HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 BLOCK 7 LOT 2 DESIGN DETAILS LEGAL\cU.[I"{Fr"$ \r,**.r rffz Wb}"J" I DESIGN DETAILS, SPECIFICATIONS AND CALCULATIONS FOR THE PERMANENT SOIL NAIL SHOTCRETE RETAINING WALLS AND MSE RETAINING WALLS FOR THE DORRANCE AND MALONE RESIDENCE DRIVEWAY IN VAIL, COLORADO Prepared fon: Resort Design Associates lntemational 1434 Spruce Street, Suite 110 Boulder, CO80302 Yenter Companies, Inc. 2030OWest Higtuey 72 Arvade, Coloredo gn07 Proposel No.200G179 Date: Jaruary 15,2001 ^tlY'ETTEII LlY'rlrm -I-I DESIGN DETAILSI, SPECIFICATIONS AND CALCULATIONS FOR THE PERMANENT SOIL NAIL SHOTCRETE RETAINING WALLS AND MSE RETAINING WALLS FOR THE DORRANCE AND MALONE RESIDENCE DRIVEWAY IN VAIL, COLORADO Designed By: Reviewed By: Albort C. Rwkman, P.E. AIY'HTM - t I t t I I I I I I T I I I I I T I T LIMITATIONS OWNERSHIP OF DESIGN The following information has been developed by Yenter Companies, Inc. Information and data contained in this proposal- including alldesign and pricing information - is proprietary and remains the property of Yenter Companies, Inc. The information and data contained herein, including all design and pricing information: (r) is provided for the exclusive use and review by Soliciting Parties; and (it) shall not be used by or distributed by Soliciting Parties, their agents, employees, offtcers, directors, members and managers to third parties without the prior written consent of Yenter Companies, Inc. The information and data contained herein, and all reproductions of same which may be generated as part of the design revisw and evaluation by Soficiting Parties, shall be retumed to Yentrer Companies, Inc. in the event that Yenter Companies, Inc. is not selected as the General Contrac{or to perform the work reflec{ed in the design described in this proposal. Designs and assumptions within this docurnent are site and system specific, and are valid for the soil nail and shotcrete retaining walls and MSE retaining walls at the Donance and Malone Residence, Only. .tlrnlm - I I I I I t I t I I t I I I I I I I T SCOPE OF WORK This report provides design details, specifications and calculations for the soil nail and shotcrete retaining walls and for the MSE retaining walls for the Dorrance and Malone Residence in Vail, Colorado. The stabilization systems will be constructed to Yenter Companies specifi cations. Layout of the retaining walls will be according to plans developed by the Civil Engineer. This document contains structural design calculations and approximate cross sections, developed from preliminary site grading and rock art plans. The soil nail and shotcrete retaining walls will be constructed as indicated in the Civil plans. The walfs will be a maximum of 21 feet high, in one to three tenaces. Soil nails will first be installed at the length, orientation and locations indicated in the plans. The soil nails will consist of self drilling, injection grouting Gon-Tech Systems LTD. TITAN bars or drilled and grcuted Grade 75 No. 10 DYWIDAG bars. The stabilized lift will then be covered with wire mesh and will be shotcreted, as indicated in the plans. Excavation and stabilization willcontinue in 4 foot lifts. Yenter Engineers reserve the right to direct excavation activities by CIhers. Tno main cut configurations are possible, and are addressed in this document. In the first scenario, three tenaces will be stabilized. CIhers will attach 'mck art' to the stabilized cut faces. ln the second scenario, one near vertical cut will be stabilized. Mechanically Stabilized Earth, MSE, walls will then be onstruc'ted to the desired geometry. Others will attrach'rock arf to the block faced MSE walls. MSE, rock-faced, retaining walls will be construc.ted belor the driveway in the vicinity of the garage. The walls will be constructed by dry stracking rocks and placing geosynthetic fabric and compacted fill behind the rock facing. The rock walls may be construc'ted in one six foot high tier, or in two tiers, each having a maximum height of six feet. .alYHTM -- I I t I T I SOIL NAIL AND SHOTCRETE I Detailed Construction Seouence I Seguence will be similar to the FHWA publication number FHWA-SH-93-068, page 1. I Step 1. Excavate bench in cut slope to be stabitized I Step 2. Dritl hole for anchor. I Step 3. Place grout in hole. I Step 4. Place anchor in hole. I Step 5. Place geo-composite drain strips vertically on l0-foot centers I Step 6. Place reinforcement mesh on cut slope. t Step 7. Place plates and nuts on anchor. I Step 8. Appfy shotcrete. I In the event that Con-Tech Titan anchors are installed, steps two through four will be I completed concunently. I I Proooeed Method of Excavation of Soilet Each section to be shored shall be excavated to no more than 4 vertical bet without I sbbilization. After each bench is stabilized, the next section may be excavated. The t height of the excavation may be attered by a Yenter Companies, Inc. Engineer. Proooeed Drill illethods and Eouioment t Drilling will be accomplished using a self-contained Furukawa Hydraulic Track Drill(s) or I a casing rig by either Soil-tttlec or H0tte & Co. Hole diameterwill be three and a half inches (3-% in.) minimum and will b€ drilled at an inclination of 15 degrces dorn fiom r horizontal unless specified by the Engineer. .tlY'Ilfn -a-- t T MATERIALS I Grout Mix Desion t Grout is to be Type lll Portland Cement mixed with water to a flomble consistency, with I water to cement ratio of approximately 0.6. Compressive o.rbe strength will be in excess I of400O pounds per square inch. I I Fabric Drain I The fabric drains consist of 12-irrch wide JDR Drainage Composites SD-12, or equivalent. I Supplier will be Vance Bros., Inc., Aurora, Colorado, or equivalent. t Gentralizerc I Centralizers will be nononosive PVC 1' class 200 and is purchased from C&M Manufaciuring, Santee, Califomia, or equivalent.t Soil Nails r The Number 10 threadbar is from DYWIDAG-Systems Intemational. The nut is a Grade I 75, Number 10, cast hex nut. DWVIDAG-Systems Intemational, Long Beach Calibmia _ will supply the threadbar and nut. I Aftemately, CON-TECH Systems LTD. self grouting 40/20 anchors may be utitized. r Bearina Plate I The plate is an 8'' x 8' x 1/2", A36 Steel with 1 W fvcrle in center. These plaies are I manufadured at Yenter Companies' facilities in Arvada, Colorado with steel purchased - fiom Steel, Inc. Commerae City, Colorado, orequivalent. I I I AIY'HTM - I Reinforcino Wire Fabric I The wire fabdc will be a common stock vtrelded wire fabric 4x4-tM.9xlA2.9 or tuo layenvs I of Maocabni Type 8x10 double-twist wire rnesh. The welded wire fabric will be provided I by Rio Grande, Inc., Denver, Colorado, or equivalent. Th€ wire mesh will be supplied I MaccaGni Inc., or equivalent. Shotcrete T MIX PROPORTIONS Sand ASTM C-33 2300 lbs. Size#8Aggr€gate ASTM G33 550 lbs. Cement FlyAsh AFA Water Unit weight per Cutric Foot Slump Obtained (in) Water/Cement Ratio fo=4(XX) p.s.i. Minimum Per Cubic Yard of Goncrete: ASTM G150 630 lbs. ASTM C€18 110 lbs. ASTM G260 2.0 oz. ASTM G94 300 lbs. (36.0 Gal) 14.1fi. 1-3" 0.405 .tl The above ,rv€ights are based upon aggr€gates in a saturated, surface dry condition. Batdr plant conedions must be made br moisture in aggregates. Y'IITN -II- CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS Materlals Handllno and Storaoe Cement will be storcd to prerrent moisture degradation and partial hydration. Cement will not be used if caked or lumpy. Aggregates will be stored so that segregation and indusion of breign materials is prevented. Grout Iniection Method Using an air powered mixer/pump; grout is to be injected at the lowest point of each drill hole through a grout tube (tremie). Each drill hole shall be completely filled with grout in one continuous operation. Grouting before insertion of the anchor is allowed provided the anchor bar is immediately inserted without difficulty. Grouting equipment will produce a uniformly mixed grout, ftee of lumps and undispersed @ment, and be capable of continuously agitating the mix. teeh and Plate Attachment ilfesh wifl be plaed over eacfi section of anchors in 'panels". Each 'paneP will be of a size deemed manageable and saft, Each panelwill be attached to one another using a pneumatic hog-ringer. Edges of each panel are to be overlapped a minimum of &inches. Bearing plates and nuts shall be atbched on the outside of the mesh as shorn in plans as a passive indusion in the shotcrete. The mesh and plate shall not ber diredly against soil in a rnanner that prevents placement of shotcrete bet\rv€en the mesh and the soil. .^l I shotcretinq I Shotcrete will be apptied using a REED@ trailer mounted 4000 series concrete pump. Shotcrete, with minimum thickness of 4 inches, will be applied to the art slope.I I I t I t I I I t I I t t I I .^lYH,IN - I t I t t t I T I I I I I I I I I ! T ROCK AND BLOCK FACED MSE WALLS Comoaction Compaciion is key to the success of MSE struc{ures. The facing, whether block, rcck, or timbet must be phced upon a solid base to predude settlement and defurrnation of the facing itself. The backfill behind the wall must be wett compacted to mobilize the compqsite behavior of the fabridsoil system. The specifted compaciion br all of the backfill and base fcr the hdng is 957o of Standard proctor. lf the material can be tested we will have compaction tests performed by a labonatory representratile. A procedure will be estabtished forthe partiarlar material induding moisture adjustment, lift thickness and equipment type and number of passes required to obtain specified compaction by test by the project foreman. This procedure will be unificrm overthe entire onstrudion. lf a ctrange in material occurs, a naroompadion sequence will be established based upon additional compac'tion testing. In rnany cases the matedal will be too rocky to test. In this case a determination will be made by the design engineer regading the type of compac{ion equipment, moisture adjustment and the number of passes by that equipment. In no case will the compaction effort be less than 3 pass€s of the primary compactor. Facino Block facjng br this proitci will consist of either regular or split-face blocks. The faciry must be placed so that the resulting surface is tnre to the design layout. Rock facing br this project will consist of rock selecfed by the Orner. The facing must be placed so that the resulting surface is true to the design layout. Appearance of stone facing is su$ec{to individual stone setter. Stone hcjng will be pla€d true to line and gnade within the bllorving tolerances: The ualls will be placed to a constrant batter. That batter will be 0.5/100' h : lv to 2,l Oths h : 1v. No wallwill contain a negative better. Each stone will have one point that is within 2 inclres of a plane along a $foot long shaightedge whictr is placed on the face. The stonee are to be of reasonably unibrm size with the o<ception of the'bature stones'. Chinking stones will be snnller, hotever the major stone will conbrm to the unibrmity in size. As in typical stone ualls the bottom stone should be slighW larger than the field of tte upper level of fie face. ^alY'TTM - T I MATERIALS I Fabric Drain I The fabric drains are 12-inch wide JDR Drainage Composite SD-12, or equivalent. I Supplier is to be Vance Bos., Inc., Aurora, Colonado, or eguivalent. I Reirforcing Wire Fabric I The wire fabric will be a common stock welded wire fabric 4x$\1f2.#Irf2.9 or Maocabni I Type 8x10 double-twist wire mesh. The welded wire fabricwill be provided by Rio Gnande,I fnc., Denver, Colorado. The wire mesh will be supplied by Vance Bros., Inc., Aurora, Colonado, or equivalent. I Concrete Block I Concrete block will be standard smooth faced concrete masonry units or split faced concrefe rnasonry units, as called br in the design drawings. The block will be 2500 psi I strength unless specifically designated in the design.I Reinforcenrent -I Reinbrenrent will be of the strength stated in the design. Fabric will meet the specified wt'de sfrip tensile capacity. Reinfurcement 6r this proieci will be Amoco 2006 or I equivalent as designated by the Yenter Engineer. Backfill r Backfillwill be %' scr€ened rock, stndunal fill, or other fil1 deemed suitable by the Yenter _ Erginaer. The ffifill shoff be com@ed using a cornbination of a vibratory plate I com@or, a ualk behind sneepsOotlvibnatory compactor or offrer mectnnical delvbe ' suitableto properly oom@ualf beckfill. t T t t I T .alY'NTM - t I I T I I I I I I t I I I I T I I I DESIGN CALCULATIONS The design cross sections were taken from plans by Resort Design. This cross sec{ions were analyzed for both internal and external stability. SlopeM version 4.22, a slope stability modeling program developed by the GEO-SLOPE Intemational Corporation, was used to model the extemal or global stabilig of each section. Soil parameters for analysis were based upon Yenter Companies' previous experience in the area, upon visual inspection of the soil, and upon a geotechnical engineering report br adjacent Lot 5. The soil parameters used in the analysis were: Soil Unlt Weight Angle of Intemal Friction Cohesion T 0 c 125 pcf 28 250 psf The intemal stability was analyzed using Federal Highways Administration Publication No. FHWA-SA-96-069 Manualfor Design and Construction Monitorino of Soil Nails as a guideline with the same soil parameters. The MSE walls were also analyzed for intemat stability. The intemal strability was analyzed using the ,Colorado Transportation Institute publication Desion and Construc{ion of Lo^, Cost Retainino Wells as a guideline with the above soil parameters. .tlilrm --r 9cloc!r056o rF.dq 6EPE E o $: oar $E oo *q #; kY,^ tieE*e 6s ggEe 4A6Eia 5er#oi ,$ E;A: E,fr66-orr E ;E#=$;F$ 'g;=fiF$F Bb;s+8eEu, .32cro 3G ft, -?(\t 6R.I roOIo Joa E $EclL8p p€ g,b o!-Ea)>PE6 h ttlt- 9lo o.E!a --: L-c-vtt,l_ A .va H.F Q;6Y.zxd,xxEt:'.@ 6 .bg g= FHEg a5#$ a'a a t I l I I I t t t I I I t I I I I t I l'rorI'os99T(tlooroolr-F(\llll (pq) uo[e^et3 Yenter Companies, Inc. 20300 W. Highway 72 Awad.4 Colorado 80007 (303) 279-445r Soil Nail and Shotcrete Shoring Section D Project Name: Contractor: Date: Worksheet By: ,i+p.,ii id;M#$nei*c#ffi iiitiiiiri*iiiiirlii;i;11-1r=14;it'rri;ii:*$tiiii: i+gfi.x ffitrrli:r,i,iiiiiiiiijiilliiillliiil:llirl'lrll*ltf:ui*r+;liltr l*llllt+: i:rt# #;$:l*i:#rlr+iii*ilrtli*i*:f$+ri,rtt+-q+ Dosiped with criteria in Fedoral Highway Publication No. FHWA-SA-96-069 Manual for Desim & Constructign Monitoring of Soil Nails used as a guideline. t T I I t I I t I I I I I I t I I I I Soil Parameters: Soil UnitWeight Fric'tion Angl6 in Degrees Ultimate Cohesion Wall Geomelry: Wall Height Trial Nail Longth Vertical N€il Spacing Horizontal Nail Sp€cing Drill Hol€ Diameter Bolt Size (Bars # S10) SteelVeld Sbongttl Ste€l Shear Stnength \Mre Mesh Reinforcement Goncrete Shenglh Face Thickn€ss Length of One Sid6 of B€aring Plst€ StD Stcngth Fac{oo Frpm Tebbr 'L4 and.t 5, F]IWA Grout Pullout R€sistance Facior Nail T€ndon Tensile Sbength Nail Head Shengilh Factor Unit Ultimat€ Bond Str€ss Fmm Tables 3.2, 3.3, 3.4 0b/ff) +=iittii;,i j:.i;i:tii:,,ii,tii;iti#*ffi :oeg c,=:iliilllilii+iilili',1,i.!i#.;#j(tbnh H= iiir.iiri;ii'iii ji.ili;::i1:i:-a . (ft | t-= :,,t:, :i,tr'ri;irili i'iii$.,00 ttt I q-l:,:iliiiliii;ii:"lritltili;ti1i1!.$lwfr :<ttt s,=rLlii:iiriiii+ii#rii*itf#rn.r o=:.ttjijiitt;itiiirtiiirlii,i:iiiitifi#j<nl Bar # iftiiffi iliiiiiiiiiiiii:i;.ti.. : Fv= fc'= (psi.) (in.) 0.50 0.55 0.67 d= aF€ re" ii:,iti{i!i!.t:H.i rp"i.t ,"=ij,iiii:ii,i.i {,t*ii+ff ti^:nt (psi.) ci.|#i'ytittililliii.,iiif.tt;lii!,iffi $n.) irfu#?ilaiirtii" tp"i'.1 I I I I I t I t I I I I t I T t I I I Nall Tendon Strenqth: TxP=AsxF, Area ol Bar Tx=clxXTxx NallTendon Load Gheck: Ultimat€ Pullout Resistance Dimensionless Pullout Resistence Use QD , CD , UH and Tan fD for Charts 1A to 4C to find Te or TD / OD. Requir€d Nominal Nsil Strength Nail Tondon Str€ngth OK. Pulhut Shength OK. Qu= Qo= Co= Tan 1o= UH= Ts/Qe= 9s,250 (lbs.) 1.270 (in.z) 52,388 (lbs.) 1,979.20 (|bn.) 0.4948 0.25 0.39386 2.17 I Nt{- Aa= TN- ,"=iY;!,'Y,EF'{'{,.##Xiira##*; 9,500 (bs.) I t I I Face Ftexun: I Atlowable Moment in ihe Facing is Given by: M = FyxA"xd x 36 / 12 Kr= 0.3610 6l= 2.00 (in.) Maximum Moment on the Facing is Given by: Muex = .1071 x (1/2 x l(1 x 7 x Sll r Sl I t I t I t I T Melr.ow= 4,200.00 (ft-lbs.) Muru<= 38.67 (ft-lbs.) Face Flerum OK I Punchlno Shear: t Allowabl€ShearintheFacoatEacfiNailbtl€!g!glot (W=.85x4x.ftjxDjxh.)Eq.4.2,t I page 90 FHWA-SA-geoogand Tx ( Factorod Nail Tendon Sfength).r whcrc; f5' ir thc stsength of thc conqrtc in thc lacc, hc is thc dcpth of the concrctc rh.ar con€ I Dc' ls thc Bcadng plate wldth plur lrc I rbel shcngth in shoar, AS ia the a€a of stssl of tho f€iniorcoment. Tp= 95,250 (bs.) \/= 16,213 0b8.) VA.r.o,v= 16,213 (lbs.) Sowic€ Load for Punching Shear Vilex= 722 (lbs.) I Purctilns shoaroK T I lllnimi.rm Nall LenotftB In Lower Half of Wall lf Shorter Then lnlUel Lonoth (Ll. h = height of nail row from bottom of wall Caution: Do Not Us6 High Bond Shengilhs in Lourer Nails to Reduce Upper Nail Length. I I I Sunrmalof values: Nail Tendon Sbength I Nailrendon Load I Tx= 52,388 (lbs.) h= 9,500 (lbs.) AllowaHe Pullout Reeistance cqlxQu= 12,e65 (lbs.) I Naitrendon Load OK tn= 9,500 (lbs') Allorable Momeni in Facs Mer-ror= 4,200 (ft-tbs.) I Mo<imum Momentin Face Mrmx= 39 (ft-1b6.) ! A,lbrysd€ Shear at Each Nail Vn-r-ow= 16,213 (lbs.) I Maximum Shoar at Each Nail Vref 722 0bs.) I I t I I t I I I t T t Destqn summaru: I NairL.nsth: I Vertical Nail Spacing: 2.00 feot I Horizontal Nail Spacing: 8.00 fe€t I Hote Diam€ter: 13.00 f6€t 3.50 inches Soil Naif fncfination Angle: 15 Dogrees No. 10 - Boaring Plate Size: 8 in. x I in. x1l2in. A36 Steel Ir Minimum Concrete Shength: 4,OOO psi. @ 2&Day I Barsiz€: I Face ThicJoess:4 inches minimum Reinforcement Type and Size: Single [ayer Twisted Maccafeni or 4x4 W2.9P.9 Welded Wire Fabric g. o Ert dlgE 9E-e b€B oo glt oo E-_ ts 58. teEiH 5'?t 69ia iiioEI EE sa5} gE EiEr Ft r H":ipr ntoco-c.go oooco-c.go(Dfo(L(L(L UroUrf(Jo-(Lo- i= TL ut U) =Ho CL Loooooa L'coo.(t) iioc o =,9o (uc sO =5!0 ooz .9F -glt:foo I @co oog, tico E Eoo _cLodzxa itt Eozg l.l. ooIJgop at,ot og -9(E =!tc$ o c E oo Ho o ()oo IJ I t I t t I I t I I t T I I I I t I I oo o(Jcoa i5 (E coN o oo rO(D I lo6 I ta)t\ oF. r()(o I rO rO oE rl)t ot ro c.t o.(' lo GI R ro o () o 6o I a )a aa or, l o,i lal ooo oto ooo lool ol' e o o ,il t'i\. loo at' llo ,ool loo ao' olo llt' ooo ooo ^.1 e lt tlo oo' aa aa aa aa a a a al aa rto ooo loo aat I o o'l a.|' loo ltl loo )otl roo' aa' olo o ol aa aa otooroo..iTCT (pel) uolle^el3 Yenter Companies, Inc. 20300 W. Highway 72 AmaA+ Colorado 80007 (3031 279-44sE Soil Nail and Shotcrete Shoring Section 8 Project Name: Contractor: Date: Worksheet By: Designod with critsria in Fodsral Highway Publioation No. FHWA-SA-96-069 Manual for Desisn & Conshuction Monitoring of Soil Nails used as a guideline. Soll Parameterc: I I I T t I T t I I I I I I I I I t T Soil UnitWeight Fric-tion Angle in Degreas Ultimat€ Coh€sion Wall Geometry: Wall H€ight Trial Nail Length Verticel Nail Spacing Horizontal Nail Spacing Drill Hole Diametor Bolt Size (Bars # 3-10) Steel Yield Strength Steel Shear Str€ngth Wire Mesh Reinforcement Concr€t€ Strength Face Thickness Length of One Side of Beadng Plate SLD Strcngth Factoc From Tables {.4 and.l.5, FFM,A Grout Pullout R€sistance Factor Nail Tendon Torcil€ Sfength Nail Head Sbength Fac{or Unit Ultimate Bond Stress Frcm Tables 3.2,3.3, 3.4 Nall Tendon StnEnotr: Txx=AExF, r=i1inl;1',1;1ii;;,'1i11i;!;iffiimaun1 o=fiiitiiIili.:iiiir'iti:ilH8 oeg (h/fr)Cu= E itlt;i:tj#i.t:l#liiilij::: il:illf#i (in.) 0.50 0.55 0.67 qe= GN= GlF= r-r= iiiii:ijiiiiiiiiiiiiiit$_ff i (ft ) t-= l..., ,:.,...rt.r '' ' : 1fi.0fl: (ft ) a= ::1:ii:lii:.;lliit.ii!;:rita:'90: (ft') s-= :ilil'iiiiiiiiii,filxrii;li,:rtiiii tn.l D= +::r;:jiiti;iii;:i;,;iitr iai*if Sl (in. ) Bar#il$[*itl0iiiriiii:::,i:t;it:i:litr.:::lii Fv= F"= A.= fc'= r*l1ffii1ffiij?ltijii{:ltiiiffi,rin.l (psi.) (psi.) (psi.) (in.j/ft.) (psi.) t-IB -95,250 (lbs.) I I t T I I t I I I I t T t I I I T t Arsa of Bar Tx=cxxTxx Nail Tendon Load Check: Ultmate Pullout Rssistance Dm€nsionloss Pullout Resistrance Us€ QD , CD , UH and Ten fD for Charts 1A to 4C to find To or TD/QD. R€quirod Nominal Nail Sbength Nail Tendon Sterqth OK. tulloutStrsrEftOK. Qu= Qo= Co= Tan Ss. UH= Te/Qe= To= $t- 1 .270 (in.') 52,388 (lbs.) 1,979.20 (rb/fr.) 0.9896 0.11 0.39386 1.38 16,724 (lbs.) AE= Tr= I I T I Face Ftexurc: I Alolvable Momont in the F€cing is Given by: M r FvxAsxd x SH / 12 I I I T I I I I T T T KA= 0.3610 6l= 2.00 (in.) Maximum Momcnt on thc Facing is Given by: MM{)( = :tO71 x(1l2xrcox7xS,r2; x S,l Mello,v= 2,100.00 (ft-lbs.) Mur,r= 38.67 (ft-lbs.) Faoe Flexure OK. I PunchlnoShear: I I Alloi/abl€ShearinthcFaceatEachNailisthelgggggof gV=.8Sx4x*ixD6-xhJEq.4.2, t pege gO FHWA-SA.9So69and TN ( Fac{or€d Nail Tendon Strength). where; fc' b the sferpth of the concrete in the tace, hc ls the depth of the concrele shear cone I Dc' is the Bsaring plate wirlth plus 116 I ste€l sfi€ngth in she€r, AS is ttre ar€a of st€el of the rsinlorcement Tx= 95,250 (lbs.) != 16,213 (bE.) Ver.r-o,ri= 16,213 (lbs') Sorvice Loed for Punching Shear V1^.= 361 (tbs.) Pundrirg ShearOK ilinimum Nail Lenqthg In Lower Half of Wall lf Shorter Than Int0al Lenqth lll. h = height of nail row from bottom of wall Caution: Do Not Use High Bond Strengths in Lower Nails to Reduce Upper Nail Length. Summaryof Valueo: Ndl Tsn$n SlFngth Nall Tondon Load A[oYvable Pullout R$lstance Nail Tendon Load AllowEUc Mom€nt in Facc Modmum Moment ln Face Allovyable Sh6ar at E€ch Nail Maximum Shear at Each Nail I it- h= cq.LxQu= .t{- MruoF Murx= Vxrorrr= VrAf 52,388 (rb8.) OK 1ts,724 (lbs.) 17,813 (lbs.) OK 16,724 0bs.) 2,100 (ft-lbs.) OK 39 (tt-rb6.) 16,213 0bs.) OK 381 (b3.) Dselon Summary: - Nail Length: 18.00 feet I V€rtical Neil Spacing: 2.00 feet I Horizontal Nail Spacing: 4.00 feet I Hole Diam€ten 3.50 inchest Soil Nail tndination Angle: 15 Degrees I BarSize: No. 10 I Bearing Plate Size: I in. x 8 in. x 1D in. A36 Steel I- Minimum Concr€to Strength: 4,(x)O psi. @ 2&Day I Face Thickness:. 4 inch6s minimum! Reinfiorcement Type and Size: Single Layer Twistod Maccafeni or4x4 W2.9)@.9 Welded Wire Fabric I I T I I I T t t t I ci59ELfeo9COg := oEF AEFE E€ad 06 66 oo XP #i6 €9 #;6 :ein :E €5ie ;$ ;EHgg;F$ ;E#;8;FF Q-u1;o:: c)Erctro Soo rf!.. =Eq6 id>EoEg -eFr!< (o F o Eol.L o)c -9 .9F o(') .ga I ro Co ooo := -ct(!o o. Eo o Eo E Eoo (\l q) ocL. c) To(l) C)copooEoco (E Itc$ o)oco Eoo Eo CL t-oooo I T t t I I I I I t I I I T t I t I I o P lf)o! o CD rnto o(o rf) 9C)oge _@R()cEg^.46o r(5 9gYO ra, Nc, 'Eodr :tr r(t(! c,6l |o ,tIttlill..=FFIIaato' ooto' aa'O' oo'o aa"o aa"' o, o o o r o otOOl' aaolo oa"' aa'oot oolool o,looot ooftoo ooto llt'o aa..o oo'tli oooooo o ro oooloto'ot' 8E89EB8RR oroorooroctTT$$c?c,?Ttooo{, (leel) uo[enelf aoo!t e -o (n6E EE =A oo g?d oo :H;: ig €*:r ig ;EH;g*$$ ;E#;gI$F Loocoo.o €-co =oa (uc o'lOt""" alto..""' too"'o"" i:F U' Eo lJ- CD o t- .oF o o, 6 I ro .96oa := -oo (t) c!Pohqtr|f)E2 ^oxs- a)jd ir;cc9b =zExov:=()tL (\ o o Eo= IoIcopoq)tr c)co (5 =aco o()c(E oo E .9 CL ottoo I I T I I I t t I I I I I I I I I I t oo ;o oct ttt6 o@ ao a(,t\ogeo9(J ESo8i5 *6 EEvO 16Nct 'Eo6J rat(\I o({ I I ao :: :: ;, ':: tv 1,':,, ,,:' (ll ' , -{: : : l r: : , at'o""..0 aato""..' | ,' l,l, :,, ttll 838Se88RRPP oroor()oraro|.)o'rsqqea?T .Sl tt""o l'-l ..:Loooooo" alotorot"' lo'lrlootol lo'o""'o' loo"o"'ort (leel) uoltenetS oI lool oo) rf, @ oao rot- FO rcr ,E 88cili (E a .12r., o so o --t-tf6 AN (30(qr lJ)N ct(\l P P lo o I69sb =|Fo9e€ ?Eff. rE fit"^TE6esa sa 9gee gil ;Ft=fust 'F;;fust .E sgbtL!r o) BEt< ebOF6o =8,-gr-F? g 8g-o8. F.E,33 E#fi# .b9 p= o'EEE H.5#E I I I I I I I I I T t I T I t I I I t aa oa""1o1l' orftor()oraror')or('oGrlrrrottait(9c\tAtFF oe?+fisqq? .Hl 'o"'Joo Qeel) uo!F^et3 Yenter Companies, Inc. 20300 W. Highway 72 Arvadg Colorado 80007 (303) 279-4458 Soil Nail and Shotcrete Shoring Section 5 Projeot Name: Confractor: Date: Worksheet By: ifis u M#l$u$,i$*ffie*ir;iiilrliil,iir.l"i':tiliiiiiiljij#liiiiiri:i:liiiri'.r iir:frliii .ffii1+tr. lnririi,'ii.'i:ill=fir;itXiiiij|l1i;"1'liillitffitf|illil+i i llUf*:mrw+i*+ :#.'I ul'litiii.ftliiiiiuiirlilili:i.tliitiiil=+xiifiillil;' ffi+i*iij$rinl Desiped with criteria in Federal Highway Publication No. FHWA-SA-96-069 Manual for Desien & Construction Monitorine of Soil Nails used as a guideline. Soll Parameters: I I I I I t I I I I I T T l I t I t t Soil Unit Weight Friction Angle in D€grees Ultimate Cohesion Wall Geometrv: Wall Height Trial Nail Length Vertical Nail Spacing Horizontal Nail Spacing Drill Hole Diameter Bolt Size (Bars # 3-10) StselVdd Strength St€el Shear Strength Wire Mesh Reinforcement con$eite strsngth Fede Thidkngss Length of One Side of Bsaring PlatE SLD Strcngch FactoE From Tabler 4.4 and 4.5, FHWA Grout Pullout Resistance Fac{or Neil Tendon Tensile Shgflgth Nail Head Strengh Factor Unit Ultimate Bond Sbess From Tables 3.2. 3.3. 3.4 .i:;;,;t;;;11::1i14111;111,1i11ifi ffiffi!1tbtft\ 0= liiilili:i:iri:liiiilttr4Fffi o"s cu- i;iilLrli ii ii i;iiiiiiti$$ibi tlo'f I tt= liiii:iitiiilili::i;i:Aoiffi (ft ) t-=j*ii lii:iiii:ii:tiiiifi #iffi tt. I (fr.) s,= l#1!1.;1*f il,iliiili't:riijffi G ) 6=,:1i;,1;|.:;,i!tini!,i!:t;iitiit$is6itinl Bar*.:#:idi$jiii:1i):lljtiriiiiijitjij;iijti (psi.) (psi,) Fr- F"= lq= fc'= (in,rm,) (psi.) v'i,ffii;i!ii!it!,.i iiijiiiiiilf; ; <rr r b= !!;i:,!:,iii:iiiiiii?;:;i;ii jjillltg (in ) qo= 0.50 dN= 0.55 clF= 0.67 riiiii'ii:iiilitiittiii;;:;i:i;lfiHlffi r(psi.l Nall Tendon Strenoth: Txx=AgXF Area of Bar Tx=cxXTxx NailTendon Load Gheck: Ultimate Pullout Reeistance Dlmsnsionl€ss Pullout Reslstence Use QD , CD , L/l-l and Tan fD for Charts 14 to 4C to find To or TD/QD. Required Nominal Nail Shength Nall Tendon Str€ngth OK. Pullout Str€ngth OK. ?-I NN- Ag= Tn= Qu= Qo= \rD- Tan 6o= UH= Te/Qo= To= lfl= 95,250 (bs.) 1.270 (in.') 52,388 (lbs.) 1,979.20 (tbift.) 0.4948 0.07 0.39386 1.22 16,400 (lbs.) t I I I I I T I Face Flexurc: Allowable Moment in he Facing is Given by: M = FyxAs x d x Ss / 12 I Maximum Moment on lhe Facing is Given by: Mu* = .1071 x (1t2 x KA x T x &2) x Sv2 Ke= 0.3610 6l= 2.00 (in.) MLlo,,r= 2,100.00 (ilbs.) Mu15 618.67 (ftlbs.) t I I FaceFhxureoK. Punchinq Shear: Allonvable Shear in Op Face at Eactr Nail is the Lecer ol (0V = .85 x 4 x 'fts'x Ds' x hJ Eq. 4.2, I page 90 FHWASA-96{69and Tr ( Factor€d Nail Ten<lon Strength). I where; fc' is the sfengilh of the concr€te in the faco, hc is tho <lepth of the concr€te shear cone Dc'is th€ Bearing plate width plus hc I stoel sfength in shear, AS is the area of stoel of the reinforcement. t TN- 9s,250 (lbs.) != 16,213 (lbs.) Vl-r-oYrF 16,213 (lbs.) Servioe Load for Punching Shear Vruf 1,444 (bs.) I t I Pundring shearoK I I Mlnlmum Nall Lgnaths In Lower Half of Wall lf Shorter Than Initial Lenoth {Ll. h = hoight of nail row from bottom of wall Caution: Do Not Use High Bond Strengrths in Lo$/€r Nails to Reduce Upper Nail Length. I I I I I T I t I I T I I t I t t l' T t I I summarvof vatues: I NailTenrlon Sr€ngfih NeilTendon Loed I TH= 52,388 (lbs.) h= 16,400 (lbs.) I Allowable Pullout Rosistence o6,,LxQu= 24,74 (tbs.) Nail Tendon Load tH= 16,400 (lbs.) T t Allowable Moment in Faoe MHr.ovrF 2,100 (ftJbs.) OK Mo<imum Mornentin Face Murf 619 (ftlbs.) t Ald|able Sh€ar at Eech Neil Ver.r.ovrF 16,213 (lbs.) OK- Maldmum Shearat Each Nail Vref 1,444 0bs.) T I I I I t t T T I I r Deeign Summarv: I Nail Length: 25.00 froet I Vertical Nail Spacing: 4.00 feet I Horizontal Nail spacing: 4.00 f6€t I Hot€ Diameter 3.50 inches Soil Nail Inclination Angle: 15 Degrees t Bar size: No. 10 I B€aring Plate Size: 8 in. x 8 in. x 112 in. 436 Steel I Minimum frncr€te Strengh: 4,000 psi. @ 2&Day I Face Thid<ness: 4inches minimum Reinforcem€ntType and Size: Single Layer Twisted Maccafeni I or4x4 V12.9:€.9 Welded Wire Fabrlc I t I T t t t T I .ct E -9I ooq #6 5:e e FaBI ge E: E: Hfo c o-c,!/ oa)()(L(LtL oEo {, =Cn E E 0) .c. (5o co cl t- C) U'oo CI '6a o Eo 3 ooE- t g Eie 5ii -EN .9^-g€.PH Et €= EM FToco-c.gao(/)f,oo.o.o. ot- o)E fomoc(g ooo-oo() Ho ot-ov,ooo Icoo(t) iio-co .9,o 6c o.o ltzxa CL E c)F id E(5z o iT -g: .9c =TL o g,o l-otr(, o- t-F tt!co C)o(t) e(5 oo- EoF oco E EoO (\l c).: (s Eo I U' c)ocop @otr oco (U =oc(5 o()c(utoo H .o o- C) ct,oo I I I I I I I t I I I I T I t T I t T oI ro(D oo) u)o oc, u) eO:eU\/_o5iocE"Eo'9(to |r)r(s o roN oO 4 lt)6l o(\l ro o a'o oa' rol oao aoo ao' aa' a" aa' oot rtl oo' al' ao' ao' oao ooo ao' ao' aa' aa aa aa aa oa aa oa oa al a!a'o aa' ao'ao aa oroctot()!?Iu)lOI |J) al!I U)orooC{OIFF o{, ctlsl aa" aattto oo'oo' jo.." roort)o$rc)c)t (pel) uolle^eE boc _o- & @. UD -L ttx€w6 ai=Eo:goE l!< (uc!=o.9>cz.=Plt6t!* SE ;=Or-oc)6Fpo 8.3x. l gd. €s>E EEtE; 8g EEt-F 6p 5g EEo=o)Eoooo I I t I I I t I I T I t T t I t t I <> rf,rat OIro (Y)U)*Iia)(tE I O6 #Uo=R i3d.i oP'; E(L = d)t-';;co ts<Pl R d,6E.g 6C)(L(LL ct Eo5o() t =r(,=(\l ocDE'6 E< oco) ot-oEfodl EC([ at,o cr!lo() H .o CL oooo (\I '6a O6 # ir;P .g;;< J.ta g^E = Og Ei FEE E.!P 6oo.&L -o E .9foo* 'c,:c{ =:oo)9'65= oc@2 :=]L lU @ Eo CL t-()oooo U) oo roo) o(t) rOo oo lO eO;g-oE8 ES88sE aCrro E.Esf u)(\l oGI rat o |o ao' aa' aa' oa' r" aa' lto a" ao' oo' oa' ao' aa' al' aa' a" aa' oq RR aa at aa ao o.aa oa aa aa oaooo aa' et' a" a" .a' a" a" oa oa aa o5)9Fqqq (pel) uollB^eE oo loo) oo) lo€ ooPa -r q)F(l)| @o e() E"Eo8i5 ro 9C aN oOcoT ro(\ o(\l ro o ro o ocoo -'6E 8€b -.,O O v'O 5Q #;i $eee e n5EE; EE IF:=E: FEO O O E O-s.g O@og,f()o.o-o- 6 U' -gfoat '=gE 6€b b'Q6 Ett €*€# EE =g h E'E oo gi-H Es:* iilF b.9(/) F i#t* ;F;;tus$ FEEg $.5#E I I I I I I t I t I t I I t I I I t t ..1""..::: ."oo":.. ..ooo":o.. . . ' ' t t -', : . . ' -ottd.o.{...r' aao'ooaa ....":.o.t jr....:.r.. oaot"t^aarra aaat..t^aaaa ao"10' 8889E8BRRPP orJ)otoolooloo,tTcyc!0?G?Y (tael) uo!p^et3 t I I T I T I I T I I I I I I t I T T Yenter Companies, Inc. 20300 W. Highway 72 Awda. Cobrado 80007 (303) 279-4458 Soil Nail and Shotcrete Shoring Section F Project Name: Contractor: Date: Worksheet By: Designed with criteria in Fsdorcl Highway Publioation No. FHWA-SA-96-069 Manusl for Design & Construction Monitoring of Soil Nails used as a guideline. I I I l T T I I I I t T T I I T I I T Soil Parameter: Soil Unit Weight Fdc'tion Angle in Degrees Ultimate Cohesion WallGeometry: Wall Height Trial Nail L€ngth Vertical Nail Spacing Horizontal Nail Spacing D|ill Hole Diam€t€r Bolt Size (Bars # &10) Ste€lYr€ld Sbength Steel Shear Strength Wr€ M€sh R€inforcem€nt Concrete Strength Faca Thickness Length of One Sid€ of B€aring Plat€ SLD Str€ngth F.cton Frpm T.bb3 4.4.nd 4.5, FIM,A Grout Pullout Resistance Factor Nail Tendon T€n8ile Shengilh Nail Head Sbjsngth Factor Unit Ultimate Bond Stress Fom Tables 3.2, 3.3, 3.4 a='friii?i?,liiiiliiii.lij?ijiiiisj:!#:tin.t (psi.) t=iiiuititiiiii:':iit:ii'iiiite5jffi .ittuttl 0= ti.iriii'iiiiiii.irixiii..iiffiffii o"s c,= 'iiiliiiiiiiriiiii..iiii*#it*f ttuttt'l H=iiil,.. rl jl l. ., .1,.,.,i .:i:i** . ttt.l L= t t :i;,.i',t;i ifi;,,,,,t;:;i.,i,;,:i].!l'XXl tft.l s,= :t.ili:iiiiiiiiiiliii'lriiaffi tn.r q,=,iiiriiiiji:iiiiiiiiiiliii;iiiliisioui (ft .) D= ]ii:iiiiiililiifiiiiiixiliiiq$iti (in.) sar * rffiii liiiiti:iiti.ii,liiiljjii, r,= fi 1iillijt'ii{ijiiillt#"ffi 1psi. I r;-ii,iii,!iiii:i:pt;iiii,#.{ffi <psLt (in.'zft.) ri= ii:Jilr:tiiiiii iiriiii$om; tp',.1 (in.) 0.50 0.55 o.67 do= q,= oF= I I I I t t l t t t I I I I I I I I I Nail Tendon Shenoth: Txs=AsxF, Ar6e of Bar Tx=cxXTxp Nail Tendon Load Check: Ullimate Pullout Resistance Dimensionless Pullout Resistance Use QD , CD , UH and Tan fD for Ch€rts 1A to 4C to find Te or TD/OD. Required Nominal Nail Sbengfl Nail Tondon $rgngtfi OK. Pullout Stongth OK. Qu= Qo= \.'O- Tan 4o= UH= Ts/Qo= Ts= h= 95,250 (lbs.) 1.270 (n.2, 52,388 (lbs.) 1,979.20 (b/ft.) 0.49l|8 0.08 0.39386 1.43 15,750 (b3.) T-| 1{N- Ag= TN-- t I I I I I I I I I T I I t T I I I I Face Flexure: Allovvable Momenl in the Facing is Given by: M=FyxAsxdxSH/12 l(^= 0'3610 d= 2.00 (in.) Maximum Moment on the Facing is Given by: Mr,r,,,x = .1071 x (1t2 x Xn x v x Su2) x ql FaceFlerueOK. Allonrabb Stnar in the Feco at Each Nail is lhe !49ggg of ({V = .85 x 4 x rfi6' x Di x h.) Eq. 4'2' pag€ 90 FHWA€A-S{69and TN ( FactoEd Nail Ten<lon Strength). yvtrere; li k th€ shength of the conctete in the face, hc is the depth of th€ concfete shear @ne Dc'is the Beadng date width Plug ho steel sfiengilh in shear, AS i8 lhe area of ste€l of the Ginforcement Service Load for Puncfiing Shear Puncf{ng ShoarOK Meuorf Mull<= Tr= \,r= Veu-ow= Vrrx= 4,200.00 (ft-lbs.) 38.67 (ftibs.) 95,250 (lbs.) 16,213 (lbs.) 16,213 (lbs.) 722 0bs.) llinimum Nall Lenq$s in Lower Half of Walt tf Shorter Than IniUal Lenoth {Lt. h = height of nail row from bottom of wall Caution: Do Not Use High Bond Skengths in Lower Nsils to R€duc€ Upper Nail Length. t I T l I I t t T I T T I t I T t t T Summaruof Values: Ndl Tentlon Stengtfr Nail Tenclon Load Allo^rable Pullout Resistance Nail Tendon Load Allcnilable Moment in Face Msximum Mornont in Fac€ Allowaue Shearat Eacn Nail Maximum Shear at Eacfi Neil T-r||- h= c6,LxQu= a-rN- M,urryc= Mnex= Y ALlo{v- Vulx= 52,388 (lbs.) 15,750 (lbs.) 24,7,10 (lbs.) 15,750 (lbs.) 4,200 (ft-lbs.) 39 (fi-lbs.) 16,213 (bs.) 722 (lbs.) Deelon Summary: r Nail Length: 25.00 freet t Vertical l,lail Spacing: 2.OO f66t Horizontal Nail Spacing: 8.@ feet I Hob Diameter: g.So inches Soil Nail Inclination Angle'. 15 D€grees t Barsize: No.1o I Bearing Plate Sizo: 8 in. x I in. x1f?in. A36 Steel Minimum Cons€to Strengthj. 4,000 psi. @ 28-Day I Face Thickness: 4 inches minimum Reinfo.cement Typ€ and Size: Single Layer Twistrad Maccafeni I or4x4 \ttt2.9P.9 Weld€d \Mre Fabdc I T t t T T T t t t oo sPACr,rc F. S. = I 5 PlllotJIF. S.= l5 t.|\ fi EliG€UiCNT= 3 FT rffifi-lLry!-J (cos tf cos {r) (cospf 0387 0194 03@ 0.532 o€PrH sP.l9P Le #ffit etrr tfi€lH (Fn llJ 3tt 6 5 5 2 ?D 1 3.8 3.0 4 4i 3D 4 /tg 30 4 5.4 5.3 0!t7 4 t gsFoRTtD tfl LA'IERAL PRESS]RE g,RCHARGE LOADI.IG BETA 'Ft{ , D€llslTY "Rsirlorcomsn TU T 8 (1c.4) MMWALL HT (H} Ca PH * Fcrlddtm Sdl 30 / frl 250 /nt 283u 114 ftrf) Amoco 2006 \7'brn.) .l 6 :-) 250 rbrt')a nEnSoRcEFltT er|.cutTlffi z oH L9 I u daz+TFS -ZtrAN'6-l (|rI TAlarll {nt 1 3.7 3.0 J 6 1.6 t8l t.1 3.0 2 5 2.1 209 2.t 30 5 2l A7 2A 30 2 5 t2 266 2.1 3.0 t 4 t3 xt1 1.9 tn 1 1 1.3 az2 't.14 3.o 1 I rl9 360 30 I 1 5.,1 c79 1.8 3.0 0 3 6.0 4f 3.0 0 3 EXTERilAL CALCU|.ANOilS CTI DESIGN IYEIIDO SLD G FOR Fs= 1.5 Li= Fs (H(fi+2qKe4CSORT(K€)f2FANStqrH+q)+cal) -0.7 n.) L€s6Than 6 Fa€tOK I I I I I I I t I I T T I I I I I I I ALiERIiA'E dFFROACH FORSL|OI{C LATERAL EARTIi PRESSI.RE: 30 PSF FRtgItcN 0.40 SJlvt F =0 PfiESSIRETWA|'I- Hf x 5- 0-hlTWT x VOL r FREnOil+COl-ESOt'{ x LENGIH} -210o Less lhdr 0. O|( L= 6 n.) AtLCrr/VABt-E -- BAS(FI.L FOR]}€ }ISE WAIL iI,,,ST 8E FREE ORATI{G GRAM'-AR MATERAL REI\FOnCEIJENI MA'IERIAL B AMOCO 2000 COfvPACIX9N StlOtl-O 8E 95S OF AS'IM 0608 V IUE l.to lEsI $tou..D 8E TAKENWTTT{f{ 3 FEEr 0F Tl€ FAC tS_ oo SPACNG F. S. = 1.5 PULLOUIF. S. = 1.5 trfirnitJtvl EllEEDtvlEM = 3 FTrffit (cos tF co6 t )(cosrf 0!87 0.&4 0.80 0.5:t2 oEPrH *,iff Le lffiW LENSTH (FI) l.o 6 0 3.5 1.1 3.0 4.9 3.0 5.7 3I'4 6.4 3.0 4 72 3I'3 8.0 3!3 IMPORTEO Fil-L TAIMAL PRESgJRE SLJRCHARGE LOAOING BETA P PHI . DENSTY r Reirforcemsrt IU T a (k:.4) MAX WALL HT (H) Ca PHI fi Fqndatjo0 Soil 30 [b F, n) 250 t fi) 26.6 EGu 125 rb f) Amoco 2006 175 lh fn.) 840 .l 8.0 :.1 ?50 rbrf I za REilf ONCETTEIIT CALCUIITIOT{S z oH s L6 Lf Lt d1z+n TFS a.)ur)(n)TANarll D (fr) 1 153 3.1 3.0 4 1.8 'tg2 2.9 30 3 6 ?.6 g2 2A 3.0 3 6 33 271 3.0 5 1.1 311 '18 3.0 2 5 {.9 350 1.0 30 5 5.7 3m 3.0 1 6.4 42S 't.30 3.0 1 4 1.2 4@ 1.19 3.0 0 3 6.0 508 1.'t0 3.0 0 3 EXTEnflAt CAtCU.AnOilS CTIDESreN MET}OD SLDi.lG FOR Fs= 1.5 i= Fs (H (#l+2qKs.4CSORT(Ka)y2[rANSlG(+l+q]+cal) -0.2 (ft.) LessThan 6 Fe€l Ol( ILTERI{ATE APPROICIT LAIERA EARIH PRESSURE= 30 PSFFRICIION u- 0rl0 S[rnF=0 PRESgffxWA[ HT x 5-(|JNIWT r VOL x FR€ION+COI-ESON x LENGTI0 -29/,O l-oss 0|ao 0. o}< L.6G) ALLoiTVAB|E BEARIIIG@ - BACT(FIT FOh 1}€ I{SEWhLL Ti.6IEE FREE DRAI&.G GRANJLAR MATERIAL REr\FORCEIvENI MA'|ERAL F Al OCO 2m COiIPACIION g.IO(t.D BE 95% OF AS D6g8 VALLE r€ 1EST sl€U.o 8E TAKEN }UTTI..I 3 FEEI OF II€ FACNG. oo SPACit',lG F. S. = 1.5 PIJLLOUT F. S. = 1 .5 lrrsnauLt EL€€Df€ifi = 3FT rffirl-lt_ry__t (cos tF co6 (p) (cosa? 0.887 0.894 0.8@ 0.532 DEPIH o,iff Le #qffiffi r.El.rgIH (Fr) 1.0 u.6t 3.0 ) u.6 t 3.0 4 1.1 3.0 4 20 3.0 4 23 5.0 4 2.7 3.0 4 3n 3.0 4 3.0 3 3.t 5, 4.0 0.6?3.3 IIPORTTD FILL LAIERAL PRESSI.JRE SURCHARGE LOAOfIG BETA 'PHI . DENSfi T R6irtorcornsnt tu T a (lc.rl) MMWALL frr (H) Ca Pfll * Fomd€don Sorl 30 , 250 /n) u \ Amoco 2006 175 lbtn) 840 flbn ) 4.0 (n.) 250 flbilf) 8 REilFORCEI'EI{T CALCT'LATIOIIS DEPITI Si('|r€ H Pt_L TOTAL z oH Le Lt Rdaz.n TFS 'H-ZITAN'15-a/ (ft.!Frr)G.l TAN+rH (fi.1 153 3.0 5 1.3 169 3.3 3.0 1 4 1.7 t86 3.0 3.0 I 1 2.0 M 2.8 5.U 4 2.3 25 3.0 I 4 nf 2.4 30 4 E1 3.0 1 4 3_3 211 2.0E 3.0 0 3.7 288 3.0 3 4J 305 3.0 I I t I t I Cn DESTGN MET|-iCO SLDll.lG FOR Fs: 1.5 Li= Fs (H l(tN+2q)Ka4cSoRT(Ka)f2tIANSlc(fi+q)+cal) I _1 1lfi.) LessThan 4 F€€t O{< LAIER,\L EARIHPRESSIRE= 30 PSF FR|CIION 0.40 S-LMF=0 JER L PFESS.nE xw/\tl HT x ,5-(UMTWT x VOL x FRGIIOa'I+COHESpN x LENGTH) Less lhdt 0. OK L. ! (fr.) AIOWAELE B€ARhIG CAPACM/ OF 3.5 KSF - BACKFI-L FOR lr€ tr|SE WALL l,t,ST BE FREE OR ||,llf.lc GRANII-AR MA1ERAL REI$ORCEIV€NI iVIAIERAL 6 AI,IOCO 2006 @ftPACllON SfIOJLD 8€ 05i 0f ASIU 0698 VALT E ID IEST $Ifl|-D AE TMEN V\fi}$.I 3 FEET OF ]}€ FACT{G. t I t I I t t t I I I t oo I ffiffF:3:=lf t ,nnn..,re,rGGDrrENr:rFrrm] rE'nr %$" Le €fttrffitEfiGTH(Frl 3.O s 5.0 a 3.0 E .t 3.0 6 84 3.0 6 s.8 5 1.2 30 4 123 3.O 3 14.0 3.0 3 Frqcct i na:Dondr€ and M€lone Residtrrco lId3 Dir,€wat MSE Soclion 5 Fllolcct Loc.0on:Vril, Cdo.ado Drt!:Jaruaff 15. 20001 MPORTED FILL LA'IERAL PRESSIRE SIJRCHARGE LOAONG BETA 'PHC DENSTY I Roidorcsnenl tu T I (tFr) MAXWALL t-{T {H) Ca Pl-f fi Fomddion Sorl b,t' rfi) 250 flbrr / [) 26.6 EGv 125 nbilf ) Amoco 20C16 b tn.l .) t3 .) 250 nultfra NETFORCEI|g| T CTLCI.|LANOI!8 z oIl 5 Lo L'LT d,rz+n TFS (ft.)bff) (r)TAN.?H ftJ 1.5 178 3.1 3.0 6 q 2.9 245 2.3 3.0 6 9 4.!319 13 3.0 5 8 5.7 3S0 1A 3.0 I f.1 460 '1.2 3-o 6 8.4 531 1.1 3.0 6 9-8 602 3.0 2 5 812 3.0 1 4 125 f1?0J5 3.0 0 3 ?t.0 E14 3.0 0 (cos tF cos Fl lcosd 0.E87 0.8$4 0.800 0.532 EXTERIIAL CALCT'LATIOIIS CTI DESGN ttlETFlOD SLDINC FOR Fs= 1.5 Li= Fs (H l(fi+2qlK#CSORT(Kaly2[tANSG(fi+qFcal) 2.0 (rr.) LessThan I Feet OK FOR SUDnGr LATERAL EARIH PRESSIRE= 30 PSFFRrCTlOi.r 0.40 Sl,rrl F = 0 PRESJRE XWALL HT x 5 - (lr{TWT x VOL x FRtCllO}l+COt€SION x LE}.IGTH) .5591.25 Leas tral 0. OK ct{EcK For. BEAn[tc eAFAetf Y L= I (ft.) AlLOYlrAgtE BEAFfI|O CAPACIIY OF 3.5 XSF - BACKFILL FOR Tl€ MSE W LL tvl'JSr BE FREE ORr\}||'te GRANULAR MAIERIAL RE}IFORCEI,|ENT MA''ERIAL 6 AI,IOCO 2(x)6 coiiPAclnN s€u-D B€ 05$ G ASIM Oi808 VAt.€ NOIESrS-OU-D BETAKENVnIIT\I3 FEETOF ll€ F C$6. oo SPACNG F. S. = 15 PIILOUI F. S. = I 5 i/NlrrutitEl€EDlEtlT = 3 FTtffil (co€ tf cos (p) (cosrf 0.087 0.E04 0.ax) 0.532 DEPTH sPlgl'G L€ t#bF.tffioI lcFrt LEI.IGTH (FD LE o.ot 3.U E 3.0 .61 3.0 8 1.2 3.0 5.5 3.O 0 5.'3.0 1.9 3.0 9.1 5 103 0.3.4 | 1.6 3.0 3 12.8 0.iI 3.0 3 IMPORTTO FILL LA]ERAL PRESSLRE SURCHARGE LOADING BETA O P1.{ a DENSITY r Rsiflforcement Tu T r (k=.4) MMWALL HT (H) Ca F+ll * Fotrdadon Sdl 30 ,ft) z&:b,f /ft) 266 €G 125 rb,nt) Amoco 2006 (b,in.! .l 12.0 n.) 250n REITIFORCEIEI{T CALCULATIOilS oH L9 LI ,T d.tz+h T'Sh'FS H-zlTANiS-al (r.)brl F.)TAN''d{o (lt.1 1.8 '193 3,0 255 1.2 318 1.8 .0 4 @ 8.7 42 1.3 504 1.1 9.1 566 10.4 628 4 11.6 690 0.81 3.0 12.4 '153 g.14 3.O I r|qF a rlr i EXTERML CALCT'LATIO A CN DESGN METI-I]D SLD}]G FOR Fs= 1.5 Li= Fs (H ft+r+2q)Ka4csoRrfi6)y2rrANsG(i-l+qlrcal) 13 (n.) LessThan 8 Fs€tOK ALTEN ATE AFPROACII LAIERAL EARTH PRESSURE= 30 PSFFRTCT|ON 030 Sttvl F = 0 TEML PRESSI-RE xWAtI HT x .5- (UMTWT XVOL x FRtcnoftl+Col'lEgct\lx LENGTH) -4040 L99s t|an 0, o( CTCCK FOI BEART'6 CIPICITY L= I fi.) ATTOV{AA.E BEARNG CAPAC'TY OF 35 KSF BACKFI-L FOR ]€ llSE IYALL trt rsr 8€ FREE DRASS|G GRAI{.i-AR MAImi'AL REI\FORCEIENr MA'IERIAL 6 A}IOCO 2m COlvPACIlO0l SlldJLD B€ 95* OF ASIM DOIA VAI'E iIO'TEST SHd-i-D 8E TAKEN WT}T.I 3 FEET OF IT€ FACNG. o o DESIGN DRAWINGS I I I I I I T I I I I I I I I I t I t ^tl}.HTN - $l d! o Ulo 61 o T'ooFtn- IEct? :(, G I+ o e(, o.Ca EoI € .so G, C'o!oo t o!t z Ftr .E a,o Ttocr Lo o oz '.t oIto 6 co E CT Lrl E(,oF I 6o o fc cl dz ra! o!g ac{ xa€xI6 o oE |lo a -cL.ot'lr e =uoE g b c,Ito E et o o. Lco(,(l0 =o x@ u gr$s I I t I I J F lrJ Cf J z J6U' B t I 3 t I I Ia d Is I co !!'toe, ooE an t I t I I T T I I I I I I I I T I t t I T I Ia I ttt!coo-qoL-t-o(Jogr o.=-o=ooJl-ac.9=-ut ,frs tt) 5 (,oo =t€ t:rFi o .,C9J €E -E-: a,F b CL .d 16-oE, ca u, C' =ou, .tr ua g H E E F gIIgII o q, l-..:g :Ffi. Er sE =Fu1 E,f; gvr_c) tFr5,dEr-L 0,(L I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I T {I g 4 fi F g grls o+toL.9eo.=fi'E r s jzt< E,fr:U'_C) tEsF ._cEaLo(L tnpcocaol-L-o()(l cllo.=-o3 -3soc.9=to. Ee oot EEJ r'F E TEi r.'a! =ta,(,! .Ea,e. o. I !n 5 $o s .g to 5 Ea\l g € E uI T gs$s (t,.lf coo-ool-Lo<) at c|r o.=-o3 _3Poc.9=-uE.9oVt +) {rc ct l, 5FFrt:ft: Ebl'1=='E llt .'io-.i .F= gl rts\a =C'E C\'2 E qrcorGE=E b Eg€F:TFio(\ o+)ot-3eo.= fi,- Pr sJz:b< Edra_6 EspEP EL-o(L t o!cooa 0)\-Lo()O c|l o.=-o=qo-Ac.9=-uE ES OE9.9 EEi'+!1. 'l3{, ii. gbot=2.':b8o-.i#= R3oE (! sE E ?o 5 H 3 E a- 2 gIIg I t I I o4Jot-€.s6-E r s!zE< 6E:a_6 83"-F6gl-o TL B 3 , I I Ia d tJ t I coIt5{,E ot.cU' I I I opcoo-ooLLoOo(tl o.=-o]_:soc.9=tu ,ff8 c .9 IJo UI ('rc(l)cE=€ b SgFFoo9*-* ts=*d**ii q) L-c, o.c U1 !q) ctL-o c q)E lr,H E F glls I t I I o oL!?oEi6o P = sEzi< EEtv, _<)i5r8,0Er-Lo TL E 3 l Ia d tJ I c .9 -g oE oostn t I I I I I I I T I T I t I I t I I I I I T (n!co CLo 0tt-Lo()o ctl o.=.o=jeoc.9=tE ES ('rc(u|cE=€ b E:58:: *E* sU' E't(, € '6e, a 4 E glls I t l t q)+t{,Lo o 6r- r,0ZFo;= l)ou,vt =.t, -96= o EL.t(L ts I I 3 I II d tJ I coo EE ooEo t I I g $ z Et F E )i gris S.e * ct6.9 FEig AE<> g.b = gF .9o ofeE e'B ei a'e 55 E8 gs rE -3 Eguao 6 Ectec,2oE3E'6 .e 8-6v,ft*tl.-8sC'E(r- IJ I E E€lE€ E fE gFgE= f*:EtF ca, E fCTq, ct (! Iatt) c) <J o c, qtoCL Eoo q, cnC' .Ego .C' c,ctc!-(t * .9 3'C'u-- --!ht tGo!t@€ or0 =(bEs#a --b v,g, E'() I I t I I I I T I I I t I I I I I T T g s E E)i gIIg E =I s.9dTE H3 E = v,i EE,Uor-rE" c'6 Et:erc Eoa'i o E.8 38,r -3 EEcEo E r*i 3€i EiiaIE = o E.igeE 'E +E:34 F:; EF' +) at E.gE9o,E(,0-6(/, -a6SE-llgE=E s. C".o a,(9 EE -t.e,(,C''E'CE€ o.9 =63sJ=aao 3-b g,g, C'o t T T o EQUIPIIENT AND II'IATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS .tlYnrmI- T rf- ffitrg€p Trailer Mounted Goncrete Pumps Features I Deutz diesel engines meet emission standards ftrough the year 2OOO wift perfonnance and dePendabili$ You can @urt on. I Rerrottr hydromatik variable displac-ement piston pump - world farnous fordependabllity and long life. J REED solid state black box coatrot provides modem state of the art mainteoanoe fee perfor- mance- Standard on alt REED pumps fiom 5 to 2(X) yda4r (3.8 to tsg ms/h0. (S Valve, provides long life and abillty to pump a wide range of materirals including 1-112" (38mm) roc( extremely low slump shotc{ete and thin grouts' RugSed constnrction, modem design and value prirfng provide low orwting afid op€rating OosLl_ I I I i'iffl,""ill'",r63-vrGll (11{7mml lal ((2l ({szmml - Gl' (l6o0fnm)I I I i I i I , ,.I II I i I : a l| i I i I I I li I I t a {9' J {12{5mm) l1-r14' (87omml i i. ..- H;;;ffir*lrFdbd..tp(Esre'irrrd6' REED .ffiffi- 8'l' (213{mm) 2l' (5338m! - '3-3/r---' (857m(nl SPECIRCATTONS uooE rt(t408 40504 4{t50HP 405()HPS Co<ult€ Odgn cu !ds,/tr rto 50 I {o - "*" 31 33 3tl 31 Conccre p*6srr€ pd 1191 13ol 14? 18{t6 bar a2 94 99 7?a ocsE Oics.l Blgifte hP ?9 79 172 160 59 59 u 119 Uei.rHtd.ar(c PtttlP RclEdr Hydtoa|adc (xrk(tr!' ?r lO7 7gI 1O7 Co.tccr€ qfind€rs in 6x36 6x36 6x42 6x42 rnm fSex$a 1521914 152x1o6i715ex106/ uarannrAggcgat€ste in 'i-itz-' r-ra tln 7'1n OPTIONAL mm 3{t 33 3a 38 xocecrcrpaatv cnn ;; 14 14, :1 Basic hood, harsh mix hopper' [t€'s 396 3S6 396 396 r*rfi'ora*itv et ;v ;; T-' ; trvarauricouriggers' hopperagita- - ne.s 151 r51 2OS m tor' vibrating hopper screeq dtern- tud.eprrity F -Z 2 ! 40 i"i Oogng pump. radto rcmote' ttec 8:t 8l] 151 151 ; s 5 5 - 'iodctsile o[ r27 7n rz7- ln APPLtcAfloNs Wdert{(ApP.qJ lbs 'ZXt 175n 4a50 SXto ron ;tn ns ry 2yt Concrcte. reracto-ry,.shotcrcte' f-c.Uo. €.€ do€) Ll Ll 12 '2 preSsUre groqting, S{UnieS. t{dunftctcjPrt.r€.tFm-.t..|/dtr||:fi*FEGGaIdb.|tdl.d*n'r'E,dr Farcrrr|gyd{.nfg(Ird.|F,fi|rd.*nfd STAI.IDARO 2 manual outriggers, 1 front iack iano, pintt" hitctr, hoPPer sPlash quard, hopper gnate, automatic pr€s' lure retease at strutdown' stainless JJ controt Pan+ fo€ed steel f'[s- i"- *tt ra'etrane prton dps' HgfF -' *o t.f" with elecilric brakes, high capacity hydraulic oil cooter, fend- ers, and lights- I I I I I I t T I I l,_' T I I I I I I t HCRg.D VERTICAL DRILLING COVERAGE (H0RIZ0NTAL sEcTl0N) H0RTZ0NTAL Dl,l*H.llq C0VERAGE C€.tar of boo.n trt 3e0 (r€1 @'71 VERTICAL DilIUNG COVERGE (HoRIZ0NTAL SECTIoN) HCRg.E VERNCAL ORILUNG COVERAGE . (vERTlcAL SECTION) (156 n.',3'l \ HCR9-n HCR9.E I'Y ks (1s'8a0 lbsl sPEclFlcArloNS overati tensth eisoo *-"1'-t'll5;r1'l ' 3':* TT H;8:lsPEcrFruArruN" il:fii;[!il' iiioo.-i7;ro'r' 2,400mmO'10') 9,"",.ri t'Jiliit lli6o ii'iib'i ' - z'0oo '"' p'0't DRIFTER MOdEI Overatl length 1P5o mm-(3'5') Overatl width 362 66 (1'3'l Overall height 260 mm (10') weight 165 ks (363 lbs) Number of blows 2,300 --2,800 bpm Number of revolutions 3';55 ;i'._' ':: ' crouniHliitct lensth liss '"t ii'r ' yzs mm trJl') ilifih:,r1ffi;;'*"' ftrr-rnmoi'i mm(11') cround oressure o.zb'tgk;t'tio psU 0'62 kg/cm: €'psD Eril;;i;;;;" 5aomm(1'e") 54omm(1'e') 5"-"iri.ti"ii r"sil 2oo 2oo Tramming speed 0 -3.5 km/h (0 - 21 mph) 0 -3'5 krn/h (0-2'1 mph) Gradaahililv 3Oo 30o DIESEL ENGINE ISUZU 6BDlPHOl Water cooled, 6 cylinder in line'-direct iniection type 125 i's (123 hp) / 2,600 rpm 30o in all directionsRated output Allowable tilting angle I I I t I I I I I I l:1 T T t t I I I T Fuel tankr::: :: Axial-plunger pump HYORAUUC SYSTEM Variable capacity pump ,aa^, ^r,m.!Gear PumPFixed capacity PumP 170 tOil tank atnlteN PDS175, screw tYPecotrrpnesson ygil,- A^,i..^ . ^'''T[';;#izicrmt eoo* i['J';Lr" il;;;;Ailroo 1P.45:,9o]vt' 1!: a*rn i;iisl;gr" i6ni +6"'l"n is" risht 35o' left 45" Boom slide length 1'@ , , GH$6t6 ;;;;.- GUIDE SHELL MOdEI' Overall length 7j,4omm(8,8'l 7''240mm(23'8') cuioe siii;ienstt' r,soofn]nin;rr-i 1300mm (3'11') cuioe i*iig-an?i" rt'gttt 30"' iett 90' right 40o' left 40" r;,,irra ritt e;dle ltiO" 180: F:ts?f Extension boom Boom rensth z,oqo-"io;01* :'*fTllt;t".J Guide tilt angle 140- F;-dh# - Hyiraulic motor drive Hydraulic motor.drive Feed lensth o, Free air delivery Workino pressure 10'5 t<gtcm'2(ls0 psi) offiLtEcroR suction capacaty Number ot fllters 3 Dustofl method Automatic air pulse let Pre-dusrer -oPJiqnal =, ====.= ==,-=, l*l!n ""o o'*#tf*iitf iiojtn"o ELECTRIC SYSTEM Eatt€ryUghtlng 24v' Towx3oalogenlamP) oc24v ROO CHAHNGER Number of rocls ROO RACK Number of .ods W"iSht 460 kg (1'010lb6) StariaarO acoessoties Airconditloner -g0mmg'2- -r'k '8tT & ROD Bit dia uar a?r p,.q'u|| ! 'ruL' il":L H34 R38, l4s gs6 lengtn 10 ft (3'050 mm)' 12 ft (4660 mm) I I I I T'E I I I t sM-400' Perforatrice idraulica Hydraulic drilling rig SOILNNECl@I t tyutautrt u u tg g fho SM,t00 b a multipurpose drilling .ig fffift $P followins aPPlications: .rctodnq l:ttg.dfig Icoring - dralri hole lwaterwell lhe dg can be equipped with ditferent rotary iead lo operate the following drilling sysleNn: JorAFv DRILUNG lVilh fre useof rollerordrag bit, core banel, continuos flight auger and down the hole ilammer. The rotary head has a max torque ff 10055 lb+ft, max rotary of 457 rpm, lpeed gear box, floating system and side shitling device. ]'P HAMMER lVittr top trammer having percussion power up max 40,3 HP (30 kW). -ROTOPlvith combined system of rotary head laving max 10055 lbs.ft lorque and percus- sion up lo max 40,3 HP (30 kW). DOUBLE HEAD To drill with the upper rotary head and simultaneous driving ol the protective casing with the lower rotary head. The uppe' 'ntary hearl can be a 'otary hearl of max 3688 lbs.ft torque and max 79 rpm rotation or top hammer. The lower rotary head has the same characteristics of the slandard rotary of max 10055 lbs.ft torque and max 457 rpm rotation. The distance between the two heads can be varied by hydraulic cylinder of 16 in stroke. JET GROUTING. The rig can be easly converted for exedrtion of column treatments for soil consolidation or waterproofing by iet grouting technique. Single, double ortriple tube rods of diameter between 2 3/8 in to 3 1f2in c'an be utilized. The max high of the mast including the mast el ension is 46 ft 10 in and it is possible lo execute trealment with rods exceeding the mast extension of few meter. The heatment speed is stepless and can be adiusled between 2 in/min and 15 tVmin. I I I I I I I I I I I AOTANYROIOPI AOIOP l- I I t I t T I I i I t t T I aft2h OTORE I'IESEL STANDARD POTENZA irliuiG sars.gc'eLrre' Potenza max a zicc lpm 145 BHP (lm kw) SOTTOCARRO CII{GOIATO TWGTGzzA I.ARGHEZZA IIRGI.€ZA PATTINI Iftffit^.t*,-o La lesta motrice da 13.90 KNm e facilfi€nte ir-aiiJimauite per perforazione con rotop io-e-tcriloiJ torit"to iulla stessa rotary) ed ese- ;uzione di Jet Grouling The standard rctary head ot 10055 lbs'ft can be ;;;i;1;;t"r, t6r aatins bv totop (petcussion Z1ii6rn' tiii on tt.ra sam6 rdtary) and execution ;t Jet Groutj/l4' I I I I I I I I I I IffiA E SIVTTATORE IDRAUUCO ffim^*fimfro-.,, 2800 rnrn 2300 mm 4)0 mm G3.1 Knlh 0.059 MPa 60*315 firn 159l(N 43.8 kt{m DIESEL ENCINE SrANDARD CUMMINS 6BT5.9C'ELITE' Poten?a max a2100rpm ASr B tt2 k cR DLE STrcK€ - 785)3 hs ,tAX. FEED FOrcE- t7fl5 MMD('frts!_FoRCE uiwtp.^.,lotsr SP_EEO. FASr - ts t.lp.n. MAX. FEEO SPEED ffiSsnnr" 'gJffisqlr^r!4gqry4 7e.4 kN $ffffi,ffim,r*ff"i**. 'lli"**l RorAEYyFlg ,fffjirca(w(E!)NAX TOSAIJEWoffin"rr*, "'q ffi#nurrnt.. th IESTA XOITTCE @PRAilASSIMA ffifi.*t*ENTo'TERALE S1XlE'ffiHt"t,.o. 1 3.90 kNm (325 ltPa) $157 |pm 3g) nvn 3 l()6 rrrn 'flfiffK,ourtt *l# WlWbg*^r* orNti;h EOPE LENGTH iffffifi3.l1$*. T,'.$ffiru-L,lF3'srRATo oozft#ili CAPACfTA R,hIE wEtct{f }FI/IIHNE 23tflt6 cLA'ffANDHwnAUucJoNtsREAKEB r**t##Wffi-** &i.'t Peso u ocfllt{a 105m Kg 3 4 13 I I I I t t I I I I I I T I I t 2 Como macchina comprendente motore, lmplanto ldrauli- co ion sistema di LOAD SENSING € @fanatura Insono- nzzata'. Machine My induding gime novec hyrhaulic dant with LOAD SENSING @ntol and soundproot anopy. No. 2 stabilizzatori idrauli<i. No. 2 trydaulic outtiggars. Quadro comandi fisso per traslazione e mo/imentazione macchina. Fixed controt boad for timming a,rd posttkning o{ the machine. Braccio articolato per movimentazione anl€nna Articutated boom lor mast positianntng. Ralla rotazione antenna di 4x90:: : 4xgo' tumtable tor mast rctatior'- . Anlenna guida aste con cilindro di posizionamento con corsa di 1OOO mm. Mast with 39 gA in slroke shodng cythdet Carrello rotary con tulli di tegistrazione € Sistema di traslalone lat6rale di 33O mm. i Rotary cradle with adiudting rcile's and I 3 ln sid€ shifting device. Testa motrice standard c€ppia massirna 13.90 kNm giri massimi 457 e cambio a 3 velocitA. iiintaard rotaty head with 10055 tbs'ft max torque' 457 mm max rotation and 3 speed sledion. Sistema di galleggiamento con t€sta,notdce standard' F@ting syatem-with stalturd KtEIy lrc,€,d, Morsa idraulica diametro mar 315 mm. Ctamp max size 12 3/8 ln. Svitatore idraulico diametro massimo 315 mm' Breaker max size 12 318 in. . Ouadro comandi su braocio rolatlte pff azionamento tota- zione e servizi. Conii ooara on rotating arm tor drlllfug atfr seflice tundion. Aroano di servizio cofl falconcino. S;Ni@witdlwithiib. Sisterna di quida € raccogli.nento t6l Hraund' Guiing anZ tay-qtt dr,v{e tor lry&afic lre' 10 11 12 14 t.-- ACCESSORIi',.:ir.':i,'x, . Dl PERFORMIONEI;::1: ': ' ' I molteplicl lmpieghl d€lla SM4(X) tichie- dono aicuni accessoiiEhe possono esser mor.:ad direttament€ sulla p€r{oratrite ed azionati dalla st€ssa: ARGANO CON PROLUNGA cfie consen- ie di estrane 2 aste da 3 rn per volia ren- dindo la manovra di estrazbne batteria ve- loce. oer consentire tale manowa il gruF po r6iary si sposta di 13 in dall'asse loro' POMPA FOAM Per immettere schiuma o acoua net foro hurante la perforazione' Oulsto facilita lo spurgo dei detriti ed ab- ' batte le polveri di perforazione' Viene usa- ' ta anchi come pompa di servilo' Portata max 21 lll a 10 MPa. IMPIANTO ACQUA-ARIA che @mprende il lubrificatore per faria d€l D'T'H' e le tu- 6aiioni oi -coilegamento slla testina di adduzione (manirate od elettrico)' GRUPPO MOI-A p€r l'affilatura dei taglienti usati nella Perlorazione- POMPAA@UAcon portata di 52'8 U'S'g/ min e Pressione massima 5 MPa' CAR ICATORE ASTE per consentire una ra- oiUa manovra ttserbatoio puo conten€re al lrasSrno Z ase U dlarn. 3 h h,nghe I ft 10 in' ASPIRATORE POLVERI per rendere I'am- biinie Oi tavoro pulito e privo di polv-eri.' U1 luooo di lavoro pulito elimina il pencolo ol sni&si, riOuce i costi di manut€nzione e quindi iumenta la Produtliviti' MARMITTA CATALITICA COMPLENTARY DRILLING ITEMS t t I I T I I I I I I I { t ,@ I 5s19. rN lXdrwp - a7@ C€SENA' ft^LY . ld.(Ea7-3l9lll - tddu (E17€18t18T HBR 605 D ohrtechnik I I t t I I I I I T I I t t I I I I I tecnVrsctre Daten HBR 605 D Turbo Technicat data HBR 605 D Turbo Staodardgerat sl.rdatd ql mat Zubeh6r -wilh a6essones '| 1020 llg 11e7o kg Crewicltt: r,eigf( OL-.:tmotor Deqtz BF6L Oedz Oiesel-€ngine Zugkraft tensde force Fahrgeschwindigkeit speeo steig{ehigkeit climbir€ abilily 5 lvctTf 2300 mm 450 mm 29q)mm %Omm 45o (|m 7@ fiun sp€zifisctrcr Bodendruck specific around Pressure Gesamtbreite total widlh Fahrwe(ksbreite crawlers width tSnge der Fahrschiffe length ol crawlg-lracks Achsabsland axle dstance Eodeotreihelt oround dea€nce fr6tre der Fahrwerke h€ilhl of th€ crawle(s 6300 mm 4(XXl mm 10 m/hh. q)mhh. mex. 50 KN max.$KN Gesamd:inge total length Vorsctruuenge leed Gng(h Vorscfi .rbgpschwindl gkelt leed sp€ed Ellgang fasi feed VorschuOfa'aft {€ed force Riidqt,gkaft re{raclion force m-14OUfti(L 20 - 14() Umin. 20 - 140 Umrh. hydraulisctre Eededels{ung hyclraulic capadty alldkolben-verstellPumpen axial pislon PumPSysfemdruclc 35() ba( Zrfu|radpufliP€ ooaa oum9sye*n<fuac ?5ober qdem P@ssrrre f The Source For Geotextile S0lutions: Amoco Fabrics and Fibers ComPanY rlr-I_nr= ITE WATER DRAINAcE cOtrrpO6mI I t--r j- l -t-l I I I I Tfl'lir rnrnYswo: Vt{"tfi tijrcingse f llli prises, Incr suite 200, olphoretto, gcorgioi -1 i t'- | ;a^+{v... ,r... ... . a J__.^ .: 30004 t9 fo334120J6 AVATLABLE T'ITTINGS (J-DRain SwD-6) 6X6X6 T (a|NNECTOR TYPI(,'AI, DR^TNAGE Uf{lnrln.$ul rluu sJ )) J'rJ. Jo INSTALLATION Ihe prifliory sleps h lhe i1stotofion proce$ ore os toltoh6: l. Oet€rm,ne droinoge loyod Mark tiekj with chok line ol fench toc.rrikccs Cul ond rerr(n/e sod pnor to tenchi(rg (Opltonol). 2. Itrg 1rs61'1ss o(e exco\ored 3 fic 4 inchef (50 io I OO rr,rn.) wide ond o mirirnfn oi l2 inctns (30 cm.l cteep b p(omcrle droinOQe in the rocrl r(x|e. &ench froilorns stputd dope o,r\n. ot.006 nches. 3. Unrofi oflJ ploce t{ifh El/!t inlo tteoch cenierir€ wifh lernporory wood stokes crnd bockfii with select bocklilt. 4. Remo/e temporory stokes ond fl(x)d tlench willr Miotef to promofe p{oper cornpoclion. 5. Top off lreft:h wlh sond orKl re€loce scd. 6. Re.lun field to dov. i{lftain SWO{ 60 END CAF LAYOUTS i€ I TO O{truar rEs Eotrs FAIRW^YS l,l1.YLS CrEO\tS crf,e|{3 l^la$/Als l.AwtiS RANI,OM IATTERA' HIGTIWAY ED(;E DRAINS sLO?l: T{ CTI. GRDIRON 'ATifERN .ATHL[II(: FI'.LDS f{8ain SW[-12 /SW0-18 TYTI(AL EEN.ruXCBON€ TATTT.RN -t- /slll0-24/swo{6 tacKlrr I. ,li.usm TYPTCAI, IIIGIIWAY EDGE DRAIN DE'I'AIL --L- BACKFILL: Thc oornrl brddBl nrtc.lr! i3 thc.f,crvrtcd toil. Prior to urq ft ie higtly rccornocod.d rh.t th. b.cldU E.taritl bc cvdurrcd by r qurlificd gcotcrbucrl toflr ubontott Slould brc&fill mlcirl bc unrohrblq rcc brc*flll rcqulrcrnaB oa oppocltc prga FIffIlilGS: End-osrr. Sidcou(r rnd Spllccs -, lll r--l- -- J.Dnda gWI)-f 2 k r v.<y cott ctf.c- ai',c rlrcrottivc to r grred mkd trcrch rad plpc dniorf,c sl|rtcltt lt dimimLJ drc crpcnsivc crcrtr(ion rnd gFrvol cdtr lr tv.U rs consldcreblc |rviagl in hbor. For rcconocndcd dnin 4'rcing rad derigl $dar|accr cottlc{ :,oenlfucforcr. ,alrt tnJrt lr^sE corrRs€: ir; ili-:ii /ti't.'il t',',, : SYNTHE.I'IC FIEI,D DRAINAGE HIRAiN Slf[.rz ! 1: 7,i1'r1! /'; T o sr' O TYPICAL SYtfNlEfl C TURT (NOS8 SECTION G tlt. coLLCcTon Pte E I I i I \ \ \\o ufA 3J!is. t{nrh 310{ TYPIC^L.-FOOI.8AI,L FIELD PBAINACE LAYQUT l-llsain slf,ll-6 I x t|-qw ro otlcll^L(:l & socc€R Fltl l)s cli ;<)R A'\NOll-:!!? itA;r IO li! oa?tnfn?t $lorlr{f.4Y|rDrarrlTl a .5 DEctlE3 r.,olt' coNricc I tvlANUHc lunrn toR stMil"t{R I AYotJTs FoR BASFU\I I DESIGN ASSIS-'AI{CE, PHYSICAL PROPERTTES .-._a- .:_ : -_:.:lFsr.r4flHoD..'..' _ VALUES CORE ASIMD 162l /.5dl6rf 366Wm2 NTM0-4/16 lT0ggry'fLwidth 2.100 Umirvmwidlh CorrpcssiveStrength s{.Pt.ANt lLo$/. Oll,blE pst A H\^lroulic Gractent .. I flcrr/ . Mune{r 8u(5l Punclu() U. v. Resisl('rcc eppqent openqg Sce (toSl G'ob bngle |&'| $ze' t€.\glh' wkJt|ts: FABRIC ASIM 0-4491 AslM 0-3786 ASIM D4833 ASTM D.4355 cw-02215 ASIM t>'6632 lS0gpnvsl 6,1 l0lprwsq.m | 85 Psl 1.270 loA 55 b6.0.24 td{ 7u%(o-)5o0 hrs. /096@500 h's. 70 U.S.sicve 0.21? rryn 90 1.8S. 150 tr o.4 lN 45.72ftl€tel6 6. | 2. t 8. 24, & 36 inches 15.30.45,60. &90cm. Bc sure l<.r visil <rur nebsite ol htlp://www.j droin.com I IDn Entgrprises, Inc. erno',F'mds@'do'.conr t ZC2souf,rrnoinstreet. suneft0. dpft1dklgoSq;o4. l-8@{43-/569. IttJ442-146l .totllo{6a'1951 I I I I __l l T I t I I I I I I I t T I T T ocsav€cf: 6/27 /oo Jun-z7-OO Oul: 15:29; I4P O 417{-2165+3696 -> Yenter Coorpanrcs, I|-rc_ ; '")9" z ida tems.Tx 817-l-4 3696 P -O2 Hg ffiw,wfl,Hr-tfil/.tw'!o & f '! l ilotrilA- srzE 1{Ito PTf,T ilil8m 8r{lm{ro 8t6K{t{t0 tg (tVmnt 2Snlil,o JJ|O/E{i tO. (N./rnn r.559^2.{urElfl,lt (tt1qd_r5!0/90t 12fi1101,1 ftnilnnr ${r/7t6 7fl Iuntt{t Foftls 00 il,l0 tllr0 [0. 0r.){{, -.q)8 +0 -.00Et (lt)i.t?5 t r25 Hrn{r (|s.)e99 62lt UINNL EICITC REFTTilCE IIH.DO rfttrrAilru ltnNilc rcc I0 Nilt A 51H5, IrPE 5 (mil) ffi,fiflfi^'lfrt mD m^''N $AflIsS UUlrilUL nsrc tmm0$ I0 ASIU 1519, $AE C1026 l||il. rEI[ 80 lcl lril. lIlB 95 16l Ittll. B- lN 2': 208 A- P fiT il7K(rt0 UAS 807K1t410. NoItr{At stzE ft It fg te fto ftt PARI }II,||BA 806K10110 B07K{XI0 800K{}110 009K1{t1r0 810(Or10 BilK()1t0 lfl (n"/mro r.rfll/29.5 1J{r/J1,0 t.51548,5 1.7oirl,J t.9m/fi,8 L110t51,1 1.0. (lt{./mrn .738/tE.j .80V2r.e .962121,9 1-10u23,0 r.2164r,6 t.{r{/JsB t (lt{./run)t.{25462 r.7r0l$.{ts5s/{5'6 ZtftTs;1 256{/65,-q wsnsp rHRE||F0Rlr 85{1/7{3 7U 7{5 7{6 717 721 I{rtEAm€ mftls (rN.)t.010 1.010 i,0r0 i.0t0 i.0t0 r.0r0 rD. (fi.)+0 -.m6 +0 -!06 {{ -.m6 {{) -.006 +0 -.006 +0 -.008r ([{J t.t25 t 125 i.l25 r.125 t.125 t r25 rmHr (8s.)25 .10 56 t9 127 1:t2 mfi0Ac P6T-ru60tlsrc S}5IE6 tf,x ruTs m mAE 75 Ilfl[ADldR +lll. ulA0- tL a..-f lt t-fria r{..||.tt a.dl|rr. ddalt .f. .na'lr} r.L.tt E t;a+{y er 'tvD3 |f'ruf t.ffiu. ull lC alt |.! |rt &i. t I aabd r,lirrt a. t t-t tt 't-'b r.l t - rb - -.H a? ..tf -'b. !rl'' -tt rl.' a{t t--'_- ;i ffia t r"--lgtrl t qlt-' *r rri lL irru e' r'rrrg3 ffito^"-"tsrE*" ttu1g3''lrnoNAt ' u$' l*q Technical Data OI I I I :lEt !E oN olaP utfiCc.Fo hEEi IE -9 "EE EHqI i-E Eg?E9r.FE EO o oEoc (gct 3 -9oT oez EU'F C) I I t I I I t I I I I I I T I F3 c, lrl = pE*9qc ol c) rEs9rc!Gt (Y) .= F9 Tg =E96sc') q'j ge qo? {(g = FE -EO qoq co(\1 .= LO*Yro\ 9N rE*9qqg) (r) c.,l i Eit o! (\Irf, cclda, _to -rJl t,qt F(Oo)9(os o :$(o o)(O F- JCD Hg qE NF- qs tci F-NO(t ratat trt EulIoEo 3a !^>->-o(.) s>F $,1r- (", F=I3 fr=E= fo>9=Xu r= t^=F> - aY)sol 3=58 Elll lro 6 :-=(o(\l aEF@ F6l q= F@ (f) a>r-@ (0 e=-$\=No F h=dtB 3; CD ;:A HfrA (nn-z =Y,:$or?ol fiE *z =Yc.t o) t"= EH g"l EH 8e =$f^-R3 8?:a (o EE 8._ ?Ycr H:Eg a.: 9Es EEE 3.2?Yc3IF(.t KZ =Y F@q?3=ro (\l !)n=zJ-Y u? r.-ou,oc) ao-2 =rcSc)to teY 6.)dfo 9E 9z =x(:) -@(D ozo.:< EC Ee ,r? strt trl c.i eIEJ-i !:(' EisFoc) U' $s 3E(v:t Pz =vFO{(\I U'*z!Y 9<oF talA'N Pz =vC-t Ocr rt tzvY;R(o u) = taY618F an-2 =vR$ &aYct EE. &eYr eF_(0 (\l !3 oo-z9yGsO-tt at, 9eqo$F ;gro t?Yo XS @o?z6Y $s ocYZ6Y !J=9i: (t,o-z =Y-o;b5 te;R d3 ta a0Nai\EN oga 5a tz ;;o(\lv &?Yo @@roN 3== N$ g? Y5 P6 oo-2 =y-ofgct-!t 8e;RRo zs E= o-t*at ol d! ? 2EFqE." H3= IE EZ RE8i 5E E! 8E E! EI e\ $f,3!FC, EE 3itsc, EA Ei 3f,7|trd . U3NNI lA-4 I crsl. g. o =C)g (E d) =-9o-oez F EoF() I I I I I I T l: I t I I I I wlc 0,4. marimum Iatrd p.d(r h u. Jf|r|r,t !Y ara nldgrE or gran blocl(. CLciad !y roLtt lr!3gJc g(odne, a. nr .qa .3 ultl tls i|c'Ftnown p6l toutlng 5 Mt sr'roP prr{t{Jig In 3C l dlnial tols 1? to t5.n Alf,,Hmr top p,statt? h m!&rn dliae aano I T CTS/TITAN IBO Hollow Bar Anchors Rotribn without .dvaic€ lnlilmrx. Vlbtltion tolqrJe d tho hydraulic drivi rs .asgr6 a ieartl€d. tEhl gto{t MY lr|.rcra$e of ltcs$Jr€ orou ng h sleps upto 60 ty.r &ftslr. rbbli:ad by gtout llulhlng WC 0.t / 03, dJ|iE o€ment o.r lh€ sart:ca ot lhc anarrlc6 g.6rsris cal,E.|n ol lh! 3snd Godr,o{.d [anf.tg of 0r gqtl !o.ly by mJdPlG !9-.d dorn rnot,trrrntr ot tha dI bt |,!l tra rddfid*lellobt i5 b a5 fr.a o{ rha drnirr oa l|r d.{ Ul 8150 Rtuer Road . tlgla, 8.C., V4G 185 . Canada . ptrone: (604) 94S5571 ' Fax (6(X1 94&5548 Ernall: con {ectr@contedreystems.com . tlGbsfte: ttmrv.contedtsystems.corn June.20fl) .{ 6--""**"*"^ p.cssute of ?0 MN/m' h backtiled ar6l6 tA-1 . !a-- - r'.- .! 09: OBA |fyi^, i dag Syo ste.n.s,-l-X 817't-46 5-r-36o P -02 uir-26-OO s41l62 NORTH STAR STEEL MINNESOTA Hear* P.O. gox 64189 r6?8 Red Rock Road sainl Paul, Minnesota 55164 CERTIFIED TEST REPORT #10 TB. P.O. 75 Gride -- Dale Rolled I I I I I I I I CH€IIICAL ANALYSIS (wr.%) Cu Ni Cr M-o. { MO .039 .004 I I I I I I t at le -- : N+ss 1.0 .011 .?L .16 002 Goin Site: ....- Reductlon Ratlo: -- Macto €tclu SPecilicslion: --I codr.,. _ Ar Ro*cd sudEcc Hardncee .- D-r. --_ Mr:- .. Mlcro oean*ncsr: C ,TRPY IIIPACT TEST tceC0 ft. - lb. t 2 3 Tt* aDola .€dr ..di.!a oilt ft ft' lo'nt t|r3liq' roisc: ErE F lorttr.c Dy $rnsonkld'|r dr rc'o'4v(! r'itt ASIM n"ta'td! s|'*tt r.!3' ocdo'ir..t l-xqsl1'^* fJl5ttis*:*''.ffi.EffiHffi tr ffi foffii'^fiiril ily11|;gfl;ggig *:"rf"'..*l**l*44414{:*?n*x5*fl*'ffi fl LIST.lI"n;m; i'irc ionri'"'a'-r* "co't 1::3: Fono..r q f{('tr. su. s|.d la:f;j|H:*r1:ll#ffi F$:,fi,ffi 1to'ffi *Sj:::;,X*]m;9":llg;ffi;ffi;dfi' "."1i ; q lrl t -cgltgcf,iiln r',rlY i ct r"rt;t1 t, '*alf.rE:|o|. a{rn - T.crt*lrn I S(Tcn izr TH|s- OAY ffiI"-;il".""*i,o^,",."'.,,.*llellllY-'|rc1:uz8RfiSg.ll1"i#.ff"#:f$iiltlfififfii$fj:i.ffli 5ff",ff f$F"TL6S*'l-t'Xl'1.16.i.';51.6qTE'ffi ;;,;;a*6i,,r'ccisr-etr-.Te- alroy u,HrcH ,S rrouro o, ^*iLrii-ft-uitiiirijnts ouirxc PRocess(t{G oR wTllLE lN Nof MECHANICAL TEST REPORT (Melricl MECI{ANICAL T€ST R€PORT Sp.cne&tn/Gr.dt A615-96a Gr. 75 s?BCl|€x af:,'{d) nE|.o {.i8---.. YIELO(bt) T€XSILE -glc'1. - 140-0 TEI{6lt€ cdl CAUCE(O{GfH (t l .:.*1" 16.25 o€{o OK * R.^. t.27 99.7 78.5 110. Z 8.0 C.G,: - ffi S,VORT{ ANO SUBSCRIEEO TO EEFORE ME Jt T141s ceerFtcAT€. l< .{orARrZ€o ONLY wH€N R€ou€sr€o ./' oA'r9 t-e, ' 200'9' ,+.* eg . 39ud -tutol l.:).;;., oo:{e F.r r0t ?60 z04x 1428+9265; sotnEDOwN INC (!03) 823-2100 DZ$rr!' IEOIIE ? 5o -133{ CEXEtilT. IYPB PrPducr sbiBPad' toEs Silo l-3 B-3 No. - 21'00 o! lsalt ga3o --:4 l^*t* ear foo'ro"u TEFE ot cntr.se SElectll6acloss ltotrTlDot{l{, rNc'Soutldor!Igc- ceots ods,lt'ritb 6i-coat'ot t[aoag.r COPY BEST ",,qiI . i". AVAILABLE *;iffi;wa;""l lranaser ?ra?.r?C-q?li<Px;c-.@ dUf, 3IIM UJ E!:ZI @, 9 d* : 'ri,/\.r a:ril rr sEP-5-00 111164{i gt uol ],"a-*t D{c" e'o' Dox 519' tvcns' EBPoRT oF {?STS oF I I I I T I I t t I I I I tlrcti.rg. c{'-tlrg 31.!.E. tlll ?'ar' 6..*.. i6ft ""*] Z@/U'd wtrcEffi' OL z&s xLE