HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 BLOCK 7 LOT 6 LEGALTOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMI.INITY DEVELOPMENT TsS.FRONTAGEROAD , r_ vAlL, co 81657 "''o''t-k970-479-2t38 Stttr NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TMES ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Permit #: 807-0085 Project # PRI07-0095 Job Address: 146 FOREST RD VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 146 FOREST RD Applied . . : 04/0612007 Parcel No...: 210107115032 Issued . .. : 05/2112007 Expires . ..: ll/1712007 OWNER KATHRYN F. HUBBARD REVOCABIJEO4/O6/2007 55OO SI'NSET LN INDIANAPOLIS rN 45224 APPIJICANT ATLAS CONSTRUCTION 04/06/2007 Phone: 970-748-0240 PO BOX 5035 AVON t-\J orozu License:255-A CoNTRACTOR ATT,AS CONSTRUCTION 04/05/2007 phone- 970-748-0240 PO BOX 6036 AVON co 8t620 License:255-A Description: ADDTTION TO AN EXISTING HOME Occupancy: R-3 Type Construction: V-B Valuation: $185,000.00 Revision Valuation: $0.00 Total Sq Ft Added: 221 :i:* *'l a1,l l1:l,l,i l +l t * * * * * * * **** * * * llt a Buifding-> $1,469.75 Rcstuamnt Plan Review-> $0.00 Total Calculared Fees-> 52,461.24 Plan Check-> $955.34 Recrestion Fee----------> $33.15 Additional Fe€s-> 30.00lnvcstigation-> $0.00 ToTAL FEES-> 92,461.24 Totat Permil Fee-> $2,46t.24 Wifl Call---> $3.00 pa),ments------> 52,46t.24 BALANCE DUE-> 30.00 U.^ -\Ui\!6'r:! Approvals:Ttem: 05100 BUIIJDING DEPARTMENT 05/2L/2007 caunion Action: AP RESCHECK COMPI.,IANCE CERTIFICATE REQUIRED AT INSUIJATION INSPECTTON Item: 05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT O4/LL/2OO7 Warren Action: AP IICN: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT 04/L6/2O07 DRhoades Action: AppR Approved as submitted, Building has an existing alarm system. No changes required to a1low for addition to dining room. + + + + + + + * +'t + | + + +l * * * t * * * * tt * t * | i +t t*t + + + * + t * +* ++ + ++ 't 'i{' * *'} 't 't t 't * t t t t t '| 'i 't * +* + + * * + + + + +'} + *'t* 't * *'t 't 't 't 't '+ 't * 't t:t * '* * !* CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: 807-0085 as of 05-21-2007 Status: ISSUED f * ++ + + + + ** 'l + + + +,i * + * * * * * * t'|**itif t t*+ + + + * + + * ++ + + + *+ + + 'l 't * 'i '|t't t l' t i * *t * * * * + + *+ ++ ++ + + + 'i + 't 'i 'i {r * t t 't * * *'t * * + + f **+*+ Permit Type: ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Applied: 04106/2007 Applicant ATLAS CONSTRUCTION Issued: 05/2112007970-748-0240 To Expire: 11/17/2007 Job Address: 146 FOREST RD VAIL Location: 146 FOREST RD ParcelNo: 210107115032 Description: ADDITION TO AN EXISTING HOME *'}***{t*******'}**'}**'}**'l'}'t't'f'l*'}*'}'}'}{t'}*'}*'}*:},}****l*:|.Conditions*f*'t'|'|{t*'|**'}:|*:}*'i****:l*'l*'}***************** Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: l6 (BLDG.): (SFR) SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED PER SECTION R313 0F Tr{E 2003 rRC. Cond: l9 (BLDG.): GUARDS ARE REQUIRED TO MEET SECTION R3l2 OF THE 2OO3 IRC OR SECTION IOI2 OF THE 2OO3 IBC. Cond: l8 (BLDG.): STAIRWAYS ARE REQUIRED TO MEET SECTION R3l1.5 OF TFIE 2OO3 IRC OR SECTION IOO9 OF THE 2OO3 IBC, Cond: CON0008963 RESCmCK COMPLIANCE CERTIFTCATE REQURTED AT INSULATION INSPECTION Items 05500 PITBLIC WORKS See the Conditions section of this Document for any that may apply. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correqt. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQUESIS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOI R HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM E:ll0 AM . CTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNER * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * + * * | + + + + t+ {' + * I * {r | * tt I I i I * * I I f * * * * t * * * * * | * * 'r * t I {i | ** t * * * * * | | tr * * | * * * * * * * * * * * * * * TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement ** *1rl***r*t******* *'rr*** * *'a't't*{'*** *'t********* *tt*tt*** ttttftt* *'ttt{.tt'tt* ff**** *r*t'!irr*it r *t* St,at,emerrt Number: R070000?58 Arnount: $1,505.90 05/2L/200704:35 pM Pa)rrnent Met,hod: Check Construction / ck 4722 Init: LT Notation: At]as Permit No: 80?-0085 Type: ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMTT Parcel No: 2101- 0 71- 15 03 - 2 SiIe AddreEE: 146 FOREST RD VAIL Location: 146 FOREST RD Total Fees: TOtAl AIJIJ PMtsg : Balance: 12 , 46t .24 i2 ,46r .24 90.00 This Payment :91, s0s . 90 * + + ++ + ++* + * t * * | * ** *:t:t r. r..t*!r r. rr,r * * r * rt'|t * * | * * * 'r 'r * 'rr * rr * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ai* **t * * ** * t* * *t * * ** t I r:r +r * ACCOTJNT ITEM LIST; Account code Descript ion Current Pmts BP 00100003111-L00 RF 11100003IJ.2700 wc 0 01000 0 3112 8 00 BUII,DING PER},IIT FEES RECREATION FEES WILI, CAIJIJ INSPECTION FEE 1,469.75 33 .15 3.00 APPLICATION WILL NOT^f,6/'25659"'J COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT & Materials BUTLDTNG: s \B{U'a ELECTRICAL: $OTHER: $ PLUMBING: $MECHANICAL: $TOTAL: $ For Parcel # Contact FOR OFFICE USE ONLY 'ti(- APR -3 200? 021091200s Assessors Ofrice at 970-328-8610 or visitEffiI7ror071 ItogL Job Name: [\O\rb"-J JobAddress: 1116 ftrr*{W Lesat Description ll lot:f-6 [ Bbdc I ll rtrins:Subdivision: owners ttame: k._#,#L H1}_fllTde"*Phone: ArchitecVDesig ner: g;{_, Drrr#^Phone: qrn -bzfr Engineer: 6D3 Address:F6 ?xLl hb^ ( o BLb?r>Phone:?t1 -'rr1r,Detailed description of work:4*h"ry WorkClass: New() AdditionpQ Remodet () Repair()Demo() Other() Work Type: Interior (2Q Exterior (f) Both p[Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Type of Bldg.: singl*family A/) Two-famity ( ) Muhi-family ( ) commerciat ( ) Restaurant ( ) other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this buitding: luf/4_No. of Accommodation Units in this building: pl; No/Type of Fireplaces Exl od/peilet ( ) Wood gurning ( ) Noffype of Fireplace ) Wood/peilet ( ) Wogd Burning (NOTALLOWED) Do€s a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes 0() !o (Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: TEsJI--NoQ- F:\cdev\FORMS\Permits\Building\buildingJermiL DOC Page 1 of 15 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD vArL, co 81657 970-479-2138 OWNER co 8l-658 Llcense: L56-E CONTRACTOR EAGIJE VAIJIJEY ELECTRIC DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit #: 807-0076 Job Address: 146 FOREST RD VAIL Location.....: 146 FOREST RD ParcelNo...: 210107115032 ProjectNo : {RSO-1 -oO<S- KATHRYN F. HUBBARD REVOCABLEO5 / 23 / 2OO1 5600 SUNSET LN IND]ANAPOLIS rN 46228 EAGLE VALLEY ELECTRIC 05/23/2007 Phone: 97o-a27-5772 P O BOX 1115 VAIL 05/23/2Oo7 Phone: 970-827-5772 3o? - odaS, Status...: ISSUED Appfied..: 05/23/2007 Issued..: 05/31/2007 Expires . .: 'll/27/2007 $o. oo $s4. ?s Ss4. ?5 $o. oo P O BOX L11.6 VAIL co 816s8 Llcense : l-55 -E Desciption: ELECTRICAL FOR AN ADDITION TO AN EXISTING RESIDENCE Valuation:$0.00 Square feet:221 . Electrical-----> DRB Fee...'_-> lnvestigation-> Will Call-----> TOTAI FEES-> I hereby acknowledge that I have and state that all the information Town ordinances and state laws, approved, Intemational Building $0.00 So. oo 954. ?5 Total Calculated Fees-> Additional Fees-----> Total Permit Fee-*> Payments-------------> BALANCE DUE-> r'r r r r l t l +l l + + + +:tt Approvals:Item: 05000 EI-,ECTRICAL DEPARTMENT 05/23/2oo7 shatrn Action: AP Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT CONDITIONS OF APPROVALCond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR coDE CoMPLIANCE. DECLARATIONS read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review fqwn applicable thereto.and Residential Codes did other ordinances **** tt***** a*r 3* r | | rrr* *** * l*+at**t*'|tttt tt at ttaa ra* * * ****ta* t+a*t** * aat r* t tt**+*** *** * * +*tt TOWNOFVATL, COLORADO Statement I t'l* {r* *+ifl t'l|l * * * ** tt* tt **t I +** ** * +*l++*t *t t* ttit ttl* tt a**'f** *t+ **tt I tt* ** f *t*af*t'a *tt I I r *t* Statement Number: R0?0000839 Arnount: 9S*.zs 05/3L/200703:29 PM' Paynent Method: check Init: DDG Notation: Eagle Valley Electric 19500 Pennit No: 807-0075 T14>e: EIJECTRTCAL PERIiIIT. Parcel No3 2101- 071- 1503 - 2 Site Address ! 145 FOREST RD VAIIJ tocation: 145 FOREST RD Total Fees: $54. ?5ghia Palment: $54,75 Total AtL PmtE3 954.75 Balance! 90.00 +*ta aaa **** *** * *+ ** t* i ** * *t* Itt** a* tt l* * r* t* 'a **+*+l ttll* * ** * ** * i' 'r, * 'l' lr * * + *i* l':t * ++* +fl tl**** * ACCOI.JNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Currcnt htE EP OO1OOOO31111OO EIJECTRTCAI' PERMIT FEES WC OO1OOOO31128OO WIIJIJ SAJJIJ INSPE TION FEE 51. ?5 3.00 APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR UNSIGNED Project #: PRJ07-0095 Building Permit #: Electrical Permit #: /, 97 O- 47 9 -2149 (Inspections) TOWN OF VAIL ELECTRICAL PERMIT APPLICATION ?5 S. Frontage Rd.' Vail, Colorado 81657 CONTRACTOR INFORMATION CoMPLETE SQ. FOOTAGE FOR AREA OF WORK AND VALUATION OF WORK (rabor & Materials) AMOUNTOFSQ FTIN STRUCTURE: 221 ELECTRICAL VALUATION: $ Ec>?.&71 Electrical Contractor: Eagle Valley Electric, Inc Town of Vail Reg. No.: 156 E Contact Person and Phone #'s:cel 904-5844 SamBishop 970-827-5772 E-Mail Address:Fax#: 927-9036 C-onbactor Signature: Conact Asrgsnrc Offie at 970-328-864O or visit forParcel # Parcel # 210107115032 Job Name: Inrbbard Residence 145 Forest Rd.. VaiI .Addition to e><isting Residence WorkOass: Ne,ry(,) Addition(x) Remodel( ) Repair( ) TempPower( ) Other( ) Does an EHU odst at this locaUon: Yes ( ) No ( )WorkType: Interior( ) Exterior( ) Bo$ (o() TypeofBldg.: Single.family{O0 Duplo<( ) Multi-famlly( ) @mmercial ( ) Restaucnt( ) Other( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: for a hot tub: Yes ( ) No Does a Fire Sprinlder System FxisH YesDoes a Fire Alarm Exist Yes (d No ( 2 3 200? OF VAIL F:bdcv\FORMS\PERMlT$a005\electical-pcrmit-2005-DOC TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENTOF COMMI.JNIry DEVELOPMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit #: M07-0084 i61-6 oK Job Address: 146 FOREST RD VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 146 FOREST RD Applied . . : 05/29/2007 Parcel No...: 210107115032 Issued . . : 0610412007 Legal Description: TqS 61- OOIS Expires. .: 12/0112007 Project No : oI{NER I(ATHRYN F. HI'BBARD REvocABLEO5/2g/2oo7 5600 SUNSET LN INDIAI{APOIJIS rN 46228 APPIJICANT CLIMATE CONTROL CO OF GWS 05/29/2007 Phone: 970-945-2326 P O BOX 1042 GI,ENWOOD SPRINGS co 81602 L,icense: !29 -Nl CONTRACTOR CI-,IMATE CONTRoL co OF GWS 05/29/2007 Phone: 970-94s-2326 P O BOX 1042 GLENWOOD SPRINGS co 81502 I-,icense: l-29-M Desciption: INSTALL A DESIGN BUILD HYDRO SYSTEM Valuation: S70.433.00 Fireplace Information: Restricted:# of Gas Appliances: 0 # ofGas Logs: 0 # of Wood Pellet: 0 Mechanical*> SI,42o. oo Restuarant Plan Review->$0 . 00 Total Calculated Fees--> 51, ?78 . O o $3ss.00 TOTAL FEES-.-_> $1, ?78. OO Additional Fces->Plan Check-> Investigation-> Will Call--> 90.00 93.00 $0.00 felsl Permit Pes-> S1, ?28. OO Pa)'mcnts----> 51, ?78 , OO BALANCE DUE->s0.00 Item: 05100 BUILDfNG DEPARTMENT 05/29/2007 cgunion Action: Ap Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT CONDITION OF APPROVALCond: L2 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPI-,IANCE. Cond: 22 (BLDG.): COMBUSTTONAIR IS REQUTRED PER CHAPTER 7 OF THE 2OO3 IMC AND SECTION 304 OF THE 2OO3 ]FGC AS MODIFIED BY TOWN OF VAII-,,. Cond:23 (BLDG.): BO]II,ER INSTALLATTON MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTI,RER'S INSTRUCTIONS AND C}IAPTER 10 OF THE 2OO3 IMC. Cond: 25 (BLDG.): GAS APPITIANCES SHAL,L BE VEIfrfED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 5 OF THE 2003 Cond: 29 (BLDG.): ACCESS TO MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT MUST COMPLY WITH CHAPTER 3 OF THE IMC AND C}IAPTER 3 OF THE 2OO3 IFGC.. Cond: 3L (BLDG.): BOII-,ERS SHALL, BE MOLJNTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST. TNLESS LISTED FOR MOUNTING ON COMBUSTIBIJE FIJOORING. Cond:32 (BLDG.): PERMIT,PLANS AND CODE AI{AI-,YSIS MUST BE POSTED IN MECHANICAIJ ROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPECTION REQUEST. Cond: 30 (BLDG. ) : BOU,ER ROOMS SHALL BE EQUIPPPED WTTH A FLOOR DRAIN OR OTHER APPROVED MEANS FOR DISPOSING OF LTOUID WASTE pER SECTTON l_004.6. **i'1. + + *rlrr llta arl ir *'rt*ltr **t l l aa DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Intemational Building and Residential Codes and other grdin3nces ofthe Town applicable thereto. SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR IFGC. 2003 CTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNER approved, lntemational Building and Residential Codes and other grdinences ofthe Town applicable thereto.(l REeuEsrs FoR lNspEcrtoN SHALL BE MADE TwENTy-FouR Houns n eovArqp nV rrleguoNe ar 479-}1c9 oR AT99R oFFtcE FRoM E:00 AM - 4 pM. *rrlala|}trtaaarraraaaa***++l*+l**tt|laaatat'taaalt*aall*ltt**alf+f+t'l'a*aalrlrtaaaaa'|aalaaaa*ia TOWNOFVAIL, COIORADO Statem€nt l al** 'l' * ** I'tl t't+ ++ *** * ala*lr I rl a* tr* aiati f tt'l ttt * +* +++ * ar *.*+ra*rrlt r* * rr | | ra * l*t** **f f tt+ ***a St,at,emenU Nunber i R0?0000855 Arnount: $1,??8.00 06/04/2O0?12:55 PM PalmenU Method: Check fnit: DDG z'L7z4 Notation r . Climate control Permit No: M07-0084 Type: MESHANICATJ PERI.|IT Parcel No: 2101- 0?1- 1503 - 2 Site Addrese: f,i[5 FoREST RD vArIJ Location: 145 FOREST RD This Palment r $1,778.00 * r+ * tl tr lr rrr rr t rr rlrrrriri I I ltt + ++{' '}{' a *+ | l** t aa * a f r | * lit* lllll lltlt* llt | * ** | ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code , Total Fees: S1,778 . 00 Total AIJIJ Hnts: $1, 778 . 00 Balance: $0.00 Current PmtE MP OO1OOOO31111OO UECIINiIICAIJ PER},IIT FEES L,42O.OO PF 00100003112300 Pr.,AN Cr{ECK FBES 355.00 WC OO1OOOO31128OO Y'IIJJ CAI'IJ INSPECTION FEE 3.OO DeEcription APPLICATIOI{ WILL I{OT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOIIIPLETE OR flJ o; ecb v Building Permit #: Mechanical Permit #: 970-479-2t49 Permlt wlll not be acepted without Ore following: MWNWYIL 75 S. Frcntage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 & 1nB'/ Prcvlde Mechanlcal Room layout drawn too lledranlcal Room Dimenslonso Combusdon Alr Duct Slze and Locationo Flue, VentendGas UneSlzeand Locadono Heat Loca Calca.o EquipmentCut/Sp€cShe€ts CONTRACTOR INFOR]I{ATION R il'fi MAY 2 5 200?U rowN-oF vAlt @ntact and Phone'/az 77t-25 MECHANICAL: $ 70. q77 Conact Acgstr/rc x *k x x,* *,*,* :f :* * * *,r * * * * * * * * * FOR OFFICE USE 01{ L for Parcel # * :l***!t ** ** *** * !t *** * **** ** ** 44 4z>rr4t/ a/z; t*r/Z MdiUon( ) Alteration( ) Repair( ) Other( ) Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( )BoilerLocation: /Interior( ) Exterior( ) Other( ) Duplo< ( ) Multi-family ( ) Commercial ( ) Re$aunnt ( ) Other ( ) No. of Accommodation Unlts In thls building:No. of Exlsflng Dwelling Unib in this buildlng: Non-ype of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas LoSs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Bumlng (NOT ALLOWED) Is this a onversion from a wood buming fireplae to an EPA Phase II device? Yes \Wailuatabdev\FORMS\PERMITSWECHPERM.DOC 07D6t2N2 L-1/\ ISYN OiNYUO zo it€ (H:tg\g oc iv wou ls3uoJ Irr 3CN30E3U 0W88nH r3nYN lC:ro8d czls-sra (ozr) xvj e?sz-9r6 (0/6) zoolg 0o '.6qrds 9@r|,p ztol x€ o'dsrlnsiA8 @l{tEr 3rY0 itlvo IIlsSI 3tv0 atvo :r|ssl tw44 illvo :nssl 5fctlrJ 6o FzlrJ =o- fg lrl e,lrie. P eEf zt {t J H = IN o do UFItlrtEG lr,E P Uz E oI 3o uFtnlrleG H P Uz E 3 5 U' I 6o. a o3 d F = AQ d F- 3 rl I6 (\l l -.I @ I Io I*Ibl (I Alrl tl aFN lrjJ () @ aIA Moot =oo M {ol-l eEo t4 =F -{ e.td F bv, e Ht (,zFU' )<lrl 6F g a 4 = ('2 E E E 56 @ b .r,O-S,= {EE ;"d ofl e. Hq a9 6r.roI vz at{ F{oz @ 11-25-2007 Inspection Request Reporting Page 17 1 1:12 am Vail_ CO'- Cify Ol - Requested Inspect pate: Ugnaay, November 26, 2007' Inspectlon Area: GG Slt6 Address: 146 FOREST RD VAIL 146 FOREST RD A/P/D Informatlon Activitv: 807{085 TvDe: A-BUILDConstTvp6: Occuoahbv:Owtier: KATHRYN F. HUBBARD REVOCABLE TRUST SubTvoe: ASFR Status: ISSUED U'se: V-B InspArea: CG Phone: 970-748-0240 Requested Tlme:- Phone: Entered By: 10:30 AM 977-0269 DGOLDEN K wt '7,,,,)u 1, o(l lnsoectlon Hlstorv ,*fr AOnrovea * Action: AP APPROVED Action: APAPPROVED Action: AP APPROVED Action: AP APPROVED C/O ** Aooroved * rsD€ctor: ' Wanen 'n * AoDroved *' Inspectoc JRM' Item: 50 Item: 60 It€m: 70Item: 534 Item: 90 REPT131 Run Id: 7280 Requested Inspoc{ pato: fUgsday, lrlovember 20, 2007 Ineoectlon Area: SH Slte Address: 146 FOREST RD VAIL 146 FOREST RD A/P/D Informaflon ,AcUvity: E074076 Tvoe: &ELECConstTvp6: Occuoahbv:O,rij€c KATHRYN F. HUBBARD REVOCABLE TRUST SubTgne: ASFR Status: ISSUED Insp Area' SH Contractor: EAGLEVALLEYELECTRIC Phonei 970-827-5772Description: ELECTRICAL FOR AN ADDITION TO AN EXISTING RESIDENOE Rsouertod lmoecdon{ll Item: 190 ELEC-Flnal ReouestedTlme: 0l:00PMRequestor: EAGLEVALLEYELECTRIC Phon€: 970427-5772 -or- 90+ -Cgmmeq.ts: qrillgall.eithernumuer{G. 5844 Assigngd.To: SHAHN -. Entered By: DGOLDEN K- Action: Time Exp: F, ,t',''OK Sr-; lnsoecdon Hlstorv It€m: 110Item: 120 Item:130Item:140Item:190 * Aooroved * SHAHN Action: AP APPROVED IRELOCATED PUMP ROOM AND KITCHEN BUMP OUT. REPTl31 Run Id: 7246 lH?3ooz rnspec$:,tFU=*tt n*oninn t"n" 'u Requestsd Inspoct Pato: W€dnesday, October 10, 2007' lnspectlon Ara: GG Sito Addr€ss: 14'6 FOREST RD VAIL 1'f6 FOREST RD A/P/D Informatlon Activitv: M07-0084 Tvoe: B-MECH Const Tw6: Occuoah'cv: O,yrien KATHRYN F. HUBBARD REVOCABLE TRUST Requostod Tlme: 02:00 PM- Phone: 989-5451 Entered By: DGOLDEN K il\"*llII ,^ U/(t/\ /\t^fl 4+L/t/l/l U 041, d Action: NO NOTIFIED I CONTMCTOR ON SITE. NO ANSWER ON PHONE. Action: AP APPROVED lOO # AIR TEST ASFR Status: ISSUED Insp A.s.' ga 970-94S2326 tlt,)'--/ t Lt/ Insoec-tlon Hletorv Item: 200 Item: 310 Action: AP APPROVED Action: AP APPROVED Action: AP APPROVED Item: 315 Item: 320Item: 33OItem: 34OItem: 390 Contracton CLIMATE Doscription: INSTALL MEGH-FInal MATE CONTROL CO REPT131 Run Id: 7L34 cotfftlrt EtEtgFtE r Deeign Revieur Board ACTION FOR}I D€partment of Community Development 75 south Frontag€ Road, Vall, Eolordo 81657 tel: 970.479,2139 fex: 970.479.2452 web: www.vallgov.com Prciect Name: Pmject Description: Pailicipants: HUBBARD RES. ADDMON DRBNumber: DRB070098 RNAL APPROVAL FOR AN ADDMON TO fiE DINING ROOM OF AN DCsTING HOME OWNER KATHRYN F.HUBBARDREVOCABI.EO3/LgIZOO7 5600 SUNSET Ll'l INDIANAPOUS IN '16228 AppucANT TOM COUNTER/SUFER DESIGNS O3lL9l20O7 Phone: 970-926-8200 X3084 216 MAIN ST. EDWARDS @ 81632 Proft)ct Addr€ss: 1,16 FOREST RD VAIL l-ocadon: 146 rcREST RD Legal Descripdon: l'ot 6 Elock: 7 SuMlviCm: VAILUI|AGE RUNG 1 ParelNunber: 2101{71-1503-2 Comments: SeeCondiUons Motion By: Second By:v&: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTTOI{ Acdon: SfAFFAPR Date of APPrcvaat Mlg4l2OO7 Cond: 8 ipr,qrU, No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (if-enl: DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consuh with iown bf vait Building personnel prior to construction activiues' Cond:201 DRB apprwal shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of apprwal. Cond:202 Approval of this pCIect shall lapse and become rojd one (1) yeal following the date dhnat approrat, uritess a building permit is iss1rcd and onstruction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Cond: 113 All darelopment applications submitted to the Town after the effective date of ordinancd 26, seri; 2(X)6 shall be subject to the pending employee housing . .- ."grdUonr in whater,rer form they are iinally adopted; prwkled, hourever, that if theTorrm fails to adoS the pending employee housing regulations ry April 15,2@7, thls Odinane shall not apply to sudt development applications. Cond:CON0008802 The appllcant ihatl rs/egltate all areas dlsbubed as a result of constructing the addlfion to a str whldr o<isted prlor to aonstruction, Revegitation shall ocotr prlor to requesting fi nal plannlng lnspections. Plann€r: Wanen Campbell DRB Fee Pald: l3O0'0O Date: 3.Jl.O1 * 675 = 425 credit plus 250 addition Does this request involve a 250 Addition? Site Coverage tgf Height Setbacks Zone Gheck Block 1 FilingLegal description: Address Owner Architect Zone district Lot size TotalGRFA Primary GRFA +(425) (675*) = Secondary GRFA +(425) (675*)=_ Phone Phone Proposed use Buildable area Allowed Proposed Total Remaininq 3516Sr{6a 3S No r\ How much of the allowed 250 Addition is used with this request? NO AL 3,l''tstr /4 (30) (ry Front SidesvH+3',(y Landscaping @/n Minim um 3s' 'er/61,9{ 33'%20' 15' tg' Retaining Wall Heights Parking Garage Credit Driveway W)Permitted Slope Complies with TOV Lighting Ordin'ance Are finished grades less than 2:1 (50o/o) Environmental/Hazards ta % Proposed sr"pe /q.5 /I 01r, No Yes K No Yes 2) Floodplain 3) Wetlands 4) Water Course Setback (3-0X50) 5) Geologic Hazards a) Snow Avalanche ilt* b) Rockfall c) Debris Flow L,l er ?r r"-, 3,UL il Previous conditions of approval (check property file): /\ ll\l..r ls the Property non-conforming? Describe: suollcl4ser leld secr.ieireT\ . sroprJJoc i eln (puno:6repun) saUtgn sal6uy epPqs / uns uo|lBcuusn'o'c ouluuep/suuoy epc/l sssccvarr..r ..F eOeJolS:llOuS. - .. | ':,., :'i 1".' : (epeJo puE ss$3e) AEAelt{Qr . .1 " tl dr.. sNv'ld uoo-'H tr snlpeu 6u1un1 e6ereg 7 6ut4te6 secuel s11ery16u1ure1ag adolg 7 eperg eIS uorpeuuog aOereg seluoclBE / s)lceo (,,y) sbueq:eno / se^ef slcBqlas slueuqcBoJsuS lqbrep 6urplrng elms suogena;e lodg suo;geco1 [grpy-1 -F- NV'ld ltils tAUnS D a.-. '.:tl ,'.ar' D NVld SdVCSON\n !SeeJl : -t qcild loou slelreleul / JoloS elEcs spJezeH lelueuuoJl^uf )|ceqles esJnoc JeleM ureld poog 'JI OOf {qder6odol slueuiese3 PsJV elqeplrnE szls lol uorlducsap lE6e-l lslllceqC ^ o!^eg u6lseq qeos :1cefor6 Additions-Residential or Commercial ,,-m ap 6)ov B \& @ Application for Design Review Deparbnent of Community Developrnent 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 te| 970.479.2128 faxi 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular appmval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by th€ Tor /n Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. Locauonof theproposal: tot: G gtocr: 7 suooivision:VAIL Vtr+dC€{3lLrNA I Physicaf Addrcss: | +Ce Fn lr-<f ?,O+O (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-86,10 for parcel no.) Name(s) of Owner(s Mailing Address: f Oruner(s) Slgnahrr{s): Name of Applicant: Type of Review and Fee: tr Signs Conceptual Review New Construction Addition Minor Alteration (multFfamily/commercial) Minor Alteration (si ngle-family/d uplex) Changes to Appro\red Plans Separation Request Phone: $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee l5l0 For consbuction of a new building or demo/rebuild. @6 For an addition where square footage is added to any residential orv commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-rooflng, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and rebining walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such aE re-roofirg, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc.$20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. _ No Fee De-scription of the Request: Mailing Address: tr trx tr tr n Mn;9il\ 6,bEan Buildino Materlals PROPOSED MATERIALS TVoe of Material * tvwtmigur;.cv'pcqt &f,'ttt-'- W, Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Wndows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retainirg Walls Exterior Lighting Other Notes: qwep.ffi tlr^*ln (a;aw ttlrllt;i-algflil&, Please speciff the manufacture/s name, the color name and number and attach a color chip. vlhntr eftnL, Il4*tt 4Q4a r "/hN\/r- VrW t^l-!t vlel hrcop ts/lr =rF y\4e{ NAf N/k- tl.\{- Fltlgru.l6 F:\cdw\FoRll$Permb\Ftaffin9\DR8\drb_adftin_r-25-2007.doc Page7ofl4 ra?3.l200s +**++.l!|ll"i'l***********i********+f++i!*+*****************+***++*********t*+**t***lt*++*f**ta*t+* TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Stateinent *+***l+*al*t****a+aaafa't*laaaa****f*lr+{rt***************+*+*l****t**ltl*l*tf+flf*+*********a* Statenent Number I R0?0000308 Anourlt,: $300.00 03/L9/2OO7O3:22 PM Palment Method r Check Init: iIS Nolation: 4523,/ATLAS clcNsTRUqrION Pennit' No: DRB0?0098 T}pe: DRB - Addition of GRFA Parcel No: 2tO!-077-7503-2 sit.e Addresg: 145 PORSST RD Vt|It Location: 146 FOREST RD Total Fees: $300.00 ThLE Pa)ment: $300,00 Total Ar,r, Pmtss: $300.00Balance: $0.00 'i**a+****+*****a*alat++*!}l'*+**r****f++ttt'i**+******l'***++**++*+++***+**t***********l**+*l*** ACCOTJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current PmtE DR OO1OOOO3TT22OO DESIGN RTVIEW FEES 300. oo -lEili E rl, I 2tritlfI i Ji-1.:hrrfr c \fr-f - rrsF *;i, ETil, . t?. I --.-, '? ar $'. - ."-J il-o n ---ffiffi, =!-----rr-- E-- 1---E ir- '$ o ? {' TOWN OFVAIL 75 South Frontage Road VaiL Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE Department of Community Development APPLICANT SITE DEVELOPI,IENT STUDIOS, INC. 803 ALABAMA STREET, HUNTTNGTON BEA 92648 CONTRACTOR SITE DEVELOPMENT STUDIOS, INC. 803 ALABAMA STREET, HUNTINGTON BEA 92648 OWNER FLANNERY PROPERTIES 19330 WINGED FOOT CrR, NORTHRTDGE CA 91326 Description: NEW SPA Occupancy: R3 Single Family Residence Type Con6truction: V N Type V Non-Rated Valuation:160,000 Add Sg Ft: Fircptace Inforeation: Rest ri cted:fOf Gas App liances:fof Gas Logs:,0f $ood/P.1, tet: *ffrk**ffi**ffit**liHffi*FEEsUt'tl,|ARY'c#r*ffi***ffi**ffi******t****,.******* 980. m Restuarant Ptan Revi ew-->537.00 DRB Phone: 714-589-8935 Phone:714-589-8935 ,00 Total catcutated Fees---) 2,320.m200.00 Additionat Fees--------> .00.00 Totat Permit Fee--------> 2,3?0.6500.00 Payments------- Dept: BUILDING Division: Dept: PTANNING Division:ANDY OKAYED 6-29-95Dept: FIRE Division: Dept: PUB WORK Division: Job Addres LocatLon..Parcel No.Project No .: 2101-071-15-032 Status. . . Applied.. Issued. . . Expires. . ISSUED 06/2e/tees 07 /L2/tee5 ot /08 /tee 6 Bui Ldin9-----) Ptan check---> Investi gation> lli L l. cat l,----> .00 3.00 Recreation Fee---------> C tean-l,rp Deposi t--------> TOTAL FEES-----ffiffiffiffiffitffirffir*'Y,r****'tJiff**ffi#(**#******tr**ffitr*****ffi*****ffi*rffi*rr**lrff***td****ffi******* Item: O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT07/07/1995 DAN Action: APPRIt.em:, O54OO PLANNING DEPARTMENTO6/29/L995 DAN Act,ion: APPRItbm:' 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT07/07/1995 DAN Action: APPRItbm:' 05500 PUBLIC WORKS07/06/L995 CHARLIE Action: APPR ***ffi***|*ffi *,t**#***ffi *ffi Jrff rH(*ffi tt******ffi ff **tffi*ff *ffi ffi *#****ffi ttffiffirffi ffi ffi See Page 2 of this Docunent for any conditions that nay apply to this pernit. DECLARATIONS I. hcrcby .acknoutrdge thlt I hav! rcld_this lppticstion, fil,l,ed out in ful,t the infornation nequired, coppt.ted anptan, and stata that atl the infornation provided as required is corrcct. t agree to conp Ly riith the iniormtionto compty vith al,l Tovn ordinanceg and state tavs, and to buitd this structura according to thc Torrn,s zoning andcodes, dcsign rcviev approvcd, Uniforn Buil,ding code lnd other ordinances of thc Toyn appl,icable thereto accurate ptot and plot pt8n, subdivision REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE IIAOE TUENTY-FOUR H(IJRS II{ ADVAI{CE gY TELEPHONE Send ctean-Up Deposit To: {j"*"uo'uo TURE OF OIINER OR lcE FRotl AND OI'NER t PAGE 2******************************************************************************** CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: 895-0199 as of 07/07/95 status: APPRovED******************************************************************************** permit rype: ADD/ALT srR BUrLD PERI'lrr Applied: 09/.?9_/,1:?92 eppliciirt: SITis DEVELOPMENT STUDIOS, INC. Issued: 07/07/L99s Job AddreEs: 146 FOREST RD Location:Parcel No: 2101-071-15-032 ****************************i*************************************************** CONDITIONS ******************:k*******************************!k***************************** 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. 2. A STRUCTUAIJ ENGINEER MAYBE REQUIRED TO APPROVE ANY STRUCSUAL CHANGES BEFORE TOV WILL OKAY FINAL INSPCTION. TOI{N OF VArL, COLORADO Statemnt ******************!********************************************** statemnt Nurnber: REC-0046 Amount: 2'22O.OO 07/t2/95 11:18 Palrment Method: cHEcK Notation: *6573 rnit! LRDT Permit No: 895-0199 Tlpe: A-BUII'D ADD/A[.'T sFR BUILD PE Parcel No: 2101-071-15-032Site AddreEE: 146 FOREST RD Total Fees:2,32O.0O Thie Payment 2,220.00 Total ALL Pmt8z 2'32O.0O Balance: .00 * * * ** ** * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * t* * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * ** ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * !t Account Code 01 0000 41310 01 0000 41331 01 0000 41332 01 0000 22002 01 0000 41336 Deecription BUII,DING PERMIT FEES DESIGN REVIE}I FEES PI.,A}I CHECK FEES CLEA}.IUP DEPOSITS WIIJIJ CALL INSPECTION FEE Anount 980.00 100.00 637 .00 s00.00 3.00 **************************************************************** TOVTN OF VArL, COLORADO Statemnt**************************************************************** Statemnt Number: REC-o043 Anount:100.00 07 /07 /9s 07:05 Payment Method: CK Notation: PRE-PAID DRB Init: DS Permit No: Parcel No:Site Addrees: This Payment Account Code 01 0000 41331 Total Fees:100.00 Total AtL Pmts: Balance: Description DESIGN REVIEW FEES 895-0199 Tl4pe: A-BUTLD ADD/AIT SFR BUILD PE 2101-071*1s-032 146 I'OREST RD **************************************!************************** 2,32O.00 100.00 2,22O.00 Amount 100.00 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit #: M95-0120 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado E1657 970-479 -2 1 3 8/479-2 I 3 e FAX970479-2452 Job Address...:Location......: Parce1 No.....:Project Number: Department of Community Deve lopment 146 FOREST RD 2101-071-15-032 Status...: ISSUED Applied. . Z O8/L5/t9e5 Issued. ..2 O8/L8/L995 Expires .. z 02/L4/L996 APPLICANT VALLEY WIDE MECH. & ELECTRICAI-, I P O BOX 5080, AVON CO 81620 CONTRACTOR VALLEY WIDE MECH. & ELECTRICAL IP O BOX 5080, AVON CO 81620OWNER FLANNERY PROPERTIES 19330 WINGED FOOT CIR, NORTHRTDGE Description: ADD SNOW MELT fireplace lnforoation: Restpicted:fof Gas Apptiances: cA 91326 Valuation: fof Gas Logs: Phonez 3039491747 Phone: 303949L7 47 7, 000. 00 ,Of tJood/Pat Let: r*** ffi*t*fffi fEE SUllllARY ffitffi***ffi*******r*ffiffi*H*tr***t*ffi llechani ca [--> Ptan Check---) Investigation> t,i Lt Cat t----> Restuarant Ptan Revis--) DRB Fee------- ToTALFEES-----.-----> 140.00 35.00 .00 t.00 .00 178.00 .00 Total Catculated Fees--->17E.00 Additionat Fees--------> ,00 Totat Perrit Fes-------->Payannls---------,178.00 178.m BALANCE DUE_______> .00ffi tffi Jrfff *ffi ***ffi **fr*ft ***ff ffi ITem! .O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT08/18/1995 cHUcK Action: AppR Dept: BUILDING Division: CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. qqmbqslion aif mugt meet.co{e_requiqements! .field inspection is required for'coda -olnpiiance. *********************************************************!*********************** DECLARATIONS I. hereby -rcknovtedgc that I hava rcld-this apptlcation, tlLLed out in futt thr inforration rcc1ri red, cotpl,etcd.n accurltc ptot Ptsn, rnd stltc that .tt th. intori.ti.m Provided .s rcquir€d is corrcct, t rgrrc to cornpty riith tirc infornation and ptot itan,to.corPty tith atl' Tovn ordinances -and state. [ass, and to boi td this structurc according iothc Tovn's zoning and subdjvisibncodes, dcsign revieu approvcd, Uniforn Buitding cod. lnd otlrer ordinances of th. Tovn a[pticabtc thereto. REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE IIADE TIIENTY-FOI'R HOURS tII SIGMTURE OF O!'I{ER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIIISELF AND OIINER BY TELEPI{OI{E AT 38 0R AT OlrR flCE FRoll 8:0O A 5:00 Ptl lfr*n"otoruo ^-,vlt *********************************!t******!****!******************** Statemnt Nu$ber: REC-0056 Arinount: Palrment Method: CK8443 Notation: 1?8.00 o8/t8/95 09:51Init: MMC l'!95-0120 T!pe: B-!{ECII MECHANICAL PER!,IIT 2101-071-1s-032 146 FOREST RD Total Fees: 178.00 Total ALL PrntE: Balance: **********!a**tl*******!t********************************t********** Permit No: Parcel No:site AddresE: This Payment Account Code 01 0000 4L3L2 01 0000 4L332 01 0000 41336 Description MECITAIIICAL PERMIT FEES PI.AT{ CHECK FEES WILL CAIL INSPECTTON FEE 178.00 178.00 .00 Arnount 140.00 3s.00 3.00 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit *: 895-0144 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970.479-213V479-2139 FAX970-479-2452 APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER CONTRACTOR Description: Department of Community Development NEW SPA Etectri cr [-->90.@ Invcst igrt ion>.00 DRB Fee Totat Catculated F!rs---> Additionrt Fr!s-------> Total Peratit Fee--------> Status...: ISSUEDApplied. . : 07 /07 /1995Issued...: O7/21/199sExpires..: OL/n/t996 Phone:714-589-8935 Phone:714-589*8935 5, 000.00 95.00 .m 91.00 Job AddressLocation... Parcel. No. .Project No. 146 FOREST RD 2101-071-1s-0 32 PRJ95-012I SITE DEVELOPMENT STUDIOS, INC. 803 ALABAI,IA STREET, IIUNTTNGTON BEA 92648 SITE DEVELOPMENT STUDIOS, INC. 803 ALABAMA STREET, HUNTINGTON BEA 92648 FLANNERY PROPERTIES 19330 vtrNGED FOOT CrR, NORTHRIDGE CA 91326 VALLEY WIDE MECH. & ELECTRICAL I Phone: 303949L747P O BOX 5080, AVON'CO 81620 Valuation: FEE SUililARY *ffi**r**iffiffi*t*ffi***ffiffiffi***H*ff**** Payments-------------> 93.00 TOTAL FEES--->95.00 BALANCE DUE----.00 :Wt**ff****:hlJt**ffi*ffi*****tht********tffiffi**ffi*ffiffi*****ffiff***t****ffi*l*****#ffiffiffi**ffi*ffi*f,*ffi CONDITION OF APPROVAL *|ht*ffiffffi****ffiffi,rlr*trffiffirt**Jiffiff*ffi**ff*ffi*ffi*ffiffitr**ffit*ff**trffifttt#rt*H*ffi*********H****** DECLARATIONS l.hercby acknowledge that I have read this apptication, fitled out in ful,[ the information requi red, comptctcd an accurata ptotptan, and state that rtt the infornation provided as required is correct. I agree to compty yith thc informtion and ptot ill.an,to conpty tith !l,L Tovn ordinances and state [avs, and to buil,d this stfuctur! according to the Torrn, s zoning and subdivisiirn codes, dcsign rcviev approved, uniforo Buitding code and other ordinances of the Toun applicabtr thcreto. Ui t t ca I l.----> 3. m *******ffiffiffiffrffir#rJr*lr*rb*#rtr#r**r*ffiffi*i*ffittt****fi*ff****#trffirffi************ffiffi*rhhfffi**ffi** Item: .06000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT07/07/1995 DAN Action: APPR Dept: BUILDING Divj-sion: {S"oto"oruo **********!t*****it**************tt***********!r****t*************.*** TOVTN OF VAIL, COTJORADO Statemnt ********************************tt******************************* Statemnt Nunber: REC-0048 Amount: Payment Method: CK Notation:8390 e3.00 07/2L/e5 11:01Init: AB 895-0144 s!pe: B-ELEC ELECTRICAL PERUTT 2101-071-1s-032 146 FOREST RD Total Feea:93.00 Total ALL PmtE: Balance: *******************!t******************!***********************tl** Permit No: Parcel No:Site Address: This Paynent Account Code 01 0000 41313 01 0000 41336 Description EIJECTRICAIJ PERIIIT FEES TTILL CALIJ INSPECTION FEE 93.00 93 .00 .00 AInount 90.00 3.00 / NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED PLUMBING PERMIT ON JOBSITE Permit ALL TIMES P9s-0106 AT #; 75 South Frontage Road Vail" Colorado 81657 970-479 -2 1 3 8/479-2 I 3 9 FAX97M79-2452 Department of Community Development Job AddressLocation...Parcel No..Project No. 146 FOREST RD 2101-0 71-1s-0 32 PRJg5-012I .00 190. 50 Status...: ISSUEDApplied..: 07/07/L995Iesued...: 07/2t/L995Expires..: |L/L?/L996 Phone: 303949L7 47 Phonez 303949L747 APPLICAIiflT VALLEY I'IDE MECH. & ELECTRICAI, I' P O BOX 5080, AVON CO 8L620 CONTRACTOR VALLEY VIIDE MECH. & ELECTRICAI, I P o Box 5080, AvoN co 81620 OWNER FLANNERY PROPERTIES 19330 WINGED FOOT CIR, NORTHRIDGE Description: NEw SPA 10, 000.00 ****ffi*ffi*t* FEE SUI{I{ARY ffi*'ht*ffi*ffiffiffi cA 91326 Valuation: Ptumbing----> Ptln Check-> Investigation> 9i tt catt--> 150.00 37.50 .m. 5.(n Restuarant Ptan Review-->Totrt Crtcutat.d Fees--> Additionat Fccs---------> Tot![ Prrrit Fee-------> Payrcnts----- 190. 50 .00 190. 50 190.50 B LANCE DUE--------> .m*ffi *Ht*ffrffi*ffi:tf,trl|f,ffi tHnt*tlrtr***t****t***fi **H*t*******ffi*******ffiffi f,*Hffi *ffi IIEM: O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT07/07/1995 DAN Action! AppR Dept: BUILDING Division: tt*ttffi****ffiff *ffi tffirffi *ffi **ffi ffi ffi ffi CONDITION OF APPROVAL ffi *ffi ***t*ffit*ffi ffrffi *****H*****t*iiffi **:tlrtrffi ff **tJr*ffi **ffi *ffi *ffittffiffi*ffiffi **ffiff **ffi DECLARATIONS I hercby acknontcdgc that I have read this appl,ication, titl,ed out in futl, the information requircd, conpteted an !6curate ptot Plan, and state that att the informati.on provided as rcquired i3 correct. I agrce to coryty vith the infornation and ptot pl,an,to compty vith att Tovn ordinances and state tavs, and to buiLd this structurc according to the Toun,s zoning and subdivisibn codes, dcsign reviev approved, Uniforn Buitding code rnd other ordinances of thc Tovn appl,icabte thereto. REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE IIADE TI.'ENTY-FOUR HOURS TN ADVANCE BY 179-OIJR {g**ot""uo o **************************************************************** TOWN OF VArL, COT,ORADO Statemnt * * * * ** I * * !* * * * * * * * * ** * * ** * * *** ** * * !r * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *** Statennt Number: REC-0048 Amount: Payment Method: CK Notation: 8390 190.s0 o7/2L/9s 11:04Init: AB P95-0106 TlPe: B-PLI''B 2101-071-1s-032 145 FOREST RD Total Feea: 190.50 Total ALL Pmts: Balance: * * * * * * * * * * * * ** *** * * * * * ** * * * * * r* * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * t* * * * * Permit No: Parce1 No:Site AddreEE: This Payment Account Code 01 0000 41311 01 0000 4L332 01 0000 41336 PLT'MBING PERMIT 190. s0 190. s0 .00 Description PLUMBING PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE Amount 150. 00 37. s0 3.00 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE MECHANICAL PERMIT Pernit AT ALL TIMES M9s-0160 75 South Frontage Road Vail" Colorado 81657 970-479-21iV479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 Job Address... Location Parcel No.....Project Number Department of Cornmunity Development APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER Description: AS LINE ].45 F'OREST RD 2101-071-15-032 RTCH COOLEY GAS LINES 814 TURQUOISE STREET, RICH COOLEY GAS LINES 814 TURQUOISE STREET, FLANNERY PROPERT]ES 19330 WTNGED FOOT CIR, LEADVILLE, LEADVTLLE, NORTHRIDGE Phone:co 80461 Phone:co 80461 cA 91326 VaLuation: 719-486-349\ 7L9-486-349L Status.. Applied. Issued.. Expires. ISSUED oe /26/Lee5 0e /26/Lee503/24 /ree 6 Fi repl,!cr lnforn€tion: Restri cted:#0f Gas Apptiances:#Of Gas Logs: 700.00 flof [ood/Pal,tet: **********ft****ffiffiffi#*rrffi************** FEE SUllllARy **ffi**rrffi**ff*t t****ffi*tt*t*ffifftdr********ffi***ffi* l,lechan i ca [---> 20.00 Restua.ant Pl,an Revi eu--> Ptan Chcck---> lnvestigation> Hi tl, cal. t----> 5. OO DRB .00 3.@ TOTAL FEES----. .00 .00 28.00 Totat Ca[culated tees---)2E.@ Additional, trrs---------> .0O Totat Pernit Fee-------->28.00 28.00 Item: .O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMENTO9/26/L995 DAN Action: AppR Dept: BUILDING Division: CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. !'IEI,D INSPECTIONS ARE REQUTRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.2. 4_RQqqq__rNSpECrroN oN GAS LrNE EXPOSED awD-pnesSuRE--tESTED-'IS REQUIRED. ******************************************************************************** DECLARAT]ONS l.hereby acknovtedge that r have read this aPPl.ication, fitl,ed out in ful,t thc information required, compl,eted an sccuratc ptotptan, and state that alt the inforrnati.on provided as requ'ired. is corrcct. I agree to compty riith tire information and ptot pl,an,to -cottPly Yith att Tovn ordinances -and statc [aws, and to buil,d this structurc according io-the Tovn, s zoning 6nd subdivisioncodcs, design reviev approved, uniforn Buitding codc and othef ordinances of the Town afpticabLe thereto. REAUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL 8E IIADE TIIENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2138 OR AT OUR OTFICE FROII E:oo Ail 5:OO P SIGT{ATURE OF OI,INER OR COIITRACTOR FOR HI}ISELF AND OUNER {p'*uo'uo o **************************************************************** TO9IN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statemnt**************************************************************** Statemnt Number: REC-0075 tunount: Payment Method: CHECK Notation: CASH 28.00 09/26/9s 13:s9Init: LRD M95-0160 Type: B-MECH MECHANICAL PERMIT 2101-071-15-0 32 146 FOREST RD 28.00 ,o..l"iii 5;::; Balance:**************************************************************** Permit No:Parcel No:site Address: Thie Payment Account Code 01 0000 4L3t2 01 0000 4L332 01 0000 41336 Description MECHANICAL PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 28.00 28. 00 .00 Amount 20.00 s .00 3.00 t4H fl)Fm$Ill*sEU'sPI*"o***************************** pERMrr TNF9RMATT9N * *** *** * ** *** ***** ********i** [CX]-Building [ ]-Ptunbing [ ]-Electrical [ ]-Mechanical [ ]-Other Job Name: Flannerv Resictence Job Address: il 4G Forest Road Legal Description: Lot_g Block_- 7 Filing sunnrvrsrout Owners Narne: Iri ke F.lannary Address: 'l 46 F orest Road Ph. 92648 714Architect: *;ii- nevat onment s s$ddress: 8Cr? Atahama st .H-R- CAPh.q8q-gqrs ceneral Description:Construction of Spa and Water Feature t *.Ajo/- t"Zt-t*62 BOWN OF VAIt CON PERMIT APPLICATION DATE:o- to-y5 APPLICAITON MUST BE FILLED OUT COMPI,ETELY 1g95JUll c' I{ork Class: I J-New [ ]-Alteration [xj-Additional [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Nurnber of Dwet-Ling Units: N/a Nurnber of Accomrnodatlon Units: w/ii- lgrnber and Type of Fireplaces: cas Appliances- Gas Logs- Wood/Pellet --v*******"**"tffil#r\*************** VALUATfONS ***************'r***************** durr,prwe , g i<isi$Os o o ELEcTRTcAL: S 57 aa) orHER: S Address:Phone Number: Plunbing Contractor: Address: Mecbanical Contractor: Address: ******************************** FOR BUILDTNG PERMIT FEE: PLTIMBING PERMIT FEE: I{ECHANTCAT PER}IIT FEE: ELECTRICAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE:W"1 BUILDTNG: SIGNASURE: ZONTNG: STGNATTIRE: ;LIIMBING' Tffia%,Zg. uEcHANIcAr,r$E- rorAL: @ l*********{*1r-**t'*t********!r* CONTRACTOR INFORMATION **************ttJ.!*r.***Fr/rt*r,lEeneral Contractoj3 Site Development Studios, Inc. Town of Vail Req. NO. fl\UbAddress;803AIabama2648p59ngNumber:714-589-8g3r Erectrica, ao,, tffi ,,rioe l:./r,,1v,c-Town of vail Reg. No./D3-f Town of Vail Reg. No. lo)'f, Phone Number: Town of Vail Phone Nurnber: Reg. NO. oFFrcE usE ******************************* BUTLDTNG PI,AN CHECK FEE: PLI'MBTNG PI,AN CHECK FEE3 MECHANICAL PI,AN CHECK FEE3 RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERI'TIT FEESs Connents: VALUATION o, TO: FROM: DATE: RE: MEMORANDUM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MAY 9, 1994 WHEN A ''PUBLIC WAY PERMIT'IS REQUIRED JOb Name: Flannery {esidence Date Please answer lhe following questionnaire regarding lhe need for a'Public Way Permit": YES ls this a new residence? ls demolition work being performed that requires the use of the right of way, easements or public propefi? ls any utility work needed? ls the driveway being repaved? ls differenl acress needed to sile other than existing driveway? ls any drainage work being done atfecling the right of way, easements, or public property? 7) ls a "Revocable Right Of Way Permit' required? 8) A. ls the right of way, easements or public property lo be used for staging, pafting or fencing? B. lf no to 8A, is a parking, staging or fencing plan required by Community Development? lf you answered yes lo any of lhese questions, a "Public Way Permit" must be obtained. 'Public Way Permit" applicalions may be obtained at the Public Work's otfice or al Community Development. lf you have any questions please call Charlie Davis, the Town of Vaif Construction Inspeclor, at.479-2158. I have read and answered allthe above questions. 1) 2) NO XX XX 3) 4) 5)xx 6) XX o 75 south lronlagc road vail. colorado 81557 (303) 479-21.38 ot 479-2L39 TO: FROM: DATE: SURTECT: offlce of communlly developmcnl ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMUNITY DE\ELOPIIENT MARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERTAL STORAGE rn summary,.ordinance No. 6 states that it is unLawful for anyperson to litter, track or deposit any soil, rock, sand, debrisor raterial , including trash dunpsteri, poriable ioir.et! "r,a--worknen vehlcles. upon. any streetl sidewaik, atiey or publicpl?ge or any portion theieof. The right-"i-;;t 3n att Town ofvail streets and.I9"g= is approxirnateiy 5 ft. 3ff'pavernent.This ordinance wilr be striitry enforcSd by the rown of VailllPli: works Department- pers6ns found vi6ratinq this ordinancewLrr De glven a 24 hour written notice to rernove-said rnaterial.rn the event the person so notified_does not "orpiy with thenotice within the 24 hour time specified, trr"-p"[iic worksDepartment will renove said mate-riat at tn" ""p""se of personnot,ified- The provisions of this ordinance .Gii not beapprlcabre to construction, maintenance or repair projects ofany street or alley or any utilities in the right_a_way. To review ordinance No. 6 in furr, prease stop by the Town ofY?i.l B"ilding Deparrrnenr to obtaLn a copy. tirani< you for yourcooperation on this natter. (i.e. contractor, owner) 75 coulh frohtage road vlll, color.do 81657 (303) 479-2138 ot 479-2L39 ofilce of communlty dovclopmGnl UILDING PERI.iIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAI,IE If, this permit.Igquires a Town of Vail Ffre Departrnent Approval,Engineer"s (-Public works) reyiew and approval,' a plannin!' oepartmentreview or Health Department review, and'a_review by the duiiiing -'- Department, the estimated time for a total review iray tak! as l6ngas three weel(s. All conrmercial (large or sma'l't) and all multi-family permits willhave to follow the above mentioned maxfmum requiremLnts. Residentialan!,1maJl projects.should take a 'lesser amount of time. However, if!esidential or smaller projects impact the various above mention6ddepartments,.with regard. to necessary rev.iew, these projects mayalso take the three week period. Every attempt will be made by this department to expedite thjspermit as. sgon as possible. I, the under5igned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame. 6-23-95 Cormuni ty Development Department. \ l*= 11 n,n ^- .r-r,.)***iggEutffiY I DATnz ?-lg-4 { ocr r e lifUl 0V' CtlUl$["08!,ff**o -, AppLrcATroN uusr BE Frf,l,ED our coupiersLr olUX*******t*****************.!r** PEtulrr rllltoRl.tarroN *****f **********,r**r****r*rr*rl [ ]-Buildtng [ ]-plunbtng [ ]-El€ctrl.cat ffi-r{echintbat I J-other .Tob Nane: Legal Description: Address: llechanical Address: ** * * *** * *** * * **** *** * * * * ** * * r** * FoR BUTLDTNG PERUTT FEE! PLUI.IBING PERUTT FEE: UECIIAI{ICAI, PERUIT FEE! EI.,ECTRICEL FEE: OTIIER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: Job Addreee: en4i%-?7/t Ph. Town of VaiI Phone Nunber: Town of Vail Phone Nunber: Reg. No. BUTLDINGS STGNATUREs ZONING: SIGNAflTRE: owners Nane: /l'ht f t g' AddresE: Architect:Address: General Description: work crass: I t-New t/L-l.rcLfl'lgtHfl I J-Repalr [ ]-other__ Number of hrelling unl-ts: / runber of AcconnodatLon unLts: ^ $rnber and Tlpe of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances_ cas Iogs_ Wood/pellet_v-l********************************* VAIJIATTONS ******************r************** YBUIIJDING: S _ ELEqIRICAL: $_ oTHER: $pLnilBrNc! .3- r.reclratricAl,;i@- io;fi;-1rf -Y -'r- ' ?- Ir ****** ***** ** ************** CONIRASIOR fNFORI,IATfO!| ***************************t Eeneral contractors Town of, Vair Reg. No.-Address: Electrical Contractor: Address:Reg. NO. Plunbing Contractor: !.own o! Vail Reg. No. E(b/Phone Number: 7/h(f/-T oFFICE USE ** * ** ******* * ** ********** ****** BUTLDING PIA}T CHECK FEE:PLIUBING PLAI{ CEECK FEE:UECIIAIIICAIJ pIAI,f CHECK FEE: RECRE.ITTON FEE: CI,EJAI|-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAIJ PERT,IIT FEESS .l MEMORANDiJM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MAY 9, 1994 WHEN A "PUBLIC WAY PERMF'..IS REOUIBED TO: FROM: DATE: RE: Job Name: Date: Please answerlhe following questionnaire regarding $e need fora'PubticWay permif: l{l / YES 1) ts this a new residence? 2) ls demolition work being performed thal requires the use of the right ol way, easemsnts or public property? 3) ls any utility work needed? fs lhe driveway being repved? ls ditferent access needed io site other than existing ddveway? ls any drainage work being done atfecting the right of way, easements, or public property? ls a'Revocable Right CI Way Permit' required? 8) A. ls the right of way, easements or public property to bE used for staging, parking or lencing? B. It no to 8A, ls a parking, staglng or fencing plan required by Community Development? 4) s) 6) 7l x x / >/ F x s Oc\ ',.h l!V9u_ a19wet"_d yes to any of these questions, a "Public Way Permit' must be obtained.?ublic Way Permit' applications may be oblained at the Pubtic Work's oflics or atC-o-ry1qtry Development. lf you have any questions ptease call Ghartie Davis, the Town of Vaif Construction Inspecior, at.47g-215f. I have read and answered allthe above questions. luttn |lal 75 roulh llontega rotd u.ll, colo..do 81657 (303) 479-2138 ot 479-2L39 oftbo ol communlly dGyGlopm.d TO: EROM: DATE: SU&TECI: Read and acknowledged by: AI.L COMTRACIORS CI'RNEIf,ILYL REGISTERED ITIlts TBETOIIN OF VAIL . TO!{N OF VAIL pttBLIC WORXS/CO!{MI,NIrY DavEIOpME}rT UARCH 15, 1988 CONSTRUqTION PARICTNG & I{ASERIAL STORAGE rn su'mary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unrawful for anyperson to tritter, traek or deposit. ""i-="ir]-"i"i, sand, debrisor naterial, J-ncluding trash h-rp=t""i, p-ft"riI-'toitets andworkmen vehictes-yFon-.any streetl siaevaix, ;it;y or publicptaee or anv porrion theieof . --d"-ii6;;;;;y=in au rolrn ofVail streets and,fgag= is approiinately 5 ft. off pavenent.This ordinance wirr be -a"i;irt--lnforced by the Town of varlPubric works Deoartnent. i;;;; found .,ril,ritr"e this ordr.nancewill be siven a 24 hour.riii""-i"ii""-ti-;;;;;:'=.id nareriar.rn the event the person so notified.aoes-not-c"iprv with tbenotice within trrg za rrour tGe-"p""iii"a,"ii"-illtric worksDepartnent wiu remorre said nateii"i-ii-inJ'l"plire of personnotified- The provisions-Jr-ttri=-"iai""# ;t5ii not beapplicable to c-onstruction, ,iirr["r,.r,9e or repair projects ofany street or alley:or any utiiiiies in the ritrr[_"_*ay. To_review Ord,inance.No. 6 in full, please stop by the Town of:::i"3:ifi"3"":f,lfffilt":a--"[tii" a copv. rirani< you ror y-ur Y ositionlneliEl6iEffi Srrkzs ^rb (i.e. contractor, orrner) lnttn ^. /tw P'tIL'= 4 (.-at/Ltl<-r/' ProJect Name ?6 rou$ tronf.g. ro.d Ell, colondo t1657 (303) 479-2138 ot 479-2L39 undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time ofilc. of corruntfy. d.y.lopnrott BUILDING PER}IIT ISSUANCE TII,IE FRAIIE If this penylt !-eCuilg: ? Town of Vail Ftre Department Approval,Engineer's (pub,ltc t*:l reyiew "na ipprovai,'a iiinntni'b"p."t entreview or Health Departnint review, ani'i-reuid ;i'ii;;"H"iroingDepartment, the estimated time tor'a-totat ;;i;,r-;";"L[!'u, tongas three weeks. All conmercial flarqe or small) and al.l multf-family permits willhave to follow dne iuove *enti6n"c'*iimum requirements. Residentiarand small proJects shourd take a teiier'amound of time. However, ifresidential or smar'rer.projects impaii the various above mentioneddepartments with reoard' to-necessai.v revie*,-iil;; il;j".il' *ya'lso take the three weet< perioO.- Every attempt wil'l be 19ge by this department to expedite thispermit as sqon as possib'l e. - I, the frame.. Corrnunity Development Departnent. rl--^_,,. v l'J##"itIPARCf,L I:f, PERI.IMPPL ,lt al r^ - ||tl,rtl.. Et PERI.TP#i.*i#Lffi;X,HililSkd, ADpLrcutrord uusr EE rrrrrrro'ou,f c {**a.*********r****** l*r****r* pERI,Irr/l K-t l-Butrdt"h.ry:;-yty, I l-Erectrlcal lF-nrcrrini.bar I l_other rob Nanor tztFffi{dit I Kcl , _ irob Addrc3 ={ ftb fur:* p-/ /.UG-11-95 FRI 2:42PV / - ^ ,a r .fl-^G:,AW ql:t, 2V l'J##'f^t"Jl"!f,\qg6 I L.grl Doccriptl,on: Lcrt Onncrs None: Arohitaqtr Addrcss: Addresa: Cqnaral Descrlpf.:1 ""t l{ork Glaas: I J-New I l-Alteration [ ]-Addltional I J_Repalr I t_Other Nunbcr of Drrelling Unlt8!Nunber of Acconrnoaatlon Unlte: d$rber and TypE of rlrcplac€sr Gas Apprlanc.r_ Gas r,oge__ lfood/prllet_ lf************'***t***'*******t***** vArJuATroNs ***rr*****.r***r***********rt**** o?HER: TOTAT,! Address: Electrical Contractor: AddreEs i . Plunblng Ctontractor: lddreeE: l{echanlcal Contractorr Addressr an Alr.l Snff rrrt*****ltr* *t **itr**i*******it* BUILDINC PERI.IIT FEEI PLUIIBINC PEFI.IIT FEE t }'ECTIA}{TCAL PERUIITI FEE! EIJEETRICAIJ FEE! OTHER TYPE O8 FEE: DRB TEE: lrE qtAlrr eAr t S=ffi'alF CONTEACTOR f NFORI{I,TI Oll * * * * r. } * * * r !r * * * * * * * * * * . I * r r Town of Vail Rrq. NO.Phone Nunberl lFown of Vail Phone Nunber: Torrn of VatI Dhone Nunber3 Aeg, NO. Reg. No. ,M_1? Eoun of vall Res. xo. /olt2J () Phone Nurrr}er! -!8qt;@- FoR oFFrcE usE * * *r * i ** * ** r r* * * * * * * * ** * * fHrT -EUTLDTNG PI,AIf CITECX rE$:PIUI.IBINC PIJAI,I CHECK FEEiHECIINITCAIJ PIAI| SHECI( fEEI RECREAITON FEE! CI.EAN-UP DEPOSTT: TOTAT PERI{IT FEES: BUILDING: SfONATURDT ZONINGS SIONATURII a VENDOR .REQUEST TEI-IPORARY VE!{DOR VEI{DORS FUIJI, N}}{E VE}IDORS ADDRESS vEt[DoRs PiloNs * REI"TIT.}DDR.ESS TF FORII{: @ DIFFSRENI FP.OI'T ABOVE TAX ID* OR SS # IS VENDOR A CORPORATION REQUES?ED EY: t, DATE OF REQvFsTt /ftzl/Z ' / C----\'rs THrs A VENDOR REQUEST FOR A RETUIq IES l) No A. B. c. D. NOTES UTILITIES AND UTILITY LINES ARE NOT INDICATED. THESE DRAWINGS DO NOT DEPICT EVERY PIPE FITTING REQUIRED. THE SYMBOLS AND LINE WORK ARE INTENDED TO INDICATE TO THE CONTRACTOR EQUIPMENT CONNECTIONAL SEQUENCING AND TO THAT END CLARITY OF OVERALL SCHEME IS OF GREATER IMPORTANCE THAN DEPICTING EVERY NUT, BOLTAND FITTING. LINES OF DIFFERENT SYMBOL DO NOT INTERCONNECT WHEN CROSSING. VERIFY IN WRIT]NG FROM OWNER, VOLTS AND PHASE PRIOR TO ORDERING PUMP AND PUMP CONTROL PANEL. DEPTH OF WATER IN SPA IS 3' . O' WITH WATER DEPTH OVER SEAT BOTTOM OF 1'- 6". DEPTH OF WATER IN SPA WELL IS 5' . 0". DEPTH OF WATER lN WATERFALL LOWER POOL tS 3'- 0" (MtN.) WITH AN ADDITIONAL 2'- O" OF DEPTH IN THE PUMP SUMP. JUt 2 7 1995 TOV .C(jIYIIYI, l]E\/. DEPT Tourn d Valf E. F. G. OFHCT Cr'lPV o --r v LEG EN D SCH.40 PVC SUPPLY, RETURN OR OVERFLOW LINE ----I'-" SCH. 40 PVC PUMP SUCTION LINE SCH. 40 PVC EQUALIZER/FILL LINE SCH. 40 PVC AIR LINE BALL VALVE BALL VALVE LOCATED WITHIN 1'- 3" OF PUMP SERVED LEVEL CONTROL FILTER SKIMMER X ozoNE tNJEcloN vENTURI A MICRO'SSAGE@ SPA JET CENTRED VERTICALLY 9" ABOVE SEAT (9" BELOW STATIC WATER LEVEL) A MICRO'SSAGE@ SPA JET CENTRED VERTICALLY 9" ABOVE SPA FLOOR (2'- 3" BELOW STATTC WATER LEVEL) A MICRO'SSAGE@ SPA JET CENTRED VERTICALLY 4' . 3" ABOVE WELLI FLooR (9" BELow srATlc wATER LEVEL) + MlcRo'ssAGE@ spA JET CENTRED VERTTCALLY 2' - 9" ABOVE WELL- FLOOR (2' - 3' BELOW STATTC WATER LEVEL) AND DIRECTLY UNDER HIGHEST JET IN WELL + MtcRo'SSAGE@ spA JET CENTRED vERTtcALLy 1' - 3" ABovE WELL- FLOOR (3', - 9" BELOW STATTC WATER LEVEL) AND DIRECTLY UNDER MIDDLE JET IN WELL MA|N DRAIN AND SUMP (9'SQ. GRATE) INSTALLED SUCH THAT SpA FLOOR DRAINS TO IT E WALL INTAKE AND SUMP (9" SQ. GRATE) WITH BoTToM EDGE oF FRAME TOUCHING SPA FLOOR WALL INTAKE AND SUMP (9'SQ. GRATE) W|TH BOTTOM ROW OF OPENINGS FLUSH WITH WELL FLOOR SUCH THAT ALL WATER CAN DRAIN OUT OF WELL FILTER PUMP JET PUMP RECTRCULATTON pUMp (HEATED WATER) WATERFALL RECIRCUI.ATION PUMP a 8s oo tr E 4 @ @ @ @ EQUIPMENT LIST PART 1 PRODIJCTS Plastic pipe (buried): 1. PVC pipe (rigid): Pacific Weslern Sch. 40 and Sch. 80, or approved equal. Pacific Westem Exlruded Products, Inc. P. O. Box '10049 Eugene, OR 97,140 tele: 503-343-0200 800-347-0200 2. PVC pipe fittings (nnlded): Dura Sch. 40 and Sch. 80, or approved equal. Dura Plastic Products, lnc. 533 East 3rd. Street Beaumont, CA92223 tele: 909-845-3161 800-854-2323 (US) 800-472-8564 (CA)2 fax: 909-845-7644 3. PVC pipe fittings (fabricated): Naco 100 PSI (minimum), or apprcved equal. Naco Industries, Inc. 3445 West Jones Avenue Garden City, KS 67846 tele: 316-277-0000fax: 316-277-0023 Naco Industries, Inc. Vabr Division 810 North Sacramento Street Lodi, CA 95240 tele: 209-368-7131 fax: 209-368-6216 B. T. Christy Enterprises 403 West Brsnna Lane Orange, CA 92667 lelei 714-771-4142 800-258-4583 fax: 714-771-3029 Plast'rc pipe (above grade and exposed to direc{ sunlighl): 1. Brownline Sch. 40 UVFYPVC. Brownline Pipe Company, Inc. 125 Norlh Vineland Avenue city of Industry, cA 91746 tele: 818-333-1964 lax: 818-333-7633 2. PVC pipe finings (rnolded): Brownline Sch.40 and Sch. 80 UVF/PVC. Brownline Pipe Company, Inc. Valves and associated equipmenl: 1. Ball valve: Nibco T-580-70-66. Nibco, Inc. 500 Simpson Street Elkhan, lN 46515 tele: 219-295-3000 800 -234-0227 (saleyservice) fax: 800-234-0557 (sales/service) Keenan Supply 14200 Nelson Avenue City of Industry, CA 91746 tele:818-330-1225 818-961-2647 2. Backllow prevertion unit: Febco 825Y4 (3/4"), compl€te with ball valves. Thls unlt ls lo be Installed only It requlred by code to protect tha water soulce to whlch the level control ls connected. Febco Sales P.O. Box 8070 Fresno, CA93747 lele: 209-252-{494 (Customer Service Line) fax: 209-453-9030 c. D. 3. Level control: A & A 808 Water Leveler. Speclfy colour or palnt to sult. A & A Manutacturing 1839 West Culver Street Phoenix, Az85007tele: 602-256-6935 800-851-8492fax: 602-256-0708 Level control equalizer screen: 1. Hydro Air 10-6900M Suction Cover. Speclfy cover colour and llnlsh. Install on egualizer/lill lins at wate/s edge. Hydro Air lndustdes, Inc. 1317 West Grove Avenue Orange, CA 92665 lele: 714-974-1920 fa<: 714-974-537'l Skimmer: 1 . Sta-Rite 8650-1403 Commercial U-3 Skimmer with 841 7-0000-2" Equalizer Fitting. These are produced In whlte only. Sta-Rite Industries, lnc. 293 Wright Street Delavan, W 53115 tele: 414-728-5551 Sta-Rite Industriss, lnc. 3450 Lunar Couft Oxnard, CA 93030 tele: 805-983-0047 fax: 805-983-2028 Filter: 1 . Baker Hydo UM-l00 (Catalogue No. 1681 167). Supply complete with 1 6p filter cartridge. Baker Hydro, Inc. 1864 Tobacco Road Augusta, GA 30906 tele: 706-793-7291 800-247-7291 fax: 706-790-5688 The Site Development Studios, Inc. 803 Alabama Slreet Hunlington Beach, CA 92ffi tele: 714-960-4910 fax: 714-960-4950 E. G.Pressure gauge: 1 . lnometer 7-60. lnslall this gaugs in place ot manutaclurer supplied gauge on top of filter. lnometer Company P.O.Bp,x2424 Riverside, CA 92516 tele: 909-6E9-1701lu:. 909-689-3706 Spa jet: 'l . Hydro Air 16-5275 Gunite Micro'ssage@, complele with gunite venturi tee, nozzle, v€nluri tee hex reducer, niche adaptor, grilUflow path assembly and test plug. Speclfy colour and tlnlsh of Nlcha Adapter, illcro'Esage@ Flnlng and Mlcro'ssage@ GrlluFlow Palh Assembly. Hydro Air lndustries, Inc. '1317 West Grove Avenue Orange, CA 92665 lele:. 714-974-1920 fax: 714-974-5371 Main drain and wall intakes: Hayrvard SP-1031 Frame and Grate (9" x g'). These are produced In whlte only. These require a casl-inplace sump. Hayward Pool Products, Inc. 900 Fairmount Avenue Elizabeth, NJ 07207 tele: 908-351-5400lax: 908-351-5675 Hayward Pool Products, lnc. 2875 Pomona Boulevard Pomona,. CA 91768 tele: 909-594-1600 fax: 909- 598-6905 As an allernate Smith 6045P8 Reversibl€ Angle Drain with 4" NPT may be substituted. This has a duco cast lron body and pollshed bronze tace. Jay R. Smith Manutacturing Company P.O.tux3247 Montgomery, AL 36193 tefe: 205-277-8520 telex: 782306 ElrnoSales, lrrc. 15070 Proctor Avenue ciry of fndusrry,cA9174 tele: 818-333-9942 fax: 818-369-7174 H. 1. 2. J.Sump grate: 1. Fibergrate 1 t/2' square mesh FRP grating, 1 1/2'thick, grey colour. Supply complete with Type M stainlsss steel hold down attachm€nls. Fibergrate Corporalion P.O. Box 344610 Dallas, TX 75234 tele: 800-527-4043 Chernwest, lnc. 23274De1Lago Drive Laguna Hills, GA 92653 tole: 714-855-3800 800-342-1811 la<: 714-855-1914 Ozone generator: 1. Gas Purification Syslems GPS-SV complets with MA-1584-AB lniector (for single speed pump system) and tee lo manifold two pieces of injection tubing. This unit is to be manifolded togetherwith an identical existing unit. Gas Rrrilbalion Sys{ems, lrn. (GPS) 700 Wost Mississippi, #C-1 Denver, CO 80223 tele: 303-777-9106 800-722-9106 2. As an allemate GPS-7V-2 may be substitut€d in place of the two smaller units. lt will require the same iniector as that required forthe two manifolded units. Chemicals (for infonnation only): 1. Algaecide: GLB Algimycin 2000 supplied in one gallon size container. Great Lakes Bbchemical Cornpany, lre. (GLB) 6120 West Douglas Avenue Mihraukee, Wl 532'tB lelei 414-464-1200 800-682-521 9 (cuslomer Service)fax: 414-461-8222 Orcal Pool Supplies, lrrc. 701 Nonh Hariton Orange, CA 92668 tele: 714-997-4780 2. Sequosterlng (scale and slain control) agefi: GLB Sequa-Sol supplied in one gallon container. Great Lakes Biocfiemi;al Corpany, lnc. (GLB) Orcal Pool Supplies, Inc. K. L. N. H6ater: '1 . Existing. Controls: 1. Pump conlrol panel: a. Pentaplex, NEMA 3, U.L. apprcved pump control panel; providing each of tive pumps independently with: 1) Motor circuit breaker.2) Hand-Off-Automatbselectorswitch.3) Magnetb slanerwlth adiustaue trip dial.4) Tday clock with 12 stailstop trips per day.5) Red neon panel light lor:4 Run (on). b) Slop (off). 6) Necessary relays, push buttons, etc. b. ProvHe panel with: 1) Electdc heater to operate whenever a pump has shut down. 2) Thennal cut-out connoctions for each (2) submarsible pump. 3) Grourd faull clmrit intenuptertor eacfi (2) submelsible pump. 4) Oulck-lrip typs ambiem compensated overload tor each (2) submersible pump. 5) Emergency spa shut down circuit for spa lo shut down filler and both iet pumps simultaneously upon receiving signal fom Len Gordon AS-5 air switch control unlt. 6) Spa jet pump On-Off circuit to start or stop jet both jet pumps upon receiving signal from Len Gordon AS-sTD alr switch control unit. Circuit to stop both pumps simultaneously but cause a 15 second time delay them in stading. c. Manufactured by: Paclflc Engineered Prcducts, lnc. (PEP) 140 Calle los Molinos San Clemente,CA92672 tele: 714-366-9108fax: 714-366-91 10 2. Spa pump switches: a. Emergency spa pump shut down: Len Gordon AS-5 Air Switch Rernote Control togeth€r with No. 15 Classic Touch Button eN 114" vinyl air tubing. Speclty colour and fln|sh ol button and bezel. Len Gordon Corpany 7215 Bermrda Road Las Vegas, NV 89119 telo: 702-361-0600 fax: 702-361-0613 q-Cd 701 North Hadton Street Orange, GA 92667 tele: 714-923-3600 o. b. Spaietpumps: Len Gordon AS-5 Air Switch Remole Control together with No. 15 Classic Touch Button and 114' vinyl air tubing. Speclly colour and tlnlsh ot button and bezel. Len Gordon Company Pumps: L Order submersible pumps with Vitonrx seals and suflicient cable lengilh to reach disconnect or pump control panel, as applicable, plus service lengrth as r€quired. Code may require disconnects located near lower pond rather than at the control panel only - yerlfy. 2. Supply extemal start and run capacitor packs for submersible pumps manufactured without capacitors built-in. Deliver packs to PEP for mountirE to control panel. 3. Pump WP (waterfall recirculation): Goulds 3885 (WE1512HHl,'l 112 HP, 230 volt,l5.0 amp., single phase; rated at 50 GPM @ 65 ft. Goulds Pumps, lrrc. East Bayard Street Seneca Falls, NY 13148 tele: 315-568-2811 fax: 315-568-2046 Frederick Pump and Engineering Go. 205 Lemon Creek Ddve Walnut, CA 91789 tele: 909-595-5122 fax: 909-595-6715 Pump RP (heater recirculatbn lor lower pond): Goufds 3885 (WE051zHH), 112HP,230 volt, 6.5.0 amp., single phase; rated at 35 GPM @ 35 tt. Goulds Pumps, Inc. Punp FP (filter purnp): Purex WFE 4, 1 HP, 208 volt, 7.8 arnp, single phase; rated at 80 GPM @ 58 ft. Great Lakes Chemical Corporation (Hydrotsch) Highway 52 Norlhwest west Lafayette, lN 47906 tele: 31 7-497-61 00fax: 317-497-6234 fax: 404-953-2109 Hydrotech Chemical Corporation 18400 EaBt Mohr Avenue city ol Industry, cA 91749 tele: 818-965-1555 fax: 818-965-iltl19 800-788-1551 (sales) 4. 5. 6. PumpJP (et pump): Purex WFE 12,3 HP, 208 volt, 15.0 amp, single phase; rated at 150 GPM @ 55 ft. Great Lakes Chemical Coryoration (Hydrotech) P. Sump: 1. Cast-inplace concrele 3'- 0" square x 2'- 0" deep. O. Spars pafts: 1 . Extra 16p canridge for cartrftrge filtor. PART 2 EXECUTION 3.03 INSTALLATION A. Plastic pipe: 1 . Potect all wat€r lines from freezing. 2. Inslall watedall recirculation line such lhat when pump WP shuts off all waler in the line will completely drain back through pmp. 3. Install 1/2" weir drains such lhat no pools of water will be trapped in the waterfall or stream course. 4. Run air lines verticalv to a point 2' - 0" above static water level in spa. 5. Minimum distance between ozone injection point ard wate/s edge in spa is 10'- 0". 6. Invett for all lines entedng spa lrom level control is 1' - 0" (min.) belorv static water level. 7 . All water lines connecting spa jels lo 1 112" loop main arc 1 1t2". 8. All air lines connecling to air main arc'|.12". B. Valves and associaled equipment: 1. Ball valve: a. hstall all ball valves assoclated with the spa within the equipment roomball. 2. Level conllol: a. lt may be desirable to corrceal valve and its stilling well through the use of a GFRC boulder. b. The pupose ol the 1/2. line is to provlde warm waler to the stilling well and m€chanism of the level contol such that at doesnl freeze. The flow should be one GPM or somewhat less, depending upon constructbn conditlons. KRM coNSULrANrs, t tNc P.O. 80X 4572 vArt, coLoRADO 81658 {970} 949-9391 FAX 949-1577 RECORD oott' to/zz/qE JOB NUMBER: Mnn t r MEETTNG t I RESpoNsE I lcLARlFtcATloN/cHANGE I have reviewed the plans and specifications provided by Site Development Studios fo. the proposod spa to be constructed at 146 Forest Road in Vail, Colorado. Based on my review, it appears that the proposed construction is satisfactory from a structural standpoint, I also visited the sit6 to observs the existing retaining wall at the deck to determine if it would be adversely affected by the new construction. My preliminary opinion is that the existing retaining wall will b€ ad€quate, but I would like to do a clossr inspection of it during construction to determine if additional reinforcement is required, COPY TO: TdhlN oF vA lL REVIEWED: I IT E D_FllE lB]tMeALC_ErUDl os KRH CT]HSULTANTS, I NC.€9949 t 5?? -- €701s4s.8391 FAX 9'09.1577 P.A? KRM coNsutrArrfr., P.O. tOX a572 vAlL cotoRADo 81c58 RECORD o^"' rr/Fs/'tl- JOB NUMBER: {nn nMEETTNc ltREspoNsE ttcLARtFlcATtoN/cHANGE I havc rsvicwrd tha pl.ns rnd specillcations provlded by $ite Dovelopmem Studios for tho proposed spa to bs conrtrucrcd 8t 146 Fots3t Ro|d h Vdl. Colofsdo, Based on my revlew. it appcarr that thr propoced conttructlon b $tisfactory from e structunl standpolnt, I also vlslted the rit! to obrcrvo the .ri.tino ilt inino wrll et thr deck m demrmlne if h would ha edver*cly .fffi:tad by tha n w construstion, My prcliminary opinion is that the exlstlng retEining wall will be rdfgurt . but I would llke to do t cloler inrpection of it during constvctioo to drttrninc it rdditionet reinforcement ls requirrd. COPY TO: FEVIEUI/ED: _Q.LEF-"".EEI/,F t .SMEN-L-E|[jJ D I o s 3. Backflow prevention unit: a. ll this unit is required due to lack ol backflow prevention device (protecting polable system) on water line to which level control is conn€cted, install within equipment room. C. Finer: 1. When lhe lilter cartrklge is dirty (approx. 7 PSI increase in pressure differential) remove filter cartridge and install extra canridge. Rinse off pleats with a directed stream of water and set aside for subsequent reuss. 2. Over time a cartridge which appears to be clsan may load up much quick€r than when il was new, i.e., il may take fewer days to reach the 7 PSI pressure differential. This is an indication lhat lhe cadrHge should b€ either replaced with a new one or rejuvenaled following canridge manufacturefs re@mmendsd procedures. D. Pressure gauge: 1. Inslall pressure gauge vertically on 114'brass petcock such that it can be shut otf when nol taking readings. 2. Orienil gauge face such that it can be easily read. E. Ozone generalors: 1 . Install within cord reach of 120 volt duplex receptacle. 2. Mount ozone generalor panels to wall and no closer to each other, walls or other equipment than 6". These should not be mounted within 2' - 0" of the f loor or within 1' - 0" of ceiling. F. Controls: 1. Mount pump control panel on wall ensuring that front panel door can be opened fully alter mounting. Ensure that code required minimum clear space in lront of panel is maintained. 2. lnstall air slritches whhin easy reach of someone within spa. G. Pumps: 1. Install PVC union on suction and discharge of end suction centritugal pumps and on discharge of submersible pumps. END OF SECTION t o€"d bronze ball valves conventional port Two.Piece Body o $16;1"t" Steel Ball . Blowout Proof Stainless steel stem Reinforced TFE Seats . 1W lo t 150 PSI Saturated Steam . 600 PSI Non-Shock Cold Water, Oll or Gas Conforms to MSS SP-110 MATERIAL LIST PAST SPECtRCAil0ll '1. Handle Nut Slainloss Steel 300 Series 2. Handle anc Phbd Ste€|. Clear Chromalr. Pla$isol Coatsd 3. Packing I'lut Brass ASII, 8-16 Alloy 360 4. Packing TTE 5. Stem shinlsss sted Asru A-276 Typc 316 6. thrust Washsr Reinforccd TFE 7. Ball Shinless Steel ASTM A-275 Typc 316 8. Seal Ring (2)Rsinforcod IFE T-58G70€6 threaded Reinforced TFE Seals & TFE Seals with S.S. trim 9. Body Bronze ASTM 8-584 Alloy 844 10. Body End Piece Bromr ASTM 8-584 Alloy 844 T-580-70{6 NPT x NPT DIMENSIONS _WEIGTITS _ OUANTMES $o.A Oh. C0h- T{fl}70 S-5fl}70 g T€g}r0 s-5s70 lXr 0Fl l$.q.ttwt t& - clt" T-54>t0 $5tD7lt qy. 1% 3111c 4 fli fli L3 th 4*c 4,Ac 3 Ftz 1k 10 21h Fp 7+b. snk gh ltBt 8.9 8.9 w? 4.ty? 11t rh 1gr.2r, 17.3 16.9 toesioned to b€ soft soldend into lines using solders with thc melting poiflt not exceeding 500"F. Highsr lemperaturo solders will damage the s6at materhl. Ses insblhion shsst paclqged wlth mlves. t958G70€6 Copper x Copper ts-58G70€6 solder Reinforced TFE Seats & TFE Seals with S.S. trim NIBCO, lNC., gkharl, Indlana 46516 t ,FEEEO,SPECIFICATION S EET NO. 825YA 3/t" - 2" Model 825YA (3/a" - 2"') Angle Pattern Reduced Pressure Backflow Preventer for Toxic Service Features . Installation versatility simplifies new and retrofit installations. . Eliminates pipe elbows, nipples and unions from the installation. o Reduces installation time, labor costs and materials. o Compact design simplifies retrofit. o Integral flanged union connections allow assembly to be removed from the line for freeze protection or maintenance without the danger of spool substitution. o USC Foundation approved in all four contigurations. . Modular relief valve and check valve intemal components tor ease of maintenance. . Smaller, less costly protective enclosures can be used to provicle lreeze proiection and vandalism prolection due to compact size of valve. o Field tested design tor reliability and performance. o Replaceable relief valve seat ring for longer valve life. . Low head loss for ootimum oerformance. Operation In a flow condition, the check valves are oDen with the pressure between the checks, called the zone, being maintained at lease 5 PSI lowerthan the inlet oressure. The relief valve is held closed by the pressure ditferentiat. Should abnormal conditions arise under no flow or reversal of flow, the differential relief valve will open and discharge to maintain the zone at least 2 PSI lower than the supply. When normalllow resumes, the zone's differential pressure will return and the reliet valve will close. Typical Specification The reduced pressure backflow preventer shall consist of two independently operating, spring loaded, 'Y' pattern check valves and one hydraulically dependent differential relief valve. The assembly shall automatically reduce the pressure in the "zone" between the check valves to at least 5 PSI lower than the inlet pressure. Should the ditferential betlveen the upstream and the zone of the unit drop to 2 PSl, the differential relief valve shall open and maintain the proper differential. ( Mainline valve body and caps including relief valve body and cover shall be bronze. Check valve moving members shall be center stem guided. All hydraulic sensing passages shall be intemally located within the mainline and relief valve bodies and relief valve cover. Diaphragm to seat area ratio shall be at least 10:1. Relief valve shall have a removable seat ring. Check valve and reliel valve components shall be constructed so they may be serviced without removing the valve body f rom the line. All seat discs shall be reversible. Shut-off valves and test cocks shall be full ported ball valves. The assembly shall include flanged unions located between the mainline valve body and the ball valve shutotfs to allow for field removal for freeze protection or maintenance without danger of spool replacement. The assembly shall be rated to 175 PSI water working pressure and watertemperature range from 32"F to 140"F. The assembly shall meet the requirements of the USC Foundation of Cross Connection Control and Hvdraulic Research, Eighth Edition. The assembly shall be a Febco Model 825YA or approved equar. Typical Applications Reduced Pressure assemblies are used to protect against toxic fluids in water services to industrial plants, hospitals, morgues, mortuaries, and chemical plants. They are also used in inigation systems, boiler teed, water lines and other installations requiring the highest level of mechanical protection. Because of the unique versatility of installation configurations of the Febco Model 825YA otfers, it provides the optimum versatility in installation in these applications. This can be especially important in retrofit installations and installations where the compact design and flange unions allow for minimum lay lengths. The design configuration eliminates additional pipe elbows, nipples and unions, thereby reducing installation time, material and laborcosts. (_ ss 82sYA 11/91 fir"f Flow InA/ertical Flow Ou ,I l> vr-lO DIMENSION LEGEND DIMENSION A Overall laying length, outside dimensionB Centerline ol inlet shutotf to end of outlet shutotlC Centerline of assemble to toDD End ot inlet shutott to centerline ot assemblyE Centerline of assembly to outside of relief valveF Bonom ot relief Dort to end ol inlet shutott Overall laying length, outside dimension Centerline of inlet shutoff to centerline ot outlet shutoff Centerline of assemble to top End ol inlet shutoff to centerline of assembly Cenlerline of assembly to end of outlet shutotf Centerline of assembly to outside of reliet valve Bottom of relief port to end ol inlet shutotl Dimensions and Weights* (u.s. - Inches) Size A Dt NstWtG (Lbs.) 1" 10Y1 1r5'14y.2" 147h 8r, 8Yz 11th 1'1lh 4h 41/s 4rb 41/s 41/a 51/a 5 41h5% 67h 6Vz 55V. 7rt 7VB 5 3h 1rb 37/E 1UB416 2V8 51/4 2Sb 15 161/2 38 41 (Metric-mm) Size A D1 NellryLG (kgs.) A B D Prtr F 89 4199 41118 66133 66 20 2g 21625 260 21640 362 A250 378 n2 105 124 118 105105 13il 127 105 'r 38 175 165 127lixl 191 181 127 7I 17 19 * All dimensions are approximate. Vertical Flow ln/Horizontal Flow Out Size A Dimensions and Weights* (u.s. - Inches) DrE NdmF G (Lbs.) It' 12Ys |lrh 1' 'l3th 121/t 1W'18 16% 2" tg 17 V. t{/A t{/A N/A f\YA 8941 799 4t 8 '| 18 55 171:Xl 66 19 20 321 30225 334 31140 457 4?250 483 483 N/A 41h l.f/A 41rb }VA 5 N/A 5 8341 78941 I108 56 17124 56 19 20 327 30825 340 31840 467 43250 492 44 59g 3%5%4 67h 5V. 6'1/E 5?/8 4 th 3V2 1YR 154W 3rh 116 16\55 4rb 216 385 5V1 z4s 41 (Metric-mm) Size A Dr Nel tirlG (kgs.) 137 137 175 175 92 N/A 105'to2 N/A 105133 N/A 127149 N/A 't27 Horizontal * All dimensions are approximate. Flow lnA/ertical Flow Out Size A Dt NetV{tG (tbs.) Vt' 127h 121/t 5Y81" 13Ya 12V, sYE 1 th' 18Y8 17 6t/E 2" 19% 17 'h 6r/s sth 1% 153Y2 1U8 16t54Vt 2YB 38 4'|/8 2Va 41 3% 3Y. 4rh a '/2 (Metric-mm) Size A NstI'lrtG (kss.)Dr DIMENSION LEGEND A Bc D E F Overall laying length, outside dimension Centerline of assemble to top End of inlet shutoft to centerline of assemblv Centerline of assembly to end ot outtet shutbtf centerline of assembly to outside of retief valve Bottom of relief oort to end ot inlet shutotf 137 137 175 175 86 N/A 10595 N/A 105124 N/A 127'r40 N/A 't27 ' All dimensions are approximate. -.0:'::"' .r4:rE II,f66r's t o A & A MFr:.PAGE 61 fuxww{v? a*r&'?d*( -lt C\{ I ? a (upao auJus- ilAff ,fbr,rg L5ttl-' ti.nrxegaa.lry.@C ?(dr o? ?fri'/q' rrio r ' utf- - l.f rrl0 0 IFF.J.IL._.-- t> mrt Slimline Suction Cover -/ to$ro6./ l0 per bag 240 Der case Straight ./ Nut PVC for / Suction or Inlet / l0-6lot l'/r" socket x 2" spigot Not PictuEd 90" Nut PVC l0-6103 l0 Offset Nut Onlv 10-6105 Fits Suction Fitting, Standard Fittin8 & Skimmer. I oz. each Slimline Suction Assembly 10.6900 10-6909 (wirh t0.6908. l'l,.' Thread Len8rh) Description S[aight Nut 90 Nui Offs€t Nut Lock Nut 10-6919 Nol Available I I I \ \. ',t$* {il,.s:tf M€ral slimline sudion Assembly 10.6900M l0-6909M l0-6919M Nor (with 10-6908, l'l,,'Thread L€ngth) Available Extended Slimline Sucrion Assembly 10-5930 10-6939 10-6933 IO-6930LK (with 10-6903. 2'l.' Thread Lensrh) Metal Extd Slimline Suction Assembly 10.6930M (with 10.6903. 2'l.' Thread L€n8ih) l0-6939M l0-5933M l0-6930M LK f - snmf nF sfietidFifi iilE** t -- Assembly_flgff5etjlqt*,.*.--lncludes metal cover, firting, straight nut & gasket. l-'^- socket x 2" spigot, 100 per case, 48 lbs. lO 6920 TEST for Slimline Suction See Page 3l lncludes cover, litting. l0 offset straight nut & gasket. 70 per case, 37 lbs. f -10:6t06M-Metil Sliml ffisiffiiofr-ctvei" @ffi-Includes 3'l." diameter antivortex metal cover('/ih) & adaptor. 200 per case. J HYtrlFIcl AIFI INDUSTRIES rnrc. ArO !v @ t. t- l8' ,d i-- I I I tli t i--' :tg_zuuf sucTroN EQUALIZER FRONT VIEW \ \- li tl tl tl ll ll tl tl::::: tl SECTION STAEFIITE INEIUBTFIIEA,INC. a I/ICOB company Delavan, Wl USA U-3 Surlace Skimmer No. 8650-1403 Commercial Installation Commercial Pool Catalog &i oct i9g5 Fo''ri t{o EDM-g6s FLOA'|N€ wEn r€rrovatlt IA5TCT nuaaEt SKMMIilG OPERATIOI{ When pump is turned on, watel is dravm from thc body ot the skin- mer causinS surtace watel trom the pool to rush in over the lip of the floating weir. This actionca ies all floating leaves, bugs, etc. into lhe skimmer to be trap- ped in the strainer basket. Dust, body oils and other fines pass thtough to be stralned out in lhefilter. The water tlows through the basket, under the safety float valve and mires with the water fiom the main outlet. lt is then dtawn directly to the pump andtilter. Valve plate mounted on bottom ot float valve assembly adjusts flow between sk imner and main drain to any desired rauo. ll'O T VAIVI assEvltY tesn|cl|x6cxtcl v^lvl lou^u2!r SAFETY BY.PASS OPERATIOI{ In cases where many leaves clog the slrainer basket or abnormal evaporation or any other leason causes a reduction of flon, over the weir, $e Safety-Float valve snaps shut agarnst the O-ring seal. This action instantly di. verts the pump suction to the equaltzer line, preventing any possible air lock in the pump. The Dositive seal is retained un-til the DumD is shut off at which time the Float Valve will rise to the top of its cage. lf the pump turns on again (by tirne clock) before the stoppage has been re- medaed, $e Satety-Float valve will again snap shut. IO Ar/P sucnoat ffill 'o lli*i 9.Gnt No. 3,067,879 ure Filt6:t ]j-jrit {; f i j-t ; Cartridge Pressure Filter { Totally non-corrosive and durable therme plastic tank f- 100% polyester fabric cartridge ( Easy cleaning and maintenance- No backwashing ( Extended filtration cycles for crystal clear water The Ultra-Mite - Baker Hydro's cartridge pressure filter, sets the standards for effi- ciency and convenience in water filtration. The Ultra-Mite effectively provides a crystal clear swimming pool, spa or hot tub with the least amount of time and energy. Filtration through the special reinforced polyester fabric cartridge eliminates the need for diatomaceous earth filter media and shortens maintenance time to virtually nothing. All Ultra-Mites are constructed of totally non- corrosive ABS material for durability. Due to the non-corrosive design, the Ultra-Mite is an excellent alternative for most salt water applications and meets many industrial requirements. A special twist lock lid and safety clamp ring allows easy access to the filter cartridge. Five Ultra-Mite models give the pool and spa owner a variety of sizes capable of meeting the filtering capacity he needs(25,50,75, 100 and 150 gallon per minute sizes). The Ultra-Mite is also available with spring loaded bypass, for use with two speed pumps and in convenient skid mounted configurations utilizing the Hydron hi-performance pump. il otlf:5 1-1l2" or 2" IPS SOCKET INLET A OUTLET Catalog Numb€r Model N!mb€r Sur{ace Ar€a Sq. Ft. Heaght Marimum U.S. GPM 8 Hr. Flow nate (Gals.) Shipping Weight (lbs.) Recomrnended Pump Size (marimum) 1681 164 UM-'CS ZJ 20 in.)\to 12000 15 1/2HP 1681 165 UM-50 CU 28 in.JU to 24000 l9 3/4 HP 1681 166 UM-75 35 in.to 36000 lHP 1681 167 uM-100 100 44 in.100 ro 48000 27 1-1/2HP 1681 168 uM-150 150 54 in.t(n to 72000 J1 2HP $# lt:l- lnnovatiYe Pool ancl Spa Productg BerrnHvono MAIN OFFTCE . 2441 SOUTHPULLMAN.SANTAANA.CAL|FORN|A92705.7r4261.2800.FAX714261.8562 MANUFACTURING FACILItIES - SANTA ANA CALIFORNIA and AUGUSTA GEORGIA o stA Ef ER" PRE$$||RE GAUSES 0 to 15 psi 0 to 100 psi 0 to 30 psi 0 to 200 psi 0 to 60 psi<- 0 to 400 psi O WATER TIGHT . RUST PROOF o DUST PROOF O SHATTER PROOF FACE O SHOCK RESISTANT Here is a new, tough, specially constructed hermetically sealed gauge. lts molded neoprene, water-tight cover with shatter proof plastic face is designed to greatly lengthen gauge life. The IRROMETER COMPANY, a leading manufacturer of sealed pres- sure and vacuum gauges for over thirty years, warrants these gauges are water tight, dust proof, rust proof, and shock resis- tant. This gauge is built to give long continuous service under conditions in which ordinary gauges would last only months. SPECIFICATIONS Two inch gauges only. Available in six standard configurations listed above. Bottom connected. r1o" std. pipe thread stem. Packed 12 to carton-shipping wt. 8 lbs. NOTE: On special order we can furnish any gauge with a snubber to protect against vibration damage, Any dial configuration is available in 2" size with either back or bottom connection and with either 7r" or r/e " std, pipe thread stem. WRITE FOR QUOTATION BY QUANTITY IRROMETER COMPANY ?.0.80t2424, nmRSDE, CAllF.92516 . TeL (714188$1701 21 FEB 1987 C.libnt.dl. lotitls. 9.tI. i.ct |r|d i!Ltic. FOR USE IN T}IESE INOUSTRIES a canning o agriculture O food processing o swimming pool a dairy a brewery a chemical o industrial a irrigation :- . :.:, "- -. .. Not Pictued G'nite Converta'esiIe 704562 Gunite Venturi Tee" F,xtended ltl" Venturi Tees 10.4300l].' socket 1 l'l,' spigotx'l' slip w/'/.'nozzle (10-12 cPM) r0-4305l'/.' socket x. l'lr' spigot x '/.' slip w/'/i nozAe (22-25 GPW lr^" Venturi Tees 10-4310l'l,' socket x '7.' slipw/'/i noz.zle (10-12 GPM) 10.4315l'4' socket x '7.' slipw/'/l nozzle (22-2s GPNr) 5 per bag, 2 lbs. o Flow rate: 20-25 GW @ l8 PSI . Use of air blowers to nubocharge not reconmended l6-5274-Micro'ssage l0-4564-Converta'ssage Includes 8$n tr.3,420, Requires 22-25 GPM,70 per case, 50 lbs. Gunite Venturi Tbe, Extended 104320l'/i lD/4' oD x'/,' slip x ll' accepts l'l,' F.l.S. Wdl Fining s3420, requires 22-25 GPM, 80 per case, 42 lbs. l'r" F.I.S. WaIl Fitting Assemblv t0-3420 Fits extended Venturi 'Iee s4320, includes eyeball & retaining ring, 20 per bag, 2 lbs., available in Black or White onlv . Available h White, Black, Gray Micro'ssage Top WorkE for Spas l6-5219 lncludes 16-5230 & l&5215 10-4451-lr/!" Test Plus for NichE 104333- r0-4320 l'/z' l.D./2" O-D. x'/r' slip x ll' X"#ffirF"-@ ''"' Ji.i**in"s.,^.- IIor lO44Ol & 4,4OIT / 104312 @ rws2-2" @ r0-445(Fl Hydro Jet Extension for Gunite or Hot Mop l0-4400 Includes enended nozde & nut 60 per case 33 lbs. Gunite Extension Nozzle 104401 Micro Jet F.xtension for Gunite or Hot Mop l0-5401 w/o(ended nozzle & 140 per case, 42 lbs.J HYtrIFIct AIFI INDUSTRIES rnc. Niche Adaptor for Micro'ssage/Converta'ssa ge Micro'ssage Fi$ine Onl 1044017 Gunite Niche & Top Works Assemblv G nut, COMMERCIAIJ ABS MAIN DRAIN A {ull size, non-corrosive and non-conductive main drain sump, offering maximum piping versatility and economy. SQUARE FRAMES&GRATES Beaurifully designed, generous open areas and deep vertical ribs for extra strength. Totally non.corrosive and non.conductive. i --rEGl|l I L:--! Zseq,n,rcscrtr ru".a- |_____] t----r-j lt I Nl,.rnf =:i?--r-i-_ s ___-1Jr I ANTI.VORTEX I{YDROSTATIC RELIEF VAIJVES Spring loaded. leakproof self-cleaning O-ring seal. " - Ta":'i:":::'l"::::"** MAIN DRAIN COIJIJECTOR TUBE I t ,lii'll: ii- tI il t I , a t a , ) ll'!, lttt sP-1055 \- 11A" 12" ClJlle';.tor Tub€.. For Hydrostatic Relief Valw. sP.1030AV 7 -718" Dian., Frame and Co\r€r, Whit€, with securing screws. COVER& FRAME FOR CONCRETE POOLS G""------_----""' Nlr ROUND FRAMES & GRATES rllffi+t 7U" Diam., White, with s€curing screns. Available on :pecial order only. J-'-+ -t., o\-ao!r r! \.\s MODEL NO.stzE DESCRIPT|ON sP. t 062 3" Skt.ABS Bodv,9" x 9" Souare Frame and Grare. Welded PVC Side Ourlet Coupling, plus 2" Bottom connections with plugs. Open Ar3a - 44 sq. in. MODEL UT'AER PIPE stzE DESCRIPTION sP.1056 l%" MrP Hydrostatic Reli€t Valve, ABS (White).sP-r 057 2" MIP 9", 12" and 18" ilODELilO.slzE Dl .A DIM.B SECURING scnEws OPEN AREA -sP-lqtl sP-l032 sP.l033' 9"xg', 12" x17 18" x 18" 8-15n6" 11-15/r6" 17-3t4" 10-1tz' 13-1/8" 19-3/€" 4 4 8 42 sq. in. 68 sq. in. 168 sq. in. 'Four compartmenL heavily Bibbed Frame receives Four 14) 9" x 9" Grates Open Ar€a - 7 sq. in. Open Area - 13 sq. in. SMITH1<>/I'A7 AY TItT REVERSIBLE ANGLE DRAIN FUNCTION: Provider compl€tg drainago of low aru8 iD svimrning poolt, sumpr and pits. Anglc ryp€ dclign of grate make3 this drsin re\re6ible, !o that ii crn b€ u3€d tor eithar a bottom or sid. outlrt inJt8tla. tion. Fig. 6048 has r grate and frrir yyith s 5" rgdi$ which conforms to thr pool curvaiura $€cifi€d in Y.M.C.A. Stsnd.rdr. REGULARLY FURNISHED: Ouco Cast lron Body with SecuEd Chrome Plated Grate and Franr. VARIATIONS: Flashing Clamp (Cl Vandal Proof &rews (Ul Hub Adaotor (Y) Oemp (Whcn Sp!citi.dl OPTIONAL MATERIALS: Galvanized Caa lron (Gl Poli3hrd Bron:. Face (PB) Nick.l Bronzs Faci (NBt Duco Cat lron Ftcr IIIOTE: Add prefix Y[rcA to Fig. e048€ to me€t YMCA Nltionel Pool Sp€cifidtion. THREAOEO OUTLET ONLY LARGE GAPACITY. BOTTOM OUTLETFUNCTION: Extra larga m.in outt?t drain u!.d wh!rc rFid pool drainagr ir requir!d. Lrrga rario of tog grat€ trrr erla to connectd pigc arrr intures agginn vortox buildug and rxtrm. rr.|Gtion during poriod3 wh€n r4id pool dralnagc occun. Shallow body with ofttat ourlst and flangc (Fi9.60601 garmirr ir'nuttlrion in uniqu€ construction 3itsaiont. REGULARLY FURNIs}HEO: Ouco Cafl lron Eody wrrh Srarnlgss Steel F,ame and Chrome Plated Loose Set Grates. 2514 Sq. VARIATIONS: Flashang Clamp (Cl {Fig- 5O6O Onlvl Vandal Proo, loo lul Hydrostatrc Valvg Connoction l2- NPTI Thrrad.d Ourl€r (Fag. 5O5O Onlyl OPTIONAL MATERTALS: Galvanrr.d Cast lron (G) Pohshed B,on:e Too {PBl NicL.l B.on& Tog (NBl Duco Cast |ron Top REGULARLY FURNISHED: Ouco Casr l.on Eody with Stainless Steel F.am6 and Chroms Plated Loose Set G.atos. VARIATIONS: RemovEbls Stainlgss Sl0el o*'---, i ;;.....-,'l I OPTIONAL MATERIALS: Galvanized Crsr lron lG) Polish€d Eronze Top (PB) Nickel B.onre Top {NB) Ouco Cast lran Top Loole S.t Chrqme Ptaled Heavv Outy G.Etc ?4V.*. "--.1 Frce Area 296 Sq. In. A (Pigr Sizc) = 4, 5, 6 or 8 Fis.6{t50 CAULK OUTLET REGULAR Anchor or FlEhing Flange Fie. 6060 CAULK OI{LY LARGE GAPACITY. SIDE OUTLET FUNGTION: Extra lorgc d€ep tump mlin outht drsin ut€d yvhcr! cxtr€mcly reid pool dninsg. ia Equirud. Avsilablc in lsrga outlrt tirar, with rxtra l8rgc gr't! frla rrur whidr prevlnt! cxirlma 'l.ction or v6nex buildup rrGn when thc largaf outlci siza! ara utrd. 10 r Free Area 285 Sq. In. ^loiL Hvdrosralic Valw - Connection (2" Nm1-- ?-24iA-t- | lf"+"*:; t50 Fb. 6070 . . . CAULK OUTLET ONLY \ o-zo-P ure Producr lnrotqfion Model GPS-SV Ihe 5V model is designed for use in o residentiol spo ond requires o venturi drow of oirto introduce ozone into o body of wcrter (ie: dedicoted jet, Ozone Jet only, oir control line, Venfuri lnjectorosembly). This modelis ovoiloble in120Y,24OV,&HZ,SclHZforworld wide opplicotions. Models GPs-sC-Portoble TheSC-Portoble modelis designed foropplicotionswhere on ouxiliory oirpump is required toforceozoneintothebodyofwoter. Thisgenerotorcomeswithobuiltinokpumpthctwillforce ozone into o dedicoted ozone jet, oir control line or onytype of woll fitting designed to introduce ozone. Ihe SC-Portoble is olso woiloble with fubing, bubble stone ond bubble ozone into fhe L bodyofwoterdkectly. f a Model GPS-7V-2 the 7V-2 model is designed for lorger residentiol spos ond svim spos. This model olso requires o ventud drow of oir to infrbduce ozone into the body of woter. Ihe 7V-2 model con be used in commerciol spos thot hove light bother loods. Model GPS-60 Series Ihe 60 Series of ozone generotors is designed for commerciolspos ond s,vimming pools. These models come with multiple lomps ond ore copoble of ozonoting srrimming pools up to 70,000 oollons of woter. the hvphenoted number indicoies the number of lomps with eoch model (e: 6G4 hos 4 lomps,6G8 hos 8lomps). Ihese models require on injector ossembly to introduce ozone into o rbturn line so ozone contoct with woter is most effective while the circuloting pump is operoting. In this opplicotion, occosionol sonitizers ore recommended to insure the best woter quolity ovoiloble. Options Avoiloble . Injectors . lnjector Asembly Sizing Chort . Instollotion Kits . Fiber Oplics Gos Purificotion Syslems, Inc. 700 W Misisippi#C-l Denver, CO 80223 303-777-9106 Authorized Deoler ePs llod.l t 5V sVC TV-2 60{d}{ d!€ eor0 &12 Pcddcnlbl n ddeniol Cofirrn rcltl spo 6mGol. 6mGd. l2m-Gol. Pool 20.mGol. 2E.mGol. {2.mGol. 56.mGol 70,fr)Gol. spo ffiGol. 6mGd. l,lmGol. 2,mGol. 3,qDGol. 4,mGol. Cornmorcbl Pool - 2EImGol. ln,(mGol. 50.mGol. 2. lnstalling an injector into the water line. MA-S Inlector (for 2-speed systems wlth equipment less then 12leet from spa) r?'rE F4 f@il,f 1. 2. 3. 4. EOUIPMEI{T MA-1 584-AB/MA-2081 -AB* (for 1 -speed systems or special'*) -l t(- 1I'- 1A. _il Locate section of pipe after all equipment to install injector. Cut out section of pipe to specifications listed above. Glue injector into line with flow arrow pointed toward spa/hot tub. Using teflon tape, thread 112 ' mipt x barbed adaptor (included) into fipt fitting at the top of the iniector. (NOTE: 158412081-A8 installations requires a lE'mipt x barbed included with unit). Attach short piece of tubing (included) to barbed fitting. Attach check valve to tubing'with llow anow pointed toward injector. ,...-: : Attach remainder of tubing'from check valve to barbed fitting on the O..ls.pure unit. Mount.O3.Zo.Pure above water level in a dry wellventilated area. See page 9 for electricalwiring. 5. 6. 7. 8. " When instatting 2081-AB, change dimension 2A/,'TO 21s/c and dimension 18" to 19/t'."' These injectors may be used for special 2-speed applications. Call the O3.Zo.Pure factory for cltstom sizing. /" s':"r: mY," t'l EOUIPMENT 7. LEI{ GORDON COMPAI\IY Elecnonic lhreumub C.ottttols lk C.otnponeas 7215 Bermu& Rd hs Vegas, NV E9ll9{304 . 1993 len Gordon Co AS Series Setting the standad for remote On/Otr air s*'itch controls, 6e AS Series is timetested and U.L. listed. These controls provide reliable switching in a rrariety of hazardous conditions. Typical applications MODHs AVAILABLE OPTIONS r #4 Ute Touch Button or #8:15 & 9:15 Designer or #10 Fower Touch button or #15 Classic Touch bunon. Len Gordon freeze controls CONTROL DISTANCE STANDARDS Buttons All AS-Series Controls#4 75 Ft#8:15 150 Ft#9:15 150 Ft#10 200 Ft#15 150 Ft include any w€t environment (such as pools, spiut, steambaths, or water-intensive manufacturing processes) and areas with high concentrations of flamnable dus6. SERVICE RATINGS 120V 20Amp lHP240V 20Amp zHP24OV 40Amp sHP (AS-5) AGENCY APPROVALS u.L. Listed 1563. File #E82449 CSA Certified, File #tR50964 APPLICATIONS Controls light Controls 1- and 2-geed pump Controls blower Controls motor/pump up to sHP Switches dual automatic valves NotE: These controls use a momsntary switch The AS Series: quality and etiability in an easily 4nstalled package. ITEM #MODEL DESCRIPTION 9213OO{O1 A$MUEI-@MBO nOn6V OnlOtl, 1- or 2-speed. tinr dock adaptablo 92145OO01 AV @MBO 12Ol24OY wl24Y o.rtou l24V transfdrrs W/TP.AN SFO RM ER includ€dI 9220OO{O1 A92 24OV OruOft 922990{01 A95 922997{01 A$5TD10 922999001 A$5TD30 9218OO{O1 ASTD CO[',EO 923050.@1 A$TC @MBO 24OV On0ft 4 pole 5HP irnle phase 1OHP 3 phase Sane as aboe wifi lodin rte tine dday Sarrp as abon wifi 3onirute tinE dday 1 20 l24OV OnlOL w/l Gniruo tinn dday 120124OV On/Oft 1- or 2-sp€€d. wfirE dock (702) 361-0600 Fax orden 24 hourc a ila!: 802) 361-0613 Electm nic / Pnemaic hntrols &, C.omoonent 7215 Bermu& M l.rs Vegrs, NV 891i9-4304 AI{"Y [-l'LEN GORDON CO 1994 Product Catalog o 1993 len Gordon Co. #8:15 & 9:15 "DesignerrMrf Fanels When special projects requiring oDe or hm bucons need a final touch, choose these attractive panel-mount models. The Designeril series includes a black panel and silver-color ficeplate o complement the black panel and button. #15 rrClassic Touchrurf Button !iiiiiiii.!!riiiiil .iili,+.iiiiiiiiiiii: ,.iiiiiiiiitiiiiti q::iiiiiiiiii o::t1ii:t:il.iil Pl:i:::iiili:l::. a'ii:iiii{ilr The l8:l 5 and l9:l 5 'Designer Toucht' air htttons: an attnctive panel mwnt to add a 'finishing touch.' The #l5 'Classic Touchw' air button: alaila e in Len Gorfun Co.'s widest anay of colors and metal finishes Item # Modd BUTTON ASSCMETY951590S0 t15'OassicTqrchrr' Descdption Button Asssnbly fa all cdcs SrANDARD FINISH TEM XIfS |B{nrm Asssrtly r€Crirod 951625S0 # 1 5 'Cbssic Toucfril ' 115 #15 #15 #15 t15 #15 ,15 t15 #15tl5 #15 #15fl5fl5 #15 *15 t15 t15 #15 #15 #15 ,15 #r5tl5 #15 951626&0 951627{00 95162800 951629.m0 951630S0 95r631{00 951632S0 95160rO00 951602000 951607S0 951608000 951621S0 Wlite BoreBe-ge Black Silra€rey Raspbeny Armnd-BorE shdl \Mld Ros€ French thrilla Hgon Eue Esoresso &om St€rling Stvet Peach Bisoue Innocert Bush Bsge ' Tender Grey CotnryGrey A$ l Jhhe Dusty Rose T€l Biscrit Dresden Btp lce Gregr Seafoam Nayy Ew DstBoom 951633000 951634{00 951635000 95163600 951637{00 951638S0 951639fiO 9518rO{00 9518r1&O 951642S0 951643S0 95rer4{00951Arm MEfAt FIMSH TRlttl XIIS (&nro Asserflv r€qir€dl95173OSO #15'ClassicTorchn' FolisfiedOrorne 951731{OO #15951740m0 #15 95174100 951742000 *15 #15 Satin Chronp Serin Brass Pdished Brass Antique Brass Fdished Gold Fa,vter Satin Nicld Folish€d Nidd 951751{00 #15951770{00 #15951780S0 #15951781.O0 #15 l0 Oriler number (8 a.m. - 5 p.m. PacW Tlme): PABTS ?3liffEo'o', Effluent Pump @O 3885 PEBF0RMAIICE RATII|GS (sattons per minute) (z-9 til0DEts Item llo.Descriplion 1 lmodler CAsing Mechanical seal 4 Shatt Motor b Eearings - upper and lo,,rer 7 Power cable 6 $rin0 04eril0. HP Volb Phase ilax. Amo. Rpit Sotids ttt. (tb.l wE0311t 115 9.4 wEm12L .. 230 t 7-ffi % -jE- ---T,- 17s0 56 wE03l2M 230 ', 4.7 uE0sllli ut05l tH wf0512fl lt07t2fl wt1012fi fElslzH Utost?ltH xEr5l2l t wt0tStH *€orufl utl0llt{ wlllill]t ulG5slHfi uEts3 l lfto3flt uEo3trr wE0532r{ rrorui uHBzlt wt1E32H *Eos:nl i UE Si?{rl 90 104 128 53 82 67 85 109 40 7226 58 78 1A2 35 70 yl0!12t uttst2fi wt05g[ wE0]xH wErBaH wt,tslal ut05yltH tIr$aHti re Vt Yt 1/z 3/t 1 11A k 1t/t nm 1750 1750 3500 3500 3500 3500 35O 3500 tx,r0 80 D:}56 8415 60 0drl llo. wEostl H 115 13.0--mosr2n --236- ---6s wF638H 2fi 3.9 wE0532H Tos34H zJ) 450 3 3.4 1.7 69 ou wE0712H 230 D-Z 5.4wE0734H 460 2.7wE1012H 230 1 12.5 tt,E1038H., --2m--------81- wE1032H zcf-m 3 7.0wE1034H 460 3.5 wE1512H 15.0wE1538H 200 10.6 wE1532H m8-230 3 9.2D>-Hf"3lh',jffi WE1538HH 200 10.6-TEMF- m:Ad g --17- wE1534HH c40 15 47 70 94 30 67-.a 41 36 62 86 n 64 c5O 25 52 z ln m 855 17 42 67 12 58t;65 21 46 51 wE0538HH WE0532HH mM0534HH 450 2es----33- 1.65 wE0738H ., 2n wEo732H z' ffi-irr l170 25 E() 90 DrMEilSr0ilS (All dimensions are in inches. Do not use l0r construclion purposes.) D' %, k,!, and 1 HP = 15' except l0r model WE0712H and WEl012H = 18': 1% HP = 18' EFFLUE]IT EJECTOR SYSTEITI o -- CAPACITY WATEN TECHT{OLOGIES GNOUP 5E}€CA FArl.s NEW\CR( Br48 Efflusnl clector system otlers ease ot ordering and installation. A single ordering number specifies a complete syslem designed tor most residential and commercial sump and eflluent pump applications. SPECIFICANONS ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE W]THOUT NOTICE. Paclage lnchdes: Subralsibls Efluont Pump WE03 l 1 L, 121orWEm1lM, l2M, WE0511HH, l2HH Merqny Lewl Contml Switch A2-5 (115V), A26 (230V) Basin A7-'l8O1S, gasin Cover M'1822 Checfi Va[,e A92P Order ilo.: SWE031 1 L, SWE031 21, swE611M, SWE0312M, swE0511HH, SWE0512HH. 83 98 ln 48 n76 92 116 45 75 tzn'---- -5%'-1 I PBINTED IN U.S.A. WhisperFlo" High Performance Ptrmp The best high performance pump you can choose The Puror WhisperFlo Pump is the latest inno\ration in high perfor- mance pool and spa pump technology. lt has the latest s:tateot- theart engineering, designed specifically to circulate uater in less time. Using less energy. Creating less noise. In lact, the WhisperFlo Pump offers the greatest \olume of water llo^, generated by arry high pertormance pump within the normal operating range of 35-80 teet of head. And its ideal lor the ne\ /est pool/spa combinaiions. I Highest water ftow within normal opcrating range of 35-80 fe€t of head. This range co/ers the l / pressurg high lolume ot iet operation lor spas through the high pressure, high florv requirements of in.lloor pool cleaners. There's a quicker water turno\€r rate, requiring less equipment running time I The only pool and spa pump to undergo rigorous ETL testing for quiet, etficient operation. The WhisperFlo Pump is the only pool and spa pump tesled by independent ETL laboratories-a nalional consumer products testang and cerlitication organization. I Smatler pumps deliver bigger performance. With the WhisperFlo Pump. you can actually dor\rnsize horsepo,ver while mainlaining required pump perlormance. For instance, a 1y2 hp WhisperFlo Pump is greater in 'Ilo,v" pertormance to any 2 hp competitors pump. I Compatlble with all cleaning systems, varaous filters and iet action spas. The WhisperFlo Pump is designed to operate suction, pressure and in-floor cleaning systems. lt's compatible with sand, D.E. or cartridge filters, and pressure or \Ecuum qFtems. And lhe flory it produces otlers greal,et action lor spas. I Heavy duty/durable construction. The WhisperFlg Pump is designed lor long life. ll s made with high temperature Noryl. thermoplastic-so it can withstand exlreme heal and corrosion. It has a heavy duty single piece strainerpot and volute which increases its strength and helps decrease noise. I Standard with 2' connecllons and industry€ommon components. The WhisperFlo Pump can be used for all types ot applications because it matches hagh-pertormance plumbing sizes. And when il's time for service. the normal wear oarts are industry standard, available nationwide ! A 2.year or 3-year llmlted wanantyi In comparison to the standard industry warranty, which is 1 year, the WhisperFlo Pump comes with a 2-year werranty. And, il the WhisperFlo Pump is purchased as part ot a complete Purex Equipment system (also including a Purex filter and heater), it comes with a 3-)€ar warfanty. Guaranteed. @@ 'Cor[ac1 Hydrot€.fi Ch€mi(, Corporation tor full terms and conditions of limited {rarra'lly. ( On the cutting edge of high performance pump technology 3. Single piecestrainer pot and volute. The WhisperFlo Pump is made ol high{emperature NoryF thermoplastic parts to with. stand extreme heat and corrosion. Singlepiece construction increases strength, reduces pumping noise and eliminates potential air leaks associated with two-piece design. See-through Leran'lid: This lid is designed to let ),ou see when the basket needs cleaning. lt will remain clear and strong for years. Easy.to-use clamp band. This allows for onehand operation. Plug it exerts pressure srenly around the strainer pot lid, eliminating air and water leakage prone to other holddo\rn methods. Patented oversized stt"iner bask6t. The commercial size 6" diameter minimizes cleaning. lt's also designed to prsrent debris trom passing through to the impeller The special pliable malerial lasts years longer than brinle competitor styles. Patent-pending unlque FunnelFlodiffuser. TheWhisperFlo Pump has a unique funnel design that increases waler flow more efficiently and quietly. In tact, the WhisperFlo Pump is lhe only high performance pump to undergo rigorous ETL test,ng-proving il to be one ot the quietest pumps on the market. The larger than average opening of the design also increases the lite of the strainer basket by lowering the water velocily through it. High+fficiencry impeller. Desrgned to maxtmize water llo\/v while maintarnrng etficiency. And because its made ot Noryl. thermoplaslic. it can withstand high temperatures and a corrosrve envrronment. Lite'exlending wear-ring dittuser. Held in place by molded plastic pins and tlt,o holding scrq^/s. this diffuser has a built.an red bra$s wear-ring. This pra/ents uneven wear ot the impeller against the diffusel and helps maintain the close tolerances desrgned to achieve our exceptional performance. Seal plate. Thicker than competitive models, these durable seai plates are made of high lemperature Noryl: Combined, the material and design inhibit potential meltdowns and warp- ing when the pump loses prime due to low pool water level- lt also has a heavy-duty ceramic and carbon mechanical shaft seal. Coarosion r€sistanl hardware. The WhisperFlo Pump uses only stainless steel bolts, washers and nuts. This means the oroduct will be serviceable for the lite of the oool. 1O. Eneqpefflcient motor. The WhisperFlo Pump has a com- mercial grade 56 frame, continuous duty swimming pool motor: It's designed to be energy etficient. lt draws less electricity than standard duty pool motors. The shaft is made of rust- prool303 grade stainless steel. The ball bearings are sealed and permanently lubricated. Nort' and Lexan- are kadsnarks of General Electrc Coro 'U.S. Fbtent No 4.059.579 U.S. 0e3 tuleni f25t480 6. 8. 7 I 2 1 APR 1994 Pump Dimensions WfE PunP Model WFE 2 WFE 3D>wFE4 WFE 6 WFE 8D> wFE 12 wF 24 wF 26 wF 28 HP 0.5 0.75 1.0 1.5 2.0 3.0 0.75 1.0 1.5 r.4.. 20 9/16' 23 9/16' 24114' 25112' 25112' 26' 239116' 24114' 25112' AMPS 5.5/10.8 6-5.6/112 7.8-7.41142 10.4120.8 10.0/10 15/13.6 6-5.6/112 7.5-7.4114.8 10.4/20.8 Voltn 2301115 208-2301115 208-230/11s 230/115 2081230 2081230 208-230/115 208-230n15 230/115 It E x U.S, GalloBa trct Mn. WFE SERTES PUMP PERFORilANCE dJNVE fi,FE Serier Punp Chrrrlft ita Cutt! 60 Cyd. 3'50 FPM Single Ph.r wFE DUAL SPEED PUI|P PERFOEiIANCE CURVE WFDS - oud S9..d Ch.r.cLrtdc Culv! lO ClcbstfbPhr 3a50 RPM' t750 nPM Pl2-la I I I It ,{r\I \lll -!E--6,ttr rltl\ltl at,J iI \l I rl If, CIIECK REQAEST -/2. '.t , t t PREPARED BY: ft2"-, 2 VENDORNUMBER DESCRIPTION OF EXPENSE: CLEAN UP DEPOSIT REFIIND FORW #//r azZ. NAMEoFioB:,2*"r"-' J..- --T.ACCOUNTNUMBER OIOOOO/22402 ,-\ DATE APPROTED: l- l:LV/&APPRoVAL SIGNATURET (f-Z LU/" ,, \6€/ A -[.^..\_\ / \C.ra.. (r.-/le_ <-\-. l-\Lr sttc. W/"t trltl /IVi/ta4ffi o, /tt 2IOWN OF IIAIL DATE: STAFFT Project Name: HUBBARD ADDnON Project Description: Project Address: Legal Description: Parcel Number: Comments: FINAL APPROVAL FOR AN ADDMON OF 72 SQ FT OF GRFA TO THE 1ST FLOOR FAMILY ROOM Participants: OWNER KATHRYN F. HUBBARD REVOCABLEO6/L4/2005 55OO SUNSET LN INDIANAPOLIS IN 46228 CONTMCTORATLASCONSTRUCTION 0611412005 Phone: 970-748-0240 PO BOX 6036 AVON co 81620 License: 255-A APPUCANT SLIFER DESIGNS 0611412005 Phone: 925-8200 TOM COUNTER 216 MAIN ST. EDWARDS co 81632 146 FOREST RD VAIL DRBNumber: DRB050267 Location: 146 FOREST RD Lot: 6 Block 7 Subdivision: VAIL VILLAGE FIUNG I 2101-071-1503-2 see conditions Motion By: Second By: Vote: CondiUons: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: STAFFAPR Date of Approval: 061 L7 l2OO5 C.ondl 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (P|-AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please csnsult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond:202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion, ' Planner: Matt Gennett DRB Fee Paid: $3OO.OO >u(?\L- @dq)* g?fi+ Application for Design Review ,lL!l i. -r.:',, -, ,. ,,,ii:l*iff G€neral tnformation: e,riproie"tr requiring d€sign revie\'v must re@ive approval prior to submitting a building p"ermit apl'fi?l: ffi refer to the submittat requrrements for the particular approval that b requ€sted. fui application for Design Rwiew cannot be accepted unt aI required information is reieiveo by the cdnmunity Deveiopment D€partment The pro;*t ."y "Si need to U. re"l"*"d by the Town Cotrrcil and/or the Planning .and Erwironmental Commission' b"iiEn ,""i"* approval lapscs unless a buildanE p€rmit i3 issued and construstion comm€nces with'n one year of the apptoval. tion of the ,*# Description of the Request: D€pettngnt of Conrmunity Da\r€lopment 75 Sonth Fmntage Road, Vail. Colorado 8165/ tel: 970.479.2'1 39 fax:, 970.479.2452- web: www.ci.vail.co'us retaining walb, etc. 520 For rerrisions to plans altgacty approved by Pbnning Staff or the Design Rwiew Boad. NoF* . ', :;lJ 7 PhysicalAddress: l4f fo*-€,<r Qf ' f -tJn C parcel No.: al}ld?ll(f,?L - (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no')- Ql< f3n i n4' Name(s) of Owner(s): Mailing Address: Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant: Mailing Address: Type of Review and Fee: . Signs. ConcePtual Review Minor Alteration (multi-family/comrnercbl) Mhor Alteration (single-family/duplex) Ctnnges to Approved Plans Separation Request E-mail Address:F \,$50 No Fee $2s0 Plus $1.00 p€r square foot of total sign area. For corstruction of a new building or demo/rebuild' For an addition where square botage b added to any residential or snrnercial building (indudes 250 additions & interior converciors)' For minor changes to buildings anct site imptovements' such as' reroofing, pairtting, window additiom, bn6caping' fences and retaining walF, etc. For minor drarges to buildings and site improvemenB' sucn 6' reroofing, finting, windov, additions, bn6caPing, fenc€s ands20 \ Page 1 of 12lOOl23lO3 PROPOSED LAIIDSCruTING Botanical Name l}u \frt Common Name Quantity Size PRCPOSED TFEES AT{D SHRTJBS E(ISTING ]FEES TO BE RElvlO\ED Minimum Requirements for Landscaping:Deciduous Trees - 2" Caliper Coniferous Trees - 6' in height Shrubs - 5 Gal. GROUND@VER SOD SEED IRRIGATION TYFE OF EROSION @NTRON- Square Footage pleee speciil other landscape featuras (i.e. retaining walls, fences, salmming pools' etc-) Type tuge 7 of 1ztfJitz3log Building Materlals PROPOSED MATERIALS Type of Materlal Roof Siding OtherWall Materials F6cia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flching Chimneys Trash Endosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Ughting Other Notes: plece speciff the manufaclure/s nanre, the color name and number and attach a color chip. - Color Page 6 of 12106/23103 .. J -=v-\\.ri -.\ { ;l l* tlltft+altatlaafa'fflf'ltarttfatftfa*taatfftatttafarfrft*t*tffltttttft*tttt*ffftftatfatflttffa TOWNOFVAIL, @I.oRADO Satemcotlltltt*l*++latttaaafaatlliaaatlalaaaait+***tlllllaatarrataafl'tar**aaaaaf*aaaaaa**a+aaaaaaaaa SEatement ll\lribsr: R05000083? Amourt: 9300.00 06/t4/20oso8:54 All Payment l,tethod: Check DESIGNS Init: iIS Notsaeion: 67579/SLIFER Per.!d.t, lilo: DR8050267 \4re: DRB - tdditlon of GRFAParcel No: 2101-071-1503-2 Site AddrcEas 1{6 FOREBT RD \'AIL Location: 146 FOREST R! This Palment: $300.00 Tota1 Fees: 9300.00Total AI.IJ Pmta : S3 00 . 00 Balance: $0.00+a+tala*t++aaaaaaaa***a**altrtlr**araa*+**at1aa**+{'**tl'f+t*a+l'ltffff.'af**a**+****ataa*a**aaaaa ACCOI,JNTITEMLIST: Accorlrt Code D,escription Currenu E|ga DR OO].OOOO31122OO DESICN REVIEIT FEES 300.00 /@L.f e ,.4 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81657 s7o-479-2138 llechani cat--) P lan chcck--> Invcatigation> tli tt Cal. t----> \)[J,lt us. ts/ DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE MECHANICAL PERMIT PETTNiI AT AT,L TIMES u9 6-0 0514.n. Job Address. . . z L46 FOREST RD Location......: 145 FoREST RD Parcel No..... : 2101-071-15-032 Project Number: Description: REROUTE GAS LINE TO SPA BOILER Status...: ISSUED Applied... os/2L/L996 r-siued. .. I 05/2t/L996 Expires..: L!/t1/1996 APPI.,ICANT RICH COOLEY GAS LTNES 814 TURQUOISE STREET, LEADVILLE, CO 80451 CONTRACTOR RICH COOLEY GAS LINES 814 TURQUOISE STREET, LEADVILLE, CO 80461 OWNER FI.ADTNERY PROPERTIES 16230 FTLBERT ST, SYLMAR CA 91342 Valuation: #of Gas Logs: .00 Totat calcul'strd Fces-> .oo Additional Fecs-) 53.00 Total Pernit tee-----) Paynents------ BALANCEDUE---.___--> Phone: ?19-486-3491 Phone t 7L9-486-349L 2,000.00 #of Uood/Patt.t: Fi reptlce lnfornation: Rlstrictcd: Y *'ilr'** F EE SU}II'IARY *rrt#R*******i * r*** f **(a rYl53. OO #of Gls Appt iancls: 40.00 Rcsturrant P[sn Revi er--> 10,00 DRB Fer--.00 ToTAL f EES------> 3.00 .00 53.00 53.00 .00 6E7Tiz?E3 8o.fiHf;l?fr""^38l3*T"RH$* .*o*"t, DA??E. : BUTLDTNG Division : CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FrELD rNSPEcrroNg ABE-BE9-UIBED rO cHEcK EoB-qqPE coMPL'I4-rycE'i i : ifrS[AtLlitoN -iniiii edryqctB&- IQ_MArrlJqeeiqnss INsrRUcrloNs AND.-' i-d-[FpEi[Dix-cHAPTER 21 oF TUE 1ee1 ItMc.-:. 6is'li'F-l,raiiceii--3nar,-L-Eq-y-ENtEo-AceqRpINc 1o-qIAPTEB 9--4ND ''-' Eiilu,-tsRi{iNIis-iiifspeerFrED-rN -SEe-.900 qq-qHE. 1e91-u49-.,a. Id'cE$s-rtl -lrEtiilwd-E0urFMENr-uusr eoupr,y wIrH sEc.s05 AND-' td5-6F ttte--I-igr- uue I 's. iERlIir,FiENS-ifro-EoDg_aUAlIsIs Mlqgr BE PosrED IN MESI1ANISAI-' R.6bli-Fh.rd-n ro AN TNSPEcTIqN BEQUEST. 6 . rFiS i'HRr'lir - i s' ?oF. eAE - I i!t-E- I NSiELA'it u QI{LL - ANQTEER-PERMrI i S - neOUl-neD Fdn- iiie - f N STaiAT i ON- oF- -MECHAII r gAL - EQU r PMENT-z. iieiiiFiEx-is' Etsrnd-rfrijiAltED;-[ csnrrFiEE rN-s-Arf,LER MugT- - --' ' iE'iiN- SIre-Duf,ifiG-rfr'sFi'ciI6rlin'l,r-TicHtrl,nx-uusr BE INSTAILED Fen MANUTATURER sPEcs. ******************************************************************************** DECLARATIONS I hereby acknovl,edge rhat I have read this application, fitted out in futt the infornation required, conptctcd an !ccur!t! ptot ptan, and state that att the iniormtion provided as required is conrect, t agree to conpty riith the infornation and plot ptan' to compfy vith al.L Toyn ordinances and stite tavs, and io buitd this structure according iothe Tovn's zoning and subdivision o codcr, dcrlgn noricr apgrcvcd, lx.llforn Buitding codc end othar ordin'ncrt of th! Tom epptlqrbtc thc?cto' REot Esr3 FoR t*spEc'Io{s gr r.r BE t$DE ilEilTy-torrR Hou.s rN ADv r{cE By rELEproNE Ar Lt9-2138 oR AT GtttR oFFIcE tncfl 6:(E li 5:00 il SIG AIUIE Ot out€R on 00|fil crff toi HtllsELF r D OtlilER o ***************************************************!&:r*********** TOWN OF VAIL' COLORADO Statemnt *********************************************************!******l* sratennt Nunber: REc-0144 Amount: 53'oo 05/2L/9.6 10:59-p"yr".t Method: CK Notation: *1007 Init: cD M96-0051 TlDe: B-MECI{ MBCHANICAI-' PERMIT 2101-071-15-032 146 FOREST RD 146 FOREST RD Total Fees: 53.00 Total ALL Pmtss Balance: ***********************************tt**************************** Permit No: Parcel No: site Addre6s: L,ocation: Thie Paynent Account Code 01 0000 4L3L2 01 0000 41332 01 0000 41336 Deecription MECIIANICAL PERMIT. FEES PLAN CHECK FEES WILI CALL INSPECTION FEE 53. 00 53 .00 .00 Amount 40.00 10.00 3. 00 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81657 s70-479-2L38 cchani cat-) 40.00 PLan Check--> '10.00 lnv$tigltion> [i tl. catt---> .m 3.m DEPARTMENT OF COMMI.'NITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED MECHANICAL PERMIT ON JOBSITE AT AI.,L TIMES Permit *: M95-0051 Job Address... I L46 FOREST RD Location : 146 FOREST RD Parcel No..... : 2101-071-15-032 Project Number: APPI,ICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER RICH COOLEY GAS LINES 814 TURQUOISE STREET' RICII COOLEY GAS TINES 814 TURQUOISE STREET, FLANNERY PROPERT]ES 16230 FTLBERT ST, SYLMAR CA 91.342 Status...: ISSUED Applied. .t 05/21/L996 riiued. ... 05/21/1996 Expires..: LL/L7/t996 Phone: 7 L9-486-3491 co 80461 Phone: 719-486-3491 co 80461 LEADVILLE, LEADVILLE, Description: REROUTE GAS LINE TO SPA BOILER VaLuation: #0f 6as Logs: .OO Total catcutlt.d Frca-> .OO Additional' Fccs---_-_) 53,00 Totrl Plrnit Fes---) Payarnts-__- BALANCE DUE--_ 2,000.00 #0t Hood/P.t I'ct: FifcDlace lntormtion: Rcstricted: Y fof G's APPIilnces: FEE SUil ARY Restuarant Ptln Rcvi"g--> DRB Fc.------- TOTAL FEES__-_ 53.00 .00 53.00 53.00 .00 Item: .05100 BuIT,DING DEPARTMENT- -- -Dqpt: BUILDING Division: 6872 i / Ie 9 E;- cfrIfr.LI E-' -AcEi-oii : - -EFFn cnRRl r e DAv rs CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD rNsPEcrroNs aBE BEQUIBEP ro cUEq4 qo8--qgpE-q9uP--Lr4l!gE'i i : iNSEIr,rAiioN -M[iii ectuqita&- lq_ilANqqAe_EQnes rnsrnucrloNs AND.-' i-ct-[iDEN-DIx-cHAPTER 21 oF rHE 1991 uMq.- ' . 8fti;lF[.'*msti,3xtil1,ne,gTHBEIrlstglq6H"p.E1fiEli$Fi-foH"',,+. Ieffi5s-iti-neiiiig'c-E[irIFMiNi-lru$r-colapr,y wrrH sEc. sgs AND" ?di-oF ilte--I-tel- uMe l t s. iEFMir,Fi,au5-ffrn-edD _aNAlllsls Mlugr BE PosrED IN MECHANICAL-- R.0ttl'i-Fi.ioR To AN rNsPEcrroN BEQUEST. ' . T8Yfl"B$ffi s' iaJsfi;"rfi ; riilR, i8Fi6Fifr iuuSNtEeriH8$if, fo,tEy " z . iiclEF[gx-19- sHrNd-tNSTall-sD, -A cnntrrreD rNsArf,Lg*r$Bf;L""o'' EE-itN- Srre-DunrHe-rNBFnCtroN:ALt TTGHTFLEX MUs' PER I,TANUFATURER SPECS. ******************************************************************************** DECLARATIONS I hereby acknoHtedge thst I heve read this appLication, fitted out in futl, the infornation rcquired, conpl'eted en 'ccurut' Ptot ptan, and statc that ett the information Prov'ided "" ."quiraO ;" correct. t agree to conpty riitn tirc iniormtion rnd ptot Ptan' to cotnty vith au, Tovn ordin.nces and stltc tavs, and io buitd this structure according iothe Tovn's zoni ng and subdivision v 1 codea, dcsign r.vlc{ lPProrrcd, ttrlforr &ri tdiry Godc and othlf ordin$cca of th' Tovn lP9tlclbtc thcrcto' REeGsrs FoR nspEcrlors $rLL BE i DE ilEt{Ty-Foun HdJRs m Aov ncE BY TELEPHoIIE AT 47F21:tE oR AT UJR oFtrcE Fnil E:@ il t:@ nl srGMnnE oF ollilEn on coilrnlcmn FoR HlllsELF ll{0 otlllER o o **************************************************************** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statemnt **************************************************************** Statennt Nurnber: REc-0144 Amount: 53'oo 05/2L/96 10:59 -:i[{li l*v:: *-----v::::::-11ee1 ----1i1::-:3-- PermitNo:M96-0051T]T)elB-MECHMECHANICAITPERMIT Parcel No: 2101-077-L5-032 Site Address: 146 FOREST RD Location: 146 FOREST RD Total Fees: 55.uu This Paynent 53.00 Total ALL Pnts: 53'00 Balance: '00 **************************t************************************* Account Code 01 0000 4L3L2 01 0000 4L332 01 0000 4L336 Descript,ion MECITA}IICAL PERMIT' FEES PLAN CHECK FEES WILL CAIL INSPECTION FEE Anount 40.00 10. 00 3.00 PER}TIT # - , APPLICATION I'|UST BE FILLED OIII COUPLETELY OR Ir I,!Ay NOT BE AccEpTEDUX***************************** PERMIT INFORUA.T:I:O:d ****tr************************Il [ ]-Building J l-Plrnhing [ ]-Electrlcat D<-Uechani,bat I J-other Job Name: Ph. Job Addressz lrlL Fuf-sf Rd. Address: Address: Legal Descriptionz l-oxlb ztoc;f_l owners Nane: Architect: ceneral Descriptionz G*r 6.tl li^,r _, _ l{orkClass:[]-Neh'[]-A1terationfi]-Additiona1t]-Repairt]-other- Number of hrelling Units:Nunber of Acconnodation Units: ftU"r and Tlpe of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances 4* * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * vALUATToNs cas Logs_ Wood/pellet *** *,i ****** *************f. ******** BUIIJDING: $ PLIIMBING:=- /lf,* ** *** **** * ** * * * !t rt * * *** * !* * *fEeneral conEracEor: SI.ECTRICAI.: IUECHANTCAU$@. Mq6- oosJ OTHER: TOTAL: Address: CONTRAqrOR f NFORI.IATION * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * r * Town of VaJ.l Reg. NO. Phone Nunber: Town of Vail Phone Nunber: Town of Vail. Phone Nunber: Reg. NO. Reg. NO. Electrical Address: contractor: Plunbing Address: Contractor: L"r" oq vail Res. $n..Jfg! Phone Nurrber: ?4- leL3ff-' ******************************** BUTLDTNG PER}IIT FEE: P&I!'!BING PERIfT FEE: UECEANICAL PERIITII FEE: EIACTRTCAI.I FEE: OTIIER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FE8: FOR OFFTCE USE *.**************************rr.r* BUTLDTNG PI,AN CHECK FEE: PLWBING PIAN CHECK FEE:MECHANICAL PI,AN CHECK FEE: RECREATTON FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERUIT FEES: BUTLDTNG: STGNAN'RE: ZONINGs STCNAET'RE! CI.EAN IIP I'EPOSIT IEFIITID TO: lmn TO: EROM: DATE: SU&TEqT: 75 roulh lronlege road uril, cotorldo 81657 (303) 479-2r.38 or 479-2L39 off lce of communlty deyclopmcnl ALL CONTR"AqTORS CTJRRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THETOI{N OF VArL TOVIN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMIINITY DEVEL,OP]IENT IrIARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRU TION PARKTNG & }TATERTAL STORAGE rn sunmary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unrawful for anyperson to ritter, track or deposii ;t-";irl-rJ"i., sand, debrisor naterial, i":t:glln trasqr turprt"r=, portable toitets and,workmen vehictes. upon any street, -;i;;;.il;-;ii:y or pubticplace or any portibn trr.i.oil- ine rigtrt-of-way on arr Town ofVail streets ind.I3"g= ii-uppr"iinately 5 ft. off pavenrent.This ordinance wirr be aa"i;irt"enforced by the Town of vairPublic Works DeDartment. --p"rrins found, .rii,f"iing this ordinancewill be siven a 24 hour r"i;il;";"ii""-t"-;;;;;'""i.d nareriar.rn tbe event the person so notified.aoe=-not'-Iiiprv with thenotice within the- 24 hour tirne--ieciried., the pui,ric worksDepartment wir.l remove =iia rit""i"r it-irr" -"*pire of personnotified' The nrovisions-or-trris orainance snirt not beapplicable to cbnstruction, ,uiri"rr"rrce or repair projects ofany street or alley or any utifiiies in the rigtri_a_way. To review ordinance No- 6 in furl , please stop by the Tovm ofvail Buil'ding Departraent to obtiin a copy. tiani you for yourcooperation on this rnatter. Rea Y d and acknowledged by: \ er 75 roulh f]ont gc .o.d nll, colorrdo Et1657 (30s) 479-2138 ot 479-2t39 ottlc. ot oommunlly dQu.lopn|otil BUILDING PERI.IIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAI.IE If this permrlt requires a Town of vair Fire Departrnent Approvar,Engi neer 's ( pub] ii works ) _ rwien anJ 'ipbrovat ,' a pt inni n!-bepart nentreview or Hea't th Departm6nt. review, -rni'i'r.ui.; ;y-iil"trii oi n9 3:rilg:'*:"9: "'.i*ted tine ro"'"-totrt "eviir-inv"Lil'i, r6ng All comnercial fraroe or srnail) and alr mu]ti-fami'ry permits wir.lhave to follow dhe Soove menti,ineJ-maximum requirements. Residentiarand small projects shourd take;-ie;e""amornd or iime.' Hoiever, ifresidenti'al or snnr'rer.projecis irpiit the various above mentioneddepartments with reoard' to-nicesiiiy-""ur"", these projects mayalso take the three-weet periroJ. Every.attempt wl'll be made by this department to expedite thispermi't as spon as possible. - vv s^rssr "s e'' I, the frame. undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time Corrnuni ty Develooment Department. l O MEMoRANDUM TO: ALLCONTRACTORSFROM: TOWN OF VAIL PUBLTC WORKS DEPARTMEi|TDATE: MAY9, 1994RE: WHEN A "PUBL|C WAY pERMtT'tS REQU|RED Job Name: Date: Please answerthe following questionnaire regarding lhe need fora'PublicWay Permit.: YES 1) ls this a new residence? 2l ls demolition work being performed that requires the use of the right ol way, easements or public property? 3) ls any utility work needed? 4) ls the driveway being repaved? 5) ls ditferent acress needed to site other than existing driveway? 6) ls any drainage work being done affecting lhe right ol way, easements, or public propedy? 7) ls a'Revocable Right Of Way permit' required? 8) A. ls the right of way, easements or public property to be used for staging, pa*ing or fencing? B. ll no to 8A, is a parking, staging or fencing plan required by Community Development? !f19u- a19wet"d y"9 to any of these questions, a "Public Way Permit" must be obtained. 'Public Way Permit" applications may be obtained at the Public Work's office or at C-o.TTqnitV Development. lf you have any questions please call Charlie Davis, the Town' ol Vail Construction Inspector, at.479-21ffi I have read and answersd allthe above questions. NO Job Name Contragtofs Signature Date PUBLIC WORKS PERMIT PROCESS How it relates to Building Permits: 1) Fill out our check tist provided with a buildino oermit aoplication.lf yes was answered to any of the above questions then a "public way" is required. You can pick up an application at either community Development, located at 75 S. Frontage Road or Public Works; located at 1309 Vait Valley Drive. 2l Notice sign offs for utility companies. All utilities must field verify (locate) respective utilities prior to signing application. Some utility companies require up to a 48 hour notice to schedule a locate. 3) A construction traffic controystaging plan must be prepared on a separate sheet of paper.An approved site plan may also be used. This plan willshow locations of all traffic control devices(signs, cones, etc..) and the work zone, (area of Gonstruction, staging, etc..). This plan will expire on oct. 1Sth. and will need to be resubmitted for approval through the winter. 4) Sketch of work being performed must be submitted indicating dimensions (lengfrh, width & depth of work). This may be drawn on the traffic control plan or a site plan for the job. 5) Submit co_mpleted application to the Public Works's office for review. lf required, locates will be scheduled for the Town of Vail Electricians and Inigation crew. The locates take place in the morning but, may require up to 49 houis to perform. 6) The Public Work's Construction Inspector will review the application and approve or disapprove the permit. You will be contacted as to the status and any thai may needed. Most permits are released within 48 hours of being received, but pleas6 allow up to one week to.process. 7l As soon as the permit is processed, a copy will be faxed to community Development allowing the "Building Permif'to be released. Please do not confusi the "Public Way Permit" with a "Building Permit" to do work on a project itself. NOTE: ] !h9 gbove prooess ts tor work In a pubilc way onty.' Public Way Permlts are valid only unflt November i5th.'A new Publlc way Permlt ls requlred each year lf work ls not complete. cdprvry TOWNOFVAIL 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 303479-2138/ 479-2139 FAX 303479-2452 Department of Comrnunity Development IXFONilAIIOf, TEEDED NHEN IBPTTIITC FOR A HECTIITICII', PERI|II HEAT LOSS CALCULATIONS. TO SCALE FTOOR PLAN OF MECITANICAL ROOM WITH EQUIPMENT DRAWN IN IO SCALE, WITH PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS AND BTU RATINGS OF ALL EQUIPITTENT IN MECIIANICAL ROOM. sHow sIzE AltD tocATIoN OF COMBUSTION AIR DUCTS, FLI'ES, VSNT CONNECTORS AND GAS LINES. NOTE WHETHER ELEVATOR EQUIPMENT WILL ALSO BE INSTAIJLED IN !,IECEANICAI, ROOM. FATLITRE so PRortrDE rHrs rxFoRllarror rtu.rr DEr.ar roUR PERltrr. 1. 2. 3. 4. 6t '0+2 ,+( e*P (!0 30' /rlrydr ?/O7 cfAa- lottn 75 roulh lrcntrgp rord nll,cdcdo81657 (3Gt) 47+2138 (34) a7$2l39 office ot communlty devolopmenl NorrcE to coNERAcToRs,/owNER BurtDERs Effective ,June 20, LggL, the Town of Vail Buirdingr Department hasdeveloped the following procedures to ensure that iew Lonstructionsites h-ave adeguately established proper drainage from buildingsites along and adjacent to Town of Vail roads oi streets. Tbe Town of vail public gtorks Departll€Dt rill be required toinspect and approve draiaagre adjacLat to Towa of Vail roads orstreets and tbe installation of tenporary or permanent culverts ataccess points from tbe road or street on to tle construction site.such approval- must be obtalned prior to any request for inspectionby the Town of vail Building Department tor robtings or E.emporaryefectrical or any other inspect.ion. please catt 479-2i60 t.6request an inspection from the public works Department. Alrow aminimum of 24 hour not,ice. Algo,_.the Town of vail public works Department wirl be approvingall -finar drainage and culvert installation with resultingr roadpacching as necessary. such approvaL must be obtained prior toFj.naI Certificate of Occupancy iisuance. 06/Le/Sb O6:3O RE0UESTS FOR INSF,ECTION WORK SHEETS FORt 6/IE/96 AREA: trD Activity: M96-t1054 6/Ie/96 Typer B-MEtrH Status: ISSUED Constrl ASFR Addtess: 146 FOREST RD Location: 146 FOREST RD Farcel : 31O1-O71-15-Age Occ:Use:Descr.iptionr INSTALL EXTERIOR BOiLER FOR SpRApplicant: SITE DEUELIItrMENT STUDI05, INC. Phone: 714*589-8935 Owner: FLANNERY PROPERTIES phone: Contr'aetor.c SITE DEVELOPMENT STUDIOS, INC. trhone: 714-589-8935 I nspect i on Request Requestor: BiIl Req Tine: OBIOO Itens requested to 00394 MECH-Final Inf or.mat i on. . . . . Ackerman/s it e Dev Comnents r final be Inspected... trhone:. 71.496@4iL6 inspection for swinning pool heate Action Comnents I - Time Ex AP * *AP-.ePeorrO / C6eer-cryS eFo a-- /: -_--T tr- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;. . . . :-------Iten: AO?O8 MEtrH-RoughItear 00ee5 FIRE-SFRINKLER ROUGH Iten: A0e4A FLME-Gas PipingIten: @A31la HECH-Heat ingIten: Q?3eA HECH-Exharrst HoodsItem: GA33O lrlECH-SuppIy AirItem: adg+o MECH-Misc. It em : 60394*frECH-FinalItem: 00538 FIRE-FINRL C/0 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED MECHANICAL PERMIT ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permi-t #: M96-0054 Job Addregs. . . z L46 FOREST RD L,ocation......: 146 FOREST RD Parcel No..... : 2101-07L-L5-032 Project Number; Status...: ISSUED Applied..r os/22/L996 riiued...: 05/22/tee6 Expires. . : l!/l-8/1996 SITE DEVELOPMENT STUDIOS' INC. 803 ALABAI4A STREET, HT'NTINGTON SITE DEVELOPMENT STUDIOS' INC. 803 ALABAMA STREET, HUNTINGTON FLANNERY PROPERTIES BEACH, BEACH, CA CA Phone: 92648 Phone: 92648 714-58 9-89 35 714-589-8935 5, 200 . 00 flof tlood/Pat I'et: L623O FTLBERT ST, SYLMAR CA 91342 Description: INSTALL EXTERIOR BOILER FOR SPA fof cas App[ iances: Valuation: fof Gas Logs: F i repl,ac! InforLtion: Restrict.d: **f,*'r,ffi**rr**f,rnt*ffiHffi FEE SUltllARY llechani ca [---) Pl.an Chcck---> InvestigatiorD ui Lt Ca L L----) 120.00 50.@ .00 3.m Rcstuarant Ptan Revi e|r--> TOTAL FEES----- .00 .m 155. m TotaL catcul,atcd Fees---> 155.00 Additionat Fees-------> .m Totat Permit Fcc----> Paynrnts------- BALANCE DUE---- 153. m 153. m .m *****t**i*i**tif rre.m: o51OO BUILDING DEPARTMEIIT_ Dgpt: BUILDING Division: 6E7fi/764(;-cfrARLrE- -AEEion: apFn cuenlru DAvrs CONDITTON OF APPROVAL L. FrELD rNsPECrroNs ARE REQUTRED TO CEEqE qOB--g9DE gqw-Lr4{qE' i i ifrSill,Lai roN - MUsi b-oryqttB$ - I0_ MarlrJqaqt-qnss rNsrRucrroNs AND-- ttt-AFFEN-Drx cHAPTER 21 oF TUE 1991 uuq.- -- --s . dLs' iri'Fi, raiicEii"-snEill gu tgutno -AecqRDlryc - to-qFAPTEB 9- .AND-' SiiILii- tnnifiNEie-iis--5pEe r FI-nD--ru SEe..-g 0-6- qE-THF 1 e 9 1 - uuq-.a. ld'cu5s-ro -ttEiiiiuG-E0urFMgNi-uuSr eoupl,v wrrH sEc.sos AND 703 0F THE 1991 ttMC;s. sorr,ERs-Snar,i-iu-iiduNreo 8N FLqqRs aE-NqNcqyEpsTrEL,E coNsr'-' ffrLg5ii-tISrEb FOR MOUNTTUG- oH coMBUsrrBr,E FLooRrNG. *************************************************************************!t****** DECLARATIONS I hepcby ackmutedgc that I have fead this appl.ication, fil,l,ed out in ful,l, the informtion required, conPtctcd an lccunttc ptot pl.an, and statc that aLl, thc information pro;'idcd as rQui red is corpect. I agP.e to conpty t{ith thc informtion tnd plot Plan' to conpty lrith aL rovn orJinan"i" ana "tit" [avs, and io buil,d this structure according lothe Tovn's zoning and cubdivieion codcs,'dcsign revieu appnovcd, Uniforn Buitding Code and other ordinanccs of the Tonn appticeblc thcreto' REouEsrs FoR r,tspEcrroNs sHALL BE IADE TUENTv-FouR HouRs IN ADvANcE By TELEPHoNE AT 179-213E oR AT ouR oFfIcE FROll 8:m Ail 5:00 Pl'l STGNATURE OF OIilEN OR COIITRACTOR FOR o HIIISELF AND ron{ oF Y tL, cotomDo nce|!$4i.9?/?&lgil-jl*41: st.trlt 1l-.r: tr!,5rt ilrthod: lEc{t145 ^purt:cK ilotrtiil: flAa 1rr.6 6la,le6 10:.41lnit: cD Pcrrit tb: l19&ln56 IypG: 8;EOl tGolAtlIGtL PEilllT P.rc.[ tfo: a,m{n4reil!'lt. lddret!: 146 foAEsT m l-oc'tiofl: 146 FonEST RD lotal FGG!: rsr-q) i53.d rot.l, ^LL Prt3: 151.0 Ba[!noc: .m Accomt Codr D€criptim 01 @ a1312 fEcHrltc L PEtlllr FEES 0l oo 4lllt2 PLlll ctlEcK fEEs u fi(n 4l:tlt6 tfILL c LL rl{SPEcrtofl FEE Thlr Pryrrt lEmt 120.(n 30.m 3.00 ron{ oF v tL, ooLon^0o !el!!!+:.9?/*/r.Pf1-::::ET! stlt.frt lluaaf: P.!|ant i.tlrodl REC-O145 lFunt:CK tlot.tion: 11212 153.00 6lnl95 1ot45Init: CD i96-Sl Typ.: B.ilECH tlG$l flIgAL PE ll a${n-1'.{f*l 146 !0nE8T RD 146 fonEsr m Tota[ Faa!: 153.@ Tot t ILL Prt3: 8.hrca: Acoornt Codc . Dcacrlptionu m 41312 llEcHriIGrL PEdllT FEES (}1 m alIle PL ll GHEGK fEES (}1 M 413$ TILL CALL IilSPECTIOI FEE P. it lb: Prroat llo: 3it. ldd?...:toc.tidl: Thl. P.yrnt 153.m 153.m .m . AFunt 120.0(} 30.(x! 3.O o srr ::llvo og M3IA3H N9ls30 !i.^.eJ 4 ,ndt.r- , \r. o lil - 43ac *_\\\- SITE PLATf.-r''{4:lto' i- "'F.E--...- f-*f[ifi- -fv.-. i ,.--r^' -' r7t4t \to" .. Lto - A)**r 1,.t6*te 41 *ftllv-a:2t !fLrF|.{ LJaLi- ftfiO FKE tf ct O- ' A'f A|fia,a.. 49'. Tcf tF l.r4u- g tb i l.:.. tt+lo bt-v 'Pfilt)- |"]'t+e#- ga.wFb *4l'{ (T-(?ta\J- Rtlu+ 2.w e? L,wL6) €' =e4 === Model AP Sizes 500 - 1825 t^@EL lOlO' @ \Oftn'vtD,/ FOR YOUR SAFETY: Do not store or use gasoline or other flammable vapors and liquids in the vicinity of this or any other appliance. WARNING: lmproper installation, adjustment, alteration, service or maintenance can cause iniury or property damage. Refer to this manual. For assistance or additional information consult a qualified installer, service agency or the gas supplier. FOR YOUR SAFEW - WHAT TO DO IF YOU SMELL GAS:. Do not try to light any appliance.. Do nol touch any electrical switch; do not use any phone in your building.' lmmediately call your gas supplier from a neighbor's phone. Follow the gas suppliels instructions.. lf you cannot reach your gas supplier, call the fire depanmenr. O c')N oOI 7\'TELEDYNE | -v rtls O Qection= 1 ueneraf fnformation 1A. Introduction This manual provides intormation for the installation lnd.operarion of retedyne r""r, rvroollni plj"-" 1111"_,:.tj,:r.:rr"nsty recommended thar "ii "iilc"tionand installation procedures be reviewed .orif"t"f"before proceeding wirh rne instaitarcnlffifffi", .l jL"1li."_!1",^ faoory, or tocat ractorv i"pi!lirii"", I']l ."nI probtems or quesrions r"g"r.fi"s id;ri;_ment.. Experience has shown n"ir""i i,oil"#I*caused by improper installation. -^-::-T: a?9eLrory items are shipped in separare l3l,l399".y"Iry receipt o, al pa;kas;; ri.i5J*ir,"pacxage.slip. Inspecl everythi,ig fo.' ioss6;;;;;;;upon detivery, and inform tne cirrier-or anlil;";;; fl_,T?3irr"jt.. Any such crams shoutd be fited wirhrne carrier. The carrier, not the shippeii;;";;r;il;forshortages and damage to ttre inipmenffi;;-visible or concealed. IMPORTANTWARNTNG: The Modet Ap commerciatpool heater must be used , n " "t i,i w i I i ia i i i7 "lJt f:Ei : :ffi "i l, *' equpped neabr must be used; consuit your distibUoror factory representative. The pol heaier ri"i'i"-*'instared in acardance ritn tn"-iiooliiir'Ziiii"a nthis manual. l:_yrjqrrt does not appty ro heaters not instalted oroperated in accordance with these proceOure . -"-- ", C-onsult local building and safety "oO"rU"toiJoro_ceeding with work. The installation ,rit "onbrlijo tn"requirements of the aurhority r,aving luiisd;;i;;;;;j'"tlg.ab:gn9e of such requirements, to tn" at"rt "Oitionot the.Nationat Fuet Gas Code;ANS1 Zzzi.i, irt":riii"rElectical Code ANSI/NFpA 70. In C"n"OJ, ir," *"""., insralarion must conform wirh the r"i*i"orli,i.ir CAN/CGA-BI49 requirement. Wtren required by the authority having jurisdiction, theInstalalion must conform to American-So"idfi 'il;:" chanical Engineers safetv codes tor a*fofr',"na,"f"tydevices for aulomaticaly fired hearers rvli. Csriillri i" 9_Tg" ccA 3.s. Any modificario;6rh;;;#,, ffi;Lcontrots, gas orifices, wiring or dratt diuJrt"irn"v'uo.:Ot"the Tetedyne Laars wanan-ty. lf field *"Oitl""J,r#rir"such modificalions, consult iactory. -'---"v 'yys"e 1 B. Heater ldentification Consult.rating plate on the heater. The followino ex-ample simplifies the heater lOentncaUon. '-r!"'v e^- (1) (2) (3) Basic heater model. Input rate X 1000 BTU/hr. Indoor (l) or Outdoor (E) installation.. Gas type: Natural (N) or propane (p). lgnition system: t.t.D. Continuous pilot 115 volts or l.l.D lRl Controls (4) (5) (0s) (16) (04) (08) (6) Firing mode: On/Off (C) Teledyn-e Laars commercial pool heaters are available intwo configurations: an indooi version ""0 "" *lOoii'-ygrsiol-. Borh are avaitabte from the faa;ri. *'-""' .See F.igure i (Outdoor modets are no-i'avallable inCanada). 1C. Certifications All models are design-certified by AGA and CGA fornaturat or propane gas and contorm to AaME 6;;;requirements for 160 pSl water pressure 1 D. Engineering Assistance Consult the factory or distributor regarding any questionsorprobtems which arise in the specificatijn, iri.tlJr"rton " or operation ol Teledyne Laars equipmenl. A";;;;i" J I I I Iii IndoorModet Outdoor Model enced engineering staff is ready to assist in assuring the proper performance and application of Teledyne Laars proclucts. 2A. Heater Placement The heater must be placed to provide specific clear- ances on all sides for maintenance and inspection. There must also be minimum distances maintained from combustible surfaces. These clearances also apply to non-combustible materials because the heater requires air circulation for proper operation. Heater should be mounted on a level surface. An integral combustible flooring base is provided as standard equipment on outdoor models. For jldgg! models, special base rails part number 10539000 must be used for combustible flooring. Do not install a heater on carpeting. Under the National Fuel Gas Code, ANSI 2.223.1 , itis permissible to place the heater on floors other than non- combustible when the installation complies with the American Insurance Code. Figures 2,3,4 and 5 show common installation on c!mbustible flooring. 28. lnstallation of Indoor Heaters 'l . Locate the water heater to provide adequate clearance for inspection and service on all sides. See Table 1. We recommerid a minimum o|'24" lrom front (for proper access lo and service of controls) and 18" at water connection end. For alcove installation see Figure 6. 2. Install the heater on a waterproof floor with an adequate floor drain and a 6" minimum curb on all four sides to protect the building if heater repairs are required. The manulactuter wlll not be held liable for any water damage in connection wtth thls heater' 2B-1. Combustion Air SuPPIY 1. The heater location must provide suffcient air supply for proper combustion and ventilation ol the surrounding area as outlined in the latest edition of ANSI standard 2223.1, and any local codes that may be applicable. Inadequate combustion air supply may resuh in incomplete combustion, sooting of the heat exchanger, and unsafe ooeration of the heater. l,lountng Plattorn MUsi EM o|n Mlnlm|Jn ol 1f On AllSld.! m GA Gdvani2.d shoet ltoral cap 0 t Concreto Slab Must Extend Out A Minimum Of | 2' On All SkJes Base Rail Heater (End View) Roof - Wood & Steel Construction unobstrusled 24 24 unobstructed 24 Per Code Top Water Conn Side Opposite Side Front Rear Vent Pipe. Hot Water Pipes 30 12 o Alcove 6 Per Code 'Using type B Vent (refer to Manufacturer's Instructions) 2. In general, these requiremenls specify that small heater rooms should be provided with two permanenl air supply openings communicating ctirectty through the wall to outside air: one within 12 inches ol the ceiling, and the other within 12 inches of the floor. Each opening should have a minimum free area oi one iquare inch.per 4,000 BTUH input of the total input rating of all appliances in the enclosed area. Sie TablJ 2 for recommended air supply for each model. An improperly ventilated equipment room €n get excessively hot and cause accelerated deterioiation of controls and electrical components. Note: ln Canada, Table 2 does not appty, consult local buiMing codes or, in the absence ot siubi requhements, follow CGA requbements, and/or CAN/CGA:B- I 49 standard. Heater (Front View) 3. (a) In the United States: Exhaust Fans or Venls: Any equipment which exhausts air from the heater room can deplete the combustion air supply or reverse the nalural dralt action of the venting system. This could cause flue products to accumulate in the heater room. Additional air must be supplied to compensate for such exhaust. The information in Table 2 is not applicable in installalions where exhaust fans or blowers of any type are used. Such installations must be designed by qualified engineers. (b) In Canada: Follow Canadian standard, CAl,l/ CGA-8149 or local codes. 4. lf a blower or fan is used to supply air to the heater room, the installer should make sure it does not create drafts which could cause nuisance shutdowns of the pilot. lf a blower is necessary to provide adequate combustion air to the heater, a suitable switch or equivalent must be wired into the heater control circuit to prevent the heater from firing unless the blower is operating. 5. The heater must be completely isolated and protected from any source of corrosive chemical fu mes such as trichlorethylene, perchlorethylene, chlorine, etc. Base Must Edgnd Out Mn. 12' Oo All SkJes Ol Boilgr Framg Melal Plat€ m ca Mtn. Und€r Ediro &tl€r Concr€te Blocks Or T e Min. 7 High Wirh 3. Min. An Op€nings Blocts Must Provide Sotid Bass And B€ Bracsd So They Camot Slip Out Ot ptac€. Air Openings In Btocks Must Be A.rangsd To Provide Unobstructsd Op€ning lhrouqh Eniirs Width or Lenoth Of Bas€. CLOSET INSTALLANON (UNACCEPTABLE) A closot is any ,l sided enclosure which is less than 16'tinesthebtal volume of all the gas fired appli- ances within the snclosure. ROOM ]NSTALLATIO}I (ACCEPTAELE) A room is eny anclosure which is at lea6t 1 6' tlm€s g.eater than ths rotal volum€ of all the gas tired appli- ances within lh€ oncloGure. ALCOVE INSTALLANON (ACCEPTABLE) An alcor,,e suitabls tor tio inslallatbn ol a heater is a r€alrictgd s€clion of a room not 3ooareled t om ths room by a doo. or panidon and which megls th€ minimum cl€arancea br the soecific model. ' When tho ceiling height exceeds 8 fe6l, you are only allowed lo clnsider 8 feel when calculaling ths tolalvolum€ of tho enclosur€. 2B-2. Venting 1. Teledyne Laars heaters have built-in draft diverters lor natural draft operation and musl not be connected to any portion of a mechanical draft system under positive pressure. The flue outlet must be connec,ted to a clear, unobstructed vent of adequate capacity ending above the highest point ol the building wilh an approved vent capl The venting system should be installed according io the Iatest edition of ANSI 2223.1 and/or, in Canida, CAN/CGA-B149 requirement and any local codes having jurisdiction. IMPOBTANT NOTE: Do not use sheet metal screws at the snap lock joints ol Type B gas vents. 2. Do not weld or fasten the vent pipe to the heater draft hood. The weight of the stack must not rest physical damage and separation of joints. 4. Avoid ending heater vents near air conditioning or air supply fans. The fans can pick up exhaust flue products from the heater and retum the inside the building, crealing a possible health hazard. A minimum ol 4 feet horizontal dislance must be maintained from electrical meters, gas meters, and reJief equipmenl. 5. Always use double-wall or insulated vent pipe (Type B or equivalent). In cold weather, uninsulated outside vents can chill the rising flue products, blocking the natural draft action of the venting system. This can create a health hazard Oy spitting llue products into the heater room. 6. Avoid oversized vent piping or extremely long runs of the pipe which may cause excessive cooling and condensation. Rule of Thumb: Thetotal length of the vent, including the connector and any offset, should not exceed 1S feet for every inch of vent diameter. Longer total lengths shown in venting tables are based on maximum capacity, not condensalion factors. 7. When the installation of a draft fan is necessary in connecting a venting system to a Teledyne Laars heater, the installation should be engineered by competent personnel lollowing good engineering practices. The draft fan supplier should be consulted for conecl size. The installation should be in accordance with the latest edition of ANSI 2223.1 ancl/or, in Canada, CAN/CGA-BI49 requirement and any local codes having jurisdiction. When a draft lan is installed, a suitable dratt switch must be wired into the healer control circuit at terminal designated ,Field Interlock" to prevenl firing of the healer unless a positive draft has been established. 2C. Installation of Outdoor Heaters (Not available in Canada) 1. Locate the heater to provide the minimum clearances as listed in Table 1, .placement ot Heater." Also, see service clearance in 2B-1. 2. Do not place the heater in an enclosure or wall recess. Avoid locations where wind deflection off structures might cause down dratt. When such wind conditions are possible, place the heater at least three (3) feet from the slructures. 3. Never install the heater under any kind of roof overhang. Do not place the heater below or adjacent to any doors, windows, louvers, grills, etc. which connect in any way with an inhabited area of a building. This includes other structures such as garages or utility rooms (see Figure 7 ). 4. Although these models are AGA designed certitied 3. Avoid using long horizontal runs of the vent pipe, and loo many 90. elbows, reductions or restrictions. Horizontal runs should have at least a 1/4" rise pei foot in the direction of flow. A vent connector should be supported for the design and weight of the material used lo maintain clearances and prevent t 500 600 715 850 1010 1200 1430 1670 1825 125 150 179 213 253 300 358 418 457 'Net Free Area in Square Inches Area indicated is for one of Mo openings; one at floor lavel ano one at the coiling, so the total net free area could bedouble the figures indicated. For special conditions reler tothe latest edition ot ANsl 2223.1. Consult factory if not communicaling direcfly through the walls with the outdoors. Note: Check with louver manufacturers tor net free area oflouvers. Correct tor screen resistance to the nel frea area i,a screen is installed. Check all local codes applicable tocombuslion air. for outdoor installations, such installations are not recommended in areas where the danger of freezing exisls unless proper prec€tutions are taken ror lreeze protection. 5. Liquilied petroleum is heavier than air. Therefore, the pool heater should not be installed in pits or ' other locations where gas could accumulate. The heater should be located a sale distance from Lpgas storage and filling equipment. Consult local coctes and tire protection authorities lor advice relative to specific installation restrictions. 2D. Gas Suppty and piping Beview the following instructions belore proceeding with the installation. 1. Verify that the heater is fitted for the proper typ€ ofgas by checking the rating ptate. tetlOyne tlars ry1:p are normaily equipped to operite betow a2000 toot atrirude. H""r"Jggqr@.!9gE@! higher attitudes h;E-a;i==-=-. . .oroPrlate stickers o s z. ffiures in Tabte 3 to provide adequate gas piping from the gas meter to the heater. ' , convenience and safety. Check thei6ia codes. 4. The heater and its individual shutoff valve must be disconnected from the gas supply piping system during any pressure testing of thaf syite, it t,:st pressures in excess of 1/2 psig. The heater must bei:ol?ted.fr9m.lh.e gas suppty piping system by closing its individual manual gas shuiofi vatve during any pressure testing of the gas supply pioinq syslem at lest pressures equal to or less than'1/2 - psig. 5. Provide gas supply pressure to the healer as follows: Note: The heater and all other gas appliances sharino the heater gas supply line musfbe fiiino at maximum- -capacity to property measure--ih'E iiTffippy piiessure. sized gas meter and/or obstructed gas suppty tine.- 6. The correct bumer manifold gas pressure is slalpgd on the rating plate. The regulator is preset at the factory and normally requires no furthei adjustment. 7. The gas manifold and control assembly was tested and conform to the safe lighting and other performance criteria specified in the latest editions of ANSI 221 .13 and CGA 3.3 Low pressure Heater Standard. 8. Before operating the heater, the complete gas supply system and all connections must be tested Natural Gas Propane Gas Max. (inches water column)9 14 Min. (inches water column)6.5 11 Size CUU 600 715 850 10t0 1200 1430 1670 1825 Distance lrom Gas Meter or Last Stage Regulator 0-100' 1-1/2 1-1t2" 2 2" 2" 2-1/2 2-1/2" 2-1tz', 2-1/2" 1q)-ano' 2" 2" z', 2-1t2" 2-1/2" 3" 3" 3" \' 20G300' 2" 2-1t2" 2-'v2" 2-'v2" 3" 3" 3" 3' 3-1t2" Note: These figures are for Natural Gas (.65 Sp. Gr.), and are based on 'tl2" water column pressure drop. Check supply pressure with a manometer, and local code requirements for variations. For LpG, reduce pipe diameter one size, but mainlain a 1,' minimum diameter. A normal number of Tees and elbows have been taken into allowance. f,'l! lor leaks using a soap solution' Do nol use raw flame. CAIIflON: Since some leaktest solutions (including -iio ,ia *"t"r) may cause corrosion or stress ;;;ki;;' ,h";"p''t{mtust be rinsed with wat?t a'ftel wi;;;:;;i;;"'it t.irs been detemined that the teak test solution is nonconos've' 2E. ElectricalWiring WARNTNG: The heater must be electrically grounded iiZ"da*"" with the most re@nt edition of the ' iliiiLi Elii,iot cde, ANSI/NFPA 70' tn canna' ;ii'JiiJriotii*s to the heater shoutd be in accor' l;;;;;:ft; n; titest edition or csA c22'1 canadian. ?rhiii'i"ai,-iart 1 ' Do not retv on !" s3" ot water iii e i o, * 1 9 :!" -l?9'.27:; ::f : l::: i;; bE th e oftenilmes, Plastic PPe or ;;;;;; ;i;"fi ;;i i' b e rvice and m ai nte n an ce p e rs o n n e t ';;;;;i;r;iround the heater mav be standins on ;;i;;;;;;i"iutd be ebarocuted bY an under' ground heater. 1. All Model AP pool heaters need '115V 60 Hz supply ' ' ilrt"gJ ;nr;.5 ipecificallv ordered olltl'13--rh" intein'af wiring diagram is supplied with heater' 2. Wire heater and pump exactly as shown in Figures 9 and 10. 3. The pump and heater must be electrically"' iit"ti""r,io so the heater cannot come on unless ih;ffipt running' lf pump operation is' inLi.ittbnt tn" heater must be shut otf prior to-. o"tp titrrOo*n' See paragraph heading Auxiliary Time Clock Wiring below' 4. All tield installed electrical safety devices.and all-' ii"rjln"t"rr"d controllers (valve end switch' draft ;;idh;t, relavs, timers) can be connecte9'lo-th" i""t", *iting it the points shown in the wiring oLot. dejignateo lield interloc{<'" ln some .t?,"t. alei.inar block will be present with a . i,i'ii"i ".i *l connect the wires of the device to those terminals' In other control systems the' installer will have to connect the device into the hot *it" ut tn" jun"tion box on the heaters' AuxiliarY Time Clock Wiring: ll a time clock is used to control filter pump operation a $;;;;" s-Jiil must be used to shut otf the he?l1fl LiJ'iiti.rt"s before the filter pump is shut otf' wire lill"o-"t* t;itch (orten calledine rheman swilch) liin. i"i.o shown in the internalwiring diagram as "Field lnterlock"' Forced Draft SYstems: ff the heater is installed with a Jorced drafi fan' a draft l*illn, rJ.!ni,r"ioiractionar inches ol water 99lYTi'- oressure, or negative pressure' must be i":llll]itn" H;i;8";;ilirins ol the heater unless therers a ffiiil Ii, no* in tn6 stack' connect draft switch as ;;;b"a in previous paragraph and Figure 11' 2F. General PiPing Instructions 1. When pipe, littings' grids or any other element of . the filter svstem are made of elasjl!.T:llials' thev may Ue Oimaged by the momentary -oacK .'pio.ing'of iotwaler lrom the heater when the pu mp st6ps'1"'19:ffiHffi '+ffi 2. No Hartford loop is required for anti-siphon Protection' 3. No water flow adiusiments are required except-' *n"i" t"nral by-pass valve is used' a t-_ ' volume of Pool water' wl ili"i, iiilJilith a ielativelv smallvolume-or .:i:#?Tffi ifrliffi;ili".J liGt pitch downward IoT th? ;"#ffi;;o speciat tblins of-tl" fler valve is lili"""i,'tn" r"J"w will tumish a 75 psisetting' ii"*ii"or"" the relief valve openings' 7. Pressure relief valve lever must be tripped at' i"J.l-*"" " year to insure that watemays are '.. ;ilin' d;";;anuallv operating lever' waterwill Gas SuPPIY lnlet discharge through drain line. precaulions must be taken to avoid contact wilh hol water and water damage. 2G. Heater By-pass piping All Model AP pool healers are equipped with anautomatic flow control valve. Do noi install a manual bvfraqs vatve r lnless the normal filtrati@fte of the sJste-E_excegds 1 50 GPM or.l sizes 500 through 715 and 148@n sizes 850 lhrough 182S. tf thienormallillffi-n rate exceeds thatiigu re : 1. lnslall a manual bypass valve as shown in Figure 14. 2. Install lhermometer in the threaded opening provided in the rear header as shown in Figure 13. - ' 3. Set the manual by-pass valve as follows: a. Clean or backwash filter thoroughly. b. Close the manual by-pass valve completely. c. Close healer main gas valve. d. Start the filtration system with all valves set lor normal filtration. e. After 3 minutes note and record thermometer reading (this is the pool temperature). f. Open main gas valve and start heater by turning the thermostal to its highest setting. g. Gradually open manual bypass valve until the thermometer reads the temperature rise indicated in Table 4 for the size heater being installed. The valve should be as nearly closed as possible and still maintain the specified temperature.. The temperature rise is the increase over oool temperature. h. Be sure the thermometer reading remains constant for at least 5 minutes. i. Remove the handle from the by-pass valve to prevent anyone from tampering with the setting. Thereafter, the automatic llow control valve wiii take over and maintain proper flow through the heater at all times regardless of the reduction in water flow resulting from a dirty or clogged filter. Oratt Fan Motor 24 V Motot Relay Ung Votago HG Mobr St rtr U/rh Ova.toad Protectioo Jurlction 8ox On Hoatot Heater frame and jacket must bo ground€d by a grounding wire Single Phase Wiring - 230V Line Voltago HG Mobr Startq with Owrioad Protodon Junctlon Box On Hoat€r Healer trama and jacket must bo ground€d by a groundlng wire 36 42 CJ 6Z 72 /o to 82 cro o o 'P.R.V. with sening less than 75 P.S.l. may require a "Tee" fitting. Rear Header 2H. Automatic Chlorinators A concentralion of chlorine in the healer can be very destructive, therefore the lollowing rules about the installation and operation of such devices musl be lollowed: 1. The chlorinator should be installed so it introduces the gas or solulion downstream from the heater. 2. The chlorinator should be wired so it cannot operate unless the filter pump is running. 3. The chlorinator should be provided with an anti- syphon device so that the draining of the piping after the pump shuts off will not syphon chlorine solution into the heater. 4. When the ooeration of a chlorinator is such that it must be installed in the pump suclion, or some other place where the chlorine solution flows through the heater, corrosion of the heater can occur. Excessive concentrations ol chlorine caused by improper adjustment or failure of the chlorination equipment, and other conosion which results in heater damage, is not covered by heater warranty. 21. Pressure Switch The flow sensing pressure switch is factory set at 4 psi. DO NOT tamper with the switch unless heater is installed more than 3 feet below the surface ol the pool. lf adjustment is necessary, the following procedure should be used: With filter pump operating (filter must be clean) and the heater is on, slowly increase pressure setting until the heater turns otf. Slowly decrease the pressure setting until the heater comes back on again. Decrease the pressure setting another 2 psi. The switch should now be properly set. Test setting by closing manual gas valve and then turning off filter pump. Turn thermostat to high setting and slowly open manual gas valve, Heater should not make an attempt to lire when filter pump is off. ll the heater is installed more than 3 feet above the surlace of the pool, install an eyeball fitting on th€ end of the return line to the pool to create adequats back pressure at the heater to operate the pressure flow safety switch. NEVER reduce the factory setting of the pressure flow safety swilch. For special application problems, consult the factory. ; '[ Any Pan ol fto Pifh! Or Fill.r SFtem ls M.d. o| Plasric MaE.iab, tEtatt a Chod( Vah€ And Hoal Sink Pipo In Th. Heat.r Inbl And Oud€! fu Sho$ar In Tha Dlagram tl.rn,2o* ?F Manual Bypa$ ls U3ad Only Wh€n No.mel Filtralion Rota Erc€€ds 1 50 GPM On gires 500 Tnru 715 AM 175 GPM o.r Siz€3 850 Thru 18:15 M€tel Pipo Al Leaat 20 lnch€! In Lanoth.' , APPLICATION UUST BE FTLLED OUT COI.|PLETELy OR Ii * * * * * * ** * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * pERllIT TNFORI{ATTONttl PERI.IIT /I IT }TAY NOT BE ACCEPTED ** * * ** ******* * ** *********** * * ,rL CONSTRUCTIP )PIJTCATTON FORMw(zLtmb [ ]-Building [ ]-Pfunbing [ ]-ElectricaL [ ]-Mec]ranibal Job Nanes y' aou Address: t4A fore+f f-eAt- Legal Description:vAn- ION: 5?A fil-otrrer @resst ltel+.q FJu?eg +tr pn. -It?ntt*r1_l/'rt1|t. P^, q.r21a- Ph.Address: Owners Name: Architect:oN General Description: rlork Crass: [ ]-New ffi-etteration [ ]-Additional [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Nunber of DrrellLng Units:Nunber of Acconmodation Units:I Plunbing Contractor: Address:Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Number: 2Q.oo Mechanical Contractor: Address:Iown of Vail. Reg. NO. Phone Nunber: ********************************FOR OFFTCE USA *******************************BUTLDING PERI.IIT FEE: PTUMBING PERMTT FEE: IIECIIANICAL PERMIT FEE: EI,ECTRICAL FEE: OTIIER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: lO* t oo BUILDTNG PI,AN CIIECK FEE: PI.',['MBTNG PIAN CHECK FEEs I,IECHANICAL PI..AN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CI,TAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAI PERMIT FEESs BUII;DTNG: STGNATURE; ZONTNG: SIGNATTTRE: crfi4f, UP DEPOSIT BEFItf,D T0: JEoT 75 toulh tronlrge rold uail. colorado 81652 (303) 479-2138 ot 479-2L39 TO: EROM: DATE: su&tEer: offlcc of conrnunlty devclopmcnl ALL CONTRA TORS CURREMTLYL REGISTERED WIIII THETO9SN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLTC woRKs/coMIfirNITy DEVEIOPMENT !,IARCH 15, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & }TATERIAL STORAGE rn sunmary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unrawfur for anyperson to tirter, track or aep-sia ;t:;ir]-"J"i, sand, debrisor naterial, incLu3ilg_trast-r iunpsters, portable toilets andworxnen vehictes. upon any street, =ia;;"i;;-;ii;y or publicprace or anv porti-on th#e;;:--ine rigrrt-of-way on arr Town ofvail street! inal .roads is approiinately 5 ft. off pavernent.This ordinance wirr be ;i"i;ii;-enforced bv the Town of vailPubtic works Deoarrrnentl--F"illns found vi6r.ri"i this ordinancewilL be siven a'24 hour r"ial;;";"ii""-ti-;;;;;"'""id nareriar.rn the event the person so notitiea-aoes-";;^;;;p1y with thenotice within *:^3t trour tirne-Jpecified, the puirtic WorksDepartment wilr remove said nateii"i-"i-irr"'ii!i=e of personnotified' The provition=-or-[rrrs orainance sharr not beapplicable to cinstruction, ,iirrt"rrur,ge or repair projects ofany street or alley or any utiiiii"= in the righi_u_r.y. To review ordinance. No. 6 in fu'I, prease stop by the Town of:::i":$ili"3"":f,1***"::"";;;i" a copv- rirani vou ror your ositiorynelifr6iEf!(i.e. contractor, ovrner) lown 75 routh tronbge rord urll, colorudo 8165Z (3o3't 479-2L38 or 479-2139 offlce ol communlty dcvclopmenl BUILDING PERI{IT ISSUANCE TIME FRAI,IE If this permit requires a Town of vair Fire Departnent Approval ,Engineerr's (publ ic uorks) "evrew ano'ipprova'r,' a prannin!'bepr"t entrev iew' or Hea't th Departm6nt review, -un['.-r.ui"; ;i'iil"trit ar ng Siri[SE'fu.9,: "'ri'uted time 6"'u-tut"r "iriin-iluv"L[!'as r6ng Al'l corrnercia'r ("rarge or sma'[ ) ana a]r mu]ti-famiry perrnits wilrhave to fo'lrow ihe ibove mentioneJ-mirirur requirements. Residentiarand small projects should t"ri" "-i"iier'amount of time. However, ifresidenti'al or smarter.projicis-iriiii the various above mentioneddepartrnents with reqard' to'n"c"riii!-review, these projects mayalso take the three-week perioa. Every.attempt wil'l be made by this department to expedite thispermi't as soon as possible. - ev v^Psg' .'E: r'r l-ll. undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and timeTrame. )6-r**v zz, qqet Communi ty Develooment Department. MEMORANDUM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MAY g, 1gg4 WHEN A "PUBLIC WAY PERMIT'IS REOUIRED W,ou+4 i?u@ PW+16 ++ filnb- oosfTO: FROM: DATE: RE: 1) ls this a new residence? 2) ls demolition work being perlormed that requires the use of the right ol way, eassmenls or public property? 3) ls any utility work needed? 4l ls the driveway being repaved? 5) ls ditferent a@ess needed to site other than existing driveway? 6) ls any drainage work being done afleaing the right of way, easements, or public property? 7l ls a'Flevocable Right Of Way permit' required? 8) A. ls the right of way, easements or Xpublic property to be used for staging, parking or fencing? B. It no to 8A, is a parking, sfaging X or fencing plan required by Community Development? !!9u_ algwered yes to any of these questions, a'Public Way Permit' must be obtained.?ublic Way_ Permit" applications may be obtained at the public Work's office or at C-o-qtTu_ltrty Development. lf you have any questions please call Chartie Davis, the Townof Vail Construction Inspector, at 479-21ig. Date YES NO x X X ,( x X x I have read and answered allthe^above questions. Y Job Name Contraclo/s Signaure PUBLIC WORKS PERM]T PROCESS How it relates to Building permits: 1) Fillout our check list provided with a buildino permit aootication.lf yes was answered to any of the aoovC questions ttren a "public way" is required. You can pick up an application at either communig Developmeni locdted at 75 s. Frontage Road or Public works, located at 1309 vail Valley Diive. 2) Notice sign offs for utility companies. All utilities must field verify (locate) respective utilities prior to signing application. Some utility companies iequire up to a 48 hour notice to schedule a locate. 3) A construction traffic controystaging plan must be prepared on a separate sheet of paper.An approved site plan may also be used. This plan will show locations of all traffic control devices(signs, cones, etc..) and the work zone, (area of Construction, Staging, etc..). This plan willexpiie on Oct. 15th. and will'need to be resubmitted for approval through the winter. 4) Sketch of work being performed must be submitted indicating dimensions (tength, width & depth of work). This may be drawn on the traffic controt ptan oi a i1e plan for the job. 5) Submit completed application to the Public Works's office for review. lf required, locates will be scheduled for the Town of Vail Electricians and lrrigation crew. The locates take place in the morning but, may require up to 4g houls to perform. 6) The Public Work's Construction Inspector will reviarv the application and approve or disapprove the permit. You will be contacted as to the siatus and any th'ai mayneeded. Most permits are released within 48 hours of being received, 6ut pteas6 allow up to one week to process. 7) As soon as the permit is processed, a copy will be faxed to community Development allowing the "Building Permif'to be released. Please do not confusi the "Public Way Permit" with a "Building Permit" to do work on a project itself. NOTE: ] !tr9 $9ve prooess ts for work In a pubtic way onty.* Public Way Permlts are valid only until ttoveirber iSfn.'A new Public way permlt is required each year lf work ls not compleb. e,,,p,ly Toryl,l0FVAIL 75 South Fronrage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 303-479-2 I 38 / 479-2 I 3e FAX 303479-2452 Department of Communiry Developnent IITFORIIA:IIOT TEEDED IIUEr EFPLIIITG FOR T UACEITTCTL PErutIT IIEAT LOSS CALCULATIONS. TO SCALE FLOOR PI,AN OF MECHAT.IICAL ROOM }IITH EQUIPUENT DRA9IN IN TO SCATE, WITH PHYSICAI, DTMENSIONS AND BTU RA?INGS OF AI.L EQUIPMENT IN MECHANICAL ROOM. sHow srzE AND LOCATION OF CO!,IBUSTION AIR DUCTS, FLUES, VENT CONNECTORS AI{D GAS LINES. NOTE WHETHER ELEVATOR EQUIPMENT }IILL ALSO BE INSTALLED IN MECHANICAL ROOM. ' FArr.unE lo PRovrDE rltls rxFoRualrox t|rrr DE]r..At roun PEnura. 1 2. 3. 4. hwn ti rouh |ron|.g ro.d rd, colo.do 8165/ (303) 4?9213E (3@)0$a3s otffce ol commmlty dewlopment . NOTICE TO CONTRAeTORS/OWNER BUILDERS Effective June 20, r99L, the Town of Vail Building Department hasdeveloped the folrowing procedures to ensure that new constructionsites h-ave adequatery estabrished proper drainage from buirdingsites along and adjacent to Town of vall roads of streets. Tbe Torn of Vail pulrlic rtorks Department will be required toinstrrect and atrlprove drainage adjacent to Town of vail -roads orstr€€ta and tb,€ installation of tenporary or permanent culverts ataccess points fron tbe road or street on to tle coastruction site.such approval must -be obt,ained prior to any request for inspectionby the Town of Vail nuifding Department tor tobtingfs or temporaryelectrical or any other inspettion. please calr 4'tg-2i60 t6request an i-nspection from the pubLic works DeparLment. Arrow aminimum of 24 hour notice. A1:o,-.the Town of Vail pubric works Department will be approvingalr .finaL drainage and curvert instarration with resutting roadpacching as necessary. such approval must be obtainea prlor ioFj.na.L Certif icate of Occupancy ilsuance. I oign Review Action Fol TOWN OF VAIL Date qit'\i'i': - q Calegory lfumberi Project Name: Building Name: Project Description: e,,4., }t s1 iL, r a 'i l{l ? -11, n, -i-rr .;r ,r\\, P p,/ k- L.J /+-{ L\ Owner, Address and Phone: ArchitecVOontast, Address and Phone: l3 \L-t- A 1 E,-j: P /lt /\ l-J :t/ -< A-r /\{R n- \ r^ (4 t7 r-t rrtlT-lL(.rr. ll r3FA(d r A '1 Z1r4v Legal Description: Lot lo Bbck J Subdivision L//t I Vtl-LA(\( t /..-TaoneDistrict Project Street Address: Board / Staff Action Motion by: Seconded by: ffonrovat D Disapproval fi StaffARcroval Conditions: .1tr.trt t, ; i-/illt{rr'"'J lr-'' Town Planner Date:J i,'-.! r..DRB Fee Pre-paid -t. I DESIGN RE\'IEW BOARD AGENDA \\?ednesdaY, June 7' 1995 2:00 P.l\{. PROJECT ORIENTATION 10:00 AM SITE VISITS 12:00 PM l. WestStar Bank - 108 S. Frontage Road West 2. Vail Iutemational - 300 E. Lionshead Circle 3. Ma:riott Vail Resort - 715 W. Lionshead Circle 4, O?,leill - 1385 Westhaven Drive 5. Rosen - 1722 Geneva Drive 6. WestStar Bank - 2l I I N, Frontage Road 7. Pitcher - 1555 Aspen Ridge Road 8. Lot 20, Glacier Court - 182.{ Glacier Court 9. Vail Valley Foundation, Ford Amphitheater - 540 Vail Valley Drive 10. \lllmer - 2860 West Aspen Lane I l. Jessops - 3025 Booth Falls Road 12. Ssara - I106 Hornsilver 13. WestStar Bank - 302 Hansen Ranch Road 14. FiirstBank of Vail - 2.14 Wall Street 15. Krismar - 100 E. Ir{eadorv Dri'r'e 16. Ilalvorson - 95 Forest Road Drivers: George & Randy 1. l(r4lsmar - Sign Application tOO East Meadow Drive/ Village Inn Plaza'Phase lll Applicant: Larry Ast nf)rtoru:S. Brainerd SECoND:G. Moffet VoTE:4'0 CONSENT APPROVED WCO\]DITION 2. Garton's - Changes to approved plans for Outdoor Deck t/fr3 E. ]r,Ieadorv Drive[ot P, Block 5D, Vail Village lst Filing Alrylicant: Dave Garton tmnON: S. Brainerd SECOND: G. Moffet VOTE:4-0 .. C€INSENT APPROVED WCONDITION 3. Vad Valley Foundalion - Ford Amphithealer fence. 5@ Vail Valley Drive/Gerald R. Ford Amphitheater Agrlicant: John Garnsey for Vail Valley Foundation M6rtOru: S. Brainerd SECOND: G. Moffet VOTE:4-0 RS GR CO]\SENT APPROVED W/CO]\'D ITION GR il*ri\tf,mrer - 2s0 cnF[?pplication. O (2ffi0) 2660 W Aspen Lane/Lot 17, Unit B, Vail Village 11th Filing ' GRI12. \'\fmrer - 250 GRFMpplication. Apgrlicant: Franklin and Joyce Wimer M€ITION: S. Brainerd SECOND: G. Moflet TAALED UNTIL 5/21l95 13. Cunningham - Final review of new duplex, '13tr9 Greenhill CourULot 24, Glen Lyon Subdivision ' Agrlicanl: Barry Cunningham N{(!TION: S. Brainerd SECOND: G. Moffet VOTE: 4-0 VOTE: 4-0 rtD Cffi{SENT APPFOVED 14. MSrt De Neige Holdings (Jessops Residence) - change to approved plans RS 3[P5 Booth Falls Road/Lot 14, Block 1, VailVillage 13th Filing Applicant: Galen Aasland for Tony Jessop niortOru: S. Brainerd SECOND: G. Motfet VOTE: 4-0 GONSENTAPPROVED 15. V.d Valley Consolidated Water District - Water pump station at Dowd Junction. RF AHplicant: VailValleyConsolidatedWaterDistrict nddftOru: B. Borne SECOND: S. Brainerd VOTE: 5-0 COTJRTESY REVIEW 16. Sefrmidt - New Secondary residence and 250 addition to primary unit. LW 1410 Butfehr Creek Road/Lot 6, Lions Ridge Filing #2 Aplicant: Leroy Schmidt niOftOru: B. Borne SECOND: G. Moflet VOTE: 5-0 APPFOVED 17. HiE/Mehler - New Duplex residence. 1717 Geneva Drive/Lot 8A, Matterhorn Village SubdivisionAplicant: Dennis & Debbie Mehler and Gridget & Farrow Hitt MOlOtrt: B. Borne SECOND: c. Moflet VOTE: 5-0 APPROVED WCONDITIONS 18. Hackman - Review ol a new single family residence. 2801 Snowberry Drive/Lot 9, Block 9, Vail Intermounlain Applicant: Patricia and David Hackman MOftOru: B. Borne SECOND: G. Moffet VOTE: 5-0 TABLED UNTIL 6121195 .'t g. Haney - Review of a new single family residence. 1339 Westhaven CircleiLot 23, Glen Lyon Subdivision Apfrlicant: Charles and Nancy Hovey MgrtOt't: B. Borne SECOND: S. Brainerd VoTE: 5-0 APPROVED LW LW LW I a , TOWN O}'VAIL CITR(:I(S MADE PAYABLf TO TOWN OFVAII, 0l 00004t540 ZONING AND ADDRIJSS MN PS $r.w 0l 0000 42415 UNI I.ORM I]UILDING CODI,$54.U0 0t 0000 42415 UNIFORM PLUMIIINC CODII $39.00 0l 0000 424t5 UNIhoRM Mlicl InNICAL CODIl $37.00 0l 0000 42415 UNII'ORM l.lRll CODD $36.00 0l 0000 424 | 5 NAT'IONAL ELI'CTRICA L CODIJ $37.00 0l 0000 42415 OTIIIJR CODE I]OOKS 0 t 0000 41548 I}LUI] PRINTS (MYLARS)s7.00 0 t 0000 42412 $0.25 0l 0000 4241 2 STUDIIiS o l oo(ru 424 l2 TOVFI]I]S COMPUTIJR PROCRN M $5.00 0 t 0000 4237 I PENAL'I'Y FIJIJS / RU-INSPIJCTIONSffiilL r$?0t,r,r(lt(.10l 0000 4 t332 ol ooffi 42332 OFF llUURS lNSPllC'l-lON t lil:S 0t 0000 414t2 CONI-RACTORS LICLNSIiS Fl:US 0l 0000 4t413 SIGN N PPLICATION F'I'I's20.00 0l 0000 4 t413 ADLlll-lONn L SI(;NA(;li t l:li IS 1.00 PIiR SQ.FT.l 0l 00m-414 YTC n RT PROJI:CT DONAI ION 0tBo00 4133L l4llf,flAlD DIjSICN RIIVII:W IIOARD l'l:l: | //u0 -,/a) OIWO0<EE}7F -INVF;S]-l(;n'IION F l:lj ( IJUILDINc) 3l 000045110 IOV PN RKINC }.-UND 0r 0000 22027 TOV NI]WSPAPI]R DISPI]NSI'R T-UND* 0l 0000 2il t2 TAXABLE @l4% (STATB) * 0t 0000 4t0t0 TAXABLE Td4% 0l 0000 42171 IJUILDING INVIISTIGAT|ON ()'t'tilit{ i....: .". :t: ' . ' . :: :.rr i,::. l'.lgL; Atsl,LlLA'llON llgl:S 0l 0000 4 t3l0 \ULrf l I()NAL UKt A "250"$200.o0 0t 0000 41330 CONDITIONAL USI] PIJRMIT $200.00 0t 0000 41330 EXTI]RIOR N LTERATION ILI]SS TIIAN IO(} SQ.FT.$zoo.00 0r 000041330 I]XTI'RIOR N LTIJRATION TMORI' TIIAN IOO SQ.I.-T.I $500.00 0I 00004I330 SPI:CIAL DI]VIILOPMIINT DISTRICT [NI]WI $ 1.500.00 0l 0000 41330 SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT TMAJOR AMIJND $ 1.000.00 0t 0000 4t330 SPECIAL DIJVI]LOPMI]NT DISTRICT TMINOR AMIJND $20u.00 0l 000041330 SUBDIVISION 0r 0000 41330 VARIANCE $250.00 0t 0000 4t330 ZONINC CODIJ AMI]NDMDNTS $250.00 0l 0000 4 t330 RIJ - ZONINC $200.00 OTIIITR ITOTAL: COMMBNTE: 1l.\ -,. cAsE r-------,-r..*.0 tSffut v. o-.t V RBC. BY: 'I '* i' .' zg. swartz - Deck "nd|i tub addition. 1106 Hornsilver / Lot C, Block 6, Vail Village 7th Filing MOTION: S. Brainerd SECOND: G. Mofiet VOTE: 4-0 CONSENTAPPROVED StaffApprovals Ford - E:iterior Wail 2765 Baldlr{ountain Road/I-ot 4, Block 2, Vail Village l3th Filing. Applicaoc Rob Ford Adams - Minor Residence Alteration 706 W. Forest Roadllot 9, Block 6, Vail Village 6th Filing Applicanr Nancy Adams Wheelbase - Sign 5 00 E. Lionsbead Circle/LionsPride Applicanc Wheelbase Ban''ister - Dormer Addition 1000 Lionsridge Loop #l3lLot 4, Block 6, Intermountain Applicant Frank BaDnister Lodge at Lionshead - Repaint 360 E. Lionshead Circlerlot 7. Block l, Vail Lionshead First Filing Applicant Lodge at Lionshead Phase III Condo' Assoc' Vail Village Inn - Sign Application 100 E. l\{eadorv DriveA/ail Village Inn Plaza Building Applicant: Joe Staufer Manzi - Skylight. 915 Red Sandstone Road, Unit #1 1 D/Sandstone 70 Condominiums. Applicant: Ellie Manzi Flannery - Spa addition, deck, stair 146 Forest 146 Forest Road/Lot 6, Block 7, Vail Village First Filing Applicant Mike Flannery Johason - clr"uges to approved plans 375 \,Iill Creek Circle/Iot lT,Vail Viilage First Filiog Applicant Mr. Johnson J/illa Cortina Condominiums - Trash Enclosure .22 West Meadow Drivd Lot H, Vail Village Second Filing Applicant Villa Conina Condominium Assoc. .LW, LW LW LW LW GR AK GR RS GR GR- F:Lvc6 oac drb 4cndrs O60?95 THE II3'fl,FuLOPMENr fll=Tu DIos r'r c ' May 3, 1995 \N i;*-s['l''r"'' {. Town of Vail Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Dear Mr. Knudtsen: Enclosed herewith please find per your instruction, page one of the Design Review Board Application, along with a check in the amount of $L00 for fees to cover the possible range of construction cost. Also, for your information I have enclosed several blueline plans with elevation of the top of rock formation noted. As you can see, the rock wall behind the spa should only be retaining about 3 feet as the projected elevation of 93.5 meets grade at contour 91. Our thoughtwould be to leave the swale behind the wall and rely on plants and/or snow to fill that void. The drop in elevation from the spa to the terrace is approximately 9.5 feet however, this is accomplished by constructing the rock fonnation over the existing retaining wall in this area (subject to review by our structural engineer). I have also enclosed two 8-12 x 1.L color Xeroxes of tle model of tle proposed development. The level where the figurine is standing is tle existing spa deck. The rounded or hexagonal white form is the existing terrace. The two larger color Xeroxes show the eastern elevation of the house with arrow pointing to project location, and a view of the rear portion of the terrace showing the wall that would be covered by tle new rock formation, the steps that would be eliminated, and the clutter of railings that block views from the existing spa (just visible on the upper deck). Attn: Re: 803 Alabama St Huntington Beach cA usA q2618-4 7 | I T O FFICE: T FAX: Mr. Andy Knudtsen Flannerv Residence 714 sbO 4q l0 714 q()0 4950 o Town of Vail Attn: Mr. Andy lfuudtsen May 3, 1995 Page 2 I hope this information is satisfactory and complete enough to allow you to reach a decision at your May 9 meeting. Should you have any questions or desire additional information, please do not hesitate to call. I look forward to seeing you in the near future. Sincerely, THE SITEDEVELOPMENT STUDIOS INC.(//fu;lw William A. Ackerman' President oc: M. Flannery ll3fitt'oPMENr )n"t'" IllsruDlos rxc.III April2l, 1995 k"V.^*t tl'- P',u/t lrf ' rPt* Town of Vail Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 restrictions and other concerns you have about the relocation of Mr. Flannery's spa. Cr(q' For your information, I have enclosed a color copy of the conceptual plan we have r r prepared for the area. Our goal has been to develop a new spa thal is nestled into the hillside which will afford those using it a view of the Gott range and of downtown s -f Ll4- The fiberglass spa existing now is located in such a position that it not only destroys the I ' n usefulness of the terrace at the master bedroom but does not allow the occupants of the t spa to enjoy the spectacular views from the site. url<- The concept of the new spa is ttrat it is a naturally formed pocket within tle bedrock, a hot spring. The rock outcrop which retains the slope above the spa is limited to 5 feet ,ru\, , in height at its tallesg and will appear as a naturally occurring outirop of bedrock. For V? your information, there is such an outcrop occurring naturally on lot #3 to t,he east of ihe site, it is this essence we are attempting to captuie here. briginating at the spa will ^ L ^be a small stream cascading down slope, which appears to flow beneath the driveway. l\.p'r"\ Water will be recirculated from this point to tle source. f r I have also enclosed several color copies of a spa developed consistent with this concept. However, our intention here is that rock form, texture and color will be similar to what could reasonably be expected along Forest Road. I thought th"* i-;;;;AiiJi# S':f explain what we are trying to do. 411' 2r3v 80:t Alaba ma St. H u ntingto n Beach cA usA q2648-471 I I OFFICE: 7l4 960 ,1910 I FAX: 714 960 4q50 THE , \o olt t Town of Vail Department of Community Development April21, 1995 Page2 Very little existing landscape will be damaged or altered by this construction. I am recommending that additional spruce and aspen be planted behind the spa to soften the impact of the house constructed up slope. These additional plantings are consistentwith naturally occurring plant groupings and should only enhance the views of any neighbors who may have views into or through this lot. I have also included for your convenience photocopies of two plans I received from your office. The first plan with latest revision date of October 31, 1989, shows more topography and set back information. The second plan with revised date of August 13, 1990, is labeled "final approved landscape plan." This clearly shows the existing jacuzi. I will return to you the DRB application and make an official submittal, but I did want to get tlis information to you as quicHy as possible so that you could begin to think about it and advise me as to whether you believe this will be a staff discretionary approval or will take a DRB hearing. Mr. Flannery enjoys spending as much time as possible in Vail during the spring and summer, and is also well aware of the limited construction window there. We are available to meet if a presentation is desired and if it can help e4pedite the project. I will call you early the week of April 24 to get your reaction to this material and your advice as to the best way to proceed. Sincerely, M. Flannerv a/L7ler DESIGN RET'17 APPIJTCATION . TOTIN DATE RECEIVED: DATE OF DRB MEETTNG: rararaa***r.tl* INCOI PI'WE APPIJICATIONS IIIAY NOT BE SCHEDWED FOR NEIIIEJI. tttl*rt*!trt** A. I.PROiIECtr TNFORIiABION: t EIf BOARD TYPE OF REVIE!\I: -New Const,ruction ($200. 00)Adclition ($50.00) B. Minor ALteration ($20.00) X conceptual neview ($0) C. ADDRESS: D.LEGAI, DESCRI Subdivision If property descript,ion, Lo Lhis appl is described by pLease provideication. a meeLs and bounds on a separate sheet 1.ega1 and atEach E. ZONING: F.NAII{E OF APPLICAIiIT: Mailing Address: G.NAIr{E OF APPIJICAI{T I Phone Phone H. NAME OF OVINER(S): Address: Phone APPITICATIONS nIlir NOT BE PROCESSED WITHOW OWNER'S SrGill:fURE Condominium Approval if applicable. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid at thetime of submittal of the DRB application. Later, vrhenapplying for a building penniL, please idenUify the accuratevaluation of the proposal . The Town of Vail will adjust bhefee according to the Eable below, to ensure the correct feeis paid. &z glk4 34e- 'J. Mailing edd4ess: bh ffil.lA,1_fA-_gzw_ FEE SCHEDULE: VAIJUATION $ 0 $ 10,000 g rv r vr.rr - iP f,u, uuu $ 50, 001 - $ 150, 000 $150, 001 - $ 500, 000 $500,001 - $1,000,000g Over 91,000,000 FEE $ 20.00 $ 50.00 $100.00 $200.00 $400.00 $s00.00 DESIGN REUIETT BOARD APPROVAIJ E:XPIRES ONE YEAR AFTER FINAIJ APPROVAIJ UNIJESS A BUIIJDING PERMIT IS ISSUED Al{D CODTSTRUCEIONIS SEARTED. II. A pre-application meeting wiLh a member of the planning staff is encouraqed Lo deLermine if any addiLionalapplication information is needed. rt is the applicant'sresponsibility to make an appointmenu wiLh the st,aff to deLermine if there are additional submiLLa1 requirements. Please note that a COMPL,ETE application will streamline the review process for your project. III. TMPORTANT NOTfCE REGARDING AIII.I ST]BMTSSTONS TO TTIE DRB: A. In addition to meeting submittat requirements, theapplicant must stake and tape Ehe project. site toindicate property 1ines, building lines and building corners. All trees to be removed must be taped. All site tapings and staking must be completed prior to the DRB siLe visit. The applicant must ensure that staking done during the winLer is not buried by snow. B. The review process for NEw BUIITDINGS normal.ly requires Lwo separate meeEings of Lhe Design Review Board: a conceptual review and a final review. C. Applicants who fail to appear before the Design Review Board on t.heir scheduled meeting daEe and who have not asked in advance that discussion on Eheir item be postponed, will have their itens removed from the DRB agenda until such time as the item has been republished. D. The following items may, at the discretion of the zoning administrator, be approved by the CommuniLy Development. DeparLment staff (i.e. a formal hearingbefore the DRB may not be required): a. Windows, skyliqhts and similar exterior changes which do not alter the existing plane of thebuilding; atrd b. Buildinq additions not visible from any other lot or public space. At the tine such a proposal is submitted, applicants musL include let,ters from adjacent property owners and/or from the agent foror manager of any adjacent. condominium associationstating the association approves of the addiLion. E. If a property is located in a mapped hazard area (i.e. snow avalanche, rockfall, flood plain, debris fLow,wetland, etc.), a hazard suudy musL be submit,ted and Lhe owner must sign an affidaviL recognizing the hazardreport prior to the issuance of a building permit. Applicants are encouraged to check with a Town Plannerprior to DRB application to determine the relationshipof the property to all mapped hazards. F. r'or d1t residential construction: a. Clearly indicate on the floor plans the inside face of the exterior structural wa11s of Lhebuilding; and b. IndicaLe wiLh a dashed line on the siLe pl-an afour foot disLance from the exterior face of thebuitdinq walls or supporting colunns. c. If DRB approves the applicat,ion with conditions ormodifications, all conditions of approval must be addressed prior to the application for a buildingpermit. Io .';ffc "4r*'dijil' \. gt o J o ahz (J z F D 2D iijfiE E i +;:: 3::F;i 5;" iiE :i E 1.:'l= ;€i€!;e 4.2 c.+ i i iel.i: €ij E !! :s !r !EE o\ 01 o\N F I H ct) t'I(9 F{ l-,1 Ho Ff Hu) 146 r:,' \o.i' !o o! 3 .; I F .r'l o{.tt I z Fl HFz t{u) c I tsI 2 t-tth tsl& Jdz&Fla l{l lrl a rlk lsQY:--<>xo ,., l/ a?€ 3E2a\4\,.'/ ii Fz"v>z= trr ;-E3:*>Qn L! \,/- ca ..t-tr2Esn *F= €%ca or z3FF*rr<t:iF<Yo;rl3zih><-sr5lllF?E*3pFtaoln:,, ul E*o>F; nO!,.1 F r{ > =<9Q HF:= soxAFZ\':trlKUosxHr''FYl FSSE ttEra t3ftsa C.AEh+rF{; tr-f Et--- A.€)R e. EgtFf =.!Pq= .E le€ .lJtFr |.6. € h -aLrIP -a *Fl HLa EY q-a trt ) t oz E-e,ulo- 6d6 o @c,l oo o F. CD @ U'utIu1r E =EIuo- [s sR o\ @N v) H a z F) ct@rq |>':<-|o a.t rFllJ Flsoro= lE".ov t(, F-{,zEoJ 3o UJF eoF cF 2 =o o =zo EI itt uJFoz ozo _Jf.o .6 o =z'.oN F FJ2 z H z f{ G l,u2 'o l!Il-oz -.o 14 \ IQ /\ GFzoo Go Gutz;o tto lrJ(ElF z(!t 6 \ nl\<w "J a,! ) A.'. \ \) i x\aau4 ,s. I (\Yvl vIx b T.\ ao,6 C3oF oE Cl., 6o,9rtr\F .Er!, o oE o E C6 ottolo cD .Es:-o E. o. =cf oo o o.o,6 '.9 o o ! ol lJ\ cl at oooc ct .sIt o tr, 3oF 6 t't CL Eo(, o ig CL oa t,co c .9 6 E o .g o-c E = 'E Eo() o o E <Do EE6'5E gE F.2 EEF'5E8cL oo5o-o =Eg>c9 EE BE =i:eCCg'c g= o.o $E E€ E6oE Ooic-cG-a60 io.og8eo3 EEo6 tedtt>g-oo9E OEEO -o a-.,1\o N @ @ 6t oF\e.lI\rr o o\T\\o .+ & ==E UJA('zo ==@ -o UJ-oz Jr IEF()(l,l uJ (,z aoI Jc iIz (.) ult uJ UIttzIF B,E()ule oE oo =uttgJcz(, U' UTo F v,Iutoc z llrJo x F ulol v, UJu,t! E =e uJo, FoF o =ct!J .D 1Ic,Fc) UJJ uJ oz aot3 G {I =-o uJI Fl H H NOIYnlv^ zE ;2ZtLo oo 5 a =Fgo .5 Et!F* EH9C 4cEq SBqq eEdN(.5' >E -Ittt =uJ=o =I F = {t! d o. ca uJo- F o @ ct) E o- uJ J zItro zI E uJFJ '{*t UJz tltltlll Fz z9.a<oo<OJ;P xt!do<z =z. 9= i63d tl t-JI [T t_l l"ltoltoltdl ut JJ c ov,!JzYII !J zo trI oz I I I I -.,.l 4<l F1lAI r'1 l rr1 aJ)-f I 2';lto c 3 v, o I -"1iI I elot JI<l FI =l zl .. >lout uJ uJzo E =tul o- z Eoo N CO z FoI ao il lulql!td l; :lioH I -+ -$ C) -+ OO A ,t{,t).4(/' A/1 //14& ul ts(t, @o?zo Fo- IJJY uJ @ oF F^>6EE O\llj .-'{ o. bsl Eglo<lrl Hulbkzo FI;EE HHH L =G,ulo.tto EgE<g=aIP '95EEdEF:=i8 E3lo1g,!! Jr.E UJ.o oF @ & .,6 H =E HIi -iF j ts =E lrJ o-zo -F(J3G 6zo C) El rql 3l :li (, =l.l- .D FoJ B z H .D rrl f:lz tsF 'i,;=zEo-) F. coc'\ I\o io- l-{ F6 frl4 ra z uJt 2 ?l lrl &rd z =E It @ @\? I\o|.\.it $ u) rJ) d E =tr t! \o€ @ I@\o.$ rrl I\o a.l ciz ct|ltG J ttoz;oF H H Ir1 Fl Irt z H H :Etl 6.rf,\o Io\.ir 01 B<l tstl cjz c,ll IE J 3lroz =oF E, -.r O<FG() ITJ <ztUJF(rz-o () F!+ c) =+E l-o2 H g;E F. lH I sEE:g li1E:ssi lF liii;FJs i i=eF\lE : e*E 9i , rl3 i€F3$-Hsi siSif t rs? fiE;g - 'E*'9i E E 9€ -o.J(Jl(!0'-:-c;o(/)tr l ss;:s I E Fa=e II:5eg ' Iit!E.. I i sg'; F I t s a,t) uJu,u- = u.t o- NO|lvn'tv^F -l (\l oF'l- =Eui(L \ \ S\ lto Goo I trlFoz J @ tr zo9z? tr)o =z5:)de rF0rFl F =u, u. u, F |JJ& 3t-'\<E E :x: IJ.J F tr., td .-i._ F=o -,t! lr-l la/, I lr, -l ct E 2lu oE : Eo(r o g (D .lcqtE=e ..... (Jz J tt FoJ <ooq,uJ r!JO Jis 6f;F Fd= QNN o g =F\JZ o oFo zo(J z ? (JlJ = sF;C) 5Ed3() lr -rO<F(rC)ur<ze, UJ r-o6 () Fo r.u =o ii =z u,z3o at u,lu lJ- == UJ J F x F t! ) o llJ o. t IU (, E . trr, z 6tl, rljlr, Lr-z uJ uJ (J z (J uJ = (,z : o o IJJJ uJ r UJ z =q, (Jzo , (, = = J .. >lo UJo uJ z atF ul J zo troo lUo_ u-:o qjlJ t!zY F vt tr.,o r tr.iz ta lo- l"- iiol -l ol :t F z9 d .l1l+l $l .ff,l gl Y ; rL 5.tr- a^o\ u,lo G .Uzuj<r. @ ov, U' tt lu \ N c' sl I \ 5I H HJg .l ;t g1,$y$ $ $fl'l I -{ \rIFtl6il \l H g aE $?$N *:1. oz E- 0autG pas sv) \ (\ G(\ Io\\ \ooq @al I No f\ \ N I \a'{ri a s.s X CD 6("1 at, uJ IIJl! E =E IJJo- \NSR Or Ctr €N vt H z oh ch @c'r Fl . <Fro(.l t{ Jh:so(r= Fo'ovot{ =zo!fG utF Eo e .2 =-o (, =zI nltl ml EI ai uJFoz 0zoJDIo{0 Ztzlol FFlz zo -L{tz) l5luJgt3 o I= 9la-too lr!Ltr&IE; ilaP)tt nls eA\l=b\\ \o.E N\l:i N.lil s 'lg? o !c6€rR6Y T 5H"t ET$EI = ${i t'\4'i ;rtcr Hl+ot+6 At+: DltI zl{i 4t+ 6t+ .oc E"Sq8 E\E 6b*t E$Ca.=oE6o: :.E €6 -tt6E 5o't.= i6o-NEo 85oo:F -Ec -oEg' E€66 5E-69o B6.s= o -s, 5.e -c, E'5o a: EOo-()E oc€6o-tDq, FE EE6'5E gF 6f EE F5;cttocL- o6€o'0' =Ec9 E.EuEgE FO ES =9E=AE sE E€ Ei;ot,LC OE dgsg -o,60 drO AEo5 EEo6 ;66E>9-ooPEEEro lY' * (\ : a Nx (\l \ nl \ @ (\ 8 \ooF \o ry \, r- \ NF oa \ I '.D \ rn sN..r ctI \+Fl.qDq + =.c,u,o'(,zo! @ -()ut ()zIo. J 9c.F(J Iu UJ ('z 6I Jo. J Iz ogJ = wu,l!29F Iu-c() uJg oG o.o a aEzIollJo E aD u,o A?z uJ () x Ft!o:t at u.tE'l! ts-E uJo- J Fo (9 =oJ =@ cIG C) uJ l! ozoI =JA J Iz C'ult F{ H NO|IYn]Y -Go 'ZztLo oo 5 H =;s99 BHg: 8Eo+ 4cgH En-. : tuz-. t\t o >E --l''3ut.I! - @ z.9 =J {t! zi oot uJa- F o @ arl E o,u,G J z tr zo E u,lFJ a uJz I v, 2. z tr 6 I o!z z JU3 o!J |lJg oz Fl! =F E Il ) <ltou,zI9 uJo- F 2 5 (nz I I I I .n)zl<l *l tql 14lv)I I Tij ] F l! lr tc o 3 o o -rl<l FI zl zl .. >louloul lrJ2ot Gul J z 9 troo C'l @(n oz Fo 5o i-l-II l'l= l''' ll E'F (f) & rs -ifO O -z .rnt)4ut /) ea-/)/-r ul tsu,too zo o-lljY UJ @ oF ts =Euto- l!o coo I UJFoz o\ @ : utF o & Hu) d, Ftr \o.rf tr zo F ozfo FIF!- oz co =fJ o- FIF E =ElrlGz9F():fE 6zoo tr =trltrGlto EgE5€nB9trkD9 =TE JFIF E=I* gFl E 9blE 3HIL a 7'lI iiFl :J ut @oF J =fi8 tsz El ooo E uJE o I td t{Hp. zo & =c tl €6.J' I\0r\.f oz dtuG J t!oz3oF I\o6l €iz etltle oz!oF (J li&H(J Fr trlFl z H H Ic ll .l =l oz ci IIJ .E tt z3o F FT cn Fl t-{ l-{ I I.d IFo BIrlz Hu) trr& tsrz*>. tEl i,;- z t\ @or I o. FfH 6 14z N z x uJ =2 F'-c.r =!to2 o C) HFH /s - //42/d J ? z 9oo EoIIzzz{ A EI lrl ots& aD \0 Fo ul ?3 EErelr< d'hOE t06a?9{ E -o;:r -l -< H;EZ'o.z EF gH Ior qxf E5 9Z.zEi 8E B lrlE 3 7YF ||ld5 6'6z> ( tl \)+ $T { s tl U dtl $ta Eils ,|: 5Eg FIE ?il :IIEEd I I 3rrl > .z o EI irl >o .< o< \0 F J i'il| 1: , l'l- it*\\ ffi i\ ftrj olrl(r,or Er \D Fo ul ct 59'-2 EE 8g 5 ;HI IFEEElO Fr3 E trJ.E ..1 3 \ I D $ E F iLt flJG 10 '9A LA'A? YODER ENGINEERS VAIL 3@3-949L959 rt P.?/2 \ I August 10, 1990 Pierce Segerberg Spaeh Architects 1000 S. Frontage Rd. WestVail, CO 81657 Attn: !{r. fom Frye RE: Retalnlng-Walls at Resid€trce, Lot 67 Block ?, ValI Vlllage,First Flling. MEC#397. Gcntlenen: Monroe Engineering ConsuJ.tants, Inc.. hae revlewed our structural dcsigrn calculatione for the retainl.ng walls at the aubjectproperty. $he lower retalnlng waII, situatedl parallel to. Forest Road below the residence was deslgned, tn connection with the second warl above it. A netrrork of horlzontal rock anchors e:nbod-ded ln bedrock and a conbination of soil deadload and frictlonbetween the bedrock and f,ootl-ngs work together ip stabilizing theretaining walls. Reducing the heiEht of the in-place wall more than what we dis- cussed in our.Iast meeting would reduce the dead load in thcplanter area between.the wa1ls below our design assrunptions. Itwould also reduce the frost cover of the upper footings. Theanchor area of, the horizontal tie. backs would also get close tothe top of the wall and they couJ.cl, break out. From a structutal engineering standpoint, we cannot recorsnendreducing the wall'heighe of the exlstlng lower wall more thandiscussed previously because of the treasons mcntioned above. If you have any questlons regardLng thie eubject please calL us. Sincerely,\{=s- Eannes Spadh ES;In P. O. Box 139? 48 t. B..rr.t Ct!.k 9lvd.. fflOI AvoG Colondo El@o 34lsas,776t onroe Engineering Consultants sEffic l3 EgE#-* ;3€Eei]:" l!3 Ji,r JEEta, < EI i?, iE ,:l 'r',5; a{v,NStli ^bI"^r Q'Y\i *\ ! \r'{ - fT :i{-.;, S .aS: i j<-:' -,F,.! .+it jl+ t+i. ;lT': t+,- il+i-i il+lt+)l+ I gl o\l,-{ |'gJ - l<( -r tclir9r5ll1lrr3l'fri5rP oz ctule. J ltoz =oF IH 13 I I or @ clr coct c\I\o -J Cf O oz E =Ellr o- 4, ,4,t).,6 /1 2 & (t IJJ UJlt ts =G IJJc t, UJ UJl! UJ E(t, tDoazo Fo- UJY Luo oF F =3Go\lu r-{ o-b:l tslo<lrl H F,oEzo A-t2rt< at /?' --/o,h 4v )//r/,2 /n * tsl I o .4q (2 .) ?,./.) )/ -',Iq^fI )..) 4. '4 \12'f a oz Jtr I .n '.t 1:, S ,i!ln r':r r'ir !_! tl ir.r -. ij j +:, r::' A- f,.i C ,:i' -f !: i i:. i:r r:1rn 'i. :i' ,--, a! ,:: ,'r i lI a -{ -.rd rJ- -t -lH 'a' :i Ii L:'r rar r: i ':t '.r: ':'ra:, :.i rir ':: 'jr .:;, ,:t_ '5. ':i-- Er Elfr|t: ,.i_1 rl !'-_l r:r i: aIn! ':rf.:: H4 i.-- at ,i ,:i ijr .' ..r :f ;.^ . :il i--].1-;:: i - !:' :lr ,:, i.i-i'l: n*a) .- :, r]l ;.t' ,: :ii-r l_l rT il Lar r: r:l rI il ;l Hl 3l 3 v) 4 E I tr tt, t-n- ilt- rr't m tt - tlt g.o t]' l_l7 trr Hz at an uJe J t H z EE t! le lFlllt: lq I I $lq J>EE 14z -t4 zo& uJ =2 B z Hv) z ! qJ =z Jto I I FoJ =Eoo,<b'9 E 9 =a e= a ==Ht E ies: [ ,-, FFo = l! :-lE E=I J: dFl ixI 6 il 9e=E ; iI EEi E ; rI aHg e f FrFtt(l\, tr EIX'I}<J ul @ F a& F =Elrjo-z9F(JfE azo(J 9r !.it EI I\o GIH F Fr tll Fr z l-l H Ic o2 ci uJ J ll-oz3 F \'\o I .ir ol \o I€\o -at @.ir I\o F-if tE li 6 \J oo drr F CD - '2ZtL tr - 6z3; =Fgu, 0 eliZ ! C)r.-l6 ir .t t4fl= Hao* clEn S=a6 "-E-N(, =>E -r.'tlur€ =oN E -rO<FE()gr< ZE,lJFt.t Zoo 9P s3 d3 Q z T C) llJ = Gng lJz Town o{ Vai I 25 5. Frontage Ftoacl Vai 1 , trol r:rrado AIb37(3fJ3) +76-7QQ.J FIan analysis based on the 1988 [Jrr i { orrn Fui I d i ng [:ode Froject Id: BYRNE / TAYL0R Address: 146 FtrFtEST FOAD Date: October 13., t?89 Contractor: 6l"lA Occurpancy! R3,M1 Architect: GORDON FIERCE Type o{ Const: V-N Engineer: NCTNE [rl ane E>rami ner: Jt]E NOF(llIfl NBTE:'l'he code items listed irr tl'ris report are not intende"d to be a cornplete listing o{ all possible code requirements in the 19BE} UBtr. It is a guids to sel ected sectiong r:{ the code. ==E:;= ==!:== ==;;='5==:g==*=== =:i:==== = == ===: = =:* = = = = = = = = = = = ====-=g =:=::::==:-= ==::::: =:€i!===:i:==== SEPARATIT]N DIRECTINN FOUNDARY AREA INCREASE FIRE F,ROTECTiON NORTI"{ [:u[:r ] i c wely 6l . (:) Feet 41 , t] Fc"let EAST Frnpe.rty 1. j.ne 36. (-, Feet ?6. (") Feet S0ul-ll Property I i ne li7. O Feet ITJEST Froperty line ?3.t1 Feet 57. O f:eert ?3. O Feet Artea increased ?1.?57. {or rutren area on ? gides. FL NAI'18 OCC I'IAX FLR AF(EA ALLOWED RATIO STATUI,i ? Dwelling rOTAL FOIt FI-OCJII 1 Dwerlling ro'rAL t:oft f:L-otiF{ B Dwelling TtrTAL FOR FLOOft BUILDiNG TOTAL. B F'ar!':ing 6ai-agr: Ml ok 8f,7 Unlimited oh F(3 ok 697 Unl i mi ted ol: 697 UnI i mi ted ok Rf, c:[:: ??95 Unl i mi ted o[,: 33?li Unl i mi ted cr[:: 115 oh 131 7 Un I i rni ted rt[:: 2054 Un I i mi ted ol'{ ?9?? Unlirnited o[:: ts \-., ".L. €J^"e\\ \.s Cl)J \)-^\ @* -.,p Ee Rn B50B'C' >4c- 5l t I"aq e*3 Code relvi ew f or': i3roject Id.: BYRNE / TAYLOR Address: 146 FOREST RUAD EXTERiT]R IdAL.L F'IRE RATINGS AND T]PENING FROTECTION Table L7*A & Table 5-A NORTH EAST SOI.JTH NEST OCC BRG NBN-BRG T]PNG BRG NON-BRE T]FN6 BRG NON-BRG OFN6 BRG NON_BRG OFN6 WALL NALL PROT WALL WALL FROT WALL WALL PROT WALL IIALL PROT R3 Ohr f.thr None Ohr ()hr None cJhr Clhr None Ohr Ohr Nona' l',11 Ohr C,hr None C)hr Ohr None Ohr Cthr None Clhr Ohr None The exterior wal 1r may be of COMFIJSTIBLE material . Sec.?2t11. Flone *- No {ire protection requi rements {or openings. lf,rot -- Openings nrei Lo be protect-ed with 3/4 ht- {ire assembl ieg. 1QZ a{ the area o{ the wall ma;'rimurn. Sec.3303. (b) & Table 5*A l"la>lirnum single window siee is €|4 sq,ft with no dimension greater than 13 {eet. -- Sec. 4306. (h) NOF -* 0peni ngn &\r"e not permi tted i tr thi s wal I . * -- These walls may be required to have a parapet well 3() incheg above the roofing. The parapet wall is required to have ther game fire rating aE thes walI. See gection t7t)9. for detaile and rexcepti mns. OTHER BUILDINE ELEMENTS Table 17-A ELEI'IENT I'IATERIAL FIATING NOTES I nter i or Bear i ng w;rl I AnY (l hr Interi ot- nonbrg wal I AnY t-t hr Strutcturral Frame AnY 0 hr F:rterior Strutct Frame Any (:l hr See f ootrroh.e 'lll 5ha{t Enclosutre AnY t hr Floor/Ceiling Assernbty Any Ct hr See Footnote #? Ros{/Ceiling Assernbly AnY O hr Stairs AnY None NOTE: $eel Selc. 1706. (a) {or Shaft EnclosLrre exceptions. FOOTNOTES: 1) Minimum on e:<teri or side also baged on exterior brg. u'JaI I reqLtirementg, 9) In areas with vehicles; or airplanesl the floor gutr{ace shall be of noncornbLrstible, nonabsorbent materials. -- $ec. 70?. (b) E 9O2. (b) OCCUPANTY SEPARATIONs RE-1"11 thr l"l"rterials approved {or lhr congtructi on are required on the garagE side only and I 3/A inch gol iri corer sel+-closing door. -- sec. 503. (d) ex #3 ADDITIONAL giEPARATIONS FT]R R3 trtrtrUPANCY: FOR I"I1 OCCUFANCY: e#3 Code review {ort Project Id.: FYRNE ./ TAYL0R Adclreg::t t4& f:OREST RilAI) EXIT REGIUIREI4ENTS: FL NAME OCCUPANT NUI'IBER EX IT FANIC RATED D[]OR NOTES LOAD RESUIRED WIDTH I+t. J HDWR CORF{IDOR 5WIN6 I Fag ? Dwelling ? 1 (:,.0 No No N/R TOTAL 3 I ( 1) qt. t) ( t-,.0) No No N/R 1 Dwelling E] I C).? No No N/F TUTAL El I ( 1) O.2 ( Ct. ?) No No N/F B Farking G.eraqe 4 t O.l No No N,/R B Dwelling 4 I tl.l No No N/R T0TAL B 1( 1) O.?( O.3) No No N/n Dosr gwing is based on Eiec. 33C,4. (b) er;<cept ers noted. Occupant load iB bclsed on Table I3-4. NLrmber o{ er:ite ig based on Table 33-A except as noted, Ex i t wi dt-h i g based nn SFc. 33(:,3. (b ) . The ntrmLrers in ( ) are include occupant loading {rom {loorri ;rbove thisl {loor. *- $ec. 3303. (tr) F:OOTNOTES I STAIR NOTES: A stairway in a dwelling rnust be at least 36 incheri wicie. -- Eieq. :i${l&. (t )'fhe max imutm r-ise of a step is I inches and the minimltm rutn it; ? inches. -- Sec. .3t16. (c) exc"#1 Frovi de a handrai I on nne gi de a gt:ri rway 34 to 38 i ncheE abovtlr the no:;i ng i { there ig more than 4 rigerg. --' 6ec. 53C,6. (j) Frovide a guard rail where drop o{{ is greater than 3O inches. l'linimutm height = 36 inche.;r rnali i mum opening EiaE = & inches. -- Sec. 1711. exc ? The rninimLtm headroom is 6 ft.- El inches. -* Sec. 3$(t6. tp) Encl osed ugablE Epace LrndeF the g{:airs is requrired to be protected as requtired for thr {ire-regiritive constrltction. -- 8ec' 3306. (n) ROOFINCl REGIUIREI"IENTS: 1) The rsofing on this lrurilding ig not requtired to he {ire retardant. -- Table 32-A AUTOI'IATIC SF,RINI{LER SYSTEPI$: STANDPIPE REGUIREMENTS: NALL AND CEILIN6 FINISH: 1) WalI and ceiling finiEh material!r are reqLtined to comply with Sec. 42O4. (a) and T.rble 4?-8. 2) Carpeting ctn walls and ceiling are required to have a class I f lr-arne spread rating. -- sec. 42Ct4' (b) o Fag e*4 Code review {or: Froject Id. r EYF(NE ,/ TAYLOR Address: 146 FOREST R0AD INSULATION NOTES: 1) AII ingulation material inclutding {acings-, are reqLri red to have a flame- spreacl rating o{ 15 or less ancl a ma>rimurm smoke density o{ 450 unle'E!3 it is in a concealed space and the {acing is in contact with a w.rl l or ceili.ng. -- Sec. 1713. (c) exc.#? i) Foam plastic inslrlatione are required to be protected, -* Seic. I7l?. GLAZ IN6 FEOUIREI,IENTS: 1) Ali glazing in ha:ardoLrs locationg is required to be of saf a:ty gl aa i ng rnateri aI . '-- Sec. 5406. (d ) ADDI TIONAL REEUIREMENTS: For R3 occuparicy AlI bathroorns, waten closet compartments, I aundry rooms and simil;rr areas ghal I bee provicJecl with naturral venti Iation or a mech":ni cal ventilation system per 1?BE U.B.C. ch. 12, sec. 1?Cr5(c). Fireplace chase$r Br@ requri red to have a minimum l-hr firo r"rting to top o{ termination cap. Fi repl ace 'f l ute pi pe i s recluti red to .be accesgi bl e {or cI eani ncJ pLrrposes. Decorative fireplace chimney cap* to be constnutcted of non-combustable mater i al g Only one sotid {r-rel burrning {ireplace per dwelling unit is al lowerl per Town of Vail municipal code ch. ?8. ordinance no. ?4. Sl oped gI az i ng ancl stryt i ghts to be corrstructed and i ngtal l erJ per 1988 U.B.C, ch.34' AlI {urel burrning equriprnent shall be aseurred a sut{{ieient surpply o{ comburstion air per l?B€l U. M. C. clr. 6. AII applianceg and mechanical equipment ehalI be inetalled per its manLtfactures listing per 1988 U.H.C. ch. 5, sec. 5(:)4. Alt appl iances and mechani tral eqLripment shall be acceggible {or inspection, service, repair and repl acement withourt removing permanent cclngtructi on. Fer 19BB U. I'1. C. ch. 5 r sec " 5O5. All hpating and cooling equipment loc"rted in a garage and which generates a glow, sprark or {lame shall be inet.al led with the pilcrtst bu,rners and switche:i at least 18" above floor. Per 19SS U.ll.C. ch. 5t sec.508. AlI boiler rooms shall be eqr-ripped with a floor draint per 1988 U.l'1.C. ch. 21 , sec. ?119. AlI fuel gas piping shalI be installed per 1988 U'H'tr' ch' 22'' Code review f or:Froject Id.: BYRNE / TAYLOR Addressr 146 FI]REST R0AD F'i:lge # 5 Al 1 moi stLrtre exharrst clucts shal I lermi nate on the oLrtsi de of the building and shall be eqr-tipped with a back draft da6per'. AII potable water supply lines shall be protected with approved backflow devi cesi to preva.lnt crc:s6 connection. ier lawn spr-inklerE snc1 boi I ers Private garage floor drains may not be connected to the building wagtei and vent Iines unless and an approved inceptor is installed, Wood burrning stove mLrst meet State of Colnrado requirements, in addition to standard code requirements. Provide a wi ndr:w or door to the elxteri or from ev€nry room userJ for sleeping. -- Sec. l?C,4. A window mutst provide a clear open area of 5.7 gq.ft.r a clear height of ?4 inchesn and a clear width o{ ?O incheg(rninimum). -- Sec. 1?04. Al I habitable rooms require exterior gl azecl openings eqr-ral to 1(17. or mnre of the {loor area. (min lt) sq,+t. ) -- Sec. l?Cts. (a) AII habitable rocrms requrire an operabl er exterior openings eqltal to 57. or rnore o{ Lhe { l oor area. (mi n 5 sq. f t. ) *-' Sec. 12(:t5. (a) The minimurm ceiling in a habitable space ig 7.feet 6 inches except kitcherrsn halls, and baths rnay have a ceiling height o{ 7 feert. -- Sec. -- t?t17. (a) Provide a smolle detector in alI areag having access to sleeping rrJom5, -'- Sec. 1?1O. (a) 4. Frovide a smolle detector in bagernent that is connected to an al arnl ar-rdible in all sleeping ereas. -* Sec. 1210. (a)4. F,rovi de a gmoke deh,ector on alI floors that is connected to an alarm audible in alI sleeping areas. -- Sec. 1?1O. (a)4. For I'11 occupancy I oo September 19, 1989 Town of Vail Public WortsDepr Vail, CO AtEr: Greg llall, Town Engineer To Whom ItMay Concern: It is o_l{desire to have good drainage along Forpst Road in front of Lots 5 and 6, Vail Village, FirstFiling. The proposed retaining walls will not negatively impact the existing conditionC. We will provide drainage as required by the public works departnent and incorporate these requirements in any final design solutions. Attached are sketches showing design rcquirements, as per our September l9th discussion, regarding the above refercnced project. These sketches will act as minimum standards for the "&ainage ditch" in question. Re: Lob 5 and 6 VailVillage,FintFiling /Aaa 7 PARTNERSHIP, A Colorado Limited Parfrrenhip on Byrne General Partrrer RB:djs cc: MikeMollica Gordon Pierce oooo *] I t I I t I I . ,___-.1 I I I I lI, l I I I tlIt tl II T I I I I IJ -,---- iJ ''"'-.'.."- ,-'.] ti)/I:' 1fIIl, I,I'll I /1 ) oo t 'r'' ' *r:rlr +r \olar.str czl"tpmosl l.lcrr .n> €<ALE_ t.,i '. Lu T*te Drsr a'J(EV*Rte.>- awv*u Mtxrmuu *crr,l* Nor ao A12 1-t1-81 'es leta? roor* fifRs vArL sa3-s4e1ese onroo Enofnoorlru Conaultrntr 303€49-7768 w o^rr&-IG-E ,ronJq Dt,ffirJho.aao.rrool.roortrio{rottfE1.I0t!{o IENN OF VAU, 75 S. FRONXAGE ROAD \IArL, OrCRjAm 81657 BASED CN ffiE 1985 T'NII(RI @4! EPT,ICASIOT PROfEqf rD: BYRNE RESID. NEW @NrRjacaoR: G.M.A. & ASSoCTATES ADDRESS:146 FOREST ROAD OGJPANCY: TYPE OF @NSf: NEW RESIDENTIAL CfiTTR, MME:RON BYRNE ARSISKT: GORDON PIERCE BGINffi: I'UUI ECUm{ER: JoE NORRIS/MIKE MOLLICA 11lftp: AUG. 15, 1989 PERIIII ISSNTG Sec.3O3. (a) lhe txritdirg official nay i.ssre a perilit for the construcEion of part of brildfug or strirctrrre before the entirc plans a1d specifications for tlre vitrole lrrildirg or stnrctgre have been sutnritted or a1prsved, prcrtided aOequate inforrration ard detailed staterents trave been filed ccrpfyirg witb aU pertinert rcquir€lents of the code- llhe holde of sudr permit shall prweed at their q^'!t raslc withcut asstnance tltaE trle pennlE ortat their q'n risk withcul assurance that the be .EFFTICEffiCIT PffiETIJRE PT-,N{ CIIEE( WITL T:DII ffiIN I]NIIIL EIL OF EIE T{FTOW IS CcUPT.,EED CR, st'E!ffTED. (1) Design Revisr Board final atrptovals as /J /f An electrical plan? lJ /J- rire Prcofirg? /J /J sprirr)<ler strops? /J U- Fire ala:m shcps? /J /J Firrish sclred:le? /J /J- qrccifications? /J /J otrrer'? Re. /J /J- /J /J /J- /J /J lto D /J- /J /J- /J /J /J REA. /J /J /J- /J /J L/- D reqrdred. (z) Plannirq/zonfurg final approrral fim ccnun:nitry Develqment st"fq. iai Hf records, agrresrEnts, title rreports, letters of credit, bords, etc. rusf- accoIIP you application. TD Y€T,R PTENS Sil{ EIE TOLIOWIIG? IIU|S Ii4IF[GD X ARE ruUEE) CN fiIE PT.,BT.IS, qtrIERS I.GY TPT EE RqPIRED. Y:ES fl x site plan? * 2!l ftrrdation plan? 7J e soil test? tf slua@ strucb:r"al? fi r'toor pransa /J Xt e.lerations? 2 e nectranical plan? clE NrcTICt{ SmII, tpT EKrcEE) EfCllD [tE K)IN[ OF APPROI'AI,! itMJst irlcllde a I, EIE TTNI]ERSIGIIED, IAVE 8EN) AND IINIERSXAI{D. STGN: I** ADDITIONAL PLAN REVIEW REQUIRED BY CHANGE!', ADDTTIONS OR REVISIONS TO APPROVED PLANS, A FEE OF $3O.OO PER. I1OUR WITH A MINIMIJM CHARGE OF ONE HALF IIOUR. -t oo flffD F [l:i February 7, i-' 1l )1 1991 Town of Vail connunity Development DePartnent 75 S. Frontage Road West Vail, Colorado 81657 Attention 3 Dear Mike: Mr. Mike Mollica We have received a copy of the letter from Tom Frye of Pierce, Segerberg, & Spaeh regarding the Canadian red cherry tree that has been planted at the northwest corner of Lot 6 Block 7 (see Exhibit I). Mr. Frye says it is their intention to trans- plant this tree; we would like to ensure that it is indeed moved. The principal reason for our request is concerned with the future dollar value of our 10t. Contrary to Mr. Fryers letter the infornation we have from a horticulturist, and a nurseryrnan, is that the tree is bush-like and wiLl grow to 25rhigh and 25' wide (not 20r, but an increase of 56t in cross-sectional ^area).So from its present small size it will grow (V/4- Dz) to alnost a 500 square foot cross-section. Recal1 also the tree cannot grow southward because of the adjacent wal1 and driveway. So the growth of necessity will be northwards, obliterating our view of the Gore range. The nagazine advertisement to sell this new house features a photograph of this sane, alnost identical view. Tom Frye says in his letter, Exhibit I, the landscape con- tractor nstuck his neck out by planting this tree..." I talked to this rnan before the tree was put in the ground and asked him not to ptant-TE--Ii- that location. He did it anyway. Where were the architects who generally are paid to supervise? There are also other nuances involved in this action. The new house project at 146 Forest Roadr in our opinion, has a history of the parts not conforming to the plans approved by the Town of vai1. we have been promisedr both verbally and in writing, that only an aspen tree would be planted in the area where the Canadian cherry is placed. Please consider the follow- ing chronology of events. 1. 7/29/89 Letter to Design Review Board from Mossmans. Exhibit II. Points out fl'ew problems. House inproperly located. 2. 9/25/89 Design Review Board Meeting. Approval of plans. Brought up wall and landscaping problens. oo l,[ike Mollica February 7, I99L Page Two 3. 6/L6/e0 tetter to Ron Byrne from Mossnans. Copy to Commu-nity Development. Exhibit III. Outlined our concerns (wal1 height and landscaping.) Meeting at Mossmanrs house. Attended byarchitects, Town of Vail personnel . WaIl height problen and other discrepancies. Meeting in Denver with G. Pierce at Tabor Center. Discussed waIl and landscaping. Have signed drawing showing substitution of aspen for Canadian red cherry. Too bulky to include here. Letter to Town of Vail Community Development fromarchitects and approval of landscaping change.Exhibit IV. Aspen for Canadian cherry. Letter to Town of Vail Comnunity Development from Mossmans. Exhibit V. What to do about theplanted Canadian red cherry. LetEer to Town of Vail Community Development from architects (T. Frye). Exhibit I. Intention to transplant Canadian red cherry. 4. 6/25/90 s. 5/27? /90 6. 9/6/90 7. Lr/ /e0 8. L2/rr/90 As you may see the problem was recognized early and we tried to cooperate. However, because of the nany and severe differences between what has been promised and what has occurred, we are apprehensive over whether the Canadian cherry will be removed. This is not a trivial matter, but of real economic and aesthetic concern to us. Can you advise us as to the next step? Yours truly, E"*, -.-. / e1 7z7z-*-,''''-.-- f-.a^ ,"' Emmet and Ruth Mossman : alh Enclosures: (4) aI - EO t FEB 1 5199t February 7' l99l llr. Tom B. PryePlercer Segerberg & Spaeh, ArchitectE 1000 South Frontage Road WestVall, Colorado 81657 Dear llr . Frye: tfe have recelved your letter of December 11, l99O concerningthe Canadian red cherry tree. It iE our strong oplnion that thepresent location of this tree will have a najor negative inpacton the economic and aesthetic value of our lot. l{e would like toaccept your offer to re-locate this tree ln the spring of 199I . Yours truly, fu*z/AZ?tze {J'a. c' -rl-na+t""az Etnmet A. llossnan Ruth C. llossman cc s llike lloll ica Ron Byrne Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh . Architects P.C. A.I.A. RtU1DEC 131990 Decenber 1. 1, 1990 Town of Va1l Conmunlty Development DepartnentAttn: Mike Mollica 75 S. Frontage Road WestVail, cO 81657 Re; Ron Byrne - Lot 6, Block 7vail Village First Filing 146 Forest Road Dear Mike: I am writing thls letter to confirn our conversationregarding the Canadian Red Cherry Tree that has been plantedat the northwest corner of the lot. This type of Cherry tree1s of the t'cLunp" variety as opposed to a "tree" variety.Mr. Mossman says that he has spoken to a nunber of nursery men regardj-ng Red Cherry Trees and claims that they can growto a height of 20' and that this would seriously impact hisview from hls property. First, it is our intention to transplant/move thls tree irrthe spring when it's survival 1s more likely. However, westrongly believe thls particular specimen, and 1n general ,this specie, is a prine selection for this location. It meets the need for softening the impact of the house fronForest Road as stated by the D.R.B. and P.E.C. We alsobelieve this particular specimen will not grow to a helght of 2O' ; at least not for 20 years and left totally unpruned. We would very much like to l-eave this tree in 1ts present locatlon for the following reasons: 1. Diversity of plantlngs along the north side of the driveway. 2, Screening and softening of the house from Forest Road asdesired by the D.R.B. and P.E.C. 3. The likellhood of this specimen growlng tall enough to screen the Mossman's view i-s minimal . This likelihood is non-existent if the tree is pruned and cropped to encorlrage bushy growth. Main Office: l00O South Frontagc Rr-rad Wcst . Vail, Colorado 81657 . 3O3/4'1 6-4433 Post Office Box 2313 . Beaver Cree k. Colorado 81620 . 3O3/949-6049 One Tabor Center . l20O Sevenreenrh Srrecr. Suire 515 Denver. Colorado 80202 . 3O31623-335s Town of Vail Mlke MoIllca Decenber 11, 1990 Page 2. tfe encourage the l,lossrnans to work wlth Ron Byrne or otherpeople who nlght be their neighbor, regardlng the control ofthe growth of thls tree. If Mr. Mossman belleves Lhat thlstree will grow too fast to be controlled, we suggest that hecontact his sources regarding thls partlcular specinen. Ifhe is convlnced that this specinen wltL screen hls vlew morethan the aspens that are planted, then hre wlll be more thanhappy to relocate the Cherry tree 1n the spring. Flnally, we nust apologize for apparently dlsregarding theapprovals that were obtained. fn a1l honesty, the landscapecontractor stuck his neck out by planting thls t,ree and trulybelieves that this specimen will be unobtrusive to the l.lossnans vlew. We hope that this resolves any concerns that may existregardlng this issue. Thank you for your time and attentlont.o thls matter. Project Architect cc. Ron Byrne Emmett Mossnan (r,t.ro % ,'e"t t' &**4n-4 fxH/t3/1C ,r/ -/rUr A-.tL uil4 :cf"'" r'oZL' fu (^"*- 1t!'u- {.t -b<.+Jz ln+"ltl*; r'M'( d-l-u or.-o+oa\-. -(n'h -t er- 4D fu /-a41'2'L ka,to*MW)'- ; --v^-,..{, t *trlnn^-cc,-- -n Ll"' (,--':-r, r,a l'*'r r.', { 'lu "Cl-/ U* iry"- a.r, ,ptr , p.,--t-'l'4-4' L dZL-"t- a'*/ a; 14 4 ft r..l. .1 1nrvtt- l Q't ^J ' /" 4t 'b'6wl ar| )S ' o"4 11 n 'f u*' u 6-.e ,t^.,t/-t, (i=(, 't,.r,'.L.'** , Jfu; ,rilo L Jffftl ,,::);T=tr, clktwwfutt"'fl..i1, o.*.,1 ,lS bvt""1. rv t.i"'J ' 6yf fff1,.,), "E!2tijl:*ll' atu^,, t/,t, 7, (a *- .f&irnq, X :'*-#, Wry*d't l',r,wr. 4^6. t hYl-n pn,."t lto ; ;'ltil"n'./'"""i*1 ' (11ffi,0, 0.o hr") a.,a .vL ' lr -(.-''. .7a-{' ""'la''a2'^l' l'' ti+' dtrr"' ( c''+f'l t} tw-''t- ton-u' fL'/i +w^8 '(*'€'o" ")6''f"""\) 'v)a ir''r'{t'rrr"'{ -tn(,t:l t+..o t/ r 6,;' 7,! o{/ ':'- *,"" '-" ' ' ,lu' ' Ft , o* t/t"'iL' 'V 5r-( (t'"'t t' u- ! rt 't" {' n'( - ;'t51 t* C o'' *- /(,trr"'' 7' A t l' 'n'7 '{ '' L' lrrr-^. 6t Q,t-('-L 'r-'o o-nr)i .. C'{*l f ":;l * r'bi*fr::.r;'' ;" ffi,^rT;,lJ1,*;:'^.?,^-;'':;;'";:r::i;:r-"14-h"*eo"'r .4u&rryo-)'l-^r^n,'a'o{r'"(7o"rrl"ti"'l'r'''-'l'tf*'''tl-t-'7"'s't"'zl r- t--"1' .' , , t," ,../.",,, ., ca..+ z t, rr.... ,..,, f*Z' lwv w *""-fi* ,/r," ..?)'"'t t" /' 4" " /! " ,""t't ; " ' "t cat+t t 2r.rft \,'' f r:-l' Tzal LETTiID F TRANSNflITTAL E Samples the following iterns: E Specifications :ti:. WE SENDING YOU tr Shop drawings . {Qaer*sletter DESCRIPTION D Approved as submitted fl Approved as noted E Returned for corrections Resubmit , copies for aPProval Submit-copies for distribution Return . corrected Prints tr ,! tr 19-_ n PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US -'. COPY '*'rn' 6fril E a- rn or.tt Pierce, Segerberg aeh. Architects P.A.I. A. |oc..t&sp Septenber 6, 1990 Town of VaiI Community Deve lopment Department,Attn: Ulke Mollica 75 S. Frontage Road WestVail, CO 81657 Re: Ron Byrne - Lot 5, Block 7Vail Village First Filing 146 Forest Road Dear Dlike: we are writing to request a minor revision to the approved landscapeplan for the above referenced project. This revision is in responseto Mr. Emmett Mossmanrs concerns for his view corridor as expressedin recent conversations with you and our office. specificallyl we are requesting the exchange of one canadian Redcherry tree for one Aspen tree. The tree is shown on the approvedlandscape plan in a position due north of the garage. we wouLd like to remind those involved that this change is beingrequested in the spirit of cooperation vrith l.tr. Mossman. However, itshould be clearly understood that if this reguest results in anydelay, the request for a reviElon will be withdrawn and the lan-clscapeplan will be executed as approved. rt is our understanding that this matter requires only staff reviewand approval. Thank you for your attention to this natter. Sincer-e Iy, Vail. Colorado 81657 303147 6-4433 Office B ox 23 I 3 Beavcr Creek, Colorado 81620 . 3031949-6049 cc.-Ron Byrne -Emnett llossman Main Off ice: Post 1000 South Frontage Road West Onc Tabor Centcr . 1200 Seventeenth Street, Suite 515 . Denver. Colorado 80202 . 3031623-3355 aI tProject Application Project Name: Prolect Description: Contact Person and ,^r" ? ' /s'7o enone ,f s"-' Z-*:- r l- a-b.-e-. Owner, Addressand Phone: W Architect, Address and Phone: Lesal Descriptio n' ur 6 , atocx I , ,u,^g V. t/r' /Z--e l* , zon" P/a Comments: Design Review Board Motion by: Seconded by:l,J'.%.-:.^. '; ll Town Planner D statt Approval \ Date; vrcG lnwn 75 louth fror*r3t 'oadY.ll, color.do 81657 (303) 479-2105 officc of town mlmgcr MEMORANDUM T0: Kristan Pritz, Director Cormunity Development DepTFlnentt/ /FR0M: Ron Phil'lips, Town Manage@ DATE: August 7, 1990 SUBJECT: The Byrne Residence, Lot 5, Block 7, Vail Village lst Filing The Town Council has asked me to appeal the staff approval of the Byrne residence noted above to the Design Review Board. The Council's concern is that the additional rock walls add to the bulk and mass of the residence to result in an impact that is neither compat'i b1 e with the neighborhood nor sensitive to the site. RVP/bsc cc: Vail Town Counci] .t ^ ,": t 0 -( Fe ^!^^A.l- & *a=L -fon-r2-r I Nsa- = Asp"^ ,'\ 1 I S'ttt'U l \ 3 e.lh aL"<ua \ --=---t{ t"-.1 a "-o--!t'-......-_-'* _- &rruf-;r', lr' '.: / /--( . L.---, //-# ^*nA/ ..rtttv< .u/ . L",{ ul&" -bn-' | ..+rLrto .-o8 / @'tt / /bLt, o\ hct *< ?Ea a- 2I L fy't<c4 -i / .l".k.h / o atf'<-a 7 2 .^.A c-/. /,rt',4 ? 5 fi^.14 /sVrur.* P,-Ar, rV*ln ! 5p.r,- ' ,; E'^ f { Lrr''ro ,, -Eg- Ptsunu- 2 gltuct )'-/1 + I 14 p,*/ tprt^t*r 4', I ?b t'4oq^/k 't t3 '*r/-^//k)4,,r'\' .l a '1!*l *L*l ' I 4*{"- e*ue 71'\ lr, 'i 3i*,lt'^/<Y' to ooilde"'L'- Zs ,4, Fruv.hlo l.to^d,, co t / a- Z d&.on e]ar4hl- / wL. 4,4-r/ l13o A B+{.: Aue. Fqlew*l, Co vall0 >n"f/u. "1/t CllnC-tt-z-t'tS- '{-ru^t nuld*'t &bt' #^ /l,r4ro H.; /rZ* /- ,qr ' PznA. hL d' Vnz-o^j'- rL bf"-O7 LL rt/-,.h'r- ,4i'rJ.t-re4t* , r-t .2 \" f/'zK^J t^,^t/ /71'd44'?ft'a-'' 4" ?rt- heae zuA cllinz/- 4 r-L c1,''*- q d- ?*of -# ^//,t/v,t',?*fuTtfr ry:"f/4*;,) Ll'&,-u ra Ii" '*; 'u"v,*llt 7" '<th-"'d a-"'lli 2y7<z*t 6ru- o4r1,cr4/]4- a-J-rvt a-rw -Au' .k fu ,Ha-.'&+ d*"!47r/ wu dv<' 4r;-an -t,;r-- {t; fu, (a a. 0a-^ o&-ilo^- -'/.e of dau,.y #d'L, a f"*/e 5 at # *-4 *" uf--^4 a4 1e-iJ-z-,AL hsotl{, 4 *-L*-,''a.ry1;az, e-'/ ,n A- rdu, Ain- il,- aa1-n^tzrrl d7 fl.- ,il7* 7'l-- nd- ,,- /Lan n-"'- n".,tfr.. Q^,ui P**-- *"A' k oqzul an'olq, lfu pu/*+L-6,L a-"- a'"-,-.-l .L. xL, n"a a)-u'uat o.'I,/e- trt"^t fri*'-.u-t- pl- naho6-"+r.j 4* x/- n"a a)-u't4tuo.'1'/e- trt'n' fri,"'-.u-"- pl- naho tuhi. -f ort. -*^-/t ;. >'/,'(- , -*/* tz-,Cia- aifu' dt7 a -!'fr'- a >TLtX,L 7yU/a;.^-/ nzy-*'t^^",' A-u L{ cht>;* aa' lJrgt' on''/' zu^a-/+/ z4 ,au../A ,>* azLt fl"*t^".r A4J.*l), )4t4- ru-7r/**l t-=tL *h/? af"ytu.aA.(^l^. n*'.H'-,t) -1'U'1 :-44-''-:'t ./moZ'n*Q U( L? i'"^ /A- r-/,-d q Ett- tna*&"', 't-ql- +r.^--"/ ax- '4/-L42. V(-{ -1/zv'*r,"/tu 13 'PLuL H-'- Ca-*/ii)-/.' -"1 a-ee'r/tl ^"-{ t-L f/r)-.,-frL .arwz( .-'6.t /4:itY/t,,- 3M . F.ilry"4t y"-,'ar-na4 .t"^l /r: a- L--.t"- E c4>unr..t-t:aaiz,;'L*-til,. dtt-XQ"r-,,'bu, --11-L."t,-(, **,4 tV: /j* ,q"I- 3 rz.t''"r"il ah"L a^4 frf,* ry* c'- q-uz--/ !/3^ ,rt''/A'"/-. ',//t td Ql.{,,- h qro- o.ffonfr^ ,rl" W hyz'w i} n>u't, '//!/a ?71 - 4 sio 4', Project Application 7,6 .70 ProiectName ? ^ R t' z o ProiectDescriptt"", L"--!--to-c z.e-r)-*'- - -' 4--ZZ-& e^o Af Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Descriptio n: rct h , arccx ? , riting l/, L/;Z( t *{ Comments: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Sum mary: Staff Approval XC: n*-4 n*o^-"-- Pierce, Segerberg Spaeh. Architects o & o C.. A.I. A. September 5, 1990 Town of Vail Community Deve lopment DepartmentAttn: Mike Mollica 75 S. Frontage Road WestVai1, CO 81657 Re: Ron Byrne - L,ot 5, Block 7VaiI Village First Fi1ing 146 Forest Road Dear Mike: we are writing to request a ninor revision to the approved landscapeplan for the above referenced project. This revision is in responseto Mr. Ennett Mossmanrs concerns for his view corridor as expressedin recent conversations with you and our office. Specifi.ca1Iy, we are requesting the exchange of one Canadian RedCherry tree for one Aspen tree. The tree is shown on the approvedlandscape plan in a position due north of the garage. We would like to remind those involved that this change is beingreguested in the spirit of cooperation with Mr. Mossman. However, itshould be clearly understood that if this reguest results in anyde1ay, the request for a revision will- be withdrawn and the landscapeplan will be executed as approved. rt is our understanding that thi.s natter requires only staff review and approval. Thank you for your attention to this matter. cc.-Ron Byrne -Enmett llossman Main Office; 1000 South Frontage Road West . Vail, Colorado 81657 . 3O31476-4433 Post Office Box 2313 . Beaver Creek, Colorado 81620 . 3031949-6049 One Tabor Center . l20O Seventeenth Street, Suite 515 . Denver, Colorado 80202 . 3O31623-3355 Sincer.e ly, to*on R. PrERcE, o*cltc"LETTT @F TRANSNflITTAL l00O South Frontage Road West vAtL. coLoRADO 81657 (303) u.TA,TO a7a4433 > wE ARE SENDING vou ,Kett""hed tr under separate cover via k4W0 the following items: ! Shop drawings f€ryr+retter ! tr tr Prints tr Change order tr Samples tr Specifications oArE q-o -zD l'"" "" / ao?',cto AnEN'loN r4t^zz-,//o a1l +RE: /,ar) - /4L B*rZ.c fu^r Bvauz,/tz-t=zr E3.qpp ., o- v JV{J coPtEs DATE NO.DESCRIPTION /1-64c /e-rrz^e. r'4y't^ -4)/^ b"pgrz a4*ruez THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: fl For annroval 'g For your use E As requested tr Approved as submitted D Approved as noted I Returned for corrections E Resubmit-copies for approval D Submit -copies for distribution D Return -corrected prints E For review and comment tr tr FOR BIDS DUE 19- tr PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS COPY TO uxrt|or l@rc e,-. b ol. SIGNED: ,, ancto.lra. fir not .. notad. ktndlt ^ott y ua tt .r (f:..1,.. 1.'! 'rl \ I Profect Appllcation Proiect Name: Project Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Lesar Descriptio n: tot5--SJL-, Btocx rJ , rlinsV, ll;24.1 | 4 . a.^. Comments: Motionby: Ho ,n seconded o, A*. Design Review Board -1 -o Y,/s,?o DISAPPROVAL Town Planner tr Date: Staff Approval /,1r, ^(\\ amenclment to the approvecl acc*B Jllan for both - O\\Y f lots at 146 and 126 Forest Road.atts 5 and 6' -. C \\'' Block 7. vair villaqe tst riling.(/4, t\LV - APolLcant: Ron Byrne f ' rike Dlollica presented the proposal for staff explaining that the \ rl applicant was requestlng a wall height variance and an amendmentto an approved accesa plan. ltike reviewed a brief history of theproject and the crl-terla and findings for a varl"ance. The staff recoumendation was for approval of the proposed wall height variance request, per the drawings submitted by Gordon R. Pierce, AIA, dated July 23, 1990 as amended July 26' 1990. Staff feltthat the current proposal ttas a substantial decrease from the origJ.nal PEc approved varl.ance and was nolr in conformance withthe Townis zoning code. The staffrs recommendation was contingent upon the applicant maintaining a conmon shared driveway for both Lots 5 and 6. The staff reconmended denial ofthe applicantrs request to amend the approved access plan. Jay Peterson, representing the applicant, presented three scaled models for the PEcrs review. one depicted the PEC approval, onethe DRB approval and the other depicted the proposed walls. He stated that the applicant wished to table the request to amendthe access plan. Jay explained that he felt that the current proposal was a better solution than the origlnal approval . Thetotal sq. ft. of wall area had been decreased substantially. A Iarge evergreen tree was being saved. He apologized that theapplicant had not sought PEc approval before beginning construction on the wal1. BilI Post, representing Mr. and lltrs. Dtossnan property owners to the west, explained that tlre Mossnans were concerned that their view would be obstructed and that a maximurn height of 3 ft. on the upper wall would be acceptable. Discussion then centered around what grade would be used to determLne the interpretation of 3 ft. by !lr. llossman, and Mr. lllossman pointed out the area of concern on the model . cordon Pierce felt that he could work witb 4 ft. but 3 ft. night not be feasible to deslgn. BiIl Post felt that 3 l/2 feet would be acceptable and the applicantrs representatives agreed. Diana Donovan wanted it clarified, for the record, that t}re 3-l/2feet would be above original grade, not present grade. T, ?PIANNING AND ENVIRONIiIENTAL COMMISSTON August 13, 1990 Present Chuck Crist Diana Donovan Connie Knight Ludwig Kurz Jim Shearer Kathy warren Dalton Willians Staff Kristan Pritz Mike ltollicaJiIl Kannerer Shelly Mello Andy Knudtsen Betsy Rosolack Penny Perry The Planning and Environnental Conmission neetJ-ng was called to order at 2:35 p.n. Chuck Crist was present for the site visits, and was absent at the beginning of the neetLng. He was expectedto return. Due to the late start, Item No. 1 was postponed to the end of the neeting. ftem No. 2:A request for a setback variance in order to enlarge a second storv housekeenincr service roomat Montaneros Condoniniums located at 641 I{. Lionshead Circle, Lot 8, Block 1, Vail-Lionshead 3rd Filinq.Applicant: Montaneros Condominium Association Andy Knudtsen explained that the board had seen this item at the previous PEC meeting for an exterj.or alteration request. The reason it was before the board again was that staff had not published for the variance. The reguest rnet the criteria and findings for variances per the staff memo. Diana Donovan asked for public comment and there was none. A motion to anprove the setback variance per the staff memo was rnade bv Kathv Warren and seconded by Jim Shearer VOTE: 6-0 IN FAVOR Iteln No. 3 was postponed untl.l later in the neeting to allow Jill Kanrnerer to confer with the applicantrs representatives. .t Jay emphasl.zed that the applicant wished to table the requested amendnent to the access plan and Diana felt the PEc could proceed wittr the varl.ance as long aE the appllcant and ilay understoodthat the access plan would be tabled with the understandlng that only 1 curb cut was approved. Ludwlg Kurz questioned why the two amendnents cane in together and l{lke o<plained the staff felt the one curb cut was one consLderation for allowing the wall height variance fron thestart. Jiu Shearer felt that the reduction ln height did improve thearea. He wanted to see the landscape plan tled into the approval . Connie Kntght stated that if the applicant wanted to propose 2 curb cuts, she did want the appticant to be requLred to come back to ttre PEC. She also wanted to see ttre topo nap attached as part of ttre notion. Diana cornrnented that she voted against the wall height variance the flrst tine it was before the Board. She felt that boulder waILs, as originalty proposed, were dlfferent from veneer walls, as currently proposed. She stated that eteep hillside lots were not supposed to be naxinized. Bulldings on this tlpe of lot should be constructed without destroying the site. Kristan asked Jay what he expected to gain by tabling the amendment to the access plan and Jay expJ.ained that he sinply wanted tine to look at the possibilities. He felt he night redesign the trouse on the other lot to elinlnate retal.ning walls altogether. He slnply did not want to have to reapply due to the publishing tine delay. Jay wished to clarlfy to Kathy warren that if she voted against the proposal, the applicant could build the walls as previously approved. He felt the current proposal was better. Kristan comnented that the staff supported the variance request because the they felt that the current proposal was better than the prior approval as it decreased the anount of the variance. Mlke explained that.lf the current proposal was denied, the appllcant would have the right to construct the previously approved plan as,fay had explained. A notLon to table the anen4nent to the access DIan to the Septenber 10. 1990 meetinq was nade bv Jin shearer and seconded bv Ludwig Kurz. VOTE: 5-1 IN FAVOR OF TABIJING WITH CONNIE KNTGHT OPPOSED \ Connie felta chance toboth itenE that tabling thejuggte the issue as proposed. access iten would give the appllcant and felt they should have voted on ind seconded bv Jim Shearer Conditions: 1. The heicrht of the upoer wall could be no more than 3- 1/2 feet above the topo nap of 8/7/90 2. The landEcaoe plan be no less than that which was Bresented. Kristan felt that the motion could be per the staff nemo with the exception that the access plan was tabled. Ludwiq arnended his motion to state per the staff melno. rtiththe exception that the access plan portLon was tabled with the conditions as llsted above. Jim Shearer seconded the amended motion. VOTE: 4-2 IN FAVOR WITH CONNIE KNIGHT AND KATHY IIARREN OPPOSED The board wished to have final conments on the project stated for the record as follows: Ludwio Kurz:He naa not happy that the developer had not come in an appropriate nanner or tJ-ning with the project. He dld feel that the current proposal was better than the previously approved proposal . Commented that as he looked up the hill, hedid not like to see aII of the wa1ls. llefelt there night have been otber ways. He encouraged ttre applicant to look at other options for the other lot to the east. Voted in favor strlctly on the basis that the current plan was better than the previousplan. She did not believe in height variances Ln general and did not feel that the house was designed to fit this lot. Voted agaLnst the proposal for the same reasons as Diana stated above. She had voted no from the beginning of the previous proposal . Dalton WilLiarns: Diana Donovan: Kathy tlarren: ill-m Shearer:Voted in favor because the current proposal ras better than the previous approval . Hedid not want to Board regarding the applicant before the adJacent lot and dld not gee the Connie l(night: Item No. 3: want to see the Bane large amount of drive inthe future. He agreed sith Dal.ton regarding the walle. He would rather give a site coverage varlance than a retaining wall helght variance. Connie stated that she had already nentioned her reasonE. Road l{est.Applicant: Anoco ol.I CourBanv. Jill Kaumerer presented the proposal for staff ex;rlaining that Anoco oil Conpany had not comnLtted to the landscape requirernents presented in the memo as recommended conditions of approval . Jitt stated that the request was for a conditional use pernit, a landscape variance, and a setback variance to allow the construction of a renediation systen eguipnent building. she reviewed the history behind the request and reviewed the criteria and finding for each request. The staff reconlDended approval of the conditional use pernit and each of the varLance regueEts with the landscape varlance contingent uPon condltions. Jill introducea tne Anoco representatives; Mr. Bill Black and Debbie Phenicie of Iaw Environrnental , Tom Briner, the project architect, and Doug and Cuny Sterkle, operators of the Alpine Standard Station. Diana Donovan felt that the work session gave the board a good understanding of the aesthetics of the building. she felt that the present dLscussion should address the landscaping and whether the building would be pemanent or temporary. Ludwig Kurz aEked if there was any lndication of the length of tine the bulldlng would be needed, and BlIl Black responded that he thought 2 years would probably be sufficient tlne for the renediation ayaten to clean up the ground water and subsoil contanination to acceptable levels. Kristan emphaslzed that the two year perlod was an estinate, there were no guarantees as to hott long the system would have to rernain in operition and subseguently how long the building would have to remain. \" Jiur Shearer asked if the structure would be removable, and ,fill stated that the building was beLng built as a perrnanent structurewith a foundation. Bill Black conrrented tbat the applicant wanted to erect a tenporary structure, but that staff felt a tenporary structure would not meet design standards. Diana asked if the upper Eagle Valley water and SanitationDistrict had agreed to water discharge volumes and Bill Black responded that they had. He had a letter acknowledging the agreenent. Diana asked if it waa possible to shut down operations during peak periods such as Christmas and New Years week, and Bill Black explaLned that it was possible but that Upper Eagle Valley Water and Sanitation Dlstrict had given no indication that thLs would be necessary given the volurne of the water to be discharged. Further, naximum benefits were realized with continuous operation. Joe lfacy, representlng vail Associates, stated that they wouldIlke to see the system underway soon. Bill Black explained that Amoco was proceeding without state approval at their own risk. He a'anted to ernphasize the urgency. Kristan wanted the Board to realize that the staff was in no wayindicating to the Board that staff wished to hold up the proposal-. Cuny Sterkle, operator of Alpine Standard since L973, explainedthat the Conrnunity Developrnent Director in L973 | Jirn Lanont, bad addressed ctosing the eastern access issue in 1973 and Cuny had resisted the closing at that tine. Cuny stated that he was not consulted by Amoco, the Town or Law Environmental about the landscape issue until today. The proposed access closing concerned him. Cuny stated be had a conversation with Jim Rogersof Amoco Marketing Department and Jim was also concerned aboutthe curb cut closing. Cuny stated he needed the Frontage Road access for gasoline tanker transport truck deliveries. He was also concerned that Narrowing the VaiI Road curb cut' would create a hazard shen ttre transport truck was unloading. He stated he barely had room presently for patrons to egress thesite when the tanker was there unloading. He wanted access to renain as it vas currently laid out. In the sunmer a tanker could barely fit under the canopy over the punps but in the winter witlr ice build-up on the pavement, a tanker could not fit under the canopy. PUBLIC NOTTCE w'^ NoTIcE IS HEREBY GMN that the Planning and Environmental Comnission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the nunicipal code of the Town of Vail on Septenber 10, 1990 at 2:00 p.m. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. Consideration of: A request for Lots 5 and 6, Forest Road.Applicant: Ron an anendnent to the approved access plan for Block 7, Vail village 1st Filing' L46 and 126 Byrne . A reguest for a work session on the Sonnenalp redevelopnent and proposed Special Development District at 20 vail Road, Part of Lot L, Block 5-8, Vail Village 1st Filinq. Applicant: sonnenalp Properties, fnc. . A request for a conditional use permit in order to construct a rernediation system at the Vail Anoco Service Station, 934 S. Frontage Road. Legal Description as follows: A PART OF THE NE1/4 NEt/1 OF SECTION 12, TOWNSHIP 5 SoUTH, E{NCq 8l WEST 0F THE SIXTH CniNbiill MERrotAN,'oEscnr'aeo As pbrrows: BEcTNNTNG AT THE PolNr oF_ lNTERsEcrloN oF THE i_,cii-Lp.rE oF sto-sEcrroN i2 wrrH THE souTHERLy RrcHT-oF-wAY Llryq oF u.s. HIGHWAY No' 5. iaio pbrNr BETNG 6J4.15 FEET sourHERLy FRoM THE NoRTHEAST coRNER-oF sAlD sEcrloN 12: iHexce wEsTERLy ALoNG THe souTHERLy RtcHT-oF-wAy LINE oF sAlD HIGHWAY, A DISTANCE oF ii6' iin,-uonE on uss, To A potNr oN THE Flsr HlcH wATER BAll!1 o_F RED SANDSToNE GREEKI ixiruCE SOUrnenly. ALoNG THE SINUOUSITIES OF SAID FAST HlcH wATER BANK' 2o0 igir.-none on r-tis, Jo ms rnrensEcTtoN wrTH THE NoRTH HtcH wATER BANK oF GoRE cREEK; rier.ice EAaTERLv. albruc tHE srHuousrnEs oF THE NoRTH HtcH .w{TE!_ BaNK oF GoRE CREEK, i+S FEn. uone bR LESS. To tTS tNTERsEcTtoN wlTH THE EAST UNE oF-sAlo SECTION 12: iner-rci Nonrxenlv, ALoNi sAtD EASr LrNE. 160 FEEr. MoRE oR LEss. To THE POINT oF BEGINNING. Applicant: chevron U.S.A., fnc. 4. A request for a ninor subdivision on portions of Lots 7 and 8, BLock 6, vail Village 7th Filing, LLIT E. Vai-l valley Drive.Applicant: Thomas Rader 5. A request for an exterior alteration and a landscape variance on Block 5C, Vail village lst Filing, 225 wall Street.Applicant: American Angler/Arnerican Ski Exchange 5. A reguest for an exterior alteration in order to construct a 30 sq. ft. expansion on Lot 1, Block 1, Vail Lionshead 3rd Fi).ing, 510 w. Lionshead Circle.Appli-ant: Landnark-Vail Condorniniun Association 7. A request for a major change to existing developrnent approval for the Val1ey, Phase vI . Applicant: Edward Zneiner 9. 8. A request tq amend section 18.04.130--def,inition of Floor i"3ia.fli?lG:tii::'*"i:$ I"t:;l?' t5ll*i3i,,","Fanily District density controli 18.12.090 Tno Fanily Residential District density control andt 18.1-3.080 Prinary/Secondary District density control , of the Municipal Code. Applicant: Tosn of Vail A request to amend sections 18.04.360--definition of site coveragei 18.09.090--Hillside Residential District site coveragei 18.10.llO--Single Fanily District site coveragte,' 18.12.L1o--Taro Fanily District site coverager 18.13.090-- Prinary Secondary District site coverage; 18.14.110-- Residential Cluster District site coverage; 18.16.110--Low Density Residential District site coveragei 18.18.110-- Mediuro Density Resj-dential site coveragei 18.20.110--lligh Density Residential District site coveragtei L8.22.11-0-- Public Accornrnodation District site coveragei L8.24. 150-- Cornmercial Core f District site coveraget 18.26.L2O-- Conmercial Core II District site coveraget 18 .27.09O-- Coumercial Core III site covera€Je,' L8.28.120--Co'nmercial Serrrice Center District site coveragle; L8.29.O90--Arterial Business District site coveragei 18.30.110--Heavy ServiceDistrict site coveragei 18.32.11O--Agricultural and Open Space District site coverage and; 18.39.190--Ski Base/Recreation District site coverage, of the Municipal Code. Applicant:Town of Vail 10. A request to amend section 18.52.160--Off Street Parking and Loading Exenptions, of the Municipal Code. Applicant: Town of Vail The appllcations and available for public Department office. Town of VaiI Conrnunity Developnent Published in the Vail infornation about the proposals are inspection in the Conrounity Development DepartmentTrail on Augrust 24, 1990. 7 7,ls,?o oo /tu 1frc 9 prfr^"* - a,/.orz- /;4^1 ,t+e4 Wz /r^4 q*- /rJv ,6 reS f **/-1, Nrt o. 5rg /).-< , /rJ,+ - No fr-^r4-e,1.-.- q- ,^a4 - No c-*r,,-^.4 /r24. K r4 - t'l l/ ' r - ^,-V "rrf( dttt;'^( il, dta,i ^ S^! - L r-l--.< n.1* .F / T .H?-,L h .h E4 /; */ (-^r,,4 - Nft2n ,zyff */ trA* T.k /,,*- /ea.-'e+ * .a'.'r nt^,1-t ,(* illal df)l .f -/ a,",* lec ffi-- ly/k+- *-. n'o.-t /7.^'.-a-* /rry/+ fu * /a< .ryl / r V"-A A^./r1 z". q rtt--*lzt- ,r^-4. 3 "r* GAFA, edc ., ., nlt+ : St^ -- To'htt ea*r' *C"* 2- 5.4JX. /oL vo{<,. - /.s-( fu'(. - ft ;4 #-/ -& fr&l -A e ,atue( /y,4 ^/ra*4 {oo /'r4 -4r/4 /44;.4 (n 4rrtAz>r+ . i\,a; - ZL{ 4;a ftw*?, /??\ Ur{-e t 1-7 e-r, C"^r",e\ TO: FROU: DATE: RE: Planning and Environnental Connlseion cornmunity Devetopment Departn"". FfL August 13, 1990 A request for a wall helght varianceto the approved access plan for both 126 Forest Road, Lots 5 and 6, Blocklst Filing.Applicant: Ron Byrne DESCRIPTION OF THE VARIANCE FEOUESTED t c0Py and an amendmentlots at 146 and7, VaJ.I Village I. The applicant is the owner of the above naned lots, which are loiated at 126 and 146 Forest Road and is requesting the following: A. A request for a waII height variance for Lot 6' Block 7 VaiI Vitlage lst Filing. The applicant is requesting this variance to allow for the constructLon of retaining walls along the north property line of this Iot, (adjacent to Forest Road) which would be constructed to a maxirnum height of 8r-0il. The proposed retaining walls would be located within the Town of Vait right-of-way for Forest Road and would also be located within the front setback area of the property. B. A request for an amendment to an approved access plan for both of the above named lots, located at 126 and 145 Forest Road. Said access plan rtas aPproved by the Planning and Environrnental Conmission on septenber 26' 1989. This access plan provided for one shared driveway off of Forest Road. The Lntent of the shared access was to nininize the grades on botb drivevays, thereby keeping the retaining wall heights down to a mininurn. The Bown of Vail Zoning Code allows for a maximum height of 3r for all fences, hedges, ts3.L!9, and landscaping screens which are located within any required front setback area (Town of Vall lfunicipal code, Section 18.58.020, C). II. BACKGROT'ND OF THE REOUEST Septenber 25, 1989 - The Planning and_Environnental connisiion approved a wall height variance requeat for both Lots 5 and 6. The vote for approval was 5-2. Septenber 26, L989 - The Town Council reviewed and approved the Revocable R.ight-Of-Way Perrnit per the PEC apProved variance. The vote was 4-1-1. Novenber 1, 1989 - The Design Review Board approved nodifications to the retaining walls as previously approved by the Planning and Environmental Cornrnission. The reguest at this tine involved changes to the finish of the walls. Specifically, the finish on tbe walls was changed from a boulder lrall to a stone veneer finish. The amount of waIl area was also reduced at this tine by 648 sg. ft. June 28, 1990 - The Town issued a stop Work order on the retaining walls when it was discovered that the walls were not being constructed according to the approved building pernit plans. The following table outlines the original Planning and Environmental- Corunission approval , the subsequent DRB nodification to the walls and the current proposal: III. ZONING CONSIDERATIONS FOR IOT 5 Total site area: 151730 sq. ft. Allowable Site Coverage: 2'360.0 sq. ft., or 15t Existing site coverage: 2'309.5 sq. ft-, or 14.72 Allowable GRFA: 3,823.0 sq. ft. Existing GRFA: 3'823.0 sq. ft. Allowable Building Height: 33.00 ft. Existing auiJ.ding Height: 30.35 ft. (Lot 5 currently is vacant and has no improvements at this tine) ,. Li Reta neal Feet: r: oi:,r ihing Wall ..... ,. Et ^r; I,t:, ,, ' ',: ' , ,I i:: , ..l '::t .:] ':t, .l ,,,',, ,, Boulder, + ::','WallS',, : .'.':.':"":'v ,, :i:.,:,Wall Arel :, VehCer = Total ' witts: : wan i ::''.:.' r,,.,.:,,,1t:r:r::: 'f€8 ' "."' % betwr len ' Q$ !s1we(rn tl6 over *sl,,::::,':::, ::t .:. 3r-6 r:,::!r:::t::::.:. 6 PEC Approval 1453 st + 943 sf = 2396 sf (sepr. 26, 1989) 17.7%,.,,,',::..,.12.A%39.5V0 r'r .: :1,'15.49t .':t. ,.,. .,,:,.,.,,,,1.::,:1,:,,:,,::,:, bRB Appioval (Nbv.'1;.1989) :'. ,'416'r,:,,,i23.6% :::r,:r:,,::,. '.i.' 1.,.....",0" Cunent Proposal 130 sf + 1267 sf = 1397 sf : 430' ,,,.43.3%18.8% IV. CRITERIA AND FINDTNGS Upon review of Criterla and Findings, Section tg-62.o50 of the vall l{unicipal Code, the Departnent of Conmunity Development reconnends approval of the reguested variance based upon the following fastors: A.consideratLon of Factors: The relationshlp of the recruested variance to other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity. 1. a.WaIl Heiqht VarLance: Though not a positive contributl.on to the neighbortrood, we believethat this request (which is a reduction in wall height and area) is an improvenent from the previouely approved retaining walI plans. We believe the proposal to be significantly less of a variance than eLther the originally approved PEC variance request or the DRB approved nodification to that request. Under the original PEC approval , 60.58 of the entire retaining wall area would be below 6l in height. The new request calls for 81.2t of the wall area to be below 6r in height. lilhen comparing the new proposal with the DRB approval , it should be noted that the current proposal actually increases the percent of wall area over 6' by 3.4t, and the total lineal feet of wall is increased by 14'. Even though there is an increase in the anount of wall over 6 ft. ln height, an additional 20.?t of wall area will be below 6 ft. It is the staffrs opinion that the requested variance, if approved, would not adversely affect the use or enjolment of adJacent properties nor would block or inpede views of iny surrounding properties. The western portJ.ons of the walls have been redesigned to acconmodate Mr. Enmet Mossnanrs (the owner of Iot No. 8' inmediately to the west) views toward the Gore Range. The applicants have proposed an extensive landscaping plan throughout the retaining wall area. Please see the attached plan' dated Augrust 2, L99o by Gordon R. Pierce, AIA. b.Access Plan: The staff does not support the applicantrs request to elirninate the shared driveway proposal as originally approved. we believe that a conmon access point for Lots 5 and 6 would allow for more reasonable driveway grades and lower wall heights for both lots. A shared access point also increases the level of safety along Forest Road. No subrnittaL infornation has been given to staff to indicate that the retaining walls are lower or safety lncreased with two curb cuts. 2. Wall HeLght Variance: Because the average slope on this lot exceeds 57t, access ontothis site is extremely difficult. Vle believe the proposed retaining walls are necessary to support grades both above the driveway and below the driveway. A1so, many other property owners along Forest and Beaver Dam Roads have had to construct large retaining walls adjacent to their front property lines in order to allow for access onto theirsites. It is for these reasons that thestaff believes that approval of this variance request would not be a grant of specialprivilege. Staff acknowledges that the siting of the residence and garage could have possibly been acconplistred in a more senEitive nanner by Iocating the garage in the front setback. This design approach nay have resulted in Iess sl.te diEturbance and decreased the needfor as nany retaining walls. However, the fact that a previous variance was granted vith the existing site pJ.an should be recognized. The steep slopes on the site warrant relief fron the strict wall height requirenents in order to allow access to the site. cornpatibility and uniformity of treatment among b.Accegs Plan: Due to the steep slopes on bothIotE 5 and 6, access onto these sites may very wetl be the nost difflcult of aII theIots Ln the irnnediate area. This was one of the reasons why the staff originally supported the applicantrs wall height variance request. The original request indicated a shared, conmon driveway. Thestaff continues to maintain that a conmon driveway is the uost appropriate nethod of access for the two properties. utilLties, and public safetv. a. wall Height Variance: The staff finds that the reguested varl.ance will have nosignlficant effect upon any of the above considerations. we believe that the existing Revocable Right-of-way Permit, approved by the Town on october 9, 1989, to still be ineffect. The locations of the walls within the Right-of-way have not changed. The Town engineer has reviewed the wall changes and does not believe any traffic problens willresult fron the wall redesign. Access Plan: The staff believes that the reguested amendment to the approved accessplan for Lots 5 and 6 will have a negativeeffect upon transportation and traffic facilities in the inmediate vicinity. Because of the steep driveway slopes which enter onto Forest Road, we feel it would be prudent to consolidate the drLveway cuts which would thereby increase the level of safety for passing pedestrians and notorists. Tbe Town engineer also believes that only one curb cut should be allowed because of safety concerns. The effect of the requested variance on lLght andair, dLstrLbution of populatlon. transportation and traffic facilities, public facilities and 3. b. v.FINDINGS That the granting of the variance will not constl-tute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the linitations on other properties classified in the sane district. A. B.That the grantl-ng of the variance wl-ll not bedetrinental to the public health, safety or welfare, ornaterially injurious to properties or improvements Ln the vlcinity. That the variance is warranted for one or nore of the following reasonss 1. The strict literal interpretation or enforcementof the specified regrulation would result inpracti-cal difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of thistitle. 2. There are exceptlons or extraordinary circumstances or conditions appllcable to the sanesite of the variance that do not apply generally to other properties in the aame zone. c. The strict interpretation or enforcenent of the specified regulation would deprive the applicantof privileges enjoyed by the owners of otherproperties in the sane district. VI. STAFF' RECO!{!,TENDATION The staff recomrnendation is for approval of the proposed wall height variance reguest, P€F the drawings submitted by Gordon R. Pierce, AIA, dated July 23' 1990 as amended July 26, 1990. Although the staff is extremely frustrated by the manner in which this varl.ance request has come aboutr we do believe that the topographic condltions of this site have created some very unlque development constrainte. We believe that a hardship would be imposed upon the applicant if the strict and literal lnterpretation of the zoning code were to be enforced. This strict interpretation of the waII height lirnits would nake it virtually inpossible to access the site. Findings supportlng the variance are Sections v A, B, and C-2. We feel that the current proposal LE a substantlal decrease from the origlnal PEc approved variance, and is now nore in conformance with the Tosnrs zoning code. The lineal feet of retaining walls ie reduced by 56r, the percentage of wall area above 6r in height is reduced by 20.7*, and the total wall area Ls reduced bY 999 sq. ft. The staffrs recommendation for approval is contingent upon the applicant maintaining a conmon shared driveway for both Lots 5 and 6. The staff recornmends denial of the applicantrs request to amend their approved access plan. 3. staff believes that one curb cut rl,th one eet of retainLngwalls 1g the best eolutl.on for I€tB 5 and 6 on Forest road. Erren though there are two lote, llnltlng acceEs to one curbcut Ls reasonable Elven the eevertty of walls needed for the acceag. Note: the current house deaLgrn for Ict 5 calls for a separate driveray cut. Because these plans do not have fl.nal DRB approval , the Town ls not obllgated to allow eeparate access. Although the archltect nay have to redesign, etaff recomends denl.al becauEe the benefltsof a elngle cut outwelgh the neEative lnpacte of tso curb cuta. . coRDoN R. PTERGE, o*"]ct 1000 South Frontage Road W6 vAtL coLoRADO 81657 LETTil @F T'RANSnfl IT'TAL "^)B-/D-1o l'"" "" /eoza .at ^"'"Wr/tP /Uazz-tz.,z "' /^o- 1o I rzue. (:mo 47G4433 TO > wE ARE SENDING vou fltt""hed tr Under separate cover via YrintsE Change order tr Plans tr Samples the tollowing items: tr Specificationstr Shop drawings tr Copy of letter tr coPtEs DATE NO.DESCRIPTIONZ9ltzlqcL*oOyAPP FIAN THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: For approval For your use ! As requested I Approved as submitted E Approved as noted I Returned for corrections ! Resubmit-copies lor approval tr Submit -copies for distribution E Return -corrected prints ! For review and comment n tr FOR BIDS DUE 19- tr PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US coPY ro F( /-tr- Pnfl|f,r?|o3 4l4/ lr., G|6\ b. 0l.ll ,t atrclo.lr.t rru not !r notcd, klndly nottly !. I PRo,lecr: ZlRue IHTER.OEPARTIITNTAL REVI E1.| t1 t.nejr,d<ilce DATE Sljilf ITTED: 1.3d, ?o DATE OF PUSLIC HEARING F. /J .7A COI.!,,[ENTS IIEEDEO BY: BRIEF 'EscRIPTl0N 0F TltE PROPOSAL: wd4 ,q4 ^,?,r)rr*4 - a--uJ*,^r .xr Connents:wr"'r'xEi.")' ) *". c,v1 66; r,rt^. *),h +A-t- 'tl fo,,-tr iuJls * cPL. d-; ,(f, J.tu --'tt "4 ? avLau , JhJ ; { uay ut.*ft> atrc_ .u f d -*._.. dri,r<- p;ll S+*^ I -(l "?z) tu.Ifr aho'I. ',1'L cL*rl +-- s*,,r,'- c;' FIRE DEPARTI''ENT *,, "*t- Eo) :l 4.s' t in -W FrulJReviewed by: Date_ Conments: i\ A,zeas {^,^- Jr,,^.-.-, POLICE DEPARTI.IENT ' *ln;t . yr,4-e-t ul*-1 v' 6hulJ -l4f 4pf /a'-tc' ' I A) ^J@rJ- eN'ln^^-L.( tuo-ltl \u^'k Jt^*1J,---- J* lrrt^- t t-- u*JJtL s,z-r fW.c'-'t*+a' fro,.n L a*) Reviewed by: Connerrts: Date i 'Qr. .; i; REIiEiIJLOII DEPARTI.:ENT Revle'aed by: Co;;,ents: fiusltc uonxs .)(--n1lyq",,.-- Da te o,<- @ " %.t.'-1/ e{^ "t o -a' J '-'i fr 4-?/ 'Ac'*'( tt'/*' & r&'4.,fu coRDoN R. PrERcE, ^talc"10(X) South Frontage Road West vArL coLoRADO 81657 LETTil @F TRANSNflITTAL (3Ot) arc..33 > WE ARE SENDING YOU FAttached tr Under s€parat€ cowr via #Itr)O &LlUE2the following items: tr Shop drawings tr Copy of letter E Prints E Chango order E Plans coPtEs DATE t{o.DESCRIPTION L 7-?b-10 fu*atL t//..czt- Puru 4 Ezeu*neru z-7 -4-1o 'L*fup**e,e." Pz-t+t-) L 7 -1-12 t/E-zzu*mar<l ?,7-/o'?l I La, - lueuzv e+ Eo/,<nrL,t- 4rvetza'u. 2 /*eno THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: f.ror approval D For your use B As requested D Approvod as submitted E Approved as noted E Returned for corrections ! R€submit-copies for approval D Submit-copies for distribution D Rotum-corrected prints E For review and commcnt tr ! FOR BIDS DUE 19- tr PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US COPY TO nunro.l @toelrt orlr. SIGNED: ,t rmroaur.r r.a rol .. ad.d, klodlt not,fy u! .l otlc.. -- F. lr. E. xrulAlilsu s 0- s 1o,oo1 "s 50,oor - $190,001 - $500,001 -I Over s 10,000F 50r onn $ 130,000g 500,000 91 ,000r 000 91r 000r 0o0 FEE s 10.00 6 ?D.oo $ 5o.oo" s100..00 saoo.00 $3O0. 0o 1* $t. JUL 26 '94 11:48 VRIL O P.? I , igu0 DnE rP?&lcrslox DATE APPIICATIoN BICEIVIDT DAfI OF DRB I{EETINO; r****Iuls AEPLIqAEION I{ILL Not 8E ASC3PTED UNTIL AIJL INFO3UA1fON I8 SUBIT{ITTED***r* I. PRE-APPLICATION MEEIINCs A Drs-iDBlicatlon $e€tlng ttlth r pl*nnlng-?!?ff D'nber lr *t"lngl!-tte9""i-aa-io ali"rrnlne 1? any adalt.l?ntl- -,:,,..rriaiton-I, njia"a. --x" innrfcagoir wl ? \, rc req?F{qd--_ ;- rt Ie the aPPllcantre arlnol-ntnrnt ltlth tho et.-A''5 nv'r^r'r-{r^r4"-'r --rnint wittr ttro etaff to flndrcsF'.rnei.bi,ftty to uaks an,appotnt: oui' aoout aaaitfonii--Jufiiifi[it requtrenentE. . - Please note thar a CoMpIaTE "ipitoat-ion-witi itrearntlnc th3 approval iioi"ia-for your-;iliFa. ;1, i:"":f:rlg 4:,TT*: of ;;;ir[i.;"-oi-.ppio"ir ttrat tht DRB- niv etlpul"!t:.-,111 #;i;i#; ;; ;;;toval nuet ue reJotvel bcf-orr a bulldlnE ;#;ia-i;-raiuea-.- lppitcatlon wlrl not be proceasedpermlt 1g lceued. APPIIG rqlthout ownsr'a Slgnebure. A"PRCJEcr DEecRrPTrOnt Eau*4N 7? w ftuoltt- Z*a - ' ' 'l t 4il 4E 't' - ,G t,, 4)+ rurtF,AUZl t', ^ n ' lfuUrc &+eq,'i ) B. !,OCA?ION AddreBs NAI.IE OF OWNERE ! 8IOIIATDRE (8} 'Address Ph condonlniuri approval lf appllcable. 0661g z tot ofiu (ovER) I,IST OF.MATERIAI,S -NAI'IE "oF T,EGAL DESCRTPTTON: T,OTJL BIf/CK 7 STREEI ADDRESS! - 'lllre follorLng Lnfor:natlon ts T::_r:.y Bgard before.a final A. ..BUILDING UATERIAI.,S: Roof Sldtng , . Other lfall Materl.als '.. rr ' rq' Fascia -:-'Soffits Windows t{lndow Trltn Doors - Door Trim H1nq or Deck Ralls Flues Slashings Chlnneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other' requlred for submlttal to the Design approval can be given: B. - IAI{DSCAPING:Name of Designer:" Phone: PI,AI{T }TATERTAI,S: PROPOSED 1TREES Botanical Name Comrnon Nane ouantitv Size* *Indicate caliper for deciduous trees.Ml-ninrum calLPer for helght for coniferous BXISTING TREES TO BE RET'fO\IED trees. Indicate PI,AIIT I{ATERIAI,S: PROPOSED SIIRUBS EXTSTING SIIRUBS TO BE REMOVED *Indicate Eize 5 crallon. of proposed shrubs.Minirnum sLze of shrubs is square Footaqe lgtanlcil Narne Cornmon Name ouantitv Size* Tvpe GROI'ND COVERS soD SEED rYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR !,IETIIOD OF EROSION CONTROI. ls 6 feet. c.oTHER IAI| DSCAPE- FEAIITRES' (retaln'I'ng wal I's, f ences, snll"ning p""rr,Et".l PIeLBe epgci1gy, -U{!ia!e heights of retainlng iirir. uaxinun helshf iif-fai.iilfrfthin the-front setlcack is i ieet. Max1rn'n height of wa1lE-elsewhere on the property ------t lr: lt-;TF EkjIt J k il tt{$.st 5 h: {t+ h$ $ r t-t r r r lrrrrrr-r rt-r r !-rrr-frrrr r rrar lrtrairrlrl rlr'rr \f) \il I T { {t $ q ra a JL r+- t *f+dt $+ $tsiilt$+ $ rrsI 5l i stlt{$[*$o z ltl o IrIJ F z ( J o ! I I I t I II taI I I ! I ! I I T I I I ! It I ! I ! I a ! I I I ! II I ! II T I t I II Ia Ia I I I I t ! Ia Ia II It Ia I I II Ia Ia IaIa IIIa I -rI a o$ 3et 6 $ TFt $ \s tC I u t $ il 4r +*$v $+ $$ $ t I N {l \t 2 3 $ ( $ r|tAt ill IT l $ t o E JJ { b H 4ilI r$$ * h { ^*** .,r rrr*,fituf*f,[$$$t++$$ t$tl$ttt$I ffi tfi [l+$ [* ] I d TT dN 0 I Pierce, Segerberg Spaeh Architects P. o & o c.A.I. A. REQUEST FOR VARIANCE Lot 6, B'l ock 7, Va1 'l Vi'l I age Fl rst F i 1 1ng We are nequesting a varlance from the Town of Vail Zoning Code, Tt tl e 18, Regul ati on No. 18.58 .g?O-C regardi ng wal t hei ghts wlth'tn front setbacks. We Fequest to be allowed to constructwalls exceedlng three feet in height within the front setback ofLot 6, Block 7, Vall Vlllage Ftrst Filing (146 Fonest Road; seeattached appllcatJon) as requlred by the Town of Vail Zonlng Regul atl on mentl oned above. The wal I s to be constructed are as shown on the attached dnawJngs for the aforementloned propenty. The property, as it stands, exceeds an average slope of 3g-4Alover both Iots and thus access to these Iots is difficult. Inaddltlon, when Forest Road was constructed, a'large rock cut wasleft exposed for approxlmately 9O feet of the 150 foot front lotline (see attached survey). This rock face has an avenage slopeof I6Oct and at the steepest portion os a slope of 125t. Th'ls exposed rock face, comblned with the prlmary obJectlve ofmalntaJning the v'lew corrldors of adJacent properts (Lots 7 and8) and the zonl ng regu latl ons, have detenmi ned an extremel yllmlted buildlng envelope and siting. These factors determinedthe locatlon, slope and necessary retainage of the proposed drlveway to Lot 6. The rock exposed and underlying the foundation has prohibited f rom constructi ng the wa'l'l s as prevl ousl y approved. Ue are,therefore, request'lng approval of a revis'ion to a previously- approved varlance, dated September 26, 1989, for wall helghtsfront setbacks. t{e would like to emphaslze that the slte is no'l ess steep than when the onlglnal varlance was granted. In addltlon, we haveslgnlflcantly reduced the sguare footage of exposed nalI over vrhat was orlglnally proposed and approved. Plantings will softenany vlsual lmpact of these walls and we feel strongly that this sol uti on i s vi sual I y and physi cal I y better. Inclu thi s rev'i slon the acc or Lot 5 has been nelo 5.spetter us 1n no way means of access to the revised pl changes the dlfflcult slte cond'l t an s 'l on s for Lot 5. affectl ng t es aThis ln he access Main Office; 1000 South Frontage Road West . Vail, Colorado 81657 . 3O31476-4433 Post Office Box 2313 . Beaver Creek, Colorado 81620 . 303/949-6049 One Tabor Center . l2OO Seventeenth Street, Suite 515 . Denver. Colorado 80202 . 3031623-3355 Request for VarlanceLot 6, Bl ock 7, Val l Vl l l age F.l rst Fi l i ngPage Two to Lot 6 and the necesslty for the walls as deslgned ln thlsrevi slon to the varlance previously granted. Furthermore, bymovlng the access polnt for Lot 5, no walls exceedlng three ieetyl I I be requl red for thl s dri veway. If thls request ls granted, no negatlve lmpact on alr, llght,dl 1!rr butl on of popul ati on, transportati on, traf f .i c f aci I i t.l es,util'ltles or publlc safety w11l occur. To conclude, the grantlng of a varlance provides no speclalprJ v1'l ege to the owner I n that exceedl ngl y tal I wal l s ex.l st onother sltes 1n the vlcln.lty. Hrt.?E6 $tr ._ ijuu r NorrcE rs HEREB' !l,"- .".;-;;"=r;.;;r .,,u ?.,r,onmentar Connission of the Town of Vail wllt hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the nunicipal code of the Town of Vail on August 13, 1990 at 2:OO p.n. ln the Town of Vail Municipal Bulldlng. Consideration of: 1. A work session on aLr quallty. 2. A request for a conditlonal use permit, a landscapevariance, and a setback varLance for a renediation eysten equiprnent bultding at the Alpine Standard Station, part of L'ot A, Vail Vlllage 2nd Fill.ng, 285 S. Frontage Road tlest.Applicant: Amoco Corp. 3. A request for a naJor arnendnent to SDD No.16, part of parcel A, Lionsridge subdivisl.on, filing z. (lllre Valley Phase III)Applicant: Brad & Susan TJossem 4. A reguest for a major subdivision, to approve theprelinlnary plan, a request for a variance to the maximum helght for retaining walls, and a request for a variance to the maximum percent grade for a road, on a parcel connonly referred to as Spraddle Creek, an approximate 40 acre parcel located north and east of the Main Vail I-70 interchange and east of the Spraddle Creek livery. Counencing at the Northeast eorner of the Southeast L/4 of the Southweat. L/4of Section 5, Toltnship s South, Range 80 west of the 6th Principal lleridian, being an Eagle County Brass cap properly narked and set, with all bearings sontained herein beingrelative to a bearing of s o0 11' 00n E between the Northeast corner of said Southeast L/4 of the Southvest L/4, and the Southeast Corner of said SoutheaEt 1/4 of the Southwest 1rl4 being an Eagle County Brass cap properly marked and seti said Northeast Corner of the Southeast 1rl4of the Southwest L/4 betng the Point of beginning; thence S oo 11r OOn I along the east line of said Southeast L/4 ot the Southwest L/4 of Section 5 a distance of 1320.14 feet to the Southeast Corner the said Southeast L/4 of the Southwest L/4 of Section 5i thence S 89 47r 48rr vl along the south line of said Southeast L/4 of the Southwest L/4 of Section 5 a diEtance of 901.00 feett thence N 73 48t 32tt w along Interstate 7o Right of Way line a distance of 2L4. 12 feet; thence N 66 52r 12'r ll along 6aid Right of way line a distance of 241.10 feet to a polnt on the west line of Eaid Southeast L/4 of the Southwest L/4 of Section 5; thence N 00 2Of 31n I{ along the west line of said Southeast L/4 ot t,ln.e Southwest L/4 of Section 5 a distance of 1151.66 feet to the Northwest Corner of the Southeast L/4 of the Southwest L/4of sectl-on 5 being an Eagle county brass cap Properly narked and seti thence N 89 41r 12rr E along the north line of said Southeast L/4 of the Southvest L/4 of Section 5 a distanceof 1331.07 feet to the Point of Beginning. Said real property containing 39.55 acr€s, rnore or less.applicant: ceorge Gillett, Jr. 5. A request for a variance to Section 18.58.020 (C) in orderto constructlSr high wood screen fencqjn the 20r front setback at 9Ji1 Road--Holiday House, V B, VaiI ViIJ.age 2nd Filing. t Appllcant: Holiday House/PJ.nnacle Resorts 6. A reguest for a najor amendment to SDD No. 4, Coldstream Condominiuns in order to arnend Sections 18.46.090(B) density, 18.46.100 (B) floor area, 18.46.220 enPloyee housing and 18.46.230 tirne regulrernents to convert an existing racguetball facility into an employee housing unit, nanagernent office, laundry and owner storage area at Lot 53 Glen Lyon Subdivision, 1476 westhaven Drj-ve.Applicant: Coldstrean Condominium Association. 7. A request for a setback variance in order to enlarge a second story housekeeping senrice room at llontaneros Condoniniuuts Located at 641 w. Lionshead Circle, Lot 8, Block 1, vail-Lionshead 3rd Filing.Applicant: Montaneros Condoniniun Association 8, A request for a wa11 height variance and an anendrnent to the approved access plan for both lots at 145 and 126 Forest Road, Lots 5 and 6, Block 7, VaiI Village lst Filing.Applicant: Ron Byrne 9. A request for a height variance at 2855 Snowberry Drive, Lot5, Block 9, Vail Intermountain.Appticant: Doug and Michelle Cahill 10. A request for a height variance in order to erect asatellite dish and a conditional use to expand hospital space and add a satellite disb at the VaiI Valley Medical Center on Lots E and F, Vail Village 2nd Filing (181 West Meadow Drive).Applicant: Vail Valley Medical Center 11. A request for a side setback variance at Lot 3, Block 5 VailVillage lst Filing, Unit 3B--Vail Rowhouses, 303 Gore Creek Drive.Applicant: Stewart Colton L2. A request for an exterior alteration and a height variance on lot C and Lot D, and the southwesterly 4 feet of Lot B'all in Block 5-8, vail village lst Filing, 227 Bridge street (Covered Bridge Building) .Applicant: Hillis of Snowmassr Inc. and Bruce Atnn & Associates. The appllcations and infornation about the proposals are available for public inspection in the Comrnunity Developrnent Department office. Town of VaiI Conmunity Development Departnent Published ln the Vail Trail on ,July 27, L99o. Oaar&D owr . -:.F,- . r.-t 1 1.1:C OWNERS STIRROIIIVTIING LOTS 5 ^ ND 6 Lot 33, Bloct( 7 Georgc Gillea 45 ForqstRoad Vail, CO 81657 Lof,3z,Block7 NewmanT. Ilalvonon Siedd H. Freese and K.A. Hillhouse 54008. 17th Avenue Denver,Co 80220 Lot 30, Block 7 Thomas E. Taplin 11 Clrcrry Hills Drive Englewood"CO 80110 Lot8A, Block 7 Catherine tvl Edbors Box 665 Vail,CO 81658 Lot 8, Block 7 Emmet A. and Ruth C. Mossman 1430EastBates Avenue Englewood,CO 80110 Lots 4 and 7, Block 7 Vemon Taylor, Jr. 1670 Denver Club Building Denver,CO 80202 Lot 3, Block 7 Herbert W. Hunt urd Clinton W. Josev 6060 N. C.entral, Suite 305 Dallas, TX 75205 Project Application 7'21'7o Project Name: Proiect Description: Contact Person and enone 3{.,o c o {n 3 {ory e , owner, Address and Phone: A nry ?y nXe \ t't Legal Descriptio n, ut 6 , atocr ? , p;l1nn Com menls: , r"^" y'S Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Summary: {-i Date: vl , 24, 70 Statf Approval I. J{JL E3 '96 14:34 VRIL , Drp lDtllclEror DITE r}HllqltrroH REGEIVEDT DA:!t' Ol DIB li8ll8lNo; rt*ff8Br! iPplrctrroN WItJr, Hol! El AgsEEllD utf8rD AtJ, Ig tuBllltttD*i**r , tt ls thf tPPllsrnB't Fost-lt* brand lax transmittal 1.,1 to tlt|dnotr llllr ?6n | | ot prspr l aPtorntacnE b-;-Ea Ba'. . .out rDsut rddltlonal subnltirl requlrrlteats. P :; trqt r cotma8q |plI{cattgt! {r1r ftfi!4-1le_thrprocsfs lor lour ilejrc+ by deorrarlnE tlrc-ilsbea oontitlonr s! rpprovrl tlltt t'br DBB-uay .Bqtulrta oorrdttlone of l6Fsova1 tuft be rciolveC blfor I . Drmlt 1r lflurd' eppfisatlon wlII not trc proe ilthout Orvnfrtg tlgnaturt. I. PROi'ECT DI9CRIHTION: t.rpea8rots ol trgrl Descrlptlon Let b , Broclt Subdlvtrton zonlng NA}|E OF ilalllng TPPIICAN!I Addrerel C. ' llt ,, 0 tt6g- ilrone NAI.IE OI AFPITCAITT'A RIEREAENEAIINTE| .D. E. F. I' Phone ttonEurl(8, I Mrlllng lddrufr Pho Csnaloatnl,u! AppnoYal 1l appltoablc. DiF tlEc guurSle[ I 0-$ 101000I to, oot .- I to, o0oIt0rool-t tlo,ooo 9150,001 - | 800,000 $t00,001 - Ttr0oor0oo$ 9rrer 11r000,000 E!! 910,00s ?.6.00| 5o,oo- t100, 00 1300. 00 9300. 00 ---i-G-_- .: ..' DlE-lPElilcetfon Eahtcr . A Drr-lpDllortton lr..tlng ylttr a Dl.nnltrg ltltt ! ationEli'-tuEsagt€d to"dlfrrnlne 1l aay rddltlonrl tngorieitan-Is Deedcc. llalllng AddrerEt NAlitE OF OFlrER9: (ovBR-__ II.IIiIPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING AIJL SUBT.ISSIONS TO THE DRB: A. In addition to neeting subnittal reguirements, the applicant rnust stake tbe site to indicate property l-ines and building corners. TreeE that wlll be renoved must also be marked. This work must be completed before the DRB vlsits the site. B. The review process for NEW BUILDINGS w111 nornally lnvolve two separate rneetings of the Design Review Board, so the applicant should plan on at least two neetlngs for a final apProval- c. Appllcants who fail to appear before the Design Reviewgolrd at their scheduled nreeting and who have not asked for a postponement will be reguired to be republished. D. At the discretion of the zoning admlnistrator, the following ltems may not have to be presented to the Design RevLew Board. They, however, have to be presented to the Plannlng Department for approval: a. Windows, skylights and sirnilar exterior changesthat do not alter the exlsting plane of the building; and b. Building additions that are not viewed from any other lot or pubS.ic space, which have had letters submLtted fron adJolning property oltners approving the addition; and/or apProval frorn the agent for, or manager of a condoniniun association. E. You rnay be required to conduct Natural Hazard Studies on your property. You BhouLd check with a Town Planner before Proceeding. \. NN,IE.OF I,IST OF UATERIAI,S -hrO LEcAr, DEscRrPTroN: ror-ll arccx -L STREET ADDRESS3 DESCRIPTION OF PRO.'EqT: Etu*,a The followLng lnfomatl.on Le Review Board before a final A. BUII,DING MATERIAI.,S: Roof Siding Other l{all }taterlals Fascia .. 'Sofflts l{indovs Window Trln Doors " Door Trl.m . H-and or Deck Rails Flues FlashlnEs Chinneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses other' IANDSCAPING: Name of requlred for subnLttal to tlre DesJ.gn approval can be given: TYPE OF IIIATERIAL, COI,oR Designer: Phone: Botajrl.cal Name cornrnon Name ouantLtv Size* B. PI.ANT UATERTAI,S: PROPOSED TREES caliper for deciduous trees. r{ininun caliDqE for*Indl.cate trees. Indlcate height for coniferous c. PIANT I,IATERIALS: Botanical Name conmon Name Ouantitv Size* PROPOSED SHRUBS EXISTING SIIRUBS TO BE REMOVED *Indicate size 5 qallon.of proposed shrubs.Minirnum size of shrubs is Tvpe Square Footaqe GROUND COVERS soD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls, fences' swirnrning pools, etc.) Please specify. Indicate heights of retaining walls. Maximum height of walls within the front setback is 3 feet. Maxirnun beight of walls elsewhere on the property is 5 feet. oo I us SI& ur$ \ 1,.:--- l:lrI --=--1\_l \\ $ h --- ----1 I I,lTtt I// i Iil+r 1f7--i /' I'l -l.T- I J M ^'\^2au,\14u I hrq q+?iq$ i,5e$l -Untto,ntu $q^stl/- I\01, ?lolH' " b'o4 tu"P"- k{Anil' {ann. " 5,^{tr,ror{;\u4fre +-D NW-d ',u u TO coRDoN R. PTER.E nnctcr f00O South Frcntage Road lUest vArt, coroRADo 81557 ffiTTT OF TTRANSNflITTAL o^" 7 - I /z -7-o l'"" "" y'3d zo - o 7 ^rr."r,o" ,/,1./,/,? e lilfRE 14b fuazfujarlo ..3uaz-AD-Uiraefr,'*-Equ wE ARE SENDING vou [rtuched tr Under soparate cover via /tll? H)l&e following items: tr Plans tr Samples tr Specifications y /?qu*r ' tr Shop drawings tr Copy of letter tr Prints tr Change order (:n:t) f76{43:l Tanau arr Uruu coPtEs DATE NO.DESCRIPTION /7-{r4O /nPu"lxz fupae*zatt) I 7-lb-{D Lar oe4o,narPezepz*hatree m fu I -f'l/a4D C_-- 4 7-/btl TELa btzr 4 /s-'>pt47- 9-q -^-1rz-Pt*ttl . fuzzzazl rtql,tn 1e zr'v'lt 4 a4147z7-//a-17 /ut rttu*np /L1- -Szwttu: Lfurze THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checkod below: fFor arnrovat 'tr For your us6 E As requested tr Approved as submitted E Approvod as noted E Returned for corrections fl Resubmit-copies for approval tr Submit-copies for distribution O Rotu rn - correct€d prints E For review and commcnt tr E FOR BIDS DUE 19- ! PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS @PY TO Ftn SIGNED: ?un2$! @E, a'e b oror.,l anctoa,t.aa afa noa ta noaa.t, klndlt aotllll u. at DtrFMRTMtrNT @F.tr@MMUNITV DEVtrL@FMENT XXXXXXX sALEs AcTroN FoRM XXXXXXX 01 0000 41330 COM. DEV. AppUcATtoN FEESy4y, 0t 0000 41540 ZONTNG AND ADDRESS MAPS 1 0000 42413 1988 UNTFORIT BUTLDING CODE r 0000 42+15 1988 UNTFOR}.I PLUI.TBING CODE I 0000 42+15 1988 UNIFORI' MECHANTCAL CODE r 0000 42415 1988 UNIFORM RRE CODE I 0000 42115 1987 NATIONAL zuCTRICAL CODE | 0000 42115 OTHER CODE BOOKS t 0000 4ts48 E pRtNTs (MyrRs) 01.0000 42412 xERox coptEs ./ sruoras | 0000 42371 ENALTY FEES / RE-INSPECTIoN r 0000 41322 OFF HOURS TNSPECIION FE= CONIRACTORS UCENSES fEES | 0000 4t330 0l 00oo 41413 .SIGN APPLICATION "l a a . irl 2 a f, Appl lcation PEC MEFTING DATE A. NAI',IE OF APPLICANT Z-e,tt EV4UP ADDRESS 2gS funu- 5r, t -b 9/tg- eHoNE47b4?87 B. NAME 0F AppLrcANT's REpREsENTnrwe (eapmu E. fr&rz ADDRESS /O0O <. F'^'*zt-^r Zo,/ lAe<- lhn-, 4O *- <7 enone474-14is C. NAME OF O}INE Date APPLICATION FOR A VARIA}ICE I. Thls procedure ls requlred for any proJect requestlng a variance. The applicat1onwill not be accepted untll all lnformatlon is submitted. * ADDRESS // ,O Atds7 eHoNEJf!-/?EJ D.LOCATION OF PROPOSAL E. ADDRESS LEGAL DESCRTpTtoN LOTJLBL0CK_-Z_-IFrLrNG l,/ttt-. Uula.z- fizsr FEE $r00 THE FEE MUST 8E YOUR PROPOSAL. t €7t- P^rp 7/tQ cx *-E#- FRon 4ap 6/p& PAID BEFORE THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT HILL ACCEPT F. A list of the names of owners of a'll property adjacent to the subject property INCLUOING PR0PERTY BEHIND AND ACR0SS STREETS, and their mailing adaresies. THE APPLICANT I,IILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CORRECi MAILING ADDRESSES. II. A PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE l,lITH A PLANNING STAFF MEMBER IS STRONGLY SUGGESTED TO )DETERMINE IF ANY'ADDITIONAL INFORMATION IS NEEDED. NO APPLICATION I,IILL BE ACCEPTED UNLESS IT IS COMPLETE (MUST INCLUDE ALL ITEMS REQUIRED BY THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR). IT IS THE APPLICANT'S RESPONSIBILITY TO MAKE AN APPOINTMENT I.'ITH THE STAFF TO FIND OUT ASOUT ADDITIONAL SUEMITTAL REQUIREI,IENTS. PLEASE NOTE THAT A COMPLETE APPLICATION I.|ILL STREMLINE THE APPROVAL PROCESS FOR Y0uR PR0JEcr gv 0ecEmlFrHE NUMBER oF coNDITIoNs oF AppRovAL THAT nri punnnrne'AND ENVIRoNMENTAL CoMMISSIoN I'rAy srrpuLATE. ALL CoNDTTIONS 0F {PPROVAL MUST BE COMPLIED l.lITH EEFORE A BUILDING PERMIT IS ISSIIED. . ,III. FOUR (4) COPIES OF THE FOLLOWING MUST BE SUBMITTED: A. 4_I1EIIIF! STATEMENT 0F THE PRECTSE NATURE OF THE VARTANCE REQUESTED AND THE REGULATION INVOLVED. THE STATEMENT MUST ALSO ADORESS: l. The relationship of the requested variance to'other exist'i ng or potentialuses and structures ln the'vicinity. 2. The, degree to-which re'lief from the strict or literal interpretation andenforcement.of a-specifled regulatlon ls necessary to achleve iomoatibl'lltvand unlformi9v gf treatment airong sites ln the vttintty or-to iiiii;';h;'"obJectrves of thrs title without grant of speclal prlvilege. OVER Vari ance o -2- and floor plans sufficient to indicate scale and use of all bui'ldings and spaces 3. The effect of the variance 91.1!ght al9.lir, distribution of-population':' illrliiriition, ittiric facilities, uti'lities, and public safetv' B. A topographic and/or improvement.survey at-a scale of-at least ln - 20' stamped r,,r r'c6toiado llcbnsed iurveyor Including-locations of all.exlstlng.lmprove- ;i#t;-.i;;iuaini-giiais-ind blevatlons. -0ther e'lements which must be shown ;;;";;rii;g-ina'toaaing areas' lngress and egress, landscFped areas and uti'lity and drainage features' c. A slte plan at a scale of at least .|".20r showing existing and proposed bulldings. E. A preliminary title report to verify ownership and easements F. G. 0. Al'l preliminary building elevations the dimensions' general appearance' existing and ProPosed on the site. Time Requi rments The Planning and Environmenta'l -Cornmission meets ii-"li["md"in. A complete app'lication form and iit-ili."iuea auove) inust be submitted-a minimum iEc ilbii;-triaiing. ' No incomplete appl ications liiliiiltiitor) wiil be accepted bv the plannins nated submittal date. If the proposal ls'located in a multi-family development.which has a homeowners issoiiotio'n, then nriiten approval from the association in.support-of.the il;i;bt-;rli Ue-iei"ivia uv'b Auty authorized agent for said association. Anv additlona'l material necessary for the review of the application as determined by the zoning administrator'. * For interior modificatlons' an improvement survey and site plan may be waived by the zoning administrator. IV. on the 2nd and 4th MondaYs a'l I accompanYing materi a1 of 4 weeks Prior to the date of (as determined bY the zoningitaff before or after the desig- ALLI luwn 75 south frontage road Yall, colorsdo 81657 (3qr) 47S2138 (3qt) 47$2139 otflce of communlty development June 29, l-990 Mr. Bill Reslock Gordon R. Pierce Architects 1000 S. Frontage Road Westvail , co 8t657 rrl t c0F y RE: Lot 5, Block 7, VaiI Village First Fiting, Dear Bill: At our meeting yesterday June 28th, we agreed that you wouldcontinue working on two items. The first is reducing the GRFA inthe structure and the second is reworking the slopes around the proposed driveway so that they do not exceed a 2:1 slope. Afterour meeting, Town Staff discussed the overall proposal and concluded that the variance granted last year for the retainingwalls around the drive cut was approved based on the applicationnaterial showing one curb cut serving both Lots 5 and 6. Thewritten naterial in the application also incLudes both Lots 5 and6. As a result, we will not be scheduling the house on Lot 5 fora final DRB review until you submit a site plan showing the driveway being served fron the shared curb cut. If you or Gordon Pierce have any questions about this, I am available to talk with you- 1y, Andy Town PLanne enr AK/pP cc: Kristan PritzLarry Eskwith ta *T -J,^'^ zSt /7?a ar s'iL fry'J "'."tj -s-/tp ..tr4 .^.4 '4'/- -P 6"r/4^ P,'.r". +.e/,*,A O a /e4> //t r - /ha-a.ftt*l:s ?K!: {s-ro. ,/r/" h*tA .aa.it.- kr;^/4"v 4€J -4-4eA Z -/t tJ/41 b, /tlr.t ,-;// ta Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh . Architects . P.C. . A.I.A. tlif ! iUttt .1 g i:vrt UEHORANDUn DATET June 75, t99O TOr Hlke Mo777ca Tovn of Vatl Connunlty Developnent EROHT Ion Erye o."7.?o 5/aL -/ fr,.- f2c '.fu./rA * 7t*- guh */ * 41./-> (&,/nfut, REt Ron Byrne Project, 146 Eorest Road, Lot 6, BTock 7, ValT VlTlage Elrst Etltng Thls 7s to su&narize our conversation this norning regardlng GREA 7n excess of that aTTowed tor the above-reterencedproJect. llorklng tron the agreed-upon 'benchnark' redllned plans dated Auguat 29, 7989, additTonaL area vas added byt 1. Moving a garage passage door to the west equalst3 square teet. 2. Deletlng tvo voids ln Bedroom *3 on either sideof the north taclng w!.ndow eguals 9.6 squarefeet. 3. Delettng the void under the stal.r at the entryLevei eguals 25 square teet. The toTlowtnE nodlticatLons wTLI be done to ellnlnaxe theexcess GRFAT 1. The garage passage door wl77 be reloeated to theorlglnal. planned TocatLon, thus elininaxlng theaddl.tional GREA created ln lten #l above. Main Office: 1000 South Frontage Road West . Vail, Colorado 81657 . 3031476-4433 Post Office Box 2313 . Beaver Creek, Colorado 81620 . 3O31949-6049 One Tabor Center . l2O0 Seventeenth Street, Suite 515 . Denver, Colorado 80202 . 3031623-3355 Mr. Mtke t{oTLica June 75, 1990 Page fvo 2. The area behlnd xhe door lnto Bedroon #7 wlTl' be cTosed ott to create an lnaccessible void equal to 9 sguare feet. Exlstlng waTL turrlng in xhe garage and nechanical. roon wLlT nore than conpensate tor the .6 sg'uare teet that is not accounted for in lten #2. 3. A wa77 wi77 be construdted to ottset the area betveen the runs of stalr, the reTocated botler fl.ue (tn excess of 5 square feet) 7s deducted tron the GREA as nechanicaL chase (see Mastet Bedroon cl.oset). These reductLons return the house to square footage of the agreed-upon benchnark plans teterred to earlier. These nodltications vi17 be conpleted by the tlne a tenPotary Certlticate of Occupancy Ls requested and can be verlfied by the Tovn of Vail statt at that tlne. As agteed to ln our conversatlon. tiese nodltications wl77 resoLve the GREA dlscrepanctes on thls proJect. Attached ls a Tetter of connltnent tron the ownet, Ron Byrne, whlch guarantees that the wotk noxed in this neno wl77 be conpTeted as stated. Ihank you fot your tiue ln this natter. Ton Erye Prolect Coordlnator fE/7rt cct Gordon Plerce GMA Assoclates, Genetal Contractor -__.__: ... :.:: :-"i11 --.e":'"-" -,-ir JLJN 25 '90 13:55 VAIL ilua. 29, $9e a t'.2 Iatn of Vatl b'tii al- o t- l:o anu n t sy D c v o-l-opn e n t ili-eiit'cit ltr' Htho Horttea Ti'e;&i Ptont.s' nctd tctt Vttl, C0 Et657 t o tilot( il tJ|t cOlfclllft thl, tatGal It rrJ?tcn g6- guatltttl ' th't tht toth'outltetit tn t[. ettrched iTii r-;tit--aa 'ooaelZal?-Zg ttttca bv ch' ?t" I trguaat n naaT'7Zt'l-i"'clflclta of occultr,actt' hrrrrr, A co*o*tDo tntltr'D '.,.,.tntn'olrD FonrIC t. aeatsrl D ca',trotaoa 8. llltse-elyit- i:a"" ! rto r e G.a. tat Conltaccar fr^ Ar 3t, nr? - bky4 < f /-rb. ^+t49t/n'e" 26' t?71 - lEc 6fd N Q/* f --=). f'r'-6".hrt<-41 n5.+ SzTZ-/.c^ 2G, ,ir\ - &r*V ^urar", a-.( N f, # z Ra R?t ^- - ff&d % t?, /7tr1 - }.e6 C*/-t*4 4*;,^* l, /r71 - Cd 4r..rza.. f N .* a^/t..-,.^- A",r.,.* z, /??1 >kB F*J "-/ ent-lt*- An a-t st, /?P? ' Rr*.i< Rout f4 4t- /.r24 f ry, | - t -r' -\ Ro'n-44 Raw 7*^i't Ue f 4-t -/) 2s, t?71 - Km-J-Q llot'v 7^-t + z itn-./ * +f NoreJ"e^ tr /?P?- b/e6 # frr$f;-Z-.\* "4'.R^ 4 a-J("("Z*Q *; AA/",* 1, n?o - >AB 4 qt,.z -oJ +p ^* +hJz 4 ct ^h..^. (e ...;L-'il^ Z*^*> k*a:orr".nA*.ro- b--.zo ail-r/{-4, e/4;4..4.^- (t t-c'7 #;;i,1t'>,.".*---..- ,/ /, 3 c, f . .5.. 4-o Zzc'' fi7,**--4 /; c"r*/o 5' i' / t a Vf r-y'J 8o ar y',24-a-72:, EL* "r{J.,"-,Troo -E TaTFn o24,4*=W z,oi? e4//rt a:/*/fa'lfu:u -{" "(2.;J,,/ " ffi '*zE; |F*: - ;A {C.laA.L--.'Z( - - _.CLC ZA.4e<4-a.- Cr/ C- s'A/6:-e t4>4':r?'2,.- 2 [Z++-+V 4:-7a- -E-'r-,?/xo--". 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J.,,- t-J,n4/w /U-<tr/ t-/ ilr- *Lt-,r- #- tt# I -fztZ zttvur'.L ^lN fe u*ouhtD". ,7'tt*V},,a a*#,-*.- 1,u'z,b<. 7,* fu.r, 6*//4fua*-**-'a- ]Ul*t*rttrz,7 JU -467d. /? d, ^Lfa'tz- #r/ ,t/a ,'/jz/'4/L eeaTot-ru &a^U.ffi luttt:n,l Eu ar 'p/?-t?hrr.al -h'r";/' ruwah'u'of"h zz. /au"4 E[ul, dr.ur,"lht* ,ra arrtu /tt Fnl'o,l ,4rtt ( &z a, 6246- ?,/(.t44, U/'41/L',4*nU -U 6U) llro fntu?L '/qVaL | 0t-.L/ tt / rvLrc.<' t2 Vdl Vth'n';:*e"il. L,""-""a:n? f+ 2*"d. -u,1,- vo,*V'<'2ru? ,a.*,, E^*-A //4-" p*y ,e6*'.'5-"4- fu., ,. , J ,O.urt "C^lr*uL."u /a/dt fu 'tl,', /a/?,?.trt"Z -//Jc/.a#- ,/ ^4.n;""n {*{w" t-rr',u 4a* .eq ZAt hzl/ -Z-4;/cd.^1 . Zk e*inr/'q^o,r-ln n u ' - ;,A -r4 rn e-t t n"fr-,'/- ^"/ ft- ,'Lft. /r;d- ub,a<--49{-bYP-. n -t-. z . ,-, , },,La ,,r/".2;"tal1-, 7a,o eaa*to64. qn/.-,- frla^z',, Z/* a'u9,*t4 a.,q /,.- 9"r* w+'Itu., *t\- '|/a'//tq, g/- "ru.Z., ur-o zud f."414',"1.4.'Iz/ o ,tf?ta'*/ 'L q,{:9 tlv ,(%H,Yfr/*"tHv '/i,L ^/r**nr a,;t/ eH{vl &A"(a;d zuli p;try& Jlufu""e L"illt /4 o; ri, 4.2a- )"/. /L/?r7), JL ad;.*.-*',- %rLlffiTP"ffi A/4-.LL. fr",& ./at* LU**u #'/J /"* '4t.* z/*/.eEh,- o*A"' N,tz. u<zw.-(razz 't-*'.t , / -.4t t y'r, t, -.!- - . t-./ --z ./ .'-+ ,'J ,-z- -..'.- /o/r"oa-. ^eAl#l ), Arr* z,tt-uAa,wt' *o ,C/ot //- AA &4rrrf z"t"('.t U-*/urt t"a fuaz Cip .lfuLtu -/q A-n*- ao /2d,, 7tu, P^*o,ail4L 'rb zo"rrla b/*J- arrt ,t/" d)et+a ud f4 u^,.hrr/-'rw2t ttt. -tler 64b Ar*',*-;r,'- fur^TL'[h4y''u'd( pki-l /'/,1 /44 >n*"Lzt/. /:tud/1"e/ eO*/-t-, '?"a Jo+(l *,* Nuv ucL4/r1-tu" q 'A"- ^"7 Jb,-/*^/*"/, i)n 4: az*,t t6t/'t, o*'l/i; 4..e-- c7r"4t- frr;r^t- ?n'U*z ,.7/4Ur;4, E,at €. TVnqn-,,*"t 9. ;l,r ;"1,l :l li i' lil;li:l'tTi: ::r iill lit :I tiri ilif!::i lil Iil I ilT!rl rit Iriti ilii iH iiil iltl I ri rll ::li ii !:!r!li ,lr iti, 'I tit l::l:. t;l!t i !lit lrli !i i;r: iilr I ii.:l:: I irr j lr,l.l ttl ItI;; it :.-:- i;ilt:ll Ill: i;:r't' I iiir ii ,l lri;ilrl i il; ,N'lr,,l i; 'l :lrI'i;l r-ii'l I ..t.,iii :-i i:'il 1l i; lll fr'H 1l 7 lil ,,/ -l tl i:l:rr,lli'1 ,rii l'lIiiii II ':: li t,il ;II I'rl,iil i :-:,Ri l, t-k_ i1, ',t.K';0 ,-.\t 'iN :'l:, -!...- t: I. I i.. 'i:r ..-: I Lt,.. t--'-. trIl l:' l:lif. l.,lT l-i-l l',,,i'i l.''' F]'1., i r--l.,l! t -:. It--' l;..1- Ii't--l:,l, rl:'r li,' l;lt,.I;: l;l, :l"-l-t.'rFll,:. -.lii;lt.:.:lI I ...:.,_ -:i.. . i'. ': lil'lllr i,''i ['l 17\ i.'i ll,.t:: tt'- 1.,. l.t. l,.i l.-r:-il'r | ^;: ,'lr,l,,t:l- l- Ii-'t.'i, t.. Il- iri I i.l..l !;, l.:.-,. llt..t. It". i_ I I I .i, .,-: .,ll; l. :, i; 'i[' tlirll. lrt lt'i' npi 4t,lie QCI,.,,t2) i|i (; it-ii I ita ; ;i i'l .: ll| :l','::. tlet:'i;i,t.'i;I:I llii il t; I-; 5 :l:: I.l 5:j'ri ..t .i I rt ir;t:::l,t': Fr:IlTll;r.' i.4t'' +E F:i# ,cl,i:r,lr, l.iiiiil''i ,ll ':.r I u^ I: *nli I lilr'ri J "Jrl .!. N coRDoN R. PTER'E orrfi.o f000 South Flontage Road West vAtL, coLoRADO 81657 (tog) f7e$33 70,v. LETTT @F TRANSNflITTTAL o^" €-7-?a l'"'"" /Bezorol ^n'n"on ftlrc-fuaur* 4yz*e - bTL > wE ARE SENDING vou p Attached E Under soparate cover via fferints tr Change order tr Shop drawings tr Copy of letter tr Plans tr Samples tr Speciftcations tr coPtEs DATE NO.DESCRIPTION /,s-74D H*zrt iz*ttts 6El<-Baprs - ,?z-usp,us zz ,azete- 6P4. THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: E For approval E For your use $, As requested tr Approved as submitted tr Approved as noted tr Returned for corrections E Resubmit-copi€s fot approral tr Submit -copies for distribution n Return-correctsd prints E For roview and commcnt tr tr FOR BIDS DUE 19- tr PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US "on'o "rnnnoraor @a*r: orra.,t aacro.urat aat r'ot .. not d, k odlt neilryt ua ut onca. Project Application &-B r l'/ t:- t lt/+t+i7Jl\alaL Project Name: Proiect Description: Contacl Person and Owner. Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: t/ LegalDescription:Lot - ) b,Block'a ,u,nn'J a i [.,/, l(,'7,, s(zon" Comments: DISAPPROVAL Summary: uJr' .'.t ) Town Planner Oate: E Statr Approval tl or{vr E=\<l-n{'rO\ :\ /*' it Gqs+€leu/c{ion o tgA o €. )t.:ql-i]lvJ ftn i'iE no EE'i, tf-t Ei 'E So.^th e te,a'{*oq ..IIAI'IE OF P;IOJECT: . d:cnl oESCRIPTIoil: STREET ADDRESS: oescuprloit or pR The follorving infonnatlon is required for submittll by the applicant goard before a final approval can be fiven: A. BUILDI;IG I'IATERIALS: TYPE 0F I'IATERIAL Roof Si di ng 0ther ',,1a I i t'tateri ais Fasci a Soffi ts tJi ndotts llindol Trim Doors 0oor Trim Hand or Oeck Fl ues Fl ash i ngs Chimneys Rails Trash Enclosures Greenhouses 0ther PLAI{T iIATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES EIISTING TREES TO 8E RE|.I()VED tlndicate callper Botanical Name HOEY deciducious trees.Indicate height to the 0esign Re'liew C()LOR STuco 4 9(crsv l^ ' aunn a l'< '"' ,/ CeD{<rz- c(A^{ . Con>pn 8. LANOSCAPIttG: Name of Designer: Phone: cohi fers. . (over) C.Etaa SAt{E-At Sts$r6r Common Name AsPa=l Swuc.g Sl zet Lf,'f rupu.r 8'ro t2' [h6t+ --a.r_ 1 DBE.ASPFJ 3o-40 2o -3 d st6it- 9ganiw- 5o 25 -....'--_ for for LIST OF MATERIALS TA6E 0F pR0JECT: RON BYRNE - LOT 6 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: .LOT b _- BLOCK 7 FILING VAIL VILLAGE FIRST sfrtlou iiiii'-annprss' 146 FORRESTTUAII oilcniptlon oF PRo The following lnformation is required for submittal Eoard before a fina'l approval can be fiven: A. BUILDING I'IATERIALS: TYPE OF MATERIAL by the applicant to the Oesign Rev'iew i,|OOD SHAKES c0L0R ** NATURAL CEDARRoof Si di n9 0ther t.tall Materials CEDAR STUCCO STONE CEDAR CEDAR METAL CLAD - THERMALPANE CEDAR AND/OR STONE METAL CLAD FRENCH AND l|lOOD ENTRY CEDAR AND/OR STONE CEDAR AND ONE STONE VENEER CLAY AND I\,IETAL COPPER STUCCO I^I/METAL COVERS NONE NONE ** COLOR:-SAiIPLES }lILL BE PRESENTED TO THE DRB AT THE APRTL 4,MEETING AND SMP 4ILL BE AVAILABLE AT GORDON R. Fasci a Soffi ts llindows l,lindow Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rai'ls F'lues Fl ashi ngs Chimneys Trash Enc'losures Greenhouses 0ther B. LANDSCAPING: Name of Designer: Phone: PLANT MATERI Botanical Name Common Name Quanj ty S'i ze* PROPOSED TREES EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVEO *Indicate caliper.for deciducious trees. Indicate height for conifers. . (over) : FlRHr t'tRreRtRt-s*:-- (con't) SHRUBS EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REI"IOVED GROUND COVERS Name Common Name Ouani tv Size s0D SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL TURES (retaining wa1ls, fences, swimming pools, etc.) GORDON R. PIERCE, ARCHITECT 1000 South Frontage Road West vAtL, coLoRADO 81657 (:p3) 476{433 LETTE F TRANSNflITTAL tr Samples the following items: tr Specifications o R@ ).\ s' TO > wE ARE SENDING vOU pnttach€d E Under separate cover via tr Shop drawings tr Copy ol letter E Prints E Change order E Plans coPtEs DATE NO.OESCRIPTION I 3-/7-?L D.2^ B- 4eezrr-*nat/ Hz 4?patAL se ,a/vaf--' Jl /3-/q-?. /3-t71t %--a**s aF *///p/)azu ag+il#I 8-2e-aD ta- zt +ra ZEvTa'if -r & r*tae h*y*rZa,<t s THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: E For approval D For your use E As requested D Approved as submitted ! Approv€d as noted ! Returned for corr€ctions E Resubmit-copiss for approval ! Submit -copies for distribution E Return -corr€ctod pririls E For review and commcnt tr tr FOR BIDS DUE 19- tr PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US aLarc aF z?z*>a2*d,s z--et rp =za,;#zt cow rc ts/LF- SIGNED: ,t aa€lolrraf fra not rt noiad, htndlt nott'y uaPtotrI2|D3 @?t|E, e|i., r- outl |rrn'^tlL- " ..,, March 19, 1990APPLICATION DATE OF DRB DATE: 14EETI i.IG :Aoril 4, 1990 DRB APPLICATION *****THIS APPLICATION UILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL INFORMATION IS SUBI'IITTED***** I. PRE-APPLICATION MEETING: A pre-application meeting with-a planning staff member is strongly suggested to de'tirmii,L if any additional lnforiration is needed. No app'lication will be.accepted unless it is compieie (must lnclude all items required by the-zoning administrator). iI'ii-tn" ippiicint's responsjbility to make an appointment with the staff to find ort aUoJt aibitional submittal requirements. Please note that a COMPLETE applica- tion will stream'line the approval process for your projec! by decreasing the number oi-ionaitions of approval that the'DRB may st'ipulate. ALL conditions of approval must be resolved before a building permit is issued. A. PROJECT DESCRIpTI0N. pRrMARY/SEC0NbARY ZoNEp' STNcLE FAMILY RESIpENCE - REqUEST FOR APPROVAL OF CHANGES IN FINISH COLORS ( NO CHANGE IN MATERIALS) AND APPROVAL OF I/INDOh| MODIFICATIONS/ADDITIONS. B. LOCATION Address OF PROPOSAL: 146 FOREST ROAD Legal Description Lot Bl ock FiIing VAIL VILLAGE FIRST Zoning P/S c.APPLICANT:RON EYRNENAME OF Address NAME OF t Address NAME OF 285 BRIDGE STREET - VAIL, CO 81657 D. E. APPLI6ANT'S REPRESENTATIVE: G()RDIIN R. PIERCE' ARCHITECT 1OOO S. FRONTAGE ROAD WEST OI,INERS:TNE - RON BYRNE, Si gnature Address 285 BRIDGE STRE 81557 LP tel ephone 476-1987 tel ephone 476-4433 tel ephone 476-4433 the time a buj1ding permit is requested. FEE F. DRB FEE: The fee will be paid at VALUATION $ o-$ 1o,ooo $1o,oo1 -$ 5o,ooo $.50,001 - $ 150,000 $150,001 - $ .500,000 $500,001 - $1,000,000$ over $1,000,000 IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBMISSIONS '$ 10.00 $ 2s.00 $ s0.00 $100.00 $200.00 $300.00 TO THE DRB: l. In addit'ion to meeting submittal requirements, the applicant must stake the site to indicate property iines and building corners. Trees that will be removed should also be hart<!d. This work must be compieted before the DRB visits the site. Z, The review process for NEW BUILDINGS rvi'l 'l normally involve t\.,0 separate meetings of the Design Review Board, so plan on at least two meetings for their approval . 3, People who fail to appear before the Design Review Board at thejr scheduled meeting and who have not asked for a postponement wi]l be required to be repub'l i shed. - VAIL, C ---ilir," follorins ltems no lonser htY!,tg-bi.l":::!!:d^*.:l:.9:il:nrliul#r?outo' They, horrev.i,'iiul to ue p"islniio-io-ir,i ioning Raminisffatoi for approval: a. lllndows, skylights.and.slml.lar exterior changes that do not alter the lxiiiini pline-of the bui'ldlnsi lnd b. Buildlng addltlons that are.not vlewed from lny other lot or publlc space' whtch have had letters suUm[iiA'irom-adioiniqil pilperty owners approving the addiilon; and/or approuai-iiom'ine-ii.ni iorl'ii-ti"nug.t of a'condominlum assoclatlon 5. vou may be requlred_to conduct Natural Hazard studies on your property. You shou'ld ctrecf ilttn a Town Planner before proceeding' Project Application Project Name: Projecl Description: f1 Contacr Person and p6sns J om Fp-l e 4?b * 443j .J n ..1 Owner, Address and Phone: A' a^l t \ \l e NS /A-; Architect, Address and Phone: (-aRlon t1 er c4 LesalDescription:tor: 5'*(o ,ewcx J ,ritinsitn;l illltVe l{ ,zon" y'< Commenls: Design Review Board //./,Y1 Motion by: FuuZ-h- Seconded by: rppJh\\-=--l 4- o * t DISAPPROVAL tuL* Date: Town Planner E statt Approval lt. . t,tirI r' . I .. It APPLICATION DATE:/o-/b - A9- RiC'[C;-i i,,389.DATE OF DR8 I4EETII'IG ' //. / -Aq DRB APPLICATION ****THIS APPLICATION I.|ILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL INFORMATION IS SUBI{ITTED**I** I. PRE.APPLICATION MEFTING: A pre-application meeting with a planning staff member is strongly suggested to. determine if any additional lnformation is needed. No application will be accepted uniess lt is complete (must include all items requ'ired by the zoning administrator).It is the applicantrs responsibility to make an appointrnent with the staff to find out about additional submittal requirements. Please note that a C0MPLETE applica- tion will streamline the approval process for your project by decreasing the. numberof conditions of approval that the DRB may stipulate. ALL conditions of approval must be resolved before a bu'ilding permit is issued. A. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: L/- B. LOCATION Address OF PROPOSAL: Descri pti on LotSd b B'lock 7 Filing DRB FEE: The fee wil'l VALUATION $ 0-$ 10,000 $1o,oo1 -$ 5o,ooo $50,001 -$ 150,000 $150,001 - $ .500,000 $500,001 - $1,000,000$ 0ver $1,000,000 II.IPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBMISSIONS TO THE DRB: 1. In addition to meeting submjttal requirements, the applicant must stake the siteto indicate property lines and building corners. Trbes that will be removed should also be marked. This work must-be completed before the DRB visits the si te. 2. The review process for NEI'I BUILDINGS will normally involve tuo separate meetingsof the Design Review Board, so plan on at least two meetings for their approval. 3. People who fail to appear before the Des'ign Review Board at their scheduled meeting and who have not asked for a postponement will be required to be republ i shed. Legal Zoning '/u&E ',1 C. t{Al,fE 0F APPLICANT: bp By Address ?3€ B <* , U , aA telephone 17A/qS7 D. NAME OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE: Rla"ess /a/ ,< c z v , ,l ,61 telephoneqT6a&S E. MME OF OI.INERS: Si gnature Address be paid at the time a building permit is requested.F. FEE -$ 10.00 $ 2s.00 $ so.oo $100.00 $200.00 $300.00 i- tel ephone The followlng lterns no longer have .to be. presented-to.the.Deslgn-Review q9:*' iffiy:-dffiti,-trive to be flresented to thi Zoning Administrator for approval: a. llindows, skylights and similar exterior changes that do not alter the existing Plane of the building; qnd b. Building additions that are not viewed fryqr gnv other lot o" qlbli!-:11::' *niit''iiivi had letters submitted from adjoining property owners approv'lng the addition; anaior ipprorai from the-iieni f6t', oi manager of a condominium as,sQcittion. you may be required to conduct Natural Hazard Studies on your ProPerty. You should check irith a iown Planner before proceeding. LIST OF MATERIALS NAME OF PROJECT:. LEGAL DESCRIPTIOII: STREET ADDRESS: DESCRIPTION OF P The following information ls required for submittal Eoard before a final approval can be fiven: A. BUILDING }IATERIALS: TYPE OF MATERIAL by the applicant to the llesign Review Roof Siding Other llall Materials Fasci a Soffits l,llndows llindow Trim Doors 0oor Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Fl ashi ngs Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses 0ther 8. LANDSCAPINc: Name of Designer: Phone: PLANT I'IATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES Botanical Name EXISTING TREES BE REI'IOVED Common Name Quani ty Si ze* Indicate height for conifers. . (over) *Indicate caliper for deciduclous trees. a PLANT IIATERIALS: (con't) SHRUBS EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REI'IOVED GROUND COVERS Botanical Name Type Common Name Quani tv Size Square Footage s0D SEED TYPE OF TRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL (retaining walls,C. OTHER'LANOSCAPE FEATURES fences, swimming pools, etc.) Please specify. -.l ,Rfc's sFP lh\gw, ,t APPLICATION REVOCAELE PERMIT TO ERICT OR MAINTAIN DATE.septeober 4, rsesAjsTRucTuRE 0N A PUBLIc RIGHT-oF-I||AY O}IIIER OF.PROPERTY RON BYRNE llAilE 0F AppLICAt{T RoN BYRNE fenceIall f Landscapinliii- 0ther AI)DRESS 285 Brldge srreet/ /n;1, CO 476 - /7P7 LEGAL OESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY TO(If necessary, attach descrlpfion LoT s/6BLoCK 7 SUBoJair- vil-l-ase/plrst F11lng tr,il1 BE 0n r,/ SERVEt): separate Corner lot Inslde lot DESCRIPTIOII 0F STRUCTURE 0R ITEM(S) INT6 RIGHT-SF-11Ay Retainlng wall-s and Landscaping l!!19!n]11;^;!9wingencroach!9nirproperiy-iine,j{o, i-9llll:_I11lol!:'.n{.other affected apurtenance ln the project ar6a (to scitdor - ormensroned) and secti0n(s) as well as elevations (lf appliiable). 0oes structure presently exlst? ro Proposed date for comencement of constru.tion s.p.db". 11, w In conslderatlon of the-lssuance of a revocable permlt for the structure above lndlcated,appllcant agrees rs follows: l. That the structure herein authorized on asively to the land above described. That.the.permit ls limited specifically to appl icatlon. revocable permit basls is restricted exclu- the type of structure descrlbed In thls {. 5. 2. 3. 6. 7. 8. That the appllcant shall notlfy the Town l,lanager, or his duly authorlzed agent, twentyfour hours In advance of the time for commenciment of construction, ln order that pnoperlnspectlon may be made by the Town. That the gPpllcant agrees to indemnify and save harm'less the Town of Vail frorn andagainst all clalms,.suits, damages, cbsts, losses and expenses in any manner-ieiuittngfrom,.arlslng out ofr 0r connecied with the erecilon or inaintenance -of tJre rboveldentlfled structure. That the pennlt Tay Ue revoked whenever it ls determined that the encroachment, obstruc-tlonr 0r other structure cOnstitutes a nuisance, destroys or impairs the use oi ttreright-of-way by the public, constitutes a traffic trazari, or ttrl property upon whichthe.encroachnent, obstruction, or structure exists ii reduireu foi. uie d'iiie puuiii; 9!f lt.pay be.revoked-g! any time for any reason deemed sdfficient uy inirown bi vaii.Inar tne appHcant wll.I remove, at his expense, the encroachment, obstruction, orstructure within ten days after receiving-notice of any revocation of said permit. That. the applicant agrees to maintain an! landscaptng issociated with itre eiiiroactrmnton the right-of-way. That ln the event sald removal of the encroachment, obstructjon, or structure isnot accomplished wlthin ten days, the Town is hereby authorized to remove same andnave tne rlght t0 make an assessment against the property and collect the costs ofremoval in the same manner as general laxes are cbltbctei.That.the permlt so lssued is not asslgnable, and ls tsiueo solely to the underslgnedappl icant. 9. 10. ll. That.the applicant hrs read and understands all of the terms and conditions set forthln thls application. Special conditlons:' e<1- o( tP ANI t't.t? ol-f r 4f tv- Z/4 s I gnatures -r( r PEC - l/SRionce Reereh,' ott Trr,,^- (-*;-( 4.n Ho"s ()r,,-trT.s Sr4.- Ua'oee Faor-osco V{nL1 ^t?,20,V1 - A/,7o4'e4 /, N -5-2 ,trt(,rt //- ry:1 '&a Kow t4 *'^ ?'26'Y7,+ ^ -+ tr n-t-t,aFt /)ecapvq. 0o-' Lrn t,t- Aeo L.t.orto ) I Appl lcatlon Oatg.'tu1"-1 2q Jes PEC }ltEtlll$ !AIF__ lepfeolel 25, lese T;?LtcATIot ton A yArwtcE i' -lNf2zYxrta'J co7{ prccedurc ls.requlred fgl $I proJect reguestlng a yarlance. The appllcatlon not be rcceptcd untll rll lnformatlon ls subnltted. T{AIIE OF APPTICAIIT RON BTRI{E '1. Thlsrlll A. Brldge Street 76-1987 Gordon R. Plerce, Archltect 1000 S. Frontage Road $eet ValI, CO 81657 C. IIAIIE OF OIJI{ER 285 ge Str Vell,co 81657 476-L987 Plpilt O. TOCATIOI OF PROPOSAL LE6Ar oEscRtprtoil roTJ4ELocK-_L_.FrLtil6 E. tEE $100 PAlo_JcK t_92_FR0il+ THE FEE I.IUST BE PAIO SEFORE ITIE COI,UUIITTT DEVELOPI'IEIIT DEPARI}IEIIT TILL ACCEPT TOUR PROPOSAL. F. A llst of the names of owners of all prcperty adJacent to the subJect prcperty INCLU0ING pRopERTy EEHII{[) AND ACRoSS 3rneerS, and thetr malltng addresses. THE APPLICAIIT IIILL BE RESPOITSIBLE FOR CORRECI IIAILTIIG ADDRESSES. II. A PRE.APPLICATIOII C()NFERENCT I.IITH A PLANNING STAFF I.IEI,IBER IS STROI{GLY SUGGESTEO TO )TIETER}II}IE IF AIIY'ADDITIONAL INFORI,IATION tS I{EEDED. I{O APPLICATIOII I.ITLL 8E ACCEPTEO UNLESS TT IS COI{PLETE (I,IUST INCLUI)E ALL ITEMS REQUIRED BY THE ZONII{G AD!,IINISTRATOR). IT IS THE APPLiCAI{T'S RESPONSIEILITY TO MAKE AI{ APPOINTMEilT IIITH TllE $TAFF T0 Ftt{D ouT ABoUT ADDITI0ML SUBMITTAL REQUIREilENTS. PLEASE I{OTE THAT A COMPLETE APPLICATION IIILL STREAI'ILIIIE THE APPROVAL PROCESS FOR YOUR PR0JEcr e! oecRilSitt-G-rnE Nur'tsER 0F aoNDITIoNs 0F AppRovAL THAT THa pLANr{rilq.A}ID EI{VTRONMEITTAL COI.TIIISSION I.IAY STIPULATE. ALL CONDTTIOIIS ()F APPROVAL Huir g[ - CO}IPLIEO TTTH BEFORE A SUILOITIG PTRI.IIT-IS ISS['E. . ItI.' F0UR ({} C0PIES 0F THE F0LL0}|ING utlsT 8E SUSHITTEDT , A. l_tlllllE! sIATEr,rEilT 0F THE pRECtSr ilATURE 0F THt VARtAilCE REqUESTED AilD THE REcUTATIOII INVOLVED. THE STATTI}IEI{T IIIJST ALSO AOORESS: l. The relatlo$llp of the requested.vrrlance to'other eristlng or poteo6al uses and structures In the'vlclnity. - -'' -- 2. The degree to-whlch rellef from the strlct or llteral InterpretaHon andenforcement of a speclfled regulatlon ls necessary.to.achleire-iompilfuiifty and unlformllv ql treatment Fong sltes ln ttre itttnitt-;i-ao iirarn sne. obJectlves of thls tttle ulthout-grant of speclal prtvitige.- -' 126 e 146 Forfegt 8. C. 3. The effect of the varlance on llght and alrr dlstrtbutlon of-Populatlonr iiinspiriition, trafflc facllltl6s' utllltles' and publlc safety' A tooosraphlc and/or lmprrvement survey at a scale of at least l1 ' ?0' stamped bv-i-Cotoiado llclnsed iurveyor Including locatlgns of all.exlstlng.lmprove- mlnts, lncludlng grades and elevatlons. 0ther elements wnlch must De 3norln. irl-piriing-and-l6adlng areasr Ingress and egress, landscaped areas and utllity rnd drrlnage featureE. A tlte plan rt r 3ctl3 of rt least lx I 20r showlng ellstlrg and Proposed bulldlngs. D. All prellmlnary bulldl!g elevatlons and floor plans sufflclent to lndlcate the htmenslons, gineraf'appearancer scale and use of all bulldlngs and sgaces exlstlng rnd prcPosed on the slte. a uariance -o A prcllnlnlny tltle report to verlfy ol|nershlp and easements If the prcposal ls located In a multl-farnlly development,whlch has a homeowners iis6liaifoh, tt.n *iiiiin-approval from the assoclatlon ln.suPport.of .theili;j;at;r;i il-re;;i;ii'-uv'i- duiy authorlzed asent for srld rssociatlon' Any addltlonal materlal necessary for the revlew of the appllcation as deiernlned \y the :onlng tdrlnlstrat0!".. For Interlor nodlflcatlons, an lmp:overnent survey and slte plan may be Irlved by tJte zonlng tdnlnlstrctor. : .IU.Tlne Rcqultwnts E. F. 6. t The Plannlng and Envlr_onmental-commlsslon meets on-the 2nd and 4th l'londays of each month. r ciiiilii"ippriiliio; i;fr-il! iil acconrpanvlns materl (as describeo auovel"fiuii-ui'iuuritted.itiniiium-6r 4-weeirs irior to rhe date of th PEG oubltc heartns.' li6"iniitiidi|-iiptiilil;il (ls-detennln-eo uv-the zonlne-, lliriiiiiiti;i'iiii uii-.iiiiiii-it tht iiinning itarr berore or arter the dests' nrtad subnlttrl drte. _+ September 19, 1989 Town of Vail Public Works Dept. Vail, CO Ath: Greg Hall, Town Engineer Re: I-os 5 and 6, Vail Village, First Filing To WhomltMay Concem: Lis ofgdesirg to have good drainage along Forest Road in front of Lots 5 and 6, Vail Village, Fir.st Filing. The proposed retaining walls-will not negatively impact the existing conditioni. Wewl[ provide drainage-.as -required by the public works departmeni and incorporate these requirements in any final design solutions. Attached are sketches showing design requirements, as per our September 19th discussion, Ie8arding tle above referenced proj&t. ftese sketches ivill act as-minimum standards for the "drainage ditch" in question. PARTNERSHIP, A Colorado Limited Partnership RB:djs cc: MkeMollica Gordon Pierce l'r-o fuvrl lr L.larcs;r (-a,tptno.{ hlcf ro €<ALE_ 1-11-81 Ttllg DtsT e'JrE- tt*Ztqs Twau Mrnrr.nul,n *orplWf to $(AtE VAIL TOt.lN COUNCIL l.lORK SESSION TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1989 12:00 p.m. in the PUBLIC LIBRARY COMMUNITY R00M orr*1 ,- ' 12:00 Mike Mollica l?:15 Mike Mollica 12:30 Peter Patten 12:40 Kri stan Pritz 12:50 Ron Phillips 1:00 1: 15 ?|t5 3: 15 EXPANDED AGENDA 1. A request to vacate an existing 10 foot utility.easement 0n Lots 33 and 37, Val] Vi]]age West Fi I I ng No. 1 ( 1765 A]pl ne Drive) Applicant: Ellen C. GurY Action Requested of Council: Approve/deny the request' Background Rationale: Vail Village l,lest Filing No' 1 was ori-slifi;Tlml;G? Tn tgos. Town records indicate the exiiting irtility easement, between l.ots 33 and 37,-was never vacated-when thl property was resubdivided in the late 1960's. The easement is-tocated partial'ly under the existing residence, which renders it useless for all practicil purposes. A]l uti'lity slgn-offs are in place' Staff Recommendation: Apprgve the request' A revocab'l e right-of-way permit request for Lots 5 and 6' rjf oif i, vai I Vi'l'lage lit' Fi 1 i ng ( 126 & 146 Forest Road) Appllcant: Ron BYrne Action Requested gf Council: Approve/deny the revocable right-of-way permit request. Backqround Rationale: The applicant ls requesting a . ffiay permit which wou]d allow for the ;i;;;;"t ol-uouiaer -retaining wal Is. and 'landscap'ing on Town ;;;;;;it: The requested enff6achment would be approximatel.v ii.l.n ieet onto fown-iina. The Town Counci'l has requested the review of this permit prior to issuance' Staff Recommendation: Approve the request' Planning and Environmental Commission Report Design Review Board RePort Information UPdate 0ther BUDGET DISCUSSION A. Marketing Fund B. LibrarY C. Contribution Requests de,,S'ti- CA"'tr 3. 4. f. 6. 7. t TO: Planning and Environmental Commission FROM: Community Development Departrnent DATE: September 26, 1_989 SURTECT: A request for a variance frorn the maximum wa1l height in thefront setback on Lots 5 and 6, Block 7, Vail Village FirstFiling.Applicant: Ron Byrne I. DESCRIPTION OF VARIANCE REQUESTED The applicant is the owner of the above narned Iots, which arelocated at 126 and 1.45 Forest Road. The applicant is requesting avariance to allow for the construction of boulder retaining wa11salong the north property lines of both lots (adjacent to Forest Road) which would be constructed to a maximum height of 9r-6rr. The proposed retaining walls srould be located within the frontsetback area, The Town of Vail zoning code allows for a maximum height of threefeet for all fences, hedges, wa!fs,_ and landscaping screens whichare located within any required front setback area (To\^rn of VaitMunicipal Code, Section l_g.59.02O (C)). Development on both lots (5 and 6), as weLl as access into thesites, is extremely difficult due to existing topographicconstraints. The average slope on Lot 5 is 44?, and the averageslope on Lot 6 exceeds 578. In addition, Lot 6 has a large, exposed rock outcrop imrnediately adjacent to Forest Road. With the exception of this variance request, all other development standards will be rnet. II. CRITERTA AND FINDINGS Upon review of Criteria and Findings, Section l-8.62.060 of theurunicipal code, the Departnent of Community Development recommendsapproval of the reguested variance based upon the followingfactors: A. Consideration of Factors: 1. The relationship of the recrueste_:-eTistinq or potential uses and structures in thevicinity. The reguested variance, if approved, would have no adverse affect upon the use of adjacent properties and would not block or impede views from any surroundingproperties. In order to soften the large expanse of retainage along Forest Road, the applicant has proposed extensive landscaping throughout this area. The boulder retaining walls would include a planted area of up to 8 feet in width between walls and the landscape design in these areas calls for some fairly good sized plant material (i.e. 8-12' Colorado spruce, 2-4tr caliper aspens, and heavy shrub planting). treatment amons sites in the vic or to attain the obiectives of th s title without ant of sprivileqe. The staff believes that approval of this variance request would not be a grant of special privilege. Many other property ohrners along Forest and Beaver Dam Road have had to construct large retaining walls adjacent to their front property lines to allow for access onto their sites. Development and access onto Lots 5 and 6 may very well be the most difficult of all the lots in the inrnediate area. 3. The effect of the requested vari facilities, public facilities and utilities, and public safety. The staff finds that the reguested variance will have no significant effect upon any of the above considerations. III. Such other factors and criteria as the cornmission deems applicable to the proposed variance. IV. FINDINGS The Plann and Environmental Commission shall nake the follow That the granting of the variance will not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent ltith the lirnitations on otherproperties classified in the same district. That the granting of the variance will not be detrinental to thepublic health, safety or welfare, or materially injurious toproperties or improvements in the vicinity. 2.The deqree to which relief from the strict and literal interpretation and enforcement of a specified requlation is necessarv to achieve compatibility and uniformity of s before grant l' That the variance is warranted for one or more of the following reasons: The strict or literal interpretation or enforcement of thespecified regulation would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with theobjectives of this titte. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances orconditions applicable to the same site of the variance that do not apply generally to other properties in the same zone. The strict interpretation or enforcement of the specifiedregulation would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the same district. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The staff recommendation is for approval of the proposed 6'-6'l exceedence in wall height. The topographic conditions of bothlots have created unique development considerations and staffbelieves that a hardship would be imposed upon the applicant ifthe strict interpretation of the zoning code were to be enforced. The Design Review Board has reviewed this request, at their August2, 1989 meeting, and by a vote of 4-0-L has approved the design ofthe proposal conditional upon Planning and Environmental Cornmission approval of this variance. CA,"K- 7d 5 - 2- (>*"*, ("\) (u\ , €{,i^* kl ' v. binx* " K'7 f*-+ /"^/1 ^o rt* ^^ f"#A D o INTER.OEPARTI'IENTAL REVI El.l PROJECT:- BtW.i..f DATE SUSI4ITTED: *.2y. r? c0t.i.rEltTs NEEOEO BY: . DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING ?,25,8'T .a rlC.ao 1 4 ,uLvto t t l/+A be .V Jr., h,* ^LlaAtr vt t/4 rr4l dr+'r. o)Lol'*, *"lr- ve{.1g I11'Q- t' Vat*u'*ctt FIRE DEPARTI4ENT d**#'rffiY eul uqll € l- twa,;,yleutala f6 POLICE DEPARTI4ENT Reviewed by: Conments: Revlewed by: Cosmerrts: Revlewed .by: Co;nents: Date Date i '*. r. . iii Da te .l. APPLT.ATTpFoR REvocABLE PERMTT To ERE.T o?*,nr rn fence PUBLIC RIGHT-0F-IIAY ,.*r.!ilff1ATE septenber 4, ,rrrA STRI'CTURE 0t{ A filltl 0P PnOpenn (t o. or orf ntt tAilE 0F lppLICAtT RoN BYRNE 285 Bridge Street DESCRIPTI0II 0F STRUCTURT 0R ITEil(S) tnfO RIGHT-qF-11Ay Retatntng walls and landscaplng Attachplansshorlngencroachmeni,-propertyilne,sid, DBC€llsr mannoles' any-other affected apurtenance In the proJect area (to scalgordinensloned) and sectton(s) as weil as'erevations (ti ipitiiiuiei.-- LEGAL IIESCRIPTIOII OF PROPERTY T() 8E SERVED:(If nccetsrry, rttrch descrlpilon on-siparrte Gonncr lot-_ . lnslda lor L0TSgBL0CKj_SU80.ryil r"s sheet. ) 0oes stnrcture prcsently erlst? No In conslderrtlon of thc-lssurnce of r revocrble pennlt for the structure rboyc Indlcatad,rppllcant agrees u follors: l. Thrt-the structure hereln authorlzed on a revocable permit basls ls restrlcted erclu-slvely to the lrnd above descrlbed.2. That-the.pernlt ls llnlted speclfically to the type of s*ucture descrlbed In thls appl lcrtlon.3. That the rppllcant shall notlfy the Torn l,lanager, or hls duly authorlzed agent, mntyfour hours In tdvance of the tlme for connrenciment of constr-uctlon, In ortir tiat pmler Inspectlon my be nade by the Town.{. That the appllcrnt agrees to lndemnlfy and save har.mless the Town of Vall from andlgalnst all claftnsr_sults, damages, cbsts, losses and expenses In any manner resultlngfi!m' rrlslng out ofr 0t connected wlth the erectlon or inlntenance of tlrc rboveldrntlflod rtructuru. 5. That the pernlt mry be revoked whenever lt lr detemlned that the encrcachmnt, obstruc.tlon, o1 other structune constltutes a nuisance, destroys or lmpairs the use of therlght-of-rqy by the publlc, consiltutes a trafflc hazari, or tE prcperty upon whlch the encroachmnt, obstrucilon, or structure exlsts ls requlred foi use Ut ttre public; - 9!' !t pay be-revoked !! any tlrc for any reason deemed srifficient by the Tom bf Vrli.6. Thrt the rppllcant rlll remove, at hls -expense, the encroachment, obstructlon, or structure ulthln ten days after recelvlng notlce of any revocation of said pennit.7. Thrt. the-appllcant agrees to malntaln an! landscaping lssoclated rlth the eircrcachent on tJte rlght-of-rqy.8. Ihat In the event sald removal of the encroachment, obstruction, or structure lsnot rcconpllshed wlthln ten days, the Town ls hereby authorlzed to remove same and have the rlght to make an assessment agalnst the prbperty and collect the costs of removal ln the satne manner as general iaxes are cbllbcte-d.9. That.the gernlt so lssued ls n6t asslgnable, and ls lssued solely to the underslgned appl I cant. Ihrt the appllcrnt has read End understands rll of the terms and condltlon3 set forthln thls appllcatlon. $eclrl condltl 44, slgna IPPROUD: 10. ll. ^-a- ' IOfi imagBr Septeimber 1l , 1989 Gordon R Pierce . Architect . A.l.A REQI'EST FOR VARIANCE Lots 5 and 6, Block 7, Vail Village First Filing We are requesting a variance from the Town of VailZoning Code, Title 18, Regulation No. 18.58.020-C,regarding wall heights within front setbacks. Werequest to be allowed to construct wal1s exceedingthree feet in height within the front setback of totsfive and six, block seven, Vail Village, first filing(126 and 146 Forrest Road, see attached application),as required by the Town of Vail Zoning Regulation mentioned above. The walls to be constructed are as sholrn on the attached drawings for the afore rnentionedproperty. The property, as it stands, exceeds an average slopeof 30-40t slope over both lots and thus access to theselots is difficult. In addition, when Forrest Road wasconstructed, a large rock cut was Left exposed forapproxinately 90 feet of the 150 foot front lot line(see attached survey). This rock face has an average slope of 100t and at the steepest portion is a slope of125t! This exposed rock face combined with the prinaryobjective of naintaining the view corridors of adjacentproperties (Iot 7 and lot 8) and the zoningregulations, have determined an extrenely limitedbuilding envelope and siting. These factors cleterninedthe location, slope and necessary retainage of theproposed driveway to tot 6 and accordingly, lot 5. The Town of Vail Design Review Board unaninously approved the design solution being presented for avariance at this time, commenting that the siting and landscaping make the project work. The solution presented provides improvenents to theroad edge for snow renoval and drainage. Furthermore,if this reguest is granted, no negative impact on air,light, distribution of population, transportation,traffic facilities, utilities or public safety wiII occur. 1000 South I-rontagc Road West. Vail. Colorado tll657 . -103i 476-4433 Post Office Box 231.j . 3g.vcr Crcc k. Colorado 81620 ' 3031949-6049 One 'l'abor Ccnter . 1200 Ser,'entcenth Strcct, Suite 515 . De nver. Colorado 80202 . -303r 62-l-3355 - RDN TJYRNE & ASSOCIATEs REAL ESTATE 885 BFDGE STREET \lAL. cor-oRAoct 81657sret476-gJ7 August 18, 1989 TheTownof Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 ngi_lptl5 and 6, Block 7, Vail Village First Filing, rccording to the plat recorded August 10, 1962 in Book 174 at page 180 at reception no. 96j82. To WhomItMay Concem: Jhg_un-delsigled BMS Vail Partnership, a Colorado Limited Partnership as owner of Lot 5 and Lot 6, Block 7, Vail Village, I s t Filing, heieby agrees thrt, prior to conveydnce of either Lot 5 or Lot 6 (once construction has begrrn on either Lot), an access easement will be executed and recorded, hereby giving Lot 6 access for ingress and egress ovcr.and across Lot 5. Colorado Limited Partnersh i p 'a O scHEDULE A O I. oRDER NO.: 89005237 POLICY NO.: O-994L-427268 DATE OF POLICY: August 24' 1989 at 1120 A.M. AMOUNT OF INSURANCE: S 1,700,000.00 1. NA|{E OF INSURED: BI.IS VAIL PARTNERSHIP 2. TTIE ESTATE OR INTEREST IN THE LAND I{HICII IS COVERED BY TIIIS POLICY IS: Fee SinPle 3. TITLE TO THE ESTATE OR INTERST IN THE I,AND IS VESTED IN: BIIS VAIIJ PARTNERSHIP 4. THE LAND REFERRED TO IN THIS POLICY IS DESCRIBED AS FOLI,OI{SI I,OTS 5 AND 6 BTPCK 7 VAIL VILLAGE FIRST FILING AEEORDING TO THE PLAT RECORDED AUGUST 10 ' L962 IN BOOK 174 AT PAGE 180 AS RECEPTION NO. 96382 COONTY OF EAGLE STATE OF COLORADO AUTHORIZED COUNTERSIGNATURE S'I'E\|'ART TITLI' o[ri.xll colt/r rl tec llooi, i-oe) )O scHEDULE BO POLIcY No. : o-99tlI-127258 THIS POLICY DOES NOT II{SURE AGAINST LOSS OR DAMAGE (AND THE COMPANY WILL NOT PAY COSTS, ATTORNEYS' FEES OR EXPENSESI WHICH ARISE BY REASON OF: I. RIGHTS OR CLAI!'IS OF PARTIES IN POSSESSIOS NOT SHOWN BY THE PUBLIC RECORDS. 2, EASEMENTS, OR CLAIMS OF EASEMENTS, NOT SHOWN BY THE PUBLIC RECORDS.3. DISCREPANCIES, EONFLICTS IN BOUNDARY LINES, SHORTAGE IN AREA, ENCROACHITENIS, AND ANY F'ACTS WHICH A CORRECT SURVEY AND INSPECTION OF TTIE PREMISES WOULD DISCLOSE AND WHIEH ARE NOT SHOWN BY THE PUBLIC RECORDS. 4. ANY LIEN, OR RIGHT TO A LIEN, FOR SERVICES, LIBOR OR MATERIAL HERETOFORE OR HEREAFTER FURNISHED, IYPOSED BY LAI{ AND NOT SHOWN BY THE PUBLIC RECORDS. 5. Any and aIl unpaid taxes and assesaments and any unredeeroed tax eales 6. The effect of inclusions in any general or specific water conEervancy, fire protection, soil conservation or otherdistrict or inclusion in any water service or street i.mprovernent area. 7. Right of Proprietor of a vein .or lode to extract and remove his ore therefron should the same be found to penetrate or intersect the prenises as reserved in United States Patent recorded Apriul 12, 1899 in Book 48 at Page 475. 8. Right of way for ditches or canals constructed by the authority of the United States, as reserved in United States Patent recorded April 12, 1899 in Book 48 at Page t175. 9. Easements and restrictions as shown on the PIat for Vail Village First Filing, recorded August 10, 1962 in Book 17t0 at Page 180 as Reception No. 96382. 10. Terms, Conditions and Restrictions and as contained in the Protective Coventants for Vail Villagb First Filrng, recorded AuguEt 0, 1962 in Book 174 at Page 179 as Reception No.9638f. 11. Easement and Right of Way as granted to Cornnunity Television Investment, Inv. in document recorded December 17, 1968 as Reception No. 109972. 12. Agreement between Vail Associates, Ltd., a eolorado Limited Partnership and Gas FaciLj.ties, Inv., a Colorado Corporation recorded in Book 183 at Page 157 as Reception No. 99710. ConEinued on next Page STE\T'AR.T TITLI' oo]r i. tf ll colP/r rr 9ec r600M t-891 .' l ATTAcHED T.OD uADE A PART oF v i ". -' srEl{ART TITLE cUARAlsrr coupANv pol,rcy No.: 0-994r-437168 t, CONTINUATION OF SCHEDULE B 13. Terms; conditiong. regervations, restrictions and as contained in notice fron The Vail village Firat Filrng Property orrner! Agsociation recorded April 10, l98l in Book 331 at Page {23 ag Reception No. 217791. sl'f E\T'AR'T TITLI'ocrt.rtt corr.tr ": - ,illott r.tlgl 'r U.' I 'o Application DaO Aucust 28' le89 PEC MEETING DATE September 25, 1989 I.This procedure ls requlred for any proJectwill not be accepted untll all lnfoimailon A. NAI,|E OF APPLICANT RON BYRNE APPLICATION FOR A VARIAI-ICE ,6uof B Z , , ,U,), . variance. The Ittt u requestJng a ls submitted. JllV ii.ujd appl i catlon ADDRESS 285 Bridge Street Vall , CO 81657 PHONE4 7 6-1e87 B.NAME OF APPLTCANT'S REPRESENTATIVE Gordon R. Pierce, Archlt ect ADDRESS 1000 S. Frontage Road Inlest Vall, C0 81657 PHoNE 475-4433 c. NAI'|E 0F oHNER(S ADDRESS 285 B ge Str n+l Ron Bvrneart t 'Z7a :&, Vail , CO 81657 47 6-t987 PHONE 0. E. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL ADDRESS L26 & 146 Forfest Road, Vall, C0 81 657 LEGAL DESCRIPTI0N L0T_llq BLQCK 7 Flttle vail vl11age/Flrst Fillng -.:-=\ '12A--A FEE ( $100 ) fArD cx *_@7_ FRot4 Zau Araue , THE_FEflqU-sr 8E PAID BEFoRE THE coMMUNITy DEvELopMENT DEpARTMENT I{ILL AccEpT YOUR PROPOSAL. F. A list of the names of owners of all pryperty adjacent to the subject pnoperty INcLU0ING PROPERTY EEHIND AND AcR0sS itntEts-, ani ttei" mai'tins ai-iesiei. THE APPLICANT I.'ILL 8E RESPONSISLE rON CORNiCf NNiTiiid'AOONCSSES. II. A PRE.APPLICAT-ION CONFERENCE I.IITH A PLANNING STAFF MEMBER IS STRONGLY SUGCESTED TO )DETERMINE IF-ANY.ADDITIONAL INFORMTIoN Ti IIEEoEo.-No APi[IcATTor'r_rII[[ gE ACCEPTEO uNLEss IT Is cOllPLETE (MUsT INcLUDa ALL iTEMs nequinEo sy rHi-zoNtNe M.lNlqIqI9U._ Ir Is rHE APPLicANT's RESpoNsrBr[rTy r0 mrE nH ApporNiMENT I.'ITH T}IE STAFF TO FIND OUT AEOUT ADDITIONAL SUEMITTAL REQUIREMENTS. - ' PLEASE NOTE THAT A COMPLETE APPLICATION [,|ILL STREMLINE THE APPROVAL PROCESS FORYOUR PR0JEcr av.Dec!!$TXfrHE Nur'rBER 0F coNDrTroNS 0F AppRovAL THAT rriE'puHHrne'AND ENVIRONMENTAL-c0MMIsSION MY sTIPULATE. ALL CONDITIoNS 0F npiiOVnl-Nusr gE COMPLIED t.|ITH BEFORE A EUILDING PENIITi-ii-iSS'[JED'.-- '- III. FOUR (4) COPIES OF THE FOLLOI,IING MUST BE SUBMITTED: , A. l_lllIIF{..sIlIFt4FlI oF_T!E pREcrsE NATURE 0F THE VARTANCE REquEsTEo A}tD THEREGULATION INVOLVED. THE STAT'M'IIT MUSi E.SO ADDRESS: l. The relationshlp of the requested variance to'other existing or potentialuses and structures in the'vicinity. "r -' r 2, The degree to-which relief from the strict or literal interpretation andenforcement of a specified,regulatlon ls.necessary.to achieie iorpiti[iiitvand uniformit_v 9t treatrnent.ailons sites in-ttri-vitiriti-iii-io !i.u.,n .n.obJectives of thrs iltle wrthout grant or speitai privirege.- -- OVER trO o-r-Vari ance 8. 3. The effect of the varlance on light and alr, dlstrlbutlon of-population' ii:inipiiiition, traffic factltti6s, utllities, and public safety. A toposraphlc and/or lmprcvement survey at a scale of at least l': - 20' stanped'Uv-i'i5toiado llcensed iurveyor lncluding locations of all.exlstlng.lmpnove- m-ents, lncludlng grades and elevatlons. Other elements }Jhlch must De gnown lili-ii"iing-ini'foaiini ii..i,-ingrits and eeress, landscgPed areas and utllity and dralnage features. A slte plan at a scale of at least lr' ' 20r showlng exlstlng and proposed bul I dl ngs. All prelimlnary bulldlng elevatlons and floor plans sufficlent to lndlcate ;h; eiil;idni, gineiai-appearance, scale and use of all bulldlngs and spaces existlng and proposed on the slte. c. 0. E. A prellminary tltle report to verify ownership and easements F. If the proposal is located ln a multi-family development which has a homeowners iss6iialtoh, then-wriiiin approval from the-associatlon in.support.of.the proji6i muii ue-i:eiiiiio-ui'l outy authorlzed agent for sald association. d. Any addltjonal material necessary for the review of the appllcation as determined by the zonlng admlnistrato!'.. * For lnterior modlflcatlohs, dtr lmprovement survey and slte plan may be waived by the zonlng adninistrator. IV. Tlrne Requirments The Planning and Environmenta'l-Colrnission meets on-the Znd and 4th Mondays of each month." A-cili;6";;;li;Jii;; iorm-ina all accompanvins materlal (as describeo auovej"fiuli-ue'iuu'i'iii.d.-rinimum.of 4. weeks pr'lor to the date of th pEc public rreaiiiil' ii6-ini6riiiii-ipptications (as-determined bv-the zonins ..iiifiiliiid;i'iiii u.C-aiiepiba bi IIE'piilning statr berore on arter the desis- nated submittal date. PUBIIC NOTICE NOffCB fS HEREBY GfVEN that the Planning and Environnental ComLasion of tbe Town of Vail wilL hold a public hearing in accorrdance ul,th Section 18.66.060 of the nunlcipal code of the Tottn of Vail on septenber 25, 1989 at 3:00 Pt'! ln the Town of Vail Municipal Buil.dlng. ConeLderation of: A reguest to anend the Subdivision Regrulations to create a Slngle Sanily SubdLvision process. Appllcant: Town of Vail a1los for the addltion of the connerclal Core IfI slgn 1. 2.A requsst to anend the Sign Code to the Artsrlal Buslnese Dlstrict into 3. category. Applicant: Toun of Vail A request to anend the Zoning Code to clarify the use of Connercial Skt Storage in Connercial Core f and Conmercial Core II basenent level. Appllcant: fomr of Vail A r6qu6st to anend Epecial Developnent District No. 6 (WI) to LncrcaEe the groes residential floor area by 6000 square feet. ApplLcant: BSC of Colorado, Inc. 6. A requeet for a Conditional Use Pemit to a1low for a dinner theater at Crogsroads, Iot P, Block 5-D' Tract C, Vail Village First Filing. Applicant: CIub !{aJiks 7. A requeat for a side setback variance for a roof overhang at the I{LllowE Condonl.niuns, Lot 8, Block 6, Vail VilLage First Flling. ApplJ.cant: lfl.tlowE Condoniniun Aesociation 4. g,ailc& -t' aPj W"f - 6/t^P/E oH 8. A request for a front setback variance and a conmon area variance for a new entry and elevator at Riva Ridge South, on Lot 7, Block 6, Vail Village First Filing. Applicant: Riva Ridge South Condominiuns TOWN OF VATL COM}TI'NITY DEVEIPPI,TENT DEPARTIIENT Published in the Vail Trail on September 8, 1989. !a, OWNT'RS SIIRROIINNING LOTS 5 ANN 6 Lot33'Blod(7 GecgpGiletr 45 FtrestRoad vailCl) 81657 Lot 32, Block 7 Newman T.Ilalvorson Sigridlt Frccsc andK.A. Hillhouse 5400 E. lTth Avcnuc Dcovcr,C0 80220 Lot 30,Block 7 Tbomas E. Taplinll CharyHillsDrivc Englewood"CO 80110 LotSABlockT CathcrircItf. Edborg Box665 vai[C0 81658 Lot&Blod( 7 Emrnct A. md Ruth C.Irfioasman l43oEastBabf Avenuc Englewoo4CO 80110 Lots 4 and 7, Blocl 7 VcrnmTaylor, Jr. 1670 Denver Club Buildins Dcovcr,@ 80202 Lot3, Btod( 7 Hqbcrt W. Hunt md Clinton W. Jooev 6060N. Ccntral, Suire 305Dlhl, TX 752f6 / ^2. FaIJEIll- J zoi:f-<tz E.IJ E. lrJF-r = (92 Jl! z =P I E o F R raQ9:oooa)('ootooo9 P lrJ FtoE UJFz oooo)ood, l$?oJl?oooob.q-o3'oooooortDoodto ooo 6c, Jsz o c o o . n RXCEIPT- The Town ofVail I D^rE 4o{ / - ,.rre , , N., 4qgs4 RECETv tor*o, itttol- r%a / .4* ADDRESS tt'44.f 42( *?AO -.//- DoLLARS s /a* Permit Numbers HOW PAID- Cash-Che ck 5t4 ? n^ftr. ?' 2 ('niiiiiry ZOIIE CHECK FOR SFR, R, R P/S ZONE OISTRICTS Block 'l Fi'l i ng 'Af- AODRESS: Ol.lNER ARCH I TECT Phone PROPOSED USE LOT sIZE Hei ght Total GRFA PrimarY GRFA SecondarY GRFA Setbacks: Front Sides Rear Water Course Site Coverage LandscaPi ng Fence,/Retai ning .llall Heights Parki ng Credi ts: Garage Mechani cal Ai rl ock Storage Solar Heat Drive: SloPe Permitted Envi ronmental /Hazards : Svtt'3 f A'l'lotved (30)(33) s723 f 22?1 /.s21 20' 1Cl 15' (30)(50) 236d ffiff:lJ, (so)(10o) (2s)(so) ( 2oo ) (4oo ) Prooosed _e')o- (zoor.. =,- -3 @^) Slope Actual Ava I anche Flood Plain Sl ope lletl ands Geol ogi c Hazards Comnents: Zoning: Approved/DisaPProved Oate: staff SignaEure \ Project Application D"t" 8' 30' P? Proiect Name: Project Description: Contact Person and p6sns -7;,-.^ F'{\e ^^Owner, Address and Phone: l(n w I \,./ P n/ Q Architect, Address and Phone: Legal oescriptio n: totg--2J-L etocx I rlins !/n;i V;llrye ls! , zone P/s Comments: Design Review Board -1 -o DISAPPROVAL Hw,r^&-- -/ - 5a^'tp- Summary: hLh /"/"4t Town Planner -\'E start Approval APPL ICAT I DATE August 28, 1989 A FOR REVOCAELE RUCTURE ON A o ON ST OF'PROPERTY OF APPLICAIIT Ron BYrne PIRM I T PUBLI C o OR !lAY TO ERECT R IGHT-OF. MAINTAIN Fencelallsr Landscapin!-T- 0ther Ot.lNER NME ri nt Ron Byrne ADDRESS 285 Bridge Street, Vail , CO 8I657 47 6-L987 LEGAL OESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY TO(If necessary, attach description Corner ]ot Inslde lot BE SERVED: 0n separate Does structure presently exist? No Proposed date for commencement of construction Sept ernber ggls/0 BLOCK 7 SUBDy"il village/First Filing shEEE) DESCRIPTION 0F STRUCTURE 0R ITEM(S) INTg RIGHT-OF-1Ay Retaining walls w/plantlng areas ll!1:!Rlan11howingencroach!9nilproperty1ine,sid,meEers' mannoles' any.other affected apurtenance in the project aria (to scale ordimensioned) and section(s) as weil as'e'revations (ii ipbiiliui.i. 5. In consideration of the issuance of a revocab'leappllcant agrees as follows: l. That the structure herein authorized on a revocable permit basis is restricted exclu-sively to the land above described.2, That.the.permit is limited specifically to the type of structure described in thisappl ication.3. That the applicant shall notify the Town Manager, or his du.ly authorized agent, twentyfour hours in advance of the tlme for commencEment of constrirction, in ordir iriai pro-per - 1lrp.glion may be made by the Town.4. That the lpRl]cant agrees to indemnify and save harmless the Town of Vail from andagainst all claims,-suits, damages, c6sts, losses and expenses in any,inner-ieiuiting from, -arising out 0f, of connected with the erection or maintenance of the aboveldentlfied structure. That the permit gay be revoked whenever it is determined that the encroachment, obstruc-ilon, or other structure constjtutes a nuisance, destroys or impaiii-ttre-Jie oi tneright-of-way by the public, constitutes a traffjc hazari, or thit property upon whichthe.encroachment, obstruction, or structure exists is requ.ired toi. uie Uy ihe puUtic; 9!" !t Fav be_revoked.l! any time for any reason deemed sdffjcient ui itri"town 6i vatt.That the applicant wil.l reirove, at his ixpense, the encioachment, o-bstruction, orstructure within ten days after receiving notice of any revocation of said pe.mit.That.the applicant agrees to maintain an! landscaping issociated with itre ehiroactrmenton the right-of-way. That in the event said remova'l of the encroachment, obstruction, or structure isnot accomplished within ten days, the Town is hereby authorized to remove same andhave the right to make an asseisment against ttre pr6peiti ana colieci ilre ioiis-ofremoval in the same manner as general [axes are cbitictei.That.the permit so issued is not assignable, and is issued so'lely to the underslgnedappl i cant. That.the applicant has read and understands all of the terms and conditions set forthin this application. permit for the structure above indicated, z.&'Z DATE August 25, L989 5. 7. 8. 9. '10. ll.Speci al gna 0wners Date opment ager A I u -;.r-- Crr,*^/ off\ Y.2?.yI la ^nf* ? /ot'l'-- Cttt^'z^'L orr^ / ,w-t( /'l 4-2.a --. RoN TJYRNE &,A550ClAtE5 REAL ESTATE EEE EFEGE STFIEET\ar- cottttaF ErEET 3Glr47Et€EI7 August 18, 1989 TheTownof Vail 75 SouthFrontagcRoad Vait,CO 81657 R9:- lots 5 and 6, Block 7, Vail Village First Filing, according to the plat recorded August 10, 1962 in Book 174 at page I80 at rece tion no. 96i82. . To Whom It lvlay Concern: Thc undersigned BMS Vail Parhership, a Colorado Limited Partnenhip as owner of Iot 5 and Lot 6, Block 7, Vail Village, h't Filing, heieby agrees that, prior to conveyance of either bt 5 or Lot 6 (once construction has begrrn on either Lot), an access easement will be executed and recorded, hereby giving Iot 6 access for ingress and egress over and across Lot 5, Colorado Limi ted Partnenh i p ft fAv€ fiowt&blzp wlAry o{hm(anff .. 4i T O seHEDULE A O ORDER No.: 89005237 PoLIcY No. : o-994L-42726A DATE OF POLICY: August 24, 1989 at l:20 A.lt. AHOUNT OF INSURANCE: S 1,700,000.00 I. NAUE OF INSURED: BMS VAIL PARTNERSHIP 2. THE ESTATE OR INTEREST IN THE LAND WHICH IS EOVERED BY THIS POLIEY IS: Fee Simple 3. TITLE TO THE ESTATE OR INTERST IN THE LAND IS VESTED IN: BMS VAIL PARTNERSHIP 4. THE LAND REFERRED TO TN THIS POLIEY IS DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: IPTS 5 AND 6 BLOCK 7 VAIL VILLAGE FIRST FILING ACCORDING TO THE PLAT RECORDED AUGUST 10, L962 IN BOOK 174 AT PAGE 180 AS RECEPTION NO. 96382. COUNTY OF EAGTE STATE OF EOLORADO AUTHORIZED COUNTERSIGNATURE s'l'lt\t'AR'f TITLIT ogrrai?l corta rr 90c (500M r-B9l - ?'O ScHEDULE B O PoLIeY No.: 0-9941-427258 THIS POLICY DOES NOT ISSCRE AGAINST LOSS OR DAMAGE (AIiD THE COMPANY WILL NOT PAY COSTS, ATTORNEYS' FEES OR EXPENSES} WHIEH ARISE BY REASON OF: 1. RIGHTS OR CLAIYS OF PARTIES IN POSSESSIOS NOT SHOWN BY THE PUBLIC RECORDS. 2. EASEI'IENTS, OR CLAIMS OF EASEMENTS, NOT SHOWN BY THE PUBLIC RECORDS. 3. DISCREPANCIES, CONFLICTS IN BOUNDARY LINES, SHORTAGE IN AREA, ENCROACILITENTS, AND ANY FACTS WHICH A CORRECT SURVEY AND INSPECTION OF THE PREMISES WOULD DISCLOSE AND WHICH ARE NOT SHOO{N BY THE PUBLIC RECORDS. 4. ANY LIEN, OR RIGHT TO A LIEN, FOR SERVICES, LABOR OR IIATERIAL HERETOFORE OR HEREAFTER FURNISHED, IIIPOSED BY LAW AND NOT SHOWN BY THE PUBLIE RECORDS. 5. Any and all unpaid taxes and assessments and any unredeemedtax sales. 6. The effect of inclusions i.n any general or specific water conservancy, fire protecti:on, soj. I conservation or otherdistrict or inclusion in any rdaLer servj.ce or street improvement area. 7. Right of Proprietor of a vei.n or lode to extract and removehis ore therefron should the same be found to penetrate orintersect the preni.ses as reserved in United States Patent recorded Apriul 12, 1899 in Book 48 at Page 475. 8. Right of wa!' for ditches or canals constructed by theauthority of the United States, as reserved rn United States Patent recorded Aprrl 12, 1899 in Book 4B at Page 475. 9. Easements and restrictions as shown on the P-tat for VailVillage First Filing, recorded August 10, 1962 in Book 174 at Page 180 as Reception No. 96382. 10. Terrns, Conditions and Restrictions and as contaj.ned in theProtective Coventants for VaiI Village First FiIrng, recorded August 0, L962 in Book I74 at. Page 179 as Reception No. 96381. 11. Easement and Right of Way as granted to Cornnunity TeLevision Investment, Inv. in document recorded December 17, 1968 as Reception No. 109972. 72. Agreement between Vail Associates, Ltd., a Colorado LirnitedPartnership and Gas Facilities, Inv., a Colorado Corporation recorded in Book 183 at Page 157 as Reception No. 99710. Continued on next page ST E\r.AtrRT TITLI' GU^na:t?t cotaPA!f T 99C r500M l-891 - . -t- , ATTA.HED To I *o, A PART oF O "' STEWART TITLE GUARAI{TY COMPANY PoLICY NO.: o-994f-{27168 CONTINUATION OF SCHEDCLE B 13. Terms, conditions. reEervations, restrictions anC as contained in notice fron The Vail Village First FiIrng ProPerty orrnera Association recorded April 1.0, 1981 in Book 311 at Page 423 as Reception No. 217791. S'TE\I'ART TITLT' O(ATAJ?I COIFA iY :: - .tnoi, r.nql 1.:00 Ken Hughey 1:30 Mi chael Barber Stan Berryman 2;30 Terrel 1 Kni ght 3:30 lvli ke Mol I ica hol;o,t I oveal,tx 4"utto, u[o{c , 2'1 / , n ,\(rlo(iou t+tll; of Counci I Counc iI 's ideas for : Meet with recreati on Terrell Knight to compl ex. planned at the joint VAIL TOI,IN COUNCIL I,|ORK SESSION TUESDAY, AUGUST 29, 1989 1:00 p.m. EXPANDED AGENDA t"Critique of July Fourth Activities Act'ion Requested of Council:Review this year's Fourth of citizens, community groups, andJuly weekend with interested TOV representatives. Background Rationale: Several people have requested a critique of this year's Fourth of July weekend activities. Representatives of the VRA, Vail Chamber of Commerce, and the Police Deot. will be in attendance to address the weekend and answer ouest ions. 2. Presentation of Preliminary Plans and Cost Estimates for Village Parking Structure of Counci I : Review project scope and park ingauthori ze expansi on. staff to proceed with "Scheme Two" Eackground Rationale: Town staff has been working with Michael Barber over the summer in the preparation of the concept design report. The Vail Transportatjon and Parking Advisory Committee reviewed the report on August 21. The Committee unan'imously recommended that the CounciI proceed to implement "scheme Two" of the seven options analyzed (see enclosed report). Michael Barber wil l make a presentation to the Counc'i I at the Work Session. Staff Recommendation: Authorize staff to proceed to ffi0" Parking Expansion. 3. Discuss'i on concerning County Recreation Complex Acti on di scuss Background Rationale: This meeting was Avon,/Vai1 meeting Iast Tuesday. frlolion, !/h,tl le.,it,on Uofe: 4-Z 4:00 Kristan Pritz 4. Site Visit and Discussion regarding a revocable right-of-wqy permit request for Lot 6, Block 7, Vail Vi'l]age lst Ftllng (126 Forest Road) Applicant: Ron Byrne Aqlfpn Requested of Qoungtl: Uphold/overturn the staff's decision to issue the revocable right-of-way permit. Background Rationale: The appl icant 'is requesting a revocable ri ght-of-way permit which would alIow for the placement of retaining wa1 Is and landscaping on Townproperty. The requested encroachment would be approximately /oX feet onto Town land. The Town Council has requested the review of this permit prior to issuance. Staff Recommendation:Approve the request. 5. Interviews for Arts 'i n Publ ic Places Board Act ion of Counci'l : I ntervi ew sel ect 6 members.See encl osed memo. the appl icants, and 4:45 6. Planning and Environmental Cormission Report Peter Patten 4:55 7. Information Update Ron PhilIips 5:05 8. Other -2- - RoN TJYRNE &.ASsOfrATEs REAL ESTATE 2E}5 EIFIDGE STFIEET \AIL. COLORAtr)O E}1657 3o,3r47649e7 August 18, 1989 TheTown of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Re: Lots 5 and 6, Block 7, Vail Village First Filing, according to the plat recorded August 10, 1962in Book 174 atpage 180 at reception no. 96382. To Whom It May Concern: The undenigned BMS Vail Parhership, a Colorado Limited Partrrenhip as owner of Lot 5 and Lot 6, Block 7, Vail Village, lst Filing, hereby agrees that, prior to conveyance of either Iot 5 or I-ot 6 (once construction has begun on either Lot), an access easement will be executed and recordd hereby giving Lot 6 access for ingress and egress over and across Lot 5. '.:1 t SEHEDULE ORDER lro.: 89005237 DATE OF POLICy: August 24, 1989 at 1:20 AIIOUNT OF INSURANCE: S l'700,000.00 1. NAME oF INSUREDT Aa PoLIcY No. : O-9941-42?268 A.U. {. BMS VAITJ PARTNERSHIP 2. THE ESTATE OR INTEREST IN THE LAND WHIEH IS COVERED BY THIS POLICY IS: Fee Sinple TEE LAND REFERRED TO IN THIS POLICY IS rprs 5 AND 6 DESCRIBED AS FOI,I{tr{S: BIDCK 7 VAIL VILIJAGE FIRST FILING AECORDING TO THE PLAT REEORDED AUGUST 10, '-962IN BOOK 174 AT PAGE 180 AS RECEPTION NO. 96382. COONTY OF EAGLE STATE OF COLORADO AUTIIORIZED EOUNTERSIGNAf,URE STE\I'AR.T TITLE outt/ltrtl colPl rY tec (tooM t€ol SCHEDULE B O PoLIcY No. : o-9941-427268 THIS POLICY DOES NOT IIiSURE AGAINST LOSS OR DAMAGE (AND THE COMPANY WILL NOT PAY COSTS, ATTORNEYSI FEES OR EXPENSES) I'IHICH ARISE BY REASON OF: I. RIGHTS OR CLAI5S OF PARTIES IN POSSESSIOS NOT SHOWN BY THE PUBLIC RECORDS. 2, EASEMENTS, OR CLAIMS OF EASEMENTS, NOT SROWN BY THE PUBLIC RECORDS.3. DISCREPANCIES, CONFLICTS TN BOUNDARY LINES, SHORTAGE IN AREA, ENCROACH}'ENTS, AND ANY FAETS WHICH A CORRECT SURVEY AND INSPECTION OF THE PREMISES WOULD DISELOSE AND WHICH ARE IiOT SHO9{N BY THE PUBLIC RECORDS. 4. ANY LIEN, OR RIGHT TO A LIEN, FOR SERVICES' LABOR OR MATERIAL HERETOFORE OR HEREAFTER FURNISHED, I!'TPOSED BY LAW AND NOT SHOhIN BY THE PUBLIC RECORDS. 5. Any and a.ll unpaid taxes and assessments and any unredeemed tax safes. 6. The effect of inclusions in any general or specific water conservancY, fire protection, soil conservation or other district or inclusion in any water service or street improvement area. 7. Right of Proprietor of a vein or lode to extract and remove his ore therefrom should the same be found to Penetrate or intersect the prenises as reserved in United States Patent recorded Apriul 12, 1,899 i.n Book 48 at Page 475. 8. Right of way for ditches or canals constructed by the authority of the United states, as reserved in United States Patent recorded April 12, L899 in Book 48 at Page 475. 9. Easements and restrictions as shown on the Plat for Vail village First FiIrng, recorded August 10, 1962 in Book 174 at Page 180 as Reception No. 96382. LO. Terms, Conditions and Restrictions and as contained in the Protective Coventants for Vail Village First FiIrng, recorded August O, L962 in Book L74 at Page J-79 as Reception No. 96381. 11. Easement and Right of lrlay as granted to Conmunity Television Investment, Inv. in document recorded December L7, 1968 as Reception No. 109972. t2. Agreement between VaiI Associates, Ltd., a Colorado Limited Partnership and Gas Facilities, Inv., a Colorado Corporation recorded in Book 183 at Page 157 as Reception No. 99710. Continued on next Page STE\|'AFIT TITLE GUARANAT COl(PAII'T 99C (500M r -89) . . , - ATTACHED TO I *O'A PART OF O STEWART TITLE GUARANTy CoDIPANY PoLIeY No.: o-9947'427?68 CONTINUATION OF SCHEDULE B 13. Termg, conditiong, reservationg, restrictiong and as contained in notice from The vail village First Filing ProPerty ounera Aggociation recorded April 10, 1981 in Book 321 at Page 423 as Reception No. 217791 . STE\T'ART TITLE Gr,r llrtl cortrxY .: - rSooM r-891 coRDoN R. PrERcE, nlrrrecr lO00 South Frontage RoafWest vAtL, coLoRADO 81657 LETTEI @ F T'RANSNfl ITTAL (:il13) 476{433 TO Ta. /. WE ARE SENDING VOU f Attached tr Under separate cover via ! Shop drawings tr Copy of letter ffPrints ! Change order tr Plans "^" g/?g/gq 1"" "27azo ^rrENrton / ' "E b,tl B)o-^tz ,4 brs 5J/o. BtwT hp /,o"*aZ- .Qerfuq.+r t 2 - t//.sEr> .9 lZ ?tz,rr,l /Z.e-ua%/.e,fur tr Samples the following items: ! Specifications coPtEs DATE NO.OESCRIPTION /B/zgh /tap/B Ez*u*rzaru 1 >q-rzarus ut ztu/sE-z 5/E .?/*v /a/z+ls L^/2e ur/ s E.D,/*ln*-*- ?z*u /n/zo/sq / or/B kutceo ltz- nA*,l '1 a/ui/sq t47PI/1477A/J hz 2:EM&2 Pazt't/7 n 84ru7 kt-7r4t//l)b a.rott-< ,H)D t4il24rZ 7AA t%ryn /alolrt her aF Ai%s Egez*.pr &ttruraa*+tr her dp .qtup.tp f,T/z /a%sa rpzttTL,UnLe\ THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: / ro, approval /, ro, your use .(As recuested tr Approved as submitted tr Approved as noted ! Returned for corrections tr Resubmit-copies for approval D Submit -copies lor distribution ! Retu rn - corrected prints E For review and comment ! tr FOR BIDS DUE 19- tr PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS rmEr?|or l@|e., G'rr r- or'l.ff lmrolurtt ,.. aot ,t notad, kl'dty notlly tt a/zfa1lhv+ Mo*tc* 75 rculh llontago load Yall, color.do 81657 (303) 47$2138 (303) 47$'2139 olllce of communlly development To: Tom frye, proJect archltect From: Mike Moll tcayrfaDate: August 16, 1989 Re: Byrnes/Taylor Project The purpoEe of this meno is roerely to follow-up on severaf telephone conversations we have had during the past week or so regarding the Byrnes/Taylor Project. As we dlscussed, the Townplanning staff has determlned that the followlng itens need to be conpleted prior to the issuance of a bulldlng pennit for the above named project: 1) An accesE easenent, 9_r _co4plttnent of e?Senent. shall be r:11, ) required for the proposed driveway br r,ot 6 whlch crosses a' portion of Lot 5. This shall be signed by the property owner andverification of ownership will also be required. 2l Retaining walls - As you are attare, the retaining wall (as presented to the DRB) located ln the front setback does not conply with the 3t height restrictlon for suctr walls. A variance would have to be retalned for that wall to allow itEconstruction. AIso, the revielons to the wall that were 1 gubnltted to uE on August 15, 1989 requlre DnB appfoval . I have' 'r' sEh-eduied the DRB review for August 3oth. Please subnit an elevation of the waII lndicating materials and heights as well as. a revised rana-cafing plin for €nls area. r belleie that when I the retaining wall issue Ls resolved we would be prepared to accept your application for a building perrolt. All retaining walls proposed along Forest Rd. are required to be designed and starnped by a registered professional engineer. If the proposed location of the walls will be on Town property, a revocable RoW '€3l1_it _wlll be regulred. 3) Design RevLew Board approval - any changea or nodlflcatlone to the approved diawlngs wllt reguire resunittal and final approval by the DRB. -.- GoRDoN R. PrERcE, nfrecr 1000 South Frontage Road-Tllest vArL, coLoRADO 81657 (303) 4764433 TO To- u, Grt rl*oz "DEu4rftrttl,,r- (LETTET @ F TRANSnn I]rTAL "^" B -/ 7 -B q l'"" "" lsd zb A'rENrloN //tzes//tP=)4,vzttzJ*v rzr-- fe.tee- /4tr= 5la.Bz-aez<7 t/a^kuz<z'. frszrfrqtz- El Samples the following items: I Specifications WE ARE SENDING YOU ['ttached E Under separate cover via ferintsD Change order tr tr ! Shop drawings tr Copy of letter coPrEs DATE NO.DESCRIPI'IONz9r-la'.4 1-/A *t Ft*tt , frzz. ft*tt<. ELEuA-rzdils 2 B -l/.-9'l &'z'*t t,y,tt/-' ///ttz- Dzntz t ^ *ruu pa THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: xF tr n ! REMARKS For approval For your use As requested For review and comment tr FOR BIDS DUE tr Approved as submitted tr Approved as noted D Retu rned for corrections tr Resubmit-copies for approval ! Submit -copies for distribution D Retu rn -corrected prints 19- tr PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US r -<- ?.€t --r, e/+ .*!, /tLfb , --+.\ e *tAtatr- a < , 2/ 'l.e+(rv- +A)e ./^?e4 .Ao//SEP coPY ro HI-"L SIGNED: ?tur[2tc3 /vE-s/ ts, 6|!14 lr 0[ll.It tncfoaurar ara not ra notad, hlndly |totrtjt t t at onc-. ooJ^ #eez .e flrlv e;P-a dr teu/4@ Jruelaz1 &-P- 4-s-1 tu-.e-a- ls,- fu &aep-E- aE- La/I_4dL/_ &afn'Jte 27n2ru ffi **Wpa_E_ 'e-Q--A2/mtta Wu 4Ek. kzre-Ptln) &r_ ,F -An)/Ept&V ffi, bfrU /l*tP //E- t:"W mZ d"- -- flttuL Yal %rbp i i---J-- i I I I_ -1 - coRDoN R. PrERcE, nNrecr 1000 South Frontage RoaflWest vAlL, coLoRADO 81657 LETTT @F TRANSnflITTAL (:103) 476.4433 TO ru, wE ARE SENDING voU /ett""hed O Under separate cover via )y'Prints! Change order ! Plans tr Samples the following items: E Specifications! Shop drawings n Copy ot letter ! "*' g//1/sq lJoE No ^"'"''^ ,/y'/1 'r.F fuRE: S'z-E.b*ytl)A /l hpBl4'uz Petu /sz- e-t e -frztaT4bztu2 coPrEs DATE NO.DESCRIPTIONzalilsq/'r/6 irz- ?uat - Eeusea THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: trFor approvat ! For your use ! As requested ! Approved as submitted n Approved as noted E Retu rned for corrections n Resubmit-copies for approval ! Submit -copies for distribution E Return -corrected prints E For review and commcnt n tr FOR BIOS DUE 19- ! PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS COPY TO Frc-e- SIGN fi{qiclza03 /@r'f, odr rd. otill ll a,tcloauila tra nol aa notad, klndly notlry ua at onca' Proiect Application Y'2 'trI Project Name: Proiecl Description: Contact Person and enone .J 47b - 4133 Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: 176 -i43i Legal Description: tot{--S l--&_. Block r,nns VA,( l;llye l* , ron" ?/o Commenls: Design Review Board e"1" ?'2'F? Motion by:C a;sf seconded ov, #ene;.g tolv dffi;;; 4-o-l DrsAppRovAL:- (^r rlrrt',a nl.l^',v"rt\ ' 'A /4'U,'- Town Planner r. 2'11 E statt Approval Io 8.2,81 rA tA" ./-- /"^ nr".*^t- /r'-i/"Q o ory/T I ./T^C/ P?'t--t - |IT t t:r"f,*T",,o &/^!r- Pr^,i.8".,,,1- fu+ 2?' t?tr Tt*- q Z;Lrc /r',A" Jr,*t* E""A VtuL) t &""4 8r6sr W,u," J-/.,/'" &fur' /? t, Afu.e- #r/ ,t/,L 4/r/)44 ua/fu-r. Ajg!"fr ,rt^f*t n, tu /p/,,#t,-tl '1*"t o-tN'o/tut'rnn o" /o*'* Fi"l, dt'u , aryrt r- ,r) uat u /t t tra'etu/r /4-l ( &t r,, &/12.6 ?.,'{Q a,fro:;:ffit T-;-*/ ;ry-'#- *' i &;;4a'e- t^*' O "/ #- /. a4At- 4-4r4t 6-"/- /;e;-, *, a u, J" r. , -- tO,uz'l-av,,u'+,rt- ru/d- fu d* /d/312"f"2 -krerLz#- .7 E*-f5fu*-*,4 ry,!A'r3de,n 1r4r,* ut'u -!al- /",4 ,rA, kzd -Z.-;/il4 . At e.rrain/"qrarul .A.il'-/n*4ur;"2 -.4rn e*"t- a,LA;ulL "-/ A.- A.L dd- e^h' t*, 7lo e,a',/-a+62 qn/r-- Prt'>rt-, Z-L a'te.,rt4 a^f /r- pvw z/au/rr, fl,t ,*ZA f*.zziz Wyr 4 z{.- {".L 4) 3L 'l"Jdt n4 t .--zu tzt/. !/.-t- /.- . .--t- /,d"- A.HJ p/rt-^/.A- &4 /,e"*- e/,r""L a6.dl ), l0un n*e"Je-*hrn zZ dal frl- Afu /'./rri a,&l/t o Clfu^ut ,t4L iua-t Ci* //1/t{u Jrl n*- act /A,. 1tw, F^*o.ailzL fu zr"ulL a/".h, //;,n ,il* dLaz-oS" a*d grA o^' fi1/i/-n*il ,ou.2* 64/o ctt-^t"at "- fu-^-TA-2letfud(A-lJ./, t+ "2 u), >naJL,rtl- z-no-hzz( ,alfu$l , "and- 24"4/ rtL**. ?y z *3,?!:*.q) !:%dw't Pn/* "*'/t-b"h* 4'*o -a-'r, ,4 "*ut, X n''-P fu.' 7p"* rt,tu, a-^iU^'X 1e',az ka-c/-1/--.b/,p O-a-&rp;r"- ', (/ e. J./* -1,-;/.u"-1 Af.. il..-"- 0y. 7ry^ Pr-rrd //,^tftt"/ ( p^Alrt H a1 +), da&'L ft^g r?,t1t? .<n cr-vw- 7t-ulrt.rn+,-- "V L*rt- /z-4 J3- * L e{z'L a,o-?wu- N enuz-lr,cE+ q" t/,L /a4;;6 -r.,e fr+-<- //u4:wfu 7'*- M/, ,ffifra'*''.t-'-z- A'd e'Tvu'*"-''- qr-d.* Fr",*t- "fu.2a^"2 ,.7vh,4L,o4, 1-.e-. rfr 6: oi 5 '"7. l<.il r, rs fi a, -i tA. O1 2200 John Horan-Kates 2z15 Larry Eskwith 3:00 Buff Arnold 3:20 Mike Mollica 3:35 Ron Ph i11 ips 3:45 4:00 VAIL TOI.IN COUNCIL [{ORK SESSION TUESDAY, AUGUST 1, 1989 2:00 p.m. EXPANDED AGENDA 1.Presentation on EuroFaire Action Requested of Counqil: Receive presentation and make corments as desired. ?. Town Attorney's Report on Streamwalk Private Covenants 3. Discussion of Vail Gateway Project Progress Action Requested of Council: Receive progress report and made conunents as desired. Background Rationale: Gateway representatives asked to be ffi to talk ;ith'counci'l about the clean up process at the Amoco site. Representatives of Amoco and Palrnen Development are expected to be present. Review of the Byrne/Trylor proJect, which is scheduled for final review by the Design Review Board on August 2, 1989 Action Requested of Council: None required. Eackground Rationale: This project consists of two primary/ @, on Lots 5 and 6, Block 7, Vail Vi'l lage lst Filing (126 and 146 Forest Road). Both residences have a proposed GRFA of 3,800'square feet. The DRB, on July 19, 1989, has conceptual'ly reviewed the proposal . Information Update 0ther Site VisitsA. 950 Fairway DriveB. 705 West Lionshead CircleC. 2880 Booth Creek Drive 4. 5. 6. 7. GORDON R. PTERCE AII||TECT 1000 South Frontage RoaEltest vAtL. coLoRADO 81657 LETTC @F TRANSnflITTAL (303) 476{433 TO WE ARE SENDING YOU ldlttacneA E Under separate cover via D tr pPrints E Change order ! tr Plans ! Samples the following items: ! SpecificationsShop drawings Copy of letter "^" 7h/Bq l'""T3orc ArrENrldN t4r,u- //, "'' Br-r,,8 ,/7*zzo- /psa2pz-r h, €t6 coPtEs DATE NO.DESCRIPTION z zhq-t/a l-/e 2a Oeu, 5oz P.,+ru/Frar Pz*rtt s /E.pus 1. Sa,cuet 2 i/slbq bttm+r. ^jo C btnzuc, t0kz 22ta/L THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked ffFor approval 'g(Fo'vou' ""/! As requested below: D Approved as submitted n Approved as noted I Returned for corrections Resubmit-copies for approval Submit -copies for distribution Return -corrected prints ! tr D D For review and commcnt n D FOR EIDS DUE 19- D PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS COPY TO Frrz rulcr?ao! /ffiE'?rq edar- oxrL. To: DESIGN REVIET{ BOARD Date: July 25, L989 From: l{ike Mollica Re: Byrnes/Taylor Residences The follorring is a summary of the Boardrs comments at the conceptual review hearing on ifuly 1,9, 1989: 1) Because of the steepness of these lots, the perceptJ-on of ttreproposed homes fron I-7O, and the Frontage Rd., will be ofsubstantial bulk and mass. careful slte planning is a must. Consider Iighter colors and subtle tones, which will make thebuildings appear smaller. 2l Height is a concern. A nassing model wouLd help the Boardvisualize the proposal . Show adjacent homes as wel1. Perhaps aphotographic overlay could also be used, (show views fron I-70 andthe Frontage Rd). 3) Retaining wall heights may be a concern, especially alongForest Rd. The driveway slopes should be reviewed carefully. 4) A detailed landscape and grading ptan is needed. 5) Architectural sectLons through both homes are needed. ZONE CHECK fuK SFR, R, R P/S ZONE DISTRICTS AODRESS: OI.INER iillifuBrock ? Filingt/nrl lllAre l?b Eozrsf l), Phone'Phone ZONE\DISTRICT PROPO |l(tr LOT SI Y TtrTT Hei ght TotAi GRFA Primary GRFA SecondarY GRFA Setbacks: Front Sides Rear Al'l or'red l*l / 11\IiElE1 \ 'r., / 38?3 27?1 t921 au lql f?n\lcn\ a 7/ ,^\ Prooosed 33'- o", 2.7 /)te ta,3_ t-/ 731'l,Z GiD+'1'b water cours e 'n:i') site coveras. L/5%) 1" lot slY< ) 302o Landscapi ng \--- Fence/ Reta i ni ng 'rJal 1 Hei ghts Parki ng Credi ts: Garage Mechan i ca I Ai rl ock Storage Solar Heat Drive: SloPe Permitted Envi ronmenta I /Hazards : Comments: Zoni ng: Date: oK ,, zo Jtoo)zz (izu'r) e"> -a' ( ra,r ) (30d ) (600 ) (g60)(lzoo) (50)(100) (2s)(50) (2oo)(4oo) z S'lope Actual nux, - {ee+c/ /e.\reE% ood Plain lJetl ands Geo'logi c gnature ZONE CHECK FOR sFR, R, R P/s zoNE DIsrRIcTs $llifuB'rock ? Firins ARCHITECT PROPOSED USE LOT SIZE Hei ght TOTAI GRFA Primary GRFA SecondarY GRFA Setbacks: Front Sides Rear lJater Course - d-t* f":':rt;:' Site Coverase QsZ ) LandscaPi ng Fence/Retai ni ng'rlal I Heights Parki ng Credi ts: Garage Mechani cal Ai rl ock Storage Solar Heat Drive: SloPe Permitted Envi ronmental /Hazards : t/a;I l/;l/*e lsj Prooosed 33'^o" _?723'o -351/,*1 n tt t,.,r ! (o_ (30)(so) 7360 a?.Y.l goo> ("2) + (zoa\ ADDRESS: 176 For.o'r &l . -. ^r.lrrso P nO ngOl,|NER Phone A'l I oled F(33) 3823 22?1 t521 20' 'lql If,' (3oo ) (600 ) (eoo)(1200) (so)(1oo) (2s)(50) (200)(4oo) OKT zo 2so?,5 @t rr\ ("+) e + (') g% Avalanche 0K Flood P'lain S1o9e 59. ? ?o .tlletl ands t{/4 Geologic Hazards 0K Comnents: Zoning: Approved/0isaPProved Date: )I'att 5lgnature a A%z=,*A*^r)t'32 F.A**A-+ d* f,atta l za -,9: ? 2s 7f/- /3 7al*t' g M?/h\ V -^**t ,r^h ,a N ^7. fr;-l "*/ib. ,8n .r'a -YQ1 t,n.Yl i -.to-t ^or- N"-L-,<o/ ^ &fr'Zj 4J-* fi* - *et ;" -"^A %-A I G, ^.^d h*,-trl4-,*,h - /t'1,a;4a4-4:- 7 nrl.*- XUUA c.,;l "A H > /"72,4 ,f-V^-+ / n-,'t * o *//^-,F, F7*-4 q,, */-( A"fi .X^/ / za,-< hv4-h^- t .Dv t G, ^ 'rq> o.'\ 4-lT tu^ft1* 0,,1^--oK % -r' W-A,.k-La..& ut/he O'o, * /&. K^aa- 1-- . 711r,7.,a 6""4-> 0^l'^-og ( / / /u/ lVp-G ",-4 fu T.za /t /V,F.-,44 f<,1 ,I oa ob > La^J..f /l* /hb J- /.*"1 7 leS ) N'J 4 f /rt o'* a*r2'2 o,*n A-t g 6r o...) oK+ ) fuzJ z-*,.r/,,^-+ \ oK->) ft ft /-'*-i T 7/ ,* ,e ,v.-t lt Ur, - /te'/41 ti\- 3--* d4( .rr,2/ > R'Z&i /*4 h2/4/ &h'la o - co'*t tt+; G' ) n j' t; fu "-%-v*4 aft ,/a^^2* !il*. > B.a.r-) oK --> D t^,- ^G- "ilJ o*t . \.,oK+ 7) { + z.^"-*/ & -aY/q*2.r ,"r'r;-4, Gtre// Bt*vs1 >^t!on feoj".[ l-h^ f^1. <ru-er=t I *Wa A* Z.T + * 4o7o ^- -hz{ .*ry oK)\ lt"..t n---/ ,--z-,.,,,-/ * t a ' ,. t a (q. tq6q APPLICATION . tlATE OF DRB DR8 APPLICATION / fiTTTTHIS APPLICATION [.|ILL NOT 8E ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL INFORI4ATION IS SUEIIITIEDffi '":': ' l'+4 I. PRE-APPLICATI0N.MEEfIIIG: . .,..., . . ,'. '= A pre-appllcation meetlng with a planning staff mcnber ls str-ongly suggested to ;'; detennine if any additional tnforrnation ir"iili.il"-Hir appiiciiio"n wiii ui acciptea :**uni"rt it ls coinpl'ete (must include all liems required by the zoning administrator). ':-n*' iI is tfri atrplicini,i responsibility to mili an appointment.with the staff to flnd out about additional subrnittal requiremenii. -if"ii" note that a COmpUff aPplica- ,"r...f;; iiJn will streaniine ifrJ.pp"ovailproceii-ior your projgct by decreasing the nunber --.,oi londitions of approvat that the'DRB may stilulate. ALL conditlons 0f approval mst :it be resolved before'i UuttAing pennit is iisued. ", ''"r:- I J | -JUtra. . i,_q_b " ' -eL ' '1ii; r: :tQA. PRoJEcr DEscRIPTIoNt {C;i.)O pgaf4lrt-, - (6ctJs^rz'l qttvs t:'+i!# B. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: Address D. I.IAI'IE OF APPLICANT'S REPRESEIITATIVE: telephone 416-+433Address E. MME OF Address tel ephone F.DRB FEE: The fee will be paid at the time a tuilding permit is requested' VALUATION FEE $ 0-$ lo,ooo $1o.oo $10,001 -$ 50,000 $25.00 s:.50.001 -$ 150,000 $so.oo $150,001 - $ .500,000 $100.00 ... $500,001 - $1,000,000 $200.00I Over $1,000,000 $300.00 I}IPORTANT NOTTCE REGARDING ALL SUEMISSIONS TO T}IE DRB: 1. In additlon to meeting submittal requirernints, the applicant must stake the site to indicate property iines and Uuilding corners. lrees_ that will be rernoved should also be inartlO. This work must be completed before the tlRB visits the . site. 2. The review p"o..i, for'NE!J EUILDINGS wi'll normally'involve two separate meetings oi-ttre Desibn Review $oard, so plan on at least two meetings for their.approval. 3. People who fai'l to appear before the Oesign Review Eoard at their scheduled neeling and who have'not asked for a postponement will be required to be republ i shed . UTILIfi TOCATION VERIFICATIO{ st BDlvIsIol tor w m :5{L-rlocr-l rrrrNc \arL VrL!j\4€'- 6ur AUIIESS , VAru-. Itre location of utilities, rhether theylines, nrst be approved and verified bi,eccoryurying sito plan. ilountain Eell l -634-3778 lfesten Slope Gaslhrry lloyes Publlc Servlce Company :Gary Hall lbly Cross Electrlc Assoc. Ted Husky/ltlchael Laverty Vatl Cable T.V. Gary ilohnson be nain trunk lines or proposed the followj,ng utilitiss foi the 0ate ilutB: ltrese verifications do not relieve the contractor of his responsibilit), to obtain a street cut pernit fron ths Tom of Vail, Dopartuent of public t$orks and to obtain utility locations before digging in an), public right- of-ray or eascn€nt in ths Tour of Vail. rl building perdt is not a streot cut penit. A street cut psrnit urst bo obtaincd separately. Itis fon is to vorify ssrvico availablity and locatlon. This should be used in conjunction rith preparing you,r utility plan and schoduling install8tions. I 6 -ro -ffi 1" orgz * For ncr const7-z-fr please flll out attached sheet. '3fi"'li?li,fll';{,,1i:i', \rtt\\lrV.,r i-}tt?Davld l(renek ...OIA|.IE OF PiIOJECT: . LEGAL OESCRIPTIOII: LIST OF I,IATEF.IALS :-- ! ;lgEFi'+?31'll',* The following information is required for submittal Board before a final approval can be fiven: A. BUILDIIIG |'IATERIALS: TYPE 0F MATERIAL by the aPPlicant to the oesign Review. COLOR Roof Si di ng Other 'rJa I t Nateri ais Fasci a Soffi ts tli ndo"vs l.|indow Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Flues Fl ash i ngs Chimneys Rails Trash Enclosures Greenhouses OtJter PLANT i'IATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES Botanical Name Corrmon Name Srucco 4 Sfo-sr CEbla' C+lrPccru Bacuru Crala- 6gf At Srors6r teua. 4 Sr+sv ilFI-CL C{,ao F7,t t'.* borzl CJI*rz aA{ , Cot>rPr"R 8. LANOSCAPING: Name of Oesigner: Phone: Quani tv jo 2s Sl ze* 2!"4fuur 8'n, tZ' lh6g- 2o|3d StOit-- deciducious trees.Indicate height cohi fers. . (over) Aspal Srorc.g --i- ExISTING TREEs TO HcSYq bBD-AIEDJ 8E RB.IOVED I 3o-4o rlndicate callper for for PLAilT IIATE.IIALS: (con't) SHRUBS EXISTING SHRUBS TO 8E REHOVEO GROU|ID CCVERS Botanical Nanre -- Com;on l'lame Ouan i tv Size .'+i Sev trssgcrl,%l-P("- SrzE 9'i:15- Tvoe Souare Fcotaoe s0D SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATIOTI TYPE OR METI{OD OF EROSIO}I CONTROL C. OTltER' LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls, Srcsf ftg.tltt-! [rJCr (.r.)A u-q, fences, swimming pools, etc.) Please spec'ify. ZOIIE CHECK FOR SFR, R, R P/S ZOIiE DISTRICTS AoToG\ 4o7o?\ Block 7 F1ling fiB( Al'loved (30)(33) 4tFo 4t6o | 612- 20' 15' 15' (30)(so) l.l0ng: Ss€ o'e'GL' Sru u9Prccosed Su*r'irrA 33 -*J-SO"- AffGq' g'or u'fr 31oo t tt rt ri -@ t' rr tt 20' r1'--!-L 35'+ $rratLt 'ilal I Heights Park i ng Credi ts: Garage Mechani cal Ai rl ock Storage Solar Heat Orive: SloPe Permitted Envi ronnental /Hazards : Der?- t rir (300)(600) (9oo)(1200) (so)(1oo) (2s)(so) (2oo)(4oo) Slope Actual Avalanche NoNF Floott Plain [touF Slope uetlands tlollEi Geologic 11621p(5 NCDE , ffi, 9oo ncl too acrL 5o wc* Aco EW iilliffi ADDRESS: -OI.INER ARCHITECT ZONE OI PROPOSED USE LOT SIZE Height TOTAI GRFA Primary GRFA Secondary GRFA Setbacks: Front Sides Rear llater Course Slte Coverage Landscapi ng Fence/ Retai ni ng Cornents: Zoni ng: Oate: rEatt 5tgnature Approved/Dl saPProved SCHEDULE A t&oen NUMBER: 89005237 1. EFFECTM DATE: June 16, 1989 at 8:00 A.M. 2. POr/rCY OR POLTCIES TO BE ISSUED: AMOUNT OF INSURANCE A. ALTA OWNER'S pOLrCy $ 1,700,000.00 PROPOSED TNSURED: RONALD BYRNE B. AI,TA LOAN POLICY S PROPOSED INSURED: C. ALTA LOAN POLIEY S PROPOSED INSURED 3. THE ESTATE OR INTEREST IN THE LAND DESCRIBED OR REFERRED TO INTHIS COMMITMENT AND COVERED HEREIN IS FEE SIMPLE AND TITLE THERETOIS AT THE EFEECTIVE DATE HEREOF VESTED IN: 4. THE LAND REFERRED TO LOTS 5 AND 6 BLOCK 7 ,.. t ? IN THIS CoMMITMENT IS DESCRIBED AS FOLLoWS ! VAIL VTLLAGE FIRST FILING ACCORDTNG TO THE PLAT RECORDED AUGUST 10, L962IN BOOK ]-74 AT PAGE 180 AS RECEPTION NO. 96382. COUNTY OF EAGLE STATE OF COLORADO PREMIUM: owNERS: 3 ,L47.OO TAX CERT. L0.00 STEWART TITLE OF EAGLE COUNTY, INC.P.O. BOX 1248vArL, co. 81659 ( 303 ) 949-10L1 STE\VART TITLE OI'ARANTI COIPA XY COUNTERSIGNATURE 99C (sqtM 1.89) SEHEDULEB-SECTIONl ORDER NUMBER! 89005237 REQUIREMENTS THE FOT,LOWING ARE THE REQUIREMENTS TO BE COMPLIED $IITH: ITEM (A) PAYMENT TO OR FOR THE ACEOUNT OF THE GRANTORS OR MORIGAGORS OF TIIE FULL CONSIDERATION FOR THE ESTATE OR INTEREST TO BE INSURED. ITEM (B) PROPER INSTRUI.IENT (S) CREATING THE ESTATE OR INTEREST TO BE INSURED MUST BE EXEEUTED AND DUIJY FILED FOR RECORD, TO WIT: 1. Execution of affidavit as to Debts and L,iens and its return !oStewart Title Guaranty Company. 2. Execution of Certificate - Entity Transferor/IndividualTransferor and its return to the office. 3. Evidence satisfactory to Stewart Title Guaranty Conpany thatthe real eetate transfer tax agsessed by the Town of Vail hasbeen paid or that the transaction is exempt from said tax. 4. Deed from Vernon Taylor, Jr. . vesting fee simple title inRona]d ByTne. NOTE; NOTATION OF THE LEGAL ADDRESS oF THE GRANTEE MUST APPEAR ON THE DEED AS PER 1976 AMENDMENT TO STATUTE ON RECORDTNG oF DEEDS 73 CRS 38351-09 (2). 99C (600M r.B0) -. I -I SCHEDULE B - SECTION EXCEPTTONS ORDER NUMBER | 89005237 THE POLICY OR POLICIES TO BE ISSUED WILL CONTAIN EXCEPTIONS TO THEFoLLowrNG uNr-,Ess rHE SAME ARE DrsposED oF To rHE sATrsEAcrroN oFTIIE COF1PANY: RIGHTS OR CLAIMS OF PARTTES IN POSSESSION NOT SHOWN BY THEPUBLIE RECORDS. EASEMENTS' oR cLArMs oF EASEMENTS, Nor sHowN BY THE puBlrc RECORDS. 3. DISCREPANCIES, CONFLICTS IN BOUNDARY LINES, SHORTAGE IN AREA,ENCROACIIMENTS, AND ANY FACTS WHICH A CORRECT SURVEY ANDINSPECTION OF THE PREMISES WOULD DISCLOSE AND WHICH ARE NOTSHOWN BY THE PUBLIC RECORDS.4. ANY LIEN, OR RIGHT TO A LIEN, FOR SERVICES, LABOR OR MATERIALHERETOFORE OR HEREAFTER FURNISHED, IMPOSED BY I,Aw AND NoT SHOWN BY THE PUBLIC RECORDS.5. DEFEcrs, LrENs, ENcuMBRANcEs, ADVERsE cLArMs oR orHER MATTERs,IN ANY, EREATED, FTRST APPEARTNG IN THE PUBLIC RECORDS ORATTACHING SUBSEQUENT TO THE EFFECTIVE DATE HEREOF BUT PRIORTO THE DATE PROPOSED INSURED ACQUIRES OF. RECORD FOR VALUETHE ESTATE OR INTEREST OR MORTGAGE THEREON COVERED BY THIS COMMITMENT. -8: Right of Proprietor of a vein or .r.ode to extract and removehis ore therefrom shourd the same be found to penetrate orintersect the premises as reserved in united slates patentrecorded Apriul 12, l_899 in Book 48 at page 475. 9. Right of way for ditches or canafs constructed by theauthority of the united states, as reserved in united statesPatent recorded April L2, LB99 in Book 48 at page 425. 10. Easements and restrictions as shown on the plat for VairVillage First Filing, recorded August Lo, Lg62 in Book t74 atPage 180 as Reception No. 96392. 11. Terms, conditions and Restrictions and as contained in theProtective coventants for vail. vilrage First Firing, recordedAugust o, L962 in Book L74 at eage 1-79 as Reception No. 963g1. 12. Easement and Right of Way as granted to CommunityTelevision Investment, Inv. in document recorded Oeceirbe r Ll ,1968 as Reception No. l_09922. 13. Agreement between vail Associates, Ltd., a colorado LimitedPartnership and Gas Facilities, rnv., a colorado corporationrecorded in Book 183 at page l_57 as Reception No. 99110. L4. Terms, conditions, reservati.ons, restrictions and asContinued on next 4tSFE1yART TITLI1 CUARANTY COr| PA NY L, ., lc (500M 1-a9) a t t-O coNrrNUArroN sHEEr I SCHEDULEB-SECTION2 EXCEPTIONS oRDER NUMBER! 89005237 contained in notice frorn The Vail village First Filinq Property Owners Aesociation recorded April 10, 1981 in Book 321 at Page 423 as Reception No. 217791. S'f E\I'AR.T TITLE ouanlrtt coxP.lrY 99C t500M r-89) - -:- I - nolooSn "1;t5[?*#gt " LffiTt@F rmANsnflrrrAL vArL, coLoRADO 81657 (303) 4764433 ro frr.'y /, 13 <rap ' Fa*-^ wE ARE SENDING vOU plttached tr Under separate cover via tr Shop drawings tr Copy of letter pl erints E Change order ! tr "^" 7/o/8q l'"')Za2a.oo -;rE'.ri'6N -' 3a=v "'' %fl Bie*zs / T*tuz Pauc"o 4au rr a,u *a 6+261a'+naa/ Slretcxzrol*z-2uataerttl= tr Samples the following items: fl Specifications \ coPrEs DATE NO.DESCRIPTION 2 z/s/eq Suzuey,/Ftm p/it(rs /erzuq /1tft Fz+ ts /z/i/eq 6 Z.FA //tu722p87*77l U/Sruer at / rlZZX*pZt ;D/ttlrlC THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: f For anproval fl For your use ! As r€quested D Approved as submitted ! Approved as noted C Returned for corrections D Resubmit-copies for approval D Submit -copies for distribution E Return -corrected prints E For reviw and commcnt tr D FOR BIDS DUE 19- ! PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US COPY TO SIGNED: rr0rrz|Gt @b,garh otall tl ancloattraa art nol tt not d, kindty notily ua at a SEHEDULE A oRDER NO.: 8900523? POLTCY NO.: O-994L-427268 DATE oF PoLICY: Auguet 24, 1989 at 1:20 A.M. AMOUNT OF INSURANCE: S I , 700, 000.00 1. NAUE OF INSURED: BMS VAIL PARTNERSHIP 2. THE ESTATE OR INTEREST IN THE LAND WHICH IS EOVERED BY THIS POLICY. IS: Fee SirnPle 3. TITLE TO THE ESTATE OR INTERST IN THE LAND TS VESTED IN: BMS VAIL PARTNERSHIP 4. THE LAND REFERRED TO IN THIS POLICY IS DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: LOTS 5 AND 6 BLOCK 7 VAIL VILLAGE FIRST FILTNG ACCORDING TO THE PLAT RECORDED AUGUST 10, L962 IN BOOK 174 AT PAGE 180 AS RECEPTION NO. 96382. COT'NTY OF EAGLE STATE OF COLORADO AUTHORIZED EOONTERSIGNATURE ) t' S'f I'\fAR'f TITLI' ouln/t!l?t cox PA xY 99C t500M t-sgl SCHEDULE B PoLIcY No. : 0-994I-427268 THIS POLIEY DOES NOT ISSURE AGAINST LOSS OR DAMAGE (A!iD THE EOMPANY WILL NOT PAY COSTS, ATTORNEYSI FEES OR EXPENSESI WHICH ARISE BY REASON OF: I. RIGHTS OR ELAI5S OF PARTIES IN POSSESSIOS NOT SHOWN BY THE PUBLIC RECORDS. 2. EASEMENTS, OR CLAII}IS OF EASEMENTS, NOT SHOWN BY THE PUBLIC REEORDS. 3. DISCREPANCIES, CONFLICTS TN BOUNDARY LINES, SHORTAGE IN AREA, ENCROACTLYENTS, AND ANY FACTS WHICH A CORRECT SURVEY AND INSPEETTON OF THE PREMISES [{OU.LD DISCLOSE AND WHIEH ARE IiOT SHOWN BY THE PUBLIE RECORDS.]T. ANY LIEN, OR RIGHT TO A LIEN, FOR SERVICES, LABOR OR MATERIAL HERETOFORE OR IIEREAFTER FURNISHED, ISPOSED BY LAW AND NOT SHOWN BY THE PUBLIE RECORDS. 5. Any and all unpaid taxes and assessments and any unredeemed tax eales. 5. The effect of inclusions in any general or specific water conservancy, fire protection, soil conservation or ot,herdistrict or inclusion in any water service or street improvement area. 7. Right of Proprietor of a vein or lode to extract and removehis ore therefrom should the same be found to penetrate orintersect the prenises as reserved in United States Patent recorded Apriul 12. 1899 in Book 48 at Page 475. 8. Right of wav for ditches or canals constructed by theauthority of the United States, aa reserved in United States Patent recorded April 12, 1899 in Book 48 at Page 475. 9. Easements and restrictions as shown on the Plat for VailVillage First Filing, recorded August 10, 1962 in Book 174 at Page 180 as Reception No. 96382. 10. Terms, Conditions and Restrictions and as contained in theProtective Coventants for VaiI Village First Filing, recorded August O, 1962 in Book 174 at Page 179 as Reception No. 96381. 11. Easement and Right of Way as granted to ConnunityTelevision Investment, Inv. in document recorded December L7, 1968 as Reception No. 109972. t2. Agreement betrdeen Vail Associates, Ltd., a Colorado LirnitedPartnership and Gas Facilities, Inv., a Colorado Corporationrecorded in Book 183 at Page 157 as Reception No. 99710. Continued on next page tiTE\l'AFRT TITLIi ooilRr!{?l coIPliT 99C t500M 1.89t vL. . .ATTACHED TO A..J iIADE A PART OF STE!{ART TITLE GUARAI{TY CoHPANY PoLIcY No.: 0-994r-437368 CONTINUATION OF SCHEDCLE B 13. Terms, conditions, renervations, reatrictione and ag contained in notice fron The vail village First Filrng Property Ouners Association recorded April 10, 1981 in Book 3fl at Page 423 as Reception No. 217791 . S'T'E\fARA' TIA'LIJ orr t^!f tl corta i r :: - .q,onv r.ngl rt -- HON trIYRNE &A550ftATE5 REAL ESTATE EBs EIFIOGE STFEET\Ar- coLcFAoo E!67. 3G,t476-1s'7 August 18, 1989 TheTown of Vail 75 South Frontage Road VaiL CO 81657 Bg-tptlS and 6, Block 7, Vail Village First Filing, according to rhe plat rccorded August 10, 1962 in Book 174 at page 180 at receltion no. 963-1i2. ToWhomItMay Concern: The-undersigned BMS Vail Partnership, a Colorado Limited Partnenhip as owner of lot 5 and Lot 6, Block 7, vail Village, ls't Filing, heieby agrees that, prior to conveyince of either Lot 5 or Lot 6 (once construction has begrrn on either [.ot), an access easement will be executed and recorded, hereby giving Lot 6 access for ingress and egress over and across Lot 5. Colorado Limited Partnership (o fTv,6 (Aowtcvhlzp w/,ta/,/ whrn(ho{l( RF,c,EttEgh\is11$ssAugust L7, L990 Pierce Segerberg Spaeh Architects L000 S. Frontage Rd. I{estVail, CO 81657 Attn: [1r. Tom Frye RE: Lot 6, Block 7, Vail Village, First Filing. MEC#397. Gentlemen: As requested, l4onroe Engineering Consultants, Inc. has revier.redthe proposed modifications to the inplace site retaining walls as shown on your drawing dated 7 Augustr 1990. In our opinion, thesemodifications are struclurally acceptable and will not impact thestability of the walls. The attached d.etails dated 2l- June, L990 and 23 July, 1990 shouldbe used for the additional wa1ls reguj_red. They should be usedboth for the extension of the intermed.iate wall and for thesections of the driveway edge where a wall is required. If you have any questions or cornments, please call us. yours, Peter D. President PDM:lm P.O. Box 1597 rl8 E Boaver CreEk Blvd., #307 Avon. Colorado 81620 303-949-7768 FAX 303-94$ r 959 Engineering Consultants, Inc. Very 7 o ineering Consultan .,", Lc-,' blUrrtu Uru-c(L onroe Eng P.O. Box 1597 48 E. Beaver Creek 8lvd.. #307 Avon, Colorado 81620 303-949-7758 CHECKED BY no0|rr zcFr@)tn.G'd.t\ra ot.x.lo O'fi F0{rUInE1.nr5d iLi"-'h^e3 -c:n- J:ti'- i q -:rtl,L ;; rc I iiEi.S Vri i u 1;.1i- i.ii33 i onrq6 Englnfi €flns consunents ,-,.j,-F.i -- ct 303-e49.7766 c^rs.rlAr ! o tr-*-"s.,.k-:---.-- o^r, 3-'3 --3-g- ,'"Ft+K!o lY DAta SCAtS 7..i1i,Ita'.lm/ t,r .,;rl.'rr. !,!::..t(,,, rtlNra!. frr. !{..t{ii onroe Engineering Consultants nuc 1a ,9a 1@:az YODER INEERS VEIL 3A3-9491959 o T.a/c- August 10, 1990 Pierce Segerberg $paeh Architecte 1000 S. Frontage Fd. WestVaiI, CO 81657 Attn: Mr. 1[om Frye RE: netalni{re Walle at Residencer Lot 6, Block l, ValI VIllaEe,I'iret FilinE. MEC#997. Gentlemen: Monroe Engineeflng Consultants, Inc.. hag reviewed our structuraldeeign calculatione for the retainl.ng walle at the eubJectproperty. The lower retalning walL, ;ituateal parallel to. ForestRoad below the reeidence was desLgned in aonnEction with thesecond, warl above it. A networl( of horizontal rock anchors embad-ded in bedrock and a aombinatlon of soil deadload and f,rictionbetween the bedrock and f,ootings work together ip stabillzing theretaining walls. Reducing the height of the in-pl.ace waLl more than what we dl_g-cussed in our.Laet meeting wouid reduce the dead load in theplanter area between.the walls below our deeign aesurnptions. rtwould also reduce the frost cover of the uppei footings. Theanchor area of the horizontal tie, backs would areo Eet olose tothe top of the waIl and they coulcl. break out. From a Etructural engineerlng standpoint, we cannot recorrmendreduaing the wall'height of the extlting lower warr more thandiscussed previously because of, the reatons merrtioned. above. rf you have arry guestions regardtng this subject please cal.L us. Sincerely, ENGa q-_is- Hannes Spadh HS; lm P, O. Box 1597 48 E. E ava{ Cr€€k Bl'rd., |SOU A\ron, Colorado 8t620 36449-7768 ,8g 731A2 YODER .NEERS VHIL 383-9491959 onroo Enginrcrlng Gonrultents ff.n; E:A","#tt[r'vd.. r3o7 303.949-776t! CALCULAIED gY ,hE Dr@r_lh(0,D. h oar bo..lm0{rttrffitst!{! ,ag L*t6?roor* O*.ERS vFrL 3a3-94919s9 ( ,on?os Engincgrrng Gonaurtants *" 'W-h"-; --- ------ 'a-:- :4:L w CALCUIATEO By 303.949-7768 OATE DAT!CHECXEO 6Y nclrr*t&i_?hc.&!u\rr.ont n,Ofrtfi(l! iot r nt 1{.16{ to , ll $tr !rp +it- < iq= trF I iri NS HF Htrqtr{r ilf- HH HH,i[ ,iH ,T.qiirrl n iCIr-l o i* Irlp FIt i0 :0i + IIst\ $t:p 7 Na t\ U Nt\ L.' lirt- 0iT, I N I I I i I .lt U '1 Ntr oItr l$ N tf r-1 6z I F I t\ I F-! d:0., L_ U D{ 0 F tr I I 't I lF fiF 0 Nl-sN $#Frt hRr.l0il I r'lq: Ri iIhc! rfl rt1 P $F t'$ 1l lj_.L rP I illl : ir... rlifi()l dl $ C fi q ,T! I -s0 ^/ 8ul,t { T'"^ ae'48 YoDEL\GTHEERS ./RrL onroe Engineerlng Consultai'lts "=-"lll=j r-Q t*,t,,r-Ht \ SIIEET NO. o^rorr^r"ru" *fu. oorr.,i CHECl{ED BY 48 E. Eeaver Creek Blvd,, f3O7 Avon, Colorado 81620 303-949-7768 SCALE-- t:l ew rii: l'l',.t. li ,! 'i I *i i Lt"-cilr:"i . | :-iJtl[]--'j'-i""i''I' i "'i'' I " r"---l--.'-i"--i---t.."r'"'''i*'-" ;--'f-:--:--:"-- I i i :'i i'': r' ;, r' .--::-. '-1-*ii . iil{aRlFH,j- 'lT iH#oFC*.i:F.",.- .i-. ;+*l-+" ;- *+e lrJl'e,*, e* ur,+,yi i i irli,,..i.. ' ;h;-:- ";f-) +_;; i;;; ,i r._- ;,*i, i r f',. lt I i." ,--- --i:" -i---, ,, ,,- *=€'11--#-flFl/-'ii i-;. \ rio4lcT it4t@Jri!, &ohd ,rr h.t | 'e i'r4r tr!:'ti l'.r iris a{\-Et.i3a0 I tu*q I PRRMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE t I '-"-/ 1 JOB NAME -ri\ INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 1--t- CALLER TUES r., \G>,&, READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON THUR FRI PMAM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND O ROUGH i D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATER NDATI o* r ar=-a I \ -/r \ tt^lt-f a----(, FRAMING ROOF & SHEEB PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: D TEMP. POWEB MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL Et APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr RETNSJ?ECTION REOUTRED CORRECTI dSs'lo" DATE V-/ " fa INSPECTOR t t ',.o -)gt- (-, Ur\il="-U l)J.:-;-E: -- 48 E.Beaver Creek Blvd., #307 Colorado 81620 303-949-7768 SIIEET NO. CALCULATEO SY CHECKEO SY onroe Engineerin FFltici?ti,r ^e;=-4,.c 6,0,:i ri$! 0r!l .rc 0,;!, pF?!.::ct L iriE r 6r.a:.!r6] l ,i onroe Engineerin .NP.O. Box 1597 .18 E. Eeaver Creek Blvd.. f307 Avon, Colorado 81620 303-949-7 7 68 lr. -"13 T! Ec; u IZ'o,i)-- 48 E. Beaver Creek 8lvd., #307 Avon. Colorado 81620 o ns ulta nts 303-949-7 768 SCALE .I ,i,,lll::ill S\ryFnil---t ctELA ceA'UFit- , : \ i ', il"i ;.-,t.:r ?y i6ag .: 3..r r...$ i.ri1 -1t:.' r:..,E tC,L.r$ r,0rN.a5.a:91 - C2l I P.O. Box 1597 48 E. Beaver Creek Blvd., #307 Avon. Colorado 8].620 303-949-7768 f',.4 . c_! rJE au YUIJfR Jr'.rEERs- vi 1 Fl('-g : 4l-e raAsilvE %tL ??E&?ELIE-E p.€aa.,c e'fBaFlT oF t^lAu. €Trauc.rueaL gh,lc, stlullnE lGil A\lq,Hoa6 tilTa 19;q=,E'?ecl4 lDTHseLjlsE HatJ-*3, l^lau-+4 Abwaee.lo'-o ttL4A lwa|fiz sc€drnl t'--o pu tp+-.( u rr-J 1 cr.el{Ge.a)El- nu- cor.ir- -Il *e NO?ES; lr REB,iR GRADE 60 2. COdoREtE Fc'=56s6 I nnl, l?e H6€Ht A B c D E H 2'*O : l2u a':.-0 72'l #5or8.,#5ct6"irsets'#sa .2+" +'-0 l'-5 2'-O 12 f,6ots"#5o18.'f56t5"{sd24, 6'-0 '1.-s ?'-e t ztl {ae1z.#sdra"'#6a12"#5oz+" 8'-0 2'-g 10"s'-6 12,,#6c10'#5e18''f,0o10,'#sots" r0'-0 3'-0 l0'4'-6 .I4fi .tsot?"fsot6,f066,'#6era,, ;:J'il:Tit[T:J:[ ***?"'"::-ls-r O' urtt t'tr-F'3r12-=' - $HEET NO ---._ oF clLcuL^rEo ", ll,*-, 303-849.7768 tsdx 1597P.O. tsdx 1597 48 E. Beaver Creek 8lvd., #3o7 Avon. Colorsdo 81620 OATE CHECKEO €CALE ,r0 CuCr tgt,r.nC,!'t: r'r. O(roi. !|!t Cl|rr lo Clqli hC|\€ l0]+ f ! r.!i44!'t3]t ,\,zl xl tl --.tr -UOt't nV{e l5 W4Lc SEcTloN . F6< rHtS tF Yow rtKRU€ BEFoaE c KETWR,^I EqVE TW Ir{ STECTION S LI P IN|IOE7Tl{ tFnrr, fr utt-L Wt R€ BiuStl Ttl e huodFF rFtE rG&jK nwrxi T 'nru o. D^!l I 1 {T @ .Jl CS T l' n r 6D- (' Hc+\\r- l\ \- l. lL n nI '3a* --i-ibr- ll a {m !|-trz Dzg Doox Fzo -orfi q\ }(:>rll lfo\ .{, ) \ \ Hag--Fz €bo ra', IF*- ihgeb'l vEp,f. * * Jiil er. u^t y''L '1. '.'/',.,.'rJtP rL,e €'ou,lc-g (Nfil.> c-.t-€Ar-l €Er\L)tL- ftur- cddr. Io ur)-o t o*. lvee-f f l{eea.6iEe rilgerat--. 1+7eltf1 u/r:g e ldo'r o.G. .i' \ u/l Y 0i r-- ---rl z.lr3 "o{r, e l'{a+oo #+ e d-o IIee.. lre€ ld-rl v€Etr Fl S.'tq?'s .r I II'/i Q UEEF Q to'-o o.c. lJtaTpO gae-g,erl,qr-lc,t+orz e ll'-o o, c..g@o cATrr-lr^l. sEcTtoN 2 \ t \\. I I PErNs CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL NAME .\\ \ \.-.-Q-rDATE BEADY FOR locAroN: INSPECTION:f -<---'.\\MoN, \ r---: r CALLER TUES WED THUR FRI .^\ BUILDING:\.. \ / STEEL ON / STEEL PLUMBING: FOOTINGS tr UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATI tr FRAMING tr BOUGH / D.W.V. D ROUGH / WATER r-r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION D POOL / H. TUB O SHEETROCK NAIL :.tr tr FINAL - ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER O ROUGH O CONDUIT n D FINAL tr tr tr FINAL MECHANIGAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR tr D FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIBED '., . t :croR t'(o.n4 a ,' t*!ft*,o" ' \\\\.\\\\ t L\\\L$\ PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT d}re rNs t PE CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTI N:MON TUES WED THUR AM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEE- tr FRAMING l-.! ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL O FINAL MECHANICAL: TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED )O REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE \qz 1Jz ,NSPEcroR w,{ ii,cr1 INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VA|L IPERMIT NUMBER DATE JOB NAME MON g.r INSPECTION: CALLER TUESREADY FOR LOCATION:a wED rHUR 6D ----<o tr REINSPECTION REQUIREDTAPPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr F9OTTNGS / STEEL _ E|, FOUNDATION / STEEL tr tr tr tr tr tr FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr tr tr D tr GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETROCK POOL / H. TUB NAIL FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR E., tr FINAL tr FINAL D^rE /l-zo-(/ rNSPEcroR L Cr,1c1 INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL \,. oALLER (-' v'Y t ft PEBMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTIl'tt ON:MON ,';a-- '-, TUES (' WED ] THUR FRI iZ*1 - . onn \ rt -,{ eurgoKc, #oor'*o. / srEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATER o tr tr tr tr tr tr FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr tr tr tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr o FINAL TQqppnoveo CORRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR '- INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL CALLERa\-,TUES. '.WEg' THUR FRREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING:PLUMBING: D UNDERGROUNDtr FOOTINGS / STEEL FOUNDATION / STEEL ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERtr D tr tr tr tr FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING D tr tr D tr GAS PIPING INSULATION POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL FINAL FINAL ELECTRIGAL: I] TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr tr tr tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL FINAL Sneeaoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE INSPECTOR t INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL DArE t l Jl )tr q JoB NAME CALLER TUESMON WED THUR PMAM Yov/ PERMIT NUMBEH OF PROJECT READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: BUILDING: { roorrruos tr FOUNDATI tr FRAMING /srEEL r, ,<* -1<. ..rA\ PLUMBING: IIo uuoeReRour'ro tr ROUGH i D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER ON / STEEL n D tr o ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING D GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr o tr n HEATING tr ROUGH EXHAUST HOODS o n CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR D FINAL O FINAL TFwoveoscoRREcrtoNS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED z=-.,.------' INSPECTOR PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT' o PE aD \,\tl:n o" @) CTION TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL DATE JOB NAME CALLER READv FoR tNs(E LOCATION: CTION:MON BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER O FOOTINGS / STEEL FOUNDATION / STEE E FRAMING r_r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING T] INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr q FINAL D FINAL ELECiRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING r] ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS O CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR t-l tr FINAL tr FINAL F-APPRoVED GORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED 1 DArE //-ff t6? rNSPEcroR tNs '; PE CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL Ll oql{ PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT oor. reir tk4 JoB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: UALLtrF{ " . -" INSPECTION:MON TUES WED THUR .' PMi-EL-l' BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. D ROUGH / WATER @,*ootoN / srEEL tr FBAMING ,_ ROOF & SHEEB" PLYWOOD NAILING o tr tr D GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: B o tr EI TEMP. POWER O HEATING ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL 'Pffiaoveo (-/coaaecrroNS: EI DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTO . .,{r.{vl.{x"_rFrytws.{tFljl-1trt"r4f g..tiit{tffiJ fl f. U JOB NAME INSPECTION REQUEST. TOWN OF VAIL DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: THUR FRI t. PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER FOUNDATTON, / STEEL FRAMING r_r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING O INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr,SHEETROCK NAa,tr DFl .,'l tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL i tr FINAL ,;f, neenoveo CORRECTIONS: ' tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPEOTION REQUIRED I oor,- /'l/*ZF rNSpEcroR PERMIT NUMB I DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: t PEtNs CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL JOB NAME MON CATLER TUES (J@ BU!LDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: X"or.cRouND'{"torc* / D.w.v tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEE- tr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER :. PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr D POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETBOCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING EI o n ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR trI tr FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED CORBECTIONS: D DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED pffisl,op / r -7- Q.'DATE /- ,,/ ./ - '/ (-/ INSPECToR INSPECTIONCTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAILPERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTI CALLER TUES THUR BUILDING: PLUMBING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND - prouruonroN / srEE- D RoucH / D.w.v. -T FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER -n BooF-&-s-HEFR tr GAS PTPTNG - " PLYWOOD NAILING tr INSULATION - tr POOL / H. TUB -D SHEETROCK NAIL tr - n- tr FINAL E FINAL ELECTRICAL: MECHANICAL: tr TEMP. POWEB tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS i tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR - r'1 -- tr FINAL D FINAL S eeenoveo tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTION$:. -Z,.2' t/sa INSPECTOR PrFslo" rNs ,- -PE CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAILPERMIT NUMBEH OF PLOJECT\r \c- i\X onre,\ - \- \\)JoB NAME CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTIO rHUB GII-) \S\APPBovED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEET PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER UNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEEB PLYWOOD NAILING D GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETROGK O POOL / H. TUB ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr o O EXHAUST HOODS D SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL INSPECTOR t 0 JoB NAME (;,h4 r/o Y 'l PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR (9 [V(. Lo.-2,;- (7 i )ottrrr-)'LOj+ / INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL CALLER AM PM BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDEBGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER OOTINGS / STEEL OUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING l-r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING D GAS PIPING O INSULATION tr tr tr POOL / H. TUB O SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING D ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS trbONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL -tr FINAL Y APPROVED CORRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION BEQUIRED INSPECTOR , ,,,. .. , _ .t+ ,_ * INSPECTIONTOWN OF REQUEST VAILPERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT o^r, 5 - \- \\ JoB NAME READY FOR INSP LOCATION: CALLER BUILDING: ' t tr FOOTINGS / STEEL t PLUMBING: tr UNDERGBOUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL IOOF & SHEER tr GAS PIPINGPLYWOOD NAILING INSULATION " SHJ:ETROCK NAIL E} FINAL \E FINAL MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDdiT D SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED REINSPECTIO-N REQUIRED INSPECTOR n$i*lop I|rfr\\\ \ Tr--\\'\\ PERMTT N_UMBER OF P&OJECT ( ) \ --.}r\\DATE =- \ "'.' JOB NAME INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL CALLER TUES WED THUR FRI ' ,4vr'\ pr,,r BUILDING: E] FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr tr tr tr tr tr FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAlLlltG INSULATION SHEETROCK tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: -tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT o suppLy tta ., /f, l1 i7t't f I O FINAL PPROVED DISAPPROVED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOFI P,!Gs'rop tAr',L\ q IN * SPE CTION TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL oor, 3\ 1 JoB NAME n€ PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT INSPECTION: CALLER MON TUESREADY FOR LOCATION:L_ BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL UMBING: tr UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr tr tr tr tr tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL v F.,( a $\Naq f c]r\'. ^.7\ \.\ tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS g CONDUIT D- tr SUPPLY AIR tr O FINAL D FINAL PROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR N OF /\ r-t\ INS cflo REQUEST VAILPERMI DATE TO\,\N ----r\C\L' T NUMBER OF PRO{€CT JOB NAME READY FOB LOCATION: BUILDING: PLUMBING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL O UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEET O ROUGH / D.W.V. rFRAMING DRoUGH/WATER\, _.'''ROOF & SHEERu pLvwooo NATLTNG tr GAS PIPING OINSULATION- trPOOL/HTUB i( N SHFFTROCK NAII N r"l r-l tr FINAL D FINAL ELECTRICAL: MECHANICAL: O TEMP. POWER - tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS _-_-____--__:....=_ tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR - tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: ISAPPROVEDDD6 tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED D^rE d-/?'7C rNSPEcroR hlFsrop ,/ -l i, , " *ttnll: .f 1-,',1..' 4 . t"l ' ,1 .. I LJ n\qlv I I PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL L ? i. ..- DATE Jl | 1 JoB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:THUR FRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL O FOUNDATION / STEEL O FRAMING - ROOF & SHEEB" PLYWOODNAILING - '(rrusuunfloN - O SHEETROCK NAIL r-'r O FINAL ELECTRICALT -- N TFMP. POWFR tr ROUGH tr CONDUIT n tr FINAL PLUMBING: EI UNDERGROUND E BOUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB tr tr O FINAL ME tr1 trl DI tr CHANICAL: HEATING EXHAUST HOODS -SUPPLY' AIR tr FINAL SQreenoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION BEQUIRED /-t ' .// DAIE i *.//,/' ."/2 tNspEcroR *ifisnop rt,l IvL]NqU| \-/ I I PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT -)DATE -JOB NAME t INSPECTION REQUEST ^ TOWN OF VAIL Le-)- READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: (- ,id(.. "'i {i'f !Aeenoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEE- tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER r-r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING O INSULATION tr o tr tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL FINAL MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL D FINAL DATE INSPECTOR \\N\ PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATq -. rt READY FOR LOCATION: I: \t! INSPECTIONTOWN OF REQUEST VAIL JOB NAME :".\\"f\t<_ CALLER .'$. MON BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr FOOTINGS I STEEL FOUNDATION / STEEL tr tr tr tr tr tr FRAMING BOUGH / WATER ROOF & SHEEB PLYWOOD YTLTNG GAS PIPING INSULATION. tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: oYeup. PowER MECHANICAL: 'O HEATING BOUGI+tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT.O SUPPLY AIR O FINAL wHovED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: = -Z/-9o INSPECTOR INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL WED @ FRI PM NUMBER OF PROJECT o,;;e G-z? ^?o JoB NAME - 4yzrvaS INSPECTION:MON CALLER TUESREADY FOR LOCATION:/7. BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING O INSULATION tr D tr POOL / H. TUB tr tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORREcTIONs' /V FAe Co/r/4-.2--2 INSPECTOR nffisrop r"€ ' Fitr'rce, Segerberg a &Spaeh . Architects . A.I. A. o P. C. flC'O iUi! ;'''. -: I aE$oRAEpUM DATEI June 75, 1990 TO t lltke MoTl.tcalovn of ValT Connuntty Developuent ERONT ton Erye REt Ron Byrne ProJect, 746 Forest Road, BTock 7, Vatl. Vtllage Eirst Etling o.2'1.?o 5/l- -/ 7t^ F.yc - fu./rA * 7t*- gn h ,./ * J.?k> '&44h4q Lot 6, Thls ls to sunuartze our conversatLon this nornlng regardtng CREA 7n exce.ss of that aTTowed tor the above-reterencedproJecx. tlorklng frou the agreed-upon 'benchnark- tedTl.ned plaas dated August 29, 7989, additlonal. area vas added byt 1. Novlng a garage passage door to the vest equaJst3 square teet. 2. Del.eting tvo volds tn Bedroon #3 on either sideof the north taclng trlndov equals 9.6 squareteet. 3. Deleting the votd under the stair at the entry TeveL eEuals 25 sEuare teet. The foLTovlnE nodltlcattons w777 be done to eltnLnate the excess GREAs The garage passage door v717 be reTocated to the od.glnaL planned location, thus eTTnt.naxlng theaddttional GREA created ln IteD *7 above. Main Office; 1000 South Frontage Road West . Vail, Colorado 81657 . 3031476-4433 Post Office Box 2313 . Beaver Creek, Colorado 81620 . 3031949-6049 Onc Tabor Center . 1200 Seventeenth Street, Suite 515 . Denver, Colorado 80202 . 3O31623-3355 1. f.Mr.- IlTke HoLTlca' June 75, 7990 Page Two 2, The area behtnd the door Lnto Bedtoon #7 wt77 be cTosed ott to create an lnaccessible void egual to 9 square teet. Existlng waTL tutrlng ln the garage and nechanical roon w1,77 note than conpensaxe fot the .6 square feet thax is not accounted tot in Iten *2. 3. A vall vi77 be constructed to ottset the area betveen the runs of sxalt, the telocated bot7er tlue (in excess ot 5 sguare feet) ts deducted tron the GREA as nechanical chase ( see llastet Bedroom cToset). fhese reductlons retutn the house to squaFe footage of the aEreed-upon benchaark plans tefetred to earliet. These nodltications utl77 be conPTeted by the tlne a tenpotary certTftcate of occupancy is reguested and can be verified by xhe fown of ValT statt at that tlne. As agteed to in our conversax!.onD these nodifications wilL tesolve the GREA discrepancl.es on thls Proiect. Attached 7s a Tetter of connitnent tron the oetnet. Ron Byrne, whtch guarantees that the work noted ln this neno wl77 be conpJexed as stated. Thank you for your tlne in thts nattet. Ton FryeProlect Coordl.natot TP/1rt cct Gordon Pietce GMA Associates, General Contractat ll ' .JBn1988f.^-':-li. T,-IJut{ 25 ,ga 13:55 VRIL irun. zgt t99e Ioy,a ol Yall Otttaa ot CaaauntsY Dcv.Jcpreag'Ltceatteit Ht. Hlftt Holltea7l South Etonl.ia Ac'.d Jcttvttl, co ct657 E0 x2toil ,] ItAt COTCERfI thtt tatGir lt ttl}c.n to gug,tlnt . th.c th. JoEh cutlts.d rn llzr eltrdhed rlio *ii -oc aoipteeQc et ,lrtcC by aho ltno r taguat! lt eadc tot I Cettttteage of occu?saet, 6HIPI ^ CaIlAElDo tEllZII,D Fl|tlnretHlP Ror|rIC .r. a.aaa.f D ca.EotAoa 8. ?Jrtce 8I'/| if,taoetlt.3t Ceaatal dca?a.cgot -r.z r PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE I JOB NAME READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: ftneenoveo COBRECTIONS: INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL CALLER Fal BrKte WED THUR FRI PM OISAPPROVED REINSPECTION REQUIBED BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS tr FOUNDATI tr FRAMING / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER ON / STEEL "" ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr tr tr D tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL / tr FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANIGAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL D tr FINAL /: ^DATE l- JI'IC/ lNSPEcroR h' -y'v6++ * INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAILT NUMBER OF PROJECTPERMI DATE JoB NAME -i<o^l GYPN€ '\LEINSPECTIoN: MoN (!B t tf L eoVisr ?oa6 Lua A/{\ AssocrA?F< READY FOR LOCATION: WED THUR FRI PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS tr FOUNDATI tr FRAMING / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGHOUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. D ROUGH / WATER ON / STEEL ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING TNSULATTO&tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROGK NAIL O FINAL tr FINAL o TEMP. POWE{ tr tr E o EXHAUST H CONDUIT O SUPPLY AI Ineenoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DArE h- /-70 tNSpEcroR I INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAILPER DATE READY FOR LOCATION: UM CALLER ROF N\J.\ ECT -l .ros Nnve BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING tr o tr tr tr ROOF & SHEEF PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr tr tr tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr tr FINAL { aeeaoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR :rFFrFtFlttf..:{ * INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME CALLER ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POW O ROUGH -tr CONDUIT.Z tr tr FINAL tr tr FINAL F&ppnoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DArE Q-3O th rNSPEcroR Ft INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL /lI I ), lt.- t' ?..c.$*t 1{--A--- : /t,i/(/ U?l | ,'/ '/ PERMIT NUMBER O PROJECT C(JOB NAME INSPECTION: MON l1;, {r.i, ., DATE READY FOR LOCATION: CALLER TUES PMAM / l-.- BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL - E fouruonrroN / srEEL D D tr tr rt (ft "a')c PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATER ct tr tr o o tr tr tr o FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING INSULATION SHEETROCK NAIL - FINAL GAS PIPING POOL / H. TUB FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: N HEATING tr ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS T' tr CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR trtr tr FINAL tr FINAL R ;ETAPPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR t INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL /1 l|r? ,'l .. c. r rll rl tr t ,t \, - ' .-(-DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: ftv'',4 wgg r?uR k (.zc.A-@ c i..1 li,: t-1 1,JOB NAME MON tqu CALLER TUES AM PM LOCATION: BUILDING: O FOOTINGS D FOUNDATI tr FRAMING PLUMBING: / STEEL f-\r r " D UNDERGROUND ON / STEEL ROUGH i D.W.V. tr HOUGH / WATER ". ROOF & SHEEB" PLYWooD NA|L|NG tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION D SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr tr tr tr tr FINAL FINAL ELECTIICAL:MECHANICAL: E tr o tr TEMP, POI'VER tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL ld nppnoveov\ CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED oerc 4-//-9d rNSPEcroR hlftsxop Llrrltl ttwll ,|li{ 't-- -INSPECTION REQUEST VAIL oo-, /[(iV | , JoB NAME ,/i ) TOWN OF VAIL t'rr' 1{*i 0< Vtat *. ^L/__./. CALLER .2'*(-:C\,,READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: ES WED THUR e?'' 1? 't " ;,- BUILDING: E FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr tr tr tr tr tr UMBING: tr tr D tr tr TI FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V, ROUGH / WATERFRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL D FINAL ELEG{RrcAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr tr o D EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUI-T SUPPLY AIRs4 tr FINAL FINAL APPRoVED -/Z tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: tDATE//- z- 7a INSPECT 7 .rs{ . :l ;,1 .).: E I o PErNs CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 'oo 6 n'1.)' (t'y .-CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: ( ruES -y.,o e-r9 FRIMON BUILDlNG: tr FOOTINGS tr FOUNDATI O FRAMING / STEEL ON / STEEL PLUMBING: D UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB D tr FINAL MECHANICAL: D HEATING D EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR - D D FINAL - ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr FINAL C1 ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr ROUGH '. tr CONDUIT o o FtttSAL Ineenoveo CORRECTION tr DISAPPROVED REINSPECTION REQUIRED (4 ,a 6 -/-e/ oor, /A-/3't fd rNSPEcroR hlfrsxop * INSPECTION REQUEST oo* t'- /tt-,/{,) JoB NAME PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT READY FOR INSPECTION: VAIL F/7 r CALLER "tl).f MoN ruES wED rHUR rFR}r ,, 6u) pM V, 152aa I r /rl"nYt '----"/ LOCATION: ,4 ; BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS tr FOUNDATI O FRAMING / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND ON / STEEL ,_.., ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOoD NAILING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr tr tr BOUGH CONDUIT FINAL ts Appnoveo CORRECTIONS: ','-1 tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED IINAT INSPECTION'S COMPLETEDvThe lteus below beed to be conplete before glvlng a perul.t a flnal C of O. Please check off la the box provided. FINA]. PLI'MBING ; t-i DATE:tl FINAL I{ECUANICAL DATE: II.TPROVEMENT ST'RVEY RESID. NAUE: DATE: TEMPOMRY C OF O [] N-l- [] I [: m DATE: CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPAI.ICY DATE: NAME: \r.rr \\:. s=*-q, \*.- \{\u.o- tt\t--"' \\'\\-\$ n\. \j'\ \*.q4 \ \., \ \:\-\\ - \\'tr...,,*{. !a Aot,\t\_\t.