HomeMy WebLinkAboutCLIFFSIDE LOT 4 AND 5 LEGALu+q COMMTJN]TY ]E'/ELCPME}ffT r-lllhs, UV A- AiL T1]4ES 3C0- _'083 ISSUED )4;27 /2000 )E /L6/2ooo ---.,:L2/2000 rccu-ate ploc anq :JIot Plat!, 3ubdivi6ion l: r)c AM S:00 PM TOWN OF VAII, 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArr,, co 81557 97 0 -479 -2138 DEF.]F.'I}1E}I] CF' NOTE: THIS 9ERMIT YIIJST BE POST5D 1\T -nF,a --F l" P e r*,nr- r- + :ADD/.I-T Job Address Locatlon... Parcel No. . Project No. SFR jiill-D PERMfT :-I:5 3UFFEHT CREEK 1435 tsUFFEHR :R.EEK :i03 -!2t-02 -)L: _-!.,,urJ-J.'].J-J ?i APPLTCAITT K.C. COMPANy Phone: )t)-):;-)566 P.O. BOX 341, AVCji, 1? 3L520 coNrRAeroR K.c. CoMPANY Phoi:e: 9ic-):5-')566 P.O. BOX 341, AVON, CC 8a620 OWNER MCGITI-, JEANNE S 1425 BUFFEHR CK RD, '/ATL C3 8L65i TOV/Comm. Dev. Description: ,r-,rh.r-^ nnn r1.-\i-i:ri:r clo6p-gp Deposit Refund REPALCE EMTRAN W/WrRSBO,ADD BAifioAF-D IEAT vrr-' . , t napproved Y-7 -occupancy R3 sirsi: ^1:T1;i'::"tu"?ofi.,ount ^iD,? \., \, \- r.t, qr r\. JT)rpe Construction: V N Type 1' Ncn-Rated date 9*l t ldl Status. . --^.,^."11 ?v-fli - -:<rrlu-- -e - Dept : 3UiLi'fNG Divi sl-on: TO GARY DepE: PI.,ANNING Di'ii sron: Dept : FIITE D:-'r].sr '-n: Depc: PUB /{ORK Davislon: valuation: 35,0O0 Add sq Ft: Filcplaca Infortlacion: Restricted: YEs +cf ': lcpliances: *c: las _jogs: :c: 'ic:tr :riicE: r***.*tr*ir*!.r* ,***+***r*'**** lgt juu!4aRY Building-----> 3e5,oo Re3cuaranc Plan iiev--ew--> . J0 li:'ai caicu-it--:d 'rsL:::---: la8'25 Plan Check---> 25O.2s DRB Fce----_--- 110 A:dicional :ees--- -_--- ' 'oo Inwcslj.gati.on>,ooRecreationFee-]c:o:3]!erni'.-:ae-.-...:3s9.25 Will CaLI--'-> 3.OO CLean-UP Depos-. : - - - - - - - - > 25r "lc :aYnen'3 ' ---- lsg'25 TOTAL FEES--- ------- 8e ':5 3A--:$1c3 fU5- -: -oO **ttt**t ITem: O51OO BUILDING DEPARTi4EI.I] O5/05/2OOO KATIIY ACIiON: NOTE RCUTED o5'/L6'/2000 GGOODELL Action: .\PPR ITbm: - O54OO PI,ANNING DEPARTIIENTAS/05/2ooo KATITY Accion: APPR N/AIti:M: 05600 FIF.E DEPARTT4EI\T:05/05/2000 KATHY Action: A?PR NiA rE.bm: 05500 PUBLIC woRKs6sl6s/26o0 KATITY Action: AFPR N./A See page 2 of Lhis Document :or any conditicns :hat :nay appiy ic L:ris permit. DECI,ARATTCNS I har€by acknorledEe t'hat' I have rcad this appiica!:on, .ill.r.1 .ruc rn fu1l. :he '-:rfcroat :n --eq!:-rec' :cmPl rE-ed an plan, and Btace that all chc infoftoation ptovided :s :ec.::i.rec -r :of:jccc. : agree _-o ci.iplY tiEh :he lnfo!3atlon Lo conply niEh all Tot|n orilinanccB alrd sEate 1aes, :nd:. .,.::-d :bir struc!-:re accordi:1g :o;ne lown'i zoni::g and codes, desigrt ravieF approved, Unifom tsuilding :ode ind : ie: cr.iinances :: ihe :cwn appi"icabie Ehe!"Ec' RBeutssrs FoR rNspEcrroNs sHAlr, BE MADE TwENry-Fci?. :ronRs :r,',)r\rANc: :? TELa;!{oNE f*7 4" Ar oI- oPFrcE rRoM /lu O.F' JWNER OR CCi{TRACTOR ]OR !]fMSELT AND OI{NERS€nd eleart-Irp DspoEits To: K. C. CO!.4PANY Page 2 ********************************r******************************:r**************** CONDITIONS Permit #: 800-0083 is of o5/L8/0o status---: TSSUED ***** ****** ** * * * * * *:t ** * ** ** * *** t t r 1! ****** ******* *** **** * **************:k******** Perurit Tlpe: ADDi-A],T sFR BUI:J :ERMIT -\pplied--: o4/2?/2ooo Applicanl---, K.C. COMeANv Issued---: 05/L5/2OOO 970-926-0566 To E)<pirel. L1'/t2/2o0o .Iob Address: 1-425 BIIFFEHR CR.EEK i-D I.,OCAEiON-- - : 1435 BIJFFEHR CREEK Parcel Nc- - : 21-03 -121-02-01"7 DescripEion: RBPAICE ENTRAN W,/WIRSBO,ADD =ASEBOARD HEAT * * * * * * * * * rt * * * r * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * :r .r * * :r a rt conditions ****************************** 1. FIELD iNSpECTroNs ARE R.EQUTRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. 2. SMOI(E DETECTORS ARE REQUTRED rN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.310.6.1 OF TI{E :997 I]BC. 3. CONTRACTOR ',.II{DERSTANDS T:LIT IF AI|TY EXTERIOR WORK IS TO OCCTJR IIE MUST ACQUIRE A DRB .TPPR.OVAL. 4. AI,L NEW WTR.SBO HYDRONIC SEATING SYSTEM PIPING WILI' NEED TO BE INSPECTED & TESTED :R.IOR TO BEING COVERED. SEE AI,SO SEPARATE MECI.IANICAL PERMIT. o *t.a**** gtacennt * ** t t* *i* **a** ***t** i *** ttt*t***tt* *i*ll*i****'t ** ** ** t *it*** *t ** ** stateDDt Nurber: .REC-O630 Anount :888.25 05/18/o0 08:11 Iait : .IRMPavment Dlethod: cK Notation: 5 093 --.-----..-.. Per,t[it No: BoO-oO83 Tylte: A-BITILD ADD/ALT gFR BUIITD PE Parcel No: 2103-121-O2-OL7 Site Addrege: 1425 BUFFBER CREEK RD Irocatidr: 1435 BUFEEER CREEK Total Fees: This Paynent 8S8.25 Total AI'L PEtE: Balance: * t * * r t * * * * i * * t ** it * * *1l * i * * ** * I A l* * * a****** t t i it* t*i * * t * ** * * * *i * * * i! o i***r*r*********t*******t******** TOWN OF VAIL, CITORADO Account eode Dedcription BP 00100003111100 BUIIJDING PERIIT FEES 9F 00100003L12300 P'AN CHECK FBAS AD D2-DEPO8 CI.B,AIiIT'P DEPOAITS WC OO1OO0o31L2800 WILIr CALI.I II{SPECIION FEE *******************t**t* s88.25 888 .25 .00 Atrorr-nc 385 . O0 2SO -25 250.00 3.00 AppucATroNO. no, BE AccEprED rr rnaon rrrrl. un* Building Permit #: 97 O - 47 9 - 2149 ( I ncpectione) TOWI{ OF VAIL BUILDING PERMIT APPTICATION Separete Permits are required for electrical, plumbing, mechanical, etc.!Tutr|TIWYilL 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Cobrado 81657 Olile at 97O-,visit br # l7 rob Name: /)rcgitl R.. Fet"del robAddress: H3S Brrt&}, CUel( Legal DescripUon I Lot I Block ll Filing:Subdlvision: W I nooress: lqZfBrQ{eL Cfef,M phonet tljL - nOO ArchitecVDesigner:Address:Phone: Engineer:Mdress:Phone: Detaired description orwork: Qzphct vnl^nrtwfuas< Lto.l tld c\^a Ll) LtrA6 I , r -.. l WorkClass: New() Mdition( ) Ranodel@( Repair( ) Demo( ) Other( )- Work lype: Interior 0Q Exterior ( ) Both ( )Does an EHU odst at this location: Yes ( ) No @0 ily( ) commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Otlrer ( ) No. of b<isting Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this building: No/Tvoe of Fireolaces Existinq: Gas Aooliances ( ) Gas LoSs ( ) Woollpeilet f ) WooO guminq ( No/Tvoe of Fireolaces Prooosed: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Loqs L ) wood/Pellet ( ) wood Buming (NOT ALLoWED) et System Exist' Yes ( ) No 0(l) COTIIPLETE VALUATIONS FOR BUITDING PERII,IIT (LAbOT & MAICTiAIS) BUILDING; $ /6,()0()ET"ECTRICAL: $OTHER: $ PLUMBING: $MECHANICAL: $ Zo,ooo rorAl:$ 35 oc'o REFUNDCIEANUP O"O' COT{TRACTOR INFORTIATION Date Receivec APR z'r 2000F:/everyonqf orms/bldgperm TOV{N OF VAIL 75 S. FROI.ITAGE ROADvArL, co 8L657 970-479-2t38 Job Address...: LocaEion......: Parcel No-....: Projects Number: DEPARTIIENT OF COMMI'NITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE:THIS PERMIT MUST BB POSTED MECHANICAL PERMIT 1425 BT'FFEHR CREEK 1425 BI'FFEHR CREEK 2LO3-r2L-02-Ot1 PR.Io0-0113 ON iIOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: M00-0047 RD RD stsatus...: ISSTEDApplied..: 0s/24/2000Issued...: 05/30/2OOOb(pires..t LL/26/2ooo FEE sUl|l,lARY Iltechani c al - - - > Pl.n ChGck- - -> InvcsEigation> vlill call----> COI{DIT]ON OF APPROVAL 3 03 -543 -9894 303 -543 -9894 15, 000 . 00 Itof wood/Pallcu: t r * * t:r. * * tra t r ! .oo Tocal calculatcd Fees---> 37e.00 .oo Addiuional Fcc6---------> .0o 37A.OO Totsal Petlits Fee--------> 379.00 PaltD€ntE - - - - - _ - APPLICANT R&HMECHANICALLLC PhONE: 1047 CHERRWALE ROAD, BOI[.,DER, CO 80303 CONTRACTOR R & H MECHAIiIICAI.,, LLC PhONE: 1047 CHERRWALE ROAD, BOI'LDER, CO 80303 OWNER MCGILIJ JEAI{NE S 1425 BI'FFEHR CK RD, VAIL CO 81657 DescripEion: Valuation: REPI,ACE ENTRAN WITII WIRSBO,USB EXISTING BOILER Fireplac€ Inforoat.ion: Rcstlictsed! Y *of Gas Appliancaa:l+of oa6 IJog6 : 3OO. OO Rc6tuatanC Plan Revicv__> 75. o0 DRB Fcc-------- .OO TOTAI, FEES-.. - - 3.O0 BAIT.}ICE DI'B-.-- t r { *r I r t t t + t t * r * r rJ r *r * r * r rr 'r i rrJ t !r * * r r J r r 'r * I * !r i i i r r r r rr,r * * t.r i * t t * a* J * !l * r} t t 1* t r * | * *l t J * !r * i r t *t * J +tr t * * r + ttt ir l,*{ * t* | i + * tf t **t t''}t + Item: 05100 BUII-,DING DEPARTI4EI{T Dept: BUILDING Division:65726/2640-KAflrY -ACEion: NqrE RourED To ilRll 057so7zooo .rRI'{ Action: APPR approved i1m -.iEbm;' o56 o o- Ffns DEPi\Ffr7Eiri05/26/2000 KATHY Action: APPR N/A 1.2. 3. 4- 5. 5. 7. 8. 9. o**** * * *************** !t ***** DBCI,ARATIONS t h.!!Llr .cknovlrdgc Ch.t, I hrv. r.rd !h!. rppllcrtsloo, flll.d oue ln full th. lnforsrtLon r.quirsd, cqtl.trd .tr lccut.t Plot Dlc, ||rd rt.t. th.t rll th. lnfoalreion ps.ovld.d r. r.quir.d ir coEr.cC. t .9r.. to co,EE ly vith th. lafoar Ctqr qrd Plot P13r, t'o cagty ribh tl1 ToIr ordln ncc! .nd !tr!! 1|r!, |nd to bulld thL! abluctsur! rccording tso Ch. lortr'a zonlng &d rubdl,vl.iqt co&r, d..lgr r.vi.r ttDrqvcd. thlfos! Butlding co& rtld oth.r oldLn.ncc! of Eh. Io[n rpplicrbl. thrr.to. REegtgTg tOR TTEPEeI1IOI{S SHttrtr BE totn! TilrIlt|"r-lOUR HOUnE M.AD\tt![C! BY fEr,EEllOIf tI 479-2139 OR AI OtB OFFICI lRotl a!00 tL gt00 D|| gt(f,nTm! ol o fln oR cottlRAels toR Hrr|3llt rID olifR TOWN OF VAIr,, CIoTORADO *t******tf ti***t*i****tt*****tt***l***t***'l*t***a*trl*i***li*i*trt gtatennrt Nudber: RBC-0634 Anount: 378.00 O5/3O/OO L6351 pal4|ebE Method: 1106 Notation: KA}|MI HOI'LIHAI{ Init: ilt{ Permi! No: UOO-OO4? Type: B-MECH MECIIAIIICAI PERIIIT Parcel No: 2103-121-O2-oL7 gite Addregg: 1425 BIIFFEIIR CREEK RD I.ocation 3 1425 BI'TF:EIIR CREEK RI) Thj-a Palmeut Tota1 Fees: 378.O0 Tota] ALL Pnts:' Balance: i*rt:l*tl*titiiii*tit***a****t******aa*tt*ttt*t*lt*ttlttttt****!lllt* Accouat code DeBcrlptl.on IdP OO1OOOO31113OO UECI{E}IICAIJ PBRMIT FEES PF OO1OOOO31123OO PI,AN CHECK FEES we 001000031L2800 wrLL cAlit INgPEcfIoN FEE 3.O0 578 . OO 378 . 00 300. oo Anount 300. 00. 75.OO ApplrcArroN l. not BE AccEprED rF rNco'prpEJ!*#lffH8orprfq MWIIOFYAIL 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 Permit will not be accepted without the following: Provide Mechanical Room Layout drawn to scale to include;: Mechanical Room Dimensionsr Combustion Air Duct Size and Locationc Flue, Vent and Gas Line Size and Locationc Heat Loss Calcs.c Equipment Cut/Spec Sheets Buifding Permit #r tJoo Oo 83 Mechanical Permit *=.JT!6-67N.\, 97O- 47 9-2149 (Inspections) Contad Assessorc Offrce at 970-328-8640 or visit for Parcel # Parcef # (Required if no bldg. permit # is provided above) 2/03 - ,/,?/* OZ - /1/l Job Name:f'}. c r-.'t/ Rn,robAddrTrrt& (\,,/A, ( "n, h, Legal Description Lot:Block:Filing:Subdivision: opv" UEw;-^"Add'Dtn.t llrou ) q/ wo* zo g/teollPhone:726- o r 6 6 Engineer: f Address:Phone: Detailed description of work: .A.(i hn.^a, lu-l':n^ Ut;e Atl 0f fzrsi+,at T,n +ro'., Ln ( J;ts lbo;lrrl r<.at \Vl+ Llrotg,"zV PiltCW,ltCa Lo (?o-,,1r.** WorkClass: New( ) Addition( ) Alteration( ) RepairJ$ Other( ) Boiler Location: Interior ()f- Exterior ( ) Other ( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Type of Bldg: Single-familyl>)r Duplex ( ) Multi-family ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this building: No/Type of Fireplaces Existinq: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Loqs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burninq ( Noflype of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Logs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burning (NOT ALLOWED) Is this a conversion from a wood burning fireplace to an EPA Phase II device? Yes ( ) No ( ) MECHANICAL: $ f 15 VALUATION FOR MECHANICAL PERMIT (Labor & Materials) CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Town ofVail Reg. No.:Contact and Phone #'s: Qzo-qts- ?J "s ************************FOR OFFICE USE ONLy**{c******r.***A*tx************ ate Receivec r,tAY 2 4 2000 F: /e{reryone/forms/mechperm r:rozoit.oo5 :.o, 'o U! o Dt ( o o o o o o| A F !nrRH '{t'a:r 6ttoo E?I EoE toct larB FCi58 dI o c-l o r/t o| 0 o C' o cl E c EI cEqlp aHao Etr EEo .Jli .C 't oo JEf8P" EHfiEc'a OH EE!oEEE4 E! E4 l.H AE E9 Bd2( BEaprOHIH4q| frE HHl-rlE 89E{o h.l .a I:.Io xlr A Et{ECIUEft c-E"8 EEp itg6 B- C.cl B TI.tD FIE Rcu a RxE FI qlI!!o Cl: F C' r{t ci6t>i:taqaie, clEO tEE OA9|F Rrqucsted lnspect O.te: A:rslgned Tol Ine pecdiin Type: InEirtc{on Area: SttE. Address: Yvedne$day, Febru!ry 2E, 2001 JilONDRAGON BLDG GG lil25 zuFFEHR CREEK RO VAL 1435zuFFEHR CREEK Ptpno:97GS2&S68 9?O92S(E66 ABD ln$ormallon Ac$,ltf m(}.m$ Cond Tyt*: Patid':. 21ffi121$fr17Applkant K.C. COt'tPAlfY' Orvnet: frcG&L JEAI{NE S 5t0 drhnil/oy orad6 llnal 10 BLDGFft{lmgsled 20 BtD@Foun6tbn/S0ael Strt$: lslst ED lmp Arm: CXI Tv?€: occ||p€ncY: A"BULD SubType: ASFRtt: VN Contacto{: K,C. COIIPAI{Y Phone: D€Cc'IIdo'': REPALCE ENTRAN W/WIRSBO.ADD BASEBOARD HEAT Rcqs€steg lns0€cton{s I FlequGsted Tlmc:- Phofre: Enbr.d Byr 0t:(X) Pt 970,946S66 JT'O}IDRAEON K [.m: ila''l: lo|n: nsm: fam:lfn:' lffn: Itern: lhrn: g0 BLD€.Flnll 60 BlDG-Shaebock ttall 70 g,DCr.Mbc. SO BLDGFhaI 630 BLDC-T€mp.CiO 540 BLtlGFkr.lc/O REPTl31-Run fd: 43 r REPT 131 06/e8/e660t 0B:08 RECIUESTS Tflt^lN 0F VAIL' LULORADO': INSFE6-I-N IIORK SHEET$ FOR: 6/88/EO PAGE 15 AREA: JRM ,F==:=:Retivity: Addr"ess r Locat i on: Far.ee I : Descnipt ion: Appl icant : Owner': Cont ract or' : Statrrs: ISSUED Constt': ASFR 1485 BUFFEHR CREEH RD I4E5 BUFFEHR CREEK RD e1a3-1er -oe-ar7 REF'LACE ENTRAN I"IITH WIRSBO,USE R&HMECHANICALLLC I{CGILL JEANNE S R&HMECHANICALLLC Occ: EX ISTING Phone: Fhorre: Fhone: Us e : BC]ILEN 3AJ-543-9S94 7l'30J*54 Inspect i on Reque st Reqnest or: JAI4ES Req Time: 08:OO Items nequested to BO39O MEEH*Final Information... " Connent s : l,.lILL be Inspected... Fhone: 97 on: DN DENIE F'LACE CALL Aet i. on Tine Exp Inspeetion History...,,Item: et0e00 MECH-Rouqh 03/3Ll0?t Inspector: JRM Notes.: POURED AND NO nIRItem: Aoe48t trLMB*Gas PipingIten: OO31O MECH-HeatingIter: AOgaO MECH*Exhar-rst Hoods It er : Clra330 MEtrH-Srrppl y Air. Iten : o,o34?t MECH-.Misc. 06/o.5/6@ Inspector": JRMItem: AE39A HECH-Final Aet i TEST IN RETE WAS Aet i on : AFFR APtrR r!t60r* Al RTEST V6/e7/eA Inspectot': CD Aetionr DN DENIED Notes: NO ONE ON SITE,FROUIDED 30 MINUTES OF LEAD TIME N0 UNE SHOt^'ED 9A4-6eg 1 I TOWN OFVAIL Department of Community Development 75 South Frowage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 97G479-2138 FAX 97G479-2452 Fax 926-0413 November 19,7999 RE: Development Potential for Lot 4, Cliffside Dear Kathy, After a search of the file, the following is the development potential for Lot 4, Cliffside: GRFA Allowed: 4173 sq. ft. GRFA Existing: 3886 sq. ft. GRFA Remaining: 288 sq. ft. (plus 250 additional sq. ft.) Please call me at 479-2369 should you need any more information or have other questions. Sincerely, ,.^\ n 4fau,rQfrl- Allison Ochs Planner II Town of Vail €P *n*o"* ffi*a Eg;=;\\s I; g: A rrr AE.: q i BH e E H'iu El+ z (I z Fa CD lJzIqll Fsll =) (r6ll lrro ti ( ll---r<lizll ol:- <ll o o uJll O ;Ill < u, H B o ul LU F I oF-: JJ ; i oB It\t I bz z J 3o zo tr g. uJF Best coPy Available z H & I 9 o r'{l: o- 9<o E P ;EA.AOGH6d 35(JzxDb{ lfrEg v_z HN(!- 5Ezo F z FII I H (J Ezta.r9 H =E E.E ZtrlFa-r )N d P:asa Dtl D+ ridEJD<]L I' J."*6 =E==oicnil> tr uJ o. .P UJqo c<Etlo t!2 62B9'o ir cd F '-t r- = tri r-E r=u ii- E 9oP 5st :>OiiFcl -io-1t' ,.= uJ d) oF F =E,lrlo-zIl-()fEFazo(J CHECK REQUEST PREPARED BY:,4 -t'-/ )-z-I/-) ,^ VENpoRNAME: n4 n.[-/ o' Vt4. e ; t /t7 VENDORNUMBER:-f ct 46 7/ DESCRIPTION OF EXPENSE: CLEAN UP DEPOSIT REFUr\D FOR BP # ,? 3 ( NAME OF JOb: 'W. 4 // ,6, ACCOU'NT NUMBER:0l 0000 22002 AMOLTNT OIT REFUND:S <--r' o nn /1 ) (rDATE APPROVED: APPROVAL SIGNATURE:VffiJ*-- 2 1€74'^:rc oo lltltttlt.llolt€ltplYcal)lcoFl I l--{ ItHl lfrllnl tqlFt€l |l.tv*l .,tz L-- i1 J J tl- J<olfiilJOI B z a Hv) M FfH(J t l6lI tolv lolE loi' lrlp4 l\ostHt;nlE I f ot Fa IE! |rot FEt '4 |(Jl.$ | Cl dl<l rJ.I nt !'1:t ld t-!El El <El 3>'.i neaE;44<) & U)z v € z E z tr & M r.1 (9 oN u.l !J --\ = e.lc! 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FlH - o ahl< F-{H H EEtan E d I F\N z UJ 0rl <1>l rLlol zl BI FI .if|\ }(X Ior$ol uI F H&ts TI1E z F1 I@ @ ctz ul(E ,Ii>l r!I zl 3t FI Or.rt c{ I @\o\t n{ ll {r+ : i oz o UJ o z3I E tr z ci uJ "'= >l ol zl 3lpi ul uJF tlJ z .-) LIJz3o uJt.r C) E <F uJ<z.Et!FttZo <oQF trs Lu,2fro() E(JO zt- =# =Jzrl-o -4E;9 =F73 Y,Z =g E l-&. irg Ft-o2mHa oz F =t LrJo- J) CN o o Ln.it ola.v U) UJl!lJ- tr = uJ tbq-g Hc c'l ('l rn xz F{ UI z I P,-rEoto..\rrlN $ z .J) I i39|4u- 5Xoz,z< J5 ) I UJF l.nl9JIFtoxlzFlo El=<hl Jzl ) =1(ool.6<1,"zl z =le H E& () 14E HHz v F Hz =z zH H FCo .t)H ful <F Z r.t2Zt< N \", Y ) \) \ tq lullol> t:l6l^ IFrloylf tlz Yt8 Plx$l: lul ItE lla I le \ti )t6lo \\\'\ $: \$( p i$, il N3 N 6 E $\6t'' !\, f:P o F{ F{ Ef etrl C) o c) b ! =N NR.dN:\f\Ri ;\ 6 qs\ 6$ 3N d\i gN :\f(Dql ss 5N o &F(!tr ;F*tgtr ,6 Q)E u; o)1too ., u. -o ao +\o) '= N :D 3 F q) ; ooo(u q) () o ,2 = o si3 -i- oo;c *io;'otrtro(6 c.9q, €B E(tlvL c-o'i3- -c- ]- 6.o =EFd '>- =c96 r5;_E>, E Ea =:E*oo €eetq= c.Y- (d o-(! o-*6: alredEgo-(Uc sEo or o?erEi(5= E 6.sc;0)a-.cog-O)d.c E iE36> I=E3ii IBts t'l, o-o6EE-r- o ct) -o(E \o co Nrrl Ol (fl c!.v rn\' ooln F UJ z x !!I z (L aF UJ uJ z J ) z Io t1,, = tut!z tr UJ oIu E =5 u.J z 6 TIJ 6o(L uJ l z X uJo v> uJ IJ,J lJ- = = UJo- F F z o!l E F() UJJ uJ z = z Iott Fl3ts H NO[Vn'rVA I It>l!- t=Ito l- .o liN l(,^lialH ..u Y XF >2zzu-o I or- h o- 974Y-r>\r2 ^ ==2E E -qO6 0 crHz>-otso aJ 9CJQzXbr! <l unoq iFP;it(,:B 2^B r a\r =>0( -= 14 z C) z tr l.J { !L o-l UJ o .it oa-(L z Eoo z tr t UJF.) xX BuJz 'l*l LzlzOo ; tJJ<oo< =H6o<z -tl.-r '.-{ i I F z -= -F--,1 r_;o36OI t!zYo I UJd F za) F Jlaz H*?-o-ul I xl PI @(vl & l ,\o H B c'l I& F\ lr,| B 3 F @(r) Ifr B I I+-X;l-l- I I _t, 9t?FI Jat @ rl:l 2l zl .. >lo alJo lrJ UJza! cc uJc z E o @ .if.it.r z CC o I&i (o cr) @ -<r(:) O I I o..l \.u I tsoFl.A z U)z FlA lLlF U) c0o-z F(L lllY llJ dt9e'o\ FF{ Lll Fl o- 6rl lzlo"lozl. Frlrlgur 23 x a zta,"o * ;3 g, = Z rnFq:l f Nis# HHtf J,-i5 =*=dd= F UJ(L o u,J z foa oF IL cc(L JFllJ-h= o- llJ>(!.Ou-9o\UJxa!x>IF J J lrl tooF o o o oat t E Eot) o E =E, lrJ o-zo F C)3 E,F(nzo C) Irtltlllllt.ltol tDlY(al -Jl(DrI1l tHlI frr Itnl FIH€l FJI().tr1 tvtz.F -'; Jl! Bfr]z a Htn a |l|lHo E u; =zo 't FltlH E q& t trrl =4 i{r !d to&loc) t(')ll& t\otrl I Eldpl ccl I^l!nlJI-lea oC<ol>ol{j =() .'r I(Jl.&t&<la Ico tMzteH lc)vlA IE]o tp< !,1, I 2loolNEl a\i/ | trlZl tru)lo t< =l -El <d= o oJc! I I o- |lH F vtF{<tsH HHEE tr I F\ c.,l ctz g UJ J al>I ol z) =1tvl cr).J. F\ }{X I Or.v c)H&H F]Fl FI z |J E E Irdl "5 Icol-l ^l>I ol6 Htx JIO 3l"t rr-19olo zl}IolFI t, #fi, Wa WElz>1 3E9LL] F Vt! trr I I-ilF+Ftl.I * r.d ulF t,JS' r#'W *,tn Wsuf; 'ts>l w7lu-l Fl Y(lrt- 'tlrFri.rt' Itlssl ull 6lFI E E oz' o uJ J a1 al. ol zl 3l 9l r|J ulF LIJz3 F u.l =-)- E <FG(JLU<ZE (tZo C) <o(JF F<Iis ----r2 UJO() (Jo z, t- co9 =df,F!zr.|-o ixYFzQ =#Yz =g c('\ = \JZ (J J<(Jout3H F]FilFNxrt+xr I have read the survey memo dated Alrril 3, 19 policies stipulated ln the1 and cotnmit to adhering to Town of VaiI them. dt/ ,?-(o ? / Date 4er1 4r Job Nane oazl63/ Permit Nunber / C /r/Legal Description: t-,ot/L , Block c i \lrtstan\nqios\au!v!y.pol -, subdivisio "-Cl ffidS- zo F ozD J ;Ei =HE (tz co =DJo- oz Eur= -l!u, o. @o.? zo F :l.re .*rulYic o_ tx uJ o uJ @ o E IE uJ o- lto Ioo I UJ oz E =Ellrr l!o luo- F =G uJclto EHE3€u39Eir '9'3[ EiJEF85E=-.-FE: luisi UJ @oF rm\zJ= -'- E =E UJo.zoF(JfEFozo C) IEulz3od I lll62 se Eo a*ii$ SE; ei EEEES iEiii zz.oo b^vl3e =uro Egl!<ogsd-t .i.i 9S. \Jl I o I?t I i Iil F | 3 | r' sl s | ; I E fli l .1..- i "/l \ I 75 routh fronlrgc road u!ll, colortdo 81657 (303) 479-2138 or 479-2L39 oftlcr ol communlty drvclopmcnt BUILDING PERNIT ISSUANCE TIIIIE FRAME If thi.s perm.it requi.res a Town of Vajl Fire Department Approval, Engi.neel's (.Publip Wopks) reyiew and approval, a Planning Department review or Health DeparUnent review, and a review by the Building Department, the estimated time for a tstal review may take as longas three weelts. All conmercial (large or small) and all multi-family permits will have to follow the above mentioned mximum requirements. Residentia'l and small projects should take a'lesser amount of time. However, if !esidential or smaller projects 'impact the various above mentioned departments wi.th regard to necessary review, these projects mayalso take the three week period. Every attempt will be made by this departnent to expedite this permi.t as sgon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time frane. Cormuni ty Devel opment Department. i 75 roulh fronttge rcrd Y|il, colorado E1657 1303, 479-21.38 ot 479-2L39 otllcc ol communlty developmcnl TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT:CONSTRUEIION PARKING & I'IATERTAL STORAGE that it is unl.awful for anyfn surnmary, Ord,inance No. 6 statesperson to litter, track or deposit any soil , rock, sand, debrisor naterial , including trash dunpsters, portable toilets andworknen vehicles upon any street, sidewalk, alley or publicplace or any portion thereof. The rigtrt-of-way on all Town ofVaiI streets and roads is approxinately 5 ft. off pavement.This ordinance will be strictly enforced by the Town of VailPublic Works Department. Persons found violating this ordinancewill be given a 24 hour written notice to remove-said material .In the event the person so notified does not comply with thenotice within the 24 hour tirne specified, the pubtlc worksDepartrnent will remove said material at the expense of personnotified. The provisions of this ordinance shall not beapplicable to construction, maintenance or repair projects ofany street or alley or any utilities in the right-a-way. To review Ordinance No. 6 ln full, please stop by the Town ofVail Buitding Department to obtain i copy. thank you for yourcooperation on this matter. Read, and acknowledged by: Position/Relationship to Project (i.e. contractor, owner) ALL CONTRA TORS CI'RRENTLYL REGISTERED I,|ITH THE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WoRKS/COII{MUNITY DEVELOP}IENT MARCH 16, 1988 Date Project Application o^r" 2 -2o -i / rh o6|/l Po, Ln,- Project Description: /t etJ SFA Contact Person and Phone owner, Address and phone: h , ' tl, tl ftl '6; / //4Ea 8"r/.( /, D,, n, l/d, / (a r\,tt f 7 (/ 24 - 3dnz Architect, Address and Phone: Filing ( (;-l{ ';rl,-. zon" EC- Design Review Board // Motion by: t-aat 0 seconded or, h, h /n-@s-o o^r" Z -Zo -? / DISAPPROVA L f4^ cz4/. ,'*5^/;n s7s/"'< V*i-fr.., .l ra ,!t r q----T- / Planner rr/ur< Town 4)., E s;att Approval aa<Ld1 fD E=ffi= /ornlJ o-&r(,, ,e.^l A maliaq., '/,::ll 5l4t /1"/ tL *,/^! r"d ) 4 ^^//, ZONE CHECK FOR sFR, R, R P/S ZONE DISTRICTS PHONE PIIONE 47e. zzo / @ DATE: 2'/-4/ TJEGAIJ DESCRIPTION:- Fillng C/,-{/r,/.Lot /421ADDRESS: OWNER ARCIIITEC'I' ZONE DISTRICT PROPOSED USE LOT SIZE Height Total GRFA Prinary GRFA Allowed (30)@ ,zs ,lftf{ +85o1=+*s'=- ExlstInq Proposed 'Iotal -/ 3tt2,q w =34q{lS + (4r5) o Secondary GRFA Setbacks Front Sides Rear Water Course Setback i\site coveraqe ll</,)--- \tJ. / Landscaping RetainJ-ng Wall lleights Parking carage Credit Drive: Environmental,/Hazards : o L"q4r,.' t 3 OfS ,.? L <D 4rr-t) o+ (4rsr =o 201 15r l_5 | (30) (50) '-\257.1 ls, tmlr/ 3'/ 6' Reqrd, o o Does this reguest l"nvolve a How,much of the allowed 250n/a sq. ft,. (3oo) k6o0) At (L2oo) I o0'z t^sn cl Pernitted Slope --.llt- Actual stope /O'/' -Date approved by t""". TT.gineer: 2-ls'71 -- 1) Flood Plain nol ,ear craJc ('i:) ..2) Percent slope 3q"7'l 3) Geologic llazards i ltL --t I :i , d) .snost Avalanche ' Od Z '/-q / .-,b) noctfaf fb zt-q/ ., i i.,c) Debrier ow ()K >-/-q/ 'r":r'V- 4) Wet,lan,a" ' +unt" iqr/*'f 250 Addition? ^/ OAddltion is used wlth thls requeet? v4,F 'oI*to (@ 10 oC i Town of Vail Community Development ?5 South Frontage RoadVail, Colorado 81657(303) 4'19-2L38 PIan review based on Lhe L988 Uniform Building Code Project Numberz 4239L Name: MCGILL Address: 1435 BUFFEHR CREEK DR. Date: April 23' 1991 Contractor: Occupancy: R3rML Architect: SNOWDON & HOPKINS Type of Const: V-N Engineer: JVA INC. PIANS EXAMiNET: DAN STANEK Portions of the material contained in this program are reproduced from the Uniform Building Code ( 1988 edition) with permission of fnternational Conference of Building Officials # SHEET IDENTIFICATION CORRECTION REQUIRED 2 **** **t(rt Sloped glazing (skylights) shall be tempered over laminate glazing as per UBC 3402. Plastic Alazingshall be as per UBC 5207. A curb may be required depending upon glazing materialr slope of roof, or flashing used. Only one wood burning fireplace may be installed per dwelling unit within the Town of Vai1. Gas appliances with "B" vents only are not restricted under this regulation. Gas 1og apparatust retrofitted within wood burning chimneys are restricted as such. A bathroom is required to have an openable wi-ndow or a mechanical ventilation system. -- Sec. f205. (c) In bathrooms wit.h a tub or shower and in laundry rooms a mechanical ventilatj-on system connected directly to t.he outside shall be provided. Bathrms which cont.ain only a water cfoset or l-av. may be ventilated wlth a recirculating fan. UBC l-205(c). Crawl spaces are required to be venLilated by mechanical means or by openings. Such openings shall have a net area of not less than 1sq. ft. for each J-50 sq. ft. of under-floor area. UBC 2516(c)6. Provide attic ventilation that complies with section 3205. (c) 3 **** *)k)k* 4 **** **** 5 **** **** 6 **** **** **** **)k* **** 10 **** **** **** **** **** Page 2 Sloped glazing (skylights) shall- be tempered over lami.nate glazing as per UBC 3402. Plastic alazingshal-l be as per UBC 520'7 . A curb may be requj-red depending upon glazing material, slope of roof, or flashing used. Only one wood burning fireplace may be lnstafled per dwelling unit within the Town of Vai1. Gas appliances with "Brr vents only are not restricted under this regulation. Gas 1og apparatust retrofitted within wood burning chimneys are restricted as such. A bathroorn is required to have an openable wlndow or a mechanical ventilation system. -- Sec. 1205. (c) In bathrooms with a tub or shower and in laundry rooms a mechanical ventilatj-on system connected directly to the outside sha1l be provided. Bathrms which contain only a water closet or Lav. may be ventitated with a recirculating fan. UBC 1205(c) . Crawl spaces are required to be ventilated by mechanical means or by openings. Such openingsshall have a net area of not less than 1sq. ft. for each 150 sq. ft. of under-floor area. UBC 2516(c) 5. Cross connection control devices sha11 be installed to protect pollution of potable water supply by use of approved backflow prevention devices. UPC 1003. Heating and cooling equipment located in the garage shal1 be installed with the pilots and burners or heating elements and switches at least 18" above the floor level of the garage. UMC 508. In buildings of unusually tight consLruction (all new construction within the Town of Vail), combustion air sha]I be obtained from the outside. Such combustion air openinqs shall be as per UMC Ch. 5. Approved gas logs may be installed i-n solid-fuel burning fireplaces provided the instal-lation is according Lo the listing instructions' any damper shall be removed or permanently blocked, and a safety shutoff valve is provided. UMC 803. 11 ******** 12 ******** 13 ******** 14 ******** 15 ******** Page 3 16 **** **** Gas fireplace appliances are required to beinstalled as per listing installation instructions -with a "B" vent only. Combustion air must be supplied from the outside for all new constructionin the Town of Vail. 17 **** **** Furnaces nOt listed fOr ClOset Or aICOve installation shall be installed in a room or space having a volume at least 12 times the volume of the furnace. A boiler unit will require a space 16 times larger than the boiler. UMC 504 (b) 18 *,kt(* **** Supply a mechanical drawing indicating design of system, size (BTU and volume) of equipment, vent Iocation and termination, and combustion air to be supplied prior to any installation. 19 **** **** Due to Colorado State Statutes, all- sink faucetts and shower heads are required to utilize flow restrict.ion devices. A1so, the maximum water closet flush usage is limited to a maximum of 3.5 gallons per flush. 20 ***r( **** The garage must be separated from the dwelling by thr fire-resistive construction on the garage side. -- Table 5-B & 503. (d) exc.#3 21 **** **** The enclosed usable space under the stairs is required to be protected by thr fire-resistive construction. -- 3306. (m) Town of Vaif Community Development 75 South Frontage RoadVaiI, Colorado 81-657(303) 4'79-21,38 Plan analysis based on the 1988 Uniform Building Code Project Number z 4239L Address: l-435 BUFFEHR CREEK DR. Occupancy: R3rM1 Type of Const: V-N NOTE:The code items listed in this reportlisting of all possible code requirements selected sections of the code. Name: MCGILL Date: April 23, l-991 Contractor:Architect: sNowDoN & Engi-neer: JVA INC. Plans Examiner: DAN HOPKINS STANEK are not intended to be a complete in the 1988 UBC. It is a guide to Portions of the material contained in this program are reproduced from the Uniform Building Code ( 1988 edition) with permission of InternationaL Conference of Buildinq Officials NAME AREA MIN.LIGHT MIN.VENT NO.EXITS EGRESSFL 2 Master bedroom2 Master bath2 Office t C.i++in* -aa-4 Jr\-LrrrY r \.,\.,rrr2 Living roorn2 Dining room 2 Kitchen2 Laundry room2 Wine room2 Powder room 2 HaI1s, closets, etc TOTAL FOR FLOOR 1 Garage1 Mechanical room1 Bedroom #31 Bath room #3I Bedroom #21- Bath room #21 Bedroom #11 Bath room #11 Storage room1 Mud room 1 Hal1s, closets, etc TOTAL FOR FLOOR BUILDING TOTAL 327 237 L38 548 296 269 90 4L 31 3s3 2495 597 74 I6J 46 r46 44 255 BL 92 472 2003 4498 32.70 0.00 13.80 54.80 29 .60 26.90 0.00 10.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 18 .50 0.00 14.60 0.00 23 .30 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 16.35 11 Aq 8.25 6.90 27.40 14.80 13.45 4 .50 5. UU 1_ .55 0.00 0.00 0.00 9.25 2.30 ? ?n z . zv r_r-.65 L.65 0.00 4 .60 0.00 Yes No No No No No No No No No NO No No Yes No Yes No Yes No No No No 1 1 1 t_ 1 1 1_ L i- 1 1 1 l_ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 Page 2 FOOTNOTES:1) EGRESS - An operable window or door that opens directly to the exterior is required from this room. The minimum clear openable area must meet the following. -- Sec. L204. 1) The minimum clear height is 24 inches2) The minimum clear width is 20 inches 3) The rninimum clear area is 5.7 square feet 4') The maximum sill height is 44 inches 2l The number of exits is based on Table 33-A (owellings) 3) A mechanical ventilat,ion system may be used in in lieu of exterior openings for ventilation. -- Sec. f205. (c) ROOM DTMENSIONS: Habitable space shall have a ceiling height of not less than 7 feet 6 inches. Kitchens, hal1s, bathrooms and toilet compartments may have a ceiling height of 7 feet measured to the lowest projection. If the ceiling is sloping, then the minimum height is required in only I/2 of the area. --Sec. 1207. (a) Every dwelling unit shall have at least one room which has not less than L20 square feet of floor area. Other habitable rooms except kitchens shall have an area of not less than 70 square feet. -- Sec. L207.(b) Habitable rooms other than a kitchen shaLl not be less than 7 feeL in any dirnension. -- Sec . l-207 . (c) GLAZING REOUTREMENTS:L) A11 glazing in hazardous locations is required to be of safetyglazing material . -- Sec. 5406. (d) 2) Note windows and doors in a tub or shower area are required to be safety glazed regardless of the height above Lhe floor. -- 5406(d) 5. SMOKE DETECTOR REQUIREMENTS: A smoke detector is required on the ceiling or wall at a point central-ly locat.ed in the corridor or area giving access to each sleeping area. -- Sec. 1210. (a) 4. The srnoke detector is required to be wired to the bui-1ding's power source. -- Sec. 12L0. (a) 3. A smoke detector is required on all stories. -- Sec. 121-0.(a) 4. If the upper level- contains sleeping room(s), a smoke detector is required in the ceiling of the upper level close to the stairway. --Sec. 1210. (a) 4 FIREPLACE REQUIREMENTS : FACTORY BUILT FIREPLACE:1) Unit must be an approved unit. -- Sec. 3705. (a) 2t Cfearances and hearth sj.ze must be per manufactures approval . -- sec. 3705. (a) & (b) 3) Chimney height must be per manufacturer's approval and Table 37-B Page 3 OCCUPANCY SEPARATTON: Between the garage and the residence, materials approved for Lhr fire construction are required on the garage side only and any doors between the garage and the residence are to be a self-closing 1- 3/8 inch solid core door. -- Table 5-B & Sec. 503.(d) ex #3 STAIR REQUIREMENTS: A stairway in a dwelling must be at least 36 inches wide. -- Sec. 3306.(b) The maximum rise of a step is 8 inches and the minimum run is 9 inches. -- Sec. 3306. (c) exc.#l- Provide a handrail on one side a stairway 34 to 38 inches above the nosing if there is 4 or more risers. -- Sec. 3306. (j) Provide a guard rail where drop off is greater than 30 inches. Minimum height =36 inches, maximum opening size:6 inches. -- Sec. 1711. exc 1 The minimum headroom is 6 ft.- 8 inches. -- Sec. 3306.(p) Enclosed usable space under the stairs is required to be protected as required for thr fire-resistive construction. -- Sec. 3306. (n) ATTIC REQUIREMENTS:1) Provide an access to all attic areas with a clear height of 30 inches or more. The minimum size is 22 inches by 30 inches. There must be 30 inches or more clear height above the access. -- Sec. 3205.(a) 2) Provide ventilation in all attic areas. The net free vent area is to be not less than l square foot for each 150 sguare feet of attic area. The vent area may be 1/300 if at least 50t of the required ventilating area is provided by ventilators located in the upper portion of the attic. The upper ventiLators must be at least 3 feet above the eve or cornice vents. -- Sec. 3205. (c) CRAWLSPACE REQUIREMENTS :l-) Provide ventilation either by mechanical means or by openings in exterior walls. Opening shall provide a net area of not less than 1 square foot for each 1.50 square feet of area in crawl space. Openings shall be distributed on two opposite sides and be located as close to corners as practical, -- Sec. 2516.(c) 5. Note: vent openings may be reduced to 10? of the above if ground surface area j.s covered with an approved vapor barrier and the building official approves. 2) Provide l8-inch by 24-inch access opening to the crawl space area. Note: opening may be required to be larger if mechanical equipment is Located in the crawl space. -- Sec. 2516. (c) 2. 3) Unless the wood is listed as an approved wood of naturaf resistance to decay or treated wood, the rninimum clearance between exposed earLh and fLoor joist is 18 inches. The minimum clearance to beams and girders is is 12 inches. -- Sec. 25L6. (c) 2. Page 4 ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS : For R3 occupancy THIS PROJECT WILL REOUIRE A SITE IMPROVEMENT SURVEY. SUCH SURVEY SHALL BE SUBMITTED AND APPROVED PRIOR TO REQUEST FOR FRAME INSPECTION. ALL CR,AWL SPACES WITHIN THE TOUIN OF VAIL ARE L]MITED TO A EARTH TO STRUCTURAL FLOOR CEILING HEIGHT OF 5" BE EARTH FLOOR ONLY, BE VENTILATED AS PER UBC 2516 (C) 5 WITH MINIMUM ACCESS AS PER UBC 25].6(C)2 AND MAXIMUM ACCESS OF 9 SQ. FT. ANY BUILDING SITE WITH A SLOPE OF 30 DEGREES OR MORE SHALL REQUIRE AN ENGINEER DESIGN. SUCH DESIGN SHALL ADDRESS DRAINAGE, SOIL RETAINAGE, AND STRUCTURAL DESIGN. EXCAVATION BELOW SLABS ON GRADE SHALL NOT BE PERMITTED WITHOUT PRIOR APPROVAL. ADDRESS NUMBERS SHALL BE POSTED PLATNLY VISIBLE AND LEGIBLE FROM THE STREET. For M1 occupancy SLOPE GARAGE FLOOR TO ALLOW FOR DRAINAGE TO OUTSIDE OR PROVIDE A FLOOR DRAIN WTTH WITH SAND AND OIL INTERCEPTOR TO DRY WELL OR TO SEWER. ANY GARAGE FLOOR DRAIN CONNECTED TO SEWER MUST BE APPPROVED BY UPPER EAGLE VALLEY WATER & SANTTATTON DISTRICT. IN GARAGES WITH LIVING AREA ABOVE, THE WAILS OF THE GARAGE WHICH ARE BEARING THE AREA ABOVE SHALL BE PROTECTED WITH ONE HOUR FIRE RESTSTTVE CONSTRUCTTON. UBC 503 (B) . Tbe ltens belos need togtvtogaperultaftnal PleaEe check off in the 3{Ar rtrsPscTroNr s cor{PLsrED be coopletc before Cof0. box provlded. W n T FU{AL UECSANICAT hA'FF o I}IPROVEUENT ID. T{AI.TE: DATE:lD.-7t.4 FINAL BUILDING EAST SIDE:WEST SIDE: DATE: CERTIFICATE OF OCCI]PAIICY DATE: I"A}IDSCAPING DUE DATE: FILE NAMEI COI{SUtTING'TRUCTUf, AI, IXCIIlTIRS OBSERVATION REPORT ,Y , nco|'lorltEo t3t9 SPRtJ(t fi8tfr 80tr0fi, cqor.ADo e!02 303.a,l{.l95l Mr. Craig Snowdon Snowdon & Hopkins, Architec.ts 201 Gore Creek Drive Vail. CO 81657 Date: July 11, 1991 Tlme: 3:00 pm 303 ''rr'res7 ru( JVA Proiect Numb6r: 5588 Fleld Vlslt Number: 4 Prolect: McGill Residence Locatlon: Vail, Colorado @ntractor: Summit Habhats, Inc. Ownet: Arch McGill Weath€r: Glear,75" Presenl at Slte: Steve Howard, Thane Chase, Tara Cowley, Jerry Covrtley, 4 Form Carpenters Observations: 1. All formwork is in place for primary wall, buttresses and countertorts. 2. All formwork ls in place for spa. area retaining walls. The step in the top of wall elev @ spa to accommodate spa control panels access has been moved to an adjacent wall. This change will not afiect the load criteria or performance of the wall and ls accepted. 3. Formwork is partially in place at south retaining end wall and all reinforcement is tied. 4. None of the forms are in place yet for the southern most retaining wall below patio. Footing dowels which were added at this location per revision 2R/S7 appear to be well anchored and the epoxy looks clean. 5. Interior 8' retaining wall between storage and crawl space are as narrow as /. This should be avolded when forming the other two interior walls between craw{ space and bedrooms. 6. Setreral #9 at outside ends of counterforts and 1 buttress were bundled together 6'{ from top of wall. I asked Thane to remove bundle ties and bars evenly @ top of wall. 7. Corner bars at each counterfoft should be revised: corner bars in each face should each be turned to their adiacent wall (180 degrees apaft). More imponamly, the corner bars must bend beyond the far cuilain of vertical reinforcement. Thane and I discussed these requirements and he will add corner bars at counterforts. 8. I left the she @ 5:00 pm. JVA, Incorporated This site vi!it was made lo obs!rva lhe progrrss and tha qualiv ol the structural portion of the constructon work and determ;no whether Ihat work was In gen6,al conlormancetolh.st'uctUI.|oortiono'thccont|adto'ocuncnts.JVAto.bservationsareintendrdropibidcfinJinil.ijij;rih;b-;;;;;jtcont'aclor'swork.wo.kmctnods'saf-iypiJclrrilirlis'ii'riitin!li.inii;p;;;;;;;-;#fie-iii.h'or..y responsibili!y. COTiS Ut G TIRUCTUnAr tfiGti/ttRl OBSERVATION REPORT ,vt, tflco|'oilrrto Bl9 sPnuc 'rntrr80ur0fi, (qonADO Olc 103. l,aa . D5r 303..,11.t957 fAX Mr. Craig Snowdon Snowdon & Hopkins, Architects 201 Gore Creek Drive Vail, CO 81657 Obseruations: Date: July 5, 1991 Time: 2:15 pm JVA ProJect Number: 5588 Fleld Visil Number: 3 Prolect: McGill Residence Locatlon: Vail, Colorado Contractor: Summit Habitats, Inc. Owner: Arch McGill W€athsr: Clear,75o Paesent ai Slte: Robert Hunnes, 2 form carpenters ' 1. Only two workmen were on the job site building formwork In talking with one of them, it sounds as though the concrete pour for the back walls will take place approximately a week from today on July 12,1991. None of theiorms are in place yet for the west wall of the building and the remaining reinforcing steel is scheduled to arrive on the Jobsite on Monday, July 8, 1991. 2' Most form work is in place for the counterfort walls and the buttress walls at the back side of the foundation. substantial'work still remains to be done on the buttresses belo,rr the kitchen area. 3. The horizontal insirJe bars at the buttress walls are # 6 @ 1z'on center. Bars are correctly spaced 2. from the insirJe faie of the forln and they are lap spticed approximately 3'{ laps. Splices are well staggered 'between adjacent layers of bars. 4. The buttresses are doweled to the back wall with # 4 dowels. However, these dowels do not have the 10'€ long horizontaf leg as required in section 1/54. Ptoper dowels need to be inserted at these locations. No reinforcing G actually in place for any of the buttress walls at this time. 5- None of the B' concrete walls have been formed at the crawl space retaining wall near the south end of the buttresses. 6- The top of the counterfort footing has been covered wfth fiber board to act as a protection board in the areas where it will be exposed in the final slab. 7. At the 4 iog in the back wall, proper # 6 corner bars have been installed to match horizontal reinforcing. I left the iob site at 2:47 pm after leaving a note with the concrete workers regarding conection of the horizontal dovrels to the buttress walls. Robert B. Hunnes, President Tltis.sit..visilwasmad.toob5..vrtheplo-g'es5andthe-.qua|ityo'thestructra|podio ro rh. sl'u.ctu'.| Portion of rh. conka;t o-ocumenrs. JVn'stibscr'.6ns;;;-ini;;e;;i;;;;i;fih;i;;.;iiiiiir,lo*..,andrh.oubric..rva'snorrcsfgi'lirrJloirti-y-o-1tr.t9!Pr':work,wo'kh.thods,5atctyprecautions,ii,nit;n-s!init'i-pi.io'manci.of{trcioiresponstD ttv. co'|tur t{G tlnucruRa( tfl G||{t€fi 5 OBSERVATIOII REPORT rvr, nco||oulED |]t9 tPrtc rnsr 8qr0t& coq^oo rx l0r./taa. l95l tol.ritt.tt5, Hr Mr. Cnig Snowdon Snowdon - Hopkins, Architects 201 Gore Creek Drive Vail, CO 81657 Date: June 21,19f)1Tlme: 10:30 am JVA ProJect Number: S5gB Fleld Vlslt Number: 2 Project: McGill Residence Location: Vall, Color:ado Cordractor: Summit Habitats, lnc. Owner: Arch McGill Weather: Qlar,7o" Present at Site:'.Ctruck Wlkerson, Bob Hunnes, ThaneChase . Observations: The main counterfort and buttress footings had atl been poured last week. Wall dowels were well aligned and in place.The bundles of #9 bars at the backs of the counterforts and buftresses were standing In ptace ""d ;;; to be welllocated. Form work was being placed for the south face of the back wall. Thane pointed out one area where the footing dowels were slightly misJocated. This was at the back side of thebuttress where the wall otrset: frgm the garage to the main living-area. They will simply pour the wall 2. thicker at thispoint. since it is outside the building, it snouto not present any problems. The wall is going to be fonned full height, and according to the workmen, they will pour it in one pour from bottom totop. I asked Thane about the sequence of forming the inside hce of the back wall first. lt looked like it might have beensafer to form the outsirje wall first so that iron workers dkJ not have to work between the o(cavation and the forms. 119 f.t]t ry9 wasn't practical because they did not have a reasonable way to brace their forms back ro the cut in thehillside' For that reason they started wittrforming the insirle face where they had something they could tie their bracesto. We left the job site at 11:OO am. Hf,ii.,fi*-F:tl'*ih'1lfrii!jlii'"3iHfu1ii:l{ii:,Y*i{"'1"#;+:i:1ff#;i"i3Hi€i,i":ti"":i#ii'd;1€it?i#l*r..1#d;"#.{Ti1fff.}!itri:i+'iff cot{5urTrf{G sTRucIUiAt tr{Gtl{tf Rt "'ul I 5lggt OBSERVATION REPORT ,v|,mmillE |]r9 trftrc 'nt$EOUoq, Cqon^rm an t03.aL. tgtl lot.tg.r95t mr Mr. Craig Snowdon, Snowdon - Hopklns Architects 201 Gore Creek Drive Vail, @ 81657 Date: June 12, 1991 Timo: 9:30 am and 2:OO pm JVA Prolect Number: 5S8B Fleld Vlslt Number: 1 ProJect: Mc€ill Residence location: Vail Colorado Contractor: Summit Habitat Owner: Arch McGill Weather: Oear, 70o Present al Slte: ChuckWlkerson, Tara Coivley, Bob Hunnes, Sandy Treat, Tom Chase, Thane Chase Observations: Moming: 1. For this report, we will consider the retaining wail to be to the north. 2. Horizontal bars in east key are missing - Thane will install. 3. Key and slab dowels at footing edge in garage (south edge) are missing - Thane will lnstall. 4. The bottom mat of reinforcing has at least the minlmum required clearance and in many cases more than that. This ls because they're shooting in the bar elevations with a transit which is a recommended practice. 5. Many of the bar bundle tags are still on the bars that have been wired in the forms. These need to be remoned prior to concreting. Similar comment apdies to saueral pieces of 2 x 4 that are trapped in between the top and bofiom mats of relnforcing. g- We finished looking at the reinforclng steel from the east end of the counterfon footing up to the main step belor the entry way. We left the iob site at approximately 11 :00 am and will stop back this afternoon to see about further progress. Afternoon: 1. Most of the main reinforcing has been pulled up and tied into place at the left end of the counterfort wall #4wdl dowels have been installed at the eastem most counterfort and the two next counterforts. Similar dowels still need to be installed at the buttress walls below the kitchen area. 2. Horizontal bars had been placed inside the footing key as shown on the drawings. 3. Tara spoke with Thane about straightening the south edge of the counterfort footing so there would not be steps that would show through in the finished floor slab. This sitc visit w.5 nadc to obscava thr p.oqrcss &d tha qu!lity ol lha slructura I Dortio n ot thr construction work and dctcrmina wh!thar lh!l work was in ganlrtl corrfoantncc lo thc atructutal portion of lha Coniaact Oocumants. JVA'5 obsa.vations a.a iniandad lo orotacl lhc ifltcaests ol lh. Ownrt rnd lha pubtic. JVA is not rcsponsl.DE.rot rn! Conlractor's work, work |n!lhods, salety prucrulions, tlmllinlss in th. po.lorrnenc. ot ih! work nor any oth.r asp€cl of lhc consl.uction fot v.h,ch lh. Corlrrctot n'! resoonsihif,lv. 4. Thane mentioned that the Z-bars had been fabricated to the wrong dimension and would have to be re-fabricated and supplied to the job later. 5. I talked to Sandy and the concrete pour has nolr been rescheduled for the morning of FrlJay, June 14, 1991. Judging by the amount of progress that was made since we left the jobsfte thls morning, it looks like that should be a cornfortaH€ schedule. The only malor work left to be done norv is flacing and tying of the burdled bars at the back edge of each counterfort and buttress. 6. One other it€m to be completed ls to locate and tie the dorrd bars from the footlng Into the buttress rralls belot the kftchen ara. We left the jobsite at approximately 3:00 pm. President JVA, Incorporated Roben B. Hunneg L694LxY)/6l6els C' uJFoz z J .6 oz I I zl Hlstr. IFor<btr 14'z rl=oloz.<<l(,tz l9r :elo I I I I I I l- rSr(J ll! l3t(,,zIA rJ @ c.l p f.<EIz H z GFzoo (Eo u,lz-vrrulUcrz;t luJFt<F2a YZo< ct, at(tE oo o .9.: 1).o o 6 '= oN o 'F o o gl tt o (6 o: (J 6 .2 =0 o o 6 a;]6 oti o'iP(,,;:o E8E cahv,.e; IEEE Ffco:{!c-o e:5:g€E'! =cPc dEt E E-s5OO --: = o eiBt0- i.=- 6 CLiU CL sEE(/,r O. =*eE6:EEE O(!: EaE veC(! 0'-txq)e-E $*; 3 5=E8;o (!= .Y=E3i 8 ,n6 eloE or cEg -o(! atulul Lt- E = IJJ o- Fo F =IIJ z J \o @.ir HH E (,zHH(n HX & lz'/. v B Fl Hz = :< 3 z F o llJ J G. UJzi! =>E (l, Eu.S =(DGl zz io- A =3 e tto1>9C)lJZrr< v= x-o;c)FO -i$i E (Lqt E az E o z tr a UJ I I I I Iol otullcl JI <l>l t!lol il s Pl r', el ol Hl)l al>l t!l o\t\ I o'\c!€ rllEltdll\o I(9l-{ |ztlHt IFal I El "lFII zlAl .;l :l 5l*l il<l ol da <l>l ?lolFI z =tl. Hz E frlE Hv,Fl rlFl () E ii z 9? =#>Fd6 z r C) [U = r,5 =+t t-Oz. t -rO<F IJJ <zEUJFarz-o (J J EFc) LUJ oz t =G IJJo- Fz E = d v trrh In o,l$ ts =(r uJ lJ-o uJ F tr ul t!oi4UIEO9ZE<crf606e,E9!t ir 5EF --) EFo14(,dE=r., Y 9qF6eqoaeE uloo I-- !u! ..*5 =*1= i'i'i oB;3!!6 Lr)OO ItF o Ft Or @N z zH o HF rJ)z uJF (n loo-zo Fo- UJv uJ c0 oF F trluIL ll-o o-oo I IJJ Foz E =E IJJ o-zoF(J :) E, *a zoo \- \ o = ts- &,t!o- uJ tsooo1zo o- uJg-!u,@r', 9@ [c.riIe il< o-..ctArs, oo I UJFoz cIEgi-lfi iE€g\lE :EiaE NE iEiiffiEIgiE{ !'Esgao-!-549.DE $EE:i FgiiF 9? c"{'i = ro Nr:l \ L'8e frl!<oq i:s g tas tld ^lltl u, =z9c <oo< =o. =Hxt!!g IIII -l +lt-: o *i2z EO E-E ql .E ooulzxo F u,lo. F o J =F !, ll tll o laFll e DID z o9ze coo =zD:)d8 Effi E =ar UJA l!oEgEITaE9Ekb9.EE =>=uJEi:=;9CYttF6iq€= IIJ @oF E =E. ltJGzIFo E 6zoo E =G, uJct!o UJo- F "*A + $ +qt I I J n u t t+.o J l! 2t -| ryr, \ q \< \: q. fi = =.oq I o UJE = u,t =z o. (, -c ItItgJ troo J Z iG 6 =E ctz ct IU &, J l!oz3ol-=c oz (t lu CE J l!oz =oF :c lt oz olucJ ltoz3o -o e J 1\ -b \< \-Etr s \$ z (, uJ J lr z =oF \ \j-a. I ci \k u u F c ci2 (, TJ J ltoz BoF ql JulF. E uJz =o Fa UJE (J G g, -rO<(Fcc)uJ<zEr!F.qZ-o() JCE<oC)F =c)=<ir Ol d.s oz @ =Jl I ? :,(I zf) 9z UJ = ? J(r )J Gos6 =+EFl-o2 o <()tq (tt r-r r lrJ =o I :a a lnwn 75 toulh tronllge ro.d Ytll, colondo 81057 (303) 479-2L38 or 479-2\39 olflcc of communlty dcYdopmort BUILDING PERNIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If thi.s permi.t requires a Town of Vail fire Department Approva'|, Engineer''s (PgUttc Works) reyiew and approval , a Planning Department review or Health Department review, and a review by the Bui'lding Department, the estimated time for a tota'l review may take as long as three weel(s. A1l commerc ial ("large or smal I ) and al I mul ti -fami ly permi ts wi'll haye ta fo'l low the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residential and small projects should take a lesser amount of time. However, if residential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned departments wi.th regard to necessary review, these projects may also take the three week period. Every attempt will be nnde by this department to expedite this permi't as soon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame, Agreed to by.. Date l,lortrSheet was turned into the Communi ty Development Deparfunent. .\' 75 3outh lrontage road uail. colorado 81657 l3o3l 479-2L.38 ot 479-2L39 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: offlce of communlly developmont ALL CONTRACTORS CI'RRENTLYL REGISTERED WITIT THE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC I{ORKS/COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT MARCH 15, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & I4ATERIAL STORAGE In summaryr.Ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawful for anyperson to litter, track or deposit any soil, rock, sand, debrisor naterial, including trash dunpsters, portable toilets andvorkrnen vehicles upon any street, sidewalk, alley or publicplace or any portion thereof. The right-of-way on all Town ofVaiI streets and roads is approxinately 5 ft. off pavement.This ordinance will be stri-tfy enforced by the Town of VailPublic Works Department. Persons found violating this ordinancewill be given a 24 hour written notice to remove-said material .fn the event the person so notified does not conply with thenotice within the 24 hour tine specified, the puUtic t{orksDepartnent will remove said naterial- at the expense of personnotified. The provisions of this ordinance shall not beapplicable to construction, rnaintenance or repair projects ofany street or alley or any utilities in the right-a-way. To review Ordinance No. 6 in full, please stop by the Tolrn ofVail Building Department to obtain - copy. ffranX you for yourcooperation on this natter. Read and acknowledged by: Position/Relationship to Project (i.e. contractor, owner) Date APPLTCATION FOR REVOCABIJE A STRUCTURE ON A (Please tlpe or print) rO EREET OR UAINTAIN RIGHT-OF-WAY . FencepouL&natL V LandscapLng- PERMIT PUBI,IC other DATE 7- at- 71 OWNER OF PROPERTY NN.IE oF APPIJICN{T Su+tt.tn tf Aab,f,ars SERVED: ( L'{{s utz separate sheet). // ADDREss brt0 ?^55, A,ron, r r - 8/lr'd I.EGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY TO BE tnr 4 BIocK suBDrvrsroN(If necessary, attach description on Corner lot Inside lot DEscRrr{rroN oF srRUcruRE oR rrEr,!(s) rNTo RrcHT-oF-t{Ay t Rero/at< Attach plans showcurbs, intakes, hcurbs,s, hydrants, neters, encroachment, property line, si.dewalks, appurtenance in the project areasection(s) as wel.I as elevations Does Btructure presently exist? fuftt-al "^ Proposed date for conmencement of construction In consideration of the issuance of a revocable perrnit for the structure above indicated, appLicant agrees as follows: 1. That the structure herein authorized on a revocable penoit basis is restricted exclusively to the land above described. 2. That the pernit is lirnited specifically to the tlpe of structure described in this appllcation.3. That the applicant shall notify the Town Manger' or his.duly authorized-agent, twenty-four hours in advance of the time for commencernent of construction, in order that proper Lnspectl.on nay be made by the Town. 4, The-applicant agrees to lriclernnify and hold harnless the Town of vaii, lts ofilcers, employees and agents fron and agalnst all liability, clalns and demands on account of injuly,,Ioss or damage, including without linitation clains arising fron bodily injury, personal lnjury, slckness, disease, death, propeity rosl or damage' oi any other loss of any ki.nd wtralsoever, which arise out of or are ln any nanner connected with appticantrs activities pursuant to this perrrit, if such injuryr loss, or danage ls.caused in whole-or tn iart by, or is Eiained to be caused in whole or ln part b!, the-act, onission, error' professional errorr. ifstafl, negligence or other fault of the applicant, his contractor or subcontractor or any officerr employee or representative of the applicant, his contractor or his subcontractor. rhe applicant agrees to lnvestigate, handle respond to, and to proviae defense for and defend against, any such liability, clains, or dernands at the sole expense of-the applicant. The applicant also agrees to bear all other expenses relating thereto, including,court costs and attorney-rs fees, whethtr or not any Euch'liabilityr-claims, or denands alleged are groundless, false, or fraudulent. nanholes, any other affected(to scale or dimensioned) and(if appticable). Appllcant agrees to procure and maintaln, at lts own cost, apollcy or policles of Lnsurance sufflclent to ensure agalnstaII liablllty clalns, denands and other obllgatlons assuhedby the appllcant pursuant to thls paragraph 4. Applicants further altree to release the Torrn of Val.l , ltsoffl.cers, agente and ernployees from any and all liablllty,clalms, demands, or actl,ons or causes of actl.one whatsoeverarising out of any danage, loss or inJury to the applicantor to the appllcantrs property caused by the Town of Vail ,its officers, agents and enployees while engaged ln maintenance or snow removal activLties or any otheractlvlties whateoever on Town of VaJ.L property, streets,sLdewalks, or rl.ghts-of-way.5. That the pernlt uay be revoked whenever it lE detenninedthat the encroachnent, obstructlon, or other structureconstitutes a nuisance, destroys or inpairs the use of therlght-of-way by the publlc, constLtutes a traffic hazard, orthe property upon which the encroachnent, obstructlon, orstructure exists ls required for use by the public; or itnay be revoked at any tine for any reason deemed sufficientby the Town of Vall.That the applicant wlll renove, at hls expense, the encroachment, obstruct!.on, or structure within ten daysafter receiving notice of any revocation of said pernlt.7. That the applicant agrees to maLntain any landscaplngassociated with the encroachrnent on the right-of-way.8. That in the event sald removal of the encroachnent,obstructlon, or structure is not accornplished within ten days, the Town ls hereby authorized to renove sarne and havethe right to nake an assessnent agalnst the property andcollect the costs or removal Ln the aame manner as general taxes are collected.9. That the applicant has read and condl.tions set forth ln10. Special conditions: 6. and understands all of the terrnsthis application. Slgna(If Jo 7-3 t-// of Property Owner Date ownershlp, both signatures) APPROVED! r -r\ ,r / r't,4 t/t/,^,{ I'l|J1ti ) Director of ,C6nryufiity Developnent %t-L Date Town Manager I UTIIJITY IOCATION VERIFICATION suBDrvrsroN OLIfflT 0E .roB NAME h ltt c ct Lc - <. rcT + BrocK FILING Authorlzed Siqnature U.S. West Communications 1-800-922-1987 468-6860 or 949-4530 Publlc Service Company 949-5781cary Hall HoIy Cross ElectrLc 949-5892 Ted Huskyr/MichaeI * Please bring a elte plan when obtalnlng Upper Eagle ValleyWater & Sanitatlon sJ.gnatures. ADDRESS 1435 t' c ( Ftrk _ U$zt_ (a. The location of utilltles, whether they be maLn trunk lines orpl?p?:?9_ti-nesr. must be approved and verlfied by the followingutlllties for the accompanylng site plan. DateIr* ' t f et 6-l -1 I lleritage Cablevision T.V. 949-553 0 Gary Johnson Upper Eagle Valley t{ater & Sanitation District * 47 6-7 480 Fred Haslee NOTE: Assoc. LaVerty B-t^q I These verifications do not relleve the contractor ofhis responslbility to obtain a street cut permit fromthe Town of Vail, Department of public Works and tooPtain utilitv locations before dlqqincr in any publicright-of-way or easement in the Town of Vail.- Abuildinq permit is not a street cut pernit. A streetcut permit must be obtained separately. This form is to verify service availability andlocation. This should.be used Ln conJunction wl_thpreparing your utlllty plan and schedullnginstallations. . . i!1 the_"Town") and the vair Nationar Bank, thereinafter carleduvNBu ) . WITNESSETH: _- _. -THPREAS, the Developer as a condit,ion of approval of theMcGiIl. Residencer - (herei-naft,er call rtr" ;i"eid;;;;" ), wishes toenter into a Developer Irnprovement Agreenent, and -- WHEREAS, the.Developer is obligat,ed to provide security orcorraterar sufficienE in- the judgment of t.he Town to makereaEonable provisione for comple[ion of cer*cain improvemenLs aetforth belowj and WHEREAS, vNB has agreed to hord the cash eocrow account onterms and condit,ions as set, fort,h herein. WHBREAS, the Developer wishes to provide collateraL toguarantee perfornance of .this agreemenl, including constructionof the above referenced improverients by'meani oi ii," i"ii;;i;;; Deverope5 agrees to estabrish a caeh escrow account at vNBrn a dorlar amount as set forth below, snch cash eacrowaccount shalI provide security for the toffowingl TDIS AGREEMENT, ^made and enrered into thts /B day of/t/-24 ( 1991 . bv anrt arntrn.r trpt !t Manry r ......ffi^l n-.F!^, 1?91, by and anong ARCH MCcll,tliEeiniftercarr..the "Developer"1, and the TowN oF vArL, (her;inaft,er ca]r IMPROVEMENT a. Replace timber retaining wall b. Re-grade site c. Revegitate sit,e d. Repair drainage ditch ,r asphalt damage As per plans and specifications. following mutualt,he Town agree aE NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the ::y?l-"lE" and agreemenrB, the Developer andlollows: 1. The Developer hereby agrees, at its sole cost andexpenses, to furnish atr equipm5nt and materiar necessary top::I?:r.and conplere, on oi Ulfoie.June r, te9t if t,te Ui,iiAingpermit is not ieeued and construcLion has'not Uugun. ..1 Page 2 2. The totar estimated cost of said work and inprovementele the eum of g Z5aa-- : To Eecure and. guarantee performarice of it,s obligations agset.forth-herein, the Deveroplr agree' to provide s"6uriiv-anacollateral aE follows: ot $7foa..--to beprovide the secfiIty forthere ie a default under Developer Improvement, AgreementMcGIII Residence {prll 8, 1991 T!:_?_"y:lgp9r etrg|1. complere, in a good workmanlike manner, atltnprovenents as risted above, in aciordance with atl prani'ana-epecificatione filed in the office of the communiiy oiveropmintDepartment, the Town of Vair, and to do al1 wori iircidentaiuheret,o according to and in conpriance ,ii[ ir,"--rorro"ingi'- a. Such other designs, drawings, rnaps, specificatione,Eketchee, and oiher matter-suum:.ttia by t.rri DeveJ.oier tobe approv"d-py any -of the above-referencea gorrernmlntalentit,ieE. AII eaid work shall be done under t,heinspection of , and to the sat,lsfaction oi ctre fo,unEngineer, the Town Buirding officia], or other officialfrom the Town.of Vair, aff6cted.uy sfeclai-oieurictB orEervice districte, as their respeiti,re inierest ,nayappear, and shall not, be deemeg- conplet.e until apfloveaand accept,ed_as complered by !,he Toirn of viir coffi";iitDevelopment, Department and iublic Works Departnent. A caeh egcrow account in the amount lgfO.by VNB, as escrow agent, shallthe improvements set forih above ifthe Agreement by Developer. 3. The Deveroper. nay at any time substitute the corrateraroriginalry set forth abovi for aiother form of corrateraracceptabre to the Town to guarantee the fait,hful complet,ion of,thoee improvements referred to irerein in;-;h;-;;riorr"n"" of theterms of this Aqreement. Such acceptance Uy tire Town ofarternative coliateral shaii-i"-"t the Town,s sol.e diecretion., 4. The Town ehall not,, nor shall any officer or employeethereof; be liable or responsible tor any'"""ia"ni, Ioss or9:$g: happening. or. occuriing to-t.r,. *oi[ "p""riiia tn rhisAgreenent prior to the compl6rion and acceplun-;-;i ahe-ia^e, norshall .he town, nor any of'f icer or emp:.oyee thereof , be liabrefor.any per-sons or property-injurea uy riison oi-ii," nalure ofeaid work, bur arr bt iaid'rii6iiitie; ;h;ii '.;; ire nerebyassumed by t,he Developer. Page 3 Developer fmprovenent AgreementMcGiIl ResidenceApril 8, 1991 _. -Th" Developer le5eby agrees to indemnify and hoLd harnleeelli T?yll_"n9."1y of irs officere, agenrs ani employeee againer6ny rossee, craims,_damages, or liabirities to wiricir the iown orany euch of ite officers, agents, or employees may becorne suUiictto, insofar as any such losies, craims,-damages ;; ri;biri;i;;---(or actione in respect thereof) that arise o,it oi-or are based lPon-any performance. by the Developer hereunder; and theDeveloper eharr reimbuise the Town- for any ano-ari regal or otherexpense8 reasonably incurred by the Town in connectiofr witli +l::?lig:tils_?:, defendins any' such ross, -irii^il-aamaee, rraDrlrry or action. This indemnity provision inart 5e'inaddition ro any orher liabiliry *i,iirt-ir,u-o""Irrilr may have. 5. It is mutually.agreed that t,he Developer nay apply tothe Town and rhe rown ihair aurnoiiz; ir;-;;;tiJi ,er.aEe of rhecolrat,erar deposJ.red wirh vNg for each citEq.iy-ot Ga;;;e;;ni'-iusuch time ae euch inprovementB are constructeo- in comiii.n"i--rit[ r_r-r-p]"1" and epecificarions as referenced heie"na"i inJ-;;;";;;;by the Town. 6. rf the Town determines that any of such improvements aacontemprated hereunder are not constructed in compliun"" *iin ir,eprang and specificarions ser rorirr-h;;;i;; ii "ij,ir furnieh rheDeveloper a list of specific deficiencies'.na "iiiir be entitredto continue ro wirhhold collarerat ro insui;-";;h-comptiin-i.--rrthe Town determines that, tire oever"p"r-riii-noi-lon"truct any orarr of the improvenents in accordance with arl of Lhespecificationi and time t"ur"s-ur eet forth irereinr--ihe Town maygive the Developer written noiice and unres" ;;;h- rmprovemenral1:^:?Tpl"red by tne a"r"J ;; -;;; forrh above or wirhtn areasonabre period after such dat,e if weather aoes'noe permit theconpretion of euch. improvements, trre rorn *uy-*iiiroraw from thecaEh escrow account s-uch funds u" *.y be necissuiy t" cornpretethe unfinished improvements but not in an amount greauer than theanount aa ser forrh opposire rhe carego;t ri;a;J iuorr. and notbefore such inprovemenls are cornpr"t."i.-nua-iJv-rlr.ease euchfunds.upon wrilt,en request.ano r'epresentation by the Town that,euch improvementa are-completed. -vNB ehalI not'be obrigated to::9:p:19:nt1y verify. rhat. euch-work is .ompiui",-Uur ehaII fundsucn request, upon the Town of VaiI writteir .rifloii""tion. 7, The Developer vrrarrants aII work and material for aperiod of one vear iftet u"""fiunce of arJ work referred to int-his Agreenentrby the to"n-ii-.icn "orr ie iocated on Town ofVail land or road right-oi-ur"V.-- 8' The parties hereto mutuarly agree that thie Agreementmay.be amendel rrom rime-;; li;;; provided rhar such amendnenrebe.in writing and executed by aii parties hereto. Page 4 Developer fmprovement AgreementMcGill Regidencehpril 8, 1991 9. vNB_agrees to be bound by this Agreement and t,o not .::i:::: :lI.I"{'9? from rhe caeh eecrow accounr wirhour rhe prtorwritten authorization of the Town. . -_-1-9. ThiE Agreement shalr expire and funds ehart be rereaeedDy vNE upon iesuance of the Town of VaiI Buiiding pernit,. Dated the day and year first above wrilten. STATE OF COLORADO )) ss. ) Byr VAIL NATIONAI.I BANK pnt was 19 91 by couNTY oF €,eq, b - . f!,e foregoing Developer ImprovemenracRnowt edged bef ore me this /"/ - day .ofArch McGilI Witnees ny hand and official eeal My commiseion expires on: MY Commicsion Expirec lU8'94 ATTEST:fu/l*- ATTEST: O-t- {/t,,) mn Arl 1't 1gg1 VAIL N APRIL 17, 1991 TIIE TO^]I{ OF \11\I], 75 SCX]ITT FRONITAGE RD \,AIL,O 81657 TO I.IIIOVI IT I\4AY C€IffiN: RE: lTlE l,rcGrr.r. RESIDENCE AT.I ESCROhI AC@U\]I TIAS BEEN ESTABLISIED BY ARCITIE J. !4CG]I,I-, #851-6589. TTIE ESCROT AC@IJI{I $IALL REMAIN UMIL A BUIIDING PMMIT HAS BFEN ISST]ED. ITIE TC[O{ OF \AIL ITAS ITIE RTGIT TO MTfIDFAIII 1IIE IIJNDS, IJNDB, TIIE TER[.4S OF DEVff'FI/IEI{I Il,lPRCnruMECfT AREEIIEIfI AliD I4\Y WflTtDRAW BYFIL-rn]6C[n A WIITIDRA]AL S[,IP. o * ATIONAL BANK IAN]E SIEARM. Vail National Bank Building 108 South Frontage Road W. P.O. Box 2638 Vail, Colorado 81657 3031476-4600 FAX: 303147 6-2666 a SU\IUIT HABITATS IN(]. April 17, l99t The Tovrn of Vai I 75 South Frontage Road VaiI, CO 815 57 To Whon It May Concern: RE: The l{cGi11 Residence The replacenent of the revegetation and repal- rlng cost approximately 52,5@@. timber retain 1ng of the drainage wa1l, regrading, dltch/asphalt would ,t Sanford M. Treat III President Summit Habitats, Inc. tll2AVONRl). r SUITE 2(X); P O. BOX 2?s5 . AV( )N. C( )t,( )ltAIX) 81620 . :10:r.949.1?4tl .lAx:i(l;|.e,19.41|51 Proiect Name: Project Description: I Contact Person and Phone Architect. Addr€ss and Phone: Design feview Board t Motion by: Secondsd by: DISAPPROVAL Summary: \ t /rl0[t]don ?0d |,|ot*., ,fiYr)niaofs 'Ubbtll foidow' 'lnf 4 ,//ifteidr 5,sdiurlu,4lqfil "Chryu ls lnwvrasq ltw!, lq,'lt tW yna,tul,rrn ar,,l ,prn rl I I rh "1.{ut0/ l-Utal lW" " lolofod qoqfh hrrrrdour in bdroon ( " dd,,l wl *r*i.tw r,, Wvoom\ f') " drlulrl wrr,rdou,r 'M Vqlh L . , jvrhril rooor(,,01uril',in, ol ,Va1W,l,'L,t,l5;hrl|;hwty, ', ,, l0war ?lnlw woll rI epo ul4wgr,d (vaw vo,4nd lo t\iv*(el , 504th ' prtr, rdoinrqh 'w)\ ufundf,X I, lb'-0"(.lvan' i?''pY; , A,oynd 6sd y\o^tur frY(n ai nor,llrw wl nlnw 4 ,W o ,lJ,pw l,+v,ll l\r^ o " " qlamdcl y*,to wra Io \u' , ltai,,luA trotto vsitotniyrq r,-(l 'a'tl,ivlC' nv,lw hjvnw zl, ' ro;lot tl,o rvtnlw bolv oovn $,,,0 ' nodtl,4Qoilnr* ) tlOdo6r it' , tVo walls ohznojrt funrn rc " nb'fih vnall of ;,ttrd ro'ln , wrlFMY "tqt f,l,,vrTton " dJifwtol rruryrJpnr "t brdroonl ll+' 'r tr rr , '4A10,14,1 tltlMo\f zL lrolh I "oluilt) pltowoll -fo b'-r" (frl^ l't'-o') {o so,,r1h ' l&k reitnl - 4r4 fubnl,r yvslr (go'rnil) w1 ,ttirv nhlo, al,4u ,.ohwt1 'tll-uil lrcr,lorrn Od 4lnl\ "'ltal l,lwd,ron (ar1t ) ' hoilifttd r,,rivrlou,r nn(roln,uIvu in w\w bslro,v,r fu', wrntlwq $-ll " q,urltq,, wrdrr,r ,t o[|,;J (re) , url.,,l nzqlvr 6uvoiv, r:,^l*,lw u, nA v ilor ily,fi,,ufrn'(,ti^oo ohirrnuy) , 1W lwvrr, ,ndlt [rw rra,an,{to 4\aw b!"ry') 'llt rr* rd,lt,u1-.q)+ juVr,1* pntl SVr;ifrl) uriwtrro r,tW d" 4ro.t.hor\g . ^rood ahzFt, v',ol ln liw ul nt\"i , ed[ifwuut, g,a[o 1'/,*tyii 'Ct, y 4v ro( " dt)qf,bd in,tt,rdour (,,Ppcr") aoL, ol qlidrrq o1l lo,r , doloiql kdvn t*lrtirtt z{,'rrlqu ild wuvltnw ' ${t},, **f n,f, ouwtnztgznl i,Mqd rryf dgr^'r'w,tfatr u/r,rrooi hraraitrnr,, ' &lq,10d m'rdur fulvnw Aiv,llroy Qoinhl $iw1 I 'llor1h 'rl,,,il,rtu '5u1h I,lwilnu ' 4c)olnA rpt'rrdor,rr i.,r bodroorrn I " At\aX,ol bllvn ffiyvuv '* 'rfuv d e,rrru l|,,ror ? ' Aa)aIqA wa* ro,l sv',vfu\md lniv,d ,rool irnulrr, i,,'r.ol \rro *1^rol InV+ (. .r fln$n ilu6l 1,lot.atttq " wood shr?r, ,oul i, fra al ndd. " dolqtvd urot r.of wqxlyr\ ni hrnil rool down *+ fur uy*or{ rh{* lvsh 'llqiqt :tru,U (wd.,nw o :5t* nan, o 'vt,hnf,t1,lwl lv'rvlgwu,1 ctbtlt, {o Fqff* h*kfutno *pf/-lown r[Vn;t , v$uri[.Aopularlvrild lwbw wzt] { uvorf tuyhrlt)rh ,'l /rvrw ts 7u,lilt 'ail'ondd ur:ii';v \t lb'-n.(fr,,n F'0") ' I , vsvisd tid vuloinlry *4lr f,rnm v,,u,il l,o Trtov;o1qlt $') Project Application Date 2 -7o'1/ Proiect Name: {h o6' /l , L,* Project Description:Aelr SFn Contact Person and Phone t/o;/ (a |tcr7 qza-=otra Owner, Address and Phone: Architect. Address and Phone: ( 1;,il t;r/+zon" EC- Design Review Board // Motion by: Lalu b Seconded by: s^r. Z -Za -? / DISAPPROVAL z-70 -s I s),,nr.,, /A"/ tL */"1 ra{ hnz ^ ^^l/g {^,'4. -r f a-^ l*gatr: s7s/""< 6l-ft..,t Ia n,trttd-N-c sr-t. 11 fl l*o,o@ [rrc d*t. *]\ 1ru V*: ta 2-/=-1/ Qz. e-,rol sc4raar/ 4r/q &, "//41& ;*' |f,, "ftfr 6eh+ ,z/4*1 ' Q;,m) kr) 3 7sD Qz)(.rs) 1;?t' fr =,7/!," fllrD.a, 6pfA 3q 4r rl-- I'J l4,,3 o Zn!. =q fL,1 _ 34.1q,,1 ._ 40,Y 3t72,01 3,k Mr 2 to €,4 a"ILvJ 1e'q 4 L"!tr,r* = 2q43,Q.+ ljt,z efil o I /d- 8"-/- z-/t-q/0or--r,^^ A "'lu/l' -h"/ ffiJA '4t;t ;r / r/*^/L dy ,,& a,* y J/r* ?' ok/ fr*^ i*/4 / ,'r."-- o'l*-l W/** .t/@ /^A^ eara7wn;ta r/)6tt ut -(+' O /o/' /"w /^- 4/,1 *7"-a # Io llrtlVk A"yl,*1,,1 d,It c,n)vx 2-(e^ 7l rl ,{vte Csryqtrl q'l,r^ tv t'ruh U rr v \ft( fl.!- rl A[l,fie JIr^{dfl , (7 'lll)' \-/ 'l j. i l' f't,,v ir iir l'l ; .l/l'\r(r tI lg' d' $" $tt'"" &' caPo6l; l''1, q)',*h 4 l^t-* ("r" .-r*"1 fir;A 6r/*1 P] rl ^J @ 4 nl>, pU-I I LIA{L,t[l'\tL\..? w^il @) t^rt u*'l<lN \-'7 h*rr ,"+;',\ s l,'l.r- e/".h"*/.-l bt , r{nn, .PROJECT: DATE SUBMTTTED: l- z7- q / oarr or PUBI,IC HEARTNG Z'2O "- ? / CoMI,IENTS NEEDED By! Z' lZ- S / BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: r -1/194) d-/- J) . Reviewed by: Comments: POLICE DEPARIMENT Reviewed by: Comments: RECREATION DEPARTMENT Reviewed by: conments! Date: Date: Date: D ,z ,(; k / '/ A [T* { ,2* r /'/"/'Ja -/ f 6r",zata A- t3- q,l r nrnn-onpanrunural RnirJEiI PROJECT: DAI'E SUBIT,IITTED: /- 27. q T DATE oF puBt,rc HEARTNc z-z.>;- ?/ COI4MENTS NEEDED BY: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAI-,: (r4l'a-Q) or ./) PUBLIC WORKS Reviewed by: Comments: FIRE DEPARTMENT Reviewed by: 2-i6azr Date: Date:z- 4"7/ Date: Date: comments z t) z?F<,/o' Zo7 /4.---< '/s ovaR '/fO /* l='z>-44 /4<<'e'44-- 6 .""ft-n7- 4'n-z 'Z { 'zZ-u< , z),2=zt<z ,zt/e/.2'.-t:: o'zt .tof .s , -,,n., .7:2,<t2.,zte rz.z ,_,zp<z 3) ZZ"zczTf /i <:' <t<//;5<'/ s o'1/ -S'e't'A t""'/ "''o fulz '-tl 't-"-nJ *-/ z4 7-tr POI,ICE DEPARTMENT Reviewed by: comments: RECREATION DEPARTMENT Reviewed by: Conments: D ,z ,{.'/o &./ A F,. { ,2^ r k41s /'Jo -"7 I 2- /q/%ffi,%r ;st*t 4 ffn6,'// $l*y -*1L /; du. ; Hq "J *+z *u/" C '@,, o .n r/, -/ *lftv,-q 2 @ tra C/-tL (at;t/ 4. Az.&r", l^,q / ,#, 4Ju13 u N* t,/Jii;|,;, /--r-'/ /"J,/;/. ^, Vrrd "$\rt :A^ o'-* d /,-* 42.{w-7 47 ^A t',/' q4*-t n'/t'J rF /'/f. nL /fi"..A4 /u/ /, -(U "/^ t /u/ s 7 DATE: 2-/-s/ ZONE CHECK FOR sFR, R, R P/S ZONE DISTRTCTS BIock - Filing C t,{/',,QLEGAIJ DESCRIPTION:LoE 4 ADDRESS ! OWNER /42 ARCHITBCT ZONE DISTRICT PROPOSED USE I,oT SIZE. 4 -/,,.t5041 Height Total GRFA Primary GRFA Secondary GRFA Setbacks Front Sides Rear Water Course Setback , 'l\sire coverage i15'/,)L' Landscaping Retaining Wall l{eight,s Parking carage Credit Drive: Environmental/Ha zards : Does this request lnvolve a How nuch of the allowed 250 n /a' sq. f t. n PHONE PIIONE 4 76. zza / Allowed (30)@ ,2s .l51lt + (425) Existlng Pronosed -7 3s12,1 4# 2112{ /<sn\ -l , t: !r lrtf I":i/ w Total o + (425) =o 20. L5| L5| (30) (50) j25j.l 15, toa il / c) Deb 4) Wetlands o Lq49,b t3oiD ?b\D 0r(t..\ "4,<sfrB-T ntq (C t') zq4 3t /61 _Reqrd (3oo)i6oo) fr-6'll (Lzoo, loc,,2 us" "! (ol:--t Perrnitted Slope 88 Actual Slope /O'/ -Date approved by Town Engineer: '2-15-7/ -L) Flood Plain no/ pat crct-/c ' 1 2) Percent glope 3?'7'/' 3) Geologic Hazards / . , ,rt((,.,-4j!!Jnlrt</'41 ,tl Ot z -/-at 2 -/-? / a) Snovl Avalanche b) Rockfall ris Flow oK 2 -1_c / tl lL.-t ^-t zu , l^'f 250 Addition? ^J OAddltion is used with this request? {€5€+=p6:f- =<qq('15 10 /' f rrAN.D rrrt cuARANTEE cOpA,Ny. Representing Title Insurance Conpany of Minnesota THANK YOU FOR YOUR ORDER December L9, 1990 Our Order! V163L0 BUYER/OWNER3 ARCH MCGILIJ r SELLER: WILLIAI,! C. CURRENT and NANCY N. CURRENT ADDRESS: I.,OT4ANDSCLIFFSIDE VAIIJ ASSOCTATES REAIJ ESTATE DELIVER IN SITZMARK BLDGVAIIJ, COIORADO 81658 1 Attn: DAVE coLE ' n7s-2ooo . VAIL ASSOCIATES REAL ESTATE POST OFFICE BOX 959 AVON, CO 8L620 1 Attn: RAyIltA ROSE 949-6400 CLOSER l- Attn: LES COPIES 1 Attn: PICKED UP FOR DELIVERY AM PM MINNESOTA TITLEA HOME OFFICE 3033 East First Ave.,Suite 600 P. O. Box 5440 Denver, CO 80217 321-r880 FAX 322-7603 ADAMS 9101 Harlan, #100 Westminster, CO 80030 427-9353/FAX 430-1572 ARAPAHOE 7700 E. Arapahoe Rd., #150 Englewood, CO 801 12 770-9596/FAX 290-9040 ARVAbA 5440 Ward Road, #200 Arvada, CO 80002 420-0241|FAX 423-1365 BETHANY 1 1059 E. Bethanv Drive Aurora, CO 80014 750-1717|FAX 750-5412 EAST 3300 S. Parker Rd., #'105 Aurora, CO 8O0t4 .75 1 -4336/FAX 7 45-2669 LA]ID TITI.E FIODLERS GREEN 6400 5. Fiddlers Green Englewood, CO 801 11 771-45391FAX 771-4526 HAMPDEN 8821 E. Hampden, #100 Denver. CO 80231 7504223|FAX 7504267 ,EFFERSON 710 Kipling, #202 Denver, CO 80215 232.3111/FAX 238-29s6 SOUTHWEST 3609 S, Wadsworth, #1 1 5 Denver, CO 80235 988-8550/FAX 980-8324 YOSEMITE 3600 S. Yosemite, #255 Denver, CO 80237 694-2837/FAX 843-0402 EOULDER 2425 Canyon Blvd., #230 Boulder, CO 80301 44-410't tFAX 786-8423 Commitment To Insure 8ffiVEE lssued thtough the 0ffie of: P. O. Box 3S7.|08 S. Frontage Rd. W. Vait, CO 81658 47 6-2251 t Dircct 595-95 I 3 FAX 476'4534 BRECKENRIDGE P. O. Box 2280 200 North Ridge Breckenridge, CO 80424 453-2255/FAX 453-6014 CASTLE ROCK 512 Wilcox Castle Rock, CO 80104 688-6363/FAX 688-0143 COLORADO SPRINGS 102 S. Teion. #100 Colorado Springs, CO 80903 634-4821 /Direct 595-41 13 FAX 634-3190 PARKER 19590 E. Main St., #105 Parker, CO 80134 841-4900 VAIL P. O. Box 357 108 S. Frontage Rd. W Vail, CO 816s8 476-225 1 /Direct 595-961 3 FAX 476-4534 AGENTS DURANGO 120'l Main Avenue Durango, CO 81303 247-5A60 FAX 247-9089 ALTA Conrmitrnent- 1970 Rev MINNESOTA TITLE 'l\SijiANCE CONIPANY 0F r"/INNESOTA. a Minnesota corporatron, herein called rhe Companv. foravaluar,ie r.cnsideration. here5y conrm ts t0 lssue irs policy or poliiies or ririe iniurince. arlo*i[.ji',,' -' Schedu e A, rn favor of the pfoposed Insured named in Scnedute A, as owner or mongagee ot the estate 0rtnterest crvered hereby in the land described or referred to in Schedule A, upon paym"eni ol ii r pr..iurs anocharges therefor; all subJecr ro rhe provis ons o{ Schedures A and B and to t'ne cbnlitionsird sip;i;il;;,hereof This Commitment shall be etfective only when the identity of the proposed lnsured and the am6unt ot thepolrcy 0r o0l'cies committed {or have been inserted in Schedule A hereof by the Company, either aithetime 0f the rssr.,ance of this C0mnitmert 0r b\/ subsequent endorsement. Th,is Com nrtment is prelrmrnary to the issuance cf such policy or policies ot ti|e insunnce and all liabilitv and00'rgJ! 0rrj -ereulder sla I cease a'd lerm nate srx months aher the efective date hereof or when the porrcy 0r polrcles committed for shall ssue, wh chever first occurs, provided that the ta lure to ssue such policy orpolrc es rs n0t the iau t 0f the Company. CONDITIONS AND STIPULAT ONS TrTrf l\ l ln:]r:ll-l.lgage",whenusedherein,sharl includedeedoftrusr,trusrdeed,orothersecuriryinstrument. or other metter arrectins the esrate or,.*,,,, J ,l'.li i:-'ir'.',',lli:il:tl','r'lr'Jt*?li:f AR# i.'if ;:::ii:f:';,]ShliliJliiiJ,l?,:*:'ii',1f, lt^91::l9T^.t!thftowledgttotheCompanyrnwritrng:hccompanyshall berelievedfromliabliryforanytossordamageresulrrngfromanyactof reliancehereon t0 the extent the Company is prejudiced by faiu:o of the proposed Insured to so disclose such know edge lf the pr0posed lnsured shall disclose suchknowledge to the Company, or if the Company othemrse acquires actual knowledge of any such defect, lien, encumbrance, adverse claim ;.it";tt;il;company at its option may amend Schedule B of this cr:mm tmenriccoro,ngty, bui such amendment shall not relieve the company from liabrlrty previouslyincuned pursuant to paragraph 3 of these Conditions ano Stioulationi partiesincrudedunderrhedefinitionof Insure,i;,h:i?J;l3lffffiTJlil'flfl:f,Til;']'Jf[1]l:,?l:Ifi5:;[T,l':iL'."X',ffii::Xilo** undertaking in good faith ia)to comply with the requ tcinr:tls hereol or (b) to elrmrnate excections shown in Schedule B, or (cl to acquiie oicreate the estateor inlerest or mortgage thereon covered by this comnrilrneni In no event shall such I abrlrty exceed the amount stated in Schedule A lor the policy or policiescommitted fol and such liability is subject.to the nsur ncr piovisions and the cond | ons ani sirpulat ons and the exclusions from coverage of the form ofpolicy 0r policies commined for in favor of the pfoposed ,rlsured which are hereby ncorporated by reference and made a pan 0f this Commitment excepl asexpressly modrf ied herein. companv arisins out of the starus ol,thelirre ,.',rl.i],jiJ :l :ii;i?:? ilJ 3[ll3:?ii:TiiiIn,.?l'i:;:',[:#t,.I :ff ,l,T;:l{'113i3fi:$: ,.and are subiect to the provisions of this Commitment STANDARD EXCEPTIONS coverase above rererred to, this commitrlle:ifli?iJ:jiffiTfi:i:ililT,l.in the conditions and Stipulations and Excrusions rrom 1, Rights or claims of parties in poJsession not shown by the public records, 2, Easentents, or claims of easements, not shown by the public records. which a correcr survey and inspecrion ,,h3[,?,ii['J,',ii;i.j'il;;:T ffitli[ i;,;;i:fffi ilrilT;liii',iXH,Trs, and anv iacts imposed by raw and not shown bv th, orliiliry.lie;, or risht to a lien, for servrces, labor or materiar theretofore or hereafter {urnished, appearins in the pubric records or^att€cri;rt'J;:ilJ','ili.T'.'Ji#,T:;?:lH"il',Jl;,1J,',r,T.11T:ilJtllx#,ilil;liJi'u,qui.r, of record for value the estate or interest or mortgage thereon covered by this comrnitment, name and searto be hereunto llllt,ry i! Hil)ii".H!5ii'?.:;l$, ?;:'il;'.;:ili:lt:islff;:13 l:iliiilfi.liJJ,ll,'J,xl?.,0by a validating officer or other authorized sionaiorv. fu'Vrvq f{g,AVU Authoized Signato(y TIM Form 2582 TITLE INSUBANCE COMPANY OF MINNESOTA . ArJTA l*MTTMENT SCHEDULE A Application No. Vt 63l-O For Inforrnation OnlyI,oT4AND5CLIFFSIDE - Charges -ALTA O$rner policy 9326.00 s20.00Taxcertit]-roto,,-- $396.00 With your renittance please refer to VL63l.O. 1. Effective Date: December 1.1, 1990 at g:OO A.M. 2. Policy to be issued, and proposed Insured: rrAIJTArr Ownerr,s policy $143, ooo. ooForn B-1 970 (Amended 1o-tz-70) Proposed Insured: ARCH MCGILL 3. The estate or lnterest in the Land descrl.bed or referred to inthis Commitment and covered herein is: A Fee SimpLe 4. Titte to the estate or interest covered herein 1s at theeffective date hereof vested in: WILLIAM C. CURRENT and NANCY N. CURRENT 5. The land referred to in this comnitnent is described asfollows: ror 4' cLrFFsrDE, AccoRDrNG To rHE FrNAL pr,AT oF Lor 4,cLrFFsrDE RECoRDED JULY 15 | Lgg't rN BooK 466 AT PAGE 19, couNTy ::=,to""", srArE oF cornRAD6. PAGE 1 ALTA O"MITMENT SCHEDULE 8.1 (Requirernents) Application No. VL631O The following are the reguirements to be cornplied with: 1. Palment to or for the account of the grantors or mortgagors ofthe furl consideration for the estate-or interest to be-lnsured. 2. Proper instrunent(s) creating the estate or interest to belnsured must be executed and-du1y filed tor iecord, to-wit: 3. EVTDENCE SATTSFACTORY TO THE COMPANY THAT THE TERMS, CONDTTTONS ANDPROVISIONS OF THE TOWN OT'VAIL TR,ANSFER TAX HAVE BEEN SATISFTED. 4' WARRANTY DEED FROM WILLIAM c. CIRRENT and NANcy N. cURRENT To ARcH MCGILLCONVEYING SUB.TECT PROPERTY. THE COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDERS OFFICE REQUIRES RETURNADDRESSES ON DOCUMENTS SENT FOR RECORDING! ! PAGE 2 ALTA O*MITMENT SCHEDULE 8.2 (Exceptions) The_policy or policies to be issued will contain exceptions to theforlowing unress the same are disposed of to the satiifaction oi---the Company: 1. standard Exceptions I through s printed on the cover sheet. 6. Taxes and assessments not yet due or payabre and specialaEsessnents not yet, certified to the treasurerrs oifice. 7. Any unpaid taxes or assessments against said land,. 8. Liens for unpaid water and sewer charges, if any. 9. RIGHT OF PROPRIETOR OF A VEIN OR I-,ODE TO EXTRACT AND REMOVE HIS ORETHEREFROM SHOULD THE SAME BE FOUND TO PENETRATE OR INTERSECT THE PREMISESAs RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED Decenber 29, Lg2O, IN B9OK 93AT PAGE 42. Lo' RIGHT oF WAY roR DITCHES OR CANAIJS CONSTRUCTED BY THE AUTHORITy oF THEUNITED STATES AS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED December 29,L92O, IN BOOK 93 AT PAGE 42. 11. RESTRICTIVE C9VENANTS, WHTCH DO NOT CONTAIN A FORFEITURE OR REVERTERcLAUsE, BUT oMITTING RESTRICTIoNS, IF ANy, AAsSo oN RACE, coloR, RELIGIoN,oR NATToNAL oRrGrN, As coNTArNeo iN TNsTRUMENT_IE9onDED september zo, Lg72,rN BooK 225 AT PAGE 443 AND As AMENDED rN TNSTRUMENT REconbro septernber 29,L972. IN BOOK 225 AT PAGE 565 AND THE AMENDMENT RECoRDED IN BooK 233 ATPAGE 53. 12' UTILITY EASEMENI9-?9 FEET, 10 FEET oN EACH SIDE oF ALL INTERIoR LoT LINESAND A 15 Foor urrLrrY EASiMENT AroNG AND ABUTTTNG oN ALL ExrERroR r.,or r,rNEsAS RESERVED ON THE PIAT OI' LIONIS RIDGE SUSOiVTSTON TILING NO. 2. 13' UTrLrrY EASEMENT AS GRANTED TO HOLY CROSS ELECTRTC ASSOCTATToN, rNc. rNTNSTRIJMENT RECORDED August 24, Lg67 | rN BooK 2r.J- AT PAGE r.03. ]'4. AGREEMENT BETWEEN TAYVEL ENVIRONMENTAL I,AND COMPANY AND MOUNTAIN STATESTELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY PROVIPTNC TON-TELEPHONE INSTALI,ATION ANDSERVICE THROUGHOUT LrON'S RIDGE SUBDIViSiOT,I,--rrIrUG NO. 2 RECORDEDsEptEMBER 27, 1973 IN BOOK 231" AT PAGE 2gI . Applicatlon No. V16310 PAGE - ALrA OrMrrMENr SCHEDULE B-2 (Exceptions) Application No. V153j"O 15. UTILITY EASEMENTS 10 FEET IN WIDTH ALONG THE WEST IOT LINES 15 FEET TNWIDTH ALONG THE EAST LOT LINE OF'SU&'ECT PROPERTV AS SHOVIN ON THE RECORDEDPL,AT oF CLIFFSTDE, A REsUBDIvIsIoN oF L,ots c-z AND G-8 LIoNrs RrDGESUBDIVISION FIIJTNG NO. 2. 16. RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS WHICH DO NOT CONTAIN A FORFEITURE OR REVERTER CI.AUSE,BUT ol{rrrrNc REsrRrcrroNs' rF ANy, BASED oN RACE, cor,oR, RELrcroN, oRNATToNAL oRIGrN, As CONTAINED IN INSTRUMENT REcoiDEo,ranuary io, Lg7g,INBOOK 280 AT PAGE 600. 17. ROADWAY EASEMENT AS MORE FULLY DESCRTBED rN DOCUMENT RECORDED JANUARY 4,1982 IN BOOK 334 AE PAGE 234. 18' EASEMENBS, RESERVATfONS AND RESTRICTTONS As SHowN oR RESERVED oN THERECORDED PLAT oF cLrFFsrDE AND THE FrNAL PLAT oF Lor 4, cLrFFsrDE. PAGE 4 pRo.rEcr: /ll r 6, t/ /1", , ,/e<, < DATE SUBI,TITTED: 1- ZZ- q T DATE OF PUBLTc HEARTNG 2-2o'?/ COMMENTS NEEDED BY:z - lz- q / BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: Fe1l1-o1) \\ f J) , PUBI-ITC WORKS Reviewed by: Comments: FTRE DEPARTMENT Reviewed by: Comments 3 POLICE DEPARTMENT Reviewed by: Comments: RECREATION DEPARTIiIENT Reviewed by: Cornments: Date; Date: Date: Date: /')a - y'C ,z l,'tu /. "/ A F* F 1, ( /4' sNowDoN & HoPKrNs or.tra*ffir+Edt#+Hil-sMrTrT'AL 201 Gore Creek Drive vAtL, coLoRADO 81657 > wE ARE SENDING You H ettacnea E Under separate cover via fil erints . Change order p, Rtans THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: D For approval C Approved as submitted I For your use fl APProved as noted p As requested D Returned for corrections ! For reviarv and comment tr FOR BIDS DUE TO ! Shop drawings F Copy of letter E Samples S Specifications tr ! tr Resubmit-copies for approval Submit -copies for distribution Retu rn - corrected prints 19- tr PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS the following items: coPtEs DATE NO.DESCRIPTION 4 l/of /1r 6 T,/ln*ns 't/4/qr fu znh rzhn i/t{tq.r'lolhlqt '7 ffir-T4r6t I n rl4lq,1.M hir 7 q'/ n't {t I 't/hio,; ! r I I ft ancfoauttf ara nol aa notad' *tndly noallrr ua at onca-r'f0.xru!2 /@l d,c'ti, ra ot.7t DRB IPPIICAIIOII DAIE APPLTCATION RECETVEDT DATE OF DRl.: I'lEElINGt irrrrrHrs APPr,rcATroN tlrrr., Nor BE lccEHrED uNrrt ArJt rNFoRMAlroNr8 gUBUITTED*rrr. I. PRE-}PPIJC.ATION }TEETINGI plannlng rtaft DeDbsr ll1l any addltlonal . It Ic the appllcantraappolntuent ulth the gtresponrrbrrliy to uako an appolntaent wiltr the atatt Lo tout about addltlonal rubnlttlt roqulrcrnente. pliare notc A pre-appllcatlon teetlnq vlth astrongly suggeated to def,ermlnelnformatlon ls needed. No apnll to tlnd that a coMPr.,ETE appltcatton wlll itreanrlne the-approvar EI":?:? for your proJect by decreaslng the nunUeCofcondltlone of appiovit ttrat, the-DRB-niv-itfpuriie. At,trr,re..r.. !.!rrrrE Er al?praval EnaE tna DnE Day SErpuIaEg. AIJr :9nqllt?la,of, approval lust be regolved before a bulldlngpe nlt le Lssued'.pelmlt ls lBBued. ^ Appllcatlon ulll not be proceeaedwlthout ownerrg Slgnatlre. . A. PRO{'ECT DEECRIPIIONT B.IPCATION OF PROPOEAL Addreag Legal Deacrlp Lot Eubdlvlslon Zonlng C. D. E. NN{E OT APPIJICNTT3 NAI.IE OF APPLICNITI g REPRESENTATIVET Halllng ladxeeat-,fufl NA}IE OF OWNERS S sroN^BUnE(8r r l{alllng Addreear 47 F. G. VALUATTON TEE 3'lo,oos 25.OOI50.00 9100. oo 9200.00 S3oo. oo $ o-9 torooo$toroot-9 sorooo950'ool-S tsorooo 91501001 - 0 5O0r00O $500r001 - $1roo0r00o$ Over $1r000r000 Halllng Address: Condonlnlun Approval ll appllcable. o The locatlon of utlrltlee, whetlrer they be mal.n trunk ltnee orp:?pg:?d llnesr- nrust, be approved ancl v-erlflecl by the followlngutilltles for the acconpanylng slte plan. HoIy Croae Electrlq.9't9-5892 Ted Husky/Ml,chael NOTEI ADDRESS U.8. lfest ConnunLcatlone 1-800-922-1987.168-6860 or 9'19-453O Publlo Servl.ce conpany 949-5781 Gary Hall Herltage CablevLglon T.V.949-5530 ,;;;';:;.,"" zlas lltot Upper Eagle Valley lfatert Sanltatlon Dlstrlct * 476-74 80 Fred Haelee ' * {.r,o_ UTILITY I.OCATION VERIFTCATION FIIJING Authorlzed SLqnature Date Aeeoo. Iaverty -7-3" / -JTq r TlreEe verlflcatlons do not relLeve the contraotor ofhie reeponslblllty to obtaln a strEet cut pernlt fromthe Town of Vall, Department of Publlc Works and toln any publlcright-of-$ray or easenent ln tlre Town of vall. AL.-ltrl.l-- ----,- Jrbullcllno permlt ls not a street, cut pernlt. A streeLcut permit muet be obtalned separately" Thls forn ls to verlfy servlcelocation. Thls should be ueedpreparlng your utlllty plan andlnstallations. avallablllty andln conJunctlon wlth schedullng t Pleaec_brtng,a atte plan when obtaLnlng Upp€r Eagle ValleyIWat€r I Eanltatlon elgnatureg. BIPCK o l,I8T OF UATERIAIII NN.rE oP , -r"r, Lltbi// LEGAIT DESCRIITION!rcr-L ETREET ADDRESSS :t DESCRIPTION OF PRO{'ESIs EUBDIVISION The lollowlng lnlorrratlon ls Revlew Eoard before a tlnal regulrcd for rubnlttal to the Dcalgnapproval can be glvenr A.EUII,DING I{ATERIAI,S 3 Rool sldlng Othcr ttall Haterlals Fagcla Sotfltr tlt ndowr lllndow Trl.rn Doorr Door Trln Hand or Deck Rallr Fluee Flaehlnge Chlnneye Traeh Enclocursg Gregnhouses Other E.IANDSCAPINGI Nane of Destgnerr Phoner gll.ED$lv Er!.r!.v -b'1, al lb g'lula llttto . PIAI{T I'IATERIALSI Bolanlcal Narne !gnng1-llg1!g PRoPosED lrREEs filw f' 'l '' Alfu r't tfil 11 I EXISTINC TREE6 !I!O EE REI,IOVID ,.. rfndlcata callpar for declduoug treee. EIA}II UATERIAI.93 ,.. PSOPOSED'SHNUBS ;.., ;:-.,-..: .-. . l'.{':"'. 'i '.; , . EXI8ITNG AIIRUBS TO BE REI{OVED . i-".ri l,:, ;.,. r '.j,, .. i:.,.... I /h {:;, r i ProBoBsd Bhnrbr.- Ivne I'llnlnun glzc of shmbg Le GROT'ND COVERS TTPE OF IRRIGATTON TYPE OR I{ETIIOD OF EROSION CONTROI, C. OTIIER IANDSCAPE FEATLIRES (retalnlng rrall!, fences, rnluningpogle, eto.! plpaae apeclfy. fndtcate helghta ol retalnln!walls. Maxlrnun hetght ol ualls rlthln the-tront retback li3 teet. Maxfuoun helght of walla eleguhere on thc propartyLs 6 fret. Botanlcal Narna SenDen-[lns o l,I8T OF UATERIALST ilwlNN'IE OF PROJECTS I.ECAIJ DESCRIPTIONT rcr-L AIIREET ADDREE9I : DESCRIPTION OF PROJECTI EUBDIVTSION The followlng lnlolilatton lBRevlew Board betore a llnal I. BUILDINC UATERIAI.SS Root 8ldlng Other WalI Uaterlale regulrcd forapproval can rubulttal be glvent to thc Dralgn Fascla 8ot!ltr l{lndowe lflndow Trfun Doore Door frln Hand or Deck Ratle Fluee Elaahlngs Chtnneyr Traah Encloruree Grgcnhoueaa Other IANDSCAPINGS Nanr otE.Deelgnerr Phon€r PIAlll I,IATERIAIJSt Bolanlcal Name cqlqrnon Name PRoposED rREEs filtra f, '' ' , Aln rfaM-t th I Il , /1th0 . rlndlaats callprr tor deolduout troag. . f' ourntLtv Ef!-C,.v bt 1. gt lb t.lulr AIPE OF I{ATERIAI, o_ EIA}IT }TATERIAISI i...: - ...PROPOSED 'EBnUBs i. t' '. "j r'-',..\..r....,'i t2 Botenleal Name . EXI8TING SIfRUES lIO EE NEUOVED .:, i.. *.ri f',t i' r '.j,, .. i :.,.... lii ,;.j.i,'t: Bls. o!Irrogo3sd Bhrubr." ilril0 TYPE OF IRRIGATTON IIYPE OR EROSION UETHOD OF CONTROIJ c. orttER TJANDSCAPE_FEATURES (retalnlng uarrs., fences, rulnnlngpo9la, S-!c.l Pleage_ speclfy.,fndlcate helghts of-retalnlniwalla. Maxlmuro helght of walls vlthln the-tront aetback li3 teet. l.taxluun helght o! valle elaewherc on th6 propertyl,r 5 fcct. oo. . ra. a €' IJI8T OF UATERIAIJS NonE or ,^orr"r, tl'/ri// Far IEGATJ DESCRrgtrOHr rOr .L i-roprf ' EuBDrVrSrON arREEr ADDREssT 1415 DESCRIPTION OF DROT'ECTS The folloulng lnfornatlon lgRrvlew Board before a flnal requlrcd for tubnlttal to thc Dcrlgnapproval can be gl,vanr A.EUILDINC UATERIAI.SS Root sldlng Other tfall Haterlalg Eascla Botflte lflndowr lllndow Trfun Doore Door Trln Hand or Deck Ralla FIues Elashlnga Chlnnoyr Traeh Encloeures Grecnlroueee Other IANDSCAPINCT NancB.of, Deelgnert Phonet ouantLtv ELzer.v btort lb ,'y'ulv .*Indlcats callpu tor declduoug tr.c!. //t40 . I TYPE OF }IATERIAL PIANT IIATERIALS|T Fo.tanical Narne gg!eP!-[fgg PRoPosED rREEs fim f"',I '' Al' t/rk^l. t th I ltl EXISTING IIREES TO . BE REMOVED o : DLINT IIATERIALSII Botanlcal Narna ge46gn_Ugpe /a . EXtSlrNc stfRUBE 8O EE REI.IOVED .:_ l.- '. r fl: :.. r 'J ,. , ; :...... tii . ';. i ir :,;l GROT'ND covERS ..J :1.., 80D BEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR IIETHOD OT EROSION CONIrROL c.OTIIER IANDSCAPE fEATttRES (retalnlng ualls, fences, ewlnnlngPogle, atc.! Please apecify. fndicate helghta ol retalnln!ualla. Maxlnun hetght of walls rlthln the-tront aetback li3 teet. ttaxluun helght of valla eleewherc on thc propertylr 6 tcot. n&10 '.f i ."{ oIInter-MountainlAE ngineeringrrd. January 9, 1991 l.tr. Craig Snowden Snowden-Hopkins 201 Gore Creek Drivevail, co 81657 Re: Lots 4 and 5, Cliffsid.eeroject No. 90d60 Dear l,tr. Snowdenr. Enclosed are- two prints of a srope anarysis we performed onLots 4 and 5 of criffside. as noiea on trre li"" tl.re are t5,7gssquare feet less than 4Ot slope. Ttre calcur-ations were nad.e fron the actuar spot elevationsused to create the contour rines rather than contour lineinterpolation. Please calt if there are any /eCq+.??--- P. E. GP:bsk Enclosures _ cc: Mr. Arch McGilll,!r. ltike Mollica Box No. 978 . Avon, Colorado 81620 . 94$5072 Denver 89S1531 1420 Vance Street . Lakewood, Colorado 80215 . Phone: 232{158 guestj. ,*o*oon & HoPKrNs o*ailra*LETTEfuF TRANSNflITiTAL TO > WE ARE SENDING VOU { Attached tr Under separate cover via fl Shop drawings tr Copy of letter tr Prints . Change order { Ptans . E Samples D Specifications Y /h04k- 201 Gore Creek Drive vArL, coLoRADO 81657 (3!:t) 47G2201 THESE ARE TRANSMITTED AS tr Fh E ! For approval For your use As requested For rwiew and comment FOR BIDS DUE tr Approved as noted I Retu rned lor corrections E Retu rn - corrected prints D 19- tr PRINTS RETURNED AFTER IOAN TO US distribution oEra l Dtl c -'- 't/6rtn ' nurit2aot @tE €re! t- ortr t .ncto.uraa r.. not .a ^ot d, kladty notlrlt ua tt onc.. Tohrhl EF lJFtIt- lliscel lsreqr Cech t 2-l 8-96 l3: 1B:52 ReceiFt. l+ 659682 9ccount* CK+5912 SNOIJOON & HOPKINS, FRCHITECTE\APP FEE Flrrount iendered ) ISE.BS Iien paid hostt Peid 6lB6gg4l33SB6E 186. E6 Change returned ) g.6E THFIhIr< l/{fIJ Your cashier 5T o $tg 0 DEC 1 91990 .o VtrL@FMENT xxxxxxx G0srll0. EA. .IOTAL tltouNT | 0000 42115 T988 UNIFORM RRE CODE | 0000 42113 1987 NAIIONAL EI.ECTRICAL CODE | 0000 42115 CODE BOOKS PRINTS (unrnsl 0x coPtES / sruors rf FEES ./ ne-xfsPacrol,l OFF }IOUNS NSPECNON FE ucEtsEs fEes OTHER TEES 0t 0000 at{t!.3tcu ItPttcallof, couuElrrs: )?,n"; C*d/,,-,", e i Prlce IJ Faids- Ck. No. .-- star - approvei\\ \tX\\St .z o-oU Fz ut F v, IL LIo b o E o I z E s B. (,. -i- za|- o_ U) IJJo l-(If z tr o_ cc Oa IJJo Ft d r._l ,.li ,:-1 l-.) ..- I <1. !. a {t: .J _i E tl tdIF zotr E() a)ulo fi {r ,_:. u.t t'a !.j z tr ccOa UJo E d l! Or-u12{l #5fi<z uJ .. G. ;im F=JZ -J l-#4 cJoz*o U9 LIJ <U)tr6 r- ]!2= tc r.- l! *glrlz OQ (t) 2l >oF I,IJ 7UJ oo zo)z UJz> < tJl alH E< >Xs(r*l! uJ od :J =fioz4ia*.F7intr4tr mo IL : __i :-.i l. . ." :.rj i !i .:' | |t1t-'tlEiltc) -tn l='l s o El '_r --j.i:. ..i..-:.t r::i i:, -l tl .i r' ., I Z, .ll -.r .'+ !'i1 .'-{ tu- t! ltl9 '' '.,. : -i. ',:'riL. ;'. '- (-.i li.l ., I I 1:. i:J ,. -:' '.il -. i i:,: ,l: ':ir,- ,. i_ -" i-iv o_ I U) It Eu rD(o E:goltNs g(o.t oNE6+6(,^; ^c)pEA t i ,; i .:.) .' UJ zo uJ fdl u,lro llr o d TJ 5 = =zu< :., o,z o + a tu 6ut = =f lr bz UJo I ('zo 5 o f 0 o IF =9o z (l o oa oo o2 -:r. tr r tt: . t' a.l: J-<|f]ir, lI '{ill :rJ *i r- -i .7. ,L .-. l" l l E I.JJoEo UJa - C)Ef o- uJardl n-'E-3z lr(E EH2= >z o = l.u uJF o ulf Lllko *t6' I t';.d " i 1r {/ it ,' r' 1' ',rj*ifr ,s@,1pq1 /,,l.,l v RttTDEcl?1es0 DATE RECEIVED bV -COI&IUNITY DEVEIOPUENT DEPARrr.rENr v/ /7/ 7" APPLICATION FOR I{INOR SUBDIVISION RSYIEX CEAPTER L7.2O VAIL II'I|ICIPAL CODE(I OR FEWER IOT8, l:*T"""lf"Xf onn 4/b'i/a/ IIAII.,ING ADDRESS PROPERTY OIINER OrItERIS SIGITATT'RE UAILING ADDRESS IOCATION OF PRO ONE r,ors 4a/ s Br.,ocK D. FEE gloo.oo varo t.y'tfFo cnncx # The first step is to request a neeting with the zoning adninistrator to assist the applicant in ureeting the subnrittal requirements and to give the proposal a prelininary review. SUBMITTAL REQUIREI'{ENTS 1. The applicant shalt suburit three copies, two of which must te mylars, of the proposal following the requirenents for a final plat below. Certain of these requirernents rnay be waived by the zoning adninistrator andTor the Planning and Environmental Conmission if deternined not applicable to the project. 2. A tist of all adjacent property oetners (including those behind and across the street) with their UAILING ADDRESSES sha11 also be subnitted- In addition, submit addressed, stamped envelopes for each of the above. 3. Title Report verifying ownership and easements. (Schedules A & B) 4. An environmental inpact report may be required as stipulated under Chapter 18.55 of the zoning code. 5. FTNAI., PI,AT - REQUIREMENTS AND PROCEDI'RE: (Some of these requirements nay be waived. ) A. The subdivider shall subnit four copies of the final plat, two of which shal} be mylars, twelve copies of the final EIR (if reguired) and.any adaitional rnateriaL as required below. Within thirty days of receiving the cornplete and correct subrnittal for a final plat, the zoning aduinistrator shall cause a copy of a notice of the time, place and general nature of the hearing and proposal to be published in a newspaPer of general circulation in the town of Vail at least iifteen days prior to said hearing. Also, adjacent property owners to the proposed suLaivision inatt be notified in writing at least seven days prior to the public hearing. B. c. E. F. /., i SUBDIVISION c. B.Final PIat : Etaffl-Bevieru. The final plat shall be circulated to and reviewed by the townrs departnents, including, but not lirnited to Public lforks, Transportation, Conmunity Development, Recreation, Adninistration, Police and the Fire Department. Cornments and concerns of these departments vill be forwarded to the PECprior to the publlc hearl.ng. Final Plat and Supplementarv Material - contents. The final pl.at and supplenentary naterial shall contain the following infornation: 1. The finat plat shall be drawn in India ink,or other substantial solution, on a reproducible nediun (preferably nylar) with dimension of twenty-four by thirty-six inches and shall be at a scale of one hundred feetto one inch or larger vith nargins of one and one-half to two inches on the left and one-half inch on all other sides. 2. Accurate dinensions to the nearest one- hundredth of a foot for aII lines, angles and curves used to describe boundaries, streets, setbacks, alleysr easements, structures, areas to be resenred or dedicated for public or common uses and other itnportant features.AII curves shall be circular arcs and shall be defined by the radius, central angle, arc chord distances and bearings. All dimensions, bottr linear and angrular, are to be detetnined by an accurate control survey in the fiel.d which must balance and close within a linit of one in ten thousand. 3. North arrott and graplric scale. 4. A systenatlc identification of all exlsting and proposed buildings, units, lots, blocks, and narnes for all streets. 5. Names of aII adjoininq subdivisions with dotted lines of abutting lots. If adjoining land is unplatted, it shall be shown as such. 6. An identification of the streets, alleys, parks, and other public areas or facilitiesis shown on the p1at, and a dedication thereof to the public use. An identlfication of the easenents as shown on the plat and a grant thereof to the public use. Areas ieserved for future public acquisition shall also be shown on the Plat. 7. A written sur:vey description of the area including the total acreage to the nearest appropriate significant figure. The acreage o-f- ealtr lot or parcel shall be shown in this manner, as well . 8. A description of all survey monuments, both found and set, which mark the boundaries of the subdivision, and a description of all monuments used in conducting the survey. Uonument perineter per Colorado statutes. Two perimeter monuments strall be established as najor control monunents, the rnaterials whlch shall be detemined by the town engineer. 9. A statement by the land surveyor explaining how bearing base was deterrnined. 10. A certificate by the registered land surveyor as outlined in Chapter L7.32 of this tltle as to the accuracy of the survey and plat, and that the survey was perforned by hin ln accordance with Colorado Revised Statues L973, Title 38, article 51. 11. A certificate by an attorney admitted topractice in the State of Colorado, or corporate title insurer, that the owner(s) of record dedicating to the public the public right-of-way, areas or facilities as shown thereon are the ottners ttrereof in fee simple, free and clear of all liens and encumbrances except as noted. (See exarnple in Chapter L7.32' L2. The proper forn for approval of the plat by the Fnc chairman and acceptance of dedication and easements by the council with signature by the mayor and attestation by the town clerk. Examples are found in Chapter L7 -32of this title. 13. The proper fonn for filing of the plat with the Eagle County clerk and recorder as per exanple in Chapter L7.32. dedication and ownershiP as the appendix. Should the dedication and ownershiP 14. Certificateper examplecertificate ofinofprovide for a dedication of land or improvenents to the public, all beneficiaries of deeds of trust and mortgage holders on sald real property will be required to sign the certifi-cate of dedication and ownership in addition to the fee sirnple ouner thereof. 15. Additional naterial which shall acconpany the final plat includes, but is not linited to: a. Conplete and final environmental irnpact report if reguired bY the zoninq ordinance; b. Conplete engineering Plans and specifications for all improvements to be installed, including but not linited to water and sewer utilities, streets and related l-mprovements, pedestrian and bicycle Paths, bridges and storm drainage improvements i Maps at the same scale as the final plat showing existing topography and proposed grading plan (contour interval requirenents eane as prelininary plan), a landscape and or revegetation plan showing locations, type and sizes ofexisting and proposed vegetation. A map the sane scale as the final plat depicting all high and moderate avalanche hazard areas, forty percent and high slope areas and one hundredyear flood plain areas as defined in the hazard ordinance of the Vail Municipal Code; Title insurance conpany proof of ownershJ.p of all lands within the proposal; Copies of any monunent records requiredof the land surveyor in accordance rrith Colorado Revised Statutes L973, Title 38, Article 53; Any agreements with utility companies when required; Protective covenants in forTn for recording; other data, certificates, affidavits, or docurnents as may be required by the zoning adninistrator or PEC or councilin the enforcement of these regulations. THE DEPARTIIENT OF COI'II'IUNITY DEVEIOPMENT tfILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR SEEING THAT THE APPROVED PI,AT IS PROMP1ILY RECORDED WIIH THE EAGLE COT'NTY CLERK AND RECORDER. c. d. e. f. 9t. h. l.