HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 7 TRACT B GOLDEN PEAK BASE 1985 LEGALnE Mre*l V/c,.^ 2t1t84 5t2t84 6t?0t84 1m85 1/30/85 DRB Conceptual Review DRB Preliminary Approval DRB FinalApproval PEG Review of Changes DRB Final Approval of changes TOI{N OF VAIL75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 8165?9?O-479-2138 APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER Description: Ptan Chack--> lnv.stigEtion> l,i tt Catt---> 18{t.00 .m 3.00 PLUMBING PERMIT DEPARTMENT OF COM},IUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THTS PERMIT MUST BE PosTED oN .JOBSITE Pernit 720.(n Rrstuarrnt plan Revi crr--> Uo.^\ O,L\.^*-r1\ \,a..ac\ 5 ALL TIMES P97-0L79 AT #: Job Address: 458 VAIL VALLEY DR Statu6...: ISSUEDLocarion...: GOLDEN 'EAK sKr BASE UNTTAp;lied.. : LI/L3/tgg7parcel No.. : 2101_o'1_09_oo4 r-"-"uEo. .. , tL7t ,/;;;; Project No.: pRJ97-0210 Expires..: o5/I2/Lg9B GUAR"ANTEED PLT'MBING & IIEATING Phone: 845-9300P O BOx 2t56, vArL co 81658 GUARANTEED PLI'MBING & HEATING PhONE: 845-9300P O BOX 2L56t vArL co 81658VAIL CORPORATION THEPO BOX ?, vArL CO 81658 TENNANT FINISH oF UNIT #2 Valuation: 48,Oo0.oo-iilm15****l$H***;1f3::*ntrt**i*-rEE. su"A*y ****r***!rhr**i****r***ri****r*r****ii**r**r****r******* TOTAL FEES___.m 903.m Total C.tcutated Fees---> AdditionaL Fers--------> Tota I Perrit FeF*--->Payn.nts------- BALAiICE DUE_-- 903.00 -903.00 .m .@ .@ +i#yi'is::rffi iH--ltrsllli;l CHARLIE N/A oo??Et: BUTLDTNG Division: Dept: FIRE Division: 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE CONDITION OF APPROVAL REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. DECLARATIONS i,li:?a":ili:t#i:lttri.tv'-rc!d.this appti*tion, rir.r.ed.out in rur.r the inrorretion required, corpreted an le,.*ptv viiri-"[[-idi'off'':l:::T]T,iilff:,::J1:';ff;.;?:iil:j.,j.yn"it -nptv rii*r ifre-i"iJiiiiil,cod*' de3isn rcvicv approvcd, unifori ;Jiiiiig'-iial'i,rJ otncr ordinancca or tn. ro*,lil3otilli.t:il:-,yry ." accuratc ptot and ptot ptan, subdivi sion E:00 Af 5:0O pt{ REQUESTS FOR II{SPECTIOIIS SHALL BE I{ADE TIIEI{TY-TOUR HOURS IN ADVAIICE 8Y 0R Coi{TRACTOn ,*ConEacL Eagle Couircy Assessors office at 970-328,-8640 for Parcel ./. TOWN OF VAIL CONSTRUCTIONTARCEL tt A/0/ t oFl ^OltOO4 PERMTT APPLIFATION FORMomnz /t/rJ/77 / , APPLICATToN MUSr BE FTLLED VI**** **************************t [ ]-Building [)l]-Plumbing t PER}IIT Job Name, JC4r.u Legal Description:Lot Owners Name: Architect: General Description: Job Addre==, 4ff //,/ t/r//,/ ,t\ //.-,/-z /Block_ Filinq snnnTVTsTnN. Address: Address: Ph. Dh ,2_4lf OUT COMPLETELY OR IT MAY NOT BE ACCEPTED PERMIT TNFORMATToN * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * l-Electrical [ ]-Mechanibal [ ]-other Work CIass: tKl-New [ ]-Al_teration I Number of Dwelling Unit.s! / l.llrmber and Type of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances, f* * *.r. * * * * * * * * * * * * * *.r * * * * rr * * * * * * * * * VALUATf ONS tilectrical \ddress: ?Iurnbing ggntra \ddress | _yr_!_-J ar l-Additional [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Number of Accommodation Units:I Gas Loqs_ / Wood/pellet * * ** * * * * * ** t * ****rr*.}***:t **** * * * *rt OIHTiR: $ / PLUMBING: $MECIiANTCAL: $TOTAL: S [* * * * * * * * * tr * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * rr CONTRACTOR INFORMAL,IONGeneral- Contractor:* * * * .|r * J..* ** * ***** * *** * r( * * * * * Address:Town of Vai'l_ Reg. No. Contractor: Phone Number: Town of Vail Phone l'{r,rrn5.r, Reg. NO. Town of Vi'iI Reg. Phone Nunber: Toun of Vail Reg.NO. No.l_ru.v... ,lechani.cal Contractor: \ddress:Phc,tre Number: k********* * * **** *** * **** ***t.* ***FOR OFFICE USE *******Jr*********************.*.*]UILDING PERMIT FEE: .)LUMBING PERMTT FEE:,IECHANICAL PERMIT FEE:.]LECTRTCAL FEE: ]THER TYPE OF FEE: )RB FEE: BUTLDING PI,AN CHECK FEE: PLUMBING PI,AN CHECK !EB:MECHANICAL PI,AN CHECK TEE: RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: BUTLDIN(!; STGNAI.URA; ZONING: SIGNATURE: GROUP lonrnents: VALUATION CLEAII I'P DEP.OSIT REFIIM TO: ]OWN OF VAIL 15 S. FRONTAGE ROAD /ArL, co 81657 ,7 0-47 9-2L38 APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER Descrj,pl-ion: E Iect r i ca t---> DRB Fee lnvestigation> Lril.t Ca t t----> TOTAL F EES.-.> NEVER HECTIC ELECTRIC, LLC P.O. BOX 852, GYPSUM/ co 81637 NEVER HECTIC ELECTRIC, LLC P.O. BOX 852, GYPSUM, CO 81637 VAIL CORPORATION THE Po Box 7, vArL CO 81658 ELI'C FOR TENANT FINISH 360.00 .00 .00 3.00 363.00 Additionat Fees---------> TotaI Permit Fee--------> Payment Phone: 524-7623 Phone. 524-7623 .00 363.00 361.00 .o0 458 VAIL VALLEY GOLDEN PEAK SKI 2101-081-09-004 PRJg7-0210 DR Status. . . BASE UNITAPPlied..Issued... ExPires - . BALANCE OUE__--- k************************************************rt*:t************************************rr***************************************** Dept: BUILDING Di.vision : Dept: FIRE Division: *****lr***************trr***r************t(****Jrt**********tr**********************t(**********************ff******************i'******* CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REOUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. ********ff************************************t*****************************************t*************trt*****lct******************* DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowtedge that I have read this appl,ication, f il,Led-out in futt the intormation required, compteted an accurate ptot pl,an, and state that att, the information pfo;ided as required is conrect. I agree to comPty with the information and ptot pLan, to compty with au. Town ordinances and state [aws, and to buiLd this structufe according to the Town's zoning and subdivision coaes,'alsign review approved, Uniform Buitding code and other ordinances of the Town aPpticabLe thereto' It-em: O 6OOO EI,}ICTRICAL DEPARTMENT70/15/T997 CHARLIE ACTiON: APPR It-bm:' 05600 FIRE DBPARTMENTlo7ls/1igl cHARLTE Actionr APPR N/A DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNTTY DEVELOPMEN\ | r\ r( -r '. )c/./.J W tL\<,.X,,r.- | \,1-*--!$ NOTE:THISPERMITMUSTBEPOSTEDONJOBSITEATALLTIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permi-t Et 897-0254 Job Address Location... Parcel No..Project No. Valuation:20,000.00 k*********************************A*********Jnt************i( FEE SUtlHARY *******i**********************************************1*** Totat cal.cutated fees---) 361- 0O I S SUEDro/fi/ree7 1o /15 / reeT o4 /73 / rees REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE I4ADE TIIENTY-TOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY *,*Contacd (,;f.,ii';it Offlce TOWN OF VATI, CONSTRUCTION PERMIT APPLTCATION FORM DATE-._lo /AlQ7 pERr'lrr n ffi7-oast , APPLfCATIoN MUST BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY oR IT MAY NoT BE ACCEPTED X****************************'t PERMIT fNFORMATION *****************************Il I J-Buirding [ ]-plurnbing g{-ntectrical I J-Mechanibar [ ]-other ,hit ar& Job Addrer"r {st Un.\ Un\t"v Dn^ Eagle CounEy Assessors 28-8640 for parcel /l .&lol-o91 -of-oo{ Description: Lot (rfti\ tzi \\naa 5t\ $iti|^.q!'1I rng SUBDIVISION: ./Legal Ortners Plumbing Contractor: Address: .? Block J Architect z //J,^r'e, A.ch;y'"-fS Address: i4 3 F,24uo4o- /)r; <Ph.t7e-5tos General Description: 51.<-!,.:.*-\ J'r:tr.\q\\o,. Qo=u- \, \..-r,-.- ./ - al- work crass: ftJ-New [ ]-Alteration [ ]-Additional [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Nurnber of Dwelling Units: \ ******************************** BUILDING PERMIT FEE: PTUMBING PERMIT FEE: MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: ELECTRTCAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: Addresst P,0, BoyZ l,o,-/ Z 6/65S ph. Nurnber of Accornmodation Units: Town of VaiI Phone Nunber: Town of Vail Phone Number: Reg. NO. Reg. NO. FOR OFFICE USE ******************************* BUILDING PI,AN CHECK FEE: PLI,I'TBING PI.AN cHEcK FEE3 MECHANICAL PI,AN CHECK FEE: RECREATTON FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSTT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: N.pmber and Tvpe of Firepraces: Gas Appri.n."r- I cas Logs_ wood/pe11et__V p'Aqz:;'Jb.f,********************************* tfi,UerroNs *********************************'v BUILDfNG: ELECTRICAL:$ p.O,oU> OTHER: $PLUMBTNG: $ MEcHANIcAI,: $---._-- ToiAr-,: $.- f,*************************** CoNTRACTOR TNFORMAI'rON ,***************************'Eeneral Contract_or? 2Sfrown of Vail Reg. NO. WbAddress. f o_!__BeK S33 rrt;/--A:--Vi-&-- -phone llurnUei: '6+S':S-M-- Electrical Contractor: ,//.,^,- ,4oZ!,2./Z-t2,- _1r.._ Town of VaiI Reg. NO.'ZO+-gAddress, po, .tux 65? 6W- phone Number: fia,t -76a= Mechanical Contractor: Address: VALUATION BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONTNG: SIGNATURE: I :ii:t'l ,',jL. | . CLEAN ItP DEFOSIT REFIID m: 4r)n" e(L-f,. a./ v L{ /1_.tr { 75 3oulh tronlage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 479-21.38 ot 479-2L39 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: offlce ol communlty deyelopmenl ALL CONTRACTORS CI'RRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THETOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VArL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT MARCH 15, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERIAL STORAGE rn sunmary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unrawful for anyperson to litter, track or deposit any soil , """i, sand, debrisor rnaterial, including trash iunlsters, port.ute toilets and.workmen vehicres. upon any streerl-;ie;;.ik;;ii;y or public PJ?:" or any portion theleof- irre right-oi-r"y Ln arr Town ofvail streets and.:?"-d. is approiinately 5 ft. off pavenent.This ordinance wilr be. strilliy -enforced by the Town of VairPublic works De.artment. pers'ons found vi6ratint this ordinancevirr. be given a 24 hour writren-i"[i""-ti-;;il;;"="id marerial.rn the event the person so notified does not compry wi.th thenotice within the 24 hour-tim"-sp"ci;i;,"ii"-i"tric worksDepartment wirl remove said rnateii"i-"i-irrJ"I"pli.e or personnotified. The provisions-or-[iris orainance sharl not beappricable to c-onstruction, naintenance or repair projects ofany street or atley or any utilitits i; i;"-;i!ii_"_r.y. To review ordinance No- 6 in ful], prease stop by the Tovrn ofYli] P"ilding Department to obrain a copy. rnanX you for yourcooperation on this matter. and ackngwledge .e. contractor, owner) 75 3outh lrontage road vrll, colorsdo 8'1657 (303) 479-2138 or 479-2L39 oftlce of communlty developmelrl BUILDING PERI,IIT ISSUANCE TIME FMI,IE If this penTlt requi.res a Town of Vail Fire Departnent Approval,Engineer''s, (.Pub1 ic l.lorks) reyiew and approvai ,'u pi"nnini'b.pu"t.ntreview or Health Departmint review, anb'a_review by the BuildingDepartment' the estimated time for a totar i.ui"n-inuv"iuli'is rongas three weeks. fll c9mm9r9ia'l (]arge or smat'l) and ail mu.tti_famity permits willhave to follow the above mentioned maximum requiremlnii."'-Residentialand.small projects shourd take a lesser arouni of-;iil: Hoiever, ifresidentia'l or smaller projects impact the various auove menffoneodepartments wi th reoard' to- necessai-y revie*, trrese proje.ii"ruya'l so take the three-week period Every attempt will be rlgge by thfs department to expedite thispetmit as spon as possibl e. - I' the underSigned, understand the p1 an check procedure and timeframe. /,, -z #q,z,atar ^\ Communi ty Devel ooment Departrnent. TO: FROM: DATE: RE: Job Name: Date: Please MEMORANDUM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MAY 9, 1994 WHEN A ''PUBLIC WAY PERMIT'IS REQUIRED 1) 2) ls this a new residence? ls demolition work being performed that requires the use ol the right ol way, easements or public propefy? ls any utility work needed? ls the driveway being repaved? ls ditferent a@ess needed to site other than existing driveway? ls any drainage work being done atfecting the right ol way, easemen 8) 7l 6) ls a "Bevocable Right Of W or public property? 3) 4) s) Permit' required? A. ls the righl of public property to be parking or fencing? B. lfnot is a parking, slaging or fencing uired by Community Develop "Public Way Permit" applications may be obtained at the Public Work's otfice or al Community Development. lf you have any questions please call Charlie Davis, the Town ol Vail Construction Inspec-tor, at 479-2158. z.j*J following nnaire regarding the need for a "Public Way Permit": YES NO , easements or lor staging, I have read and answered allthe above questions. Job Name Conlractor's Sig dlrT ci = ts =G uJL @ o U) uJluu- F = uJc q/ baffiruH"I I I I I qPqF @'-(\ll -_Jq ,il I I I -l'ar lelJ Lln:c=et )o>,2 ,q=q) -.i t= uJ o lfiIFxl>trlo Fl=@l J =t;6lc6llozl= =t7 luz = IJJIF l!J UJo =i lr Fo z utz3 l!o u,l col'B.o EO;E€:8* a(Eo.Y'dE';o !"-oc;EoR Ee'g; RG -o$ ESFooa oo PF E€oo 8o(g0D o.S =o-'=9dig .tO ol =d.9q9'o- EO.cct "i.t_ A).'5asE j-o oti 6'ig)oo sbE 5:fr toc Ffc6gEtr-o :E;€'5 =c9c EsE_F >, -E El. =L-l: .gEe tq: i.=- (! o-(5 cLsEt(,,-O. E9o(!EEa:EE E E t-6 ,EFE_a9 6 6.-c.s; o- --cdr(DrEE:sEi S lloE;;hte9Ecre5g -oct c o t{ F =qJ z E llJ oz Jo- o E o uJ ut z = ) 2 UJ r!rllIIzo F u,l UJ oE oo 'g uJEzo q,lo Fo llJ z IJJJ x F uJo .t lrJ u.Jl!t = uJd J oF z6: o J 9 (J IJJ tr z6 = J J = uJ = NO[Vn]VA o lJ.z o+ U c I d =c( ( + xe = z F & an UJ -) UJzui =>E -ll')ItuS =loN zzootr^695F9 0666d<)zr!<o*gg FOjni z E tt d UJ F ooo E IJJe. z E z tr IJJFJ =gJz o E2.. 2= Ei('3tr Ilr\I\F1\ t_.taNB i.i tr 2_l zl .. >l IJJ ul lr.lzo = Et!A J z E oz Y (! rzl- i-l<lJI E sJl o7td -l( lt:I Ifatt-t<t: l8 C) ?--. GJ(\ OO IJJ E U'oo'tzo Fd lrJY ltJo oF F tul o- t!lOrrl.q =-tll, (Ylo{rqguJ i^Fletzo z ,n9 ZEoo =zJOlL lJ- .-*3 ZF?"L)t:- ;HE F CE uJ o- ILofulEO E<lll60EoE9!;ae Ed => =l!:-E h=(, dtrE =*E 669 iurE XO-E X>t q-o-t!tr uJ co --- E =E lrJ o-zoF(JfEa, zoo ntn j1 dr -l Filq' l(,tz.F-: J ll- (t Lo+J (Utl- ro(J IZ rd (lJ (U! o(5 ii =z c)o -l o al> UJ = vlo ,o tn tn rd llJ z t tro tr Ut uJ J E i =( l! oz o uJE i>l rl- ol z1 3i 9lFl =Etr ol 2.1 (, ql <l>l ttl :l 3lolFI E .{- o(+- (t a/, o< alI 1 l d oz oulG J l!o z13I ut trF =tr z ultc = tl. z3 F ut JulF I uJz 3o F() uJ E-() E E <Fco Lr,r <zE IJJ F6Zo() )E<o(JF HEq= -Eol() t 2P s3fFd6o <^otr =2+(! iz =g ar r.5 =*E Fo2o i <-r rrr l4J I !nE ficrdF./j<f,O\ttt trl t- F -' -- (/)Nlrltrl\\_r ur 5 h b. \RzoL)oJ'ls\i.F = F s. 3 = =\ \\o- t! -Ftnv,d, (J V'(.) (9 :tr J J vl rrr Lrl rr \"Y \ \.vt >-o J (J Fl cL 1! ) J \ \ ._ r\ \!J Oa LrJ J -J F F.] O- J CO CO \ \,e \ \o o(./) ==GL(-)=Z.Ntv)u)O V> lrJ O 5 = \ ts- s.. \T', H e d 5 6 z u- '|J- \\--\\ -\Z O - d. Z, J F O OAZ, E (J (J UJ (J (J O O dF &, E = d (J O (, tfi =t-r I (5 F-r F = =J Oo- J> o- (J c) t-.F O (J UJlr.J lrJ CO.NJ J|- =F- J 14 t! : (5 >'O (\Jo-Ost >J lrJ !- d r.o J IJ- F r! F(J C!-=:(J -.J X Oa u1 <. (v !J q't / o ><co <( ft u-J I(-"F-J ) tr- L! > (./) (\ z. o\\ O (O LrJL5- ,I (t\ =, t.t1 |f-r 1rl < c. u', NlO- CO J lrJ trJJ-Vt = V)o-J <F< =J FO- Z FJ< vl O- lrJ (JJ- =>- J =<. tJ1 H cO'- C O F- Fz. = t-u (\(f)<f Lr.lFOr! (J u- (JJ :z< lrJo-l Z. tr)r-u >.O F--l JXo6 IL! r-/) )uJ<F> (*) ,".<o<a/) >v)<@ JQ = I z 'co ollI IIc O':(?) lrj -J at) Lr-l >-A ttl Z.J E(J 4tJ.t J(J:l zE<cl EaI)t o2 'no e olrl oE GI =l^ (-.; F =t!cElro-> -z=r! 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(J) (JF =t/1 Iod(-, = Elr.lt-V' ./l J ITJz.o(Jo-t F=FO- lrJ -FattE c) .t1L)(5tll >o _luJ oa u.l J -toa(n=:'cL(Jo(r) | trJ =IFFlz o :tO= E (J EF&= z,FrlE(5 F<F = =J oA J> e L)o &.e.FO (J l4llrl lrJ dlr{J lrl O =F J q, LA : (,' >O c\lJCLo<l >Jo=lr| lld (o ) lJ- F= o= =O lO (y) caU.J F(J (\I (-, -J >< Out t/, <. <\r(J=uJ tJ1 a o ><CO <GlrJ tqtFJ - =J (J C) (y) lr)J !- !J >- -= ur/) c! z. o\\ o (o lrl(5- N rnl- v1 | lrJ, - i-rr <d an f{o- co J uJ u.r-)-ut = vro-J <F< =J FOI = FJ< V1 0- l1r (-) J=.=>- J =<- r/t HCOF 4 O otr)oor(\r!r)(f)\oF@(7)sfcist(y)-&rJ)@r.olr'oroco@co .o-rJ)s.rla) trJF c! sf C! c! (\ ct st lo c\l lr-IIo =ltrJ l-- ar, ->- an a,/, U)=<o(9.A h(J Lr- |-ro=r<F= =(J- lr.l..a= cl rAFO d b.JFC)L!()l! (-)J ><< l4lclr Zl!LJ >.O )-... oo(5 >-tr! -Jv)J LtJ <F> (JHO<U) >- U)<cort) JSI o=(f) trJFJvlt!>AtnoE,J F(J r:: dt! J(J:a:-zo'<{o d- oc) =LrJ =C|- otrt F.l4l|r- 3/t ca tlJ lL =l4lFtf, ,n J (J Elrl (-) Eo lt ofo I o I d .J it1 IJt(9 lrJ lJ-c) F CI.zo lr- lJ- o2...-.-.-,. .--..:-,-; -, CJ t1 -F d.Jl4l Jo< = l- .,r', =u'tdZ, lltv, F. cor!=(-J r= =J<zcLF.oJF'>-o- F cclA<< >ulF>tJl-JJ(J< I I olO^' Otr -Lr0J , F-CI ar, +l. =ot____4 , xdI trl- I z.o F Fvr -)J =A, J z lrlFc) =l4.l I I I I I I I J IiI a, JI t dI,o 0tIi ! lr) (\I _l : r}r\v\i \r \q\ \\\l \\ (Y: surlNn0S --\ t16t/tf,.rN#?noN REQUEST VAIL ,{ r;f t.,\'{ a | ..-'i ){ Ll \ TOWN OF ,j 4:''\ r- CALLER TUES THUR FRI ..L BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr POOL/ H. TUB ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST XOOOS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR vED $ CORRECTIONS: 4)rr'&^ tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE INSPECTOR I h s/(; 'v"' ELE.TRTcAL rrusprliror c1[e-(- QL{-:.--y'o*z- REPORT AND CORRECTIONS NOTICE TYPE OF INSPECTION:PERMIT NO. NoNo- ma rks Residentjal f] Conmercial ff Rough-in E Final l] Temp Meter ! femp Heat f] Mobite Home I Service I GFI Cir. Yes No Hazardous area Yes Fi nished bsmt Yes Si ze Sub Panel s Yes No # of single phase # of three phase Pump or l,lell I Sprinkler f]nir Cond. ! E1ec. Ht. {] Servi ce : TFe -1-0 or 3 g Size 0ver head Undergrd Type Grd. Si ze Grd. Res: Range _OrVH__Water Htr. ACTI0N: ffouo >-n)fl"{lt"o _ *;x,:wffirffi,iii,*,,!d;r correctiolsrSE["an@ Address: tractor Home Owner Time on travel Time on Inspection Consult Time Arrival Time Date Rec. . a.m. -p.m.Inspector Date Insp. t*,rrt ELECTRICAL INSPECTION REPORT AND CORRECTIONS NOTICE TYPE OF INSPECTION:PERMIT NO. Temp Meter l__l Temp Heat tr Mobi l e Honre Servi ce Pump or l,lell f] Sprinkler I Rir Cond.Elec. Ht. f_J Serv i ce:Tpe10or30 Si ze Hazardous area Yes F'i ni shed bsmt Yes0verhead Undergrd Type Grd. Size Grd. Sub Panel s Yes No Res: Range Dry-e'.-a l.|ater Htr. ResidEntial f] Conunercial ff Roush-in f] Final l-] GFI Cir. Yes No Si ze # of singie phase # of three phase nL] ll ACTI0N: Accepted _ Reje(ted _ rl"-n:'ir,9p*-l{x*z:mlg.rsLE Sress No NO Rema rks u are ordered to the electrical const- at the address below)', u Address: Contractor's/ Home 0wner Time on travel Arrival Time Date Rec. a.m. p.m. Time on Inspection Consult Time Date Insp. Inspector / - -'. ,rrrr*rcRL' rnsprcrro* olo, AND .'RRECTT0NS N'TrcE TYPE OF INSPECTION:PERMIT NO. Serv ice: Tpe10or30 Si zeoverheaE.=---Hazardous area F'i ni shed bsmt Sub Panels Resi dgltial f] Conrmercial fl Roush-i n*fl Fi3a1 [ Temp Meter I remp Heat fl't'iouite Honie I SerVice I Pump or t.lell ! Sprinkleu S nlr C-ond. I -l GFI Cir. Yes No Elec. Ht. Si ze Undergrd Type Grd.# of single phase Size Grd. # of three phase Res: Range ",:'.' . _ Dryer ': -- Water Htr..'--- A!I_Qlt: Accepted _ Reiefled _ Remarks _ ' ' I "'- $zo Re tnsBrcrlory-FF.E ;ffi01{e0 D fvgl are ordered to$20 REINSPECTIOry FF.E.R6Q0lnED | ) IYg/ are ordered to make the flll/yHnf-c6rrection?Fofi:lfe electrical const- ruction .Y^/f" how in. V"f'* tft tne address below) Correctiorfs if FiTt|dff : t/': =... t/ ' /--, u Yes Yes Yes No -No- No :.r. Address: Contractor's/ Home 0wner Time on travel Time on Consul t I nspecti on Ti me Arrival Time Date Rec. a.m. p.m. I nspector Date Insp. 17 75 soulh tronlage road - Yail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 November 19, 1985 Kit Cowperthwaite Pendleton and Sabian, P.C. 17th and Grant Bujlding Suite .|000 303 East iTth Avenue Denver, Colorado 80203 Re: Tract F-2 Conveyance and other matters otflce ol communlty developmenl 0ear Ki t: I received a copy of your letter to Ron Phillips regarding the conveyance of Tract F-2 to the Town of Vajl. The deed has not been accepted to date because we have previously committed to addressing the acceptance of Tract F-2 and signing the final subdjvision plat at the same time. We are currently awaiting the arrival of the signed subdivjsion plat from Vajl Associates' banks. It is expected that this should come jn within the next week or so. Upon receiving the plat, we will proceed to obtain the appropriate signatures and record it. I w'i ll be leaving the country beginning November 26 until New Year's Day for a trip to the South Pacjfjc. In preparation for my absence I have briefed Tom Braun on some of the matters relating to Tract F-2, the final subdivision p1at, Chalet Road and the Texas Townhouses parking situation. However, I believe Larry Eskwith should be your principal contact while I am gone in working with you and Stan Berryman on the vacatjon of Gore Creek Drive right-of-way and the necessary easement and maintenance agreements. Concern'i ng Chalet Road, the Town of Vajl has no plans of our own for this area. As you will recall, we worked with Vail Assocjates and the surrounding neighbors to agree to a plan to vacate Chalet Road and narrow it to a walking path/fire lane upon the construction of the Golden Peak redevelopment proiect. This work will be at the expense of Vail Associates and not the Torvn of Vail. This does not prevent us from beginning to address an overal I "master p1an" for the northern end of Chalet Road and Tract F-2. If you wish to begin work on this immediately, I wou] d suggest you contact Larry or Tom to make the appropri ate arrangements. A'l though this process has not moved as fast as ejther you or I would have liked, I feel that we are now making progress toward solving some of these long o standing problems for all of us involved. I wi'l 'l mention that if I had mychoice I would elimjnate Paragraph B on the Tract F-2 qu.i t claim deed, bui r amreluctant to reopen the jssue at thjs pojnt in time. I belj"u" you unclerstand my feelings on that matter. I look forward to working with you and the neighborhood toward fjnaljzing theplans for this area upon my return. Very cere ly, . Peter Patten Jr. Community Oevelopment0i rector APP: bpr cc: Ron Phillips Larry Eskwi th Tom Braun Peyton F. Perry t NSP ECTION REQUESTPERMITNUMBER OF PROJECT DATE i-/ INSPECTION: JOB NAME CALLER TUES TOWN OF VAIL READY FOR LOCATION:./'' . MON APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED BUILDINGT tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION i STEEL O FRAMING r-r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING o tr o tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANIGAL: tr tr tr tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR E''rntnl tr FINAL DATE ffiD o h"t*, Alsilcatlon t Proiect Name: Proj€ct Description: Contact Person and Phone Ownor, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Design Review Board Date E statt Approval { t '.,, .{" ,r l '. a Jit r,ti t t DISCRIPTIOII OF PROJECT:ernoc e,L ol e t.r,\i tri ',tATFIJrAt Q base fac llAf'lE 0F PR0JI Cl: Gol.den Peak Ski Base Facilit-v - Rsnodel LEGAL IESCR I I I 0N :--- LO'-TraCTT--1,_CC( fr,h STREET ADDRT:;S : Core Creeli Drive -_---' -----!*- The fol'lorvi ng Board before A. BUILDING Roof information ,i s reoui red for submittala final approval can be fiven: I,IATtRIALS: TYPE 0F I1ATIRIAL tar, & Ar;rvel by the appljcant to the Desian Revieir rnr nP red -bror^rn lava . cedar ob#8i6 oSoirc S'-a:nSiding 0ther hral I l,iaterial s stuce o Bei4e - to maLch - Va.:l ^^^^- O1ympic Solid St,a:nuc\.rctr' oxford Brorn , Olynplc Solid Sr-a:rcedar wood Oxford Bro,,vn Fascia Soffi ts l^li ndorvs Wi ndorv Tri rn Doo ns Doo r Tri rn Hand or Deck Rails Fl u,es Fl ashings Chimneys Trash Enc losures Greenhouses 0ther wood Oxford Bror^rn Oxford Br^oin, / r_.ei.gemetal o.r_fsi-rc.'locC__ meta l Orfanrl 'lnnum nn ha; rrp% wood Oxford Prown /Beaehwoai metal Oxf orC Bror^n melal Oxf ord Brov.n stucc o Oxford l?ror^rn n/a beams, columns, elc.Oxlord Br^o,,vr: modufar see atlached l-rsL B. LAI,|DSCAI':;..;: l{ame of Designer: phone: PLAiiT liAl t IlAt-S: PROPOSED TRETS Bota ni ca I f,iame Comnon Nane .Q.v-al:!y S ize* 1.,' t IT.ISTIIiG iIiES TO BE REiIOVLi tlndjCat, 'ljner^ tOn Ceci{ilpj6rrc +rpnq ! ndi n> t'o har'nL.r- r^- ^^-.:.c^... WkJrp1/ rlrt ?oin\..a $\Aq Lrldq {o Whd q- dD viu\ . ntU/J +l..a- antutr,,\li\\ tuak- vrul\ty w*1. ftrc"jJ, *Sry \1/, ; \UF )na.ucon &,J,1- h 'oq^,,Jd tu hA,-\ b\d/ dII l^tuf q, Wdreonr u!/nn\ r[. (,l U, A dvinh \u hru sliutcu- ttu' h\ . arqlrlq TrJ lnqy" y{J,ut(\_' nut obNLiq -' \u \/ho- q^ .f\un\ No,. n^$.rQm 6he- i\,Zkt\l L'fioildryfivl*,r^a r , . jr'cl^Jd. butt-W' 1,&r1rn!- CalN "Y ol l,o/^rr^o * -b,t ,\odrQo,r {r *,,o}cl^ ,Aunns^h"I{{;i^iri*i' ^,wd"Mr tutt^ r\\CI^M,. M# 5{"q/ Qmsi&r L - (r S,q*"t\-\,y/l ,ln,t rfayraru , . 6.W5Ap4^N*'wbr*,rcrn\ o- \.fo^ {'fi" t-i t\.'it nc L (0^d A onoate{J, t!Q- AK0{dnu\ a_ f^[. tr oop*,r0, (,uE *CI{dAr CIt" {40^--{r "u"l,iutl,,*C -ti d. \e^ {@ U\$- t\"qdushndrl^q ,\t"\ \\+ ^cu\ar cgnb,iqodtc\ {^rruri[$ olh.f|-*tf,N' Snowdon and Hopkins o Architects 201 Gore Creek Drive 3OS-476_220j Vail, Colorado 8.1657 Golden Peak S<i'Base Faeility Color Selection - D€erior . SLucco - light beige (match 't Vall place) . Sidj.ng - dark bror^rn (sjmiLar to existing)- Olympic Solid Body S,Najr "Oxforcl Brou'r1 r' . Beanworl< - dark bror"m (as exrsNs )- co-l.iunns - bearrrs - fasc: ialgul"ters /dorr.nspouts - sot'[ il, to 1st, bearn - birtitl board . Wjldoris & Doors (V. A.I. services )- in rr, , , I Lo rnat,ch dark brown - in .;t,rrcco to rnatch llghb bei-ge . Doors ( t\bl j.c )' - in lrt-rrr.l - painb to match Oylrnoj_c 'rbeachwood'l , - il stucco - pajn[, to rnal,ch 0lvr:rpj_c rbeachwoodil . Fooll t op equignenL - dark browrr . RaiJ.:lrrgs: - balusLers - clark bror^rn- rail cap - dark bror^m- boLtom board rail - stain olympic 'beachwood.r' solld body staln . Transformer enclosure - clark bror^rn . Trash 0rclosure l^lalls - clark brown .. Sor-r'i.l-s : - ExLerior - beachwood - Olympic sol:d body sLain- jrrberion (Ct.g.; - beachwooct - Otymprc solid bocly sfarn Golder Peak S<i Base Facllity ' r CoLon Se1ectlon - brbenion Page i: . kLerion Countens:' --ii;k;i "ii""---no"*ica tt926 (si.rnit-ar in color to 0Lympic . Roofing Bal-lasf - frlava rock il - red browr: . Baseboand at Plaza -.dark bror"m . fower l,rlindow Panels - east./soubh/north - d'ark browr . l',todulan Buildings: - ralling - dark brolan- nrain bulldjng - exisbing medium bror,,m- trim - dark brown - fascla/flashlng - dark broum- skint boards - dark brourn- vestlbule - to match exisfing rnodular bulldlngs 'I r'1 o Snowdon and Hopkins o Architects 201 Gore Creek Drive 303-476-2201 Vail, Colorado 81657 Go1den Peak S(i Base Facility Color Selection - B<terior . Strrcco - fjght beige (match 1 ValI Place ) . Siding - dark brown (sirnilar to existing) - Olympic Solid Body Stain rrOdord Bror,mrr . Beamuork - dark browr (as exists ) - colwms - beams - f asc ia /gutters /dowrspouts - soffit to lst beam - band board . Windows & Doors (V.A.I. services) - in wood to match dark brown - jn stucco to match light beiee . Doors (Public ) - in wood - paint bo match Oylnpic ?rbeachwoodrr - in sttrcco - paint to match Olympic ttbeachwoodtl . Roof top equignent - dark brom . Rallings: - balusters - dark brovnr - rail cap - dark brom - bottom board ra1l - stajn Olympic rrbeachwoodil solid body stain . Transformer enclosure - dark brovnr . Trash Ehelosure lhlls - dark brom . Soffits: - Exterior - beachwood - Olynpic solid body stain - interior (ClS. ) - beachwood - Olympic solid body stain .t o Golden Peak S<1 Base Faciliby . . CoLor Selecticn - Srberlor vage z o . Bcberior Courters: - tlcket saLes - Forrnlca /l%6 (sirnllar in color to Olyrnpic ilbeach'rood ) . Roofing Ballast - ttava r@k't - red brqsr . Baseboard al Paaza - dark brom . Loner Windor Patels - east/south/north - dark brom . l4cdular Brlldings: - railing - dark brom - main bullding - e:dstlng medilu brorn- trin - dark browr- fascla/flashing - dark brora:- sklrt boards - dark brosr- vestibule - to match existirg nodular buildings sNowDoN Aryp-EgPo ARCHITECTS 2Ol Gore Creek Drive vArL. coLoRADO 81657 (303) 476-220r a \l TO tr Samples the following items: tr Speciftcations aS > fun*ate K'4'- w- WE ARE SENDING YOU FJrttacneA E Under s€parate cover via tr Shop drawings tr Copy of letter tr Prints D Change order tr n Plans LtrTTil @F TtRANsnflrrrAL "^=j1 *p+ At l'"'ffi6fa/;nEN'o' Ar, s/o- 7; /z iE: 4o/d+'q ?eoa ,&41 U coPt Es DATE NO.DESCRIPTION /J ffitnkst)d; Bq< FgAb I /JT?tn ,rasteh-Bc"^4aaa<tl t /,tTtrlr; sOe'toli 4r(fu 4ra^t^ /4/nlsi z THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: E For approval E For your use E As requested tr Apprcved as submitted O Approved as noted E Retumed for corrections E Resubmit-copies for approval O Submit -copies for distribution n Rdum -correcied prints E For review and commcnt tr D FOR BIDS DUE 19- tr PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US COPY TO SIGNED: Ptm|cr?rG2 /ffi) hq erdl I!. ol1,l.,, fncro.urat a.t ,rc'. .. no'.d, ktndlt adw ua ,a onca. cA/ 75 soulh lronlage road vail, colorado 8'1657 (303) 476-7000 September 27, 1985 Joe Macy Vai I Associates Box 7Vai), Colorado 8.|657 Re: Golden Peak Subdiv'ision Plat offlce of communlty developrnenl Dear Joe: The pertinent staff members have completed a revi ew of the Golden Peak subdivision plat that was submitted to us on 9/1?/85. The plat meets our approval with the exception of some minor wording changes on the front page certificate as per the attachment. l,le felt a stronger connection between the language in the certificates and the specific parce'l 2 (bus turn around area) wou'l d be bneeficial . l,le understand that the changeswill be made and you will then seek the reguired s'i gnatures for the plat. Upon receiving the signed mylars, we will schedule the plat's final acceptancefor eveving Council meeting. Also, at the same meeting, Larry wil'l present for approval a resolution for the vacation of the cul-de-sac on the north side of the property. The acceptance of Tract F-2 as a dedjcation to the Town of Vail could also be accompljshed at the same evening meeting. However, Larry indicates he has not recejved deed restrjction language from Vai'l Associates to date. Please get back to me as soon as possible if you have guestions or comments. Very sincerely yoursr A. Peter Patten, Jr. Di rector. Conmunity Devel opment APP: bpr I nc'l os u recc: Ron Phillips Larry Eskwith Kit Cowperthwaite T INTER.DEPARTI,IENTAL REVI E'/ PROJECT: DATE SUBMITTED: CO}IMENTS NEEDED BY: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOS PUBLIC l,lORKS Reviewed by: Comments: Date I DATE OF gUBLIC HEARI S.aJC tq {,!NG |---- Date ".]^- +J/ J" ,,f 5 +"n^ "" +k t,L FIRE DEPARTMENT Reviewed by: Comments: POLICE DEPART}IENT Reviewed by: Corunents: Date :' . RECREATION DEPARTT,IENT .-Revlewed by: Comments: Date CHARLES H. CO\VPERTHVAITE PENDLETON 8 SABIAN. P.C. ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELOR5 AT LA\,,(/ SEVENTEENTH AND CMNT BUILDINC sulTE lo@ 3O3 EAST SEVENTEINTH AVENUE DENVER. COLOMDO AO2O3 September 13, 1985' TEI-EPHONE: l3O3) 839-1204 TELECOPIER: (3O3, 831-0286 TVX: 9lF3l-O4Oz Mr. Rondall V. Town Manager Tovm of Vail 75 So. Frontage Vail, Colorado CHC:do cc: Mr. Mr. Phitlips Road 81657 *e can GItr-quickly toward a resolution opreviously discussed. Very truly yours, Charles H. Cowperthwaite all the issues we have 6,aa"- fr' 'ary Re: Tract F-2 Conveyance Dear Ron: Thank you for your letters of August 26, 1985 and September 6, 1985 concerning this matter. We are a bit confused. In your earlier letter, you suggested that the Town Counci"l will be accepting the "restrictive deed" at the same time VaiI Associates submits the final subdivision plat for the Golden Peak resubdivision.In the latest letter, you have indicated that the Town Council has suggested that VA includ.e less restrictive 1-anguage. Inasmuchas agreement on deed restrictions between the Town, VA and the neighborhood association were fundanental in obtaining support from the neigtrborhood groups for the redevelopment p1an, we do believe it important to work together toward a mutually satisfactory set of limitations. To this end, would you plea such time as VA submits the Jinal subdivisi in order that '##k Peyton F. PerryPeter Patten luwn n l|tl 75 south lronlage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 oltice ol the town manager Mr. Charles H. Cowperthwaite Pendleton I Sabjan, P.C. 303 East Seventeenth Avenue Suite 1000 Denver, Colorado 80203 RE: Texas Townhouse Association - Tract F-2 Conveyance Dear Mr. Cowperthwaite: As I discussed at length with Mr. Perry a few weeks ago, the TownCouncil will be accepting the restrictive deed on Trait-F-2 at the same time Vajl Associates submits the final subdivision plat forthe Golden Peak resubdivision. Certain certificates on the olat were incomect and had to be changed and the plat is now goihg throughthe signature process with all the necessary parties. When that js - completed it will be submitted to the Town for final approval andTract F-2 will then be conveyed to the Town. 0nce that is done the Council will then consider the request forvacation of Gore creek Drive and will also consider exaitly what shallbe done concerning your request for a portion of rract F-2-fo'r parking. As soon as the fjnal subdivision pl at is ready for approval , we'wjll - 1et you know. August 26, 1985 Rondal l V. Phil l ips Town Manager RVP/ bsc cc: Town Council Lamy Eskwith Peter Patten O Rff'o AUo - 5 1eB5 TELEPHONE: (3O3) 839-l2o4 TELECOPTER: (303) 83t-o7a6 T',X/X9lO-931-O4O7 CHARLES H. COV"F RTHWAITE PENDLETON 8 SABIAN, P. C. ATTORNEYS AND COUN5ELOR5 AT tAW sEVENTEENTH AND CRANT BU]LDINC SUITE IOOO 3O3 EAST SEVENTEENTH AVEN UE DENVER,COLORADO 8O2O3 August 1, 1985 Mr. Ron Phillips Town Manager Town of VailVail Municipal BuildingVail , Colorado 81657 Re: Texas Townhouse Association - TracE F-2 Conveyance Dear Ron: In a final effort to resolve the Tract F-2 situation,especi-alIy as it relates to Lhe concerns of the Texas Townhouseohtners, r wourd like to outline where r think we are and wherewe ought to be. f am mindful that there appears lately to havebeen some lack of communication between mv clients and Townofficials but r am hopeful that this is ulrrina us and that thisletter wi}l prove helpfur to you and the Town council in cleaningthis up once and. for all. While negotiations on this issue go back as far as 19g2when the Texas Townhouse owners, among others, worked with the'Town and vail Associates to put together the redevelopment planfor Gorden Peak, it seems appropriate to beqin with the councilrswork session of october 9, 1984 at which time the acceptance ofTract F-2 was approved subject to deed restrictions. At thattime, the council asked peter patten, Larry Esl<lvith anc me tofurther refine the scope of restrictions, especially as heightlimitations rrere concerned. During the fa1I of 1984, peter, Larry and I worked on therestriction ranguage to be integrated into the deed which includeda specific reference to maximum heights as calculated from asurvey obtained by my cLients. All of the items r felt had beenagreed upon by peter, Larry and myself were then integrated intothe proposed deed, copies of which were maired to all concernedon February 25, 1985. A copy of this item is enclosed. several weeks later r learned from peter that discussionsregarding Tract F-2 had been suspended pending further studvof the proposed master pran. while r can appreciate and in factapplaud the Town's desire to put together a comprehensive plansuch as this, we were perplexed why it should affect finalapproval of a proposal that had been before us for so 1ong. Page 2 August 1, 1.985 with this background in mind, I would greatly appreciateyour assistance in securing Council approval for this conveyance.While I believe that the restrictions set forth in the encloseddeed represent those that have been exhaustively considered andagreed upon, I would be pleased to help with any minor modificationsthat the Council might think advisable provided that all of thiscan be done promptly. In order to complete all aspects of the Texas Townhouseportion of this matter before the winter season is upon us,it follows that Gore Creek Drive should then be vacated asoriginally planned with the south half and small portion ofTract F-2 identified in the enclosed survey then conveyed tothe Texas Townhouse Association which incidentally, was organizedlong ago for this specific purpose. Regarding the latter, ithas been suggested that this be done on some form of temporarybasis (i.e. a revocable easement) . For obvious reasons, includingthe fact that this would defeat the underlying objectives ofthe Texas Townhouse people had been attempting to achieve a1Ialong and could limlt marketability and financi-ng of their property, we feel strongly that there must be some permanent solution tothis part of the transaction, bearing in mind that for so longas the Texas Townhouses have existed, the owners have maintained,improved and used this area as their exclusive parking area. So as to get this matter squarely before the Council fora final resolution, would you please circulate copies of thisletter and i-ts enclosures to the members and schedule us fora meeting to address any remaining issues. pete perry, ourclient's representative, would like to attend any such meetingbut will be unavailable between August I2-ZO, 1985. Both heand I could attend at most any other time. Many thanks for whatever assistance you can provide ingetting this issue sguarely before the Town Council for a quickdecision. I read.ily appreciate all of the issues thal confrontyou and other representatlves of the Town of Va j-1, however, hope that you can understand why we simply must try to get thisTract F-2 situation behind us now. waite CHC: do Enclosure cc: Peyton F. perry PENDLETON 8 SABIAN. P.C. Rccordedt O o'cloch-M..--O Rcccption No.Rccorder. QUIT CLAIII' DEED THIS DEED, Marjc this day of . 19 85. bcrwccn vArL ASsocrATES, rNc., a coloradoCorporation *fuk xx&lrt(xaf >alExbe)otk f,ldFrda,grantor(s),and TOhfN OF VAIL, a COloradomunicipal corporation whosc lcgal addrcss is of the 75 South Frontage Road WestVail, Colorado 81657 Ten Dollars and other good and valuable consideration xEdX)axxthc rcceipt and sufficicncy of which is hcrcby ackno*'ledgcd. has remiscd. releascd. sold. convcyed and eulT CLAIMED. and b;-thcsc presents do € s remise. release. scll. convcy and QUlr GLAIM unto rhc grantee(s). its hcirs. succcssors and assigns. .forcver' all rhc right. title. inlerest' claim and demand which the grantor(s) ha s in and to rhe real propeny.. togelhe, with I improvcmcnrs. if any. situate. lying and being in rhe Counry of Eagle ina S,",. ofColorado, dcscnbcd as follows:Tract F-2' Vail vilrage Fifth Filing, county of Eagre, state of :Colorado, according to the recorded pf"t itrlreoti-upon the e:lpress i,condition (a) that the_property be used solery as open space or for iirecreational park or playground uses; (b) thal, exclpting tor tennisllcourts, tennis fences on which semi-tran"p".""i wina-uariiers *"y--uu,placed, bleachers, customary outdoor park and recreational equipment,and landscaping, no permanent abovegr6und improvements shalI Ue corr]i istructed or maintained_on the propeity, incrlding, but not lirnited rto a tennis bubble; and (c) ttrat iro iirproveme"t ,t"t"oever be con_structed or maintailgd_"I the property that would exceed in height lian elevation of 8' 195.5 feet .Lor'. sel lever, being the heigl.rt oftlte presently existing tennis court fence ""'d"-property, suchelevation being based upon the ufper Eagle Varley sanitary seweras-bui1t centerrine invert elevaiLon foi uanhole lrumber L9, beingequal to an elevation of B,L74.r feet above sea lever. also \nou n by strcer and number as: To HA\/E AND To HoLD Ihe samc. toSether with all and singular the appunenances and privileges thereunro belonging or inanywise thercunlo appenaining. and all the estate. righr. tirle. interesr and claim whatsoerrr. of thc granror( s ). either in lau or equirr.. rotheonlv proper use' bcnc6t and behoofofthe granlee{!). its heirs and assigns forever. subject to the i IN'*'ITNESS u'HEREOF. Thc granror{sy ha execured this deed on the date ser fonh above.*conditions stated herein. Counry of Eagle WITNESSETH, Thar rhe grantor(s). for and in considcrarion of rhe sum oI and Starc of Colorado, grantce(s). VAIL ASSOCIATES, INC., AColorad.o corporationti i -. i! l! rl utill ti 'l I I : l: I' Assistant Secretarv STATE OF COI.ORADO, I' counry of Eagle i " Tbc forcgorng insrrumcnr was acknowlcdgcd bcforc me in rhe Counry of Eag 1e srate of Colorado , rhis day of . l9B5 ,bvcharles r. Madison as Vice president and Jean A. Dennison as r,Assistant secretary of vail Associates, r;..;-; cororaao "o.porutior.,.rM1'comrnissioncxpins'r9.Witncismytranaandof6Jatscat. t. P.O. Box 'lf in Denvcr. insen "City and." RECORDER'S STAIUP Vice President tioirD It|blr Vail, CO 81658 No. 931, Rer. l-&1, e(Tr cLant DEED B.rdfo.d Arhllrh'n8. t8:5 $ 6d Av. . ljlc$rEl. CO 8O:r{ - tl0l, :11.69@ O.l I 91 o lJ +J> oqo.r{ fU C, Olr t{o jo Hcro^t{.q +JJ4 r+.1 glc OoOFF{o tHo! q OE{ t'|ooc 'Fl +J (/}l-{0) +r{6Xtr 3 gdxt{ o o ooooOtr A-FO g ciN lr,z o1N.. tU, lr, i .l iL UJ t Fz lrJ trJt, t.l'J a<>J J5tZJ<=AN A,.OO,Z OrOO r.l t\,!f 9cl .-! tr'.-Ca l!: a -, i-.,..... ': :e q L 9f a9at eaa a aa .'.-.. '' a-.. .a ,..,!'aFa .. .? : + |-| !. i. : -,; - __ a L...,8: '...8.-- t t '--,..t4 ,.;::. :-: r o.: fa 1:Y08 l31VHf, '-' -z// ,-" /// ./// ol ,>( rr-ci.-.-___--_l: ._r..=_ ^,..no.ec.os- ?.8o? .o JIz I o"liI ''| c! 'q, 6o'/ioL -Fo0 (!€J F Id.F to 8-8So.|, = Nrf CZQJ r";!;\ "f" / I l lr"tjh oz E =c uJo. !-l Oo rr'(\t o ro lo @ o UJ UJILt =t IJJ o- .vw e8l*15 1,ht gF,+T) rlrl!'llrl., #43('.)(.tN(\I44 tl I Fll'e 'Ix IJ AIY$ tkq5 EE rE .n3 3E JEt= l(,ro tz13 '7 oulFoz z Jl @ € z_ z ar u.lz3 rJlIFoz ttl P ooP(, o< = ='-(Urdr-)(-J ct 0) o.c -93o .9 CLo6 3oF ESN()I -:9l :5FO eb!5oo-.o PF E€oo 8o6oD or .9 =o?i'5io 6E €€ EJ =Eo9 E'Og(ttt3 o,O (!E .9 at (D E tl, oo .9 .9 Ell an (, (E o Ec(5 at, @oc G t, c 'oF E ; o. o o (! CL .9 o C' F6 E o ; .= 3 o. oo o o E ct)(E EE6'59 g8 c.9o- :r-F56P cL o(65o =€g> cP'- o. =-d0 I'6otr FO 3e clG d6-- -c Eg -(EE6ooLC C'6ie-c(6-E(l0 oglr, (! i55()o(!c.- 6F >.9-oo9a OE!o -o 2 4 f 4 l.r) (o clJ s o (7' cc Lf lr)cf)cr rr) C!Ol oO cf) cr, =Eul z Y uJ oz J EF() uJJ uJ z J 9z UJ = UJult!z tr UJ uJE o co 3g UJ z -,!, uJo F o- ll,o o- z uJ x F utq, tt UJ UJtl. E =E IIJo- Fo F zoJ o ) 9 Foul ur z 6 =f o s2z - uJ = NOrrvnlv^ .n +lI'a .q,+l da '.1+'iv\ xI : o.,19I (uI rolI (U al9 Y ; u. 2 trg tu u]z.ll, =>oa _Iar) EutN =lD(\l zz Fo- 4xfEP o v>oz>.oaJ()zr!<oq E!?-6 ;$j z tr J UJc F ro @ E tu z Eo aLzlz tr I (t)Fzl z =UJ3o tt)ul lu tr z F z F:q auI It iilltl m u_jI tgtI lrlI t<ll5t-lt3t;l utl J oq) ulzY9IF uJat F z tr .J at)z l f Fa Jl<l-l zl zl .. >l UJ ll.l UJz U)tr uJ J z EooirE z Fo) J ID z :< cr) I zI =uJ J =uJz l- o)r- "-lcvOO / I!F g, dlo-zo Fo- uJY IJJ c0 oF F tr IJJ o- t!lol Eg?rtI f|Hc'bEzo 5nr tr Eur lt :!tE>E<Elldonea9rtkbectr => =uli-5 b=o dfiE =*E 66 !! iutE XO-t x>O;Fo, .io-i!tr lu .D oF --- z ,ao =<dlo =z O- u- :E? =oi=u.l ucod= D{JE E =Elrl o-zoF C)f&Fazo(J cI +c'T e ,+ "t>!af T {0f ?,cf 1E4rq Io-l3Ir{lril I I el oll!lGl JI <l>l t!lol zl 3lg tt = CL (u OJ go L! r tr I I 9l .lolull 5l sl u-lol pl t: I I TI@l3l 3l tl <l>ltrlol fl IJt4tFlIt.:t ILI .ilrl iloJl (' -l Ullrrll cEl lJl El fltotlzlc3lqolEFI I I II'l" I I )olttt ctolqI{= =() tt IJ,J 2 tt, IJJ q :8 .Y OJ a)!-(-J (u (\l oz J ii =z -) EoF EFzo o EirU+Eo2 () J FF uJJ uJ 2? =<ztfFd3 t -.r O<FCOuJ<zEt!Ftrl z-o h LIJ E Iot Jtu <n o 6*6.o1 gE;:-E I €egE: \c.=(5-(Il l!-fc:o tExS& (Iig:i=El / ; IE c:E EE# :-€85g€e985. E!i:€E gg;gF Xu,''oo :EEg?, igEEF p ss;:i h E !AEE N!!E9R i.E l: FZ EFgsi d nu }}rF 7 dt l|t <T )a7 Dtn J.^i5 =Y=:E= dd= z.^o\, :-z?mo>z dP = UJ t! uJ F tr =:=r! Iiil.v ; <!Lo,. r,/) u5 =9E<<o=fou)E= I 3= F i+Ec r-;i =,.,> E LrJ F (, =;r.- =o F=:, f Y ctF au -9o. u- "io, -':! lrj =r-/) -<H JOo_F I OJ q, .C\n ! !-o7 :=el a 8s q '& \-s u't UJ UJ u_ =E IU anutFoz z =o .6 =t! (.'z J .o UJu- *qul o_r J F F oz J 5 z (D =fJ NO|l.Vn]vA z tr c< U)tlj J E 1rlz'tl, { \= >c 6rq)!/,/cq (\l-(1 - zz }: o- -9XrEP o utoz>9O\JzL!<oo-'', ]Eo>(JFOj$i s lJ- CT t,\ f E zaF cc uJ z E o F 2 zOcntruJ<oo< >i:>E xrLdct<z ao- TU z Eo F E F 3 u,Jz J(D (9z J t! IN Ns N N [!lEI<lzlolol'-') | N * tr HS s$: lll sl Nq Nsl I>l 3l ullccl ol ElEl Fl Fl I zl olqrl 1l <l>l r,!lol zl;l 9lFI I q g llr) 1 { ol =:lol uJl 1l <lilol zl 3l 9lFI () qlt-rl,) dj Jq 13 9 UJ =E olzl ol uJl 5l <l>l 5l zl 3lolFI =tr I I I I I 3| uJl :l <l>l l!l flr=tr UJz = F u,trT E --.r O<F uJ<zEUJF0zo <oOF --<irE r!O C)_-. >Y =<z.t :z <^YFzl)s# Y,Z =o-o (! = O:t O <ooqL! ruJO x >1><x ET!D ,*r#"toN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAILPERMIT NUMBER OF PROJEgI DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME CALLER,.-*\- ,. MON-, ) TUES WED THUR BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: r] UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION O POOL / H, TUB ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: T] HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr OISAPPROVED tr BEINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR l. PE (C ,"r* (il @ ,* e\1 q PERMIT NUMB€R OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES WED BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION - T] POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. PO MECHANICAL: WER tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR Fl a r l-1 * r,*o'- it'rr Lt fi((l /t{cr YLt#'- o FINAL {PPROVED RRECTIONS: ,i, ,t( tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED a INSPECTOR JOB NAME ciloN REQUqST . TO.WN OF VAIL \ <.- f. tt DATE INSPECTION READY FOR LOCATION: /-\lNSPECrl.oN: J9$) t,'l- sr,. CALLER TUES fr- i,-.r -l:-'4'/r ;y- AM//t t-f PM BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr BOUGH / WATER FOOTINGS / STEEL FOUNDATION / STEEL ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL MECHANIGAL: tr tr tr tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIB tr FINAL VED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIBED INSPECTOR I7t)q INSPECTION: (, TNSPECTION REQUqST ' P,^ i, {il o't)'*,, ".()t-)S _____@ PM I NAME MON CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: TUES @ THUR FRI PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT oor. / o f., fys' ,o" BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: EI UNDERGROUND E ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH /WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEEBu pLYwooD NATLTNG tr GAS PIPING INSULATION D POOL / H. TUB T] SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR OVED CORBECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION BEQUIRED INSPECTOB 2l1cl PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE 148 f ,ou ,or.t' ttl .,1 INSPECTION U THUR FRI REQ VAIL. fdt F EfT ?l',7an** I,, | ,l< ,,Dl.Qtr INSPECTION: CALLER TUES PMAMBEADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: o uNoencRouruo tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOoD NAILING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR nS sl!-ll-<Z tr FINAL rceaoveo..;/7 tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED CORRECTIONS: oor, /(' ' 16 ^ f{ ' rNSPEcroR ,2./ /q PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE INSPECTION REQUE$T . TOWN OF VAILhu zi,ol,,.'/,-'' .'1., --r.-z'tt' 7;Yt1', 4,i, WED THUR FRIREADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:@) CALLER TUES t o/tr/ l-r JoB NAME BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr tr tr tr tr UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERff'rnnvrruc 't/\ tLtt:/)-t ,tt, /.,i;tl. D tr s tr tr ROOF & SHEEB PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETBOCK POOL / H. TUB NAIL (' t t r. lzr',t t.,,) FINAL tr E]FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr tr ROUGH tr tr tr tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR EINAL FINAL t#/-I"'UhPPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR --\ i-] 4c-r'ttl PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJE9T ! DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON ITHUR I FRI-'..-... )' -P r i..t WED PMAM INSPECTION REQUEST . WN - I'i PF VAIL BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL O UNDEBGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER.- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION O POOL / H. TUB I{sneernocK NAIL k'r.,rE.o'tr tr D FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr tr FIML tr FINAL ft6^o,r, OORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED 4t'L'DATE INSPECTOR u'1-7----'o"'-/''' 't t ---t /,y' ,2' / /"/ -/i/.' PECMIT'NUMBEC of PRoJEcT INSPECTION REQUEET ' TOWN OF VAIL t- i/r":, ../, , 'a" i 6', t/, .,", ,JOB NAME MON CALLER DAIE ,1'( ' :.i> ' INSPECTION:READY FOR LOCATION: TUES WED THUR FRI PMAM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr o tr tr tr ! UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEE- UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D,W.V. ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING rr ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr FINAL D FINAL ELECTRICAL: D TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING EI ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr_ tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL O FINAL IEI APPROVED/- CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE INSPECToR cr I --1 ai."1 / l'7 PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE ! D,li' fg t:- JoB NAME CALLER IUtr.5 AJREADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON , i-).\,l_ / r,,t ( /ti 4:.., INSPECTION REQUEST" TOWN OF VAIL (,iu- It THUR BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr tr tr tr tr tr UMBING: D FOUNDATION / STEE- UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERO FRAMING D o ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: E TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING I noucn tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT TI tr SUPPLY AIR tr N FINAI tr FINAL APPROVED .-,;.'1--tr DISAPPROVED E REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIODTS: DATE INSPECTOR )t)i ,-) '?y- ?: i REQUEST . VA|L i,,' 1/PERMIT NUMBER OF,PROJECT/l/I r) | '' lr\DATE r \-./ " J, ') ' JoB NAME INSPECTION '@INSPECTION: CALLER MON TUES WED THUR AM i*)READY FOR LOCATION: B tr n tr tr tr tr tr UILDING: FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr X ftKI tr, tr tr UMBING: UNDERGROUND FOUNDATION / STEEL ROUGH / D.W.V. FRAMING ROUGH / WATER ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL T] FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr o ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FAIAL tr FINAL PROVED CORBECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED REINSPECTION REQUIRED .*'..:-,.:l-2.:i INSPECTOR INSPECTION REQUEST ' TOWN OF VA\l <--'l/ -r^ Ij READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: OF PROJECT JOB NAME BUILD! tr FOO tr FOU tr FRAI n ROC- PLYI tr/NSL {snet\Er_ ING PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER FOOTINGS / STEEL FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAM ROOF & SHEER tr GAS PIPINGPLYWOOD NAILING NSULATION tr POOL / H. TU8 SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MEGHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR a r,d.at tr FINAL / ,/l OVED tr DISAPPBOVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR 7q PERMIT NUMBER OF1-4 t r,DArE /t l/)l INSPECTION REQUFST' , i ,, I,OWN OF--flAtL /, ,/.<Jtlv|| \n-'/v.r-.rtl- / ,I-,/r /ilir/'rtr,'4- | '. (.. r { t ROJECT INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUESREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEET PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ,2 i"' t-/ 'y'z/ tr ROUGH / WATER OOF & SHEER tr GAS PIPINGYWOOD NAILING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL O FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER O HEATING E EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE INSPECTOR *:t I /f PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT ' / ) ')gAlE //.i' .' .,1, JOB NAME .,{,,4.,,,, r lDl$P,4grJ*o N, TfP U Esr l1 .,.:.1',t/.?.'..-/'^'J / '/. /. / '/ , WED rHUR FRI - AM /6f- \INSPECTION M T i_._.+-/READY FOR LOCATION: B o tr tr tr tr tr tr UILDING: FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr o n tr tr tr tr UMBING: FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERFRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr tr tr tr tr HEATING (RoucH ,2ll'EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL FINAL APPROVED .,'--','/:- trz.'./ - DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR TION REQUEsT OWN ,OF VAIL t)L (n* r^,------@,* t PEC PERMIT NUMB F PROJECT DATE INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON Ir ... il,,t CALLER TUES WED I tNs flrtI READY FOR LOCATION: /) BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W,V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr,FOUNDATION / STEEL \l N rRnuttrrct\J FOOF & SHEEBLt ^, .,..,^^^tr GAS PIPINGPLYWOOD NAILING tr tr tr tr INSULATION SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL FINAL FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MEGHANIGAL: tr D tr tr HEATING tr tr tr tr ROUGH EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR FDIAL tr FINAL EI'APPROVED tr. DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE ?.{#INSPECTOR TRANSMITTAI I"ETTER A'A DOCUMEN7 C81O vArL AssoctATEs rNc. / Box 7 / vAtL, coLoRADo / 81657 pRoJECT: Golden Peak Interim Dev. Plan (name, address) CONTRACT N0: N/A REFEP,ENCE ll0: 11 DATE: August 7, 1985 lf enclosures are not as noted, please inform us immediately. lf checked below, please: ( ) Acknowledge receipt of enclosures,( ) Return enclosures to us. r.i. tr Town of Vail 75 S. FrontageVail, Colorado ATTN: Peter Patten L WE TRANSMIT: THE Road 81657 () () () (XX -1 J (XX) herewith ( ) under separate cover via ( ) in accordance with your request FOR YOUR: ) approval ) review & comment ) use ( ) distribution to parties (XX record ( ) information FOLTOWINC: Drawings Specifications Change Order Drawing Prints Drawing Reproducibles Samples Product Literature () ()Shop Shop Appl icat'ion for Revocable Riqht-of-Way Permit coPrES DATE REV. NO.DESCRIPTION AC ON CODE I 7 /22/85 Application for Revocable Permit to erect or maintain a structure on a publ'ic Right-of-Way.E ACTTON A. Action indic.ated on item transmitted COOI B. No .ction required C. For sitnature rnd retum to this office O. tor si8nalute E. see REMARKS and forwardint as noted below below under REMARKS REMARKS P the ful COPIES TO: Joe Macy (with enclosures)_s . llunn . coPYRtcHT o 1970AIA THE DOCUMINT G810 . A\,ITRICAN INSTITUTE TRANSMITTAT LETTER ' APRIT 1970 EDITI JDH: sspBy: Jack OF ARCHITECTS, 'I78J MASSACHUSETTS AVINUT, N.\tr'., WASHINCTON, D.C,20036 ONE PAGE ^tLr^,., r.\ ..-;-!,\!Lc icr\;,1i, TO ERECT OR MAINTAIN A STRUCTURI ON A PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY Fence DATE J,AL.4 L?-,fl6 PERMIT NO. l,Jal I }ther .--- OWNER OF PROPERTY ADDRESS OF PROPERTY TO BE SERVED NAME OF APPLICANT .ADDRESS LEGAL DESCRIPTION PROPERTY TO BE SERVED:(Attach description on separate sheet jf necessary) Cci"nei^ Lot_X_Inside lot DESCRIPTION OF STRUCTURE OR ITEM(S) INTO RIGHT.OF-WAY T^VEI4ED Cr'/'flhAttach plans showing. encroachment, property iine, sidewilTsl-tii63l iiTa'GslTd-ranrs,meters' po1 ices, manholel, gny other affected apurtenance in the project area jto scaleor dimensioned) and section(s) as well as eleval'ions (if applicabie)l DOES STRUCTURE :PRESENTLY EXIST? PROPOSED DATE FOR COMMENCEMENT OF CONSTRUCTiON ilri?::;l':l:::: :l lfi.tliii'"'e or a revocab'te permit ror the structure above indicated, l' lhat the structure herein authorized. on a revocable permit basis is restricted ^ glclu:jve1y to the tand above desiriU"J.- !ervvqvrs y 1'' lhat the permit is limited specifically to the type of structure described in thisappl ication.3. That the app]icant shar'r notif, ah:^]oT_IMg.",, or-his duly authorized agent, twentyfour hours in advance of the t'ime for commencement of constructr'on, in order that proper. iltp"9lion may be made by the Town.4' That the applicant agreei to indemnify and save harmless the Town of Vail from andagainst all claims, iuits, damaqes, costs, lossei and expenses in any manner resultingfrom'.arising out of, oi'ionn".i"d "ith the """iiion-o. maintenance of the aboveidentified structure.5' That the permit may be revoked whenever it is determined that the encroachment,obstruction, or other structure constitutes u nriiun.u, destroys or impairs theuse of the right-of-way by the publ ic, Jonititui"t"u-irurf.ic hazard, or the propertyupon which the encroachment, obstruction, o" ii"ritJre exists is required for useby the public; or.it may be-revoked at any time for any reason deemed sufficientby the Town of Vail.6' That applicant will remove, at his expense, the encroachment, obstruction, orstructure within ten days after recejv;ns notiie-;; ;;t ;;;;;.;;;;'ii"i]io permit.7' That in the event salo iemovai or-1!'re encroachment, obstruction, or structure is notaccomplished within the ten days, the rown ii-r'relJiv-]uurorized to remove same andapplicant aqrees to reimburs"-ir,. io*n;;; i;"";;ii'oi ruia removat. The Town shallhave the riitrt to rnake an-aiiuitint against-the property and col'l ect the costs of remova.l^ il the same-manner as general taxes are collected-8' li;i.,l*.i"rmjt so issied-ii noi"iisienuoie,-ini-is issued sole'ly to the undersisned 9' That the applicant has read and understands all of the terms and conditions set forth. in this appl ication. '10. Special Conditions: DATE -j Signature, i oi nt snown both signatures I tii t Approved: nager rship, DATE DATE Director of Publ ic t,lorks PROJECT: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: DATE suBMrrrED: X/lY lgT COilI,IENTS NEEDEDM INTER.DEPARTMENTAL REVI Et,l DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING DIC\L PUBLIC WORKS Reviewed by: iiilf offii*ggr&,*yto a^1 qh$p[r\ Date Comments: put"-7/.5: !{ 'r7/rr a 6 kt) o ut t.tb 77r D il; /' tn ail />i JSpr,&|.*,, ra/nt<t't d;l ) bt- p/o,Jifo-r e,.> J'vr*r!'L'r /f:r_'{gutr2:r }... ^}r1,.i9t^ >7tfyu I t@*": J,' (, ** -{*(- p,,r n"7;:,' i"o"^,G__f ("rrJ,-!. I rUcro 6S*- y',ee elt,trgsiTrrpf* ] 1;t^*{ npr\.'o'i ' oa, \tl5 ) PoLrcE pEPARTMENT i t" $wl d t i' /Reviewed by: Date '\ J r'y' Comments: ,-.-.*. -.*'t-- RECREATION DEPARTMENT Reviewed by: Comments: FIRE DEPARTM Reviewed by: Date {DL UJ]UE PUBLIC hlo PROJECT: 601&"&AL u\ttuilr^!"nr DATE SUBMITTED: Y I NTER.DEPARTMENTAL REV I EI.J DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING COMMENTS NEEDED BY: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE Rev i ewed Comments: FIRE DEPARTMENT f\oo{- *uuln\ tor*i{ $'*'it\ unh- rr'tL$t lr\d+lnf$U' DateReviewed by: Comments: POLICE DEPART'4ENT Reviewed by: Comments: Date RECREATION DEPARTMENT Reviewed by: Comnents: Date August 13, 75 3outh lrontage road Yail, colorsdo E1657 (303) 476-7000 r985 offlce of communlty development the encroachments on the pubf ic Mr. Jack Hunn Vail Assoc'iates P.0. Box 7 Vail, Co. 81658 Dear Jack: Please enclose ri ght-of-way. a drawing that shows Than ks Kq^?-h Kristin Pritz Toyvn Pl anner S incerely, KPlb I f c\J.f F{c\lOO uJFooo?zo Fo- LlJY uJ @ oF ts E uJo.trlolisl8:ltTlutlbkzo z o9zQ c00 == eiFs :f;g - ;'i'i () -!-.it!6E= t tr uJclr IHE>E<ctl€8B9!ab9 Ed =>>Jl- =u:-E FEE =*E U6 !P lutE XO-t x>t q* o-i!E uJ @ oF -f - E =E,lrlo-zIl-(J E 6zoo !n! ciz F =c UJo- I . IJJ .Ft<ro I I I I I, t?trFtazt>to lotz Eo cc uJz B\,E L lll6z ...3Ho 2 r. (t) = =F llt H*k>og Eul J zI =o .lE eldl? x19htdltrt6 + Jl 2l o 3 zl lu =>E !tu ztr^o= E3.tA1>q, c)9Zr!<oq ^-Ot(JFO.i<ri 3flFol gul Hgl Eel Hetol z u- I J E) FoJ o a o&. J(o (U A o'o 8 UJ =z d) -)I L|. z - 6 =o tn =tr uJg,o = F c tr z o uJ CE = ILoz3o|-tr oz uJE ltoz Bot-tr ^l uJ(E = o 2 B |- oz ci UJE J t!oz3oF IJJJ llJ|- d. uJz = F C)ul T E -rO<Ft<) u.J <ZGt!F(rl zo C) JE<o()F;oFS vt-i= IO z cn = d E z 5p 13 E6 CE 0rir =Ft-o2 o J<oa !).3fi / .trn! ss 5lE $e 3lE; xxr<:<t< ><:<xr< >< ><xx rt 2 fc r€ji ta'(c,: o(oi 6.! gE €.l ;E !F =g EO!ct9o|'5iEriS:3P-0\ !R y O..'tt,)c:oioEoo ol .s P J @ E s f. cio o t. E -tto)cco Fe553o!ol o.S )Jr@ ra:ro '=f. !io o q. 6! |D o ;ot to\N i6rt,3: oF.ol ,-iOl cDlE( -odE Eta>E9Crro 2vt -4,!r() =a!tc ) i.; o. E C'r i',o 'Ff--I i:lilo.rEc9f oc t-'e -oo- Egr := q(,oo:.gI o. :o , tal i.al:Ei 'gl.5r,o!oi ttcgG 6- aE3';(EO EEE :e 5i *Ee.i i;EjFF; Ig=Ecc o- c *E;; :E5 H; -tg ^rctri '4.9 6i6s :;Eg E , o! catr!cEiEl,o >.E ..!: X $F:i6s E:c\o -:Eo.D( s Pl; E'i: =criFEr F.9 ,€ot(! g,rc':.!*{c\; o(Ec :EJ :.8-; io-! iEFi;e -c=Gt,.0a; Fs o-iEEirooi E5i(!=(j -tE a .lE:d.9 t 9-:-g !, l! o !ctjEl ,>E-=- i5eior:oc:- 6i8asi fE'IEls I cc l€E I A,.0I a,-i tlg .t=Eo ;s9Ei F''ic _ a.i (!O- $s: E- H; €si I,E:4t o:9Eootro =HF o UJ ozoz oJ (o .(t c' =zo f_ t3 I I I t' l_ Itc, la = IE fg r- tg rE f- E IE t3 .n uJ t.|- ts =G LlJc o€ o 3r! al, z UJo wLrltlzo gJ (, urG F =El!Aoz o o lqulu,rl E =llj Js1olFI = -.|u.r {oG 2I 5=ot (, (,z (,oo a\i t> zo F l z () ulq. F lrl di'i sv JEo =5br36t - o-n H< ciIt qt ruz I =lUq -tzo F oo UJo. rrio u,f s(r to at,q,zxo F tzlo oz o, z)zIF o ooo I I c, Ez:(9z -,wio H ltFi ll€l rl_ll lz I lelltill tf;tlFtlitl ^ll -ll =tlqJ tl2[ t|.o E at, _tf Fx||l t- /. =trgEIcoo: =zzfDll,de6 trDh Eggd;s ;Hg ooD =Glr.F.C-. b-- .E= Zt r,#.E oF>< Gou.J d]-klH=l o.-u.J I &*'fFol 3-Hl o--.,-l5-'lt*,t2 *! |'D-- L 'o)a,s.o )z Lo 3/ I aF t t Jo Fo l# t$ra 2 /5 ,',1 ot yi ql (u!- gF gE d6 C' (J EF()r!J UJ GJO<t-G(J .TJ <ZEUJF9zoct t-(J u,F C) Ei\.'ouJ-3->tttO(,o J ot-(, o<Fzo() o 03 zo C' Iz (,rl, =X>< X MINUTES VAIL TOl^lN COUNCIL MEETING JULY 2, 19d5 7:30 p.m. A regular meeting of the 7:30 p.m. jn the Council MEI4BERS PRESEI.IT: Vail Town Council Chambers. was held on Tuesday, July 2, 1985, at Paul Johnston, Mayor Kent Rose, l4ayor Pro Tem Col leen Kl ine Dan Corcoran Gai I tlahrl ich-Lowenthal Gordon Pierce Ron Phillips, Town Manager Larry Eskwith, Town Attorney Pam Brandmeyer, Town Clerk TOWN OFFICIALS PRESENT: The first item on the agenda was the approval of the minutes of the June 4 andlE, i985 meetings. Kent Rose made a motion to approve the minutes and Colleen Kline seconded the motion. A vote was taken and the motion passed unan'imously 7 -0. The second item on the agenda was the second reading of Ordinance No. 10, an ordinance which concerned the increase of the liquor license application fee. Itlayor Johnston read the title in full. Colleen Kline made a motion to approve the ordinance which was seconded by Dan Corcoran. A vote was taken and the motion passed 6-1, with Hermann Staufer opposing. The next item was the second reading of 0rdinance No. 11 repea'l ing the Cable TV Advisory Board. The title was read in full by Mayor Johnston. Ron Ph'illips explained the reasoning for the ordinance. Dan Corcoran made a motion to approve the ordinance, and it was seconded by Colleen Kline. A vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously 7-0. The fourth item was Resolution No. 18 regarding the Vail das Schone/Vail Ridge Street Improvement District. Ron Phjllips discussed the details of the Reso-lution and noted typographical emors. After a short discussion by the Councjl, Hermann Staufer made a notion to pass the Resolution which was seconded by Kent Rose. A vote was taken and the mbtion passed unanimously 7-0. The next item on the agenda as the Vista Bahn Sign Variance. Kristan Pritz discussed the background of the request. After a brief discussion by Council, Hermann Staufer made a motion to approve the variance. The motion was seconded by Gail Wahrlich-Lowenthal. A vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously 7 -0. The sixth item was the Holy Cross underground right-of-way easement request. Stan Bemyman explained details of the easement request. After a short djscussion by the Council, Hermann Staufer stated he wanted the wording changed for nprecontrol over the easement. Kent Rose made a motion to approve the request as was stated on the request, which was seconded by Dan Corcoran. A vote was taken and the_notl:on passed 6-1, with Hermann Staufer opposing. Council requested the staffto look at the street cut permit process fot inbre c6ntrol over easements. The next item was the Go.lden Peak interim development plan. Peter Patten explainedthetwo@hdwhystaffthinksitshou.|dbedenjed.Joe Macy, l'{ountain Planner of Vai'l Associates, and Nolan Rosell gave-their reasons why they think the interjm plan will work. Jack Hunn showed sketches of howbuildings would be used and how the current one was being used. Jack Rush, General I'hnager.gf Manor Va'i]_Lodge, gave his reasons why he does not want the plan approved. Randy Milhoan of the Texas Townhouses reconmended the issue be tabled uirtit aiiprotective covenants and easements had been filed. After much discussion, Gail lJahrlich-Lowenthal nade a motion to app!"ove the interim plan with the notedconditions of appfoyal: ]1. . .- 1'. ' ': c!5 F{ C\JoO ulF U'ooazo Fo. IJJY lI| t0 oFt tul o-*lsrliel8;l!3IuJbkzo z o9ze d)o =< Pa6F(L IJ- H ._*5 zF=qnr -l; o;;E E lljo- l!ouloz l U)2 F G = JFul-h=3Eo- uJ =dOr!oo \UJxo-:>ut-l!J4t! |ll d!o F co Ecoo ott ,= t E Eoo o --- E =E lrJo-zo F C)fEFazoo n!! oz E =E UJo- I l_ .Ft<r6 I I I 2l tt Ju,o i" [\;J uAEvfuJ <F aJJ ii uJ H*l-og z Eo =l2lgldl?l=19 ;ldlflS -Jl<l FIzl z .. >l llJ (f ul(L =>E ftu z tr^ EEano1>9(Ja)zl!<o1gU FOj$i tl h orl Fsl FE| Hgl =Pl fi*l - t!E J z E 2 F uJ =u,z (,z J lJ- I 6 Fo (UE -sz(oo o oclt UJ =z.o -') \ L! =z r\ x ua ec o = U) E c UJE Ja = o- n =tr o oluE a ILoz3I (l tr oz ci UJ J a l! z; F r. tr tr z uJ J a l! z3oF : tr oz 6 UJE J t!oz3o UJJut t E UJz 3 F() uJL E --.r O<FEOLU<zE(rz-o() J trFOU rlJ - 5 2 2? s3]Fd3 *5 43 P,2 =8 cL.oth tlJ+Go2 J<(J(rorir lU--r DI !!tr f, t: I I I I' l_ IE IEz IE lc rE (n tl, UJt! F =Eur J F]9lFI qtul UJ lJ- F = UJ ;b lIlS €$ 2lg Se SlEaO o ---lE rYoE {lcV €€slE$ Nilx>< ><)<x)<xxx>< ><><x rQII 2 23-r vul {i $ lc;tE to rorE lE(, =q a. ag ,* o|tr{ o aaq,(l-'c..\(tt.-s\9' N:\t -- I t , ) I I : : ,9C-c| ^6-' a)o! Fa ;i tr : (J: !c: O. )>i:€'fOl :oi.!F '.Jd 9r::( 'O c,N g -ac 6PFO eU 9O-E EDCE€ Fe53 3oIt oD D.c )frOisro l. rtqt o a-o ! .o o) -i-e -oe-oE) EE tr Oroo:rEI o. :cl ,61 i.trl.F:i- ciP: .'5 t.€s oC rtorr.!t-! .,r(Di';Go) b- oEiiEio,r' rsE i.3 :t ;Eg:.= s iF5 : L:, r.E3iu 3',ocI'F >=g6ic\s 5l.tE:lE Q.' !ct/€8i:oc9-F lEpa o.- =-oES--Cl'tr| ; EEn\otCo:c}(,o= rE : F o. L: cl;s 3l ;c'6 =(ai-::: SP:i:i 5s! :EF .-t-IoaDo 3iE b-:EEEO, s3E()c.ae;rE !, .ErcL -tao.!€u =€riE::ei :g:I .!.:qrE( =:r:eiECr 9Es3€ aiE:fE:esij9o :gFeE5 l t-; .a€i6sEg:oi, rt!cJ s5i() :\':.ll=; !5s3 or o,oEo., 8FE IEIEIs ! cc l€i I Ct(ola-i GF (D=Eo G;(/|9E . g t-' .EC _ a.l |l: O- o oigsi E- g; €siIE:rt o;g eooF0' -oct l- o i gJ z F- >i 7z ba A:>Fg 69c:>x()vz3n'rt',f,o- (J>oFO i6i -oao3rloz ; =!E() I I FzfzI o = oo I I I oLz il: ll-E ll$r llc.l Iil^l ll;li ti6lllF lllollto tlt<tl t^ltr-tlztloll ?llc(rJIFtl <tl Eq,qF q- H€O(rcg: o.9 '<qc+JJCt ,!i<.E$ Eq. ._ aO 5539rr(rcc,o3'i,H€P6rrJ Er irrj o -cL I=ES F I33J- | =sgE I 3t,l g Ij'b o.= Jo+, tn B _r<fu.- +) +t .E LlooJt-d =--FEF-S,r t i -I ..6E =Ed=zz=:11,dP6 J "dEo-ES G)ru> ! =(Etrr-.e-'tr.trJOG .E<zv,<\Z# (JD--f, oFX oatJ f,f-- ]-,u.c<:- |!;1!>l a=ElturllEoli u:l L::l5-'ltJt?cI-: o*'iE oE.tto!t oT' : E Eo(, o \$ 't1 \l t- 'e)0)s-o v- Lo 3/DDh (,z -tlt Fo \Jt l))c/v $ t_.L rtl I4 ^\1 U (9 'ii=z o-) J<os3JO o ir(,l urlEl JI sl bl zl3l oz ourlcl JI ilol zl3l 9l = a q uJl .El JI il EI _E?T0<oi o() EFzortrgg :F e=? =G:z C' Fo F2 J () F() UJ tu EJO G(JuJ< t!F(rzo() For!t o ! ^.EE< 5.6Oo J trDD MINUTES VAIL TOWN COUNCIL MEETING JULY 2, 19d5 7:30 p.m. A reguiar meeting of the 7:30 p.m. in the Council MEI'IBERS PRESET'IT: Vail Town Council Chambers. was held on Tuesday, July 2, 1985, at Paul Johnston, Mayor Kent Rose, Mayor Pro Tem Col leen Kl ine Dan Corcoran Gai I l,lah rl i ch-Lowenthal Gordon Pierce Ron Phi I 1 i ps, Town Manager Larry Eskwith, Town Attorney Pam Brandmeyer, Town Clerk TOI^/N OFFICIALS PRESENT : The first item on the agenda was the approval of the minutes of the June 4 andld' i9d5 meetings. Kent Rose made a motion to approve the minutes and Colleen Kline seconded the motion. A vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously 7 -0. The second item on the agenda was the second reading of 0rdinance No. 10, an ordinance whjch concerned the increase of the liquor license application fee. Itlayor Johnston read the title in full. Colleen Kljne made a motion to approve the ordinance which was seconded by Dan Corcoran. A vote was taken and the motion passed 6-1, with Hermann Staufer opposing. The next item was the second reading of 0rdinance No. 11 repealing the Cable TV Advisory Board. The title was riad in full by Mayor Johnston.- Ron Phillips explained the reasoning for the ordinance. Dan Corcoran made a motion to approve the ordinance, and it was seconded bv Colleen Kline. A vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously 7-0. The fourth'i tem was Resolution No. 18 regarding the Vajl das Schone/Vail Ridge Street Improvement District. Ron Phillips discussed the details of the Reso-lution and noted typographical errors. After a short discussion by the Councjl, Hermann Staufer made a motion to pass the Resolution which was seconded by Kent Rose. A vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously 7-0. The next jtem on the agenda as the Vista Bahn Sign Variance. Kristan Pritz discussed the background of the request. After a brief djscussion by Council, Hermann Staufer made a motion to approve the variance. The motion was seconded by Gail Wahrl'i ch-Lowenthal. A vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously 7-0. The sixth item was the Holy Cross underground right-of-way easement request. Stan Berryman explained detajls of the easement request. After a short discussion by the Council, Hermann Staufer stated he wanted the wording changed for morecontrol over the easement. Kent Rose made a motion to approve the request as wasstated on the request, which was seconded by Dan Corcoran. A vote was taken and the-nntion passed 6-1 , with Hermann Staufer oppos'i ng. Councjl requested the staffto look at the street cut permit process for mbre c6ntrol over easements. The next item lvas the Golden Peak interim development p1 an. Peter Patten explainedthetwoffindwhvstaffthjnksitshouldbedenied.Joethe two yeaFp-lan to tFe-eoundiland why staff thjnks it should be denied. Joe Macy, l4ountg'in Planner of Vail Associates, and Nolan Rosel 1 gave theii reasons why they think the interim plan will work. Jack Hunn showed sketches of howbujldings would be used and how the current one ylas being used. Jack Rush, Ge l4anager.of Manor Vail_Lodge, gave his reasons why he does not want the plan ap Randy Milhoan of the Texas Townhouses recorrnended the issue be tabled until alprotective covenants and easements had been filed. After much discussion, Gai l.lahrlich-Lowenthal nade a motion to approve the interim plan with the notedconditions of appfoval : neral proved. I 'l -a- 1. Approval lasts twoTears from the date of council approval with thest'ipulation thrt at'ter one year, vaiI Associates givbs a status reportto council on their plans for redeveloping Goiden-peak and how theyintend to handle nursery/day care facjlities. 2. No night time use of the modular buildings are ailowed. A 6:30 p.m.clos'ing time will be enforced. {s.There shall be a minimum of i03 public parking spaces on the site. A revocable right-of-way agreement with the Town be obtained forlandscaping and parking. sufficient staff be provided by Vail Assocjates to adequately enforcethe parent drop-off area on the eastern end of the parking 1bt. Vail Metropolitan Recreation District be fully reimbursed for all damages incumed on the tennis courts due to the modular buildings. Paint the modular buildings to become more aesthetic. The Design Review Board should address this issue. *4. q 6. >$2. d. The protectjve covenants, subdivjsion approved. 9. Pave the walkway between the park.ing 10. Remove the modular buildings from theafter comjng off the tennis courts. plat, etc. are all filed and lot and upper walkway. parking lots withjn two weeks Gordon Pierce seconded the motion. A vote was taken and the motion passed 5-2,with Hermann Staufer and Dan Corcoran opposing. The next item on the agenda was the Lionshead Parking Structure repair contracts.Steve Patterson discussed details of the contracts. -He said he wai reporting tothe Council because he had approval for $450,000 for the contracts and the finalcontract_figures total $457,200. He asked for their approval for the extra amount. Hermann Staufer made a motion to approve the final figures, which Colleen Kljneseconded. A vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously 7-0. There was no Citizen Participation. Next was the Town Manager's Report. He noted that the Employee of the llonth for June was Susan Scanlan, the Town Envjronmental Health 0fficei. l^le had two PoliceOfficers graduate from CLETA - Chrjs 0ffutt and Rich Benavidez. Ron Phillips alsonoted that the ABD b'ikepath has been completed. The Town's pine beetle program isalmost completed. t,'|e saved $5,000 by spiay'ing and cutting trees in-house. -|rle are sgglnS-some improvement this year in the piogiam; we cut only 50 trees this yearwhile last year there were 70 cut. There will Ue structured-actjvities over thetluly 4th weekend for the youth. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 10:30 p.m. Respectful 1y submitted, Paul R. Johnston, Mayor ATTEST: Pamela A. Brandmeyer, Town Clerk Minutes taken by Brenda Chesman t-. T0: P'l anning and Environmental Commission \z- FROM: Conrnunity Development Department DATE: June 24, .1985 SUBJECT: Request for a two-year interjm development p1 an for the 6olden Peak ski Base area located in the ski Base'/Recreationdistrict. Applicant: Vajl Associates, Inc. I. RIQUEST The Golden Peak Ski Base redevelopment project has been put on hold by Associates for a minjmum period of two years. The new Ski Base/Recreat'ion zone district requires an approved development plan by the Planning Conrnission and Town Council. The request is for a development plan which would have a maximum approval period of two years and js essentially the same as what js existing on the site wjth the following exceptions: l. A new modular building adjacent to the existing winter-time modular for day care purposes for infant to 3 year old chjldren. 2. A revised parking 1ot configuratjon accommodat'i ng 93 pajd public parking spaces,20 VA staff spaces and l8 parent drop-off spaces. 3. A new set of stairs near the existing drop-off area to the bike path west of the rnodular buildings. 4. A rev'i sed landscaping plan including berming on the east end of the parking lot and five addjtional spruce trees north of the modular units. 5. An 'i nterior remodel of the existing buildings to improve emp)oyee working conditions and adding space to the rental shop. Some sjte work has been done last fall and this spring including culverting East Mill Creek from south of the existjng bu'i ldings to the north side of Vail Va11ey Drive, beginning of berm and landscaping construction in- cluding filling in the Race City parking lot, and some site drainage work. I I . ZONING The Ski Base/Recreation district was based on the major redevelopment proposal which received two years of discussion, revi ew and eventually final approvals (including DRB). The zone district states that winter n Gorden U ,- h/24/85 seasonal ski school related child care and children's ski schtrol and pertinent reiieutionai-iacilities and programs is a permittr:d use within the majn building. It goes on to.state that ski school act'ivities are aperm.itteCIuse5uts.ide"ofthemainbui1dingasshownontheirpprove deve'l opment plan. We ieet that the use proposed. in.the new modular buiiding .i s an accesrory rr" to iii school activities in that'i t js integrally related to the ski school program. Thus, we fee'l the day care and nursery use is permitted withjn the zone district' III. BACKGROUND W.i nter ski surveys clearly show the need in our community for additional day care and nursery faciiities. This js an area where Vail is falling UeirinO our compet'i tion. It is also cornmon knowlege that the existing condit'ions wit'hin the bu'i ldings on this site are poor and need serious ,pgiuding. Vaj'l Associates as a corporation has made a decision to address the issue of increased up-i|i1l capacity before redeveloping the Golden Peak ski base area. Attached please find memorandums and Planni.ng.Commission minutes, . - --.-:^rregarding requests to allow the modular building for a one-year tlme-per.loo in-both igZg'anO l9ti0.- The modutar bu1 1din9 has continued over the Iast four ski seasons technjcally without Town of Vaii approval' l,le have worked for several months with Vail Associates to physically make this proposal work on the site. This is why the parking-lot has been ;;-;.;ig;'.d ut well as the additional staircase and the landscaping improve- ments. -Vail Associates has also worked with the surrounding neighbors in incorporating some additiona'l landscaping to buffer the parking iot and the additional proposed modular unit. IV.CRITERIA FOR THE DEVELOPMENT PLAN Buffer Zone D The buffer zone between Northwoods and the Go'l den Peak s'i te is being iiiS[iiV-""iroached upon with this proposal. However, the proposal in.ira"i leaving the eastern tennjs fence with windscreen standing foi if'e winter ionths so that additional screening is provided from tf,e loitn*oods complex. It js also important that the previous qpproval i"g.rdi^g leaving ihe tennis wind screens up on the north.side of th6 moduTar be respected. Some landscaping is -being added on the north side of the modulars to buffer the view from Manor Va'i l. Ci rcu'l ation System The redesign of the parking lot improves the c'i rculation within the lot and sefiarates the thre6 different parking demands (pub1 icr pdr€nt ar"o:;;t-;;J vn ttutrl. Vail Associates Proposes to control and enforce the short term drop-off spaces through the contro] booth p".io"n"i.'- They will provide aCditional personnel during peak drop- \- Goldcn PJ -3- 6/24/85 off periods as necessary for thjs enforcement. Most of the time theyfeel that one indjvidual will be able to adequately monitor the parkinglot. Providing the additional drop-off spaces within the main lotwill help to relieve the existing congestion in the skier drop-off area to the east of the building. The new staircase going up to the bike path from the exjsting drop-off area will increase the safety and accessibil ity to the modular buildings. Provjsions for emergency vehicles have been made. Generally, the revised c'i rcu'l ation systemis a workable one, but is not jdeal in tenns of the length between the parent drop-off and the modular strucrures. Functional 0pen Space The functjonal open space is not decreasing with this proposal . Variety in Terms of Hous'i ng Type, Densit'i es, Facilities and 0pen Space None of these factors are applicabie to the proposed jnterim development pl an. Privacy jn Terms of the Needs of: Individuals, Famil'i es and Neighbors n F C. F. r The only effect here would the Northwoods complex due to that residential use. Pedestrian Traffic be a sl'i ght decrease in the privacy to to additional day care facility closer (r. The proposal presents a workable solution for pedestri ans, but certa.inlynot an ideal one due to the distance between the new parent drop-off and the modular buildings. Thjs distance presents somewhat of a.walk for the parents with their small children to get to the fac.i lity. The attractiveness of the pedestrian circulation system could be improved by paving the existing gravel and timber walkway to the south of theproposed parent drop-off area. Bur,ldilr.g Type in Terms of ionship and Bul k The building type proposed is objectionable to the staff in that it 'i s a proljferation of temporary structures which have now'l asted sixski seasons. The modular building which has existed for thi s timeperiod was approved originally in 1979 and .l980 only on the basjsthat it was for a one-year time period. It is highly doubtful the Gol derf ak -4- 6/24/85 proposal would have been approved at that time if it had been for any more than a one year length of time. Much of the discussion in the approval process for the redevelopment project concerned the consolidation of bujldings on the sjte into one central structure. This was perce'ived as one of the most positive aspects of the proposa'l to clean up the site and make jt more workable' The interim development p1 an goes against that intent by expanding temporary out bujldings of a seasonal nature on the southeastern portion of the site. There is no way to guardntee the removal of the modular buildings after a two-year time period- We can only guarantee that the applicant would be required to come back after those tvto years to request extensions or other requests. H. Landscapj ng Landscaping improvements have been made to the site by filling in the Race City parking 1ot as required by the .|980 approval as well as new berms on the east side of the parking lot and new spruce trees to the north sjde of the modular building sites. V. STAFF RECOMMENDATION l,lhi1e physically a workable proposal for the site is being presented, the Community Development Department cannot support the interim development plan as proposed. |^le find fault with the addition of buildings of a temporary nature which do not fit in with our communityf,s strict quality control requirements. The applicant's track record for one year temporary approvals for thjs use has not been good. We assume partial blame for the last four years of operation of the modular building with regard to the lack of enforcement executed, however, this would only have required Vail Associates to request extensions on those previous approval . t,/e feel approving this request would simply aggravate an existing undesirable situation. We feel the appficant could accommodate this use within their interior remodel of the existing buildings. It 'i s important to note that I,000 square feet of space which'i s now used for day care and nursery related uses is being removed in order to expand the ski rental shop and provide for additional employee lockers. t.Je feel strongly that we should not ignore the need for additional nursery and day care facilities, but also feel strongly that they should be provided in a manner consjstent with the physical quality of the overal 1 community. We do not ask that the ex.i sting modular be removed, although it would be preferable. It's the allowance of expanding the temporary bu'i ldings that is objectionable to us. If the proposal is approved, vle request the following conditions of approval apply: l. The approval lapses two years from the date of Council approva'l Golden nef-S- 6/24/8s 2. No night time use of the modu'lar buildings are al'l owed. A 5:30 pm closing time wi'll be enforced. 3. There shall be a minimum of 93 public parking spaces on the site. 4. A revocable right-of-way agreement with the Town be obtained for landscaping and parking. 5. Sufficient staff be provided by Vail Associates to adequately enforce the parent drop-off ar.ea on the eastern end of the parking 'lot. 6. Vail Metropolitan Recreation District be fully reimbursed for all damages incurred on the tennis courts due to the modular bu'ildings. C \ r,TO: Fpnv. DATE: RE: MEMORANDUM PLANNING A]ID ENVIRONMENTAI CO}TYISSI('N DEPARTMHIIT OF COI'F{UNITY DEWLOPUENT 10-5-79 C0NDITIONAL USE PERMIT REQUEST By TOM HARNED OF VArL ASSOCIATES TO AILOW A TEHPOMRY STRUCTURE ON THE IJPPER TE{NIS COIIRTS AT GOLDEN PEAK FROM NOVEIIBER I, I97g ro IIAY 15, 1980. DESCRIPTION OI' PROPOSED USE The structure will be a modular unit used as a nursery for Sna1l World sixilar to the Lionshead program. The unit will be screened from view by the green windscreens on the fence as one looks toward the courts in a southerly direction. Vail Associates feels. they can do this lrith no dac.age to Ehe courts but guarantees that any darlages will be paid for by the Ski School. There will be no evening use of the facility. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS Upon review of Section 18.60, the Departnent of Corrnunity Development reconrmends Approval of the conditional use Permit based upon the following fac tors : Consideration of Factors: Relationship and inpact of the use on development objectives of the Town. There is basically no relationship or impact on the developurent objectives of the Town due to the temDorarv nature of this reouest. The effect of the use on light and air, distribution of population, transportation facilities, utilities, schools, parks and recreation facilities, and other public facilities and public facilities needs. This nursery service will improve the public facilities offered in the vicinity of the Village Core. No addltional traffic is anticipated as a resul-t df the proposal. Effect upon the character of the area in which the proooosed use ls to be locaEed, including the scale and bulk of the proposed use il relation to surrounding uses. Because the unit will be well-screened from view look south upon Golden Peak, we feel fhe visual impact upon the characEer of the area will be qulte minin" 1. Effect upon traffic with Dart.icular reference to conqestion. auEomotive and pedestrian safety and convience, trafflc flow and control, access, nane uve rab i 1i and removal of snor,: f roro the street and parkinq areas. PEC'Mcroo--VA Temporary Structure 10-5-79--Page Two Not required. FTNDINGS Al.rp REqOMME{DArroNS : 2.) That danages School afcer 3.) The facility Ihe Department of Cornrn- unity Development reco@ends that theUse pernlt be approved basld on tue roirowte ri"Ji";", - - That the proposed location of the use is in accord with theof this ordinance and the purposes or irre district in cThichlocat ed . That the proposed location of theit would be operated or naintainedpublic health, safety, or welfareor inprovement.s in the vicinity. That the proposed use would corrpl.yof this ordinance. RECOMI.{ENDATION ltre Departnent of CoDI[unlty Developmentconditions that: l.) The appli.caDt guarantees the properunit. use and the conditions under whichwould not be detrinental to theor materially injurious to properties with each of the applicable provisions to the tennis courts, if any be paid by the Vail Skiits removal by May 15, 1979. no be used after 7:00 p.M. ble to There are none. it "r, Condi t ional PurPo ses the site is recomroend s approval with the and adequate screeniog of the Minutes of the Planning and MeeEing of 10-8-79 Members Present EnvlronmentaI Coirmission Ed Drager Ron Todd Sandy Mi11s Jim Morgan Gerry White Town Council Member present Paula ?alrna t eer Staff Menbers present Peter Patten Jin Rubin Dick Ryan Larry Eskwith 1') @ha.tges to the Agri ltural and open spaceDlstrict. Thi-s iten was postponed until after Iten /12. 2.):onga_raonal Ule permlt to allow a tenporary structure for Sma11Conditional Use Permit to a1low a t World on the er Tennis Courts (Court 7) at Gold Peak from Nov.1979 to May 15, 1980. Peter Patten presented this item. Ton Harned fron Vail Associates explailed their reasons for thisapplication. Jim Morgan asked how the building would be screened. Ton saidit would be screened on all but one side with the existing screening. Gerry Lrhite asked if they had conracEed the Recreation DistricE abouE this, Toru said chey had noE but would. Ron Todd asked why the date of May l_5 had been picked for the removal. Tom saj-d they were playing it safe in case there was a 1ot of snow.Gerry Lrhite said he felt that they should be removed and any danagedrepalred by Memorial Day Weekend for sure. Ed Drager made a noElon ro allon the conditional use permit to a11owa Eemporary structure for small world on the upper Tennis courEs (court 7)at Gold Peak fronr Novenber L, r97g to llay 15, 1980, with the condlEionsset forEh in the Department of comnunity Developnent staff Meno daEed 10-5-79 and approval of the Hetropolitan Recreation DisErict. Jim Morgan asked If lt lsntE necessary to screen the building from NorEhwoods. Tom said t.he Northwoods people would be the heaviestusers of the bulldlng. Jlo Rubin said they had been noEified and PEC Minutes-VA Tenporary St ruc ture 10-8-79--Page Two that no one had called or was anyone present today. Gerry Irrhit e seconded the notion. Sandy Mi11s asked about the screening, traffic etc - A11 her quest ions I^tef e for answered by VA people. She also asked if thev would be arp 1this again next year.Tom Harned sa are ho ons ror eak would be successful but !rere not th IIu.t be back next ear for the same reo uesE e Ron Todd asked if this needs to be presented to theBoard. Jim Rubin said he thought it could be staff the building is already bui1t. (It is a modular unir) Sandy Mi11s said she thought rhe DRB should be aware Ron Todd asked each nenber if Ehey would like it to be staff approved. Ed Drager said he didntt care. said it should go to DRB. Ron Todd said he felr it staff approved. J iro Morgan said he felt it could be Gerry White said he felt it could be staff approved. Design Review approved since of this. go to DRB or Sandy Mi11s should be staff approved. said most of the dedicated land anyway so the value rsould not The vote was taken on the motion and it was passed unanimously. 1.) Rediscussion of Proposed Changes to the Agricultural and Open Space Distrlct. Jim Rubin explained this itero. It \ras tabled six weeks ago so that the Tor*'n could work with the Pulises and Vail Associates in solvilg any probleurs they night have rrith the rezoning on their 1ots. Ron Todd asked guestions regarding iteras /13 and /19 on the list. Ron asked what percentage of this land is left after the lract land would be dedicated to the Town. He thinks onlv three or parcels would be lnvolved. Sandy Mi11s said she though the only reason it lras tabled was because of tax problerns with the deeding of the land etc. Jin Rub in said that Larry Rider would never have been develooed rea11y be effected. Most parcels are controlled by covenants or hazards antrwav. Ron Todd said the Town and CounEy are talking about two different things when they are talking abouE Agricultural. The standards do not have to be the same. Jin Morgan said he Dick Ryan exp 1a lned feels the inEention is the saoe. intensive urban development. TO: {r I.{EMO,,ENDUI{ PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COI'I}CISSION \,,FRO}I: DEPARTI"IENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOP},1ENT/PETER PATTD{ DATE: 8/20/80 RE: Conditional Use permit reguest byto al-low a temporary mobile unit on thePeak for the 1980-1991 ski season. Considelation of Factors : of the use on development objectives of the Vail Associates upper tennis courts at Golden DESCRIPTTON OF PROPOSED USE This is a re-application of a conditional us@ the SmaIl World Nursery.Screenlng wrj-l- be the same as last year by the existing green wind screenson the tennis court. Again, no evening use of the racirity is piopor.a.ft is our understanding thai no damage to the cou:rts resufted from fastseason I s u se. CRITERTA AND FINDINGS upon review of section 18.600, the Department of community Developmentrecommends approval of the Conditional Use Permit based i,pon tfr.'fofforlngfactors: ---- l.Relationship and impact Town: No relationship or impact on development objectives exists. 2'The effect of the-use on light and air, distribution of population, trans-portation facilities, utilities, schooisr parks and recre.Lion facilities,and other public facilities and public ticil_ities needs: Th" nursery is an important facility serving the public to allow adul-tsto go skiing without worrying about outalniig a prlvate baby sitter. 3 'Effect upon traffic with particular reference to congestion, automotiveand pedestrian safety and convenience, traffic flow and control , access,rnaneuverabil ity, and removal of snow from the street and. parking areas: Visual- impact will be negligible. No complaints as to Lraffic congestionhave been registered with the Department of commr:n i ty Development. 4-Effect upon the character of the area in which the proposed use is tobe located, including the scale and bulk of the proposed use in relationto surrounding uses: No negative effects are foreseen. o q ro as the Commission decms aPPlicable (- That the proposed location of theof this ordinance and the purposesis located. That the proposed location of theit would be operated or maintainedpublic health, safety, or welfareor improvements in the vicinity. That the proposed use would complyof this ordinance- ..,I DEPARTI'IENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPI4ENT RECOI{MENDATION We recommend approval, as we feel thetion for the Town and the ski area.dicating any major problems with thethe last ski season. East. of the bus Such other fa(--Lors and criteriato the proporr--,d use: There are norrc. were some illeqal use is in accord with the purposes of the district in which the site use and the conditions under whichwould not be detrimental to theor materially injurious to properties with each of the applicable provisions nursery performs an important func- We haven't received any input in-functioning of the nursery duringturn-arou to the bank. FJI{DINGS AND RECOI"IMI'NDATIONS : The Depart:nent of Commun ity Development recommends that t-tr e ConditionalUse Permit be Approved based on the following findings: C ER- This would-be the only condili"" "r tr-t" "pproval recommendationrry Ene cornmunl-ty Development Department. The Recreation Board has reviewed the request and has no problem withthe proposal. 'R*. A1 E"L,T Z/ E'//./ ,, .4 /,^*.^fZ ,'-Z*, /?8{ .: PEC r.tinutcs - 8/25rU page 2 said that he wasn't aware of any agreement wi.th the christiania condos,l:ut that the asreement was r',':irh th6 chrisri;;;; i"ag",-vA-rii'Err" Kendalr-residence' Paur added that only one space has been deeded to orr" condo.ile went on to explain that the -units r,L ,or-rlua lo "on,r..t vrere verysma11 and arso that 3 units had only showers.- rtr. plan was to reduce9 units to 6 larger units, th;; impioving-l'u g,ru.t rooms, and change2 units on the ground lertel to-norr""t ""pi"s"i"lia"r= and storage. Joh'asked if a parking varian;;;;='needed.- oif,.r=-did not see the needfor a parking r.ri..,"., ""p""iJry in ri9;t--;;"the fact that-there maybe a letter verifying the irutt i"g agreement. peter and Dick felt thatit may be good t-o give " p.-r.irrg variance =o trre appticant wourdn,tnave to'come back again. -otheii r.rt tr-,.t"Ii""I p-rrr wasn,t r:nder atime duress, he.dj.d;'t need---iot. ,,orr. Ed Drager moved that considera_tion of the Varialce b9 p""tp""ua,.;;;-nogJr"i]'seconded. The voce. to postpone consideratioi -""'r-,_""imous. 5- Vail Associates conditionar- use permit to place t.emporary structure Peter Patten pre_sented the study and rnentioned that i-t rvas the samerequest as last year, and the siaff ,"""**u"JJa'.oprorr.r. Discussionfollorved about the.parki"S-"a"ii". cut into the bank il1ega11y, and thefact tirat the parki"s "t"ir"-r.JJ u""r, th;;.-;-";'r years. Tom Harnecisaid it \"ras vA's intenti"" i"--tix- up the ro.rrL r.yond the pa;r<ing. and;::tr::="i3'f::: i'as supposed to n"'-r"'-rt;";";:'personnel. RecruesL a-al'I aEreement \.iith the Recreation Dist::ict. L rJ(rLrseIl lrlor.-u urrry Dick A-llis of lilanor vail spoke to :1V that they \,7ere not basically oppor-re,*to th'- structure, ncr to snall vlorldl lrrt was-lo'cernecL a_bout the amouncof traffic ancr the speed;i-;;*;'of trre tr.iii""in rl:ar area. ,e ar_somentioned the irno-act-on his puirbg. He asked for a speed bump. Gerrywhite felt that the coun"il;o;ia iead thei" ^ir,Jt.. a'd receive tirecomments- Dick felt the need for some sort of trade-off sir,ce he r-etthe ski crub use a par-J<ini-;;.;;=. rre fert rhar i_t rcas the only parrof Vail that has retained. trrl "rraracter that Vair started out to be. Dan Cor-coran noveC to. approve the conditional tise pe::nit sub3ect tothe conditions noted i"'i;;'"t"ri report. Ed Drager seconcled, and thevote v:as unanirnous vrith Roger -f . -_fr.taininc{, 6. Setback Variance to 9!il4-gn alclti-io_l onro an cyast'anq residenceon Lot 3 4 , I;f oci: l-VaiI Lleador.rs -S-r:bdi r,:Glon I'il inq r -Peter Patten presented the staff finclings ancl the staff rcconrnenc.rti onof deniat. l.tark.Donaldson =fr"""a photoi ot .,.iiors siclcs, saying ii-r.athe projectccl adclition wor'il-J iril"t tire sile t.rre reast. Trrc discussic'that forlor^rcd questi";"J-i;; ;;5:."_for prittjrn-a},. garagc .in rhnt posiric:or in rhat p1aJe, :r-rg_it.was g""Jt"r-ry tlrt rriat-tire ga::age coulcr bemoved a littlc to keep it rqiti:n tire setJrac]:- ::.";Hi:rTl:u,::;j;:l::r, secon<rcd bi, Roqcr rilkenr:.ier, and the vore 75 south frontage road veil, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 offlce of communlty developmenl July 19, 1985 Joe Macy Vail Associates, Inc. P.0. Box 7Vail, Co. 81658 Dear Joe: 0n July 17, 1985 the Design Review Board gave final approval to the Golden Peak Interim Development P1an. The proposal included the addition of one modular unit, a new landscaping plan as well as a revjsed parking p1an. The Design Review Board gave the approval with the following points understood between the Board and the aPPl i cant: 1. All ten conditions from the Town Council approval are included jn this aPProval ' 2. A revocable right-of-way agreement must be signed as a part of the aPProval. 3. ilorth ancl East wjndscreens wjlI be up during the winter and the fu1 t height screens will be used. 4, The transformer box will be repajred and painted. 5. The color schene for the main buildings at Golden Peak as well as the modulars will be presented to the Design Review Board within the next month. If you have any quest'ions pl ease give me a call. Sincerely, K'tt.h Kristan Pritz Town Planner KP/b1f T0l P1 anning and Environmental Commission FR0M: ConmunityDevelopmentDepartment DATE: ,lune 24, l9g5 SUBJECT: Request for a two-year interim development p1 an for theGolden peak ski Base area rocated in itre ir<i'glseTRecreattondistrict. Appl icant: Vail Associates, Inc. I. REQUEST The Golden Peak ski Base redevelopment project has been put on ho.rd byAssociates for a minimum period oi two years. The new ski Base/Recreationzone district requires an approved deve-ropment pian [v tn" pr;;;i;g commission and Town council.' rne request is foi^ a aeieiopmeni piai wrricrrwould have a maximum.approval period'of two yei* una'is essentialiy thesame as what is existing on thb site with ttri-ioirowing except.ions: l' A new modular building adjacent to the existing winter-time modularfor day care purposes for infant to s-veir-oiJ'.i,rirdren. 2' A revised_parkinglot^config_uration accommodat'i ng 93 paid publicparking spaces, 20 vA stafi spaces and r8 p;"e;i arob-oir'ipaies. 3' A new set of stairs near the existing drop-off area to the bikepath west of the modular buildings. - 4' A revised landscaping plan incruding berming on the east end ofthe parking.lot and five additionat"sprule i".., north of themodular units. 5' An interior remodel of the existing buildings to improve emproyeeworking conditions and adding space to the iental shop. Some site work has been done last fall and this spring including culvertinq. EltI Mill creek_rrom south ot ine .iiiti'g 6liiiaiiliri'io *'.-no.in-;i;;'""'"of vail vallev Drive, beginning ot-u.* una iunJrliping construction in-ll:9i's ri n i-ns in *re nice iiiy-;.;[;''g-i'"t,"lii'15,i.'rit. drainasew0rk. Ii. ZONING The Ski Base,/Recreation distr.ict wasproposal which received two years oifinal approvals (including DhB). The based on the major redevelopmentotscussion, review and eventual1y zone district states that wintei Golden peak -2- 6/24/gs seasona'l ski school related child care and chi'ldren,s ski school andpertinent recreational facilitjes.and programs is a permitied uie-wittrinthe main building. I! soes on to state ttai st<i siiroot activities area permitted use outside of the main building ai shown-on the upp"6u.o-development p1an. we feel that the use.proposed in the new modular buildingrs an accessorv use to ski schoot activitiei in that it ii i;ieg;;il;-"-'related to the ski school program.. Thus, we feei"it"'ouy care and nurseryuse is permitted within thb zone districi. IIi. BACKGROUND ljltl ski surveys clearly show the need in our community for additiona.lday care and nursery facilities. This is an area where Vail i;-;;ii;;;'behind our competition. It is also common knowlege ihit-ite existingconditions within the buildings on this site are-ioo""ina need seriousupgrading' vail Associates.ai a corporation r,as fiial i"a"|ision to addressthe issue of increased up-hiil capacity u"io""-r"J"r"ripirs the GordenPeak ski base area. Attached please find memorandums and planning,commission minutesregarding requests to ailow the modutar.uuiiitn6"i;;";"li#:year time periodi n both 1979 and 'r 980. The modur ar-uu.i t a i,ig-nii ioirtirriii over the r astfour ski seasons technically without iown oi VaiI ;;p;;;;i. l,le have worked for several months with vail Associates to phys.icarly maketh'is proposar work on the site. Thri is why the puiling-r6t has beenre-designed as wel'l as the additionai stairlase ai,a tne"rindscaping .improve_ments. vail Associates has arso worked with the iurrornaing neighbors ]n,i19orng1ating some additionai iinJsiaping to-uuirer-ihe part<in9 rotand the addjtional proposed modular unit. IV.CRITERIA FOR THE DEVELOPMENT PLAN A. Buffer Zone The buffer zone between Northwoods and the Gorden peak site is being. slightly encroached upon with this proposal. Howeverl ine proposalinctudes leavino the eastern tennis' rei.rce-wittr' ;iil;;;.;n standing-ror the winter rionths so thit iaaiiionii-r;;;;r;;;-;i'iiovidea rromthe Northwoods complex. It is arso rmportant that the previous approvarregarding leaving the tennis wind screens up on the north side ofthe modular be respected. Some landscaping'ii Ueing idj.O on thenorth side of the modurars to buffer the view from Manor vail. B. Circulation System The redesign of the, parking lot improves the circulation within thelot and separates the.threE differbnt parring-iemirii'ii,rur ic, parentdrop-off and vA staff). vail Assoiiares proposes to contror andenforce the short term drop-off spaces tni.ough-tfie-loiiror roottrpersonnel. Thev wirt provide acditionat pu.io'i.i il;it peak drop_ off periods as necessary for this enforcement. Most of the time theyfeel that qne individuai will be able-to adequately monitor tne-par[i1nglgl; , Providing-the additional drop-oft spaces wit"rlin ir,. main rotwrrl nerp r0 relreve the existing congestion in the skier drop-offarea t0 the east,of the.buirding. _The new stairciie going up'to thebike path from the.existing droi-off area wi'il increaie if,"-!aietv"- Slg.igggr:lbititv to the mooutai^ bujrdings. pr6visions ror emersencyvenlcres have been made. Generally, the revised c.i rculation sysiem - is a workable one, but is not ideai'in terms oi-il,. i.rgtn betweenthe parent drop-off and the modular structures, C. Functional 0pen Space The functional open space is not decreasing with this proposal . Golden Peak -3- 6/24/Bs D.Vari et in Terms of Housin Dens i ti es Facilities and 0pen S None of these factors are applicable to the proposed interim deveiopmentplan. E.Pri vac in Terms of the Needs Ind'ividuals Fami I i es and Nei hbors The only effect here wouldthe Northwoods complex dueto that residential use. he to a slight decrease in the privacy toadditional day care facility closer F.Pedestrian Traffic The proposal presents a workable solution for pedestr.ians, but certainlynot an ideal one due.to the distance between tire new paient-arop: -"'" off and the modular buirdingi.- ih'i; Jittun." presents somewhat ofa walk for the parents with'their smari chirdren to get to the facirity.The attractiveness of the p.iiii"riii-circuration system courd be improvedby paving the existing-graiel and timber walkway 6 iil iorit ot tte.proposed parent drop-off area. t.r"rr,ta Da.rit The building t)'pe proposed is objectionabre to the staff in that itis a proliferation of temporary ltructures which have now lasted sixski-seasons. The modurar'buiriing "ttiir' r'ur existed for this timepg"joq.rvas approved orisinalrv in-r9z9-inu is80 ;;it ;; ilre'oasisthat it was for a one-year time period. rt is higtrly-Jouritur ilre G. Golden Peak -4- 6/24/85 proposal would have been approved at that time if it had been for any more than a one year length of time. Much of the discussion in the approval process for the redeve'lopment project concerned the consolidation of buildings on the site into one central structure. This was perceived as one of the most posit'ive aspects of the proposal to clean up the s'ite and make it more workable. The 'interim development pl an goes aga'i nst that intent by expanding temporary out buildings of a seasonal nature on the southeastern portion of the site. There is no way to guarantee the removal of the modular buildings after a two-year time period. We can only guarantee that the app'l icant would be required to come back after those two years to request extensions or other requests. H.Landscapi ng Landscapi ng improvements the Race City parking lot as new berms on the east to the north side of the have been made to the site by fil'ling in as required by the 1980 approval as well side of the parking lot and new spruce trees modular build'ing sites. Y.STAFF RECOMMENDATION t'Jhile physically a workable proposal for the site is being presented, the Community Development Department cannot support the interim development plan as proposed. l'le find fault with the addition of buildingsof a temporary nature which do not fit in with our community',s strictquality control requirements. The applicant's track record for one year temporary approvals for this use has not been good. We assume partial blame for the last four years of operation of the modular building with regard to the lack of enforcement executed, however, this would only have required Vail Associates to request extensjons on those previous approval . }Je feel approving this request would simp'ly aggravate an existing undesirable si tuation. }{e feel the applicant cou'l d accommodate this use within their interior remodel of the existing buildings. It is important to note that'l ,000 squarefeet of space which is now used for day care and nursery related uses is beinq removed in order to expand the ski rental shop and provide for additional employee lockers. l.le feel strongly that we should not ignore the need for additional nursery and day care facilities, but also fee'l stronglythat they should be provided in a manner consistent with the physical quality of the overal1 community. We do not ask that the existing modular be removed, although it would be preferable. It's the allowance of expanding the temporary buildings that is objectionable to us. If the proposal is approved, we request the fo] lowing conditions of approval appl y: l. The approval lapses two years from the date of Council approval Go]den Peak -5- 6/24/85 2. No night time use of the modular buildings are allowed. A 5:30 pn closing time will be enforced.- 3. There shall be a minimum of 93 public parking spaces on the site. 4. A revocable right-of-way agreement with the Town be obtained for'landscaping and parking. 5. Sufficient staff be provided by vai'l Associates to adequately enforcethe parent drop-off area on the eastern end of the parli.ing l6t. 6. Vail Metropo'litan Recreation District be fully reimbursed for all damagesincurred on the tennis courts due to the moduiar buildings. ( MEMORANDTTU PIdNNING AND ENVIRONMENTAI. COMMISSIONTO: FROM: DATE: RE: DEPARTMENT 10-5-79 CONDITIONAI TO ALLOW A GOLDEN PEAK FRoM NOVEIaER 1, 1g7g OF COMMIJNITY DEVELOPMENT USE PERMIT REQUEST BY TEMPOMRY STRUCTURE ON TOM HARNED THE UPPER to MAY L5, OF VAIL ASSOCIATES TENNIS COURTS AT 1980. DESCRIPTION OI' PROPOSED USE The structure will be a nodular unit used as a nursery for snal1 worldsimilar to the Llonshead program. rhe unrt w111 be screened from vlewby the green windscreens on the fence as,one 100ks tor^7ard the cour:s ,',a southerly direction. va'1 Associates feels. they can do this with nodamage to Ehe couts but guarant"""-ii"a any danages wr.rl be paid forby the ski school' TherJ w*1 u.-oo-'.i.orng use of the facirirv. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS upon revlew of section 1-g.69, the Departrnent of corrnuni.y Deveropment ;:::H::4" Approval of the conditional use permir U.".J-irpo' rhe fotlowing Consideration of Factors : l|":;.T"H""rlltll H^,:^i_":lillrl :, lmpact_ on the developuenr objecrivesof the to,on a"" tl tn. t..poi"rvl"rirl*of this requesr. iburlon of ulat ion ,transDo rtat ion facilit 1es, urillEG,-G&6G rks and reciElE-nfacilittesl-EiE Thls nursery servlce wl1l iurprovevlclnlty of the Village Core. the public facilirles offered in the Effect trafflc with part Lcular ref erence to con es t ion autonot lveand pedescrian Ea?Ef and convience traffic flow and cont ro Inaneuverab 1l l Because the unit wlll be Peak, we feel the visualqulte urinlnal. accessand removal oT- sn&fron the sEreet qnd parki;areas. No addltlonal trafflc Ls antlcipated as a result of che proposal. well-screened from vlew lookimpact upon the characEer of south upon Goldenlhe area wlll be PEC lleno--VA Tenporary SEructure10-5-79--Page fwo Such other factors and criteria asthe proposed use.the Conmission deems a licable to There are none. The environmental act r rt concernin Ehe or sed use, Lf anenvironmentareportis required b Chapter 18.56. Not requ j.red . FIMINGS AI.ID RECO@NDATIONS : The DepartDent of Coununj.ty Development recoumends that theUse Pernit be approved basld on ri!-l"ifo"r"g findings: That_ the proposed locatLon of the use i.s in accord with theof this ordinance and the p"rpo"."-oi li" airtri"t in rlrhichlocated, ?hat the proposed locat1on of theit- would be operated or DairrtainedpublLc health, safety, or welfareor inprovenents in the vicinitv. Condi.tional Purpo ses the sl-te ls That the proposed use would couplyof this ordlnance. RECOMMENDATION use and the conditions under whichwould not be detrimental to theor materially injurious to properties with each of the applicable provislons The Departnen! of Connunity DeveLopmentconditions that: f.) Ttre. applicant guarantees the properunLt. 2.) That danages to the tennis courts,School after its removal ty ltay ii, tr) al" facllity no be used after 7:00 p.M. recornmends approval with the and adequate screening of the if any be paid by rhe Vail Ski7979. Minutes of the Planning Meeting of 10-8-79 and Environmental Comrnission Members Present Ed Drager Ron Todd Sandy Mills Jirn Mo rgan Gerry White Town Council Menber present Paula Palnateer Staff Menbers present Peter Patten Jim Rubin Dick Ryan Larry Eskwith r.) This item nas postponed until after Itern /12. (2.) Conditlonal Use permlr to a11ow a ra '1 at Gold Peak frbm-N6v. 1, structure for Sma11worro on the Upper Tennis Court slezg ro Iuiv-r5lEEdl tempo Court Pater patten presented this iten. Ton Harned fron varl Assoclates explained thelr reasons for thlsappllcat ion. Jlu Morgau asked how the bulldlng would be screened. Tom saidI't would be screened on all but Jne siJe wrtrr the existlng screening. Gerry t{hite asked if they had concacted the Recreation Distrlctabout this. Tonr sald they had .ror i"i would. Ron Todd asked why the date of May 15 had been picked for Ehe removal.Ton sald they were playing it safl ln case there was a 10t of snow.Gerry Whlre sald he f_el. rhar rhey should b. ;;r;;; ;";";r; damagedrepalred by Memorlal Day Weekend fo, sur". Ed Drager -ade a notlon to a110w the conditlonal use permit to a110wa tenporary structure for smalr 'Iorld on the upper i."ii"'c.".rs (court 7)at Gold peak fron November L, Iglg ro May-15,,1-980, ,i;;-ril conatrronsset forth ln the DeparEment o-f Courmunlty Development Staff Meno dated10-5-79 and approval of rhe Metropolrrar, R."r".llo"-oi"a"i"l. JLm Morgan asked lf lt J.sn rt'necessary to- screen the bullding frornNorEhwoods. Tom sard rhe Norrhwoods leople ,o,rra-uJ ,il'ii""r.".users of rhe bufldrng. 'Jlrn Rubin sar.i trrey r,"a-i.!i ."lri:ilo ."a t t! PEC Minut es-VA Tenporary Structure10-8-79--Page Two that, no one had called or qra s anyone presen! Eoday. Gerry Whlte seconded the motion. Sandy Mi1ls asked about thenere answered by VA people.tor tlis again next year. s torptghlle back neE 1. ) Redi.scussion of Pro sed etc. A11 her que st ionsthey would be applTom Ha sa are ho vould be successful but Itereear tor the same requesC. Changes to the A cultural and onQ sc reening, She also traff ic asked if \l/7i\9-.+_a^]e Ron Todd asked lf this needs to be presented to the Design ReviewBoard' Jin Rubin said he thoughi ri-"""ra be staff approved sincethe building is ar-ready built.frt :." i rnoaurar unir). Sandy Mi1ls sald she thoughr rhe DRB should be aware of this.Ron Todd asked each _ngrnlei if rhey *orria rit" it to go ro DRB orbe staff approved. Ed Drager ""ii r,. aian,r care. Sandy Mi11ssaid_lt should go ro DRB. Ron Todd ".il ir. felr it should bestaff 'approved. Jlm Morgan said he i"it :.t could be s.aff approved.Gerry White sald he f e1E ir could be "r*f .ppro.,r"a. The vote was taken on the motion and it was passed unani.nously. (\_District. Jin Rub in explalned this item. It was tabled slx weeks ago sothat the Town could work with the pulises and Vatl Associatesln solving any problens they nfght have wiLh the rezoning ontheir 10ts. Ron Todd,asked questions regardlng itens il3 and /,|9 on the list.Ron asked wha t oercentage oi this land is reft. after the tractland would be dedicated to the Town. He thinks only three orparcels would be lnvolved . 'Sandy Mills said she though the only reason it uas tabledwas because of tax probLens wlth thl deeding of the landetc. Jlo Rub 1n sald rhat Larry Rider sald most of the dedicated landvould never have been developed anysray so the value would notreally be effecEed Most parcels are controlled by covenanEs or hazards anytay. Ron Todd said the Town 11d County are talklng about two dlfferencthlngs when they are talking aUout agricultural. The standardsdo not have to be the same. Jlrn Morgan sald he feels the inrentlon is rhe sane. Dlck Ryan explalned Lntens{ve urban development. C. (( fry ;:ff:on the tennis court- . againl-nJ-".r"rrirr9 o-". oi riie. taciliry is proposed.::.::"?:'ulll"'=r"naing-rrrai ;; d"'*s;"t"-ihE-.JL." resurted rrom r.ast MEMORANDUM TO: PLANNING AND ENVTRONMENTAL coMMISSToN FROM: DEPARTI{ENT OT COMI'IUNITY DEVELOPI\TE}.ITIPETER PATTEII DATE: 8/20/BO RE:S":u_il::l1l y"" permir request by ;:"i, l:: i":rtii;1ii;l"lii r"!:!:ff .t":\#:, .:il?:,:lii." a, Go'denPeak for the lgSo_I9_gr sr.i """1J"- DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED USE CRITERTA AND FINDTNGS Consideration of Factors: l.Refationship and impact of the useTown:on development objectives of the upon review of section-1g-.600, thg.Department of community Devel0pment;:::H::.s approvar or the conJition;i-;;";"iiii, r"""d upon rhe rorlowins ..,... No rerationship or impact on deveropment objectives exists.:.r 2.The effect-of-!!" use on light and air, distribution of population, trans_ l*r,__!i5':ti:: ;ffiii.iiSi,liliir*ftn:r;l"illti.:"s.:;:reation r."ir*i"r,:l:ir!i.i:t,:'j'j.;jil,{"'::'The nurserv ir.a-r, important facirity serving the pubric to arrow adurtsl#',I-to skiiig witrtou.-w"iivi"s auout'dt;;ils a private baby si*er.:''(:ff'J'''rrect upon.traffic with par_ticurar reference to_congestion, automotive'-''..,!i. an.l pedesrri?l sarety-and-ronv.ni.".", -Iiliii" iror--;;;-"-;iror, access,j,:iit T""uverabilitv, and'';;;";r "i ;;;;-;r;;';;. srreer and parkins, areas:''t" visuar impact.will be negligibre. No comprail!" .:.to traffic congestion.,,, l]]" been resisrerea riti-i;" pep.rti"ii"Ei'community..Deveropment. s.Errect upon the character "{-llu_"Ie.. }i, which the proposed use is toff *::ffi;ril"ll3r"s-ih" ;;"i;-;;=i..r"il li'.n. propo=ed use' in rerarion No negative effects are foreseen. Small World -2 - 8-io-Bo (( Commission deems applicable5. Such other factors and. criteria as theto the proposed use: There are none. FTNDINGS AND RECOMMENDATIONS : location of the useand the purposes of is in accord. with the purposesthe district in which Lhe- site That the proposed location of the use and the cond.itions under whichit wourd be operated or-mai"t-i"Ja r""ia1ot-u"-l"tr:-entar_ to thepublic hearthl safetv, ";-;;G;;J or materiarry injurious ro properriesor improvements in tire ,i"i;I;;:- 3l"lnil"":I::ff:S.use would comply w*h each of the applicable provisions ;.1 co}&IENDATToN Ii";T:y:l: i:,1:.Ill,-i: we.feet the_-nursery performs an imporranr func_!i::.i;; :* ::*_"::^:ll$1. :i;:,1'=*li-ili#, i';:::H"A""ilnfi;it.rildicating any major problems with * ne rrctven -E recel-ved any j'nput j-n- th" i;;i ;:,f =:j:"n rr=c{- ^€ .'^tl:_funcrioning_of rhe nur-sery-aur:_ng*:-t: ::^ sk-i. s ei son: - -Ei;il' ";:;il" T;"' ;ilff ::l::: The Department of community Development recommend.s that the conditionarUse Permit be Approved Uisla-on-lire folfowing findings: That the proposedof this ordinanceis located. frrR.E3ffi "Xii+u"*.i::--:-li":=g]iFr;;-;i:"#r-:3f il'i3!ffi .tlii""EyThec"-",*""iii*oii"il'i*:1i""$::a.:"T1. ., Tl" Recreation Board has reviewed the. ,-the proposal . .:.ii request and has no problem with V*. A+ 77/",7 1/ F, //.2 ,; **-( /*z".^fZ J,._,., /fgd PEC l,linutes -- page 2 ( ^i8/2s/ut ( said that hc wasnrt aware.of.aly agreement with the christiania condos,but that the agreement was rtrith'trr"-crrri"iiania Lod.ge,. vA and the Kendarr' residence' Paur added thit only """-"p""" has been-aeeala-to one condo.He wenr on ro exprain that the-;"i;; i5'il"t"a to "orrrr.it-or.r. '.rysmarl and ar'so thar 3 un*s.had;;it;;.;;;.. The plan was ro reduce9 unirs ro 6- larger uniis, thus il;;";;;;"in. gou"r rooms, and change2 units on the giound. rever-t"-r."ii'""i;:;;"; guarrers and srorage. .rohnasked if a parking.t..iur,.u """ need.ed. Oihers did not see tlte need.for a parkins vari.ar,"e. ;f:".1-tlt-ii-iigti of the r."i tl,.t rhere maybe a letter verifyi"s-itt""iarking agreem6nt. peter and Dick felt thatit mav b" :?ol-!:-qii: J pill.i"s-"#;;;;;'Jo.the appricanr rvourdn,rhave to'come back igain. oLherr r":-t-tiJt-=r-rr"" paul wasn,t und.er atime d'uress, he aian;t--n".a . .\rotu-"o".-'*aa Drager moved that consid,era-tion of the Variance be portponea,.and noger r. seconded,. The vote..to postpone consideratioi was unanj_mous. 5' vair Associates conditional- use Permit to place temporary structure Peter Patten presented the study and mentioned that it rvas Ltre samerequest as last year, and the "tuii-t"JotiiJ"a"a approval . Discussionforlor'red abour t'e parking-stalls ""i inr"*ite uank illegariyr and the' faci: tirat the parking rtuir" rraa ueen $;;" ? -or 3 years. iorn Harnedsaid it was vAis int6nti""-to ri><- up -ttru-rI.rr beyond the parrring, and*::_i::""i3'fl:g ll"";iinjsed to r"'r"'-ctr''u"" personnei. Requesrffi 'E+:#d.-*+:t*'d3#*t**i*ffi *",all agreernent r,Jith the Recreation oistiict]vv: rr(Jr,r r-ciL uocrso Dick ALIi" lf..tj:"":_v,olr:p:I: j?:tv thar rhey vrere nor basically opposei" to the structure, t-ror io iirar:. woriJi ilt;;".concerned-,a-bollt the amounrof traffic ancl-tire ipeed oi =o*. or ihe ituiri"_in tr:at area. He arso lf;_lt:'?: i..!r ri"if; :.; :il: i i *ffi t l;g; ".;:.i : 5:f ,::i. i":m ::"::lt, .f; 8,,,conments' Dicl< felt the need ror some ""rl-"t tra<le-off since he letthe ski "trl I:: a p"iiii"g-spaces. He felr that it rvas the--onry partl'lir,-9f Vair that has retained-thl characier-tt.t Vail started out to be.: ''Dan corcoran rnoved to-approv"_ tlg conditionar 'se pernit subject io' ,;. vote was unani*o,l" oiitii R;;", T. absraining. . ,,' 6. .a Peter Pa'Lten nresented the staf f -findings aricl the sta.if rccommencationof denial- r'rir* uonarclson "rl"i.'"a pn"Eoi-oi"'ir.iioo" sicres, sayi-ng thatthe projcctcrl a-dclieion -1"!i1J i.nacr rhe sire-till r.rarr. ihe ii"cursio'that follorvccl suestioned the icason for p"iii"ii-the garagc in Lha:: positic:or in that pracc, and ir was s"""i-,r:.ir.-f;i;-lii.lr rhe g<-rr-agc courct bemoved a littlc ro keep it rvittiin tirc ieirri.l.]..-." f:."IHi:r."illu"jlirllslllr, sccon<rcd bi, Roccr: ri1l.on,.,,i.i, anrr thc vore applicant. There was discuss'ion of the trash room, and also discussion of how tb'avoid this type of problem in the future. Patten pointed out that there is an appeals board that meets to handie complaints concerning contractors. Viele moved and Donovan seconded to approve the setbac! vafigJrces becayle the,qranting and because the strict or litera PEC -3- 6/24/8s retation and enforcement of t ulation would result in unnecessa aqa inst. ason to grve spec attention to the materials and relation- the wing wal l s, Piper asked the DRB ship of the roof to 5. Request to amend an approved development plan to al]ow for_a two-.year interim plan for the Golden Peak Ski Base area. Applicant: Vail Associates' Inc. Peter Patten presented the proposed amended plan. He stated that this zone district was directly ielated to the'redevelopment p'l an that had been approved by the Town' and VA was now requesting an interim p1 an that would have a maximum approval period of two years. Paiten liated 5 aspect3 of the proposal which included a nerll modu'l ar buitding for nursery care, a revised parking'lot configuration which would accommodate 93 paid-pub'lic parking spaces,20 VA staff spaces and 18 parent drop-off spaces' a nbw set of stiirs n6ar'the existing drop-off spaces, a revised landscaping plan which'i ncluded berming on the east end of the parking lot and 5 additional spruce tree! north of the modular units, and an interior remodel of the existing buildings to 'improve employee locker rooms and add space to the rental shop. Patten stated that lhe culvbrting of the stream and fi'l1ing the Race City parking lot has been done. .,loe Macy of VA said the purpose of the plan was to come up with an interi.m.plan until tire permanent facility could be cbnstructed. He stated that VA had done market.resbarch to find out what people felt was important to improving their ski experience jn Vail. He stated ifrat only 12% felt improving Golden Peak was a hibh priority (shorter lift lines, adding to ski temain, additional restaurant seitiirg weri hign priority). Therefore e6tOen Peak redevelopment was being.defemed in fav6r of the-other prioiities. A nursery was found to be important,-and_the^ Town dpes not have one. VA'is putt'i ng this one in-at an expense loss of $35'000. Macy stated that tA would agree'to thE conditions listed in the memo. Larry Litch- litlr, vice president of Vail Associates in charge of mountain operations and^Jack Hunn, project supervisor were also at the meeting. Craig Snowdon, architect for Golden'Peak, showed overlay photos with the additional modular in place. Jack Rush, general manager of Manor Vajl, spoke against the proiect mai.ntaining that Macy did come to Minor Vail and expreised VA's intention of build'ing the second modular building. He stated thai 5 months ago VA came and asked for changes to their redev6lopment p'lan and were now back to ask for more. He pointed out ihat the neighborhood'group'had not asked for one_change. He added that with a change of owneiship of VA thbre may be a change of leadership and it.would be djfficult to know wnither or not VA would be planning on going ahead with the original p1an. 0riginally the idea was to put everything 'into one building. vote was avor wit PEC -4- 6/24/85 Schultz di.sagreed with the surveys and fe'lt that Golden Peak was one of the poorfeatures VA had to offer to guests and needed redevelopment. He felt that ii this lequest.were approved now, and if Golden Peak were not redeveloped in years,it would be difficult to disapprove an extension to the modular building usi. Discussion followed concerning having the nursery in the main building, and Litchliter claimed that there was not enough space. Donovan felt that in many wiys the survey was not valid, she felt that putting the children so far from the parklng was notgood, adding a nursery would increase the parking demand, and day tare d'id' not need Io.Pq.incorporated into 1 bgse facility. She protested that the exjsting modularbuilding was taken off of the tennis courts at the agreed time in the spiing, butthen was left in the Golden Peak parking lot for several more weeks, anit adied thatthere should not have to be 20 parking spaces for VA staff. Rapson said that he would abstain from voting since he was a VA employee, but didoffer comments. Rapson stated that every instructor in Golden peak nia expressedanger at VA for not going ahead with the new base facility. He felt that bolden Peak was one thing that detracted from the mountain. Viele agreed, but wonderedif turning vA down would have any overal'l effect on vA's p'lani. He felt thatif the modular building were done correctly, it could work, and if approved should be monitored carefully. Affeldt asked if VA had looked at what the other floorlevels of the Goiden Peak base facility could provide in the way of space fornursery facilities, and agreed that having the children walk so-farih ski boots was not a good solutjon. He felt that to grant the approval would leave the Town wide open.to give approval for five more years. Piper felt that a modular buildingper se did not have to have a negative stigma. He asked what response should begiven to someone ljke Jack Rush who may have had a survey made thit showed aneedfor more convention space and asked foi a modular buildi-ng for the convention space. Litchliter stated that.perhaps there had been too much focus on the survey. He added that VA knew that there was a need to provide nursery service from ikier corunents and it was important to make this service convenient for the guests. More was said about the allocatjon of parking spaces. Macy said that the 20 vA spaces were negotiable. The meeting was adjourned at 6:45 pm. Viele moved and Piper seconded to approve the request for a t ne-.year aDDroval . favor abstai ni .t Projsct Name: Project Applicatlon t Oate Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone:''Irt, Architect. Address and Phone: L€gal Descri Comments: ption: Lot Block Filing Zone Design Review Board ii tr l'/'l'Date ;l ! llu | - Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL {L'\\*.rt tt tr, ,ti ty:Summa i:. ;'.1 _)rI 'i: ,! , r i' 1', \ t* ?nlru,^,, D stattApprovat ${rrrtJ' t .' iI "'{-I\l t,, it_it't,. i tiC : o,l , ;: t ' It, Oo \ -^r, TJECT: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: STREET ADDRESS: LIST OF MATERIALS DESCRIPTION OF PR B?/ail-' -p €wrT/Nq rh The following information'is required for submittal by the 4-t///\t-=- 'applicant to the Design Review Board before a final approval can be fiven: A. BUILDING MATERIALS: TYPE OF MATERIAL (WN'^LA,L) Roof Siding Other Wal I Materi al s F+r/A COLOR Fasci a Soffi ts |r'|i ndows l,lindow Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Fl ues F1 ashings Ch'imneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses 0ther l-ktA B. LANDSCAPING: Name of Designer: Phone: PLANT MATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES Botanical Name Common Name fuL Size* 12- t+l EXISTING TREES TO T.{6}+€_- BE REMoVED ---'_--- urvu L {72 O ll Lt'nrLr aa.&T-nJJlT7DN *l/tA Quani ty 6 *Ind'icate ca'l iper for deciducious trees. Indicate height for conifers. (over)J oo Botani cal Name Comrnon Name Quanj ty oo ,',J PLANT MATERIALS: (con't) SHRUBS r-Ld{t-- -I EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED GROUND COVERS Type Square Footage ffi eg @ s0D ,l,trTlLE <?f O tll-( %,M 4SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL C. 0THER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls'fences, swimming pools, etc.) Please spec'ify' dt'^/ ul 'rf{t requested the Council do that. Fred Hibbend reguested the on the purchase. Diana Donovan stated her concerns again. to table the ord'i nance until a Special Meeting on December Rose, and Hernrann Staufer seconded. A vote was taken and unanimously 5-0. Council to take more time At this time, a motion 23. 1986 was made bY Kent the motion passed The next item was 0rdinance-No-32'--!eri es of 1986, first reading, concerning amendment of the zp|t-S_jtgpls-r_a_pg-rklnS_{i9t_tt_c!_. The full title was read by Mayor Johnston. Gaorgt Rosenberg, representing Ereakaway West Condominiums, requested the ordinanie be tabled until a later date, and Jay Peterson, representing Bill Fleischer. agreed. The ninth item on the agenda was Vail As-sogfg-lqs_-qpp-e-Cl-Sl-lhq-l-t-eU:-nsgolmission deci si on_ denyi ng extellded use of LU!:-U_itautef bq1-l4l-nSs . q!__[ol den Peak. Peter Patten gave batkgrounrlilfoimation onThe fiilAin-gs ina-iflif i retomtnaffittion for denial. Joe Macy of Vall Associates introduced Nancy Nottingham, Manager of the chil.dren's programi for VA. She explained the programs they have, which were discussed by bouicil, Joe Macy, Larry Lichliter, Nancy Nottingham and Larry Eskwith. Jack Rush' General Manager of tfre Manor VaiI Lodge, stated his misgivings on the buildings- Joe Macy agreed with the statements made. but there had been no complaints from anyone tfrai ne was aware of. and the reasons why they needed to request the exiension again. Jack Rush responded to these statements. After some discussion by Nancy Nottingham and Larry Lichliter, Kent Rose stated the CounciI and Vail Assoiiates needed to have meetings to work on priorities. He then made a motion to approve the reguest with the stipulations that 1) the facility be two modular Uuitaings in a similar configuration as now, 2) the ten conditions of staff as shown in memoiandum to the P'l anning Commission dated November 24, 1986, and 3) the permit be granted for two years with an annual review. Mayor Johnston commented the p"olrams were good ind needed, but that two more years would be the end of appioval . He stated that at the first year review or before, Vail Associates must present to Council a permanent solution. Hermann Staufer seconded the motion' but amended the third stipulation to be granted for only one year. Kent Rose then amended the motion. Michael Cacioppo asked questions of Council, to which Mayor Johnston responded. Peter Patten asked for clarification that at the annual review next summer, Vail Associates will have to bring a permanent solution to the Council. Eric Affeldt stated it was a suggestion only. Jack Rush and Mjchael Cacioppo made remarks, to which Joe Macy responded. A vote was taken and the motion passed 4-1. with Eric Affeldt opposing. The next item, the Ambrosia Restaurant sign variance request, was tabled until a later date. There was no Citjzen Participation. The Town Manager's Report was next. Ron Phillips stated the Nutcracker Suite was going to be s6own at the Ice Arena. Monday, December 29, there would be a benefit show with an orchestra and wine tasting for $25 per person' There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 11:52 p.m. Respectful ly submi tted, Pau l ATTEST: R. Johnston, MaYor Minutes taken by Brenda Chesman -o l- lrlJlrl -t-:to.n *9do a6 za LrI i I I o-l ). I IP L] v > '[L 4: (.:.) ntud til ,s */llrF-l'- ffi- f,t-4 -o l-() l*l U' c5 = =EIL q $fa E(r VI rd uUn ;a lde l,r.l|.o cu =ooEE UJ -(,oJ NFI =:E() g6 --+-qi trJ c! , Iili ii,^*/>ilji'\:f Jil ,E >-in .l s Iro z:F Lj/F ffi r{J oNEsill& ffi- oo lll(' [:-u.o CU .ooEE ll| -()oJ a\l FI E E C' E .E El Loc lr {a rd ?) t\vl t9 F .rc(l ;€t u0E =(!La s. vo l (t N I rq, c,+.|!a N |t \s 'o |!l(,l 3al u s \l Nq \ t A { $ \ s \ s\ N \ \tt N \ \T $ \' \?a $st $ R.... fi E R 'l\s \ o!t h\s r( sn Dr$ b \ \ \$ \ u \ *\ fYt \ F\ (t|\)s (- t- si-fri' -trT- trlt- :J tLo 7 oF lallrt o M ffi-&q x+-\ -o- 6 I Ic. Is-+ !_\- .O ! .o-o xt f; MIi{UTTS VAIL TOWN COUNCIL MEETING JULY 2, 19d5 7:30 p.n. A regular meeting of the 7:30 p.m. in the Counc.il MEI4BERS PRESEI{T: TOI.IN OFFICIALS PRESENT : VaiI Town Council Chambers. was held on Tuesda), July 2, 1985, at Paul Johnston, Mayor Kent Rose, Mayor Pro Tem Colleen Kline Dan Corcoran Gail Wahrl ich-Lowenthal Gordon Pierce Ron Phj l l i ps, Town Manager Larry Eskw'ith, Town Attorney Pam Brandmeyer, Town C1 erk The first item on the agenda was the approval of the m.i nutes of the June 4 andld, i985 meetings. Kent Rose made a mbijon to approve the mjnutes and ColleenKline seconded the motjon. A vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously The second item on the agenda was the second reading of Ordinance No. 10, anordjnance which concerned the increase of the liquoi license applicat'ion fee. Mayor Johnston read the title in ful'l . colleen Kl'i ne made a mbtjon to approvethe ordjnance which was seconded by Dan corcoran. A vote was taken and themotion passed 6-1, with Hermann Staufer opposing. The next item was the second reading of 0rdinance No. 11 repealing the cable TV Advisory.Board. The title was read in full by Mayor Johnston. Ron phillips explained the reasoning for the ordinance. Dan Corc-oran made a motion to appi-ovethe ordinance, and jt was seconded by colleen Kline. A vote was taken and ihemotion passed unanimously 7-0. The fourth item was Resolution No. 18 regarding the Vail das Schone/Vai1 RidgeStreet Improvement District. Ron Phillips disiussed the deta'i ls of the Resol'l.ution and no_ted typographical errors. After a short discussion by the Council, Hermann Staufer made a motion to pass the Resolution which was sec6nded by KentRose. A vote was taken and the mot.ion passed unanimously 7-0. The next item on the agenda as the vista Bahn Sign variance. Kristan pritzdjscussedthebackgroundofthermcussionbyCounci1' Hennann Staufer made a mot'ion to approve the variance. The motion wis secondid !y eail Wahrlich-Lowenthal. A vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously The sixth item was the Hoiy cross underground r.i ght-of-way easement request.Stan Berryman explained details of the easement iequest. -After a shor.- discussionby the_council, Hermann staufer stated he wanted the word.i ng changed for morecontrol over the easement. Kent Rose made a motion to appr6ve the request as wasstated on the request, which was seconded by Dan Corcoran. A vote was taken andthe-motjon passed 6-1, with Hermann Staufeiopposing. Council requested the staffto look at the street cut perm.it process for mbre c6ntrol over easements. Thenext.itemwasthe@veiopmentplan.PeterPattenexp1ained the two year plan to the Count'iTTfrd why staff thinks jt should be denied. JoeMacy, Mountain Planner of Vail Associat6s, and Nolan Rosell gave their reasonsythy they think the jnterim pian will work. Jack Hunn showed sketches of howb.uildings would be used and how the current one was being used. Jack Rush, GeneralManager of Manor Vail_Lodge, gave his reasons why he doei not want the plan approveo.Randy Milhoan of the Texas Townhouses reconrnended the issue be tabled until aiiprotective covenants and easements had been filed. After much d.iscussion, Gailwahrlich-Lowenthal made a motion to approve the interim plan with the notedconditions of approval : -2- ?. Approval .lasts two years from the date of council approval with thestipulation thrt atter one year, Vail Assoc.iates givbs a status reportto counciI on their plans.for redeveloping Golden peak and how theyintend to handle nursery/day care facii.i ties. No night time use of the modurar buildings are allowed. A 6:30 p.m.closing time will be enforced. There shall be a minimum of 103 public parking spaces on the site. A revocable right-of-way agreement with the Town be obtained forlandscaping and parking. sufficient staff be provided by vail Associates to adequately enforcethe parent drop-off area on the eastern end of the parliing 1ot. Vail Metropolitan Recreation District be fully reimbursed for alldamages incurred on the tennis courts due to lhe modular buildings. Paint the modular buildings to become more aesthetic. The DesignReview Board should address this issue. The protective covenants, subdivision p1at, etc. are all filed and ap prove0. Pave the walkway between the parking lot and upper walkway. Remove the modular buildings from the parking lots within two weeksafter coming off the tennis courts. q Gordon Pierce seconded the motion. A vote was taken and the motion passed 5-2,with Hermann Staufer and Dan Corcoran opposing. The next item on the agenda was the Lionshead Park'ing Structure repair contracts.Steve Patterson discussed details of the contracts. -He said he wai reporting iothe Council because he had approval for $450,000 for the contracts and the finalcontract figures total $457,200. He asked for their approval for the e"tru arornt.Hermann Staufer made a motion to approve the final figiries, which Colleen Klineseconded. A vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously 7-0. There was no Citizen Particjpation. Itlext was the Town Manager's Report. He noted that the Employee of the Llonth forJune was Susan Scanlah, the Town Environmental Health Officei. We had two police Officers graduate from CLETA - Chris 0ffutt and Rich Benavidez. Ron philtipi iisonoted that the ABD bikepath has been completed. The Town's pine beetle program isalmost completed. We saved $S,OO0 by spraying and cutt'ing trees in-house. -l.le aretg9]nS_some improvement this year jn the program; we cut only 50 trees this yearwhile last year there were 70 cut. There will be structured activities over theJuly 4th weekend for the youth. There being no further business, the meet.i ng adjourned at l0;30 p.m. Respectful 1y submitted, Paul R. Johnston, Mayor ATTEST: Pamela A. Brandmeyer, Town Clerk Minutes taken by Brenda Chesman i. 4. q 1n 6. 7. d. t 4/?t' a ^..*.1LIq\{\' (,,Q[J*[ s..- 6\u1 $*."^e GoL%k tv*L "\\.^\"^ { q^1,*1 l"+ (.- c6rrrrr 4**) 1raf, \^^^- ; -,I._ L*: Q*- 6- .,1,\.r .{",-:\.\1 'u .l^ L ,.^.,k r tk ",,-,\t r...I a ]'\4<J-'.'-- --5 o o- F+ l, --l^^ -- ;^I*^#.,.,^- l. -n, /.r,-r,-&. & ,.--1,,at 1.. ,*I^l fn* * &"t+ ,x, f4 4 / f^ ,xhn,";,, ,{ul ,,1., /^f4* +1.^+ . tl r fl t u*).,* Lsrn^-'.^^{ i)-r.,...a,r.^^o,.-*.t,,rn^^ *r q^.$^ -Jr -\ t*J..^" \..-<.,, "-'.^^6 \-w .*a^^c,r \^.-.\'.\,r. \,1 NI!"+ * , L,^[ rv $.,"""*f fnctt-+t -L- ,..tJ-*"q ,.^^t.--. *I_ ,'*:'\ )?):* 7'{il* r"-h^^+ I t. MINUTES VAIL TOI,/N COUNCIL MEETING JULY 2, 19d5 7:30 p.m. A relular meeting of the Vail Town Council 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers. MEI,IBERS PRESEIIT:Paul Johnston, Mayor Kent Rose, Mayor Pro Tem Co]l een Kl i ne Dan Corcoran Gail l,|ahrlich-Lowenthal Gordon Pierce Ron Phi11ips, Town Manager Larry Eskwith, Town Attorney Pam Brandmeyer, Town Clerk TOI'IN OFFICIALS PRESENT: The first item on the agenda was the approval of the minutes of the June 4 and ld, i985 meetings. Kent Rose made a motjon to approve the mjnutes and Colleen Kline seconded the motion. A vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously 7 -0. The second item on the agenda was the second reading of Ordinance No. 10, an ordinance which concerned the increase of the liquor license application fee. l'layor Johnston read the title in full. Colleen Kline made a motion to approve the ordinance which was seconded by Dan Corcoran. A vote was taken and the motion passed 6-1, wjth Hermann Staufer opposing. The next item was the second reading of Ordinance No. 11 repealing the Cable TV Advisory Board. The title was read jn full by Mayor Johnston. Ron Phillips exp'l ained the reasoning for the ordjnance. Dan Corcoran made a mot'ion to approve the ordinance, and it was seconded by Colleen Kline. A vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously 7-0. The fourth item was Resolution No. 18 regarding the Vail das Schone/Vai1 Ridge Street Improvement District. Ron Phillips discussed the details of the Reso- lution and noted typographical errors. After a short discussion by the Council, Hermann Staufer made a motion to pass the Resolution which was seconded by Kent Rose. A vote was taken and the motion passed unan'imously 7-0. The next item on the agenda as the Vjsta Bahn Sign Variance. Kristan Pritz discussed the background of the request. After a brief discussion by Council, Hermann Staufer made a motion to approve the variance. The motion was seconded by Gail Wahrlich-Lowenthal. A vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously 7-0. The sixth item was the Holy Cross underground right-of-way easement request. Stan Berryman explained details of the easement request. After a short discussion by the Council, Hermann Staufer stated he wanted the wording changed for more control over the easement. Kent Rose made a motion to approve the request as was stated on the request, which was seconded by Dan Corcoran. A vote was taken and the motion passed 6-1, wjth Hermann Staufer opposing. Counci'l requested the staff to look at the stfeet cut permit process for more control over easements. The next item was eak interim developmen'LEan. Peter Patten explained the two year plan to t shou'ld be denied. Joe Macy, l,lountain Planner of Vail Associates, and Nolan Rosel 1 gave their reasons why they think the interim plan will work. Jack Hunn showed sketches of how buildings wou'l d be used and how the current one was being used. Jack Rush, General hnager of Manor Vajl Lodge, gave his reasons why he does not want the plan approved. Randy Milhoan of the Texas Townhouses recormended the issue be tabled until all protective covenants and easements had been filed. After much djscussion, Gail l.lahrljch-Lowenthal made a motion to approve the interim plan with the noted conditions of approval : !Ir was held on Tuesday, July 2, 1985,at -2- l. Approval lasts two^years from the date of councir approval with the ' stjpulation th.rt after one_year, vail Associates givis a status reportto counci'l on their plans for redeveloping Golden-peak and how theyintend to handle nursery/day care facilities. 2. No night time use of the modular buildings are allowed. A 6:30 p.m.closing time will be enforced. 3. There shall be a minimum of 103 public parking spaces on the site. 4. A revocable right-of-way agreement with the Town be obtained for landscaping and parking. sufficient staff be prov'ided by vai'l Associates to adequately enforcethe parent drop-off area on the eastern end of the parliing 1ot. vail Metropolitan Recreation District be fully reimbursed for a'l'l damages incurred on the tennis courts due to the modular build'ings. Paint the modular buildings to-become more aesthetic. The Design Review Board should address this issue. d. The protective covenants, subdivision p1at, etc. are all filed and approved. 9. Pave the walkway between the parking lot and upper walkway. 10. Remove the modular buildings from the parking lots within two weeksafter coming off the tennis courts. Gordon Pierce seconded the motion. A vote was taken and the motion passed 5-2,with Hermann Staufer and Dan Corcoran opposing. The next item on the agenda was the Lionshead Parking Structure repair contracts.Steve Patterson discussed details of the contracts. He said he wai reporting tothe Council because he had approval for $450,000 for the contracts and'the finalcontract figures total $457,200. He asked for their approval for the extra amount. Hennann Staufer made a rnotion to approve the final figures, which Colleen Kline seconded. A vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously 7-0. There was no Citizen Part'icipation. Next was the Town Manager's Report. He noted that the Employee of the ttonth for June was Susan Scanlan, the Town Environmental Health 0fficer. l,le had two police Officers graduate from CLETA - Chris 0ffutt and Rich Benavidez. Ron Phi'llips also noted that the ABD bikepath fqs lqel completed. The Town's pine beeile prolram isalmost completed. lJe saved $5,000 by spraying and cutting trees in-housb. -l,Je are sggj ng-some improvement this year in the program; we cut only 50 trees this yearwhile last year there were 70 cut. There will be structured-activities oveftheJuly 4th weekend for the youth. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at l0:30 p.m. Respectful ly submitted, Paul R. Johnston, Mayor Pamela A. Brandmeyer, Town Clerk Minutes taken by Brenda Chesman + * =f z. 5. 6. ATTEST: PEC -3- 6/24/85 applicant. There was discussion of the trash room, and also discussion of howto avoid this type of problem in the future. Patten pointed out that there isan appeals board that meets to hand'l e complaints concerning contractors. retation and enforcement of t ulation would result in unnecessa ardshi vote was avor w aqal nst. Viel.e move9 and Dongyan seconded to approve the setback variances because the qrantinq gf.the var!ance would r=rgt conltitute a=qrant of special privileqe, wb[Td not beqetrlmentaflo the publlqnealth or safety and because the stri ct or literal inter- Piper askedship of the I i ason to the wing t roof DRB to grve wal i s. special attention to the materials and relation- to allow for a two-year i nterim Ski Base area.App cant: Va ssoci ates , Inc. uest to amend an a an for the Gol Peter Patten o the proposed was directly relatedwas o'lreclly relateil to tRe-Fedevelopment plan that had been approved by the Town, and VA was now requesting an interim plan that would have a maximum approval pericperi od 9f lwo years. Patten listed 5 aspects of the proposal which included'i new mbdularbuilding for nursery care, a revised parking iot tonfiguration which would accommodate 93 paid public parking spaces,20 VA staff spaces and lg parent drop-off spaces,a nerv set of stairs near the existing drop-off spaces, a revised landscaping plan which included berning on the east end of the parking lot and 5 additjonal ipi^ucetrees north of the modular units, and an jnterior remodel of the existjng buildingsto improve empioyee locker rooms and add space to the rental shop. Patten statedthat the culverting of the stream and filling the Race City parking lot has been done. ,Joe Macy of vA said the purpose of the plan was to come up with an interim planuntil.the permanent facility could be constructed. He stated that VA had done mar.ket research to find out what people felt was important to improving their ski experience in Vajl. He stated tliat only 12% felt improving Golden Peak was a high priority (shbrter lift ljnes, adding to ski terrain, additional restaurant seat-ing were high priority). Therefore Golden Peak redevelopment was being deferredin favor of the other priorities. A nursery was found to be important, and the Town does not have one. vA is putting this one in at an expense loss of $35,000. Macy stated that VA would agree to the conditions listed in the memo. Larry Litch-l.iter, vice president of Vail Associates in charge of mountain operations and Jack Hunn, project supervisor were also at the meeting. Craig Snowdon, architect for Golden Peak, showed overlay photos with the additional modularin place. ,Jack Rush, general manager of Manor Vail, spoke against the project maintainingthat Macy did come to Manor Vail and expressed VA's intentibn of building the- second modular building. He stated that 5 months ago VA came and asked for changes to their redevelopment plan and were now back to ask for more. He pointed out. that the neighborhood group had not asked for one change. He added that with q.qlqn9g ot ownership of VA there may be a change of leadership and jt would bed-ifficult to know whbther or not VA would be plinning on going'ahead with the originalp1an. Originally the idea was to put everything int6 one-buiiding. edj4enffplan. He stated that this zone district E-Iopment plan that had been approved by the Town, evel opmen PEc -16/24/85 Schultz di.sagreed with the surveys and felt that Golden Peak was one of the ooorreatures vA had to offer to guests and needed redeve'lopment. He reit-ttrii'-iF-ir,i, fgq.l::1,":f.,,3p9lgugd now, and if Gotden peak were not redevetoped in two years,It would be difficuit to disapprove an extension to the modular'building ,s".]-" Discussion followed concerning having the nursery in the main building, and Litchliterclaimed that there Ia:.ngl enough space. Donovair felt thit in many-wivs-if,.-iriu"vwas.not valid, she felt that putting the children so far from the -parkinq was notgood, adding a nursery wou'ld increaie the parking demand, ano aay [ii..'il'o''io:t'i,..0 lo.Pq.incorporated into q bgse facility. She pr6testea inat the existinq modularDulrolng was taken off of the tennis courts at the agreed time in the spiing, butthen was left in the Golden Peak parking lot for sevErii more weeks, ani aajeo tnatthere should not have to be 20 parking ipaces for VA stafi. Rapson said that he would abstain from voting since he was a vA employee, but didoffer comments. Rapson stated that every initructor in eoro.n peak nia-expiesieoanger at VA for not going ahead with the-new base facility. He felt that boiae"Peak was one-thing that detracted from the mountain. Vieie agreed, but wonO"ieOif turning VA down would have any overall effect on vR;i-piunr. He felt thatif the modular bui'lding were done correctly,..it coulO worl,-ana lf ipprovja-snJulObe monitored carefully. Affeldt asked ii VA naa'loolea-'it nr,ut the other floorlevels of the Gotden Peak base facirity coura piovioe-in-tfie wai oi spii"-io"'--nursery facilities, and agreed that having the'children walI so-far ih sk.i Uootswas not a good solution. He felt that to grant the approval would leave tne fowny!de opql,to give approval for five more.ydars. pibLr fett that a modutar uuitorngper se did not have to-have_a negative stigma. tte asiiea whit response stouta-uegiven to someone like Jack Rush who may haie trao a iuivev-'rio. tnut showed aneeclfor more convention space and asked foi'a modulur-uuiiaii'g"'io" tn" conventjon space. Litchliter stated that perhaps there had been too much focus on the survey. Headded that VA knew that'therb was a need to provide nu"seiy-se"vice from skiercomments and it was important to make this service convenjlnt for ihe s;.rti. More was said about the allocation of parking spaces. Macy said that the 20 vAspaces were negotiable. Viele moved and Piper seconded to a rove the uestan whlch wou nctuoe a modular n for a two-ear interim on or a one-ar approva favor ai nst abstai ni n The meet'ing was adjourned at 6:45 pm. S/ZZ--1 d)oqr*- y/ o -...<rL d" =a,,-,-..-'-,1.', a< // //44e ,:/ /- *zh" //2./. ffi/&/ 7 !A.^'6."-trt-4iv4r'r*",- Z" ;"-q 5/; -zrnz&t***/T* 4*" oO 5r7/L/ - /'*/aa*fu ,a ,/*/ a,,-, s?"tc-e- - ;4 A ,*,.-Z -,'tt a.4'<-,v, ZuZft.-rl{ 41 r. 1*.rt"Z, / a/ , u fu - *//z,22 zr/***2, - # /,2*.. -r-r"-.,-fl'; /f"**4,/L1"U ,/ ). / +(,, / .,.1, J t.q7.-,,"-*4///%* q't / - aZ **-/*, ,'r,at( --2.12'41 lrzSVzla ) , / * ,t zl-r.*/Vl^z / z-Z* Uo.f...**% r/ 4///r/h-Z kW/ e-* zzz<tzz p.-/2,-/ A fu 2"1;/7/a-a-1/fu, 7-/ry''&;'T#/Lthfrtf^1";Ail @/:rc%,o"ffin , /-)f *, (ZL- 6/.*h*"*^/,*- ^./z^" -/il1tr_-i W \-za+<-( ,- q-y'.//f,i//Pne-/r.<..,"-/ /.a,",t-47-47<< U/ reig At-ye.cz*J//T-M* ;k tT (*T t *,22"7 - 7 I 7U6r7--1',-/ ),6/- 4/ ,-^2."L/{Z-1/v.v**' - h,e "-/. (/ a 6z*- t/-"6*-441r.*-fi /**J "*-?U./// o #/rt)b #7.-- *F s..z / n^ 6/r*t"L'/., t- raa4/#,*, Ia / /k " td4.,? --- ay 6' / Z. /.t't"//2,2 12. / Z ,/74*.2; rgh*-- //re a//*{//// ; =d- -'-J 1/ z{2 /ha 't'*/.'a-.- ^fuA-- 4*r^: ea*r- fi-z*zrn bd,/ FU/ / ** /7,4ffi;fi' oo 7 - 2ro--.- A **t 7- - /4/s 7l A/,/', % -a /*Z** ,*Z^lr2 -.--- -f U " // 472'4) % -*2.4 /. ,e Fh/;*7 ,/ ,4;/9tuyL*T /z,z%l -it/O ryryze*d1 re- o 3 Ll ,,-"*- /4-"'77*, /,."-Z;4 .UA.-.---. */k/-u1--J/z ^-J2z*- /- ,^--4 '/ * kd^tu' 2lrZ;.-.- ; o i lt\T0: planning and Environmentai commission e\(r.li.lt_FROM: Connrunity Deve)opment Department '' , ' / DATE: June 24, l9g5 .'r' '/'f U5rr^^ SUBJECT: Request fol q two-year interim development plan for theGolden peak ski Base area rocated rn itre ir,l aus.Tn.creationdistrict. Appl icani: viii-niir.iii.J,'riii oq>c/'\ecI'ed"'": ,7'; 1^,-t//)/, "/*'/{r. REQUE'T -l 0 "*) The Golden Peak ski Base redeve'ropment project has been put on hold byAssociates for a minimum period oi two years. The new ski Base/Recreationzone district requires an approved deve-ropment pian uv il," pranhing comnission and Town council.' The request is foi a aevetopmeni-fiai wrricnwoutd have a maximum.approvai period ;i.!il.ye;;s-uni'i, Eii.rtiiiiv'tr,."same as what is existing on thb site with ttr!-ioirowing exceptions: l' A new modular building adjacent to the existing winter-time modularfor day care purposes for infant to J-y"i.-Jia".i,itoren. 2. A revised_111king^)ot"conf.iguration accommodatjng 93 paid publicparking spaces, 20 vA stafi spaces and r8 pii"ni orob-oir'ipaies. 3. A new set of stairs near the existing drop-off area to the bikepath west of the modular buildings. - 4. A revised iandscaping p'r an including berming on the east end ofthe parking rot and five additionar-spruce irees-nortn of themodular units. 5' An interior remoder of the existjng buildings to improve employeeworking conditions and adding space to the iental sirop. some site work has been done last fall and this spring inc] uding culvertinqEast M'ill creek rrom south or ine eiiiting diiiioi[ii'io lrre-noiirr-;j;;'""''of vail vattev Drive, beginning of-berm iia-iirii.iiini const"uction in_ .g]:9ing fitl iirg in ttre-niie'iiiy-part<ing rot, ana-i6me"site drainagework. I I. ZONING The Ski Base/Recreation districtproposal which received two yearsfinal approvals (including O-RA). w/ was based on the major redevelopmentor otscussion, review and eventual.ly The zone district states that winter e{n Peak -2- 6/24/Bs seasonal ski school related child care.and children,s ski school andpertinent recreational facilit'ies and plogruri is i permitted use withinthe main building.. I! goes on to state_thai;ki iir'oor activjtjes area permitted use outside-of the main buirdi;g;;,;il; on the approveddevelopment plan. we feel that the use proposed'in ine new.modu1 ar buildingrs an accessory use to ski schoot activitie; in ttrJt-it ii inieiriit;-,'-'retated to the ski.schoot. program.. Ihyr; ;; i;.i";i.'ouy care and nurseryuse is permitted within thb zSne distriii. II I. BACKGROUND l'|inter ski surveys clearly show the need in our cornmunity for additionalday care and nurserv facilities. Ttris-rs an area where Vail is fa.rlingbehind our competition. It is arso co,nron. rnowtege itrit'tn. ex.istingconditions within the buildinsr-i.-thi;'site are poor and need seriousupsradins. vair Associates.ai a corporation rrii ;;;; ;";d;sion to addressthe issue of increased up-hi11 capacity uerore-reJ"r"r"pirg the GordenPeak ski base area. Attached please find memorandums and planning commission minutesregardi ng requests to ar row the modur a;oui ii'ing-"'ioi,-u"lirlil!"ur time periodin both 1979 and 1980. The modutii-ouitaing has continued 6ver the tastfour ski seasons technicarty wrihout-fo"n oi vair-approvii.' l{e have worked for severar months with vail Associates to physicaily makethis proposar work on the site. ilrii ii ryrrv ilre-pirriri-r6t has beenre-designed as well as the additionai siaircase aird the-randscaping improve_ments' vail Associates has arso worked with the tr;;;.d;;; neighborsl!,ilgo.pqlatins some additionii l;;e;;.;jil iij"lrii"i"itl"farrine rotand the additjonal proposed moOular unii. IV.CRITERIA FOR THE DEVELOPMENT PLAN A. Buffer Zone The buffer zone between Northwoods and the Golden peak site is being. slightly encroached upon with ttii p"oporaf.- foweue.l in" proposa.tincludes leavino the eastern tennis'fence with windscieen standing-for the winter rionths so th;t-ialiiionar screening is provided fromthe Northwoods complex. It is a'rso rmportant that the previous approvarregarding reaving the tennis wind screens up on the north side ofthe modurar be respected. some randscaping'ii u"irg"idiec on thenorth side of the modurars to buffer the view from Manor vair. B. Circulation System The redesign of the, parking rot improves the circuration within the'lot and separates the thre6 differlnt parrcrng-demiroi'iiiruric, parentdrop-off and vA staff). vair esioiiares proposes to control andenforce the short term drop-ori ipiies ttri..oubn-i[e-loiirot rootnpersonnel. Thev wilr provide acditionat p.rion,i"i il;;;; peak drop- Golden Q -3- 6/24/Bs off periods as necessary for this enforcement. Most of the time theyfeel that one individuai will be able to adequateiv roriior^ the parking ].gl; , Providing-the additiona'r drop-off spaces within the main rotwr | | nerp t0 rerieve.the. existing congestion in the skier drop-offarea to the east of the building. Th6 new staircase going up to thebike path from the existing.droi-off_area wiil increaie iie-satety :l!.lg::t:lb]ljty to the mSautai^ buiidinss. provisions roi emersencyvenrctes have been made. Generaily, the revised circulation sysiem - is a workable one, but is not ideai'in ierms oi tn" iengin-uetweenthe parent drop-off and the modular structures. r The functionai open space is not decreasing with this proposal D.Vari et in Terms of Housin Dens i ti es Facilities and 0 nS None of these factors are applicable to the proposed interim developmentplan. Pri vac in Terms of the Needs Individuals Families and Nei hbors The only effect here wouldthe Northwoods complex dueto that residential use. be to a slight decrease in the privacy toadditional day care fac.ility closer F.Pedestrian Traffic The proposal presents a workable solution for pedestrians, but certainlynot an ideal one due. to_the distance between the new pir.nt-a"opoff and the modurar buit!ingi.--iiiii aistance presents somewhat ofa walk for the parents with-their smari ch.ildren to get to the facility.The attractiveness of the peafiiriin-iirculation system could be improvedby paving the existing-graver and timber warkway t6 ilre sortn or tn":proposed parent drop-ofi area. o Densit.v, Site Relat.ionship The-buildins ty?e proposed is objectionabre to the staff in that itis a proliferation of temporary itructures which have now lasted sixski -seasons. The modurar'builiing whiih nas existed for this timepF"jog.was approved orisinally in"leTe ina igeii ;;ii ;;'tie'oasisthat it was for a one-year time period. It i; highiv-aouuirrt il," G. eot0 Peat< -4- 6/24/Bs proposa'l would have been approved at that time if it had been for any more than a one year length of time. Much of the discussion in the approval process for the redevelopment project concerned the consolidation of buiidings on the site into one central structure. This was perceived as one of the most positive aspects of the proposal to clean up the site and make it more workable. The interim development p1 an goes against that intent by expanding temporary out buildings of a seasonal nature on the southeastern portion of the site. There is no way to guarantee the removal of the modu'l ar buildings after a two-year time period. }Je can only guarantee that the applicant would be required to come back after those two years to request extensions or other requests. H. Landscapi ng Landscaping improvements have been made to the site by filling in the Race City parking lot as required by the I980 approval as well as new berms on the east side of the parking lot and new spruce treesto the north side of the modular buildinq sites. V. STAFF RECOMMENDATION l.lhile physically a workable proposal for the site is being presented, the Community Development Department cannot support the interim development plan as proposed. We find fault with the addition of buildingsof a temporary nature which do not fit in with our communityr,s strictquality control requirements. The applicant's track record for one year temporary approvals for this use has not been good. l.le assume partial blame for the last four years of operation of the modular building with regard to the lack of enforcement executed, however, this would only have required Vai'l Associates to request extensions on those previous approval . }Je fee'l approving this request would simply aggravate an existing undesirable si tuation. We feel the applicant could accommodate this use within their interior remodel of the exist'i ng buildings. It is important to note that 1,000 squarefeet of space.which is now used for day care and nursery.related.uses is-being removed in order to expand the ski rental shop and provide for additional employee lockers. We feel strongly that we should not 'ignore the needfor additional nursery and day care facilities, but also feel stronglythat they should be provided in a manner consistent with the physical quality of the overall corunun'ity. lie do not ask that the existing modular be removed, although'it would be preferable. It's the allowance of expanding the temporary buildings that is objectionable to us. ,.,- ,/ If the proposal is approved, we request the following conditions of approval / aPPIY: l. The approval lapses two years from the date of Council approval , ...,,.-,,ririr,Mi\j Golden tels- 6/24/85 2. No night time use of the modular buildings are allowed. A 5:30 prn closing time will be enforced. 3. There shall be a minimum of 93 public parking spaces on the site. 4. A revocable right-of-way agreement with the Town be obtained forlandscaping and parking. 5. sufficient staff be provided by vail Associates to adequately enforce . the parent drop-off area on the eastern end of the parliing I6t. 6. Vail Metropolitan Recreation District be fully reimbursed for all damagesincurred on the tennis courts due to the moduiar buildings. o (TO: FROM: DATE: RE: MEMORANDIJM PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION DEPARTMII,IT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 10-5-79 CONDITIONAL TO ALLOW A GOLDEN PEAK USE PERMIT REQUEST BY TEMPORARY STRUCTURX ON OF VAIL ASSOCIATES TM.INIS COI'RTS AT 1980.FROM NOVEMBER 1, 1979 TOM IIARNED TITE I'PPER to MAy 15, DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED USE The structure wilr- be a modular unit used as a nursery for snal1 worldsinllar to the Lionshead program. The uuit will be screened from vlewby the green windscreens on the fence as one 100ks toward the courts ina southerly direction. vail Associates feels. they can do this with nodanage to the cou*s but guarant.."-ir,"a any danages will be paid forby the Ski School. There will U" oo ..r.oing use-of tir"-f""ifity. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS upon review of section 1-g.6g, the Depart'ent of corununi.ty Devel0pment ;:::H:Tt" Approval of the condlrlon;1 use perni.r u"."J ,rpoi rhe follohrins There is baslcarlv no relationship or lnpact on the development obJectlvesof the rowa due .t .rc i.rp.r".y lri"r"ir-ihi; ;;;";:;:-"", Coasideration of Fac rors : The effect of tbe uge on light and alr, dlsrriburlon of ulation,qranspgrCation facilirles, utilltlEs,-;;h;6G rks and reciEElionfacilitGGllia- This nursery servlce wlll finproveviclnlty of the Village Core. the publlc facilities offered in the referenc e to con tion automot Lvetrafficflow and cont ro I ac cessand removal-of s-nor^r fron Ehe streeE arkin areas. naneuverab i11 No addltlonal traffic is antlcipated as a result of the proposal. Because the unlt will be Peak, we feel the vlsual quLte urln lrual. well-screened from view looklnpact upon the characrer of south upon Coldenthe area will be use in PEC lleno--VA Temporary Structure10-5-i9--Page Two Such other factors and criteriathe proposed use. There are none. FINDINGS AND RECoI,@NDATIoNS : the Conaoission deerns alrplicable to propsed use, if an Not required. The Departnent of CoEDun ity Developrnent recomends that theUse PernLt be approved based on ii! toifo"r"g findings: That- the proposed location of the use is in accord with theof this ordinance and rhe p".p".."-oi ii" ai.tricr in whichlocated. That the proposed locatlon of the use and the condi.tions under which1t. would be operated or maintained would not be detrinental to thepublic health' safety, or welfare or naterially injurious Eo propertlesor improvements in the vicinity. Condit ional Purpo ses the site Ls (That the p.opo".d u".of this ordl.nance. would couply with each of the applicable provlslons RECOMMENDATION The Departuent ofconditlons that: 1.) The applicanr unit. 1tl 1" racilltv Coromrmlty Development guarantees the proper no be used after 7:00 p.M. recomrnend s approval vith the and adequate screening of the lf any be paid by the Vail Ski / L979. 2.) That danage. ao ah" a"r,.rr" courEs,School after 1ts removal by May 1i, Minutes of the plannlng andMeetlng of 10-8-79 Environmental Cotulission Members Present Ed Drager Ron Todd Sandy Mil1s Jin Morgan Gerry White Town Council Menber Pre sen t Paula Palmateer Staff Meubers presenr Peter PatteoJin Rubin Dick Ryan Larry Eskwirh 1. ) This iteur lras postponed until after Item ll2. (2.) #**tl9nal u:e pergir qo allow a tempora Son_!-he 9!ler Tennii EoGGourt ztgzg ro nav--t5lEtl structure for Smal1at Gold peak f romEv. --Peter patten presented thls iten. Ton Harned fron va11 Associates explalned their reasons for thisappllcatlon. Jfto Morgan asked how the building would be screened. Ton said1t would be screened on all but Jne si<te wrtr the exr.sting screening. Gerry white asked rf they had contacted the Recreation Dr.strlctabout thls. Ton sald tirey had .rot-i"a would. |on ro{{ asked why the date of May 15 had been picked for rhe removal.Ton said chey were playing it safl ln case there was a r-ot of snow.cerry whire said he-fe1E thac rhey should U" ."iorr"J ;;-;ry danagedrepalred by Menorial Day Weekend for su.e. Ed Drager made a motion to a110w the conditlonal use perrnit to arrowa tenporary structure for Small World on the Upper f"n.,i"-Co".ts (Court 7)ar Gotd peak fron Novenber I, LgTg ro May_15,-ibgO,-"iii'tie condlrionsser forth in the Departmenr of connunlry'o".r"ropr"ia-iirri''r.no dared10-5-79 and approval of the Merropoliran R""reai10.-oi"i"l.. Jln Morgan asked rf .'t lsnrt necessary to.screen the bulldtng fromNorrhwoods. Tom sald rhe.Northwoods people ro,ria-uJ iii'ii"rrru"ausers of the bulldlng. Jrm Rubin sali they h"J ie.i ""lri:l.u ,"0 () PEC Minutes-VA Temporary StructureL0-8-79--page Two that no one had ca11ed or rtra s anyone present today. Gerry Whlte seconded the notion. Sandy Mi11s asked about the screening,were ans\rered by VA people. She alsJ traf f i.c asked if etc. A11 her que st ionsthey would be app 1 i' r'l 1 fgr lhilagain next yeai. TomTil;sa be successful butnight be back neit yearEi the same request. 1.) Rediscussion of Pro Chanqes to the A cultural and enSni"t:&9. Ron Todd asked 'f thls needs to be presented to the Design ReviewBoard' Jin Rubin said he thoughi ri-"""ra be staff approved sincethe bullding ls already built.ift f" a noauUr unit). Sandy Mi11s said she thought the DRB should be avare of this_Ron Todd asked each 13!ei if rhey ,orria ri*. it to go ro DRB orbe staff approved. Ed Drager ""ia t,. Jian,t care. Sand.y Millssaid_ir should go ro DRB. Ron Todd ""iJ u" felr it should bestaff 'approved. Jim Morgan said. he i.ii ia could be sEaff approved.Gerry Whire said he felt it coufa Ue-si"ff approved. The vote was takeu on the motion and it was passed unanimously. \l/?T\ (\sed Jln Rub in explained rhisthat the Town could workln solving any problemsthelr lors. item. It was tabled six weeks ago sowiEh the Pulises and Vail Associatesthey nlght have with the rezoning on Ron Todd -asked questions regarding Ltens #3 and //9 on the 1ist.Ron.asked what percent"g. oi this land is left after the tracrland sould be dedLcated to the Town. He thinks only three orparcels would be lnvolved. ' Sandy Mills satd she lhough the only reason it rraswas because of tax probleros with the deeding of theetc. Jin Rub ln sald that Larry Rlder sald mosr of the dedlcated landwould never have been developed "oyr.y so tt. value- would notreally be effected Most parcels are controlled by covenants or hazards anyway. Ron Todd sald the Town gld CounEy are talklng abouE two dlfferenrthings when they are talking au"ut agricultural. The standardsdo not have to be the same. tabled land Jln Morgan said he feels the lntentlon 1s the sane. Dlck Ryan explalned lntensLve urban development. C. ri ( MEMORANDUI{ TO: PLANNIN. AND ENVIRONI,TENTAI_, COMT,,IISSTON FROM: DE'ARTIVIENT OF COMMtiNITy DEVELO'II'ENT/'ETER pArT*n DATE: 8/20/BO RE:Conditional Use permii reguest by* _,:' 1:: :. .;iiii;d -;.;ii l'; i;";; " L:""#:' .i: :?:' ::::Peak for the 1e8o-ri81 sEi-.;;;"-upper tennis courts at Golden DESCRTPTION OF PROPOSED USE Consideration of Factors: l.Relationship and impact of the useTown:on development objectives of the sffifti__fiI:fftg :::#on the tennis court' - Again, ,ro-".r"nirrg o'."-;; d;" facirity is proposed.::"::"?:',,lll""t.naing-ih;i ;; l"'"s"-to-tl'J-"J*." resulted rrom rast CRITERTA AND FINDINGS upon review of section-1g.600, th:.Department of community Devefopment;:::H::rs approvar or rhe co,,Jition.r-u""-'p"iiit n.""i-inJi"slororro*''s .,:.;: No relationship or impact on d.evel0pment objectives exists.:: 2.The effect-of.the use on light and air, distribution of population, trans_ irr.= _ !il':ti:r ;trii:'i:ii,iiliit*l;;lni;ijr*:"r"i"$:Tearion r.. r r *i.r, .l;;'.ij ';ri:"'!;1j;'tr''The nurserv i".il important facility serving the public to arlow adultsffi,::_to skiiie witi'ou-fwliivi"n arout'dt;;ile a private baby sitter.::'l;;1':'Errect upol .traffic with par_ticurar reference to_congestion, automotive . .;ii, #r"ffs:$fi il":"ff :r.ans":f*;**:i,:;:iii" "i*!:::f"fi k:r; ::::::,- ..1i:'i! """ visual impact.wirr be negligible. No compraila" ":. to traffic congestion,, - ::"" been regisrerea-riti-i;" p"p.rti"ii"Ei'"ommuniry..Deveropment. {'Fffect upon the character "{-rl"--T.." ii, wirig,rr the proposed use is to:: *:ffi;ril"il5i"s-ih" ;;"i;-;;=i,.r'ii 5?'.n" p,obo"Ei-iI.' i,, rerarion No negative effects are foreseen. -(' as the Commission deems applicable . S;nali h'orl<i - 2 - Q-aO.'t ( 5. Such other factors and criteriato the proposed use: There are none. FINDINGS AND RECO}IMENDATTONS: location of the useand the purposes of is in accord with the purposesthe district in which ifre^ site RECOM},IENDATION I;";T:y:l: ;::j"I:,I,-:: 1e.feel the nursery performs an importanr func_!i::.f;; :* ::T-"::^:li$l. lF:i =,1: T:;:il, i";:::$.3"""'ln?if 3t.rfts:"it:: :l{ Hl::":;:i:$^i,il^i* _H":iI:l;n':;"iil:o"il:.i}nff,il;the lasi .ti rei=o.:--;::*'^:';'i- Lrre runcElonr-n' r{er. c,rh6 :1r^__:on. . East of-_the bus turn_arou.ffi FR,,i*i*i=pl+.qot€-r:i"-ffi f,-iildff H#l'iffi -*-:*'"**:,'* The Departrnent "f 9"*T"lity-Development recommend.s that the conditionalUse Permit be Approved U-ila-""-liie foUowing findings: That the proposed.of this ordinanceis located. That the proposed. location of the use and the conditions under whichit wourd be operated or *":-"t"i"Ja woura,,"t--u"-l"trimental to thepublic hearthl safety, ";-;;G;;r or rnaterialry injurious to properriesor improvements in t-he ;;"i;i;;:- 3l"tnll"":;:i:;:l.use would comply with each of rhe applicable provisions ,.t ffi#foi*331.t.1:*;{s$rj B"%" 3:ffi"Xillu"::.i::-:S^:::9iii;i#-iily##3flr'i3!ffi;5liil" The ff:;:::i:n Board has reviewed the requesr and has no probrem wirh 77o.. a4, 7'-,1",T Z/ F,.//.2 ,; -*.( /*/r.*f/ J*, /?gd PEC i,iinures - a/f y|, - pase zr(c said that he wasnrt aware of.any agreement with the christiania condos,but that the agreemtnt was with tr,J-irrri.iia.ri. Lodge, VA and, the Kendalrresidence'' Paur added thit onty """-ipu"" has been-aeeoed-to one condo.He went on to explain trrat tne-'"";;; iI'ilra"a to converr-or.r" ,r"rysmal1 and arso rhat 3 unirs.had;;i;;h";;;". The pran was to reduce9 unirs to 6- rarsur .-ii",,t1;". ffii";;;;-in" sou"r rooms, and chanse2 units on the giound rever _to rrouiet<96i"; guarters and storage. Joh'asked if a,parking rr..i.rr"u was needed,. Oihor= did not see the needfor a parking r.riutt.-,-expeciarrv irr-iisii ot the f;;i trr.t tn..e maybe a lerter verifii"g-ilr."i"rr.i't'";;";;E;;. peter and, Dick ferr rharit mav ou ::"i^::-gii: J pi:Fi"s-";;;;;;;' Jo. *re appricanr ryouldn,Lhave to'come back igain. otherr r"it-tirft-sin"" paur wasnrt und.er atime duress, he did;ri tt."a..'otu-rror."*ia Drager moved that considera_tion of the Variance Ue--poltponed,.i"J-noiI, r. seconded,. The vote..to postpone consideratioi ivas unanimous. 5' vail Associates conditional use permit to place temporary structure Peter Patten presented. the study and nentioned that it wa.s the samerequest as last year, and the tt"ii-.LJ"*i!"a"a approval . Discussionfollor*ed u!::r ttr".pi.fing sta1ls ""t inlo-irru u.rri i11e9ar1y, and rhe' fact il'tat the parking "["ir" i,"a-nuu.r;il;;"'.2 _or 3 years] to* Harne<isaid it was !A;s int6nti""-t" fi><. up tt,"-uu'i. beyond the pai-J<ingr andfiIdfd#i Jtl1iflff-'" " r"'r"'-utr''u"" personnei' sqssfu ii:+;$*h35*#t*'d3#*t*:ri*ffi *",an agireement vJith the RecrLation Oi"tiirt]ev! rr-L)14 rdL uooso Dick AL1i" ::,'y:,ro:^y":1 =:Ti I: :tv thar rhey were nor basicatly opposeito the structure' nor to sirarl wotiJi;;-r;".concernecr:abolrt the amounr.of traffit 3ttd.ttre ipeea JF "o*. of ihe itiiri"_in urat area. He ar-somentioned the irnpact-on his par]_<ing. ne-ali"a.tor a ,p"Ii-i.*p. Gerrywhite felt that Litt c""""ii woura ieaa--tn.Ie minutes arrd receive thecornrnents' Dicl< felt the need tor some ""rI-"r tracle-off sirrce he retthe ski club use + p"iiii"g-"p.""". ne felt that it rvas th- onry part .- r; r,-9f Vail that has retained-the character-trr"t vair started, out to be.: Dan co::coran moved to-approvu tlg conditionar use permit sub3ect to ..,' ,'i.,,toau was unani.mous vriih n"g", T. abstaini.ng. .,, 6.-l , |.':. _Selbeckon Lot *i+#*d#*,Bt # ri"fi n f "i "**"i;.., Peter Patten p:resented the staff ,finciings ancl the sta.if rccorunencationof denial. ltlrr Do'a*lson slror.,ed ptr"t"J*oi"'r"iilo, sicrcs, s:rying thatthe proicctcrl adclitio" roi,rJ-r"i..i rtre siie-ii-,i-ruro"t. Thc discussio'that follorucct quesrioned t}," i.iion.for_p,,ttir,i-the garaEc .t1 if,ii positic:or in that praie, a'd it was g"n.t"r.rv r"rt-iir"t'or. gorngc coura bemoved a little ro keep it ,oitfii"-tire seLl>acl:. ?:,";:fr:;r",?]lu"fllrllSllir, secon<rcd by Roce:: rir"rienr.::iei, and rhc vore Variance 34 , Btoci: Planning and Environmental Cormission ilune 24, 1985 Site visits Pub'lic Hearing Approval of minutes of meetings of May 29 and June 10. Appointment of PEC member to DRB for July, August and September Presentation of final plans for Ford and Donovan parks. Request for side and front setback variances in order to P5lfycl a sarage on-Lot't2, Btock t, Vail Village 6th Filins.Applicant: A. Emnet Stephenson, Jr. Request to amend an approved development plan to allow fora two year interim development plan for the Golden peak SkiBase area. Applicant: Vei'l Asiociates, Inc. o 2:15 Pm 3:00 pn 't. 2. 3. 4. 5. \hilAsts,Inc. Creaton and Operators of Vail and Bearer Creek opmen t Devel opment Pl an LOT ORGANIZATION/CONTROL question regarding the enforcement of the parkingy, the mother's drop-off areas we propose the 1. A sing'l e control shed with a dedicated entrance and exit I ane i s proposed i n cl ose proximi ty to the drop-off spaces. Thi scontrol shed wi'l I be staffed by one or more individuals, employed byVail Associates, Inc., on an as needed basis to monitor the entireparking 1ot, including mother's drop-off. 2 pa rkibv 9: June 19, 1985 Town of Vail Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vai I , Col orado 81657 Gentl emen: In accordance with your request, lrlr. Craig Snowdon of Snowdon and Hopkins Architects has submitted a revised Site and Landscape Planfor the Golden Peak site, indicating the proposed parking lot organi zati on rel ati ve to exi sti ng property I i nes and al I proposed landscape improvements under separate cover. RE: Golden Peak Devel Proposed Interim Ref . l{o. 117 PROPOSED PARKING In response to your I ot and, speci f i cal'lfol'lowing: [9 r 00 lti we a.m th the majority of the lot being available for publ anticipate that al'l but the drop-off spaces will b. Therefore, one individual will be able to adequadrop-off area most of the tine. lle will provide personnel during peak drop-off periods as necessaryshort-term parking area for mother's drop-off . ice full tel y moni tor the addi ti onal enforce the l{e trust that thi s wi thi n the parki ng concerns. to Proposal , together with the proposed organizationlot meets with your approval and satisfies your If you have any questions, please contact me. Si ncerel y, ASSOC I A rb- cc:J oe l,lacy Crai g Snowdon . Hunn Post Office Box 7 . Vail. Colorado 81658' (1011476-56rri $.-f,t;sl r[?\ A*u i:JthItr 4fi 82; rrt p z_z =\0 u\., 0 s*t E HH{lA< cf{ H$)sr s Sg $ I o[1 z_z =\0 dI d 6g H m" -1\a tro?$a*tr$ qFi 82; 1-- il$lal<- ItgJLzFlhrtr a,j I 6s [3 \ f\{tr qFi 8i; $ L'o ; $ilt SS s U z_z =\0 I oo Fe' ./.tr7z7ra /4r/t//"- .Jru*/JA- '.-"/. *./,4 ' '/L/-.L-'j *^Z 7 3"r:ffi2 a'/*a7 r-o"'/^ ,l ' <-/ L.i')ftot: /*^'-:./ ,, ;r<U/L_>t^/ ,, ? ./ ., ttt*"'-2y' // fu4" - 4 tZ*Ltz/&a.i 2/.# ,.- ./ IZZZ&' l{ lt-zaL o +/,/< // //'.,",^*h, {,-L' 4;;/h* n, n* yL"&^- W't''''-.(? 7'/o fry'? uz / :.2.-'/*,vte4 /* z*arz lrot#4?hr"t / **'t//"*/ Alfl 27"'z,ry '=fut '/r/E I il,, & %a4-z z Zzo/ %-/1 &rr*r-3*%% il ll il li ti il rl TO: FR0l"l: DATE: Town Counci I La rry Esftpj 16 ;1_ June 12, l9g5 SUBJECT: Vacat. on .nJ"i.:ir;:iT; +;rXi,r_Associates and Restrictions #*l#i*lf;$:'.?i" *t ft+t $ir' i:';ri i ;r' ir i. ;r:i;rr:i:tJ#ft iryfli;*Lij**i*"##','l'l;l:ffi ;s' sn ; * i $f Ji5i1, *;;*;*11 ;:iffi *fi'ipffi **i***#ff+**a**til'lu*:,lli,li FiT;,ll3;+;it,#*ff'.i;ili.'n**=t*r*'n**i,u**',*,., I j{; ? j ft J:ft i'#i. iffi Lidt'Jjtr jF;;';s;,T* JruJ: i j j:ijr r:r r # ii H +,;iff ffi ilrytrtr* rrH',i;#,.',",f*;,,i# ., LAElbsc I PEC -3: 6/nn 0n the proposal. Rapson floved and Affe]dt seconded to table this jtem toto an indefinite date. The vote was 5-0 to tatle thit item. 2. Request for a density control variance of 395 feet and setback variances Kristan Pritz presented the request explaining that because of the smallsize of the lots in Bighorn Terrace, all construction encroached on the property lines and any additions would have to include setback variances. She statedthat presentiy the dwelling contained 748 square feet of GRFA and the requestof 395 feet would result in a total GRFA of 1n143 square feet or 539 squarefeet over the allowable GRFA. The staff felt that to approve the requestfor 395 square feet of GRFA would be a grant of special privilege and alsofelt that this request disregarded Ordiiance No. 4 which'was iniended to address upgrading of existing homes. The PEC and Town Council have workedfor over a year to write an ordinance that would allow home owners to applyfor no more than 250 square feet of additional GRFA in order to upgrade'thbir homes. The staff fe'l t that the applicants could work within the allotmentof 250 square feet for their addition, realizing that setback variances wouldstill be necessary for either type of addition. Tim Boyle, one of the app'l icants, stated that they had two options when addingon, to either expand upward or outward. They felt that an upward expansion would have less impact on the neighbors because their unit was sonewhat detached. He added that he was aware of 0rdinance 4 but felt the request would not have much impact on the neighborhood, it would only be 33'' high, would solvethe problem of a leaking roof, would improve the appearance oi the building, and would not be a grant of special privilege sincb'so many other Bighorn - Terrace residents had been granted variances. Affeldt wondered if Boyle had tried to add a third story and still stay within 250 square feet, and Boyle said he believed it would noi be as aesthetica'llypleasi.ng. Rapson.agreed with the staff concerning the 250 square foot limiias djd Donovan and Schultz. Piper pointed out thit now that'there was an ordinance to work with, thjs wa! tnb first request to ask for more than 250 square feet. Rapson moyed qnd Donovan sgconded to approve the setback variances. The vote was 5-0 to approve. Rapso the requestror a bKfA vamance. The vote was 5-0 in favor of disapproval of the GRFArequst-. -- t 3.uest to amend an a roved dev an for t Base atres, requested to table th'is item unti'l June 24.voted to table to 6/24. nterim pp | 't can The appl i cant seconded and twoan to allow for d It was moved, 6/r0/8s 4. Bequest for a l5 foot setback _variance and a four percen!l.]-!-g_leyelsgq i Strauss Rick Pylman explained the requests and stated that the property had a verysteep (18!) grade which was unsafe and the applicant wistrei to bui'ld u gu""ugewithin 5 feet of the front property 1ine. .The zoning code required 2.S-par[ing :Pacg:' but the proposal allowed for only two on-site parking spaces withthe.third parking space partially within the Town right-of-wiy.' The Townengineer was concerned with potential. negat.ive impacts upon tiaffic and uponsnow removal and had requested that the applicant address his parking reqlirementswithin his property boundaries. Ken Wentworth, architect for the applicant, stated that there was other parking on the street, so this would not be a grant of special privilege. t^lentwbrthexpi.gined that the garage could not be moved farther batk uecalse or iooiingconditions. Bill Andrews, Town Engineer, stated that this proposal was similarto_that of the stephenson request in that it was important io let the parkingoff of the street. He added that for snow removal,'it was important tb get - the parking as far off of the street as possible. wentworth bointed out"that the existing retaining wall. encroaches onto the street every bit iimuch as the_. parking would. Andrews said that the property had -been annexedthat way. The board discussed other possible solutioni. Bapsgl moved !o deny the request but there was no second)cnurrz secondect t0 qppt"ove the request because it would Affelt moved and not conslJtute arant of special privileqe, wouTil not trimen to ublic iealth,safety, or welfare, or materia urious to properties n the viqinity,ano was warran ause the str 0r erat tnterpretat on ancl enforcement e ae ncons 1s ec!tves o e--lne rea w car comtn n tnorouqhtare as tne dr]vew nowexr sts.pson te at there must be another design cons i deration 5. Request for an exqerior alteratio setback variances in order Liontqru.. R_ick Pylman reviewed the request and the criteria, show.i ng s.ite plans and'elevations. He stated that the staff recommended-upp"ouii. Jim cunningham,representing the owners told a little of the history'una-Nike Bergemeisie"','tfe KB Ranch restaurant owner added more information. Donovan was concernedthat the a enciosure not look like an;,idd on.,' patten was concerned aboutthe sign over the entrance to the Lionsquare Lodge advertising the restaurant. wofTilSolve the problem other than the a favor and 2 (Rapson and piper) againit. one presented.The vote was 3 ln on moved and Affeldt seconded to a love the setback variance to allowenctosure per the staff memo. Theffi Rapson moved and S.ffi vote was 5-0 in favor. €.3S .s :!F-S'x€ st> '= et€E b.< <if 2', \>-1-q.9 <5Iv 6R- o c;;, t-'j:'-15Ss'r's s) \tr \.',. €4/_-.--'..> r- Jr,=- .aJ.+.=s3 . -f.F.SIFB-><?Fi€+E"&3,s Lt \) I o C I+ S\> .) otsi =Lo \- a 't I+E 36>D-Fc,6 =;1Cb\> € --e-g F + T-D 98jt t 1 ,'i'ni' t'*Ysr =EFEfs€-$-s -l- o, z -n @= E 0c EN F=a V u!A ( \ I o -.o ,' '€ -='KiII'\ \ \ t€\ C\(6! -tr- ;I I d, 'lrli er:-=- |sl\-) | -\, 4I,a .9 sE 6 5 ; .J-' 'c)3 atgtq S-€ =€EF(D 986l; '", ' ll,'if ..! a €Ebs=ls.F.' s tsi\-'--7 s-€"Fs+ ,S:t€ E.,E*)f-cJ \n '\ 1 sr- tGI.$- l I \ -r-. -.Fr.t {-inl€l >^ J-'=€s J"\€*f .1.' s.3 {'l'v ,h ,3 -9 <as € -J- |>Jss-' -s. aS -s+ -S .s,o\) -s 3.-IS -bo Pl$rs7 !\ o a =nG E -t0c Ilxl] F=a s o.rs''.n 'o M EI O. UT6 =X,lA\v, ((-))\:7 -qFaSrG o o) onDli.'tANCE #45 ( Seri-es of 1983 ) AN ORDINANCE II\IIPOSING THB SKI BASE/ RECRBATION ZONE DISTRICT ON AN AREA NEWLY ANNEXED INTO THB TOWN OF VAIL AND REZONING AN AREA LOCATBD I{ITHIN THE TOWN OF VAIL KNOll'N AS THE GOLDEN PEAK SKI BASE AREA FROM AGRICULTURAL AND OPEN SPACE TO TNE SKI BASE RECREATION DISTRICT. \I'HERBAS, Ordinance #30, Series of 19g3, annexed into the Torvn of vail a parcel of property located in Eagle county and more particularly described in Exhibit A attached hereto; and WHEREAS, in accordance wlth Chapter 18.68 of the Municipal code of the Town of vail as amended and 31-12-11b cRs, as amended, upon receipt of a report from the planning commission the Town counci-1 must determi-ne the zoning district to be imposed on the annexed a.rea within ninety (gO) days of annexation; and WHEREAS, the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town has recommended that the zoning to be imposed on the newly annexed area should be ski- base/recreation zone distri.ct; and WHEREAS, the Town Council is further of the opinion that - the real property located withi_n the Town of Vail a.nd. known as the Golilen Peak ski base area more particul-arly described in Exhibit B attached hereto is not appropriately zoned a.t the present time; and WIIEREAS, the Pla"nning and Environmental Commission after numerous hearings ha.s recommended to the Town councir that the iiolden Peak ski base area should be rezoned from the agri.cultural and open space zone district to the ski base recreatj-on zone district. NOl[, THBREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED By THE TOIVN COUNCIL OF THE TOIfN OF VAIL, THAT: section 1. rn accord.ance with section 31-12-115 cRS as amended and Chapter 18.68 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail as amended, the ski base/recreation zone district is hereby imposed on the recently annexed unplatted parcel adjacent and south of Tra.ct F of vail village Fifth Filing and of Tract B of vail village seventh Filing, more particularly described in Exhiblt A attached hereto. o 1ar) -2- Section 2. In accordance rvith the recommendation of the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail the area. located. within the Town known as the Golden Peak ski base and described as Vail Village Fifth Filing amended Tract F and Vail village seventh Filing Tract B, Eagle county, colorado, is hereby rezoned from the agrlcurturar and open space zone district to ski base recreation district. Section 3.In accordance tvith Chapter 18.08 the zoning adminis- trator is hereby authorized to amend the offi-ciar zoning map of the Town of vail tcl reflect the zoning changes adopted in this ordinance. section 4. rn accordance rvith section 18.39.11o of the ski base/ recreation zone district, the development plan submitted by the developer vail Associates for the recently annexed parcel of property and for the Golden Peak ski base area is hereby approved by the Town council and incorporated in this ordinance by reference. Section 5. If any pa.rt, section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance is for any reason held to be invalid, such decision shall not effect the validity of the remaining porrions of this ordinance; and the Town council hereby ciecrares it wourd have passed thj-s ordinance, and each part, section, subsection, sentence, crause or phrase thereof, regardless of the fact that any one or more parts, sections, subsecti.ons, sentences, clauses or phra.ses be declared invalid. Section 6 I) 'al t The Town Council hereby this ordinance is necessary welfare of the Town of Vail finds, determines and declares that and proper for the health, safety and a.nd the inhabitants thereof. Section 7 The repeal or the repeal and reenactment of any provision of the Vail Municipal Code as provided in this ordinance sha11 not affect any right which has accrued, any duty imposed, any violation that occurred prior to the effective date hereof, any prosecution commenced, nor any other action or proceeding as commenced under or by virtue of the provision repealed or repealed or reenacted. The repeal of any provision hereby sharl not re'ive any provision or any ordinance previousry repealed or superseded unless express rv stated herein. a;L.trlA &o- N\t&A on'-o+\..^r.- ' \; :.,*l:'* ,j^'*,r.,ffi4' -. (.tRT S,,r"Lr" Lu-.t..tfuta ot*^-- 5 qni ^kl-,^r -l /o / -ilanr,l htl,y/"^ v. A. -*t" ', t)t ,s ng^Vt/ h"- ceur\ 6Ac- 10,^) L go *.1"t.'7 -l' . Lo,.^-[r,^ r,o ., ^{ - l,f 4y" Iil[^\ '.,a tt7ti hl Porkin'4 . t I ttltv f,1rp*^1 ^a<< ln, ),dlo\l)lrn- VtrK o (Z"l^',Lrt ) f-r--T* rr , +*[: <-s! -^^ n +l^ +4"^f L.a"r +t^d h" & l"U. "/=ft=- Zmsv) - {,n.- -,-./nt \t Sa- t *l;.= _1t.( ?.rr u ou,- un 4, S utthl .ip ll , ,,' t | /] ,i:Ji,J,;:r,,!t.i11,, t)i,, /, t S:*, i 1lu ' {,,1);ir i .'"il V' t'' , i ti'r /r' 't,r , )ubsl.*;^.,Lu ^f,y' 4qo 7fikorc fr, /t . d;\ ,*t L, pc 'ti/oa + /. a<ssy ,/^" "f 'r*,n . 4t^q[" ,\ -..*l..!- Lap J. ,(. 6u, h rn urat /id-' a,N..\- A 6,'-), S|o n 'To-,n ;s , iil' ; J- "-^t" : a/,<c*^ "l */ ut. fu{rn,n*,nJr &,_ ?* tf "* ,L*k SorKe IaP.I /^&*p. ,'"1 -r/* W p^own^z'cn^{g t.n. k ht""\ rJt uutc Z t(eua . ,ur-rl -9Vos'< :A ,^O* l-k o+ {^ -^? 3ts t (r"uU7+ rNJr ^.t.u\h-^ {n"'-. A*$* * t^{.,1, -- o\'rde*-- *U...* - " s,^'. ,!-ea{---, _. __.- _,;* ) GOLDEN PEAK INTERIM DEVELOPMENT PLAN CHILDREN'S SKI SCHOOL/NURSERY COI'IPLEX ANALYSIS . PEDESTRIAN AND VEHICULAR ACCESS INTRODUCTION JDH: 5/31/85 Vail Associates, Inc. is propos'ing to place a second modular building on the tennis courts to the east of the Golden Peak facjlity on a seasonal basjs which, together with the existing modu'lar building, wi'll conso'lidate our Children's 5fi School 0perations and faci'l l'tate a nursery operation at that 'location. SPECIFIC IMPACTS l. Hours of operation for the Children's Ski School for the 3-6 year olds and 6-12 year olds will not change. 2. Hours of operat'ion for the nursery are proposed to be from 8:30 a.m. to l0:30 p.m. 3. The majority of the children who participate jn the Children's Ski School prograi are visitors and arrive by bus or on foot wjth their parents. The balince are local chi'l dren who arrjve via a school bus. There are very few instances when the children arrive by automobile. 4. Because of the price structure for the proposed nursery operation' ($28.00/ day), it is assumed that the vast majority of the infants and tod'lers will be-visitors rather than1oca1 s and wjll therefore arrive by bus or on foot. 5. The capac'ity of the nursery is a function of the size of the facility. The maximum occupant load wil'l-be ljmited to fifteen infants and twenty-five todlers for a total of forty children. CONCLUS IONS I'Je do not anticipate a significant increase in automobi'le traffic in the Go'lden Peak area as a result of our propOsal . l'fe do, however, pfopose tO increaSe the number of dedicated short-term park'ing spaces in our Main Parking Lot from ten spaces to twenty spaces to accolnnodate anticipated peak demand for mother's drop-off and pick-up of their children. 14e further propose to provide a well maintained pedestrian pathway between the parking 'lot'ani the modular complex as necessary to safely transport children to and from the facilitY. l.le w.ill also eyqlu4te the existing lighting of the pathway and will cormit to provtding adequate 'ltghting of the pathway during operating hours. Ftnally, because we control the entire parking1ot at Golden Peak, we have the ability to respond quickly to additional parking requirements if the peak demand excedes oun expectations. Application r- This procedure is required. for any project that \^rourd go throughthe Special Development District Frocedure. The application will not be accepted until all information is submitted. APPLICATION FORM FOR SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT PLA}I APPLICANT ' S REPRESENTATIVE -IAClr-t p. +Ul...L+-[ .€t H)NE q+q. ryl% c.AUTHORIZATION OF PROPERTY OIdNER A. NAIVIE OF APPLICANT ADDRESS ?.O. B.NAMA OF ADDRESS SIGNATURE ADDRESS PHONE D.LOCATION OF PROPOSAI ADDRESS LEGA]-, DESCRTPTION E. FEE $100.00 PAID Cf{GeL NO. lb@''? II. A. B. Detailed written/graphic description of proposal .An envrronmental impact report shall'be submitted toadministrator in accordanc6 with Chapter lg.a6 hereofby Section 18.56.030, exempt projects; the zoningunless waived c. An open sPace and recreational plan sufficient to meet the demandsgenerated by the development wilhout undue burden on availableor proposed public facilities; . ^ / tlffi lb.,-L F^ 't 4 '41/ ' F. A List of the name of owners of arr property adjacent to theSubject property and their miling addrissei.(auta -a6 ?0EVIA/+ =.tP,llatrEal-_\Four (4) copies of the following information: ) (0vER ) i,lr Application iln special Development oisfct Development PIan Existing contours having contour intervals of not more thanfeet if the average slope of the site is twenty percent oror with contour intervals of not more than ten feet if theslope of the site is greater than twenty percent. D. r. five less, avera9e A proposed site plan, at a scale not smaller than one inch egualsfifty feet, showing the approximate locations and dimensions ofall buildings and structures, uses therein, and aII principal site development features. such as landscaped areas, recreational facili-ties, pedestrian plazas and walkways, service entries, driveways,and off-street parking and loading areas with proposed contoursafter grading and site development; A preliminary landscape plan, at a scale not smaller than one inchequals fifty feet, showing existing landscape features to be retainedor removed, and showing proposed landscaping and landscaped sitedevelopment features, such as outdoor recreational facilities,bicycle paths, trails, pedestrian plazas and walkways, water features, and other elements; Preliminary building elevati-ons, sections, and floor plans, ata scale not smaller than one-eighth equals one foot, in sufficientdetail to determine floor area, gross residential floor area, interiorcirculation, locations of uses within buildingrs, and the generalscale and appearance of the proposed development. III. Time Requi-rements The Planning and Environmental Commrlssion meets on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month. An application with the necessary accompanyingmaterial must be submitted four weeks prior to the date of the rneeting. NOTE: It is recorunended that before a special developrnent district applicationis subrnitted, a review and corunent neeting should be set up with theDepartnent of Commun j.ty Developnent. \hilAsg"s,Inc. Creators rod Opcrators of Vail and Beaver Crcek May 13, 1985 Town of Vail Department of Conununity Development 75 South Frontage Road Va'i1, Colorado 81657 RE: Golden Pead Development Ref. No. 104 PROPOSED INTERIM DEVELOPMENT PLAN Gentl emen: As you are aware, the redevelopment of Golden Peak has been deferred by our Board of Directors in favor of some higher priority mountain improvements. Vail Associates, Inc. intends to construct the new facility, substantial'ly as designed, within the next five years. Unti I such t'ime as we are able to construct a new facility at Golden Peak, we must continue to operate out of the existing facility which, as you know, is undersized for our present needs and js jn need of immediate repa'i rs. The recently approved development plan did not anticipate the delay of the project and, therefore, the requirement for the modification of and improvements to the existing facilities at Golden Peak to get through this interim period. Attached and enclosed, please find a package of materials, presented as our Application for Approval of an interim development plan for Golden Peak. This interim development plan is requested for a period of two years and is intended to provide for minimal improvements to existing facilitjes to improve working conditions for our employees, improve the appearance of the facility, and to develop some new space for a nursery operati on. Basically, our proposal consists of three parts: 1. [,le intend to comnlete the culvert construction that was initjated last fall including provisions for col'lection of surface run-off, patch'i ng of pavement, the extension of our parking lot to the east, the reshaping of the stream channel at the outlet of the culvert and the cleanup and revegetation of all disturbed areas. Post Otfice Box 7 . \arl. Colorado 8l6iE ' { l.)l r+ i6- itil o Town of Vail May 13, 1985 Page Two 2. t,le are propos'ing to locate one (1) additional 42'x60' modular building'irnmediately adjacent to the existing modular building on the tennis courts on a seasonal basis to facilitate a nursery operat'ion jn coniunction with our Chi ldren's Skj School program. We also propose to expand our present agreement with the Vail l4etropolitan Recreation District Board, which provides that Vail Associates, Inc. shall be responsible for repairing any damage to the tennis courts as may be attributable to the presence of modular buildings. 3. We are proposing some minor remodeling within the existingfacility to expand the Ski School Locker Room and Skj Rental Shop into the area vacated by the Chi'ldren's Skj School . Minjmal internal and external repairs are also contemplated over the next two years' subiect to Building Department and,/or Design Review Board approva'l s. The attached package addresses the spec'ific requ'irements of the development plan submittal and design standards/criteria for your evaluation of our proposal . Thank you for your cons'ideration of our proposal . If you have any questions, or requ'ire additional information, please contact me at 949- 5750. Si ncerel y, VA ASSOCIA cc: Joe l'lacy Craig Snowdon*€\t Jack D Hunn JDH: j GOLDEN PEAK DEVELOPMENT PROPOSED INTERIM DEVELOPMENT PLAN A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS JDH: 5/13/85 i. 0pen Space and Recreat'ion Plan No changes are proposed to the originally approved open space and recreation plan, with the exception of the proposed additional modular build'i ng. Please refer to enclosed p1ans. ?. Envjronmental Hazards Report The impacts of existing environmental hazards are unchanged as a result of this proposa'l . Attached, please find a copy of the Environmental Hazards Report (Attachment No. 1), dated November 8, 1983, which was submitted w'ith the approved developmentplan. Subsequent to our report, the Town has conc'l uded their own Hazards Study, the results of which confirms our report. 3. Photographic View Analysis Please refer to Attachment No. 2, which accurately projects the impact of adding the second modular building. Please note that these photographs were taken without the wind screens being in place on the tennis court fence. We are proposing to leave the wind screens on the north and east fences through the w'inter to effectivelv screen all but the roofs of the buildings. 4. Massing Model (Not required - not applicable) B. OTHER INFORMATION REQUIRED l. Existing/Proposed Contours (Not appl icable - not required) 2. Proposed Sjte Plan Please refer to enclosed plans by Snowdon & Hopkins Architects indicating existing conditions and proposed modifications. 3. Prel iminary Landscape Plan Please refer to enclosed plans by l4atthews and Associates indicating proposed modifications as a result of the culvert construction. GOLDEN PEAK DEVELOPTqENT PROPOSED INTERIM DEVELOPMENT PLAN JDH: 5/13/85 Page Two 4. Preliminary Building Eievations, Sections and Floor Plans Building e'levatjons and sections of the proposed additional modular building are not required as the building is exsiting' Please refer to the enclosed floor plans by Snowdon & Hopk'ins Architects indicating the proposed modifications to the exsiting facii ity. 5. l4aster Plan Report t^lith the except'ion of the timing of the construction of the new facility, the long range development plans for Golden Peak are consistent with the approved development p1an. Please refer to the attached l'laster Pian Report, (Attachment No. 3). DESIGN STANDARDS/CRITERIA REPORT 1. Buffer Zone The desired buffer zone between our proposed development and adjacent residential areas js ex'isting in the form of a natural berm and mature plant materials. We propose to mitigate the visual impact of both modular buildings by leav'ing the north and east tennis fencing and wind screens up during the winter. In as much as the modular buildings are removed in the Spring, there are no impacts during the Summer season. Circulation System No changes are proposed to exist'i ng circulation systems for vehicles or pedestrians as a result of our proposal. The proposed Nursery wjll not generate any additional long term parking requirements. The two short term parking areas for skier and mother's drop-off are adequate to support the proposed Nursery. Open Space No changes are proposed which would effect existing natural features, trees, drainage areas, recreation, convenience and/or function on the sjte. There is a minimal , seasonal impact to views, however existing landscape barriers and the proposal to screen the buildjngs with wjnd screens will serve to mitigate this impact. Variety (Not appl icable) 2. A GOLDEN PEAK DEVELOPMENT PROPOSED INTERIM DEVELOPMENT PLAN JDH: 5/13/85 Page Three Pr j vacy (No 'impact - not appljcable) Pedestrian Traffic No changes are proposed to the existing pedestrian circulation system, which is admittedly less than ideal. No significant increases to traffic volumes are anticipated, except in the Chi'ldren's Center/Nursery area. Condit'ions in this area will be 'improved through the use of barriers, signage and the maintenance of the walkwav. Building Type The modular buildings are proposed as temporary (period of two years) and seasonal (November through May). Their relat'ionship to density, site and their respective bulk js therefore not real ly appl icabl e. Land sca pi ng No changes are proposed to the existing landscaping as a result of our proposal. The purposes, types, maintenance, suitabi'l ity and effect on the neighborhood of the exjsting landscaping wjll be unchanged. The revegetation to those areas which are disturbed as a result of the culvert constructionjs the extent of our landscaping proposal . SUMMARY We thjnk that you will agree that our proposal is both necessary and beneficial to the Town, the neighborhood, to Vail Associates, Inc. and, most improtant, to our guests. The impact of one addit'ional modular building during the next two ski seasons will not adversely impact nor present a hardship to the community. 5. 6. 8. GeoLogic Conditions: A rnud slide occurred in 1982 on the souEheastern caused by a broken vater Line at a water storage storage iacility Ls no longer used' No -problens The new building would not be endangered bv any at the above site. Preliminary geologlc studies on the soils at the spread foundation w111 be recournended' Avalanche: ENVIRONMENTAL HAZARDS REPORT avalanche activity from the southeastern area' Ll-l8183 cs Otnrttt*T No. I part of Ehe slte iacility. The water have occured since 1982 ' further sllde activiEY site indlcaEe that a southeas tern by anY from the diversl-on resuLt from the .-.:-aj.i--. ll-lr{ !+i H i.. ls: I' Sone moderate avalanche hazard occurs lnfrequently on the - Dortion of the slte. The bullding could not be endangered Ey4'g_1_9C1.elr TheeasEernendofthenewbuildingwlllencroachonthefloodplainof the MilLCreek Diversion Channel as lndicated in the Gore Creek Floodplain Report. Certain rnodifications and improvements to the channel will permit the building to be built as proposed ln the development olan' Thesemodifieationsincluderelocationofthechannelonthesout'heastern corner of the b"irdi;;; ;ipt"pproe of the channel' special-design of the pedesrrian and bike plin trialls and culverting. Addllip-na1ly' some bermlng along Ehe ait,ei"fo" ciannel w111 be done to protect the building sice from sheet drainage. Sumrnary:- - -' . -:With the ex-ception of channel relocation' no proj ect . some minor envlronment al irnPact adverse environmental imPacts - -_. i' ; it:;_ ":- - 'i_ -1 " *...-.<r--4;-.*.-*', -. -: _ i-Y:: : ' HYDRO-TRIAD. I.TD. September 13, 1983 Mr. Joe Macy Vai l Associates, lnc.P.0. Box 7 Vai l , Col orado 81658 Re: Go] den Peak Development iiea. l1i'. i"lacy: As reouested. we have investigated the potential encroachment of the proposed Golden Peak Development on the existing MilI Creek Diversion Channel . Based upon our investigations, it is evident that the proposed buildings and appurtendnt str?uctures will encroach on the channel. However, with certain modifications and improvements to the channel , we feel that construction of the proposed project can be accompl ished. A discussion of these modificatjons and improvements are orovided bel ow. initially, the hydrologic and hydraulic characteristics of theMill Creek drainaqe basin were examined and peak flow rates in the channel were estimated for various storm events. This was done using data provided in the "Gore Creek Floodp't ain Information-'teport" pre- pared by Hydro-Triad, Ltd., dated June 1975. The estimated peak flow rates are shown in Table I be'low. TABLE 1 E3timated Peak Flow Rates - Mi'l I Creek Basin Snowme'l t Return Period Peak F'low (year.s ) 2 10 25 50 100 500 (cfs) 190 290 340 400 480 700 v These f'low rates represent snowmelt runoff as opposed to generated runoff. The peak f'low resu'lting from a 100-year storm event was estimated to be approximately 800 cfs. rai nfal I thunder- -PF|)NE 303-989-1264 t Mr. Joe Macy September 13, 1983 Paqe Two At the present time, a diversion structure located in Mjll Creek divides and directs the f'l ows from the basin into two channe'l s' the mai n Mi I 'l Creek Channel and the l'li I I Creek Di versi on Channel whi ch crosses the proposed development site. The djversion structure has a hydraulic capacity of less than the 25-year snowmelt runoff peak' 340 c?s, and divides the flow approximately 60 percent to the nain channe'l and 40 percent to the diversion channel . Flow rates in excess of this wi1 I overtop the structure and continue downslope as sheet flow. As a result, shallow flooding across the existing and proposed development may occur, regardless of the improvements and rnodifications to the l'1ill Creek Diversion Channel at the site. Loca'l ized grading, flood- proofing and a storm water drainage system would help a1 leviate this '| ocal f'l oodi nq. Based on these condi ti ons, the 'improvements to the l'1i'l I Creek Diversion Channel at the site could be based on a flow rate of 40 per- cent of the 25-year peak f1 ow, whjch is approximately 140 cfs. How- evert the Town-,of V-ail, or others, may improve the capacity of the diversion structure in the future. The extent of the improvements are not known at this time but the 100-year snowne'lt peak flow (480 cfs) rr'ould seem a likely design discharge. Assuming the same 60 percent/40 percent division, the flow in the t'1i'l I Creek Diversion Channel would be 190 cfs. There is also the possibility that the 100-year thun- derstorm peak f]ow (800 cfs) could serve as the design dis-charge.. This would result in a peak flow of 320 cfs within the Mil'l Creek Diversion Channel Any one of these three peak flow rates (140 cfs, 190 cfs and 320 cfs) cou'l d be used as the design discharge for improvements to the tlill Creek Djversion Channel. The final choice would depend upon economics, the degree of risk of'loca'l fl ooding deemed acceptable and discussions with the Town of Vail pertaining to improvernents to the Mi'l I Creek diversion structure. For purposes of our investigation' we have assumed that improvements to the djversion structure will be madeto acconmodate the 100-year snowne'l t peak flow with the 60 percent/ 40 percent division. Th'is resu'l ts in a design discharge of approxi- nrate'ly 190 cfs. In addition, we have investigated the results of a thunderstorm event if the diversion structure were to be improved to handle the 100-year thunderstorm peak flow of 800 cfs. The design discharge in this case is 320 cfs. The following recommended improvements are based on the proposed _ development, plan shown on Sheet 10A of 20 as prepared- by Mountain' -'-.. -t'--' Engineering and Land Surveying Co., and a design discharge of 190 cfs. The imorovements were also checked for a flow rate of 320 cfs. As indicated, the Mill Creek Diversion Channel is to,,be-,relocated to the east of its current location. The new channel should be trapezoidalin cross section with a bottom width of 5 feet, side s1 opes of 3 hori- zontal to l..,vertical , or flatter, and.a-depth of 4 feet. The proposed ' ': ----"::'m-iilimum freeboard of one foot above the estimated water surface eleva- tion under peak flow conditions. If columns or supports are needed, ,_.-' i_. they should be placed outside the flow area if possible, or at least E=:-;-- -j-_ witiin the fringe areas of the channel -:.:.': -:'-''==' :':'=i- - -. ,a Mr. Joe Macy September 13, 1983 Paqe Three Due to the steep slopes and curves, erosive ve1 ocities can be expected. The proposed channel should be lined wjth durable rock riprap upstream and downstream of the bike path and through the curved portions of the channe'| . In addition, riprap should be p1 aced around any footings, columns and supports used for the bike path and pedestrian crossings. The proposed grading will also require the installation of a culvert, approximately 165 feet in lenqth. This could be metal or concrete depending upon the requirements of the Town of Vail. Because of limited headwater depths, grades and cover requirenents for the prooosed parking area, the vertical height of the culvert cannot exceed approxirnately four feet. One so1ution would be a standar^d size a,'uiinusi bcx cu.rvert,? feet-6 inchcs high by 15 feet-10 inchcs wide. For the design discharge of 190 cfs, the culvert would flow at a depthof approximately 2 feet-l0 inches, which is slight'ly less than full f I ow. Thi s si ze cu'l vert wou ld al so accormodate the thunderstorm peak flow of 320 cfs-; however, an upstream headwater depth of approximately5 feet woul d be iequi red. Thi s woul d create a backwater effect upstream possibly resu'l ting in overtopping of the channel banks. If desired, berms could be constructed a1 ong the channel banks to alle- viate this problem and/or the channe'l could be widened. Also, other t,t,pes and,/or sizes of culverts could be investigated. l^lith the above recormended improvernents, your proposed development plan will not adversely affect the Mill Creek Diversion floodplain. The size and type of culvert identified is just one solution and further investigations could identify other alternative cu1 vert types and sizes. Please review the information and calI me if you have any ouestioris or need additional information. Si ncerely, HYDRO-TRIAD, LTD. BSK/j h #600 /1 ./' 't '/ t ./6tar,t *r*un Bri an S. Ko'l stad, P. E. Senior l,later Resource Engineer i I ij I I Is\.S \3r s --o,. :s\:s6 EL \S'l -r$r rr'@o) c{-) =. ': i I I ! : -*t? c3\5 -\-i \_, i ^--' is t-s| .=>s: I I ,)r-- ii :,- e o =,.p F C] il' i- -== + : 13 'i{. '{+ r\*r i.:. i*tl I ib{R \s,- l'1.,:' ., sfv, - v t j Ir'tI ld,l it lili t' EFff $-i ! ''... , --i; t ,' ,, 4 I ' '-fj '. I ',i t Lc) ct t<) >- = ^ __-as-.> \,r 6 .<Fa -ir- -gEG = ls, rrt!. rl =is) ot .s :F s3s .f IS €F'r=,4 i I I I Ie -€ -'s -c' -ssEE I =as o c\l oz ,: r, J: t =l3s\s €*i' sl.sf a |'tarrrrrr No. 3 GOLDEN PEAK SKI BASE/RECREATION DISTRICT MASTER PLAN REPLACEMENT OF EXISTING RESTAURANT & SKI SCHOOL FACILITIES These facilitjes are scheduled for replacement within the next five years, Plans call for finishing operating space prior to opening in theFall. The condom'iniums and landscaping will be completed during the following Winter and Spring. FUTURE DEVELOPMENT IN THE PROPOSED SKI BASE/RECREATION DISTRICT Vail Associates, Inc. wi1'l provide guarantees to prevent any additional condominiums or resjdential development beyond the sjx units in the proposed restaurant and ski school facility. OTHER DEVELOPMENT PLANS Lifts Replacement of the existing lifts, particularly Chairljft #6, will be necessary. Replacement will be done wjth state of the art equipment having suffjcient capacities to meet mountain operating needs. No other new lifts are planned at this time. SKI RACING FACILITIES t,ihile replacement of the existing sk'i racing facilities is not planned concurrently with the restaurant and ski school building, Vail Associates, Inc. anticipates replacing the existing faciiity with a larger, more modern fac'i lity to accommodate World Cup rac'i ng in the future. PARKING FACILITIES Vail Associates, Inc. and the Town of Vail recognjze the desirabjl'ity of addjtional parking in the Golden Peak Zone. Accordingly, we have identified two locations in the zone for additional parking development. Underground parking structures could be built beneath the east tennis courts, soccerfield, and volleyball area, or beneath the west tennis courts and surface parking. Underground parking structures would require a Conditional Use Permit under the proposed zoning code. However, neither the Town of Vail nor Vail Associates, Inc. has any plans to construct additional parking facilities in the zone at this time. REVISED 5/13/85 MASTER PLAN (continued) \ ,t PUBLIC PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS, & RECREATIONAL FACILITIES One tennjs court west of the existing building would be lost due to the redevelopment. Vail Associates, Inc. will replace the lost court in accordance wjth the Agreement with the Town of Vail Recreation District. It is possible that the Recreation District would want to expand the tennis courts, playing fields, or other surnmer recreation amenities in the zone. Such expansion would require a Condjtional Use Permjt and Vail Associates, Inc. 's consent. Seasonal structures for educational or cultural activities will be erected on an occasional basis. Fjreworks will continue on special occasions, such as July 4th, New Year's tve, etc. MOUNTAIN FACILITIES Ski trajls and associated fac'i lities such as lift shacks, fenc'ing, signage, drainage, snowmaking, and util'ity systems will require modifjcation maintenance, and replacement on an on-going basis. Town of Vail Building Demolition, Street Cut, and other standard permits would be required. PUBLIC FACILITIES Water storage and treatment facilities, and existing Llpper Eagle Water and Sanitation District improvements are within the proposed District and routine maintenance wiil occur. Expansion of thbse facilities is also possible. /I REVISED 5/T3/85 6r struction seasonIf you have e cal] me. \hilAs*"t"qLrc.6h Crearcrs and Ooerators of Vail and Beawr Creek March 27, '1985 Mr. Peter Patten Director, Cormuni ty Devel opment Town of Vai I 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear Peter: The purpose of this letter is to confinn that the Chalet Road improvements gmpleted by Vai'l Associates during the Iaof the neuv facility a any questions on this \'l n^6|r6 | t, a-'--7-'" n /J-)/ann, UaPdtVf '-- - - t Harry H/. Frampton, III Presi dent Vail Associates, Inc. HHF/cs cc: Jack Hunn Joe Macy hst Office Box 7 . Vail, Colorado 31656 ' 1103)476'5601 kw'('t- //:.. 75 south lrontage road vail. colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 olfice ot the town manager March 14, 1985 Mr. Harry Frampton Pres i dent Vai'l Associates, Inc.P.0. Box 7 Vai l, Colorado 8i658 Dear Harry: This letter regards our concern that the subdivision and annexation plats for the redevelopment of Golden Peak have not been signed and turned in to us for recording. The annexation took place Septemberof 1933 and the minor subdjvision took piace in January of 1984. The annexation, rezoning and subdivision has been treated as a package with each approval depend'ing upon the other elements. The new zone district that was created for the project is in piace and all that remains is action on the final subdivision and annexation p1ats. I realize that revisions to the proiect and other reasons may have affected expedjting these p1ats, however the period between approvals has now stretched out too long, and we would sincerely appreciate the expediting of these submittals. n Sincegely, i/ .:/:,ct\ zl) t_- Rondall V. Phillips Tor.rn l,lanager RVP/j h GO,LDEN PEAK I.IE ET I NG I.I I TH DEVELOPMENT PETER PATTEN .1DH: 3/L3/85 PAGE 1 OF 2 TOPICS: A. Summari ze 1i st of cond i ti ons for fi nal r Complete annexatjon process r Final recording of subdivision plats a a Execution of revocable risht-of-way permi ,^f;, /U/! 7-'^'/ Agree2ent as to (s,'{.'z'z a i ng of Chal et Road improvements /t4 bility for sa sfying those conditions above compl ete by compl ete by compl ete by compl ete by approval on Golden Peak and Recreation Board are good for two years, from Counci 1 , @ Rtrrr" D.R.B. approvals are good for one ye-ar, typically At^ b..rTe//.- ^fl!21-4 h r-q - ,*-*/4* D. Discussion or ,roror( int#i u^*iffi i{Qroen peak r Additional mods on east colrrts for nursery operation ,,- 6 ;;"2.; )^-- J%i, ;%'-["-2; L] A;.*-41- 77o .r Same program 6s exi sti ng m6d s i { terng/ of /r I / Permanent faci I ity 600-l,000 SF Architecturally sympathetic to the site and existingstructures R. B.D. I I I app roval tJl W I twila' B. Timing and responsi r Macy/Denni son - o Macy/Denni son - r Patten/Eskwith - r Patten/Eskwith - C. VAI seeking P I anni ng Cofi-mi ssi on,IIIR: l Assume P.E.C. approval s r I nstal I ati on d ate r Removal d ate r Responsi bi I ity for court remote bui ld i ng for ti cketsti ng typically. repar rs windows/office to the west ofNew exi a a ,tl/r/zZA*rl /r /r, Slt, h*1*, */ GCLDEN PEAK MEET I NG t.I ITH DEVELOPI,IENT PETER PATTEN Compl ete the underground cul vert system r Across Gore Creek Road in May '85 Possibly continuing beyond Chair #I2 i Possj b1y improvements to the d i versi on '95 Revegetation and landscape cleanup of necessary Interior remodeling of the followjng areas r Ski School /Tou ri ng Center r Food Service distribution area r Food Servi ce seati ng r Rental shop r Basket rental /ski repai r r Locker rooms r Public rest rooms r Food Service recejving/storage Minimal expansion of parking lot ,lDH: 3lL3/85 PAGE 2 OF 2 n 0ctober r85 structure in 0ctober all disturbed areas as t 4 --?l: -\. 4.*".2 t.A/--- E. Discussion of potenfiality for revisions to the approved devel opnent pl an f r Height variance of 2'to 4' II t Dramatically reduces construction cost I ,/ ( r Dramatically improves construction schedule,/l / | l Both are in the best interest of all parties concerned/l tlIv l ^-r-/"? /Zt ..' F%.-'v /a) t / / lnwn 75 soulh lrontage road Yeil, colo.ado 81657 (303) 476-7000 February 12, 1985 Joe Macy c/o Vail Associates P.0. 8ox 7 offlce of communlly development 8]658 Base Facility As you know, the Design Review Board gave fina'l approval to the Golden Peak Base fac'ility at their January 30th meeting. The purpose of this letter is to reiterate the conditions that have been applied to thjs approval. These include the three condjtions from the June 20th DRB review: l) Completion of the annexation process, 2) Final recording of subdivision plats, 3) Agreeing and signing a revocable right-of-way permit for any improvements made in Town of Vail right-of-way. An additional conditjon has been applied with respect to the Chalet Road area. Thjs condition is that the improvements to the Chalet Road area be comp'leted in the first construction season that work begins on the Golden Peak base facility. Apparently, Peter has discussed this with you or with someone from Vail Associates. If there are any questions, please contact me or Peter Once again, congratulations on a fine proposa'l . Si ncerely, /\'fn Thomas A. Braun Town Pl anner TAB: bpr xc: Bob Parker Gol den '?*?kq'/, q0ry%*/t ryh('%-r/- - 7*7 -iu rur/L* /st'rrr'/'*/ -(z'< &//A **/ b"^ /e2rt/ro/r"sz.**n- az g/--r-** YhA, /p,",rf aulffi / ZHz!,A. r,-#- /'rdr^h, .,/',/\/,-*vetz-nf ru tu/g4 4f/Zf)aPtu<//,//+f ezt fuf 84, 5/ (//^ U k///27 fo -/*/v4 /k^/*K /2/2*/ t fuzfu/,*2// 54//d 4% oo -.^-pp/r/ ,3 u ^tttj4 /,--. t u ' ll ,. ,,6, 'Ph /r /U/n t/t/< n,/nlo'%"M f St^t--.o"o^/z*zr*r-r/a/4" Hl T4,.nh ru/-* 44;, A/a2fta%ru/Z*rffirrr%' / ^3 k/bL,%Krr 9/^ilz Mfuffi &,//&n hrr-'U /4 / tz( ,' &A/.rZ d-/,r/7/7 &-zr+a-t-e.< ,4t)7tui //7L^LrzTa4/ 7r4-Z A///fuAe,l o @fu/"a,z"R- .4,)A&l.prz-hrz O&br4(t/L,-4ryg o @rrl/h//APW,/k4o 7^ tt /^-(/'/ //e=+z Sz*ratfr fuzz- re FE T.-;/, // 2"2-*,,* ,***^/ 'l ;-r"r*.r.".47**7"')z'*,7fufufe^-epZ9'rJz*--"./fuh/z/22--ffi.m 14E n' u^h) ,dH""4o - 7 ea ffiaf /:sar?'*.-,4dzrrA )*aU.uzF-^a su; x"/Arzr,4a 75 south l.onlage road vail. colorado 81557 (303) 476-7000 otfice of the lown manager January 21, 1985 Mr. Harry Frampton, President Vail Associates, IncP.0. Box 7 Vail, Colorado 81658 Dear Harry: As a result of the recent interest in the revised Go] den peak project,I have reviewed.your'letier of liovenber 16 setting forth your agreementpertaining to the bus turn-around. ,I have talked with Rod slifer andhe and I both recall the amount agreed upon to use for the bus shelterand/or the control gates to be S10,000. lle recall that you first offered s5,000 to be used for a shelter andga!e!r but after further discussion you agreed to raise it to s10,000.I believe that is the on'ly change to your letter in reference to ourprevious discussion. ondall V. Phillips Tor.rn l'lanager RVP/j h !, ili v VailAsg"s,Inc. Creators and Operaton of Vail and Beaver Crcek Noveniber 16, 1984 !1r. Ron Phillips Town of Vail ?5 S. Frontage Rd.Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear Ron: The following is an attempt to review what we discussed.I will assume this is an acceptable direction unless I heardifferently from you over the next few weeks. We hope tomeet with the Recreation Board to finalize on the tenniscourt and bleachers in early December. . As a part of the Golden peak project, Vail Associateswill pay for the bus turnaroundi however, we plan todelete the following items: ' . Asphalt instead of pavers, $30,000 . o Bus shelt,er, 920,000 Control gates, $20,000 . )r.)'';r-,l,"As we discussed earlier, we wi1l, howeverr pay for the',1 .curvert under the road. Addit.ionalry, once ttre iaEi:-ity is'-- -- ------J '., r:'. w€11_ under construction, we will pay the Town. wE!J_ grrsEr. !;err!'LrucE'lon, I,te ldf II pay tng 'I.OW l.r. I.you intend to use for the bus sheit6r and/or ' ',; . .r t+6c.'',, ' :' :g,:tes' ,',:,.''i. _ I-hope this is consistent with our understanding; and'i.,.;1," Iile look forward to reaching an agreement with the Recreatiorh: ^r--: -,Ssn€+e which the lco$rol with the Recreation ,,:.,i, '' District whereby we can rnove foriard in a positive manner. Sincerely, HFlnk vArr Asy'ocrATEs, rNc. ' k\0,v" A t\l lfHatry Ftampton President Post Office Box 7 . Vail. Colorado 81653 . (103)476-5601 $z -bF-- -) l- g \!\(, i%2 +0r1tzqB 4J E -=ta) T*2--4ar2 8-.s c\= .J { srtr J\sr/l<-E g's U -l .r. s 5p pgs g *#o b-----dtrF---+ s Etr v rg \) Planning andd Environmental Commission January 7, 1985 PRESENT STAFF PRESENT Diana Donovan Gordon Pierce Howard Rapson ,Jim Viele Jere }Jalters ABSENT Duane Piper The meeting was called to order at 3:05 by Jim Viele in the absence of DuanePiper, chairman. Peter Patten Tom Braun Kristan Pritz Rick Py'lman Larry Eskwith Betsy Rosolack 't. to 2. Approval of minutes of December 10, '1984. approve the minutes. The vote v,,as 5-0 in Rapson moved and Pierce favor. st to modi roved deve'lo lan for ase area.p I lcan soc l ates Peter Patten explained that this was a request for approva'l of revisions anddid not need to go to the Town Council because there were no substantial changesto the origina'l development p1an. He'listed the changes: there were to be tt,'|o new tenn'is courts to the east of Chair 6 and a relocat'ion of the existingvolley ba'll courts in lieu of the proposed construction of an additional tennis court in the Cha'let Road area; the open diversion channe'l will be deleted andput into a continuous underground culvert froma point west of Chair No. 12 to the north side of Gore Creek Road; the proposed "race City" parking area will bedeleted and the proposed bus stop area will have a minor relocation; and the proposed bleacher system on the northwest corner of the facility wil'l be deletedin favor of a stairuay on the north side of the condominium garage and removab'le bleacher seating. He added that the Town of Vail, Vail Assoiiates and the Vail Metropolitan Recreation Department had negotiated and all agreed to the proposec changes. .loe Macy of Vail Associates thanked Peter for his efforts. Kit Cowperthwaite, representing the Golden Peak Neighborhood Association, stated that they werenot notified of the proposed changes and had no input at al'l . He read from section 18.39.090 (d) which stated that if there are "changes of substance" the request must be referred to the Town Council. He felt that the changes requested were substantial and that the neighborhood should be allowed to haveinput. He mentioned that Tract F2 was to have been conveyed to the Town, after which is was to have been conveyed to the Texas Townhouse Association. Patten replied that he did not feel that these changes were that substantial. He added that he had considered these changes positive, and that he would entertaingetting back with the neighborhood for discussion. Jack Rush of Manor vail Golden Peak S PEc Uru -2- said that-they had worked openly with Macy and parker (of vai'l Associates) tocome up with some solutions and that the Town of Vail and Vail Associates hadopportunities to get back with the Go'lden Peak Neighborhood Association, andit wasn't done and Rush was disappointed. Macy stited that the staff did notifythe neighbors, and Vail Associates also sent notices to make certain that theadjacent neighbors had been notified. He said that he had also ta]ked with Ray Cote and Jane Carpenter. Pierce asked if the changes negated any agreementswith the Golden Peak Neighborhood Association and Pattin replied thai tfierehad been agreement to relocate a tennis court to Cha'let Roai. Kit cowperthwaite stated that the chalet Road situation was brought up overa year ago' Three months ago he appeared before Town Council and asked thatthe right-of-way problem be solved, and had had roadb'locks ever since. Pierce stated that the process hasn't been the same, but things were notnecessarily done wrong. Rapson was concerned that Cowperthwaite felt that theneighborhood hadn't been contacted. Donovan stated that she wouldn't supportthe request because she felt that there would be an increase in traffic bhchalet Road and that to develop Golden Peak and not landscape chalet Road was a "farce." Viele asked Jack Hunn of VA if VA's construttion schedule wouldgftg! 3 tabling_of the item. Hunn replied that the plan was to begin constructionApril l_and tab'ling would be a hardship. He added that chalet Road belongedto the Town of Vail. Patten reminded everyone that adjacent property owners can appea'l the decisionor it could be appealed by the Town Manager or the Town counlil. Rapson askedCowperthwaite whether or not his constituencies felt that there was a'problemwith chalet Road or any gf the other changes and cowperthwaite replied'thatthey felt concern with al'l of the changes with the possible exception of theculvert. There was also concern over the cost of the changes, i.e. sidewalksand who wogld be payilg for the changes. The neighborhood-wanted to know ahead of time who would be bi'lled for the costs. - Pierce moved and Rap$rn seconded to approve the requeste{ changes with the conditionTh-at sttfTrne-et 61Chalet Road had been t if no-igr"erenl--could be reached in the.meeting_with the neighborhood group and Vaii Associateshe wou'ld ask Town Council to call the matter-up. (The next item was taken out of order. ) est for a hei ht variance to construct a dwelli at 3005 Booth Fatlscants:Bent ey and B ggers (sta l. Kristan Pritz exp'l ained that the applicants r',ere requesting a variance of .|.6 feet above the allowed height. She stated that the part oi the roof that waitoo high was a ridge directly above a drainage ditch. Bill Eggers stated thatthey tried to work within the Town of Vail guidelines and thai-the mudslides occurred after design had been done, which meant changing the slab grade toallow for drainage of possible mud slides. He added ttrat tre felt tiat the o P CHARIIS H. COVPERT}NVAITE ENDLETON 8 SABIAN, P. C. ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW SEVENTEENTH AND CRANT BUILDINC sulTE looo 303 EAST SEVENTEENTH AVENUE DENVER,COLOMDO aO2O3 January 1.4, 1985 TELEPHONE: GO3) 839-t2o4 TELECOPIER; GO3) a3l-0786 T!7X9lO-931-0407 Mr. Paul Johnston Mayor Town of VailVaiI Municipal BuildingVail, CO 81657 Re: Golden Peak Redevelopment Project Dear Mayor Johnston: Pursuant to public notice, the Planning and Environmental Commission of The Town of Vail held a public hearing in accordancewith Section 18.66.060 of the Municipal Code of The Town of Vail on January 7, 7985 to, among other matters, consider a request by Vail Associates to nodify an approved development plan for the Golden Peak ski base area l-ocated on Sract F, Vail ViJ-lageFifth Filing and Tract B, Vail Vil-lage Seventh Filing and an unplatted parcel adjacent anil south of Tracts B and F. At such hearing, the Plannjng__rand Environmental Commission approved. the amenamencs p-;oE-o s on behalf of Manor Vail Condominium Association, the Texas Townhouse Association and Vail Trails East Condominium Association, both in their own right and as constituent members of the Golden Peak Neighborhood Association, I hereby serve notice of appeal of such decision by the Planning and Environmental Commission and request that the Town Council hear said appeal in accordance withapplicable provisions of the Vail Municipal Code. Respectf u11y submitted, Charles H. Cowcerthwaite CHC:do cc: Ron Phillips, Town Manager Pet,er Patten, Director Community DeveJ.opment DepartmentLarry Eskwith, Town Attorney Planning and Environmental Commission January 7, l9B5 I :30 pm Site Visits 3:00 pm t. 2. 3. Publc Hearing Approval of minutes of December 10, 19g4. A request-to modify an approved development pran for the GordenveaK skr Base area. Applicant: Vail Associates (staff rec: approva'l) f-5qyg.!-!g_3m:ld Special ,Development District No. 6 (Vai1 Vil.tasel!!l ro modrty the approved development plan, to increise allowabTepllh^lg^Igdify conditional uses, and to !"equest a parking exception.rurEnennore,-to. request an amendment to the Urban Dbsign duide Flan.Applicant: Anthony Genth (staff rec: approval) 4 fgquest for a height variance to constructFalls Road. Appl icints: David Beniiey-and(staff rec: denial ) 4.a dwelling at 3005 BoothBill Eggers !'to: FRO}I: DATE: Planning and EDvironmental Cmission Comunity Develotrment Department ilanuary 7, 1985 sIl&rECT: Revisions to the colde! peak Redeveropnent project Applicantr Vail Associates, Inc. Vail Associates is proposing a nrmrber of revisions to the alproveddevelopment plan for the Golden peak Redevelopment project.Under the approval process found in the Ski Base/Recreationdistrict the amendments may be approved by the Pl anning Commissionwithout official Council review. ThJ four areas proposed tobe revised are as follows: 1. The proposed construction of two (2) new tennis courtsadjacent to the exising tennis courts to the east of ChairNo. 6 and, consequently, the relocation of the existingvolley ball courts in lieu of the proposed constructionof an additionat tennis court in the Chalet Road area. 2. The deletion of the open diversion channel feature to thesouth and east of the proposed facility in fvor of puttingthe Mil I Creek diversion channel in a continuous undergroundculvert from a point west of Chair No. 12 to the northside of Gore Creek Road. 3. The deletion of the proposed "Race City,, parking area andthe minor relocation of the proposed bus stop area. 4. fhe detetion of the proposed bleacher system on the northwestcorner of the faciti.ty, in favor of a stair\ray on the northside of the condominium parking garage and removable bleacherseating. The revisions have been under review for several weeks by theVail Metropotitan Recreation District. The VMRD has agreedto the revisions and a letter to this effect will be presentedto the Planning Commi-ssion by Monday. AII of the revisionsmeet the requirements of the Ski Base,/Recreation district whichthis property falls within. A short discussion of each follows: Revision No. I This revision entail s abandoning the pro;rcsalto locate a nerd tennis court on Chalet Road as previouslyapproved. Instead, two new tennis courts will be constructedto the hrest of the existing courts located southeast ofthe main building. The Iocation of these new courts inthis area will require the three volley ball courts tobe relocated to an area in betvreen the base of Chairs 5and 12. While the loss of the Chalet Road tennis courtis probably not the optimum for Gotden peak's potentialas a tennis complex as well as the benefits from closingthat road, the revision to the plan actually adds a tennis court on the grounds. This leaves the chalet Road areawithout a plan at this point in time, but we can beginto study this area and work with neighborhood residentson t,/hat can be done to improve the Chalet Road location.The relocation of the volley bal .l courts to a more centralIocation on the site could be an exciting addition forvolJey ball spectators. Revision No. 2 while the 1oss of gurface stream featureo; ttre eaffiae of the new building is a disappointmentto the staff, we feel the new proposal also has iis benefitsto the site. Proposed is to landscape intensively thearea between the east of the building and the bus plazacontaining some benches and a small park. The need forthe East Milt Creek diversion channel to carry 4Ot of theI0O year flood is important and this pre-empts the possibilityfor an aesthetically pleasing hrater feature in this area.Eltending the culvert to the southwest in a greater lengththan originally proposed wirl allorr for lhe relocationo_f th-e_ volley ball courts as well as better workabifityfor this area in the winter. Revision No. 3 The bus plaza will be relocated slightlyto the east which etiminates the Race City parking Jrea-.The elimination of this parking area is an improvementto the previously approved development plan and the relocationof the bus plaza allows for grade changes to take placein a convenient manner between the buitding and the plata. Revision No. 4 This revision entails rernoving a bleachersea*lg area wtrich access directly off of thd northnestcorner deck on the second lever of the buirding lrhere thetennis pro shop is to be located. propoaed is to continueto have access off of the deck by going down a set of stairson the north side of the deck as well as the provieionof removeable bleacher seating in the eame lJcation asttre previously proposed perrnanent selting. Ttre grass bleachersproposed on the south and west of the tennie courtg area nice solution for spectator seating for these tenniscourts and can accommodate over 300 peopre for a singletennis event. STAFF RECOIIT{NTDATION The Department of community Devet opment recommends approvalof the proposed revisions to the approved development plan forthe Golden Peak Redevelopment project. trhe refinement of thismajor and ccrnplex project has necessitated some of these revisionsand we find them to be acceptabl e. None of the revi sions presentany negative irnpacts and have had sufficient discussion andagreement on the part of the VMRD. The staff remains extremelysupportive of this project and highly encourages the appl icantto proceed as soon as possible with conatruction due to thecommunity's need to upgrade the colden peak base facility. One condition of approval will apply as follows: 1. No final DRB approval shal I be given until the annexationplat and the minor sr:bdivision plat are completed and recorded. M E TROPO LI f A N RECFE AT ION D IS f R I CT 292 wesl meadow drlve vail, coforado 81657 . {3 | 47|l-.2|WJ T0: Peter PattenFR0l4: Pat DodsonDATE: January 4, 1985 SUB.IECT: Gold Peak Tennis Facility After several meetings the VI'|RD board members have come to an agreement with V.A. on the following improvements at Go'ld Peak tennis facility. Two new courts and perimeter fencing will be constructed west of court 7. The 3 existing volleyball courts will be relocated between chairs 6 and 12. A stairway will be constructed on the north side of the tennis deck to ground level and will be at least 4' wide. Portable bleachers for 90 peop'le will be purchased by VA and used on the east side of court 4. Permanent seat'ing for 300 people will be constructed in the berms south and west of courts 4, 5 and 6. Use of the Small l,lorld and Bratskeller areas as a tennis shop for the months of May, June, ,July, August and Septemer, 1985. ,Joe Masey, Vail Associates l. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. ?I l{.17/' Date of Application l'z-/, , /f / ,-111 t I t -'f Jllc,(,-:,( r''i't tQ APPLICATION FORM FOR SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT DETTELOPMENT PLAI{ r- This procedure is required for any project that wourd go throughthe Special Development District procedure. The application will not be accepted until all- information is submitted. A. NAII,IE OF APPLICANT ^DDwss h N -= ?4 L (e/o ?/tr(psoNu 4Z€^da-,o / C. AUTHORIZATION OF PROPERTY OIINER SIGNATURE aE, LOCATION ADDRESS OF PROPOSAI M*/aZD. LEGAI-, DESCRIPTION E. FEE $100.00 '/ *.- F- A List of the name of owners of a1r property ad.jacent to theSubject property and their miling a.ddresse-s. II. Four (4) copies of the following information:. A. Detailed written/graphic description of proposal .B. An environmental 'impact re'poit lhdii'b;-iubmitted toadministrator in accordance with chapter rg.56 hereofby Section 18.56.030, exempt projecti; the zoning unless waived c. An open space and recreational plan sufficient to meet the demandsgenerated by the development wilhout und.ue burd.en on availableor proposed public facilities; (0vER ) i,l.Application to.Oecial Development Distrifoevefopment Plan D. Existing contours having contour intervals of not more than fivefeet if the average slope of the site is twenty percent or less,or with contour intervals of not more than ten feet if the average slope of the site is greater than twenty percent. E. A proposed site plan' at a scale not srnaller than one inch equalsfifty feet, showing the approximate locations and dimensions ofall buildings and structures, uses therejn, and all principal site development features, such as landscaped areas, recreational facili-tj-es' pedestrian plazas and walkways, service entries, driveways,and off-street parking and loading areas with proposed contoursafter grading and site development; F. A preliminary landscape pIanl at a scale not smaller than one inchequals fifty feet, showing existing landscape features to be retainedor removed, and showing proposed landscaping and landscaped site development features, such as outd.oor recreational facilities,bicycle paths, trails, ped,estrian plazas and walkways, water features, and other elements; G. Preliminary building elevations, sections, and floor plans, ata scale not smaller than one-eighth equals one foot, in sufficientdetail to determine floor area, gross residential floor area, interiorcirculation, locations of uses within buildings, and the generalscale and appearance of the proposed development. III. Time Requirements The. Planning and Environmental Corunission meets on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month. An application with the necessary accompanyingmaterial must be submitted four weeks prior to the date of the meeting. NOTE: It is reconrnended that before a special developrnent district applicationis subrnitted, a review and conmenl meeting should be set up wi-ti the Department of Cornmun ity Development. \hilAst"s,Lrc. Creators and Operators of Vail and Beaver Creek December 17, 1984 Mr. Peter Patten Director of Planning Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 RE: Golden Peak Development Proposed l4odi f i cati ons Ref. No. 5 SUBMITTAL FOR PLANNING COMMISSION REVIEW Dear Peter: Vail Associates, Inc. is submitting the enclosed drawings for Planning Commission review of the fo'llowing proposed modifications to the Golden Peak Deve'l opment plans: 1. The proposed construction of two (2) new tennis courts, adjacent to the existing tennis courts to the east of Chair No. 6 and, consequently, the relocation of the existing volley ball courts in lieu of the proposed construction of an additional tennis court in the Chalet Road area. 2. The deletion of the open diversion channel feature to the south and east of the proposed facility in favor of putting the I'{il'l Creek diversion channel in a cont'inuous underground cu'lvert from a point west of Chair No. 12 to the north side of Gore Creek Road. 3. The deletion of the proposed "Race City" parking area and the minor relocation of the proposed bus stop area. 4. The deletion of the proposed bleacher system on the northwest corner of the facility, in favor of a stairway on the north side of the condominium parking garage and removable bleacher seati ng. Post Office Box 7 . Vail, Colorado 61659 ' 1303)476'501 I'lr. Peter Patten December 17, 1984 Page Two l'le will be prepared to make a presentation to the .lanuary 14, 1985. Please contact either Joe l{acy any questions, or require additional information. Si ncere'ly, VAIL IATES -$. Jack D. Project na9er Planning Cqnmission on or myself if you have cc: Joe Macy Craig Snowdon \, !o: FROtrl: DATE: Planning and Bnvironmental Cornrnission Connnuni ty Ilevel o;rment Departnent alanuary 7, 1985 su&rECT: Revisions to the colden peak Redeveropment projectApplicant: VaiI Associates, Inc. Vail Associates is ,proposing a nurnber of revisions to the approvedd_ev_elopment plan for the Golden peak Redevelopment prolect.u1de1 the approval process found in the ski Base/necreationdistrict the amendments may be approved by the planning commissionwithout official counci-l reviEw. The- four areas proposed tobe revised are as fol I ows: l. The proposed construction of two (2) new tennis courtsadjacent to the exising tennis courts to the east of chairNo. 6 and, consequent.ly, the relocation of the existingvolley ball courts in lieu of the proposed constructioiof an additional tennis court in the -Cf,aiet Road area. 2. r}re deletion of the open diversion channel feature to thesouth and east of the proposed facili.ty in fvor of puttingthe Mill creek diversion channel in a continuous undeigroun6culvert from a point west of chair No. 12 to the northside of Gore Creek Road. 3.The detetion of the proposed. ,,Race City', parking area andthe minor relocation of the proposed fus stop area. 4. The deletion of the proposed bleacher system on the northwestcorner of the facitity, in favor of a stairlvay on the northside of the condominium parking garage and removable bleacher . seating. The revisions have been under review for several weeks by they"il-Metropolitan Recreation District. The vMRD has ag-reedto the revisions and a letter to this effect will be preJentedto the- Planning commission by Monday. AlI of the r6visionsmeet the requirements of the ski aasL/necreation district whichthis property falls within. A short discussion of each follows: Fevision No. I This revision entairs abandoning the proposarto locate a neer tenni s court on Chalet Road as previouslyapproved. rnstead, two nevr tennis courts will be conatructdto the west of the existing courts located southeast ofthe main building. The .location of these new courts inthis area will require the three volley ball courta tobe relocated to an area in between the base of chairs 6and 12. While the lose of the Chalet Road tennis courtie probably not the optimum for Golden peak's potentialaa a tennis complex as well as the benefits from closingthat roadr the revision to the plan actually adds a tennis t court on the grounds. This Ieaves the Chatet Road areawithout a plan at this point in time, butIrL-"", beginto study this area and work with neighborhood residentson what can be done to improve trre chil"t n"ia rocation.The relocation of.the voiley ball courts to i-.o." centrarIocation on the site could be an exciti"g ;d;ition forvolley ball spectators. Kevrston No. 2 While the loss of surface stream featureon-E;EE=iae of rhe new building is a diEappointmentto the staff, we feel the. new proposal also has its benefitsto the eite. proposed ie to Ia-ndscape i"i"nJvely thearea bet\reen the east of the buil-dirig ana-ifr" Uu" plazacontaining-50me benches and a smalr p-ark. ttre neea forthe East Mirt creek divereion channe'r to "".1y 4ot of the100 year flood is irnportant and this pre-empts the possibirityfor an aestheticarty preasing water feature in this area.Extending the curvert to the solthwest in "-gr";t.r Jengtht1..". original ly propoeed will allow for the rel ocationof the vorlev barl courts as well as bett"i "r"rt"-u-iliivfor this area in the winter Revision ltg. j.ETfr-easTE'ich eliminates the Race ciLy parking area.The elimination of this parking ".". i"'an improvementto- th9 previous_ry approved devLropmetit ptan irra trr" relocationof the bus plaza-allows for grade changes to take pracein a convenient manner between lrre uuiraini-ana the pra-za. Revision r{o. 4 This revision entairs renoving a bleachersa-EffiFhicrr access directry off of the northwestcorner deck on the eecond rever o? tne building,rr.r. ti"tennis pro shop is to be rocated. eroposea ie to continueto have access off of the deck by goinj aown a eet of atairson the north side of the deck .J weir as the proviei;nof removeabre bleacher eeating in trre Eame location asthe previousry p_roposed permanent se;ting. rt"-gru"" breachersproposed on the south and rrest of the tennis courts area nice sorution for spectator seating fo; these tennis ;:;rr:rJ:Scan accommodate over 300 ieopre for a singie STAFF RB@U}TETTDATIOU The Department of community Development rlcomrenas approvar c.9f th_e _proposed revisions to the approved development piin roithe Golden peak Red.eve.ropment pr6ject. - rh; .Lli.r"."rrt of thismaj-or anf.clrnp]ex project his neceissilat"a "o." oi-tr,""" .""i"iJrrJand we find them to be acceptable. None of the revisions presentany negative impacts and have had surticienl -aiscos"i;;-";; agreement on the part of the U{RD. The staff renains extremejvsupporrive of this project and highly encourages the .*Ti;;;ito proceed as soon aa possibre wiirr """"tii"tion due to thecommunity's need to upgrade the Gorden peak base faciiitvl Revision No. 2 One condition of approval witl apply as follows: t ' No final DRB approval shar l be given untir the annexationplat and the minor subdivision plat aie compl"iea .na recorded.