HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 BLOCK 4 LOT 7 TO 15 UNIT 10A 10B LEGAL1,Jl Zt o/7 fl t /y /lt t1!/4 -/,/?7/ uJ E(t) c0o'fzoItuY uJo oF E cc lrJ o- t!o o-oo IJJFoz (o @ (\I (\, IJJF o +, = +)o(t't! vt !-F IJz J IL Jdl F J d.r!J =el! trt.tt (t,L:l,P a- ,:.i> ''jj' =z dl a I I .lq otq IqOta 8Etll 6 "l<==4= tt LT I o- rl F = a UJ oo I F- 14 LTF1'f 1 = u- Isrs .iz uJ a t!oz =F [o Cv@ t(o (.) F lrlJ UJ lJ.lJJ UJJ(5 lrl =E u- UJ Iro !-{ z UId -J >l Hz3 z. ==J t! J cct tt1 E oz rri lr.l J t!oz3 F (f, F\ r() I F\(\l ui -JutF =tr z (, ru J l!oz3q F =c oz ,; LIJ J oz3 F ulJulF E uJz = F uJbr G t -.r O<FGC) IJJ <zEulFgzo () JE<oC)F i#YFt5Ito E 9P =<a.d d6 i5YF =3gg =b2<Oqfr-I =l*oo ul =r*EI ;58x-t<--t1f,slu z o9 =edlo =z (L lr F t! ]Lo UJ Oz o .E ;c J UJ uJ oo uJJIt! uJo F Eo Ett -9o ott .E 3 E E 8 o to E €cot E =et!o-zoFofEFazo(J --- oz F =Enl o- ) o(r) ccr.c oorn ooooo<r U' IJJulll- == I.L o- . ilr_fly b'€/e/ q€rt \o @ (\l !-l r U z. d,d. = =d. (5 (o tr-\ :i c..l c! l!>\.v,\',F(JLd =6o uJF toF Fv)z = zz o uJ F z z =llo .6 ozz6 c l+cD |;ii .tt ; lo€x t= sC ls ;E IIEl,o- ll<'>- o- | lF ENIE o)- fiz.c o - \3 Fg \iE E€Wieg lH<oo r..;Eilq Eg-ls ;E$Y i:qsiE;'o. Fllt cL Ic (! o_lta =l EA fil(Jl o-6'=oqr*io;-oqLO(E E; g E:F !BEc-o e:5 :se€ >= c96 : EE EEA =!E500 cc- 3 ee,q! c.Y- (! o-o o- FEE ut P O,.E€: E6:EE EO€: EdE eeC,6 0'- E't Eo:=36>,96a-s=E8r g h5e9E qr EEg cr,(0 o -{r)tr)st o o U c o F = IJJo-('z J Y UJI z J IEF() llJ gj g z. =J J 2 tu u,JgJ l!z tr UJ q) UJ o6 3g uJ z 6 UJo F oo- llJ 2 qJ J() x F lrlo (t UJ Lutl. tr =E, {lJc J F F z J (o F(J 4l UJ z ao E c J oz uJE dFOF NOtrvntv x az o'-zl-o= o_ r-E< 8=uJc 3E ya uJ cC =>E --(niur& =aO(\l zz99ho- IxlEP o =>6Zr!<oq;-o;oFO.i<ri zo tr {l! cr o oE(J uJIL F oo sf E llJ J zItro ,< z tr tr IJJF ; IJJz I] U)Fzf,zOaa: ur<oo< >E2EYuUo<2 at, =2,. 2z d63trOI uJl) (! aaulzY i o- f- z F Jlaz f \ :-..\ -l -;:1 i 3 F d TL o o 3 l-l a--l :l6l Jl<ltrl zl zl .. >lo uJ llJ uJzot E uJ z E z Jlo cf) I ,L x *--*-*> eBgs tcY 1[2{ lvl I--t* - 4 1 1lL: * Et B I ! I t I i -(1 i I i r$ F.r [; ? Vail Trails East Condominium Associati.on c/o Charles H. Cowperthwaite 303 E. Seventeenth Avenue, #1000 Denver, Colorado 80203 November 19, 1986 Vail Building Department Town of VailVail Municipal Building 75 So. Frontage RoadVail, Colorado 81657 Re: Vail Trails East - Unit 10ABuilding Permit Gentlemen: On behalf of Vail Trails East Condominium Association, we have reviehled a letter dated November 17, 1986 submitted by the Fowler Corporation in connection with interior workto be performed at the above location. A copy of such letteris enclosed. subject to the following conditions, the Condoninium Association does hereby approve of such work to be completed and the applica-tion of a building pernit for such purposes 1. Work shall be performed substantially as set forthin the enclosed letter. 2. OnIy interior work shall be permitted. 3. The owner of Unit 10A and any contractors performing such work shall assume fu1l responsibility for the proper main- tenance, repair and restoration of all general common elementsthat nay be affected by such construction, including but notlimited to plumbing and electrical systems and supporting mem-bers, and shall indemnify and hold the Condominium Association harmless for all clains, demands or damages resulting to thegeneral common elements from such construction. 4. Contractors to whom such building permit may be issued shall agree to waive all lien rights as they may pertain toproperty of the Condominium Association and its general common elements. t Page 2 November 19, 1986 As a condition to having Mr. Fowler andbe issued execute thetheir approval of the CHC:do EnclosureE cc! Board of Managers Ms. Susan SchmidtMr. Joe Fowler ACCEPTED AND APPROVED THIS FOWLER CORPORATION By: CONTRACTOR: your approval, we would appreciate your the contractor to whom such permit may enclosed copy of this letter indicatingconditions set forth above. YeryTtraly, Wutg, /1" , .-Y(/ / --;-- - r,/ ' t.,.(', )' -'-'-;--- .. Charles H. Cowpq/ifthvraitefor the Board oB'Managers 'td ..tJloeu oe Dccembw , 1e86. FINAL INSPEffION'S COMPLETED The belcrw items need to be complete beforegiving a permit a final C of 0. Please check off in the box provided. FINAL PLUMBING \\ \\ Q ^DATE: L\-\\r -S \ FINAL ELECTRICAL FINAL BUILDING CERTI FICATE OF OCCI'PANCY TEIIPORARY C of O ;*\$-\ r-'''."' tNsPEcrloN REQuEsr:pERMrr NUMBER oFpno;eci- \\ iowru oF vAtL , DATE READY FOB LOCATION: JOB NAME TION: CALLER TUES BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: T] UNDERGROUND tr BOUGH / D,W,V,tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr ROUGH/WATER n BOOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL/ H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL n tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP, POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr n ROUGH tr tr n EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR ( r,*o.tr FINAL APPROVED 4.4-tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: oor=) - ? 5--,P7 rNSpEcroB rNs CTION REQUEST:. ruES weo 4JilG) rnr /0:a s rfi.;-\ eu .- PE'-l-\ t / |.1,. ll_e1 PERMTT r{uMaen oF pRoJEcr oare 4-t1-6J JoB NAME READY FOR INSPECTION:MON LOCATION: ln tL TO BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER r_r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING D EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR PROVED co RECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED D^rE 1 - lb' 87 rNsPEcr Profect Appllcatlon owner, Addre€s and phone: l" .,,t tUi.. =,rn' 't'tlL' !,'1b.{, . , - /.* t Yr p/, Archilect, Addr$s and Phone: Legal D6cription: Lot Commenls: Design ReYiew Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPBOVAL DISAPPROVAL Summary: 't @rlf,..|tYtrlEltrtEat Ilesign Review Board ACTIOI| FORlrl Dspartment of Communitlt Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail. Colorado E1657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 97o.479.2tt52 web: www,vailgov.com Project Name: VANOYAN PATIO Prciect Descriptlon: ADDMON OF PATIO BELOW DCSTING DECK ON NORTH SIDE Participants: OWNER AUSEVANOYAN 422COOK STREET DENVER co 80205 APPUCANT ATI.AS CONSTRUCNON 144 MLDCAT STREET EDWARDS co 81632 License: 255-A ProjectAddress: 433 GORE CREEK DRVAIL VAIL TRAILS EAST #1OB 0s/01/2008 05/01/2008 Phone: 970-926-1455 Location: legal Description: Lot! 10 Block 4 Subdivision: VAILVILI-AGE FIUNG 1 Parcel Number: 2101{82-3.101-5 Comments: Motion By: Seond By: Vote: Conditions: DRB l{umber: DR8080136 BOARD/STAFF ACIION Action: STAFFAPP Date of Approval: 05/01/2008 Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written cons€nt of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constihlte a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 (PLAN): DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 dap following the date of approval, pursuant to the Vail Town Code, Chapter 12-3-3: APPEALS. Cond: 202 (PLAN): Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Planner: MCHEL FRIEDE DRB Fee Paid: $25O.0O +{'+++'l*******i**t'lllt**l********f**+*+*t++lttf***+**++******f******{.'}*lr*'}f*t*l+'}*++ttlt*faa*la* TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statem€nt ******+**tt+{'*++***ft*+*++*++++{r**+t******,1'****f|.***+**'lr***f***tt********{.'l*+t**f***+*{t+t+t* StaEenent Number: R080000595 tunounE: $250.00 OS/0L/2OO9L2:O5 PM Palment Method: Check Init: RIJF Notation: 5?24 ATIJAS CO}ISTRUCTION Permit No: DRBO8O136 114>e: DRB-Minor A1t, Conm/Mu1ti Parcel l{o: 2101- 082 -34 01- 5 SiTe Addresg: 433 GORE CREEK DR VAIIJ Location: VAIIJ TRAIIJS EAST #10B Total Fees: S250.00 ThlE Palment: $250.00 Total AIJIJ Pmta: $250. 00 Balance: $0.00 ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account, Code DeecripEion DR OO1OOOO3LL22OO DESIGN RSVIEW FEES Current Pmts 250.00 JC hJMOI ',*m Additions-Residen6al Application for Design Departm€nt of cornmurity 75 Soudi FrcnB$ Ro!d, VaiL ral: 970.479,212E Jax 970, w€b: wvrw.vailgov.com Genenal lnformgtion: All p|ojects rcqul{ng deslgn reylelv must Eceive appo\al Flor !o submltlng the grbrnltbl requirenrents for the po.datlar appro\al thlt b requeatcd' accepted unul all required infonnatlon ls t€celved by th€ Community Devslogl to be rwterd Dy ttre Toyyn oouncil and/or the Planning and Environmenbl Ct unlesc a Duilding petmit is ircurd and construeion conrmoncca withil n nl rllll \-ll gl rder to urd be Ir need 1a946 -:l r./ El ttion. Pleas! ln Rplcv, e ,roj€d fi€Y a eYr rDDnovr '1-rl i apdication. ' Dcalgn R{ the proj< n reuleYt I Dcalgn Rplcv, @nnd the prolec my also nr I reuleYt rpDrorrl lagl appwal. permat a ion ior UflenL' Derign ' oftlre i E a b0lHing petrnit An apgll$on io pFtont OcparuflenL Commirdon. rre3il hin one tear oftlrl bf to suDmlEng a Bl : b requeatcd, An E nmuniv DevslopFlgnt Enviroomenbl Commi nmonccr within onr Description of the Req uestr locaticn cl the Propoaal: loh-9lock: Phyrical Addrcss: parcel No.: Ato t 6t? 3tl6 l5 (contact Eagle co. Asse$sor at 970-32s-84$ for parcet no.) Narn€(s) of Ovvnde): Address: Owner(t) Signabrc(c): Nam€ of Applicanc 'llailing E-nrail Address: Typo of Reryicw End Feei B Signs 150 Plus $1.00 p€r square f@t of btal Cgn area. No FeeO Cooceptual Rqde$/ O Nen Constsuctiontr Addltlon For conrfruatiod of a n€lw b{tlldlng or demo/rcbulld. tur an additiofl where squan ffige b commer@l building 0ndudes 250 addtioilt & lnterlor l6s0 1300 ,Mimr Alera$on (muli.Fmlv/comme|dal) Mlnor Altcratbn (shgk famlly/dupl*) Changes b Approved Plang Separdtbn Request S250 For minor dlangps to buildinF rnd sit€ impmvcm.nts, srh !s, |crconng, pdnung, rvlndov{ lddiuons, bn<tscaplng, &nes rnd reblnlng w€[q €d. $20 For mlnor dr|nges ur buikllngF and sile lmFrcv€m€nts, such s, rermfug, palnfig, wlndolv additions, bndscapl(U, f€ooes ard retainlng wElb, etc, $20 For rcvlsbns to phns alruady apFl]vld ty Ptrnnlng $aff or the O6ign Rfllevr Board. No Fe{ o tr iilIViER llllt7 OFr VAIL \/c, d tstT9e68l616 rOr :NOdl ar ral 8a6e-@E-ddu April,21 2008 To Whom it May Concern; The VailTrails East Home Oryners Association has reviewed and approved the proposed addition to unit 10b VailTrails East of a below grade patio area to match the existing adjacent unit's patio according to the engineered specifications per KRM Consultants dated 7ts0l07. The addition will include a new door and to match the existing windows and doors for the units. TOWN OF VAIL 'r[''vVFi OF UAfl l)-LSIGN NEVICW SIAFF APPROVAI- ?€,l0EAd1 .__ _ ""11i1',:::: :- - i, a' ri -:- -. ' : I t, =t!5ul(E zg @ulo, )g2 [Lo tP. F \d L. I __J r'l ',Izl Jlglol E+t iL lSlstat .UF n ; Ptt (n H JJ + 7erc&edo J s ILo ttJ l"r . t.. i, l).l.=. Ll!, o &u P g u PIF F v ? I $ H F ? d E H E =6F B ? $tr F b 6 E q 6F 3 fi E Eo E s J Hz * $ H 3luz P ? 2I 5 E F z * H ts tr io F f;Jut o H =IL il.o E lu E oJ H \s H f, H uJz. k IL +9zEoo FH ffr+j 9trqt =:{ilz E* ! oz. Eo d e d \t E luA F ? E Hf to 6 $ \= ){ i$\P\ tlt oo -Fzf N"Y.rn l'--'. s- rY-] tl ll r-) i-r-Jrq Z L. I J Itl E F NN-z.It P g =o =dtr EFtr9 f;$ 9E Ests HE FE I E 3 H H il.ulvI IIJ dv. PI E tJt JJ{c E$ 3ErL< FP 99 =hdil =g *H 55 'eE (r- a6-= $FH HPd e38 6ru E EHB PdE !. A o-,'l "o-'t o ct) Fzf U) t-r-J Mrl <t (C >-.ra\ =if ; F- U) LI :- --ilV^ fr:ii'tnnor il \t ui o U) J(L o [rJ @o o-ot(L mOr g pFH*, E$F$ \ n9-,6 Pl Hx* : L.IJn al() - = -m e NrvdctOIWE =,/'T\ I i Frn >< \.--l Lrl l-- n_ \ Geneml lnformaUon: This form ts required for flllng an appeal of a Sbff, Deslgn Revlew Board, or and Environmenhl Commission action/decision. A complete form and assodahd requirements Cornmunlty Development Dep€rtment wlthln twen$ (20) calendar days of the ftfituN must be submitsed to the actlon/decision. Action/Decision bel nE appealed: Board or Staff person renderi n g action /declsion: Does this appeal lnvolve a specific parcel of If yes, are you an adJacent property owner? Name of Appellant(s); flwnv D,frwLF'\ feS*n fi>*cFr?- (no) (no) Malling Address:gozlo Physical Address in Vail: Legal Descri pHon of Appetlant(s) Appellant(s) Signature(s): (Attach a list of slgnatures lf more space is required). Submittal Requirements: 1. On a separate sheet or separate sheeb of paper, provlde a dehiled explanaUon of hor you are an "aggrieved or adversely affected person". 2, On a separate sheet or separate sheeB of paper, specify the precise nature of the appeal. Please cite speciffc @de sections having relwance to the action being appealed. 3. Provlde a llst of names and addresses (both maillng and physlcal addresses In Vall) of all owners of property who are the subJect of the appeal and all adjacent property owners (includlng owners whose propeftlers arc separated lrom the subject property by a right-of-way, stream, or other inErvenlng banler).4, Provlde stamped, addressed envelopes for each proper} owner listed in (3'). PLEASE SUBMN THG FORM AND AU SUBMMAL REQUIREMENTS TO: TC'WN OF VAII, DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNfiY DEVELOPMENT, 75 SOurH FRONTAGE ROAD, VAIL, COLORAoO 81657. For Ofrice FtUsers\cdev\FORMSIAPPLlClAppealr.doc esbeaLbaLsr:.trL Vail: LotJ0 ?rl'd :t^Iluj uat:la E@-8-llul,l Deslgn Rovlew Board Appeal, .f33 Gore Cre€k Drlve, Unn IOB Deck 1. Reason lor belng an aggrieved or adversely affected porson The proposed deck mnstruction and assoclatOd utllity llne modifications will result in damage and loss to existing vegetatlon. The proposed deck construcdon wlll result in destabilizatlon of existing landlorms associabd with Installatlon of drainage facillties in prcximityb Gore Creek. 2. Nature ofAppeal The appeal isto the Design Beview Board Statf approval ol the proposed Unil 10'B deck. The appllcation is Inconsistent with the requlremenE of the Town codo, as idenllfled below: The appllcatlon ls not In compliance wlth Sectlon 14'6'2 in that gradlng and dl$urbince to crltical root zones of attec'ted trees, rssultlng trom the rElocatlon ol uillifleg necossltated by the deck Installatlon, was not ldentlfied on, ot reviewsd as part of, the Design Revlew Board appllcatlon. lnstallation of requlred footer,s will require excavation of mora than seven feet of materlal below existing grade, in close proxlmity to existlng vegetatlon. The applicaflon ls not in compliance wlth Sectlon 1+10'03{C) in that exiSting vegola0on has not been ldentitiod or adequably evaluated lor protec{lon or pot€ntial rsplac€ment. The appllcation Indlcates an optlon for a proposed French drain to either 'daylight'or to er<tend to a drain well. The appli'cation ls Incomplete in that no tociti6n |orthe outfallof the French draln ls'lirdlcated. The potentht bcation br the day'lgh$ng of the French drain is on a steep embankment adjdcent b Gore Creek. E-rosioh control measures wer6 not proposed for this optioit. Therefore, thE appllcation does not meel Section 14.6-S(HX3). Gomplia{ce wlth erosion oontrol measures and linal stabilizatlon ls requlred by Secdod i+6€(VXS). 3. Property owners affec'ted by thls appeal are residenls of Vall Trails East Condominlums, 433 Gore Creek Dfive, Vall CO' The address of the property management ls: VailTrails East Condominium Assoclatlon, clo |'arry BFrnes, Manager, Vall Home Rentialo, 111 Swift Gulch Road #203, PO Box 6520, Aton, CO, 81620. 4. Stamped enrrelope for above to be povided by US Mall. ?t?'d &be6LhaL6trttrL :[^IOUJ Utrb:lA SAAe-8-W]^l Rachel Friede - letter responding to the concems raised by the Fowler's regarding the VTE 108 unit From: Alise Vanoyan To:Date: 05/26/2008 7:45 PM Subject: letter responding to the concerns raised by the Fowleds regarding the VTE 10B unit Hi Rachel This is in regard to the Vail Trails East 108 unit - I'm the owner, Alise Vanoyan. We spoke briefly last week. l've fonrarded these responses to the Fowlers as well as Terry Britton our HOA president My contractor: Leif Counter responded to the concerns raised by the Fowlers - his responses and the original @mments are in the attached document. Please let me know if you have any questions regarding this. I can provide Leifs contact information if needed. Hope you had a nice Memorial Day weekend. Thank you Alise Kind words may be short... but their echoes are endless. -Mother Theresa " Inc. l'14 Wlldcot Sl. Edwords. CO 81632 ?70-926-l'155 off. 970-926-1453 fox May 21,2008 Alise Vanoyan Vail Trails East 108 Vail, CO 81657 Dear Alise; I have reviewed the below letter to Terry, Larry, you and RacheL I hwe responded to each question as best as I con for the time being with the information I have. Please see the itolicized hold responses. May 20, 2008 Terry Britton Vail Trails East Condominium Association 432 Pine Street Boulder, CO 80302 Re: VailTrails East Unit 10-B Deck Proposal Dear Terry: Henry and I have reviewed the information submitted to the Town of Vail for Design Review Board approval and as part of the building permit request for the Unit 10-B deck construction project. Several concerns have become apparent. Gas and electric utility lines Gas and electric power lines will be disturbed and may need to be relocated. Has any documentation been provided to the Board describing the extent of excavation ref ated to such? We do not at this point see any gas lines that appear to be in the way of any excavation thus far. There will be some electrical work done on at least one main. Documentationfor xcavalion should be covered in the engineered plans from KRM Consultants. Will the electrical power lines need to be replaced all the way from the utility box in the north central portion of the rear yard to the wall mounted electrical boxes on or adjacent to the proposed deck? It is not necessary to replace the entire wire, they generally can he spliced however we anticipate having to add conduit to the newly *posed wire. The extent of what will be required will be noted by the Town of Vail at permitting. What kind of service disruption can be anticipated, if any? There will be a service intenuption which should he for approximately four hours. Notilication of such an interruption will be suhmitted to the board prior to cornmencement with enough time to noffi those thst |t'ill be affeaed- ls an electrical permit necessary as a result of the modification to the electrical meter boxes? Yes. What is the extent of grading impacts of the relocation of any electrical or gas facif ities? There won't be any impacts to grading *ceptfor the area of conslruction per the engineered speciftcations. Should this information, or the plafted utility easement, have been identified on the building permit application? The Town of Vail huilding department will make these decisions during the permit process howeyer I would not anticipate this as sueh. Drainage The Design Review Board application describes the proposed French drain as running north from the deck area. At a depth of at least four feet, is it intended to daylight into the embankment on Gore Creek? A Frcnch tuain will be usedl a French drain does not daylight, it is surrounded by gravel for drainage. The daylight drain option would not be possible due to the location of the riven The length of the Frcnch drain is yet to be determined however I anticipate it will sit infront of the foundation woll and run parallel to that wall. Another option may be to use paverc instead ofa concrete slab so that drainage woald be through the pavers, How wif f this be stabilized in the short and long lerm? I'm not sure I understand this question. ls such an improvement even permissible? Yes. ls this feature, or the referenced "French drain well" on Association property, Town property or in the platted utility easemenl? The French Drain should be located right infront ofthe new foundalion and not extend onto the association pruperty hy much more than afoot or two. Should the buihing permit indicate the platted utility easement and the existing location of utilities? Again this isfor the Town of Vail to decide however I can't imagine why. Should easement beneficiaries be notified in advance of the building permit issuance? Na How wilf erosion and sediment be controlled? There should be no erosion or sediment concerns with this project. lf the French drain is re-aligned to the lower portion of the rear yard, will it really function over such distance, and if not, is the Association obligated to deal with drainage problems in the future? There should not be any drainage problems in the future. Existing trees how will existing trees be protected through this project? : I don't anticipate a problem however, ifthe trees are disturbed and ifthey are killed, they can be replaced hy the owner ofunit 108 at the discretion ofthe board. The Aspen adjacent to the common 9-A/10-A stairway seems destined to be destroyed. Will it be replaced with an equivalent sized tree? See previous response Given the unknowns around excavation related to utility modifications, what other trees will be affected, i.e., how close do existing utilities come to tree root zones? No other trces will be affected" What willthe damage be to branches and roots that are in the way of the excavating equipment? This job will be hand excavated. Will such damage create long-term health problems for the trees that are not immediately evident? No. lmpacts to existing 10-A deck Neither the building permit application nor the Board approval letter indicate replacement of the existing 10-A decking. At the May 2007 Board meeting, however, the potential modification to the 10-A deck was raised, owing to existing drainage issues associated with the Unit 9-A and 9-B decks. The existing 10-A deck configuration affords good drainage, though some ice build-up does occur during winter months. We have also observed the drainage and deck maintenance issues evident on the Unit 9-A deck. This design solution was referenced as a potential model for the replacement of the 10-A deck at the May 2007 Board meeting. This design would be unacceptable because of the replacement and maintenance issues associated with inadequate drainage. Specific'decking" modifications, if proposed, must be approved by the Board and Town and in full compliance with the adopted building code. We request that the Board provide all specifications to Fowler Corporation for any proposed 10-A deck removal and re-construction prior to approval of any such plans by the Board. lf no modification to the decking is proposed by this application, will a request be forthcoming in the future and require another deck reconstruction project? How long will the 10-A deck be out of commission? This is a question for the board as Atlas Construc'tion has no plans to do any renovations to the deck on 10A. The deck on 10A will not be out of commission aside for maybe a couple of hours to temporarily support the deck for construction. f n generaf , what is the anticipated timeframe for the entire project? lVe anticipate an eight to ten week time frame to be consemativa Access It can only be guessed that material will be excavated by a small Bobcat with a back-hoe and that all material is intended to be removed from the site. Dumping of any material into the creek is illegal. All eafih work will be done b1t hand and no illegal dumping will occun Access to the rear yard would seemingly occur via the side yard between Vail Trails Chalet and Vail Trails East. Has the Board of Vail Trails Chalet agreed to the use of their property for construction access? Atlas Construction and/or the home owner will contact VaiI TruiIs Chalet pfior to construction. Again the excavalion will be done by hand and hauled utith wheel hanels and should not do any damage to sunounding areas. Has a temporary construction access easement agreement been executed and submitted to the Vail Trails Chalet Board? No. Has fiability to both WE and Vail Trails Chalet been properly considered? The Pfime Contract between Atlas Construction and the home owner of 108 has an indemnifrcation clause for WE. Based on a review of the condominium map, access through this area may require access across Town of Vail land as well. How will existing site conditions in this specific area, and on the site as a whole, be reestabf ished? There is a site restoration allowance budgetedfor the area adjacent to the 108 deck" If any further restorution is needed it will be the responsihility of 108 and the Contractor if the damage was caused in the construction process. Have the existing conditions been documented? A thfud perty inspector is being hired to do thut Some or all of the above-identified questions should be resolved prior to the issuance of the building permit. Some of these issues, such as access onto Vail Trails Chalet property, should be resolved prior to Board support for this application. Pending satisfactory review and resolution of these issues, the Board should temporarily retract its approval of the Unit 9-B deck construction request. Further activity regarding commencement of the project should be delayed pending resolution of these issues. As you are aware, Fowler Corporation, the owner of Unit 10-A, has stated its belief that the previous Board erred in its approval of this project. The questions raised in this letter are fundamental and should be resolved before the project moves forward, Fowler Corporation also requests that a copy of the approved (or draft) indemnification agreement between the Association and the Unit 10-B owner be provided by e-mail, or made available, at your earliest convenience. Sincerely, Joe Fowler Henry Fowler (for Fowler Corporation) c: Alise Vanoyan Larry Barnes, Vail Home Rentals Rachel Friede, Town of Vail Community Development Please let me know if I can be offurther help. Sincerely; Leif Counter V/P Atlas Co nstruc'tio n, fna