HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 BLOCK 4 LOT 7 TO 15 UNIT 13A LEGAL- -''l.t --. 5ti\')( r-4 c'J "cJ/)o ./'? c-/ - ry utFo o-zo F(L lllY uJo oF E cr uJ IL t!o >yR*-.- o-.- lri h ?h d., b / Hr!bkzo z o= =edlo =z d9 J ._i6vv= =83-! -1 uJcoil= F tl! o- l,t-oEE E<cLfo ./2 Ev!a9tt ir 5: F-J!. =ul:-E b=o dilE =o-E Ub!P lurE XO-t x>t q-o-i!i ul Co oF --- F =E, UJGzIF() :) E,F(nzo() ISJL JL I \o r\ UJFoz 2 J EI .6 z z# *>-o* z, E = al, lr,Jtlj lJ- tr =E UJ(L %\rt;l;i Et5.Y', I ur(tt ^ tl(/)€i.'13 si JEx ", .Jl r.|-3; lta. E .rl9 .9 .: -r+-l o3e ilEE 6 -1i;5Jt9 E!=.]8 s; -'1= Fs liq -o f; dl;= C C -=<1G \J:P:EHF 9 .- ll:: 9 6 -JgZif, ---'t1a1 a oo o..lPF \*i Eg,- j; HBq J o.S J -'ri: *1- -. EEd+",E: { '3 I '- '''-l:s /:E 'D iBira4 EEEW' o t'i (! '= (l) (,*to T8E F.2 P,.!: E F.= EFfc o x1t '-ae:5i€ed'l = 35;_F >!? 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Fz.I an ii =z d)t oP ,= t/) Ex D<i =4 OlL() Orcr, x d o atut o = .tJ E = F = tr ul o Fo = tr z UJ J tto z3I F lilJ LIJ JFo- oz: uJi r!o 2 =I ro c\.1ro I @C!rt) ui trF c ) 1 g. tr z li uJ = l! z B F tr oz oul(r lr-oz3o Ftnz, J LlJ l.lJ = =c !L </) I(o ciz ct uJtr ILoz3 srr-{ C\J I C\Ic't ui l!F uJz = Foul tsT E -rO<F uJ<ztL!F(42 <o()F E?i, E)iF\z'o n'(J Otv zF9?>d]Fd6 c) dx :ZFz<) =sY,z oEhg Fl-Ozi c-r s8 Frl<rr--1t<talLl t-$di.3 iii $ \"r I\\ !i$ idJ F i s$l Srjljs( o€Q*ee ,l {il ;jl *r-liol \)fl$: *l js 3tralaa b .- t' * .u t-*i$)-$t,l..0et{ {-gNq)\s \"\ .oi ,ol{ -I-lqjt N\)I -L- ?.e$i?b 0dt!ta \1 ^\) *\ {1 nu, OA\\ ti \t u$ {,}\- -{ >Lo $$ $r3$ $ i: Ji: ii i{} 3i$il \ ._-1 \4 t 3 +I t) I \ t.-\{ii{t lni{h'3 *'I { 3'$ -J- ? -ii d-":6bfi \*{{i .3 li + ) Ir lJJrt r)u.l . \-is $j; t} n?lg5 1\t !-l:r{\) \.t a .)\ * ..t ru *\) t--t + \ \cn r-1 a ri ---t --9--:- I Vail Trails East Condominium Association c,/o Charles H. Cor'tperthwaite 303 E. Seventeenth Avenue, #1000 Denver. Colorado 80203 November 13, 1986 Vail Building Department Town of VaiI Vail Municipal Building 75 So. Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: Vail Trails East - Unit I3A Building Permit - Wydeveld Construction Company Gentlemen: On behalf of Vail Trails East Condominium Association' we have reviewed a certain "outline of work to be performed" submitted by Steven F. Wydeveld of Wydeveld Construction in connection with interior work to be performed at the above location. A copy of such outline is attached hereto- Subject to the following conditions, the Condomi-nium Association does hereby approve of such work to be completed and the application for building permit submitted by Wydeveld Construction: 1. Work shal1 be performed substantially as set forth in the enclosed Outline. 2. Only interior work shal-l be permitted. 3. The owner of Unit 13A and Wydeveld Construction shall assume full responsibility for the proper maintenance, repair and restoration of all general common elements that may be affected by such construction, including but not limited to plumbing and electrical systems and supporting members, and shall indemnify and hold the Condominium Association harmless for aII claims, demands or danages resulting to the general common elements from such construction. 4. Steven F. Wydeveld and Wydeveld ConstrucLion shall agree to waive all lien rights as they may pertain to property of the Condominium Association and its general common elements. Page 2 November 13, 1986 As a condition to your having Mr. Wydeveld executeindicating his approval of approval' we the enclosedthe conditions would appreciate your copy of this letter set forth above. CHC:do Enclosures cc: Mr. William Simonton Mr. Steven F. Wydeveld truly |ours,r 't-hwaite Managers OUTLINE OF I{ORK TO BE PERFOR}iED TO: Vail Trail Condo AssociationI Charles Cowperthwaite FROM: Wydeveld Constructi.on P.O.Box 557 Edwards, CO 81632 WORK LOCATION: Bill SimontonVail Trail Condos unit l3A 433 Gore Creek Drive, Vail, CO !{ORK TO BE PERFORMED: l) Add one new bath (l-sink, 1-30" square shower,l-toilet) 2 ) Move one sink 2 | 3) Add: 2-vanity lights, 1-ventilation,/Iight fan andI-switch, 2 cFI receptical 4 ) Misc painting and drywall 5 ) A11 modifications are interior Dear Mr. Cor'irperthwaite, Please address your response letter to the Vail building dept,and include that the above work is acceptable to you. Send theletter to Wydeveld Construction and I will hand deliver it tothe appropriate person. Thank-you. Respeclfully Submitte Wydeveld Construction BE IT K}IO}'I{ THAT }'YDEVELD COI{STRUCTION ACCEPTS THE FOUR CONDITIONS FORTH II{ ABOVE COI{DO. LETTER DATED I{OV. 13, 1986. THANK YOU \ tNsPEcn*oN, TliouEsr ,PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLER MON' TUES WED THUR FBI AM PM BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr tr tr tr Fl tr UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D,W,V. ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING r_r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: D TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR n $ r,*ot tr FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION HEQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR 't INSPECTIONTOWN OF ' a2 i,,1.| lt / / -., I a REQUEST .. VAIL 11,lU O '/t', 4&/r i PERMIT NUMBER OF PBOJECT READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME CALLER TUES WED , ,,'1 , THUR FRI/ /,'."1 D^rE ii/ /'f i f0 BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING ROUGH / WATER ^ ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK POOL / H. TUB FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING ROUGH N EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR PROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR