HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 BLOCK 6 LOT 9 44 WILLOW PLACE BUILDING INSPECTIONS LEGALV.J U*6f\ r\',k6 h;rq u{utt ".^vl^*Ert o i t.t+|- - rvp. EXT. RAIIINdP@ I ( \ I I I II i{*, r ? * a P - P tz'x\:t Ll qa ? aQ F fa' f^ 6 eicAft " tl don-3.:: I I \ ) (r, Il?)'olt-o"'A6Rr64110$ I t-t UOO-."ON WEST ASSOCIATES Chris Cookproject Manager STONE, MASONRY PI.ASTER, TILE, MARBLE PO. BOX 92t /AVON, CO 81620 / go3_949_4t 3g . ASPEN: gog_927-8ogz Fascia Color Stucco Color Window/ Door Trim& Siding Color Window Cladding Color o C,m P PF2 a'= PdH E FP'P > EsF 4 s-F Es E= ln =P f 5\ nr J L ril N {L BF$$ sN3 r trlNlilsi RLr c i!l $ 64N(i [1i.t ov o VOGELMAN WE$T ASSOCIATES, INC. Erlck-8lodk-Stone-Stucco P.Ol Box 921 AVON. CQLORADO 8T620 lrla(r€-ervrJ Bz.wr.J r.l 1,. New Electric, Inc. - ' P,O, Box 957 Avon, Colorado 81520 (303) 949-4651 ilun€ 1 ,1995 l{r. Michael McGee Fire Marehal Tovm of Vail 42 Weet Meadow DriveVall, Colorado 81657 RE: T.O,V, Ordinance S14 Series of 1984 44 Wi1low Place 4{ l{ilLow RoadVail, Colorado 81657 . Please be advieed that. Ne!'r Electrlc rnc. hereby cert.ifleE Ehaton ,June 1, 1995 Ehe fire alarm system, as EesCed tryr the belowlieted person(e) did funcE.ion. atohn Rudo$h and Don King has physically operat,ed al1peripheral device(s) where not detrimenEal to said device(s).$lhere detriment,al Uo said devices to physically operateit(them), it(bhey) were visibly and elecErically inspected.The entire assernblage functions properly as an initiat,ing andindicating fire alarm system, in audio, mechanicaL, andelecbrlcal aapect,s . Sincere ly, RoberE L. Newnan II Preeldent CC: 44 Wil1ow Vall Fire - Dave Shrinbr Department, 05/43/1995 l6:46 352-0936 o R & R UI(IDH]R<II{G PAIE 8I irt t, l99t l. l. lilron I lr*rclrt Ittrotlon Drr. lchr.lnaa aa tlllor Pl.oc Yrl,I. cn Dars Xr. lObr.tn.8 t Itb. door thrr ybl.ch t'os b.vtr taqsrf.d aDolrt i! r tq)3td "rofogo" gfr|. Produot. AU doort ltr rU unl'tt rt 4' ||iUov Plrs' .i tfi. tl4c.d t'!o loqpx 9l$.. 'lfbr roo logo' g1r'-. lr rroltt d ln o{r{.r to rvola im oulatfor ct"t'd by tb' ;a..!lct ot logor r|3rdEing trg.Ed glrrr' llla!.lt' 7t*i'A^7r[*r(/ltlob.rd tl. Hlutir - ?lNE APCtllT[CTUDi\t VOODTVOQK * ?.o. !c lil32 . Grcdry, Colrrdo ffit2 ' ptnG (tO3) 3t2{9{t ' FAlt' (t0t) 5t2{tl6 Onctlhog: {rl lnh Jrrcct ' Crrwlcy' colorrdc fltr3l mY-6-19S 11!43 n 3A3 352 BSt6 P.Sl $n'..t TOIVN OFVAIL 42 ll/est ltleadow Driae llail, Colorado 8I,657 t0t-479-22t0 TO: FRO}I: DATE: RE! ,/ _z APR 1995 Vail Fire Dcpartnent +IVt\lar'l s with a tist of specific device model numbers .ar-::-*'-,7U 7V/r142/ ) t'ry '1 with'equipment cut sheets for each type of device. ),a*/t'nr< with the nunber of each type of device. with Lnformation lndicatlng the specJ.fLc zones. wl-th clrcuit diagrams. with wlrins t_I!", "g, and nurnber of conductore. with source of A.C. power circuits. with emergency llghting at the fire alarrn panel. Tt)V"C0lrltlvl, DE\j' I)EPT UEMON,ANDUM TOWN OF VAIL BUILDING DEPARTMENTVATL FIRE DEPARTI.{ENT /1Michael Mccee, Fire Marshal /?/Jeff Atencio,'Fire fnsp."iot * z/- g .? s" . 4? t-u'" 16 </ 1aL The Flre Department has reviewed the prans for the projectnamed above. The items narked below need t6 be: t/ subrnltted // revised ,/ turnLshed. Fire alarm shop drawings need to be subrnlttedl with a Colorado Registered Engineerrs stanp. wlth point to polnt wtrlng dlagram. t-s/. z'uar-d;E /4t'"'^1s wlth typlcal devlce wirlng at^gru^".,)/*-" ;z)/& with battery calculations. with infornatlon indicating rnonitoring nethod and zr'o{*: ,-i)::::' ::::; e z .'u' t 'o"'va i'r<'**o till-l 1-0F 10t:l?{{:1ttr. Nlco! + liollmd A$oclatat Inc.rr!r-- r)of{ft| ltatl ltllltl(tllin| iJ.j#-|lllll{f?ni rcrrs I' ttta l|.6c.r fagalDalc t mrmtrtJ r00i ii*l-rtorrqr m.a nrt. lloogrl,l, Coloa.dc ttat? Lt ll ltllo DlrerYlll| Oclcs.ao JoD tn. +l00l lgtiltlaor xr. ina !!tt lhl| rlll s$tllrt thrE t rcvlon. thr oaD[r3rtl atluoturrl lrnm* o tlarcdroe t, ltol - |te tL b..i ot iP tor.ol..| rad brlto! r tho oissdut'l tfIFG|3 -ll lD ;ffi;i,-;Jh-i;; ritl rH rrqutrrdutr ot tht rtarotutrl drrr|lo' ..a .t-.lrt .taan . frd. I stlND l|$otMl. lxo. .|rtllrf aftrtlsRt lr|rn .tt*l - l\JO coLth br llcol; F.l. af. h?la |hr.tlrjl.l. Iltra o mtoolrt a nt|oDlltF aaofifflh.&fttlullnhhnl$ol rLtr aa|. rarttr|'4ffi..f.tel .I FINAL CHECK I,IST .fOB NAIiE: FOR BUII,DING PERMIT #-fu7 h The itens listed below must be completed before a permit sha1l receive a Fina1 Certificate of Occupancy. SOILS REPORT: FINAI, EI.,,ECTRTCAI, : T mr n E tl l Er n FINAI, PLI]MBING: FINAI, MECHANICAII: TEMPORARY CO: CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY (CO): FINAL LANDSCAPING: PAVING/PUBLIC WORKS: TCO ESCROW/LINE OF CREDIT: ******* MTSC. NOTES: - PIERCE, SEGERBERG & ASSIATES ARCHITECTSoP.G..IF. .. 1000 South Frontage Road West vArL, coLoRADo 81657 (303) 476-4433 FAX (303) 476-4608 LtrTTil@F TRANSnnrrrAL DArE 4-jo q/ l'"")7eas.eo onrr-,o* ?n *EVRE' 41y' hg1uaalP. n under seoarate cover via /la+^Jp the fottowing items: ! Samples E SpecificationsPlansPrints I Change order tr tr Furrorrva CPff, wE ARE SENDING You Fttached>t tr Shop drawings ! ! Copy of letter coPtEs DATE NO.OESCRIPTION /ma nl Stmr - Frespnets?zt e /U*n B,+<e I Tecot. /aro a1/TT..*tBM hr/ a ill 2uaaa R Cz+strFtc*rzoN,, //. '- ^dEZ /t) r/<?,.1) /tJ llEzP2LM /-ll6/*um 4+pe. /-uaz e67-4t//ue, W 21zOl THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: E For approval fto, your use n As requested D D tr ! Approved as submitted Approved as noted Returned for corrections n Resubmit -copies for aPProval I Submit - copies for distribution ! Return - corrected prints E For review and comment tr FOR BIDS DUE 19 - I PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS copvrc ta/LE *'D.. REoYCLED PAPER:€d contentsi 40% Pr€-Consumer' 107. Po€t_consum€r SIGNED: tl €nclosurea are not aa notad, klndly notlly ua aa once. #4Al7 lirneFiffi rty t itImtttn Fartdms-tloc ' : l'lttl-l972Gen. iR'drrF!?- Lr$ than 296 linear chango whan tesi€cl at 1til36F Bn6 P.H. (exposure cl 7 daYs) -ltDoF lo .€5Oo F<--.!!tt. ' Mlnlrrum 16 pei (lor foqn c.re)' l i 1.6 l.7s 2.0 z,z5 L5 275 $0 $251 9.5 l i3.75i ,4.0 i 6.81 8'a 1o.g 1z:l t4.E 16.E 18.7 2A2 ?2.1 23.4 26.? 0.t47 o,12. 0.0e5 0.07s 0.(F8 0.(r0 0.053 0.oqo 0.045 o.043 0.@ wdght Lgg,SE 1.75 :i.€5 '1.69 1.73 ,1n 1-80 r.85 r.39 i.93 r.gb: zuz. Aged Insulrlion Yrber Atirsl lietnTctnp. tli. eg"d f,t"*.l vahJss ol this prsdUcr werc detemined in scordancs w,th the PIMA aonditroninOl : prwerturc as oufnecl In PIMA lgchnical Bullebn tO1' (coqdnqed on n€Cpag€t FltGgtoNE Eult Dlls pEooudns cotlPANY 529 Congegfxg Br{, c.ru1. ln6l9l|l 'doa - Srn€: 1-!do{294r4 T.tts{a.C t${2tls'11 4rca Bs'wPr;A (PoPuoT rc 6E uaE-o _: ro 'd -lBlo1 4! i rl soy ttted ro s[ rod penebatrons, piolectieas erid n"ihP. , T9 Tqg inst4tiori lqlt be covsrrd with menUraie anO gomgeied Uefo'c lhe crd ot each d"l" *1* t'l ?t"9 n u/ealhgr. I : ti I I 30i.i: Pige I of r I I I I lnwg1o4 FfAl insaud.Lenc ittc oncat & Fastenidrg Ecal co!8 nB€gtOnE lNsl.rrllglt FASTET{II{9 ReounEttEt'lT8 ADiIEFED SINOLE.PLY ROoFatrG SYgrElls: 4' X 4'or a' x g' EoErds . Ae€'cFtQd Fa!ilener 8nd P|als i mry v.|y tor sdc oompfance. Corrtact Firegtorle'leotrricat EerviCcs Opatnent'or tle i 2, 3. FFrffi.bbt+ t(eeP.rily fto{t tir€ and {rntibn Eqncc3 durlng sDrlgB ano hsflalbni do r|o( itsdt o\rer nrt, d!fi0, or unewn.ufiratcs. rl I,ti ACFoam nt lnrulution Products ACFoam Composite consists of the Atlas closed-cell polyiso core which is bonded to Yz" perlite on the top side and a fiber reinforced felt facer on the bottom. The perlite top eliminates the need for cover boards or vented base sheets normally recommended over foam insulations. ACFoam Composite is recommended for use with BUR, modified bitumen, mechanically aftached and loose-laid ballasted single-ply sys- tems (see pages 7, B, 9 and 1 0). Com pliances:. Fede.al Specificalion HH-ll97ZGEN and HH-l-1972/3. . Metro-Dade County, tlorida ProdKl Conlrol No. 93-0630.7. . California Slate Insulation Quality St.ndards and Title 25 Foam Flammability C.ileria (License *TC | 2Jl ).. BOCA, ICBO, and SBCCI Sections on Foam lnsulalion. FM Standard 4450/,1470 Approval: Actoam Composite i5 approved ior Clasr I insulaled steel. wood, concrete and Bypsum rool deck corFtruction for both l-60 and l-90 windstorm Classifi(ations {may be rnopped or mechanically faslened to concrele roof d€ck)- Reter ro FM Approval Cu,de for details. UL Standrrd 1255 Chssification: - Insulated metal deck construclion assembiies 'Conslruclion #l2o and #12f. UL Standard 790 Classification: Class A with most rooi membrane syslems. see Ut BuildinB Male- rials Directory. Ul- Standard 263 fiie Resistance Classification: Some classificalions tor fire resistance are P225, P230, P232, P21l P254, P259, P508. P5 r0. Pit4. P701. P7 tO. P71l, P7 | 3, P715. P7 l7 , P71a, P719. P720, P80l . P814, PB l5. Pgl 7, P8 | 8 and P819. Vented-RrM nail base insulation features the Atlas closed<ell polyiso core, bonded betrveen 7r,," APA rated OSB on the top side and a fiber rein- forced felt facer on the bottom. Vented-R offers the same benefits as ACFoam Nail Base, plus it is constructed with ventilation spaces between the insulation and OSB to dissipate moisture vapor and heat build-up. For installation procedures, contact your local Atlas representative. Complianccs:. Federal SDecriicarion HH,l- I9, ,6EN.. Metro-Dadc Counlv. Florda Producr Conlrol N(r 9 J-{16l(l 7. . California State Insulation alualry Srandar(l\.r'r(l lrl[, 25 F(J.rnr F lammability Cflteria (LrcLngr *TC | 2 J I r. BOCA, ICBO, and SBCCI Ser trons on foarn insul.rtion. Ut r.ldsri{'rd und{ Cla>s A. B or C ruol ' {r\, ||r19, ACFoam Supreme features the Atlas closed-cell polyiso core with tri-laminate foil facers. Supreme provides the highest R-Value per inch of any of the ACFoam products, and is specifi- cally designed for use with mechanically attached and loose-laid ballasted single-ply membrane systems (see pages 7 and 10). This product, with its low vapor permeability foil facers, is particularly suited for cold storage applications. ACFoam Supreme cannot be used directly with hot asphalt, torch applied or any fully adhered system. ComDlianceg: . FeJeral Specification HH-l- I 972lCEN and HH"l-1 97211, Class l (with tri-laminate loil facers) . Metro-Dade Counly, tlorida Producl Control No.9l-0630 7 . Cali{ornia State Insulation Qualilv 5l:ndards and Title 25 Foam Flammability Criteria (trcense #TC I 2l I L . BOCA. ICBO, and SBCC{ Sections on Foam lnsulation . CCMC No. 12422-R. ivleels CAN/CCS8 Sl-andards. FM Standard ll50l,{zl7o ApP.oval: ACIoam Supreme i9 approled tor Class I insrltcd stccl root der k Lonsrn (rion. ReierloFM {pp,oval Cuide fotdftaf,3. Nail Ease lnsulation features the AtlasACFoam Nail Base lnsulation teatures the Atli closed-cell polyiso core, bonded betweeril*ili APA rated OSB on the top side angl a fiber rein- forced felt facer on the bottom. This product pro- vides an excellent base for shingles, tile, or metal roof systems and may be applied over wood or steel decking. lt is particularly suited for cathedral ceiling and log home applica- tions. For application information, contact your local Atlas representaltve. compliancesr. Fcderal Specifi(alton HH-l- l 972lCtN.&v . Melro,Dadr CoLrnty, tloiid: Producl Control N{). 9 J-116 }0.7 . Caliio.nra Slale Insulalion Qualilv Slandards ancl Ttlk' 2 i Foanl f lanrmabilitv Criteria (Licen!e #TC l2Jll. . BOCA. ICBO. and SBCCI St-ctions on Ft-ranr Insulatt,rn . UL Crassrt|ed undet Clagt A B. ot C tool covcrtn8s. FM Standard 4450/4470 APProval: A( lod,r \drl Bar' hFr,lar on \ dppr,'v, d lor ( ld' ','Jlil'.1 "'''l doc& {on!lru(tron Reicr r.r F\1 App()v.l Cuid. r.)r (l'r.t 5 tSoo-q?o ttfi-n* rzoq x ?- oN x?Oe* AuuCtt tute tr Generat I nstallation *tr"ndations 11 roduct tnstallation: Before installation, the J/ roof deck should be firm, well attached,I even, clean and dry. proper attachment of the insulation is necessary to prevent roof failures. Atlas Energy Products will not be responsible for any damage caused by improper attachment. ACFoam products can be attached to decks that are approved by Factory Mutual and local codes. The responsibility to determine fre suitabilitv of the deck is that of the designerApecifier and/or t'he building owner's represe ntative. Althouglt ACFoam hasben deriigned to withstnd normat con!ruqlm hffic, protection fiom damage bl srlch tnffic atd/or abu* is extremely ffimit. Surlace protection such a flywod'must ne uAh areas where heavy atd/or repeated tntric is anticipatd futh durhg and afier in*allation. Moisture/Vapor Control: Vapor retarders are used to impede the passage of water vapor into roofing systems, thereby preventing condensa- tion and resultant damage to the insulation and roof system. nll nCFoam Roof Insulation prod- ucts may be installed with or without a vaoor retarder, the need for which is determined by the designer. Roof insulation which has become wet and/or damaged should be removd and replaced with solid, ilry insulation, Multi-Layer Application: Where possible, a two-layer application of ACFoam is strongly recommended. The joints in each laver should be offset in order to avoid a verticallv continuous joint through the total insulation thickness. Two layers (or more) with ioints staggered can provide improved insulation performance by eliminating thermal bridges. This method also reduces condensation ooten- tial and thermal stress on the roof membiane. echanical Attachment: Mechanical fas- tening is lhe preferred method of aftachment. Fastener frequency and spacing are covered in this catalog according to the membrane system. Refer to FM loss Pre- vention Data Sheets for special considerations regarding perimeter and corners of the roof. For proper aftachment of insulation to light- weight insulating concrete decks or poured gypsum concrete decks, follow the instructions outlined in the NRCA Roofing and Water- proofing Manual. ACFoam products must not be adhered directly to these decks by any bitumen or adhesive attachment method. itumen Attachment: When mechanical . fastening is not preferred or may not be practical, such as on reinforced concrete decks, hot applied bitumen may be used. When using asphalt on concrete decks, priming is necessary. Precautions must be taken to pre- vent bitumen drippage. When using hot applied bitumen for attach- ment, care must be taken to apply the bitumen in sufficient quantity to totally cover the available deck surface. Use 18 to 30 pounds of bitumen per square to assure proper attachment. To assure embedment, the board must also be stepped on at several points while the bitumen is still hot enough to allow for positive attachment. The recom- mended ACFoam insulation size for hot asphalt attachment is 4' x 4'. Due to the unevenness of solid decks, 4' x 8' boards are not recommendd for hitumen attachment to the deck. 4' x 8' boards may, however, be m e cha n i c al lv fast e ne d. Nominal Thicknessr. ACtoam Metal Decl Max. Flute Spanability (lnches) ACFoam-lt Supr€me Composile NailSas€Vented'R (ln.)(mm)R-Value -Value R-Value -Value R-Value :.Value R-Value .Value R-Value C-Value t.o 25.4 6.0 .167 8,.7.2 .139 ffi.r { ffr: { | 5.;.s" i 1 9.1 z7o ,it-Htr qlr,;iffil: q\s *i$ffi, 4t/s ,;iw 4?m: 4t/a D. ffii' 1 1.1#,, 15.4w 19.6ffi 27 -1 tG" ffift", .090fift.." t.8 1J./r 2.5 .080 I 3.1 .v/o 2.5 :#i-:alr 3.0 iffi:iri.,i 63.5 r 8.0r.}-ff .056 t 8.4 .054 .064 .065 IAll.25 76.2 22.O .045 22.2 .045 19.4 .052 .052 .065,ffi; .0tl #r .037 ryH ,3'.i';Bi,'.;l:]i ll.1 ,#3d'.d:, 4.5 {p,rffi r3ff"q p;orr.{ I 14.3 Conditioned Ther-al Values 20-Yea.r LimitSd w3l-altv-.all test specimens wdre conditioned in aiioroance *iih f-."Jriui ortrinlJin'ptMA Bu etinNo.l0l and RIC/TIMA Bullerin No. 2Bl-t. Other thicknesses available upon special request. 1,, = 25.4mm. Wartanties --\ ther than the aforementioned repre- L,1"1 sentations and descriptions, Atlas ,---N%=, fnergy Products, a Division of Atlas Roofing Corporation (hereafter, "seller") makes no other representations or warranties as to the insulation sofd herein. the Seller disclaims all other warranties, express or implied, including the warranty of merchantability and the war- ranty of fitness for a particular purpose. Seller does. however, offer a limited warranty as to the R-Value of the insulation, the terms of which are available upon request from Seller. timitation of Liability: The Seller shall not be liable for any incidental or consequential dam- ages including the cost of installation, removal, repair or replacement of this product. The Buyer's remedies shall be limited exclusivelv to, at Seller's option, the repayment of the pur- chase price or resupply of a like quantity of nonconforming product. Atlas distributors, agents, salespersons, or other independent rep- resentatives have no authority to waive or alter the above limitation of liability and remedies. Storage: Factory applied packaging is only intended for protection during transit. When stored outdoors or on the job site, the insulation should be stacked on pallets at least four inches above ground level and completely covered with a weatherproof covering such as a tarpaulin. Any accumulated condensation mav be removed by slitting the boftom of the factory applied packaging. Warning - Do Not Leave Exposed: This product is a polyiso organic plastic foam and will burn if exposed to an ignition source of sufficient heat and intensity, or open flame, such as a welder's torch. Like other organic materials, this product will release smoke if ignired. Do not apply flame directly to ACFoam roof insula- tion when installing a torch applied modified \ bitumen system. This product should be used only in strict accordance with Atlas recommended uses and application instructions. Atlas recommends ACFoam Roof Insulation products only for roofing applications installed by a qualified contractor. Factory Mutual has approved the use of ACFoam Products as com- ponents in Class 1 insulated roof deck construc- tion. ACFoam Products have also been tested as a component of an insulated roof deck at Under- writers Laboratories. Atlas does not recommend the use of ACFoam products for any other appli- cations. Anyone using ACFoam products for any other application is doing so at their own risk. ' Th€ phyrk.l propenis li{ed ebove are pre*nGd as iyDic.l aver.Be vil'.|€' 6, d.r€mined by acceded ASTM le.l nrthods .nd .le lubie.r to no.m.l iun0Lcluaing varialion. fhis data i5 ofte.€d ar a r€rvi<e lo our curtods!.nd b lubiert to ch.n8e- All infomution (an be (ontimrd by conLalng Atlai En€.gy Products. " The nwE ic.l ratinSs es derernrined by ASTM Tec Meihod E 8,t rre nor intended io rellect h.zadr pfesented by this or rny other nuten.l |]ffler a.tualli.! (orditions. Atlas suggests that anyone using ACFoam roof insulations for any other uses consult the local authority on the regulation of building materials (usually the building code official) and insurance carrier prior to such use. Atlas assumes no respon- sibility for the effects of structural movement. Specifi o cations 1.0 GENERAL 1 ,01 RELATED WORK Re(er lo membaane manufactur€rs applicalion Buide. 1 ,02 SUBMITTALS A. Submit Atlas Energy Products producl data, B. Sample!: L Submit morl recent copy of applicable Atlas Roof lnsulation rpecifi calion. 2. Submit one eample, 6" x 6", oi .oof in5ulation material. C. Provide formal 2o-year lirnited war.anly lo cover thermal value of lACFoam-lll [ACFoam Supremel lACFoam Composilel lTap€red ACFoaml lACFoam Nail Bas€ Insulationl lvenled'Rl. I,03 REFERENCES A. American Sociely for TeitinB and Materials. l. D ll2 Speciiication for Aiphah Ured in Roofing. 8. federal SDecification (FS). | . FS (CSA' f HH-r-197UCEN! IHH-!-197U2]| IHH-l- | 972ll I tHH-l-l 972lll Faccd Polyirocyanuralc Thermal Insulation 8oard. C. Atla! EnerSy Products Rooi In$lation Catalo8. 1.04 DELIVERY. STORAGE AND HANOLING A. lneulation packages shall be lab€led to include material name, the.mal value and producl code. 8. When rtored ouidoors, insulation shall be stacked on pallets or dunnage at leasl 4 inches above ground level and covered with tarpaulins or olher suitable covering. Condensation can be removed b! slittinc the boftom ol the factory applied packa8ing. I.05 PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Follolv local, tlate and federal reSulalion5, salely standards and codes. When a conflict exisls, use the slflclqr documenl. L Follo!r, insurance underwriter's requirements acceptable for use with Atlas products. C Oo not apply any roofin8 nrate.ials when water in any lorm is present or proper adhesi\e lemperalure cannot b€ maintained. D. The rooi deck shall be dry and 5lructurally sound lo sup- pon the live and dead load requiremenls of roofinS sy(ems and iuificienlly rigid to suppon conslruction traffic. 2.0 PRODUCTS 2-01 ACCEPTABLE MANUFACTURERS A. lACFoam-lll lACFoam 5upremel lACFoam Composilel lTapered ACFoaml lACFoam Nail Base lnsulationl lvented-Rl a5 manufactured by Allas EnefSy Products. 2.02 MATERIALS A. Roof lnsulation. l. Roof Insulation: [Acfoam-lll lActoam Supremel lACFoam Compoiilel lTapered ACFoaml IACFoam Nail Ease Ins!lation] lvented-Rl roof insulalion manufactured without the use of Penlane or CFC-I1 in East Tapered West Tapered nsulation Department: nsulation Department: Northeast: Midwest: Southeast: South Central: Southwestern: Northwestern: a€cordaiEe with lhe Montreal protocol and complying wilh FederalSpecificalion (6541 IHH-l-1972/CENI IHN-l-lg7U2l IHH-l-t97 U | | IHH-l- | 97Zll, havin8 sir- month condiliorEd thermal €sis(ance'R" Value of _ when conditioned a<cordinl, to PMA Bull€(in No.l0l ard RlgnlvA Bulletin No. 281- |. 8- Related Mde.ial!. t . Recommended Membrane 2. Roof in$latio iastene.s approved by FM. J. Ease ply a5 recomrnended by membrane manufaclurer. 4. A5phah Eitumen lo comply with ASTM D 312. and shall have an tVT of 425' F. 3.0 EXECUTION 3,01 PREPARATIO I A. Before roo{ insulalion applacation is 5larted, remove lrash, debris, Saeas€, oil, water, moigluar'and conlaminate5 which may affecl lhe anachmenl oi ihe inrulalion to lhe tudace. B. Ihe deck shall be suificiently rigid to supporl lhe rooferr and mechanical equipment wilhout dellection that will strain or .uptu.e any of he roofinS cornponents or deform the deck. C. Alldepre$ionr, holes, deformations, etc., shall be made smooth p.ior to the rooi insulation application. D. Trealed wood insulalaon 5top5. the same lhicknels as the insulation, shall be mechanically fa:tened at the edges of tfr deck and around all projeclions and openin6s through the deck. 3,02 APPLICATION/INSTALLATION A. Insulation: Apply lACFoam-lll lACFoanl 5uplemel lACFoam Compo6ilel {Tapered ACFoanrl lACFoam Nail Base Insulalionl lVented-Rl insulalion in accordanc€ with Allas Iner8y ProductS roof insulation cat- alog and as required by codes and insurance. The require- menl for a vapor relarder should be determined by lhe !.chitect and/or engineer with anput provided by fie burldinS o/rner in ac(ordan(e wilh current engineerinB for mulas and vapor lh€ory. When a vapor relarder is required, follow vapor ret:rder manufaclurer's recommendations. 3.03 CLEANING A. Remove all lrash and debris tom rooi Ins!lalion surlace prior to the applicalion ot the roofing nlenbrane. 3.04 PROTECTION A. Inslalled in5llation shall nol be leil exposed lo the weather. lt shall be covered and walerprooted al once. B. Allexpoeed €dgei len at the end of the day's work shall be lempo.arily $aled by lapping roofing membrane ovet the expos€d edSe oi the iftsulalion and sealinS il in place. Remove dris mernbrane seal when work resumes. Inslalled insulationwhich has become \r'et and/or damaSed shall be removed and replared wrth solrd and dry materials. C. Prolect insl.lled insulation and membrane from roof lraffic darnate and/or abuse by u5in8 surface prolection such a5 pl) ,!ood in areas wtere heavy and/or repeated traffic is rnticipaled bolh during and atier installation Atlas Energy Products Division of Atlas Roofing Corporation 1775 fhe Exchange, Suite 160 Atlanta, Ceorgia 10339 FAX: (404) 955-6207 FAX: (206) 646-541O FAX: (7171975-6957 fAX: (309) 752-7127 FAX: (206) BB2-4047 FAX: (409) 829-5363 FAX: (602) 833-3850 FAX: (303) 287-2802 (800) 933-1476 (8001 646-1476 (800) 688-1476 (80u 677-1476 (800) 955-1476 (BOO) 7 66-1 47 6 (8OO\ 477-1476 (80u 288-1476 Litho u.s.A., 1994 M A.P. Marketing and Pronrolion, Inc. - RooF-covERING cLAssIFlcATION is rhe classificarion assigned ro a roofcovering or roof-covering assembly by Section 3204 or the classificirion of a covering established by resting in accordance with U.B.c. Standard No. 32-7. ROOFING PLY is a layer of f'elt in a built-up roofing membrane. ROOFING SQUARE is 100 square feet of roofing surface. ROOFING TILES are units, typically clay or concrere, which comply with U.B.C. Standard No. 32- 12. sPor CEMENTING is discontinuous apprication of asphalt, cord liquid as- phalt compound, coal tar pitch or other approved cementing material. THERMOPLASTIC MEMBRANE ROOF COVERING is a sheet mem_ brane composed of polymerrs and other proprietary ingredients, in compliance with u.B.C. standard No. 32- 13, whose chemical composition allows the iheet to be welded together by either heat or solvenr throughout its service life. THERMOSET MEMBRANE RooF covERING is a sheet membrane composed of polymers and other proprietary ingredients, in compliance with u.B.c. StandardNo.32-l3,whosechemicarcompositionvulcanizesorcrosslinks during manufacture or during its service life. UNDERLAYMENT is one or more rayers o[ fert, sheathing paper, nonbitumi- nous saturated felt, or other approved material over which a ioonng system is applied. vAPoR RETARDER is a layer of material or a laminate used to appreciably reduce the flow of water vapor into the roofing system. wooD SHAKES are rapered or nonrapered pieces of approved durable wood of random widths ranging from 4 inches to l4 inches and of the followins four types: (a) Hand split and resawn: tapered wirh one sawed and one split face; semisplit: tapered with partially sawn and split faces both sides, l5 inch-es, lg inches or 24 inches in length. (b) Taper split: tapered with both split faces, 24 inches in length. (c) Straight split: nonrapered with both split faces, either l g inches or 24 inches in length. (d) Tapersawn: sawn both sides, edges sawn or split. Lengths 24 inches and long- er. wood shakes (treated) are taper-sawn pieces of southem pine, black gum/ sweetgum wood treated in accordance with U.B.C. Standard No.25- l2 of random widths ranging from 4 to 8 inches and lengths of l8 inches or 24 inches. Maximum weather exposure as shown in Table No. 32-C, Wood Shakes. wooD SHINGLES are tapered pieces of approved durable wood, saw.ed both sides, ofrandom widths ranging from 3 inches to i4 inches and in lengths of 16 inches, l8 inches or 24 inches. 1991 UNIFORM BUILDING CODE 3202-3203 I roofcovering on any structure regulated by this code shalt be as i!: :il: specified in Table Nrre4 and as classified in Sct'rrriie*. 607 o 3203-3204 1991 UN M BUILDING CODE Roof-covering Glassif ication Sec.3204. (a) Class A Roof Covering. A Class A roof covering shall be one of the following roofings: L Any Class A roofing assembly. 2. Asbestos-cement shingles or sheets. 3. Exposed concrete slab roof. 4. Sheet fenous or copper roof covering. 5. Slate shingles. 6. Clav or concrete roof tile. !rd#lbc (c) Class C Roof Covering. Class C shall be any Class C roofing assembly. (d) Nonrated RoofCovering. A nonrated roofcovering shall be one ofthe fol- lowing roofings: l. Any mineral aggrcgate surface built-up roof for application to roofs having a slope of not morethan 3 inches in l2 inches applied as specified in Section 3208 (b) 4, consisting of not less than the following: Roofing Pties Three layers of felt, and Surfacing Material 300pounds perroofing square ofgravel or other approved surfacing material, or 250 pounds per roofing square ofcrushed slag. 2. Modified bitumenmembrane assemblies not meeting Class A, B orC roofing. 3. Thermoplastic membrane assemblies not meetin-s Class A. B or C roofing. 4. Thermoset membrane assemblies not meeting Class A, B, or C roofing. 5. Wood shingles. 6. Wood shakes. (e) Special-purpose Roofs. l. Wood shakes and shingles with nonbitumi- nous saturated felt. A. Wood shakes. Special-purpose wood shake roofing shall conform to grading and application requirements of this chapter except that nonbi- tuminous saturated felt is to be substituted for the asphalt felt specified in Section 3208 (b) 10. In addition, the deck shall be constructed of rel-r:-inch plywood with exterior glue or I -inch nominal tongue-and-groove boards overlaid with a layer of approved nonbituminous saturated felt lapped 2 inches on the horizontal and verti- caljoints. An l8-inch-wide strip of the same felt shall be shingled in between each course ofshakes in such manner that no felt is exposed to the weather. B. Wood shingles. Special-purpose wood shingle roofing shall conform to grading and application requirements of this chapter. In addition, the deck, whether of spaced boards orsolid, shall be overlaid with a layer of approved nonbituminous saturated felt lapped 2 inches on the horizontal and vertical joints. 608 o IFOR tl: ti:t t::: ili Hi 1sel uMFt BUILDTNG coDE o 3204-3206 2. Wood shakes or shingles with gypsum board underlavment. Special- purpose wood shake or wood shlngle roofing shall confomr ro rhe grading and application requirements of this chapter. In addition, an underlayrnent of r/2-inch Type X gypsum board shall be placed under rs/rz-inch plywood solid sheathing or I -inch nominal spaced sheathing. Attics: Access, Draft Stops and Ventilation sec.3205. (a) Access. An attic access opening shall be provided ro attics of buildings with combustible ceiling or roof consrruction. The opening shall be lo- cated in acorridor, hallway orotherreadily accessible location. Attics with a maxr- mum vertical height of less than 30 inches need not be provided with access openings. The opening shall not be less than22 inches by 30 inches. Thirty-inch minimum clear headroom in the attic space shall be provided at or above the access opening. - (b) Draft stops. Attics, mansards, overhangs and other concealed roof spaces formed of combustible construction shall be draft stopped as specified in Section 2516 (f). (c) ventilation. where determined necessary by the building ofticialdue ro ar- t:ii:mospheric or climatic conditions, enclosed attics and enclosed rafter spaces i,i,formed where ceilings are applied directly to the underside of roof rafters shall tlr, have cross ventilation for each separate space by ventilating openings protected ll:: against the entrance of rain and snow. The net free ventilating area shall not be less ,.i: than r/156 of the area of the space ventilated. ':lEXCEFTIONS: l.Theareamay be l/36qofrheareaof rhe space venrilared pro-.l vided 50 percent of the required ventilating area is provided by ventilators located in .!i the upperportion ofthe space to be ventilated at least three feer above eave orcomice iii vents with the balance of the required ventilation provided by eave or comice vents. ,i, 2. The area may be l/36q of the area of the space ventilated provided a vapor retard- il er having a transmission rate not exceeding I perm is installed on the warm side of iii the auic insulation. :iiThe openings shall be covered with corrosion-resistant metal mesh with mesh liopenings of '/a inch in dimension. ,n Smoke and Heat Venting Sec. 3206. (a) When Required. Smoke and heat vents complying with U.B.C. standard No. 32- l4 or fixed openings shall be installed in accordance with the pro- visions of this section as follows: l. In single-story Group B, Divisions 2 and 4 occupancies having over 50,000 square feet in undivided area. ExcEPTIoNS: 1. office buildings and retail sales areas where srorage does nor exceed l2 feet in height. 2. Group B, Division 4 occupancies used for bulk frozen food storage when the building is protected by a complete automatic sprinkler sysrem. 2. In Group H, Divisions 1,2, 3, 4 or Soccupancies any of which are over l 5,000 square feet in single floor area. iit :ii :x ::::: :$ ::i: ::i: :::i i:i 609 rsel uNtM BUTLDTNG coDE t2-A E :EE Ja'F =\, v ': OF :EnE E€ U Fr, L .Y y .- E !,,/ O ,tt -u s ", () '- o2--| I g: e F,"3; -ti:5EE-.; ;e Z ir- tr fi X -lEct,F >tt5.;:E; €E !EH5E E5 = -sE E-u g Eg v Y; 9p ,--E;Ei; !EE;5-B: g fi:=532 $x= F o - E a"; i sdg; !ge7= ",-X !{-tf.:plF <s= :6Fi t $si€ 9EE E:.;6 a*-SsFEa :[€! :E; I.E €Fi s;: EP; E EES tzEA4 :U F- = >9,! F c; X ; E€;€ : E: : i !;: E eir er r.aj -.r r.,! iEs$: EgE 3r,.Y.E o.p t c; - Es ii;'9E;iz 5 E:* 9;;ZEFE; H;E=tFt;:5*isa.= = >. 1ilg'=,/,:eE=---9F-9 ,?:E* F'BF;E ";:-E b e;dE€ i ;::E;eEEE: iE?-= i"E=r:th z. ca dl-.t zIFo =EFozoo t!oouto. F z U U ql z a.,rO z E v] z n.N*z HI xz c'i z z O O z 9. O z tr-z &z z CE a G ld CEl! o2 o- ooo oi c.l UJ -t' Fr $ c'l I N c\ r1 I r1 I oul.n @ o ooE =f =z =Itola) ciz UJ TD ': ! i ,l { rl 615 )E of ci- ed ies in or nd lo- ld- )us by ing ro- cal i-o- )F. :lts on >le )Uf ed ler lot rp- leel utM BUtLDING coDE 1701 Part IV REQUIREMENTS BASED ON TYPES OF CONSTRUCTION Chapter 17 CLASSIFICATION OF ALL BUILDINGS BY TYPES OF CONSTRUCTION AND GENERAL REQUIREMENTS General sec. 1701. (a) classification of Buildings. The requiremenrs of part lV are for the various types of construction and represent varying degrees of public safety and resistance to fire. Every building shall be classified Uy ttri bu itaing official into one of the types of consrrucrion ser forrh in Table No. l7-A. Any building which does not entirely confbrm to a rype of conslruction set forth in Table No. I 7-A shall be classified by the building official inro a type having an equal or lesser degree offire resistance. A building or portion thereof shall not be required to confbrm to the details of a type of construction higher than that type whrch rneets the nrininrum requirements based on occupancy (Part III) even though certain I'eatures ofsuch building actual-ly conform to a higher type of construction. where specific materials, types of construction or fire-resistive protection are required, such requirements shall be the minimum requirement., und any materi- als, types of construction or fire-resistive protection which *ill afford equal orgreaterpublic safety orresisrance to fire. as specified in this code, may be used. Portions of buildings separated as specifiecl in Section -505 ( f) mav be consrdered a separate building lbr classification ol types of' consrruclion. w-hen there rs no such separation, the area ofthe entire builcling shall not exceed the least area per- mitted for the types of construction involved. (b) standards of Quality. The standards Iisrecl below labelcd a ..U.8.c. sran-dard" are also Iisted in chapter 60. part I I. and are part of this code. The other stan- dards l isted below are guiclelinc stanclarcis and as suc h irre not aclopted as part of this code (see Secrions 6002 and 6(X)3). l. Building paper A. U.B.C. Standard No. l7-1, Krafr Warerprool'Building paper B. Asphalt-saturated Rag Felr, Unde^vriters Labclratories Inc. Standar<j Speci-fication 55A, Marerials lbr Consrrucrion ol' Builr_up Roo[ Cor crings 2. Potential heat ol'buitding materials A. u.B.c. Srandard No. l7-2. Tesr Methocl r. Derernrinc p.tential l-lcar.1.Building Marerials 109 ,tt. "i.i8 tl 1701.17Q , Jtr,ro"M BUtLD.NG coDE 3.fffiE}.r A. U.B.C. StanclardNo. t7-3.Test Mcthod l'orthc Evalultiortol"l'ltcrrtttl Barri- ers. Standard of, the lnternatiOnal Conl'ercncc ol' B u i ld ing Ol'l'icials B. Factory Mutual Srandarcl Firc Test Slancllrd lbr lnstllirtcd Rotll'Dcck Con- s(ruction C. Underwriters Laboratories lnc. 1256. Firc Tcst Standarcl lirr lrtsulatcd Rool' Deck Construction D.U.B.C.StandardNo. l7-5,RoornFireTestSlarrdardftrrlnteriorFoantPlastic Systems, Standard of the International Cont'erence of Building Otl'icials E.U.B.C.StandardNo.l7-6,MethodolTestlbrtheEvalultiorrol'Fltntmability Characteristics of Exterior, Nonloacl-bearing Wall Parrcl Asscntblics Using Foam Plastic Insulation, Test Standard of the International Conl'erencc ol'Building OtTi- cials A. Underwriters Laboratories Inc. Stantlard Specification 55A. Matcrials ftrr Use in Construction of Built-up Roof Coverings B. U.B.C. Standard No. 32-7, Test Standard fbr Determining the Fire Retardan- cy of Roof Covering Material 5. Surface-burning characteristics and fire resistance of building materi- als and assemblies A. U.B.C. Standard No.42- I. Test Methocl fbr Surt'ace-burtrin{ Charactcristics of Building Materials B. U.B.C. Standard No. 43- | . Fire Test of Building Constrr'rction and Matcrials 6. Self-ignition properties of plastics A. ASTM D 1929.lgnition Properties of Plastics 7. Fire dampers A. U.B.C. Standard No.43-7. Fire Dampcrs Structural Frame Sec. 1702. The structural fiame shall be considered to bc thc ctllutrlns and thc girders, beams, trusses and spanclrel s hav ing direct con ncct ions to tlrc columns ancl allother members whrch are essential to the stability ol'thc bu ilcling as a wholc- Thc members of floor or rool'panels which havc noconnection to thc ctllunrns shall bc considered secondary ntembers and not it part ol't[c strtrclural l'ratrtc. Usable Space under Floors ,l; Sec. 1703. Usablc space undcr the l'irst slory sh:rll bc cnclclsetl ant! such cnclo- l: sure when constructe d ol'mctal or wood shall bc protcclcd on thc sidc ol'thc usablc space as required frrr onc-hour l'irc-resistive construction. Doors shall bc scll-clos- ing, ol' noncombustiblc construction or solid wood cot'c, lttlt lcss than I l/.r inchcs in thickness. :i I|XCEI''t'tO\S: L Croup R, Drvision 3 atttl (irotrp M Occupitncics' :it 2. Vchrclc se rvrcc pils. 110 IG CODE J roofcov- itance re- t to a roofl rncluding ot be less lt. Where rll extend reprotec- , less than :hitectur- ;hall con- dditional nbustible rcombus- or where :avy-tim- rpen and ,hich are than ser- .tions: Group M, ing units, )ivision I v of fixed 1es1 u#RM BUILDING coDE 1712-1713 -j. The top of guardrails tbr stairways. cxclusivc ol the ir landings. tttay have a hei-eht as specified in Section 3-106 (i) lbr harrdririls. Open guardrails shall have intermediate rails or an ornarnental patlern such that a sphere 4 inches in diameter cannot pass through. EXCEPTIONS: l. The open spacc betwccn thc inlcnncdiatc rails orornlrnentirl pattem of guardrails in areas ol'comrrrcrcial and inclustria l-typc occuparrcies which are not accessible to the public may be such that a sphere l 2 inchcs in dianrcler c nnot pass through. 2. The triangular openings formed by thc riser. trcad and bottorn clenrent of a guar- drail at the open side ofa stairwal,may be ofsuch sizc that a spherc 6 inches in dianre- ler cannot pass through. (b) Vehicle Barriers. In all parking garages where any parking area is located more than 5 feet above the adjacent grade, vehicle barriers shall be provided. EXCEPIION: Parking garages of Group M. Division I Occupancies. Vehicle barriers shall comply with the following: I . The vehicle barrier shall be designed to resist a horizontal load of not less than 6,000 pounds. The horizontal force shallbe applied over a one-fbot-squilre arca at a height of l8 inches above the parking surface. The force shall be distributed through the vehicle barrier into the structural frame. 2. The vehicle barrier shall have a minimum vertical dimension of l2 inches and shall be centered at l8 inches above the parking surface. Sec. 1713. (a) General. The provisions of this section shall govem the require- ments and uses of foam plastic insulation in buildings and structures. For tnm, see Section 1705 (e). (b) Labeling and ldentification. Packages and containers of foam plastic in- sulation and foam plastic insulation components delivered to the jobsite shall bear the label of anapproved agency showing the manufhcturer's name, the product list- ing, product identification and information to show that the end use will comply with the code requirements. (c) Surface-burning Characteristics. Foam plastic insulation used in building construction shall have a flame-spread rating of not more than 75 and a srnoke-de- veloped rating of not more than 450 when tested in accordance with U.B.C. Stan- dard No. 42-l in the maximum thickness intended for use. IiXCEPTION: Foanr plastic insulation when tested in a mininrurn thickncss of 4 inches may be used in a greater thickness in cold-storagc buildings. ice plants. firoci- processing rooms and similar areas. For rooms within a building, the foarn plastic in- sulation shall be prorected by a thermal barrier on both sides having an indcx ol' 15. (d) Thermal Barrier. The interior of the building shall be separated ftom the foam plastic insulation by an approved thermal barrier having an index of l5 when tested in accordance with U.B.C. Standard No. l7-3. The thermal barricr shall be installed in such a manner rhat it will remain in place lor the tinre ol'its indcx classi- fication based on approved diversified tesls. EXCEPTION: The thermal barrier is not reuuirccl: 117 (i) ( ii): ',t.'.t I. ': i 1713 , slfr,ronM BUTLDTNG coDE A. For sidine backer board. provided the lbarn plastic insulation is nol ol'rtt<lrc than 2,000 Btu pcr square foot as detennined by U. B.C. Standartl No. l7-2antlwhen it is separated from the interior of the building b1' not less than 2 inches ol-mineral fiber insulation or equivalent. or applied as re-sidittg over cx istirt*t rvall construction. B. For walk-in coolers and t'reezer units having an aS,gregatc lloor arca less than 400 square feet. C. In a masonry or concrete wall, floor or roof system when the lbam plastic insu la- tion is covered by a minirnum of l-inch thickness of masonry or concrele. Loose-fill type foam plastic insulation shall be tested as board stock for flame spread and smoke development as described above. D. Within an attic or crawl space u,here entry is nrade only for service of utilities. and when foam plastic insulation covered with a material such as lr/:-inch-thick mineral fiber insulation, r/a-inch+hick plywood. hardhoard or Sypsum wallboard, corrosion-resistant sheet metal having a base metal thickness not less than 0.0160 inch at any point, or other approved material installed in such a manner that lhe foam plastic insulation is not exposed. E. In cooler and freezer walls when: The foam plastic insulation has a flame-spread rating of 25 or less when tested in a minimum 4-inch thickness: Has flash and self-ienition temDeratures ofnot less than 600oF. and tl00oF.. respectively; (iii) Is covered by not less than 0.032-inch aluminum or conosion-resistant steel having a base metal thickness irot less than0.0l60 inch at any poirtt: and (iv) Is protected by an automatic sprinkler systern. When the cooler or freezer is wirhin a building. both the cooler or freezer and that part of the building in which it is located shall be sprinklered. (e) Special Provisions. l. General. Foam plastic insulation may be used in the following applications as set forth in this section: 2. Noncombustibleexterior rvalls. A. One-story buildings. Foam plastic insu- lation may be used inexterior walls of one-story buildings where exterior walls are required to be of noncombustible construction subject to the following: (i) The building is protected throughout with automatic sprinklers. (ii) Foam plastic insulation tested in the maximum thickness and density in- tended for use, has a flame-spread rating of 25 or less and a smoke-developed rat- ing of 450 or less in accordance with U.B.C. Standard No. 42- l. (iiit The foam plastic insulation has a maximum 4-inch thickness. (iv ) The thermal barrier may be omitted when the foam plastic insulation is cov- ered by not less than 0.032-inch-thick aluminum or corrosion-resistant sheet steel, t' t., having a base metal thickness of 0.0160 inch. 1v) When the wall is required to have a fire-resistive conducted in accordance with U.B.C. Standard.No.43- I ate that the required fire-resistive rating is maintained. B. Buildings of any height. Except for fbam plastic insulation in masonry or concrele construction complying with Section l7l3 (d). Exception 3. assemblies employing foam plastic insulation in or on exterior walls of buildings where the 118 rating, data based on tests are provided to substanli- too:" )f more .d when nineral 'uction. :ss than insula- ,ose-fill I smoke itilities, :h-thick llboard. 0.0r60 ne foam .;s when 8000F.. esistant y point: : freezer ruilding d in the ic insu- alls are srty ln- eed rat- r is cov- et steel, on tests bstanti- onry or :mblies lere the rgsr u#nM BUTLDTNG coDE 1713 exterior walls are required to be of noncombustible construction shall comply with the following: (i) When the wall is required to have a fire-resistive rating, data based on tests conducted in accordance with U.B.C. Standard No.43- l, are providedtosubstanti- ate that the fire-resistive ratlng is maintained. (ii) The foam plastic insulation is separated from the interiorof the building by a thermal barrier having an index of l5 unless specifically approved under Section l7r3 (0. (iii) Combustible content of foam plastic insulation in any portion of the wallor panel does not exceed 6,000 Btu persquare foot of wallarea as determined by tests in accordance with U.B.C. Standard No. l7-2. (iv) Foam plastic insulation. exterior coatings and facings tested separately. shall each have a flame-spread rating of25 or less and a smoke-developed rating of 450 or less in accordance with U.B.C. Standard No. 42- I . The foam plastic shall be tested in the thickness intended for use. (v) The wall assembly is tested in accordance with U.B.C. Standard No. l7-6 and complies with the conditions of acceptance contained therein. (vi) Foam plastic insulation is listed and the edge or face ofeach piece is labeled with the following information: a. Inspeclion agency name. b. Product for which the insulation is listed. c. Identification of the insulation manufacturer. and smoke classifications. plastic insulation which 5ffibly need not meet the require- ments of Section I 7 I 3 (b), (c ) and (d), prov ided the assembly with the foam plastic insulation satisfactorily passes a test for insulated roofdecks. barrier requirement is rvaiv For all roof application$, the smoke-developed rating shalI not be limitecl. 4. Doors. Wheredoors are permitted without a fire-re sistive rating, fbanr plastic insulation having a tlame-spread rating of 75 or less may be used as a core material when the door facing is metal having a minimum thickness of 0.032-inch alumi- num or steel having a base metal thickness not less than 0.0 | 60 inch at any point. The thermal barrier is not required for this condition. (l) Specific Approval. Foam plastic insulation or assemblies using foam plastic insulation may be used based on approved tests such as. but not limited to. tunnel 119 i::r: :;ii 171s-17Q .,t*,rorM BUtLD.NG coDE tests in accordance with U.B.C. Standard No. 42- I, fire tests related to actual end use such as U.B.C. Standard No. 17-5 and an ignition temperature test establishing a minimum self-ignition temperature of 650oF. In lieu of testing. the specific ap- proval may be based on the end use, quantity, location and sirnilar considerations where such tests would not be applicable or practical. Foam plastic insulation in a thickness greater than 4 inches may be used if it has been tested for flame spread and smoke development at a minimum thickness of 4 inches provided the end use has been specifically approved in accordance with this subsection with the thickness and densitv intended for use. Insulation Sec. 1714. (a) General. Thermal and acoustical insulation located on or within floor-ceiling and roof-ceiling assemblies, crawl spaces, walls, partitions and insu- lation on pipes and tubing shall comply with this section. Duct insulation and insu- lation in plenums shall conform to the requirements of the Mechanical Code. EXCEPTION: Roof insulation shall comply with Section 3208 (d). (b) Insulation and Covering on Pipe and T[bing. Insulation and covering on pipe and tubing shall have a flame-spread rating not to exceed 25 and a smoke den- sity not to exceed 450 when tested in accordance with U.B.C. Standard No. 42- l. EXCEPTION: Foam plastic insulation shall comply with Section l7 13. (c) Insulation. All insulation materials, including facings, such as vapor bani- ers or breather papers installed within floor-ceiling assemblies, roof-ceiling as- semblies, walls, crawl spaces or attics, shall have a flame-spread rating not to exceed 25 and a smoke density not to exceed 450 when tested in accordance with U.B.C. Standard No. 42- l. EXCEPTIONS: l. Foam plastic insulation shall comply with Section 1713. 2. When such materials are installed in concealed spaces of Types III. IV and V construction, the flame-spread and smoke-developed limitations do not apply to tac- ings, provided that the facing is installed in substantial contact with the unexposed surface of the ceiling, floor or wall finish. Solar Energy Collectors Sec. 1715. Collectors which function as building components shall comply with the applicable provisions of the code. Collectors located above or upon a roof and not functioning as building compo- nents shall not reduce the required fire-resistance or fire-retardancy classification of the roof-covering materials. EXCEPTIONS: l. Collectors installed on one- and two-tamily dwellings. 2. Noncombustible collectors located on buildings not over three stories in height or 9,000 square feet in total floor area. 3. Collectors that comply with the provisions of Section 52 14. Atria Sec. 1716. (a) General. Buildings, of other than Group H Occupancy, with auto- matic sprinkler protection throughout may have atria complying with the provi- 120 '}r,, l 407-409 1991 urtM BUTLDTNG coDE building, or portion thereof, not provided with sunounding exterior walls shall be the usable area under the horizontal projection of the roof or floor above. FM is Factory Mutual Engineering and Research, ll-51 Boston-Providence Tumpike, Norwood, Massachusetts 02062. lastic which is lntentionally expanded b[the useof a foailllllllllllllllng agentto produce a reduced-density plasticcontaining voids consisting of hollow spheres or interconnected cells distributed throughout the plasticforthermalinsulatingoracoustica|purpoSesandwhichhasaG FOOTING is that portion of the foundation of a structure which spreads and transmits loads directly to the soil or the piles. FRONT OF LOT is the front boundary line of a lot bordering on the street and, in the case of a comer lot, may be either frontage. G Sec. 408. GARAGE is a building or portion thereof in which a motor vehicle containing flammable or combustible liquids or gas in its tank is stored, repaired or kept. GARAGE, PRMTE, is a building or a portion of a building, not more than 1,000 square feet in area, in which only motor vehicles used by the tenants of the building or buildings on the premises are stored or kept. (See Chapter l l.) GARAGE, PUBLIC, is any garage other than a private garage. GRADE (Adjacent Ground Elevation) is the lowest point of elevation of the finished surface of the ground, paving or sidewalk within the area between the building and the property line or, when the property line is more than 5 feet from the building, between the building and a line 5 feet from the building. GRADE (Lumber) is theclassification of lumber in regard to strength and util- ity- GUARDRAIL is a system of building components located near the open sides of elevated walking surfaces for the purpose of minimizing the possibility of an accidental fall from the walking surface to the lower level. GUEST is any person hiring or occupying a room for living or sleeping pur- poses. GUEST ROOM is any room or rooms used or intended to be used by aguest for sleeping purposes. Every 100 square feet of superficial floor area in a dormitory shall be considered to be a guest room. H Sec.409. HABITABLE SPACE (ROOM) is space in a structure for living, sleeping, eating or cooking. Bathrooms, toilet compartments, closets, halls, stor- age or utility space, and similar areas. are not considered habitable space. HANDLING is the deliberate transport of materials by any means to a point of storage or use. 26 o SYSTEM DESCRIPTION SKETCH AND DESIGN DATA GYPSUM BOARD, STEEL CHANNEL JOISTS, INSULATION, ROOF COVERING CElLltlG: Two layers of 1/2'typ€ X gypsum wallboard or veneer base applied at right angles to flanges of 18 gage, 7114'deep channelioists 24" o.c. All end ioints located midway belween ioists with all .ioints in each adjacent row and tayer ofiset 24". Base layer attach€d with 1'-Type S-1 2 drywall screws 1 2" o.c. set back 3/4" from edges. Face layer atlached with 1s/8" Type S-12 drywall screws 12'o.c. set back 3&" from edges. End ioi s anached to base layer with 11/2" Type G drywall screws 14" o.c. set back 3/4" from ioint. ROOF:28 gage galvanized sleel form units supportli2" gypsum sheathing apptied at right angles to units with 6nd Fints otlsel 24' and fastened to units with t s/s. Type S drywall screws 24'o.c. in bolh directions. Two layers 2416'glass fiber insulation board 8.5 pc.f (approximate) applisd parallel to steel units. End Fints of adiacent rows of insulalion olfset 16', ioir s between layers otfsst 18'on long edge and e. on short edge. Basa hysr attacfiod with 3 mechanical tasteners per piece to steel unils. Top layer secured to ba3s layer wih hot asphalt or cold tar pitch. Appropriate roof covering (see U.L. directory for allernate). One hour unrestrained. Approx. Ceiling Weight: 4 psf Fire Tesr: UL NC 505.9, 12-11-80, Design P512 GYPSUM BOARD, WOOD JOISTS, ROOF COVERING Baso layer s/s' typ€J( gypsum wallboard appli€d at right angles to 2 x .l 0 wood joists 24' o.c. wilh 1114" Tyge S drywall screws 24" o.c. Face layer 5/e' type X gypsum wallbo-ard or ven€er base applied al right anglgs to joists through bas6 layer with 1 28, Typ€ S drywallscrews 12" o.c. atloints and intsrmediate joists. Face laye-r joints offset 24" trom base layer joints. 11/2" Type G dryrvall screws placed 2" back on either side of face layer end ioints, 12" o.c. Va" plywood_ryrlh plErrior glue apptied at righl angles to top of ioists with 8d nails. Approx. Ceiling Weight: 5 psf Fire Test: See FC 5406 / /"r2 "E*P-.HL/I)E Ae14tttygyyi THIS SPACE LEFT BLANK 'Contact the manufacturer for more detailed information on proprietary products rq (.-*$$ FIRB PROTECTION, INC. AW, UNIT#12 cITv, co. 80022 PROD ST]BMITTAL:RE-STJBMITTED 8/30/944W PLACE v COLORADO Central GBR recessed horizontal sidewall 1/2" Central GB horizontal sidewall 1/2" 286o, 165o Cental GB pendents 112", 165o; 2l2o; 286o Cenral Optima concealed residential sprinkler, 7/16", 165o brass VALWS; Ames Silver Bullet 2000 SS 2-112" back flow preventor 2-112" Grooved reduced pressure check valve Ball drip valve Side outlet valve Globe valves. ll2' tlnr2' PIPE & FITTINGS; Copper pipe Copper fiftings Ring hangers Copper riser clamp Two hole strap Riser Clamp Coach screw rods 318' Eyelet Clearflow nipple MISCELI.IINEOUS: Test & drain Flow swirch for copper Air & water gauges Spare head box Fire Departrnent Connection Farr-Larm Tamper Switch Pressure relief valve .a N0 FynForlol,l TAKI N X- NIA.KI COf rl:CTl0NS NCI ED tr ,, : ,,r.i;n tD FEVIS- ttl ; ltistjB{MlT tr SUBMIl SPECiFIED IIEM tr cHECKTNG rs 0NLY F0R GENERAL C0NFoRMANCE mlML.9Fsl9t! ,,",xiib;rrr ir,l ,, ilrcr AND GENERAL O0MPLIAN0E wlTH-TF; llf-0ffilArl0fr Gl!ih ii\ lHE C0NTRACT 00CUMENTS ANY ltir l]'l siro',r;H is suJLsci r0 IHE REoUIREMENTS 0F-THETl$i..iyl si;iiiric"rn-iis i0r'iTRAcToR ls RESPoNSIBLE toi-DlMEtislctis ivrriiir :rr,[ii briorurnrrrro AND coRRELATED AT I$-!qq-iil iirri,i,ri ,ii p,iocrssis nruo TEcHNIoUES 0F- -c_qqs-T.tu-ql9.Ibi:l ,ulrwor', oi rlts wOnr wfH rttAr 0F ALL oTHER IMDES ND THt SATISFACTORY PERFORMANCE OF HISWORK. rD;.P Pierce, Segerberg ArcNtects, PC., AI.A 2-112" x 2-112' NST auto sprink o Sidewall Residential 116'x2o') G lass Bu lb Automatic Sprinklers Manulaclured by: Central Sprinkler Company 451 Norlh Cannon Avenue, Lansdale, Pehnsylvania .|9446 Product nTechnical Model: GBF/SW Style: Sidewall & Recessed Sidewall Escutcheon: Model GB Res./QR Recessed Wrench: Universal K-Factor: 5.4 Thread Size: 1/2' N.P.T. (12.7 mm) Temp. Rating: 155.F/68"C Approvals: U.L. Maximum Working Pressure: 175 psi Factory Hydro Test: 100% at 500 psi Standard Finishes: Sprinkler: brass, chrome plated, white painted Escutcheon: brass plated, chrome plated, white painted Length: 2 1/2" (6.35 cm) Width: 1 1/2'(3.81 cm) Weight: 2 112 oz. (70 grams) /i Description The Central Model GBR Sidewall and Recessed Sidewall Sprinklers have the ability to cover large areas with very low flow and pressure requiremenls. This, combined with the aesthetics of the recessed glass bulb design, provide a sprinkler that is attractive and cost effective. The Central Model GBR Automatic Sprinklers incorporate the latest in glass bulb t€chnology, which results in a much smaller more anractive sprinkler. The operating mechanism consists ol a liquid-filled 3 mm diameter frangible capsule that is only 2.0 cm in length. The Model GBR Aulomatic Sprinklers are intended for residentialrffi are available in 1/2'orifice sizes, and a 155"F/68"C temperalure rating. The Model GBR Sprinklers and esculcheons are available in brass, chrome plated and white painted, with additional special painted finishes available. Operatlon: The glass bulb capsule op€rating mechanism contains a heat- sensitive liquid that expands upon application of heat. Upon r€aching the rated temperature, the frangible capsule rupturos thereby releasing the orifice seal. The sprinkler then discharges water in a pre-designed spray pattern to conlrol or extinguish lhe fire. 1lo. 4.2.O Figure 1 Model GBR S t'l 112" Recessed Sldewall (bottom view) GBR S/W 1/2" Resldentlal Sidewa Sprlnkter Deslgn Requlrement3 Model Cov6r8g9 Ar6a Mlnlmum Detlgn Flow (Pr€ssuro) wtdth Throw Ons Sprlnklrr Tvro or Mofe Sprlnklcrr GBR S/W 'U2' Silevrall & R€cessed Sid€well 12' (or less) 16' 16' 12' (or less) 18n' 20 GPM (13.7 p6i) 22 GPM (16.6 psl) 30 GPM (3O.9 pri) 18 GPM (11.1 psi) 20 GPM (13.7 psi) 25 GPM (21.4 psi) Deflector distance is per NFPA 13D - 4. to 6, below the ceiling. Flgure 2 Model GBR SIN 112" Sidewatl .\ ! r\ trf Face ot Wall Model GB Ros./OR ------------i Mlniftm Holo in C.iling b 2', Ma)(|mum b 2 1.2' -___L_i Note: Or y lhe Modol GB R€6"/OR R€sid€nfial Foo€ls€d Esculchooo rney b6 urod. Sub€titi.Iion otolhor'rccos8€d esaucn€oata may inDair tho op€ratir€ s€nritivtty rnd dl8trfrufon pan€m. Face of 2 3l't6' Rel. 2 1t2', i*ob: hals irodal65 osJk,le.i t|ray bo us€d. Vv|loo rrsiE C€rn aI8 tr,tod€t €6 caillno 6sdJ|atEoq 0r€ t6 d tF rrdrdtg coFlng ola.Id bo t/8. tt/le bdd di&|d he- ,f}lnstallati All Central Model GBR Automatic Sprinklers must be installed according to current NFPA 13, NFPA 13D and NFPA 13R requirements and Central's Residential Inslallation Guide. Deviations f rom these requirements and standards or any alteration to the sprinkler itself will void any warranty made by Central Sprinkler Company. ln addition, installation must also meet local governmenl provisions, codes, and standards as applicable. The system piping must be properly sized to ensure the minimum required flow rate at the sprinkler. Check for the proper model, style, orifice size, and temperature rating prior to installation. Install sprinklers after the piping is in place to avoid mechanical damage; replace any damaged units. Wet pipe systems must be protecled from f reezing. Upon completion of the installation, the system must be tested per recognized standards. In the event of a thread leak, remove the unit, apply new pipe joint compound or tape, and reinstall. Installation Sequence Step 1. The unit must be installed in lhe sidewall position. Step 2. Use only a non-hardening pipe joint compound or Teflon- tape. Apply only to male threads. Step 3, lnstall the sprinkler according to the dimensions shown in the installalion diagrams on page two. Install the escutcheon skirt onto lhe sprinkler prior to its engagement into the reducing fitting. For recessed applications, do not use lhe push-on escutcheon plate to hold the unit in position. The sprinkler will only lunction properly when anchored to the building structure. ' Teflon is a trademark of lhe OuPont Coro. o 0n Step 4. Hand tighten the sprinkler into the fitting. Then use a Central Universal Wrench lo tighten the unit into the fitling. A leak-tight joint requires only 7 to 14 ft.-lbs. of torque; a tangential force ol 14 to 28 lbs. delivered through a 6" handle will deliver adequate torque. Torque lev€ls over 21 ft.-lbs. may distort the orifice seal, resulting in leakage. Caution: Special care must be taken when installing sprinklers with a CPVC system. Sprinklers must be installed after the manufacturer's recommended setting time for the primer and cemenl to ensure lhat neither accumulate within the sprinkler. Soecial care must be taken when installing with a copper system. Sprinklers must be installed only after the inside ol the sprinkler drop and associated fittings have been wire brushed to remove any flux. Residual tlux can cause corrosion and in extreme cases can impair proper sprinkler operation. Care Main & ten anGe Sprinklers must be handled carefully. They must not be trans- ported or stor€d where ambient temperature may exceed 100"F/ 38oC. For best resulls, store lhem in a cool, dry location in the original shipping package. Do not install sprinklers that have been dropped or visibly damaged. Sprinklers should never be painted, coated, plated, or altered in any other way from manufactured condition or they may not function properly. Any sprinklers altered in such manner must be replaced. The owner is resDonsible lor the proper operating condition of all fire protection devices and accessories. The NFPA standard 25 entitled, "lnspection, Testing and Mainte- nance ol Water-Based Fire Protec- tion Systems", contains guidelines and minimum mainlenance require- ments. Furthermore, the local Authority Having Jurisdiction may have additional regulations and requirements lor maintenance, testing, and inspection thal must be obeyed. It is recommended that sprinkler systems be inspected regularly by a qualified inspection service. Length ol time between such inspections can vary due to accessibility, ambient atmosphere, waler supply, and site activity. Do not attempt to re-assemble or otherwise reuse a sprinkler that has operated. Replace any sprinkler exhibiting corrosion or damage; always use new sprinklers ol the same type and temperature rating as reolacements. Because the discharge pattern is critical to protection ol life and property, nothing should be hung or attached to the sprinkler unit that would disrupt the pattern. Such obstructions must be removed. ln the event thal construction has altered the original configuration, additional sprinklers may need to be installed to maintain the protection level. Universaf Wrench (Parl #1122 proteclion system from service. Be certain to secure permission from all Authorities Having Jurisdiction, and notify all personnel who may be atfected during system shutdown. A tire watch during maintenance periods is a recommended precaution. To remove the system from service mode, first refer to the system operating guide and valve instruction. Drain water and relieve pressure in the pipes. Remove the existing unit and install the replacement, using only the special sprinkler wrench. Be certain to match model, style, orifice, and temperature rating. A fire protection system that has been shut otf after an activation should be relurned to service immediately. Inspect the entire system for damage and replace or repair as necessary. Sprinklers that did not operate but were subjected to corrosive elements of combustion or excessive temperatures should be inspecled, and replaced il need be. The Authority Having Jurisdiction will detail minimum replacement requirements and regulations. Guarantee: Cenlral Sprinkler Company will repair and/or replace any products tound to be defective in malerial or workmanship within a period of one year from the date of shipment. Please reler to the current Price List lor further details of the warranty. O1993 Centrat Sprinkler Company Printed in u,s.A. .-F Central Sprinkler Company 451 N. Cannon Avenue, Lansdale, pA 19446 Phon€ (215) 962-0700 FAX (21s) 362-5385 Do not attempt to replace rpnnf.f"r! without lirst removing the fire 0rdering Information Ordering lnformation: When placing an order, indicate the full product name. Please specify the quantity, model, style, orifice size, temperature rating, type of finish or coating, and sprinkier wrench. Avallabillty and Servlce: Central sprinklers, valves, accessories, and other products are available through- out the U.S. and Canada, and internationally, through a network of Central Sprinkler dishibution cenrers. You may write directly to Central Sprinkler Company, or call (215) 962- 0700 for the distributor nearest you. Patents: Patents are pending. Conversion Table: 1 inch = 25.400 mm'l loot = 0.3048 M 1 pound = 0.4536 kg 1 foot pound = 1.36 Nm 1 psi = 6.895 kpa = 0.0689 bar = 0.0703 kgy'cmz 1 U.S. gallon = 3.785 dm3 = 3.785 liters Conversions are approximate. trENTFUAL GBR.2 I Glass Bulb Automatic Sprinklers Manufactured by: Central Sprinkler Company 451 Nodh Cannon Avenue, Lansdale, P€nnsylvania 19446 [{ Bl'#,i'*,, n Techni car The Central Model GB Sidewall Automalic Sprinklers ofter the ultimate in advanced design fealures. They incorporate the lalest in glass bulb technology, which results in a much smaller, more attractive sprinkler than lhose manufactured with a more traditional design approach. The operating mechanism consists of a liquid-filled, 5 mm frangible capsule that is only 1.6 cm in l€ngth. The Model GB Sidewall Automatic ture ratings, linishes and decorative coatings. Operatlon: The glass bulb capsule operating mechanism conlains a heat- sensitive liquid that expands upon application of heat. At the rated temperature, the f rangible capsule ruptures thereby releasing the orifice seal. The sprinkler then discharges water in a pre-d€signed spray pattem to conlrol or extinguish the fire. Model: GB Style: Horizontal Sidewall (or equivalent) Thread Size: 1/2" N.P.T. Temp. Rating and Glass Bulb Color: Orange Red Yellow Green Blue Purple Approvals: U.L., U.L.C., F.M. Maximum Working Pressure: 175 psi Factory Hydro Test: 100% at 500 psi Standard Finishes: Brass. Chrome Standard Coatings qtd F.M. M; White or Black Lengh: 1 3/4' (plus thread) Widlh: 1'(frame arms) Weight 3.5 oz. Jili /^) \':; / .:'z Figure 1 Model GB Sidewalt Sprinkler Onc (1) Hold 3l cptrt O 30 Oor (1) lt .d Zl cpl| O ts Om(l)Hcd 15cpit O 7 tlo.rlnal lt.nho Prna.n ,or t4' r ta' Boom nTechnical Design Requlrements - Standard Appllcations The Model GB Sidewall Sprinklers are intended for area coverages and flow and pressure requirements as specified in currenl NFPA 13 Standards for standard 'll2' oritice sprinklers. The Model GB Sidewall Sprinklers are listed lor installation 4" to 6' below the ceiling. Factory Mutual approved for Light Hazard only. f,',lnstallation Gare Main & bn ance All Central Model GB Sidewall Sorinklers must be installed accord- ing to current NFPA 13 Standards. Deviations f rom these requirements and standards or any alteration to the sprinkler itself will void any warranty made by Central Sprinkler Company. In addition, installalion must also meet local governmeni provisions, codes, and standards as applicable. The system piping must be properly sized to ensure the minimum required flow rate at the sprinkler. Check lor the proper model, style, orifice size, and temperature rating prior to installation. Install sprinklers after the piping is in place to avoid mechanical damage; replace any damaged units. Wet pipe systems must be protected from lreezing. Refer to the Central Bulletins on the Model A-1 Dry Pendent Sprinklers lor use in dry pipe sorinkler installations. Upon completion of the installation, the system musl be tested per recognized standards. In lhe event of a thread leak, remove the unit, apply new pipe joint compound or tape, and reinstall. Installation Sequence Step 1. The unit must be installed in the sidewall position with the deflector 4" to 6" below the ceiling. Step 2. Use only a non-hardening pipe joint compound or Tellont lape. Apply only to male threads. Step 3. Hand tighten the sprinkler into the fitting. Then use a Central Sprinkler Combination Sprinkler Wrench, to tighten the unit into the fitting. A leak-tight joint requires only 7lo '14 ft.-lbs. of torque; a tangential lorce of 14 to 28lbs. delivered through a 6' handle will deliver adequate torque. Torque levels over 21 ft.lbs. may distort the orifice seal, resulting in leakage. Caution: Special care musl be taken when installing sprinklers with a CPVC system. Sprinklers must be installed after the CPVC manufac- turer's recommended sefting time for the primer and cement to ensure that neilher accumulates within the sprinkler. Special care must be laken when inslalling with a copper system. Sprinklers must be installed only after the inside of the sprinkler nipple and associated littings have been wire brushed to remove any flux. Residual flux can cause corrosion and in extreme cases can impair proper sprinkler operation. 'Totlon is a trad€mark of the OuPonl Corp. 3 Sprinklers musl be handled care- fully. They must nol be transported or stored where ambient temperalure may exceed 100'F/38"C. For best results, store them in a dry, cool location in the original shipping pacKage. Do not install sprinklers that have been dropped or visibly damaged. Sprinklers must never be painted, coated, plat6d, or alt€red in any other way from manufactured condition or they may nol function properly. Any sprinklers altered in such manner must be replaced. The owner is responsible for the proper operating condition of all fire protection devices and accessories. The NFPA Standard 25 entitled, "lnsryction, Testing and Maintenance of Water-Based Fire Protection Systems", contains guidelines and minimum maintenance requirements. Furthermore, the local Authority Having Jurisdiction may have addi- tional regulations and requirements for maintenance, testing, and inspec- tion that must be obeyed. It is recommended that sorinkler syslems be inspected regularly by a qualified inspection service. Length of time between such inspections can vary due to accessibility, ambient atmosphere, water supply, and site activity. Do not atlemol to re-assemble or otherwise reuse a sorinkler that has operated. Replace any sprinkler exhibiting corrosion or damage; always use new sprinklers ol the same type and temperature raling as replacements. Because the discharge patlern is critical to prolection of life and property, nothing should be hung or attached to the sprinkler unit that would disrupt the pattern. Such obstructions must be removed. In the event that construction has altered the original configuration, additional sorinklers must be installed to main- tain the orotection level. Do not attempt lo replace sprinklers without first removing the fire protec- tion system f rom service. Be certain lo secure permission from all Authori- ties Having Jurisdiction, and notify all personnel who may be atfected during system shutdown. A fire watch during mainlenance periods is a recommended orecaution. To remove the system from service mode, first refer to the system operating guide and valve instruction. Drain water and relieve oressure in the pipes. Remove the existing unit and install the replacement, using only the special sprinkler wrench. Be certain to match model, style, orifice, and temperature rating. A lire protection system that has been shut off afler an activation should be relurned to service immediately. lnspect the entire system for damage and replace or repair as necessary. Sprinklers that @1993 Central Sprinkler Company Printed in U.S.A. did not operate bul were subjected to corrosive elemenls of combustion or excessive temperatures should be inspected, and replaced il need be. The Authority Having Jurisdiction will detail minimum reolacement requiremenls and regulations. Guarantee: Central Sprinkler Company will repairand/or replace any products found to be deleclive in malerial or workmanship within a period of one year from the dale of shipment. Please refer to the currenl Price Lisl for further details of the warranty. Hl,If,"il,x?,,, Ordering Information: When placing an order, indicate the full product name. Please specify the quanlity, model, style, orifice size, temperature rating, type of linish or coating, and sprinkler wrench. Availability and Service: Central sprinklers, valves, accessories, and other products are available through- out the U.S. and Canada, and internationally, through a network of Central Sorinklerdistribution centers. You may write directly to Central Sprinkler Company, or call 215-362-0700 for the dislributor nearest you. Patents: Patents are pending. Conversion Table: 1 inch = 25.400 mm 1 Joot = 0.3048 M 1 pound = 0.4536 kg 1 foot pound = '1.36 Nm 1 Psi = 6.895 kpa = 0.0689 bar = 0.0703 kg/cm, 1 U.S. gallon = 3.795 dm. = 3.785 liters Conversions are approximate. EENTRAL !-F Central Sprinkler Company 451 N. Cannon Avenu6, Lansdale, PA 19446 Phone (215) 362-0700 FAX (215) 362-5385 GBSW.2 Sprinkler GB Fendent Sp,rinkler Manufactured by: Central Sprinkler Company 451 North Cannon Avenue, Lansdale, fil Bf#,'ol,,, n Technical The Central Model GB Recessed Glass Bulb Automatic Sprinkler embraces the ultimate in advanced design features. lt incorporates the latest in glass bulb technology, which results in a smaller more attractive sprinkler, The operating mechanism consists of a liquid{illed 5 mm diameter frangible capsule that is only 1.6 cm in length. The Model GB Recessed Glass Bulb Automatic Sprinkler is inlended tor installalion in with the ts variety ol temperalure ralings, finishes and decorative coatings. The Model GB Recessed Glass Bulb Automatic Sprinkler incorporates a signilicant cost saving feature; a 2- piece special esculcheon assembly that provides for 5/8' of field adiuslment resulting in an easily accomplished tight fit against the ceiling. Operation: The glass bulb capsule operating mechanism contains a heat- sensitive liquid that expands upon application ol heat. Upon reaching the rated temperature, the lrangible capsule ruptures thereby releasing the orilice seal. The sprinkler then discharges water in a pre-designed spray pattern to control or extinguish lhe Jire. Model: GB Slyle: Recessed Pendent (Adiustabte) Fesffift ffififir'a" , Note: Onlythe Model O rO)' Recessed Escutcheon assembly may be used. Substitution of other es- cutcheons may impair the operating sensitivity and distribution pattern and void manufacturing warranty. Orifice Size: 1/2" K Factor: 5.6 nominal Thread Size: 1/2" N.P.T. Temperature Rating/Bulb Color: 135oF/57oC Orange MtL-STD-901C MtL-STD-167-1 MtL-STD-810-C shock, vibralion, and sall fog tests for maritime applications Maximum Working Pressure: 175 p.s.i. Factory Hydro Test: 100% at 500 p.s.i. Standard Finishes: Sprinkler: chrome plated, brass ptated Escutcheon: chrome plated, brass plated Special Coatings: white painted, black painted and off-white painted (Approvals: U.L. for corrosion resistant and U.L.C. lor decorative finish) Highest Allowable Ambient Tempera- ture for Storage: 100'F/38'C Adjustable Range Below Ceiling: 3/4'to 1 318" (optimum) Length: 1 114' (plus threadl Width: 1" (frame arms) Weight 3.5 oz. tt- t Positionlnstallation Diagram - Recegsed Model GB Recessed Sprlnkler Nominal Spray Pattern 1/2" Model GB Recessed Sprinkler Circlod numberc indicale prsssurg In 9si. Note: Sprinkler spacing must conlorm to NFPA 13 Standards. lnstallatlon Diagram - Flush Posltion Model GB Recessed Sprlnkler Model GB Recessed - Coated Black 'Half irdicale5 ono hall ol a symmatricat 39.ay pan6m. Model GB Recessed. Coated White Universal Wrench nl:[l''cal The Model GB Recessed Automatic sprinklers are intended for area coverages and flow and pressure requirements as specified in current NFPA 13lor stan- dard 1/2" orifice sprinklers. When installed in the recessed,position, the re- cessed cup esculcheon and sprinkler are listed together as a single unit and must be so utilized. line, as shown in ihe installation Diagram on page 2. Adjustments may be made via the push-on es- cutcheon plate to compensate for variations in the fittings. Do not use lhe push-on esculcheon plate to hold the unit in position. The sprinkler will function properly only when the system piping is anchored to the building structure. Otheruise, reaction forces from system initiation could aller the sprinkler alignment and disrupt the spray pattern. Step 3. Use only a non-hardening pipe joint compound or Teflon. tape. Apply only to male threads. Step 4. Hand tighten the sprinkler into the fitting. Then use a Cenlral Sprinkler Universal Wrench, to tighten the unit into the fitting. A leak-tight joint requires only 7 to t 4 ft.-lbs. of torque; a tangential force of 14 to 28 lbs. delivered through a 6" handle will deliver adequate torque. Torque levels over 21 ft.-lbs. may distort the orifice seal, resulting in leakage. Step 5. To install the escutcheon plate, align it with and press it over the sprinkler body until the outer edge of the escutcheon meets the mount- ing surface. Caution: Special care must be taken when installing pendent sprinklers with a CPVC syslem. Sprinklers should be installed atter the manufacturer's recommended setting time tor the primer and cement to ensure thal neither accumulate within the sorinkler. 'Tellon is a tEdemark ot the OuPonl Corp. Special care must be taken when installing with a copper syslem. Sprinklers should be installed only after the inside of the sprinkler drop and associated fittings have been wire brushed to remove any flux. Residual flux can cause corrosion and in extreme cases can impair proper sprinkler operation. Main Gare & bn anGe Sprinklers must be handled care- fully. They must not be transported or slored where ambient temperalure may exceed 100"F/38"C. For best results, store them in a dry, cool location in the original shipping package. Do not install sprinklers that have been dropped or visibly damaged. Sprinklers musl never be painted, coated, plated, or altered in any other way from manulaclured condition or they may not function properly. Any sprinklers altered in such manner must be reolaced. The owner is responsible lor the proper operating condilion of all fire protection devices and accessories. The NFPA Standard 13A entiiled, "Care and Maintenance of Sprinkler Systems", contains guidelines and minimum maintenance reeuirements. Furthermore, the local Authority Having Jurisdiction may have addi- tional regulations and requirements lor maintenance, t€sting, and inspec- tion that must be obeyed. It is recommended thal sprinkler syslems be inspected regularly by a qualified inspeclion service. Length of time between such insoections can vary due to accessibility, ambient almosphere, water supply, and site activity. Do not attempt to re-assemble or otheruise reuse a sprinkler that has operated. Replace any sprinkler exhibiting corrosion or damage; always use new sprinklers of the same type and temperature rating as reDlacements. Because the discharge pattern is critical to prolection of lite and property, nothing should be hung or attached to the sgrinkler unit that nlnstallation All Cenlral Model GB Recessed Automatic Sprinklers musl be in- stalled according to current NFPA 1g Standards. Deviations from these requirements and standards or any alteration to the sprinkler itsell will void any warranty made by Central Sprinkler Company. In addition, inslallation must also meet local government provisions, codes, and standards as applicable. The system piping must be properly sized to insure the minimum required flow rate at the sprinkler. Check for the proper model, style, orifice size, and lemperature rating prior to installation. Install sprinklers after the piping is in place to avoid mechanical damage; replace any damaged units. Wet pipe systems must be pro- tected from freezing. Refer to the Central Bulletins on th€ Model A-1 Dry Pendent Sprinklers for use in dry pipe sprinkler installations. Upon completion of the installation, the system must be tested per recognized standards. In the event of a thread leak. remove the unit, apply new pipe joint compound or tape, and reinstall. lnstallation Sequence Step 1. The unit must be installed in the pendent position with the deflec- tor not less than 3/4" nor more than 1 3/8" below the ceiling. Step 2. The Jace ol the sprinkler fitting should be installed a nominal 3/8" lo 1" behind the finished ceiling would disrupt the pattern. Such obstructions must be removed. In the event that construction has altered the original configuration, additional sorinklers must be installed lo main- tain the protection level. Do not attempt to replace sprinklers without lirst removing the fire protec- tion system from service. Be certain to secure permission trom all Authori- ties Having Jurisdiction, and notify all personnel who may be atlected during system shutdown. A fire watch during maintenance periods is a recommended precaulion. To remove the system from service mode, first re{er to the system operating guide and valve instruction. Drain water and relieve pressure in the pipes. Remove the existing unit and install lhe replacement, using only the special sprinkler wrench. Be certain to match model, style, orifice, and temperature rating. A lire protection system that has been shut off atter an activation should be returned to service immedF ately. lnspect the entire syslem for damage and replace or repair as necessary. sprinklers that did not operate but were subjected lo corro- sive elements of combustion or excessive temperatures should be inspected, and replaced if need be. The Authority Having Jurisdiction will detail minimum replacement require- ments and regulations. Guarantee: Central Sorinkler Company will repair and/or replace any products found to be delective in malerial or workmanship within a period of one year lrom the date ot shioment Please refer to the currenl Price List for f urther details of the warranty. O1992 Central Sprinkler Company Printed in U.S.A. 0rdeting Information Ordering Information: When placing an order, indicate the full product name. Please specify the quantity, model, style, orifice size, lemperature rating, type ol finish or coating, and sprinkler wrench. Availabllity and Service: Central sprinklers, valves, accessories, and other products are available through- out the U.S. and Ganada, and internationally, through a network of Cenlral Sprinkler distribution centers. You may write directly to Central Sprinkler Company, or call (215) 362- 0700 for the distributor nearest you. Patents: Patents are pending. Conversion Table: 1 inch = 25.400 mm 'l foot = 0.3048 M 1 pound = 0.4536 kg 1 loot pound = 1.36 Nm 1 psi = 6.895 kpa = 0.0689 bar = 0.0703 kg/cm. 1 U.S. gallon = 3.785 dmo = 3.785 liters Conversions are approximate. CENTRAL -!_ Central Sprinkler Company 451 North Cannon Avenue, Lansdale, PA 19446 Phone (215) 362-0700 FAX (215) 362-s38s GB,1 F; Adj ustable Automatic Spr:inkler Product Description The Optlma Rssldgnilal conoealed ls the world'e first 20.x 20, conc€atgd rssidenilalgprinkler. n ls UL Llsted nd _assthellc appEal ot e flil concealed ( ,llins ptare. It ls deslgnod to comp€nsate for v.aVlnO celling helghts by utillzlng a drop down deiloclor and en adJustable thread on eeaicheon. Thls featufe is slgnlflaant b€cause lt allows the colling to llucluate oveffl ln height. The thln cover ptalo prdeds only %r,' below lhe celllng tor the maxlmum h unobstructed anf aeslheilc appearance. To prevent damage to the sprinkler and |o allow the sprinklerto be located in the c€lllng, a spectal protecllve cap ls provided. This plesilo cap has a oone shaped point thit oan De pressed agahst lhe rvail board to locEte lhe posltion ot the sprinkler and ello$, tho hole to be q|t ccnec{ly. Th€ Resid€nttat opllma concealed Sprinkter emptoys Cemratb exdusVe llnk adfualtng machanism. Tho 4--'ink!911s brass and the cover plateq lvallable in brass, chmmc ptaicd or white painted. led oporallon: The centrat Residential Optima Corcealed grtrkter abaobs hsst lhrough the celilng cover plate whlch ls soldered tothe qqudablo r€flalngr rlng wlth a tusble a[oy. Al the ratod tsmpofature, the atby tuses, resulilng ln the ptete dropfig away lrom the sprlnkter, At thts polnt, th6 deflectordmps dorrn belowihe co|||ng sudace, brirglng about ths [nK8 expo$Ir€ to the ilie.s heat. The heal fuses lhe llnl(s thermal etement resulllng h a rsptd expulston ot both the adl'/athg mechanlsrr1 as we]l as lhe s€ellng oap. Water cen nou,llorv h a pailem sn lnggrsd to meot thE coverago requlrements. n Technical Modet: D Styfe: Conoealad Gqusbble) Wendr: OStma Concealed (patt#1074) ffiF.lla'Vrr.rnmr(ELo) K F8c{or: 4.2 @.6) Thread Sizo: W (zznn)N.p.T. Approvals: U.L. Temperaturc Rstingl Maximum Wor&ng pressure: lZS psl Fadory Hydo Test lOOo/" at 500 psl PHOTOA 20olo DENSIY 110 LINE SCREEN Standad Ftnishes: Sprinklen bress Cover Plate: brass, chromo plated and whne palnted wlth cl,stom painted llrrlhes available. Lengilh: 2'lo2%" (6,1 dD to 6,3 drr) Cover Pfate gW p,5a',tdtamelel Celling Opening: 2W p.ssan) Wefght: 7.9 oz. (?u./-g'i,nsloorplote asserbly wlth Cover ptate Patented with addlrional peteots pending. \ llo. 2.7.G Orifice Adiustable GonGealed Residentia Sprinklerouflloaci Optima Flgure 1 Concealed p€ndent t Resldentlal I (Non-Activated) (', ( Flgure Z ma Restdenflal Conceated pendent 2 ug'a sass z9s srz U3'IXN I Udg 'IEUIN33 99: Z ( ffiB:iln' r,3slgn Requlrem €nrs-B3sldenil8t opilms Adf $rablo concealed Coverage Area (ft. x ft.) slngle Head flllultlplo HeEdMrnlmum Flow bw) Mlnlmum Pressure (D6,t) Mlnlmum Flo{, @pn) Mlnlmum Ptes$rre' tui) 20 x 20 (4oo.q. lL)24 32.7 17 16.4 18 x 18 (sa4 sq. r 24 32.7 17 16.4 18 x 16 (250 cq. rrJ 1E 18.4 13 9.6 l4 x 14 (196rq.tr.)'t8 18.4 13 9.6 12 x 12 (t4. rq. ft.1 18 18.4 13 9.6 The Centret Model D odima Resldential Concealed Sirinkler must bo Installed In conformance wlthqirrer't NFPA 13, NFPA t3D and NFPA 13R Standards. Dev'retions fom these requlroments and stan. dards, or any ateratlon to the sprln- klor ass€rnbly ttselt will roiO any wananty made by Centrat Sprinklar Company. In addition, lnstallailon must also meet local govemment provislons, codes and stardards, as appticablo. fho. sy9lem plping must be prop erly gized to ensurg the rnininilm' reguired flow rate at thg sprinkter. Ch-ack lor the proper modet. style, orifbe stze anC lemperature raitng prior to lrcrallsilon. Instal sprinkiore aner the plplrE is in place to arold mechanlcal damage; replace any oamaggd unlts. Wet plpe Systems rnusl be prolecled lrom lreezlng. \ ,pon completion of the insta[ation. the system must be tested per Ceulioar nntmum ept@eis rs g,. (as wlth all restclentlat sprlnklers) ' ceillng cover pratEs are availablo In a variety or metailic or pEhted flnishes. Forcustom parnted finrshes, the cugtomer mustiumtstr iqubr<ryrng p;r't, pi*er-abtv racquer'baoed, ro ensure proper ootor oupirciiron. on.-.i,rai i6;ifi'il''requlred for each 200 pletes. Instaf lation reoo0nlz6d standards. In the eveni ot a ftroad leak, remove th6 unlt, applynol plpe jolnt compounO ortape,'anct rehstall. lnstalhilon gequence Step 1. ThE unit must be Insta[ed ln the pendent posltlon. 8t9R 2. Theface ofthe epdnlder littlng should be lnstalted a nominal lV+'(tlll bshlnd the tintshed celting lino. Adiustmeds, to compensate f6r varhtions ln flttlng tace to celling heighl may be mado by threadtng the ooverp|ale retainer In and out of the unlt's suppon cup. S!ep.s. Use only a rrcn.hardentng ppe.Jolnt compound. or Tethn. tape. Apply only to lhe mate threads. $ep l. Hand tighten the sprtnkter into the fltting. Avoid maktrig contact wlh lhe dofhctorwhon using tne Central Sprinkler Optima ConcealeO Wrenoh to ilghten the unlt lnto the flttlng. The wrench ls deslgned to mate wlh lhe body,s wrench bosses, T.0on i. r r.d.mgk ol rh. DuFont Corp. 3 se'd cegs ege sIz u3-1>N I uds -lUtllN3a OptlmaConcgtlsd Wrench 07 PHOTO B 2O7O OENSITY 110 LINESCBEEN hslde lho thrcaded support cup. A leak llghl jolnt requlres I onf 7 to 14 ft. lbs. of torquo. Toquo levets grsaler than 21 tt. bs. may dlstod tho odflce seal, resutting In teikags. Stop 5. Alter lnlilal lnslailallon and b€fore the cover plate ls tnstalled, crlvsrtho sprlnklerwith tho speclal plasllc protec{lve cap. Tho cap ls epeolalty deslgned to not onty protect the cPdnkler, but allo,.r the ciinng hslallers to loaate the sprinkter by presslng the celling board up agatnsr il- The ond ot the.cap has a speclal ?o"t au "n, ytted, -lnspectbn. Testinotip, ther€torg f eaving an impression ln and Malnteao,', ot waLr-asii Fii " the cQiling hpa'rd lor the location of Protfrkm Systems,contains juidetines the sPrinliloC. Care should be taken and.minlmum malntenane re{uiremenis. 1r only press the ceifing llghtly agalnst Funnormoro, lhe .kr,al Authodty HEving ,l,e''cap as excessive pressure wlll -'tlfqclynnly have addtlonEl rogula. FH3:iii"i,,',l:':'r,lli:,ff "*l"hr.r#ffl;'trill"fi'1i$'ff ,'*' functlon coneClly. ft is advieable to have spdnkler eysrems step 6. ro insrar rhe ceirins cover liIfffifl::i5lgff,1Tfi'JiHt'" plale' manually lhread th€ cover su€h inspections can vary iue to accessi- relainer into the suppon cup. Con- bility, ambhd .tmosph€re, warer supply, tinuo threadlng until the cover and she.divity. tetalner's tlange rssts aoaing tho ..Do not attempl to reassemble or surrace or rho celins. :[',TS: ffii#:1ffi:ii,illlin"o caulon: spociar care musr f-fFn lp?,niff'fl,i:iH:X?rri*;,:::ff"rhen instarring with a cpVC sysrem. rimp"r"r"r" nilng as repracements.Sprinklers must be Installed afrer the Because rhe diictil;i;;;; Tanulacturgrs recommended seillng critical b protecfion ot t-ite ana p.orrv. .ime for the primer and cement to - nothinE should be hung or atta*ed to the ?nsur6 thal neilher accumulde withln aprinkler unit thar uould disrupt the h6 sprinkler. pancrn. such. ob$ructlons must be speciarcare musrberakenwtr€n iTlill;Ji,ll.#i"1HfiJ#,ili,."nstalllng with a copper system. . ilil;"i'"prr,ru"r..r,outd be insr![€d lolprinkters must be instalted onty etter ,"riilii iill'pr.r€dbn hvot.he inslde ot the sprinkrer drop ind - o" nii "iirpt to ropr'ca Bprinrderstssotlaled littings heve bosn wire whhorn first reniovlrE iho ftre;;i;;;n)ru$ied to remove any flux. Resldual syaem fom rcwiocl S" c€niin 6 ;e;Lr" lLt : 3n caus€ corrpsion and in Pelnls"ion from a[ authorities having ,xli .ine casss can lmpalr prooer lurisdbtlon, and notify atl personnet iho,prinkreroperation. ffl,.HHfflf;*l.if",:[;ly,H mf Care & "iJ:ffiffif.Tf.lffiffJ,n,ui* l" ' 7lt r_ t- r-- mode, first refer toihe system opcratingI I Malnrcnance ilfffil1;::insruai:n orain*"reilH i..*. ti" orialng unh and Installthe Spdnklets must be harrdled carefullr. rePlacement, ushg bnly the recom, hey mu.st not be transporlcd or sorcd nended sprinklcr wrench. Be cenaln to'h-€ro€mbicnt temperaturc may excoed match model, etyle. orilioe. and temfpra. 00cF/3goc. For best results, iore lhem turc rating. r a dry, crool bcation ln the orlginal ripplng package A fire prcleslion gystem that has b€en shr.rt otf alter an aalvation should bc repaired and retumed to se-Mce immedi. at€V. Inspect thc enlire 6yst€m lor damage and replace of t€pair !s neces. r.sary. Sprlnklers that dU not op€rars but ( were subleacd lo oonosivo elements ot combugiion ot excesglve lempefalures shoutd be inspeaed, and replacod if need be. The Auhority HavinE Jurlsdiaion wltl detall minimurn replacement requirements and regulatbns, Guaranlge: Cenlral Sprinkler Com- pany wlll repair and/or replace any products tound to be defcotive in matcrial or wod<manshlp whhin a poriod ol one year from tho datc of shipment. please ref.r lo the cunent Prlcc List for lunh€r dotalls of the wanEnty. Ff Ordering I+dlnformation -Central Sprtnkter Company 45 1 N, Cannon Av.nu€, Lansdale, pA 19446 Phone (215) 3ElOToo FAX (21s)362.s385 Ordcflng lnfotm!$on: Whan placing an ord.r, indioae the lull prcduc{ name, Please epeci,ty the quantlty, model, etyte, orifioe alze , tomp.rduro ratlng, eprlniler llnlsh, covor plate flnlsh, rnd sprinkler wrench. . For speclal painted cover plate finishes, tho cuslomor must Bupply a qulck.drying patnt, prelerably in a lccquer-base finish to iosur. proper color duplbatbn, Whhour such a gulde. Cemral Sprinkter Company cannol bs rcsponsiblc for acccptable color matching, All oustom palntlng ot ths cov6r plale must b€ comdcted at the laclory. Avalleblllty and Sorvlcr: Centre! spdnklers, valves, accegsorlee and otirer ptoduc{s are avallable throughout thc U.S. and Canada End intomarbnalV. through a nelwo* ol Central Sprinkler distrbution oenter6. You may write diroclf to Cenrral Sprinkler Company, or call 21$362.0700 for the dtstributor n6ffo8t you. bnvtrrbn Table: 1 lnch r !g.ttg6 661 1 fool .0,3O48 M 1 pound - 0.4536 kg 1 fgot pound - L36 Nm t psi - 6.895 kpa - 0.0689 bar - 0.0703 kg/ornl 1 U.S. gallon.3.785 dmr - 3.785 liters @t ve$bns aru appnxim$e. ( Do not Install sprlnklers that haw been oppecl or vlsibly damaged. Sprhkhrs ru$ nsver be painted, Coated. ptded or fer€ct in any other way f|om manufao. r6d c€ndition or they may not luncihn '0p6rly, Any sprinklers ahered h such anner must be replaceci. The-.owner is responshle lor ihe propo( )6fating condition ol all fire proreaf,i rvices and acc€ssorica. The NFpA (. 993 Centrat Sprinkler Conrnanv)rinled in U.S.A. ( 0.0 sltstr }Uilaooo,, 0otile fted Boctllow ftevenlion fusomblv Weighlt & Dimenrionr (wAhuloff Volw)) hovides psitive driptight dosure ogoimt lfie revene flow of norpotoble liquids coused by o cos conneclion. 0reckvohc ond $ut'off volves (with test cods) ore on infegrol porf oflhe moin body. Shndord feotures include: . l{orronosive 300 series stoinle$t steol body . (on{lerk dozure ossembly for lowect flow lossssin induslry . Builtin shuhffvolve eliminotes leoks (3/4'?') . Single bohoring ,, seold stoinless steel occes cwer for eosy senicing (3/4'-2') . Singh trcbolt grooved style cwerforqui*ond eosy oaes ond senicing . Qt/z',6',\ o lemperofure roted h ll0. f . 175 PSI mted worting pr0s5u10 . Built to USCFCICHR rquiremenls . Horizonhl or vertiol inshllolim TPPR||TIIS Vodous oppronob ftom lho f ollowing orgonizolions* uL til AssE, us(, AWWA, CSA, qt( ' ir' ti-l . ::{ a I' tvi 2' a :E = 3V{ 3t/i 6', 6' E6ig 3 tb. 3 lb. r5lb. r5 lb. A t8 14%'13|/l' l4t/i ll\h' 2t vi 15' 2l'h" 15" C z'. 2" z', 2', t0 8 6 a 1 4E] I'o Im t I* l^ l* Ino,v lr cllr Woightr & Dinenrlont ( t3" t3' t5' Jrso F{ lleo h. 1230 h. lm5h. l5r 5 lb. D 3fi 3rli 4li sl/i B 39', 40' 40' 48fi A 24', 24', 22', 2t vi 2Vt' 4'. 6', t t8' 20vi 24Vi 321s" .P-c-t 72 lb. 74 lb. 75 h, t05 lb. I 6 5 1 3 ? E E] I I B _ I2W3r4,.6:2000rr ldclon lorr r00 Ino lmo l,oo lt* l,oo ltoo lt* Itoo lFt0lt [i GPll Condtd d6|f| osanfi dra lod|{. h|6l tot httqit m tFdi Fd I t/.''l''lth''2' 2000r: ldttion lorl loftcrrdfu 300 !ri! t*|'r rlr.l diad bdr, qtr 50'1 hhlr h dlhr, t!ftn rd n !d n liri k ft dn riifi idotuA $in drdary (on{lad &rirr 6qttf, '!dr6 lqJt&rad6 m lp.dl h.f. lornd hd h6!. ratY i*| iatl(!. &lrh sl. ld liCtr os.r'btr. . f,.ttr6 Grt6t fq S.od d&A it?00 f =h12.3 I t.0 10.0 9.5 9.1 9.5 lraum bcs (lSl) -5* =h7{ 5.0 {.5 {.0 t.0 1.2 -3,^ =*).) 4.5 1.5 5.0 6.0 7.0 -l,^ =ht0.5 5.5 {.5 t.5 t.8 5.0 =sll.6 12.0 ll.9 t2.0 r2.8 14.2 =4.=t'il.1 ll.l I t.0 I t.l il.7 t?.8 c =st0.E t0.7 t0.7 il.1 t2.0 r3.5 E! lt.l I.2 I r.3 I1.7 12.0 t2.9 E! | 0.7 I t.0 I l.l r2.0 t3.0 t{.0 g! l0.l 10.5 t0.7 il.9 r33 t5.0 g> Et{E- t0.6 t0.7 il.0 I t.0 |t5 t2.6 9> -n GaE- 1.2 t.E t0.3 I.0 t2.0 r2.6 TT 50 tm 150 ?m 2$ 320 ==- =hlt.0 t.0 t.l ,.) t.5 t2.0 g> dG{E€ r0.3 il.0 t2.0 t2.0 t2.5 13.0 Ptalurlm(?51) hcllrc Lo's 0Sl) tor more Inlormotlon conloct your noorerl Ames Representotive or Ames (ompcny Inc.: r{|lsIum0N6aar5 Ames (ompny, ltx. 1485 Tonforon Avenue P.0. 8or 1387 l{oodlond, fu lilomro 95695 916.666.2493 tAx fi6,666.3il4 -!- =h 12.5 r0.5 aa 7.5 t.l 8.2 -- =h10.5 t.5 6.0 6.0 E.5 t{.1 !a.tI! =Fil.0 il.3 il.9 12.2 t3.0 t4.0 =EI l.t | 1.2 r2.0 t3.3 r5.0 18.5 =g10.0 t0.l r0.9 I t.9 t3.4 t5.t =st0.l r0.5 il.0 12.2 11.5 ltI HE -c*E It.0 t3.0 t3.8 | 4.6 t5.l t6.0 c6!tE 12.5 r3.5 l{.2 t5.l t6.6 lt.t. liEEi t0.3 r0.8 I1.6 | 2.6 t4.6 ilr ca.*E t0.8 | 1.4 il.8 t?.8 t4.8 x.t irdh ir l,]9s$? 6^lA4onutortured in fune co tllltl lUl,ltl f000 l halurc [oa: (61) Praon Loc (lSl) t-€E l0 20 30 t0 50 60 Prclt n k'!r (6|) h6$rc Los (61) Fl> EI G'Er- | 0.0 9.0 8.8 9.1 t0.0 | 1.2 5 l0 It 20 t5 30 9> EI F'E' 9.0 t.t 9.0 t0.0 il.1 lt ( - ca 5.1 {.0 3.1 3.2 3.7 1.2 - -, G) 5.1 1.0 3.' 3.2 3.7 4.2 - ln 3.5 3.0 3.1 3.9 {.9 6.0 - dr0 2.5 2.1 2.1 2.6 3.6 5.0 :tt Et a{5- 9.5 9.0 8.5 8.5 9.2 I t.2 9> Ei a\lE- 9.0 8.9 9.0 9.t il.5 t5.0 tl€E E8 4.9 {.9 5.3 5.1 9.0 Il. vt =F1.9 {.9 {.t 5.1 5.E 7.1 c =Ft.l 1.2 t.6 5.3 6.1 8.5 =F5.0 5.0 5.{ 6.0 7.0 8.t Reglonol Worehouses: l8 Robsrt Cf., sr,m$mo, NJ 07876 201.584.7432 10930 Switrn Av€., Ddc, lX 7523E 214.340.nt2 7208 Industy Rd., Odmdq ft 32750 101.83t.4667 626 fllocont, ftkqo, lL 60137 708.469.3930 915 (nskYiew, So Antmio, D( 78219 5t2.333.91t I 614 tllion, $oflls, WA 981l9 m6.282.3t41 21718 5. Alomedo, Long Beoch,0 90810 2r3.5t3.il81 6?55 0exler SI, Donvff, (o 80037 303.286.8200 Ul sr EI ltI Il. ltr il.4. XT I.A" $or EI 5.t 5.t 6.0 6.3 Lt 8.0 Ul orgJ ltl. {.t 5.0 5.6 6.3 7.8 !l crEr-- 4.E 5.0 5.E 60 7.7 | 0.0 Fl> EA {.9 5.0 5.0 5.2 6.9 r0.0 9> EA 4.9 4.9 {.t {.9 t.l 6.2 50 to 150 m0 250 320 hostlrrlo6r(61) ftattrr btt (19) ftGcrn h6 (6ll h6$r. b6r (PSl) =a-6 5,2 {.1 3.9 3.8 1.0 4.9 - tsa {.1 2.8 2.4 3.9 6.3 9.8 aAE> EA 1.3 {.3 {.5 t.0 5.5 6.5 . is 6.9 5.2 3.9 3.2 1.t 5.t 9> EA 1.0 4.0 {.t {.5 5.0 6.0 3 Fs 5.0 2.5 2.0 4.0 7,2 10.5 350 Pfl 32'floll0'I Woler 300Sodes* 300 Soriss s/s It lAmes Prersure lols Comporiron ftSllUli 1lllll t000 r flo$omers EP0l't [nd (onnection 3/112' lhreodod AllSl 82.1 flonged 0imensions 2h'.6' AI{WA 0. D FS. c =s{., t.E t.9 5.4 6.2 1.1 =F4.t 5.1 5.8 6.9 E.9 lt.l. c =gt.E {.6 {J 1.E 5.8 t.0 F =9.-c 4J {.6 5.0 5.9 E.7 ]t,t ul EH 5.0 5.3 5.9 6.5 t.l 1.2 tlgH {.1 {.4 5.0 6.9 r0.9 il.1. !tgE 1.2 4.t 4.9 5.6 t.5 lt.4. a-e 4.6 4.9 5.2 6.3 E.l Lt Spedllcotlonr liloximum Worting Presswe 175 6l 'a€a 9> EE {.0 {.0 1.2 1.9 5.2 6.0 9> EE 4.0 1.0 4.0 5.0 7.0 r0.0 9t- IE C'aE- 1.2 1.1 t.l 1.2 1,9 5.1 9> EieE- 3.t 3.2 3.1 1.2 t,3 I r.5 m 50 80 lm t60 200 ftscsum los rLPSl) * ftmurr los (61) It l0 ?0 30 t0 50 60 Prrlwr b:s (61) haur loc (PSl) Hydroslolic ftessure Temperoture Ronge Fluid Volve Bod Springs 'I'!E fIt CheckValve-go Horiaontel or Vertical Gfirnyd End Swing Check Valves (250 psi) Manufactured by: Central Sprinkler Company 451 North Cannon Avenue, Lansdale, Pennsylvania 19446 E^I llll?,'01,,, n Technicar The Model 90 Check Valves are attractive, compact, lightweight, swing-type units that allow water flow in one direction and prevent flow in the opposite direction. They are manufactured with a cast iron body and stainless steel clapper assembly. A resilienl elastomer seal facing on the spring-loaded clapper ensures a leak-tight seal and non-sticking operation. The units are designed to minimize water hammer caused by flow reversal. The Valves are manufactured with grooved ends and are easily installed using Listed mechanical grooved couplings. They may be installed in either a horizontal llow or uoward vertical flow position. Applications: Model 90 Check Valves are general purpose valves intended for use in private f ire protec- tion systems as follows: 1. ln connections from oublic water supplies to automatic sprinkler or standpipe systems. 2. In connections from fire depart- ment pumper conneclions lo automatic sprinkler or standpipe syslems. 3. In lire pump discharge or bypass prprng. 4. In conneclions from gravity, suction, or pressure tanks to automatic sprinkler syslems. Model: 90 Style: Swing Check (groove x groove) Sizcr 2A,3",4" and 6" Approvals: U.L., U.L.C., F.M., M.E.A. (Cal. No.284-75-SA) Max. Working Pressure: 250 psi Factory Hydro Test: 100% at 500 psi Standard Finish: Blue Enamel Groove Specifications: Standard cut grooves per AWWA C-606 Take-out Dimension: 21/2" - 8" |.o. 3" - 8" t.o. 4" - 9" 1.o. 6" - 10%" t.o. ShippingWeight: 2'/2" - 8lbs. 3" - 9rbs 4" - 16 lbs. 6" - 34 lbs. No. 14.2.0 a 'i4' Fasteflor SoalPressure Loss Curves Itcr Bolt witr wilh Hlng€ Ph with R€tllning Bing 6'2112" 3' 320q Era J .E u- Boss A OutLl -lnlot Locknut. Floxbc Rotainhg Ring 2m 300 500 2m0 3000 Flow Rate (S.p.m.) Note: The friction loss, expressed as equivalent length ot schedule 40 pipe with C=120, is as follows: ZVz" = I ft.3' = 14ft. 4" =21 ft.6' = 19ft. ' May be utilized for ball drip or metet bypass connection. , May be utilized for gauge or meter bypass connection. 3 May be utilized for main dtain connection lor "riser checl( applications. Eoet B Retainihg Dimensional Data - Model 90 Check Valves (groove x groove) Valve Slze Valve Dlmenslons Boss Locallons Max. Tap 5126 (optlonal) x (t.o.)Y z A B c Boes Ar Boss Bz Bo6s Cp Boss O 2Y2' 64 mm 8" 203 mm 2%c' 62 mm s%', 75 mm 'le(e" 40 mm 4/t 70mm 4s/r' 110 mm 5/a' 16 mm -/e 16 mm 11/| 32 mm '/2 13 mm 76 mm 8" 203 mm 21/i 90 mm 31Ac' 87 mm 15/a' 4l mm 23/a' 60 mm 43/n' 106 mm 5/an 16 mm 5/s" 16 mm 32 mm th' 13 mm 102 mm 9" 229 mm 33/a' 86 mm 3t3Ae' 97 mm 13A', 44 mm 25/s' 67 mm StAe' 129 mm 3/i' 19 mm -/1 19 mm 2' 51 mm %' 13 mm 6' 152 mm 10'/z' 267 mm 45/p' 109 mm 5' 127 mm 11/i 44 mm 23/a' 67 mm 55Ac' 135 mm 3/i 19 mm 3/i 19 mm 2' 51 mm h: 13 mm a ValveParts List - Model 90 Check Design Data Model 90 Check Valves must be installed in a horizontal or vertical position in accordance with the Listing. Check Valves are required in automatic sprinkler systems in accordance with NFPA 13 Standards as follows: 1 . In each fire department connection as near as practicable to the point where the FDC joins the sprinkler syslem. 2. When a sprinkler system has more than one water supply, a Check Valve musl be install€d in each supply connection to prevent tlow to one connection from exiting via the other connection. A Check Valve must be installed in each water supply connection, if there is a FDC on the syslem. An Alarm Check Valve is considered to be a Check Valve. 3. ln the "antif reeze loop" ol an antifreeze system, it the sprinklers in the antif reeze oortion of the system are al a higher elevation than the water-antif reeze solution interface. The Check Valve must have a 3Az" hole drilled through the clapper to allow for thermal expansion of the antif reeze solution. Check Valves are required in centrifugal fire pump systems in accordance with NFPA 20 Standards as follows: 1. In the fire pump bypass piping. 2. ln the pressure maintenance (jockey or make-up) pump discharge piping. 3. In the fire pump discharge piping. Check Valves are required in private water tank supply systems in accordance with NFPA 22 Standards as Jollows: 1. In the discharge pipe from a gravity, suction or pressure tank. 2. In the lill line to a gravity, suction or pressure tank, if the discharge pipe is utilized for filling the tank. Check Valves are required in private fire service mains in accordance with NFPA 24 Standards as follows: 1. In each lire department connection. 2. In each water supply source connection, when there is more than one source. Check Valves are required in standpipe and hose systems in accordance with NFPA 14 Standards as follows: 1. In each fire deoartment connection. 2. In each water supply conneclion. Description Material No. Req'd. Part Numbers 2'lz'3'4"6" Valve Body Casl lron I 8025-16-00 803-07-000 804-28-000 806-21-000 Clapper Stainless Steel 1 8025-18-00 803-09-000 804-29-000 806-16-000 Seal Facing Buna N 1 8025-03-00 803-03-000 804-18-000 806-17-000 Seat Ring Slainless Steel 1 8025-08-00 803-05-000 804-21-000 806-18-000 Hinge Pin Stainless Steel 1 804-32-000 804-32-000 804-32-000 806-031-00 Bracket Stainless Steel 1 804-33-000 804-33',-000 804-33-000 806-25-000 Plug (14" NPT)Cast lron '|8010-12-00 8010-12-00 8010-12-00 8010- t 2-00 Spring Stainless Steel 1 8025-021-0 804-23-000 804-23-000 806-032-00 Retaining Ring Stainless Steel 1 806-26-000 806-26-000 806-26-000 300-22-000 'L" Hex Bolt Steel 2 600-80-000 600-80-000 600-80-000 600-80-000 Fastener Seal Nitrate & Steel 2 198-016-02 '| 98-01 6-02 198-016-02 198-016-02 Retaining Ring Stainless Steel 1 8025-04-00 803-04-000 804-04-000 816-06-000 Retention Bolt Slainless Steel '|8025-05-00 8025-05-00 804-20-000 806-05-000 Seal Ring Neoprene 1 8025-06-00 8025-06-00 804-24-000 804-06-000 Flexloc Nut Stainless Steel '|8027-O7-OO 8025-07-00 804-07-000 804-07-000 flt't'"llation The Model 90 Check Valve is Listed for installation in either the horizontal or vertical position. When installed in a horizontal position, the two %" hex bolts must be on the top side of the valve. For vertical installation, the valve musl be installed so that its outlet is above its inlet (i.e., flow direction upward). The arrow, cast onto the body of the valve, must point in the direction of the flow. The Check Valve is designed to be installed using approved mechanical grooved couplings. Gare & Maintenance The Check Valve requires no regular maintenance, however, it should periodically be removed and inspected by a qualified inspection service. The owner is responsible lor the proper operating condilion of all f ire protection devices and acces- sories. The NFPA Standard 25 entitled, " lnspection, Testing and Maintenance of Water-Based Fire P rote ct i o n Syslerns" contains guidelines and minimum mainte- nance requirements. Further- more, the Authority Having Jurisdiction may have additional regulations and requirements for maintenance, lesting and inspec- tion thal must be obeyed. Warning: Any system maintenance or inspection that involves placing a control valve "out-otservice" will eliminate the tire protection normally provided by the fire protection system. Prior to proceeding, be cenain to secure permission from all Authorities Having Jurisdiction and notity all personnel who may be atfected during.system shutdown. A fire \ atoh during lnaintenance periods is a recommended precaution. Dlsassembly: 1. Close the main water supply control valve and drain the system, relieving all pressure from the check valve. 2. Remove the mechanical grooved couplings from each end of the check valve and remove il trom the piping system. 3. Remove the two V4" hex bolts trom the body of the check valve, thereby releasing the clapper assembly bracket. Remove the clapper assembly through the "outlef end of the valve. Cau- tlon: Be caretul not to nlck the geat ring's s€aling surface. 4. To replace the clapper seal facing, remove the retention bolt in the center of the clapper assembly, thereby releasing the r€taining ring. The seal facing may now be removed. Reassembly: 1. To reassemble lhe clapper assembly, wipe off the face of the clapper, place the new seal facing on the retaining ring, place the seal tacing and ring against the clapper, aligning the cenler holes. Insert the relention bolt through the clapper, seal facing and retaining ring and secure in place with the flexloc lock nut. O 1994 Central Sprinklgr Company Printed in U.S.A. Inspect and clean the check valve seat ring. Insert the clapper assembly into the check valve through the "outlet' end of the valve. Align the two holes in the clapper assembly bracket with the two holes in the body of the check valve. Insert the two 1/4" hex bolts with fastener seals through the body, engage the bracket and tighten. lnsert lhe check valve back into the piping system. Verify that the flow arrow is pointing in the proper direction to assure proper opera- lion of the valve. Reinstall the mechanical grooved couplings. Place the syslem back in service and secure all water supply control valves in their open position. When the system is back in service, notify all Authorities Having Jurisdiction and the personnel who were affected during system shut- down. Guarantee: Central Sprinkler Company will repair and/or replace any products found to be defective in material or workmanship within a period of one year from the date of shipment. Please refer lo the currenl Price List for further details of the warranty. EENTRAL .-F Central Sprinkler Company 451 North Cannon Avenue, Lansdale, PA 19446 Phone: 215-362-0700 FAX: 215-362-5385 0rdering Inlormation Orderlng Informatlon: When placing an order, indicate the full product name. Please specify the quantity, model, style, and size, il gauge, bypass or drain connections are desired. Swing Check Valves do not include mechanical groove couplings. They must be ordered separately. Avallability and Servlce: Central sprinklers, valves, accessories, and other products are available lhrough- out the U.S. and Canada, and internationally, through a network of Central Sprinkler distribution centers. You may write diroctly to Central Sprinkler Company, or call (215) 362- 0700 for the distributor nearest you. Patents: Patents are pending. a 2. 3. a HI 4. E Conversion Table: inch = 25.400 mm toot = 0.3048 M pound = 0.4536 kg foot pound = 1.36 Nm psi = 6.895 kpa = 0.0689 bar. = 0.0703 kg/cmz 1 U.S. gallon = 3.785 dm. = 3.785 liters Conversions are approximate. ^-. - -, 90,2 .@ MISCELL a AN EOUS FIRE PROTECTION \I\LVES HOSE VALVEGAUGE TEST VALVE Permits an inspector to check the accuracy or replace a gauge without shutting down the whole line. Screwed Bonnet 200 lbs. WSP 400 lbs. WOG Screwed Ends Sizes 1 /8" and 1 14" 76 Used in the sprinkler industry to relieve pipe of excess water and lo prevent freezing. Sizes: I /2" and 3/4" Shipping Weighrs: 1/2" .0.43 rbs. 3/4" .0.56 lbs. Quantitv Per Ctn.: 12 Valve unseats only by force of gravity causing ball lo lall otf seat. Use only in horizontal posi- tion. Do not use with more than one ft. of head (water pressure) on ball check. Ruggedly constructed for fre proteclion service, this Chicago Pattern Hose Valve is @ listed. lt is equipped with a 24S rubber disc for tight shut off under cold water condilions, Shipping weight 3.3 lbs, PART NO, THR EADS No.30 lx11/2NH No.30 HVS Ix11/2NPSH 300 lbs. WOG 1 000/6 Hydrostaiic Tested Heavy Handwheel Replac€able Rubber Disc for Watsr Ssrvice Screwed Ends Rising St€m ScrewBd Bonnet 1" Mals Pips Thread Inlst x 1 1/2" Male Hoss Thread Outlet (Specrfy Hose Thread il other than lhose above) Body Matsrial: Eronze Conforming to ASTM 1 45-5A 3 0 Approved by the New York Cily Board of Standards and Appsals Under Calendar No. 1079-81-SA. Quantily Per Ctn.: 2 BALL DRIP VALVE 235 37 &AN ) GL E VALVES,trIP 1265 1267 t26SB with Bfonze Handwhs€l 126T8 with Brome Handwho€l t25SB with Bronze Handwhoel 125T8 with Bronz€ Handwheel These valves ar€ dosignsd for general s€rvico where tight shut otf and fr€qusnt use ar€ desired. Thoy ars especially recommended for us€ with sleam, air, oil, watar and gas s€rvice, where non-m€tallic discs ar€ suited. A slflivel disc holder p€rmlts disc to woar evenly and provide a tight seal und€r full load conditions. They are conslructed so that they can be repacked wllh th€ valve in th6 fully opened position, whilo under full pressure. These valves leatur€ easily replac€abl€ non-metallic discs, non-asbestos packing, and heavy duty rugg€d construction. A choice of discs is availablo to make these valves suilable for most applications. 125S & 1265 @ Listed lor lire sprinkler service. 2" size only. Approved by the New York City Board ol Standards and Appeals under Calendar No. 1079.81-SA.. Equipped with No. 125SD Rubbel Oisc and rated lor 200 WOG service (No Steam), R€comm€nded for lire sprinkler servrce. Also Available with T Handle- 126STH 125T & 1267 Equipped with No. 125TO Teflon' disc lor general service including steam 125 lbr. wSP 20o lbs. wOG 100% Pre!3ure Terlod Scrcwcd Ende Rlrlng Stcm Srvlvcl Ol|c Hold.r Vontlletcd Alumlnum Alloy H.nd Whrcl Avllhblo wlth Plrstlc Hand Wheel Through 1" Body Mstcrleh Bronu. Conto,mlng to ASTI' B'r 45-54 125S 1257 I No. r25S t25T A 1 U4'127tU'2 7t?!i2l 2 15132'2 31132'3 9/18'4 1116',4l B g4'l 2 1t32d 2 3t8'2 g4'3 2E32" c (Clo6edl 3 1n6',3 1/8'3 1/4',3 112',4 E4'5 11i2', Shlp Wl. flbs.l .44 .56 .80 1.00 1.81 2.57 3.69 No. 126t1 1267 A 27t32'15n6'1 3132'7t32'16t32'1 314',t B 1 3t4"1 3t4'2 1t32"2 ga'2 3t4'323/3,2' c (Closod)2 U4"3'g 114'3 5r8'4 ln'5 1t4'6 1t2' Shlp Wt. flbs.l .44 .58 .69 .94 1 .74 2.5 3.24 Quan. Unli Pack 12 't2 12 6 6 4 2 Ouan. Per ca30 60 80 7'i2 80 38 24 12 12 For R€placeable Disc See Pag6 52 Introduction Table of Contents Copper, with its unique combination of economy and versatility, has proven itself repeatedly in piping systems. With established solid performance, these same qualities which have made it the material of choice in olher applications prove its ability for use in lire sprinkler systems. Copper has long-established advanlages over sleel and plastics. Copper is lightweight and compact, which easeir fabrication and installation and saves on lhe space needed to install tube in con- fined areas. Copper systems can be economically fabricated by soldering or brazing using conventional equipment or electric re- sistance tools. Joining is done with standard fittings or mechanical tee-pulling devices. Bending and forming of the tube is easy due lo copper's ductility. Modification and repair is simplified. In occu- pied spaces the installation is clean and copper can be easily lit into tight spaces and around fixtures. The corrosion resistance of copper, both external and internal, helps to maintain a neat ap- pearance and provides superior flow characleristics. In terms of installed costs and material integrity, copper pro- vides a low maintenance pro,iect with excellent economy. The re- sult is beneficial to everyone lrom the contraclor to the building owner. I ntroduction ............................. 2 NFPA Standards and Model Codes ...............3 Copper's Benefits ................... 4 r Ease of Handling... ..........4. Hangers, Supports and Filtings ....................4r Joining Techniques.........5. Dealing with Space Limitations .......... 5 Pedormance ........................... 6 Technical Data.............. ..........7r Tube Characteristics....... 7r Friction Loss Tables .......8r Friction Losses: Fittings and Valves ......10r Tube Bending Guide.....10r Hanger Spacing ............10r Hanger Sizing ...............10r Soldering and Brazing ..11r Material Specifications.. 1 '1 Figure 1. Gopper fire sprinkler system in a commercial buildlng being in- stalled with electric resistance heating. Figure 2. Copper is very effectlve in residen' tial applications, such as this multi- family unit. NFPA Standard and Model Code Acceptance Copper is an effective mate- rial for sprinkler systems in a large variety of construction -especially in residential, light hazard, and certain ordinary hazard occupancies. lt is NFPAtlt approved for all types ol Light Hazard Classification with no restrictions imposed. Copper systems have been in reliable service lor decades, due to superior performance and economy. NFPA 13, Standard for the lnstallation of Sprinkler Sys- tems, Light Hazard Occupan- cies (Section 1-7.2) includes the following types of occupancies:! Aparlmenlsr Churchesr Clubs/Restaurantsr Dormitoriesr Dwellings r Hospitalsr Hotels & Motelsr Inslitutionsr Nursing Homesr Office Buildingsr Public Buildingsr Rooming Housesr Schoolsr Townhouses 1963 The National Fire Pro- tection Association (NFPA) includes hanger spacings for copper conductors in NFPA 13 (Section 3-15.1 .1 1). 1968 NFPA approves Type L copper tube as a conductor (Section 3-1.1.4), revises the hanger spacings, approves torch brazing, and recognizes copper's excellent corrosion resistance. 1959 Copper Development Association begins a full-scale fire-test program aimed at find- ing the most functional and cost-effective system. 1974 NFPA 13 (Sections 3- 1.1.1 & 3-1.1.4) includes use of Types K and M copper as suit- able conductors and the use of type 95-5 tin-anlimony solder lor joining copper tube and fittings (Section 3-1.1.1 ). 1976 Composite copper- steel systems are accepted where steel risers supply cop- per branch lines in high-rise buildings. 1980 NFPA 13D is oublished for one- and two-family dwell- ings, and approves the use of copper. 1989 NFPA 13R for residen- tial occupancies up lo lour sto- ries, is published approving the use of copper. I'r National Fire Prot€ction Assoclation, Eattsrymarch Park, Ouincy, MA 02269 NBC - National Building Code: Building Officials and Code Administrators Inlernational, 4051 Wsst Flossmore Road, Country Club Hills, lL @477 SBC - Slandard Building Code: Southern Building Congress Intemational, Inc., 900 Montclair Road, Birmingham, AL 35213 UBC - Uniform Building Code: Inl€rnalional Conler€ncs ol Building Otticals,5360 South Workman Mill Road, Whittier, CA 90601 Figure 3. NBC, SBC, and UBC recommend standards that are the bases for state and local code re. quirements. Regulated by strict codes for safety and durability, copper ls rcadily accepted in the fire sprinkler industry. Building code officals rccognize coppe/s tinre proven qtnlities. Copper's Benefits Ease of Handling Copper's combination of rigidity with light weight makes both shipping and storing easier for the conlractor. Cop- per tube is easier to handle. lt does not have the fragility of plaslic nor the weight of steel. In on-site slorage, copper tube, unlike plastic alternatives, is unaffected by exposure to sun- light. Copper will not support combustion or produce toxic gases. Comparisons to steel in wall thickness and weight show another advantage ol copper. Smaller pipe sizes can be used, which means greater fbs*z 4 6 8 'Weight is based on pounds psr lingar foot for 2" diameter tube and/or pipe, including water, economy and less overall weight for shipping, storing, handling and installing. Due lo copper's installation flexibility, the choice of field or shop fabrication allows for free- dom in engindering design. Copper is ductile; it can be bent wilhout producing kinks in the lube or causing it to col- lapse. Bending in the field can be done cold using hand tools, and shop bending may utilize either hand or power bending machines. Fabrication ol cop- per is possible in a very small work area. Heavy pipe thread- ing machines are replaced with portable, easy-to-use hand tools, so job site cleanliness is facilitated. Hangers, Supports and Fittings Copper systems require fewer hangers and supports than do plastic piping syslems because of the rigidity of cop- per. In general, at least one hanger is required for each horizontal lube length installed. For hanger spacing detail, see Table 5, page 10. Tube straps, U-hooks, or perforated straps are all ac- ceptable hangers where struc- tural conditions permit. Flat iron (steel band) hangers, ring hangers, and clevis hangers may also be employed and are made to copper tube sizes. Slandard pipe size (SPS) steel band and ring hangers can also be used. Special plating or painting of ferrous hangers is not required when used wilh copper tube since the potential lor galvanic corrosion of lhe hangers is slight, except in wet or corrosive atmospheres, lor example, where special coated sprinklers are required. Pressure fitlings are avail- able in all standard tube sizes and in a wide variety of pat- terns. Typically, wilh copper systems the fittings are smaller than with steelor plastics. Type M Coppero Flgure 4. Comparative wall thlcknesses and welghls of coppor tube vs. steel plpe. Sch.40 Steel Flgure 5. Typical fittings used in copper fire sprinkter instatlailons. 4 - Joi4ing Techniques Copper tube and fittings are loined melallurgically by solder- ing or brazing and are leak-lree due to the positive melallic- bonded joints. Soldering and brazing are fasl and efficient methods of joining with stand- ard torches and a variety of gases, facilitating high produc- tivity on the job site. There are also electric resist- ance soldering and brazing hand tools which employ heating elec- trodes for joining tube and fit- tings (fig. 6). The tools are light- weight and should be considered when an open flame is a concern. Another advancement in join- ing technology is a hand tool designed to enable the quick pulling ol tee connections and oullets, lhus reducing the num- ber of tee fittings and brazed joints (Fig. 7). This state-ot-the- art forming method shortens the time needed to attach tee joints, and branches can be formed 4 to 5 times faster. Savings of 10% to 25hot on-sile costs have been documented. A new mechanicaljoining sys- tem for copper tObe offers a practical alternative to soldering and brazing large diameter tube. Grooved-end piping has been familar to pipe fitters and sprink- ler system contractors for many years. Since 1925, this method of joining pipe has been used reliably on steel and iron pipe in HVAC, fire protection, process piping and related applications. Now this melhod of mechanical joining is avaibble in a syslem for copper tube in sizes lrom 2'lz through 6 inches (Fig.8). Includ- ed are copper couplings, 45 and 90 degree elbows, straight tees and grooved flange adapters. Finally, a copper system can be tested without delay immedi- ately atter it has been com- pleted. lf a leak does occur, the system can be either drained or quick-frozen in the area of the joint and promptly repaired. Dealing wlth Space Limitatlons Buildings with Light Hazard Occupancies are often designed with severe mechanical space limitations. Coppe/s excellent properties not only allow smaller pipes to be used, but also allow the tube to be bent to bypass obstructions if necessary. Con- nections are clean and easy and can be made in very tight spaces. This becomes a signifi- cant advantage in retrolit instal- lations. Frequently, details of the actual @nstruction site may not exactly match the drawings. Last minute design changes may be needed. ll copper is used, job changes are rarely a problem because the system can be ad- justed in the field to accommo- date variations lrom the plans. Only changes that are within the limitations ot your hydraulic cab culations should be made. Figure 8. Mechanical grooved- end loinlng system for copper plping. Figure 6. Electrlc resistrance hand tools are sultable for solderlng or brazing copper tube. Flgure 7. Hand-held tool for pulllng outlets to quickly form tee connections. Performance The assured performance offered by copper lire spdnHer systems is important to every- one involved - the architect, engineer, building owner, con- traclor, insurer, and fire service personnel. Copper tubing exhibits excel- lent resistance to damage from internal and external corrosion. It does not develop inlernal surface roughness or experi- ence a gradual narrowing of the passage caused by internal corrosion. The potential lor plugging of sprinkler head ori- fices and small diameter branch lines is significantly reduced with copper tube since the normal lhin, protective cor- rosion film in the tube bore does not flake otf. This also reduces the need for periodic mainlenance f lushing opera- tions. Copper is also highly resistant to external sources of corrosion, including exposure to moisture, most chemical fumes, process vapors and similar atmospheres. The superior flow capacity of copper permits reduced cross- and feed main-sizing in many hydraulically calculated sys- tems. In pipe schedule systems this advantage is reflected in the increased number of sprin- klers permitted by applicable standards for copper lines of two-inch and larger. Further- more, NFPA recognizes the use of 3/n inch copper tube in sprinkler applications while the minium size requirement for steel pipe is one inch. PIpe Material Flow Capaclty Normal Pipe Size - CTS Copper is an inherently safe material. lt will nol burn or sup- port combustion, nor does it decompose to loxic gases. Also, it will not carry fire through floors, walls and ceil- ings. A copper system main- tains its integrity and ability to carry water where planned when exposed in a fire situa- tion. copper tube witl not dete- riorate with age or become embrittled and fail, but remains effective for the life of the in- stallation. Should any part of the system be damaged, it can be repaired quickly and easily, often by soldering or brazing in a new piece. Tees for new sprinkler drops can also be mechanically formed in place using hand tools. 80 70 80 70 605o 50 8.Ia3otr ^^=.tv 0-o -l-;60o 8s0 lo tr [30o 2020 10 lCopper - Polybutylene lSch.40 Steel Figure 9. Comparlson ol Flow Capacities in 3 common types ol pipe. o 10 a Technical Data Contents 1. Physical Characteristics of Copper Tube 2. Friction Loss Tables 3. Friclion Losses: Fittings and Valves 4. Tube Bending Guide 5. Hanger Spacing 6. Hanger Sizing 7. Soldering and Brazing 8. Material Specifications 1. Physlcal Characteristics of Gopper Tube For use in lire protection systems, three.types of seam- less drawn copper tube (Type K, L and M) are currently ac- cepted by NFPA 13, 13D and 13R (Section 3-1.1.4,3-3 and 1-5, respectively). For allthree lypes, the outside diameter is equal to the nominal diameter plust/e inch. However, wall thicknesses (and thus inside diameters) vary. Type M cop- per tubing has the thinnest wall and is also the least costly. Type L is the second thinnest. Type K tube has the thickest wall, the smallest inside diam- eler, the greatest cost, and is nol widely used. Types L and K are used where bending is re- quired. All copper tube is avail- able in drawn (hard) temper in straight lengths (ordinarily 20 feel long). Types K and L are also available in annealed (soft) temper, supplied in either 2O-foot straight lengths or in 1O0-fool coils for sizes up to 1 inch and 45{oot coils for sizes up to 2 inches. Wrought and cast copper and copper alloy solder joint pressure fittings are accepted by NFPA 13, 13D and 13R. These are available in a wide choice of configurations for use with each type of copper tube. Table 1. Physlcal characterlstlcs ol tube, types L and M 2. Friction Loss Tables Table 2' Friction loss (psiper linear foot) for types L and M copper tube w1h ,,C tactor,,= 150, Velocity:! o-r o feet per second It t-zo feet per second .o0r .@r .003.0(x1 .005 .00.r .008 .006 ,0fi.009 .0r,r.0t2 .018.015 .oz2 .01t .027 .023 .032 .02E .038 .09, .044.038 .05r.043 .058.049 ,065 .055 .073.062 .081 ,069 .089 .078 ,098.084 .t07 .092 .fi7 .,r00 .127 .1oE .137.117 .148 ,126 .r59 .130 .r7r.r40 .r83 ,r5E .195.r66 .208 .177 .23a .N .00r.0ol .00r.001 .002 .002 .00s .00e .0(x .003 .005 .00a .006 .(xrs .007 .008 .009 .oot .or0 .000 .012.010 .0ra .0t2 .016.0r4 .0r8.0r5 .020.0r7 .02e.01s .024 .@1 .027 .OA .029 .025 .032 .028 .0tt5.030 .037 .033 .040.035 .(,.(| .038 .047 .040 .050.0,a3 .053.048 .057.0,r9 .06,t .055 .071 .0&l .070 .o€9 .@6 .076 .096.084 .r05 .092 .1 r 5 .100 .r25 .r0E .135 .t t7 .1aa .127 .r57.r3C .1E8.146 .rE0.156 .r92.r67 .2U .1f7 .q'| .001 .(xI .00t .00t .001 .002 .002 .002 .002 .qtg .00? .003 .003 .00l..oo3 .004 .004 .005.ooa .006 .(X)5 .006.006 .007 .006 .oo3 ,007 .0og .008 .or0 .009 .0 .0r0 .0t | .0r0 .0t2.01r .0r3.0r2 .015.013 .0r6 .01a .0!7.0t5 .01E ,Ot6 .0t0.0t7 .020.0r8 .023 .021 .026 .023 .0i18.026 .03r.029 .035.031 .038 .03,1 .0ar .037 .0,t5 .0,r1 .048.044 .052,047 .05t.o51 .060 .055 .06.1 .058 .069 .062 .073.066 .001..001 .00t.001 .oor.oot .001 .001 .00r.001 .002 .001 .00?.002 .002 .qt:l .002 .002 .003 .oo3 .003 .00s .003 .00a .o4 .003 .00,1 .00,4. .005 .00ia .005 .005 .005.(xr6 .006 .oo5 .006.008 .007 .oog .(x'7 .m7 .008 .007 .008 .oo8 .008 .008 .0r0 .009 .ofi.or0 .oi2 .61,1 .014.013 .0r5.014 .0r6 .015 .010.0t7 .019.Ot8 .02r.0t9 .022 .@1 .o21 .@ .026 .024 .q28 .026 .030 .028 .031 .029 .00r.001 .00r.001 .@r .001 .001 .001 .00r.001 .00t .00r ,00r.001 .00r.001 .00r.00r .001 .001 .001 .00t .002 .002 .002 ,002 .002 .002 ,oo2 .o@. .002 .002 .oo2 .002 .008 .002 .009 .003 .003 .003 .0(X.003 .00.1 .004 .oo4 .ooa .005.00{ .005.005 .005 .005 .006 .oo5 .@6 .006 .007 .006 .qt7 .0007 .(xr8 .007 .008.00E .29t .248 ,uzt .271 .353 .302 .387 .530 .122 .360 ,458.391 .195 .423 .534 .456 .574 -490 .6t6.525 .659 .562 .703 .800 .718 .638 -217.r88 .230 .200 .213.2t2 .257 .221 .271 ,2# .288 .2,8 .301 .251 .316.275 .3!t2 .288 .u8 .302 .361 .316 .380 .330 .397 .315 .1t5.360 .132 .375 .150 .391 .168 .407 .187 .123 .506 .440 .525 .456 .515 .173 .s65 .191 .585 .508 .605 .526 .009.ooE .009 .oo9 ,0r0.009 .0t0.0t0 ,0tt.010 .0t | .01t .ot2 .011 .013.0r2 .0r3 .0 ta .0r4.013 .0r5.014 .0r5.01a .0r6.0r5 .0r7.0r6 .017.0r6 .018.0t7 .0rs.0t0 .019.0t8 .020 ,0t9 .o2t .020 .o22 .021 .023.02r .o23.022. .02,a.023 .u25 .021 .026 .024 .027 .025 .028 .02A .o2g .o27 .029 .@8 .030 .oag .031 .O:19 .032 .(xlo .033.031 .034 .032 .@5 .033 .o!t6.03a .037.035 .038 .036 .039 .037 .040.038 .04r.039 .042.0,a0 .O,lil . l .o,t t .0,a2 .078 .070 .083.075. .0E7 .079 .092.08,1 .097 .088 .103 .083 .10E .098 .r13.t03 .fi9 .108 .r25 .r r3 .t3t .t t6 .137 .124 .ti€.r29 .033 .G31 .035.033 .037.045 .040 .qt7 .(X2 .039 .0,r4.041 .048 .0,43 .019 .0/05 .o5r .(x8 .ota.050 .056 .052 .059.055 .06r.057 .064.059 .067.062 .069 .06tt ,072 .067 .075 .070 .078.073 .081 .075 .084 .078 .087.oEr .090 .08.a .093 .087 .096.090 .r00.091t .003 .(xxt .003.00s .003 .0c] .001 .001, .O(x.oozr .004 .004 .o(x .004 .0(X .00,a .005 .0(X .005 .005 .005 .005 .005.005 .q,6 .005 .006 .005 .000.006 .006 .006 .007 .006 .007.00€ .007 .@7 .007 .007 .qt8 .007 .008 .007 .oo8 .00E .008.00E .009 .m0 .d,9 .00e .009.000 .0r0.009 .010 .000 .0t0.010 .011 .0t0 .01r .010 .0tl .0ll .0t2 .0r I .0r2 .0r I .0r2.012 .0r3.012 .013.0t2 .013 .013 .01,4.013 .0r4.0t3 .01'l .01a .0.|5.01,r .015 .01,a .0t5 .or5 .001 .0ol .001 .001 .00t.00t .002.001 .dt2 .00 r .0@ .002 .002.002 .002. 002 .002..002 .002 .002 .q,2 .(X)2 .002.002 .002 .002 .002.002 .003. 002 .003 .@2 .003,oo3 .003 .@3 .003 .003 .q}3 .003 .@3 .003 .00!].003 .@3 .003 .004.003 .004.003 .004 .00,r .004 ,004 .ooa .@4 .00a,(x),a .0(X.004 .q,4 .004 .(X)5 .004 .005 .00.0 .005.005 .005.005 .005.005 .005.005 .005 .00s .006,005 .00€ .005 .000.006 .oo€ .@6 .(xt6 .006 .006 .006 .007 .006 .00r.o0l .00r.00r .001 .@1 .00t .q)l .001 .00r .001 .oot .001 .0or .001 .00r .@t.00! .@1. 001 .00t.001 .001 .001 .0ol .001 .001 .001 .001. 00t .(x)1 .00r .00J,001 .001 .@l .00r,00r .(,0t.00'l .001 .001 .00r.00'l .00t.00r .001 .001 .(X)t.oo1 .001 .001 .00i.001 .00r.001 .00r.001 .001 .oo1 .00r .001 .002.001 .002 .002 .002.002 .002 .002 -162,r16 .t88.152 .175.r58 .tE2.t64 .tEE.t7t .t ,177 .zaxr.tEl .2r0.19t) .217.r97 .225.2U .zttz .21, .210 .2r8 -218 .225 -256 .292 .264 .299 .272 .217 .281 .251 .289 .262 .2!n .270 .306 .277 .3t5.285 .321 .293 .3:t:t -302 .312.3r0 .351 .918 .361 .327 .370 .335 .380 .!W .389 .353 .399 .36' .to6.o99 .rr0 .102 .fi3.16 .tt7.t09 .t20 .112 .121 .tt6 .t2e .rt9 .13t.r22 .135.126 ,139.130 .r4 .133 .117.137 .t51 .t10 .t55.t14 .r59.118 .r63.152 .167.16 .r7t.160 .r29 .Zto .8t11 .7,ti .070.7m .eor ',zor "itr? Joc 8 o LJ 21.30 teet per second | | , 30 leet per second .E6 .87 . EE' 89' 90 9l 92 93 04 s7 98 99 100 'r05 I t0 115 120 r25 130 135 r40 r45 r50 160 170 1E0 r90 200 2t0 n0 290 210 250 .175,164 .180.168 .184 .172 .189.t76 .193.140 .197.181 .202.188 .207.192 .211 .197 .216.m, .221 .206 .225.210 .230.2t1 .235.219 .240 .221 .245 .228 ,250 .233 .255 .88 .260.242 .265 .217 .270 .252 .276 .257 .281 .262 .286 .267 .292 .272 .319 .297 .348 .324 .378 .352 .046,043 .047 .oa,r .048.045 .040.046 .050.(X7 .051 .048 .052 .049 .054.051 .055.052 .056.053 .057.05{ .059.055 .060.056 .061 .058 .062 .059 .06.r .060 .065.06r .066 .062 .06E,064 .069 .065 .070,068 .072.068 .073.069 .074 .070 .076 .071 .007 .006 .00? .006 .007.007 .007.oo7 .007.007 .006.007 .oo8 .007 .008 .007 .008,008 .008 .008 .00E.008 .009.00E .009.(X)8 .009 .@8 .009 .009 .009.009 .0r0.009 .0r0.000 .010.009 .010.0t0 ,010.0t0 .010.0r0 .0l t .010 .01I .010 .0t I .010 .0t2.011 .0r3.0r2 .ol4.0t4 .016,015 .017.0r6 .0r8.017 .0r9.018 .021 .019 -o22 .O21 .02e .022 .026.025 .030.028 .033.03r ,036.034 .(N0 .038 .044.041 .002.002 .002 .002 .002 .002 .002 .oo2 .002 .002 .@2 .002 .002 .002 .002 .002 .002.00? .002 .002 .002.002 .002.@2 .002.002 .002 .@2 ,002 .002 .002 .002 .002.002 .002.002 .003.002 .003.002 .003,003 .003 .oo3 ,003.003 .003 .003 .003.003 .003.003 .003.003 .004.004 ,004.(X)4 ,00,1 .004 .005 .004 .005 .005 .005.005 .006 .005 ,006.006 .007 .006 .007 .007 .008 .008 .009.009 ,0t0.010 .011 .011 .012 .012 .013.0t3 .01,1 .01,{ .0r5 .015 .0r6.015 ,016.0t5 .017.0t6 .0t7 .0t6 ,017.Or6 .018.0r7 ,ot8 .0t 7 .0t9.0r8 .019 .018 .020 .018 .020 .019 .020.019 .021 .020 .021 .020 :o22 .020 .o22 .O21 ,023 .021 .04 .022 .o24 .022 .021 .023 .024.023 .025 .024 .025 .024 .026 .02. .026 .025 .oa .o27 .031 .030 ,034 .032 ,037,035 .040 .038 .043 .040 .(X6 .043 .049,046 .052.049 .056.053 .525 .476 .53! .'r80 .5,18 .i196 .560 .506 371 ,5r7 .682 .527 .504 .538 .606.549 .6tE .560 .630 .571 .8a2.502 .655 .593 .667 .6{N ,6?9.6r5 -741 -674 .8tt .734 .t8o .7et .952 .662 .o90 .o85 .096 .093 .106.100 .tr1 .t08 .129,116 .t32.121 .111 .13:t .151 .r12 .160.t5l .t8t.t70 .202.191 .225 .212 .21e .231 .273 .257 ,154.116 .166.156 .177.167 .189.r78 .20,.t90 .065 .061 .070 .066 .075 .O70 .079 .075 .085 .080 .090 .085 .095 .090 .t01 .095 .t07.101 .113.t06 .119,tl2 .t25.1r8 .t3t.t24 .t38.130 .t44.136 .t5r.t12 .15a.119 .165.155 .016.016 .0r8.017 .019.018 .020 .019 .021 .02r .023 .O22 .02,1 .023 .026.025 .027 .026 .oza .027 .030,029 .032.030 .611 .'fe .art.ota .689 .651t .72e .6E7 .769 .7:U .8r0.761 .E52 .EU ,8s, .,q.1 .eu,928 .227 .214 .240 .224 .25{ .239 284 .252 .N. .266 .2e7 ,280 .3r2.214 .327 .308 .3,13 .323 .350 .3:tE .37t .3.lt,l .302 .369 .409 .385 .426 .402 .035 .031 .036 .035 .038 .037 .010 .o38 .012 .U0 .044 ,042 .045 .041 .047 .048 .u9 .u7 .051 .019 .053.051 .055 .053 .057 .055 .059 .057 .061 .059 ,064 .06t .068 .065 .070 .068 .073 .070 .075 .072 .077 .074 .080 .077 .082 .079 .o85 .081 .087.081 .090 .086 .092 .089 .095.O9l .097 .094 .100.0 .103 .U)9 .179.lte .187.t76 .re4.t83 .202 .190 .2r0 .198 .218 .205 .226 .213 .244 .221 .249 .224 .251 .23' .260 .2,llt .zEg ,25:t .27E .262 .287 .270 .46 .279 .305.28t .3r5.2e7 .324 .306 .334 .315 ,3a{ ,324 .182 .tt36 .180 .tt5!t .190 .a70 .518.488 .8t7 .507 ,5t7 .52lt .t77 ,6aa .,tf .563 .810 .58:t .69e ,602 .66tt .62:2 .682 .643 .7U .66:t ,726 ,684 .7tU .7O5 .r|t .727 .7e1 .719 .818.771 .E12 .793 .866.816 ,8t0 ,ne .01r.869 .e10 .806 . 5 .Cto ,117 3e3 .tzt.tto:, tBe .413 .4n .424 .461 .tt35 .17t .1tEt ,t Ca .156 .ttt.a67 .gt .178 .t20 .190 .gtt2 .5atl .64 -'1t 6ta .521 "56t .r':'6 .t,t .q8 su .560 .607 .572 .'i20.w .63:t .596 .616 .&o .65e .622 .c73 .53a ,6C .617 .70tt .66t .7r4 .5n .na .686 .712 .690 .796.713 ,7n ,726 .7E .7tO .105.102 .108.r0a .ltt.t07 .tt4.tt0 .n7.t12 .123 .fi6 .125 .t2t .124 .121 ,131 . t27 .135.130 .r3E.133 .141 1.36 .1+t ,t3e .14? .112 ,150.145 ,154.1a8 .157.151 .160.154 .'t64.t5E .r67.161 .170.164 .174.167 .1n .r7r .181 .t74 .r84.t77 .r88.181 .rgr.10,l .te5,188 .199.191 ' Based on Hazen-Williams formula: ^ 4'52 Ot eo '-c'65d.87 Wh€re: P- f riction loss, psi per linear lool O= llow, g.p.m. d= avera9e L D., in inches C= conslanl, 150 o '3. Friction Losses: Fittings and Valves . ' Table 3. Allowances tor friction loss in finings and valves expressed as equivalent length of tube (feet) Fitting Slze (lnches) Std. Ells - 900 450 ' 90o Tees branch tun Coupling Globe'Valve 3t. I 11lt 11lz 2 zt2 (' 31lz 4 1.0 1.0 2.0 1.0 2.0 1.0 2.5 1.5 3.5 2.0 4.0 2.5 5S', ' 3.0 6.0 3.5 7.0 4.0 2.0 0.5 2.O. . 0.5 g.o ' 1.0 3.5 1.0 5.0 1.0 6.0 1.5 7.5 1.5 9.0 ' 2.0 10.5 2.0 0.5 0.5 1.0 1.0 ln 1.5 1.5 2.0 2.0 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.5 10 12 18 23 28 33 40 50 bJ 4. Tube Bending Guide 5. Hanger Spacing Table 4. Bending guide lor copper tube' Tube. '*tr;'' Slze $':,1(inches) -,"i Mln. Bend K,L K L Annealed Drawn Drawn 3 3 4 1 K,L Annealed 4 11lq K,L Annealed I Table 5. Hanger Spacing 3lt&1 ltlc & 11lz 2&3 4to8 I 10 12 15 ' NFPA 13, Sec. 3-1,1.7 altows bending K and L copper tube. NFPA 1 3D and 13R have no restrictions on bending copper ruoe." Bending done wilh mechanical tools. 6. Hanger Sizing Table 6. Hanger sizing Copper Tube SPS Steel Band or Rlng Hanger Tube Slze (lnches) :t :'' t tt. , ,;., Sl1.e.. ,'i:(lnch"es) r'. Minimum t.D. (inches) 3t. 1 11 /t 1tt^ 2. 0.875 1.125 1.375 1.625 2.'t25 I lz ot 3/t 3Aor1 I 11lt 2 0.840 or 1.050 1 .050 or 1 .315 1.315 1.660 2.375 ' Above 2-inch, use the same SPS hanger size as the tube size. 10 o '1. Soldering and Brazing Information NFPA 13 (Section 3-1.1.1), and NFPA 13D (Section 3-3.6) and NFPA 13R (Section 1-5.6) recognize the use ol 95-5 tin- antimony solder for the joining ol wel-pipe copper lire sprinkler systems. For all copper systems, NFPA 13 (Section 3-12.41 rec- ognizes the use of filler metals for brazing which withsland higher temperatures. NFPA 13 (Section 3-1.1.1) allows the use of BCUP-3 and BCuP-4 brazing liller melals. For more information, reter to AWS A5.8, ("Specification for Brazing Filler Metal").- Excellent results are attained in using a non-aggressive sol- dering or brazing flux which should be applied sparingly in a thin, even coating to both tube and litting. The fluxes used in brazing are diflerent in composition to soldering fluxes and cannol be used inter- changeably. The American Society for Testing and Materials is con- sidering a standard for solder flux performance. lt is impor- tant that solder fluxes meet the requirements of this standard, so failures due to corrosion from aggressive flux will not occur. ANSI: American National Standards lnstitute, Inc. 1430 Broadway, N.Y., NY 10018. ASME: The American Society lor Mechanical Engineers. 345 E. 47 st, N.Y.. NY 10017. ASTM: American Society for Testing and Materials. 1916 Bace St.. Philadelohia, PA 19103. 'AWS: American Welding Sociely, 550 N.W LeJeune Boad, Miami, FL 33126. Table 7. Typical consumption o t lso lder per 100 joints CAUTION Careless workmanship, aspecially during flux application, can rcsult in co osion ol tube and sqinkler heads long atter the spinkler system has been installed. lf excessive tlux is used, the residue inside the tube can cause arrosion. ln an extreme case, such residual tlux en actually lead to perfotation through the tube wall causing leakage. To guard against this dangeL jlj. ,inportant (1) to choose a tlux that is not too gottosive, and (2) to use only the minimum amount actually needed to make the joint. 8. Material Specifications Table 8. Speciflcations for lube, fittings, solder and brazing alloys and llux idb;-xi':::! Slze' 'l: (!qsnpgl; 3lt 1 ltlt 11lz 2 21lz 3 4 .75 1 1 2 2.5 3 4 :-t13ffi!r Pounds.per 1 00 joints includes an allowance of 100%to coverwastage and lossfortub€ sizes upto 2 inches and 25%for21lz inchesand larger. Flux requirenlqnts are usually 2 ounces per pound of solder. Materlals Appllcable Speclfication or Standard TUBE: Seamless Copper Tube Seamless Copper Water Tube (Type K, L, and M) General Bequirements for Wrought Seamless Copper and Copper Alloy Tube Copper Drainage Tube (DWV) FITTINGS: Cast Copper Alloy Solder Joint Pressure Fittings Wrought Copper and Copper Alloy Solder Joint Pressure Fittings Cast Copper Alloy Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings JOINING MATERIALS: Brazing Filler Metal (Classilication BCuP-3 or BCuP-4 Solder Metal (95-5 Tin-Antimony, Alloy Grade SbS) Standard Specification lor Liquid and Paste Fluxes for Solder Applications of Copper and Copper Alloy Tube. 875 888 B 251 ASTM B 306 ANSI/ASME B 16.18 ANSYASME B 16.22 ANSUASME B 16.24 ANSYAWS ASTM B 32 ASTM 8831 A 5.8 (Pending) ASTM ASTM ASTM 11 A _fut_ ITTII trcoRPoaatEo coFo a. ca . l al nr.55tt( - r RTMLTN E- oo rfrlfi ii?uRrNG HANGER Size Scnge - 7/2 thru 8 inch pipe. '; Material - Steel, Mil. Galvanized to G-90 speci fication. Function - For fire sprinkler and other general piping purposes. Knurled swivel nut design permits hanger adjustment after installation. Spring tension on swivel nut holds it securely in hanger before instalhtion. Swivel nut is easily removed. Approvals - Underwriters' Laboratories listed and Factory Mutual Engineering approved. Conforms to Federal Specificatiorr WW-H'171E, type 10, and Manufacturers Standardizatbn Society SP-69, type 10. Maximum Temperahtre - 650 F Finish - Mil. Galrranized, HDG, and Stainless Steel. Order By - Figure number and pipe size. l I i ( v2 13-r/8 8-3/4 3-V4 t2*axL-V4 136 l0 SIZE RANGE: 3/4" thru 2" pipe sizes MATERIAL: Pre-galvanized carbon sreel wirh felr liner. LISTING: Underwrirers Laborarories (UL) SERVICE: Structural attachment to supWtt C,P.V.C. or polybutalene fire sprinkler piping in horizonral position from side or on top of strucrural member. Fastener hole may be above or below pipe. The#TFLwill only restrain venical piping, Use one#12 x l-ll4" slotled hex head screrr{ ( supplied ). ORDERING: Spccify pipe size, model number and name. NOTE: Underwriters Laboratories listed as shown or invefled. One-Hole Soft a-'6\w Moder flFL Strapp S) Pipe size CL ID HS 314" t" t. I t4" t.3/8" l-t12' - | t/t6' r- t/t6' t-5/t6" t-lt/r6' l4 t-v2" 2" t- t3/t6" 2-v t6" t-7l8" 2-l r" t4" 11" .0 SIZE RANGE: 3/4" lhru 2" pipe sizes MATERIAL: Pre-galvanized carbon steel with felr tiner. LISTING: Underwriters Laborarories (UL) SERVICE: Srructural auachmenr to suppon C.p.V,C. or potybulalene lire sprinkler piping. Can be used either horizonlally or vertically on rop, bonom or side of structural member. Usetwo#12 x l-l/4,,slotted hex head screws ( supplied). ORDERING: Specity pipe size, model number and name.@ r@ i llr"'i'[-r tDi Plpe size CL ID HS 3t4" t" t - 1t4" l-3/8" t-tn r- /t6" l- t/t6" r-5/t6"t- /t6'l4 t-v2" 2" t - r3/ t6" 2-l/|6 1.7/8" 2-3t8"t4" Model #25 Rod Coupling SIZE RANGE: 3/8" thru l" rod sizes MATERIAL: Carbon steel with zinc electroplate finish. SERVICE: An intermediare attachment designed to join two lengths of similar UNC threaded rod. ORDERINGT Specify rod size, model number and name. NOTE: Insraller must thrcad rod ends in(o coupling equally until rhey meet in the middle of he coupling. MICHIGAN HANGER CO.. INC. Niles, OH RS L Msx. recom. load lbs. 3t8 tn" t-3t4" l-3t4" 6t0 It30 5/8" 3t4" 2-v8" 2-v4" r8 r0 2710 1t8 t" 2-tn 2-y4" 3't'to 4960 ,c t2 Model #510 .HccrClutp -/A\- --+.-- f--E\z'lL ------i SIZE RANGE: ll2" thru 24" pipe sizes, (dimensions shown thru | 2" only) MATERIAL: Carbon steel ALTERNATE MATERIAL OR FINISH: EC, HDG, SS CONFORMS WITH: Federal Specification WW-H-l7l (Type 8), Manufacturers Standardization Society ANSVMSS-SP-SE (Type 8)l install in accordance with ANSUMSS-SP-69. SERVICE: For supporting steel pipe risers. Can be used with both insulated and non- insulated pipes. ORDERING: Specify pipe size, model number and name. 0) Pipe size L BS Max. recom. load lbs. v2" 314" l' 9-3l8" 9-v4" 9-118" 3/8" x 3/8" x 3/8" x l4 220 200 220 l-|t4" t-v2" 2 9.3t4" 9.5/8" t0-7/8" t/8" x 3/8" x 3/8" x l4 l4 250 2-s0 3(X) 2-v2" 3" 10-314" I t -3t4" r3-3/r 6 3/11" x 3/E" x 3/8" x v2" 314' 3t4" 400 500 600 4" 5' 6" t2-t5ll6" t4-l t4' t5-v2" v2" x |t2" x |t2" x 3t4 314 3t4 150 t500 t600 8' t0" t2" t8- l/4" 20. r/8" 22-3/a" 5/8" x 5/8" x 5/8" .l14' -114" 3" 25fi) 25fi) 27ln Model #355 Steel Concrete Insert Model #355N Steel Concrete Insert Nut 1..- v ------l I$odel t355 Model f355N SIZE RANGE: #355: One size #355N: 3/tt" thru 7/8" rod sizes MATERIAL: Carbon steel ALTERNATE MATERIAL OR FINISH: EC CONFORMS WITH: Federal Specification WW-H-17l (Type l9). Manutactulers Standardization Society ANSVMSS-SP-S8 (Type ltl); ins(all in uccordance with ANSUMSS.SP-69. APPROVAL: Factory Murual (FM) thru 8" pipe size LISTING: Underwritt'rs Luborutories (UL) thru 6" pipc size. SERVICE: #355: As a structural attachment in all grades ol'concrete. Knockoul keeps interior empty during pour. Allows lbr horizontal rod adjustment upto l-l/4". f355N: Hanger rod attachment Io be installed inside of the Model #355 concrete insen, ORDERING: Specify size. rnodel number and nanre. NOTE: lnstallation: Place knockout side down on concrete form and nail in place Wire 12" piece of reinforcing rod on both sides. Atler concrete pour' knockout can be removed with a screw driver. Use with Model #355N lnsen Nut, or Models: #NUT. #SPRA. #SPRC Strut Nuts. Rod should be threaded thru the nut until it tightens against lhe top of the insen. #355N RS Max, DlDe size Max, recom losd lbs. :r/8-|2 3- t/2" 6t0 | 130 5/8 it4" 1t8" 5- * 10" 2(Xl 2(X) 200 .Reduced supDort spacing is reouired. MICHICAN HANGER CO., tNC. Niles. OH T t1 #355 Mox. rod size H t.Max. oiD€ size Max. recom. load lbs. 't t8't-5/8 -1"3"t0"r20 t2 I 800 854.1015 HANGERS AND FASTENERS, cont'd. EYE RODS,3/9"? ti 'J RSDROP.IN ANCHO These drop-ln anchors feature a smooth body for easy Insertlon, as well as zlnc plating and chromate finish. The internal expander plug, driven by a setting tool provlded at no charge, sels the anchor wlth a few hammer blows. one settlng tool ls shipped per 200 anchors. ITEM TENGTH OTY/ cs t8s/ cs 7II 10 11 4', 6" 8', 10" 12. 100 100 100 100 100 10 12 15 17 12 ITEM DRILL srzE B(}tI srzE OTY/WT. PER 8OX OTY/WT. PER ITIASIER cAnToil 12 13 14 15 16 u8" 1t2', 5/8' 7tg', ' lt4', ..3/8''' 1t2', 5/8" 314' 100/2.7 50/3.3 50/6.0 25/8.6 25/13.0 1,200132.4 600/39.6 400/48.0 125t43.0 100/52.0 ITEM LE}I6TH OTY/ cs L8S/ cs 1 2 3 4 5 6 4', 6', 8', 10' 12', 14', 100 100 100 100 100 r00 14 20 26 32 38 42 (HANGER BOLTS) l0 Jli&' -r I ttn"@ T o l 6...r\_w illll I ll H ill e s* SIZE MNGE: 3/8" and l/2" rod sizes MATERIAL: Pre-galvanized carbon steel APPROVAL: Factory Mutual (FM) LISTING: Underwriten; Laboratories (UL) SERVTCE: A structural attachment used to join hanger rod to a structure. Also used as an inlermediate attachment to atlach pipe hanger rod to beam clamps such as Models : #320r #360, #36 | , et< ORDERING: Specify rod size. model number and name. NOTE: l. Fastener sizes tbr 3/8" RS: a. Thru 2" pipe, two Model #43 Wood Drive Screws b. Thru 4" pipe, Model #42 size l/2"x3" lag screw 2, Faslener sizes for l/2" RS: thru 8" pipe, one Model #42 size 5/11" x 3" lag screw SIZE RANGE: 3/tl" rod size MATERIAL: Pre-galvanized carbon steel APPROVAL: Factory Mutual (FM) LISTINGS: Underwriters Laborltories (UL) SERVICE: A litructural attachment used to join hanger rod to a struclure. Provides unlimited vertical rod adjustment. ORDER: Specify model number and name. NOTE: Fastener size: f , Thru 2" pipe. two Model #43 Wood Drirc Screws 2. Thru 4" pipe, one Model #42. l/2"x3" lag screw@ RS Mrx. plpc sizc HSI H52 MRI w Msx. rccom, lmd lbs. 3/8" It2"8" U2" 9-lt6" lt4"t-3/r6" r-3/r6" t- l/8" t-1t2" 250 16ll RS Max, plpe slze H HSI HS2 MRI w Max. rccom. lord lbs. 3/8"4"3- t/8"tn"v4"r-3/r6"t- t/8"250 Model #46 Tie Bolt SIZE RANGE: J/4" rod size: 4" or 4-ll?" in length (L) MATERIAL: Carbon steel ALTERNATE MATERIAL OR FINISH: EG. HDG. SS CONFORMS WITH: NFPA Parnphlet #2, lnstallation of Private Fire Service Maintenance ; 4" thru 12" pipe size. ....... MICHICAN HANGER CO., INC. Niles. OH ,a\ .--:-,(.-') \i/ i Size RS HS t- l/4" x 4" y4" x 4-tn' 3t4" 314" 3t4" 7t4" 4-v2" 4.314" :..1"i SERVICE: To reinforce the connection of a steel riser pipe to a .::. \:= ductile iron riser pipe of a fire service main. ORDERING: Specity size. model number and name. r0 STYLE 47 Aeufuvd FiuingB create a dietoddc wrloflny by insulating lhe lnslde of lhe tn€ud ierdng, rrilc Lrhltillae tho f?lomd to.mdbn ol a gahnnlc locel cC corrodorr botwesn lho dbslnf,rr metals In lho talor polh. By crcadaly ellminatfg gahnnic locsl coll and 6&ay cunut problems. Oea(flar lxolootrla frJeiocry Fltlirre. .ootlrr{F.-t p.*adc O|c mod elfoclhrl conqilon prcledhn paCble h lny watsray sydem com|ccrhn. Clonfbu, fltthgs mcct the rcqtlcmcr8 d ASIII F{02.77. Fmngr 1,l d.gioned frr or{mroue uso al bcpcra' turc! up lo 2250F450 aod pr6. csrcc rP lo :ru ed eoso ktlar. r)errfbw Dieleddr walonvals, sttile /t7. htrrc an eledrozinc plale<l costtg nttr .. elrrnfc.It la..l. NSFTFIIA lbad -' rldeotrla fto.rnoph.0c fd.€. Thc leng[h vad€q bt ptpc tts lo pfonde :ruffljrol l.l€t'l of cmlod |yat.'rty b rnahldn a@sale dlclancc bctvrecfl .l!'8!|ffitr n|eltq dtccdlr{rlt !troppLrg .dcfnal oortpCoo produdng golvcnlo ..rnql llow. Fquott l/S"0{7 lor'!n bmttd. C,!d x Tbtrd:a er.'td iirac.. o..t , r...b...-_1ffil . €aatb I a ,..tara t -Tt p,* |un& lwsr E.Itn I t"os. Ir0rll|l FLh End tot FIF r lhnrdrd Gno ft r.d.d I Th.a.d.d tLd|'l tb3 ldaa m.t hrf o0. hfcl trr ilil. Wf ftqra ?9lfr h.lrtrt Udr inlq lil& WG E. lb.tt I 23-1q"_3,.. . r.il5...-1l_ r.600 --a-- 9@t50 I t@ a 03 02vn t03D 1 t@ t0 0; 0It[ ,to t.9$ _aE- -z.f,J_F__ 3tp 1s0 1ro t0 0.E OJ 2 50 30 260 Ita l0 t-0 0,52t -__E-- z'Efrt:t 3mlro 6Ita E t.6at 3n 3.5m_tt.-3Utt6 6 r5l 6 LO 0.1 3'rs {m t@ 30 2030 o r5?6 L't.l ato a-ss a 3mIGE I c 5 .0 rnr||- I ?0.I'L 8lr. I oJ. lft..rrohcallrtnrl tO lkrtl6 it I !l3l urIl|t llnla r llnrod Arl. &l lx fr. x lhr.do, ltF Fig.No.TAD 1. 2.i. 4. 5. 6. 7. & 9. rc. TL ( slzE LIST PRICE 3/4' I' 1-714i r-7lt t COWLIESWMIMPA.I3 AND Wffiw:*"u)c'Nc,M onmaswNgIED ON INDIUTVRPIAT'E Teppwun' FoRPeEssttRE GAUCIE ' tMpwe euentclgron REUEFUALIIE. wustw,ruAPPROVED. UrcUSIED.NtcBsa-tQn&-&L lrct S:gfrGlessP) MArrRrAr. sd RodBass C'P.B@ Br@ Qfu6tq..Tcfloo $ocl .sgtqilcct R*JTePtr':cGtasl P|.rl Mottt{cturcd by: AGF Manufactuing,Inc. DIMEI.6IOI{S.E.TCEES strE A a c o €F G r| 7a Slie 116 zra 4N q(rN q*f,/r. 1 SrA.rN zr(4X q lra qs q8 r%srk rl 2%4,3'V{trrf.sn:vAt rtt Sr%;.r?: la'x.SiAs 3%2r1 t{s r(l|Ae 2 5'%c rr4 3"Ari $t{.3yt 2X el{(rgk @@ SOUTH LAND SPR//NKLER SUPPLY MEMBER OF S1'PPLY Nfr i i !a. ,tl' r,:{. PottorElectrlc Slgnal Company at81 Cralg Rd./P.O.Bor 28480 St. touls, f|o.631tto Elcc0lc Slgnd & t19.,119': 'tgetb.[cgrcd' . . '. ,' : Don n|b, ortlrlo, Ga|db m&il|3 U.S. PAT. NO.3921989, CAI{ADIAN PA-r. t{O. 1009€80 ULU{|IEO 9rr{oFfrduns Whl7sPSl lff t{tnum Flou Fr0l lorAlrm: l 0 Gru llulnun9uryr: ISFPS Cod.ctBd|ftr: Two!sdS.P.D.T.(FomC)*.- loAmp.@12s/25ov.Ac F- 2Anp.@G3ov.DC Rerlrfin Erllrprmntrf UmltrtbnG'00" F/12f F!' 4.s'c/.lsc.i9c Con4rn Enemoll: 2 oponhgstor trf oondul GruUon: Thlsdevlcelsnotlntendedlorm[cdonr ln elglo$n €nvlmo]fFnb.thrr Avrllebfo, FortypeK L&M copp€rpFo - sh€F?",zVif,t&{ ForlHed OPVCplpe,Sffi 13.5(etandaddlmnslonal rdo, - sts€s2',21r2'&3' Srrvlcrljr: AnomdlcSp.lnkl€r otte orTwo Famlly Drvolll.E' R€€khntlalOcopancles upto 4 stod€s Cenral$?don Local Aux!,lary RermteStdon ProPrletary PIPES€gnort SflOWN FOR TLU'STMTION- PURPGESOIILY NFPA-I3 lfPA-l3D T{FPA.I3R tsPA-71 MPA-724 I.IFPA.ZB I.|FPA-72C I{FPA-721) OTHER PATENTS PENDING, POTIER =-ECTR!C, Rd., 1990 Optlonrl: CoverTamperswltchOd€rSfl,t tlo. (Xr90018 GENERAL INFORMANON The Model VSR-CF is a vane type ra€rbr switch for use on wet spdnkler systems. ll is tl LHed br use on type K, L & M copper pix, sizes ? fru !' ard lidsd CPVC pipe, SDB 13.5 (standard dirysrire, ratb), sizes U thru 3'. The unit may also be used as a se€€r€i rderflow d+ teclor on large sy$ems. The unil contains two singl€ pole, o;oc $row, snap aclion switches ard an adjustable ra.uq:atb retard. The switches are ac{uated wtpn a for d 10 gallons per miruJte or more o@urs doilnstrean i ti€ &ic€. T'le flow condition musl exisl lor a perix C inE n€c€ssary lo overcofii€ th€ seleded rstad p€rr- ENGLOSUFE: The unit is errcbs:c n a general glr- pose, cast aluminum tnusirq. i= e'.er b heH in place with two lanpsr resistanl scrEr€ lrich reqrire a special key for removal. A lield irsdao€ cov€rliamp€r switch is avaihble as an optbn whir re.r ce used to itr dk;ate unauthorized removal of the ;srer- S€€ Bull€tin 7S for installation instrudbns ol r,L* sditi'r. IMITALLAflON: See Fig. 2. These dwices rney b€ rilount€d on a horizonlal or vefli- cal pbe. olr horizontal p{ps they slpuld bs il|sralbd on th€ top side of th€ pipe wlnre lhey wil be accessble. The units should nol b€ install€d wilhin 6 hcfies cil a fit- ling wh'ch dnnges th€ dir€clion of lhe wd€tflow or withh 24 irrches ol a valve or drain. Drain the system and ddll a hole in the plpe using a cilcu- lar saw in a slow speed ddll. The 2' ard 2 1ft device require a hole with a min. dia. of I l/tr !o a max. dia. ol 1 916'. All other siz€€ reqlire a hole with a dh. of 1 7rf to a ma(. dia. ol 2 1/16'. Clean the ins6e of th€ plpe of a[ gowth orother matsial lor a distarrce equal to the pipe diarn€ter on either sile of th€ hol€. Roll the vane so that it rnay be ins€rt€d lnto th€ hole; do nol bend or creass it. lns€rt lhe vanes so thal tho atrow on the saddle poinls in the direclbn of the waerllow. Install lh€ saddle Etrap and tighten nuts dtsmd€V lo an eventual 1 00 ln.-he. ol toqus, ss6 Fig. 2. The vane must nd rub the insHe of the ppe or bind in any way. PMNTEDn|T'SA RilC Btt-t-glt{771 PloE t (F 2 vsR-cF ."''.' ., YANE.WPE WATERFLOIV, ; SU'ITCHWITH RETARD -' FOR OOPPER OR PLASTIC PIPE FIG.l SWITCfl TERIINAL OOf'lGgtXXlS CI.AMPING PI.ATE TERNAL FIG.2 ErrrD {\{rsl|€n: ro clutG€ lLe ltrr XI|OB GII}CR DEDro0 FoR DesErE D TY. US€ T€K.A '||Ctt{T GErrfi) rEcEssmYIo Pf€VEl{T FrlIExJ*.A?S€TnG s LsJauY loRtStERN I{8. FSIORY s€TAlv. ro xiTxt- of,lL AtItE rs icc^IEII m toTtEAtG @ll€R(FF FOR. EXTEIIOED PER|o() OF NIllE TEHTEfl M'T'S AIIERI'IAIELY IO AN EVENILA! t(n $r..t a3. OF TOR(UE eicorNrrs owG rtm7tG3l CAUNON AT.T UNINSULATED SECIION OFA SINGLE CONDUCTOR IS NOT PERMITTED TO BE LOOPED AROUND THE TERMIT{AL AT.ID SERVE AS TWO SEPAMTE COr.r NECTIONS. THE WRE UUST BE SEVERED TO SERVE AS TWO SEPARATE CONNECTIONS, THEREBY PROVIDING SUPERVI. SION OF THE CONNECTTON IN THE EVENT THAT THE WRE BE. COMES DISLODGED FROM UI+ DER TERMINAL.| ^rmir nTno Trn|G; 0x s€J:.t t 10{t 2o{o graS to70 .o{o Itour{T c[tt P|PE SO |RRC'|V (I{ SAmt€ POlNTlt lltl OIRECT(I'| . OF WA1ERFLOW ROr.l PAOOT€ tt @PCISITE DNECTT' OF WAIERFLO'V oNttfsEEtfisERr@u.^n UNDER .t,. 8(LT AS StEWtl owc*51S771-30 oNat2r/rsEEusg ADAPTERS AS SIiOWN A80VE FEIEE tq.lG ? io2ltz '| lrtrlol5:6 tior 1 7rt TO 2 r.-6- FIG.3 LOCAL EELL TRANSFORMER OR EATTERY POWERED TYPICAL ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS : '-: tt / '-r:> tJa\: oF L\: .ESTSTOR) -' (5L: !- :i --------, OPEN ON ALARM / CLO- :r1I ua"---\-/- SIGNALINC DEVICE TYPICA SWTCH ACTION oPEN oN "/-/ ctost onALARM J . AI.ARM END OF LINE RESISTOR tOlE! FOR SJPERV{}ED c|RCU1IS SEE 'SWITCH IER I{tI. CONNECTtoMt oRA$[iKi at{t c lrToalrcrE (FE O.:\JF:x. J:, LL lr _,-..........--.-----.-----{cu :;:. :N l, t-:si oN :cNTRoL -:.:\' / -'?YrlN:L I t TO AOO'L DEVICES OR RETURN rO CONTROL owc. f5400761-15 NOTE: The Model VSR-CF has two switci€6, one can :€ used lo cperate a cenlral slation, proprietary or rerpte signaling unil, whil€ the other conEct is used to cp€rate a ocal audible or visual annunciator. - TESTING The lrequency of testing kr the nrodel VSR-CF and iis associatd protedive moniloring sygern siwld be in ac- cordance wilh applicable NFPA Standards 3rd/or lhe au. lhority having iurisdiction, btn under no .ercumstanc€s less than bi-rnonthly. lf provided, the 'lnspectors fesl' vatue. fi= s usually fo- cated at the end of the rnc* rernole bra.Llr line, sfrouts always be used for test pul;oses. ll there are no provisions br tesling the c€ration of th€ tlow cetection device on the syslem, applicalion ol the VSR{F is nol recommended or advisable. A min'mum flow of 10 gpm is required to ac{ivate this d+. vice. IMPORTANT NOTICE: please advise the person re- spons.ble for lesting of the Fire prolection System that this s,9em must be tested in accordance r..,ilh the "Test- ing' iT1ruct16ns. AULLETIN Z'1 PAGE 2 OF 2 PRII.ITED IN T.ISA These 3tA ' pressure gauges are approved by thd Factbry Mutual System and are listed by the Undenrvriters' taboratories for use on wet or dry sprinkler systems. Personaliza- tlon is availableat nominal charge In quantities of lfi) or more. Your most direct adver- tising. . -.practicatty free! i!f,lcrEql's sturdy spare head boxes are manufactured fiom .03.0''steel- They fe"lur."-1ll: wetded construction and fult length hinge, and are finishid in red enamel and drilled for easy mounting- Personalization is available at nominal charge in quantities of 50 or more- Your most direct advertising- - - -practically tree! |tEfrl stzE 0tY/cs L8s/cs t 2 6 Head 12 Head 25 N 6t 66 ITEiI TYP6 0rT/cs t8s/cs 3 4 5 AirlWater AirwlRetard Water 50 50 50 Ea5 CLAPPER SIIOOT S'YIE TNLEIS An auxiliary inlet connection with 1,000 G.P.M. minimum inlet capacity, clap p€r snoot on each inlet. When used on a w€t syslem a separate swing check valve must also be installed. Flush design desirable when appearance is a factor and provides unobstrucled passage. U'L LIs?ED 6337 HORIZONTAL .6338 VERTICAL ctattDARD EoutpmErfi: Casl brass four-way horizonlal or ver- tical inlet body, 6" back or angle outlet as selected by figure number: brass plate with branding as selected; clapper snoots (See Page S15); with plugs and chains. SPEC|FV BRALDlt'lG crn.l IHREAD. BRAt'rDrxc: "Dry Standpipe,' "Standpipe," "Auto Spkr." or'Combi- nalion Standpipe and Sprinkler Syslems." FtNrtH: Polished Brass oFrloNAl Frr'|t3H: PC - Polished ChromE Plated Size'. 6X2th X2vzX21 hx2v2 i ( An auxiliary inlet connection with 250 G.P.M. minimum inlet capacity to supplement ihe fire protection wator supply. Provides unobstructed water way. Flush round or square design enhances appearan@ and provides unobstructed passage. Figure Number 6340 1% x 1 % ee pscially suited to residential sprinkler systems. s?alrDAllD EQUtpmEiln Cast brass round or square plate with double female swivel adapter: plug and chain; branding as selected. 3PECIFY THEEAD .t||d BRAr|DtrG. "Standpipe', OPTIOr|AL TII|ISH: PC - Polished Chrome Plated 6340€343 6350-6352 Page 6-8 MadehU.SA' Johnson Fire & SPeciatties, Inc.ffiE sEBlEsgl00 COMMERAAL oT RESIDENNAL a EXTERIOR oTINIERIOR FEATURES WEANIERPROOF CONSTRT'CTIOII COMPLETELY OISTINCNVE FRo|I ANY OTHER AI.ARM SIGNAL FAST. EASY MOUNTING . ON AAIY TY?E OF WATL ELIMINATE TllE NEED FOR AIIYADUIONAL SIGNS ON BUILDING EXTERIOR APPROVED FOR USE IN ALL HASS'OF.HEARING occuPA rcrEs AVAILAELE IN lIsVAC.24VDC OR IA/C}C WITH OR WITHOUT FLASfIER/STROBE MAINTENANCE.FREE OPERATION . FULLY GUARAAITEED FOR 2 YEARS At night, thc flashcr/strobc can bc secn from a distance to -euidc thc Firc Dcpartmcnt to thc connecdon- Policc patnolling an indusuial complcx or a neighborirood u'ith thcir windows uP may not hcar rhe hom, but thcy will 'scc the light'- Sincc 1975, every FARR-L,ARM is asscmbled by hand, inspccred and tcsted at thc factory. F IR€ Say Goodbye to - Water stained walls Ugly signs to spoil esthetics No More - Old-fashioned bells Pipes that clog and freeze The FARR-LARM is thc most attractivc and practical signai mada It is compact in size, (8'x b") -a won't cbmpromise the esthctics of 'the cxterior wall likc an clccuic bclt with a bird cage' or a waicr-moior gong. Suggested nounting is dircctty above the fire cieparcent connection. During da-vlight hours, the horn will dircct thc Fire Dcpanurcnt to thc conncction as wcll as alen thc cx:gupanc and passers-by drat a fire condition exiss- ..-.F --16--l l-- fra 4-r..a o NOIES: l. Tn*, GAa lOh€b|||Ecdbr|rrla€dr-trdC iFrlGga Z ,! odC. t! p.o*led r|lh ildr scltr E fl*Cs. 1 OCtEn rtodeb hddr RFI rpptorcb b.--irirdad-irar lt *! lr.i. ( [Eb d a€o.hdrE lral'" f| arHrrCrdrrslof lpprorin Llt 3 &nes atgd cu||ttdrtE tidJ l'nqr 5. $a !r d *o-t b d. t! ttGdld b!s. o.r ooriir'6t,3 drm ry!&xrs- 6. Apporrds t{- - Uader- wrirs L*ododr+ tf,G - t rdF.aE t $dir .a C.'EA, CF|I - F- d C&d1 tt |l-*.1. Flf - F aDry lt rd, CSA - Canadrn SEdads Assod:ubo.8SA - flqv Yort Cf b{ds|6|ds-td A.'p.Ci. fP -Otdo*ryo t- || fsfte3 rtd |pp(oraG above er. b. Whoclodq lnc,. wttn fit n fdrc ttr. dgn* |,3.d h a. fllRR{AEa MODEL 33{XF115 Ordering Information SERIES 3300 tu@etVtside trin incad€scer( tsf( soorce- Fbsh raie @ 60 pernirule. SERIES 33OONL MODEL 33q)NL.115 Ardjecr/y MODEL 33TX]NL.24 MOOEL 3300NL-12 sEatEs 3an & gynNL sEaa€s 3300s SERIES 33OOS MOOEL 33(X)S-115 MOOEL &n0s-24 MODEL Aio0s-12 Arfitenfsde wifi 8,000 c p. strob€- Flash rde @ 55 pa mirul; General Signal Specifications ftlodel Nurnber hput t oataqe Rated O.ment dBA@ 10 Feet Approvats 3:t00-115 trl00NL-115 3{r00NL-24 gi00NL-12 ltsvAc 11sVAC 18-312VDC 915.6VOC 0.rd, 0-160 0-06r 0.16 95 95 92 92 UL, ULC, CFM, FM. CSA. BSA" BFP eloos-r15 fls\tAC 0.1q)95 t ul- cFM. BsA" FM, BFP 3it00924 3[t00912 r&312 \rDC 915-6VOC 0.off! 0-1?5 92 92 ut- uLc. cFM, BSA'' FM,8FP JOHNSON FIRE & SPECIALNEq INc. 12975 16& AvE NoRTH PLYMoUTH, MN 55441 POTTER ELECTRCGilAL CO. 2O8l Cr.lg Rord o P.o. Bot 28ato SL tonlsr llo.G3l{6 . (310878-4921 TolFF..c (8001325-3936 TWX:9lO764OeOg ( osYsu-A1 oSYSU-A2 Stk. No. Stk. No. 101010 2 1010202 CHARACTERISTICS U.L TISTTO & F.M. APPNOV€D CONTACT MTINGS: OSYSU-AI - One set of S.P.D.T. (Form Cl OSySU_A2 _ Two sets of S.p.D.T. (Form Cl rsA@r2sl2s0vAc o.5oA@l2svDc o.25 A@ 2s0 VDC 2.so A@ 0-30 vDc DIMENSIONS: 6.1'L x 2.3'W x 8.3'H Resistivo See Fig 2 l5.5cm.L x 5.7cm.W x 2l.Ocm.H WEIGHT:2 lb. .9kg ENCTOSURE Correr: Diecast Aluminum Finished - Red SPatter Enamel Base Formed Steel All pars plated to resist cono6ion- COVER TAMPCR: Meclranically Acrivated by corrcr removal. CNVIRONMENTAI LIMIrATION$ - tOoF/+ 1 rOoF ( Itre OSYSU-A is used ro rnonab. the open poeition,of an OS&Y(ouside screw & yoed t!,petatevalve- Thisdevice is anailable in trro models; tfie OSYSTJ-AI, aontaining one set dS.P.D.T. (Fom O @ntac ard O6\6ILA2, onaining two seG of S.P. D.-T. (Form Q contrcts These o,vidrcsrnount corr rrcniently o most OS&Y valves ranging in size fiom ll' to I 2'. (For explosion proof equienrens see model OSYSU- EX, Eulletin 7O5l TAMPER RESISTANT Remorring the orcr causes ttre swidres b opente. Ethef 'nrirch on fle OSYSIT'A2 may be dasonneoed from'*te hmper action by 'efnovir|8 fre Arnperadim tab or Screw associated wifr that partiorlar switch- 6EE PAGE 2) WAR,NING DISABLING THE TA^4P€R ACTION OF THE S\{TCH ON TH€ OSYSU-AI OR BOTH S\,VTTCHES ON THE OSYSL'-A2 WILL VOID UNDERWRITERSI.\3O&\TORIEi'I ISTING AND F.M. APPROVAI. (' SCRVICE USE Central Surion Local Auxiliary Remoe Sadon Propriaaqv NFPATI NFPA-724 NFPA.728 NFPA-72C NFPA.72D TYPICAL ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS TYe S{tfcx AcTrorl rar.o.col.<J. aG tr--ar.c. U'CAL AUTXBLE /COIITROL PANEL . arrortt€ OCVG€ EXO Of Lt||€ iEsrsTon CO||. O-l --r IrnlnrOnn€n -FO l-l ArroELE of, B^tl€n v ! rrc. L/roEvlc€ €fiooF Ltr|€ R€SrSTOn LOCAL AUDIEL€ / R€UOTE TRANSMITTER ||O. Al.I)IAL€o€vrc€ lxo corrl o Fio|. riA'|Sr|t?T€I lt.c. DWC. 5400655-15A t2-86 FICURC 1 EUU.ET0{ 721 | OE 4 t Wattr ANSI 22t.22 c.ati,iad noa.aatfurrr.bL !-r9.ratrrrc..d p.Gr.!t.a ratiat v.lv6 a.a lraqrirlry to rtract G.l|blkhd i.taa haarn a.taty .ond..d!. .rcfi ., A.GA UL, Milir..y Sp.G. MtL-V-t35l2O .nd v-i<r.t aagiq.ral. at.ta t|rd lool coda* ELUE RIBEON MOOEL No. 100XL Size 3/" A5.M.E. reted. Sclf-dodn9 T& P Rclief Vdvc; lor Wetcr Hcrtcn up to l0O.0O0 8TU/HL A THERMOSTAT WITH THES OAOTIOEO (I'IOI{. METALLICI PE0TECTIVE COAT|I{G rnd r hlhtyprollsliv! dill?ctric b.nhr lo paotrct th..nort lromprollsliv! dill?ctric b.rhr loprollsliv! dill?ctric b.nhr lo paotrct th..no3trt .a(r||| lhtiojls of niocnl drpodu rod ldyrnic col.a(r||| llrtiojls of rniocd drpodtr rod gdrrnic conoriwrsthn. Ert.ndr ttr dlcriw lifc ol rlrc nlw by ovtr- coming problcrnr ctrtcd bt rdvc'ra r|tcr condilionr tlo. l00XL4 h.. ttrt l.rt .nd {" tx&ndoo thlna6l.t oPressurervacuul|Nretief valves AJ.l|l. i^Ito.ArSl Ultl -ld;., Vdt.| md A{rc|r.tic G! ht ^ e I Shx.,loric.-.o€Slcl Ctlflf l€0 ry A.Gr rad C.c.^. t ;.rd. l l \,. rr l- Untt Il.rw Sr*. Ilt.V.l!6.1?0. frr t. Slm: construction |s llo. lOL.tc.9t it h.r no tcmpcaturc rrliaving clcmtnt Thcrcforc. it b only lor grotcction rgrinrt txcasivr pranurc. U*d on dorncstic :toogc tank o, tratlca watat htatc(r. Pnrgn nr4c 75-150 lbr Sbadrrd tltlirr 75. 100, 125 md 150 lbr Si:! I" r X'- Popuhrly und h coniunclion rith llo.2t0 tG drul- .otf vdn u*d for g:r mlcr hral.6 to durt€tl 9.r lo t!.t rit r.trr h.|tlt lt|np.,r$rt uoac& 2lfF. S0IAR . Fo. tol.r rpplielioru No.3L. rgecify Hodcl Z9 foa slainlcas cd lcrrr rnd pin for outidc olr rpolicetioor. f\l^, trel ALSl Z2l.ll'[.6.t Vltrt..d Ad.r.tk G-Sl{t{tlo.ri.i: I lv i 9r,l- oESlGll cElTlFl€0lyaG.l| |.a c.Gr- ltslEo. llo. Sl( & :rme brh drrip r tlo.3t rrcagt it ir furnidr:d in X- rin rnd docirot complv wldr A.S.ll.E. nqoinnrntr. llo. 3t h.t ASIIE Go.rtruclioo rrd it t!rc{. [nGd |.d ccnifird ty tic flrtioorl Eorrd of Eolrr rld ?rcsn Vssd ltrigcclono Erco:r.body rod rt ir{.s nlel ttriot Mdt inlct rnd hmrh outlcl Pnssn nncr 75.160 lbr Strndard $ningr 75. 100. f25 rnd l50lti Trnrparun Ir:lirf 2l(l F. llo. t0(XL€ hrr tr' unnrion thcrmcrrr I S0tAR - llo. l00XL or lXL: rprcily flodrl Zg lor strinl.s n..l hvc, rnd pin lor ouuidr rohr pgficrrioai Xodd Zl I tor lEfF drernqrL tlo. Ll00XL.3 . .xl.rdd ioht mod.|l for iualhtions nidr .rm $ick inarlrtion. llo. LLl00XL . .xtra rn.oded inlet.model' No. 1L, lXL sizeVi" T.mg.ntur. rod plr.lrn nlki protcrion. ll o. t L hrr fth6t th.fln o-rnt rnd tEt lea|'. flo- IXL h6 {-.rtsn!'oo thcr|losnt hid| tftGfl[o- bond.d ptooctfurto.ting. llo. IXL€.hos 8' rrrnrion ttrrmortrt No. 10L Size Y,r" llc,10t -l(- dr. tGA. rod ASI.E. ar*t wlth Croft rh.mrosur.. Th..moJa6 witi grcid grotrctivr cortin3. All bton:. tody . SEinl6r rt..l t'ri$. fht.nortrt ir rcsrratr tld provrc .rcfurivJy rtidgoed rrd mrnofrcord by l{rnr . A.C-AJC.GI llo. Sirc 5/r lb. ,14r/2lb. 116 3L 53t lfrdtt W:. 3Vz-. l*-tlz- 3rh- ttlg,, For Additional laformation, xnd,for F-TP-AS | E. r!. t00.000 For Additional lnformation. snd for ES-|OL-|NXL. t*/ NO. 53 nnrjurc R.lt t Y.lYr Frsrrlnr$drrt,ffirlr|thalhr. lt- fredr dr*r thflr C ?!.lll i:. Strn- dfd rd.F t5, l21l rCl l$ ltr Abo lpcLf,t.!..ihbl! rr 50 lbr" slning No. 530 Calibrated Pressure Rellef Valve Crlibotcd djl't3tmcnt tonrrt for aniog ntlc io rtti:f pnsuru. Adiutoblc nn$ 50-l15 lbs. . All bt tt coitrtsrrction srd rtrinle.r rttd rprin!.o ldnlly ruitrrl rs r by.gr:r thrrnrl *grnrion rdirf vrlvr. llc. Si:c Hri.Jtt Widrh Wciiit Vzor4<- 27e' llA- U2lb.rlzor9.h' ls/r- c/e lb. Trmp.Stan 8TU/Hr. asEEHE ftFEffl!-!ET = T.atad lrC ...r.d rr.!.. -Allsl 21122 R.fkil V.r!!a r|rd A4orn.lic G.s slx,|dl Oqric.s-" o6ba c.dir,cd "{h I t-z vz' r XL.{ Iz'lXL.t rl2' | 01.1 3h" t00XL.{ r/r" 3Vr-l00xt{ 3ft" 3Vz' Lt00Xl-3 e/r" ltll.' tLf00Xl..25 3le" 431a" t5.0q, t5.000 lsrm 80.000 100.000 t00.000 r00.0m llit 4 M5 M5 No. 364 Vaclum Retiet Valvcs for Water Heater Scrvlce Aulomrtic.lty vtnB r ryisn if vtcuum ocottr Opcnr rrlcs rhrn X- y.ctrrrr. Orrigo fcatualr a dry 9uid. wfiich is lootld out ol thcur.t:r lnd thatnot txpoc.d to conorion. Coctrucdon b bmuc bodyrdti dliconc di$. Marirnum nt:rgnsrn200lbl M:ximum t.mpc..tur: 25(lF. Si:cr X., rnd X... Aho ruigblc for rtcrm rcwicr. N0TE: V.cuum Srlicf Vrlva rrc nor daigncd or rpprovtd lor urr a brck. riphonigc b.ckltow prctrntcr:. Forprokction agrinrt brctllow on othcr.pplic.tiont, r?c bactllow grc,/cntt.:. VEIITING X" No.3GA. t3.5 CfM CAPACITY X" No. 364 .20.0 CFM Allsl Zll:2 'R.ltuf Vdvr. .od Automrt'rc Gu Shut.off oniqr--0eslcll CERTIFI€0 by AG.r. rnd ecr. Lln.d. 5t 530 t{o.36A No. N36 Vacuum Rellef Valve For Water Servlce Autom:lically lenls I syrtan if t"csum occun. opcnt at lars thrn X" rtcuum. Aulomatic rtnting of I closld sytl.m lo :tmosphcrc whcn l vecuum k crated, thrrcby. pcrmitting rir to cnEr rnd prwcnt racuum coodition: which could siphoo lh. watcr fiom thr Jystcm and butn out I hcatlr or colhgra a lank. Also suitablc for steam servicc, max- prescure l5 psi. M.r. w:tc, working prcssurc - 200 PSl. Mar. tcm9ctature - 25trF. Male inlct cooncction Y' zadX". VENTING: !1" No. N35. 13.5 CFM CAPACITY - I" No. N36 - 20.0 C FM j,lo. Sizc Weiaht N35 1tz" s/e lb. N36 31a,, t/r tb. I a r altrtl ral l0 l,lo. Sirc H.igtr Ur;drh W.ighrffi164 tt." ztl" lrh- t/r tb- - Fo. Addidonat lnlonnption, send tor 5-36/.. thiehr (Lers Ttcrnood Widdt llodd 3Yr- 'trtt al! For Addirional lnlormation. send lor S-N36. ALL_STATE FIRE PROTECTION, INC. 6M5 E 76TH AVE. ITNIT *'2 rcMMERCE CITY, CO &N22 flrone fr3-2ffi-3901tax 303-2ffi-19ff TRANSMITTAL LETTER WE ARE ENCLOS.INC THE FOLLOWNG: THESE ARE EEING SUBMITTED FOR: w- FOR JOB COORDINAT1ON FOR APPBOVAL BY ARCHITECTS/OTH ERS t1 t)(I tl I] tI YOUR RECORDS YOUR APPROVAL OTHER: # coPlEs DESCRIPTION PLEASE BETURN 3 Alr:lrvcJ as $rlnii:,:il il c r-r r s Kr i J C r s 0 r'rl y F.]r GE! Ei [L !9Ii.clMllP,E"[I$llF l?[tlit coplEs wlrH AppRovAL/ oB coMMENr€,lo| or| T:f,o,l_p_,9s1.1loriol( . '-l R:Vl;lF ANIJ RESUBMIT tr Drilffid1T/b{S:FdT - "-J:'/rr-L' @-- Byl oye,? --1=:!*-*r*;*xiuul',1"+r1+il"1'$6tiilf fp1uiii+ffiii{U Title: llatc; 6re f,n l*.I'i.iBil'3llii'8,"'oiiifi il'C[d"iinl|H"P,{;p"*?'tfi iE i',.illlii+il''il-..,i?Uiif i1P-iEi!fi$lrii'.1*19\'-4"'J,l3il 4Tl3f if 'li,i6iii'"il'&rti'ldiltt*1"*TMDESAT'rrriHisXirSi'i?olii i;Eiioiil,rnHcr or uts wonr P Jee /fs Submitted by) oonBE/'14 vad, Co It 42 West Meadow Driae Vail, Colorado 81657 t0t-479-22r0 Septenber 7, L994 Ray GiblerAII-State Fire Protection 6045 E. 76tlr Ave. , #L2 Commerce Clty, Co. 8Oo22 Re: Fire Sprinkler Plans for 44 Willow Road Vail Fire Dcpartment Dear Mr. Gibler; we have reviewed the resuburittal for the project titled tr44 Willow Road.rr The cornments are as follows: 1. I met with Dave Schriner (R.A. Ne1son) onidentified. three optlons for locating the FDC. Once has made a decision as to which of the three optionscan mark the location on the plans and conpJ-etedesign work aE an addendum. 2. Heads located on Sheets 2 andcoverage, shouLd be given nodes andhydraulice. 3. The velocities between Nodes 45 and BD for Remote Area 5, shown on Sheet 2, are too high. Specific pipe numbers include pipe 27, 29, 3I, and 34. It appears one or naybe traro sections of L L/4nneed to be upsized to L I/2t to bring the velocity down to areasonable value. 4. Node 17 on Sheet 4 appears to have a cold solder problen. 5-. The hydraul-ic calculations for Renote Area 3, pipe S (pg 2) ,sholrs the velocity between Nodes lo and 9 to be L9.2. bumrnary-Note3 indicates the velocity is 29.1. one of the two veLocities iswrong. A value of 19.2 is acceptable. 6. The hydrauLic calculations for Rernote Area 4, pipe 5, showsthe velocity between Nodes 16 and 15 to be 29.L. -This valueappears to be excessive and should be reduced. A value of 19.2 isacceptable as indicated in Iten 5. 7. The ilSilver Bulletil backflow preventor, according to UpperEagle valJ-ey consolidated water District, should be a reduleapressure backflow preventor. site and wethe architect they want, wethe nesessary 3, intended for 20 x 20calculated to prove the o Flre SprLnkler Plans for 44 Will-ow Road Paqe 2 8. Bhe specifLc nodel of the flow indicator was not narked on thecut sheet. It appears the proper choice would be a Model 33005-24. 9. The PRV No. 530 should be set at the naxinum 175 psi. 10. The two hole soft strap, Model #8FL, ltlchigan Hanger showsapplication for CPVC and POLY. Copper is not listed on the manufacturerrs cut sheet. It appearg these LssueE may be resolved as work contl.nues, viafax or nail. If you desire to discuss these itens or reguire moreinformation, pleaee contact ne. Thank You. Sincerely, l'[Ichael ]tccee Fl.re Marshal FSSr 006 cc! car:f Uurraln, Chief Buitding Offlclal Dave Schrlner, R.A. Nelson Gwathrney, Pratt and Schultz .{P"i'- , YX,/r{\'u A:.\ " t;tev{v''d;)- nsr:.i t"'f"*t':2^g'YoYf6""Jil*'-Yro*ls't'$pffi',^"a >/c{.J ALL-STATE FIRE PROTECTION, INC. 6045 E. 76TH AVE., #12 CoMMERCE CrrY, CO. 80022 C CALCULATIONS FOR 44 WILLOW PLACE VAIL, COLORADO FILE NI,MBER: WTI.LOWI I /28 /94 Aq,' ${..rs.' ..;-REMOTE AREA *1 -DESTGN DATA- OCCTPANCY CLASSIFICATION: NFPA 13R DWELLING TYPS OF SPRINKLERS: CENTRAI., OPTIMA RESIDENTIAL CONCEALED PENDENTS BASIS OF COVERAGE: 20 ft. x 20 ft. NT'MBER OF SPRINKLERS CAI,CULATED: 2 heads MINTUUM GPM REQUIRED PER SPRINKLER: 1?.0 gpn TOtAL SPRINKLER WATER FLOW REQUIRED: 34.2 gpm TOTAL WATSR REQUIRED (including hoee): 89.2 gpm FLOW AND PRESSURE (e BOR): 89.2 gpm € 62.2 psi SPRINKLER ORIFICE SIZE: 7/16 inch NAUE OF CONTR.ACTOR: ALL-STATE FIRE PROTECTION, INC. DESIGN/LAYOUT BY: STEVE KYI,E AUTHORITY ITAVING JURISDICTION: VAIL FIRE PREVENTION CALCULATIONS BY HASS COMPUTER PROGRAM HRS SYSTEMS, rNC. ATLANTA, GA Node Nans 8Pr. K-fac. EQUTVATBNT K-FACIOR CATCULATOR Pr€ss. Pipe dia. eipe Ftgs. Total H-Vt(psi) (in) Len.(ft) Len.(ft) coef. Eguiv. K-fac. 4.20 16.4 0.811 0. s0 5.00 150 4.06 Ilatd:"i, 0812811991' :' .tOB TIILE: 44 Willow Placc Rernofs Area 11 WTTER. sI'PPIJ DATA TSIS TOEAT REQ'D DEIi{A}ID PRESs.(GPM) (PSr) 89.2 62.6 Page 1 wIIJpt{1 gouRca NODE TAG sttP STA'IIC PRESS. (Psr ) 145.0 8ESID. PRASS. € (PSr) 62.0 FI,O9I (GPl.t) 705.0 AVAU.,. PRSSS. e (PSr ) L43.2 A@RAGATts FIJoW ANALYSIS: SOTAL FIOW AT SOI'RCE $OAAL EOSE STREtl.l AIJ,oIIAIICE AT SOT RCE OTEER HOSE STREI!,T AI..IOI{AIICES SOTAI., DIS TANGE TROU ACTIVE SPRINKI,ERS NODE TNAI..YSIS DAIA 89 .2 CPt{0.0 GPU 55.0 GP!,t 34.2 GPU NODB TAG I 2 4 10 16 L7 18 19 20 44 45 46 . BOR DON{ B8 BD 8tP EIfiVATION (Fr) 34.3 38.9 39.8 36.0 28,O 26.52t.5 16. s 11. s 9.5 9.5 6.5 0.5 1.0r.5 1.5 0.0 NODE TIPE K= 4.20K- 4.06 llosB sTREAr.t souRcE PRESST'RE DTSCHARGE(PSr) (GPM) 16.8 17.5 24.6 27.L 4L.6 39.2 45.0 46.5 52.0 53.3 53.5 s4. 0 62.2 62.0 61.7 3? .2 52.6 L7.2 1? .0 s5.0 89.2 ;:,! f {' .,.' i 2 38.9 4.1 1?.s1 34.3 4.2 16.8 PIPE TAGEND ELEV. NOZ. NODES (FT) (K) Pipe: 1 Pipe: 24 39.82 38.9 Pipe: 3 PF PE PV PF PE PV PF PE PV PF PE PV PF PE PV PF PE PV PF PE PV PF PE PV PF PE PV PF PE PV PF PE PV PF PE PV PF PE PV 0.0 24.64.1 17. s 10 4 L7 16 L7 10 18 16 19 18 19 L7 20 18 44 20 44 20 45 44 45 46 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 27.L 24.6 39.2 41.6 39.2 2't.L 45.0 41.6 46.s 45. O 46.5 39.2 52.0 45.0 s3.3 52.O 53.3 52.O s3.5 53.3 53.5 54.0 3.80 3.80 36.0 39.8 Pipe: 4 26.s 28.0 Pipe: 5 26.5 36.0 Pipe: 6 21. s 28.0 Pipe: 7 16. s 2L.5 Pipe: I 16.5 26.s Pipe: 9 11.5 2L.5 Pipe:10 9.5 11.5 Pipe:11 9.5 11. s Pipe:12 9.5 9.5 Pipe: 13 9.5 6.5 34.20.0 L2.6 0.0 -9.80.0 3.6 0.0 34.20.0 L2,6 0.0 9.80.0 3.6 0.0 -4.50.0 1 .6 0.0 24.40.0 9 .0 0.0 14. 3 0.0 5.2 0.0 8.20.0 2.0 0.0 6.1 0.0 1.5 0.0 14.30.0 2.5 0.0 20.00.0 3.5 0.0 1.055 PL 150 FTG 0.226 TI' 1.055 PL 105.40 150 FTG 6E2T 0.022 TL 138.60 1.0s5 PL 17.00 150 FTG E2T 0.226 TL 35.20 1.055 PL 16.00 150 FlG ET o.022 rL 26.60 1.055 PL 84.60 150 FTG 5E3T 0.005 TL L22.40 1.055 PL 11.50 150 FTG 281 0.121 tL 25.10 1.055 PL 3?.40 150 FTG 2E2T 0.045 TL 58.60 1.291 PL 71 .50 150 FTG 3E 0.006 TL 85.00 L.29L PL 78.40 150 FTG 7E4T 0.003 TL 146.30 1.52? Pt 3.90 150 FTG T 0.007 TL 16.00 t.527 PL 34.50 150 FTG 2ET 0.014 TL 58.60 t spRrNrs.ER sysrEu rrvDRAttLrc t,"rr.Date: 08128/L994 JOB TITIJE: 44 Willos Place Remote Area 11 PIPE DATA O(GPM) DIA(IN) LENGTH PT DrSC. VEL(FPS) H9J(C) (FT) (PSr) (GPu) F.L, leT t7 .2 0.811 PL 8.90 17.0 10.7 150 FTG E r7.2 0.229 TL 11.90 34.2 1.055 PL 26.900.0 L2.6 1s0 FTG 2E 17.0 0,226 rL 32.90 Page 2 PRESS. sttM. (Psr ) 2.7 2.0 0.8 7.4 0.4 1.. 1 0.9 -1 .6 1.1 3.1 -0.6 0.1 8.0 -4. 1 1.1 0.6 -2.80.1 0.6 -2.20.0 3.0 -4. 3 0.5 2.6 -4. 3 0.2 0.5 -0.90.0 0.5 -0.90.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.8 1.3 0.1 trl :: PIPE TAGEND ELEV. NOZ. NODES (FT) (K) Pipe: 1446 6.5 0.019 16.5 0.0 Q(GPM) DIA(IN) LENGTH vEL(rPS) Hw(C) (Fr) F.L. /FT 20.0 1.05s PL 18.807.3 150 FTG EzT 0.083 TL 37.00 34.2 2.009 PL, 16.803.5 150 FTG 2E 0.010 fL 32.00 PT DISC.(PSr) (GPM) 54.0 0.046.5 0.0 Page 3 PRESS.sw. (Psr ) PF 3.1PB *4.3 PV 0.4 Pipe:15BD 1.5 0.0 57 .2 0.045 9.5 0.0 53.s 0.0 PF PE PV BS BD Pipe: 16 1.5 1,5 0.0 0.0 6t.? 57.2 62.O 6L.? 62.2 62..0 FIXED PRSSSURE IOSS DEVICE0.0 4.5 pei, 34.2 gpn 0.0 PF PE PV DOM BS BOR DOM Pipe:171.0 H.S.1.5 0.0 Pipe: 180.5 0.01.0 H.S. 34.2 2.46s PL 55.0 2.3 1s0 8TG0.0 0.004 TL a9.2 2.465 PL0.0 6.0 150 FTGss.o 0.021 TL 0.50 0. s0 0.50 0.50 PF O.OPE -0.2PV 0.2 l r"*r*R sYsrEM HyDRAnLrc l,"r*Date: o8/281L994 JOB TITIJE: 44 tlillow Place Remote Area *1 PIPE DATA (cont. ) Pipe: 19 89.2 4.220 PL 61.00 PF O.2suP 0.0 sRcE 62.6 (N/A) 2.0 140 FTC 42.60 PE -0.2BOR 0.5 0.0 62.2 0.0 0.002 TL 103.60 pV 0.0 NOTES:(1) Calculations rrere performed by the HASS 5.8.0 computer progran under licenee no. 8115J 49 granted by flRS System6, Inc. 219 3 Ranchwood Dr., N.E.Atlanta, cA 30345 (2) The Byatem has been balanced to provide an average inbalance at each node of 0.006 gprn and a maximum imbalance at any node of 0.09? gpn. (3) Velocity preaaures are printed for information on1y, and arenot used in balancing the system. Maximum water velocityie 12.6 ft/eec at pipe 5. 0.3 -3.50.1 0.0 -o.20.0 *t{ ':r, i' , I ,"*r ,*,grgrnr:rronetnr" lorr*Date: O81281L991 .tOB TITLE: 44 Willow Placc Rsnote Area *1 (4) PrPE FITTIIfCS ltABt.E Pipe Tabl€ Nane: cUSTotit.PxP Paga ,[ ,,, PAGE: B UATERLAIJ: Copper HtfC: 150Dianctcr Eguivalcnt ritting l€ngtbs in Feet(in)ETLCBGADEII Tee 45 Chkvlv Butvlv Gawlv AlnVlv Dry'ltlv 0.811 1.055 1.291 L.527 2.009 2.465 3.00 4.50 1.50 7.603.00 ?.60 1.50 7.604.50 9.10 1.50 10.606.00 12.10 3.00 13.50 7 .60 15.10 3.00 16.509.10 18.10 4.50 21.10 9.10 1.50 0.00 0.009.10 1.50 0.00 0.009.10 1.50 0.00 0.009.10 1.50 0.00 0.009.10 1.50 0.00 0.0010.60 1.s0 21.10 21.10 ErDRAnr,rc lorr*Page 5 atOB !tl'!IrE! {4 Willow Place Renote Area tI I T'AIBR sT'PPLY CI'RVE 180+ 165+ I150+* I135+ \0\\ \\ P120 RI s s105 U R E 90 ( P sI?5 ) + + + \\ \\\\ \\ \\\\\ \\ 60 <-62.0 pei € 705 gpm Flow TeEt Polnt 45+ I30+ 15+ !(= 0= LEGEND Required water Suppl.y 62.s9 pei t 89.2 gpn Available ltater Supply 143.19 pei € 89.2 qpn + lx+ 200 300 400 500 600 ?00 FLOW (GPI') 1000 o ALL-STATE FIRE PROTECTION, INC. 5045 E. 76TH AVE., *12 CoMMERCE CITY, CO. 80022 HYDRAULIC CALCULATIONS FOR 44 WTLLOW PTACE vArL, coLoRADO FILE NI'UAER: WILIOW2 8/28/94 REMOTE AREA #2 -DESIGN DATA- OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION: NFPA. 13R DWELLING TYPE OF SPRINKIJERS: CENTRAL OPTII.{A RESIDENTIAL CONCEALED PENDENTS BASIS OF COVERAGE: 20 fE. x 20 ft. NT'MBER OF SPRINKLERS CALCULATED: ]. head MINIMIru GPU REQUIRED PER SPRINKLER: 24.0 gpnT BOTAL SPRINKIJER WATER FLOW REQUIRED: 24.0 gpm TOTAT WATER REQUIRED (including ho6e): 80.4 gprn FLOW AND PRESSURE (t BOR): 80.4 gprr 0 80.1 psi SPRINKLER ORTFICE SIZE: 7/16 inch NAI.IE OF CONTRACTOR: ALL-STATE FIRE PROTECTION, INC. DESIGN,/LAYOUT BY: STEVE KYLE AUTHORITY HAVING JURISDICTION: VAIL FIRE PREVENTION CALCULATIONS BY HASS COMPUTER PROGRA},I HRS SYSTEMS, rNC. ATLANTA. GA I ,".roo'R srsrtsu HrDRAItr,rc 0".r"Date: OAl28lL994 JOB TI$.E: {l tfillos Place Renote Area f2 I'AIER SI'PPLY DATA NODE AIIALYSTS DATA NODE TAG BLEVATION (Fr) 39.1 RESID. FIOT{ PRESS. €(PSr) (CPu) 62.0 705.0 NODE TY?E K= 4.20 PRESSURS DTSCNAREE(PSr) (GPM) 32.7 24.0 SOURCE NODE TEG suP STATIC PRESs. (PSr ) I'15.0 AVAIL. PRESS. E (PSr) 143.6 TOTAI, DEI{AIID (GPM) 79.0 Page 1 TfILIOT2 R,SQ'D PRESS. (PSr ) 80.4 AGCRACATB trIOW ANAIYSTS: TOTAL TTOT{ AT SOURCE TOIAL EOSE STREAI.! AI'IOWANCE AT SOURCE OTTTBR EOSE STREAI.I ALIPWANCES TOAAI, DISCIIARGE FROU AETIVE SPRINKI,ERS 79.0 0.0 55.0 24.0 GPU GPI,T GPI.T GPU ' i tO gpnnncen'.8rgrnt,EiDRA.tr,ralorrrr..,,," pagc 2.,.:,,t!,;',Datc: 0812811991 JOB IIIELE: {{ ||illow Placc R€ootc Area *2 {, NODE TTG ELBVIIION(m) 39.8 36.0 28.0 26.5 21. s 15.5 - 11.5 9.5 9.5 6.5 0.5 1.0 1.5 1.5 0.0 NODE TT?B PRESSI'RI DISCSARGE(Psr) (cPDr) 4 10 16 L7 18 19 20 44 45 46 BOR DOt{ BS BD SUP HOSE SIREAU 50.2 52.3 61.5 60.5 54.6 66.4 ?0.3 ?L.4 71.5 72.4 80. 1 79.8 79.6 ?5.1 80.4 55.0 79.0 Date: 08/28/1994 iIOB TITLE: 44 Willow Place Remote Area *2 PIPE DATA PIPE TAGEND ELEV. NODES (FT) Pipe: 1 F. L,. ,/Ff 0.811 PL 25.70 150 FTG 4ET 0.422 Tr. 42.20 1.055 PL 3.80 150 FTG 0.117 TL 3.80 1.055 PI., 105.40 150 FTG 6E2T 0.012 TL 138.60 1.0s5 PL 1?.00 150 FTG EzT 0.117 TL 35.20 1.05s PL 16.00 150 FTG ET 0.012 TL 26.60 1.0s5 PL 84.60 150 FTG 5E3T 0.003 TL L22.40 1.055 PL 11.50 150 FTG 2ET 0.063 TL 25.10 1.055 PL 37.40 150 FTG 2E2I 0.023 TL 58.60 L.29L PT, 71.50 150 FTG 3E 0.003 tt, 85.00 1.291 PL 7A.40 150 FTG 7E4I 0.002 TL 146.30 I.52'1 PL 3.90 150 FTG T 0.004 TL 16.00 L.527 PL 34.50 150 FEG 2EF 0.007 TL 58.60 1.055 PL 18.80 150 FTG E2T 0.043 TL 3?.00 Page 3 PRESS. suu. (Psr) PF 1?.8 PE 0.3PV 1.5 PF O.4P8 -1 .6 PV 0.5 PF 1.5PE -0.6PV 0.0 PF 4.1PE -4.1PV 0.5 PF 0.3 PE -2.8PV 0.0 PF 0.3PE -2.2PV 0.0 PF 1.6PE -4.3Pv 0.3 PF 1.4PE -4.3PV 0.1 PF 0.3PE -0.9PV 0.0 'Ii NOZ. (K) Q(GPI.{) DIA( IN) LENGTEPr Drsc. VEL(FPS) Hw(C) (rT) (Psr ) (GPM) 4 3 39.8 0.039.1 4.2 Pipe:236.0 0.039.8 0.0 Pipe: 326.5 0.028.0 0.0 Pipe:426.5 0.036.0 0.0 Pipe: 5 21 .5 0.028.0 0.0 Pipe:616.5 0.02L.5 0.0 Pj-pe:7 16.5 0.026.5 0.0 Pipe:8 11.5 0.02L.5 0.0 Pipe:9 9 .5 0.011.5 0.0 Pipe: 109.5 0.0 11 .5 0.0 Pipe: 11 9.5 0.0 9. s 0.0 Pipe:129.5 0.06.5 0. 0 Pipe: 13 6. s 0.0 16. s 0.0 24.00.0 14.9 24.O 24.O 0. 0 8.8 0.0 -6.90.0 2.5 0.0 24.O 0 .0 8.8 0.0 6.90.0 2.s 0.0 -3.10.0 L.2 0.0 t7.L0.0 6.3 0.0 10. 00.0 3.7 0.0 50.2 32.7 52.3 50.2 60.5 61.5 60.5 52.3 64.6 61. s 66 .4 64,6 66.4 60.5 70.3 64.6 10 4 L7 16 T? 10 18 16 19 18 19 I7 20 18 44 20 44 20 45 44 45 46 46 19 5.7?L.4 0. 0 1.470.3 0.0 7t.4 ?o.3 71.5 7L.4 71.5 't2 .4 72 .4 66 .4 0.3 -0.90.0 0.L 0.0 0.0 0.4 1.3 0.0 1.6 -4. 3 o.2 4.30.0 1. 0 0.0 10.00.0 1.8 0.0 14.00.0 2.5 0.0 , 14.00.0 5.1 0.0 PF PE PV PF PE PV PF PB PV PF PE PV Date: oB/zB/Q 'PRTNKLBR sYsrEM HYDRAULT. Gtt" JOB TITLE: 44 Willow Place Remote Area *2 PIPE DATA (cont. ) PIPE TAG END ELEV. NODES (FT) Pipe:17BOR 0.5 0.0 80.1DOr{ 1.0 H.S. 79.8 Pipe: 18 79.0 4.220 PL 51.00suP 0.0 sRcE 80.4 (N/A) 1.8 140 FTc 42.60BOR 0.5 0.0 80.1 0.0 0.001 TL 103.60 NOTES:(1) Calculations were perforned by the HASS 5.8.0 computer program under license no. 8115J 49 granted by HRS Sy6tens, Inc. 219 3 Ranchnood Dr., N.E.Atlanta, cA 30345 (2) The syatem has been balanced to provide an average imbalance at each node of 0.004 gprn and a maximum imbal-ance at any node of 0.054 gpn. (3) Velocity presauree are printed for information only, and arenot used in balancing the Bystetn. Maximun water velocityis 14.9 fElsec at pipe 1. Page 4 Q(GPM) DIA(IN) LENGTH PRESS.NOz. Pr Drsc. v8L(FPs) Hw(C) (FT) Stnt.(K) (Psr ) (GPM) F.L. lFT (Psr) 24.0 2.009 Pr., 16.80 PF 0.20.0 ?5.I 0.0 2.4 150 FTC 2E PE -3.50.0 7L.5 0.0 0.00s rL 32.00 Pv 0.0 FIXED PRESSI'RE I.,OSS DEVICE0.0 79.6 0.0 4.5 psi, 24.0 gpm 0.0 75.L 0.0 # tr i BD 45 BS BD Pipe:14 1.5 9.5 Pipe:15 1.5 1.5 Pipe:161.0 H.S.1.5 0.0 24.0 2.465 PL55.0 1.6 150 FTG0.0 0.002 EL 79.0 2.46s PL0.0 5.3 150 FTG55.0 0.017 TL PF PE PV DOM BS 79.8 79.6 0.50 0.50 0. s0 0.50 0.0 -0.20.0 PF O.OPE -o.2PV 0.2 PF 0.1PE -0.2PV 0.0 :i;:stii:::.:.:::..:: : :: i: ;: i, i:r.:. 'ririt,: r:'.i;l O'PRTNKLER sYsrEr.{ HTDRAutrc\[Dates 08/28/1994 \\ JOB TITLE: 44 WiIIow Place Renote Area *2 ',\ PAGE: B Diameter ( in) 0.811 1.055 L.29L L.527 2.009 2.465 T Tee 4.50 7.60 9. 10 12. 10 15. 10 18.10 t9.00'q,.00 \opl.\O21. ir 2 5 .. ,; ::- '1 fl H f;l (4) PrPE FITTINGS TAALE Pipe Table Nane: CUSmU.PIP MATERIAL: Copper HYIC: 150Eguivalent Fitting LeFitting Lengtls i: \FeetCBCAN 45 chkvlv Butv1v Gat k AlnVlv DryVIvI EEll 3.00 3.00 4.50 6.00 7 .60 9.10 L 1.50 7.60 9.10 1.5.' ' 0.001.50 7.601.50 10. 603.00 13.603.00 16.60 9.10 1.50 4.50 21.10 10.60 1.50 9.10 1.s0:9.10 1.50, 9 . 10 1.5(' 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 00 e0 ee 0q o0 10 :tr .0 .o .1 ..riiiriiiiiiiilii.iliiiiiii O."*rn*ER sysr'M HyDRAUr.rc tlrr*:::i..::::.: t:::::. Date: ogl2glLgg4- i JoB rIT!,E! 44 Willow place Remote Area #2' TIATER SI'PPLY CURVE 180+ I I165+ 150+*\ lorrt\135+ \\t\t\\lrP120+ \\ R E s ) S105+ U R E 90+ il,.I 75+ 60+ t <-62.0 pei € 705 gpnr Flow TeBt Point 45+ I30+LEGEND X = Reguired l{ater Supply 80.41 pei 0 ?9.0 gpm 15+ 0 = Available water Supply 143.55 pei € 79.0 gpm 200 300 400 s00 600 700 800 900 1000 FLOW (GPM) ALL-STATE FIRE PROSECIION, INC. 6045 E. 76rH AVE., *12 coto{ERcE crrY, co. 80022 HYDRAUL,IC CA.LCI'I,ATIONS FOR 44 t{ILIOt{ PLACE vArL, colo&Nlo FILE NI,I.IBBRS I|ILI{,IN3 8128/e1 RE}TOTE EREA 13 -DESIGN DATA- OCCI'PTNCT CIASS IFICATION :NFPA 13R DWBLLING TIPE OF SPRIf,KI.,ERTI: CENTRAI, OPTII.IA RSSIDENIIAL CONCEAIIBD PENDEilTS BA8I8 OF COVER.f,GE: til,UBER OF SPRINKI.ER,S CAIJCT'LATBD: I{INIUI'I' GPU REQUIRED PBR SPRIITKLER: FtI)tN ttfD PRESSIIRE (€ BOR): SPRINN,ER ORIFICE SIZE: 20 ft. x 20 ft. 3 heads 17.0 gpn 107.4 $m 0 87.5 pal 7/16 inch TOITAL 8PRINKTJER I{ATER FI.oW REQUIRED: 52.4 gPM TqtAIr IfATBR REQUIRED (including hoae): 10?.4 gpto XAl.tE OF CONrRACIOR: AL,IJ-STATE FInf PROTECTION, INC. DESIGH/I.AYOUT BY! STE\,B KYIJE AUTIIORITI HAVIITC JURISDICTION: VAII., FIRA PREVENIION CALCITTATIONS BY HASS COI.IPUTER PROGRAI.i HRS SYSTEUS, rNC. ATLANTA, GA Page 1 WIUITN3 atOB trITLE3 {{ Wlllory Place tt€mote Area f3llAItR SI!PP!,I DATA souRcE T{ODE TIG 8T'P STATIC PRE8g. (PSr) 14s.0 FL,Otf (GPr{) 705. 0 RBgID. PRASS. e(Psr) 62.0 AVAIL. PRESS. E (Psr ) L42.4 TOTAI, REQ.D DEMAIID PRESS.(GPM) (PSr) 10? .4 87.9 AGGRECATE FIOW ENAI,ISIS! TOTAJ.. FLoIT AT SOURCE [OTEI', EOSE STNEN,T AITPNANCE Af SOURCE OITIER UOSE 8TR8NI AI.LqIANCBS TOTttrr DISCHIRGE FROU ACTM SPRINKLERS NODE NIAI,TSIS DATA 107.4 GPrl 0.0 GPtt 55.0 GPtl 52.4 GPM rODE TAG 5 6 7 8 9 10 16 L7 18 19 20 44 {5 16 BOR IX)u BS BD guP EI.BT'ATIO}I(rr) 36.6 37.s 37.5 36.6 37.5 35 .0 28.0 26.5 21.5 16.5 11.5 9.5 9.5 6.5 0.5 1.0 1.5 1.5 0.0 M)DB TIPE K= 4.20K- il .20 K= 4.20 HOSE STREAI.I souRcE PRESST'RE (PSr ) 16.4 18.6 20.5 16.8 20.8 32.5 60.2 54.1 64.3 65.1 74.4 76.4 76.? 76.2 8?.5 87.2 8?.0 82.s 87 .9 DISCBARGE (GPM) 17.0 18.1 L7.2 s5.0 L07 .4 O r"*r"*""R sYsrEM EYDRAttLTc l"r*Page 2 Dates 0812811991 JOB TITLE: 44 tfillow Place Remote Area *3 PIPE DATA PIPE TAG END ELEV. NODES (FT) NOZ. (K) Q(GPM) DIA(IN) LENGTIIPT DISC. vEL(FPs) Hw(c) (Fr) (PSr) (GPM)F.L./FT PRESS. STJM. (Psr) Pipe: 1? 37 .5 0.0s 36.6 4.2 Pipe: 27 37 .5 0.06 37.5 4.2 Pipe: 3 17.0 0.811 PL20.5 0.0 10.6 150 FtG 16.4 17.0 0.223 Tr' 18.1 0.811 Pt 20.5 0.0 11.3 150 FTG 18.6 18.1 0.251 TL 6.70 3ET 20.20 1. s0 2E 7.50 1.30 4.5 0.4 0.8 1.9 0.0 0.9 PF PE PV PF PE PV 9 7 9 8 37.5 37.5 Pipe: 4 37.5 36.6 Pipe: 5 36.0 37.5 Pipe: 6 26.s 28.0 Pipe: 7 26.5 36.0 Pipe: 8 2L.5 28.0 Pipe:9 16. s 2L.5 Pipe:10 16.5 26.5 Pipe:11 11.52t.5 Pipe:12 9.5 11.s Pipe:13 9.s 11.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 4.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 35.120.8 0.0 r2.9 20. s 0.0 1.05s PL 150 FTG 0.237 tL 1.30 0.811 PL 5.?0 150 FTG 3ET 0.229 tL L9 .20 1.055 PL 8.60 150 I'TG 2El 0.49? TL 22.20 1.055 PL 105.40 150 FTG 6E2T 0.049 TL r.38.60 1.05s PL 17.00 150 FTG E2T 0.497 TL 35.20 1.055 PL 16.00 150 FTG ET 0.049 TL 26.60 1.055 PL 84.60 150 FTG 5E3T 0.012 TL L22.40 1.291 PL 71.s0 150 FTG 3E 0.013 TL 85.00 PF 0.3PE O.OPV 1.1 52.332.5 0.0 t9 .220.8 0.0 L7.20.0 10.7 L7 .2 -15 .00.0 5. s 0.0 20.8 16.8 54. 1 60.2 4.4 0.4 0.8 11.0 -0.62.5 6.8 -0.6 0.2 L7 .5 -4. I 2.5 1.3 -2.8 0.2 L.4 -2,20.0 6.7 -4.31.3 5.8 -4.3 0.4 t.1 -0.90.1 1.1 -0.90.0 PF PE PV PF PE PV PF PE PV PF PE PV PF PE PV PF PE PV PF PE PV PF PE PV PF PE PV PF PE PV 10 9 L? 16 t7 10 18 16 19 18 19 L7 20 18 44 20 44 20 s2.3 54. 1 0.0 L9 .232.s 0.0 64.3 60.2 65.1 64.3 6s.l 54.1 74.4 64.3 76.4 74.4 15 .00.0 5 .5 0.0 -6 .80.0 2.s 0.0 37.4 1.055 PL 11.50 0.0 L3.7 150 FTG 2ET 0.0 0.266 TL 2s.10 2t.8 1.055 PL 37.400.0 8.0 150 FTG 2E2T 0.0 0.098 TL 58.60 t2.50.0 3. 1 0.0 76.4 0.074.4 0.0 9 .3 1 .291 PL 7A.402.3 150 FTG ?E4T 0.008 TL 146.30 PIPE TAGEND ELEV. NOZ. NODES (Fr) (K) Pipe:1445 9.5 0.044 9.5 0.0 Pipe:1545 9 .5 0.046 6 .s 0.0 Pipe:1646 6.5 0.019 16.5 0.0 Pipe:17BD I .5 0.045 9. s 0.0 Pipe: 18BS 1.5 0.0BD 1.5 0.0 82.5 76.7 Page 3 52.3 L.527 PL 16.80 PF 2.40.0 9.2 150 FTG 2E PE -3.50.0 0.082 TL 28.80 PV 0.6 FIXED PRESSURE I,OSS DEVICE87.0 0.0 4.5 psi, 52.3 gpn 82 .5 0.0 Pipe: DOM BS Pipe: BOR DOM Pipe: suP BOR NOTES: 19 52.3 2.465 PL1.0 H.S. 8?.2 55.0 3.5 150 Frc1.5 0.0 87.0 0.0 0.008 TL 0.50 0 .50 20 107.3 2,465 PL 0.500.5 0.0 8?.5 0.0 7.2 150 FTG1.0 H.S. A?.2 ss.o 0.030 Tt 0.s0 2L 107.4 4.220 PL 61.000.0 sRcE 8?.9 (N/A) 2.5 140 FTG 42.500.s 0.0 87.s 0.0 0.002 TL 103.60 PF PE PV PF PE PV PF PE PV 0.0 -o.20.1 0.0 -o.20.4 0.3 -0.20.0 (1) Calculations were performed by the HASS 5.8.0 computer programunder'license no. 8115J 49 granted by HRS System6, Inc. 219 3 Ranchwood Dr., N.E.Atlanta, GA 30345 (2) The Bystem has been balanced to provide an average imba.Lance at each node of 0.009 gprn and a maxinumimbalance at any node of 0.159 gBn. (3) Velocity preasures are printed for i.nformation only, and arenot used in balancing the systen. Maximum wat.er velocityis 19.2 ftlsec at pipe ?. O,"*r**ER sYsrEM HyDRAnLrc t"r*Date: 08/28/L994 JOB TITLE: 44 WilLow Place Remote Area *3 PIPE DATA (cont. ) Q(CPM) DrA(rN) LENGTH PFASS.Pr Drsc. VEL(FPS) Hw(C) (FT) SrrM.(Psr) (GPM) F.L./FT (PSr) 21.8 t.527 PL 3.90 PF 0.376.7 0.0 3.8 150 FTc T PE 0.076.4 0.0 0.016 TL 16.00 PV 0.1 30.5 L.527 PL 34.50 PF 1.876.7 0.0 s.3 150 FTG zET PE 1.376.2 0.0 0.030 TL s8.60 Pv 0.2 30.5 1.055 PL 18.80 PF 6.876.2 0.0 11.2 150 FTG E2T PE -4.365.1 0.0 0.183 TL 37.00 Pv 0.8 t r""rro"R srsrE' ErDRAsr,rc t"r* Pagc 4 : -Date! 08/281L994 iIOB tITtE: 44 lflllow Place Renote Arca *3 ({) PIPE FITTINGS TABT,E Pipe table tfame: CUSTO{.PIP CBCAD{5 chkvlv BUwIV GatVlv Alnvlv Dq^tlv PACE: B Dianet€r ( in) 0.811 1.055 7.29L t.52? 2.455 0.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.00 21. 10 21. 10 UAIERIAL: Copper gWCs 150 Bquivalent Fitting Lengths in FcetBTLEll Tee 3.00 {.50 1.503.00 7.60 1.504.50 9.10 1.505.00 12.10 3.00 9 .10 18.10 4.50 7.60 9.10 1.507.60 9.10 1.5010.60 9.10 1.5013.60 9.10 1.5021.10 10.60 1.50 PagG 5 itOB IITIrE: 44 l{illos Place Renote Area *3 WAITER SUPPIJ CUR\TE 180 165 150 135 90+lx I75+ \0\\ \\ \\ P1 R E s s1g R E ( P sI ) 20+ I05+ 60+ I45+ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ <-62.0 psi 0 705 gpn FIow Teet Point 30+ 15+ X = Required Water Supply 8?.93 pei t 10?.4 gpn l 0 = Available Water Supply t 142.4s pei € 107.4 gpn I0++-+---+----+-----+------+--------+--------+---------+-----------+ 200 300 400 s00 600 ?00 800 FL,OW (CPM) 900 1000 ALI.I-STATE PIRE PROTECTTON, INC. 6045 E. 76gH AVE., +12 COT.IUERCE CITY, CO. 80022 HIDRAT'LIC CALCT'IATIONS FOR 44 WII..IOI{ PLACE VAIL' COISRADO FILE NT,MBER! WII,IOT|iT 8/28t94 REI{CTTE ANEA *4 -DESIGN DATA- OCCUPAIICI CIASSITICAaION !NrPA 13R DI{ELLING ffPE Of SPRINKr,ERS: CEIITRAL OPTIIIA RASIDENTIAI CONCEALED PENDENIS AASIS OT COVARAGE: NUI{BER OF SPRTNTCI,ERS CAICUIATED: 20 fx. x 20 ft. 4 headE tlltsntw GPll REQUIRED PER SPRINKL,ER: 17.0 gipn IOTIL SPRINKLER WAIER FLOW REQUIRED: 79.4 gpn TOmI, WAIER REoUIRED (including bose): 134.4 gpn SI'|oW AxD PnESSURE (€ BOR): 134.4 gpn € 104.5 pei SPRINKI,ER ORIFICE SIZE: ?/L6 inch NAT.IE OF CONTRACIOR: AIL-STATE TIRE PROTECTION, INC. DESIGN/I,AYOUT BY! STSVE KYI,E AUTIIORITI HAVING JURISDICTION: VAIL FIRE PREVENTION CALCULATIONS BY HASS COMPUTER PROGRAII HRS SYSTEMS, INC. ATI,ANTA, GA Node Name sPr. K-fac. EQUIVAI,ENT K-FACTOR CALCUI.ATOR Preaa. Pipe dia. Pipe FtgB. Total(pei) (in) Len. (ft) Len. (ft) g-w Equlv. coef,. K-fac. 14, 15 4.20 16.4 0.811 0.50 s.00 {.06150 Dates 08/28/L991 JOB IITI,E: {l Willow Place Remote Area l,l WATER sT'PPI,T DATA TOTAL DEMA}TD (GPrr) 134.4 DISCTTARCE (GPlr) 17 .0 18.5 20.5 23.3 55.0 134.4 .''.'..' Prgo .r1.ii€ ;l:-..r'1," 11I'IIIINNfI' r' . NEO'D PRESS. (Psr ) 105.1 SOI'RCE NODE TAG suP STATTC PRESS. (PSr ) 145.0 RESID. FI,OIY PRESS. T(PSrl (cPu) NODE TTPE K= 4.20 K= 4.20 13{.,1 GPll 0.0 GPtd 55.0 GPtl 79.4 GPrl NODE TAG l1 L2 13 14 15 16 L7 18 19 20 44 45 46 BOR DOM BS BD sttP ELEVATION (FT) 36.4 36.4 36.4 35.5 3s.5 28.0 26.5 2L.5 16.5 11.s 9.5 9.5 6.s 0.5 1.0 1.5 1.5 0.0 K= 4.06 K= {.06 PRBSST'RB (PSr ) 15.4 19.4 23.5 25.6 33.0 51.5 69.6 68.5 77.L 49.7 93.8 94.6 92.9 104. s L04.2 104.0 99.5 105. 1 nosE_sTREill SOURCB O ,"**R srs,,il ErnRAnr,rc llot *$ 4l rl I 62.O 705.0 141.1 AGGREGATE FIJoW AIIAI,YSIS: TOAAI, FIPT{ AT SOURCE Tc|lIAL UOSE STREAII AI,IOTIAIICE AT SOURCE OIMER HOSE STREAI.{ AIJfiIAilCES $OIIAL DTSCEARGB FROI{ ACIIVE SPRINKLBRS NODE ANAI,,ISIS DATA AVAIIJ. PRESS. T (PSr) O 'PRTNKTJER sYsrEM "-*u"rso""r*Date: 08128/L994 itOB TITIJE: 44 Willow Place Remote Area 14PIPE DATA PIPE TAG Q(GPM) DIA(IN) I.,ENGTHEND ELEV. NOZ. pT DISC. VEL(FPS) HyJ(C) (Fr)NODES (Fr) (K) (psr) (cpM) F.rJ./Fr Pipe: 1 1?.0 0.811 pL 19.9013 36.4 0.0 23.5 0.0 10.6 1so F1'rc 4E11 36.4 4.2 16.4 17.0 0.223 TL 31.80 Pipe: 3 3s.5 36.4 Pipe: 415 35.5t4 35.5 Pipe:5 4.1 0.0 25.6 23.5 4.1 33.04.1 25.6 0.0 51.54.1 33.0 0.0 69 .60.0 51.5 0.0 68.50.0 sl .5 o.0 77 .L0.0 68.5 0.0 77 .L0.0 69.6 s6. 123.3 20.6 20.5 79.4 0.0 29 .l 23.3 24.90.0 9.2 0.0 54.40.0 20.0 o.0 15.50.0 5.7 0.0 24.90.0 9.2 0.0 38.90.0 L4.3 0.0 22.30.0 5.5 0.0 16.60.0 4.L 0.0 38.90.0 6.8 0.0 1.055 PL 150 FTG 0.564 TIJ Page 2 PRESS. sul.{. (PSr ) PF ?.LPE O.OPV 0.8 PF 4.1PE O.OPV 0.9 L.7 -0.41.L 7.4 0.0 2.4 L5.2 -3.2 5.7 L7.s -0. 6 0.6 L4.2 -2.82.7 6.4 -2.20.2 3.2 -4. 3 0.6 16. 8 -4.3L.4 3.3 -0.9o.2 3.3 -0.90.t 0.8 0.0 0.3 13 L2 L4 13 Pipe:236.4 0.0 23 ,536.4 4.2 19.4 18.5 0.811 PL0.0 11.s 150 FTG18.5 0.261 TL 35.5 1.055 PL20.5 13.0 150 FTc0.0 0.242 rL 8.00 ET 15.50 ?.10 PF PE PV PF PE PV PF PE PV PP PE PV PF PE PV PF PE PV PF PE PV PF PE PV PF PE PV PF PE PV PF PE PV 44 20 7.10 13.20 13 .20 16 15 T7 16 18 L6 19 18 19 L? 20 18 44 20 45 44 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 89.7 68.5 93.8 49.7 93.8 89.7 94 .6 93 .8 28.0 35.5 Pipe: 5 26.5 28.0 Pipe:7 21.5 28.O Pipe: 8 16. s 2L.5 Pipe: 9 16.5 26.5 Pipe:10 11. s 21 .5 Pipe:11 9.5 11.5 Pipe: 12 9.s 11. s Pipe:13 9.5 9.5 1.05s PL 11.20 150 FTG E 1.073 TL 14.20 1.055 PL 105.40 150 FTG 6E2T 0. 126 Tr., 138.60 1.0s5 PL 16.00 150 FTG ET 0.534 TL 26.60 1..055 PL 84.60 150 FTIG 5B3T 0.0s2 TL r22.40 1.0s5 PL 11.50 150 FNG 2ET 0.126 TL 25.1O 1.055 PL 37 .40 150 ATG 2E2T 0.287 TL s8.60 1.291 PL 71.50 150 FTG 3E 0.038 Tr, 85.00 1.291 PL 78.40 150 I'TG ?E4T o.022 TL 146.30 L.527 PL 3.90 150 TTG T 0.047 TL 16.00 ' 'PRTNKLER sYsrEu ""o*u"r"*,""rr.Page 3Date3 08/28/L994 ;tOB :tITLEs ,l{ Willou Place Remote Area *4PIPS DATA (cont.) PIPE TAG o(cpM) DrA(rN) LENGTH PRESS.END ELEV. NOz. pT DrSC. VEr,(FpS) Hw(C) (Fr) SnM.NODES (FT) (K) (psr) (GpM) F.L.,/FT (psr) Pipe: 14 40.5 L.527 pL 34.50 pF 3.015 9.5 0.0 94.6 0.0 7.t 150 FTG 2ET pE 1.346 6.5 0.0 92,9 0.0 0.0s1 TL 58.60 pv 0.3 Pipe: 15 40.s 1.055 pL 1B.BO pF 11.446 6.5 0.0 92.9 0.0 14.9 1s0 FTG EzT pE -4.319 16.s 0.0 77,L 0.0 0.309 rt 3?.00 pv 1.s Pipe:16 79.4 2.009 pL 10.80 pF 1.5BD 1.5 0.0 99.5 0.0 8.0 150 FTG 2E pE -3.545 9.5 0.0 94,6 0.0 0.047 TL 32.00 pV 0.4 Pipe: 17 FIXED PRESSURE LOSS DEVICEBS 1.5 0.0 104 . 0 0. 0 4. 5 pei, ?9.4 gproBD 1.5 0.0 99. s 0.0 Pipe: 18 79.4 2.465 pL 0.50 pF 0.0mM 1.0 E.s. Lo4.2 55.0 s.3 150 Flc pE -O.2BS 1.5 0.0 104.0 0.0 0.017 rL o.so pv o.2 Pipe: 19 134.4 2.465 pL 0.50 pF 0.0BOR 0.5 0.0 104.5 0.0 9.0 150 FTG pE -O.2DOM 1.0 H.s. L04,2 5s.0 0.046 rL 0.50 pv o.s Pipe: 20 t34.4 4.220 pL 61.00 pF 0.4suP 0.0 sRcE 105.1 (N/A) 3.1 140 FTG 42.60 pE -O.2BOR 0.5 0.0 104.5 0.0 0.004 TL 103.60 pV 0.1 NOTES:(1) Calculationg were performed by the ITASS 5.8.0 computer progr.rmunder licenae no. 8115J 49 granted by HRS Systens, Inc. 2193 Ranchwood Dr., N.E.At,Ianta, cA 30345 (2) Th_e lyetem hae been balanced to provide an averageirnbalance at each node of 0.008 gpm and a rnaximufrirnbaLance at any node of 0.134 gprn. (3) Velocity preaaurea are printed for inforrnation only, and arenot used in balancing the syetem. Maxj.mum rrater vetocityLe 29.1 ftlsec at pipe 5. o AITAI. & #SPRINKTER SYSTEU ITIDRAULICDate: OBl28ll991 JOB TITITE: 4rl Willos Place Reuote Area lil (4) PIPB FITTTNGS TABIJE Pipe [able Nanes CITSBOM.PIP YSrS PAGE: B UATERIAJ.! Copper HwC: 150Dianet€r Eguivalent Fltting Leugtbs in toet(1n)ETLC-BcADEll Tee 45 Chkvlv ButVlv catvlv Alrrvlv Drwtv 0.811 1.055 1.291 t.527 2.009 2.465 3.00 4.s0 1.503.00 7.60 1.504.50 9.10 1.506.00 12.10 3.007.60 15.10 3.009.10 18.10 4.s0 7.60 9.10?.60 9.10r0.60 9.1013.60 9.1016.60 9.1027.LO 10.60 1.s0 0.00 0.001.50 0.00 0.001.50 0.00 0.001.50 0.oo o.oo :' 1.s0 0.00 0.001.50 21.10 21.10 :iir iiriiiiiiiiiiii$$liiiiiii'! ::::::i::ii::::: Datcs 081281L994'. 'i , Jos ,rrTLEi ic wittou place Remots area 14 IIATER ST'PPIJT CORVE 180+ 165+ 150+*\" |orl\135+ \\ \\ \\ \\\\ \\ \\0+ I 5+ I D+ 05 90 P1 R E s s1 u R E ( P s ) \\ \\I75+ \\ * <-62.0 pei I ?05 gpn Plow Test Point 45+ 30+ LEGEND X = Required Vtater Supply ,' 105.09 pai € 134.4 gpn : 0 = Available tfater Suppty141.13 pei € 134.4 gpn . 15+ 200 300 400 s00 600 ?00 8oo 900 looo Fr.,ow (GPu) AI,L-STATE FIRE PROAECTION, INC. 6045 E. 76TH AVB., *12 COI{I.IERCE CIAI, CO. 80022 HYDRAULIC C}J,CT'IATIONS FOR 44 T{IIJOT{ PI.ACE VAIL, COIOR.ADO FILE NI!!,IBBR: WILI,OWS 8128194 PSMOTE AREA 15 -DESIGN DATA- OCCUPA}ICY CI.ASS IFICATTON : DENSITI: TREA OF APPLICATIONI COVBRAGE PER SPRINK'.IER: NI'I{BER OF SPNINKLERS CALCULATED: ORDINARY GROI'P 1 .15 g6)roleq. ft. 925 sq. ft. VARIES 13 eprinklera TOTT'L SPRINKLER ltAtER FI€W REQUTRED: 230.5 gpn TOTAIJ WAIER REQUIRED (including hoee): 535.6 $rn F'I,oW AllD PRBSSURE (e BoR) z 28s.6 gpn g 76.1 p6i SPRINKLER ORIFICE SIZE: L/2 inch NAI.{E OF CONTRACTOR: ALI-STATE FIRE PROTECMON, INC. DESIGN,/LAYOUT BY: STEVE KYLE AUTIIORI?T HEVING JURISDICTION: VAII, FIRA PREVENTION CALCULATIONS BY HASS COMPUTER PROGRAT.I HRS SYSfEUS, INC. ATLANTA, GA Node Name EQUTVATENT K-FACTOR CAtCttr,AAOR Spr. Preas. Pipe dia. Pipe Ftg8. Total H-w Eguiv. K-fac. (psi) (in) Len.(ft) Len.(ft) coef. K-f,ac. 2Lr24,27 28 5.60 5.60 7.0 7.O 0.811 0.811 0.75 0. ?5 5.25 5.25 150 1s0 5.27 5.27 T T o ANAL .t ilSPRINKLER SYSTEM HYDRAULICDate: 08/28JI994 JOB TITLB: 44 Willow Place Remote Area *5 WATER SI'PPLY DATA tsrs IlOTAL DET{AND (GPM) 53s. 6 Page 1 t{rLLow5 SOURCE STATIC NODE PRESS.TAG (PSr) suP 145.0 NODE ANAIYSIS DATA NODE TAG ELEVATION (FT) RESID. FLOW PRESS. E(Psr) (cPM) NODE TYPE K= 5.2? K= 5.60 PRESSURE DISCHARGE(Psr) (GPM) AVAIL. PRESS. € (PSr) 95. 1 REQ'D PRESS. (Psr) 77 .962.0 705.0 AGGREGATE FIJOW ANALYSIS: TOTAL FLOW AT SOURCE TOTAL HOSE STREAI,I AI,IOWANCE AT SOURCE OTHER HOSE STREAIi{ ALLOWANCES TOTAT DISCHARGE FROM ACTIVE SPRINKLERS 535. 6 250.0 55.0 230.6 GPI4 GPM GPU GPM 16 L't 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 4L 42 43 44 45 46 BOR DOM BS 28.0 26.s 2L:5 16. s 11.5 10.8 1 0.8 11.s 10.8 8.8 9.5 8.8 8.8 9.5 8.8 9.5 3.8 8.8 9.5 8.8 9.5 9.5 8.8 9.5 7.3 9.5 8.8 9.5 9.5 9.5 6.5 0.5 1.0 1.5 26.5 3s.3 27 .7 4L.2 16.3 15.4 8.9 13.0 13.0 10.1 L2.\ 9.5 10.3 11 .9 8.1 L2.1 7.5 8.0 9.7 9.5 Lt.2 L2.9 10.0 13.1 11. 6 15.8 15. 6 19.0 42.L 56.8 55.5 76.1 75.8 75.5 20.7 L6.? K= 5.27 K= 5.60 K= 5.60 K= 5.60 19.0 r? .8 K= 5.27 K= 5.27 K= 5.60 L6.2 16.9 16.0 15.3ls.9 K= 5.60 K= 5.60 K= 5.60 K= 5.60 t7 .3 t7 .7 19.0 22.L HOSE SEREAM 55. 0 Pags 2 . BD SUP souRcE f5 PRESSUFS (PSI ) 71.0 77 .9 DISCITARGB (c?M) 285.6 O ,"*ro*"ER sYsr'r{ HiDRAuLrc il.""r, D,ate: Oel28ll994 itOB TfTIEs {4 t{illos Place Remote Area NODE TAG ELEVATION NODE TYPB(rr) 1.5 0.0 O 'PRTNKLER sYsrErr ""o*o"r"t"rr"Date: 08128/1994 JOB TITLE: 44 Willow Place Remote Area *5 PIPE DATA PIPE TAG Q(GPM) DIA(IN) LENGTHEND ELEV. NOZ. pT DrSC. vEL(FpS) Hw(C) (FT) NODES (rT). (K) (psr) (cpr.{) F.L./FT Page 3 PRESS. sttM. {Psr) T7 16 18 16 19 18 19 17 20 18 2T 20 23 21 23 22 24 23 26 24 26 25 29 26 2A 27 0.0 5.3 0.0 5.6 5.3 0.0 0.0 5.3 0.0 5.6 0.0 0.0 5.5 5.3 16.3 27.7 13.0 15.4 13.0 8.9 13.0 13.0 t2.L 13.0 12.1 10. 1 11.9 t2,L 10. 3 9.5 7.00 10.00 2ET 20.50 1.60 Pipe: 126.5 0.0 35. 328.0 0.0 26.s Pipe: 22L.5 0.0 27.728.O 0.0 26.5 16.6 1.055 PL 105.400.0 6.1 150 FtG 6E2T0.0 0.059 TL 138.60 -16.6 1.055 PL 16.000.0 6.1 150 FrG ET0.0 0.059 TL 26.60 2L.L 1.055 PL 84.5041.2 0 .0 ? .7 150 FTG 5E3E27.7 0.0 0.092 TL 122.40 16.6 1.055 PL 11.504L.2 0.0 6.1 150 FTG 2E!35.3 0.0 0.059 TL 2s.10 7 .00 8.2 -0.6 o.2 1.6 -2.8 o.2 11.3 -2.2 0.4 1.5 -4.30.2 15.8 -4.3 1.3 t.2 -0.33.1 2.L 0.3 1.8 4.4 0.3 0.7 0.3 -0.3 1.0 1.5 -0.6 0.4 2.3 0.3 0.8 0.2 0.0 0.1 0.8 0.0 0.2 PF PE PV PF PE PV PF PE PV PF PE PV PF PE PV PF PE PV PF PE PV PF P8 PV PF PE PV PF PE PV PF PE PV PF PE PV PF PE PV Pipe: 316.5 0.021.5 0.0 Pipe: 416.5 0. 026.5 0.0 Pipe: 511.5 0.02t.s 0.0 Pipe! 610.8 5.3 11. s 0.0 Pipe: ? 11.5 10.8 Pipe: 8 11.5 10.8 Pipe:9 10.8 11.5 Pipe:10 9.5 10.8 Pipe: 11 9.5 8.8 Pipe: 12 9.5 9.5 Pipe:13 8.8 8.8 -37.6 1.055 PL 37.400.0 13.8 1s0 FTG 2E2T0.0 0.270 TL 58.60 -87.? L.29L PL 2.5015.4 20.7 2L.5 1s0 FTG16.3 0.0 0.482 rT, 2.50 -67,O0.0 16.4 20.7 L6.70.0 10.4 L6.7 -s0.319.0 L2.3 0.0 -31.30.0 7 .7 19.0 17.80.0 11 .1 L7.8 -13.50.0 3.3 0.0 16.216.9 6.0 L6.2 1.291 PL 150 FEG 0.293 TIJ 0.811 PL 150 FTG 0.216 rL 1.291 PL 150 FTG 0.173 TL 1.291 PL 150 FtG 0.072 TL 0.811 PL 150 FTG 0.243 rL L.29I PL 150 FTG 0.015 rL 1.055 PL 150 FTG 0.057 tL 1.60 11.80 2E 20.80 1.90 ET 9.40 7.10 E 11. 60 10.80 t1 13.80 PIPE TAGEND ELEV. NODES (FT) Pipe: 14 NOZ. (K) 9.5 0 .08.8 5.3 F. L. /FT 1.055 PL 150 FTG 0.213 TL 1.291 PL 150 FTG 0.030 TL 0.811 PL 150 FTG 0.199 Tr., L.29L PI, 150 FTG 0.091 TL 0.811 PL 150 FTG 0.184 TL 0.811 PL 150 FTG 0.196 TL 1.055 PL 150 FTG 0. 191 rL 0.811 PL 150 FTG 0.229 TL 1.291 PL 150 FTG 0.161 TL 1.291 Pt 150 FTG 0.446 TL 0.811 PL 150 FTG 0.240 TL 1.291 PL 150 FTG 0.635 TL 0.811 PL 150 FTG 0.275 tL 29 28 31 29 31 30 37 31 34 32 34 33 36 34 36 35 37 36 39 37 39 38 4L 39 4L 40 Pipe3 15 9.5 9.5 Pipel 16 9.5 8.8 Pipe! 17 9.5 9.5 Pipe: 18 9.5 3.8 Pipe:19 9.5 8.8 Pipe:20 9.5 9.5 Pipe:21 9.5 8.8 Pipe: 22 9.5 9.5 Pipe:23 9.5 9.5 Pipe: 24 9.5 8.8 Pipe:25 9.5 9.5 Pipe:26 9.5 7.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 5.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 5.6 0.0 5.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 5.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 5.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 5.6 PT (Psr ) 1t .9 10. 3 12.1 11.9 L2.L 8.1 L2.9 12. 1 9.7 7.5 9.7 8.0 tL.2 9.7 LL.2 9.5 t2.9 LL.2 13.1 12.9 13.1 10.0 15.8 13.1 15.8 11.6 1.50 T 9. 10 5.70 5.70 11.00 2EA 21. s0 8.80 8.80 13.30 4E 25.30 2.s0 ET 10.00 7 .90 7 .90 L.20 ET 8.70 1.50 T 10.60 0.50 0.50 6.80 ET 14.30 4.20 o.2 0.0 0.2 4.3 0.3 0.7 0.8 0.0 0.5 4.7 2.5 0.5 2.0 0.3 0.? 1.5 0.0 0.9 2.O 0.3 0.8 L.7 0.0 0.9 o.2 0.0 2.9 3.4 0.3 0.8 2.7 0.0 4.2 5.2 1.0 0.9 PF PE PV PF PE PV PF PE PV PF PE PV PF PE PV PF PE PV 4.20 5.30 3ET 18.80 PF PE PV PF PE PV PF PE PV PF PE PV PF PE PV PF PE PV O ,"*ro*ER sYsrEM HYDP,auLrc t""rr"Date: 08/281L994 JOB rITLE: 44 llillow Place Remote Area *5 PIPE DATA (cont.) Q(GPM) DIA(IN) I,ENGTH Drsc. VEL(FPS) HW(C) (FT) (GPM) 33. 10.0 12.2 16.9 19.60.0 4.8 0.0 16.00.0 9.9 16.0 35.60.0 8.7 0.0 15.30.0 9 .5 15.3 1s. 90.0 9 .9 15.9 3t.20.0 11.4 0.0 17.30.0 10.7 L7.3 48.40.0 11.9 0.0 84.00.0 20.6 0.0 Lt. t0.0 11.0 l? .7 101. ? 0 .0 24.9 0.0 19.00.0 11. 8 L9.0 Page 4 PRESS.sw. (Psr ) PF 1.9PE 0.3PV 1.0 I ,"*ro*""R sYsrEM HYDR.auLrc t""r*Date: 08/28/L994 JOB TITLE: 44 tlillow Place Remote Area *5 PIPE DATA (cont.) 230.6 2,465 PL75.8 55.0 15.5 150 FTG75.5 0.0 0.124 Tt 285.6 2.465 PL76.t 0.0 r9.2 150 FTG?5.8 55.0 0. 184 TL 0.50 285.6 4.220 PL 61.0077.9 (N/A) 6.6 140 FTG 42.60?6.1 0.O 0.01s TL 103.60 Q(GPM) DIA(IN) LENGTH Drsc. vEL(FPs) Hw(c) (FT) (GPM) 120.80.0 29 .6 0.0 22.L0.0 13.722.t L42.90.0 35 .0 0.0 50.00.0 L2.3 0.0 L92.9 r.527 Pr., 3.900.0 33.8 150 FTG T0.0 0.916 TL 16.00 37.6 t.527 PL 34.500.0 6.6 150 FTG ?Et0.0 0.045 TL 58.60 37.6 1.055 PL 18.800.0 13.8 150 FTG E2T0.0 0.270 TL 37.00 230.6 2.009 PL 16.800.0 23.3 150 FTG 2E0.0 0.33s rL 32.00 3.70 PIPE TAGEND ELEV. NODES (rT) Pipe:2743 9.s41 9,s NOZ. PT(K) (Psr) Page 5 PRESS. SUf.{. (Psr) PF 3.2PE O.OPV 5.9 3.7 0.3 1.3 23.L 0.0 8.3 2s.0 -0.91.0 74.7 0.0 7.7 2.6 1.3 0.3 10.0 -4.31.3 10.7 -3.53.7 F. L. ,/FT 1.291 PL 150 FTG 0.873 TL 0.811 PL 150 FTG 0. 363 Tr, 1.29L Pr., 150 FTG Pipe! 28 9.5 8.8 Pipe:29 9.5 9.5 Pipe: 30 9.5 11. s Pipe:31 9.5 9.5 Pipe:32 9.5 6.5 Pipe:33 6.5 16.5 Pipe:34 1.5 9.5 Pipe: 35 1.5 1.5 Pipe:36 1.0 1.5 Pipe:3? 0.5 1.0 0.0 42.L0.0 19.0 0.0 42.t0.0 16.3 0.0 56. I0.0 42.L 0.0 56.80.0 5s.5 0.0 55.50.0 4t.2 0.0 71 .00.0 56.8 0.0 75. s0.0 71.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 5.6 19.0 1s.8 t 9.0 15.6 3.70 2.70 ET 10.20 19.40 PF P8 PV PF PE PV PF PE PV PF PE PV PF PE PV PF PE PV PF P8 PV PF PE PV PF PE PV PF PE PV 43 42 44 20 44 43 45 44 BD 45 BS BD DOM BS BOR DOM 45 46 46 19 1.191 TL 19.40 1.291 PL 78,40 150 FTG 7E4T 0.171 TL 146.30 FIXED PRESSURB I,OSS DEVICE 4.5 pai, 230.6 gpm 0.50 0.50 0.s0 0.0 0.0 Pipe: 38suP 0.0BOR 0.5 H. S. 0.0 0.0 H. S. SRCE 0.0 0.1 -o.2 1.6 0.1 -o.22.5 1.6 -o.20.3 o'l '' '- I spRrNKr,ER sysr'u ""o* u"r"lL"r*Date: 08/28/L994 Page 6 JOB TITL,E! 44 Willolr Place Renote Area *5 NOTES!(1) Calculations rrere performed by the HASS 5.8.0 computer program under licenee no. 8115iI 49 granted by HRS Systema, Inc. 2193 Ranchtood Dr., N.E.Atlanta, GA 30345 (2) The syatem hae been balanced to provide an averageimbalance at each node of 0.004 gprn and a maximum imbalance at any node of 0.142 gprn. (3) Velocity presaurea arenot uaed in balancingis 35.0 fXleec at pipe (4) PIPE FITTINGS TAALE Pipe Table Name: CUSTOM.PIP PAGE: B MATERTAL: Copper HV|C: 150Diameter Equivalent Fitting Lengthg(in)ETLCB Ell Tee 45 Chkvlv Butvlv printed for inforrnation only, and are the eyetem. Maxinum water velocity 29. in FeetGAD GatVIv AlnVlv Dryvlv 0.811 1 .055 T.29L L.527 2.009 2.465 3.00 4.50 1.50 7.60 9.10 1.503.00 7.60 1.50 7.60 9.10 1.504.50 9.10 1.50 10.60 9. 10 1. s06.00 12.L0 3.00 13.60 9. 10 1. s0't.60 1s.10 3.00 16.60 9.10 1.509.10 18.10 4.50 21.10 10.60 1.s0 0.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0 .00 21. 10 2L.L0 t ,,,]., ,;. :O8TIrIA R ST'P 0+ II I I 5+ I 0+*\t\\ I5+ lfillos Place CURVE .:8T8TEII EIDRAI'I,TC Remote Area *5 Page 7 IL 14 P R E s s u R E ( P sI ) 120+ I 105+ 90+ ?5+ 60+ 45+ \\\0\\ x \\ \\ \\ <-62,0 pei 0 705 gpn Fl.os Test Point 30+ 15+ X= 0E LEGEND Required ttater Supply 77.85 psi 0 53s.6 gpn Available ttater Supply 95.08 psi € 535.6 gpln 200 300 400 s00 600 FLOW 700 (GPM) 800 900 1000 8p8 888 888 \)o 6-.888 r -. i tr Nc 6lb ), )-\r,\\ "c)i$ tr | \l8**l\ " th, u) \6:. .00)n N l+t. u t G\t rj1 ,R 'n(-o( ^., -<: -r-J- aoo I -6)JTt> \4:.> c a c l\,A@n 888 ; 2 2 o ->.i ! ;ox I ; !oo F oat 3tt r 5 h R \ ..to> HTDRAT{T ES'r . HYDRAIIT AVAILABLE,rr* DATE: 10/1./q3 TltlE: N/A STATIC: RESIDUAT: 160 TESTED 62 CORRECTED FLOW BY FIRE DEPARII{ENT.TEST MADE: 160 62 1 ,510 Q Lrieur fltt <p PSI STATICPSI RESIDUAL FLOWING CORRECIED FLOIJ: LESS CORRECTED FIPW IS 160 PSI STATIC - 15 PSr d*+======= 145 PSI STATIC FL0W 0F 1,510 GPM NOW 145 PSI STATIC .$aa + 705 GPM 62 PSI RESIDUAL FLOW 705 GPM. BY. DENNIS GALVIN ffi comelere I ? 3 4 5 GP}I PsI AT 42 West Meadow Driae Vail, Colorado 81657 t 0 t -47 9-22t 0 August 4, 1994 Raymond GiblerAll-State Fire protectLon 6045 East 76th Avenue, # fZ Commerce City, Colorado BOO22 *ry:e.#r #;ffiE ' ! ::r'" By' Ti.,,. i .l -7-tqb 1. The correct address is 44 Wlllow Road.adJacent street. !its: .'a?f ?, -_t731_ Snu L.tf"( a-7-1<l Wlllow Place is an Res FJ-re sprLnkler plan subnittal for 44 willow place, Vail co. Dear Mr. Gibler: r have revlewed the prans, hydrauric calcuratione, andequipment cut sheets subnitted for'perfrit for 44 wittow prace. Theprans, calculatLons and the equiprne-nt tist are Nor AppRovED for duecause. The specifLc errors and issues of concern identifiea in ourreview are as follows: 2. The state Plan Registration Form is rnissing the date, the nameand address of the generar contractor, the name and ad.dress ofthe -owner, and -the zip code. The description of the work isa l-lttle too sirnple. The crpace provlded roi tne state FireProtection contractor r s Registration Number has youf "ifi.4;;;versus your contractorrs number. 3. Equlpnent cut sheets do not incrude r-nfornation on thesLdewarl headsr. frashing light and horn requirea for the frowindicator, or tamper sw-itchles. No cut sheets were provid.edfor the FDc.. Ararn be].rs,. as indicated on tne cut sheLts,-;;;not.approved for use within the Town of vail per ordin.t." i,Series of 1983. 4. The.plans and cuts sheets indicate.an unspecified pressurerelief valve is to be installed. This has riot been drscussedwith the Ftre legartment, no proven need. has been showr, ,oit u" the specific varve, s-etting or rninufacturer beenldentlfied. - 5. The hydraull_c calculations show a Node 17 on Area l, plpe S4.r was not able to find or read any point on LrrL -prins indicating a Node L7. The calculatfon! inoiciie-ih"-;i;;length is 105.4 feet of r inch with a negative flow of e ipi.Revlew of hydraulic calcul_atlons wa" "uJfJntea. Fire Sprinkler Plan Review 44 WiLlow Road Page 2 6. The plans show a single I l/2 inch FDC for which there is nocut sheet. (A single I I/2 inch FDC will not be approved. ) 7. Town of VaiI Municipal Code, Section 15.02, a.k.a. UniformBuilding Code (199r edition), Section 3sor(d) Exception 3.,precludes any reduction of the level of safety, coverage, orany reduction that nay affect the level of performance whenthe fire sprinkler system is belng installed under anvexception to Chapter 5. Few if any exceptions to Nfpa fg i,are allowed. 8. The frow test data has not been substantiated. No infornationwas provided regarding who performed the test, when it wastaken, where it was taken from, or any other means ofverification. rnitial review indicates the flow and pressuresare too high for peak dernand. Vail Fire Departrneit cannotprovide flow data. 9. rnformation obtained by the Vait Fire Department indicates thesupply to the building is not a 2il Type K copper llne. 10. The. plans show residentiaL sprinkler heads tn the garage.sprinkler heads must be installed within the limitations-oftheir listing(s). 11. The garage areas must be calculated at Ord. Group I (rnin.),and designed per NFPA 13. L2. The use of a 2rr soLenoid valve to shut off the d.omestiq watersupply is not approved. No data suggests there wirr even beenough water available to trip the fl-ow switch (assuming theflow switch is the intended means of activating the solen5id;.Per the AHJ, fire frow carculations must aao tne dornesticdemand to the fire frow demand for permission to use acombinatlon water supply. 13. The inspectorrs test valve and assenrbly nust be located at aremote location, not at the riser. l-4. A fj-re sprinkler head is required in the elevator pit. 15. Plans must show- ceiling erevation, obstructions (lightfixtures), bean depth, slope, and information requirLa -by Section 2-1.L.2 (NFPA 13 R, 94 ed.). 16. No sprinklers are shown at the bottom of the stairsi there isno indication as to whether the stairs are combustible or not,or if there is enclosed storage space beneath. Flre Sprinkler PIan Review44 Willow Road Page 3 17. Notations on the plans show {3/4tt Dn x ?16rr}, lL L/2t Dn x 5-OJ, {3/4.,, Dn x 5-2 L/21 , a}l from the celllng of the garage.These pipes, if insi,alled according to the -ptan, woita iotprovide continuity to the piping and would leave'the end ofthe pipe several inches above the floor of the storage roonsand the mechanical roorn. 18. sprinkler heads in the nechanical roorn shourd be ninlnun 30degrees above anbient temperature. use of l6E degree heads isquestionable. 19. rnstallation of an automatic barr drlp (for the FDC) belowgrade lE not approved. 20. fhe location of the FDc is not approved due to obstructLons.ElevatLon of the FDC l-s not shown. Uae of L L/Zn hoseconnection Ls not approved. 2L. The use of aLl roome Ls not lndlcated. 22. Bath rooms and crosete are not exernpt per uBc 3gol(d) Ex. 3. Plan review was terninated before conpretion. Additlonalissues. may arl-se. rt is incunbent upon the contractor andreviewing. engineer (pE or NrcET rrr) tb identify and correctdeficiencles- prlor _to subrnlttrng the' plans for plrnit. iran"shouLd also be eubnltted to the archltect and/or pioject engineerprior to subnlttlng for pernlt. rf you deslre clarification or wish to discuss these issues,please contact us. SJ-ncere1y, Michael McGeeFire Marshat FSSI Cert. 9I-006 cc: Steve Kyle c/o All-State Tom Fry, Architect Gary Murrain, Chief Buildinq OfflcialDick Duran, Fire Chief .'.. 4 ALI..YTATE FIRE PROTECNON INC 6U5 E TCTHAUE #T2 @MMERCE qTT, COLOMDO 80022 pltor..: (30il 28e3901 fc: (Jo3) 2t&re36,Rm1 lLji, J lgU TRANSMITTALLETITR ,J\ . DATE: THESE ARE BEWG STTBA{INED FO8.( ) YOIRRECOnDS( ) YOIRATIROVAL ()@. COMMENTS: ) FORJOBCOORTTMATION ) IToRAIPROIrAL BYARCETTECT Z) /:-,q4t/3 "/,-/ ',( W ARE EIVCI.(NINC LUE FOLINWII{G: DESCRIPIION ''' Tfi fi ,'rt'#3'I ?.3. oitf "' 1000 South Frontage Road West vArL. coLoRADo 81657 LtrTTtrlDF TRASSSnflmTAL '^" 6.f -?4 l'""'"n&go"t"t'o)-t 1., Sr*atela-=ZT/tnu.u"rzu wE ARE sENDTNG You lnttacnea n Shop drawings ! n under separate cover via //*f(A the following items: ! Change order n ! Plans ! Samples n Specifications ! Copy of letter (303) 476-4433 FAX (303) 476.4608 COPIES DATE NO.DESCRIPTION /TrPta-t aeoe t+zutta M/zs fuE P+g nttn+z- E*,uh'ze^s THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: I For approval f,Fo. vo* ur" [] As requested Xr", review and comment . N FOR BIDS DUE D n ! tr Approved as submitted Approved as noted Returned for corrections ! Resubmit -copies for approval ! Submit - copies for distribution n Return - corrected prints L9 - ! PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS coev ro H4 .D^ REoYOLED PAPEF5,) Contents; +0",'. Pre-Consi]m€r. 1096 Posl_Consumer SIGNED: tl enclosurea are not aa noted, klndly ootlly us at once- /xto- €0UBLE rtl- WITH INSERTS 3' 0,, DOOR DETAIL PLAN SHOWING POSSIBLE MACHINE ROOM LOCATIONS _.. (usE THls Toffic-H lN PIPING AnRANGIIIE{I)V &,,trr r'- I t 31d{3 +ENI.ARGED CORNI fOR $BFRAIE MIJNG SL! d t-,trrrt alGto tdtD at e aar ira r arr rl ul -l I I SECTION THROUGH OPENING ALL_STATE FIRE PROTECTION, INC. 6045 E. 76TH AVE., tt2 CoMMERCE CrTY, CO. 80022 44 IIII.',IJOW PLACEvArL, coLoRADO FILE NT'MBER: WILIOW1 7 /27 /94 REMOTE AREA #1 -DESIGN DATA- OCCIIPAIICY CIASSIFICATION: NFPA 13R DIIELL,ING TYPE OF SPRINKLERS: CENTRAL OPTI}'A RESIDENTIAL CONCEALED PENDENTS BASIS OF COVEF"AGE: 20 ft. x 20 ft. rUUbgN OF SPRINKIJERS CAICUI,ATEDs 2 hEAdS MTNIUt'l.l GPU REQUIRED pER SPRINKLERz L7.0 gpn TOTAL, SPRINKLER WATER rLOW REQUIRED: 34.2 gpm TOTAL WATER REQUIRED (including hose): 34.2 gpnr FIO!{ AllD PRESSI'RE (e BOR): 34.2 gpm e 61.0 pai SPRINKLER ORIFICE SIZE: 7/16 inch NAl.lE OF CONTRACTOR: ALL-STATE FIRE PROTECTION, INC. DESIGN/I.AYOUT BY: STEVT] KYIJE AUTHORITI HAVING iTURISDICTION: VAIL FIRE PREVENTION CALCULATIONS BY HASS COMPUTER PROGRAM HRS SYSTEMS, rNC, ATLANTA, GA ,"*t"r* sYsrEM HrDRAnLrc ^*t,Date: O'l /27 /L994 JOB TITLET 44 Willow Place Remote Area *1 YTATER SUPPLY DATA Page 1 wrLl.ovtl SOURCE STATTC NODE PRESS. TAG (PSI) suP L22.0 RESID. FI.,OYI PRESS. E (Psr ) (GPM) 111.0 3500.0 AGGREGATE FI,O!{ ANALYSIS: TOTAL FLOW AT SOURCE TOTAL HOSE STREA}I ALIOWANCE OTHER HOSE STREAM ALIOWANCES TOTAL DISCHARGE FROM ACTIVE AVAIL. PRESS. € (Psr ) L22.0 1!OTAL DEUAND (GPM) 34.2 REQ'D PRESS. (Psr ) 62.4 AT SOURCE SPRINKIARS 34.2 0.0 0.0 34.2 GPM GPM GPM GPM NODE ANALYSIS DATA NODE TAG ELEVATION (FT) PRESSI'RE DISCI1ARGE(PSr) (GPM) 1 2 4 10 16 L7 18 19 20 2L 22 BOR BS BD SUP 34.3 38.9 39.8 36.0 28.0 26.s 21 .5 16 .5 11.5 6.5 9.5 1.0 1.5 1.5 0.0 16.8 L7.5 24.6 27.1 40.7 39.2 43.7 45 .0 48.8 50.8 s1.3 61.0 60.3 s5.8 62.4 L7.2 17 .0 NODE TYPE K= 4.20 K= 4.06 SOURCE 34.2 EQUIVALENT K-FACTOR CALCULATOR Node 9p:. Prees. Pipe dia. pipe Ftgs. Total H-r{ nquiv.Name K-fac. (pei) (in) r.,en.ltt1 - Len.(fr) coef . Kifac. 4.20 16.4 0.811 0.50 5.00 150 4.06 ,"*t"r* sYsrEM HTDRAur.rc **t, Q(GPM) DIA(IN) LENGTH PT DrSC. VEL(FPS) HW(C) (PSr ) (GPM) F.L. /FT (Fr) 17 .5 16.8 Date: 07 /-27 /L994 JOB TITLE z 44 Willow Place Remote Area #1 PIPE DATA Page 2 PIPE TAG END ELEV. NOZ. NODES (FT) (K) Pipe: I 2 38.9 4.t1 34.3 4.2 PRESS. strM. (PSr ) Pipe: 239.8 0.0 24.638.9 4.t 17. s L7 .2 17 .0 L0 ,7 L?.2 34.20.0 t2.6 17.0 34.20.0 L2.6 0.0 -8.00.0 2.9 0.0 34.20.0 12.6 0.0 8.00.0 2.0 0.0 -5.20.0 1.9 0.0 26.20.0 6.4 0.0 L3.20.0 3 .2 0.0 t3.20.0 3 .2 0.0 2l.o0.0 5.1 0.0 2L.O0.0 5.1 0.0 34.20.0 6.0 0.0 0.E1l PL 8.90 150 FTG E 0.229 TL 11.90 1.0ss PL 26.90 150 FTG 2E 0.226 rL 32.90 1.055 PL 150 FtlG 0.226 TL 3.80 3.80 PF PE PV PF PE PV PF PE PV PF PE PV PF PE PV PF PE PV PF PE PV PF PE PV PF PE PV PF PE PV PF PE PV PF PE PV PF PE PV 2.7 2.0 0.8 7.4 0.4 1.1 0.9 -1. 6 1.1 2.L -0.60.1 8.0 -4.11.1 o.2 -2.40.0 0.8 -2.20.0 1.5 -4.30.3 0.8 -4.30.1 1.6 -0.9 0.1 t.4 -4.3o.2 1.8 1.3 o.2 1.1 -3 .5 o.2 10 4 Pipe: 3 36.0 39.8 Pipe: 4 26.5 28.0 Pipe: 5 26.5 36.0 Pipe: 6 2L.5 28. O Pipe: 7 16.5 2L.s Pipe: 8 16. s 26.s Pipe: 9 11.5 21 .5 Pipe:10 9.5 11.s Pipe: 11 5.5 16. s Pipe: Lz 9.5 6.5 Pipe: 13 1.5 9.5 1.oss PL 105.40 150 FTG 6E2T 0.01s rL 138.60 1.oss PL 17.00 150 FIDG EzX o.226 TL 35.20 1.291 PL 16.00 150 FTG ET 0.006 TL 29.60 1.055 PL 84. 60 150 FTG 5E2T 0.007 TL 114.80 1.291 PL 11.50 150 TTG 2ET 0.0s2 TL 29.60 1.291 PL 33.10 150 FTG E2T 0.015 TL 55.80 1.291 PL 83.90 150 FTG 2E2T 0.015 TL 111.10 1.291 PL 18.80 150 FTG E2T 0.034 TL 41.5.0 1.291 PL 34.60 150 FTG 2ET 0.034 TL 52.70 r.527 PL 16.80 150 FBG 2E 0.037 TL 28.80 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 27.L 24.6 39.2 40.7 39.2 27.L 43.7 40.7 4s.0 43.7 4s.0 39.2 48.8 43.7 51.3 48.8 50.8 4s. 0 s1.3 50.8 55.8 s1. 3 17 16 L7 10 18 15 19 18 19 L7 20 18 22 20 2L t9 22 2L BD 22 ,"*l*""* sYsrEM HyDRAUr.,rc **l,,Date: 07 /27 /L994 JOB TITLEz 44 Willow Place Remote Area f1 PIPE DATA (cont. ) PIPE TAGEND ELEV. NOZ. PT DrSC. VEL(FPS) HW(C) (Fr) Sttu. NODES (Fr) (K) (PSr) (GPM) F.L./FT (PSr ) Pipe: L4 FIXED PRESSURE LOSS DEVICEBs l.s 0.0 60.3 0.0 4.5 psi, 34.2 gpnBD 1.s 0.0 5s.8 0.0 Pipe:15 34.2 L.s27 PL 0.s0 PF 0.5 BOR 1.0 0.0 61.0 0.0 6.0 150 FTG T PE -0.2BS 1.5 0.0 60.3 0.0 0.037 TL 12.60 PV 0.2 Pipe: 16 34.2 1.959 PL 61.00 PF 0.9sup 0.0 sRcE 62.4 (N/A) 3.6 1s0 FTG 24.20 PE -0.4BOR 1.0 0.0 61.0 0.0 0.011 TL 8s.20 PV 0.1 NOTES:(1) Calculatione were performed by the HASS 5.8.0 computer program under license no. 8115J 49 granted by HRS Systen8, Inc. 2193 Ranchwood Dr., N.E.Atlanta, GA 30345 (2) The system hae been balanced to provide an average inbalance at each node of 0.006 gpn and a maxj-uum inbalance at any node of 0.079 gpn. (3) velocity preseure€r are printed for information only, and arenot used iu balancing the system. Maxinum water velocityie 12.6 ft-/eec at pipe 3. (4) PIPE FITTINGS TABLE Pipe Table Name: CUSTOM.PIP PAGE: B MATERIAL: Copper HWC: 150Diameter Equivalent Fitting Lengthe in Feet(in)ETLcBGADEll Tee 45 Chkvlv Butvlv Gatvlv AlnVlv Dryvlv 0.811 3.00 4.50 1.s0 7.60 9.10 1.s0 0.00 0.001.055 3.00 7.60 1.s0 7.60 9.10 1.s0 0.00 0.00L.29L 4.s0 9.10 1.50 10.60 9.10 1.s0 0.00 0.00L.527 6.00 12.10 3.00 13.60 9.10 1.s0 0.00 0.00 Page 3 Q(GPU) DIA(IN) I.,ENGTH PRESS. ,"*t""* s'srEr,r HrDRAur,rc **t,Dates O?1271L994 itOB TftLEt 44 tlillow Place Rernote Area *l IIASER SI'PPLT CURVE 180+ 165+ 150+ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\, \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ 111.0 Pei € 3500 gPn-> * FIow Teet Point Page 4 ir* 35+ I I0\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ 20+ I I I 05+ 90+ I75+ I P1 R B ssl tt R E ( P sI ) x 6O+ {5+ I,EGEND = Required Water Supply 62.411 psi t 34.2 gpm - Available Water Supply122.00 psi 0 34.2 gpn 30+ l5+ 8001200 1600 2000 3200 3500 40002400 2800 Frorf (GPu) ALI-STATE FIRE PROTECTION, INC. 6045 E. 76TIt AVE., *12 CoMMERCE CrTY, CO. 80022 HYDR,AULIC CALCT'LATIONS FOR 44 }IILtOW PLACE VAIL, COLORADO FILE NI,!4BER: WILLOTI2 7 /27 /94 REMOTE AREA *2 -DESIGN DATA- OCCUPADICY CLASSIFICATION: IIFPA 13R DWELLING IYPE OF SPRINKLERS: CENTR"AL, OPTIMA RESIDENTIAL CONCEALED PENDENTS BASIS OF COVERAGES 20 ft. x 20 ft. NTMBER OF SPRINKLERS CALCULATED: t heade UINIMTM GPU REQUIRED PER SPRINKLERT 24.0 gpn TOTAL SPRINKLER I{ATER. FLOW REQUIRED: 24.0 gprn TOTAL WATER REQUIRED (including hose) z 24.0 gpn FIJO{ AND PRESSITRE (e BOR) z 24.0 gpn e 79.3 psi SPRINKLER ORIFICE SIZE: 7/L6 inch NA!!E Or CONTRACIOR: ALIJ-STATE FIRE PROTECTION, INC. DESIGT{/LR,YOUT BY: STEVB KYLE AUTIIORTTY HAVING JURISDICTIOU: VAIL FIRE PREVENTIOII CALCI'LATIONS BY HASS CO}IPUTER PROGRAM HRS SYSTEMS, INC. ATLANTA, GA ,"*?*""* sYsrBu HYDRArrrrc ***,Date: 07/27/1994 JOB TITLE: 44 tJillow Place WATER SUPPLY DATA SOURCE STATIC RESID. NODE PRESS. PRESS.TAG (PSr) (PSr) suP L22.O 111.0 Renote Area *2 FIOW e (GPM) 3500.0 AVAIL. PRESS. E (Psr) L22.0 Page 1 WILLOW2 TOTAL DEMAND (GPM) 24.0 REQ'D PRESS. (Psr ) 80. 3 AGGFAGATE FLOW ANALYSIS: TOTAL FLOTI AT SOURCE TOTAL HOSE STRSAI{ AIJI'OWAIICE OTHER ITOSE STREA}I AI,IS{A}ICES TOTAI DISCHARGE FROM ACTIVE AT SOURCE SPRINKLERS 24.0 0.0 0.0 24.0 GPM GPM GPI'! GPM NODE AIIALYSIS DATA NODE TAG ELEVATTON (FT) PRESSURE DISCIIARGE(Psr) (GPM) 3 4 10 16 t7 18 19 20 2L 22 BOR BS BD SUP 39.1 39.8 36.0 28.0 26.5 2L.5 16.5 11.5 6.5 9.5 1.0 1.5 1.5 0.0 32.7 50.2 52.3 61.0 60. s 63.9 65.6 68.6 70.7 70.3 79.3 ?8.9 74.4 80.3 24.0 NODE TYPE K= 4.20 souRcE 24.0 Date: o7 /27 /Lss4'"*t""* sYsrEM HTDRAULT. **1" JOB TITLET 44 Willow Place Remote Area *2 PIPE DATA PIPE TAG Q(GPM) DIA(IN) I.,ENGTHEND ELEV. NOZ. PT DrSC. VEL(FPS) nW(C) (FT) NODES (FT) (K) (PSr) (cPM) F.L./FT Page 2 Pipe: 14 39 .8 0.03 39. 1 4.2 24.O 0.811 PL 0.0 t4.9 1s0 FTG24.0 0.422 tL 24.0 1.055 PL0.0 8.8 150 FTG 0.0 0.117 TL 3.80 -5.6 1.055 PL 105.40 PF 0.0 2.t 150 FTG 6E2T PE 0.0 0.008 TL 138.60 PV 24.0 1.055 PL 17.00 PF 0.0 8.8 150 FTG Ezt PE 0.0 0. 117 TIJ 35.20 PV 5.6 L.29L PL 16.00 PFO.O I.4 150 FTG ET PE 0.0 0.003 Tr., 29 .60 Pv -3.6 1.055 PL 84.60 0.0 1.3 150 FTG 5E2T0.0 0.004 TL 114.80 18.4 1.291 PL 11.500.0 4.5 150 FTG zET0.0 0.027 Tr, 29.60 25.70 4ET 42.20 3.80 PRESS. st,l,l. (PSr ) PF 17.8 PE 0.3PV 1.5 PF 0.4PE -1.6PV 0.5 Pipe: 10 4 Pipe: L? 16 Pipe: 17 10 Pipe: 18 16 Pipe: L9 18 Pipe: 19 L7 Pipe: 20 18 Pipe: 22 20 Pipe: 2L 19 Pipe: 22 2L Pipe: 2 36.0 39 .8 3 26.5 28.0 4 26.s 36.0 5 2t.5 28.0 6 16. s2t.s 7 16.5 26.s 8 11.5 2L.5 9 9.5 t1 .5 10 6.5 15.5 11 9.5 6.5 t2 1.5 9.5 13 1.5 1.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 50.2 32.7 52.3 50.2 60.5 51.0 60. s s2.3 63.9 61.0 6s.6 63.9 65.6 60.s 68.6 63.9 ?0.3 68. 6 70.7 65.6 70.3 70.7 7 4.4 70.3 78.9 7 4.4 1.1 -0.6 0.0 4.L -4.L 0.5 0.1 -2.80.0 PF 0.4PE -2.2PV 0.0 PF PE PV 0.8 -4.30.1 0.4 -4.30.0 9.3 L.29L PL 33.10 PF0.0 2.3 150 FlrG E2T PE0.0 0.008 TL 55.{t0 Pv 9.3 I.29L PL 83.900.0 2.3 1s0 rTG 2E2T0.0 0.008 Tr 111.10 L4.7 L.29L Pr. 18.800.0 3.6 150 FTG Ezr0.0 0.018 TL 41.50 PF 0.8PE -0.9PV 0.0 PF O.7PE -4.3PV 0.1 L1.? 1.291 PL 34.60 PF0.0 3.6 150 FTG 2Et PE0.0 0.018 TL 52.70 PV 0.9 1.3 0.1 BD 22 BS BD 24.0 L.527 PL 16.80 PF 0.60.0 4.2 150 FTG 2E PE -3.50.0 0.019 TL 28.80 PV 0.1 FIXED PRESSUFA I,OSS DEVICE0.0 4.5 psi, 24.0 gpn 0.0 Pipe: ,"*Qo"* sYsrEM HyDRAnLrc **Q*Date: 07 /27 /L994 ,'tOB TITLEz 44 Willow Place Remote Area 12 PIPE DATA (cont. ) PIPE TAG A(GPM) DIA(IN) I,ENGTHEND ELEV. NOZ. PT DrSC. VEL(FPS) HW(C) (FT) NODES (FT) (K) (PSr) (GPM) F.L./FT Page 3 PRESS. ST'M. (Psr ) Pipe: L4BOR 1.0 0.0 79 .3 0.0BS 1. s 0.0 78.9 0.0 Pipe: 15SUP O.O SRCEBOR 1.0 0.0 24.0 L.527 PL 0.504.2 150 FTG T 0.019 TL L2.60 24.0 1.959 PL 61.0080.3 (N/A) 2.6 150 FTG 24.2079.3 0.0 0.006 TL 85.20 PF PE PV PF PE PV 0.2 -0.20.1 0.5 -0. 4 0.0 NOTES:(1) Calculations were performed by the ITASS 5.8.0 computer prognam under licenee no. 8115J 49 granted by HRS Systene, Inc. 2193 Ranchwood Dr., N.E.Atlanta, cA 30345 (2) Bhe systen baE been balanced to provide an averageinbalance at each node of 0.014 gpm and a maximum i:nbalance at aay node of 0.188 gprn. (3) Velocity preesurea are printed for information only, and arenot used in balancing the system. Maxirnurn water velocityie 14.9 ftlaec at pJ-pe 1. (4) PrPE FITTINGS TABIJE Pipe Tab1e Name: CUSTOM.PIP MATERIAL: Copper llWC: 150Eguivalent Fitting Length8 in FeetETLCBGADEtl Tee 45 ChkVlv ButVlv GatVl.v AInVlv DryVlv 3.00 4.s0 1.s0 7.60 9.10 1.503.00 7.60 1.50 7.60 9.10 1.504.50 9.10 1. s0 10.60 9.10 1.50 6. 00 12 . 10 3.00 13. 60 9.10 1. s0 PAGE: B Diameter ( in) 0 .811 1.055L.29t L.s27 0.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.00 ,r**"r* sYsrEu HTDRAI'.,r. **Q* Date: 071271L994 gOS ffTLs-z 44 tflllow Place Remote Area *2 TIATER ST'PPLY CI'RVE 180+ Page { \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ 111.0 Pei t 3500 gPn-> * Flow Teet Point 135+ I 6rrrrrrru\\\\\\\ P120+RlElsl 9105+ulRlEl 90+(lPlsxr ?5+)l 165+ 150+ 60+ 45+ 30+LEGEND X *.Required ttater Supply 80.26 pei 0 24,O gp'rr 0 - Available l,later Supply 122.00 psi 0 24.0 gPr 2400 2800 rl{rw (GPl{) 8001200 1600 2000 3200 3600 4000 o ALL-STATE PIRE PRCITECTION, INC. 6045 E. 76TH AVE., *12 CoMMERCE CrTY, CO. 80022 HYDRAULIC CALCT'LATIONS FOR 44 WILLOW PLACEVAIL, COLORADO FILE NI'MBER: WILLOW3 7 /27 /94 REMOTE AREA *3 -DESIGN DATA- OCCUPA}ICY CLASSIFICATION; NF.PA 13R DWELLING TYPE OF SPRINKTJERS: CENTRAIJ OPTIMA RESIDENTIAL CONCEALED PENDENTS BASIS OF COVERAGE: 20 ft. x 20 ft. NI'MBER OT SPRINKLERS CALCUI,ATED: 3 heads I'IINIMW GPM REQUIRED PER SPRINKLERz L7.0 gpn TOTAL SPRINKLER WATER FLOW REQUIRED: 52.4 gpn TOTAL WATER REQUIRED (including hose): 52.4 gpn rl,ow AIID PRESSURE (e BOR): 52.4 gpru e 83.s psi SPRINKLER ORIFICE SIZE: 7/L6 inch NAI,IE OF CONTRACTOR: ALL-STATE FIRE PROTECTION, INC. DESTSN//I,AYOUT BY! STEVE KYIJE AUTHORITY HAVING JI'RISDICTION: VAIL FIRE PREVENTION CALCUI,ATIONS BY ITASS COMPUTER PROGRAI,I HRS SYSTEMS, INC. ATLANTA, GA ,"t*r* sYsrEu HYDRA.LT. **?r,Date: 07 /2? /L994 JOB TITLEz 44 t{illow Place Remote Area *3 WATER SUPPLY DATA Page 1 I{ILIJOW3 SOURCE STATIC NODE PRESS.TAG (PSI) suP L22.0 RESID. FI,OW PRESS. 8(Psr) (GPM) 111.0 3s00.0 AVAIL. PRESS. E (Psr ) L22.0 TlOTAL DEMAND (GPu) 52.4 REQ'D PRESS. (PSr ) 86.0 AGGREGATE FLOTI ANALISIS: TOTAT FLOW AT SOI'RCE TOTAI, HOSE STREAI,I ALLOI{ANCE OTHER HOSE STREAM ALIOWAITCES TOTAL DISCI1ARGE FROM ACTIVE ANALYSIS DATA TAG NODE TYPE K= 4.20 K= 4.20 K= 4.20 sottRcE AT SOURCE SPRlNKLERS 52.4 0.0 0.0 s2.4 GPM GPM GPM GPt! NODE NODE 5 6 7I 9 10 16 L7 18 19 20 2L 22 BOR BS BD suP ELEVATION(rr) 36.6 . 3?.5 3?.5 36.6 37.s 36. O 28. O 26.5 21.5 16. s 11. s 6.5 9.5 1.0 1.5 1.5 0.0 PRESSI'RE (PSr ) 16.4 18.6 20.5 16.8 20.8 32.5 s8.1 54.1 61.3 61.8 67.5 69.2 7L.9 83.5 82.2 77 .7 86. 0 DISCI1ARGE (GPM) L7.O 18. 1 L7.2 52.4 PIPE TAGEND ELEV. NOZ. NODES (FT) (K) ,"*t"r* sYsrEM HyDRAUr,rc **lr" Q(GPM) DIA(IN) LENGTHPT DrSC. VEL(FPS) m{(C)(PSr) (GPM) F.L./Fr (FT) 0.811 PL 6.70 150 FTG 3ET 0.223 rL 20.20 0.811 PL 1.50 150 FTG 2E 0.251 TL 7.50 Page 2Date: 07 /27 /L994 itOB IITLEz 44 Willow Place Remote Area *3 PIPE DATA PRESS. SI'M. (PSr ) Pipe: 1 1?.0 37 .5 0.0 20.5 0.0 10.636.6 4.2 16.4 17.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 4.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 20. 8 20,5 20.8 16.8 32.5 20.8 54. 1 58. I s4. 1 32.s 61.3 58. 1 61.8 61.3 61.8 54.1 67.5 61.3 ?L.9 67.5 69.2 61.8 1. 30 1 .30 4.5 o.4 0.8 1.9 0.0 0.9 0.3 0.0 1.1 4.4 0.4 0.8 11.0 -0. 6 2.5 4.7 -0.60.1 17 .5 -4.L2.5 0.4 -2.80.1 L.7 -2.20.1 3.4 -4.30.6 1.8 -4.30.2 3.6 -0.9o.2 3.1 -4.30.4 PF PE PV PF PE PV PF PE PV PF PE PV PF PE PV PF PE PV PF PE PV PT PE PV PF PE PV PF PE PV PF PE PV PF PE PV PF PE PV Pipe: 237.5 0.0 20.537.5 4.2 18. 6 18.10.0 11.3 18. 1 35. 10.0 12.9 0.0 L7.20.0 10.7 L7.2 52.30.0 L9 .2 0.0 -L2.30.0 4.5 0.0 s2.30.0 L9 .2 0.0 L2.30.0 3.0 0.0 -7 .90.0 2.9 0.0 40.10.0 9.8 0.0 20.20.0 5.0 0.0 20.20.0 5.0 0.0 32.L0.0 7 .9 0.0 1.055 PL 150 FTG 0.237 tL 10 9 L7 16 L7 10 18 16 19 18 19 t? ?.o 18 22 20 2L 19 Pipe: 3 37.5 37.5 Pipe: 4 37.5 36.6 Pipe: 5 36.0 37.s Pipe: 6 26.5 28.O Pipe: 7 26.5 36. O Pipe: 8 2L.5 28.O Pipe: 9 16. s 2L.5 Pipe: 10 16. s 26.s Pipe:11 11.5 21.5 Pipe:12 9.5 11.5 Pipe: 13 6.5 16. s 0.811 PL 5.70 150 FTG 3ET 0.229 TL L9.20 1.055 PL 8.60 150 FTG zET 0.497 TL 22.20 1.055 PL 105.40 150 FTG 6E2I 0.034 TL 138.60 1.055 PL 17.00 150 FTG E2T 0.497 TL 35.20 1.291 Pr 16.00 150 FTG ET 0.013 TL 29.60 1.055 PL 84. 60 150 FTG 5E2T 0.01s TL 114.80 1.291 Pr 11.50 150 FTG 2ET 0.113 TL 29.60 1.291 PL 33.10 i5O FTG E2T 0.032 Tr 55.80 1.291 PL 83.90 150 FTG 2E2T 0.032 TL 111.10 1.291 Pt 18.80 150 TTG E2T 0.075 TL 41.50 Date: 07 /27 /L994 JOB TITIE. 44 Willow Place Remote Area *3 PIPE DATA (cont. ) PIPE TAGEND 8LEV. NOZ. NODES (FT) (K) Pipe: L4 22 9.5 0.0 2L 6. s 0.0 Pipe:15BD 1.5 0.0 77.7 0.022 9 .5 0.0 7t.9 0.0 Pipe: 16BS 1.5 0.0 82 .2BD 1.5 0.0 77 .7 Page 3 52.3 t.s27 PL 16.80 PF 2.49.2 150 FTG 2E PE -3.5 0.082 TL 28.80 PV 0.6 Pipe: L7 BOR 1.0 0.0 BS 1.5 0.0 52.3 L.527 PL 0.500.0 9.2 150 FTG T0.0 0.082 TL 12.60 52.4 1.959 PL 61.005.6 1s0 FTG 24.20 0.024 tL 8s.20 83.5 82.2 PF 1.0 PE -0.2PV 0.6 PF 2.IPE -o.4PV O.2 Pipe: 18suP 0.0 sRcE 86.0 (N/A)BOR 1.0 0.0 83.s 0.0 NOTES:(1) Calculations were performed by the HASS 5.8.0 computer program under licenee no. 8115J 49 granted by HRS Systems, Inc. 2193 Ranchwood Dr., N.E.Atlanta, GA 30345 (2) The system has been balanced to provide an average imbalance at each node of 0.009 gpm and a maximum imbalance at anlr node of -0.138 gpn. (3) Velocity preseurea are printed for infornation only, and arenot used in balancing the eyetem. Maxirnum water velocityis 19.2 ftleec at pipe 5. sptxr,sn sYsrEM HYDRArrtrc *o,lt, Q(GPM) DIA(IN) LENGTH PRESS. PT DrSC. VEL(FPS) HW(C) (Fr) SttU. (PSr) (GPM) F.L./FT (PSr) 32.1 1.291 PL 34.60 PF 4.0 7L.9 0.0 7 .9 150 FTG 2ET PE 1. 3 69.2 0.0 0.075 Tr 52.70 PV 0.4 FIXED PRESSURE LOSS DEVICE0.0 4.5 psi, 52.3 gpm 0.0 Dare: o7/2x/Lss1'"*!k** s'srEl{ HYDRAI'LT. * '1" " itOB lrITLE: 4l Willos Place Remte Area *3 (4) PIPE FITTINGS TA8L,E Pipe Table Name: CUSBO!,I.PIP PAGE: B Diameter(in) 0.811 1.055 1.291 L.527 MATERfAL: Copper EtfC: 150 Equivalent Fitting LengrEhs in FeetETI,CBGAD8ll Tee 45 ChkVIv ButVlv Gawlv AlnVIv DqA/lv t 'I* : 3.00 4.50 1.50 7.60 9.103.00 7.60 1.50 7.60 9.104.s0 9.10 1.50 10.60 9.106.00 12.10 3.00 13.50 9.10 1.50 1.50 1.50 1 .50 0.00 0.000.00 0.000.oo 0.000.00 0.00 ,rt*r* srsr'M HYDRAUT,T. n*lr*Date! 07/271L994 JOB TIIIL,E z 44 tfillow Place Renote Area *3 IIATER SUPPLY CURT'E 180+ 165+ 150+ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\111.0 Pai t 3500 g1m-> * FIow Teat Point Page 5 135+ I I0\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ 120+ I I I 105+ I I I90+x P R I s s u R E ( P s I ) 75+ I60+ IJEGEND ,15+ I 30+ X = Required Water Supply 85.97 psi € 52.4 gpn 0 = Available l{ater Supply 122.00 pei 0 52.r[ gpn 15+ 8001200 1600 2000 3200 3600 40002400 2800 FIjO!{ (GPM) ALL-STAIE FIFJ PROTECTION, INC. 6045 E. 76TH AVE., *L2 couMERcE crTy, co. 80022 HYDRAUIJIC CALCULATIONS FOR 44 WILIOVT PI,ACE vArL, coLoRADO FILE NI'![BER: WILI,OW4 7 /27 /94 REUOTE ARAA *4 -DESIGN DATA- OCCT'PADICY CLASSIFICATION: PA 13R DYIELLING TYPE OF SPRINKLERS! CENT&AI, OPTIMA RESIDENTIAT, CONCEAIJED PENDENTS BASIS OF COVERAGE: 20 ft. x 20 ft. NTJUBER OF SPRINKLERS CALCUI,ATED: 4 headg MINIMW GPI,T REQUIRED PER SPRINKLER: 17.0 gPN TOTAL SPRINKIJER WATER FL,OI{ REQUIRED: 79.4 gpn TOTAIJ WAIER REQUIRED (including hoee) z 79.4 gpm FI"OW AlrD PRESSURE (e BOR) z 79.4 gpn e 100.6 psi SPRINKLER OR.IFICE SIZE: 7/L6 inch NAI{E OF CONIRACAOR: ALL-STATE FIRE PROTECTION, INC. DESTGN/T,AYOUT BY: STEVE KTLE AUTHORITY IIAVING JURISDICTION: VAIL FIRE PREVENTION CALCULATIONS BY HASS COMPUTER PROGRAI,f HRS SYSTEMS, INC. ATLA}ITA, GA 2L 22 6.5 9.5BOR 1.0 1.5 1.5snP 0.0 souRcE 105.6 79.4 EOUIVAIJENT K-FACTOR CALCUTATOR Node Spr. Press. Pipe dia. Pipe Ftgs. Total H-Yf Equiv.Name K-fac. (pei) (in) Len.(ft) ten.(ft) coef. K-fac. spntRr,en sysrE!.r ryDRAnr,rc **Q* 51 .5 65.9 60. 9 7t.3 71.3 80.4 8s.1 100.6 98.2 93.7 Page I wrLLot{4Date: 07/27/L994 JOB TITLE z 44 ttillow Place Remote Area *4 WATER SIIPPIJY DATA SOURCE STATIC RESID. FLOW AVAIL. TOTAL REQ'D NODE PRESS. PRESS. E PRESS. E DEMA}ID PFSSS.rAG (Psr) (Psr) (GpM) (psr) (GPM) (PSr) sup L22.0 111.0 3500 . O 122.0 79 .4 105. 6 AGGREGATE FI,oI' ANALYSIS : TOTAL AI,OW AT SOURCE 79.4 GPM AOTAL ITOSE STREAM AI.,I'WANCE AT SOURCE O. O GPM OTITER EOSE STREAM AI,I,OWANCES O. O GP!,I IOTAI, DTSCIIARGE FROM ACTIVE SPRINKLERS ?9.4 GPM NODE ANALYSIS DAIA NODE TAG ELEVATION NODE TYPE PRISST'RE DISCEARGE(rr)(PSr) (GPu) 11 36.4 K= 4.20 L6.4 17.OLZ 36.4 K= 4.20 19.4 18.513 36.4 23.sL4 35.5 K= 4.06 25.6 20.515 35.5 K= 4.06 33.0 23.316 28.Ot7 26.518 2L.519 16.520 11.5 BS BD 14,15 4.2O 16.4 0.811 0.50 T 5.00 150 4.06 ,"t*** sYsr'r{ HYDRATTLT. *ot* Q(GPM) DIA(IN) TENGTHNOZ. PT DrSC. VEL(FPS) Hr{(C)(K) (PSr) (GPM) F.L./FT (FT) 1?.0 0.811 PL 19.80 10.6 150 FTG 4E 0.223 tL 31.80 18.s 0.811 Pr 8.000.0 11.s 150 FTG ET18.s 0.261 TL 1s.50 35.5 1.055 PL20.s 13.0 1s0 FTG0.0 0.242 TL 7.10 7. 10 13.20 Page 2Date: 07 /27 /1994 JOB TITLE z 44 t{illow Place Remote Area *4 PIPE DATA PIPE TAGEND ELEV. NODES (FT) 13 t2 Pipe: 74 13 36.4 0.0 23.s36.4 4.2 19.4 PRESS. st'l.f. (PSr) Pipe: 113 36.4 0.0 23.5 0.011 36.4 4.2 L6.4 17.0 Pipe: 2 3 35.5 36 .4 4 35.5 35. 5 4.1 0.0 4.1 4.1 0.0 4.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 25.6 23.s 33.0 25.6 51. s 33.0 65.9 51.5 60.9 51 .5 71.3 60.9 71.3 6s.9 7L.3 60.9 85. 1 7t.3 80.4 7L.3 85. 1 80.4 L3.20 7.L 0.0 0.8 4.L 0.0 0.9 t.? -0 .4 1.1 7.4 0.0 2.8 t5.2 -3.25.7 13.7 -0.6o.4 6.s -2.81.3 8.3 -2.20.3 1.1 -4.3o.2 6.0 -4.30.6 1J?.0 -0.9 0.6 4.8 -4.30.7 6.0 1.3 o.7 PF PE PV PF PE PV PF PE PV PF PE PV PF PE PV PF PE PV PF PE PV PF PE PV PF PE PV PF PE PV PF PE PV PF PE PV PF PE PV 15 L4 16 15 L7 16 18 16 19 18 19 t7 20 18 22 20 2t 19 22 2L Pipe: Pipe: 5 28.0 35.5 Pipe: 6 26.5 28. O Pipe: 7 2L.5 28.0 Pipe: 8 16.5 ZL.5 Pipe: 9 16.5 26.s Pipe: 10 11.5 2L.s Pipe: il 9.5 11.5 Pipe: L2 6.5 16 .5 Pipe:13 9.5 6.5 56.123.3 20.6 20.5 79.40.0 29 .L 23.3 2t.90.0 8.0 0.0 57.50.0 14.1 0.0 18. .4 0.0 6.8 0.0 2L.90.0 5.4 0.0 39.10.0 9 .6 0.0 39. 10.0 9 .6 0.0 40.30.0 9 .9 0.0 40. 30.0 9 .9 0.0 1.05s Pr 150 FBG 0.564 TL 1.055 PL 11.20 150 FTG E 1.073 TL L4.20 1.055 PL 105.40 150 FTG 6E2T 0.099 TL 138.60 L,29L PL 16.00 150 FTG ET 0.221 rt 29 .60 1.055 PL 84.60 150 FTG 5E2T o.072 TL 114.80 1.291 PL 11.50 150 FTG zET 0.037 TL 29.60 1.291 PL 33.10 150 FTG A2T 0.108 TL 55.80 1.291 PL 83.90 150 FTG 4E2T 0.108 TL 120.10 1.291 Pr 18.80 150 FTG E21I 0.114 TL 41.50 1.291 PL 34.60 150 FTG 2ET 0.114 TL 52.70 Date: O7 /27 /L994 JOB TITLEz 44 Tlillow Place Remote Area *4 PIPE DATA (cont. ) Page 3 Q(GPM) DIA(IN) LENGTH PRESS. Drsc. VEL(FPS) Hr{(C) (Fr) sw.(GPM) F.L. /FT (PSr ) 79.4 1.527 PL 16.80 PF 5.1 0.0 13.9 150 FTG 2E PE -3.50.0 0.177 TL 28.80 PV 1.3 PIPE TAG END ELEV. NOZ. NODES (FT) (K) Pipe:14 BD 1.5 0.022 9.5 0.0 spntsn sYsrEM HYDRAur,rc axelts PT (Psr ) 93.7 85. 1 Pipe: 15 FIXED PRESSURE LOSS DEVICEBS 1.5 0.0 98.2 0.0 4.5 psi, 79.4 gpnBD l.s 0.0 93.7 0.0 Pipe: 16 79.4 L.527 PL 0.50 PF 2.2BOR 1.0 0.0 100.6 0.0 13.9 150 FTG T PE -o.2BS 1.5 0.0 98.2 0.0 0.t77 TL L2.60 pV 1.3 Pipe: 17 79.4 1.959 PL 61.00 PF 4.5suP 0.0 sRcE 105.6 (N/A) 8.s 150 FTG 24.20 PE -0.4BOR 1.0 0.0 100.6 0.0 0.053 Tr, 85.20 PV 0.5 NOTES:(1) Calculationa were performed by the HASS 5.8.0 computer progran under licenEe no. 8115,J 49 granted by IiRS System6, Inc. 2193 Ranchwood Dr., N.E.Atlanta, GA 30345 (2) The Byetem hae been balanced to provide an average imbalance at each node of 0.004 gpm and a maximurn imbalance at any node of 0.066 gpn. (3) Velocity pressurca are printed for infor:nation only, and arenot uEed in balancing the Byatem. Maximum water velocityie 29.1 ftleec at pipe 5. (4) PIPE FITTINGS TABLE Pipe Table Name: CUSTOM.PIP PAGEs B IdATERIAL: Copper lIlrlC: 150Diameter Equivalent Fitting Lengthe in Feet(in)ETLcBGA Ell Tee 45 ChkVIv ButVlv GatVlv AlnVlv D Dryvlv 0.00 0.00 0. 00 0.00 0.811 1.05s t.29L L.527 3 .00 4. 503.00 7.604.50 9.106.00 12. 10 1.s0 ?.60 9.10 1.50 0.00 i. .50 7 .60 9.10 1.50 0.00 1. s0 10. 60 9.10 1.50 0.003.00 13. 60 9 . 10 1 . s0 0.00 ,"*Q** srsrtsu HrDRAnr,tc oo*Q*Date: 0712711994 iIOB TITL,B z 44 tlillow Place Renote Area 14 VIATER ST'PPLY CT'RVE 180+ 165+ 150+ 60+ I Page { t 135+ I I 0 P120+RlElsl s105xul$l 90+$lslI 75+)l \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ 111.0 Psi t 3500 g1n-> * Flow Teet Point LEGEND a X * Required Water Supply .. 105.56 pei € 79.4 gpn '' 0 = Available llater Supply '' 121.99 pal € ?9.4 g1m .. 8001200 1600 2000 2400 2800 3200 3600 4000 rrow (GPu) 45+ I 30+ 15+ R .$;, JtE I,l P, L,q .t t 19c' i.,-,,,, I U'gJ 4 lF-s 6-6 5- '' t )hrwonut'Pewl,nr (ino'ncllt'ttcAL,llc, MttY 27. 1904 lfMs & F- Attn: JaY lberron 70E goutlt lrrontag€ Koad' Sulls 307 Vril, Colorado 81657 MRY 3 1 '94 rt "r{lt0liood(ilrnttitt l' fi HS.M5'| trtrotlo l0$ 9t, tlctt 12 :06 No .005 P .02 \y .41* Lr1p, (tr El 6Ot JobNo,1942(rs Subjcc{: $umrnary ol'Beruing Conditloru for Building $upport, Propo*d'l}iplcr, MEHduw l(uud rrd vall Rourl, Vuil, thlorado' Dear Mr. Pcta$oD: Ar rcqucshd bj' Dtvo ScJrrsinw of R,A' Nclson, wo mr pmvidiug-a eunmuy of tho obmnntlons urd tc*r|n8, condusted Bt tho subJcsl Bitc to ietrDlirh thc bearirrg ruppon for ryroadfmtinP, Obocrvulion of ouUooilg cxp*Od in euir and tcst Pitt WOIO madc on Apt{l 24 i||d 2l ud Mty 6 1994. $uhrcqucnricsting of horkfill construcdon hss boco madc accodln$ tt our ruxrmmcndstiole tbrlbotlng *o14rolt, 'llrc teet rrportr witl follow under sePudc covcf' HgSOd On Our ubcelvariolr-q Od tcst rcrults, rprc*d fbothrgs dzod fttr c tlnxitrtum bemlng pcoiutr rrl.z,ooo prf nnd bcaring rrr itrc prrparcd rubgr_{1 uhuuld bp rultablc for bulldlttg. ;rnt*. Uui ro rtr vuriahls Ur*ittg conilllons, somc diffcrontlrl settlcmcrts nhould bu cnpccttd, Il'thorc ore otly tlttostionu or if oddltlond infomrotio'rr le rrssfud, ptcasc lot rtc k$ow' ,!lnc,ottly, TIUPWORTI{-DAWI,AK (}FNTRCIINILIA'I., INC. w Stsvon L. Pr*lrk. ffl,P/ro cc: R ,A, Nalgon - Attni Dovs $o}[c|ttcr Picrcc, $egerbcq & Atsrnirtc 'Attn: l'om Frcy Nidrol tlofllrn<l Arsocialos- Ath: Jos Nichol ,.i€ /PTERCE, SEGERBERG & s|lH A'RCHIIECTS . P.C. . A.ll[. 100O South Frontage Road West vAtL, coLoRADo 8i657 (303) 476{433 FAX (303) 4t6-46O8 ^ ttbrtr- /'+uL5E uerr#oF TRANSNflITTAL TO o tr Change order coPtEs DATE NO.DEsrCRIPTION I I 4.zo-?:lfl *Lr.p tt*t tP Vtvz,r t &t- PuANL A - Zo'q -4 Yrr l.)t'rAIL<:, /\t'tl ()l.ln* | cvpe-etsts aPrAtr- THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked HFor approval E For Your use E As requested fl For review and comment tr FOR BIDS DUE below: D Approved as submitted tr Approved as noted tr Retumed for corrections Resubmit-copies for aPproval Submit -copies for distribution Retum -corrected prints C D tr 19- tr PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS L:AN .,t-:zn $ aox e,"C..",tn- Co.n€rn ' 1 0?6 PGtConsrlns cor|iont Plovdx 210 /fr*:sJ trc cmr.i {K nrrtr SIGNED: lt ancro3urts taa rot ra notcd, ttndy ndit us al oacc- ro f/. U Con. &u opvT Bazprata /' P|ERCE, SEGERBERG & ilEHARCHITECTS.P.G..ilJ. '1000 South Frontage Road West vAtL, coLoRADO 81657 (303) 476.4433 FAX (303) 476-4608 LtrTTil @F TRANSNflITTAL " - 4.2/ -?4 l'""/?adg-ao hr/ #rUF*-*'44 /&u.oatt ft > wE ARE SENDING vou p,macrrea funacraoaratcrcr "ia /W the following items: D Shop drawings tr Copy of letter tr Sampleso F. E Prints fl Change order tr Sp€cifications coPrEs DATE NO.D€SCntPTr(ta24.1t-14 6/zuq/42ail fuiezs - Etzu*zez-sz1,?tq<#-g lauo / Oz ltzzzaez'e Az*ta24.2t4+{-+0 bptnoiz./kozarxrz l0*t*,/22 rer< la77o 11 /7ag THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked bolow: pFor approval E For your use E As requested D Apprcvsd as subrnitted D Apprwed as not€d E Return€d tor corr*{ions O Resubmit-@pies tor approval tr Submit -copies for distribution I Rctum -corrected prints E For roview and comment tr tr FOR BIDS DUE 19- tr PRINTTi RETURNED AFTER IOAN TO US COPY TO /('16 Prlcoos.rrlo. Co.isl . l0t6 FodCo|r.'|E Conbnf Pnoqrr2.o l@ ri., &6r ,!. oltTl ,t aacroaura ara ,ro( aa ,Do|rat, nlnat dt ua J $d- Ftxt3t+te fto\4P? Aa-,q\V V)AQS #?wut?& fe W4151 6tt \"Ff- Ft*rbft t{ ?*t++eo 47*cE VE ITs T:a aot4JF.r.-r -To ztl cle*Pe PR*IttrS lN MFzl-*tc-\P.oo.A ce4 NFq\4+l ?:2tt2^ct4rt-u/ 7-t7,l4AUerAeZa.vA)- C.e. AEeJe aCr<|Ae- J'lz'6,v1lT-H:i- ttq. 1711 ,oP-Fao*r- Z4q l.v. frEC^Gf .at\rc, E/a\Hp{ ort- ir:re-z +'noe ALL PIPING 15 C.AST IZ.OI.J TO bLDtg SeWE'Z lth';tt/2,, t/+'L StaE oF Pl z467 0U EA. E- CZO3Ae,zACL + AlCOtJc.ZET cuozTo C-AST' Ir.=a}-J'-o- SAND & OIL INTERCEPTOR DETAIL o! pewar*t W*r+.e_ ?eivrf-rz:.o pi rc>e. lJfr " FL: 6I\FJP n atu t'-{T:r-,Z..aE:{>r.rs?_ L_2c&;rtpt iWCtqf 7* sAl\{t2 C ot> l4rer^c4.n-or_ l$ ?-A"i..fw)q?&a.A)?&44H arVeA/, ZU, V*f S-i V..a?., Eevtrq ALI lrq T7|,ztoe_ Ftpez p,.z/.ltJ> {o i-: .;,e&vfi 12 2c4tet.t, V.r-: +AtrrA]zy <?.4LR. ?_a\+TtpqFeu'rE /->zrr?2 "e?w. voqto4 2=UoAy..iJ,6W p? WVr+_ ?ttr- ?_xyr, ?uLfz,q:3 #,:)1,1 J y.,?yf_ "Lf: :{g _ i, f yu-? t-Ap. a- e ce- aLp_ 4 11 e q a3 a t)Ts I D E OI4 GAF.E r'&. 44 Willow Place Lot 9, Block 6 Vail Village First Filing Vail, Colorado REVISION: 3T7 ftovtee f<,+te' E)rJ.Ag Aa@tAtPtu Ta F,A|E,eaWn)A'* I{ h*t+V.o at?o= VE^tTs -?-a zbF>}-rG-r--t-'fo z'l VENT PIPE-S FF-cr.\ ?@oLpP${tl.)S lN ne_ca1.1rtc*trgoa n c.qtl F'Nt'{+eeqr.awz NETiJAH ?;lttz q€at-ut/ 7a7,l4AWetacLavAL c.a , ABq'J€ 12crc8-- J'tz'3'4 lrH: ov hAe-e a-r2,Z4u l.v. ?Te#f c-o*tc, EANE iorL irtTEL +rftOF.tJ4 ,A.LL PIPING 15 CAST I4ON ro bLD'g SewE l/z';lt/z',. Y+'LStoE oF Pl zA67 6U eA.e. czo55bzA67 1A'C..Ot-JCz_ET CUO?TO a ^-.,r tzo}-J'-o- . SAND & OIL INTERCEPTOR DETAIL.NO SCALE Utd"fe | @: €^A? I otv t,.JT.E.?-cFffi?- L-ocA_fier twztqrT- sAf-r', d otn irrzzct"-71-oE- rN ?'-At-LltA," z*,a rv)egreTH arU7-a.1, Fu, f,419-1 Vadp,. Ecure A-,L l'urf:,z,Da_ ?1,oi)€ p27..,.1 1, fo a-: -2E&vt'l i/ r46*ftOt.t. ,.,,,,4..\-,P+-' lSnrtrout fFy2K ?a-.rnpqF4/u1 ? ':>btry-? FEor-t. .?(fno,rl 40ir4 Al <*r tr?- we?_r_ ?ttr- tr_xrr, ?-,Lb'qtg tr:)y,IJt]-,?5f_ w I vxil:q a,l;EE -y,'r7. ?1_Ace_ at-+_a1_1peas aL)TstDz?fEyaA^l w*r+e- re.Lvtrr do-Et'.eve . 44 Willow Place Lot 9, Block 6 Vail Village First Filing Vail, Colorado REVISION: 3T3, ryl --] t\l l\l ^ ,.I]: \put.l' g_ t.-' -lzJ-\i\ \! Id+--as'-ol*'l 4\,. L ll" lt Il*|0" ./€ / // i UNIT #1 -JF "il# 1 T -*+ \t,,r 4dnwt- l#s" @?@ :{ a\ ts ltqobl ,-d, 6a ?.e,61uW) t.;l d-*i' iA...tXi'.. ,l \1 ,STEP .: wil?tr;*ff3t'ii^li4r **P677f;;-e*troef\.' /'Vnl'rr"I I .l\|'. I I\.t/ .'r\ \ \\ -t\---) a+-l-U alrlrfh? Te4";a4'efi1p ratfl( --1 )l I 3!-4 REVISION:44 Willow Place Lot 9, Block 6 Vail Village First Filing Vail. Colorado REVISION:44 Willow Place Lot 9, Block 6 Vail Village First Filing Vail, Colorado I | '\Z+'?j/a n :dt -\ iFFfr].*. +-- $L lilru'" : t-t-ai D_ ,/ .{_ 00" - _ -r-l--- -' li ol 8;.q4'j ili or''o' b''ltt l N -\q \ _l*--"*H o'-41o"gl' \ -*-- l\ 4: -N \ $ 6I-b REVISION:44 Willow Place Lot 9, Block 6 Vail Village First Filing Vail, Colorado @l @7@ a_ltWl.(phru' *- \li:ffi=- It\l Il- r rl \ |lw'd' / : Ii --\i \-l/ ' --,i/ ' r\t ; UNIT #1 - .l,, I' -*+ Itv. x +a'nlt& \ff.* t' a\ l- -\- tl Jl ,/ "F 1' @M _A 6EWy)' fia na.a1u61 tt-tt' d- Waf I\ ).,12e i&qtrn' F *somolut lAutr**tutB \ Wil?fi"tr3t'E"',iq$ NooD767l,i.;-[-c*troy .,,Fp/, \ /,.)t - Aool*vt I I | \,:'4.-11-€. ---| )l I dr1afiA? fa71-"4'Afi1p ?etiT 5!-4 REMSION:44 Willow Place Lot 9, Btock 6 Vail Village First Filing Vail, Colorado ?-2 44 Wiltow Place Lot 9, Block 6 Vail Village First Filing Vail, Colorado REVISION: i | '\2+''2)/a -N \ l-r\r\' ',r;1 r^" 'l .. Y;.1 lF aoprP*ttpQN*ulatll0u {,qryn ,i;;.rq #a:uW. ',W -, :* I 7clwe -r- J :/- $ / at-.Y) \TtiJ')' @ oro:,-r b''ltt 1 N \ \ +_tA 4. 6t-b REVISION:44 Willow Place Lot 9, Block 6 Vail Village First Filing Vail, Colorado TO PtERcE, sEGERBERG alAgx ARCH;TECTS.p.C..UI.- f000 South Frontage Road W-est vArL, coLoRADo 81557 (303) 4764433 FAX (303) 476.4@8 ffiTt oF TrRANsnarTnrAL "^'V.E-?4 l'"Ihoo,s, ao ^"E L- t4zn-zt u,/2al 9r*t ex RE: a Rut ztrue,/a.*rr > wE ARE sENDlNc vou,{nt"*od tr underseparato rrlwrvu /biJD uefottouingitcms: tr Shop drawings tr Copy of letter }( erints tr Change oder E Plans tr Samples O Spcclftcations tr coPrEi DATE NO.DESCRIPTION 2 4-*q4 Pti Pzi,rreI,Ua= 4=,= LLr, r,/nr+za+rz-al THESE ARE TRANSMITTED AS ChOCK€d b€IOV,: FFor apprcvat O For your use tr As requested tr Appmved as submiiled tr Approved as noted E Returned for corr€ctions tr Resubmit-copies for apgroval tr Submit -copies ior dlctrlbution E Rotum -corrccted prints E For review and comment tr E FOR BIDS DUE 19- tr PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS htlu - COPY TO /('96 ffid|ir|r€. Co.|0r,i . 101 Paecoornd Co.|bnt Pm|cr?|0 @7Eer, b. ol.I.,t ancforu.u ,aa nol ,r J,oaad, tladr, nolrt t t at otrca. g) (1 -a.I Frlo GFItL --G 3q) 'oola {lr$ $i J'l<9r \t3_:"\ +$$t$ sN+:$j${s $ i$ s\ .l$t d h$rl $l \[L r) s\il -t2r{\N .,_/-, d l$t $$\ $ IX H $i }.-,ss/ t;{ i${ $ il { $t )N -'t}k\i I{ \1\f N R\ { { \ \I -l.Fa (u +J o)o (tr.-(Jo Gq- oU G)(J -lLq) fJ. 3oF -q) il $ $ $ $ r( b- '$\J\[-1 8{ -. I\l\*tIqf\! tl $ $ t A st rs t- r$ $:\ $N "\ ir $i,t\\il }\ stS \) +$*u $sE;<il -J-! s{ F IIz. OUICI( SETECTOR FOR FIRE A}IO SYSTEIilS - GYPSUiI IT{AILBOARO o SOU]ID RATED: Floo/Ceilin0s - Wood Framing (wood loists with rough and linishsrt tlo0r) (cont'dl llo.Flro Rating Rel. Duign llo. Descilption STC Test llo.Ic 2 thr.t515 FC 2F-1 hr. 7 mm) Fire-UL FM screw attached lo Resilient Furrin0 Clnnnels spaced 24' o.c. (610 mm) on 2 x 10 (51 mm x 254 mm) w00d ioish 16' o.c. (406 mm). Wallboard secured t0 channels with 1' selFdrillino screws 12' o.c. (3{b mm). 0otion in UL 1515 elbws Drywall Suspensibn System to be hung lrom joiSb. No Insuta!0n In otenum. FM FC181-1 hr. Wilh312'(88.9mm)glasstiber. Clnnnels NGC 4107 NGC 5161 NGC 5165 est. 50 3 t hr. F.r.--_--rd1 FM FC 19}-1 hr. 12'(12.7 mm) Fire-Shietd G GypsumiT-Tl Wallboard attached to Resilient Furring ChannelsE@ i#Fffilfif,,h,fiflkllhHlHi::ff.:. 2!f 'ffi f 'ff tii.iltlt?IJi131*Hi 0c-2MT SINGLE LAYER (FLOOR TRUSS)" " F *'g3i f,i$ffi{$flffiil,if#*ffi{l1* backed with 2 x 4 (51 mm x 102 mm) wood blocks fastened t0 lower ihord wilh Z-clips.'1982' (15.1 mm) plywood floor sheathing. DOUBLE LAYER MOOD FRAMING) F[, Fl a-1 hr @ Fa" FrAful AFceuP;Y(15.9 mm) Fir{lirldJrlllnC or 5/8' (15.9 mm) F.S. Soflit Board attached with screws 12'o.c. (305). Wallboard, base iayef nailed a iOht angles t0 2 x 10 (51 mm x 254 mm) wood joists spaced 16' o.c. (406 mm), resilient funing channels spaced 24'0.c. (610 mm)and nailed 5 lhr,FC 1G-1 hr. Melhod B (FC448) t_528 FC 5515 ru 3c to UL GA GA 0ne layer 5/8' (15.9 mm) Fire-Shield G Wallboard screw attached to 7/8' (22.2 mm) screwjunino channel wire tied Derpendiculario lower ihord of wood:webbed trusses of 2x4(51 mm x 102 mm) lbr. wilh steel truss plates spaid 24' o.c. (610 mm). Floor 3/4' (19.1 mm) nominal plywood. 0ption resilient furring channels..,iir.ii, DOUBLE LAYER 00R FC 5512 Wallboard each screwed perpendicular, wilh all joints ol lace layers staggered 24'(610 mm) from base layers, to 24'0.c. (610 mm) wood trusses fabricaled using connectors produced by members 0f the Truss Plate Institute. 5/8'(15.9 mm) T & G (long sides) plywood flooring nail applied m*t'|1e10 Horizonhl Duct Prolection 5.9 mm) Fire- lhrough base board inlo and at fightangles to joists. Face hyer ol5/8-(15.9 mm) Fire:ShieliiG bo;rd screwed to furring channel. Nominal 1' (25.4 mm) T & G sub and fin-ish floor. optional floor systems consist ol Floor Topping Mixture over plywood. 1 2hr.WHI 694-0300.1 2 12'(63.5 mm),4'(102 mm)or 6'(152 mm), or Gold Bond l-Studs 24" o.c. (610 mm). 1' (25.4 mm) Fire-Shield Shattliner. 3 layers '1l2'(12.i mm) Fire-Shield G Gypsum Wallboard, Base and middle layers parallel lo studs. Face layer perpendicular. fll zo GOLO BOl'IO OUICK SETECTOR/GEI{ERAL REFEREITCE 2@643513L4 .frr. BURERU ,-rr= (] r-rw RUG 1? '93 742@4 ffi Council of American Building Officials a ryfBrunota^lcottEElccorl|Jl.oHcomcus |8ctrailsftoulr{Emtul.or|ooo* @raci€Es rn€i'|,Illoflr|. ilc.AIDilGOFFUI|IDOOTlDl|iltrri ToisrflEwcFil Lte 5t00 $orr$ Worknrn ilf Rott whiuk Cdilfil$Sol qnft&rxc|.bRldt tlilrirgfnm.AaMtugfzll tl05l Wrl Ro.stn.Costry0nHtrh*Ol7E NANONAL EYALUATION SERVICE COTIIIITTEE IETORTNO. NEN.'T nc&srrcd trouary I, l9'l ftbr@d betq,od to tttrEiDrtbob f tw. . GnEitbtcd. t9tl Sloct c$lxlco,lNc rosr omcE lox t?91 EUGENq ORDGON 97'Ol I SIJBJECT FXX Prpsrrrc+rtatcd lvootl Sb*carrrd Sblq& fb3 rsf bUGy [sttios Dl}3t bc bbrlEtcat dB ts$ $rn No A Fugc !!ha!brd Scct srtiioa{ctkrlEt rnculSd orran ueruytr Et of Dot trs $ao i btcd Tlpc fs ru. Tbc trrd rb[ Er.r|d lt la$ 8 bcB fro|n lL Fot r &GGrdl sJ ftr sod t[iryks rr|d ll b$'r toE rbc c*ltcr SF rectt qzy ffi .wd abalc& Soclioo3 of nr<hrnt !|ug brt/c & ot{Erlap of Dot tc* lDstr 4 bctcs, Mrdmuo wrlcr Grpsrrrc iball ool crcgd tbc €lu$ +ccificd h'Thuc No. l. Tbc hip and tilgc uc8rbcf rnpFure 6h!S ror crFcd tbcc Hrtrirtcd fr tl|c lhlrl of lb rod. - IL PROPERTY EOr wncll EvALlrAtlON lS SOIXillT L Shd(. Illirudh r .:,-:.*g *= .ro f!.4uf! L no6ngctsdficdll tt2l '- tNfirytQf ! n-arrlr ---tt.r i I ttt til trtlt !r drl-;rlrE r s.LsD -r - tuy .rr. t1 - - m IlEscRtPTIoN '', 2.bi*?v't" -11(" FfX hqsurcerclnd Wod $afcs rod Strbglca tre Fltto€rt trqrqcscrD r€d cdar$rftcrofNo f Oradcshhilctmplyiug .rith thc rcrycahr coda Su*,cc rod $iogl6 brvhS r Edou6 nobrurc ducnr of 25 perc?ot rrc ptqrsltrc uttrcd rlt! | proprtury E €{Clard8lt c[coilrt TnG buodlcs rrt bbclcd rs sir[cs arc hid *{tb r ratniourD tidc hp of l.M! hdrcs b.rwcn iD.lkarcd b rb ldcod6aio Patl[ of tbb ]lpfiL tohts b d^Fccotlourrar, SpactE tcr*co sFlll rhall st bc lcts tban 3E h.h !c !D[a lbao 5E l'6. $rtcs rln[ DcIE lhtiooDodqtplyrfiL|Eru.rio6rtrccn-bslDctEhhltt hdlothcrhthfrrgbr.cordaoccvlrtTtt*Gt(D(hNER. cr$ B rnd as c rcdcotcrlqgq ffiPs tdditlant wrthcr- zl2 a rit! two loadippad dopstcrt Eilr F8sioocdprdcciJw FclsurEg Ely bc Dc.!r$rt b ancr3 $$jcd ro rFf b rpFrdtltrtry t b.t fiEt cacb Gdge oc ;pgrlrioatcly 2 b$a bridup.and rilldri*O Sr, $ ttqulrcd tt lE .O.l tb51E lbc C4o3utc 8D€. Nrils o161 0C mntryo No. 13 !i!gef,!! | ?3? ioctr hcrd diaorcrcr l!.l of nrlEGaor tcogrh totr INST/UIInON pcoarac $t hct hlo thc $catbiot s thla{h tbc tbictcrH of fbc rtaftfu, sbicNrclfr b lcs( TDc drrtcr 6!!. ar $c eair fbc upod *rtcr r rtlolb 6ry tl btllod cn EtrirfltE t6f uus bc dqrblc4 Rnccn i[dr d tB lodl $rhc. lltt bc urcd fa dop6 of l:12 rfico bsrdlcd r dcrslbal bcch" Tb3I E|y b. tE Eod 6srrc rl $c rillp. hddcd o Dhioum mddoF of t:Il rbco eo undedryaeat / of Ft lsl tDaa r Ertcd Tlpc 15 ftfi rod nfic6 spprA'Gd B tbG ]tsl br$EiDg o6Clrl hn&Sj||rtdidd" nEFOnrNo.NEnfls ?AGE I Of ' ndr r?Fo/t & Ann d 'o tr. ?.c* poduct ond doto and rcd |tfE alernld by tta cr'*;o''lt in fs qpp&afn r!p.c''rc ft nDar- ,{o ,dendrllx ,at ufra lr{/ryltd ty t r ltlottotd Eduotba Sqtft. Cofinif.E ond ,lE aon?ifr.. q.#& &.s eC rE& orry lrrrfdtor.&u w& u itfrd, u n oy f,r$ry or dA,a rmtlcr ir ttdr rtpor{ d os ro ow p.Dd/cl corrr|e V drir r4dr. ttb dfirp hctd.q 2a6453t3t 4 rporrNo. t{ER'2rs L fbbsLllddbtloo ..il rr. BUREAU ,-rr= 2o "-rr= Ffxgr|rurl,rnardNo.I Grslc cc.|cra ld s.ltr drylc. |rc rec$C o,rrr I g|t nrle dDot h$ t!!o tAb.D t!t* FllFd*ii caair lluc. TbG FG3sttr-tt$c.l Abgcs rG hb lod E*ccd rotbg pt'reed &Sq6' o ||ercdlcd loc pxrlc<rtod sd rf!&.r, aqr tl.i ""drr|rq|n",t rtrt l||tatltttrntrr nr$f h. d.&rc4 3 C|r*CO{lurYnmfGor:tl4 FXX fc.nr|!.rFrt. t $e a $inSh3 Ie lrillod s dc.crb.ll & Gc ch$ B tsf oG(b& lGPt lba stblrc. Ery bc +aFd ocrtblrg h rcurlrw ritb tlc roda V. IDPNTffTCTTIOH Butrlb of tlcrtctt rtootl &.tG3rtd $inglctae l&othod ty bbcbo( tbc $iDttc or rb.tt bpcchrgcoct ud tbc prtr*rc lrt ri'r D@ rod 8ddrc|!' tbo qurffty Fotnl rltoqn BG, .TIX fe||srertl|nd $*cr to.l $hdcfr tlc O*' B s Ghs .- crdinsrd tlb NES|tPfr nlDbcr. Tbc r$r[{alur4cd s8rrric fcll uloatrpcu raa ilarla}'rtrcot 3c llcotifcd rl$ &E tsbcldtdEiqt thc utEc of &c D@.tud, $e ropuy, rod tlE q$.lity Gsltd r8cocy, VL E:IIDENCEEUEMTTTED t. Itcpdr of rcsr Uy Unitcd Sutca TtftiDS OoonFnlt, lac., Crliforde Dlvidoo, ft. lbc Gt60 B |od Ch$ C rsf cosiog. rb|cd JuEe $ t98q rnd Attgu* 19, 1984 rcipcctrrcu,Z Purd||sG Epoffc saadarbrnd guatly mrrol rcs.r rnd FGdurcr e$auislrcd br Grcotco, Inc.' Fcrndeh wr3hlD$q| dt!t.dalcd MtU6, l98a3. IorpccroCr E fi$l fot lbllur.up hspcdha of FTX ;rcerurc-rrcarcd r'carcftr tld ccdEr abttca ard rhlnglcc FcP'rcd (tr Chcrrco, Ioc" B Frtc Tccb Scfii$, Itc.a. lstrnathr iDstrucbls fa rpplyl4 lbc FTX ccd|r 3bat6 md rhiqlcs rs r Orrs B rttd G.n C rwf erterht. AUG 1? '93 14:45 PAGE' OF 2 Scnicc rgrrmr h Fsdod cr!l$ti6, ftlorv+p bsp.cih lld bbcliogbctrtao Fh?ftcnScs!/icqloc"rod Cbr@,t!c.IFXF llDoil of nopF fmffidc aC ttarl+lt 9rm, ttrtal luU A, f982, tm Flc Tccb Sctdcc+ Ioc. G-hd.- drb bbb rrca lr iacdSo:is cf rbe Gbocc trHEtrrJrr|';l Arkf. rul drind'. fr? tb? Ch$ E arrr CbsCtwf corlrlnll A DrnEF So.fit ttdcd $!b d 6[Uls lc|| ffi EFEtutS.w|Ec1ea Sopp*ocart tobuOo b CF@d.t| rltBr-ttod $o@ nrc fcO Sc(lix+ IDc..Llctl Ocot r 19. f98a nrFt dTls qF?Tb3! scntftt{ Itc.. cuttbdctl b sir,rc d! t BC Etaodmt 3a7. Scdioo 3Z?01(c) (l|t.I M!fiie'. l$d ooNDmoNs oFLrsS thc Naicnel Erahrdoo Sctlic! OmlDlttc fttb tbst thc FfX Prrcnrrc.trcatet U/od $.lc tod Sl&ttc tEf orttial rystcrDr dc'r|tGd h tl& rpat qre[fy rs, Cbto B &t{urdrnt tod Orsr C o(tlilrry tod covcrht ut crirs w tlqrltlmcdr of rbc $q? BOCAN||i&I Bttiliog 6dc. ttc fg Sttodutl Boildi48 Codc rith tlc 1989n900 R.nust* $€ l98E Unifqo BultdiDg Gdc reh l$g Supdml tDd tttc CABO l$9 ODc ldl Tl,o Funilt IXGUbS 6dc rith 1990 RgffiE, 3tucq ro $c Htomf ooUttbs: 1. Tbc tnatGd rooal rhtcs tod dtintlc3 8lc hssllcd b *sofil|ncc ril! lbb rclofi rod th maDuhctut€r. hsruqlor z Tbc r/ood rlralca ild $ltrgcr ur pfErrrrtc tr?|tcd uodcr ! qu.liry mtd FoSnd eitb bpc.tio bt FFc Tcth Scni6 fnc GEROA2II} t Tb lypc t0 rsha[€tsratcd G[ sn lcrltyilrcol !,|d brcrlsy|tLol {! lilcd ptotlucr. Tlb .liEf! ts attljc.t ta F-lFltrrnttltt h I Fer' 6, a. 9. 10. ( T ELEt{O.t-{ArrurrE TllER EX'OSUiE |'r.Gnr t r.Ortl lD lllt rtrx a rEirt f, tl arer|lt a fortl tll rt,cltxo 3ttttat lFhdll&i*[ 2tFiFt tY. at{ Jri 't ,jl ttl FHf,l| ll-hGi t -ldt 1n t0 7tt l0 , .:.4lril$ilriiiili.ali!$!i!lrrii+i1ii;':li.!.:J : :::: ii:lli1:i ''*'*'.'^:l;:1Y;?5'?f *"' oc r";q*$!nAef,n'Y . l'191'5uH.tu'&"' .,- .lf i:-:*llfflL'" *' " ,aY- -tl of Tttntt Ilt s tt LRTI o 1,1 hen the roof line is central tn the aesthetic value of the building, NRG Nailboard is the logical insulation choice. It is a high R-value insulating substrate InO Irllboa.d'. rcrLd adia allcf| tor trpa|ralon ol th. Oat. a{oL fia rrq.*ad Yaeot rataait.. ba. traan tha t{allbo.rd a.d th. daok rr!l:rl': system to which a broad range of roofing materials can be affrxed. Nailboard can be used on steep, pitched roofs and above cathedral ceilings. Nailboard is made of a polyisocyanurate foam core bonded during the foaming procees to factory routed Z/16' (11.1 mm) or 5/8" (15.9 mm) oriented strand board on one side and a fiber reinforced facer on the other. It can be cut and easily instalied without special tools. Nailboard prevents the thermal short circuits that can result when more traditional wood blocking and plywood are used. In addition, it saves labor because the insulation and nailable base are installed in one step. Nailboard is manufactured under controlled factory conditions with routed edges in order to provide the required expansion joint between panels. NRG has developed a unique seam sensor which cuts every sheet of Nailboard precisely at the end of each board, resulting in a seamless panel. PHYSICAL PROPERTIES Prop€rly Foam Core Density Dimensional Stability Compressive Strcngth Moisture Vapnr Trans. Flamc Spread (foam core) Nailable Base Tesl Method ASTM D-I622 ASTM D.2I26 ASTM D.162I ASTM E.96 ASTM E.84 Value 2.0 pcf Nominal 2% max.7 days l8 psi < t perm 25 max. Xtllbca?d Guta aad h.ndlaa aarlly . wlth ordl|tart aoolr. BARRIERS Technicel sFcifications as shoyn in thir booklet rre int nded io b€ u!€d ss seneral 8tidelinei only. Ple-as. callfordebjled 3p€cificrtion!. O 1992 NRc Barriers: lnc. nCfoamlof Insulation Products ACFoam Composite consists of the Atlas closed-cell oolviso core which is bonded tor/:" perlite on the top side and a fiber reinforced felt facer on the bottom. The perlite top eliminates the need for cover boards or vented base sheets normally recommended over foam insulations. ACFoam Composite is recommended for use with BUR, modified bitumen, mechanically attached and loose-laid ballasted single-ply sys- tems (see pages 7, 8, 9 and 1 0). compliances:. f('dcral Spe.ificalion HH I 1972/CtN and HH | 1972,/]. . Metro-Dade Countv, tlorida P()du.t Control No 9 I 0610.7 . Calrfornia Slate lnsulalion O!alitv Slandards ind Titlr 25 F.)an) tlammability Criteria lLicensr #TC 1211 . . BOCA. ICBO. and SBCCI Sc(tions on Fonm In\ulalron FM Standard 4450/4470 Approval: Actoam Composile is approvetl icx Class I insulak{lsk1'1, wrxxl, (on, ri.t(' and glp\Jm rooi d,l L \.) r.lrLr. tron ror ooth l rnl .rnil l t'r) Wjndstornr Classificalions (n)av br mopped or nr(\hrnlr,rlly l.r\lrned lo con(rctc roof deck). Ret'r to FM AoDro\al Cur.k'lor (k ldr15 UL slandard 1256 Classification: lnstrlatcd nretal deck conslru( lion asserlrb ies - ConslrLr( lt(nr # I -10 and # l2 J. UL Standard 790 Classification: Cla:' A wrtl- -ro\l roo rr, nrh,,l|r'\y\lt nr.. \'\'L,l Urirl(|nt\n"l - rials Dire( bry. UL Standard 263 tire Resistance Classification: Sonr('(.lassiiications for iirr rlsistancc are P]25. P2 ]0. PJ 12. Pl.1i. P254. P259. P508. P510. P51 1. P70t . P;10. P7l l . P7 l t, P7 t 5. P7|7.P/-|e,,P719,P72O, PUr)1. I'814. P8l5. PIJI7, PUI8.rnd I'8I9. Vented-RrM nail base insulation features the Atlas closed-cell polyiso core, bonded between 7ru" APA rated OSB on the top side arrd a fiber reirr forced felt facer or.r the botton. Vented-R offers the same benefits as A(-Foam Nail Base, plus it is constructed with ventil.rtion spaces be.tween the irrsulatron and OSB to dissip,rte mtlislure vapor arrd heat build-up. For installatiorr 1;rocedures, contact your local Atlas representative. Compliancesi . f,al(,'J \n',. ,fi, dlr,,1 liH.l 1,,'./.1 ;l \ . Mctro-Dade Co!nty, tloridr ftodu( I Conlrol N(). 9 t-o6 ,o.7. . (-a ik)min Stale Insulalion alu.r ily Slandards and I ill( 25 [('inr f lanrnl.bility Crik{ia (Lrr |fsr' #TC 1 l ll t . B()ClA. ICBO, ,nd SU(-( L slt li()r)\ on tornr losol.rltdr. . LlL alasiified under (.l.rs! A. t]. or ( rorn ( o\'({inits ACFoam Supreme features the Atlas closed-cell polyiso core with trr-laminate foil facers. Supreme provides the highest R-Value per inch of any of the ACFoanr products, and is specifi- cally designed for use with mechanically attached and loose-laid ballasted single-ply membrarre systems (see pages 7 and 10). This product, \,ith its low vapor permeability foil facers, is particularly suited for cold storage applications. ACFoam Supreme cannot be used directly with hot asphalt, torch applied or any fully adhered system' Compliinces:. t((l{,ral Spr'( rii.alion Hfl-l-l972i,CEN.rnd HH l- 1972ll , Class l iwitlr lri lrrrrrnale ioll facers) . Mornr l).r(h (ounty, Florida Producl Contro No.9l{)()}0.7. . (,rlrlrrfi.r Slate InsLrlation Qualily Slandards.nd Trll('25 Foanr Fl;nrrnabrlrlr CritL'ria lLi(('nsc fTC I 2l I ). . B()t A, ICBO rnd SBCCI Seclions on Foam lnsulati.,n . (-Ci\'l(. \o I1122 R. l{eets CAN/CCSB Slandards tM Standard {45ol4470 APProval: ACFo.rrrr S!prenre rs appr<rved ior Class I insulated sktl ()oi deck ( on\lrur tron. Rcler k) FM Approval Cuide for cletails t ACFoam Nail Base tnsulation leatures the Atlas closed-cell polyiso core, bonded between 7rc" APA rated OSB on the top side and a fiber rein- forced felt facer on the bottonr. This product pro- vides an excellerrt base for shingles, tile, or nrelal roof systems.rncl nray be applied over rvoori or steel decking. lt is particularly suited for catheclral ceiling, and lopi home applica- tions. For application irrformation, contact your Ioc;r I Atlas represent.-ttive. Compliancesl. f,ti,.r,r Srx-< iiication HH-l-1972/CEN &v . li,t(, D.r([ Counl\, tl(]rr{lJ I'rocllr(l tlonlro \o 9 I of, r(J 7. . ( .rlrkxnrJ Slr(, Insuletrcnr ()uilrl! Slanddrds r')(l Trtlt ?5 Foanr tlanrrrr.rbrl tr Cril('ria lti(( n5r { tC l l l l i . 8()(:A. l( tio. and SBC( l Sri lrons on Fornt llrltrlalrr)rr . U[ Classiired under Class A, 8, or C roof cove.inSt.t fM Slandard 4450/4470 APProval: It I,r Ir \,rrl Br- lr'\urJlt''rs.'11,r,,r''itor' .r\\ lir.trl rl''l ronl (li( | (r)nrlrLrLlion. Rti(r lo fM ApprovalCur(l{r l(n (1('lnrls- tso"':?":|-K-nu *ro, iTi"e^t 4ttoecd x7O5 i Frr.ii|- I i I i .n ,.$ ALI-STATE FIRE PROTECTION, INC 6//5 E 76IU AVE #12 00MMBRCE CITY, COLOMDO 80022 14 WILLOWPIACE vAn4 coLoMDo PRODACTSABTVITTAL SPRINKLEREEADS C€ntral Optima Rcsid€otial Concealed Pendent 7116' 165o Central GB Pendent PIPE TMTINGS, EANGING MATERIAL TypeM CopperPipe SoldcrFitings Ring llangers VALVES Balllhip Valve Pressr€ Relief Valve Double Chcck Baclflow Prwentor T€st AndDrain Val\/c }IISCELII\NEOUS All thread Rod AlannBell FlowSwitch 1. gDlqenflal l tima Goncealed Adj ustable Autornatic Spri n kler Manufactu red by: Centnl 451 Nonh Csnnbn Avenur Ooirpmy PHOTOA 207o DENSFY 110 LINE SCREEN Standad Ftnbhse: Spdnklen bra3s Cover Plate: bras. chrome plated andwlrlta palnted wfth dJsiom palnted flnslher rvalablc. Leqith: !lo2tA" (6.1 ',rr//oAS dn) CowrPfete 3Vt p-a6161a1916, GelllrE OpenkEz 2W p.c6ent We[ht: 7.9 oz. (at.sr',nttsnplote assembly wlth @ver plate Patented yvlth addtrional pgients pending. Product Descrlption : The optlma Rosldsnilal oonoealed ls the worlde flnst 20.x 20, conasaled rssk enilst spririltter. lt le uL Lbtod for resldenfial OCcuparcles as. outlinod in NFPA lO, NFPA lgD ald NFPA 13R u,lth very towflorve md preszures whlls pmvldlng tho _aestheilc appsalot e ftafi oon€aled( {iru ptEte. I It b desbnod to compofrsat€ for v€ryho ceiting heBhts by utlilzlq e drop (hwn delloctor and an adJusEble throed on esartch€on. Thb toature is slgnfroant beca|Eo il . alloun the celung to fluctuato overlt' h t ehttt. The thln cowr ptete projectaonly %r' below th-e oelllng fior'rlte rnaxlmum In unobstructed alfr eesthoilc appearance. To prevent damage toths sprhkler alu to euow the sprinklerto be locatod In th€ cellirE, a spedEt ?notgdtve cap h povided. Thbpledto cap nas a cono shaped polnt thd oan - b,e prsssed against the wafi boad to' tocde lhe posltion ot ths Gprinkler andellolt, th€ hole !o tre ari coirecily, The Residential Optma Corrceabd. Sprird<ler emphys Cenaral,s exduslve [nk adhmting medranism. The . f '-dd{et F brass and the cover pfatc 1 . uallable in brass, chrome daicO or whlto painted. Opalallon: The Oentral ResHenilal Optlna Concealed Sprlnkl€r absorbs heet hrough the ceulng oover plale whldr ls soldored to the adjudads rstelner ring udth a fusrue alloy. At thg ral€d tetrpenturc, tfie alloy fuses,-resultirg ln the plete drcpdng aryay ftom the sglntder. At thh point, the deileclordrope dorvn bebwitre col||r€ sudaoe, bdrglng aboutthe lrlds $eoarlp b the f]reb heat. The heat fuses the lrrl(s thermal demeil resultlng h a rapld @ulston of both ttE edh|aung mecfientsm, as wel aE lhe seellng oap. Water can now lb,rv h a pattem erElns€red lo meet the cweragg tsquilemonts. n Techntcal Model: D Style: Conoeajfd (dlrdewe) Wi'enclr: Opilrna Concealed (pan ff 074) Offioe Stse: tAr, (tt.t nn) IELOI K Fgdon 4.2 Go.$t Threed Size: }{' (tz7nm)N.p.T, Approvals: U.L. Tempe?atu'e Bding: l65eF/74"C Sprlnkler with 135oF/57eC Correr ptate MarlnumWoftlng pressute: 17S psl Fadoly Hydro Test iOO% stSO0 psl OriflGe Adiustable GonGealed Residentia Sprinkler ilo.47.6 r'I'. .\\ '' --gptima ntnuar corflSrf,Jpenoc * *oo-Q,^*, t I Flgurc 2 Resldgfilal Conceated pendent 2 sass z9g s r z u3-1xN r dds '1uulH33 99: z r c3t4 96-e6-336 Design gn B.qut?emams-Rgqlgentht Opilmr Conocaled Goveaage Arca (tt. xttl 9ln9!qHeftl ituttlple H€ldMnlmum Flw 19etn) Mtntmum Pr€s$rle wrl Mtntmum Flow bpn) Mm|mum Pnrsalrc @i) 20 x 20 troo rq. tut 24 92.7 17 16.4 18 x 18 Faf sq. r0 24 32-7 17 16.4 lE x 16psorq.rrJ 18 18.4 13 9.6 l4 x l41rsrq.tty 18 18.4 19 9.6 12 x 121rrlrq. n.p 18 'r8.4 13 9.6 Oata crutbar n*aum,tp@rf4 (as wfrfi ail festclentiat qrtnkters)' celllrg oover ptates are avallaue In a varlety of metailic or pahtod flnishes. Fo,qrgtom patnted flnlsheg &e arstomer musriuml*r iqur*tryfnS piir*;'pr.f.r:aUylacqertased, ro ensure pmper olor tlrdlcdto,l. Odd;ft Ailfr il-'|lqdnd tor eadi A00 plat6s. ' Qtn completion of the instaltatbn. lhe syslem must be te$ed p€r bo lxtalted In confoflnsd?e rvlth Installation reoognlzedstandards. In thg ewnt ot aftread ledq r€nEve the unn apply ngr pbe Fn corpound or tape, 'and reln6ftan. Instaltrilon Sequelrce $ep f , The unlt m$t bs Instaled ln the penden[ posnhn. $op a Thefeos of the cprirtd€r fittlng stould be Instalted a rcminal ?v.: (ty.) behtnd the tinhhed cenlng llns. Adircfrnen8, to oompenseto for varhllone h littlng taoe to cel[ng height maybe rude bynreaotrgthe oovgrphle Ftainer In ard out of the unft'6 srDportc|Jp. Stsp.3. Use orry a no*hadedrg gFe Jolnt oorrpound. or Teflon tape. Apply ordy b the rmle thrcads 8tq,l. Handtlghten the sprinkter hto lhe lltting. Avold maklrq oontad u,[h the (btlsclor trrh€n using lhe Centnt Spdrld€r Optima Concealeo Wlondr to lhhtgn the unlt Into theflfile. The wremfi h deslgned to mate w|h tho bodfs wrcndr boss€s, 'Tr0on lr r *dqnrrk ol th. DuFc|rf co.r. g lneHe lho thr€aded a4port qrp. A l€ak tbht folnt requlme a only Z to 14 ft. hs. of lorque. foque lerab gr€aterlhanat fl. b8. mryd8toilthe orilico -ceal, resulung ln bafrye. $lop 5. Alter lnt0al hstdafon and belorc ttre oorcr phte b tnstalted. cov€rthe sprl*lerwlth tho cpeohl phsilc protecilvg cap. Thecap b speolally dssbned to not only potect the epdr*ler, hn albwthe ocillng installere to looate the eprir*ler by presslng the cellirrg boad up agelnsr crrfi'gnt NFPA.lg, NFPA 1gO etd NFPA 13R Standads. Dwhtbnc l|om thee€ lgquiremanls and stan- dards, orany alterdlon to lhe sprin- ldcr as$mbly ltself wil rolC any wanariy made by Cential Sprinkter Company. In adCitton. Insteilallon rrf,tst slso meet local govemment provblofts, codes and dandards, qs applbabl€. The. ry.stgr pFirE must be prop,, eO shed to gnsuro urg mlnlnilm' rgqulsort fhw rdg at tho sDrlnlder. chedc forthe proper modbl, etyle, orfns gize and terpordure raitrq pr',or to lns..aildlon. Insrafl spdnkiiro aner the pF!19 is in ptace to avo6 meofianlcal dam€e: repta€ any dams06duntt6. Wet ppe systerirsqsf be proteoted fromfneilng. Optlmr Oonccltgd Wronoh so 'd segs z9g sTz u3'1XN r irdg '1VdlN33 92: Z T g3l'l E6-46-33q 'il;.;lH,:[trli,ffi lHl,ffi ,"*ffi -T"rur,-"*,,,,*^,w tne cQllfrE qpard lor the locetion of Ptstfri}a sys1r.ms'oontrine guueltnls tho €Prinklor. Caro should b€ laken and.mlnlmum malntenanor leiukcmente. f gnfy ptess the c€ilng lhhtfy agnlnst runhonon, the M mdwny Uavtutg .Iretap ae ox@sslve pessule wtfl _llry/r{?n'n,8! havc.ddftbnsl tegula- *ffiJ:: trj1l[:'*ll|:.,ff 'uo t"'1,-#ffi1#',i*'Tf'HTut:anoo' fufrc:ilgn conectly. ftis .dvisaUte O have spinkler eysrcrns srep6. rornsrailrheceilrnsoover flTffiil:il*ili,*:ffii*p; plate' manually thcad the oorrer cuch inepcctiom E" ory i* i" lLesr-telaln€r lnto-lhe support anp. Corr bllity, emUcnr etmospheie, warcr suppiy, tlril'le threadlng unill the cover rnd Enc.otivlty- lelSlne/E flenge rssts aoeinst tho .uo rct dempt lo feaslrnue o? surtace or rho celins. ;l"ffi:8ili#ffililL",lfil,"r' casrbn: Speciar ** Tjt* F_ll!9n Fr;iffitrf:iily"";r'm,l:lewhen-instaling wlth a CPVC q.yste-m. rjrp"r"tur" raung !s,eptacamentB.Spdntclersmustbelnstanedetierthe diaaurctreoricud;;i;;' maMaclure/s recommended Benrng orni€rb p'ot"cilon t i6-",d-;""rtr. time for the primer and cement to - nothing chould be trurn or atalit ro'dnc ensure that neither acqJmulate urlthln cpdnkler unlt tha r,loulil duru6the lhg sptlrd{er. pancm. Such ohstruabns must bc Specfalcaremustbelr''^------ remq'ad' Inlhcevctltthatensttuclbnpgrpp,at,c;;il;#ffi': Sfi$f;#,ffi1X"tr9,i*9il"sprld<rers ru,,Et be i*tailod onty dter iiilili*,. prcrecdoo hvd.the In'rde or rhg spdrrder orop ino ' D" dhd;flio diiiiJlp,inr.r"r" 3ssTieled [tUngs hew beenwlre wlthornlint r.riovrm ifre nrc-omeJro"tafnCto rernove arryflux. Realdlal ayrremtomrcrukf B;;ni;;;,Itl .!n cause cOroslon And h pennlrsbn frcrn eX aurtrodtiea havino exltJno casss can fnpalr proper lurn{hlol, end notily an pcreonnei'irtrosptrneroperaflon. ffi"Tfftii,*:"ffim:n l|nfgare & .i;ffi.fifi,ffi;1ff;* tl tr'6hbna n Ge ffi;Htri:m*ltSf*r* Remove thc oridlng unlt ariO' tn"latt ttrc _Sprlnklers must be hardled carefully. nplacrment urhg onlythe reom. leV muA not bo treosporteA or cor&- mcndcd sprir*|fi wrcnth. Bc 6ndn to Yt-eg:1$.4!tempcr.tur6 mry oxc.ed mdch model, stylc, orflico, and tempcra.l'OFBg.C. Forbonresults,itorethcln turcrding.q: d!y, ooot tocqtion h the oitglnal ehhphO Xdcagc. . Do nor Inchl sprft{dcn thqt hav. bccnooppcd or vbbly dameged. Srhhdcrcqya 1n* bc na.lnted, coct€d. pkrted ordsed ln rny oth.r wry trom minufao __-._ -.----:-.. -. _,-r, rr.q, r,.r:;ei!;{E' ^.Jptopctfy. Anysprinklcn*ercdlnsuch -=l= rnennermustbereplaced. _: Tne qy;nel s respcnglue tor lh€ onDef -::ffi"?*gt,1H,!fi[fl* trENTRAL :' { eentral Sprtnkter Company "H#HtL:flr-ercompanv ttt"'THli.Lr:.,99**X"'PArs446 F$( (215) 362.538s aVtire protcct'ton rystem rhd has becn chu off attcr an acdvdion slDuu bcFprlrod and returhed to .c'.loe immedl.alcy. Inspeot thc entire cyrtem br dam6g9 and rcdroe or repak ac necc+ rary. Sprlnlden rhd dH not operlb brrt w6ra eubiected to oonorh€ clenrents ofombuction ot crcer3iy6 teflrpetatures should bc inspecied, end replaoed ff needbt. The Autlnr$ Haviag,tu rWion wnl dorall minimum replacement requhomenb and rcgulatbns. Guerantoc: Central SprinHer Com- peny wlll rcpak and/or replroo any prDdrrcb found to bc dclooiivc h matcrial or rvort<manshlp rlithln a perbrl ol oneycar|fom thc dat6 of shbm.rt pbr$ rpf .r lo the currcnt Prlco List tor fuithor detais of the wansnty. HII#illlr,,, Ord.rltq lntorrndbn: Whro pledng m odor, hdild. the fu[ predua hemc] Plc-see epcdly thc qrnntlty, tfiod.l. Gtyle. omqr rEo, tempattluro rdtu. lpdnklcf finBtlcovorplde flnhh, and rprhHer wrenoll. . For epedarl palntcd cq,tr plde thbhc*$c c{rrtomcr must a4ply a quHrdryl1g paml prcfenbty In a lecquer-bcrc finbhb hsur. propcl color dgllcdon. Wlhour Erldt LguEe, Cfirrrl Sprinklu Oonprny caatot be rrcponsbtc loraecprb6olor maohlng. Al oJtbm pinttrg of rhcqou.r drte mud bo omdcftd rilh. lrctory. Avrlhblllly and Scrvtcr: Contal epdnkltc, valvcr, acoersorlcr and olherpoduotr arc avalhblc thouOhout thc U.S. rnd Canrda. ald infiemetlonafb. throuBh a n.tvuort ol contral sprtrkhr dislribdion o.rtter& Yor may wr,lte dir€aif_to Conret Sprintrbi Oompmy. or cql 215-A6Q{7!0 br the dbtdhior - ncffest yit0. convrrlbn Tebb: 1 Incfi : tg.496 661 I loot - 0.€O48 M 1 pound - 0.r.539l€ I loot pound r 1.36 Nml pcl-6.895kpe - 0,689 ber - 0.0703 b/anrr 1 U.S. gallon r 3.285 dm! -S.7BS lilcrc @nvcrsbns an qnximatc. (l ( t inkler Gg.-$pri Upright or Pendent Glass Bulb Automatic Sprinkler Manufactured by: Central Sprinkler Company 451 North Cannon Avenue, Lansdale, Pennsylvania 19i+46 R [l3ll,'ol,r,, n Technica I C The Central Model GB Upright and Pendent Automatic Sprinklers embrace the ultimate in advanced design fealures. They incorporate the latest in heat-responsive, glass bulb technology, which results in a much smaller more aitractive sprinkler than 'those manufaciured with a more traditional design approach. The operating mectanisrn consists of a liqui&ftlled 5 mm diameter frangible capsule that is only 1.5 cm in length. The Model GB Automatic SprinHers are intended for installation in accotdanc€ with current NFPA 13 Standards. They are available in 112' orlftce size ar}d a variety of t€mperature ralings. finishes and dmrative coatings. Operadon: The glass bulb capsule operating mechanism contains a heat- sonsitive liquid that expands upon application of heat. At the rated temperatu re, the frangible capsute ruptures thereby releasing the orifice seal. The sprinkler then discharges water in a predesigned spray pattem to contril or extinguish the fire. For sp€cilic listing .Gqui.e.ne,{s. s€€ lrre EporaG,riate l*o(mttirn oontained in ftis brocrsre. Model: GB Style: Upright or Pendent Orifice Size: 112' K Facton 5.6 Thread Size: 1/2' N.P.T. Tenperatrte Ratiq & Glass B.rlb Coloc l35eFl57"C Orange 155oFr68oC Red 175"FlVgT Yellow . 2o(FF/S|"C Green ?86eF/141f Blue 360PF/182'C Pwple (6C not EM.Appaved) Approvals: lJL, U.LC, F.M. Meets: MIL€TD€1oC, ML€TDl 67-1, and MIL€TD€lOC shock, vibratkrn, and salt.f,og tests for rnadtime applietions. Maximum Working Pressure: 175 p.s.i. Factory Hydro Test 100% at 500 p.s.i. Standard Finishes: brass or chrome plated Standard Coatings (Not F.M. Aryroved)'. white painted and black painted Lengnh: 1 114' (D!w thiead) Wrdth: 1" (ttame anns) Weight 1.95 oz. C Quarter Section Model GB Pendent Sprinkler Modef cB 1t2' Uptlq/trt (Clamle Platd) . ModelGElt2'Pendrrf.(WttuM) ,:NB:il"t- The Model GB Upright and Pendent Automatic Sprinklers are intended for area coverages and flow and pressure requirements as s@ified h qrent NFPA 13 Standards. flnstallation All Central Model GB Upright and Pendent Aulomatic Sprinklers must be instafied according to curent NFPA 13 Standards. Deviatirns fom these requirements and standards or arry alteration to the sprinkler itseff will voitl any wananty made by Central Sprinkler Company. In addition, installation must also meet local govemment provisions, codes, and standards as applicable. The system piping must be propedy 'sized to insure the minimum rcquited .. fiow rate at the sprinlder. Check for the proper model, sfy'le, orifice size, and temperatufe rating prior to installation. Install sprinklers after the plping is in phce to avoid rnechanical darnage: redace any dalmaged unhts. Wet pipe rystems must be protected ftorn freezing. Upon compleiion of the insallation, the system must be tested per reorgnized standa.ds. In the event of a thread leak remove the unit appfy new dpe ioint compouttd or tape, and rein$all. Installation Sequence Step 1. The unit must be installed in the up.ight posilion for updght style sprinklea, and in the pendent position tcr F€nCent sivle spdnxlars. Step 2. Use only a rontardening plpe joint oompound or Teflon' tape. Afply to the male threads only. C Step 3. Hand tighten the sprinkler into the litting. For updght sprinklers, use a Central Spdnkler Combination Wrench, and lor pendent sprinklers use a Central Spdnlder Universal Wrench, to tighten the unit into the fitting. A leak-tight joint requires only 7 to 14 ft.-lbs. of torque; a tangential force of 14 to 28 lbs. delivered trrough a 6'hendb will deliver adequate toque. Toque levels over 21 ft-lbs. may distort the odfice seal, resufting in leakage. l*on, Special carc mirst be taken when installing pendent sprinldee with a CPVC qrstem- SPdnlders must be install€d after the CPVC manufacturer's recommended setting time for the primer and cemer to ensure thal neither accumulate within the sprinkler. Special care must be taken when installing with a copper system. Sprinklers musi be installed only after the inside ol the sprinlder nipple and associated fittings have been wire brushed to remove any flux. Residual flux can cause oonosion and in exlreme cases can impair proPer sprinkler operation. [11fi,?fifn,no Sprinklers must be handled carefully. They must nol be transported or stored wtrere ambient temperature may exceed 1O@FESC. For best resutts, store thern in a dry, cool location in the original shipping package. Do not install sprinldets that have been dropped or visittly damaged.' Sprinklers must ne\rer b€ painted, coated, ptated, or altered in any other way from manufac,tured condition or they may not funclion propedy. Any spdnklers altercd in strch manner musl be replaoed. The owner is responsible for the proper operating condition ol all fire protection devies and accessories. The NFPA Standard25 endded, 'lnspediott, Tating aN Maintenane ot Water&xd Fire Protedion Systems", contains guidelines and minimum rnaintenance requirembnts. Fu rhermore, th e loral Auf p tW Having Jurisdiclion may have additional regulations and requliernerrts for mainle,rance, tesling. and inspection thal must be obeye<t. It is re@mrnended that sprinlder systems be inspecied regularly by a qualified inspection service. Length ol time between such inspections can vary due to accessibility, ambienl atmosphere, water supply, and site activity-'Tefroo b a la&.rraft ol |trr &rPoct Corp. 3 Combinatlon Wrench Unlversal Wrcncfr ,{\ tlo ndafrmPttoieassernble or' o0tBtq$e re.r3e a sprinklerlhat has op€rqt€{. RePlace anY sPrinkler edriblting conosion or damage; ah*ays use new sPrinklea of the same type and temperature rating as rsplaoements. Because the discharge Pattem is critbal to protection of lile and p.operty, nothing should be hung ot attacfied to the sprinkler unit that woukt disrupt the pattern. Such obstnrctions must be removed. ln the went that construction has altered the original conftguration, additional spdnldets must be installed to maintain the Proteclion level. Do not anempl to replace sprinklers wltfput first removing the fire protec{ion system from service. Be oertain to secure pemission from all ^Mfes ruving Jurisdkl*n, aN notify a[ personnel who may be affected dudrg system shutdown. A ffrc uadr during maintenance pedods is a recommended pr€carrllon. To remove the system from se'.ice rnod€, ft(st refer to the syslem operafip gukte-and valve instruction. Drain rvater and relieve pressure in tts Cp€s. Remove lhe existing unit and lnstall he replacement. tsing only the spdnlder wrencf. Be certain to maHr model, style, odfice. and Hryerat re ratftE. Afi|€ prctec'tion system that has been shut off after an aclivation Olggt C€nlrd Sp|huer Cocpany P.hed h U.S.A" lt ld b€ r€tumed toservice immediately. lt6pect the enilire sptern lordamage and rePlace or repair as nece$sary. Sprinklers that did not operate but were subiected to conosive elements of oombustion or excessive temperatures should be inspected, and replaced if need be. The Authotity Having JurEdiction wrll delail minimum replacement requirements and regulalions. Guarantee: Central Sprinkler Company will repair andor replace any poducts found to be defective in material or workmanship within a period of one year from the date ol shipment. Please refer to the currenl Price Ust for further details of the wananty. IENTRAL Central Sprinkler CompanY 451 N. Cannon Averure, tansdale, PA 19446 Phone (215) 362{700 FAX (2rs)362-s88s tdering''' - lnfotmation Ordering Information: When placing an order, indicate the full product name. Please sPecifY the quantity, model, style, orifice size, lemperature rating, type of finish or coating, and sprinkler wrench. Availability and Service: Central sprinklers, valves, a@essodes, and other products are available throughout the U.S. and Canada' and intemationally, through a network of Central Sprinkler disttibution centers. You may write directly to Central Sprinkler Company, or call (215) 352- o70o lor the distributor nearest you. Patents: Patents are Pending. Convercion Table: 1 inch = 25.400 mm 1 foot= 0.3048 M 1 pound = 0.21536 kg 'l foot pound = 1.36 Nm 1 psi = 6.895 kpa = 0.0689 b.t( = O.o7oil kdcnr' 1 U.S. gallon = 3.785 dmt = 3.785 liters Corveoions are approxamate. FIRE SPRI L editgrnihhce Th'b assured performance offered by copper fire sPrinlder systems as important to every- one involved - the architect, engineer, building owner, con- tractor, insurer, and fire service personnel. Copper tubing exhibits excel- lent resistance to damage from intemal and extemal corrosion. ft does not develop intemal sudace roughness or exped- ence a gradual nanowing of the passage caused by intemal conosion. The potential for plugging of sprinlder head od- fices and small diameter branctr lines is significantly reduced with copper tube since the normal thin, protective cor- rosion film in the tube bore does not flake off. This also rcduces the ne€d for pedodic maintenane fl ushing opera- tions. Copper is also hlghly resistant to extemal sources of corosion, including exposure to moisture, most chemical fumes, process vapors and similar atmospheres. The superior flow capacity of copper permits reduced cross- and feed main-sizing in many hydraulically calculated sys- tems. In pipe schedule sylstems this advantage is reflected in the increased number of sprin- klers permitted by applicable standarG lor copper lines of twoincfi and larger. Fur$ter- more, NFPA recognizes the use of 3/r incfi copper tube in spdnkler applbations while the minium size requirement for steel pipe is one inch. Plpe llaterlal Flow Capa<fty Normal Pipe Size - CTS Copper is an inherentlYsafe matedal. lt $rill not bum or sup port combustion, nor does it decompose to toxic gases.. Also, it will not carry fire through floors, walls and ceil- ings. A oopper systern main- tains its integrity.and ability to cany.water where Ptanned wtren o<posed in a fire situa- tion. Copper tube will not dete- rioratewith age or become embrittled and fail, but remains effeclive for the life of the in- stallation. Should anY Part of the system be damaged, it can be repaired quicklY and easilY, often by soldering or brazing in a new piece. Tees for new sprinkler drops can. also be ..mechanically formed in Place using hand tools. -rrtr,o.o 50 '8. -'ro tn7 tr OU (L (5 a) 70 60 ; oo. o CL to 3o IL =-o.a -Copper QPolybtrtylene -Scfi.4o Steel Figure 9- Cornpari:son of Flow Capacities in 3 common types of !ipe. 6 ;Technical Data Contents 1. Physical Characleristics of CopperTube 2.' Friction Loss Tabies 3. Friction Losses: Flttings and Valves 4. Tube Bending Guide 5. Hanger Spacing 6. Hanger Sizing 7- Soldedng and Brazing 8. Material Spednca$ons 1. Physical Characteristics ofCopperTube For use in fire protec{ion systems, three types of seam- less drawn coppertube Oype K, L andM) are olrendy ac- cepted by NFPA 13, 13D and 13R (Section 3-1.1.4, &3 ard 1-5, respectively). For all hree ' types, the outside drameter as equalto he nomlnal diameter plus % inch. However, wall thicknesses (and thus irside diameterc) vary. Type M coe per tubing has he thinnest wall and is also the leas{ osfly. Type-L b the seoond thinnest TypeK tube has thethickest rvall, he smallest insftl,e darn-' eter, the greatest ct, ard b not widely used. Types L and K are used where bending is r+' quired. Allcopper tube is avail- able in drawn (hard) temper in straight lengths (ordinarily 20 leet long). Types K and L are also available in anneaied (soft) temper, supplied in either 2sfoot straight lengths or in 1@''foot ccrils forsizes up to 1 inch and {tfootcoils forsizes up to 2 incfies. Wrought attd cast copper and copper alloy solder ioint pressure fittiqs are aocepted by NFPA 13, 13D and 13R. These are available in a wide ctroice of configurations for use with each type d copper tube. Table 1. Physlcal characledsilcs of tube, types L and ll t t Table 2 Frlctlon toss (psl per linar footf for types L and ll copper tube t'ith 'C factof.= 15(F Velocity:I o-r o feet per second Itt-ntapr*@,f, l. .8.@ &G .6tB ,0a ,6 .oa .&a .oa .61 .04 .ma .oa.Gl MN s!tr .G.G &tN .6.G NN an tul'[ sfr gl ntl Ntn su.& gt,gu nn tr0 an Jir.6 aa. t12. ,rt 'r2,€ff ,rt ,€ ,r'a ,lt .'t1 .N g,1a tra t!5 ,ta .ors .ori DT nn ,rct ,ro ,ta ,||.tto ,|r ,|o .otull to r€ ,rt .o'r? .o:r ,r3 ,t5 .0t.01 .8t 8r .ot.0l nnr .dl.ot n&. .&,,&, ga&, &,&, &,&, .&,.&a .6.4 .6'.G .E& s.& && G.6 .6.G 4as .6a.a !a!a tr''. gg n& .cr-G .d'.!r " 3r -.:.6;JG '' 7.' " n.a N .G..Oa G!{ .JGS .G5 irtS .tr rl05 .G..G t!5G,!:rf- .G.G .47 2a m.a .*24 .9r.81 t6.2t .&.4 .g.n ,grsti .t..s .g-* ttt.J 217 JA .g.n &.9,t .tr'.4u &a .Q./ta.sb .g.a .g..'t. t,6.il .6.4 .rn.no .G' 'Efi, t?l .8,a..9 .@t.6 .tG6 .tc g -tr!.t6 .t|t -t€ .t2t.trt .ttt -!ra .tt -raa .lial -r2t .6 At .Gtt & .8 .6 ,./to.Gn .&, at ,* t1,7 .oaa .oat ,ae lag .Gr ,al .8.8t .G'. .o5a .G'l.G ,cr..@ && E1G o2a ,nt no ta.n ra nt *ta 8f tlan ci.& .gs .ro.G .o.0 .d.& ,r0& .0{o ,|o ,tt tro m2 tll ,€ ,re ttt .ota ,'lt in1 t6 tu ,ta rta $l,tr Bt t'!2 .63& !t &r .ot ot tt tt !r.&l .Or,Or .0r tl n.0l .ttt .g .t,l.tc .lt tn -fi -rf7 -s .tJl zto J9 t1t -ra ........ 4 .&.an .*.n .{a .g& .aa,g 92.g 'a.a .rA J.r -iat -r5l I2,t :fi .2rr' 3rS.E .3a rtt trt.G .*sro ttt trt -'6tt.9f -ta -lt' .9.*a -tt -t5t -!l9-$t .ttt .t0 .tt -g .ta -le .ta .tta -tt, .424. -f*t -r4 -*19 -(, -t3 -ttt JA:9 -'l'' -t- -a35 -t4 -r9 -t.t .tdt -tt? -ta -14$ .r7t 1a -'c.- B Tabl€ S. Allowances forfiiction loss in fittingsandvalves eteressed as equivalentleqrthof tnbe(tee$ 4. Tube Bending Guide 5. Hanger Spacing Table 4. Bendlng guide for coppertube.Table 5. Hanger Spaclng 'h:FPA 13. Sec. $,t.1.7 attaua bending K ard t oppertubo. ^^ NFPA t3D ard tgR have no ,€stidi&rs m tendng ccipertrbe.- Bendrng done wifi mec$anir=l tools 6. Hanger Sizing Table 6. Hanger slzing ' Above 2-inch, Use the same SpS t ange. sAe as tt e t rOe size. $;rit-i;'q ;. 1 I J NFP4 13. (Secfon &t.t.t). and N|PA l3D (Secfon 9-&6) and NFPA l3R (Sedion t-5.6) recognize the use of 99S tin- antimony soHer for fire jofinlng of wetjipe copperfire sprinkler systerns. For all copper systems, NFPA 13 (Section $124) rec- ognizes the use of fillermetals for brazing wtrictr udtrstand hi,gher temperatuies. NFPA tg' (Section 3-1.1.1, a[ows thd useof BCUP€andBAJP4 braziqg filler metals. For more informatiorl, refer to AUIS. A5.9, . ('Specifcation for Erazing Fifier Metal)-' Excellent resutts are dained in using a non-aggrcssive sol- derirq or brazfuB flux ryftidl sh9lrld be appliedqaftgty In a lhin, even coating to both tube and ftfling. The flues used in bradng ar€dfterentln conposition to soldatrgifirnes and cannot be used her- cfianseably. The Anierban SocJety for Testing ard llaterhb 6on- sidedng a stardad braplder fltxpedornane. hblmpor- tant that solder fluies miet fte requirements of this dandard, so failures due to conosion fnom aggressive fluxwifi not ocqrr. ANSTL Arae*:n l€fondwrds . lcs6rle. hc. t4ogdrny. ttY_,wt6fa nSue fhe ejtrlricet &d.Ulo. ueAradca e!h...r. SaS e {, sr-r(Y-try19617. esn/L emaizt Sodr{h.Tt ftg.ndllaabk t9t6 Ra$- PtibdebHa. pA t9tG.'Atirs: Alfqi=n W€t4tf Sod.ry.5SO a(w. tc.ranc Rc4ff,ard F_glt26- & llatedal Specifications 'Table& $pecmcdons fortrbg, fiUhgs, solderand hdqg dloys and fltr FI b i i ..F. -.',,q, . ... tfTT crinneu o Wrot Copper/Cast Brass Sofder Joint Fittings Catalog WCCB-82 :: 'wrot copper/cast brass o PRESSURE 1|€""qlhs" coupling with stop coppe( to @pper fig.910O/970O couptings coupling wilh stop copper to coppelr fig. 9l{Xt/9700 (con't) nomin l sazc .PP(O& nct r^l|l. unil Prck dim. N crflon qu.ntaty coupling withoid stop @pperto @ppe( fig.9l0l N-1r-iT nornlnel lwrot I can I dl(||. sazc N erloo I unilqurntty I p|ct appror. nct !,tt." *r- o.d. ur' r r- I ,/re- o-r '.ic'o-d-, .c' o.d. x 1,1 Yt' r.- r t/ra' o.( !t- x lt' rt- \- x rft- rr' x t/re' o.c t'r lt- U2- rfxll' rz- t Vt' lt_ t' r 14' t' r li-!i' r !a' 4'rt' x lt- 4'116-r.'x ll-ur.'x ' ,h- lr.txtx 1iII lxlxlxx x x x x x "'l%l{ol1,. I,/rc Itr, .l,la I "/o Irtlrl I?lqolrlrlr Ivol ttri t,,lz t-rr l'ri !/n l:a '/rclr'rr tln t/rc r@ r00 r@ rq) 50 tco 50 50t(x) lro0 Isolt(tr |tq, I:sltq) |solslslsl50 1al lt*t- : '&I I .01 | .ol | -ol .01 .or .ol .ol .ot .@. .@. .01 .o1 .G3 .(xl .@. .o5. - ' -05 .04 .q! tt7 .o7 .06 I'6 .05 .ot) t- l' x tl- l' r :t(- t- r lt'l'r lt- l- r lt- t v.' lvr' r l' Itea- x ' t%- r tl- lr1- r !A' lv.- irrz r 7Vt' l1{- r l- lr{- r *' rh' t tt' x x x x x x x x x x x xx' x x ,ln u 1|.,tr ryr r?rr It tlre .rlr rt rYl it tf'e h li h 66a6 256E6 66 6 rc to to to to 5q, ? 250 3 ; rl}t r(x, -lt .ta .13 rx) .to -to .t6 .t8 -t7 -t6 .t3 -4 24;2 21 .19 7 7|l.t' 7 x 7ut' ?-x1' ? x ,A' Z x rh' 2rr- x x x x x x x ta .rle l'/re r{ra tt/r rrrr: h 5 5 5 to to to r0o | ..3so | .{o l3sl:s-13-l33sol -6s . 6 2\r' I T ?1r- r I tt' 2\2- | 1r.'z' 2h' t l' x x x x r: tt tl 13.a6' tiu .59 -72 .74 .73 3:' 3- rzw 3'r? 3- r ltt' 3h' 31t- x 3- x x x x x x !,r ll ta I ':r:t:r t 30 .97 38 r.03 r.(x r.a5 r.52 {fr3h'rl-rI e x Zh'4'r? x x x x x ,tn lt rr li,rc -,t !r 8 2.09 zr2 L@,zrl e16 t5rf x x ,le rtl,!3.63 655 6i 5-xf 6-xtr x x x ?uttn Itlr: 5.75 836 8"&! g 816- x x sb rt ta.t3 z2s9 nomlnj.&.*Yot cait d.n A cJlon ur{t p.d( .Pp.ot r|.a rr|. {rs- o.d.r- t,r€ oL w- ra' Uz- *- ra- u.' x x x x x x x x x rll:t x/r: tln at,[ 4n It/n lrrrt l.t rr lal'E d! tco r@ roo r00 t00 50 50 25 .al .ot .ol .ol JT, .(xl J43' .o9 1- lln- rh' x x x ?rlrc. ll.6r 2Un <> a,> ro r@ -tl .t6a o wrot copper / couplings fig. 91Ol (con'r) drain coupling @pperto @pper 1i9.9703_r-f U fifting reducer titting to @pper fig.9ldl-2/9706 eccentric coupling@pprbopwr ftS.9m5 nomlnel sizc wrol I cast dim. A carlonqulnliry unil lapp.or-pack I n€t wf. 7 ?Vz' x x 2.thz Zttitz 5 5f .61 r 3w' x x 3r r/rr 3:tix r.m 1.45 a' 5. 6-t x x x x 4rli 5r!/a 6?tn 7t1rtz 2.O9 3-63 5.75 14.37 nomlnal siza rrol ca3l dlm. A cartoa quenlity unltp.ct rppoo& .rct r/L %'rW lL' t Vt'y.ft!f,: !4' r I't' h' x Vt' ,l'xw lt" r lt' tl' x U4' $'xli. ,A'xW U.'rW |Z'xYt' x x x xxlxixlxl II II l5lrr the aln lllrc tln ltfte .dla jla I tVrr llt Trla 50 5{t 50 r00 rq, 50 50 50 50 fl) 50 50 C/allt .01 -@. -or .CX' .92 .(X .o4 -ql .06 .06 .05 .05 1' x rA' 1'r 'l'..f' x tt' l'x $' 1Y.' | 1' 1%' x N<' lk' x y2' th' x lk' ltt' r t' lh'rrt th'rW x x x x xxlxlxlxl II lY. 1?re lle l.ln Itl6: l',h, I rtlr2 1!{rr It?n I rVr lr.ta a r0 6a666 to t0 10 t0 r(n .t3 .08 .(ts .08 -17 .r6 -t3a .2. 2r -t6 38 .&t 35.g g .o0 58 :ro -74 ?tr'f'I x7r1v.'i X?rt' I x ? tt*- I xzxh' I xZr2't? I X*z'xlh'I X2h'rryn'I x zrt'r l- I X t -/rc ?Illl lala rh l2?:z t.?re ?ta!la ?tz 5 5 r0 i0 : t rt?yfTrt tr r t lt' trx il4' 3rt' r 3' x x x x x 4 2r'y'n 4rla 3?rr 2rtla r.(n t.t r r116 r29 t.r|E 4'x 31n' I X{'x3' I x 4'x2y6'I x{rZ I x 4 21i. 3Vrr 3r& zg) :.$ t35 r35 5'r a' 5'x r x x 4a 3Yre 520 a-Gl 6'x 5i 6-r4' 6irtr x x x 3r.& 3tr 3rt/re 7-A 7.06 e75 6r6'x 9.tv lg.so nornltll aL. unot cral dlrt|.ll ctrtoo qt,.ttllty .pp3oL nct w{. w L' x x r4 u 50' 6 .08 .14 t'x ua t0 2, a|o nhald4 trot ca3l dir||.w €ttonqu.dtty .Pp3Or. NGN U'L Y' x vr'x ,.r,50 .ro l' r l4- t-rh' tt'r l- lrt' r L' ltt'rl{- llt' r lla' x x x x x x t-.n t'tl t'tt *rc 6a to ro 5 r0 -77 21 21a .2 52 Trlh' 21A'xt x x t,x .r.b 57 t.r9 Til:'.| | wfor lcrst dm. l crlo.r l .!nIA lquudty I pdr .PP(o& nct urt t' u' rr' t !t- '|'tr- r ra' rr' x !{' l1- a Vr- u' rl- r l- la_ t L- rr' I t-rr' I ra- ra' t l(- ,r' r !t- !(. l.- r l- lr- I ll- lr- I lt' x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x .x x ,lr ri lln I lrra I htlrr aln I rV.r: '-rlrn h hv lTre tlt tt L 50 5() 50 r(x, 50a 50 l(xta 50 r00 tql 66 50a g) 50 ldro 5@ .o2 .(x| -t3 .(x . -t0 .Gt .(X -(n 3) _t3 .(X I}5 .13 .o9 .l rl .t9 -r0 .ll t' t'r I lt'l'r !L't-r*- l-r%-tt' t.e- r ? lre- r lrt- trr'l l' l re- t lt- lrr- I lt' I lt' Ir{'r 3 li"- r I li- lrf r r- x x x x x x. x x x x x x x x x rv'l ::; I*. 1 x/r: 1ln lrleqrr It t?r: t{n 1lYrr x/n * 16 a ro t0aa ro 5 r0 ro to r0 r0 r0 r0 r00 z2 .68 21 -t9ags .17 3tla .gl 1t .7A -.8 37 ?t I lv.' t r lul' 7r.' Tc 6ir x x x x x x x x l./rr trrrcala Irt t aallp tAe 4lp 4 t J ! 50 55 .69 .75 121 r.72. 3.69 r350 .4J"_r7 adapters .:(- -wiot copper/castbrass . PRESSURE bushings female flush bushlng fiding to temale fig. 9708 female adapter copper to lemale fig- 9103/9713 flush bushing fitting to @pper f.s. sr18 6_--[ u!==u Ji_"tl H nomlnal slze wrot ..ol T cfloal q.lf|dty .P?@r- arct tt t %'xl^' rli' x Yt' 1i' x lt' h' x Vt' ,(r' I rh' wr'^'u'xw ,A' t tt' x x x x x x x x l/r Vrc 7p Vt Vrc {rctln ,hc 50 50 r0o tqt 50 50 50 50 .ol .ol .o2 -(X -a .04 37 .1t l' x :|a' 1'x!A' 1%' r l'tl^'xlw' 7 rllf x x x x x Itr{r t/rr sfu'r 50 5066 to .12 2, -17 .2. .66 .roflln.| dzc x,.d c..l doL A dloal $rl|0ty IPP(oL nct r.r'L 14' x rit' v x ,i'x x ?rt{rr r(n Ix| -tl l' x lt- lrA' | 4' 116- r l- x x x lVr I Yrr !?re .t3 -t8.a 8 wrot copper / o cast :'lj:i ' brass e PRESSURE . adapters X male adapter copper to male fig. 9104/9714 r -.*t*c . I tttttlttlltl, rlt|fxr61115ay ii: IL___ - _:*---L.__ *f....--.*.{$ <A male fitdng adapter fitting to male fig.91o{-2f9719 no.tdnel lwrot cast dl.n" I c..!on I rrnitA lqumttty I pack sPproL net wt h' %' rA' t th' Vt' t th' ,h' ||-x {' li' r lt' i- tu't- !4' r l' h' t tt' !t' x r/|' h' rY,' ft'x %' tt' r !t- *'L'r 1!,1' l[' I I vr' ra' r t- *'x!A' x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x 'a i'r, :_ ,: r!: !! l: !t It !l l:'t.a ta !l l: "' l:-i.-..tr: r00 r@ 50 50 r00 50 r00 50 t00 6 50 ro0 50aa 50 t0 t06 50 r00o r@0 500 -c2 .03 .o9 .04 .04 .1J .09 .04 .o7 .23 .t6 .05 .07 .t5 '.06 .r5 .60 3tl.a .t0 t' l- r I iA- l' r ltl' t-rlt' l- x rA' I 14' lu'tT lra'r llt'tk'r t- lrt' r t!.' lUz- It't' r f tlt'r 1 r.'.' :lt'x l- llt'r rl' x.- x x x x l' t' !t t:l"t: :i t.- t. l: '.1.i r: 't -l.:. l: I t-' Ft: :.. -, .a :l r-. '..- ;l -! x! Ixixi a t0 t0 6 6 to 5 ro r0 r0 t0 5 to to to 3 250 ; I I-lttl I I_l .24 .6,4 .40 .17 .?2. .36 3{l 5t.6 .8 .12 -77 39 .12 .38 Tf x 2.,2- frlh- ? r ! rr- 2h' Zat' r 7 x x :(. x x l:." I.-r: I:'r I'r.r I:!.. It", ! 5 5 : ; .67 r.57 .70 r-r3 r.r0 t39 t 3h' 4- t 6i x x x x x I:' .r i r.:!r: it".. IFri2l I 6 r.65 3.26 3.75 8.@ ro.73 nooranal sirc un'ol I Gan dinL A ctrlon quanlity uait pack aPPror. ncl wl. rt- k' lf- h' th' t rA' !a' x |,t' ?A' I l' ''r'rW ll ir rtlrr f t/u I r/re lrhc I tftr 1Vt Itr/ra lrt/rr f?re 50 50 50 r@ 50 r@ 50 25 50 .42 .04 .06 .09 .t8 .05 .14 .a .i5 t- l'x 14' lw I lt' f, x x x ?TA I rYr: ?rr 2r!n 25 5 r0 r0 .25 .3{t .26 37 T 2h'r x x x 2rrl'| ?tlrr .3% J -57 1.74 247 t oomh.l aLa *rc4 d d.ru A cJto.lqor|Gy rdtp.d(rPP.o& arat ur|. k' rc- 2,i'r,b' t7- h't*' !t' r lt' !t' t l' x x x x x x x x x tlt rhtr lrt,! 7tl$ l9r t{re I r?re lxir 50 50 50 50 1@ 5{' 50 506 .(X rl3 .o4 .o7 .o8 .l rl .05 .t7 .2'' t' l' r 16- lu' IL.-r l- th- x x x x x 2t trtx !la 2rl 2.tl a 6 r0 ro ro 24 21 -43 26 .64 r 2h' 3 x x x 2* 3li 3r?r 5 36 r55z8 o o wrot copper/ cast brass r PRESSURE etbows V. 90" fitting ell litting to littinglig.9l05-C .. A union elbows 9()F union ell copper to copper fig. 9736 lemale 90" unlon ell @pper to lemale tig.9738 fl!\* ii -f --r nrale gf unlon ell oopwto mde fig.9nX)I P I I-t. - H r IG'-'-k A gOc street ell fttilittg to frf,fi;g fig.9l09LT A no.nidl 3irc wrol cast .titrr A dinL H caaton qurnOty nct wt. h-\'x. x I t'l p tirc t're % ro .a .39 t' lv' lh' ? x x x x t2t t: til lr 2r rc?i 2tl:r' h I lVt 5j .86 r.@ t39 2.9 noc*rd sha srtor cart dan|. A cr.ton I app.or.qu.ntity I nct ur|. Yt'x |",'x 23 .r2 t' lU.' I rt' x x x I tl,b ?/r 2lrln r0 J 5 ,a& .116 7 zvL'7 x x x 8lt 3Flhe 3rTrr 2 I .81 r3l 26 no.ni|r.l sbr h' U.' t- rrot cr3l dhr. A dar|..s crlonqu.dltt tlcl t{t x x x lrj l: rl l:l lt I lU. r0 r0 5 35 .48 .78 aroml|rdd&ff€a cr3 dnr. A Gt toal qorndty .ppfo& oal rrt U.- k' vi 4' w x x x x x x x lt.'rc | 50|'trc i 23lrt&c I a JT .@. -(X .08 .tl .t6 2r t' tk- t it' x x x ?t2 3Yn 3t/rc r0 g) .1|5 .69 ? 2h'g x x x 4V 5rr/re 6lt I r.t9 ?-t0 338 notf|.nd alzc ?t' rr- t- urol ctsl dio|. A d.n P G...On qu.ntity nd $a x x x I r'rt ll .t !DE rh I rrJr Itt ro ro 5 .9 .49 -78 1l wrot copper/ cast brass o pRESSURE elbows J 45" ell copper to @pper f49.9106/9740 45 fitting etl titting to copper Iig.9to6-2t9r42tr 45. fitflng etlrniog Afuno tig. groez-f male 49 ell copper to mate fig.9744 ) A 12 '.jgr l*-,cast di.rt. A carton I unat quantity I prct aPproL nca vrl. r,'re o.d- h- 54c- o.d. %' rt- tA' lt- ta- ,n' r ta. ,h- li,lil II ,ln rn 3ln tla thc tla rtl:c rIn rrla rVrr 50 50 50 50 5{t t@ 50a 50a roo(t .0r .or .ot -o2 -o2 .o4 .@ .G) .q, A t'l'r ' lVt' th' x x x x rt rrftr .rla rq12 8 25 10 t0 250 M r00 -16 .18 25 35 t 2U2' 3' 3rt' x x x x aln ''lrprlt t I 30 t5 .64't-02 r58 232 {t 6' & x x x l%e lr/Jr t{t 2rlr = l=' 335 957 t7-@ 3r.@ --A -l noodnaldr.rnot Grs.aftt! A fiffifl, | ffi It- 11-\- x x x x ,lr 'Vreale Itla 5(' 50 50 50 .or -@ -(x -to .t5 l'x lta 6 oomi.|.l satc vr- Ir' $rrot I c.sa d|m- PP datn-t cario.r qq.ntlty lPp.or.ndra .to .t8 x x dlle jla l'rc 25a elbows v..,-\. a nominal size wrot casl dim, A dtun a crrton unlt p.ck apP.or. n€l qa h' - Ll' ti- L2' :i- li- x X x x x x tln U. 1r tl'tr rrtr: rr/:: 'rl ita ' ,ir ... ,l l'r l!l 25 50 r@ 100 50 25 r0o0 2g .01 .ol .03 .04 .G) .0!t 1' 7V' th' x x x r3lr: rrllz rtlt2 li r: l't r: l-T:a r0 ro ro .t5 5 35 7 2u2' x x t/ra nltt 2r te <- ra I .55 t.ol 3'{x x t5/:r r3he 2't a al til I r55 1.52 elbows elbows 90 ell copper to copper fig. 9lO7-C/9750 9O' long radius ell coppet to copper fig. 9107-LT T:;---J-,:\s <K_ _ KK- nominal tirc wto Gart dim. K di||t Kr( cflon unilprct apPfor. ncl rrl. 'l tr- 't- 'rrt_ tt_ Jr' 't rr_,. x x x x x x x rt !1 t!t ', ,: !l 'tl' "rl'rr r0c :.1) :.10 t80 50 25 50 t- l2m la0@r(m 5(x, 500 500 0e .03 :0r o4 .0; .to .(xl l' t Jr_ l- ( rt' llr r t- tr:- I lr- lr. t lt' !'t- lrr' : lr.' lr: { l' lr. t l.' l':' ( rl- x x x x x x x x x x x x 'r:'tt '-! r: i :r l';--l"l:" ... 'l -ri-r .'r-r 'r-':' t:t'l:'"1 t! r:., .t u "'f ! 'tr-:t't: lg r-'t11 20 25 aa ':0 tc '0 '0 t 5 :0 r0 2@ 250 an r00 .2'l .t6 .21 .32 .€ 3 .?8 .u .35 .F ..2 J8 2 2l' r l::- 2- r l'r- Zrl' ?rlr- 2' t- 2': r ?- x x x x x x x t'3 i ",t"r..! ". rr '|".l-'i r.. i. .'r !2tt.r l'ir: t a(,J3 srtI .t8 .GE t.3!) ?.3 -.: x x 23 :-' : ll r: e.' * l:'. r: t5 r.s 2.9r x 2"' ,.. i;,' ,,r0 a.:0 -jx'd lw.or lc.sr di|fl K dlm. ;uon I unlr(( :u.ntlty I p.ck rpproL ,ral wl. r,'t o.d. I x Itt- ;xl rtc- od. i x I"i'lr l,f ...- | x I*i'lxl ;::ll: I I I ;i:rlr Irirlil i1-"1II i :l soo I =l 1l |'':r l"n 50lrtl'r 50 I t,. I t'. 50 l't',' ;.'" 3t |'tn I ': 5i, l'r$ lrt.r s{! | ,ro lr' " 50 lr.rlr'r:. <.t 'r ,. I rt.! 3t:3ir lF r: :J:tu lr'r -33I' re ll' .r 3t " |"'' s)I'i I t'r i5trr I ll r: g'-i :rr lt'.. 3f:'r I'l.r 5'!1 :rt r lr.r r: ..1 .01 .01 .@. 32 .01 .05 .(It .@ .06 .03 .t | - .09 .07 .r6 .t3 .t0 .o8 27 t' l' r l.- t'r h- t'r tl' I r'.- tl.' r t: lra- r t' tlf l!4- r I ir- l!t' r t' x x Xxj x. lIIxl xlx! rh t:r :'t I Itr 2rs tal r tra 2 2tr tt+u ..:I r', I l'r |,tr,ll' 'r?r:Itrl'r 2 2l r: lrr r00 an 50 50 aa .t5 .t3 ..6 3a .6. ..9 37 7 ?| r lr."' ?r l!.- 2h' xi:t.. :I 2:.,u l2r' r:?t'r l2.' ,-2'r 12t r. 3'r .. l3':.r 5 L?2, .?6 .59 eoo 3' 3lt- I x l't p 3rr .'fr | -5rr ' | - 3iiz ..95 f x 5,.4'p 5!r: | -7-ro r3 I !* : ,i l; ', wrot copper/ cast brass o PRESSURE 90" fifting ell tifting to @pper ti1. 9to7-C2197s2 elbows fig. 9107-2LT (con't, female 90' ell copper to fanale fig.9108/9753 f,. 'LEf4- -l-v-R, I ^JI Ic i:I t: I d l_ nomlnaltl!r dLrr A dtrl B rt- 'f- r t4' rf 'r' : \- !t- rr' r t4' *i' li_ 50 50 50rTg 50 50 5{l5 to 6 to 10 to 5 .or &, .(xl .(x .(xt .08 .06 .t I -17 -r8 .toa 3rz .a5 l-raf 'r- r li- 'a t- lr- x l_ I Y.- x x x x x x elbows \ tl"l "R\3 .H 9O" fitting ell titting to @ppe( fig. 9107-2LT tlt r\a I rr/n lrt rr lle 2rln ?tl. t?rc 4lr 4. It{r ?EIz no.ranal size wrot cast dim. A cralofl qurnlaly unil p.ck aPPror. nea wt. lrr- r l%' trr- x x 2t 2,t t: ,:3r| 3rtr 5 5 .50 .g 7 2t z' x x 22' n 3rt re 4W' 5rty'rr I r.23 2.tr 3- J'l x x 4rt J: 4rt 6 6Vrr I I 3.39 5.56 4'x 55 r:Srlr I 7.88 {|omanal size wrot caSl dim- K dln. L cadoar qurnlaty unat pack apPnor. net wl. t- h' tL' x x x r%a l1 2V:l l5/rt I r/r I r?r: rq) t00 6 1O0 500 .03 .04 .t I l' lVt' r}l' x x x 2rlu I r/:: 1\a fla 4h 2rtlrp 6 t0 5 a 1q) 50 .2. .t2 .45 ?2t'x x t}itr&2ttn 3flrr 2 rl{,.86 r.39 3' 4' 6- x x x 21sFla ?/rc 3!Tre 1* Tttr I I 406 4.00 19.00 *Jy, lwfotl c.st dm. I dlcv ts c-loal rmltp.d(qrpro& rrc( tlrt tr- I ll' !t- lf r la'ti rrA'!dx%' !:' rr- x l'rr.r&' !r-rlf 'r- r lt- 'ir ra- lr_ ri- t:- r ll4- le- r t- l:- r h- x J( x x x x x x x x x x x x x x tTra ; r,. E l',.t/r lrr-rIt6r I rr..t. 'lre I i. 't lo.ott r ltrr!%eltl:| lrrrbiIt1'. I rr'.. I6.'n ! tt: 1il l'rrt I ,n l;;l ll,hlil t1 150lsols0ls0l?5lls0 IIrollsoll5lsolnl:lsl 500 gn s00 i I -l-lco, I -l:l soo I .06g tI) 2r .13 -o7 .t3 .t6 36a .09 .t4 .o!tA 26 -€4 35 .t9 t- l- r l - l- s l(' r- { tt' I lL.11"l ro lrool -.4x lt'rr lrt..l s.l- | sz r l:;f l1';l :3 l_ | * ce.t I Tg.oL x x x x x. x x x x U2rrla ri h 'VreItlnt?r r\a $t i*r ?rt'! tutt l5lt ttrr-t lulc lr*e wrot copper/ cast brass o PRESSURE tees copper b coppet :) copper fig.9llU9Z/0 fig. 9111/9ir'0 (con't) nominal sirc *"1.fl'lol:carton I unit nel srl.v 't- ':-t%'rh' :.- x y.'r lt' r.- r r'.' I t/rr- O.d. '.'xV.'r!t' r.e' r r!' I ?rc' O-d.ti- r lrrc' o.d. I Vr-ri'r s '5'6.d g {ta'9.'.'IVa'tU.' ::'r l|'x lt- l"'.lt'' "tl tt rl tt rl tt t2 ,a ,: tt l: tt t:tt t: l"/o lt/'. lulo l"/o 'r/at16r "lart/re ,rla rrl:c rt rt;Il sJrc r5:,:2 r5J!l ht rttrz rrl !tl 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 .03 .06 .(X .0(t .o3 .03 .03 .03 .cE! .Gl rttr'r 'rl'xle',!-xlt'r!t' ,r-r|t'rV.- lr- r lr' x tfre' od.rr'r l|'x tt' t' x rr' r t/rr' o.d.,t'rVr'tli' rr'rtt'rtl- rt-rla'rtl' t- x r'''c'o.d. r tt-tr'r lt' x lf :r-rrrt-rilcr- ,r-rlt'rl,t- ll \l I il \l tt ,: P ,'r t, tl t:tl rt tt t: ., r: ,.I ''lattl tta 'rl'ul'ul Fr f ''1" 1,,f; l"lt l"''"rrl:n ,rta .al'2 tt ta.rrl! Sirt rrlz $i rtt 13'lr t!r'l t're 5:ra ttt'{, ,ja l.'rc ti. l.,r l,'r: 125lztls0ls0ls0;s0 Ilsoils0 llsolrsol s0 lsol fll =-l I-'l _l .(X .16 .06 .u -(X .04 .0.{ .04 .(X .04 .04 .u .o4 .ql h'r:-x !l't l' r:- r !l'r 'r!' r lt' r tl-r:-r lf r l'|-r.''r!a'rk' re r ll' r !'t-r:' r ll'r t-r:' r ||'r k-r:-rr{'rlt- 12- r lt'I rt- r:'r ve- I le- \l \\\: ]\i\lllrill l"; l.'.olr !tI t'l}t I'rr:i'ra l " r.l'' o l" o!''',l"r:l'rttr!':li ",tl'tttlt'*l "t I"r:i'tr:l "lri'rt.; ltr tr tl tt l1 tt aa tt oJt. l "oltr ral;l r00 lr000l .07r0 l-12?a i?5pl .rc25l-l 'oso lsool .ooso l- I .06so l-l.mso !- i .oo so l-. 1 .06rF i-1.06so l- I .06so l- | .oo ri- tr rti_x l_ !s it-x&- tt rta-I b- r1 1 t1- 1 11- tt r ti_ I ..- tf r r.t' r tr- tr \ rtr lt- ta ar."'rt- Ir i lf rt- ta ira-r1l- 13 r t1-1\' .\ j\ I I x x x xxixlxl x: Irl ll , r, -- '.1 l'p .1 ra ?l? .: 'l ret! t: 'tl. rt &- ,t !: r! tl .J .c 'rt -ra _- &l I 9f !.c tr: lr ,r? ,; til It r: 25 ro ro rO r0 r0 r0 , to i - 'o i-r0 l-to !-ro !- ro .30 .t6 .t5 r0 l0 .t5 IG .14 .t3 .t3 .14 nog"' frolcastld"tt 1"fi lr'fl-carlon lunit luantitylpack apPfor. nct rYl. t' Vr-r'i-r l' }i'xli'xra'?h'xlt'xh' ,/.'xr4'xt^- r.t' t {- x y.' 16-xl|-xli' tA'xt,t'xly' 1A'x?.t'xrrl. lt'xltr'xlt'tA'xh'xh' %'xlt'xtt' Yt'x\t'xlk' *-rlt'rtt' %'xlt-rtt' X x x x X x x x X x x x x x x thz h rrllp ,lr ,lre ,tr ,ht r t/.t: nhz ,rln ,hc ,lt 'rlu ),h, I.lr I I r,tn | ,.r l"/r,l\*It"c,lr ,hc "/rc22ltz ahz ll/rt 2r lze rVre ',lualu I l,!;, ltl/n I t'l. l"lu),hl ifil,:;1 IfrI 25 r0 t0 25 25 25 25 t0 to 25 25 25a 6 25 500 rm ;rl-t:l #l-lrl .17 .31 -17 .t4 .t3 .14 .14 -17 .17 .r7 .t4 .t3 .t6 .13 .r3 w x ltl,[al:n 4a r0 3l li li lrtx lxx x x x x l'1-rl'rlta- t'x l'x lk' l-xl-x%-l'rl-rit't'rl'rlt'1'xt'rlt' l-xl-xra'l-xtt'xl'l'rtt-rtt'l'rlt-rt't'x 'rla' l'I{'x5,t' l'rl4'xlt' t' r *'r lf l-r tt- r l' l'rlt'r14' l-:l|'rr:- l% I r'rlrzllx zrla rtlx rsla rt'', Y. .^la Llrht 1t tslrt rTrt rt ^la.rla L t lt tr|, I2!t ^ltrttt r?r: rYr I t/n r?rr h ltlrr 6ln nla nln I h tl:c "lryt !lx il:L ;ltIrll*ll16 l lrl 10 5 5 to r0 r0 r9 10 ro to r0 to 10 t0 t0 to 10 to I r(ro Il:0200 a r(D 200 r(xt ;i -i -l &. 55 .45 27 27 2,a .a .24 .6p. .27 .26 2l 22 3r .26 2. l%' lU.' I l!a' rt t%- r ltA-r tlt l%'r tk'r t' l%'r lY.'r L'lr/.-rltfr'rW I Y.- r l:/.' r li' iV.-rl'tl!,.' l Y.- x l'r l'l1.-rl-rt4- l%- r 1-r q' 1Y.-r16-rlta- l!t'r\'a l- tY.'r r4- r rA- llUi-tL'rh'l l%-x!t'rty.'l lY.- r tt'r 1' I tVi. x !4'z h' l I,i," I t t/rc | ./r. rf,tnl lnt'o I ,lfl ltr l+tcla I r/a 'Le % ttl 'cra rr lfl: Itri i l:t,J' I 5r,'Ll j jrl ; ,: 50 50 tm 5() 50 5{' 50 : -17 r.t9 .66II .343' .3{t .46 .,t{, 35 .9, .46 .10 -35 30 .46 -17 55 77 F, : ! t tl wrot copper/ cast brass e PRESSURE tees tees lee copper to @pper to coppe( fig. 9l1U9Z/0 (con't) nominal sire fig- 9l t l/9770 (con't) dam. U dam. T dim.v Gaalonqs.nlily unat aPpfor. nel wt. -67 3.84 t.18 .59 52 -44 .41 .67 .55 s2 .4 .42 .67 .59 50 .rG .4t s7 57 5l .45 .rO .69 l\r'rltt'x7 lth-r1rh'x1Y. l1h'xlth'rl' l1t-r lY.'x l!{ I V.- lh' x lyz' x lh' x 7u.' r 1Y. l r-i- r lli'x l- lllr'x'lth'xY.' l!a-xlth-xl4' t1frlrt-xY.' l9i'rlu.'xl/r' lry r l'x t 14' llt-x1-xl%' lr.txl-rl' l1fx l-x %' tryx1-xlt' t!A-x*'xttt' l1l x -x t!4' t 12- r l4'x l' l|',- xr!'x*' lh' t ,A' x h' 1 !!- x 11'x llt' t T rT x3' T rt | 2Uz'T\fxlW.TxTxtV' Tx7r7'7rT I U.' 7 rT x th' ?' x t!4- r?Zrlth'rlh'?rtlt-r t-Ttlh'rl' ? r th- | U.' ! |7lit' xuz-? '.1r.'t7?rlvr-rltt' 2-rlrfrt%' ?rlre-rl' Trlr''xltr' ?r lr:-x li' 2'r1'x?. 2' 17- t t.,t' 2- | 7' ,lU.' T rr'- tz Z avr' rt t2r 3.t 1 t.95 r.0:t .c, €0 .m .79 r.t9 1.qt -a .&)tt .zlt .r.fr r-(l2 .9r .9r8l .18 r.20 :. t5 1.09 r.8 r:0 x x x x x x X x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x tr,,rr 2t!n tlt rt'tr n!zz Q I'u i-,lr :a.i: rr ra 1: I rl:r aaitz 2sl:t tt rta lt l t!:: a..t: -/rr ll/rt \ l t/rr ! r/rr 16ln rlt alrn abz lllrc t, l tjr: I r/r: alrr rl'ra *t r/:a lrt 1t/reala a/'t, Trl.r. trr/a t ?rr I tlrr al:r_ l lt/rr I r,'rc lrlrl lrr.u I r.'r3 lrlr: I rjll I I,lt lt.rc lt ta I r'l I'u 1t :l I l.r I r.'ra t r,l t r.',r t t;r2 1r&a 1r ie l r 'tl t tira tr"a I rjr j f, 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 ( 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 : 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x lr,r 2 lla rtrlc nt, rYrr :t t:r{r r{E Itl.e zrla 'nl''r?:r I tjt l1'I r?re aln a6r I rru lt!a 1 fr ltta lrln 2lt:t'.r{'lltrr{te ll tt rtrtlrr lltrrrrrr I l-!i rt 12 | l ajt( Ilt h'r t t'rr ll're lrl rrt t {o {o rO 50 50 50 a nominal siz€ casl dim. ldim. ldim. carlon unil pack net wl. 2h' 2h' xZW x2 zrh'x2th'x It 2rh- rzrh' x 1tl 2h' x zrh' x I 2h' t 2Yz' x N. 2h'x2rh'xU 2h- xT x2W ZYz- xt xl 2h' xT | lW 2h' xZ x 1Y.' 2h' xT x l' 2h't? rYi zth' x? x rh- zth' | 1k't2th 2th' x l1h'xZ 2WxlWr.lh 2h' x lU.' xAli 2W x 1' |2rh' 2h'xt xZW zth'th'a.zw x x x x x x tr: llr rr ll r: lru t3 l: ?5r? 23 tt lat,rl l2r t:llri:l t' r. I:;l ;:,1 ';.I ::;l ;:il I tt: I t ?'rre | ',,,,I r ''r, I tt'rt I tt.t, I a'e l lz.r, I l:,i;l rjitl i:;:l ;itl "',ol I rv l;:1 Itztl: I rt/. t"': lr'rft I l tr/r lnlt tzrlt I 12rlx 2 la& rr4t l:rrtr lalx I arr ll't 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ? 2 2 2 2 2 4n 30 30 30i 20 2.6 !-98 r5l t53 r.28 1.8 1.2. t.99 1.91 1.57 r57 r35 r35 r35 ls7 z(?, t.76 t€7zu z@zs 33xfx4'g xT x21h'3.x!rt! rT x lth' T xg xlta'trxf x 1'! xT x$'Yr3'x!{'! x?3l'x3.t x ztt' r,zwg t 2th- xa Y x?t2'I lW T x,4€ | lva'! r.42'x l'trTrg7x.7xut trx?t?! rTtlrfF trx l!{'r Y 3'r t%'x 3trr t'xySr}.'rI! x7'z'x3- 3u2' x x x x x x x x x X x x x x x x x x x x x x x x l?'trli I In r:li I'l"ll trl la ulttarl i ':''l' ta,,u 12 trtru l2 zl tal, Tjr l; 2.'. tr lz Itr 2!r !t fru !rt u 1l! n Il:rc 2' t7 2rln u--I ,,, lz','?"'u l t a[n l:' rz I 216rl"'r:l 21t l'r.r: | ?/n r.5rrl 2t !.?u | ?.rr zr't2 lztln)tt n lzt.rral I'r r.l?Ac I;:;l#l i:ll iI I ;1:[ff| *l*l tt u i?'ltp I ::;;;,:f;f Irsls3zll- | egei l;|";xI lm | 2.2.I l20 | z.glr leolrsrlnl.-i i:lifi: l:l:xl-12s3l-lz.rs; l:li::: l:ls; l: I ii3r l-lec: !: ! # | _- a 1-48 r l- I 520 18 I # ,n' i: t.o wrot copper / cast bra -:'i ". i::i.::{i.: ilil PRESSURE tees tees Vt\ copper to fifting to coppe(fig.9ll1-2 fig.9ltt/9770 (con.r) nominal I wrot Isize I I dim. T dim. U dam. v carlon I unil Flantity I pect aPP(Or. nel wl. 4' 4'x4'I 1- x4- x2 4'r.1'x, 4-r4-r I 4'x4'r l4'r4-x' 4'x4'rl { x4'xt q xT 11 4'x3'x3 4'r3.r2! 4' tT x2 C xz!,/"'r, 1't?Uz'xz {rf14(x?x? 1'x1rh'x1 {rl'x.;'l li 'llv2'lXr lx}t'lxv;lxr'lxitr-lr 3'l I rl i 2rrt. 2tit 2rlz lr5A I rrJr 1r !/r I I I ?trtt 2rtt 2rtrn lrtrt' llrJu ?1ln Itr/a lYt At /$: ,i ?l I l?' , l2'r:3'r 22, t 2t, t 2at?x 2tt 'tFt ?t'.rr,rt.. 3rl: !Q' r: lt' u I,u it.'r: Ztt ?r:. 2ra :l ;-llT:i: il ' l-ltf ,l j i-lrfl; l-l;r | : t:lifr I i l- I id ll l-17.6| - t- | ..all- i:llr f rtrfSrf rrt xt I Ztft'tx5'r?tr 5'r I tt'5rf,r't%' trtr t'trSr -... trf r5-5.xa-rftr 4'r tr x x x x X x x X x x x x 3Vr 3t/r 3t/e9lt 3r/& 31r 3t6: 3V! 3?:r 3l/a 3t/rr 3./r 3!r 3rr 3rr3lr 3' r: 3t r: 3tu 3'r: 3l r: lll tsre l! r: 3h 9tr: 3tlrr 3rt'u 3irirt Y:a ilt'e 3''!r ar.b 9!a 3trl 3tlrc I I 16.00 l18.ss I r85) Irs.so lt7.s0t8.d) r8.7(' 17.Q rt-75 r857 t6.60 r7.00 29.00 21,8 r650 r6..0 ra56 recta6 2t.00 a0J0 a.@ 5.r3 r7.00 I I 1 6; 6i r6-r f6ir5-r4' 6ir 6'ry 6-rGirZ!{- 6.r6irZ 6rr6irltt' 5. rdx l%' 6-r6ir t' 6ir6ir:lt- 6irr['r6- Crfr{- x x x xxlxl IIxl il 3fi 3rt ?tL ttarlr Ir%l ,;. I H'l 2u. il f31rl3rI 3r. | 3{rr | 9/re l3{re t3?a l*,, 3"/re 3F/a 3dr 3la I -- t:l-t- | - l: il-i-l | : l: I'- |!_l: l: II 8':r6-rF f rtrrS 8r8-r4- x fa,'.,. f4''.*X lltry,n j.r':.. i[:i;fi::; 4rVra l tr.a 5.te 5rtte i- lrl- l<t_ l;t- l; I P.00 rr.0O 9.00 7.50 nornlnal ska wrot cast dim- A diflL B c cadoo quanlity nct rrt w 4' X x ll/rl rrln I I r./x I r/rz rrln 50 6 .06 .17 nomlnal afrc cts v dlnr. s dtrl H Gtraon unll nat wL ,a'x 'ht I l/re thc 5{).11 h' h'x4'|th' h'rrrl'xr/.:' x x x .lr the ,lr h Itlrr* ,lr ,k,lr 50a 50 5(x) zfr .t6 27 .11 w xy.'xh' U.'x!6'rl[' ,A' xlh' t!6' x x x x rVre ala 1rt!r Itlp tSi c % .h: ?rtlr tl'r 25 25 6 25 29 8 3r6 24 21 l- x |.'r t'l'r !t'r l' x x x "/rt4a t6 1tt* Itb '.le1a* to ro .to 52 -r|6 .al lk!4'r:L'rtk 'A'xth'rl!&' x x x I h lr trt/a tta trlrr tt h h .7U 59 56 rh. It' r la'r l h- ,;!lr't'l x K x 'il lth I rt/rc Itl:.c t I I 5 5 rtx) .gt .75 ? ? xlt xt7 ttA'r? x x x trt llt lYt lrh )2l2l lL Ilu -.l'-lI r-72 r57 t.{t @ Grinnell=BRONZE VALVES FOR ST'PPLYSAI.ES @MPANY FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEMS U.L LISTEO VALVES Fig.66 OSTYGA1EVALVE !t' lhrough 2' U.L tJSI'd ' FM APPFOVED BAONZEMTEVALVE Ul- - FM fisr€d tor 175 Fsi Gcncral Sarvicc Fsdng 12:t h. s1 rP, .rco |b. woG non shoct Fig- 39 NSr Frg. 39 llN' HOS€ GATEVALVE N.RS. 2h' U.L Us@d . FM APPROVED r75 tb. w.w.P. rl'lS = FSPS THD. To MTL STD. HOSE THO. 'MN = l'lATl- STO THO. E062 X 7}I NSTIHD X NAT'I- STD. HOS€ THD. Fig.936 ANGLE HGE VALVE 2Y2' U.L UsIEd O FM APPROVEO zuM-NOTSC 175/3@ tb. w.w.P. NTL STO. PIP€ THD. X NTL STD. HOSE THO. GRINNELLTRIM VALVES' FIgl 1550 U.L. BEASS EALL VALVE U.L Lbt d Convcntiond Port X' throogh 2- TFE S.rt3 no b. w.w.P. F19.2960 BALL ORIP VALVE BAAS{;u'a'[' R9.2920 BRONZ€ GLOAE VALVE u- ftuoogh f Buna-N Oisc r75 tb w.wf. R9 3000 HC BRONZE GATE VALVE!f' throrrgfi 116' N.P-T. r NTt tlosc Th.eed r,y'Cap E Chain 20c rb w.w.P FlS.2930 ERONZE ANGLE VALVE 14' O|.ough 2. Sc'rt.'ln Bonnat Bum-N Disc r75 lb W.W.P. U.L Uned r|4' thrcugh f F19.2940 ARONZE SIDE OUTLET Globr Vah/€ L' Size Screw-ln gonnei Euna-N oisc /n0 lb w.w.P. raosT TRII| vaLvEs Atso AvAtLAaLE WtTr{ SO(O€R JOtf{T GONN€CTIO0|S. F19.2950 BRONZE CH€CK VALVE Horizoorll Swing %- through 2- Euna-N Olsc 200 tb w.w.P. CocuneeCfty. @ M. (sr31288-:Xnt Fa:( 288€!82 NO. 53 Pressure Retief Valve For presurre relief only. Furnished without a leuer. Yz' temale drain. Presnre range 75.175 lbs. Stan- dard settings 75. 125 and 150 fbs.. -::- Abo specially arnilable:it 50 lbs. setting. No. 530 )alibrated Pressure Relief Valve ]alibrated adjustment fqatufe for setting rnlra to elief pressure. Adlusabtd.range 50-175 lbs- I . fll lft cohstruction and stainiass steetspnng.' tdealty suited as a byaas.ihernal expansion rai.r yalve- t[o] Size 'Feight ' Wiett $reisht 53 530 V2 o( 314': tlz ot3lq" l?la" tlz lV ls/e" s/e {b. 24e'i 3" : SPECIFICATION -.1..- Model 805Y (3/n' through-2") Double Check Backflow Preventer For Non-Toxic Service Features . tffhead 16 . sofirobadco "r- rypecr€lcKvahtes' o Dotrtnett€C tlow trrffos cSOn!rc0 ry Univotsly ct so,rl-ti;t i at't|;n h Foqdanon brooss Oonnedim Contot alrd tlffrafrc Resanctu o Satrle sewico plocctrres- /u hE(ml f'ts ate senie ablcitfne. o lloas all soecrTcalirns ol AWWA ASSA ard USC fosnOar,o,i tor qs Conneclbo Codrol and Hyd.grf,c Rcswctr d<g .o Brone t|ode$. ?ps. sft|Idl flvos and teslcor . Operation ^ao- lrairrflovaonalfoortrecrrcdtwlv€shold I Ptil n*lmrn--Elhfu dr€cdonolfror. hellqvconfllnOedrccf vdueor7trt oooc proporllomt !o the 0o,r dsrrard h a baddor ccrrflbn oati cfreclc *il dce uttil t,te acsrmdittn of nomld [orv. Tydcal Spedfications fho Dqrbb Ched( Vdra assanbty ll' Ut urgh f $ol oocCsto(abrooze bodyrithb.tiEedd.lhebodysfial be a Y psl€rn de{ion horporairg hrs sptttg loedod. c6rilorouited cfiedc assembfres. The acserbry $aI fr*de-weaOeditetandodd. ulpodbqlvahto€t{rtdf valv€sa.xllcrtf beltdvet€stcod€.Alhfiamalpe,tsddl Decf corodott|eddanlfledEfr .. ; :_ '' - l Aloq[loo|Gd(Vah,Crfief beerrstuded eo'rlnerg,, pc|scmboserri€d$ilprf rcinovhgUres#yfrmt ahcfEScddscsCtd beteversblafhcaesectlyCtd Ocohstrdohslnledh anypoenin DanbCh€d(V€lrra . . ddborsledb l75P$mlerwulErppr€ssnoandttder le.rporafilE fiqn 3AF |o tOfF. Ileasser$lyshaflme€tttre(eqnrem€dsolASSE$adarl 1015. nl'I,VA Stantard C5OS78, ad USC F*mdation br Cross Oorrecrion Ccdrd ard Hyo'afrc &xeatch. Sx$r TySrical Applicatbns --..^.'OqrbbOteclrassen$hareusodbpeirer{boddlowot:' Jpofifads t]nt are ot&airrable hd.toi bdc. t]c||bb \-/dlod(stmybeinsranedudercornnrgsOressrreselnry andtnrvbesl&iedorrobackprossure. DoubleCheckscan ;;-dfr h;otiildert igaoon qrs"r*. fireP'o'edlonnfftod &ediii';iJfttr.", ir&eaio.r-ol anagttatdadghouctttl in+brt pfumt*rg syd€{r ard otner s)ElflEleqrlrtrtg ' ordeaidn Local cotlos lr|ay Ya'f ogfln I errp|iles I(r ;e€dfc a4prrclud qlpficatins- lnstallation iibdel 805'f oouble(treckBacldlorPrq€.ile€sfiotldbe ilsts[a-withadoqratod€a€trceandeayaccqsb$lyhr' tediloard,tttt{dtaEandttT.r6tbyFolec&dlKxlllto@' ; ho:-fi assornbt/storbe'ursblbd tiito@fyglw@fv;fiiii& uo.iiaa iiocat codos hf spediaiqa[don iinnirtCis.sonerrdesoryprdibl'wttcdlcca&licnl*nrOrdaooan rbo andortrrder hgfiitddqwt sredr o| ia 6ackitil ircn :rrrcr can catrse €t(#ue P.tcssr(€. erccrslveprescireclluatinnssha-dd beofiittittdlcdioawitl poesiuodmage to the q/stern 8nd assql61!/' Charactedstics lad nrtqld.!! P(G.g, c Hld.odileLdP.c.stc IocpcrautRr4o fl/ad and Matedals , rtsPsl - 3goPslgZf ro:ef ' Ittlst . Crdo€f - . l|*rV$G8odt €bdq||c.t Spfno. Inc..tcdAf,6l&Lf O€.uc^Slf,l8s8+76r{IlcfSIUDedc..ldFst s3ilescco€|,3003o.b6 : ort gi{er iys*rns ttnt epedcre j arccssol a condad f '(rF. rssootlt.t|rd bo o(dted w$ tlw (805Y l' l{wl r Crn bo &risfiert rfl ! odit C sfirse seat d*s br arcas sd.cf b c|rblcrtre <egra<tatin cl abbet patls- . . --:.. - .:-- . ',t:.: ' 3'86Y3t9:'" ' 4 2840 1?4.66 tr27.o t?..63) 45.-O 260..ao .73.t a.a A! dm€a$(rl. er. aopordlhda USC FCCC&HR.'Apptored / rvl/\rA CSOO Conforcanco ASSE Lbled 1015 CSA B€4.5 Certilied '|APMO@ Usted ' Valves rnusl be supplied with resiliert seated shrrl-oll valves ard te.t cocks ffi USE FCCC& HR approrrd !o b€ h effed. IFESEA, I 7U" r7l,Q a, t o Metric (mm.) B. tErwr.E UrrGoq lvtodel &l5Y FLOIV CURVES FlorqrtcsoSldrcdbtt SCftrffinbficrCqndoffidtndl|tfilft e6€.dt 953 ot3ra2ra2 eSil e63 ' r,a8raE 635 A2635 3.r85.1 73oar a.l !5 U'o-6roaD ''oJ?5ttfI ._j.':: l'l''.: -;;; "'fl.-,{:. 15 =---tut9rd a, 1n8IJg5 I ts llt*ro U' 1rb"q oS .u,l: 6' 9ro ,,OE19, B5 I 3/a to6'Gl x (ciPM, 18 {FPS, 4 t5 r2O tcPrrl {FPS N(rlc$ t- vefcc.;ct arccshraed tor ltoir'*r sctrcdlc.t(rgcgrt * ' 2. TytiS iCe. s!|cfli 0orrrdocihr of Olo t5 flls lf{rad bc |,3cd b hc.d locs ct6c|e.|crco.np..|s,q 1- AdvidottolCftlEhd.rgriesP-O- EoxB)n}. Fresno.C.aS|qt;u97,ff.@(B)252{ttgtTdegt-T6l6Ctj8FSOFar(2(l9t1S€G0 SS 8{t5YZ rco erqkn6eor(l{d.fr!.d-o(,s^ D i-'.,'.. a_-: . FQ.No. slzE LIST PRICE 3l4f l' l-ll4' l-7tl t L z 3- 4. 5- 6, 7.( COWLIES WNTT NFPA.T 3 ATTD . fiih\*r*o--'ffiigtttots,sgrr utcKwe OPERTNON.piirutexwnxNstAII4p-- rewn.nr.sfstttttoungi-ftt onntuSwsauAEABIE-onmewNorEDON INDIUTT'RPINIE TepFwtwFoR'PREsst RE GN'GE . itppwe euemslEroa RELIEFUALVE. WttStW,ntAPPRO1IED' UrcUSTED.MCBSA-tnoe'sM. 8. 9-toIt.. VdreSce *riogsca I ftsclT<otHrd Clrss I M@$@ardby: AGF lv{anufacauing, Inc. DIMENSrcNS-I}ICAES strE A a c o E F.G H %Slie rN 4a 4X 4 rN q*f|le t 5,<.ly zx Ita 4(rx ry*qt rt6 sr,&,rrL 2N q'gi.lV(qt vk 7ti Sr/rc ry.3'X.sX.srt 4l t*.rol/r' 2 3',)1t ry.3,Nrl st{n,crt 4(aX.rorf. /n -F\Jr' Y USTED . AFPRO',€O .::i SO UTH LAN D sPRINKLER SU PP LY MET{BER OF SUPPLY NET v tRt 69c,, rftcoi?oaaTCo ooaofi ! cr . oral 72r.55c9 FIG.2ffi "TRIMIJI{E" ADIUSTffiLE RING HANGER Size Ronge - ll2 thru 8 inch fipe. Matedal - St€el, Mil. Galvanized to G-90 speci- frcatbn. Futtction - For fire sprinkler and other general tipforg purpces. Knurled silrivel nut design permits hanger adjustnent after i:nstalhtion Spdng tensbn on suivel nut holds it securely in haqger before instalhtion. $pivel nut is easity renrowd Approuots - Urderwriters' Laboratodes [sted and Factory Mutual greineerlrlg approrred Confonns to Fedetal Speciftatbrt WW-H-171E, type f0, and Itdanufactrrers Standardizatbn Socieg SP{9, ti,p€ f0. Dlalinnnn Tempuafire - 65$F Finirft - Ml. Gahanized, HDG, ard Staforless SteeL Otder By - Frgure number and pipe size. (. ( I- 2- 3- 2-7 4. 7-318 5- 400 Y2 400 14 x1 6fl)n xl 600 u 14qa x I vn 65 l3'v8 8-s/4 3-V4 12ga x 1-V4 L2fi ub ^4,a5r- ITIUI rr|coiPoRAfcD COnOflA, CA.l 1) n7-559c 53(' I FIG.99 ALLTHREALD ROD CUT TO LENGTH Size Eange . 3/8 thru 78 turch rod in 1 inch increments. Motqial - Carbon Steel Maxinum Tenpcrvlture - ?ffF Finbrr - Plain, ElectroGahranized, and Stainless Steel. Order By - Figure number, rod dianreter, rod length and finish. MAJlc NEC. LOAI' LAS.NOD FOR SENV|CE TEI{PS.srzE 650T fltcFw l0l0 1610 24m 3360 3/8 v2 sl8 3/4 7/8 510 1130 1810 27L0 3n0 (' FIG.7N AIT THREAD ROD FUIT LENGTHS 1-V2 inch rod in tO.(fSize Bangre - f4 thru lensths. Matetful - Carbon Steel Moxitmtm Tcnlrlrrol/rir e - 750"FfUi* - Phh, EbctroGalranized, and Stahless SteeI Mq By - Figure number, rod dianreter, ard finistr. MAK RAC.IOAI' L8S. APPRO,(. FOR SERI'ICETE NS WETGIIT66CF 'l,,'F PEN IO FT.26 2r5 1130 1010 3/4 27LO 24n V3 - mi-u2 11630 10370 510 ROD srzE u2I 53 4 T 2 v Tv (_ !,1 t, $ljGl *l'l l ( System Senso/s KMS/KBS Series bells are low current audible signaling devices for use in fire and burglary rystems or other signaling applications. The KMS Series bells use a low<unent high-efficiency DC motorto drive the striker. These models are polarized for use with supervision circuitry. The KBS Series bells use a trro-coil vibrator. UNDERDOME DESIGN Avail.rble in three sizes: 5", 8', 10'. INDOOR'OUTDq'R INSTALTANON Mounts to a standard 4' square /.. electrical box. Ir-I\ --I '^,IIIAOE II{ THE U.S.A --sYsrEtwsENsoR=A DIVISION OF PITTWAY 38j25 Ohlo Avauc . SL Chtrl6, mrdr 60174 . 708€77d16:l . FAI: 7O8.377.€495 ln Grtedr: 416-675-1695 . FAI: /3166:t5.7OZt fiS:'Z=i;F.,ig[!::=.:# lndufis First 3-Year Wananty Genera Specificatioq Flush Mounting 0rdering Information Waterflow SwitchesWFD20 waterflow Detector, S<hedule 10/10, 2'WFD25 WaterflowDetector,Schedulelu40,2-1n'WFD30 Waterflow Detector, Schedule 10/10, 3'WfD35 waterflowDetector,s<hedule 1w4o.3-1n'WFD40 Waterflow Detector, Schedule l(yzl{!. 4'WFD50 Waterflow Oetector. Schedule lUr{|, 5'WFD60 Waterflow Detector. s<hedule 10/l{), 6'WFD80 waterflow Detector, Schedule lCVttO, 8'WfDT Waterflow Detector fits 1 ', 1-1/4', l-1rz' steel and brass threaded tees Master Packed: 6 units Superuisory SwitchesO5Y2 Outside s€reu/ and Yoke Supervisory Switch -Two SPDT SwitchesPIBV2 Post IndicatorButterfly valve Supervisory Sw;i€h -Two SPDT Switches Pressure Sr*'itches WPsl0-1 Alarm Waterflow Pressure Srv:tch, One SPDT, '!0 Psl WP51GZ Alarm Waterfiow Pressure Swit<h, Two SPOT, lC PSI WP9|G1 Supervisory Pressure Low Switch, One SPDT, 4G1O0 Psl Engineering sftc"tlons I Audible alarm denices shall be bells with underdome strikers and operating mechanisms. Gong on said bells shall be no smallerthan nominal6'A'/1 0' (specifywhkh)with anoperating voltage of 24 VDC or 120 VAC (specify which). Bells shall be suitable for surface or semiflush mounting. Outdoor surface mounted installations shall be weatherproof. Otherwise bells shall mount to a standard 4' square electrical box having a maximum projection of 2-1t2' . Bells shall be located as shown on the drawings or as determined by the authority having jurisdiction. Bells shall be listed by Underwriters Laboratories and Factory Mutual approved. Approved: UL, FM. ULC Vollage Operating Curlent KM5-6-24 21-30 VDC 0.11 AmpsKMS-8-24 KMS-10-24 KBS-6-120 120 VAC 0.045 AmpsKBS-8-120 KBS-I0-120 Typlcal tlecibel Rating Installed KMS-6-24 97 dBA KMS-8-24 102 dBA KMS-10-24 104 dBA KB5-6-120 95 dBA KBS-8-120 98 dBA KBS-10-120 102 d8A WP540-2 Supervisory Pressure High/Low Swit(h. Two SPDT, 4,0-100 Psl Alarm EellsKM5-6-24 Bell, 6', 24 VDC. Pola.ized, 97 dBAKMS-8-24 Bell. 8', 24 VDC Polarized, 102 dBA - KMS-IG24 Bell, l0',24VDC, Polarized, r04 dBA KBS-G120 Bell, 6', 120 VAC, Polarized,95 dBAKBs-&120 Bell.8', 120 VAC, Polarized, 98 dBA K85-10-120 Bell, 10', 120 VAC, Polarized, 102dBA Accessories 545-7000 Tamper Switch Kh tor WFD Detectorr PIB\z and OSY243010-00 Accessory Kit for PIB\r2 (Wrendtes. s€rew Pack)43011{O Ac(essory Kit for OSY2 (Wrendtet s<rew Pack r-hook)4'3008-00 Timer Assembly for Waterflou, Detectors, 2-8' 5izes (black) NOTE: Decibel rating measured al 10' spacing in an anechoic cfiamber Terminal Block Replacement Paddle Kit for I/VFDT onlv - 3 Paddles TarnFer Sirc!\6 for WFD-Meta! Cover Tamper l'rcof \ .,rerrch for Metal Cover C,VFD Dete(to6, 477-01-02 44027-00 507{6-01 WFDW WFDT, O5Y2. P!E\/?)HEXW Hex Wrench for Supervisory Switches All sprinkler itcrc dre lftan waterflow switdres arc single pad<ed. ( O Copyright l99l by 5)5tem S€ne( A Division ot Pitway ^@"-,t+VSR+EFl]/.,61., vANETveEUATERFLOW\,/ l\rrtFGt^e ) ratf?a-l ttE fA E ft>. swtrcH wrH REIARD Potter Electric Signol Compony 2O8l C.aig Rd.. , St. Lo.rC- MO Glr'6 , (SOOI 32t3ft6 ' (3t'l 878-':t2t SERVICE.PRESSURE UP TO 450 PSI. FOR 2" TO 8" PIPESIZES 250 PSt FOR 10" PIPESIZE MINIMUM FLOW RATE FOR ALARM.IO GPM CHARACTERISTICS U.L. LISTEO ANO F.M. APPROV€O oIMENSIONS & WEIGHTS: See Fig.2 ENCLOSURE: Cast Aluminum Finished: Red Enamel CoNTACT RATINGS: Tuo sets of S.POT. (Fonn C) rs-OOAmP- @1?5I250V'AC 0.50AmP. @125\|-OC O.2s,JinP.@25f,V-DC 2.50AmP. @ 0€0V- DC ENVIRONMENTAL LIMITATONS : 4OoFll2OoF 4.5ccr490c General Purpoee br Indoor Use GAUTION: This devioe is oot intended lor appfcatioos odtdoo6 or h elglosive erui(nments. SUESA'AILABLE u.L - Foisd|ed.tu Q W 2' 0|ru 10' &rScfiedubSl Ppe 8' El{- -ForSdpdde 40 PF€:2'dw 6'' turSdP&de 3Xl PiPe: 8' and l0'. sER[ncEu;e futomaticSpdnklet One orTrvo FamnY Dwdfittg CenrdSatln t-ocal ADdfiaty Recde$atiott Prop.ie0aty OPflONA|-: Oover Tamper s\rttcft frersilcNo.54AU0 NFPlFl3 NFPI'.ISO NFPAFT1 NFPe"?24 NFPAFT2B NFPerTzCNt r?2O th. trlod€l vso rrd rherysao b | €n tD.G.tfldHr b.ss.qt €.pdr{d.f ffiii [b ll.tl*d bru..d.fd gtc rdt .ll.l(,fr.2'!t u (F ld rcfi.d|,. gl rb .?. od lrr F|( rppruCr br..|| fia..0*d dp. h621:||6. rdd|dd.s*.heat.ril'|. ffr gotmyebo bc rccdrr rrcct'onArd..bd.6qthr!. 3tlL.n3. lhroolooc*rshLEf.pd.dcdctrorQ6.tr'ddt..&d x adludJrb pnar.nadc rArd. Thc arrlttrcc at! drdad qtqt a lou o{ lO g.!oGccr||*nfao.|no,aocar.sdoratrrt|6f {|iad.t lcaTh. low€.rddon m.6a c|dn bf a gc.lod of dmc acocssrryO oacornc thc taaca€tt.d.rd p€.lod. GLCLOSURgfhs inrir b ardcscc o rgp.re.dF lE , hdoo.ssc-f:st e.nrrri:'.qr hc:rsi..g. Tl.c car.c. b i.€ld h t{s *:: trc ta-\... _t s&t.at rcrltslirach.€qrri'€. *.ca! k t&r.tr€L Af,dd h€ta!!- ablaovcr fampcr srncfi b &al6tc as anq|aiondiCt datba Ged5 hd€ia rr|adE bd |rrrcidd lra cor!.- ScG &aatr?Sl lorltsah, doo -r!fir,ctiLE of Otb siltL RgaiO eOWSfff €t{T: Th. |,.fi h.s 5t a4trc* p.r.g.fidic rctadb p.€rrcn( tdse alafins due fo €f€r srgcs.Ihc raard'c e4,Safle ftom O fc app@rimat€ty 75 secords" See Fq! t. tEST|t{e fh€ operaioa o{ rha ia-.a.no|rs*An sho.r'd ba lcstrd upooG||!leti'ndinslafiatbfl at6 plr€dce{f |hcrcdrcrh sdrcridr lh..6f0a.brr f€P ffd3rtdro.o.nCrdy tnftgltdsdctott tul urd..rcaisftcarrL..lhar U{Fdly.. nt E rld.4!lt p.6TdEfi,|E-oi*lqalddaF..td dar rG.ffi tadr ir..irclE.fnFbqrrdlrToi9(|pG. I x'cd dlh tn t{*6T.af dr. bde.q&ldd d|. IrSRO bG.d. t 6.cd.bcb..lt qcr0oeqb.l*dtttd|'at lr.r.t'|hraloc.bdrfarnb n -F|@.Co.|lrl Vdid'. tf r| €.rd d !E to.'f|sPad.t Taaf t,.n .|'.d ptovldail o.r-O.ia or Tro Fmfy Or{ng'Sgacdocr. OE op€.don oa 0|. rrsRlt mryb. t€{iad tt ndng Ga -t}dr rrd TG.a Oon €do.t". !t ttcee rr€ rc poisitxrs lo esrcg ttrc *ralha ct thl Cow dcecfioc d.dc€ oo lt€ stEt€ro. agp(.r8!. d ir(r 1,SF.C. b nd 3ccn'rn1rE. !ed s adnsab€. A tor of lO gp.|| b |!qtJ.cd b.6d. d{s dcvir. Th. od.{ftsR{trrrasdowdcaadn rsr b. hnd.d ld t||*td.r€d henp8elerAhAisdoqr|gr Frlurctodoenr.ttnp.hO€p.oPC. opcrd|on of dis d6'ior. Thc ormer b cspor&te lor c{irahhg ftb &e guecrin sls'.eo: at€ .degi:es h !.op€( opcrai.€ cooddidL If€ 'r.tn*tg oo(GraEld G. manrtaclu.c. sfiodd t€ co(|rzd.d dadve lo rnf qiJ.rfids. euttgll!{ ?r | 1 0! 3 Fotler Electdc Signol CorTpony .,SR.D INSTALLATION R€taRo aoJusf.|€arr TO OHAXG€ Tlta€ tulll (No3 t€ltlr€i orR€cTlofal Foi o€snEo rlr€ o€tal. us€ fl{c lr3{lLur aHouiat OF R€TARO X€C€S3ARY IO ?TCVCI{T fALSC ALAI|.3. l 'a' 3€tflrac |' USUAILY lo€qrarE fon lxls. TO ITSTALT-: Fon ?'^rt z :' slzgs oRtLL l-1.'3' -:-a FOI at-t O;r:3 IIZESgtrtt 2' rc:: i r,- AP?ROX. R€TARO SCTTIXC {Xaarcoa to-tt aa-4o ta-at aC-?C SWITCH TERi'INAL CONNECfl ONS CI.AMPING PLATE TERiIINAL .-tNdN s€cJ frctorv ^oJlrs!€O3€f{slt$artt 3tfiltac- oo or aoJusr f|G}|'E \rrts {'ERflIT€LYto Ail €v€tfru4L5{' Fr.- Losd roRqJ€- rorralT O|| ?3P€ so lRnow or saoo..€ Prda{ns ur€cflx d l'lt€Rfirfif. PAOOT€ laa o"Foslr€ oli€ctrcrlof {lTEif|.ow. OPIKINAI: Oo€r Tamp€r Sdett old€rSdcNo.54A@0 dre.s.@rfff CAUTION: ^il rr|tsllEs€gmroFAsslcl€@folrctmtsltrFEFlrF IEO D AE IOCO IM||O rtc TEilJIAL AlO SEUIE ^s TrcghntougtcllsttctrREsrsr aEs€lEnElo6trE rstrcseirn [EoolEilrrs.rrGREBlf FRCU|OSlf,t$t.'gqtc'nccqf Ernr nG erElrilrrncUnE goGs O'E.OGOFilIiHTEn|trIAT.quB.5.lq[sr FUlI.E|ottllF..cfaiarnryorlu*dhrlrolbrlJcrorGJ*roohoftocJdp.!|ry.lF f b.Hrdqrlr5pdd.dtt|.Itradrrtlqino.Er|tl., lh.sit|dtc|unotb.hd|t dd|*tGhCrrdrfdngrdfdrct ngsff€drcdofl oau.iffof 6i,il*l 2a haL. aa a rrftE or d€l(L .'I*a.tdsl|sna.rz.-':ilahclc hd:r-c9.Gsh?acfrc!{r.sc.d!,r askd $€Cd dftl. li€ ?' tr.i ?11' de.,i:es rG*r{q r i t4 . l€le; !{ c{t!r slcsrt{.ia 12. troe. Chtrhid.dtrc pirc d.!gG'r|o.d€rd..iJ br.drrs.qd b$a gip. d.arf|Gr..dr cfricr d(,edtt lFla TESTING Tl! trq.rei€..'.4 !e.hg bs nE rnod.l l,sR€llrd as.sso€beat Fu.dtc dtotft|tE tffi dlrrd br h E:€!?C..r'cc si$:gerr=DL ITFPA Stan:asda ai4br tf'| a'rronv trarlng icisfiaioa osl rn<t:c rn clrcurnsrrca bss lra bi{Goa.f*y. r.r'.ll'gTatri ?ti: i cl t dat n-lEfqbrhccrtd'rot| hC4ibctordsqELtltt| ssllt.tlh..flwq|th.#pobhfh.dl|cao.rdaEff*,hntti...fl.ir.c.rdEh5oan|t&md{tof| GmCSOFL{As'dbe.raS€€ Frgr I rtoG. fta Cr dr{ nd .ri t|c lcCdc o( d.r 0ir. o. tf.rd on ant rv. ,Se Fa 3 b Eni:al B.clr;.r.t Co.r€,ciic:rs. o ALL-STATE FIRE PROTECTION, INC. 5045 E. 76TH AVE., *12 CoMMERCE CITY, CO. 80022 HYDRAULIC CALCULATIONS FOR 44 WTLLOW PTACE vArL, coLoRADO FILE NI'UAER: WILIOW2 8/28/94 REMOTE AREA #2 -DESIGN DATA- OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION: NFPA. 13R DWELLING TYPE OF SPRINKIJERS: CENTRAL OPTII.{A RESIDENTIAL CONCEALED PENDENTS BASIS OF COVERAGE: 20 fE. x 20 ft. NT'MBER OF SPRINKLERS CALCULATED: ]. head MINIMIru GPU REQUIRED PER SPRINKLER: 24.0 gpnT BOTAL SPRINKIJER WATER FLOW REQUIRED: 24.0 gpm TOTAT WATER REQUIRED (including ho6e): 80.4 gprn FLOW AND PRESSURE (t BOR): 80.4 gprr 0 80.1 psi SPRINKLER ORTFICE SIZE: 7/16 inch NAI.IE OF CONTRACTOR: ALL-STATE FIRE PROTECTION, INC. DESIGN,/LAYOUT BY: STEVE KYLE AUTHORITY HAVING JURISDICTION: VAIL FIRE PREVENTION CALCULATIONS BY HASS COMPUTER PROGRA},I HRS SYSTEMS, rNC. ATLANTA. GA I ,".roo'R srsrtsu HrDRAItr,rc 0".r"Date: OAl28lL994 JOB TI$.E: {l tfillos Place Renote Area f2 I'AIER SI'PPLY DATA NODE AIIALYSTS DATA NODE TAG BLEVATION (Fr) 39.1 RESID. FIOT{ PRESS. €(PSr) (CPu) 62.0 705.0 NODE TY?E K= 4.20 PRESSURS DTSCNAREE(PSr) (GPM) 32.7 24.0 SOURCE NODE TEG suP STATIC PRESs. (PSr ) I'15.0 AVAIL. PRESS. E (PSr) 143.6 TOTAI, DEI{AIID (GPM) 79.0 Page 1 TfILIOT2 R,SQ'D PRESS. (PSr ) 80.4 AGCRACATB trIOW ANAIYSTS: TOTAL TTOT{ AT SOURCE TOIAL EOSE STREAI.! AI'IOWANCE AT SOURCE OTTTBR EOSE STREAI.I ALIPWANCES TOAAI, DISCIIARGE FROU AETIVE SPRINKI,ERS 79.0 0.0 55.0 24.0 GPU GPI,T GPI.T GPU ' i tO gpnnncen'.8rgrnt,EiDRA.tr,ralorrrr..,,," pagc 2.,.:,,t!,;',Datc: 0812811991 JOB IIIELE: {{ ||illow Placc R€ootc Area *2 {, NODE TTG ELBVIIION(m) 39.8 36.0 28.0 26.5 21. s 15.5 - 11.5 9.5 9.5 6.5 0.5 1.0 1.5 1.5 0.0 NODE TT?B PRESSI'RI DISCSARGE(Psr) (cPDr) 4 10 16 L7 18 19 20 44 45 46 BOR DOt{ BS BD SUP HOSE SIREAU 50.2 52.3 61.5 60.5 54.6 66.4 ?0.3 ?L.4 71.5 72.4 80. 1 79.8 79.6 ?5.1 80.4 55.0 79.0 Date: 08/28/1994 iIOB TITLE: 44 Willow Place Remote Area *2 PIPE DATA PIPE TAGEND ELEV. NODES (FT) Pipe: 1 F. L,. ,/Ff 0.811 PL 25.70 150 FTG 4ET 0.422 Tr. 42.20 1.055 PL 3.80 150 FTG 0.117 TL 3.80 1.055 PI., 105.40 150 FTG 6E2T 0.012 TL 138.60 1.0s5 PL 1?.00 150 FTG EzT 0.117 TL 35.20 1.05s PL 16.00 150 FTG ET 0.012 TL 26.60 1.0s5 PL 84.60 150 FTG 5E3T 0.003 TL L22.40 1.055 PL 11.50 150 FTG 2ET 0.063 TL 25.10 1.055 PL 37.40 150 FTG 2E2I 0.023 TL 58.60 L.29L PT, 71.50 150 FTG 3E 0.003 tt, 85.00 1.291 PL 7A.40 150 FTG 7E4I 0.002 TL 146.30 I.52'1 PL 3.90 150 FTG T 0.004 TL 16.00 L.527 PL 34.50 150 FEG 2EF 0.007 TL 58.60 1.055 PL 18.80 150 FTG E2T 0.043 TL 3?.00 Page 3 PRESS. suu. (Psr) PF 1?.8 PE 0.3PV 1.5 PF O.4P8 -1 .6 PV 0.5 PF 1.5PE -0.6PV 0.0 PF 4.1PE -4.1PV 0.5 PF 0.3 PE -2.8PV 0.0 PF 0.3PE -2.2PV 0.0 PF 1.6PE -4.3Pv 0.3 PF 1.4PE -4.3PV 0.1 PF 0.3PE -0.9PV 0.0 'Ii NOZ. (K) Q(GPI.{) DIA( IN) LENGTEPr Drsc. VEL(FPS) Hw(C) (rT) (Psr ) (GPM) 4 3 39.8 0.039.1 4.2 Pipe:236.0 0.039.8 0.0 Pipe: 326.5 0.028.0 0.0 Pipe:426.5 0.036.0 0.0 Pipe: 5 21 .5 0.028.0 0.0 Pipe:616.5 0.02L.5 0.0 Pj-pe:7 16.5 0.026.5 0.0 Pipe:8 11.5 0.02L.5 0.0 Pipe:9 9 .5 0.011.5 0.0 Pipe: 109.5 0.0 11 .5 0.0 Pipe: 11 9.5 0.0 9. s 0.0 Pipe:129.5 0.06.5 0. 0 Pipe: 13 6. s 0.0 16. s 0.0 24.00.0 14.9 24.O 24.O 0. 0 8.8 0.0 -6.90.0 2.5 0.0 24.O 0 .0 8.8 0.0 6.90.0 2.s 0.0 -3.10.0 L.2 0.0 t7.L0.0 6.3 0.0 10. 00.0 3.7 0.0 50.2 32.7 52.3 50.2 60.5 61.5 60.5 52.3 64.6 61. s 66 .4 64,6 66.4 60.5 70.3 64.6 10 4 L7 16 T? 10 18 16 19 18 19 I7 20 18 44 20 44 20 45 44 45 46 46 19 5.7?L.4 0. 0 1.470.3 0.0 7t.4 ?o.3 71.5 7L.4 71.5 't2 .4 72 .4 66 .4 0.3 -0.90.0 0.L 0.0 0.0 0.4 1.3 0.0 1.6 -4. 3 o.2 4.30.0 1. 0 0.0 10.00.0 1.8 0.0 14.00.0 2.5 0.0 , 14.00.0 5.1 0.0 PF PE PV PF PE PV PF PB PV PF PE PV Date: oB/zB/Q 'PRTNKLBR sYsrEM HYDRAULT. Gtt" JOB TITLE: 44 Willow Place Remote Area *2 PIPE DATA (cont. ) PIPE TAG END ELEV. NODES (FT) Pipe:17BOR 0.5 0.0 80.1DOr{ 1.0 H.S. 79.8 Pipe: 18 79.0 4.220 PL 51.00suP 0.0 sRcE 80.4 (N/A) 1.8 140 FTc 42.60BOR 0.5 0.0 80.1 0.0 0.001 TL 103.60 NOTES:(1) Calculations were perforned by the HASS 5.8.0 computer program under license no. 8115J 49 granted by HRS Sy6tens, Inc. 219 3 Ranchnood Dr., N.E.Atlanta, cA 30345 (2) The syatem has been balanced to provide an average imbalance at each node of 0.004 gprn and a maximum imbal-ance at any node of 0.054 gpn. (3) Velocity presauree are printed for information only, and arenot used in balancing the Bystetn. Maximun water velocityis 14.9 fElsec at pipe 1. Page 4 Q(GPM) DIA(IN) LENGTH PRESS.NOz. Pr Drsc. v8L(FPs) Hw(C) (FT) Stnt.(K) (Psr ) (GPM) F.L. lFT (Psr) 24.0 2.009 Pr., 16.80 PF 0.20.0 ?5.I 0.0 2.4 150 FTC 2E PE -3.50.0 7L.5 0.0 0.00s rL 32.00 Pv 0.0 FIXED PRESSI'RE I.,OSS DEVICE0.0 79.6 0.0 4.5 psi, 24.0 gpm 0.0 75.L 0.0 # tr i BD 45 BS BD Pipe:14 1.5 9.5 Pipe:15 1.5 1.5 Pipe:161.0 H.S.1.5 0.0 24.0 2.465 PL55.0 1.6 150 FTG0.0 0.002 EL 79.0 2.46s PL0.0 5.3 150 FTG55.0 0.017 TL PF PE PV DOM BS 79.8 79.6 0.50 0.50 0. s0 0.50 0.0 -0.20.0 PF O.OPE -o.2PV 0.2 PF 0.1PE -0.2PV 0.0 :i;:stii:::.:.:::..:: : :: i: ;: i, i:r.:. 'ririt,: r:'.i;l O'PRTNKLER sYsrEr.{ HTDRAutrc\[Dates 08/28/1994 \\ JOB TITLE: 44 WiIIow Place Renote Area *2 ',\ PAGE: B Diameter ( in) 0.811 1.055 L.29L L.527 2.009 2.465 T Tee 4.50 7.60 9. 10 12. 10 15. 10 18.10 t9.00'q,.00 \opl.\O21. ir 2 5 .. ,; ::- '1 fl H f;l (4) PrPE FITTINGS TAALE Pipe Table Nane: CUSmU.PIP MATERIAL: Copper HYIC: 150Eguivalent Fitting LeFitting Lengtls i: \FeetCBCAN 45 chkvlv Butv1v Gat k AlnVlv DryVIvI EEll 3.00 3.00 4.50 6.00 7 .60 9.10 L 1.50 7.60 9.10 1.5.' ' 0.001.50 7.601.50 10. 603.00 13.603.00 16.60 9.10 1.50 4.50 21.10 10.60 1.50 9.10 1.s0:9.10 1.50, 9 . 10 1.5(' 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 00 e0 ee 0q o0 10 :tr .0 .o .1 ..riiiriiiiiiiilii.iliiiiiii O."*rn*ER sysr'M HyDRAUr.rc tlrr*:::i..::::.: t:::::. Date: ogl2glLgg4- i JoB rIT!,E! 44 Willow place Remote Area #2' TIATER SI'PPLY CURVE 180+ I I165+ 150+*\ lorrt\135+ \\t\t\\lrP120+ \\ R E s ) S105+ U R E 90+ il,.I 75+ 60+ t <-62.0 pei € 705 gpnr Flow TeBt Point 45+ I30+LEGEND X = Reguired l{ater Supply 80.41 pei 0 ?9.0 gpm 15+ 0 = Available water Supply 143.55 pei € 79.0 gpm 200 300 400 s00 600 700 800 900 1000 FLOW (GPM) ALL-STATE FIRE PROSECIION, INC. 6045 E. 76rH AVE., *12 coto{ERcE crrY, co. 80022 HYDRAUL,IC CA.LCI'I,ATIONS FOR 44 t{ILIOt{ PLACE vArL, colo&Nlo FILE NI,I.IBBRS I|ILI{,IN3 8128/e1 RE}TOTE EREA 13 -DESIGN DATA- OCCI'PTNCT CIASS IFICATION :NFPA 13R DWBLLING TIPE OF SPRIf,KI.,ERTI: CENTRAI, OPTII.IA RSSIDENIIAL CONCEAIIBD PENDEilTS BA8I8 OF COVER.f,GE: til,UBER OF SPRINKI.ER,S CAIJCT'LATBD: I{INIUI'I' GPU REQUIRED PBR SPRIITKLER: FtI)tN ttfD PRESSIIRE (€ BOR): SPRINN,ER ORIFICE SIZE: 20 ft. x 20 ft. 3 heads 17.0 gpn 107.4 $m 0 87.5 pal 7/16 inch TOITAL 8PRINKTJER I{ATER FI.oW REQUIRED: 52.4 gPM TqtAIr IfATBR REQUIRED (including hoae): 10?.4 gpto XAl.tE OF CONrRACIOR: AL,IJ-STATE FInf PROTECTION, INC. DESIGH/I.AYOUT BY! STE\,B KYIJE AUTIIORITI HAVIITC JURISDICTION: VAII., FIRA PREVENIION CALCITTATIONS BY HASS COI.IPUTER PROGRAI.i HRS SYSTEUS, rNC. ATLANTA, GA Page 1 WIUITN3 atOB trITLE3 {{ Wlllory Place tt€mote Area f3llAItR SI!PP!,I DATA souRcE T{ODE TIG 8T'P STATIC PRE8g. (PSr) 14s.0 FL,Otf (GPr{) 705. 0 RBgID. PRASS. e(Psr) 62.0 AVAIL. PRESS. E (Psr ) L42.4 TOTAI, REQ.D DEMAIID PRESS.(GPM) (PSr) 10? .4 87.9 AGGRECATE FIOW ENAI,ISIS! TOTAJ.. FLoIT AT SOURCE [OTEI', EOSE STNEN,T AITPNANCE Af SOURCE OITIER UOSE 8TR8NI AI.LqIANCBS TOTttrr DISCHIRGE FROU ACTM SPRINKLERS NODE NIAI,TSIS DATA 107.4 GPrl 0.0 GPtt 55.0 GPtl 52.4 GPM rODE TAG 5 6 7 8 9 10 16 L7 18 19 20 44 {5 16 BOR IX)u BS BD guP EI.BT'ATIO}I(rr) 36.6 37.s 37.5 36.6 37.5 35 .0 28.0 26.5 21.5 16.5 11.5 9.5 9.5 6.5 0.5 1.0 1.5 1.5 0.0 M)DB TIPE K= 4.20K- il .20 K= 4.20 HOSE STREAI.I souRcE PRESST'RE (PSr ) 16.4 18.6 20.5 16.8 20.8 32.5 60.2 54.1 64.3 65.1 74.4 76.4 76.? 76.2 8?.5 87.2 8?.0 82.s 87 .9 DISCBARGE (GPM) 17.0 18.1 L7.2 s5.0 L07 .4 O r"*r"*""R sYsrEM EYDRAttLTc l"r*Page 2 Dates 0812811991 JOB TITLE: 44 tfillow Place Remote Area *3 PIPE DATA PIPE TAG END ELEV. NODES (FT) NOZ. (K) Q(GPM) DIA(IN) LENGTIIPT DISC. vEL(FPs) Hw(c) (Fr) (PSr) (GPM)F.L./FT PRESS. STJM. (Psr) Pipe: 1? 37 .5 0.0s 36.6 4.2 Pipe: 27 37 .5 0.06 37.5 4.2 Pipe: 3 17.0 0.811 PL20.5 0.0 10.6 150 FtG 16.4 17.0 0.223 Tr' 18.1 0.811 Pt 20.5 0.0 11.3 150 FTG 18.6 18.1 0.251 TL 6.70 3ET 20.20 1. s0 2E 7.50 1.30 4.5 0.4 0.8 1.9 0.0 0.9 PF PE PV PF PE PV 9 7 9 8 37.5 37.5 Pipe: 4 37.5 36.6 Pipe: 5 36.0 37.5 Pipe: 6 26.s 28.0 Pipe: 7 26.5 36.0 Pipe: 8 2L.5 28.0 Pipe:9 16. s 2L.5 Pipe:10 16.5 26.5 Pipe:11 11.52t.5 Pipe:12 9.5 11.s Pipe:13 9.s 11.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 4.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 35.120.8 0.0 r2.9 20. s 0.0 1.05s PL 150 FTG 0.237 tL 1.30 0.811 PL 5.?0 150 FTG 3ET 0.229 tL L9 .20 1.055 PL 8.60 150 I'TG 2El 0.49? TL 22.20 1.055 PL 105.40 150 FTG 6E2T 0.049 TL r.38.60 1.05s PL 17.00 150 FTG E2T 0.497 TL 35.20 1.055 PL 16.00 150 FTG ET 0.049 TL 26.60 1.055 PL 84.60 150 FTG 5E3T 0.012 TL L22.40 1.291 PL 71.s0 150 FTG 3E 0.013 TL 85.00 PF 0.3PE O.OPV 1.1 52.332.5 0.0 t9 .220.8 0.0 L7.20.0 10.7 L7 .2 -15 .00.0 5. s 0.0 20.8 16.8 54. 1 60.2 4.4 0.4 0.8 11.0 -0.62.5 6.8 -0.6 0.2 L7 .5 -4. I 2.5 1.3 -2.8 0.2 L.4 -2,20.0 6.7 -4.31.3 5.8 -4.3 0.4 t.1 -0.90.1 1.1 -0.90.0 PF PE PV PF PE PV PF PE PV PF PE PV PF PE PV PF PE PV PF PE PV PF PE PV PF PE PV PF PE PV 10 9 L? 16 t7 10 18 16 19 18 19 L7 20 18 44 20 44 20 s2.3 54. 1 0.0 L9 .232.s 0.0 64.3 60.2 65.1 64.3 6s.l 54.1 74.4 64.3 76.4 74.4 15 .00.0 5 .5 0.0 -6 .80.0 2.s 0.0 37.4 1.055 PL 11.50 0.0 L3.7 150 FTG 2ET 0.0 0.266 TL 2s.10 2t.8 1.055 PL 37.400.0 8.0 150 FTG 2E2T 0.0 0.098 TL 58.60 t2.50.0 3. 1 0.0 76.4 0.074.4 0.0 9 .3 1 .291 PL 7A.402.3 150 FTG ?E4T 0.008 TL 146.30 PIPE TAGEND ELEV. NOZ. NODES (Fr) (K) Pipe:1445 9.5 0.044 9.5 0.0 Pipe:1545 9 .5 0.046 6 .s 0.0 Pipe:1646 6.5 0.019 16.5 0.0 Pipe:17BD I .5 0.045 9. s 0.0 Pipe: 18BS 1.5 0.0BD 1.5 0.0 82.5 76.7 Page 3 52.3 L.527 PL 16.80 PF 2.40.0 9.2 150 FTG 2E PE -3.50.0 0.082 TL 28.80 PV 0.6 FIXED PRESSURE I,OSS DEVICE87.0 0.0 4.5 psi, 52.3 gpn 82 .5 0.0 Pipe: DOM BS Pipe: BOR DOM Pipe: suP BOR NOTES: 19 52.3 2.465 PL1.0 H.S. 8?.2 55.0 3.5 150 Frc1.5 0.0 87.0 0.0 0.008 TL 0.50 0 .50 20 107.3 2,465 PL 0.500.5 0.0 8?.5 0.0 7.2 150 FTG1.0 H.S. A?.2 ss.o 0.030 Tt 0.s0 2L 107.4 4.220 PL 61.000.0 sRcE 8?.9 (N/A) 2.5 140 FTG 42.500.s 0.0 87.s 0.0 0.002 TL 103.60 PF PE PV PF PE PV PF PE PV 0.0 -o.20.1 0.0 -o.20.4 0.3 -0.20.0 (1) Calculations were performed by the HASS 5.8.0 computer programunder'license no. 8115J 49 granted by HRS System6, Inc. 219 3 Ranchwood Dr., N.E.Atlanta, GA 30345 (2) The Bystem has been balanced to provide an average imba.Lance at each node of 0.009 gprn and a maxinumimbalance at any node of 0.159 gBn. (3) Velocity preasures are printed for i.nformation only, and arenot used in balancing the systen. Maximum wat.er velocityis 19.2 ftlsec at pipe ?. O,"*r**ER sYsrEM HyDRAnLrc t"r*Date: 08/28/L994 JOB TITLE: 44 WilLow Place Remote Area *3 PIPE DATA (cont. ) Q(CPM) DrA(rN) LENGTH PFASS.Pr Drsc. VEL(FPS) Hw(C) (FT) SrrM.(Psr) (GPM) F.L./FT (PSr) 21.8 t.527 PL 3.90 PF 0.376.7 0.0 3.8 150 FTc T PE 0.076.4 0.0 0.016 TL 16.00 PV 0.1 30.5 L.527 PL 34.50 PF 1.876.7 0.0 s.3 150 FTG zET PE 1.376.2 0.0 0.030 TL s8.60 Pv 0.2 30.5 1.055 PL 18.80 PF 6.876.2 0.0 11.2 150 FTG E2T PE -4.365.1 0.0 0.183 TL 37.00 Pv 0.8 t r""rro"R srsrE' ErDRAsr,rc t"r* Pagc 4 : -Date! 08/281L994 iIOB tITtE: 44 lflllow Place Renote Arca *3 ({) PIPE FITTINGS TABT,E Pipe table tfame: CUSTO{.PIP CBCAD{5 chkvlv BUwIV GatVlv Alnvlv Dq^tlv PACE: B Dianet€r ( in) 0.811 1.055 7.29L t.52? 2.455 0.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.00 21. 10 21. 10 UAIERIAL: Copper gWCs 150 Bquivalent Fitting Lengths in FcetBTLEll Tee 3.00 {.50 1.503.00 7.60 1.504.50 9.10 1.505.00 12.10 3.00 9 .10 18.10 4.50 7.60 9.10 1.507.60 9.10 1.5010.60 9.10 1.5013.60 9.10 1.5021.10 10.60 1.50 PagG 5 itOB IITIrE: 44 l{illos Place Renote Area *3 WAITER SUPPIJ CUR\TE 180 165 150 135 90+lx I75+ \0\\ \\ \\ P1 R E s s1g R E ( P sI ) 20+ I05+ 60+ I45+ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ <-62.0 psi 0 705 gpn FIow Teet Point 30+ 15+ X = Required Water Supply 8?.93 pei t 10?.4 gpn l 0 = Available Water Supply t 142.4s pei € 107.4 gpn I0++-+---+----+-----+------+--------+--------+---------+-----------+ 200 300 400 s00 600 ?00 800 FL,OW (CPM) 900 1000 ALI.I-STATE PIRE PROTECTTON, INC. 6045 E. 76gH AVE., +12 COT.IUERCE CITY, CO. 80022 HIDRAT'LIC CALCT'IATIONS FOR 44 WII..IOI{ PLACE VAIL' COISRADO FILE NT,MBER! WII,IOT|iT 8/28t94 REI{CTTE ANEA *4 -DESIGN DATA- OCCUPAIICI CIASSITICAaION !NrPA 13R DI{ELLING ffPE Of SPRINKr,ERS: CEIITRAL OPTIIIA RASIDENTIAI CONCEALED PENDENIS AASIS OT COVARAGE: NUI{BER OF SPRTNTCI,ERS CAICUIATED: 20 fx. x 20 ft. 4 headE tlltsntw GPll REQUIRED PER SPRINKL,ER: 17.0 gipn IOTIL SPRINKLER WAIER FLOW REQUIRED: 79.4 gpn TOmI, WAIER REoUIRED (including bose): 134.4 gpn SI'|oW AxD PnESSURE (€ BOR): 134.4 gpn € 104.5 pei SPRINKI,ER ORIFICE SIZE: ?/L6 inch NAT.IE OF CONTRACIOR: AIL-STATE TIRE PROTECTION, INC. DESIGN/I,AYOUT BY! STSVE KYI,E AUTIIORITI HAVING JURISDICTION: VAIL FIRE PREVENTION CALCULATIONS BY HASS COMPUTER PROGRAII HRS SYSTEMS, INC. ATI,ANTA, GA Node Name sPr. K-fac. EQUIVAI,ENT K-FACTOR CALCUI.ATOR Preaa. Pipe dia. Pipe FtgB. Total(pei) (in) Len. (ft) Len. (ft) g-w Equlv. coef,. K-fac. 14, 15 4.20 16.4 0.811 0.50 s.00 {.06150 Dates 08/28/L991 JOB IITI,E: {l Willow Place Remote Area l,l WATER sT'PPI,T DATA TOTAL DEMA}TD (GPrr) 134.4 DISCTTARCE (GPlr) 17 .0 18.5 20.5 23.3 55.0 134.4 .''.'..' Prgo .r1.ii€ ;l:-..r'1," 11I'IIIINNfI' r' . NEO'D PRESS. (Psr ) 105.1 SOI'RCE NODE TAG suP STATTC PRESS. (PSr ) 145.0 RESID. FI,OIY PRESS. T(PSrl (cPu) NODE TTPE K= 4.20 K= 4.20 13{.,1 GPll 0.0 GPtd 55.0 GPtl 79.4 GPrl NODE TAG l1 L2 13 14 15 16 L7 18 19 20 44 45 46 BOR DOM BS BD sttP ELEVATION (FT) 36.4 36.4 36.4 35.5 3s.5 28.0 26.5 2L.5 16.5 11.s 9.5 9.5 6.s 0.5 1.0 1.5 1.5 0.0 K= 4.06 K= {.06 PRBSST'RB (PSr ) 15.4 19.4 23.5 25.6 33.0 51.5 69.6 68.5 77.L 49.7 93.8 94.6 92.9 104. s L04.2 104.0 99.5 105. 1 nosE_sTREill SOURCB O ,"**R srs,,il ErnRAnr,rc llot *$ 4l rl I 62.O 705.0 141.1 AGGREGATE FIJoW AIIAI,YSIS: TOAAI, FIPT{ AT SOURCE Tc|lIAL UOSE STREAII AI,IOTIAIICE AT SOURCE OIMER HOSE STREAI.{ AIJfiIAilCES $OIIAL DTSCEARGB FROI{ ACIIVE SPRINKLBRS NODE ANAI,,ISIS DATA AVAIIJ. PRESS. T (PSr) O 'PRTNKTJER sYsrEM "-*u"rso""r*Date: 08128/L994 itOB TITIJE: 44 Willow Place Remote Area 14PIPE DATA PIPE TAG Q(GPM) DIA(IN) I.,ENGTHEND ELEV. NOZ. pT DISC. VEL(FPS) HyJ(C) (Fr)NODES (Fr) (K) (psr) (cpM) F.rJ./Fr Pipe: 1 1?.0 0.811 pL 19.9013 36.4 0.0 23.5 0.0 10.6 1so F1'rc 4E11 36.4 4.2 16.4 17.0 0.223 TL 31.80 Pipe: 3 3s.5 36.4 Pipe: 415 35.5t4 35.5 Pipe:5 4.1 0.0 25.6 23.5 4.1 33.04.1 25.6 0.0 51.54.1 33.0 0.0 69 .60.0 51.5 0.0 68.50.0 sl .5 o.0 77 .L0.0 68.5 0.0 77 .L0.0 69.6 s6. 123.3 20.6 20.5 79.4 0.0 29 .l 23.3 24.90.0 9.2 0.0 54.40.0 20.0 o.0 15.50.0 5.7 0.0 24.90.0 9.2 0.0 38.90.0 L4.3 0.0 22.30.0 5.5 0.0 16.60.0 4.L 0.0 38.90.0 6.8 0.0 1.055 PL 150 FTG 0.564 TIJ Page 2 PRESS. sul.{. (PSr ) PF ?.LPE O.OPV 0.8 PF 4.1PE O.OPV 0.9 L.7 -0.41.L 7.4 0.0 2.4 L5.2 -3.2 5.7 L7.s -0. 6 0.6 L4.2 -2.82.7 6.4 -2.20.2 3.2 -4. 3 0.6 16. 8 -4.3L.4 3.3 -0.9o.2 3.3 -0.90.t 0.8 0.0 0.3 13 L2 L4 13 Pipe:236.4 0.0 23 ,536.4 4.2 19.4 18.5 0.811 PL0.0 11.s 150 FTG18.5 0.261 TL 35.5 1.055 PL20.5 13.0 150 FTc0.0 0.242 rL 8.00 ET 15.50 ?.10 PF PE PV PF PE PV PF PE PV PP PE PV PF PE PV PF PE PV PF PE PV PF PE PV PF PE PV PF PE PV PF PE PV 44 20 7.10 13.20 13 .20 16 15 T7 16 18 L6 19 18 19 L? 20 18 44 20 45 44 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 89.7 68.5 93.8 49.7 93.8 89.7 94 .6 93 .8 28.0 35.5 Pipe: 5 26.5 28.0 Pipe:7 21.5 28.O Pipe: 8 16. s 2L.5 Pipe: 9 16.5 26.5 Pipe:10 11. s 21 .5 Pipe:11 9.5 11.5 Pipe: 12 9.s 11. s Pipe:13 9.5 9.5 1.05s PL 11.20 150 FTG E 1.073 TL 14.20 1.055 PL 105.40 150 FTG 6E2T 0. 126 Tr., 138.60 1.0s5 PL 16.00 150 FTG ET 0.534 TL 26.60 1..055 PL 84.60 150 FTIG 5B3T 0.0s2 TL r22.40 1.0s5 PL 11.50 150 FNG 2ET 0.126 TL 25.1O 1.055 PL 37 .40 150 ATG 2E2T 0.287 TL s8.60 1.291 PL 71.50 150 FTG 3E 0.038 Tr, 85.00 1.291 PL 78.40 150 I'TG ?E4T o.022 TL 146.30 L.527 PL 3.90 150 TTG T 0.047 TL 16.00 ' 'PRTNKLER sYsrEu ""o*u"r"*,""rr.Page 3Date3 08/28/L994 ;tOB :tITLEs ,l{ Willou Place Remote Area *4PIPS DATA (cont.) PIPE TAG o(cpM) DrA(rN) LENGTH PRESS.END ELEV. NOz. pT DrSC. VEr,(FpS) Hw(C) (Fr) SnM.NODES (FT) (K) (psr) (GpM) F.L.,/FT (psr) Pipe: 14 40.5 L.527 pL 34.50 pF 3.015 9.5 0.0 94.6 0.0 7.t 150 FTG 2ET pE 1.346 6.5 0.0 92,9 0.0 0.0s1 TL 58.60 pv 0.3 Pipe: 15 40.s 1.055 pL 1B.BO pF 11.446 6.5 0.0 92.9 0.0 14.9 1s0 FTG EzT pE -4.319 16.s 0.0 77,L 0.0 0.309 rt 3?.00 pv 1.s Pipe:16 79.4 2.009 pL 10.80 pF 1.5BD 1.5 0.0 99.5 0.0 8.0 150 FTG 2E pE -3.545 9.5 0.0 94,6 0.0 0.047 TL 32.00 pV 0.4 Pipe: 17 FIXED PRESSURE LOSS DEVICEBS 1.5 0.0 104 . 0 0. 0 4. 5 pei, ?9.4 gproBD 1.5 0.0 99. s 0.0 Pipe: 18 79.4 2.465 pL 0.50 pF 0.0mM 1.0 E.s. Lo4.2 55.0 s.3 150 Flc pE -O.2BS 1.5 0.0 104.0 0.0 0.017 rL o.so pv o.2 Pipe: 19 134.4 2.465 pL 0.50 pF 0.0BOR 0.5 0.0 104.5 0.0 9.0 150 FTG pE -O.2DOM 1.0 H.s. L04,2 5s.0 0.046 rL 0.50 pv o.s Pipe: 20 t34.4 4.220 pL 61.00 pF 0.4suP 0.0 sRcE 105.1 (N/A) 3.1 140 FTG 42.60 pE -O.2BOR 0.5 0.0 104.5 0.0 0.004 TL 103.60 pV 0.1 NOTES:(1) Calculationg were performed by the ITASS 5.8.0 computer progr.rmunder licenae no. 8115J 49 granted by HRS Systens, Inc. 2193 Ranchwood Dr., N.E.At,Ianta, cA 30345 (2) Th_e lyetem hae been balanced to provide an averageirnbalance at each node of 0.008 gpm and a rnaximufrirnbaLance at any node of 0.134 gprn. (3) Velocity preaaurea are printed for inforrnation only, and arenot used in balancing the syetem. Maxj.mum rrater vetocityLe 29.1 ftlsec at pipe 5. o AITAI. & #SPRINKTER SYSTEU ITIDRAULICDate: OBl28ll991 JOB TITITE: 4rl Willos Place Reuote Area lil (4) PIPB FITTTNGS TABIJE Pipe [able Nanes CITSBOM.PIP YSrS PAGE: B UATERIAJ.! Copper HwC: 150Dianet€r Eguivalent Fltting Leugtbs in toet(1n)ETLC-BcADEll Tee 45 Chkvlv ButVlv catvlv Alrrvlv Drwtv 0.811 1.055 1.291 t.527 2.009 2.465 3.00 4.s0 1.503.00 7.60 1.504.50 9.10 1.506.00 12.10 3.007.60 15.10 3.009.10 18.10 4.s0 7.60 9.10?.60 9.10r0.60 9.1013.60 9.1016.60 9.1027.LO 10.60 1.s0 0.00 0.001.50 0.00 0.001.50 0.00 0.001.50 0.oo o.oo :' 1.s0 0.00 0.001.50 21.10 21.10 :iir iiriiiiiiiiiiii$$liiiiiii'! ::::::i::ii::::: Datcs 081281L994'. 'i , Jos ,rrTLEi ic wittou place Remots area 14 IIATER ST'PPIJT CORVE 180+ 165+ 150+*\" |orl\135+ \\ \\ \\ \\\\ \\ \\0+ I 5+ I D+ 05 90 P1 R E s s1 u R E ( P s ) \\ \\I75+ \\ * <-62.0 pei I ?05 gpn Plow Test Point 45+ 30+ LEGEND X = Required Vtater Supply ,' 105.09 pai € 134.4 gpn : 0 = Available tfater Suppty141.13 pei € 134.4 gpn . 15+ 200 300 400 s00 600 ?00 8oo 900 looo Fr.,ow (GPu) AI,L-STATE FIRE PROAECTION, INC. 6045 E. 76TH AVB., *12 COI{I.IERCE CIAI, CO. 80022 HYDRAULIC C}J,CT'IATIONS FOR 44 T{IIJOT{ PI.ACE VAIL, COIOR.ADO FILE NI!!,IBBR: WILI,OWS 8128194 PSMOTE AREA 15 -DESIGN DATA- OCCUPA}ICY CI.ASS IFICATTON : DENSITI: TREA OF APPLICATIONI COVBRAGE PER SPRINK'.IER: NI'I{BER OF SPNINKLERS CALCULATED: ORDINARY GROI'P 1 .15 g6)roleq. ft. 925 sq. ft. VARIES 13 eprinklera TOTT'L SPRINKLER ltAtER FI€W REQUTRED: 230.5 gpn TOTAIJ WAIER REQUIRED (including hoee): 535.6 $rn F'I,oW AllD PRBSSURE (e BoR) z 28s.6 gpn g 76.1 p6i SPRINKLER ORIFICE SIZE: L/2 inch NAI.{E OF CONTRACTOR: ALI-STATE FIRE PROTECMON, INC. DESIGN,/LAYOUT BY: STEVE KYLE AUTIIORI?T HEVING JURISDICTION: VAII, FIRA PREVENTION CALCULATIONS BY HASS COMPUTER PROGRAT.I HRS SYSfEUS, INC. ATLANTA, GA Node Name EQUTVATENT K-FACTOR CAtCttr,AAOR Spr. Preas. Pipe dia. Pipe Ftg8. Total H-w Eguiv. K-fac. (psi) (in) Len.(ft) Len.(ft) coef. K-f,ac. 2Lr24,27 28 5.60 5.60 7.0 7.O 0.811 0.811 0.75 0. ?5 5.25 5.25 150 1s0 5.27 5.27 T T o ANAL .t ilSPRINKLER SYSTEM HYDRAULICDate: 08/28JI994 JOB TITLB: 44 Willow Place Remote Area *5 WATER SI'PPLY DATA tsrs IlOTAL DET{AND (GPM) 53s. 6 Page 1 t{rLLow5 SOURCE STATIC NODE PRESS.TAG (PSr) suP 145.0 NODE ANAIYSIS DATA NODE TAG ELEVATION (FT) RESID. FLOW PRESS. E(Psr) (cPM) NODE TYPE K= 5.2? K= 5.60 PRESSURE DISCHARGE(Psr) (GPM) AVAIL. PRESS. € (PSr) 95. 1 REQ'D PRESS. (Psr) 77 .962.0 705.0 AGGREGATE FIJOW ANALYSIS: TOTAL FLOW AT SOURCE TOTAL HOSE STREAI,I AI,IOWANCE AT SOURCE OTHER HOSE STREAIi{ ALLOWANCES TOTAT DISCHARGE FROM ACTIVE SPRINKLERS 535. 6 250.0 55.0 230.6 GPI4 GPM GPU GPM 16 L't 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 4L 42 43 44 45 46 BOR DOM BS 28.0 26.s 2L:5 16. s 11.5 10.8 1 0.8 11.s 10.8 8.8 9.5 8.8 8.8 9.5 8.8 9.5 3.8 8.8 9.5 8.8 9.5 9.5 8.8 9.5 7.3 9.5 8.8 9.5 9.5 9.5 6.5 0.5 1.0 1.5 26.5 3s.3 27 .7 4L.2 16.3 15.4 8.9 13.0 13.0 10.1 L2.\ 9.5 10.3 11 .9 8.1 L2.1 7.5 8.0 9.7 9.5 Lt.2 L2.9 10.0 13.1 11. 6 15.8 15. 6 19.0 42.L 56.8 55.5 76.1 75.8 75.5 20.7 L6.? K= 5.27 K= 5.60 K= 5.60 K= 5.60 19.0 r? .8 K= 5.27 K= 5.27 K= 5.60 L6.2 16.9 16.0 15.3ls.9 K= 5.60 K= 5.60 K= 5.60 K= 5.60 t7 .3 t7 .7 19.0 22.L HOSE SEREAM 55. 0 Pags 2 . BD SUP souRcE f5 PRESSUFS (PSI ) 71.0 77 .9 DISCITARGB (c?M) 285.6 O ,"*ro*"ER sYsr'r{ HiDRAuLrc il.""r, D,ate: Oel28ll994 itOB TfTIEs {4 t{illos Place Remote Area NODE TAG ELEVATION NODE TYPB(rr) 1.5 0.0 O 'PRTNKLER sYsrErr ""o*o"r"t"rr"Date: 08128/1994 JOB TITLE: 44 Willow Place Remote Area *5 PIPE DATA PIPE TAG Q(GPM) DIA(IN) LENGTHEND ELEV. NOZ. pT DrSC. vEL(FpS) Hw(C) (FT) NODES (rT). (K) (psr) (cpr.{) F.L./FT Page 3 PRESS. sttM. {Psr) T7 16 18 16 19 18 19 17 20 18 2T 20 23 21 23 22 24 23 26 24 26 25 29 26 2A 27 0.0 5.3 0.0 5.6 5.3 0.0 0.0 5.3 0.0 5.6 0.0 0.0 5.5 5.3 16.3 27.7 13.0 15.4 13.0 8.9 13.0 13.0 t2.L 13.0 12.1 10. 1 11.9 t2,L 10. 3 9.5 7.00 10.00 2ET 20.50 1.60 Pipe: 126.5 0.0 35. 328.0 0.0 26.s Pipe: 22L.5 0.0 27.728.O 0.0 26.5 16.6 1.055 PL 105.400.0 6.1 150 FtG 6E2T0.0 0.059 TL 138.60 -16.6 1.055 PL 16.000.0 6.1 150 FrG ET0.0 0.059 TL 26.60 2L.L 1.055 PL 84.5041.2 0 .0 ? .7 150 FTG 5E3E27.7 0.0 0.092 TL 122.40 16.6 1.055 PL 11.504L.2 0.0 6.1 150 FTG 2E!35.3 0.0 0.059 TL 2s.10 7 .00 8.2 -0.6 o.2 1.6 -2.8 o.2 11.3 -2.2 0.4 1.5 -4.30.2 15.8 -4.3 1.3 t.2 -0.33.1 2.L 0.3 1.8 4.4 0.3 0.7 0.3 -0.3 1.0 1.5 -0.6 0.4 2.3 0.3 0.8 0.2 0.0 0.1 0.8 0.0 0.2 PF PE PV PF PE PV PF PE PV PF PE PV PF PE PV PF PE PV PF PE PV PF P8 PV PF PE PV PF PE PV PF PE PV PF PE PV PF PE PV Pipe: 316.5 0.021.5 0.0 Pipe: 416.5 0. 026.5 0.0 Pipe: 511.5 0.02t.s 0.0 Pipe! 610.8 5.3 11. s 0.0 Pipe: ? 11.5 10.8 Pipe: 8 11.5 10.8 Pipe:9 10.8 11.5 Pipe:10 9.5 10.8 Pipe: 11 9.5 8.8 Pipe: 12 9.5 9.5 Pipe:13 8.8 8.8 -37.6 1.055 PL 37.400.0 13.8 1s0 FTG 2E2T0.0 0.270 TL 58.60 -87.? L.29L PL 2.5015.4 20.7 2L.5 1s0 FTG16.3 0.0 0.482 rT, 2.50 -67,O0.0 16.4 20.7 L6.70.0 10.4 L6.7 -s0.319.0 L2.3 0.0 -31.30.0 7 .7 19.0 17.80.0 11 .1 L7.8 -13.50.0 3.3 0.0 16.216.9 6.0 L6.2 1.291 PL 150 FEG 0.293 TIJ 0.811 PL 150 FTG 0.216 rL 1.291 PL 150 FTG 0.173 TL 1.291 PL 150 FtG 0.072 TL 0.811 PL 150 FTG 0.243 rL L.29I PL 150 FTG 0.015 rL 1.055 PL 150 FTG 0.057 tL 1.60 11.80 2E 20.80 1.90 ET 9.40 7.10 E 11. 60 10.80 t1 13.80 PIPE TAGEND ELEV. NODES (FT) Pipe: 14 NOZ. (K) 9.5 0 .08.8 5.3 F. L. /FT 1.055 PL 150 FTG 0.213 TL 1.291 PL 150 FTG 0.030 TL 0.811 PL 150 FTG 0.199 Tr., L.29L PI, 150 FTG 0.091 TL 0.811 PL 150 FTG 0.184 TL 0.811 PL 150 FTG 0.196 TL 1.055 PL 150 FTG 0. 191 rL 0.811 PL 150 FTG 0.229 TL 1.291 PL 150 FTG 0.161 TL 1.291 Pt 150 FTG 0.446 TL 0.811 PL 150 FTG 0.240 TL 1.291 PL 150 FTG 0.635 TL 0.811 PL 150 FTG 0.275 tL 29 28 31 29 31 30 37 31 34 32 34 33 36 34 36 35 37 36 39 37 39 38 4L 39 4L 40 Pipe3 15 9.5 9.5 Pipel 16 9.5 8.8 Pipe! 17 9.5 9.5 Pipe: 18 9.5 3.8 Pipe:19 9.5 8.8 Pipe:20 9.5 9.5 Pipe:21 9.5 8.8 Pipe: 22 9.5 9.5 Pipe:23 9.5 9.5 Pipe: 24 9.5 8.8 Pipe:25 9.5 9.5 Pipe:26 9.5 7.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 5.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 5.6 0.0 5.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 5.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 5.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 5.6 PT (Psr ) 1t .9 10. 3 12.1 11.9 L2.L 8.1 L2.9 12. 1 9.7 7.5 9.7 8.0 tL.2 9.7 LL.2 9.5 t2.9 LL.2 13.1 12.9 13.1 10.0 15.8 13.1 15.8 11.6 1.50 T 9. 10 5.70 5.70 11.00 2EA 21. s0 8.80 8.80 13.30 4E 25.30 2.s0 ET 10.00 7 .90 7 .90 L.20 ET 8.70 1.50 T 10.60 0.50 0.50 6.80 ET 14.30 4.20 o.2 0.0 0.2 4.3 0.3 0.7 0.8 0.0 0.5 4.7 2.5 0.5 2.0 0.3 0.? 1.5 0.0 0.9 2.O 0.3 0.8 L.7 0.0 0.9 o.2 0.0 2.9 3.4 0.3 0.8 2.7 0.0 4.2 5.2 1.0 0.9 PF PE PV PF PE PV PF PE PV PF PE PV PF PE PV PF PE PV 4.20 5.30 3ET 18.80 PF PE PV PF PE PV PF PE PV PF PE PV PF PE PV PF PE PV O ,"*ro*ER sYsrEM HYDP,auLrc t""rr"Date: 08/281L994 JOB rITLE: 44 llillow Place Remote Area *5 PIPE DATA (cont.) Q(GPM) DIA(IN) I,ENGTH Drsc. VEL(FPS) HW(C) (FT) (GPM) 33. 10.0 12.2 16.9 19.60.0 4.8 0.0 16.00.0 9.9 16.0 35.60.0 8.7 0.0 15.30.0 9 .5 15.3 1s. 90.0 9 .9 15.9 3t.20.0 11.4 0.0 17.30.0 10.7 L7.3 48.40.0 11.9 0.0 84.00.0 20.6 0.0 Lt. t0.0 11.0 l? .7 101. ? 0 .0 24.9 0.0 19.00.0 11. 8 L9.0 Page 4 PRESS.sw. (Psr ) PF 1.9PE 0.3PV 1.0 I ,"*ro*""R sYsrEM HYDR.auLrc t""r*Date: 08/28/L994 JOB TITLE: 44 tlillow Place Remote Area *5 PIPE DATA (cont.) 230.6 2,465 PL75.8 55.0 15.5 150 FTG75.5 0.0 0.124 Tt 285.6 2.465 PL76.t 0.0 r9.2 150 FTG?5.8 55.0 0. 184 TL 0.50 285.6 4.220 PL 61.0077.9 (N/A) 6.6 140 FTG 42.60?6.1 0.O 0.01s TL 103.60 Q(GPM) DIA(IN) LENGTH Drsc. vEL(FPs) Hw(c) (FT) (GPM) 120.80.0 29 .6 0.0 22.L0.0 13.722.t L42.90.0 35 .0 0.0 50.00.0 L2.3 0.0 L92.9 r.527 Pr., 3.900.0 33.8 150 FTG T0.0 0.916 TL 16.00 37.6 t.527 PL 34.500.0 6.6 150 FTG ?Et0.0 0.045 TL 58.60 37.6 1.055 PL 18.800.0 13.8 150 FTG E2T0.0 0.270 TL 37.00 230.6 2.009 PL 16.800.0 23.3 150 FTG 2E0.0 0.33s rL 32.00 3.70 PIPE TAGEND ELEV. NODES (rT) Pipe:2743 9.s41 9,s NOZ. PT(K) (Psr) Page 5 PRESS. SUf.{. (Psr) PF 3.2PE O.OPV 5.9 3.7 0.3 1.3 23.L 0.0 8.3 2s.0 -0.91.0 74.7 0.0 7.7 2.6 1.3 0.3 10.0 -4.31.3 10.7 -3.53.7 F. L. ,/FT 1.291 PL 150 FTG 0.873 TL 0.811 PL 150 FTG 0. 363 Tr, 1.29L Pr., 150 FTG Pipe! 28 9.5 8.8 Pipe:29 9.5 9.5 Pipe: 30 9.5 11. s Pipe:31 9.5 9.5 Pipe:32 9.5 6.5 Pipe:33 6.5 16.5 Pipe:34 1.5 9.5 Pipe: 35 1.5 1.5 Pipe:36 1.0 1.5 Pipe:3? 0.5 1.0 0.0 42.L0.0 19.0 0.0 42.t0.0 16.3 0.0 56. I0.0 42.L 0.0 56.80.0 5s.5 0.0 55.50.0 4t.2 0.0 71 .00.0 56.8 0.0 75. s0.0 71.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 5.6 19.0 1s.8 t 9.0 15.6 3.70 2.70 ET 10.20 19.40 PF P8 PV PF PE PV PF PE PV PF PE PV PF PE PV PF PE PV PF P8 PV PF PE PV PF PE PV PF PE PV 43 42 44 20 44 43 45 44 BD 45 BS BD DOM BS BOR DOM 45 46 46 19 1.191 TL 19.40 1.291 PL 78,40 150 FTG 7E4T 0.171 TL 146.30 FIXED PRESSURB I,OSS DEVICE 4.5 pai, 230.6 gpm 0.50 0.50 0.s0 0.0 0.0 Pipe: 38suP 0.0BOR 0.5 H. S. 0.0 0.0 H. S. SRCE 0.0 0.1 -o.2 1.6 0.1 -o.22.5 1.6 -o.20.3 o'l '' '- I spRrNKr,ER sysr'u ""o* u"r"lL"r*Date: 08/28/L994 Page 6 JOB TITL,E! 44 Willolr Place Renote Area *5 NOTES!(1) Calculations rrere performed by the HASS 5.8.0 computer program under licenee no. 8115iI 49 granted by HRS Systema, Inc. 2193 Ranchtood Dr., N.E.Atlanta, GA 30345 (2) The syatem hae been balanced to provide an averageimbalance at each node of 0.004 gprn and a maximum imbalance at any node of 0.142 gprn. (3) Velocity presaurea arenot uaed in balancingis 35.0 fXleec at pipe (4) PIPE FITTINGS TAALE Pipe Table Name: CUSTOM.PIP PAGE: B MATERTAL: Copper HV|C: 150Diameter Equivalent Fitting Lengthg(in)ETLCB Ell Tee 45 Chkvlv Butvlv printed for inforrnation only, and are the eyetem. Maxinum water velocity 29. in FeetGAD GatVIv AlnVlv Dryvlv 0.811 1 .055 T.29L L.527 2.009 2.465 3.00 4.50 1.50 7.60 9.10 1.503.00 7.60 1.50 7.60 9.10 1.504.50 9.10 1.50 10.60 9. 10 1. s06.00 12.L0 3.00 13.60 9. 10 1. s0't.60 1s.10 3.00 16.60 9.10 1.509.10 18.10 4.50 21.10 10.60 1.s0 0.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0 .00 21. 10 2L.L0 t ,,,]., ,;. :O8TIrIA R ST'P 0+ II I I 5+ I 0+*\t\\ I5+ lfillos Place CURVE .:8T8TEII EIDRAI'I,TC Remote Area *5 Page 7 IL 14 P R E s s u R E ( P sI ) 120+ I 105+ 90+ ?5+ 60+ 45+ \\\0\\ x \\ \\ \\ <-62,0 pei 0 705 gpn Fl.os Test Point 30+ 15+ X= 0E LEGEND Required ttater Supply 77.85 psi 0 53s.6 gpn Available ttater Supply 95.08 psi € 535.6 gpln 200 300 400 s00 600 FLOW 700 (GPM) 800 900 1000 8p8 888 888 \)o 6-.888 r -. i tr Nc 6lb ), )-\r,\\ "c)i$ tr | \l8**l\ " th, u) \6:. .00)n N l+t. u t G\t rj1 ,R 'n(-o( ^., -<: -r-J- aoo I -6)JTt> \4:.> c a c l\,A@n 888 ; 2 2 o ->.i ! ;ox I ; !oo F oat 3tt r 5 h R \ ..to> HTDRAT{T ES'r . HYDRAIIT AVAILABLE,rr* DATE: 10/1./q3 TltlE: N/A STATIC: RESIDUAT: 160 TESTED 62 CORRECTED FLOW BY FIRE DEPARII{ENT.TEST MADE: 160 62 1 ,510 Q Lrieur fltt <p PSI STATICPSI RESIDUAL FLOWING CORRECIED FLOIJ: LESS CORRECTED FIPW IS 160 PSI STATIC - 15 PSr d*+======= 145 PSI STATIC FL0W 0F 1,510 GPM NOW 145 PSI STATIC .$aa + 705 GPM 62 PSI RESIDUAL FLOW 705 GPM. BY. DENNIS GALVIN ffi comelere I ? 3 4 5 GP}I PsI AT 42 West Meadow Driae Vail, Colorado 81657 t 0 t -47 9-22t 0 August 4, 1994 Raymond GiblerAll-State Fire protectLon 6045 East 76th Avenue, # fZ Commerce City, Colorado BOO22 *ry:e.#r #;ffiE ' ! ::r'" By' Ti.,,. i .l -7-tqb 1. The correct address is 44 Wlllow Road.adJacent street. !its: .'a?f ?, -_t731_ Snu L.tf"( a-7-1<l Wlllow Place is an Res FJ-re sprLnkler plan subnittal for 44 willow place, Vail co. Dear Mr. Gibler: r have revlewed the prans, hydrauric calcuratione, andequipment cut sheets subnitted for'perfrit for 44 wittow prace. Theprans, calculatLons and the equiprne-nt tist are Nor AppRovED for duecause. The specifLc errors and issues of concern identifiea in ourreview are as follows: 2. The state Plan Registration Form is rnissing the date, the nameand address of the generar contractor, the name and ad.dress ofthe -owner, and -the zip code. The description of the work isa l-lttle too sirnple. The crpace provlded roi tne state FireProtection contractor r s Registration Number has youf "ifi.4;;;versus your contractorrs number. 3. Equlpnent cut sheets do not incrude r-nfornation on thesLdewarl headsr. frashing light and horn requirea for the frowindicator, or tamper sw-itchles. No cut sheets were provid.edfor the FDc.. Ararn be].rs,. as indicated on tne cut sheLts,-;;;not.approved for use within the Town of vail per ordin.t." i,Series of 1983. 4. The.plans and cuts sheets indicate.an unspecified pressurerelief valve is to be installed. This has riot been drscussedwith the Ftre legartment, no proven need. has been showr, ,oit u" the specific varve, s-etting or rninufacturer beenldentlfied. - 5. The hydraull_c calculations show a Node 17 on Area l, plpe S4.r was not able to find or read any point on LrrL -prins indicating a Node L7. The calculatfon! inoiciie-ih"-;i;;length is 105.4 feet of r inch with a negative flow of e ipi.Revlew of hydraulic calcul_atlons wa" "uJfJntea. Fire Sprinkler Plan Review 44 WiLlow Road Page 2 6. The plans show a single I l/2 inch FDC for which there is nocut sheet. (A single I I/2 inch FDC will not be approved. ) 7. Town of VaiI Municipal Code, Section 15.02, a.k.a. UniformBuilding Code (199r edition), Section 3sor(d) Exception 3.,precludes any reduction of the level of safety, coverage, orany reduction that nay affect the level of performance whenthe fire sprinkler system is belng installed under anvexception to Chapter 5. Few if any exceptions to Nfpa fg i,are allowed. 8. The frow test data has not been substantiated. No infornationwas provided regarding who performed the test, when it wastaken, where it was taken from, or any other means ofverification. rnitial review indicates the flow and pressuresare too high for peak dernand. Vail Fire Departrneit cannotprovide flow data. 9. rnformation obtained by the Vait Fire Department indicates thesupply to the building is not a 2il Type K copper llne. 10. The. plans show residentiaL sprinkler heads tn the garage.sprinkler heads must be installed within the limitations-oftheir listing(s). 11. The garage areas must be calculated at Ord. Group I (rnin.),and designed per NFPA 13. L2. The use of a 2rr soLenoid valve to shut off the d.omestiq watersupply is not approved. No data suggests there wirr even beenough water available to trip the fl-ow switch (assuming theflow switch is the intended means of activating the solen5id;.Per the AHJ, fire frow carculations must aao tne dornesticdemand to the fire frow demand for permission to use acombinatlon water supply. 13. The inspectorrs test valve and assenrbly nust be located at aremote location, not at the riser. l-4. A fj-re sprinkler head is required in the elevator pit. 15. Plans must show- ceiling erevation, obstructions (lightfixtures), bean depth, slope, and information requirLa -by Section 2-1.L.2 (NFPA 13 R, 94 ed.). 16. No sprinklers are shown at the bottom of the stairsi there isno indication as to whether the stairs are combustible or not,or if there is enclosed storage space beneath. Flre Sprinkler PIan Review44 Willow Road Page 3 17. Notations on the plans show {3/4tt Dn x ?16rr}, lL L/2t Dn x 5-OJ, {3/4.,, Dn x 5-2 L/21 , a}l from the celllng of the garage.These pipes, if insi,alled according to the -ptan, woita iotprovide continuity to the piping and would leave'the end ofthe pipe several inches above the floor of the storage roonsand the mechanical roorn. 18. sprinkler heads in the nechanical roorn shourd be ninlnun 30degrees above anbient temperature. use of l6E degree heads isquestionable. 19. rnstallation of an automatic barr drlp (for the FDC) belowgrade lE not approved. 20. fhe location of the FDc is not approved due to obstructLons.ElevatLon of the FDC l-s not shown. Uae of L L/Zn hoseconnection Ls not approved. 2L. The use of aLl roome Ls not lndlcated. 22. Bath rooms and crosete are not exernpt per uBc 3gol(d) Ex. 3. Plan review was terninated before conpretion. Additlonalissues. may arl-se. rt is incunbent upon the contractor andreviewing. engineer (pE or NrcET rrr) tb identify and correctdeficiencles- prlor _to subrnlttrng the' plans for plrnit. iran"shouLd also be eubnltted to the archltect and/or pioject engineerprior to subnlttlng for pernlt. rf you deslre clarification or wish to discuss these issues,please contact us. SJ-ncere1y, Michael McGeeFire Marshat FSSI Cert. 9I-006 cc: Steve Kyle c/o All-State Tom Fry, Architect Gary Murrain, Chief Buildinq OfflcialDick Duran, Fire Chief .'.. 4 ALI..YTATE FIRE PROTECNON INC 6U5 E TCTHAUE #T2 @MMERCE qTT, COLOMDO 80022 pltor..: (30il 28e3901 fc: (Jo3) 2t&re36,Rm1 lLji, J lgU TRANSMITTALLETITR ,J\ . DATE: THESE ARE BEWG STTBA{INED FO8.( ) YOIRRECOnDS( ) YOIRATIROVAL ()@. COMMENTS: ) FORJOBCOORTTMATION ) IToRAIPROIrAL BYARCETTECT Z) /:-,q4t/3 "/,-/ ',( W ARE EIVCI.(NINC LUE FOLINWII{G: DESCRIPIION ''' Tfi fi ,'rt'#3'I ?.3. oitf "' 1000 South Frontage Road West vArL. coLoRADo 81657 LtrTTtrlDF TRASSSnflmTAL '^" 6.f -?4 l'""'"n&go"t"t'o)-t 1., Sr*atela-=ZT/tnu.u"rzu wE ARE sENDTNG You lnttacnea n Shop drawings ! n under separate cover via //*f(A the following items: ! Change order n ! Plans ! Samples n Specifications ! Copy of letter (303) 476-4433 FAX (303) 476.4608 COPIES DATE NO.DESCRIPTION /TrPta-t aeoe t+zutta M/zs fuE P+g nttn+z- E*,uh'ze^s THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: I For approval f,Fo. vo* ur" [] As requested Xr", review and comment . N FOR BIDS DUE D n ! tr Approved as submitted Approved as noted Returned for corrections ! Resubmit -copies for approval ! Submit - copies for distribution n Return - corrected prints L9 - ! PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS coev ro H4 .D^ REoYOLED PAPEF5,) Contents; +0",'. Pre-Consi]m€r. 1096 Posl_Consumer SIGNED: tl enclosurea are not aa noted, klndly ootlly us at once- /xto- €0UBLE rtl- WITH INSERTS 3' 0,, DOOR DETAIL PLAN SHOWING POSSIBLE MACHINE ROOM LOCATIONS _.. (usE THls Toffic-H lN PIPING AnRANGIIIE{I)V &,,trr r'- I t 31d{3 +ENI.ARGED CORNI fOR $BFRAIE MIJNG SL! d t-,trrrt alGto tdtD at e aar ira r arr rl ul -l I I SECTION THROUGH OPENING ALL_STATE FIRE PROTECTION, INC. 6045 E. 76TH AVE., tt2 CoMMERCE CrTY, CO. 80022 44 IIII.',IJOW PLACEvArL, coLoRADO FILE NT'MBER: WILIOW1 7 /27 /94 REMOTE AREA #1 -DESIGN DATA- OCCIIPAIICY CIASSIFICATION: NFPA 13R DIIELL,ING TYPE OF SPRINKLERS: CENTRAL OPTI}'A RESIDENTIAL CONCEALED PENDENTS BASIS OF COVEF"AGE: 20 ft. x 20 ft. rUUbgN OF SPRINKIJERS CAICUI,ATEDs 2 hEAdS MTNIUt'l.l GPU REQUIRED pER SPRINKLERz L7.0 gpn TOTAL, SPRINKLER WATER rLOW REQUIRED: 34.2 gpm TOTAL WATER REQUIRED (including hose): 34.2 gpnr FIO!{ AllD PRESSI'RE (e BOR): 34.2 gpm e 61.0 pai SPRINKLER ORIFICE SIZE: 7/16 inch NAl.lE OF CONTRACTOR: ALL-STATE FIRE PROTECTION, INC. DESIGN/I.AYOUT BY: STEVT] KYIJE AUTHORITI HAVING iTURISDICTION: VAIL FIRE PREVENTION CALCULATIONS BY HASS COMPUTER PROGRAM HRS SYSTEMS, rNC, ATLANTA, GA ,"*t"r* sYsrEM HrDRAnLrc ^*t,Date: O'l /27 /L994 JOB TITLET 44 Willow Place Remote Area *1 YTATER SUPPLY DATA Page 1 wrLl.ovtl SOURCE STATTC NODE PRESS. TAG (PSI) suP L22.0 RESID. FI.,OYI PRESS. E (Psr ) (GPM) 111.0 3500.0 AGGREGATE FI,O!{ ANALYSIS: TOTAL FLOW AT SOURCE TOTAL HOSE STREA}I ALIOWANCE OTHER HOSE STREAM ALIOWANCES TOTAL DISCHARGE FROM ACTIVE AVAIL. PRESS. € (Psr ) L22.0 1!OTAL DEUAND (GPM) 34.2 REQ'D PRESS. (Psr ) 62.4 AT SOURCE SPRINKIARS 34.2 0.0 0.0 34.2 GPM GPM GPM GPM NODE ANALYSIS DATA NODE TAG ELEVATION (FT) PRESSI'RE DISCI1ARGE(PSr) (GPM) 1 2 4 10 16 L7 18 19 20 2L 22 BOR BS BD SUP 34.3 38.9 39.8 36.0 28.0 26.s 21 .5 16 .5 11.5 6.5 9.5 1.0 1.5 1.5 0.0 16.8 L7.5 24.6 27.1 40.7 39.2 43.7 45 .0 48.8 50.8 s1.3 61.0 60.3 s5.8 62.4 L7.2 17 .0 NODE TYPE K= 4.20 K= 4.06 SOURCE 34.2 EQUIVALENT K-FACTOR CALCULATOR Node 9p:. Prees. Pipe dia. pipe Ftgs. Total H-r{ nquiv.Name K-fac. (pei) (in) r.,en.ltt1 - Len.(fr) coef . Kifac. 4.20 16.4 0.811 0.50 5.00 150 4.06 ,"*t"r* sYsrEM HTDRAur.rc **t, Q(GPM) DIA(IN) LENGTH PT DrSC. VEL(FPS) HW(C) (PSr ) (GPM) F.L. /FT (Fr) 17 .5 16.8 Date: 07 /-27 /L994 JOB TITLE z 44 Willow Place Remote Area #1 PIPE DATA Page 2 PIPE TAG END ELEV. NOZ. NODES (FT) (K) Pipe: I 2 38.9 4.t1 34.3 4.2 PRESS. strM. (PSr ) Pipe: 239.8 0.0 24.638.9 4.t 17. s L7 .2 17 .0 L0 ,7 L?.2 34.20.0 t2.6 17.0 34.20.0 L2.6 0.0 -8.00.0 2.9 0.0 34.20.0 12.6 0.0 8.00.0 2.0 0.0 -5.20.0 1.9 0.0 26.20.0 6.4 0.0 L3.20.0 3 .2 0.0 t3.20.0 3 .2 0.0 2l.o0.0 5.1 0.0 2L.O0.0 5.1 0.0 34.20.0 6.0 0.0 0.E1l PL 8.90 150 FTG E 0.229 TL 11.90 1.0ss PL 26.90 150 FTG 2E 0.226 rL 32.90 1.055 PL 150 FtlG 0.226 TL 3.80 3.80 PF PE PV PF PE PV PF PE PV PF PE PV PF PE PV PF PE PV PF PE PV PF PE PV PF PE PV PF PE PV PF PE PV PF PE PV PF PE PV 2.7 2.0 0.8 7.4 0.4 1.1 0.9 -1. 6 1.1 2.L -0.60.1 8.0 -4.11.1 o.2 -2.40.0 0.8 -2.20.0 1.5 -4.30.3 0.8 -4.30.1 1.6 -0.9 0.1 t.4 -4.3o.2 1.8 1.3 o.2 1.1 -3 .5 o.2 10 4 Pipe: 3 36.0 39.8 Pipe: 4 26.5 28.0 Pipe: 5 26.5 36.0 Pipe: 6 2L.5 28. O Pipe: 7 16.5 2L.s Pipe: 8 16. s 26.s Pipe: 9 11.5 21 .5 Pipe:10 9.5 11.s Pipe: 11 5.5 16. s Pipe: Lz 9.5 6.5 Pipe: 13 1.5 9.5 1.oss PL 105.40 150 FTG 6E2T 0.01s rL 138.60 1.oss PL 17.00 150 FIDG EzX o.226 TL 35.20 1.291 PL 16.00 150 FTG ET 0.006 TL 29.60 1.055 PL 84. 60 150 FTG 5E2T 0.007 TL 114.80 1.291 PL 11.50 150 TTG 2ET 0.0s2 TL 29.60 1.291 PL 33.10 150 FTG E2T 0.015 TL 55.80 1.291 PL 83.90 150 FTG 2E2T 0.015 TL 111.10 1.291 PL 18.80 150 FTG E2T 0.034 TL 41.5.0 1.291 PL 34.60 150 FTG 2ET 0.034 TL 52.70 r.527 PL 16.80 150 FBG 2E 0.037 TL 28.80 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 27.L 24.6 39.2 40.7 39.2 27.L 43.7 40.7 4s.0 43.7 4s.0 39.2 48.8 43.7 51.3 48.8 50.8 4s. 0 s1.3 50.8 55.8 s1. 3 17 16 L7 10 18 15 19 18 19 L7 20 18 22 20 2L t9 22 2L BD 22 ,"*l*""* sYsrEM HyDRAUr.,rc **l,,Date: 07 /27 /L994 JOB TITLEz 44 Willow Place Remote Area f1 PIPE DATA (cont. ) PIPE TAGEND ELEV. NOZ. PT DrSC. VEL(FPS) HW(C) (Fr) Sttu. NODES (Fr) (K) (PSr) (GPM) F.L./FT (PSr ) Pipe: L4 FIXED PRESSURE LOSS DEVICEBs l.s 0.0 60.3 0.0 4.5 psi, 34.2 gpnBD 1.s 0.0 5s.8 0.0 Pipe:15 34.2 L.s27 PL 0.s0 PF 0.5 BOR 1.0 0.0 61.0 0.0 6.0 150 FTG T PE -0.2BS 1.5 0.0 60.3 0.0 0.037 TL 12.60 PV 0.2 Pipe: 16 34.2 1.959 PL 61.00 PF 0.9sup 0.0 sRcE 62.4 (N/A) 3.6 1s0 FTG 24.20 PE -0.4BOR 1.0 0.0 61.0 0.0 0.011 TL 8s.20 PV 0.1 NOTES:(1) Calculatione were performed by the HASS 5.8.0 computer program under license no. 8115J 49 granted by HRS Systen8, Inc. 2193 Ranchwood Dr., N.E.Atlanta, GA 30345 (2) The system hae been balanced to provide an average inbalance at each node of 0.006 gpn and a maxj-uum inbalance at any node of 0.079 gpn. (3) velocity preseure€r are printed for information only, and arenot used iu balancing the system. Maxinum water velocityie 12.6 ft-/eec at pipe 3. (4) PIPE FITTINGS TABLE Pipe Table Name: CUSTOM.PIP PAGE: B MATERIAL: Copper HWC: 150Diameter Equivalent Fitting Lengthe in Feet(in)ETLcBGADEll Tee 45 Chkvlv Butvlv Gatvlv AlnVlv Dryvlv 0.811 3.00 4.50 1.s0 7.60 9.10 1.s0 0.00 0.001.055 3.00 7.60 1.s0 7.60 9.10 1.s0 0.00 0.00L.29L 4.s0 9.10 1.50 10.60 9.10 1.s0 0.00 0.00L.527 6.00 12.10 3.00 13.60 9.10 1.s0 0.00 0.00 Page 3 Q(GPU) DIA(IN) I.,ENGTH PRESS. ,"*t""* s'srEr,r HrDRAur,rc **t,Dates O?1271L994 itOB TftLEt 44 tlillow Place Rernote Area *l IIASER SI'PPLT CURVE 180+ 165+ 150+ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\, \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ 111.0 Pei € 3500 gPn-> * FIow Teet Point Page 4 ir* 35+ I I0\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ 20+ I I I 05+ 90+ I75+ I P1 R B ssl tt R E ( P sI ) x 6O+ {5+ I,EGEND = Required Water Supply 62.411 psi t 34.2 gpm - Available Water Supply122.00 psi 0 34.2 gpn 30+ l5+ 8001200 1600 2000 3200 3500 40002400 2800 Frorf (GPu) ALI-STATE FIRE PROTECTION, INC. 6045 E. 76TIt AVE., *12 CoMMERCE CrTY, CO. 80022 HYDR,AULIC CALCT'LATIONS FOR 44 }IILtOW PLACE VAIL, COLORADO FILE NI,!4BER: WILLOTI2 7 /27 /94 REMOTE AREA *2 -DESIGN DATA- OCCUPADICY CLASSIFICATION: IIFPA 13R DWELLING IYPE OF SPRINKLERS: CENTR"AL, OPTIMA RESIDENTIAL CONCEALED PENDENTS BASIS OF COVERAGES 20 ft. x 20 ft. NTMBER OF SPRINKLERS CALCULATED: t heade UINIMTM GPU REQUIRED PER SPRINKLERT 24.0 gpn TOTAL SPRINKLER I{ATER. FLOW REQUIRED: 24.0 gprn TOTAL WATER REQUIRED (including hose) z 24.0 gpn FIJO{ AND PRESSITRE (e BOR) z 24.0 gpn e 79.3 psi SPRINKLER ORIFICE SIZE: 7/L6 inch NA!!E Or CONTRACIOR: ALIJ-STATE FIRE PROTECTION, INC. DESIGT{/LR,YOUT BY: STEVB KYLE AUTIIORTTY HAVING JURISDICTIOU: VAIL FIRE PREVENTIOII CALCI'LATIONS BY HASS CO}IPUTER PROGRAM HRS SYSTEMS, INC. ATLANTA, GA ,"*?*""* sYsrBu HYDRArrrrc ***,Date: 07/27/1994 JOB TITLE: 44 tJillow Place WATER SUPPLY DATA SOURCE STATIC RESID. NODE PRESS. PRESS.TAG (PSr) (PSr) suP L22.O 111.0 Renote Area *2 FIOW e (GPM) 3500.0 AVAIL. PRESS. E (Psr) L22.0 Page 1 WILLOW2 TOTAL DEMAND (GPM) 24.0 REQ'D PRESS. (Psr ) 80. 3 AGGFAGATE FLOW ANALYSIS: TOTAL FLOTI AT SOURCE TOTAL HOSE STRSAI{ AIJI'OWAIICE OTHER ITOSE STREA}I AI,IS{A}ICES TOTAI DISCHARGE FROM ACTIVE AT SOURCE SPRINKLERS 24.0 0.0 0.0 24.0 GPM GPM GPI'! GPM NODE AIIALYSIS DATA NODE TAG ELEVATTON (FT) PRESSURE DISCIIARGE(Psr) (GPM) 3 4 10 16 t7 18 19 20 2L 22 BOR BS BD SUP 39.1 39.8 36.0 28.0 26.5 2L.5 16.5 11.5 6.5 9.5 1.0 1.5 1.5 0.0 32.7 50.2 52.3 61.0 60. s 63.9 65.6 68.6 70.7 70.3 79.3 ?8.9 74.4 80.3 24.0 NODE TYPE K= 4.20 souRcE 24.0 Date: o7 /27 /Lss4'"*t""* sYsrEM HTDRAULT. **1" JOB TITLET 44 Willow Place Remote Area *2 PIPE DATA PIPE TAG Q(GPM) DIA(IN) I.,ENGTHEND ELEV. NOZ. PT DrSC. VEL(FPS) nW(C) (FT) NODES (FT) (K) (PSr) (cPM) F.L./FT Page 2 Pipe: 14 39 .8 0.03 39. 1 4.2 24.O 0.811 PL 0.0 t4.9 1s0 FTG24.0 0.422 tL 24.0 1.055 PL0.0 8.8 150 FTG 0.0 0.117 TL 3.80 -5.6 1.055 PL 105.40 PF 0.0 2.t 150 FTG 6E2T PE 0.0 0.008 TL 138.60 PV 24.0 1.055 PL 17.00 PF 0.0 8.8 150 FTG Ezt PE 0.0 0. 117 TIJ 35.20 PV 5.6 L.29L PL 16.00 PFO.O I.4 150 FTG ET PE 0.0 0.003 Tr., 29 .60 Pv -3.6 1.055 PL 84.60 0.0 1.3 150 FTG 5E2T0.0 0.004 TL 114.80 18.4 1.291 PL 11.500.0 4.5 150 FTG zET0.0 0.027 Tr, 29.60 25.70 4ET 42.20 3.80 PRESS. st,l,l. (PSr ) PF 17.8 PE 0.3PV 1.5 PF 0.4PE -1.6PV 0.5 Pipe: 10 4 Pipe: L? 16 Pipe: 17 10 Pipe: 18 16 Pipe: L9 18 Pipe: 19 L7 Pipe: 20 18 Pipe: 22 20 Pipe: 2L 19 Pipe: 22 2L Pipe: 2 36.0 39 .8 3 26.5 28.0 4 26.s 36.0 5 2t.5 28.0 6 16. s2t.s 7 16.5 26.s 8 11.5 2L.5 9 9.5 t1 .5 10 6.5 15.5 11 9.5 6.5 t2 1.5 9.5 13 1.5 1.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 50.2 32.7 52.3 50.2 60.5 51.0 60. s s2.3 63.9 61.0 6s.6 63.9 65.6 60.s 68.6 63.9 ?0.3 68. 6 70.7 65.6 70.3 70.7 7 4.4 70.3 78.9 7 4.4 1.1 -0.6 0.0 4.L -4.L 0.5 0.1 -2.80.0 PF 0.4PE -2.2PV 0.0 PF PE PV 0.8 -4.30.1 0.4 -4.30.0 9.3 L.29L PL 33.10 PF0.0 2.3 150 FlrG E2T PE0.0 0.008 TL 55.{t0 Pv 9.3 I.29L PL 83.900.0 2.3 1s0 rTG 2E2T0.0 0.008 Tr 111.10 L4.7 L.29L Pr. 18.800.0 3.6 150 FTG Ezr0.0 0.018 TL 41.50 PF 0.8PE -0.9PV 0.0 PF O.7PE -4.3PV 0.1 L1.? 1.291 PL 34.60 PF0.0 3.6 150 FTG 2Et PE0.0 0.018 TL 52.70 PV 0.9 1.3 0.1 BD 22 BS BD 24.0 L.527 PL 16.80 PF 0.60.0 4.2 150 FTG 2E PE -3.50.0 0.019 TL 28.80 PV 0.1 FIXED PRESSUFA I,OSS DEVICE0.0 4.5 psi, 24.0 gpn 0.0 Pipe: ,"*Qo"* sYsrEM HyDRAnLrc **Q*Date: 07 /27 /L994 ,'tOB TITLEz 44 Willow Place Remote Area 12 PIPE DATA (cont. ) PIPE TAG A(GPM) DIA(IN) I,ENGTHEND ELEV. NOZ. PT DrSC. VEL(FPS) HW(C) (FT) NODES (FT) (K) (PSr) (GPM) F.L./FT Page 3 PRESS. ST'M. (Psr ) Pipe: L4BOR 1.0 0.0 79 .3 0.0BS 1. s 0.0 78.9 0.0 Pipe: 15SUP O.O SRCEBOR 1.0 0.0 24.0 L.527 PL 0.504.2 150 FTG T 0.019 TL L2.60 24.0 1.959 PL 61.0080.3 (N/A) 2.6 150 FTG 24.2079.3 0.0 0.006 TL 85.20 PF PE PV PF PE PV 0.2 -0.20.1 0.5 -0. 4 0.0 NOTES:(1) Calculations were performed by the ITASS 5.8.0 computer prognam under licenee no. 8115J 49 granted by HRS Systene, Inc. 2193 Ranchwood Dr., N.E.Atlanta, cA 30345 (2) Bhe systen baE been balanced to provide an averageinbalance at each node of 0.014 gpm and a maximum i:nbalance at aay node of 0.188 gprn. (3) Velocity preesurea are printed for information only, and arenot used in balancing the system. Maxirnurn water velocityie 14.9 ftlaec at pJ-pe 1. (4) PrPE FITTINGS TABIJE Pipe Tab1e Name: CUSTOM.PIP MATERIAL: Copper llWC: 150Eguivalent Fitting Length8 in FeetETLCBGADEtl Tee 45 ChkVlv ButVlv GatVl.v AInVlv DryVlv 3.00 4.s0 1.s0 7.60 9.10 1.503.00 7.60 1.50 7.60 9.10 1.504.50 9.10 1. s0 10.60 9.10 1.50 6. 00 12 . 10 3.00 13. 60 9.10 1. s0 PAGE: B Diameter ( in) 0 .811 1.055L.29t L.s27 0.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.00 ,r**"r* sYsrEu HTDRAI'.,r. **Q* Date: 071271L994 gOS ffTLs-z 44 tflllow Place Remote Area *2 TIATER ST'PPLY CI'RVE 180+ Page { \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ 111.0 Pei t 3500 gPn-> * Flow Teet Point 135+ I 6rrrrrrru\\\\\\\ P120+RlElsl 9105+ulRlEl 90+(lPlsxr ?5+)l 165+ 150+ 60+ 45+ 30+LEGEND X *.Required ttater Supply 80.26 pei 0 24,O gp'rr 0 - Available l,later Supply 122.00 psi 0 24.0 gPr 2400 2800 rl{rw (GPl{) 8001200 1600 2000 3200 3600 4000 o ALL-STATE PIRE PRCITECTION, INC. 6045 E. 76TH AVE., *12 CoMMERCE CrTY, CO. 80022 HYDRAULIC CALCT'LATIONS FOR 44 WILLOW PLACEVAIL, COLORADO FILE NI'MBER: WILLOW3 7 /27 /94 REMOTE AREA *3 -DESIGN DATA- OCCUPA}ICY CLASSIFICATION; NF.PA 13R DWELLING TYPE OF SPRINKTJERS: CENTRAIJ OPTIMA RESIDENTIAL CONCEALED PENDENTS BASIS OF COVERAGE: 20 ft. x 20 ft. NI'MBER OT SPRINKLERS CALCUI,ATED: 3 heads I'IINIMW GPM REQUIRED PER SPRINKLERz L7.0 gpn TOTAL SPRINKLER WATER FLOW REQUIRED: 52.4 gpn TOTAL WATER REQUIRED (including hose): 52.4 gpn rl,ow AIID PRESSURE (e BOR): 52.4 gpru e 83.s psi SPRINKLER ORIFICE SIZE: 7/L6 inch NAI,IE OF CONTRACTOR: ALL-STATE FIRE PROTECTION, INC. DESTSN//I,AYOUT BY! STEVE KYIJE AUTHORITY HAVING JI'RISDICTION: VAIL FIRE PREVENTION CALCUI,ATIONS BY ITASS COMPUTER PROGRAI,I HRS SYSTEMS, INC. ATLANTA, GA ,"t*r* sYsrEu HYDRA.LT. **?r,Date: 07 /2? /L994 JOB TITLEz 44 t{illow Place Remote Area *3 WATER SUPPLY DATA Page 1 I{ILIJOW3 SOURCE STATIC NODE PRESS.TAG (PSI) suP L22.0 RESID. FI,OW PRESS. 8(Psr) (GPM) 111.0 3s00.0 AVAIL. PRESS. E (Psr ) L22.0 TlOTAL DEMAND (GPu) 52.4 REQ'D PRESS. (PSr ) 86.0 AGGREGATE FLOTI ANALISIS: TOTAT FLOW AT SOI'RCE TOTAI, HOSE STREAI,I ALLOI{ANCE OTHER HOSE STREAM ALIOWAITCES TOTAL DISCI1ARGE FROM ACTIVE ANALYSIS DATA TAG NODE TYPE K= 4.20 K= 4.20 K= 4.20 sottRcE AT SOURCE SPRlNKLERS 52.4 0.0 0.0 s2.4 GPM GPM GPM GPt! NODE NODE 5 6 7I 9 10 16 L7 18 19 20 2L 22 BOR BS BD suP ELEVATION(rr) 36.6 . 3?.5 3?.5 36.6 37.s 36. O 28. O 26.5 21.5 16. s 11. s 6.5 9.5 1.0 1.5 1.5 0.0 PRESSI'RE (PSr ) 16.4 18.6 20.5 16.8 20.8 32.5 s8.1 54.1 61.3 61.8 67.5 69.2 7L.9 83.5 82.2 77 .7 86. 0 DISCI1ARGE (GPM) L7.O 18. 1 L7.2 52.4 PIPE TAGEND ELEV. NOZ. NODES (FT) (K) ,"*t"r* sYsrEM HyDRAUr,rc **lr" Q(GPM) DIA(IN) LENGTHPT DrSC. VEL(FPS) m{(C)(PSr) (GPM) F.L./Fr (FT) 0.811 PL 6.70 150 FTG 3ET 0.223 rL 20.20 0.811 PL 1.50 150 FTG 2E 0.251 TL 7.50 Page 2Date: 07 /27 /L994 itOB IITLEz 44 Willow Place Remote Area *3 PIPE DATA PRESS. SI'M. (PSr ) Pipe: 1 1?.0 37 .5 0.0 20.5 0.0 10.636.6 4.2 16.4 17.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 4.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 20. 8 20,5 20.8 16.8 32.5 20.8 54. 1 58. I s4. 1 32.s 61.3 58. 1 61.8 61.3 61.8 54.1 67.5 61.3 ?L.9 67.5 69.2 61.8 1. 30 1 .30 4.5 o.4 0.8 1.9 0.0 0.9 0.3 0.0 1.1 4.4 0.4 0.8 11.0 -0. 6 2.5 4.7 -0.60.1 17 .5 -4.L2.5 0.4 -2.80.1 L.7 -2.20.1 3.4 -4.30.6 1.8 -4.30.2 3.6 -0.9o.2 3.1 -4.30.4 PF PE PV PF PE PV PF PE PV PF PE PV PF PE PV PF PE PV PF PE PV PT PE PV PF PE PV PF PE PV PF PE PV PF PE PV PF PE PV Pipe: 237.5 0.0 20.537.5 4.2 18. 6 18.10.0 11.3 18. 1 35. 10.0 12.9 0.0 L7.20.0 10.7 L7.2 52.30.0 L9 .2 0.0 -L2.30.0 4.5 0.0 s2.30.0 L9 .2 0.0 L2.30.0 3.0 0.0 -7 .90.0 2.9 0.0 40.10.0 9.8 0.0 20.20.0 5.0 0.0 20.20.0 5.0 0.0 32.L0.0 7 .9 0.0 1.055 PL 150 FTG 0.237 tL 10 9 L7 16 L7 10 18 16 19 18 19 t? ?.o 18 22 20 2L 19 Pipe: 3 37.5 37.5 Pipe: 4 37.5 36.6 Pipe: 5 36.0 37.s Pipe: 6 26.5 28.O Pipe: 7 26.5 36. O Pipe: 8 2L.5 28.O Pipe: 9 16. s 2L.5 Pipe: 10 16. s 26.s Pipe:11 11.5 21.5 Pipe:12 9.5 11.5 Pipe: 13 6.5 16. s 0.811 PL 5.70 150 FTG 3ET 0.229 TL L9.20 1.055 PL 8.60 150 FTG zET 0.497 TL 22.20 1.055 PL 105.40 150 FTG 6E2I 0.034 TL 138.60 1.055 PL 17.00 150 FTG E2T 0.497 TL 35.20 1.291 Pr 16.00 150 FTG ET 0.013 TL 29.60 1.055 PL 84. 60 150 FTG 5E2T 0.01s TL 114.80 1.291 Pr 11.50 150 FTG 2ET 0.113 TL 29.60 1.291 PL 33.10 i5O FTG E2T 0.032 Tr 55.80 1.291 PL 83.90 150 FTG 2E2T 0.032 TL 111.10 1.291 Pt 18.80 150 TTG E2T 0.075 TL 41.50 Date: 07 /27 /L994 JOB TITIE. 44 Willow Place Remote Area *3 PIPE DATA (cont. ) PIPE TAGEND 8LEV. NOZ. NODES (FT) (K) Pipe: L4 22 9.5 0.0 2L 6. s 0.0 Pipe:15BD 1.5 0.0 77.7 0.022 9 .5 0.0 7t.9 0.0 Pipe: 16BS 1.5 0.0 82 .2BD 1.5 0.0 77 .7 Page 3 52.3 t.s27 PL 16.80 PF 2.49.2 150 FTG 2E PE -3.5 0.082 TL 28.80 PV 0.6 Pipe: L7 BOR 1.0 0.0 BS 1.5 0.0 52.3 L.527 PL 0.500.0 9.2 150 FTG T0.0 0.082 TL 12.60 52.4 1.959 PL 61.005.6 1s0 FTG 24.20 0.024 tL 8s.20 83.5 82.2 PF 1.0 PE -0.2PV 0.6 PF 2.IPE -o.4PV O.2 Pipe: 18suP 0.0 sRcE 86.0 (N/A)BOR 1.0 0.0 83.s 0.0 NOTES:(1) Calculations were performed by the HASS 5.8.0 computer program under licenee no. 8115J 49 granted by HRS Systems, Inc. 2193 Ranchwood Dr., N.E.Atlanta, GA 30345 (2) The system has been balanced to provide an average imbalance at each node of 0.009 gpm and a maximum imbalance at anlr node of -0.138 gpn. (3) Velocity preseurea are printed for infornation only, and arenot used in balancing the eyetem. Maxirnum water velocityis 19.2 ftleec at pipe 5. sptxr,sn sYsrEM HYDRArrtrc *o,lt, Q(GPM) DIA(IN) LENGTH PRESS. PT DrSC. VEL(FPS) HW(C) (Fr) SttU. (PSr) (GPM) F.L./FT (PSr) 32.1 1.291 PL 34.60 PF 4.0 7L.9 0.0 7 .9 150 FTG 2ET PE 1. 3 69.2 0.0 0.075 Tr 52.70 PV 0.4 FIXED PRESSURE LOSS DEVICE0.0 4.5 psi, 52.3 gpm 0.0 Dare: o7/2x/Lss1'"*!k** s'srEl{ HYDRAI'LT. * '1" " itOB lrITLE: 4l Willos Place Remte Area *3 (4) PIPE FITTINGS TA8L,E Pipe Table Name: CUSBO!,I.PIP PAGE: B Diameter(in) 0.811 1.055 1.291 L.527 MATERfAL: Copper EtfC: 150 Equivalent Fitting LengrEhs in FeetETI,CBGAD8ll Tee 45 ChkVIv ButVlv Gawlv AlnVIv DqA/lv t 'I* : 3.00 4.50 1.50 7.60 9.103.00 7.60 1.50 7.60 9.104.s0 9.10 1.50 10.60 9.106.00 12.10 3.00 13.50 9.10 1.50 1.50 1.50 1 .50 0.00 0.000.00 0.000.oo 0.000.00 0.00 ,rt*r* srsr'M HYDRAUT,T. n*lr*Date! 07/271L994 JOB TIIIL,E z 44 tfillow Place Renote Area *3 IIATER SUPPLY CURT'E 180+ 165+ 150+ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\111.0 Pai t 3500 g1m-> * FIow Teat Point Page 5 135+ I I0\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ 120+ I I I 105+ I I I90+x P R I s s u R E ( P s I ) 75+ I60+ IJEGEND ,15+ I 30+ X = Required Water Supply 85.97 psi € 52.4 gpn 0 = Available l{ater Supply 122.00 pei 0 52.r[ gpn 15+ 8001200 1600 2000 3200 3600 40002400 2800 FIjO!{ (GPM) ALL-STAIE FIFJ PROTECTION, INC. 6045 E. 76TH AVE., *L2 couMERcE crTy, co. 80022 HYDRAUIJIC CALCULATIONS FOR 44 WILIOVT PI,ACE vArL, coLoRADO FILE NI'![BER: WILI,OW4 7 /27 /94 REUOTE ARAA *4 -DESIGN DATA- OCCT'PADICY CLASSIFICATION: PA 13R DYIELLING TYPE OF SPRINKLERS! CENT&AI, OPTIMA RESIDENTIAT, CONCEAIJED PENDENTS BASIS OF COVERAGE: 20 ft. x 20 ft. NTJUBER OF SPRINKLERS CALCUI,ATED: 4 headg MINIMW GPI,T REQUIRED PER SPRINKLER: 17.0 gPN TOTAL SPRINKIJER WATER FL,OI{ REQUIRED: 79.4 gpn TOTAIJ WAIER REQUIRED (including hoee) z 79.4 gpm FI"OW AlrD PRESSURE (e BOR) z 79.4 gpn e 100.6 psi SPRINKLER OR.IFICE SIZE: 7/L6 inch NAI{E OF CONIRACAOR: ALL-STATE FIRE PROTECTION, INC. DESTGN/T,AYOUT BY: STEVE KTLE AUTHORITY IIAVING JURISDICTION: VAIL FIRE PREVENTION CALCULATIONS BY HASS COMPUTER PROGRAI,f HRS SYSTEMS, INC. ATLA}ITA, GA 2L 22 6.5 9.5BOR 1.0 1.5 1.5snP 0.0 souRcE 105.6 79.4 EOUIVAIJENT K-FACTOR CALCUTATOR Node Spr. Press. Pipe dia. Pipe Ftgs. Total H-Yf Equiv.Name K-fac. (pei) (in) Len.(ft) ten.(ft) coef. K-fac. spntRr,en sysrE!.r ryDRAnr,rc **Q* 51 .5 65.9 60. 9 7t.3 71.3 80.4 8s.1 100.6 98.2 93.7 Page I wrLLot{4Date: 07/27/L994 JOB TITLE z 44 ttillow Place Remote Area *4 WATER SIIPPIJY DATA SOURCE STATIC RESID. FLOW AVAIL. TOTAL REQ'D NODE PRESS. PRESS. E PRESS. E DEMA}ID PFSSS.rAG (Psr) (Psr) (GpM) (psr) (GPM) (PSr) sup L22.0 111.0 3500 . O 122.0 79 .4 105. 6 AGGREGATE FI,oI' ANALYSIS : TOTAL AI,OW AT SOURCE 79.4 GPM AOTAL ITOSE STREAM AI.,I'WANCE AT SOURCE O. O GPM OTITER EOSE STREAM AI,I,OWANCES O. O GP!,I IOTAI, DTSCIIARGE FROM ACTIVE SPRINKLERS ?9.4 GPM NODE ANALYSIS DAIA NODE TAG ELEVATION NODE TYPE PRISST'RE DISCEARGE(rr)(PSr) (GPu) 11 36.4 K= 4.20 L6.4 17.OLZ 36.4 K= 4.20 19.4 18.513 36.4 23.sL4 35.5 K= 4.06 25.6 20.515 35.5 K= 4.06 33.0 23.316 28.Ot7 26.518 2L.519 16.520 11.5 BS BD 14,15 4.2O 16.4 0.811 0.50 T 5.00 150 4.06 ,"t*** sYsr'r{ HYDRATTLT. *ot* Q(GPM) DIA(IN) TENGTHNOZ. PT DrSC. VEL(FPS) Hr{(C)(K) (PSr) (GPM) F.L./FT (FT) 1?.0 0.811 PL 19.80 10.6 150 FTG 4E 0.223 tL 31.80 18.s 0.811 Pr 8.000.0 11.s 150 FTG ET18.s 0.261 TL 1s.50 35.5 1.055 PL20.s 13.0 1s0 FTG0.0 0.242 TL 7.10 7. 10 13.20 Page 2Date: 07 /27 /1994 JOB TITLE z 44 t{illow Place Remote Area *4 PIPE DATA PIPE TAGEND ELEV. NODES (FT) 13 t2 Pipe: 74 13 36.4 0.0 23.s36.4 4.2 19.4 PRESS. st'l.f. (PSr) Pipe: 113 36.4 0.0 23.5 0.011 36.4 4.2 L6.4 17.0 Pipe: 2 3 35.5 36 .4 4 35.5 35. 5 4.1 0.0 4.1 4.1 0.0 4.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 25.6 23.s 33.0 25.6 51. s 33.0 65.9 51.5 60.9 51 .5 71.3 60.9 71.3 6s.9 7L.3 60.9 85. 1 7t.3 80.4 7L.3 85. 1 80.4 L3.20 7.L 0.0 0.8 4.L 0.0 0.9 t.? -0 .4 1.1 7.4 0.0 2.8 t5.2 -3.25.7 13.7 -0.6o.4 6.s -2.81.3 8.3 -2.20.3 1.1 -4.3o.2 6.0 -4.30.6 1J?.0 -0.9 0.6 4.8 -4.30.7 6.0 1.3 o.7 PF PE PV PF PE PV PF PE PV PF PE PV PF PE PV PF PE PV PF PE PV PF PE PV PF PE PV PF PE PV PF PE PV PF PE PV PF PE PV 15 L4 16 15 L7 16 18 16 19 18 19 t7 20 18 22 20 2t 19 22 2L Pipe: Pipe: 5 28.0 35.5 Pipe: 6 26.5 28. O Pipe: 7 2L.5 28.0 Pipe: 8 16.5 ZL.5 Pipe: 9 16.5 26.s Pipe: 10 11.5 2L.s Pipe: il 9.5 11.5 Pipe: L2 6.5 16 .5 Pipe:13 9.5 6.5 56.123.3 20.6 20.5 79.40.0 29 .L 23.3 2t.90.0 8.0 0.0 57.50.0 14.1 0.0 18. .4 0.0 6.8 0.0 2L.90.0 5.4 0.0 39.10.0 9 .6 0.0 39. 10.0 9 .6 0.0 40.30.0 9 .9 0.0 40. 30.0 9 .9 0.0 1.05s Pr 150 FBG 0.564 TL 1.055 PL 11.20 150 FTG E 1.073 TL L4.20 1.055 PL 105.40 150 FTG 6E2T 0.099 TL 138.60 L,29L PL 16.00 150 FTG ET 0.221 rt 29 .60 1.055 PL 84.60 150 FTG 5E2T o.072 TL 114.80 1.291 PL 11.50 150 FTG zET 0.037 TL 29.60 1.291 PL 33.10 150 FTG A2T 0.108 TL 55.80 1.291 PL 83.90 150 FTG 4E2T 0.108 TL 120.10 1.291 Pr 18.80 150 FTG E21I 0.114 TL 41.50 1.291 PL 34.60 150 FTG 2ET 0.114 TL 52.70 Date: O7 /27 /L994 JOB TITLEz 44 Tlillow Place Remote Area *4 PIPE DATA (cont. ) Page 3 Q(GPM) DIA(IN) LENGTH PRESS. Drsc. VEL(FPS) Hr{(C) (Fr) sw.(GPM) F.L. /FT (PSr ) 79.4 1.527 PL 16.80 PF 5.1 0.0 13.9 150 FTG 2E PE -3.50.0 0.177 TL 28.80 PV 1.3 PIPE TAG END ELEV. NOZ. NODES (FT) (K) Pipe:14 BD 1.5 0.022 9.5 0.0 spntsn sYsrEM HYDRAur,rc axelts PT (Psr ) 93.7 85. 1 Pipe: 15 FIXED PRESSURE LOSS DEVICEBS 1.5 0.0 98.2 0.0 4.5 psi, 79.4 gpnBD l.s 0.0 93.7 0.0 Pipe: 16 79.4 L.527 PL 0.50 PF 2.2BOR 1.0 0.0 100.6 0.0 13.9 150 FTG T PE -o.2BS 1.5 0.0 98.2 0.0 0.t77 TL L2.60 pV 1.3 Pipe: 17 79.4 1.959 PL 61.00 PF 4.5suP 0.0 sRcE 105.6 (N/A) 8.s 150 FTG 24.20 PE -0.4BOR 1.0 0.0 100.6 0.0 0.053 Tr, 85.20 PV 0.5 NOTES:(1) Calculationa were performed by the HASS 5.8.0 computer progran under licenEe no. 8115,J 49 granted by IiRS System6, Inc. 2193 Ranchwood Dr., N.E.Atlanta, GA 30345 (2) The Byetem hae been balanced to provide an average imbalance at each node of 0.004 gpm and a maximurn imbalance at any node of 0.066 gpn. (3) Velocity pressurca are printed for infor:nation only, and arenot uEed in balancing the Byatem. Maximum water velocityie 29.1 ftleec at pipe 5. (4) PIPE FITTINGS TABLE Pipe Table Name: CUSTOM.PIP PAGEs B IdATERIAL: Copper lIlrlC: 150Diameter Equivalent Fitting Lengthe in Feet(in)ETLcBGA Ell Tee 45 ChkVIv ButVlv GatVlv AlnVlv D Dryvlv 0.00 0.00 0. 00 0.00 0.811 1.05s t.29L L.527 3 .00 4. 503.00 7.604.50 9.106.00 12. 10 1.s0 ?.60 9.10 1.50 0.00 i. .50 7 .60 9.10 1.50 0.00 1. s0 10. 60 9.10 1.50 0.003.00 13. 60 9 . 10 1 . s0 0.00 ,"*Q** srsrtsu HrDRAnr,tc oo*Q*Date: 0712711994 iIOB TITL,B z 44 tlillow Place Renote Area 14 VIATER ST'PPLY CT'RVE 180+ 165+ 150+ 60+ I Page { t 135+ I I 0 P120+RlElsl s105xul$l 90+$lslI 75+)l \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ 111.0 Psi t 3500 g1n-> * Flow Teet Point LEGEND a X * Required Water Supply .. 105.56 pei € 79.4 gpn '' 0 = Available llater Supply '' 121.99 pal € ?9.4 g1m .. 8001200 1600 2000 2400 2800 3200 3600 4000 rrow (GPu) 45+ I 30+ 15+ R .$;, JtE I,l P, L,q .t t 19c' i.,-,,,, I U'gJ 4 lF-s 6-6 5- '' t )hrwonut'Pewl,nr (ino'ncllt'ttcAL,llc, MttY 27. 1904 lfMs & F- Attn: JaY lberron 70E goutlt lrrontag€ Koad' Sulls 307 Vril, Colorado 81657 MRY 3 1 '94 rt "r{lt0liood(ilrnttitt l' fi HS.M5'| trtrotlo l0$ 9t, tlctt 12 :06 No .005 P .02 \y .41* Lr1p, (tr El 6Ot JobNo,1942(rs Subjcc{: $umrnary ol'Beruing Conditloru for Building $upport, Propo*d'l}iplcr, MEHduw l(uud rrd vall Rourl, Vuil, thlorado' Dear Mr. Pcta$oD: Ar rcqucshd bj' Dtvo ScJrrsinw of R,A' Nclson, wo mr pmvidiug-a eunmuy of tho obmnntlons urd tc*r|n8, condusted Bt tho subJcsl Bitc to ietrDlirh thc bearirrg ruppon for ryroadfmtinP, Obocrvulion of ouUooilg cxp*Od in euir and tcst Pitt WOIO madc on Apt{l 24 i||d 2l ud Mty 6 1994. $uhrcqucnricsting of horkfill construcdon hss boco madc accodln$ tt our ruxrmmcndstiole tbrlbotlng *o14rolt, 'llrc teet rrportr witl follow under sePudc covcf' HgSOd On Our ubcelvariolr-q Od tcst rcrults, rprc*d fbothrgs dzod fttr c tlnxitrtum bemlng pcoiutr rrl.z,ooo prf nnd bcaring rrr itrc prrparcd rubgr_{1 uhuuld bp rultablc for bulldlttg. ;rnt*. Uui ro rtr vuriahls Ur*ittg conilllons, somc diffcrontlrl settlcmcrts nhould bu cnpccttd, Il'thorc ore otly tlttostionu or if oddltlond infomrotio'rr le rrssfud, ptcasc lot rtc k$ow' ,!lnc,ottly, TIUPWORTI{-DAWI,AK (}FNTRCIINILIA'I., INC. w Stsvon L. Pr*lrk. ffl,P/ro cc: R ,A, Nalgon - Attni Dovs $o}[c|ttcr Picrcc, $egerbcq & Atsrnirtc 'Attn: l'om Frcy Nidrol tlofllrn<l Arsocialos- Ath: Jos Nichol ,.i€ /PTERCE, SEGERBERG & s|lH A'RCHIIECTS . P.C. . A.ll[. 100O South Frontage Road West vAtL, coLoRADo 8i657 (303) 476{433 FAX (303) 4t6-46O8 ^ ttbrtr- /'+uL5E uerr#oF TRANSNflITTAL TO o tr Change order coPtEs DATE NO.DEsrCRIPTION I I 4.zo-?:lfl *Lr.p tt*t tP Vtvz,r t &t- PuANL A - Zo'q -4 Yrr l.)t'rAIL<:, /\t'tl ()l.ln* | cvpe-etsts aPrAtr- THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked HFor approval E For Your use E As requested fl For review and comment tr FOR BIDS DUE below: D Approved as submitted tr Approved as noted tr Retumed for corrections Resubmit-copies for aPproval Submit -copies for distribution Retum -corrected prints C D tr 19- tr PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS L:AN .,t-:zn $ aox e,"C..",tn- Co.n€rn ' 1 0?6 PGtConsrlns cor|iont Plovdx 210 /fr*:sJ trc cmr.i {K nrrtr SIGNED: lt ancro3urts taa rot ra notcd, ttndy ndit us al oacc- ro f/. U Con. &u opvT Bazprata /' P|ERCE, SEGERBERG & ilEHARCHITECTS.P.G..ilJ. '1000 South Frontage Road West vAtL, coLoRADO 81657 (303) 476.4433 FAX (303) 476-4608 LtrTTil @F TRANSNflITTAL " - 4.2/ -?4 l'""/?adg-ao hr/ #rUF*-*'44 /&u.oatt ft > wE ARE SENDING vou p,macrrea funacraoaratcrcr "ia /W the following items: D Shop drawings tr Copy of letter tr Sampleso F. E Prints fl Change order tr Sp€cifications coPrEs DATE NO.D€SCntPTr(ta24.1t-14 6/zuq/42ail fuiezs - Etzu*zez-sz1,?tq<#-g lauo / Oz ltzzzaez'e Az*ta24.2t4+{-+0 bptnoiz./kozarxrz l0*t*,/22 rer< la77o 11 /7ag THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked bolow: pFor approval E For your use E As requested D Apprcvsd as subrnitted D Apprwed as not€d E Return€d tor corr*{ions O Resubmit-@pies tor approval tr Submit -copies for distribution I Rctum -corrected prints E For roview and comment tr tr FOR BIDS DUE 19- tr PRINTTi RETURNED AFTER IOAN TO US COPY TO /('16 Prlcoos.rrlo. Co.isl . l0t6 FodCo|r.'|E Conbnf Pnoqrr2.o l@ ri., &6r ,!. oltTl ,t aacroaura ara ,ro( aa ,Do|rat, nlnat dt ua J $d- Ftxt3t+te fto\4P? Aa-,q\V V)AQS #?wut?& fe W4151 6tt \"Ff- Ft*rbft t{ ?*t++eo 47*cE VE ITs T:a aot4JF.r.-r -To ztl cle*Pe PR*IttrS lN MFzl-*tc-\P.oo.A ce4 NFq\4+l ?:2tt2^ct4rt-u/ 7-t7,l4AUerAeZa.vA)- C.e. AEeJe aCr<|Ae- J'lz'6,v1lT-H:i- ttq. 1711 ,oP-Fao*r- Z4q l.v. frEC^Gf .at\rc, E/a\Hp{ ort- ir:re-z +'noe ALL PIPING 15 C.AST IZ.OI.J TO bLDtg SeWE'Z lth';tt/2,, t/+'L StaE oF Pl z467 0U EA. E- CZO3Ae,zACL + AlCOtJc.ZET cuozTo C-AST' Ir.=a}-J'-o- SAND & OIL INTERCEPTOR DETAIL o! pewar*t W*r+.e_ ?eivrf-rz:.o pi rc>e. lJfr " FL: 6I\FJP n atu t'-{T:r-,Z..aE:{>r.rs?_ L_2c&;rtpt iWCtqf 7* sAl\{t2 C ot> l4rer^c4.n-or_ l$ ?-A"i..fw)q?&a.A)?&44H arVeA/, ZU, V*f S-i V..a?., Eevtrq ALI lrq T7|,ztoe_ Ftpez p,.z/.ltJ> {o i-: .;,e&vfi 12 2c4tet.t, V.r-: +AtrrA]zy <?.4LR. ?_a\+TtpqFeu'rE /->zrr?2 "e?w. voqto4 2=UoAy..iJ,6W p? WVr+_ ?ttr- ?_xyr, ?uLfz,q:3 #,:)1,1 J y.,?yf_ "Lf: :{g _ i, f yu-? t-Ap. a- e ce- aLp_ 4 11 e q a3 a t)Ts I D E OI4 GAF.E r'&. 44 Willow Place Lot 9, Block 6 Vail Village First Filing Vail, Colorado REVISION: 3T7 ftovtee f<,+te' E)rJ.Ag Aa@tAtPtu Ta F,A|E,eaWn)A'* I{ h*t+V.o at?o= VE^tTs -?-a zbF>}-rG-r--t-'fo z'l VENT PIPE-S FF-cr.\ ?@oLpP${tl.)S lN ne_ca1.1rtc*trgoa n c.qtl F'Nt'{+eeqr.awz NETiJAH ?;lttz q€at-ut/ 7a7,l4AWetacLavAL c.a , ABq'J€ 12crc8-- J'tz'3'4 lrH: ov hAe-e a-r2,Z4u l.v. ?Te#f c-o*tc, EANE iorL irtTEL +rftOF.tJ4 ,A.LL PIPING 15 CAST I4ON ro bLD'g SewE l/z';lt/z',. Y+'LStoE oF Pl zA67 6U eA.e. czo55bzA67 1A'C..Ot-JCz_ET CUO?TO a ^-.,r tzo}-J'-o- . SAND & OIL INTERCEPTOR DETAIL.NO SCALE Utd"fe | @: €^A? I otv t,.JT.E.?-cFffi?- L-ocA_fier twztqrT- sAf-r', d otn irrzzct"-71-oE- rN ?'-At-LltA," z*,a rv)egreTH arU7-a.1, Fu, f,419-1 Vadp,. Ecure A-,L l'urf:,z,Da_ ?1,oi)€ p27..,.1 1, fo a-: -2E&vt'l i/ r46*ftOt.t. ,.,,,,4..\-,P+-' lSnrtrout fFy2K ?a-.rnpqF4/u1 ? ':>btry-? FEor-t. .?(fno,rl 40ir4 Al <*r tr?- we?_r_ ?ttr- tr_xrr, ?-,Lb'qtg tr:)y,IJt]-,?5f_ w I vxil:q a,l;EE -y,'r7. ?1_Ace_ at-+_a1_1peas aL)TstDz?fEyaA^l w*r+e- re.Lvtrr do-Et'.eve . 44 Willow Place Lot 9, Block 6 Vail Village First Filing Vail, Colorado REVISION: 3T3, ryl --] t\l l\l ^ ,.I]: \put.l' g_ t.-' -lzJ-\i\ \! Id+--as'-ol*'l 4\,. L ll" lt Il*|0" ./€ / // i UNIT #1 -JF "il# 1 T -*+ \t,,r 4dnwt- l#s" @?@ :{ a\ ts ltqobl ,-d, 6a ?.e,61uW) t.;l d-*i' iA...tXi'.. ,l \1 ,STEP .: wil?tr;*ff3t'ii^li4r **P677f;;-e*troef\.' /'Vnl'rr"I I .l\|'. I I\.t/ .'r\ \ \\ -t\---) a+-l-U alrlrfh? Te4";a4'efi1p ratfl( --1 )l I 3!-4 REVISION:44 Willow Place Lot 9, Block 6 Vail Village First Filing Vail. Colorado REVISION:44 Willow Place Lot 9, Block 6 Vail Village First Filing Vail, Colorado I | '\Z+'?j/a n :dt -\ iFFfr].*. +-- $L lilru'" : t-t-ai D_ ,/ .{_ 00" - _ -r-l--- -' li ol 8;.q4'j ili or''o' b''ltt l N -\q \ _l*--"*H o'-41o"gl' \ -*-- l\ 4: -N \ $ 6I-b REVISION:44 Willow Place Lot 9, Block 6 Vail Village First Filing Vail, Colorado @l @7@ a_ltWl.(phru' *- \li:ffi=- It\l Il- r rl \ |lw'd' / : Ii --\i \-l/ ' --,i/ ' r\t ; UNIT #1 - .l,, I' -*+ Itv. x +a'nlt& \ff.* t' a\ l- -\- tl Jl ,/ "F 1' @M _A 6EWy)' fia na.a1u61 tt-tt' d- Waf I\ ).,12e i&qtrn' F *somolut lAutr**tutB \ Wil?fi"tr3t'E"',iq$ NooD767l,i.;-[-c*troy .,,Fp/, \ /,.)t - Aool*vt I I | \,:'4.-11-€. ---| )l I dr1afiA? fa71-"4'Afi1p ?etiT 5!-4 REMSION:44 Willow Place Lot 9, Btock 6 Vail Village First Filing Vail, Colorado ?-2 44 Wiltow Place Lot 9, Block 6 Vail Village First Filing Vail, Colorado REVISION: i | '\2+''2)/a -N \ l-r\r\' ',r;1 r^" 'l .. Y;.1 lF aoprP*ttpQN*ulatll0u {,qryn ,i;;.rq #a:uW. ',W -, :* I 7clwe -r- J :/- $ / at-.Y) \TtiJ')' @ oro:,-r b''ltt 1 N \ \ +_tA 4. 6t-b REVISION:44 Willow Place Lot 9, Block 6 Vail Village First Filing Vail, Colorado TO PtERcE, sEGERBERG alAgx ARCH;TECTS.p.C..UI.- f000 South Frontage Road W-est vArL, coLoRADo 81557 (303) 4764433 FAX (303) 476.4@8 ffiTt oF TrRANsnarTnrAL "^'V.E-?4 l'"Ihoo,s, ao ^"E L- t4zn-zt u,/2al 9r*t ex RE: a Rut ztrue,/a.*rr > wE ARE sENDlNc vou,{nt"*od tr underseparato rrlwrvu /biJD uefottouingitcms: tr Shop drawings tr Copy of letter }( erints tr Change oder E Plans tr Samples O Spcclftcations tr coPrEi DATE NO.DESCRIPTION 2 4-*q4 Pti Pzi,rreI,Ua= 4=,= LLr, r,/nr+za+rz-al THESE ARE TRANSMITTED AS ChOCK€d b€IOV,: FFor apprcvat O For your use tr As requested tr Appmved as submiiled tr Approved as noted E Returned for corr€ctions tr Resubmit-copies for apgroval tr Submit -copies ior dlctrlbution E Rotum -corrccted prints E For review and comment tr E FOR BIDS DUE 19- tr PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS htlu - COPY TO /('96 ffid|ir|r€. Co.|0r,i . 101 Paecoornd Co.|bnt Pm|cr?|0 @7Eer, b. ol.I.,t ancforu.u ,aa nol ,r J,oaad, tladr, nolrt t t at otrca. g) (1 -a.I Frlo GFItL --G 3q) 'oola {lr$ $i J'l<9r \t3_:"\ +$$t$ sN+:$j${s $ i$ s\ .l$t d h$rl $l \[L r) s\il -t2r{\N .,_/-, d l$t $$\ $ IX H $i }.-,ss/ t;{ i${ $ il { $t )N -'t}k\i I{ \1\f N R\ { { \ \I -l.Fa (u +J o)o (tr.-(Jo Gq- oU G)(J -lLq) fJ. 3oF -q) il $ $ $ $ r( b- '$\J\[-1 8{ -. I\l\*tIqf\! tl $ $ t A st rs t- r$ $:\ $N "\ ir $i,t\\il }\ stS \) +$*u $sE;<il -J-! s{ F IIz. OUICI( SETECTOR FOR FIRE A}IO SYSTEIilS - GYPSUiI IT{AILBOARO o SOU]ID RATED: Floo/Ceilin0s - Wood Framing (wood loists with rough and linishsrt tlo0r) (cont'dl llo.Flro Rating Rel. Duign llo. Descilption STC Test llo.Ic 2 thr.t515 FC 2F-1 hr. 7 mm) Fire-UL FM screw attached lo Resilient Furrin0 Clnnnels spaced 24' o.c. (610 mm) on 2 x 10 (51 mm x 254 mm) w00d ioish 16' o.c. (406 mm). Wallboard secured t0 channels with 1' selFdrillino screws 12' o.c. (3{b mm). 0otion in UL 1515 elbws Drywall Suspensibn System to be hung lrom joiSb. No Insuta!0n In otenum. FM FC181-1 hr. Wilh312'(88.9mm)glasstiber. Clnnnels NGC 4107 NGC 5161 NGC 5165 est. 50 3 t hr. F.r.--_--rd1 FM FC 19}-1 hr. 12'(12.7 mm) Fire-Shietd G GypsumiT-Tl Wallboard attached to Resilient Furring ChannelsE@ i#Fffilfif,,h,fiflkllhHlHi::ff.:. 2!f 'ffi f 'ff tii.iltlt?IJi131*Hi 0c-2MT SINGLE LAYER (FLOOR TRUSS)" " F *'g3i f,i$ffi{$flffiil,if#*ffi{l1* backed with 2 x 4 (51 mm x 102 mm) wood blocks fastened t0 lower ihord wilh Z-clips.'1982' (15.1 mm) plywood floor sheathing. DOUBLE LAYER MOOD FRAMING) F[, Fl a-1 hr @ Fa" FrAful AFceuP;Y(15.9 mm) Fir{lirldJrlllnC or 5/8' (15.9 mm) F.S. Soflit Board attached with screws 12'o.c. (305). Wallboard, base iayef nailed a iOht angles t0 2 x 10 (51 mm x 254 mm) wood joists spaced 16' o.c. (406 mm), resilient funing channels spaced 24'0.c. (610 mm)and nailed 5 lhr,FC 1G-1 hr. Melhod B (FC448) t_528 FC 5515 ru 3c to UL GA GA 0ne layer 5/8' (15.9 mm) Fire-Shield G Wallboard screw attached to 7/8' (22.2 mm) screwjunino channel wire tied Derpendiculario lower ihord of wood:webbed trusses of 2x4(51 mm x 102 mm) lbr. wilh steel truss plates spaid 24' o.c. (610 mm). Floor 3/4' (19.1 mm) nominal plywood. 0ption resilient furring channels..,iir.ii, DOUBLE LAYER 00R FC 5512 Wallboard each screwed perpendicular, wilh all joints ol lace layers staggered 24'(610 mm) from base layers, to 24'0.c. (610 mm) wood trusses fabricaled using connectors produced by members 0f the Truss Plate Institute. 5/8'(15.9 mm) T & G (long sides) plywood flooring nail applied m*t'|1e10 Horizonhl Duct Prolection 5.9 mm) Fire- lhrough base board inlo and at fightangles to joists. Face hyer ol5/8-(15.9 mm) Fire:ShieliiG bo;rd screwed to furring channel. Nominal 1' (25.4 mm) T & G sub and fin-ish floor. optional floor systems consist ol Floor Topping Mixture over plywood. 1 2hr.WHI 694-0300.1 2 12'(63.5 mm),4'(102 mm)or 6'(152 mm), or Gold Bond l-Studs 24" o.c. (610 mm). 1' (25.4 mm) Fire-Shield Shattliner. 3 layers '1l2'(12.i mm) Fire-Shield G Gypsum Wallboard, Base and middle layers parallel lo studs. Face layer perpendicular. fll zo GOLO BOl'IO OUICK SETECTOR/GEI{ERAL REFEREITCE 2@643513L4 .frr. BURERU ,-rr= (] r-rw RUG 1? '93 742@4 ffi Council of American Building Officials a ryfBrunota^lcottEElccorl|Jl.oHcomcus |8ctrailsftoulr{Emtul.or|ooo* @raci€Es rn€i'|,Illoflr|. ilc.AIDilGOFFUI|IDOOTlDl|iltrri ToisrflEwcFil Lte 5t00 $orr$ Worknrn ilf Rott whiuk Cdilfil$Sol qnft&rxc|.bRldt tlilrirgfnm.AaMtugfzll tl05l Wrl Ro.stn.Costry0nHtrh*Ol7E NANONAL EYALUATION SERVICE COTIIIITTEE IETORTNO. NEN.'T nc&srrcd trouary I, l9'l ftbr@d betq,od to tttrEiDrtbob f tw. . GnEitbtcd. t9tl Sloct c$lxlco,lNc rosr omcE lox t?91 EUGENq ORDGON 97'Ol I SIJBJECT FXX Prpsrrrc+rtatcd lvootl Sb*carrrd Sblq& fb3 rsf bUGy [sttios Dl}3t bc bbrlEtcat dB ts$ $rn No A Fugc !!ha!brd Scct srtiioa{ctkrlEt rnculSd orran ueruytr Et of Dot trs $ao i btcd Tlpc fs ru. Tbc trrd rb[ Er.r|d lt la$ 8 bcB fro|n lL Fot r &GGrdl sJ ftr sod t[iryks rr|d ll b$'r toE rbc c*ltcr SF rectt qzy ffi .wd abalc& Soclioo3 of nr<hrnt !|ug brt/c & ot{Erlap of Dot tc* lDstr 4 bctcs, Mrdmuo wrlcr Grpsrrrc iball ool crcgd tbc €lu$ +ccificd h'Thuc No. l. Tbc hip and tilgc uc8rbcf rnpFure 6h!S ror crFcd tbcc Hrtrirtcd fr tl|c lhlrl of lb rod. - IL PROPERTY EOr wncll EvALlrAtlON lS SOIXillT L Shd(. Illirudh r .:,-:.*g *= .ro f!.4uf! L no6ngctsdficdll tt2l '- tNfirytQf ! n-arrlr ---tt.r i I ttt til trtlt !r drl-;rlrE r s.LsD -r - tuy .rr. t1 - - m IlEscRtPTIoN '', 2.bi*?v't" -11(" FfX hqsurcerclnd Wod $afcs rod Strbglca tre Fltto€rt trqrqcscrD r€d cdar$rftcrofNo f Oradcshhilctmplyiug .rith thc rcrycahr coda Su*,cc rod $iogl6 brvhS r Edou6 nobrurc ducnr of 25 perc?ot rrc ptqrsltrc uttrcd rlt! | proprtury E €{Clard8lt c[coilrt TnG buodlcs rrt bbclcd rs sir[cs arc hid *{tb r ratniourD tidc hp of l.M! hdrcs b.rwcn iD.lkarcd b rb ldcod6aio Patl[ of tbb ]lpfiL tohts b d^Fccotlourrar, SpactE tcr*co sFlll rhall st bc lcts tban 3E h.h !c !D[a lbao 5E l'6. $rtcs rln[ DcIE lhtiooDodqtplyrfiL|Eru.rio6rtrccn-bslDctEhhltt hdlothcrhthfrrgbr.cordaoccvlrtTtt*Gt(D(hNER. cr$ B rnd as c rcdcotcrlqgq ffiPs tdditlant wrthcr- zl2 a rit! two loadippad dopstcrt Eilr F8sioocdprdcciJw FclsurEg Ely bc Dc.!r$rt b ancr3 $$jcd ro rFf b rpFrdtltrtry t b.t fiEt cacb Gdge oc ;pgrlrioatcly 2 b$a bridup.and rilldri*O Sr, $ ttqulrcd tt lE .O.l tb51E lbc C4o3utc 8D€. Nrils o161 0C mntryo No. 13 !i!gef,!! | ?3? ioctr hcrd diaorcrcr l!.l of nrlEGaor tcogrh totr INST/UIInON pcoarac $t hct hlo thc $catbiot s thla{h tbc tbictcrH of fbc rtaftfu, sbicNrclfr b lcs( TDc drrtcr 6!!. ar $c eair fbc upod *rtcr r rtlolb 6ry tl btllod cn EtrirfltE t6f uus bc dqrblc4 Rnccn i[dr d tB lodl $rhc. lltt bc urcd fa dop6 of l:12 rfico bsrdlcd r dcrslbal bcch" Tb3I E|y b. tE Eod 6srrc rl $c rillp. hddcd o Dhioum mddoF of t:Il rbco eo undedryaeat / of Ft lsl tDaa r Ertcd Tlpc 15 ftfi rod nfic6 spprA'Gd B tbG ]tsl br$EiDg o6Clrl hn&Sj||rtdidd" nEFOnrNo.NEnfls ?AGE I Of ' ndr r?Fo/t & Ann d 'o tr. ?.c* poduct ond doto and rcd |tfE alernld by tta cr'*;o''lt in fs qpp&afn r!p.c''rc ft nDar- ,{o ,dendrllx ,at ufra lr{/ryltd ty t r ltlottotd Eduotba Sqtft. Cofinif.E ond ,lE aon?ifr.. q.#& &.s eC rE& orry lrrrfdtor.&u w& u itfrd, u n oy f,r$ry or dA,a rmtlcr ir ttdr rtpor{ d os ro ow p.Dd/cl corrr|e V drir r4dr. ttb dfirp hctd.q 2a6453t3t 4 rporrNo. t{ER'2rs L fbbsLllddbtloo ..il rr. BUREAU ,-rr= 2o "-rr= Ffxgr|rurl,rnardNo.I Grslc cc.|cra ld s.ltr drylc. |rc rec$C o,rrr I g|t nrle dDot h$ t!!o tAb.D t!t* FllFd*ii caair lluc. TbG FG3sttr-tt$c.l Abgcs rG hb lod E*ccd rotbg pt'reed &Sq6' o ||ercdlcd loc pxrlc<rtod sd rf!&.r, aqr tl.i ""drr|rq|n",t rtrt l||tatltttrntrr nr$f h. d.&rc4 3 C|r*CO{lurYnmfGor:tl4 FXX fc.nr|!.rFrt. t $e a $inSh3 Ie lrillod s dc.crb.ll & Gc ch$ B tsf oG(b& lGPt lba stblrc. Ery bc +aFd ocrtblrg h rcurlrw ritb tlc roda V. IDPNTffTCTTIOH Butrlb of tlcrtctt rtootl &.tG3rtd $inglctae l&othod ty bbcbo( tbc $iDttc or rb.tt bpcchrgcoct ud tbc prtr*rc lrt ri'r D@ rod 8ddrc|!' tbo qurffty Fotnl rltoqn BG, .TIX fe||srertl|nd $*cr to.l $hdcfr tlc O*' B s Ghs .- crdinsrd tlb NES|tPfr nlDbcr. Tbc r$r[{alur4cd s8rrric fcll uloatrpcu raa ilarla}'rtrcot 3c llcotifcd rl$ &E tsbcldtdEiqt thc utEc of &c D@.tud, $e ropuy, rod tlE q$.lity Gsltd r8cocy, VL E:IIDENCEEUEMTTTED t. Itcpdr of rcsr Uy Unitcd Sutca TtftiDS OoonFnlt, lac., Crliforde Dlvidoo, ft. lbc Gt60 B |od Ch$ C rsf cosiog. rb|cd JuEe $ t98q rnd Attgu* 19, 1984 rcipcctrrcu,Z Purd||sG Epoffc saadarbrnd guatly mrrol rcs.r rnd FGdurcr e$auislrcd br Grcotco, Inc.' Fcrndeh wr3hlD$q| dt!t.dalcd MtU6, l98a3. IorpccroCr E fi$l fot lbllur.up hspcdha of FTX ;rcerurc-rrcarcd r'carcftr tld ccdEr abttca ard rhlnglcc FcP'rcd (tr Chcrrco, Ioc" B Frtc Tccb Scfii$, Itc.a. lstrnathr iDstrucbls fa rpplyl4 lbc FTX ccd|r 3bat6 md rhiqlcs rs r Orrs B rttd G.n C rwf erterht. AUG 1? '93 14:45 PAGE' OF 2 Scnicc rgrrmr h Fsdod cr!l$ti6, ftlorv+p bsp.cih lld bbcliogbctrtao Fh?ftcnScs!/icqloc"rod Cbr@,t!c.IFXF llDoil of nopF fmffidc aC ttarl+lt 9rm, ttrtal luU A, f982, tm Flc Tccb Sctdcc+ Ioc. G-hd.- drb bbb rrca lr iacdSo:is cf rbe Gbocc trHEtrrJrr|';l Arkf. rul drind'. fr? tb? Ch$ E arrr CbsCtwf corlrlnll A DrnEF So.fit ttdcd $!b d 6[Uls lc|| ffi EFEtutS.w|Ec1ea Sopp*ocart tobuOo b CF@d.t| rltBr-ttod $o@ nrc fcO Sc(lix+ IDc..Llctl Ocot r 19. f98a nrFt dTls qF?Tb3! scntftt{ Itc.. cuttbdctl b sir,rc d! t BC Etaodmt 3a7. Scdioo 3Z?01(c) (l|t.I M!fiie'. l$d ooNDmoNs oFLrsS thc Naicnel Erahrdoo Sctlic! OmlDlttc fttb tbst thc FfX Prrcnrrc.trcatet U/od $.lc tod Sl&ttc tEf orttial rystcrDr dc'r|tGd h tl& rpat qre[fy rs, Cbto B &t{urdrnt tod Orsr C o(tlilrry tod covcrht ut crirs w tlqrltlmcdr of rbc $q? BOCAN||i&I Bttiliog 6dc. ttc fg Sttodutl Boildi48 Codc rith tlc 1989n900 R.nust* $€ l98E Unifqo BultdiDg Gdc reh l$g Supdml tDd tttc CABO l$9 ODc ldl Tl,o Funilt IXGUbS 6dc rith 1990 RgffiE, 3tucq ro $c Htomf ooUttbs: 1. Tbc tnatGd rooal rhtcs tod dtintlc3 8lc hssllcd b *sofil|ncc ril! lbb rclofi rod th maDuhctut€r. hsruqlor z Tbc r/ood rlralca ild $ltrgcr ur pfErrrrtc tr?|tcd uodcr ! qu.liry mtd FoSnd eitb bpc.tio bt FFc Tcth Scni6 fnc GEROA2II} t Tb lypc t0 rsha[€tsratcd G[ sn lcrltyilrcol !,|d brcrlsy|tLol {! lilcd ptotlucr. Tlb .liEf! ts attljc.t ta F-lFltrrnttltt h I Fer' 6, a. 9. 10. ( T ELEt{O.t-{ArrurrE TllER EX'OSUiE |'r.Gnr t r.Ortl lD lllt rtrx a rEirt f, tl arer|lt a fortl tll rt,cltxo 3ttttat lFhdll&i*[ 2tFiFt tY. at{ Jri 't ,jl ttl FHf,l| ll-hGi t -ldt 1n t0 7tt l0 , .:.4lril$ilriiiili.ali!$!i!lrrii+i1ii;':li.!.:J : :::: ii:lli1:i ''*'*'.'^:l;:1Y;?5'?f *"' oc r";q*$!nAef,n'Y . l'191'5uH.tu'&"' .,- .lf i:-:*llfflL'" *' " ,aY- -tl of Tttntt Ilt s tt LRTI o 1,1 hen the roof line is central tn the aesthetic value of the building, NRG Nailboard is the logical insulation choice. It is a high R-value insulating substrate InO Irllboa.d'. rcrLd adia allcf| tor trpa|ralon ol th. Oat. a{oL fia rrq.*ad Yaeot rataait.. ba. traan tha t{allbo.rd a.d th. daok rr!l:rl': system to which a broad range of roofing materials can be affrxed. Nailboard can be used on steep, pitched roofs and above cathedral ceilings. Nailboard is made of a polyisocyanurate foam core bonded during the foaming procees to factory routed Z/16' (11.1 mm) or 5/8" (15.9 mm) oriented strand board on one side and a fiber reinforced facer on the other. It can be cut and easily instalied without special tools. Nailboard prevents the thermal short circuits that can result when more traditional wood blocking and plywood are used. In addition, it saves labor because the insulation and nailable base are installed in one step. Nailboard is manufactured under controlled factory conditions with routed edges in order to provide the required expansion joint between panels. NRG has developed a unique seam sensor which cuts every sheet of Nailboard precisely at the end of each board, resulting in a seamless panel. PHYSICAL PROPERTIES Prop€rly Foam Core Density Dimensional Stability Compressive Strcngth Moisture Vapnr Trans. Flamc Spread (foam core) Nailable Base Tesl Method ASTM D-I622 ASTM D.2I26 ASTM D.162I ASTM E.96 ASTM E.84 Value 2.0 pcf Nominal 2% max.7 days l8 psi < t perm 25 max. Xtllbca?d Guta aad h.ndlaa aarlly . wlth ordl|tart aoolr. BARRIERS Technicel sFcifications as shoyn in thir booklet rre int nded io b€ u!€d ss seneral 8tidelinei only. Ple-as. callfordebjled 3p€cificrtion!. O 1992 NRc Barriers: lnc. nCfoamlof Insulation Products ACFoam Composite consists of the Atlas closed-cell oolviso core which is bonded tor/:" perlite on the top side and a fiber reinforced felt facer on the bottom. The perlite top eliminates the need for cover boards or vented base sheets normally recommended over foam insulations. ACFoam Composite is recommended for use with BUR, modified bitumen, mechanically attached and loose-laid ballasted single-ply sys- tems (see pages 7, 8, 9 and 1 0). compliances:. f('dcral Spe.ificalion HH I 1972/CtN and HH | 1972,/]. . Metro-Dade Countv, tlorida P()du.t Control No 9 I 0610.7 . Calrfornia Slate lnsulalion O!alitv Slandards ind Titlr 25 F.)an) tlammability Criteria lLicensr #TC 1211 . . BOCA. ICBO. and SBCCI Sc(tions on Fonm In\ulalron FM Standard 4450/4470 Approval: Actoam Composile is approvetl icx Class I insulak{lsk1'1, wrxxl, (on, ri.t(' and glp\Jm rooi d,l L \.) r.lrLr. tron ror ooth l rnl .rnil l t'r) Wjndstornr Classificalions (n)av br mopped or nr(\hrnlr,rlly l.r\lrned lo con(rctc roof deck). Ret'r to FM AoDro\al Cur.k'lor (k ldr15 UL slandard 1256 Classification: lnstrlatcd nretal deck conslru( lion asserlrb ies - ConslrLr( lt(nr # I -10 and # l2 J. UL Standard 790 Classification: Cla:' A wrtl- -ro\l roo rr, nrh,,l|r'\y\lt nr.. \'\'L,l Urirl(|nt\n"l - rials Dire( bry. UL Standard 263 tire Resistance Classification: Sonr('(.lassiiications for iirr rlsistancc are P]25. P2 ]0. PJ 12. Pl.1i. P254. P259. P508. P510. P51 1. P70t . P;10. P7l l . P7 l t, P7 t 5. P7|7.P/-|e,,P719,P72O, PUr)1. I'814. P8l5. PIJI7, PUI8.rnd I'8I9. Vented-RrM nail base insulation features the Atlas closed-cell polyiso core, bonded between 7ru" APA rated OSB on the top side arrd a fiber reirr forced felt facer or.r the botton. Vented-R offers the same benefits as A(-Foam Nail Base, plus it is constructed with ventil.rtion spaces be.tween the irrsulatron and OSB to dissip,rte mtlislure vapor arrd heat build-up. For installatiorr 1;rocedures, contact your local Atlas representative. Compliancesi . f,al(,'J \n',. ,fi, dlr,,1 liH.l 1,,'./.1 ;l \ . Mctro-Dade Co!nty, tloridr ftodu( I Conlrol N(). 9 t-o6 ,o.7. . (-a ik)min Stale Insulalion alu.r ily Slandards and I ill( 25 [('inr f lanrnl.bility Crik{ia (Lrr |fsr' #TC 1 l ll t . B()ClA. ICBO, ,nd SU(-( L slt li()r)\ on tornr losol.rltdr. . LlL alasiified under (.l.rs! A. t]. or ( rorn ( o\'({inits ACFoam Supreme features the Atlas closed-cell polyiso core with trr-laminate foil facers. Supreme provides the highest R-Value per inch of any of the ACFoanr products, and is specifi- cally designed for use with mechanically attached and loose-laid ballasted single-ply membrarre systems (see pages 7 and 10). This product, \,ith its low vapor permeability foil facers, is particularly suited for cold storage applications. ACFoam Supreme cannot be used directly with hot asphalt, torch applied or any fully adhered system' Compliinces:. t((l{,ral Spr'( rii.alion Hfl-l-l972i,CEN.rnd HH l- 1972ll , Class l iwitlr lri lrrrrrnale ioll facers) . Mornr l).r(h (ounty, Florida Producl Contro No.9l{)()}0.7. . (,rlrlrrfi.r Slate InsLrlation Qualily Slandards.nd Trll('25 Foanr Fl;nrrnabrlrlr CritL'ria lLi(('nsc fTC I 2l I ). . B()t A, ICBO rnd SBCCI Seclions on Foam lnsulati.,n . (-Ci\'l(. \o I1122 R. l{eets CAN/CCSB Slandards tM Standard {45ol4470 APProval: ACFo.rrrr S!prenre rs appr<rved ior Class I insulated sktl ()oi deck ( on\lrur tron. Rcler k) FM Approval Cuide for cletails t ACFoam Nail Base tnsulation leatures the Atlas closed-cell polyiso core, bonded between 7rc" APA rated OSB on the top side and a fiber rein- forced felt facer on the bottonr. This product pro- vides an excellerrt base for shingles, tile, or nrelal roof systems.rncl nray be applied over rvoori or steel decking. lt is particularly suited for catheclral ceiling, and lopi home applica- tions. For application irrformation, contact your Ioc;r I Atlas represent.-ttive. Compliancesl. f,ti,.r,r Srx-< iiication HH-l-1972/CEN &v . li,t(, D.r([ Counl\, tl(]rr{lJ I'rocllr(l tlonlro \o 9 I of, r(J 7. . ( .rlrkxnrJ Slr(, Insuletrcnr ()uilrl! Slanddrds r')(l Trtlt ?5 Foanr tlanrrrr.rbrl tr Cril('ria lti(( n5r { tC l l l l i . 8()(:A. l( tio. and SBC( l Sri lrons on Fornt llrltrlalrr)rr . U[ Classiired under Class A, 8, or C roof cove.inSt.t fM Slandard 4450/4470 APProval: It I,r Ir \,rrl Br- lr'\urJlt''rs.'11,r,,r''itor' .r\\ lir.trl rl''l ronl (li( | (r)nrlrLrLlion. Rti(r lo fM ApprovalCur(l{r l(n (1('lnrls- tso"':?":|-K-nu *ro, iTi"e^t 4ttoecd x7O5 i Frr.ii|- I i I i .n ,.$ ALI-STATE FIRE PROTECTION, INC 6//5 E 76IU AVE #12 00MMBRCE CITY, COLOMDO 80022 14 WILLOWPIACE vAn4 coLoMDo PRODACTSABTVITTAL SPRINKLEREEADS C€ntral Optima Rcsid€otial Concealed Pendent 7116' 165o Central GB Pendent PIPE TMTINGS, EANGING MATERIAL TypeM CopperPipe SoldcrFitings Ring llangers VALVES Balllhip Valve Pressr€ Relief Valve Double Chcck Baclflow Prwentor T€st AndDrain Val\/c }IISCELII\NEOUS All thread Rod AlannBell FlowSwitch 1. gDlqenflal l tima Goncealed Adj ustable Autornatic Spri n kler Manufactu red by: Centnl 451 Nonh Csnnbn Avenur Ooirpmy PHOTOA 207o DENSFY 110 LINE SCREEN Standad Ftnbhse: Spdnklen bra3s Cover Plate: bras. chrome plated andwlrlta palnted wfth dJsiom palnted flnslher rvalablc. Leqith: !lo2tA" (6.1 ',rr//oAS dn) CowrPfete 3Vt p-a6161a1916, GelllrE OpenkEz 2W p.c6ent We[ht: 7.9 oz. (at.sr',nttsnplote assembly wlth @ver plate Patented yvlth addtrional pgients pending. Product Descrlption : The optlma Rosldsnilal oonoealed ls the worlde flnst 20.x 20, conasaled rssk enilst spririltter. lt le uL Lbtod for resldenfial OCcuparcles as. outlinod in NFPA lO, NFPA lgD ald NFPA 13R u,lth very towflorve md preszures whlls pmvldlng tho _aestheilc appsalot e ftafi oon€aled( {iru ptEte. I It b desbnod to compofrsat€ for v€ryho ceiting heBhts by utlilzlq e drop (hwn delloctor and an adJusEble throed on esartch€on. Thb toature is slgnfroant beca|Eo il . alloun the celung to fluctuato overlt' h t ehttt. The thln cowr ptete projectaonly %r' below th-e oelllng fior'rlte rnaxlmum In unobstructed alfr eesthoilc appearance. To prevent damage toths sprhkler alu to euow the sprinklerto be locatod In th€ cellirE, a spedEt ?notgdtve cap h povided. Thbpledto cap nas a cono shaped polnt thd oan - b,e prsssed against the wafi boad to' tocde lhe posltion ot ths Gprinkler andellolt, th€ hole !o tre ari coirecily, The Residential Optma Corrceabd. Sprird<ler emphys Cenaral,s exduslve [nk adhmting medranism. The . f '-dd{et F brass and the cover pfatc 1 . uallable in brass, chrome daicO or whlto painted. Opalallon: The Oentral ResHenilal Optlna Concealed Sprlnkl€r absorbs heet hrough the ceulng oover plale whldr ls soldored to the adjudads rstelner ring udth a fusrue alloy. At thg ral€d tetrpenturc, tfie alloy fuses,-resultirg ln the plete drcpdng aryay ftom the sglntder. At thh point, the deileclordrope dorvn bebwitre col||r€ sudaoe, bdrglng aboutthe lrlds $eoarlp b the f]reb heat. The heat fuses the lrrl(s thermal demeil resultlng h a rapld @ulston of both ttE edh|aung mecfientsm, as wel aE lhe seellng oap. Water can now lb,rv h a pattem erElns€red lo meet the cweragg tsquilemonts. n Techntcal Model: D Style: Conoeajfd (dlrdewe) Wi'enclr: Opilrna Concealed (pan ff 074) Offioe Stse: tAr, (tt.t nn) IELOI K Fgdon 4.2 Go.$t Threed Size: }{' (tz7nm)N.p.T, Approvals: U.L. Tempe?atu'e Bding: l65eF/74"C Sprlnkler with 135oF/57eC Correr ptate MarlnumWoftlng pressute: 17S psl Fadoly Hydro Test iOO% stSO0 psl OriflGe Adiustable GonGealed Residentia Sprinkler ilo.47.6 r'I'. .\\ '' --gptima ntnuar corflSrf,Jpenoc * *oo-Q,^*, t I Flgurc 2 Resldgfilal Conceated pendent 2 sass z9g s r z u3-1xN r dds '1uulH33 99: z r c3t4 96-e6-336 Design gn B.qut?emams-Rgqlgentht Opilmr Conocaled Goveaage Arca (tt. xttl 9ln9!qHeftl ituttlple H€ldMnlmum Flw 19etn) Mtntmum Pr€s$rle wrl Mtntmum Flow bpn) Mm|mum Pnrsalrc @i) 20 x 20 troo rq. tut 24 92.7 17 16.4 18 x 18 Faf sq. r0 24 32-7 17 16.4 lE x 16psorq.rrJ 18 18.4 13 9.6 l4 x l41rsrq.tty 18 18.4 19 9.6 12 x 121rrlrq. n.p 18 'r8.4 13 9.6 Oata crutbar n*aum,tp@rf4 (as wfrfi ail festclentiat qrtnkters)' celllrg oover ptates are avallaue In a varlety of metailic or pahtod flnishes. Fo,qrgtom patnted flnlsheg &e arstomer musriuml*r iqur*tryfnS piir*;'pr.f.r:aUylacqertased, ro ensure pmper olor tlrdlcdto,l. Odd;ft Ailfr il-'|lqdnd tor eadi A00 plat6s. ' Qtn completion of the instaltatbn. lhe syslem must be te$ed p€r bo lxtalted In confoflnsd?e rvlth Installation reoognlzedstandards. In thg ewnt ot aftread ledq r€nEve the unn apply ngr pbe Fn corpound or tape, 'and reln6ftan. Instaltrilon Sequelrce $ep f , The unlt m$t bs Instaled ln the penden[ posnhn. $op a Thefeos of the cprirtd€r fittlng stould be Instalted a rcminal ?v.: (ty.) behtnd the tinhhed cenlng llns. Adircfrnen8, to oompenseto for varhllone h littlng taoe to cel[ng height maybe rude bynreaotrgthe oovgrphle Ftainer In ard out of the unft'6 srDportc|Jp. Stsp.3. Use orry a no*hadedrg gFe Jolnt oorrpound. or Teflon tape. Apply ordy b the rmle thrcads 8tq,l. Handtlghten the sprinkter hto lhe lltting. Avold maklrq oontad u,[h the (btlsclor trrh€n using lhe Centnt Spdrld€r Optima Concealeo Wlondr to lhhtgn the unlt Into theflfile. The wremfi h deslgned to mate w|h tho bodfs wrcndr boss€s, 'Tr0on lr r *dqnrrk ol th. DuFc|rf co.r. g lneHe lho thr€aded a4port qrp. A l€ak tbht folnt requlme a only Z to 14 ft. hs. of lorque. foque lerab gr€aterlhanat fl. b8. mryd8toilthe orilico -ceal, resulung ln bafrye. $lop 5. Alter lnt0al hstdafon and belorc ttre oorcr phte b tnstalted. cov€rthe sprl*lerwlth tho cpeohl phsilc protecilvg cap. Thecap b speolally dssbned to not only potect the epdr*ler, hn albwthe ocillng installere to looate the eprir*ler by presslng the cellirrg boad up agelnsr crrfi'gnt NFPA.lg, NFPA 1gO etd NFPA 13R Standads. Dwhtbnc l|om thee€ lgquiremanls and stan- dards, orany alterdlon to lhe sprin- ldcr as$mbly ltself wil rolC any wanariy made by Cential Sprinkter Company. In adCitton. Insteilallon rrf,tst slso meet local govemment provblofts, codes and dandards, qs applbabl€. The. ry.stgr pFirE must be prop,, eO shed to gnsuro urg mlnlnilm' rgqulsort fhw rdg at tho sDrlnlder. chedc forthe proper modbl, etyle, orfns gize and terpordure raitrq pr',or to lns..aildlon. Insrafl spdnkiiro aner the pF!19 is in ptace to avo6 meofianlcal dam€e: repta€ any dams06duntt6. Wet ppe systerirsqsf be proteoted fromfneilng. Optlmr Oonccltgd Wronoh so 'd segs z9g sTz u3'1XN r irdg '1VdlN33 92: Z T g3l'l E6-46-33q 'il;.;lH,:[trli,ffi lHl,ffi ,"*ffi -T"rur,-"*,,,,*^,w tne cQllfrE qpard lor the locetion of Ptstfri}a sys1r.ms'oontrine guueltnls tho €Prinklor. Caro should b€ laken and.mlnlmum malntenanor leiukcmente. f gnfy ptess the c€ilng lhhtfy agnlnst runhonon, the M mdwny Uavtutg .Iretap ae ox@sslve pessule wtfl _llry/r{?n'n,8! havc.ddftbnsl tegula- *ffiJ:: trj1l[:'*ll|:.,ff 'uo t"'1,-#ffi1#',i*'Tf'HTut:anoo' fufrc:ilgn conectly. ftis .dvisaUte O have spinkler eysrcrns srep6. rornsrailrheceilrnsoover flTffiil:il*ili,*:ffii*p; plate' manually thcad the oorrer cuch inepcctiom E" ory i* i" lLesr-telaln€r lnto-lhe support anp. Corr bllity, emUcnr etmospheie, warcr suppiy, tlril'le threadlng unill the cover rnd Enc.otivlty- lelSlne/E flenge rssts aoeinst tho .uo rct dempt lo feaslrnue o? surtace or rho celins. ;l"ffi:8ili#ffililL",lfil,"r' casrbn: Speciar ** Tjt* F_ll!9n Fr;iffitrf:iily"";r'm,l:lewhen-instaling wlth a CPVC q.yste-m. rjrp"r"tur" raung !s,eptacamentB.Spdntclersmustbelnstanedetierthe diaaurctreoricud;;i;;' maMaclure/s recommended Benrng orni€rb p'ot"cilon t i6-",d-;""rtr. time for the primer and cement to - nothing chould be trurn or atalit ro'dnc ensure that neither acqJmulate urlthln cpdnkler unlt tha r,loulil duru6the lhg sptlrd{er. pancm. Such ohstruabns must bc Specfalcaremustbelr''^------ remq'ad' Inlhcevctltthatensttuclbnpgrpp,at,c;;il;#ffi': Sfi$f;#,ffi1X"tr9,i*9il"sprld<rers ru,,Et be i*tailod onty dter iiilili*,. prcrecdoo hvd.the In'rde or rhg spdrrder orop ino ' D" dhd;flio diiiiJlp,inr.r"r" 3ssTieled [tUngs hew beenwlre wlthornlint r.riovrm ifre nrc-omeJro"tafnCto rernove arryflux. Realdlal ayrremtomrcrukf B;;ni;;;,Itl .!n cause cOroslon And h pennlrsbn frcrn eX aurtrodtiea havino exltJno casss can fnpalr proper lurn{hlol, end notily an pcreonnei'irtrosptrneroperaflon. ffi"Tfftii,*:"ffim:n l|nfgare & .i;ffi.fifi,ffi;1ff;* tl tr'6hbna n Ge ffi;Htri:m*ltSf*r* Remove thc oridlng unlt ariO' tn"latt ttrc _Sprlnklers must be hardled carefully. nplacrment urhg onlythe reom. leV muA not bo treosporteA or cor&- mcndcd sprir*|fi wrcnth. Bc 6ndn to Yt-eg:1$.4!tempcr.tur6 mry oxc.ed mdch model, stylc, orflico, and tempcra.l'OFBg.C. Forbonresults,itorethcln turcrding.q: d!y, ooot tocqtion h the oitglnal ehhphO Xdcagc. . Do nor Inchl sprft{dcn thqt hav. bccnooppcd or vbbly dameged. Srhhdcrcqya 1n* bc na.lnted, coct€d. pkrted ordsed ln rny oth.r wry trom minufao __-._ -.----:-.. -. _,-r, rr.q, r,.r:;ei!;{E' ^.Jptopctfy. Anysprinklcn*ercdlnsuch -=l= rnennermustbereplaced. _: Tne qy;nel s respcnglue tor lh€ onDef -::ffi"?*gt,1H,!fi[fl* trENTRAL :' { eentral Sprtnkter Company "H#HtL:flr-ercompanv ttt"'THli.Lr:.,99**X"'PArs446 F$( (215) 362.538s aVtire protcct'ton rystem rhd has becn chu off attcr an acdvdion slDuu bcFprlrod and returhed to .c'.loe immedl.alcy. Inspeot thc entire cyrtem br dam6g9 and rcdroe or repak ac necc+ rary. Sprlnlden rhd dH not operlb brrt w6ra eubiected to oonorh€ clenrents ofombuction ot crcer3iy6 teflrpetatures should bc inspecied, end replaoed ff needbt. The Autlnr$ Haviag,tu rWion wnl dorall minimum replacement requhomenb and rcgulatbns. Guerantoc: Central SprinHer Com- peny wlll rcpak and/or replroo any prDdrrcb found to bc dclooiivc h matcrial or rvort<manshlp rlithln a perbrl ol oneycar|fom thc dat6 of shbm.rt pbr$ rpf .r lo the currcnt Prlco List tor fuithor detais of the wansnty. HII#illlr,,, Ord.rltq lntorrndbn: Whro pledng m odor, hdild. the fu[ predua hemc] Plc-see epcdly thc qrnntlty, tfiod.l. Gtyle. omqr rEo, tempattluro rdtu. lpdnklcf finBtlcovorplde flnhh, and rprhHer wrenoll. . For epedarl palntcd cq,tr plde thbhc*$c c{rrtomcr must a4ply a quHrdryl1g paml prcfenbty In a lecquer-bcrc finbhb hsur. propcl color dgllcdon. Wlhour Erldt LguEe, Cfirrrl Sprinklu Oonprny caatot be rrcponsbtc loraecprb6olor maohlng. Al oJtbm pinttrg of rhcqou.r drte mud bo omdcftd rilh. lrctory. Avrlhblllly and Scrvtcr: Contal epdnkltc, valvcr, acoersorlcr and olherpoduotr arc avalhblc thouOhout thc U.S. rnd Canrda. ald infiemetlonafb. throuBh a n.tvuort ol contral sprtrkhr dislribdion o.rtter& Yor may wr,lte dir€aif_to Conret Sprintrbi Oompmy. or cql 215-A6Q{7!0 br the dbtdhior - ncffest yit0. convrrlbn Tebb: 1 Incfi : tg.496 661 I loot - 0.€O48 M 1 pound - 0.r.539l€ I loot pound r 1.36 Nml pcl-6.895kpe - 0,689 ber - 0.0703 b/anrr 1 U.S. gallon r 3.285 dm! -S.7BS lilcrc @nvcrsbns an qnximatc. (l ( t inkler Gg.-$pri Upright or Pendent Glass Bulb Automatic Sprinkler Manufactured by: Central Sprinkler Company 451 North Cannon Avenue, Lansdale, Pennsylvania 19i+46 R [l3ll,'ol,r,, n Technica I C The Central Model GB Upright and Pendent Automatic Sprinklers embrace the ultimate in advanced design fealures. They incorporate the latest in heat-responsive, glass bulb technology, which results in a much smaller more aitractive sprinkler than 'those manufaciured with a more traditional design approach. The operating mectanisrn consists of a liqui&ftlled 5 mm diameter frangible capsule that is only 1.5 cm in length. The Model GB Automatic SprinHers are intended for installation in accotdanc€ with current NFPA 13 Standards. They are available in 112' orlftce size ar}d a variety of t€mperature ralings. finishes and dmrative coatings. Operadon: The glass bulb capsule operating mechanism contains a heat- sonsitive liquid that expands upon application of heat. At the rated temperatu re, the frangible capsute ruptures thereby releasing the orifice seal. The sprinkler then discharges water in a predesigned spray pattem to contril or extinguish the fire. For sp€cilic listing .Gqui.e.ne,{s. s€€ lrre EporaG,riate l*o(mttirn oontained in ftis brocrsre. Model: GB Style: Upright or Pendent Orifice Size: 112' K Facton 5.6 Thread Size: 1/2' N.P.T. Tenperatrte Ratiq & Glass B.rlb Coloc l35eFl57"C Orange 155oFr68oC Red 175"FlVgT Yellow . 2o(FF/S|"C Green ?86eF/141f Blue 360PF/182'C Pwple (6C not EM.Appaved) Approvals: lJL, U.LC, F.M. Meets: MIL€TD€1oC, ML€TDl 67-1, and MIL€TD€lOC shock, vibratkrn, and salt.f,og tests for rnadtime applietions. Maximum Working Pressure: 175 p.s.i. Factory Hydro Test 100% at 500 p.s.i. Standard Finishes: brass or chrome plated Standard Coatings (Not F.M. Aryroved)'. white painted and black painted Lengnh: 1 114' (D!w thiead) Wrdth: 1" (ttame anns) Weight 1.95 oz. C Quarter Section Model GB Pendent Sprinkler Modef cB 1t2' Uptlq/trt (Clamle Platd) . ModelGElt2'Pendrrf.(WttuM) ,:NB:il"t- The Model GB Upright and Pendent Automatic Sprinklers are intended for area coverages and flow and pressure requirements as s@ified h qrent NFPA 13 Standards. flnstallation All Central Model GB Upright and Pendent Aulomatic Sprinklers must be instafied according to curent NFPA 13 Standards. Deviatirns fom these requirements and standards or arry alteration to the sprinkler itseff will voitl any wananty made by Central Sprinkler Company. In addition, installation must also meet local govemment provisions, codes, and standards as applicable. The system piping must be propedy 'sized to insure the minimum rcquited .. fiow rate at the sprinlder. Check for the proper model, sfy'le, orifice size, and temperatufe rating prior to installation. Install sprinklers after the plping is in phce to avoid rnechanical darnage: redace any dalmaged unhts. Wet pipe rystems must be protected ftorn freezing. Upon compleiion of the insallation, the system must be tested per reorgnized standa.ds. In the event of a thread leak remove the unit appfy new dpe ioint compouttd or tape, and rein$all. Installation Sequence Step 1. The unit must be installed in the up.ight posilion for updght style sprinklea, and in the pendent position tcr F€nCent sivle spdnxlars. Step 2. Use only a rontardening plpe joint oompound or Teflon' tape. Afply to the male threads only. C Step 3. Hand tighten the sprinkler into the litting. For updght sprinklers, use a Central Spdnkler Combination Wrench, and lor pendent sprinklers use a Central Spdnlder Universal Wrench, to tighten the unit into the fitting. A leak-tight joint requires only 7 to 14 ft.-lbs. of torque; a tangential force of 14 to 28 lbs. delivered trrough a 6'hendb will deliver adequate toque. Toque levels over 21 ft-lbs. may distort the odfice seal, resufting in leakage. l*on, Special carc mirst be taken when installing pendent sprinldee with a CPVC qrstem- SPdnlders must be install€d after the CPVC manufacturer's recommended setting time for the primer and cemer to ensure thal neither accumulate within the sprinkler. Special care must be taken when installing with a copper system. Sprinklers musi be installed only after the inside ol the sprinlder nipple and associated fittings have been wire brushed to remove any flux. Residual flux can cause oonosion and in exlreme cases can impair proPer sprinkler operation. [11fi,?fifn,no Sprinklers must be handled carefully. They must nol be transported or stored wtrere ambient temperature may exceed 1O@FESC. For best resutts, store thern in a dry, cool location in the original shipping package. Do not install sprinldets that have been dropped or visittly damaged.' Sprinklers must ne\rer b€ painted, coated, ptated, or altered in any other way from manufac,tured condition or they may not funclion propedy. Any spdnklers altercd in strch manner musl be replaoed. The owner is responsible for the proper operating condition ol all fire protection devies and accessories. The NFPA Standard25 endded, 'lnspediott, Tating aN Maintenane ot Water&xd Fire Protedion Systems", contains guidelines and minimum rnaintenance requirembnts. Fu rhermore, th e loral Auf p tW Having Jurisdiclion may have additional regulations and requliernerrts for mainle,rance, tesling. and inspection thal must be obeye<t. It is re@mrnended that sprinlder systems be inspecied regularly by a qualified inspection service. Length ol time between such inspections can vary due to accessibility, ambienl atmosphere, water supply, and site activity-'Tefroo b a la&.rraft ol |trr &rPoct Corp. 3 Combinatlon Wrench Unlversal Wrcncfr ,{\ tlo ndafrmPttoieassernble or' o0tBtq$e re.r3e a sprinklerlhat has op€rqt€{. RePlace anY sPrinkler edriblting conosion or damage; ah*ays use new sPrinklea of the same type and temperature rating as rsplaoements. Because the discharge Pattem is critbal to protection of lile and p.operty, nothing should be hung ot attacfied to the sprinkler unit that woukt disrupt the pattern. Such obstnrctions must be removed. ln the went that construction has altered the original conftguration, additional spdnldets must be installed to maintain the Proteclion level. Do not anempl to replace sprinklers wltfput first removing the fire protec{ion system from service. Be oertain to secure pemission from all ^Mfes ruving Jurisdkl*n, aN notify a[ personnel who may be affected dudrg system shutdown. A ffrc uadr during maintenance pedods is a recommended pr€carrllon. To remove the system from se'.ice rnod€, ft(st refer to the syslem operafip gukte-and valve instruction. Drain rvater and relieve pressure in tts Cp€s. Remove lhe existing unit and lnstall he replacement. tsing only the spdnlder wrencf. Be certain to maHr model, style, odfice. and Hryerat re ratftE. Afi|€ prctec'tion system that has been shut off after an aclivation Olggt C€nlrd Sp|huer Cocpany P.hed h U.S.A" lt ld b€ r€tumed toservice immediately. lt6pect the enilire sptern lordamage and rePlace or repair as nece$sary. Sprinklers that did not operate but were subiected to conosive elements of oombustion or excessive temperatures should be inspected, and replaced if need be. The Authotity Having JurEdiction wrll delail minimum replacement requirements and regulalions. Guarantee: Central Sprinkler Company will repair andor replace any poducts found to be defective in material or workmanship within a period of one year from the date ol shipment. Please refer to the currenl Price Ust for further details of the wananty. IENTRAL Central Sprinkler CompanY 451 N. Cannon Averure, tansdale, PA 19446 Phone (215) 362{700 FAX (2rs)362-s88s tdering''' - lnfotmation Ordering Information: When placing an order, indicate the full product name. Please sPecifY the quantity, model, style, orifice size, lemperature rating, type of finish or coating, and sprinkler wrench. Availability and Service: Central sprinklers, valves, a@essodes, and other products are available throughout the U.S. and Canada' and intemationally, through a network of Central Sprinkler disttibution centers. You may write directly to Central Sprinkler Company, or call (215) 352- o70o lor the distributor nearest you. Patents: Patents are Pending. Convercion Table: 1 inch = 25.400 mm 1 foot= 0.3048 M 1 pound = 0.21536 kg 'l foot pound = 1.36 Nm 1 psi = 6.895 kpa = 0.0689 b.t( = O.o7oil kdcnr' 1 U.S. gallon = 3.785 dmt = 3.785 liters Corveoions are approxamate. FIRE SPRI L editgrnihhce Th'b assured performance offered by copper fire sPrinlder systems as important to every- one involved - the architect, engineer, building owner, con- tractor, insurer, and fire service personnel. Copper tubing exhibits excel- lent resistance to damage from intemal and extemal corrosion. ft does not develop intemal sudace roughness or exped- ence a gradual nanowing of the passage caused by intemal conosion. The potential for plugging of sprinlder head od- fices and small diameter branctr lines is significantly reduced with copper tube since the normal thin, protective cor- rosion film in the tube bore does not flake off. This also rcduces the ne€d for pedodic maintenane fl ushing opera- tions. Copper is also hlghly resistant to extemal sources of corosion, including exposure to moisture, most chemical fumes, process vapors and similar atmospheres. The superior flow capacity of copper permits reduced cross- and feed main-sizing in many hydraulically calculated sys- tems. In pipe schedule sylstems this advantage is reflected in the increased number of sprin- klers permitted by applicable standarG lor copper lines of twoincfi and larger. Fur$ter- more, NFPA recognizes the use of 3/r incfi copper tube in spdnkler applbations while the minium size requirement for steel pipe is one inch. Plpe llaterlal Flow Capa<fty Normal Pipe Size - CTS Copper is an inherentlYsafe matedal. lt $rill not bum or sup port combustion, nor does it decompose to toxic gases.. Also, it will not carry fire through floors, walls and ceil- ings. A oopper systern main- tains its integrity.and ability to cany.water where Ptanned wtren o<posed in a fire situa- tion. Copper tube will not dete- rioratewith age or become embrittled and fail, but remains effeclive for the life of the in- stallation. Should anY Part of the system be damaged, it can be repaired quicklY and easilY, often by soldering or brazing in a new piece. Tees for new sprinkler drops can. also be ..mechanically formed in Place using hand tools. -rrtr,o.o 50 '8. -'ro tn7 tr OU (L (5 a) 70 60 ; oo. o CL to 3o IL =-o.a -Copper QPolybtrtylene -Scfi.4o Steel Figure 9- Cornpari:son of Flow Capacities in 3 common types of !ipe. 6 ;Technical Data Contents 1. Physical Characleristics of CopperTube 2.' Friction Loss Tabies 3. Friction Losses: Flttings and Valves 4. Tube Bending Guide 5. Hanger Spacing 6. Hanger Sizing 7- Soldedng and Brazing 8. Material Spednca$ons 1. Physical Characteristics ofCopperTube For use in fire protec{ion systems, three types of seam- less drawn coppertube Oype K, L andM) are olrendy ac- cepted by NFPA 13, 13D and 13R (Section 3-1.1.4, &3 ard 1-5, respectively). For all hree ' types, the outside drameter as equalto he nomlnal diameter plus % inch. However, wall thicknesses (and thus irside diameterc) vary. Type M coe per tubing has he thinnest wall and is also the leas{ osfly. Type-L b the seoond thinnest TypeK tube has thethickest rvall, he smallest insftl,e darn-' eter, the greatest ct, ard b not widely used. Types L and K are used where bending is r+' quired. Allcopper tube is avail- able in drawn (hard) temper in straight lengths (ordinarily 20 leet long). Types K and L are also available in anneaied (soft) temper, supplied in either 2sfoot straight lengths or in 1@''foot ccrils forsizes up to 1 inch and {tfootcoils forsizes up to 2 incfies. Wrought attd cast copper and copper alloy solder ioint pressure fittiqs are aocepted by NFPA 13, 13D and 13R. These are available in a wide ctroice of configurations for use with each type d copper tube. Table 1. Physlcal characledsilcs of tube, types L and ll t t Table 2 Frlctlon toss (psl per linar footf for types L and ll copper tube t'ith 'C factof.= 15(F Velocity:I o-r o feet per second Itt-ntapr*@,f, l. .8.@ &G .6tB ,0a ,6 .oa .&a .oa .61 .04 .ma .oa.Gl MN s!tr .G.G &tN .6.G NN an tul'[ sfr gl ntl Ntn su.& gt,gu nn tr0 an Jir.6 aa. t12. ,rt 'r2,€ff ,rt ,€ ,r'a ,lt .'t1 .N g,1a tra t!5 ,ta .ors .ori DT nn ,rct ,ro ,ta ,||.tto ,|r ,|o .otull to r€ ,rt .o'r? .o:r ,r3 ,t5 .0t.01 .8t 8r .ot.0l nnr .dl.ot n&. .&,,&, ga&, &,&, &,&, .&,.&a .6.4 .6'.G .E& s.& && G.6 .6.G 4as .6a.a !a!a tr''. gg n& .cr-G .d'.!r " 3r -.:.6;JG '' 7.' " n.a N .G..Oa G!{ .JGS .G5 irtS .tr rl05 .G..G t!5G,!:rf- .G.G .47 2a m.a .*24 .9r.81 t6.2t .&.4 .g.n ,grsti .t..s .g-* ttt.J 217 JA .g.n &.9,t .tr'.4u &a .Q./ta.sb .g.a .g..'t. t,6.il .6.4 .rn.no .G' 'Efi, t?l .8,a..9 .@t.6 .tG6 .tc g -tr!.t6 .t|t -t€ .t2t.trt .ttt -!ra .tt -raa .lial -r2t .6 At .Gtt & .8 .6 ,./to.Gn .&, at ,* t1,7 .oaa .oat ,ae lag .Gr ,al .8.8t .G'. .o5a .G'l.G ,cr..@ && E1G o2a ,nt no ta.n ra nt *ta 8f tlan ci.& .gs .ro.G .o.0 .d.& ,r0& .0{o ,|o ,tt tro m2 tll ,€ ,re ttt .ota ,'lt in1 t6 tu ,ta rta $l,tr Bt t'!2 .63& !t &r .ot ot tt tt !r.&l .Or,Or .0r tl n.0l .ttt .g .t,l.tc .lt tn -fi -rf7 -s .tJl zto J9 t1t -ra ........ 4 .&.an .*.n .{a .g& .aa,g 92.g 'a.a .rA J.r -iat -r5l I2,t :fi .2rr' 3rS.E .3a rtt trt.G .*sro ttt trt -'6tt.9f -ta -lt' .9.*a -tt -t5t -!l9-$t .ttt .t0 .tt -g .ta -le .ta .tta -tt, .424. -f*t -r4 -*19 -(, -t3 -ttt JA:9 -'l'' -t- -a35 -t4 -r9 -t.t .tdt -tt? -ta -14$ .r7t 1a -'c.- B Tabl€ S. Allowances forfiiction loss in fittingsandvalves eteressed as equivalentleqrthof tnbe(tee$ 4. Tube Bending Guide 5. Hanger Spacing Table 4. Bendlng guide for coppertube.Table 5. Hanger Spaclng 'h:FPA 13. Sec. $,t.1.7 attaua bending K ard t oppertubo. ^^ NFPA t3D ard tgR have no ,€stidi&rs m tendng ccipertrbe.- Bendrng done wifi mec$anir=l tools 6. Hanger Sizing Table 6. Hanger slzing ' Above 2-inch, Use the same SpS t ange. sAe as tt e t rOe size. $;rit-i;'q ;. 1 I J NFP4 13. (Secfon &t.t.t). and N|PA l3D (Secfon 9-&6) and NFPA l3R (Sedion t-5.6) recognize the use of 99S tin- antimony soHer for fire jofinlng of wetjipe copperfire sprinkler systerns. For all copper systems, NFPA 13 (Section $124) rec- ognizes the use of fillermetals for brazing wtrictr udtrstand hi,gher temperatuies. NFPA tg' (Section 3-1.1.1, a[ows thd useof BCUP€andBAJP4 braziqg filler metals. For more informatiorl, refer to AUIS. A5.9, . ('Specifcation for Erazing Fifier Metal)-' Excellent resutts are dained in using a non-aggrcssive sol- derirq or brazfuB flux ryftidl sh9lrld be appliedqaftgty In a lhin, even coating to both tube and ftfling. The flues used in bradng ar€dfterentln conposition to soldatrgifirnes and cannot be used her- cfianseably. The Anierban SocJety for Testing ard llaterhb 6on- sidedng a stardad braplder fltxpedornane. hblmpor- tant that solder fluies miet fte requirements of this dandard, so failures due to conosion fnom aggressive fluxwifi not ocqrr. ANSTL Arae*:n l€fondwrds . lcs6rle. hc. t4ogdrny. ttY_,wt6fa nSue fhe ejtrlricet &d.Ulo. ueAradca e!h...r. SaS e {, sr-r(Y-try19617. esn/L emaizt Sodr{h.Tt ftg.ndllaabk t9t6 Ra$- PtibdebHa. pA t9tG.'Atirs: Alfqi=n W€t4tf Sod.ry.5SO a(w. tc.ranc Rc4ff,ard F_glt26- & llatedal Specifications 'Table& $pecmcdons fortrbg, fiUhgs, solderand hdqg dloys and fltr FI b i i ..F. -.',,q, . ... tfTT crinneu o Wrot Copper/Cast Brass Sofder Joint Fittings Catalog WCCB-82 :: 'wrot copper/cast brass o PRESSURE 1|€""qlhs" coupling with stop coppe( to @pper fig.910O/970O couptings coupling wilh stop copper to coppelr fig. 9l{Xt/9700 (con't) nomin l sazc .PP(O& nct r^l|l. unil Prck dim. N crflon qu.ntaty coupling withoid stop @pperto @ppe( fig.9l0l N-1r-iT nornlnel lwrot I can I dl(||. sazc N erloo I unilqurntty I p|ct appror. nct !,tt." *r- o.d. ur' r r- I ,/re- o-r '.ic'o-d-, .c' o.d. x 1,1 Yt' r.- r t/ra' o.( !t- x lt' rt- \- x rft- rr' x t/re' o.c t'r lt- U2- rfxll' rz- t Vt' lt_ t' r 14' t' r li-!i' r !a' 4'rt' x lt- 4'116-r.'x ll-ur.'x ' ,h- lr.txtx 1iII lxlxlxx x x x x x "'l%l{ol1,. I,/rc Itr, .l,la I "/o Irtlrl I?lqolrlrlr Ivol ttri t,,lz t-rr l'ri !/n l:a '/rclr'rr tln t/rc r@ r00 r@ rq) 50 tco 50 50t(x) lro0 Isolt(tr |tq, I:sltq) |solslslsl50 1al lt*t- : '&I I .01 | .ol | -ol .01 .or .ol .ol .ot .@. .@. .01 .o1 .G3 .(xl .@. .o5. - ' -05 .04 .q! tt7 .o7 .06 I'6 .05 .ot) t- l' x tl- l' r :t(- t- r lt'l'r lt- l- r lt- t v.' lvr' r l' Itea- x ' t%- r tl- lr1- r !A' lv.- irrz r 7Vt' l1{- r l- lr{- r *' rh' t tt' x x x x x x x x x x x xx' x x ,ln u 1|.,tr ryr r?rr It tlre .rlr rt rYl it tf'e h li h 66a6 256E6 66 6 rc to to to to 5q, ? 250 3 ; rl}t r(x, -lt .ta .13 rx) .to -to .t6 .t8 -t7 -t6 .t3 -4 24;2 21 .19 7 7|l.t' 7 x 7ut' ?-x1' ? x ,A' Z x rh' 2rr- x x x x x x x ta .rle l'/re r{ra tt/r rrrr: h 5 5 5 to to to r0o | ..3so | .{o l3sl:s-13-l33sol -6s . 6 2\r' I T ?1r- r I tt' 2\2- | 1r.'z' 2h' t l' x x x x r: tt tl 13.a6' tiu .59 -72 .74 .73 3:' 3- rzw 3'r? 3- r ltt' 3h' 31t- x 3- x x x x x x !,r ll ta I ':r:t:r t 30 .97 38 r.03 r.(x r.a5 r.52 {fr3h'rl-rI e x Zh'4'r? x x x x x ,tn lt rr li,rc -,t !r 8 2.09 zr2 L@,zrl e16 t5rf x x ,le rtl,!3.63 655 6i 5-xf 6-xtr x x x ?uttn Itlr: 5.75 836 8"&! g 816- x x sb rt ta.t3 z2s9 nomlnj.&.*Yot cait d.n A cJlon ur{t p.d( .Pp.ot r|.a rr|. {rs- o.d.r- t,r€ oL w- ra' Uz- *- ra- u.' x x x x x x x x x rll:t x/r: tln at,[ 4n It/n lrrrt l.t rr lal'E d! tco r@ roo r00 t00 50 50 25 .al .ot .ol .ol JT, .(xl J43' .o9 1- lln- rh' x x x ?rlrc. ll.6r 2Un <> a,> ro r@ -tl .t6a o wrot copper / couplings fig. 91Ol (con'r) drain coupling @pperto @pper 1i9.9703_r-f U fifting reducer titting to @pper fig.9ldl-2/9706 eccentric coupling@pprbopwr ftS.9m5 nomlnel sizc wrol I cast dim. A carlonqulnliry unil lapp.or-pack I n€t wf. 7 ?Vz' x x 2.thz Zttitz 5 5f .61 r 3w' x x 3r r/rr 3:tix r.m 1.45 a' 5. 6-t x x x x 4rli 5r!/a 6?tn 7t1rtz 2.O9 3-63 5.75 14.37 nomlnal siza rrol ca3l dlm. A cartoa quenlity unltp.ct rppoo& .rct r/L %'rW lL' t Vt'y.ft!f,: !4' r I't' h' x Vt' ,l'xw lt" r lt' tl' x U4' $'xli. ,A'xW U.'rW |Z'xYt' x x x xxlxixlxl II II l5lrr the aln lllrc tln ltfte .dla jla I tVrr llt Trla 50 5{t 50 r00 rq, 50 50 50 50 fl) 50 50 C/allt .01 -@. -or .CX' .92 .(X .o4 -ql .06 .06 .05 .05 1' x rA' 1'r 'l'..f' x tt' l'x $' 1Y.' | 1' 1%' x N<' lk' x y2' th' x lk' ltt' r t' lh'rrt th'rW x x x x xxlxlxlxl II lY. 1?re lle l.ln Itl6: l',h, I rtlr2 1!{rr It?n I rVr lr.ta a r0 6a666 to t0 10 t0 r(n .t3 .08 .(ts .08 -17 .r6 -t3a .2. 2r -t6 38 .&t 35.g g .o0 58 :ro -74 ?tr'f'I x7r1v.'i X?rt' I x ? tt*- I xzxh' I xZr2't? I X*z'xlh'I X2h'rryn'I x zrt'r l- I X t -/rc ?Illl lala rh l2?:z t.?re ?ta!la ?tz 5 5 r0 i0 : t rt?yfTrt tr r t lt' trx il4' 3rt' r 3' x x x x x 4 2r'y'n 4rla 3?rr 2rtla r.(n t.t r r116 r29 t.r|E 4'x 31n' I X{'x3' I x 4'x2y6'I x{rZ I x 4 21i. 3Vrr 3r& zg) :.$ t35 r35 5'r a' 5'x r x x 4a 3Yre 520 a-Gl 6'x 5i 6-r4' 6irtr x x x 3r.& 3tr 3rt/re 7-A 7.06 e75 6r6'x 9.tv lg.so nornltll aL. unot cral dlrt|.ll ctrtoo qt,.ttllty .pp3oL nct w{. w L' x x r4 u 50' 6 .08 .14 t'x ua t0 2, a|o nhald4 trot ca3l dir||.w €ttonqu.dtty .Pp3Or. NGN U'L Y' x vr'x ,.r,50 .ro l' r l4- t-rh' tt'r l- lrt' r L' ltt'rl{- llt' r lla' x x x x x x t-.n t'tl t'tt *rc 6a to ro 5 r0 -77 21 21a .2 52 Trlh' 21A'xt x x t,x .r.b 57 t.r9 Til:'.| | wfor lcrst dm. l crlo.r l .!nIA lquudty I pdr .PP(o& nct urt t' u' rr' t !t- '|'tr- r ra' rr' x !{' l1- a Vr- u' rl- r l- la_ t L- rr' I t-rr' I ra- ra' t l(- ,r' r !t- !(. l.- r l- lr- I ll- lr- I lt' x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x .x x ,lr ri lln I lrra I htlrr aln I rV.r: '-rlrn h hv lTre tlt tt L 50 5() 50 r(x, 50a 50 l(xta 50 r00 tql 66 50a g) 50 ldro 5@ .o2 .(x| -t3 .(x . -t0 .Gt .(X -(n 3) _t3 .(X I}5 .13 .o9 .l rl .t9 -r0 .ll t' t'r I lt'l'r !L't-r*- l-r%-tt' t.e- r ? lre- r lrt- trr'l l' l re- t lt- lrr- I lt' I lt' Ir{'r 3 li"- r I li- lrf r r- x x x x x x. x x x x x x x x x rv'l ::; I*. 1 x/r: 1ln lrleqrr It t?r: t{n 1lYrr x/n * 16 a ro t0aa ro 5 r0 ro to r0 r0 r0 r0 r00 z2 .68 21 -t9ags .17 3tla .gl 1t .7A -.8 37 ?t I lv.' t r lul' 7r.' Tc 6ir x x x x x x x x l./rr trrrcala Irt t aallp tAe 4lp 4 t J ! 50 55 .69 .75 121 r.72. 3.69 r350 .4J"_r7 adapters .:(- -wiot copper/castbrass . PRESSURE bushings female flush bushlng fiding to temale fig. 9708 female adapter copper to lemale fig- 9103/9713 flush bushing fitting to @pper f.s. sr18 6_--[ u!==u Ji_"tl H nomlnal slze wrot ..ol T cfloal q.lf|dty .P?@r- arct tt t %'xl^' rli' x Yt' 1i' x lt' h' x Vt' ,(r' I rh' wr'^'u'xw ,A' t tt' x x x x x x x x l/r Vrc 7p Vt Vrc {rctln ,hc 50 50 r0o tqt 50 50 50 50 .ol .ol .o2 -(X -a .04 37 .1t l' x :|a' 1'x!A' 1%' r l'tl^'xlw' 7 rllf x x x x x Itr{r t/rr sfu'r 50 5066 to .12 2, -17 .2. .66 .roflln.| dzc x,.d c..l doL A dloal $rl|0ty IPP(oL nct r.r'L 14' x rit' v x ,i'x x ?rt{rr r(n Ix| -tl l' x lt- lrA' | 4' 116- r l- x x x lVr I Yrr !?re .t3 -t8.a 8 wrot copper / o cast :'lj:i ' brass e PRESSURE . adapters X male adapter copper to male fig. 9104/9714 r -.*t*c . I tttttlttlltl, rlt|fxr61115ay ii: IL___ - _:*---L.__ *f....--.*.{$ <A male fitdng adapter fitting to male fig.91o{-2f9719 no.tdnel lwrot cast dl.n" I c..!on I rrnitA lqumttty I pack sPproL net wt h' %' rA' t th' Vt' t th' ,h' ||-x {' li' r lt' i- tu't- !4' r l' h' t tt' !t' x r/|' h' rY,' ft'x %' tt' r !t- *'L'r 1!,1' l[' I I vr' ra' r t- *'x!A' x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x 'a i'r, :_ ,: r!: !! l: !t It !l l:'t.a ta !l l: "' l:-i.-..tr: r00 r@ 50 50 r00 50 r00 50 t00 6 50 ro0 50aa 50 t0 t06 50 r00o r@0 500 -c2 .03 .o9 .04 .04 .1J .09 .04 .o7 .23 .t6 .05 .07 .t5 '.06 .r5 .60 3tl.a .t0 t' l- r I iA- l' r ltl' t-rlt' l- x rA' I 14' lu'tT lra'r llt'tk'r t- lrt' r t!.' lUz- It't' r f tlt'r 1 r.'.' :lt'x l- llt'r rl' x.- x x x x l' t' !t t:l"t: :i t.- t. l: '.1.i r: 't -l.:. l: I t-' Ft: :.. -, .a :l r-. '..- ;l -! x! Ixixi a t0 t0 6 6 to 5 ro r0 r0 t0 5 to to to 3 250 ; I I-lttl I I_l .24 .6,4 .40 .17 .?2. .36 3{l 5t.6 .8 .12 -77 39 .12 .38 Tf x 2.,2- frlh- ? r ! rr- 2h' Zat' r 7 x x :(. x x l:." I.-r: I:'r I'r.r I:!.. It", ! 5 5 : ; .67 r.57 .70 r-r3 r.r0 t39 t 3h' 4- t 6i x x x x x I:' .r i r.:!r: it".. IFri2l I 6 r.65 3.26 3.75 8.@ ro.73 nooranal sirc un'ol I Gan dinL A ctrlon quanlity uait pack aPPror. ncl wl. rt- k' lf- h' th' t rA' !a' x |,t' ?A' I l' ''r'rW ll ir rtlrr f t/u I r/re lrhc I tftr 1Vt Itr/ra lrt/rr f?re 50 50 50 r@ 50 r@ 50 25 50 .42 .04 .06 .09 .t8 .05 .14 .a .i5 t- l'x 14' lw I lt' f, x x x ?TA I rYr: ?rr 2r!n 25 5 r0 r0 .25 .3{t .26 37 T 2h'r x x x 2rrl'| ?tlrr .3% J -57 1.74 247 t oomh.l aLa *rc4 d d.ru A cJto.lqor|Gy rdtp.d(rPP.o& arat ur|. k' rc- 2,i'r,b' t7- h't*' !t' r lt' !t' t l' x x x x x x x x x tlt rhtr lrt,! 7tl$ l9r t{re I r?re lxir 50 50 50 50 1@ 5{' 50 506 .(X rl3 .o4 .o7 .o8 .l rl .05 .t7 .2'' t' l' r 16- lu' IL.-r l- th- x x x x x 2t trtx !la 2rl 2.tl a 6 r0 ro ro 24 21 -43 26 .64 r 2h' 3 x x x 2* 3li 3r?r 5 36 r55z8 o o wrot copper/ cast brass r PRESSURE etbows V. 90" fitting ell litting to littinglig.9l05-C .. A union elbows 9()F union ell copper to copper fig. 9736 lemale 90" unlon ell @pper to lemale tig.9738 fl!\* ii -f --r nrale gf unlon ell oopwto mde fig.9nX)I P I I-t. - H r IG'-'-k A gOc street ell fttilittg to frf,fi;g fig.9l09LT A no.nidl 3irc wrol cast .titrr A dinL H caaton qurnOty nct wt. h-\'x. x I t'l p tirc t're % ro .a .39 t' lv' lh' ? x x x x t2t t: til lr 2r rc?i 2tl:r' h I lVt 5j .86 r.@ t39 2.9 noc*rd sha srtor cart dan|. A cr.ton I app.or.qu.ntity I nct ur|. Yt'x |",'x 23 .r2 t' lU.' I rt' x x x I tl,b ?/r 2lrln r0 J 5 ,a& .116 7 zvL'7 x x x 8lt 3Flhe 3rTrr 2 I .81 r3l 26 no.ni|r.l sbr h' U.' t- rrot cr3l dhr. A dar|..s crlonqu.dltt tlcl t{t x x x lrj l: rl l:l lt I lU. r0 r0 5 35 .48 .78 aroml|rdd&ff€a cr3 dnr. A Gt toal qorndty .ppfo& oal rrt U.- k' vi 4' w x x x x x x x lt.'rc | 50|'trc i 23lrt&c I a JT .@. -(X .08 .tl .t6 2r t' tk- t it' x x x ?t2 3Yn 3t/rc r0 g) .1|5 .69 ? 2h'g x x x 4V 5rr/re 6lt I r.t9 ?-t0 338 notf|.nd alzc ?t' rr- t- urol ctsl dio|. A d.n P G...On qu.ntity nd $a x x x I r'rt ll .t !DE rh I rrJr Itt ro ro 5 .9 .49 -78 1l wrot copper/ cast brass o pRESSURE elbows J 45" ell copper to @pper f49.9106/9740 45 fitting etl titting to copper Iig.9to6-2t9r42tr 45. fitflng etlrniog Afuno tig. groez-f male 49 ell copper to mate fig.9744 ) A 12 '.jgr l*-,cast di.rt. A carton I unat quantity I prct aPproL nca vrl. r,'re o.d- h- 54c- o.d. %' rt- tA' lt- ta- ,n' r ta. ,h- li,lil II ,ln rn 3ln tla thc tla rtl:c rIn rrla rVrr 50 50 50 50 5{t t@ 50a 50a roo(t .0r .or .ot -o2 -o2 .o4 .@ .G) .q, A t'l'r ' lVt' th' x x x x rt rrftr .rla rq12 8 25 10 t0 250 M r00 -16 .18 25 35 t 2U2' 3' 3rt' x x x x aln ''lrprlt t I 30 t5 .64't-02 r58 232 {t 6' & x x x l%e lr/Jr t{t 2rlr = l=' 335 957 t7-@ 3r.@ --A -l noodnaldr.rnot Grs.aftt! A fiffifl, | ffi It- 11-\- x x x x ,lr 'Vreale Itla 5(' 50 50 50 .or -@ -(x -to .t5 l'x lta 6 oomi.|.l satc vr- Ir' $rrot I c.sa d|m- PP datn-t cario.r qq.ntlty lPp.or.ndra .to .t8 x x dlle jla l'rc 25a elbows v..,-\. a nominal size wrot casl dim, A dtun a crrton unlt p.ck apP.or. n€l qa h' - Ll' ti- L2' :i- li- x X x x x x tln U. 1r tl'tr rrtr: rr/:: 'rl ita ' ,ir ... ,l l'r l!l 25 50 r@ 100 50 25 r0o0 2g .01 .ol .03 .04 .G) .0!t 1' 7V' th' x x x r3lr: rrllz rtlt2 li r: l't r: l-T:a r0 ro ro .t5 5 35 7 2u2' x x t/ra nltt 2r te <- ra I .55 t.ol 3'{x x t5/:r r3he 2't a al til I r55 1.52 elbows elbows 90 ell copper to copper fig. 9lO7-C/9750 9O' long radius ell coppet to copper fig. 9107-LT T:;---J-,:\s <K_ _ KK- nominal tirc wto Gart dim. K di||t Kr( cflon unilprct apPfor. ncl rrl. 'l tr- 't- 'rrt_ tt_ Jr' 't rr_,. x x x x x x x rt !1 t!t ', ,: !l 'tl' "rl'rr r0c :.1) :.10 t80 50 25 50 t- l2m la0@r(m 5(x, 500 500 0e .03 :0r o4 .0; .to .(xl l' t Jr_ l- ( rt' llr r t- tr:- I lr- lr. t lt' !'t- lrr' : lr.' lr: { l' lr. t l.' l':' ( rl- x x x x x x x x x x x x 'r:'tt '-! r: i :r l';--l"l:" ... 'l -ri-r .'r-r 'r-':' t:t'l:'"1 t! r:., .t u "'f ! 'tr-:t't: lg r-'t11 20 25 aa ':0 tc '0 '0 t 5 :0 r0 2@ 250 an r00 .2'l .t6 .21 .32 .€ 3 .?8 .u .35 .F ..2 J8 2 2l' r l::- 2- r l'r- Zrl' ?rlr- 2' t- 2': r ?- x x x x x x x t'3 i ",t"r..! ". rr '|".l-'i r.. i. .'r !2tt.r l'ir: t a(,J3 srtI .t8 .GE t.3!) ?.3 -.: x x 23 :-' : ll r: e.' * l:'. r: t5 r.s 2.9r x 2"' ,.. i;,' ,,r0 a.:0 -jx'd lw.or lc.sr di|fl K dlm. ;uon I unlr(( :u.ntlty I p.ck rpproL ,ral wl. r,'t o.d. I x Itt- ;xl rtc- od. i x I"i'lr l,f ...- | x I*i'lxl ;::ll: I I I ;i:rlr Irirlil i1-"1II i :l soo I =l 1l |'':r l"n 50lrtl'r 50 I t,. I t'. 50 l't',' ;.'" 3t |'tn I ': 5i, l'r$ lrt.r s{! | ,ro lr' " 50 lr.rlr'r:. <.t 'r ,. I rt.! 3t:3ir lF r: :J:tu lr'r -33I' re ll' .r 3t " |"'' s)I'i I t'r i5trr I ll r: g'-i :rr lt'.. 3f:'r I'l.r 5'!1 :rt r lr.r r: ..1 .01 .01 .@. 32 .01 .05 .(It .@ .06 .03 .t | - .09 .07 .r6 .t3 .t0 .o8 27 t' l' r l.- t'r h- t'r tl' I r'.- tl.' r t: lra- r t' tlf l!4- r I ir- l!t' r t' x x Xxj x. lIIxl xlx! rh t:r :'t I Itr 2rs tal r tra 2 2tr tt+u ..:I r', I l'r |,tr,ll' 'r?r:Itrl'r 2 2l r: lrr r00 an 50 50 aa .t5 .t3 ..6 3a .6. ..9 37 7 ?| r lr."' ?r l!.- 2h' xi:t.. :I 2:.,u l2r' r:?t'r l2.' ,-2'r 12t r. 3'r .. l3':.r 5 L?2, .?6 .59 eoo 3' 3lt- I x l't p 3rr .'fr | -5rr ' | - 3iiz ..95 f x 5,.4'p 5!r: | -7-ro r3 I !* : ,i l; ', wrot copper/ cast brass o PRESSURE 90" fifting ell tifting to @pper ti1. 9to7-C2197s2 elbows fig. 9107-2LT (con't, female 90' ell copper to fanale fig.9108/9753 f,. 'LEf4- -l-v-R, I ^JI Ic i:I t: I d l_ nomlnaltl!r dLrr A dtrl B rt- 'f- r t4' rf 'r' : \- !t- rr' r t4' *i' li_ 50 50 50rTg 50 50 5{l5 to 6 to 10 to 5 .or &, .(xl .(x .(xt .08 .06 .t I -17 -r8 .toa 3rz .a5 l-raf 'r- r li- 'a t- lr- x l_ I Y.- x x x x x x elbows \ tl"l "R\3 .H 9O" fitting ell titting to @ppe( fig. 9107-2LT tlt r\a I rr/n lrt rr lle 2rln ?tl. t?rc 4lr 4. It{r ?EIz no.ranal size wrot cast dim. A cralofl qurnlaly unil p.ck aPPror. nea wt. lrr- r l%' trr- x x 2t 2,t t: ,:3r| 3rtr 5 5 .50 .g 7 2t z' x x 22' n 3rt re 4W' 5rty'rr I r.23 2.tr 3- J'l x x 4rt J: 4rt 6 6Vrr I I 3.39 5.56 4'x 55 r:Srlr I 7.88 {|omanal size wrot caSl dim- K dln. L cadoar qurnlaty unat pack apPnor. net wl. t- h' tL' x x x r%a l1 2V:l l5/rt I r/r I r?r: rq) t00 6 1O0 500 .03 .04 .t I l' lVt' r}l' x x x 2rlu I r/:: 1\a fla 4h 2rtlrp 6 t0 5 a 1q) 50 .2. .t2 .45 ?2t'x x t}itr&2ttn 3flrr 2 rl{,.86 r.39 3' 4' 6- x x x 21sFla ?/rc 3!Tre 1* Tttr I I 406 4.00 19.00 *Jy, lwfotl c.st dm. I dlcv ts c-loal rmltp.d(qrpro& rrc( tlrt tr- I ll' !t- lf r la'ti rrA'!dx%' !:' rr- x l'rr.r&' !r-rlf 'r- r lt- 'ir ra- lr_ ri- t:- r ll4- le- r t- l:- r h- x J( x x x x x x x x x x x x x x tTra ; r,. E l',.t/r lrr-rIt6r I rr..t. 'lre I i. 't lo.ott r ltrr!%eltl:| lrrrbiIt1'. I rr'.. I6.'n ! tt: 1il l'rrt I ,n l;;l ll,hlil t1 150lsols0ls0l?5lls0 IIrollsoll5lsolnl:lsl 500 gn s00 i I -l-lco, I -l:l soo I .06g tI) 2r .13 -o7 .t3 .t6 36a .09 .t4 .o!tA 26 -€4 35 .t9 t- l- r l - l- s l(' r- { tt' I lL.11"l ro lrool -.4x lt'rr lrt..l s.l- | sz r l:;f l1';l :3 l_ | * ce.t I Tg.oL x x x x x. x x x x U2rrla ri h 'VreItlnt?r r\a $t i*r ?rt'! tutt l5lt ttrr-t lulc lr*e wrot copper/ cast brass o PRESSURE tees copper b coppet :) copper fig.9llU9Z/0 fig. 9111/9ir'0 (con't) nominal sirc *"1.fl'lol:carton I unit nel srl.v 't- ':-t%'rh' :.- x y.'r lt' r.- r r'.' I t/rr- O.d. '.'xV.'r!t' r.e' r r!' I ?rc' O-d.ti- r lrrc' o.d. I Vr-ri'r s '5'6.d g {ta'9.'.'IVa'tU.' ::'r l|'x lt- l"'.lt'' "tl tt rl tt rl tt t2 ,a ,: tt l: tt t:tt t: l"/o lt/'. lulo l"/o 'r/at16r "lart/re ,rla rrl:c rt rt;Il sJrc r5:,:2 r5J!l ht rttrz rrl !tl 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 .03 .06 .(X .0(t .o3 .03 .03 .03 .cE! .Gl rttr'r 'rl'xle',!-xlt'r!t' ,r-r|t'rV.- lr- r lr' x tfre' od.rr'r l|'x tt' t' x rr' r t/rr' o.d.,t'rVr'tli' rr'rtt'rtl- rt-rla'rtl' t- x r'''c'o.d. r tt-tr'r lt' x lf :r-rrrt-rilcr- ,r-rlt'rl,t- ll \l I il \l tt ,: P ,'r t, tl t:tl rt tt t: ., r: ,.I ''lattl tta 'rl'ul'ul Fr f ''1" 1,,f; l"lt l"''"rrl:n ,rta .al'2 tt ta.rrl! Sirt rrlz $i rtt 13'lr t!r'l t're 5:ra ttt'{, ,ja l.'rc ti. l.,r l,'r: 125lztls0ls0ls0;s0 Ilsoils0 llsolrsol s0 lsol fll =-l I-'l _l .(X .16 .06 .u -(X .04 .0.{ .04 .(X .04 .04 .u .o4 .ql h'r:-x !l't l' r:- r !l'r 'r!' r lt' r tl-r:-r lf r l'|-r.''r!a'rk' re r ll' r !'t-r:' r ll'r t-r:' r ||'r k-r:-rr{'rlt- 12- r lt'I rt- r:'r ve- I le- \l \\\: ]\i\lllrill l"; l.'.olr !tI t'l}t I'rr:i'ra l " r.l'' o l" o!''',l"r:l'rttr!':li ",tl'tttlt'*l "t I"r:i'tr:l "lri'rt.; ltr tr tl tt l1 tt aa tt oJt. l "oltr ral;l r00 lr000l .07r0 l-12?a i?5pl .rc25l-l 'oso lsool .ooso l- I .06so l-l.mso !- i .oo so l-. 1 .06rF i-1.06so l- I .06so l- | .oo ri- tr rti_x l_ !s it-x&- tt rta-I b- r1 1 t1- 1 11- tt r ti_ I ..- tf r r.t' r tr- tr \ rtr lt- ta ar."'rt- Ir i lf rt- ta ira-r1l- 13 r t1-1\' .\ j\ I I x x x xxixlxl x: Irl ll , r, -- '.1 l'p .1 ra ?l? .: 'l ret! t: 'tl. rt &- ,t !: r! tl .J .c 'rt -ra _- &l I 9f !.c tr: lr ,r? ,; til It r: 25 ro ro rO r0 r0 r0 , to i - 'o i-r0 l-to !-ro !- ro .30 .t6 .t5 r0 l0 .t5 IG .14 .t3 .t3 .14 nog"' frolcastld"tt 1"fi lr'fl-carlon lunit luantitylpack apPfor. nct rYl. t' Vr-r'i-r l' }i'xli'xra'?h'xlt'xh' ,/.'xr4'xt^- r.t' t {- x y.' 16-xl|-xli' tA'xt,t'xly' 1A'x?.t'xrrl. lt'xltr'xlt'tA'xh'xh' %'xlt'xtt' Yt'x\t'xlk' *-rlt'rtt' %'xlt-rtt' X x x x X x x x X x x x x x x thz h rrllp ,lr ,lre ,tr ,ht r t/.t: nhz ,rln ,hc ,lt 'rlu ),h, I.lr I I r,tn | ,.r l"/r,l\*It"c,lr ,hc "/rc22ltz ahz ll/rt 2r lze rVre ',lualu I l,!;, ltl/n I t'l. l"lu),hl ifil,:;1 IfrI 25 r0 t0 25 25 25 25 t0 to 25 25 25a 6 25 500 rm ;rl-t:l #l-lrl .17 .31 -17 .t4 .t3 .14 .14 -17 .17 .r7 .t4 .t3 .t6 .13 .r3 w x ltl,[al:n 4a r0 3l li li lrtx lxx x x x x l'1-rl'rlta- t'x l'x lk' l-xl-x%-l'rl-rit't'rl'rlt'1'xt'rlt' l-xl-xra'l-xtt'xl'l'rtt-rtt'l'rlt-rt't'x 'rla' l'I{'x5,t' l'rl4'xlt' t' r *'r lf l-r tt- r l' l'rlt'r14' l-:l|'rr:- l% I r'rlrzllx zrla rtlx rsla rt'', Y. .^la Llrht 1t tslrt rTrt rt ^la.rla L t lt tr|, I2!t ^ltrttt r?r: rYr I t/n r?rr h ltlrr 6ln nla nln I h tl:c "lryt !lx il:L ;ltIrll*ll16 l lrl 10 5 5 to r0 r0 r9 10 ro to r0 to 10 t0 t0 to 10 to I r(ro Il:0200 a r(D 200 r(xt ;i -i -l &. 55 .45 27 27 2,a .a .24 .6p. .27 .26 2l 22 3r .26 2. l%' lU.' I l!a' rt t%- r ltA-r tlt l%'r tk'r t' l%'r lY.'r L'lr/.-rltfr'rW I Y.- r l:/.' r li' iV.-rl'tl!,.' l Y.- x l'r l'l1.-rl-rt4- l%- r 1-r q' 1Y.-r16-rlta- l!t'r\'a l- tY.'r r4- r rA- llUi-tL'rh'l l%-x!t'rty.'l lY.- r tt'r 1' I tVi. x !4'z h' l I,i," I t t/rc | ./r. rf,tnl lnt'o I ,lfl ltr l+tcla I r/a 'Le % ttl 'cra rr lfl: Itri i l:t,J' I 5r,'Ll j jrl ; ,: 50 50 tm 5() 50 5{' 50 : -17 r.t9 .66II .343' .3{t .46 .,t{, 35 .9, .46 .10 -35 30 .46 -17 55 77 F, : ! t tl wrot copper/ cast brass e PRESSURE tees tees lee copper to @pper to coppe( fig. 9l1U9Z/0 (con't) nominal sire fig- 9l t l/9770 (con't) dam. U dam. T dim.v Gaalonqs.nlily unat aPpfor. nel wt. -67 3.84 t.18 .59 52 -44 .41 .67 .55 s2 .4 .42 .67 .59 50 .rG .4t s7 57 5l .45 .rO .69 l\r'rltt'x7 lth-r1rh'x1Y. l1h'xlth'rl' l1t-r lY.'x l!{ I V.- lh' x lyz' x lh' x 7u.' r 1Y. l r-i- r lli'x l- lllr'x'lth'xY.' l!a-xlth-xl4' t1frlrt-xY.' l9i'rlu.'xl/r' lry r l'x t 14' llt-x1-xl%' lr.txl-rl' l1fx l-x %' tryx1-xlt' t!A-x*'xttt' l1l x -x t!4' t 12- r l4'x l' l|',- xr!'x*' lh' t ,A' x h' 1 !!- x 11'x llt' t T rT x3' T rt | 2Uz'T\fxlW.TxTxtV' Tx7r7'7rT I U.' 7 rT x th' ?' x t!4- r?Zrlth'rlh'?rtlt-r t-Ttlh'rl' ? r th- | U.' ! |7lit' xuz-? '.1r.'t7?rlvr-rltt' 2-rlrfrt%' ?rlre-rl' Trlr''xltr' ?r lr:-x li' 2'r1'x?. 2' 17- t t.,t' 2- | 7' ,lU.' T rr'- tz Z avr' rt t2r 3.t 1 t.95 r.0:t .c, €0 .m .79 r.t9 1.qt -a .&)tt .zlt .r.fr r-(l2 .9r .9r8l .18 r.20 :. t5 1.09 r.8 r:0 x x x x x x X x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x tr,,rr 2t!n tlt rt'tr n!zz Q I'u i-,lr :a.i: rr ra 1: I rl:r aaitz 2sl:t tt rta lt l t!:: a..t: -/rr ll/rt \ l t/rr ! r/rr 16ln rlt alrn abz lllrc t, l tjr: I r/r: alrr rl'ra *t r/:a lrt 1t/reala a/'t, Trl.r. trr/a t ?rr I tlrr al:r_ l lt/rr I r,'rc lrlrl lrr.u I r.'r3 lrlr: I rjll I I,lt lt.rc lt ta I r'l I'u 1t :l I l.r I r.'ra t r,l t r.',r t t;r2 1r&a 1r ie l r 'tl t tira tr"a I rjr j f, 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 ( 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 : 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x lr,r 2 lla rtrlc nt, rYrr :t t:r{r r{E Itl.e zrla 'nl''r?:r I tjt l1'I r?re aln a6r I rru lt!a 1 fr ltta lrln 2lt:t'.r{'lltrr{te ll tt rtrtlrr lltrrrrrr I l-!i rt 12 | l ajt( Ilt h'r t t'rr ll're lrl rrt t {o {o rO 50 50 50 a nominal siz€ casl dim. ldim. ldim. carlon unil pack net wl. 2h' 2h' xZW x2 zrh'x2th'x It 2rh- rzrh' x 1tl 2h' x zrh' x I 2h' t 2Yz' x N. 2h'x2rh'xU 2h- xT x2W ZYz- xt xl 2h' xT | lW 2h' xZ x 1Y.' 2h' xT x l' 2h't? rYi zth' x? x rh- zth' | 1k't2th 2th' x l1h'xZ 2WxlWr.lh 2h' x lU.' xAli 2W x 1' |2rh' 2h'xt xZW zth'th'a.zw x x x x x x tr: llr rr ll r: lru t3 l: ?5r? 23 tt lat,rl l2r t:llri:l t' r. I:;l ;:,1 ';.I ::;l ;:il I tt: I t ?'rre | ',,,,I r ''r, I tt'rt I tt.t, I a'e l lz.r, I l:,i;l rjitl i:;:l ;itl "',ol I rv l;:1 Itztl: I rt/. t"': lr'rft I l tr/r lnlt tzrlt I 12rlx 2 la& rr4t l:rrtr lalx I arr ll't 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ? 2 2 2 2 2 4n 30 30 30i 20 2.6 !-98 r5l t53 r.28 1.8 1.2. t.99 1.91 1.57 r57 r35 r35 r35 ls7 z(?, t.76 t€7zu z@zs 33xfx4'g xT x21h'3.x!rt! rT x lth' T xg xlta'trxf x 1'! xT x$'Yr3'x!{'! x?3l'x3.t x ztt' r,zwg t 2th- xa Y x?t2'I lW T x,4€ | lva'! r.42'x l'trTrg7x.7xut trx?t?! rTtlrfF trx l!{'r Y 3'r t%'x 3trr t'xySr}.'rI! x7'z'x3- 3u2' x x x x x x x x x X x x x x x x x x x x x x x x l?'trli I In r:li I'l"ll trl la ulttarl i ':''l' ta,,u 12 trtru l2 zl tal, Tjr l; 2.'. tr lz Itr 2!r !t fru !rt u 1l! n Il:rc 2' t7 2rln u--I ,,, lz','?"'u l t a[n l:' rz I 216rl"'r:l 21t l'r.r: | ?/n r.5rrl 2t !.?u | ?.rr zr't2 lztln)tt n lzt.rral I'r r.l?Ac I;:;l#l i:ll iI I ;1:[ff| *l*l tt u i?'ltp I ::;;;,:f;f Irsls3zll- | egei l;|";xI lm | 2.2.I l20 | z.glr leolrsrlnl.-i i:lifi: l:l:xl-12s3l-lz.rs; l:li::: l:ls; l: I ii3r l-lec: !: ! # | _- a 1-48 r l- I 520 18 I # ,n' i: t.o wrot copper / cast bra -:'i ". i::i.::{i.: ilil PRESSURE tees tees Vt\ copper to fifting to coppe(fig.9ll1-2 fig.9ltt/9770 (con.r) nominal I wrot Isize I I dim. T dim. U dam. v carlon I unil Flantity I pect aPP(Or. nel wl. 4' 4'x4'I 1- x4- x2 4'r.1'x, 4-r4-r I 4'x4'r l4'r4-x' 4'x4'rl { x4'xt q xT 11 4'x3'x3 4'r3.r2! 4' tT x2 C xz!,/"'r, 1't?Uz'xz {rf14(x?x? 1'x1rh'x1 {rl'x.;'l li 'llv2'lXr lx}t'lxv;lxr'lxitr-lr 3'l I rl i 2rrt. 2tit 2rlz lr5A I rrJr 1r !/r I I I ?trtt 2rtt 2rtrn lrtrt' llrJu ?1ln Itr/a lYt At /$: ,i ?l I l?' , l2'r:3'r 22, t 2t, t 2at?x 2tt 'tFt ?t'.rr,rt.. 3rl: !Q' r: lt' u I,u it.'r: Ztt ?r:. 2ra :l ;-llT:i: il ' l-ltf ,l j i-lrfl; l-l;r | : t:lifr I i l- I id ll l-17.6| - t- | ..all- i:llr f rtrfSrf rrt xt I Ztft'tx5'r?tr 5'r I tt'5rf,r't%' trtr t'trSr -... trf r5-5.xa-rftr 4'r tr x x x x X x x X x x x x 3Vr 3t/r 3t/e9lt 3r/& 31r 3t6: 3V! 3?:r 3l/a 3t/rr 3./r 3!r 3rr 3rr3lr 3' r: 3t r: 3tu 3'r: 3l r: lll tsre l! r: 3h 9tr: 3tlrr 3rt'u 3irirt Y:a ilt'e 3''!r ar.b 9!a 3trl 3tlrc I I 16.00 l18.ss I r85) Irs.so lt7.s0t8.d) r8.7(' 17.Q rt-75 r857 t6.60 r7.00 29.00 21,8 r650 r6..0 ra56 recta6 2t.00 a0J0 a.@ 5.r3 r7.00 I I 1 6; 6i r6-r f6ir5-r4' 6ir 6'ry 6-rGirZ!{- 6.r6irZ 6rr6irltt' 5. rdx l%' 6-r6ir t' 6ir6ir:lt- 6irr['r6- Crfr{- x x x xxlxl IIxl il 3fi 3rt ?tL ttarlr Ir%l ,;. I H'l 2u. il f31rl3rI 3r. | 3{rr | 9/re l3{re t3?a l*,, 3"/re 3F/a 3dr 3la I -- t:l-t- | - l: il-i-l | : l: I'- |!_l: l: II 8':r6-rF f rtrrS 8r8-r4- x fa,'.,. f4''.*X lltry,n j.r':.. i[:i;fi::; 4rVra l tr.a 5.te 5rtte i- lrl- l<t_ l;t- l; I P.00 rr.0O 9.00 7.50 nornlnal ska wrot cast dim- A diflL B c cadoo quanlity nct rrt w 4' X x ll/rl rrln I I r./x I r/rz rrln 50 6 .06 .17 nomlnal afrc cts v dlnr. s dtrl H Gtraon unll nat wL ,a'x 'ht I l/re thc 5{).11 h' h'x4'|th' h'rrrl'xr/.:' x x x .lr the ,lr h Itlrr* ,lr ,k,lr 50a 50 5(x) zfr .t6 27 .11 w xy.'xh' U.'x!6'rl[' ,A' xlh' t!6' x x x x rVre ala 1rt!r Itlp tSi c % .h: ?rtlr tl'r 25 25 6 25 29 8 3r6 24 21 l- x |.'r t'l'r !t'r l' x x x "/rt4a t6 1tt* Itb '.le1a* to ro .to 52 -r|6 .al lk!4'r:L'rtk 'A'xth'rl!&' x x x I h lr trt/a tta trlrr tt h h .7U 59 56 rh. It' r la'r l h- ,;!lr't'l x K x 'il lth I rt/rc Itl:.c t I I 5 5 rtx) .gt .75 ? ? xlt xt7 ttA'r? x x x trt llt lYt lrh )2l2l lL Ilu -.l'-lI r-72 r57 t.{t @ Grinnell=BRONZE VALVES FOR ST'PPLYSAI.ES @MPANY FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEMS U.L LISTEO VALVES Fig.66 OSTYGA1EVALVE !t' lhrough 2' U.L tJSI'd ' FM APPFOVED BAONZEMTEVALVE Ul- - FM fisr€d tor 175 Fsi Gcncral Sarvicc Fsdng 12:t h. s1 rP, .rco |b. woG non shoct Fig- 39 NSr Frg. 39 llN' HOS€ GATEVALVE N.RS. 2h' U.L Us@d . FM APPROVED r75 tb. w.w.P. rl'lS = FSPS THD. To MTL STD. HOSE THO. 'MN = l'lATl- STO THO. E062 X 7}I NSTIHD X NAT'I- STD. HOS€ THD. Fig.936 ANGLE HGE VALVE 2Y2' U.L UsIEd O FM APPROVEO zuM-NOTSC 175/3@ tb. w.w.P. NTL STO. PIP€ THD. X NTL STD. HOSE THO. GRINNELLTRIM VALVES' FIgl 1550 U.L. BEASS EALL VALVE U.L Lbt d Convcntiond Port X' throogh 2- TFE S.rt3 no b. w.w.P. F19.2960 BALL ORIP VALVE BAAS{;u'a'[' R9.2920 BRONZ€ GLOAE VALVE u- ftuoogh f Buna-N Oisc r75 tb w.wf. R9 3000 HC BRONZE GATE VALVE!f' throrrgfi 116' N.P-T. r NTt tlosc Th.eed r,y'Cap E Chain 20c rb w.w.P FlS.2930 ERONZE ANGLE VALVE 14' O|.ough 2. Sc'rt.'ln Bonnat Bum-N Disc r75 lb W.W.P. U.L Uned r|4' thrcugh f F19.2940 ARONZE SIDE OUTLET Globr Vah/€ L' Size Screw-ln gonnei Euna-N oisc /n0 lb w.w.P. raosT TRII| vaLvEs Atso AvAtLAaLE WtTr{ SO(O€R JOtf{T GONN€CTIO0|S. F19.2950 BRONZE CH€CK VALVE Horizoorll Swing %- through 2- Euna-N Olsc 200 tb w.w.P. CocuneeCfty. @ M. (sr31288-:Xnt Fa:( 288€!82 NO. 53 Pressure Retief Valve For presurre relief only. Furnished without a leuer. Yz' temale drain. Presnre range 75.175 lbs. Stan- dard settings 75. 125 and 150 fbs.. -::- Abo specially arnilable:it 50 lbs. setting. No. 530 )alibrated Pressure Relief Valve ]alibrated adjustment fqatufe for setting rnlra to elief pressure. Adlusabtd.range 50-175 lbs- I . fll lft cohstruction and stainiass steetspnng.' tdealty suited as a byaas.ihernal expansion rai.r yalve- t[o] Size 'Feight ' Wiett $reisht 53 530 V2 o( 314': tlz ot3lq" l?la" tlz lV ls/e" s/e {b. 24e'i 3" : SPECIFICATION -.1..- Model 805Y (3/n' through-2") Double Check Backflow Preventer For Non-Toxic Service Features . tffhead 16 . sofirobadco "r- rypecr€lcKvahtes' o Dotrtnett€C tlow trrffos cSOn!rc0 ry Univotsly ct so,rl-ti;t i at't|;n h Foqdanon brooss Oonnedim Contot alrd tlffrafrc Resanctu o Satrle sewico plocctrres- /u hE(ml f'ts ate senie ablcitfne. o lloas all soecrTcalirns ol AWWA ASSA ard USC fosnOar,o,i tor qs Conneclbo Codrol and Hyd.grf,c Rcswctr d<g .o Brone t|ode$. ?ps. sft|Idl flvos and teslcor . Operation ^ao- lrairrflovaonalfoortrecrrcdtwlv€shold I Ptil n*lmrn--Elhfu dr€cdonolfror. hellqvconfllnOedrccf vdueor7trt oooc proporllomt !o the 0o,r dsrrard h a baddor ccrrflbn oati cfreclc *il dce uttil t,te acsrmdittn of nomld [orv. Tydcal Spedfications fho Dqrbb Ched( Vdra assanbty ll' Ut urgh f $ol oocCsto(abrooze bodyrithb.tiEedd.lhebodysfial be a Y psl€rn de{ion horporairg hrs sptttg loedod. c6rilorouited cfiedc assembfres. The acserbry $aI fr*de-weaOeditetandodd. ulpodbqlvahto€t{rtdf valv€sa.xllcrtf beltdvet€stcod€.Alhfiamalpe,tsddl Decf corodott|eddanlfledEfr .. ; :_ '' - l Aloq[loo|Gd(Vah,Crfief beerrstuded eo'rlnerg,, pc|scmboserri€d$ilprf rcinovhgUres#yfrmt ahcfEScddscsCtd beteversblafhcaesectlyCtd Ocohstrdohslnledh anypoenin DanbCh€d(V€lrra . . ddborsledb l75P$mlerwulErppr€ssnoandttder le.rporafilE fiqn 3AF |o tOfF. Ileasser$lyshaflme€tttre(eqnrem€dsolASSE$adarl 1015. nl'I,VA Stantard C5OS78, ad USC F*mdation br Cross Oorrecrion Ccdrd ard Hyo'afrc &xeatch. Sx$r TySrical Applicatbns --..^.'OqrbbOteclrassen$hareusodbpeirer{boddlowot:' Jpofifads t]nt are ot&airrable hd.toi bdc. t]c||bb \-/dlod(stmybeinsranedudercornnrgsOressrreselnry andtnrvbesl&iedorrobackprossure. DoubleCheckscan ;;-dfr h;otiildert igaoon qrs"r*. fireP'o'edlonnfftod &ediii';iJfttr.", ir&eaio.r-ol anagttatdadghouctttl in+brt pfumt*rg syd€{r ard otner s)ElflEleqrlrtrtg ' ordeaidn Local cotlos lr|ay Ya'f ogfln I errp|iles I(r ;e€dfc a4prrclud qlpficatins- lnstallation iibdel 805'f oouble(treckBacldlorPrq€.ile€sfiotldbe ilsts[a-withadoqratod€a€trceandeayaccqsb$lyhr' tediloard,tttt{dtaEandttT.r6tbyFolec&dlKxlllto@' ; ho:-fi assornbt/storbe'ursblbd tiito@fyglw@fv;fiiii& uo.iiaa iiocat codos hf spediaiqa[don iinnirtCis.sonerrdesoryprdibl'wttcdlcca&licnl*nrOrdaooan rbo andortrrder hgfiitddqwt sredr o| ia 6ackitil ircn :rrrcr can catrse €t(#ue P.tcssr(€. erccrslveprescireclluatinnssha-dd beofiittittdlcdioawitl poesiuodmage to the q/stern 8nd assql61!/' Charactedstics lad nrtqld.!! P(G.g, c Hld.odileLdP.c.stc IocpcrautRr4o fl/ad and Matedals , rtsPsl - 3goPslgZf ro:ef ' Ittlst . Crdo€f - . l|*rV$G8odt €bdq||c.t Spfno. Inc..tcdAf,6l&Lf O€.uc^Slf,l8s8+76r{IlcfSIUDedc..ldFst s3ilescco€|,3003o.b6 : ort gi{er iys*rns ttnt epedcre j arccssol a condad f '(rF. rssootlt.t|rd bo o(dted w$ tlw (805Y l' l{wl r Crn bo &risfiert rfl ! odit C sfirse seat d*s br arcas sd.cf b c|rblcrtre <egra<tatin cl abbet patls- . . --:.. - .:-- . ',t:.: ' 3'86Y3t9:'" ' 4 2840 1?4.66 tr27.o t?..63) 45.-O 260..ao .73.t a.a A! dm€a$(rl. er. aopordlhda USC FCCC&HR.'Apptored / rvl/\rA CSOO Conforcanco ASSE Lbled 1015 CSA B€4.5 Certilied '|APMO@ Usted ' Valves rnusl be supplied with resiliert seated shrrl-oll valves ard te.t cocks ffi USE FCCC& HR approrrd !o b€ h effed. IFESEA, I 7U" r7l,Q a, t o Metric (mm.) B. tErwr.E UrrGoq lvtodel &l5Y FLOIV CURVES FlorqrtcsoSldrcdbtt SCftrffinbficrCqndoffidtndl|tfilft e6€.dt 953 ot3ra2ra2 eSil e63 ' r,a8raE 635 A2635 3.r85.1 73oar a.l !5 U'o-6roaD ''oJ?5ttfI ._j.':: l'l''.: -;;; "'fl.-,{:. 15 =---tut9rd a, 1n8IJg5 I ts llt*ro U' 1rb"q oS .u,l: 6' 9ro ,,OE19, B5 I 3/a to6'Gl x (ciPM, 18 {FPS, 4 t5 r2O tcPrrl {FPS N(rlc$ t- vefcc.;ct arccshraed tor ltoir'*r sctrcdlc.t(rgcgrt * ' 2. TytiS iCe. s!|cfli 0orrrdocihr of Olo t5 flls lf{rad bc |,3cd b hc.d locs ct6c|e.|crco.np..|s,q 1- AdvidottolCftlEhd.rgriesP-O- EoxB)n}. Fresno.C.aS|qt;u97,ff.@(B)252{ttgtTdegt-T6l6Ctj8FSOFar(2(l9t1S€G0 SS 8{t5YZ rco erqkn6eor(l{d.fr!.d-o(,s^ D i-'.,'.. a_-: . FQ.No. slzE LIST PRICE 3l4f l' l-ll4' l-7tl t L z 3- 4. 5- 6, 7.( COWLIES WNTT NFPA.T 3 ATTD . fiih\*r*o--'ffiigtttots,sgrr utcKwe OPERTNON.piirutexwnxNstAII4p-- rewn.nr.sfstttttoungi-ftt onntuSwsauAEABIE-onmewNorEDON INDIUTT'RPINIE TepFwtwFoR'PREsst RE GN'GE . itppwe euemslEroa RELIEFUALVE. WttStW,ntAPPRO1IED' UrcUSTED.MCBSA-tnoe'sM. 8. 9-toIt.. VdreSce *riogsca I ftsclT<otHrd Clrss I M@$@ardby: AGF lv{anufacauing, Inc. DIMENSrcNS-I}ICAES strE A a c o E F.G H %Slie rN 4a 4X 4 rN q*f|le t 5,<.ly zx Ita 4(rx ry*qt rt6 sr,&,rrL 2N q'gi.lV(qt vk 7ti Sr/rc ry.3'X.sX.srt 4l t*.rol/r' 2 3',)1t ry.3,Nrl st{n,crt 4(aX.rorf. /n -F\Jr' Y USTED . AFPRO',€O .::i SO UTH LAN D sPRINKLER SU PP LY MET{BER OF SUPPLY NET v tRt 69c,, rftcoi?oaaTCo ooaofi ! cr . oral 72r.55c9 FIG.2ffi "TRIMIJI{E" ADIUSTffiLE RING HANGER Size Ronge - ll2 thru 8 inch fipe. Matedal - St€el, Mil. Galvanized to G-90 speci- frcatbn. Futtction - For fire sprinkler and other general tipforg purpces. Knurled silrivel nut design permits hanger adjustnent after i:nstalhtion Spdng tensbn on suivel nut holds it securely in haqger before instalhtion. $pivel nut is easity renrowd Approuots - Urderwriters' Laboratodes [sted and Factory Mutual greineerlrlg approrred Confonns to Fedetal Speciftatbrt WW-H-171E, type f0, and Itdanufactrrers Standardizatbn Socieg SP{9, ti,p€ f0. Dlalinnnn Tempuafire - 65$F Finirft - Ml. Gahanized, HDG, ard Staforless SteeL Otder By - Frgure number and pipe size. (. ( I- 2- 3- 2-7 4. 7-318 5- 400 Y2 400 14 x1 6fl)n xl 600 u 14qa x I vn 65 l3'v8 8-s/4 3-V4 12ga x 1-V4 L2fi ub ^4,a5r- ITIUI rr|coiPoRAfcD COnOflA, CA.l 1) n7-559c 53(' I FIG.99 ALLTHREALD ROD CUT TO LENGTH Size Eange . 3/8 thru 78 turch rod in 1 inch increments. Motqial - Carbon Steel Maxinum Tenpcrvlture - ?ffF Finbrr - Plain, ElectroGahranized, and Stainless Steel. Order By - Figure number, rod dianreter, rod length and finish. MAJlc NEC. LOAI' LAS.NOD FOR SENV|CE TEI{PS.srzE 650T fltcFw l0l0 1610 24m 3360 3/8 v2 sl8 3/4 7/8 510 1130 1810 27L0 3n0 (' FIG.7N AIT THREAD ROD FUIT LENGTHS 1-V2 inch rod in tO.(fSize Bangre - f4 thru lensths. Matetful - Carbon Steel Moxitmtm Tcnlrlrrol/rir e - 750"FfUi* - Phh, EbctroGalranized, and Stahless SteeI Mq By - Figure number, rod dianreter, ard finistr. MAK RAC.IOAI' L8S. APPRO,(. FOR SERI'ICETE NS WETGIIT66CF 'l,,'F PEN IO FT.26 2r5 1130 1010 3/4 27LO 24n V3 - mi-u2 11630 10370 510 ROD srzE u2I 53 4 T 2 v Tv (_ !,1 t, $ljGl *l'l l ( System Senso/s KMS/KBS Series bells are low current audible signaling devices for use in fire and burglary rystems or other signaling applications. The KMS Series bells use a low<unent high-efficiency DC motorto drive the striker. These models are polarized for use with supervision circuitry. The KBS Series bells use a trro-coil vibrator. UNDERDOME DESIGN Avail.rble in three sizes: 5", 8', 10'. INDOOR'OUTDq'R INSTALTANON Mounts to a standard 4' square /.. electrical box. Ir-I\ --I '^,IIIAOE II{ THE U.S.A --sYsrEtwsENsoR=A DIVISION OF PITTWAY 38j25 Ohlo Avauc . SL Chtrl6, mrdr 60174 . 708€77d16:l . FAI: 7O8.377.€495 ln Grtedr: 416-675-1695 . FAI: /3166:t5.7OZt fiS:'Z=i;F.,ig[!::=.:# lndufis First 3-Year Wananty Genera Specificatioq Flush Mounting 0rdering Information Waterflow SwitchesWFD20 waterflow Detector, S<hedule 10/10, 2'WFD25 WaterflowDetector,Schedulelu40,2-1n'WFD30 Waterflow Detector, Schedule 10/10, 3'WfD35 waterflowDetector,s<hedule 1w4o.3-1n'WFD40 Waterflow Detector, Schedule l(yzl{!. 4'WFD50 Waterflow Oetector. Schedule lUr{|, 5'WFD60 Waterflow Detector. s<hedule 10/l{), 6'WFD80 waterflow Detector, Schedule lCVttO, 8'WfDT Waterflow Detector fits 1 ', 1-1/4', l-1rz' steel and brass threaded tees Master Packed: 6 units Superuisory SwitchesO5Y2 Outside s€reu/ and Yoke Supervisory Switch -Two SPDT SwitchesPIBV2 Post IndicatorButterfly valve Supervisory Sw;i€h -Two SPDT Switches Pressure Sr*'itches WPsl0-1 Alarm Waterflow Pressure Srv:tch, One SPDT, '!0 Psl WP51GZ Alarm Waterfiow Pressure Swit<h, Two SPOT, lC PSI WP9|G1 Supervisory Pressure Low Switch, One SPDT, 4G1O0 Psl Engineering sftc"tlons I Audible alarm denices shall be bells with underdome strikers and operating mechanisms. Gong on said bells shall be no smallerthan nominal6'A'/1 0' (specifywhkh)with anoperating voltage of 24 VDC or 120 VAC (specify which). Bells shall be suitable for surface or semiflush mounting. Outdoor surface mounted installations shall be weatherproof. Otherwise bells shall mount to a standard 4' square electrical box having a maximum projection of 2-1t2' . Bells shall be located as shown on the drawings or as determined by the authority having jurisdiction. Bells shall be listed by Underwriters Laboratories and Factory Mutual approved. Approved: UL, FM. ULC Vollage Operating Curlent KM5-6-24 21-30 VDC 0.11 AmpsKMS-8-24 KMS-10-24 KBS-6-120 120 VAC 0.045 AmpsKBS-8-120 KBS-I0-120 Typlcal tlecibel Rating Installed KMS-6-24 97 dBA KMS-8-24 102 dBA KMS-10-24 104 dBA KB5-6-120 95 dBA KBS-8-120 98 dBA KBS-10-120 102 d8A WP540-2 Supervisory Pressure High/Low Swit(h. Two SPDT, 4,0-100 Psl Alarm EellsKM5-6-24 Bell, 6', 24 VDC. Pola.ized, 97 dBAKMS-8-24 Bell. 8', 24 VDC Polarized, 102 dBA - KMS-IG24 Bell, l0',24VDC, Polarized, r04 dBA KBS-G120 Bell, 6', 120 VAC, Polarized,95 dBAKBs-&120 Bell.8', 120 VAC, Polarized, 98 dBA K85-10-120 Bell, 10', 120 VAC, Polarized, 102dBA Accessories 545-7000 Tamper Switch Kh tor WFD Detectorr PIB\z and OSY243010-00 Accessory Kit for PIB\r2 (Wrendtes. s€rew Pack)43011{O Ac(essory Kit for OSY2 (Wrendtet s<rew Pack r-hook)4'3008-00 Timer Assembly for Waterflou, Detectors, 2-8' 5izes (black) NOTE: Decibel rating measured al 10' spacing in an anechoic cfiamber Terminal Block Replacement Paddle Kit for I/VFDT onlv - 3 Paddles TarnFer Sirc!\6 for WFD-Meta! Cover Tamper l'rcof \ .,rerrch for Metal Cover C,VFD Dete(to6, 477-01-02 44027-00 507{6-01 WFDW WFDT, O5Y2. P!E\/?)HEXW Hex Wrench for Supervisory Switches All sprinkler itcrc dre lftan waterflow switdres arc single pad<ed. ( O Copyright l99l by 5)5tem S€ne( A Division ot Pitway ^@"-,t+VSR+EFl]/.,61., vANETveEUATERFLOW\,/ l\rrtFGt^e ) ratf?a-l ttE fA E ft>. swtrcH wrH REIARD Potter Electric Signol Compony 2O8l C.aig Rd.. , St. Lo.rC- MO Glr'6 , (SOOI 32t3ft6 ' (3t'l 878-':t2t SERVICE.PRESSURE UP TO 450 PSI. FOR 2" TO 8" PIPESIZES 250 PSt FOR 10" PIPESIZE MINIMUM FLOW RATE FOR ALARM.IO GPM CHARACTERISTICS U.L. LISTEO ANO F.M. APPROV€O oIMENSIONS & WEIGHTS: See Fig.2 ENCLOSURE: Cast Aluminum Finished: Red Enamel CoNTACT RATINGS: Tuo sets of S.POT. (Fonn C) rs-OOAmP- @1?5I250V'AC 0.50AmP. @125\|-OC O.2s,JinP.@25f,V-DC 2.50AmP. @ 0€0V- DC ENVIRONMENTAL LIMITATONS : 4OoFll2OoF 4.5ccr490c General Purpoee br Indoor Use GAUTION: This devioe is oot intended lor appfcatioos odtdoo6 or h elglosive erui(nments. SUESA'AILABLE u.L - Foisd|ed.tu Q W 2' 0|ru 10' &rScfiedubSl Ppe 8' El{- -ForSdpdde 40 PF€:2'dw 6'' turSdP&de 3Xl PiPe: 8' and l0'. sER[ncEu;e futomaticSpdnklet One orTrvo FamnY Dwdfittg CenrdSatln t-ocal ADdfiaty Recde$atiott Prop.ie0aty OPflONA|-: Oover Tamper s\rttcft frersilcNo.54AU0 NFPlFl3 NFPI'.ISO NFPAFT1 NFPe"?24 NFPAFT2B NFPerTzCNt r?2O th. trlod€l vso rrd rherysao b | €n tD.G.tfldHr b.ss.qt €.pdr{d.f ffiii [b ll.tl*d bru..d.fd gtc rdt .ll.l(,fr.2'!t u (F ld rcfi.d|,. gl rb .?. od lrr F|( rppruCr br..|| fia..0*d dp. h621:||6. rdd|dd.s*.heat.ril'|. ffr gotmyebo bc rccdrr rrcct'onArd..bd.6qthr!. 3tlL.n3. lhroolooc*rshLEf.pd.dcdctrorQ6.tr'ddt..&d x adludJrb pnar.nadc rArd. Thc arrlttrcc at! drdad qtqt a lou o{ lO g.!oGccr||*nfao.|no,aocar.sdoratrrt|6f {|iad.t lcaTh. low€.rddon m.6a c|dn bf a gc.lod of dmc acocssrryO oacornc thc taaca€tt.d.rd p€.lod. GLCLOSURgfhs inrir b ardcscc o rgp.re.dF lE , hdoo.ssc-f:st e.nrrri:'.qr hc:rsi..g. Tl.c car.c. b i.€ld h t{s *:: trc ta-\... _t s&t.at rcrltslirach.€qrri'€. *.ca! k t&r.tr€L Af,dd h€ta!!- ablaovcr fampcr srncfi b &al6tc as anq|aiondiCt datba Ged5 hd€ia rr|adE bd |rrrcidd lra cor!.- ScG &aatr?Sl lorltsah, doo -r!fir,ctiLE of Otb siltL RgaiO eOWSfff €t{T: Th. |,.fi h.s 5t a4trc* p.r.g.fidic rctadb p.€rrcn( tdse alafins due fo €f€r srgcs.Ihc raard'c e4,Safle ftom O fc app@rimat€ty 75 secords" See Fq! t. tEST|t{e fh€ operaioa o{ rha ia-.a.no|rs*An sho.r'd ba lcstrd upooG||!leti'ndinslafiatbfl at6 plr€dce{f |hcrcdrcrh sdrcridr lh..6f0a.brr f€P ffd3rtdro.o.nCrdy tnftgltdsdctott tul urd..rcaisftcarrL..lhar U{Fdly.. nt E rld.4!lt p.6TdEfi,|E-oi*lqalddaF..td dar rG.ffi tadr ir..irclE.fnFbqrrdlrToi9(|pG. I x'cd dlh tn t{*6T.af dr. bde.q&ldd d|. IrSRO bG.d. t 6.cd.bcb..lt qcr0oeqb.l*dtttd|'at lr.r.t'|hraloc.bdrfarnb n -F|@.Co.|lrl Vdid'. tf r| €.rd d !E to.'f|sPad.t Taaf t,.n .|'.d ptovldail o.r-O.ia or Tro Fmfy Or{ng'Sgacdocr. OE op€.don oa 0|. rrsRlt mryb. t€{iad tt ndng Ga -t}dr rrd TG.a Oon €do.t". !t ttcee rr€ rc poisitxrs lo esrcg ttrc *ralha ct thl Cow dcecfioc d.dc€ oo lt€ stEt€ro. agp(.r8!. d ir(r 1,SF.C. b nd 3ccn'rn1rE. !ed s adnsab€. A tor of lO gp.|| b |!qtJ.cd b.6d. d{s dcvir. Th. od.{ftsR{trrrasdowdcaadn rsr b. hnd.d ld t||*td.r€d henp8elerAhAisdoqr|gr Frlurctodoenr.ttnp.hO€p.oPC. opcrd|on of dis d6'ior. Thc ormer b cspor&te lor c{irahhg ftb &e guecrin sls'.eo: at€ .degi:es h !.op€( opcrai.€ cooddidL If€ 'r.tn*tg oo(GraEld G. manrtaclu.c. sfiodd t€ co(|rzd.d dadve lo rnf qiJ.rfids. euttgll!{ ?r | 1 0! 3 Fotler Electdc Signol CorTpony .,SR.D INSTALLATION R€taRo aoJusf.|€arr TO OHAXG€ Tlta€ tulll (No3 t€ltlr€i orR€cTlofal Foi o€snEo rlr€ o€tal. us€ fl{c lr3{lLur aHouiat OF R€TARO X€C€S3ARY IO ?TCVCI{T fALSC ALAI|.3. l 'a' 3€tflrac |' USUAILY lo€qrarE fon lxls. TO ITSTALT-: Fon ?'^rt z :' slzgs oRtLL l-1.'3' -:-a FOI at-t O;r:3 IIZESgtrtt 2' rc:: i r,- AP?ROX. R€TARO SCTTIXC {Xaarcoa to-tt aa-4o ta-at aC-?C SWITCH TERi'INAL CONNECfl ONS CI.AMPING PLATE TERiIINAL .-tNdN s€cJ frctorv ^oJlrs!€O3€f{slt$artt 3tfiltac- oo or aoJusr f|G}|'E \rrts {'ERflIT€LYto Ail €v€tfru4L5{' Fr.- Losd roRqJ€- rorralT O|| ?3P€ so lRnow or saoo..€ Prda{ns ur€cflx d l'lt€Rfirfif. PAOOT€ laa o"Foslr€ oli€ctrcrlof {lTEif|.ow. OPIKINAI: Oo€r Tamp€r Sdett old€rSdcNo.54A@0 dre.s.@rfff CAUTION: ^il rr|tsllEs€gmroFAsslcl€@folrctmtsltrFEFlrF IEO D AE IOCO IM||O rtc TEilJIAL AlO SEUIE ^s TrcghntougtcllsttctrREsrsr aEs€lEnElo6trE rstrcseirn [EoolEilrrs.rrGREBlf FRCU|OSlf,t$t.'gqtc'nccqf Ernr nG erElrilrrncUnE goGs O'E.OGOFilIiHTEn|trIAT.quB.5.lq[sr FUlI.E|ottllF..cfaiarnryorlu*dhrlrolbrlJcrorGJ*roohoftocJdp.!|ry.lF f b.Hrdqrlr5pdd.dtt|.Itradrrtlqino.Er|tl., lh.sit|dtc|unotb.hd|t dd|*tGhCrrdrfdngrdfdrct ngsff€drcdofl oau.iffof 6i,il*l 2a haL. aa a rrftE or d€l(L .'I*a.tdsl|sna.rz.-':ilahclc hd:r-c9.Gsh?acfrc!{r.sc.d!,r askd $€Cd dftl. li€ ?' tr.i ?11' de.,i:es rG*r{q r i t4 . l€le; !{ c{t!r slcsrt{.ia 12. troe. Chtrhid.dtrc pirc d.!gG'r|o.d€rd..iJ br.drrs.qd b$a gip. d.arf|Gr..dr cfricr d(,edtt lFla TESTING Tl! trq.rei€..'.4 !e.hg bs nE rnod.l l,sR€llrd as.sso€beat Fu.dtc dtotft|tE tffi dlrrd br h E:€!?C..r'cc si$:gerr=DL ITFPA Stan:asda ai4br tf'| a'rronv trarlng icisfiaioa osl rn<t:c rn clrcurnsrrca bss lra bi{Goa.f*y. r.r'.ll'gTatri ?ti: i cl t dat n-lEfqbrhccrtd'rot| hC4ibctordsqELtltt| ssllt.tlh..flwq|th.#pobhfh.dl|cao.rdaEff*,hntti...fl.ir.c.rdEh5oan|t&md{tof| GmCSOFL{As'dbe.raS€€ Frgr I rtoG. fta Cr dr{ nd .ri t|c lcCdc o( d.r 0ir. o. tf.rd on ant rv. ,Se Fa 3 b Eni:al B.clr;.r.t Co.r€,ciic:rs.