HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 7 BLOCK 6 LOT 6 LEGALz Y Fo lt (,z o J F l! o 4 uJ z IJJ J =ul z oJ f F 2 f gl J I! oul ulF 3 F ul ul F uJ z F oo z ul 3ulz Ft! z FI ulI z F IJJ z o()o o u,l TL C'utco c I.IJ Yzto u, CT It IJJr 2 F IJJ = IJJ z F to J It Fl! tt, I F Ito ct2 a,Fz ttz zJ t! z z J @ tt llto NOrtvn'lvA Y 3 t! z ut J u,zut E-r- -rt>o(t \llN UJ zo9 -@ z tr =-i6Fcc9o =>:z:< >oFO -.i z tr 9J llt F FI Fz a az; F z F3 < <C,, -_ Y ZE:-< a!r qirtr X^(,:,<e<a2zzao<; <oatazf,q=*x9?5-9r'.1E;:a> _<on tr<;r F F I{ EIrl, lsl 6 UJ c( llJ C)z tu uJ(Jz s tl e Fzlt EItl uJ tr !r uJ G ccoo tl- t J uJE .E Jlt F F ! :r lrl o o z -o Jf o = lre, =, =ot- t E INSFEC!?EIN TOWN OF ', 1. / !. FIEEUEsiT VAIL AM PM l.l :- ^\:r-;r I pnnnnl LOCATIONI.I OTHER \ ,-":. I MON COMMENTS: i '*r '; READY FOR INSPECTION WED THURTUE FRI p'eeeRovED/.\E orsnppRovED n upom THE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS ! nerNSPEcr !, "l ,!-4- 724DATE rNSPEql . !'INSPEC{bN FIEOIJEST TOW OF e VAIL E ornen B NAME E pnRrral READY FOR INSPECTION erzr iv z4 S:ko MON COMMENTS: ryy4TUEWED I orsneeRovED fl nerNsPEcrAPPROVED ! upol,r rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS .'1, BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION Jurisd iction of Applicant to complete numbered spaces only. CHECK VALIDATION ,/1[se: rrtrcxeo sxeer I La MAIL AOD RE5S PHONE LICENS' NO. ARCHITECT Of,DE5I CI{€R MAIL AODRES S PHONE Ltcar{38 No. C- MAI L AODRESs LICEN3E NO. D MA II. AODRE SS IiANCH USE OF AUILDING 8 CIASSOfWOTK: ! NEW tr AODITION tr ALTERATION tr REPAIR N MOVE tr REMOVE l0 Change of use lrom PERMIT FEE11 Valuation ol work: $ SPECIAL CONDITIONS: Size of Bldg. lTotal) Sq. Ft. PLANS CHECKEO BY: No. of Owelllng Unltt oFFSTREET PARKING SPACESr NOTICE SEPARATE PERMITS ARE REOUIRED FOR ELECTRICAL. PLUMB. ING, HEATING, VENTILATING OR AIR CONDITIONING. THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL ANO VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC. TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 60 DAYS. OR IF CONSTRUCTION OB WORK ISSUSPENDEDOR ABANOONED FOR A PERIOD OF 120 OAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM- MENCED.I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ AND EXAMINED THISAPPLICATION AND KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT,ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS AND OROINANCES GOVERNING THISTYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIEDHEREIN OR NOT. THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT OOES NOTPRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THEPROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATINGCONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. SIGNAtURE OE CONTRACTOITOR AIJTHOR ZED AGEN SOI L REPORT OTHER (Sp€clfy) RE OE CON TR WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED (IN THIS SP THIS IS YOUR PERMIT PERMIT VALIDATION PIN K _ APPLICANTWHITE - INSPECTOFI CANAFIY _ AUOIT t IrL-J.\l-lll5 y5a-I.+ r I \r*' tv. t\ \.v.rs t/.rthta dcoartnent .ni,II rgeuinc oonDll.enec in thie mettcr by Auguat 2f, lg?i, or a .ulnonE fon bullding oodc vlolatlon wl1l be'lalucd' I obtainl.ng rr panrlt U'cfona .oorunenelng thla tlrrc thencafier, you havc laft thc'depa:t- Box 601,Vrfl, Colonado 81667 - I notc that no ectlon hae bre bui.ldlng po*-nlt for ror'lc donc ectlon hae bron taktn on yoer parrt Ln obtalnlng r t for rork done on your nealdrnce. Conlbqucntly;dope on youn neald Lt of ,your Dot' wonk 'or ,ln a !.iEonrble_ tl.rrc ttrencafterr.Ieu havS^Igft t!c:' ntnt no, oiroi;ae'b-ut to aharga you double-thi pcrmlt fee as rcqufued under thc Unlforn BuLldfng Codc. ', Ac a roeult '-l.T$rr,U O? ll-'. 1ftr E *B.TMENT Date_q.L&- Perqnit No. Job nan,LlvA ,LJ .A//A/'t t'1'" .- zh(s€i) ALn€i. r'EA 44 t'"r"' ..vpt€ '3*ttzJ'Jz' { '4/-f€EA ':'"J,:?'4'' ,0.t' ,'#) t/'5'e 1 .f'''i '!&t' be cornected LY." Best coPY Available 0r vp-', -BUILDTNG DEPARITIEI{? Pennit No. , ' g' ;r4?sig:: ( c.t 7' 4:*'t/ /7- .. -1,-. -i 1:' 7 ,. .. : 1.-' u.:f-lt ( 4i:€ e!) t A/ 6 Above items shall be co:rrected )d 55-'/ .11<...* Above items shal-l .,^..1 ,4 1{ v Mr. Joh0 Donovlr.r,P. 0. 8ox 601 Vol l, Colorado a '' Dcar John r ' !: "Thr f lrut:reek''ot Mty Bob McNcl ll f rom fhe Bulldlng. 'Drpartnent InformQd you vcrbaIly'fhot you rould havc to htvc a prrnlt for thc clterotlonr you dld on your houee. 0n Mry.:'1"; , 5s lrruad yo0 a notlce ln rrltlng. . Of a'tl Propls, !t g ncmbcr of tho Eoard of.Trustcos of ,-,fho Town, rluat undsrrtand that our Job lr to anforct . loc.f ordlnancrs. Thc Codc say3 you nust hovo a permlt. I f you,havo any.qucstlonr regardlng thlt roqul rcment; .:+hts -of-{lce tt | ! br morc'than happy to me'ot rlth you and . ttlscugr lt el any tlmc. In fhe mean tlme to Gllar olr''' rucordr, pleirr io"o In ond got a but ldlng pcrml+ ro tnEt ra c6n' iake a tlnal Insprctlon and close your fl le. . Yoprs truly, TOTN OF VAIL Ed ttrub Bull,dlng leotilclol ,' N,. -*-?oT{' N ' CERTXF:ICATE OF OCCUPANCY AND COMPLIANCE Vail, Colora do .A.4 _r:. -..4. _ 0.7.1 Permit is hereby granted- -.. .M-g{i.Ifl gj.:- -€-.tr*ttl g. -- C: psc Co, ro occupy the building r".........R-e.9..!,P.e.F-:-.=.-----.._ - = Applicant shsll maintain said building in accordance ,with all Presefrt or funue ordinances wi$r respect to sanitation, buil_ ding and zoning. 'r' a'.'21 ' Building Official -ta/6 I I.l'i I I AppLrcATIoN FoR BUTLDING pbnr"ur THE TOWN Or. VAIL licant fill in tlrie ecction onl t{ e, E Bo j (, .|.{ (, rnk trou Building addt ees y'AtL t/AL\ Date of Application 4qa,'.at )a-a _ BUILDING INTORMATIS)N New__;__Addition; Alteration_ RePairc Type of oc cugancy;fffu@,E_- (All parta of building) \ Area of Lot /74]S \ nuu.DiNc Dfir'tgNsrcl,'ls _fotat no"i area (ss *l-4,!- No of gtorles 2J ll1. 23'jo No. of rooms 7-. -No' bathe4 No, of water clt"' 'i "** No, of Familiea / ESTIMATED COST oF CONSTRTJCTTON;1!4 (Matcrielc & Laborf' Name /4Ft?St/ot/-Gtt"rEt/o ttttsil. U, /ttC. Address !?qS U?uur'; Sr No. 432-LstrCity !91,,11t68-€oLo, Tel Name AN DER gN:gA&NEn4xlHER Addregs J7C2 ?EA1L Sr City D_6Nu&. g(/4a Tal No.- zzLJJz?- NiT" tqeesio{-ctqailo rarv<-" c'2. Addres s City Tel. No. FI}fF Lot6- Sfo-...DuDorvraion F//.u/6- )lo, 7 srs"a d?k*Ltz (Permittec) ( Gircle correct claa alfication),- Typc of construcdon I.II.III. t$) V. Occupency group A. B. C. D. E. F. G.H0 J. l. , Approval by planntng and architectural control committec to obtaln buildlng pcrmit. Datc Stgnaturc Datc perrnlt legucd Gcrtlflcetc of occupency Receipt of Plane BUTLDING TNSPEGJIOI{ Aooroval of Plane (2 sets required)---5il!-;.Afrr7Fc @ Final lnrpe"ttoo - - Coietructton-ffi-up_] Gcrtlftcetc of o" o Octob* 10, 1969 '..: Anderson-Barker-R tnker, Archltects l?{2 Poarl$treet Denver, Coloredo Ret Bauer Resldence, Vall Deer Sirs: .' The contractora hrvc requested that I send JIou our anendments !o th€ 190? Edttlon of ths U. B. C. and our handout shoetg on the mlnlmum resrlrebonts of the code regardlng relrdorclng tn block ma^gotrry wells and concrct€ walls. fils tlulldtng ls under constructlon on I 'rproceed-lt-your-own-rtak't- pcrmtt pondlng recclpt of complete plans at thlo offtce. I would , * appreclate a eompleta let of plans as soon ea lpselble. Elrrcerely, THE TOWN OF VAIL Charles G. Bynum, tr E. Bulldtng Offlclal CGB/car Enclosurer: Ordtnences 6 and 9, SerlcE 1069 ValI Bldg Rqmts lor Relnforced Eollow Unlt lvtasonry and Concrete Walls o anderson . bar 1712 pearl . denv . rinker colorado . 80203 architects . 222-9729 ke r af , iohn d. anderson, aia . donald e. barker, aia ' ronald e rinker 19 November 1969 Charles G. Bynum, P.E. Building Official Vai l, Colorado Dear Mr. Bynum: RE: Bauer Residence - Vail, Colorado; In RePly to your letter of November 11, 1969. I am happy to report that all of your request in items I through 8 have been satisfied in the plans and specifications or are being covered in Addendum No. l, to be published shortly. ltem 9 request the Lot Area: This is 17,450 Sq. Ft. as calculated on a planimeter basis by Deryl Gingery, the surveyor, on November 19, 1969. Under separate cover we are send ing you a complete set (set #17) of the final plans and specifications for your records. Sincerely Rps"; €.0,"^ Richard Lehman RL/rv t.4 tl \ ,"*-lJ"*, Jo'*'\" ''P-r-9"*' t , l{orrsrber 11, 1969 Andcrron,kBarhcr, & R lnlcr Archttcctr l?{2 Perrl Strcct Daavsr, Colorrdo 80203 Dcrr Slrr: RDI Beuor Rcrldcncc - Vrll, Colorrdo. Rccolvrd thc completcd plrar todry end hevc thr follortng commcntr: l. Thc contrretorr rerr larlou! to gct etattrd ro, oa thc rcbrr, I brd thcm phcr No. lrr rt 32 lnahcr on contcr yrrtlcrlly rad oac No. 5 coEtlnuogr tn bond bcrrnr rt { frot horhoatrlly. Scc Scctlonr 2314, (k). 3 rnd 2418, (f).-3. Z. Balcony rellln3r ua dl rlght rt to hclght, (36ttl. but I arn notrurr thc opcnlagr bctroon thc vrrtlcll mombcrl rra lcrr thra 9 lnchctu rrqulrcd by Scetloa l?14. 3. Wlndo*r tn bodroormr b rddltlon to brlag l/8tb of thc floor trcr rbould cmrply sltt Scctloa 332O. At lcrrt oae drdor rbould brvc 5.qurt. frct of opcnrblc rrcr sltb tbc lcrrt dincnrlon belog tZ lqchcc rDd e rlll hotght of not morc then t8 lachce. 1. I crll your rttcntlon to thc mr*lmurn rllotrblc hclght for 2t' r {rr rtud frrmtng rrhlch lr 1l fcct. Scctloa 250?, (bl, 3 lnd taythlng ovrr 8 fGGt rhrll bG ftrortoppcd, Scctlon 2308, 2. 5. The hcerthr muct bc l8 lnchcr wldc rnd crtcnd onc foot on elthcr rldc of thc llrcbor. Scctlon t?0{, (Jl. 6, An off-rtrcct prrhbg leyout for two ctrr murt bc provlded. 7. ?hc utlllty room mult bc provldcd wttb conrbuttlon rir. 8. A brck satGr vrlvc rlll bc neccrrrry tn tho 4 tncb drrtn jurt bcforc lt lctver ttc hourc. "t STATE OF COIORADO COT'NTY Or. EAGLT DECI,ARAXION AF LAND. ALI,,OCATPN DEbg firat duly sworn uPon oatb, gtatementr atc trnc and corrcct informetloa eld bcllef, to qrit: II ss. ) T, ANN KRIPPNER BAUER dcpoee aad oay that thc followlng accorClng to my bert knowledge, l. Thrt thts gtatcment tg madc ln coaiunction with thc flllng of an rppllcetion for e bultdtng pctrr:lt to the Town of lVrtl and to comply with thc requiremcata of Artielc VII, Scctlon 3, Ordlaance Numbcr ? (Serlce of 1969) Zonlng Ordinance for thc ?own of 'lfail. Z. Thc dcscrlptloa of the buildtng rltc for thc propoecd butlding ie ea lollows: Inr 6 RLocK.6: TTfl Fl.LlNG- . , . (Dcacrlptionrnay bc i*iihba -r eurvcyortt map may be ueed to ehos dcg- crlption.l 3. The propoacd buildlng eitc containe % tquarc fect, and thc propoeed bullding contalng 2,018 aquare fcct of area aa defiucd in the aforegaid Zoalng Ordinance. 4. Thc propoeed building, as lt rclatc! to thc building sitc lrca' complies to thc Ftoor Area Rptio for thc zoning which appliea to ttrc buildlng citc, as dcfincd ta thd aforcrald ?.oning Ordinance. ?he foregoing affidavit and dechration wee duly sublcrlbcd and !wo8B to bcforc mc, a notary publlc, by@, tbia 23rd tuty of Septerber _, t969. [',. : BUILDING PERMIT Vail, Colorado rate l?a/ z/.,, re /? Permit Pracee/ af o*n -.Jr?y'z,J''/ fo.ft/V/n-s. ,-Perrnission ie E-ereby gr{ni"d Ze.tloo' 6r}2-on C-o"* Con/-o"y'or ---to cr2nsb<</-a /oo storyaa f.tt'./ahae- "' ddre s s In accordance with the provisions get forth by the Vail J,rchitectural Control Cornrnittee, subject to the rules and regulations as set forth in the Vail Village Protective Covenants, and in cornpliance with the 1964 Urriform Building Code' Type of Gonstruction -T C"onP -f corrtuactor ry6-tta- - dbend />.. /,pproved tazz-z Vail Building Inspec{or INSPFCTION RECORD (For Departrnental use Only) INSPECTION ,\ PPROV.A L COMMENTS DATE & SIGN/TURE FOUNDATIONS FRr' MING FINAL hDd .|, EI ROUGHoo lrl FIN,^ L ROUGH FINr'.L uo p.', ROUGH I I bo-- rd C.)r a FINI L t -./*(// fua-, APPLICATION TOR BUILDING PERMIT THE TOWN Or. VAIL Applicaut fill in thia ecction onl iBUILDINC INFORMATION - New x Addition Altcration Repairs h e) A Bo &Itr{ u ntt Foo Type of occupaacy-!!!.!!!!!!- (All parte of building) s u-II,prNG o_lgEjgqrc N q. Toial ftoor area (aq ffl--20l3-, No of gtories 2 IIt. 23::9:- -F- - No. of roomeJ No. bathei No. of weter clooetg I No. of Families ESTIMATED COST oF CoNSTRUCTION_@ (Materiels & Laborf ,,r ,; F -rr::f! Fz,'e =./.'&7 Signed (Permittee) Approval by planaing and architectural control committee to obtain building permit. Date Sigaature BUILDING INSPEGTION Receipt of. PLane ?4tzT-Tpproval of Plans ., -^L- .t-7(2 eets reouired)Date .g-a(Amouat of Permit F.e $ nti-a ija.z*4n5Paid: Gaah Amount of Clean up Fe-9 $ Z.f, * Paid: Cagh q $ Date - .\ Gheck $dE7'ASPL' Check $ Date permit issued QlaCTEl Tap fce paid Amount Final inepectlon r0Uo ,"1 (Circle correct claeeification! 1. Typc of conetruction I. II.III. I vo . Occupancy group A. B.C. D.E.F..G.HOJ. V*/y'zt7.2t "ddr"3"wApplication 24 SEPIEUBER__19_69__ DENVER, C0L0. Tel. No. '222-9tzg Narne ANDERSON.BARKER.R I NKER City DENVER,_C010. Tel. No.222-9129 Name MR. & MRS. ROBERT F. BAUER Addreas l9B COLORADO BOULEVARD Narne MERSHON-G I Addreas Tel. No. Block 6 Subdivision Certificate of occupancy & compliancc Congtruction clean-up ?6 MERSHON-GIMENO . CONSTRUCTION COMPANY ' PHONE:4341.6561 4206 IRVING STREET DENVEn, COLO, 6(12.11 January 19, 1971 Re: Pernlt No. 9?0?6N House at Vail, Colorado }}. Edward Struble The Town of Vail, Oolorado Box 63I, Building DepartmentVail, Colorado 81657 Dear ldr. Struble: Fer your lotter datod January 15, 1971. lYe wlsh to lnform you that we are finishing the drywall on the above residence at tho present t1me. ,l'e expect to be ready for flnal inspeotion about April lb, 1921 providing the weather will let us completo the exterior grading and install the grav-eI drlveway. Very truly yours ]der shon-Gineno Constr. Co., Inc, 1,/ .-' ') t I _ D't ,,. /.Zrqt/, L \s\ l- .,:\\.t { :r 'i ,,. l, i: il)N Fg ; ^1rt\.\ ;.i I\ i e- aa'' :: F r.ia ^dt:)l i-egc .5; .9 E3E-u t I Y\i\f9 "-) t' '.)tl\Al-,i I "i =-'--.i.:cap \,, ./ - :C - * - ..'rr.: ..r . \:- 3-yr -- :: -- ' -:r'. ri- :: ;-;E.i\.' i' _*;.\-*ir_:-t-*=- ij , *t, '!. J\ *\ .''r*.++-.;:r+- : \fb: t \ Bp F {, F frl Irl& a I f^**ro"oro REcoRr) O BUILDING DEPARTMENT Vail, Colorado Phone 476-5613 Notice: Inspections will not be made unless this card is posted on the job. ALL subcontractors must be licensed and sigrt this Perrnit No. ca,rd to obtain inspection. Address - To Insure Inspection the same day call: 476-5613 before 11:00 A M. DO NOT COVER UP ANY WORK NOT INSPEqfED Contractor Name i License No. Heating Electr,ical Dry Wall or II-athing I I T(l G|IIIIPIY WITH C(|DE INSPECTION RECORI) Inspection Date Approved To obta'n in:pections call 4?6-5613. Inspections will be made the same day bn calls before 11 A. M. No inspection will be made on Saturday, Sunday, or legal holidays. Inspections will not be matle until Dermit has been secured antl contrae- lor has signed and placed his llcense number in the spaces above' Rejected BY lFootings Foundation l\{asonry I Heating