HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 7 BLOCK 6 LOT 10 LEGAL (2)Project Name: Schwartz Residence Project Description: remove door/stairwny and replace with window Owner, Address and Phone: Alan Schwartz,3l Cooper Road, Scarsdale, NY 10583, 19141 723-1619 Architect/Contact, Address and Phone: Alleman Construction, 365 Vail Valley Drive,476-4831 Project Street Address; 1136 Hornsilver Circle Legal Description. Lot C, Blk 6, Vail Village 7tr' Filing oo Design Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL Buildins Name:Parcel Number: Comments. Board / Staff Action Motion by: Action: staffapproved Seconded by: Vote: Conditions: Town Planner: Brent Wilson t Qucstions? Call thc Pki::nirtg Staii'a:'i79-1123 APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL GENERAL INFORMATION This application is for any p[jcct rcquiring Dcsign R-cvi*v approval. Anyprojcct rcquiring dcsigrr rcvicrv ntust rcccivc Dcsign Rcvic\v approval prior to subnritting for a buiiding pcrmit. For spccific infonrtation' scc thc subrrrittal rcquircrrlcnts for thc particular approvat that,is rcquestcd. Thc apliication cannot be acccptcd until all thc requircd infbrnration is subnrittcd. f t c pio.lcct ntay also nccd to bc rcvicwcd by thc Tor"n Council and/or thc Planning and Environtucntal Contrnission. Dcsign ncvigrv Board approval expircs onc ycar aftcr final approval unlcss a building permit is issued anrl conslruction is startcd' ilo.a-IPTION OT THE REQUEST: LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: LOT:BLOCK: 1/ FILINC: PFTYSICAL ADDRESS: C, D. E. PARCEL #:(Contact Eaglc Cb. Asscssors Officc at 9?0-328-8640 for parcel #) F. U. r^ zoNlNc: Kgslder& czJL ' NAME OF OWNER(S): MAILINC ADDRESS:PHoNE:9't4'-3' )/to PHoNE: 4-' - 4tril Construction of a ncrv building' lncludcs any adriition lvhcrc squarc footagc is addcd to any rcsidcntial or comntcrcial building. lncludcs nrinor changes to buildings and sitc inlprovcmcnts' such as' rcroofing. painting, windorv additions, landscaping' fcnccs and rdtaining rvalls. ctc. DRB fccs arc to be paid at thc timc ofsubnrittal. Latcr. rvhcn applying for a building pcnnit' plcasc identiff thc accuratc valuation ofthcprojcct. ThcTownof Vait rvitt adjusf thc fcc according to thc projcct valuation' PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPLICATION, ALL SUBMITTAL REQUTRENTENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENToFCOI\IMUNITYDEvELoPtvIENT,T5SoUTHFRoNTAGERoAD' O\\'NER(S) S TGNATURE(S): NAME OF APPLICANT: TYPE OF REVIEW AND FEE: D Nov Construction - $200 tr Addition - $50 [fvlinor Altcration - S20 H. TOl'/iN OF VAIL MAILINC ADDRESS: vAIL, COLORADO 816s7. PROPOSED TREES AND SF.{RUBS: EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED: CROUND COVER SOD SEED IRRICATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL PROPOSED LANDSCAPING Botanical Nanrc Conrrnon Namc Ouanfity Sizct *Mininrunr rcquircnrcnts for landscaping: dcciduous trccs - 2 inch calipcr conifcrous trccs - 6 fcct in hcight shrubs - 5 gallons Typc Squarc Footasc OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls, fences, swirrtrning pools, etc,) Plcasc specify. hdicate top and bottom clevations of rctaining walls. Maxinrunr height of walls rvithin the fiont setback is 3 feet. Maximum hcight of walls elscwhcrc on the propcrty is 6 fcct. 'l Udatcd 6/97 PRE.APPLICATION CONFERENCE A prc-application confcrcncc with Town of Vail staff is rcquircd. No application can bc acccptcd unlcss thc trtandatory prc-application nlccting has bccn conrplctcd. lt is thc applicant's rcsponsibility to schcdulc this rnccting by calling 970-479-2128. rrME REOUTREMENTS Thc Dcsign Rcvicrv Board nrccts on thc lst and 3rd Wcdncsdays of cach month. A complctc application fornr and all acconrpanying nratcrial rnust bc accepted by thc Comnruniry Developmcnt Departnrent a rrrinirnunr ofthrcc and a half(3 l/2) wecks priorto thc date ofthc DRB public hcaring. REVIEW CRITERIA ..' Youi proposal will bc rcvicwcd for conrpliancc with thc Dcsigrr Guidclincs as sct forth in Section 18.54 of the M unicipal Codc. tf a propcrty is Iocatcd in a mappcd hazard arca (i.c. snow avalanchc, rockfall, floodplain, dcbris florv. rvctland. ctc). a hazard study nlust bc subnrittcd and thc owncr nrust sigrr an aftidavit rccogrizing thc haz;rrd rcport prior to thc issuancc ofa building pcrnit. Applicanls are cncouragcd to chcck rvith thc planning staffprior to subnrittal of a DRB application to dctcrrninc thc.rclationsh ip ofthc propcrty to ull nrrppcd hazards. lJasic l)lan Shcct Fornrat. For all survcys. sitc plans. landscapc plans and othcr sitc irnprovcnrcnts plaus, all ofthc follorving nrust bc shorvn. l. Plan shcct siz.c rrrust bc 24"x 36" . For largc projccts, largcr plan sizc may bc allowcd. 2. Scalc, Thc rnininrunr scalc is l"=20', All plans nlust bc at thc sanrc. scalc. 3. Craphio brr scalc. 4. North arrorv. 5. Titlc block. projcct namc, projcct addrcss and lcgal dcscription. .6, . Indicaiion of plan.prcparcr. addrcss and phonc nurubcr. 7. Dutcs of original plan prcparation and all rcvision datcs. tt. Vicinity nrap or location tnap at a scalc of l"=l,000' or largcr. 9. Shcct labcls aud nunrbcrs. l0 , A bordcr with a minimum lcft side rnargin of 1.5". I l. Narncs oFall adjaccnt roadways. 12. Plan legcnd. For new constmction and additions. the applicant must stake and tape the project sitc to indicate propcrty lincs. proposed buildings and building corncrs. All trees to be rcmovcd must be taped, Thc applicant must ensurc that staking done during thc wintcr is not buried by snow. All site tapings and staking must bc complctcd prior to thc day of thc DRB mceting. Applicatts who fail to appear bcforc the Design Revicw Board on their schcduled nlceting date and who have not asked in advancc that discussion on their itenr be postponed, will have thcir items rctnoved fronr the DRB agcnda until such tinre as the itcm has becn rcpublished. lfthc DRB approvcs the application with conditions or modifications, all conditions bfapproval tuust bc re.solvcd pdg1 to thc issuance of a building pcrmit. il. III. tv. B. C. D. E. Updated 6197 z}-:b/', -'4R ) tt &Ftc, 4- s $rrlI( r/1 Lr {E: IN ) x-t fA+5E iES€ fxe 3 .F=ag;;j + € flF c: r.E -Vo o- + E€ 5 ]\R = , ,--\ :: 'l1}i o'" '. I ['llI .xt,'.':-,--_{ v tl U J t- 0 of\ n0 N LD .\ 6qJ T cg <.€l tol-.r a.o , 2F l/) 5 -c> ( 6ta'tr, o {tf,bY 4, a-at) 7!t-!.llvu --,r'll., ; :raJ . k335Fl...'-g 55US-85-F n[Sd 3+ {>€30- i E-# Tf(rEd) 5 fi & + 5 s4a#€te e : .-; \'ii + F-- .-- - -- ::=1J ,L--fr_---=;-:-= '!! I .-'\'--Jf)ts--iiv/ l ,'i, -* -- =::;---:{ I I I I i I tl 1l J t- 0 -:'- - - _:_:=f l ,j ,.^t..-:.'{'Jl-=*'i --r.i, 'I'fit ll*n-. .:_--=-=t Tirhri,, |;f,li^, ' f, t::.9 €qqJ:dD<\dNR'CE cq <Na1 'dtrl r-\ (-q,ans,z OJsr u) d c>. €t5'& Lo N+ <..+r F)A-qU: -,L ti L!.fl.vu --r' u- A 0l.lNER 0F PR0PERTY_-jlype prLlrint) James M. Eckhart and A. Rae Eckhart NAME OF APPLICANT James M. Eckhart and A. Rae Eckhart lucTURE 0N A PUBLrc RrGHT-0F-!{ll PERMIT TO ERECT OR MAINTAIN Fence t{all TLandscapinlf 0ther ADDRESS 1136 liornsilver Circle LEGAL DESCRIPTION 0F PR0PERTY T0 8E SERVED: LOTe&10810CK SUBD.Vail Village 7th Filing(If necessary, attach description on separate sheet. ) Corner lot Inside lot x DESCRIPTI0N 0F STRUCTURE 0R ITEM(S) INTO RIGHT-0F-I,IAY stonewallAttachplansshowingencroachment,property.line,sid, meters' manholes, any other affected apurtenance in the project area (to scale or dimensioned) and section(s) as well as elevations (if applicable). Does structure presently exist? v"" Proposed date for commencement of construction In consideration of the issuance of a revocable permit for the structure above indicated,applicant agrees as follows: l. That the structure herein authorized on a revocable permit basis is restricted exclu-sive'ly to the land above described.2, That the permit is limited specifical]y to the type of structure described in this appl i cat ion.3. That the applicant shal1 notify the Town Manager, or his duly authorized agent, twentyfour hours in advance of the time for commencement of construction, in order that profer inspection may be made by the Town.4. That the applicant agrees to indemnify and save harmless the Town of Vail from and against all c] aims, suits, damages, costs, losses and expenses in any manner resulting from, arising out of, or connected with the erection or maintenance of the aboveidentified structure. That the permit may be revoked whenever it is determined that the encroachment, obstruc-tion, or other structure constitutes a nuisance, destroys or. impa.irs the use of theright-of-way by the public, constitutes a traffic hazard, or thb property upon whichthe encroachment, obstruction, or structure exists is required for use by the public;or it may be revoked at any time for any reason deemed sufficient by the Town of Vail.That the applicant wi'l I remove, at his expense, the encroachment, obstruction, orstructure within ten days after receiving notice of any revocation of said pennit. That the applicant agrees to maintain any landscaping issociated with the eircroachment on the right-of-way. That in the event said removal of the encroachment, obstructjon, or structure isnot accomplished withjn ten days, the Town is hereby authorized to remove same and have the right to make an assessment against the prdperty and collect the costs of removal in the same manner as general taxes are collected. That the permit so issued is not assignable, and is issued solely to the undersigned appl i cant. That the applicant has read and understands a'l'l of the terms and conditions set forthin this appl icat'ion. Special conditions:None 6. 7. 8. o 10. ll. dxlrr nt owners oate I /u gna nre ry',/p?gnatur roper APPRO ).i1,, ve opmen '/,/:'. nager '/ out" /, t H olme Roberts & Owen 6ot 1S lll llwi crur.t A'cflr Cckr$.r S!..rs\ Cclo.rlb 1600t tuib trlo 50 gardr Mrln NOlr 3.lr l-ijn Ciry. rJd,\ LL4 D id S. Stc.Cbl Aibrneya at laul gulc 4m nmUHb tusr, Cohiilb f0t0t lllrrfiotra (3O9) f6l{ffi ft|.co$lc t66{r00Dld4fi,|tfl,ilanuary 5, 1989 Itcrrr ,l|:hr. 'r. r t!*. s- L& Er-! h. G 'i!6h r,!6d. l!:... \,it5 . { l,l0l Fari {- EoqL(h'. fd, |]at . VIA TELECOPY Telecopy No. 303-479*2L57 Mr. Rlck Pylnan Town Planncr, Town of ValL 75 So, FrontaEB Rd.VatI, Colorado 8165? Rs: EckhErt-Brubaker Purchaee and 6aleof Horne losated at 1136 HornEllver Circle,Vail. Colorado 81657 Dear Rlck: Encloeed ls a draft letter to Mr. ancl Mre. Eckharr-and to f.',and Tlt1e ragardlng the €nsroachr[€nt problerns lnconnection wlth the reeldence located on Lot fO and parte c,: lgls 9 and e,,Bloctr 6, vatl vll1aEe ?th Flllng. Hopefull.y,thls letter wlll neet with your atrrproval and fou witt Ue iii.:to prepare it and deliver 1t to the Eckharts and Land tlt}e i.c;nnection with thelr cloelng of the purchase of the honeschedulEd for today. I would appreclate your Fendlng rne by telecopy a cipi'of t,he final letter you prepare ahd dali,ver to the Eclf,arts*nd Land Tltls. My telecopy no. lE 303-966-0200 NiS/rE EncloEurE cc: Me. NeLl Hunt ({encl. )Mr. W111 Lewie (Vencl.)- via Telecopy -- Vla Telecopy - (303-476-4534 i(303-476-3i8S) I appreclate your hetp ln thiTrnatter. very tgl{,y -yturs, /lh"d/ t luwn 75 soulh Ironlage road vail, colorado 81657 {3,ca|.a;€+€roc COI4PANY NME: FAX PHONE NO.: TRANSMITTAL COVER SHEET Zl-b o?oo rJo Ds YD0n€-Eff. N0.: _{'l?-Jt3g iili oorr, rl5/21 rmE:t'51 NO. OF PAGES IN OOCUITIENT (NOT INCLUOING coVER SHEET)' 3 RESPONSE REQUIRED?: SENT BY: >\ . sis-'erc // z ---- u/ <,.-a , ..o \) t, \/ \ /t_ / \/\' \/ I \\\\ -...- \. \ r^0 i,;Q'L .a ,, L) \ \ \\ 1.. \ \ \ \'.-i't-- .-I- \- \ a \' ( \\ \ 'l I I A \> Y I!31 -. ^. -9,, 0o/t4 0" \J\ q) Ur\ ab r...\ '-' luJ\\s\ -' \9\$q - \ o-- \_s ! \-K\) \ I a 4c'-i /* ' lt 14 l{ h lAr \ c+-.qyqil wii::i*'{'- lr. c. .i1 :s vi t,trv-(; Fl - r'r '>)-:\-<--\ S:.,ot"o4_2,,=t,iE (zJ) )tn ii 91 \J {$ o*t Srrt\t' . i'r --@;)l o-..o \-:r' - -- g)^- .-.. .\ (cda.,_acg\r/o Lii */?'6PL, Z ,t Zgj , L- < '- -=.-,- _,> J l.*/'e >-->.\. , -sic--ez. C'r fuo ".. j \.:.. rr,_!..: .:.j, .-...-- \ >\. t-ITtL r',9/', \\.- \I 't-Y \..\\\ \ \\ \.. \ \ I \ r^;O :,,,Q .Q) ,'L) v - -"--- /l/r--'l-/.- Y A | -'.'\ *.. \\ //t \ ,,i \ \\'r'\ i '/',r /r lX\ ' , \ I Dv i .' I l \0.,t, I / i 1\\ \t /t^' ,/ I \ ', /' , \ -/ _.-."- ttt:,_ ltKJ / .>>- ---- W/1t \r \,, ,l /\ \\ \, \ ,Y $, I {u N \ \ q?:e11 w#:*'EL /i( I r{,lu I fi v' /Uti ro- / I \v \) 'b 0 \' / \-\* / "r'/..r' /0" r-... l{.t \\q\ ^' \s-Is- \-5\tl rD qJ : a U\ qJ \ \)(\ sb c. 'l"l . t1..: :\u'..; '.I '...; i) n l. >. & q\ \ Y/ ttl . t;l'/ v;l , ' tt )o\ Qr h'/l$ /rz \ v',,. 'i/ l *-/ \J .\ \ a \) (\ i'.\ .--\t \ D (.'/l/ lz >.\..__ /-\''*t \r --7X.''-rt->( \ tt /v i-'\l \ ar ,) u) $ '\t t).a o\s .$ '-i-i . i? )-&lt --@ \' 13 (zl */9 6eL.z,+ Zgj Fl .1 .f Laf ?q' /G *,*.a il,tt L*.s's J^*: 'n4 C/," pJ ?81 t"!l*rf o a lown 75 soulh fronlage road vall. colorsdo 81657 (303) 476-7000 January 5, 1988 offlce ol communlly development Hand Delivered Janes M. and A. Rae Eckhartc/o Land Title Guaranty Conpany l-O8 South Frontage Road WestVaiI, Colorado 81657 Land Title Guaranty ConpanyAttn: Arlene Montage L08 South Frontage Road WestVaiI, CoLorado eiosz Re: Lot C, Resubdivision of Lots 8-L0, Block 6, VaiI Village 7th Filing, County of Eagle, State of Coloradoa/k/a 1136 Hornsilver Circle, Vail , Colorado 81657 Dear Mr. and Mrs. Eckhart and Land Title: This letter is to confirn that the residence located on the captioned property was constructed under Town of Vail approval .Accordingly, the portions of the wood deck, dwelling, concretewall, stone retaining waII and stairs into the building that encroach onto the setback areas, al1 as shown on the attached copy of the survey prepared by Johnson, Kunkel and Associates,Inc., dated Novernber 22, 1988, Job No. 88-250 (the rrsurveyrr) areIegal encroachments. Furthermore, the stone retaining wall shown on the Survey ltas approved by the Town of Vail in August 1981 for construction along the front property line. The Town of VaiI tras the authority to grant approval for the encroachment of this stone retaining wall onto Hornsilver Circle, as shown on the survey, through issuance of a revocable right-of-way permit. I will reconnend to the Town of Vail that such a pernit be issued to Mr. and Mrs. Eckhart. I have enclosed a form of request for issuance of such pernit with this letter. ,tames M and A Rae Eckhart Land Title Guaranty ConPanY January 5, 1989 Page 2 If you have any further questions reqarding this natter, please contact me at 479-2L34. Sincerely I>I-a --/ td'rY 196a/-l\'--' t r - Rick Pylrnan To$rn Planner RP/br Enclosure cc: Nancy J. Severson, Esq. ({encl) OwNewPhone NumbqsAre! 479-2138 479-2139 75 3oulh fronlagc roed vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 offlcc ot communlty developm.nl December 15, 1988 Mr. WiII Lewis 281 Bridge StreetVail, Co. 81657 Dear Will: I have been unable to locate the approved set of plans for theresidence on Lot 10, Block 6, Vait Village ?th Filing. If thebuilding was constructed under Town of Vail approval , which atthis point we must assume it was, the setback encroachnents you spoke of would be classified as legal encroachments. The Town ofVaiI would only begin action against the property if it was proventhat the existing encroachments were built without any approval .Since I arn unable to locate any plans at the moment this course ofaction seems very unlikely. The property owner also has the rightto request a variance to the setback reguirements at any tiure.If you have any further questions on this matter please contact rneat 479-2L3A. Sincerelv, R*?."^^JRick $rlman Town Planner fft;l,Residence Resub of Lots 8-10Vail Village 7th Building Permir 1fL56-78 January 29, L979 tnwn HI box lfi) vail, colorado 81657 (3031 476-5613 Earl J. ErubakerP.0. Box 550 Rocky Ford, Colorado 81067 department of community development Dear Mr. Brubaker: A Conditional Certificate of Occupancy has been issued on your residence with the understanding that the paving of your driveway be courpl-eted in the Spring of L979 and the landscaping be compLeted at that time also. If these items are not completed, the Town of Vail Building Official may cause thj-s Lo be completed at your expense. Your cooperation in this matter will be greatly appreciated.If there are any further questions, please contact me. I have read and understand the above condition for Conditional CertificaEe of Occupancv. /./3/6,/72 L'ALE SEAL Subscribed and s!'rorn to before me this J,Z- a^V ot&h*a,.,+ ,L979. .--.'|,_ .,____-_v- /7i" ja ssl inl;1-.;u, J;rn" 8,'i 9t3 ' box lfil Yail, colorado 81657 {303} 47&5613 January 29, L979 Earl- J. BrubakerP.0. Box 550 Rocky Ford, Col-orado 81-067 Dear Mr. Brubaker: department of community development Please sign the Oceupancy, haveoffice as soon If you have anylet us know. Sincerely, Mark W. Marchus Chief Building Official Encl. MWM: caj enclosed ConditionaL Certificate ofit notarized and return it to this as possible. questLons, please do not hesitate to i*Si"Residence Resub of Lots 8-10 ' Vail Village 7th Building Pe::urit lfl56-78 January 29, L979 box l(X) vail, colorado 81657 {3031 476-5613 department of commu nity.development Earl J. Brubaker P.O. Box 550 Rocky Ford, Colorado 81067 Dear Mr. Brubaker: A Conditional- Certificate of Occupancy has been issued on your residence with Lhe understanding that the paving of your driveway be completed in the Spring of L979 and the landscaping be completed at that time also. If these items are not compLeted, the Town of Vail- Buil-ding Official may cause this to be completed at your expense. Your cooperation in this matter wilL be greatly appreciated.If there are any further questions, pLease conEact me. I have read and understand the above condition for ConditionalCertificate of Occupancy. Mark W. Marchus Chief Building Official Earl J. Brubaker Date day of Date SEAL Subscribed and L979 . sworn to before me this z FI F. z O 4 d 5 2 rt] = tFd>>dooa YZ dFi iz az2A<; Ot42t]: O ,^l <' /\\ tf\ \- D-. I Fz o az F z .l F t\>T<F { :_ AF0co ,tzE< Za9il! \H pg F N o ut ul z ()z sc 2ut Eul ul i { 6 t ! Er ul o o z -o Jf o J< LLe =,-el- o uJ CC Xul ul z t l! t! z o FQ tt F 2 ul z ul UJttv ul z al o. IJJI zo F o z F G uJ J F z ulJ a uloE ttIE uJF 3 z ll, o uJ lJ- 6 uJ o- cn uJ Jv =E uJ E !J z F u, -)c)z IIJ t! ltlv E z F IIJ Iu J 3I ul E E Flt tt E F zl z o oz z o J t0tt llJ E-:0_ l-l o ot J* N -tn zo9 -o; z F9qd.6FCC90A>;io:z:< o.o>9 -.i Y B o zo F E uJo a uJ Cq a Q ulEoo a zo F 9 Er o IJJ o / CDg Isa,i- d! oo H. E. ANDERSON, Inc. II. B. ANDIS.I|()N F-ldrd|t Generol Conlraclor 796 26 Rosd - Phone 742-4r9t Grand Junctlon, Colorado El5Cl Nov. 28 1979 Torn of Val.I Box 1OO VaiI , CoIo, 8L657 Sire: Mr. EarI Brubakcr, It]5 Horasilvor Circle, hae cooplicd with all rcqui-rfmeats concernLng tbe rclean-upt dcposit on hie propcrty. This deposit wae oade by E I Anderson, fnc. oL 5/L5/78, R€c€ipt #tr5? on Peroit #L56?8. Pleaac loleasc this aoncy to Mr. Brubakcr at PO Box 55O, Rocky Ford, CoIo. 8IO57. Tbank you cc: Mr. Brubakcr Projecl Application Proiect Name: Proiect Description: Owner Address and Phone: Architect Address and Phone: ' + ,,,t.,-Legal D€scription: Lot f .*- , Bloc( * " i Zone: Zoning Approved: .'r {i /, ;,. 1 -,Lt ,< c/,,- /4..1^, i ,r,rl-. Catl k-4- Design Review Board Motion by: o^r" ' /' {- 77 DISAPPROVAL Second€d by: APPROVAL Su mmary:f qu /s., / J.(-C,<al(<a Zoning Administrator Chief Building Off icial THE MORTER/TODD PARTNERSHIP, AIA August 30, 1978 Dear Earl , This office pursued approval of various changes to your residence located on Lot C, a Resubdivision of Lots 8-10, Block 6, Vail Village Seventh Filing, at your request. I am p1 eased to inform you that those changes were approved by the Town of Vail. Spec'ifically, approval was granted for construction of an exteriorstair for the Guest Bedroom, located above the garage. The stairway design labeled "B", with open tread and balusters, was the specific design approved. Secondly, my discuss'ions wjth Mark Marchus, Chief Building 0fficia'l of the Town of Vail, lead to approva'l of installationof a storage loft above Bathroom 5. Access to this storage loft may be by means of a ladder attached to the wall. 0pen balusters (with a maximum opening of 9 inches) may be used as a guardrail between the storage Ioft and the Guest Bedroom. The minimum height of thjs guard-rail is 36 inches. If you have any questions on these matters on on any other item, p1 easenotify me. Cordia'11y, Wil I iam Pierce THE MORTER/TODD PARTNERSH t/ t-t/ cc:. . /l4ark Marchus 'Town of Vail WP:mrp i Brubaker Rcoky Ford, Colorado CROSSROADS AT VAIL BOX 1186 vAtL, coLoRADO 81657 476-5105 Project Appllcalion il-l +q-518 Proj€ct Name: PO€ct Description: Owner Address and Phon€: Architect Address and Phon€: , Filing ,l Zoning Approved: Design ReYiew Board APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL L,,ttnaqiwouc (f r 5nr* Chief Building Off icial . \,,J)^2"f rNs"=.tt FTEOU"EST DATE G Artu JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM E orHen FRITUE L-I PAFTIAL LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED {lu-u;AM PMMON COMMENTS: E}frPPRovED El-gPorl rHE Fo LLowr NG ,'' ''coRREcT|oNst, _ -- -') f]orsnpPRovED iECTIONS: I nerNsPEcr INSPECTOR DATE box 1fi} vai!, colorado 81657 (303) 476-5613 department of community development June 16, 1978 llorter,/Todd Partnership ATTENTION: Bill Pierce Box 1186 Vail-, Colorado 81657 Dear Mr. Pierce: Your request on behalf of the Brubakers for a Setback Vari.ance toi ttre Brubaker Residence on Lot C, Resubdivision of Lots 8-10, Vail Village 7th Fi-ling was brought before the Planning & Environmental Commission on June 13, 1978' This letter constitutes notification that this request'has been approved and granted unanimously by the Planning &.Environm-entar cornmission and this decision will be final ten (10) days from June l-4, L978 1f not appealed to the Vail Town Council. DST/gew P //n0\a @, Srneer* %er7 ,"//4.8{f;f'} €-^'* TnSp.Oa+e /zil4,. 2-2- z/' ,2'-3". (l A r' lr ,\ad c'e TgtslS ft-lL/{L Sincer S. Toughill Administrator OV'.v -z'''ct-L {u2- * ?q{ box 100 Yail, colorado 81657 l3o3) 47b-5613 department of community development June 16, L978 Morter/Todd PartnershiP ATTENTION: Bill Pierce Box 1186Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear Mr. Piercei Your request on behalf of the Brubakers for a Setback variance for the Brubaker Residence on Lot c, Resubdi"vlsion of Lots 8-10. Vail Village Tt re the P16nni6}-& Envj-ronntental Commission on June 13, Lg78' - This letter constitutes notlfication that this request has been approved and granted unanimously by the Planning & pnvironmentaf Commission and this decision will be final ten (10) days from June i-4, L978 if not appealed to the Vail Town Council. DST/gew Sincer S. ToughiIl Administrator lEr PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS IIEREBY GMN that Morter/Todd Partnership, representing Brubaker, has applied for a variance from the provisions of Section 18.13.060, Setbacks, of the Municipal Code for the Town of Vail in order to construct a new residence to be located on Lot C, resubdlvision of Lots 8-10, Vail Village 7th Filing. Application has been made ln ascord with Chapter 18 .62 of the Municipal Code. A Public Hearing will be held in acoordance with Section 18.66.060 of the Municipal Code on June 13, 1978, at 3:00 P.M. before the Town of Vail Planning & Environ- mental Cornnission. Said Hearing will be held in Vail Municipal Building. TOWN VAIL DEP DEVEI.,OPMENT ana S. Toughill Zoning Admlnistrator Published in the VaiI Trail May 19, 1978 TYOF ,:(o^{ f0' ',. ' ' Y ,\" ,K? jlL t-v c ,1)''7 APPLICATION FOR VARIANCE And/0r COND I T IONAL USE PERI"I IT Ordlnance llo.8 (Series of 1973) DaleApplicallon Hoa r ing Da fe Date 5 Publication HearinE Fee Flnal Dcclsion date for Town Councll r (we) T-,'r.breres/lZ e ^ +ur.F'r(r{*:( ' (Statc)(Clty) dc hereby requesf permission fo appear before the Vall Planning Comm i ss ion to req uest the fo I low i ng : 5{ Variance from Article-, Section Zon i ng Change f rom foParking Va r i ance Conditional Use Permit to allow in Zone . For thc follovring described properfy: Lot/tr u"l' C. , Aloc| L Fl li ng llumber Clearly state p u rpose and i ntenf of th is application l? /b/ trt H/6Hn 7-HE €;uRRzonano lera /+RE Cu,entz-/ euPl@ t4trn 4u. U-OtrtGS,. rHiC exta)ndrz SignaJure of App I icarf Not-y-o nc7- //)rHFrRF- tlrr71-t//Et/J6 NAf RHUII<E V/netA-t,= fA Wno\b oF fttE Za*/ulc- Cy€olrl,4rzCE PEcl-4)72 tha- rA Ddiry)G ffira/eert z- 3urte/nAe. o .MEIIORANDUM TO PLANNING & ENVIRONI,{ENTAL DEVELOPIIENT tr'ROM DEPARTI,IENT OF COMI'IUNITY DDVELOPMENT DATE 8 June 1978 REF REQIIEST FOR SETBACK VARIANCE FOR BRI]BAKER RESIDENCE, LOT C, BESUBDIVISION OF LOTS8-10, VAIL VILLAGE ?th FILING. Morter/Todd Partnership, representing the owner has requested a variance of 4 ft. from ttre requiredfifteen ft. side setback on the eastern side of the 1otin order to construct an extension to an already approvedsingle-family residence. The residence has alreadyreceived a Building Permit for plans without the extension. The variance has been requested to preserve the maximum number of trees on the site. The Department of Community Development has revj-ewedthe criteria and findings provided for i.n Section 18.62.060of the Zoning Ordinance and our conclusions are as follows: CONSIDENATION OF T'ACTORS 1. The relationship of the requested variance toother existing or potential uses and structuresin the vicinity. The only residence affected by this variance requestis located to the east of the Brubaker's 1ot. This residence is 30 ft. from the nearest point of 'the proposed extension. This is 5 ft. in excess of what the Zoning Ordj.nance requires as the minimum distance between these two buildings. The extension would only be 12 feet in height and would not bl-ock the views of any neighboring residences. 2. The degree to which relief from the strj.ct orliteral interpretation and enforcement of specl-fied regulation is necessary to achieve compati- bility and uniformit5z of treatment among sitesin the vicinity or to attain the objectivesof this ordinance without grant of specialprivilege. Due to the existing topography of the site, wefeel that the variance request is warranted. The structure has been carefully located on the lot to remove as fewtrees as possible, and this has created the setbackdifficulty. The applicant is permi.tted by the Zoni.ng Ordinance to have the additional space in the proposed extension. 'l o Pe. 2 Biubaker - Request for Setback Variance 3. The affect of the requested variance on light and air, distribution of population' transportation and traffic facilities, public facillties and utilities, and public safety' l[e do not foresee any adverse affects upon these factors. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS The Department of Community Development fi-nds that: 1. That the granting of the varlance will not constitute a grant of special privilege incon- sistent with the limitations on other properties classified in th': same district. In order to save fully matured trees, we feel that this side setback variance ot + tt. is warranted and is not a grant of special Privilege. There are very few properties in avalanche zones facing the difficulty prelented by this 1ot' -'Because of the development fimiiaiions in these zones, efforts should be made to allow reasonable development i-f posslble' The proposal of the applicant requests only a setback variance ot 4 tt. to a11ow-tonstruction totally outside the haz*td area. This should not.be considered a special privilege. 2. That the granting of the variance will not be detrimentat to the public health, safety, or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or imProvements in the vicinitY. (See number 3 under CRITERIA AND FINDINGS) 3. That the variance is warranted for one or more of the following reasons: a. There are exqeptional or extraordinary . circumstances or conditions applicable to the site of the varianc e that do not aPPIY in the same zone. Thepurposeofthisvarianceistopermitbettersite utilization. The Department of Community Development recommends approval of this request. 8 June 1978 " Perm}No. r,'1 0 6 d VAIL WITCN AND SANITATION DISTRICT luttn nWATER AND sEwER TAP PERMIT B"pl!,L," rtLsT TAP PERMIT WILL NOT BE ISSUED UNTIL TAP FEES NAME OF JOB LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION GENERAL CONTRACTOR PLUMBING OR MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR EXCAVATING CONTRACTOR Oato Billed PAID IN FULL. Ltc. No. Lrc. No. Lrc. No. SIZE OF TAP:Water 3 E//MeterSize-ao-i, . Fr- FNUMBEROFUNITS -r'l LS. (x$60O.001 =Amount b-/- Finance Oirector Bldg. Oept. -whila; - waterand Sanllallon - Grsen:- Publicworks - Canary;- Conlrrctor - Pinki- Accounting -Goldonrod ,.2 / a"-.,{991t,7ra i4 Z 4_n-o YNL t.tArB &-gNllnTlcN DtsrRlsr H E fr/"le'lff/t&iire' wArER t tH Gorgo,-ea YFS'I:. . -=,?e ,2O"2'' Ml€ oF lfu.rE O'l?lER .STREET ADDBESS _ AtccK t,5 tn'{ ' /L/ 1. 1I1T BIIIII6 ADD1ESS 5. 6. 7,' 9. 10. BASTN & IOILET. (oue xet-r gnrnl BfiRA SINI(S RTl- BA]H(srgrm oR TtE{ BNIN, TOILEU KITG{NS DIStllAslms |JL$ENIES . GER wNxai) TCE I,IACIINES silnAS wern oouns & ilATER rcWTAIIIS ${Il'l,lltlc POts ffi'l3lv,rATER . tntnnrn oF cl€, FUI 8A1ts mils Ktr0€,1 DISII{A5I€R I.AII'IDRIES O'TSIDE WATER tgrAl- POlNrs txL,fr /x ,E /x lx /x 7.5/,o. t{ , I I x x .E 5.m lffi {-rPrfin€t{rs-- l. 2, 5, 4. 5. x 3.S x 1.Srlt x' .5) x l.fll = 21,2< ffi rffi ';*i*;fr1fg;3ffi 'rffi ffi ffi :[itr*';',R:ffi Bo RD oF ot*iSt'ti''n''orl DtsrRlcTVAIL WATTR r\ /xs.n = [ffi*!t',',liF,ffZ*STUDIOS) I x x xzx Lm= ry 2.fi LM .50 .E= ,b= ' $.m Potns: Lffi u|--re ^^.-,r B =$lcrrAL tntrszj-14)-\.5 .--,-.n ,4 PUBLIC NOTICE NOT.ICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Morter/Todd Partnership, representing Brubaker, has applied for a variance from the provisions of Section 18.13.060, Setbacks, of the Municipal code for the Town of vail in order to construct a new residence to be loeated on Lot C, resubdivlsion of Lots 8-1O, Vail Village ?th Filing. Application has been made 1n accord with Chapter 18 .62 of the Municipal Code ' . A Public Hearing will be held in acoordance with Section 18.66.060 of the Municipal Code on June 13, 1978, at 3:00 P.M. before the Town of Va1I Planning & Environ- mental Commission. Said Hearing will be held in Vail Municipal Building. TOWN VAIL DEP OF ITY DEVELOPMENT ana S. Toughill Zoning Administrator Published in the Vail Trail May 19, 1978 rEt I t PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GMN that Morter/Todd Partnership, representing Brubaker., has applied for a variance from the provisions of Section 18.13.060, Setbacks, of the Municipal Code for the Town of Vail in order to eonstruct a new residence to be located on Lot C, resubdivision of Lots 8-lO, Vail Village 7th Tiling. Application has been made ln accord with Chapter 18 .62 of the Municipal Code ' A Public Hearing will t'e held in ascordance with Section 18.66.060 of the Municipal Code on June 13, 1978, at 3:00 P.M. before the Town of Vail Planning & Environ- mental Commission. Said Hearing will be held in Vail Municipal- Building. TOWN VAIL DEP OF DEVELOPMENT ana S. Tougbill Zoning Administrator Published in the Vail Trail May 19, 1978 TY '1,yP eR Qe 6:DE-NC{ o, atfl/4,;zr TYu /at 0"rbe, ,;4^(E) + +<,e*n7@frF4'efufu=-= - tc,E.i-/& E//s/aN {U =s /q&t{,{€ L Q*tLx*r . Best coPY Available - - ?5r/97,4, 57 0o ,- I /a7;5 ,U 6Fffi ler'taeN eruLry_ Vnq/a I, -92 lE ' YAIL I6IEX tr' vrN I r}rr rLt r"e'rt' .P O 8OX JJJ ^.-- REsrDEr.rrALwArER ssB.E|" rotll,Xffiff "* pnrsrcA,.l *tt o*cx /' MfG OF tEl'lE OrltlER STREET toT l. EAsB4sn - JST FLOOR bD FLooR e JfiD FLMR 2, 3i 4. BASRENT IST FLOOR ?o rumn 5RD FL@R EASB4ENTl,st FL00R 2m nooa JRD fl-OM Bt[tIE ADBESS 5. 5. 7, 8. 9. 10. AEAEIIEML EASIN & TOII..ET.(olr HAU BATHJ E$RA SINIG FUI- BATH (stgrlER oR TtBr BASIN, TOILET' [ffi$:'l[F'ff'7* snDI0S' .nioors x Dtst0,lAsHERS x 2,fi LM .50 ,E= ,84 x,E= l.m =4 t0 t/Ptt /trx* 2A /xL,fr = /b- x,E= (x3,6 =/2- LlLsrDRlES - GER wsm) lcE t$to{lNEs sAul s WAT€R MOL.ERS 8 I.IATER FO${TAIIIS ${l}t4ltG PSIJ JAoJ,zl CII'TSIDE }'IATER . 0.ilHtm.rq or oNu Rtr BAI}S Roof4s Ktrcl6l DISI+IAST€R I.AINMIES (x'fSTE WATER T'TAL POINTS 205 I'\-t ' - o5- ----- x x x 5.Sx 5,ffi2 X I.tlJ l. 2, 3, 4. 5. x 3.O x l.m rlil x' .1) € I zb.5 x I.(X) = ' $.m PorNis.= Lm YJ rorn- urtrs4' i'# -i/E?O's#;/ta : ffi flig,5tEffim'nrrl^*.*:,i-ffi *ffi ilffi #r 80ARD oF DIRE/-^ vAtL vr rER ,vri'i,iirrnrron DIsrRtcr SINGLE I'AMILY RESIDEMIAL AND RESIDENTIAL ZONING CHECKLIST Legal Descriptiqn:UU lK(Lot C Equals Buildable Area: Height: Actual ^f Pri,r.,ar.,rl /^' , tzone Dlstrict: '12^q4 Proposed use: <-'i 1llc Favu 'lY U Lot Area r l9,SSOMinus Hazard Area: Setbacks: Required - Front ,o' , , Sides to' + f 'n""tlg:-* 5.- A .. Actual - Front ap ' , sides IaL'; li',Bear F o I *-/ I Q*., /flk=M i.trr""o Buildinss: Required - Actual /- ?o.B.F.A. Alrowed: Buildable Area ,lfu " p = 3i78 e *,tu t 3, odlorls ",1L d _Sit'e Coverage: Allowed - Lot Area u x- %, -/'Landscaping: Required - Lot Area u x -%Parking:Required A Actual L/ $1ope Actual Be Paved Avalanche Flood P1ain Slope Drive: Slope Permitted ParkJ-ng and Drives Must Envi ronme nt a\ | Hazar d : Comments:ors* Distance From Trees Removed S"l loo, g tt4 U; ol .r|;on Creek 6 Z. -?r*"'.1 : +(r?.s Bo*t r ryrg*TyZoning Approval;strator o OAz hctK V lF-Blrc*. i I I i Tofi" I __ _ fr ;! Pt;; -lii --13-rx!-1 J7x -3J.s_:_ , _.718-5 - -.,*11&f!tx-F-*= T \.. :\ - 1F-*Jsf Ao = 7o #-:*3}; 7e+ a75 *. I e = 6\ -?3=- -at3z?rz.t lz:- 8t i3' 1AW3l,rg[tao; et -i J o TmitN' ii fJ o T s VAIL WATER METER AND SANITATION DISTRICT INSTALLATION PERMIT METER TO BE INST NAME OF JOB ADORESS AND/OR LEGAL DESCR PLUMBING WITH TOWN C MoterSize CONTRACTOR )' Meter Numb€r Oatel$u€d Bill this Amount to Plumber do./g 3/g/ oALL FoR pHyslcAL ANo METER rNspEcroN WHEN TNSTALLED 47s's613 Exr.2so 6:4 f (% -9f- 3/q' /7ru 71 Q Vail Water & Sanitation Districl Bldg. D6pt. - whlt6;-water & Sanitation - Canary;- Conlractor - Plnk;- Accounting - Goldsnrod -.,f,_ tuwn u llilI box 100 vail. colorado 81657 {sosl ,lZ'6-sers dcArartment of conrntunity rtcvetopment June 16, 1978 I'lort er /Todd PartncrshiP ATTBNTION: Bill Pierce Box 1186Vail, Colorado 81657 .: Dear. lrlr. Plerce: YourrequestonbehalfoftlreBrubakersforaSetbacl< Variance toi ttre Brubakcr Resiclelce on Lot C, Resubclivision of Lots 8-19,--.Yar-1-Yif.l-.-4g9.--Z!-b-Lil.i-ng-vras--brougltt-before i f t u-pf lffrnf G-t- En" i ro n-_n1 c ; t a1 e.rnun i s s i ot-t on Jrtn e 1 3, I 9 7 8 . - Thj.s ]etter constitutes notification that this ruqu.=t has been approved ancl grantecl unanintousli' bv tl.r9- Planning & f,lnvi.ro1t"ttt"l Cornmissiop and this clecision rvil-1 be final ten (1O) days front June 14, 19?8 if not appealed to the VaiI Torvn Cortncil DST/gew Sincer a S. 'Toughill ing Administrator :.J PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY cIVBN that ltorter/Todd partnership, representing Brubaker, has applied for a variance from the provisions of Section 1g.13.060, Setbacks, of the Municipal code for the Town of vail in order to construct a nerv resldence to be l0catecr on Lot c, resubdivision of Lots 8-10, Vail Village ?ilr FiJ.ing. Application has been made ln accord with Chapter 18.62 of the Municipal Code. A Public Hearing rvilI be held in accordance wlth Section L8.66.060 of the Munlcipal Code on June L3, 19?8, at 3:00 P.M. before the Torvn of Vail planning & Environ- mental Commlssion. Said Hearing will be held in Vail Municipal Building. Zoning Administrator PubLished in the Vail Trail lrlay 19, I9?g TOWN F VAIL. ENT OF ana S. Toughill ,t) o ,-."\ ,'t0"t K'q1!',ro K 7 at! t-Y APPt tcAT IO FoR V^ntAuCt Ar.,dlOr cot{otT to lL u5€ r€nl. T Ordl^onco llo. I (Sorlos ot l97fl furt/,f't*V;- /1 t/., -!h.4r=-:-------:t'on o 7f/!&@-(Sl.to) (Cl tyl do herqby rcqucsl pcr|'|i!slon 1o appoar bctoro lho Val I Plannlng Cgnrr,lsgloo lo rcquoil thc lol lonlng: .FH Vnrtonlo l.or ^.rt"to ,Scctlon lo( I Zonlng Chango trom( | Park i og Variancc I I Coodll lon.rl Usc Pornlt lo ollov ln z ono. v), ApFf icatfqn orr. 5 //O /7b' ,ubllcallon o.lo lloor Ing 0otc lloarl^g Fco Fln!l noclslon doto lor lo|,n Cooncl I | (Yo, for lho f of lor.f ng dcscrll,od propo.tyt tol/tracflQ-_., gtoev L Fl I Ing llu|nbc r Cleorly stolo purnose and lnlcni ot lhls !ppllcatloo -fua--ape-,tu=r---nai- 4 -2 Fr</+'--r1ar'-, .'v= .-a jBe 't2 lz 4A F,,'4r .:Erg'4.4 77/= at)P,eFrlf ,;gf4t+-E h.t do you toef f 5 lhe basls for he rdshlp In thls cascl.'f7tF /@Zi egr;-"r-F )4 |-ccnrT'r, ,-2^ a /-lEs/ yb \4irE. /f) t)n FFf14R f n> pRfS:F:t tE T7-tt= '7-,.1 1=- rF471 .,.t /71/?fra)r1 ,,../: t?lF RF..,lrr=.21-.,= ,.n E, V/E .?r=nL,/ /R:./=/1 6F t:74a.'K.. 77.t1= E"p>-r>-r-, /7F- -rl* 5 /6/ trt H/r-/+n VHc='€uR&*"a/)a Lar6 ,'1'<E CuenZtY euqEQ N/91 P,'kDtDG6' .TV//o tVxrt'tnar;5l9aalu.o ol App I icontNctlt> f2oT- //?tt=/1r:raeF- tJlrtl -L4E JO Naf nr=<LlXe Vnetanc,= rz) fzRnc;F2 oF rttE Zc*lt^/t' 6y@lr? ArzCE PGr<rrtirl r),te- rA DPflnCL= rcrAlEEn Y 6uttD/r'6b. &z/t 7;.1 /*.MEI,IOnANDUM O' PLANNING & ENVIRONI,I]INTAL DIVELOFITEI.IT, DEPANT!,IIINT OT COI.,II.IUIIITY DI'VI.:IPP}{I]NT 8 June 1978 TO Fno[l DATE nBF nEQUTIST FOn SBTBACK VARIANCE IOR BnuBAI$r(RrlSrDliNcE, LOT C, nESUDDTVISTON Or LOTS8-lO, VAIL VILLACE ?tlr fILING. - I'lorter/Tocld partnership, rcprcsenting the ownerhas requested a variance of 4 ft. flom the requiredfifteen ft. sicle setbaclc on the eastern sicle of the lotin order to constmct ar: exten.sion to au alreacly approveclsingle-famj.ly residence. The re.sLclencc has alriady-received a Bui.lding permit for plans rvithout the extension.The vari-ance has bcen requestecl to preserve the mirximumnunrber. of trees on the site. ' fhe Departrnent of Cornmunit:,, Dcvelopment has reviewed.the criteria ancl .findings providecl for in section lg.62.060of . the zoning ordi.nance ancl our conclusions are as forlorvs: CONSIDDRATION OF T'ACTOBS 1. The relationship of the requested variance toother existing or potential uses and structuresln the vlcinity . The only resiclence affectecl by this variance requestis located to the east of ilre Bmbaicer's 1ot. Thisresidence is 30 ft. from the nearcst point of'the proposeclcxtension. This is 5 ft. in excess of what the Zoltingordinance reqtrj.r:es as the minimrin cli.stance betrveen thesetlo buildings. The extensiou rvoulcl only be 12 feetin height and would not broch the vie's of any neighboringresidences. 2. The dcgree to which relicf from ilre strict orliteral interpretrtion and enforcement of speci._fied regulation is necess:rry to achieve compati-bility and uniformity of trcatment among sitesin the vicinity or to attaln the objectivesof this ordinance rviilrout grant of ipecial' privilege . Due to the existing topogr-nph)' of the site, wefeer that' the variatrce request is rvrrrarrtecl . The structurelras been crrcfurry locatcd on ilrc. lot to remove as fe'trees as possible, and this has crcated tlre setbnckdif f iculty. Thc applicrtnt is perntitted by ilre ZoningOrdinanc.c to hlr'e the ndditio'aI sp&ce in ilre proposedextension. i t I I'I t, I ;I : I L Il I II I I o Pg.' 2 ^ -r-!^^ ^rr rra-SiuUtLot - Request for Setbnck Variance 8 June 1978 3. The affeet of the requested vnriance on ligtrt onl-oii, -Oiuttiu"tion of population' ."un=poriftli;; ancl trattie facilities ' public taciritie;-;; tttititiu" ' ancl pubf ic saf ety ' IVe clo not foresee any adverse affects upon these factors CIIITDRIA AND FINDINCS The Depa-rtment of Community Devel'opment finds that: 1. That the grantlng of-the variance rvill not constititE-n g"n"t of sltecial privilege incon- sistent riitii iftu limitations on othcr properties classif iecl in th': same district' Inor<lertosavefrrllymaturedtrees,lvefeelthat this side setuaci< ;;;it;;;-br + iil-is-wutianted and is "oi-. grant of sPecial Privilege' There are very ferv properties in avalanche zones facing the dif f iculty preseutccl .tv ttti" fot' 'Because of the development ii*it"iions in t[L*" zones' efforts should be made to allol "uu"onalfe clevelopment if possible ' The ploposal of the applicant t"qt'o=i"'only a setback variance of 4 ft. to arro*-lon"tt*ction.t"toiiv-outside the hazard area. Thls srro'ia"ili.i"-""riidered i special privilege' 2. That tlle granting of the variance wilL not be detrinrental'totheputrLichealth'safety'or werrare', "lt ttt""iairy lnjurious to properties ' - . or improvements itr the vicinity' (See number 3 under CRITIIRIA AND I'INDINGS) 3. That the variance is rvarranted for one or more of the folloling reasons: a. Ttrere are exceptional or extraordinary . circrtmstances or conclitions applicable to iii"-"iie ot thc varianc e that do . not aPPIY in the same zone' Tlre purpose of thid voriance is to permit better site utilization. T rtl ilpi'"i1t9tit of cotnrnunitv Development ile.on,t"rt.ls. &pprovEtr bf this requcst' I Dear Earl , This.office. pursued approval of various changes to your residencelocated on Lot c, a Resubdivision of Lots e_io, stoit o, viil villageseventh Filing, at your request. I am pleased to inform you that t[osecnanges were approved by the Town of Vail. specifically, approval was granted for construction of an exteriorstair for the Guest Bedroom, located above the garage. The stairvaydesign labeled',B',, with open tread and ba'tusteis, was the specific-9.ljql approved. Secondly, my discussions with Mark Marchus, CtrietBuilding 0fficial of the lown-of Vair, lead to approval oi insta'l 'l ationof a storage loft above Bathroom 5. Access to tiris storage lori miy - be by means of a ladder attached to the wall. 0pen ba1usi""i-friir,"a.maximum opening of 9 inches) may be used as a fira"araii-between thestorage loft and the Guest Bedroom. The minimum-heiqht or in.is guard-rail is 36 inches. If.ygu have any questions on these matters on on any other item, preasenotify me. Cordially, }lil l iam Pierce THE MORTER/TODD PARTNERSH , AIA Mark Marchus Town of Vai'l THE MORTER/TODD PARTNERSHIP, AIA August 30, 1978 Earl J. Brubaker P.0.8ox 550'Rcoky Ford, Colorado 81067 .' ry CROSSROADS AT VAII ROX 1186 \/Af l flAt 6p1r, na-I orn(7 t-r? e.A. o g tt -c o o: F f .L Ic o- J JF u.lz a U z =IuJ F(o()@toF o u:) C'io (lca !E.! o d! l' Ego EE "s ,ig '. !an3 f 5- Fd E E: oF ol!Folo i{\)s \)s 313l{1813$ N srq \t t' v \s t x z tt- I s\\ \ =3 F-<q) o= = rrJa, t- r.|J =Etr >- z.<foO t/'t ^cEF5 r!e-Ja)1s EE 29 !,1 5 c,=aF IE ut! C'co .E tE5 lr.l I Y o(octct xolo o d at:g3t ! EF ctF|-' e.ol!o tL, z.(J anlrlo co (' (t c, tuE ^t!E i5 <1 1{ o(,:'6t! xc tn az 3 -t o (t(, Itu t! (u oa o \vt l.r j rir-t \?tnI:. )<lrq {r -Dr i!\) { I trE{- (ttii\ 7:, /!tti:; .-^* : ^0rlr .na\ l'(lr tuv \l t-r.br/ n { \ tu-tf'eom / t?J.(ttt.,t / o3sor, /. rtt4h ,/ \ &r^llal! u ti,l N 3 Uk ll.l aa\r\cts .-- i,2tx (L: *',)t'-p \.'.*,qo\a.5- '4.? ),r,.t -' (*:; 3S t- uLcb L;, t \ $lrltl ol d $ \s ;l\l\l \t)\)sJ \dl i\i..l o r{v t ,"slctoN REtu.ESr CALLER ZiZ4lr-L4...'L-" DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON ES o wED rHun .fr'' BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V, tr ROUGH / WATER D FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING O INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr GAS PIPING NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr o FINAL EL tr tr tr tr ECTRICAL: TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING ROUGH D tr tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL ROVED O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR Project Name: Contact Person and Phone Project Appllcallon tti project D€scrip r." I bt t l4lbft' sprt€ w)&Lu Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Comments: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL -''-'.'.--.:.'-'1 .-.r ;. rt?ra.'i^ ' !.,l&r rNsPE.t*FTEOUFST .a, TOWN OF VAIL oorrS-lLbl I ornen E pnnrrnl. READY FOR INSPECTION MON COMMENTS: TUE d.APP ROV E D E orsnppRovED EnetNsPEcr n uporu THE FoLLowrNG coRREcrloNS: CORRECTIONS DATE rNst=.tt TOWN OF FrEouFFr VAIL .{. E orxEn I penrral. LocATroN FRITUE READY FOR INSPECT!ON. WED ,THUR ;!l .!. AM,PM'MON COMMENTS: EleppR'ovED !orseppRovED fl nerNsPEcr , " ! upol,t rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTtoNS: CORRECTIONS '! . :--" --'*' INSiPEC E pannnu LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION I orxen (:'-?-) rHURTUEMON fl'epp RovED E orsnppRovED f] nerNsPEcr LI UPON THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECTlONS DATE o rNs"=.lo*FrEeuFsT TOWN OF VAIL JOB NAME E orxen E panrrnr. LocATloN )/..-._'\l AM. PM'FRITUE BEADY FOR INSPECTIoN- wED (i:nue),)..-..---.MON COMMENTS: ffi ott RovED E orsnpp Rov E D E upom rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTIoNS: CORRECTIONS fl nerNsPEcr TOWN OF VAIL DATE TIME RECEIVED JOB NAME Z-^, n ornrn I pnnrtnl.LOCATION MON GOMMENTS: TUE FRI AM PM FOR INSPECTION APPROVED E upol,r rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS E orseppRovED I nerNsPEcr o rNst=t|ot ,.EeuFsr fu-s 1../'ig'i' TOWN VAIL DAT B NAME TIME CE!VED ^4O, .ol*- fl orxen ! panrtll LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THURMON COMMENTS: TUE S'nenRovED I otsaeeRovED \ E uPoN THE FoLLowrNG coRRECTIoNS: CORRECTIONS I ner NsPEcr .'l , t .'",/' '(, a'i ". !'-', 11*"4-!'t vl..DATE INSPECTOR [!o Drtrlatlvail rNsr=.'** FTE.,EET TOWN OF VAIL E penrral LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION LJ APPROVED WED THUR r' FRI ' { 1r )..AM PM ! orsnppRovED fl nerNsPEcr ! UPOI'I THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS 9 * //-r'r""' P./ I r -''/r I y l --,.(..." DATE .> I ., i /. 1 JoB NAME TIME REcervED I ; -:i''' AM PM cALLER I ornen a) DATE INSPECTOR I lrrrstcfloN REQuES.T TOWN OF VAIL f: i DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLER TUES JOB NAME MON AMWED THUR FRI ,: !t- i BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS tr FOUNDATI tr FRAMING / STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D,W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER ON / STEEL D INSULATION tr SHEETROCK D GAS PIPING NAIL D POOL / H. TUB tr tr trtr FINAL FINAL l: ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER ECHANICAL: D tr D tr D HEATING tr ROUGH EXHAUST HOODS O CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr B/FINAL FINAL ,'/./ ry{fpnoveo CoRRecrrorus: D DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE -.) .'' - INSPECTOR ,"stcnoN TOWN OF *.r:j THUR REOUqST .a VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME INSPECTION: BUILDINGT tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr o POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL O FINAL tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIREDXnppnoveo COFRECTIONS: 7 i-; rA |11-r:.e L,t/1t ,,1 Lt ai J Z:1'a' 'fl i- E n--''INSPECTORDATE