HomeMy WebLinkAboutCLIFFSIDE LOT 3 LEGALt 'a ORDINANCE NO.2I Series of 1984 AN ORDINANCE REZONING LOTS 2 AND 3, CLIFFSIDE iugorvtstor,r FRoM RESIDENTIAL clusrER T0 SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL - HHEREAS, the owners of Lots 2 and 3, Cliffside Subdivision, Town of Vail' County of Eagle, State of Colorado, have petitioned the Town of Vail to rezone Lots Z and 3 from Residential Cluster to Single Family Residential; and WHEREAS, Single Family Residential is a more appropriate zone district for the develoPment of these 'lots; and WHEREAS, the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail has recormended such rezoning: Notlt, THEREFoRE, BE IT oRDAINED By rHE Tot^tN couNciL 0F THE TohlN 0F VAIL' C0L0MD0' THAT: Sect'ion 'l In accordance wjth Section 18.66.]60 of the Town of Vajl Mun'icipal Code' the Town Council hereby amends the zon'ing of Lots 2 and 3, C'liffside Subdivision' County of Eagle, State of Colorado from Residentia'l C'luster to S'in91e Fami'ly Residential Section 2 In accordance with Section '18.08.030 of the Town of Vail l4unicipal Code' the zoning administrator is djrected to amend the official zoning map to reflect such zone district amendment. Section 3. If any part, section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance is for any reason held to be invalid, such decision sha'l 'l not affect the va'l idity of the remaining portions of this ordinance; and the Town Council hereby declares it wou'l d have passed this ordinance, and each part, sect'ion, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase thereof, regardless of the fact that any one or more parts, sections, subsections, sentences, clauses or phrases be declared invalid. Section 4. The Town Council hereby finds, determines and declares that this ordinance is necessary and proper for the health, safety and welfare of the Town of Vail and the inhabitants thereof. _) L Section 5. The repeal or the repeal and reenactment of any prov'isions of the vail Municipal code as provided in this ordinance shall not affect any right which has accrued, any duty inposed, any violation that occurred prior to the effective date hereof, any prosecution comrnenced, nor any other action or proceeding as commenced under or by virtue of the provision repealed or repea)ed and reenacted. The repeal of any provision hereby shail not revive any provision or any ordinance previousry repealed or superseded unless expressly stated herein. INTRODUCED, READ AND PASSED ON FIRST READING THIS rztrr day of Julv , 1984, and a pubric hearing shail be held on this ordinance on the zth dayof Argrst , rgg4 at 7:30 p.m. in the counci'r chambers of the vail Municipal Bui'lding, Vail, Co.lorado. Ordered published in ful] this lZttr day of Julv , 19g4. L Sl i fer, Brandmeyer, INTRODUCED, READ AND in fuIl ON SECOND READING AND ORDERED 7th 46y Rodney E.Sl i fer, APPROVED thi s PUBL ISHED I 1984. Brandrneyer, box lil) vail, colorado 81657 13031 47S5613 department of communlty development March 13, 1981 T0: Dick Ryan, Peter and Larry FR0M: Peter Patten r/' RE:/ --:-- . Lot 5 4 3 t 8@6 | 5t1le I KL' Bui'ldable ALuut' Al lowable G.R.F.A. Site Area UPtTl Under RC Ev. LN0S o o o l,;\,.*,'!,4!l o G.R.F.A. Under SF 6625 8523 5267 46?5 9865 22150 ) I 165672a'a Zlso zzao ]3T6 KV? 1156 ?466 za-ao 5537 2381 2643 2566 3125 3l l6 4770 I I 3z"-a> .7 Vh 6 J, 11. L;-\ c",,1'4 Determined very roughly on 1-100 scale - very approximate. Under RC, all lots would receive a rnaxirnum of oneof Lot 6, r'rhere Rosenquistsr house is. This lot, have 3 units, or an additional 2 units. dwelling unit. with according to these the exception figures, could 'l\rr\tr ORDINANCE NO. L2 (Series of 1981) of Vail has considered the zoning to be imposed on the IYest Va.il area at a public hearing and has recorunended parcels and portions.of said area be zoned as set forth MEREAS. the Town Council considers that it is in ', i tr. 7- :.. ir:t:-r':agc rc-'l ',.ril. ac: riiralc L .;7 oi. i::c ci ta:'..'jn.'AN ORDINANCE IIIPOSING ZONING DISTRICT ON CERTAIN PARCELS AND PORTIONS OF THE RECENTLY ANNEXED WEST VAIL AREA, BUT EXCLUDING THOSE PARCELS AND PORTIONS ZONED IN ORDINANCES 11, 13 and 14 (SERIES OF 1981); AMENDING THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP FOR THE TO\[N OF VAIL; AND SETTING FORTH DETAILS IN RELATION T}IERETO. IfHEREAS, the Town of Vai1, Colorado' recently annexed the west vail ares., county of Eagle, State of colorado, effective on December 31 , 1980; and I,YHEREAS, Chapter 18.68 of the l,tunicipal Code of the Town of Vail sets forth procedures for the imposition of zoning districts on recently annexed areas; and I,YHEREAS, Section 31-12-115 ( 2) C. R. S. , t973, as amended, requires the Town to bring the newly annexed West Vail area under its zoning ordinance with ninety (90) days after the'effective date of said annexation; and WHEREAS, the Planning and Environmetal Commission of the public health, NOIY, THEREFORE, OF VAIL, THAT: of the Town newly annexed that certain herein; and the interest safety and welfare to so zone said property; BE IT ORDAINED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN the Vail llunicipal Code have been fulfilled' Section 1. Procedures Fu1fil1ed. The procedures for the determination of the zoning districts to be imposed on the newly annexed lYest Vail area as set forth in Chapter 18.68 of Sect ion 2.Imoosition of Zoning District on Certain Parcels and (A) pursuant to Chapter 18.68 of the Vail lrlunicipal Code, certain parcels and portions of the lYest Vail area annexed to the Torvn through tbe enactment of Ordinance No. 43, Serj,es of 1980, of the Town of Vail, colorado, effective on the thirty-first day of December, 1980, are hereby divided into zoning districts as set forth on the map attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference which amends and shall bccome an addition to the Official Zoning llap. Port ions the newly annexed llest Vail an^sa.: r, ,)Rd f2-81 pg ') '"o ro, in Cliffsidlubdivisio,r shall be so rfricted tl.,JJ a residence of at least 2,000 square feet of GRFA may be bui1t. Section 3. Change In Official Zoning Map. The addition to the officiar Zoning Map adopted by the Town council in section 3 hereof sha1l be entered on the officiar Zoning Map promptly by the zoning administrator in accordance with Section 1g.6g.O3b, the Zoning Ordinance. Section 4. rf any part, seetion, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance is for any reason held to be invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance , and the Town Council hereby declares it would have passed this ordinance, and each part, section, sub-section, sentence, clause.or phrase hereof,' regardless of the fact that any one or more parts, sections, subsections, sentences, clauses or phrases be declared invalid. Section 5 The council hereby states that this ordinance is necessary for the protection of the public health, safety and welfare. INTRODUCED, READ ON FIRST READING, APPROVED AND ORDERED PUBLISHED oNcE rN FULL, this 3rd day of March, 1981, and a public hearing on this ordinance shall be held at the regular meeting of the Town council of the Town of vail, colorado, on the 1?th day of March, 1gg1 , at z:30 p.m. in the Municipal Buildi_ng of the Town of Vail. Introdueed, read approved on secondfull this lTth day of tr{arch, tggl.reading and ordered I / / ATTEST: 0'il/^-7/ufu TOVJN CLERK published a PetitionJ Box 1881, Vail, Colorado 81658428 East l-lth Aveqgg:, Denver, Colorado 80203 I gs November 3, 1981 PIIONE PETITION FORM FOR AMDNDVTENT TO TltE ZOI'IING ORDINANCE .oR NEQUEST FORA CIIANGE TN DISTRICT BOUNDARIES I. This procedure is reguired for any anrcndment to the zoning ordinanceor for a reguest for a district boundary change A. NA,'E oF p'rrrroNE*_iffiiLffi$,_*r:;::l"i: ;ilH":;!i" ooo o" r r__era_arro"arS"ilLf i_r"X'" " phitlip OrdwayPE'fITIONERTS REPRESENTATM Artie lrt. Owen-B.NA.I4E OF ADDRESS 926-3550 PHONE 851-4435 C. AUTHORIZATIOT.I OF SIGNA'IURE PROPERTY OWNER SEE ATTACHED EXHIBTT B ADDRESS PHONE D.LOCATION OF PROPOSAT ADDRESS Cliffside Subdivision LEGAT DEScRrprroN 1ot " fS',2 tf o",< le Count Colorado filin cliffside 6 ,i "\'lt] FEE 4, and 5+ Lc $fOO.C0 plus 181 for each property owner to be notified. F. A list of the naioes of orvners ofsubject property , and their rnailing . Doyle Hopkins 7500 Free FeeryFort Smith, Arkans as '/ Z,Q /.3 Briar Patch Ontario Westc,/o Jack Bishop Draw P Edwards, Colorado 81632 Ramond and Joyce Brennarc/o Robby Robinson'Box7 Vail , Colorado 81658 F all property addresses. adjacent to the i\ c/o .Q.O,rlor 'charles Ros ies, Inc. Jersey 07932 -.t4-J) ._ L.- l Pro ru k:\ ,.-.\f-"*d- Wh\ EXHIBIT A &iffioP. Peterson Ranch O.di/fA\'+ Box 335- \ Edwards, Colorado 81632 Richard Brown 1780 South BellaireSuite 105 Denver, CoLorado 80222 DaryJ- R. Burns 5055 E, Kentucky Denver, Colorado 80222 926-3230 926-3550 758-5270 757 -0867 Box)l€81tir, cd EXHTBIT B 1780 South BellaireSuite 106 Denver, Colorado 80222 758-s270 5055 E. Kentucky Denver, CoLorado 80222 757-0867 Date ,,y'/e'. Date Richard Brown t. Philip E. Ordlay President November 15, 1981 Messrs. Peter Patten and Peter Jamar Town of Vaj,1 Community Development Department P.0. Box 100 Val1, CO 81658 RE: Request for Change in Dlstrict Boundaries of Cliffside, a Resubdl-vislon of Lots G-7 and G-8, Llonrs Ridge Sudivislon Filing llo. 2, to Rezone the Subject Property from Residential Cluster (nC) to Single Family (SFR) Resldential Zoning Gent lemen: Enclosed please find the followlng information on the above matter: l) Seven fully signed copies of the Request for A Change j-n District Boundaries, together with names and addresses of adjacent property o$rners and signatures of all (100%) of the property orrners within the Cl-lffside subdlvision; 2) A check for $100 payable to the Town of Vail as required for the filing fee; Five 20Q stamps for maillng of notices to adjacent property o\dners; Seven copies of the plat map of Cliffside, showing the property to be rezoned; and 5) A memorandum describing the reasons for this request. It is ny understanding from our conversatl-ons to date that this package of material meets the Townf s requirements for this application, and that this matter has been official-ly included on the agendas for the Planning and Environ- mental Conrmission on December 14, 1981, and for the Town Council on December 15, 1981, Al-so, I understand that your office will be responslble for i,nsuring that all legal notices are published correctly and on time and that all other prepara- tions for these two hearlngs will be completed in a tinely manner. If any of these understandings are inaccurate, please let me know at once so that we can make other arrangements. (As you know, it is very important to one of the current oatners that this matter can be considered in t irne to pemit a sale before year- end, lf the rezoning is approved,) Finally, I should disclose that, al"though I an the intended purchaser of Real Estate Development - Consulting - Development Management - Sales 3) 4) Box 1881 - Vail, Colorado 81657 - (303) 926-3550 >- Messrs. Peter Patten and Peter Jamar November 16, 1981 Page Troo Lot 4, Cliffside, if this zone change is approved, and further intend to build rny primary residence on that lot, I do not have the authority to comrlt any of the current ouners to any conditlons beyond those called for in the Single Faurily (SFR) Resldential zoning ordinaoces. Based on your support of this proposed zone change to date, I trust that no special conditions to approval of thls request w111 be necessary and' therefore' that this issue of representatlor will not be a problern. (You wilL note in the application that all current owlers have approved the requested change in zoning') Thanks very much for your prompt attentl-on to the request and for the asslstance you have provided to date on this subject. Please let me knov right away if you have any questions or problems or need any addltlonal in- formation. Best regards. 4&5) 1& 6) "lOJ--- E. ordway IEnclosures cc: Mr. Richard N. Brown (Lots Dr. Daryl- R. Burns (Lot 3) Mr. Dave Col-e (Lot 2 ) Mr. Chuck Rosenquist (Lots Mr. Chlp Owen ' Bsq. Mr. Davld Smetana Ph11-ip I{E!TORANDU}T TO: Feter Patten, Feter Jamar Novenber 16, lggl REI Reasons for Requesting Cliffside Zone Change from Residential Cluster (RC) to Single Fanily (SFR) Residenrlal As required by the appllcatlon for a change in zoning, this neuo seeks tobriefLy describe the reasons for the request. First of a11,. the l_and area to be affected ls exactly that lncluded ln the CLiffside subdivision plat of record, seven coples of whlch have been submitted tp you with the requestor applicatlon. At present, all of the eubject land is zoned Resldentlal Cl"uster and includes six honeeites, two of whlch have been improved with constructionof luxury, slng!.e-fanily, owner-occupied residences. A1.l of the regralnlng l.ots tq be developed (except Lot 1) are qulte steep,wlth slopes sl.ight1y in excess of.and/or s1-ightLy Less than 40%. Access ro allof the steep lots ls fron above, via an easement and a conrnon drlveway, only aportion of which hae been bullt to date. T'l1e sir lots ln CLtffside average .32. acresr op approxinately 14,000 square feet ln size. Current access from abovels via Buffer Creek Road. through The \xalLey, and the cornnon driveway is virtual-J-yflat. 411 six l.ots eq]oy spectacuLar vlews of the Vail- Val-ley, vall- Mounr.aln, and fhe Gore Range. Ihe current Residential Cl_uster zoning, apparently lntended for townhousetype of developurent, generates the followi.og problens for the devel_opnent ofsingLe-family resldences in Cllffside: 1) It Prohiblts garages in the front setback area, reguiring that garages be located a good way down frorn the top of the lot. this location will be almost lnaccessible by automobile due to steep drl-veway grades. 2) It aLso prohibits parktng in the front setback area, again alnost pre- cludiag parking on the l.ot because of iupossibly steep drlveways. 3) Because RC zoning prohibtts Land over 40"/" to be lncluded in cal-culationqf a4owabl.e Gross Residential Floor Area, it is possibl-e that some ofthe Lots, even thqugh they nay be onl"y slightly over 402 slope on some Potlons gf the lOt, to be unbu1Ldab1e.. Itepeoding upon the technique usedto ueasure sl.ope, lt is LikeLy thrt most of the other lots coul_d not suPPort a slngle-farnlly residence *9f rdaqur.te size, even though the slopes night be onl-y 12 greater then 4Ot. 4) Flnall-y, I bel-ieve RC zoning prohlbits construction on slopes greater than 402. Given the uneven nature of the slopes on the l-ots, we wouLd have great difficulty deslgning a house uhich woul-d conply with theletter of thls requirement. Memorandum to Peter Patten, Peter Jamar November 16, 1981 A shift ln zonJ-ng to Slngle-Family (SFR) Residential w111 pernit a much improved use of these lots by, for example, permittLng the garage to be buil,t on the front property f-ine and by permltting parking in the front setback area. In thls way the houses can be located at the top of the l-ot nith excellent vehicular access and minLnral dlsturbance of the exlsting slte compared to attempted developnent under current RC zoning. Furthermore, the SFR zone does not require that land over 407. be excluded frorn the GRFA calculatlon, thus penoitting prudentl-y-sized homes to be developed wlthin Cllffside. Final-l-y, the structures can be positioned optlma1-1-y on the lot under the SFR zone, because we would not have to be worried about sma1l portions of the lot which are just slightly over 4O%. The current onners in Cliffside have all joined me and David Smetana 'the prospective purchaser of Lot 5, in supporting thls request. Per your desire, ve have included the two existing resldences with this requeat so that all lots nithln Cliffside will carry the same SFR zoning if approved bv the Town. PLease 1et me know if you need further explanatlon of or information on the reasons why this request makes good sense and lmproves upon 1-and use. ery rmrch, @l*, 0rdway / Philip E. oo ROSENQUIST & ASSOCIATES Ve*lg*fuea@C*a P. O. E'OX et86 VAIL. COLORAOO 41657 0-*- ?, /7F/ ta"^-q \M{'ryT%h U"fre C r.-- J-! ,t / -u /"fk* '\/'"N tf 1./ 4 / .fu4Mflur' 2'u4 'r* fr lL ^ry ''' "'"- fu T/*tu ,f-zilq /'il^*r+4 U !'lEl'CIMNDUll TO: Planning and Environmental Cornmission .FROM: Departrnent of Conmunity Developnent/Peter Patten \( DATE: Decenber 9, 1981 The lots are smal'l ' K:.i1"?":? Ill"ltH3""l'ilii"t"*i"4'ii' t':1:^"*';*:o':l[i ;i::tt::$:li::'::"1; ;il:.'ilJ#ffi'";'L "i- crirl:l1l;.^Tniil:l::I'ffi: :; il:';;ilffi:l.'l^ili.i";;#:;ii:.;i;,;";-R;:'g:::::1.!1i'lil;..]1","!,*:,T*^::'lni"l.xii":';:';i;,i;;;' "i;;;;;a-n"iia*ti:i :::':i:'.T1""lll'.1'inl'ulii"Fli;;i'"i""t (on rots.o. ;, .9-;':1-l"l), ?13.:1;":-odue to tne brlar raLUl y'LvJvev \v'r ^--- iut"'*ust, across Li.onsridgeioi (ro""a for 30 units): . To.th:.lTl1:^ + ^ A 1.,r nrimarv/seconda l,::o tfil":^' ::o':r"ti:'i i-uri"""i r*c::F:i:" :.u-::l :::ffi""""ondar-vllllu'il"l'] ';il"; ;;;"-;;; over 30'000 square reet each' SUBJECT:RezoningrequcstforCliffsideSubdivision'lotslthrough5' from Resia!t";;i ei;t;;;- 6ncl -to sitter" Familv llesidential (SFR). Applicants:- Richard-Brout' iaryf R' Burns' David L' iole, anilCharles H' Rosenqulst'' BACKGROIJND GliffsideSubdivisionwasannexedintotheTownwiththeltestVailAnnexa. tion of Decenber sf','-f980' It consists'oi i-iott and is located in the Lionsridge area. * i;;;: loit-c-i ana c-e of Lionsridge Filing No' ;-;;;;-;;"uaiu ia"a i"i'-*r''i i', 1:* . tt tif:'r*" t* d iv i s ion' lat olttr / t - ') ^^----^ €aar c1 iffsi de p''.ri , o ToallowCliffsideto't.bletrdin,.witlrthesurroundingproperties'rte zonccl it RC, rsith "'tini*t't of 2000 sqt'ur"-f""t of GRFA for each l'ot' This speciat provi-sion -was included because' rvith slcpc-rcstrictions' some of the lots utooil tulu" becn al lot'te;-;;iy 1100 or 1200-square fcct of GRFA. It was reii ana expressecl at thar iinre that cliffside was an areaforfttrtlrerstudyastotlrenostappropriatczoncdistrict. TI.IE REQUEST The rczoning request includes only lots I through 5' cxcluding lot 6' w.hcre Chtrck Roscnquistrs housc exists. i,";--a is thiJnF one-ffiICh couttt have nore tlrsn onc unit (it possibly "ouiJ-rtlru" 3' accordittg to rott$h slope cclcttlations). Lots I through 5 are tron- conf o rrrring in tclms R;;-"; th,-'y iiil I b,-' in Singlc l::rmil.y (but to lfti"i-"o*f'"rirrg RC to st;lt, combinc'tl .wit'h thc irit r,:,1,i, lrnrl 5 rrill hclp to urldctstantl di f l'ercnc c's ltrc tlrrcc: of nirtintunt lot size for i-r"i."t criturt). Tltc trrtclosed tabIc on stlrtistics for thLr sittlitiioll . '[hc ml jn !y7 in Glll:A of-6*7 s<1l. SltF lrl lows itpproxirl:rtcly cll ovcrilgc incrclt:re ft Pcr lot. 't Griffsiilc -2- LLlrlsL IYr)r\,\.! r.' I t'SFR allows flcribility in thc siting of the houscs on the lots because thcro arc no slope rcstrictions' t. sFR allows, on lots where the houso is located on an average slopc of 30t or rnore, ;he garage to be located without a flont setback requirenent. /.t PP.ESINT Scott lldrr'ards Ifill Trout Ge: ry Mrite Dan Colcoran Drrane P j_pcr J irn ltlorgarr AdSI]NT tl,oger Tilkemcier Thc lneeti.ng was'ca1led. to folIor+ing a work session 1. Approval of the nitruies of the Novr-;nller 23, 1981 rnceli.rrg. lr/ill rrovecland lluane scconded tc approvc thtnfiurcs. Tfrc votc lr'a s 5-d; unaninous. 2. P.equcst for a rninor subCivision of lots 10. 11.Patch. App.l.icant: CDS [nterirriscs, lnc. l(cslclcntlal cluster. l)jstrict to Single li0mily District-. r\pplicants: IlichardB'.otur, Drrryl R. Burns, David L. cole, and charlcs u. nosc'eui.st. and 12 Blocl< l P o tato Peter Patten showed site plans shor,ring rrerr' linc:s r.rith tl:e olcl pro.1;erty lincsin rtrd. Ile t:xplaincd rvhy the staff r:cc c;rrinended approval and Ken i{i-l.soa 1'opresentin: -the propcrty ouners explaincd that a clr j.rreilay encroac.hroent on lot 11 rva.:; tobe eliminirtcd rsith the rcsubcli.vision. Dan explained that no allorvabl e GRFA changes ruould occur. Duane voi-ced ccnce::;r aboutlot Iines rcgardi.ng the distance betwcen the buildings. Peter assuaged theircollcerns. Scott noved and l{ill secondcd to approved t.lre t-e(luest for a nrinorsub<livisinn. l'he vote rt'as S-0 in favor. rvith Dln abstaining. lreSt for a rezonjng of lots I throu Cliffsirlc Subdivision fron Pctcr Pattcn cxplaincd thc memo -showing thc. sitc pl.an and discussccl the gr-aplsiu tltc rncmo. Phil 0 r'drr'ly cxplaine'd thet hc ancl l)irvc Snlcn t:ura each hatl a coitractto bttl' a lot jf t.l-re zon-ing wiis changecl, irnd that tl'rcy lrere instnmcntal inr'cqtlosting thc rczonirtg. Jirn rc-.call cr cl thlt rvhcn this sr,rbtlivision was atrnexcditntl zottctl Iltrsidcntia.l Clustcl j-t rvrrs tlrc intcntion to rccorlsi.cler the zouingat r latcrr (lirte. Ilc r'l:r:; i.n f'e.vor ol. thLr churgc. l)an staccd that ho fcltthrt lot (r should bc jnclr.rdcd. Ordrvtrl, c\l)lirincd thrt Iioscnquist (orrner oflot 6) tias in favor of clrrrngilrg his Iot to drrplcx (prcscnt ly he coulcl brri ldit.I)ossil.tlc 3) or l),/S. 0r(ll,/cy strtc.d tlt:r1 hc diclrrrt lurvc tinrc to stutly thoaitclnrtives in ftrl I ltttrl s:o tlccidt'd not tc) includc lot 6.lrt tJrc.l;rst ruinuL(r,:r(lilrng t:llo:-,cll(ltti.st tolcl hi.nr t lrrrt )rc (l{rrsr.n<lrristJ rvorrltl not .insist rtrr btriltlirirl .i urlii..'*()t'tll*:r) hrcllt oll Lo stillc tllitt hc rli.ci ncrt l'cr-rl tli:rt. tiris wirs sPot zon.iii.q i'or' lot bsirrcc it rr'a s atl.j lrccnt to l{C :.:orrinS. li [,O I)I,ANNING AND LNVIIIOIJI,II:IiTAL COIIiiISSION f)cccnrbcr 14, l98l STAFF Dicr. Ryan Pctcr Patten Petcr Jamar Jim Sayre Betsy Rosolack order at 3:00 p.n. by chairrnan, Gerry h'hite, orr CC4 zoning and revised .Recl Lj-on plans. \ o{ tJ O 1 #, -r- L2/r4/Br r' scott agfced with ordr.rrry adding that lot 6 rrr;rs so diffcront, thcre rrras nonccd to considcr it rvith the othcr lots. Scott adrlcd that hc was conccrncdthat thc houscs not bc built high on thc rirlge and wontlcrcd if a tradc-of'fcould be made in this rcspect. orrlr+ay assured scott tlEt the houses wouldbe dortn thc hill far.enough so.that they woul{nrt intcrfere with othersr views.ordrvay addcd that siting was the main i'caion-iijr-till-iiqilit. Jim voiceclcorrccrn over the visual inpact, also, then sai.d he was jure DRB uould takethat into consideration. It'ill noved and Duanc seconded to rezone lots 1 thru 5 to single Fanily. Thevotc was 6- 0, unanimous. Dan voiced his concern that the hone owners show concerrr as to how high theybuild, because the owners of the Ridge were purposely not building on thchigh point. Gerry felt this was the correct-.zoi,ring Lecause otherwise theor{ners Frould be coming in with a scries of :requests for variances since theRC zone in this devclopment nade it virtually trnbuildable. Prel irnin leview scssion for Fxterior Alteratiotrs and Modifications. This sbssi.on h'as to decide whether or not thebe considered major--requiring a 90 day study, study. submitted projects would or rninor--requiring a 60 day A11 of the follorving lr'ere. considered to be najor revisions: Gallery BuildingSlifer Building Lodge at Vail - Harryrs Bar (new location) Red Liorr Inn -Deck EncLosure Tlre neeting was adjourned at 5:30 p.rn. oo q -$l-\'tt\N I_\.-bf ---s (,n t"t'(\ :St\ d _a\ Nt-.\ \ (,\ s'o l\ -f. G\ U\ s\ iN c o o o ** s$ s\(-. N c,\ uN(N CA Ns\ --l s Nq ..$ Rq N \$ NR o o o h c'q B c $\N /-\ $+$ (.r'OS. Nt^s R-._st^ ,3 i G.:Rq \d-\* Nstr.\FhBc.I i \llut | ' '.t,i -\ \J 6r ''{-_ bs h (.t\ts W Ntn qN Y:\\ \$ii t-;t; \ I' :i $isI ir\lRl'1N'r! i-\tx I t' 11sle Ii.ti.,i:i''.i ri lh-ri\| .r .'ll | 1'- Itr N l$ It r. .i.l ,',2 .ooc ?,,1 c orrrrRuncE rn oevrmPm:N'r srmoruios BETI{EEN RESIDENTI,AL CLUSTER AI'ID SINGLE FAI'IILY RESIDUNTIAL n,L .l5,OO0 sq ft area E,000 sq ft nin. buildable Front-20 ft, Sides and Rear, 15 ft Flat roof-Sgt, sloPed-S31 25t of buildable area 25t of slte Mininur 60t of site 2 spaees/unit, no front setback parking, I covered sPace per rmit if required bY DRB No building on 40t or uore slopes, 40t or rnore sloPe ereas subtracted fron allowableuits and GRFA Cliffside -3- i. .t..'l!r .l :j r /:i' (Y:.:J \.;.:r' ;-:. 12r50O buildable area Front-20 ft, Sides and Rear, 15 ft Flet roof-SOr,sloPed- 35 25t of, lst 12,500 sq ft 3ite area,+10? over 12,5 20t of site Mininrn 60t of site 2 spaces/unit No slope restrictions relatinS to GRFA or unit siting Min. Lot Size Setbacks Heigh! D,ensity Control Site Coverage Landscaping Parking Slopc restrictions a PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION December 14, 1981 L:30 Study Session to review revisions to previously approved plans for Red Lion located at 304 Bridge Street. Review of a new zone district for the area west ofVail Lionshead, by the V.A. shop area, Texaco, Voliter Nursery, Chevron, the old Town shops and the West day parking lot. 3:00 Public Hearing 1. Approval of the minutes of the November 23, 1981 neeting. 2. Request for a ninor subdivision of lots 10, 11, and IZ, Block 1, Potato Patch. Applicant: CDS Enterprises, Inc. 3. Request for a rezoning of lots 1 through .5. Cliffside Subdivision from Residential Cluster District to Single Fanily.District. Applicants: Charles Rosenquist, David Cole, Daryl R. Burns,Phillip 0rdway, Richard Brown. Preliminary Review Session for Exterior Aiterations andModifications: A. Ga1 lery Building B. Slifer Building C. Lodge at Vail - Harryrs Bar D. Red Lion Inn - Deck Enclosure a \ Grant,or hereby perpetually reserves for himself, as the Owner of Lot 2, Ctiffside, Town of Vail, Eagle County, Colorado, and to the successor owners of such Lot 2 the right to use the access easement for alJ. purposes which do not naterialry interfere with the use of the access easement by the Owners. Each Owner and his or her successor ovrner of a Lot in the cliffside subdivision shall use the access easement on]-y for the purposes set forth above and only in a manner which does not unreasonably interfere with the use and enjoyment of the remainder of Lot 2. The costs and expenses of maintaining, repairing, reconstructing or repracing the roadway constructed on the roadway easement shall be borne by the owners of Lots in Cliffside in the same manner as the costs and expenses pertaining to the remainder of the private road of which it is a part. This instru;nent contains the entire agreement of the parties relating to the matters set forth herein. It may not be amended, mofidifed, or supplemented nor may any provision hereof be waived, verbally or by any course of dealing, but only by an instrument in writing executed by Grantor and the Owners or by their respective successor ouners of Lots in Cliffsi-de, Town of Vail, Eagle County, Colorad.o dL.Co STATE OF COT]NTY OF COLORADO )) ss.EAGLE ) The foregoing Conveyance of Roadway Easement was acknowledged before me this 9e:> day of-November, 1981, by #.t..zt/'4.-."' o'!- / | i f.tf commission expires , y'/Ua.a.Zi, ,f-rt/tr2--i,lr: - Notary Public -2- ' 'Book 334 IJa-a.a64 day of ttovernber' , and State of Colol L. cole whose legal address is 28 6 Bridqe Street, Vail 'Colorado 81657 'of the Countyof Eagle part; and State of Colorado, of the second of A11 party of Town of Vail, Resubdivision Eagle County, airocbo*v*rasstreetsn* nxrocbqx STATE OF COLORADO, CountY of Eagle The foregoing instrument $'as acknowledged before me this 1981 ,bY DARYL BURNS. rrycommissione *oir." ACTV/€/- 7 WITNESSETH, That the said PartY of the first part, for and in consideration of the sum Ten Dollars, and State of Colorado, to wit: Together with all and singulnr thc he rt,<lit:rnrt'r'rts rrttrl trl)t)tlrt('lllrtlcls tltlrttrrrto ht'lottging. or in ""i*i=" appertaining, and the reversion attd revtrsions, rt'ttririrtrlcr irntl rctttrritrrtcrs, rt'ntl' issues and profits tfru.eoi; a"A all the estate, right, title, intercst, c.laim and denl:rnd *'hats.evt'r' of the said party "iiillfittipart, either in law or equity, of, in and to the above bargained premises, with the hereditamenis and appurtenanc"*; tO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said i.emises'above bargained and described, with the appurtenances' unto the said party of the second part, his heirs and assigns forever. And the said part y ofthe first part, forhimself ' Iti= heirs' executors and administrators, does "o.,r"rr.rt, grant, bargain and agree to and with the said part y of the second part, his r,ei.sl.rd .""igi., the above bargaiied premises in the quiet and peaceable possession of said party oflfi"l."o"a p"tt, hlsheiri and assigns, against all and every person or persons larvfrllly claiming or to ciaim the whole or any part thereof' by' through or under the said part y -- " "itn" fiist part to WARRANT AND FOREVER DEFEND. INwlTNEssWHEREOF,Thesaidpartyofthefirstparthashereuntosethis hand and seal the day and year first above nrttt"hoA \-^-nA 76-,^---t---=/ '. Signed,SealedandDeliveredinthePresenceof.|ffi5r'A-'-l -l sEALI II tsEALl l .".IJF€etu4A0 /&fn daYor 3lo:r€rRber- - Fee $3.00pd Eagl e County r-orrty Publrc. to the said party ofthe first part, in hand paid by the said party ofthe second part, the receipt *h"1eof is hereby confessed and acknowledged, has granted, bargained, sold and con- .,/"y"i, and by these pre-sents does grant, bargain, sell, convey and confirm unto the said p;;;t' of the second part, hiJ heirs and assigns forever, all the following described iJ 'o" p."""1 ofland, situate, lying and being in the Countyof Eagle THIS DEED, Made this tB* 19 81 ,between DarYl Burns ofthe CountYof Eagle rado, ofthe first part, and David RECORDER'S STAUP STAIT t;tiiirtl'liliii F[i JAN 6 41gBZ s /e*:"(d - K EP-'asbrr-1 fir the first part's interest in Lot 2' Cliffside, Eagle County, Colorado' as set forth in the of Lots Z ana 3, Cliffside, Town of Vail' Colorado L/J7 ..^rl,\r l fl., r ,,,,ir..o. l6 ,p6{.. 'Book .J5+ l5a THIS DEED, Made this 5af7,t dav of 1981 ,between David L. Cole /€c-q.4 ++orrember , and State of Colo- Burns Monroe Way, Denver, t ofthe CitY and Paqe @ RECORDER'S STAMP SiAIt titiii;iiii;hii tu j,Lirt g 11i,gz $ /oe: (.$ ___ County of Denver and State ofColorado, ofthe second part; WITNESSETH, That the said PartY of of the first part, for and in consideration of the sum Ten Doll ars, of the County of Eagle rado, ofthe first part, and DarYl whose legal address is 649 South Colorado 80209 and State of Colorado, to wit: to the said party of the first part, in hand paid by the said party ofthe second part, the receipt *h"""oii. hereby cirnfessed and acknowledged, has granted, bargained, sold and con- .'nay"i, and by these pre-sents does grant, bargain, sell, convey and confirm unto the said partv of the second part, his heirs and assigns forever, all the following described iJ 'i. pu.."t of land, situate, lying and being in the County of Eagle ut- A11 party of the first part's interest in Lot 3, Cliffside, Town of Vai1, Eagle County, Colorado' as set forth in the nesuua:-vision of Lots z ana 3, cliffside, Town of VaiI' Eagle County, Colorado. I ll ai ro<b:ownoonrt rect n n d n x ns$*x Together with all and singulsr the here<litarrte nts nn<t [l)l]u r tt'lr rrrlct'n tllrrt'unto lx'longittg' or in anyrvise appertaining, .iJ tf," reversion and revcrsions' remuindcr lnd rtrlruirrrlcrr' r.tttr' issues and profits there;;;"i all the estate, right, title, interest., c.laim and demand ,n'huts.cvtr, of the said part y "ii,;;fi.; p;rt, "ith." li t.* o. equity, of, in and to the above bargained nrcmises^ with the hereditaments and uppu"i"tt"r,"".; t<j HAVE AND TO HOLD the said r'-'------' i."-ir".'uUove bargained and described, with the appurtenances' unto"'tft'e-"tlJptrt y ' of the second part' his heirs and assigns forever' And the said his heirs, executors andpartY ofthe first Part, forhimself administrato.:,T;""= ":;:;;;;';;;, i""'r" '"a i"'": t",11.1:'11 :1"^'::ii1'i;-.":t"t*:3ffit"n.lil:f,i"=' fi"='.";;';""'F:' ;;;;;: t?rElit193'^":"-""""1:i"t"":;"::':l,i ffi".?ii; possession of said Partlz ;iif,; 3;;;;;;;'- hi= heirs and assigns' against all.and everv il:::1":X"':llll'1ii*}"'"' .{i;i'ili;;;:F.til::1,*"^"^Tf}'^iT#T;T'#',,#lrough or under the said Part Y ;;fi" ffi=l part to WARRANT AND FoBEvER DEFEND' IN WITNESS WHEREOfl The said PartY of the first Part ha s hereunto set his hand and seal the day and Year first above writte7 SEAL] sEALI SEALI STATE OF COLORADO' CountY of Eagle 1,,p-r.=-:lr.- day of .e+€€EbEif The foregoing instrument was acknov"ledged before me this rg 81 ,bv DAVID L. COLE '*'r4 ,s fZ No. l6 st,]:(.lAt.nrtatir\ll lrt:]:tr. -8,n.tt.,r.ll'ubn.h.ns.t8:1$.,thA!...Ial.uood.(()lt0ll4-1101)!1ll-6900-6-tl r7/2,-r'' r : Signed, Sealed and Delivered in the presence w7 'Book 334 Page 233 I r"tt DEED, Made this 1z 19 81 ,between Charles I Rosenquist, Richard I ofthe County of mffirjt Fee 93. 00pd Eagle County I ofthe CountY 'i rado, ofthe firstPart, and <h.aH64 day of *Jevereber , and Margaret R. Brown and Daryl Burns Eagle and State ofColo- David L. Cole 286 Bridge Street, Vai1, of the and State of Colorado, of the second RECORDER'S STAMP Siliit t;i;ii;iiiiiii,:T rEE Jlii\l n 4 1eR2v _ rvvt- $1o.?: (4 SEAL] EALI r4 H.p)\..,il1i,/i)' whose legal address is Colorado 81657 Countyof Eagle part;' WI1NpSSETH, That the said part ies of the first part, for and in consideration of the sum of Ten Dollars. to the said partie s of the first part, in hand paid by the said party of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby confessed and acknowledged, has granted, bargained, sold and con- ,r.y"d, and by these presents do grant, bargain, sell, convey and confirm unto the said p"rty of the second part, his heirs and assigns forever, all the following described iot -or parcel ofland, situate, lying and being in the County of Eagle and State of Colorado, to wit:1 l\ nri\\0" 'nl -..4U \" A11 parties of the first partsr interest in that portion of LoE 2, Cliffside, Town of Vai1, Ea91e County, Colorado shown as an "access easement" on the plat of the Resub- division of Lots 2 and 3, Cliffside, Town of Vail' Eagle County, Colorado I aixq hxorvrxrrrl rsr:t x* dlxHilxn Togctlrt.r *,ith g1 1n1 singutar tlrt he rrdirrrlr.rrlr rn,l tlrp\lttctlrrtrr'cr lltctcultlo hcLrnllrr;. ur ln any*,ise 'ppertaining, ;;;ii; rctur"ion arrd !cvcrrloir..'nrrlrr'lcl rtr rrHllln'lorr' tr"tr' issues and profits trruruoi; ""i allthe ertate, rlsht, title. interr:rt, c.lnltrr nrltl df nrlnd t'ltrtr{,crct' of the said part ies "ii'h;fi;t part, either in tt* o" .quity, of,-in nnd t. the rbovc trnrsrlrr.d premises, with the hereditamenis and appurtenanco"; ro ItAvE AND TO IIOLD the rsid ii"-i"""'"l"ve bargained and described, with the appurtenances' unlo- -tfte taid part y ofthe second part, his heirs and assigns forever. And the said thenselves . , - ., -partiesofthefirstpa"t,ro"'fiii""-';" their heirs'executorsand administrators, do - .orr"rrrrrt,'g.ant, bargairand agree to and rvith the said party of the second part, n1s n.i""lnJ ,""igi., ilr. "ro""-l".fri"""g premises in the quiet and peaceable possession of said p"rt"y oitfr" ,""otta pr.t,tti"t heirs and assigns' against all and every person or persons t.*titty ";ilia;;";i.1- trt" whole or any part thereof, bv, through or under the said part ,.;"' ;f1h" fi-rst part to WARRANT AND FOREVER DEFEND. INwlTNEsswHEREo4Thesaidpartiesofthefirstparthavehereuntosettheir hand s and seals the day and year first above written' Signed, Sealed and Delivered in the presence ofl STATEOFCOLORADO, f"". CountYof Eagle J DARYL BqRNS .*pire" frffi/el / afooe" /6-tuica '4'*6' N.B strument $'as acknowledged befJre methis *day of November RLES H. ROSENQUIST, MARGARET R. ROSENOUIST, RICHARD N. ,B ar r-o!rry Public. Ez4*"/'^l 4ffi-X:ir*;1;2Fkz/'*'t-;#*^/tr;; fu"6-a7-{tz- 4 / rt/ iz rA, RA\TYl)f:ED -BradfordPubtirhioS.Slt2Jw 6rhAvc Lakc$ood'co80214-ll0l)233-6900-6'81 wr .*1.\ 1i...r.,,,3 Book 334 Paqe 234 ;..2- a--,- tz) \/ 230589 ReocrdedRell er at 10:00 A.M. JanuarY Johnnette Phi 11 i Ps t982rfle countv Fee $6.00pd CONVEYANCE OF ROADWAY EASEMENT ,2 1 Conveyance of Roadway Easement dated ay13 )'d)14 bfu€*t4f4&t-_aay ot5tZri6hffiir'*Ii81-ftom David L. CoIe ("Gr4ntor"), as the owner of Lot 2, Cliffside, Town of Vai1, Eagle County, colorado as set forth in the Resubdivision of Lots 2 and 3' Cliffside, Town of Vail, Eagle County, Colorado, to the present and future owners of Lots Ir 3, 4t 5 and 6, Cliffside, Town of Vail, Eagle County, Colorado (the "owners"), the present owners of such lots being as follows: Names Lots Address .J /J.:i E-f <<' t4 Charles H. and Margaret 1&6 R. Rosencruist Richard N. Brown Daryl Burns 193 East Gore Creek Drive Vail, Colorado 81657 Suite 106 1780 South Bellaire Street Denver, Colorado 80222 649 South Monroe i{aY Denver, Colorado 80209 4&5 Grantor,forvaluableconsiderationthereccilltarrd sufficiency of which is hereby acknowlcdgcd, hereby sclls alrd conveys to the Owners, as Owners of the properLy dcscribcd above and to their guests and invitees ' and their successor ovrners of such property ' a perpetual nonexclusive roadway easement and right-of-way over, undert across and through the portion of Lor- 2, Cliffside' Town of Vail' Eagle County' Colorado designated as an access easement on the Plat of the ResubdivisionofLots2and3',Cliffside,TownofVail'Eag1e County, Colorado, fot the purpose of (a) ingress to and egress from their Lots in the Cliffside Subdivision' Town of Vail' Eagle County, Colorado, and (b) maintaining' repairingr r€- constructing and replacing a private roadway substantially of the kind and nature presently existing on such access easement. Such easement shall be for the benefit of the Owners, as owners of Lots in the Cliffside Subdivision' and shall run with and be a benefit to the ownership of such Lots. d'(s 1.r,.., i,trJF (I t box 100 vail, colorado 81657 {3031 476.5613 March 13, 1981 T0: Dick Ryan, Peter and Larry FR0M: Peter Patten at-- ' RE: .r'"--_.---=7- department of commu n ity development Al lowable c.R.F.A. Under RC 1556 2t30 1316 1156 2466 5537 (- Lot 5 4 3 2 1 6 Bu i 'l dab'l e Site Area 6625 8523 5267 4625 9865 221s0 G. R. F.A. Under SF 2381 2643 2566 Jlz5 31 16 4770 Determined very roughly on 1-100 sca'l e - very approximate. Under RC, all lots would receive a rnaxinum of oneof Lot 6, where Rosenquists r house is. This lot, have 3 units, or an additional 2 units. dwelling unit with according to these the exception figures, could ,4 o na T4/"/v Dr 1. F/.,t r17o. .. z)tte ) 1_--1 ',r,' q' .b.iiD,'i'ti N ouf{t,'_lrr*Pa. t / FREDERICK 5. OTTO .JAY K. PETERSON WILLIAM J. POST Orro, PnrensoN & Posr ATTOBNEYS AT IAW POST OFFICE BOX 3149 vArL, cotoRADo 4t667 January L9, L982 VAIL NATIONAL BAN K BUILDING (3O31 47e-OOS2 EA6LE-VAIL PRO FESSIONAL BUILDING (3O3) 949-53AO Rich Caplan Town Manager Town of Vail Post Office Box 100Vail, Colorado 81658 RE: Ordinance /11 , Series of 1982,Cliffside Subdivision Rezoning Dear Mr. Caplan: Please be advised that its is my understanding that the following record owners of property adjacent to the Property, which is Ehe subject of the above capEioned rezoning, did noE receive notice of iuch rezoning as reqirired pursuant io the Tor^n of Vail ZonLng Title: Valley Associates, Ltd., a Colorado limited partnership, 86 Maple Avenue Morristown, N.J. 07960 Snowram Associate.s; a New York general partnership, c/o Ron Artinian, 48 Pheasant Rsa, Nortsh Hills, Roslyn, New.York, LL576 John Horton Sadler and Theresa Elizabeth Sadler 3LL2 27xh Avenue l{oLy{e, Ill-inois 6L265 The purpose of this letter is to request that the Town Council of the- Town of Vail postpone the second reading of Ordinance {fL, Series of L982, in order to give the above named property o\^,ners and the sEaff of the Town of Vail time to physically inspect the properties in question to determine if more precise,language_ - -toncerning interference with scenic views existing from The Ridge at Vail Townhomes is required to avoid conflicts in the future. Rich Caplan January L9, L982 Page 2 At this time my client, Valley Associates, Ltd., is looking for an amenable solution for all parties coneerned. If such a solution is attainable, my client will make a dilligent effort to assist the Town of Vail in obtaining waivers of any notice requirements from Ehe above named parties to expedite the rezoning process. Thank you for your consideration in this matter. Very truly yours,"62/AY Willian J. Post WJP/c1g \ ffi LATID TITLE GUARAIITEC OOMPAT{Y BOX 3t vAtr, cotoRADo 81657 o6225l NEPNESENTINA TITLE IITSUNA CE @IAANV OF N'NNEgTA Febuary 2, 1982 Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Road Vai'1, Colorado 81557 Dear Sirs: This is to verify that according to a search of the Eagle County Records, Val'ley Associates, Ltd., A Colorado Limited Partnership is the record owner of Lot 5G, First Amendnent to the Ridge at Vail. If further documentationis necessary, please fee'l free to contact us. Sincere'ly, LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY nnc:'J"f- Ar1een L. MontagTitle 0fficer Al M/rcm copies to: t,li'lliam Post a ! (l(,1,'lil L L ill.,lr'l' I l'jri i1;1litll.,\ii! !, 1{lij:l I l.'l I i; | ;i''i .:i \'./i I 1, :i (Ji';ii '.1'1 Illli i) irr" , 7 : llO I). l,l . dt4) s- On 'l'ut.sda1', I'r.lrrunrl' 2, l1)[i2, a rr,rJ;uJ ar lrc{'t. jng of the Va.i1 .].crn,n Counci.l rvas; hr:ld in i. lrc Vail trlr.rn.i<rill:r1 Uui lcljng Cr.,urrcii Chiimbcls. iI]tiil_Ji-i1s i, t ilisitN? :l\ir.yor Rodrrr:y Ii. S] i J crliill Iti.l to, triaycir I)t'o-Tcm I>:r u I J ohns;lon Chu<:k ln derson H e rm:Ln n St :nrIe r Ron ToddGaiI ifahrlich OTIIL;IS PRi.,SIJ{T:Ilj cirard Caplarr, 'Io,,',.it f,lanltger Larry Eskwith , Asst . 'Iorvn Art ctrn ev The fi-rst jtem on the agenda was the seconcl reiding of Or-dinnnce #1 , Seriesof 19E2, an ordinance amending the officinl zoning map of Lhe Town of Vaitby placing,!liJrq j,cte $gb-SlivLs_i.on. .!,ots ! thrr;rrgh 5, in the single f ami. 1yresiclential zone distriCtl*Fhi-r oi?.vav Tirii.ri-t.[6-Counci 1 ir tfri" ordinancecould be tabled once again due to a lack.qi 4g::eeuept^y-i1.h 1.he Rictge of \/ai1propercy ol'tners on question of possiblevff S'lf f c'5[if1fiBfE,1 o'taO" a motion totab1e Ordinance #1 untiL the next regular meeting and Hermann Stauferseconced it- A11 voted i.n favor and tbe mot.ion passed unaninously. The next j-tem on the agenda was the first reading of Ordinance #2, Seriesof 1982, an ordinance appl'oving the supplerrent to the Vai1, lrlunicipal Code.Mr. Caplan stated that this was a I'house]<eeping" ordlnance tha.t i-s doneannually to approve the supplements to the Code. Gail l{ahrlich asked howthe fees of $175.00 for the Code and $25.00 for the Supplement were esta-blished. Nr. Caplan expla.ined that this was the agreement with Book publishing Company. Ilerrnatrn Staufer made a motion to approve Ordinan ce #2 on firstreading and Bill \{ilto seconded it. All voted in favor anri the motlonwas passed unanimously and the ordinance ordered published j.n full onfirst reading. The tle>:t iten on the agenda was the first rcading of Ordinance #3, Series of 7-982 , an ordi-nance relat ing to the Commerci a-l Core I I I sig_! code. peter Jamar,Town Planner, save a presentation TT-TI6liof,ZEEE ;rdfi;il-e. --lFe stated thata letter had been sent to alL business owlters in Commercial Core III and apublic hearing had been held on January 20, 1982. Jamar stated that thet-ewas a differenc.e of opinion between the Staff and the Design Review Boardrelating to freestanding signs. Jamar stated that there is a slgn programstated for each building. The Staff is proposing that all signs be turned.off iu any busi'ess rvhich is not open for business. He stated that approxirirately11 businesses out of 40 do not cornply with the ordinanee at.the present time.Jamar stated that in Section 16.22.O25, #8, shoulcl be changed frbm twent-fjvesqual'e feet to "2'5 square feet". 'fhere rvas discussion relating to the si.gncode ordinance. Hermann Staufer questioned the point of turning off signs ipbusinesses that. were not open, stating that he felt this rvould hurt the otherbusinesses in the surrounding area. Jamar st.ated that the parking lot andsireet lighrs gave off enough f.ighting. Statrfer stated he thought it was alsoa safety f elrture to leave these lights on for a reasonable anount of time intot'lte brtsiness c'r'ening. He also stated that it, would take additional policetinle to palr'ol and enforc(} thjs issue. Gajl \l:alrrlich qr,restioned the ordinanceas jl. r'e.l ates to the Saf eru'ay sign, Jamar stated that tlie]' nlrulcl be allon.ed a2t) srltiare f orrl S j.gn. Thr-r.r: \\'AS soittCr cljscus;sjr.,n bettr.cen tlrc. Cou11gi1 at n c.l Cre.-gSnouclc'n, a ::lt'triirt)r of t-ht' DIIB, 1'6.gat'tii ng m:rxirnrinr number o1 signs, sizc., etc.SnOttden sl ated thaI. the dccision ()n tlre co<le \\'as not i1 unar) jtnorrs otre rviththe DIIB' lle stated that a rc''presentative fr<-rm l\lcDonald's harl attended the me-e't i ng and did not seem t() have a yrrob) crn uith his allorlable size. Ron Toddaskecl it the 20 square f t>ot I jmit incluclr:cl both s jdes of thc si.gn, and Jemars;tatcd that I'c's it djd. Jamar also statecl thu.t the orclinilr)cc'should also bechlnllt'd to Ioatl "8 feet f r'om the <:xistin1l gra<le" on f reest.anrl ing signs.Af tt'r cons; jdt'rlllle rtiscuss;ion, Paul Jolrni.:t.i,rr ntacie a m()tr()n I () ill)J)ro\re olcii.:rncc,#3 <'n t i rs1 t't':tding rl'i tlr t hc <:lr:trrgcs and lrrrt,rrtlllr{)nt.q trirrrlc l,\, I,,-,t.,'i. Jilrrrar- :rnctlri' ('r'rrnci.l , rrrrcl ller.nrlnn S1.auJ.cr- sc,t:orrdt.<l i 1.. All \,(it(,d irr l. lrlr>r and thctttol iotl \\'as ill)lll'()r;c'd attd t.lr<l oldirranr-:c t>1.<lcr-t.tl ltrrbl ished in ltt lI on f it.stt't'rr rl i rr 11 . On Tuesda5,, Janu:rry 19, 7-982, a regular Iot-'r:t j ng of tl.rc Vrti rvrrs helcl ln the Vaj I lJuni<:ipaJ Rui)ding (.lr'ittrtc j I Clran:bers;. \: rr.I r';;,'i; \iAl I, 'l'(;iilJ i.()LllrilI I, :'1i,1;'l'IliG f ili:i:l)AY, ,liil',iUAltY l9' l.{)E2 ?:30 P.l'i. ABSIINT: OTHIRS I'RESJJNT : 'j'own Counc.i l Llllf,lllllllS pRllSiiNT : [1.]yor ltodney li ' Sl j f cr Bil I \t j 1to, IrlaYor Pro-Tem Paul J<.rhnston Il ermatru St au f er Ron Tocld Gai l'l{ahrlich Cl.ruck An derson Ricl.rard Caplan, Toltn l'lanager Larry R j.der, Town AttorneY Colleen Kline, Town Clerk The f irst ltem on the agenda was the second reading of or'!-!t1vn9-e;#tla-- Series of 1981, an ordinance imposing a one-half of_919-!-e{:cent-ULI-p4 the total valuation of all constructlon rvork for whiZh a building permlt is issued for. the purpose of street repaj.rs. There rvas ntuch discussion that follorred, r.n,o-trg ih" Cor1n.ilmemberi and citizens who felt that they rvere being penalized for the clestruction caused by the comnlunity as a rvhole. After discussions as to how the communi-ty felt the tax could be more equally distributed, Ron Todd made a motiou to approve ordinance #44 on second readjng and Paul Johnston seconded 1t. There was some discussicn' Gail. wahrllch restated her concern about the amouut of the tax, felt it should be reduced to one fourth of one percent, and also made to be an ongoingtax'notforasixyearperiod.\\ralrrlichmadeamotionto amend Todd's motion to impose a one fou::th of one percent tax for,an ongoing per'1od time, but ttre motion died for lack of a second' After some discussion a vote was taken and the motion passed five to one - li,ahrlich opposing ancl tbe Ordinance was'ordered published by title only. The next item on the agenda was the second Series of 1982, an ordinanc.e amending the readi.ng of O::dinance #1, offical zonlng maP of the Town of Vail by Placifamily resi-d6-ntia1 zone dj-strlc be tabled until the next meeting because had not been notified on the meeting or motion to table Ordinance #1, Series of February 2, L982, for second reading and A11 voted j"n favor and the motion passed idwav ast<ed that this ordinance some of the Parties concerned the change. Bill lYilto made a 1982, to the next meeting on Hermann Staufer seconded it. unanimously. de Subdivision Lots 1 th in the sjngle The next item on the agenda lvas the reading of-Resolution #3, Series of tg12, a resolut j on extending the iitU"" ftf ."3 ttettSBatt"t'ion Administration Grant contract date. After some discussion, Paul Johnston made a motion to approve Resol.ution #3, series of 1982, and Gail wahrlich seconded it' a1f vbteO in favor and the motion carried unanimously. The next ltem on the agenda u'as the reading of Resoluti-on #4, Series of tg82, a resolution dupport ing the estabLishmentrcfTh-e-Itgl" County Emergency Services Hospital District. )\lr. caplan stated that the council had revie$.ed the-p1an *'ith .up"esentativcs f :'om the vail \'al1ey lrledical Center at r.ts rvoLk session that afterno()n. I\layor Slifer stated that t'here .needed to Is some di" r'ec1 icrn givern to t]'rc Iil'e Depal'trn€'nt f or charges tltel- incur.red.rvhen resp"naing t.o calls initil1ted \\'ith the Ambulenc:e Distrjct' After sone di".ui'iion nirn Todd made a motion to approve Resolution #4, series of 1982, ^"a Gail \|'a}rrlicb seconded it. All voted in favor and the notiotr passed unanintousLy. During citizen Participation, Irlr. c;rp1an stated that he had received repot.ts of botul ism in 4 oz. canned musltrooms f rom Saf c$'ay StoreS ' J)ilul .T()ht.tst rln nr;kc'cl rvhat. mr.rlrsurcs had bt'r'tl t.alicn to asli l trt' brts dri l't'I's Lr()tlr f rorn t.he Ci 1.1' :rnd C()nl ill('nt.ial Tt'lli)sa5's, to shut o1'f 1'ltCir busolj \r,.h(.n st()l)Pcd f or i,,u1;"t 1.hart 1l-r tni nttt t':;. lrlr, Cn|) an sl :il'cd t ltat it lt;tcl l,1r,gn cl j si'irssed irnd the nlatt.cr 1'lrs trgi plI I ()ol(('d i ttttl . on .Ir.ii;s;day, ,)atruary 5, 7982, a I'cflill ar: rn<'trt.i Irg ol tire; V:rj l 'l'ol{n cortnci l was )rel cl in 1.)rc l\tun i c j pzrl !,1ui lclinJJ corrnr: i I (llr;rrrbers, 1,1 l:iL'll l; VA I j. l ( )\,;ii (.( /r ';( I I 'fur:::rltry, Jilllltltt'1' 5, 19E2 7 a'."0 P.1,1 , }.liiT1BERS PIIIlSENT : OTHI]RS PIIESENT: Itliryor Itndnt:Y Ii. Sl i f cr llil I \1'jlto, lrlaYor lj:'o.-'lem Chu<;k Andet'son Pau.l Joltns;ton llerrnan n St trul er R<.rn Todd Gai. 1 \!ahrlich R j c:barcl Cap3 an, Tortt.t irlanager Lalr5 Ri der , 'Iot'n lttol'neY Colleen Kline, Torlu Clerk The first item on the agenda lvas Resofution #1, Seri'es of 7982' an honorary resolution acknowledgin! tne lVeek of January 1'7 - 23 as National Jaycces Week. After some di;cuIsion, Bill i{ilto macle a motjon to approve Resolution #1 and Paul Johnston seconded it. A11 voted in f.avor and the motlon passed unanimouslY. seeond j-tem on the agenda" was the second reading of ordinaice #44, Series of 1981 , an ordinance irnposjng a one-ha.lf crf one pere.entl's{-bn tota'l valuation of all construction rvork for which e--F6imit j'i' issued to be usedforStleetrepairs.lvlr.Caplanstatedthatthelehadbeenno major changes to this ordinance sj-nce first reading. There rvere several local- contl'actors in the audience that expressed their oppositon to the proposed ordinance, stating that they lvere being penalized for the destruction of the roads by all vehitles, There was some discussion as to how there could be exemptions granted to contractors rvho were building their places for permanent iesidences. After a lengthy discussion bettveen the council and th-e citizens, Paul Johnston made a motion to table ordinance #44 until the next regular meeting and to take it back to the woik session for further study. chuck Anderson seconded the motion' A rrote was taken and tbe motion passed - s1x to one - Ron Todd opposing' The next item on the agenda was the first reading of ordinance #1 , Serles of 1e82, an ordin"n.. i*."dinc th.@l !-!9=1?1no?LY.1ttoI LY6Z, all ur (r-LudLtr\rs .Llt,Errurrrb rre singG f ;mj-ryby pl "ciog Cl if f side Subdil'l€ron '-I.,e!E- I t hrougt-t : residential- -Th-iCoinmunity Development Department explained the reason for the ordjnance. He stated that the staff recomnrended_'approval of the change and.the PEC bad ""::9.i1-1"::Ion the change G - 0:- Craig Snorvden exfressed his-concern about the setback areas. Hermann Staufer made.a motion to approve Ordinance #1 on first readj-ng and paut iofrnston seconded it. Bill lgilto requested that the staff modify the ordinance to pl'otect the views on the srtrrounding lots' Avotewastakenonthemotionanditrvaspassedunanimouslyandthe ordi-nance rvas ordered published in fu11 on first reading' The next item on the agenda was the reading of Resolut ]_on #2, Series of 19g2, a resolution-oetichi'g tbe vail Library from the Cour.rty Library tri-ptogt".. Af ter some cliicussion, Bi. 1l \\'ilto-ntade a motion to approve Re-solu1 ion:Z and Chuck Anderson secondecl it. A11 voted in favor and the motion passed utranimousl5" Larry Ri'cter stated that he had not had a cbanc.e to re\'reN the Resirlrrt j on u'j th the Cotrnty Attornel" llnd that he \r()uld be cljscussing- ii-itlth her, but felt 1: hat the l'esolution convel'ed the intenl ol' f he 6ounty '.ncl the 'Iorvn of \ra j I 1n :'c'gards 1't> double t:rliat j "tl uncler citizen Participation, Barbara lrlasoner 'f rom the Nature center asked for tbe Courrci:'s-iupir"rt in the ullcominll Rottle Bill for the State of Ccrlorado. Iliryor SiliLt said the Council rtould revieN the bi 11' Panr Ilopkins :rnd Craig $porvden, architecl s Ior the pr'o1'losc'ci Vail Library ' fliuur-r :1 l)1.()l:1.(.ss ,:or1r,rrt on the nert' I ibrnr'1' si 1e. 11a1'or Sl i f elr stated thnt t. llr. C(rllnci I r|orrld Lt, r,lrl I i n1; f or a bontl t'l('ction to Ittttrl 1]tcr I ibt'a15' itt Ilrr. r'r'11' n('ll l' l u1.tl l-c. ORDINANCE #](Series of 1982) AN ORDINANCI AIIIENDING TIIE OTFICIAL MAP OF TIIE TOI4IN OF VAIL BY PLACING SUBDIVISION, LOTS 1 TIIROUGH 5, IN FAMILY RESIDENTIAL ZONE DISTRICT. ZONING CLIFIISIDE TTII] SINGLU WIIEREAS, Cliffside Subdivision was annexed to the Town of vai1, December 31, 1980, and subsequently zoned Residential cluster, but designated as an area for further study for the most appropriate zone district; and IYHEREAS,ttreTownCouncilisoftheopinionthatSingleFamily Residential is the most appropriate zone district for Lots 1 through 5, Cliffside Subdivision; and WHEREAS,thePlanningandEnvironmentalCommissionoftbeTown has recommended, unanimously, rezoning from Residential Cluster to Single FarnilY Residential . NOtt, TIIEREFoRE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE TOIIN COUNCIL OF TIIE TOWN oF vArL, coLoRADO, THAT: Section 1. TheofficialZoningMapoftheTownofVailisherebyamendedas set forth below: Lotsl,2,S,4and5,CliffsideSubdivision'berezonedfromBesidential 6luster Zone District to Single tr'amily Residential Zone District, with the follorving condition: 1. That development on Lots 1 through 5 sha1l not significantiyinterferewithscenicviewsexisting from The Bidge at Vail townhomes' Section 2. Ifanypart,sestion,subsection,sentence,clauseorphraseof this ordinance is for any reason held to be inval"id, such decision sha1l not effect the validity of the remaining porti-ons of this ordinance; and the Town council hereby deelares it would have passed this ordlnsnce, 'and each part, section, subsecti,ott, sentence, eleuse or phrase thereof, regardless of the fact that, any one or more p&rts, sections, subsections, sentences, clauseis or phrases be decLared inval id. Section 3. Thc Town Ccluncil hereby finds, detcrmines and doclrres that tltis orclinance is necessry and proper for thc heatth, safety and welfare of the Town of Vail and the inhabitants thereof. Section 4. The repeal or the repeal and reenactment of any provision of the Vail Municlpal Code is provided in this ordinance shal1 not affect any right which has accrued, any duty imposed, dW vioLation that occurred prior to the effective date hereof, any prosecution commenced' nor any other action or proceeding as commenced under of by virtue of the pro- vision repealed or repealed and reenacted. The repeal of any provision hereby sha1l not revive any provision or any ordlnance pleviously re- pealed or superseded unless expressly stated herein INTRODUCED, BEAD ON FIRST BEADING, APPROVED, AND ORDERED PUBLISIIED ONCE IN FULL TIIIS 5th day of January, t982, and a public hearing on this ordinance shall be he1d. at the regular meeting of the Town Councll of the Town of Vai1, Colorado, on the 19th day of January, L982, at 7:30 p.m. in the Municlpal Bullding of the Town of Vai1. ATTEST: Colleen Kline, Town Clerk INTRODUCED, L982, and ordered READ, APPROVED AND ADOPTED TIIIS 19th day of January, publlshed ATTEST: Colleen Kline, Town Clcrk -2- 'i'0: Iii;l l li{.\\i)UM i)larrning and llrrvilonrnent;rl Cor;rrnjssion FROM:, Dcpartlnent of Conmunity Dcvcl optncnt/Petcr Pattcn DATE: Dcccnrber 9, I 981 SUBJECT:Rczoning reqrrcst for Clif I'side Subdj.vision, iot-s I through 5, from Residential Cluster (ltC) to Single Fa;nily Rcsidential (SFR). ApPl icants: Rich:rld BroM, Dalyl R. IlrrLrrs, David L. Cole, and Charlcs H. Rosenquist. BACKGROUND Cliffside Subdivision was annexed into the Tor+n rvith thc l{est VaiI Anncxa-tion of Deccrnber 31, 1930. It consists of 6lots and is located in theLionsridge area. In 1975, lots G-7 and G-8 of Lj.onsrirlge Filing No. 2 were resubdivided into r+hat is now Cliffside Subdivisiorr. The lots are small. Only 1ot 6 is ovcr 15,000 square feet. Cliffside was an arca which was difficult to fit into thc most sppl-opriate zonedistrict at the tinre of zoning l{est Vail. There r{cre no other .siFilar subdivisions in the surrounding area of Cliffside. Thc Valley lies tothe northwest and was appropriately zoned Residcntial clu_ster. The "G"lots 1ie to the southea.st and rvere al so zoned Resj.rlential Cluster, rnostly due to the Briar Patch project (on lots G-2, G-5 and G-6) and the G-4lot (zoned for 30 units). To the itruncdiate lr'est, across Lionsridge Loop and on top of the ridge is Ridgecrest, a 6 lot prinrary/secondary zoned area. These lots are over 30,000 square feet cach. To allow Cliffside to 'rblend in" with the surrounding pr-operties, we zoned it RC, with a ninirnun of 2000 square feet of GRFA for each lot.This special provision was included because, with slope restrictions, sone of the lots would have been allowed only 1100 or 1200 square feetof GRFA. rt was felt and expressed at that tine that cliffside was anarea for further study as to the rnost appropriate zone district. THE REQUEST The rezoning request includes onLy lots 1 through 5, exclutlirrg lot 6, where chuck Rosenquist!s house exists. Lot 6 is the only one which could have rnore than one unit (it possibly could have S, according to roughslope calcul ations) . Lots 1 through 5 are non-conforrning in terms of rnin inrun lot size for RC, as they will be in Single Farnily (but to a lesser cxtcnt). The enclosedchart cornparing RC to sF1t,. coinbined wit-h the tabl e on stiltistics forlots 1,2,3,4, and 5 r+i11 help to understand the situation. The rnaindifferences are three: SRF allorvs approxi:::ately an arrcrage i-ncrcase in GIIFA of 647 sq ft per lot. 1. !!t ...- 2. 3. SFR allows flexibility in the siting of the houscs because thcrc are no slope rcstrictions. SFR allows. on lots where the house is located on of 30% or nore, the Saragc to be located without Tequircment. on the lots an average slope a front setbaok RECOTftIENDATTON The Department of Comrnunity Development recorunends approval of the rezoning requcst for Cliffside Subdivision. After studying the situation, we feel SFR is the correct zone district for this subdivision. Residcntial Cluster is neant for nulti-family develoPnent such as townhones and condominiuns. ltle are dealing wit.h single farnily developmcnt on these lots,, not condominiuns. The flexibility in.siting for the houses and the garages is a necessity for thcse small, steep, difficult-to- build-on lots. The SFR District is a more appropriate one for the developnent of these lots. | \,t D I l;I: l :Ir rl,r.cil N lll i y-tj l.-oi !\' r jNlf F!l|p4!!q lJIlTl{J:liN Rl:si I l)l:N]'IAl, Cl,U:;l'liR /\ND .qlM!-_F4t[r!Y__B!g!q'_1!rM! iriC 12,5OO buildablc area Front-2O ft, Sides and Rcar, 15 ft Flat roof-30r,sloped- 33t 25eo of lst 12,500 sq ft 3ite area,+1Oeo over 12j500 20% of site l.finimurn 60t of site 2 spaces/unit No slope rcstrict.ions relating to GRFA or unit siting ^rt Min. Lot Size Setbacks Height Density Control Slte Coverage Landscaping Parking Slope restrictions 15,000 sq ft arca 8,000 sq ft min. buildable Front-20 ft, Sides and Rear, 15 ft Flat roof-3Or, sloped-33 I 25% of buildable area 25% of site Minimum 60t of site 2 spaces/unit, no front setback parking, I covered space per unit if required by DRB No building on 4O% or nore slopes, 4O% or rnore slope areas subtracted fron allowable units'and GRFA .. _l l.-...| 'll h'i l'1t.' ftt, f;irIit it, ti i! i\I ifi__\,- lt.\ n{ lp \i\ ll $\r\ iUSItt \ '.\ \-}\r (4 o a\ Jr\ 't1.\n.\-.\ --n t---- .-.--- .._s (A Nl\) .-'.-'b ul N (A oo o +* s$ c xL^ N(\) (\ (\ N CN \ t\ N$--l T-t\(.-- Nq .-S Rq {$i I$ o \J O Noa \b C\r\J s}N, R=.-$S\S0'g \.. N CN o Q-t-$tNo-\g$s$ N N \r- $N NRFq t\ u\)$ U s\ N q-\ tt\ R...(\.. tN Nq [N \ NN N$ $N NU NNN ; [', $' N\tN$$ I $ t\ (\ $ t\ N L\) tr \ '.ii:lrl Ir.i;lp'\i 3Nl +*i\ sl ilsl s -a\\ \it' R \r N t".r \ >\\r\ \ } ., 1 ',; ]ii $:\t ft. U \s' t', t\c tt, t{,.J o\ F.\ \tt q Ito 7\ t^{l N \) I\ \ -t$ ss $^ s f- \ s N TN N \\ N \ \ \ I h$ * \ * h \ \-\\\l \ u a\I \ t oo oo department of community development February 12, 7982 75 soulh lronlage rd. vail. coloredo 81657 (303) 476-7000 Bil Post otto, Peterson and Post P.0, Box 3149 Vai1, Colorado 81657 Re: Cliffside Dear 8i11, The purpose of this correspondence is to re-track the past occurrences andthe current situation regarding the cliffside subdivision rezoning andthe resultant opposition fron the people involved with The Ridge it vait Townhornes, The following are the events which have taken place in chrono- l ogical order : t' The Planning and Environnental conmission, with a positive recommenda-tion frorn the planning staff, recorrnended to Town council the approvalof the request frorn cliffside subdivision (represented by phil biaway)to rezone lots I through 5 fron Residential cluster to single FanilyResidential on Decernber 14, lgSl . The only concern expressed by pEC was that of protecting the views frorn the Ridge at Vail units. This was deterrnined to be a Design Review Board consideration, and the pEC felt comfortable addressing the view issue at the DRB level. 2. On January 5. 1982 the Town Council considered on first' reading Ordinance#I, Series of 1982 to rezone Cliffside fron Residential Cluster toSingle Family Residential . It was unanimously approved with the directionto the staff to include language in the ordinance addressing the protectionof views fron the Ridge at VaiI . Townhones. 3. Following the January 5 neeting, I was inforned by you that you feltinsufficient notification had occurred with respect to the Ridge atVail property. You wrote a letter dated Januaty t9, 19g2 to Rich caplan, Town Manager stating so and requesting tabling of the second reading scheduled for January 19, lg82 so that scenic views could be furtherstudied. You stated that you were concerned that the new languager had- put into the ordinance addressing the view question was nor srrong enough to assure the quality of the views, Mr. ordway agreed to thistabling and requested the same at the rneeting that evening. 2-oob Bill Po 2/ 12/82oo On Wednesday, January 22" a site investigation was conducted in which Craig Snowdon, Jin Flaun, yourselfn Phil Ordway and nyself participated. At the site it appeared that views would not be impaired because of the sharp grade change on the south side of the ridge, After the sj-te visit, Craig Snowdon, Jirn F1aun and nyself rnet and detennined that due to an 8% driveway grade restriction, garages for lots 4 and 5 would require rnuch fill which would substantially raise their elevation and inpair views fron the Townhornes. It was decided that Craig Snowdon and others would conduct a more detailed study, producing sone cross- sections, to determine nore exactly these desigr/view problems. On Tuesday, February 9, 1982 I met with Craig and exanined hi-s drawings and the photographic analysis which was done to show potential inpacts - on the views fron the townhomes frorn constructi-on of garages on the northern boundaries of lots 4 and 5, It was apparent fron this study that. potential for very servious view inpacts were guite real and that rellrcsentat ives from The Ridge would object strongly to the rezoning as it was currently written, Mr, Snowdon expressed that representatives fron The Ridge would agree with the zone change only j,f access to lots 4 and 5 were from the lower s j,de of the lots, off of Lionsridge Loop. I had a conversation with I'tr. Ordway on Friday, February 12 in which he prelininarily suggested that access from below would not be acceptable to Richard Brown, current owner of lots 4 and 5. This indicates that there would be a rnajor disagreement between the two parties and that no waiver of notice would be supplied by yourself. You had indicated on January 19 that the waiver would cone only if an agreenent was subsequent.ly reached regarding language in the ordinance addressing views. It appears at this moment, that this matter wi.ll go back to PEC for their consideration at a later date and that essentially we will start over with the zone change, now taking into consideration the view and access issues. I would like to rnake it clear that the planning staffrs position on these issues wj.ll be presented in nernorandum form to the PEC several days previous to that public hearing. The staffrs current position is one of the desire to further study the view and access issue, 4. 5. 6. 7. I sincerely hope all at a solution which Sincere 1y-1 parties can work together on this matter to arrive is the optimurn for the Town, The Ridge and Cliffside. ,a-/ / /r( ,' ,('u^ t :A,. PETER PAT'fEN, Senior Pl anner, JR Town of Vai 1 APP:bpr cc: Craig Snowdon Jin Flaun Phi-l Ordway Richard Brown a A tt i> t J,rl Z - /6 -82--6,. /rc{ ckptflAl R,;[- n #r tL rru** g A/ E'*"-''- J A f:,&/"*'L 4h !Z*'yrk;,n & /-€, "1" t*'* /'-'-/""L"- t rl2 Fft rffi f/ o?fr*, / T *fl-P04@ ha-"fftM,/ 8/ /(8" fuu*7**/AM / lI n3 476-12201 81657 Snowdon and Hopkins o Architects 201 Gore Creek Drive P. O. Box'1998 Vait, Colorado I',Ir. Feter Patton Tor,m of VaiI Plaryring Departnent 75 Souttr Frontage RoadVail, Colorado 81657 February 24, 1982 Dear Peter: Enclosed is a pa.cket of infornration on my investigation of the request for rezoning by the prcpertlz cr^/ners within ttre Cliffside Subdivision (Iots L ttu:u 5) . I\.ty first hnodedge of the rezoning request was at its first reading of the To,tn of Vail cor.rrcil neeting of January 5, 1982. Being present on another rnatter, I stated my crcncerns about any develc4nent along the western portionof the Cliffside lots roculd be disastrous to the project ]arovsn as "The Ridge at Vail" of which our firm was involved as Project Architects. As you statedin your letter of Febnrarry 12. L982 it was r:nanimously atrrprorzed by the Tcrirn cq:ncil on first r^eadirry wittr jnvestigation of the inpa.cts to be included for any DRB application. Orr concern at the tfue was c /er access to the prcperty and wtrat ralouLd happen if ttre cr^mer alproached frcrn the r-phill side of the properQr (using an established but r:nprorzen access easenrent) versus approachirg frcrn the oristing Buffer Creek Drive on ttp dc,/nhill side of the properties. TIIis rryrculd reqr:ire plaoanent of the drivacays and possjJcle garages alorg tlre top of tlre ridge indirect line with existing views of "The Ridge at Vailu. lttis tryould be done after the cnmer and developer of "ltre Ridge at VaiI" had specifically (at the request of the Town staff to Eagle County) prlled his units off the ridge so as to provide a rninintal visual ifipact frcrn the walley belcnr. (See the attached letter of Januarlz 15, 1980.) After the council ueetJng I inforned the 'Ihe Ridge at Vail" cnmers of the rnatter, and was ilstnreted to pursue firrdhg out what ingncts suctr a pncposal r,rculd cause. Erclosed are serreral drar,rings shrcffing site plans and sections of possiJrle buildinq locations on Lots 4 and 5 of Cliffside and its :relationstr:ip to ttre Ridge units. ltris was dore after or:r site visit and subsequent neeting of January 22, 1982 when it was discovered tlrat it may noL. be feasible for the c,trners of LoEs 4 ard 5 to acocnplish their desired goal of tucking ttre buildings into ttre hillside w"j-th access frcrn the rpper private drive and cul de sac. As ttrc draoings slrcn'r, Lobs 4 ard 5 sit easterly of "ll?re Ridge at VaiI" units D, E ard F. On the drawings a:re possiJole locations of a 20r x 20' ganlge with the present zoning (wiUr diagornl nrarking) and with the proposed zoning (witttout diagonals) with access frcm both uphill and dcl*rrhill rroadways. Ete plan stror'us probable garage slab elevations (with T.O.V. 8t drive slope requirerent) in relation to existing grades at ttte perineters of the buitding ervelcges. As can be seen this requires anlnvtrele frcm 11 ' to 30t of vertical ).. fill to be used in order to achieve acc€ss to the site. Ttris infornation is also shcr^n in the enclosed sections dravring and represents those sections indicated on ttre site plan. Also strown qr ttre seqtion dratings are nru<im.m enrzelopes (height as established in the zoning ordinance) wttidt relate to oristing grade that ould be cbtained by the ohlners of Lots 4 and 5 and "llhe Ridge at Vailr' (again with er<istilg zoning and prc4nsed zoning). AIso enclosed a:e xero< copies of photographs tal<en Februarlz 5, L982 strcwing 8r high walls at crcrners of tlre possible garage envelotrns. 13ris was done wittr the help of a survey crqp fron Eagle Valley Engineering ard Surveying. IIIe properQr qcrrrers of bottr "1ltre Ridge" and Cliffside Ircrts 4 and 5 rere established; frcm the established propenty oor:ners and the enclosed site plan a surveyorrs narket was placed at eight locations on Lqts 4 and 5 (indicating the corners of prcbable envelq>es) at 8' above garage slab. Ihe tq of ttre rnarker relates to ttre top of an 8' wall. the pLotographs are noted as to wtrich building cerner as seen frcrn a person standing at living rocnt level frcrn ttre o<isting foundatiqrs of units D, E and F of "ltre nidgetr pnoject. As you can see this all but elimi.nates the o<isting wienrrs of tlte Tcwn and Core Range frcrn an already establistred project, and r,vould project well above tbe ridge line (as viened frcm the valley belcnrr) that the Tcrralr staff tried so hard to protect and I feel zuceeded in protecting during ttre develogrent of "The Ridge at Vail" project. Not only tlre possible garages but even the access drives uould be well above ttre ecisting ridge line. My opinion that any appmral vdttput stipu.lation to access frqn Buffer Creek Drive (wtrich as shown on the dralvings is not inpracticaU utculd be a disaster for the Tcern and ttp crlrprs of "The Ridge at Vail". orr office has been involved with nrany projects with equally demanding site considerations, and harre acccnplished ttre task w:ithout placirg sucfi a hardship on an adjacent property o,lner. I would be nrrre than willing to show these projects to you at anytine. I hope you will reviq,r these findings and keep them jn nind as this items is reviewed by the PEtr at future neetilgs. ff I can be of an1' fi:rther assistancre please do not hesitate to call. Sincerely, Sncrrdcn and Hopkins A:rchitects Encl osures cc: l,lr. Bill Post Mr. Phil Ordway Mr. Dave Neer lmn 75 soulh fronltge rd. vall, colotado 81657 (303) 476-7000 department of community danelopment To Adjacent Property Owners: Please be advised that the rezoning request concerning Cliffside subdivision will come before the Planning and Environmental Comission on ltarch 22, 1982 at 5:00 p.ur. instead of l,larch 8 as listed in the enclosed public notice. 1 TO: FROM: DATE: BACKGROIJND SUBJECT: ICMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Departm\ent of C ouunun ity Development,/Peter Patten March 16, 1982 Request to Cluster to David Co1e, rezone cli.ffside subdivision, Lots 1-5, fron existing Residential' St;;i; Farnily Residential . Applicants: Charles Rosenquist' Daryl R. Burns, Richard N. Brown on Decernber 14, 1981 the Planning and Environmental Conrnission recou[uended unani- nously to Town Council that clifiside subdivision, Lots 1-5, be rezoned to single Farnily Residential . -rture was concern frorn several corunissioners that views fron The Ridge at vail Townhornes not be urocked by developrnent on lots 4 and 5 of cliff- side. However, the Planning commission generally felt that this view question could be handled at the Design Review Board level ' On January 5, 1982 the Toun Council considered on first reading ordinance #1' Series of1982--theordinancetorezoneCliffside.CraigSnowdon,oroiectarchitectfor The Ridge at VaiI townhones spoke at the-meeting Ibout his t^ont"tn that the developnent on lots 4 and 5 of Cfiffsiae iake place down th; hill enough so that views fron thetownhonreswouldnotbeaffected,especiallysj-lgg.thesinglefanilydistrict al lowed the structutes to be sited wi-th- more fiexibility. The Co*ncil passed the ordinance 'naninousl|-*iitt-ift. direction to staff to include language regarding the protection of views frorn the tor'mhones ' After the January 5 meeting of council , it was discovered that the aPplicants had gi""" i""o.rect inforrntiioi t"g"tding ihe owner and address of the adjacent ProPerty' thus insufficient p.rbti" notic! had iaken place. Public notice was going to be waived by The Ridge at Vail representative; if a mutually agreeable solution to the view. issue could be arrived at. craig snowdon then conducted a view analysis using possible sites for structures under both RC and SFR zoning. It was discovered at this point that very little thought went into th; e;;ig" of the ,uuai','itiott with regard to access for both lots 4andS.ThestudyshowedthattoneetS%drivewayglade.restrictionsthatthe garage structures *orrtd b" very high on the ridge and seriously affect almost every view from the townhorne units. At this point it-was decided that the tltattel' should go back through the process so that aor^t""t public notice.could be given and so that the view questitn could be more cotpf"t"fy considered by the Planning Comrnission' Enclosed is the previous rnemorandum with the reconmendation deleted' the new re- corornendation is as follows: Clifft Rczone _z_ 3/16/s2 I!q0$EU4]I9{ E:i::i'f"lT.:":::::il :;:;'ff:":":l:-""r anarvsis conp,eted by Mr. snowdon.access to tots I ""-j"d,ii,,:.":::.::::rts-of that study dictare an alternative 1r,f e;i.r,'ini;;;, ; ;::.:, ::,"J";:;;r'r::,i. ill3; i::* ;:::#Hji n:. t:, rli'it!".1"1#u.:;:1."*"* nl.;i:;" ridge so *''i-.r,"v."p:"f" over the ridge,the structu."'. iio,,ra_"";l;p;;-";; i#fi:i:n:rs".,il5.ruiti;.:i:.1;]i:r*.#::illiil;. :'ii j-{:fff i;'df.:::m*. I ji.j:, ::1.,i ii,iii'i" -a"."i rpi,'etor The Ridge, and the'fian';;; .;;;r;ingly adjusted. rcluded in the approvars In a sinilar light. we would not want structures constructed on lots 4 and 5 toprotrude upon this very sar'e riagerine.. Due to-th;-';;i;;;"g etevation of thec-ut-de-sac bv which access to lois 4 and 5 ,";; ;;;"-;ii"ia, the protusion uponliio;]ot"ttne by garage structures is alrnost inevitabre, according to the vilw secondly, the views,f1op Jhu units at The Ridge,shourd be protected. These areexlsting units sited-solely ao i"i"*ra""rra"g"-Jr"trr'J-."p"ial.rrar views of theffii:fl.:li."l: f;ii'Range.. ,h.;;;;;;ol upgn thu,e vi",u, by the sarase structuresu. in"ui."r-," "ii.,l"l*"li:lii ;i,i::; ifl+l+i *:;;i.::";;ffi*"i;:i:,,.i:t::.l;r"i::: t"tn degradation oi-ii,u"ui.,us which tr," p.o;""t has tried to hard fiH'J:i:ii:f#':ffi1:;J1". the rezoning ror crirrside, rots r-s be approved fil"i^fi:1iffi":; :il"tiji,o.3"fnj be rinited to Iocatins on the the "iL*.-"i'rhe Ridge at vair ;ilff:::"ture Protrua.. i"io- t : I i 9( o h t\ 5 \ _t\!!\ \) t. 1t I, PEc -r-Gr,r, Jim Rea, lessee of the Texaco station at the site, expressed his concern that tire costs per square foot not be too expensive for potential businesses to iease. D'ick Ryan again emphasjzed that the surrounding buildings, i.e. sewer treatment plant, Glen Lyon office building and others vrere I or 2 stories, Peter P, quoted from the Heavy Service purpose sect'i on of the code relating to the fact that Council and pEC may prescribe more restrictive development standards than the standards prescribedfor the district in order to protect adjoining uses from adverse inf1 uences. Postfelt that all related questions had been answered. Dick ansrvered that the board had to decide what was best for Vail. Eric Monson and Andy Norris supported the building, with Andy suggesting that there be caution to insure that the sumounding properties did not automatical'ly feel that they could also have the same density. Elliot Alport felt that the 1,04 FAR was common in the core areas and could be handled sens'itive1y. Duane moved and Jim V seconded to approve the struct an office building in a Heavy Servicesite on the South Frontage Road per the staff The vote wds 4"2 in favor with Dan and Diane Peter Jamar explained the memo and added not being changed, but that the increase After discussion, Scott moved and t.ljl'l the al'l owable gross floor area within the 6-0 with Jim V abstaining, request for a conditional use to con- Zone District at the existing Texaco memo dated l''larch 15, 1982. voting against it, and Jim M abstaining. increase the al I owabl e Appl icant' Andy Norr that the percentage of site coverage vvas was within the existing bui'lding, seconded to approve the request to increase Glen Lyon office building, The vote was 4. Request for an amedment to Special Development Distrjct 4 to@r4Tf fi n -i6e-GT eE- @ss_En E rd. This itern was to go to the Council April 6. 5r Reqgest for a.rezoning of lots'l throuqh 5, Cliffside subdivision from Residential,15f T'avla-eole;uaryI Surns, Rtcnard Brown. Peter Patten exp)ained the prev'ious action leading up to this request. The applicantswerenotat the meeting, and Peter described various efforts to get in touch withtheir attorley to no avail. Since there were in the audience several people interestedin the outcbme of the proposal , it was decided to go ahead with the heiriirg, Peter P. explained that the staff was in favor of the request oniy if the condition on the memo were included. The staff's reasons were the steepness of the sites,the size of the lots, and the fact that when The Ridge was being developed, onerestriction placed on The Ridge was that the homes be pulled baik from the ridge so that they did not sit on t6p of it, The djscussion that followed concerned access problems and what restrictions could be p'laced on the developnrent of lots 4 and 5. Craig Snoldon, architect representing .' the Ridge at Vai'l owners,llqyqa a survey study and sections which showed variousgrades and expiained the difficul.ty w-ith keepins niihi,; ihu to,un raqri;r;;;;ian 8% grade on the roads, He addei that the'o*i."i-oi"tnu-nioge were not concernedwith square footage requested, but were very concerned with access, various solutions were discussed. l,ii1l-questioned whether the planning comnissioncould jmpose restrict.ions on someone;t tl"a-irl-;-;";;ffi: uicr iniwJi.d'ir,ui"tn"vwould have to amend the ioning-in-oiaer to add i"siriiiidns. OC Duane moved to approve the request to rezonefrom existing Residential Cluster to Singlerestriction: frec('r-3/22/82 height greater than which is the common .l _Cliffside Subdivision, lots l-5Family Residential with the following That no structurer..improvement or increased grade occur at arne exls['rng etevation gl.any polnt_on t!9 back property ]ineproperty line with The Ridge-at Vai1 subsrvrsron. |.Jill seconded and the vote was 5-0 in favor with Dan and Jim Morgan abstaining. I P a LANNING At'lD ENVIRONIVTENTAL COMMISSION Nlatch 22, L982 * 2:00 p,n. Site visits 3:00 p,n. l" Approval of ninutes of neeting of l'larch 8, 1982. 2. Rbquest for a rezoning of Lot 2, block 5, Internountain, to tezone fron Residential Cluster to Low Density Multi-Fanily to allow the construction of two writs. Applicant: Richard Torrisi' 3, Request for a conditional use perurit to constluct an office building on the existing Texaco Station site at 953 South Frontage Road West in a Heavy Service Zone dj.strict. Applicant: M € W Venture. 4, Request for an anendrnent to Special Development District 4 to increase thC allowable gross floor area within professional and business offices. Applicant: Andrew Norris. 5. Request for a rezoning of lots 1 through 5, Cliffside subdivision from ReCidential Cluster District to Single Family District. Applicants: Charles Rosenquist, David Cole, Daryl R. Burns, Richard Brown. ) trlIc'EABD N. Bnwr 6|r1111 1OO lTto BortzlE llll,t arar C|dRlrE D!rv!E, Oor,oBADo Eorgg (aoa) 764-627() April 5, 1982 Mr. Richard Caol in Town Manage r 75 South Frontage Road Vai l, Colorado 81657 Re: 0rdinance #l of 1982 Cl iffside Re-Zoning Lots4E5 Dear Mr. Caol in: I request that the appl ication for re-zoning my Cl iffside lots be withdrawn. Because of the problems that would be caused by re-zoning according to the Planning Departmentts recorrnendat ions, I rnould like to study the problems with the Cliffside Lots and try to find a situable solution for all concerned. When I have a workable solution to these problems, lwill reappl y for the appropriate zoning changes through the Planning Department. Thank you for your attention to this matter. S incere ly you rs ,""ru';84 R icha rd N. Brown RNB/j sc GpoRce RossNsgnc ATTORNEY.AT.LAV , '. April 5, Lg82 ': HAND DELIVERED Town ofAttn: Apptication - CHffside Subdlvision Dear Mr. Caplan: This office represents Richard N. Brown the applicant in above referenced mattbr. It is our understanding thismatter is set for consid.eration by the Vail Town Councilits meetinE of April 6, L982: Pursuant to our telephone the at ECPY f,or Rezoning conversqtion Last week, we hereby reguest the sgbject matter be t'abled to lhe May ISth meeting of the Town Council. As I explained to you in;our telephone convereation, myclientr;Hr. Brown, is j-n'the'process of retaining an archl,tect who will.:need .some time t'o prepare hie presentation. Thank you for your cooperation and agsistance in this eter Patten, Jr. Richard M. Brown I RICIIARI' N. BAO\fN SUITE IOE r?AO €|o[IfE BTI.I,AIRE ETNEST I)EN.IrER, Cor,oEADo 40222 (soa) t5a-63?o September 7, L982 Mr. Peter Patten Department of Community Developrent Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Roadvail, Colorado 81657 Dear Peter: I have reviewed the conditions under which the Toirn of VaiI wants to rezone my Lots No.4 and 5 in the Cliffside Subdivision. The restrictions that the Town has placed on the rezoning of these lots is totally unacceptable both to myself and Chuck Rosenguist, and I an sure it would be to Daryl Burns. I dontt know of any other lots that have those requirements and I think that ite are being put in apoJition where we are being treated most unfairly in that no one else has had to live with such stringent requirements. I would be glad to discuss this situation further but, if this is the position that the Town of Vail feels they rnust take, r will do everything that r can to make sure we can use these lots as everyone else in vail has been able to use their lots. Thank you. Sincerely yours,r) (lrZ b'*- Richard N. Brown RNB,/es o ), Rrosrno NI. Bnorvx Bsrlr l(Xt r'rao EkrErrE llrr,r.allt gamrr Drrvrt.. Oor.oreoo 8oll8 (toa, 76&6!?() January 5, 1983 Mr. Peter Patten Comunity Plannlng Department Town of VallVail, Colorado 8L657 Dear Peter: Thls letter will confirm my phone request to you thet I wish to withdraw my application- fbr chang6 of zoning of the Cltffside Llonsrldge Subdlvision. Thank you. e1y yoirs, Richard N. Br RNB/es h own Orro, Pnrnnsox & Posr AT LA'w FREDERICK S. OTTO JAY K. PETE RSO N WILLIAM J. POST POST OFFTCE BOX 3 t49 vaIL, cor-oEADo ar65a - 3t49 August 5, 1983 (303) 475 - O O92 EAGLE VAIL PROFESSIONAL BUILOING (303) 949-53AO OENVER OIREc:T IINE CERTIFIED MAIL RETIJRN RECEIPT REQUESTED Town of Vail Department Of Comunity Development 75 South Frontage RoadVail, Colorado 81657 Dear Gentlemen: This lecter is 'rriEten as confirmation of my previous telephone conversations with your office whereini have requesied and directed that Ehe- address of Valley Associates, Ltd., a Colorado limited partnership, and record owner of real property in the Tovrn of Vail, CounlY of Eagle, State of Colorldo,-be changed in your office forall purposes including, but noE limited to, the receiving of any notices from the Town of Vail pursuant to its zoning or subdivision notices, to the follovring: Valley Associates, Ltd. c/o William J. Post Post Office Box 3149Vail, Colorado 81558-3149 If you have any quesLions concerning this matter' please contact Ee. Willian J. Post WJP/ sj c ,'l_.r. .,, A. NAI.[E. OF PETITIONER NAME OF PETITIONER'S REPRESENTATIVI| ADDRESS P.O. Box 5190, Avon, CO. 81620 George Rosenberg, Esq. PHONE 949-4200-.__:- c.NAME 0F 0I.JNER (prin r type)See Paragraph /SIGNATURE' A 1ist. subj ect above ADDRESS PHONE D. LOCATION OF PROPOSAI trrnnEqq Lots 1 through 6, Cliffslde Subdivlslon, County of Eagle, State of'*-'*"" -+J'at-ther€8f.-_._ LEGAI DESCRIPTION lot block --SAME-- fi.linq #'3v fZs. E. Vf ,F ypt-t Ia $100.O0 plus an alnount equal to the then cu1'sn1 fi:.st.-class postagerate for each property owner ts be notj-fied hereunder, of the names of owners of all property adjacent to Lheproperty, and their nailing addrcsses. --See attached Exhibit B-- Peri riop,ot_ 2 tA!/-4/3 PETITION FORI,I FOR ru"ltr}.IDMIjNT TO TIIN ZOT,IING ORDII,IANCE oIi ITEOUtrST iTOR A CITANGE IN DISTRICT I]OUNDARIES f. This procedure is reguired for any arnendmc-:nt to the zoning ordinance' or for a reguest for a district bounclary change Richard N. Brown, et aI 6- s(Y ADDRESS Sbe attached Exhibit A ? s-f, '.{72 oPHoun EXHIBIT A PETITIONERS /PROPERTY OWNERS The underslgned are the petltioners and all of the record owners of the real property whlch ls the subject of the withln Petltlon. Further, George Rosenberg, attorney at 1aw, is hereby authorized to represent us 1n connectlon with all matters and proceedlngs reJ-atlng to the vithln Petition. Richard N. Brown 1780 South Belaire Street, Suite l-06 Denver, CO. 80222 Date Charles Rosenouist P.O. Box 686 Val1, C0.81658 Margaret Rosenquist P.0. Box 686 Vail, C0. 81658 Date Date David Cole 286 Bridge Street Vail, CO.81657 649 South Monroe Way Denver, C0. 80209 Date EXHIBIT A PETITIONERS /PROPERTY OWNERS The underslgned are the petitioners and all of Ehe record owners of the real properEy which is the subject of che within petition. FurEher, George Rosenberg, aEtorney at law, is hereby authorized to represent us ln connection wlEh all maLters and proceedlngs relating to the wichin petition. Dat e Brown Belaire Street, ?/p/r 'Date' / W Date Marga P.O. Vail, Rosenquis t 686 81658 David Cole 286 Bridge Street Vail, C0.81657 Dar e Daryl Burns 649 South Monroe l^/ay Denver, C0. 80209 ,i Richard N. l7B0 South Suite 106 , co. 80222 Charles Rosenqu P.O. Box 686 ox EXHIBIT A PETITIONERS /PROPERTY OWNERS The underslgned are the petitioners and all of che record owners of Ehe real property which ls the subject of the rrithin pcLition. l'urLher, George Rosenberg, aEtorney at 1aw, is hereby auEhorized to represent us 1n connecti.on wlth all matters and proceedlngs relating to the within Petition. Date Richard N. Brown 1780 South Belaire Street. Suite 106 Denver. CO. 80222 Dac e Charles Rosenquist P.O. Box 686 Vail, CO.81658 DaEe Margaret Rosenquist P.0. Box 686 ,a/f /h Date (_./ za6 Erldqe st ree t'./VaII, C0.81657 Dat e Daryl Bu rns 649 South Monroe l,/ay Denver, CO. 80209 EXHIBIT A PETITIONERS /PROPERTY OWNERS The underslgned are Ehe petitioners and all of the record owners of thereal property which is the subJect of the within petltion. Further, George Rosenberg, attorney at Law, ls hereby authorized to represent us in connecttonwlth all natEers and proceedlngs relatlng to the wlthin Petitlon. Date Rlchard N. Brown 1780 South Belaire Street, Suite 105 Denver, CO. 80222 Date Charles Rosenquist P.O. Box 686 Vai1, C0.81658 Date Margaret Rosenqui-st P.O. Box 685 Vail, C0, 81658 Date /o/= /Cz - David Cole 286 Brldge Street Vai1, C0.81557 649 South Monroe liay Denver, CO. 80209 G-1, Lionsridge No. 2 EXIIIBIT B LIST OF ADJACEM PROPERTY OI^TNERS OI4INERI S NA}IE Doyle Hopkins ADDRESS 3667 smith, AR. 72913 Box Ft. G-2, Lionsrldge No. 2 G-6, Lionsridge No. 2 C.V.A.S. Development Edwards Business Center, Suite C-7 Edwards, CO. 81532 Ridge At Vail Townhouses ELLENIAL, N.V. Snowram Associates John Ilorton and Theresa Elizabeth Sadler c/o Jirn Flaum Box 1027 Vail, C0.81558 c/o Ron Artinian 48 Pheasant Run, North Hills Roslyn, N.Y. 11576 3LL2 27th Avenue Moline, lL. 61.265 c/o Bl11 Post P.0. Box 3149 Vail , CO. 81658 Val-ley Assocl-ates / Lf/ - Lot 1, Block 4, Lionsridge No. 3 Ravmond E. Brenner l-001 U.S. Highway Jupiter, Florida 2.oy erle 33548 -AL.+T J/J-s i-tZ;"W 1-.8 f q K'' [>,- "'f r'6/ L-u r t-6 K"l'- n k^; ', i"t'/: r,/z t/rs l>4t I :00 2:00 Planning and Environmental Commission December i2, 'l 983 Site Inspections Public Hearing Appointment of member to the Design Review Board for January,February and March. Approval of minutes of November r4 and November 2g meet.ings. Request for a rezoning of Lot l, glock.9, Bighorn 3rd Addition,Vaii East rownhomes,. irom Low o"nsiiv"Nuiti-F.iii'y"iJ iirii.*.Applicant: VaiI Eait Lodsirg niioiiitlon, rnc. Request to rezone Lots. I through 6, cliffside subdivision from Residentialcluster to sinore Family nesiJintiirl"nppticanis, ni.i,u"o N. Brown,char]es Rosenqiist, ltarluiei'n"i..6rirt, David co.re and Daryr Burns. Request for modification to the floodprain in order to re-align East l4iilcreek in order to build-a new-ski-uu!e ru.ility at Gordenpeak and stiilpreserve the creek. App'l icant: Vail -Associatei, ini. --"' Request for an exterior arteration to One vail prace in order to encrose?n gfea to be used as a radio head_set rental outlet.Applicants: Vair Associatesuiiepnei-dommunications Pref iminary review of exterior arterations of the fo.l lowing buildings: a. Landmark Condomiums., Unit 70.| , to increase loft area.Applicant: Lonnje Wittiimi- b' concert Hat praza, to add 4 condominium units which wourd add athird floor to the building. -nppil.untr Ser'by-Tofet Assoc.iates c. Treetops condomiums, new retair plaza above the parkinqstructure. Applicant: rre"iopr'iorJori"irr;;rili;;i;, d' 600 Lionshead Mail - bottom of cha'i r #8, temporary ticket officeApp'licant: Vail Associates,-ini.-" e' Red Lion Inn, to instail_portable ptexiglas windows for the west wail.App'l i cant: Joseph L. Ke'l imen .- r ' f. Cyrano's, greenhouse enclosure over south deck,Appiicant:- Bud parks g' valbntino's Restaurant, plaza Bui lding, greenhouse enclosurepart of west deck area- Appricant: airdg"-st.""i i.iiurrunth. Village Center, new retail additionAppl icant: Fred Hibberd pm pm 2. J. 4. 6 6. 7. over As soc . (e TO: MEMORANDUM Planning and Envjronmental Commission FR0M: CommunityDevelopmentDepartment DATE: 1v- December 8, i983 SUBJECT: Rezoning request for Lots l-6, Cliffside Subdivision from Residential Cluster (RC) to Single Family Residential (SFR). Applicants: Richard Brown, Charles and Margaret Rosenquist, David Cole, Daryl Burns BACKGROUND As some of you know, this is not the first time this item has come up. In fact,this will be the third time the rezoning has come before the Planning and Environ-mental Conmission. The only thing different this time around is thai Lot 6 is now inc'luded' which means we're talking about the entire subdivision of six lots. Basically' the rezoning means Lots l-5 receive the same number of units (l), but sl'ightly more GRFA. Lot 6 would receive two less units (slope calcuiated on-a very approximate basis) and less GRFA under the rezonjng proposal. Themain advantage to the property owners is the lifting of the ilbpe restrictions by going from RC to SFR. The bottom line is that cliffside was a very poor'ly p'lanned subdivision. Thelots are, for the most part, very smal1 and-vbry siebp, the accesses to severallots are unworkable, and construltion on the to-p part'6t lots 4 and 5 w'ill intrude uPon the ridgeline. The applicants wish to rezone the subdivision to SFR withoutrestriction, and this is where the controversy comes is. The Plannjng and Environ-mental Conrn'i ssion and staff, as you can see irom the previous memos and minutes,wish to impose restrictions upon the development on Lois 3,4 and 5. It is important that you read a1 I of the attached information carefully so you're clear on.the past occurrences. since nothing has real ly changed in terms oithe applicants demonstrating that constructi6n can sens-r-'t'ive1! take place on'lots 3,4, and 5, our staff position remains basically the same. CRITERIA EVALUATION The criteria for evaluating rezonings are found in the purpose section ofChapter .l8.02 General provis'ions. l. Suitabil ity of Existing Zoninq The RC zone was devised for a townhouse-type development and was neverintended to serve as the zone for individuil 1ot development. The reason RC was designated for Cliffside was the original zoning'of West Vail uponannexation didn't allow for thorough study of each pariel , and cliffside was surrounded by RC zoning. The s]ope restrictions of the RC zone basjcally make several lots jn Cliffside unbut ldable--and this is not our intention. The existing zoning js notreally suited to the property. ftiffside -z- tz/B/83 r 2. The cliffside subdivision should be zoned the same, as it is a unifiedneighborhood. No surrounding_properties witi u. i,iiu".i-by-the rezon.ingdue to proximity and similar-lbnd'use in the area. 3. Does the Rezoni Provide for the Growth of an 0rderly and Viable Comnunitv? The rezoning, with thesensible and sensitive The elimination of two cond_ition recormended by staff, development of the remar-'nder oiunits on Lot 6 is a plus for the will provide forthe subdivision. cormunity. RECOMMENDATION The-cornnunity Development Department recomnends approvar of the rezoning ofcliffside Subdivisioir from Rb to SFR, uut onty-wiif, iil'tiitowing condition: No structure, improvement or increase gradefhall occur at a height greaterthan the existing e'levation gt lny point on ttre laii-prop."ty tine which isthe corrnon property rine with the-Ridge at vair iuuiivisiJn. _i.r , Y i /rri\ I l a \N \\ s ^tq lL--t \ \ ___s Nd\ \ N $o ,b\ iN .r-$ (n Nt\ o :S (A N o c 0 *$ uNN (\ $Nq C\ N S\ -tJ -N S-- Nq -$ Rq N \$l NN o 0 o Noa B a $\N$' R.: R01 \d -o- Ns$ \Ni\F N U.\s R-.__t t$n-\,5 $ Us n--${ qr 01 R. (\. W Nq AA Y-.'.\ \ \N $R q S. t^) x \tRqb\b $LX I i). '\r.$i i s. ll)UI u\ |h.ilsI a !i', lu I , ..' 1-O.*-t,l^- :. ,r , f z,.t '\<tw | 4,"-J ;,r, Tl'"Y* McCall stated that except during Chrjstmas week, there t,las no parking problem. it^"^- Patten reminded the commissioneis-that they were merely considbiing i i"ezoning,not the approval of the removal of parking. He added that there c6uld not be-(\,,nr) any reduction of parking unless theie werj excess spaces available on site. PEC 12/12/83 J A-1L- a "Viele moved and Pierce seconded to a rove t The vo son moved to approve the st to rezone Derr to recorrnend onl n IZ IZ ffi MErnN? on the ridge line. the staff memo. The motion 4.est to rezone Lots I th h6 ision from esi denti al S:cnar rown, senqu t s rgaret Rosenqu , David Cole and Daryl Burns. stated that deve'lopment on lot I would not intrude Peter Patten presented the proposal explaining that the staff felt that singlefami-ly _zoning was.more appropriate for'this sibdivision but only with site iestrictions.single Fami]y zoning would allow more GRFA, and there would not-be inv-iiope---restrjctions. He showed a site plan and explained that the road from- lot'4to lot 5 was a 16% grade (ttre town al]ows 8%), and he stressed the concern thatthere not be any building along the ridge 1in6. George Rosenberg, representing the applicants, read the staff's recommendationin the December 1981 memo, and added'that no restrictions were placed at thattime. He. pointed out that the adjacent owners knew development could take placeon the subiect,property. He maintained that to rezone, an'app1 icant did notneed to bring in plans of how he might develop the property. Bi'|1 Post, representing the Ridge at vail property owners stated that it wastrue that the staff originally reconmended reioning, but that at that time nonotice-was given to adjacent property owners. He itated that his clients didnot object to the rezoning as long a! t) ttre lots would not be accessed from ll. tgP'and 2) as long ai there ias no-bui1ding visible on the ridge line (s.incethey themselves had not built on the ridge'line,-as requ'ired by the iown. H;-stated that if the property is zoned Sin!1e famity thdy wil1 -have certain rights,and nov., was the time to place restrictions that were needed. He felt that besidesthe restriction that the'staff had recommended, that of not having any iiiuiiu"", improvement or increase grade occuring at the iidge line, that th; lois shouldnot be allowed access from the top (it least lot! 3,4, and 5). craig Snowdon, architect for The Ridqe. showed some studies that had beendone to see what the impact would be-ii there were single story buildingsconstructed, including the buitd-up of the road to havi access- to 'lots 4 and 5. Pierce. agreed with the opposition, that if the rezoning were approved, thatthere be restrictions. Larry Eskwith added that there could bi'restrictionst0_protect adjacent propertyowners as long as they were reasonable. Morganfelt the restrictions shouli be specific. -Viele cincurred, adding that withoutthe restrictions, this could be gi^oss1y unfair to tfre-aajiient pr6perty owneri. He felt that to restrict access io that it came from bel6w was bntirely consistent.Donovan asked about the road to Lot l, and was told that it must remai'n. iapioir o a seco nded approve the that lots 3 r more dlscusston, Trout morr and Donovan uest with the staff condTF6i-6rxl also the condition e accessed from the lower roail The Cl iffside Su with Piper and Morgan absGJnJiEl vote t/{as 5 ln tavor 'I anning and Environmental Cornmission December .|2, 1993 PRESENT Diana Donovan Jim Morgan Gordon Pierce Duane Piper Howard Rapson l.Ji I I Trout Jim Viele STAFF PRESENT Dick Ryan Peter Patten Tom Braun Larry Eskwith Betsy Rosolack The meeting was called to order by Duane Piper, chaiyman, at Z:.|5 pm. Februal. fupointment of member to the Design Review Board for Janua Diana Donovan volunteered for these months. 3. 2. qeqt for a rezonins of Lot I roval of minutes of November ]4 a4d November 2g meeti Block 9 Biqhorn 3rd Add i ti on Approved. Vail Eastownnomes, trom Low Dens -Fam ex.p I i cant:ail Eastodg'i ng Association- Inc. and March. Dick Ryal presented the request. Ken Wentworth, representins Vail East LodqinoAssociation, showed site arid topo maps ana expiiin;a ah;;-;;igirijry-hi ;il'"''wanted to ask for a variance, but after talkjhg with the stafi, AeciaeO iJ-askfor the rezoning. _He pointed out the tabte thit sno*eJ-t[ii the GRFA with therezoning would be less than with LDMF zoning. I'lentwoiih-iiateA that the iwoadjoining units did.not have ownership of tie d;ki;;;;.;;r. He added thatthere were 20* parking spaces in an aijacent ai^ea which'couta nanate overiiowparki ng. Much of the discussion fol l.owing concerned finding a solution to the parkinqproblem in.the neighborhood, or-possibty accessin! inrough ih"-Flitin'c;;;k'ParK .development. Dale McCall, President of the Vail Eist Lodging Association,stated that his.company.had not policed this lot as far is who pai[.a-i[..;.'-"'wentworth stated that the applicant was willing to rent spaces io people onthe lower 1ot. Lany Eskwith volunteered ttre iniormilion'it'ii ii 5n""iin-i"".p..,for.l8 years' the property becomes his, calleo iaveise posiession, uut-ine-poi!.srionmust be proven by the trespasser. McCall felt-that problem of parking-for the two adjacent units was not the applicant,sto solve. Donovan felt that'it woulu become the T6wnii prooi-mi-inJ-rqo.gin-""fe'lt that the Town could not qakg a private land owner s6lve the iown,i i"fur"r.A letter from Dan Lacy, one of the aijacent property owners, opposing th! zonechange was read. Tim-Jones, another adjacent propeity owner, siot<e in oppoiii:onstating that the applicant was simplifying ilre'piiiini piourer. He stated thathe did park in the'street, not on ttre vali east'ioi. "H! iaaeo that there were6 or 7 cars each nite.parked i.n the subject rot because of the ;i;;.. -H ;;i;that jf the lot were diveroped, those 6 or 7 a;r;-il;iJ ue parting-in rroni-'-of.f,il.home.. _Rapson felt that the owner of these iwo tots inouta"nol u"-i'"rtwith the problem owned by. vail. East Lodging. - w"nt*6itt'-iiaiea-ilral-ih.-ruiv"house was part way onto ihe subject lotl tI|iil:11I _lI!t!f ! rh!! | ]i!; I iit[ -- f;-|;i:,\'ij' r$Jlfl ui!h$ i ,|i," ;fill ir *b$lld ; lilt*,li { nr"l tIf:! ii N iiN :!;ttl ilil!! tt: lii!;,1 i:iiili iiiilii tiiilii '.'lilri t;;fii!!liiii:'li!ili I.,!l!lla iit;it 1ili !: :; ti ;r it :grIi;rtili! \i ri! :l!!'i :!; t-::i -.1lll 'iIr! . iii ti..,9 :!:;ii ti;!r t t rifl- !'!l{tJl iiiii* i*rir'$filllll iil[ii i'rllt '*i$ jitrii i\i$ i$'t"lili '' B illlii >*iii i'l,li lil lii!'ilIg-lfriq i t\i lr't r l; !: _!r-\rlii.t, I l'.lll' !r,!:l ill"'i';i,lili; iiiiil , jl.:i;d.Xjii :r,iiiii ii,il':l , i, ii;ihll i: $, ;i $, il I ii .!ii ii $i itil $!iili'iiii :1'1ii, iii 3j11, ' ,,' -\ I"l!rii:i;rl:iJ!lllieiiirii iriiiiirrifl:;!iilii';iii:!ii!!r,r'ir!ii;il:l;ill ll!it!li:\tirl ati::2 il r! i.: i;:r iE r:. Jr;t11li, :Jr i:lIl ilr;'r il i.i:lr:l I li;r;qii: 15! d;:i H Pq ,f; d !4 otU <Q e qIdr()8 it :t,.oroo !*t i!i"$ !r tl It \ *r-,,.,,,.y-+.--'Ji- --r o.rli Irt) *l <"/ rst/-q / o-"+' -I.- -l $ # $ it:lir :-. \h::l Itl I.!.t .l l*.1 iI+!ri r.i: I lli:1Ih! ''l:iliI It A\ ra. \ \t'- \s-\\d \2 t o;l.. \l\\il\g t- -.1 ol I I .t F c.' .J ! 1 1t t I I I z IItt: t II I,\ l:::!:llltlli,riiirrirttr::::: :::: l: trttttatrl:llr:iirr.rrrr lalt!itli!rl Ir" rri r'r::: ltitrrllllrlt! itatrtiir !rrtr!ttta!a lrr!r!r$rri "o '#,,n'n',,ior,ra t( ?%o ,iifiiiii't!irrtlllrrlltl'iiiliiriiri l.'.'.$.,1r I -*-:*-_.aa_- o aq t !J s R R (4\d S9\ CJ1( <( t{ Jo \t F-o-t \o q c- -l z l!r!irl!rrt:tiir tfti!rlrlr!rl!11 t "'::': ::=:-- l,L4-. ,. ..2 J ._.__,) (- !:p ;,: t\ Itrl_ B I aI i -l\ \l-,t'. trj l , "*, Ii I !v] L,J.+ -l:t 1t;f '|I I L'- *\ .{1--) ae o <-.--:t? a a\5 d9(f- I t f cI {/?;,\d l-,-L/,+ {-"( :- C (. --F f'O I-t-r Ir\nvtlI- t ri:\ tfi iff :)l 't I I t/ /,, .l ,rt O U I )r t,. 'rl t t t- if "t $ I; 'r1 'li ''. t lr :,,' it t"" ,*,fl. cp l)- JtI'4 .) \- ; -9 d- -+-r .\ rre t I. {.. rl{.,.1, l'w 0r{ {'i (s* b, ,x .1 { I Ar{ _-P vl +( nflt\vtlIT \ HN'.,v I \ ' 11..- I i,-iq 1 'i ,l \ Il.Itl\l\ "l \ \\t'\t \ra 11 o -.- I -t t J"-+d*.J t- t-J 1,--\ rttIJ' *v- {.S t l\J tI\ I' ii itr'fr]j' ,'-l{r -5 I __-} i' o :d) u,, -k,: ta. II I ;! r:. .t i,n t" ute i.:$' 1i ^lr\it , l'.\ ,i ,tItr* ct -\ \s \ J,t\s S- \s (-.,.s \:{ ii \ \ \s N,\c,\d:, \} \\ s \_ s') i I r i' 'I ,.i;tjr 1 fl,\ta i t (, f': t !; $ {u ., ,a I ..J -t 'a tl- tI t, ir,i i'i, ! , t, L_l.. --+r 1. l/') l! t;, *1",'. ' l.1\ I \i{.,i trillI q,, I',1I-I rl df,& -+-)' rr\ v i-\--i t . . i' 'l \ I 1 i'l F- \ri Y I-"*It-J c 0t'--t, w+-.> p9 t I t, ,lrt' t \ '1. I 'C,$ t^-6"_vt' E ,L. {n -t r-f.II *. dJ' lr {k $r'q t- s-d.a .A .9 "y,*6 ,-rJ 2t',i'trt7) N rY\L\ rfl o { .-, '' < 1t7' -r 'l rl--"-'U.l ,il 1.'i p'l.t .I| (.i .' ',i \; "'l ,.).j. ': j .: ! ,+ t I iir \ ,,I l ,ttl ilf I t I lrl i Jr' t ,til"t i ./) rj { -- -) !i I I \-j(d \t_ rf "! L.1 \,.-j r:: G"\ f'l -, -{ Cr-}:. .. _€.Y Ii*, ij, /l ; ei r1 ,\ 1 \ I I li 'l t,t :l *. l l t {,fiI ;\ .. --rrl t' , I *l I 'ft iltl T [,, t i,, I I d I\ l.i*f* Best copy Available .oqa.a *'Eo'"roofu ,,*,.j44-,lqtt"/L 8PICIAL HARIAI{II DI'D t|ll rrrl& m JNt t4r'4 #5d'/ 201 Tcnrr Corporatlon a Color'do corlor'tlon vhoa! rddrarr la I560 Llncoln 8!rs't, gurt' l5O2' D''nvtjr' colorrdo 8026a, tor th. con.rdi'r.t,lon o! 1\,o Xilllon tlvd Sundr'd Thourrnd Doltor. (S2.5oO,0oO.0O) rn h.nd Pard, tec€rp! of uhlch ir hcr.by .!-knorLddgGd. hercby aells dnd conv€ya Lo Ltd. I t',u tql Valldy Arrccr4:eu/a Colorodo/P'rtnership uliotu addrcas rl c/o Rob.rt ttccr, ?20 Equ.rt.bl. SurIdrrrg, Denv€r' Cololado 80202, th. rell ProPcrty loc.t"d rn Engl€ County' Colorado da.crib.d in Exhibit A rltachld lrcreto and incorPor'tt,d h6ratn, tith all lts.Ppurten.ncet, and v'rrantr the tltl€ agrlntt tlr peraonr cldr&ill9 r'I^dcr Grantor' sublect to thore Ltters lBt forlh rn Exhrbrt R attached hcleto nnd incorportted here r n. -** ^e \*" Executed thrs 2)laay of JJnu.ry, 1979' 'Or'COLORADo ) ) Bs. )DENVER lly c()mEltlron 6rP!rca t cxI!-pJ'T--d Ths follov,na d..crlb.d Proporly rlGurt' ln !h' courty ol iii t., -st.t.-n! coloredo, to'vlc: PAlrcSL l: PAtcEL A. LIOI'S '{lmu .suBDlvts loN ' !FILINC llo' 2' ac- cordlna ,o tnt 'oiiiild-plrt thoroof '-c:Ptv of EaSlc' st.tr of co rorrill-iicgPt thrt portlon of 'rrd P'rcal A rr .lroln on tii"'' cli6li'iii-xlp of THrl v^LLIY coNtr- ot{tlrtns ,."o,ali ilfi:'i;il i;'-mqf-?14 et Prge 6lI' r. d.tln.d .na'il-Jiilli in thr Condornlnlu! DocIrr'tlon lor rll! v^rEr ;;;;ilfiiirnij il"oia'a rrv e' le74 ln lool 234 rt t.t' 630' A,(;EL 2: i:ifi:iil H:iil iriii i,iii i'il' i'ii 'llii:t;::ril" VALLEY ccr 66iri rilri. - eicir dtnp co lh' condomlnl'ur Hrp rpP"rtnt #';'i:;:";i;-oi t6r 'co'o'tv clcrk 'nd R.cordcr "t atiit'iJdivl'ii r"itid ln Dooh 234 rt Pra' 631' rnd tt o'l iiti-lii"l"ii iiu ta tn'-t'hrt condoolnlo D.cl.rrt lon rtt'tll iiluii-cotmutNrl'l'ls rDDG'rlnB 1n !uch .cord' t'i iiir'il'fit-il';--' 30; coririv of Ersrr' Sl.t. of Colorrdo ' EXIIIBIT B PerotE t 'd gxccot lon8 I, G.neral lrxcr for t9t9 'nd theEeeflcr' 2. Rertrlctlva covenanta !'hlch do not conraln a forfeicur€ or reverter clause, tt "onitin"i ln lnstrunenE recorJed Septenber 20. Lg72 in Eook 225 .. riil'iii ' -linJ' iecordcd Septeober 29' 1972 rn book 225.c Prte jB;,';;e anenaaa by tnatir'oent recordcd j;L; zz.'-:gil i" ro61 233'rt Prsc 53' 3. Utllity ol3€oanta 20 fe't In Uldth' tO,fee! on elch rlda af rll lntcrlor-lot ti"""-t"a r-I5 foot utrli-t-y csseeent ii:r'.?'hililg"i'i'*i;ii*')*'llm'-r' r"crved on'!h' 4. Rlrht of vay tot ditchet 'nd clnl!a constructod by eutLorii .i-Eiil u.rii'lt scrt" tr rercrvcd ln thc Prcent' 5. UctIlty .raaGnt lt shoun on El&lldo Entineerlng Coopeny-."r"ii &Lcd Junr 13' 1973' 5. Arreeoenc b3te.an fryv'l EnvlronBencsl Lrnd CoBPrny "na notiierf,'siiiiii rlrrpriiii.-lio-i"r"sltph co4rnv rccordrd ilit'iili-ii,-iiii-rn rolr 231 ec Prsr 2el' ,. Tsrut, condlttont rnd Provl' lon' --c-ont'lned ln condo- ornrur 6ic liiriii"-iit txi"ier,iir' colgortulllls' r'cordsd H'v ;:"ffi4-i;';;;i-Iir-ii i.lr'b5o' (Attrch Prrmr 2) NoGatThotcprovlllon3.cov'oltltl'condttloot'crtccntr'ndi.ii ir'"i io"i vnrirr -iii"i bt'idtn cc tht. condocln ltl [Ti#*tf 3:i'il.ii*1] t*!',ffi '33$'3ld!fo .."'ilffi'ilrr;-iiif-ii-i"ir-lii-ri-'iirr ct0' (Afr'ctr Frrcrl 2) 8. thq rlghtr of t'n'nt' und'r lrr"t /'r tenlnci" vhfch rii ciinci iontrr to Dnth t3rrlnlblt on not-Dre thln i'iiiit-i lo i - &vr iotlc. o.-tti rot I tlr'd t'rr Gndlns no l.t.r th.n Aprll 10, 1979. './ DARYL R. BUts. D.D.s. Left Bonk Protessiondl Building 5055 Edst Kentuckq Avenue D€nver. Colorodo 80222 lelephone 7s7 -0867 Proctice Limited to Orthodontics Diplomote Americon Boord of Orthodontica July 27, 1983 Mr. Peter Patten Town of Vail ?5 s. Frontage Rd. Vail, CO 81657 Dear Mr. Patten: It was good to talk with you recently concerning my predicarnent in getting lot #3 in the Ctiffside Subdivision rezoned from Residential Cluster (RC) to Single Farnily Residential (SFR). I am really between a rock and a haril spot on this. since Irm no further along ny path than when I first talked with you in June 1982, I a.n truthfutly a bit frustrated. Presently, I anl comtenplating going ttrru the lengthy rezoning process on my own, but before I do that, I wanted to try and reason with you- I have reread all the memoranduns regarding this matter. It appears that the Cliffside Subdivision was annexed into the Town of Vail on December 31, 1980 and was zoned RC on December 14, L982. Since then, the Planning and Envirorurental Comrnission has recornmended unanimously to the Town Council for rezoning to sFR. The Tqrtn Council was considering the same when the problems occurred on lots #4 and #5 (re: views frosr the Ridge at Vail Con- dos). And, I'm truly sorry about the problems of lots #4 and #5' but I don't have that situation with lot #3. Why then canrt the Town of Vail just go ahead and give my lot the SFR zoning. I rea11y would appreciate your considering my request. This would save me a lot of time and effort to get it rezoned. Thank you much...... p DRB:em D. D. S.