HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 7 BLOCK 6 LOT 9 LEGALVarzhttoy4tzlirI ,HEb @^it-,Uii CaVEL@UErir Design Review Board ACTIOI{ FOR!,I Dep.artment of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail. Colorado 81652 tel: 970.479.2139 faxi 97O.4t9.Z4Sz web: www. vailgov, corn Project Name: JOHNSON TREES Project Descriptionl Participants: OWNER VAIL co 81657 APPLICANT MARK STELLE Project Address: 1106 HORNSILVER CR Legal Descripfion: Parcel Number: Comments: 07 127 12007 Phone; 926-3594 PO BOX 506 VAIL co 81657 1106 I.IORNSILVER CR VAIL Location: LOT BIocK Subdivision: HoRNSILVER cIRcLE, LTD c 2101-092-0501-1 DRB Number: DR8070365 RNAL APPROVAL FOR A MINOR ALTEMTION TO REMOVE 4 PINES ADJACENTTO HOUSE DLIETO FIRE HAZARD JOHNSON, SHERRY B, 1106 HORNSILVER CIR 07/2712007 Motion By: Second By: Vote: Condltions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Act.on: STAFFAPR Date of Approvalt OSIOL/ 2007 Cond:8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of rown of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (Pl4N): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. @nd:201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the dateof final approval, unless a building permit is issued and conitruction is coimenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Rachel Friede DRB Fee paldt $2O,OOPlanner: 75 SouthFrontageRd. Vail, Colorado 81657 97 0 -47 9 -2138/ 47 9 -2139 FAX970479-2452 August 1,2007 Mark Stelle PO Box 606 Vail, CO 81658 m. stelle@earthlink.net Re: DRB07-0365 I106 Homsilver Circle Road Department of Community Development DearMark Thank you for your application to remove 4 pine and 2 aspen trees at 1006 Homsilver Circle Road. The purpose of this letter is to inform you that your application has been staff approved. While officially not requiring new trees to be planted, it is highly encouraged that new trees be planted to replace those being removed in order to support a changing canopy oftrees in Vail. Attached is a design review action form for your records. You may commence rernoval at your convenience. Do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or concems. fu /rr"/' Rachel Friede Town Planner (970\479-2440 Rfriede@vailgov.com Minor Exterior Alterations Application for Design Review Oepartment of Community Development 75 Sou$| Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel; 970.479.2128 fax: 970.,179.2452 web: www.railgov,mm i11, rl,, TO$Ji'{ ()l TOWOT General Information: All projects reguiring design review must receive approval prior to submittinE a building permit application. Please refer to the submlltal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Deslgn Review cannot be accepEd until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Ccnrncil and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission, Desigfl rcview approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and constnrction comXrences witlrin one year of the approyal. n( i<,)t*th Description of Request:ftewovq I 8'",\erort lu Lute Location of the Proposal: Lot:_Block:_ SuMivision:_ Physical Address: lt | |tforn siluet- Clrcle Parcel No.: Ll 0l 01 2o 5 0 I I 4 LIOIo?2o5otZ (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8540 for parcel no.) Zoning: idff^|-/,0^u Name(s) of Owner(s): Mailing Address: / Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant: MailingAddrest P0 Type of Review and Fee:tr Signs Cl Conceptual Review n New Constructiontr Addition n Minor Alterauon (multi-family/commercial) )( Minor Alteration / -$ingle-family/duplex) n Changes to Approved Ptans -ef Yac e Lorrlo h,lvu/ 87 ()6, E "o( rELLE Phone: iiilF^*, PIus $1.00 per square foot of totat sjgn area. For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial bullding (lncludes 250 additions & interior conversions). fur minor changes to buildings and slte improvements, such as, feroofing, painling, window additions, landsc.ping, fences and retaining wallg etc,$20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements. such as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and relaining walls, ete $20 For revisions to phns already nppfoved by planning Stnff or the Design Review Board, No Fee lt-ren{ $s0 No F€e +oJU $300 $2s0 r \:11( * * * * * * * * * * * * + * * * * * * **++ ++ + t * * * * * * * * * * * ******t* *t+* f*** * *'l't't* * i * I * t t | * * **+**+* * * * * * ********** TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement ***** * * * * * * * * * * * * + + + f {' * {' * l' * * * * * + * * * ****** * ** * *'|!:1. * *'i*+ tt'1,1.'*{r* * * * * * * * ***** * * * * * * ************** StatemenC Number: R07000135? Amount.: $20,00 07/27/2OO7L0:52 AM Payment MeLhod: Cash IniE.: JS NOtATiON: $/MARK STELLE Permit, No: Parcel No: Si.!e Address : IJocat,ion: This Palment: DRB070355 Type: DRB-Minor Alt, SFR/DUP 2101- 0 92 - 05 01- 1 1105 HORNSTI,VER CR VAIL 1105 HORNSII,VER CR Total Fees: Total ALL Pmts: Balance : $20.00 $20.00 $20.00 $o. oo +********+ +++ t*****,ti*ii**++* +******'t************{'!t'}***l*********** ***rl.** * * * ********{.{.*{r,1.**'1. ACCOI.JNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts DR 00100003LL2200 DESIGN REVIEV{ FEES 20.00 t?fohrv-Con4-x ccr.||fi-slrY c€r,ELnnct{r Design Review Soad ACTION FORIII Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road. Vail, Colorado 81657 tel:970.479,2139 tax:970.479.2452 web: www.vailgo%com Project Name: Project Description: Proiect Address: CAPSTONE CONDOS Legal Description: Parcel Number: Comments: CAPSTONE CONDOS REROOF DRB Number: DR8070374 FINAL APPROVAL FOR A MINOR ALTEMTION TO RE-ROOF RUBBER ROOF SAME FOR SAME Partacapants: owNER DIC|(SON, PHLUS O8rca2m7 1817 MEADOW RIDGE RD 1 VAIL co 81657 APPUCANT TURNER MORRI'INC. 5054 MARSHALL STREET ARVADA co 80002 License: 647-8 CONTMCTOR TURNER MORRIS,INC. 0810212007 Phone: 303-431-1300 0810212007 Phone: 303-431-1300 5054 MARSHALL STREET ARVADA co 80002 License: 547-8 1994 MEADOW RIDGE RD VAIL LocaUon: LoB 21 Btodc Subdivision: CAPSfONE TOWNHOUSES 2103-123-0400-1 Motaon By: Seond By: Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION ACtiON: STAFFAPR Dab of APProval: Ct8l02l2OO7 Cond:8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). C-ond: 0 (P|AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities' Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 . . :i: -:': ', I Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is dilBently pursued toward aompletion. Planner: Joe Suther DRB Fee Paid: $25O.OO Minor Exterior Alterations -ffi Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colondo 81657 tel: 970.479.2L28 fa* 970.479.2452 :IVTF \/ l:: web: www.nailgov.com General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submifting a refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Rwiew cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Departnent. The project may also need to be revieil/ed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. Application for Design R (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parel no') Phone: 4Z O 3 vrta, 3o w \) -C. Physical Address: Parcel No.: Zoning: Owner(s) Signature(s):5oa Cc. n.t .1 Name of Applicant:9.. f Mailing Address:lt </- E-mail Address: (-c' n, Type of Review and Fee: tr Signs E Concepfual Review D New ConstructionD Addfion Minor AlteGtion (mu lti-family/commercial) Minor Alteration (singlefamily/du plex) Changes to Approved Plans Separation Request Name(s)ofowner(s): CqPStn"r< /o-,t 5 -- MailingAddress: tt3{ N Lo,,k'. QJ ,--rt' #1- $6s0 $300 @ $20 $20 No Fee Phone:303- ?71 - r/oo $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee ,{ o For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. For an addition where quare footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, zuch as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. For minor changes to buildings and site improvemenB, such as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Sbff or the Design Review Board. tr tr DescripUon of the Request: LocaUon of the Proposa,' 1o1'?-( Slock:-Subdivision: gr'l,il1'r'' #t : -ra,,\gr'.. -)i .#f ,6ra '{r'r I I )i If "w-, .t: ovo'|uY{ilu Design Review Board ACTION FORM Deparrnent of community Developmert 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2L39 faxi 97 0.479.2452 web: www,ci,vail.co.us Project Name: JOHNSON RESIDENCE DRB Number: DRB0.t0,l42 Project DescripUon: MINOR Off ERIOR ALTEMTION Participants: OWNER JOHNSON, SHERRY B. Q812712004 Phone: 12 HAMILTON TERMCE LONDON NW8 9UG ENGLAND License: APPUCANT NEDBOCONSTRUCTION 0epil2004 Phone:970-845-1001 P.O. BOX 3419 VAIL, co 81658 License: Proiect Address: 1106 HORNSILVER CR VAIL Location: Legal Description: LoE 9-A Block Subdivision: HORNSILVER CIRCLE, LTD C Parcel Number: 210109205012 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: STAFFAPR Second By:Vote: DateofApproval:091L612004 Conditions: Cond:8 (PIAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (P|-AN): DRB approval does not consHtute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Ccnd: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Cond: CON0006685 The applicant shall trim the access panel the same as the adjacent windows and paint r1.\l' -.ttrdtrim to match the building siding. Cond: CON0006686 The applicant shall paint all existng, rebcated, and new onduit, vent @ven, utiUity meters, etc b match the bulHlrq sding. Planner: Bill Gibson ',DRB Fee Paid: l2O.O0 a . ga/ 2E/ 2604 63:46 ;,.tE.It:. General Information: All projects requiring design revienr must receive :pproval pnor to sub'ainrn$ a buitding fx:rmrt eFplicatron. ptease refer to the suDmlttl iBEuireften6 frlr the Darticular approval that is requested. An epplication for Design Revierv cannot be aggegted until all required information is received by the Community Developmqnl Department. The projPct may also need to be feviewed by tha Tewn Council and/cr the P{anning end Envjrcnmental commisslon. Design review apgroval lapses unlecs B buildino permit is issued and construction cornmence3 within one year of the approyol. Delcrlption of the Request:ItTFflal-r!..&/Lf.. Locatiqnof theProposaf; LouT -.-AWcU: L Subdivision:l/aets,t4,aa (tFC. lTe-fun Physicaf Address: i lO 6 t1;Z.rtstttz::Er<- !eg_____.tl-":(, JQ*.U_cf Z, Parcel I Zoning; Name(s) of Owner(s): ,f iepCy LJllJ4^re! ._ 942A572 o ?0t14 i:i.i:iYl i,irDBl 00NiTri. (.T : 0\ Minor Exterior Alterations Application for Design Review DeDartrnent ol Commuf r'W 9evel0pme:1t 75 South Frontlge Road, V8il, Colorcdo 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 f.rxl 970.{79,2452' webi www.vailtov.corn ra\]r g z ,. ". I ^^ lt a /^lnv s , ]t / RECEIVEO ,: | ',', (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-32E-8540 tor parcet no.) Mailing Address: -!e.r/^,.J /Uu/?9U6 LAva Phone: _d( owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant: Maifing Address: l'3o E-mall Address: Type of Revlew efld Fee:tr Signs E Concefiual Revrew D Ne$, Constructiontr Addition O Minor Alber.flon (multi.f umily/cr: mmerctal) :E(^Ulinor AllerEtion (singte.fa mt tylduplex) C Chang.s to ApDroyed Flans O Separation Request Phone: f{ lq1 Fax: -t 4{-fr"9 $50 Plu$ 31.00 per e?ulrc foot of tofat rig. !rc!. No Fee i550 For ccnstruction of a .ncw building or demo/reburld. $300 For an addihon rlhera squire footage ls edded to Erly residentjal of commercrol bulld|ng (includes 250 addltions 8. interior convereions). $250 F6/ r'lrln6r chrntr;5 to builCings 31td 5i1q irn prgvcnlpnr.c, s(,ch asr rerooling, painting, r.indow odditiorrs, la,ldscaping, l'€ncqg irlg r.:talnlnq \!alls, efC. $20 For minor changes to buildlngs lnd site lrnprcvpinlntsi sr.rrh as, reroafine. painting. window addltions, landscaping, fcnces and retainlng welis, erc. t20 For revisior]s to Flans alrcody ogproved by pjann:ng StafF or lhe Oesign Revlew Ar]ard, No Fee 1) | n,4, tla AUG-26-2444 L@.45 rrrg.tv. <vvt v, tua||o ,,d1"'.:::?::1, ,,,, 4A2 2.62 P.AtNU.t'Jt f . t/l fi.arnR-Ll t r,r Lilrl?6rtlr-'l r'Z,,ll| aa J&.aa 't JOIIIT PRO?ERTY OWflEN, WRITIEII APPROYAT IITTER t (prrrt ffiter.Htnp:Luf;V 4.fte2_ !-la ,a Jeirt ovi,ner of pmperty located 6t (addrsglegat desalptiwr) Provide tlrB lcthr as witt€fl approrat of the plars d$ert whidr have been s$mitted to the To$tr of Vail cmtmunrtv Oewlopmem Departsnent br 6re propoced irnpronernents to be cornpleted at fte ad&es ir@d dore. I undeeand ftat dle gmpced improrrcnrcnts indr.de: I tur$Er undersbnd thstminor rncthotionsmy be madeb the planso*rtre corrs of the rg,iew ptocass to with ttcTovrntappliable odes antt regdrdofts, il--dfu^ C-'/,JJa hse zof 1V0Z!6/(H TOTAL P,A1 o {r{rr}*l{r!t* llrl*tl**t**rl{r***{rrt{.*llrlt'lflt*l lllt***t*dr*t'l*l*ftl*lt t lr,ll*{r**:tlll*tl*l*rt**+{t*'l'}l*it,l'}l* TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement {'a'****t {.**a*!t****t**'t'tr,}tar,r'tll*tr*:t'}**'t* ******trtt*'r* a*rr.* r **rr * * *****,t*** *r.**rr.*:**l*'t'}*****'}** Statement Nurnber: RO4OOO6517 Amount: $20.00 Oe/27/2oo4LO:19 A}{ Palment Method: check Init: its NotaEion3 #25655/NEDBo coNsT. Permit No: DR8040442 Type: DRB-Minor A1t, SFR/DUP Parcel No: 2L0L092050L2 Site Address: 1105 I{ORNSIIjIER CR \rAIIJ Location: 1106 HORNSIIj/ER CR ToEal FeeEr $20. O0 Tbia Pa)ment: $20.00 Total ALL Ptrlts: 920.00 Balancer $O. OO *****a!t*a******tr**'t*1r*'tr*******'t***********'t***tt:t*f t**'l**'*********{.'r***********'ltlt lr***'l**** ACCOIJNTITEM LIST: Account Code Description Curnent Pntls DR OO1OOOO31122OO DESIGN REVIE}I FEES 20.00 r TOIIN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 DEPARI]I4ENT OF COMMUNITY amount date ess: Location. . . : @ rMES 362 .25 . o0 ,00 APPL]EA}IT C. t. CARY & COMPANY 1329 N. U.S. #287, FT. COI\TTRACTOR C. L. CARY & COMPANY 1329 N. U.S. #287, FT.OWNER HORNSILVER EIRCLE I-,TD Descript.ion: REROOF-CEDAR SHINGLES TO ASPHALT SHINGLES Single Famj-ly Residence Type V Non-Rat.ed Add Sq Ft: Occupancy: R3 Type Construct.ion: V N Valuation:9 ,700 145 .00 94.25 .00 3 .00 ,00 20 .00 .00 100,00 362.25 Reglualant PIan Review-- > DRB Fe€--------- Recreatsion Fec--- ---- ---> clcan-Up Deposit--- -----> A"4 t, B\(tq, V^ , ,\.( |\)c.^\ Ol t[" g_ 1ig n17 DEVELOPMEMI O \J coIJLrNS, CO 80529 coLLrNs, co 80529 3013 SHORE RD, FORT COLLTNS CO 80525 Total Cal.culat€d Fees- - - > Additional Fees--------- > Total Permit Fee--------> Paymente-------- BAI,ANCE DUE-.- - SEatus...: ISSITEDApplied..: 08/2L/L998fssued...: 08/27/L998 Ercpires. . : 02 /23 /1,999 Phone: 970-484-8077 Phonel. 970-484-80'77 TOV/COmp. ElgtrF: THrS PERMIT MusT BE POSTED oN,loBsITE AT AIJL T Clean-up Depgsit Refunciroo/Ar_,r sFR BUTTJD pERMrr PermiL 898 -0238 approved w ,= -w t4 ]-1-06 HORNSIIJVER CR 1-106 HORNSILVER CR 2tQL-092-05-011 o0 Project No.: Fireplace fnfonnation: RedErictcd: Y *of eas LpplianccB:*of Gas LogB:*Of Wood/Pal IeL FEE SI'MMARY qt Plan check- - - > Inveatigacion> will call----> rTEM: .051-OO BUTLDING DEPARTMENT DEPT: BU]LDING DiViSiON:o8/2L/L998 JRM Acrion: AppR APPROVED ,lRtfIle.Ft .954Q0 PLANNING DEP.ARTMENT Depr: PLANNTNG Division:O8/2L/L998 JRM AcEion: APPR N/AItem: .05600 FIRE DEPARTI,IENr " DepE: FIRE Division:98/21/!998-,JBIL Actjon: APPR N/ArEem: .05500 PIIBLIC WORKS '. Dept.: pIIB WORK Division:08/2I/1998 .IRM Actionr APPR N/A rtr*a J,rrttit'r tt See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions t,hat may apply Eo this permit.. DECIJARATIONS I hercby acknottl.dEc thaC I havc r.ad thi6 applicat.ion, filled out in full the inforuration requircd, conpllted an acculaEe plot p1an, and Ebaca chab all thc infortiaci.on provided ae required i6 cofrccts. I agree to comply with ch€ infornalion and ptot. plan, to comply witsh all Tovn oldinancee and 6tate lawa, and fo bui.ld thi6 rgructurc according to thc Town,r zoning and subdivi.gion codes, d€aign r.vi€w tpprovcd, Uniform Building code and oth6! ordinanc.a of tshr tonn appl-icable thelcto. REQUESTS FOR INSPEC'IIONS SHAIJL BE I.TADE TWENTY'FOUR HOT'RS TN ADTA'ICE BY TELEPHONE Send Clean-Up DepoEiE To: C.L. CARY ,t Page 2******************************************************************************** COIIDITIONS PermiE #: 898-0238 as of 08/27/98 Status---: ISSIIED ******:..************************************************:l*****il:l**!r************** Permit Tlpe: ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Applied--. 08/2L/L999Applicant--: C. L. CARY & COMpArs/ rssued---: 0e/27/!999970-484-8077 To E:qlire: 02/23/L999 ilob Address: 1105 HORNSTIJVER CRL,ocation---: 1105 HORNSILVER CRParcel No-- : 2LOL-092-05-011 Description: REROOF-CEDAR SHINGI,ES TO ASPHALT SIIINGLES * :t * * * * * * * * :l * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * COndiLiOnS * * * * !t * :t * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 1. FTEL,D INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CIIECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.2. SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUTRED rN ArJL BEDROOMS AI{D EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.121O OP THE 1991 I'BC. fr l<'|ut ol vllL. @r'oRtDo gtrcaunE glrt.urlt l{Urb.! ! RBC-0a41 lrount' ! P.ld.n? lf.Ehod 3 CIC l{otrelort ! 160{l 762.25 Otl27lga L7!,2O lalg: mw Plluit tror 898-0238 Tf?c ! A-BUIt't fID/rr,T 3pR BUIITD pE Plrc.l llo: 2101-o92-o5-O11 SLer Addr.a6, 1105 HoRIISILVER CR l,oceeion t 1106 HoRNSIITVEe CR Tourl Faa! | fhls Prl|llcnE 362.29 ToErl lIrL pmE!: Btltncs !.00 ttt*trrtt tttiarar.rria*Jrr*rrtl|f*t +tt*Jttatiifttt aftrt*tar*it**rtrtr Accoung Codr Dc!c!ipt.ion BP OO1OOOO31111OO BUIIJDTNS PERUIT FEES DR 00100003112200 DESIGf tE\rIEt{ PBBI PF 00100003112300 PLtrf cHEcK PBas lnount 1{5, 00 20, 00 9il,25 100. oo 3.00 r.D D2 -DBPO8 CLE.ANUP DEPOSITS t{c 00100003112800 wrLL cAt r. tllgPBcrtdl FEB Foz 'Foz OE j i,.2 !lD FE{ 20 U 3F z D !lF ts' ; FI : F o F c oU ,{ QF otaA zzP3 FTE FI FFaz!1pEOFE c FJ FTaz 'oFE o r{ FFHZ ooAE F f) !lF F zo F E() ql EEI i4 a65 t(JUQ H F aU F o p Fdo z FI 9 El ; E> EIEqTq,4 o Ero 'NX O TOI^/NOFVAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970479-2138 Lricense r 251-A O$INER TROPE SORREI,I-, & 280 N I,AYTON DR I,OS ANGEI-,ES CA 90049 I-,icense: - ( r,t9 ULbo -,, 1-"^ DEPARTMENT OF COMMUMry DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON TOBSITE AT ALL TIMES APPI-,ICAI{IT NEDBO CONSTRUCTION 07/t5/L996 Phone: 845-1001 P.O. BOX 3419 vArIJ, co 81558 License: 251-A Also is COM|RACTOR COIVTRACTOR NEDBO CONSTRUCTIoN o7/I5/L996 Phone: 845-100L P.O. BOX 3419 VAIIJ, CO 81658 ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Job Address: 1106 HORNSILVER CR VAIL Location.....: 1112 HORNSILVER CR ParcelNo...: 210109203008 Proiect No : Permit #:895-0196 Status...: FINAL Applied. . : 07/75/7996 Issued...: 07/76/1995 Expires...: 07/72/7997 TOV/Comm. Dev. Also is Applicant r,rl{DA o7 / L5 / L996 Phone : Description: INSTITT,L NEWW DRIVEWAY AND RETAINING WAJ.,I,S Occupancy: R3 Single Family Residence Type Construction:V NR Not in table! Valuation: $20,000.00 Add Sq Ft 0 Clean-up approved amount date NOTE PI,A}TS TO C}IARI-,IE APPR CHARI.IE DAVIS NOTE PLANS TO I,AT]REN APPR Deposit RefundiL- Fireplace lnformation: Restricted: # of Gas APPliances: 0 # of Gas togs: 0 Wood Pellet F**r FEE SUMM411Y Bu dhg-> Plan Check-> lnvestigation-> will call-> S245 , oo Restuarant Plan Review-> 5159.25 DRB Fee---> $0 . 00 Recreation Fee--> $3 . 00 Clean-up Deposit--> TOTAL FEES;--> Action: Action: Action: Action: go . oo Total Calculated Fe€s--> S5o - oo Addidonal Fees-> S0. oo Total Peryrit Fee--> S100.00 Payments-> sss?.25 BALANCEDUE---> 95s"r.25 s0.00 s55?.25 $0.00 Approvals:IEem: 05100 BUIIJDING DEPARTMENT 07 /L5/1-996 CHART,TE 07/L5/L996 CHART,TE ILem: 05400 PLAIINING DEPARTMENr o7/L5/L996 CHARTTTE 07/L6/L996 LAUREN IIem: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMETiTT o7 /L5/t996 CTTARIJTE ftem: 05500 PttBIJIe WORKS 07 /t5/L996 CHARTJTE 07/T6/L996 IJARRY P $7s. 00 O o..ion: APPR N/A Action: NOTE Action: APPR PL,AI{S TO LARRY P ITARRY PARDEE Cost : See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge ttrat I have read this applicatiorl filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the infomation as required is correct. I agree to comply with the inforrration and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved Uniform Building Code and o*rer ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENry-FOUR HOURS lN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 47$2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. SIGNATI.JRE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HMSELF AND OWNEF PAGE2 Permit#: 89G0796 CONDITIONSOFAPPROVAL as of 0&1&2003 Status: FINAL Permit Type: ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Applied: 07/75/7996 Applicant NEDBO CONSTRUCTION Issued: 07 /76/7996845-1001 To Expire: 07/72/1997 ]ob Address: 1105 HORNSILVER CR VAIL Location: 1112 HORNSILVER CR ParcelNo: 210109203008 Description: INSTALL NEWW DRIVEWAY AND RETAINING WALIS ********li********************r*#li***#*'ffi** COnditiOnS ****#r*ffi*******#***r*|****:*tt*tt* Cond: L2 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQIIIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPUANCE. ,F ****+***l*** * ** * * * *** ** +* ** * * * * * *****++***'!r|!*t*'l*+**{'+*+**+**+***********+* *r}*+****+****+*t* TOWN OF VAIL, COLOItADOCopy ncprhted m ll61&2m3 rt 15:21:19 06/18/2003 Statement +t't{r*{'{t***********++***++*+***********++***f++tt****+**********+*****************r}*{.t **a*,f ** Statsement Number: REC-01?1 Amount: $53?.25 07/L6/L995022I7 PYt Payment Method: CK Init: CD Notation: *20206 Permit No: 895-0196 l)4re: ADD/ALT SER BUILD PERMIT Parcel No: 2101092 03 0 08 Site Address: 1105 HORNSILVER CR 1/AIIr Location: 1112 HORNS ILVER CR Total Fee6: $557.25 This Payment: i537.25 Total Ar,r, Pmts: $557,25 Balance: $0,00 {'**********t****'8*******************t* ttr}***ttf t*** *,********'t*+*****'t** **************t'}**'l'l't'} ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code DescriDtion Curnent Pmts AD D2-DEPO8 CLEANUP DEPOSITS 1OO.OO BP OO1OOOO31111OO BUILDING PERMIT FEES 245.00 DR OO1OOOO31122OO DESIGN REVIEI^I FEES 3O.OO PF 00100003112300 PLAN CHECK FEES \59.25 hjc 00100003112800 hrrll CALL INSPECTIoN FEE 3.00 <; oo r:roz .oo-?4 ; t{o2o=,'oo(J Ii-z.l 5s88" asr20 CAOA o oc o o o <;o 6H-lroE =aHcEq| D tJt{ G;EI{ Ed() U E.Io i o F to (, lr oorq5 al8fl a oO r.l! (,,!r Eo0. az{, tAtr or4ilo Eoo I,rs I60 ro.!E (.|tluO |l a P AFIzzoE}|O ee EAt HH22ED E9 t i. lr l. PEieH'dl 8EA :r lrHZqrD 89Edo !{t4cl 3 E E )aH zo t odtri)zx cEE{P EH H $8 H H!o o Et{ d l.! I ts 2 REE Er o Fa ; ; irD ca =>H=r.&404gA(9EFO 'dd oAAE l-6r- s bllYg [r.,\ U't f' DEPART14ENT OF COMMI'NITY DEVELOPMENT 9UG, ENGI,AND 9UG, ENGI,AND Phone: 970-845-1001 471-4888 81658 TOV/Comm. Dev. Clean-up Depo_sit Refund approved amount ISSI'ED tL/Lo/L997 t2/Lo /L997 06/08/]-998 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRO} TAGE ROAD vArL, co 8L657 970-479-2L38 APPLIEANT OI,'INER CONTR,ACTOR NOTE: THIS PERMIT ADD/ALT SFR MUST BE POSTED BUILD PERMIT ON iIOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: B97-0411 Status.. Applied. Issued. . Exlgires. ilob Address: l-l-06 HoRNSILVER cR LocaE.ion. . . : l-106 HoRNSTLVER CTRCLE Parcel No. . : ?LOL-092-05-012 Projects No. : PRJ97-0243 .}OHNSON SHERRY B 12 HAMITTON TERRACE, LONDON NW8 .'OHNSON SHERRY B 12 HAMILTON TERRACE, LONDON NW8 NEDBO CONSTRUCTION P.O. BOX 34L9, VArL, CO, CELL# DOORS DescripEion: INTERIOR REMODEL NEW KITCHEN,BATH AND Occupancy:Tlpe ConstrucEion: Valuation:108,000 Add Sq Ft: gireplace Informetion: Rcslrict€dt *of G}a6 Appllancrg:dAteoot n"" r*", I llS Of Wood/Pal1cl: Building-----> Plan chcck---> InwesEigatsion> will call----> 7't2.OO 501.80 .00 3 .00 .00 100.00 .o0 500.00 1, 875 . aO .00 1, e76. SO RcsEuarrnE Plan R€wics- -> DRB P.G-------- Rccr€elion Fec--------- -> clean-Up Dcpo6it-- -- - - - - > Tot.el Calculatcal PcGs- - - > AddicionaL Fccs---------> Totel P6rmit Fce--------> Pa]nrcntsg _ - - - - - _ .........T::ll.llli;;;..;;;;;;;;;i........1:lli;::....".-THll.?Y3;;;;;;;;..;:;:.......'....;::... ]ICM: O51OO BUILDING DEPARTI'iIENT DCPE: BUILDING DiViSiON: 11,/1,0/L997 JRM Action: APPR APPRoVED ,fRM- 1-1,./IO'/L997 \TRM AcEion: NOTE PI,ANS TO PI.,ANNER iEam,'.o54oo-Dr-,emqrwe oup.antunNt DepE: PT,ANNTNG Division: 1,1/1,L/L997 DOMINIC AcEion: APPRrEbm;'6seoo Fjne DTpARnIENT Depts: FrRE Divisjon:rceiii; 05500 Duer,re-woRKg-- - Dept: PtB I{oRK Division: a t t t t * t J * * * 'r i't * See Page 2 of Ehis Document for any conditsions EhaE may apply Eo this permj-tr. DECI.ARATIONS I hereby acknonledge tshat I have read tshi6 applicaLion, fill.d out in full Ch€ informatlon rcquireil, conltlcccd an plan, and stsatsc lhat a1l the infornalion provided as requiled i.s co!!cct. I a9!.€ to coBply rritsh Ehe inforuaCion to comply rrith atl ToFn ordinanceE and Etatc Law6, alld tso build thi€according to chc Toen'a zoning and codes, design rcwictw approwed, Unifor$ Building code and ocher ordinanceB of\che Tonn applicrble thcreco. accuratse plol .nd FLoL plan, subdivieion 8:00 Al4 5:0o PMREQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SSALIJ BA MA.DE tWENTY-FOT'R HOURS IN ADTJT,NCE BY S€nd clean-Up DGpoEits To: NEDBO SIOIIATURE OF 8 OR AT OUR OFFICE Page 2******************************************************************************** CONDITIONS Permj-t #: 897-0411 as of L2/Lo/97 status---: ISSITED******************************************************************************** Permit Tlpe: ADD/ALT sFR BUrLD PERMTT Applied-- z LL/L|/L997 applicanLl-: (TOHNSON SHERRY B Issued---t L2/LO/L997 To $q)ire: 06/o8/L998 ,Job Address: 1105 HoRNSIT-,VER CR Locatsion---: 1-106 HORNSTLVER CTRCLE Parcel No-- : 2L01,-092-05-0L2 Descriptsion: INTERIOR REMODEL NEW KITCHEN,BATH AND DOORS * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * COndiEiOng * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. 2. SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN AI-,L BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY, AS PER SEC.121-0 0F TrrE 1991 ttBc. 3. VENTTT_,ATrON REQ'D I]BC 1205 (C) BATHROOMS 4. I'BC 1204 EXrTS /ACCESS REQ'D o'j, .ttttrtttaaaaatarttttttat!,ttr,tI*tt*tttaiIitttttttttatatatata|,ttt!, ,o Tofit{ Ol Vtltr, cor.oRlDo gErEa6nE * tritt!|tat tttlatrrttt ttt!lt!l*ttttra ttartiltlitliii.r!rllttitalttaltt SrfccErfB Nuubcrr REC-O355 lrcuns! 1.a76.80 l2lti/97 LO.2l prt'!.ne X.thod: cK lfoc.Elon | 13501 lnlg: AH P.rul.E Nor 89?-0{11 DEG: A-BUIID IDD/r&T 8FR BUrl,D PB P.rc.l No: 2101-092 -05-012 8Lt. Addrcsg | 1105 HoRNgILvER cR LocrElon! 1106 HonNgILvER cIRcLE !hI! P.tzurng r,876,80 1, e76.80 .oo ToE I lara ! 1,876.30 totrl lLL Puca ! Brlatlcat tccoutre Cod. BP 00100003111100 DR 00100003112200 PP 00100003112300 D1 00100002a03100 flc 00100003112800 Dc.crIpLion EUI!'DING PERIIIT FEES DESION RET'IEW FEES PI,IN CHBCI( PBES CT,BAIIT'P DBPOSITS rM ctrJt tlfgPEgttoN IEE Arcunc 772.OO 100.00 501.80 500.00 3.00 a,\ TOhIN OF VAIL 75 S. FROIITAGE ROAD VAII-,, CO 8L65'7 970-479-2a38 APPLICANT OWNER CONTRACTOR DEPARTMENT OF COMMT]NITY DEVETOPMENT NOTE: TTIIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED MECHANICAL PERMIT ON 'JOBSITE AT AI-,L TIMES Permit #: tq97-0232 Job Address...: 1106 HORNSILVER CR Location. . . . . . : 1106 HORNSTLVER CIRCI-,E Parcel No..... : 2101-092-05-Ot2 Project Number: PR,J97-0243 St,atus...: ISSIIED Applied. .. LL/L0/L997 rssued- ..: L2/L0/L997 E>q)ires. . : 06/08/L998 Description: INTERIOR REMODEL NEW KITCHEN,BATH,DOORS 9UG, ENGI,AND 9UG, ENGI,AND Phone: 97O-242-5014 co 81501 Valuat,ion: 3,000 .00 Fircblacc Informa!ion: Re6tricccd:*of cas AppLLrnccs:*of Ga6 Log!:*of wood/Pa1lcts: FEE S(,Ii1MAPY Mechanical-- ->60.00 RcdtualanE Pl,an Rcvicr,- - >.00 Total calcuhccd F.c6- -- >78.OO iIOHNSON SHERRY B 12 TIAMII-,TON TERRACE, LONDON NW8 ,JOHNSON SHERRY B 12 HAMILTON TERRACE, LONDON NW8 STONE MECHANIEAL, INC. 1111 SOUTH 9TII, GRAND iIUNqrroN Plan Chcck---> 15.00 DRB Fec-------- fnveEtigatsion> .Oo TOTAIT FEES----- w*1 call----> 3.0o :iilfr::";;;_::____-:__::; "':i3 Item: .05100 BUILDING DEP.ARTT{ENr ---- -p-ept: BUILDING Division: 17716 /1997-,rma----- -A-liq4: APPR APPRoVED'JRI'r rEbm;'OBsoo-eiRE DEpARTMENi Dept: FIRE Division: CONDITION OF APPROVA]-, l-. FrELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO_CHEq4 !'qR_qoDE qoMPILI-ANCE.2. t6raeusri6N-Ain-15 nrEur-nED-D-ER sgc. 60f qF-IEE leel IJuc.5: rnsTAi_,tAitOiq-Musi e0NF0Rr4 rQ MANITFAqIqRES rNsTRUcTIoNs AND-- to-AppENDrx cHAPTER 21 oF THE 1991 uUS._ _^ -+. GAs-EFFlrancns Ssei,l ee vENTsp AccQRDING^To-qHAPTER 9 AD{D" 5'ri[i,L,-tsRi,tiNEtn-AS-SpEerFrED rN sEc.996 qE'-THE 19e1 IlUc.s. E&ESs-ro ttnAtruc-BOUTFMTNT Musr coMPr.,Y wrrg sEc's05 AND-- 703 0r' ttre 199L lrMcl e . eoilEi{s-S-HAli-Br-l,iotnqtno oN FLooRs OE NQNcSIIEUSTTBLE coNsr.- . UNLESS_LISTED FOR MOUI'ITTTIE ON COMBUST_IELE-ELOORIIIG. - -__-_--- -7 . FHRMIT.FLANS-AND- C-ODE- ANI\I-,YSIS -MIUST BE POSTED IN MECHANICAT. NOOTq PRIOR TO AN INSPECTION REQI]EST.e. DRA1-NAcE-or-Ms-c-tiANicel,-ao6Ms- eOrytallv-r-Ng gFATING qB--HQr-w4TE-R-' SiffFi,V-eorluii$--siuitL, -er--s0tirpFED-Wrtg A FLooR DRA1N PER s3c. 2119 0F THE 1991 IIMC. ******************************************************************************** DECI,ARATIONS I hercby acknowledge Lha! I havc tead thia applicetion, fillcd ouE in full thc inforrnalion rcquircd, corlPlctcd an accurabe ploL o phn, .nd rgr!. lhrg tll tsh. lnforutlon provld.d r. r.qulrrd lr corr.ct. t rgt.. !o cdltly vlth th. lnfomtslon rnd Ploc pl.n, to conply rlth rll Torn ordlnrnc.. rna .grt. hu.. rnd t'o bultd thl. .gruclur. rccotdl,ng Co th. Tovn'. ronlng end .ubdlvlrlon a | *a trrr a rt a 'tt a a t I titt a tttt+t t ttaatti ta t a a* a oattttt trrat at a tt tt aa lol{N ol VltL, COiORAITO ggrl.lrrg t rrt I trt a tt a.l t I rt rr a t tr rt I tti l.r I t a tt i tt i t t I ', t tt a t.t t rt t ti ti t I t a ti lt rl a ScrE.dnc Nurlbar ! REC-0355 Anount r P.y$.ng M.thodr CK lfotrgi,on! 13501 7a,Oo 12llo/97 lOtzt INIE ! I{ATI P.lr!l! tro8 n97 -0232 ElPr ! B-I|ECH PGccl tror 2101- 092 - 05 -o1,2 gigc Addr.rt ! 1105 goRNltu.vER CR !oc.!ion: 1105 HoRNsu,vER crRctrB Tocrl 1..a, Thi! Pl},|r.nt ?4.o0 locrl AIrtJ hc.r Brllncc I HECIIAII ICIIJ PEMIIT J**ir|,tttt!rrtf *J*rJr*rt*r*!rr*r**tttttt*ttt*t**ttt*trrrrriiatf *J*t .Iccgunl coda Dascrlpt.lgn ?8.00 ?8.O0 . o0 lDounE 60. 00 19. 00 3. OO l,lP 00100003111300 UECHIIIICI! PERI.IIT tEEg pp 00100003112300 PrrN cllBcl( FlEg l{€ 00100003113800 l9ILl, clSL lNgPEelION FEE .''! TOWN OF VATL 75 S. FROI{TAGE ROADvArL, co 8L657 97 0-479 -2138 APPLICAI\TT OWNER CONTRACTOR DEPARTMENT OF COMMI'NITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON iIOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit #: 897-0301 Job Address: 1106 HoRNSILVER CR LocaE,ion. . . : 1106 HORNSIL,VER CIRCL,E Parce1 No.. : 2LOL-092-05-0L2 ProjecE No. : PRJ97-0243 SEatus. . AppIied. Issued. . Ercpires. ENGLAND BNGI,AND Phonez 3039263675 ISSI]ED LL/LO /L997 L2/LO /L99706/08/Le98 .]OHNSON SI{ERRY B 1.2 HAMILTON TERR.,ACE, LOIIDON NW8 9UG, .JOHNSON SHERRY B 12 HAMII-,TON TERRACE, DOI'BLE Q ELEETRIC P O BOX 975, EDWARDS LONDON NW8 9UG, co 81632 DescripE,ion : rNrERroR REMODEL NEW KTTCHEN,BATH, DOORSValuation:15, 000 - 00 FEE SI'MTiIARY Toc.l Celculrt.a Pa€a--_> 2?3 . oo Addlllon.l PG..---------> .0o ToE.l Pcltlib Fec--------> 2?3 .0o 273 .OO . oo Electrical---> 21O.oo DRB Fec Invc6gigalion> will call----> TOTAL FEES--- > .00 3,OO 273.OO PeFcnLE-- -- --- - BAIANCE Dt'E---- rrri*'t*'*tlrrr ITCM: O5OOO ELECTRICAI' DEPART!4ENT DCPT: BUII-,DING DJ.ViSiON: 1-1,/LO/L997 iIRM AcLion: APPR APPROVED 'JRM-rEam;'o56oo-FinE DEPIRTMENI - Dept: FrRE Division: CONDITION OF APPROVAI-, 1-. FIEI-,D INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. *rta*irriii****ia*r****rtr*rr* ittt*tr*rttt*Jattrttt+rir*rtr* DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledgc thats I havc lcad Ehi. applicatsion, fiIl.d outs in fu}l thc inforortl'on rcquircd, compl.tcd .n plan, and 6Latc! ChaC all thc informalion providcd ae rcquired is corrcc!. I rglcc tso conPly eith thc inforDatlon !o coElply wifh al1 Toen oldi.nanc€6 and Btat€ 1aw6, and to build lhis sCruclure according !o lhc Toen's zoning and -2139 OR AT OI'R OFFICE FROM acculatc plot and plots plan, Eubdiwision 8:O0 Al4 5:0O PMREQUESTS FOR INSPESIIONS SHAIJL BA MA.DE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY HIMSEI,F AND OWNER a fowlt OF VAIL, ooLoRlDo glrE.rat rtttttl|rr rtatn. rrr t}rtt tt att.r Jiti tt a,t aatta a tt r a trt ttrr t t a ta a aaJ tt rt ScrE.uDc l{unb.t: REc-o365 llount. r Pal7!.n! tLtst|od I cK NoErBlon: t3501 27t.OO r2ll!l97 10t21 lnlgr {AW P.rrlll No! E97-O3O1 Ttpc: B-BLBC ELECIRICAIj DERlllT P.rc.l lfo i 210r,-092 -05- 012 Sl,E. Add!6..3 11,06 IIORIISMAR CR toc.tion: 1106 HoRNsl&VER CIRCLE IoCrI Pc.. ! 273.OO Thl. Prl4qGnE 2?3.00 Totrl AIJ! Ih!.3 Ealattca ! 273.00 . oo lnounts 270.00 3. O0 i*ttart|}lt|l*ta**tttt*att*tt*tttttttatJt*Tttttttt*t*t***ttt+ttttlt Accgunt coda D6scriptsion EP 00100003111/r00 ELECTRIcI], PERIIIT FEBS WC OO1OOOO31128OO WII,IJ CAIJL INSPECTION FEE TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81-657 970-479-2L38 APPLICATfrT OhINER CONTRAETOR DEPARTMEI.IT OF COMMUNTTY DEVELOPMENT NOTE:THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON iIOBSITE AT Permit #: AIJIJ TTMES P97 -0t78PLIJMBING PERMIT ,rob Address: 1105 HoRNSILVER CR tocation... : 1105 HORNSILVER CIRCLE Parcel No.. : 2L0L-092-05-012 Projects No. : PRJ97-0243 SLatus.. AppIied. Issued. . Expires. ENGI,AND ENGI,AND Phone: 845-9300 ISSiJED LL/LO/L997 L2/LO/L997 06/08/Leeg iIOHNSON SHERRY B 1.2 HAMILTON TERRACE, LOIIDON NW8 9UG, iIOHNSON SHERRY B 12 IIAMILTON TERRACE, LONDON NW8 9UG, GUARANTEED PIJIJMBING & HEATING P O BOX 2L56, VArL CO 81658 Description: INTERIOR REMODEL NEW KITCHEN,BATII,ValuaEion:10, 000 . 00 FEE ST'I.{UAIY Plunbing-----> Plan check-- - > InwestigaCion> Hill call----> Rc6tsuarrnt Pl|n R6vicrr- -> TOTA! FEES.. - -. Tocrl cilculetcd Pac6- -- > Additionel PG€a-- -- --- --> TocrL P.loic F6c--------> 150 . O0 37.50 . o0 3.O0 .00 190.50 190.so .oo 190.50 BAI,AI{CE DUE-. -- ITEM: 051-OO BUILDING DEPARTMEI T DEDE: BUILDING DiViSiON:IL/IO/L997 .fRM ACLiON: APPR APPROVED .TRM-L1./LL./L997 .'RM ACI,J.ON: APPR APPROVED DRB PER DOM.MIEbm:'05500 FIRE DEPARTMENT DepE,: FIRE Division: CONDITION OF APPROVAI., 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIAIiICE. f *rt'r i+irttt|, t, DECI-,ARATIONS I hereby acknoeledge thaL r have r6ad this .ppLication, fill.d ouL ln fuIl pIan, and stale bhab all thc infornation ptovidcd rE rcquircd i5 corrccl. to conply witsh a1I Town oldi.nanccs and sbecc Lews, end co build tshis codea, dceign rewicw approved, uniform Building cod. and obhcr oldinanccs REQUESTS FOR INSPEqTIONS SIIAIJL BE UADE IIIEVTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVA}ICE BY th. infofilatLon rcqui!.d, couplclcd an accurate plot I .g!rc !o cotlp1y r.ieh bhr infometsion end Ploc plan' eccordlng to thc Tonn'6 zoning and 6ubdivi6ion c.b16 tshcrcco. AT OT'R OFFICE S : 0O Al.l 5 :0O PM HIMSE]TF AND OWNER tfr rrr r i rt r t t tt t t t tt a at t tt tta rtttrrrr!rr a a rr rrra a r t rrrfr a t ta ttatta TO$!l OF VAtt , COIORInO t!| taa tatt l!, trrri glrE.utrE {urb.r ! Rlc-0366 llnount ! Ertr.ng X.lhod: CK NoB.clon: 13501 l9O.3O l2flol97 LO.26 rtrlEr xAw Scrcanng PlrllE No: PGcal No r 8iE. Addtlar ! t ocrCl,on! Thlr Pr!'!rnc P97-0178 T!rp.: B-PLIG PLlrLBING 2101-O92-05-O12 1106 HORI{SI',VER C:R 1106 HORIISII,WR CIRCI,E Total Fcaa r 190,50 ToE.!, IIJL lbC.. Brlrncc: EERIIIT 1r0.50 1t o.50 .oo Accoung cod. D..crLptlolt PP 00100003111200 PLt IIBINC PERMIT FBBS P9 00100003112300 PLAN CHECK FEES t{c 00100003112e00 wlL& ctrL rNsPEcTroN FEE tuloung 150. 00 37,50 3.00 A, ( i I 0) EHO;r->Oo>6'6t tr3o+I- 0)Oc (1)p @(l) E oa ro -) (:o5E I ; !3 c\l EoI (D N. ,1 : ::A 6O /z4g F C oou o)C:.> .? 11 p .1 E ! d 3 f Eo io -90 Eo 1tq)o Q) v,(s = €E n* !E' t*d_I o s ELrl !)z q) Oc 0)lci'o3 (l) t=.t n ^'a v 2u-b la c:6 \!!OEa9 r o? o 0)L- C') .E 6 o (',c = ;rrCon Eac t Eagl ar 970-328-8 PARCEL /l: ) n."u""or. l"u Parcel /l . TowN oF VATL CONSTRUCTION APPLTCATTON FORM Coun ry 40 for PER}IIT /i PERMIT,DxTxz / l-f-97 W,vg?- oz{J , APPLICATION MUST BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY OR IT MAY NOT BE ACCEP?EDrfl* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * PERMIT INFORMATTON * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 'l''[y]-Building [\-elumbing [p]-Electrical [ ]-Mechani-cal [ ]-other rob Name: dol', r, Legal Description: Lot a I Block rob Acrdre =", l-LQ-b Hnr- u;/tor C'"c[p -L ririns [// '74 A**rrr't, ' Pnbr Srh".r> Jolr*-u Address , JJ Ha^, (L Tenorn Address: work cLass: [ ]-New 1zf{tt"tution [ ]-Addirional [ :in"puil[ ]-other Nurnber of Dwelling Units, I Olrners Name : Architect: ceneral Description: Ph. Ph. Number of Accomrnodation Units: 'r lj;rnber and Type of Fireplaces: Gas Appriances.- cas Logs_ wood/pel1 "t_J/ ' ----'- tk * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * VALUATIONS * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * !ur"or"" , +8().o&.ao Er,EcrRrcA r: + I t,o@.sp orHER: s PLUMBTNG: 1-Io/ooA MEcHANrcAirt=fu-bO ro;il; WPLUMBTNG| $ totOo? MEcHANTcAuGWb r' H ; : ;: i " : li ; : : il : :." . rt I ;:; r;., "ory:T: rtx ''RMA'' r oN Electrical contractot, Da.Jllp Q(ZUo rt _ Town of Vail nes, no.f Q)-EAddress: , - --Eil7-gohhone Nurnber: q)L-=G illl:::? conrracro., 4k t t u^{,0,-!< l?H, __orrgfif,Xl""fr,Xi!1,,"7gi# Mechanical Contractor : Address: BUILDING PERMIT PLUMBING PERMIT MECHANICAL PERMT ELECTRTCAL FEE: CTHER TYPE OF DRB FEE: S Town of Vail Reg. QEAA Phone Number: ********************************R, OFFTCE USE ******************************* CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: BUILDING: STGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE:lomments: '" VALUATION UP DTPOSIT REN]ND ,'tco.n tac E - Eag l I at 97O-328-t fencel r:,n't,/, J-/t , APPLI S*********rl ****** gle councy e"""""offl"" O -8640 for Parcel- /l . TOWN oF vArL coNsrRucrroN pERr'rrr /tr'A' aLn3ar14...- pERMTT AppLIcATroN F9RM-z omrz.fl)L _/o/ o, L o{o lv,rcATroN MUsr BE Frr-,LED our coMpLETELy oR IT !4Ay Nor BE AccEprED l********************* PERMJT TNFORMATTON * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *,r * * * * r [ ] -Building [x] -plunbing I J -Electricat J')q'1-t'lechani-car [ ] -other Job Name: (drrsorJ Job Actdre "=, /Ei__fu/*r_tr-JfuL Legal Description: Lot_ Block_ Filirg suuorurslo* orrners Name: (*orfr" {DhnsovJ ' ' Address | /t06 (+d{,\it\pc _ph.glf-ogsf Architect:Address:Ph. ceneral Descriptio"t P/1, *orJ"), Aj,l <", I'lork class: [ ]-New [[]-Arteration I J-Additional [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Nurnber of Dwelling Units:Nunber of Accommodation Unlts: lr**o"t and Type of Fireplaces: cas Appliances-_ cas Logs_ wood/petlet_ {'t******************************** vALUATToNs ********************************* MechanicaL contrac Eor = lf!g.),/itb /a*l iX-Address\- r.a &t g){tt, Aaor/-r;-7iE;- Electrical Contractor: Address: Plumbing,zContractor: Valle.)Alt ilr4(,>-"LAddressz /d 7 BUILDTNG PERMIT FEE: PLUMBING PERMIT FEE: MECHANICAL PERMTT FEE: ELECTRTCAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: Town of Vail Reg. NO.Phone Number: Town of Vail Reg. lto. la}-pPhone Nurnber: qiq 1>47_- FOR OFFICE USE ******************************* BUTLDTNG PI,AN CHECK FEE: PLUMBTNG PI,AN CHECK TEE:MECHANICAL PI,AN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE; CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAIJ PERMIT FEES: BUILDTNG: STGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: VALUATION qtEAN ItP IIEP.OSIT REFTTND TO: o oo 'H3B.:9He o H8Bd8 14 o oo dora oo G;o|n oo o oo oora oo o|. oo o p ot!at Ndit - oO '.1-qurtr Eoo a!o }{.A F. .{Erlo Eoo Ira oFlO Hoct o@E|u r.r E6E HF c|1lE t It{ E! E B GIHEI B c coN o H oIIEcU UHaE 'Jo o Hna f;8Fr{t{Aq|28,qEcto olrze E5EE EE E :{ FlE3 E3oa ? E5 A9 l'o EA liF H3 89E' Elr e Fz EE l{ 8 lr HEEIUrt t0EE E:E BIo uEH COE !RE E- hu EH E{Eo &E A B EE t o F 140 ctt>qrq4l.o{Eaog!40tEllOAAH REPT131 Pr rrr Tr{ . ??Ft o 01-1 1-2001 Inspection Request Reporting Page 3I 45 am Vail Cn'- City Of - Requastod lnspoct Oato: Thursday, January 11, 2001- AsSiurnrd Tu: CDAMS - lnspoctlin Typs: ELDOt'9fi;*FJr*:3i fl* ro*nu'LvER cR vArL I 106 HORt{StLVER CIRCLE A/P/D hlforrnalir,rrr Aclivilv: 897-0411 Tvne: A-BUILD Sub TvFe: ASFR Statrs: ISSLIFD Const Tw6: Occuoahw: U'se: V N Inso Area: CD Pa?iel: 2101O9205012 Applicani: JOHNSON SHERRY B Cordrhclor: NEDBO COI.ISTRUCTION Phone: 97G84$i001/\rF-.. ln uitqr\tt clJEE|E|v Et DescnFlion: INTERIOR REMODEL NEW KITCHEN,BA.TH AND DOORS Roquostod lnsoactlonlsl *- [€m: S] ELDG'Fhal Renr.nstor: NEDBO CONSTFI-lCTloNlpatnck corfr ilinis: W-tl-l-Cnit- Assigned To: CDAVISAfiion: _ Time Ep: Reousstad Tkns: C{;00 Pi,l' Phone: 901-5757 Entercd By: LCAMPBELL K - 4pp6nrcd * Aclion:,{rrFa ArrnlJv Eu ATv ?11- btrt Eorl' o3ol ."r\. 1 -^\?1"N_/'l Y ( 'l_) u)L- ll (, Diln OI Design Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL Proiect Name: Gleason Residence Project Description: Re-roof Owner, Address and Phone: Tom Gleason, 205 W. Oak, Fort Collins,80524, (303) 482-4861 Architect/Contact, Address and Phone: Carl Cara, 1329 N. US 287, Fort Collins' 80524' (9701 484- 8077 1106 Hornsilvir Circle Legal Description: Lot 9' Block 6' Vail Village 7th Filing Parcel Number: Building Name: Comments: 30 year Tamko Heritage - color = "Mountrin Slate" Proiect Street Address: Motion by: Seconded by: Vote: Conditions: Town Planner: Brent Wilson Date: August 20, 1998 Board / Staff Action Action: stnff approved trriIr,VliRYONll\DRB\APPROVT\tJ9lt\(i1,EASON.820 DRB Fee Pre-Paid: $20.00 Qucstions? Call thc Pkr:rttitlg Staii at 479-l128 APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIBW APPROVAL ca,A. DESERIPJIO,N-OF THE CENEML TNFORMATION This application is for any projcct rcquiring Dcsign Rcvicrv approval. Anylrojcct rcquiring dcsign rcvierv nlust rcccivc Dcsign Rcvi$v approval prior to submitting for a buii&ng pcrnrit' ior spccific infonnation' scc thc subn ttal rcquircnrcpts for thc particullr opirouuf thatis reqicstcd. Thc apliication cannot bc acccptcd until all thc rcquircd infornration is submittcd. f t,. piolc.t ntay also nccd to bc r.uic*.d by thc Torm Council and/or thc Planning and Envirorrnrc'tal Corttrnission. d.rign Ro"l.r, Board apploval cxpircs onc ycar after final approval unlcss a /--J,/ sl, € TAWNOFVAIL D, E. LO-CATIO{OF PROPOSAL: LOT:- BLOCK:, - FILINC:- ,I I PitYStcALADDRESS: ^ e' 4Jr"tlsrlrl</ (Contact Eaglc Co. Asscsson Officc at 970-328-8640 for parccl #) PARCEL #: ZONING: NAME OF OWNER(S): MAILINC ADDRESS:0 {82-18 L- c. O\\'NER(S) STGNATURE(S): NAME OF APPLICANT: MATLJ}|'C,2-l-t H. TYPE OF REVIEW AND FEE: El Ncrv Consh'uction - $200 Construction ol'a ncl building' tr Arldition - $50 lrrcludcs any adclition ruhcrc squarc footagc is addcd to any rcsidcntial or ---' comtttcrcial building' d<1f;dorAltcration - $20 Includcs nrinor changes to buildings and sitc improvcnicnts. such as, . rcroofing' painting. ri-indorv additions, landscaping' fenccs and rciaining - rvalls, ctc. DRB fccs arc to bc paid at thc tinrc of subnrittal. Latcr. rvhcn applying for a building pcnnit. pleasc identify thc accuratc valuation of thc projcct. Thc Torvn of Vailrvilt adjusithc fcc according to thc projcct valuation' PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPLTCATTON, ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENToFCOI\IMUNITYDEvELoPIVIENT,T5SOUTHFR0NTAGEROAD' VAIL, COLORADO 8I657. E[I!LDIIIOMATERIALS: LIST OF PROPOSED MATERIALS TYPE OF MATERIAL:CO-tgR:* s/rt-Roof Siding Othcr Wall Matcrials Fasc ia Sol't'its Windows Windorv Trinr Doors Door J'rinr lland or Dcck Rails Flucs Flaslrings ChirrrncyS Trash Enclosurcs Grccnhouscs Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting** Other + Please specify thc nranufacturer's color, numbcr and attach a srnall color chip ' *+ All cxtcrior lighting must nreet the Town's Lighting Ordinancc l8.54.050(J). If exterior lighting is proposed, plcasc indicate thc nuurbcr of fixhrrcs and locations on a scparatc lighting plan. Identiff each fixhue type and provide thc height above grade, lumcns output, lundnous arca. and attach a cut shcct of the lighting fixhues. "- - ' Uodated 6/97 ;,:::"u {e*nuo'' -:a' -"* -.=..,.i' -a3 :;..:l- - -- drlr,:.ir; d., ?. -,---..r-.. crrECr( ItEQUrisT' PREPARIjDBY: /'' ,o u',o*oonroru:'{ '( z VENDOR NUMBEIl:....,/.. DESCRTPTTON OF DXpENSE: CLEAN Up DEPOSTT RtrFUND FOR Bp tt g7 ? _ dl NAME)F IoBt :-^ .L,/ ACCOUN}NUMBER.' OI OOOO 22002 AMOUNT OF REFUND:*aa s DATEAPPROVED; l -l-/-16 APPROVAL srCnerunl' l]/1 11 ,a".1 II oo E c .9 ='15 lf .Y()()o Eoooo-o!-(L n =o5 c-) E u-l B5Jr H_.! _ L.r .. () z. < ------< o a ;z o)c(I,o \l c)()cop o(l) M. coo G'oo c$ E o a0h\ Eo r. .9.:J ol- lJ- (|) (s o Eo-,*' c, -t-Y<.F .Y.ao'=o r.l.t o / X (\t =o 6 (f,)c U''* UJ (l) ()c CIp a(l)t coa$o o \\ L- G E't- o m .v. oooo 3lf,(tt O) .E .9. )<ltl E t ot .>J \i"tl.E ll LL TOhIN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 81657 97 0-47 9-2138 APPLTCANT OWNER CONTRACTOR DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT 2ry4'/*' JOBSITE AT AL- TII{/ Perrnit *t lc-97-0423 Job Address Location. . . Parcel No..Project No. 1106 HORNSILVER CR 1006 HORNSILVER CIRCLE 2101-092-0s-011 Status. . . Applied.. Issued... Expi-res. . AP PT,I L -J2/t HORNSILVER C]RCIE LTD 3013 SHORE RD, FORT COLLTNS CO HORNSILVER CIRCLE LTD 3013 SHORE RD, FORT COLLINS CO NEDBO CONSTRUCTION P.O. BOX 3479, VAIL, CO, CELL# 8052s 80525 Phone:. 970-84 [0r]l 47L-4BBB 81658 Description: 5FT DECK EXTENSION Occupancy: Type Construction: Valuation:15,000 Add Sq Ft: F i reptace Information: Restricted:#0f Gas App I i ances:#0f Gas Logs:#of tlood/Pa L tet: *ffiff******#***********ff***tt****ld******************** FEE SUI'I|4ARY ********************************trt*****************Jri****r Bui Ldi ng-----> PLan Check---> Invest i gati on> t'li Lt Ca l. L----) Restuarant Ptan Revi er.r--> DRB F Recreation Fee----------> C Lean-Up Deposi t--------> TOTAL FEES----- TotaI Catculated Fees---> AdditionaL fees--------->!13'.'& ofri o^ 151.75 .00 454.7. 195 .00 126.75 .00 3.00 -00 50.00 100.00 474.75 .00 Total Per]it Fee--------> Payments------- BALAIICE DUE----*ffitffi****t*ft****|t**t*ffi*|tttt***t**rr*l*t****ffi,H*ff*****ft****tffi*ffi**************ff*ff*ff**********ft*ff*ff*t**r * ITEM:,O51OO BIIILDING DEPARTMENT DepI: BUILDING Div.i.ion:12/02/1997 Jwr A-Eion:- AFFR nppnovBD JRM-ITbm:,O54Oq PLANNING DEPARTMENT DepI: PLANNING Divisicln:Item: 0560q E_I_BE DEpARTMENT peirt: EIBE blvlsl.,iilrtem: 05500 puBl,rc woRKs Deptr D0s-wonx bivrsii.r: **t****************t**********ffi*ffi**ff|t***'r|t****ff********#ff********************t*************ft******************t***{***** See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that rnay apply to this pe :rit - DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowtedge that I have read.this apptication, fil.Led out in ful.l, the intormation required, compl.eted an accurate ptotptan, and state that al'[ the infornation Provided as required is correct. I agree to conpt,y with the informat.ion and pl.ot pl.an.to comPty with att ToHn ordinances and state [aws, and to buiLd this structure according io the Town's zoning and subdivisioncodes, design review approved, uniforn Buil,ding Code and other ordinances of the Town afpticabLe thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE I{ADE TI.IENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AI 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROI4 8:OO AI,I 5:OO PII Send C(ean-Up Deposit To:SIGNATURE OT OTINER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HII.ISELF ITIO OUNCN Page 2 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * . I Jr* . ;.^ CONDITIONSPermit *z 897-0423 as of L2/02/97 Status---: APPLIEL * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * rt rt Jr rt * r .r -, Pernit Type: ADD/ALT sFR BUrLD pER!,!rT Applied--. t2/02/L99'tApplicant--: HORNSITVER CIRCLE LTD Issued---: To Expire: Job Address: 1106 HORNSILVER CRLocation---: 1006 HORNSILVER CIRCLEParcel No--: 2l-0L-092-05-011 Description: sFT DECK EXTENSION * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * COnditiOn6 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ' , I.. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.2, SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.121O OF THE 1991 UBC. 1Co..o", n1Sl: . go.1n Ey-n""u""ot"lrc" ,ii"llo o?'u ! utod W W'*d t L'3HX"?i Xlli,::ff 3fi ";I#-r'.\Nvr_L t, e< IV tv , 4 J(J 4 PERMIT ApplIcATroN rI pxrn:J)_)_12 PEfu\IIT /I Job Name: LegaI Description: owners Name: Architect: Lot_:b General Description: work class: [ ]-New J ]oft"r.tion [ ]-Additional 1 1in.pui, [ ]-other Number of Dwetling Units: /Number of Accornrnodation Units:-T-- )ymber and Type of Fireplaces: cas Appliances__ Gas Logs_ wood/pellet / /l* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * VALUATTONS * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *L durr,nrmc, $ |f,)OO.OO Er,EcrRrcAL: $ orHER: $ PLUMBTNc: $ MECHANIcAI,, $ --_ TOTAL: $W * * * * * ', * * * tr * * * * * * * * *' * * rl*t* * * r, coNTRAcrgR TNF9RMAI'roN * * * * * * * * * * tt * * * * * * * * * rr rr rr * * * *-Eenerar contragtor.^...lVe/-bi-'C;;;St' "-l-'-' rown or vair neq."i3"3ii--/l Job Acldress: Address: Address: Addresst laonf.fl4 n tun hjTV { phone Number: 2+.<-- DRB FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: BUTLDING: STGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: Electrical Contractor: r\' I Town of VaiI Reg. NO.Address Plumbing Contractor: Town of VaiI Reg. NO._Address: _Phone Nunber: MechanicaL Contractor: Town of Vail Rec, \rnAddress: '' rr\^- _ Phone Number: ****************1;f"it,t:*lr**'irir.cl*+:iioh.oFFrcE usE ***************************r*t** BUTLDTNG pERMrr {fth*t-T""-'"- " i3,t'lil --iruiiniiE pi,an cHr"K FEE:llryPilg lEly]r F'TH DE8-rlt{BL-{','.; PLUMBTNG Pr,AN cHEcK rEE: -------. -MECHANICAL PERMIf. trTE :'-'- 3omnents: VALUATION CLEAN DEPOSIT RXPII}ID oo Design Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL Project Name: Borman/Gleason - Residence Project Description: 5'deck extension - materials to match existing Owner, Address and Phonc: Tom Gleason/John Borman 3013 Shore Road. Ft. Collins. CO 80524 ArchitecVContact, Address and Phone: Rollie Kjesbo, NEDBO Construction, Inc. PO Box 3419, Vail CO Project Street Addrcss: 1006 Hornsilver Circle Legal Dcscription:Lot 9, Block 6, Vail Village 7th ParcelNumber: 2101-092-05-0ll Comments: BuildingName: Board i Staff Action Action: staff approvedMotion by: Seconded by: Vote: Conditions:Work around and preserve existing tree Town Planner: Dominic Mauriello Date: I l-l l-97 FTEVERYONE\DRB\A PPROVAL\97\BORMAN,N I I DRB Fee Pre-Paid: $20.00 ilrign Review e.ttt Form 1006 Hornsilver Circle Lot 9, Block 6, Vail Village 7th BuildingName: TOWN OF VAIL Proiect Name: Borman/Gleason - Residence Project Description: 5' deck extension - materials to match existing Owner, Address and Phone: Tom Gleason/John Borman 3013 Shore Road, Ft. Collins, CO 80524 Architect/Contact, Address and Phone:Rollie Kjesbo, NEDBO Construction, Inc. PO Box 3419' Vail CO Proj ect Street Address: Legal Description: Parcel Nnrnber: 210l-092-05-011 Comments: Board / Staff Action Action: staff approvedMotion by: Seconded by: Vote: Conditions:Work around and preserve existing tree Town Planner: Dominic Mauriello Date: ll-ll-97 F :\EVERYONE\DRB\APPROVAL\97BORMAN.N I t DRB Fee Fre-Paid: $20.00 JUN-@3-97 ',:.":;"::;Ui. ,,",,n',,, ,,",,, ll"-i,rn "' GENERAL INFORI\IATION This application rs for any prolcr'1 roqu'in1i DqsrFr Rene,w approvar. Any.projcct requiring design review mustreceivc Design Rct'icw approval lrior to zubmidng for a buiidlng pernuc ior'rpJlirri"rmaton. s€e the submjttalroquirsmcots for the particular approva that is rcqrixted i\ *ty,r:, d;;;;d until arr rhc requircdinfornrarion is slbmined. Thc projct may also nced to bc rglic*ed by the Town councit'andor the plaruring audEnvironmenAl Commission. Design Review fo".a app.on l expires oou ye". "ft", noel epprovel unless sbuildiag pcrmir ls issued and consrrqction is eartedl'- - TVW OT VNL APPLICAI"ION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL B. A. LOCATIoN oF PRoPoSAL.BLOC'K:LlL PFTYSIC.\L,{DDRESS:, /-, t------ tu--sil_ue.c_L2-LLle -_ -..._- PARCEL # >IOI ( Contacl Eagle (lo. Asse,ssors Oftice ar 970-_12g.g640 tbr parccl rf)ZONNG: NA\4E OF O\\IIVERiS): MAILO{C .ADDRESS: L. E |. PHoNE; 471"_+72_ 56LL PHONE: Constnrction of a ne* buitdng q+( 17tt 1_1r_1*.?, "-dgrion u.fusrc squar6 f'ootage is added to any rc$rd€zrtiat orcommerclal bujldine$20 Includes minor cbanges to buildings and site improvcrnents. such as. i_Til}i. o**& rvindow 3ddrrons. tandscaping r*..,,,i,*]nlng $o For any application wherc rhc applicant u,isbcs ro meer qrith Design Revie*,Board ro dc{cp^arnc whcrhcr or nor thc prolect giJi" *rpfies with thedcsrgn guidelinec. The DRB does no, "lor" * *-""*;., rcvie.\r,s. L)f<E i'c'c ar !r to bo pard-at tbe cime of subnrinal' rarl wlp amlying fcr a build,ing pcrmir, picase identifythe accurate valuatioo of ttrc ptoJo.,. T[. i;;oiliuir *iu.a;ust the fee accordsg to the project varuation PLEASE SUBI\flT I.HIS APPLI^C.ATION. ALL Sf'BMTTTAL REQUIREIITENTS AI.D THE FEE TO THEDEPA'RTMENT oF colnlturiiripevBiiipmEll r. 7s so r-rr H FR.NTA cE R'AD.VAIL.COLORADO Er6S/. DE:5 ON OF UEST: G. t{ OWNER(S) SIGNATURE{Sr : NAME OF.{PPLICANT: IqAIL,NC TYPE OF REVIEW -{.\D FEE-fJ New Constt-uc(ion - $300E Addition -$50 ffilVtirlor dreration. O Couceprual Rerdew - 6s fb"n'"n, gl?;Ht[t oo we to R me n r I Vail, CO 81657 ReceiPl No. -?- srinl*^iroate ll rb r41 Please make checks payable to the TOWN OF VAIL Account No.llem No.Code #Cost Each Total 001 0000 3141110 Zoning and Address Maps zA $5.00 001 0000 3141112 Unilorm Building Cod_g CB $s4.00 001 0c^^ 001 0( 001 0( 001 0( 001 0( ool 0c 001 0c 001 0c nnl rlr;# Operrtor: RSttf,IDT Oreck: --?tsFiuur uL b5iii-iiieilgT el Receiet: GQQIEZ 0010C Dfut -- - |2e'm 00T0e iliit rmaereu tze'm 001 0c pAy T0llf mDER s FIRsIlslt tr vAIL 001 0c llAIL' Co 01657ool-q! *itffi$ileo.t 001 00 TflT{ tF t,0tL 5/g 9337 001 00 001 00 001 00 Tom of Vail-^nr n, ru CLFTffif RETEIPT *+r ;:'; gD€R: flstlltlDT FB olflfli l---,---uol ur ffii ilTeiilz sr flECEIPT: ffi157 trs[RlpTlttl oTY ffifiT Tq i!|!_-r--:: ogsieit mvtetl re t €e.0e 0R cK uul uu iCDB0 HrsTRtf,TItt{ 001 00 YY! YY Df,IE: 1l/6/97 15:03:37 001 00 mrni crU m0.fr oo1 0o ntirn-'tpmmD Ee.o0 Lool oo Fo-fid rsu Ytu FoR YIUR FflY*ltTl 1001 00 luu I uv' 1001 00uv or r zbuu rvanance hour) )eposit DeptFe\i rle os Tax . tr.---l. . Amend Amend CB $39.00 CB $37.00 CB $36.00 CB $37.00 CB BF $7.00 XG $0.2s MS PN PF OH CL SP $20.00 SP DR Q LO:? ?_o= PN D2 RL SA TP T7 MS PV $200.00 PV $200.00 PV $200.00 PV $500.00 PV $1,500.00 PV $1,000.00 PV $200.00 PV PV $250.00 001 0000 311 2500 Zoning Code Amendmenls PV $250.00 Re-Zoning PV $200.00 Other -MS TOTAL:4Lo. Comments: r -- 0ola'a4h6v' Wtnil altezahon (re Ir Heceived Oy, lr(Money Order #Check # ', $l'i\ \t{- i l'l t i$$N t.) l\t i\'' {il}t\.*nN $t i) N $\$ N$$t i$Nt l:: .:\ s It\ il \ t, t\ $r\l \,1NI\l tiNI Nl,'lsl\lrll \ rl ln I tYl '!Ni '\ \lk NiNI NI/ I ttl .rr i r.l 0., I :;:\"-Ndz R. \-l-)P \\\\ [\ -arat .t__-\l\l'\l '1"-rl\i\l,+- fowN oF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 97 0-47 9-2138 Description: INSTALL NEWW DRIVEWAY Occupancy: R3 Type Construction: V Fi reotace Infornat ion: Restricted: DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Job Addres 1106 HORNSTLVER Ct 1112 HORNSILVE.R--CR DEvELoPMENT ttV4 J ",- .- n(i ,(-.0 \ 4 !y-u ATL TIMES 89 6-0 19 6 Location.. Parcel No..Project No. 10t--o92-03-0 0 8 APPLICANT NEDBO CONSTRUCTION P.O. BOX 34L9, VArL, CO 81658 CONTRACTOR NEDBO CONSTRUCTION P.O; BOX 34L9, VAIL, CO 81658 OWNER TROPE SORRELL & LINDA 280 N LAYTON DR, LOS ANGELES CA 90049 ON JOBSITE AT Permit #: fof Gas Logs: Status. . epplied. Issued.. Expires. Phone: 845-1001 Phone: 845-1001 AND RETAINING WALLS . Single FaniIY Residence NR Not in table! fof Uood/PaL l.et: I hereby acknowtedge that I have read this application/ fitted out in ful,l, the infornation requined, compteted an pLan, and stata that atI the information provided as required is correct. I agree to compl.y with the information to compty Hith al,l, Torrn ordinances and state [aws, and to buitd this structure according to the ToHn's zoning and codes, des'ign review approved, uniform Euilding code and other ordinances of the Town appticabLe thefeto. accurate ptot and ptot ptan, subdivision +\- ISSUED 07 /rs/ree6 07 /t6/Lee6ot/12/Lee7 Valuation:20, 000 Add Sq Ft: fof Gas App[ i ances: FEE SU}II,IARY Bui f.dingr----) 2/.5.00 Restuarant P[an Review--> .00 Total CatcuLated Fees--> 557.25 Ptan check---> 159.25 DRB FeF------- Invest igation> .00 Recrestion Fee----------> .00 Total Perm'i t Fee--------> 557 .25 t,li|.|'ca(|.---->3.00c[ean-Up0eposit-------->100.00Paynents---_-----------> TOTAL FEES----- **r.* Item: O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT DEPT: BUILDING DiViSiON:07/75/7996 CHARLIE Action: NOTE PLANS TO CHARLIE07'/15'/1996 CHARLIE Action: APPR CHARLIE DAVISItbm:, O54OO PLANNTNG DEPARTMENT DEPI: PLANNING DiViSiON:07/75/1996 CHARLTE Action: NOTE PLANS TO LAUREN07'/16'/1996 LAUREN Acrion: APPR Iqemi'.05600 rrne DEpARTIENI Dept: FrRE Division:07/15/!990 CHARLIE Action: APPR N/AIt'em:'05500 PUBLIC WORKS Dept: PUB WORK Division:O7/L5/I996 CHARLIE Action: NOTE PLANS TO LARRY P07'/L6'/1996 LARRY_P Action: APPR LARRY PARDEE Cost See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this pernit. DECLARATIONS REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE IIAOE TI'ENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE W 479-213E Q]R AI OIll-oFFICE ENOI{ Page 2******************************************************************************** CONDITIONS Permit #: 896-0196 as of 07/!6/96 Status---: ISSUED *******************************************************tr************************ Send Ctean-up Deposit To: I{EDBO CONST sTGNATURE -- oR coNTRAcroR FoR HIT.ELF AND olrNER Permit Type Appl j-cant-- Job Address Locati-on--- Parcel No-- Description INSTALL NEWW DRIVEWAY AND RETAINING WALLS * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * COnditiOns ***t tr rt tl * il * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT NEDBO CONSTRUCTION 845-1001 1106 HORNSILVER CR I].12 HORNSILVER CR 2l_01-092-03-008 applied--t o7/Ls/Lee6 Issued--- 2 07 /16/1996To Expire 2 Ol/12/L99'7 TOWN OF VArL, COLOR,ADO Statemnt**************************************************************** Statemnt Nurnber: REC-0 171 Amount:537,25 07/L6/96 L4zL7Init! cDPayment Method: CK Notation z #20206 Permit No: Parcel No: Site Address: Location: This Payment, Account Code 01 0000 41310 01 0000 41331 01 0000 4L332 01 0000 22002 01 0000 4L336 Total Fees: 537 .25 Total AI.,L Pmts: Balance: Description BUILDING PERMIT FEEF DESIGN REVIEW T'EES PLAN CHECK FEES CLEANUP DEPOSITS WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 896-0196 Type: 2L0L-092-03-008 1106 HORNSILVER 1112 HORNSILVER A-BUILD ADD/AI,T SFR BUILD PE CR CR 557 .25 55t.Za .00**************************************************************** AInount 245.00 30 .00 Ls9.25 100.00 3.00 Arc hi tec t: DATE:'l7t -q8 8g APPLICATION MUST BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY OR IT MAY NOT BE ACCEPTED ,( x ,( * f :t * * * * * t * * )t( l( $ Jt I( * * ri I( |l * * I r X * PERM I T I NFORMAT I ON * ,fi * * X { t( t( )r( * * rX * * )r * * * * * rt t )t * * * * r r t l-Euilding I J-PIumbing [ ]-Electrical t .,lp$lectrical tXl-otner q&?ltl,r€> Job Name rTk-(?-&lu€wA? Job Addreser llp-L ee- ct Legal Descriptionl Lot..J Block_l Filing owners Namer Lrr{arTg,opz Address: @ Ad d r e s g, l@ l'-\bu !A'E\D-.-,* n . Q ? L*z teration [ ]-Additional t l-Repair t l-Other Number of Accommodation Units: * t * t )t X )fi I X it :l * t t * )t * t t * * * t * )t * * * t x x rr r(,r vALUAT I ONScl. ^ 876-o 196 BUrLD,*"t U-ffiot"cuILulNf,j: ry I v1J\'- PLUIIBINGt -F-- s x * x f * * 1( t t x t( r( il f $ f t * * * t t )r( * * )t )( coNTRAcToR I NFORMAT I ON DBo CoJ=+evafloJ It I( itr :{ { '| * * * * )t I x I x * t( tt * I |( t( * * r * t * * )t * f * OTHER: TOTAL: 6eneral Adc,ress t ('O' Electrical Contractor : AddreEs.. P l umbing Add ress : Con trac tor : Mechanical Con t rac ton I Add ress: *r(x****l**rxr|(*f t**t(*fi {***tf fr r8t FoR BUTLDING PERMIT FEE; PLUMBIN6 PERMIT FEE: MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE; RECREATION FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: VALUAT I ON r( * t( * * * * :r * * * * * )r * )r* )fi )r * Vijt] d Town o{ Vail Rad, NOftirA- Fhone Number fu.:-FV* -. Town of Vail ReE- NO. Phone Numberl Town of Vail Phone Number: Town of Vail Phone Number r Reg. NO Reg. NO. OFFICE USE BUILDING l[ltf f |l* * f, *il *lt ||(r(:(fl * t***i()kl(*** )r t I t( PLAN CHECK FEE: UP FOSIT: P TYPE IGROUP i SG.FT. *l tlll ===::===============a!====-===E===:lrrEEnr!_r========rtla€itr-i-=ri===========-raa=3===ta--- PLUMBING PLAN CFIECK FEEI MECHANICAL PLAN CHECK FEE: CLEAN_ TOTAL BUILDING: l-trrloeneral De:criptionr t.lHl QPVeuro? OpS Fer,qXltrjq LJ,q:-t- - trjork Cl asE: D(J-trr* t l-Al Number of DwelIing units: Nurnber and Type o{ Fireplaces: Gas Appliances- Bas Logs--- wood/pellet ELECTR I CAL : MECT.IANICAL: Signgture: . Signaturer l-rcsign Review Action Ft ' m TOWN.OF VAIL Calegory Number ,zf '- Project Name: I Bullding Name: Projecl Description:''-l -ho ,a Owner, Address and Phone: Legal Descrlptlon: Lot .- Block i Subdivision Zone District Project Street Address: Comments: Seconded by: tl I 1 i\i )j nPProvat 'i r 15" r\-{ ! Disapproval ! StafiApproval Conditions: Town Planner DRB Fee Pre-paid towu or varr, 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 97 0-47 9-2L38 APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER Description: ADD PARKING DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED PUBLIC WAY PERMIT Job Address: 1105 HORNSILVER cR Location. . . : Parcel No.. : 2I0L-092-03-008 NEDBO CONSTRUCTION P.O. BOX 3479, VArL, CO 81658 NEDBO CONSTRUCTION P.O. BOX 34t9, VArL, CO 81658 TROPE SORRELL & LINDA 280 N LAYTON DR, LOS ANGELES CA 90049 ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: PW96-0081 Status...: ISSUEDApplied..: 07/16/1996 Issued...: 07/L6/t996 Expires.. : 07 /L6/199'/Phone: 845-1001 Phone: 845-1001 AREA AND RETAINING WALLS FEE SUN ARY Pubtic t.lay--> 75.00 lnvestigati on> Paynents------- Bond Arrcunt-> .@ BALANCE DUE---- TOTAL FEES---> 75.00 Item: 05500 PUBLIC WORKS Dept: PUB WORK Division:07/16/1996 CHARLIE Action: APPR PER LARRY P ' CONDITION OF APPROVAL DECLARATIONS I c.rtify that I havc rcad atl chapters of Titl.c 12-Str of thc Vail, llunicipa[ Code and atl. util,ity colpsny agrcemcnts/ signed by ne, and yitl, abidr by thc aanc, and that atl. utiLitiicd as fequi red. Pubf.ic Horks vitt havc a spec/detai I book availabl,e in April, ot 1995. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE I'IADE TI.IENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY SIGNATURE OF OI.I}IER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HII'ISELF ANO OI.INER -v **************************************************************** towr or vArL, coLoRADo Statennt**************************************************************** Statemnt Nunber: REC-O171 Anount:7s.00 07/L6/96 L4220#20206 Init: CDPayment Methodr CK Notation: Pw96-0081 Type: PUBWAY 2t0t-092-03-00I 1106 HORNSILVER CR Total Fees:75.00 Total ALL Pmts: Balance:**************************************************************** Permit No: Parcel No:Site AddresE: This Payrnent Account Code 01 0000 41320 PUBLIC WAY PERMIT 75.00 75.00 .00 Description PUBLIC WAY FEES Anount 75.00 f,;$ie':1ip r*-i 7 4s 6s i-t a5 e 6" o/c 5 e 12" o/c l' Wcahed Rock Bockltl Full Height 15 a 16" o/c oo al Drch - Tie Into Drywell Town ,." ' Side Retoinin boyle engineering, inc. 143 e. meodow drive suite 390 voil. colorodo 81 657 47o-210t0-oaua to,. Trooe Residence Lot 7, Block l, Voil Villoge 8lh Fil \Ocobrodo 3/4" = l-O" Woll fl$liil,B!o,..L- 'q,€ 4 149_65 -:rit tr?t"'di$ I Woshed Rock Bockfll Full Heighl oo r\ Drdr - Tb Into Drywel I @ Town_ot 114"326'.: fo' OFFlpt -*,-, ; Trope Residenc e boyle engineering, inc. 143 e. meodow drive suite 590 voil, colorodo 81657 476-2170 476-438J foxo lot 7, Block l, Voil Villoge Eth Voil, Colorodoo fl.$ii?{}gi{iia"";q.9..{ F. 14e6s it* WALL SCHEDULE Section Mqx Height H B C N Sde Wdl 2'-O"t'-z'2r5 $de Woll 4'-O"5-3"6*5 Reor ./lnside Woll 4'-O"I-O"I-5"4*5 Reor ./lnside wdl 6'-O"f-o"2',-8"515 T @ boyle engineering, inc. 143 e. meodow drive suite 390 voil, colorodo 81657 476-2170 476-438J fox JgqlP P{ \/r-:t AFFtf: I I lLl-llV[ | lV u,,,-.,' i.' ' d I rope l(estoence Lol 7, Block l, Voil Vilbge 8th Filing Color o Voil, This structure has been designed to meet the requirements of the l99l Uniform Building Code with amendments as adapted by the Town of Vail. All omissions or conflicts between various elements ofthe working drawings and/or specifications shall be brought to the attention of the Structural Engineer before proceeding with any work so involved. The General Contractor shall verif, all dimensions and conditions at the job site and shall be responsible for the means, methods, techniques, sequences and procedures associated with this project. Furthermore, he shall be responsible for coordination of all work and materials including those furnished by subcontractors. The Structural Engineer shall be contacted during the construction phase to make the job site inspections necessary to confirm that the achlal field conditions are consistent with the design assumptions and that the constmction is proceeding according to the plans and specifications. Live Loads Used In Desien: Roof Floors Decks 80 psf 40 psf 100 psf Earthquake Zone IUBC Wind 80 mph, Exposure B The design for this wall is based upon an assumed bearing capacity of 1500 psf and an assumed lateral pressure of45 pcf. A licensed Soils Engineer shall be contacted during excavation to inspect the site and confirm that conditions are consistent with these assumptions. The General Contractor should review the Soils Engineer's report and follow its recommendations for excavation, backfilling, grading and drainage svstems. All concrete to attain a compressive strength of 3000 psi in 28 days. All reinforcine bars to be Grade 60. "t JI 1O*7p 6{ r/ail FFle '* .".., #% W:B-r;^, bi'mr$ t-u $ lfN -\$ ,te S L'.Jxd dso> \t AaQ nl'Qte 0 \t \ u \ 0l '{a 0 f \4 .j M I )-$, ..( \ 0l- a st.F. i b E }-{-s*IrJY:e5\ oP IU.,)t)Qq.. TEEq{x A.Q-[r I s \ i rb i{ q o: srqt "dqir t FI d b a a e-.,v Z, tl.ta{q u (,)r0-'H .." .u, 't.rr'r(s \) ,{'F. IJu I TI u) ul0 q. :?lrr K{6 il\ ut 0-{() lt)a:q rt t-tt Xlu rlt FI E$ Ot t- t I slIt;. fo*n r'4 r i-:r $' ;{$ rd*s F $d$ r$ -dd /llcl\ ^ati .S 9'ovl- ,if 4fl /,i t: .. ::// frr:, r.. .:' tJV lr llBA to llnAol I I' t It. li ll ' .::; t: ( I I \., I I U - c U, | ",PlH$l$str - s.sd$il stli r'i i'i ji -1,,, <1'o' ') \\i '-1o"" I I tl 1,, t )t ! (>, \a . f -.i - I TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, CO 81657 97 0-47 9-2138 APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED PLUMBING PERMIT ON JOBSITE AT Pernit, #: ALL IIMES P9 6-013 7 Description: INSTALL SNOWMELT SYS USING EXISTINValuation: fi#ffi**t*ffi'*#Jrffi FEE SUllttARY GUARANTEED PLUMBING & HEATING P O BOX 2t56, VArL CO 81658 GUARANTEED PLT'MBING & HEATING P O BOX 2156, VArL CO 81658 TROPE SORRELL & LINDA 280 N LAYTON DR, LOS ANGELES CA 90049 Phoner 30382794t4 7, 000.00 134.25 .m 131.?5 PBYnents-------- Job Address Location. . . Parcel No.. Project No. 1106 HORNSILVER CR 1106 TTORNSILVER CR 2101-0 9 2-0 3 -0 08 Status. . . Applied.. Issued... Expires. . Phone: 30382 Totat Catcutated Fees---> Additionat Fees---------> TotaI Permit Fee--------> compteted an i nformat i on I S SUED 08/28/tee6 o8/28/tee6 02/24 /ree7 794L4 P tumbing-----> Ptan check---> lnvesti gat i on> tti IL CatL----> Restuarant Ptan Review--> TOTAL FEES------ 105.00 zo-t) .00 3.@ .00 134.25 BALANCE DUE--.-- **ir***irffi *#*ffiffi **ffiffi lr**trffi tr*ffi fi(****#.ffi ffi.t**f** IIEM: O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT DCPI: BUILDING DiViSiON:08/28/t996 CHARLIE Action: APPR CHARLIE DAVIS #r*ffi(tt*ffir:ffirit#ffi **ffi **lr****ffi lffi(* CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQ'D TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE DECLARATIONS I hereby acknor,tedge that I have read this application, fil,l,ed out in ful,l, the informatioh required, ptan, and state that atl the information provided as required is correct, I agree to compty yith the to compty Hith alt Tovn ordinances and stat! tavs, and to buitd this structure according to the Town' codes, design reviey approved, uniforD Buitding Code and otherxldinances of the Town appli_rFbl.e t REOUESTS fOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE IIADE TIIENTY-IOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TURE OF OI.INER accurate ptot and pLot pl.an/ subdiv i sion I * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** ** * ** * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * J' * ** * * * * * * * TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO &.!r,.&.,.+r. Statemnt **************************************************************** statemnt Number: REc-0191 Amount: 134'25 08/28/?6 13:02";;y*;; u"inoat cr Notation ' +1470 rnit: cD Pernit No: P96-013? Type: B-PLMB PLUMBING PERMIT Parcel No: 2101-092-03-008 Site Address: 1106 HORNSILVER CR Location: 1106 HORNSILVER CRTotal Fees:t34.25 L34.25 .00 ****************************************************:k*********** Account Code Descriptiol -- ---^ Amount 01 oooo 41311 PLUMBTiIG PERMTI FEES 105'00 01 0ooo 4L332 PLAN CHECK FEES 26'25 01 0ooo 41336 vtrl,I, CALL TNSPECTTON FEE 3'00 This Payment t34.25 Total ALL Pnts: Balance: . )*contacs Eac1.e co;::rr*::t ff;ffd/o;3za-s640F tttt;rK oF vArL "o""r*u.*t Job Name: T{-"OC PeS Job Address: r,egal Description: r.ot ? afocX_(?_ Filing PERI'IIT # PERMIT APPITCATTON FORM b7o -ottt,DATE: t APPLICATION I'IUST BE FILLED OIn COUPIJTELY OR IT l,tAY Nor BE ACcEpTEDatx******* *** * ************** **** PSR!{IT TNFORMATJON ******* *********** * * ***** ****fll .,[ ]-Building ll4-prunbing [ ]-Electrical [ ]-Mechanibar [ ]-other .U owners Name: t% Address: ph. Architect: n.)'rlA/dl_ Address: ph. ceneral Description: work class: [ ]-New [ ]-Alteration fl[-AdditiJnal t ]-Repair [ ]-orher Nurober of Dwelling Units: €- #tl"t and Tlpe of Fireplaces: cas Applian""= @ cas Logs_ wood/pelret_ 4***************** * ***** ********** vALUATToNs * * * ****** ** ******** ***** ********* BUILDING: ELECTRICAL: $- OTHER: $PLUMBfNG: G *n wnnpaxi,^i;: r-=-- -^--- - { Nunber of Acc-rommodation Units: € ^ PLUIIBTNG: t Tazn-a MECEANICAL: $-=--v... Pq6-&3-7,T;: ;: i .::;::::il : I.. . ; i :ji: coNrn3EroR rNFoRl,Arr o: TOTAL: T '"3?;riiir#r Phone Number:il;;;:,"""btr";7r;i -lY% T:11_": y3iJ., Res. No. Electrical Contractor:Address: "- 3;3l"Rffil*,*"n'No'- fiEH:3? "3W; ffH.Rffi.!"::gyy"t4+Plunbing coDtractor: Mechanical Contractor: Address:Phone Number: PLUI'IBING PERMTT FEE: MECHANICAL PERMTT FEE: ELECTRTCAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: oFFICE USE ***** * ******* * ***************** BUTLDING PIAN CHECK FEE: PLWBTNG PI.AN CHECK FEE: I{ECHANTCAL PI.AN CHECK FEE: RECREATTON FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERT''TT FEES: FOR BUILDTNG; STGNATURE: ZONTNG: STGNATTIRE: CI.EAX I'P DEPOSIT REEI'f,D *ign Review Action rOrn TOWN OF VAIL Category Numbel Project Name: Building Name: Owner. Address and Phone: ArchitecVoontact, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block t t Subdivision Zone District Pl( ', T_T- Project Street Address: Comments: Seconded by:* v\'"\;''{,' 1-' Xepprou"t - 'r {': l'-,r',T( ) fl Disapproval ! StaffApproval Conditions: i\i t I t..,t r 't.)l+...r,+. i\ ./I t\ll . il "--,, ' r ''r \ \.;J\-" Town Planner\ --) ,,.,\,Date: \r\ui-L. , ,. .'\ DRB Fee rr"-0"u'1\;',/ i.." f?j ' t,tiY-3o-1995 1?;1J r.tt r.l l/ltlta DESTCIf iRwtrryRliliverf.*ccftttP5l 1gg5'':fttEOAIID APPITICATIQT .' AOmr OF DATE RECEIVED; DATE OF DRB M9ETINGI tft.aattat TNCO'IPI.gTB AEPLICATTONS TI'AY NO? EE SC'IFPTILBD. FO.R REVZEN, ta aratttaa PROTTBCII TNTORMABI9NT DESCRTPIIONInF-e- rYi I. A. B.-,TYPE OE REITIEW: - New Construction -_-Addlt,ion ($50.CC) If propert.y is described bydescripuion, please provide )t't,a($200.0o1 a/ Minor Alteration ($20.00) ,conceprual Review (f0) D. ADDRESS t IOf^ ',r,',AgtVCV€' rE ' LEGAL DESCRTPTION:{A-.8 Elock (n --Subdiviston a meet,s and bounds on a separate sheet legal and attach E. F'. G. I. J. NIJ'IE OF Mai 1r ng APPLTCAIfI: Address i t'r NAI.{E OF Mat l ing APPLICAI.IT' S Address: Phone REPRESEMATTVE: A14'vF ..... .-... NAME OF OWNER(S): t'tailing Addrgss: APPLICATIONS VNLL NOT EE PROCESSED WTTHOr/7' O'fN|ER'S STCilA?URE Condonrirriutn Approval if applicable. l.)RB FEE: DRa fees, as shown above, are to be paid at the Eine of submict,al of lhe DRB applicagion. L'ater, w)ten applying for a building pernrit. please tdentif,y ihe accurate valuauion of the proposal. The Town of vail will adjus.' I the f ee according r-c tl'e table below, Eo ensule the correct fee to ttris application. 'f r,rsr or uarsnrar,s NAII{E OF PP(OJFiCT2 5 AAZTZ. HO-r 77)b L,EGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT ;L W.OCX O st BDrvrsr oN 1/A/L tn{-L 7 B- srREEr ADDRESS: ll(fr Hoe+LOttV#- required for submit.t,al t,o the Design approval ean be given: ITPB OF UATBRIAI,COITOR D4 A. The following information is Review Board before a final BUUJDING MATERTAI-TS; Roof Siding Other WaLL Materials Fascia Soffi ts Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining WalIs Exterior Lighting Other /rAn ,fl l/A, ^t/7 ntz'/t/ tl i ^n ' lA' 'AAl H- ^ lA- Designer: Pl:One: B.LAIIDSCAPING: Name of iuNonn LEE 'PAEH ArA O ARCHITECT PROFESSIONAL CORPORAIION Swortz Residence Adjocenl PropertY Owners Deck Addition ApProvol Lot 12, Block 6, Voil Villoge 7th Filing Verner Averch 4900 Clorkson Denver, Co 80216 Lot I l, Block 6. Voil Villoge 7lh Filing Edgor ond Molly Smith 1000 First City Notionol Bonk Bldg. l02l Moin Sl. Houslon, IX 77002 Lot 8. Block 6. Voil Villoge 7th Filing Gilbert ond Donno Giordono POB 53 Lolhon. MD 2071I POST OFFICE BOX rl54 VAIL COLORADO 81658 3O3 176 8996 RE*o'q|1g;i '-..'- /'-"-"-' -...-/.:'.../ - t/a / '-r4 -V L€\ (-':-/-J*r/ H€1.] tJt2,tE(+ (o ?6 q(: iNrJp{iaH 4 EYi+(a,,lb" AbvF itlli,4&\#, \I \ \ t-\*f Ft.!'' - *-:\{\i\I ," '', ' ,. j ':l__ i1..7n- ,_ 1, ir ffi----: .t r,s iiri li ilS l{lirr Ii'li,I t. .- l --J.-** -+ i. al r! awry(z l 'i( c*t !i .t:i t2 !! 1l TOWN OF'VAIL Dt;PARI MtNt ()F (.U It\tUNn Y Dt:Vt;t,OPlll.:N',l NAItIF,- ADDII"E$S- PROJXJCI CIIF,CKS MADI] PAYABLE'T'O TOWN OF VAII, ,399 lri wl l,j :t -$ ,1fll Iri a AcoouM.No. rr,r.^.:._..r . .'-.". ITEM NO. .fAX I COSTTA -',T0fAL . -fc!L-lt*l r_-rF !_._rt= f t_ -0T- -TT- l-di::re i l.=ne,:r-r: !l==:htT-_0T r_ii:, .:i,::,*,;.j: _ ,_ . :.,::,-Tt-lr-TT-oi -:'' --r : r" -- ' :' -Tl- tlr':,-,r-,t ,: ij r_. I ji i:-::-.;.-0T :;i.::! ti.l:-r::,:,i-i l...ili_. ,..ir:,I:,: :i .: .::.,i:: r- ,.:i :.1,:: i.t;,i.: l: t:: a-TT ;i;,,.,r.,r , i,,1i1,..i,,,,.1 .., 1 I.i _J,:-TT - '":'":' ---;i + I ierri p"=i,i *iri+r-,i-ri. F,;i,J -oT -TT :..::i,:':|: ...r-'::i!l -oT zdl^ ^,--:ir,ii+it-ii+-i!r:!r*';;i .. i.:r L1;i-drffi7.I}.I\/IJSTICATION FEI; {BUI LDINC) 31000045il0 TOY PARKING F-UND ol oooo22027 TOV NIJWSPAPI.:R DISPIjNSI]R FUND* 0l 0000 2l I t2 TAXABLE @ 4% (STATE) 0l 0000,1 t 0l0 .I'AXA BLE (d 47O (IOWN I 0l 0000 42371 llU ILDING INVI:STIGATION O'IIIIJI{ l'$c APPLICA'I'l()N I.-Elts 0l 0000 4 330 \DDITIONAL(;IIFA''250"$20u.uu 0l 0000 4 330 CONDITIONAL USI' PIJRMIl $200.00 0l 00004 330 I:XTITRIOR n LTIjRATION ILIjSS TIln N 100 SQ.ljT.l $200.00 0l 0000 4 130 TixTLRIOR n LTtIRAT|ON IMORti TIIn N 100 SQ.FT.l $500.00 0t 0000 4 330 SPltCln L DIiVI:LOl'Ml:N'f I)lS I l(lcl' INUW I s 1,500.00 0l 00004 330 SPI:CIAL t)l:V l:LOI'Ml NT DISTRICT IM^JOR AMITND s 1,000.00 0l 0000 4 -tJU SPI:Cln L LlliVliLOPMliN l DlS lltl(-l' IMINOI( nMliNL,$200.00 0l 00004 330 SUI]DIVISION 0l 0000 4 330 VARIANCIi s250.00 0l 0000 4 J JTI ZONIN(; CODI, n MItNDMITNTS 52)0.00 0l 0000 4 330 Rli - ZONIN(;s200.00 OTlll:,R OTllliR cAsf, r- r.*.r;11Q42-ryt.ol r *n."r' W- ''t!!nttN!Frt"?tlFrrtu OCign Review Action FOn TOWN OF VAIL Category Numbet Project Name: Building Name: v\ { <-C-/ L@. Owner, Address and Phone: ArchitecVContact. Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot ? Bbck Project Street Address: 1,e!-*K t/s Co 6 zone District Pr/S-----T----- Comments: suuaivrsrony'd( tJ,(q?*' 7 4-r Board'(@ uotionby: P/Q vorc, 2& Seconded by: Conditions: DRB Fee Pre-paid I. A. DEsrcN RsvrEw B.ARD ApprJrcArroN - rowN or ver#AYcJooJi$so New Cons Eruct.ionAddition ($s0.00) ./,/($200. 00) t/' Minor Alterat.ion ConceDtual Revi. ew ($20.00) ($0) i/F o-lo a meets and bounds 1egal on a separaEe sheeL and aELach ,^v i DATE RECEIVED: DATE OF DRB MEETING: INCOMPI'ETE APPI'TCATTONS TIAY NOT BE SCHEDUI'ED FOR REVTEW. **tratt*t** PROiIECT INFORMATION: DESCRIPTION| AtT\ 7-k1a) /<)/^//2ryr)', 7v ^/,4Tr'4 t=V/.>77Na- .17 .az>(tz7-/ e".F7'A7r',N 4a /t2z'1? B. TYPE OF REVIEW: r: r.vi!.d t/1719,1 ADDRESS: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Subdivi s i on Tf nrnnerf rr i q rloer.ri hari l-rrr5r !-vPe! e-l :vev v]descripeion, please provide to Ehis application. ZONING: NAME OF MaJ. l ing APPLTCANT: Address: H. I. \T. NAME OF Mailing APPL,ICANT I S Address: Phone 47a't1q1): REPRESENTATIVE' 4<€,vlb 2'6, NAME OF OWNER (S) l Mailing Address: rllvtrg APPIJICAITONS WILL NOT BE PROCESSED I{ITHOUT OWNER'S SIGNATVRE Condominium Approval if applicable. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as show! above, are to be paid aE t.he time of submiLLal of Lhe DRB application. Later, when applying for a building permit, pfease identify the accuraLe valuaLj-on of t.he proposal. The Town of Vail will adjust thefee according to the table below, Lo ensure t.he correcl fee FEE SCHEDULE: VALUATION $ 0 $ 10,000s i0,001 ; 50,000 $ 50,001 $ 150,000 $150, 001 $ s00, 000 $500, 001 $1, 000, 000 $ over $1, 000, 000 DESIGN REVIEW BOARD APPROVAI.,, EXPIRES APPROVAI.,, IJNLESS A BUII-,,DING PERMIT IS IS STARTED. ONE YEAR AFTER FINAIJ ISSUED AIVD CONSTRUCTION FEE $ 20.00 $ 50.00 $100.00 $200.00 $400.00 $s00.00 j.s paid. I.,,IST OF }IATERIAIS NAI'48 OF PROJECT. <-.t'.),4er-,? EL4aD6<- IJEGAL,' DESCRTPTION: LOT C BLOCK -G SUBDMSION:y'4,//_._yJg_A{€_?T// STREET ADDRESS:. Ll /- r.'N/r/1,1/t=?;) a/PaLF The following information is required for submittal to the Design Review Board before a final- approval can be given: BUIIJDING I{ATERIAI.IS : Roof S idinq OLher Wal1 Materials Fascia Soffits windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses ReEai.ning wal1s Ext.erior Light,ing Other LA}TDSCAPING: TYPE OF I{ATERIAL COL,OR //n Da. Pz2/:4 c/-,An a2,< fP.14,rE77 /v&tz*4 q/JVzNc f-t*rr+t F'Xr<rzltc- tuaile AI I-f Designer: Phone: B.Name of oo !,!. TOWN OF VAIL Rr:(;DlP l N(). ,r^r"-1454 CIIECKS MADE PAYABLI' TO TOWN 0I'VAII, Accout\n'No. 'TTEM NO. TAX COSltA.' AtITAL 0 0000 41540 ZONTNG AND ADDRIJSS MAPS s5.00 0 0000 424 5 UNII.ORM I]UILDIN(; CODI s54.00 0 0000 424 5 UNIT.ORM PLUM I]ING CODIJ s39.00 0 0000 424 5 UNIF0I(M MI'('IIN NICAL COI)I s37.00 0 0000 424 5 UNlFOltM l;ll(l: COI)l l;J6.0u 0 0000 424 5 NA'I'I()NN L IJLIJC'TI(ICAI. CODI s37.00 0 0000 424 5 OTIIUR CODIJ IX)OKS 0 0000 4l54lr I]LUU PI(INTS (MYLARS)s7.0u 0 0000 424 2 XLROX COPlltS s0.25 0 0000 42412 ST'UDIIiS (,utJ00 424 l.OVl' lrl tS ('()MPUl'liR PI{(X;l(AM $5.00 0 0000 42371 Pl:NAL I Y F liUS / l(l:-INSI'I:C'I IONS 0 00004t332 PLnN Rl:VlliW I{li-CllliCK l.ltl: I$;40 PI:lt IlR.l 0 0000 423J2 OFI' IIOURS INSPITCTION |;l,lrs 0 0000 4t4 )C\)N I I{n (-l()RS LICI:NSI:S Il;liS 0 0000 4 t4 3 SIGN APFLICATION FI]IJ $20.00 0 0000 4 t4 l n 1)Dl ll()Nn L Sl(iNA(il: I'l;lr lSl.(X) Pltl{ SQ.}''l .l 0 Q001t 4244f0 VTC n RT PROJI:CT DONAI lON 0 00([4lfu,fii PAID DI:SICN Rl:Vll:W IIOARD l'ltlt 7D'._:0. 0 0000 4237 |INVESTIGATION T'IJIJ ( I]U I LDINC a- OTHER lToTn L: C0MMENTS:_ cAsE l- t r*.r rr/-qa'( | M. o l,l *o..*Y__ o $ \u Jst $$ NqJo{ F$\) z $d oI''l t\) '-Trl nl\I-l\ 4 oz * n+ $l\ UU OJ \$ l- -I\\r \ :r Kil$k XI $ AL ,t\T;Nt ,a{ =$ \) $ -.!J *$ U *.lt 7l.l.A fk* Sca^A floor u^l+ B A +B = 3s3.t .st s8.f% L+1.7 % A edf'1 fi',*pl^.. t*ei.^ :gu,r. Lcto* t* =lot stdr-"ll s%'c{t; ztr J : 2ot 'r SS : ltxls3= ).{5: 6th t^1sh. n B= ONnttyt; , Lr<)cv lffisasUtua +D W- wxlfizA) l-\ o .r^ sla^^*.1\ k;t"[,-- ft.-plr"rr, n^.i " +i<c, C^.'l .\ "la*rln.r :p.+ glei.'roll ea* x lot 8t* t rt * 1)r r**-7 :oi r 55 ll ( ll3zq 4!xrt tr,\ * 1stt 53 5. 23 s?,7s ?0,33 ld.3 | llls.ts 121. 2s sB,{s 6 S,st zo5l,lL 51,11 la,3 | rll8. l5 {"1, 38 10. oQ 65, S-l t\€1. +p o ^'3ro,t'le o L:W (l | ,-'-hJr./uh-t ltir(,-.A"A DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING n a* I HTE9. OE PARTI'IENTAL REV I El.l P?.OJECT: DATE SUilllTTEO: II ls /F C0I",I,,TENTS NEEDED BY :t'(l') ]- BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: J/8. .un;J, Date PUBLIC IIORKS eeuienea ay, Gran lL,l( oaftjll/[A/2? ,Coanents, 0 :rs lLn alc\,^/e pa,,.Li.y $,,, Lon ,.|/ni" n.^--, - ? ' U 7qe/l 2,(" FIRE DEPP.RTI'IENT Reviewed by; Corrnents: Reviewed by: Connerrts: POLICE DEPART]4ENT Da te i 'fi't. Revie'aed.by: Co;;ents: Date oo- CONDOMINTUM DECLARATION FOR WHEREAS, T. J. GLEASoN, I",. c. TvILsoN and JAMES H. STEWARTconstituting ar' of the generar puttn.i"-oi-iorn"ilver circle, Ltd.condorninium' a cororado lenerar i-rt".i"tip JtLr.inafter carred"Decrarants') are the ori"rr or irr ,igrrll-titte ana interest inand to certain rear -property situated in -i'.-co""ty of Eagl.e andState of Colorado, d-sciibed as follows: A part_of Block 6, Vail Village Seventh Filing,Eagle,County, Colorado, describea-u, follows:All of Lot o, said Block g, niErpr-u p"rt thereofdescribed as follows: Aeginninj it-tt" South_easterly corner of said f,ot g, fh.r,"".Westerly alongthe southerly 1i_ne of said r,"i S,-;-irstance of45.19 feet; thence on an angle to the right of83"28,39" a distance of gl .il teeti -ifr"rr"u on anangle t? lhe right of g0oOOJOO;-""a "f""g a curvero the,left_having a radius of AS.OO-feef., acentrar- angle of lgo5o'20", an arc distance of14.80 feet to the Northeasterly ."r"". of said Lot9; thence on an angle to the ,ighi-;i 90"00,00,, anda]ong ttre _Easterly line of said Lot 9, a distanceof 94.05 feet to the point of Ueginning; and a partgf Lot.8, said Block 6, described "" idi:-"r! ,--==-Beginning at the Northwesterfy "orrrer of said Lot g;thence Easterly along the woriherly line of said Lot8, a di9!31ce -ot tza.ei i.;rl-I;;;;"-;" an ansre to rheright of 86o10'06" a aistinc; #-10;.Ls teet to a pointon the Westeily line of said Lot g; thence on an anqlero the right of 62"59,43,, a'a-"ior,; ;;il-;";;Ji"-iy;:a distance of 34.30 feet to the p"iri of Ueginnii,gr-""aa -S!otJ.r said Br.oci< e , dlscriu"a as-forloii:Beginning--a-EEE most Northeriy "orrr"i of said Lot 7 ithence Southerly along the uasieriy ii"" of said Lot 7a distance of 34.30 feeti thence oi an angle to the rightof 117o0r'r7" a distance of 10.12 feet to a point on theextension of the Easterly line oi l,"i-a, "uih-iio"[-.Oithence on an angle to tfrL right it-Zg"s],S1" and alongsaid Easterll' line extended,-a distance of 3r.04 feet tothe point of beginning, county of Eagle, state of col"orado. hereinaf ter referred to as the ,,property,,; and WHEREAS, there has been constructed upon the 'and descri.bed above one build'r,g.-"J't;i;i;;-;"iJt"i' of rwounits, as are shown and depict"J ,rpon a Map thereof entitled"Map of Hornsirver circre,-r,to.-condominiums" iir.a concurrentrvherewith, which Map constit"i"= a map under the provisions ofsection 38-33-Io5 of colorado Revisei stututu"-fbZ:, as amended,and is incorporated herei"-'" fJr"rence; and *HEREAS, Declarants desire to establish by this Declarationa plan for the individuar "r""i=nip. o{ the real property estatesconsisting of the-arga or space contained in each of the un'ts insaid build'ng' and the ""-"r""t=rrip ry tir.-irrJiiiauar and separateowners thereof as_tenant" i" ."^*on o? arr oi-tt! remaining realproperty, hereinafter callea tfr" General CoF.unon ilements, underthe CoLorado Condorninium oru""J"iip a"t, I l* t /t.14( i - 1..; ' o NOvt THEREFORE, the Declarants hereby declare that thefollowing divisions, terms, covenants, restriltio's, rimitations,conditions and uses shall apply to and run with the rand aescriueaabove, and shall be binding-i,p6n and inure to the benefit of theDeclarants, their successors ind assigns, and alr subseguent ovrnersof.:11-or any part of said rear property and improvenents, togetherwith their grantees, successors, heirs,'executois, administrators,devisees or assigns. nra'in^ ^-1.__ gglINIIIolts. Unless the context shatl expresslyprovroe ornervrise, the terms used herein are defined as-forrois: A. "Unit', means an individual air space which iscontained within perimeter walrs in the uuiiJi"g-as shown anddesignated on the prat, including the entrances and exits thereto;together with arr improvements aid fixtures contiined ttrereinl - -- :I?11"1::-ol-."ry structural components of the building wirhinwnlcn sucn aj_r space is located. B. "condominium unit" means the fee simple interestand titre in and to the unit and the appurtenant undivided interestin and to the General and Limit"d Co^*on E1ements. Plat. D: ,,plat" or ,,Map',_means the engineering surveyof the property 1"91!]"S thereon^aIl of ttr.-ir.pi"vements anddesignating the building and units. E. .Ordner " means a person, firm, corporation,partnership, association or other legal .r,tity,'or any combinationthereof, who owns one-or more condominium uniii. F. ..Mortgage', means and includes any mortgage,deed of trust or simirar-iistrument creating a security interestin any condominiun unit. "I'Iortgagee', mean""u"y-j."ntee, benef iciaryor assignee of a mortgage- "riisi mortgage" r-.ais a mortgage whichis prior or senior in-interest to any other mortgage encumberinga condominium unit. r,First mortgagel,' means any"grantee,beneficiary or assignee of a firit mortgage. G. ,'General Conunon Elements,, means and includes: (1) A11 of the land and easements which area part of the property; (21 The foundations, columns, girders, beams,supports, atticsr perimeter and supporting walis, main orbearing subflooring and roofs of tire building; (3) The mechanical room located within Unit Bof the building; (4) The stairs and stairwell connecting Unit Ato Unit B as shown upon the Condominium Mapi walkways, g_.9k" jtl".l3: #5ui;,3i:"u:"", parkins areas, outside (5) The installations consisting of theeguipment and rnateriars making up the central services suchas power, lightr 9ds, hot and-coid water, and heating; C. "Building,' means the building as shown on the -2- a provided, however, that when an individual water heater orfurnace is instarled for the exclusive use of a particurarcondominj-um unit, in that event said hot water heaterand/ot furnace sha'l not be included as General commonElements, but shall be the property of said condominiumunit owner; and (7) AlL other improvements, apparatus andinstarlations necessary or convenient to the existence, Ht::ff:1.:"::u safety of rhe property as a whole, or normalty H. ,,Limited Common Elementsr, means those parts ofthe General common Elements *rri"r, are rirnited to and reserved forthe excl-usive use of the "*"".-"r a condominium unit adjacent thereto.Limited common Elements sharl i""r,ra" the wood deck and the exteriorstairway access thereto adjaceni to Unit A. f . "Entire premises,, or ,'property,, means andincludes the Land, .truitaing, itt-i*provements and structures :ffi::::, and all risht", "i""*"nt" .r,a appurtenances belonsins J. ,'common expenses,, means and incl-udes: General common Jil_.||]r"*" lawfully assessed againsr rhe repair o.,.pruJ:'|",t"ff"ff: 3:"::li";;H:;'il;_litSrenance, by the oe"t.ra.J3l -#o""ses determined as common expenses provision" ", .,111 "::i:i:::oi:"ru'"u common expenses by K- "Project" or "Condominium project,' means alt ofthe property, buildings and improvements subrnitted to this Declaration. A. .The real.property described above, includingthe improvenents thereon, ii rrireuy divided into two fee simpleestates (condominium units). Each such estate shalI consist ofa- separately designated unit and the undivided interest in andthe General common Elements appurtenant to such unit which isfifty percent (5Ot) aLlocated^io Unit A and fifty percent (5OE)to Unit B. B- A portion of the Generar common Elements is setaside and reserved for the exclusive use of the owDers of the unitsadjacent thereto, as indicated in subparagraph 1H above. Eachowner shall be responsible for keeping tr," limrted corunon Elements leseSye{ for his use in a sightly ionditior,, free from debris ofanv K1ncl. c- The respective undivided interests in the Generalcorunon Elements appurtenant to the respective uni.ts, as indicatedabove, cannot be changed, and each unii and the undivided interestin the General and limited cornrnon Ele$ents "pprrri.n"nt theretosha1l be inseparabre and may be conveyed, leased, rented or encum-bered only as a condominium unit. Each undivided interest in theGeneral and Limited condominium Elements shal1 be deemed to be 2. DIVISION OF PROPERTY. -3- conveyed or encumbered with its respective unit, even though thedescription in the instrument of conveyance or encumbrance mayrefer-onry to the fee title to the condominium unit. Each suchdescription shall be construed to include a non-excrusive rithato occupy and use, and an undivided interest in,-the Generalcomrnon Elements for each described unit whicrr-is :.n equar "huru" A. A condominium unit may be held and ownedthan one person as joint tenants or as tenants in common, orreal property tenancy relationship recognized under the lawsState of Colorado. 3. CONDOMINTUM OWNERSHIP INTEREST. by morein anyof the B. The GeneraL Comrnon Elements shall be owned inconmon by all of the ov/ners of the units and shalr remain undivided.By the acceptance of his deed or other instrument of conv"y.r,""-o,assignmentr each owner.specificalry waive" t,i"-iight to initiiut"and/or maintain a partitlon action-o, "r,y-olner-action designed tocause a division of the General common Eiements. Each owner specifi_cally ag'rees not to institute any action therefor. Further, eachowner agrees that this subparagriph B may be pleaded as a bar to themaintenance of such an action. A violation oi ini" pro.rision shalrentitle the Decrarants. to personally ""riect,-iointry and severarly,from the parties viorating the same, tt" actuai attorney fees, costsand. other damages the Decr.arants incur in connection therewith.Further, all owners, and the Declarants, ao.r.rr.r,t that, except asprovided in paragrup!.g,berow, they shair neitner by act nor omission,seek to abandon, subdivide, encumber, serl or transfer the commonelements without first obtaining a written consent of arl of thefirst mortgagees of the individual condominium units. c- Each owner sharl be entitred to excrusive ovrner-ship and possession of. his condominium unit. Each owner may usethe General common Elements in accordance with the purposes forwhich they are intended without rrinaerinj "i -.""r""ching upon thelawful rights of the other owners. D- Each condominium unit sharl be used and occupiedsolery for the purpose of l0dging or as a dwelling by the owner orby the owner's family, guests, agents, employees, invitees,licensees or tenants. E. An o\rner shatl not be deemed to own the undecoratedand/or unfinished surfaces of the perimeter wal1s, floors andceilings surround.ing his- respectivi condominium unitr nof, shalt suchowner be dee.med to own the utilities running through his condominiumunit which are utirized for, or serve more Lhan on6 unit, .*..f1--as a tenant in conmon with the other owners. An owner, howevei,sharl be deemed to own and shalr maintain the innbr decoratedand/or finished surfaces of,the perimeter walls, floors and ceilings,and other finishing materiars and the interioi norr-rrrpporting warlscontained within his condominium unit. F. Any owner shall have the right from time to timeto mortgage or encumber his interest by deed oi trust, mortgage orother security instrument. The owner of a condominium unit-miy - create junior mortgages on the followi_ng conditions: (1) that "ly "I such junior mortgages shall alwafs-u"-""u"rai-nate toall of the terrns, conditions, covenants, restructions, uses, limi-tations, obligations, ]ien for conmon expenses, and other obligationscreated by this Declaration and by_the Sytaws; (2) that the mortgageeunder any junior mortgage shal1 rELease ,'io, irr.-porpose of restorationof any improvements upon the mortgaged premises, arl of his right,title and interest in and to the proceeds under arr insurance policies -4- upon said premises which insurance policiesupon the mortgaged premises by the Declarantsbe furnished forthwith by a junior mortgageeof the Declarants. c. In the event the owner of a condorninium unitor any interest therein, shall receive an offer from a third partyto purchase that.interest, that owner shalr be first obliged iooffer the condoninium unit or interest therein, to the other o\.rnersat the first offered price and terms. The other owners, and eacho{ !he1 , in proportion to their respective ratabre ownership interestof both condominium units sharl have the first and prior rignt rorthirty -(30) days following receipt of notice of the aforesaid offerto purchase the condominium unit or interest thereiD, upon tne simeterms and conditions (or monetary eguivarent thereofj ai offered bythe third party. 4ny prospective.or purported sale, transfer, convey_ance or creation of a beneficiar interesi in a condominium unit(except by a bona fide inter vivos gift or by devise and descent)shalr be nurl and void in the absence or comitiance with this sub-paragraph. were effected and placed. Such releases shalt upon written request A. In the event that any portion of the Generalcommon Elements encroaches upon any unil or units, or in the eventthat any portion of a unit encroacires upon any other unit or unitsor upon any portion of the General Corunon Elements r or in thegygnt any encroachment sharl occur in the future as a result of:(i) settling of a building; or (ii) alteratior,-o, ,.puir to theGeneral Corunon Elementsr or (iii) repair or restoration of a buiLd_ins(s) or a unit(s) after damage ly iire or other casualLy, orcondemnation or eminent domain proieedings; . *rilia easemlnt sharlexist for the encroachment and ior the miintenance of the same solong as the building(s) stands or encroachnent exists. In the eventthat any one or more of the units or buildings or other improvementscomprising part of the Generar common Elements are partialiy ortotally-destroyed and are then rebuilt or reconstructed in sub-stantially the same location, and as a result of such rebuirdingany portion thereof sharr encroach as provided in the precedi;;'sentence, a valid easement for such encroachment does Lxist. Sucnencroachments and easements shall not be considered or determinedto be encumbrances either on the Generar common Elements or on theunits for.purposes of marketability of tiire or ttn., p,,r1o""". rninterpreting any-and all provisioni of the Decraratiorrl "iru".quentunit deeds to and/or mortgages of units, the actual rocation of aunit shall be deemed concrusively to be the property intended tobe conveyed, reserved or encumbeled notwith"iuniirrg any minordeviations, either horizontally, verticarly or raterariy from therocation of such unit indicated on the condominium l"Iap. B. .The general partners, agents, employees,successors and assigns of the Declarants sfra]I have access to eachunit from time to time during reasonable hours as may be necessaryfor the maintenance, repair or replacement of any of the Generarcommon Elements therein or accessible therefrom,-or for makingemergency repairs therein necessary to prevent damage to the GeneralComrnon Elernents or to another cond6minium unit. C. An easement for ingress and egress is herebygranted.to_all police, sheriff, fire protection, annbulance andother similar emergency agencies or persons to enter upon aI1streets and upon the property in the performance of thlir duties, 4 . EASE}TENTS AND ENCROACHT,IENTS. 5. 8IPAIRS AND MAINTENANCE. A. Damage to the interior or any part of a condominiumunit or units resulting from the mar,ntenanc., .epiir, emergency -5- repair or replacement of any of the General,conmon Elements or asa result of emergency_repaiis within .n"lh.r-unit ut the instanceof the Decrarants strilt L" ".orron expense of arr the owners;provided, howeverr that ir suctr a.m.j.-is-tr,l-r!"rr1t of the negrigenceof a condominium owner, then such owier "n.ii u! r""porrsible forall of such damage. Restoration of the darnaged improvements shalrbe substantialry the same u; -ih; condition ii wnicn they existedprior to the damage. B. rro rabor performed or materiars furnished and in_corporated in a condominium unit with the ;;;;;;r or at the reguestof the unit owner or his agent or his contracior or subcontractor,shal-l be the basis,for tiritrg oi a lien against the condominium unitof any other unit owner not 6xpiessry ;";i;;;;;9 ro or requestinsthe same, or against the ceneril common rlernenti. Each owner shar-lindemnify and hord harmr.ess eacrr of tne otnei-'orn.." from and againstall liabirity arising from the clairn of any lien against the Generarcommon Elements for construction performed or for 1abor, materials,services or other products in-oiporated in the owner,s condominiumunit at such ownerls request. C. An oerner shall maintain and keep in repair theinterior of his own condominiun unit, inciu-ing--tn" ri*tures thereof.Alr fixtures and equipment i"=f.ir"i'ril;i;-;ir3 io.,aominium unit,commencing at a point-where rhe utili;t-1i;";;*pip.", wi.res,conduits or systems (which for brevity are hereinafter referred.to as "utirities") enter the condomirriurn-u'it-"rr"rr be maintainedand kept in repair by the or""i--tn"reof. D. An owner shaLl do no act norimpair the structural "o.rrar""" ir integrity ofimpair any easement or trereaiiiment. any work that wil1the building or 6. ASSESSMglrrs. to pav tr'. as"e:::iii si:i:u"fr'1il:"il::i#uxi"'.:o"*:ll ff""::ffi::*expenses- The assessments sha11-re *ua.-l;;-;;1" according to eachor'rner's percentage interest in the Generui i"*."" E]ements. Assess_ments shall include the estimated comm;;-;";;;!", o, actual expenses,and shal1 be due rnonthry in advance on the iirst day of each nonth.The Decrarants o. :. genEral partner or agent thereof shalr maintainfulr and complete financial iecords showing the various estimatedand actuar expenses and insurance premiums for which the assessmentsare made. Such financial recordsr'""a-it" U""f." and records of theDeclarants, shar] be avairabre ior "*"*ir,-tl;;'-;y ar.r owners of;:1ff:l:t;:,:::r" and a1r rirsr ,",a;;;;;" il.iig covenient weekday B' The assessments nade shar.l be based upon the cashrequirements deemed to be such aggregate sum as the Declarants shalrfrom time to time determine is iiiui.iea to fro.ria. to, the payrnentof alr estimated expenses growing out of, or connected with themaintenance and opeiation "r tn" Generar comnon Erements, which summay include, among other_things, expenses of management,. taxes andspecial assessments until r"piiit"r! ""u."i.al-pi..iu*s for insuranceof the tlpes and kinds provia"a-i"i'i"-"il;;;;#;ph 7A below; rand_scaping and care of groilnds; conmon lighai;;-;ia-neating; repairsand renovations; traih and garbige coliecti5ns; v/agesi warer expenses;sewerage expensesi legal and accounting feesi management feesi expensesand liabilities incuried by the Decrarints undei or by reason ofthis Declaration; the paymlnt ot'any deficiency remaining from aprevious period; as weir-as other.costs.and expenses rerating tothe General Common Elements. r,urther, ia "niii be mandatory for theDecrarants to establish, out of such *orrtrrry-issI=sments, a contingency -6- or reserve fund for the rnaintenance, repair,and repracement of thoseGenerar common Elements which must ie rlpiic-a on a periodic basis.The omission or fairure of the Decrarant! to t:_* the assessment fora_ny month shall not be deemed a waiver, lnoaification or a release ofthe owners from !f:if obligation to pay the amount of the monthlyassessment last filed by said oeclarlnis. his conrriuutiol t"*,;:":;.':If:;*::":i:::tf"t;:1":1":itil: :::or enjoyment of any of the common erem6nt" ot Ly abandonment ofhis condominium unit. D. All sums assessed but unpaid for the share ofconmon exPenses chargeable to any condominium unit shall constilutea lien on such unit superior (prior) i" uiil.tiler riens andencumbrances, except only for: unir in ,"J:l "?":";":"::::ii; ffiff:"3;lt riens on the (2) A11 sums unpaid on a first mortgageof record,-including all unpaid "uiig_L"ry sums as maybe provided by such encumbrance. E. To evidence such lien the Declarants shal1prepare a rrritten notice setting forth trr" imount of such unpai.dindebtedness, the name of the owner of the condominium unit anda.description of the condominiurn unit. such a notice sharr. besigned by a general partner of the pecra;;;-i ;"a may be recordedin the office of the Clerk and Recorder of Eagle County, CoLorado.such lien for the common expenses shal1 attach from the date ofthe-fairure of plFnent of tire assessment. such lien may be enforcedby foreclosure ot-ttre defaurting owner's condominium unit by theDeclarants in like manner as a mortgage on real property upon therecording of a notice- or claim ther6oi. -;"-;;; such forecrosurethe owner sha11,be reguired to pay the costs aid e*p"r,ses of suchproceedings, the costs and expeirsls for filing the notice or claimof lien and arr reasonabre attorney's fees. ?he owner sharl alsobe requir"9 !" pay to the Declarants the monthly assessments forthe condominium.un:.t during tne peiioa-'"t''i"i"iio"o.", and theDeclarants shal1 be entitlea to a receiver to corlect the same.The Declarants sharl have the power to bid in the condominium unitat foreclosure sale, and to aciuire ."a-r-r"rJ, i"."", mortgage andconvey same . F. The amount of the conrmon expenses assessed againsteach condominium unit shalr also ;;-.-;;;["oi^[i" owner thereofat the time the assessment is made. suit to recover a money judg-rnent for.unpaid co.rnmon expenses shal1 u" ,n"irtainaule wit.houtforeclosing or waiving thl lien securing "".". - -' G. Any encumbrancer holding a lien on a condominiumuni! may pay ?ny unpaid conrmon expense payable with respect tosuch unit, and upon such payment such encurnbrancer shall have aLien on such unit for the airounts paid of the same rank as the r-ienof his encumbrance- Any first mortgagee who obtains titre to acondominium unit pursuant to the, reieaies pr""ia.a i" it;;;itg"g"or foreclosure of its mortgage sha1l ""q"ii"-iiti" to such unitfree and clear of.any lien-f6r unpaid. "o^*or, "*f"r""" which accrued!Ii?t to the acguisilion of title to such unit iy rhe firstmortgagee. H- upon ten days' written notice to the Decr_arantsand payment of a realonable fe! not to exceed Twenty Dorlars, dDyownerr prospective owner, mortgagee or prospective mortgagee of a condominium unit-may reguest a statement of'account with respect tosuch unit. llithin ten days after receipt thereof, the Declarantsshall furnish the reguesting party wiin'i ;ilt;, statement settingforth the amount of the utrpiia conmon expenses, if any,,itt-r""p""tto the subject unit, the amount of the .;;;;;a'monthly assessment andthe date that such assessnent becomes due, and any credits for advancepayments or for prepaid iterns, incrudingr'u"t-n"t lirnited to insurancepremiums' which shall be conclusive upoi't["-n."r"rants in favor of a1]-per:oTrs who rely thereon in good faitir. u"i"""-such request fora statement of indebtedness thal1_ be eompii"J-riti, "itni"-t"n-alyr,all unpaid common expenses which become e;;-;r;;r to the date ofmaking. such reguest lhalr be subordinate i, irr.-iien of the personrequesting such statement. r.- The grantee of a condominium unit, except for anyfirst mortgagee who comes into possession of a cond.ominium unitpursuant to the remedies provided in its ."ittug" or becomes anou/ner of a condominium unit pursuant to forecl0sure of itsmortgage or the taking of a deed in lieu tfr.r""i, shall Ue iointfyand.severalty riable with the grantor for arl unparo assessmentsagainst the latter for his prolortionate share of the commonexpenses up to the.time of the grant or conveyance, without prejudiceto. the grantee's right to recov6r from ttre giinlor the arnountspaid by the grantee therefor. J.. A fif:! mortgagee, upon request, shall beentirred ro wrirren notificatioi i;;; at;"n"JiJiJ"ts or any deraultin the payrnent of assessments or other charges or in the performanceof any other obrigation hereunder by the owner of the condominiumunit in which such mortgagee holds a security interest which defaurtis not cured within sixfy-aays.-- 7. TNSURANCE. A. The Declarants shall obtain and maintain at aIItimes, to the extent obtainable, policies involving standard premiumrates' established by the colorad6 rnsur""." co*riisioner, .ni-nr'itt"r,with companies ricenled to do business in coroiid" ;;;-';;;tiJ-a"iest,sInsurance Report_ rating of A & XV, covering the risks set forth below.The Declarants shall not obtain any policy where: (i) under theterms of the insurance company,s-ciraiter,-btt;;; or poricy, contri_butions or assessments may be made against-iir" *"rtgagor or mortgagee,sdesignee; or (ii) by the terms of cirrier,s charter, byraws or policy,loss payments are- co:tingent upon action !y the company,s Board ofDirectors, policyhoLders-o. ^"ilU.rs; or (iii) the policy includesany limiting clauses (other than insurance .onail:.ons) which couldprevent mortgagees or the mortgagor from colr.ecing insurance pi".""a".The types of coverages to ue o6tiined and ,i;k;-l" be covered areas follows, to-wj.t: (1) Fire insurance with extended coverage andstandard all risk endorsements, which endorsements shal'include endorsements for vand.aiism and malicious mischi_ef.said casualty insurance sha1l insure the entire condominiumProject 1ld i"y property, the natr:re of which is a commonelernent (including lrr oi tr,e ,r"it" and fixtures thereininitialry installed by the o"ci"..r,ts but not incrudinE furniture,furnishings or other personal property supplied by or installedby unit owners) together w:-trr iir'""riri""'!euip*!"t containedtherein in an amount egual to the full replacement value,without deduction for d-epreciatior,. Arl poricies shall containa standard non-contributory mortgage clause in favor of eachmortgagee of a condominium-unit,-wiict, sharl pro*ria" that the]o""1- if any, thereunler, shaii'b" p-yuble to the Declarantsfor the use and benefit "r -"itg"gees-as their interests mayapPear. -8- insurance r,, "oji) rriifltl"tti:ti::I":li*';$';I.*Tifl:to time deterrniner but not in "" "r"""i ie"" lr,un g5oo,o0o.ooper injuryr_p9T personr p€r occurrence and unbrerra riabilityIimits "f.-!l,090,OOO.OO. per occurrence, coveri"g cf"i.s-foibodily injury or propert!, a"mig".--a-;;;.;;e shal. include,without limitation, tialirity ior p.i""""i injuiieil-;;e-.activities in connecrion witir the ;;";;;hip, operation,maintenance and other use of tir"-pioj";t.-'saii policy'shalralso contain a "severability of i;te;est,, endorsement. asainst ",,"r,-o.,131,T3;"?"El.I.3lirT:I ::.iil"i*iHiTi.u,u,as it shall_deem appropriate with respect to the project,including plate or-ottrlr slass insurairc" and any p".i"nuiproperty of the Declaranti located thereon- shal1 contain,ilr"ll'r!"*i;iff.?i"i":;IT:i"::".:; :x;"l:r:brainabrebased on invalidity arising fr6m any acts of a condominium unitowner and shall provide that such p6ri.i." n,uy ,rot be cancerledor modified without at least ten (io1 6ur" prio, written noticeto all of the insureds, including mortgagees. tf request;e;---duplicate originars of arl poricies ..6 i"r"rals thereof, togetherwith proof of payments of piemiums, shall be delivered to allmortgagees at reast_ten. (r0) days prior to expiiation of the thencurrent policies. The insurancl sirar.r be cariied in blanket formnaming the Declarants as the insured, as attorney-in-fact for allof the condominium unit owners, which prfi.V-", lolicies shall iaentifythe interest of each condominium unit bwnei'to*n.r,s name and unitnumber designation) and first mortgagee. Further, the Declarants shallrequire the insurance company or compani-es providing the insurancecoverages described herein to provid! each br.r"i ani rnortg"g." u-certificate of rnsuralpe in refard to iuch #;;;'s individuar unit. c- unit owners may carry other insurance for theirbenefit at their expense, providei that al1 such policies shalL containwaivers of subrogation, and provided, further ttiat trre liabirity ofthe carriers issuing. insuranie obtained by tn" o..rarants shall notbe affected or diminished by reason of anj, such additional insurancecarried by any unit owner. D. Insurance coverage on furnishings, including carpet,draperies, oven, range, refrigerator, wallpaper, disposal and otheritems of person or other prop6rty.beiongini i" in owner and publicliability coverage within eain ui-,it siraii 6e-irre'sore and directresponsibirity of the unit owner thereof, and the Declarant.s shalthave no responsibility therefor. E. In the event that there sha1l be any damage ordestruction to, or loss of or taking "i "-"":-t-rr,:."n exceeds grrooo.ooor any damage or destruction to, or loss to or taking ;i-a;; c.r,"rurcomrnon Elements which exceeds g1orooo.00, then notice of such damageor loss or taking shalr be given by the a"r".i"[ion to each firstmortgagee of said condominirim unit'wiil.,lir-t""-iii,f days after theoccurrence of such event. 8. DEsrRUcrroN, DAMAGE oR oBSoLEscENcE - DE.LARANTS As ?3T9.TllI;$-lerrrevocable appointment of an attorney-in-fact to deal with theProject in the event of its destructi"", air..gel oUsoLescence orcondemnation, including- the repair, repia;;;;;t or improvement ofany condominium units, buil.dinis, cornmon elements or other portionof the project which has been io'ae"trot.J;-a;;jed, condemned or -9- o becomes obsolete- Titre to any condominium, unit is decrared and, expressly made subject to the Lerms and conditions hereof, .rrdacceptance by any grantee of a deed ;; "6;;-instrument oi .onrr"yancefrom the Declarants or from any or^rner or grantor shall constituteappointment 9f the attorney-in--fact-r,"ieii-pioviaea. All of theowners irrevocably constitirte and "pf"i"t--tte'oecr.rants or anygeneral partner thereof as thei.r tr;; ;;J i"rr"r attorney in theirname, place and stead, for the purpose of dealing with the projectupon its damage,.destruction, obsoi."""r,." "i'r"ia"r""tiJi """t"hereinafter provided. As atiorney-in-faci,-ln" Decrarants or anygeneral parther thereof or its otlrei a"iv-i"tirorized officers andagents, shall have furl and comp).ete auiiroii""tior,, .isht-""d por",to make, execute and deriver any contract, deed, or other i""tiiilitwith respect to the interest of . .o"a"rniniuln-unit owner which arenecessary and appropriate to exerci.. itt"--porers herein g;;;iud. rnthe event that the Declarants' partne.;hip'i;-dissolved or becomesdefunct, a meeting of the condoirini* unii o*rr,.r" shall be heldwithin thirty (30) 6q"" of eithei "u.r,-."."t." at such meeting anew attornev-in-fact, to deal with.the eroje"t .rpon its destruction,it dama-ge,-ii5siriiscen";; ;; .o"J.rn""tion shall be appointed. saioappointment must be approved by arr of the-owners of the Generalconmon Erements and all first mortgagees of the condominium units.Repair and reconstruction of the iipi"""^"rrt""", used in the suc_ceeding_ subparagraph! means restorii,g th;-ir.irovement(s) to sub_stantially the same condition in whiih lt.y E"i"tea prior-i"-tn.damage, with each unit and the Generar and'Limited corunon Erementshaving substantially the same vertical and rrorizontal boundaries asbefore, and arl impiovements being r."on"iruclea o, repaired inconformance with the nroject's originar ircrriiectural plan andscheme' TIt" proceeds o-f any insurance collected shall be availableto the Declarants for the plrrpose of repaii,-iestoration, recon-struction or replacement unte"s all of ih" orrr"rs and all firstmortgagees agree not to rebuird in accordu".u- "itt tne provi"i"""hereinafter set forth. -+. In the event of damage or destruction due tofire or other disaster, the insurance proceeds, if sufficient toreconstruct the improvement(s), sha1l i" "ppii.d by the Declarants,as attorney-in-fact, to such reconstructioirl and tfie-i;p;;;;;itt"lshaLl_be_promptry repaired and reconstructed. The Declarants shalrhave ful1 authority, right and power as attorney-in-fact to causethe repair and restoration of tire impr-""*r"ti"l . Assessments forcommon expenses sharl not be abated buring the perioa or insui.rr".adjustments and repair and reconstruction. B. If the insurance proceeds are insufficient tob repair and reconstruct the improvement(s), and if such damage is' not more than fifty-percent tEotl of the'i"i;i replacement cost ofall of the condominium units in-this projeci,-not including 1and,- such damage or desrrucrion sharl b; p;;;aii'."p.ired and recon-structed by the Dectarants as attorney_:.n_tict, using the proceedsof insurance and- the proceeds of . "p3"i.r-""Ju""*.nt to be madeagainst all of lhe owirers and their L""J"*r"rJi units. such specialassessment shall be a common expense.and made pro rata according to".:h 9q:r,'s percentage of interest in the cen-er"r-cJi*I"";i;";.,and shall be due and payabLe within thi;-ty i:oi auy= after writtennotice thereof . The be-ct"..t,ts shal1 i,."6 i"ii authority, rightand power as attorney-in_fact, to.cause the repair, replacementor restoration of the improvemelt(s) "=i"g-.ii'of the insuranceproceeds for such purposl, notwithsi.ili;; tr,! iuir"re of an ownerto pay the assessment- The assessment provided for herein shallbe a debt of each owner ana i-iien on his conJominium unit "r--*.ybe enforced and collected as ii provided in subparagraph 5E. rnaddition thereto, the oecfiianls, as attorney_in_fact, shall have -10- the absorute right and power to sell the condominium unit of any orrnerrefusing or fairing-to pay such deficiency assessment within thetirne provided, and if not-so paid, ttre oe'crat.nt" shall cause tobe recorded a notice that the condominium unit of trre-aeiinil";towner shall be sold,by the Declarants, as attorney_in_i""i,-puisuantto the provisions of Lhis paragraph. Assessments for the commonexpenses shall not be abated during the period of insu;;";-;aj;stmentand repair and reconstruetion. rn6 aeiiiguent ohrner sharl be ieguiredto pay to the Declarants the costs and expenses for filint ltre-notice,interest at a rate of 10t Per annum on the anount of the assessrnent,and all reasonable attornejr's fees. The proceeds aerivea-ii".-tn.sale of such condominiurn uiit shatr ue-usEa-i"a-a:."uu=.;d uy-tt"Declarants, as attorney-in-fact, in the following order: ' any first o."r.njil, tot payment of the balance of the lien of riens i, r:.,?1, j;,.,;":"::ffil :f.li;.:,3"in!n5ili:.:;;.""*"n."expenses of saLe; alr costs, "*o"j:]" :ff !:#"*":f,lloiiud:-il::r:ffiU;" ."u in the order ", (ilu i3'.fl:T:l:":t"?"li:l,t;:H=?li,"liu*rances (5) The balance remaining, if any, shall bepaid to the condominium unit owner. c- rf the insurance proceeds are insufficient torepair and reconstruct.tlg_iTprgvement(s), and if such a.rig. i=more than fifty percent (5OC)-of the tdi"i i"pfur"*.nr cost ofalr of the condorninium units in this project,'""t incruding rand,such damage or destrub'tion shar-r ue promiiry'repaired and recon-structed by the Declarants, as attorney-in-?actl using the pro-eedsof insurance and. the proceeds of " "peli.l ."""""rn.rrt to be madeagainst all 0f the owners and their iondominium units, proviaea,however. that there is unanirnous agreement of the owners of theGeneral common Elements and the fiist rortgu!""s of record noc-torepair or reconstruct_ the improvements, arrd in such event, theDeclarants sha]l forthwith rlcord . ,,oiice setting forth such factor facts, and upon the-recording of such notice by the Decrarants,the entire Project shalr be sold by the Decl.arants pursuant to theprovisions of this_paragraph, as a-ttorney-in-fact, ior all of theohtners, free and clear of the provisions containea i.n tnii oeciaiation.Assessments for conmon expense! sharl not be abated e";i;; tne-plrioaprior to sale- The insurince settlement proceeds shall be collectedby the Declarantl, and such proceeds shari ue aivided by th; ---- Declarants according to each or,vner ,s percenlig.-irrt"rest in theGeneral conmon Erements, and such diviaea pro6e"a"-"niri u" pl'iainto separate accounts, each such account i"pi""""ting one of thecondominium units- Each such account shall Le in the name of theDeclarants, and sharr be further ident-iii;d ;; fire conaominium unitdesignation and the name of the owner. From each separate accountthe Declarants, as attorney-in-fact, shall forthwith use anddisburse the total amount 6f each of such "..orrrrt", without con_tribution from one account to another, toward ir,e partiar_ or fulrPaYment of the lien of any first mortgagee encumbeiing the condominiumunit represented by such leparate account. Thereafter, each suchaccount shall be supprementea by the apportioned-arnount of theproceeds obtained from the sale of the lntire property. suchapportionment shall be based upon each condominium unit ovrner,spercentage interest in the common elements. trre-total funds ofeach account shaLl be used and disbursed, witirout contribution, -I1- from one account to another by_ the Declarant", ?" attorney-in-fact,for the same purposes and in Lne same order'ai rs provided insubparagraphs s(r) through B(5) of this piragiaptr. rn the eventthat the damaoe. is to be-repaired or recinstiuction is to be madethen the provision" -"f-"uti5iu^9r"pf, 8B shall apply. thi s pro j ecr maf, ' ""]l;",:Xli;".;:":n:nff "ff :t":;H:l E:ff:;T, Ifi.,,t"are obsolete and. adopt. a plln ior the ..n"ro"i-and reconstruction,which plan must have the ipproval of alr "i in" first mortgageesof record ar the time of ti't! iaopti;"-;i l".i,"ir.n. rf a plan forthe renewal or reconstruction is adopted, ,rotii" of such plans sharlbe recorded, and_the expense of renewar, and reconstruction sharr beP-avable by aI1.of the owners as a common expense, whether or notthey have previously .o.".rri"J-to the plan of renewal and reconstruction.The Declarants,. as ittorney-in-fact, si:itr r,i". the absolute right andpovrer to sell the condominium unit ot ;;t-";;;; refusing or failing topay such assessment within the time provided, and if not so paid theDeclarants sharl cause to be iecordeh a ""ii".-lnat the cond6mini.umunit of the deling-uent owner shall be sold by the Declarants. Thedelinquent owner srratr l. requii; ;; iJv*tJttil Decrarants thecosts and expenses for filinj ihe notices, interest at the rate often percent (f0t) per_annum, and all reaso";;i;-attorney,s fees.The proceeds derived from the- sale of s,rcn conJom:.ni.urn unit shallbe used and disbursed by the peclarants, -"-irio.ney-in-fact, forthe same purposes and ii the sime. order'as-is liovided in subparagraphsB(f) through (5) of this paragiapn. unanimousry ue,!. d:! :il::::,3:^:ffJ"ffilll ::y:;":iET3"iiu*"'that the same should be sord.. such plan or ugi""^ent must havethe approvaL of arr of the first mortgagees of the condominium units.rn such instance, the Declarants shali iorttrwitn record a noticesetting forth such fact or factsr -and upon the recording of suchnotice by the Declarants, the entire nrlject "r,"ir be sord by theDeclarants' as attorney-in-fact, for all of tn"-orrrers, free andclear of the provisioni contained in this Decriration. The saleproceeds shall be apportioned alnong the owners on the basis of eachownerrs interest in the General Common E1ements, and such apportionedproceeds shall be qaif into separate accounts, each such account re_presenting one condominium unil. Each such account shall be in thename of the Declarants and shall be further iaentiried by the condo_minium unit designation and the name of the owners. From each separateaccount' the Declarants, as attorney-in-fact shall use and disbursethe totar amount of each of such accounts, without contribution fromone account to another, for the same purposes and in tte-sam"-oat",as is provided in subparagraphs B(1t il;;"sh-tii'of rhis paragraph. 5. CONDEMNATION. In the event that any of the propertyis taken or coiEEffiddTf:-ny f"uri. ;"ail;.il;l J, "ora or otherwisedisposed of in r'ieu rheieor, ifie provision" 6i ini" paragraph 9shall aPPly. A11 compensation.-aimages ;;-"ihu;'proceeds therefrom(the "condemnation proceeds,,) inaff be paid to the Declarants anddistributed by it ai frerein pro.ria.a. . A. If al1 of the condominium property is taken orcondemned, or sord or otherwi""-aisp.".a".F"ii'ii., thereof,condominium ownership subject to this Declaration shar.l terminate.The condemnation proceeds shall be dividea uv-tir" Declarants accord-ing to each condominium unit ownlr's inter.rl ir,-tne General cornmonElements; provided, however, tf.,ui if a stana_rJ--aifferent from thevalue of the ro"l?T:lium property as a whore is used to arrive at theanount of the condem_nation pioce'.d" in iir"-""g"tiations, court decree,or otherwise, then the condimnatio' pro""eds shalr. be divided inaccordance with such standard, [" tfr6 extent it-is applicable. Such - | /- divided proceeds shall be paid into separate accounts, each such accountrePresenting one of the condominium units. The amount of each of suchaccounts' without contribution from one account to another, shall bedisbursed by the Decrarants, as attorney-in-fact for the ".r" poipo.",and in rhe same order as providea in iuLpiiagiipn"-itij'-tr,i"int-trl "tparagraph 8 above. B. If less than all of the condominium property istaken or condemned, or sord or otherwise disposed of in lilu iireieor,condominium ownership shall not terminate. ihe oeclarants shallreasonably-and in good faith, arrocate the condominiurn pro"..J"-i'the following manner: compen sa ri gn^or tll-.1!: tr3:':i:".:lifi "5r'Sf i;;*;"g"the General common Erements sharr be ilrocated imoig thecondominium unit owners according to their respectiieinterests in the General Cornmon El_ements; compensatiol_ o:'il'"1!3'r::'li:":li;;"ir'::'ff;*;"3. .particular condominium unit and its if,provements shall beallocated to the owner of that unit; for injur" !".oJ;le,l|':e!"::i:l :*ii"f.':fi:::l:i"h:i;.?f;:o'^rners of condominium units which vrere not taken accordiigto their respective interests in the General common Erements;and ?}:::t:g_r,, ".Ji),"11:.o::"ffi: ;::l::i"[T::*:'dli*"1:l_n Ene ctrcumstances. Notwithstanding ilg -f"I.soing, if an alLocation of the condemnationproceeds is established in the negotiatiorr", "ooit decree, o, oin"r-wise, then such allocation shall be used by the Decrarants to theextent it is appricable. upon completion 6r ttr. allocation, theDeclarants shall disburse the condlmnation proceeas by checkspayabte jointly to rhe owners and theii-;;";;;iiie nortgagees. 10. NorrcEs. Each owner sharr. register his mairing addresswith Lhe DeclaEEs,-, and except ror .o"lr,it';ut;ents and otherroutine notices, a1r other nolices or demands intended to be servedupon an owner sharl-be sent.by either registered or certified mail,postage p5epaid, addressed in the name oi the owner at such regis-tered nailing address. All notices, demands or other notices intendedto be served upon the Declarants sharr be sent by certified mai1,postage prepaid, c/o I,. C. Wi1son, 125 llest Mouniain avenue, roricollins, colorado aoszL, until such address is changed uy i noliceof address change duly recorded in the records of the Decrarants. I1. GENERAL. A- This Declaration sharl not be revoked, nor shallany of the provisions herein be amendec except by unanimous consentof the owners of the General common Elementsl anl arr first mortgagees. B. ff any of the provisions of this Declaration orany Paragraph, s?llenc:, clause, lhrase or word, or the applicationthereof in any circumstance be iniraridated, such invaridity sharlnot affect the validity of the remainder oi tti= Dectaration, andthe apptication of any such provisions; p;;";;;fh, sentence, clause,phrase or word in any-other L:-rcumstances shall not be affectedthereby. -13- o C. The provisions of this Declaration shall be inaddition and supplemental to the condominium ownership Act of theState of Colorado and to all other provisions of law.- D. Whenever used herein, unless the context shallotherwise provide, the singurar number shalr include the prural,and plurar the singular, and the use of any gender shall includeall genders-. Any reference to the Decla..nti whether singuJ-aror plural shall always be interpreted to mean the partnerirripentity known as Horniilver circie, Ltd., a colorado general iartner-lhip, its successors and assigns notwithstanding whoirsoever iray beits general partne:s from time to time IN Declaration WITNESS WHEREOF, Declthis 29th dav of J have executed this , 1979 STATE OF COUI,ITY OF COLORADO LARII'1ER 55. The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 29th day of June, 19'19, by T. J. Gleason, L. C. llilson and James H. Stewart, as General Partners of HornsilverCircl-e, Ltd. WITNESS my hand and official- seal. My Conmission expires February 25, 198I. ( -qa7:I.) ///trt/.: -1rr':; - . \'/ \' lt/Y \ \-.r\ H. Stewart N6tary Public -14- DATE z- (o-91 i- APPLICATION FOR APPLICANTA.NAME OF MAILING ADDRESS PHONE B.NAME OF MAILING APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE ADDRESS c.NAME OF Ol,lNER'S MAILING PROPERTY Ol,lNER SIGNATURE ADDRESS Z6 (print or type)St+u-AA.f B, Jo Hr,tso,rl PH0NE 6p$ ?s'9-o.s?r. q eo216 E. F. D. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL L0TI:3_BL0CK 6 SUBDTVTSToN Vnrr_ VILLqGE FTLING_:EygN-7d_ l. Three (3) cop'ies, two of-r'rhich must be mylars of a site map followinq therequirements of Section 17.16..|30(C) 1,2-,3,4,6,7,g,9;i0,ii: ia';il iA #'the Subdivision Regulations 2- The condominium or townhouse plat shall a'l so inc'l ude floor plans, elevationsand cross-sections as necessai^y to accuratety aetermtne inaiViouif-iir-ipiles - and/or other ownerships and if ttre project r^ras'built substanii;liy;i;;;.as .the approved p1ans. 3. A copy of the condominiurn documents for staff review to assure that there. are maintenance provisions included for all commonly owned areas APPROVAL PROCESS, REVIEI^I CRITERIA These can be found in chapter 17,z? of the subdivis.ion Regulations. FILING AND RECORDING The zoning administrator shal'l be the final s'ignature required on the plat sothat the Dcpartment of community Development u,itt oe r.rjonrible for prompt.l vrecording the approved plat wjth the Eagle county cteri-5nj-nicJrder. FEE $r40.00 MATERIALS TO BE G. H. o ltR 'sf 02 1020-ooo7-6 a i i1 r J, .j ir-r i -r i i.-:l.lii-' ti ;: d:i i.,, tlr ir ii :-:: i::. wc|ArEs Corrsultirg Ergineers ard furlqrors February 24, 1989 Planning Department Town of Vai l 75 South Frontage Road Vail, C0 81657 Re: Amended Map of Hornsilver Circle, LTD Condominiums Dear Staffl 0riginally we had discussed the requirements with Tom Braun who I understandis no longer in your department about our project. The owner of Unit "B", Shemy Johnson, constructed an additional room on the south side of the building along with a deck on the west. Tom told us we would need to make an ammended map which we have completed and have included. Also included are the two mylars and three copies of the same, a copy of the original condo map, the applicat'ion form and a check for the $1 00.00 fee. The condominium documents are the same as filed with the oriqinal condominium maD. Would you please proceed wjth our project through your review process andif you have any questions or need any more information, please let me know. Sincerely, Jack Blake Secretary/Treasu rer lkm Rob Johnson James H. Stewart and Associates, Inc. A4 N. Howes Street PO. Box 429 Ft. Collins, CO80522 30&482-9331 o ?.U Sohnto'r.tt-tr,' 5'ts/ '751 - osi\ $nuyfl o {gnru.;1- Pm c.ef {t R.. l.Q- 1\ S/ zcrnrJ P.)rPotle.t r r-\.- B l-Ls C,f€qF{d $V l-L..b 6,;bd, \,116 tor a.y'a ls E.- frn"[t.* qg a.^^{- &r-.+h4/ o^-,r t\ tAt> vlnt /r.* Fl'.n..\ on.e- a P...-.. tt/ y'cs. d,.,-.- 6.[16*.xol o,\ f-t-i- c-,^6,r 44 al€1 o F )q-r_ f--*, lu E .,, cAd Zalat F.| \r.a",/car O+ fr..of<- laf i*a, f "qe.f d..< . frtl,q c./F.fi." k"\[ oz ==G, uJ o- c C\ c c cr EIro Ol(\l V' UJ UJt! E =(z uJ(r L8'L L LF c) ett (X F\ @ Or (') F) rl-q l'{ tlr 0J<=lo; *. J ,v)39 F>-6? =Ho-J uJF eoF FIz =6 zz o UJ F z =o = € zz ll,z3 uJIFoz t!) uro =t lt o o E Fz o (r UJz3 ll. ul-o'Cft ,qF' q,E ol E o() (E ll) f o o o =o o G o =ct o;i 6'= O.t g8E coo .-Yo 6;oc F'5 Eo Y!tc-o'- atP:5 :SP; >=c96'- o. -c E EE E E-s:€3 E;BF! f,:- (6 o-(! o- sEE U)- O.E€e E6:EE Eos= EEE - o.; a.. C(6 O'-5ae $f;;sBl9'EE €fiehiB9Eo cEg -o6 E{ EI ,ra \ i\ c o) o tli(ltEo() o .9 .=t'.o an c(! o t\(\I cot-l (() rn (D c;Lr)<l- c (r(\lr) C\I ro(\I {n i Et qJ z I @ x g.l (J z .Jo- F uJ.J TIJ zd J = UJ = UJtuu-z tr u, llj oE o.o;g uJ z 6 uJ E o- IJJ o- i tuJ() x r uJo at u, tJ.ltL E = IJJo J F z o o J () eF gJ J uJ z = 2 to uJ = F F NO[Vn']VA o f F U U = r F Y o =l! z tr a !! uJz uJa zrFQ' \s) --.aEtn.{ =c0ol-"cl 2Z ;a =v>o =>,6:t!<oq ECtE ;(\j ll l* tft1=loTJl- 1:t: lE 1O.l i"rlcIr!]Ff>< 1- z tr J 'LE o tlJ c') C\I ao- llJ te J 2 E z tr llJ =uJz lltltltloFzlzOa-ulkoo< =HYl!Eo<z oF <F9zz- EO3EOI f]I!l tl [Tlotoltdl ull = a U' r,lJzY =F (!. F z F latz _tr-{ |'*f r-f(oE I -I r-f KF-f ;T-ll <l:lil I 1 ( o ; Jl<l trl =l zl .. >l uJ IJJ uJ2 U' F. E. IJJ o- J z E $t H z tr 6 I J\n QtY-i I4' I)< 'jz4i/-' (\,',t q,,) q4l.^Zo /.2t.. F FJEEHoo-zo F(L IJJY ul dtPT t\@o) t\ o D F =cc LlJ(L ILo ooo I trJ Foz u,F 6 z .r9z_e =zJOCu- ..i5 =F=rlf-- -- ;:''i (J A;E F uJ ILoE32ZE<cl€3E9tk gEE ;=E b=o dfi: =o-: OEE ooE io-'t x>o=Fo. ..io-itrtr uJ F I =- E =E, lrJ o-zoF(J E,Fazoo l:{ r--r r-E<LJTI ;I c st(o I Olsl Or rl ol uJl crl JItl>l tt-lol zl EI I I el dlull 5l al>l EIol fli F.(o I O)stOl -l @l -l ol =.1ol r.ljl 1l al>l t!tol fl F t-Ll J lJ.J >Z trJ LJJE(J ulz.oF U7 tr .E oz J IL I I I I 1 I 5J z. F- tt)L!d. z,Ot/, D u,; z. 0o lr) INIorc!. - t^ lot{-l olu)lI.?r-+ <l-q sr.(|-qo-ai cts'tFJ!t(u g= 5sd-{AEEO z I LU F E Fz. th UJ l- l-Oz F eFz () e.F C)ul 2?;o=<=cta zo o Fo LuF'r o .-.r O<FEOLU<ZG (rzo C) t=rfFT-1b4$cLl U' UJulu-F =E IJJ o- frF z oz 3 5 co .6 ozzo tlrl $+rl -| | o$i ) N-.iE\'-t v c \ l;i -' | (,\ N;.Y - .'; \\\tE , rr=,\\l\t - r I o \\\\i2\, r -- \\r|l I zHr t,2 l! uto Eoll- Eol-o z o llJz3vcE t! llJoz ... =ccvluJFI<FZaaz U,< o)l gl ci In6 ll sil,l 5E \|'a6' ll'; o. ll!: ll;e llpF llFP IItl .E',6\ ll53\/lN() VIoFr'l:$\F9..1gA\ o o\J iE >< €$ >< oo3oG ct) 5Egd oc f€ El Egop !toc((tt; u;oi0 oi (! '=Q)o*!ug8E coao: 9l--xY E=EFgpc-o e:5:gPE'5 =c Y'" E s;_F >,!r (!= _:-EFbOO E.: o..=o-r! f.:- (tr oo o- sEE an +, a> =*eE6:EE EO (o: iE i €-tr6 0'-5ac gE€ ;6>9.Ea.x=E3;8i'i e9Eo cEg -oG o d 0 \n N =gJ uJ zI uJo U'ulul t,l- F Ecuto- J FoF -=f-\ ,apv ftn z EsEEoo<>9(J9zr!<95g8 FO.i.\i z9 F J u- cr uJ zl .. >lou,o UJuI2oF (r UJIL J z E z tr J oz zo =oo z tr Iu =lllz @g + N I IF J .,s\|. \ a\a \(!' t.< \\ ii =z d) -) <c) EE \ N * FiIL e lt\\ N F .l-{:l\l I+lil $lsl ^/lIU'QIut 3J = I\l ,:J ID.lI] d <l>l tl.l zl 3lolFI ol =.1otull 5lil il zl 3lIFI I I I I I 3llul 5l al>l Ll-l il *Ol rJJFI F E -rO<FtrOuJ<z.E (42o c.oFO EFz J 9&F C) UJ E2? s3f,Fd5 oF(.) Fz z - uJ ciH3 \.,, zo(J ^ClrJ O o .t-)<.€c)cl-r .tlJ- o-x<(u u-(, vc '= atap (D<)P!(u oq.(Jts () F P G, C\I U)FrE =, rt- =!-J+, -J +,Q0)lrJ sl { $l uJF o lJ.l F .-r C\J iitd.2<ff ua o- NbEsg =F^{ o=554 =3I trJ O =Z€E E ?R.l- g dlf :E l .Erl E* F =I€=: Fl "dE EiiEl=fif; cL (n ..isq= NEItr =utL- dtie** E -GI ,J 1- F =E lrJ o-zo FofEFazoo a F =lrlo- z, -J f- U- \raN...'oNl tr.l l!trlz. uJ =ooo-z rt! u,Y Iudl oF t- E uJ__o-_ l!.o (Loo IuFoz \T- ;r,*LocArIoNvERIFIcArIoN o SUBDIVISION vail village, 7th Johnson Residence AdditionJOB NAME tor 'o latocx ADDRESS 1106-8 Hornsilver Circle Drive FILING vail village, 7th '[he location lines, mrst accompanying of utilities, whether they be approved and verified by slte plan. be nain trunk the following lines or proposedutilities for the Authorized Slqnatu!"e 0ate ltET l/:aD Ttetl,lountai n Bel I 4/:e-(ea l{estern S'lope Gas Harry Moyes Public Service Company Gary Hall Holy Cross Electric Assoc. Ted Husky/Hichael Laverty Vail Cable T.V. Gary Johnson Upper Eagl e Val ley l,later and Sanitation Discrict David Krenek ll:aa'/-aa> /' /t t i{"li.'il' i"ll I a ia d' alEacneo Snee: U--g> latia 'IlunE 6-lkS| /a;3a Toot NOTE: These verifications do not lelieve the contractor of his responsibility to obtain a street cut pernit fron rhe ' Tonn of Vail, Departuent of Public J{orks and to obtain utility locations before digging in any public right- of-ray or easement in the Town of Vail. { building Pernit is not a street cut Pernit. A street cut Pernit nust be obtained sepa!8tely. This forn is to verify service availablity and location. This should be used ln conJunctiop wlth preparing your utility plan and scheduling lnstallations. >do$o oo J. ;\Ar'l I ADDITIO J .ttEJRE- TD ,g_E$b Wlr-lw(arUa teANE) r*\t5 ,f w.tL AEEA 4/e/87 Proiect Name: OO Proiect Apptication 'O JOHNSON RESIDENCE Project Description:addition to secondary unit Contact Person and Phone VERN SEIEROE, MIDYETTE'SEIEROE & ASS 443-9960 owner, Address and phone: SHERRY ,I0HNSON 2646 STEEL ST DENVER C0 80210 759-0592 Architect, Address and Phone: ption: Lot qR , Block v vill 7th ZoneLegal Descri Comments: Filing Design Review Board Motion by:iZ:,^ seconded ov' L <'-a t t/ APPROVAL ,'1 - zlL,ts - C) ,^," +f - 1f f -l DISAPPROVAL P>,j>,, -t!' ,. : , (' ,,, /_ro*ffi on", 4 l, "r / t'1 E statt Approval -- t oo TITLE OUARANTEI COTTPATTIY Rrpnerrlrtlm Tltlr lnrurroct SorHnv of lllnnrrotr TlnilK YU' Fm Vq.n ffiffi ItoT vtotodl O'f,inY 3. r0$l8$l LTND Amtl lil, 0rr Ondrnr tffERr ffi.LENI NnEStr Tqfl r tntL tLemttiF fittnr XTw iDCE-ACX rilgvfTTE 0ftns I effirc.rttot PIJIil.tfl.l-ffir OO. XlO2 I lttnr llflff .-.^ COMMITMENT TO INSURE This commitment was produced and issued through the office of LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY IAI{D fITIJE GU.{R.INTEE COTiPTTI P. 0. Bcx 55? VrlI, Coloraalo 8f657 ,{fr'ffi^"-^ 0 St^"r Representing: J rrr-e I N su na r.r c e I o rvr ea r.rv o r [/l *.r r.r EsorA TfM Form 2582 6/85 AMERICAN LAND TITLE ASSOCIATION COMMITMENT - 1970 Rev. Jmr-e lr.rsunnr.rce fiorvrenNy oF [/f rruNrsora a Stock Company of Minneapolis, Minnesota TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY OF MINNESOTA, a Minnesota corporation, herein called the Company, for a valuable consideration, hereby commits to issue its policy or policies of title insurance, as identified in Schedule A, in favor of the proposed Insured named in Schedule A, as owner or mortgagee of the estate or interest covered hereby in the-l1n! described or iefeired to in Schedule A, upon payment of the premiums and charges therefor; all subject to the provisions of Schedules A and B and to th€ Conditions and Stipulations hereof. This Commitment shall be effective only when the identity of the proposed Insured and the amount of the policy or policies committed for have been inserted in Schedule A hereof by the Company, either at the time of the issuance of this Commitment or by subsequent endoresement. This Commitment is preliminary to the issuance of such policy or policies of title insurance and all liability and obliga- tions hereunder shall cease^and terminate six months after the efiective dat-e hereof or when the policy or policies committed for shall issue, whichever first occurs, provided that the failure to issue such policy or policies is not the fault of the Company. CONDITIONS AND STIPULATIONS l. The term "mortgage", when used herein, shall include deed of trust, trust deed, or other security instrument. 2. If the proposed Insured has or acquires actual knowledge of any defect, lien, encumbrance, adverse claim or oth€r matter affecting the esiat6 or interest or mortgagi thereon covered by this Commitment other than those shown in Schedule B hereof, and shall fail to disclose such knowledge to the Company in writing, the Company shall be relieved from liability for any loss or damage resulting from any act of reliance hereon to the extent the Company is prejudiced by failure of the proposed Insured to so disclose such knowledge. lf the proposed Insured shall disclose such knowledge to the Company, or if the Company other- wise acquires actual knowledge of any such defect, lien, encumbrance, adverse claim or other matter, the Company-at its option may amend Schedule B of this Commitment accordingly, but such amendment shall not relieve the Company from liability previously incurred pursuant to para$aph 3 of these Conditions and Stipulations. 3. Liability of the Company under this Commitment shall be only to the named proposed Insured and such parties in- cluded under the defidtion of Iniured in the form of policy or policies committed for and only for actual loss incurred in re- liance hereon in undertaking in good faith (a) to comply with the requirements hereof or (b) to eliminate exceptions shown in Schedule B, or (c) to acquire or create the estate or interest or mortgage thereon covered by this Commitment. In no event shall such liability exieed the imount stated in Schedule A for the policy or policies committed for-and such liability is subject to the insuring provisions and the Conditions and Stipulations and the ex-clusibns from Coverage of the form of policy_ or Policies com' mittedTor in favor of the proposed Insured which are hereby incorporated by reference and made a part of this Commitment except as expressly modified herein. 4. Any action or actions or rights of action that the proposed Insured may have or may bring against the Company arising out of the siatus of the title to the estate or interest or the-staius of the mortgage thereon covered by this Commitment must be based on and are subject to the provisions of this Commitment. STANDARD EXCEPTIONS In addition to the matters contained in the Conditions and Stipulations and Exclusions from Coverage above referred to, this Commitment is also subject to the following: 1. Rights or claims of parties in possession not shown by the public records. 2. Easements, or claims of easements, not shown by the public records. 3. Discrepancies, conflicts in boundary lines, shortage in area, encroachments, and any facts which a correct survey and inspection of the premises would disclose and which are not shown by the public records. 4. Any lien, or right to a lien, for services, labor or material theretofore or hereafter furnished, imposed by 1aw and not shown by the public records. 5. Defects, liens, encumbrances, adverse claims or other matters, if any, created, first appearing in the public records or attaching subsequent to the effective date hereof but prior to the date the proposed insured acquires of record for value the estate or interest or mortgage thereon covered by this Commitment, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Title Insurance Company of Minnesota has caused its corporate name and seal to be hereunto affixed by its duly authorized officers on the date shown in Schedule A, to be valid when countersigned by a validating officer or other authorized signatory. fioruearuv or [/f rr'rr.resorn Oa Jrrr-e lr.rsunar.rce -3fr--+t4* oo ALTA CO1.I TIIT1.1 ENT SCHEDULE A Appl icrtlon No. VIO6O2 For lnfornrtton Onlv - Chrler - FILTA Ol,lt{ER Pfl-ICY rtoo.oortsoE'NDER - TorAL - - ftoo.oo l{lth voun rrnlttrncr plrrrr rcfrn to VIO6O2. l. Effrctlve Drtrl Amll 13' l9B7 rt EIOO A.f'|. 2. Pol lcv to br lrturd' rnd rloporrd Inrurrdl of,ll-TArr &lnrn't Pol tcv Forn E-1?7O (Anrndrd 1O-17-7O) Proporrd Inrunrdr 3. Thr ertrtr or lntrmrt ln the lrnd drrcrlbed on neforrld to lnthle Connltrrcnt lnd coverrd hrnrln lrr A Fer Sl,nplc 4. Tltlr to thr rrtrto on lntrrcrt covrrrd hrnrln lr rt thcrffectlve drtr herrof vrrtfd lnl SI{ERRY B. *Mfl8ON !. Thr lrnd rcfcrmd to ln thtr Conmltnent !r drrenlbcd rrfol I ourr COtlDSlINlllt UNIT B' lSltlSILVER CTRCLE' LTII. CS'fIBIINIUI'I$' ACCOftDINF TO TI€ CONIF}IINIT.|}I iIAP TIGREOF RECORDED "'LN.Y 5, I97? IN BMK 287 AT FAE 736 AND A5 DESCRIBED IN THg C6{I$.IINIU}I D€CI-ARATION RgOffiDED IX,LY $, 1979 IT{ B{X}K 287 AT PAOE 737' Of,.|NTY OF EA8LE, STATE OF COLORADO. rlt- PAgE I .Z-oo ALTA COHHtTItENT SCHETL||-E E-I (Rrrulmnentrl Aprllcrtlon No. VIO6O2 Thr folloulnr ur the rnullrr.ntr to be conrllrd slthl !. Prvlent to on fon thr rccount of thr rnntorr on nortnrorl ofthr ful I conrldntlon for tho rrtrtr or lntmrt to brtnluled. 2. Pnoren lnrtnumnt(rl cFratlnr thr rrtrte or tntrrrrt to brlnrurrd aurt br rxrcutrd rnd dulv ftlrd for rrcordr to-ultl T}E OOIT{TY CLM( AOII RECORTERS FFIC€ REfl,.|IRE8 FENNiI ADME8888 ON TMUSITS 8ENT FOR REOMDINO! ! tL FAOE 2 ooF ALTA COT.II.IITHENT scl€DULE B-2 (Exccptlonrl Aprllcrtion No. VIO6O2 Tho rollcv or rollcler to be lerurd utll sontrln rxerptlonr to thrfolloulnr unlrrr the nnr rnr dlrpored of to thr ntlrfrctlon of thc Conprnvr t. Etrndrnd E:rceptlonr I thro[rh U prlntrd on thr covrr rhrrt. 6. Trxrr rnd rrr.rrmntt not vrt dur or rrvrblt rnd rrcclrlurorrnrntr not vet certlflrd to thr Trerrurrp/t offlcr. 7. Anv unnld trxrr oF rrrerrnrntr rrrlnrt rrld lrnd. O. Llenr for unprid rnter rnd teufF shlrrer' lf rnv. '. RIS{T OF PNOPRIETON F A VEIN ON LODE TO EXTRACT AI'ID RETIS'|E HI8 TNE T}EREFRO}I 6HOIJ-D T}IE SA}fr 8E FOI.hID TO FENETRATE OR IT{TERTECT T}E PREHIESE AB REEGRTED tN UNITED STATES FATEIIT RECORDED l{rv 27' 1926, Il'l BOOK ?3 AT FAOE 146. lO. RESTRICTM COVENANTB l&llCH DO t{tT CONTAIN A F(FFEITURE m REVERTER &AUSE' Bl,lT OtiITTINg RESTRICTIONS' lF ANY' EASSD (I{ RAC€' OOLOR' RELIBION' OR NATIOIIAL ORlGlN, Ag CO'ITAINED IN IlrlSTRt tlENT RECffiDED Drcrnber O7' 196!' lttl BOOK 187 AT PABE UTS. 11. EASEIENT TEN FEET lN tfIDTH A-(I{O T}E t{fiTH LOT LINE OF Lot 9' Elock 6 AB $TOUN (il\I THE RECORIED PI.AT (F VAIL VILLAOE' SEVEI{TH FILINO. 12. THOSE PROI/ISIOTIIS' OI'\,ENANTS AND CONDITIITII8' EASE}.IENTS AND RESTRICTIOI.IS' I*IICH ARE A H.RDEN TO Tl{g CONDO}|INIIS'| IX{IT DESCRIBEO IN 8C}EDULE A' AB C0|TITAITGD IN IIIISTRT'If,I{T RECORDED *,IUIV 05' I97?, IN BOOK ?.A7 AT PAOE 737. tE. EA8ET.ENT8, REEERVATISIIB tr{D RESTRICTIUIIE A8 SHOI#{ OR RESERVED ON TTE RECORDED Oo]{DOtINlt l }lAP OF HORI{8ILI/ER CIRCI-E LTD. ' CONI[}llINlt t'18. 14. UTILITY EASEHSNT AS ORANTED TO HOLY CNOSS ELECTRIC AESTIATTOiI' IIIIC. IN INSTRIJIGNT REOORDED lfrv 2lr 198f,1' Iftl BtEf 414 AT PAOE 497, lr- oo 5440 Ward Fload Arvada, CO 80002 424-0241 3300 So Parker Rd., Suite 105 Aurora, CO 80014 751 -4336 '1 810 30th Street Boulder, CO 80301 444-4101 200 Norlh Ridge P.O. Box 2280 ereckenridge, CO 80424 453-2255 512 Wi cox Castle Rock, CO 80104 688-6363 21 2 North Wahsatch Colorado Springs, CO 80903 634-4821 LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY PO. Box 5440 Denver, CO 80206 321-'t 880 Sanford Place 2 Suite 301 7979 East Tutts Denver, CO 80237 779-0220 3600 South Yosemite Suile 380 Denver CO 80237 694-2837 8333 Greenwood Boulevard Denver, CO 80221 427-9353 1 201 [,4ain Avenue Durango. CO 81301 24 7- 5860 6851 South Holly Circle Englewood. CO 801 12 770-9596 3030 S. College Avenue Suite 201 Fo( Collins, CO 80525 482-0915 710 Kipling Street Lakewood, CO 80215 232-3111 3609 So. Wadsworth Suite 1 15 Lakewood, CO 80235 988-8550 1 1 990 Granl Slreet Suite 220 Northglenn, CO 80233 452-0149 19590 East Main Parker, CO 80134 841-4900 1 08 South Fronlage Road W. P.O. Box 357 Vail, CO It657 476-2251 oo R-TPTIOI{t - 6 t?0t l/)ffi Bl ock ,lll ,.11 --l /Fllinq I/ i rr{ -r '| \7/Lq nez,7z S-?c) rj PhOne qUS -.7../y't o OO zot{E cfiEcK F()R SFR, R, R P/S ZOI{E DISTRICTS ,10lrt: u6At IIIORESS: oJiltR AICHITEC zoilE Dls PROPOSED !0r slzE USE lhlght TOTAI 6RFA Priaury GRFA Sccondary GRFA Sctlrcks: FrQnt Sides Rear llter Course Sltc Coveragc landscapi ng f ence/Retaining l'fal I HEights Prrking Credi ts: Garage l.lechani cal Ai rl ock Storagc Solar Heat Drive: SloPe Permi tted Invi ronmenta I /Hazards : / 6qr,( 4ll_9ncd (30)(33) 3Yct /j e , 20' t5' l5' (30)(so) tllv) t\ r) Proposed ^r+-lvLj- iv' ' (3oo)(600) (eoo)(l2oo) (50) (100) (2s)(s0) (2oo)(4oo)Itr-! ). Slope Actual Avalanche Flood Plain Sl ope lJetl ands Geol ogi c Hazards Corrpnts: Zonlng: Datc: Approvcd/Dl saPProvcd i k 621)(,2\) !7ai'r-'z 1c*t 4l ' 4zt t 2st> t 4zr , zctt | 4 r',1 -- -- r.J ) - i ?': Z = Z}/Y -- 2 b37ffi 1,1 )'X ..- i '' ! _1 oa APPLICATIOI{ DAT O DATE OF DRB IIEETII{G: ORB APPLICATIOI{ .Tf.THIS APPTICATIOII XTLL ilOT BE ACCEPTED UTITIL ALL I1{FOR'{ATION t. PRE.APPLICATIOII }IEETIIIG: IS SUBlllITEofffi. A orc-aoollcatlon rncctlng wlth a plannlng 3t.ff ncmbcr ls strongly suggtstcd to .iiciirriii ii-ini aoaitloial lnforiratlon is nceded. tlo appllcat!oT !l]l_f9,!:!:P!!{ unlcss tt ts coirpletc (must lnc!g{e rll ltcms requlred.by thc.zonlnE:11lll*rl!91,. ii is ttte appilcint,s iesponslblllty to makc rn appolntncnt.rlth thc attff t0 flnd out aloui alltttonat subrnittal requircmcnts. Plcasc notc that r COI]IPLETE lPPllca' tlon rlll streamllne ltri apprcvat pnocess for your proJgg! by decreaslng the nunle1 of-ionOttfons-of approvit ihat thc'DRB may stllulatc. ALL condltlons of appmval m,lst be resolved before-i buttdtng pennlt ls lssued. A. PROJECT DESCRIPTIoI|: Johnson Residence - Bedroom and deck addition at south and southwest (res. ,ctively) of existing lower (Unit B) residence. aa B. tOCATIOil OF PROPOSAL: AddfgSS 1106-8 Hornsilver Circle Drive tcAal Zonlng Descrlptl on Iot 8l ock Res identiai- APPLICf,I{T: Sherrv B. Jo 2646 Steele Strect, Denvcr, co u02 l0 FlllnO VaiI ViIlaqe, 7th c. D. E. M'{E OF Addrcas Milt 0F Addrcss APPLICANT'S REPRESET{TATIVE : vern 1406 Pearlr Boulder, CO 80302 telephonehe@os92 telephone 443-9950 1Af.tE OF 0lllttRS: Sherry B. Johnson seieroe, Midyette,/Seieroe & Associates, p.c. i tect Slgnature { AddrCSS 2646 steele street, Denver,80210 tcltphonch@ose2 ls requestcd.F. ORB FEE: The fcc rlll VALUATIOII . t 0-f 10,000tt0,00l-t 50,000 t50,001 -l150,000 t150,001 - t 500,000 t500,001 - f1,000,000I Over $1,000,000 br pald at the tilne a bulldlng pcnnlt FEE $ 10.00t 2s.00t 50.00 i100.00 t200.00 $3oo.o0 THPORTAIIT IIOTTCE REGARDIIIG ALL SUBI.IISSIOI{S TO THE DRB: l. ln addltlon to ncatlnE submlttrl requlrements, thc rPpllcant nust stlkc thc-sltc to inOtcatc propciiy ifnli lnO bulldlng corners. Irgcs- thrt wlll bc rcrnovcd irrouia iiio bc iniriiO. itrti worf must br conplctcd bcforc tht DRB vlslts tJta sl tc. Z. Thc rcvlcr proccls for ilEll BUILOIIIGS wlll nonnrlly lnvolve tro sapartte ncetlngs ii-tirc'oeltgn-niiicw-ioiii,-ii-eiin on rt lcast iro arcctlngt for thclr apprcval. 3. Pcoplc who fall to applp bcforc the Deslgn Rcvlar ?91t9 l! thclr schcdulcd iiiliinr'inC irro liivc-fiot-allco ior a postfoncmcnt wlll bc rcqulrcd to be republ I shed. oo LIST OF MATERIALS oo ftlng Of PR0JECT: Johnson Residence, bedroom and deck addition TEGAL DESCRTPTION: tr' Sto5:t A!!pESS. 1106-8 Hornsilver Circle Drive oiiciiptlon or Pno Gespectivqly) of existinq lowel(unit e) residence. Ihe followlng Soard before infonnation ls requlred for submitta'l by the applicant to the thslgn Revlel a flnal apProval can be fiven: A. BUtLDIIIG MTERIALS: TYPE 0F I'IATERIAL COLOR Roof Sl dl n9 0ther flall Materlals Match Existing Match Existing Fascl a Soffl ts lli ndows lfindow Tr'lm . Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Fl ues Flashings Ch'imneys Trash Enclosures 6reenhouses Other r) Gfass with wood r.ril and st:y1cs Match Existin<; Natural redwood Not Applicable Paint to match F.rsci.r and siding Not Appl-icable Ccdar (roucjh)Dark brown - match house trim Not Applicable Deck and deck fascia - NaturaL redwood Vern Sereroe l. LANDSCAPIITG: Name Of DeSigner: Midvette/Seieroe & Associai-es. f ^ :phone: .303-443-9960 PLAIIT I,IATERIALS: EOIANiCAI NAMC Common Name Si ze* PP0P0SED TREES None EXISTING TREES BE REMO'JTt) None for conlfers. (over) rtndlcate ctllptr for drclduclout tre?s'Indlcatc hclght ot Botanlcal Name Tamarisci fdia Juniper oo . PtAtIT IIATERIALS: (con't) SHRUBS Conmon Name Pfitzer Sl ze 2 gaL Quani ty EXISIING SHRUES rO BE REMOVED GROUIID COVERS None TvPc Square Footaqe s00 SEEt)Replacement og 6a6arycd exist inrl As required Na turalTYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL c.OTHIR TANDSCAPE FEATURES (TCIAiNiNg Concrete retaining wall and slabs walls, fences, outs j ric (l()ors , swimming pools, colorcd concrete etc.) Please specify. (dark brown) wi 1l l.'c 4" + abc.rve qradc. Iencc ar<.rurrri cas;l- riirlc ol- tclclrltonc pc<lcstal and electrical mcLcrs. Trash can cnc Iosu rc . 6 ,+?a WL (IU,'t/ &tl wvi 1- r + to.tu )38 oa 1406 Pearl Street Mall. Suite ZOO Bou Lcler. Colorado 80102 (303) 443 9960 Addition Circle Drive Miclyette / Seieroe & Associates p.c. Bo u ld e r "De nve r,'Sa n t.r FeArc hitec ts, Plan ne rs Betsy Rosolak Planning Department Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 2I April 1987 RE: Johnson Residence Design Rev iew I106-8 Hornsilver Ms. Rosolak: Please find encLosed a Design Review Board Application including photographs and ilrawings of the proposed addition, including bedroom and deck addition to the Johnson residence. A1so, please find enclosed a copy of uncompleted Utility Location Verification form. As you are probably well awarer I have not had the opportunity to obtain the authorization signatures of the various utilities due to the timing of the clarification of the requirement of this verification form. I am in the progress of doing so, and will present tbis verification at the earliest date. I am also in the process of having a preliminary title report completed by Land Title of Vail, Colorado. I have ordered this title report and anticipate it will be delivered or mailed to your office on 27 April 1987. It is also my understanding you have a copy of an improvement survey completed in l97l by william H. Burgwinn and Associates, and this will satisfy the requirement for an improvement survey. I appreciate your assistance with the subnittal of this application and look forward to the meeting of 29 April 1987 with the Design Review Board. If you have questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. I anticipate staking the site rnid- morning of the 29th of April for observation by the Design Review Board. tf Itrvail VMS,/kmt cerely, ern Se ieroerchitect, A.I.A. pc: Rob Johnson, Owner A, ra- fz I t^//? rc -t-1"' /04L rfw 1rL x dr) t &f,x s/ A,Y i:- Le ,.- a It.{ x ,h - -= ..-.-.--l u-6...1- fx 'zs)-f u-/4u 2 o V3.,1 t,/lL--+- . - .?J - ?/2 *,,.t*-f-TJ o-Un,.u '6 t {, t-/c, f ' /t n/ S -E r-L^v -&o-9-? . . !, - 3 -A- 3-7-i * *-r--' --+., J 7't', y'INSPECTIONTOWN O REQUEST\/a tPERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE .. / ." ,1,:/ JOB NAME CALLER MON TUES ' ", '','. ';"'' t .', .;/ 1 BEADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: ::i; fii.:ji1 ,* TOWN OF VAIL BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND N ROUGH / D,W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL D FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING N GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH tr tr D EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPTY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL gu#laoveo coRhecrrorus: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT - -INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL \ r\-r,\,{t.:\ t \r \'\ \\,r; _\i. t DATE ',- ,{. ) - "' \ JoB NAME CALLER READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: TUES WED i FRI \i:.i:i'. BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND RFoUGH / D.w.v. $-houcn / wArER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr tr tr tr ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr tr tr tr tr GAS P1PING INSULATION SHEETHOCK POOL / H. TUB NAIL FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL _1 APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: (6-th d(Q- =€eLA INSPECTOR IJlr tl I^r l\ \ P 6?1J,1 I INSPECTIONTOWN OF REOUESTVAIL 1 I r.i t-q1t JOB NAME .l l. /ll ,DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLER TUES ti ft '9,t,;lu' FRl, I ft'eeeaoveo,-. (--tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: BUILDING: T] FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER ROOF & SHEER ^:.**''tr GAS P]PINGPLYWOOD NAILING N POOL/ H. TUBtr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr trtr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL:MECHANICAL: TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ;fo'd' '' rtv"'r!) t rff r'lr! ,,i O EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT -l O SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL DATE INSPECTOR REQUESTVAIL \INSPECTIONTOWN OF onre R - t"- Q-1 JoB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: )ruroencRouND lq-.RouGH / D.w.v. ,9-RouGH / wArER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL ..<.- ^uEffRAMING (\ 4*,l,/. ) ia, n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS P]PING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK n tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr n tr FINAL tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MEGHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT n tr FINAL (>' tr FINAL /,ET.|AFPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED E REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTO I INSPECTION REQUEST PERMI DATE T NUMBER OF PROJECT TOWN OF /\ t .l VAIL 'B- r g'] INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES WED THUR .'READY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS tr FOUNDATI tr FRAMING / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER ON / STEEL ...- n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING SULATION O POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL O FINAL tr FINAL tr tr tr tr tr HEATING ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIB tr FINAL B DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECT t INSPECTION REQUEST . PERMI DATE T NUMBER OF PROJECT ;\. TOWN OF VAIL _ \,- "r<\\ r t .t READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLER TUES WEDMON THUR FRI ,/ ttr l \________________ AM .j PM--'.----.-,, BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: D UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL D FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER O HEATING ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL VED CORRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR INSPECTION REQUEST.. PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT (1 DATE TOWN OF VAIL .t JOB NAME '. \ READY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr tr tr E tr D UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING r_r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK POOL / H. TUB NAIL -Br-nrnr- ELECTRIGAL:MECHANIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr BOUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL &#pnoveo tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: \$s. .....,..'......-l- utDATE INSPECTdR. PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT a INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FRI.: / . i''^. , r',i'. : ., ,,.,t ,, , , INSPECTION REQUEST ' TOWN OF VAIL " ' dt CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: au (_II._ B tr tr tr tr tr o tr UILDING: FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAL O FINAL ELE trT trF trc tr GTRICAL:MECHANICALI TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR i4 rrrunl tr FINAL tr APPFOVED O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR FINAL INSPECTION'S COMPLETED The belor items need to be complete before giving a permit a final C of 0. Please check off in the box provided. FINAL PLUMBING ; FINAL MECHANICAL DATE: FINAL ELECTRICAL DATE I n FINAL BUILDING CERTI FICATE OF OCCUPANCY TEMP0RARY C of 0