HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 BLOCK 4 LOT 7 TO 15 UNIT 16B LEGAL.t TOWNOFVAIL ?5 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970479-2138 COTiITRACTOR ROD DAVIS CO{STRUCTION P.O. BoX 868 VAII-', CO 81558 License:153-B APPI,ICAIqT ROD DAVIS CONSTRU TIO{ P.O. BOX 868 VAIL, CO 816 58 L,,icense: 153-B OT{NER TYI.,ER TIM 476-3408 Licenee: Desciption: BAY petrrreHT oF coMMLJNITY DEvEr'urnnf l,*T-t{ VuilT,<'it< &'(i- Jv trw NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Town of Vail Adjusted Valuation: w,^ -+ lLT -e ISSUED 05/08/2001 0510912001 l l/05/2001 $4.000.00 PROJECT TITLE: ADD/ALT SFR BI.JILD PERMIT Job Addrcss: 433 GORE CRBEK DRVAIL [ncation.....: 433 GORE CREEK DRIVE ParcelNo...: 210108234002 Project No : Pemit #:B0l-0115 OS/08/2OOL Phone: 9?0-390-9503 os/08/2ooL Phone: 9?0-390-9603 s4, 000. 00* os/oe/20oL Phone: REMOVEEXISTINGWNDOW AND REPLACEWITH SIMILAR SIZED PELLA Paccor Sq FeetOccupancy Number of Drrclling Units: 0 Building-> PlEn Cb!ck-> twcrrigrrion-> Will Crll-----> Ttrye Totals. Firtpllco tnformtiqr: Roctrictld: Y # of Gas Applirnces: 0 ....r'ririia ....a.*.iaat..*r.rt,irit.r*rrrtira'r'rrt'r*r*riirlr*r*fir FEE SUMMARY 9g5.Oo Rtduaralt Plsn R.view-> 155 .25 DRB Fec-__-> go . oo Rccreatim Foe---> $3, oo Chn{P DnPsit-> .,. Lllff.liP.;...0.r...'.,......"'{'{y#'lllt'T"-o'-"" 90, oo Tdal Colculdod Fe€o-> 920 . Oo Addiliond Fcct-..-> go. oo Total Pcmrit Fca--> s153.25 so. oo 9163 .2s 9163.25 $0,00 90 .00 9153 .25 Pryrncdr-----_> BAI"AI{CE DU|E-> Approvals:IEEm: O51OO BUIIJDIIIG DEPARTIIBflI 05108/2001 iIRI'l Action: AP ltem: 05400 PL,ANNII{G DEPARTMEIII Item: 05500 FIRE DEPARTMENI Itsem: 05500 PITBLIC WORKS See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit' DECLARATIONS I hereby actnowledge that I havc read this application, filled out in full the information required" completed an accurate plot plaq and state that all the information as required is mnect. r ag.. t *rprv with ttre information and plot plan' to comply with all Town 61dimnc€s and ststs laws, and to build this;cfirc according to thc toms zontuu md ,rit i- *oot, dcsign rwiew approv4 Unifom Building Code and othcr ordinrncoe of thc Ton'n ap'plicabb lhcr€fio' nEq.rEsTsFon IN8PBC'nON SHAIIBE MADETWEX{TY-FdJRHOUnSIN ADVN{CBBY1TI!PE9}q ISddClcs{n DQdt To: N/A OR ATOLTR OffiCB FROM t:m AM' 5 ru' OR CO}.TTRACTOR FOR TMUSEI.F AND OWNE PAGE 2 ***ift:rt**t'ttf*+*+t*frr'i***ttttt**t**'t't*l't*t t***l*'t'|*****'l***rt*****************l****f**tt|******r******+* CONDITIONS OFAPPROVAL Pe'nnit #: B0l-01l5 as of 05-09-2001 status: lssuED *** I *f**t *ti!f ++ +* * ii.r *f** ** * * ttr*** **** * t** *** *tt *** **:t***t * I ** * * * | +ttl* * I tt*'t *i +* * l* | t i'|*tf* I I l*'l * t * * * * ** Permit Tlpe: ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Applied: 05/08/2001 Applioant ROD DAVIS CONSTRUCTION Issued: 05/0912001 Job Address: 433 GORE CREEKDRVATL Location: 433 GORE CREEKDRIVE ParcelNo: 210108234002 *t***f*i**+*r.,r****r*rt+**,t******,1**tt**r*rr*'t**t*****tt+rt******t***t**t*****rt*ff**********l********f*** CONDITIONS * t!t * t* tt*t* tr **t * *,t* lr * * * 'i* '*'i f t*t**rtt **{.'f * * * 'ttt*'t* * * ** 'i*} ** *{t 't t'l * **'t* ** * *f *****'tt'rt:f***'t********************* Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQURED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: 16 (BLDG.): SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER sEc.3l0.6.l oF THE 1997 UBC. ItI TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO - Starement +*'3:3t+'**t+'3:t**l*+*+**tli'l*'3'i*l*lll****l*'t,3'l*+{***t*{r't't***lr**ll**+***r}'}l+{r'f ,}t}+'}'}*t+**lil+l*'}* Statement llumber: R000000?12 Anount: $153.25 05/09,/200109:54 AM Palment llethod: check Init: DF Notation: CHBCK S1430 ROD DAVIS Permit lto: 801-0115 Tlrye: Parcel No: 210108234 002 Site Addreee: 433 GORE CREEK DR \IAIL' Location: 433 GORB CREEK DRfvB ThiE Palment: $163.25 ADD,/AI,T SFR BUIIJD PBR}IIT Total Fees: Total AL|L hts: Balance: 9163 ,25 $163 .25 90.00 ttttt*tt*ftttfftt***rt*ft*fttttf'tttl't't't*tt***fl'f**l*'rii'tllt'l*ff****t*{'l.flt'r'rl***ltt+tfftff+* ACCOUNT IIEM LIST: Account Code Descri pti on Current Pmts BP 00100003111100 DR 00100003112200 PF 00100003112300t{ 00100003112800 BUILDING PERMIT FEES DESIGN REVIEl.J FEES PLAN CHICK FEES WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 85. 00 20.00 55. 25 3.00 ,l Ki, $--ry ll o,W.as d'* Fryy APPUCATION WILL T{OT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPTETE OR UNSIGI{ED Building Permit #: 97 O-47 I -21]9 (Inspections) tl 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 Separate Permits are required for electrical, plum CONTRACTOR INFORMATION mechanical. etc.!6l -orts Contact and Phone #'s: F-"/3?o'fao? Contractor:F"/ X*'u 6 ^"f Town of Vail Reg. No.: contractorsisnature:€ ts 0____ VATUATIONS FOR BUITDING PERMIT & Materials TOTAL: $ For Parcel # Conbct Assessorc Office at 97O-328-864O or visit Job Address: + jr} Gon< CQ .D-Job Name: 7y /t " et t ,'^e/o ,tt a /1" '<'/t"" Address: 21 , . 1344-.v uaOwners Name:7f t^; 7 g I t r 5i r-r, l"rn Si z e"l f < @\at/( R t/o oa) I re7/ac'e Iti WorkClass: New() Addition( ) Remodel 1i-f Repair( ) Demo( ) Other( ) Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( )Work Type: Interior ( ) Exterior (--f Both (.1- Type of Bldg.; Single-family ( ) Two-family ( ) Multi-family ( 4)-tommercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Accommodation Units in this building:No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: q : GasAooliances( ) casLoqs( ) Wood/Pellet( ) Wood Pellet ( ) Wood Burninq (NOT ALLOWED Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( ) No ( )Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes ( ) No ( ) **************************************FOR OFFICE USE ONLY"****r.******************************** DRB Fees! F:/everyone/forms/bldgperm RECEIVED QS it"r.t:rdttS llAy o a mor ?.eftPrl TITLE LENDS nnf c. rroslEn, ESo. 50 8o. gBe€la gE., sulEe 100 D@aer' Colosado EO2o9 Irrlenuooc: (303) 321-799?let6tax: (3o3) 331-04'2 April 30, 2001 Rod Davi8: Fa:( 970-328-4{19 Re: vail Trails EaEt Condmdnl,uns - ReplacalEBt windo'8 STE}NRTo t.o.# '-P.VL gPy 4i Uar.l 1 and 3 Tlle Board hae approwd che ugc of 9€1Ie Wj,ndolt€, Cla6' eolor TaJl' ioi ieiicmnt-6e e*t-sting nindows in che abare propcrsy' I|he ovaers of Uait, 1 eld 3 ba\te raguegE€d approrral for insEall-at'lon <li-aS aeerrcc UaV winawl fn-gfacc''of Ehe ciiettagr casem3ng windorg on Lhr-;-;Eh-wirr-oi-iicrr rlnrc. rDstauatlon lellq Clad ran 45 ol!sr." laf ir"c&i 1"s-bJiL-igrrovea by Ehe boatt' fi9 neislt' pd ;i#;;1bj;iadr*C dtt tc e-ribstanEiaily Ebe aane as t-ba sxiEEigg ;"";t enl -sr-naosi. - tttrltc, Utni blindc betleaa uhe doub'Le- Pane windmg bss alao Ueen-ipprorna for u3t wltU 3pplac€n3nc wLndowE. I a 0e2&2001 Urspecdon Request Reportlng4:23lur.__ -_____-UAtL_CO_:JOIllll0F__.__ Pwp?4 R€gsccH In$cci DG: Fddry, June?g, 20ol- ltrsD.dtjon ArGr: JRil ' Slte A{td'lrtl alxt @RE CREEK DR vAtL /BTGORE SREEK DFIVE A,P|Qln$rln$m R.as.ab{lhl#!or{el tbil 9{t BLOGflnd . FLORES Tkne Erp: sffira:lftpAfa: TO Ftl'OTO CR SET tP Reourcbr Cofiim.nb; Alolgn dTo: A.flon: ln|oec0ofrHl|bv ROD DArnS COilgTRuCTtOil YSC I nilr' 10 BLDGfo'dnsJ$cdItail: ?O H,Dcr-Fqnfforvshrl Itr{n: iQ BlDg.Ffirfr|oi.m: gO 8l-O@ht d6|r.- lbru 60 B[D&Sh3mocI]&il- li.m: 70 ELDG$hc.[rtn: 90 ELDO,Fhd Strb Tvpc: ADIJP [/qc: V 1HF Pfron : 97t.,3il1'960$ BAY Roau.iled nmc: ttr:(Xt At' Phor: B?tI36IGSG Er{ffrd q,: OfLORES K xSauEo JRiI REPT131 zun Id: 731 " ft-- I o.z E =E IJJo- I lln ; l*l! l=iElE :tpEg. sE;EE, :a;Hb- o-.c -- -e,o3zzuo ooF ^ qr :zI5 >eE P of, vro0c3r ?,at-l!nto9q i!i-E:6_|rlto aiN(J qltl Ez 2 <oo<oi =Fxrr6o<z zl .. >l u, Itllltzot UT o- J z E oz dut J l!oz '9 F cn I rltElltll."rl l.-rlr4 lqltrl Seli..|: -l 14 (9l I l,Jl d .El C-} JIu! <lFl >lPf u-lToll2lalt99 0l14 Fl I I I rl ol uJt ccl 3l l!lol el E F-lH H rii =zoo-t I F\-9 t\ Fi F a!') Fl ztrl F-{.fu] d H uJ =z I ol uJl .El JI ?l>l tIlol zl FI (,z Jtr <FGC)uJ<zlE I.JJ F(nZ () EgP =<aG d. zo o F E Fz z To uJ = l-e. i,sx+Et- t-o2 t- uJ E E ul Eooo-zo Fo- uJY ulo oF ts Eul .+Oo\ Eeli "ilo-lorlt5l -t?bEzo !nn z oP =eoo =z o-- I ..*5\J \-,' = =Feot:r =HE6rn F tr u,l tl- uloz oIo FEIEo- JF1!;h= o_ u.l =o-OL9oiutxc:> uJ' =r! uJ @ I] - b =E UJo-zIF C)fEFazo() t TOWN OF VATIJ CONSTRUCTION PERMIT APPIJICETTON FORM DA[E. jw?Z 71r;1'n.ltll 1 8199f nV pERr'{rr 6ga T-+ffi}. l.-Electrical [X-Mechaqlcal _ [ ]-Ot_herZf " - ./35 Gor+ En)ak _Dr-,vc- Job Nane: ffiA Job Address: t/nt/ -/r,orls EreT # , APPLTCATION l.lUST BE FTLL,ED OUT COI{pr,ETErry OR IT l,tAy NOT BE ACCEPTED tr****************************** PEIllvtIT fNFORMATION ************ * * ** ** *******t** *ttl [ ]-Buifding /t.l:9lnpbine- [ ]-Electrical tX-Mechanlcal I l-other Legal Description: Onners Namez VAt Architect: General Descriptlon: Lot Block_ filing susprvrsroN, i/s Addressz 44t$'/[ f,e.t pn. /7/-o/aL Address:Ph. TOTAL: I gIoR INFORMATION * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * ** * * * * * * * Town of Vail Reg. No. Phone Nunber: Town of Vail Reg. NO._ Phone Nunber: ,/^A.a --szzo oFFrcE usE ******************************* BUTLDTNG PI.AN CHECK FEE: PLI'UBTNG PI,AN CHECK FEE3 MECEANICAL PIAN CHECK FEE: - RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSITI TOTAL PE$IIT FEES: Contractor: Mechanical Contractor : Address: ********** * ** **** *** * * ********** FOR BUTLDING PERUIT FEEs PLUMBING PER}IIT FEE: UECHANTCAL PERMIT FEEs ELECTRTCAI, FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE8 DRB FEE: GROUP sQ.rT.VALUATIONL-l Connents: TYPE tt I ltilt BUTLDTNG: STGNATTJRE: ZONING: SIGNATI]RE: \, 4 t Work class: [ ]-New X-Alteration [ ]-Additional [ ]-Repair I l-Other Nurnber of Dwelling UnLts:Number of Accommodation Unl-ts: ^ rypnber and Type of Fireplaces: cas Appli^n."t / cas Logs_ Wood,/pellet_ v^lr********************************* VALUATIONS ********************************* BUILDING: ELECTRICAL: $_ OrgnR: $_ pr.,IIMBrNG: F- DtEcIrN{rcAt: $- I * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * JONTRAeIOR INFORMATIO,lEeneral contractor: F,w.-o / fro tyfri* l-sao rt/^o Electrical Contractor: Tolrn of Vail Req. NO.Address: Phone Nunber: Plunbing Address: oCI.E,AII I'P DEPOSIT REFTIf,D !O: The EZ Gas lnsert can make your otd fireplace new. The EZ Cas Insert offers a simple method of updating your existing masonry or zero clear- ance* fireplace. By following a few easy steps, you can install the EZ Gas Insert and own the fireplace you've always wanted, without the hassle of hauling firewood and cleaning out ashes. The EZ Gas Insert has incorporated the new Heatilator Flame Technology (HFI) which provides you with beau- tiful, big yellow flames, high heat output, and the addi- tional convenience of gas. Begin enjoying your fireplace again by converting it into a new one - it's EZ. EZ NATURAL GAS AND LP GAS BURNING MDIANT o Ceramic fiber log (CLl) for added beauty. o A 30"x 46" extension kit (8X65) covers the exposed opening of larger fireplaces. UNIT DIMENSIONS heotilotol'" ' "' /au/| ru 64&,ohro lrtttozpa Heatilator Inc. A HON INDUSTRIES Company 19l5 W. Saunders Street Mt. Pleasant, Iowa 52641 E00lu7 -6798 3t9t385-92t1 FAX 3191385-9225 HEATILATOR is a registered trademark of Heatilator Inc, Specifications and options are subject to change. Consult the EZ Gas Insert Technical Guide for complete listings, unit and installation dimensions. Please consult local building codes prior to installing this oroduct. Natural gas L.P. gas Electronic ignition EZE EZLE Standing pilot EZ EZL Heatilator Flame Technology (HFl) creates the most beautiful flame on the market today. 2.5 square feet of fixed glass front optimizes viewing pleasure and increases radiant heat. Powder coated for a durable and attractive finish. Brass trim for added enhancement. One piece surround covers a 24rla" x 4014" opening. 160 CFM fan with variable speed control and a temperature-controlled ON/OFF switch improves distribution of heated air. Constructed and packaged to ensure ease of installation. 25,000 Btu input; 70% operating efficiency ratet* Wamock Hersey listed to ANSI Z2l .50 nd 22l.6O for use in Canada and the United States. One-year limited warranty .Sunound should not cover morc fian 50% of existing fireplace grill, **Based on frctounC. Made o 7 t323 5-92 25M in U.S.A. . hinted in U.S.A. Plan Review Based on the 1991 Uniform Codes NAME: VAIL RESORT FIREPLACE DATE: 7-t9-94 ' ADDRESS:433 coRE CREEK#168 coNTRAcroR: FRISCo FIREpLACE . VAtr, C0LORADO ARCI{ITECT: NONE OCCUPANCY: R-l ENGINEER: NONE TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: V- 1HR PLANS EXAMINER: DAN STANEK CORRECTTONS REQUIRED The items listed below are not intended to be a complete listing of all possible code requirements in the adopted codes. It is a guide to selected sections of the codes. The following is not to be construed to be an approval of any violation of any of the provisions of the adopted codes or any ordinancrc of the Town of Vail. 1. GAS LrNE TEST AND TNSPECTTON rS REQUTRED BEFORE CONNECTTON oF Ai.IY EQUTPMENT PER SEC. 1206 OF TrrE l99l llMC. 2. FrELD TNSPECTTONS ARE REQT.JTRED FOR CODE COMPLIANCE PER SEC. 305 OF THE 1991 IJMC. 3. WHEN NEW ELECTRICAL LINES ARE REQUIRED WORK MUST BE DONE BY A LICENSED EI .F'CTRMION. 4. SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AS PER SEC.12I0 OF TIIE 1991 UBC. Town ci !hi! 0FFitil t*P'f M"zLt-7'/r E/ / r ^',Ul J0 {rt/' ,t, ' l-+6' ry oG r.,t)i rt CMf* J *^t "=fr,u,Y', IN TION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 479?2138 JOB NAME "Tiul.& READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:THUR FRI /r CALLER BUILDING: T] FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / O.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER O FOUNDATION / STEEL O FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H, TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL n tr n -"a ' .r 4'Vlprnnl Lt)/.L-) Lr/u:)l tl,.t D FTNAL ELEGTRICAL:MECHANICAL: tr tr tr tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL O FINAL T6paoveo tr DISAPPBOVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIBED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR