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Vd\\\\ Rt".k5Mq L{Lf t0'J}.'rurc\*"4 4 3*+"'' PEC-O"-9,g, 14 ' 26 FROH, TOV-COM-DEV-DEPI .tD,9704"92452 PACE l,/ ? Q usstr of '-al I rhc ?tit;'i\ip.g Pil ffi:fu 5d TOHRIOF GENERAL INFORMATION fficd ncquiring Dcsign Roricw approval. Arry projcct **, ** ,oi*, *rfiflH raccirc D6ign Radew apprwd prior to srbrninidg for a hilding pcmric For gecific trfonmtio, scc tte $bndbal rcguircmotts for thc Snrtio,rlar approval that is rcqucstc4 Thc application cannot bc accepcd until all the roguircd infornraion is sbmincd. Thc projccr may dso necd to bc rcvicwcd by rhc Town Council andlor thc Planni4g and Envirurrnsrtal Cornmission. Dcn:gr Rcvicw Board approval erplrcs oue ycar aftcr fnd rpproul unlcss r building permit is issued ud custruction k stsr@d, A. DESCRTPTTOIiOFTHEREQU-EST: APPTICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL /) B. c- D. B PARCEL#: NAMEOFOWNER(S): owNER(S) STGNATURE($: TIAME OFAPPLICAT{T: Conraa Eaglc Co- Assessors OfEcc ar 970-32t-86t10 for parccl #) E- Dq\l F. G. M.{ILING ADDRESS: PHONE: H. TYPE OFREIIIEIYAII{'D FEE: tr Nerr ConsErction - $2fl) Consmrction ofa new building E Additioo - $50 Includcs zry additio whcrc squarc foongc is addcd to any rcsidcatial or , @nrxxcial btrilding El Minor dtpretioa - S20 Includcs minor changes to buildings anrl sitc improvcrnenr. srch as, n:roo6ng paincing windorv additioos, landscaping, fcnccs arrd rtraining walls erc- DRB fces arc to b€ poid at ftc timc of srbmittal. Larcr. whca applying for a building pcrmir plcasc idcatiff thc accurarc valuaion ofthe projccr, The Town ofvail will adju$ the foc according rc the poject vahrdion. PLEASE SUBMIT TIIIS APPLICATTON, ALL STJBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO TIIE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT. T5 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD. vAIr. coLoRADo 91657. DEC 1 i 1999 futu- d BLOCK:. L. FLTNG: / /-o canrN qryp^a4*"*z-;*/,7 H o.r /rctar#r1 pEc-o7-99 r4,27 FROH ' TOV-CO}I-DEl,-DEPT .tD=9"04792452 MIN GENERAL INFORMATION Tbis application applies to changes rnadc to a site or exterior altcatioru ofa b,uilding Any a.ltcrdion in rrdich additional buildiog squarc fooegr is addcd will rcquirc an .'additions" application. I. SUBMTITAT-R.FoUTREMENIS Pbgtos or skcrhcs urbich glg1ts coavry &c existing condftions. Phqtos or skachcs wlich clcarly-corvey thc proposcd building or sire altcradon(s). AII rclwant spocificaions for 6e propoul inclu<liog colors and E8ftri8ls to bc usr& Condmdnium Association apprroral (if applicable). If thc htcnt of thc Proposal is nd d€ady indicatd thc A&nini#atc nay dcaccninc tbat additiqral mataials are neccssty for thc review of the 4plication. PAGE 2/7oo OR ALTERATIONS TO THE.EXII'iUOR OF BUILDINGS AIYD SrTE ETPROVEMENTS o o o a ill ,EC-O"-99 !4.27 FROM = TOV-COn-DEV-DEPT. .Iv . BUTLDTNGMATERIATS: rD=9?O4?92452 PAGE 3/? o LIST OF.PROPOSEN MATERIALS TYPEOFMATERIAL:@tOR:* Roof Siding Othcr Wall Matcrials Fascia Softirs Windova WindowTrim . ..Doors Door Triri Hand or Dcck Rails Flucs Ftaslrings Chimnen Tradr Enclosurc.s Grccnbou*s Rctrining Walls Extcrior Lightiogl" Othcr n,lYtlwd!"W lqttuul\v r Please specifo the r nsfacnrcr's coror, numbcr and attach a small color ctrip *'Altcxtcriorlightingmustncctrhcrorrn'sr-ightirgOrdiranrcelES4,ofg(J)- Ifedcd6rliihtingbpropcc4plcase indicate rhc numbcr offixtues and locations on ase{rarac rigrrtincpfi. la-q *"iF'diip"-ir,&"ie,tte bight above gndc, lumcas qrhul lurninous arc4 and attach a *t tr,""t of Oe fightingft<tgcs, ':'- !:' ': '. .r 2 it ui*t *' L2/881L999 16:65 9792435494 2!t0 l,B rfi$nryo r t0 Otgtq P.O.Bcgilt oiltd J,|Ebn. co tr5@ FlCItz'&FIft e Flx: (ttq aaosaga Emdl q/ww.cItMMItlSRMI.CqM FA'(COVER D re elzl11 Ktr -t ca54 A,t-At€L FFOil: Be+O Cor,qr-p Prgf {noaourrtofl: R} Ur...g.E h,comrtfol*,rtFrlffi Cl.fvtqINS ROCKY MTN o PAGE 81 €qlon Geoeer + NTS Fo€-"144{ *uce {***lr< - rt,+roJe- -8u .., goat fu., dtaq Da{ qa,if,CO hJ[aa@ dlt2.1{'71anb.rtftehtY(g)aretl lft ,l.t |lnraaall.-h\tattrt.llflt L2/48/L999 1.5:65 €qnrr 7824354 o CUIVIMINS R0CKY lvfTN o RS Residential & Li PAGE g2 12000 GenSet ght Commercial Standby i,lodsl 12 GHAB Gaseous Fueled 60 Hz Residentiaf & Light Commercial GcnSet t I Economically Prlced Packegt Very Qulet Opention - Lecs than 70 dB(Al @7mc$f! Powclcd by Onrn's P22t Englne Self{iegnor0c Clprbilary Eary Inrtellatlon with Innovtsve ilolded Polymrr Instalhton Blse - Therr's no nced for a cencctep.d I I I Models and R.bd R.r.lg;##, ,E.d"-# #* ffi o#. l.P Vrpor l2l(W l?otit4}O it t(W 91.6/a5.a 12 GHAA/to:l' It Lipid 12 LW t2{l|2,/O k\rv 91.6145.! Ratings sO.An".z.Pob so.Anp,2.Pob R.tingr .rpty to rutuo- u9 b 500 bct (r52.,t m), 7?. F (25. c). , lool Powlr &.trDla ul.LqE 3. 3.0* ftraacn l@OH trt05 ml .bort saa lG,.t .|yt 1.5!|6lbrcrci tof F (5.5! C) incnNlrin.lttbr E nFr'hira.Don ff ieSeq. 'CAnA C.rwLd Weight, Size and Sound Level I a 600 Lbs. (272 kg) Gcnsrt Length 42 in. (1{}67 mrn), Wdfi 30 n- (ZS2 mat), HCghtgg.O in. (91/t mm) G6nS6twnneallabon Barc Length 45 in. (tt€ mrr) Wd{h 34 h. (064 mm), Helht 39 in" (9&l mm) Less lhan 70 dB(A) at23 Ft (7 M), average Sp.dtE lioir lo dla|lt wlhout notic..Ot999Orm 3199 A.Ll, L2/SB/L999 1.6:85 702435494 o CLrvlMIfE ROCKY MTN PA6E 63 Engine Features f Elgim:On..r P1;6onfra9g111ryrt a D3!-rg'u a.ctcL, twc ctlrldorr oppoaodr Octrglaabo Rroo: ?.2:l. Dlrot C.t'ar : t0 cu. ln. lgCS cC)r Cooflrrg r, vot*m: tofO cftrr o|lSmp Cto|.tt: tOS.. (2,0|L)$lh$bI Op.iiting SDxd: tloo Rpt 9att |too cil&rd3r tnctr. EleCronic lgnltcr. iledrrnicd iprrmr, F pr$uc ||r!.i{im,t{gt c.paatt oil runD, aptD.on oil flfar. pHcn Eothg J6-, SotenoU Arn ltrr|3r, Ttrcc,|le pbbn &rt't, naDboatb naln&rrrrDrl Oanirrgr, Albnnc aby rFd afiad vCrc!, d|,||l clemcot .h Cledrcr, lf anp a.tgirc driven bilery chrrgCr Exhaust Mufrer Frly JElocad odr|d dLncr, Inoutrtcd hd d$n Ultt..H !|coc Control llwtlarrd Rn OFF/tub girftrr, Rmr*rg Tinr ||fr, !0 AlrF t t Lhtad C&orf BG.mr. OC Gortd FEa, cooy.nitt.car.3 O ttt conlrertoo p*fr. Fdlt aubmadc oparrlion. Ts t|ba tdar{, fuI conbol dir0nElicr, t8 rnoilo Ct. rloa 'd urtfunCisrr hdsdhg: Low oI prcrrue, Srnica draol, Orrat r,gL3a,Uall vohta. Otrrftequcncy, Uaefuqucnc . L6 of vuttrrgr rrrraa. Hbh bery vof€3, Sa.!..tut ROU ontrol hfu]c. Fitd fiGh tann, fDtO oOorO. SpceO aqraa bac. R l/| dtac*. o|!rcrr* and rcltdlgnorit. MCat n oaid Ogar.tbntl hdcat||lg lbht S.Mca cotwtruni.|dois pon hr tagtog co,r?.frr drgaoal. Inrrn l t!u[ Jrd ogc.ai}|nl |€cod rtor.g!. System Generator Details Dclgo: On'|r 2+ob. ref cxdEl rwolvhg fief. Pruron0y rtiona{t tO afreiD bt a Eportd dntt Oir prlot conrfirdon h|.umo|| Statmr ||d t.ttre-Src Rb.: Ct r..fl'hrulrtbn pcr EHA l@f.l€6 (ltonc mutunun bwprr*jo) Gollq: Oinct dirr Otrt ffug[l Dlmt Roioc tilrlnagt abcrlcat 3E6t .s8dibly 6k6rfcd ior inFrov.d uotagF srvgfoin h6vy halhbd c.rp.r rin yhdngF. Eodogi Ddna. B.Cd pr4rtrarhd b bertiE DC gnrhoc: Elrcbcgnphl0q tong lltr, crsity ronixd GenSct Perfurmance Voltle: i202.10 VAC. Slnglc phr*. t.0 pfYeg. n0d.0oo: 596 No ba.l b fr.|lt to.d F .$mct rtilmo||: ql}ts, 5tt NL lo tut tdd Or0op Trnrprrdrft nngc ot o!.rdlo||: .20oF G28.8.C) b + 1t2.F (50'.C) Toaal portt .griho|i Cccreercr epprodmr6t 1.5t6 lbr o.dl lO.F .boy. 7fF .nd 3.596 for fldt l(xx' tagt abow sea tev6l. Fl|lCd[unfi.r: llCurel Gr: lLr/hr LF V.por 2516 Lord: -i6t zal*trl*: 50ta Lo..t: 12a 50'/. L,d: 75.t$ l',/ed't 161 75t( Lo.d: Fut lold: 100 Futt Load: ft.!fir !.lJhr51 1-15. 1,570 r,960 L2 Spccf,c.liom dtrqnndcg.0190Oncn 3rtg l"ralt L2/98/L999 16:05 Housing Features 9762435494 QJMVIINS ROG<Y MTN lrbrnrl atJthe bala,y Irry .nd tf doun. rfawy dutf 16ttrutE *lmlnun hosrine. Hlgh paftrfltat€ Aueropotyrrr intrh coa ry:lsn. atlgru.bd d.b?oaf .Lalgn, Brc ery s.rvb .cc..r dooG - Kat locr(.ba, Installation Features Coavanrant 6hcthal ar$ gr3 srrppty coa^c.do^r. Ptc.nto$bd w 'tril$t notdad poDmcr lErr||&n b.ra wih four Firt lrgtor rylb,n lrcudd, Options and Accessories t 6!ry t2 vott qouP 26. 530 ccA BdbryH..Erla Full Llnc d Conplfnrn$ne Autonr.tb tFltsfer pmeb. Fl'lrunlar 41&1061 54t-{r6i55 Wananty Policy Thr o{tm tG 14t00 tlonr. $an(t!y Srrir l cdtr.. wirr e $erxtsd gGtar rfrn*y, Addlir.td id aa{t frllt yE|r ua|'.r t optitJo! .rr ry.lbbfa. Saa yo{r? aulhorlra.t Onan dirtibutor or d.dar ior .fh s. After Sale Support GENUINE OI{AN TAINTET{I\I{CE CARE PARTS AND PRODUCTS For yosr orlgoing BrtbfBcflon and ih€ d€Fnd.btiry of yosr Onan engina, Onan oftar3 t cotnplotc l&t6 of ptrb, oil fl|d [rahtenance d|ffii.zh spcdfca y Odgn€d br Onan sngh6 ayaibblc at your ncarby Onrn doal€r. EASY TO LOCATE CERNFIED ONAN SERVICE AND PARTS DEALERS Onrn hr3 tainrd. tEsled End oortificd oirar 1OO0 auuroftcd Onan Sgvice Orefc oot'dim tttct tflaior mcrfltpolihn sr!a|6 in the U,S. al(t Canrd!. To edty loctb tt|e oCrdtlcd OnJr Sorvicr ocaler m mrnlr where you tftrvcl. call 1-Efl}EE&€titAl.t tr tooft h the yaldy pr0G. und6r "angines.' (Et aa^ ..r*.o tor ot crrtc.l.qrdprlrrrt Ofilt Corpo'rtlon tlo0 ?3i Ayrnue i,lE Minnsagotb. M 55a32 €12€71{000 r l40G6t}OtlAN r Frr St2{74€298 r_h[p:/bvw.qnmins.co.n € emn See Your Onan Distributor: Oian ts a ,qirtrrd lrrdemrrt of Onrn CoDo6tb^ -.tril blfit#n|3rcraa.Etsri-rF .au qr |b||adulcr ro r.t hldrt d.crg .tal-. -..F h.|lb I tFi.rl.ffia rra d.. hlldog '|dti .thh ft.ttl.a Sp.ciicea! srdaa !o wihodnd6.et 999 Oo.n 3rs A.tal3 L2/A8/1999 16:65'a ojl.44Ir.€PAGE 05ROCKY MTN o 762435494 o -,v Basic Dimensions iG(,3 27 .aa - &rrfrg R.f'f!|rca f*In0., 0t032ea L2/ga/L999 16:45 € Omrl CLfiMINS ROCKY MTN PAGE 65 nsGeries 60/1oO@nmp Automaff c Transdipanef s Residentlal & Llght Gommercial Standby 7A24354 o Order f,odct RST 60 / 178 Volt4e 120n40v, Featlra!:I UL 1(n8 LbtedtCSA Cefficdr Mcchanicallytnlcrlocftecl Contrac{orI Fully Automatic Confiol : lltgr"tig l*.Atnp Resutated Batrery Chargerr UL Type 1 Endoeure Appflcrfbn Flcribillty: The RST Auiomrtlc T'aftfir pild oo|r$ane. rrlieusty rnr!t|rdbany h.rn.I. rqsricd padcgchtrrmhfr toaCs behr|t€0t 0to utlity end ggtoretor sG{. - Thc RST Ttrnfr P.n h no.l( hrtt*l;afir6d vJitt thcC|.rnn-l Or*t RS |zlm grcnertr Th€ cmtrd monib.gdny a|d anueancy ctrrratbt grnar.br ta{ ffi. Vvhil ulfrty pomr trtr or is unttirfrctory, ttr confd starh 0rgan nbr 8rt ad tan#ur thr loed b the gpNrGrtt, |.t Thehlrlfi.tndirrn.ddtnrculronUFtypot;b- - ]r.tond, hc Irrn Gr p|.d .rrurt fc.ty trrtrhn bact !outffy p*s, tltt ttrg doryn ailt ]ffit.,nUy Glcctrg nr.f for fte nod govt t int truilon. Itb rctirl lr nqdr€d by ifchomrcncr. Elcctonb Control: Rd.Da., qElil alxirurtc ccttrd tyrteri u,itt ryob,h r|r!€ vElbgr tsddiul, undff solLoO nF|tmfite on cictr pomr- rorrc.. ftrr. ctarxLrd timc d.lryl, Enctorurer: Tho fransbr panc, ard ot|rft, *r nrorrrbd h a *Ub .borqtdcurr. . UL typc I cabinrt. r Wno brnd rpe erehr wi0r tg$ l{EC Tabb 3?34b r Sprchl llrx Kry (6rm) OrffirTum Lbt€ bptovb limibd acc.tr intunally. Poritr'vr latrrloclhrg: ffcchni.:d and C.ctrbl csrt.cfB inHhetg p.lr,.rlr looroa-brosrcc corrtaclbn t |,Duth tfra pot-r * corrtrd v'klng. AgrncyApproveb: . UrfiltoUL'100E.. Cqnpterwiln NE[[A ICS 10.. Cmfr|ttr6 b Sldb |Eqfrf|rnE tr I{FPA 7tl. S, r.d lto- r GSAcntiodwo600VAC. Tramftr Prncl ilcshrnirar TrendlrrAction: lfiLf.n bnt bakb.&rl||*eafon pqlttvdy grtrycilr tbnglJlr! sourG,to.aouur omnccdons. ilechenlcel lrfilock: P'csrnlr dml|nrosr Cring ot nqmol efit cntsfgaE,conffi- Surgl Uulhrtrnd Rrtlngs: Guilctrcr b Localin Surlc bd urrrffime b bcedong?lCgrr 83. por IEEE O62-rt1. Trcrit 9€rt[*t tinc h t€EEcdl.45. Electrlcal InGdockr: Pre\,e|rt d.firnaneoc d6ang $[tal8 to not'tC l|d ermrlcncy onirclr Jrd t|brE t r.cfoo d||onnal ad cmGrgpnct loucer thtosglr tra cdrtol urtlngt Erwironmrntel: Op.t Ung bmpenturrr: -{0c F ({0e C) ro 12 ? (W q Stonrgo bmpcr.titl:,.ao'F (-a0P C) to 1ao. F Oge G) l{umldty: 95% Rddrrc HunUltV. ts}onaen*n Alttud.: Up b i0,0(D f.d (3000 m) rihou dentrg L?/98/L999 1.6:05 9782435494 Ct,"|MII..IS PAGE A7ROCKY MTN o Conaof Featursr; Func[m - gen€fit $en ]rna odtr 3 sc€tt6 P'rste rrrirancs gFn rclor sd titarE (nrtnE varieli s. Translbr Time Bay: 3 6edrd3 Allorr3 oeneralor ss{ io stabiliz! b€toc load is appfod. a' 'tj , Retrwtr Tlmr Dclay: 5 nhutt3 Pnvctrls needle$ porlrr inlcrruplion if re{um of utility pourer b rnomrntary. Slo0 Tlrne 5 miiltiD Urdg|yoltlgG Scnrhg: l{onml and Emargsncy Pldrup05f6of mn{nd Alloutr g.a&d set cool ddn. Providcr reliable senslng of utility powsr to iaart the generttor get in brownout condition3. o'bpo'rt75?5 orpichr #L?li'yJLiStll!;."onn'ot'on rhrorsh moror ULVUithetand end Glotlng Radn$: Thc RST f8mftr p.nal nul ba pmccfcO bI rn ovdqrr€nt devicr d thc ryp. and sizo cFdfiod whidr wifl protcct the iwtE ! utr€|l us€d dr a dtail cap$b ol Ornrctg mt rnon than the synmatricat nMs ihperis ltsicd-in 0r hbtr. WCR R.OngF uring Cunrntllmltlng Furc: ffirArrp Rrhs wcig||t[votq.ilUr CurtorUfitrnrfu.LrFaarSb |t|dTyo. TnnlFr Panel Lu9 Crpacitiee: SwtEh Atrp R lno tt2. io toAl,(l cu I bta WGR Rrtingn uolng SpeciEc Gtcuil Bnakcn: i,t cR RtbngE urfrrg rpeciic menrtbrtredt qlqrl brua*c€ ar! dltalcd ln ontn AaHion R_l(Ht InnrlarPercl in ULTypo I Enclocun: lo nd u.e fDr concfirdion plrrgoaas, Re&r b odlho dr.uing hr aI coflstnrcti{rn detaxs. F^ f,_ qomaaoria!:Ercrcirer Cbck Klt. 7dty, sledrcn c d.rign, fidd Inst lled. part No. :l@{3(F, .Gt anY -Omtl tnm Gogpordon .O0 ?:l- Arrlrsa XE lintrrpoflr. tll 53132 t 2.t?l1.6000 o I {00{E!.ollAtllr tl2.6ta.ec7 'lD:rrww,eumrirBcoan |trr ir. rqFld odrtr|'k dot|lr Gooordo, Scc your distibutor for mone Infionnadon. 8scttsed b I rrll[t trmt car ctrr., .,rdr!ct||igt aa6er !.wv orilge oo oCoc rcq b r|ty urfil,rg,| d.dric.r ryr6r erEefl utrurl|t aD loprovcd rtcrlcr or amr hrilohc n|.iD lldfi b olenad,um|ri ir. qiFfri, Indrnrrt of Curr||t|tu Cngina eo fany oac-13-e9 lo:5oA ttu= Mi1loY e7u76-goaa P.Ol Oeputuent of Ccnmmity Dctcqpmcol Town of Vait 0e66./ \ r Sirrccrdy, \ hnwap Tcsso Kirc,lmcr '*oT"T,.* l1 I I 75 SouthFrordegoRord ve[ qo 81657 ToWhomit May Corccnt; I Thir is regrrding thc rpplication niado by Mary Alice Melom by Ergle Eye Home Murrgsncnt for tt'G inmrtt*itn of a IZXD wdt Spotrrtor rt 44 Willow Plrcc Unit 2. Thc rssochtion hrswtod to rpprovc thc inst llrtion ofthis gorrator. Plcrrc la nrc know if you havc ury frrrtho qug3tions, I carr bc reaohcd mytimc d 39G \ iltl t lC)t'-t^(A ll Eoglo Eye llcmc Menegcncnt IIC lpg n- osr . v.;t. C.Lr.& u656 ' PLo.'c/F r 9?o/ {7G9mjrl{ I I S,E l t' ' I Town of Vail Gpartment of Community llevelopment 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, cO 81657 o '/fuOzt*/i{rox"tZ-L-!-aL-22 r TOWVOF VAIL aweiptNo. Q7€/ make checks tayable to the TOW Account No.Item No.Gode #Cost Each Total 001 0000 314 1110 Zoning and Address Maps ZA $s.00 001 0000 314 1112 Uniform Buildins Code - 1997 - Volume 1&2 $s0.95 001 0000 314 1112 Uniform Buildino Code - 1997 - Volume 3 $s7.20 001 0000 314 1112 International Plumbinq Code - 1997 CB $36.00 001 0000 314 1112 lntemational Mechanical Code - 1998 tE'$35.00 001 0000 s14 1112 Uniform Mechanical Cod€ -1997 $33.60 001 0000 314 1112 Unitorm Fire Code CB $36.00 001 0000 314 1112 National Electrical Code UO $37.00 001 0000 3141112 Abatement of Danqerous Bldq.'s 1997 $9.95 001 0000 314 1112 Model EnErgy Code - 1995 $10.00 001 0000 3141112 Analvsis of Revisions to 1997 Uniicrm Codes $12.75 001 0000 314 1112 Other Code Books 001 0000 3141211 Blue Prints/MVlar Copv Fees BF $7.00 001 0000 314 1111 Xerox Cooies XC DU.Z3 00 0000 314 1111 Lionshead Master Plan ($1.80/$1.60)MS $40.00 001 0000 314 1111 Studies, Master Plans, etc.MS 001 0000 315 3000 Penalv Fees/R+lnsoections PN 001 0000 31 1 2300 Plan Beview Recheck Fee ($40/per hour)PF 001 0000 315 2000 Off Hours Inspection Fees OH 001 0000 312 3000 Contractors License Fees 001 0000 312 4000 Siqn Application Fee SP $20.00 00 0000 312 4000 Additional Shn ADplication Fe€SP 001 0000 311 2200 Desiqn Rovierv Board Fee (Pre-paid)DR 2.Q-U 001 0000 315 3000 Buildinq Investiqation Fee PN 001 0000 240 3300 Develoner lmDrovemert Aoraemer Deposit D2-DEP1 0 AD 001 00003121000 Restaurant Lic€nse fee (TOV)RL 001 0000 230 2000 Sp€c. Ass€€s.-Re6taufant Fee to Co.DeplRev.SA .001 0000 201 1000 Taxable @ 4.5% (state) - Tax Dayable TP '001 0000 310 1100 Taxabl€ @ 4.0% (Town) - Retail Sal€s Tax T7 Other/Misc. -MS 001 0000 311 2s00 PEC APPLrcANON FEES 001 00003112500 Additional GHFA - "250"PV $200.00 001 0000 311 2s00 Conditional Use Permit PV $200.00 001 00003112500 Exterior Alteration - Less than 100 sq. ft.PV $200.00 001 00003112500 Exterior Alteration - More than 100 sq. ft.PV $500.00 001 0000 311 2500 Sp€cial Dd/elopment District - NEW PV $1,s00.00 001 0000 311 2500 Special Derrelopment District - Maior Amend PV s1.000.00 001 00003112500 Soecial DEvElooment District - Minor Amend PV $200.00 001 0000311 2500 SubdivlEion Fees PV 001 000031 12500 Varianc€PV $2s0.00 001 000031 12500 Zoninq Code Amendments p\/$2s0.00 Re.Zoninq PV $200.00 001 0000 3 t9 3100 Greenstar ProEram )th€r -MS TOTAL:3D-eU Comments: Cash _ lloney Order *w R€ceived by: F:lEveryone/FqflE/Sal€saai.exs li RECEIPT - Thc Town of Veil l I I Checl: Sl74Ihte: l?/13/91 el Receiet! mt$ettlEtx fa.m flrount Trndered Eg,m Tmn of gail r+r O.EIffiR fl[CEIPt **r IleE: l?/13/9!i el ffiCEIPT: Bl86t5 IESCRIFIII}I DfSIH{ RE9IEII FE €ffi-E EYE }TIC ffiT TTI{DER DETRILtx 3t74 0flTE: l?/13/911 lfinL 0f0tffiil{r TEil0€RrD ffiu{f IP |eS.0S rDn iee.mTl[: 9:35llt t?c. gG t20, se Trl tx OTY I r'\lrr RECEIVED ADDRESS termit Numbers HOW PAID- Castr-Chcck v/ TISI( YOJ Fffi YII'R PRIIEIIT!