HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 7 BLOCK 6 LOT 7 AND 8 LEGALDesign Review Board ACTIOI{ FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 faxi 970.479.2452 rrreb: www.vaa lgov,com Project Name: Giordano Residence Project Description: DRB Number: DRB070385 Change to approved plans (dec( terrace and water feature/pond) Participants: owNER GTORDANO, DONNA M. 0811312007 WOODSIDE PO BOX 53 LOTHIAN MD 20711 APPUCANT VAG ARCHITECTS AND PLANNERS 081L312007 Phone: 970-949-7034 CHRISTY D'AGOSTINO PO BOX 1734 VAIL co 81658 Project Address: 1107 VAIL VALLEY DR VAIL Location: 1107/1109 VAIL VALLEY DR / Lots 7&8, Blo Legal Descriptaon: Lot: 7 Block: 6 Subdivision: VAIL VILTAGE FILING 7 Parcel Number: 2101-092-0500-9 Comments: Motion By: Second By: Votel Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: STAFFAPR Date of APprovall. 08/24/2007 Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s), Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is @mmenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Planner: Bill Gibson DRB Fee Paid:$20.00 Changes To The Approved Plans Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2L28 faxi 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com General Information: All p@ects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submiftal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. Description of the Request: Location of the Proposal: t-ot: -1 lO elock: k Physical Address: Parcel No.: AlilOql i'v,.-nn4 (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Name(s) of Owner(s): Mailing Address: Name of Applicant: Mailing Address: Phone: E-maif Addre ss: r.h f nTri ?',t a,:Jant't t kt*- . u:rx-,, nax: 47 o - I 4c1 ^9 I 4t Type of Review and Fee: y' changes to Approved Plans b Ns \ $ \D aa \ Vr Plannino Staff or the \:--r I *:F TOWN OF VAIL $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Design Review Board. Submittal Requirements: 3 Sets of Plans Addressing Project Changes Signature of Homeowner(s) or Association For Office Use Only: Fee Paid: JO 'O A Check No.: Planner:Project No.:L't o7-ora Owner(s) Signature(i! F:\cdev\FORMS\Permits\Planning\DRB\drb_change_to_approved_plans_1_page_ 10-1 8-2006.doc ViI VAg, Inc. Architects & Planners Transmittal: Project Name: Giordano Residence Date: August,7 2007 RE: TOV DRB Design Modilication Package FROM: Christy D'Agostino TO: Bill Gibson CC: We are sending ir hand the following: VAg, Inc. Architects & Planners TOV Community Development Proiect No: 2707.00 Memo _ Letter x Drawings Specifications Description: 08/06/07. Issue "R': A0.0. A1.0. C1.0. L-1. L-2. L-3. L-4. A2.1. A2.2. A2.3. A2.4. A3.1. A3.2. A4.1. A4.2. A6.1. A6.2. 46.3. A9.1. A9.2. 86.1. 86.2. E6.3 (23 total sheets in 30x42 format). for review & corDnrent as requested for your use & information Other Remarks: Bill, Attached is a copy of our current set, which contains the added rear radius porch on the north elevation as well as a revised rear terrace and water feature/pond layout. I look forward to meeting with you tomorrow moming to determine whether these modifications can be handled on a staff level or if we will be able to present them to the DRB at next Wednesday's meeting. Thank you, Christy Other Physical Address: 90 Benchmark Rd., Suite 202 Avon, CO 81620 (9'.7 0) 949-7 034 fax: (970) 949-8134 email: general@vagarchitects.com Mailing Addrcss: P.O. Box 1734 vail, CO 81658-1734 * {.* * * * * tl' * * * * * t* t * * * * ****t * * ***t** * * * ***** '} '} | tl '} | *l*tlt li* * * ***l | | | * * * * *'i 'l * *****tlaa'f t*i**f * TOWNOFVAIL. COLORADO Statement * 't t* * * * * {' {.t**t t*'}*** ** * I * i I I I t+ t*****'t* * * *i.a**tt* * * tr **t{.tttl}t**** t* | * | * } * t * * ****rill** t*aaa* Statement N\rn cer: RO7OOO1493 Atnount 3 $2O.OO Oe/L3/2OO7t2:Q4 PM Palment Method: Check 9484 fniE: IJT Notation: VAG, Inc / ck Pernit No3 DRBO7O385 TIE)e 3 DRB - chg to Appr Plans Parcel No: 2101- 092 - 0500 - 9 Site Address: 1107 VAIL' VAI,LEY DR VAIL Location: LLOT /LLO9 VArIJ VALIJEY DR / Lotss 7&8, Blo Total Fees :$20.00 $20.00This Payment :s20.00 TOTA1 AIJIJ FMIS : Bafance: $0 , 00 **l***lt*****i*t*****fatttttata'!t*********ttIttt*t+'l*t*******'t'i't**********t***t**f**{"i'l * **f* ACCOI,JNT ITEM LIST: Account Code DescriDt ion Current Pmts DR 00100003LL2200 DESIGN REVIEW FEES 20.00 Vr*Vttoq.fr /ot Ttblt-b Design Review Soard ACTIOT{ FORl.l Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 far: 97$-479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com Project Name: GIODANO CONCEPTUAL Project DescripUon: DRB Number: DRB070253 CONCEPTUAL RF/IEW FOR A NEW SFR WITH AN EHU Participants: owNER GIORDANO, DONNA M, O6lLtl2OOT WOODSIDE PO BOX 53 LOTHIAN MD 20711 APPLICANT VAG ARCHffiCTS AND PLANNERS06IILI2OOT Phone: 970-949-7034 CHRISTY D'AGOSTINO PO BOX 1734 VAIL co 81658 Project Address: 1107 VAIL VALLEY DR VAIL Locationr LLOTILLOg VAIL VALLEY DR Legal Descriptions Lot: 7 Block: 6 Subdivision: VAIL VILLAGE FILING 7 Parcel Numbefi 2101-092-0500-9 Comments: Withdrawn by applicant on 6lL4lO7 BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: WITHDRWN Conditions: Planner: Bill Gibson Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81557 telt 970.479.2728 faxi 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design revaew approval laps€s unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year ofthe approval, Conceptual Review Application for Design Review v ,0wo \,o (\lq [^f Zoning: Name(s)of owner(s): lon nr (7t c,rela n n Mailing Address: t-ot: -1/9 atocr: b subdivision: ^rl n tl I t I a4e a Physical Address: a1 . Parcel No.: Alo Owner(s) Signatur€(s): Name of Applicant: Mailing Address: Phone: (Contact Eagle Co. Ass€ssor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) E-maif Address: Ll^,reV&V rt+awhircfr.co Fax: U Type of Review and Fee: n Sions M/co-nceotua I neview $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $550 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. $300 For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board, No Fee tr D tr tr ! New Construction Addition Minor Alteration (multFfamily/commercial) Minor Alteration (single-family/duplex) Changes to Approved Plans Separation Request Description of the Request: .jUN 0 8 2007 TOWN OF VAIL tl u For Office UsC)nqe-- Fee Paid: Check No,: Meeting Date: _ Check No,:_ By:e-Lo4o* ptanner: B(o ProjectNo.l UI - I ---VAg,Inc. Architece & Planners Transmittal: Project Name: Giordano Residence Date: June 8, 2007 RE: 2nd TOV DRB Conceptual Submittal Package FROM: Christy D'Agostino TO: Bill Gibson CC: VAg, Inc. Architects & Planners Town of Vail Project No: 2707 .00 We are sending via VAg Delivery the following: Memo _ Letter x Drawings Specifications Other Description: 1 copy - 06/20107: Schematic Site and Landscape Plan. Issue "J" (30x42 and 2-1lxl7's). I coov - 06/20107: Schematic Exterior Front Elevation. Issue "J" (30x42 and 2-11x17's). for review & comment as requested for your use & information Other Remarks: Bilt, Enclosed is our second conceptual design subrmttal package for the May 20,2007, TOV DRB meeting. We hope both the newly submitted site plan and exterior elevation address the board's concems about site coverage and design character while still balancing the homeouner's desires and needs. I have also done some rough take-offs of our estimated gross area and GRIA. I have calculated our rnaximum allowable site coverage to be 3,090sfbased on the size ofthe lot and we are currently representing site coverage (above and below grade) at 3,087sf. Cross Sauare Footase: GRFA Square Footase:6,56.1sfallou'ed Lower l-evel =3,013sf Lolvcr Lcvel = 3,03-1f x -16910 = l,09lsf Main t-evel = 3,088sf Main Levcl = 3,088sf Uooer Level = 3.l95sf Uppcr Level = l,195sf Total = 9,316 (including EllU) EHU Deduction = l07sf EHU Gange Deduction = J00sf Garage Dcduction = 600s1- Total = 6.l67si Please let me know' if you have any quesuons or conments, otherwise I have left the afternoon open on the 20rh for the meeting, just let me knorv u'hen we are scheduled to present. Thank you. w Physical Addlcss: 90 Benchmark Rd., Suite 202 Avon, CO 81620 (910) 949-7034 l'ax: (()?0) 949-81l.l enrail: general(r,ragarchitects.com Marling Address: P.O. Box l7l,l Vail, CIO 81658- l7l4 Page 1 of I - Bill Gibson - 2707= Giordano Submission us VAg, In Architects From: "CbristyD'Agostino" <christyd@vagarchitects.com> To: "Bill Gibson" <BGibson@vailgov.com> Date: 06/1412007 3:00 PM Subject: 2707: Giordano SubmissionCC: "Anne F. Gunion" <armefg@vagarchitects.com>, "Brian Judge - VAg" <brianj @vagarchitects.com> Bill, Can you please remove us from the agenda lor next weeks DRB meeting after-all? We are likely going to submit again in the future lor final instead and do not want to unduly confuse the board members. On that note, I am assuming that the packets have not been sent out yet to the members and our drawing information will just be filed away at this point? Thank you again for your input yesterday! Chrlsty D'Agostino, LEED AP Senior Project Manager qllll'!.Ed@v4ccldrl!!rls,99-s c. & Planners 970949.7034 PO Box 1734 970.949.8134 fax Vail, CO 81658-1734 The preceding e-mail mesmge (including any attachments) contains information that is confidential and is protecled by architect-client or other privileggs, or constihltes non-public information. It is intended to be conveyed only to the designated recipient(s). Ifyou are noa an intended r€cipient ofthis message, please notiry the sender by replying to this message and then delet€ it from your system. Use, dissemination, distribution or repoduction ofthis mesage by unintended recipients is not authorized and may be unlawful. file://C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator[ocal Settings\Temp\Gw]00001.HTM 06/14/2007 @*MrrrY EvEriF$El{f W6ru7./*{', olt r, Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 tax: 97A'.479.2452 web: www,vailgov.com ProjectName: GIORDANO RESIDENCE Prcject Description: Projed Address: 1107 VAIL VATIEY DRVAIL LIOTIILOg VAIL VALLEY DR Legal Descriptionr lot: 7 Block: 6 Subdlvislon: VAIL VILLAGE RLING 7 Parcel Number: 2101-092-0500-9 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: CONCEPT Conditions: Cond: 200 A onceptual revie$, is NOT a Design Revieur Board apprwal. Cond: 113 All development applications submitted to the Town after the effective date of Ordinance 26, Series 2006 shall be subject to the pending employee housing regulations In whatever form they are finally adopted; provided, however, that if the Town fails to adopt the pending employee housing regulaUons by April L5,2W7, this Ordinance shall not apply to such development applications' Cond: CON0008901 Fire sprinkler system required and shall comply with NFPA 13R(2002) and VFES standards. Cond: CON0008902 Monitored fire alarm system required and shall comply with CONCETTUAL REVIEW OF A NEW SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE AND EHU Participants: .. owNER GIORDANO, DONNA M. O4l23l2OO7 WOODSIDE PO BOX 53-... LOTHIAN \ MD 20711 \ nppucnrr vAG ARCHmCTS AND PUNNERS 0412312007 Phone: 970-949-7034' ct-tRlsrY D'AGomNo PO BOX 1734 VAIL co 816s8 DRBNumber: DRB070I61 Location: Conceptual Review Application for Design Review Department of crmmunity Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2128 faxi 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirernents for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Tovvn Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approyal lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commenes within one year ofthe approva!. Locataon of th€ Proposal ! Physical Address: (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) , Zoning: Name(s) of owner(s): D^nna. Qt onta"nO ';f,iowne(s) signature(s Name of Applicant: Mai!ang Address: E-m a i I Add res s: fhn*# CV am$t te *-. cat* ax: 0ll o - at 4 -f 14 Type of Review and Fee: $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. $300 For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvemenb, such as, re-roofing, painting, window addiuons, landscaping, fences and retaining wallt etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. No Fee vdw ov D \r \"d D ! ! Signs Conceptual Review New Construction Addition Minor Alteration (mulU-family/commercial) Minor Alteration (si n gle-family/duplex) Changes to Approved Plans Separation Request ! n (z srnovirio"t \'lail \,lillagC, f; lt,y7 Mailing Address: [T'?ff* u*P*' Checkz No. o/ 8y: DRB No,r Project No.: Meeting Date: Planner: Ftt t cUPI'OMIOFI/AIL Dtpartment of Community Dnelopmmt 75 South Frontage Foad Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-21j8 FAX 970479-2452 uwu.uailgou.com RE: May 2,2007 Christy D'Agostino VAg Architects PO Box 1734 Vail, CO 81658 Giordano Residence-'l 107 & 1109 Vail Valley Drive/Lot 7 & 8, Block 6 Vail Village Filing 7 Dear Christy, The Town ol Vail Design Review Board conceptually reviewed the proposed new Giordano Residence at 1107/1109 Vail Valley Drive at its May 2, 2007, public hearing. The following is a brief summary of the comments trom that conceptual review: r The proposed structure may be too ornate and the details should be 'softened'to be more compatible with the neighborhood.. The main roof line is long and should be "broken-up".. The garage should be relocated closer to the street to be more "neighborlf to the house located to the west.r There is too much hardscape being proposed.. The parking circle is very commercial in appearance and eliminates landscaping opportunities at the front of the house.. Details such as the front columns and the turret are not consistent with the overall mountain slyle of the house.. The neighbors should be consulted. Sincerely, 212*fr.-z<__ BillGibson. AICP Town Planner Town ol Vail {phsc,ort"rnro FttE cuPr DEartmmt of Commuity Deuelapmcnt 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Cohrada 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 ututu.uailgoucom April30, 2007 Christy D'Agostino VAg Architects PO Box 1734 Vail, CO 81658 RE:Giordano Residences -'l 107/'l 109 Vail Valley Drive/Lot 7/8, Block 6 Vail Village Filing 7 Dear Christy, The Town of Vail Statf has preliminarily reviewed the Conceptual Design Review Application for the new Giordano Residence and EHU at 1 107/1 109 Vail Valley Drive. The following is a summary of the preliminary comments from that conceptual review: 1. The proposed development exceeds lhe m€ximum allowable GRFA (gross residential floor areai and site coverage limits of the Two-Family Primary/Secondary District. 2. The proposed development does not meet minimum landscape area requirements of the Two-Family Primary/Secondary District. 3. Retaining walls can not exceed three feet in height within the front setback. 4. Retaining walls must meet a minimum two foot setbaik from all property boundaries. 5. The driveway parking circle must be removed from the Vail Valley Drive right-of'way. 6. Two-parking spaces must be provided for the employee housing unit (EHU). 7. The employee housing unit requires Planning and Environmental Commission approval of a conditional use permit and the unit will be subject to a Type ll EHU deed restriction. This application has been scheduled for conceptual review by the Town of Vail Design Review Board at its Wednesday, May 2, 2007, public hearing. lf you have any questions or comments, feel lree to contact me directly at (970) 479-2173. Sincerely, 42L-a-z> BillGibson, AIGP Town Planner Town of Vail $y.,cyc:rED PAPE? '1 Lof = t{,qqz f trrs.. eLotl:' (,5(f ga,gat."tl ' (,632 (tc,;'-. sik cotu.9c: 3,67$ (ZoA) progotctr: V,loO (Lg%) f\i*. t4 fuu4( c,r<-a-" q,.sr (6"2) paposcl. 6, t7L (stz) Co,'1 9x { ea-7 Vd VAg,Inc. Architects & Planners Transmittal: Project Name: Giordano Residence Date: April 13,2007 REr TOV DRB Conceptual Submittal Package FROM: Christy D'Agostino TO: Bill Gibson CC: VAg, Inc. Architects & Planners Town of Vail Proiect No: 2707 .00 We are sending viz VAs Delivery the following: Memo Letter x Drawines Specifications Other Description: I cooy - 04/13/07: Conceptual Site and Landscape Plan (30x42 and (2) 1lxl7's). I copy - 04/13/07: Conceptual Main Level Floor Plan and Front Elevation (3Ox42 and (2) I 1xl7's). I copy - 04/13/07: Conceotual Lower kvel and Uooer Level Floor Plans (30x42 and (2) l lxl7's). for review & comment as requested for your use & information Other Remarks: Bill, Enclosed is our conceptual design submittal package for the May 2, 2007, TOV DRB meeting. I would like to bring additional exterior elevations to the meeting, representing the same character, but am unsure if that is acceptable. Please let me know at your convenience. I have also done some rough take-offls of our estimated gross area and GRFA for your reference as well. Cross Square Footaee: Lower Level = 4,161sf Lower Level EHU : 270sf Main Level = 3,306sf Main Level EHU = 278sf UplEr tJvel = 3281sf Total = l l,296sf Physical Address: 90 Benchmark Rd., Suite 202 Avon, CO 81620 GRFA Souare Footaee: 6,564sf allowed Lower Level= 4,6l9sfx 19.5% =900sf Main Level = 3,306sf Upper Level = 3,281sf EHU Deduction = 548sf Canse Deduction = 300sf Total = 6,639sf As you can see our over the allowed GRFA right now but will be working on reducing the footprint some in the coming weeks to come into compliance. Please let me know il you have any questions or comments, otherwise I have left the aftemoon open on the 2no for the meeting, just let me know when we are scheduled to present. Thank vou. ) W (9'10) 949-7034 fax; (970) 949-8134 enrail: general@vagarchilects.com Mailing Addressl P.O. Box 1734 Vail, CO 81658-1734 I .a.l :- , .,; *'fr-r ItJ 4 ii ilt+ ,iiliil rlt!litfi !t I e I nt t!rli,lir Hiisll$ltt$" I l. rct fRn A\-r \2.'r 1 l ozulo !.1 --l { d rlr N at Sq b; ?f9A I$k. r -r JlIt:$E "! UI 6i,4 .?r !lF it$ 3lf t'L ! 2 gI ()IA -q)It.tr(aq) & oa -egFFIvLo.|l O u) s{ 1 I7 \lq rrlil ii t DI I I.t0L1 T t i I I >K )K b-,€51 cr €l (v) rql '-i XlErl <!lal.. *l oEI G'rlr. Elo:l c6lvEl cB ,ql nn6: Fo^ s - - - -tf,i' laF f-'{ :lr c.l 6 -AH=.- i. a03<3>€ ill>: l\ rl:. @l (\ :-l ?Q FI a. !l -l^ .=l cll;l x "gl >El !l c-lUI ()(J {-lFl €) FFIU.Fla () & o 11 -etFtvLo.Flt, \, 7.'i< r'lrv. * z, \. a,i ()g sE -=.-e oot<s >E .sz \ \ I I I I q)Id -q) rlrJo-(t) q) & oFt -tdrcLo.-t, F.- €l eElFl 3l6alF)EI l- dl < iil .. ?.1 c! =lrr :lo!l ,.\ Jlvrl .'l .cg ;l>. El 6l .# : er -tr-E.-a a03 <E X.E>- c)7e rZ\< rA I l,/.A I'lrlr1,rFl r- rltFl \ .tlr!-iF \ \ \ \ \ \ t4 lFl ftr [ )F"tiFl:lJ \I tfHfFtH"H il iI4JJI-I:=:_ | \i_,_ _ _ _.J I -l-i rr, r--.-----1'--. *Project Application 9-5-70 Proiect Name: Project Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: 1eC 1htv€ hd4-.'o '/Legaf Description'. Lot< / q () , Block (p Com ments: ,r,^n (rul /,/log t 7 d fi/rr.one - Design Review Board f s./o Motion by: @! DISAPPROVAL Summary: E Statt Approval T';w7-' Raf/rrl '- .o, A/(d ftta//t o'ryAA rfun /a*Ae.tfi, ;d, ,Ueal /" z/t.v ta'aftt,/., ,/ - &rl:h'1av: 2 ",ro,t rei;:-rl r*Ddh*ade o/&#+ J. " KeeT ffi ^t/et \r (r ht"u" Eo no A&'1' P?wla< c) t'-JWrmutl - t \-.,t{:hjur1t-t. /tr/. tas: rm/nz77rqze aw/b-(/ Arz^ttufu/ C ,€d. ' n,t+ 6/do{ - Tazat ert"(t) ., GrrT rhu oad drrl,r-sry"s ^hilL dnd'h6 A;@H i&W zu 5 dnw *. {rn, fnlkr - ned acid,haru-Q, drrv<, h allo-ur u/a h bacy-,t1t & putl fuad 6?r* -,6 Pd " (s pt @ ...,,-"-), . 4i/ hd<t ,.,^W' ',* Wz u-a-Q'tr- MM[,nvrctbh"bQ & grc/n,o ,g'.J"U * Geo ftwtrc zsc WnKd o,e) /uu6<Cf I(+ Pa+ floL &rn- "W4 ctr- Wwl nn! b<, ,btu, l"U)p' grz- 5^* rfmot(dt b<, )a"!9- Mt-M I ftaofd*< ,4^/ /^rv?//d ^U4, -tb azu -ot6p /vafo anV/a4n 4 e no+4 * l^u)p'& \ \0r t'.. lSr$\ "i'"-(Su ^[(r\ - an*n/z/ ndoz h dt/erL fu.al d, krmata ptar*nX"' Tham ph.?) - 1 opauarcl- t+ L ngh/ky' .rro/ a'fuaJ/ < d -C/t>ne T) NNN" $\ __Des ,tltt S/ze/So 4ta. b.zzl,,efurqL.leragtbD, .,hh lttt/n'ne-r, .led ea&lm! 'u/atta &a- /az-r/ fu aVrzue ranEahz/( ,ftcond tu* //errtEa'4-x: ,fader /?o;*ncpl - Zso '%t*in) nlld ,6,9//, 5d a<8;fur6r.ze.l haefo\_/ /anrzerzk U€A ' .r/nrn2o aspla/l , Quesfu rred;fu ar4y7 gtdrtn-t 54e en drtru fr 1".-* tna3b< a- *:a use. Pzrera' rta/ atqh// o'z dnfu ' h/an/ ,4 ria+n nbzyl&a Da)ze baran, ?raV ae*rzr 7" ty'al ' ,4)e- as dec17d dar.aol tzpac/A<zr-:t -,Oge. /tret ts &./"^) hre.fus., 2' lgfu^a ?Qa/4'od/al oAsfiacl rler rrta) 3f Gare Kagre. a' .4a/ zuoldzfo <.- pnlk z stuf '.-Ut€ dsna/gzre a/nbTizA*cV{Zeo ad. -,%rxs ,W#? anaa ea/czt/4azzc-s ^t rzo/ a-r za*-zldQ ,/aaz. ' " /lsaa.A " /rore i-r om/u)/y' t/ak.' r'- o " 45o t' sctVp-e/ ?6 lz usec/ ;& upg.ad<-' f TrVzrj '/t/o ?f '4a,u<- ddafu? &Jar4d/Ld' fr.:r"/ry; E/tr acccse a, earpt it gl?far#efi-h ' 3r H;/tifat re4urrnzd do fra/ Kccss h graryz-ztzs *?/4t4"t ZLrc- afu,U:f dtrfu '7?e cou// /zdac<- %e-ann'n/. 3fayrh// lr^l A htau'/z/ /+e.ea&- fr/nc hyjl -/ @ adlthoi ' GodV,- n€J/4 fu/n ,4eo -Dsunvart ru g. #6ftog fc?z. 'JF AfFl /t /5oo /o4 rroo ,4' ord. ry 2 .sryces. ,fader adc/tz+ary ts /rgoo d zArcr.G/r+zz t '.MnZ /rce eaq"z/ ", a.spha/y' " /oh/4q € e?d ry zlflrade (adrrs vmgzr! bz/ atrt/ la-zoa 3ra/e. f"/t - k VraV-er(t - h?4 sloa/d 4z a//aatd tn rfttr ,/E71h./o"d 'She lo/ds nai/ acre/ , .%ergm te fuy unezrrtd aboztf /Tpased h addr"+? 3r azzz-t 4t4rur ,4a/ *rA q feard€cg. She- ,(nou)s ,trso dt//fu a-Vreftezzas r/ a/.@u -/ a*tut-t,4.3rdyfuet (a)/.af ,ab. Soanc1-r ,lfe ,Fopk ale s/rftfu r/4/ ou/at/e grr z*zr,J u/ ,fudrarl ,q/rdo"t) . ' fe, conVh lr/et, rry zrn'Z a- .s94> .kr Jprgre. ade7eerL ? 3ez,/S @ryf "ar7aty' ,ryt//t&/ ./trc<) t/ i,r a .*rhrya:d. //O4. ' if laryr/ls aol ryured catld /t elaprazt oA<, >+fo a@d<t y i d"r< d) cao/d drti,e ,#Zlk r?trao)dz tu,fder: J/h. igaz3q 4 q upgrude loctse @ a- "Mfr€ 9o,ooo /e. /oes rzo/ a-ta'nf ?b ,it// bz iry/U ant. 4 Addr*a<t .4e hs no gaarfVar<rg rzou) a sfu66-/ n pwd n;p..<4g.'- r*' ^.<_y- ftar4t' /-r ,.ieto uratr' z$ .erce/? d€cK/d, fu*g , 4,q' ,fatou.' 4./o S lg7r rcrr;rAr,1/a7 % k anynphazh Asph/l u louatry o/u' SF* -t/ank >6go lirpr/ 'e/t.ztaQd. ahlh rb fuvA .t(shau ar nofn- 6i-/ "5 Zzitary /??€* p"Kghtaustarl 4s:EA. anrtuet; fes() -t-.l--._------.t||- ebzrak-t /y'ea G ; k/i /alt a- dea/ - (arpart, // igrno ra/az/i a.- he<17snad ary/kry. - /Yl, ,(ade. er( ne.cy's fo parrc a/ ,/rac/ / Qr A AoU/c/ /ttet WA- zb4r,< ajlaa7& Cav. -.fo e,/z:arak, Caryl A /ftV ud4 g/ drzu<->a9 pmVased ,fu/ us< ,Poeo /lrtibd g/ a,y.h/l - /s %b pass//e' # F.* ca<-, a4,t c/eg ar VraTase d? ( t4 gd iq.-*-.U dzax .5?t 7/ -e.xe e ds /2.% aa4. a//azafue drtaLfl"f e ,4e /Z% /i@.A a//ada&z uth =**.k2f3i*?#*/ ah,4 z-s Ap"/,*++g\isz-QPgzade- ,gr*q /q i4cla/a crhc& (r*a egrr.o-. a. fuaOrz?zl, &""7 t4sfu, TlEd z.t/grtdar a- bl ?b o.3 ry cauld kreclrccd) 'tanrcnfu .(afi T,*oa -r4d@$ rcVnna@ /n ,6"V ,ru /1/ ) 'if a//n,' atdfi zbneeqal, &/ark/g I accuz"eza lr/fry re*rg.y al,efu) zir4aa ,(.o. 4 anould /ta/q zu'*rzat) '€,a(ourzge- .V#rttz Carc g/ dJC ,€an/rJ "J L///pG . */4k-s4// AJau/zfrhrc decz - f /r)- /aan< dec/< zrz// l* rcdza- rzarre ? ,uua.q - rd/,oKs a rd,ttry fu&e /ttao/d nol zrouz^.#r8.* @ ret h"tl zb aearV/,r4 rr/orrq no/so /ads. // ans ,*/* lgfu'ry a:a,t// ,+ lt/4, zb &ef 4tr3aa/ o ca>ts-2tdr^- g orfu <t"ad 4 ry *ear? a.eryar 6ke/ - nolse qtaa/d az! Ate^ h,rce- Af * he dz// t' @ az/ Vas*( b aja/fid 4ta A - a rq"ryrc- o%s. capa*l&.p /q @. r,n7/a lsrao %'H#:Q'?*r- 4aE.//e (v Z/,//pua/ .t/./// /. t, co77(%/ tvtz/ ty'- €tw676r* +z/s ca4rzhlL t,2/ara4-,.naf@- /a*/Zi+e cilzq4a/"q?f?ud.l t2rt rb 16. z4<enffi - fr"7/zi;1i".#*t"V"2ff"Zt 7# h' &.'fo7n,oo*,*IoZ,ffi4Er l'nzzy .. yyaa/d rarfrr /fuux A er 0/ 6V fr€ d//o{ f-.. E/W c/x-t ?byr'.z raad ; /r"!o-4Artt /4€/? @n? .* ,/oo< @ a- Ar 7r/. t1/eo 4. - Pzr,,hVs VV/canl eau/d p/anl ,/o Vabnl//a' A 6u4s zb s/,er/ /ed//re fa>-z Fe/+v pnfr/ :fut ^%{rrra^,,A fo)".'n zba,ttg- -/ tuf-/atrtdtz*o /" /1/ Geo bnA. 4oae zA ae7*ralg ?//?t(//an 8s -szrl-r)fu lani;ual h ey' S, e *aarg <y n arzattgr ,a/ at/y' //razzza Con d,*/7?a) A EYnzra,b e,Var* @ D/n udft ,L'rcaat4 y'lecaz2€-. a,r:h A ha4uag /ra*/-b/e k frws .ao/ atV/a-//{,ffi C) €uw? i,,,e >6 ,slUa leadffi 3fran eh/ry "art,tu< "% "f-e//an3,/.orr9"g*d2, use / va-x'hryfu a, bq"rV @ fuy-rt z4 m. z^ f ozZtsrzss gr dtnt<- u/ffita €gtner .h ./@24 /r"L 4-O sgz-M ey ZONE CHECK FOR SFR, R, RP/S ZONE DISTRICTS 1107 E. VAIL VALLEY DR DUPLEX - E & W HALF W 250'5 DATE: Aug 26,1990 LEGAL: Prt LOT 7&8 BLOCK 6 FILING V. Vil' 7 ADDRESS: 1107 E. Vail Valley Dr.-Duplex OWNER: Tom Rader & Tom Spitz ARCHITECT: PHONE # PHONE # SFR RES R P/S LOT SIZE: ZONE DISTRICT: PiS GRFA ALLOWED ON SITE ALLOWED SITE COVERAGE SITE COVERAGE USED SITE COVERAGE REMAINING LANDSCAPE COVERAGE ADDITIONAL 250 SQ.FT. CREDIT 15,493 PROPOSED USE: YNN 3424.3 3048. 50.6 rcffi (/,8/") 500 E A s T s I D E FITOOR TOTAL GARAGE STORAGE MECH.STAIR AIRLOCK VOID BASEMENT SQ.FT.998 0 ll8 119 0 0 0 1ST. FLOOR SQ.F[.1,904 300 0 0 55 0 5 2ND. FLOOR SQ.FT.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3RD. FLOOR SQ.FT.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 LOFT FLOOR SQ.FI.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 TOTALS 2,9U2 300 ll8 119 )f,0 5 TOTAL GROSS SQ.F[.2,W2 CREDIT TOTALS #GAR.spaces 2 300 ll8 50 55 0 5 GRFA ALLOWED 3,924 TOTAL CREDITS 528 GRFA USED 2,374 GRFA REMAINING 1,550 CREDITS REMAMN 300 82 (6e)0 25 0 w E s T s I D E FLOOR TOTAL GARAGE STORAGE MECH.STAIR AIRT.O(:K VOID BASEMENT SQ.FT.1,125 300 138 48 0 0 6 1ST. FLOOR SQ.FT.r,268 0 83 0 39 0 5 2ND. FLOOR SQ,FT.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3RD. FLOOR SQ.FT.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 LOFT FLOOR SQ.FT.279 0 29 0 0 n 94 TOTALS 2,672 300 250 48 39 0 105 TOTAL GROSS sQ.Fr.2,6i12 CREDIT TOTALS #GAR.spaces 2 300 200 48 39 0 105 GRFA ALLOWED 1,550 TOTAL CREDITS 692 GRFA USED j 1,980 GRFA REMAINING (430). CREDITS REMANTN 300 (50)2 25 0 TOTAL T'NUSED CREDITS 615 600 32 (67)0 50 0 E/? Ptdara- 755 4;i;---- " :ti" <ny'8 + StrE aoue'z'46e ''- ' /260 t,/ sil€ A(F,I ,if:"/ 267€ = zadsraPc &ucryX- ZONE CHECK FOR SFR, R, RP/S ZONE DISTRJCTS 1107 E. VAIL VALLEY DR. DI]PLEX - E. HALF WT['H 250 DATE: Aug 26,1990 LEGAL: Prt LOT 7&8 BLOCK 6 FILING V. Vil. 7 ADDRESS: ll07 E. Vail Valley Dr.-Duplex OlilNER: Tom Rader & Tom Spitz ARCHITECT: PHONE # PHONE # LOT SIZE:15.493 PROPOSED USE: ZONE DISTRICT: P/S GRFA ALLOWED ON SITE ALIOWED SITE COVERAGE SITE COVERAGE USED SITE COVERAGE REMAINING LANDSCAPE COVERAGE ADDITIONAL 250 SQ.FT. GRFA CREDIT 250 SFR RES RP/S YNN 3424.3 3098.6 2683 4t5.6 rr738 (7t/;) E A s T S I D E E A S T S I D E FLOOR TOTAL GARAGE STORAGE MECH.STAIR ATRT-r)(]K VOID BASEMENT SQ,FT.998 0 187 50 0 0 0 1ST. FLOOR SQ.FT.1,904 300 ll3 0 55 0 J 2ND. FLOOR SQ.FT.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3RD. FLOOR SQ.FT.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 LOFT FLOOR SQ.FT.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 TOTALS 2,W2 300 300 50 55 0 5 TOTAL GROSS SQ.FI.2,9s2 CREDIT TOTALS fGAR.spaces 2 300 2ffi 50 55 0 5 GRFA ALLOWED 3,674 TOTAL CREDITS 61Q GRFA USED 2,292 i GRFA REMAINING r,382 CREDITS REMANING 300 (10o)0 0 25 0 w E s T s I D E w E s T S I D E FI,OOR TOTAL GARAGE STORAGE MECH.STAIR ATRIr)(.K VOID BASEMENT SQ.FT.752 0 l3 48 0 0 5 lsT. FLOOR SQ.F[.1,056 0 35 0 35 0 5 2ND. FLOOR SQ.FT.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3RD. FLOOR SQ.FT.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 LOFT FLOOR SQ.FT.244 0 0 0 0 0 35 'TOTALS 2,052 0 48 48 35 0 45 TOTAL GROSS sQ.F-T.2,052 CREDIT TOTALS #GAR.spaces 0 0 48 48 35 0 45 GRFA ALLOWED 1,382 St : .) 1.2, t " "/9'l "'€ ,TOT+IT€REDITS 176 GRFA USED -\ 1,876 '2! GRFAT MAINING (4e4) CREDITS RTMANING 0 152 2 0 25 0 TOTAL TJNUSED CREDITS M 300 52 2 0 50 0 't! ,t . ^- &,4 Dl,zt 7>s \r it >v -/./ cg 1lr7<'t6,iz, e0&3 "/ "'-4/t/ .J,6 /|te /{rl?7_ 4/9/ ?/br/ri{: //)73t tl caz,r<V ZONE C}IECK FORSFR. -.'A ZONE DISTNCTS I1O7 E. VAIL VALLEY DR DUPLH(- DATE: Aug 26,1990 LEGAL: Prt LOT 7&8 BLOCK 6 FILING V. vil. 7 ADDRESS: ll0? E. Vail Valley Dr.-Duplex OWNER: Tom Rader & Tom Spitz PHONE # PHONE # o PRIOR 15.493 PROPOSED USE: P/S SFR RES Y 3424.3 3098.6 1626 r472.6 9295.8 TO ANY 250'5 R P/S ARCHITECT: LOT SIZE: ZONE DISTRICT: GRFA ALLOWED ON SITt ALI.OWED SITE COVERAGE SITE COVERAGE USED SITE COVERAGE REMAINING LANDSCAPE COVERAGE REQUIRED N E A s T S I D E FI,OOR TOTAL GARAGE STORAGE MECH.STAIR ATPIr)(]K VOID BASEMENT SQ.FT.748 0 35 45 0 0 0 1ST. FLOOR SQ.FT.989 0 60 0 30 0 0 2ND. FLOOR SQ.FT.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3RD. FLOOR SQ.FT.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 LOFT FLOOR SQ.FT.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 TOTALS 1,737 0 95 45 30 0 0 TOTAL GROSS SQ.FT.r,737 CREDIT TOTALS #GAR.spaces 0 0 95 45 30 0 0 GRFA ALLOWED 3,424 TOTAL CREDITS 170 GRFA USED t,567 GRFA REMAINING 1,857 CREDITS REMANIN 6oo 105 5 0 25 0 w E s T s I D E rLOOR TOTAL GARAGE STORACE MECH.STAIR AIRT.OCK VOID BASEMENT SQ.FT.752 0 13 48 0 0 5 1ST. FLOOR SQ.FT.1,056 .0 '35 0 .35 0 5 2ND. FLOOR SQ.F[.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3RD. FLOOR SQ.FT.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 LOFT FLOOR SQ.FT.244 -0 0 U 0 0 35 TOTALS 2,052 0 48 48 35 0 45 TOTAL GROSS SQ.F[.2,052 CREDIT TOTALS *GAR.spaces 0 0 48 48 35 0 45 GRFA ALLOWED 1,857 TOTAL CREDITS 176 GRFA USED I,876 GRFA REMAINING (le) CREDITS REMANIN b oo r52 2 0 25 0 TOTALUNUSED CREDITS 314 /to| 257 7 O 50 0 ' na C,2 r?'ie 6,-, 7"a 7 4laz' ; 4 oO { g.rt'it {u' ? ttt 'n P,O.60X e7A09tO NOTTTNBHAII avoN. coLo.61A2() (3031 9.a€-5072 fiInter-Mountain surrE rol 14aO VAr€G /anE gineeringltd.'^^"'i3;!l!3;13i1! rc,, -6l oF t/A,L qe: ,PlqzT Of /af 7*a 8, Bcaz 4 VQt- Vctene &nr" gL;ra, Ta*r or /*)u,_Fqa Cau,ry, 1i,*oan r,'rE ARE FORWARDING lO, YOU: fr{erewith f'"1 Est imates-frin+s fl Copy of Letter Du! Pronnca lc Soecifications Change Crder I Unde. Separate Cover Via Reports S u rvey !nn or*r@ Derternneaz |.]C. COPiES DRAhr I f'lc N0.LAST DATEI DESCR I PT ION z /oF /gzz/zo -6-*tBag*,"ec Soeuel her or L)/ 2 ,4ta 8, &ap 6. Vn)c Vu,etla - kt,r-tVl 6t )'* Zat.n aF Un)c. teeU C*ztfy' Cloc*oo THESE ARE TRAI.IS|.4 ITTED: J fpo Your Use fffor Approva I PLEASE NOTE: E4;Review and comment I Approved as Submitted trn As Requested trLE lntcr-Dlonntrl La kewood PER JII.T IIIORTER LETTER, PAGE 2 2. Tom Rader owns part of IFt 7. His inprovements are located entirely on thal part of Lot 7 which he owns. Mr. spitz owns a iortion of Lot Z and a portion of Lot 8 and a portion of the vacated cul de sac located adjacent to Lots 7 and 8' Total site area of a lot provides the basis for calculating allowable GRFA and site coverage. Therefore, a survey showing the entire lot is required to Proce-ss any 25o request. There was a guestlon as to what the actual area was that comprised the lot for this duplex. 3. Based upon information provided by Morter Architects and City rebords the attached Chronology was developed. acc-ording to this chronology, the Rader/spitz tract was transferied (Lo/3o/70) aftei the Townrs Subdivision Regulations *ent iirto' effect (L/L2/7ol . - flrg.Uuestionsreiaining 1rere: Did the fact that the building pernit was obtained prior to adoption of the subdivision Regulations of the day iinpact the legality of the subdivision? Did the develolnenl and sale of adjacent ngrandfatheredrr properties result in the existing lot line situation? 4. If the Property was iIIegally nonconforning, then a ninor sufaivi3ion woirta need to be approved by the Planning and Environmental connission and DRB approval of the 250 sq. ft. addition request would need to be obtained prior to Town issuance of-a building permit. If the Minor subdivision procedure needed to be pursued, the subdivision reguest would be considered by ttre pnC on Septenber 10th and the 250 reguest will be considered by the DRB on September 19th following PEc aPProval. If the property did not need to be subdivided, then DRB would c-ons-ider-the Rader 250 request at the August 29th rneeting. Jay Peterson and Larry Eskwith met yesteTday,- August 22' 1990, to reii"w and discuss ti[Ie search inforrnation which Jay had obtained for Block 6, Lots 4,7,8,9, 10, and 11 of Vail Village 7th Filing. Followlng revien of the deeds for the above mentioned lots, Larry has deterrnined the Rader/sPitz lot is[legal nonconformingi and the existing lot line situation is 'rgrindfatheredrt. tf,e existing Rader/Spitz duplex lot line situation results frorn the sale and development of adjacent ngrandfatheredrr properties. Therefore, Mr. Rader d€ru9 need t6 pursue the rownts ninor subdivision process. .The Rader Residence 250 reguest is scheduled for the August 29th docket of the DRB. please subnit a survey showing the property t{r. Rader orrns' the site area Mr. Spitz oins (inciuding-vacated cul de sac area) and total conrbined lite area no later then 12:OO noon on }fonday Augarst 27|Jtl. I nust obtain this infornatj.on in order to process ltr. Raderrs 25O reguest. 5 JII.I }TORTER I.8TTER, PAGE 3 If you reguire additional information above mentioned Lssues, please do not 479-2L34. or clarificatl-on of the heEitate to contact me at ,fEKlpp cc: Krlstan Pritz Larry Eskwithilay Peterson Tom RaderSally Brainard 11 E. ; RADER 250 REouEsr cHRoNor-Gy August 17,1990 l2/L7/65 Vail Village Zth Flling plat Recorded. platted byVail Associates, Ltd. - Lots 7 & I Platted at thiltirne. Io/Lo/69 Building eermit pulled for Wayne K. Schrader TwoFanily Residence on Lot E, Block 6, Vail village7th Filing (Lot area 16,110 sq. ft.) LL/LO/69 Ordinance Vacating cul de sac between Lots 7, 8and 11, Block 6, Vail Village 7th passed and Adopted. l/L2/7O Subdivision Ordinance (Ord. No. 4, Series 19ZO) Read, Passed, Adopted and Ordinance Published. 2/L3/7O Subdivision ordinance published. 6/24/70 Schrader duplex Building plans approved. 7/L5/7O Certificate of Occupancy Granted to Dr. R. c.Bondi for West I/2 ot. Schrader Residence. 7/2L/7O Final Building Inspection Approved / Certificateof Occupancy granted to Schrader for East L/2 of Schrader Residence. LO/3O/7O Wayne K. Schrader purclrases duplex 1ot from VailAssociates (Iegal description corresponds with conbined RaderrzSpitz ownership) . 'r:i 75 soulh lront ge roed vall. colorado 81657 (303) 47$,2138 (3q]) 479-2139 August 23, L99O Mr. Jirn ltorter Morter Architects L43 E. Meadow DriveVail, CO 8L657 RE: August 13th, 1990 neeting Dear Jiro: oftice of community developmenl fttt coPr In response to your correspondence of August 13, L990, this letter will clarify the issues raised and the decisions rnade at our August 13th, L990 meeting. 1. The source of the problen in reviewing Mr. Raderrs 25o request is the discrepancy between the description of theproperty as platted and the description of the ownershipparcels according to title. In other words, property has been sold in parcels which do not coincide with the 1ot lines of the platted parcels. According to the Town of Vailrs Subdivision Regulations, no building permit can be issued on a parcel of land except where a parcel meets the Subdivision Regulations. The questions which needed to be resolved were: a. Did the parcel meet the subdivision regulations or was it an illegal lot? b. If in fact the lot did not neet the requirements of a Iegal lot, was it a rrgrandfatheredrr situation. If the lot was illegal and if the 1ot was notrrgrandfathered'r it would be the staffrs position that through the minor subdivision process the Rader,/spitz tract should be properly platted. lic nkL /-,. r/ss' '0' a 4 t ,4ar1a-. r€as K-ou) 5 cz-/r&, a- :!@'b"c/oztd iy'tc/u'? ,'l/ /-#(1 'dh-, tv'uc- 5o// t t r'? %..r( ma'zzs-) Fy'vrc.7/ahQd- . .,, s%pl r'ra-( yor^"?Tot 7t"'* L2/ L7 / 65 Lo/LO/69 r1,/ LO/ 6e L/12/7O 2/L3/7 O 6/24/7 O 7/Ls/1O 7 /2r/7O t o/30/7o RADER 250 REOUEST CHRONOLOGY Augarst L7,L99O vail Village 7th Filing Plat Recorded. Platted by Vail Associates, Ltd. - Lots 7 & I Platted at this tirne. Building Pernit Pulled for Wayne K. Schrader Two Faurily Residence'on Lot E, Block 5, VaiI Village 7th Filing (Lot area 15,110 sq. ft.) Ordinance Vacating cul de sac between Lots 7 ' I and 11, BLock 6, Vail villagre 7th Passed and Adopted. Subdivision ordinance (ord. No. 4, Series 1970) Read, Passed, Adopted and Ordinance Published. Subdivision Ordinance Published. Schrader duplex Building Plans approved. Certificate of Occupancy Granted to Dr. R. G. Bondi for West L/2 of Schrader Residence. Final Building Inspection Approved / Certificate of Occupancy granted to Schrader for East L/2 of Schrader Residence. wayne K. Schrader purchases duplex Lot fron Vai.l Associates (lega1 description corresponds with combined Rader/Spitz ownership) . 8/to, DpU, Strl)'r.y','..',, ord.' )o., ....._1 ac*at hd-/ ,sz/// ndt /e k alzeqvdtr h/kq nar 7nfu ann4td bq tumn.4l/atf z ftcou* ///f lzrldl "";s /ssu(d znZa.;"b2; i)n 7 -r n'n'z'u'l /r sa/. tu V f-&i L;* ir7^,'ro. tl --launlati.a t/.o fl //67 krry- i*-r*tquul-t'/4 mJ/ /72/2d /,t : em ha 4/{V PtftvZ'/';;'t:gg; 7i;; : Sfi'flffi &,,ffi"H 87,f;-i%t "8,7,1iG *" ;;/;;; i" o J "'t47'a';n- co .a/ lAE dg,e*y 'aJJ) 11" td' /andmze- o'//go/: -.L. ^r,^ ^. ,e/ /77€, zn&,</ ^'rtar gaz'l eo777e uP ,/afry Phatz' /e/ r' UH ha,rtz_a_, t/,(L K. A irr!.lr'3sior'i1l Corpcral.cr,r 1,13 Ea:,i lvfrj;i,,l.r''! [j. ,i] Cr 0ssro;tds itl lti ii V.ril Co1.';r(r., ii lrl57 303/476,5i05MonreRAI(cH ITEcrs {St' I Letter of Transmittal t.l-) l0: To: I',r;-, r: August 14, 1990 Jay Peterson Rader Residence Property Information ,,,,',.,, lO/70 I, rr/69 10/89 12/85 1 u Deed From Vai l Associates to Wayne Schrader For Lot 7 & part of Lot I 0rdinance vacating cul-de-sac and transfem'i ng ownershi p Title Schedules A & B for West s'ide of property. Title Schedules A & B for East side of property. []r-'niarks: ln- "&it ILC Thomas RaderJill Kammerer' TOV a i nerd ;'-,'', ; vn i,'v i, Lr,si-*r r qrrqgTIlI-|{JTnF-Ig,P, ni!I CoPY ;:, i'.1 iij;dB-saE nmwnFrlnrs'r, 9,4:lD u, iL Available ' i_|. ,! - \ruyi :;, BLocK 6,,VAIL \t ,., *' "nMiii.iil{.i,icE VACATINO A. FOn ' -.',t., --'l'- -.1 . .-. 'rrr +rn r rlrl: . rll^Vxrn{tlrlfF 't :;. sioiK o,,ve[. rrr,uG-Bil fr8- Ftl.DlG''' i, 'l:TowN oF v.AII;' l,l;1.#lti::ii...1if'i.. r:. iir:.'';' l. ij i'ii:t.: ..ii.;':f,'-;.'.riii.r1-';. .i.i'1,.' w n nn'sAs ;' thi',io'neiii'l hF |,ru{ lt "u''"1},1." ,l,i,iji:ilit:iiii,ii:.;i.': , : ,r anns _' th.t,io"neiibt,roii -filb;i rinc u, b' r,::';;.;f:,. :i::,,i:,:,i: bto"x o, Best vau r, urs;,' r *i?[iLi-,-t""i" qt- I4j, eF. fqstea tl:-II3 of Vaif to ualate a priion.ol Vatl.ydlgt"Drtlor.:.con::utrtng urs" ' : , c'd^de-6ac abuttln.l satd lots, r+Ai iili;1r'-:1'.r:ii!r''i!,-i":' ' ' 'lii^0".u"" abutttn.l sa$ ldts, sd;, itft{''"i1r*ii:r'i lii*fr i*'-"iiiFiir tm Flrg 'fe ":d.Tl1..- i i iri, ,.,i :, fit; that the o*t "t* oru,9 sbutttng.Iog T4-I15:P**:o,:Tptu-1 ' .,.i )-"u'x' - 'r ror tb prbllc uce end b€ne'- , Ordindrre has never beeona:eaeartr: .., r!..1:a{), - ^,- ^? rr-^ -r..rrr-a r^ia nrrd londc iaih'a tO impf0' rolts of .the Townl and " 'l now,'*,,n***s; se lT-onp,^"*o"" TIIE BoAFD , :t' li' i'rrt oF rRrrsrEr:; br. 'rtsE ro\r,N ro,F'' *T#: i: ,;."; ,, , tr '; ,:j.,1':, ! !L::-ujr.)rl!.ll-Lg:-l:.wj:' a:;.., 1..:.j.,, ..:.: \i . : ' : t. ;,,-, ' i' '\ I'trat the potuon ot Vall veuql ryrya 99T!1,t'lll11th" cul-de-src between'tpts ?, b, end lL'gtoct I' Vltr V l-l^"1--"-,' iil ilrl;,r, il;"'li ilii, L-;t'd u'" !"." ls ln-r-etr-vacat"l^:9 ; il;;i;;;;"i ; ; AdG;ue"t, a"a the.sane 34! .F g9 F"o'";;;;;-ii," "gie-q 131" ?d:.Tl l!,*-' 'l$ o Policy No. AE130017 Anount $455,000.00 Address The Policy Amount will autornatically increase.by 10 percent.of the arnount shown above on each of the first five.anniversaries of the PoIicY Date. Policy Date: October 10, 1989 at 8:OO A.U. SCHEDULE A NIN J. RADER , as Joiirt Tenants Iand covered bY this PoIicY is: 1. Name of Insured: . THOMAS G. ITADER ANd 2. Your interest in the Fee Sirnple 3. The land referred to in this Policy is described as fol]ows: A PARCEL Of LAND IN LOT 7' BIPCK 6, VAIL VILLAGE SEVENTH FILING, EAGLE COUNTY, COI'RADO, I,IORE PARTICUIARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLI,OWS: BEGINNING AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID I.oT 7, THENCE EASTERT,Y AI-ONG THE SOUTHERLY LrNE OF SAID r-OT 7, A DTSTANCE oF 81.90 FEET; THENCE ALONG THE EASTERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 7 (SAID LINE BEING A CURVE TO THE LEFT HAVING A RADIUS OF 15 FEET AND A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 75 DEGREES 31 UINUTES 20 SECONDS ) AN ARC DISTANCE OF 9.99 FEET TO A POINT ON SAID CURVE, THENCE ON AN ANGLE TO THE LEFT HAVING A NONRADIAL LINE 5]. DEGREES 49 I{INUTES 47 SECONDS A DISTANCE OF 10.99 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE ON AN ANGLE TO THE LEFT 15. DEGREES OO UINUTES 44 SECONDS A DISTANCE OF 61.07 FEET TO A POINT, THENCE ON AN ANGLE TO THB RIGHT OF 43 DEGREES 12 }TINUTES 57 SECONDS A DISTANCE OF 59.75 FEET MORE OR LESS TO A POINT, SAID POINT BEING ON THE NORTHERN BOUNDARY LINE OF THAT PROPERTY DESCRTBED IN THE DEED FROl,t VAIL ASSOCTATES, INC. TO WAYNE K. SCHRADER AND RECORDED IN BOOK 2].9 AT PAGE 207 OF THE OFFICIAL RECORDS OF EAGLE COUNTY, COI.,oRADO; THENCE WESTERLY AI.ONG SAID NORTHERN BOUNDARY LTNE (BEING ON AN ANGLE TO THE LEFT OF 103 DEGREES 11" MINUTES) A DTSTANCE OF.42.OO FEET TO THE IIORT}IWEST CORNER OF I.OT 7; THENCE SOUTHERLY AI,ONG THE WESTERLY LINE OF T.DT 7 A DISTANCE OF ].49.06 FEET MORE OR LESS TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. q''q"l n ., '0 v \' .; Page This Policy valid only if Schedule B is attached. 'r. 27 66-7 /qo .., . ' o{t No. V138U SCHEDULE B Arr e1 ^3 .{e.{/tPolicy No. A8L300L7 $"o iIe In addition to the Exclusions, You are not insured against i-"", costs, ettorneys, fees,'a-nd expenses resulting frorn: 2. LLENS FOR UNPAID WATER AND SEWER CHARGES, IF ANY' 3. RIGHT OF PROPRIETOR OF A VEIN OR I.ODE TO EXTRACT AND REMOVE HIS ORE THEREFROM SHOULD THE SAME BE. FOUND TO PENETRATE OR INTERSECT THE PREMISES AS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES parnNr RECORDED tttay zz ' L926' IN BOOK 93 AT PAGE ],46. 1.1989 TAXES NOT YET DUE AND PAYABLE. 5. 6. *,TENDORSEMENT 1OO.2g*r, THE COMPANY HEREBY INSURES AGAINST LOSS WHICH THE INSURED STIALL SUSTAIN BY REASON OF DAMAGE TO EXISTING IMPROVEMENTS' INCLUDING T,AWNS, SHRUBBERY OR TREES, RESULTING FROM THE EXERCISE OF ANY RIGHT TO USE THE SURFACE OF SAID I,AND FOR THE EXTRACTION OR DEVELOPMENT OF THE }TINERAIS EXCEPTED FROM THE DESCRIPTION OF SATD I"AND OR SHOWN AS A RESERVATION IN SCHEDULE B. RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS WHICH DO NOT CONTAIN A FORFEITURE OR REVERTER CI'AUSE' BUT 6MITTING RESTRIQTIQN$' IF ANY' BASED oN RACE, col.oR, RELIGIoN, oR NATIONAL 6RIGIN, AS CONTAINED IN iNSTRUMENT RECORDED Decernber 07, 1965, IN BOOK ],87 AT PAGE 515. TERMS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISfONS OF PARTy WALI-, AGREEMENT RECORDED Decernber o4, 1972 IN BOOK 226 AT PAGE 574. EASEMENTS, RESERVATIONS AND RESTRICTIONS AS SHOWN OR RESERVED ON THE RECORDED PI,AT OT VAIL VILI,AGE SEVENTH FILING. Page o --Ot of- otr tllrd lo. r.ccd lha _-_-_,-:-,t,0. lt-. rl Lata lir lo. ttltg DEED . |.. tilr -' ot sQt-t r 29' 19t9 h5rtRNl T J. ll}lqJ8 tttra. t .t.d a,i D.l |!r.!d ln t|r| '|.tttr al it ctFltr.t' eltrni r-:-_- tr. lrll 0(t t ltt lltlmtr tr.ID ' lr Joln!-L.i'rtr'" - '-'- - rr-sln, 13817 t ILrltc s??!tp %"a 5t+ ?*12 Ft1{ tn C;tf L^{wqt,'(.t-4rt\ dth...f i ot.r-. .t t f lrrl ir.t. rl .U r' t nn0g C. nAlE rd Alf J. RtlE lS JODrt ID0MB ' .,,t' "'\j' ..' .r-. lol &-r lr 2101 CtrlliGR @JRf- ElrFi@|, @!cR ID eo{39.t tt ccr.riiUEig --- - -r'A rtrtr rl Cot"d'. " ti' r"tj ''j\-^lli,' \tr.rorr. rr'r 'r,rrc$ll ll ff'-. ,..,. t.iiJ'il'.Li:fiiili I lil ;Ti -iiirg55,6se'e31 tqt rar0 tttlt tlYl tt!,ua oq'ull 16 0 clrlt ta.tia? |.d d ttllat. ..tli.atl.t tr lia t.ti '..tt-of itt ft?ar F?t In |t|ti Fld t th'-'rlt,F ll" " ttr r.-i"i1'i.l111 i*iirt rr"ri r. iii.ir'i.riilJ.ii -*t,-tlrer. rri ra1rr. FPltt' 11ld d-ct;ttrd. .'d 5y 11'if-;iriti ii. i.i"t. r,..rr". ;ii;'.;;-; i-lt..,t11.i1;1-r.ld -'rltr.rl lrrr.t sd F.t' th.lt lr.l11 .ri nlj lcrar. rr-ln tinrci . ' ";;i lut ii joim trqgz 'tl ttio lolidltr thrtlLd lot - o" Ftcrl ot tri' iirai t rr,r'f ; tf Cotrlt ;t Er6LE ti tl't' of cotot6. to rltt 8EI XTtr'D EICCE! TAI alll5o E-Stt P-975 t6lQ6l89 lar46 pB t OF a REC DOC JOIIITII{ETTE PHILLIPB EA6LE COUNTY CLERK tO. EO '5.5O tia rrld t trt ct tha llrtt ,r.l hrr lrararrlto .rt hlr h|"d t.|l tir d.y a.d taar tl?tl 6rn .tx lrur r rtm.t i-r A pi'C Cf lgf ?, EJCK 5, \,lIL \[Lf"rcE fdrnl rl t att a.i llnlutl? tia |r.mtltrrnlt a'i F,rtrrrttr th'rtto btctl{' or -ln-T tr'lr' !F rtrl^l|rt' ti tf,o rinflr rrt rrvr?rtor. ;rrJi .;-iSittiir. il"ii, ltrEr r,i Folllr th...oli ..{ rll ti. nlrlt. .ldrt. tllt. ioiortt. :trh ri b|d ,r.trav.? rf tha ...ld prty ol t* l:trt Frt. .llh|r In li o. rqrltt,ot. In ri to lha b,,t la,talmd Frli.r. rltt' tha ha..dltr|lt ri .F t.rrt6. to tgvt la to rr! rh. ,.,o ri.iii-Ji iil.iii ..t a.'ttrd, rrrh rh. n.,.trr....lnro.tlr rrld Frlln ot rr, ai"t i-t, rtrlr-..rl.r rrt riri6 ior'r. rrt iha rrtd F...tr,af thr flrrt ts.t, t.? hlrrtf r i.lr i.ln. 1".cul1?r' ri dlnlrt.rto.r, O.r corr.'txrr. iiltr, itfli; {?.. tol.€ rll}i th! rld t'rtln-of lho,t.:4 F rl'-llr'lr.h'lr' ; ;i;:';;;i-itiii iii ir'ir,i .-i.iii .{ d.rtr..r.r r}rn. rrr...r|t. to lr 5tl [lt.d or lh. Ftl... .t.! .*;;;; ct a..d. r|'., F.fGt, &olel...d l.-tr-ibt. 'tt-'l"t Inh'rltt!'. l^ ll' l.r ttt 'lQtr' r{ lr't tcd iriil-iiri-i"i ,* i*ur' r.,rr,o.iriJi'iiLi, irir;, riri rs cc"'ry rh. rr li.-.t!. rd to.. r. .tq?6.14. at irrit if,.-r.J r?. f.i d cttr fri'rii ioni rrf-orrri+ lrrrlt. b.rt.lBr t.t... ll.n. tr6. |lttrniir "l Hffi lr,ffi ,€*iffi*"",*#i"m'XgB0fr ,ffi lfi 8'ffi Es"'EIF-A'ul REO8D. .nlitt..ro,.d!..lo||r.dP.r|r.r|nlhrqj|rtIdF.G.-lrPo.r...|giolrr|dp.t|.|o'lh.t..!'dFrl.-th...'v|w.o| t|r.!. rh.tr r.tF ti tlrr rrru .rrc'llriii'ol i.Ii-i*rf"i, .t lnt .tl rg irvrry pfrqr c. F..qt l.tlellY ct'l'ltl c to.i.l. tlra Jrotr o" .rv r..r r"lii, -rr'r-irii pirv ot tir ilrrt t'?t "r'll rg irttt unrrr rb t(r:l|ll 0ll$o' lrt' rtrrutx ,r-. itr.l t tElri Urr pt,rii.'ti-ei,r.t ri..ltr.ul.., .i t\. |ra ct !''' i|rtl.. a||.tl b Fllcsla to atl la+uat.lt ulrtll lllllaot.rl ltar. frlr I I i ii t, l' !l il ii il rl t t I b tltrtt (llr,., (ll|rtffiCoutrt.l ,J I lL! u t-l t '1 >"'' tt|. f..npl|t l|tlnrri -t *tmt.Q.d !.lc|'r - r\lr -Y 'rsleptgber 29t 1989 t 'horrt.;. tlooq f-' l',, ll 7a .llrlr''tr t tr.i tl of tcl.l "'l ' Best, Copye5 Available (l*, ,-., . I t r't a t r r^r A P RCEL OF IAND IX IIIT ?, BIOCI( 6, VAIL VILIAGE SEVEI{TH FTLING' IAGII COUiltI, COITnADO, IIORE PARllClrtaRLr DESCRIBED AS rol,lpr|sr lrctrlrttxo Ai sHl SouTimlst coRllER or sArD lrt 7' THENCE TASTERLY AIONO THE SOUTHENLY LINE OF SAID t'T ?, A DISTANCE OF !1.90 FrRri IHENCI AraNC 8HE EtStERLt LrNE oF SAID u)t 7 (sAlD Lt[T IETNG A CURVE 8O THE TJEFT ITAVTIIG A RTDIUS OF 15 FEET AND A cENTR.tt/ tllGL'E OF ?5 DEGREES 31 llrlluTEs 20 sEcot{Ds ) AN ARc DISTA}ICE OF 9.99 FE T TiO A POINT ON SAID CURVE, THENCE OII A}I AXCI.! IO T|tE ITTT HAVIIIC A NOilRTDIAL LII{E 51 DEGREES '9 I{INUTES .? SECONDS A DISTATCE OI 10.99 FEET TO I POINT' TfiDNC! ON AN ATICLE TO TIIE I.EFT T6 DEGREES OO ilIr{UTES " SECOI|I|S A DI9TAXCI o! 6l . O? FEE|! lO A RtIlfT , TllEltcE oll Al{ AIGLE To fHE RrGHr OP a3 DlCRllS t2 t{rtllrTEs 37 SECONDS A DTS1ANCE OE 59.7s IEEA lroRl oR t,Ess to A PoINT, SltD POINT BEINC ON THE NoRTHE!! BOT'IIDIRI LtN! OP THAT PNOPERTY DESCRIBED IN THE DEED TRO}I VAIIj l98OCtAt33, rXC. BO rAYrE X. SCHRADER AllD RECORDED tl| BOOK 219 TT PACT 2Oi OI jtHE OFFTCIAL RECONDS OF EAGLE COU|TY, coIORADo 'THElfCl lflgTERLl Alrtlc EAID lloRTxERrl BOUNDART LINE (B9II{G ON-JII-. Alrcr..E ao 8|r! I,lPr oP to3 DEGREES tl rrNUTEs) A DI9T!!9P 9l(32.!9-..', IEET 1TO TttE NORTfiIIESS COR}IER OF IgT 7 ' THENCE SOUTIIERLY AIDf,C_- f ( V,' ,- {a1' oh =F: lH! l|ESalRLI LrNl ot tdl ? t DrstAtlcB ol 1a9.,0' FEEI ]IORE OR vt; t,t83 tto THE FOINT Ot BEcrlflllllc. atttSe E-31{ p-97s ltt/O6/e9 le. ae pBaoFa IbY-dl+ f11{ bzt " "*"ri", ,{.4;,' r.i rlil . ,,: :" -' . ',.fii" :; ) t':ii;1 x, fr aaa,trrl'tt trEifird-. -frarra hu$lrao. ria{ tH arrar D_F. Ot-- tlsrfil 30u|,.Lt. .OCIOIIR '.; 't'i. r....{++-r (dqo: nururhlssocrllt!8r. INC. ilov 8? !tro rr{ tt b .a Mtsicfur 4t/'t /2L7al|'tmrtorrf,r".iE -ta tct d 0! nd Fir, |''r.!d b.6id.r.s.nof rr.'; !a ( Stf , {OO. OO, ! I! ot rfr {blortl ardfra h ot FF.l o( L.d. .li!.t+ hr tld Lht In tih.rbat..f . 6d llrt .d C.toEdo. to 'll! A Part of Block 5, VaII , V1lla9c1 Scrrunth Filing' Eagle counLy, colorado' deccrlbcil as follcrra: All of Lot 7' Elock 6' ExcePt t Part thereof descrlbod a follovrr Beqlnnlnq at thc rnos t Northerly dorner of 3rid lot 7t thcnfollovrr Boglnnlng at thc rnos t NortherlY dorner of 3rid lot 7t thcn South.rly rlong th. Earterl). llne of said l,ot 7, a dj'stance of 3t1 .3frrtr thinc: on an angle".to Lhe rtght of ll?o0lr17' a dl'stanc€ of .d, r-rrt !a c..{t!r Eb l$. -|. F't y .i rf. t-od F t hl3 , l.ln, |ld .-lG. lortti?. ,r1.0 feel to the Northvesterly corner of said Lot 7t thence on an lngte to the riqht of ltl0o46r0l" nn(l along tlre Northwesterly llne o rald Lo'c 7 a distance of 48.3t feet t. the pol.nt of beglnnlngt And a prrt of Lot 8, sald Block 6, as folLc,r.'s: neglnning at the South-ycst€rly corner of said lr,tt fl; thenco Northerly along th€ Hosterly llne of caid Lot I a (listnnco of el.t5 foett thence on an angle to thc riqht of 117o01,17, a ,liFr.1.-,,-t: ..,f '.r2.28 feet, thence on an angl6 to the riqht af n;olo'll'a riist;tnce of 68.t4 feett thencc on an anqle to t.he riohl- of eg('i )'0"' ,r:rd alonq a curve (c'ont.) "OcfEnftf rfth rll rr{ t{t|mi^r th. i.rritllrft.nt. .nd rntoi.flrn.r,. th.rionio t lorulrG o" tr .!trl-rD'9.?'lrltina. rnd tli. Fr.Fior. .t rlvtr.r.'hi r.rnrr-n,r{, F^lr. !..u.r .nd Drotltr lhart(|f: and .I tk -irta,ritht' Ctl., Ltt"i.l,.hirn rnd ,.:n.r.l 'lii?r.""r i rl", rri,r n.rrt al th. firrt t.n, .lti.r h l.t or.q!lts', ot. br|td b tba atot b.nritad ttrrnt..a r':!lt l!. l -'.d:.ii.nl. .nd roourtrtrrnc..t. TO EArE A:Yfr tO iOLD tb..riJ n'.D'r.'. ilt.r. hdri||.d rnJ ,l.rrlb.d, rlth tlo rtD!i't-.F- rlL tL -!a F t y d th...rnd D.rf 'r i r l..i! .r,! ir.lrrr toF?.r. Ard lh. ..ld VAI L ASSOC IATES . J II(: . Drrt of tln nrd D.rt, to? ,tr.lt, a.d In.occc''. d^!h.o".r'ur. arrnt. !,r.sr.-.. .-,1 ,c...' t, rn'i rrth ti. rrl.l prn y of tba a..6d F t hls h.;F rnl rr.hr.. tlar r' !r- '. i. "1 6 !h.{ of t l. tFhlt.. rb-r. .+nFt.d, ri , , , . i-','i.,.'r'i "r."e!inr rnd drl|?rit .|f t1... Drr-it ll b r.ll rounrE8tt lfloosANDr FrvE HUNDRBD AND NO,/100-- -- DoLLArrIl' ri..gr"t.r*tirtlLrt*rrl' 9t' rld F ry ot rl. 16' Fl!' ttn r*rlpt rlrr'o( b hrit'r afra -a -bartti{ b.l alrba. bFb.d. rtl d-ccifrd. rnd It tA.. Itr.nt doA trr t Lrfrf!. llt.do{i}.Fi.hlt..rbr..$nrrt.d.ri',,.i-r.'..,.'r'.,,.rh..!'1.ih.lInd"l.$lhl...ttt.rf bfi.rlt rc.. bLr, rn t.. rlrn!.I.,.nd hrrl 9.,.1 -..hr. f r': l"..r! ^. ..-l , .r...t_r t^ arn tr I'Nfrhr. r.lt rnd tottrt lir rd!.b n ri.r rnl f..n|.r,.F.',t i-|.\ir,1/ -..'.t.r. trnn rtl tonnar rrd ath.r rraat. btliha.tt n riar xr.l f..n| ar,.F." t i- | .\ 1r ,1/ a.tca, lt-+ ttt?r, ..!.iini.nlr .i,! r-'.i. | | :r.l or rrt,rra ao.r.r; eXCepL- foi rrd nt}.r ftaat .exceDL forof the general and sr.'c , ! r; :, '.i.:' l.lrc ..'nar l!70; the party of thfLrst part i.rarrar r.!: I i ' . , i,; . .: l'. riu ,,c thc 19t.h day of April. 196 and express!)' i'il.' :'. ..r:' : ,.'" ,, to liens. clains, or encunbrances til.rc.r.,.l. ..,- :,led a r,ringt- the premis€s ffon and af Ler ).i;! :, ! lii, l , . . r. ' ^\1. l,irrr.ior ot th. .rld Frt y ot tb. .€!d t rt 'e,.1 ;nr..tl.r l-{anr t.rfullt .himbrr or to ?l^lE lrla rtoL "r..i r'{ r l 'iTAnRASr ANl, FOREVER DEIEND. | 1r't - l :r. :;r.: p.rt l,rth .ro...l lt corDo ta t !a !o ta L|tlltl l, ..,rt !r !.. hrr.::Bt .tftt.d,.ti..t d Dt tt AtAt. to the lcfe hAvlng 23 4{'13", tn arc a rrdlu! of 15.0 fcat. a dlstance of ld.55 fcct to c.ntral anqla ^Cthc Polnt of Ecalnnlng. lrproecm€nts .,tc Propcrty and the ulc th€reof ehall bc llrnlted to lr teo famlly ratl dance. t l'' lt--_ .- f r1'' ,r, I t- , trt \ t.,.r rr., ---_..O..-r'-- \r. ------ \,,,'"r'$ I,IARRANTY lrt:Ht I llls l)l',Elt, r,r* nr. | oth dn .t l-rclttcr r Cs h .'rn IRYNE K. SCHRADT|R ArO Anol,IS E' SCHIADER HAtl.tlN tar irEr PROPFTIES n rh'.. r.!tt 'rnr\r ^ 516 $. Crllfornir, okl*rcm CIIY, 0H r'.', 'i O(latriu tr !| tt.rUlr r ttt Rl rl. ih. at|tn(| t. I t ..r.\u.J lhr d.r! 't th' d" "r [rrl' 'i'_ tEc 135 .00 $l trl.(tt.l ll. I ht rh. trrrn'?t rl lt .nl |n <tinrkr't|n '' TFN ln l R-s AI{) otllER @ LlD 'JAIrJrlBt E t|r |tlr{rt .nl.!tttr( inr r, sh(i|.l*drr rl tktFd'nr !€ h.rFin .rll. ||nrtr ltrt $r'nrnr rrr ftr pnre'n . I t3 ll rft. $tdr. h'4 rrl ltrrit |n rF 'L\nH n fi&l|r &f F(hibit "A' .rr:bc*rrd h.rcto and ft1de s Part tnreof . .t!,llr-.rr' {F., '.rt (nr'r.. llO? Vail Valley Dri\xr, Vail, @ 81657 . Sl.b,i (l,ltit l'. fdr.'ri.r r.r.l 332f31 n, {JS ..,tJfi?n,,,r'J[.[ Lt t. nEconDtF fei { 9nfi'0[ l---r---.*-* :" '.! ;l il Sui r-o 7lto? 200 .,,"..,J&km.., cot{slD'J|A1'lON- c$ffi$'ffff';*ll; :15,:lllffi;fu*'H. I nlrgl€Tr.r. trl t.l*ntdo. nx;t.ltlt:lrrdtdlrnlrtnlolrilrlrtt\linant\||rltFF|rtnJ'rtt'i'rh'titint'irn'nr'|rttr'nntint^ltlrirint.'t'l 'rr! rrnr. |(nr]|rt r n{ n.n! rhr\ r . tr.|r. .|tl trl,tl* tl .rl1n i..l .ll $r .rr t. r|tl . Int r/t?trr' rhmr ,nrd rtrnr*l rirrrr t{ d: ] rr"i,-\' .nry i I'r .r .{u'h dt h.L, h rt!. ri. hrl||ml Fu{' r h rk lYrJ'rx'r ' il r"rrn'rur(" SUqngSSpfl Io $l t\l' lrtl|(tl.ltrlr ',',r rno"{ rrri h tI'rFl-,'xr'\UlS8q[UE m*n't'r 'nh rrt"rln'.drL -tt-"- *T: iIttfllll t\lr lrt l|(tl.lt rlr ',',r rn nr{ rrri h4 r'Ml "xr 'h\rq1[lN]lpt''rr$in|l'||('r cr(! nE 'l''|s!" ^Le ,*rnr r'r,., \.*t 'tr r'nr,it.,. ni o,L,!,$l=Ar" its FlElIii #i;itrfta d{tr( o'| (r{"n 'r' t"'r' t'-t''i' "d ii ,.,( n,..rl 'rf. t ,,r..(r.r ltS l(r.i;i;i:;i;. rhrr rt rh. t'nr "l rrr rn..,lnt riJrftrrrr {l tlr''' litrdrr' ale rtll r|^\t.i ||r F..n\.r J]rr. rdnr(rtt n|. '|ri!' ru'.. F|k.'l Jh.nuk.|rl |nd,l.,!l|. ..|.|. ''| {'|r|iift(' |n |n. |i t.. rin.. rid l; h.frf ,!rrt nttl| tult Fr\r d rdirrrl r,rr.nr }..rt.,n. r'll rhl.,n1(i lh. \}tr mnltrLr rn, l.inr ^ .ltrrvtJ. tn! fiJ llE r.tr ri 't'r ll t.dtk|nff.|lhnrl]rt.,h.t'l.ir\.,n',n|...|.\t|l.n\.|.r.\:.\.rrn..i'|\,(.ro*'.n(!.'rirlt.tr*: |i.r|{rh'hdt|nd'.dftq*ill.;i .r( ri fol rns,!rt-.n:s, rosLrict icrs, rosr:rvaticns arxl tiqhts-af-rny, all of record ;t arxl' r al I'rq,'r ty taxcs for tln 1n'ar l(185, rrct yot dllc cr lxyablo. 'l 3UC{ICS3()r3 rlrt tL. rtri. hrr.rolr F.n,rs,6 r.r. {r,rd .nt Fr.dt|. Fhs. rn d rh. r.orecr.' its tsE(.nl t .'tnt rt.tn{ dl .lrl .r\ ri rttr' rr' Fr!..l.rlulh rLn rtt.|(.tart.tt rh{. rr "r Jvrr lh.|G{ rrtnl'nir rh'll liJ rr rr'1|.r^\l A\llltlttl\ltltln\t) ti . !r I r'J \+,rrLlrr '. ---da,lr.J l,!l*Ll \*r ' t. ---tt-+lp t't.l t s E. s( ll|{ Dt,r .. {: "t9 L$l.0dltttlrt. Doo. tca t-$ .Jn-J o 1)*u Wpf- E$rBI? "A' ettnd to fttr.lnty theil drt€d fcFlibtr 10, 1985, betrFen !$ym f . Sdlrader i./d t'liyllr s !. Sdrtn&r, Grantor, ard t|e lqon Prqertlcg ' Grant:ec. A nrltc"l ol lrrxl In..L'rt i nrttl [l, 8locl 6".Vnl I Vttlagr: $('venth Fri'if',; 'rirr,;-1,""i'tyl i;r,l,,ic,t'l;'rorc gnrt'lculdrlt dcrcrlh'd er ?olIttrttt Beglnnlng rt u grlnl; tn Lhe rl'rrLlr hourrlnr; ol ['oL 7' a tllrLrncr "i 'f'Z.lttl'(eet tinr the nor Llts€$t. cornet ot arld lelt ''l t'hcn(G .irt.tff 62.01 feat .i-tg-. courr€ Fttq.lltt ert'ntlon of Lot ii-ilinir on r dcflccirof, ingt. to the ;lght of 07rr0'll"-r iirilinlii-oi tie.ez rcJli'ttiii. on an-rneie to thr rlsnt or 90'00'00' rnd aloqt "-"".". to t'hr lcft-h'vtnq a r'dlu! of t6o.0o tcGu, r c:t t.^f-in9it-"r ii'ii'2'', rn-arc dtctancc of ii.ii r..t rcr? or rrir t5 a Polnt of tengcnf ' thcne€ elong r [i"g."l e dlrter cc c( 2f .23 -to a polnt,.-!rtd Potnt belng i-aiit"n". ot 01 9o reit'iiaterry itmq thc aouthcrn llne ol i.iC r,"t 7 (ror ttre rorritrrnat coint'r oi leld lor- 7 t thonce if""g-th. oilt.irtyf llnr ot retd Lot ?-(reld llnc balng l-curvt i" t.fr. lcft havtni r iiatu" of of 15.00,(ral- and r ccnlrrl iiqi;-"i-?5'ji;eo;l an a"c dtatancc of 9.99 fGet lo e polnt on reld curvc, th"nc. nn'-.i-ingri to tho lctt havtry e non-redlel i i"i ii.rg;r?', r dlrt6ncc 6f lo.9g tr"t to r ?ol!!tl thence on in 'inqi. to tha teft l6'O0'aa' a dt.tance of 6l'07 ft€t to a DotnEr tlrGnce on en anglc ho thc rlght of -{3'12'57' r dlltenc€ ;i-;4.?5 ffet rorc or ierr to t'h" Polnt of ttcatnnlng' corrrrrl oP t:AcLA grAtE oF coLOnNX) ter Qt*-w hrrortabE A: B r,oIIBIT "A' rtt ched to liar.'rnty De€rl batK.en tlryr€ K. Sdrra&r' :od Phyllts thlcyort PrprtlPs ' Granl:ee. drtcd hcrt tlr 10, t985, !. Sc*rrlder, Grantor. ard A n.tr(el o( l.rrxl In l,'rl' j ert[l llr B'lt'ct {',, -VtI I Vtll'rr;e llrvenlh Fti'iirrl'rarrt"-i,t,tt,lrl 't:1,'t"ioii"''r'rc lxrtt'1"-ut'rr I t rlrnr:r llr+d au I<rl Itb.at Begtnnlng eL a grlrrl: rn Lhr rh)rLlr lruutnlnry ol LoL l' d ilisLrnc" ot l2.tl6 teeE f r.'r tne'-n.ri i'lrrrent. cornel ot reld lerb ''t l'hcrlc? Galterlt 62.0a fett "i""g-i'-to"t!e bGltrg.tbc Gtt'n!ton of Lot i;-;il;e. on e dcrlcciiof, ingrt to th' itgnt of 87'ro'll" r dlrtrnccof116.5Trcct,th€nc.onan.lngl'.tothartgnBof 90'oO'oo' errd along "-iit"t' -t"- t'hc lef t -trevrnc a redlua of r5o.oo ?ccL, a ":, t.^r-ingi"-ir'ii'ii'2{'' rn'erc dlrt'anc' of iilii-riii-i.i.-.,, rci"-16 a pornr of Lengcrrrr thGnc€ erong . ii"ii"i-i aiit",c" ct-it.zl Lo a potnt,.lrld rtotnt bclns ;'ii;'t;";.-;i-Ei-go-i.ii'li"ti'ri Iiong-tt'c roirthcrn I rna of .. ld Lot ? f rol t,t e rorlittstat co'rnt'r oi , aal rl lot 7 r thcncc Ii"ig-ii.'.i"i..iir lln! ot ealrl Lot ?-(aatd ltnc bclnq I curvc to Lh. l.ft havtnq " .iirui oi of l5'00-(cct and r ccntrrl iigi.-"i-u5'jlzo;r .i-ii"-,ti"tancc of,9'99 fect to a polnt on aald curvc, th.ncc "n"^n-ingii-t" 9n9 lGfl tlrrv'nJ a non-radlAl i'iii ii;rs;a7', I alutinei 5r r0.99 !rct to r-Polnt't thcncc-on ;;";di.-i.o'etrc i.rt iC;oo'rr e dlttanca or 6l '0? f act to e pointl th"nce ot .n .ttf ti to thc rlght.of-13'12'57' e dletancc Lr sg.rs fect rorc or icaa to t'hc Potnt of bcqtnntng' COI'ItTY OF 'IGLA STATE OF COLORADO SCHEOULEB-Soctlon2 ExcePtions order Numberl 906 -v commitment Number: The policy or policies to be issued will contain €xceptions to the following unless the sam€ ate disposed of lo the satislaction of the Company: l.Rightsorc|aimsofpartiesinpossessionnotshownbythepub|ic'eco|ds. 2. Easements, or claims of easements, not shown by the public recorcts' 3. Discrepancies, conllicls in boundary lines, shortage in atea, encroachments, and any facts which a correcl surveyandinspectionofthepremiseswou|ddisc|oseandwhicharEnotshownbylhepub|icrecords. 4. Any lien, or right to a tien, tor services, labor or material herelofore or hereafter furnished, imposed by law o I0. rt. 12. Richt of way dror ditches ;\ \anals constructed by ttre authorlty "i'lhu-u"itidrdl"tes as resvrved in uniLecl states pabenE recorded May 20, 1905 \ Sook 48 ab Page 5I1. \ ResEricbions as \)rLainea ln docume"b.,1""9l*ed.Deceeber 17, 1965 in Book 187 aL paYe SfS as Reception No' LO2778' Easements and rights of way as seb oub ln document recorded Decenber 17. 1965 in Eook tgZ at, Page 515 as Receptlon No.' L02774. AIl exisbing roads, ditches, canals, pipelines' Polter, teleP[oner or water lines and ri.ghts of way and eagements bherefor' Terms, con,litions and. reservations as contalned ln Ordlnance No. 11 Series of 1969 recorded Novenber 25, 1969 in Book 216 at Page 463 as Receptlon No. 111990 and Ordinance No. 7 Serles of 1958 recorded. Mat 15, 1972 Ln BooE 224 aE Page.Ioz as Receptlon No- 119848 Terms, conditions and restrlctlons as contalned tn Party-9fal1 Agreernent recorded Decenber 4, 1972 in Book 226 aE Page 574 as Receptlon No. IZZ370. See Continuabion Page are hereby omined. STE.\^rAR.T TITLE c!ttlR'.lf?v f .-r|lf ,l xv r3. r4. and not shown by the public records 5. Defects, liens, encumbrances, adverse claims or other matters' if any' created, tirst appearing in the public records or attaching subsequent to thg etfective date hereof but prior to the date the proposed insufed acquires of record lor value the estate otiltQ€F or mortgage thereon eovered by lhis commitment. 5, Any and aII unpald taxA"*and assessnenbs and any unredeened tax sales. \\7. The effect of inclusions in any €teneral or slq\lfic y3t'er conservanc!, fire protection, soil conservauf \"f -oErrerdisLricb or lnclusion in anJl wateffervice or s\eecdisLricb or lnclusion in any wagep'\servlce r:r :t\Et3r' inprovenenL area. \ \\\ 8. Righb of bhe proprleLor of l vein o\4ode to,extracL and remove his ore tnereiioi, shoq$ the sanre b\found to penebrltg.o{ inbersecE the preurises \\ely granted,\s reserved in UniLed Sbabes Pabent record.ed, thil.Zb, 1905 in Book 48 aL Page 51I' Exceptions numbered Pag€ 4 15. Easernents, restrictl-on!-1nd--- viir Village Seventb Filing RecePtlon No. 102780' Order Number: 1906-V rlghts-of-staY 1s shor"rn lE6oraed Decenber 17' CONTINUATION SCHEDULE SHEET B-gection 2 ,r.i Commitment Number: on Plab for 1955 ae i STE.W'AR.T TITI-.E a: !? AP .-!!!Y !:l.|!l!^ !t \e\ \ Pase _E[ Ot -t't. * Besf Coples Available tl0,to b.3 aJ-i,r IJRIlr ff. -.'.K€R ls it i r r rt,Ttc..iAl BAN|( 8LDg. TIYER, COLORAOO A2@ nlrrl.( * r -,.lIIfLj.J9:f_fbr.llloll_ _I!laill_ o-.. _2 7"i2J 3'-!=.?s -S-,?:. o.*'rr . r rErri llrl| tAl -- I rf-., tl b.-ll. ffc.f at-rliln I tEtl .! _ -. rb.An-*) a-rrar. :.l E:t.*t d tb - Ii...bu r. llrli.. to rJ&€ ttsl-rD--r-- --- ra D -E rr - -I- ----Il a-t ---LI----rntl lttos&lll|.lE tla--F,-rld --rrl-.r-,E lt - tr.d- rb--a--F, Er- rI!r Jtr rm -7F /{t ,i7 d!.hl-Fbr-t- --.a-.r rry aa.- Fr. taltr.ta--trab -a b..t -rbbE - -bb-r rn I Llr.lrt.|rt lqarl loth 1p r octobcr r vlca- tita- -r Mrlrtanttrr-t a '-l!'-', rnc.tlT-gE-rar.., f. at. llratb-'--#rt-) 6 qt. 'rll ]llE t =;qiri h r-r-l'--aa:=-- -rtr--r-$I-r. -a,P(, \ Y,*l a--,'4L-* aF.rrl-l:l- oO oo oo oo oo ,{r.ts-*, ?. --..b.G Ito t"- @ rr 3t=tt tt|l -alrrrlr,tlUt /t$IlttEr tli.l!Il-a-'--l-r_b Cahr- -t-Or-I:3:ffi..3-rffi --.P._ r.b.. ra*-tEi$=?t?i;3:=!e..r-rb.--ffi;:tE:L=R=;::i.:-;;;.#lE-*f*-F::_=:-:==-:#i.E+?.:--E.--=E:-.9;===Eq'r llfriF-'-'-a-!f --:+i'--Er#iI-l: --ft;tb-1-- ti..l t,tt 4.. tfflta lItBa brtp rf rlr r lrn lftof ffiS+::#*it:flil# 8,L, g -fui# ---l , *-.:. \clt. rrGG- r* -=!!rr-rrrrr lr l-, I I I a o I a o 3: & rl or Fol ablrl at L. .nl f v- lr . . EDttltT I IO u',D ffiTrt,,,lf ,r' IET. EEr ,.". *.^*,lJ.l.Tffi: J r.c. ,Eon. ctcurrrc a aa I A !l:_ { tto:t 6. ?r!! rr1r.-.* 3-rrr. rerr_--r€rlH r lorrir: - - - +- !::==:- :::.;G, Ee3lc f - ,:'ri, (_:sr_L, ffi-*#*Tl:f - - ql. to tL rtrr *LS.ilF,s :tir#;'.';r::J:": {.i.llf.f.tr,hnr rong thc lortbcrl, ltton |n atlG to tb rlrli. Fi-Iiiu::;l'*:'j;'i;'a' : :i:;fi: i lil:"!:;.' [T'[.lHT ilC*,f-r*:,ii.l: Xru.t*:*ij:..:* *'tt:ffituH;ffig;ffiiffiijfr=r .T..Td':.:'d:.Ix.*.i 'Yr..-EYj;.l'[.if,x:i;i;:;i !;..r.F5 , frlt ar ts c aar (niA0O r -'"=.---;;ndrrtEEI r"vrt' 'lEdtrrlrrg= c#,*-#t'afi . Fr3 i?==--s.=::-.-Lr--*rh,=-.;Ef#:Ea-=t:=::=ra.:--E=E:=E==:===rq-.t-_-i.r-:--,-G brrtbirbtd-r llC;;L h,*-na ___!Il e .rEt -- llrr| E-dL--- E r-yL.irrt \;l rl t d lothc. r r-rr- -T - Gnr:_-t I m" d}- -L --'tu - -i-ar---- ?rf -. * to l, ! {A r.d, \ a. v.( G--1. t.EltI-*- - (-&' 3".;. r- --- r' tL AttoctATEti tt.. r dtItfb t rfrd d -r.+rS !r- r||d b rlrlr. otD hrC lblrlr.ao.bre, drb tba Frt rd llEllILL c. l,tttl!T:S. JX,, an(t Pttsctt.lt r;.ll STIX:S. hu.b.nd €td rtfe ''r' : br-a .!tor.-.t -{- r. ! L?", r .-.. :- --- - _:-:-: -.- -:: _ = _-bllrr. t- dt trG!rl .5r. -rl*ll C,rung rf i:ril ,\rror i.,r,., I'i .. .lf1 notrrirJ nrnrnrisrir,l 151'1r'" lf iter+'r mJ lxrlrl unrl rrffn ill :errl l. r-.... -. -:!.t!! ai. irz? . . .-_. -.*.. lGlr! 11 -r .4rr_e__ -->l-. 19 d ltereh I ...t /. llrat nn 2+'7? , t4t12t 3)-.. LI: ;,it- ,i :- rr' ol '. ri l ,i,l i (: l, : S.,u 1 lt '.:.nIr,rr: rtt. !,. ..., ll_. \- '.; i .rd ttrta d Colosrdo, ot ti. rr.(|rd tsrt i _ fllrll. Tbrt ala..ld D..ty of th€ finl }u.l, (orrnd in rtn:.irhnrlirrn of the rrnr oflen and nr'/100 (S t0.OO)--------- ___-_ -_-Dolllrs. to_th .dd !.nf ol tha fiEt Frt i! l.|td Fld ty ,c r|rirl prtirr of rhr strantt Ffr. thr re(.eitltrh.|qlf i. harth. coltrid rld -tDorl.d|lrl. her r+m-i,.crl, Fhot.rl. i.,kt. (thler-ed rnd et I l.CLAJIIED, rnd bf tlcer D!.-t &.. rrori.., rrlc:r,r., icll..rn'er,. &nd eLtT (.f ,At V unt,, thc qid D.nk* oltia a.ind Ft't' ||oa in t |r|ttrt In qt|noo bor in j.,ini rrnrn(:r.. th, :rrrrritrr. r,f rhrnr.rh.ir-&'iFn_! f,nd ttc hairr rttd u.itlr of |r|.h rurriror fortr.nr. uI rhc ri,{ht. tirre. int{,n\t. (Lrir,lnd d.mlndlt|ch ti. dd Fny d th. flrrt D.n ht.r in rn l to th0 follrrvinr rtarr.ribed trrr 0r Ft\c.l ol b!4 dtud.. ltint |!d b.int lD fi. (i{rnrt ,,f }:;rF r r . nrlStrr. of Colqrdo, to trlt: Th.t parcel of land lr're psrtt(ul{rlt descrtb,"t tr, txlrihlr ',,\"rtt.fhp,l to rhl{ dce{l and nnrlt- ;r !: rt horcnf hr: rr.fr,r.,n,.,,;rslf 3et forth belou ln lt|r cntlrftv. The putpose of thts ilrl,d i- tu relrdr( tl|o:(. ((.rt..lr. r-(-stIi, r i,,,-aea lorah In ahoic ecrtaln,L,cdr froD prrl\..f the ftrst ,,f,rt recot&d Ln look 2lS aa pnp.,a!7 and ln Book lls xr I,r!:(,tls. iir::lCoult!, Colorador rccordsr wht.h r|jstrlctlons orovldr. rrs r.,r r,,r..s: 'The a5ove dcscrlbed prop(,rtJ- !.holl I,r rrrcJ ;ts orrtn tir,:tr-,. :rr,i rtr,.nalttea of th€ 3ec.ad prrt cor.'l,nnnt not t., Dlr.(,5utlaln8s on thl!r :rrct." S:1la rc:j!rl..rt.,i,. ,r,.\r.r,,hr ., r..,1. I and t€rDlneted. (Conslderit!(,n ts lors r h..rn Stm.0o-) .\dJrelr of pirtlcs of the sc.ond pflrtI jtii6 lt(.st (rrrrr|lr ,rrr,lo'rtr. i, iitnnr.<str :.nnrtnior {i)lJ:n. {..r1.:r,rtt.: taa,)1. llD E|t' ul lo R{ the rsrE, togrther slth all tlnd .inr|trl:.r. th{, rtrtrrr r.,rrnnr,," rr,t I r \;1,.s, .!htEunto lElotr!:ing or in a!l] $ i* the |.eunt,, ilrtFrtn;n inr,. :rnrl a t t rtu, ".rii,. r.,ftrr.lr ... i:tr, r.i,"t..|,i(tiar Tfutratlr .rf th{ .rld prny of fhe tirst p rt, either in lurv (,r equitJ., unt(, thc .r{id D$rtics ofthr ,€cond D[rt, th€ jrurrlvor ol then, their u,i*igns, i|nd tlx heirs trn,l &ssi|Ilrs r,t srk.h sur\j\ r r. f,,r-cltr. h tr'lalt.l wh.."oa. The said t*'tt ',f trrc fir-.r pr.t hr. , ..rr"r,l rr - ,1,r rN, i,r. .irnrc r,, r. i...,.,,-ulto lrhcrlbad blr ltr vtce I'rerident, ..nrl itr rr,rFrnrre .r,.rl to lx' h(.r'r,.nto :rlfi\,rl. irr-telted bt lt!.\ttlslatt S.crutrrJ. the d8y artrt thelolr first rL,rr, rr.rinon. 8/tiTE ol'cotnRAIx). (i'unt\..'f I .'i:1. Th(: fr,n,ra,in:' i|l.rr||n)fnl trxc t|fk ,wk\'tdl hf,,r',.n,, ti.- I ,t ,l:[ ,,t -. ,lt:77 , t,... Frc<Jcrlcl,. S. Otto .,- i;i,.,. l,rc-r,,.: . ..,: ,Ourlcs it. l;rn;.,\of f :,. ,l:.,ri:rt s..,,.i,n., jr rt 0rlor r, L 'D. ( (rlx.r .'0, l(Ii ) I I It ti: n, jt of---Iblbrr, lc lEipa rrl Qt I l' |to th. rrll 'of thcm. rn.t. r ldilrr , rtrl tixrunl:'A. Tr) 0uIT clilH n j. FROH VnIl. A:|SOCl,1?ES, I::C., l'.rlL \' . i tii !'ri...i.: l,ipr TO lltikRlLL G. ll^S't'INGS, .'rl .r : I'r,I..r('jLLi, ,:. llAS'l'I:;CS, I',lliiil:S i,l' : ir : j :. ;;..:' LEG\L i)l.SCP:;" I(,:i r I ',(r: A part !: Ut,,--.r r., ,..,;1 of Vai I , U.ir I (, C('unt', , 18"50'10", ;ri rri. (li:1tilnir,. o: uastcrl'r' corn.'r o: I l.: :. .- | i t hf. r r.;)r t :Jl(l L'L I.r .r it.ri:.'. ,: ;. t'riril(.'rlr Frtb. of "t ivor f(,r- Lltlirrl. qt- It' ffim,F- rrl tl tttt .d: ... r:tl ]-?r. tf, n ,)r . ,\f! -,,fb tr, .: i'r. : lctttltt g -tsi -ta ,. a.- rt l,; lt th I I I I I I "rry-- rt- !-ata r't .d' I btr' r-a4tlFa* '3- l$-ran'-r-ir- it rl,qr-l L' aisrf t'':- * d t i- d " br l. .^,r_\iLl FlotrO ' .r Da.ttct- 1;- - .=.E - s. t' F)'no' i:' t' c' q--rj-L .r !It',tta ^D Uao I It u t I ir 'I I . - :,- . .4 I i. .r! n. r rrli **', '' :i r',.it ffiH;'A;*..;ffiffiti=." I ':.. t: :) *:L - ',:. ' ti' Iten No. 12: A recmest for a ninor subdivl.glon on portions ofIots 7 and 8. Block 6, VaLl village ?th Fillnq, Itern No. 12 lras withdrawn, no actlon wag needed. KrLstan reninded the board that on october 8, L99o' tbe Planning ComLssion would be reviewing the GRFA, Site Coverage, and Parking Amendnents.-a.-f1flae4I 14 I Q^d Bo"Io TABLD OF COIITENTS ORDIIIANCE ITO. 4 Series of 1970 Page No. TitLe Page I Purpose 2 Article I. Applicability of ordinance 3 Section I. Authority 3 Section 2. Control 3 Section 3. Jurisdiction 3 Section 4. Exemption 4 Article II. Administrative Provisions 4 Section l. Penalty 4 ' Section 2. Interpretation 5 Section 3. Amendment 5 Section 4. Separability 5 Article III. Procedure 6 Section I. Pre-Application Procedure 6 Section 2. Submission of PLat - llearing 10 Section 3. Final Plat and Supplernentarytlaterial l0 Article IV. llinor Subdivision Lz Article V. Design Standards L2 Section l. General Design Considerations 12 Section 2. Streets and CirculationFacilities 13 Section Section Section Section Article VI. Section Section Section Section Section Article VII. Section 3. Utility Easements 4. Blocks 5. Lots 6. PubLic Sites Required Irnprovements 1. General Requirements 2. Street Improvements 3. Utility Improvenents 4. Installation of OversizedUtilities and Improvements 5. Other Improvements Technical Variances 1. Criteria for Grant ofTechnical Variance Page No. l6 t6 l6 L7 18 18 19 I9 20 20 2t 2L 2t 2T 22 24 ArticLe VIII. Definitions Section l. Rules of Construction of Language Section 2. Specific i'Iords and Phrases Adoption Date and Authorizing Signatures ll o t.*.. ., AN ORDINANCE REGULATING THE SUBDIVISION OF LAND IN THE TOWN OF VAIL; PROVIDING A PROCE- DURE FOR THE PREPARATIoN, pROCESSIltrc, AI,trD PRESENTATION OF PLATS; ESTABLISHING DESTGN STANDARDS; REQUIRING IMPROVEMENTS; DEFINII.IG CERTAIN TERMS; PRESCRIBING METHODS FOR ENToRCEMENT, INTERPRETATIoN, AMEITDMENT, SEPARABILITY, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY THEREFOR. ORDINANCE NO. I+ Senies of 1970 .Ianuary 12, 1970 PURPOSE The following subdivision negulations have been pnepared and enacted in accordance with Chapter 139, Article 59 of the Colonado Revised Statutes' 1963, for the purpose of promoting the health, safety, norals, and welfa:re of the present and future inhabitants of the Town of Vai.1 , Colorado. To these ends such negulations are intended to assure efficient cinculationl adequate improvements, -sufficientopen space and basic order in subdivision design by Pfo- viaitrg'fon the proper arrangement of streets in nelation to other existing or planned streets and in relation to the Land Use Masier Plan; for adequate and convenient open spaces fo:r tnaffic circulati-on, utilitiest emer- gency access, *""o"ition and light ind air; fon the avoid- Ince-of popuiation congestion; ion the establishment of standards lon the design and construction of improvements herein nequiredl and fon the regulation of such other matters aJ the iown Planning Commission and Board of Tnustees may deem necessary-in onden to protect the best interests of the public. These negulations are funthen intended to senve the fo1-lowing specif ic pursposes: To infonm each subdivide:r of the standards and cnitenia by which development proposals will be evaluated, and to provide informa- tion as to the type and extent of improve- ments requined. To protect responsible developers from sub- standard competition. To assune landownens that their'propenties can be subdivided in the future without con- flict with development on adjacent land. To orotect landownens from strbstandard develop- ment which would adversely affect thein plr'rprer'L;y values. To assune taxpayers that public costs of new development w-if1 be rninimized through-logical' coordr'iraLerJ exLerrsion of municipal utili-ties and streets; by the installation of durable irn1'1'<,.1q.1111gJrtS fequirring minimrtm maillLenance ; and by secrrring necessary land for publie Ptrr'-pose6 in advance of rising land values. To assune future ProPerty owners of newly sub- divided tand that legal descriptions ane accurate and that desirable design features have been provided in the subdivision' To protect future Property owners against unexpected imProvernent costs. SECTION I. ARTICLE I APPLTCABILITY OT ORDINANCE AUTHORITY No final plat of a subdivision shall be approved and ;;";;iaa Ly the pi"""i"g Commission unless it conforms to the provisions of this ordinance. L. Whoeven divides a Iot, tract or parcel of-land into two or *o"u'iJI"; ;i;i", sites or other divisions of land f"" irt"-it,tpo"., whether immediate or futunet of sale or Uuifeing^ development shall be- subject to tft.-p"oui"io"" of fhese regulations whethen a plat is necorded on not . 2. A11 plats of a subdivision of land within the Town of Vail, coior"aol-"niir be filed and recorded only iitu" rti"i"g-i""r,'"pptoted by the Planning- Commission with such "ip""u"r-!irterea in wniting on the 9l?:^=^-;;;--"i;""a f,i-ttte Chairman of the Planning Cornmrssron' 3. llo building shall be erected on any l-ot ' nor shall i-u"irai"g''permit be issued for a building unless the street giving access to the lot upon- which such building is"propSsed to be placed shall have been dedicated ""'d-;;;;;""a-uv tire Pl-anning commission as a part of a ^suUaivision as henein defjnedt or such stneet is approved as a suitable private street by the Planning Comrnission' SECTION 2.CONTROL SECTI O}T 3 .JURISDICTION These regulations are applicable within the following descnibed areas: I. A11 land located within the legal boundaries of the Town of Vail . Any ptat of land to be developed unden a Planned Unit Deveiopment Plan shall be approved by the Planning Con- nission pr:ovided that the nLquit'ements of Ondinance No' 7, Article 4, Section 4, shall have been complied with, and pnovided iunthen that any such development- Plan shall i-tave r.ceived the appnovat of the Board of Trustees in accordance with the-ordinance afonementioned, Ar:ticles IV and V1 and any other pertinent pnovisions of said orrdi' nance-governiirg neview and appnbval of Planned Unit Development. 2. All land located within thnee niles of the corPorate lirnits of the Town of VaiI and not located in any other municipality fon the purPoses of control with neference to najon stneets onlY. SECTIOI'I r+.EXEMPTION ARTICLE II ADMINI STRATIVE PROVI SIONS SECTION I. PE}IALTY Asof provided in accondance with Chapter 139' Anticle 59 the Colorado Revised Statutes, 1963; I.Jhoeven, being the owner or agent of the owner. of any l-and located within a subdivi- sion, transfers or sells or agrees to sell on negotiates to sell any land by reference to or exhibition of on by use of a plat of a sub- division, befone such plat has been appnoved by the Planning Commission and recorded or fil-ed in the office of the appropriate county r:ecorder, shall forfeit and pay a penalty of one hundred dollars for each lot on pancel so transfenred on sold on agneed on negotiated to be sold. The descniption of such lot or pancel by metes and bounds in the in.strument of tnans- fer on other docurnent used in the process of selling on transfenning shal1 not exemPt the t:ransaction from such penalties o:r fnom the remedies provided in this section. The munici- pal conporation may enjoin such transfen or iale or agreement by action fon injunction bnought in any cour.t of equity jurisdiction ol3 may necoven the penalty by civil action in any count of competent jurisdiction. SECTION 2. INTERPRETATION In the interpnetation and application of the provisions of these negulations, the following regulations 6ha1l govenn: 1. fn thein intenpnetation and application' the pnovi- sions of these- regulations shall- be neganded as the minimun nequiremeits fon the protection.of the public health, safety, comfont, morals r conveni-encet pros- perity-and weliane. These regulations-shall.there- fone -Ue regarded as nemedial, and shal1 be libenally constr:ued io funther thein under:lying PunPoses. 2. Wheneven both a pnovision of these reguLations, and any other provisions of these regulations t or any pr6vision bf .tty othen 1aw, ordinancer-nesolutiont rule, oo t"gui"tion of any'kind, contains.any restric- tion coveniig -ty of the lame suUiect matten, which- eve:r restriclioni are more restrictive or impose higher standards on r:equirements shall govern' 3. These negulations are not intended to abrogate on annul: a. Any pennits issued befone the effective date of these negulations; or b. Any easement or covenant. SECTION 3. AI,'ENDMENT The Planning Commission may amend the recluireme-nts of these regulitions aften giving public notice of any such proposed amendment and aiten froiaing a public-heatring thei'eon in accordance with Chapter I39' Article 59' Section 14, of the Colonado Revised Statutes, 1963' No such amendment shall be effective until the same has been enacted into law as an amendment to this ordinance. SHCTIOIt r+,SEPARABILITY It is heneby declared to be the intent that the sevenal pnovisions bf th.se regulations shall be sevenable in accor,dance with the pnovisions set forth below: L. If any provision of these regulations is declaned to be invalid by a decision of any court ot compe- tent iunisdiction it is heneby to be the legisla- tive intent that: 2, a. The effect of such decision shall be lirnited to that pnovision or provisions which ane ex- pressly Stated in the- decision to be invalid; and b. Such decision sha}l not affect, impain or nuLli- fy these regulations as a whole or any.other Pant tirereof, buti the rest of these negulations shall continue in full fonce and effect. If the application of any pnovision of these regula- tions to'any tnact of tand- is decLared to be invalid by a decisi6n of any court of cornpetent junisdiction, it is hereby declaned to be the legislative antent that: a. The effect of such decision shall be lirnited to that tract of Land irnmediately involved in the con'Eroversy, action or Prot:ccdi ng in which the judgment o-n-d""r." of invalidity w'rs 1's111lq;1-crl 3 and b. Such decision shall- not affect, impair or- nullify these regulations-as a whole or the appficition of any provision theneoft to any othen tract of land. SECTION 1. ARTICLE III PROCEDURE PRE-APPLICATION PROCEDURE I. Prion to the fiLing of an application fon approval of a plat ' the sub6ivider shltt subrnit to the Planning Conmission, at any regulan meetingt a Prelimiiary Outline'Development PLan, whieh shall include .ny on. or all of ttre following items of infonmation, itt accordance with-requiremel'ts.to be determined by the Planning Commission in individual cases : a. Topographie Data. A topognaphic sunvey prepared by a r'egi stered land survEyoi' or licensed engi- trcclsr or, altennatively, toPognaPhic data com- pj Le<f L,y photo gllrrtrne t-i'ic methods, showing: (r) (2) Borrndary lines (approximate). Easements: Iocation, width, and purpose. (3) Streets on and adjacent to the tract; thein name or names; the r"tidth and loeation of the night-of-way; the tyPe, width and elevation of surfacing; the curbs, gutterst sidewalks and culvents. (t+) Utilities on and adjacent to the tract;-the Iocation, size, an<l invert elevations of sanitary- s."eri r storrn drainage -facilities t and waten nainsi tfre location of gaslinest electnic and teiephone lines, fire hydrants and street liqhts. If waten main, sanitary sewer, or dnalnage facilities ane not on or adjac6nt to the Iract, the survey may indi- cate the dinection and distance to, and the size and invert elevation oft the nearest extensions of such utilities' (5) Gnound elevations on the tract' (6) Drainage conditions on the tract: location and extent of water courses; low areas sub- ject to innundation on a S0-year storm in"qu"n"y; Perpetual drainage easenents' (?) Othen conditions on features on the tnact: rock outcnoD' wooded aneas, isolated pre- senvable trles; existing brrildings and other signifieant features ' (8) Othen conditions on adjacent land: fon the first 200 feet from subdivision boundary approximate di:'ection and gradient of, gi'buna s1ope, including aly embankments. 5r retaining'wa11s; location and character of nearby land uses and buildings; owners of adjacent unplatted; adjacent platted. land including subdivision namet reconolng date, and numben. (9) Zoning on and adjacent to the tract' (10) Key plan showing location of the tract' t'r'cl i mi nar'y Outline Development Plan. a. The Pre,l imi nar.'y Outline Development ^ Plan shaIl be pr'cparerl on a bopy of tl.re topographic survey- at a scale of one hun<lred (I00) feet to one ancn or langer for single family nesidential develoPmentt muliiple famify resideniial, public- accommodations, and comnercial development. Such plan nay.De a free-hand drawing and the Planning Commissiol may requine that it show alt development proposalst including the following: 7 i; (1) Streets: rights-of-vray and roadr.ray widths; approximate grades and gradients, center-Iine radii. (2) other rights-of-way and easements: Location,width, and purpose. (3) Storm drainage systen. (4) Spot elevations and slope ratios for any lreavy grading. Lot lines, lot numbers, and block numbers. Sites, if any, to be dedicated or reserved for public uses. (7) Sites. if any, for multiple family dwellin<Js,public accofiutlo(]at ions , corurrrerci.al uses or other non-public uses exclusive of single family residential uses. (8) Site data, including number of residential lots, typical lot size, and number of acres devoted to various uses. (9) Key pLan, legend, and notes. (10) Title, scale, north arrolr' name of designer of the subdivision and date. (l-f) Detailed plans for cut and fill operations in mountainside subdivisions including slope ratios, method of compaction, pro- posed retaining waL1s, and other informa- tion as necessary to mal<e determination as to the acceptability of such operations. b. The Planning Corninission may require submission of other clata, certificates, or ciocuments which it deems necessary for aclequate review in particu)-ar cases. The Planning Commission may transrnit copies of the P.r:eliminary Outline Development Plan to one or more of the follovring agencies for review and comment: a. Police Department. b. Fire Protection District. c. Vail Water ancf Sanitation District. (s) (6) 3. 4. d. Public Service Company of Colorado. e. Itountain States Telephone Company. f. Eagle County School- Board. g. Department of public l,forks. h. Architectural Control Committees. i. Other interested agencies when applicable. Such agencies shall be required to make recommenda-tions r,rithin ten (10) days from the date of receipt ofthe Preliminary Outline Development plan. Failure tomake recommendations rvithin the prescribed ten-dayperiod shall be deemed an approvlt of the proposed development. The Planning Commission shall review the prelirninary Outline Development Plan for compliance rvith theseregulations, the Zoning Ordinance and Land Use i4asterP1an. Due consideration shall be given to the recom-mendations made by public agencies ancl utility com-panies. The Planning Commission shall negotilte withthe subdivider on the type and extent of improvementsto be installed and on any modifications deemedadvisable. In the course of such necrotiations thePlanning Commission may enter into tentative agree-ments rvith subdividers in respect to proposed landdedications or reservations un.ler protedirres providedfor in Article V, Section 6. The planning Commissionmay cond.uct such investigations and rnay hold suchhearings, as it deems necessary for the obtaining ofcomplete information in a given case. ttithin forty-five (45) Cays after the planning Com-mission receives a preliminary Outline DevelopmentPlan, or within such longer period of time as sha1lbe determined by agreement between the planning Conmission and the subdivider, the planning Commis-sion shall review the prelirninary Outline 6evelopmentPlan, and shall report its findings in respect thereto.I.lithin such forty-five-day period] or within suchlonger periocl , an agreement or agreernents, if any,entered into under Article V, Section 6, shall be sub-mitted by the Planning Commission to the Board ofTrustees for action by the Board of Trustees inaccordance with procedures set forth in the afore-ruentioned Article \r, Section 6. 5. SECTION 2. SUBT{ISSION OF PLAT . HEARING 1. At any time r^rithin one year after the Planning Com- mission has completed its revlew of a PreliminaryOutline Development Plan, and has made its reportin respect thereto, the Planning Cornmission may aceept the submission of a plat based thereon, which plat shall embrace substantially the sane geographical area embraced by such Plan. Platsshall be submitted in quadruplicate at any regular meeting of the Planning Cormnission. 2. The Planning Cornmission shall give public notice andshall hold a public hearing on any plat submitted to it for its consideration, at which public hearinginterested parties shall have the opportunity to be heard. Notice shall be sent to the party whose name appears on the plat by certified mail of the time and pJ-ace of such hearing not less than ten (10) days before the date fixed therefor. Similar noticesha}l be mailed to the owners of land immediatelyadjoining the platted land, as their names appear upon the plats in the County Clerk's office and their addresses appear in the directory of themunicipality or i.n the tax records of the munici-pality or county. l. r..rithin tbirty (30) days after the submission of apl-at to the Planning Commission, such plat shall be approved or disapproved by the Planning Cornmission. r"rhich shall state its findings in rvriting. 4. The Planning Commission shall not receive submissionof a plat unless, within one year preceding such submission, it has received, and has made a report in respect to, a Preliminary Outline Development Plan, drawn in accordance with its requirements, as pro- vided by the terms of Section I hereinabove contained. SECTIOI.I 3. FINAIT PLAT AND SUPPLEI.IEI.ITARY IIATERIAL The Final Plat and Supplementary llaterial shall containthe follor,ring information: 1. Final Plat: The final ptat shall be drarqn in India ink or other substantial solution on a reproducible med.ium with outer dimension of 24 inches by 36inches, and shall be at a scale of one hundred (100) feet to one (1) inch or larger. The pLat may consti'- tute only that portion of the approved Preliminary outline Development Plan proposed for itnmediaterecording. The final plat shall show the following: l0 a. b. Descriptions of primary control points to which all dimensions, angles, bearings, and similar data shall be referred. Tract boundary lines, right-of-tray lines of streets, easements and other rights-of-rvay, and property lines of residential lots and other sites; with accurate dimensions, bearingsf or cleflection angles, and radii' arcs or clrords, and central angles of all curves. llame and right-of-vray widLh of each street or other rights-of-way. I-,ocations, dimensions ancl purposes of any easements. Numbers to identify each lot or site, and each block. Location and description of monunents. Legal description of the property, together rviitr a complete reference to the book and page of county records. Certification of title sholing that the sub- divider is the landor'rner. Certification by civil engineer or surveyor certifying to accuracy of survey and plat. A signature line for Planning Conunission approval' Iitame of the proposed subdivision or development' Title, scale, north arrow' and date' Titles: present tract designation according to official- -records in the office of the Eagle a;;"it cterk and Recorder; titLe under vrhich pi"ii"!"a <levelopt"tent is to be recorded, with names and acldresses of owners. Certificate of the civil engineer or surveyor' who shall be licensed by the Colorado State Boarcl of Examiners for llngineers and Land Srtrveyors. other data: notation stating total acreage' scale, north arro!{, datum, benchmarks, date of survey.I1 c. d. e. f. 9. h. L. j. k. I. m. n. o- 2. Supplernentary l.laterial: a. Perpetual drainage easements and protective covenants in form for recording. b. other data, certificates, affidavits, or docu- ments as may be required by the Planning Com- mission in lfre enforcement of these regulations' ARTTCLE IV I1INOR SUBDIVISIONS I,Iinor subdivisions' as defined herein, shall be exempt from the reguirernents relating to the submission of a Prelinrinary Outline Development PIan. The subdivider shall submit to the Planning Cornmission, at any regular meeting, five copies of the minor subdivision plat' The plat sliall contain any one or all of the itens of informa-' tion required for " pi"t under Article III, Section 3, in accorclarice lvith requirements to be determined by the Planning Commission in individual cases. The Planning Commission shal-l hold a hearing and approve or clisapproie the plat in the same manner set forth for ttre coniicleration -of plats under Article III' section 2' ARTICLE V DtrSIGTJ STAT,iDARDS SECTIO}I 1. GEIiURAL DESIGN COI{SIDERATIOIIS 1. A proposed subdivision shall conply substantially wilfr Lfre Land Use liaster PIan for the Torvn of vail 'with particuLar respect to major street rights-of- vlay, major utility easements, and public open spaces. 2. A subdivision shalL be clesigncd in such manner as to avoid casting an undue burclen on the street system, storrn diainage system' or other municipaL ficilities, utilities, and services on or adjacent to the tract. 3. A proposed subdivision shal-l be designed in such manner as to be coordinated with adjoining subdi- visions with respect to alignment of streets and utility and drainage easement rights-of-rvay; and reservation of open sPaces. L2 4. subdivision design ancl layout shal-l give considera- tion to the preservation of lvooded areasr streams, unusually at-tractive topography, and other desirable natural landscape features. SECTIOI{ 2. STREETS AND CIRCULATIO}J FACII.',ITI!:S 1. Arrangenent of Streets: a. The arrangement, extentr ltidth, tyPe ancl .loca-tion of ail "tt".ts shall be considered in their relation to existing or plannecl streets t to topographic conditions, to public convenience ana sit6ty, ana in their appropriate-relation to the propoied use of land to be served' b. llhere the arrangement of streets is not shown on tile Land Use liaster Plan' street arrange- ment shall provide for tl're continuation or pro- jection of Lxisting streets on adjacent land' c. streets shall be extended to the boundaries of tlre proPerty ' except Irhere such extension is prevlntla uv topography or other physical conditions; or wtrere-the connection of streets rvith existing or probable future streets is deemed unnec6ssarit tor the advantageous develop- ment of adjacent ProPerties. d. tr{here future extension of a street is antici- paterl , a temporary turn-around having a mini- mum outsiAe biarneter of sixty-five (65) feet shaLl be provided. 2. Closed End Streets: a. Closecl end streets shal-t be provided with circular turn*arounds or T-shaped or Y-shaped tennini.i with minirnum tlimensions as follows: (I) Circular turn-arounds shall have a minimum outside right-of vray diameter of eighty (80) feet, and a minimum paYe- nent Aiafteter of seventy (70) feet; rvith approval of Planning Commission sixty- five (65) feet diameter may be allovred on steep hillsides. l2't A T-shaped or Y-shaped terminus may be provi-cled. in mountainside sulrdivisions as an alternative to the circttlar turn- aroun<l. I'Ihere proviclcdT the "wings" of l_3 such T or Y shall be at least trventY(20) feet deep, measured from the street boundaryr and at least twelve (f2) feet rvide, exclusive of parking space. Curbs at the intersection of Lhe street and ttre "wings" of the T or V shall he rounded with a minimum radius of trventy (20) feet. 3. Intersections: a. Streets shall intersect as nearly as possible at right angles. No street shall intersect any other street at any angle of less than forty-five (45) degrees. b. Right angle street intersections shall be rounded wittr a minirnura radius of tr'relve (12) feet at the intersections of minor streets with collector streets, and a minimum radius of twenty-five (25) feet at the intersocLions of collector streets with arterials' c. If an intersection occurs at an angle other than a right angle, it shall be rounded with a curve oi a rai:-us accePtable to the Planning Commission. 4. Public Street Rights-of-T''iay and Pavement 'n:idths: t-linimurn rights-of-way and pavement widths; in feet: Street Type Ri qry!:e f ;-T il_ey- lll q t! Collector 50' ilinor (llultiple'faroily or public 40' accommodations dev. ) i,linor (Single 40' family residential dev). Pavement I{idth 26'. 26', 22', 5. Ilorizontal Alignment: Cross through streets r.rhich cannot be directly aligned at intersections shall be separated by horizontal offset of not l-ess than one hundred twenty-five (125) feet between centerlines, Pro- vided- that, this requirement shall not apply to the alignment of short opposing closed encl streets. L4 6.Vertical Alignment: a. llo vertical grade shall be less than 0'5 percent' in order to iacilitate adequate drainage' b. l.laximum percent of street grade, except as provided in c. below: Iiinor Streets Collector Streets Arterial Streets 108 9? 58 7. c. Street grades sha1l not exceed four (4) -per-cent fo; a distance extending at least forty (40) feet in each direction from a street inter- section. visibility Requirements : a. I.linirnunr forrvard sight distance of fifty (50)- feet to be maintained throughout the vertica'l ancl horizontaL alignment; measured from a point four (4) feet abov6 the centerline to a point eighteen (I8) inches above the centerline' b. l.Io substantial impecliment to visibility betrveen the heigtrts of thlee (3) and eight (B) l"9tshall be created or maintained at street inter- sections within a triangular area described as follows: Beginning at the point of intersection of the edqes of the driving surface, then to points twenty-five (25) feet along boifr intersecting e<19es, and then alon! a transverse line connecting these points. Street Names: llanes of new streets shall not duplicate names of existing streets. llevr streets which are extensl-ons of , or tifticf, are in alignnent tlith, existing streets shall bear the names of such existing streets' Private Streets: Private streets shall be exempt from the regulations contained in this sub-section provided such streets afforcl no abutting properties reasonably adequate access for entry iy-prlvate and emergency vehicles' 15 B. 9. l. 2. SECTION 3. UTILITY EASEI\IENTS trlhere necessary for installation and maintenance of utility systems, easements at least ten (10) feet in ruidth shal-l be provided along rear and side lot Lines, or at other locations which wiLl not inter- fere r.rith the siting of buildings. IJhere a subdivision is traversed by a r'rater course' drainage rvay or stream, there shall be provided a perpetuaL drainage easement conforming substatrtially $rith the lines of such r\rater course, and of such vridth as necessary and adequate to carry off the predictable volume of storm water drainage. Right-of-access easements sha1l be provided in mountainside subdivisions for access to any cut and fill slopes outside street rights-of-$tay. In general , utility systems shall be arranged and located in such manner as to avoid cross connections, nrinimize trenching, and adequately separate incom- patibJ-e systems. SECTION 4. ELOCKS 1. The lengths, rridths, and shapes of blocks shall be determined with due regard to the follorving: a. Provision of adequate building sites suitable to the special needs of the type of use con- templated. b. tileerf for convenient access, and control and safety of vehicular and pedestrian traffic circulation. c. Limitations and opportunities of topography. SECTTON 5. LOTS 1. In general, lot area, widtl-r, depth, shape and orientation shall be appropriate for the locationof the subdivision and the development ancl use contempLated; and shalL facilitate the placernent of buildings vrith sufficient access, outdoor space'privacy and view. 3. 4. L6 ?. Depth and width of properties reserved or laid out fol multiple farnily, public accomnrodations and commercial purposes shall be adeguate to provicle for the off-st,rLet parking and service areas reguired by the type of use and development contemplated' 3. Corner lots for residential use shall have extra wiclth to accommodate the required 1'ard setback on both street frontages. 4. Each lot shall have satisfactory access to an exist- ing public or approved private street. 5. Insofar as is practical, all lot lines shall be at right angles to straight streets and radial to curved streets. SBCTION 6.PUBLIC SITES 1. No plat shalL receive tlre approval of the Planning Conirission ,tnl""" the subcli-viaer makes a dedication of land eguivalent to at least eight (8).percent of the total acreage of the proposed subdivision (not including the slreets theieof) for parks and.open spaces as provicled by, or as is consistent with' the Lind use l,laster planl The planning comrnission, how- ever, nay agree r'tith the applicant upon a dedication of less Lhan eight (S) percent of such acreage pro- vicled such lesser percentage is reasonable in res- pect to the proposld use, height, ar9? an<l bulk ipecifications tontained in such Preliminary out- Iine Development Plan governing buildings and pre- ntises vrithin the propoied subdivision' In consider- ing the reasonabl-eness of any such proposed dedi'ca- ti5n the Planning Commission shall consicler the requirements of ihe Lancl Use llaster PIan, the tofography, geology anct location of land in the arla-of- tl,e fropo6Ea suUdivision, the proximity ancl availability of existing oPen space or.oPen spaces, the chaiacter of the nLighborhood' involved' the needs likely to be generatecl by such proposed subdivision, tr-affic requirements, and the size' use or other conditions of the property in respect to rvhich aPPlication is made. 2. In lieu of a <ledication as hereinabove provided' the Plarlning Commission may agree to approve' and the appli.uit *uy agree to-ma[e' a reservation of publit- open spacl t6catect on the proPerty for which-erpplication ii ma<le, providecl such reservation meets tirl stanclard of reaso-nableness require6 hereinabove in the case of a dedication, and provided further I7 3. 4. 5. 6. such reservation contains guarantees which assure the public right to use and the permanency of such reserved open space as an integral part of the pro- posed eubdivision, and for its maintenance and upkeep. In lieu of dedication as hereinabove provided, the Planning Commisslon may agree to aPProve, and the. applicant may agree to make, a reservation or dedi- cation of land for public purPose other than parks and open spaceg. trlhere suitable and adequate private open space and recreational facilities are provided, public land dedication and,/or reservation may be waived in total or in part by agreement betl^reen the Planning Commis- sion and the developer. No such agreement shall be considered by the Board of Trustees which is not authorlzed under the Statutes of the State of Colorado, or which is in violation of the VaiI Zoning Ordinance' or which is not the voluntary agreement of the parties thereto. tilo such agreement shall be approved by the Board of Trustees unless it fincls such agreement to be reasonable and in the public interest. No such agreement shal1 be binding for any purpose until the-same has been submitted to the Board of Trustees for its consideration, and until the same has been approved by the Board of Trustees. SDCTION I. ARTICLE VI REQUI RED ITIPROVEI,IE}ITS GENERAI, REQUIREI'IENTS 1. street and utility improvenents shall be provided on each new subdivision in accordance with the standards and requirements hereinafter set forth in Section 2. 2. uo plat shall receive final approval unless- the sub- div-ider shall have met one or more of the folbwing requirements: a. constructed a1t improvements in accordance with Planning Commission requirerilentsi or b. Deposited in egcrow a sum sufficient to cover the cost of required improvementgi or l-8 o c. Furnished such performance bond or bonds as may be determined by the Planning Commission to be reasonably necessary to assure perfor- mance in accordance with the plat and to pro- tect the public interest in the event of aban- d.onment of said plat before completi-on. 3. No plat shall receive final approval until the developer furnishes plans and specifications show- ing all proposed streets, grades, eJ-evations and driinage- systerns. Before the expiration date of the peiformance bond, the Town Engineer shall cer- tify that all required improvements have been con- structed in accoidance with these regulations and in accordance r^rith the plat filed by the subdivider' If the improvements have not been constructed the Planning -cornmission shall notify the subci-ivider and, if neceisary, the bonding company. lJo plat shalL be approved by the Planning Commission as long as the subdivider is in default on a previously approved plat. SECTION 2. STREET II.IPROVEIIENTS The following street improvements shall be provided in each new subdivision in accordance with requirements ancl standards hereinafter specified. 1. Pavec] streets shall be constructecl in accordance with Town of Vail specifications for street and road construction, which specifications are on file in the Tor'rn office. 2. Bri<lges, culverts, and open drainage channel-s shall- be provitled r,rhere required by the Planning Corrni s s ion. SECTIOI.T 3. UTILITY IIiPROVEDIENTS The folloving utility improvements shall be installed in each new subclivision in accordance with requirements and standards hereinafter specifiecl. I. Storm Drainage System: The storm drainage system shall be of sufficient size and design Lo carry off all predictable sur- face water runoff ruithin the subdivision or developrnent, and storm r'.rater drainage rvhich-enters the <levelopment from adjacent areas- Concluits, drains. ditches' storm sewers, and other drainage improvements may be requi-red where deemed necessary by the Planning Commission. 1.9 2. PotabLe Water system: The potable water system shall be connected to the lrater system of the Vail hrater ancl Sanitation Dis- trict, ""4 .ft"if be of sufficient size and deslgn is wiif , in the opinion of the Torvi Engineer-' adequately supply rvater to each building to be erected in ilrl- divelopment' construction cletails shall be in iccordancb with vail Ilater and Sanita- tion District specifications' All- water system installationi siratl be subject to all Town ordi- nances and agreements relating thereto' 3. Fire HYdrants: Fire hydrants shall be instal-led at street inter- sectionsorasnecessarytoassurethatnobuildingis located a distance in excess of six hundred (600) feet from the nearest fire hydrant' 4. SanitarY Sewage System:l The sanitary se$tage system shall be connected to the sanit.ri "uwage systen of the Vail trlater and sanitatiott 'pi"tti6t, ind shall be of sufficient size and aesign to iollect atl sewagie fron all proposed or piobabl-e structures in the develoPrttent' The sanitary sehtage system shall othert'rise-be constructea'and *iintiinecl in conformity with the requirements and standards of the Vail Water and Sanitation rristrict. SECTIOT(I 4. IIISTALLATIOI{ OF OVERSIZED UTILITIES AND II'{PROVEI.,IE}1TS If a developer is required to provide excess capacity water or seiver iitt.t or other improvements-' arrangements shall be made for reimbursement, whereby the developer shall be allovred to recover extra costs of providing ,it", or sewer lines, Streets, culverts, bridgest eEC., lr-""pi"ily i" e*c"=i of the needs of his own develop- ment. SECTION 5. OTIIER I}IPROVET'IEI\TS 1. Telephone and electric Lines, teLevision- cables' ancl similar utiLity installations shal'l be placed underground. nlectric transmission and distribu- tion ieecler lines and communication trunk and feeder lines and appurtenances necessary thereto may be pf"c"A-iUovb' grouna' Transformers' switching 20 boxes, terminal boxes, meter cabinets, pedestal ducts, and other facilities necessarily appurte- nant to underground utiLities may also be placed above ground. 2. Permanent reference monumenls of stone or concrete, at least thirty-six (36) inches in length and six (6) inches square or round with suitabLe center point, shall be located and placed within the sub- division or development as required by the Town Engineer. lron pin monuments, at least thtent_y- four (24) inches J-ong and flush with the surface, shalL be pJ.aced at block and lot corners on boun- dary lines where there is a change in direction, at ltt block and lot corners, and at other points as required by the Town Engineer. ARTICLE VII TECHNICAL VARTANCES SECTION 1. CRITERIA FOR GRANT OF TECIINICAL VARIANCE Where the Planning Commission finds that technical difficulty or distdvantage may result from strict com- pliance vith the design standards herein set forth, It may Varlr moclify, or waive the application of such stanclards, in particular cases, provided that the granting of any such variance, modification, or waiver does not have the effect of nullifying the intent and purpose of these regulations or the tand Use llaster Plan, and provided further that substantial rights are not thereby al-tered, affected or impaired. Applications for varianie may be submitted together with the Prelimi- nary Outline Development PIan. ARTICLE VIII DEFINITIONS SECTION 1. RULES OF CONSTRUCTION OF LATJGUAGE For the purposes of these regul-ations, words used herein shalL be interpreted in accordance with the following rules: t, The particuLar controls the general . 2L 2. In case of any difference of meaning or implica- tion between the text of this chapter and the captions for each article, the text shall control' 3. The word "shaIl" is mandatory unless the context- clearly indicates the contraly. The word 'may" is permissive. 4. Words used in the present tense include the future, unlegs the context cl-early indicates the future tense. 5. words used in the singular nurnber include the plural , and words used in the plural- number incLude the singular, unless the context clearly indicates the contrary. SECTION 2. SPtrCIFIC IJORDS AI{D PHRASES lrlhen used in these regulations the follovring words and pni"""s shalt have th6 specific neaning as hereinafter defined. 1. Block: A parcel of land boundecl on all sides by a street or streets, or some other defining ele- nent such as public property, stream bank, etc' 2. Ded.ication: A grant of the owner, of a right to use land, to the public in 9eneraL, involving a transfer of propeity rightsl an<l an acceptance of the dedicateb ploperty Uy the appropriate public agency. 3. Drainage Easement: A grant to the Town of the right fo control developrnent of a drainage -right-of:vray or an area subjeit to periodic flooding' 4. Easement: A grant of lancl by the ownglf for the speci.fied use of such land, to the public in general. 5, Lancl Use llaster Plan: The Plan for guiding and controlling the physicaL development of land use and circutition talirities In the Totun of vail and any arnendment or extension of such Plan. 5. Lot: A parcel of land intended for transfer of otvnership or building development, .having twenty (20) feet rninimum access to a puhlic or aPpr<-rve<;l private street. 22 7. 8. llountainside Subdivision: A subdivision as herein definedr developed on a tract of land rvith an average slope in excess of fifteen (15) percent' PIat: A map, clrawing or chart upon which the sub- divider pre-sents proposals for the physical develop- rnent of i subdivi-sion, and which he submits for approval and intends to record in final form' Reservation: A legal obligation to keep Property free from devetopm6nt for i statea period of time, not involving any transfer of property rights' Right-of-tr'Iay: The width between proPerty lines of a street. Street--Fublic: A sray for vehicular traffic, fur- ther classified and defined as follows: a. Arteriat streets are those whiclr permit the relatively rapid' and unimpeded movernent of large volunes- of traffic frorn one part of the community to another. b. Collector streets are those which colLect traffic fron minor streets and carry it to arterial- streets or to local traffic aenera-tors. Collector streets include the principal entrance streets to a residential development, those linking such adjacent developments, and those streeti providing circul-ation within such develoPments. c. tiinor streets are those used primarily for direct access to properties abutting the right-of-way. tlinor streets carrY traffic haiing an oiigin or destination within the devel6pnent aid do not carry through traffic' Street--Private: A suitable improved private road as determined by the Planning Comr.rission, tnrhich provicles emergency vehicle access to abutting lroperties wi[houl undue hazard to public Propertyor residentg. subdivider: Any person, individuaL, firmr partner- ship, associabion, corporation, estate, trust, or any-other group or combination acting as a unitt dividing or proposing to divide land so as to constitute a subdivision as herein defined, in- cluding any agent of the subdivider. 9. r0. 11. 12. 13. 23 14. ,,o Subdivislon: a. The division of a parcel of land into two or more parcels, sites, or lots for the purpose, vrhether irnmediate or future, of transfer of ownership or building development, provided that the clivision of tand into parcels of more than five (5) acres which does not involve the creation of any new streets or easements of access shall be exemptedi or b. The improvernent of one or more parcels of ]and for residential or commercial structures or groups of structures invoJ-ving the division or allolation of lanc1 for the opening, widening' or extension of any street or streets, the divi- sion or allocation of land as open spaces for common use by owners' occupants or lease holdersr or as easements for the extension and maintenance of public sanitary sewerage, vtat'er' storm drainage or other public utilities or facilities. Subdivision--ilinor: The term "minor subdivision" means any subdivision containing not rnore than four (4)- lots fronting on an existing street, not involving any new street or road or the extension of municipal facilities and not adversely affecting the develbpment of the remainder of the parceL or adjoining lroperty anrf not in conflict r'rith any pr5visioi 6r portion of the iiaster Plan, official irap, or zoning Ordinance if such exists, or these regulations. 15. READ, PASSED, ADOPTED day of ;tanuary 1970. ATTEST: AI'ID ORDERED this 12th 4Az---_-'/s/ John A. Dobson Ilayorrza-l$x /s/ E. Blake Lvnch (SEAL) 24 ri.:"' Kristan, This tetter wiII serve to recap the August 13th meeting and to confirm our understanding of the following decisions made there: 1. The source of the problem at Lot 7, Block 6, V'V' 7th' is the discrepancy between the description of the property as piatt3d and the description of the ownership-par-cers-accordingtotitle.AccordingtotheTownof irai]'s subdivisi5n Regulations, enlargements cannot be made to a nonconforming site such as this' The Townrs position is that the situation should be I'cleared up",-and replatted according to ownership descriptions' 2. Tom Rader, who has submitted a request for additional 250 square feet, owns part of Lot 7' His property is entirJly located within Lot 7. According to Stewart Title Company, Rader's neighbor, who owns-the.east half of the duPlei; owns part of tot 7, part of Lot 8, and a parcel which was originally a Town Road right-of-way' i{e made improvements on his property in 1986 which made use of all- three pieces of property' 3. Jay Peterson will perform a title search on the two pr6perties. In thL event that ownership of the Lot 8 barlel and of the road right-of-way parcel was . \ Lransferred before the Town's Subsdivision Regulations went into effect, then the lot is in "Legal Nonconformancetr,andnoSubdivisionwiltberequired before imProvements can be made. \\n""%Moruen , , ,^.,;i'r., August 13, 1990 n \\\Ni/s lI\W r xVKristan PriLz l)".,rN UL Town of Vail \Mt- -- CommunitY Development X k) 7 5 South Frontage Road ..\if \'Vail, Co 81657 \\l P \\Re: Meeting of August 1-3, 1990 ^10frn attendance: VUi .Kristan Pritz, Tov ,Cii\ft)^1Jilt Kammerer, TOV \Dt^.i] '-LarrY Eskwith, TOV " \,)"Jay Peterson Thomas Rader Jlm Morter, Morter Architects SallY Brainerd, Morter Architects MorurR,ArrcJ iIECTS (Pritz, Page 2) 4. If, in fact, the property is i1legally nonconforming, then a minor Subdivision must be made before Rader can make his requested improvements- In this case, community Development agreed to help expedite-the process by allowing a simultaneous Design Review Board lpplication and Minor Subdivision application' we are on-schedule for the August 29th D.R.B. meeting and for the September 10th P.E.C. meeting. Conmunj-ty Development will notify neighbors as required for these meetings. The Final Plat and Supplementary Material for the Minor Subdivision application will be submitted on or before August 27th. Sincerely, James R. Morter, AIA MORTER ARCHITECTS cc: Tom Rader Jay Peterson Larry EskwithJlII Kammerer JRM/kam iltuAcEhl-r L.€,t 4 - oHNEnS - LoT 7| BL$CK 6, 'l-hifrrras lYl. Francis i:€Cr(t 5. UnivereitY *7A I)€?nver r Cc. I L:rrdd ':r6crgl Q Alt h ur He I t {:,rr r Jr'. JBS Fridge Street Vailt Cr-r I c'r'adr: 8r657 Jc'hn E Diana Dsntrvan Br,x 6Cr I VaiIt Cc'lnrads 61638 Fr'ed Spitz 516 t^f. Cal ifc'rnia 5'_(ite gC)Ct Oklahc,ma CitYt 73lOE L-r,t 5 - Lc,t 6 - Lc,t I - Lc,t -7/8 Okl aharrra |1ar'rrg i lver" Circle Cgndc.rni ni ltrng Flr*. John Fol-man Br-rx E'892 Fc,rt CoI l ins, Cc,lc,radc| soSee Sherr"y f1. Jc'hnsc,rr e646 S. $teele St. Denve*'o Co1c'radc' 6(}91(t f ,rlJ0 CEAPTER L7.2O VAIL lfitNICrPAIr CODE(a oR rErER rprs, B. (PLE,ASE PRINTA. APPLTCANT UATLING ADDF€SS PROPERTY OWNER OTNERIS AICNATI'RE UAILING ADDRESS C. IPCATION OF PROPOSAL PH)NI. /- 27 /. 41<5' PHONE ADDRESS) SUBDIVISION CHECK # E. F. 'rA n DATE RECEIVED by COUMUNITY DEVBIOPI'IENT ntt' ^rjY DEPARTMENT 't1'..0..P l/-rfl l\l tFu Au rY' l€C n& h/& I /0.7o0t- /\ APPLTCATTONloR\e (J [rxoR BuBDrvrsrox REvrEr (STREET rnrs 1 BrocK D. FEE SIOO.OO PAID The first step is to reguest a meeting vtith the zoning adrninistrator to assist the applicant in neeting the subnittal reguirements and to give the proposal a prelirninary review. SUBMITTAL REQUIREITIENTS 1. The applicant shall subnit three coPies' two of which must be nylars, of the proposal following the requirernents for a final plat below. Certain of these requirernents may be waived by the zoning administrator andTor the Planning and Environnental Conrmission if deternined not applicable to the project. 2. A list of all adjacent property owners (including those behind and across the street) with their MAILfNG ADDRESSES shall also be subrnitted. In addition, subnit addressed, starnped envelopes for each of the above. 3. Title Report verifying ownership and easernents. (Schedules A & B) 4. An environmental impact report nay be reguired as stipulated under Chapter 18.56 of the zoning code. 5. FINAL PI,AT - REQUTREMENTS AND PROCEDURE: (Some of these reguirements may be waived.) A. The subdi'rid.er shall subnit four copies of the final plat, two of which shall be mylars, twelve copies of the final EIR (if required) and any adaitional naterial as reguired below. Within thirty days of receiving the cornplete and correct subnittal for a final plat, the zoning adninistrator shall cause a copy of a notice of the tine, place and general nature of the hearing and proposal to be published j.n a newspaPer of general circulation in the town of Vail at least fifteen days prior to said hearing. Also, adjacent property oltners to the proposed subdivision shall be notified in writing at least seven days prj.or to the public hearing. B.Final PIat - Staff Review. The final plat shall be circulated to and reviewed by the townrs departnents, including, but notlirnited to Public Works, Transportation, Conmunity Development, Recreation, Adninistration, Police and the Fire Department. Conments and concerns of these departments will be forwarded to the PEcprior to the public hearing. Final Plat and Supplementarv Material - contents. The final plat and supplenentary naterial shall contain the following information: 1. The final plat shatl be drawn in India ink,or other substantial solution, on a reproducible nediuro (preferably nylar) dinension of twenty-four by thirty-six and shall be at a scale of one hundredto one Lnch or larger with rnargins of one-half to two inches on the left andhalf inch on all other sides. with inchesfeet one and one- 2. Accurate dinensions to the nearest one- hundredth of a foot for all lines, angles and curves used to describe boundaries, streets, setbacks, alleys, easements, structures, areas to be reserved or dedicated for public or conmon uses and other irnportant features.All curves shall be circular arcs and shall be defined by the radius, central angle, arc chord distances and bearings. All dinensions, both linear and angular, are to be deternined by an accurate control surveyin the field which must balance and closewithin a linit of one in ten thousand. 3. North arrort and graphic scale. 4. A systenatic identification of all existing and proposed buildings, units, lots, blocks, and names for all streets. 5. Names of atl adjoining subdivisions with dotted lines of abutting lots. If adjoining Iand is unplatted, it shall be shown as such. 6. An identification of the streets, alleys,parks, and other public areas or facititiesls shown on the plat, and a dedication thereof to the public use. An identificationof the easements as shown on the plat and a grant thereof to the public use. Areas ieserved for future public acguisition shall also be shown on ttre Plat. 7. A written survey description of the area including the total acreage to the nearest appropriate significant figure. The acreage oi- eaLtr lot or parcel shatl be shown in this manner, as well. I c. I a 8. A description of all survey nonuments, both found and set, which nark the boundaries of the subdivision, and a description of all rnonuments used in conducting the survey. Monunent perimeter per Colorado statutes. Two perimeter monunents shall be established as major control monunents, the naterials nhich shall be deternined by the town engineer. 9. A statement by the land surveyor explaining how bearing base was determined. 10. A certificate by the registered land surveyor as outlLned in chapter L7.32 of this title as to the accuracy of the survey and p1at, andthat the suri\tey was perfonaed by hin in accordance witb Colorado Revised Statues L973, Tltle 38, article 51. 11. A certificate by an attorney aduritted to practice in the State of colorado, or corporate title insurer, that the owner(s) of record dedicating to the public the public right-of-way, areas or facilities as shown thereon are the ottners thereof in fee simple, free and clear of aII liens and encurnbrances except as noted. (See exarnple in Chapter L7.32) L2. The proper forn for approval of the plat by the PEc chairman and acceptance of dedication and easements by the council with signature by the mayor and attestation by the town c1erk. Exanples are found in Chaptet L7.32 of this title. 13. Tbe proper form for filing of the plat with the Eagle County clerk and recorder as per example in Chaptet L7.32. 14. Certificate of dedication and ownership as per example in the appendix. should the Lertificlte of dedication and ownership provide for a dedication of land or improvenents to the public, all beneficiaries of deeds of trust and mortgage holders on said real property will be required to sign the certiflcate of dedication and ownership in addition to the fee sinple oltner thereof. 15. Additional naterial which shall accompany the final plat includes, but is not liutited to: a. Conplete and finaL environmental- inpact report if required bY the zoning ordinance; b. Conplete engineering plans and. specifications for all improvements to be installed, including but not linitedto water and eewer utilities, streets and related improvements, pedestrian and bicycle paths, bridges and storro drainage imProvements; llaps at the same scale as the fJ.nal plat shoring existing topography and proposed grading plan (contour lnterval requirenents aane as prelininary plan),a landscape and or revegetation plan showing locations, type and sizes ofexieting and proposed vegetation. A nap the sane scale as the final plat deplcting all high and noderate avalanche hazard areas, forty percent and hlgh slope areas and one hundredyear flood plain areas as deflned ln the hazard ordinance of the Vail l{unicipal Code; Tltle lngurance company proof of ownership of all lands within the proposal; Coples of any nonunent records requiredof the Land Eurrreyor in accordance with Colorado Revised Statutes L973, Title 33, Article 53t Any agreenents with utility cornpanies when reguired; Protective covenants in form for recordJ.ng; other data, certificates, affidavits, or documents as Day be required by the zoning adrninistrator or PEC or councilin the enforcernent of these regulations. TIIE DEPART!,IENT OF COUUUNITY DEVEIPPI{ENT WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR SEEING THAT THE APPROVED PIAT IS PROI{PIIJY RECORDED WITH THE EAGLE COI'NTY CLERK AND RECORDER. c. d. e. f. 9t. h. i. lnwn 75 soulh trontage road vall, colorado 81657 (3(xr) 4792138 (3{B) 47$2139 Augrust 7, L99O sally Brainerd, Kristan Pritz Larry Eskwith otflce of communlty development -.5 Mr. Tom Rader 10700 E. 40th Avenue Denver, CO 80239 RE: 250 Design Review Board Request, 1L07 East VaiI VaIIey Drive; West Side Dear Mr. Rader: As we have discussed, the property on which yout L/2-dupJ'ex is located has been inpioperly sulaiviaea. This situation has arisen because ttre iupfex -site has beep sold in parcels which do noi coincide with the- approved Block f, vaLt vi11a9e 7th Fiting subdivision p1at. It since we last spoke, the conmunity Development Department staff and the Town Attorney have had thl opportunj.ty to meet to discuss how to proceed with your 250 reguest in light of- fact that the propert! on which your residence is located has been inproperly subdivided. accoriing to Town of vail subdivision Regulations, no buitding perrnit can be issued on a parcel of_ land except where a parcel n6els the Subdivision Regulations. Subsequently,.the I|oln of Vail cannot consider your 250 request until such time as the existing irnproper subdivision situation has been remedied. To that end I an h-opeful that you will be able to neet with the Town Attorney' r-,arri' Eskwith, The Director of conmunity Development,-i<ristair pritz, and nyself to discuss the resolution of thi! situation on Monday, Augrust 13' L990 at 9:00 a'n' If you have any questions of comments regarding this matter, ple-se feel free to call me at (303)-479-2138 Sincerely, JEK/pp cc:Morter Architect 75 south frontage road vdl. colorado 81657 (3(ts) 4792138 pqr) 47$,439 JuIy 27, 1990 offfce of community devdopmenl Mr. Tom Rader 10700 East 40th Avenue Denver, Colorado 80239 RE: 250 Design Review Board Request 1107 East Vail Valley Drive West Side. Dear Mr. Rader, The 25O request for the above mentioned property has been rescheduled for public hearing before the Design Review Board (DRB). This item wilt be considered before the DRB on wednesday' iugu3t 15, Lggo, in the council chanbers at the Town of vail Municipal Building, 75 South Frontage Road. If you call ne closer to that date I ian let you knos what time your iten will be considered. If you have any questions or cornments regarding this matter, please do not hesitate to contact ne at 479-2L38. cclSally, l{orter Architects Sineerely, 7 ./,-.:.,,.....-- .-.-. i '1 pAEf . oF.BLocl( 6 vAlL. vILLAGE, sEVENt.lt FILING :Itr ' gi{t!ar.r,t l.r.tlr'r. G.rrr - - -. 'a'l\ -P. I.rl/z) " i ) li I"[xl ..-";)., \, li i it'-. )"'. ll i \,r-i {V /.n{" _i.,", q'- \r*1/.;''1";;orr'.'4 .if,..*\{ -,&.,;+j,,..,.- jl*.,.. + o' '..I, .*, .-" i$n.1"/- r'"r.r i'il3,ii:':r1...-:\1 .ai,;o'oi j _; t', !t-t;.. ".'. ^r't'\ii v---eoit:'*:t' I --!,'-1;7v;li'-- -' ./'\. \t" , .Xa_, -"1,---!iq--,.:{o.'\ u""." ",i'N {ir, |-; t.!L .l;i #::""t.1 - - -:-'-'-'l * I I , l I ,.,!l .J' :,1 '. H%M ', ,oo oE orta { ,9 b.t 6 iPot. [l;ro |\." .< bo?z I :(\t - e-o9o <tF < &'JMcr.o ! I o rOJ N fc)T; ll.} l!t| (\l r19.t ;:\. <a ol o lrJgt a' ;z _!t z|!4vt o c;:rr)vr2 :ll" I \4\o5t cl z".i/ I I I sl >lEi fll ---,O( I ra) I')N190rln. a -,o ^J'O YroF t",','ll<aJl*T-' I-\.\J o F(J E.F 'z JO Z rsD{S9t$ttJ H:t N3/r3S, ,39V'l'ItA -.trv/l 33S , It r(D o tt i$ \ v I -(o ,n, fri.llrj Iu)1 LJI el o o. tar \(D ;nl @F to t- ,(DilFltNt' ta) | ,t z tu r!-o o-l I I I I rt to J b!t GII Otot 8t /i f-t /.":2 (o o'| G,, aooro ro @ -io \n s,' r 5z (\\| I_\ - tl o -o{)-lr I tf, ct i..d 16*,r] "";-o s9rt;v o-N b ,l8 80t: 1 '.1s) ((\l5() 03 Qr @, o'o...?e '[.,c'C q6 e, k!;#)St o1 It^"oi"f 19 - 1I', YS 36" -AV' ..O9,99099 | oo (o 96ba/ "$rpl oo\ g.'.'J) ooot()o9str 71 :oj9-\ ]r"i"l"*q ,T:sf, -lrr t-. o o-,r- O oo ,z:t\ f, It\t\ .-\ '@l @9tr tq. 0'ix"e- 6 ,oo. s oo ci 9,- '"d -aog ro i 'ff.. i#rt('| T"o * ti3 ;llt ol ,a6b, \= >-''-r\ 'o tea -g*\ :b*a 5,eo l5' r 8'l'3->T "% b,., (t Falr,z I trJJ(, lr, A1-N-al N 9l ctl',..'. ! w,Q/ \ I \ \ \.r \ tlill +rl.ll $l {l $l I ul{l >lri nl zlrl ol T a ,| !1 \ N\ ol alql ql ql vl ol l 1Jl (l )l \ )v v T\ p tll \- \I\n\ frot \q ^ot'o|'er'/ l\ 'eo '06 er'et'tg1'n' ,.\ r{ ri q".\ '\ \Uq ! 17 I I III I l /\/\ al . ,.\.}Y \ r,i'$,\, \u, ),i / o'v \ \\, \ ..a \l \:\iO\t \, y,#. '\ poE- 'N I 'Ot I I I I l I O., \\it't iN- "\ tos 't- Zti/,e ffr'1,, -n ,\ "J-i'&' \i? S*i zs4 ;i 'A't\ \\\\w; S\\:S x:s'\>il )\\\\\ I I I I I \\tr\l rrl I \l\l ht\l\l .l ol\l View from Northwest vi"*Irom South _ EE '5rzr E:! 15Ft"l RFnER EHILTU It"tt. DRI rFPttcrtIOI DAIFE AFPLICAfIOTI f,lCEItTSD;DAfB or nns HEEffHCI ;;-$fflir$lll3l-toN lorLL Nor !E ^ceEDrrb urrrl ^LL rrf'o*HArroN I. PRE.APPLICATION HEEfINO, A ;rrr-rpprteatioh.neetrng vrth a Drrnnrng rtdff nenber rci;ff1f,1{,;;'l:T:lu:;-i;i:Ti*, :i.ni-liili;iiili- -_ _, . It.le the appllianffi "trponr !f..ll_Tik. .aii.epporntnini ;iffi-;;" crarr ro rarrl,unrrrfrtlry C1_rn1kr an.eppoltttrBrnt siih tna ctaff to fl"ul,.?o^ul.:g!llIl1ll, "uu,nriiii-lisurrenonra. pteaEe not€:l::" :".:I:":I.l_"pril::ii:; -"i r i -"'[iiiii,iiil' tr,l. ff i i,Xllg::?:f -I:'-Io!r pro J rct bt d.;;f ;;i;;-;;l-nu-i.'ii. i "5 i::lglll:l: tl :lliovii -ir,ai iil' fi;'ilIy "lirii""i?l! . "'^r, Sl*l l, ll'.. :j,, lii"""*_yy:l ti_ ;irlili ;; i#i'I=iu rliinqpernit lr lEeurd.penDrE ra lBEutd., eppfloatlon wtll not bt-proecrrraulthour orrnerrr s{grrJt[;;:----" " A. FROJECT DESCRTPTIONs Adrri ?1fth anc r rnov.tlon, t0 oxlrilflp rrc,ondqf v unl t .. 383;l?18714 1nd B.tncAtI0N oF DROPOEALT AgCrlrEs Lsgal De scrlptlon yatLof D. c.NA}IE OF APPI/ICANTI , Tnil Redel^ . . _ _l'laillng Address;_ lQ?no F rtorh Aqe ,, ,. 0onuar. f4 , Ao?3e rrh_rb phone 1"?? r -dq55. NAilE OF AFFLICANTII REFRESEfTArIVS: @I'talllng Addf6ra:- lpr E. uaertnr,.nr^ - _ E. NN'IE OF OWNERS I SIONATUnE(8) t Halllng Adducrsr _ llrtvor., C0 f,l'lflQ .. ,,,, ptrone t-37r.4g5c Cohdomlnlunr Approval lf appllcable. OR8 FE&:penujt le patd fjpr, vAI"UATION ..,ng.rr uescrrpElon l-ot- _g_UJ_ Block . 6 _Subdlvlelon _. . !/J__Zt.!_Flttng. gonlng - ,p/S _ F, c. $0$ 10,001 $ 50r 00l $I5o,0ol s500, o0l$ 0vcr - $ 10,000- $ 50,000- $ l30, 060- 6 $oo,ooo- $1r 000r000 $lr000r000 TEE $ 1o.oo $ 25.o0 $ 90,00 8100. 00 9zoo. oo $l oo. oa (0vER) I. DRA TPPIJIqIIION DATE APPLICATION RECETVED: DATE OF DRB MEETING: *****THTS APPLICATION WTLL NOT BE AECEPTED UNTIL ALL TNFORMATIONIS SUBMTTTED***** PRE-APPLTCATION UEETING : A. pre-applicatlon meeting with a planning staff menber isstrongly-suggested to detennine ii any aaaitionalinfotmation-is needed. No appl.icatioir wiII be iccepted the zoning ?drninistrator). It@responsibifity to make an appointrnent wl.Ltr tne stresponsibirity to make an appointrnent wl.Ltr tne staff to findresponsrDrrrEy Eo mal<e an appolntnent with the staff to fout about additionat subrnittat reguirements. please notethat a COI'iPL,ETE application will Jtrearnline the approvalprocess for your proJect by decreasing the number ofconditions of approval. that the DRB rniy stipulate. ALIJcon€litions.of approvaL must be resolved before a buildingpennit is issued. Application will not be processedwithout Ownerts Signature. A. PROJECT DESCRIPTTON: B. I,OCATTON OF PROPOSAL: Address 1107 E. Vail Vallev Drive. West Side Lega} Description Lot 7 Block 6 Subdivision VV 7th F'i ling Zoning P/S c.NAI'{E OF APPLICANT:Tom Rader Mailing Address: 10700 F. 40th Ave. l-lonver, CO RO2?Q Phone 1 -i71 -41155 D. NAI'{E OF APPLTCANT's REPRESENTATIVE: I.4ORTFR ARCHTTFnTs filailing Address: 143 E. ueaaorry Dr Vail, C0 81557 NAME OF OWNERS: Tomnader Phone 476-6tnq ATGNATURE (A) s Mailing Address: 10700 E. 40th Ave. Denver- C0 80239 Phone 1-371-4955 Condoninium Approval if applicable. E. F. G.DRB FEEsperrnit is naid for. VALUATTON $ o- $ 101001 - $ 5o,oo1 - $150,001 - $5OO, OOl -$ over $ 10,000 $ 50,000s .15O,OOO$ 5oo, ooo 91, 00o, o0o $1, ooo, ooo FEE $ ro. oo $ 25.00 I50.00 s100.00 92 OO. O0 $300.00 (ovER) PIAIIT UATERIALS: Botanical Nane Connon Nane pROpOSED St{RUBs Juniper Communi s Saxatjl_l J__!![I9I EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE RE!'IOVED *fndicate size5 oallon. ouantity Size* Sgal. None of proposed shrubs.Mininun size of shrubs is GROT'ND COVERS soD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL Tvpe Square Footage Snow in Sunrmer 10 Hoo Vine 1o c. oTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining ltalls, fences, swinning po-lr, etc.) please specify. Indiiate heights of retaining i.rafls. Uaxirnun height-of wills within the front setback is 3 feet. l,laximun height of walls elsewhere on the property is 6 feet. LIST OF }IATERIALS NAME OF PROJECT: Rader Residence Remodel LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT 7 BIOCK -1j_ SUBDfVTSION VV 7th Filing STREET ADDRESS: 1107 F. Vail Valley l'lrive, West Side DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: Addition and Renovation to Secondarv Unit The following infomation is required for subrnittal to the Design Review Board before a final approval can be given: A. BUILDING ilATERIALS: Roof siding other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trin Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chinneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other TYPE OF MATERIAL COLOR Wood Shingles to match exist'i no Cedar T&G to match exist'i ng Stucco to match existing Tn match evi sti ng Stai ned tn qatch ovicting To match existinq To match existin To match existinq To match existinq B.LANDSCAPING:Nane of Designer: Phone: PI,ANT MATERIAI,S: PROPOSED TREES Botanical Name Picpa Prngpnc Populus Tremulailes Comnon Nane Bl ue Spruce Aspen Ouantitv size* 2 -L-lo-14'3 _,3x_lo- 5 | EXISTTNG TREES TO BE REMOVED No ne trees. o 343-4?E-E?1n014:4f,aBab I1ORTER SRCHITECTS APPTICATIi)I{ TOR ADDIIIOI{AL GRrA Ft)f, PROPERTIES III EXCESS (]F ALLO}IABLT un t'A pRE.APpL I qAII0l{ Co,NFERE,NCE A. pRoJ ECT 0rSC n r pT loti I ls rtrongly can be added _ASsufe edch property lows for up to Applicationt for rdditiorls undcr thls scctlon pill not bc iccepted unless theylrt.corlplete. This inc'ludrr a'il lnlorrnauon requtrej-on-tr,ii-i;;;r ;; ,,.ir -rl, oesign f{rvlow Board rubnrlttal requlre,ncnts. Dite of Appltcrtlol!l/ ?, l99o 0lta of ORB Meetino A pre'lppl icatlcn conference r,rrth i tnoinbgr or the prdnnrrrs stdffencourdged t0 dlscurr the prov,ts,rons under i{hrih a;dilionir cnrat0 . site. It should bc unoerstooJ-tfiut this ordinanc€ doit notan-addi t ional ts0 square fcoi oi-e n-ri,'- natlir, irrJ-Jrjrnjnce at -?!0 rsuq-E.tlg! 1f iertaln condlrions rre ner. lQ-f , Voll Vall h LOCATICN OF PROPOSAL; Addres s Legal Dercrlpt lon:Lot_J__Block 6 Ftltng Zone Di strict p,/g _ _ C. NAHE 0F APPLTCANIT_ . Jom Rnder,,,_ Addt'ot t - "._Fhone.. I - 3 7 1 - 49ig.._^_ D. NA}IE OF APPLICANT'S REPRTSENTATIVE! ilORTEN A4fJ.t.IT[CTS .**-. Addres s phonc 476-ll!s t. NAl.tE 0F 0l{t{tR(S) I r* Slgnature(s ) Addror r. 10700 8.. ,4$th Avo . . Denve.n!-Lo 8023e . -*phone_!lztrlg$_ F. Flling Fre of $]C0.00 1s requtrcd rt tinrr qf submlttrl The following Inforrilntlon, in addttfon to DRBrequ{rfd wlth thti tubmlttrl: J. Vtrlficrtion that rhe untt hnl recetyed J/. Nanres rnd nulllng addresses of adjac6ntunits on the sdme'10t. Ihis informail0rtAsfeilor's office, 3. dond6minlull t3soCiation approval (tf lppl icable). 4. trlrting floor plan of Structure. ll . Iubmi ttri requl romontt , shol I be r final certlflcote of occupancy. propcrty o!{ners fnd of own€rs ofIt rvrilable frolr the [rglo County Your propo3rl wl 1l be revlewcd for cQmpllrncc wlth Vrll's Cornpreherrslve Plan. F.R PRmi::l':il il:'yjl':iii-llii'-; Date of Appl ication__!gly_f990 Date of DRB Meetinq PRE-APPL ICATION CONFERENCE A pre-app1 icatjon conference wjth a member of the planning staff is strongly encouraged to d'iscuss the provisions under which additional GRFA can be added to a site. It should be understood that this ordinance does not assure each property an additional 250 square feet of GRFA. Rather, the ordjnance allows for gp to 250 square feet if certain conditjons are met. Applications for additions under this section will not be accepted unless they are complete. This 'i ncludes all information required on this form as wel I as Design Review Board submittal requirements. A. PROJECT OESCRIPTION: Addition & Renovation of West side of Duplex B. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: ValleAddres s Legal Description: Lot_7 Block 6 Fil ing Zone Di strict P/S C. NAME 0F APPLICANT: Tom Rader Address 10700 E. 40th Ave. Denver. c0 80239 phone 1-371-4955 D. NME OF APPLICANT.S REPRESENTATIVE: MORTER ARCHITECTS Address 143 E. Meadow Dr.. Vail. C0 81657 phone--42-6:5-1-Q5 E. NAI4E 0F 0WNER(S):Tom Rader ** Signature(s) Address 10700 E. 40th Ave.. Denver. C0 80239 phone---L3z-L4955- F. Filing Fee of $.100.00 is required at time of submittal The following information, in addition to DRB required with this submittal: l. Verification that the unit has received 2. Names and mailing addresses of adjacent units on the same 'lot. This information Assessor's office. submjttal requirements, shall be Condomjnium association approval (if appl icable). Existing floor plan of structure, Your proposal wi'l I be reviewed for comp'l iance with Vail's Comprehensive Plan. a fjnal certificate of occuPancY. property owners and of owners of is available from the Eagle County 4. u. ZONE CHECK FOR SFR, R, R P/S ZONE DISTRICTS DATE: 712/90 = : r.,,EGAL DESC,BI^PT-ION,: . I4L -Block g rtring VY 7th PHONE 1-?71-4955 PHONEffi i|ii$ssi-Jtoz r. vait vat OWNER Tom Rader lncHrtect tqonrEn nncutrpcrs ZONE DISTRICT P/S PROPOSED USE SecondarY llnit I,oT SIZE 11.Q62 Srl ff ' Height Tota1 GRFA Prinary GRFA Secondary GRFA Setbacks: Front Sides ' Rear Water Course Site Coverage ' LandscaPing Fence/Retaining WaLl' Parking Credits: Garage I,726 existing, + (both sides) Heights Avalancbe Allowed (3p) (33) ,uo=; 201 15 1 151 (30) (50) zjsz-g- ProPosed ?7', glchanqed 1rq76 20' 15' rrnrha ngod u$€^he,,c€€+ -3+V'?nn r/t,' I rf- '.'oq gO ,l'r- - ,, , I --195 ted ) Mechanical Airlock Storage Drive: SLoPe Permitted Environrnental/Hazards : Zoning: Date: t' l2'6 "n. (3oo) (6oo) igoo) (120o) (5o) (10o) (25) (50) (200) (400) SloPe Actua1 None NoneFlood Plain NoneSloPe Geologic Hazards Approved/DisaPProved None Staff Signature a I Arthur Ketton, u.(l I 4za'z4t, (y') Box 601 Vail, C0 81658 +eeffi=- -Na.bya,,. ,n*rhg+fr,,, u* arror''tqy't' - .i 516 l,l. California f { '" 2,"..u €o lof C ttt'I{ril>7 ,tY,/t ,;Lot 9A Hornsi I ver Ci rcl e Ltd. Condomi ni ums - 'r/tt'snl c,/o John Borman Box 6?72 Fort Col I 'i ns , C0 80522 ' *'lLot 98 Sherry A. Johnson v' 2646 S. Steele St. Denver, C0 80210 y",,1:'.'' *1..i'-i;1;'. Tl'ro";"t'41i1''' VriV it 'I f: !)ii l: n:1"'-i1 ; /:'I'' '' 'Ip(, 1. -i 'f i-l 1: 't. , (o 1.ci' ,.4'1:"tti o;i,t.. t,'::.+ 1!,.1 (i vN'/ tS" - /r7lt,-:,:::,-* '(ati'a' ;, florns'/rx;,...: C,r(/* t/d. & MonTeRARCH trtcrs Vail Village 7th Filing, Block 6, Lot 7 ADJACENT OWNERS Lot 4 Thomas M. Francis ,/ ,/ 2800 S. University, #70 Denver, C0 80210 Lot 5 Lot 6 288 Bridge Street Va'il , C0 81657 John & Diana Donovan Lot B Suite 200 Oklahoma City, 0K 73102 ta. PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS EEREBY CMN that the Deslgn Review Board of the Torrn of Vail will hold a public hearing on August 1, 1990 at 3:00 p.n. ln the Town of Val1 Munlcipal Building. Conslderation of: 1. A request for addltlonal 250 of Gross Residentlal Floor area ln the west slde of the Ton Rader Duplex at 1107 East Vall Val1ey Drlve. Lot 7, Block 6, VaiJ. Village 7th. Appllcant: Tom Rader The applications and inforuation about the proposals are avallable ln the zonlng adninl.strator t s offlce during regular offlce hours for publlc iospectlon. TOWN OF VAIL COMMI'NITY DEVELOPMEM DEPARTUENT Published ln the Va11 Trall on JuJ.y 13, 1990. O/Y At/4 ' /"r Tchid: i*a h ,4uq. /s4 (J tnail: at Auo. /sr4 raALD 70 /tr1. 2?77t at ser.,\ \ s\1**\ \t*+*-Ns \to*.q*x \\,N\i\' s\ \N\x \crns. \l \ *\r- \toqut\rr bt,>q-\sqGN\t-:\-\N\rs.od...r1J. SeJ.\ Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section l-8.55.060 of the municipal code of the Town of Vail on Septenber 10, 1990 at 2:00 P.n- in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. consideration of: NOTICE IS HEREBY l-. A request for Lots 5 and 6, Forest Road. Applicant: Ron PUBLIC NOTICE ' ''ii I cfVEN that the Planning and Environnental an amendrnent to the approved access plan for Block 7, Vail Village 1st Filing' L46 and 125 Byrne 2. A request for a work session on the sonnenalp redevelopnent and, froposed Special Development District at 20 vail Road, Part of Lot L, Block 5-8, Vail Village Lst Filing. Applicant: Sonnenalp Properties, Inc. 3. A reguest for a conditional use permit in order to construct a reriediation system at the Vail Arnoco Service Station' 934 s. Frontage Road. Legal Description as follows: A PART OF THE NE1/4 NEt/4 OF SECTION 12, TOWNSHIP 5 SOUTH, E{NCq 8l wEsr oF THE SlxrH ijniNbip{ MER|D|AN,'DEscnr'eeo-es-iorLowS: 'ae-crNNrNc AT THE PglryI _oF lNTERsEcnoN 0F THE iesi-Lri,iE oi saro-sediroH-ii wirH rHt sourHEiLy RrcHr-oF-_waY L|NE oF u.s. HIGHwAY No. 6. 5fo p<jrlr BEING oJ4.r5 FEF1 sourHERLY FR9M rie Nonnr6esr- co1N-El-oF sAlD SECTIoN 12: igelNce wESTERLy luOuc nri Sourxenui RIcHT-OF-wAY LINE oF SAID.HIGHwAY. A DISTANcE OF i+o FEn. MoRE oR r-eSs. 16 e- Forrrri bru riE eesr Hlcl't wArER BAjj.ll o-F RED SANDSToNE GREEKT r-iixCE-Sournenr-v. nUoruc rtre SIruuoUSrrtES OF sAlD EAST HIGH wATER- BANK' 2oo rEir,-uone oC utss, To tTs tNTERSEcTtoN wtrH THE NoRTH HlcH wAT-ER-BANK oF GORE CREEK; THENCE EASTERLY. ALoNG THE S[lUOUSrrreS OF THE NORTH HIGH.w{TEl- BaNK 0F GORE CREEK. i+S iefl, MORE bR LESS. TO rTS TNTERSECTTON wlTH THE EAST UNE OF-SAID SECTION 12: THENCE NORTHERLY, ALONC SAIO FAST LINE. 160 FEET, UOAE OR LESS. TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING' Applicant: Chevron U.S.A., Inc. x/r 4.#A request for a rninor subdivision on portions of- Lots 7 and 8, Biock 6, vail village 7th Filing, L!o'| E. vail valley Drive. Applicant: Thomas Rader 5. A request for an exterior alteration and a landscape variince on Block 5C, Vail village Lst Filing, 225 YIaJ-:-. Street.Applicant: American Angter/Arnerican Ski Exchange 6. A request for an exterior alteration in order to construct a 30 sq. ft. expansion on Lot 1, Block 1, Vail Lionshead 3rd Filing, 510 w. Lionshead Circle-Applicant: Landrnark-Vai1 Condominiurn Association 7. A request for a rnajor change to existing developnent approval for the ValleY, Phase VI- Applicant: Edward Zneiner 9. 8. A request tg anend section 18.04.130--q€,Finition of Floor area, grosfesidencial (cRl.A) r 18.09.1 fiifsiaeResideitiaJristrict density control; V.ro.o9o sihgle. Farnily District density control , L8.L2.090 Tvto Fanily Residential District density control and; 18.13.080 Prinary/Secondary District density control , of the Municipal Code.Applicant: Town of Vail- A request to arnend sections 18.04.350--definition of site coveragei 18.09.090--Hill-side Residential District site coveragei 18.10.llO--single Fanily District site coverage; 18.12.11O--two Fanily District site coveraget 18.13.090-- Prinary Secondary District site coveraget 18.14'110-- Residential Cluster District site coverage; 18.16.110--Low Density Resi.dential District site coveragei 18.18.110-- Mediun Density Residential site coveragei 18.20.110--High Density Residential- District site coveragei L8.22.110-- Public Accommodation District site coveragei L8.24.150-- Conrnercial Core I District site coveraget 18.26.12O-- ConnrEssiul Core II District site coverage; 18.27.O9o" Coromercial Core III site coverage; L8.28.l2O--Conmercial Service Center District site coverage; L8.29.O9O--Arteria1 Business District site coverage; 18.30.110--Heavy Senrice District site coverage,' I8.32.LLO--Agricultural and oPen Space District site coverage and; 18.39.1-9O--Ski Base/Recreation District site coverage, of the Municipal Code.Applicant: Town of Vail A request to amend section L8.52. 150--Off Street Parking and Loading Exemptions, of the Municipal Code. Applicant: Town of Vail 10. The applications andavailable for pulrlic Departrnent office. Town of Vail Comrnunity Development Published in the vail inforrnation about the proposals are inspection in the Corununity Development Departrnenttrail on August 24, L99o. o2 b =E uJo. o ri 3{ (n ul uJu- ==E uJIL d/{ 76{ec/or ogtSh *yt r.l .-. @@ch or F{d lP./:€.dr{(\J C! tF+F(Do?" I UEa<_2, o6n<qca.rct,zrtlI€o3f,F!trF I I IJJ F E z = zz U'ulF z z I o o. o =z tJJd x |.rJF- oa doJ (J (Jz Fan x UJ - F = L!Foz *** CEo E uJz 3v(r E!J6z:; crv <F21192@< o o g -ooo o.ct(g '.F oq)o (6 =o\ o o E o (l.!E o o) ; =f, d) E o =cl Do 6 3 .g :66er gEE; tI HE E :..E d€ UP.qc-o> ef:E = gi; c966 EsE=' E E-s:,.-OOc 5.;;E !-:seo- (E o--SEieoiE-ors*e€ :|,*o *:se EsFS_ o..:a o 6 0'-.ic;o(/, --E-^st; E sg1= 9 6a5 lfi:;9E o -eEg: -o6: oN c ci x66x65x oI @f') tr =e uJo- z6 =l d) :< uJI z J J cF uJJ (,z6 = J J 2 uJ qJ tu 2 F IJJ !r,J =uJ gJ z UJ F6 o- uJocl 2 UJ o x F uJ an uJul lJ- E =E u.l o-) F F z J J EFo UJJ UJ z = (J z :E uJ = NOlrvnrvA GFFulcts --lr-{-.gb lll-# => (ir OY6a Itn.{ zzoo F-A33 =anO6bozrr.<og o-- !lIEjai =O z tr f) g +tr o .Ll e UJ o oo E o- E z Eo = zotr TIJ F ;tuz lltltltl az)z F IIJ<Oo< =F8o<z tr2. 9= -f-do3trOI f) E <t) uJ2Yo IF z F):)oz oo(! J =F ut Illo ll $leli r]illclo 1ll dl,rll H.EII> o rull ,a' Fl O Fa Jl<l zl zl .. >lot!o uJ uJzaF u,J(! J z E (v) I @or T+ "f .r+ d ItlF o ,tf-l ,/,t .')4r ' ,,'/,, / /1 ,/)t//ty UJ tr(t cooazo Fo-ul :< uJo oF = tr UJlt IIo oo C) I lrJ F z z \7 i-zedro>z JOCLL ..i5 =*=-r-.'lUl6il> tr:E uJ o u,loz ; d JFuJ-h>'icd|lJ>(LOt!9o \ l.lJ-o-:> l! =tr uJ dt F t a, E CLo G' B .E t E Eot) o --- E =E, lrJ o-z9F(Jf E.Fazoo !trtr ; b t I I I I Iol =.1olull 5l al>l tI.lol =l sol ulFI F ol =.1olull 5l-l>l u-lol zl 3lolFI =.1ol uJl 5l al>l ttlol zl;totH q fll 1l ?l>l ttlol zl BIolFI rr)lr,(o cr) t(o(\tol -lrl <1(v 1 "l=.1(rl uJl 1t al>l tttol FI I>l 4., I =l,Ol>l I;l,El>l Iorl r-{ Ir-{ | ")ut, !14EIol CJ<l J E I+l'a 11O (U 9+ l 4 dtsl t-l lFlF-l IE col,oFlotz.l--i\J Jlt uJ z -) ('ozts-69 =DJZrr- o E FO Fz (J z T (J u.J = oL. d ;\ lJJ !lvoz F Fz, <F uJ<ZE I.IJ Ftrl zo F(J LU Trotr TLJu,v) t! NO[Vn]vA zztt =Yvp; =EFE EF3 3i8 ;dN(J o.-) =i lll zl .. >l6 UJ qJ tuz (t) =(r ul zItro IJJ J G z F ,^c!,, o co{J<(,L)c;-r lEtJ- o-x<cJ tr- (4 F{ gt vc .3 a,tr! agl @lopl sFl3gl F =e.IJo- (5z, J u- d |.t- o UJo trJtrlz, oJ -n Lv, lr. rIIil r.|IU :t*L \-1lllF U' d)o-zo F(L uJY ll,cl o -FF UJ -qtto o-oo I ulFoz r.lJ f- r-r (v l+- ct P (U U) (\I at1!"{ E (J!2.9- =Lo(uJ+,JPQO'Lt- J <ltl "l-1 UJ F I I I I J J ID I I It,"tz.F -'i9; t,ls,tv l4 l,^7 | ''rf tilt'l u.] r tl I EI2l(Dl9lll -(L F I Il' I )uriut doIrg5 'l J$ I -{ l-.1(/ uiJ 9J "l3lujl 5l <l>l ttl :l 3lolFI lllIt|?l|Et l42t I 4EI I dflill [|lIlItllcilr13 II rJJl IICI IAil I 1d Fi Et :t :t |!t Ft Ftl [llIl||llel Ildl I LI'IJ Izlzl I FI FI eI LUz = F uJLTo JO<FGC)uJ<zEUJF<rzoo Jt<o()F;oi#EF:il gF =Eo'6() <x =F =3Y,Z =8 E e.^gE+E Oz. J<c)s3-rO ><x,><><x z <r9zt-<(Do =z a-,P 38i e;g Dnn r,' Fd><E 1,11 \, Y6 Es $E^ < €'5 dBr! I -F ar.i- g 5ff EF-:r LE=,-' =8=5 sE5 E* .* EJi HE'i *gHq. €q= =ulr3 {aF** C=:-E a zoF C)f,EF CNzoo *><>< !!! i".. ,t COLORADO SPRINGS SALES OFFICE P.O. BOX 25939 . COLOHADO SPRINGS, COLOFIADO 80936 303/594-6047 MARV ASKEY zlft A"+ Cil sf I a,t*r s To Oc .>x I s)t .1sA sT.rJ s dtTh 2xV ShtL trr &7Ito"J frl sLefrl,,it AJ ttL r tav 7a 0{ \" ilo^) ton P(Yao')f{tcv/oy f ,t.lt1 /< Src iryTtv ior tS a// Gr,lu ftlal SheA ll, ,L 1 utl h copf*r- -fi>of fl o' sTar( FttEvs oP;'i' 1s q '/1.Otr fLas\J tJ Oaffct Atsa <("/ td-" 1t'2. -____1,____14v 0 scl"\e*/r--t' i li/\t' tt {tov, Taus JotST GoHPOFAT|BNY nesiaent!<rt Products COLORADO SPRINGS SALES OFFICE P.O. BOX 25939 . COLORADO SPRINGS, COLORADO 80936 303/594.6047 MARV ASKEYG\ -ry ttt-;j%, urA 75 south frontrg. road vall, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 JuIy 16, L9A7 Mr. Fred Spitz Fred Spitz and Associates 5l-6 West California Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73L02 Dear Mr. Spitz: oltlca of communlty devclopmcnl REGISTERED MAIL This letter is to inform you of a zoning violation at yourproperty Located at 1-109 Vail Valley Drive. The existingenclosure of the garden level patio on the south side of theresidence is in violation of density control linitations onyour property. This rnatter has been discussed in the past withyou and/or Rick Spitz. I am requesting that you have thepanels permanently removed by Wednesday, July 29 t L987. your failure to remedy this situation by this date rnay result in theissuance of a summons and conplaint for violation of the VailMunicipal Code. Please be advised that complaints can beissued for each day the violation exists. I would hope foryour cooperation on this natter. A building permit application for a hottub and deck enclosurehas been submitted to our department. This application hasbeen denied pending Design Review Board approv-l . I haveenclosed DRB application forms for your convenience. A meetingdate with the Board will be scheduled once a completeapplication is received. Sincerely, XX*rdno^^^^ Thomas A. BraunSenior Planner TAB:bpr Enclosurecc: Gary Murrain Peter Patten I i 3 I{ts lorrf,t&drl ...rr-ttJ 1- m Shou ro wh6.n. &tr rnd 2. B Rtrricr|d O.th y. ;;ffi6irr ior rr rna arr.r uottct 3. A{tlcl. Add to: FRED SPITZ' SPITZ & ASSOC ire ltEsr cALIFoRNIA ortnHoltA CITY 0K 73102 a. Tyga ot SawiGa! B8trfil- B$'J.. E ExDr6i3 lrait Artidr|{umba. P s53 586 549 C, 3q flt|n c,- af mvs otnlr dgrlru|t ol lffictltagmt and DATE OELIVERED. 6. sif:ftr t - A.lrlt-xltW ryeFwt oz F = uJc c LI E E E B c; II ><>< I><R ) j I ril^6 ,<r ) ?) o o -l E ;+A ,f (n IJJulu- F =t LIJ.L / i';,bf,*tr I Fr CXD I(} I' o9 I,2.3 l**E l9'-o ltro-z, ,olra5Z LJJ '.><) O l=H *l $i *'i:5r Er UJF F FIz =o z z @ UJFoz z =fo .5 z z l- l-ln l-.jt= lozO =FLdo an v(J UJ d. IJJo- CL +** IF-lL!l-(ft l< lal>lole.l6-tcL loIF l= uJ2 3 llJi F 2 tN \o \ t-. I )( .'\.j -\\'\ I I I I I I I I I I tl \ >- \ v, #1 cLl ?lzl<lutl JJIq)l .i' ^-,\ \J 't- \\ R o o qt o -o6 .9a (! N (l)E o oootc r'EAb(5\ o .alr z'-?€u dlr" o^F\ =-E'l o ocaF9ow= ]loz'=< A! Ll -i- o cot:6.Y' '=O(/);(disiEUE,; :.e s?€ *EE8 Ffc: E BP:Oc-o> ef:E = st: c966 - *i (t) 3 5 =.5 EE-s: :€ 8E SceF S!seo.(! 0.-sE; s oiEot:fie'F :(,,'eO H:ge ErES - o..lJ o (!0'-;.c=(D./t StEEgEli 9,sa5 EFS.e lE !:9Eo -c5g* - o a!: \ I c F. *9<>t E* ,>< ?tI ";sf 2* >,* r\ ><>sxx- oo F{ Oro c'r(\t 44)r€x F tr =E uJo-ozoJ l c0 -C) UJ () z. Jo- J F IJJJ uJ 0z .D =lJo- =Io uJ = UJ UJ 2 tr Lu UJ o =IJJt uJ z -anul F6oc UJ z uJJ x F ul al, o uJ uJ lJ- E =E UJoJ FoF z J J F uJ UJ z @ = .J s2z tut -lF F NO|lVnlVA =l>04 I =;TL=o<.rtrD F6 6b( ad =Htr> o tE;6d F I3 H z tr J 1 l! UJ oro c- gJ J z E z E u,lFJ x ><5- uJz Fztrz tr o = U)Fzl zf uJ3o rlJ d rlJ .E E oz F TLz FI trI tlI tl IIIGtoltottdl uJlJ-) rt <D at, zY 9 :E o, z F Jf<tz JJ 3 F uJ 3 tl, f Fu, Jl<ltrl zl zl .. >lout llJlllzoF uJ J z E F I oz 6I6 (f) Id. \.-r '-l',L'U.:A 4. ol,/n C'l , /" ('ll, cvlrc,l/) ol4l./\L2O./. zVF ulFocloazo F(L lr,JY UJ c0 oF F IYrt I\ tr- Yio f,o,o>oEl- IIJF o.6i-4' 4 NE.n=/,t E ,- uJqo- AEFn() z? rt JFtaAZ,l,g (J .< t=il-t t-ti.){L--J r--J F uJ o. o:t!E2E<ctfo 9).62B9Ek .EE =>FJF = u.t r- E FEE =EE 35E irt x>e q-oitt- lr.l -] - z .n9zz. =z=:)t-,P iff =f;==xo-r -'i t!6il= Mr{, F: J ll, JlrJ I LtJE NIF o-v7 UJ =z c0 l-) f +j.E 1i 'f'lul =4 c, H f'\lut ul UJ das.-l E r. q c Ir)!/r a EO NIF UJ LJ- 2 tr t - = F () c d z E o- = tr Isl(\I L) (J tJ.l LIJ 1J.1-F z =qtr UJ I .iz ul IE t! z3 F o Io o u E F = =J L!J J J E tr ci (9 l! .E J IIqz3 o1F I F.F F. Iaso u l F tr z ouj J ? IIoz 3lI tr oz oul CE J aio z3I uJ lrJ E UJz =o F C) LU =7o E -rO<F(rQ IIJ <z&UJFa6 O e.F UJJ - Y ; ! e 2? e3fF'.6o 2 tU = ; t z J o Eirg b2<ciHT=l[alEnx:<- ^c.. LrJ OF J'rHco+)E<.dd(-) C LLI H 'OA--J- (5 0- xz.< o) JU t4 ).{ H 9ltr- v C E.= og.6LL(,!- LU@ Ltl '(f (J Lrl C-zoo- tJ't oHE() (5 !q-z,+ o- =L(,o (uP )pu)ootr- J c\l I,JJ-. \ d\ \4 !t x a\ \ \l x os \s ,\ X X 0o rn q (/, UJ UJl!t =Iu titlilrlI s= llJz = UJIF z t!Julu, =i u- z 3 6 ut cr) xX .9 at, Q' ,!io o c '6 € o q) o (s q)o O o) =J {D E o = l oc) ooo(! 3 .q) q, 'o ,N ut 'oF o c (J o aD o E' l o E (u o 3(5 '=o.o*tuE8F 5: fr;6E;.:(tr o xEc-o E:E-do =EFd'5 =c:* d63_'; >Hq;:L= €ts!!= f.=- (5 o- .E o- $EE oP o_E.9u-(ECE6:EE Eq)('=erEi(!r_E9 e-C(! o--c;o! *-c.r o)- 3E€oi3 =6>,o (!= ;(E:ip 6;'t eI -o- orq)EYr-ocD -o(v ot a ,- ilt u I vtt 3t ot- sl oo tl fi sl d c( J t. (.-t rl0rF vl"rl r!g I I II Ir ( x_+41 I l.t) fat"1 t4flH l5l.AlulIFlolzlo q -atitI '4kiyo'\ | \' \l t, t', t:-'.-sl -<J Y.-li k q t5 ,5 .s l>, ,-\{ ")9l Y fi? 4 F = UJ z = co Y L! z J F tuJ UJ z =J 9z uJ = UJ uJ z tr UJ lrl .: o o .D 3t! utEz 6 LrJ F o- uJ o- z IJJ () x F uJ a UJ l,.lJ u_ E =ho- FoF z EFa UJ) UJ z =J = our J F F oJf6 6 o =z NwElrcv NOTMlVA \ uJF, o I lr a|i i\. Ef3"z. !-o o.6 z\ =il() ql <-2 !s z ,5 eF9atoz>-oo1)2u-<oqur-gU FO -i Ai zo F cE o o- oEo uJ F t: t?lo.[u l" : z E 1 zo F !! = tltltltl aF 2 zy at) F ll,<oo< iaG =HY lr-3ci<z (r,c2.. o?z= do}E urlJ a lrJz :aIIF ulo- z tr J l U)z -l Jl I<t IFt I2tl---]- Iztl .--T-'r I I I I I I Ilot-17 9tgFI.Jutt @ o uJoult!z. atL =E uJ ) zs = .;li9t6uJl(/) UJo-r!>o f t e oJ 3 i ul u-oo N UJFo (D o-zo F uJY uldl oF F Elu.o- u-o (Loo Ir!Foz F =E UJo- ..i5\J\J= =E=-JX(J dd= Entr Iitd.2<ff u1 o-xb Es g E^ < 95aI trl O -Fc !fi l ='? lu -E- h >Eg; ffEO: L E+U b9EE rrEl!X O-t x>gHq * s{= =ul-@-r^ TF** t -elt z .nozeoo>z dPtr!! 6:a$ (, =-JIt I IY'Jo Fo J \-J 0.-\ 5 E\b\< s 1,A ui =z r)a ,Nt-. I \) _) ss \,1 _s lj.Nl " $=ql- lY!)l ,l $t g'*+ It< =t JH= loJ\Oti ['x Eq q, {q x \ .\I =ltrl Kri | -lN l>.1- I er'l r,t-.th| .t \ l3x :3|r.'Sl "u' 5lo'.. zl3l 'r'l9t EFI F ol =.1ol HI <t>l t!lol zl 3l FI J d\o l.t \ toFif E trl ? fi d i \J -( -l u-l tltlllll dl =.1olutl cElJl :l,61 it : FI F tltltltl l?ll(,t lHltJli<ll>lI ttllol del e =tr I I I .l =.1ol uJl 5l al>l rr-lol Pl E G[!z =o F uJF T <FGOlu<zEUJF oo <o ;Oi<i\ E;F-,2a8 E. 9P;o =f=Fd5 <x ::Fz<)a<+E iz =g t F tJJ (JZ <c)ou)5i >< zo F C)f,EF(nzo(J ><><Xxx.>< __-\ l,i rl o DATE OF DRB MEETII'IG: \ DRB APPLICATION t -,''1i[111"'." *****THIS APPLICATION I.IILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL INFORMATION IS SUBMITTED***** I. PRE-APPLICATION MEETING: A pre-application meeting with a planning staff member is strongly suggested to determine if any additjonal information is needed. No application will be accepted unless it is complete (must include all items required by the zoning administrator). It is the appiicant's responsi'bility to make an appointment with the staff to find out about additional submittal requirements. Please note that a C0MPLETE applica- tion will streamline the approval process for your project by decreasing the number of conditions of approval that the DRB may st'ipulate. ALL conditions of approval must be resolved before a building permit is issued. A. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: AaaJ< Ta o AfcA B. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: naar"ss llal VF,L t/e(/tv Dn Legal Description Lot Bl ock Filing Zon'ing C. NAME OF APPLICANT: Address tel ephone n NAME OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATiVE : Address 6SJ r-<)tla,r)c 4."cs P)_ terephoneflljl_(f' E. NAME OF OWNERS: Si gnature Address tel ephone DRB FEE: The fee will VALUATION time a building permit is requested. FEE be paid at the $ o- $ 10,001 - $ 5o,oo1 - $150,001 - $500,001 -$ Over $ 10.00 $ 25.00 $ 50.00 $1oo . oo $200.00 $3oo. oo $ 1o,ooo$ 5o,ooo$ 150,ooo $,500,000 $ 1 ,000 ,000 $1,ooo,ooo IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBMISSIONS TO THE DRB: 1. In addition to meeting submittal requirements, the applicant must stake the site to indicate property lines and building corners. Trees that will be removed should also be marked. This work must be completed before the DRB visits the si te. 2. The review process for NEi,1 BUILDINGS will normally involve two separate meetings of the Design Review Board, so p'lan on at least two meetings for their approval . 3. People who fail to appear before the Design Review Board at their scheduled meeting and who have not asked for a postponement will be required to be republ i shed. tl t 4. The following ltems no longer have to be presented to the Design-Revlen !orF, They, howevei, have to be presented to the Zoning Admin'istrator for approval: a. tlindows, skylights and similar exterlor changes that do not alter the existing plane of the building; and b. Building additions that are not viewed t1ory lny other lot or public space, which hive had letters submitted from adJoining property owners apprwtng the additloni and/or approval from the agent for, or mrnager of a cffitinlum associatlon. 5. You may be required to conduct Natural Hazard Studies on your property. You should check with a Town Planner before proceeding. MATERIAL TO BE SUBMITTED ; - I. NEI,I CONSTRUCTION A. Topographic map and site plan of s'ite containing the following (2 cop'ies): 1, Licensed surveyor's stamp. 2. Contour intervals of not more than 2' unless the parcel consists of 6 acres or more, in which case, 5' contour intervals will be accepted 3. Existing trees or groups of trees having trunks wjth d'iameters of 4" or more one foot above grade. 4. Rock outcroppings and other s'i gnificant natural features ('l arge boulders, intermittent streams, etc. ). 5. Avalanche areas, 100 year f'l ood plain and slopes 40% or more, jf applicable. 6. Ties to existing benchmark, either USGS landmark or sewer invert. 7. Locations of the fol lowing: a. Proposed surface drainage on and off site showing size and type of culverts, swaies, etc. b. Exact locations of all utilit'i es to include existing sources and proposed service lines from sources to the structure. Utilities to include: cable TV sewer gas Te1 ephone water el ectri c c. Property lines showing distances and bearings and a basjs of bearing d. Proposed driveways with percent slope and spot elevations e. Al I easements 8. Exist'ing and finished grades. 9. All existing and proposed improvements including structures, landscaped areas, service areas, storage areas! walks, driveways, off-street parking, loading areas, retaining wal1s (with spot elevations), and other site improvements. 10. Elevations of top of roof ridges (with existing grade shown underneath) to determine height of buiiding. B. A statement from each utility verifying location of service and availability. To be submitted with site plan. C. Prelim'inary t'it1e report to accompany a1l submittals, to insure property ownership' "and all easements on property. D. Landscape Plan (1" = 20' or larger) - 2 copies 1. Show the location of 4" diameter or,larger trees,',other'shrru6s,-aiid^iiat.iVe plants thaare on the site and the location and design of proposed landscape area:s tlith the varieties and approximate sizes of plant materials to be planted. i' ?. Complete landscape materials list. 3. Designate trees to be saved and those to be lost. N0TE: As much of the above information as possible should occur on the site plan, so that the'inter-relation of the various components js clear. The landscape plan should be separate. The existing topographic and vegetational characteristics may be a separate map. The applicant must stake the site to show lot lines and building corners. Trees that will be lost during constructjon must be tagged. The work should be completed before the DRB site visit. E- Architectural Plans (rl= 1'or'larger) 2 copies ,', \ ; 1. Must include floor plans and all elevations as they will appear on completion. Elevations must show both existing and finished grades. 2. Exterior surfacing materials and colors shall be specified and submitted for review on the materials list available from the Department of Comnunity Develop- ment. Color chips, siding samples etc., should be presented at the Design Review Board meet'ing . F. The Zoning Administrator and/or DRB may require the submission of additional.plans, drawings, specifications, samples and other material (including a model) if deemed necessary to determine whether a project will comply with design guidefines. II. MINOR ALTERATIONS TO THE EXTERIOR OF BUILDINGS Photos or sketches that clearly ind'icate what is proposed and the location (site plan) of proposal may be submitted in ljeu of the more formal requ'irements given above, as long as they provide all important specifications for the proposed including colors and materials to be used. III. ADDITIONS . RESIDENTIAL OR COMMERCIAL A. Original floor plans with all specificat'ions shown B. Floor plan for addition - 2 copies ' C. Site plan showing existing and proposed constructjon - 2 copies topos D. Elevations of addition E. Photos of existing structure F. Specifications for all materials and color samples on materials list available at Department of Corrnunity Development At the request of the Design Review Administrator you may also be requ'ired to subnit: G. Statement from each utility verifying Iocation of service and availability. See attached utility location verification form. H. Site improvement survey, stamped by registered professional surveyor. I. Preliminary tit'l e report, verifying ownership of property and lists of easements. IV. FINAL SITE PLAN After a building permit has been issued, and when the project is underway, the following will be requ'ired before any building receives a framing inspection from the Building Department: A certified improvement survey showing: A. Building locations with ties to property corners, i.e. distances and angles. B. Building dimensions to nearest tenth of foot. C. All utility service lines as-builts show'ing size of lines, type of materia'l used, and exact locations. 2 copies D. Drainage as-builts. 2 copies E. Basis of bearing to tie to section corner. F. A1 t property pins are to be either found or set and stated on map. G. All easements H. Building floor elevations and roof ridge elevations. LIST OF MATERIALS NAME OF PROJECT: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: STREET ADDRESS: DESCRIPTION OF P LOT BLOCK FILING The following information is required for submittal by the applicant to the Design Review Board before a final approval can be fiven: A. BUILDING MATERIALS: TYPE OF MATERIAL COLOR Roof Si di ng 0ther Wal l Materials Fasci a Soffi ts Wi ndows l,{indow Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Fl ues F lash i ngs Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other B. LANDSCAPING: Name of Designer: phone: PLANT MATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES Botanical Name Common Name Quanj ty S'ize* EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED for conifers. (over) *Indicate caljper for deciducious trees.Indicate heiqht .. " PLANT IIIATERIALS: Botanicql Name Common Name Quanitv Size(con't) SHRUBS EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED Tvpe Square Footage GROUND COVERS s0D SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL C. OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls, fences, swimming pools, etc.) P'tease specify. UTILIfi LOCATION VERIFICATION SUBDIVISION JOB NA}!4E LOT BLOCK FILING ADDRESS The location of utilities, whether they be main trunk I j.nes or proposedIines, must be approved and verified by the following utilities for the accompanying site plan. Authorized Siqnature Date Mountain Bell l -634-3778 }Jestern Slope Gas Harry Moyes Public Service Company Gary Hall * Holy Cross Electric Assoc. Ted Husky/Michael Laverty Vail Cable T.V. Gary Johnson Upper Eagle Va'l1ey Water and Sanitation Discrict David Krenek N0TE: These verifications do not reli-eve the contractor of his responsi.bility to obtain a street cut permit fron the Town of Vail, Department of Public Works and to obtain utility locations before digging in any public right- of-way or easenent in the Town of Vail. { building pernit is not a street cut pernit. A street cut permit nust be obtained separately. This forn is to verify service availablity and location. This should be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan and scheduling installations. * For new cons pl ease fi I I ou atiached sheet UAIE.: LEGAL DESCn-TPTMNIET- ZONE CHECK FOR SFR, R, R P/S ZONE DISTRICTS Bl ock Fi1in9 ADDRESS: Ot,lNER ARCH I TECT ZONE DISTRICT PROPOSED USE LOT SIZE Al I owed (30)(33) Proposed Hei ght Total GRFA Primary GRFA Secondary GRFA Setbacks: Front Si des Rear Water Course Site Coverage Landscapi ng Fenc e/ Reta i ni ng Wa I 'l Parki ng Credits: Garage 20' 15' 15' (30)(s0) Hei ghts Mechani ca I Ai rl ock Storage Solar Heat Drive: Slope Permitted Envi ronmenta I /Hazards : Comments: (3oo)(600) (eoo)(1200) (50)(ioo) (25)(50) (200)(400) Slope Actual Aval anche Flood Plain Sl ope Wetl ands Geol og'ic Hazards one Zoni ng: Approved/Di sapproved Date: )Iatt 5lgnature '.) t i ''J INSPECTIONTOWN OF , | , i r, i, REQUEST VAILPERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT l1 JoB NAME l-'LDATE READY FOB LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLER TUES WED THUR 1,,l BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W,V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL E tr tr tr tr FRAMING ROUGH / WATER ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr o o POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELE tr'I \r tr( tr- CTRICAL:MECHANICAL: TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr tr tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL ,,-EI,APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION BEQUIRED INSPECTORDATE o"t ''; 1 ir INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL .ALLEB 'i'-- , ' ruES ai; PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT .1,, l;7,, DATE 'l i' / i I JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: /t: /WFd rHUR FRI AM PM BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr tr FOOTINGS / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATER FOUNDATION / STEEL tr tr tr 9fl AMING i /-? ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ELE trI trF tr( tr_ CTRIGAL:MECHANICAL: TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL trtt\ppRovED k= A"l u) tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED RRECTIONS. INSPECT ^ q?t o PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON INSPECTION TOWN OF REOUEST VAIL BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL ROOF & SHEEF PLYWOOD NAILING T] GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETROCK POOL / H. TUB tr tr tr tr tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: I .,,i INSPECTION REQUEST. PERMIT NUMBEH OF PROJECT TOWN OF VAIL L" t+'| , la z J{'l to"NAME 1DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: CALLER MoN -@, *=?li OO auTHUR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL ROUGH / D.W.V. tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER fr BOOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL n tr n E rrr.rar-'. ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER € I ctr.**---tp MECHANICAL: tr o tr tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR o trNAL -Trftrunl ,ROVED ECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED \ FINAL INSPECTION'S COMPLETED The belol item need to be comp'l ete before g'iving a perm'it a final C of 0. Please check off in the box provided. FINAL PLUMBING FINAL ELECTRICAL FINAL BUILDING CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY TEMP0MRY C of 0 DATE: Xu^\l.NN ';Fica:i j ! ts r;I J ?:;: ;:q;€ ai.!-y..2'c+ i= .. ar{,8 E E ii i+E:i'ti.eEa-3:; F;:n a -- 13 =::f i;.:i i l:.= e c '_ ::'::-c-E:-iaizi: E 4 - '.= . .?:, - 5 F: * eiEi+:":=;c'-ii!5t:ii i; c i ! q r = t:-: E: if; g3 r\ ol Or att c ao F) I I I I I I I I I I I I I I IPl -I (uLi*l 5'= t 3 U F o\ rr)c\l z (7) I +, (U! IA (1, d U f E z o F'-urH V--3:5 >zzr{<< 3E2al <\,fY a\ i- ZOQD3dH.Ltszu.-P -L!\J- a< ,^r-EzZoxr! \ -'1 itl= a<%cQS=.:otE z3F-F F:Hr-<Vo;pl=z:3=<-y5=;H ciFFEX a1s'."3 HFto> Ftdr-EY tr=:9s *te3<xI<X ll- rr CC !F-ZU:fi><[u=x-q_F_Yl+Xg*{F i-r -\ i- HFrtse. 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C oF ts =lrJ(L'..,bliy,rl b i;{o (-ltlJ lJY,,',bkzox ul-^^F .-l (\l -.; t' v Project Appllcation Project Name: Project Description: Contact Person and Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone:A1 , "\ 't -'''-r.. , l\ ' Legal Oescription: Lot Design Review Board DISAPPROVAL Dale: Town Planner E statt Approval O T .- r.'t:1.'l'1)t"t'ltltiL;-l..rr . Project Application Project Name: Proiect Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architecl. Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Zone Comments: Design Review Board tlo^. zlFf gQ Motion by: J. seconded ov' y'^ ,,^ --F-- E Statt ApprovalTown Planner It f /,/ , r-d, ^a u.,l fu" ,o ,tL 4 \J,-',^.- -l "-4*4 )#*-{y'"{ ^AiL"'-'-'. A^l^\\\ r , d- Y-"\"\..r,"- \^ - \^-"1 ,-^)'. *-&.o-, -*l*t"^ kr^- J"^h,1 4/*,t /,'""-0//'- *ul-l,rtr I LIST OF MTERIAL5 Se rz- 'etJ DESCRIPTION OF P The follow'ing information is required for submittal by the applicant to the Design Review Board before a final approval can be fiven: A. BUILDING MATERIALS: TYPE OF MATERIAL COLOR Roof Si di ng 0ther l'Jall Materials o DTneNAME OF PROJECT: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: STREET ADDRESS: Fasci a Soffi ts l,'li ndows l,Jindow Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Fl ues Flashings . Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses 0ther LDoo D -t a t<l E lUo et+*t-) ,u /h B. LANDSCAPING: Name of Designer: pnone: PLANT IVIATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED Botanical Name Common Name Quani ty Si ze* for conifers. (over) k f,ry tS7/// C- u)oo b /^ *(th Er$ r ?tCKLe> ! l' h *zzt c-o,t! *Indicate ca] iper for deciducious trees.Indicate height , 'puNr MATERIALS: Botanical Name common Name Quanity size (con't) SHRUBS EXISTiNG SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED Type Square Footage GROUND COVERS s0D SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL C. oTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining wal'ls, fences, swinming pools, etc.) PIease specify. Project Application Proiect Name: Proieci Description: Contact Person and Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Descriplion: Lol K Block a ririns / , zone Comments: Design Review Board seconded ar, (('.D 4@D 3- <-'---: ll-Y"NrX\n^"'' ;--{^'-.'^ (> DT.APPR''AL NlJtsrn^^,"* V f,own Planner s \rC PRESENT frT-ETTner Diana Donovan Bryan Hobbs Pam Hopkins Duane Piper Sid Schultz Jim Viele STAFF PRESENT Pe-ter P-at-ffi Tom Braun Kristan Pnitz Rick Pylman Betsy Rosolack The meeting was called PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION JANUARY 27, T986 to order by Duane Piper, chairman. Approval of minutes of January 13.1. Donovan item 8. ?. moved and The vote Viele seconded to approve the minutes with a conrection to was 7-0 in favor. uest for a fr t setback ince in order to add to an exist Tom Braun explained that there had been a change in ownership of the other halfof the duplex, w'i th the result that the Town staff did not notify the correct owner that the owner of the other half of his duplex had requested a front setback variance jn order to construct an addjtion. Larry Eskwith, Town Attorney explained that the adjacent property owner could serve an injunction of lack of notification. He requested a letter from the adjacent property owner who had not been notified that he gave approval to the addjtjon. Braun then exp'l ained the request. He said that a portion of the existing duplexis located within the front setback with the result of a 4.5 foot encroachment. The degree of encroachrnent with the request would be from 3 to 7.5 feet. As apart of the redevelopment, the applicant had also proposed the construct'ion of a'garage on the east sjde of his residence. He explained that the staff recommended denial because of the impact on the west side unit of this dup'lex and because there appear to be other areas on the property that could accommodate additional GRFA without the need for a setback variance. He addedthat duri ng the development and review of the 250 square foot GRFA ordinance, the PEC stated a number of tjmes that any development proposed under this ordinance would be reviewed closely with respect to site development standards. Th'is is the first application the Town had recejved for a vari ance in conjunction with the utilization of this ordjnance. For thjs reason, the appl'i cation was particularly significant from a precedent setting standpoint. Braun encouraged the board to evaluate the application closely. Hal cvon The applicant, Fred Spitz, felt that the net encroachment would actually-be lessthan that existing. He stated that the house was designed to face the tul de sac which was never constructed. Pam Hopkins was concerned about the removal of trees for a garage. Richard Matthews, the landscape architect for the property, suggested that the trees inquestion should be taken down because they were very unhealthy and be replaced by 16-20" spruce in the back yard. Donovan felt that the design had a negative impact on the other half of the duplex and also did not feel the board had thegrounds to grant the variance. Jim Viele had mixed feelings. He fe]t that the staff made some valid points concerning the precedent setting position the board might have to take and alsoconcerning the amount of work that went into the passing of the GRFA ordinance. 0n the other hand, he felt that denial m'ight be an overreactjon because there was a hardship relative to the setback request. He added that the board hadpreviously allowed variances with this type of setback problem. Tom Briner shared some of Jim's opinions. He asked Matthews whether or not thetrees which were to be removed were dangerous if left standing. Matthewsreplied that the trees would not blow over, but he did not know how much longerthe trees could live. More discussion followed concerning the garage addition and Piper reminded the board that the real issue was the request for theextension into the front setback (which did not involve the garage) Pam Hopkins stated that if the reason for extending the'l iving room in thelocation suggested was because of the fireplace, she wondered if the applicant had considered moving the fireplace. Spitz repl ied that the reason was to take advantage of the view to the east. She replied that she felt this could be accomplished by moving the fjreplace and not having to encroach upon therequired setback. Piper was concerned about the impact upon the owner of the other half of theduplex as well as cutting out some of the neighbor's sun. He agreed with pam. Donovan also agreed with Hopkins. She felt that to expand elsewhere wou'l d haveless of an impact on the neighbor. Spitz explained that the encroachment above what was already existing was a very small amount and would not be too noticeable because a great amount of glass would be used. Viele moved and Hobbs ded to a rove the r uested variance ed on thact that not const tea etrimen ri ctteral inter reta on an orcemen at on wou rl vecant o same district.vote was 4 in avor an novan 3.Board members to be chosen to work on comm tees on the Land Use an and on reat rate Sch u was to work on the an comm ttee a Pl an commi ttee. 0novan on the oved bv the owners 4.A discussjon of park design guidelines followed. Recreation Strategic SaMUEL J. TANKOOS r 904. r 949 wrLLrAU G. TANXOOS 1946.1963 s. JoSEPH TaNKOOS. JR. | 946.1976 BRAOLEY J. TANKOOS Talvxoos & Co. g,-/ &hb 9I37 E. MINERAL CIRCLE ENGLEWOOD. COLORADO 80I I2 r303t 792-O253 February J, 1986 The Planning Conmission Town of Vail Town of Vai. 1 75 South Frontage RoadVai1, Colorado 81657Attn: Tom Braum RE: Planning and Environmental Commission January 2f, 1986Public Hearing for Variance for Lot 7 andpart of Lot 8, Block 6, Vail Village, 7Eh Filling Dear Mr. Braum: Please be advised that on January 28, 1986 Mr. Fred Spitz meL with me in Denver and explained exactly how he intended to remodeL his half of 1107 Vail Valley Drive. After carefully reviewing the plans and after a brief discussion with you, I have no objection to Mr. Spitz proceeding with his renodel as indicated. However, I di.d request from Mr. Spitz that a privacy wall be built between the two units on Lhe deck and ny acceptance is conditional upon your approving this privacy wal1. Mr. Spitz will provide you with the drawings. This privacy wal-1 should meet any design requirements that you should request. I understand that notice was not sent to ne and that the Planning and Environnental Commission heard this request subject Lo my approval. I hereby waive the notice requirenents. If I can provide you with any other infornation, please feelfree to call me at (303) 792-0253. BJT./a1s cc: Fred Spitz incerely,,-__a /' /\ i' '( 1 )) 1,1,' rahl"y',\ T" I n koos L"rI,^ L" "€-*.&> =LAk-- 75 soulh fronlage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 January 7, 1986 Mr. Fred Soitz 516 tllest California Suite 200 0klahoma City, 0klahoma 73102 Re: Lot 8, Block 6, Vajl Village 7th Fjling Dear Fred: The fol'l owing letter is in response to your questions concerning the poss'i b1e addition of a garage to your property at ll07 Vail Val 1ey Drive. Provided the proposal meets a1 1 zoning consjderations (setbacks, height,site coverage, etc.) your application would need approval from the Design Review Board and the issuance of a building permit prior to commencing construct'i on. General 1y, the staff is supportive of the addition of garages to resjdential units, and it should be noted that it is anallowable use in the zone district in which your property is located. Itis safe to assume that a proposai that is in compliance with the Design Review guidelines and compatible wjth the ex'i st'i ng structure should be able to receive Oesign Review Board appnoval . Following Design Review Board approval , an application for a buildingpermit could be made to our department. This application would be reviewed with respect to compliance with the Unjform Building Code. Abuilding permit would then be issued following review of working drawings by our building department. Please do not hesitate to call me with any questions you may have concerning this or other matters. Si ncerel y, n"$^r\ Thomas A. Braun Town Pl anner TA8: bpr ,, 914 Srcna l.r Ol..to.a ; I.l . r.thc{ aC}ar ao,ri||al * {obny'(r16..25G , I..i.r .id $.o..$ L r.il'.d If.rriicn I-i r.'' l|{o t.. 3!{!9 | ?) !6..r6'lcr r:j'"* tt":, -d\ , ".\} .,"\ fA.t; t x IIx !44 I, .6 .C'i,, q ro: , FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: P1 anning and Environmental Commission Community Development January 27, 1986 Request for a front setback variance in addition to an existing unit located at Appl icant: Halcyon Property order to construct an ll07 Vaii Va11ey Drive. DESCRIPTION OF VARIANCE REQUESTED is for an encroachment into the required 20 foot front would liethe furthest point of this pro osed addition g-[r plepgE]l_uxc_.- Ine oegree oT encroacnmenE wouro range r eet because of the existing aiignment of the house.- l-__JJ s,\<' t\tqr As a part of the redevelopment of this property, the applicant has also rl"r 3btt proposed the constructjon of a garage on the east side of his residence. This would also jnclude the development of storage areas as well as a new entry to , .-,Ithe residence- It shoqld be noted that the property is over itg allowable GRFA >:::fr-*1"L at this--!!1e. A 'rr'.^ '*''-v are allowed credits when calculating GRFA and do not contribute to the existing overbuilt situation. fhe ??6 square feet of living area is proposed to be \'"^'1( Y-!g added under Ordinance 4 of 1985 (the 250 square foot GRFA ordinance). 5\-. 1c S \rR?A ry r\a g The variance requested setback. If approved, II. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS -,,:\=\"-"-r-\ ''ll ^"r"ry rtment of Communitv Oevelooment recormends iew of Criteria and Findin cti on of the ici I Code upon the fol I owi ng factors: Consideration of Factors: structures in the vicinity, it should be noted that other ho4es along Va Vallev Drive r ocated fairlv close to the l.li th respec subject property,s ar to i mpact unit of this duplex. This is an Thq relatjonshjp of the requested variance to other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity. t - rr<rt\ng f r'?b:' 't A portion of the existing duplgx-is locafed within the fro.nf setback. Thjs ex'i sting encroachment is 4.54eet as opposed to the -7.S-{eet proposed with this addition. In considering-Tfi'E-relationshjp of this stT[ettie with other is utili2ing the 250 square foot important consi derati on GRFA ordinance to allow e cause for this the west side thE appl-Trdnt addi ti on. fhere appear to Ue ot lhe ptoleft;1 !beq,!9ql_d__ac_c9q4o={g!a additional GRFA witlput the need for a setback variance., The applicant has ploposea ttris aaaiiion-in oraer to exfina-Eh-tGiCtintTiving room area of the res'idence. In evaluating the site plan, it appears that- a !ignificant,ad4i.tloncould be made to the living room area of the residence within the required Z0ffi a The deqree to o which relief from the stri r I iteral internretation and en T orcemen specified requl ati on is n rv to acn I eve ati and ormi t treatment amono sites 'i n or to atta eob ectstout qrant of special pri v ege. located where the garage addition is proposed. The hydrant was placed in thjs located because of a cul de sac th was once proposed |n 0us ry s cul oe --#,-Tfanf,of special privilege if it were to be approved. effect of the uested vari ance on 'l i ht and a ir distribution of ation. trans rtation and tra c facilitie and ut ties, and pub c safety. 1ro rifdThe proposed addition is for an expansjon to an existing living area and would ^ r.?&Ha!g!__eC4_e4ditir_na] le_dfSg6peqe ts tbe_tpsjde_rc_e. It would, however, appear. With respect to public t,"(,r'" 1' J - tlr'' t 6-cL,\,)'\",n'sac was and that right-of-way Iine since been abandoned If approved, the applicant has agreed to relocate the hydrant along Vail Val 1ey Drjve. Thqltq Department has reviewea tnis request ana is of reloca RELATED POLICIES IN VAIL'S COMMUNITY ACTION PLAN As is the case with most setback variances, one could point to the provisjons in the Action Plan that encourage upgrad'i ng and remodeling existing facilities. In this case, staff would take the posit'ion that these upgrades Should be done within the existinq development standards outlined bv the Town. It should not oe conslrueo Eo glve support to qrantlng varlances 0l thls type. sucH oTHER FACToRS AS THE CoMMISSI0N DEEMS ApPRoPRIATE T0 THE pRoposED REQUEST. standarcls. In responsellg includes the fol lowing,f "l located within the Town of review of the 250 souare foot GRFA ordinance. the a number of tj ied be reviewed closely with respect to site developmentthis, the purpose section of 0rdinance 4, 1985 During the development and Planning Commission stated under this ordinance would standards. In responseglg apter does not insure each dwellin a ona an all De rev ewe closelv with res ect to site nln acE o aoD I I caD te town 0 a devel o '-l This is the first application we-Tave ad l0r a Ya.rt ance I n conjunction with the utilizat'i on of this Va reason, this standpoi nt. app'l i cat ion appl ication is particularly significant Staff encourages the Planning Commission cl osel y. ordinance. For this from a precedent setti to evaluate this ng III. FINDINGS The Planning and Environmental Commission shall make the following findings before granting a var i ance : That the granting of the variance wilI not constitute a grant of specjalpriviiege inconsistent with the I imitations on other properties classified in the same district. That the granting of the variance wilI not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare, or material 1y injurious to propert'i es or 'improvements i n the vi ci ni ty. That the variance is warranted for one or more of the fol lowing reasons: The strict or literal interpretatjon and enforcement of the specified regulation would result in practjcal diffjculty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of this title. There are exceptions or extnaordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the sjte of the variance that do not apply generally to other properties in the same zone. IV. Staff recommendation for additional GRFA could be var I ance .EENES s suDDortlve o of the specified enjoyed by the ts to upgrade The strict or literal interpretatjon and enforcementregulation would deprive the appl.i cant of privileges owners of other properties in the same djstrict. - STAFF RECOT'MENDATION th'is proposal is for E rjEl It would appear that accomnoqateq on thi s iiT6-w-i tnout th6 ntea-frT-a property, it would encourage the appl icant to re-evaluate the des.i gna]ternativesthatarewjthjntherequjredsetbaffi (. t.(hn \ "/l 4 fuo1f't o..il.rl ,l i o \.',\gp *.4-F -- dor:rro**--: t,\e{ d ,)^l.u-l'-- I 1"',* - "fli t UL*t "'3* t*-Ut+"" -le-u- d^,^^^---\- Oo , aA ,, nI - r/ou- ,Ad\tI&;J h4l- tl 7*"AT- I -J----- E__ I - F*Eo Splrz & Assocrates, lnc. sr6 w. cALlFoRNrA, sulTE 200 oKLAHO A CITY. OKLAHOMA 731A2 ' 405/235 16AA January 9, 1986 Thomas A. Braun Town Pl anner Department of Community Development Town of Vail 75 south Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Re! 1109 VaiI Valley Drive Dear Mr. Braun: I hereby request consideration to construct an addition to the above referenced propertyr which will consist of a garage addition, approximately 230 sguare feet additional living arear and approximately 142 square feet additional storage area. The living area consists of a 154 square foot addition to the front (south) view. This would greatly improve the setting of this house as seen from the outside, as well as the view from within. I understand that at the time this house was constructedr a cul-de-sac was to exist at the southeast corner of this lot (see attachment). This house was con- structed to face the southeast corner. The house adjacent and to the east was constructed very close to the south property line (approxinately 5' to I0'), thus lirniting the view from my house. The house adjacent and to the west does not affect our view. The estimated distance from the house on the west to the south property line is approximately 5r to 10r. The west duplex residence footing structure is L5.5r from the south property line. The construction of the proposed addition to the front (south) view will be of double-paned glass with white wood trim, thereby giving the house an excellent southern view Thomas A. Braun January 9, L986 Page 2 from within, and giving the house a parallel look to Vail Valley Drive. Sincerely, Frederick J. Spitz PJS/yh Attachment , Am€ricdn Land Title Associalion Commitmenr - lieO t OIZS COMMITMENT FOR TITLE INSURANCE ISSUED BY STE\ry'AFTT TITLE GUA RA N TY COMPANY STEWART TITLE GUARANTY COMPANY, A Texas Corpr valuable consideration. hereby commits to issue its policy or I STEWART TITLE GUARANTY COMPANY, A Texas Corporation, herein called the Company, for policies of title insurance, as identified in Schedule A, in favor of the proposed Insured named inSchedule A. as owner or mortg@gee of the estate or interest covered herebv in the la in $chedule A, upon payment of the premiums and charges therefor; all su and Stipu lations hereof. les A and B and to the Conditions proposed Insured and the amount edule A hereof by the Company, uent endorsement. This Commitment is oreliminarv or oolicies of title insurance and all liability and obligations hereunder or when the policy or policies co failure to issue such policy or polici valid or binding until countersigned IN WITNESS WHEREOF. the become valid when countersigned by witlr its By-Laws This Commitment is .2_rt_Aa-At* ht*-,+ffi- months after the effective date hereof ever first occurs. provided that the pany. This Commitment shall not be rasof the date shown in Schedule A as "Effective Date."tu President ssria, No. C.1601. 55264 SC/ cp SCHEDULE A Ord€r l{umber: 1906-V '1. Elfecliva data: 2. Poticy or Foricies ro ue E{bllenbe r 16, I985 At 8:00 A,M A. ALTA Own€r's Policy Pfoposod lnsured: HALCYON PROPERTIES B. ALTA Loan Policy ProDos€d Insured: c WAYNE K. SCHRADER and PHYLLIS E. SCHRADER Amounl ol Insuaanc€$ 3so, ooo. oo ffiB:Ht Commitment Numbet: s Tax Cert. 275,000. 00 5. 00 50.00 a. Th€ land rofsrsd to in this commitm€nt is described as forrows: A parcel of land in Lot 7 and 8. Block 6, Vail Village SeventhFlling' Eagle County, Colorado, more particularly deicribed as . follows: Beglnning at a point on the north boundary of Lot 7, a dlgtanceof 42.88 feet fron,the northwest corner.of sald Lot 7; thence ' '.<o--. . .. -. - ..egrs-tetly 62..04 f eet along a course being the ertenslon of Lot7; -th.ence on a deflect,lon angle to the right of 87o40,I1,,, adlstance of 1I5.G7 feet; thence on an angle to the right of90000'00" and along a curve to the left having a radius of160.00 feet, a central angle of llo4]-,Z4,,, Bn arc distance of32.64 feet more or less to a point of tangent; ttrence along atangent a dlstance of 24.23 to a point, said point beinga distance of 81.90 feefi eap,t,erly along the southern line ofsald Lot 7 from the souL\grh& gpf.net of said Lot 7; thencealong the easterlyl line of 'ti*fCliLot 7 (said llne belng a curveto the left havlng a radius of of r5.4$o feet and a ceniralangle of 75031'20") an arc distance of 9.99 feet to a point onsaid curve, thence on an angle to the left having a noi-raOtatllne 5Io49'47", a distance of 10.99 feet to a pointi thence onan angle to the left 18000,44', a distance of GI.07 feet to apolnt; t'hence on an angle to the right of 43oLz's7" a dlgbanceof 59.75 feet, Dore or 1ess to the polnt of beginnlng. 3. Th€ estale or interest in the land desctibsd or rsle.red to in this commitment and covered herein is lee simpte and ti e thersto is at tho €ltsctiw data hefeor wsted in: HAYNE K. SCHRADER and PHYLLIS E. SCHRADER COUNTY OF EAGLE STATE OF COLORADO STE\^IAITT TITT-E GUANANTY COT' IAXY1652 (25M 6/85) Page 2 o order Number: 1905-V Commitmenl Numbor: Requirements The following are ths requirsmonts to b€ complied with: Item (a) Payment lo or lor tho account of lh€ granlots or mortgagofs ot the full @nsideration for th€ eslato or interosl to bo insurod. Item (b) Prop€r instrument(s) cr€ating th€ eslato or inlorest to be insured musl bo executed and duly liled for record, to wil: 1. hecutlon of attached aff,ldavlt as to Debts and Llens and lts r€turn to thls offlcc. 2. Erecutlon of Certlflcatlon - Entlty Transferor/IndlvldualTranrfsror and ttg return to thls offlce. 3. Evtdencc catlsfactory to Stewart Tltle Guaranty Conpany that the realestate transfer ta:r assessed by the Town of VaiI bas been pald orthat tb€ transacElon lE erenpt frou sald tar. 4. Ileed frou vested oh'ner, veEtlng fee slnple title ln purchaser(s). NOTE: NOTATION 0F TfiE LEGAL N)DRESS OF TtlE GRAIIIEE MUST APPEAR ON ftIE DEM) AS PER 1976 AMENT}IHTT TO STATITTts ON RECORDING OF DEEDS 73 CRS 38351.09 (2). c61p Pags 3 t> i rcsll (20M 6r8s) STEI,TARTTTTI,E ouatt|ltt coltarl Wnq.*rl,t,'.io.",-.-'',,,i,r.*ult,^..r-,.",l.*r!L,,r,r..',.j!i....-...J.-'..-..-,.',-.,,L.,,tr'-J,,xll-n' SCHEOULEB-Section2 Exceotions Order Number:1906-V Commitment Number: The policy or policies to be issued will contain exceptions to the lollowing unless the same are disposed of to the satisfaction of the Company: 1. Rights or claims of parties in possession not shown by the public records. 2. Easements, or claims of easemenls, not shown by the public records. 3. Discrepancies, conllicts in boundary lines, shortage in area, encroachments, and any facts which a correct survey and inspection of the premises would disclose and which are not shown by the public records. 4. Any lien, or right lo a lien, lor services, labor or material herelofore or hereafter furnished, imposed by law and not shown by the public records. 5. Defects, liens, encumbrances, adverse claims or other matters, if any, created, first appearing in the public records or attaching subsequent to the effective date hereof but prior to the date the proposed insured acquires of record for value the estate or inleresl or mortgage thereon covered by this Commitment. 5. Any and aII unpaid taxes and assessnents and any unredeenedtar sales. 7. The effect of inclusions ln any general or speclfic erater conservancy, flre protection, soll conservatlon or otherdlstrlct or lncluslon 1n any lrater service or street lmprovement area. 8. Right of the proprletor of a vein or lode to extract and reuovehls ore therefron, should the saue be found to penetrate orlntersect the prenises hereby granted as reserved ln United States Patent recorded lilay 20, 1905 in Book 48 at Page 511. ' 9. Rlght of way for ditches or canals constructed by the authorltyof the Unlted States as reserved in United States Patent recorded May 20, 1905 in Book 48 at Page 511 X-edtrittions-as contained in documenb recorded Decenber 17, 1955in Book 187 at Page 515 as Recepti.on No. L02778. Ll. Easenents and rights of way as set out In docunent recorded Decenber 17, 1965 in Book 187 at Pggu 515 as Receptlon No.Lo277B I 12. Al.1 existing roads, ditches, canals. pipelines, power, telephone,or water lines and rights of way and easensnts therefor. 13. Terns, conditions and reservations as contained ln Ordinance No.I1 Series of 1969 recorded Novenber 25, L959 ln Book 215 at Page 453 as Receptlon No. 111990 and Ordinance No. 7 Series of 1958 recorded tlay 15, 1972 Ln Book 224 at Page 102 as Reception No. t 19848. 14. Terns, conditions and restrictlons as contalned in Party lilalI Agreenent recorded Decenber 4, L972 ln Book 226 aE Page 574 as Receptlon No. 122370. See Continuation Page Exceptbns numbered are herebv omined. ra54 (zOM 6/85) .r,--,-;..,Ji,-l.li'a.... ., . l Pase 4 STE.WART TITLE GUAN,ANTY COI'IANY Order Number: I906-V 15. Easensnts, restrlctlong and Va1l Vlllage Seventh Fl1lng Receptlon No. 102780. CONTINUATION SHEET , SCHEDULE B-Sectlon 2 rlghts-of-etay as recorded Decenber Commitment Number: ghorm on PIat for 17, 1965 ag P.e. aA . 0065 (6OM 6€!l e@.f-) SiIE\.TAR.T TITI-E GUABAI{I' COI''ANY 1. 2. CONDITIONS AND STIPULATIONS The term mortgage, when used herein, shall include deed of trust, trust deed, or other security instrument, lf the proposed Insured has or acquires actual knowledge of any defect, lien, encumbrance, adverse claim or other matter affecting the estate or interest or mortgage thereon covered by this Commitment other than those shown in Schedule B hereof, and shall fail to disclose such knowledge to the Company in writing, the Company shall be relieved from liability for any loss or damage resulting from any act of reliance hereon to the extent the Company is prejudiced by failure to so disclose such knowledge. lf the proposed Insured shall disclose such knowledge to the Company, or if the Company otherwise acquires actual knowledge of any such defect, lien, encumbrance, adverse claim or other matter, the Company at its option may amend Schedule B of this Commitment accordingly, but such amendment shall not relieve the Company from liability previously incurred pursuant to paragraph 3 of these Conditions and Stipulations. Liability of the Company under this Commitment shall be only to the named proposed Insured and such parties included under the definition of lnsured in the form of policy or policies committed for and only for actual loss incurred in reliance hereon in undertaking in good faith (a) to comply with the requirements hereof, or (bl to eliminate exceptions shown in Schedule B, or (c) to acquire or create the estate or interest or mortgage thereon covered by this Commitment. I n no event shall sr-rch liability exceed the amount stated in Schedule A for the policy or policies committed for and such liability is subject to the insuring provisions and the Conditions and Stipulations and the exclusions from coverage of the form of policy or policies committed for in favor of the proposed lnsured which are hereby incorporated by reference and are made a part of this Commitment except as expressly modified herein. 4. Any claim of loss or damage, whether or not based on negligence. and which arises out of the status of the title to the estate or interest or the lien of the insured mortgage covered hereby or any action asserting such claim, shall be restricted to the provisions and Conditions and Stipulations of this Commitment. STEWAR.T TITLE GUARANTY COMPANY 3. Page 5 at 9E;<ra<i> 17, 3EEtF,, ?f:t< l.t Ftt \^,/ Zmoao{a!@Ot-P6P.- -tmmg @@@oot@ 8*@ rR: =66-X= =a^.H >ioTo z6trlz P E6;3; = <z+ m>Drara< U' 1t m{ l -{OFomg l.=-c,o= ctg7m Z{o m I.This wil l /l Application out.Qo*u't ".* rn , PEC MEETING DATE--Dee€otrerZt 198$ 74"h /? 8r. APPLICATION FOR A VARIANCE procedure is required f91 any project requesting a variance. The applicationnot be accepted until all information is submitted. NAME OF APPLICANT Halcvon Pro ADDRESS 516 West California Suite 200:0klahona 0K 73rO2 PHoNE235-1604 B.NAME OF ADDRESS APPLICANT' S REPRESENTATIVE Fred Spilz West California, Suite 2OO: Oklahona Cit oK 73102 PHoNE23s-r604 c.NAME 0F 0l,lNER(S) (type o qi ADDRESS 516 200: Okl"ahona Cit oK 73102 PH0NE 23s-1604 n LEGAL DESCRIPTI0N LOT 7 BL0CK 6 _FILING v"i1villrre 7thh-trt-| .'/' E. FEE $100 pslo , ,f zol ,l|Y' cK #_!:? 1._ rnon . j p, b THE FTE MUST BE PAID BEFORE'THE CONNUI'ITTY DEVELoPMENT UEPARTMENT I,IiLL AccEPT YOUR PROPOSAL. F. A list of the names of owners of all property adjacent to the subject property INCLUDING PR0PERTY BEHIND AND ACROSS STREETS, and their mailing addresses. THE APPLICANT l,liLL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CORREcf MAILING ADDRESSES. II. A PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE l.lITH A PLANNING STAFF MEMBER IS STRONGLY SUGGESTED TO )DETERMINE IF ANY'ADDITIONAL INFORMATION iS NEEDED. NO APPLICATION WILL BE ACCEPTED UNLESS IT IS C0MPLETE (MUST INCLUDE ALL ITEMS REQUIRED By THE ZONile ADMINISTRATOR). IT IS THE APPLiCANT'S RESPONSIBILITY TO fiNTT RN APPOINTMENT WITH TIIE STAFF TO FIND OUT ABOUT ADDITIONAL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS. PLEASE NOTE THAT A COMPLETE APPLICATION WILL STREAMLINE THE APPROVAL PROCESS FOR. YOUR PROJECT SY OTCREASING THE NUMBER OF CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL THAT THE PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION MAY STIPULATE. ALI CONDITIONS OF APPRoVAL MUST BE. COMPLIED WITH BEFORE A BIJILDING PERMIT IS ISSNED. III. FOUR (4) COPIES OF THE FOLLOWING MUST BE SUBMITTED: A. A WRITTEN STATEMENT OF THE PRECISE NATURE OF THE VARIANCE REQUESTED AND THE REGULATION INVOLVED. THE STATEMENT MUST ALSO ADDRESS: '1. The relationship of the requested variance to'other existing or potential uses and structures jn the vicinity. 2. The degree to which relief from the strict or literal interpretation andenforcement.of a^specified regulation is,necessary to achieve compatibilityand unjformity of treatment airong sites in the vitinity or to attbin ihe " objectives of this title without grant of special privilege. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL ADDRESS 1107 Vail V Drive Eastside of OVER Vari ance I 3. The effect of the variance on'light and air, distribution of population, transportation, traffic facilities, utilities, and public safety. A topographic and/or improvement survey at a scale of at least l" - z0' stamped by a co1 orado.licensed surveyor including locations of al'l existjng improve- ments, 'including grades and elevations. 0ther elements which must be shownare parking and loading areas, ingress and egress, landscpped areas andutility and drainage features. A site plan at a scale of at least l" = 20' showing existing and proposed buildings. D. A11 preiiminary building elevations and floor plans sufficient to jndicate the dimensigns, g€neral appearance, scale and use of all buildings and spacesexist'ing and proposed on the site. A preliminary t'it1e report to verify ownership and easements If the proposal is'located in a multi-fam'ily development which has a homeowners'association, then written approval from the association in support of theprojebt must be received by a duly authorized agent for said association. G. Any additional material necessary for the review of the application as determined by the zoning administrator., For interior modifications, an improvement survey and site plan may be waived by the zoning administrator. a B. c. E. IV.Time Requirments The P'l anning and Environmental Commission meetsof each month. A complete application form and (as described above) must be submitted a minimum PEC public hearing. No incomplete applications administrator) will be accepted by the planning nated submittal date. on the Znd and 4th Mondaysall accompanying material of 4 weeks prior to the date of the(as determ'ined by the zoning staff before or after the desig- - .- -_ APPLICATI0N DATE: ._ Novenber 26.,-1985 DATE 0F DRB MEETiNG: Decenber 18. 1985 DRB APPLICATION *****THIS APPLICATION }IILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL INFORMATION IS SUBMITTED***** I. PRE-APPLICATION MEETING: A pre-applicatjon meeting with a planning staff member is strongly suggested to determine 'if any addjtjonal information is needed. No application wi'l I be.accepted unless it is complete (must include all items required by the zon'ing administrator).It is the applicint's responsibility to make an appointment wjth the staff to find out about additional submittal requirements. Please note that a COMPLETE applica- tion w'ill streamline the approval process for your project by decreasing the number of conditions of approval that the DRB may stipulate. ALL conditions of approval must be resolved before a building permit is issued. A. PROJECT DESCRIPTI0N: Uiil add sarage and storage area and comDrletely renodel exis B. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: Address 1107 Vail Valley Drive Eastside of Duolex Legai Description Lot l_-pef!__9!_g_ Block 6 Filing Vail Virlage 7th Zoni ng Residential C. NAME 0F APPLICANT: Ilalcyon Propertv Address 516 West Californla, Suit telephone 77+-16ru D. NAME 0F APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE: Fred Spitz Address 516 West C" telephone n+lfi4 E. NAME OF OWNERS: S ignature Address 516 West Califobrt6', Suire 2OO: Oklahoma City, CK Tlrmtelephone Atlg+- F. DRB FEE: The fee will be paid at the time a building permit is requested. VALUATION FEE $ $ $ $1 $5( 0 - $ 10,000 10,001 - $ 5o,ooo 50,001 - $ 15o,ooo 50,001 - $ ,500,000 00,001 - $1,000,000Over $1,000,000 $ 10.00 $ 25.00 $ 50.00 $100.00 $200.00 $300.00 TO THE DRB:IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBMISSIONS 1. In addition to meeting submittal requirements, the applicant must stake the site to indicate property lines and building corners. Trees that will be removed should also be marked. This work must be completed before the DRB visits the si te. 2. The review process for NEW BUILDINGS will normally involve two separate meetings of the Des'i gn Review Board, so plan on at least two meetings for their approval . 3. People who fail to appear before the Design Review Board at their scheduled meeting and who have not asked for a postponement will be required to be republ i shed. - a !n u 4. The following items no longer have.to be.presented to the Design-Revievr Board. They, howevei, have to be presented to the Zonlng Administrator for approval: a. Windows, skylights and slmllar exterior changes that do not alter the existing pline of the bui1dlng; and b. Building additions that are not.viewed tryI qny other lot or public space' which hive had letters subrnitted fron adJolning property owners approving the addition; and/or approval from the agent for, or manager of a condominium associ ati on . 5. You may be required to conduct Natural Hazard Studies on your property. You should check with a Town Planner before prtceeding MATERIAL TO BE SUBMITTED I . NEI,' CONSTRUCTION A. Topographic map and site plan of site containing the following (2 copies): 1. Ljcensed surveyor's stamP. 2. Contour intervals of not more than 2' unless the parcel consists of 6 acre: or more, in which case, 5' contour intervals will be accepted. 3. Existing trees or E'r'r:;ps of trees having trunks with diameters of 4" or more one foot above grade. 4. Rock outcroppings and other significant natural features (large boulders. intermittent streams, etc. ) . 5. Avalanche areas, 100 year flood pla'in and slopes 40% or more, if applicable. 6. Ties to existing benchmark, either USGS landmark or sewer invert. 7. Locations of the fo1 lowing: a. Proposed surface dra'inage on and off site showing sjze and type of culverts, swales, etc. b. Exact locations of all utilities to'include existing sources and proposed service lines from sources to the structure. Utilities to include: cable TV sewer gasTelephone water electric c. Property lines showing distances and bearings and a basis of bearing d. Proposed driveways with percent slope and spot elevations e. Al I easements B. Exi sting and fi ni shed grades . 9. All existing and proposed improvements including structures, landscaped areas, service areas, storage areas, walks, driveways, off-street parking' loading areas, retaining wa11s (with spot elevations), and other site improvements. 10. Elevatjons of top of roof ridges (with existing grade shown underneath) to determine height of building. B. A statement from each utility verifying location of service and availability. To be submitted with site p1an. C. Prel'iminary titie report to accompany alI submittals, to insure property ownership and all easements on property. D. Landscape Plan (1" = 20' or larger) - 2 copies 1. Show the location of 4" diameter or larger tre€s, other shlubs and-natiVe plants theare on the site and the location and design of proposed landscape areas with the varieties and approximate sizes of plant materials to be planted. N 2. Complete landscape materials ljst. 3. Designate trees to be saved and those to be lost. NOTE: As much of the above information as poss'i b1e should occur on the site plan, so that the inter-relation of the various components is clear. The'l andscape plan should be separate. The existing topographic and vegetational characteristics may be a separate map. The applicant must stake the site to show lot lines and building corners. Trees that will be lost duri ng construction must be tagged. The work should be completed before the DRB site visit. oE. Architectural Plans (1/8v= 1' or larger) 2 copies ].Mustincludef.|oorplansandal.lelevationsastheyw.ill ilevations must show both existing and finished grades' appear on comPletion' Z. Exterior surfacing materials and colors shall be specified and-submitted for rev.iew on-ii,.-*ui.rials list available from the Department of Corrnunity Develop- ment. Cotor-cnips, siding samples etc., should be presented at the Design Review Eoard meeting. F. The Zoning Administrator and/or DRB may requ'ire the submission of additional plans' drawings,-sp"lii;iitions, samples and other material (including a mgqe]) if deemed necessiry tb-determine whether a project will comply with design guidelines. II. MINOR ALTERATIONS TO THE EXTERIOR OF BUILDINGS photos or sketches that clearly ind'icate what is proposed and the location (site plan) oi proposal may be submitted in l'ieu of the more formal requirement: glvql above' as tonb ai ttrey pi.ovide all important specifications for the proposed inc'luding colors and materials to be used. III. ADDITIONS - RESIDENTIAL OR COMMERCIAL A. Original floor plans with al1 spec'ifications shown B. Floor plan for addition - 2 copies C. Site plan showing existing and proposed construction - 2 copies topos D. Elevations of addition E. Photos of existing structure F. Specifications for a'l I materials and color samples on materjals'l ist available at Department of Community Development At the request of the Design Review Administrator you may also be required to submit: G. Statement from each util'ity verifying location of service and availabi'l ity. Sc: attached utility location verification form' H. Site improvement survey, stamped by registered professiona'l surveyor. I. preliminary title report, verifying ownership of property and'l ists of easements. IV. FINAL SITE PLAN After a bu.i 'lding permit has been issued, and when the proiect is underway, the-following'rjiii U" ".qui""A betore any building receives a framing'inspection from the Building Departmentj A certified improvement survey showing: A. Building locatjons with ties to property corners, i.e. distances and angles' B. Building dimensions to nearest tenth of foot' C. All ut.i Iity service lines as-bu'i lts showing size of'l ines, type of material used' and exact locations. 2 coPies D. Drainage as-builts. 2 coPies E. Basis of bearing to tie to sectjon corner' F. Al 1 property pins are to be either found or set and stated on map. G. All easements H. Bu'i lding floor elevations and roof ridge elevations' UTILITY LOCATION VERIFICATION SUBDIVISION JOB NAME LOT BTOCK FILING ADDRESS The location of utilities, whether they be main trunk llnes or proposed lines, nust be approved and verified by the following utilities for the acconpanying site p1an. Authorized Signature Mountain Bel I I -634-3778 }'lestern Slope Gas Hamy Moyes Pubiic Service Company Gary Hall * Ho ly Cross El ectri c Assoc. Ted Husky/Michael Laverty Vail Cable T.V. Gary Johnson Upper Eagle Val'ley Water and Sanitation Discrict David Krenek NOTE: These verifications do not relieve the contractor of his responsibility to obtain a street cut pernit from the Town of Vai1, Departnent of Public Works and to obtain utility locations before digging in any public right- of-way or easenent in the Town of Vail. A building pernit is not a street cut pernit. A street cut pernit nust be obtained separately. This form is to verify service availablity and location. This should be used in conjunction with preparing your ut,ility plan and scheduling installations. Date * For new const pl ease fi l1 out atiached sheet. DATE: LEGAL DESERTP=TTONTToI ZONE CHECK FOR SFR, R, R P/S ZONE DISTRICTS Bl ock F'if ing ne ADDRESS: otlNER ARCHITECT ZONE DISTRICT PROPOSED USE LOT SIZE Hei ght Total GRFA Primary GRFA Secondary GRFA Setbacks: Front Si des Rear Water Course Site Coverage Landscapi ng Fence/Retaining'da11 Heights Parki ng Credits: Garage Mechani cal Ai rl ock Storage Solar Heat Drjve: Slope Permitted Envi ronmental /Hazards : A'l I owed ( 30) ( 33) 20' 15' 1.5' ( 30) ( 50) (3oo)(600) (eoo)(1200) (50)(1oo) (25)(so) (2oo) (4oo) Proposed Slope Actual Aval anche Flood Plain Sl ope [.Jet l ands Geologic Hazards Phone Comments: Zoni ng: Approved/Di saPProved Date: ffi . " PLANT MATERIALS: Botanical Name Common Name Quanity Size.' (con't) SHRUBS EXISTING SHRUBS TO BI REMOVED Tvpe Square Footage GROUND COVERS SOD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL C. 0THER:LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retain'ing wal1s, fences, swirnming poo'ls, etc.) Please specify. PROJECT: INTER-OE PARTI,IENTAL REV I EI,I e- DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING C0MMENTS NEEDED By: \-. I . (q f f BRIEF DESCRIPTI0N offi n^--oor.j- or**"?u tq,,;^aA ,/o .--lllilt l-Atl'n'rt'/,t \A 1 d,ttar^T /r.t [o .z-.-\; n".- - phr*r- /A/t) t..,. /f,*,t a..^-{ e//t*- t*,rt*^h * -L.- 4,u' u.o,Ll-- Qtt.. '4t^ {o p-,f i*. PUBLIC W0RKS \J,01r"\q -n n..--^-1r*- \ \o.,r ._rz.rz*\a d\.. a A , a-J{r<_ D^.,: ^.,-r I J DATE SUEMITTEd: Reviewed by: _ Date Corments: Crr,/"-f ,' a/ootJ /L ii S'- POLICE DEPARTMENT Reviewed by: Comments: .s*li.!.*l*i!aq *ir!.!r,h!.j'r4?:r..,.- : .-. . : Vril*nt o,L Sz,bu-, glour>Q;". Date FiRE DEPARTMENT RECREATION DEPARTI4ENT .Reviewed by: Comments: Date -.':\ .: : ,; i i:T.i, " ";...;jr.,{ f ...;. ,ti) i{T Tf,'.,. I D I ln & Ntacun ."n"orrurf '2."."{f Photogrammetrlc . Oklahoma City, OK JuLy 24, 7986 City of VaiL, coTorado Rer structural Check of L707 vaiT vaLLey Drive To whom it nay concern: Proposed nodificatjons to stncture Tocated at the above address, has been checked structuraTTy and are adequate according to speci-fications. Sgncifications used.were the National BuiTding code'and the American Institute of Tinber Construction. A snow Toad of 80pst was used tor a roof Load and the frost Tine for the foundation was assumed to be four (4t) ft. Respectfully, Brovn &. Maclin Consultants, Inc. 7\ #"W,.*nPresift|nt Clvll & 516 West California, Suite 104 Eugcne Mrc|ln, P.E. Pr€sident Englneers 75102 . Telephone: 405 - 255-1609 Steven el.pMaclh. CJ. P.E. No. 77206 \nl.';- c*-L\,...\-).J \ PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT READY FOR LOCATION: o NS \ ONNOF REQUEST VAIL BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING:.11 (\" \*=l tr FOUNDATION / STEEL -z4aioencRouND I i*,*oro* / D.w.v. .ffi *oror / wArER d cns PTPTNG - tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr tr tr tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr tr FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: tr tr TEMP. POWER HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS co)rDUrr tr SUPPLY AIR n cr/runr-tr FINAL \PPBOVED I FRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTO ,IL,L UEST l{ ),t1.r'oI -'(--* '-la^.j-J/ NAME PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:FRITHUB ir,l_/e a .-:. ,..2r,,, 1, .. ,.-,Au .:,"-FM..-. .)-. \ BUILDING: qh.(ooTrNGS / srEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER O FOUNDATION / STEEL D FRAMING r-r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr O FINAL O FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS I tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL O FINAL , EI/APPROVED{_.--! -'l I CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr BEINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR .DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON \ \ BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND O FOUNDATION / STEEI -,/Iy^i:l1ll_l tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER ,- ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK N POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr Etr tr FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MEGHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr E! FDfrL T] FINAL vffRovED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED D^rE E- ?-$ - {e rNspEcro t NS .-.' ) it \\ " '.i-',\ ' ,.\',r..., J'.\i.,i'':'..r', i}ir$. . PECT]ON REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL rt ti DATE JOB NAME MON CALLER t \ I .-'\,\--r \ PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:WED THUR trR!)PM\: \. it BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUrl MBING: \ tr tr tr tr tr UNDERGROUND O FOUNDATION / STEEL ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERD FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr tr trtr FINAL FINAL ELEGTRIGAL: O TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr tr FfrAL tr FINAL --T--Tf- ilff'eaoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED INSPECTO &TS\ rf ,llt"toN REeuESr PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE INSPECTION: I NAME MON rues (1,vTE) rHUR FRIREADY FOR LOCATION: \-\- \ -rsll JOB CALLER BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: 0UNDERGROUND : : ; I j g+oucH / D.w.v. ( )f --. i-tr* ( l-.* ,t-J. qtr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING GH / WATER ,")(*- ,,aeL,," t P't-:., '' PIPING '): P'.1a lt 'e.t(-'- ROOF & SHEER' PLYWOOD NAILING p€ts tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr tr FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: D HEATING tr tr D ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FrflAL tr FINAL 'Uhpaoveo tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTO '') (- ('--(t/\\t /'' rt NAME INSPECTION:MPry TUES/c // rl INSPECTION TOWN OF REQUESTVAIL t ll READY FOR LOCATION: WED THUR ffiI;, ,/ / ,'i \-_-/:ft.(/+t !) AM t I PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT oor, / i: '/''t' 'i /J / ,,o" BUILDlNG: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER E FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING r-r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETBOCK NAIL tr FINAL tr HEATING 5(noucH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL APPROVED ,/ ORRECTION$ tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED oarc ,'/('' ' )- (i { 6 tNSpEcroR o 'i, I . ,4.tot INSPECTION TOWN OFPERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE REQUESTVAIL . NAME l_l -; .) CALLER TUES \PM,READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON .-.i WED THUR FRI : i|' BUlLDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER{rnnrr,trr.rc n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWEB MECHANICAL: tr HEATING O ROUGH T] EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR tr tr qrfrrrunr-tr FINAL OVED '-l:i ,. -\, n. tr DISAPPROVED /, it-...,i l- | x tr REINSPECTION REQUIBED ICORRECTIONS: { 'rl ir vh,, -'ti- O t) .il. DATE '.i,i ri ''1 -,, TNSPECTOR .wrl'', a"- ( - /j ':_\b./sJ,INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL ..PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE INSPECTION: JOB NAME r;;TUES WED FRIREADY FOR LOCATION: , ttL/ \/i THUR II t-") BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr tr D D tr n UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING E INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL D- tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: p rerr,re. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr o tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR n tr FINAL O FINAL ;F'eeenovED'i''/ CORRECTIONS: - tr DISAPPROVED C] REINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE INSPECTOR I \. ...-.\.\ l.\! ):J \ I tNs PECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL I .a NAME CALLER \\ PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT oor. ''' ) .1'-) , ,o" READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:\..'.\u ' ' ':\- TUES ., WEDMON THUR AM@ t'\ BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D,W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL T] FRAMING ,- ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION + tr POOL/ H.TUB tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: E HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT SUPPLY AIB tr FINAL APPROVED RRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR - oo;I NS oor. \\), -".'\ - \'].u JoB NAME PECTION TOWN OF REQUESTVAIL t I READY FOR INSPECTION:WEDI t'i \ !.\ LOCATION: BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDEBGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEEB" PLYWOOD NAILING O INSULATION - ,.l ,^' l/SsHeernocK NA|L (-ii---- IE tr GAS PIPING E POOL / H. TUB tr n N FINAL tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR NA o niilnr tr FINALWtr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: ny) INSPECTOR --PEl,r s-s- q':I tNs CTION TOWN OFPERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT REQUESTvAlL tl l"l"- /oerc lz/! f,1 i . CALLER READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: AM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION T] POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: DISAPPROVED INSPECTION REQUIRED 1) - ./ - ,?tt//z i // ! TNSPECTOR 2 r-J*, t-. /. /?/r t // r /0 U- JOB NAME y'c't i oa-<{ f.,1or -ftzzC PECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL t @ (r-) rt a NS -r, PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE CALLER READY FOR INSPECTION:MON TUES WEDt .r'/? i . t/,LOCATION: / i 0 tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: NSPECTION HEQUIRED TOWN OF VAI BUlLDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL D FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATEB n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS D CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL l- ,.,, i 5:,"'\. Q PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT o NS PECTION TOWN OF REOUESTVAIL r onre \\g\k-)JOB NAME CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: \ \ ,l'.j MON AMES c,\. BUILDING: O FOOTINGS tr FOUNDATI tr FRAMING / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER ON / STEEL ,- ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING D INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB O SHEETROCK NAIL r] HEATING O EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR E-'E PROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED 7 I NS PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: PECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL ,r_l , *:1' BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH i D,W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING r_r ROOF & SHEER' PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: D TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR PPROVED RRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED \tt ^r.[,/C ,/ r.,)lr ^.f'r.,n --...--- -r f )\ JK_\'-..JrPP r ,-V ' ,\t., V.'-r*nrrn* i ct'J-,,: INSPECTOR ol INSPE r '7^? s-3j2 WEDINSPECTION: //6 . {o' CTION REQUEST-ra\t,\rNt r\E tr^rr r caft /r n& PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT r q/r u /f,{.DATE '"//V,/A9JOBNAME CALLER TUES @ ------6il') er',rREADY FOR LOCATION: a TOWN OF VAIL BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING tr INSULATION - tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr TEMP. POWER tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR U et) ^zt tr APPROVED CORHECTIONS: ISAPPROVED NSPECTION REQUIRED \ t INSPECT oz E =t IJJ o- o r.c, a IJJluu- F =E uJo- u-s-\ol ?qal, W l(o l-\'[o l-- l$r == d. co =F J tr z u, FIz = zz <J) lrJF z z = @ .6 z z o uJz 3 vG |!lu6z...3 arvlulFI<FZ r''ozo< 6 =o. (5 c ',Ho Ea IDs A Ro' o (E o o) I dl E =l o (! '.9 o o i 6 .Y,'=O(,);i*!oiE8€a F.e*€*t g s E-.ES96P:0c-o>:f ;E ; EE:+ >=:c96E 35E; EEARE!Eo:€8;.e;9S EIgeo- t! o--o=-o6: O-oi6qr:*:€ Pu(!6 Ee S Eo atE'"EiFE-coi:J 6o'-!t;o(a ar tD i.9 sE: =-gilE 'u>.=9 cai If E;9Eo - eSgg - o 6i rt c tt == uJ z xo uJ z J o- t- IJJJ UJ z =3J ) z UJ UJ uJ z F ru gJ .o 3 UJ gJ z 6 uJ F6oo-ujo o- t UJ C) x F ulo o =UJ (t', Iu uJ ll- h =(E |.L, o- FoF oz oJllo 9g,FoqJ UJ z L 2 uJ = I LTJll NOtwntVrl o Y(r =zzv-o oo Q s ?6,E 9 " EEvroEZ:-O89 frl!<oq iH6 E;o=tq ftF.olO t!ol ol z tr ) {q uJ t! J z Eo z 9F eluF 3 uJz trzlzO6 <oo< =HYU-Eci<z a =z 9= do3trOI lII [Jtoltoltdl utl cc (t) qJzY 9 F UJ F z F 5oz q = =i uJ c( o 3 q l F :6t Jl<ltrl zl zl .. >lo IJJ UJ UJzo = IIJ o- J z Eoo z d) z Y cr (L .-l tr) OJOO uJ E tt) t0oazo F(L UJv lrlo oF F =E IJJIttlod -:1q,rr) :'l-,)tY'1 tl'r HFJoezo z."ozec00 ==gdPE n!q' "dE =F3-t -': Ltl6il= E = uJ l! fuJE9E<ctl60EoE9rrL cd3-E i=E h=(, dtr = >dI ouE 9o9 EurE XO-t x>t q-o-!i UJ c0 oF --I E =E,l!o-zo F C)f E. Fa zoo z lJ- J6 oa -l J dz. N|F ./1 UJ tl- ui =z (I)I _llJl -lo-lnl vl9l:l 1 =4 IIJ oo ) = .o E =aoo =o -lr, srO\o Ir() CAC!io ..:u .Yo ! F\F V. E oa : tr Ld € Ld = lr1a an UJ J = c . NIF a/1 -:Zo =tr z cilu J lr z3 sfO(o I 1r) (7)t EF =tr z ul = t! z =I =tr cil llJ 1t <l>l tJ-l ol zl 31I =t tr z ,; IJJ = t! z3oF =tr oz. o IJJi <1>l t!o z) =lolF lrlJ uJ (l LUz = F uJF T C) <F(ts() IJJ <zF LIJ F oo <o()F trsC)F-\2dr = Jo ? ( z f, x6YF =2+(r-Fi,z =g l-E i,r uJ i\= <offn=a 6 b t !!! rr,z3o IU F oz t! llJo i lt o u.l f, F z 6 '6; !q) 6i.cE-o0,o3 d.9'aa r'qro sFgo" $ -E\ -cO Oo)N() tfl FC\ eb-=oo-EoDcElgto) oo3o(E cf) or .c =E3die @O El'= !t-(D erO;a EO,c(!t= ./i 0l3';SE E .: rfLE,n-}oci(J(s ,.2 2 =xy(!:v! !t3-6o =oFj'S =cY'' I C'; oO>o?i(I)cu =:E --: o €e9 '!: i =-i:o.$ o-d=-(!:o (/,- O. T:E'(EC oE !- c.9O(!:eiE --C --.c=-_:,!s!-Eit =6>O.o= I;E3i 8\: .rio;lu o-oEEEa-OO) -()(s , UJ UJ z u, l,uuj z tr tlJ z6 = c () F()lu tll z E E .. >l ut tu uJz .DF TE uJ J z E at, tsz,. 9='iF 6(93E uJ z Eo z F F 3tuz {IL trJ z.z i.o- -9:r=F9bo1 0z>-oc)QZ!!< d-(J;(JFOjrri jl I ol uJl 1lililol zl 3l FI ?lol uJl(rl 3lolFI .n c \I. \i\ 0 I I ?l(9l url :l ?l>lttlol 2l 3lFl '$l.'l+l \tl =ltrl 3Jt F (9z J lr- \u J Is I s\ u $- \' ui =z (D t t ;.9E t-zi- t!' Z () Fzo =! c)tu Oc)Z* =#fF-JZrr.o() o z F uJ) uJz UJ(, Fo uJF To J ul) I I I I l_ IFt<(E IEz l= lotz l!J I I I I I I I I I I o UJ uJ lJ- E E IJ.J (t uJF z z Jf .6 oz ooz o uJ uJl! E = LIJ F F Y uJ z == UJ 2 = ) = -:at-o3 NOrlVntVA bJ D fr z .n= =l-=< =zJO O- t! 5= -ct9=9>< E !n 8= o=E6o Ql!gu, t4lJo- lJl._i6 | =eaI l'1 F-t:x() IB;ESnn E = r.lJ(L t! u.l F E.o t^dC)ocllJ.- C O d(F +JC5 O-.r 16 aE,J t+- ti-H'- c', O-U_vC X.- o,c<.=oc.oc,Lr- t,4 t-P(/)! (Uo<r! qjoo o{r EuJ -o (U o zoo(.)Eotn o= '-. E c, +) (5 L<F ':z t+ o a =, tr1 =O 0J -r.r 'rJ+r 0J =J€ v| 'OO(U s-tr- J (v -u O)q !4 (F uj x I I t t FIJu) \,4 v scrOz -J- ^^F .-{ C! oFt uJ 0- tto o-oo I ulFoz Best copy Available OO .O ct = E =Guto- rn Oo (\l o st O oo (\t .nul IJJll- E =E IJJ o- d1F> s8/8o/tcoopls4XA \ a 0sS I I gl- lE'5F16 Nr\JI 6l' -lrl I I =lE.F col Ei .,r6 <l I;z5s=o E'=2 Otn6 5l : 3 -r3 P LP ogJ F z z 6Jl(D .a oz2q |r)(O a; Lr-(D'r,. cL .€o o>Pr-(ulo->5 (u C\,1o+g '.\ (l/,.q s (r)(uU) r- 'F X(,tro(u6coL.5.do+)>(Uo.d. z. a- j-oc (D - (! .Y' i H€:E EEEEt i$EE;;gEFE ;iEg;i'*>5 n6: o-N O =EE.,):;E 3:€.'!u-Fo .t"; E"g tsE;ei t$ert iiE€3l! o'-.= -5A9 ./, E s€: f€ ;E;;? FEiEI fruFI<F lr) (o sl- ()(\t (?) N o (?) oq os|. o ro(\l oIolr)(\l rO\ Or(o(o F =cqJ z6 5ql -oUI()z JA ) a FotuJlu (,z .D EDJo- 2 To uJ = UJurt!2 tr ulE u,/ 3 UJ qJ E,z 6gJ Fao uro o. * uJJ x F uto tnul uJl! E =t uJo- J FoF oz ! o 9c C) u.l uJ (9z 6: JG J Iz :lo UJ. aF F NOtM]VA t+-o \d, E9\) xE;I\$E =co(\l xto =3 5b E s I6r EE"EE6b B€EE 2tH6*+r-R 2",: ; Ug z9F J t!c rti o-3oE(9 UJo- i{ C\I E o. uJ J z E R z9F G uJF =uJz Fzlz9nkoo< >E2GxrrUo<z a tr2,. 2? EO;trOI F F JI<l FI 2l zl .. >lo u.l u,ulza tr (r lu J zI tso lltlJ -,1 oa UJzY iF 2 F J oz l" 319 ol< |JJt(/) Pvl xo c +,a x(l, .tJ x(u o J 3 F ul cc lllib (f) I Nrlc) GJc)O z oPze roo =z:)fJO aL Ll- =f;*=xc)A;E llttoooazo Fo- lJtv IJJo oF F =(E uJ o- ttlol> tf)lo- colo\-@l.t,-l 'Igur 2E F ul o-lto;l!E:E<of€aBglrab9 =EE drE FE; =o-E 8b9 lutE XO-E ;T5, ul €; . lltdlo 6?c .\z/J= ",' ' !: ; E =E, UJo-zIF(JfE 6zo(J E}!D g t -l(f) |,.ol r-r I I J =.1olull.cl JI <l>l bl fl Po od. c I =.1ol uJl 5l al>l t!lol zl il I Iol =.1olull 5l <l>l bl =l sOl ulFIF o N I(o Nsf slEI:l <l>l EIq zl FI o c) =u'l tioo (5 oz. =e. tt lrJ IrJrl =l dl =.1 OI IIJI 5l al>l r!Iq 2l pl () I+t(, (U UJ +J 5'f tr 6 I I .l FoJ -JLrl o =|JJd. t/, Ld& (n z. F ii =zoo-) !oa) =(u g)c Lrl Fn tt (t (t, o L d!(U = Lq, <l) o lnoa (6 oz. =tr (6 6 z 6 =) c F EFzo C) t irg+E Fo2 E <FG() IJJ <zEUJF(rzo() r-!..r- O OC.U (-)ur>>z 0J. = =-=O6'oo F.l >> trtrtr (Dl .d*l*o{z( 3{ ;)f, 'l_ rLu l,FtF it<rx lto;tl, {lt1 | .Jl.t< | /1"' "-/' ol- l! rS drF iH {rg ;o ,l=f(, tZ I 6:41> |3. ''F I tt) lrrtr- F E l! F CEFz o o lt7 lurtzl3vcE tt uJozu,lc!v FI<Fz^ YZo< xXxxxxxxxx >< >< >< I iFg*; I Ef;gfi; T E:E:€I b 6i.9 Y I :*:E s' | !p3;5I ti-p.-I c9.Ehg lEs"ig; I sEil g l--eFiEI c c " i=leEe€5 .Ei s e ; *"i;;: .9- o-6)c-c o- c (g ;g 5Eg iE.;rE' -o.:of:- c:dlE3*; g ss;:= Eta:ptdFeg i*;q$ iF$id U' llJ UJ IJ- F E J o F o tu z UJ o = ur(rz 6llJ i\q\$ GI Y o =troz tr E() UJ 7z -rl,-EP 6 9<5 =>ug3i o- (J>(,FO ;ai Jl<I zl .. >lo UJ uI UJzo = G rlJ o- z 9 tr q, l J s d, IJJzYI F o.l! E.iz I I I l-' z F rul Fz z tr o =o (J I:.f I q Fz (, =JJ!,t3 ilg ll^l ll;l Ot il=ll I;il lFllt< tl f;ilFtlJll "ll :ll 3tl 3tl o UJo 0zx (,z F (D J o \ o at, B F rl, =(uEr lfrlo oo- rtL'E(5'e OZF O.F '.-r O- c .p JO- .t'H.Eq- cLL 'F.t,q-vFq.F (, O-ovcDxLL(,qo o.Fo(/)=oJLLI (n .g +io<L(utd !- | =!oE Icp o I(rO(u(J IH(JF I '." = 39 |zoo{J IHt-(J I =q- 6 ,O. q- or IJLOC tJo .F {o+r |, = izltr_ +r +, .6 i..ll(uot dlrJ '- |/| ! H =f-t--.Sl Dffi F (Eut-.o--.t|.bJodIIJ<.(tZtrl<:zx.vri.b- oFX cE o|.lJ ar- ],+- rutz-|H=l a=tr1&tl 96014 tul Lj:l3-r3., ttE-!q-lo:FD_ tc'E. CLs-9 !'T' E E Eo(, z,rP =e=zde J,^i5 Z=Z "if53U(DLU> l- 'e/ OD Co vLo?--.-) l .A3 tcE q, 1C lG- E =-+.=; z l! F .YEil< 5.ltoo J UJ z _-r It sEir.i 116 $b ttD x.a q N\ J C) GF C)llJ JO<FrlouJ< UJFozoo F() trtF ? (J J<c)0.4trJ uJ -rO 9F gE d6 (J 6Fzo rF8= =8 u, Fo 8ffi o oo Y114'f*,, f*fi - 7:o,.- //r,-',q' W 4 &7"'-'+,??o 7-r*^ '/ /* , (lQ, 0*^ A,;e* J tzu^ plarniT #* fi.ffi- ,r: fu z*z/ /*,'A4-"tr.'roryrfr-L"kt *"*{et>L.'za- U"t -9"-,A;L**"r.- 2'4- 4i,ery LL* zs&. Tl* )*. 6 'b **M h-oa..z l";*f,* )*. 6 'b /**/ fu-oz-'"t l";'q 4r-"{#-A .9- 9o,.,.-? ( Jn;^ g-f t(rr* e"tf*q 74'". f-CL,,.t z-P""-- m- ,4/24 . 3/-47 lr.,w zt tl 4- ./ AtZ&i,ttcx a-f ct I/- a%tfri ^/ o.7*/fr14 fi. ,4" uu+.L (e,4. /rq A:/b^,'< ry4,"4 c,\ {*A + lll, g, i*a2 z /^1" tzd)u. " J /iu^ 4q cr-.^k ,4 #* p-of 4;4P .1 At .ry4, Tri;" ff-,.* rtq l":f ,Ao,o.tn^-'r(* Y)n, d"*i 1a"ry".dz- ;l- A #a )".-*t f*"ul*r""' 44" -t-*J ry 'n^a4"^ ,&f-br E oooo &fu;t'^ t4 fr*t ;.1 p"dh-.A4 6 "(ar fr,"*rQ 1ffi $uL,*. fl; Lut-U U-'1' &4rr-".d' ty'/'-fi- 6^, fr< ..t-r;-.* eo-r+4,". rtr,-- ffi" W /.A ou"Q /rr^&*-t- ;4 ,v-Z /--(b 4 rt- -lo.*t-t, /-4 LLLaIQ "l p,"" -ft,<- '.A.A .4o r f,'; p-*h..+.',,t /4- ed4Pa44rtAWhn^a4^?ha/ n ---i-- fl r,, i/-l '".7A- ,*/ ',U4 l*e{rry-r^< /42< 0 ' ^1,' ,.-4-hz^ id"*J-& /?.,r< v-/- er,!,4c"ZzL4? 4'd, fr" ar"h*l^ "o,^u.e*- 4 #a l*/ It^e , 7,[* a.&-L,x 4 /#-t ]t**F" plfr.Aa pa""*L r-d4 q/t-r;b'r4, Q*^V '4t**< W !'/p-k #" "ytr-;,{ al"ltfu@ &zuq-. i,f;"-^ ,NWa /%,fr4 . J Pt ,,-fi eqp.l 'ft f|, ,f**** /;,fu.-^ ' /^t61yytt .<{- tU- --a-/-la'+c,f-ca tgl'a<-nt /tt **,o)A(,,'-, z,*nQ #L -'.fue#/ n,ur-ES+ fuA#q ?az<,'Ar a^lQ ar+ *- ffie g*4;ua /y,47il4*4,- o fr;rft^ 1+ fru*- plt^,r*t^nl et/rt /P,,'^*4 [t*ry*4 /"a',Abo tD*yutk $7a+oER I &ao $44rc7g'ta sA fteT GLL,,Lr G6 For^'1 7$'*e- // 3> *? > 3'f aJJ;;* c(?t -t >-f H"/ ffi-os ,//o? /"t,'/ 4/4 2r. 476 -r-? ff-p$.( %,^+',,,Ar^ lt$-,* I NSPPERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT READY FOR INSPECTION: 20/ Z-ECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL DATE 2 -15.i5 rca NAME I tl NPoe 9 CALLER MON TUES WED THUR LEBI--' /I II tI AM (-PM / LoCATIoN: //t17 u U- D ' CORRECTIONS: BUILDING:PLUIIBING: tr UNDERGBOUNDtr tr o tr tr tr tr tr FOOTINGS / STEEL FOUNDATION / STEEL X X tr tr tr tr tr ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERFRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETROCK POOL / H. TUB NAIL FINAL FINAL ELECTRIGAL:MECHANIGAL: tr tr tr tr TEMP. POWER o tr tr tr HEATING ROUGH EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FAAL tr FINAL tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE INSPECTOR tffii -a- T NUMBER OF PROJECI Irt INSPECTION TOWN OI REOUEST. .PERMI DATE ,.. :' JOA INSPECTION: NAME MON ; CALLER TUES AM PM TOWN OF VAIL ';, READY FOR LOCATION: WED BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUITIBING: O UNDERGBOUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL s FRAMTNG tr ROUGH / WATER tr tr tr tr ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL o tr tr FINAL E FINAL ELECTRICAL: D TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH g EXHAUST HOOOS CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL O FINAL t-O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIREDAPPROVED CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR fm rt tNSPECTTON REQUEST "TOWN OF VAIL)' t-\'" \/lL. PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT THUR FRI .iDATE - r' JOB NAME/ READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: /';d t' BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUIIBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V, T] ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr POOL/ H. TUB NAIL tr tr tr FINAL ELECTRI tr FINAL TTIECHANIGAL: tr F tr B o TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR FINAL tr FINAL rp APPROVED CORRECTIONS: T] DISAPPROVEDt!'tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE INSPECTOR m PERMI DATE T NUMBER OF PROJECT INSPECTION: - -1'-|-,I t I jt lr, INSPECTION REQUEST', TOWN OF VAIL JOB NAME i, CALLER MON TUES WED THUR FRI PMREADY FOR LOCATION: 8U trl trl trl trl trl {, tr ILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH/WATEF FOOTINGS / STEEL FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEER I] GAS PIPINGPLYWOOD NAILING INSULATION tr POOL/ H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAL I] FINAL ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER IIECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL O FINAL ovEo,a.l': 4;tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: <*{ '7. ,l;"'/DATE INSPECTOR (ffi| TION TOWN OF REQUEST'"VAIL '*l JOB NAME ,r, /'/ READY FOR LOCATION: 8l tr tr tr D o tr tr ILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER FOOTINGS / STEEL FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEEB PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR ,i#r'*o.tr FINAL APPBOVED .,::,/tr DISAPPROVED tr BEINSPECTION REQUIRED COBRECTIONS: " INSPECTOBDATE -yg c PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT INSPECTION REQI.IES,T TOWN OF VAIL NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:!l CALLER MON 'TUES,'THUR FRI ..':l AM DATE --' ../ .' *' ,' - JOB BUILD!NG: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL O FRAMING r-l ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION O POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr o 'g FrNAL tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL:MECHANIGAL: tr tr tr tr tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT E SUPPLY AIR FINAL g o FINAL @ APPRoVED CORRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR tmt oi APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMII. THE TOWN OF VAIL fill in 0his eection onl BUILDINGJNFORMATION New r/ Addition IJdk g ou A lte ration- R ePair s---- Type of o c cupancyJliL24/k+dzL- (All parte of building) ETu-,o twc-b lup N stg._Ns No of stori ". - 2 - flt. ?o=' = , No. of roome l'{o' rbathai No. of water closets- t/- No, of Famili *--&._.....-- ESTIMATED COST Or^ CONSTRUCTION (Matetiels &r0 b0 q) ,|1 Lot Bloek Subdivision ( Circle correct classification) l. Type of construction I. II.III. I V Occupancy group A. B. C. D. E. F.. c.HO I. Building address Date of Application Addre Addre s s Cityfir, Qa11,as Tel. No. Address City TCCc//7r^C Telf No. O. oro Labor) BUILDING INSPECTICN Efi/Receipt of. Plane 1-ZZ-yq2 sets reouired)Date ?.{ Atf, Amount of Perrnit F"" $ /33.fa! 3Jt5 Amount of Glean up Fee $ Zf-Z Approval by planning and permit. archite ctur aL conttPTt ommittee building A-p-proval of, Plans ,!9b:2,:7c)- Paid: Gash $ Date Check $Zgfzt Check Tap fee paid Amount Paid: Cagh $ Date permit iesued p-/_t-2a Final inepection to obtain a :.? ./.,' 'gnature lzcn Zf Gertificate of oceupancy & compliance Conetruction clean-uP '+; ". , - r '- rlSauj! r- '".t t ' ilJ;; Ji=- ::1 ::tp::J.:::'Jff:#:t$1 ti- Applicant shall marntarn s:Lr'q r"4:rw"e --- ro sanitation, buil- lf:*J'^tr *^'"*'? xh *w-' iittg ".td zoning. Z-4 . ffi::.,I Building Offiaat ;: -- -;i::t No. -.-----.-* .. t::l F-- i:n:.s J"*t rr.ot' oF occuPANcY AND cor\^PL9N:h ' i{ i* Vail, Colorado ':1--':':----:19--:-:' :l i'; - . T_ J . G ueL= <: rt'i b -.-- 1:-__. Permit is herebv granted""' "tt*;.;;;-:; .-....- .... . $ i; il to occuPy thetuilding tt-" , a .--. -. Addition. ;j'F onLots...-.-.--:-.;.--.-.-...;,,Block-..-.4*.;.-.:;;..;:*VAIL V,uuAGE !'- yrcttJ.c- zoning disarict. I=,---- Located in -'-"::':"':-' Ft oepf,t.w-e1. . -< 1.1::5 la i'i t The address knorvln as '-"'----'-"--- . _:-L ^' r? r. .' i r,r 1; r.-: r:r +;.'t' -. I .r';ol crgit l'I: ..ri s';j:irrTr;ra9 f..-itnot rrlli:.,c:!'i.13.s,. f.''5 g'.iii.r ''t .gi -.!: 4i1' t . -t' |.1'ant :.)' -. :!. 1', ti ::. :,1r"i !'l 't .. ir,'lurq. i I IIt, I I I . :i j--1 i.);., n.ti j:rtr:tag... ..".'itf,5rrP':: i r'r" ' I ,so Januarlr lq, 1971 : HOHES BY HOLZ 690 Savlngs BulldingFort Collina, Colonado Penmit l{o. 87071 SU&IECT: Glcaeon Recidenca Gcntlenenl In refar:encc to ny pra-finaL lnepectlon on Januaqy 13' 1971'I flnd cveryth{ng ln aoeor"dance wlth the code rcquincncnta with thr exccptlon of tho followlng: a) Flnlch gnedlng;b) Arca wcllc at nindows, bel-os ,rnade ic) Hiacollan.ous touoh-up ltcne. I anr woll awaFa that the abovc Ltenc can not be taken careof untll Sprlng. In the mean time, pfaase conaider thlglsttGr aa a Tcnponuy 0ccupancy Permit. t'lhen the abovcitcns arc.*atl.sfactonily conpl.etcd, a Ccrtificatc of Ocoupancy rll,l be ieeued and nefund of your CIean-Up De-poeit wlLl bc nadc. Roeprctfully ,youne, TOHN OF VAIL Ed Strublc,Bultding Offlclal ES/ah cc T. J. 'Glcaeon 1T Decasrbcn 31' 1970 !lr. Tom J. GlcaaonP.0. Box 5?8 Font gollLnc, Colonado 80521 Dcar Mr. Glaaoont Thank you for your letter of Dcccnbcn 21, 1970. tlould you pl,caac havc youn buildsn notlfy na a8 to whcn you rrl}l bc ready fon r f,lnal l,napeetion. f would ll-kc to oornplotc thla- pnoJcct, as far iE incpectlon ig conccrn.d' by thc 15th of January. Thank you for your attentlon to thia nstter. Rcapeotfully, Towlf or vArL :\ '/u\-)\- 5 r\"' Ed Strublc, Bulldlng Offlolal E8/ah M J.G LEASON BOX 576 coLoRADO AO5e I 21, l97ODecembe r vJb Mr. Ed Struble Building Official P. 0. Box 631 Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear l'lr. St rub I e: In conjunction with the building of our honre at No. 7 Horn- silver Circle Drive in Vail, lt has been brought to our at- tention by your office that we are in violation of the Code having to do with an additional fire exit because of the third floor loft. I would say this was an oversi ght on the part of our archi- tect as it was our intention to completely conform to the Code. Please be assured that we do not hold your office respons ible for the oversight. We assume full accountabi l- ity for the lack of the third story exit. o TO P. O. FORT CO LLI N5, P.S. My sincere compl iments and thanks for the wonderful cooperation we struction of our home. to you and your staff have had in the con- ht0 STATE OF COI-,ORADO CCUNTY Or. EAGLE DECLARATION CF TAND. ALI"CCATION II ss. ) , OEfirg flrat duly swortl upon oath, accorCing to my beet knowledge, atatcments arc ttue and correct information and belief, to wit: l. That thie etatement is made ln conjunction with the filing of an apptication for a building permit to the Town of ..Vait and to comply with the requirementg of Articte VII, $ection 3, Otdinance Number ? (Seriee of f969) Zoning Ordinance for the Town of Vall. 2, The deseription of the buildtng site for the propoecd building ie I, ae followe:"t o (Description rrury be attached or aurveyorre cription. ) 3, The propoeed building site containg map may'be used to ahow a- O [l-Ulp_Bquare feet, and the propoaed butlding containe <ZiL_ equare feet of area as defined io the aforegaid Z.oning Ordinance. 4. The propoeed building, ae it relates to the building site area' complice to the Floor Area Rltio for the whichflpplies to the building site, ar defined in the afore The foregoing affidavit and declaratio uly ubecribed and , this + I] Lii I,II ING PI] R N''IIT \rai l, Colotaclo Late Pe r:rlit 4 Pcrr-rrissiorr is hercby gr^nt..d Frn Z 6/€cloa as ?.Wztc, to Consfrttcf ^ tez.a story rid re s s In accordance with thc Corrrinittce, subiect to T)rotc <:tiwt: C clve rta nt s , provisiotrs set forth by the \iail ttrc rr.rle s and re gulations a s s et a r-rcl jn corrrpliance with the i 964 .;: rchitectural. C ontro] folth in the Vaii Villagc flniforrn )? uiiding Code ' 'J ypc oI C<.rnstructto r\ -f .Group .5' Va i I I'l tii l<li n e Ins Pe q,fll r Il''ls.l)l. cl'T Io N ]t1]- cc RL) ( l''or Dc';la llt-r'Lental r.t"6' () t'r.Ly) INiSPIT C'l IClN Irl ) .1.{ () v . ' .i -c;()lvli\4FN'rs DATE & SIGNITITR.]I l'OllNl )-', TI()N,S cn .o g.l 111-rtr( il IO l.r-t Ii IN ,T I, tl()IJC;i i c,) :: f; 0 i I'IN," .l , -l Ji.OI,ICIT TCWN OF VAI LO DAILY BUILDING INSPECTION REPORT Te g C,? t O Biulding: 4LIAtot{ e,et, Permit No: 91O1lN S-,t 4, 7o 8, 7o S"! W ror ?b (v.A h* ?lL- - t^Au t war, ()1r't-ct 'r *-.-( &bu L p--U tryr( u-r/,( $v[ 14,)o J"pA.zr,,ro ffiTA-W-QqW;;-4 0 c't', 7ot '7o L4t-8f . o L, Date Issued: lu6. 18, Za Remarks Bt^J l^a^.,ant ut*L^l "> ?Nv A4 -'JL- ^].U nul,P'', r^'|r' h-'1".^ le- - +' tl I Lr4 n ^ t-e'u ^r- ' Contnactor:: Hb L" lssued: &9 X 1, 1o .t-O o V6/ r'r 'l.o fi114*a'E4,I uoll b EVERETT / ZEIGEL ARCHITECTS AIA 2305 CANYON BOULEVARD BOULDER COLORADO AO3O2 gA3 444 2571 July 8, L970 ./-.6,Charles G. Bynum, P.E. Building Official, Town of Vail P. O. Box 631Vail, Colorado 81657 _':..11 I 1970 (/+ Re: Ttr-onas J. Gl-eason Vail Residence Dear Mr. Bynum: Thank you for reviewing by phone the results of your plan 4.9!-9"the above referenced projecl. Using your letter of June 24' 1970 as an outline, the following corunents record our understanding of our conversation: I) Block reinforcing in accordance with hand-out sheet: This, of course, will be accomplished. The project was designed prior to the formulation of these requirements. 2l Fireplace hearth not 18": The lower level fireplace hearth is shown 1r-6u. The upper hearth will be the same. 3) FirepJ-ace mantel too close to opening: Section 3704 (e) notes that wood may not be within 12" of the fireplace opening withodt meeting certain projection limitations; but that wood may be beyond this l-2" limit. The firepLace is designed and is to be constructed so that the 3x3 blocks supporting the mantel is at the l-2" d.imension, therefore, outside the limitations of this provision. 4) Amount of fixed glass is great as compared to openable: A1l- bedroom windovrs are designed to meet ttre existing requirements first and ventilation requirements second. A check of the bedrooms indicates that the operable amount of window is onl-y slightl-y under the 1/8 room area requirement. The amount of deficiency is on the order of l- or 2 square feet per bedroom. The open living, dining and kitchen areas on both levels of the house are provided with a large amount of fixed glass in the orientation of ttre major views; however, there is operating sash on the adjoining walls. The upper floor has approximately 4I square feet of openabfe sash, while the lower floor has about 29 square feet in the living areas. When considering the total living/diningr/kitctren areas the totaL amount of glass is well above requirements. Tbe upPer area has more openabJ-e area than required, while the lower area is only a few square feet und.er. 5) Bal-cony railing less ttran 3 feet: Detail 7/3 shown on ttre lower part of Sheet 3 indicates the railing height by dimension of 3'-6". This would be true of the entire balcony railing. 6) Minimum depth at footing is 3'-6" bel-ow grade: This will be complied with at the time of construction. C. G. Bynun, P.E. If you have any guestions on as possibJ-e. Thank you very Very truly yours, ARCHTTECTS, A.I.A. HAZ:McS cc: Mr. T. J. GLeason -2-July 8, 1970 the items noted, please notify us as soon much for your consideration in this matter. a u.I Junc 2S, 19?0 Evcrctt Zctgllel Anchlterte 2305 Canyon El.vd.Boulder, Colonado 80302 Rc: Gleaeon Rcsidenoe Dean Sl.r: Follorl,ng ene thc nuults of a ghn ohrek on thc tubJect nc-rldrnort I. Bloct ncbal tn accordenar rLth hend out ahorti 2. Firrplror Hcrth doet not roalo l8i nhloh irnlnbua rr.dth. 3. Fl,rcplacn Hsrtl.c rp1r.rr.rr too elorc to flncbox. f , Ictc of f,fucd glaee. Coda rrqulnrs acttaln anountto br opcnablc. S. Baloony natllng appcarr to bs lcrr than 3 fcrt. 6. Hintnrn dcpth of footl.ng! L. Et6r. Planr en hrnrby approvcd wlth the forego!.ng co:rnactiont. Vuy tnrly yourfr lorfit 0F VAIL Chan1m G. Bynuu, P.E. Bul.ldlng Offlclal CCr Archltcctural Control Boand Val.l r Colorado a Octobcr U, 1969 Everett/Zelgel Archlbcts 8905 Canyon Boulcvard Boulder, CO 80808 Re: Weyne K. Scbro<lcr Flasldonce, Vall Dssr 8fn lll"r on the aubJoct restdence look gmd. wlth the excepilon ot thetollowlng I. llha lot su.!'vey on the plot pten does rpt close. 2. Vertlcel eteel, t6 e g2'r o. c. regulred ln gn lowrda{on block uallg. Sirrcerely, TE8 X\)U/I\I OF VAtr. Cherles G. Bynum, P. E. BuUdtng Otftctal CGB,/car ccl W. F* Renner, Contraclor APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMI1 THE TOWN OF VAIL (Applicant fill in this section only) Building address 4i &{of Applicetion fa -(C - d Addre s s City Name f.t<u4!f t p a,pl _Address ,l ? o s' Aa,r.qr!_ Az."J /q4-)s rl Block Subdivigion BUILDING INFORMATION New /Addition Repairs -Alterqtion_ Type oY-occuPan cY-J&2--.-.-- u rt 1.. {J Fou .! b0etl City Name u) Addres s TeI. No. ( Circle correct classification) BT]TLDTNGEMBNqICNq No of stories-k--Ht'- No. of roomellNo' bathej- No. of water cloaets 6 No. of Families ESTIMATED CCST OF CONST FIVCTTON/|LP (Materirls & Labor) Sien"d 10./.&-*a --(Permittee) l. Type of constructioa I.II. ru.I V @. Oecupancy group A. B. C. D. E. F. G. HO J. ,/-1//? /.' a' zoP Approval permit. by planning and architcctural control committee to obtain building IqTLDING INSP-E-CI!qN Receipt of.Plan" ,ro-t-4-l_ --___:-_'- Approval of Planal/Q (2 eets reouired) ---- D"t6-- -io ro Amount of Permit F"" $ lZz.tort4.24_ P"idt Cash $ 91."5 ffi'An^'-Amount of Clean up Fee $ ,n1e_ Paid: Caeh $ (;hec}t Date permit ieeued _ I7m Tap fee paid Amount- l'inal inspection Date Signature 7;/./ r'tt.7-7i (All parts of building) Certificate of occrrpancy & cornpliance Construction clean- uP /'v B UILDING PERMIT Vail, Colorado A-+-/Date /-z( /e,O4- /P., Permit Pe rrnis sion is hereby granted /'/. E: ,Fzn.een a3 to caz:/Vuc./-a fuo story ,.s r7^.- .rddr""t Mo,t-, ,/{, J2hro/n. In accordance with the provisions set forth by the Vail ./,rchitectural Control Committee, subject to the rules and regulations as set forth in the Vail Village Protective Covenants, and in cornpliance with the 1964 Uniform Building Code. Tvpe of C onst ruction -T Group ,f -.1z' -/r Pprovecl La'144 //: Vail Ruilding Inspec e6f INSPECTICN RECORD (Fo r Departrnental use Only) INSPECTION trOUND/.TIONS .. PPROV} L COMMENTS DATE & SIGN/TURF .n FR' MING ) FINA t- ROUGHo 0) t4 FIN.,^ L ROUGH FIN.^ L bo a1 -1 o ROUGH.jl or FIN.^ L a .\ CATE OF OCCUPANCY AND COMPLIANCE vail. colorado .-:ly-1"-"-..1.1 g. -?--Q Permit is hereby granted-'--Dr''- -'R..-G'" - Bondi"'- -' "-- - - -- "' - " to occuPy the building as"Weet "haLL' - of- -'Sc hrader' -'REsi de nc e on Lots ----.--..-f'--------.--., Btock'-"'--E'--"'---'----"-"---'--'- Addition' Located in -----------------'lB'-'-"-"--'-- --- zoning district' The address knourgr as' - "Ye'i.}"'Val-I-e-y' - D'ei v-e" -' - - " -' - - " - - - - " Building Officid Lnft, CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPA NCY -- Vail, AND COMPLIANCts Colorado :I.u.1-Y-.-?-L t q 7 -Q-- '', Wavne St!t-l-9.!1""-'--'-------'--:'-- 1 Permit is hereby granted------"-"-"'---' "'--t- to occuPy the building asEas't -'h elf' -' of" -S chr'ader- -'Resid e n c e on Lirts - " ' 'F" ' ' '-"-, Block'-"""--'--'--'E-' --'- Addition' Located in "'--""------"--""-'-8"-"-- -- zoning district' \rail trallev -lIJ,-v"-"__. The address knov4r as -'-"-"""---' Applicant shall maintain said building in accordance 'with all present or ruture "";:;; ;;fr ';P;* torsanitation' buil' ding and zoning. /.1or_fr,q-4i UUAX.*..*tl-z, rd, officid INSPECIION RECORI) BUILDING DEPARTMENT Vail, Colorado Phone 476-561t Notice: Inspections will not be made unless tlris card is posted on the job. ALL subcontractors must be licensed and sign this ^ To Insure Inspection the same day call : 476-5613 before 11:00 A M DO NOT COVER UP ANY WORK NOT INSPECTED card to obtain inspection. Heaiting Electrical Plumbing Roofing Dry Wall or Lathing l T0 GoilPtY WrTil C0DE II{SPECIION RECORD Inspection To obta;'n in:pections call 4?6-5613. Inspections will be made the same day bn calis befo:e 11 A. M. No inspection will be made on Saturday, Sunday, or legal holidays. Date Approved Rej€ated By Inspections u'ill not be maile until permit has been secured and contrac' ior ha^s signed and placed his license number in the sPaceo above. Footings lu-.-€ I Eleotrieal Itl I Frarne l--l ') .,1 - Notice: Certificate of Occupancy and Compliance must be o - tained before structure is occupied, VAI t-r DA]LY BUILDING INSPECTION REPORT O Buildins: $a (cvrbb,na) contracto"' $su-aq Penmit *"rtZrIZ 6i3f1l c!s. lssued't[ffft q.rhtrs f,trtrr*J;0.r. Date rssu.u,llnl f f Remanks rlt ,r*rio PE Juridiction of Applicant to complete numbered spaces only, PLAN CHECK VALIDATION cK. WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED (IN THIS SPACE' THIS IS YOUR PERMIT -1 -.n1< loN I' \)ii:tt I PERMIT VALIDATION ld INSPECTOR iEOhDER FhOM: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF BUILDING I DESCi.lflsee lrracr eo sxeetl MAI L AODREgS Zi P PHONE PRO E LICENS€ NO. H IIECT OR /OESICNER f|. ADoFESS a ,.f- PiONE LICENSE NO. MAIL ADDR ESS PHONE LICENSE NO. IL AODRESS BRANCH IJSE OF BUI LDI N G 8 Clas of work: n NEW fl AoDITION ,{ nlrrnnrtoN tr REPAIR tr MOVE tr REM0VE 10 Change of use lrom Change of use to l1 Valuation ofwork: $ ,R AO "o PERMTT FEE /l , SPECIAL CONDITIONS: Slze ot Bldg, (Total) Sq. Ft. OFFSTREET PARKI NG SPAGES: NOTICE SEPAFATE PERMITS AFE REOUIRED FOR ELECTRICAL, PLUMB. ING, HEATING, VENTILATING OR AIB CONOITIONING, THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTBUG TION AUTHORIZEO IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 60 DAYS. OF IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK ISSUSPENDEDOR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM- MENCED. RNING THISER SPECIFI EDIT OOES NOT oN. 3te|{aruRE ot coNIRACtoi oi au WORK WILL BE ( OR NOT. THE G:TO GIVE AUTH( Form lOO.l 959 oFFtctALs a 60 3o. r.o3 FoBLE9 a PAIAOE|rA. CALtFOiNtA 0llol )r'* BUILDING PE IT APP to complete altt-r1r loN lf 'I Jurisdiction of. spaces only. WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED (IN THIS SPACE} THIS IS VOUR PERM]T ( 13EE ATTACHEO 3HEET) I IC ENSE NO. ITEC' OR DESICN L AOOFESS a -tf- FHO|E LICEN3E NO. ENGINEEi MAI ! ADDFESS PHONE LICENSE NO. MA|L ADDiESS EiANCH USE OF IUI LDI N C 8 ctasofwork: ilNEw trAoDlTtoN r{nlrennrroN DREPAIR trMovE trREM0VE l0 Change of use from ll Vafuation olwork: $ jOOod SPECIAL CONDITIONS: Slze ot Bldg. (Total) Sq. Ft. OFFSTREET PARKING NOTICE SEPARATE PERMITS ARE REOUIRED FOR ELECTRICAL, PLUMB. ING, HEATING, VENTILATING OR AIR CONDITIONING. THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC. TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 60 DAYS. OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK TSSUSPENDEDOR ABANDONEDFOR A PERIOD OF 12O DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM. MENCED.I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE REAO AND EXAMINED THISAPPLICATION AND KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE REAO AND EXAMINED THISAPPLICATION AND KNOW TBE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT.ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS ANO ORDINANCES GOVERNING THISTYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIEDHEREIN OR NOT. THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT OOES NOTPRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THEPROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATINGCO-IISTRUCTITY OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. 5I6NA'UFE OF CONTIACTOR ON AUTI{OiI'E SOI L REPORT PLAN CHECK VALIDATION PERMIT vALrDAroN F {1,#'r TEMP. F ILE REORDEi FiOM: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF BUTLOING OFFICIAL9 ' 50 SO. LOg iOBLE3 ' PA5AOENA, CALIFOiNIA 9IIOIForm lOO.1 +69