HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 6 BLOCK 1 LOT 9 PART 1 LEGALTOIiIN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 8L657 970-479-2L38 Description: INTERIOR REMODEL DEPARTMENT OF COMMI]NITY DEVELOPMENT (af| Ate,r l/ ftt A 'JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: 800-0049 Status...: ISSITEDApplied..: 04/05/2oooIssued...: 04/24/2000 Ex;rires . .: Lo/2L/2a00 Phone: 970-949-1800 Phone: 970-949-1800 TOViComm. Dev. NOTE: THIS PERMIT ADD/ALT SFR MUST BE POSTED ON BUILD PERMIT .lob Address: LocaE,ion. . . :Parcel No. .:Project No.: 705 FORBST RD 2LOL-072-LL-022 PR.Jo0-0042 APPLIEATiIT BECK & ASSOCIATES, INT P O BOX 4030,'VArL CO 81658 CONTRAETOR BECK & ASSOCIATES, INC P O BOX 4030, VArL CO 81558OWNER ILLIG ELIFF 1-1-504 Paurnee Circle, Leawood KS 66211 FoR sEcoNDARy irNrr.No ExrERroR clean-up Deposit Refund Singte Family Residenc€Prirl\ied Type V Non-Rated ,. r Add Sq Ft: L;* '-; FireDlace Information: ReBtrictsed: YEs *of eaB Appliarlce6:*of ea6 Logs:*of wood/Palleg: FEE SUI,IMARY TOTAT, FBES----- 3,904.00 BAI,ANCE DUE---- .OO It,EM: O51OO BUILDING DEPARTIIEIIT DCPE: BUILDING DiViSiON:o4/L3/2000 KATITY Action: NoTE Routsed Eo ch-arlie 04./L4./2OOO CIIARIIE ACTiON: APPR CIIARLIE DAVIS ie am;' 05460 -Fr,arttiNg DSFARTMSNT DepE : PT,ANNTNG Division:04/L3/2000 KATITY Action: NOTE RouE,ed to Allison 04'/1-4'/2000 AoeHs Action: APPR inEerior & mechdoor onlyiEam;'05coo--Frnr DEeARTMEDTi Dept: FrRE ' Division: 04/1-3/2000 KATIIY Action: APPR N/Artam:',05500 PuBLrc woRKs Detrt: PUB WORK Division:04/.t3/2000 KATITY Actsion: NOTE Sitse/Staging Eo LeonardO4'/I8'/2000 LSANDOVA Act.ion: APPR APPROVED- ;.; " ;;. ;. ;; " ;; ;;;;' ; ;;;; ;;;;;;;. ;;.;;; DECI,ARATIONS I her€by ackno$1edge tshag I have lead ghi6 applicatsion, filled ouf in fulI tshe informalion required, colrp1etsed an plan, and Btafe that all the informacion provided as required is corrcct, I agree to comply wilh lhc infornation to comply with aLl Tolrn ordinances and Etate la!,s, and to build Ehi6 6Erucgure according to the Town's zoning and code6, deBign review approwed, Uniform Building code and other ordinancrB of lhe Tovrn applicablc thef,ebo. Occupancy: R3 T)pe Construction: V N Valuation:400, 000 4J!,--. Building-----> Plan Check- - - > Inveatigagion> will call----> Reaeuarart Plan Review- - > RecreaEion Fee------ ----> clean-Up Dcpo6it- - -- -- - - > Tocal calculaled Feee- - - > AddiCional FeeB-----____> ToCal Perurit Fee-------_> Paymenta--____- 1 , 940 .00 !,26L -OO .00 3.OO .00 3 . 904 .00 .00 3,904 .0O 3,904.00 DRB F6e-------- 200.00 .00 500.00 accurate plot and plot plan, eubdivieion g:00 ll.l 5 :00 PMREQUESTS FOR TNSPECTTONS SHATIJ BE MADB T,WENTY-FOUR HOURS rN ADVANCE BY TETJEPHONE AT'.419-2L3e O) AT OUR OFFICE FROi'l Scnd Cl.an-ltp Deposit To: BECK AND ASSOC O sreNATuRE ", #nn oR coNTRAsroR FoR HrusEr,F AlrD oriNER Page 2******************************************************************************** CONDITIONSPermit #: 800-0049 as of 04/24/OO Status---: ISSIIED******************************************************************************** PermiE Tlpe: ADD/ALT SFR BUrLD PERMTT Applied--: 04/06/2000 Applicant--: BECK & ASSOCIATES, INC Issued---: 04/24/2000 970-949-1-800 To $qrire z LO/2L/2OOO ilob Address: 706 FoREST RD LocaEion- - - : Parcel No-- : 2LOL-O72-LL-O22 Description: INfERIOR REMODEL FOR SECONDARY I]NIT,NO EXTER]OR * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * COnditiOng * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ]-. FTELD INSPEETIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLTANCE. 2. SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BBDROOMS AIiID BVBRY STORY AS PER SEC.31"0.6.1 0F T'rrE 1997 I,BC.3. THIS APPROVAL IS FOR TNTERIOR WORK ONLY. MAKE NOTE OF CORREETIONS ON PI,ANS _ *******lt:r****t***l***t*****************r*****!t**********i*t*t*** TOIIN OF VAIL, COIJORADO Statenmt **l*************t*********r*+**t**********!r**t**,1********,1****** gtaternnt Number: REC-0619 Amount :3,854.0O 04/24/OO !3 1]-7 Pa)ment lrtethod: CK Notation: *4279IBECK & ASS Init: LC Permit No: 800-0049 Type: A-BUILD ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PE Parcel No: 2101- 072 -lL-O22 Site Addrees: 705 FOREST RD This Payment Total Fees: 3,854, O0 Total ALL PmtB: Balance : t***lt**t***ti*tt*tt***a**tA*t*t**t********at***i:llll*****.1***** Account. Code Deecription BP OO1OOOO31111OO BUILDING PERMIT FEES DR O01OOO031122OO DESIGN REVIEW FEES PF OO1OOOO31123OO PLAN CHECK FEES AD Dz-DEPOS CLEANUP DEPOSITS WC OO1OOOO3112SOO WILII CAIJIJ INSPECTTON FBE 3,904.0O 3, 904 . O0 .oo Amount 1, 940 . 0O 150.00 1,251.00 500.00 3.OO Foz.a 'Foz 'oOE F-2 doFOoFIF Fl(/)zo ;; !1 =Fo E o F, Fi F lrl U UF o ,1 o a1 FIE Era o FI o oo O lrla QFzz FTE tsr FFIzzElb:oFE a az Fr= I FIF/2 ooA: FI F F 2 F EO zFl t rtlo oFrF qo(n do UU F p U o F d 2 q FI o ; E> E={. !lo3 ?YYFP ;=: :1 Jg;;i EH 6.= l ! 3 =6'.9 Y : E:b: > ! h:s(/)Q,u:xo sba=E lS.= o'3 L e.= 2 a -ai. ??"c -9 '; :: ; q : :': *.! : iu3;bs 3Ei.34!# hg EBicc9i3xPF:f f ; =lQ'=-c,=I X >!- v = 5 g E Eb-oE p !i: qigEE;.E- g ar;l .!{ 'ij= HE F;5E:H*: _ldI YI .l o E z z .r'1 U li - r) a" L c.)fv. ;l <D u >\\J U 0)'a r..q (n 0.) 5 I I I .,1 liI{/l 9i vl:I xllul'I ai r \l '0, 3 'El .:9 |>\ tr rJ<l -clE 6,1T;. EJI /- t-l-o. : ;ilat ! \JJl ?l - ,-, IE.= 6b tl : >,.: tl;= 3 .Hl!'j ! .=l v @.8 Jlb5E n, <l.E€E \lr6i El = ". ., -rl< x!; xl;'- ", vl =_e1 Hlx:: xl d ='J 6'lg.c : Yl / <t'E 6JlOF! EI6ri .61 :CE PI *-\)9.xl 9I: =lh |,;5 I !.:= I'=82 IIee' I op= I : ., tr 6i1;E} .F:.i o Yia X-P \J :t\!i|Eo x6r'o .Y'-c9 !.e€ E .i o ^nG tl d=-=\r),ei'p :==;---Eb3 Eril.i E'i o,)+1" (! tr -2>tr-(E HUz ( P{ DUUo F{o HH 14 UH fr{H HfrHU \ o l.\ db I:E{9(^ -=S F< tJ :-]s LJ-{ =, =F:--{ d' () l.) t- U \ €' ( bO \ tt)q) tJt OJl- (E l-D;agp-22-9Ef 14.31 FROM. TOV- COM-DEV-DEPT. I D,97a4?92452 PAGE ff rowN oF varu OrusrRucroN pERMrr npptamoN F.RM 'trt II{FoR.,\IATIoN MUsr BE coMpLETE oR TaE AppLIc.4,TIoN wrLL BE REIECTED t/7 Contact the Eagle Courfi Assessors Qffice at 97632E-ail0 for Parel# Parcetf ?)cl A 1-?-ll_9.*-2- Darc: 2-L Permit # lobName: Arcfiitect:eaaress:1?C '-l -, ' PP.loo .004.L E Oo - oo4Q Vri,:f *Ty 6fl u) R€f:ir ta\ | ,1 A/' l Ipro6 ,\t ; z+<l I llcV.-l al.. - n .'\ / '1 .1, t S -P +oa ,cC<' -.anl inrcnbr Nunber and Tlpe of Fireplaccs: @s Appliatccs Work Class: New ( ) Numbcr of Dwelling Units: Town of Vail Regisradoa No- OTHEK TOTAL Tswn of Vail Regisaion No- AddrEss: Phooc # Address: .&' A,'r- ttw'; Xa,. . ft; \(,;?+; Pno',e* (t1u ) :i49 ' ttLaC Ad&ess: LA\IWX2/' l 't I Mcchanicel contrecrnr: L. n LxPr p1€c ta t ,') /> /) Town ofVail RcgiscrationNo. / O"/- f Phone # FOR OFFICE I,.|SE BUILDING: SIGI.IATURE: ZONING: 1, V p-e,;='t Atn c1,?.-i1,Lt Ajzi1obAddrcss; ?o L, VvaxFkyesl- V-ra,!l Buildhg( )Plumbing ( )Elcsricai ( )Mccfrarical ( ) t,ri Ohcr t4 )utf-.u''t t', v- '4rkgal DcscriEiorr Lot_: Block I \;til Vrt[ci (J'r*nooo', ownersName; CI,+Y gllr r;Address: lO Description of Job:I c,v.a.-nl t)|tb2-u- lu,. Numberof AccommodationUnirs: trl i X Gas lngs \l'ood/Pcllct VALUATIONS ,l ..^t..) n(,(,BUII,DING: g T't?)., v"'ELECTRICALT g' 'T lV, Cctg PLIJMBING$ L'tk,CJ,t MECIIAMCaL$ '? ltCjc CONTRACTOR INFORMATION tra -,}= Electrical Contrrton LL SIGNATURE Ai-,;- 1t rj /rll.Jtl .MAR-22-99 14 '31 FROM , TOV-CO EV-DEPT.1D ' 5"64752452 ALL CONTRACTORS CLIRRENTLY RECISTERED WTn] THE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBUC WORKS A}lD COI/f,\4UNITY DE\ELOPEMENT JA}\'[JARY 1. t999 CONSTRUCTION PARKNG AND IVTATERIAL STORACiE Rcad ad adoowledged by: M-D o PAGE 2/? .I LJ: FROM: DATE: SUBIECT: CODE *2-10: DEFOSITS ON PIIBLIC WAYS PROEIBITEI) A- Unlawtrrl deposits: Subjccr ro subsection C thereo{ it is uulas'fuI for any person to lincr, t-ack or deposrq or causc to be lifiered, tracked or deposired, sand, grave! rockg nud, di4 snow, ice, or anv cnher debris or marerial upon any sueet, sidevral( alley or public placg or any ponion thereof. B. Notice; Abatqne.lt: The Dircctor of hrblic works may nc*ifr and rqquire any persou who violares or causes another to violale the provision of subsection A hered or who bas in the Dire<tor's enploymcnt a person wbo violaes or causcs another' o violate rhe same' top remove zuch salrd gravel, rocks, mu4 dirt, suow, ice or auy other dcbris or material within uency four (24) horus after receipt of said notice by rhe Direqor of hrblic Worts. In the wed the pcrsou so nqtified does n<r comply with the notice within tbe period oftime herein specified the Director of Public Works, or other authqrized aged rvty c:ruse any sqch sand,gnvel, rocks, mud, did, sow, ice, debris or any otber rnaterial to bc removed from any street or allcy atthe erycnsc of the notified. C. Exceptions: The pro'isioru ofsqb,sestion A hereof sball not be appiicable:l. Witlia &e immediate area of any corrsttction, mairdeoance or repair project of any sueet or allery or of any q13161 rllpin, sewer main, etecrricity line, gas line, Glcphone line or ary aPPurt€Iiutce tieretp: 2- To deposits of sand, dirt or marerials necessary for tbe protection of dre public safcty; and - 3- To public areas desig."te6 6ot gr" &unping or depositing ofsaid marerials.D- Slmnons; Peoalry: As an alternative to the nodce for ranoral provided in slbse$ion B abovq any pcrscm who violates or causes anotLer to violarc the sarng may be issued a summons !o appear bcforc rhe Municipal Court of tie Town for said violaions, and rryon beiog found guilty of a violaion hereuadcr be prmished as provided in Sectioo l4-l of this code.E. Notice: Penaltr It is unlawfrtl for any person to 9iI e1 1e,fu5r to comply with the nodce of the Direcror of Public Works as provided in subsection B hereo{ arrd aay sucb person sball in additioa to paymenr of the orpeosc of removal incurred by rhe Director of hrblic worls, as providcd in zubsectioa B hereot upon bein€ found guilty of a violation herermder. be punishable as provided in section l4-l ofthis code. (1997 code: ordimnce G (19?9) PositionorRoladonshipro notertt (arlr'atlt,v. (i.a conuacror or omer) 4/l\I l-', I 4)DilE: "l2lI1:t' fiAR-22-39 14,32 FROM, TOV-COM -DEV-DEPT. TOWN OFYAIL D epartment of Community D ev elopmew 75 South Frontage Rool Vail, Colordo 81657 970-479-213E FAX 970479-2452 tD , s7@47 52924o PAGE 3/? BUILDING PERMIT ISSUAI\CE TIlvtE FRn't\lE IfthispermitreqrrhesaTownofVailFireDcpaltmedtApproral,Engine<'s(PublicWorks) review and approva! aPlaming Deparureat mi€l, of Healtll Depaonient review, and a rwiew by the Building Depaltmeut, thc Flimated time for a total rwiew rnay take as lcng as threc (3) weeks. Allcommerpial(Iargeorsnall)andallrrnrlti.frmilypermitswillbavetofollowrheabove mentioned ura<imum requiremedts. Residemial aid sfitall projects should take a lesscr amount of timc, However, if resideotral or smaller projccs impact the various above mertioncd deparmeoswfthregardtotrecessaryreview,theseProjectsmayalsoakethetkee(3)wEek period- Everyarrcmptwillbernadebyrhiqdepaltrgel|t!oorpcdiBtbispcrmitulssoonaspossible. I, tbe rmdersipe4 understand the Plan chetk procedure and rime franre- I also undcrstand &at if the pcrnrit is not picked up by the o<piration dare, tbal I rilst still pay the PIan chcck Fee arnd tbat if I fail to do so it nay afect fuure perrnia tbat I apply for' Agre€d to bY: Project Narue: o^n zfetlrrD work ShJtvras 6*.a i*o rh. Cormrnity DwdopmentDcpt' '- elr u\r'1 c. L-, W nrtcuu S"ao-rua AR-22-99 14. 32 FROM,TOV-COM-DEV-DEPT.1D ,9?@47 s2324 a PAGE 4/? TO: FROM: DATE: RE: MEMORANDTIM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OFVAIL PI]BLIC WORKS JANUARY I, 1999 WITEN A .PIJBLIC WAY PERMIT: IS REQTJIRED 4. 5. o. 7. 8. *-lL h l JoBNArvrE: 1-lli(\ l/-<rrlr.d_* I -->- t ' ,,/DATE: ':/ .V I l-<>rt PLEA,SE A}.ISWER TIIE FOLLOWNG QTIESTIONNATRE REGARDING TIIE NEED FOR .4*PUBLIC I'AYPERMIT': l. Is this a neer r€sidence? yES NO X- Is deruolition work beiag po'forued rlat rcqles the usc of the Rigtrtof-way, asernetrrs orpnblicpropeny? YES_ NO X_ Is ary udliry wo* necdcd?YES V NO Is tie drivcway bein g rcyaved? yES NO )(_ Is a diferent acccss needed to rbe sie oder rhm the exi*ing drivenay? yES NO >< Js;y a*acg ryrr beiry dme tha afeas tbe RigLrof-way, eas€rnctrts. or public properqv?lES NO v Is a "Revocable Rigbtof-Way Permit* required? yES NO__V lF fu Egn!-.I'way, cascments or p'btic property ro be used for staging parking or felcing?YES NO )1 Pr__If NO to 8A, is apa*ing gzging or fancing plan required by Comnunfu Developnear?YES_ _- NO__X._ If you answered Y'IES to auy of rhcse questioLt a'hrbtic way permit''oustbe ohained- ?ublic way Pcrnrif' applicarions oay be obuined at the hrblic work's oftce or al commrmry Developureof lfyou have any quesioDs pteas€ call Loonard Sandoval from hrblic Wo*s at 479-Zl9E. I HA\IE READ Al.rD AlrswERED ALL Tr{E AtsOlE QUES|IoNS. Cont'actof ComparyName .//D'r* 3 /st /tl) %Bffi lurfloe ttJonr 0Prr{- ru*'gffiar To: PO Box 4030, Vail GO 81658 Phone (970) 949-1S00 Fax (970) 9494335 The Town of Vail Subject: Illig Residence Remodel From: Chris Meister Pages: 1 Date: March 31,2000 Staging Plan Details: Trash to be removed by trash tntck every week Portable toilet location on the west side of the garage Parking on site for 6 cars No construction trailer on site No exterior work at this tirne Material will be stored inside the hottse or garage - --llr-lllr BECK /-7 -( .l\ s\r;\-{./ru '- *'_: _l 'lr)tdll t' il'J ll ii i APR 0 6 ZuUO ,rj ----a.l\l \) ..> $,\. ,t s \-r$Ji'ii',,:.ii:\t . ..,. r.tt,:'r..o,,'.,.,,1)i..tt,. [:,1:;l'lNj,... ,,, -irn)r,.'lr,rj_* )l f:... r $r \,) - \ i\ r*c\ i\ \ \', 1 \ '\ \ .t\ \ tl, \ \ \ ,clli,t \d \r \i i? A IDr-t N. \ts I \'r-t' \-=', -' --\--- \tl\ r ''\i \ o- , \'\ \\)'\ \ r ,[:J\\ r -r- \ \ ,1 ''* tt ,\-''n \ r41 Yi:i\ \ --{ 1.,r. i.,\ t - ti \ \.:\., I r ,) \* \\ii ,i:r. ii' \ .tt liX i'tu. ,-f, I\=l\F"\ r\ l"\r$I lrl\ilJ\ il 1\ [\ rh' l\ret \tfrl * o\ \ \ II I I I \I I I.t t1 j It \\ |)r J-f6 .\;/,..c-'7 \, \ t'i' ffin l9' \\ \\ 'i'\ L\ t\rtr Ar!,' rl .,$ =iSi q \=l=l-,/g 6?vl a\W To: PO Box 4030, Phone (970) 949-1800 The Town of Vail Illig Residence Remodel Chris Meister 1 May 17,2000 Staging Plan Details: Trash to be removed by trash truck every week Portable toilet location on the west side of the garage Parking on site for 6 cars No construction trailer on site No exterior work at this time Material will be stored inside the house or garage Vail GO 81658 Fax (970) 949-4335 Subject: From: Pages: Date: TOI.{N OF VATL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2L38 DEPARTMEI T OF €OMMI'NITY DEVELOPMEIiIT APPLICAI\M BECK & ASSOCIATES, INC P O BOX 4030, VArt CO 8t-658 CONTRACTOR BECK & ASSOCIATES, TNCp o Box 4030, VAIL co 8L558 OI{NER NOTE: TI{IS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT .fob Address: 706 FoREST RD Location. - .: 7O6 FOREST RD Parcel No. . : 21,01,-072-LL-022Project No. : PR.T00-0042 IttIG CLIFF 1l-504 Pawnee Circl-e, Leawood KS 662LL ,JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: 800-0107 Status...: ISSUEDApplied..: os/30/2000Issued...: 05/02/2000 Phone: 970-949-1800 Phone : 970 -949-1800 TOV/Comm. Dev. ON Description: EXTERTOR REMODEL AND ADDITION Fileplace Information: R€gtsricted: Y occupancy: R3 single Family nesiden?Bproved Ty;le ConsLruction: v N T)pe V Non-Raced a.:i-' 'rl'ii valuation: 400, 000 Add sq Ft: 350 L'iiill'l *of cas Applianced: Raehualent Plan Revies--> DRB Fee-------- Recreati.on F€e------ ----> Clean-Up Deposit------ --> Total. calcula!.d Fe65- - - > Addicional Fees-- -------> TotsaI P€rrnit Fee--- ----> Paymenls------- #Of Gaa lrogs: FBE ST'MU.AX.Y Building-----> PIan chcck- - -> Inwestigation> will call----> 1,940. OO r.,251 .00 .00 3 .00 - oo 200.00 500 .00 Clean-up Deppsit Refund zeL: _ #of 9lood/Pall-et: 3,956 -50 .00 3,955.50 3 , 9s6 .50.'."'"".";;'.;;;;;;;;;;TJ;;;;;..',.."'.i:3ii;i'..';#';ff;;;;';l;;;,."'." 05/30/2000 .JRM Act.ion: NOTE PLANS TO ,JR!,r06./02./2000 JRT't ACTiON: APPR APPROVEDITbM'' O54OO PI,ANNING DEPARTMEIiilT DEPT: PT,,ANNING DiViSiON: O5I30/2OOO iIRM ACTiON: APPR PLANS TO A],LISON05/30/2ooo AOCSS AcEion: APPRIt-bm:'.05600 FIRE DEPARTTIENT Dept: FIRE Division:05/30/2000 JRM Action: APPR N/ArtbM:'OssOO PUBLIC WORKS DEPT: PUB WORK DiViSiON:05/30/2000 JRM Action: APPR N/A See Page 2 of this Document for any condiEions thaE may apply to this permit,. DECI.ARATIONS f horeby acknowledge tshat I have r€ad this applicalion, filled out in ful1 the inforuation required, compl-etsed an accurate Plo! plan, and at'atse that all Ebe informalion provided ae required is correct. I agree to corply with the inforuagion and ploc pl,an, to colrply with all Town ordinancee aid sLate lass, and to build Lhie stlucture according Lo bhe Town'6 zoning and subdiviEion codes, deElgn review approved, gnifortr Building code and oEher ordinanceE of, the Town applicable lhereco. REQUESTS FOR iNSPECTIONS SIIALIT BE I4ADB TWEIfTY-FOUR HOURS II{ AD1IANCB send Clean-UD DeDo€i.t to: BECK AND AESOC SIG!,IATURE OF OWNER OR COITTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF IND Page 2******************************************************************************** CONDITIONS Permit #: 800-0107 as of 06/02/Q0 Status---: ISSIIED******************************************************************************** Permir Ttrpe: ADD/AIT SFR BUILD PERMTT Applied-*: 05/30/2000Applicant--: BECK & ASSOCIATES, INC Issued---: 06/02/2000 970-949-1800 To Ercpire: LL/29/2OOO ilob Address: 706 FOREST RDLocation---: 706 FOREST RD Parcel No-- : 2L0L-072-LL-O22 Description: EXTERIOR REMODEL AIiID ADDTTION ************************************** Condit,ions * * * :r :r tl * * * * * * * * it * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 1 . FrELD INSpECTIONS ARE REQUTRED TO C-IIECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. 2. SMOKE DETEETORS ARE REQUIRED IN AI,L BEDROOMS A}ID EVERY STORY AS PER S8C.310.6.]. OF TIIE 1997 UBC. )rr,r.ust \ta-r-- 9n*"ar*"* \rCI l'.t- ''- v at*****t****f ****************+**************t***+*************** 3; 956.5O 06/02/OO 09:.25 Init : iIAR TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO '.Statemnt. t*l**:l*ttrll*****a*****l***********at*t**t*t:r*******it:l**t******* Statennt Number: REC-0636 Amornt: Pavment Method: cK Notation: 1144 Permit No: Bo0-0107 [rpe: A-BUILD ADD/AL.,T SFR BUIITD pE ParceL No: 2101-072 -L1-O22 site Addlese: 706 FOREST RD L,ocation: 706 FOREST RD Total Fees: 3.956.50 TotaL ALL Pmts: Balance :.o0 **********l*!t**!r****+l******i******!t*****+********************** Account Code DeEcription BP OO].O OO 031].].]-OO BUII.DING PERUIT FEES DR OO1OOOO31122OO DESIGN REVIEW FEES PF OO1OOOO31123OO PLAN CIIECK FEES AD D2-DEPOS CLEA}IUP DEPOSITS RF 11100003112?OO RECREATION FEES ltc 00100003112800 WILL cAtL Il{sPEcSIoN FEB Thie Payment 3, 956 .50 3,955.50 Amount t_,940.00 200.00 L,26L.OO 500.o0 52.50 3.OO ,t{oz.oOE -. F ;-z I zo (,0 .; !l Bt{o E Q FT F U UF o Ei F E F o o FIo FI () 'tF oo EI Ti E 22 r:l E rrl FFI2ZETDEOFE QZdproFE HZ AE F riF NFi 2o FT E(J zhl E14 UO o F F FT z F, o ;: j =>FlE14 140I AppucArloNt ,- no, BE AccEprED rF IN..MPLETG q],,Jg+t?^" iiJiici *4 fl4i.-oD-=cc {'= , =auiiOing Permit #: FOo - Olo? 97 O- 47 9 -2749 (InsPectionu ) I[JIW\:IilEYAIL 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vall, Colorado 81657 S bing' mechanic*l' etc'! Office at for Parcel * Farcef #2lolo1Lil0L2-- JobAddress: -?06 Vt trw6l WaAtily Wddlnc-pr rirlns:Vil\it{ ' t afto 42.b . 60 99Address: frQOf I Engineer: lAonrO e' i. Nc$et description of work: v emll d-d. WorkClass: New() Addition( ) Renrodel ffin EHu o.iilit this location: Yes ( ) No Work Type: Interior ( ) b<terior ffi; A.."tt"dauon Units in th's building: !-No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: !-- ffiVes() NoXr D6es a fire Rlarm exist Yes ( ) No CoMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERIqIT (Labor & Materials) OTHER: $ELEfiRICAL:$ \4,00<: TOTAT: g A4o oO O PLUMBING: $ h0 ,QOp MECHANICAL: E Qt_00 U- REFLIND CLEANUP DEPOSIT TO: CONTRACTOR INFORMATIOI{ Wr;' *q 600 F:/everyone/forms/bldgPerm q \:t;/J 6Z -{-\s\ffi MEMO PO Box 4030, Vail CO 81658 Phone (970) 949-1800 Fax (970) 949-4335 Town of Vail Community Development Bill Anderson Application for permit May 19,2000 To: From: Subject: Date: Attached you will find 2 stamped sets of plans for the Illig remodel on X'orrest Rd..Note that we currently have another permit_for.lhej4eriq"-ggce. This project has gone thru 2 separate appeals at theTOV Council and passed unanimously at both sessions..Because of this process the project has been on hold for some time..[ am hoping that the permit can be available as quickly as possible. Thanks. .4.Wa Bill Anderson Questions? Call the Building Team at 479-2325 Department of Community Development Project Name: Project Address: All pages of application is complete Has DRB appro\61 obbined (if required) Pmvide a copy of approval furm Condominium Association letter of approval attached if project is a Multi-Family complex Complete site plan submitted Public Way Permit application included if applicable (refer to Public Works checklist) )anct:?ur^td&-l y/ This Checktist must be comDteted before a Buildind Permit aruilication is arcotd. ,{ ,{o / tr ,s/SAging plan included (refer to Public Works checklist) No dumoster'oarkinq or material storaoe- allowid on roadwavs and shoulders without written aooroval . | \y' lswtatest and results submitted if demolition is occurring (co?'t a-vt^rheA )/ Archited., stamp and signature (All Commercial and Mulli family) | 'y' fn floor plans including building sections and elevations(4 sets of plans for Multi-Family and ' Commercial) y' winaow and door schedule zd fun*ructural plans, including design criteria (ie.loads) ,{ SVudunl Engineer stamp and signature on structural plans (All Commercial and Multi Family) o Soils Report must be submitted prior b footing inspection t/X o Fire resistive asemblies specified and penetntions indicated ,{ Smov.edetectors shown on Plans ' y' ,rro and quantity of fireplaces sho,,rn Applicanfs Signature: 5/tz_ /ooDate of submittal: Received BY: -F:/e\reryone/fiorms/bldperm2 NWNOF BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If this permit requires a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval, Engineer's (Public Works) review and approval, a Planning Department review or Health Department review, and a review by the Building Department, the estimated time for a total review will take as long as three (3) weeks. All commercial (large or small) and all multi-famif permits will have to follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residential and small pQects should take a lesser amount of time. However, if residential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned departments w6h regard to necessary review, these projects may also take three (3) weeK to review and approve. Every attempt will be made by this department to oFedite this permit as soon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame. I also understand that if the permit is not picked up by the expiration date, that I must still pay the plan check fee and that if I fail to do so it may affect future permits that I apply for. Agreed to by: Project Name: Date: F:/everyone/forms/bldperm3 WHEN A *PUBLIC WAY PERMIT" IS REQUIRED PLEASE READ AND CHECK OFF EACH OF THE FOLLOVVING QUESTIONS REGARDING THE NEED FOR A "PUBLIC WAY PERMIT": o Is this a new residence? YES o Does demolition work bdng performed the Rightof-Way, easements or tlpublic property? r*NO require the use ofNo-ts- No_x_ o rt o o TT Are there any improvemenB being done to the drivevvay ? YF-s NO2g Is any utiliW work needed? YES Is a different access needed b the siE otier than the o<isting driveway? YES- NO >'- ts any drainage workleing done that affecB the Rightof-Way, easemenE, or public property?YEs- No--x- /-Is a'Rerocable Rightof-Way Permif'required? YES- NO Is the Rightd-Way, easemen$ or public property to be used for slaging, parking or fencing? YES NO__*E If answer is NO,is farkinO, staging or fencing plan required by Public Works? If you ans,wered YES bo any of these guestions, a "Public Way Permif' must be obtained. "Public Way Permif'applications may be obtained at the Public WorKs ofhce or at Community Development (a sample is attached). If you have any questions please call Leonard Sandoval in Public Works at 479-2198. I HAVE READ AND ANSWERED AI.ITHE ABOVE QIJETIONS. If')f.ul./'t)ecV ..rt49acid,]€8. )n c- Job or Project Name: Date Signed: Contractor Signature F:/everyone/brms/bldperm4 PUBUC WORKS AND THE PUBLIC WAY PERMIT PROCESS How it relates to Building Permits: If yes was answered to any of the questionS then a "Public Way" permit is requircd. YOu can pick up an applicauon at either Community Development located at 75 South Frontage Road or Public Works, located at 1309 Elkhom Drive. uulities prior to signing applicauon. Sonre utility companies require up [o 48 hours notice to schedule a locate. > A consfiuction baffic contol/staging plan must be prepared on a separate sheet of paper. An approved site plan may also be used. This dan will strow locations of all traffic control deviies (signs, cones, etc.) and the work zone, (area of consfuction, S€ging, etc.). This plan will o<pire on November lst and will need to be resubmifred for consideration for approval thiough the winter. Be aware that your resubmision for winter may be denied depending on the location ofconstruction. and depth of work). this may be drawn on the traffic control plan on a site plan fur the job. > Submit completed application to the Public Work's office fur review. If required, locates will be scheduled for the Town of Vail electricians and inigation oeur. The locates take place in the morning, but may require up to 48 hours to perform. > The public Work's Consfuction Inspector will review the application and approre or deny the permit. you will be contacEd as to the stahjs and any requirements that may be neeOeO. Most permits are rdeased wifrin zl8 hours of being received, but please allow up to one (1) week to Process. F As soon as the permit is approved, the Building Department will be ndified, allowing the ..Building permif'to be released. Please do not confuse the "Public Way Permit" with a "Building Permif. ) NOTE: The above process is for wot* in a public way ONLY. Public Way permits are valid only until November 15th. A nerr Public Way Permit is rcquired each year if work is not complete. Re-application each Nonember 15th does not mean an automatic renewal. I have read and understand the above. F:/everyone/fo rms/bldPerm5 lltl"h //'- f.oz;tt U DateSlgned DRAINAGE AND CULVERT INSPECTIONS ARE REOUIRED BY PUBUC WORI(S! Please read and check offeach of the items below: o The Town of Vail Building Depaftment has developed the follovving procedures to ensure that new construction sites have adequately establbhed proper drainage from building sites along and adjacent to Town of Vail roads or sheets. a The Town of Vail Public Works Department will be required to inspect and approve drainage adjacent to Town of Vail roads or streets and the installation of temporary or permanent culverts at access points ftom the road or street onto the construction site. Such approval must be obtained prior to any requests for inspection by the Town of Vail Building Department for fooUngs, temporary electrical or any other inspection. Please call Leonard Sandoval at479-2198 to request an inspection from the Public Works Department. Allow a minimum of 24 hour notice. o Also, the Town of Vail Public Works Department will be approving all final drainage and culvert installation with resulting road patching as necessary. Such approval must be obtained prior to any Final Certifiote of Occupancy issuance. Agr€ed to by: I.t \"lilt r a:rn A^ da*+oq Print Name o / /4'7,,,|tr 5rgnailre Project Name: Date Signed: F 1 | e{ qy one I 'dinns I bldperm6 NVt{0F Please read and check d each of the items below. (Copies of complete to<t are avaihbE upon request) CODE 5-2-10: DEFOSITS ON PUBLIC WAYS PROI|IBITED o Unlawful deposits: Subject to subsection C thereof, it is unlaMul for any person to litter, track or deposit, or cause b be littered, tracl€d or deposiEd, sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice, or any other debris or material upon any street, sidewallq alley or public place, or any portion thereof. o Notice; Abatement: The Direcbr of Public WorK may notiff and reguire any person who violates or causes another to violate the provision of subection A hereof, or who has in the Directot's employment a person who violates or causes anoffrer b violate the same, bp remor€ sudt saqd, gravd, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice or any otier debrb or material within twenty bur (24) hours aftdr recgtOt of said notice by the Direcbr of Public Works. In the arcnt tfie person so noffied does not comply with the notice *ittrin tne period of Ume herein specified, tie Director of Public Works, or other au$orized agenL may cause any such sand, gravd, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice, debrb or any other material to be relnored from any street or alley at the o<pense of the notified. o Summons and Penalty: As an alEmative b the notice for removal provided in subsection B abore, any person who violates or causes another b violate the same, may be issued a sumnEns to appear Oeioie tne Municipal Court of the Town for said Molations, and upon being found guilty of a violation herzunder be punished as provided in Section 141 of this code. o Notice and Penalty: It is unlarvftrl for any person to fail or refuse to compf with tie notice of the Director of Public Works as prwided in subsection B hereof, and any such person shall, in addition to payment of the o<pense of renpval inanrred by the Director of Public WorK, as proMded in subection B heieof, upon beini fuund guilty of a violation hereunder, be punishable as prwirled in Section 14-1 of this Code. (1997 Code: Ordinance 6 (1979)' CODES 7-3A-LAND 7-3A-3: PARXING OBSIRUCTING TRAFFIC & IMPOUNDMEIiITAUTHORIZED o No person shall pa* any vehide upon a street or at any other dace witiin this Municipality in such a manner or under such conditions as b interferc with tfie free movement of vehicular U"fiic or proper street or highway rnaintenance' (Ord. 2(1968) 5 1) o Whenever any police officer finds a vehicle atEnded or unattended, sbnding upon any portion-of a street or upon iny place within this Municipality in such a manner as to constihite a violation of any section sf this Artiile, or left unattended for a period of twenty four (24) hous or ffiore and presumed to be abandoned under the conditions prescribed by Colondo Revised Stahrtes section 4241102, as amended, the offcer shall reguire the vehide b be removed or cluse it b be rermved and paced in storage in the nearest ga6ge or other place of safety designated or maintained by thb Municipality, and Ure cirarges for towind anl $onge oi such vehicle shall be charged to the owner of the vehide in addition b a ten dottai($lg) impoundment charge. (Ord. 2(1958) 5 3: Ord. 28(1981) g 1) I have read and will comply with the above code provisions: Position or Relationship to Project: Date signed: f{Wt b't*OO' 't\ F:/everyondformdbldpermT t"/ 7,.---- .""ftT"Ix*' l:cbruary' 18. 2000 Beth l-evine, Architect 1'}.0. Ilox 1825 Avon. CO 8 1620 *'u o\01 too' Rt::Asbcstos Sampling and Rcsults 706 W. Forest Rd. Vail. C0 ND- None Detected As requested, Family Environrnental Conrpliance Sen'ices, lnc. conductcd asbestos sampling and inspection at the above referenced location. Tlre purpose ofthe asbestos sanrpling \\as to docullenl $'hat materials may cotrtain asbestos prior to any scheduled ienouation . Famill Environmental Cornpliance Services- Inc' revieu'ed lhe analyticai results to assist the arclritect in developing an abarenrenl strateg-v- belbre any dernolition or renovalion activilie s could commence. The following table is a sunllnarv of our findings' I 3650 Chestnut Ptaee ' Denver. Colorado A0216 Phong3O3-296-6O22' Fax:3O3-292-1451' E-mail:famonv@aol'c'om Compliance Serviees, Ine. SUMMARY OF TAlll-E I ASBESTOS CONTAINING MATERIALS 706 W. Forest Rd. Vail CO r - Sanple Number Date Description PLM Results SMOI 2/t4n000 Tape joint garage mech/u'ash room Trace Chrysotile SM02 2n4nooo Surfacing nralerial at tape joint right side enttl' near rock u'a ll 27o Chrysotile SMO3 2/14n000 Surfacing material at tape joint main floor front ri,qht window ND SMO4 2/14/2000 Surlacing malerial at tape joinl east rear bedroon') wall 2nd floor ND sM05 2/14/2000 @of east bedroom 2no floor ND SMO6 2/14D000 ffi'ND sM07 2/t4/2000 ffifloot ND 3C0l 2/14t2000 f,ast U"aroonr cciling 3'd floor ND 3C02 2/14t2000 Bathroom ceiling 3'o floor ND 3C03 2/14/2000 W.st b.droor ieiling 3'd floor ND SM0l-Vail 2/t6/2000 Point count SMOl sample ND SM02-Vail 2/16/2000 Point counr SM02 sample ND a I . Statc and l:cderal regulatorl, agcncics rcquirc lhc rcmoval ofashesros if it will be disturbcd during building renovatio, or demolirion o.riuiri".- In gtncral. asbcstos falls into trvo (2) categories' l) Friable asbeslos, which is asbcstos lhal catr be e'asily crunrbled undcr hand pressure' Friable asbestos is strictly rcgulated and ntusl be rentoverl lry a ccnilied asbcsl()s abalelnenl colltracl('r prior to buildirrg renovation or de"molition. No friable asbesros sas idcntificd al 706 W' Forest rd 2) Non-Friable asbestos that can easill bcconrc friable if danraged. lhele,larerials 3re also strictly regulated and nrust be removed by a certificd asbeslos abaletlcnl aunto"lo, prio, to buildin,lr renovalion or demolition' No non- friable asbeslos was identifiec. Elased on our review, Fanrily Environnrental ('onrpliance Services, Inc. rccomnrends the following: The original samples both containcd a sntall amount ofasbestos and were point counted by another laboratory here in Denver. The point counts were non detecl. This meanS that though there was a lrace it is below the I7o regulated by state and federal regulations. Our onlv rccomntcndation-is that you keep dust and debris to a minimum and air no*. If l,o, find any,iut"tiul you ,rtp"it bc surc to have them sampled and analyzed' Reasonable effort was made b)' Farnill'I:nvironmcntal Compliance Services' lnc' to locale and sample suspect rnalerials. llorvever, for any stn,cture. thc cxistcnce ofunique or concealed asbestos conlaining materials and debris is a possibility. Family Environnrental docs l'lot warrant, guaranlee, or profess t() have the ability to locate or identify all asbestos containing material in this slruclure' I have attached copies ofthe laboralorv rcsults and my cenification' Should you have any questions or rcquirc additional information' please feel free lo contact Bernard Hurley or Samuel Rolf at (303) 296-6022 - Sincerely, Samuel Rolf. Asbestos Building Inspector Family Environmental Compl iance Services. I nc' -"J FAMILY AN LABORATORY o SE RVICES, INC. 3650 CHESTNUT PLACE DENVER, CO 80216 (303) 297-0019 (303\ 296-6022 February 15,2000 Sam uel Rolf Family Environmental Compliance Services 3650 Chestnut Place Denvcr. CO. 80216 Re: Vail-Remodel Dear Mr. Rolf: Attached are the results of Polarized Light Microscop),analysis for the presence ofasbestiform minerals contained in the bulk sample materials subnined to this facility on 02-15-2000. The methods involved for this evaiuation include a macroscopic inspection using a slereoscope to accurately determine surface physical properlies. Any surface, inclusion or debris detected within the sample that exhibits physical properties differenr and unique from the original sample submitled for analysis is considered a 'Layer' and, ifseparable. analyzed as a single material contributing to the content of the total sample. Each material is then anall,zed by polarized light microscopy (PLM) in compliance with the guidelines established by the EPA in its Inrerim Method for the Determinalion of Asbestos in Bulk Samples as found in 40 CFR, Parr'163, Subpart F. Appendix A (EPA/600/R-93|l16). Family Analytical Laboratory Services, lnc. is currently accredited for bulk asbestos analysis by the National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program (NVLAP) ofthe National lnstitute ofStandards and Technology (NIST). Our NVLAP laboratory code number is 200448. Through the procedures noted above, the sample is separated according to homogeneity and layering and the principle fibrous and non-fibrous components in each sample are determined. The fibrous components are then classified as either asbestos or non-asbestos and a percentage composition range is determined for each asbestos rype identified. A total asbestos content for each material and an overall/total sample percentage is then calculated. Further evaluations are made to determine size and morphology ofasbestos materials identified. For identification purposes, asbestos includes chrysotile, cummingtonite-grunerite (amosite), crocidolite, tremolite, actinolite and anthophyllite. Asbestos "fibers" are generally classified as crystalline material, which occurs within in one ofthe commercial asbestos categories noled above, has physical dimensions longer than 5 micrometers (um), and has a length-toldiameter ratio of 3 to I or greater. Results of these evaluations are listed in the following REPORT OF TEST RESULTS. These results pertain only to the samples referenced in this report and none other. This report is confidential. Details of this report will not be discussed with any person or agency not associaled with you or your organization. This report must be reproduced in its enlirety and shall notbe copied in part. Ifyou have any questions regarding the content ofthis report, please call us. If Family Analytical may be offurther assistance in other health and safety areas ofconcern, please let us know. ANALYST o ALYTICAL .J "J fr.&,n7 Tim Bergqu isf, C6ologisr LABORATORY DIRECTOR Fa m ifA n " li;:?: :#":l?.::'"1 ;"'u"' I n c' I'l-lr4 Ilulk Asbestos Analvsis lient & Pro.lect ID: Vail-Renrode I Corlplcted: 02-15-00 LGN: 000079 l0F4 Sample No:sM-01 LAYER 2 LAYER 3 sM-02 LAYER 2 Description:JOINT COMPOUND DRYWALL TAPE SURFACE JOINT COMPOUND BASE JOINT COMPOUND Lavers:YES-30%3Oo/o 40%YES.60%30% Physical Prop €ntes Color:WHITE WHITE TAN WHITE SAME Texture:Cementicous GYPSUM FIBROUS Cementrcous Friable:YES YES YES YES' Visible Fibers:NO YES YES NO Est Asbestos:0 0 NO 0 Homooeneous YES YES YES YES % Asbestos Fiber Conlent Chrvsotile:z Amosile: Crocidolite: Anthopholite: Termolite: Fiber Content z ND ND ND 4 70 Non-Asbestos Fibers Cellulose:20 98 1 Fiberqlass:4 2 Synthetics: Vermiculite: Other (sDecifv) Total Non Fibrous:75 z 97 95 Asbestos Overall Total o/o I|a ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: All unique material layers within the same sample are analyzed and reported individually and the overall / total sample 7o asbestos content is then determined and reoorted. ND=Done Detected Anarvsr: {x-fu"K.{Date:0211512000 i Famill Analltical Laboratorl' Service, Inc. Report of Test Results PLM Bulk Ashcstos Anall sis -rllicnt & I)roiect lD: Vail - llcnrodcl Conrplctcd: 02- l5-00 LGN: 0000792OF4 Sample No:SM-02 LAYER SM-03 LAYER 2 SM.O4 LAYER2 Description:TAPE JOINT COMPOUND DRYWALL JOINT COMPOUND DRYWALL Layers:lOYo YE5.60%40%YES-50%500k Physical Properties Color:BROWN WHITE WHITE WHITE WHITE Texture:FIBROUS Cementicous GYPSUM Cementicous GYPSUM Friable:YES YES YES YES YES Visible Fibers:YES NO YES NO YES Est Asbestos:0 o n Homogeneous YES YES YES YES YES % Asbestos Fiber Content Chrysotile: Amosile: Crocidolite: Anthopholite: Termolite: Actinolite: Fiber Contenl ND ND ND ND % Non-Asbestos Fibers Cellulose:98 2 60 OU Fiberglass: Synthelics: Vermiculite: Other (specifv) Total Non Fibrous:z 98 40 99 40 Asbestos Overall Total o/o z 0 0 ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: All unique material layers within the same sample are analyzed and reported individually and the overall / total sample 7o asbestos contenl is then determined and reoorted. Date:j2/15/2000 \J Familv Anal_r,'tical Laboratory Sera,ice, I nc. xeporr or Test xesurts t PLM Bulk Asbeslos Analvsis Complctcd: 02-15-00 I-GN: 000070 3OF4 Sample No:sM-05 LAYER 2 sM-06 LAYER 2 SM.O7 Description:SURFACE JOINT COMPOUND DRYWALL SURFACE JOINT COMPOUND DRYWALL JOINT COMPOUND Layers:I YES-40% | 60o/"T YES-6b%--T4o%--+-lNo Phvsical Pror rerties Color:WHITE WHITE WHITE WHITE WHITETexture:Cementicous GYPSUM Cemenlicous GYPSUM CementcousFriable:YES YES YES YES YESVisible Fibers:NO YES NO YES NOEst Asbestos:o 0 n U n Homogeneous YES YES YES YES YES o/o Asbestos Fiber Contenl Chrysotile: Amosite: Crocidolite: Anlhopholite: Termolite: Actinolile: uontent ND ND ND ND ND o/o Non-Asbeslos Fibers Cellulose:50 1 70 2Fiberglass: Synthetics: Vermiculite: Other (specifv) Total Non Fibrous:100 oo 30 Asbestos Overall Total % 0 0 0 Date:jzl1512000 Tim Bergqui ADDITIoNAL GoMMENTS: All unique material layers within the same sample are analyzedand reponed individually and theoverall / totar sampre o/o asbestos content is then determined and reported. ND=Done Derected c Analvst: 6r/, Fa m i r5t n' l"';:?l kT":iilTi:"U'' I nc I'l-M Bu lk Asbestos Analvsis lient & Pro.jcct lD: ('omplctcd: 02-15-00 LGN: 000079 40F4 ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: All unique material layers within the same sample are analyzed and reported individually and rhe overall / total sample %o asbestos contenl is then determined and reported. ND=Done Detected Anarl,st:fih*ryZ/ Ti m Bergq uist.r'fil'frosiopi st Date:02/15/2000 CEILING TEXTURE % Asbestos Fiber Content % Non-Asbeslos Fibers Asbeslos Overall Total o/o Fiber Content ^-^ ^fl'n r:r . bilVUA.lJJ LAB NU. tolusb.U AIHA LAS I D '0153:' ,ASa€S7OS rEx. PCB. PLr'l. SEM HTfALS AA. F LAME,'FI)RNACE AINEORNE PART'CULAfES SPEC'AL PA NTICL E 'V./lI 'S'S ResenvorRs ETvTnoNMENTAL Senvrces, Iruc. t fi27 GEANf STREEf OENVEN. COLORADO 8O2OJ (800t 67E-7371 (303t 830-1986 FAX (303) 853-9196 February 17, 2000 I',iL. Bernard Hurley Family Environmental f-nrnn l i :nr-o Qorrli r-ac Tnr- 3550 Chestnut Place Denver, CO AOZI€. RE: RES Job No. 56828-1 - Vail Remodel - Bulk Samples: SM-01-Vail and SM-02-Vai1. Dear Mr. Hurley: Reservoirs Environmental Services, inc . (RES, Inc - ) Ilas poin-' counted two bul-k material samples by Polarized Lrght Microscopy (PLM) for asbestos content as per your request. The samples v.rere received on February l- 6, 2OoO, and initial results were teLephoned to your office within 24 hours of receipt. PLM was used to analyze the bulk materials in complrance wiLh guidelines escablrshed by the USEPA (EPA/500/R-93/ l.r5). The Analytical Results are presented in 'IaD_Le 1. RES, Inc. has assj-gned job number RES 66828-1 to this study. Thls report is considered highly confidential and the sole propercy of PamiJ-y Environmental . RBS, Inc. will not discuss any part of this study wit.h personnel oLher than those of the client. The results described in this report only apply co the samples anal)'zed. Samples will be disposed of after sixty days unless 'l onger storage is reguested. The US EPA guideline was developed for use on friable building materiafs and recommends the use of additional- analyses for non- friable materj-al-s such as floor tiles. RES, Inc. recommends addiLional analyses Lo confirm negative PLM results on fLoor ti1es. This reporc is not to be reproduced, except in fui-, wit.hout specific wri-tten approval by RESI . This report must noi be used to claim endorsemen: of products or analytical :esulcs by I$/T,Ap -r Anw a.'pnc\..' of r iro rI S - GOve::nmenc .Only the PLM microscopy results contained in thrs report are subject tc NI,/LAP accreditation, other inf ormacion presentecl is not NVLAP a,:c::::ji',+d. I :h lepo:-L, pl-ea se f eeI o t^Tf \.rnrr shnrrld h,:v,,.1v*free to calf me at Sincerely, i /'1r' z t't''':J ,T,.:: n n 6 Qrronnor Arr Vice President PKTI/clr --,, ^.,^^F i ^-^ -Lany quesr lors aDou L 830-1966. rw8.ffif*A" Anafyst (s) :Brett S. ColbertPaul F- Knappe Paur u . Lo sca-L zoLiu Wenlong i aesOor*s ENVTRoNMENTAL T.**r,C.,"". NVLAP Accredited Lab 1896 TABLE 1. PLM BULK ANALYSIS. PERCENTAGE COMPOSITION BY POINT COUNT RES Job Number: RES 66828-1Client: Family Environmental Client Project: Vait Remodel Date Samples Received: February 16, 2OOO Analysis Type: PLM, Point CounrTurnaround: 24 Hour Client Sample Number Lab lD Number ASBESTOS ASBESTOSLAYER MINERAL CONTENT ANALYZED Point Count (%', SM-01-Vail SM{2-Vail EM 464927 EM 464928 ND ND ND = None Detected Analyst: PDL Trace = Asbestos observed but not counted under point count protocol, less than O.25o/o F ',, J I\S BIiS OS C EIt' t'I l.' I L- z| l] t O N S'tr';\'I'Il Oii COLOI{ADO (-lr'lc:':lrlo l)cp:':.i': ::cttt crl llrrl:l!c I Ic';rlt It' :'rrt tl l:. :ili t'ctt it:tlt: t '\ ir' l)cr!!li{!i:: Co:ttrcl l)ir isiort 'l'his i, :'iil'its llr;it Srtl .:ul liolt' i-', I :ri;,.,,1i, l{t:r. 151 ':i)-il9l jrti.; r::.1 1!l(l t' r:i .!(':::r':iis t. -:-l--i07' (-' li'S' :tirtl .,\!l' (')ri:tji{-l (..r-':iil,'i (-r-i;11;::i:'li-'.t li'.:llil:,:. -:t .rr-'' li. it:lt t i"' :ttltl is ):':t t'l)-r' Crri:ri,:rj l-lt l!:r'r,:,lt r-;i'(-'('1,-.'.,ilt) ilt tl:C i'Ollt-lrl'irr:i ti iSr-!t:lillt:: ljt. I I-lJ l\(, INsllli(- L-o lL' ' '!':: !s tt:tij'itr::t i: spcc .:it'! ':!.t: '. /'\ ,J,,. "\ \-/-/ t-l\''',r-\ / r--J ..-)\\-.-X o'r\,v:=.-\1i; -.9j:-'':-'':{'J- - - ...,,, i,.,, i,, r ,.,,|ii.''D).i, ;.r ., , r'r:' r i. c () :i:r' 1.t' t::.':,: ,'f c:::tt::!.1jjL;i-'t ('::i-ii(;::it':: ": :!:"' ;li:'ti;:lit:t' Best copy Available Qo" I'\p Sdgtxra TurU-J 50% ytu '',r?.--:-' \J''v.' ^'r,;iu' o lt /--A V/,l/ --'O-- ti 07 t,/.' ,r 8!ti'"'', // '---tl -l a( t n It F.*ffi,* - \ -- /, / .//z2/i)''l / - t t'i-', / / at {: -t / " - Q;)r:-', e tr. !- l;.d tt ,'6 4 |c:lf4 - O^ ei.t'fl E*lJt I :;.4#ilt ,--\ _-Jr,frr<- \irt \ \'o'* - d { \ - jF"t=: W rf )-.--t 'l Q\t A '-ft.5'. :9., -'t:l--- ,-- - --:4 | -a3o(Tt-- i ,.' t ,'-;l+,tE --ty' | / '*aa 7ilS*a*\.t(\>Xi-'-''")/$,.-/e ?\ , ,(.wffi *-;-i= xa;e'>. Ct+-ldl lwL TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 8A657 97 0 -479 -2138 Job Address: Location. . . : Parcel" No. . :Project No.: APPLICANT BEEK & ASSOCI.ATES, P O BOX 4030, VAIL CONTRACTOR BECK & ASSOCIATES, P O BOX 4030, VArL OWNER DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVETOPMEIVT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON ,JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES DEMO. OF PART/ALL BI]DG.Permit #: D00-0006 706 FOREST RD Status. . 706 w FOREST RD (west uniApplied. 2L0L-072-LL-022 fssued.. Expires. ISSIJED 03/03/2ooo 03/03/2ooo 08/30/2ooo Phone: 970-949-1800 Phone: 970-949-l-800 Ks 6621j. TOV/Comm. Dev. Clean-up De it Refund approved fof Oas lroga: Total- Calculated F€es---> AddiEional FeeB---------> TotaL Permit Fee--------> Pa] nenta------- TOTAI, PEES----- 945.00 BAIdNCE DUE---- .00 Dept: BUILDING Division: DepL: PLANNING Diwision: Depts: FIRE Divi-sion:DCbI: PIJB WORK DiViSiON:Debt: HEALTH Division:Debt: CLERK Division: ;;.;;; ; ;; ;; ;":;;.;;;;; :;;;;;; ;;; ";;;;.;;; ;;; DECLARATIONS I hereby acknorledge that I have read tshis appl.ication, filLcd out in full t'he infornaEion required. coEPleted arl accutatc plots plan, and statc that alt tshc infor,aation providcd as required is corlect. I ag:.ee bo corqrly with the r-nfonoation and Plot plan, tso cortply *it'h all Aosn ordinances and state 1aes, and Eo build tshis stsruceurc according to thc Totn'g zorting and eubdiwiaion code6, dedign review approwed, Uniform Building code and other ordj-nances of che Torn applicablc thereto. REQUESTS FOR TNSPEEIO}IS SHALL BB IIADE T'!{ETITY.9OUR HOURS IN ADVANCE SY send clcan-Ub DeDosit To: INC co 81558 INC co 81658 ILLTG CLIFF 1-l-504 Pawnee Cj-rc1e, Leawood Description: II{:rERIOR DEMO "only" Occupancy: R3 TIpe Construction: V 1-HR'I\pe Occupancy: ValuaEion: Fireplace Infontration: R€slricted: 40,000 *of eas AppLiance6: Restuarant Plan REwiew- - > Recreation Fee- --- -- - -- -> Clcan-Ulr Depo8it- - - - - -- -> *of wood/Pallec: 420 ,00 273.OO . oo 3 -OO .00 .00 .00 250.00 946 .00 945.00 946.OO APPROI/ED N/A sinsle Fami-t-y nesiaeflfBou nt rypa v l-Houi date Add Sq Ft: FEE SUMMARY Building-----> Plan chcck- - - > Inv6stsigation> wilL call----> ITCM: O5].OO BUILDING DEPARTMEI T03/03/2000 .lRM Action: APPRIt,EIn3 O54OO PI,ANNING DEPARTMEI{T03/03/2000 'JRM Act,ion: APPRITEM: O55OO FIRE DEPARIMETITII,CM: O55OO PI]BLIC WORKSIIEM: O57OO ENVIRONMEIiTTAL HEALTIIItem: 05900 LIQUOR ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONS Permit # r D00-0005 as of 03/L4/00 Stat,us: ISSIIED ********************************************tr****************************:t****** PermiE. Tlpe: DEMO. OF PART/AIL BUDG. Applicant: BECK & ASSOCIATES, rNC 97 0 -949 -1"800 Job Address:Location: 705 W FOREST RD (west unit) Parcel No: 2101-072-1,L-022 Descript,ion: IN:TERIOR DEMO IIonlY'l Applied: 03/03/2OOOfssued: 03 / 03 /2000To Elq)ire: 08/30/20A0 CondiEions: 1-. FrRE DEPARTI4ENT APPROVATJ rS REQUTRED BEFORE ANY WoRK cAN BE STARTED IF THERE IS A FIRE ALARM OR SPRINKLER SYSTEM EXIST- ING IN THE AREA OF CONSTRUCT]ON. THIS SIILL PREVENT FALSE ATARMS.2- FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. 3. ASBESTOS TEST RECEIVED AND IN FILE v llil**:tir**lit+*ta**:lt*f1:l**lltA**rl+t*l**tilt*******t*rti++*ta***** TO!{N OF VATIJ, COLORADO Statemnt ************irll***********l******)r******a**********'r*****a:rt***t Statemnt Number: REC-06L0 Amouxt :945.0o 03/L4/oo L4:.3O Pa)ment l{ethod: C}IECK Notation: *4098/beck Init : RIriW Permit No: D0O-0006 Tlpe: A-DEMO DEMO. Parce.L No: 21-01- 072 -1-]--022 SitE AddTEgs: 706 FOREST RD Location: ?06 W FOREST RD (weet unit) Total Fee6: OF PART/ALL BU This Pa)ment 946.0O Total ALL Pmt€: Balance: **************ttrl****l*********+*t**t:ll***************t***+t***l Account Code DescriDtion 945 - OO 946 . OO .00 AmounE 420 - OO 273 . O0 250.00 3.00 BP OO1OOOO31111OO BUIIiDTNG PER!'IT FEES Ptr 00100003112300 PLAI.I CIBCK FBES AD D2 -DEPO8 CLBANUP DEPOSITS WC OO1OOOO31128OO WILI, CAI,L INSPECTION FEE oo 'H!E.oOI iotzODd8 E Al4 o o oo o al o <; al F-2ilDd8Er,Hoi020 dEoo E& E{ Eg* E Eo P o o ct o rt c.l at o oo o 6a uE o t, !laqt D F t H 6 oEt{ EcU Et,:r 6 o aEH olsl {HHxroUOtsAa!lo OE aglee H8&a cEL '( E{ lree Egl[ra IE P X E HHrrz Ei E EI Eo * zo FI HECIUaaZE gEIH8 EEI SCE 6- H Ho U E iE E 29 EE FI P AE F9 E6 =>E-rr.dd o1EaoaEO t i,\Fr-o3-oo 03:23P ]'r5raune ck.--Rd- Ros.rn --P-ZgtE-?stst3 TOIVTI OF VAIL C(ITI8TRUCNON PERT|TAPPLICATIOI{ FORN q!rclIrflN lqsrlF cmLtlforr+ AFuCr:ttoil rlr,ryE'n.llEt P -C)2Gry3 'aa? tfr, fn 4, Co|rf fsrst Ortu A 97O-'iW F M ]Ht-zlal -07L arr - 6:Y nciq p-x*, d)rl4- - 16'r* I relocstli* ,t-Lsg*J- m-x*4tr# lllr xge',fublzttt I}-ilrtood wcb r5( I rrr-|6 rvel( )llri( ) lwcDr&crr* | aAa,4 L d)r1lo..l lEtcffffi!ffbl&- lfirrdDfdfal- errfbcr Oslrrt wodrE|lr .. /.\ore: t-j{U B>---=- T('TAL 3 '/ ulq( )n$r( ) ESEfgrEfr D.lqrEdls: TcrdVrtl4idarb xffiqrry Torodvdn:i*rbNa Pcrid( )rBr-rt( )(Ils( ) ^-qh-qt-tbt8 rw q2o'4q oh( ) (Ur r-C lllgnrcrl t IGCHANICAL 'Frrn crqrFrrYlil A&uc ht A& br ttcf EOB.gESAIE .6h ll,t*a 'awncc CivCle GLEilq[F4frEEf.uP.rIl: ,-. - -. M€-E:_Og_- O_g O3:Z3P 1151 June Ck- Rd- Flo.scn 9t7o-9t26-2993oo To: rrilt I'AIE: IIIBIECT: coor, sr-rc- EGIll q llLrIG V^llitlolEllr A frdrrat dnotr SbtEb J[bdi8 C ticcof ir L rt'qr't fu ry gcrro o tiu' mct c rlopcir' -cif,ifra"d'-d a drdE4 d' !n,cl' rodsb n4 dEl' o* ha csy orr l*b q'"ra;.rw6uy 3d' d&rc&' ellt'Y cptru. ubq c rypctictratdB Ndic lE* Tb Duad|dhtrbcrt'clr-w rsld rrqtllt q- 1m rb rdc a c.,E d;;;I*-i-r"'ti- .f glsti r 'nc c rb br i rtc otro.' caloyu ;d. d"fitct c cs da to viorc 6c aD' !09 rqrrt nct a' galt.-ro*, uri Cgl'st'iecol-drr&rr c grrl rilb F,4 hr eo 5' .i-=;; r.i'l-ta-- w o. Jrg.oa d 15lic $'otb. I! rb G;il;; ; ;d; ;ffi-.qly.fr io ui,o -ur bG Dcrit'c of, tiE btciD *i6ed, & Dirarifrtbwd' i bt to-i*l {cG urrv'arrc.ry rrh s{ F;ffi*- ;{' atg ;;i* a& c r-" oc' |!Ia:rl n bc tuuwd ffir 4 s(r i. Uyrtry.drt:si6d- c. hgrirr nt Ppltri.t ;;bt"do A baef&l nc bcdic-b: r. gtoci-d-ri ffi, c*ds ra.ret ll?&grric ofrr rura r rtky cd;;;Al"-r-il aocri*V liq 9s bc, Cobc lh' awIlEtEFEF - ..t.---:- J*,- n{a-2 To dacc c-+ EFi-t|r, H'|ryhtcssiu d6c pt|b t.trv; rd 3. Topdie rc lbtrfrtt -fi 9t-1?-t rfsdsur. D Sglmq Fcolr rsl rrualircr&ldrfilag'/at eot'Ua b sbrrin B -oGrEYgs rb vidlr t qrs rldor ro virhclb llr' ury Dc irral I r@'r5 b ffi ;a; 6. rt-fiiaffi * l- t* viotric' rd re hior tuld =mfrffiffidxuxg:ffi#il#tu' fb*r t* Worlr I rovild-ir dcsb B hrlc' rd qv or\ran n'[' b r&icoprpardl-G;-,tawnrintradlut.Drno$nli.rvorc'rr qovided b rbcb tlffi -bttog taeg.lv er vrllb tsd' tc frffffi-hGt"Er;ai; c"d drz coc (}rrbre6 (ree) P.03 Alt CONII^GKnS qnnE{ILY nEGLrrnED vrrtr TrG Toslrt (F VAIL ru,lt oF v [,E EiG rurs Aro co]oflBtrrrDEvE.oEriElrr HNUTNY T. I,,9 O(trTSIIUCTKT{IAIXING AI'DMAIEII L $m/rGE WndUrfialrr;ctY ffil*&riior; = i lu&1' Oc.wcmtn.?'4'P M+r-03-OO 03:.24P rrsldrnc ck. Rd- Rosen s7o-i5t-zse3 m/Wffi /frryurrntt {c.arurit;, W'a$ 75 W fivnrlr Rat l&riL Wrdo E165, 97W79-ZIt6 ,ax 97rL4792452 llfi,.Drlfc l[lril ls$ltx{cE lU }rA.rD Iffr! f.iln |Euirco r Tcra of, vril Firc Dt3brt rE ova\ F gr..t!"I ohblic wstr) IGVtar d rpoal, e nufu Dsprrwl rcvicx ofHrrttt D+|rffi ilvict' d e rcvicr tytG eild{ Orytarc, 6: crincd rirc fq t tdl rcricr rny dc s bl erlbn (3) ?E&t, A[ wrirl (b lc 6 tndl] rld a[ nrtrt&ilv P'rlril dI b'! to 6llil lb rbot'c gfurrf roiorn ru5!@. nsidCil rd roll Foicrr Afrlt CE r tcr rmrrr of ric- llorrrrr, ifnridaiet rrlLt!fiicdr iqa,rtc vriflt rDort uaiond daure rtl rt|rrt o rcrrcy nwign' |lto tsUilErt r|y .bo *G 6! ttE (t) !"f D.rioc E'rsy &?3 riu bcD& b 6b d?.rd b -ito(&! |lir prairer lo |. pciblc. r. tc ndrrrirec4 rra&sd &o Pho ctc* rwcole ed tilE !rB. I rlro rndrrgd thn if Oc p.rrril & not piAai ry by rb apilio dle rh- | uf $lll Drv tte Plo S*k Fcc d rbt if I IUI b & s ir cy rftc fiotr gtrub br I agly fc' Alrdtofy: F'F'LG /lltq [he4/ue * a+'90 tckrrwoc'@Iteff* P.O4 4rcg-'rs MF_{:99:O.O o.?224P ll5l June Ck- Rd- Roscn 97o-9t26-2993 tqFIflG DATE IE: IDNAIG r.tl@ll0ur ^LLGC'TRACTqSrowll 0F vA!. ro[.Ic s(xf,s ta{nRY L l'9, t I€f A ?U8JC wAYEllllr: 5 BEqInE P-05 DA!E: . a',zad 'tlrrsE a{sflElrE FCLow!{G aiJEsttoorAsE raorrD[ro TE I{EDD FOn A '?tE.tCgAYPEltIf: .J l. ltrlirralibcc? Y'ES- !S--C- 2.r34DUlriltd|3Dfuilrq$rbcd'bri|rd-rrlt''CEIEq FflEFF ? YES- lP i.- | Xt. tl-rcrqtrddn tES- *-J 4. lrrLtirrryui3ryt'd? ltS._ !{O,..\"- 7. a, 5- lr al'4t E3ryrf : rE - '-vJLr- v !r I |tfta E Dld o t:irfi ti!tucfrit*&rr*lf fEi- !{g..:L t. ry dlrfC rdFt dc lh& lb ni![*Wry' cxl' cfdic pqa'? YEs_ lD4_ \/brra,o*niaId-wuwnltrt t'Es- !04- A. b rtl lifLd-wry, rocilb fV o boud tu silg fdq! I ariu? YEtt_ lp-a. fF-lo lA ffir rrhr ctrnll ilrtrliliDt Crl4t n:c$clt YES_ ts- frilsrrd tT$ 5 ry o(*r' grric, r?ltliswrv Pr-f nrlc d*d ?te wryI|edf |ttlic|dEEr t aurdl tl Hic ltd'r olicc c n cm{y DreryL $clrry g:dsilE- cILs 5&d nul\flic sut la7}zrri I EAI/E IEAD A}D ^I{T,EIED ^LL IE ^M1'EQT]E!ilONS' fu&r. b,utrc- -, Fet+ teYine, 4rchrb.t Cffi3trn OqEyNc Mar-03-OO 03:24P ll5 ne ck Rd-*o*: :"5"-=""=famllg Environmental vf As rcquesrc:d. Farrrily lirvinmrncnlat c(|rnFliance survices' tnc. conrtuctcd anbcstos srmpling and insDeclion al thc abovc rcfcrrnctxl lq:atinn' r frl p"tr"t* iitftt d$rsros sanrPling was to &:lcumcrrt wlral lnirlcrials nrry contoirl &shs$los pri(tt to nny srhcdulcd i:llovation ' Fanrily €nrimnmcnial (lompliurcc Scrvic6' hK- rtvi€wr:d lhc analyrical rcsulls to ui.$asl tfre oichitccf irt devcloPin8, an abatemcnt Sfratcggt beforc alry dcnrolition or rtrrovation o"Aiirl* "ruf.f otnur$ncc. 'l'hc following rablc is a sutttmary uf our lindingr' lJuo P.06 Fctrurry lt. l0l)ll llCth l,cvrnc. Archilccl P.O. lh:t ttl25 Avon.('()tl(r2O Itlr: Asbc{os SsmPlidt and l(csults 7(l(r W lirnst lld. Vail. Co Compliance SIJMMARY OF ASIIFSTOS CONI'AININC MATERIALS 'l'apc joint garag,e mcchAvash nrom S.,rfacit gjttot"rial al lspc joinl right sidc entry near nrch rrall :inf*';c ma*ti"i-ar up loint main floor fiont righl Tnuc Chr;xolilc Sildi,tB .tl"ti0l tr tupe joinl east n:ar bedroom 5-tr*ing;;G;;Il"t* *indow of easr bcdmom Bathruom ceiting lN fluor Wcst bcdroom ctili SMOl-Vail ND- Nonc Dcl€clcd 3650 Choelnrrt Place ' Derwcr' erilrrrgd{-e02l6 Phone: 3oi{-2g6'b\22' t"*rgOS-292'1451 o E-rnail frncnY@'ol.rrrrn Mar-o3-oo (,32z4P r rsrdrnc ck- Rd- Rosen -92o970 6-?993 . Statc an(l lrrlt:ral rcgula(rrr-v apt:ncicr rrrquir.) th{: rcrnov;rl ofashcsrx it'it tvill be disturbcrl dr,rinlr lrriltlirtu (rnnvrtion or dcrnolition ctivilir's. lrt gcncral. ashrrstor lhlls into trvo (2) catcgiorics, l) Friabtc asbcstos. which is ashcstos lhal can hc casilr'' crunrblcd undcr hartd prcssurc. Friehlc asbcsos ir stricll-v- rtr'.ulatcd anal [txsl bc rcttt$vcd hy a cenificd ash:slrx abatcntcnl c()otrdclor prior tO buildillg r|:lx)Y lirnl |'|r dcmoliliorr. No friablc astxstrn was idcntified ut 706 W. Forrst rd 2) Ngrr-ljrhtblc ashcstos thst can casily hccomc l'riablc it durnagcd. l hesc nralcrials arc also strictlv rcgulatcd and musl bc rcrtl.rvfd lry I ccnilicrJ llsbcstos rbirlcrrcrr cortrucl(|r pri.I trr building, rcoovglion tu dr:trtrtlilirttt. No non- tiiablc asb(':itrrs was idcnlil'icd. llascd un our revicw, ljnrnily linvironmcntal (irmplian(c Scrvicc'ri, lrtc, tecommends thc followin.q: Thc original samples both containcd a small mount ol'ruhtstos and wctt point counlcd by nnollnt laborator-v trcrc in Dcnvlr. lte ;xrint counls wcrc rnln dctcul. This ntcatts lhat lhough thcrc was s tracc il is below thc 19" rqulatcd by slatc anlt lirdcral rcglulations- Our only rccomnrcndntion is lhat yorr keql du5t and dckis lrt a trtitrintuttr and ;rir flow. Il-yuu find arry rnittcrial you suslrct b,c suns to hnvc them Sarnpled and unnlyzed' Rcas.moblc cffon was made hy fhmily Frrvironmcntal ClotDpliancc Sewiccr, Inc. lo locate t ld -ramplc suspcr:l malcrialx. llowgver. for rny strtrclurc, thc cristcncc ol'u iquc or coflcealcd csbcstos corttining malcrials and dctris is a ptssibility, f'anrily F)nvinrnmcntrl dous rxrl rrdt rarrl. *,uirrantcc. or pnrltru to ftavc tlc rbility 1rr louatc or idcnlily all asbcslos containing mutcrial in thir slruclure. I have auachrd cqrics <rf the labrxatory rcsulLs ard my ccrliticalir.rn. Should yru have arry queitions or rcquirc rd.litionol information, plcarc fccl frcc to conlacl Rcnrrnl llrrrlcy or Sunuef Roff at (30312'ril6il22. Sinccrcly, Samrrel Rolf, Asbcsttts Building lnsg*&tr f amily Environmentrl Complimcc Scrviccs, Inc. P -O7 -6, Mar-03-OO OS : z/tP I l5 ne Ck. Rd. RoscnlJuo s7ot6-zess FAMI LY ANALYTICAI, LABORATORY -11650 CHR,STNUT PLACE DENVER, CO 90216 (303) 297-0079 (303)29G6022 l;ebruary 15, 2000 Samuel Kolf l;alnily Hnvirunrrrntlrl (in11plin46c Scrvices 3650 Chcslnut rrlacc Denvcr, (:O. t0?16 Rc: Vail-Rcrnr,xlcl Dear Mr. Rolf: Anachsd srE lhe rcsulrs of polurizcd Light Micnxr:opy analysas for thc prclicncc of ash:slifonn nrincralrcontaitd in thc bul[ sanrFle orurerials submined o rhis fmility on 0?_i-5-2000. The mcthods involvcd for this cvalualion includc a rnacmscopic inspcctirm using a srcrcoscopc rolccuratcly dclcrmilrc surlacc phy:iisal pnrpcrties. Any surfacc., inclusion tx <|c$ris dctcctc.l within thcsrtnllc lhd crhibits physical propsnic-r differcnr and unique from thc original samplc submittcrt foraniysis it- rxn-sidcrr"rl a 'l aycr'and, if u:prablc, analyzrd as u singte matcrirt coniributing t1 rhe contcnlo|thc toral samplc. l:ach malerial Ls hen.nslyrtd by polarird fifit m;croscopy (pl.tr,lj ii comptiancewirh rhc guidelincs csrahlishcd by th,, EpA in its tnrerim Mcrft<rd for thc Dctc.rmination of Asbesios in Bulk liamPlcs as firund in 4(l CFR. Pafl ?63. Subpart F. Appcndix A (EpA/600/R-g3/l t6)- Family Anatyrical I aboratory ServicL':i' lnc. is currenrly accrcdircrl tirr irulk asucsos analysis hy the Ndional Voluntury f.!3to-q Agryditation Prqgrum (NVLAP) of thc Nutional lostitutc of Starrrluds and -l cchnology(NtSl). Our NVt .AP trhoratory code oumbcr is 2fitrl4E. '!t-ugh lhc pmcedurcs noled rbovc. thc srmplc ir iclnnatcd according to homogen€iry ro.l layering and dte principle fibruus and non'fitrruus comporrcnts in etch sample arc rlrlcrmincd] Thc-filrous conrprrncnls arc thcn .:llssificd as cirher a^sbeslos or non_ash;ilos and a pcTEcntagc cornJrrsition rarrgc is daennirtut for cuch asbcstos typc idcntified. A blal asbcstos contcnt for each rutcrial and un onerallTtotal sumptcperccnlugc is thcn calcrrlatcd. Furthu.r cy:luation$ lrc madc to daenninc sizr: and morphoh€y oiaslxstos matcrials idcnlilicd' l'br idcntification purFrsas, asbcskrs includcs chrysotih. cummingtonlli-g.unerirc(am<xitc). crocidolilc. rr.trx)litc, acrinolite lnd anthophyllitc. Asbesroi 'fibcrs' ere gcierally classified uscrystallinc matcrial, which occurs wilhin in one of tht commcrcial asbcslos caregoril n<{cd abovc. hasphysical dimcnsions krnger lhan .5 micrumatcrs (um), and has a lcngth-todiamcrtr ratio of f to t or grcatcr. Rcsulls of thcsc evaluations arc lisled in rhc l'ollowing REItRI'OF'TEST RESULTS. Thesc n:sultspcnsin oltly to thc samplei refercnced in this rcJnn a-nd none orher. This repon is corrtitlcnr ial. Dcrailsof ttris repon will nor be discussed with any pcns{rn or agency nor rssocialcd with y_ou or your organiiarion. .Ihis reJrcn must be reprodrrccrt in iis entirety unri shail nor bc copied.io pnrt. lf you-have any lwsfions rcgarding thc comart ui'lhir t"pnn, pleasc call us. lf I'brrrilyAnalylicsl may be (}f funhcr assisl ncc in orher hcihh and sot'cty arcas oiconccrn, plcasc ler us know. ANAt.Vtilftltypz Tim Bergquis( (icrrlngisr stlRvtcEs, lNc. F. OA l)lR[:CI()RI.AI]ORATORY fr&a 'tim Bergquift / Mar-o3-oo 03:25P rrsrarne ck- Rd- Roscn 97o-5t-2ee3 Family Analytical Lahoralory Scrvicc, lrrc. Rcport of 'l'cst Rcsults ltl.M ltrtlk Arlnsltru Annlvsis (llient & Prr{ccl ll): !.ril-Renrodcl (irmplctcd: 02-15-00 f .CN: 0fiX17,l0l:4 Al)l)l'llONAL COMMHNTS: All uniquc marcrial layers withiu thl, ssmu samplc arc analyzcd and reportc{ individually and thc orrcndl / total samFle'/o asbcstos utnlcnt is then dctcrmined and reponed, ND"Dorrc Or.:tcctcd l)atc:02/1512000 P-O9 GYPSUM % Asbeslos Fiber 2 ND 75 Mar-o3-OO 03:25P llsl Juna Ck- Rd- Roscn 9t70-9?6-2993 nuritfanalyticat Laborztory s**t, lu.. Report of Tcst Results Pl.M llulk Ashcsos Analysis Clicnt & Pnrir:cl ll); y31jl- Rcn11ntg.!___ (irmplctcd: (,1- | .i-(Xl. LGN: 0(xx)79 2( rlj.l Physical wHrTE Cemeniirpus YES NO 0 YES FbGr Comct ?6 NorFA sbestos Fibers ADD|IIONAL COMMFNTS: All unirlur: mareriat hycrs within rhc same sarnpl6 n1g analya;d urxt rsprncd individually and thc overall / total sanlple ',ro asbcslor content is ticn detcrmined and rcporfut. ND-f)tne Detccted Arnlyst: T"* I Dale:02/1.5/2fl)0'l'int llcrgq icroscopist P- lo sYF Lh o Asb6stos % Mar/.-O3-OO O3:Z5P 1151, June Ck- Rd- Roscn 97o-9t26-29t93 r"riilnnatyticat l,aboratory s"r"i? r n.. Rcport of 'l'est Rc.sutts Pl.M ltulk Asbcsros Analyers Clicnt & l'rrrioct lD: ldj!:-Rcqrlldgl- (Jomplclcd : 02:15:00_. L(iN: {f0(l{}70lOl.'4 sM-05 P-lf -s-uirace-' JOINT r-ayrh-?-- ORYWALL 6gYo lSMo6 luyrrrz -lsr"iffi; -Tbniwnr_r_- I JOINT IIr:oMPourun Il-vfuv.ll{fL COII'POUND wHtTE "-Tilrrrril GvpSUM- T-cemenrffiVFs - -Tves -YF..T TN6_-!r ._ l0 _YES IYES 96 Asbestos ADDITIONAL C:OMMI:N'|'S: Alt uniquc materarl hyerc wilhin thc sarnc samplo aru unrlyzcd anrl rcpnrred individually and 0rcoverall / total sample 96 rrsbcstos cont€nt is thcn detormincd and n:porrcd. ND=Dole Lhkcrcd -f'{Analyst: /rtq.t Darc:o2/1.5/2(XX) Mar-O3-OO 03:ZsP r rsrdune ck- Rd- Roscn 970-9t26-29tsts It Family Analytical Laboratory Sclicc, Inc. Rcport of Tcst Results Pl.M Bulk Ashestos Analysis (:licnl & Prrt;ccl ll): (lrmplclrd: lJl-15-00 LGN: 0(l(X179 -l0l14 Vail- llt'mrlrt"'l CEILING IFXTURE AfrDlTlONAl, (l()MMliN l'S: All uniquc matrrial luyers within the *trne sanrple arc srulyzrd anrl rcporl('.I individually rnd thc ovcrall / total sa rplc y. arbcslos co,nlcnt is then dctennincd arrd rcponcd. NfFDone Dacctcd Datc:02/lSl2fiX) P. L2 Mar-o3-oo ()3:25P I l5l rrc Ck - Rd - Roset.|97o 6-?99t3Juo-92o P- 13 .Sttsto$. fEt, Pc,', 4r. sEl a|IfaLS aA, J, ^AF.aU',x,'c,ra,|'ioi ltE "aa f ,cuLat Es stE6l a taf Trcl r aLttaS NV0JAp L E*o.'o,cct' RrsrnvorRs ETvvmoNMENTAL Senvrcgs, Inc. rO, ca^xt SIFEET oENYEn, cotoe^oo urot la/,{,t 3rjrTra lt0i4 no.tw |^x lJ[,ll n -rr,. February 1'7, 2(,00 Mr. Berir:rrd llurley Farni Iy Etlvj. ronmen t aJ Complianr:c: Ije': r'v it:es;, Inc . 3 6 5 O Chcst rrrr l. Pl ace Denver, C:O ao2'1 6 RE: RES ilob No. 66828-1 - Vail Remodel and SM-02-VaiI. Bulk S:emF3.es: SM-OI-Vail Dear Mr- Hurley : Reservoi.r$ Euvironmental. Scrvic:er.;, Trrc-'- (RES, lnc. ) tttrs poi nt' counted two lru'lk nraterial sampics by fr<-rlarized Light Flicroscopy (PLM) for ersbesLo.':; c:c)llLent as pcr your rcquest: - The samples rrtere received on !'cbruu r:y ]-6,2000, atld initial rcsull$ were t-elepl:oned to youf office within 24 horrr.r: cl l' r'ec:t+ipf-. PLM was u:;ed L<) 6na1 yze. thibltlk materi.rlr J-rr cr.xr;t I ianr:e vrj t:h guidelincs est,.;rl:l i r;]ted by rhe USIIPA (EPn,/6OO/R -g'l/1.7O. t')re Analyr.icaI RcsuIt-!.: a!'e preselrted i.n Table r- RIJS, IDc- has assigincd job rturnl:er IrF:t'; 66828..1 to tltili r.;t..ridy- This rcport is cor:s:iderEcl hi-ghly corrf idc:ntia] and the solc Proltti?_Ly- of pairi t y Errvircrnmental . nAS, Inc . wi l. I rr()l- discuss any pirr-|.. of []ris study- with per.sorurt:l ()t-her t-han tlicrge of the Cl jerrt- - I'he resulEs deeciibed in this rcport on.l.y ayrPl y !-o the samples analyzed' Sarnples will be disposed of aLLer' $ixt.y days unlcss Iongcrr $Loritge is recluer:f.ed. The Us EPA guitlclilre warr developcd f or usc: on f riable lrrti l.dlng materials .-tnd rr:.-:otnrnend.s the use of addit ional an4lycer: l.r:r non.friable matcrials 3_rgclr a9 floor tiles. RHli, Irrc. rccomrnerrcJ,.t ;rrid i.r.ional analyscs to c:r.rrt f j r'nt negative LlLl'1 rcsults on floor t ilr.:s, T):i l: repor:f- is not to bc lclrroduced. except- in tuII, withouE. r;5re:r:i I ir: vrriir-etr approval by RESI - 'l'tt.i !; r'eport ttlust not be used to i:.1 ai m ettclorsement- of product i,t ()r analytical rcsults by NVJ,AP (.)r arry .ag.rtlcy of thc U.S. (-:ovr'i t t)rnenf.. Only l.' h(r Pl,M r0i C ros;c-'opy results contaj.ncd in thin r'eport are subj ci(.:L l-o NVIiP trcr.:red!f-ition, otlrer: intorruri: iOn ;rrr:r;.:rrt:ed is not NVl,Att .'r(:'C.'l:€fditC'd. Mar-O3-oo O3:25P ll5l Juhe Ck. Rd- Roson v s7o-i56-2es3 T I you r.rltr.rttJ.cl lt.tvt: atty qtteJ,l. i r>rn; ,rtrrrtrl l':-;ii3 g1:-'po1'1 . Pl e.-.rrrtr f et: I, f ree t <.r r:.r | | lnr.r ;.r1. tl30 1986 . flincert'ly, ' .-f./.fg it...t "+ t (L-'' ,,-.,,rrrr* li1.rr.rrtr.:c,r' Orl Vi r:r+ P rcri i.ctent RKlt,/sk fd,,*A A 8l*1" Analyst- (s) : Rrett $. Ccrl bert. Pattl D. Lo .'lc:a'l zo Paul l.'. Krtirp;re T,i.rt Werll tlrrg P.t4 Mar.-OS-oO ()3:26P 1tst ^Iunc Ck. Rd- Roscn 97o-E 26-299t3 vv TESERVOIBS ENVIROITIMENTAI SEBVIGES, I'IIC. NVLAI) Accrcdited Lab 1 llgfi TNELE I. PLM BUI.K NNNLYSIS, PERCEN'TA(:h (:OMPO$ITION BY POINT COUNT RES Job Nurnbcr: llts 66EZB-IClienr: Fflrnaly Envttonrnrxrtad Clierrt Projcct: Vail Ramrxlcl Dale Sanrgrles Rr:ceivtxl: Fcbrrrory I 6. 2000 Analysis Typu: PLM. Point Cortnt TurnarouM: 24 llout P-l5 Client Samplc Numllcr Lab l0Nurntrcr ASBTSTOS ASBI:S'IOS I AYTIT MINERNL CONTENT ANALYZED Point Count l'Yol SM.OI Vail SM O2-Vail EM 464927 EM 464928 ND ND ND - Norrs Dutcctcd Analyst: PDI I racc -- Asbcstr)s ubserved but rrrt counacd urrder p.riot count prolocol, lcss than O.25% Mar.-Os-OO O3.26P nc Ck- Rd- Roscrr 970-926-2993]' t5l Juo P. t6 s' l';\ ( 'r' li.r'. ,', ! (.'r.,:.i:r..i ur. r: iir ri - -::,i; rt!::i;.r3.'.1 ::. _'.,..'.. r ., r. i, ,-l :- -' r.l r'. 1) 1, 1:r 1l ''r 'r'l : : r\ S ll l:.S''1. OS ( . I:, It' l'l Ji tCA'1" [( )N O t. COI".OIII\ l) o ::::i't:t crl' l)rrir!!r-: I lr-:i!! lt .i':r ir ttt'llttt'tlt .: (-'o:rlrtil J)ii'i::tirt : :iities tltril .'ul. lioll. lcr. l."'l -:if ';-.'-') | .. :-'j-.-0'i. (.'.li 5-''1i1'l "\:r' (.)ri:'riiii' '.. i l\o. ii. l': Lr't ii' :rl:r'! :": l:ulr''l)1' ..: ,lr'r irt 1!1c' iir!io'.r it::1 tii'rr:ii:lil:r': ; INSP l1(- l'( ) li ' ,_/) .4, (-X.r',., !-lY "i)rn-!,-\ - ",,t'..,, ;',i':'iiii!i' ;': r'''rt'ri' r' .,. :r :,':f ),t'., ,t,:,.j t:;:rrt:t '!!ll!;.'l t;t:6|e"';'i1'"1 'r 'i:" t::'t:Pl;,:'' Best coPY Available I I I _l Mar-OS-OO 03:ZsP 1]'5l Juna Ck. Rd. Roscno P.O. Bor 1!45 Ad\OOff6A0 P|EEglDdSOe Fsg,r0$&2r| 97A-926-2993o P-Ot Farr J, F, Mona Fr BdtLqiE rfs- +n- AqB +_,,- lA rG fyynr ln*lqor cc: trtlrd or-K'{*,o-', fl-,wr fllbf-td. €ornrtE q ll rrj Tav {un f'trb ,4SLyelo> [h1auL, fharlt yw a- ink n'an {r* ltlo, *l &wahh'o'w We adoi'+ f vna], F{lnt Mlt woln 4t't'1'/ (arcshbus' I budtv 5'rb'd' &o*' aur (onvovgt*'au s /Aot ft'> lxr*ti* wi/ | tx Qtu i/ehte' al4 /,tot"lo7' ?'0'a 1'7u bts Yo' futL ,yte ,- _/a_, kS ff :trt..' 1a:13 osal666 tf Date Attention Company Telephone Fa:r From Subject Message MONROE NEI4ELL Monroe & Newell Engineersr luc. 70 Benchmark Road, Suitc 204 Avon, Colorado 81620 970t949-776E 9701949405t1Fax E-mail: avon@monroe - ge-we_l 1 . com FACSMILE TRA].ISMITTAL LETTER C rLrAee Pages (including tansmittal) .e>, L.q,t|.lE,,AFc,t+ffHf PAGE 67/42 2 HE|sTqL Vorc*vevl, cqls .'b*+A€€oc-. 7eus"1.?_ rerephone 111t I *grec= 3 Fax 147qag 1fi,1335 R:,Project * 42:ll StcLc>->Ett: 1z"E"llcfi> gfpUsfUp+L ?s : Ca-"P tt xlsfto['.*t/ U.G AorLS Erlat{=ry_ If transmittal is not as indicated please notifi sender A6/t7/2AAE 18:1.3)t 0 n#\til\ a66A6AA MONROE NEIdELL Jos SHE6T NO, CALCUTATED IY PAGE A2/42 Co-Zo, @ Monroe & NeweII.*--Ettg)rcers, Inc. OF CHECKEO BY DATE DATE Oct-12-OO 02: IOPlltf LEI'$ua lb:'j /1151 J.rne Ck - vwDqac Rd. Ro.sen 970-9?6-2993ro.RG f€€r Ivloruoe & Newellliqgmr" h. Ocbb€r 10,2000 Bctblcvinc, Architoct POBox lE25 Arao't CO 81620 AItn:Ms. Bclb l,eeinc mig Rcsidatc" (M&tt#lt2s) Dar Ms l-arinc: Ths :ltuctwrl &uaing of tho ebow rcoddc u/$ obscwcd by Moroe & Ncu'ell EoefuFcsr, lnc- duing coDstntdion" ft ir onr opinion, brscd oo our linitcd vinrd obrorerrioot, 6l tc fiuing of tb raridcrcc is coosarrrcd subrU1ially io coryliose with thc inlo of tbc coortuction locrncnts pcptod by ogr ofhcc. To rhc bcst of orr lcnowledgg rny dcfcieucics foqod Arhg onr obccwrrior hrw bcco conctcd lf pu hrrc ry qlrc3tiotu or coellcnts, plcere cdl- Vcry|nily1.oms, MOT.IROE & MUIELT ENOINEERS, INC- vr,l, Colenlo Drn'cr. Coaorrdo Dlltot . C('l.rr.do r -uzpAG€ a6/84 Rr: /.-L*l fu' CbirlopbSp.clr Elginccr 70 ncnche,ir& Xgaat . Suit< 20{ . p.O. Box ltgr . Avon. ColorrdD B1620(.976t 9a9.776a. PeX (9lO) g4g-alta. .inril: rvooamonr.)€- -.r*rltt.(o.t 0C.[ t 8 7'1;lq; TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FROIiflTAGE ROAD vArL, co 8L657 970 -479 -2L38 APPLICAIiTT EONTRA TOR OWNER .fob Address: LocaE,ion. . . : Parcel No..:Project No.: NEW ELECTRIC INC, P O BOX 957, AVON CO NEW ELECTRIC INC, P O BOX 957, AVON CO ILLIG CLIFF 11504 Pawnee Circle, 706 FOREST RD 705 FOREST RD 2L0r-072-LL-022 PRJo0-0042 8L620 8L620 Leawood KS 662LL Status...: ISSUED Applied..: 04/24/2000 Issued...: 04/25/2000 E>cpires - . : LO/22/2000 Phone t 970-949-465L Phone:. 970-949-465L DEPARTME}CT OF COIWI]NITY DEVELOPMEI{:T NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON .]OBSITE AT AIL TTIIES ELECTRICAL PERMIT PermiE #: E00-005L DCSCTiPTiON: ELECTRIC FOR PRIMARY/SECONDARY ValuaLi-on:5, 000 . 00 Elecbrical---> 90.00 DRB Fee .0O Investigation> Will Ca11-- -- > .00 3 .00 TOTAT, FEIS- - - > 93.00 IEem: 05000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMEIfI DepE: BUILDING Divisi-on: O4/24/2OOO KATHY ACTiON: APPR APPROVED PER.KWIEbM'. 05600 FIRE DEPARITVIEN'I DEPE: FIRE DiViSJ-ON:04/24/2000 KATHY Acrion: APPR N/A FEE S!'I4!'ARY Totsal Calculated Pees- > 93.00 Additional Feeg--- ------> .00 TotaL Permit Fee----- ---> 93-OC Payltrenl6- __ _-- - BAT.ANCE DUB .OO CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIEI,D INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. DECI,ARATIONS I hereby acklowledge !hat' I have read thig appLication, filled out in full tshe infofltraeioE required, conPleted an accuratc PLol p1an, and slaE.e thac all che information provided as required is correct - I agree to co$ply *ith the infontration and pfot p1an, tso comply lriEh all Tonn ordinances and stace lawE. and to build t.hiB stsruccure according to che Town's zoning and subdivision codes, desj,g?! revierr apploved, Unifon Building code and otshe! ordinances of che Town aPPlicable therelo. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SBALT, BE MADE 1$?ENTy-FOriR HOnRS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-213e OR AT OttR OFFICE FROM g:00 AI4 5:00 Ptl +rl+ *rr* *rl * rl* * rl* * +ta tl I * * * f* * ** ** I ** ait *rl* * t ** * rt * *:* ** * rrt ** * * * ** *tt * *t TO!{II OF VAIL, COIORADO Statennt *t***********+********it*t*i*********l*******************+i**f *** Statemnt Nuober: REc-0520 Amount: 93-OO 04/25/00 09:34 Palment [ethod: 28560 NotaElon: NEW EIrEqfRIc Init: iIN Pennit No: Parcel No: site Addr.ess : Location 3 I'his Payment . TotaL Feee: 93.00 Total ALLr Pmts: 800-0051 Type: B-ELEC EITEqIRICAIT PER!,IIT 2L0L- O7 2-]-L- O22 705 FORBST RD 7O5 FORE T RI) 93.00 93 .00 .00Balance: *t*!r*****t**t*****t**t******t****t**i******t******t************+ Account code Description EP OO1OOOO3111-4OO BI,ECTR,ICAI, PERUIT FEES wc 0010000311.2800 !{rlr cArJL rNspEcTroN FEE Anount 90.00 3 .00 AppLrcATroNe[. no, BE AccEprED rF rNcoMprErj* rn* Project #: Building Permit #: mwvwvAn 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 PnauL#arc/* o7a- // - oea, Electrical Permit #: qC)6. Octsl 97 O- 47 I - 2149 ( Inspections) Conbd Asrcsorc Office at 97O-328-864O or visit for Parcel # Parcel # (Required if no bldg. permit # is provided above) rob Name: -Tl/_a'6 'tbrrl1e rob Address: 7,/"d#TT r?n" Legal Description Lot:q Block: /,"ti^sYf,f1fa 6.6, ffi suoaiuirion, owners NametCLttF zLLlh 11mdress:f f;ou{*Wffi? "?frl.lonon (qn\-41|-/6 67 Engineer:Address:Phone: Detailed description of work: p4a4iAUa-erv;efua Eev iec= /Z,qoM- oF uatt-f,- ,+Po uP42G' oF WorkClass: New() Addition( ) Remodel ffi Repair( ) TempPower( ) Other( ) Work Type: Interior ( ) Exterior ( ) Aotn [{Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No X) Type of Bldg.: Single-family ( ) Duplex P{ wutti-famity ( ) Commerciat ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: a No. of Accommodation Units in this buildinq: Is this permit for a hot tub: Yes ( ) frfo bd Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes bQ No ( )#STr^o'.^ll Ooes a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( ) No X COMPLETE SQ. FEET FOR NEW BUITDS and VALUATIONS FOR AtL OTHERS (labor & Materials) ELECTRICALVALUATION: $ €, ooo, ooAMOUNT OF SQ FT IN STRUCTURE: CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Electrical Contractor: r{Eu a-ecZzic, -%)e . Town of Vail Req. No.:i/o€ -Contact an/ Phone #'s:HH Qzo) qvq- </65 / Contractor Signature: q-. /r/l_ ])/Lbte.., ****t *.t*****r.**'t*****rr***********i!**r.*'rFOR OFFICE USE ONLY**********rrrr****************-r******** F:/everyone/forms/elecperm o U tr o f o Amendment to the 1999 N.E.C. Town of VailOrdinance 10-1-6, Overhead services are not allowed in the Town of Vail. Underground services have to be in conduit (PVC) from the transformer to the electric meter, switch and to the first electrical distribution circuit breaker panel. The main disconnect switch shall be located next to the meter on the exterior wall of the main disconnect structure easily accessible. All underground conduits are required to be inspected before back-filling the trench. In multi-family dwelling units, no electrical wiring or feeder cables shall pass from one unit to another. Common walls and spaces are accepted. NM Cable (Romex) is not allowed in cor:nmercial buildings or structures exceeding three (3) stories. No use of aluminum wire smaller than size #8 will be oermitted with the Town of Vail. TOWN OF VAIL ELECTRICAL PERMIT GUIDELINES All installations of exterior hot tubs or spa's require a DRB approval from planning. This application will not be accepted without a copy of the DRB approval form attached (if applicable). If this permit is for installation of an exterior hot tub or spa on a new elevated platform or deck over 30" above grade, you must also obtain a building permit. If this permit is for installation of an exterior hot tub or spa on any existing deck or elevated platform, a structural engineer must review the existing condition and verify that it will support the added concentrated load. Please provide a copy of the structural engineers wet stamped letter or drawing with this application. If this is a remodel in a multi-family building with a homeowners association, a letter of permission from the association is required. e If this permit is for a commercial space, two (2) sets of stamped drawings are required. I have read and understand the above. If you have any questions regarding the above information or have additional questions, pf ease contact the Town of Vail Electrical Inspector at97O-479-2L47. The inspector can be reached on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday mornings between the hours of 8am and 9am. You may also leave a voice mail and the inspector will call you back. HCW DID WE RATE WTTH YOU? Town of Vail Survey Community Development Department Russell Fonesl Darector, (970) 47e.213e Check allthat applies. 1. Which Departnent(s) did you contact? Building _ Environmenhl_ Housing_ Admin Planning _DRB rtrL 2. Was your initial contact wiih our stafiimrnediate_ dow _or no one available ? 3. lf you were required to waii, how long was ii before you were helped? 4.Was your prolect reviewed on a timely basis? Yes / No lf no, why no0 Was this ycur first time b file a DRB app_ PEC app Bldg Permit N/A Please rate $e performance of the staff person who assisted you: 54321Name: (kncwledge; responsiveness, availability) Overall efiectiveness ofthe Front Service Counter. 5 4 3 2 What is the best time of day for you to use the Front Service Counter? 9. Any comments you have which would allow us to beter serve you nexttime? Thank you for taking the time to compleG this survey. We are commited b improving ou service. 7. R TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FROI TAGE ROAD vArL, co 81557 970-479-2L34 Plurbing-----> 330.00 Plan Check- -- > 42.54 InvestsigaEion> WilI call----> .00 3.00 DEPARTMEIiII| OF COMMT]NITY DEVELOPMEI(| NOTE: THfS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE PermitPLI]MBING PERMIT AT ALL TIMES #: P00-0021 OhINER ILLIG CLIFF l-1504 Pawnee Circle, Leawood KS 6621-l- COIiTTRACTOR CONCEPT MECHANIEAL, INC P.O. BOX 11-65, AVON, CO 81-620 APPLICA.I{T CONCEPT MECHANICAL, INC. Phone:. 970-949-0200 DCSCTiPTiON: RE-ROUGH DWV,hIATER TO BATHS,NEW GAVAIUATiON:,/21,500.00 FEE SUI4I4ARY ilob Address: Localion. . . : Parcef No,.:Project No.: 705 FOREST RD 706 FOREST RD 2LOL-072-tL-022 PR,Jo0-0042 status. . Applied. Issued. . Expires. Total calculated FeeB-_- > Adaitsional Fees- -------- > ISSIIED 04/1,3 /20Oo 04/2s /2000 10 /22 /2000 ResglraranE Plan Review- - > AOTAIJ FEES.. - - - 415 -50 .00 accurate plo! and plot plan, sulrdiwision 8:0O AM 5:00 PM . oo 415 .5 0 Total Permit Fee-_------> 415.5O Paymen!s------- 415 -5o BAI,INCE DUE . OO rtem: 05100 BUILDING DEPAR1MENT Dept: BUTLDING Division: 04/1"3/2000 KATHY Action: APPR APPROVED PER-KWi€am;' o5eoo- r'ins DEPARTT{EM! DepE: F1RE Division: 04/L3/2000 KATI{Y Action: APPR APPROVED PER-KW CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CIIECK FOR CODE COMPLTANCE. DECTARATIONS I he-eby acknolrledge lhag I hawe iead this application, filLed out in full the information required, comPleEed an p1an, and state thaC all the inforltlacion provided as required is corlect. I aglee co conply *iEh the infoftagion OF OWNBR OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF A.AID OWNER Lo coEply t{ith aI1 Toen ordinanceg and staLe lays, and to buiLd this sErucbure according !g,e-tt--""i.*.-3<oning and codee, desigrr revies approwed, Uniforn Building code and other oldinances of the Town ?dticable theteLr.,/-"/ -aRBeuEsrs FoR rNspEcrroNs smr,L BE MADE TwEMry-FonR HoURs rN ADVANCE By 'rrynip:c'aNEr^\: ,{7 9 - 2 13's oR AI'guR oFFrcE FRoM rt***a**i**t*******r'*t**t*i**a*i*ta******atl*********t*l******t* fO!{N OF VAIL, COLORADO statenme iit***l****lt ta !tt* *tt***t*****11!t*t*t**t**tt******tl*************t statenmt Nunber: REC-0620 Amount: 415'50 04/25/00 ]-5?25 Pa)meng ltetshod: 5548 Notation: CONCEP! MECHANIC hit: JN Permit No: Poo-0o21 Type: B-PLMB PLUUBING PERI'IIT Parcel No: 2101-o?2 -LL'o22 SiIe A dTCES: ?O6 FOREST RD L,ocatsio[: ?05 FORBST RD Thi6 Pa)menc Total Fees: 4l-5.5o TotaL A]JL Pmta: Balance : 415.50 415 .50 .o0 t * a t * ** t ** * ** *'l* * t il * * * * * ** * * * * !l * + I *l + i * t * a t * * * * + * * * f *t * t * * :t * * * *t Account Code Deecription llmounE PP o01o0oo31112oo PLIjI'BING PER!'!IT FEES 330 ' 00 pF OO1OOO031123OO PlAri[ CHECK SEES a2'5O wc oor-oooo31128oo I{ILL CALL INSPEqTION FE8 3'0o npF 13 OO Ol:33P ConcePt llechenical, Inc. (g?OJ 9{9-O3OO P'" ApR-rs-eo tr:23 FRor.ror-"fo"r-o"rr. ,o'"""a""..f ,,AGE r/3 l*l, L\l I L.'''''''':^'!, avrf a, wt aaYua 75 S Fronbg: RC. Vdf Colredo &1657 AppucArroar wtLL lroT 8E AccEpTEo tlr nlcoilPtErE oR, Pnrjcct t: numiltg Pemltf: 97!-.?9--(IFecdoc) Igutugf VAIL PLU co]IPtErt vALltATro[f FoR Pl'l']llmc Prltlrr (ltoor r raetbts) 2/rt (Wr@zt tY'Blt # f :oonaes TO$A/. u.*,0.-t*t- lt* ? t*, I lairnjArlltil&64rslq{,"l!{Il----: Erq'/*n NIA -Nts'-FaU)N[,k S Odzt t I aIfne: F* wbilrlrF< r{€$( ) ^{qg{] _ rFrduo"@ @ns luilding: W 1./lttr,.otA@.rr,trtlitbounitshdtisbuikfng: O rro 0C,_ PlJrlglt\tg: f Zl,5@9 F/fiFt/E ttt pat!$pt'|tt coilTR^Cton rilForrATraltl 77at ffn''i'qfr-az@aatqzl npF l3 oo o1:33P Concept, l'lechanical r Inc. (S7OJ S+S-O3OOta P. r MESSAGE: Hr. fte,* b dtu\- pltmbiS P'rt't^^'+ utrflicafirru *1^ h'* iob' ry J'nera/ (pnilDc{2. u B"rA iru-'+"a'U'nt' Tt(t h, +wtr,,ryfir ry-ryL.6xrn";f :'+ouru, b,r#'h,&t/ h T''*\L %,hwf /ogs eabl, boitm Buru'- /"#"-'ftek'Un',fleat.e oA/( n/v a-t (V?-ozt; 4"W,* knorrt ft"z ft'e ,fi' +7.1"/4 Wr'nlf ';l;^,qr^fuA f7^*4 fu \F Concept Mechanicalr Inc' #H;1 FACSIMILE TRANSMISSION DArE: ?t'/Z -AO us, Tlltg Reude/ ro: faautf l/nu FAX: W?'2492 coMpANy t (oant.l2dtr-PAcEsroFollow: I FRoM: Ti nt(ate,l dait thb llrrinilc tnngnirrio it lttt|rdd r.r uc rors urrEE ". -.- ."-'-Er-.JLrra Ln. yqr .tr brlby ncifod $lr ny *o :fr#l;;ruff5;mtg.ffitry;5J;l-,u fr i* r.....orv. pe*r'c ri v'' hrgr...durd rbir trnrnirio b enr, y'aso di0 ur.brdi'dy Dy t;;-i-;itOi ruorm tta-ol ot" cixi-t rr.r-r;rri- to ro l6c rboE rd.F ty dun Dl' TDnx yt'll -- TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 8L657 970-479-2L38 DEPART!,IENT OF COMMIJNITY DEVEI,OPMENT PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON i'OBSTTE AT MECHANICAI., PERMIT PETMiE #: NOTE: TTIIS AIJIJ TIMES M00-0088 Job AddresEi. . . z 706 FOREST RD Location......: 706 FOREST RD Parcel No..... : 2L01-072-LL-022 Project Number: PR,l00-0042 APPLICAIiIT CONCEPT MECHANICAL, INC P.O- BOX 1"165, AVON, CO CONTRAETOR CONCEPT MECIIANICAI, INC P.O. BOX r.165, AVON, CO TO4AL PEES. - - -. ISSI'ED 08 / 02 /2ooo 09 /t4 / 2000 03 /L3 /200L Phone z 970-949-0200 Phone: 97O-949-O200 2L,2OO.O0 l+of wood/P6llct: 553 .00 Total P€ruit Fec--------> Status. . Applied. Issued.. E>qrires. 8L620 8L620 OWNER ILLIG CLIFF 11504 Pawnee Circle, L,eawood KS 66211 Descripts j-on: ValuaEion: NBW BOILER FOR BASEBOARD HEAT,INSTAI,L HWIDTFICATN Fl,r.pl.cc Infornetlonr R.6trictsed: Y lfof cla6 Applianccg:*of ctaF Log6: PEE SU}'MARY Machrnical - -- > PIan ch6ck- -- > Inv.sligatsion> RcsCurrant Plan ReviGtf-- >Total calculatcd F6Gr- - - > CONDITION OF APPROVAL 4{0.00 1,10.00 .00 Additional Fcc€------ ---> .oo .00 Will call----> 3.oo P.yocnba------- 553.oO BATANCB DrrB- - - - ,/5i'.\t ttrtrtrttrttt*t ITCM: O51OO BUIIJDING DEPARITVIENT DEPT: BUILDING DJ-ViSiON:08/02/2000 KATHY Action: NOTE ROIIIED TO CI4'RLIE 08./LO'/2OOO CHARLIE ACt,iON: APPR SEE CORRE TIONSribm;'05600 Fine DsplRTt4ENT Dept: FrRE Division: O8/O2/2OOO KATITY Action: APPR N,/A FIELD INSPE INSTAI-,I,ATIOINSTAI-,I,ATION MUST CONFORM TO ITANI'FATO CIIAPTER 10 OF THE 1997 TMC, CHAP ea,s -apFr, ralreBs - sniilil fi 6 -vrffEb fc-ConolhG - t6- ctnptEfl- 6 AND' SIIALL TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC,8O5 OF THE 1997 TJMC, OR BOILERS SIIAIL BE ] UNLESS LISTED FOR OF THE 1997 IMC. NONCOI,IBUSTIBLE CONST.BLE FLOORING. FLOORS OF NON ON COIIBUSTIBLE5. DRAINAGE OF MECHANICAL SUPPLY BOII,ERS SIIAIL BE CONTAINING HEATING OR HCIT-VIATER PPED WITTI A FLOOR DRAIN PBR SEE. TO22 OF THE L997 I'MC, OR oN 1004.6 0F THE 1997 rMC. ******************************************************************************** DECI,ARATIONS f hcrcby acknoiledgc lhag I have read bhi! application, filled ou! in full thc inforuation rcquired, cooplctcd an acculat'c plots 1.2. 3. 4. 5. FIELD INSPEETIONS ARE REQUIRED TO INSTAI-,I,ATION MUST CONFORM TO MANU IRED TO CHECK FOR CODB COMPI,IANCE.TO ITANI'FAETURES INSTRUSTIONS AND TMC. CHAPTER 10 OF THE 1997 IMC, NTED AEEORDING TO CHAPTER 8 AND plan, .nd ltrts! tshrt dl tshq infonlation provid.d as rqquircd iE corr.ct. r agree tso cdtrrly vlfh tshc lnforrrtiqr .nd plot plan, tso cdlr1y rl.tsh all ToIn ordinanccr lnd rlaEe lars. and Eo bulld ChLa atruccurc according to the Tom'a zonlnE and subdiwiaion cod.E, d.oign r.n'i!r rpprov.d, Itniforr Building cod. |nd othar ordinqnc.. of thc fo|.n .pplicablc Charclo. RBQITESTS FOR ITSPBCTIOHS SHAIJL BB I|ADE Ii|EIITY-FOUR HOITRS SIoNATT'RB OF OWNER OR CIICIITRACTOR FOR HIUSE'JF AID ONNER Al OlrR OFFICE FRO$I g:o0 .All 5:00 Pu !7 **t*****t****l**rrit*ir*t*ra*ttti********rrr****t****t****i*r*t* TOI{N OF VArr,, COI,oR.ADO Statemnt ***tt**t*r*****tt*tt*t******tt**t*ll****rl***+**!t***********i**i*** gtatemnE Number: REC-0677 Anount :5s3.0o 09/L4/OO 13129 Palment Method: CK Notation: *5145ICONCEPT ItlE Init: Lc Permlt No: M00-OO8a Type: B -li[BCH II{ECHANICAL PERMIT Parcel No: 2101-072 -tf-O22 Site Address: 706 FORBST RD Location: 706 FOREST RD Tota1 FeeB t 553.00 Total ALL Pmte: Bal-ance : t**t****ll*****!t*t*rll*ll.1**:t********t*****ilt:lat**il*t*ttt**r*tir*t** Account code DeBcriptsion This Payment 553.00 553.00 .oo Amount 440.00 110.00 3.O0 MP OO1OOOO31111OO MECIIANICA], PERMIT FEES PF OO1OOOO31123OO PLAN CHECK FEES IlC OO1OOOO31128OO WILL CAIJII INSPECTION FBE tD ' 9704792452 PAGE 2/ 3APR- l3-OO I I ' 23 FROM: TOV-CO!i!-DEV-DEPT. mwxopytn 75 S. Frontaqe Rd- Vail, @lorado a1557 97 O 47 9- rB (Intpcctions) Permit will not be accepted withoui ihe following: Provide uecftanical Room tayorrt drawn to scale to indude:c l,ledran ical Room Dimeni<xrs.J combustion Air Duct Size and Locationi: Combudon Air Duct Size ancl l€tiono Flue, Vent and Gas Une Size and Locatiooc Heat Loss Calcs" = Equipment Cut/spec Sheets Conbct ,,tlry Aitu at gzo-gz&-8&O aryisit for hrel S no b6g. permit# isprovidedabove) ZtO /OZZ Job r,fame: E//r'4 RC444il4 robAddress: Wy$.* Fitirct t,v.64 Address: Leooraod. la &ztt :'?"#hfriffitr!h6;1i*?/tu;'dt WorkGass: l€w( ) Additton( ) nteratonlJ Rqair( ) Otfrer( ) Soiler Locatlon: tntenor (d) B<terior ( ) Ottre. ( )Does an EHU odsr at :his tocadon: ves ( ) t\tc Type of Bkl-o; Sngefamity ( ) Dupler ( ) r'-{ti-,.ari,iy ( ) Conrnerciat ( ) Rsauranr ( ) O$.r No. of Exisiing Dt^€lling UniB in this building:No. of Acmrnmodation lJnits in this building: No/TypeofFireplacesProposed:GasAppliarrces.( ) GasLogs( ) wood/Pelteril woodBumlng(NOTALLOWED) I5 this a cotwersion from a wqod to an EPA Phase II derrce? Yes ( ) No CoHPLETE VALUATIoN FOR MECHANICAL PERMTT (r.abor& Materrats) ******** L*x***t*******.**FOR OFFICE USE ONLy*+*16********+**t* ********** b.t ** rr|ctro f -2i \o eeP'%tanlP Town Of Varl Reo. No-:,c.-^/8?+ F:/crrcrFnc/fur|3/madrFcrm RECDoCT022000 CONCEPT MECHANICAL, PLUMBING . HEATING . SYSTEM DESIGN P.O. BOX l165 AVON, COLORADO 81620 September 2E,2000 Town of Vail CommunityDevelopment 75 South Frontage Road West Vail. CO 81657 Timothy J. Rosen, P.E.; V.P./Searctary Concept Mechanical, Inc Encl. Cc: Beth Levine, Architect Bruce Norring Project PHONE: (970) 949-0200 FAX: (970) 949"0300 ,^w rD Jaj"'6 DKK 5{oo/W \.) RE: Illig Residence; 706 West Forest Road; Parcel #2101-072'll-022 Vail, Colorado To Whom It IVtay Concem: For the record, due to increased snowmelt area as requested by the Owner of this project, we will be installing two Lochinvar B#ZSO boilers (or equal) each at 250,000 Btuh input at sea level. These boilers will be si and venting and combustion alr requirements will be per manufacturer's enclosing a cut sheet on this boiler. These boiler selections supersede those to the Town of Vail- and code stipulations. I am as outlined in my July 31., 2000 letter Please call with any questions or comments. Thank Superintendent, Beck and Associates, [nc' Elficicnryi Boiler Dimengions & Specificotions s r/6' 150,000 t26,m0 lt r11i RECDoCT022000 { tn 15 rfi6: o rrTre'l- o 06 at1+'I o - o 199199 t68,000 13 Ihr-I V,i l9 rl,16: 8il250 250,000 2t0,000 nh(l0 rtlf 23q( Emm m,000 25Lm 3l ttf 258llt/(231 ( l,lote 'N' equals Nah/nl G4.': Change 'N' to ,L'Iot LquA pr\rprv Air inu dirneLsiens quab tent dizneer Stondcrd Jcrlurot: . Bumer Flame Observation Pon . High Efficiency Stainless Steel Bumers . Two-Stage Firing (M9) . Two Adjustable Operators (High and Low Firq M9) . Fixed High Limit . Hot Surface Ignition . Terminal Strip . Gasket-less Heat Exchanger . 30 PSI Prcssure Relief Valve . Pump Relay . Galvanized Steel lacket &iler &sign ceiified by A.G.A. as hot water boilers l0r boifi mtural oas and prcpane oas. . Conventional Vent Increaser . Air Inlet Cover . ASME Certified to 160 PSI rVorking Pressure . National Board Certified . AGA Design Cenified for Closet Installation Oplionol Equiprnent: . Veftical Direcr venting-50 equivalent feet r Horizonal Dfuect Venting-50 equivalent fee . Multi-Stack Frame (see accessories section) r Low l7ater CutOff (probe type) . Row Switch . Manuai Reset High Limit . Pump Delay Switch. Intermittent Pump . Alarm Bell . Indoor/Outdoor Control lld.tro?L txt50 Efrrryfu l& fotudGo tpt Thh is a 15O,Un BTU tatural gw Elkk t y+ biht. ti.S. and forvign pEnlt pluiing. ( momo€r -vlgEna frilnchirrrar High Efficiency Water Hcaters Ard Boilers The Builrln Advantaee lochinvar Corporation . Nashville, TN 37210 . 615/W..W/F^X 615/854403 All models comply with ASME Boiler Press!re Vess€l Code, Section lV, 160 psiwo*lng pressure and reorslered wilh lhe NationalBoafd. (D Yj,/ Canadian Gas Associalion PraS S-oo42. fn oo - ooSECONCEPT MECHANICAL, INC. PLUMBING . HEATING . SYSTEM DESIGN P.O. BOX 1165 AVON. COLORADO 81620 PHoNE: (970) 949-0200 FAX: (970) 949-0300 July 31, 2000 Town of Vail Community Development 75 South Frontage Road West Vail, CO 81657 RE:Illig Residance; 706 West Forest Road; Pu:cel#2101-072-ll-022 Vail Colorado To Whom It May0oncern: I have completed my heat loss calculations for this prqiect. The heat loss for this home is approximately 65,lt} Btuh. My calculations are based on 70 F interior temperature at all house zones, 50 F interior at the garage, and a -20T exterior design temperature. This is an existing home (secondary unit), which is being converted to a gas-fired boiler system from electric heat. We will be instatling two Teledyne Laars boile_rs each rated at 'iZS,OOO Btuh (sea level input) to heat the home (nine zones of baseboard), provide "n.igy for domestrp hot water prottuction via two 80 gallon storage tanks, antl prodile energy for project snowmelt. There will be two 4' diameter type'8" flues installed sideways. Combustion air will Ae -'9t two 14" wide x Stigh tfucts--cne high anal one low pYr code. Enclosed withtlislett€r are our mechanical pirmit application and a schematic layout of the boiler room' Please call with ar.ryquestions or conunents. Thank you. Sincerely yours, Timothy J. Rosen, P.E.; V.P./Secretary Concep Mechqnicd, Inc Encl. Cc: Chris Meister, Tro,iect Superintenilert; Beck and Associates, Inc. To.vn olYail ;;": ,;: COPY fficDAUG022000 CONCEPT MECHANICAL, INC. PLUMBING . HEATING . SYSTEil DESIGN PO. Box 1165 Avon, Colorado 8l620 Phone: (970) 949.0200 Far: (970) 949-0300 SHEET I.IO. -oF f OATE "^!trH CALCULATEO BY CHECKED BY SCALE I C PBODUCT2OT TOWN OF VAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD vArL. co 81657 970-479-2138 ou*'rr,r*T oF coMrv^rN,r" ouur.o'ilu, NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Pcrmit #: A00-0034 Job Address: 706 FOREST RD VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 706 Forest Rd Applied. . : 10/18/2000 Parcel No...: 210107211022 Issued. . : I li0ll2000 Project No : f €-Soo - ooqz- Expircs . .: 0413012001 OWNER ILLIG, CLIFI'ORD w. & BONNIE 70/l.8/2000 Phone: 11.504 PAWNEE CR I-,EEWOOD KS 662TT CONTRACTOR THUL EIJECTRONIc SYSTEMS LA/i8/2000 Ptrone: 970-949-4638 P O BOX 534 AVON, CO 8L620 License : l- l-2 -S APPLICANT THUI, ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS IO/L8/2OOO PhONC: 970-949.4638 P O BOX 534 AVON, CO 8r620 Desciption: Install low voltage smoke detectors and panel Valuation: $ l -000.00 FEE SUNIN,tARY *********t*tr*'**if*t:t**rt'***:!:.*****)t'tra*****l'**'*:*t!)t'rr**'l*'******rt Electrical-----:- DRB Fce---> Invostigati on-> will call-> TOTAL FEES--> Total Calculated Fees-> Additional Fees-----> Toial Pemrit Fee---> Palmenls--------> BALANCE DLE._-.> ss0. o0 90.00 so-00 93.O0 s53 , OO 50.00 553. OO $s3. oo 90.00 Approvals:IEem: 05000 ELECTRICAI DEPARTMBII Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMEIfl| l0/3L/2000 tmraugtran Action: AP LL/0r/2000 460 Action: AP first attempt to issue failed in sierra CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL *ffi;;*| ****:i:i*rt**t(*'*:i"'i)t+'r)t*tt)t***'t*'i*'t******r'*** I hereby acknorvlcdge that I have read this application. filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that a1l the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state larvs, and to build this structure according to thc towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Torvn applicable thereto. REQr,'ESTS FOR TNSPECTION sl{ALL BE MADE'IWENTY-FOUR IIOI,'RS IN ADVi\r\CE BY TELEPIIONE AT 479-2138 OR AT OIJR OFFICE FROIvt 8:00 AM - 5 PM. --'\ =--{t-2*{-\ V L SIGNAUJRE OF OWNER OR CONTRA.CTOR t'OR HiMSELF AND OUAIE +*********++*******{.*******{.*+******** **,t**************+****+**********)t************+******* TOWN OF VAIL, COLOMDO Staremenr *. **,r *** **** * ir * +* ***** *** * ** * **** *** **** !* * * ** * * ** ******* f** * * *** * ***** * *** * * ** *****'f *** * * **** statement Nuriber; R000o00150 Amount: $53.00 r1/oL/2olooa:24 pM Pa).ment Method: Check Init: JMN NoEation: THIIJ EITECTRONICS Permit No : A00 - 003a fype : AITARI'| PERUTT Parcel No: 2L0L072LI022 S1te Address: 706 FOR-EST R! VAIIr Location: ?06 Forest Rd Total- Fees: 553.00 Thie Payment; 953.00 Total ALL Pmts: $53.00 Balance: S0.00 **** '1.*++ ** {t* ** * **,} **** * ** * ** * * *. ** *:}*********{. '} *:F** ** *r. d.***** * +* ** +*:}* * *** *:t** * ***+++** + ***** ACCOI.INT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descriotron Current Pmts EP OO1OOOO31i14OO TEMPORARY POt^lER PERMITS t,\ic OO1OOO()31i28OO WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 50.00 3. 00 ri;- ;b ;llllr i tns;51,;+'l.i*n Regue*t ttep&rti nS .-, .,1r-AlL._S.CI,_-_lc!1',$.(}r -, l'4aqu:s *xi l*tllract mrte; fl,ursdny. .:rll9 1ii, 2i)0'l Ar:lured ! c.: CDAWS trcs $rt"c.J6tr lype; BLDG ll ii{ r, L'c;i(rn i\reir; CE f lrni ,lddress: TtlS f CIRF:S i ilD VAil- 7116 FoltF.i-iT ll{l \).,.-^-( C.. \\.., X,- <" \.o\ 't, -B\\( \ Ft$jtT 5:^!0 ur:r 4it3iLJ.,:!nlesgg 4t',tfvftc f{)1}.!X4'; f i/pr: r"'tsiJtl [,' $1!i'lyF]€: ,"\,', .tiR '.:rtrllt l v6i|: Llkr iilf*nilr U$$j V Il Paicsir ? lt]'!(17? t iO?;.j\pf"{kritlt: fJfC K & A*q$fJ.clA"f t:S, ti'S: i:t'.+r rri. 9l&.i}{9 1*fl#(lMmr: ir"l$i it,lFl: ir:,frtf F${&I,.*.SE*;{ *l 4SSrX)t.qTH:j, tfx.. r}!rni.si|: F:.tf,,[.r4S-i{li{3 Da$:".)Il,l'ti+i i lNTLiFiOFl RE $OBE i.. i; iif i $€{l i}"rli}P, F{Y UNIT.N$ €XTE Flh?i? i-.1ir E€rri lli: Fl!:iltilvt:i.r !/ir tl:i4 - +OAilir,, 8eqtl.e.sie:ilu!ffi g{rill It+.ri'!: 5i! gliic"i'lr3l itt<tuestsJ l'lnter il811i$ ,1fd il,*flfisrfl${; f.{*i{: & Ai.X}C( lA rF.$. !l'd f3l!.'a,e: .l?il!i4li'18$O {)r.,{dfi}entsr FJRI C;k Wii 9S1-1;l{fi A"qsionEd'l'p: {:|),4\,}'J i:,nt'irrd [ty: l:!Ft..{:,liH{| K' As'tlon: 'l rmo {xr,l tteftCwr.rntllf$: FF,:ffiiiF'l$rufiPFL${}.t,rA1-.$EQr"rlRF;'bdKafl:ElCfE8tQtqW{}iqHc*Mpl-ETfil IwSTT-LL [i.EA$ l3Cy,T OR Flt.,- 0{.1t1R PENETRATIO|I AT', qe r} r,flC'F. TS (;Aqflcl': .t.qFETY Ll!'AUll,tG ::IEilUlltH,,:1 :t{ tsflt tnOMiS WTT'l{ln, :' Oii f,l}O'it 4.!tC AT 'ffe'O il*.[fif"rnM L{h'lATKtf'1.9''* nLtCTRtCAL Fli{AL }i.4;},JEp:fi OtrBIANED Hf"\ft'Ff/El{ RFtUi.re F{,iM: tiOr BEHI: eFltTiR[tl f.r'r* F€ft l,iir.g Pt,t-!s "*"' S?nbm;: lSStJFU.t insp,1r$'sl CD lrrseg*i8-a-S.|"[g&ff ItFn:: lfl Sl".nc.Friotiil$,rr$|{st ttil{toDdl!tlrrfi: t{lBll}f-Frxty*lathuv$lFcl if,Jcqi+rulili6nr' 5t'i Pl.-Al*lLC. Foundglim S.hrr iFleq$Firl) 0$,10100 |ns$c,:iofl Ai t.ts{'jri Cr,fr'ffi sFtr: AFt4?$VElf " ApprovaC "' 'Actbn: APPR ApFfI'"}\|E D lieirl: 5?Ct pLAl+lLC Sne flbn f l?0q|rlri,{1, " AFprovBd "l0il?ii'1 irrr.orr.trx: ai &c'l|rrn: AFAPPRSVHI]Itrm 3fl Bl[.$-Fra$iitq {Qatitxul. " 8pp(oved " ltv 1S/ilO -!lru*r:l;i: ,:cfrsvls Artbn. lrF API''(OVEI} C.ornfi nnti: Incdoli ottlt +rrrtr.,s r;{r1ifirle'l& ll r blft:itlr4 16';L11 lnsuhlcn Itsrl); Sr.i Elt-{X' insutsligfi t'i}!P.icria:i ' r:pprov€d "l$d::iro0 lnsusclof. .iRM Adlon: lU],\FFlRCutD ft{,rrn ti{} Bl-1Ti-$h$€f{xl' f.lsfl r0&{nr6r} " Apuoved "' X Oi?qit}} In$Exrr-l$,: GftG Actie,rr. FA ltllRTlAt ApPI{*$Ai- Cttnft$nis: Clr'irlrOet' r:i-rqs.r hl i'!rt, 4c'.,i€f . 1 lrL't3'OO lnsocc1,ff i f.$ Acthnr nFr,R .nPFllicvEndefi, ?O Blllft-fnirr i'.i?rFL\l'ifi Itr'.fi}' g-1 8{$G-tjsnal iH*etirfii;ffaroaill hlF$c5rv. cd$*.is Acthn: fi'N FLnfil:U Comm?.I}to: E4,ANNING AFf'tr{SiLqr" IIE#IJIRELI OR ALi- f:XTEFlld!ft WCRI( i.Oi!!trl.gTEft iFIiTA^t,L f €At:.E4il.T {Jf,l FILL. DOCr{n pf;i.lETfl,qTt0il .qT l:'f::F f,'lx}rl TC} GttllAGH $AFfTy ili-frifltf.t(i ii(rt;f"rtnEt) N wli{Dor/dti if}'tr}tBl 1' (lF BoilR ifi{ ,4T 'nil/o FSHSHS*$i? t' o o oo oo -,1 REPTl31 Run Id: 370.-, - 31f,?-3oot lnspec$on,FequF-s! lfJrorting eage z RoqFstod rnsp€#+s: E$tu{obrua'y 02, 200'l lnsDsctlon TYDo: ilIECH Inioeetlon Arba: CD Slto Address: 706 FOREST RD VAIL 706 FOREST RO &E0lnrorudbn ADUP 97S9490200 970-9490200 Slatus: ISSUED Insp Arca: CD c lnspoctlftn Hls{oty Itcm: 200 MECFI-Roudl h (ODtlmal)' ltqn: 240 PLMB.GTS PiDiho 'tootiondtt * ADDrorcd * 0925/00 lnSector: JRill Action: APPR APPROVED Comrncnts: APPR 15#TEST TAG LEFTItcm: 310 MECH-Heatino {ODtlonal}ttcm: 320 MECH-E$rau* Hoocls ' (Ootlonal) 09f25i00 Inspostor: JRM Adion: PA PARTIAL APPROVAL Commenls: APPR BATH FANSItem: 330 MECH-SuDDIv Air (OotiorNal) 09/25D0 - InsDoctor: APPR Adlon: PA PARTIAL APPROVAL Comments: APPR PARTIALItcm: 340 MECH-Misc. (Optional) * ApDrovcd * 09/25rc0 Inspoc'lor: 'JRM Ac'tion: APPR APPROVED Cornncnts: PARTIAL HUMIDI AIRf 1005/00 Insrcctor: GRG Action: AP APPROVED.. Conunents: SNOWMELTDECK,2NDLEVEL3SIDES,S0#' llcm: 390 MECH-Final (Reqired) 0ti00 Pl| 90+1297 LCAMPBELL REPT131 Run Id: 370.-. v o 02-02-2001 Inspecti-on Rrslost.drnrpo#+S: t$Silfebruary 02, 2001 Inspoctlon Type: PLilIB lnspectlon Arba: CD Slte Address: 706 FOREST RD VAIL 706 FOREST RD A/P/D hfomatlon l'lctivitv: P0G0021 Const TyDa: PEiiol: 210107211022 ^ Type: &PLMB occupancy: SubType: ADUP use: O{iln€r: ILLIG CLIFFt Apdicant: CONCEPT MECHANICAL. lNC. Coirtractor: CONCEPT MECHANICAL: INC Phone: 97094$0200 Descriotion: RE-ROUGI{ D{,W,WATER TO BATHS,NEW GAS BOILER,FF,BBO lnsDec.tbn Hlstory ItGm:210 Item: 220 Item: 230 I 240,ttn 260 290 wr"'6' (Optional)-(ODtimal) (Optloiml) (Rcquircd) Entcrcd By: * ADpro/cd "' ' Action: APPR APPROVED Comments: APPR UNE PLM&Rouoh/Vvater 0925/O0 Inspec,tor: Cornments: APPR 80 # MN TESTiral) * ADDrovcd "A.fion: APPR APPROVED Comments: PLM&Gas t fi:00 Pt 90+1297 LCAMPBELL K Status: ISSUED Inso Aroa: CD Page I Carolyn Erickson 4567W. AOp St Minneaplis, MN 55437 NSA Investments 4975 E. Preserve Ct Grcenwood Mllage, CO 80121 NeilAustrian 22 Ballvrtood Dr. Old Greenwicfr, CT 06870 John Paoffinan 4707W.561h St Prairie Village, KS 66207 Clitr lllig 115O4 Pawnee Cr. Leawood, KS66211 THIS ITEM MAY EFFECT YOUR PROPERTY PUBLIC NOTICE NOTTCE lS HEREBY GTVEN that the Town council of the Town of vailwill hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 12-11-10 ol the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on Aprll 11' 2(Xt0, at 2:fi1 p.m. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. In consideration of: An appeal of a planning and Environmental Commission approval of variances from Section 1 2-6b:6 inO r z-iJ-6, fown oi vaiiCode, to allow fgJ an ext'ended deck expansion, located at - ^ 706 West Forest Road/Lot 9, Block 1, Vail Village 6"' Filing' Leppticant: Cliff lllig, represented by Beth Levine -_ t ApPellant: NancY ShaPiro Adam- Planner: Allison Ochs The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspe-ction,during regular office hours in tre pioject planner's otfice l6caied at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification. Please call479-2114 voice or 479-2356 TDD for information. Gommunity Development Department Published March 31, 2000 in the VailTrail. , r5o NSA lnvestmentsr lnc. 4975 East Preserye Court Greenvrrcod Village, CO 80121 30&770-0779 Fax 303-770-8918 BY FAX ANd CERTIFIED MAIL--RETTIRN RECEIPT REQIJESTED 970-479-2452 March 17,2000 Ms. Alison Osch, Town Planner Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail. CO 81657 Re: Variance for 706 Forest Road, Vail, Colorado We are the owners ofthe Primary Side of this property' Pursuant to the Town of Vail Code, we request an appeal to the Town Cogncil of the granting of the variance application Uy ttre Planning and Environmental Commission on March 13, 2000' Please advise when this matter will be set hearing by the Town Council. Thank you, NSA Investments. Inc. ffi,f*;an, 4*raigr.- {s*7 w' Xl'r* tr' f'f p,+. idtN ss+*; l0z* iwe;fr*a"w*, ,qq7y €, fr*g*soe #' ,ltrawatad ii,W # ffirZi #tvr*r**, fi'tei i {f ffi*[r'arwa fu. *:st iir**wr;si;,t '3T t%&'7* 1}t't rEM MAYAFFEcT;3H* PRoP?-Y NOTICE tS HEREBY GTVEN that the Planning and Environmental commission of the Town of Vaif *if inofO a pubtic nearing in iccordance riith Section 12-3-6 of the Municipal Code of the io*n of Vaif on feOruary i8] ZOOO, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building' In consideration of: A request for final review of a proposed major amendment to-special Development District #4 (Casiade Vilage), tocated ar iogb S. Frontage Road West (Glen Lyon oftice Building)/Lot 54' Block K, Glen LYon Subdivision. Applicant: Dundee Realty, represented by Segerberg Mayhew Architects Planner: George Ruther A request for a conditional use permit, to allow lor the conversion of existino hotel rooms into ;;6yE nousing unlti, iocitel it zit t ru. rrontag" Co. twest Vail Lodge)/Lot 1 , Vail das Schone #3. Applicant: Reaut CorPorationPianner Brent Wilson A request for a conditional use permit, to allow for the construction of an addition to the existing raw water intake structute inO prtp station, located on Black Gore Drive/Lot 8, Heather of Vail' Applicant: Eagle River Water and Sanitation Dislrict Planner: Brent Wilson A request for variances from Section 1 2-6C-6, Section 1 2-6D-6, and Section 12-14-6, Town of Vail Code, to allow tor an exte-nOed entry,.trash enclosure and deck expansion, located at 706 W. Forest Roacl/Lot 9, Block 1, Vail Village 6" Filing. Applicant: Cliff lllig, represented by Beth Levine Planner: Allison Ochs A reouest for a variance from Sections 12-6H-6 and 12-14-6, Town of Vail Code, to allow for the aOO-iiion of gross residential floor area and balconies within required setbacks' Applicant: Vicki Pearson, represented by Ron Diehl' Architect Planner: Ann Kjerulf A request for a minor suMivision, to allow for an amendmglt t9 a previouslyplatted.building'eri"ei-ope anOi revGeO tot accesi, located at 1452 Lionsridge Loop / Lot 4, Ridge at Vail' Applicant: Mike YoungPlanner: George Ruther The aoplications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during tegria;"offi;; hours in the project planner's bttiie tocated at the Town of Vail Community Oduetophent Oepartmenl,'iS Soitn Frontage Road. Please call 479-2138 for information- Sign language interpretation available upon-request with 24 hour notification. Please call 479- Zg3O, fe-tephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information. ",it' i;l' -l 'i"', /r' ,', '/ / ' 9r;-/ /'' t'ffit+/'rJ\---.--.---r rt- / 'wrltnt AC vt fl I r/ Published February 11, 2000 in the Vail Trail. Design Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL ProjectNumber: Prj00-0042 Owner, Address, and Phone: Cliff Illig 11504 Pawnee Circle Leawood, KS 66211 913-491-1668 fuchitect/Contact, Address, and Phone: Beth Levine PO Box 1825 Avon, C0 81620 970-926-5299 Project Street Address: 706 W. Forest Rd Legal Description: Lot 9, Block 1o Vail Village 6th Parcel Number: 210107211022 Buildine Name: Comments: Received variance on March 13 Project Name: trlig Residence Project Description: Remodel and Addtion Motion by: Seconded by: Vote: Conditions: Board/Staff Action Action: Limit of disturbance be established at rear of lot. past this point in future staff approved with conditions No development to occur Town Planner: Allison Ochs Date: March 20,2000 Project Name: Illig Residence Documentl DRB Fee Paid: S50 rua'NrDate Receive Rd- Rcrscn g,7('-9i26-2es3JAN 31 2000-os Quc:fioru? Crlt thc plraninl Suill. ?r.ll2t J-n-Z7-OO 09:l7A llsl June Ck mw0F GENFqJL NFOtlriATroN wt/+ APPLICATION }PR DESIGN REVIEW APPR,OVAI, ?hir. q{cjdair ftr nl poiorr re5driry Dcsig Rcvicw rpprcv.rl. Aqy pojccr acqutoing &rign rcvior arrsa?cucivc Dcrito tcvicr qtg]ovJ fnrr O atlnrlti|| 0or a buildin8 pctadr. por qrcdfie iafonn.tiou. scs ltrc ,ubniElttcs*l'notb fr rhc lrtrculr !ofr. r.c rru ;s rcqriccrca nc fri.o,cr;;i; ;.rc unril rll 16c rG.,,ircdinfotmeior u arb'litod. Thc prt*n m.y Jro nqrt to bc rwicrtrl by rlc Togn Corrril .n&q. ilE pl$n tq l .rdEnvirqrrcrbt Comnrirncr. Dcdp ncrtcl lcrt ogprevrl crpr'rrr o.c tar rfl? lfral rpproorl rrlc .. rhill4 perrtrr' bted iliclr|tAhr t rrr.CC'.- r:) TE;r'y,2111"\4*I;^ @, ;ffioB, LocAnoN oF pRoFosAL: L't:J_rtcr'x,_ WryA-i4d,,prvsfcAL^Dwe$' 7k p, futtt. Fcswc. ---v----76/t**) c. TARCEL st ZialeZ?taZZ.(conrr|jrb9r-ao Assccrorsorficcag?sl2s.t6ao,,",.l*."f nD. ZOiI,ING:TU0 Atntll- Df)tt-ate N^MEoFow$a$: Z/i// vM4- T e'€l o*l{EnG) Plrof{E:@:@ NAME O? APPl,Gitt{T: M^ILNO PIIONE: { 0 ifhor Alrerrdor - Agilicdimh . ' OfaXo64to, ,', @: TYFE OP RAY|EW AND fE8: Q- i{cr Carrrcrtor - fl0ly{ddtrril - f ro I f,aungi(n d'e ncv buildiqj. lncludcr rry ddlior ricrc rqrn fou4gc ir ecldcd kr rny rsidr:ndnl orcoorrcid tuillirry:3t0 Includct minor chrIrggt to buiftIng rd ritc irnrrrovgncts, rrch ee rcrwfurg. pnndag, *indo* rdditiors, trrrlrcqi4. tinocr srd rc,iritdrrysrlls. 9c. DLufcc!rrctob.tlrrr|rtlrctlmcof*bnittnl. Lercr.whcnapptyin3forahritdingpconh.ploaridordfr rhc.ccurdc v.&rdi.'r o, rbc roict, nrc Town cf veir wiu adr,n'rhifcc rcrrdtng to drc priiat "u,rooi. PL€AIIE sutillr rllls AtFLlcATtol{, ALL sl,Bull'rAr. RseulruMENTs artfD Tllt FEE n) THET'E?ARTUENT Or CO}I}IIJNITY DtsYELOPiTEIiIT. Zi SOrrrX TTONTACE ROATDvatL. coLOnADO llr37. "nr, Si?,9D cxr-l-I.elj1uyr G4l- !++i,,! z0'd 99:9I 00, 8e uPr 0t?s-I63-lI6: ;xel brlll auuo8 t ++lll \ l7A ll51 Jun. Ck. Rd. R.rscn Qucrrrim*? Call ric plrnning Strfi rt 4?9.2 | lt AFPLICATION FOR PI.ANNINC AND ENWRONMENTT LCOMMISSION A??R,OVAL GENSRAI lNroRr+\ttm lltir riplkrrion ir for ry pnict rcgririog rgrovrl by rhc ltlnring 11d Eaviromsnrl conrnrision. For *0o:i6eiofotrt,.icn' 0GG os $b'!'lrrl ttaut{aaru riiilro p.rilcrur rilrrovst lh|t ls ft.{ucrrc.r rlc lrpflcrrion can nrl bcrc'cPlc{ lnlil tll togl"sd 'nfrr|uuo,l is ruhndficc. Thc prcjcct mry dro occd ro lx rcv,crcd by rhc Town co rncilrCa thc Dcri,lt Revlcr Eorrd, A. TYPE OF APPLICATTON:O Addaridrrl OR.FA (250)O BCud BrceUrtQ CodriottUrlcmirEl Meiror tr MinssubdiviriqrO RcarirU lli3nVrirrc Yrb.rcc Zcnia3CodcAmcrdnol OF TItrRSQUES?: c Ancndrrrcnl lo u Agpovcd Drvclqrrrnt plra Ernplor/cr-.]llouriag Unir (Tpc: _._;M$c a O Mimr CCI Errcric lttcrrriqr (Vru Viflqr) Mqicr a tr Miro? Ctn E*criot Altcration(Uottind) Sf.cirl Dflclo?;Ett Dbic{ M{oror O llinorAtrodlwrron gDD o ct tr o o o B. c. D E. LOCATION OFPT.OFOSAL ? etcr;rrJ:__ FLrNG 'al hil -o /7,- ADDRETS:EUILDING NAME: :-- ZONING:'/bttdar NAMESOWNER($:{/ owNErG)8rcr^ NAI{E OF REFRESENIA PDIONE:ZtZ-tu'r= --.44_H EE . SEE TIIE SUEMTITAT RI(IUIREMENT3 FOI. TXE APPROPRIATE FE€" DUIUI' TII33 A'?UCATION. ALL SUErftTTAL NDQUInIi|ENTS A iID TIf E FEE rO TIIDDfpART*ilT OF C'rrurnv DEvErr?u-ENr, tr so-Ti-rio,{iicE noarr. Date Receive JAN S : 200a9r0-9?6-e993 P.O2 4tw */b.zk t ft,la' I.ff.,'; 61111 euuog ? +JIIf, TTNIIOF UAU I0'd Zg:9I 00, 8e uPf OlfS-16?-916: xej Sent Byr aa NSA#INVESTMENTS#INC ;t 303770891 8 i Feb o -26-00 9: |2AM;Pag€ 1/1 Fl Inuulmenltr lno. 4975 Eecf ft'lEowe Cdrtt Grucnrcod vllagc' CO 80121 30+770{1779 Fax 3ql-20-8018 BY FAX 970479-2452 Febnrary 25,zWO To: AllisonOchs, Plmner, Town of Vail Re: 706 Forcst Road, Vail, CO tharik pu for fte npssage ttat ths Plauring ed krvirmntal Conrnission trcari4g qr tlre aplicafln for t *ift* submi1cd by the owners of the Secondary Unit at tbis p-ff-trnra"f"O for Z pmonfrlonday, February 28, 2000, has beenwithdraun- We approciate yourfollow throu$ on this mafier' Very truly yours? NSA InvcsMs,Inc- %,u,fi/o*r0ru*//"-/ By: NancyK. Ador4 President TOWN OF VAIL 75 South Frontage Road Vail. Colorado 81657 970-479-2 r38 FAX 970-479-2452 an\ February 28, 2000 Nancy S. Adam NSA lnvestments, Inc. Fax: 303-770-8918 RE: 706 Forest Rd Dear Nancy: I received your fax regarding the Planning and Environmental Commission hearing on the variance application at 706 Forest Rd. I just wanted to clarify that the item has been tabled to the March 13, 2000 meeting to give you and the representatives for Mr. lllig a chance to discuss the proposal prior to the Planning and Environmental Commission hearing on the request The application has not been withdnwn. Singprely, /Ulin' Allison Ochs Planner ll Town of Vail rely, {P ""'"'uo 'n"* ' Re., L^tru f-i it-t {,uAxAN rEE l)r t.,i- ).,/ !,flFr,irEr I rUrD,l9?o4764634 |A,JL V l PACE 2/g t. ) 3. FonD AOICII OurOrdetNo- v26fi38 Schcdule A Anouut S1.E00,000.00 Prryfiy l,iklrco: PCL C, LOT9,8LK t, VAILVILIJCE, 6TH FtG Policy Date: Name of lcurerl: May 13. 1999 at 5.00 P-M. CLIFFORD W. N I IG AND BONNE A. IIIIG fhe €sete or idcF$ h thc land deecdbcd q rtfcfieit to h ttds Scbeiiutc aad wfnch is co"ca€d by fhie poliq is: A Fco Srnple ltlc tO thc cstde or lutertSt covercd by tlis porcy * 6. dite lEsf ts vcnod ia: CUFFORDIV. TIIGA}TD BONNE A ILLIG 5, Tbe land rtfcrrcrl to tn this pottgy is itcstribcd ss folbs: A PORTION OFLoT 9. BLOCK I, VAIL \IUIACE, STXTII FILING, ACCORDING To TITE RECORDM PIAT TIIEREOF, DESCRIBBD AS: pARcELc, TqGBTITERWTn| AIv uNDTVIDED oNFrncln nrrERBsrIN Ar.ID To PARCEIS AAI'ID e-i es o*cnnED nI TowlutousE DEct-ARlffIosr RECoRDED MAY 11, l98I IN BooK3z AT PActs 880, couNlY oF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO. Tils PolicJ wdfO oly if Scbe{c B is derDed- lead Trtlc Gu.rrrtte CoDPrnt Rcfscntiog (ncago Trde Imrance Coapeny LfG Poltcy No. CIEH265638 .6 .-j6 .. Rr-,' ir-Anrir .i.i ilt "aro*onraa -' '-.!/ .,rFir i ,f1 I l-!, ID.197O4764s34 rA\)L A'J PAqE 3/E l. 2. I. s. 6- Fomr AO/CEI orrffierNo. V2&5638 Schedule B This policy docs lot i6urc "sliy'sr loes or droage (and tbe Coopaay will uot pay coss, att()rrgys' fccs or c4enses) $tich adse by reasm of Geueral Excqtions: RigDa or dains of panics in poscssiol lor sbowa by tle public ttcords- Encroaclneus. oved:ps, bcnoaary lile diryutcs, ot orlcr prrrcrs cAich w@fd be alisclotod by u accrrnre sor6y "r.t iagcction of fre pnoiscs. Eameo$, or cldms of c.scoeors. ror $ow! by tbc public reccds. Auy lieq or ri3!t O a lica. for s'irvipcs, labc, or m crid bdctoft'rc ot bcreafter tur| lSa4 inpoged by trw aDd mr shown by ihc Fblic t!cor0s- 1999 TA'GS NOT YST DUB AND PAYABLE. RIGIIT OF PROPRIETOR, OF A VEIN OR LODE TO E(TRACT A}ID REMOVE HIS ORE THEN.EPROM SIIOI'LDTIG SAMEBE FOUI.TD TO PE}ISIR^TE ORINTERSESf TrIE PRE}IIISES A.S RESERVED IN UNITBD STATES PATENT RECORDBD SEPTEMBER 04' IIZ}, IN BOOK 93 ATPAGE 98. RIGTIT OF WAY FORDITCIIES OR CA}.IAIs CON'TRUCTED BYTHE AUTIIORITY OF TI{E UNITP STATES AS RESERVED N.I UNfrED STA1ES PATENT RECORDED SEPTEMBER 04' I93. IN EOOK 93 AT PAGE 9E. RESIRTCTTVE COVSNA}TTS. WHICH DO NOT CONTAI}I A FORFEITI'RE OR REVERTER CIAUSE. BUT OMTTING RESIRICTTONS, IF ANY, BASED ON RACB. COLO& RELIGION' OR NATIOT.TAL ORIGIN, AS C\CNTAII.TED I}T INSTRUMENT RECORDD IUNF 05, 196II IN BOOK IE3 AT PAG:E 1 AI{D AS AIUSNDED IN INSTRTIMB.IT RECORDED 'IJLY 1'1, 1964' IN BOOK I83 AT PAG'E I4I. I0 FOOT UTITJTT AITID DRAINACE EASEVIEI\IT ALONC TIIE SOUTIGRLY LOT LINES OF SI'BTECT PROPERTT.dS SHOWN ON THE RECORDE) PIAT OF VAILVILIAGE, SOTTII F]IUNG- ^FF]FCTS PARCEL A At{D A-1 EASEMEI.ITS, RESERVATIONS AND N.ESTRICTIONS AS SHOXn.I OR RESERVED ON TIIE BECORDED PI-AT OF VNLVII.IAOE. SDTTTT FIIII{O. 7. 9. r0. ! ^|\_.. | - t/i,r6, -]j rxu-rr-ir-;nij -ii?lc "uA*onrrE t'--'t ''t1Hr irV-I I r,- Forp AO/CHI 0wordrrNo- Y265638 S<bdqte B TERMS. CONDITIONS AI.ID PROVISIONS OF TOWNHOUSE DEq-ARATION RICORDED MAY 22, rgET IN BOOK 3?2 AT PAG 880. EASEMENTS. RSSBRVATJONS AND R,ESTRICTIONS AS SHOWN ORRESPRVED ON TIIE IMPROVEMENT SURVEY AND LEGAL DESCRIMON RECORDED MAY 04, 1981 IN BOOK 322 AT PAGE 541. THE EPFECT OF DECK BUILT ONTO PARCEL A.I AS SHOWN ON II{E AIPROVS{ENT LOCATION CERTACATE DATED MAY ,l', 1999 PREPARED FY PEAK LAND CONSULTA}TTS, INc- loB NO. 4381. THE EFFECT OF IMPRO\EMENTS BUILI ONrc PARCEL A AS 5119WN ON IMPROVBMENT I,OCAIION CTRflHCAIE DATED MAY 4, 1999 PREPARED BY PEAK T3}ID CONSULTAITS, INC. JOBNO.438r. DEED OF TRUST DATED AFRIL 26, 1999, PROM CUFFORD W. IITIG AND BONI\IE A. II,I.IG TO TITE PUBUC TRUSTEE OF EAGTS COUNTY FOR TIIE USB OFMERCET'ITILB BAI.IK A KANSAS BAI{KING CORPOB^TION TO SECURE TIIIE STIIT{ OF SI..IIOO'OOO.OO ascoRDED MAY 13, 1999, UNDER RECEmON No- 695v33. IIEM NOS. T TTIROUGII3 OFTIIE GENERALEKCEPTIOI{S.qRE HEREBY DBLETBD. ITEM NO. 4 OF T1IE G\BR,AL D(CEPTIONS (S DELFIED AS TO A}TY IIENS RESULTDIG FROM WORK ORMATER1AL CONTR,ACTED FOR OR FTJRNISIIED AT TITE REQUEST OF I{ICHAELE. IIERMAN AND KAREN M. HER,MAN. CHICAGO TII1E NSf,TRANCE COMPAI.IY SHALL IIA\IE NO IIABIUTY FOR ANT LIENS ARISING PROM WORtr OR MAIIRIAL FURMSHED AT THE REQTJEST OF CLIFFORD W. TLUG AhID BONNE A. ITTIG. rAuL g4 PACE 4/A lt- 12. t3. 14. 15- ,rA''-z t:gs 16,ss FRolr,LAND TrrLE .'AFAHTEE "'."-. .r;,.;; irnlr""ouan tAiID TITLE GUARANTEE COilIPAI1IY ESIDORSEUENT 103 .2 case v.265638 PoTicy es8e,55638 Loas # Property Address PCt' c, rbT 9, BLK 7, vArL vxr'IAGE ' 672 EtE otfr.er cr'rn?Ono r- tI'r'rc AI@ AOTUII A. Zr'LtG ThC Cw)ary beteby r-Qsures agalnst lo.ss or danage wLLch cbe TnsuJ-e1 shalf Rustain ia the ev€rlc taat Ehe ourzez of adj oining land sDall cottpeT. purgua,2t to tinai j udlgf(f|ac or courc AecEee, tbe forced rsnovai of az7'porc{on of Ele i-ry)rov@@.Es O' tae tlsured TaJo.d stbtch @croa6& uPoa €taid adi atniag .l and as refersed Eo in gshedu 7e B'2, Paragxaf,b (s ) t3,7.4 ?he cot,el. liaDitity of the canpany urdcr said Polic?'aI.d ety eDdortedents tlCreiA shaff aoC exceed, ia Cle tgg:regaxe. tbe face arnoulzE of said. PoTtc:. ard cores wtrjcD the Cdry)any is ob.U lga ced tfrde'- the CaadtEions aaat Stipula cjeas therg€.f xo pay - this adots(Itelc is Dade a parE of eaid poricl' and jg gubj ecc Eo cae Scicdufes, Coaditio!.s aACI SeJpu.tacicas tberei A. qceP. ag rcdificd. by Ehc prov:isioEs lereof- Ihis fg:futsqnent is llloc to be cotstrued as irsuritg C&c citl€ co said en'ute or inEerest a.s of ,By.Zater tial] the dste of said Pricl, cxcePt eF .bcfei! e4tressly prowl.ded a5 to c.he svbj ect fficter lrcreof- Representing Ghicago Title lmrrrnct Company rA(.rL U5 PAGE s/8 [AT{D TITLE GUARAT{TEE COMPAIIIY EllDORSEllBrT 103 - 1 cate w6s63e P67tct C3fr265638 Loaa # PropertrIr Address Pg, C, I'qT 9' BLK L. vAIr' utLIaGa, 6Ts ?I'G Owr.er CLIFiORO tl- IWIG llqD BOlEltE A- TLLIC t'b.e @)any herebl' tartu.res agei!,st Jocs ot datuge r,rit-i ch ele I'?sured shall dustaiD a.s a reru.L C of aay exarcise of xbe ,rghc of usa or tlaingeta'Bce of the aaseaerE rrqfeffed Eo 7a paragraph(s)1 ot Schedule B or th')ugh said lal2d- we totaf TiabtTtq. of *a C@ay tmdat said policY aad any endorgcoeats tbaratn sha-Ll .aOC e*ceed, jt EDe aggregaEe, tj]e tace rhounC of tlid plfcy ard cosos rvhicb c,le CqPany is obligrated ulder tle Coaditi?Dt and SEiPulattoBs zl.er6ot to pay - t'bis €E.doteaea t is .Eedc a Smre of saiCl po7ic!' and is sabj ect eo tbe Sctredule5, Coadi u:loas aad StttrtufaEioas clereia, e{cel't as "6dified by Ehe pztovisioas l€teof. t ,rlrC AE PAGE 6/9II ILE GUARANTEE tD. 19?04?64534 Reprasenting Chirago Title Insurance cowany ,r .2'!L L' !'r t*f I lFil r TerITLE GUARANTEE ID,I9?@4?E4534 IAND TITI.E GUARAiITEE GOMPANY ENDOSSB{EIT 100.31 Case fr65638 Po]'jqz CT&,55638 Loan # PtoE erty eddress Pct' c, rDT L BrrK t-. raIL wLAqE, 5aT nc Oemet QEIFToRD fl- Ir't'ra rIlD Aorort A. Ir:ETtr Ttre Cwpnny hereby' l.nctures che Iasured agrainsc f ols b'hi cb t'he It.sured 3!a.zJ suscain by r6e5lc'r of pwsicrf , bve nox aestaetic, 6arn!ge Eo t6,prov'naaEs exTgaingi o! tDe .l a.ad aE DaEe of eolicT ot coaseruced thereoa thereafcer ' ']eauLl ng frqn Eha exercise au.bsequeD C Co tie pete of PoIiCy of, aD$ TigltBs to u'se EDe Su:rface of the la$d ulder chc niuera] ljlteresr referred to ia ExcepcicE !Yo. -g of Scledulc B ("the '||.i-neral- righcs"). avbj ect, hov€rf:er, to tae fol,towt g germs aad csnditioaa ' .<(rrt ' LAIYIJ PA(,L b7 PACE "/E 7- lbe rasured sbal r Eocify che cqtany pr@pcly iD !.'ri ci:!g/ {n case IOowledge shal.I corne to lln .rasured trcf€utdet of Uy accuaT or tlrea tered exercise of t&e /fi.i',eral tights. 2- the Cqtany taall .Eave cke righE, ac its cdsz. eo cake tny actiorr rrDIcDilj-EsoPi.ojonlrEybcrzecessa.r).ordesira.b}eiaordetfor&e Conpaty co avgtd ot mirli-tr ize clre ertelrE of ics TiabiTiEy uader rh-fs @dorsett?erl c, includiagr, buc Eot Tinit& Eo, ey or '77 of gbe folLc&'i!.El b)In t&e Cowany's oro rigbt, or in the naae of ehe Tn slrred for che Cqttar:y's baa,etix. Eo IDstieuce, prosecute a4d tr2u-rsuc co finaT detctmiaactoE aly proceedingrs at .Ial' or tn cquity, os before aay n-nt etpal' a&tr"lslrative. or tegrulaxo4 cj'-'i.},v'ral or taoard; b) & the co6qta:.ly's otn rig]lt t or t-n rle name ot xhe Insur:ed tor che C@pany's bcnatic, xo cqtPeT the glwizg ot sea.rri cy bond, or utdcfta.kj..alf W Ehc petsoD or perso''' trofr |'ho/r tie Iasured Is eulit-Ied by lat co guc-h sec'url-Ey, boad or uEderEaliag. azd ln tbe s:ll?' arDgullc or iurloutrEs co r'6"i cA l-he l,;o'Evted would hawe 'been 9o .atig.l ed Dad Enis etrdorsea'cat ,3oc been !ssued,' aad Page a o! 2 Representirg Chicago Titlo lnxrarce company r< ui'r 'Lii!r I ILE GUARANTEE tr 'J.,L L' L?r)Fa ,:F<r I T !ID.19704"6453a lrl LAI{D TITLE GUABAI'ITEE C0MPAilY EilDoRsEn?ryr 10o-3' Eo retair or be paid out of ary .sucb secvtixy- bond ot udtdejrt,aki-D.g, or out of any c@pe!.gacioa or funds recowered by t},e Cottpany or xhe Insured' such amouat as rtiJl rcinburse the CorWaW for all l,Eynngtxg ,nacle to tle ZD.s.ured by che cqflE ady by reason af che insura.uce afforded. * unis el.dorserneat, xogethet vill alf, costg atd e.)Qcries incurred by tbe CofiPady in coa'ectS-on cbcreni rlr, incTuditg attoraey's feeg. 3. lto righEs, b@efits or dafenaes are iatended co or sAaII be deetted co tlcIer or be I/:E!de awal7ab7e co ary persoa or ertiEy oc,ber- cha.E tbe ID.sured by raason of ehe Ilsuraace afforded Dy clis @doxse- menc. and cae .rDgured agrees + rrag all of the IEnlred's tigbie and reraedi es agaiDse chird parEies relaxing to Ehe subj act nacEcr of Ehis @AorsefrteJgt sha7l be doemed eo bave t€Inaiagd jEcacc, jp tle saac rnazlaclr as if tr'is cadorsaoeEt Iad dox been issued_ This endofrgtr,cnt {.3 nade a part ot satd Pltcf atd is sttbi ecc to Eha Sciedu.les, Co''dlxio',s cad gclpulatioas clareia, axcepc as rtodt fied by zhe paowisioas helr€o.f - Page 2 ot 2 Represontirg Chbago Title lnurance Compary f- AlrL rJA FAGE 8/a !.L'- 9r^JIJ Brue D. Arapman Dr-',L t/ -tiar 'Fl t r! o BRUCE D. CHAPIO'I coulsEtr't! t Al"ttrRNsrs A? uw. P.c Post OIfice Box 6500 vail, CO 816Se (9701 926-t roo Facsimile (g7ol g26^tt36 e'rn sil : bdcfalaillRw. con FACSIMILE TRAT{SMITTAL SHEET l'a9L U./, OfOounscl Mary Isorr David F. Roct (AdEltt€:(t irr Colorado and Ccoryta To: Eeth Lwine F.,t 92G2SS3 Rc:ilb Detc: t24tOO Prgce: 8 O Urgrnt D For Rentrw E ptrrto Gorrmnt D pbrc Frpty O Pblre ircpte lrc |ismu DcN c(I.'I llED w l}|s q65666 yggg46 6i |.frExom onry FoR r]rq usE o rHE iorvtlJel nrrqp 4pyg 11,9r]€ pEw ec.c # "Y,ffi1flifffJ$ ]{ y:gl;! il fr* ^crl ., REcErvhE i+i Frc6 LE oR ^r.,y or ER RsDGnoF ''C F^csrr€ B fi,o? 'nG NA"..D REqp€vr. oi rr* s,*.oyEE oR **, #ffffiHffi'ffirKrffiffi ilffi I31 A:S."'g r.s *{irnrc rb* }, ERR*. fot,ro. ft"nb for a copy of the fo< to cliff. The oopy of the titls insuranoe policy that you ,€quested Thanks, Bruce Chapmen a Coirr-ntl .a o !o"'"un.*n, "tt8ffll,l o.u" rop'O 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 ta Name: $.trt, garx-r4pt,a""";ptNo. {0Y(7 Address: ero;ecr: 0L.th1 -'l [ ( ( // | ;t, Pl$6 marie checks payabre to the TOWN OF VAIL o^t"-LL-ZL-L\t Account No.Item No.Code #Cost Each Tota I 001 0000 314 1110 Zoninq and Address lvlaps ZA $s.00 ' 001 0000 314 1112 Uniform Buildinq Code - 1997 - Vo.ume 1&2 CB 001 0000 314 1112 U niform Buildinq Code - 1997 - Volume 3 $s7.20 001 0000 3141112 International Plumbino Code - 1997 UE)$36.00 001 0000 314 1112 lnternational Mechanical Code - 1998 $3s.00 001 0000 314 1112 Uniform Mechanical Code -1997 aa2 an 001 0000 314 1112 Uniform Fire Code $36.00 001 0000 314 1112 National Electrical Code CB : $37.00 001 0000 314 1112 Abatement of Danqerous Bldq.'s 1 997 001 0000 314 1112 Model Enerqv code - 1 995 $10.00 001 0000 314 1112 Analvsis of Revisions to '1997 Uniform Codes $12.75 001 0000 3141112 Other Code Books 001 0000 3 r4 1 21 1 Blue Prints/Mvlar Copy Fees tr,7 $7.00 001 00003141111 Xerox Copies $0.2s 001 0000 314 1111 Lionshead Master Plan ($1.80/$1 .60)IVS $40.00 001 0000 314 1 t 11 Shrdies. Master Plans. etc.IVS 001 0000 315 3000 Penaltv Fees/Be-lnsDections PN 001 0000 311 2300 Plan Review Re-check Fee ($40/per hour)PF 001 0000 31s 2000 Off Hours lnsoection Fees OH 001 0000 312 3000 Contractors License Fees CL 001 0000 312,1000 q 0t or lSign Application Fee .rarq --e9!l rion €e !r 0( 0( L DEPlO .^t 4." e s Tax Tom of Vril*rr CuST0lfR RECEIPI rlr DflrE: t/31/93 Bl RECEIPT: 9002765 0n Ailoulll Tp lltI $50.06 rpu cK 0( o( 0t ^| ^. oc nn 00 00 oo 00 DESCRIPTIIIII FEC UORISIUE FEE BE1H ITUII{E TE}IIIER DETRILct( 1366 IHTE: 1/31/99 TOTRL CHECK A}I{IUIIT IEI{DEffiD 3?50.00 TIIIE: l{:4{:?1 €5S.00 $50.00 neno rHAilr( Ytlu F(lR Y0UR peYlttllT! 001 0u00 319 3100 lGre€nstar Proeram sP I $2o.oo 5f. DR PN AU RL SA TP MS PV $200.00 PV $200.00 PV $200.00 PV $500.00 PV $1,500.00 PV $1,000.00 PV $200.00 PV PV $250.00PV $2s0.00PV $200.00 Other -MS I TOTAL: comments: U b'riaute -e- C(,,'/4 .Cll,tq , cash - Money order # - checkr / JU U Received by: l-c. F:/Everyone/Forms/Salesacl.€xe I o f o"'",,,n"n, "rt;H,illil o"u" .p'l 75 S. Frontage Road Vail. CO 81657 I( AL4Atl9.At'' /A,-i,,-< 4l' l- ;S: t: I l|) PEase make checks payable to the TowN oF vAlL a"""tptNo. 508(7 o^t (t}l tcra> Account No.Item No.Code # cost Each Total 001 0000 314 1110 Zoninq and Address Maps z $s.00 001 0000 314 1112 Uniform Euildinq Code - 1997 - Volume 1&2 aQ cEn o{ 001 0000 314 1112 Uniform Buildino Code - 1997 - Volume 3 $s7.20 001 0000 314 1112 International Plumbinq Code - 1997 $36.00 001 0000 3141112 lnternational Mechanical Code - 1998 $3s.00 001 0000 3141112 Unrform Mechanical Code -1997 $33.60 001 0000 3141112 Uniform Fire Code CB oJo.vv 001 0000 314 1112 National Electrical Code CB $37.00 001 0000 3141112 Abatement of Dangerous Bldq.'s 1 997 001 0000 3141112 Model Enerqv Code - 1 995 $10.00 001 0000 314 1112 Analvsis of Revisions to 1997 Uniform Codes $12.75 001 0000 314 1112 Other Code Books vo 001 0000 314 1211 Blue PrintsiMvlar Copy Fees BF $7.00 001 0000 314 .l 111 Xerox Cooies XC $0.2s 001 0000 314 1111 Lionshead Master PIan ($1.80/$1.60)MS $40.00 001 0000 314 111.r Studies. Master Plans. etc.MS 001 0000 315 3000 Penaltv Fees/Re-lnspections PN 001 0000 311 2300 PIan Review Re-check Fee ($40/oer hour)PF 001 0000 315 2000 Otf Hours Insoection Fees OH 001 0000 312 3000 Contractofs License Fees /-l ^^^^ 4<o,r^nn tSion Aoolication Fee 00 00 00 00 00 0c.I 0 o;U; ( ( _ olica, :wB rrdF-l- -:-7 *n, iij,,#i8,€;,i#il,, #,,,* )EP1O ?p!e e s Tax-- ,sff?ffifli,,fl,, oIY Afi0ultT Ip Tir f50,99 rDR c[ 'ffiri,if#n rriE:tst.89 l1:{3:J9 f50.00 t58.00 \mend Amend I THf,ril Yru FtlR Ytt* pRYiEilTl 001 0000 319 3100 lGreenstar Prooram SP SP U|-1 PN AD .00 FTL:;5A TP r7 MS PV PV PV PV PV PV PV PV PV PV PV $20o.oq $200.00 $200.00 $500.00 $1 ,s00.00 $1 ,000.00 s200.00 s2so-oo $2s0.00 $200.00 Other -MS TOTAL: :O. comments: 11 r tl .Tlt.. I \t.l I /A\((.^ Cash _ Money Order #Received by: LCheck #L' F:/Everyone/Forms/Salesacl.exe ko -tI i " ;r. ..,. a- ui"3€* !^l; i:;:5 j Er:!;:g!,iE gii;;:i r : r :.i h;il, . { r-)i 'ttr r r1l ilitffisi $$*dis ;t+ $ftn {i {fit . t}*r${$ $is:p!F r-rl]- ( ErL€$i+ft+aTp +-.[b o PE $fgr R$ sE6t{.a{I{ R o ! :1-c {f : i-cJ2r\iit 6 'EiE i rsi t!t\rili l 3 Ai z a 2 ,'. ai t !?i- ='- : : : -lr-i.: =:,!r qi:r..;-i: ;: i_i_ = Jp]:i-! trf$i EI :; ilE I*_s b-; L ;i iii lril $! ila $;1i \)l L-r <;/trljJIuJl'l I {I )I s s FKi t J o !:c r) -!f t-t T t_ s T r Flf { 0i :. si -.4 1i a, { tt .s) L-\ll i.f il 'rlt l,) r\'_: ) .t{- !} "^ {.i> L\ ,Ft "i ^$ri$') ci: P: l,;U)9:'',1 qr o -li:!r 5 \-.o Z \it:I I .. 6i* 5 ;t :8:9^: ig:il -ia'i i8r .r i i;i 0 -d : ''["o rt- "Rali $s'^q1lr tD T L I Iul,.-l'I {': : I I I!)l i.r r 'ln '- lilbl I | ., i'trl.l .. l-:e * t:l Jll,-"l'' Y9l l-J "' t.\lll 1v 'll''2 ul -, L,>" - t>2t' !rrl ,il r.- i <i 'l .$I-t i r\\;''l,ii ;' a i .,it iu .;rl : \ \-'--' :{6o .i- t "ll'bt {rl grf 6'Pt it j " :ir' \ :i1.,:-\ :{ h4'r A9. \,II\Y ..(5. li, u-.n :F\)::' l.^ '... -.: .1 "a\. &t sc ffG r\ 6- q-' ..\\ -'-:. '' '.a. .i... \ '(iqtslol ^\IU\\\o! 'sr. O -i (\ \\o,i\\ (\..o \r . ,.;,, ' 1i".i . '.t--+\: t,* I \" t ,\ ilr:Jr' 8.:r r:.-- tI . I I ' i I ;l '.i a . tl I i l.t-'-. tl' *i- t1 o o d 'hi.'tit! . I\, . . '| I 1cC LL'(..;: o 1Ae i+E z7* |,, i. t/.1-'fiWu' '"".,'{r- /'' | '' / ' \'l oC't ''"""" H |J U a j # Mar- lO-OO ()9: 1 SA Investmclrrts. Inc-5AN o P.A2 L/^*f rn NSA Investments, Inc. 4,97i E6sr Preserve Court Greenwrxcd Vi)lage, CO 8012.l .;0.1-770-0779 FAX 303-770-8918 \4arch 10.20110 'l t' Tosn of Varl--Planning and Environruenrai Cornmissiou Re Applicalron tbr Variiurce on 706 Forest Road Ws arc lhe owuers ol'the Prirnan Unit al 706 Forest Road, Vail. Colorad<r. The Apphcant is thc ourrer of the Secondary Unrt at this address. We did not rccciue noticc that this application was being presentcd urrtil March 9, 2000. Unfbrtmately. I atn out of tou'u and am unable io attcnd this heanng rn person to present our oblections to the Application. Accordrngly. wc have asked our arcfttte$ts' Fntzlcn, Pierce, Snrith, to atrend this meetiug on eur behalf and to present the issues raised m rhis letter we reqtrest thar thc Application tre denied lbr thc reasons set forth in thrs lener llackground: 70b Forest Road is zoned Prrmary-secondary. As part of rts onplnal dcsiglr, the deleloper ocated, scparatiorr of space betwrxn the tu.o unrts by spaculg the unrts--thc Primary' Unit was constructed closer to tlre sareer and tlre Secon<iary. Unit was set back fronr the slreet and f.rrther into the backyard Thrs separatiun of *p""e has afforded pnvac: between thc uruts, defined the units' space and creatcd iur aesthetic dctail to theproperty. All of'the Pnmaq'-secondarv propcrlies located on west Forest Road maintain a separatiun of space bet*,sen the enrranccs to the trvo units The'applicant. clifflllig. purchascd the SeconrJar] Uuit rn 1999 flom, what rve understand. a close friend in an unlisted trarrsaction. Thc property is sublect to Townhouse Declaratiorn which rcquire the new purchaser to inquirc ol'tlre olhcr owner wlrcther there arc outstutding issues and which reqrrire the other ()r,fner's consent trlan!'exterlor changes ro lhe property Mar- lO-GO 09: I SA Investmcnts, Inc, ltior to the Applicant's acguisrtron. liis seller and the othel ovoer lrad sperrt substantral atclritecnual tbes in rvorking on plans to renrodel this proptrty. His Seller drscovered that due lo set back lrmitations and xpmre footalie lunitatrons. there u'ould be very lunjtcd cxprursion pokntlal c'f thc Scconclan' Unrt and sold the unrt to rcmodcl a siuglu lamrlr properq.' ou Beaver Darn. Surce the Applicant rs u'orlting, r*'rth the same nttonlcy, Etruce Chaprnan. who represented lus Seller ur the pnor rcmodel plans. we can onl;' assume that the Applicant knel rrr should have known about the desrgrr lrmiratrons of this ftoperty Contrary to hts duty under the Townhouse Declaration. the Apphcant trever inquired of the Prima4' Unit Ovmer as ro iuty mattsrs Havrng chosen to ignore his tlutl to tnquire, the Applicant is charged with knowledge ot'the infonnation he riould lnre recened had hc inquircd. \l'lr€n thc ftrrnary Unit Owner learned in February thar the Apphcant was pianning to clunge the exlenr:r of the Secondary Llnit, our clicnt requesled copics of the prcposecl pians, aslied to nrscl with thc Applicant and sought to resolve outstancirng issues Lhat extst-nantely, restthttion to oru chent lbr damages sullbred as a result of the Secondar-v lJuit Owner's aclions drring the prior ranodels ro the property. ln fact a lien rs recorded against the Secondary lJnrt as a resuh of ttrc Secondarl, tlnit Owner's tarlure to rcrmbtrse ttre hunar-v Unit Ovarer for damagc to thc ltrmary Unit that oceurred tllc Itrs: titnc thc Sccond.try Lrut r'lid cxtcnor work. Again. with thts lien recorded against lulr prope6'- prior to hrs purchasrng the Sect>ndary llnir. thc Apphcanr had notrce tha! alt isstu extsted tlrat needed to be resolved arrd has chosetr to lgnore thrs rr,atter as well, We b€lieve it rs rearcnable ro rcquire the parnes to resolve the ourslanding issues frorn piior renrodel damages caused ro the hirnary Llnrt (Jwner by the aclions of th€ Sec<mdarv l.ftrit owner before anv furiher work is pnrposud by- the Applica::t Title fitle to lhe Pnrnarv-Secondary prr\peny rs a bit confusing. hach ollrrer is given sole tltle to the land on wlrrch their tu:it is acrually corlstnrcted. Hor+ever, the exterior land ot'the property ts tflled Jointlr *ilh each ouncr having titie ro an tmdlvlded onejralf urterest rn this land. Inasmrrh as the Apphcant is seeking a \ anance tr.r u1pun.1 heyond the extstirig four walls of his unrt, hc is not the sole owrrer of lhe land atfccrcd by hrs applrcatron As the joinr owner of the tand affected by rhis applicatiou, NSA lnvestments. Irrc.. reguests tlre denral of this application. 5AN o P. 03 Mar-lO-OO 09: I SA Investmcnts, l nc.. Applicant's Failure to Comply With I)uties: iLrstnnt to Tol*n of Vail t-'ode. lhe Applrcant is required tu givr turrcl.v.. notrco of the applicalion to the adlouunB propertv owner. The Apphcant fbiled tci do so ior this hcanng--thc adioining ouner only' learned of this heanng last Thursday as a result ot- a phone call wrth Ahson Osch at the Planrung Dcpartrncnt. Pursuant to the Toruriltouse Declarations. the Applicant is required to oirtain the consent of thv Pnmary Unit Orvner bei-ore imy exterior runcxlel r+.qk cau be donc The Applicar:t has farled to do so Based upou last Tluusday's pholre call rvrth Ms Osch, it appcars that thc plans suburitrcd to thc '['ou n uf Vail iuc substantially different fi orn tlte plans fbrwarded to our client rn February. The plans submrt(ed rn Februar_v u,ere preliminary, hand draun rndications irnposed upon the originai blue prints of the Property--cnnfusing at best lf morc dctailcci, accuratc, clcarcr plans c"xisi, thcu thc Appltcant had a dut1,to provrde us wrlh a set tbr our rewew pnor to this healrng. \Mten our cbent first leiurred of the applicaut's deslre ro rernodel the Secondary Urit, tlur client sent a detailed ietter outlining the outstaildrng issues betrteen the propcflics aud asking lfrr the plans. Evenhrally, our client rcceired the prehminarl'. couftsing plans Ou'cliont prorynly requestcd a msrtrng lcr drscuss thc issucs--ofl-ering lo rneet on Friday, March 3, 2000 ai 3'-i0prn Rather than grve von the seap opera detarls o[ our clicnt's good lbitlt attempts to ueet with ttre Applicant, suffice it to sa-v that the .Applicant did not even ltave tlre courtesv to conlirm or reschedulc the prtrposcd rnceting. Our sltsnl has tried to rn€et with lhe Applicarrt to discuss these matters, lrut dte Applr,"'arrt has stone-walled these efforts. choosing instead tu oharge tbnvarri with this hearing tryirrg to force upon the Pi'irnary tlnit ou'ner a remorjcl that is nut accuptaLrLl for many reasons. Objections to Front Set Back Vrriance: A.pparently, the Applicanl seeks a variance to the ttont set back to extend lris entnwal towtud the street. We oblect lo thrs variance ftrr scveral reasons. Fust. tlrere is no necessiry lo cxpand the tonr enul'of the secondary l-lnit The sguare footagc siz* of ttus ellu)'rs comparable to thc sguare tbotage srze of the pn,rian, i.i11. This srze was a knorvn Iact whcn thc Applicant purchased the unit last sprrng l'he ztxring lurutations on expursion into the setback ordlnance were l,,:rown cr wcr.rld havr: 6,\N o F -04 Mar- lO-OO 09: l6 SA Investmelnts. lnc. treen known at the ttme of acqursitron had the Applicant ct'rmpleted the dtre diligcnce assocrated wrth purchasing thls propertv. Second, tlrc desigrr of the prooerr;* is to use the set back of dre Secondary, lJnit to atlord priv.{-:jcv irnd separation of space between tlre hvo propentes AJlowing lhe entrl to the Secondary Ilnit to nrove forrvard rnlo the front set back rvrll defeat this fundamental desiglr tbature The Applicant lnconectly suggests thal because we recelved a vanancc for our rr:rnrxlul rn 1998, thar they should recei'/e one as rvell Let's clanl-y the facts, Our front cntr1, is in exactll'*te sane footprurt. the exacl sarne sqrufe footage it has always been Thc onlv front set back vanancc u'e received was to enclosc an small porch arca on thc thrrd floor of this propcrty'at the east end of the propertv. Ou conrmon rvall rs in the mtddle, By elrclosing thrs porr:h area on the eilst cnd of tlrc propcft)', the enclosure was rnadc at the oppositc end of the building--far away ti'onr cornrnon wall and the Sccondar_r' Unit. Our enclosure did not have any irnpact <rn the pnvacy, use, euJoynlent, light. air or views of the Secondary lJnit ln contrast, the Apgrlicant's rcqusst tu cxpantl his crrtry iuto thc; front set back will hale a direct and adverse irnpact on our properly. It rviil invade the pnvacy cnjoycd b1' the two units. lt nrll create confirsion to peopie who corne to the propen;* since tlrc cnrn to the Secondary Urut wtll rrot be clearly defined. We believe lnany of their guests will be nnEng our dorrrboll siuce otu entry will be the only clearly defineil cntry from the street. The proposal wrll rnake the entrre prop€rty louk more like a sirrgle farnill' rather than maintain the true Prirnary-Secondary definition it hir-s Trash Enclosure Varirnce: while we do n(rt oppose the idea of the .{pplicant creating a trash enclosure on lhe west sidc of thc Seondary lJnrt, we do oblecl to ths massive expansion proposed sinc:c it rs substantially more space lhan needed tbr a simplc trash enclosure A quick walk up and down the street will confinn that all of the trash cncloswes created in rhis nei$rbortrocd are small, conftred spaces that contain one or tu'o trash cans anti rnaybe a stack of rccycting bins The rnassive enclosure that is proposcd ir: the srtle set back ts excessive and unnccessarv A reasonable. cortrparable enciosrlrs u,,cruld nol lre oblecled to. Agnrn, this rssue is an cxarnple ofone ofthe nrattcrs that could havc bcen addresscd and rescrlved in a mccdng berween the owncs if only, the Applicant rvould AN o P. 05 Mar- 1O-OO 09: l6 SA Invcstmer]ts, lnc.ANo P. c)6 have made some effon to meet or conununicale. C)ur Dormer Variance ; \le hare heard asscrtiotrs that becarrse we sought to expand our Joorth floor ilomrer into thc fronl set back. then the Applicaut should be allowed to expand nrc the fronl, s€t back Horvever. a retiew of record will oonfinn that Mr. Chapnran. on bclialf of rhe Secondan unrt owncrs, attended the hearing and vehemently oblected to our application [n response to tbcir objections, we wrthdrew this aspecr Ji<un our appiication. Accordilgly, our actrons confinn our eftbns to work *ith and uddress rhe obleclions of the Secondary Unit We request the sanc consideratic,rr (lonclusion: As titlly drscussed above, we are the .yoint owncrs of the lsnd affectctl applrsutlon. As the co-owners of tlus reat estate, we rcrlucst tlre denral appLcation. h additron, wc do not beher'e rhe Codc rxluireurenls of rrecessity have been ntet wrlh ttus apphcailon. Further, the grantrng of a varjance would create special treatrnenl to the Apphcant that has not been aflbrded to thrr co-owuer of thrs propcrty nor tfte sunoundurg neighbors An1 hrudship srrffered hy the Applicant as a result of {eniai of the applicatron is a risk the Apoticant assumed when hc puclnsed thrs propc.rty--he lcncrv or could easily have tbutd oul the liuured expanston possibilrties silce both his Seller and otuselves had speut substantral timc and architeclural fees analvzing t5e propertv and rts developmcnl potatlial. Flaung assumed tlus nsli tlre Applicanr should ruot conrplain of the consequrrnces. Altemahv$ly, ue requesl drat this nntter bc tabled runtil thc next PEC hcaring on March3l' 1000. when *'c car be prescnt 'r person to stale orrr conocms and answer anl cluestions. Respectfirlly subnrit red, by- this of' rhis '#I TOWN OFVAIL Department of Cornmunity Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 I ',. February 8, 2000 Beth Levine PO Box 1825 Vail, CO 81658 RE: Variance request for 706 W. Forest Rd./ Lot 9, Block 1, Vail Village 6th Dear Beth: The Community Development Department has reviewed your variance request at 706 W. Forest Rd. / Lot 9, Block 1, Vail Village 6'n. The following comments and concerns must be addressed prior to the Planning and Environmental Commission hearing: 1. Please provide a site plan at a scale of 1:10 or 1:20. Also, please provide reductions of the site plan for the Planning and Environmental Commission memo. This reduction must be clean and legible. 2. Retaining walls cannot exceed 6 ft in height. Any wall over 4 ft. will need stamped approved drawing from a licensed P.E. Maximum wall height is 6 ft., then a bench is required before another wall. The width of the bench is determined by the height of the second wall. A minimum of a 3 ft. bench is required. Adjust and revtse. Please indicate the top and bottom elevations of new retaining walls. Please show a limit of disturbance on the site plan. This will need to be delineated in the field with a construction fence. 4. E Please show the dormer addition on new roof ridges on the site plan. extension. the site olan. Include the elevation of all Also include the height of the chimney o.An additional variance is required for the new deck expansion. Your application has been modified to indicate this. 7. Some form of Erosion Control is required to be submitted prior to building permit. Provide detail information on plans to stabilize the earth on the south and west sides during construction. {p r"n"uo ro"", The Community Development Department has reviewed your variance request based on the survey and Primary/Secondary zoning. The analysis provides the following: Lot Size: Zoning: Primary/Secondary Residential Standard Allowed ProposedGRFA 7525 sq. ft. 7303 sq. ft. Primary 4430 sq. ft. 4232 sq. ft. (no change) Secondary 3095 sq. ft. 3071 sq. ft. Site Coverage 8775 sq. ft. 3866 sq. ft. Parking No change All of the above comments and concerns must be addressed prior to the Planning and Environmental Commission hearing on lhe variance request. Please submit all changes and revisions by February 21 ,2000. Your Planning and Environmental Commission hearing is scheduled for February 28, 2000. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at 479-2369. "Wror"M- Allison Ochs Planner ll Town of Vail o Qr 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 February 22,2OOO Beth Levine PO Box 1825 Avon, CO 81620 RE: Variance request for 706 W. Forest Rd'/ Lot 9, Block 1' Vail Village 6th Dear Beth: The community Development Department has received letters from the adjacent d.u0]9x owner at 706 w. roresi io. regarding the proposed variance requests. while it is the policy of the community oevetoipmeniDepartment to not get involved in private mafters' staff would like to see resolution on this matter. Staff would recommend that both partiesgettogethertodiscusstheproposalpriortotheP|anningandEnvironmenta| commission heanng onini. item. T'he community Development Department does not require agreement on tn" piopotal. However, it witt Ue beneficial to all parties involved to discuss the request prioi to'action being taken by the Town of Vail reviewing boards' I hope you will consider mY request. Planner ll Town of Vail MWN OFVAIL Department of Community Development {p **o"n"o Sent By: NSA#INVESTMENTS#303770891 8;-21 -00 3:58Pil;Page 1 llSA lnvcrilmcntr,lltc. rSfSE".ilP*"-*Cqrri Grrcnwod vllrgD, CO 80121 30+zo0z9 Fu:3Gr-770t918 BY FAX nO47%2452 Fetrnury2l,2000 To: Allison Ochs, Planner, Tovrn of Vail Re:706 ForcstRoad" Vail, CO We apprcciate yow initiative in calling today to anaqge a meeting with Beh kvine, the architect for tln ownens of dre Secondary Unit at ttris property- Encloserl is a copy of the letrer sont by fax to ber last woek. Slre has not yct rcqpoded to tris fax' Pleasc confirm whofter or not tlre hearhg on the aprplication for a variroce will bc proceeding on February 2E, 2000, or wlrcthar they bevc withdrawr/postponed this nntter as rEqucsted. Thanl( you for yorn time and attclttitxt to these rrnttcn. Very truly yor.rs, NSAlnvesfrnentg Inc. -iltt r'rUrl"-*Qr',t r//'^t By:Nancy S. Adam, Presid€nt INC o Febo ffiA fnYsrftncrrtt, Ino. Sent By:NSA#IIWESTI'ENTS#3037708918;-21 -00 3:59PM;Page 213 4975EastPrGsE Corri Greea$ood Vllage, CO 80121 30+rr0-029 Fax 30$77D891E BY FAX 970-926-2993 Febrrury 18,2000 To: Beth l-cvine, Architect Re: 706 Forest Road, Vait CO We receivcd the plans you fonrarded to us rhis week conceming the eryansion plans prcpo$d by you. Based ryon owbnef rtn'iew offrro phrs, wo have sevonl conoErns, objections and questions which nccd to bs addrcsscd TIre irylications of any rmdel ofthc Somndary Unit arc fuportdtt to us and warrant our an€rtkn to d€tail in this process. Unfortnrately, we arp not availablc to meet with you or othern'ise give this mattcr thc attention it deserves at this tirne duc to prior conmitrnents. However, I will be in Vail and available to nrcet on Friday, March 3, 2000 at the property at 3:30p. Drrcs this thtc and time wurk for you and your clicrrt? Please confirm- In the rnadinr, we request that Jtou pospore prr applicatim beforE tlr Plfltrtfu€ and Etwirunrrtal Cmrnission and my Desigr Rwiew Board trcarinp umil after we have a chance to meet and discuss your phns and ou cornments thereto. Likewise, it wouH soem pndent for your clicrrt to discuss with his attomey the desinbility to "clean rry" the Townhouse Declaration Just as a renrcdel can irymve upon the existing structure, today's sttromeys can draft much clearcr, rnorc precise documeirts to replace the existing docunont. To do so mey wen e:pcdi,tc your goveflrnental rsvicw pmces$ by rcsolving outstandiag title issues. It would scem prudcr4 economical and cfficisnt fot us to wo* tog*hcr to resolve fise rnafers as well a.s to nn€t to discuss otn corrumgnts to yorn remodel ideas rather INC o FebI / Sent By: NSA#INVESTMENTS#INC ; 3037708918; v -21-00 3:59Pil; Page 3/3 than forcc us ido advcruarial proceedingp tlnt may rcsult if you try to pursue thc cufierf design which is not acceptable for many rcasons. IVe are forwarding this letrcr to you since you cliemt has chosen not to bc in contact with us directly and since you soern to have assumed the responsibility of comuicatingwith us. Notwitbstaoding anything contained in this lettcr, we res€rve all n&ts and rqnedies availablc mdcr th€ 'lbwnhouse Declaration as well as at hw md/or in equ$ Please contfum whether the trpetirrg at 3:30 prn ur Friday. Mrrch 3. 2000 at the property is acccptable to )rou and yow client ard nrhcther you and/or your clied will postponc your gpvemmcntal rwiew procgss rntil such tinre as wc havc a chance to rneet ard discuss your plans and our commnts thereto. Thank yorq NSA lnvestrrnts, [nc. By: Nancy S- Adan1 Presidmt Febt norfuiE FEB 1 ? 2000NSA lnvestmentsr Inc. East Praserve Court Viffage, CO 80121 303-770-0779 Fax 303-770-8918 February 12,2000 By Certified Mail--Retum Receipt Requested Planning and Environmental Commission--Please Distribute to All Members Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Re: 706 Forest Road, Vail, CO Lot9, Block 1, Vail Village 6th Filing 706 Forest Road is a property zoned primary-secondary. We are the owners of the primary unit at this address-. In today's mail, we received notice from the Town of Vail that the owner of the secondary unit is going before this Commission on February 28, 2000, seeking a variance in the Town of Vail Code. We understand that the Commission does not want to get in the middle of disputes between adjoining landowners. However, we need to make the Commission aware of the factthai the ipplicant may not have the legal right to proceed with his application for several reasons. We are not merely the adjoining landowners but may in fact be the joint landowners to the property affected by the application. Since the applicant has "fuil"d to provide us with his proposed plans, we have to rely upon the description in the Town's notice that indicates the affected property may be owned jointly with us' When the property was developed, the owne$ of each unit unit received sole title to the portion-of the property their unit encorpassed, with the remaining exterior property being conveyeO jointly to both unit owners. To the extent the applicant is attempting to extend the secondary writ into the existing land outside the unit walls, we may in fact be co-owners of the property affected by the application and, as such, do not agree to or otherwise support such application. Further, the Townhouse Declaration which encwnbers this property requires the consent of the adjoining owner before any exterior modifications can be made to the property. The applicant has failed to comply with this requirement. The applicant has failed to provide us with the relevant information, including architectural plans, for us to review, comment on or approve. Having failed to comply with this fixrdamental requirementthat govems any improvement of the property, the applicant is premattfie in submitting this matter to the Commission at this time. We respecfily request that the Connnission deny this application and otherwise table this matter until the applicant has conplied with all of the lepl requirements to proceed with any exterior work on this property as well as the applicant being able to establish that he has exclusive title to the property on which this work is proposed to be done. Due to prior out-of-town commitrnents, we will not be able to attend this hearing to voice these matters in person but request that the issues raised in this letter be heard and relied upon in denying the application. Respectfully submitted, NSA lnvestments. lnc. IA1A't!'pkd//*1 /ru"rlunIIv By: Nancy S. Adan\ President oo oo PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION PUBUC IIEETING SCHEDULE Monday, March 13,2000 MEETING RESULTS Proiect Orlsntation / PEC LUNCH - Gommunitv Develooment Deoartment Driver: KEH /. 't. .rr1 31t/ a 11 :00 a.m. MEMBERS PRESENT Galen Aasland Brian Doyon Tom Weber Chas Bernhardt MEMBERS ABSENT John Schofield Diane Golden Doug Cahill Site Visits : 1. Vail Mountain School - 3160 Katsos Ranch Road2. Pearson -303 Gore Creek Drive f2-C3. Vail Athletic Club-352 East Meadow Drive4. Gore Creek Promenade 5. lllig -706 W. Forest Road 6. Donovan Park - South Frontage Road and Matterhorn Circle7. Lot 4, Ridge at Vail- 1452 Buffehr Creek Road 12:30 p.m. George NOTE: lf the PEC hearing extends until 6:00 p.m., the board will break for dinnor lrom 6:00 - 6:30 p.m. Public Hearlno - Town Councll Ghambers 2:00 p.m. 1. A request for a minor subdivision, to allow for an amendment to a previously platted building envelope and a revised lot access, located at 1452 Bufiehr Creek Rd./Lot 4, Ridge at Vail. Applicant: Mike YoungPlanner: George Ruther MOTION: Brian Doyon SECOND:Chas Bemhardt VOTE:4-0 APPROVED WITH 2 GONDITIONS: 1. That the developer submits a complete set of engineered plans for the required improvements to the private drive. The plans shall be required to comply with the applicable Town of Vail Development Standards. The plans shall be reviewed and approved by the Town ol Vail Public Works Department prior to appearing before the Town ol Vail Design Review Board for final review. oo 2. That the developer records an amended plat for Lot 4with the Eagle County Cterk & Recorder's office prior to the issuance of a building permit. A request for variances from Section 12-6D-6, and Section 12-14-6, Town of Vail Code, to allow for an extended entry, trash enclosure and deck expansion, located at 706 W. Forest Road/Lot 9, Block 1, Vail Village 6' Filing. Applicant: Cliff lllig, represented by Beth LevinePlanner: Allison Ochs MOTION: Brian Doyon SECOND:Chas Bemhardt VOTE:4-0 APPROVED WITH 1 GONDITION: 1. That a limit of distubance be estauished at the rear of the unit and no development is to occur beyond this line in the future. A request for a variance from sections 12-6H-6 and 12-14-6, Town of vail code, to alloit for the addition of gross residential floor area and balconies within required setbacks, located at 303 Gore Creek Drive, VailTownhouse #2-ClLot 2, Block S, VailVillage 1d Filing. Applicant: Vicki Pearson, represented by Ron Diehl, ArchitectPlanner: Ann Kjerulf MOTION: Tom Weber SECOND: Brian Dolon VOTE:4-0 TABLED A request for a work session to discuss a proposed major amendment to Special Development District *t4 (cascade Village), located at 1000 s. Frontage Road west (Glen Lyon Otfice Building)/Lot 54, Block K, Glen Lyon Subdivision. Applicant: o 4. Planner: Dundee Realty, represented by Segerberg Mayhew Architects George Ruther woFKsEssroN-No vorE A request for an exterior alteration and a conditional use permit for a fractional fee club and a parking variance, to allow for the redevelopment ot the Vail Athletic Club, located at 352 East Meadow Drive/A part of Tract B, Vail Village 1'r Filing. Applicant: vML, L.L.C.Planner: George Ruther MOTION: Brian Doyon SECOND: Chas Bemhardt VOTE:4-0 APPROVED W]TH 8 GONDITIONS: 1. That the developer submits a complete set of engineered plans for the required streetscape improvements. The plans shall be required to comply with the applicable Town of Vail Development Standards. The plans shall be reviewed and approved by the Town of Vail Public Works Department prior to appearing before the Town of Vail Design Review Board for final review of the streetscape improvements. The plans shall receive final approval prior to the issuance of a building permit 2. That the developer records a deed-restriction for the new Type lll Employee Housing Unit in the Vail Athletic Club & Spa with the Eagle County Clerk & Recorder's office prior to the issuance of a building permit. ) 5. I oo oo 3. That the developer submits an application to the Town of Vail Community Development Department for a conditional use permit to allow for the construction of one new Type lll Employee Housing Unit in the Vail Athletic Club & Spa and that the permit be approved by the Planning & Environmental Commission prior to the issuance of a building permit. 4. That the developer submits a tree preservation plan to the Town of Vail Community Development Department for review and approval prior to the issuance of a building permit. 5. That the developer submits a construction staging and access plan to the Town of Vail Community Development Department for review and approval prior to the issuance of a building permit. The plan shall include the location of a construction fence and erosion control fence to preserve and protect the Gore Creek riparian corridor. 6. That lhe developer pays the Town of Vail $13,620, as previously agreed to, for previous streetscape improvements already completed by the Town of Vail on behalf of the Vail Athleric Club & Spa. 7. That the developer submits a comprehensive sign and exterior lighting program lor the Vail Athletic Club & Spa to the Town of Vail Community Dcvelopment Department for review and approval prior to the issuance of a building permit. 8. That if the height increases after the DRB review, it will come back to the PEC for another review. A work session to discuss a conditional use permit to allow for a proposed expansion at Vail Mountain School, located at 3160 Katsos Ranch Road/Part of Lot 12, Block 2, Vail Village 12'n Filing. Applicant: Vail Mountain School, represented by Gwathmey Pratt Schultz ArchitectsPlanner: Brent Wilson WORKSESSION . NO VOTE A PEC review of proposed modifications to the Gore Creek Flood Plain, located at the Gore Creek Whitewater Park, Gore Creek Promenade/Tracts | & A, Block 58, Vail Village 1$ Fiting. Applicant: Vail Valley Tourism and Convention BureauPlanner: Brent Wilson woRKsEssroN - No voTE A request for a conditional use permit, to allow for the conversion of existing hotel rooms into employee housing units, located at2211 N. Frontage Rd. (West Vail Lodge)/Lot 1, Vaildas Schone #3. Applicant: Reaut CorporationPlanner Brent Wilson MOTION: Brian Doyon SECOND:Chas Bernhardt APPROVED W]TH 10 GONDITIONS: 6. 7. 8. VOTE:4-0 oo oo , r1. The approval will not be valid unless the Vail Town Council approves the pending proposal to amend Section 13-7 ("Condominiums and Condominium Conversions") of the Town of Vail Code. This amendment is necessary to allow for the conversion of accommodation units to condominiumized employee housing units. The applicant shall demonstrate compliance with all provisions of the Town of Vail Subdivision - Regulalions. 2. All employee housing units created with this proposal will be deed-restricted in accordance with the provisions of Section 12-13, Town of Vail Code ("Employee Housing"), prior to the issuance of a building permit for any improvements on the property. 3. The applicant shall provide the Town of Vail a pedestrian easement for the existing sidewalk located at the south end of the subject property along North Frontage Road. 4. The applicant shall complete and improve the existing unfinished retaining wall at the north end of the subject property. This improvement is subject to approval by the Town's Design Review Board. 5. In accordance with the anticipated impacts generated by the provision of employee housing units upon the Town's transit system, the applicant shall provide a pedestrian stair connection between the berm at the north end of the pafting lot and the existing Town of Vail bus stop along Chamonix Lane. This improvement will be contained entirely on both the subject property and the Town of Vail right-oFway. This improvement is subject to approval by the Town's Design Review Board. 6. Landscaping along the parking area and lot perimeter will be provided in accordance with the provisions of Section 12-11, Town of Vail Code ("Design Review"). Compliance with these provisions will be determined by the Town's Design Review Board. 7. The applicant will obtain an encroachment agreement lor the placement of any parking facilities within platted easements. Additionally, the proposed parking ptan shall comply with the town's development standards and will be approved by staff during the design review process. 8. The applicant shall complete additional exterior improvements (if applicable) to be determined by the Town's Design Review Board. 9. That the pedestrian path be formalized in the notthwest corner. 10. That There be more screening, in the form of laMscaping to the noftheast comer of the lot. 9. A final review of the proposed changes to the Town of Vail's parking pay{n{ieu policy and proposed amendments to Chapter 12-10, Town Code. Applicant: Town of VailPlanner: Brent Wilson TABLED f 10. rinar reuit,n?o*n or Vait's revised parking n";*,.?ratysis and proposed amendments to Chapter 12-10, Town Code. Applicant: Town of VailPlanner: Brent Wilson TABLED 'l 1. A joint work session with the Design Review Board to discuss the proposed development plan/master plan and a conditional use permit for a park and recreation facility for an approximately 12 acre unplaned parcel of land zoned General Use and Residential Cluster, commonly referred to as the lower bench of Donovan Park, located south ol the South Frontage Road and east and north ol Matterhorn Circle. Applicant: Town of Vailf/ail Recreation DistrictPlanner: Dominic Mauriello wonKsEsstoN - No vorE 12. Information Update Four, two-year term PEC vacancies - (Galen Aasland, Brian Doyon, Diane Golden and Tom Weber). PEC REPRESENTATIVE AT DRB FOR 2OOO. Dous cah'r - #-sfl'33- Jul-Sep '00- Oct-Dec'00 13. Approval of February 28, 2000 minutes. The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular otfice hours in the project planner's otfice located at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. Please call 479-2138 for information. Sign hnguage interpr€tauon avaihble upon raquest with 24 hour notilbation. Pl€aso call479-2356, Telephon€ for the H€aring lmpair€d, for information. Community Darclopm€nt D€partmsnt oo Planning and Environmenlal Commission Community Development Department March 13,2000 A request for variances from Section 12-6D-6, and Section 12-14-6, Town of Vail Code, to allow for an addition and deck expansion, located at 706 W. Forest Road/Lot 9, Block 1, Vail Village 6'n Filing. Applicant: Cliff lllig, represented by Beth Levine Planner: Allison Ochs BACKGROUND AND DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST The applicant, Cliff lllig, represented by Beth Levine, is requesting variances from Section 12-6D-6, and Section 12-14-6, Town of Vail Code, to allow for an extended entry, trash enclosure and deck expansion, located at 706 W. Forest Road/Lot 9, Block 1, Vail Village 6'n Filing. The addition is proposed for only the secondary unit and includes two dormer additions at the back (do not require a variance), a dormer addition in the front, a trash enclosure beneath an existing deck, an extended entry, and deck expansion. The existing duplex was constructed in 1980. Because the lot has slopes in excess of 4oo/o, the house is built into the front setback, which was allowed at the time of construction. The primary side of the duplex received a variance in June of 1998 to allow for the enclosure of a deck within the front selback. Originally, the primary side applied for a variance which would allow for a dormer addition in the front setback. A motion was made by the Planning and Environmental Commission to deny the variance requests. However, the motion failed due to a lack of a second. The applicant then requested to be tabled and the dormer addition in the setback was removed from lhe proposal. The variance for the deck enclosure was then granted with one condition: That a limit of disturbance line be established at the rear of the unit and no development was to occur beyond this line in the future. The following is a description of each of the variance requests: . Dormer: adds mass in the setback, but does not alter the existing footprint of the building. (12-6D-6) r Trash Enclosure: decreases side setback from 15' to 6', but is benealh an existing deck. 127.5 sq. ft. of GRFA is added in setbacks. (12-6D-6) . Deck: expands existing front deck around to meet the existing side deck and adds approximately 122 sq. ft. of deck area into front setback. Does not change existing front deck setback. (12-14-6) . Entry-way: increases foot print of building, and adds mass in the setback. Does not extend past existing building and is in the location of an existing deck. 64 sq. ft. of site coverage and approximately 120 sq. ft. of GRFA is added in the front setback. (12-6D-6) I o o U'hq ' &un w[M'd#tu^ MEMoRANpuM 2M t (haq Tr\. FROM: DATE; SUBJECT: 4-o il. oo The proposed dormer additions at the rear of the unit do not require a variance. Approximately 350 sg. ft. of GRFA is added from the additions. Reductions of the plans, along with the applicani's statement of request have been attached for reference. Conespondence from the adjacent property owner has also been included for reference. STAFF REGOMMENDATION The Community Development Department rccommends apprcval of the rcquested setback variances (Section 12-6D-6 and 12-14-6) to allow for the entry addition, trash enclosure, dormer addition, and deck expansion subject to the following findings: 1. That the granting of the setback variance does not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with lhe limitations on other properties in the Primary/Secondary Zone District. 2. That the granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. That the variance is wananted because there are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the same site of the variance that do not apPly generally to other properties in the Primary/Secondary Residential Zone District. Should the Planning and Environmental Commission choose lo approve these variance requests, staff recommends the following condition: 1. That a limit of disturbance be established at the rear of the unit and no development is lo occur beyond this line in the future. ROLES OF THE REVIEWING BOARDS Plannino and Environmenial Commission: Action: The PEC is responsible for final approval/denial of a variance. The PEC is responsible for evaluating a proposal for: 1. The relationship of the requested variance to other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity. 2. The degree to which relief from the strict or literal interpretation and enforcement of a specified regulation is necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity of lreatmeni among sites in the vicinity, or to attain the objectives of this Title without grant of special privilege. 3. The effect of the requested variance on light and air, distribution of population, transpodation and traffic facilities, public facilities and utilities, and public safety.4. Such other factors and criteria as the Commission deems applicable to the proposed variance. il1. r) Desiqn Review Board: Action: The DRB has NO review authority on a variance, but musl review any accompanying DRB application. The DRB is responsible for evaluating the DRB proposal for: 'l . Architectural compatibility with other structures, the land and surroundings 2. Fitting buildings into landscape 3. Configuration of building and grading of a site which respects the topography 4. Removal/Preservalion of trees and native vegetation 5. Adequate provision for snow slorage on-site 6. Acceptability of building materials and colors 7. Acceptability of roof elements, eaves, overhangs, and other building forms 8. Provision of landscape and drainage 9. Provision of fencing, walls, and accessory structures 10. Circulation and access to a site including parking, and site distances 1 1. Provision of outdoor lighting IV. ZONING STATIST]CS Lot Size: 58.498 so. ft.Zoning: Primary/Secondary ResidentialHazards: Slopes in excess of 30% Allowed P/S Existinq ProposedGRFA: 7,525 sq. ft. 6,951 sq. ft. 7,303 sq. ft. Primary 4,430 sq. tt. 4,232 sq. ft. no change Secondary 3,095 sq. ft. 2,719 sq. ft. 3,071 sq. ft. Setbacks: Front: 20' 9' 9' West Side: 15' 15' 6'Rear: 15' 175' 172'Deck: 15' 8' 8' Site Coverage: 8,775 sq. ft. (15%) 3,866 sq. ft. (7o/o) V. CRITERIA AND F]NDINGS A. Consideration of Factors Regarding the Setback Vaiances'. 1. The relationship of the requested variance to other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity. Staff feels that there will be no detriment to other uses and structures in the vicinity. All of the proposed additions are minimal and will only serve to enhance lhe surrounding uses and structures. This proposal will also help to match this unit with the improvements done to the other unit in 1998. Currently, ihe stain of the siding does not match, nor do the deck railings. The applicant is proposing lo match all materials and colors of the other unit. Staff feels that these improvements will be a benefit to the neighborhood. z. oo ln addition, the Design Review Board conceptually reviewed the plan at its March 1,2000, meeling and had no negative comments. The DRB has directed staff to "staff approve" the proposal should the Planning and Environmental Commission choose to approve the variance requests. The degree to which relief from the strict and literal interpretation and enforcement of a specified rcgulation is necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity of turatment among sites in the vicinity or to attain the objec,tives of this title without a grant of special privilege. Due to the extremely steep slopes in this neighborhood, staff feels that there are extreme circumstances which wanant the requested variances. Staff feels that it is important to minimize site disturbance to these extremely steep slopes at the rear of the house, vyhich pushes development to the froni of the house. The house was originally allowed in the front setback due to these steep slopes. There are other residences in this neighborhood that encroacfl into setbacks, via either variances or built under regulations which allowed these encroachments, including lots 10, 12, and 13. The other unit at this location received a variance to enclose an existing deck in the ftont setback. While staff recognizes that these requests are beyond a deck enclosure, the proposal does not encroach any further into the front setback than the existing building. Staff does not believe that this is a grant of special privilege. The effec't of the requested variance on light and air, distribution of population, transportation and traffic facilities, public facilities and utilities, and public safety. Staff does not believe that there will be any negative impasts associated with this proposal, if constructed, on the above-referenced criteria. The Planning and Environnrental Commission shall make the following findings before gnnting a variance: 1. That the granting of the variance will not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified in the same district. 2. That the granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. Thal the variance is wananted for one or more of the following reasons: a. The strict literal interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would resull in practical difliculty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objeciives of this title. 3. B. J} OOOI b. There are exceptions or exlraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable lo lhe same site of the variance that do not apply generally to other properties in the same zone. c. The strict interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in lhe same districl. ro Beth Levine, Architect P.O.Box lE25 Avm, CO 81620 (970p26-5099 (phone) (970't92G2993 (tux) Illig Residence Remodel 706 W. Forest Road Vail, CO E1657 Lot:9 Block: 1 Filing: Vail Village 6d Parcel:210107211022 Written Statement l-31-00 The Duplex at 706 Forest Road was remodeled on the east side in 1998. The ownpr of the west balf would like to rerrodel the west side. The east side did an extensive remodel and t}us left the west balf looking very poorly because the east side no longer matches the west side. CliffIllig's intent of his remodel is to make both sides look like a common horre again Cliffs intention is to match all tbe east halfs new details with regard to railings, color and expansive dorrren. Thus, the west half would like to have a variance for an expanded entrance and a trash enclosure as was done on tbe east half. The remodel on the west half will belp the entir€ strusture to coryly with the T.O.V. regulations by making both halves read as one struchre again. There will be no further effect of light, air, distribution ofpopulation, transportation, traffic facilities, utilities or public mfety on Forest Road as a result ofthis additior t ^(\Yri. lr;(/) rt I .t't\ ri :.- :'a= 33: E {o- F! i;l nr $ ., '{] i; ,<E$ lr ,f iot-- .il : -ri 'lL i" -o, r )', 1 .': r ...t: ,.n| ; il\l I o9i-r :i r i .l j :rl : \" .;t a ''a:& i oIr:r. .\,".{- :.il' il,, ;..o(. i i-, \'l,),, I, = \'-l{ \'! l?sl. --<li : +.1)l r - -i tj ct{^q -- ullu '- j + r'i ; ..l i r') 'li rir {, ir-< b ,_j Ir. Iiilr.-i!: i\.ki. r \'|'r.'; -r rl\ i'. o. ' i| -'L r ,-_14:"; lj-: r I'-.,.9' '' 4' It) .ii i h L inc I{- tli { i{ ',,1 r 5$JFd \' \ \- r\ 1:' /'- \ ! si. o! ^\.\)\r,r$l '"': O 'c\-:N \r\ :('\, i.r11\o \r \-- ".i rl\. i- \ l' s I{ I I '.i i \" , i 1...!\f'l\lii.'9 tf) !'i '.1 7i\PI, I I \ t ItSl:lN ' lf lF ITl' i.l:r' ;T F I ti I'F .16 i6 Ir------ E t T tI s ! T 4( F d III 5t-$ d _tA .'i 6t> ifFl:qr= I g:i:iiEiiii?E t I z ,,.. 61t l'r ,i -' liii iil. : I't sA'tit'.t:; '{t,Ir i- $ ,\i uigi I{ ..r!l its ij I{ 7-i -3.- r! |r et i;5 iE 't*,,_ i'tir33 | '':j. ; : is * oo Beth Levine, Architect P.O. Box 1825 Avon, CO 81620 (970)926-5099 (phone) (970)926-2993 (fax) Illig Residence Remodel 706 W. Forest Road Vail, CO 81657 Lot:9 Block: I Filing: Vail Village 6'n Parcel:210107211022 OO Photographs of Existing Duplex l-3 l -00 The remodel of the west half of the duplex, the Illig Residence, will be built to match the remodel done in i998 on the east halfofthe duplex. '-lo h /t Fa-:r- l?'--P1- t2-'-l +i trf,{h,bT 4N v/^1-) 6Nf* IY\IQ - t-,- E \"+.i-: oo : OO '4li L'l:;' I ,, il,oi' ' ' :.: ..-+;, 06 11n(!'"g*.t*u lq oo N|SA Investmenlsr lnc. East Presene Court Village, CO 80121 303-77G0779 Fax 303-770€918 February 12,2000 By Certified Mail--Retum Receip Requested Planning and Environmental Connnission--Please Distribute to All Members Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Re: 706 Forest Road, Vail, CO Lot 9, Block 1, Vail Village 6th Filing T06ForestRoadisaproperlryzonedprimary-secondary.We^aretheownersofthe prirnary gnit at this addrerr. ftttoa"y's mail, we received notice from the Town of Vail that tlre owner of the secondary unii is going before this Commission on February 28' 2000, seeking a variance in the Town of Vail Code' We understand that the Commission does not want to get in the middle of disputes between adjoining landowners. However, we need to make the commission aware of the fact that the applicant may not have the legal right to proceed with his application for several leasons. We are n-ot nrerely the adjoining landowners bqt may in fact be the joint landowners to the froperty "f"-tt a Uy the application' Since the applicant has failed to provide*.*ithi',i$*p.sedplans, we have to rely rpon the description in the Town,s notice ttrat indicates ttre affected propefiy may be owned jointly with us. when the property was developed, the owners of each unit tlnit received sole title to the portionof tt " p*p"tty tfreir rurit encompassed, with the remaining exterior propelty *lrrg .onu.VeA jointfy to both unit o-ogit. To the extent the applicant is attempting to extend tlre ,""orrda; unit into tlre existing land orfrside the tnrit walls, we may in fact be co-owners of the property affected by the application and, as such, do not agree to or otherwise support such application' Further, the Townhouse Declaration which encurnben-this property requires thrc consent of the adjoinin! owner before any exterior modifications can be made to the momnu FEB 1? 2000 oo oo property. The applicant has failed to comply with this requirement' The applicant has failed to provide us with the relevant information, including architectural plans' for us to review, comment on or approve. Having faiied to comply with this fi:ndamental requirement that govems any-improve*.nt oith. property, the applicant is premature in submitting thii matter to the Commission at this time' we respectfully request that the commission deny this application and otherwise table this mat3er until the ";li.; has complied with ail of the iepl requirements to proceed with any exterior work on this property as well as the appliiant being able to establish that he has exclusive title to the property on which this work is proposed to be done' Due to prior out-of-town commitrnents, we will not be able to attend this hearing to voice these matters in prrron but request that the issues raised in this letter be heard and relied upon in denying the application' Resp ectfrrlly submitted, NSA Investments, lnc. -4t^^-rpera^-", ?ru"rlt^t-- U By: NancY S. Adarrl President oo NSA lnvestrnentsr Inc. 5 East Preserve Court Village, CO 80121 303-770-0779 Fax 303-770-8918 February 12,2000 By Certified Mail--Retum Receipt Requested Design Review Board--Please Distribute to All Members Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Re: 706 Forest Road, Vail, CO Lot9, Block 1, Vail Village 6th Filing 706 Forest Road is a property zoned primary-secondary. We are the owners of the primary unit at this address-. hrtoday's mail, we received notice from the Town of Vail it ut tttt owner of the secondary unit is going before the Planning and Environmental Commission on February 28,2000, seeking a variance in the Town of Vail Code' We have been told that thi secondary unit owner has already been before the Design Review Board on this matter as well. We understand that the Design Review Board does not want to get in the middle of disputes between adjoining iandowners. However' we need to make the Design Review Board u*ur" of the fact that the applicant may not have the legal right to proceed with his application for several feasons. We are not merely the adjoining iandowners but may in fact be the joint owners to the property affected by the application. Since the applicant has failed to provide us with his proposed plans, we have to rely upon the description in the Town's notice that indicates the affected property may be owned jointly with us. Whenthe property was developed in 1980, the owners of each unit unit received sole title to tfie portion of the properly their unit encompassed, with the remaining exterior property being convey"a loi"tty to both unit owners. To the extent the applicant is atte-nrpti"g to ."t*O the secondary unit into the existing land outside the unit walls, we may in f*t Ut co-owners of the property affected by the application and, as such, do not agree to or otherwise support such application. m G i=cOi FEB 1? 2000 oo oo Further, the Townhouse Declaration which encumbers this property requires the corsent of the adjoining owner before any exterior modifications can be made to the property. The applicant has failed to comply with this requirement. The applicant has failed to provide us with the relevant information, including architectural plans, for us to review, comment on or appfove. Having failed to comply with this fundamental requirement that governs any improvement of the property, the applicant is premature in submitting this matter to the Commission and/or the Design Review Board at this time. We respectfully request that the Design Review Board deny this application and otherwise table this matter until the applicant has cornplied with all of the legal requirements to proceed with any exterior work on this property as well as the applicant being able to establish that he has title to the property on which this work is proposed to be done. As to the specffic elements in the design ofthis project, we will forward our comments to these matters once the applicant has provided us with the drawings for our review. ln the event the applicant has already appeared before the Design Review Board seeking approval of any such plans, please be advised that we had no notice of any such hearing and" thus, were prevented from attending or otherwise commenting on the plans. Respectfirlly submitted, NSA Investments. Inc. aL^-^--#r!"'* Q rru^ir"t By: Nancy S. Adarq President Approved _x_Denied (cite detailed reasons) Approved with conditions co-fiity Development Prun notg Form Routed To:Greg Hall or Leonard Sandoval, Public Works Retum To:Allison Ochs Date Routed:2nt00 Return By:ASAP Project Name: Project Address: Project Legal: Project Description: Illig Addition (front setback variance) 706 W. Forest Rd Lot 9, Block 1, Vail Village 6th Addition and front setback variance Retaining walls cannot exceed 6 ft in height. Any wall over 4 ft will need stamped approved drawing from license PE. Max wall height is 6ft, a bench is required then another wall is allowed. The width of the bench is determined by the height of the second wall. A minimum of 3 ft bench is required. Adjust and revise. Show on site plan. Site plan shall be on a scale of l ": I 0' or l": 20' . Show on site plan. Show on site plan, Top and Bottom elevations of new retaining walls. Show on site plan a limit of disturbance/construction fence. Some form of Erosion Control is required to be submitted and Building permit stage. Provide detail information on plans to stabilize the earth on the south and west side during constructlon. Date received: Reviewed by: Leonard Sandoval Date reviewed: 2-8-00 F:\EVERYON E\DRIP\ROUTINC\g8ROUTNC\P UBLICWO\ I MASTER.FRM 'I 1tl Is thc property non-conforming? efihry q'{rwkalkil qw O ,i ZONE CTIECK out"' Cl3lA\ Legal description: T,ot Addrcss Owncr Architcct Lot sizc Allorved Existing Proposcd -444(--JJ_t1)_ + (425) (675*) = ,)114n W.zt' u t (,,- + Sccondary CRFA - + (42s) (675*)=j-!M- * 675 = 425 crcdit plus 250 addition How much of thc allowcd 250 Addition is uscd with this rcqucst? Sitc Covcragc Hcight Rcar Landscaping Minimum Rcaining Wall Hcighrs 3. / 6' Parking Required TGaragecrcdit (300) (600) fsoo{Azool Drivcway pcrmitted Slone Proposcd use TOTAIGRFA PrimaryGRFA Total 1+o+ 'wq7-- Vbl l Rcmaining 4/f7,/' (/ (.'/ wq z+ 'A rl Docs this rcqucst involvc a 250 Addition? | t U EnvimnmcnhlAlazards \715/-s(3W)/ = gg4t +4fr 4 , , ,, \tlo [uk ( qira tfl7 ri CIt-- Enclosed % Proposed Slopc _% I5' ,rnvcway pcrmittcd Slpe_ ComplicswithTOVlightingOrdinance ycs__1 No Arc finishcd gradcs lcss than 2: l (50%) y., / No a) SnowAvalanchc c) Dcbris Flow Prcvious conditions of approval (chcck q u,l^ti;h nrd {nr n ty >2i7l) Pcrccnt Slope(<>3}%) . ,-ro 2) Floodplain 3) Wctlands 4) Water Coursc Setback (30) (50) 5) Geologic Hazards b) Rockfall e DESIGN REVIEW CHECKLIST Projcct: O SURVEY I - Sctilc tr rrooRpreNs Bcnchrnark Legal dcscription Lot Size GRFA 250 additional GRFA Scalc CtawMttic Spacc E SITE PI.A}.I BuildableArca Eascmcnb Topography 100 yr. flood plain Watcr Counc Sctback Environncnhl Hazards Trccs Utility locations Spot clcvations Scalc Building Hcight Ercroachmcnts Sctbacla Sitc Coveragc EavcVOvcrhangs (4) Dcclsl3alconics Garagc connrction Sitc Gradc\Slofic RchiningWalls Fcnccs Parking/Garagc Tuming Radius Drivorray (acccss and gndc) 'Snow Storagc Firc Acccss EHU O BUTLDINCELEVATIoNS Scalc _ ColorMatcrials RoofPitch tr LANDSCAPEPLA}.I - Existing trccs Pmposed tces Legcnd MISCELLA],IEOUS Condo Approval Titlercporr(A &B) Utility verifi cation form Photos ofsite Building material samplcs C.O. Verification 'Sun\Shadc Angles Utilities (underground) Vicw Conidon Vuianccs Plat rcstrictioru Memo to Housing Planner if an EHU is proposed i- a4laLtt 09:13999o MONRE I.EhELL Monroe & Newell Engineers, Inc March 31. 1999 Gteat Divide Construction, Inc. PO Box 1292 Gypsum, CO 81637 Attn: Mr. Tom Webq Re: Hernran Residence (706 Forest Road), Vail, Colorado (M&N #427t) Gentlemcn; As drscussed, the rctaining wall repair has becn pcrforrned installing soil anchors and adding a new concrctc wall to the face of the cxisting trmber wall. we.have prevrously provided criteria that 4'-0" o1r center spacing each way for soil anchors with 30,000 pouud tension capacity was appropriatc. The concrfie wall reinforcing should be #5 at I '-4" each way with one #5 above aud bclorv each soil anchor end plate. Ifyou have any qucstions or qoruncnts, please call. Very kuly yours, ENGINEERS,INC. PAGE OIIEI 70 Benchmark Ro3d . Suitc 20{ + P.O. Box (97o) 949-7768 r FAx (970) 9.{9.,{05{ . 1597 . Avon, Colorado 61620 email; mncnSrs@vait..dei APF-!3-9El e!9:3El Ftr! OLD REPUBLfC NJ\TTONTIL TITLE fNSURANCE COI'IPANy ALTA COMMITME!IT SCHEDULE A Our Order # v25o058-3 For Inforrnabion OnlYITOT9BKlVVSTII - Charge8 -Alra Lender PoLicy g].,ol7.oo {RErssIrE RATE} Tax Roport $20.00Endorsement 335.6 (Alta 8.1") S30.OOEndoreeme"!lofuioL- - stl333:33 *+* THIS IS NOT AII INVOICE, BIIT A}I BSTII{AIE OF FSBS, INT{BN REFERRING TO TTTTS ORDER, PLEASE RBFERBNCE OUR ORDAR NO. V26OO58-3 **T tr\o'JQh aLr,Pfltr 1- Effectiwe Date: JW 5:00 P.M' 2. Policy eo be issued, and propoEed Insured: IAIJTA,T Loan policy 10_12_92 9906, ZSO .OA Proposed Insured: CHERRY CREEK MoRTGIACE co., INC., , itE EucceEsore and/or aFFignF 3. The egtate or intereaE ln Ehe land deEcrilred or refeffed to in thi6 Comflritment and covered herein is: A Fe€ Simple 4. ricle co the estsatse or inceresc covered herein is at che effective date hereof wesced in: NANCY SHAFIRO .AIIAIVI 5. The land referred to in trhis CommitmenE is described as follows: A pORTfON OF IJoE 9, Block 1, VAfL VTLIAGE, STXTII FfL,U{G, ACCORDING TO THE RECORDED FITAT TITEREOF, DE$CRIBED AS: PARCEIJ B, TOGETHBR WITH .AN I]NDIVIDED ONE-}IAIJF INTEREST IN ANI) TO PARCEI.S A trND A-1 AS DBSERIBED IN TOWNHOUSE DBCI.ARATION RECORDED MAY lt, 1981 IN EOOK 322 AT pAgE 880, COUNTY OF FAGr,E, STATE OF COLORADO. PAGE 1 04/1.3/98 09:47 TX/RX N0.2451 P.002 I :":-t:-:" oe:3Er P.Rolr. r-A}|n-.rr r'LE cuaI"ANfE.E vArL rD. e6 jI"Ei 4s3c PAGE ALTA COMt'IITMENT SCTIBDULE 8.1 (Requlrements) Our ord,er S v260O5B-3 PAGE 2 04/13/58 09:4? Tx/Rx N0'2451 P.003 I L. APP- t 3-9Cl 69= 3El FtOtf . A 'tt}e TLE GUAIIAN'EE I,AJL rD' 3O COMMTTMENT 34o ?E 4534 PAGE 4 STGNS TO SECURE THE S{',r"' SHAPIRO ADAM IJYNCH CREDIT oF $9OO, OOO. oo C TRUSTEE OF'EAGLE EOUNTY its succesgors and/or LA}|D TIoLTA SCHEDULE B-1 (Reguirements)Our Order # v260058''3 followlng are tlre requirements to be compli€d wiEh: PavmenE Eo or for the accounts Of t'he grantorB Or mortgagor$ oE lftl-'lrif -"ottsi.a"."tion for Ehe €statse or interest to be insuredl . Pro,per instrument (s) creatirrg -tlre esEate or iatserest to be insured mu6ts be erle"rri.e and-du1y f,iled for record, to-wit: RELEASE OF F TRUST DATED Deceftber 14, 1 EAGI,E USE OF MBRRIIJIJ IF THERE rS A C:flAr,rrGE rN ol{NERsHTP oF I}lE PROPER?Y T0 BE INS{/RED Hl:RErN FROFI THE VESTED OWNER sET FORTH IN ITEM { OF SCHEDULE A IiEREIN, 't'Ht:.I'ERMS. PROVTSTONS AND CONDTTTONS OF TET TOI'N OF VAII' TRA}ISFEIT TN( MAY AE APPLICABLE. NOTEr EFFECTI\rE SEHfEMBER 1, L99'7, CRS 30-r"0-406 REQUIRES TI{AT AI/IJ DOCUMENTS RECEI,VED FOR RECORDING OR FIIJING IN THE CIJERK AISD RECORDEN' S OFFICE SHAI]I, COIITAIN A TOP MARGIN OF AT I.EAST ONE INCH AND A I.BFT, RTGtrT A.hID BOTTOM MAJTGII\T OF AT LE.A,ST ONE-TiAI.F OF AN INCII . THB CLERK AI{D RECORDER I"IAY RBFT'SE TO REEORD OR FTLE ANY DOC1'M8MT THA,T DOES NOT CONFORM' EXCRPT TI{AT, TIIE REQUIREMSIfT FOR T|IIE TOP MARGIN SHATL NOT Applry TO DOCrMEX'rS TSING FOR${S ON wHICH sPACE IS FROVIDED FOR RECORDING OR FII.ING INFOR}TATION AT TIIE TOP MARGIN Ot' TIIE DOCUMEIIT. a, TO !'IIE PUBLIC TR CORPORATION, ITS RECORDED DEC , 1995, IN EOOK E 938. DBED OF TRUST FROM NAD.{CY SHAPIRO ADA}! TO T1IE PUBL FOR 'l',IIE USE OF CHERRV CREEK MORTGAGE CO-r rNC'' essign6 TO SSCURE THE slm OF $906,25O-0O. PAGA 04/13/98 09:4?TX/RX NO.2451 P.004 !t9: 39 FROI{. LAXD Tr TLE l,Af L lD' 36 MENT 3ao 7E 4434 PAGEAPR- I 3-gCI t ArrP coMMrr SCHEDULE 8.2 (ExcePEions)Our Order # V25OO58-3 the cofilpanf: 1. SLandard Excepgions 1 Ehrough 5 printed on Ehe eover Bheet 5. Tax6a and aFsesgmerlt's noE yeb due or payable and EPecial aEsessmentg not yets cerbified to Ehe treasurer'S Offiee. 7. Arry unpaid taxes or a6geEEments againgts said land' S. Iricns for unpa id rtater and serter charges, tf any' The policy or policies to following unl"ess che Eame ]-99S TAXES NOT YET DUE OR TREASURERS OFFICE, 10. RIGI{T OF PROPRIBTOR OF A VEIN TI{EREFROM SHOTru THE SAITIE BE AS RESENVED TN I'NTTED STATES ^AT PAGE 98. be issued will eoneain exceptions to t'he are disposed of Eo Ehe saEigfecEion of PAYAELE AITD ASSESSMBNTS NOT YET CERTIFIED TO TTIE OR LODE TO EXTFACT AND REMOVE HTS ORE FOUND fO PEN TR.ITB OR INTERSSCT TI{E PREMISES PATEIIr RECORDED SepEeldber 04, L923, fN BOOK 93 **ENDORSEMBilT 1OO.29*r THE COMPAI.TY BAREBY INSITRES AGAINST LOSS $IHICH ftlE INSSRED SITAT.t SUSTATN BY REASON OF DAS4AGB TO EXISTIIiIG TMPROVBMEIETS, INCITUDTI{G LAUINS, SHRTTBBERY oR TR.BES, REST'LTTNG FROM THE EXERCISE OF ANY RIGFT TO USB TIIE SI'RFACE OF SAID LAI{D FOR THE EXT?AETTON OR' DEVELOPMEMT OF rHE MINERALS EXCEE{rED Ffl.OM TI{E DESC]R,IPTI'ON OF SAID LAIiID OR SHOltlN AS A RESERVATTON TN SCHEDI'LE B-I- 11 . RIGHT oF WAY FOR DITCIIES oR cAI\rALg CONSTRUCTED BY THE AIIfiIORITY OF THE I'NITED SfATES AS RESERVED IN TINITED STAT€S PATEI{T RECORDED SEPTEEIbET O'I '1923, IN BOOK 93 AT FAGE 98, *I*SNDORSET/IEIiEr 103.1*r* TTTE EON'PANY HEREBY INSURAS AGATNST TOSS OR DAMAGE wlIIcFI THE INST'RBD SHAI.I. SUSTAIN AS A REST'IT OF .AI.IT EXERCISE OF 'fiIE NIOIfT OF UgE OR TUAINTEITANCE OF THE EASEMNII REFBRRED T'O ABOVA OVBR OR TI{ROUGH SATD LAND. t2. RES?RrclrrvE covENAMIS, WHrCH DO r@T COritTAIN I FORFEITTTRE OR REVER?FF CLAUSE, BlIr OMITTING RBSTRISrIONST IF ANY, BASED ON RACF' COLOR' RELIGION, OR }I}\TIONAIJ ORIGIN, AS CONTAINED IN TNSTRIJMFI\IT REEORDED JtrNE 05, 1964, IN BOOK 183 AT pAcE X A^ltD As Ar{ENDED IN INSTRLI.{ENT RFCORDED Jrrly 14, 1964, IN BOOK 183 AT PAGE I41. 13. 10 FOOT IITILITY AND DRAINAGB EASEMENT ALONG THE SOIIIHERLY IJOT TJTNES OF SUE.IB T PROPERTY AS SHO9IN ON THE RACORDED PIAT OF VAIL VTLL.D.GE' STXTH FTLING. PAGE 04/13/98 09r4?TXIRX NO.245r P.005 APt- t 3-9Cl 09:39 F.totf . A L.AI|D TToI-,TA tlArl- rD. 36 MENT ?6 4594 PAC.E I,A}ID IS RF,ASON 34oCOMMTT SCHEDI'I,E B-2 (Exceptions)Our Order # V25O058-3 IAF'FECTS PARCEI, A AIID A. 1) 14. EASEMENTS. RESERVATIONS A}ID RESIRICTIONS AS SITOI{N OR RESERVED ON THE RECORDED PLAT OF VAIL VIIJLAGE, SIXTI{ FIIJING' 15. TBRMS, CONDITIONS AI',ID PROVISIONS OF TOWNHOUSE DECLARATION RECORDED May 22' 1981 rN BOOK 322 AT pACE S80- 16. EASEMENTS, RESERVATTONS AI.ID RESTRICTIONS As sHotcN oR RESER\rED oN TIIE TMPROVEMEMT SURVEY A$tD LEGAL OiSCt,rptloN RECORDED May 04, t98r IN BOOK 322 AT PAGB 541. 17. TTIE EFFECT OF TMPROVEMENTS EUIT,T OMTO COId|{ON A.R'EA AS SHOWN ON TOPOGRAPHIC MAP pREPARED irULY 22' 199? BY PEAK LA}ID sURvEvIhIG, INc., JoB No^ 438. 1g. MEcrrANrc,s r,rEN As svrDENcED BY gTATEMENT oP soufHwEsr BUTL,DERS' L.L'c' rN THE AIr{OIrI\rT oF S1O8,650.5? nnCOnOip October:'7, 1996, Ill BOOK ?08 AT pAGE 739. 19. tTS PENDENS IN THE DTSTRTCT COT'R? TN A.IVD FOR IiIIE COUI\]INT OF EAGLE| Eh'TTIILED souTIrWEsT BUILDERS. L.L.C., A coLoRAIn LIbIITED T-'IABII"Ify coMp.LlrY, PIAMTIFF(S), VS NAIiICY sltAPIRo ADAM ET AL,, DEFEI|DANT(S), RECORDED iranuery 13, Lgg7, IN BooK ?15 AT| pAGB 975' cIvIL AcTIoN No. 96cv442. ***E}TD0RSEME}|:T 1O1.1**f THE C0Tr!PA TT BEREBY TNSURES EGAINST LOSS OR DAMAGS INCURRED BY REASON OF TIIE ENFORCEMENT OR A TEMFTED ENFORCEMENT OF flTE HECHANICS lrer,ltii AND/oR LIs pBNDBr.r(S) sHowN rN THB ABovE rrEM(s). SAID BIIDoRSEMBNjr FORM TO1.1 IS APPI,ICABLE TO THE MECIIAI\TIC,S I.IEN /\ND LIS PBNDENS SHOWN ABO1I8. ZO. DEEp OE TRUST DATED.fanuary 29, agg}, FROM I'IANCY gHApfRO ADAJLI TO fHE PUBtfC ,1RUSTEE oF EAGITE COUNTY FoR THi USB OF SHERRY CREEK M6RTGAGE CO., INC To sEctIRE TIIE gw oF $906,25o.oo RECoRDED February 10, 1998, ITNDER RECEEITION NO.646807. ****i t i trriENDoRsEllENT 335 . 5*t***ti**t * THB INSI'RAI{CE AFFORDED BY THIS ENDORSB}IIEMT IS ONIJY EFFECTIVE IF TIIE usED oR rs To EE ussD PRTMARrI.,Y FOR RESTDET,ITTAL PURFOSBS. TI{E COUPAI{Y INSTJRBS fiIE I,NSURED AGAIbIST I.oSS OR DAl{ASd SUSTAINED BY OF I^ACK OF PRIORITT OF T'IE LIEN OP TITB INSUNED MORTGAGE OVERI (A) AI.ry EIIVIRONMENTAL pRoTEerroN LIEir $IHICH, AT DATE oF POLICY, IS RECORDm IN TttOSE RECORDS ESTABLISHED UNDER STI'TE STATUTES AT DATE OF FOLICY FOR fHE PURPOSE OF IMPARTING CONSTRUffIVE NOTICE Otr' I4ATTBRS RELATING T0 REAII PROPERTY TO PIJRCI{ASERS FOR VALUE AND Wf?HOUT KNOWL,EDGE, OR FILED rN THE RECORDS OF TIIE CLERK OF TIIE UNITED gTATEg DISTR.IEI COt'RT FOR THE DISTRICT IN WITICT{ THE I,AND IS IOCATED, BXCEE,"T AS gET FORTH IN SCHEI)ULE B; OR PAGG 5 04/13/98 09:47 TXIRX NO.2451 P. 006 *.-tl:_"t ee=40 FRoL' L.'}|Df I rLE GUA.FIANTEE vArL tD, 363-4?Ei 1t5311 UAI,TA COMMTTMENT FACE ? SCI{EDULE B-2 (Exceprions) Our order S v260058-3 (B) ANY ENVIRONMEMTAT PROTECTION T,,,IEN PROVIDBD FOR BY AI{Y STATE STATUTE IN EFFECT AT DATE OF POtIgY, EXCEPT EX\I'IRONMETqTAL PROTECTION LIENS PROVIDED FOR THE BY THE FOLLOWTNG STATB STAT{IIES: NONE THfS EMORSEMEI,IT rS MADE A PART OF TIIE POIJICY AND rS SUBJECT T0 AI-L OF THE TERMS A}ID PROVISIONA TIIEREOF AIID OF A}tT PRIOR SNDORSEMENTS TITERETO. EXCEPT rO TIIE EXTBNT EXPRESSLY S?ATED, TT NEITHER MODIFIES ANY OF TIIE TERMS AI{D PROVISIONS OF THE POLICY A.T{D A$Y PRIOR ENDORSEMEMTS, NOR DOES TT EXTEND THE EFFECTIVE DATE OF THB POLICY A}ID AI$Y PRIOR ENDORSEMENTS, NOR DOES IT INCREASE THE FACE AMOUNT THEREOF. ITIOTEI: TTEMS 1..J OF GENERAL EXCEPTIONS ARE IIBREBY DELEI'ED. FORM TOO.DO TS IIEREBY AT:rACHED A.!ID BECOMES A PART OF TIIE POTJICY. IN WITNBSS WHEREOF, THE COMPA.bIY IIAS CAUSED TITIS EIIDORSEMEMT T'O BE STGNED AND SBALED AS OF THE EFFECTIVE DATA OF THIS POLICY, TO BE VAT.,ID I{HEN COIJNTERSIGNBD BY AN AIII'TIORIZED OFFICER OR AGBMT OF TIIE COMPAIIY, AI,I, IN ACCORDANES WITH ITS BY- LAWS. PAGE 5 04/13/98 09:47 TX/RX N0.2451 P.007 I T:-:,3-:B os'48 Ftrord ' LAflDdr rLE GuARANTEE vArL rD= 3oL4?B 4s34 PAIIE a LAND TTTIJE C}UARANTEE- COMPANY DI SOT,OSURE SIATBMBIIT Required by Senace BIII 91-14 A) The subJect real properEy may be locaEed in a special Eaxing district. B) a Cerclflcatre af, Taxes Due ltstlng eaclr caxing jur:isdiccion mty fi-"[iiinea from the County Tieaeurer lrr th€ courrBy TreaBurer's aubhorized ag€nE . C) The information regardinE Bpecial d.isE,rictse andt lrhe boundarieg of euch di*t,ricts tay lre-obtalned from Ehe Board ot County Commissioners, Ehe caunEy Clerk and Rec<:rder, or the County AsBeEAof,. Required bY Senate Bl11 92-143 A) A cerEificaEe of TaxeB Due llseing each ta:cing jurls-diclion shall be obtained frdl tshe county Treasurer or Ehe county Treasurer'F auctrorized agents . 04/13/Sg 09:4? TX/RX N0.2451 P.008 t I TRANSMITTAL SHEET April 15, 1998 Kristi Sheet A102, Zoning Allowance 4 of each Date: To: Item: Quantity: Kristi Please replace these sheets with the ones submitted. I have also attached a zoning study which may need to go with the plans. Call if you have questions. Thanks for your time and aftention. Regards, #97 O.47 6.6342 (ext.1 6) Planning.Architectureolntedors 1650 East Vail Valley Drive, Fallridge C-l r Vail, CO 81657 r &b@colorado.net . fu<(970).4'76.4901 (970\.476.6342 \\Admin\C\9747-Adam\Faxes-Transmittals\TRNSTOV04 I 398.doc Date Hecetveq APR I5 lggE -^_ .------- co**ility Development nan noutilg Form Routed To:Greg Hall, Public Works Todd Oppenheimer, Public Mike McGee. Fire Works Return To:Christic Bafton. ComDev Date Routed:516t98 Return By:?i98 Project Namc:Adam Residence Proiect Address:706 Forest Road Project Legal:Lot 9. Block I, Vail Village 6th Project Dcscription:Setback variance request - front setback Assuming PEC approval, these are DRB comments: Approved _x_Denied (cite detailed reasons)Approved with conditions Please differentiate between proposed and cxisting contoul's on thc site plan. On the south side ofthe residence, it looks as if you arc proposing removing the cxisting timber wall and keeping the patio at the same clevation of 53.9'. Pleasc show thc new grading lines betwccn the patio and thc existing 64 contour south ofthe patio. The new deck proposcd south ofthe residcnce and cast ofthe patiojust descdbed is shown with and elevation of 62.1' . The bouldeL wall supporting the gradc above it shows a top of wall clcvation of 72' . Thc maximum wall hcight allowcd in thc Town is 6.0' in hcight .Additionally. all walls over'4.0' in height must be dcsigned and stamped by a registcred engincer. Please revisc . Plea.se provide an clevation for the proposed planter east of the home so that top and bottom of the bouldcr walls can be established. There appcars to bc a largc grade differencc bctween the deck elevation shown to the east ofthe residcnce (54') and the proposed grade lines that fie into thc dcck (clcvation 60') . Please reevaluatc and resubmit. The existing wall shown on the cast corner of the residence is shown at 6.0'on thc survey. The new wall proposed looks like it would be at least l0' tall. Please bcnch the wall back so that each wall bench does not excced 6.0' in height. Also please havc an engincer design and stamp the wall(s). T. L. Patch Received 5/6/98 Reviewed 5lIl/98 Returncd 5ll2l98 IMPROVEMENT LOCATION DORMER ELEVATION PARCEL B, A PART OF LOT 9, BLOCK VAIL VILLAGE, SIXTH FILING, TOV'/II OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO 1, REMOVED PORTION OF DORMER ROOF BASIS OF ELEVATION: SEWER INVERT EL. 8123.7' PREPARED BY PEAK LAND ELEVATION : 8176.9' TOP OF MODIFIED 2,, X 12" 1Z-_-l "MICRO-LAM" NOT TO SCALE AS SHOWN ON SURVEYING INC. THE TOPOGRAPHIC MAP DATED 7_31_97 l, Richsrd E. Borden, do hereby certify thot I om o Registered Lond Surveyor licensed under the lows of the Stote of Colorodo, ond thot oll the informotion hereon is true ond occurotely shown to the best of my knowledge, informotion ond belief. Dote: July 7, 1999 "ng g Richord E. Borden [#o.teo.^l leFq u'<' T.L.c. PAGE 1 OF 1 JOB # 99-048 5 Bor 5 1544 Starbuck Sureyors & Englneera ..()1 Saratcb Road, guite ?05, Eagle, CO 81631 . (9?0)328-?208 I De sign Review Action Form TOWNOFVAIL Proicct Name: Adam Residence Projcct Description: Remodel Owner, Address and Phone: Nancy Adam 4975F,. Preserve Court, Greenwood Village, CO 80121 (303) 770-s383 Architect/Contact. Address and Phone: Fritzlen Pierce Briner 1650 E. Vail Vallev Drive. Vail 476-6342 Projcct Strcct Addrcss: 706 Forest Road Lcgal Description: Lot 9, Block I, Vail Village 6th Parccl Number 2l0l-072-l l-021 Building Namc: nla Commcnts: Project received PEC approval for a variance on 6/8/98. Motion by: Clark Brittain Secondcd by: Hans Woldrich Board / Staff Action Action: Approved Votc: 3-0 (Pierce and Weber recused themselves) Conditions: Approved as presented Town Planncr': Christie Barton Datc: 7lll98 I DRB Fcc Prc-Paid:$50.00 't6-77-L9*) 72tsnn 7v7A47H981 P. E7 Q'rrqtiorrr? CdI tht Ploming, $tlff- at 4?9-2l2t ! APPIJCATION FOR DESICN:REVISW APPR(I\'AL i CENER^L TNFoIMATTON ; - ttis aOflicatian is fc any pojctt rtcFrinqg Dcdgn Rrticur qrprornt rny Jrojc* requinog dcsign lct/iil, rurst rceilc Dcrigr. Rsvicrr ayprorlal Fic b fibdtliqg &,r t bdlding F.oit Forbccifc irbmrrtioa- rea rtre irbmrt6l rcquircmcnb for thc particuler rpro+al that i* rcqrxsted" Tbc a!$lication candot be accfocd trntit alt ttc rrquircd iofrruaiao is nbtittcd- Thc Fits nray aho nccd lo be rcviiva hy tho Tinin Coumil and/of tLc Planniag and Bwiroor.rt'flt Coourisioo- D.clel Rwtcr Bgrd lpprorral crplrcs cr. yepr rfttr finl rgprovsl rrtcos t DddlgpGrrlif blgxdzad oBlrustiol ir rbrE l- i DESCruPTTON OF TI IE REQUETiI: (Co0H F-rgrc (jO- Asutgsorr Olllcc at 970-128-86t1{l folfrrcel 9) TD B.LOCATION OFFROTTOSAL: c. D. E F. c. .ZONIN(} I NAMEOFOwHq{s} rrdArLrNo O I|i|NER{SI SIGNATUfl ,E(S) : NAMEOFAPPI.ICANT: MAILINC TY?EOFREVIanrANDFEB cl' Nsr Coclrrcdu.- i20lf, romeon- EI Mimi Altcrrtian - gZ0 PHONE PHONE: }I. Ooogtructio,o of e ncnr tnlding- | .rrrtrc ry q44ltianwkusquerc fqo.r3eis sddsif to dry (E*ialsdal orr.-,rr$rcrcll r.:.ifihng i Includcc adna r;b'.s*" to Uri$ditgrdsd rllc insrovwrb, srsh rs. rcroding" lninffug. windmr ddidqrs- land<.-fing fc cr:r and rrrabirg -.rrll|, cta Ineasetur Res&r- s0 [tr-ffii&Y$ffi&."JffiHlHffi* dedgngdddineg.,Tbe DRE,dEca mt luotc c conccpnnl revicq6, DRB fcrsam ro be prid at rba drrr of doind- ISEr.urtro apply.qeLa boildiigpcfuilph6c idoilirytbc eccrrefo rdrr*ior offtE F|bjd. Ttc Torm ofl/dl will rdl.irEi rSc-JLc ccoorCtngro drc ptiic,r "*.oe oi" IPH'A,EE ilJaldrr THIS AfPLICATION. .rr.r sUDMrTraL REeu6,iMENTs ^ND TtrE r1EE To rHEITEAITIVIEFIT Or COMDRTTfIrC DC\'EII}FNiEilR Zi EO{rg FRON"ACE ROAD,YA!IiCO[0RADOEI65T. . 06/17 /98 12"49 TX/RX N0.3398 P.001 I o LIST OF PROPOSED MATERIALS BUILDING MATERIALS:TYPE OF MATERIAL: 'Td.,''",rt t \-{ CQ.LQ.R:* Roof Siding Othcr Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Dcck Rails *'lir !-,l .+r:rr-." t\ t\ fgJ-[tl t, ll Si l'i +t-l'-'It lr K";\'a --:*'-1J It Flucs Flashings Chirnnrys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting** Other tl Ir * Please specify the manufachrrer's color, number and atlach a small color chip ** All exterior lighting must meet the Town's Liglting Ord,inance I 8.54.050(J). ii exterior lighting is proposed, please indicate the number offixhres and locations on a separate lighting plan. Identifo each fixture type and provide the height above grade, lumens output, luminous area, and attach a cut sheet ofthe lighting fixhres. r! It .\ ^ | ;l\ li*Eli ,l'rrlrl i lN-_rz r I Ka{''ozrr- 6ar . PROPOSED LANDSCAPING Botanical Nanrc A\f1ue rrt{zr. r[ Common Namc Ouantity \\ Sizc* Ir/.<" ,!.2'' PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS: EXISTINC TREES TO BE REMOVED: au.vL 4 ,lta I -;- I I *M inimum requirements for landscaping:deciduous trecs - 2 inch caliper conifcrous trccs - 6 fcct in hcicht shrubs - 5 gallons Squars Footasc GROUND COVER SOD SEED IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls, fences, swimnring pools, etc.) Please specify. Indicatc top and bottom clevations of retaining walls. Maxinrum height of walls within the front setback is 3 fcet. Maximum height of walls elsewhere on the property is 6 feet. & A,e>Je 6 {bbL 3_ 6bN 7@L -g r -.- \l\-{_ r'.4\t TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department June 8, 1998 fFrourD BY rHE TOWN OF VAIL PI.ANNING AND ENVI RON M ET.TTAL COM M ISSION DATE: PLANNER: /; 4,61{ gl) A requesi for a front setback variance, to allow for an additional 82 square feet of GRFA in the front setback (on an existing house 6' into the front setback) for a residential addition, located at 706 Forest Road/Lot 9, Block 1, Vail Village 6th Filing. Applicant: Nancy Adam, represented by Dale Smith of Fritzlen Pierce Briner Planner: Christie Barton I. BACKGROUND AND DESCRIPTION OF THE REAUEST This application has been revised lo remove the proposed dormer addition from the froni setback. The variance application has been revised to a deck enclosure in the front setback (82 square feet). An overview of the remaining improvements which are not part of the variance include the following: lhe ground level will be expanded to accommodale an elevator and mechanicals (107 square feet (SF) addition); level 2 will have the elevaior and a storage closet (85 SF addition), an exterior slairuay will be added to access level 2: level 3 will enclose the deck area in the front setback to expand the dining area (location of 82 SF variance), expand the living area, construct a new deck, and replace a timber retaining wall with a concrete wall (an additional 461 SF addition). Level 4 will expand the living space by enclosing a deck, constructing a new deck and adding a dormer (455 SF addition). This dormer has been moved out of the front selback. The duplex was originally built in 1980 and located on the north edge of the lot due to steep slopes. The regulations in effect at the time of construction allowed a 10' front setback due to the 40% slope. II. ZONING ANALYSIS Zoning: Primary/Secondary Residential District Lot Size: 58,498 sq. ft./1 .342 acres Standard Allowed GRFA: 7,525 sq. ft. Primary Unit: nla Secondary Unit 3,095 sq. ft. Building Heightr 33' Setbacks:20' (front) Site Coverage: 8,775 sq. ft. (15%) Landscaping: 35,099 sq. ft. (60%) Parking: no change Existino 5,739 sq. ft. 3,020 sq. ft. 2,719sq. ft. JZ 9'(front) 2,970sq. ft. (5.1%) 52,300 sq. ft. (89%) Prooosed 6,929 sq. ft. 4,210sq. ft. No change 33' no change no change 51,804 sq. ft. (88.5%) ,-m III. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS FOR A VARIANCE REOUEST Upon review of Section 12-17-6, Variance Criteria and Findings, of the Town of Vail Municipal Code, the Community Development Department recommends approval of the requested front yard selback variance. The recommendation for approval is based on the following factors: A. Consideration of Factors: The relationship of the requested variance to other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity. The proposed encroachment of the deck enclosure on the third level into the front setback will have minimal impacts on existing or potential uses and structures in the area. Bulk and mass will noi be increased by the proposed enclosure as it is currently substantially enclosed. The project will not impact adjacent property owners as lhe house will remain a residential use. The degree to which relief from the strict and literal interpretation and enforcement of a specified regulation is necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity of treatment among sites in the vicinity or to attain the objectives of this title without grant of special privilege. Due lo the existing steep slopes on the property, staff believes that this proposal will not be a grant of special privilege. Many of the homes in lhe area are built close to the road in order to reduce the impact to this site and these changes will be minor. lf an addition was done in the rear of the house, unnecessary site dislurbance would need to occur. Limiting disturbance in the area of steep slopes to the rear of the structure will reduce the potential for erosion and damage to the environment. The effest of the requested variance on light and air, distribution of population, transportation and traffic facilities, public facilities and utilities, and public safety. The proposal will have little or no effect on these issues. This proposal maintains the residenlial atmosphere of the neighborhood. The Planning and Environmental Commission shall make the following findings before granting a variance: That the granting of the variance will not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified in the same districl. That the granting of the variance will not be delrimental to the public health, safety or welfare, or materially injurious to properlies or improvements in the vicinity. That the variance is wananted for one or more of the following reasons: 1. 2. 3. B. 1. 2. 3. a. The strict literal interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistenl with the objectives of this Title. b. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the same sile of the variance thai do noi apply generally to other properties in the same zone. c. The strict interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the same district. IV. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Upon review of Title 12, Chapter 17 of the Town of Vail Municipal Code, the Community Development Department recommends approval of the proposed variance, subject to the following findings: 1. That the granting of the variance will not conslitute a grani of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified in the same district. 2. That the granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. That there are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the same site of the variance that do not apply generally to olher properties in lhe same zone. The recommendalion of approval is also subject to the following condition: 1. That the applicant shall maintain a limit of disturbance line as shown on the site plan. No building addilions shall be allowed beyond this line in the future. This limit of disturbance and any associated variances will become obsolete if the duplex is demolished and rebuilt. f :/everyone/pec/memosl98/Ada m. 608 EXISTIN6 #YLI6HT VAooz08:35 FAI 970178,1901 FRITZLEN PIERCEoa/05/98 ffi;iiin iH'fi#fiLlll'liilffilhh !!rialta fl! ri!idffifi*!*rihililillllllll e \ --4-t- tl{i ,'tr"rffirWW I I &ililiriurocEIB r|.-rE.rl - rrr-rrl LE a I Ea t !1irl tln -tra r 3CN:tGtS:lU I|VOV ll.' * ,-' 'a -'ft ,-' v:;' ir rftcoPY PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION Monday, June 8, 1998 FINAL AGENDA Project Orientation / LUNCH - Communitv Development Department 12:30 p.m. 1. Vail Associates - Tract D, Vail Lionshead 1st. 2. Adam - 706 Forest Road 3. Grand Traverse - Dauphinais-Moseley Subdivision Filing #1' 4. Dayco - 1315 SPraddle Creek Road 5. Rad Five L.L.C. - 4469 Timber Falls Court 6. Accardo - 1998 Sunburst Drive 7. Bass - 345 Mill Creek Circle George NOTE: lf the PEC hearing extends until 6.00 p.m., the board will break for dinner from 6:00 - 6:30 p m Public Hearino - Town Council Ghambers 2:00 p'm' 1. A request for additional GRFA, utilizing the 250 ordinance, to allow for the expansion of the fiont entry, located at 2005 West Gore Creek Drive/Unplatted' Applicant: Tom Thomson, represented by John Perkins Planner:Christie Barton MOTION: Galen Aasland SECOND: Ann Bishop VOTE: 5-0 APPROVED 2. A request for additional GRFA, utilizing the 250 ordinance, to allow for the construction of a residential addition, located at 1998 Sunburst Drive/Lot 19, Vail Valley 3rd. Applicant: Nate Accardo, represented by Fritzlen, Pierce' Briner Planner: George Ruther MOTION: Galen Aasland SECOND: Ann Bishop VOTE: 5-0 APPROVED WITH 1 CONDITION: Updated 6/09 lOam 11:30p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT John Schofield Galen Aasland Ann Bishop (left at 5:30 Pm) Brian Doyon Tom Weber Site Visits : MEMBERS ABSENT Greg Moffet Diane Golden Driver: @ 'r?.dr! .;o; Updated 6/09 lOanr 1. That the construction signage be brought into compliance with the Town of Vail sign regulations. 3. A request for additional GRFA, utilizing the 250 ordinance, to allow for the conversion of a garage to GRFA, and for the expansion of the mechanical room, located at 345 Mill Creek Circle/Lot 14, Block 1, Vail Village 1st. Applicant: Lee M. Bass, represented by Snowden and Hopkins Planner: George Ruther MOTION: Ann Bishop SECOND: Tom Weber VOTE: 5-0 APPROVED WITH 1 CONDITION: 1. That the Town of Vail Public Works Department review and approve the proposed Parking Plan. 4. A worksession to review an amendment to a previously approved plan for the Timber Fal|sDeve|opment'|ocatedat446gTimberFa||sCourUunp|atted' Applicant: RAD Five L.L.C., represented by Greg Amsden Pianner: Dominc Mauriello WORKSESSION - NO VOTE S. A request for an extension of a conditional use permit for the Lionshead Children's Tent, generally locateo-nextio the Lionshead Children's ski school/Tract D, Vail Lionshead 1st. Applicant: Vail Associates' represented by David Thorpe Planner: Christie Barton TABLED UNTIL JUNE 22,1998 6. A request for a minor subdivision to amend a building envelope, to allow for the installation of a gazebo, located at 1315 Spraddle creek Road/Lot 12, Spraddle creek Estates. App|icant:DaycoHo|dingCorporation,representedbyDavidArgoofNoName Architects Planner: Dominic Mauriello MOTION: Brian Doyon SECOND: Ann Bishop VOTE: 5-0 APPROVED 7 . A request for a major amendment 10 s-pecial Development Distri-ct #22, Grand Traverse, and a request toi i major subdivision for Lots 5, 6, 7, g, g and 10, Dauphinais-Moseley Subdivision Filing #1. APPlicant: Patrick DauPhinais Planner: George Ruther Updated 6/09 lOam MOTION: Galen Aasland SECOND: Ann Bishop VOTE: 5-0 APPROVAL FOR RECOMMENDATION TO TOWN COUNCIL- MAJOR SUBDIVISION MOTION: Galen Aasland SECOND: Ann Bishop VOTE: 5-0 APPROVAL FOR RECOMMENDATION TO TOWN COUNCIL WITH 3 CONDITIONS - SDD #22 MAJOR AMENDMENT 1. That the maximum garage credit for each of the primary units constructed in the development not exceed six hundred (600) square feet, unless and EHU is constructedonthelot'inwhichcase,anadditiona|600sq'ft.garagecreditbe allowed. 2. That the maximum number of outdoor lights permitted on each of the lots in the development not exceed 15 lights total' 8. A request for a front setback variance, to allow for a proposed residential addition' located at 706 Forest Road/Lot 9, Block 1, Vail Village 6th' App|icant:NancyAdam,representedbyFritz|en'Pierce,BrinerArchitects Planner: Christie Barton MOTION: nnn Aiship sECOND: Gaten Aasland VOTE: 4-0 (Tom weber recused) APPROVED WITH 1 CONDITION: 1. That the applicant shall maintain a limit of disturbance line as shown on the site plan. No tjrirJi.g additions shall be altowed beyond this line in the future. This limit of disturbance and any assoclated variances will become obsolete if the duPlex is demolished and rebuilt' g.Arequestforaworksessiontodiscussamajoramendmentlo.SpecialDeve|opment District #6, Vait Village Inn to allow for a hotei redevelopment, located at 100 East Meadow Drive, Lots M and O, Block 5D, Vail Village 1st' Applicant: Daymer Corporation, represented by Jay Peterson Planner: George Ruther TABLED UNTIL JUNE 22,1958 10. A request for a side setback variance, to allow for ihe construction of an additional g"rui", located at 813 Potato Patch Drive/Lot 1, Block 1' Vail Potato Patch' Applicant: Liz & Luc Meyer, represented by William Pierce Planner: Dominic Mauriello TABLED UNTIL JUNE 22,1998 Updatcd 6/09 l0am 11 . A request for a conditional use permit, to allow for a bed and breakfast operation, located al 1779 Sierra Trail/Lot 18, Vail Village West Filing #1. Applicant: Malin Johnsdotter/ Robert Zeltman Planner: Christie Barton TABLED UNTIL JULY 27, 1998 12. A requesl for a final review of a major amendment to SDD #4, to allow for a fractional fee club and a change to the approved Development Plan, located at 1325 Westhaven Dr., Westhaven Condominiums/ Cascade Village Area A' Applicant: Gerald L. Wurhmann, represenied by Robby Robinson Planner: George Ruther WITHDRAWN '13. Information UPdate 14. Approval of May 18, 1998 minutes' TABLED UNTIL JUNE 22,1998 The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during ;;;;il;il;; hours in tne project planneds'office located at the Town of Vail Community De:velopment Department, 75 South Frontage Road' sign language interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification Please call 479'2356' Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information. Community Development Department Published June 5, 1998 in the Vail Trail 21 May 98 Adam Residence GRFA Calculations Lot Size; Site Coverage Allowed; Site Coverage Existing; Site Coverage Proposed; Site Coverage Remaining; GRFA Base GRFA Allowed; 60%/40% Prim/Sec.; 425 Credit (ea. side); Total GRFA Allowedl Primary GRFA Total Allowed; Total Existing; Total Proposed; Total Remaining; 58,498 square feet 8775 square feet(15%) 2,970 square feet 3,619 square feet 5,156 square feet ARCHITECTS 6,675 square feet r#-' f u " 4,005 12,670 square feet 425 square feet each side 4,430 Primary / lt00-Secondaryu45 lo+,Y';,#"'{^L qTl K:\9747-Adam\TOV\PEC I \pecgrfa.wpd PlanningoArchitecturealnteriors '1650 East Vail Valley Drive Fallridge C-l r Vail, CO 81657 . fpb@colorado.net . fax (970) 47 6-4901 . (970) 476-6342 41430 square feet 3,020 square feet '*,23?squareteet (L(Q {4}8 square feet Garage Existing GRFA Propose GRFA TOTAL Level One 517 130 _ns- wv K ne-4fl z.s Level Two 675 85 760 Level Three 1364 s43 1907 Level Four 851 s{VAf ns6 13c.tC 3020 \-+2{F 4232 U 0l June 1998 Christi Barton Town of Vail, Community Development Re; Adam Resiclence ARCH IT ECTS Christi. Attached are the plans ofthe Adam residence reflecting those changes requested at the initial PEC meeting. The changes include; Providing additional landscaping east ofthe new proposed decl<. Moving tl.re proposed roof dormer up the roof, or.rt of the front setback. Flashing will be added adj acent to this dormer to prevent runoff d ivcrsion to any acljaccnt properties. The dormer is still within the height limitation. The lower level mechanical room has also been nroved south out ofthe front setback. The changes have been inclicatcd by "clonds" orr tlrc drau'ings. If there' is rnything else you need please call. Thanl<s lirr vour assistrnce on this project. o a OeC ttu4r- Dale Smith Architect D'lt*T?Tiy'd K:\9747-Adam\TOV\cb0 I 0693.Ntd PlanningoArchitcctrrrealnteriors 1650 EastVail Vallcv Drive FallridgeC-l r Vail,CO81657 r iPb@colorrdo.nct . fax (97(l) {7(r-4901 . (97O) 476-6342 21 May 98 Adam Residence GRFA Calculations Lot Size; Site Coverage Allowed; Site Coverage Existing; Site Coverage Proposed; Site Coverage Remaining; GRFA Base GRFA Allowed; 60%/40% Prim/Sec.; 425 Credit (ea. side); Total GRFAAllowed; Primary GRFA Total Allowed; Total Existing; Total Proposed; Total Remaining; ./ 58,498 square feet 8775 square feet (l 5/o) / 2,970 square feett , 3,619 square feet V - 5,156 square feet / ^t6,675 square feet v 4,005 /2,670 square feet / , f@ square feef each side / 4,430 Primary l++40 SecondaryM5 ARCHITECTS 4,430 square feet 31020 square feet 4,232 square feet 198 square feet K :\9747-Adam\TOV\pecgrfa.wpd PlanningoArchitectureolnteriors 1650 East Vail Valley Drive Fallridge C-1 r Vail, CO 81657 o fpb@colorado.net . fax (97O) 476-4901 . (97O\ 476-6342 Garage Existing GRFA Propose GRFA TOTAL Level One 517 130 r29 2s9 Level Two 675 85 760 Level Three 1364 543 1907 Level Four 851 455 1306_5:=\- 3020 t2t2 4232 ) 06/2t/sE 14:50 F I s70470{901 FnITZrEl{@oo1 Fax Cover Sheet Datq May22,1998 To: Christi Barton Eutt 479-2452 Rc: AdadResidence Sendcr: Dale Smith Thatrks fot taking time out to rcvieurthe Adnm GRFA wiih mc r opp*trrity to bster faniliadze Vouwiththe|rou1:.T1tbtt * importantthat I had the some to an agr€cment. di"* tlat-tne parties thatreqrresteat this urting failed b is shorrld bring closre to this srrbjcot Attachcd is the a copy oftbe urrmben we agrecd ol If youhavg questions or ifthsrE's anything else I can do plcase 661[. Jhanlrs 1s{ havc a great wcclcend! receive 2 li:u?47:Atlrtr\TO'VU'1r.Dz ttl.wPe Planning o Archiecture ' 1650 Last Vril vrlley Drlve Falkklpc C-r r Vail, Co 81557 r bb@cnlardorat fue(s) inctuding this cover sheet lf y'- nl"o"ecall O7$47&l6342F;xl'.7 ARCHITECTS do not rcceivc the pages, tCM&,1t* Dale Smith &chifect cc; Nancy Adarn ldark Donaldson f:r (970f /tz6-i9ot . (9m, +7ffiin2 UAY, -lJ' 98 [tED] l5:50 VlilD ARCo }l ITECTS - May 13,l99E TEL:19i09495205 One psge sent by facsirnile only. P,00t 00{E E SErvea crEtx lLvD Sulrt 207 D0x 5500 lvott, C0 81G20 970.9q9.5?00 vmd@roil.nat F4r.9q9.5205 lvfs. Christllc Barton, Planrrer Departmcnt of Community Devclopmcnt Town of Vail VNil,CO Re: Nanry Shapiro Adam Variancc Rcqucst 706 Forest Road Vail,CO Dear Ms- Bartorr On behalf of Michacl and Karen Herman, pleasc accept this letter as a formal r€qucst of the Town of Vail Dcpartrncnt of Community Deraelop,mcnt to srrange to rcvicw with us thc method of calculation of GRFA for the Adam Rcsidcnce on sitc. It is ogr imrdon lo hmor the rcqrnst of tbc Plaruing snd Envirormcntal Cornmission by cxploring all feasible maMr of readring agecnrcut bcturecn the tw partrlcs regarding trc aborrc rcfcrcncod application. Rcmoving any discrepancics of GRIA calculations uould be of grcat valuc to this process- Thank you for 1l9u etteution to this mttEr and I took forward to hearing from you as to the best way to coofdinatc such a rwieur. I will be available to cmrdimte a time that *orb for all parties ircltding pursclf, Dalc Smi0r, Bnrcc Chaprnan and whomarr clsc rnay wish or accd b ottenrl a walk through lo confirm cxisting GRFA areas. Wc will bring the plans rrc have availablc !o a$i$ in fie process- hcs idcnt/Diroc{or of Des i grt VICTOR MARK DONALINON ARCHITECTS Michacl and Karcn Hcrman Bruce Chapmil, Esq. Dalc Smith. Architcct ANCflIIECTS BRUCE D. CHAPMAN COUNSELORS & ATTORNEYS AT LAW, P,C, Post Oflice Box 6500 Vail, CO 81658 Bruce D. Chapman Of Counsel David F. Rock (Admitted in Colorado and Georgia) M. Barry Leitz (Federal Tax Matters- Admitted in Georgia) May 11,1998 Christie Barton, Planner Community Development Department Town of Vail Vail, CO Re: Adam Residence Variance Request Unit A, Lot 9, Block 1, Vail Village Sixth Filing Vail, Co Dear Ms. Barton: I am the attorney for Michael and Karen Herman who are the owners of Unit B. On behalf of Michael and Karen Herman, I wish to express their objection and complete dissatisfaction to the entire application (noted above). The primary objections are as follows: 1. The design proposed seems to distort the original design without adding character or value to the entire structure. lt is true that when the Hermans attempted to redesign the entire structure for the benefit of each duplex owner, they failed to satisfy Ms. Adam with the solution they and their architect created, but did sincerely address the values and potential for each owner. This proposal clearly does not. 2. Enclosing the third level balcony only makes bad massing worse. 3. The new entry roof proposes to shed snow and ice onto the Herman property near the entry which does not exist today. lt logically would not be legal for such a condition to be created. 4. Further encroachment into a pre-existing non-conforming use is not acceptable and the excuse of steep slope is out of context with the proposal as designed. 5. While the rear yard is identified as too steep, it is no steeper than the side yard which is proposed for new construction. PHONET 197O) 476-o07 5. FAXr l97O) 476-o07 8. E-MAIL bdc(rvail net -2-NIay 1 1, 1998 6. A hardship has not been demonstrated for the variance requested. lt is our experience that the Town of Vail has historically treated variance hardships very seriously. Many special uses, separations and variances have been thoroughly and completely denied due to a finding of a lack of hardship with this range of topography and the remaining alternatives to quality redevelopment. This site offers other opportunities for expansion and redevelopment, particularly if each owner cooperates with the other. The granting of this variance will be the grant of a special privilege. 7. The granting of the variance will be materially injurious both in the practical and monetary sense, to properties in the vicinity, Unit B. 8. In attempting to respond to the request by Ms. Adam to approve her remodel plans to Unit A, the Hermans became aware that an application had been filed with the Town of Vail to approve of the same plans he had been sent personally for approval. Mark Donaldson was then sent the same reduced plans and began to request a copy of the application that had been filed from Fritzlen Pierce Briner and the Town of Vail. He was then sent the same plans he already had from the Town of Vail and FPB referred the request to Ms. Adam who sent him a third copy of the same plans with no attachments. Now having three sets of the same reduced plans with no attachments, he continued to request a copy of the application that had been filed and was sent a copy of the Staff Report on May 7th, but not a copy of the application. Again the application was requested and received on May 8th. This variety of information poses the following questions: 9. The Public Hearing Notice speaks to a side and front yard setback variance request. What about the side yard and is the Notice technically correct? 10. The townhouse declaration provides that the owners of Unit A and Unit B own the common area jointly. lt also provides that an owner can not make a structural or design change without the written consent of the owner. The Hermans have previously responded to the applicant stating that they do not approve of the proposed changes. The Town of Vail has required such provisions to be complied with if there is joint ownership of the property into which the construction will encroach. An arbitration proceeding is presently pending in regard to said issue. Sin TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department May 11, 1998 A request for a front setback variance, to allow for an additional 3{oot encroachment into the front setback (on an existing house 6' into the front setback) for a residential addition, located at 706 Forest Road/Lot 9, Block 1, Vail Village 6th Filing. Applicant: Nancy Adam, represented by Dale Smith of Fritzlen Pierce BrinerPlanner: Christie Barton I. BACKGROUND AND DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST The applicant, Nancy Adam, is requesting a variance f rom Title 12, Chapter 6D-6 in order to construct a new elevator and to expand the living space of the house, for a total addition of 1,010 square feet. An exterior stairway will also be added to access level 2. The ground level will be expanded to accommodate the elevator and mechanicals (1 '12 SF addition with 12 SF in the f ront setback); level 2 will have the elevator and a storage closet (85 SF addition); level 3 will enclose the deck area, construct a new deck, expand the dining area and replace a timber retaining wall with a concrete wall (461 SF addition with 82 SF in the front setback). Level 4 will expand the living space by enclosing a deck, constructing a new deck and adding two dormers. The duplex was originally built in 1980 and located on the north edge ol the lot due to steep slopes. The regulations in effect at the time of construction allowed a 10' front setback due to the 407" slope. II. ZONING ANALYSIS Zoning: Lot Size: Standsrd Allowed GRFA: 7,525 sq. ft. Primary Unit: nla Secondary Unit: 3,095 sq. ft. Building Height: 33' Setbacks:20' (front) Site Coverage: 8,775 sq. ft. (15%) Landscaping: 35,099 sq. ft. (60%) Primary/Secondary Residential District 58,498 sq. ft./1.342 acres Existino 6,171 sq. ft. 3,452 sq. ft. 2,719 sq. ft. 9' (front) 2,970 sq. ft. (5.1'l.) 52,s00 sq. ft. (89%) Proposed 7,181 sq. ft. 4,462 sq. ft. No change JJ 6' (front) 3,619 sq. ft. (6.2"/") 5l ,804 sq. ft. (88.s%) Parking:no change III. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS FOR A VAFIANCE REOUEST Upon review ol Section 12-17-6, Variance Criteria and Findings, of the Town of Vail Municipal Code, the Community Development Department recommends approval of the requested front yard setback variance. The recommendation for approval is based on the following factors: A. Consideration of Factors: 1. The relationship of the requested variance to other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity. The proposed encroachment into the setback of the front entryway will have minimal impacts on existing or potential uses and structures in the area. The project will not impact adjacent property owners as the house will remain a residential use. 2. The degree to which relief from the strict and literal interpretation and enforcement ol a specified regulation is necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity of treatment among sites in the vicinity or to attain the obiectives of this title without grant of special privilege. Due to the existing steep slopes on the property, stall believes that this proposal will not be a grant of special privilege. Many of the homes in the area are built close to the road in order to reduce the impact to this site and these changes will be minor. ll an addition was done in the rear of the house, unnecessary site disturbance would need to occur. Limiting disturbance in lhe area of steep slopes to the rear of the structure will reduce the potential for erosion and damage to the environment. 3. The ettect of the requested variance on light and air, distribution of population, transportation and traffic facilities, public facilities and utilities, and public safety. The proposal will have little or no effect on these issues. This proposal maintains the residenlial atmosphere of the neighborhood. B. The Planning and Environmental Commission shall make the following findings before grantinga variance: 1. That the granting of the variance will not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified in the same district. That the granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or wellare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. That the variance is warranted for one or more of the following reasons: a. The strict literal interpretation or enforcement of the specilied regulation would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of this Title. 2. e b. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the same site of the variance that do not apply generally to other properties in the same zone. c. The slrict interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the same district. IV. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Upon review of Title 12, Chapter'17 of the Town of Vail Municipal Code, the Community Development Department recommends approval of the proposed variance, subject to the following findings: 1. That the granting ot the variance will not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified in the same district. 2. That the granting of the variance will not be delrimental to the public health, safety or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinily. 3. That there are exceplions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the same site of the variance that do not apply generally to other properties in tne same zone. The recommendation of approval is also subject to the following condition: 1. That the applicant shall maintain a limit of disturbance line as shown on the site plan. No building additions shall be allowed beyond this line in the future. This limit of disturbance and any associated variances will become obsolete if the duplex is demolished and rebuilt. l:/everyone/pec/memos€8/Adam.5' 1 iifiR'E;E$ il gFo#st nolD tod d ll|' iee 5fip .llJ I nrq gl b tIt I I t I I I tt ! I{ I t t I IJ 5I I I I it I I I I I , I :l I II I It tI It I t -l I :l !i I I I II It I I I I I I I :l !i --*<-L--{I I tlr -1_-L--i *2-;R tdl I t F h rl l:t;il!r::tF iiiili $l *n ti Ij- 'w-r \-: .-rt <J-rs *+\ -\-\) ,\5(E- Bq n/ ! a r $ I t $p IE [iIII[ o i< Tt !"r ffiJl ) (Ls +,1J , 6E $iIi rE HLI !. l.'| ,.'- | ,/a I fi o*P (w,{'z} ifF8:i.)itTL)'i'y.,fr.-j4. iI ::-::> w .ls#' .9;"s8,-"',..: ffit 84 /(-.-- I .24,--1 g4 3 (n s.! tI lr I I I irlr nh :l! llI Ti _F z I!l It tltl I -J-_T l_I _Ll- ll tl t a---------rtlllllll o. Ii ti ======jft-,l-- j=h _fi_ t[ qs --:---:----fr-=-i-I-l- l*tffiffimlt -l -ffiiJ'ffi t-] Ert-l-l-\.i llFJ:ir | |Cl lloll ' o nl l*l I_______T______ ttr rt | | | -l-l--:-Ii--l--l-t/rltl --+--I O oo /T\vt @ilr iir _t' --lal o-l il''ft' t1I ru ilo r li l0 ii lIi PT- fl @ 9:,- oo @---o-- @-- @-- o-- e5t [xP ll ,-#/- f--l!I ;t $i t li lE o $r s I ? $e {i I erl9 ffi f ffi q I t! @-e- @- @-+tX !5 ET I -----\-------\i @- @-l-l $$t3 tI j! I I I I Jql :l rti 1lo o -l'l fr$ e-- * I I @-- @--o--H @-o-- @--- $ @---- L--_J}J o- o- *il. lrttBSrHsoo Community Development Plan Rou o ting Form Approved Denied (cite detailed reasons) _x-Approved with conditions a Greg Hall, Public Works Todd Oppenheimer, Public Works Mike McGee, Fire Routed To: Christie Barton, Community Development Date Routed: Proiect Name: 706 Forest Road Lot 9, Block l, Vail Village 6'h Filing Setback variance request-front setback? (It looks like the side setback to me) COMMENTS l.)Please provide a stamped topographic survey to determine grading andretainingwalls around the new addition. 2.)Show how drainage is addressed. PEC ok TL Partch received 4ll6198 retumed 4/20/98 f:\everyo tE\domvoulfonn ZONE CHECK 5-64s Legal description: Lot / rmng vv b+b Address' 7-d * 675 = 425 credit plus 250 addition Does this request involve a 250 Addition? rJO How much of the allowed 250 Addition is used with this request? ?ffiO+:W = zbtl 5rSe 3> 20' 15' l5' 4ZVdO -11u Site coverage 16o1' Height Setbacks a+74 polorl Front Sides Rear 3', /6', 73 o _j__q_V'tg G'7rt7^'1 ZZ-t lb z r5' o6a(tL?05Landscaping Retaining Wall Heighe Parking Garage Credit Driveryay Complies with TOV Lighting Ordinance Are finished gndes less than 2:1 (50%) Environmental,4lazards Yes_y'._ Yes- 1) Percent Slope Enclosed No- No- 1.rlov"1, @,>ffiI^ ^) (./2) Floodplain 3) Wetlands NO NO r'/0 Minimum 36tyl ^i^ r- lRequjred- NQ-C @- (300) (600) (e00) (1200)t.-b C'1,'.1 I Permined rrop"L9ffWposed slope -% 4) Water Coune Setback (30) (5$ / /R 5) Geologic Hazards a) SnowAvalanche b) Rockfall c) Debris Flow hevious conditions of approval (check property fileL-- Is the property non-conforming? Describe: NA DE SI GN REVIEW CIIECKLIST A SURVEY / "/ ,/ ./ / ttAIA 4_e J -/ ./ -rz- tr SITEPLA}I / ,,/ / ; ,/ ./ t/ Scale Benchmark Legal description Lot Size BuildableArea Ease,ments Topography 100 yr. flood plain Water Couse Setback Envirronmental Hazards Trees Utility locations Spot elwations Scale BuildingHeight EncroacbmenE Setbacks Site Coverage EaveVOverhangs (4') Decks/Balconies Garage connection Site Grade\Stope ReainingWalls Fences ParkingiGarage Turning Radius Driveway (access and gnde) Snow Storage Fire Access I ."/ llt CondoApproval 4t dle -lt '/ r'[* ,/ ,./ lJz Memoto Housing Planner if a'n ,,./ .,/ t/ O FLOORPIAT.IS (/ Scale 'l/t/ GRFA ,/ d4 4/l 2s}additionalGRFA C)awl\Attic Space EHU Q BTJILDINGELEVATIONS /u Scale ,/ ColorMaterials ,/ RoofPitch tr LAI.IDSCAPEPLA}I Z- Existingtee.s / Proposednees ./ Legend MISCELLANEOUS Title report (A & B) Utility verification fomr Photos ofsite Building material sarnples C.O. Verification Sun\ShadeAngles Utilities (underground) ViewConidon Variances Plat restrictions EHU is proposed 79tu4?&W7 P.@7 Cilr|artalrnieg*f,a4?*2t3t ArtDtr{vrr(}xulilTrl'. @E" "FFarcl<h irer ry pr[ccr nq*io3 qrs?d ty tu Phrdl3fid Bti fdcJifo. r* g--*-,ff.tr.f+eountrfu ttcptbtrrrfittal ||qFf ruriloF Cmdln-Fc*6 TL{$trFdbr raorFrt d dl rqful ifuu ir nHltsd- Trspotctqr dro old bonviamdtly tbTo*t€mc! rdlr6cDotDRcrtorBa{ APFIICATIOIF|ON, TYTE(FriFTJCAII(*{:cl Add|idcRFA(Zto)EI Bcd,rdffilf GdrldusFtrolEl lrl1lcc Elrea&iftrldo EI Rdqstr qFvdncc F vtreEl Znigc{*rsH D8$mIPIt(yN (]F TflB B.BqltBSn 'A/,'o/L CUP/?A'Z,? /K) LOCAIIfhIOFPROFOSAL: Affilp AtgorEdDilr{.lEdllr eq|oP tht(rlrs ,. \ llrjcctl CClbicAtEdo (Vrit MC*ctr Of,trEdsrtlHio tr XdcaEl Ail-aGdrodSB ,UL ,r2al flAr( ao3. -1'?o trfl*91 qrzf' wr3-H.ffi.-J-VA/L y/QJOE (t," gtl El tr E tl. ( UJr'c to( TDTAL P.A1 D. E" F. G, ^Dw,q* 7ol" F{zEtf fuAP .- "ry.nr'ollrc ZOIIIN(} NATGOFWTq(s|: (}wlEnfi)se{A .NAIIE(F FE' - G nra $bunrAr-*Bqurrnfiirrs Fn rrrri SUmT 1f,lr lrilJCArG{, ILL gm[|ITrAI. Dfllilmm fr lllr5ltrrffi:r DGYE/tpI,lEltI, ?lt YiNLGOD(ilADOtfffrr. 04/09/98 08:11 TXIRX N0.2402 P.00r 13 Apr 1998 Town of Vail Planning and Environmental Commission Re; Adam Residence Variance Request. ARCHITECTS The variance request is based on the fact that the home is currently built within the front setback limits of the property. We are proposing a small addition to a portion of the front of the residence, which by definition will be "increasing an existing non-conforming" item. To respond to those issues noted on the PEC application; 1. Given the minimal proposed addition to the residence (see plans), we feel this has no impact on the Town's development objectives. 2. No issues noted here are impacted. 3. No issues noted here are impacted. 4. In terms ofcharacter ofthe building and surrounding area; The building is currently of a 1970's contemporary style. It was built, apparently, prior to the crurent zoning requirements. Due to the steep hillside in which the house was constructed, it was placed closer to the street. The proposed addition actually only in-fills an existing exterior deck, therefor not altering the existing implied mass. The proposed dormer and fenestration begin to alter the appearance only is a much as reflecting the current "alpine" aesthetics, as well as greatly reduce the visual scale of the elevations. The addition impacts views from no other adjacent property. The reasoning for the addition being located as it is proposed is due to the existing site slope and terrain. Providing an addition to the east is the only legitimate area of potenfial expansion. The addition only slightly impacts the front setback as noted above.W Dale Smith Architect (/zrsw-,7r:-, (ldrtQi Funa"'' ealy' ) lr// K:\9747-Adam\PECO4 I 398.wpd PlanningaArchitectureolnteriors 1650EastVail Valley Drive Fallridge C-1 . Vail,CO81657 r fpb@colorado.net . fax (970\ 4764901 . (97O\ 476-6342 JqF]l-gB-gB tBstE FFOI|: LA'|D TTTLE CUAPANTEE III ' t9?o47Et4534 vv PAGE 3/9 Thc irformation below is effective through tvltrch 25, 1998. The addresscs shown firaJt not bc current. For ctrnemt addresscs coiltact the Eagle County Assessors office. Lot 5At Block 2 Lionshead Partners 12770 Merit llr. , Suite 4@ Ddlas. TX 75251 Lot 58, Block 2 Tec<as Tetwisiorq Inc. One Shoreline Plaza, Sirite 2700 South Corpus Christi, TX 78401 Lot 6.'4, Block 2 Roger V. And Sally M Cadol t9 Donaldson St. Fort Bragg- NC 28307 I-ot 68, Block 2 Colmar, ANeur lersey Gcncral Ptnshp 251 Fowlcr Road, Farl:Ells Somersel NI 07931 Lot 8, Block I Neil R. And NanryR. Austrian 22BallwoodRoad Old Grccnrlich. CT 06870 Lot 9C. Blook I Micbael E. Artd Karcn M. Herman 6201 Waru Parlnray Kansas Ciw. MO 64101 Lot l0A Block I MchaclD. Erickson 5980 Pinc Grovc Road Edina- MN 55a36 Lot l0B, Block 1 Cbarlcs S. Ackerrnan 1130 W€st ConmyRoad Nonlnnsst, GL3O377 04/08/98 15:05 Tx/Rx N0.2384 P.003 I THIS ITEM MAY AFFECT YOUR PROPERTY PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that ihe Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 12-3-6 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on May ll, 1998, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. In consideration of: A request for front and side setback variances, to allow a proposed residential addition, located at 2625 Larkspur Lane/Lot 1 , Block 2, Vail Intermountain. Applicant: Shawn WeyrauchPlanner: Dominic Mauriello A request for front and side setback variances, to allow for a proposed residential addition, located at 706 Forest Road/Lot 9, Block 1, Vail Village 6th. rpplicant: Nancy Adam, represented by Fritzlen, Pierce, Briner Architects TDnner: Christie BartonI A request for a minor CC1 ederior alteration, to allow for a change 1o previously aPp_rolqq .. plans, located at 286 Bridge Street, A & D Building/Lois A & B and Part of C, Block 5-A, Vail Village 1st Filing. Applicant: Lee Hollis, Golden Bear Store Planner:George Ruther A request for a setback variance, to allow for a deck expans_lon, located at 83 Willow Place, Rivei House Condominiums/Lot 3, Block 6, Vail Village 1st Filing. Applicant: MFI Investments, represented by Larry Deckard Planner:Dominic Mauriello A request for a conditional use permit, to allow for a Type ll Employee Housing Unil, located at 45 Forest Road/Lot 33, Block 7, Vail Village 1st Filing. Applicant: BMS ParlnershiP Planner: Christie Barton The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular'office hours in the project planner's 'office located at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification. Please call 479- 2114 voice or 479-2356 TDD for information. Community Development Department Published April24,1998 in the VailTrail. April 13, 1998 Adam Residence Zoning Study Zonrng District; Primary/Secondary Lot Size:58,498 Square Feet Site Coverage Allowed (20o/o); I1,700 Square Feet Gross Residential Floor Area (GMA) Allowed 25%o of ftst 15,000 sf (.25 x 15,000) :3,750 l0% ofnext 15,000 sf(.1 x 15,000) = 1,500 ARCHITECTS 5o/o of wea in excess of 30,000 sf (58,498-30,000 :28,498 x .05) : 1,425 sf Total Base GRFA:6.675 sf Total GRFA Allowed Primary Unit (60%):4,680 sf Secondary Unit(40% max) = 3,345 sf Existing GRFA Primary Unit: 3,452 sf Secondary Unit: 2,719 sf Remaining GRFA Primary Unit: 1,228 sf Secondary Unit = 626 sf Garage Allowance - 600 sf per unit Existing Garage Use Primary Unit - 515 sf Secondary Unit - 452 sf Tolal GRFA added to Livable area: Primary Unit = 1010 sf SecondaryUnit-0sf Total GRFA added to Garage: Primary Unit - 85 sf Secondary Unit: 0 sf Total GRFA for each category is within the allowance required. K :\974 7-Adam\Contract\grfa#2.wpd PlanningoArchitectureolnteriors 1650 EastVail Valley Drive Fallridge C-1 . Vail-CO81657 o fpb@colorado.n et . fax lgTol 476-4901 . (g7O) 476-6342 Io IL rtl nNqo$[H oz ={ luil. luo il_ llJ o\) llJF 6 Ros Atu oJudPsff .f; s u6 Ir(\J aFtU J9; t r I I I I 1 I I I I I \i\\1 ,\I It3\r9_u _l ' revtsed LOl5l92'( I. o EPPLTCATION FOR A \IARI.NICE This procedure is required for any project requesting avariance. The application will not be accepted until allinformation is submitted. Application Date PEC MEETING DATE A.NAME oF APPLrcAnr, l?4/vc/ A2A/4 ADDRE55 +? 15 E. pre€Ep.lE Cf owNER(S) (rype or prlnr\ A/r'NC/ &//t?24 ,4,D1 srcNAruRE (s, ,5& ./\raurg? 2/:c lY24 PHONE D.LOCATION BLOCK / OF PROPOSAL: FILING LEGAL DESCRIPTIO}": LOT q }rjJ l-'Jl"IT D D E. FEE $25O. OO PAID cK# THE FEE MUST BE PAID BEFORE THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT WILL ACCEPT YOUR PROPOSAL. F. Stamped, addressed envelopes of the names of owners ofaII property adjacent to the subject property INCLUDING PROPERTY BEHIND AND AcRosS STREETS, and a lisI of theirnames and maiLing addresses. THE AppLICANT WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CORRECT MAILTNG ADDRESSES. rr. A pre-application conference with a planning staff mernber isstrongly suggested to determine if any additionalinformation is needed. No application will be acceptedunless it is complete (nust include al1 items required bythe zoning administrator). It is the applicant'sresponsibility to make an appointment with the staff to findout about additionaL submittal resuirements. ]II, PLEASE NOTE THAT A COMPI.ETE APPLICATION W]LL STREAMLINE THEAPPROVAL PROCESS TORTG-FNOJECT BY DECREASING THE NUMBEROF CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL THAT THE PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION (PEC) MAY STIPULATE. ATLar/\rt^Th-^rtUUNUI..I'I.UN5 oF APPRoVAL MUST BE CoMPLIED WITH BEFoRE ABUILDING PERMIT IS ISSUED. FOUR (4) COPIES OF THE FOLLOWING MUST BE SUBMITTED: A. A WRITTEN STATEMENT OF THE PRECISE NATURE OF THEVARIANCE REQUESTED AND THE REGULATION IWOLVED. THE STATEMENT MUST ALSO ADDRESS: 1. The relationship of the requested variance toother existing or potential uses and structures inthe vicinitv. BY ?2r2;',U/JqtO y't4zlrr aa ZUztrnona 361 7?O538a ADDRESS ,fut a &a5,^ pHoNE_/7z__o 3fr- NAME oF AppLrcANy s REpRESENra.rwt frrf26t //Qd H/,uElL /b56 /i. lr'/C b//U{/ t2A ku/.,e//2. ' I€-/ C. NAME OF OWNER (S) ADDRESS a?-2a-L935 A7:31PN FR3t1 t'rh" "rtdf'J DBdTCiIf IJ L'17@4761?,23 P. E at lwllir'BAiRD AFtLlot?ro[t -rotrr! or vltL, @LoRtDo DATE IT'CETVID: DITE OF DRA IFf,TtrTIG:aattrallart rtt llrrlrl \t6 I, t. A. c. D. Q. r. T. .t' :rcuscq -mrl'rqrO$.: DESCREPIIDr|r f.lGfL DISCnII'TION: t,oB Srtbdlvlctorr Block e tnects Btd. bouDds l€Ealon 3 rep.ra>.e tllcct rnd attagh s Y It groperty is deaeribed'bydage"tpLioB, Itle.lsC provideco thi! apDlicat,ion, xAr4 0Fl|al.ltttt NN{e 0tl,tallinq IDDL'EA!|5' g Addrctgl HrHs or rmflf {91: OElratl SrGqrurlt tpPDtul?Ioru f,flIit rw s! prcesgg&t rrwom omEnrs stfintutt Condcqirlte rpprovrl irt ap'gticabte . nRF FB8: DBB_fees, ts rhoun tbgve, :rre to bc peid at UhEtttl| of 'rjhittill of .the Dng apPltcarton. tater. wtrendgDlylog for a butldlng pemitr plcase ideatlfy the accuratcvrllrttiofr of tha propo6r1. fhe ttown of vail wlll adjuct ttrercf aecor6laE to thc tablc beio,r. to e!!ur€ tha corraet fa€lr pald. Irl,8CEBPF!:yALUltroDt o-t ro,ooo010.001 -l 50,000t50,001 "t 150,000ll50,0o:. - | 500,ooof500,001 - $t,000.090I Ovcr ll,O00,oO0 9!!lor rEtrrEr EoilD ADpBOnlt tirrrltlTlgIrrl Et&ltr r turortml Plrut! iitr lErrtrD, rBE s 20_00I S0.00 t100.00 3200.00tr00.o0 tso0.o0 osc rEAn tFrun tanLttruD ro e8sTrlilJftc E. P. zoul$c? htfe<^ - APPLre.lNr: €lddrglsr rOTflL F. i V IrrST OF MATERIAIJS LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT_I BT,OCK suBDrvrsron VV. hf+.. STREET ADDRESS: The fol.lowing informat.ion is reguired for submiE.t.al to t,he Design Review Board before a final approval can be given: OFA.COI,ORBUIIJDING II!.ATERIALS : Roof Siding Other wall MaLerials Fascia Soffits windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim "ur,U or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Ret.aining WalLs ExLerior Lighting Other TYPE MATERIAIJ Designer: Phone: B. LANDSCAPING: Name of Single Family ZONE CHECK . FOR Residence, Duplex, Pr ZONE DISTRICTS o imary BUILDABI,E Exis Linq /Secondary Subdivision P}IONE PI{ONEARCHITECT ZONE DISTRICT 1F,B' '*9:-neiehcJ$31 TOt,Al GRFA E,ltdo (A) Prirnary GRFA N,gtde Ca) secondary GRFA Setbacks PRoPosED usn Pl9 Lor srzg l,?hoto ar =8211? \LOT AREA Proposed ToLaIAllowed (30) (33) + 425 =-5131_ fu+ 40 30M 20' 15', 15', Parking Garage Credit Drive: complies wj.th T.o.v. wat,er coursc Setback Do Finish Grades Exceed 2:1 Ilnv i ronrnen t.a 1,/Hazards : YES Slope t No NO 1) /-t 'l\ trlood PIain PercenL Slope (< > 30%) Geologic rlazardsa) Snow Avalanche b) Rockfall c) Debris Flow 4) Wetlands View Corridor EncroachmenL: Yes NO, Does Lhis reqriesL invoive a 230 riddiLiolr? How much of Lhe allowed 250 Addition is used wich chis Previous condiLions of approval (cbeck property file): 0cques V. DA'E: Yeb.zz ,qv I,EGAL DESC PTION: Lot, ADDRESS: OI^INER )6tt +- tft B?o+ 5('bl +o 6tDl EtL 3i4'b FronL Sides Rear + lE --h!Lb_ Lh,"o Ltt5T r' si ue coverage Tbolo t Ar+ LlTo 4p ^.btc Landscaping ReLaining waII lleights 3t /gt b neqra (3oo) (aool tsoolffiDl- Permitted Slope % ProPosed Lighting Ordinance Yes e-L? /!!:Qt+ 10 E? E$ff I I Hr-o$F { 5 $- f$ .l= :10 i11 t* l1{ IF ttc ryF@'Pa_w, lerpp?y. . 81657 303. $ff f-llF- - p q $ FN l$ F I I AJ"AM ?ft16>6=- h,gn Review Action ttrn TOWN OF VAIL catesory Numbe{Jt-: ,/ PrgectName: frd(wtS Building Name: Description:,7, ArchilecVOontact, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot ? Bbck Projest Street Address: Comments: Motion by; Board / Staff Action Vote: Seconded by: ! Approval Ll Disapproval TffGtatrRpprovat Conditions: L,.,/'fl .'l *<- , /'' ? f DRB Fee pre-paa",eu (10 I k TE-:3@!-E4S-8353 REgiFT 9ERUICEE*'*;::"; t" EomD rppr.rcarrn - Ferr op Dmr rtctlurE^TF OF gll TE:rIlEil...aOOll, vlill!.GiltrftE r *t r tr r-riEI A. tf+ftcF, rH_rgEF .E5or.. n.rrfi 0F r|Yltts; ---49-gg[.|tnrction {t}00.00t -"-.,;r'ddittat l160. onl -Kx*or lrrer+El,oo,- coFccyuBr acv3cu {1r0.00trt0lc. D. E. Fr t. lnn8es$i tlctrL Edr6lvirlos :. ldc t€ prcperrr Is CsecrL5og 5rr,doacri ptL66r ptdajs DrovidaLo lhiE rDptlcrtioO. I nGGt Oad, 5q|rDdr 1q|r,oqre eqrelrt'e rbFeE |!al lttlc,b igul|lrRi ! Mt{E Atutlt iag J|rFlJClI{i! lddsa-E! 'tt. .t--F.: I rq.tll! uFllo5llnq APFIiIO,,TI*T'Jrddrclli ilru{E qr f,Dt8(r} I -qFfiilst Jrdfliqgrst !: ntfufctfronr nl,h+ twr rrtfoT rmrs trgqtba :condffiirirtrr rFprdvar il appltsabl.. huE TEE: DRE !q€8, cs ongr rbcvc.l rr8 tg be llrll1l at Cbrrlrc of firbRtlErl €!.Ll.e B,B-tppftF.Eicql. &LEE8. rtcq[IrF, yl ng ?or q btr i.hliug p|!rllr,-,- pflerc ldosElnl'Flylng ?OF e brr ildjtJ.lg p|lfrrlt, E't-rtc ld€gEtly BltO I.lEUtr EevaluaBlou of thc proposal . Ttr* tum o! Y.rl rlu |dlufE Eba$Jurl, Elrfco .ccoEoinq En r.hc r!!ln bethr. ta t[gu!! tE cotttct ltail Dii6, ItriF e llE#c'lrrDlr,la. VTLSiTTIODI? s I iorDoc+rurool'f to.truo |50.001 .+ 190,0oCfllu.ool, . f )0o.0uo fs00.o0r - tl.coo{000S gt$r 11,C00r000 nitslclf RfirEEf il:rn! AED|'fl|I}Ir EEIIll ,rI?&uVeL llu.r$s r DUTIfIllC *AET 13 rrt fntrlD, ttl + rcrile| 3T.0e tleo,0{l2!9-9s,. 1100.00'tt0c.0e eIE llll'rrtTr tnell SSFEID rrD df,irffi I DRB IPPLICATION DATE APPLICATION RECETVED: DATE OF DRB UEETING: *****T'ITIS APPIJICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL TNFORMATTON IS SUBI.{ITTED***** I.PRE-APPLICATION }TEETING : A pre-application neeting with a planning staff menber is strongly suggested to determine if any additional information is needed. No application will be accepted unless it is complete (must include all items recruired by the zoninq administrator). It is the applicantrsresponsibility to make an appointment with the staff to find out about additional subnittal requirements. Please note that a COMPLETE application vill streamline the approval process for your project by decreasing the nurnber of conditions of approval that the DRB may stipulate. ALL conditions of approval nust be resolved before a building perroit is issued. Application witl not be processed without Ownerrs Signature. A. PROJECT DESCRIT{TION: OF PROPOSAL:B,I.OCATION Address Legal Descriptj-on Subdivision C. NAME OF APPLICANT: Mailing Address: Phone ?/o-.ez- ( car-.) APPLICANTTS REPRESENTATM: >;1 4a-t' -D.NAI,TE OF MaiI_ing Address: E.NAME OF OWNERS: SIGNATURE (8) : Mailing Address: F.DRB FEE: The fee witl be paid at the time a building FEE $ 10.00 $ 2s.00 $ 5O.Oo g1oo. 00 $200. O0 $300. O0 IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBI.TISSIONS TO THE DRB: A. In addition to neeting subnrittaL requirements, the applicant must stake the site to indicate.property tines and building corners. Trees that will be removed must also be rnarked. This work must be completed before the DRB visits the site. permit is recruested. VALUATION $ 0-9 1O,OOO $1O,OO1 -9 5O,OOO 950,001 -S 15O,OOo $150,001 - $ 5OO,0Oog5oo,oo1 - $1,ooo,ooo $ Over $1r 000,0OO a Zoning Phone r'26- !o78 II. -, B.The review process for NEw BUIL,DINGS will nornally involve two separate meetings of the Design Review Coard, so the lpplicant should plan on at least two meetings for a final aPProval . Applicants who fail to appear before the Design Review il;;e-;g their schedured-ieeting and who have not asked for a postponement wilt be reguired to be republished' At the discretion of the zoning adroinistrator' the iollowlng items nay not have to be presented to the Design n6view Board. They, however, have to be -tres6ntea to the Planning Departrnent for approval: a. Windows, skylights and sinilar exterior changes that do not-alter the existing plane of the building; and b. Building additions that are not viewed from any other tot or public space, which have had letters subnitted froin adjoining property owners approvLng the addition; andTor appr-val frorn the agent for' or manager of a condouriniun association' You may be required to conduct Natural Hazard Studies on youi propeity. You should check with a Town Planner before proceeding. c. D. E. I t I. I{ATERIAL TO BE SUBI'{ITTED NEW CONSTRUCTION A. firo copies of a topooraphic rnap and site plan at a scale of 1rr = 2ot or larger, of the site containing the following: 1. Licensed surveyorrs stamp. 2. contour intervals of not more than 2r unless the parcel consists of 6 acres or nore, in which case, 5r contour intervals may be accepted. 3. Existing trees or groups of trees having trunks with diarueters of 4tr or more one foot above grade. 4. Rock outcroppings and other significant natural features (large boulders, internittent streams, etc. ) . 5. Avalanche areas, centerline of stream or creek, creek or stream setback, l00-year flood pJ.ain and slopes of 4ot or more, if applicable. 6. Ties to existing benchrnark, either USGS landnark or segrer invert. 7. Locations of the following: a. Proposed surface drainage on and off site, showing size and tlpe of culverts, swales, etc. b. Exact locations of aIl. utilities to include existing sources and proposed service 'l ines from sources to the structure. Utilities to include: Cable TV Telephone c. Property lines and a basis of Sewer Gaswater Electric showing distances and bearings bearing 8. 9. d. Proposed driveways with percent slope and spot elevations e. AII easenents (Title report must also include existing easernent locations) Existing and finished grades. All existing and proposed irnprovements including structures, landscaped areasr service areas, storage areas, wal.ks, driveways, off-street parking, loading areas, retaining walls (with spot elevations of top and bottom of walls), and other site inprovements. Elevations of top of roof ridqes (with existing and proposed grades shown underneath) to deternj'ne height of building. AII ridge lines should be indicated on the site plan. 10. B.Landscape Plan (lrt = 2Or or larger) ' 2 1. Show the location of 4rt diarneter or other shrubs and native plants that site and the location and design of landscape areas with the varietiesplant rnaterials indicated. copies required larger trees,are on the proposed and sizes of NOTE: 2. Courplete the attached landscape materials list. 3. Designate all trees to be saved and aII those to be rernoved. As much of the above infornation as possible should be indicated on the site plan, so that the inter-relation of the various components is clear. The landscape plan should be separate. The existing topographic and vegetational characteristics may be shown on a separate map. The apolicant rnust stake the site to show lot lines and buildinq corners. Trees that will be lost during construction rnust be taoqed. The work rnust be completed before the DRB site visit. Siqnature from each utilitv companv verifying location of service and availability (see attached). Prelirninarv titLe report to accompany aII subnittals, to insure property ownership and aII easements on property. Architectural Plans (L/4" = 1r or larger) 2 copies required. 1. t{ust include scaled fioor plans and al1 elevations as they will appear on conpletion. Elevations must show both existing and finished grades. 2. one set of f loor plans rnust be rtred-l j.nedrr to show how the GRFA was calculated. 3. Subnit one set of reduced (8 L/2x x 11rr) floor plans, elevations and site plan for inclusion in memos to Planning Commission and Town Council. 4. Exterior surfacing materials and colors shall be specified and submitted for review on the materials list (attached). Color chips, siding samples etc., should be presented at the Design Review Board neeting. F. Zone check list (attached) nust be conpleted if project is zoned Sing1e-Family, Prinaryrzsecondary or Duplex. c. The Zoning Adninistrator and/or DRB nay reguire the submission of additional plans, drawings, specifications, sarnples and other naterials (including a rnodel) if deened necessary to deternine whether a project will conply with Design Guidelines. II. MINOR ALTERATIONS TO THE EXTERIOR OF BUTLDINGS. Photos or sketches that clearly indicate what is proposed and the location (site plan) of the proposal nay be submitted in Iieu of the nore forrnal requirenents given above, as long as they provide all irnportant specifications for the proposal including colors and materials to be used. c. D. E. of a higher inpact than single-fanily and two-farnily residences although projects of that nature shall not be excluded frorn the opportunity to request a conceptual design review. The followlng infornation shall be submitted for a conceptual review: a. A conceptual site and landscape plan at a nininun scale of one inch equals twenty feeti b. Conceptual elevations and exterior material-s and a description of the character of the proposed structure or structuresi c. Sufficient inforrnation to show that the proposal conplies with the development standards of the zone district in which the project is to be located (i.e. GRFA, site coverage calculations, nurnber of parking spaces, etc. ) t d. Completed application form; e. Planning and Environmental Commission and or Town Council approval if required. Procedure: Upon receipt of an application for conceptual design review, the Department of Community Developnent shall revieht the subnitted rnaterials for general cornpliance with the appropriate requirements ofthe zoning code. If the proposal is in basic conpliance with the zoning code requirenents, theproject shall be fornarded to the DRB for conceptualreview. If the application is not generally in cornpliance with zoning code reguirements, the application and submittal materials shall be returned to the applicant with a written explanation of the Department of Community Developmentts findings. The DRB shall review the application and supporting material that has been submitted for a conceptual review in order to determine whether or not the project generally conplies with the design guidelines. No vote of the DRB vrilL be required unless requested by the applicant. The property owner or his representativeshall be present at the DRB hearing. 2. III. ADDITIONS . RESIDENTIAL OR CO},T},TERCTAL A. original floor plans with all specifications shown. B. Two sets of proposed fLoor plans (L/4" = 1r or larger)for additions. c. Trro copies of a site plan showing existing and proposedconstruction. Indicate roof ridge elevations withexisting and proposed grades shown underneath. . D. Elevations of proposed addition. '' E. Photos of existing structure. F. Specifications for all materials and color samples on rnaterials list (attached) . At the reguest of the Zoning Adninistrator you nay also be reguired to subnit: G. A statement from each utility verifying location ofservice and availability. See attached utility Iocation verification forn. H. A site improvernent survey, stamped by registeredprofessional surveyor. I. e preliminary title report, verifying ownershj-p ofproperty and lists of easements. IV. FINAL SITE PLAN After a building permit has been issued, and when theproject is underway, the following wiII be reguired before any building receives a franing inspection from the Building Departnent: Two copies of a certified inprovement survey showing: A. Building locations with ties to property corners, i.e. distances and angles. B. Building dimensions to the nearest tenth of a foot c. A11 utility service lines, as-builts, showing size of Iines, type of rnaterial used, and exact locations. D. Drainage as-builts. E. Basis of bearing to tie to section corner. F. AII property pins are to be either found or set and stated on maP. G. A1l easements. H. Building fLoor elevations and all roof ridge elevations with existing and proposed grades shown underneath. V. CONCEPTUAL DESIGN REVIEI{ 1. Submittal requirements: The owner or authorized agent of any project requiring design approval as prescribed by this chapter may subrnit plans for conceptual review by the Design Review Board to the Department of Connrunity Development. The purpose of a conceptual review shall be to give the applicant a basic understanding with respect to the design concept and the compatibility of a proposal with the Design Guidelines contained within this chapter. This procedure is recomrnended nainly for those applications LIST OF I.fATERIAI,S NA].[E OF PROJECT: STREET ADDRESS: LEGAL DESCRIPIION: IOT- BTOCK SUBDTVISION DESCRTPTTON OF PRO..TECT: The following infor:mation is Review Board before a final A. BUILDING I'IATERIALS 3 Roof Siding Other WalL ltaterials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trin Doors Door Trim 1F!. Deck*Rails Flues Flashings Chirnneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other B.I,ANDSCAPING: Name of PI.ANT MATERIAI,S: PROPOSED TREES reguired for submittal to the Design approval can be given: TYPE OF MATERIAL COI,OR m-/.enoz ,-:// /-ltcz-- 7-- J.Jr.kz;ta ac€ r-./*-.--1 tA,.'-t A n ^1/ tr4 - lo"t:- 6,n /1 - 4.-J zor'Z Designer: Phone: ouantitv Size* EXISTING TREES TO BE RE},IOVED *Indicate caliper for deciduous trees. Mininun caliper for deciduous trees is 2 inches. Indicate height for coniferous trees. llininun heicht for coniferolls trees is 6 feet. PLANT MATERIAL.S: Botanical Name Common Name ouantity Size* PROPOSED SHRUBS EXTSTING SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED *Indicate size of proposed shrubs. Mininun size of shrubs is 5 qa}lon. Tnoe Square Footacre GROUND CO\rERS soD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR I.{ETHOD OF EROSION CONTROL c. OTHER IANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls, fences, swinrninq pools, etc.) Please specify. Indicate heights of retainingwalls. Maximun height of walls within the front setback is 3 feet. l{aximun height of walls elsewhere on the property is 6 feet. I @ aProject Application Prolect Nam€: Proiect Descrip{ion: Owner Address and Phone: Architect Address and Phone: Logal Descriptio n: tot 7 , "ro"* / , rrrrnn Zoning Approved: f:i,,t/st- .J- Deslgn Revlew Board 7-7-EO DISAPPROVAL r'c ,y'-4,, ,1, t r{1, r-z.t-+ *a{2 / /-t Chief Building Off icial I.aU-' \id4--')a-, <) at* o Project Application l,/"*g , - Project Name: Proiect Description: Owner Address and Phone: Archit€ct Address and Phone: q Legal Description: Lot lo , g;e61 Zoning Approved: Design Revlew Board Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Chiel Building Oflicial .. | .: ''' 602 East 8th Street Pueblo, Colo 8.1001 (303) 54&1 1s0 P.O. Box 1427 Glenwood Springs, Coto 81601 (303) 94$6020 86 Flosemont Plaza Montrose, Colo 81401 (303) 249-7838 P.O. Box 1 882 Grand Junction, Colo 81501 (303) 242-8968 P.O. Box 1 643 Rock Springs, Wyo 82901(307t 342-2649 1? UrrcolnDeVore 1000 West Fillmore St. Colorado Springs, Colorado 80907(303) 632-3593 Home Office Tridel and Company Box l5l3Vail, CO 81657 Attn: Peter Sherowski Re: Soils InvestigationLot 9, Block IVail Village, 5th Filing Gentlemen: June 5, 1980 At your request, Lincoln-Devore personnel have examined the nature and consistency of the soils in the area of the above referenced construction site. Two test pits were placed acrossthe site, located as shown on the enclosed Test Pit LocationDiagram. The location of the site itself has been indicated onthe enclosed General Site Location Diagran. Although Lincoln-Devore has not seen a set of construction drawings for the proposed single fanily dwelling unit, we feelthat it will be basically a frame structure of more or less con-ventional design. Foundation loads for structures of this nature are normally light to nediun weight in magnitude. Generally speaking, the foundation soils encountered during our subsurface exploration program can be divided into a two-layersystem. The upper layer of the soiJ- profile consists of the lowplastic silts of SoiI Type No. 1. Soil Type No. I was encoun-tered at or near the present ground surface in both test pits excavatedr iDd extended to a depth ranging frorn about 5 to 7feet. Generally speaking, Soil Type No. I is of low permeability and low density. These soils have a slight tendency to expand upon the addition of moisture, with swell pressures on the orderof 400 psf being considered typical. While this magnitude of expansion should not be sufficient to affect the structural mem-bers of the building, it can cause some novement beneath lightly loaded floor slabs on grade and other flatwork. It will have adistinct tendency to settlenent and long term consolidation uponapplication of foundation loads. Therefore, inposed foundation Ioads should never exceed 1200 psf, and building balance should be carefully rnaintained. Soil Type No. I contains sulfates indetrinentat quantities. F Vail Village June 5, 1980 Page -2- The second layer of the soil profile consists of the silty sandsof SoiI Type No. 2. These sands were encountered at a depth ranging fron about 5 to 7 feet below the present ground surfacein Test Pits No. 1 and 2. soil Type No. 2 is perneable, of lowplasticity and nediun density. These soils also have a slight tendency to expand upon the addition of noisture' with swell pressures on the order of 300 psf being considered typical. This nagnitude of expansion is generally sufficient to affect lightly loaded floor sLabs on grade and other flatwork. Granularnaterials such as these have a tendency to rapidly settle under the initial application of static foundation pressures. However, these settlements are characteristically fairly rapid in nature, and should be virtually conplete by the end of construction. fn any event, if the al-lowable bearing values given in this rePort area not exceeded, and if recommendations pertaining to inspection, reinforcing, balancing and drainage are followed' itis felt that differential novement as a result of settlement can be held to a tolerable magnitude. At shaLlow foundation depths across the site, these soils were found to have an average allowable bearing capacity on the order of 2000 psf. These soilsare relatively free of sulfates. It is recomnended that a shallow foundation system consisting of continuous footings beneath all bearing walls and isolated spreadfootings beneath colunns and other points of concentrated load, be used to transfer the weight of the proposed structure. Such ashallow foundation system may be designed on the basis of a maxi- num allowable bearing capacity of 1200 psf as an overall siteaverage. A mininum pressure of 400 psf will be required. It shouLd be noted that the term "footings'as used above inclu- des the wall on grade or 'no footing" type of foundation system. On this particular site, the use of a more conventional footing,the use of a "no footing", or the use of voids will dependentirely upon the foundation loads exerted by the structure. This site is on a relatively steep slope (up to approximately 67percent). Although the site appeared stabl-e at the tine of theinspection, it is felt that lateral movement in the forrn of a gradual downslope creep can be anticipated. This gradual downslope novement will- create a strong potential for differen-tial rnovement throughout the structure. Therefore, opposingexterior l-oad bearing walls should be cross-connected to provide additional rigidity. where a shallow foundation system is used, we would recommendthat the contact stresses be balanceil beneath the foundation cotnponents. t{ost buildings are invariably more heavily loaded on sone walls and colunns than on others. The amount of thisvariation nay tend to be quite high. We would recommend that thesize of the foundation component be varied in direct relationshipto the actual load being carried, thus maintaining approximately Vail Vlllage June 5, 1980 Page -3- the same pressure on the soil at all points. Using the criterionof dead load only for single story structures or dead load plus one-half live load for multi-story structures and structures con-taining basements, we would reconmend that the contact stresses beneath the load bearing walls be balanced to witbin +300 psf atall points beneath the foundation wall. Isolated interior column pads should be designed for pressures of about 150 psf more thanthe average of the pressures beneath the load bearing walls. To help ensure that the structure moves more or less as a singleunit rather tban in a differential manner, we would reconmendthat all stem walls be supported by a grade beam capable of spanning at least 15 feet. This grade bean would apply to bothinterior and exterior load bearing walls. Such a grade beam should be horizontal-Iy reinforced continuously around the struc-ture with no gaps or breaks in reinforcing steel unl-ess they arespecially designed. Beams should be reinforced at both the top and the botton with the najor reinforcenent being placed near the botton of the section. A11 interior bearing walls should rest ona grade beam and foundation systen of their own and should not be allowed to rest on a thickened slab section or nshovel" footing. Where the sten walls are relatively shallow, vertical reinforcingwill probably not be necessary. Eowever, where the walls retainsoil in excess of about 5 feet in height, vertical reinforcing may be necessary to resist the active pressure of the soils alongthe wall exterior. to aid in designing such verticalreinforcing, the following equivalent fluid pressures can beutili zed: Soil Type No. I - 50 pcf Soil Type No. 2 - 32 pcf It should be noted that the above values should be modified totake into account any surcharge loads applied at the top of thewalls as a result of stored goods, live loads on the floor, machinery, or any other externally applied forces. Should the building be cut into the hi1lside, the uphill wallwill be a retaining wall. This wall must be designed to retainthe bank. The equivalent fluid pressures provided above can be used for the purpose of designing this wall. Where floor slabs are used, they may be placed directly on gradeor over a compacted gravel blanket of 4 to 6 inches in thickness. Under no circunstances should this gravel pad be al-lowed to act as a water trap beneath the floor slab. A vapor barrier is recornmended beneath any and all floor slabs on grade which willlie below the finished exterior ground surface. A11 fill placed beneath the interior floor slabs must be compacted to at least 90* of its maximun Proctor dry density, ASTM D-598. VaiI VilLage June 5, 1980 Page -4- All floor slabs on grade nust be constructed to act independentlyof the other structural portions of the building. These fl-oorslabs should contain deep construction or contraction joints tofacilitate even breakage and to help minimize any unsightlycracking which could result fron differential movement. Floor slabs on grade should be placed in sections no greater than 25feet on a side. Prior to constructing slabs on grade, allexisting topsoil and organics must be removed from the buildinginterior. Likewise, aII foundations nust penetrate the topsoil layer. Any interior, non-load bearing partitions which will be constructed to rest on the floor slab should be constructed with a minimun space of 1 inch at either the top or bottom of thewall. The bottom of the wall would be the preferred location forthis space. This space witl a1low for any future potential expansion of the subgrade soils and will prevent danage to thewall and/or roof section above which could be caused by this movement. Adequate drainage nust be provided in the foundation area both during and after construction to prevent the ponding of water. The ground surface around the building should be graded so that surface water will be carried quickly away from the structure. The ninirnun gradlent within 10 feet of the building will depend upon surface landscaping. Bare or paved areas shoul-d naintain a minimurn gradient of 2*, while landscaped areas should maintain a mininum gradient of 5$. Roof drains nust be carried across allbackfilled areas and discharged well away fron the structure. A subsurface peripheral drain, including an adequate gravelcollector, sand filter and perforated drain pipe, should be constructed around the outside of the building at foundation level . Dry wells should not be used anywhere on this site. The discharge pipe should be given a free gravity outlet to the ground surface. If "daylighto is not available, a sealed sump and punp should be used. Should there be any retaining walls constructed on this site, they should be equipped with an adequate drain system to insurepositive drainage of the retained soil. this drain system typi- cal1y would consist of a properly filtered gravel- collector and discharge pipe, with the pipe having a free drainage outlet todaylight. An alternative to this type of systen would be to use an adequately filtered gravel collector behind the wall with "weep holes" through the wall to provide an outlet for moisture. However, care should be taken with this type of installation suchthat noisture from "weep holesn does not saturate the soil imme-diately in front of the wall. It should be pointed out that the equivalent fluid pressure values given previously assume that thesoil behind the waII is in a drained condition. Vail Village June 5, 1980 Page -5- To glve the buildlng extra lateral stability and to aid in therapidlty of runoff, aII backfill around the building and in uti-lity trenches in the vicinity of the structure should be con-pacted to at least 90t of its naximum Proctor dry density, ASTMD-698. The native naterials encountered on this site may be usedfor backfilling purposes, if so desired. All backfill nust be compactecl to the required density by mechanical means. No waterflooding techniques of any type should be used in the placementof fill on this site. At the time of the inspection, the stability of the slope on thesite appeared to be adequate. Owing to the steepness of theslope, however, we must recornmend that no cuts or fills should be made on the site in excess of 5 feet without specific examinationof each proposed cut or fill base. The natural slope should be disturbed as little as possible. Sone of the finer grained soils encountered across the site were found to contain sulfates in detrimental quantitiesi therefore, a Type II Cement is recomnended for use in all concrete which will be in contact with all clayey foundation soils. Under no cir- cumstances should calciurn chloride ever be added to a Type II Cement. In the event that a Type II Cement is dlfficult toobtain, a Type I Cement may be substit.uted, but only if it isprotected fron the soil by an impermeable menbrane. As mentioned previously, any topsoil or debris should be rernoved from the construction area prior to beginning construction of thefoundation. In addition, should any pockets of debris, organicnaterial or areas of unusually low density soil be encounteredduring excavation for the footing, this material should be renoved and replaced with backfill cornpacted to 95t of the naxinumProctor density, ASTM D-698. Owing to the relative steepness of this site (sJ"opes up to approximately 57 percent) r and the subsurface materials encountered, it will be inherently susceptible to novement, bothvertically and latera1ly. Lateral movement is felt to consistprimarily of a gradual downslope creep as discussed previously. Rapid rnass tnovements are not likely if proper drainage of thesite is achieved, and cuts and fills restricted. The possibilityof rapid mass movement must be recognLzed, however remote it naybe. fhe recommendations provided here are intended to decreasethe potential for movement, both vertically and laterally. The founclation design reconmendations given in this report are speci-fically ained at minimizing the effects which soil novement would have on the building. Should the project characteristics differ fron those assumed inthis report, Lincoln-Devore would appreciate the opportunity to review the nature of construction such that changes in the recom- nendations may be made if necessary. 1Vail Vlllage June 5, 1980 Page -6- The open foundation excavation must be inspected prior to tbeplacing of forms and pouring of concrete to establish that ade-quate design bearing materials have been reacbed and that nodebris, soft spots or areas of unusually low density are locatedwithin the foundation region. AlL fill placed below the foun-dations nust be fully controlled and tested to ensure that ade-quate densification has occurred. It is believed that all pertinent points concerning the subsur-face soils on this site have been covered in this report. Ifquestions arise or further information is reguired, please feelfree to contact Lincoln-Devore at any time. Respectf ul-Ly subnitted, TINCOLN}VORE TESTING LABORATORY, INC. {""4By: Francis MagifussenCivil Engineer FMrzlab LDTL Job No. GS-1389, 34031cc3 LDTL - Glenwood Springs Re signann, P. E. TEsr n-oue no. TOP ELEVATION i^. L.. C.L-A,YEY., It., eLAYF-f,. g.FT TO T,Ln{r: ta.Uc @ SOFT TO T.B. Ylc = ,6."lo Plo\gT., BCAYIERIbc'6gEL6s) bARKgRA\^/x., HO\ST TO VERY Ftor3T.j @SE.8Rlr.j 9R., C,LAY6Y., w/qu.eurcogB[ES,r' neNUl^.bet(€ tr.() T. B.SK., CLAYI'Y., tg. ta.9.t6At/o to @ w/sc^'tlrg Sb"6*.,e lo V€RY d, oec-.'gdrLb€'Rs'., l.16ru}(be s\T(., llor€T To LY. BRO\./( l5 VER'Y m6l5-l5 LT. ERqr4l zo ?o 25 ?5 coLonADO: COLOnADO SPRlr|OS ; PUEELO , GLE WOOo SPRIl{0S 'oRAlt o JutloTlot{, Iol{TROSE 'ltYoillt{6: ROcK SPRlt{09 LINCOLN D€VORE Eil G l|{€ 8R3. GEOLOGIS:TS Prr l_ocs i SUMA4ARY SHIET Soil Sornple IrL Test Date No. 34o3r Lpcotion Vrtu Vr LLAo,c 5-22-& Boring f.lo Deprh , ' 4-'1P1a.ru) Sorple No. I Test by Noturol Woter Confeni (w) lsg o/. Specific Grovity (Gs)In Place Density (fo) pcf SIEVE ANALYSIS: Sieve Nb.o/o Possing I t/2! t1 3/4::12: loo.o t0 96.9 20 a9.e 10 a4.l 100 7/.5 200 6t.l }TYDROMETER ANALYSIS: Groin size (mm)o/o ozo a1.r oo5 tg5 Plosfic Limit P.L^ a"" * Liquid Limit l. l- 'z.t o/o Plosticify Index P.l. la3 % Shrinkoge Umit Flow lndex Shrinkoge Rotio Vo I umetri c Chonge----96 Lineof Shrinkoge o/o MOISTURE DENSITY: ASTM METHOD Optimum Abisfure Content - w*o lvloximum Dry Density -rd-rocf Colifornio Beoring Rofio (ov)-J6 Swef l' z DoVs-*--Yo Swell ogoinst4,-psf Wo goin a'6 9o BE,ARING: l-louse I Penetrometer Unconfined Compress (ov)---!-aoo.----+sf ion (qu)-psf Plofe Beoring:pf lnches Settlement Consolidofion PERMEABILITY: Vo under paf K (ot Void 2Pc) Rotio Sulfotes 2ooot PPM. SOIL ANALYSIS Ll NCO LN-DeVOR E TESTI NG LABORATORY COLORADO SPR! NGS, COLORADO I 8oL1 SamPIe gl{Test Date TeEt No.g- ProJectJ!:l5 VrLlra.r; b 6-2?-60 Saqrle Iccatlon t.p. t t @ g'(.s.rercg)by I. b. EoH E )'rm & FIzHh E:{2 frlU&9lA 100 90 80 70 5 5 3 2 I t\.5,"V+J ,o tl .r_ (#"l #200 -a #20 #{o #t@ Sleve No. Nonplastlc to Plastic sample No.z Speclftc cravlty Uolatute Content 293 Effectlve slze o.oo7s ?66.67 Cc Plneneaa l,todulus L.L. za.z % P.I. BE,ARINC ZOOO _:.?__3 psf S\./€u- ^ 3oo PS+ o.zo Sl"erre Slze % Pasalng 1 lx L/2" 7t.9 3/4:-n.t L/2!71.9 3/a"5s.1 4 65.5 10 20 40 52.6 A6.e r00 t9.a 0200 oo5 t9.? 8.4 Sulfetes etu+ GR.AIN SIZE ANALYSIS LINCOLN-DEVORE TESIING IABORATORY coLoR,ADO SPRTNGS, COLOR.ADO t coLoRA00r co|-oRADO SPRIt{GS, PUEELO, GLEllwooo sPRlt{G3 , GRAilD JUilGTIOil , I{OIITROSE , wYo u | ]'t G ! ROOK SPR lllGS LINCOLN DEVORE ENGIilEERS. GEOLOGISTS Gtrrq,\u S,te Loc.^-,ou b,o"qAr',. F.n rer ftoes N COLORADO: OOLORAOO SPR IIIGS r PUEBLO, 6LE llwooo sPRll{G3 , GRtflD JUrGTlotl , tollTi0sE 'wYo lN6 : ROOK SPRlttlcs LINCOLN DEVO R E ENCIIIEERS. GEOLO G ISTS TE*' Prr Lo*t,o^, b'oc.^ot TP.tra T.P.t a 9-- DESCRIPTIONS' CONGLOMERATE SANDSTONE SILTSTONE SHALE CLAYSTONE COAL LIMESTONE DOLOMITE MARLSTONE GYPSUM Of her Sedimenfory Rocks GRANITIC ROCKS DIORITIC ROCKS GABBRO RHYOLITE ANDESITE BASALT TUFF A ASH FLOWS BRECCIA I Olher Volconics Olher lgneous Rocks GNEISS SCHIST PHYLLITE SLATE METAOUARTZITE MARBLE HORNFELS SERPENTINE Other Meiomorphic Rocks OLS 8 NOTES' 9/2 Stondord pen€lrofion drive Numbers indicole 9 blows to drive the spoon 12'into ground. ST e- l,/2" Shelby thin woll somple Ule Noturol Moisture Conlenl llJl Weothered Moteriol Free woter toble 70 Noturol dry densily T.B. - Disturbed Bulk Sompla @ Soiltype reloted 10 somplss in report Top of formolion gTesf Boring Locotion EE Test Pit Locotion t_zt-r Seismic or Resislivity Stolion. Lineolion indicotes opprox. lendh a orientotion of spreod ( S = Seismic , R= Resislivify ) Slondord Penelrotion Drives ore mod6 by driving o stondord l.n" splil spoon sompler inlo the ground by dropping o t4o lb.wsight 3o". ASTM lesi des. D- 1s86. Somples moy be bulk , siondord split spoon ( bolh disturbed ) o, ,'r12" l.D. ihin woll ('rundislurbed rr) Shelby lube somples. See log for type. The boring logs show subsurfoce conditions ot the doles ond locolions shown ,ond it is nol worronl€d thol lhey ore represenlolive of subsurfoce condilions ol olher locolions ond times. SOILS {;7 DESCRIPTIONS' @e9 oEscRrPflo - Topsoil - Mon-mode Fill GW Well-groded Grovel GP Poorly-groded Grovel GM Silty Grovel GC Cloyey Grovel SW WelFgroded Sond SP Poorly-groded Sond SM Silty Sond SC Cloyey Sond ML Low-plosticity Silf CL Low-plosticily Cloy OL Lorrrr-plosticity Orgonic Sill ond Cloy MH Higtrplosticity Silf CH High-plosficity Cloy OH High- plosticiiy Orgonic Cloy Pt Peot GW,zGM Well- groded Grovel, S illY GVGC Well-groded Grovel, Cloyey GP/GM Poorly- groded Grovel, SiltY' GPIGC Poorly*groded Grovel, Cloyey GM/GC Silty Grovel, C loyey GC,UGM Cloyey Grovel, SiltY SfuV/SM Welt - groded Sond, SillY SW/SC Well-groded Sond, C lo yey SP/SM Poorly-groded Sond, SiltY SrySC Poorly- groded Sond, Cloyey SM/SC Siliy Sond, Cloyey SC,zSM Cloyey Sond, Silty CLIML Silty Cloy xxx xxx Grond Junction.- WYO.- Rock EXPLANATION OF BOREHOLE LOGS AND LOCATION DIAGRAMS ICi I t{J{T I /,t-'l r'.l Lil tu1{ oF 1rj1 s..::rn t soiLR lif ttE c!-qqi.llsl :r-_ccK f l {i5l uJ-*-_- ru:t Lrt-cx f)-_ _t_C'\ 'slnifT /O]!tsswt_ 7 - EttLt16 ,o:|iEss l. 2, q. 5. 6. 7. 8. g. J0. -i' ?- 3. tt. t FASEletff Jsr noon lro rlo:r ']D FLMR PASE3J' Jsr rlmr'lro rlo:r )iD FLo;R PASS-'tr\.*T Isr rLcs? ?o ncoa )RD FL@? a srtt 8 ToILET-(s:E rx-r grmJ DCIPA SIIiKS ' Ftrl SilH(s-c.',= oR TLB. ?Jlsn{, Ioll.iT' Sf"OtoS) KITC€iS DlSv;{r$3S [J$ORtES be.a risrsJ lcl t'ArdlliEs StrLt\tAS xrrg cecLr=s t t:AtE FCU{iAlis Srlili'ltllc F\DLS J^CUZ,I CU'SID:.}IqTER.O.lltt,.llt oF c€) . -t_-RIL EATIS -_ j 8C0s KIIO9I DIS.t1;'sI€R i-r.uvaarrs CN,'TSIDE HATFX 1.9) ,E J.6 2.50 1.m .50 ,6 .E .1) 5.m l:E 3..p'. = l.m = Ilil =x' .50'= x l.fr| = Rccrs (it'll trs Pcrr-s, x =-. ]/. o 9 x l.tr = /2'o r) 5.oo Ox /2- 2_ ) 2- -t- 2- /7 o- 7 3i x x x = -2. Po- ;'-J-:-.Q-a x 5? .<-o x x x WLi'ffit2-z''?o rcxlc,{tr:G 'lls cc}?Le[tcrt c: cc:sTnlsTll:..gi.t't^t-tr:rrrrs' n'= DtsliitcT sll\ll t" trciJl A ftl/Slc-/r tl,;,'rci'rci-ci'r.,j ir'-'rls:s ;o cl'i:;ltlil Il: lru!:r[s cF Foll:Ts 'to l\c r6!ts::D ^ct.-rul;:'i iol'i r*rir i":D SZi'ei i'? r:'' '"';D lv\IE 3:ri-J!'r'-E' ;s ;.r[r:r\l'r i.'i'J ll:: ols;;llcr'ir';r: i i:tti 't'I .''nJ-ujI';ilis t:if t55;'?Y lri Tl€ c'jtl6l;l''l- r/J' t 1.t- f,\lD. n,rr t;':oiotolsir"j-r- t'La) o:-lt;illl;C nt: DUIL'tlfi o"lti's l liR iiru sctin ',LRvtce cJr liLE' T TAI-' 10.m ,TOT'L POlt{TS IlisPL OR TI .LIsr or uarnnrnls O NAME OF PROJECT LEGAL DESCRIPTION DEscnrprroN oF pRoJEcr Ffr/rl0Ry *SECoxlDRRy DU EX e t zQr<>RF:5 t LOT BLocK I . ,/- -2N-)L,t_- G FILING Theto a.) following information the Design Review Board BUILDING MATEBIALS: Roof Sj-ding Other Sall Materials Iascia Soffits trlndows Window Tri-m Doors Door Trim Eand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chimneys Trash Encl-osures Greenhouses Other -t-, ,i- , f-;-\ ;)r r-\i 1z',2-r i\ ,'" /--/.,-V.= t-\-, ) 11 c r-r! -/\ -.,e, \-., e' .--<-lu RS €S i3or.rerl r-E ?EL4. I3RourN IRO^., CLf) tx Nj(2v/+ Sco'(A REalJoc?-D B. ) PI"A,NT MATERIALS(Vegetative, Landscaping MaEerials. and Ground Cover) ?otanical Name Coumron llame I?SPC N !L) ' Quantity -.-4- a i-\ .-- i!_-/ ! is required for submittal by the Applicant before a final approval can be given. Tvpe of Material Color (1,eoaR- :-'h1AP€S including Trees, Shrubs, Size oGH Strr.r EO QCY)I> FKD )', ED til /:-tD/^.-i6 t'rFf Page 2 Plant Materials Concinued Botanical Nane SizeCormon Name Quantitv c.)OTITER I.ANDSCAPE FEATI]RES in i"i"irg Wal1s , Fences , Swirming Pools, etc ' ) (Please Specify) la lu 'rz Dr+ luooxs:TowrF LLS o r,J N 4 F D nt Zorto, Zonzr, Appr.nneur'r BARRISTERS & SOLICITOR S ELVIO L. OEL ZOTTO FRED J.T, ZORZI MARTIN l. APFLEBAUM DANTE M.D.MONTE,O.C. SAUL I.GLOBER HOWARO SAGINUR PATRICX A. DUCO RICXLAND A. R.CARLETON MARVIN S. N,GEIST GERALD B,YASSKIN 1225 ST. CLAIR AVENUE WEST TORONTO, CANAOA M6E IBO Attention: Miss Diana Toughill ,Building and Zoning DePt. Dear Sirs: Re: teo Delzotto purchase through Vail Associates, Inc., Lot 9, Block l, vail village 6th Filing, vail, Colorado. we are solicitors representing the purchaser of the above noted vacant property which is outlined in red on the xerox sketch attached hereto. Our clientrs purchase is conditional upon certain matters and we would be most giateful if you would kindly advise us at your early convenience: (a) Would a building permit be available upon submission of the appropriate plan and lplcifications for the Lonstruct1on of a 2-unit Uirilai"g coniaining ab6ut 5000 square feet on the subject property; (b) would a building permit be available upon payment of the normal uuitaing permit fee only or are any levies required to be paid by the Town before the permit can be issued; (c) Are services, includinq water, hydro and sewers available to the lot line of the property, and finally (d) Provide us with details of any restrictive covenants of the Town of Vail affecLing these lands. I T Town of Vail,^2^March 4, 1976. As this transaction is slated for conpletion on the 27th March, L9761 four early reply would be esteened a favour- Yours very trulyt DEL ZOTTOT ZORZT| APPT,EBAUM Per: WS,/9en encl . MItilliam Scott -FEB.6.26@t FEf -O€-ol 18 t 2'l t. I, 4345PN.. -.BECK FND NSSOCOCINTESttun. rev-l,-"o- --- -rDt9?O4742'ra3 . l,E:uBr-rJFEn @ lAt q,-*h5ff[flmgl: cir vnu Oeninaftcr cd WH€REAS, fie oe'/tloper' T a T$q91 ot approval ! Y''#** aiffiWic ilii-rnt" a oorcnpa rmpro/ement Agreernrnc utcl W{EREAS,ncDa/c|op.fbob|igtsted.to.provtdeseqrntyo?@||atera|sr.rfticienrinthc Iudgrnent ot fic Town m'mlG'ro.onOre ptsU.S,i" fot ctl'npfUon of cenain improvemenfii sdtor[t bclo/: ano . W{EREAS' Ure Dancbper wishcs b pft'tde colldcrel P gy'aFllee pcilorrnance of htE rgreement rn luo"lfi"#fi"jfr th"ib#ffiiln:"c iri'protomotfu bv means ol the folhsrftig: fiffi,*ff-*;'"*'H*tr-Tfi:effi:fl'il;lliffoY*" *++8artO. \vAL\OA?A\EvERlOllaFoR[lsDlAcAs]tDoc I of4 IMEBAVIUENI ? ,Ahd*d lAleq,\Wil fitl0;ur o a zllrol ,D.aw c sHODEPosrfonil r *ttt4-wL --FEB. 6.?AAT 4:46PM-- -,EECK RND RSSOCOCIATESFil'gt-C I lE I 2€l IFODI 3 rsv-t'-t.|laO 24e2tt D r t"€{?9 N0,63? "P.3 NOW, THEREFORE hT cortsidcraion of thp foltowing rnsnJal covcriants and agrrem;G: t e Ocvctoper atrtt $e Town agro€ ts tollou'c: The Developer eorc.e' il dle solc co$ d ?!!P'1'-b-lT-:l*tt' cquipment "''d;;;;'r;A;6Joomd'tc{TpY*15::i:*9iliil:'ffifi ;':Eii;,ill'd'i"ig"oc.yg-"1'11LEi1"19 rnDrovo'|tEnE rs rsrEs rnevEr ..r,.r'!r* 'w "*y;;;iVA, eric o do allworthcijentalli6e-Coitn""iV DevghPrncnt 0'Frfipnt'*ftt tffib-;;fu,U to and in comp|irnce with t1c followit€: a Suctl ou|cr deshns, dtawin$' nuPs' spcificatons' gpqi* atd ofts matter $rbmittsd bv tre Dardop.r to DG aPi'6"-td bt'ttv.?il:.ltov'{efe?enc'd gorrerr,n cn-tlt-ir1i6: {r1saU onrii-nan m ioni under.6e im'€cdon of, and to ue srrrsrifsfrrni;ihdie'"t endmecr' rtc rovrp.a-u!l!t19 otficial' or otpr offidal trcm tre Tomm or Vail' as arfiffi'iiipicill qiEtlic6 or seMoe dlsfrlil' as thcir respellve inhrcst mav ts;il;a iirll n0199 g9emeU compbte utttil .pp?ov.d lff;;d;d; co-!ilCtco W frc-rornrr Vril communfi De,reloprnent oepanmsnt ar|(l Pubb l{od(l D3patEnent 2.Tos.cureudguararneepgn-b'rilanceo|its.obtfafiong||sscrlonhlrefcin'thc D€wlopor agreles to prwioeeiolttV and coldcral s bllowc: A eash dcposir accounr In ihe amoum d !4Pe-._.10. bE hctct by the Town, |' orr-Jil&,t]6ii iiiiol r;il*il. _4ru-ine'oremenF set tod) above n r,crc ir aiaaiitiunob he Agccrtrettt w Da/3topgr' 3. The Dgvgloger rnry at.ary sme eubefirte the oltatenal orlelnallv set fonh above for anofis form ot co[;;fi-aEfJbteio m" rrtr b guaf.ntee the tall tE . improvcrnen6 re#;;-;;tin anO ttc .0. *-,io ot fie b6l3 of $1e Agtcorncnt' Sr.rcfi accrptance by Ut" Tffi-J-i6mrm" coi;d;bltibe tt tho Town's rote dsctrtion' 4- Thc Totrvn shall no[ nor chall any offtrr or efltplolf f1:ot' bc-sable -oJ - '- ,aspo.tsibrc ter any ac#;ililg9-6? dffiaec nAei.xffi 91ocar-'1ngro-1re wofk spccilicd in trb Agr.er€nt pdor b frI'#iFf"t"" "tC-1gf'P[.."e-"t lhl samc' nor Crall the Tgtln' nor any otfic.r o, cmpovce-o-ereoi. oe nore ror arry'frat s ii ptopenv !iI..t by rsason of fie natun of saH work but lit?A;-ti"bild* $afr ;ld-al. heibv rium* uv ne Dadoper' Th3 Dsrclopsr hcreby eEru+ to indomnify "qd.hold Pgl-TIt !r9 Town' erd any of 'lts officars, agerrb atd efiDloyact againgt etty hssA-d'itls' danEges' or fitbirtdcs to whidl me tlErrgrrcn5FRr/!|wc^ltl.F0 2d4 -'--FEB. 6.?g@t- 4.46Pn.- _.BECK AND AS$COCIRTES!EE-e6;9r l3'23 ?lolr'r'Pv-e"'U' --' -'rr)'a?o17Ee4E2 NO.537 "P,4 Town or anv of il3 officers, qg?S. oI TqEjYt *y b'come s{d lo.. insolar as anv $'dr |osse0, ctairrE, oa'ag6 ;rTabi|iua (or bgdorr.in-lispegr rncraoti tlet eds3 out 0t o' are barcrr upon any pcrror;#eTir{ b"rcrry ffiffi;.d ttr'c ggyetoeershar rctrnbunse the Town ioranv arr d legrl or 9fg,e1qeg iliiinalU iltufed bv treToun in liliiion-*v,r,*oq'$frU,Y.#r",T*inn:,#ml,rum,t'""U:m This lndsmnlty Provbio heve. srrarraritiorucf .;iffi Hflg,g#'*i!i'i#f :1ffi{ffifrl!Ti'I"Hl'*,H'E-1fr...' improvrment at rucn fre-diuar imprcvernr#it6 *itt "tta in como$ance vuilfr all Plarrs and spectficattons r., ,eri6rcd r*jrc.r -i.ilifi]6i-dc ro*n. under no condrtion wi' fie amounr or u,r iiiaifr-nat g ocir,s h.-H-il-;61;;i bclow ffre ilmount mccssaty to gomPlet3 suct hProvements' 6- lf the Tovun deteminss' at hr :9b dboretur' q+ ?tty-olol irnprpvcments oonDrnetarcd rrr*d; ;ff ffii^,cr.a, iitliiiijiii ys *i eF. and specitrca$ons sor torth in ura nerceilriJnii orrot" tn.ooofiiilttt it i"aerah 2' thc Tovun mav' but shal not be r*utrtl "' &ffi fiA! 91frt ;nlrscetv io comole*c frle untinlshed imprcverrenE. me dihliial rctease sudr tdiai upon ",rqgi trc,rcai from ilre Tovrn statng thar urc me*,.rn",trii'l ;t b;[;ttet"#;-ffi ;;Jt tS tst"E|n'nt rhe Bank srrafl not ruc,rirc nc fi;lilrrcc & ne dad&;ffiJ nc6se ot nt tun(ts F the Toill nor $!ilt fic Bank br "fi# il;ttitdtp*d;ffi fr; ntd,| imFo-v'ments hara not becn oomprdrdarr.qurj'Lidr'ili#i,.uiiuut"drln fiJiliurl' ruttorsorev upon theTswn-s \ufttpn rcquc€t' |fthecostsofcomp|cthguilcm'kexceodthcemoumotfisdeDos'Lhee,Ga$' :ffi#$ff#ilt#ffgffim'i*H,l5tffffisuffirs a"", coll*tctt in uc sane"mfr"ias ottneugg valorcm taxc levied ' hc oonnn holdcttars o'q"F3-"Yggt;Ailp 8td rirrcsc4ilno" ac defined tn thls araprr. s,rcrr faifu;i renlsar shall DB consiiJ-;ti"iarion of thc Zon'rrp code' 7. Thc Do/eloper wanantr al ytt td mddial-for-a'91loO of one year afcr aocaprencc or al wi'r?-&6i to; ura mrJ&ilitili-rti-rJ*n ii^'tu€hwod('ut localgd on Toun ot Va[ propcnv or rvttrin Torn ot v.ir rfrii6i-i'i'v runuenr n Sec{on 17'r 6'250' t- Thc pudce hordo muilalvrgrcc tlattlE Agt?T:llmav be amended ftom tnre ro timc, p.ovHef,ffi;dL- attdnOmk'#ii itt- wnitit g inO rrsnec by all panies herptr' FflrEFYOttEKtRf -\DlAclsll'oos 3 of4 srArE*offi*d6'*l\ ;;*6^df*ir'r'"if , Theforsgolgl -?t-daV d+ Wltness nry hend afld offblal scal-muBERlf AlDf glElrElrlg Prblo.ilobrySod My commbslon oxplns Wtnecs nry hrnd and officJal scal' trly commbcion o$rrs: STATEOFCOLORADO ) ) ss. couNwoFEAGLE ) Trre forosue Dorc|oPor |'flptwoment Agre.Frentw?s ackngw|cdgad bcfotl m€ tt|is '- { ,t---.=;77;""'"'n 'w il ''<'^:')'^'"< ' No.63z t'P.s'212432olDr9?Oe6.M'._ 4.4?PI1 ^-BECK Ft{D ffiSOCOCIRTES r G r 29 FROI!! I Tgv-cutraniv-e"' - 't, ' Datsd tro day ald yeat ftts! sbow wdtton' -FEB.fl'-:"'"' I I I I I I I I I I I I I i I I I I I I I I I tlE\,EFrcNeFrtil]trDlac glr.o9c { of4 75 S. Frontags Road Vail, CO 81557 4.U ?' o.t 4L-b-rE/- 4lease make checks payable to the TOWN OF VAIL "ja Account No.Item No.tCode#iCostEach 001 0000 314 121 1 Blue Prints/Mylar Copy Fees obtbooo'st+ttti iierox Copies- - - ooi ooob sia t t t t' tionsn&o rvrasrer ptan tSr -eo/$1.60f 0000 314 1111 lstudies, Master Plans, etc. 0000 315 3000 tPenalty Fees/Re-lnspections 001 0000 311 2300 .Plan Review Re-ched( Fee I 0000 315 2000 lOff Hours Insoection Fees 001 0000 312 3000 001 0000 312 4000 001 0000 312 4000 Additional Fee rt^,,;at, e,- -.1 Fae /pra-naid) 001 0000 0000 AD RL S,q 1 0000 001 0000 0001 To*n of ili"[f*Jl"* Vai i filLLll'{ {i{ RECEIFT: BB8t4i,r '0o1 0001 001 000( [-rsI0f,r]i- L0C8Ii0[ Att0uflf ffff fli3:cs;ll;i,'.," lfli'u Tt, i1'1*AD tf, ETLJ000( 0001 PV $200.00 000r TtllDtR DflfiILLii ,1(.1 ii+[i ,fi{Ei,ui ..|I!OUIIi TE}IDIREO rHAf{Ii YOU FOR 000 r4s8e.50 TIIIE: 9:07:3i f488t.58 i4888. 50 Y0uR t'0rnENil 000 1 00c 001 00c 100( 00( MS PN OH CL SF SP caecx* R7/n3 Received 12120t2000 FRofl o r_HE.gARDEN CENTER OF EAGLE-VA|L THE-GARDEN CENTER OF GYPSUM di"isi,cnsA Moffhews fr Associoles LondScOping, InC. Londscope Architesture ond Construction Box 3567 . Voll, Colorodo 81650 U.5.4. . (970) 9a9.5O77 . (970) 9a9-5079 FAX Gypsum Office r (97O) 521-0733 . (97O) 52!-5503 FAX 6 , A2Atl ILTG RESIDENCE Vail, Colorado LANDSCAPE IVIATERIAL TAKE.OFF Item TREES ,Sprucc Aspcn SEED Gruss Sced IRRIGATION lrrigadon . MISC. Stakc",t/straps .Soi| Pcp Qtv Total s859.38 5S97.32 $227.6E $ r,799. 1 1 $36.o7 $E6.4i S3.906.(x) xri t2 foot I 2.0 inch 6 1 ,, l0 cuh na3.{ -=l 4tocL6 ELf;a= tniJErfi cilJ|Ho; 'f,Bn-5OEcllc]EoaruH o(E-). I rn rll EL ru o c]a zg u, vl ot€€?3dT>*<*ir N9rb oal ?i€72a59i3E-r AO2)i rA *- IIJ EI tll*8.?oo a4E '{\a aSS \ z tt F tr z t\ ir e\a.) F E V oz Yolllr() o =vi>UzL5<HgF=9E?;EC)<xl.,r- EzsEq ;3P<8 =E!ro Yo UJ !0 '(V) (o F(\l z q, -siP =5-s8E 8=-F $>* o,JJ u,l B Ou)() ,qNUco U, str--l +J 7 U U (t) ft(ot\(\ G 0) M j auLr)Fr r.A(UNv Zdco>m<r, 3 F1rl E F]t\) OH Fl Fl LN (\ O I t-1 t.rl c{ O t\ ltk c)Fi>t rl at lJi> --\ d; o r-+Al al O}.',o> o 'Floa n|I FozU'D.o e E o o |n F-z {o FFI 11(/lzo OA o r; E I 0 cq(' F N a)F 6 GiEF fi 6 () A ts A H lnro&l|e. A '{a F HgOErr..{ tr 'ag{ lrr.l o lrlODt) 98 N- al. AHza !.oH'E4 a F La FI FIa2ED F9@.1 tl4 rrFOE40i9H.GloIEo FFHZc|D 88E. HH r)( EFa I lr 2 HtHTET<,, z9 AEl-Io c'EF. CAI 59E A- r E. F E HI E AzD g FIt{ HEo aaI :n OD ddI} &trqda o4Ca(, cHO tEE OAAIT {'/tv I DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPI4ENTTOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 8a657 970-479-2]-38 Building-----> Plan check- - - > Investigation> Ln+"i Uiit L/ i L -k ON .]OBSITE AT ALL TTMES Permit. #: 89B-0343 NOTE: THIS PERMTT MUST BE POSTED ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Job Address: Location. . .: Parcel- No. . :Project No.: 705 FOREST RD 706 FOREST RD 2L01-O72-tL-022 PRJ98-0277 StaLus. . Applied. Issued.. E>cpires . ISSIIED 1"1/ 03 /t99tar/20 /1998 0s/1,9/].999 APPLICANT GREAT DIVIDE CONSTRUCTION PhONC: 97O4752072 P O BOX 1,292, GYPSIIM, CO 81637 COMTRACTOR GREAT DIVIDE CONSTRUCTION PhONE: 9'704762072 P O BOX L292, GYPSIJM, CO 81637 OUINER HERMAN MICILAEI. E & T,AREN M 6201 WARD PK TY, KANSAS CITY MO 641-13 TCV/Comm. Dev. DescripLion: REDO FAII.ING RETAINING Occupancy: R3 T)pe ConsEruction: V N Valuation: 50,000 Fileplace Informat.ion: ResElicted: WAL,I-, (SAME Single T)rpe V Add sq Clean- un Deqqsit RefundAS NEXT DOOR) ' - l-17i",( ! r\rrLrrrrr apprn\1ed f{.uu.-.n- L.l_ FamiIy. Residenger it U ntNon-RaLed dat{:} Ft,:?lr<l0r *Of Gaa Logs r *of wood/Pal1ec:*of cas Appliances: FEE SUMMARY 490 - 00 RestuaranE Plan Revi.ev--> 31S.5 0 DRB Fee-------- -o0 ToEal calculaEed Fees---> 1,111.50 50.00 Additsional Fees---------> .Oo -00 Recreation Fee----------> .oo Total Permit Fee-------_> 1,111.50 3.00 cl6an-UpDepoaits-------->250.00 Pa).menEe------- TOTAL FEES----- 1,111.50 BAI,ANCE DUE_-'. .OO II,CM: O5].OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT DEPT: BUILDING DiViSiON:11./03,/1998 .fRM ACLiON: NOTE PLANS TO CHARLIE1,I./20./1-998 .]RM ACTiON: APPR APPROVED PER .fRMIIbM:.O54OO PI-,ANNING DEPARTMENT DEPI: PI,ANNTNG DiViSiON:1.I/03/1998 JRM ACTiON: NOTE PI-'AN TO PI,ANNER 1-O'/ 04 /L998 BWILSON Action: APPRIE.qm;'.05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Dept: FTRE Division:1-l/03/L998 ,JRM Action: APPR N,/AITbM:'O55OO PI]BLIC WORKS DCPE: PUB WORK DiViSiON:LI/03/L998 ''fRM ACTiON: NOTE PI.,ANS TO TERRILA/Tg/L998 TPARTCH AcLion: APPR APPR ; ;; ; ;; ; ;;:;;; ;;;;;;;;;; ;; ; ;;; DECLARATIONS f hereby acknowledge chae I have read this application, filled ouE in full the informaEion required, compleEed an accurale plo! p1an, and 6tate that all Ehe i.nformation provided as required is correc!. I agree to cr. -r, itl. the information and plot plan, Lo comply rith all Town ordinanees and scaEe lawe, anil to build lhis stlucture according to the Town'B zoning and eubdivi.eion !glnd Clean-Up D€posit. To: CinEAT DMDE Page 2 *****************************************ikL************Jr************************ CONDITTONS Permit. #: 898-0343 as of L2/L4/9e Status---: ISSUED*****************************************************************************'*** v SICNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AI{D OWNER Permit Tl4ge: ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Applicant-- : GREAT DMDE CONSTRUCT;Cii 97 047 62072 Job Address: 706 FoREST RDLocation---3 705 FOREST RD Parcel No-- : 2LOL-072-11-022 Description: REDO FAILING RETAINING WALL (SAME AS NEXT DOOR) * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * COnditiOng Jr * * * * lr fr * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. 2. SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN AI-,r, BEDROOMS AtiID EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.121-O OF THE 1991 I'BC. Applied-- z \t / 03 /1,998rssued---: tL/20/L998 To E><pire z 05/L9/1-999 ti t tf t I tt i .}i r tt t *t i*+ t t+ a ttt tt t.r I t i t:la *tt, 'r trr r ** t * r.l1*. * * a ra rr 1 TOIIN OF VAll,, COLORADO sLrecunE t r * rr tt t tt t * t r ralr ra r rr i rr r**t rt I t t tt t t t tttt r.r !t * r ** * r r * | r* *rr r a *rt gErtdnnt unber: REc-o{gs lnounE 3 1,111.50 t2/14/9e '-3rg2PayEcnl tlethod: CK lfoErEion: 12783 IniE: itRtil Pcroit No: 898-0343 Ttp.: A-BUILD ADD/ALT SFR BUITD PE Palc.l No: 2LOL-O72-LL-O22 Itite Addless ! 706 FOREST RD t ocatlon: ?05 FOREST RD Tgbal Fccs I ttris PayE.ng t,111.50 Total ALL Put6: Bal,rnce: 1,111.50 1r 111.50 .00 * ** lr t J rt r tt t ** t * t a * lccoung code BP 00100003111100 DR 00100003112200 PF 00100003112300 .ID D2.DEPO8 vfc 001000031.12600 Dcac!ipt,ion BUIIJDING PERI'IT FEES DEgIG!' RE\TIEI{ FBES PLN{ CTIECK FEBS CLENiIUP DEPOgITS WII,'J CAIJI' INSPECUON TEE Amounu 490.00 50.00 318 .5 0 250.00 3.00 ..7:!ET=.L:.r-f-.:81: counr.v r..r"ls Cfflce O ff , r;'tf t? " W tgH":l Xlll, :iili3fi ";l#,-l\' :io/ - ol2'r,, aZZ DATE: ---------' ,l ApptIcATIoN MUST BE FILLXD ouT coMpr.FrEl,y ff * * * *, * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ir,t * * * :r * * * pERMr r TNF.RMA . r:; :: Wi.f-:."ffiiill i - - - -, - " PER\IIT /J Owners Nanre: Arc,ritect: General De scrj.ption:h,ft zol Ilork Class:_ [ ]-New [ ]_Alteration Nuruber of DweILi;g'Units: ---:- '*l--^'"*""' 'r MEcttANrcAL: $.--- ft,******** t **** *rrE;;;; ;; ";;;;:;:i:::-2:}}**,CONTRACTOR INFOR}IATTO: ' tl-Building J3-rlunrbing tl_ Contractor: "ffi;;W_:idress: t: rsa^a/ /.* u/,._- _o,=p\;y_7c.zrzr!aaQ9 ae alI ViEi,QTo tfi7-rl'q ?.eadress , / - ;2" o '-"ii ij ''"ril."irr.-- , {h t l-Additionat ffi-Repair 1 1_(th", Slectricat- [ j-Mechanibal tfi-otn", TOTAL: $ loyRlglgR INFORMATIoN * * * * * *.* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ik * * * '"-----J-_ Nurnber of Acconmodation Units: - d*:| l"u **" o,f Fifeplaces: cas Appliances- Gas Logs- wood/pe'-1er_ q*'t**************l**********:t****** vALUATToNg ***rtJ,rt*?r ****rr**ik******** ******,r** BUfLDfNG: $iiul6il;; i.-_- . :gSTlI:l:: i--- orHER: $- {eoaa. Address, /J ffIl".fr"i*!l,""Jif2.J#LEl.ectrical_ contractor:A(.dress: _ - Town of Vail Reg. No.Phone Number:.Plunbingcontraccor: N l_Addresia - Towir of VaiI Reg. No.Phone Nurnber: l,let:hal ricaL Contractor.:. Addrel s: PiTiMB NG PERMIT FEE: ME Ji{A] TCAL PERMIT T'EE:EL]CT} ICAL FEE: OT,{ER IYPE OF FEE:f)trR trrr.. ; Town of Vail_ Req. No.Phone l.lurnber: . FOR OFFICE USE * * * * * :t )t * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * rr * * * * ;rBU.ILDTNG PI,AN CHECK FEE: .P],IIMBING PLAN CHECK FEE:MECHANICAL PI,AN CHFT-K FT'F,. R-ECREATIOW FEE-: CI,EAI.i-UP DEPOST?: TOTAL PERMTT FEES: BUTLDING: STGNATURE: ZONTNG: SIGNATURE: .7ob liame: lerau t{e8.2,\t t-U Legal Description: to{ ? '; l) nqE n qr'r var.uartoN ! ! !I^'.li ILqzuHD rC: 3 $ d GREAT DIVIDE CONSTRUCNON, INC. P.O. BOX 1292 GYPSUM, CO 81637 970476-2072 ,?ba.n (rE,i,r, - --fi|e)ael l/e'anery 2aa Forrf '(/' Ua;/ (o g/6{> loil,'y ,,t/"il- &P,>t. t2at wod /rA oa. Kctscs &Tf =oa fotfr ailo's are 7' be ,l:/,i:'"'-: #,,$'; y'r0aa, _\_r " r',r.,,y.;,f "(;i,iif;i,7*' lq/t?*"*( A;rl eactL's ,/'ne7'l /,t, 7ei-t.11+./ ff ' rca.*t : Irnh//.7ro, .rlr// L 6,fstuc/ *,( ly a.'TJ*bt rV ' fu f/ /ttld/< 't* 40c4 I tta -lr ll. oJ.;' ,r* - A t^t- - \. t lI | | tl-r- r-- -l 3 ,/f .re-lc. r-+.r z.! af.--- ,tJi.rii lJa dr.i { OFffieF fr#i::i.", \(/\t .{ s{ s fl:Jae / #e'ana4 2ad For.rf '(/' (/a; / to g/6i> tloi li4 s : t P1t irtord 2rA 0y Kc$qs ('7, //o/ l.t/t7 Faot ,Truo-lu"c/ ,"'r" o/f'o' rt.,:e4) # 6eoEa{bice/ teViTr, 4n h, TasT resrrfr aP1 /rai'ta|e c-/ GREAT DIVIDE CONSTRUCTION, INC, P.O. BOX 1292 GYPSUM. CO 81637 970-476-2072 hhraon forfr ar'alo's a/e To be ",,\ni:,"r.ij fy',,ff'; /rVa't, 4;il/ *"*('efr;iD,r =oa +f ;7::;;:'fu;;{;i/: Je TaEn( TaforTl 4n ?o Ky lnifrT< loo/, Kh *g Cllct &/r4 ftt*trtf/tur,rNil.rr ffit-afu*- Helical Pier(f . Mudiacking. Concrete SawingFax 97 0-47 6-2072 grdivide@vail.net NOV-02-94 95222 Pn . lE,r-12_t398 L7i2i AT. DIVIDE. CONST. INC Ee*cbmnrk l{(u4 t Suia. i0{ ' P() Aox (i:o] e{$-?7'i8 . l^x (9701 t{9 {0t'l . GREo o47o97 6 2472 P-A2 Ax t,- !.#F.1tIfT' l' Nlonnre & Ne Iq;lt*{$, Inc. P.0i Ityt . Avr)f . fAlnrndl] 81620 cfltil: n:ncn8rrfiir'ri'.ncr T^TH p. r-tz \\'ell Novcober2. 1998 Orcrr Dividc Constructioil\ bs. DO Ilor 1292 Gypsuut, C0 t1637 Attn: Mr. Torn Webc Rc: Ilernrrn Rccidsnc'e (706 Forcsr Road)' Vel, Colorado (M&N #4171) Gcntlcmcn: Monroc & Ncwcll Engiuoorl hc. hls rad$vld lha ddiSn sletdl grepared by 1ou for rtabitization of 6e eristing lirnbcr site rvall' The wrli <ierigrt r: rkctchcd ir occcpteblc fr tbc loading v-o *'ould urtioipato on thc woll' !f you have nny qucstionr ot connentl, ploue call' Vcry truly Youn, ,I,N{CINEERS, hIC. NOV-62-9€} A3=22 Pn GREo AT. DIVIDE. COHST. INC 97 75 2A72 P. €tlU Pax: Revieu & conrmenE Fevteu,cohnenL t Per your request F.0.80x t292 GYPSUM, CO 0t037 n0-a76.20?2 r'tf rirr*+a*rtttirrtrattt rtraatrrttrlttrrrararf tf **rtt*ttrrarr FAX TRANSVITTAL | | ilrl a*t lrrtlr*t+t*taaf aattartttt*tarlrltattraltltif arrr*ilrt To:Dacer :? t/,z-2F Company: Phcnc: Ncr. of paEes lncludtng this cov6r!7-- RE:'n,f ty'/,','+7.a-t Ple,rsc cgnf i rm No respon6e requifed For your revlen cnly return Comnenr s Far q70-47G..107)Helbal Piaring . Mudjacking. 6*^1o 5"n nO grdwtle i8 vail.ttcl 8-@4:1999 I l:@6AM ,a P. 1 O048 E BE^VEN CR€C x BLvD SutrE 207 Box 5 300 AvoN, C0 8r520 970.949.5200 vmd@voil.nct Frx'949.5?05 VMDAJOB NO.1bL9 5 W'E ARE SENDING YOU VIA tr DELIVEREDBY O SHOPDRAWINCS tr SPECIFICAilONS THESE AI€ TRANSMITTED AS CHECKED BELOW: O FORYOURAPPROVAL O REVIEWED BYVVIDA O AS REQUESTED II REIECTTED IJ.FOR REV'IEW AND COMMENT x (nnx s *t,kofrl fnW.VWh ATTACHED tr PICKUPORDELIVERY THE FOLLOWING ITEMS: PRINTS tr PRODUCT INFORMITIOI\I] CHANCE ORT'ER COPY OF LETTER 6i L AtBt o r] t t.; trI I:URNISH AS CORRECTED COPIES O PRINTS RETURNEDAFTER LOAN TO US I LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL ro UtVFp lour,rfitnolrntc .-- DA"IE ?'b'aa- Mttw. ArrENnoN#rdrrr 4lr-'rlrt* x FOR YOUR USE O REVISEANDSUBMIT # COPIES DATE DESCRTPTION 46fi frx e@rtrf-9 ?w|-4amatz W. REMAR,JTS r', COPYTO SIGNED tlhtAt d{@l €-€44999 1l ,@6AM aQt gJ, L't, 1{. '+.' ,o t-- z. PAIL VLIVLuJ\r{+, rt r*t_L Monroe & NarellEngln€erq lrc. 70 Dacfnerf Bo.C fultr 204 Avo[' Colorrdo E1620n0M*?]16[ 9 ND19-4{d!1Frx D.ualD avonGnoaroc;Fewell . com FACSIMII.E I?AI{SMITIAL LETTER Due _Lfi)fr C.@4 "=- VNilD Pagcs (bcluding Fm|milsl) Afieotion Coqaoy Tslcphonc Fax From Subjcct Message Telcpbone F8 Pmicdr +jZL If traasmital is uot ar indicacd glcasc acify secrtc d eroz 'o E o2 .o FI.,2 40 FF za : F E tr oF o F 1UO (,91 F o F. F FI z7 EI: FT FFz?rtl 5EOFE D bFiAVroFE (ao t-. z ooAE AI F' a F: FI F zo F E() Z lt7 :FTo (,FlF EA UO FT F F o 2 o ; ; E> rrlo'cco TOWI\ OF VAIL Project Name: Illig Residence project Number: prj00_0042 Project Description: Change to landscape plan Owner, Address, and phone: CliffIllig 11504 Pawnee Circle Leawood, KS d62ll 9r3-491-1668 Architect/Contact, Address, and phone: Beth Levine PO Box 1825 Avon, CO 81620 project Street Address: 206 w. Forest 970-92G5299 fax: 92G2993 Legal Description: Lot 9, Block l, Vail Village 6th Parcel Number: 210107211022 Building Name: Design Review Action Form Board/StaffAction Action:staffapproved with conditions Motion by: Seconded by: Vote: Conditions:Limit of disturbance be established at rear of lot.past this point in future No development to occur Town Planner: Allison Ochs Date: June 20,2000 Project Name: Iltig Residence Documentl Comments: Received variance on March 13 Changes to original submiffal DRB Fee Paid: $50 o ProjectNumber: Prj00-0042 Design Review Action Form TOWNOFVAIL Project Name: trlig Residence hoject Description: Remodel and Addtion Owner, Address, and Phone: Cliff Illig 11504 Pawnee Circle Leawood, KS 66211 913-491-1668 Architect/Contact, Address, and Phone: Beth Levine PO Box 1825 Avon, CO E1620 970-926-5299 faxt 926-2993 Project Street Address: 706 W. Forest Rd Legal Description: Lot 9, Block I, Vail Village 6th Parcel Number: 210107211022 Building Name: Comments: Received variance on March 13 Changes to original submittal ILC req'd Motion by: Seconded by: Vote: Conditions: Board/Staff Action Action: Limit of disturbance be established at rear of lot. past this point in future staff approved with conditions No development to occur Town Planner: Date: Mry Project Name: DocumeDtl Allison Ochs 17,2000 Illig Residence DRB Fee Paid: $50 ? TOWN OF VAIL Depa,'tment of Community Dev elopment 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 May 11,2000 Beth Levine PO Box 1825 Avon, CO 8'1620 Fax: 970-926-2993 Nancy Shapiro Adam 4975 East Preserve Ct Greenwood Village, CO 80121 Fax: 476-9194 Dear Beth and Nancy: The Town Council has voted to uphold both the Planning and Environmental Commission approval of the variance requesls and Design Review Board approval of the lllig Remodel. Should either of you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 970-479- 2369. Sirperely, lU///x Allison Ochs Planner ll Town of Vail {p'"*uo"" DESIGN FEVIEW BOAFD AGENDA Wednesday, April 5, 2000 3d)0 P.M. MEETING RESULTS PROJECT ORIENTATION / LUNCH - Community Development Department FII t gof ,, MEMBERS PRESENT Clark Brittain BillPierce Hans Woldrich Melissa Greenauer Doug Cahill SITE VISITS MEMBERS ABSENT 11:30 pm 1:30 pm 1. Daly -782 Potato Patch Drive 2. Young - 1452 Lions Ridge Loop 3. O'Brien -2992 A Bellflower4. Vail Golf Course pump station - 700 S. Frontage Rd. East Driver: Brent PUBLIC HEARING - TOWN COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1. Swearing in of reappointed DRB members, Clark Brittain and Hans Woldrich. Lorelei Donaldson, Town Clerk. 2. Election of 2000 Chair- Clark Brittain 2000 Vice-Chair- Bill Pierce VOTE:5-0 3:00 pm 5-0 5-0 3. Vail Golf Course - Pump station. 700 S. Frontage Rd. Ea'st/Tract A, Vail vatley 4n Fiting. Applicant: Vail Recreation District, represented by Jim Meyers MOftOru: Bill Pierce SECOND: Hans Woldrich VOTE:5-0 Ann Ann TABLED (Staff shall review based on the applicant revising the building materials and proposing additional landscaping) 4. O'Brien residence - Separation request for detached garage in setback' 2992 A Bellflower/Lot 10, Block 6, Vail lntermountain Applicant: J.P. O'Brien MOTION: Bill Pierce SECOND: Hans Woldrich APPROVED WITH 1 CONDITION: 1. That the large conifer by the power pole on the northeast corner of the property be preserved. 7. d. lllig residence - Appeal of staff approval of remodel and addition. 706 W. Forest RoacULot 9, Block 1, Vail Village 6'" Filing. Applicant: Clitf lllig, represented by Beth Levine MOTION: Clark Brittain SECOND: Hans Woldrich MOTION APPROVED TO UPHOLD STAFF DECISION Scalise residence - Final review of proposed dormej changes. 2567 Arosa Drive/Lot 9, Block E, Vail das Schone 1*. Applicant: Dennis Scalise MOTION: BillPierce SECOND: Doug Cahill Allison VOTE: 4-0 (Pierce recused) Allison VOTE:5-0 George VOTE:5-0 APPROVED W]TH 1 CONDITION: 1. That there be a clipped hip on the west dormer and the easternmost & westernmost roof . Mountain Haus - Exterior paint color change. Allison 292 East Meadow Drive/Part of Tract B, Vail Village 1st. Applicant: Mountain Haus, represented by Fritzlen, Pierce, Smith Architects MOftOru: Doug Cahill SECOND: Melissa Greenauer VOTE: 5-0 APPROVED Landmark Condominiums - Exterior paint color change. ., Allison 610/612 West Lionshead Circle/Lot '1, Block 1 , Vail Lionshead 3'" Filing. Applicant: Landmark Condominium Association, Inc., represented by_Geotf Wright M'OTION: Melissa Greenauer SECOND: Bill Pierce VOTE: 5-0 APPROVED W]TH 1 CONDTTFN: 1. That the General Store accent color be reviewed by the DRB. 9. Young residence - Conceptual review of new single-family residence with an George employee houslng unit. 1452 Lions Ridge LoopiLot 4, Ridge at Vail. Applicant: Mike Young CONCEPTUAL_NO VOTE Vail Athletic Club - Final review of a redevelopment plan. 352 East Meadow Drive/A part of Tract 3, Vail Village 1'' Filing. Applicant: VML, L.L.C., represented by Tom Braun MOTION: Bill Pierce SECOND: Doug Cahill APPHOVED WITH 3 CONDITIONS: 1. Provide a fireplace layout to verify the vent location' 2. That a landscape plan be provided prior to building permit' 3. That an outdoor lighting plan be provided. Daly residence - Final review of residential remodel. Brent 782 Potato Patch Drive/Lot 16, Block 1, Vail Potato Patch' Applicant: Andrew Daly, represented by Gwathmey Pratt SchulE _ MOTION: BillPierce SECOND: Doug Cahill VOTE:5-0 10. 11. \ APPROVED WITH 6 CONDITIONS: 1. An additional stone column will be added adjacent to the entry stairway to be consistent with the columns proposed for the new garage. 2. The stone wiil be carried to the top oi the southeast corner of the home on the first level. 3. A "limits of disturbance" fence and some form of erosion control will be added to the site plan prior to building permit issuance.4. A P.E. stamp will be provided lor the combination retaining wall detail drawing. 5. The earthwork behind the garage addition shall have a finished grade not to exceed 2:1. 6. A drainage swale will be provided behind the garage to provide positive drainage away lrom the structure. 12. West Vail Lodge - Conceptual review of a proposed redevelopment plan' 2211 N. Frontige Rd. (Wilst Vail Lodge)iLrit 1, Vail das Schone #3. Applicant: Reaut Corporation CONCEPTUAL_NO VOTE 13. Perot residence - conceptual review of a new single-family residence. 84 Beaver Dam Road/Lot 31, Block 7, Vail Village 1-'. Applicant: Jim Morter MOTION: SECOND: TABLED UNTIL APRIL 19. 2OOO VOTE: Brent George/ Ann Ann Ann Allison Allison Dominic Allison Staff Approvals One Track Mind - Temporary event window signs 392 Hanson Ranch Roid/Lot 1, Block 54, Vailvillage 1"' Filing. Applicant: Tom and Ken Gart Base Mountain Sports - Temporary event window signs. 100 E. Meadow Drive/Lot O, Block 5D, Vail Village 1'' Filing. Applicant: Tom and Ken Gart Vail 21 - Remove wooden facades. 511 East Lionshead Circle/Lot 3, Block 1, Lionshead 1"'- Applicant: Vail 21 Condominium Association, Inc. lllig residence - Remodel and addition. 70-6 W. Forest Rd./Lot 9, Block 1, Vail Village 6'n. Applicant: cliff lllig Lionsquare Lodge - Remodel ol pool area. 660 West Lionsiead Place/Tract A, Vail Lionshead 'l"t Filing. Applicant: Lionsquare LodgeCondoAssociation Slifer Smith and Frampton Real Estate- Flat screen TV inside window. 230 Bridge Street/Lot'B, Block 5, Vail Village 1"t. Applicant: Brigit Taylor Christoffersen residence - Patio enclosure. 4770 Bighom Road unit B-2A/ail Bacquet Club Townhomes. Applicant: Ralph and Barbara Christoffersen Ann / Thomburg residence - Exterior window replacement and deck alteration. 14608 Greenhill CouryLot 20, Glen Lyon. Applicant: Tom Thomburg lllig residence - Addition of exterior door. 706 W. Forest Road/Lot 9, Block 1, Vail Village 6' . Applicant: cliff lllig, represented by Beth Levine Nye residence - New hot tub. 2581 Larkspur Lane/Lot 9, Block 1, Vail Intermountain. Applicant: Richard and Kristen NYe Dowie residence - Interior conversion. 795 B Potato Patch Drive/Lot 26, Block 1, vail Potato Patch 1st Filing. Applicant: Robert Dowie, represented by Eric Johnson Willaman residence - Additon/attic space conversion above garage. 1458 Greenhill CourUlot 21 , Glen Lyon Subdivison. Applicant: Verne Williman Lyons residence - Addition to living room under existing porch roof' 4415 Bighorn Road, unit #1iLot 1 , Victorians at Vail. Applicant: Gary and Jan Lyons Allison Allison Ann Ann Ann George The applications and information about the proposals are availab_le for public_inspection during regular oflice hours'in the project planne/s otfice, located at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. Please call 479-2138 lor information. Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification. Please call 479- 2356,Teiephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information. TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT; MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department March 13, 2000 A request for variances from Section 12-6D-6, and Section 12-14-6, Town of Vail Code, to allow for an addition and deck expansion, located at 706 W. Forest Road/Lot 9, Block 1, Vail Village 6'n Filing. Applicant: Cliff lllig, represented by Beth Levine / Planner: Allison Ochs BACKGROUND AND DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST The applicant, Cliff lllig, represented by Beth Levine, is requesting variances from Section 12-6D-6, and Section 12-14-6, Town of Vail Code, to allow for an extended entry, trash enclosure and deck expansion, located at 706 W. Forest Road/Lot 9, Block 1, Vail Village 6'n Filing. The addition is proposed for only the secondary unit and includes two dormer addilions at the back (do not require a variance), a dormer addition in the front, a trash enclosure beneath an exsting deck, an extended entry, and deck expansion. The existing duplex was constructed in 1980. Because the lot has slopes in excess of 4Oo/o, the house is built into the front setback, which was allowed at the time of construction. The primary side of the duplex received a variance in June of 1998 to allow for the enclosure of a deck within lhe front setback. Originally, the primary side applied for a variance whictr would allow for a dormer addition in the front setback. A motion was made by the Planning and Environmental Commission to deny the variance requests. However, lhe motion failed due to a lack of a second. The applicant then requested to be tabled and the dormer addition in the setback was removed from the proposal. The variance for the deck enclosure was then granted with one condition: That a limit of disturbance line be established at the rear of the unit and no development was to occur beyond this line in the future. The following is a description of each of the variance requests: r Dormer: adds mass in the setback, but does not alter the existing footprint of the building. (12-6D-6) r Trash Enclosure: decreases side setback from 15' to 6', but is beneath an existing deck. 127.5 sq. ft. of GRFA is added in setbacks. (12-6D-6) r Deck: expands existing fronl deck around to meet the existing side deck and adds approximately 12. sq. ft. of deck area into front setback. Does not change existing front deck setback. (12-1+6) . Entry-way: increases foot print of building, and adds mass in the setback. Does not extend past existing building and is in the location of an existing deck. 64 sq. fi. of site coverage and approximately 12O sq. ft. of GRFA is added in the front setback. (12€D-6) fri\)t$t nvndvtnfP [. The proposed dormer additions at the rear of ihe unit do not require a variance. Approximately 350 sq. ft. of GRFA is added from the additions. Reductions of the plans, along with the applicant's stalement of request have been attached for reference. Correspondence from the adjacent property owner has also been included for reference. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Community Development Department recommends approval of the requested setback variances (Section 12€D-6 and 12-144) to allow for the entry addiiion, trash enclosure, dormer addition, and deck expansion subjecl to the following flndings; 1. Thal the granting of the setback variance does not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations qn other properties in the Primary/Secondary Zone District. 2. That the granting of the variance will not be detrimental {o the public health, safety or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. That the variance is warranted because there are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or condilions applicable to the same site of the variance that do not apply generally to other properties in the Primary/Secondary Residential Zone District. Should the Planning and Environmenlal Commission choose to approve these variance requests, staff recommends the following condition: 1. That a limit of disturbance be established at lhe rear of the unit and no develooment is to occur beyond this line in the future. ROLES OF THEREVIEWING BOARDS Plannino and Environmenlal Commission: Action: The PEC is responsible for final approvaUdenial of a variance. The PEC is responsible for evaluating a proposal for:1. The relationship of the requested variance to other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity. 2. The degree to which relief from the strict or literal interpretation and enforcement of a specified regulation is necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity of treatment among sites in the vicinity, or to atlain the objectives of this Title without grant of special privilege. 3. The effecl of the requested variance on light and air, distribution of population, transportation and traffic facilities, public facilities and utilities, and public safety.4. Such other faclors and criteria as the Commission deems applicable to the proposed variance. Design Review Board: Action: The DRB has NO review authority on a variance, but must review any accompanying DRB apptication. The DRB is responsible for evalualing the DRB proposal for; 1. Architectural compatibility with other structures, the land and surroundings2. Fitting buildings into landscape3. Configuration of building and grading of a site which respects the topography4. Removal/Preservation of trees and native vegetation5. Adequate provision for snow storage on-site6. Acceptability of building materials and colors 7. Acceptability of roof elements, eaves, overhangs, and other building forms8. Provision of landscape and drainage9. Provision of fencing, walls, and accessory structures 10. Circulation and access to a site including parking, and site distances 1 1. Provision of outdoor lighting IV. ZONING STATISTICS Lot Size: 58,498 sq. ft.Zoning: PrimaryiSecondary ResidentialHazards: Slopes in excess of 3oo/o Allowed P/S Existinq ProposedGRFA: 7,525 sq. ft. 6,951 sq. ft. 7,303 sq. ft. Primary 4,430 sq. ft. 4,232 s9. ft. no change Secondary 3,095 sq. fl. 2,719 sq. ft. 3,071 sq. ft. Setbacks:Front: 20' 9' 9' West Side: 15' 15' 6' Rear: 15' 175' 172'Deck: 15' 8' 8' Site Coverage'. 8,775 sq. ft. (15%) 3,866 sq. ft. (7%) V. CRITER]A AND FINDINGS A. Consideration of Factors Regarding the Setback Variances'. 1. The relationship of the requested variance to other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity. Staff feels that there will be no detriment to other uses and structures in the vicinity. All of the proposed additions are minimal and will only serve to enhance the sunounding uses and structures. This proposal will also help to match this unit with the imDrovements done to the other unit in 1998, Cunently, the stain of the siding does not match, nor do the deck railings. The applicant is proposing to match all materials and colors of the other unit. Staff feels that these improvements will be a benefit to the neighborhood. In addition, the Design Review Board conceptually reviewed the plan at its March 1,2000, meeting and had no negative comments. The DRB has directed staff to "staff approve" the proposal should the Planning and Environmental Commission choose to approve the variance requests. The degree to which relief frbm the strict and literal interpretation and enforcement of a specified regulation is necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity of treatment among sites in the vicinity or to attain the objec,tives of this title without a grant of special privilege. Due to the extremely steep slopes in this neighborhood, staff feels that there are extreme circumstances which warrani the requested variances. Staff feels that it is important to minimize site disturbance to these extremely steep slopes at the rear of the house, which pushes development to the front of the house. The house was originally allowed in the front setback due to these steep slopes. There are other residences in this neighborhood that encroach into setbacks, via either variances or built under regulations which allowed these encroachments, including lots 10, 't2, and 13. The other unit at this location received a variance to enclose an existing deck in the tront setback. While stafi recognizes that these requests are beyond a deck endosure, the proposal does not encroach any further into the front setback ihan the existing building. Staff does noi believe that this is a grant of special privilege. The effec't of the requested variance on light and air, distribution of population, transportation and traffic facilities, public facililies and utilities, and public safety. Staff does not believe that there will be any negative impacts associated with this proposal, if constructed, on the above-referenced criteria. The Planning aN Envircnnrenhl Commission shall make the followirry findings before gnnting a variance: 1. That the granting of the variance will not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitaiions on other properlies classified in lhe same district. 2. That the granting of the variance will not be detrimenlal to the public health, safety or welfare, or malerially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. That the variance is warranted for one or more of the following reasons: a. The strict literal interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of this title. o b. There are exceptions or edraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to he same sile of the yariance that do not app|y generalty to other properties in the same zone. c. The strict interpretation or enforcement of the specified.regulation would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the same district. 5 Beth Levine, Architect P.O.Box 1825 Avon, CO 81620 (970)965099 (phone) e7qnG2993 (fax) Illig Residence Remodel 706 W. Forest Road Vail; CO 81657 Lot: 9 Block: I Filing: Vail Village 6'h Pucet 210107211022 Written Statement l-31-00 The Duplex at 706 Forest Road was remodeled on the east side in 198. The owner of tlle west half would like to remodel the west side. The east side did an extensive rernodel and thus left the west halflooking very poorly because the east side no longer matches the west side. CliffIllig's intent ofhis remodel is to make both sides look like a coulmon home again. Cliffs intention is to match all tb€ east balfs new details with regard to railings, color and expansive dormers. Thuq the west balf would like to have a variance for an expanded entrance and a trash enclosure as was done on tbe east half The remodel on the west half will help the €ntire structure to cornply with the T.O.V. regulations bi making both halves read as one structue again There will be no firrther effect of light, air, distribution of population, transportation, tafrc facilities, utilities or public safety on Forest Road as a resuh of this addition Beth Levine, Architect P.O. Box 1825 Avon, CO 81620 (97 0)926 - 509 9 (ph on e) . (970)926-2993 (fax) Illis Residence Remodel 706 W. Forest Road Vail, CO 81657 Lot: 9 Block: I Filing: Vail Village 6'h Parcel:210107211022 Photographs of Existing Duplex 1-3 l -00 The remodel ofthe west half of the duplex, the lllig Residence, will be built to match the rernodel done in 1998 on the east halfofthe duplex. '"lc e ut5tr ,t=F: .-irF E:,=-t =!ttbT l i t^V --==:--; o.a-. v ':,4t-,, ,. t., ' l ',il / ,. t: i-j,1 i i', f ,-qQdh,,,' I (,,Y' 4D(! O'rW Itt E-omlu FEB 1? 2000 IUSA Investments' lnc. East Preserve Court Vill4e, CO 80121 303-77V0779 Fax 30&7G8918 February 12,2000 By Certified Mail--Retum Receip Requested Planning and Environmental Connnission-Please Distnbute to All Menibers Town olvuil 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Re: 706 Forest Road Vail, CO Lot 9, Block t, Vail Village 6th Filing 706 Forest Road is a property zoned prirnary-secondary' -k-*" the owners of the prirnary unit at this uaOr"rr. In tod"y', mail, we received notice from the Town of Vail that the ownef of the secondary *ti it going before this Conrmission on February 28' 2000, seeking a variance inthe Town of Vail Code' We understand that the Commission does not want to get in the middle of disputes between adjoining lanrdowners. Howevet, we need to make the Conrnission aware of the fact tlai tfre ipplicant may not have the legal right to probeed with his application for several reasons. We are not nrcrely the adjoining landorvners but may in fact bt -fu joint landowners to the property affected Uitfre application. Since the applicant has i"rua to provideus.witbirisffisedplans, we have to rely rryon the description infte Town's notice that indicates the affeited property may be owned jointly with us' When the property was developed the owners of each unit unit received sole title to the portion-of *t" p.p"t y treir rlrit encorpassd with *re rernaining e*erior property being conveyed j;intly to UotU unit owners. , To_ the :f"T the.applicant is attempting to extend tlre se"orrdaryunit into the existing land orfside the rrrit walls, we may in fact be co-ownen of fte property affected by the application and, as suctr, do not agree to or otherwise support zuch application Further, the Townhouse Declaration which sncurnbeE this ptoperty requires thrc conseniof the adjoining owner before any exterior modifications canbe made to the -/ o o / . .y' propefi. The applicant has failed to c.omnlv with this.re.luirement' The applicant has , failed to provide us with the relevanr inromlation, including ":.hj1::T1 tlSt*:-T;T;t"$,"J;;;"; o' o, uoorove. Having faiied to complv with this fimdamental requirement that governs any-improvement olthe property, the applicant is premature in submitting this matter to the Commission at this time' We respectfrrlly rcquest ti'rat the Commission deny this aPPlication and otherwise table this matter until the uppti.*, has complied witt, ait of ttre iegal requirements to proceed ;ili;;;il*ort orrtrri, property as well as the appliianl being able to establish that he has exclusive title to the properfy on which this work is proposed to be done' Due to prior out-of-town commifrnents, we will not be able to attend this hearing to voiCb these inatters ;;;il1"t r:equest that the issues raised in this letter be heard and relied upon in denying the application' Respectfully submitted, NSA Investnents, Inc. ?"u^lt^t- U By: Nancy S. Adarr! President NSA lnvestm , lnc. o ents 4975 East Preserve Court Greenwood Village, CO 80121 303-770-0779 Fax 303-7704918 Ove*Pl b-rlT- Cca,t t €R- BY FAX 97 0-47 9-2452 --and HAD[rDEtfvERf March 23,2000 To: Allison Ochs, Planner, Town of Vail (:lloe Re: 706 Forest Road, Vail, CO we are the owners of the Primary unit at this property. Enclosed please find a duplicate copy of the formal request for an appeal b9fo1e the Town of vail Town cormcil of the-granting of the uu.i*." applied for by the Secondary unit owners' We are submitting this letter to formally object to your staff approval of their remodel plan despite notice of our objections to ,ittn Ot* despite-our.repeated efforts and requests to meet to discuss these matters, and without ever affording us an opportunity to be heard on these matters. For more than two months now, we have been corresponding with you as the Town Planner, and Beth Levine, the architect for the o*"it of the Secondary Unit a! this property, asking for a meeting to discuss oru concerns about any exterior remodel of the Secondary unit. we were surprised to leam yesterday-that you staffapproved the f-por.O remodel witho't a formal Design Review Board Hearing and without gving us an opportunity to express ow objections. The fact that we did not receive the corstnrction drawings frfm Ms. Levine until three (3) days ago--apparently after you had staffapproved this project-means we were not afiorded an opportunity to review or commerf to the proiosed project prior to your staffapproval despite our repeated requests to be heard on this matter. In light of the numerous written and verbal notices you had as to our concems about anyremodel ofthe secondary unit and our repeatedrygrlsts for an opportrmity-to be heard on these matters, *" fird your staff approval of this project without any formal Design Review Board Hearing objectionable and request your withdrawal of approval and the scheduling of such a hearing with notice so we can be present at the hearing. When we first spoke, I pointed out to you that outstanding title and restihrtion issues remain to be resolved. The Secondary Unit Owners do not have sole title to the property affected by their variance application. With notice of the joint ownership of this land and notice that the co-owner of the land objects to the proposed project, we are surprised that you would proceed on the variance application at a hearing for which you had notice that we could not be present and then follow that up by giving this rnatter staffapproval wittrout notice to us nor any formal Design Review Board hearing on this matter. We are particularly concemed to learn that the Plarming and Environmental Commission did not timely receive either of our letten formally opposing this application and requesting that the matter be denied or at least posQoned to a later hearing date so that we could be present to voice our concenui We question whether the Design Rbview Board was provided copies of orn formal objection letter dated February 12,2000. Please advise. Since we fust leamed about their desire to expand the Secondary Unit we have consistently and responsively fried to be in contact with you and Ms. Levine. We have tried to cooperate with the Secondary Unit Owners in their desire to expand their property while maintaining the desig!, li$t, "o, privacy, and views that the urits have enjoyed for 20 years. We have repeatedly asked for and made ourselves available for meetings. Our offers of dates and times have rotrtinely NOT been responded to, leaving us sitting at the property waiting to meet with the other party but no one has shown nor even been so courteous as to call and advise that they would not be there. It is inpossible to meet with someone who refuses to show up and meet or to respond to offered meeting times. last weeh we offered at least 5 different meeting times when I am in Vail next week formyfarnily's springvacation Again, Ms. Levine has chosento leave tovm withott responding. On Monday, we received from Ms. Levine the construction drawings. We have reviewed the same an4 in addition to the outstanding legal issues as tb title to the property and restitution for damages caused to the Prirnary Unit by the Secondary Unit dwing the prior remodels, we raise the following concems: 1. Front Entry: We object to the expansion of the front entry into the front set back for several reasons. First, it is contrary to the design fi:nction of this Primary- Secondary Property. One of the biggest criticisms and concems with Primary- Secondary Properties is the lack of privacy and separation of space. A quick walk up and down West Forest Road will confirm that the Design Review Board has been sensitive to this issue by approving projects which maintain a separation of space betweenthe entrances to the two units. Every Primary-Secondary Property located on West Forest Road has a clear separation of space between the entry areas for each unit. The original development of 706 Forest Road was designed to separate the two trnits by building the Prirnary Unit forward towards the street and recessing the Secondary Unit back towards the hillside. The stepping of the two trnits is maintained consistently on both the front and the back sides of the property. The proposal to expand the Secondary Unit's entry into the front setback brings the entry space into the same plane as the Primary Unit's entry, defeating the separation of space and privacy so finrdamental to the design of this property. The fact that the door to the Secondary Unit will be a side entry does not overcome this encroachment. In fact, a side entry will only create more problems--when visitors and delivery people only see one door fromthe street, they will mistakenly assume there is one entry and ring our bell or leave us packages when the Secondary Unit is the desired location. The Design Review Board's desire to avoid expansive single plane designs was addressed last spring with the Maniott's proposal. I was at the hearings when the Marriott was required to break up the monotonous plane and step back part of the project along the bike path. We do not wrderstand why you would staffapprove the Secondary Unit's encroachment into ttre front set back to achiwe a specific design flaw that the Design Review Board objects to and has required other parties to avoid. Clearly, a compromise can be achieved if a real "necessity'' exists to justifu the gnnting of a variance:that would be to build out the Secondary Unit's entry just enough to bring it to the same plane as its garage and leaving the entry door facing the street to clearly differentiate between the two entries. This compromise will enable some expansion of space while maintaining the firndamental design feature of this property. We heard your rationalization for the granting of this aspect of the variance on the basis that it affords like teahnent for the gnnting of tlre variance to enclose our comer deck However, critical differences exists in these matters. Our deck enclosure was on the east end of our property-far away from the Secondary Unit. The enclosure had no adverse irryact on the Secondary Unit and, to oux recollection, was not objected to by the Secondary Unit Owners. Further, our enclostne of the comer of the east deck was just tlnt--enclosure of the existing deck. In contrast, the Secondary Unit Ownen are seeking to enclose the space under their deck PLUS an additional3 feet into the front set back. Their request is more expilnsive and invasive into tlre set back than our application. In applying your concem for comparable treatnent to both variance applications, we again suggest the following conpromise: allow the entry to the Secondary Unit be expanded to enclose the space under the deck which would bring it to the same plane as is garage and leaving the entry door facing the sheet to clearly differentiate between the two entries. This compromise will enable some expansion of space while maintaininga linear separation of space which is such a frrndamental desrgn feature of this property. 2. Trash Enclosure Variance: The Secondary Unit Owners have applied for a variance to build a trash enclosure on the west side of their unit. We rmderstand and appreciate the desirabilrty to have a trash enclosure. However, we again ask that this matterbe limited to wbat is reasonably necessary and what is consistent with the hash enclosures allowed throughotrt the neighborhood. A quick tour of West Forest Road will confirmthat the hash enclosures that have been constmcted are limited in size and space to store the necessary hash cans and recycling bins. The enclosure requested by the Secondary Unit owners is massive in conparison. It is far more invasive than is reasonably necessary to achieve the purpose for which it is requested. Ag"tn, we are willingto work with a conpromise on this matterthat would enable the Secondary Unit Owner to constmct a trash enclosure in the connnonly owned land that is reasonable in size and design 3. Front Dormer and Chimney Extension: Ms. Levine has conveniently used the 1980 blueprints to superinrpose her renrodel upon. In doing so, she has failed to modifu the Primary Unit to show the current design of this unit and the adverse inpact her design will have on our li$t, ah ventilatioq views and privacy. There are operable windows located along the west wall of the Primary UniL the fimction of which will be adversely affected by the massive dormer proposed by the Secondary Unit Owners right in front of these windows. We reasonably object to this adverse impact being inrposed upon ow property. When we designed our remodel of the Primary Unit, we did so with sensitivity to the aesthetics of the property, increasing our window space while maintaining a balance and proportion in the use of windows and siding. We find the proposed expansive use of glass on the south wall of this property to be excessive and inconsistent with the design and look of the property. The predecessors in title to the Secondary Unit wanted to do a glass and modern project on this property similar to the expansive use of glass in the current proposal. However, after spending over a year trying to come up with an acceptable design, they accepted that such a look would not be compauble with the property and decided to sell the unit to the current owners so they could do their own project on Beaver Dam Road. The current owners knew or should have known of such design limitations and should not be allowed to pursue such an inconsistent approach to the current design of the property. Again, we ask that any exterior changes to the Secondary Unit be as sensitive and consistent with the current design of the property as our remodel achieved. In summary, we object to the massive use of glass and massive height of the front dormer. Both the height and volume of glass is disproportiornte and inconsistent for the design ofthis property. The adverse impact such work will have on the design of the property and on the privacy, air, ligfot, ventilation and views of the Primary Unit preclude our approval of this aspect of the proposed remodel. 4. Addition of Deck and Dormer to Southeast Bedroom: As previously discussed, our design of the expansion to the Primary Unit was approved because of its sensitivity to the use, privacy, enjoyment, air, light ventilation, and views of the Secondary Unit We designed our expansion of space to be on the opposite end of the propertyfromthe connnon wall. We did not advenely impact any of the views, light, air, ventilation, orprivacy of the Secondary Unit. A substantial distance exists between the common wall and the space added to our unit . In contrast, the Secondary Unit's proposal adds a deck and dormer to the Southeast bedroorn The effect of this desrgn will be a direct and adverse inpact on the aL light, privacy and view of the two of the westem bedrooms in the Primary Unit. For Gr" ,.uro*, we object to this portion of theirproposal. 5. Addition of Deck and Dormer to Southwest Bedroom: For the reasons discussed above, we do not object to the addition of space to this bedroorn Like our remodel of the Primary Unit, tlrc addition of space at this end of the Secondary Unit does not adversely rrpact our ligtrq air, views, ventilation or privacy. Subject to thg conditions discussed for any rernodel of the Secondary Unit, we do not object to this portion of the proPosed Project. 6. Replacenent of Railings and Matching of Siding: Likewise, we appfove of and encourage the proposal to replace the siding and the railins to match the work done to the PrimarY Unit. 7. New Door and Window on West Wall: It appears tlr,at the proposal includes changing out the existing sliding glass door and replacing it with an operable door and wittrl *indo* abovelt along the west wall of the Secondary Unit. Subject to otlr concerns for any exterior tt*odtl of the Secondary Unit, we do not object to this aspect ofthe proposed remodel. In contrast to the excessive, disproportionate arnount of glus proplsed for the front side of the Secondary Unit, we ttrink that the opposite diJproportion exists in the plan for the west side of the rmit' We encourage the s"corroa.y unit owners to c-onsider expanding the glass incorporated on this side of their unit to take advantage of the aftemoon sunligft, sunsets, ventilation and beautiful westem views to be enjoyed from this rnit- E. Additional Matters: We have tried to be thorough and responsive to the aspects of the proposed remodel as we can determine from our review of the constnrction drawins received from Ms. Levine on March 20,2000' If there are other aspects to the proposat that we have not addressed" we ask that you point out these matters to us and we reserve the right to address them at ttrat time. g. conditions Precedent to Any Consenf Finally, please note that the Townhouse Declaration that encurnbers this property requires the consent of the other unit owner prior to any exterior remodel of a unit. Our willingness to consent to any exterior changes to -the secondary unit is conditioned upon resohtrion of the outstanding legal issues first. These issues include restitution to us for the damages caused bv ttt" Secondary unit owners during the prior remodels, resolution of the title issues, and adequate insurance/assurances that the Primary Unit will not suffer additional damage as a result of any remodel to the Secondary Unit. We must not be put in a situation in the future that we are currently in-of having to file liens and lawsuits as a result of damage to our unit by the actions of the Secondary Unit Owner. For the numerous reasons set forth above, we ask that you withdraw the staffapproval you have given to this project. Your failure to do so rnay necessitate the filing of a lawsuit to enjoin this project fromproceeding, an expensive and adversarial process we have been working diligently to avoid. By copy of this letter being sent by fax to Ms. Levine, we are gwi.tg notice to the owners of the Secondary Unit of our denial of consent pursuant to the Townhouse Declarations and our request for an appeal to the Town Council of the granting of the variance and issuance ofstaffapproval on this project. We look forward to hearing from you. Very truly yours, NSA Investnents, Inc. cc: Beth Levine--BY FAX 970-926-2993 o lnvestmentsNSA 303-77tr0779 Fax 30$77G8918 BY FAX and CERTIFIED MAIL-.RETURN RECEIPT REQTJESTED 970479-2452 March 17,2000 Ms. Alison Osch, Town Plarurer Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Re: Variance for 706 Forest Road, Vail, Colorado We are the owners ofthe Primary Side of this property. Pursuant to the Town of Vail Code, we request an appeal to the Town Council of the granting of the variance application by the Planning and Erviroilnental Conrmission on March 13, 2000; Please advise when this matter will be set hearing by the Town Council. Thank you, NSA Investnents,Inc. ,-/4J-^-e,.flufu-n, Cnpr r)ln *l' By: Nancy S. AaanL President 4975 East Preserrre Gourt Greenwood Mllage, CO 80121 o 4975 East Presenre Court Greenrrvood Village, CO 80121 303-770-0779 Fax 303-770-8918 BY FAX and CERTIFIED MAIL--RETIJRN RECEIPT REQUESTED 970-479-24s2 March 17,2000 Ms. Alison Osch, Town Planner Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Re: Variance for 706 Forest Road, Vail, Colorado We are the owners ofthe Primary Side ofthis property. Pursuant to the Town of Vail Code, we request an appeal to the Town Council of the gnnting of the variance application by the Planning and Environmental Commission on March 13, 2000. Please advise when this nmtter will be set hearing by the Town Council. Thank you, NSA Investments. Inc. h^rCaP, ulz '/- President NSA Investments, Inc. By: Nancy S. Mavi-30-€o ()4r34P Nl Investirlen_t_:,. Inc. REQUIRED Fon RLING AI{ AP?EAL or A srArfr, DESIGN RDvrDw toAnD onPIAITINING AI{D DNVTNONMDNTAL GOMIIIII|SION TCT|ON P -O7tAcE 2rS TTNNOF .A- 1 Llr,.i ,,-ff rt t- ) r"7-'.,-#t BEING A.:14 u[- '- l(t .!t'>l t c'l' rt DATeoFAcrror{/DEcFtoN;lJ.r, gc_4lriil" I l.-,i a*,B. c. t- N^ME OF BOARD O* PERSON RENDERNG flE DECNION/TAKNG ACTbN: A rl NAME OFAPFEII.AI{T(S), 3 {'.' i:);v.s,Lr('-C t t r-l r (T-c: t-t 1 (.r :(LtAILD.IG PTTYSrcALADDRESS tNV \ l(n H h-i, r.e,d.. c, I.EOAI DESCRIPTIOT.I OF ^F.?ELIA{IE IROPERTY IN VAIL:\ . t 'l.ri\ V,(trik [;'', L-t; sIGt{^lURE{gr P1gc I of2 crf "i Li l/ '4t.1'1'70-ct'1 , lf /t"'','sx l') (.,,: g E rMarr-.3O-OO 04:34P NO Investm€nts, Inc- Docs &ir .pp!.| iarolvo r qgcifc Frcct ef lud? Ja, [ycr. fla* prwi& rtc folloea'a3 infrroricr: - rr),ururdjrcnrpropcrtyomar v.,,L, no- h1-;'it:)Y'1'.^l:.:J'.""'' i'f' tl [)')r'-tto'r {.rf'-l Ju( [,1\:J)<', tcl- lf aq givc r dcrrilod ryhdm of hov yor lrc rr "rggricverl a dvcndy *ri* ,rt*" ".{ggricvctt or rdvcody dftcad psro- marr uy pcnor who will lrf,cr ra dranc cftcr to ra iasrrr lttmd n fitttlctcd by this tidc. ILe dlcgcd rdvcrre inrcrtt mry be strrcd ia comnm wftt ulc uorbcrs drhc contriltrity rkBc.bu,rbdt crcctdbdcjrc.tistcocnl irrtscgbcoranrunity 3ultl$rulby dl D!r:dl5. P-OA F. G.Proyidc dr rrc rnd drlnrscs (bab pe-non's nrilirr3 nldrcs rnd progary'r ptysicel edrtres in Vril) of ell ormes of popcrty wlict rrc &c nrbjcu od thc ryirel rnrl rtl rdjurr prrogsrty oyncrs (imtudia ]ropcfticsrtprretcd bv r rigln-of.rrry, rtrer4 or or[c innrwoiag b.dicr). Atso fovirlc rddrrsca ud Jfucd arrlcropcs for _crlprqrr1g*nrmtblin h rryra sb o(tro6- sp.cify tb Fcbc Dutll of fu rDc.l. Flc* cic rpeific codc scufors hrving tclcvrttc,C to thr uiolr bciry egpcdcd" F-EE: 3000 It Pqc 2 of2 P -tz rumf0r L APPI'AI S r.ORlf,I RDQUIRED TOR NLINC AN A"PIEAL OF A STAFF, DDSIGN REVTEW DOARD ON,PI.A!{MI.IG AIrID ENV|nON!,DFT]AL COMT}IISSION ACIION D^TEOFACTTOMDECTVOW NAME oF BOARD oR pEnsoN RENDERTNG THE D€crsloiurAKNG ACTrcN:_ T\4 rrrr irv, z1 lirl t-:.n v, r,,.r^ l.rra lt l<.f fff NAMEOF^PFEIJ,ANT(S). ' l-S t . P rv' :g ,7:{('f:2, ,+, (.-f.t-(;t 1LL,t .<r t 1.,. ll fi;tz i B" c. IUAILING PFYSICAL ADDRESS TN VAIL -/tr(,. /l F ?-,1-., ,:r ilt (, c,,r[ slGNAtuRF.(S):E pRop6RTynrvru.: t-rr-l' d:t . lt(t,r".p- / , --- 17:(. rl LECAL DHiCRIPTK}N OF Af?EIIAlrr.S Pqe I of2 Ma!:.--3q: .ro- 04:-35P .lril$ rnvcstmcnts' rrrc-U Docs fir.ppcd involvc e gecifc prrcct of lrad?lf yer pl*c povidc thc follorirag io&rurion: rtyogurdjrcarpopcrtyourt? V*,}- no It".l 1t'c jzr''{ 6r.L'r4'r irr' t( lrt . ltlg.l ,l Ifuo,gircrdrrdldcahdonoflrovydrlErrstllfi€v€dBadrurclyrfrctcdDcf!or"-'Attrisvcdor Avcrsdy Ccd pcrm-ncus zyplttoo who witl $t ftrrr ltrsrc c&t rer inEslttFoEdc firrdrcrcd uy6irddE Thc zllctld eivctc incc$ mryte frrcd b corunn wi6 cbcr msubc$ offic courrrig r lrrgc. tur ${l crccd b da3rcc $E EElcrd il!!!tsr b coorrrrnity 3Fd rhrcd by ell ptrsors- Provrdctlc nrqeadddnsc (bcb prlon'e mlilinjddnssud poecry'tDtyricd.ddrtrr in vdl) ddlwrurr of popatY vliA ue tic arbjar o'f rtc Sed rndrtt rdjrrnr pr,qrty o*ncrs (irfudirg p:3p.rticaqrrrd by a dglc+6q, lw.r'L or uhcr irravaing bsic$). Also povi& erlircscrt rrrd lrapcd alvclrycs for ?Apgrryornrorhclis- Qn rgrt3 r[rrs of n 0c. {cciry th! DrELrc uurc sf tf,c ry9crl. Pl€|e oiG tPccift codc sccriors lningrdcrurc ro thr rcrior bciag Spcat€d, FEE: t0.00 P- t3 F. G. H. Pge2of2 Sent 8y: NSA#IIWESTMENTS#INC ;o 3037708S1 8;23-00 5:35PU;Page 1/8Mar -o Ilgl lrrrctrrentrt Itlo. 4975 Easl ftercne C;our Gtsu,ood Vf hgp. CO 0Ol 21 30t?nolofTg Far: Slrtl$lS BY FAX g7V7g-24s2 -md HAND DELIVERY March 23,2000 To: Allison Ochs, Plarner, Town of VaiI Rc:705 ForestRoad, Vail" CO we are the onmers of the ftimary unit at this property. Enclosed pl€asc- find a A,rpfittt copy of ttrc fott"f ttq*t for an ryrylt b€foT ftc Town of Vail lown i"*rn ortfre-g'dingortn" "ttittte applierl for by the Sccondary Unit Owners' we are nfimittirrg ftis tetter to fonmlly object to yorr staf approval of thsir re'lltod€l plendespibnoticeorornobjectiorsto*r'n'*dcspiteorr.repeatedeff|ortseld ;.q|g,;rr*ttodccus- aese,rnrers, ann wftorn wer affordirrgw an oppottnity to be hpard on thesc rnattcrs. Forrnorc ffuntwomonths ru)w, we havc been withyou, agrho Toyn planrer, ad B61h I;tr", G ;nbile for tbe owo"n of tlrc $econdarv Unit Et &iE prropcrty, asking for a m*iog to disctss our conocftls abo$ any "'dcrior f€model of rbe Soccndry U"ft. W" ;lryris"d to lcam yestarday that you staff appmved 0ro Foposed ffirod8t *i6orf a format DcsiSn neyiew Boari Heuing and witbout giv'IDg rsanopportrnityt"',e**'"objecdq:Ttofaathatwedidnotrsceiveth€ c@s6.rctior d"awi'S-il; Ms. tsvirp rdil thrco (3) daysagp-appam'dly aftcr you lud statrapprrwedbisproject*manr we worc not aftbrdod rn oportunity to rwicw or corrgprt t t" p*ioJ project prior to your stafrapproval despitc our repcated rc$rests to be beanrl on this natter' h ligtt of the mnrerorrs written and veftal notic€s pu had a: to our concsrns about dy ffidel ortro sc"ona*y unit afd oy rcpeatdTgt|*ts for an oporturity to bc heard ur tnese nau"ril;fftgux g"g' opit*tl of tiis project witborf any fonrnl Sent By: NSA#IWESTMENTS#INC ;o 303770891€;3-00 5:38P ; Dcsigt R€v*,wBmdHearingobjectionablc anri reqrrcst pur withdrawal of apploval and fte schoduling of such a heering withnotice so we cmbe prc$€nt at the bcsring; Wh€n we first spoke, I poirrted ott to )rou that or$standing title and restihiliort ie8r|es remein to be resolvcd. The Seoondary Unit Owrcrs do not have sole title to tbc property afrectcd by their variance application. Widr notice of the joint ormership of ttls-Una anO notice that the oo<twner of the lrnd objects to the prcposd prujec[ we 8r€ surpriscdth* pu uruuld pnocccd cn drcvariuce applicafon at a hearing for uthich you had notice that wc could not be prrcsclt sod tlrcn follow that rry bV gvng Otis tnaflEr shffappronat withou noticc to us oor my foffil Design Rwiew Board tFsring mthis matt€r. We are particularly concemed to leam ttnt tbe Plarrring and Enviromrcntal Conmission did not tinrly recsivc cithsr of our leficrs fonrally opposing thic applicrtion and requostirrg 6at the mattor be denied or at least posQoned to a latcr heariqg dele so thst we corrld bc prcsent to voice oru concsrns Wc question whther the Desip Ro,iow Boatd was pmvidod copi6 of orr fomnl objection l€osrdated Febnury 12,2000. Pleasc advisc. Since we ftrst hard aborn their dcsire to etpcnd the Secondary Unit, we have cqaistcotly md responsivelyticd to be in codaot wilh yorr rnd Ms. Lovirc. We havc tricd to coorperate with the sccondsry unit owrprs in th€ir desire to e:gad tbcir pmpcrty u,hil€ rmirfainingtre 4esig, li&t, air, priracy, and views ttatthe rnits have e4oyeA for ZO ycars. Wc have nepearedly ackod for and made oursehes rvaihblc for nrcetingS. Or"r offem of dates ard tirncs have 1gtltincly NOT bcen respondod to' leaving us siting at 0rc prqerty rvaitingto mcet with the otlrcrpertybut no one has showr nor w€n leerl so cowteoru as to call and advise thd they would not bc thcrc. It 1$ iryossfrbto rd with ssrrcorc uiho rsfirscs to show q and rneet orto respond to ofrered meeting tfurrcs. Last urce! wc offercd at least 5 ditrercnt nruting tirnes wbcn I am in Vail neld weck formyfui[rs spri4gvacatiuu AFrn, Ms. Lsvinp has cltossr tro leavc town witborf responding. on Monday, we reccived from Ms. Levine the construction dnwings. w" hryt reviewed thc sarre an{ in addition to thc outstanding lcgrl issues as to title to the Mar-2 o Page 218 t:". tt: NsA#IWEsrMENrs#INb 303770891 8;Itlan- 23-00 5:36PM;Page 3/8 propqty md rcsifiXim for damgps ce6od to trc P1ir6ry Unil by ttrc Secodary Unit duringthe prior remdels, we rrisc the following concems: r. Frut EEt'y: lVe objec't to trc expaosion of tho fiqrt €ffiy into fto frun set bask for snrcral rcasurs. first it is comary to tbc design finstion of this Prfutary- Secondary Propcrty. One of the bigast criticisrns and cmcerns with himrry- S""*&ry Pr.rdrfi* is thc lack of privacy and seearation of spaco. A qutg! wal-k uF and down Wost Forcst Road will confirm 6at the Design Rwiew Bostd hrs bccrt sensitive to tfd6 issue by rpp'roviqg projccts which maidain a seprration of space bctril€enfueltrrrcestoihetrrounlt". f"cryPrimry-SeomderyPropertylocatedon West Forcst Road has a ctear scpardinn of spaoe bctrveeo 6c €tilry areas for each r[lit. The original dovelopnrcnt of 706 Fore.S Road was dcsigrrd to reparatc thc two units Uy Uuilding fte nirnary Unit forrvard toward$ th€ strcet and receesing tho SecondrY fi"it tact t""rarts dE hilsnb. The S€epiqg ofthc two 'ntts is maintaincd consistatly on bothtbe frrd and thc back sidcs of the propcrty. Thc prorposal to expand the Secordary Unit's edry iilo the front setback bringp ttc .,my- spi* ino mi same planc ar tlrc Primry Unit's entry, defeati4g the separatim of spa.L rnd privacy so firndaurersal to tbe design of thle pmPc]ty. The fsct ftat the doorto ep $rqdaty Unit will be a side €ffiy &es not orrerc,ome fhis cncruachmeNt In frrt, a side eo[.y will mty crEab morc pmoblerns.-when Yisitors and delivery pcopla o111l sec one dooifiornth suc€t, theywiUniSatenrty assunrc th€re is onc effryand tiog o.rr bell or leave us packages whcn the Secondary Unit is the desired location Tbe Desigl Rwhw Boatd's desire to avoid eiparsivc siqgle plane dcsigrc was addrcssed-last ryrqg with the Manid's proposal. I was at thc lrcodngp uften ftc Maniott was requinO to break rry thc rxnrctonous plure and stc,p back part of the prcject ahng thc bike path We do not undcrstand why you wotrld Saffapp'rove the ScionOaty U"lt's cncmochred imo tre fiont s6t bock to achieve a ryecific design flaw ftrt the firosigp nwiew Board objecb to aud hrs rcquirEd othcr partics to avoid. Clearly, a comprcmise oan be ashiwed if a real 'tecessitt'' existr to ju$iryfte Sf""thg of a varianco--tbat would be to build o|lt thc S€cotdary Unit's €ntry just *",rOt"ttUgittotte mrephne as its garap and leavingthe entrydoorfacirrgth sto"t to cleariy differ€ntiote between the two cnties- Thie coryrmise will enabh somc cxpansim of space wtrilc maimining thc firndsrsrtal desigR feaurc of 6is ptoperty. t..n. tt: fl sA#ItwEsrtlENTs#INl 3037708S1 8;ilar - 23-00 5:37P[;Page 4/8 lYe heard yorn ratimalizatirn f0 tp grdrling of &b arycC of trc variance ou fte bssis thd it atrods litce treffi for the grdntg of 6c variance to enclose our corner deck Howwor, critical diffe,rerrces erdsts in thcsc rnanem. Our deck enclosut€ was om tho east eDd of our property-far away fiom thc Sscondary Unit. The eoclosunc had no adverse iryedmG Sicduyunit an$ !o orr rccollectim, was not objectcdto by 6c SecodaryunitOwnffs. Furttrer, our enclosurc of the corner of tlre east deck was just that--cttclonrre of thc cxistingdeck In coffiast, thp Sccarduy(ffiOwers are seckingto enclorc the space undcr tlrcir d€ck PLUS an additional 3 fc€t irilo 6e fi,odt sct beck Thcir reqrrest is mrc €xpansive and invasive into tte setbackthanornapplicatim- In applyiag your conccm for coryarable treatnent to borth varirnce applicetiom, we again suggsst the following coryrornisc: dlow trc cntry to thc Secondary Unit bc erpordeA t" enclose the space ruder the deck u&icl uould bring it to tbc earc phrrc as irc ggnagp and l€wi4gmc ertydoor hcmgfu sfiEctto charly ditrcrcntiatcbstween lhe trro cntries. This coryronrise will mable sm elgansion of space uihih mifufisfuia a lincar sepontion of space which is such a findamemal design feahrre of this propefy. 2. Truh Enclorurc Verlrnce: Tte SecmdaryUnit Owners have appliod for a rrariarcs to build r trrsh enclosrrc on thc west side of their unit. Wc rnderstarul and apptciab fte dcsinbility to have a tash englosure. Howwcr, we againaskthst ftis naferUe linitedto uilrdis rcasqnbty noccssery aod what is cqsisteff with thc trash crrclosues allowcd throrqlrout thc nsigbbotltood. A quick torr of $re* Forest Road will corfrm&sttbetraSenslo$restrathavebwn cmsfiuct€d arc limitcd in size and space to storE thc nccessuy trash cans ard recyclingbins. Tlrc etrclosur€ reque$tcd by tbe Secondsry Unit ownsrs is mrssive in conporison. It is far mre invasive rlrrn is reasaublynecossary to achiwc tbe pupose for which it is reqrrcsted. AFfo\ we art wi[ingto wotkwiha oornpgniseqoftic milt€f thdlwuH coablethe Secmdary Unit Ormerto sonctnrct a trash cnclosur€ in tlre coumnly ownpd lard thlt is reasonablc in size aod design 3. F1an6Do16er rnd Chiurcy Erbrdon: Mf. L^slrhe has corweniently uscd the 1980 bluc,prints to spcrirpose hcr remodcl upon Itl doing so, shc hrs fail€d to gDdiry fte hnnary lhit to show trc c|Irrsnt d"sigrr of this unil and the adverse irPact her design will havc on our liglt, air, ventilation views and privacy. Thprt are opcrablJwindorvs locatcd almg the west wall of the kimary Untt, tfrc firnction of Sent By: NSA#ITWESTMENTS#INC,;o 3037708S1 8;Man-23-00 5:38Pft;Page 5/8 which will bG advenely afrest€d by the rna$sive donrrcr proposed by tto Sccodary Unit Owners rigft in frorrt of these windows. We reasonably objeot to this adverse itrFct behg iqosed upon our propelty. Wtrgn we designed our rernodel of the Priuury Unit, we did so with sasitivity to the aesthatics of tb propcrty, increasiag our window space whilc maintaining a balerce and proportim intbc rse ofwindorvs and siding; We find lhc prWosed opillsive usq of gIEBE {rn tho sordh wall of this proporty to be cxcessive snd inconsist€d withthe d€slgn and look of thc pmpetty- The predec*som in titfe to the Secondary Unit wnrted to do a gfass ad mdem projoct on this ptrop€rty similer [e ttrc erpansivc usc of glass in thc srrrctil propoeal. tt nrt"er,afr€fsp€odhgwerayeartyingtocomerpwittranacceptabledcsigatlsy scceptodtnt $rcha look wuuHmt be co,npatibh with&e prirycftyad &citod to soll fre urit to tF clrr€d owrm so fiey could do tlpb orm psoject on Beaver Dam Road. Tb curcrlonlm lneworstrould have known of such design limitations and should not bs allowod to pursuc such sn inconsistcnt approach to the cunent design of the property. ,tgFiG we ask that any er(€rior changes to &s Sccondary Unit be as s€nsitive and consistent with lte srrrcnt design of thc property as orr rmdel achiwod. In sgnmrary, we object to thc mssive usc of 8ilass and rnrssivc heigfr of tbe ft'o^It domrar. $th thu tui$t and volr"'." of glsss is disprtorportionatc md inconsisted for tre desigp ofthis pmperty. Thc adverse iryoct such work will have on the fuign of trc propedy and on the privacy, air, ligls vodilatim and views of the PrimaryUnit precltde our approval of this aspect ofthcp'raposed rqnodel. 4. Addttlon of Dcck end Ilornpr to Southcgt Bcdroom: As prwiu$ly discusee( orn dcsign of the elpamion to the Prinary Unit was apprwcd bocausc of its sensitivity to tlre use, privacy, enjoymcril" a4 ligbt, vcntilaboq and vicws of ttre Securdaryunit. We desigrrcd or€Qonsim of rpacc to be on tbe opposite eod of thc prroeerty fiun the cwm wall We did m advecely rryact any of tre views, ligb, air, vcmiUnoq or placy offu S€cmdsrJuniL A s$gafial disbnce cxists bctween the cmnwall ard the spaceadded to ourmit. In contrast, tte Sec@dsry Unit's proposal rdds a deck and domprto Orc Sbldheast bedroom- The efrGct of this design will be a dirwt arrd adverse inpact on thc alr, Sent By: NSA#INVESTMENTS#INC_;o 3037708918;llan-23-00 5:38PM;Page 6/8 liehl Drivrcy and view of the two of 0re westErn bedrcomg inthc Primary Unit' For f ii.t"J", we object to this portion of tlnir pr'ryosal 5.AdditionofDcckrndDormertosouthteltBodrmu:Fort}teleasoos discussedaboveweoonotoujeottotpadditionofspace"giy.*ilkcour rcnrodcl of tfre nirnai'U"i,, il "dditirm otspace {qit end o.f drc Sccondarv Unit does not adverscly irrpact oratig[6, ar, vl"*slvcmilationorprivacy' Su\iectto$ condtions diss.sscd f;;y;;d;l oittrc St.-A"ty Uniq ;e do not objcct to thb portim of the Pro'Posed Pmjsct 6. Rcpleccnent of Rdllagr end Mebhtng of Sfdiry1.l'ikevisc' we sPprove of and eocorragE Ur" pr"prJ to ,ipt""" tre siding-and the railings to nntch fte wott done to the PrimarY Unit- ?.Nc*IrocrrdWindorvmWgtWrltBapearsftatteproposalPtLd": ctraging ort Oc cxt*lng-sfiAlqg glass door aod rcpf"cutg ft Ytr * oPcrable door and ;th; iinOo* aboe-it dtd tI* we$ wall of the Secon6ary Unit' Subject to otu conccrrs for arry €xtpfior rdodet of thc sccordary unit we do not object to this aspect oftbe pnrpocedrcsFd8t In corrtrast to the exccssive, disproporrtbnatc arrcrnt of glass proposcd for t|o fiDtt side of the socmdrry u^nit, wc tbink tbat tbc oppositc disproportion exists io trtu pran for the west side- of the unit. wc e'ncourap the secordary unit oqrcrs to considcr craading tht das* incornqpbd onflrb side of fuir tnit to tals .fr"rilt8t of fre aftemoon t-fidtt, slnsetst verrtilation and bcalifitl westerrrviews to bc enjoyed fromthis rmir t. Addidond Mrtlers: We havc ficd to be frororreh and responsive 1q" aspectsofscplDPosed'Emodelallwecandcterurirrcfrmourrwiowofthe consn.ctftn draumr* ;oeived ftom Ms. l^wim qr Mareh 20, 2000' If thcrc arc ofihcr aspectstotheprqosalthatwchavonotaddrece€d,weask0ratyoupoiffonthese .,no,to*aru*"rcsewetherigfrttoaddressttE|natthattfur. g. Condllionr prcccdent to Aly Conren$ Finally, plEese notE tltat fte Toudorse D.rlsrd;G cncrmbsr$ grL propcny-rcquires tbe sons€tt of tbe other w orn"r prior to *v ercrior remodclgf a |trllt- on willingncss to cffi€d to dly ersterior chrngps t"-Jlhc; i..-O"ty Unit is oonditioned rpon rcsolrdion of thc f,.1|;;ftrg 6bf tr,"r finil Thesc iss$s include rcstituionto rs forthc dsnagps cruscdby&esccudaryrmourrcrse'rirrybEpri9ra:ldels,rcsoltsimoftbetitle i's'cs, arrd adeq'ate 'irsurance/asr,r,"r,ri tt"t n" Prin'ry Unit will rot stfier Sent By: NSA#IWESTMENTS#INC-; .tt 3037708S18;Iar-23-00 5:39Pil;Page 7lA additiqral dannge as a resuh of sny r€model to tbe Secoudary Unit. We mrst not bo put h a sinratiJn in thc fiSre drat we are crntdly fotff 9"qg.to file licns and L"r*lt* tt a rttrrt of darmgp to or rnit by$o actions of the Sccondary Unit Owrcr' Fortre nurtnms tu16ons sd foffi abwe, we askfrlt you wifrdraw tbc staffapprwal yotr havc Fven to thic p'rojoct Yow faihnc to do so may nrygsitato ffre filing of a L*s,ritt"-ioindrisprojectfmmprocccding ancxpolsivo mdadvenarial Prcccss wP havc been worthg diligpdly to avoirl By copy of rhis le1pr bGing scnt by fax to Ms. Irvfip, we Enc gvtg noticc to the owners-of tbe Secondary Unit of otn denial of conscrrt prrsustrt to &c Toumhouse Declr61bns md orn rcquest for an appeal to the Town Conroil of tbc grding of 0E variance and issuance of stafrapptwal on ttris project We look forward to hearingfiom you. Verytrulypur* NSA Inverfrrcms, Inc. 4^* By: Nancy S. cc: Beth IivitF-BY FtXnG926-2993 Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 I 3 8 FAX 970-479-2452 cnpr March 28, 2000 Beth Levine PO Box 1825 Avon, CO 81620 Fax: 970-926-2993 Nancy Shapiro Adam 4975 East Preserve Ct Greenwood Village, CO 80121 Fax:476-9194 I Dear Beth and Nancy: Here is a summary of the process for the lllig Variance and Adam Appeal: 1. The appeal of the staff approval will be heard at the Design Review Board's April 5, 2000 meeting. 2. The appeal of the variance will be heard at the April 1 1, 2000 Town Council meeting. This date is required to meet the 30-day requirement for an appeal hearing. Should either of the parties involved need more time to gather information, they can ask for a continuance. This can be done either in writing or at the meeting. I will forward a copy of all proceedings dealing with the variance to the Planning and Environmentai Commission at their April 4,2000 meeting. A letter should be submitted at this time if a conlinuance in requested and they will make the decision at this time. Should either of you have any questions regarding the procedure, please feel free to contact me at 97 047 9-2369. {,7 "u"'"*o 'n'o Mar-3o-oo ozl:3zlF NL rnvcstm€nts, rnc. NSA Invesfrnents, Inc. 4975 E Presenre CT Greenwood Village, CO 80121 303-TtV077e FAX 303-77G89t8 March 30, 20fi) BY FAX970-479-245? Ms. Allison OchE Plann€r U Town of Vail Department of Community Development 75 South Frontagc Road Vail. CO 81657 Re: 706 Forest Road, Vail, CO Lot 9, Elock l, Vail Wlagc 6t Filing flear Ms. Ochs; Wc arc srbmitting this letter pursuant to Clause H on thc Appcals Form you forwarded to u$ on Marctr 28,2000, to appeal the granting ofa variance by the Planning and Environrnentsl Commi$ion f'PEC') conccrning this propeny at thc hearing on Mardr 13, 2000. Wc are the owners ofthe Primary Unit at 706 For€sl Road, Vail, Colorado. It is our undcrsarding that Clifford and Bonnie lllig arc the owne'rs of thc Secondary Unit at this addrcss and ture appticd for and bccn granted a variance to do an addition to the Secondarv Unit which will oncmach inio the front rnd wes sidc sct backs. We ssnt lett€rs to the PEC dated Fcbruary t2, 2000, and March lq 2m0, requestirrg thtt the epplication for thc variance be postponod or withdrawn for the several retsons, inoludiq, th€ fact that despite our rcpeated rqlucrts and offers of mccting dates and timeq the Applicants chor uot to meot with us and that I could not be present ar the hearing scheduled for March 13, 2000, due to a long standing oul-of-town cornnritment ud requested thal the hcariug be postpon€d for two weeks to cnrblc me to bc prcsclrt to addrecs the issues in person. Notwithstanding our rcquc$tq the PEC rulcd on urd granted the variancc applied for. we s€nl noticc on March 17, 2(X)0, and on March z3.zC/|/|, rcquesting an appeal to the Town Council of the granting of this variance- On March 28, 2000, you forwaraeA !o us the cncloscd Appeals Forms which wc heve now had rn opportunity to filt out rnd rcturn with this tetter. Pursuant to Clause H of thc Appeats Form. wc are zubmitting this letter to idemi$ the i$u€s on P.09 Mar-30-oo 04:35P NL Investmctnts, Inc. apPeal- There arc thrae aspects ofthc vrriance applicd for which we witl address: the front cotry encrqschtnsnt into the front sctbaclg the extcnsion ofthe second floor declc to wrap around thc fiom ofthe Secundary Unit which ensroaphcs into the front and wast side setbacks: and thc construction ofa trash enclosure into the west sido setback. fitlc lcruct First and foremo$t, w€ must identiS the legal titlc issue in this application. Titte ro propcrty urtside offour walls of cach unit is titlal jointly to both the Primary ud Socondrry Unit owDcrs. The land aFectcd by the variance applicetion is outside of the four walls of the Sccondary Unit and, as rucft, is jointly owrral propcrty. fu the joint owners of an undivided onehalf intefiest in this rcal cstate, wo do not support this application and request that it be denisd. Entrywry Erpenriort into Front Sctbrct With respect to the entry area expansion sought to be eocroachcd into the front setback, wc object on the brsis that there is no ncccssity nor hardship argumat to justi$ the granting of a vrriance fir this aspect of the Secondary Unit owners' design. Thc existing €otry arca is comparable in size crd $prce ss otists wifh thc Primary Unit-which mcans thse is ample space for sevenl peoplc to cntel tbe unit, talc offtheir coals, hang up thcir coats on coat hookdracks, have a berrch for ritting on arrd to othcrwise rccomplish thc rcasorsble purgres of an antryway. For design rcarorx we object to thc cxpansion of the cotryway into thc front setback. Thc fundamgnal deeigt of this Prirnrry-Secondary property is to provide $paration of space and privacy betwccrr the units by building the Primary Unit closcr toward the strect and setting the Sccondary Unit bad further towrrd the hillside. Separation of spacc. prirncy trctwcen the urdts and identificai<x ofthe separate units is achieved thruugh this stepping back ofthe propenies. To altow the Secondary tlnit to expand its €ntryway into the front *tback defeats this fundamentd dcsigll fcatwe in an unnccesstrJ, and undesirablc way md must be objected to. In"ry""h as thc Applicant carlnot establish a harrdship nor neccssity to jusri$ thc granting of a variance to cxpard the entrywry hto tlre frort setbaclq this portion ofthe variancc spplication must be dcnicd. Sccond Floor Dcck Erprurion into Sctbtcln When we sought approvr,l to remodel the Primary Unit in 1998, wc sought to extend our second floor dcck around ths front ofthc unit to the ea$. '[hc o$.ner$ ofthc Secondary Unit objecrcd rc this portion ofour project bccsuse ofthe encroachsrent into the front setbactc In rcsponse lo thcir objections cnd the PEC's epparent support of thair objection, we withdrcw this aspcct frorn our rpplicrtion. For thc ssrrte rcasqng ac we w€rc doried the opportunity to ortcnd our second floor deck .horn the front of our unit to the sidc ofour unig wc objecr to thcir request to do rhc samc work to thcir unit' The granting of a variance lo enablc thern ro procced wirl this aspecr of thcir projd P. 10 Ma|'.-3O-OO 04:35P Nl Investm€nts, Inc- wu'rld amount to lhe granting ofa spccial privilry whcrc no hardstrip nor necessity is cstabtished. Trarh Endcurr in SctbecL Ite Applicant seehs to aonstruct I tnsh encloeure in the side sstback of thc unil. Whilc we appreciatc the ralra ofa tnrsh enclosure and would agree to thc constructaon ofa trash enclosurc that is reasonablc in size, we cumot agree to thc encloqre proposcd by the Applioant. The Fasl eaclosure variarrce applied for is excessivc in scope arrd beyod whar ir reasonably necessary for lhe limited ptrposca of r trash eflclocure. As proposcd it ig lbr morc spacious rhan is rcasonabty nece$nDf for the limited prrposes of storing trash cans and rccycling tftu and is significantly largcr than the trash cnclosurcs that have bccn pcrmined to bc installed by the other propcrties in ihc neighborhood, 1'he granting ofthis aspect ofthe variance smounts to a spccial privilege whcn no lurdship nor necessity can bc cstablislred. Conclurion Wc appeal fte granting of tbe rariance applicd for by the owners of thc Socondary Unit and requcst ther the Town Council r€versc this sction ficr the fullowing reasons: I . The joint owners of the lrnd upon which lhe vtiancc is rought do nor srppon or rgree with the rcqu$ted variancc; 2. The Applicant failcd to establish arqr nccessity to justiffthc grurting <fany rspect ofthese variances; 3. TheAppllantcsnnot esbblishany hardslriptojusti$thegrurtingofanyrspectofttrsr variances: and 4. Thc granting of a variancc to ext€rd thc second lloor deck elong lhe setback amourrs to the grutittg of a special privilege since tbc Primary Unit was recently dcnicd their rcqucrt to do comparablc wo* ro the Primary Unir. Acoordingly, we lcquest thc granting ofthc rariarce applied for by the owners of the Sccond61'y Unit be rcvcrsed oa appcal. Respectfu lly submitted, NSA Invcstmcntq lrrc. .l '-.'/n .\/ ." ")- /'l. ti ti t L t. YI r( r'(, t s.,/ 7, ..,r,.(( N- .it By: Nancy SlhaarD, Pr€sident P-l1 Design Review Actio.! Form-TOWN OF VAIL Project Name: trlig Residence Project Number: Prj00-0042 Project Description: Addition of exterior door owner, Address, and Phone: fllfit$"9"".e circle Lelwood, KS 662f f 913-491-1668 Architect/Contact, Address, and Phone: i$*:"rtl; Avon, CO 81620 970'926'5299 Project Street Address: 706 W' Forest Rd Legal Description: Lot 9, Block l, Vail Village 6th Parcel Number: 2lDl072ll022 BuildingName: Comments: Interior remodel has no elfect on GRFA Board/Staff Action Action:staff aPProved with conditionsMotion by: Seconded bY: Vote: Conditions:Material to mltch existing Town Planner: Allison Ochs Date: March 3l' 2000 Project Name: trlig Residence Documentl DRB Fee Paid: Beth Levine, Architect P.O. Box 1825 Avon, CO.81620 (970) 926-509 (Phone) (970)926-2993 (Fax) Hand Delivery April4,2000 To: T.O.V. Allison Och From: Beth Levine, Architects Beth Levine RE: 706 West, Forest Road Vail. CO 81657 CliffIllig, Owner Secondary Unit The proposed remodel for the west (secondary) unit at 706 Forest Road has been designed to complement and complete the east unit's remodel whiclr, was done in 1998. The extensive east rernodel left the overall design ofthe two halves disproportionate and extensively inconsistent. Although Cliffwas not involved in the 1998 Remodel, Cliff feels a responsibility to restore the balance ofthe design for his remodel. The proposed remodel would match the proportions, expansive dormers, trash enclosure, color and railing ofthe east halfto once again create a unified overall design. The original design intent of the two sides of the 706 Forest Road duplex was to provide a primary east unit and a secondary west unit with a solid party wall, building setbacks, and defined view directions. Thus, the original design did not have any windows in the party wall; and the east unit's view directions were nortlq east, & soutlr; while the west unit's view directions were north west & south- The proposed remodel for the secondary unit bas been designed with the original duplex design intent for design, proportion, light, air, privacy and view. The 1998 remodel of the primary unit did not respect the original design intent with the resulting proportions and the addition ofthe west frcing windows. At a substantial proposed investment by Cliff, the proposed remodel for the west unit reunites the design with similar dormers, railings, stone, siding and color. The secondary unit has been trying to coordinate tlre design with the primary unit for more thantwo months while also following the TOV design process. Nancy's architect, Fritzland, Pierce & Smith were first contacted on February 2,2000. Nancy left Beth Levine a message at that time indicating that she would be unable to meet the month of February. Tlre secondary unit's owner volunteered to postpone the PEC February 28s meeting until the March 13fr meeting at the request of ttre primary unit's owner, Nancy Adam. On March 1, the proposed remodel was a unanimously given DRB conceptual review approval with the staffallowed to provide the final approval. On March 136, the PEC gave the requested variances unanimous approval. It was at the PEC rneeting that Nancy's representative first pmvided the secondary unit a list of objection written to the TOV, and the PEC upheld the unanimous approval. The TOV staffthen provided the proposed remodel the staffDRB approval. Nancy has since appealed both the PEC and DRB approvals and has provided more design objections. The secondary unit has provided the primary unit drawings and opportrmities for meetings. The resulting 1998 primary rernodel, which left the project in such disproportion, also reveals the lack of cooperation the primary unit has for the overall project. The unanimous support to the TOV DRB, PEC, and Community Development staffofthe secondary unit's design is in sharp contrast the extensive list of detail criticisms as offered by the primary unit. Although the 3-23-W NSA letter to the PEC was not addressed to the secondary unit, the design considerations are as follows:l. The separation of space and privacy are maintained at both units' entry by the primary unit's entry dormer whic[ was expanded in the 1998 remodel. The enclosure./expansion ofspace occurred under an existing deck for the secondary unit, thus using the secondary unit's originally designed space. 2. The trash enclosure has been designed to bahnce the primary unit's 1998 design by creating an opportunity to carry the common stone around the building: in addition to providing trash enclosure space. 3. The front dormer and chimney expansion have been added to the secondary unit to balance the primary unit's 1998 expansion. The original design intent of the duplex was for a complete party wall separation without any windows on the party wall plane. The 1998 primary expansion violated the originally intended privacn air, light, ventilation and views by adding west facing windows. The primary unit's view windows all face nortb east and soutlr" Ttre west window in question for the primary unit is a srnall 3'x4'window at the top of a stair landing. Whictt, does not appear to be a view window and any views from this window are blocked by the secondary unit's chimney (as is seen in the primary unit's elevation drawing). 4. The southeast bedroom dormer has been designed consistent with the original 1980 building designed set back between the two units. 5. The southwest bedroom dormer was acceptable to the owner of the primary unit. 6. Placement of Railing and Siding was acceptable to the owner of the primary unit. 7. West wall windows and door were acceptable to tlre owner of the primary unit. 8. Additional Matters: Nancy first dimgreed with the deck expansion on the northwest corner in a meetrng between Nancy and myself on 3-28-00. The deck expansion has been designed to balance the architecture. 9. Condition Precedent to Any Consent: The outstanding legal issues involve the previous owner ofthe secondary unit. The intent once again for the remodel of the secondary unit at 706 Forest Road is to complement and complete the east rurit's 1998 remodel. The only way to accomplish this goal is to completely rebuild the exterior ofthe secondary unit, at great expense. The TOV unanimous DRB and PEC approvals, more than support the strength and application ofthe design intent. CliffIllig is a resident ofKansas, and was able to attend the March l3d'PEC meetmg. However, the owner of the primary unit did not attend" althougb, the meeting was postponed from February 28b to March l3o at her request. The applicant respectfully asks the Town Courrcil and TOV board members and staffto uphold the DRB and PEC approvals and allows the secondary units the opportunity to fix a Forest Road eyesore. Please forward a copy of this letter and the included picture to all Town Council members and applicable board and staffmembers. Inclusive pictures: 706 Forest Road 1980 design building elevations - two sheets 1998 Primary unit's remodel - color rendition 1998 Primary unit's remodel west elevation Proposed Secondary unit's remodel illustration sketched on top ofthe 1998 Primary unit's color rendition copy: CliffIllig Bruce Chapman NSA Investments Jim Powell A4lAU2gga 11: 30 Bucc D- Chspnalr 976-926- o 1135 BRI..CE D BRUCE D. CHAPMAN courSElIlRS ! ATNtRXsrS AT l,As, P.C. Post Oflice Box 65OO Veil, Co 61658 CI{APMAN o PAGE A2 Of Couurcl UryIsm Dwirl F. Rock {Admittcd i!, Cold.ado adOrr6le) Apdl4,2000 via facsimilc 479'2452 Allison Ochs, Planner II Depanment of Community Development Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 RE: 706 West Forest Road Our File No. 28361 Dear Ms. Ochs: The pu4pose of this letter is to rcsPond to the inaccuracics set forth in the letter frorn-NSA Investmenrs, Inc.,("NSA'1 dated March 23, 2000. Nanq' Adam is president of NSA and she lives in Greenwood village, colorado which is a suburb of Denver. N*.y Adarn and NsA have failed to panicipate in the Town of vail's review p.o..r, of cliff lllig's application. To the octent Nanqy Adam and NSA feel that they have not provided inPut to the process it is theil own fault. Despitc thc allegaiions of Nanry 66em and NSA that they have not been able to piovide inpui, you and Beth Levine, Cliff's ardritect, havc been constantly .*it.Ut. to *..i with thern personally to discuss their concerns' They have had ample opPortunity to discuss the applicatiol *it Cliff IUig i1 p.r*n or by telephon..- bespite iontinuances to accommodate Na.ry Adam's i.h.aU. to aUo; her to attind hearings, Nanqy Adam has failed to attended any or the public meerings in regard to the application, Not having panicipatea "rd t ot liking tie result, ihe has now appcaled the matter to the Vail Town Council, cliff's archirect, Berh Levine, first discussed the proiect with Nancy Adam on February 9, 2000 and inquired how she could prwide her with copies of the drawings for the proiect. On February I l, 2000, Beth forwarded to Nanry Adam cop-ies of the-proiect drawingp by E9{Ex t'rioritl o,et"ight along with her lettei stating tn"i Ciiff netded io stan his constructron early in the ieason because of thc li:nited availability of contractors and to avoid the prolect dragging on all sunrmer. Beth stated that cliff would need to start D:\WPDOC]8[ALRESV836 I lctrct 4-l!0 do< PHoNE:19701926'lro0'FAx:19701926-r136'E'UAlLbdo@vrill"'con g4lB4lza6A 11:34 97fJ-926-o 1136 BRI.JCE D CHAPMAT.Io PAGE 63 -2-March 25,2000 constfuction by March 15, 2000 and would nced the consent of Nancy Adam by that date. Beth invited Nancy to contact her if she had any questions ;g;di"f ahe proiect. Nanry Adam responded that shc would not be available todeal with thc matter until March. Inanefforttobeopenandcooperative,BethLcvinealsoinformed Nancy Adam of Cliff 's submittal m the bown of Vail seeking appro'al of the ,.*oi.t. Thus, cliff caused Nanry Adam and NSA to be aware tlat the applic"tior, was pending even bcfoie they received notice from the Town of Vail. Their decision not"to panicipate in th. pto..ss is their responsibility and not the Town of Vail's or Cliff lllig's- As indicated in the Ietter dared February 12, 2000 from NSA to the Planning and Environmental comnrission ("PEc"), this matter was sdrcduled to be coruidered at its February 28, 2QOO me€ting' In Nl{-s- letter to Beth Levine dated February 18, 20'00, NSA requested thT- Slff-Postpone -the hearing before the PEC scheduled for February 18, 2.000: cliff agreed to portpol.,.a the PEC hearing untjl March 13, 2000, Despite the_postponement bf tfre nearing, neither Nairy Adam or anyol-re else on behalf of NSA met with cirher Beth 6r Cfiff prior io the Marclr, 13, 2000 PEC mecting to prwidc input as to any .or,..ir,, they rniglrt h19 ryth the proposed -dt1tg"' Beth has been available to meet continuouiy and Cliff Illig was at the duple"r in Vail the wcck of March LZ, 2OOO and left ieveral telephone rnessages for,Nanry Adam in an attempt to errange a mecting. Nanry Adam did nor meet with Cliff while he was in Vail during ihe week oi March 12, 2000. Beth suggcsted to Nancy- Adam in her fax to illSA on March 3, 2000, that Nancy try to conuact Cliff iifig airectty at his home phone nu'rbcr which was provided_ in the fax' If Niry Adam or NSA weri really interested in discussing and resolving any issues, one would thirik they would have called cliff Illig to discuss any conceff$ regarding the proiect with him. The first indication of any conc€rns thac Nancy Aaam o1 flA had \'Yith the application came in the fori* of a letter addressed to the PEC which was distributed at thc PEC hearing on Marctr 13, 2000 and was not received by the Community Development srJf in tirne to be included in the Commissioners' packet. NSA did noi provide Cliff lllig or Beth Le'ine with a coPy of th€ Ietter and tney did not have an opponunity to see the letter until the hcaring on March 13, 2000. Despite the ia.1 that the PEC hearing had been delayed from February 28,2QOO at^the rcquest of Nanry Adam, sne oio not attend the PEc hearing,on March 13, 2000- Lynn Fritzlen, NSAs architect, did attend the herrini and discussed NSAs oblections to the application. Since NSAs letter w:rs not included in the Comnriisioners' packet, the meeting was adiourned to D:\WpDOC\RE LRESU696 l htut 'a'340.do( 64lE4l2ZAA 11:36 76-926-o 1135 BRI.EE D CHAPI|hN PC o PAGE A4 March 25,2000-3- give the commissioners time to rerriew the letter. The PEc reconvened end ipproved the application unanirnously. Nancy Adam and NSA complain that the DRB approralllas gtu1 -by staff and implied that the DRB dia not review the application. The DRB did ,review the application and directed that the final review and apprortal would be by staff Nancy Adam and NSA complain- that they were- not provided construction drawings until after steff DRB approval' O^ yTth., 17 ' 20OO' Beth forwarded to NSA a set of pre-corutruction atawings by FedEx Priority Overnigirt to NSA. Orr February i r, ZOOO,-geth had previously sent a set of ar"**in[ Uy FedEx Priority O".inight to NSA' The drawings sent on March 17, 2060, were pre-constiuction diawings and the only architectural drangc_s from those furnished on February lI,2-000, were the rvrdming of the south dormers from i0' lo I2', eliminaiion of the proposed new dccks on the south side, adding stonc on the trash enclosure ana aaaing snow melt on tl.e decls' These are not significant architectural differences' NanqyAdamandNSAinsistonatuibuti'utoCliffllligt}redisputesshe had with the former owne(sr Mike and Karen Herman. on several occASiOnS Nancy Adam has stated that she will not consent to cliff's proposed rcmodel until unrelated issues that they claim to have with the Hermans have been resolved to her satisfecion. fhe issues betwccn thc Hermans and Nancy Adam, including any claims for restitution, were setded approximatdy " *9ryh ago and the lailsuit that had been pending between N"nry Adam and t-Le Hermans has been dismisscd. Nancy Adam and NSA have atleged that theft is a title issue which should have precluded the PEC from granting th9 valancg requested' The party wall "gieem.nt regarding the propeny provides t*.d: common area associated wi-th each hali of tni aupiex is to be used exclusively by the owner of that half of the duplor despitc *re f"a that it is common area' When Nancy Adam made her app'lication in regard to her remodel, she made this cxact aryument to justify'her construction and rcquest for a variance in the common area. Now she attemPts to argue fractly rhi opposite position to opposc Cliff Illig's application. Nancy Adam and NsA have allegpd that the application should not have been approved becsuse NsA has not consented to the remodcl Pu$ullt to the p"ny-at declaration, cliff Illig feels that NSA has been unreasonable in its refusal to provide that conseit' In any went' the Town of Vail's DWVPDOC\REALRESVSSoI l.tet t-3{0.ds 0418412466 11:34 7A-926- o 1135 BRTJCE D CI+FI{AN PC o PAGE 05 -4-March 25,2OO0 consistent position has been that it will not interiect itsdf in disputes concerning private covenants Such as party wall agreements' N*.y Adam and NSA allegc that the prior ovrners: y!"-itd K* Herman, desired to remodel the pioperty in a manner that is ardritecturdly ;i^ii"t to Cliff's proposal bur reaiized that sucS architcctural style would not b" .ompauulc wiih tr,. prop.rt1, As the Hermans' attorney I can tell yorl the reason the Hcrmans "Ua|Aor-,.i the remodel was not because they thougltt it wiN not compatible with the PrcPerty, but because they {eciae{ after a year that they *o.,ta never be able io riach an agreement with Nancy Adam' Nancy Adam and NSA allegc that thcy had propgsed at least j differerrt meeting ti#s but Beth Lcvine ch-ose to leave town without responding' Again this is not uue as you can se€ from tlte cnclosed fa:r. In the enclosed fax, Beth asltc Nanry Adam to confirm that I;00 p,rn' is- acceptable and *lt -n" will be goi,.go.,.,oftownfrornMarch20-24forafamilyvacation.Bcthmetwith NancyAaam on March 27'h' It is my understanding that NSA hasrecently hired-a 19w lttomey.a$ requested .r.o^ jt ttre "ppe t""th; V"it tottt Council schedr-rled for April I 16 be poitponea. This ls'merely another attemPt to delay this proiect and the i.qnitt for the continuance should not be granted' Nancy Adam and NSA have ttpeT:dly referred to ttyl*t as tlre owner of the "Itimaqf Unit" and ttrat itiff IUig is the own:r of the "Secondary Uoif, primary and 6econdary do not imply iuperior *d inferior but merely the relative ,quar" footage albwed for eaih unit. The basis for the obiections that NsA has made at this late date is not clear but the thrust is that if oiff ntig it allowed to renrodel his half of the duplci tt "-pP:oTd by the PEC and DiB, it might look as nice as her half of the duplex which she. reTd' Rnished **oa.[tglNancy Adam and NSA have had their opPoftunity for input into the applidtior, dnie* and approval p-r9!ess, their substantial input has been .o*ilirea, and botJr the DdB'ana fbC have approved t5c application' There is no basis for overturning their decisions' cc: Nancy Adam and NSA lnvestments, Inc' D:\WPDOC\!ALn!5V83O l t.tt t 4-t-00 doc 04164/29A6 11:30 976-926-Lr36 Mar-I7-oo 04:laP rrf cuntr BRIJCE D Cl{AFltlA},| PC ck. Rd. Flosan e I 926-2993 PAGE 06 F. ()2 BETH LEVII.I& ARCHITECT P.o. 1825 Avon, CO 81620 (s7 o\ 926-5 0ee(P) (e 70 ) e2G2ee3 (F) TRA}.ISMNTAL 3-17{0 TO: NSA lnvcstments, [nc 49738. Freserve CT Greenwood Village CO 80 t2l 303-770-0779 Fax ?70-8918 FROM: BETH LEVINE ARCHITECT RE: 706 ForertRoad Vail, CO 81657 INCLUSIVE: OnesetofPro4orrtnrctionfhawin&cfolthgwostunitof?06Fore'rt Road" Sheets: C,ln'717 NOTE: Enclos€d arc the Prc4orstnrctionDrawingr fol thc westrnit of 706 Forcst Road. The "*rritect,,ur changgs from thc provioS dralvyrus irrclude: wideningthe rouf, aorme"s ftom f O6" to l2'0rr' climination of.the decks on tir" *"fiaorra*, "aii.,g,t"* on thc bosh enclosurs, and adding snorv rnolt on the deoks- Themodificationofthewestunithngbeendesignedtggompleteand complimcnt the east *rit* ,""roocl. Tho intent is to rnatch all the details on the esst unit As You may kmw, tlrc intcriorrernodet 5 Pft:tnJlurde^rwaY' We hgvenowh8dtheopponunitytorevicwyorrrdcieiledcommcntslnyour 64/a4l2AOA 11:36 978-925-1135 BRLICE D CHAF}4AN PC rrrar-l7-oo tl4:18P rJ .rune ck- Rd- Ftosen 9O-e26-2993 PACE A7 P. 03 m€mo to the PEC. We ars arxiotts to digcuss thc cmedor modificgtion 80 thoi *o o4n minimiz€ the druation of tbe constnrction dilruptio-n at thc site' I understand that you hsd tho opporhtnity to talk to ClifrIlliS today. I also understand that you would like to mect on Matoh 2f . I would bs "n"inUft in the aftemm4 preftrably at l;00p'm' Please fax me back a r*i"."tio" ofthe rneeting. Ci"uoouf collsfiUction schedrrlc, please frit a copy of pur conconn to Cliff and rnyself prior to the nrcting piease provide mc with copies ofthe details and spec^ifcations so can rrntch your rid" f-, miling dotails and wood typc on thc railinp' rd siding rmterisl and stain color. I will bo on a femily vaoation ft'om March 2U24' Copy: Cliff ltlig, Bnrce Chapmaq and Jim Powcll