HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL LIONSHEAD FILING 2 BLOCK 1 LOT 5 DOBSON 2 OF 3-3 LEGALI DOBSONARENA I DrvrsroN lsI SECTION I55OO. HVAC IIYDRONIC SYSTEMS I l. PARTI-GENERAL l.l nellrpnnocuruExrs: I A. Drawings and general provisions of Connact, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division-l Specificadon sections, apply to work of this secdon. I r.2 DESCRIPTION Q[ WoRK:,tt a, A. Types of equipment specified in this section include the following: t l. Hydronic Piping and Specialdes 2. HVACPumps 3. Heat Exchangers |J 4. Snow Melt System 5. Unit HearcrsI 6. Cabinet Unit Heaters |l 7. lnhibired Propylene Glycol 8. Pre-Starnrp Cleaning of HVAC Piping Systems r 9. Chemical Pot Feeders It 10. Closed Sysem Water TreatrnentlI.3 TEST AND BALANCE COORDINATION:t I A. Prior to saning work, the conract documenc shall be given to the Test and Balance coffractor for his review. If there are any areas of the hydronic system drat cannot be I balanced, due to the configuration of the system, a Reque$ for Clarification shall be made in a timely manner to allow revisions to fie documents before the sysems areI insalled. fl z. PART2 - PRopucrs !2.1 BASIC PIPES AND PIPE FITTINGS: A. General: Provide piping materials and factory-fabricated piping specialties of sizes, types, pressure ratings, temperarure radngs, and capacities as indicated. Provide ma@rials and produce complying with ASME 831.9 Code for Building Services Piping where applicable, base pressure rating on hydronic piping systems maximum design pressues. Provide sizes and types matching piping and equipment connections; provide finings of materials which march pipe materials used in hydronic piping sysrcrns. Proviile pipes and pipe finings complying wi0r Division 15, Section 15060. 2.2 BASIC VALVES: A. General: Provide valves complying with Section 15060 and in accordance with tre following listing: B. Shutoff Valves: l. 3' and Smalter: Ball valves. 2. 4" and l:rger: Gate valves or butterfly valves. I I I I t I T HVAC HYDRONIC SYSTEMS 15500- I DOBSONARENA DIVISION 15 SECTION I55OO - HVAC HYDRONIC SYSTEMS F. 2.3 AIB VENT YSIJ{ES: 2.4 AIR SEPARATORS: A. B. c. I I I D. Drain Valves: l. 3'ard Smaller: Ball valves. 2. 4' and l:rger: Gae valves. Check Valves: I. All Sizes: Swing check valves. Balance Valves: l. 2' and Smaller: Venturi type. 2. 2" and Smaller: Variable CV/Orifice type. 3. 2 ll2' and l-arger: Plug or ball eccennic type valve upsream of flow measuring station or as indicated on drawings. See Section 15060 for flow measuring sation. Acceptable Manufacorers: Refer to Division 15 Section 15060. I I I I I I I I I T I I t I B. c. Manual Air Vent Valves: Provide manual vent valves designed to be operated manually with scrcwdriver or $umbscrew, l/8' NPS connection. Automatic Air Vent Valves: Provide automatic vent valves designed to vent automatically with float principle, sainless steel float and mechanisms, cast-iron body, pressure raed for 125 psi, ll2' NPS inlet and ourler connecdons. Acceptable Manufacturers: Armsrong Machine Works. Bell & Gossen Ifi Hofftnan Specialty ITT Spirax Sarco. Thrush General: Provide air separators pressure ra@d for 125 psi. Select capacity based on total system gpm. Dip Tube Finings: Provide dip tube fittings in boilers as indicarcd ro prevenr free air collected in boiler from rising into sy*em. In-line AL Separators: Provide in-line air separators as indicated. Construct sizes 1- ll2" and smaller of cast iron: and sizes 2' and larger of steel complying wirh ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code and snmped with "U' symbol. Furnistr Natiorul Board Form U-l denoting compliance.I t15500-2 HVAC HYDRONIC SYSTEMS 2.5 2.6 2.ll I I I I I t t I I t I I I I I I I I T DOBSONARENA DTVISION 15 SECTION I55OO - HVAC FTYDRONIC SYSTEMS D. Combinadon Separator/Snainer: Provide external combination air separaton/srainers as indicaed. consmrct of sreel complying wirh ASME Boiler and pressure Vessel Code end samped wirh 'U' symbol. Fumish Nationat Board Form U-l denoting compliance. hovide galvanized steel integral srainer with 3/16' perforadons and free area of not less than 5 times cross-sectional area of conrrccting lines. Provide tangential inlet and outlet connections and internal stainless steel air collector tube designed to direct released air into compression tank. Provide blowdown connections. E. Accepable Manufacturers: Armsuong Pumps, Inc. Bell & Gossen ITT Taco, Inc. Thrush Co., lnc. DIAPHRAGM-TYPE EXPANSION TANKS: A. General: Provide diaphragm expansion tanls of size and number as indicarcd. construct ank of welded srcel, constructed, tested, and snmped in accordance wirlr section VllI of ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel code for working pressure of 125psi. Furnistr National Board Form u-l denodng compliance. suppon venical tanks with steel legs or base; suppon horizonal anl$ with srcel saddles. Provide specially compounded healy dury butyl flexible diaphragm securely sealed inro tank to permanently separate air charge from system water, and to maintain design expansion capacity. Provide pressure gage and air-charging fining, and drain fitting. B. Accepable Manufacrurers: Amrol. Inc. Armsuong Pumps, Inc. Bell & Gosseu ITT Wessels Company PUMP DISCHARGE VALVES ffRIPLE DUTY VALVE$: A' General: Provide pump discharge valves as indicated. Provide non-slam check valve with spring'loaded disc and calibrated adjusrnent feature permiaing regulation of pump discharge flow and shutoff. Design valves to permit repacking under full line pressure, and with bolt-on bonnet. Each valve shall be equippe<t with brass readout valves for taking differential pressure readings across the orifice for balancing. Provide flanged cast-iron valve body, pressure raed for 175 psi, maximum operating temperarure of 250oF. Provide *raight or angle pa$ern as indicated. B. Acceptable Manufacnrers: Armsrong Pumps, Inc. Bell & Gosseu ITT Taco. Inc. Thrush Co., Inc. PRESSURE RELIEFWES: IIVAC IIYDRONIC SYSTEMS 15s00-3 DOBSONARENA DIVISION 15 SECTION I55OO. HVAC TryDRONIC SYSTEMS 2.t2 J. 4. 5. 6. 7. B. c. D. General: Provide pressure relief valves as fudicated, of size and capacity as selecrcd by Insuller for proper relievi4g capacity, in accordance with ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Combined Pressre-Temperanre Relief Valves: Bronze body, test lever, thermostat, complying witr ANSI Z2l.22lisffig requirements for emperature discharge capaciry. Provide rcmperature relief at 210'F (99'C), and pressure relief at 125 psi. Prcssure Relief Valves: Bronze body, te$ lever, ASME rared. Provide pressure relief as $aed on drawings. Acceptable Manufacturers: Amrol, Inc. Bell & Gossea ITT Spirax Sarco. Wans Regulator Co. PUMPS: A. General: Provide factory-Bsted pumps, 0roroughly cleaned, and painted with one coat of machinery enamel prior to shipment. Type, size, and capacity of each pump is listed in pump schedule. Provide pumps of same type by same manufacrurer. In-line Circulator Pumps: 1. General: hovide in-line circulator pumps where indicated, and of capacities as scheduled. 2. Type: Horizontal mount, venical split case, oil-lubricated, designed for 125 psi working pressure, and 225oF continuous water Emperature. Body: Cast iron, with suction and discharge gage nppings. Shaft: Hardened alloy steel. Bearings: Oil-lubricaed brorue journal bearings. Seal: Mechanical, with carbon seal ring and ceramic seat. Motor: Non-overloading at any point on pump curve, open, drip- prooi oil- lubricated journal bearings, resilient mouned construcdon, built-in ilrermal overload prorccdon on single phase motors. Coupling: Self-aligning, flexible coupling. Impeller: Enclosed type, hydraulically and dynamically balanced, and keyed to stnft. 10. Accepable Manufacturers: Armstrong Pumps, Inc. I t I t I I t I I I I I I I I T I I I 8. 9. 15500-4 HVAC HYDRONIC SYSTEMS t I I T I DOBSONARENA DIVISION 15 SECTION I55OO. HVAC IryDRONIC SYSTEMS Bell & Gossen ITT__ Dunham-Bush, lnc. Taco, Inc. Thruslr Co.. Inc. Venical In-line Pumps: I I I I I ! ! I I I l. ) General: Provide venical in-line pumps where indicated, and of capacities as scheduled. Type: Vertical mount, in-line, close-coupled, single sage, designed for 175 psi working pressue. Body: Cast iron, 125 psi ANSI flanges of equal size, nppings for gage and drain finings. Shaft: Seel wift replaceable shaft sleeve. Seal: Mechanical seal with ceramic seal seat. Motor: Non-overloading at any point on pump curve, open, drip- proof, ball bearings, 15,000 hours bearing life, wirh lifting lug on top of moror. Impeller: Enclosed rype, hydraulically and dynamically balanced, keyed ro shaft and secured with locking screw. AccepEble Manufac0rers: Armstrong Pumps, Inc. Aurora Pump; Unit of General Signal. Bell & Gosser ITT Peerless Pump Thrush Co., Inc. D.Flat Plate Heat Exchanger 3. General: Provide flat plae heat exchangers of size and capacity as shown on the drawings and as specified herein. Heat exchanger selections strall be optimized by the manufacrurer to provide minimum heat transfer surface area requirements under specified capacity and pressure drop conditions. Channel plate poras to be double gaskered ro prevenr mixing or cross- contaminadoo ofhot side and cold side flui<ls. Channel plate carrying bars to be stainless steel, aluminum, or carbon steel. Fixed ftame plates and movable pressue plates to be corrosion resistant epoxy painted carbon srcel. 4. 5. I I I t HVAC TIYDRONIC SYSTEMS 15500-5 o I I I DOBSONARENA DIVISION 15 SECTION 15500r HVAC IryDRONIC SYSTEMS 6. Piping connections 2' and smaller to be carbon steel NPT appings, (or stafu ess steel NPT nozzles). Piping connections 4" and larger to be sudded port design ro accept ANSI flange connecdons. Connecdon pons to be intpgral to the frame or pressure plats. 7. Finished unia to be provided with OSHA required, splash guards rc enclose exterior channel plarc and gasket surfaces. E. Units to be designed for minimum 150 psig working pressure at 2fi)0F design temperaMe. Assembled unis to be hydrostatically tesrcd at 1.5 times full differencial design pressure. 9. Accepable Manufacnrrcrs: Alfa-I.aval Baltimorc Aircoil Bell & Gossen ITT' Dunhan Bush L,oikits Mueller Accu-Trim Tranter 2.13 SNOWMELT SYSTEM A. Fumish all labor, materials, transporadon, equipment and services ro insall a hydronic snow-melting system where inclicated on 0re drawings. B. Shop drawings, or descriptions of rnaterials, and demils of installations shall be submimd for approval as specified. The buried tubing system shall be provicted by one manufacrurer, including: rube, firings, manifolds, and otrer ancillary items required for a complete installation. Tube shall carry a twenty-five (25) year non-proraed warranry against failure due to defecs in material and workmanship. Tubing layout shall be by Orc obing manufacnrrers approved represenative. Tubing manufacturer's rcpresentative shall provide a writrcn slarcment that the mbing layout will operate correctly with the specified pump and conrol system. When ttre ubing layout does not work with the specified pump, he shall select and submit on the correct pump. Submit ube flow and pressure drop data for each zone for review. Tube shall be cross-linked polyerhylene with oxygen diffrrsion barrier, rated at l80F maximum working temperaore and 55 psi working pres$re. Tubing dimension shall be 5/8" nominal inside diameer (3/4' ouaide diameer). The minimum bend radius for cold bending of the nrbe strall not be less than six (6) times the outside diarneter. Bends with a radius less than sated shall require the use of a bend suppon as supplied by the ube manufacfirer. Manifold: Manifol<ls shall be construc@d of solid brass. Each manifold shall be pre- assembled wi$ wall mouruing brackets. Each manifold shall consist of a suppty header c. D. I I I I I I I I ! I t I T I I I F. 15500-6 G. HVAC TTYDRONIC SYSTEMS t I I I J I I I I I I T I t ! I I t t DOBSONARENA DIVISION 15 SECTION I55OO. HVAC HYDRONIC SYSTEMS (including: balancing valve for each loop, compressing fiaings to receive tubing, temperature _gauge, and air vent) and reum header (including: manual shutoff valve for each loop, compression fiui4gs ro receive $bing, and fill, drain and purge capability). I. AU ma@rials, equipment, be, valves and firings in contact with the sysrcm circulating water shall be of non-fenous material. J. Accepable Manufacnrers Wirsbo Stadler 2.14 UNIT HEATERS: A. General: Provide unit heaters in locations as indicated, and of capacities, style, and having accessories as scheduled. B. Horizontal Unit Heaers: l. Casings: Construct of steel, phosphatized inside and our, and finished with baked enamel. Provide motor-mou ed panel, minimum of l8-ga seel. Fabricate casing to enclose coil, louvers, and fan blades. Provide louvers for 4-way air diffusion. 2. Fans: Consruct of aluminum, and factory-balance. Provide fan inlet orifice, smooth, and drawn into casing back panel. C. Venical Unit Hearers: l. Casings: Construct of steel, phosphatized inside and our, and finished wirS baked enamel. Design casing to enclose fan, motor, and coil, design fan orifice formed into discharge panel. Provide air diffusers as scheduled. 2. Fans: Consruct of aluminum aod factory-balance. Design so motor and fan assembly is removable $rough fan outlet panel. D. Coils: Construct of plate-rype aluminum fins, mechanically bonded to copper tubes. Design coil for use in steam or hot water applications. E. Motors: Provide toally enclosed motors, with built-in overload proecdon, having electrical characteristics as scheduled. F. Acceptable Manufacurers: Airfterm Mfg. Co. Dunham-Bush, Inc. McQuay Inc. Modine Mfg. Co. Srcrling Radiator Trane (Ihe) Co. Vulcan Radiator Co. HVACIryDRONIC SYSTEMS 15500-7 DOBSONARENA DIVISION 15 SECTION I55OO. HVAC HYDRONIC SYSTEMS General: Provide cabinet hearcrs having cabinet sizes and in locations as indicated, and of capacities, style, and having accessories as scheduled. Inctude in basic unit chassis, coil, fanboard, fan wheels, housings, moror, and insulation. Orassis: Galvanized steel wraparound smrcural frame wi0r edges flanged. Irsulation: Faced, heavy density glass fiber. Cabinet: lGga removable front panel, l8-ga top and side panels. Insulare front panel over entire coil section. Provide locking access door on coil connection side. Clean cabinet parts, bonderize, phosphatize, and flou.coat with baked-on primer. White finish on whie ceilings. Color as selected by Architect ftom manufacturer's standard color chan. Water Coils: Construct of 5/8' seanless copper ubes mechanically bonded to configurated aluminum fins. Design for 300 psi and leak test at 300 psi under warer. Provide same end connections for supply and reurn. Fans: Provide cendfugal, forward curved double width fan wheels constructed of non- corrosive, molded, fiberglass- reinforced thermo-plastic material. Consruct fan scrolls of galvanized steel. Motors: Provide shaded pole motors with integral thermal over- load protection, and motor cords for plug-in to juncdon box in unit. Provide 3-speed swirch. Filrcrs: Provide I " thick ttrowaway type frlters in fiberboard ftames. Accessories: Provide the following accessories as indicated and/ or scheduled: l. Recessing Flanges: Provide l8-ga steel flanges for recessing cabinet heaters into wall or ceiling. 2. Duct Collars: Provide duct collars where qpecified. 3. Exended Oilers: Provide plastic motor oiler tubes exEnding to beneath np discharge grille. Acceptable Manufacturers: Wing (Ihe) Co.; Div. Wing Indusries, Inc. 2.I5 CABINET UNIT HEATERS: B. c. D. Airtherm Mfg. Co. Dunham-Bush, Inc. McQuay Inc. Serling Radiator Trane (The) Co. Ted Reed Thermal Vulcan Radiator Co. 2.16 INHIBITED PROPYLENE GLYCOL I I I I T E. F. H. I, I I I I I I I I t I I J. I I I1s500-8 HVAC HYDRONIC SYSTEMS I I DOBSONARENA DIVISION 15 SECTION I55OO - HVAC TTYDRONIC SYSTEMS A. Producc Antifreeze Hear Transfer Fluid I B. Description: An inhibited propylene glycol that is clear and odorless.t C, Provide: In specified concentrarions as listed in rhis secdon. I D. Accepable Manufacturer: Atlantic Richfield I The Dow Chemical Company. I Texaco Union Carbide 1I I 2.17 PRE-STARTUP CLEANER: A. Provide a pre-sarrup liquid alkaline dispersant cleaner for the flushing and cleaning of all HVAC water systems to remove oil and foreign matter from the piping andI equipment prior to the final frlling of the systems. This chemical shall nor be injurious to persons, piprng, pipe joint compounds, packings, coils, valves, pumps, and their 7Z mechanical seals, tubes or other parts of the sysrcm.r B. Furnish complete instruction dictating the quandties of the cleaner to use, methods, and I duradons of the operation. E 2.IE BYPASS CHEMICALPoT FEEDERS: I A. General: Provide where indicated or otherwise necessary, bypass feeders of size and 2 capacity noted on the drawings. N B. Provide a blpass feeder for adding chemical rc the ctosed warcr sysem. The feed shall I have (2) 3/4" NPT, female pipe connecdons, and a 3 ll2' top opening cap, with an "O" ring seat. Capaciry of tlre feeder strall be <2 or 5> gallons, capable of operating I at 250 psig and at a Emperaore up to 212oF. t C. Acceptable Manufacturers: Neptune Vector Wingen 2,19 CLOSED SYSTEM WATER TREATMENT CHEMICATS: A. Provide liquid nirie corrosion inhibitor treatment for the prevention of conosion in closed systerns at 700 PPM rcal nirie level. 3. PART3-EXECUTTON I I I I I I 3.I INSPECIIQN: HVACHYDRONIC SYSTEMS 15500-9 DOBSONARENA DIVISION 15 SECTION I55OO. HVAC HYDRONIC SYSTEMS I I I 3.2 3.3 A. General: Examine areas and conditions under which hydronic systems materials and products are !o be installed, Do not proceed with work until unsadsfactory conditions have been correcrcd in manner accepable Insaller. ELECTRICAL WIRING: A. General: Install elecrical devices fumistred by manufacturer but not specified to be factory-mounted. Furnish copy of manufacturer's wiring diagram subminal to Electrical Insaller. t. Veri$ that electrical wiring installation is in accordance with manufacturer's submittal and insalladon requirements of Division-16 sections. Do not proceed wi0r equipment san-up until wiring insallation is acceptable to equipment insaller. INSTALLATION QE HYDRONIC PIPING: A. Insall eccenric reducers where pipe is reduced in size in direction of flow, with tops of both pipes and reducer flush. B. Install piping widr l/32' per foot (ll4Vo) vpward slope in direction of flow. C. Insall piping level with no pirch. D. Connect branch-feed piping to mains at horizontal center line of mains, cormecr run-our piping to branches at horizontal center line of brancbes. E. l,ocate groups of pipes parallel to each orher, spaced to permit applying full insulation and servicing of valves. F. Copper piping joints shall have pipe cut square, and reamed with burrs removed. Clean with medium grit emory clorh, flux pipe and fining wi0r nokorode paste. Use only 95-5 solder. G. Refer to Secdon 15060 for hanger and suppon requiremenrs. INSTALLATION QI VALVES: A. Shutoff Valves: Install on inlet and oudet of each mechanical equipment item, and elsewhere as indicaed. Drain Valves: Install on each mechanical equipment ircm located to compleely drain equipment for service or repair. Insall at base of each riser, at base of each rise or drop in piping system, and elsewhere where indicated or required rc completely drain hydronic piping system. Check Valves: Install on dischaige side of each pump, and elsewhere as indicated. Balance Valves: Insall balance valve on outlet ofeach hydronic terminal, on end of each hydronic zone circuit, on discharge of each hydronic pump, and elsewhere as indicated. After hydronic system balancing has been completed, permanently mark final balanced position with memory stop or yellow lacquer across body. I I I I I N I t I I t I I 1.4 B. c. D.I I I15500-10 HVAC HYDRONIC SYSTEMS c. D. E. F. 3.5 I I I I I I I I T I I I I I I I I I I DOBSONARENA DTVISION 15 SECTION I55OO. HVAC HYDRONIC SYSTEMS INSTALLATION OF HYDRONIC SPECIALTIES: A. Vent Valves: 1. Manual Vent Valves: Install manual vent valves on each hydronic terminal at highest point, and on each hydronic piping drop in direction of flow for mains, branches, and runouts. and elsewhere as indicated. 2. Insall a full size air chamber and pipe down wi0r l/4' copper obing to a petcock or key vent. If the vent is above ceiling, install the petcock 6" above the ceiling. Provide manual air vent finings on all hydronic coils. 3. Automatic Vent Valves: Install automatic vent valves at top of each hydronic riser and elsewhere as indicated. Install shutoff valve between riser and vent valve, pipe ourlet ro suitable plumbing drain, or as indicated. B. Flow conrol valves: Install flow conrol valves on discharge of each pump serving hydronic heating system or zone, and elsewhere as indicated. Insall with check mechanism in upright position, with adequate clearance for service and replacement. Screw check down for automatic operation. Divening Finings: Install diverting finings as indicated and in accordance wirh manufacrurer's instrucdons. Position irttings on supply and return mains with proper orienation for flow. Air Separators: 1. In-line Air separators: Install inline air separators in pump suction lines. Connect inlet and ourlet piping. Run piping to compression ank with lt4, per foot QVo) upward slope towards tanli. Insall drain valve on units 2" and over and exrcnd drain piping to floor drain. Diaphragm-Type Expansion Tanla: Insall diaphragm-type expansion unks on floor as indicarcd, in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. Suspend horizontal tanks from building smrcffie with all threaded rods and Eapeze suppon channels. Vent and purge air from hydronic system, charge unk wiilr proper air charge as recornmended by manufacturer. Pump suction Diffusers: At Installer's option, install pump sucrion diffr,rsers on each pump suction line in lieu of reducing elbow, entrance pipe, and pressure gage oudet. Insrall on pump sucrion inler, adjust foot suppon to carry weight of suction piping. Insall nipple and shutoff valve in blowdown connection. After cleaning and flushing hydronic piping system, but before balancing of hydronic piping system, removl disposable fine mesh strainer. Pump Discharge Valves (Iriple-Duty Valves): At Installer,s oprion, install pump discharge valves on each pump discharge line in lieu of check valve and batance cock. Install in horizontal or vertical position with stem in upward posidon; allow clearance above stem for check mechanism removal. After hydronic system has been compleed, mark calibrated name plate with stripe of yellow lacquer to permanently mark fural G. HVAC TTYDRONIC SYSTEMS t5500-l I DOBSON ARENA DIVISION 15 SECTION I55OO. HVAC IIYDRONIC SYSTEMS I I T I T I I I I II I t t t II II I I I 3.6 J.t balanced position. Use of tripleduty valve does not eliminae requiremenr of separae shut-off valve on discharge of punp. H. Bypass Pot Feeders: Insnll bypass pot feeders on each hydronic system ar pump discharge or elsewhere, as indicaed. Insrall in upright position with top of por nor more 0un 48" above floor. Connect pot feeder to pump discharge wittr unions and ball valves. Provide sight glass on inler of por feeder. Install shut-off valve in pump discharge line between connecdons to fte por feeder. Provide drain with ball shut-off valve and a hose end connecdon. I. Pressure Relief Valves: Insall for each hot water boiler or heat exchanger as indicated, and in accordance with manufacturer's insallation instructions. Pipe discharge to floor drain. J. Conrol Componerus: Install comrol valves, flow switches, flow sensors, thermowells and pressure/temperantre aps furnished by the temperaure control contracrcr in accordance wi0r the manufacnres recommendatioru. INSTALLATION Q[ PUMPS: A, General: Insall HVAC pumps where in<licarcd, in accordance with manufacnrrer's published insallation insructions, complying wirh recognized indusry practices to ensure that HVAC pumps comply with requirements and serve intended purposes. B. Access: Provide access space around HVAC pumps for service as indicated, but in no case less than that recommended by manufacErcr. C. Suppon: lnstall base-mounred pumps on minimum of 4" high concrere inenia base with spring isolators equal or greaer than 3 times toal weight of pump and motor, with anchor bols poured in place. Set and level pump, grout under pump base with non- shrinl( grout. l. Insnll in-line pumFs, supported from piping system. D. Electrical Wiring: Insall electrical devices furnished by manufacturer but nor specified to be factory-mounted. Furnisb copy of manufacurrcr's wiring diagram submittal to Elecaical Insaller. l. Veriff that electrical wiring insallation is in accordance with manufacorer's submittal and insrallation requiremenrs of Division-16 secdons. Do not proceed with equipment san-up undl wiring insallation is acceptable ro equipment insaller. E. Alignment: Check alignment, and where necessary, realign shafts of motors and pumps within recommended tolerances by manufacnrrer, and in presence of manufacturer's service representative. F. Start-Up: Lubricate pumps before san-up. Stan-up in accordance with malufacturer's instructions . INSTALLATION OF PLATE AND FRAME HEAT EXCHANGER: \ 15500-I2 HVAC TTYDRONIC SYSTEMS I I t t t I I I t I I t I t I I I I T DOBSON ARENA DIVISION 15 SECTION I55OO. HVAC TTYDRONIC SYSTEMS Insall heat exchanger as indicaed and as specified herein. Mounting: Mount heat exchangers on 4' concree housekeeping pad. Pad shall extend 4' beyond sides and overall lengft of exchanger, Water Piping: Provi<le piping as indicated, including union, shutoff valve, and thermomeEr on each inlet and outlet connection; relief valve (heating system) on secondary side oudet, with outlet piped to floor drain; and %" drain valve on primary side drain connecdon. 3.8 INSTALLATION G SNOW MELT SYSTEM General: Install snow-melt sysem as indicated and in accordance with the manufacturers insructions. Hydronic radiant snow-melt mbing loops shall be installed in accordance wittr ttre manufacturer's tubing lay-out. Installation shall follow fte shop drawings for tube layout, tube spacing and manifold location. The rubing system shall be pressure tested with waer or air, in accordance with applicable code, or to a pressure of 40 psig 24 hours prior to encasement in the radiant panel. The system shall remain at this pressure during the panel installation, and for a minimum of 24 hours thereafter to insure system integrity. The contractor shall be responsible for providing the water/glycol mixture as required. 3.9 INSTALLATION Q[ UNIT HEATERS: A. B. B. c. j General: Insall unit heaters as indicated, and in accordance with manufacturer's insellation insrucdons. Uncrate unic and inspect for damage. Veriff that namepla@ data corresponds with unit designadon. Hang units from building sub$rae, nor from piping. Mount as high as possible to mainain greatest headroom possible unless otherwise indicated. Support units with rod-type hangers anchored to building subsrarc. Install piping as indicated. Protect units with protective covers during balance of construcdon. I B, c. D. E. F. 3.IO INSTALLATION G CABINET HEATERS: A. General: Insall cabinet heaers as indicated, and in accordance with rnanufacturer's insallation instructions. B. l,ocate cabinet heaters as indicated, coordinate with other Eades ro assure correcr recess size for recessed units, C. Install piping as indicated. HVAC FTYDRONIC SYSTEMS 15500- 13 o I t I t T I T II T t I T I t I t I I I DOBSONARENA DIVISION 15 SECTION I55OO. HVAC TryDRONIC SYSTEMS D. Prorcct unis with protecdve covers during balance of consruction. 3.ll INHIRITED eROPYi FNE GI YcoLTnEAfMEM: A. After each sysrcm has been cteaoed and flustred as described in Section lfl)@ "Cleaning, Flushing, Inspection,' it shall be fitled widr a soludon of water and the following percenrage by volume of inhibited propylene glycol: a. Heating Water System:b. Reclaim Water System:c. Solar Waer System:d. Chilled Water System:e. Snowmelt System: 3.12 ADJUSTING AND CLEANING: A. General: After construction is completed, including painting, clean unir exposed surfaces, vacuum clean Erminal coils and inside of cabiner. B. Retouch any marred or scratched surfaces of factory-furished cabines, using furish marcrials furnished by manufacnrer. C. Insall new filter units for erminals requiring same. 3.13 SYSTEM START-UP: A. The Water Treaunent Supplier shall put the reatment equipment into operation, and make adjusunens necessary for proper operation. B. The Water Treaunent Supplier shall provide a wrinen repon ro the Division 15 Conractor indicadng drat ilre stan-up has been completed and tnr all equipmenr is operadng properly. 3.I4 OPERATOR TRAINING AND SERVICE: The Waer Treatrnent Supplier shall instruct the Owner's operadng personnel so as to familiarize them with all treatrnent equipment and procedures per Maintenance service specified in Pan I of this Section. END OF SECTION I55OO % 7o % Vo Vo 15500-14 HVAC FIYDRONIC SYSTEMS I I I ,l l. DOBSONARENA DIVISION 15 SECTION 15530. REFRIGERANT PIPING SYSTEMS PART I . GENERAL I.I RELATEDDOCUMENTS: A. Drawings and general provisions of Conract, including General and Supplemenary Conditions and Division-l Specification sections, apply to work of this section. 1.2 DESCRTPTTONQ!WORK: A. Types of equipment specified within this section include the following: l. Refrigerant Piping & Specialties.2. Refrigerant Valves. I.3 SUBMITTALS: A. Shop Drawings: Submit drawings of refrigerant pipe and finings including, bur not necessarily limircd to, pipe and rube sizes, locadons, elevations, and slopes of horizontal runs, wall and floor penetradons, and connections. Show inrerface and spatial relationship beveen piping and proximarc equipment. PART 2. PRODUCTS 2,1 MATERIALS AND PRODUCTS: A. General: Provide piping materials and factory-fabricated piping producs of sizes, types, pressure ratings, temperaure ratings, and capacities as indicated. Provide rnaterials and products complying with ANSI 831.5 Code for Refrigeradon Piping. where applicable, base pressure radng on refrigerant piping system maximum design pressurcs. Provide sizes and rypes matching piping and equipment connecdons; provide fittings of materials which march pipe materiats used in refrigeranr piping svstems. BASIC PIPES AND PIPE FITTINGS: A. General: Provide pipes and pipe finings complying wirh Division 15, Section 15060. SPECIAL REFRIGERANT VALVES: A. General: Special valves required for refrigerant piping include the following rypes: B. Globe and Check Valves: l. Globe Shutoff Valves: Forged brass, packed, back seadng, winged seal cap, 300'F (149'C) temperature rating, 500 psi working pressurc. 2. Check Valves: Forged brass, accessible internal para, soft synthetic seat, fully guided brass piston and stainless steel spring, 250.F (l2l"C) temperature rating, 500 psi working pressure, 3. AcceptableManufacnrers: REFRIGERANT PIPING SYSTEMS 77 )1 z. I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I 15530-r DOBSONARENA DIVISION 15 SECTION 15530. REFRIGERANT PIPING SYSTEMS D. Henry Valve Co.' Sporlan Valve Co. Solenoid Valves: l. 2-Way Solenoid Valves: Forged brass, designed to conform to AN ?60, normally closed, teflon valve seaq NEMA 1 solenoid enclosure, 24 volt, 60 Hz., Ul-liste<t, l/2" conduit adap@r, 250"F (l2l'C) remperature rating, 400 psi working pressure. 2, Manual Operator: Provide manual operator to open valve. 3. Accepable Manufacnrren: Alco Conrols Div,; Emerson Elecric Co. Automatic Swirch Co. Sporlan Valve Co. Thermal Expansion Valves: Shall be sized and slected per equipment manufacturers recommendation. I . Acceptable Manufacrurers: Alco Controls Div. Henry Valve Co. Sporlan Valve Co. REFRIGERANT SPECIALTIES: A. Refrigerant Strainers: Brass shell and end connections, brazed joints, monel screen, 100 mesh, Ul-listed, 350 psi working prcssure. B. Moisture-Liquid Indicators: Forged brass, single pon, removable cap, polished optical glass, solder connections, Ul-listed, 200'F (93'C) Emperature raring, 500 psi working pressure. C. Refrigerant Filrcr-Driers: Steel shell, ceramic fired desiccant core, solder connecdons, ULlisted, 500 psi working prcssurc. D. Refrigerant Filter-Driers: Corrosion-resistanr $eel shell, steel flange ring and spring, wrought copper fiaings, ducdle iron cover plate with steel cap screws, replaceable filterdrier core, 500 psi working pressue. Evaporator Pressure Regulators: Provide corrosion-resistant, spring loaded, sainless steel springs, prcssure opented, evaporarcr pressue regulator, in size and working pressurc indicated, with copper connecdons. Reftigerant Discharge Line Mufflers: Provide discharge line mufflers as recommended by equipment manufacturer for use in service indicated, Ul-lisred. Accepabie Manufacturers: I I I I I I T I T II I T T I I I I I t 2.4 F. 15530-2 G. REFRIGERANT PIPING SYSTEMS D. I I I I t I I I t I I I I T I I I I t DOBSONARENA DIVISION 15 SECTION 15530. REFRIGERANT PIPINC SYSTEMS Alco Connols Div.: Emerson Electric Co. Henry Valve Co. Spoitan Valve Co. 3, PARTS-EXECUTION 3.I INSPECTION: A. General: Examine areas and conditions under which refrigerant piping systems materials and producs are to be installed. Do not proceed witlr work until unsatisfactory conditions have been correcrcd in manner acceptable ro InsEller. 3,2 INSTALLATION G REFRIGERANT PIPING: A. Install refrigerant piping with ll4" per foot (l %) downward slope in direction of oil return rc compressor. Provide oil Eaps and double risers where indicated, and where required rc provide oil return. B. Clean refrigerant piping by swabbing wi0r dry lintless (linen) cloth, followed by refrigerant oil soaked swab. Remove excess oil by swabbing wi0r clo0r soaked in high flash point penoleum solvent, squeezed dry. C. Bleed dry nitrogen through refrigerant piping during brazing operarions. D. Refer to Section 15060 for Hanger and Suppon requiremens. 3,3 INSTALLATION OE SPECIAL REFRIGERANT VALVES: General: Install reftigerant valves wherc indicated, and in accordance with manufacnrer's instructions. Remove accessible internal paru before soldering or brazing, replace after joints are completed. l. Solenoid Valves: Install in refrigerant piping as indicated with stem pointing upwards. 3.4 INSTALLATION OE REFRIGERANT ACCESSORIES: A. Refrigerant SEainers: Install in refrigerant lines as indicarcd, and in accessible location for service. B. Moisture-Liquid Indicators: Install as indicated on refrigerant liquid lines, in accessible location. Refrigerant Filer-Dryers: Insall in refrigerant lines as indicate<t, and in accessible location for service. Evaporator Pressure Regulators: Install in refrigerant suction lines or evaporator outlets as syndicaed. Adjust, if required, for proper evaporator pressure. Reftigerant Discharge Line Mufflers: Install as indicated, in horizontal or downflow ponion of hot-gas lines, immediately after leaving compressor; not in riser. E. REFRIGERANT PIPTNG SYSTEMS 15s30-3 DOBSONARENA DIVISION I5 SECTION 15530 - REFRICERANT PIPING SYSTEMS 3.5 3.6 EOUIPMENT CONNECTIONS: A. General: Connect refrigerant piping to mechanical equipment as indicated, and comply with equipment manufacnuer's instnrctions where not otherwise indicated. EIEI.D OUALITY CONTROL: A. Refigerant Piping Lrak Tesr Prior to inidal operadon, clean and test refrigerant piping in accordance wiilr ANSI 831.5, 'Refrigeration Piping'. Perform first test with dry nirogen, using soap solution to test all joints. Perform second test as follows: fill system witr 20 psi refrigerant and then charge to 200 psi wittr ninogen. Irt stand 24 hours and check to see that fte charge has held. Check all joina with a halide leak detector. Perform final test by pulling a 2 mm Hg vacuum. The system must hold this vacuum for a period of 24 hours. Sysrcm must be entirely leak-free. B. Repair or replace refrigerant piping as required o eliminate leaks, and reest as specified to demonstrate compliance. DEHYDRATION AND CHARGING SYSIEM: A. Insall core in filter dryer after leak test but before evacuation. B. Evacuae refrigerant system widr vacuum pump; until temperanrre of 35'F (2'C) is indicarc<l on vacuum dehydration indicator. C. During evacuation, apply heat to pockets, elbows, and low spots in piping. D. Maintain vacuum on system for minimum of 5 hours after closing valve berween vacuum pump and sysem. E. Break vacuum with refrigerant gas, allow pressure to build up to 2 psi. F. Complete charging of sysrem, using new filter dryer core in charging line. Provide full operating cbarge. END OF SECTION 15530 I I I I T t t t I I I t I I I I I I I 3. t 155304 REFRIGERANT PIPING SYSTEMS I I DOBSONARENA DIVISION 15 SECTION 15600 - REFRIGERATION I l. PARTI-cENERALII.I RELATEDDOCUMENTS: I A. Drawings and general provisions of Conract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division- l Specification sections, apply to work of this secdon. I 1.2 pESCRrprroN ef woRK:I A. Types of equipment specified in this section include the following: I l. Condensing Units. I I.3 SUBMITTATS: I A. Provide refrigerant piping diagrams to the Engineer for review prior to insallation.I iffTr,*:'-T'Iffffil::'"#:,"*:-r'"*.31'ii;,iT,T.,i'$'3'.:rn#';;I condensing unit manufacturer review and approve the installation diagram prior ro subminal to the Engineer. I r.4 REGULATTONS: A. Refrigeration systems or appliances shall: ! l. Be equipped wittr a fully protected and isolatable receiver or condenser of suffrcient capacity to hold the complee refrigerant charge during servicing or I repairs. This requirement shall apply only to sy$ems and appliances with 50 I pounds or greater of the manufacturer's recommended/estimated charge. However. refrigeration systems with less than 50 pounds capacity shall be I equipped with zuirable acc€ss valve(s) in order to provide for rccovery of I refrigerant charge if necessary. I 2' *.:T:'#.H:; '#il"J "i#,i"llx'i;1,?T'tr'"i: x"':.':|':tldil::lI breakdown or failure. I 3. Be installed meeting, at a minimum, the applicable reguirements set fonh in I fte ASHRAE Guidetine 3-1990. 2. PART2-PROpUCTSrT 2.1 AIR-COOLED CONDENSING UNITS: I A. General: Provide factory-assembled and tested air-cooled condensing units as I indicated, consisting of casing, compressors condensers coils, condenser fans and motors, and unit conrols. Provide capacities and elecrical characteristics as scheduled. I B. Unit Casings: Design for outdoor insallation and provide weather protection for! components and controls. Provide removable pinels for required access to compressors, controls, condenser fans, motors, and drives. I I REFRIGERATION 1560G1 DOBSONARENA DTVISION 15 SECTION 15600 - REFRIGERATION I t I I I t T I t I I c. D. l. Provide galvanized steel for exposed casing surfaces, phosphadzed, and finished wi0r manufacorer's standard paint coadng. 2. Provide lifting lugs o facilitate rigging of uoia. 3, Provide metal grilles, factory-installed, for protection of condenser coil during shipping, insallation, and operarion. 4. hovide control panel door, hinged and gasketed. Comprcssor: hovide rcciprocating hermetic-rype co.portor, 1,750 RPM, designed for air-cooled condensing. Provide compressor lubrication, crankcase sight glass and crankcase heater. Provide back seating service access valves on suction and discharge ports. Provide capacity control ftrough cylinder unloading. l. Provide suction and discharge valves, non-flexing ring type. 2. Insall crankcase heater in well wirhin crankcase. 3. Provide capacity steps as scheduled, or greater number, 4. Provide compressor of same manufacorer as condensing unit. 5. Hot gas bypass. Conrols: Provide operating and safery controls including high and low pressure cutou6, and compressor winding thermosat cuout. Provide 3-leg compressor overload protection. Proect condenser fan motors with thermal and overload curouts. Provide control transformer if required for ll5-v control power. Provide magnetic conractors for comprcssor and condenser fan morcrs, l. Provide automadc nonrecycling pumpdown, and timing device to prevent excpssive compressor cycling. 2, Provide unfused disconnect switch, factory-mounted and wired, for single ex@nral elecdcal power connection. Condensing Section: Provide condenser coil of seamless copper nrbing mechanically bonded to heavyduty, configurated aluminum fins. Provide separate and independent refrigeration circuit for each compressor. hovide liquid accumulator and subcooling circuit, and backseating liquid line service access valve. Factory-test condenser coils at 450 psig and vacuum dehyclrate. Condenser Fans and Drives: Provide propeller-type condenser fans for venical air discharge. Provide either direct drive or belt drive fans and motors. I. ) 3. Provide permanent lubricated ball bearing condenser fan motors. Dynamically and satically balance each fan assembly. l,ow Ambient Control: Provide low ambient damper assembly, factory- insalled. E. F. T I I I T I I I1560G,2 REFRIGERATION I I I I I I T I I T I I I II I I I I I DOBSONARENA DIVISION 15 SECTION 15600 - REFRIGERATION G. Accepable Manufacturers: Canier A/C Group, Canier Corp. McQuay Group, McQuay-Perfex Inc. Technical Systems, lnc. Trane Co.. The. York Div., Borg-Warner Corp. 3. PART3-EXECUTION 3.I INSPECTION: A. Examine areas and conditions under which units are to be insalled. Do not proceed with work undl unsadsfactory conditions have been corrected in manner accepable to Installer. 3.2 INSTALLATION G CONDENSING UNTTS: A. General: Install condensing unis in accordance with manufacturers installation insructions. Insrall unia plumb and level, firnrly anchored in locations indicared, and mainain manufacturer's recommended clearances. B. Suppon: Install ground-mounted unis on 4" thick reinforced concrete pad, 4" larger on each side than condensing unit. Anchor unit to pad using insens or anchor bolts. Cast anchor bolt inserts in pad. C. Electrical: Furnish elecrical field-wiring diagrams to Electrical Installer for power wiring to condensing units, and connol wiring for field-mounted controls. Wiring; not work of this section. D. Air-Cooled Condensing Unis: Connect refrigerant piping to unit; run piping so as not to ifierfere with access to unit. Insall additional refrigerant circuits for dual or multiple compressor unis whether or not shown on the documents. Refrigerant piping shall be installed according to industry accepted refrigerant piping pracdces. E. Stan-up condensing units, in accordance with manufacturer's start-up instrucdons, andin presence of manufacnrer's representative. Test controls and demonstrae compliance with requiremerus. Replace damaged or malfunctioning conrols and equipment. 3.3 ADJUSTING AND CLEANING: A. Cleaning: Clean unia thorougily before filling for start-up. Clean factory-finished surfaces. Repair any maned or scratched surfaces with manufacturer's touch-up paint. B. Stan-up: Comply with manufacarrer's instructions for filling and san-up of operarion, but not less than the following: l. Veri$ lubrication of roaring paru; lubricate as needed. 2, Verig fan rotation direction. 3. Veri$ that motor amperage is in accordance with manufacturer's daa. REFRIGERATION 15600-3 DOBSONARENA DIVISION 15 SECTION 15600 - RETRIGERATION C. Operation Test: Test each unit to show that it will operae in accordance wirh inrticare<t requiremens. 3,4 CLOSEOUTPROCEDURES: A. Pnovide services of manufacturcr's technical reprcsentative for one E-hour day to insm,rct Owner's persomel in operation and rnaintenance of refrigeradon equipment. END OF SECTION I56M I I I I I I I I t I t I I I I T I I I1560G4REFRIGERATION B. D. 2. I I I I T I I I I I I I I t I I I I t I. DOBSONARENA DIVISION 15 SECTION 15750 . AIR HANDLING I.JNITS PART 1 . GENERAL I.I RELATEDDOCUMENTS: A. Drawings and general provisions of Conracq including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division-l Specification secdons, apply to work of rhis section. 1,2 DESCRIPTION OF WORK: A. Cenral Station AHU PART 2. PRODUCTS 2.1 CENTML STATION AIB HANDLING UNITS: A. General: Provide factory-fabricated aad factory+ested air handling unis as indicated, of sizes and capacities as scheduled, and as specifred herein. Casings: Construct casings of l8-ga minimum mill galvanized sleel, designed ro wihsand specific operating pressures. Provide casing panels andior access doors that are easily and quickly removable for inspection and access to internal pans. 1. Provide single zone unirs consisting of fan secdon, coil secdon, adjustable fan motor mounting, and drain pan. 2. Provide reinforced points of suppon for either setting or hanging units. 3. Provide drain pan, locarcd under cooling coil section and humidifier section, exensive enough to catch condensate leaving coil at highest canloged face velocity. Provide at least one drain connection at low poinr in drain pan. 4. Cover casing and ftame with protective furistr on botlr sides. Coils: Provide heating and cooling coils of scheduled capacity, mounred in unit in manner permining removal. 1. Consm,rct coils with copper ubing primary surface and aluminum secondary surface bonded !o tubes by meftod approved by specified manufacorer. Provide heating coils wittr threaded connections. Provicte direct expansion coils with solder connecdons, liquid refrigerant disributon, and connections for gravity oil drainage. Pitch coils in unit casing for drainage. Coil Secdons: Provide common or individual casing for headng and cooling coils as required. Design intemal s!:lrctue of coil section to allow for removal of coils, and provide suitable baffles to assurc no air bypass around coils. Provide condensate pans and drain connections to cooling coil sections of sufficient size to contain and remove coil condensate. Insulate coil section casings and drain pans as specified in 'Insulation. paragraph. Fan Sections: Provide fans specifically designed and suiable for class of service indicaed. Provide adjusable motor base, adjusted with mounting bolts, to provide variation in center disance. hovide locking nuts, or similar devices, rc secure base in E. AIRTIANDLING I.JNITS 15750-l DOBSONARENA DIVISION 15 SECTION 15750. AIR HANDLING I.JNITS PART 3 . EXECUTION 3.I INSPECTION: proper position. Provide belt{riven fans with adjusrable pirch pulley permitting fan qpeed to be varied. Select pulley for mid-point of adjustable range. Design fan strafu so as not to pass through fust critical speed when unit comes up to rarcd RPM. hovide grease-lubricarcd fan bearings with externally accessible finings for lubrication. Satically ard <lynamically balance fan assemblies in fan housing afrer final assembly. hovide belt guarcls whether inside or outside of casing. Insulation: Insulate unit casing ftom air entrance to coils, to air outlet from unit, including bypass duct if used. Insulate framing angles exposed to air sream. Securely aaach insulation, of zufficient thickness and density to prevent condensadon from forming on unit casing. Protect insulation against deterioration ftom air currens. 1. Provide insuladon with fire-rearding characteristics, complying with NFpA 90A. Insulate drain pans as required to prevent condensate formation on unit ex@rior ar ambient conditions to be encountered. Filter Mixing Boxes: Provide frlter mixing boxes of physical size ro match basic unir, and include equal-sized flanged openings capable of handling full air flow. Arrange openings as indicacd. Provide dual action parallel dampers wirh sealing edges, aranged to opera@ automatically with one set of linkage. Provide dampers of balanced consruction, rotadng in sintercd bronze or nylon bearings. Air Filters: Provide air filters to fit in filter mixing box, of the following rype: l. Provide canridge rype air filters, 2' rhick, medium efficiency disposable rype equal !o Fan 30/30 with an average efficiency of 30%. Acceptable Manufacturers: Airtherm Manufacturing Co, Bohn Heat Transfer Div.; Gulf * Western Mfg. Co. Carrier Air Condidoning. Dunham-Bush, Inc.; Harrisonburg Div. McQuay, Inc.; Air Conditioning Div. Temrol Trane (Ihe) Co. York Div.; Borg-Warner Corp. F. I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I t I I I G. H. A. Examine areas and conditions under which air handling units are to be installed. Do not proceed with work until unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected in manner accepable !o Installer. INSTALLATION G AIR HANDLING UMTS: A. General: Insall air handling units where indicated, in accordance with equipment manufacturer's published insallation insuuctions, and with recognized industry practices, to etsure that units comply with requiremenrc and serve inrcnde<t purposes. r5750-2 3.2 AIR}IANDLING LINITS I I I I T I I I I I I T I I T I I I T DOBSONARENA DIVISION I5 SECTION 15750 - AIR TIANDLING TJNITS B. Suppon: Insall air handling.unit hung from srucrure. C. Elecrical Wiring: Install elecrical devices furnished by manufacturer bur nor specified to be factory-mounted. Furnish copy of manufacurer's wiring diagram subminal to Elecrical Insaller. l. Veri$ ttrat elecrical wiring insallation is in accordance witr manufacturer's submilal and insrallation requirements of Division-16 secdons. Do not proceed with equipment stan-up until wiring insalladon is accepnble to equipmenr irsaller. 3.3 INSTALLATION OF FILTERS: A. General: Comply with installation requirements as specified elsewhere in these specifications pertaining to air filters housingicasings, and associated supponing devices. B. Insull air filters and holding devices of rypes indicated, and where shown; in accordance with air filter manufacturer's wriuen instrucdons and widr recognized industry practices; to ensure ftat filters comply with requirements and serve intended purposes. C. l,ocate each filter unit accurately in position indicated, in relation to other work. Position unit with sufficient clearance for normal service and mainrcnance. Anchor filter holding frames securely to substrate. D. coordirute with other work including ductwork and air handling unit work, as necessary to interface insralladon of filters properly with other work. E. Insall filters in proper position to prevent passage of unfrttered air. 3.3 FIELD OUALITY CONTROL: A. Testing: Upon compledon of installation of air handling units, san-up and operate equipment to demonstrate capability and compliance with requirements. - Field conect malfunctioning units, then ret€st to demonstrate compliance. 3.4 EXTRA STOCK: A. Provide one compleE exra set of filrcrs for each air handling unit. Install new filters at completion of air handling sysem work, and prior to tesdng, adjusting, and balancing work. Obtain receipt from Owner that new filters have been installed. B. Provide one spare set of belts for each belt{riven air handling unil obtain receipr from Owner that bels have been received. END OF SECTION 15750 AIRHANDLING UNTTS 15750-3 2. T I t I t I T I ! I I T I I t I I I t l. DOBSONARENA DIVISION I5 SECTION I58OO - AIRDISTRIBUTION PART !. GENERAL I.I RELATEDDOCUMENTS: A. Drawings and general provisions of Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division-l Specification sectioru, apply to work of this section. 1.2 DESCRIPTION OF WORK: A. Metal Ductwork. B. Ductwork Accessories. C. Grilles, Registers & Diffusers.D. Louvers and Dampers. E. Fans. I.3 SUBMITTAIJ: A' Within 30 days after award of contract, submit a shop drawing for approval to the strucrural engineer showing size and location of all openings through structural members. Do not proceed until the shop drawing has been reviewed, approved and rerurned. B. Submit engineered sizing calculations of flue manufacturer. Calculations shalt be based on ac$d equipment used by the successful contractor, layout and arrangement of equipment, elc. 1.4 SPECIAL PROJECT WARRANTY: A. Warranty on Compressor and_Heat Exchanger: Provide written waffanty, signed by manufacturer, agreging to replace/repair, within waranty period, comprissorJ and/or heat exchangers with inadequate and defective materials and workmarship, including leakagr, breakage, improper assembly, or failure to perform as requireh; provided manufacturer's inslructiong for handling, installing, protecting, and maintaining unis have been adhered tg guring yanaily period. Reptacement ls limited to confronent replacement only, and does not include labor for removal and reinstallation. - 1.5 TEST AND BALANCE COORDINATION: Prior to staning work, the contract documents shall be given to the Test and Balance contractor for his review. If there are any areas of the air distribution system that cannot be balanced, due to the configuration of the system, a Request for ciarification shall be made in a timely manner to allow revisions to the documents before the syste[rs are installed. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 METAL DUCTWORK: A. Galvanized Sheet Metal: Except as otherwise indicated, fabricate ductwork from galvanized sheet sreel complying with ASTM A 522, lockforming qualrty; with G 90 zinc.coating in accordance with ASTM A 525; and mill phosphitized for exposed locations. B. St'inless Steel Sheet: Where indicarcd, provide stainless steel complying with ASTM A 167; Type 302, 304, or 316; with No. 4 finish where exposed to view in occupied AIRDISTRIBUTION 15800-l DOBSONARENA DIVISION 15 SECTION I58OO. AIR DISTRIBUTION spaces, No, I finish elsewherc. Protect finished surfaces with mill-applied adhesive protective paper, maintained through fabrication aod insullation. C. Aluminum sheet: Where indicated, provide aluminum sheet complying with ASTM B 209, Alloy 3fi)3, Temper Hl4. D. Copper Sheet: Where indicated, provide copper sheet complying with ASTM B 370; H00 temper, except where 060 remper is required for unusual forming. MISCELLANEOUS DUCTWORK MATERIAIS: A. General: Provide miscellaneous materials and products of types and sizes indicated and, where not otherwisc indicated, provide type and size required to comply with ductwork system reguirements including proper connection of ducnrork and equipment. B. Exposed Ductwork Materials: Where ductwork is indicated to be exposed to view in occupied spaces, provide materials which are free from visual imperfections including pitting, seam marks, roller marks, stains and discolorations, and other imperfections, including those which would impair painting. C. Fittings: Provide radius type fittings fabricated of multiple sections wirh maximum 15 degree change of direcdon p€r section. Unless specifically deuiled otherwise, use 45 degree laterals and 45 degree elbows for branch takeoff connections. Where 90 degree branches are indicated, provide conical type tees. D. Duct Liner: Fibrous glass, complying with Thermal Insulation Manufacturers Association (TIMA) AHC-lOl; of l' thick. The liner shall meet rhe Life Safety SBndalds as established by NFPA 90A and 90B. The duct liner shall conform to the requirements of ASTM C 1071, with an NRC not less than .65 and a thermal conductivity no higher than ,25 at 75 F mean temperature. Duct Sealant: Non-hardening, non-migrating mastic or liquid elastic sealant, type applicable for fabrication/installation derail, as compounded and recommended by manufacturer specifically for sealing joints and seams in ductwork. Duct Cement: Non-hardening migrating mastic or liquid neoprene based cement, type applicable for fabrication/installation detail, as compounded and recomnended by manufacturer specifically for cementing fining components, or longitudinal seams in ductwork. Ductwork Support Materials: Except as otherwise indicated, provide hotdipped galvanized stcel fasteners, anchors, rods, straps, trim and angles for suppon ol ductwork. l. For aluminum ductwork, provide aluminum support materials except where materials are electrolytically separated from ductwork. Flexible Ductwork: t. [.ow Pressure Flexible Ducts: Duct shall be factory pre-insulated with a solid inner liner formed by a reinforced alurninum laminate material mechanically F. G. I I I I t I T ! I I I T t t I t I I I 15800-2 AIRDISTRIBUTION I I I l I DOBSON ARENA DIVISION 15 SECTION I 58OO - AIR DISTRIBUTION locked or bonded together by a corrosive resistant galvanized steel helix, covered with a minimum l-l/2' thick fiberglass blanket and sheathed in a polyethylene vapor barrier. The insulation shall have a maximum 0.23 'C" factor, to meet FI{A./HUD requirements and a vapor barrier permeability of 0.10 perms (ASTM E9&Prrocedure A). The duct shall have a positive working pressnre rating of 6' w.g, (all diameten), negative working pressure ratitrg of I' w.g, (all dianeters) and at a maximum oPcrating temperature of 180 F (all diameters). Pressure rating based on test wift temperanre and velocity apptied. the duct shall comply with the latest NFPA 90A Bulletin and be UL- l8l listed as a Class I Air Duct. 2. Accepuble Manufaclurers: Hercules Flexmaster Glenflex l. Spin-in Fittings: Conical, bellmouth spin-in fittings may be used for duct taps and shall include quadrant dampers on all lines to air devices (diffusers and grilles) even though a volume damper may be specified for the air device. (This does not apply for high pressure duct). The spin collar fining shall be made from G-90 galvanized sheet metal. The construction shall have a fabricated minimum overall length of7'. The location of spin-in finings in the ducts shall be determined after terminals are hung or the location of the light fixtures is known so as to minimize flexible duct lengths and sharp bends. I . Galvanized Sleel . 2. Vinyl Chloride Coated Steel. 3. Stainless Steel. PUC.@!( FABRICATION: A. Shop fabricate ductwork of gages and reinforcement complying with SMACNA 'HVAC Duct Construction Standards'. B. Fabricate duct fittings to match adjoining ducts, and to comply with duct requirements as applicable ro fiuings. Except as otherwise indicated, fabricate elbows with centerline radius equal to associated duct width; and fabricate to include turning vanes in elbows where shorter radius is necessary. Limit angular tapers to 30 degrees for contracting tapers and 20 degrees for expanding tapers. C. Fabricate ductwork with duct liner in each section of duct where indicated. Laminate liner to internal surfaces of duct in accordance with instructions by manufacturers of lining and adhesive, and fasten with mechanical fasteners. D. Factory Fabricared: At installer's option, provide factory-fabricated duct and finings, in lieu of shop-fabricated duct and finings. WPEBS: A. I.ow Prcssure Balancing Dampers: Provide dampers of single blade type or multiblade type, constructed in accordance with SMACNA 'HVAC Duct Construction Standards'. I I 2.3 t I I I I I I t I I I T z-1 AIRDISTRIBUTION 15800-3 DOBSONARENA DIVISION 15 SECTION I58OO - AIR DISTRIBUTION B. Accephble Manufacturers: Air Balance . Inc. American Warming & Vcntilating, Inc. Arrow Louver and Damper; Div. of Arrow United Industries, Inc. Cesco Greenhcck huvers & Dampcrs, Inc. Penn Ventilator Co. Ruskin Mfg. Co. Venco Vent Products. FIRE DAMPERS: A. Fire Danpers: Providc fire dynamic type dampcrs, of sizes indicated. Dampers shall be constructed and tested in accordance with the current edition of UL-555 Standard For Fire Dampers. Provide fisible link rated at 165 F unless otherwise indicated. Blades to be mounted ourside of the air $ream. Each dynamic fire damper shall be marked with a UL classified l-l/2 hour firc protection rating, the maximum velocity/pressure rating for each horizontal and vertical installation and 'for use in dynamic systems.' Dampers marked "for use in stadc systems only. are not permitted. Each dynamic fire damper shall include a steel sleeve and retaining angles furnished by the damper manufacturer to ensure appropriate installation. Submittal information shall include the fue protection radng, maximum velocity/pressure ratings and the manufacturer's UL insullation instructions. The dampers shall be installed in accordance with these insuuctions. B. Acceptable Manufacturers: Air Balance, Inc. American Warming & Ventilating, Inc. Arrow l.ouver and Damper; Div. of Arrow United Industries Inc. Greenheck Fan Corp. l,ouvers and Dampers, lnc. National Controlled Air. Penn Vendlator Co. Prefco. Ruskin Mfg. Co. Venco FIRE AND SMOKE W8EBS,: Motor Driven Electric Combinarion Fire/Smoke Dampers: l. Provide motor driven fire/smoke dampers in types and sizes indicated with casing constructed ofa minimum of 16 gage galvanized steel. The blades shall be of single skin 14 gage minimum galvanized steel with 3 longirudinal grooves for reinforcement. Multi-blade tnes shall have interlocking blades. Jamb seal shall be slainless stcel flexible metal compression t1pe. Each fire/smoke damper shall have a I l/2 hour firc rating. Combination I58OO*4 AIR DISTRIBUTION 2.6 I I I I T I T I I I I I I ! I I I I I B, c. 2.7 2.8 I T I l I I I I I I I T I T T I I I T DOBSONARENA DIVISION 15 SECTION I 58OO - AIR DISTRIBUTION firelsmoke dampers and actuators shall comply with the requirements of the latest versions of uL 555 and uL 555s, and bear uL labels anesring to rhe same. Damper manufacturer shall have tesled, and qualified with UL, a complete range of damper sizes coverirg all dampers required by this specificarion. Damper shall be leakage Class II (10 cftn/sf at 1.0' w.g.) or better. Dampers and their:rctuators shall be qualilied under UL 5555 to an elcvated temperature of 250 F minimum. Damper and actuator shall bc supplied as a single entity, Manufacturer shall provide 20 gage steel sleeve (18 gage over E4' wide), 16" in length (contractor to veriS requirement). Frame shall be caulked at the sleeve, Actuator motor shall be mounted outside the airstream. Damper shall have a 165 F fusible link. Damper shall operate from frrll open ro full closed or from fi.rll closed to full open in a minimum of 15 seconds. All dampers shall fail closed upon loss of power and shall automatically re-open upon presence of power. (Smoke damper only , broken fusible link will not reopen.) B. Acceptable Manufacturers: lnuvers and Dampers Cesco Prefco Ruskin Manufacturing Co. Venco Greenheck Fan Corp. TURNING VANES: A. Manufactured Turning Vanes: Provide nuning vanes constnrcted of l-112" wide curved blades set at 314" o,c., supported with bars perpendicular to blades set at 2" o.c., and set into side strips suitable for mounting in ductwork. Acoustic Turning vanes: Provide acoustic turning vanes constructed of airfoil shaped aluminum extrusions with perforated faces and fiberglass fill. Acceptable Manufacturers : Aero Dyne Co. Airsan Corp. Anemostat Products Div.; Dynamics Corp. of America. Barber-Colman Co. Duro Dyne Corp. Titus Products Division, Phillips Industries, Inc. OUADRANT LOCKS: A. Provide for each damper, quadrant lock device on one end of shaft; and end bearing plate on other end for damper lengths over l2'. Provide extended quadrant locts and end extended bearing plates for externally insulated ductwork. B. Acceptable Maoufacturers: Ventfabrics, Inc. AIRDISTRIBUTION 15800-5 DOBSONARENA DIVISION 15 SECTION I 58OO - AIR DISTRJBUTION 2.9 Young Regulator Co. pucT AccEss E9BS: General: Provide duct access doors of size rcquired. Construction: Construct of same or grcater gage as ductwork served, provide insulated doors for insulated ductwork. Providc flush frames for uninsulated ductwork, extended frames for externally insulated duct. Providc one size hinged, other side with one handle-type latch for doors 12' high and smaller, 2 handle-type latches for larger doors. Provide 12 x 12 for hand access and 24 x 24 for hcad and shoulder access. Acccptable Manufacturers: Air Balance Inc. Ccsco Duro Dyne Corp. Ruskin Mfg. Co. Ventfabrics, Inc, 2.10 FLEXTBLESNECIIONS: General: Provide flexible duct connections wherever ductwork connects to vibration isolated equipment. Construct flexible connections of neoprene-coated flameproof fabric crimped into duct flanges for attachment to duct and equipment. Make ainight joint. Provide adequate joint flexibiliry to allow for thermal, axial, transverse, and torsional movement, and also capable of absorbing vibrations of connected equipment. Acceptable Manufacturcrs: American/Elgen Co.; Energt Div. Duro Dyne CorP. Flcxaust (The) Co. Ventfabrics, Inc. GRILLES, REGISTERS AND DIFFUSERS: A. General: Except as otherwise indicated, provide manufacturer's standard air device where shown; of size, shape, capacrty and type indicated; constructed of materials and components as indicated, and as required for complete installation. B. Performance: Provide air devices that bave, as minimum, temperature and velocity traverses, throw and drop, and noise criteria ratings for cach size device as listed in manufacturer's current data. C. CeilingAilall Compatibility: Provide air devices with border styles that are compatible with adjacent cciling/wall systems, and that are specifrcally manufactured to fit into ceiling/wall construction with accurate ht and adequate support. Refer to general construction drawings and specifications for types of ceiling/wall coostruction which will contain each type of air device. I T I I T I T t T t I t I ! I ! I T I A. B. c. 2.tr 15800-6 AIRDISTRIBUTION I T I I T I I I T t I I I I I I I t ! DOBSONARENA DIVISION I5 SECTION I58OO - AIR DISTRIBUTION D. Types: Provide air device of typc, capacity, and with accessories and finishes as listed on grilles, register and diffuser schedule. E. Acceptable Manufacturers: Carnes Co.; Div. of Wehr Corp. Price Krueger Mfg. Co. Metal Aire Co. Titus Producc Div.; Philips Industries, Inc. 2.r2 I0IJERS,: A. General: Except as otherwise indicated, provide manufacturer's standard louvers where shown; of size, shape, capacity and type indicated; constructed of materials and components as indicated, and as required for complete installation. B. Performance: Provide lowers that have minimum free area as scheduled, and minimum pressue drop for each type as listed in manufacrurer's current data, complying with louver schedule. Performance data must bear AMCA Certified Ratings Seal for Air Performance and Water Penetration. C. Substrate Compatibiliry: Provide louvers with frame and sill styles that are compatible with adjacent substrate, and that are specifically manufacnrled to fit into construction openings with accurate fit and adequate support, for weatherproof installation. Refer to general construction drawings and specifrcations for types of substrate which will conuin each type of louver. D. Materials: Construct of aluminum extrusions, ASTM B 221, Alloy 6063-T52. Weld units or use stafu ess steel fasteners. E. Louver Screens: On inside facc of exterior louvers, provide 1/2" square mesh for outsiale air louvers and exhaust air louvcrs. Mesh shall be anodized aluminum wire bird screens mounted in removable extruded aluminum frames. Delete square mesh when louver is used in a return air application. F. Acceptable Manufacturers: Airline Produca Co. Airolite Co. American Warming & Ventilating, lnc. Arrow United Industries, Inc. Construction Specialties, Inc. Ccsco Dowco Corp. Industrial louvers, Inc. Inuvers & Dampers, Inc. Penn Ventilaor Co., lnc. Ruskin Mfg. Co. Wonder Metal AIRDISTRIBUTION 15800-7 oDOBSONARENA DIVISION 15 SECTION I 58OO . AIR DISTRIBUTION 3. PARTS-EXECUTTON 3.1 INSPECTION: General: Examine areas and conditions under which ducnrork accessories and equipment arc to bc installed. Do not proceed with work until unsatisfactory conditions have been corrcctcd in manner acceptable to Installer, 3.2 INSTALLATION OF !{![! DUCTWORK: General: Assemble and instdl ductwork in accordance with recognized industry practiccs which will achieve air+ight (5% leakage for systems rated 3' and under; l% for systems rated over 3') and noiselcss (no objectionable noise) systems, capable of performing each indicated service. Install each run with minimum number of joints. Align ductwork accurately at connections, within l/8" misalignment tolerance and with internal surfaces smoolh. Suppon ducts rigidly with suitable ties, braces, hangers and anchors of type which will hold ducts true+o-shape and to prevent buckling. Support venical ducts at every floor. Inserts: Install concrete inserts for support of ductwork in coordination with framework, as required to avoid delays in work. Field Fabrication: Complete fabrication of work at project as necessary to match shop- fabricated work and accommodate installation requirements. Field Modifications: Ductwork modificd in the field shall maintain the same free area as shown on the Drawings. ln no casc shall the aspect ratio of modified ductwork exceed 4 to I without permission of dre Engineer. Routing: Locate ductwork nrns, except as otherwise indicated, vertically and horizontally and avoid diagond runs wherever possible. lncate runs as indicated by diagrams, details and nohtions or, if not otherwise indicated, run ductwork in shortest rourc which does not obstruct useable space or block acccss for servicing building and its equipment. Hold ducts close to walls, overhead construction, columns, and other structural and permanent enclosure elemcnts of building. Limit clearancc to %' where furring is shown for enclosure or concealment of ducts, but allow for insulation thiclcress, if any. Where possible, locate iasulated ductwork for l" clearance outside of insulation. Wherever possible in fiaished and occupied spaces, conceal ductwork from vicw, by locating in mechanical shafts, hollow wdl construction or above suspended ceilings. Do not encase horizontal runs in solid partitions, exccpt as specifically shown. Coordinate layout with suspended ceiling and liglting layouts and similar finished work. Electrical Equipment Spaces: Do not route ducnpork through transformer vaults and their elecrical equipment spaces and enclosures. Penetrations: Where ducts pass through interior partitions and exterior walls, and are exposed to view, conceal space between construction opcning and duct or duct insulation with sheet metal flanges of same gage as duct. Overlap opening on 4 sides by at lcast l-l/2'. Fasten to duct and substrale. I I I I I I T I T I I t I T I ! I I I B. c. D. E. F. 15800-8 G. AIRDISTRIBUTION t I DOBSONARENA DIVISION 15 SECTION I58OO . AIR DISTRIBUTION I l. Where ducts pass thro'rgh fire-rated floors, walls, or partitions, provide I frestopping betwcen duct and substrate, in accordance with requirements of Division-7 Section'Firestopping'. I H' H[|H::,T",*n:T"t ductwork in accordance with SMACNA HVAC Duct !, I. Sealant: Seal all supply and return ductwork with duct sealant or duct cement in f accordance with SMACNA HVAC Duct Construction Srandards. - 3.3 INSTALLATION OF DUCT LINER: II A. General: Install duct liner in accordance with SMACNA HVAC Duct Consrrucrion Standards. Duct sizes shown on plans are clear inside dimensions. Increase duct sizes accordingly.a B. Extent of Duct Liner: I l. All rectangular supply air ductwork 2. All rectangular return air ductwork. 3. All transfer air ductwork. t 4. Where shown otherwise. 3.4 INSTALLATION OF FLEXIBLE DUCTS:I I A. Maximum ltngth: For any duct run using flexible ductwork, do not exceed 8' - 0" extended length or as required by local authorities. I B. Installation: Install in accordance with Section III of SMACNA's, "HVAC Duct Construction Sundards, Metal and Flexible'. 3.5 INSTALLATION OF NON-METAL DUCTWORK: A. General: Assemble and install ductwork in accordance with recogrized industry practices which will achieve air tight and noiseless systems, capable of performing each indicated service. lnstall each run with minimum of joints. Align ductwork accurately at connectioDs, wilhin l/8' misalignment tolerance and with interual surfaces smooth. Support ducts rigidly with suitable ties, braces, hangers and anchors of rhe type which will hold ducts true-to-shape and prevent buckling. B. Install concrete inserts for support of ductwork in coordination with formwork. as required to avoid delays in work. C. Complete fabricadon of work at project as necessary to match shop fabricated work and accommodate installation requirements. D. l,ocate ductwork ruos, except as otherwise indicated, venically and horizontally and avoid diagonal runs wherever possible. lncate runs as indicated by diagrams, details and notations or, if not otherwise indicated, run ductwork in shortest route which does not obstruct usable space or block access for servicing building and its equipment. Hold ducts close to walls, overhead construction, colunns, and other strucrural and permanent- enclosing elements of building. Limit clearance to l/2" where furring is T I I I I T I !AIRDISTRIBUTION r 5E00-9 DOBSONARENA DIVISION 15 SECTION IsEOO. AIR DISTRIBUTION E. F. G, H. indicated for cnclosurc or concealment of ducts. Wherever possible in finished and occupied spaces, conceal ducnvork from view, by locating in mechanical shafts, hollow wall construction or abovc srspended ceilings. Do not encase horizontal runs in solid partitions, except as spccifically indicarcd. Coordinate layout with suspended ceiling and ligbting layouts, and similar finished work. Elcctrical F4uipment Spaces: Do not run ductwork through transformer vaults and other clectrical equipment spaces and enclosures. Where ducts pass through interior panitions or exterior walls, conceal space between corstruction opening and duct with sheet metal flanges. Overlap opening on all sides by at least l-l/2'. Include prefabricated air scoops formed of galvanized sheet metal or branch take-offs. Space duct supports (horizontal and venical) so that not more than one transverse joint will occur bctwecn supports. Support vertical ducts, at 8'4" minimum spacing, by attachment to adjacent vertical srucn[d surfaces or by direct bearings at floor penetrations and similar locations. Limit vertical ducts to 2 stories in height of any continuous duct run, l. For penetration supports, install internal 18" long sheet metal sleeve and attach to l' x l/8' angles spanning thc penetration. 2. For adjaccnt supports, anach I'x l/8" ugle brackets to trarsverse reinforcements, Support horizonul ducts located against structural walls and similar adjacent vertical surfaces, at 8'4' spacing for ducts up to 35" horizontal dimension and 4'-0" spacing for larger ducts. Provide I' x l/8' angle shelf-type support brackets. : A. Install ductwork accessories in accordance with manufacturer's installation instructions, with applicable poftions of details of consmrcdon as shown in SMACNA standards, and in accordancc with recognized industry practices to ensure that products serve intended function. B. lnstall turning vanes in square or rectangular 90 degree elbows in supply, renrrn and exhaust air systems, and elsewhere as indicated. lnstall access doors to open against system air pres$re, with latches operable from either side, except outside only where duct is too small for person to enter. Install access doors for the following: l. Access to dampers. 2. Acccss to fire dampers and smoke-fire dampers (one on each side of damper) in duct. 3. Access to control devices. AIRDISTRIBUTION t I I I ! I I I I t I I I I I T I I ! J. 3.6 15800- 10 D. 3.7 3.8 3.9 t I I I I I I I I t I T I I I I t I I 3.l0 3.n DOBSONARENA DIVISION 15 SECTION I58OO. AIR DISTRIBUTION INSTALLATION OF GRILLES. REGISTERS. AND DIFFUSERS: A. General: Instatl grilles, registers and diffusers in accordance with manufacturcr's written instructions and in accordance with recognized industry practices to ensure that producb serve intended functions. B. locate ceiling grilles, registers and diffusers, as indicated on general construction "Refl ected Ceiling Plans ". C. Provide code approved suppon for grilles, registers and diffusers in lay-in ceilings. INSTALLATION OF FANS: A. General: Install fans where indicated, in accordance with manufacturer's installation instructions, and with recognized industry practices, to ensure that fans comply wittr requirements and serve intended purposes. B. Electrical Wiring: Install electrical devices furnished by manufacturer but not specified to be factory-mounted. Furnish copy of manufacrurer,s wiring diagram submittal to Electrical Installer. l. Verify that electrical wiring installation is in accordance with manufacturer's submittal and installation requirements of Division-16 sections. Ensure that rotation is in direction indicated and intended for proper performance. Do not proceed with fan start-up until wiring installation is acceptable to fan Installer. INSTALLATION OF AIR TERMINALS: A. General: Install air terminals as indicated, and in accordance with manufacrurer's installation instructions, Location: Install each unit level and accurately in position indicated in relation to other work; and maintain sufficient clearance for normal service and maintenance, but in no case less than that recommended by manufacturer. EXTRA STOCK: A. Provide one complete extra set of filters for each air handling system. If systcm is designed to include pre-filters and after- filters, provide only pre-filters. Install new filters at completion of air hudling system work, and prior to rcsting, adjusting, and balancing work. obtain receipt from owner that new filters have been installed. FIELD OUALITY CONTROL: A. Operate installed ductwork accessories to demonstrate compliance with requirements. Test for air leakage while system is operating. Repair or replace faulty accessories, as required to obtain proper operation and leakproof performance. B. Upon completion of installation of equipment and after motor has been energized with normal power source, test equipment to demonstnte compliance with requirements. AIRDISTRIBUTION 15800-l I DOBSONARENA DIVISION 15 SECTION I58OO - AIR DISTRIBUTION 3.t2 3.13 Where possible, field correct malfunctioning equipment, then retest to demonsrate compliance. -Replace equipment which canoot be satisfactorily oorrected. C. Upon completion of install,arion and prior to initial operation, rcst and demonstratc that air terminals, and duct coDnections to air terminds, are leak+ight. D. Repair or replace air terminals and duct connections as reguired to eliminate leals, and retest to demonstrate compliancc. @: A. General: Connect metal ductwork to equipmcnt as indicated, provide flexible connection for each ductwork connection to equipment mou ed on vibration isolators, and/or equipment containing rotating machinery. Provide access doors as indicated. ADJUSTING AND CLEANING: A. Clean ducnvork inrernally, unit by unit as it is installed, of dust and debris. Clean external surfaces of foreign substances which might cause corrosive deterioration of metd or, where ductwork is to be painted, might interfere with painting or cause paint deterioration. B. Temporary Closure: At ends of ducts which are not connected to equipment or air distribution devices at time of ductwork installation, provide temporary closure of polyethylene film or other covering which will prevent entrance of dust and debris until time connections arc to be completcd. C. Adjusting: Adjust ductwork accessories for proper settings, insall fusible liriks in fire dampers and adjust for proper action' 3.I4 SPAREPARTS: A. Furnish to Owner, with receipt, 3 operating keys for each type of air outlet and inlet that require them. Furnish to Owner, with receipt, one spare set of belts for each belt driven centrifugal fan. Furnish to Owner, with receipt, onc set of filters for each unit rcquiring filters. END OF SECTION I58OO I T I I I I I I I I I I T I T I I I B. c. 15800-12 AIRDISTRIBUTION I I I I t I t I I I I T I I I T DOBSONARENA DIVISION I5 SECTION 15840. }TYDRONIC RADIANT FLOOR HEATING AND SNOWMELTING I. PARTI.GENERAL I.I RELATEDDOCUMENTS: A. Drawings and general provisions of Connzct, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division I Specification sections, apply to work ofthis section B' Division 15 Basic Mechanical Materials & Methods sections apply to work of this secuon. Refer to Division 3 Concrete for structural requirements ofconcrete slabs. r.2 DESCRIPTION Qf WORK: Extent of snowrnelting work is indicated by drawings and schedules, and by requirernents of this section Types of snowmelting applications for this project include the following: l. Slab Snowmelting: Four inches (4") or greater in thickness. Refer to other Division l5 sections for punrps, piping, and other hydronic appurtenances; not work ofthis section. Refer to Division 15 Automatic Temperature controls for the following work; not work of this section. l. Interlock wiring between pumps, valves, and their respective field-insulled indicating and control devices. 1.3 QUALITY ASSURANCE: B. c. D. Manufacture/s Qualifications: Firms regularly engaged in the manufacturing of snowmelting products, of types and sizes required, whose products have been in satisfactory use in similar service for not less than five (5) yean, and provide a minimum of a nventy (20) year, non-prorated commercial warranty. t.4 CODES AND STANDARDS: B. c. tll- Compliance: Provide system tubing that has been listed by UL, and meets UL guide MEKC, File MH17193. Also, provide elecrrical components for snowmehing system which have been listed by Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. ASTM Testing: Provide snowrnelting tubing that is in accordance with portions or in whole ASTM #D-380, ASTM #D-471 and ASTM #D-412-E7 and others. IAPMO Compliance: Provide radianr floor heating and snowmelting tubing that is in accordance with IAPMO File 2774. BOCA Compliance: Provide radiant lloor heating and snowmelting tubing that is in accordance with BOCA File 90-61. T I I D. IIYDRONIC RADIANT FLOOR HEATING AND SNOWMELTING 15840-l DOBSON ARENA DIVISION 15 SECTION 15840. TIYDRONIC RADI,ANT FLOOR HEATING AND SNOWMELTINC 1.5 STJBMITTALS: I T I I T I I t Product Data: Submit manufactue/s specifications for snowmelting products showing dimensions, temperature capacities (both constant and intermittent), pressure ratings (both operating and burst), flow rates, oaterial composition, and bend radius. Shop Drawings: Submit show drawings within thirty (30) days of bid date showing representative radiant floor tube spacings and manifold locations on a per zone basis, apptopriate construction details, and field connection details. Include information on all parts of the system being provided by the manufacnrer. Control Sequence: Submit control manufacture/s sequence of operation for the radiant floor heating and snowmelting portions of this project, if not previously described in Division 15 Automatic Temperature Controls. Provide a written sequence describing operation and logic, along with a schematic wiring diagram. Maintenance Data: Submit maintenance instructions, including repair of damaged components, corrosion protection insmrctions, and a spare parts list. lnclude product data and drawings in accordance with requirements in Division l. t.6 DELIVERY. STORAGE AND HANDLING: Handle system components carefully to prevent damage, breaking or scoring. Do not install damaged system components; refer to manufactureis guidelines. Project architect to determine whether to repair or replace. Store snowmelting components so as to protect from physical damage, construction debris. Tubing shall be capable of rrithstanding exposure to direct sunlight without degradation for a period ofat least (60) sixty days prior to installation. Comply with manufacturels instructions for unloading radiant floor heating and snowmelting materials and components, and moving them to their final locations. PART2. PRODUCTS B. c. D. I I I I I T I I T I I 2.1 RADIANT SNOWMELT TI.JBING: A. General: Provide tubing lengths in locations as indicated; with capacities, sizes and spacings as indicated by drawings and/or schedules. Tubing shall be capable of withstanding temperature excursions of -35oF to 300'F at 100 psi intermittently without delamination or transfer of expansive forces to sunounding concrete. Tubing shall be U.L. listed to 180"F and warrantied in static hydronic heating applications to 200oF continuous use without detrimental effect. Operating pressures shall not be more than 100 psi between -35oF and l80oF. Burst pressure shall not be less than 800 psi at 70.F. Tubing shall be crush-proof, recovering its original cross-sectional area and shape \4'ithout assistsnce after intemrittent flattening due to constructio4 installatioq or site abuse. Tubing shall remain flexible to tempentures as low as -35'F. Tubing shall not support the spread offire and shall be self-extinguishing. MANIEQIDS: A. Brass Manifolds: Materials shall be of brass trunks fitted with brass base branches, brass ball valves, and brass tee branches; or fmed with brass barb branches. Connections shall be soldercd with a lead-free, high-strength solder. Manifolds shall be TTYDRONIC RADTANT FLOOR HEATING AND SNOWMELTING15840-2 B. 3.3 t l I t t I I T I I I T I I I I I I T DOBSONARENA DIVISION 15 SECTION 15840 - HYDRONIC RADIAM FLOOR HEATING AND SNOWMELTING fitted with ball valves (mini or standard) or zone vatves (electric or non-electric type) for flow control and/or isolation purposes as specified by drawings and/or scheduiis.' Manifolds are also fined with unions for acceptance of pressure test kits. Tubing shall be attached to manifold branches only by the manufacturels constant tension clamps and adhesive, according to manufacture/s recommen&tions. 3. PART3 - EXECTJTTON 3.1 INSPECTION: Examine areas and conditions in which the snowmelt tubing is to be installed. Do not proceed with work until unsatisfactory conditions have been conected in a rnanner acceptable to the installer, the architect/engineer, and./or the owner. 3.2 INSTALLATION OI SNOWMELT TUBING: General: Install tubing as indicated by architect/engineer on drawings, schedules, and specifications, in accordance with the manufacturer's installation instructions. Locate tubing in the service drive as indicated; cover areas continuously wall to wall of specified spacings unless otherwise indicated. Provide insulation in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.. Provide pressure testing of between 50 and 100 psi for a minimum of twenty-four (24) hours prior to, and during the concrete pour lor Slab applications. Provide access to the manifotd set. Minimum Bend Radius for Radiant Tubinq: %" l.D. = Three (3) inch radius 5/8" I.D. = Six (6) inch radius 3/8" I.D.= Four (4) inch radius '1" I.D. = Seven (7) inch radius %" l.D. = Five (5) inch radius I " I.D. = Twelve ( 12) inch radius END OF SECTION 15840 ADJUSTING AND CLEANING: A. General: After construction is completed (including painting), clean exposed surfaces and components inside cabinets and in mechanical rooms, where accessible according to manufacturer's instructions. Repair any damaged materials prior to system start-up. B. System Start-up and Balancing: Provide system start-up and balancing to ensure proper operation. check pumps for flows, valves for proper setting and opiratiorq and - waier temperatue and pressure levels in accordance with design specification and manufacturet's recommendations. System will operate properly for two (2) days before the owner and,/or the architecVengineer shall be required to certify system compliance. IIYDRONIC RADIANT FLOOR HEATING AND SNOWMELTING 15840-3 I I I I t I I I I I ] I I I I I I I T DOBSONARENA DIVISION 15 SECTION I59OO. TEMPERAruRE CONTROL SYSTEMS - ELECTRIC I. PART I -GENERAL I.I RELATEDDOCUMENTS: A. Drawings and general provisions of Conract, including General and Supplemenury Conditions and Division-l Specification scctions, apply to work of this section. B. Refer to Section 15010, Electric Wirine And Safetv Device Work And Material Resoonsibilities for electrical, mechanical and temperature control contractor coordination of responsibilities. 1.2 SUBMITTALS: A. Shop Drawings: Submit shop drawings for each system automatically controlled, containing the following information: l. Schematic flow diagram of system showing fans, pumps, coils, dampers, valves, and control devices. 2. Label each control device with setting or adjustable range of control. 3. Indicate factory and field wiring. 4, Indicate each control panel required, with internal and external wiring clearly indicated. Provide detail of panel face, including controls, instruments, and labeling. Include verbal description of sequence of operation. 2. PART2-PROpUCTS 2.1 ACCEPTABLEMANUFACTURERS: Siebe Environmental Controls Jobnson Controls, Inc. MCC Powers MATERIALS ANDESIPMEM: A. General: Provide electric conrol producs in sizes and capacities indicated, consisting of valves, dampers, thermosta$, clocls, sensors, controllers, and other components as required for complete installation. Except as otherwise indicated, provide manufacturer's startdard control system components as indicated by published product information, desigred and constructed as recommended by manufacturer. Provide electric control systems with the following functional and construction features as indicated. B. Control Valves: Provide factory-fabricated electrical control valves of type, body material and pressure class indicated. Where type or body material is not indicated, provide selection as determined by manufacturer for installation requirements and pressue class, based on maximum pressure and temperature rating of piping system. Except as otherwise indicated, provide valves which mate and match material of connecting piping. Equip control valves with control valve motors, and with proper shutoff ratings for each individual application. l. Watcr Service Valves: Equal percentage characteristics wirh rangeability of 50 to l, and rtaxinum full flow pressure drop of 3 psig. TEMPERATURE CONTROL SYSTEMS - ELECTNC 15900- I DOBSONARENA DIVISION I5 SECTION I59OO - TEMPERATURE CONTROL SYSTEMS - ELECTRJC 2. Single-Seated Valves: Cage type trim, providing searing and guiding surfaces for plug on 'rop and botrom'guided plugs. 3. Double-Seated Valves: Balanccd plug-type, with cage tpe trim providing seating and guiding surfaces for plugs on "top and bonom" guided plugs, 4, Valve Trim and Stems: Polished staintess steel. 5. Packing: Spring-loadedTeflon,self-adjusting. 6, Termind Unit Control Valves: Provide control valves for control of terminal units including, but not necessarily liurircd to, convectors, finned tube radiation, and fan-coil units that arc of integral motor type, provide 2-position or modulating type valves, electrically acoared by linc voltage of 120-v. Dampers: Provide automatic control dampers as indicated, with damper frames not less than formed l3-ga galvanizcd steel. Provide mounting holes for enclosed duct mounting. Provide damper blades not less than formed l6-ga galvanized steel, with maximum blade width of 8'. Equip dampers with motors, with proper rating for each application. l. Secure blades to l/2' diameter zinc-plated axles using zinc-plated hardware. Seal off against spring stainless steel blade bearings. Provide blade bearings of nylon and provide thrust bearings at each cnd of every blade. Construct blade linkage hardware of zinc-plated steel and brass. Submit leakage and flow characteristics, plus size schedule for controlled dampers. 2. Operating Temperature Range: From -20 ro 200.F. 3. For sundard applicarions as indicarcd, provide parallel or opposed blade design (as selected by manufacturcr's sizing techniques) with oprional closed-cell neoprene edging. 4. For low-leakage applications as indicated, provide parallel or opposed blade design (as selected by manufacturer's sizing techniques) with inflatable seal blade edging, or replaceable rubber seals, rated for leakage at less than l0 cfm/sq. ft. of damper area, at differential pressure of 4. w.g. when damper is being held by torque of 50 inch-pounds. 5. Provide unit ventilator outside air dampers with adjustable minimum settings so that ventilation can be adjusted for each space or room. Damper and Valve Motors: Size each motor to operate dampers or valves with sufficient reserve powcr to provide smooth modulating sction or 2-position action as specified. l. Provide permanent split+apacitor or shaded pole type motors with gear trains completely oil-immersed and sealed. Equip spring-return motors, where indicated on drawings or in operadonal sequence, with integral spiral-spring mechanism. Fumish entire spring mechanism in housings desigred for easy removal for service or adjustment of limit switches, auxiliary switches, or TEMPERATURE CONTROL SYSTEMS . ELECTRIC c. I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I T I I D. 15900-2 F. I I I I T t I I I t I t I T I l I I t DOBSONARENA DIVISION 15 SECTION I59OO - TEMPERATURE CONTROL SYSTEMS - ELECTRIC feedback potentiometer. 2. Equip motors for outdoor locations and for outside air intakes with .O ring. gaskets designcd to make motors completely weatherproof, and equip with internal heaters to pcrmit normal operation at -40oF (-40.C). 3, Furnish non-spring return motors for dampers larger than 25 sq. ft., and for valves larger than2-ll2', sized for running torque rating of 150 inch-pounds, and breakaway torque rating of 300 inch-pounds. Size spring-relurn motors for running rorque rating of 150 inch-pounds, and breakaway torgue rating of 150 inch-pounds. Room Thermostats: Provide room rhermostats with locking covers, and with concealed or readily-accessible adjustment devices and dead band, as indicated. l. Provide thermostats with red-reading glass or spiral bi- metallic thermometers. 2. Where indicated, provide heavy-dury "asylum rype., clear ptastic, or wire tamper-proof guards. 3. Line-Voltage On-Off Thermostats: Provide thermostats of bi- metal actuated open contact, or bellows actuated enclosed snap-switch rype, or equivalent solid-state type; UlJisred at electrical raring comparable with application. Provide bimetal rhermostars which employ heat anticiparion. Equip thermostats which control electric heating loads directly, with Off position on dial wired to break ungrounded conductors. 4. Combination Thermostat and Fan Switches: Comply with requirements for line-voltage thermostats. In addition, include as integral part of each tbermostat, 2-, 3-, or 4- position push-button or lever operated manual switch for control of fan in each unit with type of control as indicated. a. Label switches "fan on-off" ,fan highJow-off", "fan high_ med_low_off". Provide factory-fabricared unit, capable of being mounted on 2_ gang swirch box or mud ring. 5. l,ow-Voltage On-Off Thermostats: Comply with general requiremenr indicated for line-voluge thermostats. provide thermostats of bimetal op€rated mercury-switch type, with either adjustable or fixed universal anticipation heater. 6. lnw-Voltage Modulating Thermostats: hovide potentiometer rype, operated by vapor-filled bellows. Remote-Bulb rhermostats: Provide remote-bulb thermostats of onoff or modulating type' as required by sequence of operation. Provide liquid-filled unirs designed to compensate for changes in ambient temperah[e at instrument case. provide capillary and bulb ofcopper'nless otherwise indicated. Equip bulbs in water lines with separate wells of same material as bulb. Support bulbs installed in air ducts securely, to pievent damage and noise from vibrations, Provide averaging butbs where shown or specified in operational sequence, consisting of copper tubing nor less than 8,4, ir length wirh TEMPERATURE CONTROL SYSTEMS - ELECTRIC 15900-3 DOBSONARENA DIVISION 15 SECTION I59OO - TEMPERATURE CONTROL SYSTEMS - ELECTRIC either singlc or multiple-unit elements. Extend tubing to cover full width of duct or unit, and support adequately. l. Provide scale senings and differential settings wherc applicablc, which are clearly visible and adjustable from front of insuument. 2. Equip on-off remote-bulb thermostats with precision snap switches, and with electrical ratings as reguired by application, 3, Providc modulating remote-bulb thermostats of potentiometer type constructcd so that complete potentiometer coil and wiper assembly is removable for inspection or rcplacement witttout disturbing calibration of instrument. Low-Temperature Protection Thermostals: Provide low+emperanre protection thermostats of manual-reset type, with sensing elements 8'4" or 20'4' in length. Provide thermostat designed to operarc in response to coldest l'-0" length of sensing element, rcgardless of temperature at other pans of element. Support element properly to cover entire duct widrh. Provide se?arale thermostats for each 25 sq. ft. of coil face area or fraction tbereof. Photohelic Smoke Detectors: For each air handling unit and air system with capacity of 2,000 cftn or greater, provide ULlisted photohelic smoke detectors in main supply and/or return air ducts, and/or where indicated. Connect detectors into control circuits to stop fans in eve of presence of smoke. Clocks: Provide time clocks specified as part of temperature control sequences, of 7- day, Z-hour type, with wcckend or skip-aday features. Equip time clocks with l0- hour spring carryover to maintain clock movement in case of power failure. Step Controllers: Provide step conuollers for control sequencing or for control of electric heat power loads, of 6 or l0-stage rype, with heavy-duty switching rated to handlc loads, Ul.listed and operated by electric motors of quality specified for valve and damper acoatioD. Electronic Sensors: Provide electronic temperature and relative humidity sensors of supersensitive resistance type, which are vibration and corrosion-resistant, and of wall mounted immersion, duct mounting, averaging or bulb type as required for application. Electronic Controllers: Provide elecronic controllers of 'Wheatstone Bridge" amplifier type, designed as individual components and fully protected by steel enclosures. Provide individual controllcrs of multiple-input type with provisions for remote resistance type readjustment. Identify adjustments clearly on controllers, including proportional band, authority, etc. l.Where single electronic controller is required for specific application, it can be built-in as integral part of control motor, but only where provided with easily accessible control readjustment potentiometer. Provide 2-position proportional electric controller power output as required by specified sequence of operations. Elecuic Heat Currcnt Controllers: Accomplish swirching of load current with TEMPERATURE CONTROL SYSTEMS - ELECTRIC I I I T I ; I I t I I J G. J. I t t t I I Ir 5900-4 N. I t I I il I I l. ,) J. 4. 5. o. P. t I I T t, I l I I T I t DOBSONARENA DIVISION I5 SECTION I59OO. TEMPERATURE CONTROL SYSTEMS - ELECTRIC semiconductor devices located in load circuit of operation controller, and not by mechanical or mercury relays, Provide controllers which operate oD zero-voltage switching principle, to minimize radio frequency interferencc; do not substitute devices incorporati4g pbase control firing. Anange power controllers, for loads of lO-kw or larger, for 3-phase operation. Incorporate solid-state switch for loads of 48-amps per pbase or larger, in each ungrounded line of load circuit. l. Refer to heating equipment specifications for integral high temperanue limit controllers. Electric Contacrors: Provide contactors for operating or limit-control of electric heating loads which are Ul-listed for 100,000 cycles of resistive loads. Equip with replaceable molded coils and replaceable silver cadmium oxide contacts. Coat core laminations with heat-resistanl inorganic film to reduce core losses. Provide line and load terminals on contactors with higher-than-35-amp rating, or provide one-piece formed-and-welded pressure type. Provide screw-type contactors for 35-amp-orJower rating. Equip field-mounted contactors with suitable steel enclosures; and provide open-type mounting for those installed in factory- fabricated panels. Water Flow Switches: Provide water flow switches of stainless steel or bronze paddle types. Where flow switches are used in chilled water applications, provide vapor-proof type to prevent condensation of electrical switch. Provide pressure-flow switches of bellows actuated mercury type or snap-acting type, with appropriate scale range and differential adjustment for service indicated. Local Control Panels: Provide control panels with suitable brackets for either wall or floor mounting, for each supply fan and miscellaneous control systems. l,ocate panel adjacent to systems served. Fabricate panels of l4-ga furniture-quality steel, or 6063-T5 extruded aluminum alloy, totally enclosed, wift hinged doors and keyed lock, with manufacturer's standard shop-painted finish and color. Provide Ul-listed cabinets for use with line voltage devices. Panel Mounted Equipment: Include temperature and humidity controllers, relays and automatic switches, except exclude low-temperature protection trermostats, firestats, and other devices excluded in sequance of operation. Fasten devices with adjustments accessible through front of panels. Door-Mounted Equipment: Flush-mount (on hinged door) manual switches, including damper "minimum-ofP positioning switches,'summer-winter" switches, and "manual-automatic" switches; and including dial thermometers. Graphics: Where specified, provide color-coded graphic laminated plastic displays on doors, to schematically show system being controlled. Provide protective sheet of clear plastic bonded to entire door to prevent damage to symbols. Provide standard steel cabinets as required to contain temperature controllers, relays, switches, and similar devices, except limit controllers and other devices excluded in sequence of operations. Frovide full-enclosure cabinets, with painted gray finish. TEMPERAruRE CONTROL SYSTEMS - ELECTRIC 15900-5 DOBSONARENA DIVISION 15 SECTION I59OO. TEMPERATURE CONTROL SYSTEMS. ELECTRIC a. Central (Master) Control Panels: Provide central control panels of fully+nclosed steel cubical type" with locking doors and/or locking removable backs. Match linish of panels and provide multi- color graphic displays, schematically showing system being controlled. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.I SEOUENCEOFOPERATION: A. Unit Heater Control: l. Provide single-temperature room thermostat to cycle fan and position a 2- position conFol valve to maintain constant space temperature. B. Cabinet Unit Heater Control: l. Provide room thermostat to modulate 2 or 3 position control valve as scheduled to maintain constant space temperature. Fan motor to be controlled by time clock with adjustable occupied/unoccupied owner provided schedule. C. Pumps: t. P-r: a. Energitn P-l whencver the snowmelt sensor calls for heat. D. Air Handling Unit Control (DX Cooling, Hot Water Heating): l. Provide a room thermostat Oeat-auto-off-cool) with fan "on-auto" switch which shall energize the fan, modulate the 3 way hot water control valve and stage the compressor in response to the set point. 2. When fan is de.encrgized, lock out the DX cooling. E. AHU-I Control (DX Cooling, Hot Water Heating): l. Unit shall be energized from cenral time clock. Occupied Mode: Supply fan runs continuously, OSA damper opens to a fixed minimum position. RA/OSA dampers modulate in response to economizer controls to maintain 55'F mixed air temperature. Unoccupied Mode: Supply fan stops the OSA damper closes, and the 3-way valves open to the coil. Heating Coil: A discharge air sensor shall modulate a 3-way valve to maintain 80oF discharge air temperature. Cooling: The condensing unit will energize and stage according to the load to maintain a 55'F discharge air temperature, I I t I 3.I I I I I I I I I I I T T I I 5. 4. 5 1s900-6 TEMPERATURE CONTROL SYSTEMS . ELECTRIC B. c. D. E. F. B. c. I I I I I I I I t I ,l I I I I I I l t DOBSONARENA DIVISION 15 SECTION I59OO. TEMPERATURE CONTROL SYSTEMS - ELECTRIC 3.2 3.3 INSTALLATION OF ELECTRIC CONTROL SYSTEMS: INSPECTION: Examine areas and conditions under which clectric control systems are to be installed. Do not proceed with work until unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected in manner acceptable to Installer. General: Insull systems and materials in accordance with manufacturer's insructions and roughing-in drawings, and details on drawings. Install electrical components and use electrical products complying with requirements of applicable Division-16 sections of these specifications. Mount controllers at convenient locations and heighs. Control Wiring: The term 'control wiring' is dehned to include providing of wire, conduit and miscellaneous materials as required for mounting and connecting electric control devices. Wiring System: Install complete control wiring system for electric control systems. Conceal wiring, except in mechanical rooms and areas where other conduit and piping are exposed. Provide multi- conductor instrument harness @undle) in place of single conductors where number of conductors can be mn along common path. Fasten flexible conductors bridging cabinets and doors, neatly along hinge side, and protect against abrasion. Tie and support conductors neatly. Number-code or color-code conductors, excluding those used for local individual room controls, appropriately for future identification and servicing of control system. Reset Limit Controls: Install manual-reset limit controls to be independent of power controllers; automatic duct heater resets may, at Contractor's option, be installed in interlock circuit of power controllers. Unit-Mounted Equipment: Where control devices are indicated to be unit-mounted, ship electric relays, electric switches, valves, dampers, and damper motors to unit manufacturer for mounting and wiring at factory. 3.4 ADJUSTING AND CLEANING: Start-Up: Starr-up, test, and adjust elecuic control systems in presence of manufacturer's authorized representative. Demonstrate compliance with requirements. Replace damaged or malfunctioning controls and equipmetrt. Cleaning: Clean factory-finished surfaces. Repair any marred or scratched surfaces with manufacturer's touch-up paint, Fin"l Adjustment: After completion of installatioo, adjust thermostats, coutrol valves, motors and similar equipment provided as work of this section. 1. Firul adjustmcnt shall be performed by specially trained personnel in direct employ of manufacturer of primary teEperanEe control system. TEMPERATURE CONTROL SYSTEMS . ELECTRIC 15900-7 DOBSONARENA DIVISION 15 SECTION I59OO. TEMPERATURE CONTROL SYSTEMS. ELECTRIC 3.5 CLOSEourl$!pp!$: A. Owncr's Instructions: Provide scrvices of manufacturer's tecbnical representadve for one 8-hour day !o insmrct Owner's personnel in operation and mainrcnance of electric control systems. l. Schedule instnrction with Owner, provide at least Tday notice to Contractor and Enginecr of training darc. END OF SECTION I59OO 15900-8 TEMPERATURE CONTROL SYSTEMS . ELECTRIC t.J 1.4 I t I I ! I I I t I I t I t t I I I DOBSON ARENA DIVISION 15 SECTION 15990 - TESTING, ADJUSTING AND BALANCING PART I - GENERAL l.l RELATED DOCIIMENTS: lrawings and general provisions of Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division-l Specification sections, apply to work ofthis section t.2 MLATEDWORK: I OUALITY ASSTJRANCE: A. Testet's Qualifications: Firm with at least S-years of successful resting adjusting and balancing experience on projects with testing and balancing requirements similar to those required for this project. OUALIFICATIONS QI CONTRACTOR: A. The Mechanical Contractor shall procure the services of an independent testing and balancing agency specializing in the testin& adjusting and balancing of environmental systens to perform the above mentioned work resting and balancing work shall be DIRECTLY PERFORMED and the results CERTIFIED By a Registered Professional Engineeq or a NEBB certified Balancing Supervisor. The Engineer or NEBB supervisor shall represent the balancing finn in progress meetings as required, and shall be available for interpreting all material found in the balance reDon. All individuals involved in actual testing and balancing shall be a Registered Professional Engineer or a NEBB cenified Supenrisor. B. Codes and Standards. L NEBB Compliance: Comply with NEBB's ,,procedural Standards for Testing Adjusting and Balancing of Environmental Systems,, as applicable to mechanical air and hydronic distribution systerns, and associated equipment Extent oftesting, adjusting and balancing work required by this section is indicated by requirements of this section; and is defined to include, but is not necessarily lirnited to, air distribution systems, hydronic distribution systems, and associated equipment and apparstus of mechanical work. The work consists of setting speed and volume (flow) adjusting facilities provided for systems, recording data, conducting tests, preparing and submitting reports, and reconmending modifications to work as required by contract documents. Component types of testing, adjusting, and balancing specified in this section includes, but is not limited to, the following as applied to rnechanical equipment: l. Fans. 2. Air-handling units. 3. Ductwork systems. 4. Pumps. 5. Piping systems. 6. Cabinet heaters. 7 . Unit heaters. 8. Hot water recirculating pumps TESTING, ADJUSTING AND BALANCING 15990-l DOBSON ARENA DIVISION 15 SECTION I5DO - TESTING. ADJUSTING AND BALANCING I t t.5 and apparatus. 2. AAbC Compliance: Comply with AABC's Manual MN-l "AABC National Standards", as applicable to mechanical air and hydronic distribution systerns, and associarcd equipment and apparanrs. 3. Industry Standards: Comply with chapter 34 of ASHRAE 1995 Applications pertaining to measur€ments, instnrments, and testing adjusting, and balancing except as otherwise indicated- APPROVAL QE CONTRACTOR: A. TAB finns acceptable to do the work are: Air-Right, Inc. Griflith Engineering Service Co. JPG Engineering TAB Services Westem Air Balance Complete Mechanical Balancing B. Any TAB finn, other than those listed above, desiring to offer their services for this work shall submit their qualifications to the Engineer, not less than seven (7) calendar days before the bid date. Their submittals shall include the name(s) and Professional Engineer stamp(s) of the enginee(s) who will be PEB&B,MINC the testing and balancing copies of each Superviso(s) certilicate shall be included in the submittals. This subminal of qualifications will be reviewed by the Engineer. The Engineer will then approve or disapprove of this TAB finn based on these qualifications. STJBMIfiALS: A. Submit certified test rcpons, signed by Test and Balance Supewisor who performed TAB work. ln additiorl have report certified by Professional Engineer who is familiar with TAB work and also u'ith project, and who is registered in jurisdiction wherc testing is being conducted. B. Include identilication and types of instruments used, and their most recent calibration date with submission of final test rcport C. Submit biographical data on Engineer who is to directly supervise testing, adjusting and balancing work- JOB CONDITIONS: A. Do not proceed with testing adjusting and balancing work until work has been completed and is operable. Ensure that there is no latent residual work still to be completed. B. Do not proceed until work scheduled for testing adjusting, and balancing is clean and free from debris, dirt, and discarded building materials. Put all heating ventilating and air conditioning systems and equipment into full TESTING, ADJUSTING AND BALANCING I I I t I I I I I I I I 1.6 I I I t I t.7 1599G,2 2. T I I I I t I I I I I T I t t t t l I DOBSON ARENA DIVISION 15 SECTION 15990. TESTING, ADJUSTING AND BALANCING operation and continue operation of same during each working day of testing andbalancing' Preliminary TAB requirements shall be ascenained prior tJ the coruxrencement of work tbrough a review of available plans and specifications for the projecr In addition" visual observations at the site during constnrction shall be made to determine the location of required batancing devices and that they are being installed properly for the need. D. Before any air balance work is done, the system shall be checked for duct leakage, assure filters are installed, see that filters are changed ifthey are diny, check for corrict fan rotation, equipment vibration, and check automatic dampers for proper operation. All volume control dampers and outlets shall be wide open at this time. E. Before any hydronic balancing work is done, the system shall be checked for plugged strainers, proper pump rotation, proper control valve installation and operadon, air locks, proper system static pressure to assure a full systenr, proper flow meter and check valve installation. All throttling devices and controt valves shall be open at this time. I.8 INSPECTION OF THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS: A. The Test and Balance contractor shalt request Aom the Division l5 contractor a set of documents so that he can review his ability to balance the mechanical system. If any ponion of the system cannot be balanced due to its configuration, a report shall bL issued to the Division 15 contractor pointing out those areas where proper balancing will be impossible to achieve, PART2. PRODUCTS 2.1 PATCHING MATEzuALS: A. Except as otherwise indicated, use same products as used by original Installer for patching holes in insulatio4 ducwork and housings which have been cut or drilled for test purposes, including access for test instmments, attachingjigs, and similar purposes. I' At Testet's optioq plastic plugs with retainers may be used to patch drilled holes in ductwork and housings. 2.2 TEST INSTRUMENTS: A. utilize test instruments and equipment for TAB work required, of qpe, precision, and capacity as recommended in the following TAB standards: l. NEBB's Procedural Standards for Testing, Adjusting and Balancing of Environmental Systems. 2. AABC's Manual MN-l "AABC National Standards',. PART3 - EXECTJTION 3.1 Examine irstalled work and conditions under which testing is to be done to ensure that work has been completed, cleaned, and is operable. Do not proceed with TAB work until unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected in manner acceptable to Tester. TESTING, ADJUSTING AND BALANCING 1599G3 DOBSON ARENA DIVISION 15 SECTION 15990 - TESTING, ADJUSTING AND BALANCING ITEM l. All Fans: Belt Drive 2. Motor Starter 3. Thennal Heaters I I 3.3 Tesg adjust and balance environmental systems and components, as indicated, in accordance with procedures outlined in applicable srandards. Tesg adjust and balance system during surnmer season for air conditioning systems and during winter season for heating systenE, including at least period of operation at outside conditions within 5 deg.F wet bulb temperature of maximum summer desigr condition, and within l0 deg.F dry bulb temperature of minimum winter desigr condition When seasonal operation does not permit measuring final temperatures, thetr take final temperature readings when seasonal operation does permil Balance all air and water flows to terminals within + l0T" to -5o/o of design flow quantities. Measure and record the following data. AIRBALANCE: A. Air supply, return and exhaust systems s'ith air quantities for each air device; air handling units including supply, retunr, mixed, and outside temperatures and fan data including CFM, static pressure, fan RPM, motor running and full load amperage beforc and after final balance. Air diffusion patterns shall be set to minimize obiectional drafts and noise. B. The supply, rctum and exhaust fan static pressure shall be set by the balancing firm and the control contractor if the systems have fan volume control dampers. The duct static shall be confirmed both tluough the instrumenration installed on the job and by the balancing contractor. The system shall be tested in all operation modes (full return air, full outside air, modulated damper positio4 full cooling). Amperages shall be recorded in all modes. The fan speed resulting in satisfactory system performance shall be determined at full design delivery. Inlet or outlet fan volume control dampers shall be in the wide open position and one path presenting the geatest resistance to flow shall be fully open and unobstructed. Final adjustments shall include, but not be limited to, the following: I I I I t ! ) I 3.4 3.5 ADJUSTMENT RPM. Include sheave and belt exchange to deliver air flow within limits of installed motor horsepower and mechanical stress limits of the fan Determine the limiting fan tip speed before increasing RPM. Final fan speed setting shall allow for predicted filter loading and shall establish proper duct pressures for operation of zone CFM rcgulaton. Mechanical Contractor Fumished Magnetic and Manual Starten. Furnish and exchange thermals as required for proper motor protectiorl t, I I I I t I I I1599G4TESTING, ADruSTING AND BALANCING I D. D. E. F. 3.6 I t I T I t t I I I I I ! I I t I DOBSON ARENA DIVISION 15 SECTION T5990 - TESTING. ADJUSTING AND BALANCING D. Patch holes in insulation, ductwork, and housings, which have been cut or drilled for test purposes, in trranner recommended by original Insaller. IIYDRONIC BALANCE: Inlet and outlet water temperatues of all air handling unit coils, unit heaters, unit ventilators, convectors, finned tube radiatio4 and other heat release equipment, as well as the corresponding media flows. Boiler inlet and leaving water temperatures reset supply temperature (ifapplicable), gas flow rate and flue gas analysis. The flue gas analysis shall be a copy of the manufacturer's analysis report, if available. All circulating pump flow rates, pressures, running amperage, and full toad amperage at design flow and shut-ollf conditions. The hydronic system shall be proportionally balanced being certain thar the path to one terminal is fully open. Total system flow shall be adjusted at the pump by restricting the discharge balancing valve. If the pump must be severely restricted the irnpeller rnay have to be trimmed. This decision will be the responsibility of the contractor, supplier, and the mechanical engineer. )-t REPORTffWORK: Submit six (6) bound copies of the final testing and balancing report at teast 15 days prior to the Mechanical Contracto/s request for final inspection All data shall be recorded on applicable reporting forms. The report shall include all operating data as listed in sections above, a list of all equipment used in the testing and balancing wor! and shall be signed by the supervising engineer and aflixed with his certification seal. Final acceptance ofthis project will not take place until a satisfactory lepon is received. When deemed necessary by the mechanical consulting Engineer, the Test & Balance finn shall run temperature and/or humidity recordings and shall read any of the report quantities in the presence ofthe engineer for verification purposes. When all balancing is done and all dampers are set, all test holes shall be plugged and all dampen shall be marked. The following infomrarion shall be recorded in the final report: Design inlet or outlet size, actual inlet or outlet size, design CFM and velocity through the orifice, for each terminal in the system. The pitot tube traverse method for determining CFM shall be used and recorded wherever possible. Hydronic systems with meters: The system shall be balanced proportionally using the flow meten. On completion of the balance, the following information shall be recorded in the repor* Flow meter size and brand, required flow rate and prcssure drop, valve settings on meters with a readable scale, flow rate in both full coil flow and full bypass modes. Hydronic systems without meters (thermal or terminal rated prcssure drop balance): the system shall be balanced proportionally to the teminal ratings. On completion of the balance the following information shall be recorded in the report: Design entering and TESTING, ADruSTING AND BAI.ANCING 15990-5 I DOBSON ARENA DTVISION 15 SECTION 15990 - TESTING, ADJUSTING AND BALANCING 3.8 3.9 leaving water temperature/prcssure drop, final balance entering and leaving water temperaturc/pressurc drop. when all hydronic balancing is done, all vatves shall be marked or the locking rings set. Control valve blaass loops shall be set wi0r the balancing valve to provide equai flow in either mode. Confirm in writing. After all balancing is complete and all coordination with the contractor and the engineer is complete, furnish a bound report which shall contain the following information: l. RPM, drive sheave information (as installed and as changed), fan nameplate informatio4 motor nameplate information, and amperage and voltage to all motors (in all operating modes). 2, Static pressure across all components ofthe system. 3, Required and final balanced CFM at each system terminal and velocities read to attain the CFM. 4. Pump and motor nameplate information, amperage and voltage to alt motors, prcssure drop across all system terminals, prcssure rise across the pump in pSI and feet of head. 5. Thennal protection for all motors shall be recorded. Starter brand, model, enclosure 6Ae, installed thermal heaters and the rating ofthe heaters, required thermal heaten and the rating of the heaten if different than installed shall be recorded. If the staners werc fumished by the mechanical contractor, the heaters shall be changed to the correct size and so noted in the report. If the starters were furnished by the electrical contractor, the correct heater sizes shall be noted in the report and the electicat contractor shall be advised. 6. The report shall include a sheet which shall report the method of balance, project altitude, and any correction factors used in the calculations. 7. A reduced set of contnct drawings shall be included in the report with all terminals (VAV boxes, outles, inlets, coils, unit heaters, fintube loops, radiant panel loops, etc.) clearly marked and all equipment designated. GUARANTEEOE WORK: A. Guarantee the tests and balance for a period of 90 days from date offinal acceptance of the test and balance report. During this period, the TAB contractor shall make personnel available at no cost to the owner to correct deficiencies in the balance. ADDITIONAL INSTRUCTIONS: A. General: Upon final completion ofthe job, the mechanical contractor shall schedule one full day with the ownefs representative and mechanical engineer to review each component of the mechanical system and to insruct the owne/s representative on proper operation and maintenance of the system. The temperature control contractor shall be present to review all tempenture control systems. I t I t I I I I I I t I I I l, t I15990-6 TESTING, ADJUSTING AND BAI.N,NCING t I I T l I I I I t I t I 0 I I I I I DOBSON ARENA DIVISION 15 SECTION 15990 - TESTING, ADJUSTING AND BALANCING B. Mark equipment settings, including damper controt positions, valve indicators, fan speed control levers, and similar connols and devices, to show final settings at completion of TAB work. Provide markings with paint or other suitable permanent identifi cation materials. C. Prepare report of recommendations for corecting unsatisfactory mechanical performances when system cannot be successfutly balanced; including where necessary, modifications which exceed requirements of contract documents for mechanical work. D. Retest, adjust, and balance systems subsequent to significant system modifications, and resubmit test results. 3.IO RETAINAGE: A' Contract palnnent retainage will be withheld against the Mechanical Contractor until the final completion ofthis section of work has been demonstrated by the subrnission ofthe TAB report and an evaluation of its contents has been made by the Engineer. END OF SECTION 15990 TESTING, ADruSTING AND BALANCING t599G7 A. B. D. B. t.02 1.03 I I ! I t t I t I I ! 1 ! I I I I I t GGA#992328 PART I l.0l A. B. 0utaot SECTION 16010 BASIC ELECTRICAL REQUIREMENTS GENERAL STJMMARY The General conditions of the conffact, supplementary conditions of the General contract, and requirements of other Divisions apply to work under this Division. Provide labor, materials, temporary facilities, equipment and services to install electrical systems as indicated or required, which includes but is not limited to, masonry excavation and backfill, concrete, carpenfy, painting, conduit sleeves and supports' anchors, vibration and sound isolation, access doors, cutting and patching, and similar work. Provide temporary electricity for electrical work and the work of other trades. QUALITY ASSURANCE The manufacturer's material or equipment listed fint in the Specifications or on the Drawings are t)pes to be prclvided for establishment of size, capacity, grade and quality. Additional manufacturers materials or equipment listed are considered to be "other acceptable" manufacturers, and the cost of changes in constnrction required by their use shall be borne by this Contractor. Review of Submittals for equipment supplied is mandatory as a condition of acceptance of work. Installation of equipment prior to review shall be at Contractor's risk. F4uipment and all its components shall be year 2000 compatible. INTENT AND INTERPRETATIONS It is the intent of these Drawings and Specifications to result in a complete electrical installation in complete accordance with applicable codes and ordinances. Drawings are diagrammatic in character and do not necessarily indicate every required junction box, pull box, ell, etc. Items not specifically mentioned in the specification or noted on the Drawings, but which are obviously necessary to make a complete working installation, shall be included. 16010-1 B ASIC FT FCTRICAL REQIJIREMENTS GGA #992328 L I I I t I I I I I I a I l I I I I I I c. D. F. G. J. 0uruol Drawings and Specifications are complementary. 'Whatever is called for in either is binding as though called for in both. The more stringent requirements shall govern. Drawings shall not be scaled for rough-in measurements or used as shop drawings. Whcrc drawings are required for these purposes or have to be made from field measurements, take the necessary measurements and prepare the drawings. Symbols used on the Drawings are defincd in the Electrical kgend on the Drawings. Symbols indicated on the IJgend may not necessarily be required for the Project. Prior to ordering equipment, determine that equipment shall adequately pass through building openings and passage ways providing unobstructed access to final equipment location. Equipment shall be manufactured and shipped in sections for assembly in final equipment location when inadequate building openings and passage ways limit access. Submittals shall indicate sectionalized manufacturing of equipment. Before ordering equipment and before work is installed, determine that equipment shall properly fit the space; that required clearances can be maintained and that electrical equipment can be located without interferences between systems, with structural elements or with the work of other trades. If conflicts are discovered in Contract Documents as work progresses, a set of prints marked with red pencil showing recommended modifications shall be submitted to the Architect for approval prior to installation. The Drawings indicate the general arrangement of circuits and outlets, locations of switches, panelboards and other work. However, reatrangement and recircuiting shall not be permitted without specific acceptance. Incidental equipment such as tools, scaffolding, consumable items, testing equipment, appliances and the like shall be provided whether listed or not. I-abor, fees, licenses, start-up and checkout services shall also be provided. The terms "the Contractor" or "this Contractor" when used in this Division of specifications, shall be construed to mean Contractor for electrical work. Instnrctions such as "provide the outlets..." shall mean the same as though the words "This Contractor shall" preceded each instruction. "Provide" shall mean "fumish and install." Wherc the words "accepted" or "acceptable" are used, such "accepted" or "acceptable" action by the Architect denotes that the work or equipment item is in conformance with the design concept of the Project and, in general, complies with the pertinent information given in the Contract Documents. 16010-2 BASIC Fr FCIRICAL REQLIIREI\4ENTS B. D. B. c. D. B. 1.05 r.06 t I T I I I t I I I I t I I I I I I I GGA#992328 r.04 0araor In the event that discrepancies exist or required items or details have been omitted, notify the Architect in writing of such discrepancy or omission at least five days prior to bid date. Failure to do so shall be construed as willingness to supply necessary materials and labor required for the proper completion of this work. JOB CONDMONS Examine the premises and become familiar with existing conditions prior to bidding. No allowance shall subsequently be made for not following this procedure. Protect work, materials, and equipment against theft, injury, or damage until it has been installed, tested, and accepted. Be responsible for damage to the property of the owner or to the work of other trades due to the electrical work during the construction and warranty period. Ascertain the scope of other trades' responsibilities and determine if the installation of proposed equipment shall affect the operation or code compliance of existing equipment. Relocate, modify or otherwise revise existing equipment as required to maintain operational integrity and code compliance. REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS Errors and omissions in the Contract Documents do not relieve the Contractor from providing the work in accordance with regulatory requirements. Execute and inspect work in accordance with underwriten, local and state codes, rules and regulations applicable to the trade affected as a minimum, but if the plans or specifications call for requirements that exceed these rules and regulations, the greater requirement shall be followed. Follow requirements of UBC, UFC, NFPA, NEC, OSHA, NEMA, ANSI, UL, E[,A./TIA, and applicable srate, local or federal specifications. comply with standards in effect at the date of these contract Documents, except where a standard or specific date or edition is indicated. Conform to guidelines and requirements of local utility companies. PERMITS ANDFEES Obtain permits required for the electrical work on this Project. Pay fees, including permit fees. 16010-3 B ASIC ELECTRICAL REQI'IREMENTS GGA#992328 1.07 1.08 I t I t t I I D. 02naor No work shall be started prior to obtaining necessary permits and payment of required fe1. work installed prior to obtaining proper permits shall, if required by permitting authority, be redone in compliance with requirements. Notations made on' permit or rcview documents shall be observed. Additional requirements noted by jurisdictional authority shall be made part of the requirements for construction of the Project. Additional costs for implementing jurisdictional authority's requirements, if any, shall be submitted to the Architect prior to construction forrcview. SI,JBSTITUI|IONS Material and equipment used in bids shall be as specified. Proposed substitutions shall be reviewed after award of contract during submittal review. Submittals shall include data necessary for complete evaluation of the proposed substitution. Substitution materials and equipment used in bids shall be at contractor's risk, and as such are subject to rejection during submittal review. The Contractor shall be responsible for fees for re-design incurred by the Engineer resulting from the use of substitution materials. Such extra fees shall be deducted from payment to the Contractor. Where "other acceptable" manufacturers are named, their products may be used provided they totally meet the specifications and are dimensionally suitable and operationally identical to the specified item. The decision as to whether or not such items are equal to the specified items shall be made by the Architect during submittal review. SI.JBMTTAI.S The purpose of Submittals is to ensure that Contractor understands design requirements and demonstrates understanding by indicating and detailing intended materials, methods, and proper installation practices. Submittals and Shop Drawings are not a method of requesting substitutions or deviation from specifications. If discrepancies between Submittals and Contract Documents are discovered either prior to or after Submittals are reviewed, requirements of Contract Documents shall take precedence. submittals which are submitted, but which are not required by Contract Documents, shall be retumed Not Reviewed. Review of Submittals and action recommended as result of review is a courtesy extended to Contractor by Owner's representative. This review is intended to minimize delivery to job site and installation of materials and equipment that do not meet intent of construction Documents. Submission of material for review does not alter Contractor's obligation to follow intent of Construction Documents, nor Contractor's responsibility to comply therewith. B. I I I T t T I I I I I t B. 160104 BASIC ELECTRICAL REQUIREMENTS .f.. 4. D. F. c. I I I t I t I I I I I I t I I I t I t GGA#992328 0uruor submit a schedule indicating items to be submitted with respective dates prior to submittals. Subminals shall be submitted to allow the Engineer's possession of such for a minimum of two week(s). Product data submittals shall include catalog cut-sheets, manufacturer's data sheets, written descriptions, specification sheets detailing the associated product, item, assembly and installation. Hightight characteristics and features within product data submittals with a yellow highlighting marker to identify compliance with the Drawings and Specifications. Indicate characteristics and features which are missing or vary from the Drawings and Specifications. shop Drawings include details, installation drawings, assembly drawings, fabrication drawings, diagrams, etc., which show adnptation or installation of contractor-fumished products or materials for overall Project. Include the following: l. Legend: Match Contract Documents. 2. Format: Sheet size to match Contract Documents with title block indicating Project name, manufacturer's name and logo, date of submittal, content of sheet, and sheet number. Wiring and Control Diagrams: System and equipment wiring diagrams and control diagrams include multiple floor and building separation lines, sizes of conduits, size and number ofconductors in each conduit, wiring color code, and identification of terminals and interconnections. Differentiate clearly between factory and field installed wiring. Make diagrams specific to this project. Ftoor Plans: Plan titles, scales, north arrows, column lines, and room names and numbers shall match Contract Documents. Submit samples of equipment as indicated or requested. Prior to ordering equipment or beginning installation work, assemble, prepare, and submit Submittals required for Project. Submit Submittals as required by individual Sections of Specifications. As a minimum, provide product data submittals for equipment indicated on the Drawings whether mentioned in these Specifications or not. contractor shall thoroughly check Subcontractors'or vendors' submittals and, after approving Submittals , provide Submittals for review. Partial or incomplete submittals will not be reviewed by the Architect and will be returned Not Reviewed. Submittals that do not bear Contractor's review stamp shall be returned Not Reviewed. Each set of Submittals submitted or re-submitted shall bear a unigue Contractor's submiftal number. Submit minimum of seven copies, two of which shall be retained by the Engineer. After review, Submittals shall be returned together with Submittal Review Sheet which indicates comments on Submittals with specific actions such as: 16010-5 BASIC ELECTRICAL REQUIREMENTS GGA#992328 1.10 J. outajr No Exception Taken; Make Corrcctions Noted, Re-submittal Not Required; Make Corrections Noted, Re-submittal Required; Rejected; Not Reviewed. Continue to re-submit Submittals until No Exception Taken or Make Corrections Noted, Re-submittal Not Required action is indicated. The Contractor shall be responsible for extra fees incurrcl by the Engineer resulting from subsequent review(s) of submittals which fail to meet the requirements herein. Such exaa fees shall be deducted from payment to the Contractor. RECORDDOCUMENTS Keep in custody during entire period of construction, a current set of documents indicating changes that have been made to the contract Documents. changes to be noted on the documents shall include but shall not be limited to, panelboard, luminaire, equipment, and other schedules; circuiting; equipment, luminaries, or conduit located more that 2 feet (0.61 meters) from where shown on Drawings; electrical equipment ratings; modifications to specifications. Incorporate Addenda, accepted Alternates, Change Orders, and other Document revisions which occuned after the award of the General Contract or the start of construction activities into the Record Documents. Notations and changes shall be done in a neat and legible manner in accordance with Architect's instructions. Changes shall be noted in red, deletions in green, and notes in blue. At the completion of the Project, mark equipment designations on the documents. Designations shall match the engraving on the tags installed as called for elsewhere in these specifications. Upon completion of work, submit the complete set of Record Documents to the Architect. The Contract Documents set the standard for content and methods of presentation for the changes shown. The Contract shall not be considered completed until these Record Documents have been reviewed and accepted by the Architect. DELTVERY, STORAGE, AND HAI{DIINC OFMATERIATS Make provisions for receiving and storing materials, including Owner furnished materials to be installed under this Division. Carefully mark and store materials. Carefully check and inspect materials furnished for installation, and furnish a receipt acknowledging acceptance of delivery and condition of the materials received. Do not use received materials which contain cracks, dents, abrasions, or other defects. Mark such materials rejected and remove from site or return to supplier for replacement. Protect materials and equipment from physical damage, construction dirt, and the elements from the time they are delivered until final acceptance. The Contractor installing the equipment or materials shall be responsible for their protection. I I I I t t I I I T I t I T I I I I t 1.09 C. D. B. 16010-6 BASIC FT FCTRICAL REQI.JIREMENTS B. D. F. G. I T I t I I I I I I I T I I I I t I I GGA #992328 l.l I t.t2 0utu0l EXTRAMATERIAIJ Fumish extra materials, packaged with protective covering for storage, and identified with labels describing contents. Deliver extra materials to the Owner. COORDINATION Schedule work to coordinate with that of other trades to minimize delays. Coordinate service installations requirements with the local serving utility companies and the Owner. Coordinate with Owner and utility companies outages due to interfacing electrical equipment. Outages must be scheduled at least five days in advance and shall be at a time and duration acceptable to the owner. outages at a time other than normal working hours, shall not entitle the Contractor to additional overtime or compensation beyond that in the bid. Isations of devices, outlets, etc., :rs shown on the Drawings are approximate unless dimensioned or otherwise noted. where locations of devices, outlen, erc., are dimensioned or noted on the Drawings, verify location with Architect's representative or with equipment to be supplied. Exact locations of devices, outlets, etc., shall be coordinated with field conditions. Ensure that switches or other electrical devices are mounted such that they are not "trapped" behind opened doors or otherwise rendered inaccessible, regardless of locations indicated on Drawings. where locations of devices and eguipment are not specifically mentioned in the specifications or indicated on the Drawings, verify locations with Architect or Owner prior to rough-in. Prior to rough-in for service to equipment furnished or provided by others, coordinate with other trades and owner to verify rough-in locations, connection requirements, electrical service to equipment size and characteristics, and obtain a schedule of equipment electrical loads. Schedules shall be for verifying electrical services, controls, disconnects, fuses, and overload protection. coordinate with Architect, authority havingjurisdiction, and other appropriate Divisions as needed. Verify the physical dimensions of each item of electrical equipment to fit the available space and promptly notify the prior to roughing-in if conflicts appear. Be responsible for coordination of equipment to the available space and to the access routes through the construction. Confer and cooperate with other trades and coordinate the work in proper relation with thein. Coordinate ceiling cavity space carefully with other trades. Refer to Division 15 and the Mechanical and Elecuical Coordination Schedule shown on the Electrical Drawings for coordination of electrical and mechanical work. 16010-7 BASIC FT FCTRICAL REQI.NREMENTS l.13 GGA#992328 l.14 0ata0l OPERATING AND MAINTENANCE MANUATJ Make up the operating and maintenance manuals as specified and submit no later than 2 weeks prior to the completion of the Project. Information contained in the operating and maintenance manuals consist of submittal materials reflecting equipment as supplied and installed, test reports, warranties, description of routine maintenance, cleaning, adjustments, and service required, suggested frequency of maintenance, and recommended replacement parts with a list of names, addresses, and telephone numbers of service organizations that carry stock of such replacement parts. Manuals shall be 8-l/2 inch x ll inch (21.59 cm x27.94 cm) in size. catalog pages and data in manuals shall be neat, clean copies. Larger drawings shall be accordion folded to above size. An index shall be provided which shall list contents in an orderly manner. Each copy of the operating and maintenance manual shall be bound in hard back or looseleaf binder with hard cover, shall be adequately labeled for identification, and shall include plastic tabs coordinated with Index. Submit one copy of the manual to the Architect for review prior to preparation of final copies. After review, make changes as noted and prepare 3 final copies of manual to be turned over to the Owner. This contract shall not be considered completed nor shall final payment be made until specified material, including test reports and warranties are received in this operating and maintenance manual and the manual is approved by the Architect. ABBREVIATIONS These specifications include conventions for the style of language and the intended meaning of certain terms, words, and phrases when used in pafiicular situations. These conventions are as follows: L Abbreviated Language: words and meanings shall be interpreted as appropriate. Words implied, but not stated, shall be interpreted as the sense requires. Singular words shall be interpreted as plural and plural words interpreted as singular where applicable as the context of the Contract Documents indicates. 2. Abbreviations and Names: Trade association names and titles of general standards are freguently abbreviated. where abbreviations and acronyms are used, they mean the recognized name of the trade association, standards- generating organization, authorities havingjurisdiction, or other entity applicable to the context ofthe text provision. I t t t I I I I I I I I I T I I I I I B. D. 16010-8 BASIC ELECTRICAL REQUIREMENTS D. III t I I I I I I I B. c. I I I I I I I I I I GGA#992328 PART2 2.Or A. B. C. PART 3 3.01 A. 3.02 oaruol PRODUCTS STANDARDS Unless otherwise specified, materials and equipment shall be of domestic (usA) manufacture. Unless otherwise specified, materials and equipment shall be the manufacturer's current model and bear manufacturer's name and model number. All electrical equipment shall be listed and labeled with the Underwriters I:boratory tag or other Iisting as approved by the local jurisdictional authority. Custom designed items shall be fabricated of UL approved materials and UL listed as a complete assembly as required. Throughout Specifications, various materials, equipment, apparatus, etc., are specified by manufacturer, brand name, type or catalog number. such designations are to establish standards of desired quality and construction and shall be the basis of the bid. Substitutions shall be allowed only as specified herein. EXECI..TilON GENERAL workmanship shall be fint quality throughout and shall be in complete accordance with the applicable codes. The appearance of the work shall be of egual importance to its operation. I-ack of quality workmanship shall be considered sufficient reason for rejection of a system in part or in whole. SI.JPERVISION Supervise work so it shall proceed in proper sequence without delay to other trades. The superintendent shall be on the Project site for the duration of the Pdect to ensure that Contract Documents are being followed. A ratio of not less than l:l shall be maintained between journeymen and apprentices. Submit resume of qualifications and experience of the superintendent for review by the Architect. Superintendent shall have as a minimum five yean of continuous experience on projects of similar size. Resume shall include a listing of experience, projects, and references. Superintendent for this Project may not be changed without approval. The Architect may have an observer on the site whose interpretations of the Contract Documents shall be followed. 16010-9 BASIC F FCTRICAL REQIJIREMENTS GGA#992328 3.03 3.04 B. D. F. G. oatujl HOUSEKEEPING At the conclusion of each day's work, remove empty boxes, crates and rubbish and leave the area where the work has been done broom clean. DEMOIJTION Provide labor, materials, equipment, and services for existing electrical equipment which is to be removed, abandoned, or relocated. Comply with State and Federal regulations for the removal, hauling and disposal of materials. Verify that feeders and branch circuits have been disconnected and safely capped from equipment to be relocated, demolished or removed. Remove existing electrical equipment as noted on the drawings or as otherwise required. Remove electrical equipment to be relocated and ensure that such equipment is in acceptable condition for rcuse. These items shall be tagged, protected from damage, and stored as directed by the Architect. A list of items stored shall be turned over to the Architect. At the completion of remodel work or when directed by the Architect, stored items not reused or retained by the Owner shall be removed from the premises. Disposition of items not reused shall be by the direction of the Architect. Iamps, ballasts, and other electrical equipment which contain hazardous materials shall be properly removed and disposed. Pay fees for disposal. Report the existence of hazardous materials unrelated to electrical equipment to the Architect immediately. The locations of existing equipment, circuiting, etc. shown on the drawings have been taken from existing drawings and obtained from field surveys and are, therefore, only as accurate as that information. Existing conditions shall be field verified with necessary adjustment being made to the drawing information. Where core drilling or concrete demolition is required as work of this trade or other trades, determine the location of existing encased or buried conduits and circuits in the are of the work using metal detectors, circuit tracers and judgement prior to corlmencement of drilling or demolition. Tum off all circuits which might feed through conduits and wiring in the area of the work. I I I t I I I I I I I I I t I t I I I J. 16010-10 B ASIC ET.ECTRICAL REQUIREMENTS N. o. P. a. S. T. B. 3.05 I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I GGA#992328 oataol Wherc items are indicated on the drawings to be removed, rcmoval of the item shall include removat of power circuits, control circuits, overcurrent devic6s, grounding, accessory devices, raceway and hardware unless noted otherwise. Ensure that the contin'uity of feed through circuits is maintained. Ensure that no electrical boxes or equipment other than conduit and connectors are rendered inaccessible by proposed construction. Relocate such equipment as required. Tag circuits remaining in junction boxes with Brady wire markers as to circuit number, panel, or device feeder. kave sufficient slack wire in junction boxes for future reconnection where required. Where circuits to be removed are exposed during construction, completely remove wire, conduit, and supports as required. Where circuits to be removed are concealed or embedded in concrete, remove wiring back to junction point. Abandoned conduit, left in place, shall have pull tape installed and shall be labeled at each end identifying origin, destination and abandonment. Labels shall be semi- permanent, where circuits which are not in conduit or raceway exist in future air plenum areas, verify that insulation is properly rated for plenum application. Where such non-rated circuits exist, notify the Architect immediately for instructions. l Removal and relocation of electrical equipment shall include patching and painting as required to refinish building surfaces. Coordinate patching and repainting with Architect. The record drawings shall reflect any existing electrical locations different from what is shown on the drawings. EQUIPMENT MODIFICATION Where existing equipment is to be modified, fumish materials and labor necessary to modify or add to the equipment. Modifications shall be done neatly with factory parts and assemblies approved for the application. Provide equipment supplier with information of existing equipment, including serial number, date of manufacturing, and special requirements. Modification shall in no way jeopardize the compliance of existing equipment with goveming codes, underwriters listings or other regulations. Field verify existing equipment with submittals to ensure modifications are workable. Repon to the Architect discrepancies between designed requirements and existing conditions. 160r0-ll BASIC FT FCTRICAL REQUIREMENTS GGA#992328 3.06 3.m B. D. oztr2l0l Modifications that ar€ not factory approved shall be submitted to the Architect for review prior to modification. HflSTINGEQIJIPMENT Existing equipment that is removed and is to be reused shall be cleaned and serviced before being reinstalled. Revised distribution equipment shall have new identification plates indicating new conditions. Panelboards which have circuits affected by work shall be completely circuit traced and the panelboard directories updated with the room and load served (i.e., RCPT-B250 through 8260, LTG-A 65- A7 5, COFFEE-C I 80, RCPT-ROOF, etc.). Revised panelboard schedules shall be neatly typed on new cards and installed in each revised panelboard. Where remodeling interferes with existing circuits and equipment which is not to be removed, such circuits and equipment shall be reworked and relocated as requircd to complete the Project. Circuit integrity of equipment in adjacent areas shall be left intact. CUTTING, PATCHING, OPENINGS, 'SI FFVES, INSERTS AND }IANGERS Fumish and install sleeves and boxes required for openings in the structure for installation of electrical work. Be responsible for proper placement of sleeves and boxes. Provide inserts and hangers required to support conduit, cables, boxes, fixtures, etc. Properly size and locate holes and chases required for work under this Division as construction progresses. Before beginning sleeving or installation work, carefully study Contract Drawings and check conduit, boxes and eguipment locations for interference with other trades. If conflicts arc discovered in Drawings or as work progresses, a set of prints marked with red pencil showing recommended installation methods shall be submitted to the Architect for review prior to installation. Cutting, repairing and required structural rcinforcing for installation of this work shall be done in conformance with the Architect's directions. Cutting shall not be done without the Architect's approval. Cuning of concrete or other building materials shall be avoided where possible. Have a workman qualified in the electrical trade present at the pouring of concrete or the building of masonry containing electrical work to avoid cutting of concrete or other building material. I I I I I I I I I t I I T I I I I T I B. c. D. r6010-12 BASIC ELECTRICAL REQUIREMENTS F. G. B. D. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I GGA#992328 3.08 ouraol Sleeves and chases are prohibited in structural members except where approved by the Architect in writing. If openings necessary for this work are not installed at the time of construction, or if an opening is required in existing construction, provide the opening. Patching in every instance consists of completing the work to match and blend in with the adjoining existing work insofar as methods, materials and colors, and workmanship are concerned. Patches which are not properly blended shall be rejected and ordered redone. Exocute patching in full compliance with the provision of the Specifications relating to the type of work involved by craftsmen qualified and skilled in the particular type of work involved. Openings for electrical work shall be carefully caulked or grouted as required. Spare conduits shall be tightly capped. Holes and voids created to extend electrical systems through fire rated floors, walls, and ceilings shall be sealed with an intumescent material. Costs ofcutting and patching caused by improper coordination shall be paid for by the Contractor regardless of the responsibilities set forth in these Contract Documents for new work. EQUIPMENT IDENTIFICATION Iabels shall be etched lamacoid tags, black with white core. kttering shall be i/4 inch (0.64 cm) upper-case, unless otherwise noted. Attached label tags to equipnient with sheet metal screws. Power distribution equipment fumished under Division 16 including, but not limited to, transformers, switchboards, panelboards, and disconnects are labeled to include the following: l. Key name as indicated on Drawings with 1/2 inch (1.27 cm) lettering. 2. Ampere, voltage, phase, and AIC ratings. 3. Other labeling as indicated or required. Main and Branch disconnects for switchboards and distribution panelboards, shall be clearly identified as to service frame size, circuit breaker trip setting or fuse size and type. Label junction, splice and terminal box interiors and covers. hbeling shall be by way of permanent marking pen and include panel name and circuit number. I-abels shall be located on the back interior surface of boxes. In finished areas locate labels on the interior surface of covers. On junction boxes above ceilings or in unfinished areas, locate labels on the exterior surface of covers. 16010-13 BASIC FI F(TR1SAL REQUIREMENTS GGA#992328 3.09 I I I I I I t I F. G. 0atulr I-abel outlet box interiors. Labeling shall be by way of permanent marking pen and include panel name and circuit number. I-ocate labels on the back interior surface of outlet boxes. The exterior surface offire alarm systemjunction, splice and terminal box covers shall be painted red. Wire and cable identification shall be installed at points of termination in distribution equipment, junction boxes, splice boxes, terminal boxes, outlets boxes, and load connections. Such identification shall be by means ofcloth, split sleeve or tubing type labels. Feeder labels shall include name of equipment from which feeder originates, name of equipment which feeder serves, and gauge of conductor. Wire and cables for branch circuit identification shall include circuit number, panelboard name, and gauge ofconductor. For exterior underground power, signal, and communication lines, install continuous underground plastic line marker tape located directly above such lines. Marker shall be perTnanent, bright-colored, continuous-printed, vinyl tape not less than 4 mils thick by 6 inches wide (0.102 mm thick by 152 mm wide) with an embedded continuous metallic strip or core. Marker printing indicates tlpe of underground line. Locate 6 to 8 inches (150 to 200 mm) below finished grade, unless otherwise indicated. Where multiple lines installed in a common trench or concrete encased do not exceed an overall width of 16 inches (400 mm), use a single line marker with printing indicating the multiple lines. SPECIAL PROJECT PROVISIONS Other Communications Systems Raceways: Provide a complete system of raceways and outlets for the future installation of a communications systems. Wall outlets shall be standard double gang boxes with single gang trim rings and cover plate of same design and finish as specified herein. Conduits shall be sized as indicated or required with 3/4 inch (DN2l) as a minimum and include a #200 nylon pull cord. Conduit runs shall not have more than the equivalent of thrce 90 degree bends between outlets or pull boxes. Conduits shall be bushed. Wiring for Equipment Furnished by Others: Provide electrical services to equipment fumished by othen. Provide final connections unless otherwise noted. Where final connections are to be made by others, install outlet box and pull in conductors leaving 8 inch (20.32 cm) pigtails for each conductor. Conductors shall be taped and appropriate cover plate installed over box. Control and alarm wiring for such equipment shall be provided by the equipment supplier or trade providing equipment unless otherwise noted. B. I I I I I t I I I I t16010-14 BASIC FI FCTRICAL REQUIREMENTS I I I I I I I I t I I t I I I t t I I GGA#992328 3.r0 3.ll 3.r2 B. oaraoL unless otherwise noted, provide 120 volt wiring to nearest panelboard, including circuit breaker, conduit, wire and connections for new mechanical equipment control panels and accessory equipment- PAINTING scratchd chipped, or othenvise marred electrical equipment shall be repainted to match original finish at no additional cost to the Owner. Equipment received from manufacturer with a prime coat of paint shall be cleaned, sanded and furnished with a final coat ofpaint. Boxes for fire alarm equipment shall be painted red. INSTALLATION Install equipment and materials in accordance with manufacturers'recommendations unless local codes or regulations take precedence. Install so that equipment can be easily serviced. Maintain, as a minimum, code required clearances. Place or replace equipment identification in locations where they can be seen and read without difficulty. Perform work in accordance with good commercial practice. The appearance of the finished work shall be of equal importance to its operation. QUALITY ASSURANCE Arrange and ovenee inspections by goveming authorities. upon completion of the work, deliver certificates of inspection and final approval to the Architect. Testing of electrical systems shall be in accordance with the manufacturecs recommendations and in accordance with applicable codes and standards for that system as required and as referenced in this Specification. Testing of electrical systems involving compliance to specific standards, including but not limited to UBC, UFC, AI.ISL NFPA,ICEA, NEC,IEEE,IPI, NETA, and OSHA shall require the submittal of a completed test report, certified by the installer, testing agency or manufacturer. Test rBports shall be complete and in accordance with the appropriate standard. A. B. D. B. 16010-15 BASIC FI FCTRICAL REQUIREMENTS @A#992328 I I I t t t D. oaruol Project site testing of equipment prior to installation, where called for in the specifications, shall include performance testing to establish the applicability of equipment for its intended purpose. Where requircd, hrstaller shall: l. Establish required test procedures from rcquired standard or manufacturcr's recomrnendation. 2- Provide necessary test equipment, power, consumables to perform test. 3. Notify Architea of test schedules at least one week in advance of testing. 4. Perform tests. 5. Provide necessary documentation to Architect. Installation of work shall be observed by the Architect. Work found to be in non-compliance with the specifications shall be redone. The Architect shall be consulted for direction for questions regarding suitability of the installed work. The Architect shall be notified at least one week prior to the covering up of work so that observation of work may be scheduled. Work shall not be covered up or enclosed until work has been tested by Contractor and has been observed by proper authorities (State/local inspectors) and Architect. Should work be covered up or enclosed before such observation or test, it shall be uncovered, tested and reviewed and shall be restored by Contractor to finished condition at Contractors own expnse. Final testing and start-up ofelectrical systems shall include the testing and checkout of equipment and systems to establish their proper capacity, operation, maintenance and code compliance, Where required, Installer shall: l. Provide the services of manufacturer's representative for systems to be tested and started up. 2. Establish required test procedures from required standard or manufacturer's recommendation. Provide necessary test eguipment, power, consumables to perform test. Notify Architect of test schedules at least one week in advance of testing. Perform tests and start-up functions. Provide necessary documentation of completed tests and fully functional systems to Architect. F. I I I I I I I t I I I I I 3. 4. 5. 6. 160r0-16 BASIC ETECTRICAL REQI'IREMENTS c. D. t t I I I I I I I F. B. T I I I I I I I I I GGA#992328 3.13 3.14 0ataor COMPLETION Test systems and place in proper working order prior to demonstrating systems to Owner. Instruct Owne/s representative(s) once, in the presence of the Architect, on the proper opetation and maintenance of the electrical systems. As a minimum, participants shall include contractor and major equipment manufacturers'representatives. Not less than a total of four houn shall be allowed for an instruction period. Use final version of operating and maintenance manual as a training aid. Instruction dates and times shall be coordinated with the Owner. Instruction shall as a minimum include items contained in the operating and maintenance manual. After tests and adjustments have been made and systems pronounced satisfactory for permanent operation, refinish damaged finish and leave everything in proper working order and ofthe intended appearance at the final completion ofthe Contract. On completion of work, remove tools, scaffolding, debris, etc., from the grounds and leave the premises perfectly clean. Equipment and facilities shall be thoroughly cleaned inside and out and residue removed. Equipment shall be turned over to the Owner in perfect, unblemished condition. Remove temporary labels and stickers. Reestablish original grades, landscaping, and other grade finishes. Load balance test the distribution system. Unbalance between phases shall not exceed l07o with full lighting and mechanical loads. Correct unbalanced load conditions exceeding this limit. Corrections shall be indicated on Record Drawings. PROJECTCLOSE-OUT Upon written request from the Contractor certifying that the work is complete and ready for inspection, the Architect shall prepare punchlist of items determined to be incomplete or otherwise not in compliance with intent of Contract Documents. When required, subsequent visit to review completion of punchlist work shall be made after receipt of written statement from Contractor indicating punchlist work is complete. Include copies of intermediate observation reports and final punchlists with individual items initialled by Contractor to attest that individual work items are completed. Contractor shall pay Architect's costs at the billing rates in effect at the time the services are performed for subsequent punchlist visits required due to lack of completion of prior punchlist. 16010-17 B ASIC ELECTRICAL REQUIRETVIENTS GGA#992328 3.15 02ltuor WARRANTY Warranty materials, workmanship and the successful operation of equipment installed for a period of I year from the date of acceptance of the entire work. Guarantee to repair or replace at Contractor's expense, work which may show defect during that time, provided such defect is, in the opinion of the Architect, due to imperfect material or workmanship and not due to the Owneds carelessness or improper use. Exceptions - Incandescent and Fluorescent lamps shall be warranted for a period of one month fum date of acceptance. END OF SECTION I I B. I I T I I I I I I t I t I t I I I16010-18 BASIC ELECTRICAL REQIJIREMENTS I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I GGA#992328 PART I l.0l t.02 A. B. c. D. 02traoL SECTION 16050 BASIC ELECTRICAL MATERIAI.S AND METHODS GENERAL SUMMARY Provide complete raceway systems for conductors unless otherwise specified. Provide complete system of conductors as required for raceway systems. Where quantities of conductors are not specifically indicated, provide necessary number to maintain circuits and function. Provide metal boxes for use as outlet boxes, pull boxes, orjunction boxes. Boxes to include pressed steel boxes, masonry boxes, and weatherproof cast steel or aluminum boxes. Provide support for conduit, wireway, junction boxes, pull boxes, and related equipment. Provide fire sealing of holes and voids through fire rated barriers. QUAIXTY ASSURANCE NEMA Compliance: Comply with applicable portions of NEMA standards penaining to metallic and nonmetallic electrical raceway. UL labels: Provide electrical raceways, boxes, conductors, and connectors which have been approved, listed and labeled by UL. ANSVASTM Compliance: Provide electrical raceways and conductors which comply with applicable portions of ANSUASTM standards for constuction of raceways and conductors. NEMA/ICEA Compliance: Provide conductors which comply with applicable portions of NEMA/ICEA standards pertaining to material, construction, and testing of conductors. Federal Specification: Provide electrical raceways and conducton which meet applicable portions of Federal Specification. B. D. 16050-l BASIC ELECTRICAL MATERI,ALS AND METHODS CIGA#992328 PART2 2.01 A. 2.02 A. 2.03 B. 0utaor PRODUCTS ACCEPTABI..E MANUFACTURER Manufacturer with at'least 5 yean experience in manufacturing product. CONDUIT Rigid metal conduit shall be steel, galvanized inside and outside. Factory made threads shall be full cut and galvanized after threading. The conduit shall be UL listed and shall meet the requirements of UL 6 and ANSI C80.1. Electrical metallic tubing shall be hot-dipped galvanized or electro-galvanized stepl with an inner coating to protect cables and aid pulling. The conduit shall be UL listed and shall meet the requirements of UL797 and ANSI C80.3. Flexible metal conduit shall be composed of one spirally wound continuous srip of interlocked galvanized steel. The conduit shall conform to Federal specification ww- C-566C and shall be UL listed. Liquid tight flexible metal conduit shall be galvanized steel with an oil and sunlight resistant polyvinyl chloride jacket bonded or extruded onto the exterior. Liquid tight flexible metal conduit shall be approved for grounding. Liquid tight flexible metal conduit shall meet UL Standard For Safety, UL 360. Rigid nonmetallic conduit, unless otherwise noted, shall be Schedule a0 rigid plastic, PVC rated for use with 90 degree c wire and shall be uL listed and conform to uL 651, WC-1094A andNEMA TC-2. Rigid nonmetallic type EB-20 conduit shall be ETL listed, tested to UL-651-A, and meet the requirements of NEMA TC-6 and ASTM F-512. CONDUITFITTINGS Fittings for rigid metal conduit shall be galvanized or cadmium plated. Fittings shall be threaded. Couplings shall be of galvanized steel. Locknuts and bushings shall be steel or malleable iron. Bushings shall have nylon insulated throat. connectors, couplings and combination couplings for EMT shatl be steel set screw or steel compression type. Insulated throat connecton shall be used for sizes I inch (DN27) and smaller. Uninsulated connectors with insulated bushing shall be used for sizes larger than I inch (DN27). Finings for flexible metal conduit and liquid tight flexible metal conduit shall be of a type specifically designed for the purpose. I I I T I I I t I T D. I t t t I T I I I F. B. 16050-2 BASIC ELECTRICAL MATERIAIS AND METHODS D. F. B. D. B. 2.M T I t T I I I I I I I I I I I I il I I C'GA#992328 2.05 0atull Fittings for rigid nonmetallic conduits shall be of same material and manufacturer as conduit. Non-metallic finings shall be UL listed and conform to UL 514. Expansion fittings across structural joints shall be of a design to compensate for expansion and contraction and shall be sealed to prevent entrance of water or moisture. Expansion fittings shall be approved for grounding duty. Materials for joints between PVC and Steel conduits shall be Mission "Bushing Adapters," Can-Tex "C-T Adapters," Fernco "PVC Donuts" or "Flexible Couplings," or Nashua Pre-Cast Corporation "Flex-O-Joint." WIRE AND CABLE conductors shall be new and unused. wire and cable shall be copper single conductor type with 600 V insulation, unless otherwise noted. Conductor shall be soft annealed Class B, per ASTM B-3 for solid wire and ASTM B-8 for stranded wire. Conductors shall be minimum 987o conductive. Number l0 AWG and smaller wire except for motor circuits shall be solid with Type THHN, or TIIWN insulation. Iarger wire and motor circuit feeders shall be stranded with Type THHN, or TIfWN insulation. Conductors for service entrance use or where used underground shall be type THWN only. Grounding conductors shall be copper. Insulation shall be flame retardant, heat resistant polyvinyl chloride (PVC), ethylene propylene @P) or polyethylene (PE) with minimum insulation thicknesses per table 310-13 of the NEC. The insulation shall conform to the requirements of uL 83 ICEA 5-68-516 for EP, ICEA 5-61402 for PVC and PE. Type THWN or THHN wire and cable shall have a outer nylon jacket conforming to uL-83. cables shall be manufactured to meet the standards of Insulated cable Engineer's Association (ICEA). Wire-pulling lubricant shall be equal to Ideal "Aqua Gel CW" or Dow Coming compound #7. CONNECTORS AND SPLICES For solid wire size #10 and smaller, "Scotchlok" insulated twist-on connectors or compression type, 600 V insulated or approved equal. For stranded wire, "Bumdy Hydent" hydraulic compression type, taped to 600 V insulation level. 16050-3 BASIC EI.ECTRICAL MATERIAIJ AND METI{ODS 2.06 GGA#992328 2.07 2.08 oata0l PULL AND JUNCTION BO)GS Provide code gauge sheet metal boxes with suitable covers, trims, etc. Boxes to be sized, per the NEC , by number and size of conduits and conductors, unless otherwise noted. OUTLETBO)GS Boxes shall be zinc or cadmium-plated code gauge pressed steel and of the knock-out type. Depth may vary to suit requirements of location. Boxes shall accommodate devices to be installed and shall be sized as required by the NEC for number and size of conduits and conductors entering and leaving. Round boxes shall not be permitted, except where specifically called for. Special oversized outlet boxes shall be code gauge steel and of the knock-out tlpe. Boxes shall have screw mounted covers for surface or flush mounting. Boxes shall be sized as indicated or as rcquired by the National Elecrical Code. Special outlet boxes shall accommodate the equipment served. Weatherproof boxes shall be cast aluminum with threaded hubs. Boxes shall have screw mounted, gasketed covers. SUPPORTS Hangers, straps and supports shall be of corrosion resistant or galvanized steel. Support channels shall be as manufactured by: l. B-Line 2. Kindorf 3. Unistrut 4. ApprovedEquivalent CONDUITSUPPORTS Single Runs: Galvanized conduit straps or ring bolt type hangen with specialty spring clips. Use of perforated plumbers tape not permitted. Multiple Runs: Trapeze style hangers of l-5/8 inches by l-5/8 inches (4.13 cm by 4.13 cm) galvanized steel channels, supported by 3/8 inch (0.95 cm) rod hangers. Vertical Runs: Channel support with conduit fittings. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I T I I B. D. B. 2.09 B. 16050-4 BASIC ELECTRICAL MATERIAI.S AND METHODS I t T I T I I I I I I I I I I I I I l A. B. c. D. E. 2.tI GGA#992328 0uraol 2.ro ANCHORMETHODS Hollow Masonry: Toggle bolts or spider type expansion anchors. Solid Masonry: Irad'expansion anchors or preset inserts. Metal Surfaces: lead expansion anchors or preset inserts. Wood Surfaces: Wood screws. concrete Surfaces: Lcad expansion, self-drilling, explosive powder-driven or cast in place anchors. FIRESEALS Fire seals for walls and floors shall be an intumescent material capable of expanding to fill voids when exposed to temperatures beginning x25o degreeF (l2l degree c). The seal system shall be u.L classified and have ICBO, BocA, and sBCC ratings to 3 hours. The seal system fire rating shall equal orexceed the fire rating ofthe penetrated surface to comply with NEC Section 300-21. PART3 3.01 A. B. c. D. E. E)(ECUTION TYPES OF CONDUIT INSTALLATION Buried raceways, except where concrete encased, shall be rigid metal conduit or rigid nonmetallic conduit- Raceways embedded in concrete slabs at or below grade level shall be rigid nonmetallic conduit, except in classified hazardous areas. Raceways in concrete encased duct banks shall be type EB-20 rigid nonmetallic conduit. Where rigid nonmetallic conduit is used for buried or encased and buried conduit runs, use a minimum of 5 feet (1.52 m) of rigid metallic conduit at foundation penetrations. Raceways embedded in concrete slabs above grade level shall be rigid metal conduit, electrical metallic tubing, or rigid nonmetallic conduit. Hazardous areas raceways shall be rigid metal conduit only. Raceways outdoors and in locations subject to mechanical injury shall be rigid metal conduit. F. G. 16050-5 BASIC FI FSI'RICAL MATERIAIS AND METHODS GGA#992328 3.02 3.03 B. 0atuol Motor, vibrating equipment, and rooftop mounted heating, ventilating, and air conditioning equipment connections shall be made with PVC jacketed liquid tight flexible metallic conduit for the last 2 feet (0.61 m) with liquid tight connectors. Similar equipment connections in environmental air plenums shall be made with flexible metal conduit. Racewaln in other areas shall be electrical metallic tubing unless otherwise noted. CONDUIT SZES Minimum size allowable for galvanized rigid metal conduit or EMT shall be l/2 inch (DNl6). Mnimum size allowable for liquid tight flexible meral conduit shall be l/2 inch (DNl6). Minimum size allowable for flexible metal conduit shall be ll2 inch (DNl6) except for luminaire and control wiring for which 3/8 inch shall be allowed. CONDI.IIT INSTALLATION Unless noted as aluminum, conductor and conduit sizes shown on Drawings are based on the use of copper conducton. Wire and cable shall be run in metal raceways, except where nonmetallic raceways have been specifically approved. conduit shall be concealed in the building construction except where exposed runs are indicated. Exposed conduits shall be run parallel to walls and ceilings and at the ceiling wherever possible. Concealed conduit shall be run parallel to building lines wherever possible. Where flexible metal conduit is used for equipment connections or other special (approved) situations, ground continuity shall be provided in accordance with the NEC. Uquid tight flexible metal conduit shall be used for flexible equipment connections in damp and wet areas except where installed in environmental air plenums where flexible metal conduit shall be used. Do not cut, notch or drill structural framing memben for the installation of conduit without the Architect's approval in each case. Where rigid metal conduit enters a box, fitting or device through a knockout, double locknuts and an insulated metallic bushing shall be used. EMT shall terminate at knockouts with an insulated throat fining and one locknut. Connectors shall be made up tight to ensure electrical continuity of the raceway system. Provide grounding bushings at eachjunction box, pull box, or enclosure as required by the NEC. I t I I I t t I I T I I t I I I I I I B. c. D. 16050-6 BASIC ELECTRICAL MATERIAIS AND METI{ODS L. M. I T G. L J. I I I T I I t I N. o. P. a. I I I I I I I T l GGA#992328 0utuol Rigid metal conduit shall be reamed after threads are cut. Joints shall be cut square and shall butt solidly into couplings. Running threads shall not be permitted. Cut ends of EMT shall also be reamed. Bends in rigid metal. conduit and EMT runs larger than 1-l/4 inches (DN35) shall be factory-made elbows unless otherwise specifically approved. Bends in l-l/4 inch (DN35) and I inch (DN27) nrns shall be made in an approved bending machine or factory made. Hickey bends shall not be permitted in conduits larger than 314 inch (DN21). Field bends shall be in accordance with the requirements of the NEC. Conduits run in masonry shall be placed at least I inch (DN27) from the surface. Install expansion fittings where conduit crosses an expansion joint in structure or in long straight conduit runs. Ends ofconduit shall be provided with insulated grounding bushings. Copper ground rings or a flexible bonding jumper, equal to at least three times the nominal width of the joint, shall be provided to insure a continuous ground between conduit and fitting. Provide separate code-sized ground conductor for each run of conduit. Conduit shall be sized to accommodate ground conductor. Install under floor conduit below floor slab. hstall buried or encased and buried conduits in accordance with Sections 300-5 and . 310-l of the NEC. In no instance shall conduits be buried less than 6 inches betow finished grade. Where possible, conduits shall be buried at minimum of 30 inches (76.2 cm) below grade or as indicated on the Drawings. Contractor shall verify with Architect, prior to installation, buried conduits not buried a minimum of 30 inches Q6.2 cm) below grade. Slope conduit to drainage point at least 4 inches (10.16 cm) per 100 feet (30.48 m). Adjustments in line and grade for direct buried or encased and buried conduits shall be via long sweeps with minimum of 48 inch (12L.92 cm) radius. Route such conduits below existing or new gas lines. Direct buried or encased and buried conduits shall first be swabbed out and then shall be capable of passing a rigid ball l/4 inch (0.64 cm) smaller than the inside diameter of conduit. Such conduis for future use shall be capped to prevent entry of dirt and debris. Provide roofjacks for waterproofing conduit penetrations of roof. Joins for rigid nonmetallic conduit shall be solvent cemented in strict accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. 16050-7 BASIC FT FCTRICAL MATERIAI.S AND METHODS GGA#992328 3.04 I T I I S. 0uruor Elbows from below grade conduit to above grade shall be PVC jacketed rigid metal conduit and shall extend 6 inches (15.24 cm) above grade or finished floor. Whercver conduits enter structurc through foundation below ground level, grout around conduit with waterproof grout or install wall and floor entrance seals. Seals shall be OZlGedney WS series for new constnirction and OZGedney CSM series for existing stnrcturcs. Conduits which pierce air tight spaces or plenums shall be sealed to prevent leakage. Care shall be taken to avoid placing conduits where they shall be subjected to excessive heat. Locate conduits a minimum of 12 inches (30.48 cm) from flues, steam lines, hot water lines, etc, Conduit ends shall be capped using standard capped bushings to prevent entrance of foreign materials during and after construction. When conduit installation is not in prog€ss close open ends of conduit with temporary plugs or caps. Clean conduits prior to installation of wires. Install a nylon pulling line in each conduits run assembly or after completion of each conduit run assembly for installation of wires or for future use. Wire shall not be installed until work which might cause damage to conduit or wire has been completed. T. U. I I I I I I I T I I I T I T I v. w. B. c. WIRE AND CABLE INSTALLATION Minimum wire size for lighting and power circuits shall be #12. Signal and control circuits may use #14 except as noted. Wiring shall be installed in conduit, unless otherwise noted. Unless otherwise indicated, the maximum number of branch circuits allowed in each conduit shall be three. In such cases, the branch circuits shall also be of different phases. Unless otherwise indicated or required, the following schedule shall be adhered to for conductor sizes: CIRCUIT OVERCURRENT COPPER DEVICERATING CONDUCTORSUES 20 A orlrss #12 AWG 30A #loAwc 40A # 8 A1WG 50A #6AWG 60A #4AWG 16050.8 BASIC ELECTRICALMATERTAIS AND METHODS I cGA#ssz32B o 0uruUL I t CIRCUITOVERCURRENT COppERDEVICERATING COI{DUCTOR SZESIr 70A #4AWc 80 A #3 AWc90A #2AWGI IOOA #IAWG I D. To limit voltage drop, 120 V branch circuits with length from panel to fint outletI exceeding 75 feet (22.86 m) shall be #10 or larger. For 277 Y branch circuits with Iength from panel to first outlet exceeding 175 feet (53.34 m) shall be #10 or larger. Wire sizes for other branch circuits shall be sized to limit voltage drop to 3 Vo.I E. Conductors from outlet to incandescent luminaire sockets and where run in fluorescent Iuminairc channels shall be type THHN or as approved by the NEC.I ,- F. Solid wire #10 and smaller shall be connected as specified herein and shall be made ! tight in conformance with manufacturers recommendations. - G. Stranded wire shall be connected as specified herein and thoroughly taped with I "Scotch" #33 or approved equal electrical tape. L H. Provide equipment lugs compatible with wire sizes indicated. Provide box sizes tor 1,"::ffi:,1?il'x"nL1ffnH,'"":il:s::1,..[::ffJ::i;xffi;ti,lillH]i lugs, UL listings, or manufacturer's recommendations. I I. Install wiring after concr€te, plastering, etc., work is complete. Carefully pull wire a unspliced between outlets. Use approved pulling lubricant as necessary to prevent I insulation cutting or nicking. Branch circuit and feeder wiring shall be color coded in accordance with NEC and in accordance with the following schedule: Conductor Color CodineI Conductor Insulation Color I Conductorr zolytrzov, 4Soytziiv, 3 Phase 3 Phase I Phase A Black Brown -, Phase B Red OrangeIt Phase C Blue Yellow Neutral White White I Ground Green Green T t r60s0-e BASIC ELECTRICAL MATERIAIS AND METHODS GGA#992328 3.05 3.06 I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I J. B. c. B. D. F. G. 0ata0l Motor circuits and feeders shall utilize stranded conductors. PULL AND JUNCTION BOX INSTALLA'TION I-ocate pull boxes and junction boxes above rcmovable ceilings or in electrical room, utility rooms, or storage arcas. Install securely in place, plumb with building lines. Provide suitable methods to suppon. Pull andjunction boxes shall be accessible. OUTLET BOX INSTALLATION Each lighting outlet, switch, convenience outlet, communication outlet, or other miscellaneous device shall be provided with a suitable box. convenience outlets and telephone outlets shall be provided with double gang boxes and single device trim plates where single devices are indicated. where two or more similar type devices occur adjacent to each other, they shall be in a gang type box with a gang. type cover. Where different type devices occur adjacent to each other, space outlet boxes so that finish plates shall be spaced I inch (2.54 cm) aPart. Install outlet boxes securely in place, plumb with building lines in accordance with NEC. Recess outside edge and associated trim plates from finished surface in accordance with NEC. Provide blank coven, which match device plates in area, for outlets not specified with covers. Outlets in plastered, paneled, and furred finishes shall be equipped with trim plates and extensions of such depths as to bring outlets flush with final surface finish. Wall outlets in exposed block or masonry construction shall have extension and device mounting straps as required to provide only such wall openings as may be covered by device plates without the use of mortar or other filler material. Sectional boxes shall not be used where outlet boxes occur in concrete. Boxes shall be supported independently of the conduit system and shall be plumb. Supports shall be noncombustible and corrosion resistant. In suspended ceilings, bar hangen shall be used to support boxes from the ceiling channels. Install additional straps or cross-bracing to ensure complete rigid installation in steel stud system, bracing prior to installation of wall finish material. 16050-10 BASIC ELECTRICAL MATERI.AIS AND METHODS t ccA#ssz3zB O 0ata0r I I. "Back-to-Back" outlets in the same wall, or "thru-wall" type boxes shall not be permitted. Provide 12 inch (30.48 cm) (minimum) long nipple to offset outlets shownir on opposite sides of a common wall to minimize sound transmission. - J' Outlet boxes on opposite sides offrre rated walls and partitions shall be separated by a - horizontal distance of atlast24 inches (60.96 cm). I- K. Unused knockouts in boxes shall be left sealed. I L. Provide luminaire outlets with 3/8 inch (0.95 cm) no bolt fixture stud where required. I M. Telephone outlets shall be mounted at the same height as adjacent receptacle outlets I unless noted otherwise. I N. Refer to architectural plans for heights of outlets. I O. Mount outlets horizontally or vertically as directed by the Architect. Above counterI outlets shall be mounted horizontally, unless otherwise noted or directed. I 3.07 SUPPORTINSTALLATION lrI A. Conduits, whether exposed or concealed, shall be securely supported and fastened at. intervals of l0 feet (3.04 m) nominal and within 36 inches (9l.zt4 cm) of each outlet, I ell, fitting, panel, etc. Suspended conduits shall be supported by metai ring or traqze . .-.t hangers of Unistrut or Kindorf channel and threaded steel rods. Multiple runs of conduits on ceilings and walls shall be mounted on Unistrut or Kindorf channels. I Perforated plumbers tape shall not be used. Caddy clips and support wires using notr less than No. 14 wire which shall prevent displacement may be used only for concealed - runs of EMT orrigid conduit up to 3/4 inches (DN2l). I B. Raceways, wiring, or equipment shall not be supported from or attached to ceiling support wires. t C. Raceways or e4uipment shall not be suspended from steam, water, or other piping, or I ductwork, but provide independent and secure support methods. ! 3.08 FrRE sEALINSTALLATIoN I A. Fire seal installations shall be performed per manufacturer's recommendations and shall,. conform to standard UL fire stop system details. t B. All cables or conduits shall be firmly secured and cleaned where penetrating the fire rated surface. Fire seals shall not act as supports. T I l 16050-11 BASIC ELECTRICAL MATERIAIS AND METI{ODS @A#992328 ourall C' Where cables are rcquircd to maintain specific distances between each other they shall be firmly secured to maintain this distance at penetrations. END OFSECTION I t I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I16050-12 BASIC ELECTRICAL MATERTAIS AND METHODS I GGA#ssz32B O ouLaol I I SECTION 16140 WIRINGDEVICES PARTI GENERAL I l.ol ''MMARY I A. !ilfl:#llg devices and accessories in accordance with the Drawings and I r.02 DEmlmoNs A. 1,2:Single-PoleandDouble-Pole,respectively. I B. 3,4: Three-Way and Four-Way, respectively.! C. GFCI: Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter. D. P: Pilot Light - Load On. I E. Po: Pilot iigltt - Ioad Off.r F. TR: Tamper Resistant. t l.o3 suBmrrArs A. Product Data: For each product specified. a B. Samples: As requested. I I 1.04 QUALTTY ASSTTRANCE l A. Wiring Devices and accessories shall be of the same manufacturer insofar as possible. I B. Device plates and accessories shall match corresponding wiring devices. I PARr2 PRoDUcrs I 2.01 ACCEPTABLEMANUFACTURERS !A. Wiring Devices and Device Plates: I l. Eagte 2. Hubbell I 3. Leviton t I I 16140-1 WIRINGDEVICES GGA#992328 2.02 2.O3 2.05 2.06 B. oatu0l Safety Enclosurc: l. Taymac 2. Thomas and Betts3. Raco RECEPTACLRS Straight-Blade: Standard and GFCI types shall be Hubbell 5362 series, heavy-duty, specification grade, 20A, unless otherwise indicated or required. Special Purpose Outlets: Heavy-duty grade of NEMA configuration indicated or required. Special purpose outlets shall be receptacles other than single-plex or duplex, 125V, and l5A or 20A non-locking type. SWMCHES General: l, 2,3,4, P (red polycarbonate lighted handle), PO (clear polycarbonate lighted handle) tlpes shall be Hubbell HBLLZ?I series, heavy-duty, specification grade, 20A, unless otherwise indicated or required. 30A Type: l, 2, and 3 types shall be Hubbell IIBL303I series, heavy-duty, specification grade; unless otherwise indicated or required. Body Colon 20A, red. 30A, green. W]RING DEVICE COISR Wiring device color to be ivory unless otherwise indicated or required. Verify color with Architect prior to submittals. DEVICEPI-ATES Securing Screws: Metal with finish to match device plate. Stainless steel: 0.04-inch+hick (l-mm+hick) typr-3OZ stainless steel. Weatherproof: Listed by UL for installation in wet locations, cllst aluminum, self- closing, and gasketed type. Gaskets shall be resilient rubber or closed cell foam urethane. SAFETY ENCLOSURES General: Finish is standard Grey. Coven equipped with locks and keyed alike. Provide two keys. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I B. B. 2.04 A. B. c. 16r40-2 WIRINGDEVICES t I I I li I I I I I I I I I I t I $ I GGA#992328 PART3 3.01 A. F. G. H. L 3.02 B. outu0l E)(ECUTION GENERAL Receptacles over-counter shall * mounted horizontally, and vertically mounted elsewhere, unless otherwise indicated. Mount horizontal receptacles with neutral blade slot up, and mount vertical receptacles with ground prong hole up. Where receptacles are installed within one stud spacing width from a switch, the convenience outlet and switch shall align vertically. Switches shall be located as indicated on drawings, arranged singular or in gangs and within 18 inches (45.72 cm) of door jamb on the strike side of the door openings. Group adjacent switches under single multi-gang wall plate. Verify the door swings with the Architectural drawings prior to rough-in. Match receptacles and special purpose outlets to Owner-furnished equipment, unless otherwise indicated. Switch and receptacle combinations shall be as above in a2-gang box where both are of the same voltage. Provide barrier in box between switch and receptacle where different voltages are present. Install device plates as required for all device boxes and blanked outlet boxes. Install devices and device plates plumb and secure. Device plates shall be marked on the inside indicating panelboard and circuit number to which the device is connected. Labeling of device plates on the inside shall be by way of indelible marker. FIELD QUALITY CONTROL Protect wiring devices and assemblies during painting. Install device plates when painting is complete. Intemally clean devices, device outlet boxes, and enclosures. Replace stained, damaged, or defective components. Test receptacles for proper polarity and ground continuity. Operate each receptacle at least six times and replace receptacles which are damaged or defective. Operate each switch at least six times and replace switches which are damaged or defective. D. B. D. 16140-3 WIRINGDEVICES ccA#ee232B o 0uruor E. Test GFCI receptacles with both local and remote fault simulations according to manufacturer recommendations. EI.ID OFSECTION t6t&4 WIRINGDEVICES I ccA#ee232B I I 0ataor SECTION 16170 MOTOR AND CIRCIJIT DISCONNECTS I PARTI GENERALx I.OI WORKINCLUDED1t t A. Provide motor and circuit disconnects as scheduled and indicated on drawings. I B. Motor and circuit disconnects are not always shown symbolically on the drawings.r Refer to plans and equipment schedule for quantities and types to be provided. I r.02 sHop DRAWINGS AND DESCRTPTTVE DATA I A. Shop drawings and descriptive data shall be submitted in accordance with Section f 16010 and shall, as a minimum, include the following: I l. Manufacturer's descriptive catalog data. t 2. Short circuit rarings. I PART2 PRODUCTS . 2.01 ACCEPTABLEMANUFACTURERS I A. Motor and circuit disconnects shall be as manufactured bv: t,I t. CutlerHammerAMestinghouse 2. General Electric fl 3. SiemenVITE l' 4. Square D I 2.02 MOTORANDCIRCI.JITDISCONNECTS ! A. Motor and circuit disconnects shall be NEMA standard Type heavy-duty, "IID," 100 I percent duty rated. Motor and circuit disconnects shall havJ quick-make, quick-break,I visible blade operating mechanisms with full cover interlock and facilities for padlocking in the "OFF' or "OPEN" position. Motor and circuit disconnects shall be I enclosed, -UL listed, and horsepowei rated for the loads served. Motor and circuitr disconnects shall have copper current carrying parts and removable arc supprcssors. -l Disconnect shall include front accessible provisions for defeating the cover interlock. I I r 16170-l MOTOR AND CIRCUIT DISCONNECTS I GGA#992328 PART3 3.01 A. B. 0atuoI IJL (NEMA) I enclosurcs shall be used in indoor and dry locations, LJL (NEMA) 3R enclosurcs shall be used in exterior or wet locations. LIL (NElvIA) 12 or l2xenclosures shall be utilized where required. Hazardous location enclosures shall be rated for Class and Division. Refer to drawings for hazardous locations. Motor and circuit disconnerts shall be fusible or non-fusible as indicated on the drawings or as required and shall be of same or larger ampere rating as the circuit protective device, 30 amperc minimum. Disconnects, when fusible, shall be equipped with Class R, fuse rejection clips. Motor and circuit disconnects shall include equipment ground lug. Motor and circuit disconnects shall include solid neutrals in 4-wire applications. EXECUTION INSTALI.{TION Fumish and install motor and circuit disconnects for permanently connected motors larger than l/8 Hp unless the connected device is complete with an approved disconnecting means. Install motor and circuit disconnect immediately adjacent to its associated motor and within sight of motor and drive equipment. Provide mounting hardware, unistrut rack, fuses, fuse clips, and accessories as required for the application. Lt utility areas, mount motor and circuit disconnerts on adjacent walls maintaining NEC required access. Wherc required, due to access reguirements, mount motor and circuit disconnects on free standing unistrut stands adjacent to eguipment. On roofs, or other exterior locations, mount motor and circuit disconnects on equipment or provide frce standing unisffirt stand adjacent to equipment. Fumish and install labels in accordance with Section 16010. Provide fuses, including spare fuses, as indicated on the drawings and as indicated in Section 16475. END OFSECTION I I I I I I I I I I D. E. B. I I I T I I I tl I D. F. 16170-2 MOTOR AND CIRCUIT DISCONNECTS I cc*#ssz3zB T I 0utuor sEcTroN 16450 GROUNDING I PARTI GENERALI I.OI SI.IMMARY I r A. Provide a complete grounding system in accordance with the Specifications, and - Drawings. Drawings do not necessarily indicate every requirement. Items not I specifically mentioned in the Specifications or Drawings, but which are necessary ror make a complete installation shall be included. I B. Yhere types, sizes, ratings, and quantities indicated are in excess of NEC requirements, the more stringent requirements govern. t r.02 suBMlTArJ l, A. Documentation from field tests before system is energized. I I PART2 PRODUCTS I 2.OI WIRE AND CABLE GROUNDING CONDUCTORS -I A. Equipment and Bonding Jumper Conductors: Copper and insulated with green insulation or marking unless otherwise noted. I B. Grounding-El"",roaJconauctors: copper stranded cable, unless otherwise indicated. I C. Underground Grounding Conductors: Copper, bare, tinned, and stranded, unlessI' otherwise indicated. I D. Main Bonding Jumpen Factory installed with service entrance equipment whent possible, otherwise field installed conductor. I 2.02 coNNEcroRPRoDUcrsI A. PressureConnectors: High+onductivity-platedunits. r B. Bolted Clamps: Heavy-duty type. I C. Cadweld or Thermoweld Connections: Provided in kit form and selected per'r manufacturer's recommendations for specific types, sizes, and combinations of conductors and connected items. l\t I r64s0-1 GROUNDING GGA#992328 2.03 A. PART3 3.01 A. 3.02 I I I I I I T I T I j I B. D. I T 1 I I I G. IF. 0uraoI I\4ADE FT FCTRODES Grounding Rods: Copper-clad steel, 314 inch by 120 inches (19 mm by 3000 mm). E)(ECUTION GENERAL Grounding Conductors: Avoid obstructing access or placing conductors where they may be subjected to strain, impact, or damage. Conductors shall be formed to the contour of equipment and firmly supported. Underground Grounding Conductors: Bury at least 24 inches (600 mm) below grade. If installed near the base of a stmcture shall be in earth and as far from the structure as the excavation permits but not closer than 6 inches (150 mm). Metal Water Service Pipe: Where a dielectric main water fitting is installed, connect grounding conductor to street side of fitting. Do not install a grounding jumper across dielectric fittings. Water Meter Piping: Use bonding jumpers to electrically bypass water metors. Connect to pipe with grounding-clamp connectors. Grounding Rods: Drive until tops are 2 inches (50 mm) below finished floor or final grade. Connections to rods shall be by cadweld or thermoweld, unless as otherwise indicated. Make these connections without damaging copper coating or exposing steel. Equipment Grounding Conductors: Provide a separate equipment grounding conductor with all feeder and branch circuit conductors, unless otherwise indicated. A properly sized common equipment grounding conductor may be used for multiple feeders or branch circuits routed within a single conduit. Metallic Building Components: Bond all metal piping, metal air ducts, and exposed interior structural steel to grounding electrode system. Metal Poles Supporting Outdoor Lighting Fixtures: Ground pole to a local ground rod with No. 6 AWG conductor. Provide made electrode within 6 feet of pole base. CONNECTIONS General: Make connections so the possibility of galvanic action or electrolysis is minimized. Select connectors, connection hardware, conducton, and connection methods so metals in direct contact with earth will be galvanically compatible. I16/'50-2 GROI]NDING B. D. F. G. J. I T t I t I I I I I I I I t 'l t T I I cGA#992328 02tIa0l l. Use electroplated or hot-tin-coated materials to assure high conductivity and to make contact points closer in order ofgalvanic series. 2. Make connections at points of clean, bare metal. Cadweld or Thermoweld Connections: Use for connections to stnrctural steel and for underground connections. Comply with manufacturer's wriften instructions. Welds that are puffed up or that show convex surfaces indicating improper cleaning are not acceptable, Compression-Type Connections: Use hydraulic compression tools to provide correct circumferential pressure for compression connectors. Use tools and dies recommended by manufacturer of connectors. Provide embossing die code or other standard method to make a visible indication that a connector has been adequately compressed on grounding conductor. Equipment Grounding-Wire Terminations: For No.8 AWG and larger, use pressure- type grounding lugs. No. l0 AWG and smaller grounding conductors may be terminated with pressure-type connectors. Install grounding bushings, grounding studs, and grounding jumpers at switchboards, panelboards, pull boxes, and other electrical enclosures. Tighten screws and bolts for grounding and bonding connectors and terminals according to manufacturer's published torque-tightening values. Where these requirements are not available, use those specified by UL. Connect the ground terminal on each non-isolated ground type outlet receptacle to the branch circuit grounding conductor and to the metallic raceway system with bonding jumpen. Connect the grounding stud on each luminaire to the branch circuit grounding conductor and to the metallic raceway system with bonding jumpers. Ground connections to equipment and ground buses shall be by ground lugs or clamps. Connections to enclosures not provided with ground buses or ground terminals shall be by clamp type lugs added under permanent assembly bolts or under new bolts drilled and added through enclosures or by grounding locknuts or bushings. Ground cable connections against gaskets, paint, or varnish; or on bolts holding removable access covers shall not be permined. Moisture Protection: Where insulated grounding conductors are connected to grounding rods or grounding buses, insulate entire area of connection and seal against moisture penetration of insulation and cable. r6450-3 GROUNDING I t I t I I I I T I I I I I I' I I I I A. B. 3.03 GGA#992328 0atuoL FIELD QUALITY CONTROL Continuity Test On all circuits before energizing. Megger Tests: subject the completed grounding system to test. Measure ground resistance not less than 2 full dap after the last trace of precipitation, and without the soil being moistened by any means other than natural drainage or seepage and without chemical treatrnent or other artificial means of rcducing natural ground resistance. Perform tess by the 3-point method according to IFEE standards. The system, when tested, shall yield a maximum 5 ohms ground. [f this value is not obtained for the systems when tested, modifications shall be made to obtain this value without additional cost to the project. Make additional tests as required after modifications to verify value is achieved. Report: Results of all tests shall be recorded before the system is energized. prepare test reports, certified by the testing organization, of ground resistance at each test location. Include observations of weather and other phenomena that may affect test results. Describe measures taken to improve test results. END OF SECTION r@504 GROIJNDING I ccA#ee232B T I I PART1 GENERAL I.O1 SUMMARY I t A. Provide panelboards in accordance with the Drawings and Specifications. t r.o2 sHopDRAwrNGS AND DEScRTITTvEDATA _- A. Product Data: For panelboard and overcurrent protection device types and necessary t accessories. .- B. Shop Drawings: For each panelboard, include: l| l. Schedules indicating individual components and ratings. As a minimum, include oala0l SECTION 16470 PANELBOARDS ampere, voltage, phase, and AIC ratings. 2. Drawings shall contain overall panelboard dimensions, interior mounting .' dimensions, and wiring gutter dimensions, conduit entrance sizes and locations, ' . : arrangement of overcurrent protection, and installation details indicating' mounting. 3. Scaled plans and elevations for installed space of panelboard indicating clearances and service space relative to adjacent surfaces. I I T T I I t&70-L I r.o3 euALrrY coNrRoL I A. l*"jffJ"t and switchboards throughout the project shall be of the same 3 PARr2 PRoDUCTS z.OL ACCEPTABLEMANUFACTURERS I A. CutlerHammerAMestinghouseB. General Elecnict S. 3t"Hf* PANELBOARDS GGA#992328 2.03 0ataol INTERIORS Panelboard AIC ratings as indicated or required are established by the lowest rated component of each panelboard. Series rating is not permitted unless otherwise noted. Each panelboard shall be certified by the manufacturer as having been tested as a complete unit under fault conditions to withstand the AIC rating indicated or required. Standard tests per UL standards. Panelboards shall have 100 percent rated copper buses for each phase and neutral. Provide 100 percent rated copper ground bus for connection to equipment grounding system. Panelboards shall be suitable for use as service equipment where indicated. Interior trim shall be of dead-front construction. Nameplate information shall include catalog number or factory order number, date of manufacturing, UL Listed label, ampere, voltage, phase, and AIC ratings. Main overcurrent protection and main lug interion shall be field convertible for top or bottom incoming feed. Interior leveling provisions shall be provided for flush mounted applications. Enclosures shall be NEMA I type unless NEMA types 3R, 35, 5, and 12 are indicated or required. Enclosures shall have ANSI 49 gray enamel electrodeposited over cleaned phosphatized steel. Doors shall have cylindrical tumbler type locks with catch and springJoaded stainless steel door pull. All lock assemblies shall be keyed alike. Provide 2 keys with each lock. A circuit directory frame and card with clear plastic covering shall be mounted on the inside of door. BRANCH CIRCUIT PANELBOARDS Column-width type panelboards, and panelboards 14 inches (35.56 cm) wide and smaller, are not permitted unless otherwise indicated. Provide auxiliary wiring gutters adequately sized for wiring connections. Multiple section panelboards shall have required feed through lugs (or factory busing) for interconnection. Fronts shall be hinged l-piece with door. Mounting shall be flush or surface as indicated on Drawings. Fronts shall be flat with concealed door hinges and trim screws. Front shall not be removable with the door locked. I l I B. D. F. G. I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I B. D. tM70-2 PANELBOARDS I I I I c. D. I T I I I F. I I I ! 1 t I I I ffiA#992328 PART3 3.01 A. B. ouraor Each section of a two section panelboard shall be the same size with the left side "left hinged" and right side "right hinged" unless hinging restricts code egress clearances. EXECUTION INSTALI.ATION Mount panelboards with top of trim 6.5 feet (1.98 m) above the finish floor, unless otherwise indicated. The fire rated integrity of walls in which flush mounted panelboards are installed shall be maintained. Field check phase loading and reconnect circuits as necessary for phase balance. Prior to energizing, retighten all field connections to manufacturer's torque specifications, check that all grounding connections are proper, exercise devices to make certain that they operate properly. Provide facilities for future connection of additional loads. Two I inch spare conduits shall be stubbed out above ceiling or run to an accessible location from each flush mounted branch circuit panelboard.. Two 2 inch spare conduits shall be stubbed out . above ceiling or run to an accessible location from each flush mounted distribution panelboard. Directory cards shall be completely filled out with all circuits adequately marked and shall be t)?ewritten. Room numben shall be confirmed prior to completion. Spares shall be marked "SPARE" in pencil. Spaces shall be marked "SPACE" in pencil. END OF SECTION L@70-3 PANELBOARDS GGA#992328 02na0l SECTION 16475 OVERCURRENT PRO]ECTWE DEVICES I PART1 GENERAL . I.OI STIMMARY r A. Provide fuses of type, size and manufacturer in accordance with the Drawings and ,l Specifications. I'B. Provide circuit breakers of type, size and manufacturer in accordance with the I I I I I.O2 SUBMITTAIJ I I A. Project Data: krclude the following for each product specified: I l. Coordination curves foreach fuse type and size. I, . 2. Coordination curves for each circuit breaker type protecting motors and feeders.l,' t ' 3. If other than Bussmann fuses are provided, submit let-through values based upon the available short circuit current values indicated on the oneline diagram. r 1.03 QUALITYASSURANCE I A. Obtain fuses from one source and by a single manufacturer.! B. Obtain circuit breakers from one source and by a single manufacturer which is the same I manufacturer as panelboard, switchboard, disconnecting device, etc.I I.O4 EXTRA MATERI.AI.S II A. Spare Fuses: Fumish 2 sets of 3 of each type and size. . PART2 PRODUCTS t 2.0r ACCEPTABIEMANUFACTURERS r. A. Circuit breakers: a l. CutlerHammer I 2. General Electric ! Drawings and Specifi cations. t tu7s-r OVERCURRENT PROTECTIVE DEVICES GGA#992328 2.02 3. Siemens/ITE, 4. SquareD B. Fuses: 1. Bussmann CIRCUITBREAKERS 2.03 PART3 3.01 A. B. 0ataoL T l I t I t I I T I I I I T I I I I I B. c. D. Circuit breakers shall be molded case, thermal-magnetic, quick-make, quick-break, trip-free and trip indicating unless othenilise noted. Multi-pole breakers shall be corrunon trip, use of tie bars or pins is not acceptable. Circuit breakers in panelboards shall be bolted-in type unless otherwise noted. Minimum intemrpting rating shall be 10,000 amperes or as required to maintain the panelboard integrated short circuit rating in accordance with Drawings and Specification. Application listing shall be appropriate for application, including switching fluorescent lighting loads or heating, air-conditioning, and refrigerating equipment. zuSES Fuse types shall be as indicated on the drawings and equipment schedutes. Provide Class "J" time delay for mechanical equipment supplied with IEC rated disconnects, starters, or combination starter. E)(ECUTION INSTALLATION Verify mechanical equipment overcurrcnt protective device size and type with name plate data and starter data. Install typewritten labels on inside door of each fused switch to indicate fuse replacement information. END OF SECTION A. B. L&75-2 OVERCURRENT PROTECTIVE DEVICES I GGA#ssz32B O I I 1. Allen Bradley 2. Cutler-Hammer 0utull SECTION 16485 MOTORSTARTERS ,f PART I CENERAL I- I.OI WORKINCLLIDED I A. Manual motor starter switches, Magnetic motor starters, and Combination starters and disconnccts integral with mechanical equipment shalt be provided with mechanical ,l equipment under Division 15 unless noted otherwise on the drawings. Electrical I connections shall be made under Division 16. I B. Magnetic motor starters not integml with mechanical equipment shall be provided I under Division 15 unless noted otherwise on the drawings. Installation and final connections shall be made by Division 16.I I C. Manual motor starter switches not integral with mechanical equipment shall be provided under Division 16 unless noted otherwise on the drawings. Installation and I final connection shall be made under Division 16.I D. Motor starters are not always shown symbolically on the plans. Refer to schedules onI the drawings forquantities and types to be providid! _ r.02 SHopDRAWINGS ANDDESCRIPTIVEDATA ! A. Shop drawings and descriptive data shall be submitted in accordance with Section - 16010 and shall, as a minimum include the following: ' l. Manufacturer's descriptive catalog data. r 2. Short circuit ratings. I 3. Wiring diagrams and schematic ladder diagrams.ft 4. Nameplate data and legends. I B. Furnish certification that equipment and its components are year 2000 compliant. I PART2 PRODUCTS , 2.OI ACCEPTABLEMANUFACTURERS t A. Manual motor starter switches shall be as manufactured by:I I I 16485-1 MOTOR STARTERS o I T I I I I I ] I I I I I T @A#992328 2.02 PART 3 3.0r A. B. 0aLaol 3. General Electric 4, Siemens/TfE 5. SquareD 6. Westinghouse MANUALMOTOR STARTER Manual motor starter switches shall be flush-mounting tlpe excePt where conduits are run exposed or as otherwise noted. Manual motor starter switches shall be complete with properly sized overload protection and a neon pilot light. Manual motor starter switches shall be equivalent to Square D Class 2510 with stainless steel plates. E)(ECUTION INSTALLATION In finished areas, mount manual motor starter switches flush and install suitable coverplate. In unfinished areas, mount manual motor starter switches adjacent to associated driven equipment. Provide mounting hardware, unistrut rack and accessories as required for the application. Install magnetic motor starters immediately adjacent to associated driven equipment and within site of motor and drive equipment. Provide mounting hardware, unistrut rack, and accessories as required for the application. In utility areas, mount manual motor starter switches and magnetic motor starters on adjacent walls maintaining NEC requircd access. Where required, due to access requirements, mount manual motor starter switches and magnetic motor starters on free standing unistrut stands adjacent to equipment. On roofs, or other exterior locations, mount manual motor starter switches and magnetic motor statlers on equipment or provide free standing unistrut stand adjacent to equipment. Coordinate locations with Architect prior to installation. Motor and starter wiring shall be done in complete accordance with wiring diagrams provided by the supplier. Interlock wiring shall also be provided as required in each case. Control wiring shall be minimum of 14 gauge, Class B stranded labeled, or color coded, copper conductor with SIS, THHN, or )GIIIW insulation. Furnish and install labels and nameplates in accordance with Section 16010. Provide neatly typed label inside motor starter enclosure identifying motor served, nameplate horsepower, full load amperes, code letters, and service factor. D. T l I I I F. r&85-2 MOTOR STARTERS ; GcA#se23zB o2na0r I- G. Chcck the rotation of all three phase motors and reconnect same where necessary ro '1 provide the proper direction of rotation as required for the driven unit. Check all I starters forproper overload settings. a H. Provide fuses, including spare fuses, as indicated on the drawings and as indicated in I Section 16475 for all fused combination magnetic motor starters. i I. Touch-up scratched or marred surfaces to match original finish. I- J. Verify and document that control sequences, time delay, and adjustrnents are as indicated on the drawings. K. Provide shop drawings in accordance with Article 1.02 and Section 16010. END OF SECTION I I I I T I I I I I I I r648s-3 o I I MOTORSTARTERS I ccA#ss23zB O I T - PART1 GENERAL,rlI - l.0l SUMMARY I A. Provide luminaires, lamps, ballasts, and accessories in accordance with the Drawings and Specifications. I B. Luminaires requiring caps, mounting spaces, hold-down clips or other accessory items shall be fumished complete with same whether the descriptions, catalog numben, and notes on the Drawings include such items or not. L.Oz SUBMITTAI.Sa I A. Product Data: For each luminaire and accessory specified. I B. Photometric reports performed by manufacturer's factory.I C. Samples: As requested. t D. Furnish certification that equipment and its components are year 2000 compliant. . I l.o3 ExTRAMATERTALsI a r,amps: l0 lamps for every 100 of each type installed, but not less than l.,lF B. Ballasts: I forevery 100 of eachtypeinstalled,butnotlessthan l. I C. I-enses: I forevery l00ofeachtypeinstalled,butnotlessthan l. t PARr2 PRoDUcrs ,r 2.01 ACCEPTABIJMANUFACTURERSr' A. Luminaires shall be of manufacturer and type as indicated or scheduled on the I Drawings. I, T I 16515.I UGIITINGI 0utaoI SECTION 16515 IJG}TilNG t GGA#992328 2.O2 2.O3 T l I t t t I I I I I I I I t l t I I B. D. B. D. B. 0uluol Lamps: l. General Electric 2. Osran/Sylvania 3. Philips Ballasts: l. Advance 2. General Electric 3. Motorola 4. Osram/Sylvania Battery Pack Assemblies: l. Bodine 2. Dual-Lite 3. Exide 4. Lithonia 5. Siltron GENERAL Luminaires shall have manufacturcrs standard finish unless otherwise noted. Provide "Damp lncation" label where indicated or requircd. Recessed or semi-recessed luminaires shall be designed to be compatible with ceiling as installed. Fumish and install frames where required for proper installation. Supply with trim that is compatible with ceiling system in which it shall be installed. Luminaircs shall have integral ballasts unless otherwise noted. Ballasts for rccessed luminaires shall be fully accessible through ceiling opening of luminaire unless otherwise noted. Luminaires shall be of the prewired tlpe with integral junction box. FLUORESCENT LUMINAIRES Fluorescent luminaires shall be connected with flexible metal conduit in accordance with the NEC. Luminaires shall have metallic surfaces protected with rust-inhibiting white baked enamel. Reflective surfaces shall have minimum 85 percent reflectance, white enamel, high temperature baked. Provide all wiring channels, internal barriers, socket wiring covers, end caps, reflectors, etc. 16515-2 LIGIITING I cc.#ssz3zB 0utuol J C. Acrylic diffuser type lenses shall be virgin acrylic,O.l25 inches (0.3175 cm) thick minimum. tf t D. Doors shall be capable of hinging from either side and gasketed to prEvent leakage of .\ light around doorframe edges. I 2.M I.AMPS I A. Incandescent lamps shall be rated 130 volts, and of the inside frost type unless|| otherwise noted. I B. Fluorescent T-8 and compact fluorescent lamps shall match existing color temperaturer andColorRenderinglndex of73or greater. I C. High intensity discharge lamps shall be designed for mounting positions as required by!F the luminaire in which they are installed. i D. Metal halide and high prcssurc sodium tamps shall be color corrected if luminaireF photometrics are unaffected and acceptable to manufacturer. I E. Ballast and lamp combination shall be compatible and deliver normal ballast and lamp life. Rated lamp output shall not vary in response to input voltage within l07o of rated - voltage. I17 z.os FI FCTR9MS FLUSRESSENTBALLA'T' ,A I A. Fully electronic, integrated circuit, solid-state, full-light-output, energy-efficient type. The ballast shall be physically interchangeable with a standard core and coil electromagnetic ballast. L Ballast shall operate lamps at a frequency of 20 l(hz or higher without visible flicker. 2. Audible Noise Rating: Sound rating better than A. 3. Total Harmonic Distortion ftID): I-ess than 20 percent. 4. Power Factor: 0.98 or higher. 5. Ballast Factor: 0.90 or higher. 6. Crest Factor: 1.6 or less. 7. Certification by Electrical Testing Laboratory (ETL). I I r6srs_3 I I I I I I LIGIITING o I l I I I I GGA#992328 2.06 B. oatuol 8. Certified Ballast Manufacturprs (CBM) certification and labeling that ballast has been performance tested by ETL to meet ANSI specifications. 9. conform to Federal communications commission (FCC) rules and regulations, Part 18, for nori+onsumer equipment. 10. Conform to ANSI C82.1I standards regarding harmonic distortion. I l. Conform to AI'{SI C62.41Cat. A for transient protection. 12. UL listed Class P. Manufacturer shall provide a three year wananty beginning at the time of Substantiat Completion. The manufacturer shall replace any and all failed ballasts within 48 hours of notification. Manufacturer shall provide labor for warranty replacements, phone number, and fax number to report outages. compact fluorescent type shall have circuitry designed to shut down the system rcliably and safely when lamps have reached their end-oflife to protect against overheated bases and sockets, as well as cracking of the lamp glass wall. HIGH INTENSITY DISCIIARGE BALLASTS Ballasts shall be of the constant wattage, high power factor type or auto-transformer rBactor t)?e. Exterior high intensity discharge ballasts shall be capable of starting lamps at minus 40 degrees F. ACCESSORIES Battery Pack Assemblies: Fluorescent luminaires indicated to include battery packs shall contain a battery pack assembly consisting of a battery, charger, inverter, and electronic circuitry enclosed in one compact rcd case. Battery packs shall operate one lamp to produce a minimum of 600 lumens unless otherwise noted. Luminaire shall have valid UL label with battery pack installed at luminaire manufacturer's factory. l. Test Switch and I-ED Indicator Light: Charging indicator light to monitor the charger and battery with test switch and hardware. Visible and accessible without opening fixture or entering ceiling space, and integral to luminaire unless otherwise noted. 2. Battery: High-temperature, maintenance-free, nickel-cadmium type with minimum l0-year nominal life. Capable of operating lamp for a minimum of 90 minutes. B. t t I I I l, I T I l I I T 2.07 165154 LIGIITING B. B. C. D. F. G. I t I I I I t t I T I I I I I I I I T GGA#992328 PART3 3.01 A. 0ataor 3- Charger: Fully automatic, solid-state, constant-current tlpe. 4. Operation: Relay automatically tums lamp on when supply circuit voltage drops to 80 percent of nominal voltage or below. Relay disconnects lamp and battery and automatically recharges when normal voltage is restored. Poles, bracket anns, appurt€nances, and anchorage material shall be of matching color. Same shall be sufficient to support effective projected areas of luminaires and pole supplied without failure, perrnanent deflection, or damage to lamp filaments against steady winds of 100 mi/trr (160 km/hfl with a gust factor of 1.3. E)(ECUTION GENERAL Confirm compatibility and interface of other materials with luminaire and ceiling system. In the event of any discrepancy, immediately notify the Architect. Do not proceed with installation in areas of discrepancy until all such discrepancies have been resolved. Coordinate the installation of luminaires with the schedule of work of other trades to prevent unnecessary delays in the total work. Where luminaires are shown in conflict with locations of structural members, mechanical or other equipment, fumish and install all required supports and wiring to clear the encroachment. Luminaires shall be installed as indicated and./or noted and in accordance with the NEC and the manufacturet's recommendations. Where mounting dimensions are not shown, refer to Architectural drawings for installation details. Luminaires shall be syrnmetrically located unless otherwise indicated. Luminaire locations shall be exactly moduled with ceiling tile where same occurs. Recessed luminaires shall be complete with all required hardware and accessories in each case. Where "lay-in" luminaires cannot be used in suspended ceilings, recessed luminaires shall be installed complete with bar hangen and shall be supported from the ceiling suspension system. In areas with "lay-in" ceilings, support wires shall be used to connect recessed, surface, or pendant mounted luminaires to the structure above. Recessed and surface mounted luminaires shall also be positively attached to the suspension system of the "lay-in" ceiling assembly. 16515-5 UGIITING GGA#992328 0atul| Surface-mounted luminaircs shall be supported from outlet box fixturc studs, mounting brackets or mounting straps or shall be secured directly to the structural system. Outlet boxes and mounting brackets (or straps) shall be secured to a joist or similar structural unit or to an approved metal support which is secured to such a structural unit. The use of toggle bolts for lurninaire support shall not be permitted. Wall-mounted luminaires shall be supported by wall brackets secured to luminaire studs in the outlet boxes or to outlet box "ears." Pendant mounted luminaires shall hang even regardless of uneven or sloping ceilings. Maximum pendant spacing shall be 4 feet where luminaires having 4 foot channels arc used. "Twin" stem assemblies shall not be permitted. Installation of luminaires in mechanical rooms shall be coordinated with the ductwork and otherobstnrctions. Provide special hangers as required. Luminaires shall be provided with new lamps prior to final acceptance of the project. Any lamps used for more than ninety (90) days as temporary lighting shall be replaced by the contractor. Poles, arms, appurtenances, and anchorage material shall be of matching color and sufficient when combined with base. to support effective projected areas of luminaires and pole supplied without failure, permanent deflection, or damage to lamp against steady winds of l0O mi/hr (160 km/hr) with a gust factor of 1.3. Poles are to be set on concrete base provided by General Contractor. Concrete 24 inch extended bases shall be provided only where within confined parking areas. All other pole bases shall be adjusted to grade level. Contractor shall deliver anchor bolts and templates fumished with poles to General Contractor for setting in concrete base. Provide conduit sleeves in bases for conductors and gounds. Verify locations and type of base, extended or flush, with Architect prior to installation. Ballasts shall be integrally mounted in all luminaires unless otherwise noted. Photocells shall be mounted in a protected area facing north and shall be shielded to prevent influence from other night lighting sources. Set relay contact closure at approximately 2 footcandles (20 lux). a. Clean all luminaires of construction dirt and paint prior to project close out. Use methods and materials recommended by manufacturcr. I I t I tJ. N. o. P. I I I T I16515-6 END OFSECTION UG}ITING I GcA#ss23zB t I I I PARTI GENERAL I.OI SUMMARY a A. Provide modifications of and additions of new compatible equipment to the existing oataol SECTION 16720 CONI\IENTIONAL FIRE DETECTION AND AI.ARM SYSTEM zoned, non+oded, conventional microprocessor-base fire detection and alarm system to achieve a complete, operative, coordinated, and tested system in accordance with the Specifi cations and Drawings. I B. Circuit Designation forIDC: Match existing. I C. Circuit Designation for SLC: Match existing.tr\ Ir D. CircuitDesignation forNAC: Match existing. I E. The system shall electrically supervise the integrity ofconductors and equipment. 'l F. Provide auxiliary devices and modules, relays, power supplies, wiring, and accessories I as required to achieve proper system features and sequence of operation. r 1.02 DEFINITION t A. FACP: Fire Alarm Control Panel. I B. FARA: Fire Alarm Remote Annunciator. U C. IDC: Initiating Device Circuit. D. LCD: Liquid brystal Display. I E. LED: LightEminingDiode. I F. NAC: Notification Appliance Circuit. . G. SLC: Signaling Line Circuit.t.I I.O3 DESIGN RESPONSEIUTY t A. Design modifications of and additions to the existing fire detection and alarm system. B. Coordinate design with full set of construction documents and any revision.IE 1.04 SUBMTTAIS I A. Product Data: Manufacturer's descriptive catalog literature. I r. 16720.I CONVENTIONAL FIRE DETECTION AND ALARM SYSTEM II! GGA#992328 B. oura0L Submit preliminary layout showing only device locations for review by Architect. Fumish additional devices where required by coordination, even though quantity may exceed code requirements. Shop Drawings: Include the following: l. FACP: Full scale representation showing components, indicating lights, switches, and terminations layout. 2. RiserWiringDiagrams. 3. Wiring and Control Diagrams: For each device furnished. Show interfacing with fans, dampers, and other controlled systems or equipment. 4. Floor Plans: Indicate final equipment locations, equipment interconnections, equipment mounting heights, detection/control points, conduit routing, size of conduits, size and number of conductors in each conduit, junction boxes, and wiring color code. Indicate minimum light output rating adjacent each visual alarm device. Indicate sound output rating adjacent each audio alarm device. Samples: As requested. Device Address List: Coordinate with fina,l sfstem programming. Sequence of Operation: Provide a matrix indicating all input points venus all functional system indications and outputs. System voltage drop calculations. System Battery Calculations: Substantiating battery calculation for supervisory and alarm power requirements. Ampere hour values for each system component and panel component, along with the total for the system. Include the battery recharging period. Product certificates. Submission to AHJ: Submit materials above simultaneously with the Engineer's review stamp to the AHI for review. Include copies of annotated Contract Documents as needed to depict component locations to facilitate review. As the AHI requires, submittals are to bear the seal and signature of the manufacturer's registered Engineer or Architect who is responsible for production of the submittal. Upon receipt of comments, make clarifications or revisions and resubmit if required to AHJ. Inform Engineer of changes resulting from AHJ review. Submission to Others: Submit the above materials to the appropriate contractors, suppliers, etc., for proper coordination when their work is dependent upon sigrals or controls provided from the fire detection and alarm system. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. I t I ) I t I , I t CONVENTIONALFIRE DETECTION AND ALARM SYSTEM T 16720-2 I cc*#ss23zB 0aluol I .^ L. Documentation from system testing.t\t' M. Operation and Maintenance Manual: Provide an additional copy in an accessible - plastic envelope permanently affixed to the interior of the FACP. ! N. Furnish certification that equipment and its components are year 2000 compliant. I 1.05 SEQUENCEOFOPERATTONDESCRTPTTON I A. Sequence of operation shall comply with the requirements of the AHJ, and as a I minimum address the following as applicable: rr l. Actuate alarm, supervisory, or trouble indicator and audible signal at FACP.\l 2. Display status information for device that is the source of condition at FACP. I,I 3. Actuate Evacuation audible and visual signals in appropriate area. I 4. Actuate exterior audible and visual signals for fire department entrance and 'il connection. t 5. Transmit alarrn, supervisory, or trouble signal to remote monitoring station.t 6. Release Magnetically held smoke doors. t 7. Close smoke/fire dampers. [ 8. Initiarerentilation fan shut-down when area or duct detectors indicate an alarm I g. kritiate ventilation fan shut-down when a related damper closes to eliminate4 damage to ductwork. t 10. Initiate smoke-control sequence. ,- I l. Unlocking doors. ; n. Actuate suppression system pre-discharge alarm. I 13. Cause othersound systems to be disabled. - 14. Initiate suppression system releasing sequence. /I, 15. De-energize releasing solenoids. I a 16720-3 COI.I\|ENTIONAL FIRE DETECTION AND ALARM SYSTEM I 1.06 GGA#992328 0ulu0l 16. Initiate shut-down sequence for other equipment (computers, instrumentation, etc.) prior to suppression system discharge. QUALITY ASSURANCE Installer Qualifications: Contractors have documented a minimum of five years commercial or industrial fire detection and alarm system installation experience. Joumeyman have a minimum of two years documented fire detection and alarm system installation experience. Submit documentation if requested. Equipment shall be of a single manufacturer (or division thereof) wherever possible. Each individual piece of equipment shall bears UL listing and labeling. When equipment components are used of multiple manufacturen, the combination of the equipment shall be UL approved, listed, and labeled as required by the AHJ. SEQUENCING AND SCHEDULING Existing Fire Alarm System Equipment: Maintain fully operational until new equipment has been tested and accepted. As new equipment is installed, label it "NOT IN SERVICE' until new equipment is accepted. Remove tags from new equipment when put into service and tag existing fire detection and alarm system eguipment "NOT IN SERVICE" until removed from the building. I.O8 EXTRA MATERIAIS LEDs for Remote Indicating Light Units: Quantity equal to l0 percent of the number of units installed, but not less than l. kmps for Strobe Units: Quantity e4ual to 10 percent of the number of units installed, but not less than l. Smoke Detectors, Fire Detectors, and Flame Detectors: Quantity equal to l0 percent of the number of units of each type installed, but not less than I of each type. Detector Bases: Quantity equal to 2 percent of the number of units of each type installed, but not less than I of each t1pe. PART2 PRODUCTS 2.OI ACCEPTABLEMANUFACTI.JRERS A. Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide products by one of the following: l. Notifier; Pitway CorP. Div. I I t I t I Ji 0 t I l t T I I I T I B. 1.07 B. D. 167204 CO}.IVENTIONAL FIRE DETECTION AND AJ-ARM SYSTEM B. I I t I GGA#992328 2.02 0aruor The system shall be manufactured by an ISO 9001 certified company and meet the requircments of BS EN900l: ANSVASQC Q9001-1994. The manufacturers authorized distributor shall substantiate that within a 50 mile radius of the job site there is an established agency which stocks a full complement of parts and offen full service during normal working hours on equipment to be furnished, and that the agency supplies parts without delay and at an acceptable cost. Emergency service shall be available from this firm 24 hours a day, and response time must be guaranteed within 24 hours of notification. Complete maintenance and repair service for the fire detection and alarm system shall be available from a factory trained authorized representative of the manufacturer for a period of five (5) yean after expiration of the warranty. FACP General: A modular hardware design with basic equipment including a CPU, main power supply/charger, power transformer, programming key, labels, cables, and miscellaneous hardware. Initiating Zone Module: Red LEDs indicate alarm or supervisory conditions and yellow LEDs indicate initiating circuit trouble, circuit disabled or system communication failure. LEDs pulse for unacknowledged alarms or troubles and steady on after being acknowledged or silenced. Notification Circuit Module: Provides for expanding the number of system electrically supervised NACs. Green LEDs indicates activation of the circuits, and yellow LEDs indicate trouble conditions or disabled circuits (new troubles are indicated by flashing). Control Relay Module: Provides relay contacts for auxiliary control functions (door holden, elevator capture) or any function requiring a contact opening or closure. Green LEDs indicate relay activation and yellow LEDs indicate relay disabled, module fault, or system communication failure. Main Power Supply/Charger: Provides FACP and peripheral device power, as well as power for notification appliances. l. Capable ofbeing expanded using auxiliarypower supply. 2. The power supply provides an integral battery charger with meter to indicate battery voltage and charging current. 3. The main power supply continuously monitors field wires for earth ground conditions, and has the following LED indications: ground fault LED, battery fail LED and AC power fail LED. D. B. D. I I .T t il t I I I tl I t I t 16720-5 COI.IVENTIONAL FIRE DETECTION AND ALARM SYSTEM 2.04 GGA#992328 0araDl Auxiliary Power Supply: Provides auxiliary 24 Vdc power for operation of peripheral notification appliances. Green LEDs indicates activation of the circuits, yellow LED indicates trouble. EMERGENCY POWER SUPPLY (BATTERY BACK-UP) General: Components include batteries, charger, and an automatic transfer swirch which are integral to FACP. Bafteries: Gelled electrolyte tpe with overcharge protection in a compact, sealed, leak-proof, and maintenance-free high-impact resistant plastic case. Battery Charger: Solid-state, fully automatic, variable+harging-rate type. Provide charger capacity for installed and additional spare battery capacity to maintain the bafteries at full charge- In the event batteries are fully discharged, the charger recharges them completely within 4 hours. Charger output is electrically supervised as part of system power.supply supervision. Integral Automatic Transfer Switch: Transfers the load to the battery without loss of signals or status indications when normal power fails. COT{\IENTIONAL IMTIATII{G DEVICES Manual Pull Stations l. Description: Dual-action break-tube (or non-crush tube) type, nonroded, fabricated of metal or plastic, and finished in red with molded white raisedletter operating instructions. The word FIRE appean on the front of the station in 1.75 inch (,14.45 millimeter) letters. An operated station allows itself to be visually detected at a minimum distance of 100 feet (30.48 millimeter), front or side. 2. Station Test and Reset: Key operated, double pole, double throw, switch rated for the voltage and currcnt at which it operates. An operated station latches to prcvent restoration to normal except by use of a key. Stations keyed to match FACP cabinet lock key. 3. Auxiliary Contacts: As needed to perform indicated or required auxiliary functions. B. Smoke Detectors L General: Include the followine features: Self-Restoring: Detectors do not require resetting or readjustment after actuation to restore them to normal operation. I T I I t I T F. B. 2.03 t t, l I l I t I I I I I D. 16720-6 CO}.I\IENTIONAL FIRE DETECTION AND AI-A,RM SYSTEM b. c. d. f. I t I I I t' ,1 I .FrI I I I I 'lt c I I I GGA#992328 0aruol Plug-in Anangement: The same tamper rpsistant base is used for both photoelectric and ionization type smoke detectors. I.ow profile design of 1.66 inches (4.21 centimeters) deep. The chamber is protected by a fine mesh screen which can be cleaned or replaced. Dual LEDs provide 360 degrees visibility from below. IEDs pulse in standby and steady on in alarm. Contains a built-in test switch and remote indicating light output. Auxiliary Contacts: As required to perform indicated or requircd auxiliary functions. Duct Smoke Detectors: Photoelectric type with the following features: a. Sampling Tube: Design and dimensions as recorrrmended by the manufacturer for the specific duct size and installation conditions where applied. b. Housing is suitable for mounting directly on the duct or remotely where direct mounting is not possible. c. Contains an indication light with test switch on the detector and a remote indication light with test switch output. Heat (Thermal) Detectors 1. General: Include the following features: a. Self-Restoring: Detectors do not require resetting or readjustment after actuation to restore them to normal operation. b. Plug-in Arrangement: Twist lock tamper resistant base. c. Inw profile design of 1.66 inches (4.21 centimeters) deep. d. Visual alarm indicator LED pulses in normal operation and steady on in alarm. Auxiliary Contacts: As required to perform indicated or required auxiliary functions. 16720-7 COI.IVENTIONAL FIRE DETECTION AND AI.ARM SYSTEM CIGA#992328 2.O5 2.06 B. 0atvvL 2. Fixed-Temperaturc Heat Detectors: Reliable operation is unaffected over a wide range of conditions, including humidity, barometric pr€ssure and air flow. a. Fixed-temperature settings are 135 degreesF (57 degreesC), and 190 degrees F (93 degrees C). b. The fixed temperatur€ element consists of a fusible alloy retainer and actuator shaft. DEVICECOVERS Manual Pull Station Covers: l. Cover window is made of clear and durable plastic. 2. Warning hom poweredby 9 Vdc battery. 3. Unconditional lifetime warrantee against cover breakage and damage. 4. Instructions on cover indicating how to lift cover and operate manual pull station. 5. In weatherproof applications, provide covers with optional neoprene gasketing to achieve suitable rating. Smoke and Thermal Detector Coven: Constructed of 0.1875 inch (4.76 millimeter) steel wire formed in a web-like, octagonal shape. NOTIFICATION APPLIANCES AND OTHER MISCELLANEOUS INDICATING DEVICES General: Equip alarm-indicating devices for mounting as required. Outdoor devices are rated for wet location. Provide terminal blocks for system connections. Audible Alarm Devices: Sound levels and characteristics comply with the requirements of the AHJ and ADA as appropriate. l. Homs: Electric-vibrating-polarized type, operating on 24 Vdc, with provision for housing the operating mechanism behind a grill. Horns sound tones that are field programmable, without the use of special tools, to eight tone options, including slow whoop, continuous, or intemrpted tones. Visual Alarm Devices: Mnimum candela output and visual characteristics comply with the requirements of the AHI and ADA as appropriate. 1. Xenon strobe lights with clear or nominal white polycarbonate lens. I I I I ) l T I t I I l t c t t, I I I B. 16720-8 COI.I\fENTIONAL FIRE DETECTION AND ALARM SYSTEM I Gc*#ssz3zB 0araor t{r ')-. Lenses mounted on an aluminum faceplate.It rrr\''lrlll9tl vrl arrl slLlrlllrr\rrll rq9gPrcllg. 7. The word is engraved in minimum I inch (25-millimeter) high letten on'll IIt the lens. 11 4. Strobeleads: Factoryconnectedtoscrewterminals. a D. Combination Audible and Visual Alarm Devices: Consist of factory-combined, t audible and visual alarm units in a single mounting assembly. .\ E. Remote Indicating Lights: T FT'r t1pre, mounted flush in a single gang wall plate. T] t l. Connected to indicate the alarm operation of a single detector or other device. |J 2. Irgend: "Alarm." F. Remote krdicating Light and TestlReset Switch: Red LED and key switch type, I mounted flush in a single gang wall plate.a I l. ;S:::,* to indicate.the alarm **:* of a single duct detector or other 2. l:gend: "Alarm." 4 2.07 wrRE Il) A. Wire: Solid-copper conductors with 600-V rated, 75 degrees C, color-coded insulation.! ? l. Low-VoltageCircuits: No.16AWG,minimum. I 2. Line-Voltage Circuits: No. 12 AWG, minimum. fi B. Wire and cable is listed and/or approved by a recognized testing agency for use with a l, protective signaling system. ta' I PART 3 DGCUTTON 3.01 GENERAL lr A. All equipment and components are installed in strict compliance with the I manufacturct's recommendations. Consult the manufacturer's installation manuals for t wiring diagrams, schematics, physical equipment sizes, etc. before beginning system installation. Refer to the riser and connection diagnm for specihc system installation, I termination, and wiring data. I I I t6720-e COI{VENTIONAL FIRE DETECTION AND ALARM SYSTEM cGA#992328 3.02 B. 02nu0r The selection and placement of smoke and thermal detectors shall take into consideration both the performance characteristic of the detectors and the areas into which the detecton are installed to prevent nuisance alarm or non-operation after installation. Coordinate locations of smoke detectors with supply air devices. Do not locate smoke detectors within 3 feet of supply air devices. Provide explosion-proof and weatherproof devices as indicated or required. Provide manual pull station covers for weather-proofing as indicated or required, and in arcas where it is necessary to deter unwanted activation, or guard against physical damage or vandalism. Provide covers for smoke and thermal detectors in areas where it is necessary to guard against physical damage or vandalism. Provide remote indicating lights for detectors as required or indicated. Provide remote indicating lights with test switches for duct detectors and other devices as required or indicated. Install detectors after dirt and dust creating construction activities arc complete. Detectors are not to be installed prior to system programming and testing. If construction is ongoing drrring this period, measures are to be taken to protect detectors from contamination and physical damage All enclosures or devices with locks shall be keyed alike. Flow, Tamper, and Pressure Switches: Provide connection for each device. WIRING INSTALLA'TION wiring Method: Install wiring in metal raceway. conduit, junction boxes, conduit supports and hangers are concealed in finished areas and may be exposed in unfinished areas. coordinate with other trades for the proper wiring and control of systems. conduit are 314 inch (19.1 millimeter) minimum. conduit fill are not to exceed 40 percent of interior cross sectional area where three or more cables are contained within a single conduit. Flexible connections are to be used for devices mounted in suspended lay-in ceiling panels. conduit, mounting boxes, junction boxes and panels are to be securely hung and fastened. conduit are not to enter the FACP, or any other remotely mounted equipment or backboxes, except where conduit entry is specified by the manufacturer. CO}.IVENTIONAL FIRE DETECTION AND AI-ARM SYSTEM I ! I T t I 7 I I I I il 0 I 0 c. D. F. G. B. I I I I D. t6720-10 F. G. B. C. D. n l t I I I f, I I I t l, T I I 'l I t I GGA#992328 3.03 3.04 0utaor Number and size of conductors are as recommended by the fire detection and alarm system manufacturer, but not less than No. 16 AWG (1.02 millimeter) for low-voltage circuits, and not less than No. 12 AWG for line-voltage circuits. Wiring for 24Y cohtrol, alarm notification, and simitar power limited auxiliary functions may be run in the same conduit as initiating and signaling line circuits. Circuits are provided with transient suppression devices and the system is designed to permit simultaneous operation of circuits without interference or loss of signals. Wiring within Enclosures: Install conductors parallel with or at right angles to the sides and back of the enclosure. Bundle, lace, and train the conductors to terminal points with no excess. Connect conductors that arc terminated, spliced, or intemrpted in any enclosure associated with the fire detection and alarm system.to terminal blocks. Mark each terminal according to the system's wiring diagrams. Make connections with approved crimp-on terminal spade lugs, pressure-type terminal blocks, or plug connectors- wiring color coding: color-code fire alarm conductors differently from the normal building power wiring. Use one color code for alarm circuit wiring and a different color code for supervisory circuits. Color-code audible alarm-indicating circuits differently from alarm-initiating circuits. Use different colors for visual alarm-indicating devices. color codes must be used throughout.. Transposing or changing color coding of wires shall not be permitted. wire nut type connections are not acceptable. Conductors in conduit pull boxes or cabinets containing more than one wire must be labeled on each end. Paint fire detection and alarm system junction boxes and covers red. IDENTIFICATION Identify wiring, cabling, and terminals. Identify each enclosure with a red engraved nameplate with white letters of not less than I inch (25 millimeter) in height. Identify individual components and modules within the cabinets with permanent labels. Identify each remote indicator light with a red nameplate engraved with white letters indicating the device location. Custom labels for point identification on FACP and any other related eguipment are typed written. GROUNDING Use appropriate finings to insure positive grounding throughout the entire system. t6720-Ll COI.I\/ENTIONAL FIRE DETECTION AND ALARM SYSTEM CIGA#992328 0ataol B. Ground equipment and conductor and cable shields. For audio circuits, minimize, to the greatest extent possible, ground loops, common mode retums, noise pickup, cross talk, and other impairments. Provide 5-ohm ground at main equipment location. Measurc, rccond, and report ground resistance. END OFSECTION I ! t I I 0 ! l I I t I t ) t t il I I t6720-t2 COT.IVENTIONAL FIRE DETECTION AND ALARM SYSTEM FiLftOPY Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.ci.yail.co.us w$fit"E*"(p MEMORANDUM To: Mike Ortizllrv Gladstone Vail Recreation District. Stan Zemler Town of Vail From: Charlie Davis, Chief Building Offrcial Date: December 12,2003 RX: Oggupant Load Requirements for Dobson Ice Arena During the 1999 World Alpine Ski Championships, Dobson Ice Arena was evaluated by the Town of Vail's Building Inspection and Safety Services for use of special events other than an a ice arena. When this evaluation was completed it was noted that the use ofDobson Ice Arena for special events consistently exceeded exit capacity for the structure. During the 2001 season the arena was expanded to increase storage capacity and add additional offrce and bathroom facilities. During that building pennit plan review it was determined to increase exit widths to allow nore occupants and a performance based approach was suggested to allow for more occupants to use the arena. While the additional exit width was added, the smoke-control system required to complete the performaace based approach has yet to be installed. Because this has not work has not been conpleted, The Town's Building department with agrcement from, the Town's Fire Department shall require the maximum occupant load for Dobson Ice Arena to be held to a maximum of 1500 occupants/people. We shall also require that any special event other that ice related events to be submitted for review and approval, a minimum of l0 business days prior to the event being held. This is being done to provide a minimum level of safety for occupants attending events at the ice at€na. Please make note of the additional attachment recently provided to the Vail Town Council, and the DepartrDent's position. Please do hesitate to call me if any questions arise Davis Chief Building Official {gu"ouoruo MEMORANDUM TO: Pam Brandemeyer Interim Town Managerly'ail Town Council FROM: Charlie Davis Chief Building Official, Michael McGee Fire Marshal/Deputy Chief DATE: May 15,2003 SUBJECT: Status of Life Safety lmprovements, John R. Dobson lce Arena I. DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST This is a synopsis of the status of the life safety improvements to Dobson lce Arena. The primary purpose of this memo is to pass on information regarding the project since the status of Dobson lce Arena's occupant load is still in question. II. BACKGROUND We became aware of the nonconforming status of Dobson at the time of the 1999 World Alpine Skiing Championships. lt became apparent that the maximum permissible occupant load under the 1997 UBC, as adopted by the Town of Vail, is 1000 persons. The primary reason for the 1,OO0-person cap is the lack of a fourth (4h) separate exit. There are or were multiple nonconforming features, including the combustible cedar shake roof, inadequate width of exit aisles and stairs, lack of a second exit from the refrigeration room, failure to maintain occupancy separations, questionable operating procedures, etc. The management for Dobson lce Arena, basically the staff of the Vail Recreation District (VRD), is regularly booking and holding events, such as rock concerts, in ihe facility, with 2,500 or more persons in attendance. The Town Manager directed staff to hire an independent contractor to review Dobson lce arena for occupancy and apply a performance-based approaches to resolve building code non-conformities relating to the uses of Dobson lce Arena. Staff hired ARUP who is considered a leading code consultant in this field in the counlry. ARUP's recommendations for life safety improvemenls are contained in their 'Final Report" dated May 2001 (a copy is available if needed). The recommendations are based, generally, upon the following assumptions: 1) Maximum allowable occupant load, depending upon event scenario, of from 800 to 3,000 persons. 2) A number of set "scenarios" for different types of events, including occupant loads, layouts of tables, chairs, stages, etc., as applicable to various types of events that are held in the lacility. The scenarios include hockey games, dinner dances, open floor concerts, concerts with chairs and the annual ski swap. 1) 3) That the primary goal of the improvements is to safely evacuate occupants from the building before they are overcome by smoke, heat or other impacts from a fire in the facility. 4) The knowledge that a fire might partially or completely destroy the building and might threaten other nearby buildings. The recommended life safety improvements are not intended to save the slructure, i.e., provide property protection, or prevent the spread of fire from the structure. It appears that all of the recommended life safety improvements, wilh the exception of the recommended smoke management system and approved management plans wiih fuel load analysis are completed. The approach to Dobson's non-conformance is a performance-based system. All the pieces to the puzzle must be completed lo assure the Town that minimum life-safety issues are addressed. ACTIONS COMPLETED TO DATE TO IMPROVE BUILDING SAFETY Additional Egress Widlh. Installtwo (2) additional exit doors at lhe main entrance (in additional to making sure that the existing pair of 4'-wide doors is available for egress during events) and two (2) additional exit doors at each of the upper level side entrances. Two exit doors at the main entrance are added and simply fill an additional "bay" of curtain wall ("storefront") at each of the upper side exits with additional exit doors, which would exceed the recommendations for the side exits which is completed. Additional Egress Aisles. Add two additional3'-wide stair aisles at each end of the existing bleacher seating. This improvement has been completed. Flame Retardant Treatment. Treat the existing wooden ceiling materials above the paths of egress with an approved flame retardant. I have been told this has been completed but did not witness the treatment being applied. lce Rink Barrier Openings. Make additional egress width available through the barrier around the ice rink for non-ice events such as concerts, etc. Jim Heber, the manager for the facility, has indicated that this is available through the installation of the new ice rink barrier, which has much more flexibility than the old barrier in terms of removing panels to add additional egress width during non- ice events. Also additional stair width is added to the north side by the use of movable stairs that are placed during events hosted on the ice surface. Occupancy Separations. Maintain existing fire-resistive construction and improve separation of refrigeration room from main public space. This includes making sure that any storage or mechanical areas are separated from the main assembly space by 1-hour fire-resistive construction, self-closing-and-latching 1- hour door assemblies and sealing of penetrations. In addition, the refrigeration room is to be separated from the main assembly space by 4-hour fire-resistive walls and two sets of 9O-minute-rated self-closing doors. This was actually to be accomplished as part of the construction for the addition and remodel project and should, at this point, be completed. See ARUP Final Report. This is a very brief summary of some of the assumptions and recommendations contained in the ARUP Final Report. Please consult the repon tor more detailed information. 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) IV. STAFF RECOMMENDATION ARUP Statf Recommendation: The ARUP final report actually indicated that, if fuel loads were controlled as noted in the first section of 'Table | - Summary of Proposed Fire Safety Measures," up to 3,000 occupants could be accommodated under the usage scenarios described in the final report. For various reasons, I cannot recommend that up to 3,000 occupants be permitted at this time. The reasons are described as follows: 1) The VRD does not have the expertise on their staff to complete a fuel load assessment or create a management plan in the level of detail required to assure public safety. 2) There is no assurance that the Town of Vail Fire Department and/or Town of Vail Building Safety & lnspection Services will have the staffing levels and/or the expertise to monitor and control fuel load package types and arrangements as recommended in the ARUP report. 3) lt does not appear that the smoke management system component of the lire safety improvements, which could be used to provide an additional level of protection that would offset the deficiencies described above, will be able to be implemented any time soon. 4) A 4^ exit could be added however the access to this 4th exit would be located on the mezzanine level thus requiring the occupants to exit through the upper level located within the smoke-zone. With the addition of a 4tn exit, a smoke- management system will still be required to maintain an attainable atmosphere Staff Recommendation: It is my recommendation that: 1) The maximum occupant load permitted under any conditions, after all fire safety improvements except the smoke management system and fuel loads packs/management plans are salisfactorily completed, is limited to no more than 1,500 persons. My professional opinion, in the absence of the smoke management syslem, a number of .l ,500 persons is appropriate. The staff at VRD would like to have more than 1,500 people attend events at Dobson. Vail Fire Department has documentation as to flagrant violations occurring at Dobson this past winter season 2) Ongoing approvals for "standard" events to occur are based upon standard layouts and procedures, i.e., the scenarios in the ARUP report. Any departure from slandard scenarios will require prior case by case reviews and approvals by the Town of Vail prior to holding events. See attached email from the Vail Fire Department regarding staff levels. This will also require that VRD staff work with Town of Vail staff to generate the standard layouts, procedures, precautions and safeguards ('Tire safety management plans") for each of the approved scenarios. This has not been done and my recommendation is that event staff at the VRD does not have the expertise to generate these management plans. 3) My final recommendation with input from Mr. Michael McGee, Fire Marshall is to allow a maximum occupant load of 1,500 people, until such time that a smoke- management system is installed, a complete management plan prepared by certified event professionals are submitted and approved by the Town including fuel load pack evaluations. More detailed parameters for fuel loads are recommended and we should retain either ARUP or another qualified fire protection engineering firm lo assist. FN N &trl - tsl at) (! (,,o x (.) F q) a'(ta\r'lv, h0.. €(t) Eq) z d-cn+J\Jts!ax(.) & gF TAE'EA-)Er!2'lnPtrvh {/g &2iEl 3:trr ^'!f^T "Jfrt z * r.t/tL-.J.9 E-oua9nJjH =OAo ;o 'al =cl C)P (€uolqH oF{ +Jtr C) O 'tJdo F1 +Jc (ga 5tJ tJo Fza FF& z -t v, FrzH& Fx 3 E Hvi) E Narl o -5' +, o .t) L.'oo .9€a Aq +{ r: ..}z.a! O?u,ncaox .|-, th o l-{ ( C'\ N N c] Fz FF Fl t,(J C)a oo ct)(t)oli {l { \l \l (ut ta U o q.} tr\ n) k c) a4r,l k (!o () (a C) €G' !, :q6-tU.:-28 FU HE QQt>trE,AF .u (., TId!I s.,X= Q)) O ri' =-eoA ;Ub€ \t-r lhogba-o2 (h x-(E -!.a OJ e)o F Ll7l- rqsT _ scp ruN l 6 ?001 ' iUN.a5.2861.. 1:e2Pil,GCRDON GUi'lESOFi 7.8J1 o Department of Public Worla & Transportation 1309 Elkhorn Drive ltail, Colorado 81657 970-479-21 58 Fax: 970-479-21 66 www,ci.vail.co.us tv26n00l R. A. Nelson Rory O'Halloran RE: The Dobson Ice Arena Construction Project - Pedestrian Walk Way, Loading Dock Ramp and Bus Route Area. Dear Rory, The Town of Vail Public Works Department is requiring that the grade between the Bus Route and the Loading Dock Ramp be corrected to comply with the approved set of building plans. As it exists today, the grade does not meet the approved plans. This issue was brought up in late September and a letter was sent to Odell Architects and R.A. Nelson on October 4, 2001 . Nothing has been done to conect this issue. The Town of Vail is requiring that all work involved to make the repair must be completed and operational by December 10,2001 or at TCO, which ever come first Repair of the brick pavers in this weather may bring up a lot of issu3s and problems in the spring of 2002. The General Contractor will be responsible for all repairs. I have included a copy of the letter given to Odell Architects and R.A. Nelson on October 4, 200l. Ifyou should have any questions, please don't hesitate to call me at 970479-2118 Thank you, Leonard Sandoval :l*r^fuk*,// Town of Vail Construction lnspector XC: Peter Penfoil - R.A. Nelson Charlie Davis - Acting Chief Building Official Piet Pieters - Vail Recreational District Stanley Tumer - Odell Architects Greg Hall - TOV Director of Public Works / Transportation {p r"n"rro" ro o Department of Public Work & Transportation 1309 Elkhorn Drive Yail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2158 Fax: 970-479-2 166 www.ci.vail.co.us l0/04t2001 Odell Architects P.C. 32065 Castle Court. Suite l50 Evergreen, Colorado 80439 Stanley B. Tumer Mr. Stanley: While observing the construction site at the Dobson lce Arena, I have came up with some concems that I feel are an issue and your attention in solving the matter is required. Keep in mind that no inspections of the site have been called regarding the Public Works Department, so there is a good chance that more issues will come up. l. The Loading Dock area: The grade as it exists today exceeds the Town of Vail of requirements and does not comply with the approved set ofplans, The issued is from the proposed gate to the edge ofasphalt. 2. I have questioned R.A. Nelson about the new boiler system, and mentioned how it was working and if the heated portion ofthe bus ramp was operational and working. They referred me to the plumber at the site where I found out that the bus ramp would not be heated because the new system was design to do that. I know this issue was brought up in the design stage and the Town of Vail was concemed and addressed that whatever system was used it must be adapted to melt the roadway and remain operational. The Town ofVail suggest that Dennis Beaudin, Beaudin-Ganz Mechanical Engineers, review the situation at the VRD expense. The Town of Vail will require that Odell Architects and the VRD resolve these issues before any TCO inspection is issued. ffyou have any questions, please feel free to me at970479-2198 Thank you, Leonard Sandoval af-r,,, inr>ur,L- Town of Vail Construction Inspector Cc: R.A. Nelson - Peter Penfoil Rory O'Halloran {p'"nuo"" lrcpryfron Reqqect Roq||rabd impsct Drte; Tur6(by, Junr ?!,2fill' ln$cc;tto{t Area: GRG Slb Asldrerr: szt lI IEADOUT DR vAlL DOBSOilreEARET{A{*'l {- t78O} ,I AF['lnllrm|frcn Acfttu imr.{P76 TtE6; FIECHCordTpir: Ocel$Gilrcy O{,ri$r: Tt}WNOFV ft Coltocbr: COirfrERCl/tt REFRIGERATIOf.J. ${c. Diocr$oG: hFT Lt}€W}cERhKREFRK}ER Tffi{SYSTEM. Rrqu.aE{ lrcq€stlprdsl lF{i!R.q|Fbr: Comnilb: A||lqnod To:- ilclbn: lbor Cofifrnardr: roofli & rdvl$i$d & Npffo\,orl [rs|'lkdon. subrlHr Acotl Slqtltl; ISSIEDhr6pA|la: (|RG Ftprn; 18(p1414.0&n Reoucst d Ttrle: {18:00 Alf" PlE.|.: (4lo|ifl4+190 ,14$09fl) Enbr.dBS CDAlllS x !&*tr dmr Et rar b cor!d$3.r room. A c|dr o[t rdlq.otLfi otamc-:too fiom rnsclrmlcat sndnca o|ft|o ffitts mmcqttor". rmrdhton o. ? rlt d sHnin !.|t pb|rro.e mikn. Remorn a{ Irsrh, looh E &ffiil" mafh.: 3l Ctilfr otoanrEdor! fiom mechanlc.t .mlit a o|ffig firdd$on; ond it) ELctkal cmh€sr b'rklt $i!r RE *rwil tlD rhril*l .|ot uln o{t Dowsr b lldt{r h r6Gr fr ilmrgob le.I fttdod. q( b ctlaIge $'!fiom wf|h 8mfionb on gZ3Dl ts h(xt a bldg. ronibni dt unocrildd consfruflh{r cib.. gyr*ftr r{aftJp rHd onlhorirsd unlil mach. drgf}for ho3 thhod cils ard Cornwtrzac\ftc D U ,* ra - I+'td L^.-ir ( (gnRY fuC DpSta*t lt.lnP TFSf DoCu ttl4€/,Jrlh7at1/ ' Ec[!sug4.!!!sQs |-c)f gpan @ rug&q ... l:r \'-;'.t'::.: i,':''.' .' .I: '' I lbm: 2tX!bt!: 31Oirm: 315lbnt: 3a0lLfrr 3(}o!otn: 34O IIECH-lUic. - '" ADorD.\r.d * 00rl00l lns$€ctor; GR6' Ac$on: APAPPROIrED Coffin nls: lC€ Rhll( l"lEAl$.lti gvSTEl, ruB$S. An TEBT Oll AI 3:t P8l. 0&elJ01 Inspedor GRG Ac{on: APAPPROVED conilnnE: Rs\rKcoor-A|lTTuBrNG. TES1SON;LOn SpE,*&3,{PSI; HGHS$DE?36PSl.hm: *lO lE'Ct+Fhll 06l7i[Jol hnD€cbc CftG Adbn: CRCORRECTIOI{REO{RSD Coilm.rils: To imc{ur fhd roorowl br new lco srr*m: 1} Cot|9lcte indrfidoo of 2 Eelr of 9$r*r erf- cloaho & trw*ti ifooc rt enfar|cc trj rdrh5liuori riront & rhgle {tffi d rsr b condd$ rmm; 2) CEn out rCr6. r$fir Rem$v..ll t elr; bolr & cfid. m*4.;3t Ondn o5..ndon trorn mechglbe, rnolnocr ol(ho Inftlrlhdoni tnd 4) Ebctkel €minoor tD rrht tlb RE tfurnt tb drot 0 not trm cdf po{fu b figtrt& h rsom It ammonh h.k ffi.- OK b cfitgo tysem nlh siunonh on 612401 or lona usldq. ramhnr an ur$cuDL{l coostrilcfron ilr. Svbflxn sftrD rbt anthortsul unul oicfi, effircor tnr v{rlbd ltb'.ild r.Vhry|rd E rpfaov*l lr$llfrli.drthortsxl unil rractr, erlg*iaor ha. v$lbd rtb cnd ro4$nd t .PDtotd l$[tdo,ti. n \a. "Cud vcn'*!) &vnLwA Lito!'An nn ITTtrCIXT',Et7-sa i]ffiffi--*--__*1,;*o, {i PE |nlbmstlon Requested |nsp€ct lraie: Inrp€cuon pJ€|: Site Addr6sr: ^ TyF€ &PLMB {.JCCUFgnf y: l[gg.t. o8]ernber 20, t001 gfl#sFffiHollvArL eubrn€; AMF .; I {Actr/l!vi Cf.nst IlF,€- Priist: Srnlflel 'J il Jiire r; ilr' liea:rip{rx $Ir'ii'-s: i;+fi}r,'rt'iit. P0_{..rn37 210r0€407005 TOI,.1'T,' CIF VAJL Strtus; lngp Aaea eor" :PABC PLUMS'FIG SEFV€E : ?L : rr 4{i PLirrdErNG .lER\,tL€ '-i5f {i/.F{.pI-cf a*rxncol&-aND.i_itcisERRrf oM.:.IJt ElLl l-brrr.'i lirl &l\|llln&r$-tll'tnrrEfl t rlrntlrr.j rtrqrrlnncR€JLj-pg&'fGfiARy ?1 D P!..M&.Uri$aroroiift! -:'i! i:Llil6-R brtah--D W,1,li! i:1il6-F uqeh:D W,V Re,lue,siec Tlrne: 0&:rJ0 A[4 - Pllorre. gt$g2fu766 Enliired By_ |FLORES K Phone: 97S6:5-0766 Pf rLn€ g:rldi5€,rf€ . GGOODSLI Fiec lE,tlBlJ !.tps q,i.C !l-gl _ ifen' 2S0 trLldg-Firut ^,lsffiyi 'ffE* "r*t'* SERM.E i) "T1' -l* -.-. YtotutuilG {txtwr* k\ pp^'gli,-'- mb-rlt qtND W V -. 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