103 Willow P1ace, #204Vail, Colorado cmf By J6hn M. Roeder, Partner 75 soulh lronlage road yail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 November 22, 1983 Virginia Eyre c/0 Leigh Norgren 123 t,'Iillow Place Vail, Colorado 81557 Dear Ms Eyre, ofllce of communlly developmenl Re: Day Care at 123 Willow Place I have reviewed your application for a conditional use permit to operate a day care center at .|23 t^lillow place. At this time we have yet to receive a letter from your father granting permissionfor this application. As a result, your appliiation is'incompleteand has been removed from the P'l ann'ing and'Environmenta'l commission's agenda. In order.for your application to be considered by the pEC, we will have to have your father's letter by December l2th. This willput you on the PEC's agenda for the-January 9 meeting. If you should have any_questions concerning your appiication, pleasedo not hesitate to call. Si ncerely, /4I"" ,^ O.,$',o,r,--- THOMAS A BRAUN Town Planner TAB: bpr 5 J.B.l 6..ol>t-: ? >Fn[ , CNP ^ \IIf*Q.s\ a^ S{pr-t€.- frtrrv,rc,\ , ,rvr.1f u3<-- t o .t'td\t^J{A -\r*-* -..-. af^ '))"+ i,^- {,,^^'\^{0'{- ^hNN- r,-*l{^},1 &-- ^ I^,,,*i,^ I,&ffi **skt"- \,,. "- .-.-. go-^,< *l Au J,. "l @ + --k 4t ; a- /,lric*;\ -+. :+"^ r,'$.^ -.r f pq-.\..a g. g^,I( r o.- {4 zo& f,6- C*1.\.+ '5' lro c'"hon k (,'-.Srs. *.{ L.€u\ t/^- -SfJ. ,-a/u &/. 6 J&* 2r- I sq-/./..!A /,fi* /-S vtc.* {.'-y'n't, t'o lrsltzzfiat e> l4a _/ /r,* A<> , ,tp,.-tr--- iq\ ^-.-*1 .- A ^! ^t L"-.p (U,.l."p r") 4a r<t/?),'s! 9$ r-'*,'1'- lll "'Uy'f n.u"7e- c,ri Le.ui s dS.*r' '77>\ .$ iA" CJ".^€a o-[^if "[s *b"'* o-1- a)2(04')< ) rt4e?-c24'l l^ll' -r-' o"z-<- ^.,.* *l-* G k,/^ )_l*ur*kQr^it ? ,/ "'I:-" ure-( hk ,,a!- ) B-^! /<"oa;,.)y "il,-{L qo tlt Js"- - -* t'"* J ti.cKa.fr$.{f - -[^sS 'Jr /vtp b\.-hr^ "L,Q u^... "--D { ,r*-^i\ , f"-'s.$ iF is rdY eo.\ $, 0^t^-Vl \ r- IN THE DISTRICT COURT IN AND FOR COUNTY OF EAGLE STATE OF COLORADO Civil Action No. 2680 FilcC in th' l'" ' ; -'-'rt"l Fiftir Judi':'-.rt ' or E,rgi: Ci:;-. i; ' FFrr O tll?')fLU " r-'/\'] TO!{N OF VAIL, Plaintiff, v8. LEIGH NORGREN, Defendant. STIPUI,ATION AND ORDER The parties hereby stipulate and agree as follows: 1. The Defendant agrees to grant to the Plaintiff an easement for pedestrian purposes 20 feet in w:idth across the southerly 20 feet of Lot 5, Block 6, Vail- Village First I'iling, Town of Vailr'Colorado, presently owned by the Defendant. 2. The Plaintiff agre"" in"a the conveyance of the easement shall be conditional as follows: (a) The easernent may not be used by pedestrianq or improved for pedestrian use until the occurrence of one of the following: i. The Defendant sells, grants, conveys or transfers to any other person or legal entity other than his wife, children or grandchildren; or ii. The use of the property is changed from a single famiJ.y residence to any other use. (b) The conditions hereby imposed shall be effective for 20 years from and after the life of Leigh Norgtren, the Defendant. 3. It is expressly understood that Leigh Norgren may, i:f zoning permits, nodify the basernent of the prenises so that a portion thereof may be used as a separate caretakers apartment and that additional use will not be determined a termination of the usage as a single family residence. consideration Town of Vail, Plaintiff ATTEST: Approved as to form: for Plaintiff ORDER This natter coming before the Court on of the parties, and the Court having considered recordg of the Court and statements of counsel , Stipulation should be entered as an order of the IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED thAt thc AbOVE stipulation shall be the Order of this court. 4. ThJ.s stipulation shall be submitted to the Court for and to be entered as an Order of the Court' RespectfullY subnitted, the stiPulation the same' the finds that the Court. specified DONE IN CITAMBERS this 2 day of ,-zdnv'2ry , L978. By the Court: Norgren, T Lawrence Attorney efendant \o o hwn 75 3outh lrontage road yall, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 November 2, .|983 Virginia Eyre ]23 Wi 1 ]ow Pl aceVajl, Colorado 81657 Dear Gina, Peter Patten tel I s me on an appl ication by application and will I do hope we have it offlce of communlty deYelopment Re: Daycare at 123 Willow Place that unless vre get your father's signature Monday, November 7, we can't publish your have to postpone your hearing. by then. Secretary APPLICATION FORM FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERI,IIT I. This procedure is required for any project reguired to obtain a Cond,itional Use Permit. The application will not be accepted until- all information issubmitted .: ; A. Nal,IE oF appr,rcerqr--Vr,S,(dbgA-A\L.i3GR(=N f-y?,= Gil ADDRESS NAI,IE OF ADDRESS APPLICANT I S REPRESB{TATIVE PHONE c.NAME OF OWNER SIGNATURE (print. or type) IL^E.rc-.ti l+ Nlo,,..ro,.J if ,,-',lP E , oll'll ' ' -'t'I Er 1'w L'(" ADDRESS D.LOCATION OF PROPOSAI, ADDRESS I. I,EGAI DESCRIPTION Lot ,5 BIocK \cI Filins \ . FEE S50.00 plus an anount equal to the rate for each property owner to be . A list of the name of owners of all then current first-class postage notified hereLnder. property adjacent to the subject property - (_'rrnr.l:i. l. j r,rna 1 -!!:;c I'i:.i.:;r j. L y.tttri,: 2 , Itdr" t,i:r.j;rjL 1r.r1r , aII. Ii:"s '( /*) (.i(,,p.Lrjii 'll tlr': {l<_,1 .1.owi.tig .i.rif<;..:rrr,-rLi.on : h. A clcscr:iptiorr of Lhi: lrr..crcigc nir{:ure of ttre p}:oIj()r;(jrl use Atl(lits operuL.i.n<I cli:rr:;rr_..l-c:L.:i_l;Lj-(jrj, i,lr-', tncarsr.rre$ pr.oj,i)r;ccl to rr::rl_cthe usc coriipirt:j.brc r.;-i.i-jr otlrcr proi>r:,rtics iir th,r'riai"ity. B' A sitc plan -sho'.rlng pl:oi)oserj clevcr.c.r1':rncnt of Lhc site, incJ rr,-ring' topography. building-Iolations, p"rti"g, traffir: circulit:_c.,,,uscab].e operr space, I;rndscap,ed ;ii.c;r, a;d uLi1j.!j.cs and dr:a:Lrr;lgefeatures. c' Preliic'inary building pl.ans and erevations sufllici-r:lt to incli.ciitethe dimensions, generit appearance, scale, and i'.berior pra' ofall buildings. D' Any a<'lcitionar material necessary.for the review of the appJ-icationas determined by Lhe zoning aarniiisi;"i;;. IIf. Time reguirements The PLarlning and Environmental conmission meets on the 2nd a'cl 4thMoudays of each month- An appJ..ication vrith the nece.ssary acco:n;)anyj.ngmaterial rrust be submiLted t-*t or."k" p;i;, to Lhe clate of ,circ. meeting. T7.wrrfia't e ?wq O:c: lzt \ii.r-ow ?,nn/ .I AM APfLYir{O fcp- R Cutprl.ic|.tau \]5E ?ERMi-r Ir.l CRPR- -rc) cpa{ A 54AL f2aycace. gJDiNEs ir.l My Hovtg.T rrloe Appr-i6D TD Tt{e €na-e Cru',rr.1 h<nrsrrr OF .3CCIAL - FOR A is Ncr^l fr{ur'r6 Ahl iUr,Ervsm>r..1 4 f+etc\ RFReExfnn'ruE. as AcccRDA*k€. vrtr* -n+€ lrir=s A*D_ig3fgg*' *'R. DAY Cp{aE }lornee; rue MA{tMul\4 Nor.4ER cF C{-lirx'REr.t @|{rrrb il.t h4Y rlcx4e Ar ANy OrrE -nme r: *$psr AT:Pirtoil fo MY O,,tntr fr,.\o e*ioaa{ ,l5: vtrul Bg Riy.JfOrUC Ci{rLsaqne. s6p cnru.l FDUR AEDn-toF(AL e${LDREt{.-ir,e $d)c€. crx-eeNrnt l'48r5 cR- e{cfttb -rLle 3'rA$lsRb ' AltD COr.tO fnoNs ?EQorrrED FcR T?+€, \^{611_- Er16 AND -tflE ?xart;cio( or Cr+iOeg.J. x\c ADpriror*nu -t-l I AlrZe.*rtor.t5 oR @piprrscfu liu_ Be 4n - rt, -t-HE It'l lW<oW*t. (ie ovi,ue 6rrl-i-RAt'1p ocr, fuY eca:6la:r) ) Ufr*<rN6, C*na,oci-s< ifr cb.. -:E'intratO ro cp?ua- A *"me gAre.tra> LEpni{rr.tc, erurerrnerL, Wrrrl e*{r+horc otl ARrj /CeDFTS A,^lD CRsr\ua ?ao\.e" Fcs- Apir-uReN nee sir.= AJf> (x\rq" t\fi LD{sre5 AND -r\^.to er{Ac(, EACtt DAy t{ru- & ?aouteo. \trgr*W. -rZo4irnxtG vls vlicc rtnLts, ondDE Acnl',''Tie5 or..l T$a -D4Y> cR AccRc$ -TilE <)rE€f-Tb --iGs -frsv,. G-'t) Cfr?npflNlg Q*pqrAcrErat cs (cooi) My oPAnna ?1;..1g, tb.:R,J , DAy5 AFID A66 A.RE €t-g/;rA,x. AND DsbtDslrr or.l II;vr*r.Jp r.^lin+rnl Tt+g 'Yllt* &ND f(eq-arronj> aF T+g o(re.. Gr**'*'ru'n/ \,il\-ru Clrue< &oE=.'ls [N Tt+e \j,crt.lrr/ -fIL er)r<ret.rr Zcrrr.ra O*ftli€ RoVreN i: M.xTi- Fnrniu.l - tlie* ter'brn{.--it\s t-cp,noN or THt:', ftcr:ae. Lb e(cErgr.bt F-brt -I-l+E Acc-Einarq'ry G ffi TRAr-r=ic- q?ov( lile NoMerncoa Arlirc-afr alqpoMrNrur,b, ';riUrXe :I] tNTtrt{D t-o -T'htr66- r4Y A&)\lg-ir'r,rnrc.,.Jl Har>E DE drtr@ A'rvlt,tg *te\4${D ff;r<- FtY EtirNeeS \,{r-.tknl. A -r\Ato ELrr--\( ?.NI2\\)< FROM *r'+\A -i?F{.rIr€[-IV. ]f F,.b,.'$crtr,r-xtE rj-lllE CE No i51g(<-ft;E tN cAR 1p.pFlzr'<-, -.*'r';ra,l+r cfl:"F Srea,V=f -trXatistC. tN F.fi6lN-r p+rf, -EO 11}€ \lEJ,r aF -r$€ !\coj: g VirU- k nr-fp.iue.Er€ r:c*i D(orfow: ^*-y1cr1ioe rF r,l<e-ancY. -:-- AL..1c. rNT6.{fi -f'O EiNCourcaAaE. t N t.'4V ApUEKriSt}{C; -TI+jAT- -f WB.-conae. I>nof -'rt{ C-}ril-Dr<s.t. T q,gE:w T}}i3 vliLr- Auo\^t SltoPP(NG F^f'r\rER5 -i-He FRs=r,pn^ T-D =5tj"Y tftoppjNG tN -nrE. -ibvtNs Srcr<Eb Ar.\D T)IN\NG txl TuE, RcrrFoR;511-, uNq{coF(€eRED By del-u65, T)i5rtne]RrsfED c*wr<qJ.:A- Esleue MAsly }4orHER5 \Acoup @ CcMPscgrw A5 1?eY flcrfE. 4>, lr(Norr"\rNG -nkr -T{AR c,*iupee..l Were A\foyiN6 n '(ufiuf> Ora\biTq) ENr/rRoNM€niT; ACcs+lseLE rrr nr{{ -r r'Me. /)e"rrt-rn,xJ. Gmeprraoru*/ Conrr {s lli-- 1-o\{il dW, FoR F:> }.,,rtlcn -T-t}48 fi'3 -rFt6/ Clr.re ro ,t*lcP, ntlo \,{rr1ta1- TAE lMonurkrucr= & fiivine, -rb AN6ft{q< L^acAYk)Nt ro ryf orr AFIP ?ic( oP ' 1] Hxte. r*4e A,>FRE oF T*e GEraAr D€n^AND €oR c*ill)cNr4E , 'i6rfl-rq,i,r$RLy Fe iNsl{[5 , TctpbLERF A.ND Ct{tLDKq\t WWo A'at Tc'o VcoNG OR. l)D No-T- ulsor/A u\qeE DAycAr<E cehrreR.I- rracr- lttrr a- n'wt Vq-'l Qr>urie ix -rr.tb r\s.-re 1l: lzRc Jit t ftfi- A at{A\-L PARr crF Tlt€ pElt^'\f.lD, wrT}tCx:f- iN$re-n-rt.tG . oR cctneefiwa vli.It+ ANY oTt+€R -6(>iN€46 'rN Tu€ v icisrr*l -- I*ANK ri/N foA. CrrlarU*,.irlt(*-1-ig5 Aryuica-rotJ /7.\ 1INA E.JRE t a.3 \Auor,..r ?unce Vnrr, fo'c^=.roo Btt"St 4'lt"-sn4 5 ?4 CRao5(aAoj + fl((uG CAEUL ?ottfi-) (A,,', VJ\\ \-?/ 5rf5itJ.r$J( -^-), I I {ue t-"Dge {e tu-* &r*n Etr{f,- rzs tJiu.aul 'ilr.rce Vnru cncr.lsr 8lldl frtcsc- "flb-5124 \ \{ tt,*.. bre ?u*nt ILA fJlir.c,.^r ?,*cx. lrt4e- \Air-r- Eg' F\o T};vs"rrvMEb.h- aF rl}E 6\1e t:N€a5 g'aMS ptect7ro*eV f3! r7oo, Tt+s fiae Mnns++n*r- oF. Tt+E i+Elo\LTrt DEI2T: No -fi-,oy quiPrrSfl vl\tU €e thl6TAur-EO onl 1gs p6A<,!- '\Az vl\u- Be t4fUrrqnu o(rirll-€AsiufiY / D#{DiN6\ -pFR\( ,3K LuNlaf,fr$.lE -taAV Or.l rH,€ NcrRftt D@K.-I"r.i€ ,l\€<A 15 A:erRo(. t{rocrr ttpsqs ulrrr{ n elO rxc++ t{ieH -?RrUAcV tsEr'lcE coRKaxl]ixc. rr-*G.e ARE -n{D Aac€t€b -l-b -t t+8, f\crr:oe. Ff-iAM srr-r A51g t,^\s5q A,hlD Ahl FggKioR. Acct=6- Tb -r1+E -CAc€r-tENI i\ar.or- r,s MN tc.vla>oueo 64ngif iE3 tr'"s jri THE E;A5E,1q{..1- 'y'y1y'1{<.r;lci^/1 ANp 6Lt;gpr, tG i/e$. {.-rrr..rcU l.r..lf A i_ii0e,_1. €<W WiLr- ff(LtY -ttlt Norru ConNee 6F -f*E 'ior;e AND -Ttt€, 'enrr..-lfie REI.IAiNpTR <-r: TI-IE Ll,rob€- lb c,F? LJf4t1:"- |lllrl . fits-nerh G<owanV QurNtrRb aa MsNA6e65. -T $nus Ccr.ffpglp At t_ MAtlAcan5 BV ptloxlei, AND Re65t * AHD dur?crcr /.'rr. L-ooc=e l,'lq e. Gclele, C-g.aN T)aoe, U' V&i u-, Co.g,gn:o StqST t\\ c\' \) r/,flEvrtoN : Rra< -i'nurue< v' y\ \o-. d\- *"r{r"aore. *t*o k6,*,.' CL')Nqt> rr..r -i!e LooSe, --1 rlg / ;'[t:u Erzeuwer:{, V /. ,$";"\a -- .{\N /,&/ ;6v. N-ut**$ \ \""U\ r .\^\rJiuou5 .,,/ ' 4i /l'{ntrlKE. Beorus |tlr5. Gir.p* f,oriue. -Ds.ecror:, oF Coxoo. l\.lry--. llol Gr.eeN S.r. 5o*r O\,{Ntr?-c cn CoUpoMtNrL-M t*A.Ue (<EC|BJ@ Crocl, !.7 t r' l' T. rt,',4 ]-D iNrore$^ Atr- CorJ t"Ot<i'ilot4 t-vvA3 Arr*,r< Tla*oe Co -Pr*w1 g.4*^rneen.s qIG- SbAl fuox 151 - Vot', Coua 81b58 .0,/'fi.*Srror,tear ^@ .nP irlhW*-i' ToAear fr<.'rcu - Owt.ret ?egewnt Mrun<eR. .,'ri l^t "Lfl ,.r +' ..,!)a .r\r.{-a''/' \,\,183 (jm 0<a,r Datte - Vr..tr Btosl /N\2 APPI,ICATION FORI,I FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERII1IT I.This procedure is reguired Conditional Use Permit. lhe application will not be subnitted. A. NAITE OF APPLICAT.IT for any project required to obtain a accepted until all information is B. ADDRESS NA!{E OF ADDRESS APPLICANT I S REPRESED{TATIVE PHONE FEE 950.00 plus an amount equal to the then cur:rent first-class postage rate for each property owner to be notified heretmder. A list of the name of owners of all property adjacent to the subject property. D. c. NAME 0F 0WNER (print. or type) L;icltt i{ Ncr,<trr-J SIGNATURE ADDRESS .PEONE I,OCATION OF PROPOSAL : - --\ I /.\ .-. -.4ADDRESS l ? ,i L\ ,i . r .i {( LEGAL DESCRIPTION Lot E. F. I lN cRJ2eR* -1-O cpa\t A 5.1AL l2sycAee g_b'rNES tN MY l+oMg.a- ulr:e Apr"LigD To Tl.l€ Eaa-e, Cruhrnl he<m.rarr I7=srrfic$t e Twq Orc: t25 \ii.-rovJ ?'ne AM APRYrr\lG FCp_ A Ct)NDrl-io.bu q3s ?ERMi-r IN -1-O cpa\t A 5.1AL l2sycAee g-blNED iN My 6 bcclAL anrlrcF FoR. A J|,4ALL DAyCARE Lrq.rEr \rlu,:crr \o Novl ftrtpirlc> A.t lNt,Esf\6ATbr.l 4 -feeiq ReRee,r-frrfruE. a* ACccRDA$ee UiTF+ -f+tE R$lEn As,tD RE{)LAnor..ls FlR DAY e!{48 $oytel; -rua MAxtMct4 N|)MER oF C+lir}p.'Er.l -\zlRr{rTrc) iN }4v ttoh,re *r ANy OilE -rtME ts Six.Trq AuPir1a1"! 16 MY oln\ rvlo elIiLlR4,-X rdru- BE, Rcr.JtirUe C*rt5ci"rire ror< cNL.l €:d,R. AlDil-tor..tAL eJ+rL-DREll - i*e Ua)c€- CDRser\ffLY h4B-I5 CR- flcst*-< -THe 5p$qqn(E) AND CCrt{DnToNlS ?@orvr6 FcR T?{€. \,{6tL-ErNt6 AND -R]E ?korecrio( or Cr+rirf6J. xlc pDprnoNAl- A[iERJFrtoNl5 oR EApiprreriu *iLr, Ba Aqts, - r-c, -T-HE 'WlWtl. ''ir 3V,,tiG 6r1-l-i-Rmtp oq. -ftAY eCr-f6la*). Or€anriNa c+lARAcrER t5ic.5.. -:E' jxretp ro oFy8r A *orXe 6<ra,rreb trAn$r{6, efrUrcrrnerL, Nrrt{ E}4'rttjrc ot{ AerS /CemfS AillD CRar\oe. ?<opeES Foa 6pit-oRerrl nee sirx A,:f> t)Nr61 llot uxc6 pa$5 -Tl.tc tr.tacv5 EAclt Dn.1 u{rtr, & ?rzoU,cO. $mf'Urw. -r6<Mrn-rNG Vl6 r.lirc t{A!,ts, OrE DE Acn\,,Tie-) orl --fl+E -trrr.y\t cR AccRrDs -nlE .)rp€f-Tb --1Fe -frsv,. (cot) |,\y oPAnna ?.t.1g; f{o:RJ ,Dnyt Aqu no6 A<e €t-*\A,-z AND Dehlp=rrr or.l Ds"r*xl> \.qin+thl Tr+g 'yJpt-*' t*ND fiCuc"ano*> 6F TI-t{/ J(re.. Uomrxr'r8lurY \,.\\rt{ CtnE<' iP.oq€r.l5 tN rt+e !,crdrr/ *r1€ cDy<<Ebrr zb..rrrtc, cNfltio %qrcrl i> M.xTi- FArarurf - Hiert ter,brn{.-1fe t-ap,noN oF Tr+r:, t-totxs. is e(calE|$f FbR -llE. Acc-trjvrerur/ G @TRAFT=(C* ?:f<oyt -rilE: Nor{pfraf r\t-siscer'h- a>i-tpoMrnliur',b, Uir+X.e :Il tNTeNlD t-o -l-hn6t;-i-' r'fY Al>u6trt:t*c<.,.J1 HoJ)E DE c\rp@ ArvlVtg {'-..EMI4{D rcr< l'(Y BtjrNee5 r4r:rftr.L tr.. -1V{C lj,(jr.\( Ttl')rt',a trRpM -T.J\; i:'F,.Lr!.95y. ;; F=b.:lc-\tr'n=it= Lj-tliE ax. No iNgfegSa lN cAl<- 1'p,pti:rt-' 1|.-r.zl*r cf'F f;'rgsgl' -Fbrat,s{o' tN Faolr-r ArL, -ro 11,€ \iE r a,F -r+\€ l\c,;g r^iru- W AuA\LAB,L€ t,oo pKc,t lo* nnurT:tcr{oe rF t'{<tr;*rlY. -:--- AL5C, lNTtl.tL. -IO EiNCot-rasse lN Mv 4prUERrislxlG -tt+ls-t" -I Vrer-ronne. -;X<oe-'tt'{ C-}\iL-D{<Et. A1 F*w rt}i5 V.tiL-|.- nr-r..ou Jttd'rPiNC5, l.^('n\ER5 -i-Ue fner=U;on\ T-o =htj"Y .ltopPjNe' lN -n-\r -i-ovtxrs Srcr<Eb Art.rD -l,rN\NG txl Tt\E €E rFoRft\t-T5, \JNq{clrl..,t€E€gp By dg:ruqi:, T)tsrNrrerar:3Te1) C*trr<qJ.f EEuEuE MAi{y l.4orHeR5 \Aloc:LD W Cor4W&w As rl{zr*' a*\ffiTt, lANo\^.\tNG -nu(r -Til€rp. C*iueRe.l \*e<e BtIOyir,tc1 a '(utiuD Or"L-\glTEi) ENV|RoNMgNT;' ACcg.c)A,eLe pFr nr{,| -r lMe, oeorLrn,xJ, Gr.agp"rnorufl Co,rr {o -rtAe 1-ovlr-\ f*Vf;t., FoR tr5 Mcc$ -I-IMB A'' -n+B/ Cs?,.re r.o j:*{o*", lr.to Wrfl.tct:t- l-F\€ lftconurlenrcg & riVi*e, -rb AN6Gtq< La.AYbNt fa 'paA'forv eNe ?iC.(oP. -c pnue (Md4e F{J)F.{a,E, or- Tk€ &e}aa( Dg}^AND €oR. c\+iLx)cAR.g , /rfu<frc'.Jt+"RL{ @ iN+1.1tr5 , TctPbLEr<s AND Ct\ir-I7Kq\L \dtto Ae-E Too V()otlc C,'( l)o rrlo-r- e tcror/ A TARGE pAYcAr<E CENTq<. T rqr- -r}tA-r f >wr Uq:r..{ 4ir;1LrFi@ irq rrro t\ouoe 11} 1>gc^Jil,E fbR A .)i4ALl- PARr elF -rH€ pEt"4\AhfD) WrTlb'r iN',rrB-(rrlq oR cen'rgegir.rc^ vlilf ANY o-n+€R -tlc>iNeeo 'rr*t Tri€ vicirrr*l - l*Al{K .iCO tb'a. ^r,"lar!:*.'isc} *i-i+is Arr=ui<e.rrcrrJ 11 .( :11N4 LTJRra 123 \i;,uor^t -Punc€ Vnrr-, fo,-".aloo tltt"st 4'lt"-src4 5 ?6 CcL6(aAtr5 + ?rr(Krr{3 Pnr'.x7 Y \ \ s .' "I \ dve.L;:me /rue 'i('iq* \ {crNn E{r{e rz: tJiu.aui '?wZ Vnru c.or-s.ro Bll"51 fru*L- 'flb'512q bse ?u.*ot l?]e dri.,gr.r ?,*cn \,.liu- BE F.to T>Jva,pq]MENfr- cF r+E 5\re LxL€aa, D'eTyq FteG,6*ev f3! 11o6, TltE Fi*.e Mne*:*im.r* Ola- -Tt+E HEALTI+ DE{zr ilo a-ny E Q()iprn€m r,{\U- €e TN6TAL1-ED oFl -rHE F<aW<f.l. 'T*ae v{\uu Be t4iNrvtlu odirrr€ Acfiufiy / D#rDrN6\ oN -Tt+E' wEA:r.lt€R, Rel-rRirrep To A trl*r-v* \N TtlE -?RR\( .lB, Lut{drrrME 14AV or{ 199 xtor<rd DeK.f*E t't'q,r\ ls n@ncf.. t{roor fAt:nee. uir-ru{ S 4Orxc+ }+t6ti -"{{\UACV tstsNcE c*rRRcr:u1--ir.tC* r]:*ffiag ARE -fV{D A{ exrsrtroR AccES: -r-b -i1+s -Crr-eFreNI }1.or- -'tr lr\Re- ACcEt€b -lf, *t *G f\.cr:oc Ff"liiM t-rtY t{.v\E-..,c>ua:t }n61i!i'f iE1, 'y";\\R{pt-l1 AND bueeptl 15^ 1RgJglfr vrir-u c{cLrf{'-1{-{81 lxr:ie AND -Tl-\€ 1:sor1.- tiie 15 r)F? Ljf4fl3_ sAOl- 64; 1,.\e#! Ar{D nrte irJ fl*E uA>E?,Iqt,lT itet\. Lur'rcti A"Nb t\ 3\:r(*:-:, Nrrslti Cor<NFiR op -I*E ff,.EF4AiNpE<. cr TF}S Ll.n*)5€- oI Sts-nerfr 'i<w<llL Qwr*teRb ar< Mn*neeRr. --S $Rug CcltTpgp Att- OVlNeRc oR. Carpor..ntr.rfuvr MAIIAGKS E'Y Fr+oh.\Ei, Anlp *AuE, (<EC\BJgp eroc]I) qg:fibNtg AND dt:rrcr<r: ;rJe l'1q Locc=e E. Gcae t?.*N 7)ao. V&i r,-, Cpuc,r.l.ro *tr.ST AllEt fr-ioN :'ttiax. -l nuru er< Al,tcl( \?nrgr- *tC c{aF!g;-,:r, I-D iNror{r,^ Au_ cor.Jt,ol4tjlpM Cb)NqAJ, rrs JEe Looee. --irte ftuq., r.,l .--)I'\(4, i._iirp+ 5c*tNE -li.r-ectard oF Cor{oo, Aeaoc. lt,c,l ,3r.eeN ir. fnq -ssagirco, 3p, q{lfr Ar+n:< -11;a*oe C" ?r*wl 1.4*r..rnaa:ns +'tG- 5t"Bt ;6e \Ji,, o*t l-{ncryKe Eeorus . ?co"vrL+l MpunceR . f,ax '151 - Vprr, C-ouo S\USA ,<&. 5:rrcrqeal( lcB€R-f Fr<.,rcU ' Or^rser ,83 Gw CI<HL D;oe - Vr*,,8u"s7