HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 7 TRACT B GOLDEN PEAK BASE 1984 LEGALoz F =t uJo- r\ c)Ioo CN (n IJJ uJ IL ts =E LrJ o- x8ffi48/.N s\, tuJ riEqIr *r{\; I t -|l,1( N\\NN | \lN\l I ,\t N\\ .P il;s JiEE14:' llJF o E F Fg) z o ozz ii) 2= oz 5 ?- d =.Z. i,- Uf'lg , u-? 3 "l 3J t, tJl o ;J (l., =o +J UI ln r |E ? o o ,: i e = u w l(t ulz3 (Jr€ O'Frr)(/t (dovr-< lcor\ .'- X.dO>dl +, e = =ct €J 9- P CJ! o)'h c;!o !; 9,t! 8g e(E6.9'aa'; o.'6 (6 .ocl'art osF FC o o o o E (u o)Eoo == @ E o =c l (D o o.o.$ '.g E -o 'oF 0) o) .g Eoaq (g c o .o = c(! si 3 oti G,'=O(/) *5etro6 5ffrtoc o xEc-o'i*. =-, =:gPd'S =c96 e5t EEEsoO;tso E'i e F€ e.Y- (E cL(E o- sEE oe o.Ef;: o; qt6-'-EE EOO: EdE -PC(6 O'-!;oe-E s€;Eit =6>,o('= .y;EHi snfe9Eo eEg -o(! lf) c\l(o s (v Oc) o (r,: F uJ z J xoIu oz o- J 9e, oqlJu, 26 = J 9z gJ = L! 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READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLER y'- . ..-\ MoN 1i TUESJ AM PMWED THUR FRI BUILDING:PL tr tr tr tr tr tr tr UTIBING: UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATER tr tr FOOTINGS / STEEL FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr tr ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION POOL / H. TUB$:::r tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL:MECHANICAL: tr tr tr tr TEMP. POWER tr tr tr tr HEATING ROUGH EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FID,AL tr FINAL '/t AtrFrRovED O DISAPPROVED O BEINSPECTION REOUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE m INSPECTOR ,*#"rroN REouEsr , 'OWN OF VAIL DAnE i .'' ' :t i' JoB NAME CALLER READY FOR INSPECTION: MON TUES wED THUR FRI AM PM LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V, tr ROUGH/WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING r-r ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL/H.TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr trtr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELE trI ,trF trC tr_ GTRIGAL:IIECHANICAL: TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL tr FINAL O APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR /X zz READY FOR LOGATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES *rn#cnoN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL WED THUR FRI AM PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLU[IBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL/ H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr trtr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER 'TIECHANICAL:tr HEATING E ROUGH ,.rr,./ , ,tr EXHAUST HOODS o tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE INSPECTOR lq'tj PERMI DATE , "uy,?ilo,f PROJECT INSPECTION:MON "' '/ JoB NAME (/ ,,+ INSPECTION ,, , ,, TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL cALLER ,'.,"z::l READY FOR LOCATION: ,,--.-\TUES r'WeO ; THUR 'f,, r '.-AM (';t,')t i I:) ' :..: FRI BUILDlNG: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL (rnnrri|rNc Ffi<>-Nr7z.tc-- tr ROUGH / WATER tr ( ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL/ H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr trtr tr FINAL T] FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER iIECHANIGAL: tr tr o tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL '/Hppaoveo tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: .tii?il m DATE INSPECTOR ,'t rns#cnoN REQUEST VAIL t ,: :4 TOWN OF DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: JOB NAME MON . CALLER TUES AM PM tr FOUNDATION / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D,W.V. ,- ROOF & SHEEH " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr POOL/ H. TUB tr HEATING tr SUPPLY AIR -E'lppRoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED ,tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR .-.,.-) rN#ctoN REouEsr TOWN OF VAIL'i/' r lry INSPECTION: / ,7 ,lr.' ,, -1. , /; DATE JOB NAME MON ' <-) ,4-CALLER TUES WED rHUR (11'AM iPM\_ __r. READY FOR LOCATION: PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH /WATEF FOOTINGS / STEEL tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr tr FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr tr tr tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr tr FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANIGAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr tr tr SUPPLY AIR FINAL ,,€TAPPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED "- (' "( :' t;DATE INSPECTOR & \hitAssociates,Inc. Creators and Operaton of Vail and Bea,rcr Creek December 27, 1984 Mr. Charles H. Cowperthwaite Pendleton & Sabian, P.C. Seventeenth & Grant Building Suite 1000 303 East Seventeenth Avenue Denver, Colorado 80203 Dear Kit: Vail Associates wil'l be at the Town of Vail Planning Carmission meeting on January 7th to discuss several proposed changes to the Golden Peak development plan. If I may answer any questionsfor you prior to the meeting, please let me know. Plans outlining the proposed changes are also at the Town of Vail Deparfinent of Cormunity Developnent. Vail Planning & Technical JM/cs cc: Peter Patten Si ncerely , Rxt Office Box 7 . Vail, Colorado 81658'(303)476-5601 & \AilAssociates,Lrc. Creators and Operators of Vail and Beaver Creek December 27, 1984 Mr. Ray Cote All Seasons Condo Association 434 Gore Creek Drive Vail, Co]orado 8.|657 Dear Ray: Vail Associates will be at the Town of Vail Planning Conmission meeting on January 7th to discuss several proposed changes to the Golden Peak development plan. If I may answer any questions for you prior to the meeting, please let me know. Plans outlining the proposed changes are a'lso at the Town of Vail Department of Conmuni ty Developnent. Si ncerely,,? Vail P'lanning & Technical JM/cs cc: Peter Patten post Office Box ? . Vail, Colorado 91658. (303)426-5601 & \hitAssociateqLrc. Creators and Openton of \Ail and Beartr Cteek December 27, 1984 llr. Randy llilhoan Box ll14 Vail, Colorado 8]658 Dear Randy: Vail Associates will be at the Town of Vai'l Planning Corrnission meeting on January 7th to discuss several proposed changes to the Golden Peak development plan. If I mqy answer any questions for you prior to the meeting, please let me know. Plans outlining the proposed changes are also at the Town of Vail Departnent of Comunity Development. Si ncerely,k-* Manager Vail Planning & Technical ,ll.l/cs cc: Peter Patten Post Office Box 7 . Vail, Colorado 81658'(303)476-5601 I-avrt McGee stated that he had reviewed FAA criteria, and the proposed sitewould not meet this criteria. He addeC that the present site was for medical use on1y. There was discussion concerning the heed for further information,and Jost stated that she was wi'l ling to withdraw the application. There was a motion and second to tab'le this item, and then this motion waswithdrawn in light of the fact that the app'licant withdrew the app'lication. (The following i 7. Brief tation of Patten exp) He added t Macy,showed site plans which jndicated moving the bus stop and changing MjllLreeK trom an open stream to a culvert. He stated that if the stream were leftopen, it would have to be very large and would be empty most of the year. VA also wanted to locate the ehalet Road tennis couri wjth the other-tennis courtsto the east of Golden. Peak. Macy was reminded that the ne.ighbors were quite concerned about the cha'let Road area and needed to be kept informed. 4. Prel iminar.v review of exterior a] terations of : g. Lionsquare t*- enclosure 60 daysb. Lifthouse Lodge commerc'ia1 expansjon - 90 daysc. Lionshead Gondola b'ldg remodei - SO Cays The above times are the review periods decjded upon for each project. 5. Report from the Park steerinq conmittee. Patten reported that John Horan-Kates had been added to the committee. Patten showed a flow chart. Donovan stated that there were several members of thecommittee who felt that the amphitheatre did not belong in Ford park. patten stated that the amphitheater was a Master plan issue. - Patten and Braun explained that there were so many projects in the works atthe present time that needed public input and which needed to be brought tothe public's attention, that they felt'the open house format might seive inepurpose. Patten stated that there would be iwo video tapes rnade beforeChristmas to be played on TV to advertise. Then on the'10th there would bea video in the lobby with booths in the council chambers. 84 -4- an -eqt of sequence. ) modifications to the a roved develo way, but that Joe Macy and with the commission which be informational on'ly. ,xdre changes related to function and budget, ood had not been inc'l uded in either a formal or informal Jack Hunn of Vail Associates had requested a discussion was granted on the condition that the presentation ined that there / 75 soulh ,rontage road vall, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7@0 offlcc ol connunlty developmenl November 19, .|984 Patti Dodson P. 0. Box 3688Vail, Colorado, 81658 RE: Ski School Tepee - Golden Peak Dear Patti, The.tepee Tay 9e erected for the 1984-85 ski season as approved by the Design Review Board. The tepee should be located adjaceiri to thetrailer at Golden Peak. Approval is given for the tepee to be up fromthe beginning of the ski season to soon after the end of ski season.If you have questions please give me a call. KPlrme S'incerely, r,, Kfun\t,L Kristan Pritz Town Planner t \hilAs*-qLrc.WCreaors and Ooerators of Vail and Beaver Creek TO : RON PHILLIPS FROM : JOE MACY DATE : IICVEI.IBER 8' 1984 Harry asked me to get this to you prior to the Recreation District meeting. If you need to discuss this with me, please call. (476-5501 x-4012) la Post Office Box 7 . Vail, Colorado 81658 . (303)476-5601 GOLDEN PEAK DEVELOPMENT JDH: IL/8/84 Chalet Road Tennis CourtPreliminary Construction Estimate I. Current Status: A. Conceptual, schematic and design development have . been completed at a non-recoverable cost of 98,500. B. The Design Review Board and neighborhood associationhave significant concerns regarding this proposed development: t. Impacts on view corridor 2. Impacts of snow rernoval 3. Impacts on emergency vehicle access C. A partial construction proposal was solicited bythe Town of Vail for the expansion of the existingChalet Road tennis courts from two (2) courts tothree (3) courts. II. Development Budget: A. Project management g -0- B. Design and engineexing 7,700 1. Civil engineering S 2,350 2. Electrical engineering 1,500 3. Architectural design 500 4. Landscape archj_tectural design 3,200 5. Blueprints and specifications 250 C. Fees, permits and taxes -0- D. Sitework and utility construction 120,150 1. Demolition of existing 1,500 2. MPR proposal G 2/17/84 55,400 3. MPR proposal G 2/24/84 8,000 4. Adjust for inflation perproporal_ 5,000 Golden Peak DeveldlentChalet Road Tennis CourtPreliminary Construction Estimate Page Two Lr/8/84 5. Adjust for inflationto 1985 $ 5,500 6. Excavation/backfill forretaining walls 2,500 7. HauL-off/disposal of excessmaterial 1,000 8. Import structural fill/com-paction 31000 9. Concrete retaining wallswith form liner, texture and integral color 151000 10. Site grad.ing for positive drainage 500 11. 18" CMP culvert 250 L2. Asphalt pathways 1,000 13. Timber/asphalt stairway 2.000 L4: Modifications to irriqationsystem 750 l-5. Landscape construction 3,250 a. Remove existingtrees S 100 b. New trees/shrubs 2,000 c. Revegitation/sod 1r150 15. Control gates,/electrical distribution I5,OOO 17. Split rail fencing 500 E. Financial expenses $ -0- 1. Capitalized interest 2. Builders risk insurance 3. Contract administration Gord.en Peak Deverot..Chalet Road Tennis CourtPreliminary Construction Estimate Page Three tL/ 8/84 F. Deduct for project management and design costs associated withthe proposed relocation of theadditional tennis court to the southeast corner of the site.$ (2,850) TOTAL--PRELIMINARY DEVELOPMENT ESTIMATE $125,000 III. Summary: A. The cost to construct an additional tennis court tothe west of the existing Chalet Road tennis courtsin compliance with the iequi-rements and restrictions imposed by the Town of Vail, the neighborhoodassociation and specific site conditions will costat least $125,000. B. Easements would need to be negotiated to permit all major utilities to remain in their existing locations,provided that they are deep enough to permit construction as proposed. C. The probable relocation of major utilitj-es to accommodate the proposed constructj-on wouldcost bet\^reen $25,000 and 975,000. D. The resulting tennis courts would not be regulationsize. JDH,/mk Attachments (3) j. llEIE ( ( (r a EgBPffi ,(-a /.zz.c.z- rt- ft-4-- 3(a,rrr** a-1 frot*,.,,.-_ f0 tz,X-z- rb b rv/"d. -'".r"? €J. n"nrE|. & Associates- dbd Malott Peterson Renneq lnc. GONTBACTORS 1 375 w. ALAMEOA/OENVER, COLOBADO 80223/€09744-3631 February 17, 1984 Pat Dodson City of Vail Recreation Department P.0. Box 100 Municipal BuildingVail, C0 81657 Dear Pat: 'The cost for moving two sets of net posts, 120, of fence andresurfacing tennis courts in new locition will be approximate'ly $8 ,000 . 00 . Pat, I will plan on being in Vail th.is springmelts. At that time i will give you an exacican be of any more help to you p1 Lase ca1'l . Si ncerely, RENNER, INC. Lee E. Renner Pres j dent LER: ajn TENNIS COURTS/ALL WEATHEB RUNNING TRACKS/DEX.O.TEX DECKS G FLJOFS when the snow amount. If I E EE HHHffiffi February 24, I9B4 Pat Dodson City of Vail Box 100Vail, C0 81657 Subject: Construction of One Tennis Court at Gold peak Dear Pat: Reference is made to our djscussions the last two years regarding construct'ionof a court adjacent to courts l and 2 at Gold peak. Last iall w6 put some num-bers'"ogetherforbudgetarypurpoSeSandcameupvl.itffitebt$ss,qoe.oo for the following work items: 1. Grade si te r.rest of courts so as lane, a ATTAG||IIEI{T +'26-6 to provide a pad for the court and a l0'fire M @ €.J. Renner 6 A6sociales. irba Malott Peterson Renneg Inc. CONTRACTORS 1375 W ALAMEDA/DENVER, COLOFIADO 80223/1303)744_3631 ( 2, J. Fine grade, soil sterjlant,6,,gravel base and 2" asphalt mat 60' X 120,. Galvanized chainl'ink fenc'i ng on 3 sides 10' high except 3%' the mjddle g0' of the west side and one gate. Fence wjll join exisiing fencing which wjllform the east side, 4. Championship surfacing. 5. Premier net posts and nets 6. 9' high windscreens on the 10, fencing. Add about 8% for 1984 construction. The above does not include engineering drawings, moving of underground lines or landscap'ing. In 1982 we iiscussed anenlarged tournament scheme that would have allowed for seating around the peri- meter; that plan would necessitate more planning and more expense and mighinot fit the area. Please call if you have any questions. Sincerely, RSON RENN ,INC. Bardeen c)i, !. I i. I ?, Sal es JB: Di rector : in..," TENITIS COURTS/ALL WEATHEF RUNNING TRACKS/DEX.O.TEX bCCrS E FLOORS s9RZ EFZF1a,ssc(Fl- ft r,{ 3$ ti iffrr Xi , r{ rdii i$ e $ilii $-$g* i$lt..,niatlt $ s >.t 5 n F (n Fc(qJI L ,P z o- ( *fss$& P {I. Fi On- g\n b'-dris' a::I e$* m ,Et'----'1,E'--2,/z/1 T/ V/ Ut 1$ s" nI uHiz ( F ur= tU ,r( I} f.r IJ rlJ ii b I n> lJ.:t|.- {rt II$ iii t I y,! if$'rl\ rIi + P ?tltto ( o -.--".' - i O;^ t ,o snowdon and Hopkins o Architects I (yLl}t<U fqb( r)'-\ )*i 201 Gore Creek Drive 303-476-2201 Vail, Colorado 81657 November 1, 1984 14.. Steve Patterson Vail Building trnspector Towr of Vail 75 S. Frontage Road Vai1, C0 81657 Dear Sleve: Erclosed are meeting notes with you and meeting notes wj-th Mike l&Geer Vail Fire Chief. 0f jnterest is thaL l4eGee is not requiring the Arcade to be sprinkled. 0f course VaiI Associates may wish to do so for insurance reasons. A1so, frm not quiLe sure our assr.rmption of a property line nrnning along the cenber-line of the arcade is valid for determining the fire rating of walls fronLing on the Arcade. ff you consider it an ?rarcadert(see Arcades, Sec. 509), it says that Arcades connect buidings which is not exactly true here as it is one building with an open corridor running through it. Even so, it sbates that fhe buildings 'heed not be considered as adjacent buildings....provided that the walls of the buildlng adjolning the arcades are finished with the sane construction as required for the exterior walls of the bui1ding...?r If you dontt conslder them as adjacenf buildings then those arcade walls should be the same fire rating as the other exterior walls (in this case t hour, non-combusfi-ble ). Another way to consider it is as an exit corridor or exit passageway (Sec. 3305): "any covered or encl-osed exit passageway, including walkways' tunnels. and malls...rt. ao [b. Steve Patterson November 1, 1984 Page 2 When I think of sjmllar buldings, the cne which seems closest to this is the Concert llall Plaza in Llonshead where an open air passageway runs through the buildlng wlth a skylight and the passagelay. SLrops and resfaurants opening cn to the passagevray are not even fire rated there, so f think a 1 how rating is appropriate in our case with the arcade called a covered passage&ray. (I think the meaning of the Arcade definltion is that you have distinct and sepa.rate buildings linked tqgether by arcades, not a pa.ssageway rurning through a building.) hhat do you think? If you are in agreement that this is just a passageway, then the open air pa.ssageway will have a 1 hour rating. oo MLS/mcc Erclosures chael oo oo November 1, 1984 Golden Peak Ski Base Facility l.beting Notes for October 1T , 198\ meeting Present: Stevd Patterson, Vail Buj_ldlng Inspector Michael Sanner, $rowdon and Hopkins Review of Code: 1. Area of Buirding (see attached caleulatlons). l,le have building of 6J,622 s.t. 2- create area separation walls at nursery to create 2 hour exberiorfire-rated walls and type rr t hour construction at nursery. ore hownon-combustibre const,nuction at int,erior parbitions of nursery and 3hour occupancy separation walLs bebween nursery and locker rools. 3. Arcade S<ylights - wire glass and de}.rge sprinkler. 4. TVpe rr - t hour construction typicar thror:ghout. Type r consbruct,iori aL enclosed stairways. 5. WalI fire rafings: Areade Wa1ls 2 hourStairwells 2 hour Nursery Exterlor lrtralls 2 how Nursery/Locker Roorns 3 hour Nursery Ceiling 3 how Garage/|,letlng Rooms 3 hour l4echanlcal Room 2 hourElectrical/Telephone 2 hour Elevaton Equipment 2 hour Trash Foom 2 hour Nursery Interlor Walls t hour non-com.All other exterior wal1s t hour non-com. ALl other inferior wal]s t hour Garage Celling 4 hour oo oo 10/22/84 10/22 Telephone Conversatlon with Steve patterson ' Re: Code for Golden Peak 1. Type III - t hour constructlon except at stairwells IVpe f consfruc-tion there. Area separation walls at nursery and use Type fI - t hourconstruction. Iherefore nursery has 2 hour noncombustible construction' at exberior walIs, 3 hour occupancy sepa.nation wal1s, 3 hourceiling and t hour non-com interior walLs. lJe will use sprlnklers !o increase all_owable area. 13,500 x 2 (multi story) x (2(separation) . x 2 (sprlnklep) = 108,000 sq. ft. allowable Cal1 l"lcGee about fire code - mechanical rooms, door ratings 10/22 Telephone Conversatlon with Mike l,lcGee 2 hour af elevator equipmenf room, mechanical roorn and electrical room has been common at other similar projects. trt1l1 review at 1:30 p.m. Wednesday. 2 1. 2 t' oo oo 1lt'18t84 Code Revlew: Golden Peak Skl Base Facility A. Square footage eal"eulatlon for allowable floor area. (Arcade not lncluded but stairs and other interlor spaces counted on each level) Flrst Floor 2J,010 sq. fb.Garage 2,672 sq. fC. Second Floor 20,524 sq. fb. Thlrd Floor 131664 sq. ft. Fourth Floor 31752 sq. {L. T0IAL .' 63,622 sq. ft. B. Allowable floor area lVpe III - me how 4.2 or A.3 Increases: I t3,5oo 13,500 sq. ft. (1 story) x 2 ttult1 Storyztqr.,f x 2 Separatlon (40t from property line) 54;odr x 2 Sprlnkler 108,000 Total allor,rable wlth spninkler included j oo oo October 24, 1984 Golden Peak Sci Base Facilitv l,leeting Notes hesent: Mike l,,lcGee, Vail Flre Chief Michael Sanner, Srourdon & Hopkins Review of Bulldlng for Fire Safety: 1. 20 feet wldth required as fire l_ane. 2. If would be nice bo have 20r width for trucks at parklng J_ot entry. 3. l.hy want to desfunate fire lanes 1n parkins lot ne:d to bullding 4. Wou1d Llke to see flre hydrant on building side of street perhaps at norfheast corner of parking lof or near loadlng dock landscape area. 5. Serving kitohen off meetlng rooms will probably be hlghLy regd_ated to mainlain exits fhrough kitchen to outside from meeting rooms. 6: Lrcation of siamese connectlons, rrlcrox-boxrt, annmciator should be together and made with V.F.D. approval. 7. lSttclearanee from sprinf,J.er head required, especially important - locker rooNns. 8. l&Gee will not requlre arcade to be sprinkled. (UP to V.A.) 9. Reccrmrends wet sprinkler system - keep garage at 40 F mlnjmum. 10. Snoke gasketing impcrtant at mechanlcal and elecfrical rooms. 11 . S<i shop requirement,s and tovnr ordinanees (see code flle) given out. 12. Flne alarm zones - by common air spa.ce or by flre unlls is usuat procedure. 13. Three hour r'.rall requires 2 hour doorl two hour wall requires 1 1/2hovr door, and 1 1/2 hour wa1l requlres 20 ruinute door. rat I F .E .otr..g f Eu i*c i F;E i €iH €g ; AF EEE E .'5i i EET 5I gF€ EEs s'!Eee! i!F #€ a;; l:s g:;th: iti fb FHE EEi E €3,f E E€g A$ *:g EPF i E!;ti *;E 5i. FF: Ei: -= =ta1i *3e rj'i €?g Ftfe! Eef;f iEs f; ix€ Fba:E,EE!5;5,9 PF :€E t*ilEs;:;s; F:; H€ €€g €i€igtilf+f gf: sfi E6F F,EEE:E,!5€FT ri-E E E -=iE ;r€;€i!€feiessi ; E EEE FseFti.iJ.t;iE;€o E Ee i E E {;€*;EiEAgEri-ls ; EE i F E : qu ! FEFE'gi Ei-=Eee:CF f ;€;6 igfFFss:EEgi,e;EErE= :sE:: e=igif::i€€':;5i;Ec5R ; :;ie E iF;€ -€"685-3= BE:::rH -=*;+{€F.Ei= & ; 3::E u€ d{. fiig i€€g eiit *rat*t iiiiiiEi'iiliiiiiiE iifi,illEaiiEigElltl Ie:EE $iiE i i i?gff E13;g1 H fr gE.d6 z-ifrEo 9F?,4z -^a.E6o .- .s.9 E+ z 5:.&6 Ea:c = d= u i5 oE3!l! l!.= = =2 r.-r''^> 5 ! Fr)aE12.,99f 3 x9z7; z< --t bErzE - o ".y^- {,) : t_ .= , ZX33 b \J- ooo (J (!.:!of,tq rzr c9 i; .x,' u i - 6& Jr c'F 9 cF:' jl, o o' e, ,.4ERf;IE€i.3 s 3 o .q U€0 I i€$ff; g ffl| :=si{lE; : cEiI re5tiE: sE j;'3| flrilEltrt 39 r:=I iF:| Ei& .H:=iEEl+i€,S[e,- s,"EF.Q35I FIq;lgr:sEei"E!ry ls=FFeijEEirreEE r* ;;gili,lss+i5ir€ ifi rEiiEiE; F;E lg; .b F'E r=laf ; *,5;.8*'g! Er:iEltlEE:rE E;a ;;i;df,;i jiitii itiif,i;;j'ryjiji ,1 i.l'il ': ':ix rf t 'i".t . i. :'-illt- t. ,rrl 'r1dU e;, -: i i{ i=2eEi.EaEr i,)=r-a v;EbocoEigEE 2*ozEE 9 9.! 6c:92a E.E 9; & ;:::,= c E,i s;5 r G: t€ ii; F r bB i EE,Qr p iv c, .: 9., ,, '' ' a, Tt'rL,L rt r i ?iii{L \ ''*€q€;! o= ''r.ci orr4 c - I .o Xi t3'3:'Eg F : E*Ei:: a, + :=EE*Ei AE€ EHE+5g €'E Esr Et F-E bE;lf!6 a= {3FFE:,€eE v4Z iigiBi EiE ; ibFE:I - H?i ?ii€i;?! € I 5 v o E .o oo ! .vlE^ Hffi H# ve *wejffi E;;f E iA EiEE:€E h ;fEipEi 36x:eEt fFFtqr:c€EE5#:{i=i;El;€*=aeE=gs+;€a;:ji=;t€EE Et ;€EE$Fiii;E;€ l:l;+€i€f iiE;f f i:iti,lgtfEfs;EE Ess;E;i4g€isF*E r:t{ c!'zE;;rf3',t;ii ijiE*; EIEiiii wn}*iH utl!Es*3,it$t*:jijiiriit{i.u}*ra- i$ gg ii; +E iiEl;i €as ff; ,i iE ,**u ,li,iii;i; lii iii lE iiEgii iii;iiriliiiEisg;i F i* :isilli: !;E:;E?g;t;fiEE'':r H EE; -E; ilE, l ; f,FE; lEtEl i* Eqtt;i :!* lFE ag! i E ffiEtaEl :A i€iir E sei,EgE A ??E i i .: ffitisEEl Ei :€fii= e?,I€iE: l cEE i ^z ?E :Ei;€iiE\ :: ElE:i iE;€ellr i l!; E iEu = =Ei Esa:r$ib EE ;Ellt irEiiiiE i .lEi Ee?1:i??i: eaii!f,$El EE i€iE! itiliilE i i 1 |ll,i: IsIIillI:, ffi'Effi * 1g,1All? w Revised notes per conversaLion wifh Steve Patterson November 7, 1984 Go1den Peak S<i Base Facillty Code Review }beting NoLes Present: John Hatfield - The Building Department, trrc. Steven Patterson - TOV Building trrspector Craig ,*rowdon, Michael Sanner - ,Yrowdon and Hopklns 1. Garage as M Classification. 2. Use recessed (popdowrn) heads at exterior corridors so skj.ers don?t lcrock them down. 3. Use 2 hour walLs at north, west and south walLs of nursery and non-combustible at east exberior wall. A1so, window in 2 hour waII to have 'l /4r?wire glass and sprinkler heads on both sides to wash windows. 4. Nursery doors to have middle mullion, can be removable. 5. Take wall out between bo11er room and mechanical room. Need twoexits oul of mechanical room. 6. Should put doors on public restrooms (odors to restaurant). 7. Kitchen equipxnent can be placed between kitchen and dlni-ng roomsif wal}s to either slde are t hour rated. 8. A11 agreed that that ftame retardant stain on wood siding okay and can take it to 40t above grade. 9. Alarm required at top of eLevator shaft and venf. 10. Tor,ln will require the Omer lo use special hspecfor for steel weldlng and bolting. 10% sampJ_ing doesnf t mean only 10"/" of bui.lding need comply; all steel work has lo comply (Ray Reed of Colo-Test Center is best ). 11. Dampers on ducts thror.rgh t hour rated floors requined. trbybe also 10t spacing (Steve uncertain on that). 12. 1985 Code would not likely be in force when we go through. Buil-ding PermiL will have f.n hc naid fnn :nd nlans nhenkcd hefore 1!85 code adopted. 13. VA wilt consider building t'Ordinany Hazard Group 2tr for insurance andwill sprinkle arcades. 14. A11 agreed there was no problem with egress from 4th floor condo urnits. 15. Rof assembly: Either 3/4" T&G deck or 5/8" deck with asbestos felt as alLernate okay with all. 5/8" gypsum ceiling. 16. Steel beams & coLurrurs: 2 . spray appllcafion for. t how 1/2tt-5/8n depending on beam size. blocking to be non-combustible. can shoot wood str.ld (non+omb )to steel_ colwrr wlth sprayedprotecfion 17. Trash chute to have fire detecfor on it and sprinkler. 18. Felt will help bituthene from disintegrat,ing frorn heat. Ttrls 1s my recollectlon of what transplred at the meeting. rf thls ts nobyour r.nderstanding, please leb me hrow as soon as posslble. , I'4ichael Sanner cc: J. tlatfield S. PattersonJ. Hunn H. Hyder t\oo oo November 7, 1984 Golden Peak S<i Base Facilify Code Review I'4eeting Notes Present: John Hat,field - The Building Department, Inc. Steven Patterson - TOV Building hspector Cralg $rowdon, Michael Sanner - Srowdon and Hopkins 1. Garage as M Classlflcation. 2. Use recessed (pop-down) heads at exterior corridors so ski-ers donrb knock them dovm. 3. Use 2 hour walls at north, wesf and south wal-Is of nursery and non-combustible af east exterior wa1l. Also, window in 2 hour wal-1 to have 1/4!'wire glass and sprinkler heads on both sides to wash windows. 4. Nursery doors fo have middle mull-ion, can be removable. 5. Take wall ouL between boiler room and mechani.cal room. Need two exi-ts out of mechanical room. 6. Should puf doors on public restrooms (odors to restauranL). 7. Kitchen equipxnent can be placed between kitchen and dining roomsif walls to either side are t hour rated. fvtr\1e*'c8. Steve PiiLterson felt that flame retardant stain on wood siding okay and can take ib to 40t above grade. 9. Alarm required at top of elevator shaft and vent. r(pp(e 4cr,a i^J 4 gst /o llo'i ct't '> n' ' t L' 10. Terle wiU use special inspector for sfeel welding and bolting. 10% sarnpling doesnrt mean only 10"/"of building need comply; all steel work has to comply (Ray Reed of Colo-Test Center 1s best). 11. Dampers on ducls through t hour rafed floors required. Ihybe al-so 10t spacing (Steve r..ncertain on thaf ). 12. 1985 Code wouid not likely be jr foree when we go through. Building Permit will have fo be paid for and plans checked before 1985 code adopted. 13. VA will consider bui.Iding t'Ordinary llazard Group 2r' for insurance and w1lJ- sprinkle arcades. 14. Steve Patt,erson had no problem with egress from 4fh floor condo writs. 15. Roof assembly: Either 3/4" T&C deek on 5/8'r deck with asbest,os felt as albernate okay with Steve Patterson. 5/8" gypsum ceiUng. 16. Steel beans & columns: . spray application for t hour. 1/2"-5/8" depending on beam size oo oo . blocklng to be nqr-combr.ntible. can shoot wood str.rd (nom<omb)to steel col-r.mn wlth sprayedprotectlur 17. lbash chute to have fire det,ector on lt and sprinkter. 18. FeIt w1Ll help bltuthene from dlslntegratlng frorn heat. Thls ls ny recoJ.lecticm of what transpired at !,he meeting. your urderstandlng, please let me hrow as soon as posslble. If thls ls not cc: |. thtfield f. Pattersm'J. Hunn H. ltyder l{lchael Sanner O,/ O6/ ,ftrt/tO%L-- &ruthZ '%!"#:# -, //,J / -^,,/*/ --YAt ,-.- ar-,r/*/-L ZZr*, I?p-- :f-4 -,/ * b-;V % + s'-c/ aa /. 4 a/a/,-,"/0 r'/n zalrz,.zl-@'*94fu*//Qry*/ 4W,/;z/^fuf-+afb @w-Zr7*"frrt -g&fl=ffi^/,.-rt (rI4 /Vrubt^a(/ -) <) /O - (47.?777\'t/r2.|/ /-Cr/4 h-rL *ril ruril.frnfr oz 7?Z 6 <22, zs-pK --^'4 a u/b szT 7s-vK aS fufr"r*q4 h,/6t L*rt/e /r?* a:rr--' It ^/ t Zf-r"--TZZZZU 75 south lronlage road Yail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 T0: Ron Phillips, TownFROM: Bill Andrews, TownDATE: 22 0ctober i984 SUBJECT: ESTIMATE - DRAINAGE deparlment of public works/lransportatlon Manager Eng i neer IMPROVEMENTS FOR EAST MILL CREEK (GOLD PEAK AREA) 1. Estimate for replacing culvert under VaiI Valley Drive just north of Gold Peak, using 66" pipe @2.5% I4ATER IALS Pipe - 60' @ $27.?Z/linear foot Bands 1 G 81.00 Road Base - 72 cu. yd. @ $8.00/ cu.yd. Paving - 320 sq. ft. @ $5.00/ sq. tt. EQUIPMENT AND LABOR Backhoe 16 hrs. G $23.00Trucks 48 hrs. G $47.00Loader 10 hrs. G $50.60 Compressor 4 hrs. G $11.50 Compactor 8hrs.@$5.00 Labor 90 hrs. 0 $12.50 TOTAL N0TE: 1. Add $1 ,I42. for one flared end section' if desired for outlet. 2. Thi s estjmate assumes no compl i cati ons with existinq util ities. $ 8,231 cc: Stan Berryman Peter Patten t r A?? al 576. 1 ,600 . 368. 2,256. 506. 46. 40. 1 1?q 75 soulh tronlage road yail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 T0: Ron Phj 11 ips, TownFR0l'l: Bill Andrews, TorvnDATE: 22 0ctober 1984 SUBJECT: ESTII'IATE - DRAINAGE deparlmenl ol publlc works/lransporlation Manager Engi neer IMPROVENENTS FOR EAST MILL CREEK (GOLD PEAK AREA) 2. Estimate for rep'l acing culvert between l'lanor Vail and Texas Townhouses, using 66" pipe @ 3.0% MATER IALS Pipe - 100'0 $27.Tzllinear foot Band-2@$81.00 Sod - 700 sq. ft. @ 0.11/sq. ft. EQUIPI.IENT AND LABOR Backhoe 28 hrs. G $23.00Trucks 24 hrs. 0 $47.00 Loader 28 hrs. @ $50.60Labor 136 hrs. 0 $12.50 SPECIAL ITEM $ 2,722. 162. 77. 644 - 1,128. 1,416. 1 ,700. 3,000-4,000.Reconstruct Rock Columns and Iron Grate TOTAL $ 1o,849-11,849. BOTH IMPROVEMENTS ARE APPROXIMATELY $2O,OOO. NOTE: 1. Same notes apply as for Estimate I 2. If p'i pe and bands are purchased for both improvements this year, there 'i s a $484.60 savings ' cc: Stan Berryman Peter Patten kar 5lu ln olno,{,h 9:ftt PlA,t lu z46t.n,\) ' boWvn t' Pt nl| '" !,i'(ah l-- -f6: >,24 ,%#"-/afrZ*V/* ff.-% f ., F"- (\TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Planning and Environmental Commission Conrnunity Deve'lopment Department September 10, 1984 Request for a conditional use permit to allow for a 104expans'ion to the Chair #'12 I ift bui1ding. App'licant: - 'square foot Vai I Associates DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED U5E The facjlitv'is presently used to provide locker rooms and storage for mountainpersonnel durinq the ski season. Vai'l Associates tris-propoiea eipanaing-ihiifacility becaus6 it is presenitv unaerslzed for ttreir heehi. rne expansion is104-square feet and'is proposed-to be done to match the existing architecturalstvle of the building. This proposai ti ueing re;id;i dv'in" pEC because anyaddition.or expansion of mountaih Uuitaings in this djstrict (Ski Base/R..r.uiionDistrict) requires a conditional use permit. Upon review of Section .|9.60, the Communityapproval of the conditional use permit bas-ed Consideration of Factors This. proposal does not directly relate to,pl_llg rgyn: The proposat witi inutreciivbecause.it is being done to faci'l itate th!Ine etficlent operation of the mountain is Development Department recommends upon the following factors: ( Relationship and impact of the use on dev"lopm"nt obj"ctiu", of th" Torn. or impact the development objectives have a positive impact on the Townefficient operation of the mountain. strongly supported by the Town. The effect of the use on I i and air, distribution of ul ation trans rtati onacti es uti I ities SC a s and recreation fac ties. an other uDncacities n There will be no effect on these factors other than theto service mountain (recreation) facilities.improved ability of VA Effect upon traffi c qith particular re-ference to conqestion automotive andestri an safet conveni ence traffic flow and contro access, maneuvera-ity. and remova ot snow from t street a 'I nq areas. No impact on any of the above. {^, Lift Brds -(}.norc+ Effect u n the character of the area in which the roposed is to be located, '| nc use n relation ndin The addition is in keeping with This proposal will not adverse'ly nor surrounding uses. the scale and bulk of affect the character the existing structure.of the surrounding area Such other factors and criterja as the ommission deems a I i cabl e to the ropo seduse. The environmental act report concerninq the roposed use if an environmentalact report is r Chapter 18.56. FI ND I NGS The Corrnuni.ty Development Department recommends that the conditional use permitbe approved/denied based on the fol'lowing findings: That the proposed locatjon of the use is in accord with the purposes of thisordinance and the purposes of the district in which the site is located. That the proposed location of the use and the conditions under whjch it would beoperated or maintained would not be detrimental to the public health, saieiy, orwelfare or material ly injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinily. That the proposed use would comply with each of the appiicable provisions of thisord i nance. STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS Because this proposal is necessary for the operation of the mountain and willnave no-negative irnpacts on the surrounding area, staff recommendation is forapproval . L PEc -2- J10/84 4. {191uest for a side setback variance in order to construct a garage onf ett\Kristan Pritz explained the request stating that due to the slope and the existenceof a shed, this location was the most desiiable on the site. She added thatthis location would not adversely affect other existing uses in the vicinity.Pritz a'lso stated that the Commuirity Action Plan ecouriged the upgrading aniremodeling of structures, and added that the staff recofrmended aifirovall Loyette Goodell., one of the applicants, said that they would pave the drivewayand landscape the south side of the garage. She expliined thit the west sideof the lot had a stream and a hill, ihe iorth side lometimes was flooded fromthe stream, and the east side of the house had w'ind that caused deeD snow drifts. Pierce stated that these were excellent arguments, but that it seemed to hjmthat.the garage could be bui'lt elsewhere, whether or not it was best. He suggestedplacing the garage uphill and detaching it from the house. Goodel! lointed out that by moving the garage to the east, the requested variance was only 5 feet. l!9fce move9, and Yj setbackvariat Ee. The vote was 7-0 inTavor. 5. A request for a conditional use permit in order to add tg-lhg_liF!_!gil_di_|g i ates , Inc. *.tr* *ra:t*ned that this addition would be 104 square feet in size.Joe Macy of Vail Associates added that this additional room for lockers, etc. wasbadly needed. Donovan asked if snowmobiles would still be arriving in-ihJ-eiriymornings, and Macy answered ,J.i1es', but that this was occuriing now. Viele moved and Pierce seconded to appr d 6. A requelt.to modify the flood p'lain in the area of the conflqence of Mi11 Creek with Gore Creek. ,"r." *** that the applicants had asked to table this item untilthe next meeting. Rapson moved'and Pjerce seconded to table. vote was 7-0. A work session followed concerning the proposed spradd'l e creek subdivisionand the proposed amendment to the-zoning code to lllow additions of 250 squarefeet. t ( August 29, 1984 Gol-den Peak Ski Base FaciliLy Meefi-ng Notes Present: Bob Parker, Joe Macy, Mike Larsen - Varl Associates, Inc. Peber Patton - Town of Va1l Craig Snowdon - Snowdon and Hopkins Bus Shelter / Bus Turn-around - should be dedicated to Town of Vail- for maintenance (review with Stan Beryyman) . Bike Palh - easement on Plat dedicated to TOV . Hydraulogist - CTl/Thompson preparing reports for TOV revi-ew1 relocation of creetr<; possible construction in Fall '84. Revocable R.O.W. fon landscaping in Gore Creek Road . Revised Tennis Court Seating: . relocate Court 1 (adjacenb No building) to south fo creaLe several benefits:1. ternaced seating relaLes to grading better 2. abrlity to bring seaLing around soufhwest corner to provide ItcenLer court!r atmosphere 3. l-ocates seating altached to wesL of building Lo a nnid-court ]ocat ion4. a-ll-ows for lemporary seatj-ng (bleachers) atong north end of . 'r'L for suLmer usage and snow storage area for winter usage 5. t:, .rrt surface will probably be disturbed during eonstruclion anyway . Pef,er favored the approach wibh one exception which was to slill malnl;a,i.n 1 or 2 rows of sea|ing along the souLh hill-side crest ovcr.l.ooking lhe remaining 2 courts . Restaurant/Bar Fireplace - Peter will review fireplace ordinance but does not feel a wood-burning flreplace would be allowed (a gas fireplace would be acceptable ) . Variatjon from maximum height allowab1e: . no <:lrange in maxjrnum helgh| of ridge as viewed by adjacent conil orni-n j-um properLies . varjalions could be acceptabl-e within 12't of allowable if ex j:.:. inp' o'nedinF a'l ows flon mi nor modifj-cations . ri,ll..'rbeam helghL wil-l nave lo be verifled with an impnovemenr- st.tlv{ iy prior Lo f irral- frarning inspection for TOV aoproval This is rr,. r'ecollection of what transpired at Lhe meeting. If fhis is not your und,,r'. ,Landing, please l-el me know as soon as po-ssibLe. Craig Snowion <<, J, tW<*^-11P"'a ( r'/)o h,_"""t 7'enr o 7,lrzen, U/*, /"//A) ,4tPraazS rf,'f+ I { - /rf Qh,sa-<o fa tfhr1 ". an*r/t ,q/ trf^/ '- eoil t/ Q. ,JL^^ h,'< /t r./, - (uo. z-ztnzryq -L-t/aqh/ zt;o4u;h> 7z;*/5*,bffi f /"/;t fr; */, ,grZ/t{n-rr L, 4",^t // / / h,-,L.?}4-a\--' (/ M*U hA*_ 0 E_+c"LLc*d 4/ , ./v r'.Zp,rs. 1-// r*"/ h / ,.,Tr(/.r E *-/d,-/ U a) - ./) /-za g)/garter4 * (/l J | // / ik?ma47 - hr."^l Vanc h//r/ /a tu4e,'/ /-*//- rv"4 ?* ( 7 fu {/*". /4-a41u.*- t HYDRO-TRIAD. LTD. Mr. Joe l'lac-v VAIL ASSOCIATES P.0. Box 7 Vail, Colorado 81658 Dear Mr. Macy: In the fall of 1983, re eva'l uated the East Mill creek Oiversion Channel at the proposed Gol den peak Development. 0n September 13,1983, we sent a letter to you that summarized our findings ani recommendations. some of our analysis was based upon our undersiandingof the configuration of the bifurcation structure that separates the main channel flow into East and l,lest Mill Creeks 4l we reported in our letter, the design flow rate could vary depending upon the existing capacity of the bifurcation structure.future changes to this structure, snowmelt runoff, thunder;tonr: runoff, and frequency chosen for snotvnrel t or thunderstonn runoff. l^le suggestedthree numbers for consideration. These numbers ai"e: (1i i40 cfswhich represents the 25-year snowrnelt runoff (which is the appror.imatepresent capacity of the existing diversion structure) (Z) 190 cfswhich represents the 100-year snowmelt runoff, and (3) 320 cfs wfrich rep!'esents the 100-year thunderstorm runoff. Based upon these numbers we suggested one culvert that would handle the 190 cfs wi th ocen chan-nel flow condit'ions, and would pass the 320 cfs with a higher headwatercondition. }{ith the timited information at that time, r.re cou'l d notgive a specific recommendation for r*rich flow rate to use and *hichcuive;'i is opiimum. Our suggestion was conceptua'l at that time. The historic Mi'l I Creek channel runs frorn the bifurcation irnme-diately south of the town of Vail tc Gore Creek, through a portion ofthe Town of vail . The amount of flow in Mill creek varies rvit.h the snowmel t and rainfal I runoff. Devel opment has encroacheci upon thehistoric Mi11 creek channel in earlier'years to the point tha'u flowswould exceed the channe'l capacity and cause damages.' It was decidedto build a bifurcation structure uphill from the Town of vail so flowsin MilI creek would be sp1 it between the historic Mii l creek channel ( now cal'l ed l,lest Mil I creek) and the new Mil I creek Diversion channe'l(now called East MilI Oreek). Thus, flow in |'lest Mi'l I creek wcuid be ne 20, 19E4 1 2687 WEST CEDAR DRIVE . SUITE 1OO LAKEWOOD, COLORADO 80228 PHONE 303-989-1264 Mr. Joe Macy Page Two June 20, 1984 limited to the downstream channel capacity. More recent studies cf the area suggest that the bifurcation structure may not be sized properly tc prevent too much flow in West Mil'l Creek. The structure may a'l so cause uncontrolled overland flow in extreme events. This may or may not be a problem, depending upon the path of the water and the type of uses of the building and land in the path of water. Additional information is needed to eva'luate or define the most practical cost effective solution to handle Mi'l I Creek flows. Some of the other factors needed for consideration are: (1) damage eva- luations.for the current development, channel , culvert and bifurcation structure conditions and (2) cost estimates for construction of impro- vements to relieve the damages. These wou'l d be cal culated for a rangeof flow rates so a curve could be developed showing cost of construc- tion versus damage reduction (benefits). The curve then indicates the flow rate to use to obtain the best va'lue for the money expended. It is as common to design a drainage system for the 5-year, l0-year, or 2S-year frequency as it is to design for the 100-year frequency. For instance, if the 2S-year fow rate is selected, the drainage system would functfon with no flooding for frequencies up to and including the 25-year storm, and wou'l d not flood adjacentproperties. If the 100-year stonn were to uhit" the area with the 25-year system, the channel might receive some darnage and some minor flooding could occur. The resulting damages uould not iustify the i ncreased expendi tures to construct a system for the 100-year stonn. There are other complications to this proiect. The East Mill Creek Drainage system is not confined at the GoIden Peak Development. The east t4ilI Ceek channel is a part of the llest Mi'lI Creek channel because of the bifucation structure. Thus the limits of the Mi'l I Creek Drai nage System go beyond the Gol den Peak Devel opment and Va i'l Assoc'iates. 0ther buildings are owned by different private parties and roads are owned by the Town of Vail that are affected by East Mi11 Creek. The Mi'l I Creek drainage system wou'ld have to be conpatjble with upstream and the downstram channel conditions as welI as the Town of Vail drainage critera. It is not practical to design one portion of the system for a different flow rate than another portion. Currently, the channel and culverts are not sufficiently sized to carry the 320cfs nor is the bi furcation structure and East Mil I Creek channe'l sufficient to direct 320 cfs to the Go]den Peak Development project. Un] ess the Town of Vail and all property owners agreed to the "proper" design fl ow rate, it does not seem reasonable to use the 320 cfs as the design flow rate for Golden Peak Development. Mr. Joe Macy Page Three June 20, 1984 In order to g_etelmj^ne the. ,,properu fl ow rate, h,e recommend astudy be undertaken that wour d ireiE-i ne' i't " ' tirn'rtrli nt, on westMill creek (such as the Ore House)- eriJing cr,unn.--tr, lir.rr..i, and bifur_cation structure for the different flow rates; identffy the froodprainsand damages on East Mirr creek; and estimate the-'c6nsi.uction costsrequired to etiminate the- aamages for uaiioui- n;;J irequencies.l{ith this reDort- arr. parties afiected. rvourd then nave-rnput and seethe v-arious !rob1'ems wi f.n irreie ;;;;;;r;;l ivrt*iir.'"'R-esponsibil itiesfor financing would fa|r cut or-ilrii stuay showing which improvementsshould be paid for by Vail Associates and others. . .In the interim, for.conceptual purposes, the proposed culvert could9.:tqy.l_ for eithei of the ff-o"-"u[;;: For instance, the 72,,equiva_lent cl'tp Arch courd- be used, *iitr wit t pasi- lrr" jgo irr. If thereport showed the i00-year thunderstorm (iu.renity eitlmateo at 320cfs).was the optimurn oeiign, in aaJr-tiona'l curueri "o.-i-ii.ge. curvertwould-be designed for the-Golaen pea[ oevetopment-pro;eci. To be can-patible with downstream facili-ti.9s, i! may be better to put in thesmaller culvert now, and make aooiiionai imirJvemenii** the rest ofthe. system is improved. This ruy .uril some inconvenience to the pro-ject site. but mav be more cost effective. If a resser flow rate wasfound . .to -be optirium, then r iitr e or- -no ctranges rrroul d be requi red atthe site. should be evaluated before'serections the ireqr.*t ior-iesign. l{e l3u" .ui:g luggested a way for the current proje-ct to proceed through119 initial phases. .lt-may ue posltute to eJatuate ftre-project anddetermine the-optimum.fl-ow rite piior to finishing the buirding design.Then final culvert modification loulo ue aone pri6r to ionsiructron. -- If you have any questions or require further information, p1 easecal I. Si ncerel y, HYDRO-TRIAD, LTD. 75ior, J'(h{'{',4 Brian S. Kolstad, p.E. Senior l.la te r Resource Enqineer BSK/mmr #600 \AilAsts,Inc. Creators and Ooerators of \hil and Beaver Creek l(ay 28, L984 Mr. Peter Patten Senlor Town PLanner Town of Va1l 75 South tr'rontage Road Vail-, Colorado 81657 Dear Peter: I would appreciate 1t lf you coul-d assLst us in resolving a mlnor problem rel.ated to the proposed addltlon of the third tennls court at Chal-et Road, During the Design Review Board meeting, A11 Seasons raised a concern about snow rernoval on the emergency vehicl-e access; in particul-ar, they did not want to see any snow pl-owed onto thelr property. As a condition of approval, the Design Review Board requested thatthls particul-ar problen be resolved before final review. Subsequently,I net nith Pete Burnett to revierr the plans for the emergency vehlcle access and to seek hls advlce on how to resolve Al-1 Seasonst concerns. Pete iodLcated that he did not real.1y lrant to see an emergency vehlcle access because of the difflculty of plovlng and malntaining the radio control gates. After discussing this with Pete, I told hinI would go and speak to Chief Duran to see if he woul-d glve up the energency vehicle access requirement. Chlef Duran reiterated hisrationale for requestlng the access. At thls polnt, I would l1ke to ask for your help ln obtainlng an official statement fron the Town as to whether or not Lt wants an energency vehlcLe access. If the emergency vehicle access is desired, I fraakly do not see any practlcal lray to prevent some snow fron being pLowed onto Al-l- Seasonst property. Peter, could you make sure this natter ls discussed at your staff Post Office Box 7 . Vail, Colorado 81658 ' (303)476-5601 Mr. Peter Patten May 28, L984 Page 2 meeting next llonday ? If you shoul-d have any questions, please don? t hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, / /1,1\/E/(rc/ Joe Macy /Manager Vall Planning & Technical JM/cs cc: Bob Parker Stan Berryman Tom Braun Chief Duran Pete Burnet t The Dilemma: There are $2251000 in improvements desired in connection with the Golden Peak project that have not been budgeted by the Town or VaiI Associates ($200'000 bus stop, $25r000culvert) . The Proposal: o De1ete the tennis court at Chalet Road ($f25'000) o Modify the original hillside bleacher design (15,OOO) o Delete the buj-tciing bieachers (50,000) savings t190,000) Vail Associates would: o Replace the tennis court at the southeastern courts 25,000 o Do bus stop improvements 14O,OO0 A) Original design'would cost . 200'000 B) Do asphalt instead of pavers (30,000) C) Delete bus shelt.er (20'000) D) Delete control gates o Replace the culvert under the road The Result: At no additional cost to the Tohrn, the Recreation District or Vail Associates: o The Town gets funding for the bus stop o The Town gets funding for the culvert o The Recreation District gets the tennis court replaced at a different location. (10, ooo) 25,000 Total 9190,000 LL/8/84 GOLDEN PEAK DEVELOPMENT JDH: L1,/8/84 ChaleL Road Tennis CourtPreliminary Construction Estimate I. Current Status: A. Conceptual , schematic and design development have . been completed at a non-recoverable cost of $8,500. B. The Des_ign Review Board and neighborhood associationhave significant concerns regarding this proposed development: l. Impacts on view corridor 2. Impacts of snow removal 3. Impacts on emergency vehicle access C. A partial construction proposal was solicited bythe Town of Vail for the expansion of the existingChalet Road tennis courts from two (2) courts tothree (3) courts. II. Development Budget: A. Project management $ -0- B. Design and engineering 7,700 1. Civil engineering g 2,350 2. Electrical engineering 1,500 3. Architectural design 500 4. Landscape architectural d.esign 3,200 5. Blueprints and specifications 250 C. Fees, permits and taxes -0- D. Sitework and utility construction 120,150 I. Demolition of existing 1,500 2. MPR proposal @ 2/L7/84 55,400 3. MPR proposal G 2/24/84 8,000 4. Adjust for inflation perproposal 5,000 ' Golderi Peak Devertnt Chalet Road Tennis CourtPreliminary Construction Estimate Page Turo Lr/8/84 5. Ad just for infl-ationto 1985 6. Excavation/backfill forretaining walls 7. Haul-off/disposal of excessmaterial 8. Import structural fill/com-paction 9. Conclete retaining $rallswith form liner, texture and integral color 10. Site grading for positive drainage 11. I8" CMP culvert L2. Asphalt pathways system 15. Landscape construction a. Remove existing trees $ loo b. New trees,/shrubs 2 1000 c. Revegitation,/sod 1r 150 16. Control gates,/electrical distribution L7. Split rail fencing E. Financj-al expenses 1. Capitalized interest 2. Builders risk insurance 3. Contract admirristration $ 5 ,500 2 ,500 L ,000 3r000 15,000 500 250 1,000 13. Timber/asphalt stairway 2,000 L4: Modifications to irriqation 750 3 t250 15 ,000 500 $ -0- Golden Peak Chalet Road Preliminary Page Three LL/8/84 oueveropment Tennis Court Construction Estimate F. Deduct for project management and design costs associated withthe proposed relocation of theadditional tennis court to the southeast corner of the site. TOTAL--PRELIMINARY DEVELOPMENT ESTIMATE (2,850) $125,000 III. Summary: A. The cost to construct an additional tennis court tothe vrest of the existing Chalet Road tennis courtsin compliance with the requirements and restrictions imposed by the Towrr of Vai1, the neighborhoodassociation and specific site conditions wj-ll costat least $L25,000. B. Easements would need to be negotiated to permit allmajor utilities to remain in their existing locations,provided. that they are deep enough to permit construction as proposed. C. The probable relocation of major utilities to accommodate the proposed construction wouldcost between 925,000 and $75,000. D. The resulting tennis courts would not be regulationsize. JDHlmk Attachments (3) "Y a- P.2a2a rt- fr-t-**-- h / o"^2. EJ. Ranc. 6 Assoc,atas" dba!nIE EHBP ( ( (r a ft.- e( ea--,at- 6,1 *^fu. ,rttl"? Malott Peterson Rennen Inc. CONTRACTORS 1375 W. ALAMEDNDENVEB, COLORADO 80223/(303)744€631 February 17, 1984 Pat Dodson City of Vail Recieation Department P.0. Box 100 Municipal Building Vail, C0 81657 lhar Pat: 'The co,st for moving two sets of net posts, 120, 0f fence andresurfacing tennis courts in new location will be approximately $8 ,000 .00 . Pat, I wil1 p1 an on being in Vail this spr.i ng when the snowmelts. At that time I wi1 I give you an bxaci amount. If Ican be of any more he'lp to y6u pliase ca'11. Si ncerely, RENNER, INC. Lee E. Renner Pres i dent LER: ajn TENNIS COUBTSiALL WEATHER EUIiNING TRACKS/DEX.O.TEX DECKS A FLOORS EEEH HHHffiffi a ATTrcHXE'{T yzF6 EJ. RGnrE. I A.soErercs" Abs Malott Peterson Rennen lnc. CONTBACTORS 1375 W. A|-AMEDA/DENVER, COLOFADO 80223/(3031744_3631 February 24, 1984 Pat Dodson City of Vail Box 100Vail, C0 81657 Subject: Construction of One Tennis Court at Gold peak Dear Pat: Reference is made to our discussions the last two years regarding constructionof a court adjacent to courts l and 2 at Gold peak-. Last iall w6 prt some nur-bers''ogetherforbudgetarypurposesandcameupvritIffitebtsss,+oa.0ofor the fo'l lowing work items: 1. Grade site t'rest of courts so as to provide a pad for the cou.-t and a 10,fire I ane.( 2. Fine grade, soi I sterilant, 6" gravel base and 2,, 3. Galvanjzed chainlink fencing on 3 sides l0' highof the west side and one gaie. Fence will joii form the east sjde, 4. Championship surfacing. 5. Premier net posts and nets 6. 9' high windscreens !n the 10' fencing. Add about 8% for 1984 construction. The above does not include engineeringdrawings, noving of underground lines or landscaping. In 19g2 we discussei an en'l arged. tournament scheme that wou'l d have a'l 'lowed ior seating around the peri-meter; that plan would necessitate more p1 anning and more expense and mightnot fit the area. Please call if you have any questions. Si ncerel y, RSON RENN ,INC. Sales Director JB: ajn terunrs cou'f,s/All *EATHER R,NNTNG TRAcKs/oEx-o-TEx bEcKs E FLooRs asphalt mat 60' X 120'. except 3%r the middle 80' existing fencing which wil'l 'trL ti F t: t: III c) ?, P -*{.[ Ei Oi- 6{l't-3g' ii6: -i ':: : U)Fc(q IJIIzzlrll-o 6G, FlrjJ -\j L ..P z o. ua s(noz J J SF o-td UzoU A€2\ t d i iil K ( ti $ 7it:il ; /t I!t iff,tT Xii,tl il a ia I $* * trt trFii iii ' $ilu $- f*i$-c,tiqur sfsgg& mS* m rt ;i nt uHi\z {_ t eI DIlo ,'5((, I 6t ii d rt -l4> Er' i{t $$tqr6f iJi c.IIj I il i* I '' CHARLES H. CO\{PERTH\7AITE PENDLETON 8 SABIAN, P. C. ATTORNEY5 AND COUNSELORS AT LA\OI SEVENTEENTH AND CRANT BUILDINC sutTE tooo 3O3 EAST SEVENTEENTH AVENUE DENVER.COLOR.ADO AO2O3 cr.. 5h- Quyn. _+#r'tu+6 lo"'1 Lsh;ft f 6t' &, TEIIPHONE: Bo3) 839-1204 TELECOPIER: Go3) a3l-oza6 T!,)7X9lO-931-0407 I May 18, L984 Ilonorable Rod Slifer, Mayor Town of VaiIP. O. Box 1248Vail, Colorado 81658 Re:Texas Townhouse Association Gore Creek Drive Road Vacation Dear Rod: In the aftermath of our success in getting the Golden peak Redevelopment Pran approved, a process which took the collectiveeffort and dedication of many people, including you and you:i ferlowCouncil members, there was recognition on the pait of many of theGolden Peak Neighborhood Association members oi the need to once and. for all resolve the matter of vacating that portion of GoreCreek Drive appurtenant to Vail Trails Chalet, Vail Trails East,the P-2 Associalion parcel, All seasons and the Texas Townhouses.As you are aware, this is an issue which has been tossed aroundfor-.many years with no positive results. ..ti'In an effort to get the ball rolling again, I was retainedby members of the Texas Townhouses to assist them in the organizationof-an entity which would have, as its primary function, the ownershipand management of its parking area which now primarily consists ofthe Gore Creek Drive right-of-way and a parcel of land owned byVail Associates. I among others originally felt that to bring-together the 16 very independent owners of the Texas Townhouseswould be virtually impossible, ilowever, a tremendous amount oftime and energy, not to mention my fees, were expended, the jobfinally accomplished and a meaningful association of owners iormed. Having finalized the organization of this Association, I metwith Dan Corcoran with the request that he develop a compositesurvey of this area in order that the road vacation could proceed. -at least insofar as the Texas Townhouse premises were concerned.In following up on Danrs efforts several days ago, I learned thatduring a meeting he had with several people on the subject, including some if not all members of the Town Council, he was informed that Page 2 May L8, 1984 the Town now did not wish to consider this proposal untildetails connected with the Golden peak Redevelopment plan been finalized. To say the least, this disclosure was truly discouragingto me and to the many members of the Texas Townhouse organizitionwho put in countless hours and great expense in an effoit to getthe job done. rn setting up this organi-zation, the membershiiwas promised that this road vacation would take place, a promisefortified by assurances given many times by representativls ofthe Town over the past years that this would eventually happen. Not only have the Texas Townhouse people pledged their effortstoward this end, but they have agreed to absorb the expense ofthe survey work which would be required and to do virtually anyother.thing that woutd allow this to happen. Additionatryl vairAssociates has indicated its willingness to cooperate (in-con-junction with efforts of the Town of Vail) in the transfer ofa small portion of its tennis court premises to the Texas Town-house Association. On behalf of the Texas Townhouse Association, therefore, Iurgently request that the Town take immediate steps to see thatthe Gore Creek Drive issue is resolved. once and for alt. Foryears, these owners have themselves paid for the expense ofmaintaining this section of road even though it is not owned bythem. They have been constantly frustrated by an inability toproperly monitor the parking of thi_s roadway. They are deservingof more than the lip service that has been provided on thesubject for so many years. . ,:P If the Council is so inclined, I would be pleased to pledgemy support and participation together with that of several ofthe Texas Townhouse Association owners in an effort to solvethis long-standing problem once and for all. all had CHC : do cc: Chuck Anderson Paul ,Johnston Colleen Kline Kent, Rose Hermann Staufer Gail Wahrlich Dan Corcoran Very truly yours, waite PENDLETON 8 SABIAN, P. C. ,ili' , 'tt1 | , I ', a- T0: Town Council FR0M: CormunityDevelopmentDepartment DATE: Apri'l 12, 1984 SUBJECT: Review of Golden Peak Re-development project Revisions Attached please find.a copy of a letter from Bob parker suunarizing therevisions to the Golden peak project. At the work session Tuesd{yl wewi]l have a brief presentatioir ui v.n. and their architects iipti-lnliigthe changes for your review and corment. &It'at r - rVailAssociates,Inc. Creators and Opcrators of Vlil and Bcai,cr Creck April 12, 1984 Mr. Rodney E. Slifer Mayor Town of Vail 75 South f'rontage RoadVai1. Colorado 81652 Dear Rod, Vail Associates has initiated minor changes to theGolden Peak project due to Design Review Board input receivedat the conceptual review sessi_on on February 1, I9B4 and due--to changes in program requirements generated by our staff.However, no substantive changes to the building or site haveoccurred and no functions have been added except as notedbelow. I have surnmari_zed the mostreview: Building Exterior Changes significant changes for your o A 1568 sq. ft. balcony on the eastern side ofthe building was developed and enclosed to improvethe apres skj_ situation. . o Tennis bleacher" \"r. added to the northwestcorner of the building resulting in a slight . change to the foot print. o Minor changes in the building elevatj-ons will berequired to implement these changes.. Site Plan Changes o The skier drop-off was enlarged to accommodatethree lanes of traffic. Landscaping was notaffected. o The existing Chalet noad tennis courts \^rere movedto the east to accommodate the relocated tenniscourt on Chalet Road. An emergency vehicle corridorwas added on the west side of the tennis court. o The parking attendant shack was relocated. Post Office Box 7 . Vail, Colorado 81658 . (301)4?6-560! l'1r. Rodney E. SliferApril 12, 1984Page T\^ro Site Plan Changes (continued) o A barbecue $ras addedthe buildi.ng pLaza. Interior Chanqes RwP/k1 o One bridge on the east side of the buildinowas deleted. on the southeast corner of o A 1668 sq. ft. Iocker room expansion was doneunderground. No_ changes in the above_gradefoot print of th-e building resulted. o Numerous i-nterior space ie-arrocations have occurreddue to program refinement and optimization. o The only added function vras the nursery in thebasement rll9h nor,/ occupies space formlrly al_locateclfor unspecified',retail. Summarlz - The program changes conform to Chapter 18.39, the SkiBase Recreational District zoning code lnd do not change theparking.requirements. The changes to the build.ing facide,while minor, will have a major impact on improvini how thebuilding "reads" architecturarly lnd on how it reiates tothe site. Vail Associates appreciates thethe.staff, particularly€eter patten rrrn i on{- \ continued assistanee ofand Tom Braun on this Sincerely, Robert W. Parker Senior Vice President -----Fi- I I i i i fto-t o Gzz. tl// ,, ,4&r @on=, t?at)), Barrzl/ i ' &o;ru a*< *,*/fr afi../ /^/or*.-v/-r--z ',ffi:,-, c&q" br^)tz, /*;/--,e /fuhr*"r/,.-r4*-4 ? /ffi.,) -.1) //Uo /r/ /^^4. 4**/ * *Z /ht3 ' y'u {A**-^1 */ tU;/?*4a'r, /z--t S/V7 /.r,4 d,4/. aa, -*--wa **/ ^/,-*/44 bzLdd* 97,*-"9/tu t/z0 6*2 u oil*/r/rT A L s,.z,a/a*-*4 MINUTBS OF GOLDEN PEAK MEETING Wednesday, March 28, 1984 Peter Pattenr,/Present: Tom Braun Jack Hunn Joe Macy Bob Parker Jack Hunn and Bob Parker covered the revised floor plans and elevations. The response to the changes by Peter patten v/as generally favorable with the exception of certain concerns listed belolv: 1) Peter Patten was concerned about the flip-flop of the ticket sales with the ski school. The specific concern wasthattherewasnotenoughroomfortheticketlines on the hard surface. Joe Macy wi-1l compare the available spaces at LionsHead and Vail village to resolve the issue and get back to .Peter. 2) Peter was concerned about the new restaurant entrance from the south side and the potential conflict this might pose with the lines at the turnstyles entering the sciamble area. Jack Hunn will research this and resolve, if necessarY. 3) Peter Patten was concerned about the width of the stairs on the southeast corner of the building. Jack Hunn will ensure that the stairs are of adequate width in the new plans and will contact Craig Snowden' 4) Peter Patten was concerned about the railings separating the tennis deck from the bleachers and did not want pipes. Jack Hunn is to address this issue and come up with an accePtable solution. 5) Bob Parker asked Peter Patten what the remaining approval process would be. Patten said that the fown Ccuncrl and the Planning Conmiss 'on. should he informed of the scheduled DRB meeting on April 18 and Bob Parker will be invited to attend. 6) Peter Patten asked that Vail Associates prepare a sunmary of the changes and forward thern to the Town staff as soon as Possible. 7')PeterPattenaskedwhatthestatuswasontheninor subdivision and annexation p1ats, and Joe Macy said that the plats were on the way and mailed on Wednesday' March 2Bth. However, prior to recording, these plats must be signed by Vail Associates' Inc- and its banks' Joe Macy tit:- cootdinate with Gerry Arnold to accomplish this. Page Tr,{o ' 8) VAI will contact the neighborhood representatives to inform them of the scheduled sessions and invite them to attend, if desired. Patten said that if no concerns are raised at DRB then final DRB would be the only remaining approval process. Jack Hunn is to prepare the DRB application and the floor plans and elevations. Macy is to get the site plans and sign plans done. ,tMrlkl cc: Harry FramptonLarry Lichliter Craig Snowden Gordon Steadman iii 75 south trontage road vail, colorado g1657 (303) 476-7000 20 tlarch 1984 Joe Macy Vail Associates P.0. Box 7Vail, Colorado 81658 Dear Joe: department of pubtic works/lransporlalion RE: Gold Peak/Hill Creek Improvements The Town will require the following three improvements be made: l. !!ie any cu1 verts or drainage appurtenances to handle320 cfs flow (40% of 100_yeir tirirnaersioir-tio*il"- .9rljnggg_nay improvements from the diversion box toVail ValIey Drive, including enlarging channe.l , riD raDfor erosion control , bermin!, and ianiscapi"sr' ' 'r '-r Diversion_box improvements not discussed in Hydro Triadrerrer. Brian Kolstad from Hydro Triad confirmed thatiugrovements to the diversion would hive to be made butoro not dlscuss the nature of the improvements. need further c'larification of any of these items, pleaseme di rectly . ra ?. 3. If you contact Si ncerel y, of Publ ic llorks/Transportation Director of Planning 8J/ c-L"-- Bil l Andrews Town Engineer cc: _S_ti3 j..lryTgn, Di rector . Peter-patteh, Assi stant BA: j ad 311\/84 Golden Peak Redeveloprnent Meeting uj.th Jack Hunn and Joe l'4acy (VA) and Cbalg growdon (Snowdon and Hopkins ) Review of floor plans afler department analysis wiLh Jaek Hunn. l,ower Level - extend entlre south edge of building 8r-10t to soubh - Condominium Garage \- tny to use avilable space ft piloyygg/6 spaces )- efevator eouipment - I'befJ.ng Rooms - audio/visual equipment fon each sectlon (3) - bar/food service to meeting rooms for conventlons - observation from adjacent office for ski school - elfmination of sbaircase (inberior) from ski school Lo Iower hall - S{i School Locker Room - enlarge for 180-200 lockers (mixed m/f useage) - instructor lounge added / I small (8tx8t ) offices - wax room (wiLh ventilation) added - taoiform storage with mechanical rack - l'bchanical/Electrica1 Equipment - review for adequate size with Yoder Engineering - Physical Training and Office - no major ehanges - Lift Department - flip-flop with Food Senvice Department - Food Service Department - flip-flop with Lift Department and enlarge to space beLow existing sbair - Dnptoyee Stowers (men and women) - reduce size Lo accommodate new stair from level 2 - not a heavily-used area - Public Festrooms (men and women) -* - - enlarge to absorb upper restrooms from dining area - possible to get direct/interior access to cafeteria/dining and arcade - Nursery.,,....t1, - accorrnodaLe separale reslroorns /kilehen - baskeL rentaL space (where new nursery i-s }ocated) moved and combined with rental space $<i Towlng Desk / Office and Storage - new space added to program - storage is flexible - t?Sounds Coodtt Retall/RenLal - relocatled from 2nd leveL- location is flexible - Retail/Rental/Storage - consolidated into single space- access fnom west and south (arcade) - Trash Area - size reduced - Kibchen Storage - location changed and size simllar - General - new arcade developed along east face - extension of plaza to south 8t I.bln Level (2nd level) - Bratskeller - enlarged to soubh - could be enlarged- given copy of desired space allocation by department - Snalt World - enlarged to south - coordinated with Bratskeller spa.ce (shared toileLs and kitchen )- designated 7-1 3 age group area / 3-6 age group area / scrarnbLe area - S{i School Registration - flip-fIop with bicket sales - higher visibility with public - delefion of stair to lower level - shared toileLs with ticket sales - increase in office space - given copy of desired space all-ocation by depantmenb - Ticket Sales flip-flop with skl insLructor reglstration - new location does not cause conflict with people movi.ng through arcade - shared tollets wi_th ski school - secured area from ski school/public - Arcade (north-south) skyl-ights to be considened along ridge for natural 'I i ght.i ng - windOils frrr.n a'd;;CcnL di (j.r-j r:t,ul Ci Op.t-t c-,:r1-O arc.r'ie ar'ca - Kifchen - condense kitchen area - maintain serviee corridor to south deck/tennis deck - extend sforage area under roof to norfh (excepb reLail dormer area ) - Apres-S<i Bar t - seating for 100 people - extend bar to nortn'and east to edge of building- re_orient bar to east - Dining Area seating for 250_300 people- extend to east - pnovide addtional bar to service exterior deck underoverhead condominir.mj deck - Retail Sates - relocate to area under overhead condominium deck - Retail Bakery : - new space added to programs- pnovide under area under overhead condominium deck - scra-rnble cafeteria - no significanL ehange in size or rocation General revlew stair location from dining/cifetenia to pubric restroomson lower leve1 - use as a major design element to zone offcafeteria inand out access provide high volume area in dining/apres ski - possibly locateover east-west arcade l-ocation -to-prbvide exterior Oesignelement and break up east facade locate janitor closers reivew telephone closet locations (3_4) tennis dekc west elevation - possibte alternabive to openrailing would be a stepped dor^rn bleacher section for 4bt+sirnilar to grass bleachers - review with quick overlay, but donot propose to Town of Vail at this time review of Town of VaiI DRB conments from Z/1/gU meeting Joe l4acy to review and prepare signage progran Joe }hcy to review site problem areas- bus turn-around and skier drop_off area- parking at,tendant station- pedestrian crosswal-k and access from north walkway Snowdon and Hopkins to provide revised floor plans andelcvaf-ions for meeirng r.ri,th -rce l,1"cy and ,Iick F;nn on ?/?1 /g4('i :,'l ,.r,.1- ,' 'i , .-'r .;) vail Associates Task Force review of revised drawings at 1100 pnon 3/22/84 Snowdon- and Hopkins to proceed on an hourly basis until allernaueproposals are reviewed