HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOTTONWOOD PARK TOWNHOUSES 1974 TO 1988 LEGALCiltTr,"Jl"-kT-^^"t-*"" lq:lqL \1(t 6.est for a e setback var ce to construct an dd tion A est for setbackvarer toBlock I, Va Llaqe tF I irn and a stream se dence on Lot L0 Ga Betsy reninded tbe Board that this project had first beenconsidered at the previous neetingr-and that a revieedinprovernent surrrey had been done. Further, the requeet hadbeen changed so that the request was still for a 4 footsetback, but the addition toward the street had beenerininated. Gail Malloy stated that she had tarked, with Rossand had worked out the detairs concerning the sandstone 70Condo concerns. Grant rnoved and sid seconded to approve the request per thestaff memo. The vote was 4-o-1 with piana abstainin|. 7. Applicant: Robert ctrnn The applicant asked to table until 6/27. Diana uroved andseconded to table until 6/27. The vote lras 5-o 8. This iteur was withdrawn. 9. Special Development Code Chanqes Tom Braun asked to table until 6/27. pam moved and Sidseconded to table until 6/27. The vote was 5-0. Pam 2.iew of exterior alteration a 1i lons: a, b. c. d. 90 days 60 days 50 days 50 days vail 21 euilding Up the Creek Restaurantcorsuch BuildingHilt BuiJ.dinq lmn 75 south trontag. road vall, colorado 81657 (3O3) 478"7Oq) July 11, 1988 Mr. Micheal Sanner Box 557 Avon, Colorado 81620 Re: litolloy Addition, #6, Cottonwood Townhomes Dear Micheal: The addition to Gail lrtalloyrs condo at Cottonwood Townhomes wasapproved by the Design Revien Board on July 6. There were nospecial conditions placed on this project except that ,it mustnatch the existing building. Sincerely, firt6,/,JBetsy TRosolackPlanning Technician .\ t. Project Applicatlon MOLLOY ADDITION 7 /t'.6t88 Proiecl Name: Project Description:COOTONWOOD TOWNHOIIES UNIT 6 I Contact Person and Phone {I€I'IEL S 1*INER Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: MICHAEL SANNER q496790 , Legal Description: Lot Filing . Zone - Comments: Design Review Board Date Molion by:LEARY Seconded by:R.IVA APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL 3-0 Summary: Dete.. 7IPIAR E statt Approval fot+o^ L'.c'-? \-ff APPLICATION DATE: DATE OF DRB I4EETII{G: DRB APPLICATION *****THIS APPLICATION t,llLL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL INFORMATION IS SUBFIITTED***** I. PRE-APPLICATION MEETING: A pre-application meeting with,a planning staff member is strongly suggested to determini if any additional information is needed. No application will be accepted unless it is coirplete (must include all items required by the zoning administrator). It is the applicint's responsibility to make an appointment with the staff to find out about additional submittal requirements. Please note that a COMPLETE applica- tion will streamline the approval process for your project by decreasing the number of conditions of approval that the DRB may stipulate. ALL conditions of approval must be resolved before a building permit is issued. A. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: W:aV \ 1,'V*" O# 5*.Lat\i.) ' .riot 4 r\.- \:"4L \. +1c.1q.l/.4>e . B. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: Address w Fil ing o ; tT*jJ 're.1t oa I , Ta^nBrrP Legal Description Lot Bl ock7rT2.-T @c 1- *-la+5. w-5bt. .'€L- oFBr w uAio 'JrT*r d /:E Zonins /-7 Ylf C. NAME OF APPLICANT: Address D. NAME OF <:4'5n PErpt .ar!-l',rr,,<t-.i.ji' Ft;t, te1 ephone /7tt,ZZt O APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE : E. NAME OF OWNERS: ,1. vt_- lttOL..t ,:4 Si gnature Address.'iee- tZ-*ap 'r;'pr'lr:'',<:>r'tt f:-f'' n VA{L telephone zl70'7L('tr F. DRB FEE: The fee will be paid at the time a building perm'it is requested. VALUATION FEE $ 0-$ 10,000$10,00i-$ 50,000 $50,001 -$ 150,000 $150,001 - $ 500,000 $500,001 - $1,000,000$ 0ver $1,000,000 IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBMISSIONS 1. In addition to meeting submittal requirements, the applicant must stake the sjte to indicate property lines and building corners. Trees that w'il'l be removed should also be marked. This work must be completed before the DRB visits the site. 2. The review process for NEW BUILDINGS will normal 1y involve tr,lo separate meetings of the Design Rev'i ew Board, so plan on at least two meetings for their approval . 3. People who fail to appear before the Design Review Board at their scheduled meeting and who have not asked for a postponement will be required to be repub l i shed. i!or"r, Yr / a , /-vr) c:i, Lo 91taz,:> telephone 1)1't"11'', TO THE DRB: $ 10.00-' $ zs.oo $ s0.00 $10o.oo $200.00 $3oo. oo MATERIAL TO BE SUBMITTED I. NEl,l CONSTRUCTION A. Topographic map and site plan of site containing the following (2 copies): 1. Licensed surveyor's stamp. 2. Contour intervals of not more than 2' unless the parce'l consists of 6 acres or more, in which case, 5' contour intervals will be accepted. 3. Existing trees or groups of trees having trunks with diameters of 4'or more one foot above grade. 4. Rock outcroppings and other significant natural features ('l arge boulders, i ntermi ttent streams , etc. ) . 5. Avalanche areas, 100 year flood plain and slopes 40% or more, jf applicable. 6. Ties to existing benchmark, either USGS landmark or sewer invert. 7, Locations of the fo'llowing: a. Proposed surface dra'i nage on and off site showing size and type of culverts, swales, etc. b. Exact locations of all utilities to include existing sources and proposed service lines from sources to the structure. Utilities to include: cab'l e TV sewer gas Tei ephone water el ectri c c. Property lines showing d'istances and bearings and a basis of bearing d. Proposed driveways with percent slope and spot elevations e. Al I easements 8. Existing and fjnished grades. 9. All existing and proposed improvements including structures, landscaped alreas, service areas, storage areas, wa1ks, driveways, off-street parking, load'ing areas, retaining wa11s (with spot e1 evat'i ons), and other site improvements. 10. Elevations of top of roof ridges (with existing grade shown underneath) to determine height of building. B. A statement from each utility veri fying iocation of service and availability. To be submi tted wi th si te p'lan . C. Preliminary title report to accompany alI submjttals, to insure property ownership' and ail easements on property. D. Landscape Plan (1" = 20' or larger) - 2 cop'ies 1. Show the location of 4" diameter or larger trees, other shrrubs.aRd^iiative plants thiare on the site and the location and de-ign of proposed landscape areas with the varieties and approximate sizes of plant materials to be planted. N 2. Complete landscape materials list. 3. Designate trees to be saved and those to be lost. N0TE: As much of the above information as possible should occur on the site p1 an, so that the inter-relation of the various components is clear. The landscape plan should be separate. The exjsting topographic and vegetational characteristics may be a separate map. The applicant must stake the site to show lot lines and building corners. Trees that will be lost during construction must be tagged. The work should be completed before the DRB site visit. 4. The following items no longer have to be. presented-to.the Desiqn Review Board' iily:'ffi;;;i, fiil io ui prlsintea-io-ir'l ioning Administratoi for approval: a. l{lndows, skyllghts and similar exterior changes that do not alter the existing plane of the buildingi and b.Buildingaddltionsthatarenotviewedt|oT?nyotherlotorqlu!!9-199e' wiiicn trive had letters submitted from adjoining property owners approvlng the additio;;;;l;i ippro"ii from the aient f5r, oi'manager of a condorrinium assoc'lation , 5. You may be required to conduct Natura'l Hazard Studies on your property. You shou'ld check iith a Town Planner before proceeding. a E. Alchitectural Plans (1/8.' = I' or larger) 2 copies . i. Must jnclude floor plans and all elevations as they will appear on complet'ion. E'levations must show both existing and finished grades' Z. Exterior surfacing materials and colors shall be specified and submitted for review on the matirials list available from the Department of Comnlunity Develop- ment. Color chips, siding samples etc., should be presented at the Design Review Board meeting. F. The Zoning Administrator and/or DRB may require the submission of additional plans' drawings,-specifications, samples and other material (including a model) if deemed necessiry to determine whether a project will comply with design gu'idefines. II. MINOR ALTERATIONS TO THE EXTERIOR OF BUILDINGS Photos or sketches that clearly indicate what is proposed and the location (site plan) of proposa'l may be submitted in lieu of the more formal requirement! gjvq! above, as lonb ai they piovide a1l important specifications for the proposed including colors and materia] s to be used. III. ADDITIONS - RESIDENTIAL OR COMMERCIAL A. Original floor plans with all specifications shown required to submit: availability. See \/6. Floor plan for addition - 2 copies W. Xite plan showing exist'i ng and proposed construction - 2 copies topos ,r' 6. -El"uutions of addition Vr. Photos of existing structure F. Specifications for all materials and color samples on materials list avai1able at Department of Community Development *At,the request- of $g -D--e:jg!, Be-v-iew AdministratQr you may also be V6.t Statement from each util ity verifying location of service and attached utility location verification form. \f Sit. improvement survey, stamped by registered professional surveyor. Preliminary title report, verifying ownersh'ip of property and lists of easements IV. FINAL SITE PLAN After a building permit has been jssued, and when the project is underway' the following will be required before any building receives a fram'i ng inspection from the Building Department: A certified improvement survey showing: A. Building locations with ties to property corners, i.e. distances and angles. B. Building dimensions to nearest tenth of foot. C. All utility service lines as-bui'l ts showing size of ljnes, type of material used, and exact locatjons. 2 copies D. Drainage as-builts. 2 copies E. Basis of bearing to tie to section corner. F. A1 1 property pins are to be either found or set and stated on map. G. All easements H. Bujlding floor elevations and roof ridge e1 evat'i ons. LIST OF MATERIALS NAME OF PROJECT: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: STREET ADDRESS: DESCRIPTION OF PR The following information is requ'ired for submittal by the applicant to the tlesign Review Board before a final approval can be fiven: A. BUILDING MATERIALS: TYPE OF MATERIAL COLOR 97.a I Roof Si di n9 0ther t,Jall Materials .Jloczz HNfuLI Fasci a )oTT r ts l,|i ndows t,|indow Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Fl ues Fl ashi ngs Ch'imn eys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses 0ther ' U>oaQ Wpfi\Z B. LANDSCAPING: Name of Designer: Phone: PLANT MATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES EXISTING TREES TO BE REI'IOVED Botanical Name tlal.rl t$o$2 Common Name Quani ty Si ze* for conifers. (over) *Indicate caliper for deciducious trees.Indicate height .PLANT I'IATERIALS:.. (con't) SHRUBS Botanical Name UsPrt- Common Name Size EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED GROUND COVERS tr-o1?z- Tvpe Square Footaqe s0D SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL c.0THER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining wa11s, fences, swimm.ing pools,Please specify.etc. ) lr LIILITY LOCATION VERIFICATION SUBDIVISION JOB LOT BLOCK ADDRESS b? FILING The location lines, nust acc ompany ing of utilities, whether they be approved and verified by be mai.n trunk the following lines or proposeC ut.ilities for the si.te plan. Mountain Bell t-oJ+-Jl /6 l.lestern Slope Gas Harry Moyes Public Service Company . Gary Hal1 Holy Cross Electric Assoc. Ted Husky/Michael Laverty Vai'l Cable T.V. =q#n.r-_- Upper Eagle Va11ey Water and Sanitation Discrict Davi d Krenek Da teAuthori zed na tu re rjg{ qt$8 * For new cons €-?-8t please fill ou atiached sheet €:38 s'?-E( NOTE: These verifications do not relieve the contractor of his responsibility to obtain a street cut pernit fron the Town of Vail , Department of Public l'lorks and to obtain utility locations before digging in any public right- of-way or easement in the Torvn of Vail. .A' building pernit is not a street cut permit. A street cut perrnit must be obtained separately. This form is to verify service availablity and location. This should be used in conjuncti,on with prepering your utility plan and scheduling installations. DATE:b LEGAL DESCRIPTI Lot ADDRESS: Ol,lNER ARCHITE ZONE DIST PROPOSED USE LOT SIZE Hei ght Total GRFA Primary GRFA Secondary GRFA Setbacks: Front Sides Rear Water Course Site Coverage Landscapi ng Fence/Retaining Wal I Heights Parki ng Credi ts: Garage Mechani cal Ai rl ock Storage Solar Heat Drive: Slope Permitted Envi ronmental /Hazards : ZONE CHECK FOR SFR, R, R P/S ZONE DISTRICTS Bl ock Filjng NrT-+ ne Phone A'l I oled (30)(33) 1@_ N < t! !7 t Proposed I6*r- r+ 4tn b f'f ' C' r'i' 1 ffii'113 = f (1''' gup^12- Cal Il l tNd-70'v-l o(q(--?o' ffi1-o1rlo, tzol 20' 15' 15' /(30)(to) t\ n.-T-tr: ( 3oo) (600 ) (eoo)(1200) (so)(1oo) (2s) (50) (2oo) (4oo) Slope Actual Aval anche Flood Plain Sl ope Wetl ands Geologic Hazards Comrnents: Zoning: Approved/DisaPProved Date: Staff Signature bft'ft/ 6.est for a s setback variance to construct add onwood Townhomes. cant: Betsy rerninded the Board that this project had first been considered at the previous meeting, and that a revised improvement surrrey had been done. Further, the request had been changed so that the request was still for a 4 foot setback, but the addition toward the street had been elirninated. GaiI MalLoy stated that she had talked with Ross and had worked out the details concerning the sandstone 70 Condo concerns. Grant moved and Sid seconded to approve the request per thestaff memo. The vote was 4-O-L with Diana abstaining. A reguest for setback variances and a stream setback variance in order to construct a residence on Lot 10 Block Vail Villaqe Ist FApplicant: Robert Gunn The applicant asked to table until 6/27. Diana rnoved and Pam seconded to table until 6/27. The vote itas 5-0 8. This itern was withdrawn. 9. Special Developrnent Code Chanqes Tom Braun asked to table until 6/27. Pam moved and Sid seconded to table until 6/27. The vote was 5-o. 2. Preliminarv review of exterior alteration applications: a. 90 days - Vail 21 Building b. 60 days - Up the Creek Restaurantc. 60 days - Gorsuch Buildingd. 60 days - Hill Building 7. Mallo 5. 4.st for an exterior alterati order to enclose a deck at corsuch Build 263 East Gore Creek Drive. Applicant: Dave Gorsuch Tom Braun revierred the request and the Urban Design Considerations, stating that the staff reconmended approval .Part of the deck renained open. Diana felt that to enclose the deck was contrary to everything the PEC and Town normally did. She felt it would take away nost of the relief and leave only a token relief, it seened wrong. Tom replied that the staff discussed the issue of what happened at that elevation and alsothe fact that they could not find any reason to deny the request. Beth Levine, representing the architect, explained that theplane surface from the deck was not attractive and felt thatwith articulation the elevation would inprove. crant moved and Pam seconded to approve the request. The vote was 4-1 with Diana voting against the notion. est for a an addition to e Applicant: Town of Vail Peter explained the request and showed elevations and plans forthe booth. He added that the Marketing Corunittee had recommended this be done irnnediately to help with marketing. The staff reconmendation was for approval . Jirn Viele abstained from comment on this issue. Diana felt the need for flowers or shrubs of sone kind. Jim Morter, thearchitect, showed a model and said potted plants had been proposed to help cut down the glare. There would be no west facing glass. A construction fence would be placed around thearea. Diana suggested waiting until after the su:nner tourist season to begin construction. Ron Phillips felt the irnpact onthe site would not be that great if the construction were started innediateJ-y. Diana felt it would be confusing totourists and wondered if anything would be gained by startingthe project during the summer tourist season. Grant stated that this had been dragging on for so long, it would be good to get it constructed. Pam agreed with Diana inthat not a whole lot would be gained by completing the expansion in rnid-August. Grant moved and Pan seconded to approve the structure. The vote was 4-O-1 with Jirn Viele abstaining. TO: FROM: DATE: Planning and Environnental Conmission Conmunity Development Department May 23, 1988 SUBJECT: A request for a side setback variance in order toconstruct an addition to Unit No. 6, Cottonwood Townhouses, 933 Red Sandstone Road.Applicant: Gail Mo1loy I. pESCRIPTION OF VARTANCE REQUESTEp The Cottonwood Townhouses are zoned Low Density MultipleFanily. In this zone, aII setbacks are 2O feet. Theapplicant is requesting a side setback variance of 4 feet inorder to construct an addition containing approxinatety 200square feet. There are 494 square feet of GRFA remaining onthe Cottonwood Townhornes, The applicant states: rfWe are requesting a variance from the ninimurn sidesetback (20 feet) as required for the Low DensityMultiple FarniJ-y district, L8.L6.060, Setbacks. Due tothe existing location of the Cottonwood Townhouses andthe irregrular nature of the side property line, anaddition to the south side of Unit #6, without avariance, is only possible as a peculiar wedge shape. An addition to the creek side is inhibited by a largeexisting cottonwood tree which linits an addition toabout 4 feet. The proposed addition to the living areasof Unit #6 would extend about 4 feet into the side setback at the worst point. The adjacent building tothe south, Sandstone 70, would still be approximately 25feet away at its closest point (see site plan). fhisbuilding is about 8 feet lower than Unit #5 and isoriented such that their viens to the creek are notaffected by this addition. This addition would notadversely affect adjacent property owners, views or usesof their property. Nor does this addition adverselyaffect parking, traffic, public safety, utilities,Iight, air, nor the distribution of the population.tt II. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS Upon review of Criteria and Findings,the municipal code, the Department of recommends approval of the reguestedfollowing factors: A. Consideration of Factors: Section l-8. 62 . 060 of Conrnunity Development variance based upon the The relationship of the requested variance to otherexistinq or potential uses and structures in thevicinitv. Directly to thethe Sandstone 70 ndoniniums are with the fourf south of the Cottonwood Townhouses Condominiums. The Sandstone 70 the applicant states, evenfootvariance, e Sandstone iuns andthe two buildings, impacts to e 70 are are and SantISEUl: betweennigin*. on oftreatment amo sites Because side setbacks are nuch smal-ler than Cottonwood Townhouses,privj-lege by allowing atta the of the Sandstone 7O Condoniniumsthat being requested by thene see no grant of specialthe variance of 4 feet. trans rtatio trafficfacilitieses and tiessafetv. III. APPLICABLE POLICIES FROM VAIL'S COI{PREHENSIVE PI,AN Because of the snall scale of this project, the conprehensivePlan is not applicable. rv.Such other factors and cr ia as the deernsapplicable to the var v.FINDINGS Thg_ Pl?nning ?{rd Enyironnental Cornnission shall make thefolLowincr findinqs before qrantiirq a variance: That the granting of the variance will not constitute a grantof special privilege inconsistent with the lirnitations onother properties classified in the same district. That the granting of the variance will not be detrimental tothe public_health, safety or welfare, or naterially injuriousto properties or inprovements in the vicinity. o That the variance is warranted for one or more of thefollowing reasons: The strict or literal interpretation or enforcement ofthe specified regulation would result in practicaldifficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistentwith the objectives of this title. There are exceptions or extraordinary circunstances orconditions applicable to the sarne site of the variancethat do not apply generally to other properties in the same zone. The strict interpretation or enforcement of thespecified regulation erould deprive the applicant ofprivileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties inthe same district. VT. STAFF RECOMMENDATTON The staff of the Conrnunity Development Department recommendsapproval of the reguested side setback variance. We findthat the adjacent property onners will not be adverselyaffected. Because of the wedge shape of the requiredsetback, we feel that to grant this variance would not be agrant of special privilege. C.r+-,- -"- / h--,. ^ *q^./ &,-" ( I ,lt-;'lI | !-I l0l:l; ri ll*r sl !: fi i! 'iv li.r f.'!t- f: l' I \\ I t .il,r. il-ltt \ \') \J4It ll- t\\t \ \ st .{. s. dr i\. + )fIr t* iltieF ETt\/ t\ -+-Ad2 it l{t.t+'d$v€, 'la t alvFr tXo'l-l.lv ? /^,thl 3o .cL'L1l Planning and Environmental May 23, 1988 Comnission STAFF PRESENT Peter PattenKristan Pritz Rick {rlrnanBetsy Rosolack Diana Donovan Bryan Hobbs Pam Hopkins Peggy Osterfoss Grant Rivasid schultzJin Viele ABSENTFli--noprins The meeting was 1. 2. called to order by the chairman, Jin Viele. Approval of ninutes of April- 25, 1988. An addition hras made to the ninutes and Diana Donovan moved and SidSchultz seconded to approve the minutes as anended. Thevote for approval was 5-O-L with Bryan abstaining. for a conditional use noit in order to nodifncert Hall PlazaBuilApplicant: Lionshead Bar and Grill Rick Srlnan explained that the Lionshead Bar and Grill hadalways had tables on the deck adjacent to their restaurant, butthat the area where the tables would be placed had to benodified in order to satisfy the liquor code requirernents.Rick reviewed the conditional use criteria and stated that thestaff recommended approval . Diana stated that one concern that should be passed along to DRB was that the pedestrian path frorn the bus stop should nothave the appearance of being locked off to pedestrians. Peggy added another concern to give to DRB, and that was thatthe surface of the deck needs repair and it would be nice tosee an inproved material used. Dave Tyrrell , representing the owner, stated that they haveexperimented with several surfaces, and that there was a severewear problem. Jirn Viele asked if the restaurant owned thedeck, and was told the restaurant owner also owned the deck,but that the easernent was a public easement. Diana Donovan rnoved and Bryan Hobbs seconded to approve theconditional use perrnit to change the easement per the staff memo with two concerns to be made to the DRB: I) the surfacematerial should be looked at and 2) the pedestrian path rnust appear to be open from the vantage of the bus stop to the west. outdoor The vote was 6-0 in favor of the request. request for a conditional e it in order toconstruct a chairlift on Tract D Va I Lionshead lstFilino, zoned Conmerc onshead 2nd Filincr; o Tract A, VA Villa 6th Filand on an unplatted of and, all oned Ituraland open Space.Applicant: Vail Associates, Inc. Rick Pylman explained that the new quad lift would replace theexisting chair tift No. 8 and the terninal for the new liftwould be placed in the same location as the existing chair 8terminal . The lift shack, colors and lift graphics will besinilar to those currently in place at the Vista Bahn in VaiIVillage. Rick reviewed the criteria for a conditj.onal usepernit. Joe Macy from Vail Associates stated that the Tramway Boarddictated the distance from trees that the lift roust be, withthe result that some trees would have to removed. He addedthat the J-ong range plan would be to replace the skier bridgeand widen it. Macy added that during construction of theterrninal , a crane and large trailers may have to come throughthe Lionshead Mall. Joe also added that one adjacent propeityowner, David Ransburg, had sorne questions on the 1ift,-and goe would neet with Ransburg in a few days. ceorge Hudspeth,project manager on the new lift, was in the audience to answerguestions. Ross Davis spoke in favor of the project, as did the owner ofthe Lionshead Bar and Grill. Art Albplanalp, representing the Rarnsbergs, stated that theyIrere more interested than concerned. They did not oppose theproject, but wanted to be kept inforrned. crant Riva had concerns regarding trees that needed to beremoved, and Macy explained that he did not yet know whichtrees would have to be rernoved. He did say that those treesto the west of the old lift would rernain. Peggy regretted that the skiers, bridge was not being inproved.Joe repried that inproving the bridge was part of the rnountainnaster plan, but that it would not be done at this tirne. Morediscussion folLowed concerning crowding on the bridge and thefact that many beginner and interrnediate skiers nay feelapprehensive about using the bridge with the increlse inskiers due to the new lift. ceorge Hudspeth stated that the width of the passage for thechairlift would be 11'-24r. Diana felt it was a shame to cutmore trees than necessary. Joe assured her that they would 4. o review the removal of the trees with the staff. Peter asked. that they get approval frorn Gary Murrain before bring eguipment through the Lionshead MalI. He added that the design of the terminal would be brought before the DRB, Diana rnoved and Grant seconded to approve the conditional use reguest with the understanding that the Design Review look at the trees to be removed to mininize the loss and that only those vehicles which 4us! be brought through the rnall be allowed on the rnall aiEliny damage to the nal1 shall be paid for by the contractor. The vote was 5-o-1 with Hobbs abstaining. est for a side setback variance in order totructaddition to un cotton!'rood Townhomes.Applicant: GaiI MaIIov Betsy Rosolack gave the presentation, discussed the variance criteria and staff recomrnendation of approval. Betsy mentioned concerns raised today regarding the accuracy of the drawings and notification to the owner of the adjacent unit at Sandstone 70. Ross Davis, representative of Sandstone 70 mentioned that the end unit owner may not be available for comnent. Michael Sanner, architect on the project, described the nethod of deternining the accuracy of the location of the sandstone 70building on the drawing. Ross was concerned about the accuracyof the drawing. Michael stated that he did not feel that the applicant should be penalized because of Sandstone 7O's encroachment onto their side setback. Ross discussed problens Sandstone 70 had had in discussing rnutual concerns with the Cottonwood Townhomes regarding snow renoval, landscaping, etc. Ross asked that any approval of an addition be conditional upon requiring resolving these concerns. Viele asked sanner if this would be acceptable to Ms. Malloy. Michael answered that he thought an improved landscape plan was already in the works. Diana Donovan, who owns one of the Sandstone 70 units, rernoved herself from behind the tab1e, and discussed the fact that the cottonwood Townhomes Associationdid not seem to want to comrnunicate with the Sandstone 70 onners. She added that the Cottonwood Townhornes had an access easement across Sandstone 70 property. Sid felt that it was not unusual with setback variances to askfor landscaping between two properties. He asked Michael ifthe entire project could be constructed without going onto Sandstone 70 property and Michael answered that he felt this could be done, because sten walls were being used. Sid feltthat all efforts shoutd be made to contact the adjacent Property owner. Hobbs did not like the PEC being a police agent to requirecornnunication between the 2 associations. He fert sandstone zohad other courses of action they could follow. He agreed withSid concerning reguiring landscaping between the properties. Peggy felt it would be difficult to build at the front cornerwithout rnoving the retaining wall. Michael stated that therocks would not be affected. Grant felt that the duties of the Planning commission lrere toonarrow to perroit the PEc to arbitrate between the two propertyowners. He also felt that it was inportant to know the exact-Iocation of the property line. On the other hand, he felt thatdealing only with a 4 foot setback variance, he was not opposedto the request as presented. Jiro Viele fett the most important issues included theneighbors, consideration and an accurate survey was need.ed.He felt the PEc could l-ook at snow removal that is inpacted bygranting the variance. Michael asked to table the.request until June 13. peggy movedto table the reguest and sid seconded the motion. The vote was5-0-1 with Diana abstaining. 5. A reqUest for a rninor anendment to Srcacia] rtcval orrrnanf Rick Pyrnan presented the request which included increasing thesetback areas in some places, and decreasing the setbacks onothers as well as a slight change to the landscaping on thewest. Buff Arnold brought a nodel and drawings to describe thechanges. After discussion and guestions, Grant moved toapprove the amendment and Hobbs seconded. The vote was 6-0 infavor. 6.A recruest for a side setback variance in order to add ageraqe anci. agq=i Applicant: Peter Gonrbrich Kristan Pritz described the request for a side setbackvari.ance. The staff recommended approval with the conditionthat landscaping be added to the east side. The contractorwill try to save all of the trees. Sid moved away from theback of the table, as he was the architect for the project.Sid stated that the garage nay be reduced by one foot if itappeared that this would be necessary in order to save thetrees. +-'lle-qgge!-Eer a mingl anendment to Special DevelopmentDistrict No. 2L, Vail catewav.Applicant: Palmer Development ) ,, Diana moved and Hobbs seconded to approve the request. Thevote was 5-0-l- in favor with Sid abstaining. I(ristan gave everyone copies of revised Prinary/Secondary and Duplex wording and asked the members to call her if they hadquestions or concerns. The neeting adJourned at 4:30 PU. fu B'(( /., PUBLIC UoRKS A Reviewed ay, //3 * oate PROJECT: DATE SUBMITTED: s-/r s COMMENTS NEEDED BY: s-/ I BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL:. Comments: o/L FIRE DEPARTMENT Reviewed by: Comments: POLiCE DEPARTilENT Reviewed by: Comments:' t. I \ Reviewed by: Comments: dr,. t.- K*}sl INTER-OEPARTMENTAL REVI El.J "4n, {- o^ +"C.'fGhu-,ooJs DATE oF PUBLTc HEARTNG s/23 PfL Date Date Date _\_ 6 & w &r J+i sl''-rr j= U./ rL A/ '. it : " \- #r'- "1 , | +-i--Fi.-,, ,---jv-i| ;,-- "{t- --ll+-.--_- -e-,e2. n7l I h\,Pi+s ?+'\ ')a !r+.- =JJ $ JI iri ;!i'zl r.l *r'$:; --l .i\ --5--, +--i ; A-.-rl!ItJ 'J.-l tft,:- .Ll{ I ,: I,y---J,F "o'.?.,i}L:L = i-J$ :'{$ H$ N tS-{ii ! q'{i $sr ,l-ri 2at I ,ntJ'I Fr-Jn-n II-/ i NolgN€Wl,it JNfr- I t.,--.-:---n Ln-"-. II I I --!- ---n-- cqlFtuU ,$i+l t \i I F $ l-..-_ I l.r ."9',E e\"\ oo 6 tr Trt.4 p i |\ t't Lt-s '$,ri+ / '$,qi $ ll t I I It-T -,J I___fil '+f'trIlli Jt'i t $ll-i I h,]l Jjl '/$l'-- ') i $9.l -ii, I r' ;' ll'/ #l lj-+fil$l =,-J1''-.'$'f :l _i.1i l/i 6l.,f,i,; ri ,= ll f lk+ ,*ll $ $l Ifr ,|1 $l'il-T I i;'{'l' T:II } -'=- 4.i..4,..jl .1ItFj llrr I I$|r'tt -qt'--fiIf "{" -1 f '' b, ll='i J Ill i -l l+, Ir.l |-\, { l{t '-'J I, , il ]l*'ll$'ll | | --''L 'J L .49' r,L'15 -' -1,f '\ rj #-_ t j 1-.'',7;'* -' t,:* :'5 ..; *p;i I 'llz-: ---*.-'/t- -:"' {-s '.J H r-+ =: F,.- ..i+1 i---,- ;_.= I rlllit _Sl!i sl ll-'i ...+-l I ri-.illi&^llliilirr,t'ii=i J i *--' -, F..-_-.. ---.t tr...,-- .__r ___ r|... --J I-- :'r'tl- - -l | 'it I | |il:r _J | ;ir--'---r r itL | [- ._ _j_f l1 'lil t 'I i I i fi i( A \) a tt\\ \n ]}I \l) 5 "l . \! $J \ J FJ t?i $ Ev :.1 I t, I ll $ { \ t ! t \t.) 'ril _\ $ $ \r -t*g tr pFb. *iU., I I $j '\r$\ \\ \\ i .l| . ts. d.-{ N t- IA. -- Michael L. Sanner Architect P.O. Box 667 Avon, Colorado 81620 Aprll 21, 1,988 VARIANCE REQUEST- Molloy Reeldence, 913Unlt #5, Vall, Co. Telephone (303) e4e-6?e0 Red Sandstone Rd., i{le are requeeting a varLance fron the nlnlnur gide setback (20 feet) as required for the low densi-ty nultiple f.',11y dietrlct, l8.l6.060 retbacks. Due to the exlstiag locati.on of the Cottonrood Tovnhousee and the lrregular nature of the slde property line as ad&Ltlon to the eouth slde of Unit# 5, rithout a varlanee, is only possible as a peculalr redge shape. A,a addition to the ereek slde ls inbl-blted by a large erlstlng cottonvood tree rhich llr1-ts an addltlon to about 4 ft. [he propored additlon to the livlug areaa of Unit #5 would extend about l+ ft. into the Elde cetback at the rorst point. The adjacent buildlng to the eouth, Sandstone 70, vould stlll be approxinately 25 tt-. away at 1ts eloseet polnt (ree slte Flan)TLrie building is about Bft. lorer than Unlt #6 and le orlented such tha,t thelr vlers to the crcek are aot affected by this addltion. This addition rould not advereely affect adjacent property ornera vlers or usaa of thelr property. iTor does thls addltion adversely aff,ect parklng, traffic, publlc eafety, utilltlee, llght, air, nor tbo dletributlon of the population. I.This will A. Appl i cati on PEC MEETING Dat DATE tae9 z3 * t165 APPLICATION FOR A VARIANCE procedure is required for any project requesting a variance. The applicationnot be accepted unti'l all information is submitted. NAME OF APPLICANT l-,Lo Ii. A PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE l^lITH A PLANNING STAFF MEMBER IS STRONGLY SUGGESTED TO )DETERMINE IF ANY'ADDITIONAL INFORMATION IS NEEDED. NO APPLICATION WILL 8E ACCEPTED UNLESS IT-IS COMPLETE (MUST INCLUDE ALL ITEMs REQUIRED BY THE ZONINGADMINISTRAT0R). IT Is THE APPLicANT's REspoNSrBrLrry ro [nrE Rll AppoINTMENTt.lITH THE STAFF TO FIND OUT ABOUT ADDITIONAL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS. PLEASE NOTE THAT A COMPLETE APPLICATION l,llLL STREAMLINE THE APPROVAL PROCESS FOR YOUR PROJECT BY DECREASINITHE NUMBER OF cONDITIONS OF APPROVAL THAT THE PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION MAY STIPULATE. ALL CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL MUST BE COMPLIED WITH BEFORE A BUILDING PERIV1IT iS ISSUED. iII. FOUR (4) C0PIES 0F THE FOLL0WTNG MUST BE SUBMrTTED: A. A WRITTEN STATEMENT OF THE PRECISE NATURE OF THE VARIANCE REQUESTED AND THE REGULATION INVOLVED. THE STATEMENT MUST ALSO ADDRESS; 'l . The relationship of the requested variance to other existing or potentialuses and structures in the vicinity. ADDRESS VAIL , z2z=<ap+eo pH0Nt B. NAME OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE ADDRESS f,e, bof fu1 ,xVoA r Q , pn0nr.717,6170 c. NAME 0F ot^tNER(S)fvRe or print) 6AtV +Acr i oy xSi ADDRESS PHONE q 76 -JJ66 adjacent to the subject property and their mailing addresses. MAILING ADDRESSES. D. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL Aoonfss 13i try- an,orrrrts- r.* , Unr**(, LEGAL DESCRIPTION LOT BL0CK _FILING LroAeepae * r Irrr._*Cre,e&Wf TF-F<-( - * fQew- ae-Ee*s-o t-yr nt rf 5r74tee,, 9t y L" ^E. FEE $100 PAID 4lrt'klcr # tro 3r FRoM [Y\ a l/u, THE FEE MUST BE PAID];IOR/IHr coMT,IIJI,IITY DEVgl6pM YOUR PROPOSAL. F. A 'l jst of the names of owners of all property INCLUDING PROPERTY BEHIND AND ACROSS STREETS, THE APPLICANT hllLL BE RESPON5IBLE FOR CORRECi 2. The_ degree to which relief from the strjct or'l iteral interpretation andenforcement of a-specified regulation is necessary to achieve compatibiiitvand uniformity of treatment among sites in the viltnity or-to iitli;';h;'-'objectives of this title without grant of special privilege. OVER Vari ance fz- 3. The effect of the variance on light and air, distribution of population, transportation, traffic facilities, uti'l'it'ies' and publ'ic safety. B. A topographic and/or improvement survey at a scale of at least l" - 20' stamped by a Colorado licensed surveyor inc'l uding Iocations of al'l existing improve- ments, including grades and elevations. Other e'l ements which must-be irhown are parking and loading areas, ingress and egress, landscpped areas andutility and drainage features. C. A site plan at a scale of at least l" = 20' showing existing and proposed bui I di ngs. D. A11 preliminary building elevations and floor plans sufficient to indicate the djmensions, general appearance, scale and use of al'l buildings and spacesexisting and proposed on the site. E. A preliminary t'itle report to verify ownership and easements F. If the proposa'l is'located in a multi-family development which has a homeowners' association, then written approval from the association in support of theprojebt must be received by a duly authorized agent for said association. G. Any additiona'l material necessary for the review of the application as determined by the zoning administrator., * For interior modifications, an improvement survey and site plan may be waived by the zoning adm'inistrator. IV.Time Requirments The Planning and Environmental Cormission meets of each month. A complete app'lication form and (as described above) must be submitted a minimum PEC public hearing. No incomplete applications administrator) will be accepted by the planning nated submitta'l date. on the 2nd and 4th Mondaysall accompanying materiai of 4 weeks prior to the date of the (as determined by the zoning staff before or after the desig- MoIIoy Rerodcl/Addltlon- appendlr to varlance applleatloa ADJACENT PROPERIT OWNERS 1. Sardstonc 70 Cordoniriur Arroca.tlol P0 1205valr, co.81557 2. Arpen Tree Cordorinlur Arootatlor erlo Sue Dugar, rar&g€r P0 Bor f758VaLl, Co. 81658 J. Brooktree Coldorlnlun Arroeatton 98o vall Vler DrlveValI, Co. 8t657 4. Sandctone Creek CIub Aseocl.atlor 1020 Vail VLev Dri.vevalt, co. 81657 5. Val-l Valley Corcolldated Water Dl:trlct 846 Forect Rd.Va1l, eo. 81657Atten. Davc Mott -!- Cll-'f l-{ fi !'!i-.-:':e11 c,s,-.:: -+ + r:rn:!{r':!Fl r]l.-.,--,, r'-, " {{ ""|J # r:;flTl Fr-ri lr-r'.! l llnf'r l:-!r,1-rt'n' + :P'l-*I r f t_.E r11 i.= j { '-l{ 1 ,:11:i!:.1!:j,l i 'a i:rfl'r--!rr !- L, -r- '''. '-'., i.J r!-tr:!j 1 .THF I t?F,, tlt:i r nlir-{ I rni.{ t-nl:' t-t. nL, COTTONWOOD PARK TOI{NHOUSE ASSOCIATION 17oo Lincoln Sreet, suite 34oo Denver, Colorado 80203 April 21, 1988 eall Molloy L22 E. Meadow DriveVail, CO 81657 Dear Gail: This is to inforn you that the Board of Managers has reviewed the plans you subnl.tted for the addition to the south side of Unit- 6 and-we have approved the proposed construction as subnltted. we feeL lt wlll enhance the entire proJect and look forward to seeing the end result. Russell P. __.ir .! -l P:LANN TITLE GUARAN.TgE COMPANY RcFresentine Titlc Inrucrncc Gonpanv qf l"llonelote THANI{ YOU FOR YOUR gRDER Julv O3' l9E7 Our Orderr Vf0834 BUYERI 6AIL ITIOL.LOY SELLER: JogEPH H. HCS0UD and $HERRY HCSOUE ADDRES$: VAIL BEAVER CREEK RESORT REAL E$TATE POST OFFICE BOX 959 AVON, CO 41630 1 AttnI RIEI( FIROB SLIFER & CTfI'IPANY T3O BRIDf€ $T- VAIL, CO. Sr65e I Attnr LEE RIt'lEL FIF6T I.IESTERN I'IORT6A6E CORP F0 BOX 1237 \,rAIL' CO gl65e I Attnr Jlf'l Br{ENNER A COI'IHIT SCHEDLILE B-I ( Requ i r'errerrt s ) The f ol I ouins 41"€ the r e"ru ir'emerrt'g to be 1. Frvnent tc, or' frrr' the accsurrt ol: ths the Frrl I c,rrrgideratlc,n f on the *state insurcd. o LT 2. Froper instrumcrrt(s) cr.eatine thc cFt{te or irrtcregt ineured must b€ exccuted and dulr fil€d foP record' },I ENT Apr"l ication No. VlCrgS4 corrrl'l ied ulitlit Err'arrtrrr's cr r' n ,) r" t $ a *'t ,:, r' .n ctf or irrterest ttt be ts he trr-uritl 3. 4. 5. EVIDENCE SATISFACTCIRY TO THE GOI'IFANY THAT THE TERI'I3' EONNITIONS AI'IF PROVIsIONS $F THE TOI"JN OF VAIL TRAN$FER TAX I'IAVE FEEN SATISFIED' TdARRANTY DEE1I FRSM JosEFH H. t,|*6oUD arld $HERR' y';g:r3t.lD To GAIL l.|oLLoY CONVEYING SUB*JECT PROFERTY. DEED flF TRUST FRUH GAIL I4OLLOY TO THE FUBLIC TF(LIgIEE ']T: EAELE CI]UNTY FON 11.19 t_r$E OF FIRST I^IE$TERN MORTBADE CORFORATICTN, And/tfr Aasiens T0 SECURE THI SLtm nF $lOS,CrOo.OO. THE COTJNTY CLERK AND RECORnERS OFFICE REQLIIRES RETURN ANDRE5.6E.€ ON NBDIII'IENTS SENT FOR RECORDINN!! 3 o ALTA C0llltITHgNT r $CHEDULE B-2 (Exccrtisnr) Arplicatiorr No. V10854 Thc rollcv or pollclcr to br irrued ulll contaln exctrtlonr to thefollouinr unlrrs tho remc ene disroccd of to thc sstlr$rctlon of the Comranvl l, Stendrrd Exccptionr 1 thr.ounh 5 pcintcd on thc coven rhret. 6. Trxor rnd rlrerrm*nta not vct due or prvrble arrd rroclrl rEtcrgro€rrtr not vet ccrtifl,cd to thc Tncrruner/l offlce. 7. Anv unprld trxrr oF .rrrftsentr urinrt rrld ltnd. 8. Llcng for unpc,id urtce arrd sguor chsFgrrr lf env. 9. RIOHT OF PROPRTETOR OF A VEIN OR LODE TO EXTRACT ANB REI'IOVE HIg CIRE THEREFROI'I SHOULD THE $AT.IE BE FOUND TO PENETRATE AR INTERSECT THE PREilISES AS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECC'RNED H*Tch ?&' I9?O' IN BOOK 93 AT PAGE 41. THE EXISTENCE OF THE IIINERAL EXCEPTION AND/OR FESERVATION SHOIfN AS ITEII I' SCHEDULE B-2, t.JtLL NOT AFFECT OUR ABILITY TO ATTACH COLORADO ENDORSET'IENT NO. 1OO.29 TO OUR O}JNER'S AND I1ORTEA6EE'S POLICY I.'}IEN I6SUED. lO. RIOHT OF tlAY FoR DITCHE8 OR CANAL$ CON8TRUCTED By THE AUTHCIRITY OF THE UNITED STATES AS RESERVED IN UNITED $TATES PATENT RECORSED f'larch 26' 1t2O' IN BOOK ?3 AT PATJE 3T. THE EXISTENCE OF THE EASEI.IENT SHOI.IN AS ITE]'I NO. 10, $CHEDULE B-2, WiUU T-TOT AFFECT CIUR ABILITY TO ATTACH COLORADO ENDORSEIIENT NO. IO3' I TO OUR I.IORTOAGEE'S POLICY I.IHEN ISSUED. ll. EASEI'IENT ORANTED TO VAIL t"lATER AND SANITATION OISTRICT BY INSTRLt'ENT RECORDEB IN BOOK ?Og AT PAOE r21, INSOFAR As SAiIE l'lAY AFFECT SUB.TEDT PRCIPERTY. 12. THOSE PRBVISION$r COVENANTS AND CONDITIONS, EASEMENT$, AND RECTRICTIOIIIS, l,tHICH ARE A BURDEN TO THE CONDOI,IINIUH UNIT FESCRIBED IN SCHEDI-I-E A' AS CONTAINEN IN INSTRUHENT RECBREEN SEPTEHSER 1, 1977' IN BOOX 259 AT PASE lP? AND EXHIBIT A THERETO RSCC'RIIED 9EPT€IIBER 28, T?77 IN BOOI( ?60 AT PAOE 347 AND AS AI'IENNED IN INSTRUMENT RECORTIEN OCTOBEF 18, I?77 IN BCIOK 261 AT PAGE 23r. PAOE 4 ALTA COl{I,IITI{ENT SCHEDULE 8-2 (Excrrtionr) Appllcrtlon No. VlOSt[ I3. EASEI.IENTS, RESERVATIONS AND RE$TRICTIONS AS 6HOhIN OR RESERVED ON THE RECORDED CONDOIIINIUII ''IAP OF COTTON}JOOD PARK TOT{NHOU$Eg AT VAIL. COLORAI}O ENDORSE}IENT FOR].I I1S, I.IILL BE ATTACHED TO I.IORTOAOEE/8 TITLE PIOI-ICY }IHEN I$SIJED. ITEI'IS I-4 OF STANDARD EXCEPTIONS T.IILL BE DELETED FROI'I IIORTOAO6E'8 FOLTCY UPON RECEIPT OF SATISFACTORY LIEN AFFIDAVIT. FOR|'I IOO.OO }IILL BE ATTACHED TO I'IORTSASEE'S POLICY I.JHEN ISSUED, ,*#"toN REouEsr TOWN OF VAIL READY FOR LOCATION: CALLER INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FRI AM PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V, O ROUGH / WATEB tr FOUNDATI tr FBAMING ON / STEEL n 199.f^&il.qff...^ tr cAS PTPTNG - " PLYWOOD NAILING tr INSULATION ' tr POOL / H. TUB -tr SHEETBOCK NAIL tr - n T'l d rtruar- tr FTNAL ELECTRICAT: MECHANICAL: tr TEMP. POWER T] HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR -nn_ tr FINAL tr FINAL ET APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE INSPECTOR - / /:7 INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES WED z \-' ('c' BUILDING: EI FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEE_ E FRAMING D tr ROOF & SHEEB PLYWOOD NAILING D GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB N SHEETROCK NAIL tr o d rrrunr-Vprrunl ELECTRICAL; tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr o tr tr HEATING D tr tr ROUGH EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE -+*.i i . i^..;, I t JOB NAME t INSPE CTION REQUEST VAIL DATE READY FOR INSPECTION:MON LOCATION: CALLER /t\ TUES he-e.!' .i-.+.r-l B tr o tr tr tr tr o UILDING: FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr BOUGH / D.W.V.FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / WATER ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL MECHANICAL: tr tr tr tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE INSPECTOR * JOB NAME ll \ ) ::) * INSPECTION REQUEST ,t v') f VAiL DATE CALLER TUESREADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON @ THUR BU! DF OF {r tr; trll trS D- PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND dnoucn / D.w.v. ff noucH / wATER ILDING: FOOTINGS / STEEL FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING OOF & SHEER D GAS PIPINGPLYWOOD NAILING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL FINAL L] tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING D ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS O CONDUIT T'l EI SUPPLY AIR r-l trFtfr tr FINAL OVED N DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED -'' coRREcrroNS, DATE INSPECTOR t INSPECTION REQUEST ,..T.gWN OF VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:rUES (-[lEg, rHUR JOB NAME MON CALLER FRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr tr tr tr o UMBING: tr FOUNDATION i STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING It rtr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK 1\\POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr tr FINAL D E FINAL ELE trT Irtr( tr_ CTRICAL:MECHANICAL: TEMP. POWER tr HEATING BOUGH tr tr D EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL O FINAL APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: t D^rE h - // /f,? rNSPEcroR ,,t l'o ' lyo- JOB NAME INSPECTION ... TO\ /N OF etrll'r i ,r, / REQUEST VAIL DATE CALLER TUE-SREADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON"4'' ,/ lr, WED THUR (6) i"') .! '_<.&.t *'r-) l'.-t: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ,- ROOF & SHEERtr Fivwooo rrrnirrr'rc tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION - tr SHEETROCK NAIL r-l _ tr FINAL O POOL / H. TUB D o tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANIGAL: tr HEATING O ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR trtr tr FINAL tr FINAL VED - CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED ' ,a ai. <. .l \-DATE INSPECTOR, :,{tq|Fffi,a, rW,'r$ggql . n,,,.,,,., ,'-i Iv' .l F. I Project Appllcation proiect Name: llfuttu,t-' /- Ja-crlu'Lo*"-"^," I h /la Proiect Description: Owner Address and Architect Address and Phone: Legal Zone: Description: Lot Block Filing Zoning Approved: Design Review Board Motion by: Seconded by: o^," //zl h I DISAPPROVAL Summarv: i-) f].,'a\\ | ,1 \OO4'- APPROVAL Zoning Administrator Chief Building Ollicial i + q:t:!'..;i- ];' , 1 \ i+ ',:* ji.br ' Proiect Name: Project Description: ' Owner Address and Phone: rd]or+Nc1 Architect Address and Phone: Legal Zone: DescriDtion: Lol Block Filing Zoning Approved: Design Review Board Motion by: Seconded by: 7o-ho,- APPROVAL * 7f Ffzx' DISAPPROVAL Vn q!4itr.'t0 t4 \ LU'' ^i t,n t t'Q e'f i,. ,tSum mary: cl((Qq i, i; ^'.t-"1 \.1 l;( ^<l lo ,,,r', -61't..i.L 'l!,,-, ,r'r.' ' fi '"(t "'"--' " Zoning Administralor Date: Chief Building Oflicial Tst"m- '**s o / C.++.ndaoJ R-J -*nnJs*on'- RJ.-T|utnh"l^:r \ , ?Zk K-J -YnnJs*ont- KJ', U;*/,' 2ol-oJo , Jo no* o/'le-c-* 4o --1 ,ttJtt: S;- S+- E-F) ery*e-nJrnq u1/t+ l-d--k, o4 pu-H)-q a- A-+4ul J/--oNt I o/ At Un'// * -z ' )n 1Az a-boue-'vzrlt;nt4tffo*n|ouau- T+ is unJqt*ooJ *A* | ,so',d d--k u: )tt 6t- *onstu"*e-J in it/h- sar'zE- rnd-nnut a.-nJ "/ *Ae- ", .'.-r-ro .-roJ * , n i^ a-a- +/Z U'riS*r/,is*,iy-t'"tl-So-rne- rr>oj eA r aJz,- c!-D- 7/)1tielr. k<*v I .:1. -. , . Jl9;r; v oo 'i -- 1ii -i: ] i,rti,tirL iti L-l l oo TOWN OF VAIL P. O. BOX ltlo. VAIL BOLORADO 8165t r PHONE 309-476-5613 n//Uo /ry f.a/4^.* fdrn NNTl lg Ih D,c*,.q 8o d, r^(.8r! 505 D.lr!.. r.rc5 75?? 1o-^- S4.€-,r 1'-G- a G 3c lJlrD lul\ l{LV Ir:,W tJUr}lIU oDATF-JF MEETING: IIEIIBERS PRESENT: BILL RUOFF LOU PARKER BILL BISNOP NON TODD ABE SHAPIRO ACTION LOT TAKEN BY MOTION VOTE: FOR: BLOCK FILINGt SECONDED BY: . AGAIIIST: 34/.{ APPROVED: DISAPPROVED: ABSTENTION: SUII{MARY:1(1. J d*:*r.* T"rlwf' o TOWN OF VAIL STREET CUT PERMIT 3. Workis{or: lcircreonel @]EEL /r'nO Permit Fee ,,t . - o PERMrrNo.00706 r,4/on' (Job Name or Location ol Work) INSPECTION REMARKS SKETCH PLAN OF WORK ATTACHED 7 Town of Vail H,FCTRICAL PM}IIT Date or tppric tion..-rffiA-Y.. Z .................r"7--7-.......- N9 Building Valuation Electrical Valuation Permit Fee Inspection Fee Total Fee 385 $.....-...-.................. $-.....-.................-... fu*nnS' APFRovALs THIS FORM BE POSTED ON Received By 2' HOIJRS ADVANCE NOTICE NEQI,'IRED FOR INSPECTTONS $............. fl{a l. r. ricaaral ao.. !rrvat r10432 JOB oPelmit Nd. 000291 I,AIL WATER A1{D SANITATI(}N DISTRICT WATER Al{D SEWER TAP PERMIT TAP PERMIT WILL BE ISSUED UNTIL TAP FEES HAVE BEEN PAID IN FULL. NAME OF JOB LOCATION AND LEGAL DESCRIPTION hrn PLUMBING OR MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR EXCAVATING CONTRACTOR Ltc. No. Ltc. No. SIZE OF TAP: Water_ Sewer_ Meter Size t ,r-r .-2NUMBER oe uNns /{ 4 Z x $300.00 = amun-rfuAn -ts .) 2,4rDate Billsd Tq fy ftfei 6 Eeo"'./7,-.'YhYT'2r-"""e'a': Date Paid c Finance Director Bldg. Oept, - Whito; - W6ter 6nd Sanitation - Groon; - Public Worka -Canary; - Contractor - Pink; - Accounting - Goldonrgd w ,oorr&', ,rruDATE O.F IIIEDTING: MEMBERS PRESENT: BILL RUOFF LOU PARKDR BILL BISHOP RON ?ODD ABE. SHAPIRO Dudley Abbott Dog Run @ ResidenceSUBJECT: LOT BLOCK_,935 Sandstone Rd.FILING ACTION TAKEN BY BOARD: -:-!IOT,rCrI , l4^,, -TZ)Of: APPROVED { DISAPPROVED: SECONDED BY: AGAINST: ,\-(JBE jn ap'te a ABS?ENTION: SUI{MARY: ?"!"t '"ard o TEMPOBARY CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY COTTONWOOD AT VAIL box lfl! vail, colorado 81657 (3031 47e5613 office of tho town manager November 17, L977 The Town of Vall hereby grants a Temporary Certlficate of Occupancy for Cottonwood at Vail, in the Town of Vail , Eagle Cbunty, Colorado. This Temporary Certificate of Occupancy sfratf be in 6ttect until Juty 15, 19?8, and sha1l be superceded by a certificate of occupancy upon satisfactory completion of the foLlowing items: The property above conditions)3, as described in 1. Painting of miscellaneous exterior sheet metal /r - A frashings, and ridge vents ltlreeL ruer'rf,r'('J"rv-'N'Jffi 2. Installatj-on of landscaping in accordance with plans approved by the Design Review Board of the Town of VaiI. above desc.'ibed is approved (based upon the for Occupancy of Group H Occupancy, in Fire Zone the Uniiorm Buil-ding Code, 1973 Edition. OfficiaL (or authorized agent ) I hereby agree to the above insure completion within the preseribed period of \ As Owner condltions 4nd tlme. My Commission cxpires Sept 1, lgSl am Plerce Chief Building Town of Vail _I o/, *k Town of Vail Fr.ncfRIcAL PmDIIT >7 Date of ApplicatiorL... ---..--..-.{--:--- SN9 Building Valuation Electrical Valuation Permit Fee lnspection Fee Total Fee Date Paid.-.......-. Received By 429 r-l $.......-......--.....-...... ,...37-.s:. ?k*Z THIS FORT BE FOSTED OT{ JOB SITE DURING CONSTRUCTIOI{ 24 HO{JRII AIIVANCE NOIICE RTQUIREII TIOR INSPECIIONS \ t".., '. xc..r.l ro.. o:xYtr tro.saI Town of Vail f,lI.r:cTRICAL PF/RMIT N9 Building Valuation Electrical Valuation Permit Fee Insp€ction Fee Total Fee 444 $-.....-..............-"..... $....-..-..-.......-......... s.*5.2...&^rfugre"r t4a Due' ,-n*trE ftqrnrt t4n /rt"rTk&e.:-r-.-.N8Jil....ffi ...ffi - sl8B.tunlo tn EFf=ffi. T-o7va- Fee €/za* 7eb3 qbP *oze Datc ilrrl7-ZBultdllt Omd.l THIS FORT T3 E POSTED ('1{ JOB STTE DURII{G CONSTRUCTIOII % HOIJRS ADVAI\ICB NOII@ REQTJTRED FOR INSPECTIONS i 6zP Tria a... fiaaarr( a!., !rrivra r|0arr :.. ::.;j ' l',:ir- '"-": llt,i. 'i". _,: rr,:Jrr:, ir-i-4t ,;ri:i-:, 1rr :'. ii t'+l: {*:a ;.a-,i:- tNsPEGGN TOWN OF FTEOL'EST VAIL DATE TIME JOB NAME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER E orsen MON COMMENTS: PMFRTUE n peRrrnl.LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR E nppRovED E uporu rne CORRECTIONS ! orsnppRovED FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: []nerNsPEcr Best. Copjo) DArE Available INSPECTOF rNsPEcrGru W OFo FIEGrUEST VAIL I onrE TIME JOB NAME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER I ornen /7'/',' -- . r , o- ! pnnrtll.LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION THUR PMFRMON COMMENTS: PPROVED fl uporu THE FoLlowrNG GoRREGTIoNS: florsnppRovED E nrrNsPEcr CORRECTIONS .,: ." t -,.v F.,'//'44DATF Tl / / -JOBNAME rf ME REcEf vE o //-.,2A (ail4g, CALLER rNseecr(bru rtEGluEsr TOWN OF -VAIL E ornrn ! pnnrrnl.LOCATION FRI 'flaerRovED tr DtSAPPRovED /_,/ LJ uporrr rHE FoLLowlNG coRRECTIoNS: CORRECTIONS fl nerNsPEcr rNsiPEcrGru HEGluEsr TOWN OF VAIL DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER ! orxrn MON COMMENTS: TUE E pnnrrnu LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR PMFR E nppRovED D orsappRovED ! nerNsPEcr E uporrr rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTlONS DATE INSPECTOR t:r r"i - rr TOWN OF VAIL DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER E ornen MON COMMENTS: TUE f] pnnrrnu LocAnoN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI AM PM E nppRovED E orsnppRovED fl nerNsPEcr E upom THE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR rNsPEcrGru TOWN OF FIEOUEST VAIL DATE JO8 NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER ! ornen MON COMMENTS: PMTUE n pnnrrll. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FR f]nppRovED ! orsnerRovED E nerNsPEcr fl upotrr rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS DATE i,t*,Ii{,irl ,!-,.triil;t tq;} .; i...,.-,;i-,.,',,r:, -2.),! INSFECTON TOWN OF -..-r:,ri-,t: i a:.. a_;i-::-rii; t.. -\'-- FIEOUEST VAIL DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER E orxEn MON COMMENTS: FRITUE n pnnrtnl. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR AM PM florsappRovED E upon rHE FoLLowrNG coRREGTToNS: CORRECTIONS I appRovED I nerNsPEcr INSPECTOR DATE ;, '",i:ti :"rl /lINSPECTIDN FIEOUEST VAILTOWN OF DATE JO8 NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER E ornen MON COMMENTS: FRITUE ! pnRrrel. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR AM PM E eppRovED I orseppRovED n nerNsPEcr fl uporrr rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR -'_: tNsPECTON TOWN OF FIEOIJEST VAIL DATE TIME JOB NAME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER n orHen MON COMMENTS: TUE E pannnl.LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI AM PM flappRovED D uporu rue CORRECTIONS ! orsnppRovED FOLLOWI NG COR RECTIONS: ! netNSPEcr DATE *,li-r :.,..,r.' : i.ii !*...,.-n-,1,;r i-,-.. -. .,, .-*f i--., i r.'- INSPECTOR , ...r,.*i.-i;i! -.{'.hii.;'-.i-,. $,i..".,.! i -,.,. -'--.',.i'11r,,.:"'-t rNsPEcforu TOWN OF FIEOUEsiT VAIL I orHen D pnnrtnu LocATtoN BEADY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR B-appRovED E orsnppRovED E nerNsPEcT E upon rHE FoLLowtNG coRRECTIoNS: CORRECTIONS ---_....+<9,-l o rNsPEctoru TOWN OF FIEITUEEiT VAIL DATE JOB NAME TIME RE IVED- AM PM CA D orHen ! pnnrrnl. LocAnoN MON TUE READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI AM PM E-see RovED I orsaeRRovED E nerNsPEcr fl uponr rHE FoLLowtNG GoRRECTIoNS: CORRECTIONS -,/aDATE L-n(specrdn nuseecrlru FtEGltJEllr TOWN OF V,(IL t-i;-r ,/ --/ JOB NAME VED- AM PM CALLER E orxen E pnnrtnl LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR,'ofiir''i (.. - ._. -' COMMENTS: TUE APPROVED E orseppRovED E netNsPEcr D upon rHE FoLLowtNG coRREcrloNs: CORRECTIONS ---"':INSPECTOR i a r* I 1 I INsi]'ECT}N TOWN OF F|EEUEST VAIL .:IPB NAME ! orsen E penrrnu tocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION MON COMMENTS: WED THUR FRI -AM PM F.rep RovE o I upon rxe CORRECTIONS E or snpp Rov E D FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: E nrrNsPEcr INSPECTOR DATE rNsPEcrlru TOWN OF FIEOUEsiT VAIL DATE ,, ' 'JOB NAME ,TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER ! ornen E pnnrrel. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION El-rppRov e o El upor,r rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: E orsnppRovED fl nerNSPEcr CORRECT]ONS rNsPEc{bru TOWN OF ,FIEOUEST VAIL DATE JO8 NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER D ornen MON COMMENTS: ! pnnrrnl. LocATroN TUE READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR PMFR EapgRovED ! orsnppRovED E uporu THE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS D nerNsPEcr INSPECTOR DATE rNst=sllor., TOWN OF FIEEUEST VAIL JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER ! orHrn MON COMMENTS: FRITUE E pnnrrau LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR AM PM E nppRovED E]orsnppRovED fl nerNSPEcr E upon rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS ii DATE INSPECTOR I w t. 3f21b rnrth el paso cobrado sghq adorcdo'009fr 303. 475'7300 2059 bryam sreet &ft,ie( cobodo.002t1 303 . 47. 0900 $r?et May Po. 11, L977 Excavation rnspection Cottonwood at Sandstone Townhouse Project Red Sandstone Road Vail, Eagle County, Colorado Projecr No. r368-1235-446 E-"t 1- 5-10 -D !tr. Dudley J. Abbott Box 398VaiI, Colorado 81657 Gentlemen: As requested by ]vlr. Jinr Craig, Contractor' we per- formed an excavati-on inspection at the site of the refer- errced project on May 4, L971. At that time, approximately two-thirds of the foundatior] excavation had been accom- plished on the south buildilg, These excavations included the entire south wall ancl e-ast walls and approxinrately the eastern two-thirds of the north wall. AII- of the excavations had penetrated the fill materi- als ancl had exposed naturarl soils consisting of silty, clayey sands and gravels w:-th cobbles ancl boulders. The natural soi--l-s exposed at tlte bottom of foundatj-on excava- tions wiIl be satisfactory to support conventional spread footing foundations proportioned for a maximum allowable bearing pressure of 1500 PSL', as recolnnended .in our SoiL and Foundation rnvestigation report, Project No. 1235, dated Irlarch 10, L977. The contracLor rvas advised to remove all loose materials f rotn the bottom of foundation excavations,prior to placement of foundation concrete. A second inspection was conducted by the rvriter on I{ay 9 , 1917. At that time the foundation excavations for the south building had been completed. The excavations had p'enetrated the o1d fill nraterials and had encountered the natura] granular strata. I\t the norLhlvest corner of the south bullding, the groundwater table was encountered by the foundation exca.vation. Ap1:roxinrately eight (B) to twelve (12) inches of rvater r^/as present in the excavation at the tiine of our inspection- A cotrs j-clerable amount of loose marLerial was prescnL at Lhe bottom of the e.\icavation in this area, below the cl rounillv,r Lc: r leveI. qcll 6 foundotion-' ,ingineering $s PE FsiE"8 (U b'l €of t ,, i Prol 'e l- ilo ' 136I i May II , LTTZ l-' ivage z I i The excavation for the lortlr building foundations had I also been .""o*pii=nli-ut-tnis time' -Groindwater was en- | countered along "n"--*ntttrnmosc p"iii"" of this foundatj-on excavation. : On May 9, .|97', ' the contractor rvas aclvised of the j following: 1) Even though the grounclwat?:-:ubft has been encountered i bv rhe tounaaiioi "*..'t.t'""=l-'l i: |""9T*ended that I t-he foundati'lii""r'Jt'i'r "ot ne'p"mpea in ar-r-a-tternpt to i: de-water. PumPing for de-waitti"-g pYrpo:e:.'Yttt create 'l an upward f tow" of -water thro;;;1it^ foundation bearing 'lsoils- tnis"ir;i ;;;;t" ' "qii"k" "?:l1:ion-in the n 'i" bearing *t"ttiii; ;;;-;irl alcrease their supportinq ^ll ir capacity- "o'- clrrr{ !' o^{. iiwA .l. : l,*i::i'":!Ln*v"'^ , from beneatn !L^ dr^rrndwat-er ;"b1;: Thi; t) l,j ff:T"Til?*"":l: :i':ffi':;ig"F:-i:i;ia'"'"' tabre' rhis :ii;il"";;"""""*prished bv hand methods 3) A11 form work shou19 l:^:::::?1otto* the areas where *e*pC/ tt !ii""it"a"t-rt"a been encountered' I t , 4) Foundation concret: :l::1:.,::..:l?::: *i:?:tlt""t;':l:"-''ky' €1-- ;:l$fi':?" .;r ;:il;";'i;; - ; ";;"-"; i ;;' w he re the s'*und:- water condition";;;-;;;sent' As-concrete is added to the f oundat ion "*llJ ui iolt' -::-*: * l"T:i::. = :"""1:*: di s *. ili:leliin:* "h" ::ti?$iq: ::i"i:? ;'ffi;]ffi ' {; 5) The foundataons should be constructed as large as the excavatio'''" t"-tn""" tt"-o to allow nraximum bearrng area - concrete should be placed ii^".1i::"1*"- ::rrr(jisr.-s prrvs-- -,nL "On"rete with theavoid mixing of t ground-9"? I I 9* ,(U/1,? 6)Foundationpossible to waler. 7) The foundauion walls in these areas should be exceptron- arrv welr'"i"t"""d in an l:t:ffit":?.ln*"lrt?;"";:3J::i:" !::l:::::ix:'";.';,n::'.:ffi.llJ^';n;;-in' roo"dation walI reinforcing ne"It*ft-"t Jounled in these areas' This shoutd n" ,r"ilti.a rrY ttre structural -"i9i"?::' The extra found.arion bars should orr.tr.-J*itvo"a tl:-ltitts of the groundr'vater ef fected area and' sho-uld extend 'at least eight (B) -"!i"i"i" the porci"l'"i-irt" f-oundation walrs supported nV"l"ittively dry ' 'it"aitt"tbecl natural ' soils ' ,*! !*c ,o il:;,ii: I;;,".'page 3 these recommendations are carefully followed, thesettlement of the foundations in the gro.rna"it"i- ?real slrould .be substanEially reduced. Howevbi,of pnknown conditions_below tire groundwater tab1e,still a risk involved. ctfuLLy _ If you have any guestions concerning this matter,please feel free to give us a call Ifrisk ofeffected becausethere is TES/cs 3 copies ?homas E. President Sunmerlee, P.E. sent cc; l,lr. ilim Craig 2" (eetsre"; 99q, fu,rr^,*t{ submitted, $s s-* J,o 3121b nonh el paso cdoodo sorioas cotrooo. 6OS6'/ 303. 475.7300 205e bq,ar* sseet &"rn'/e( cobodo'0021{ 303.477.09m 1"1r. Dudley J. Abbot-t Box 398 Vail, Colorado 81657 Gent lenlen : Reference is made to a with Mr. Jim Craig, General L4, l9'77 Cottonwood at Sandstone 'townhouse Project ll( | (l S.rndstone Road Vtril, EagIe CountY' Colorado May Re: (, a Eo F€ Project No. 1368 E-77-5- l0-D soil G tt: ). ephone conversation held Contractor on M.rY 13, L977. At that time, we discusscd the groundwater which has accumulated in the west foundation wall excavation of the north building at the project site. As we discussed in a previous letter, de-watering of the excavat-ion is not con- sidered to be practical , due Lo the possible development 9f 6 "c1uick" condition wl'rich rvould clestroy the bearing L-apacity of the granular soils located below foundation leveIs. It is recommended that the grounclwater situation in this area be handled as follows: lland excavate the loose materials from beneath' founda- tion areas below the groundwater leve1. Place washed gravel in the bottom of the excavation areas to a 1evel at least three (3) or four (4) inches above the groundwater leveI. compact the surface of the washed granular fill with a vibratory compactor. The gravel fill should cover the entire bottom of the foundation excavation. The spread footing wall foundation in this area should be increased to a width of at least thirty (30) inches and the foundation pad should be at least twelve (12) inches thick. I) 2',) 3) 4' s) Q:;',.r; i;;z'3'8 Page 2 If these recommendationscapacity should be attained. If you have any furtherplease feel free to give us a are followed, adequate bearing rluest,ions concerning this matter, calL. ctfully submitted, Thomas E. Summerlee, President 3 copies cc: Jim Craig 6ctsr€ad fu.r^,-rd o D ocToBER 27, t977 BILL RUOFF LOU PARKER BILL BISHOP RON TODD ABE SHAPIRO SUBJECT : .l . .l . cor-r r Hs - HoT Tus LOT , BLOCK , FILING ESIGN REVIEW Tf+BOARD DATE OF MEETING: MEMBERS PRESENT: ACTION TAKEN UOTION VOTE: BY BOARD: SECONDED BY: AGAINST: ,yn,o/po ABSTENTION: IEt$t+4.o APPROVED, X DISAPPROVED: SUMIdARY: APPTICANT f IT o IB DATE OT MEETING: r{EI!BERS PRESEI'I?: ESIGN BEVIEW BOARD. October 20, 1977 . BILL RUOFF LOU PARKER Bf#Et$H@ 'AOS-3ODE- ABE SHAPIRO Collins Hot Tub - conceptualSUBJECT: LO{r , BLOCK_,FILING ACTION TAKXN uotroN YOTE: APPROVED: BY BOARD: F'rt2tLtsg sECoNDED BY: AGAINST: ABSTENTION: .{ DISAPPROVED: SUMMARY: z F F zaa z 6i z s:\;f8l\ iF8? s\fr;H? $hi ;3 +4dEF a ' <)-s.->. ^-=\i--,-, F.o Fz O z 3 c F z F =IJJ v u, oz J z F foc IJJ uJ z l! z s oFz ur Eglo ul o F G uJ G EooJ uI J J F uJ Jtt J '6 t E 3 G- 3e >(9c, 2*Nt!- 2 -q t z trcqi6F€Ic4(,x>:z =< o-o>c) . .,i L Er lu o o z -o Jf o = lrc) = =eF () o UJ z oz s 9 F tc J \\...(.$ '\\ l' I ao L .E =tr=luIL Lr-Gtu =2, =qf m tIIIt o : X n?i.i \,k.tl coo l! J t- F F J Fo z E F oz o tt F E z J (o Ft) J UJ \ o J F F z F z F F 3 IJJ2 z () llJ ut t i 1 { o = F =f- 9 z lr. ll,l :: -) B Fx uJ aa = o G z A F a0 = ul J(.,z u,i rr. cc z F CE tU so E: F ct J !! Fl! E F z trz z ll. z I z o 5 J ruorrvnrvn,\ { t.\ rl ll".\ ^-\ .':- t\ !i' :s: ) ll '.' z 't r I f\ \ i.1 d' <( a2 aroo a r \) -i. '\ t o E z J Y J t- J :*(\l zo9 zo Fcr o" ccO 9o =>?z:< a.(J>UFO;ri UJz N llJ t? ti f t. il i U t, i, c\ I Y 3 z tr Eo J & z. tt\ zo F a tto F o '-'--{; .2 \t(3\: 'i{Y\'9". \r d g>:i. 1or't:)', .-: '.\\' \'' *t,:: /-*_L-*__--___. - - - I I box llX) vail, colorado 81657 (3031 47&5613 November L7, L977 The Town of Vail hereby grants a Temporary Certifj'cate of Occupancy for Cottonwood at Vail, in the Town of Vail, Eagle County, colorado. This Temporary certificate of occupancy' sfraff be in-.effect until July 15; L978, and shall be superceded by a certificate of occupancy upon satisfactory completion of the following items: 1. Painting of miscellaneous exterior sheet metal , flashings, and ridge vents 2. Installation of landscaping in accordance with plans approved by the Design Review Board of the Town of Vail . o TEMPORABY CERTITICATE The property above condltions)3, as described ln above described is approved (based upon the for Occupancy of Group H Occupancy, in Flre Zone the Uniform Building Code , L973 Edition ' As Orner (or authorized agent) I hereby agree to thE above condltions and insure completi.on within the prescribed period of time. office of the town manager am P]-erce Chief Building Official Town of Vail My.Commisslon cxpires Sept. i, lggl ... |. iE-Fd:E:=i=-i'-5rFi:--;---- =,';-::_:4,: I:-.--:- i- -: _tEL. :n:n4E--!-. -:!, '' :ai[I: i:: - i: a:. .-: ; rtt o rNsl'Eciloru -qr:It-; -rr F... ^{rr, ft FIEBTJEST E orHen ! penrtnu LOCATION REAOY FOR INSPECTION WED .' THURTUEMON COMMENTS: APPRO}ED tev' I-!J UPON THE fl orsneeRovED fl nerNsPEcr FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS | : '1. o rNsPEcforu TOWN OF FIEBUEST VAIL E orHrn E pnnrtnl.LOCATION _AM P.n,lMON COMMENTS: TUE WEq.FR READY FOR INSPECTION ElorsnppRovED E I NSP ECTE nppRovED ! uporrr rHE FoLlowrNG coRRECTIoNS: CORRECTIONS lt ) - t i rruspecrbR ? i I ir ljiill't'ii' I r,li i,i::T:i.r.{:i0. ir(ii: ,r1; C0i,(tlli' i :) i;1. (r 5 7 l'. ltirl l, t ll,rmr of /,<i<!r'c l; :; l,c t !ir::;:l.r rc:::, c,t. i':(':;:c 0i:nur' -1e-O-"*ta.5rz,-,ee.d.a-.1 llJlocr-. -_, Best copY Available ). . li;::; .lst'.'2ncl' 3r'd ,i. i3,:.:: l'oi1ct, [!r'i,:;r!., o:' 1']aslr5c.'t1 licsid:::';.:-el >: 0.?5 Co;;c:'c j.;l x L,00' fi)totrct' o,': 'f i:5 x J,.50 :: ' llth -_-.- f cc ll:clril',c3 N 0.25 -'.----_- ifrvJ '-- atyi r.ra'l;cl' four'caiL: >: 0,25 =. lr /.1..i Lll : ,$. iJiti,- 'J..ei: tt-i:li ---- --- 0rre-jit'.If li:r'ilr -. 1 l' fl *--&&**.. 6.)-la s J,l;t 2nd 3:rdlltlr 7. Ir:::: .1. r'i l: 2nt! l{ l::[ lt.th 8. Da:; i'tr1] liai:h ( Sho'..'c:. c:' Tttl' rii;r.sin, Toi] ct ) Xitchcns .licsidcni i.:r1 Di.::)ri'a slrc r' Xi t ch c: n s Co;:"'rc:'c.i.l L Di:; )tr.:ir :itc r' /zf .>: s.ao = ??* ): >: 9. lrth It;r s :trit '2rrr'l 7'x 2.so = 17;€7 >:, l.oc = =Z:: 2.50 :: I. O0 :: i< ?,,30 = . I I tl . l.'rrtrtrll'.7 ti(: l:i(lclr tiil). lr r.';, ff.1 1; 11,1, 1' tst WTI-|---W|Tzrrd / | 3r.d - 4tlr llns.l$t 2 rrtl ./ Rc or:r:; (Livi;r6 :'c.:sr .! ilc <l:.: c:;ls , Oi: icc:, Shops. S';u<i ios ). .%>: !.Oc J zt o,l:o = 3,5 .':.' C()l;;;rcr.ci''lI .a5hcr o .t ...1 ,th lt(>: 2.00 : Ita.,l i I ! I I I itlt . I l-5. 16 ?.:tslst 2:r<\ Sriltttlr ' (tr . 'i,ll* l.t;:tr::' -* (!i,:r j:lut;t oj' c:rc) 0u'Ji;!d e 9!::':l r:i:l'c:'s Iirc tlosc Ca)rinc'l s Scr'vicc Sta'c i.on . Sr,rir.',;:ri.nE, Pool Conve:rt:ion Cc:rtc:: l>ct' jterson tOli/il" l'OIill:S . liiisIs't' 2i,4 3r-d Qtlt ft x't,0o " .j,ao.,- .x 0.f,3 - >! 1.00 = x30. 00 =Ix 5.00 : r. 0.L0 :: taz- Ir5i) ori <1-r- -!- Di::'i: o'i. ,#.n1- artl !i:i.a:1.1 -!1-.lt<,-: ll.o'.;i:r g :l'l :e co::i:). c',: :i.ort o:' c('::) st!l"tc'!ic) :l cor:r'.:cr'c j-il :! 5'. l:uc'i:'.::i'l 5 . tile Di 3i'i:'t "-i :t t :-']. 1. 61;;;;i;;;;-;r- cir. r. i:i c :;,i r : s .{ g d,ll::':: ill: -,*'. :.,'l:'';l: :::t.':- | (.,r !,r-rr LJ r" 1'r-o lec. a cl -P':rti: i;r'ls'.i3 it[--.i,itti,,t,t"a ;:ccoi-r):ii:g'co thc "];tc:' ai:<i S':':rc:r 6li,"t,i.,i"l - L :; ('rtic,l (i (' d ; .:!)c'J :r'i r., D i :;l':"l c: 1' s l'::: l- l- itilr"i,li=:] iit ti,., crr'i-1;i:r;:)' ia!) f ec . rre j cl ' 1l j'r'r aJ.s,o <le'ic:ni ne tlie builci'in1; o1":rri:lr's lJ'r'iic!' aio ::ii-.j:c i:,1)' arC ju5'. :::1.::'c:; in s lec'J :o;1 . s,'',e1.t- sc".lcl'scl'vic(l Dor..l:cl of Dircrc';o:"l ':' liii r'lui'." anc Sriritatiorr I]ist:':lc'i char.Sc. .l Dr;sIcN nllvlljv DOAND DATI OT MIETING: MEMBtrRS PRtrSENT: T*f'ltr U,lz,l,rll t*, ^/ mafua"U./ ACTION SECONDID BY: AGAINST:VOTB: FOR: APP}]O\IJiD: --^.!-'\t\n\tI:n.l) I5l\I'I'ttu Y t!L' '-r) ABSTI1NTToN: alLz-(K SUIIIIA}iY: . 'in/i .., irJtt l(rrvior*I t) lJ rl'o Pald IOJ ECT :0AL DESCntPTtoll o z0ll tt,l0 cllt-(:l(L | 3 t suMl4AftY i ARCfllTIcT )r srzE ?)t#'f / ?/ , onfr,oy, '{0' :TBACKS: Required - Front 3n- , Sldes - Ho-t^<t<' --r7 155- Front Z/4,1 , Sldes ;E ZOIIE t '.t"v1'-ll ; PROPoSE0 USE( S ) Actua I - ISTAIiCE BETVIEEN BU I LD INGS: Reou I red Avera,ge Grade Hel ll4MERC IAL FLOOR AREA: Percentage a I lo Actual sq. ft. U I LD I NG BULK CONTROL :Al lowab!e rnaximum length equi red of f sets -o|!' -, Actua I length i'''r/ , Diagonal trE 69VERAGE: nrronau t" .-3-{ fl, Atlowable sq . tr-/qlt2/Jy', Act 'ut /J . ''' rt., Acr uur.ZS!t-'q. rt., , ft, Commor, -, Requi ,.d 4D fi,4IlIr-J,I*'c. ft., Actua', ./F- -1 frltil7'o'', )ADING: No. Requi red /2-, No. Actua | /b ' covered Re- ---J/t) , Adf2/,{ - ^/\Jn Jqlr ' I' -JPttllet@a4.-t. tV.qry,lnta/t4,/<, zr, t ?cTUa I JA,o Actua I , Rea r , Diagonal iIGHT: .R.F.A.f t {4X1-tb ,''/,rt:& 23/!, E OPEN Act ua SPACE: f lsq.fr.-\U1l.U)=i *"q, i ,"d J,SO f^*; . AP I I{G: G AND S EABL Y ANDSC ARK I I'I uired Ground Leve I LOAD I f.rG:Required -, No. ; Cove red Actua I ON ING APPROVAL }ES IGN REV IEl^l BOARD APPROVAL ,TILITIES APPROVAL T. :NV IRONMENTAL ll''lPACT APPR0VAL Chairman, Design Review Board Town Eng i nee r Da te Da te l''la y o r Date s t ra to r )ate S ubm i )ate S ubm i )ate Submi ixtens ion ly Sect lon C0l"ll.'lENTS: for Zon i f or Des i for Envi ng Rev iew .gn Review ronmenta I tted tted tted of Dead I ine Oead I ine Date Da te lmpact Rev i to ew Dead I ine date (Ssrios of t973).of 0rdlnance No. I item as po rrn i tted //1 Jth baaayl f( y 33' Lto( 4za 33' /ssh 2o )( g)'- 0oo lo X f = 300 So?/. oo S-0 tt 0 --&0 u 23, oo -2( rQ t.oo , LdO ----t'?'/24trxC, Wgf o /tt L,14,/ q- J IU Je an/tuoaa t/ a?,s-r L.(, J// z( tu (r /3.* 4tt.7( lilr.Aa-r,.n-/ Jn/ 3J. f t2t) 26. ftJl alY 3o'- t06{ t--.tt?s ,/#,l/ ./t )/l/-/^. l- /./ | ' /fry07 (*otdt^*^ //L/on,uy' 47,t atr = 22o j /nr/,"/ / ( s, jt -., 30x 2( -- /ar zl2ft z4€4x /i.2(t 2( =2.9x ? (. '4to020 /0 0-00z( /o o (. tto !u"/L hfJrr^- 2 3?4,, 7r0 240 Coa ? 7z-0z(r-( f"*IJ* lt JC*qrlqi1, azlta,l t].1 oloo f o DESIGN nnvIEl'l lloAnD o.'.1 i l( t ; I DATtr OII IiIUETING: ' IIE}.IDIIRS PRI]SINT: SUBJECT: ACTION TAIiIiN W VOMIP: f IiorroN , /()l fnn SDCONDED BY: AGAINST:VOTE: FOR: hnf,'Lnr"4 A]}STIiN']'ION: APPnovI:r) ,thfn &/,7 ,r"/nfi/u DISAPl')liovliD; SUI\lrltliY: o kwr g,qcJ#Va,a^\c;r fio,zw Tf ,(41€ A& bt\ug__cF{fePtA i - VAr" 3fio rs/kffi** b,a31 otrts (z ru*) -4'goz -edfta$ greye (e+ceau ,A<eess) P' 9;lue satfi*L{t -. I - 1/t*AsltE * b,4 cxrs j sq# fuftacf,A /,* 'fr, srle * 1,o1<W*"sL t---'-' t r -/tt:q%swe Gr&ptcq, ht,,';g {4,s"/ Sfu*f)- 4 " 1oL-* - -TlArNrado,r4 oF_ re frz_o? sEzape crfa.l $*cr €xc-urstve cf, W4a*W rec(fsd -Ek.IL tfes. &e* qp.ovrT@ ,+f 6hocp tzUet- f"e- {%++ TnlerilnJg , o .4- s4 -,ffi ft; grys, o 3E' (u'**ru) PETER LOOMS , AIA Larimer Square DENVER, C!LO. Phonc 892.0370 Corrrini s s ion al-so woulclsee tiie srgn aga.in.,r. ire l.;ali insteaC of hanging. rr. liirr crul icu.t :rirecto:-y - it uru"Q."oo'.unouothe br-aci:er to ncld the s ign conf orn .to the one nexr:on the burl:r in5. r'ire si gn-was appr.oved as submittedthe bracket chanqr:. 5. liarvest Table - the signgraeen with the trinr yeJ.lowlresubnitted. .r- L - +- +^ .i- with 6 ' chil-drensr corner" - The Vair Factory proFosed to nakethe srgn six square fcet instead of the allowable size ofthree square fee'L . The5; demonstrated to the planning Con_nis.sicn hovr the srnall sign is dwan ed in the ,r"ry f-.guwindo":s in the front of rhe builcling. rr-r"--Fru""ing commiss:.-cnappr"oved the sign as resubrnitted wiin trre largen si-ze andthe ye1low ball_oon. Sunburst Site Development Sien _ uras resubrnitted with a darkerThe sign \,.ras approved as Jpp"o.',r"a as submitted H5::1t:i11.,,r" or".ented a prelimi"*"u .n-l..;;IF**-P1 ,anrr jnry /r^-*.i ^^-'^- c- e+v.: t/+qL L \'r Lr\; \r rqrttr+rr.; \-\r,ru'r-b5l-on for property lOcated west and north of Sandsione 5?,::l::d"i_I::1i:_g aboui tire densities -anJ-ivp""or development the I a")it"ng. was no further business, the meeting adjourned at 3:40 p.n ----'-*.-.--. --./' =e71 i+r l q- planniirg conmission would rike to ;;;-;"-;h. "iIJpI;.t::"=i;:";;;.;i' is proposing rB units, two-story with p""ri"c'bJneath on .69 acres a;idis also proposing-a swimming pcbr. HDi'rF "orrr'g wou]d be requirecito accommccate this number df-units. The-pi;"f;i"g commisiiJ; ;;_ . ;i:::ro a surunarv of the HD}IF and also.MDMF-;;;i"; on trris p..ii*i.-,,,y\- Secretany-To -EfiE onm].S s tol') o iQr.rch 30, L974 Itr. Itcd Slifer' Chai:man EagJ-e @r.rrLy Plamincf Ccnmissicrt lilgl-er' Cokrrado I'rr, I,tilie Blai-r: Dagle County Plan:rer 1,e51-c, Colorailo Dear ftorl arxi Mi-ke: It lras ccrne to opr attention that Drdley Albott is starting cotlstnrction of aparllest:s; on a frct-tsr--e1 of grorrnrl hc ol.:irs r^'hic!r ls tlirec Lly rrorth oll the Sarrlstone 7b coruionfud'ns, arri vi:st of U.e ltlrr,nl aparU.nentt. tr're a:; rcsiclcnts of tire area objr::t to Uris prroject. tle feeL tirat tlte parcel of ground vrlll- not support tlte 24 proloso3 air"rrtn:nts, esi:ccialli' vrith tlre consrc',uent prroblqiLs that will cle\relcSl v$,:n tlNry are occurpieci yc::x no'.lyrd. tl!:en consi<lerirg ttle project, please gil'e atterrtion to the foll-eadlg: 1. There vrill be a deta'inental effe'ct on tje strean adjacent to the prjoperqt. One of the nost vltal- aE>3e'ts to ecrrsi<ler is the 30 foot sftbafk fnol t}le- sttream. I.b haye a:ready seen tjrat lrls trrlldozing-f tlre site tns pxrlluted ttre strean. 2. Ttre densltv proposod v,'lll have an aduerse gfllect on the area. 3. Ttre anrcirnt of glen-:qreen:-QCce.<xr the proPerty r"{1} tr, irl-l--t}ere is ru:t ourgh g|:ranrxl for his prcposed afiartroents gr<1 atry open spaee. 4. Tlre parki:rq plan fon the apnrrrnen:s mrst be s:eriously consiCersl. This is a veqy@ted arca at tle- present t-irre, and rrle feel. ltery st:onqly that Ure additlon-of 24 apartsr,ents wil-I resuLt jrr l*e pnrl:jng of 50 to 75 cars. I;nless tlre project is rtarire.f to harre a.r r:rxierynotrnC parkjrr-q' gar^qe for all tcrranlsl carsl f*tgf vdlf- frark in the Sandstrme cu1p1e.:<, on tlre Alnord nrolerty' al-cng Red Sardstsre fbid, an.J Rgl Sarrlslsre Circfe. These areas ar.e a}:eady congesteC ttrr cars, especial-ly irr ttre wjnter, and the area sirnply carurot support tJre adrlitiornl trrrrlerr of off-slte fnxing. $e are concerned €rat this prcject, if it is brrilt as prtposed, wi}l be a pir"oblen area fcnr years 69 cqre. qrit is r..ltry r.e a:re rernrestilg tlat prcper actio.n be takert rpvr to fursure a PrcPer balane bet$E€n lard, hrildingr ctP€n space, parkiry arcBs, ard strean. Yo:re tnrly, l'{r. ad l&'s. Jad( MiUs 303-470-!O55 .+a,Vrit Pronertie, Ltd. ?*/Ahb W"q/',,-/a,*0 AITZMARK BLDC. vArL. coLoRADO 3t6t7 llarch 29, L974 Mr. Jim Lamont Adminis trative Assistant Town of Vail Vail, Colorado 81657 Subject: Abbott,/Cunningham Cottonwood Place Dear Jim: Consistent with my previous policy the purpose of this lettex is to up- date you concerni.ng the Abbott/Cunningham project known as Cottonwood Place. A meetiag was held with the County Conmissioners this past Tuesday in order to appeal the decision of the Eagle County Planning Board concerning our project. All interested parties were notified, and were at the meeting. Please see Cunningham memo dated March 2L, L974. County ALtorney, Hugh Warder, did not directly discuss Senate Bill 35, but rather addressed himself to the fact that he believed that Abbott and Cunningham had followed all prescribed regulations, and that he did feel Lhat we had been excessively imposed upon. He suggested that the Board had several alternatives: 1. To uphold the Planning Board action. 2, To deny the Planning Board Action. 3. That Abbott and Cunningham be asked by the Conrnissioners to apply for an exemption of the subdivision regulations of Eagle County. He indicated that the exemption route would offer a faix and equitable solution to the matter. The board then went into closed session, and we were notified that the decision was to ask us to apply for an exemption; which would require the shortest timet i.e. less than thirty (30) days. P.O, BOX t26 XtEitlFl[rtrXEE)(ll$l{Eclxn(rtllraaxxx)(l0xtr$at()6xdFo(ItxiExxxxdff*ff*)t]tFiliId(IoE6X Jim Lamoot tiarch 29, L974 Page-2- As you aust understand at thls date ttne is extrenely the tlne coosl.deratloo that we have declded to subnit exerptlon to the County Plarurlng Board. If you have any guestlons or conments, Please co'ntact that the llae of comrnicatlon snrst be kept opea. impor tant. It was wl tlt an appllcatlon for rne. I feel stroaglY S lncere Lyt JDA:ob Abbott, Jr. P.O. Box 623 Vail, Colorado 81557 I4aurch 28, L974 Vail Plarurjrg Ccnmission l4snbers c/o Ttrun of Vail Bo< 100 Vail, Colorado 81657 Cientlqen: I arn enclosiry a oopry of my letter to tlre Ebgle County Planning @crdssion with regard to a pnoject proposed by one of your rrrcrdbers, fnrtlql Atbott. Orr letter to the County sets forth scrne of our ooncerns about tJris project, proposed for the Sardstone area. l4r. Abbott "ansrarered" our letter, and the letters of ottrer residents of the area' plus that of tlre Sardstone 70 Cordqdnir-m Association. Terry Irtilger received a cogf of this anster. We feel ttnt tlp developer did not ansr^,erall the questions v*rich exist concernixg the project; tlrere are stiff serious questions unanslered. After or:r ag>eal to lhe Eagle CcunQr ehnniry Connission, thqg recccmended,actilg wittr the advise of I'tr. Itrrgh Vyarder, that ttris project be subject to reviery by t}e Eagle County ehnniry @rmission, as are all pu:ojects in Eagle County. Ihe derrelopers tmk e><ceptior to this nrling, ard appealed it to ttre Cotrnty @rmissioners. The derzelopers and ttrose of us oplnsed to the project net with the Eagle County @nnissiqrers on Tuesday, Marctl 26, L974. Ttre developer roas prepared at this rneetilg to present his proposal to the Ccttmissionersi lnvleven, ttre oppositior pointed out that this neeting was not called to revierp the project. It€ Ccnrni-ssioners had been asked by the develoS:ersr atr4leal of thenrling nerely to consider that ruling by ttre Eagle Countlz Planning Ccnmission. The outccne of tlre Ccnmissioners' decision was that the project would be subjectto revigir. lilr. Abbott will, I believe, soon be applying to ttre Tonrr of Vail for anne><ationof this piece of properEy. If it is anne:<ed, and zoned, r/le are nrcst adanant aboutits not being zoned so that the prroject as protrDsed could be built upon it. trlefeel that this densitf is nnrch too highn and will have a very advense effect on the surrourding area. In fact, ue have doubts as to r,rrtretlrer or not this properQt orght to be developed at all. l€ feel ttnt I,Ir. Abbott, especially since he sits as a concerned citizen on theVail Plannirg Ccnrnission, stpuld be nrcst willing to cooperate r,v:ittr ttre Eagle Oor:nt1z Planning @rmission ard the To^,n to rmke this project an asset to the neighborhood,if in fact it has to o<ist. l4r. Abbott stated al the neetilg with ttre Ccnmty @missioners ttrat he lvas a good neigtrbor. If he proceeds with tr-is prroject as rmlv proposed, we will have to take ocception to that statsnerrt. YcursverY truly,a\^^/ [ J ltltilJALtqdhng4 [h,[ ll.,/---- -i - lrtu AY It{r. ard l4rs. Jack lvlills Hrcl. Jarnes Cunningham Cunningham Construction Co. Box 418 Vail, Coloraclo 81657 Re: Cottornvood P'iace You are hereby notified, based upon an opinion of project lying adjacent to EAGLE COUNTY OF PLANNING AND COURTHOU$E P. O. Box 789 Eagle, Colorado 8t631 20 March 1974 by direction of Planning Director, Michael Blair, County Attorney, Hugh Warder,'that your proposed Red Sandstone Creek known as Cottonwood Place /'. oepnfaer.rr a oevfpver.rr Phone 328-6338 o o (a) is subject to the provisions of the County Subdivision Regulations and therefore must adhere to the requirements thgreof , including pl an and docurnent submissions and publ ic hearings; (b) shal I not be issued a building permit until such requirements are rnet, irregardless of whether you are constructing apartments or condominiums ^ '(Ootn of which shal I be construed as subdivision). %Lf.Bo*.- Robert H. Barr Planning Assistant -..-.. RHB/Kt attachment t Sandsione 70 Condominium Association ltarch 20, 1974 Mr. Roa Slife:r , Chai-rman Eagle County Planning Comission Eagle, Colorado 8163I Gentlonen: As president of the Boarcl of Manaqe:s ior the Sandstone 70 Conio0rr):tr-irE AssociaLion which represents 67 o.rners r- uould like to bring io your attention a proj ece north of our colplex, located west of the A5rond ApartBenis .td "aia.ent to Red Saadstole Creek which is' jointli' Qrr'rr{d 'I believe, by Dudley Abbott and Ji.a Ccrni-rghan of Vail' The Board of l,lanagers is concernec. '-rl^1: ti:a project should cone uni': careful consideration of the CouD:? 9 La;ni:g Board so that the iollorilag points would be cqnsid.ered: 1. Is the County streao setback :equi.=q-ren! being respected? 2. what al.e tlre larilscaping plans? 3. What parking facilities will b= u-jlized as there is alreadSr a problen in t*re Sandstone area riit -DAJsons parking in prifaLe :pac3s and on Red sandstone Road. . Excessi,ve vEhicles'creates diiiisu!-i"s witlr snor removal - 4. Ilhat will be the density of the 5:=oj ect? 5. What aoenities are being proviced fo= tire proposed 24 unj.ts? woulC =evier"r this project care:ul-ly- fia:-k P-O. E:x 1206 Vaii, Coicrado 81657 very truly yotlss, SAIIDSTONE 70 CC}'eC:E:i!;.! ASSOCLl?rO.'i tt su';tJf., /alz o7t) Sara Ga-ri:r,l ?:asicer: We would hope that the countY you for your consiCeration. }IN{AGER.9: E. Ranilolph Whitelar Dudley Holjtes Cheryl Britton Charles Thomas cc: ierre].l i'linger, Town of Vail . Dudley Abbott o L I o Mr. & Mrg. Dcn P. O. Fox J VaLlr 0olorado I{arch 2(u., lYl4 Al-onC. 81.657 I'Ir. l.Ilke Blalf County Plauer Eagle' Colorado o Dear t{r. Blalr: lfltb referencs to ny telephone coavarsatlon vlth Un. poiert--n""r y"ste'd.a!, thl; Ieitor y111 conflrn our d.eep concsrn over..3g?..-Cgnst:rrctlon oi a 2lr,.u-:rj.t Itapartnentrt "o"bLex, kaown "F-.€S$ Placo (.q,ubot,^"-cunnln-ghaa), to. te iocatad iust wggt of Alsond Apartnen+,s ' l'ten I: epoke io Uuafey l6'oott, he atateil that the proJect had baen rpp""""a'a long iilaa ago, when ln faat you bad Just re- c!'ivea the pla;g. lleis6 at laast ba aHare of tho followlng: 1. Thg pr^operty la belng 6rad,ad wltbout a pe::olt and' d!'rt aad, roLts are Uetns plled' on anC pushed over tha Red, Sand.stone Creei< ban! ( eae attachad photos) tn aa effort to pass tb'e set-back iequlrernent. Tha d.lrt anC' r^oclcs ara pressntly : ' Soi"g ln tho creak and' thg entlr€ bank v111 ilasb-1uto the crsek' Hr. Les DouSlas r*ltnesgad' : thls tbls nornlnS. lfe ar€ requestlng thlg d:!rt .'. : t:- 2. !lr. Abbott stated. to me that he v111 tuln ths apar'.,:ents lnto cond'onlntr.L:ts 8s soon as ths . ,pro.lect, ls ccElpleted, Thls ls nora than Jus'" apaculatloa' Tbsy are plaonlag a d.onsltT of 24 u-nlts oa thls plece of 1and, and the on1;r Srean or ccl:Eon arsa ls Rga Sand.s^r,ons Creek anil our land' Wa are v"ry co.,cerneil aboui-'wb:re tha chlLdren vll1- pl ay or itre pats ulII roa;l' eepeclally slnco LlonsVlei{ (Ooua H-oy"") plans to take the park area eabt or BFok Tr€e. o L lvlarctt 20, L974 l4r. Rod Slifer, Caj:rnan Eagle @unty Planning Ccnrnission Eag1e, Colorado l4r. l4lke Blai.r Eagle Oo'.lnty Plarner Colorado. Dear Rod and Mike: It has c\rne to otr attenticn that hrdley AbboLt is starting consEuction of . apartlents on a pa:rcel of g:rcund he oums r"rtridr is directty north of the Sandstone 70 condcrainiuns, ard i'est of the Alnrgrd apartments. We as resj.dents of the area ohject to th,is project. I.le feel tlnt the trnrcel of gtu:ndwjl.l. not sr:pporL the 24 trxoposed apartnents, especially with tlre oons€quent probl.errs tlnt- will develol:, when they are oca.pied year ror:nd- l*ren considerirg the projects, please give attention to $re follorirrg: l. There wilt be a detriroental- effect on ttre strean adjacent to the properey. One of the ncst vita1 aq)ecls to ccnsid.er is t}re 30 foot setlracl< frqn the strean. I^le have al-ready seen ttnt his billdozing of the site has. pllutecl tJle streal i 2. the density p:rcposed wiJ-J- have an adverse effese on the area. 3. ltre arnourrt of open "green" slEce on the property wiIL be nil-there is nots erurgh g:.orJrd for his prpgnsed and any oIEn space 4. lfte parking plin for the aprtrnents rnrst be seriously conside:ed. ' This is a very ccrngest€d area at the pressrt Uirrc, and we feel- very strongly ttnt the addition of 24 apartrents wilJ- result in tlre parking of 50 to 75 cars. UnLesstfieproject is requi-red to have an,und.erground parkJng garage for a.'L,.t tenantsl: cdrse t}rqyt will park in ttre Sandstone corple<, on the Alrond propergr, along- Red Sandstcne Road, and Red Sandstone Cjrcle. These areas are al:eady crc,ngested. by cars, especie'l'ly in the winter, janCt tie area sJrply cannot srpinrt the addiLiornJ- brrCen of off-site parkirg. : , _ .,. -., We are concerned, that th-is p:roject, if it is built. as proposed, rvill be a problorr area for years to ccme. That is why vle are requestJlg tJrat proper aclion be takenrsr to jrsure a prloper balance bet$reerr,1and, building, open space, parking areas,ani streenr. Yours tn:J.y, uilfi- f tr)r,uiand l,Irs. Jack I'fills , l.t 'i:f;;!i:: 'rrj#J4i l. ltarch 20' 1974 l4r. Rod Slifer, clrairman Eag1e county Planning Cormission Eagle, Colorado 8163I Gentlemen: It was brought to my attention yesterday that Dudley Abbott anil Jim Cu;uringha.n of Vail vere proceeding with their '24-unitr project located directly north of the Sandstone 70 complex and adj acent to Red sanclstone Creek. AD onsj,te inspection this nrorning revealecl that with their scr:apping of the surface area the d--bris had been pushed toward Red Sandstone Creek and had litera1ly rolled to the water's 'edge. This is in direct violatj.on of the County's 30- foot setSack. If the contractor is violating County regulations at the onset of the project, what will occur when actual excavatj.on is undex\',ay? :' The Vail Tor,n office confi:med, that Dudley Abbott had presented to the Town of Vail regarding having this lancl annexedi 'buL that hail held off. Inasmuch as the Town of VaiI would Probably have Red Sandstone Ro'ad will becoroe even more critical- a proposal I*1r. AbbotC limited the density of the area to uredir.ur density nulti-fa:nily rather than the high density multi-faraily, and the fact that the County is gaining on zoling regulations; is thj.s a RUsH job under the zoning wire? /?-rrb &t// .4?^ Vetricular circuLation is a significant factor. During periods of rapid heawy snows Recl Sandstone Road is a real hazard. Cars cannot climb the hill adjacent to the Alncnd Apartnents and what vrith cars parked along the Red Sandstone Road it is inpossible for adequate snow renoval to take place. When the rPotato Patch' becoires a realj.ty with a proj ected peak population of 500 persons, the Lions Ridge area becomes more d,ense, t:affic on the relatively nalrow ltiLl this Ablott{unningharn Project supply enough parking within the Ploper.ty bbundarj.e s (NgT within 3O feet of the stream) so as to eliminate spillage onto the Red Sandstone Road, the Red Sandstone Circle Road and tlte Red Sandstone - conplex? : ' :' - .' ',, .:' On three-fourths of, an acre,and including 24 units in adilition to Parking sPacesfor5oto75vehic}es,whatroomisleftfolanenities? The persons living in the Red Sandstone area are concerned. What can be done? and what can we specifically do? Thank you. ' Sincerely, /'l':rs. sharon l.lelin Box 73 vail, colorado 81657 1476-5858) cc: ltike Blair o lnun oftr box t oo vail, colorado sr 6s7 303.476.5613 TO FROM S UBJ ECT DATE MEMORANDUM Terry Minger Diana Toughill Poss ib le annexat ion of p roperty adjacent to Sandstone 70 27 luly 1973 Dudlev Abbott would like to annex a tract of approxi- mately 50r253 square feet to the Town of Vail. The property i6 located di recfly North and East of Sandstone 70 and encompasses to the center of Sandstone Creek. Due to the location, the Almond property becomes an enclave which would make its annexation possible in the future. The proposed annexati on wou I d a lso a I low fhe Town to annex portions of Lions Ridge. Dudley has proposed HDMF Zoning which seems reasonable if adjoining buildings are considered. HDMF Zoning would allow approximately lB units of 1,000 square feet eachwith one underground pa rk ing space per unit. We p robab ly cannot annex w ith any other Zon ing. The Proposed structure is two stories and cou ld be attractive. I fee I th is cou ld be an important p iece for annex as we might be able to ge+ green belt stone C reek. Could an informal meeting be arranged with Commission as soon as possib le to consi der fee I it is warranted. the Town to a I ong Sand- the P lann ing th is if you cc: Kent R. Rose J im Lamont ETAi fr .,..".f 15g : I Lr+ Ftr-,.r-r.'i.-r t p.;:. )Lt ,1 .l i ' "J l\. t:. WLLLll.l:i-r {'ii, !Ir. i i,' i: i, ltrrj 't, a!.t: i. :t vtic Qalot i t., - 37b.. .: ..,. . In resoonse tO ,loirr r"c,Oge:i iS on Igir,.ita:r y ,,, l9-1 4, I hav<: . the area and founc fhe following: , .:_:i, : ... :..\ l. 1ire di'f {erence in c: iciial'lo;t bl,r, r.r::}i lit:, noi tira I f lc,;'i' and *he Norfhwesf corner of your proposed building t 5,0 i eet. " ' l'r:'':- - 2, The rate of dloo in tne creek along vcur prooertv is nar f ,1O laat ar \ F dPc, r.v P. 3. .-l-he creek ' ano nave banks have not been rlisfurberj b.z recenJ consl'ruc'l ion sub:itant ia I cover (frees and brush). And fh'ere is na c ian nf d:m=na *n +h^,,v Ivr. .,--!^- ^l ^--+vror(ir wr P<r> |years. proDerty bv hlgh.. ,..: , ::i, l . r,ri i t; rt 'rrtrr tr rjrr. lrllr.'r rjr! :--\rc t'! Best coPl' Availablc t1t {-tz-ty !{r. Oatnan t'8hlPn Oorrlon Val1' 0oloracto 8f557 Eagle Oounty Plannlng OonntrrlonEeglo Oounty 0ourt floucoEaglt, Colored.o Ro: oottonrood Pleoc Dear 81rr: I havc becn plorlag anov fon ltro Torn of Va1l for thepast /t-ll2 yoar:r and ln thts aapaolty, I plor Rcd Sandgtoao Road and Red ganitstoil Clrch. I havo alsoplorod tbet portlon of tho gandstono 70 aoorss roaalfron Rcd. Sandstone Road, vest betycen the eoutb cntl of lLnond. {pts. and, thc north cnd of Sandstoac 70 pastttrc eubJcot ptlolrcrtt. I bavr bccn askrd to ralk tbo Bbov.-r.fcrcnecd, proporty(rlth a oolrJr of tbe sltr Blan for proposed snor renovai) andl to glvr ry oplnloa of thla proposal: I. Nr[.rour tlrog throughout the rlater thc aroa eround thcse ecocas roadg ls go oongeat,cdrlth oers, lt lt lnpogslblc to ovcn gtt apl.or through autl vc b,avo to turn around and.trlp to plov anothcr tlne. 2. lflth rcfer.noo to thc Flanr Eufflolrnt rool hae not bocn a11orcd fon onJr lnor banlr orbull<l uD eLong tbc 6ast property llnc, andthcrrr la not enough roon to novo the snoroff thc north ond.. lhc aroy you].d. havc tobc Xrloyed otrto thc prlvato X)roperty to the cartr 3. fa addltlon, sufflolcat roon has not bocnleft bctuecn tho south cnd. of the bullctlng and tho Sa,ndstono f0 r.rrtt to push eaov rcstovor thc bank lnto the cnaak ag lndloatcalelltrlg snov vould alao have to bc pLorcd gouth onto prtv*tc property. 4. f do not feel rlth thc parklng problcne and snor renoval problont that alncady exlst, t\ Eegle Corrnty Plannlng Comlaolonlprtl lT, LY71 Pago 2 4. 0ontlnsrd ln tbtc arGs that thonr 1r aroug[ roon to keep thls propoaad looora road opotle lc you hov, vcrlr bazcrdoul eondlltlonr al-rra{y crlrt on'Rod Benigtoni Road, and any eddcd pnoblcro of ad.dltlonal cnov anq/or partid eara rould nakr tbc gltuatlon lrpooslblr nott of tlrr rlator. 8ltracnelyr -dah-.*/-4""-u oatnan trgx1pn oordon oclph cnoL. Bbotograpbo (Iov scarol) oos tragh oounty ?lannlng oonnlcgloncrs o;ooCt.OA l'I ,ol *tAl l.Qt coro(Jr d, zoOd)H'Ei!ooQ r'l li +tjd f'l I F-r,Hr -+tD' t.-'o\O,{,dao'ABr T{OL 0'|t tc E iEoO.!{zdHi Pziz:oDl o()t {J\oHt tE{l O.OI f{lnl .-r<l lrl :.-{odog> F +J q) O. ti 'odo o0)X P+rcld o +r.1 oPgL q-{-{ +)O r-{ OAtrr-{ o.rl. <{N lol-t +t I r{o i*+ trr -i iEllo8 q.o F*, tJH 6rj R(' 'D€-rd l;s P (D? o a !o r-.1 { lo ,6-,().6 @'ir{Olqr +J ooo. 1.'r'tJ Er C) .o ,!( Eco)d!"p o€ptrrlod+r ddoc 60 t< tr ro b0 !oA G) xooL C) oco {J d g) --+J dtoF UJ ioo ''l!o /d <1 o D o *4d +) d) dorlo o c r0d d|f\ L. r{ hop"o O-l9..{Or-{tr3 sC{r i-{ g) t!d o.E {JPot<o5 ft* o P o o - roo{1ng north _ Clrf belnr(c Pushed over. benk . ooKln€. east fron Cre€k eyl 11 bg& coupr I(LCEIVIN l,':l e l i:,i4 '".''' i24r- r rr,r;,y J :r }_a . lookln,< gouth - Clrt & roeksr ogolnq lnto the creek " lcoklng r+egt - drope d.lrectlyroff to creek looklnr( south -' *olnq Into the Clrt & rockg .creek ll:;-l',iri:) f.,l ' l.'t ') 1 .;ii f . \ i, t ), :" "'j : fal ' frllrlii l r:r ' I 1',^4 -y', 1:)1 c":'./:_,:,a,- :t'/L !{t,l y't.r', ,7 tro tDdoo to F{ +t cl + !.-o\Fl r{ .FlLA 4 trol(dP oo+,oE Ar{ trlo p{ AooFzo E{g{o(J ll I tdlEJI HIctl Io f'l Imop<l w o{l Ili :EI<l !tr1ol2lHIz'2lblol 5l cq'pql<l d o C) oo r-{ A{ .> + ,r4odd ..{ lJp 0,ood h r-{ t)o<)ocdoOP{rd o@oEoooH! t" tDc o{JP Eitroooto€qr lo.do€oI.rd t'ooFtrtr XID;c+)o -1 d r-l LJ4 > O|O-{ t,lOlr -'{LJ o. ()l. oo3 .!4coodP r-l{rpood +{oPdod)FIoc)oI{()+1oc)6 o>r()r-l d tr r"{OA ll d M o orJ 15 dd tt {5 o ' ,.:'/l(\\.\!\.\'\ I ufit ilrilluuiri it box roo vail, colorado 81657 303.476.5613 April 22, 1974 RICtIVS) a7 APR H 1!,,rMEMORANDUI.l TO: TOWN 0F VA I L PLANN ING C0['1M I SS l0N l'i:ining I Countyi C:. FROi''l : KEi'lT R0SE, T0l'lN ENG I NEER DIANA TOUGHT LL, Z0NtNG ADt'4lNlSTRAToR RE:COTTONvlOOD PLACE As rnenrbers of the Town staf f it somet imes becomes our responsibility to raise questions on proposed projects wh ich shou ld be answered Dy 1'he developer at the time of review. This was done on the subject pro ject in our merrro of Apri | 10. Fo I low ing is an amp I if ication of tfr€ comments nrade in that memo: S i nce tire t ime of our memo, there was a rneet i ng on Monday, Apr i l5 betrveen Terry Minger, J im Cunningham, Dudley Abbott and Kent Rose at lvhich tine Mr. Abbott could not oroduce a fitle and boundary s u rvey rvhich we re in agreement w ith each other. l,le have never seen the property corners staked in the f ield on.l-he s ite and we don rt know f hat the creek is shown in the cor- rect location on the plat. The legal description contained in the survey (copy a'f tached) furnished us indicates that theproperty line on the west side of the site corresponds to the center of S:ihdstone C reek. lf the survey and legal descrip- tion are co r rect, the 30r setb ack was measured f rom the center of Sandstone Creek and the creek is no1' properly shown on theplat. The legal descriotion contained on the survey does not agree with the legal description contained in Section l.l of the Condornin i um Dec larat icn for Sandstone 70 at Va i | . The only access to the site is through Sandstone 70 which is aprivate road and parking, 'r,rhich road arr d parking are a part of the genera I common elemen'is owned by the Condom in ium Assoc iat ionin accor-dance v/ith Seci ion 5,2 of ihe Condominium Declaration. Under Seciion 5.7.3 the declarani has the right to extend the easemenl- 'fo the subject property; however, the Condomin ium Assoc iat ion has the right to assess fees for maintenance for such exfens ion cf this easeme n t to the owners of the p ropose d new units. Since roads and parking are a part of the common elernenis of the existing Associafion, we feel they should give written Dermission for chanaina these common elements. Dept. (if fagle a o ew 4. 5. Cottonvrood P I ace Rev i April 22, 1974 Page 2 Arch itectura I Graph ic Standards recommends an abso lute 251 minimum length for parallel parking spaces with a minimum' aisfe width ol 2Ot; however, this does not allow for any snow storage among the parking spaces. The spaces shown are 221 long with an aisle rvidth rvhich varies f rom l8r to 22 1 . Comment reriinr on the fwo angle parking spaces on the south end of the site. The rights to the Sandstone Ditch (as excepted from property ownership in the Condominium Declaration Section l.l) are owned by the Princeville Corporation and the Vail \1later and Sanitation District. The Vail Water and Sanitation District is now in the process of converting all of their water rights from agricul- fural use to domestic use and transferring recorded diversion points to actual diversion points. i]1le have been advised by our water rights experts, Blatchley & Associates, that should court proceedings be delayed, it would be to the Districtrs benefit io restore all irrigation ditches and head gates that are Pre- sently owned by the District and run water through the ditches for measurement by the water commiss ioner on a month ly bas is. on April l2 Mr. Abbott and Kent Rose inspected the site and coul not determine where on the property the ditch is. We donrt feel that abandonment of the ditch would be detrimental to the District and would not delay the project on this point. 6. Pertaining to the question cf fire profection of the proposed project, see attached letter from the Vai I Fire Deparfment. 7. We feel that the comments pertaining to Town of vail zoning are sufficiently clear and require no further explanation. We have used the same review procesS for this project as is used for every project reviewed by the Town of Vail staff for the Town or Eagle'Couniy''and do not feel that we have been any more critical of Cottonwood P lace than for any other s imi lar project. it .ii ,ll t;lt, ar )-l-+->- i :-.i iE, . . :,,-".,,,:":^!' :t,:t:";l:).i,: lI o >' F nl I ozm o 3 Bz ;!i irijic ii ! I ! t t ! ! i I I i [c:;i ci l'iii box t o o vail, colorado 8ro5z 303.476.5G13 April 16, J-974 TO: Boari of County Commissioners EagJ.e Ccuutl' ?1a;)t)ing Co:iuoissionVail l>1.enning Co;:i:iiiss io;r I'11:. Ji.m Cunrrirrgl.tar:rVail llater and Sanitation District RD: Proposed Fil.e No. Se-57-74 Exemption, Cottonwood Place I. Avail-ab1e Fire Prot-,ecLion The p::oposed Cottorwr-rod Place project is not witliin the bouriCa::ies of the Vail rj.re Prctection DistricL. L'he property l-ies rn an unprotectc:d area, v,'irich dictates only a limited fire response shcu-ld an emergency s j-tuat.ion arise. At pre- ser1t, liinitcci responsc cons-i-sLs of a Coloraoo State Forest Scrvicc tankcr, carryj.ng 800 gall.ons cf r.rater with a pump capaciLy of i50 gal-1<;ns per rnirrute. 2. Accessibility Access to tl-re property is linrited to one drive that could bocome i:oo narr--orv to be of use if parliing or sno\'/p1or+itrg is not tiqhtll' cont::olled. Tlre nortfi and rvest exposures of the builcti-ng ar:e rrot accessiblr: at all. in terns of firefj-ghting operations. .A'lceess from ttre par):ing area nay be Limited or prevented b1' parked vehicles. il-o seconda:y or alternate accessis provided. ExisLing Fi.refi.girr:'i.ng CaSrabilities TlTrec fire hydrants rro\'.' exist j.n ihe Sandstone area. Based on riicasurenents taken by the Vail Fire Deparl:ment, the closest hycl.rant to tire p;<:rosed buildings ',tould require a hcse lay of 320 feeL. Distance froin the furtiresL hydrant tvould involve 576 feeL of hose. These distances are based otr the assumption tirat roacls would be clear of all obsLacles and under ideal uondj tj.o;rs. (See accori!)an/-i r.rg nrap. ) The Irire Departncnt re- coln:ncncrs an adCitional, nevr hydranL to be placed immediately adjaccnt-. to the access drit'e of the project; cxacL locacion to be det<:rmined aL a later date by the Fire Chief. k. (lrr.t.lr 3:;:?'' rs74 l. ixPosures :;;:.trc dxisting complexcs arc very close to the proposccl project ,:._l:riglrt be endangered in t.hc event of a major fire, especially -: u::iJ is a factor. The clcsest is Sandstor:e 70, rvhi-ch wiil i...d one of j.ts buildings on).y 22 feet from t]:e roof ovcrhang : L::d ProPosed project. .Ihe other two comple.xes within a :r;,;c d.istance are Brooktree Concioirriniuras and Lhe Almond Apart- , ;.i$. . Rcqui.red Fire Flor^r . ;:;c(i on infor:nation received from the architect, relating to.:j:.li square footage of the buildj-ngs and type of construction,. : lre flow of appro>:inat.e1y 4400 gallons per minute woutd be ; :uired if the buildings \.rere totally involved. : i:i.:1c points have been discussed with ,:...! the1r have indicate<1 a willingness :,. ;'rired to provide as high a standard' :;sible i,-:spectful1y. ..'NIL FIRD DEPART}IEI{T ll:ilc Carlisle .:.:./ liosburgir:tsistor.ta Chief j1:/csc the project devefopers,to do whatever might be of fire protection as o , I liorc:e-o C0 TrcrJxtocP fAo.r ecr f LA( oq a70 t |---l '-@ l.-,,,? ron'' \ \ \ €x N 6i , .Si-,.r t- .f A^!ts7'DNt t cLlt !-; !"'{/JT €K, :,:;,"G ,fi4t;! sto pe ,C(r(t. D."t ''( ^,':' T-t ofr lJt/ DAir l;' .-----.-v t!'!:r":'-a?€' ,, @ oe^;t",te Nf u't'ut a -Fel ar: s\r,C\< o =rlrrennr .F ifri,S'?HII" oe l'oeuren COURTHOUSE P. O. Box 789 Eaglo, Colordo 8r631 29 Aprll 1974 Phonc 328-6338 Mr. Wm. Jarncr Curnlngham and Mr. J. Drdloy Abbott, Jr. Box 413 Vall, Colordo 81657 Ror Fllc No. 9r-57-74 Exormtlon Cottonwood Placc At thclr rprclal moctlng on 26 Aprll 1974 th. Bord of County Commlsslon re denled yotrr Appllcatlon ior Exrnrptlon ?rom thc Eeglc County Subdlvlelon Reguldlonr. Thc follodrtg roarona worc ttatrd ior ruch donlal:(1) Flood Plcln In rclatlon to th. 3O loot artbrck|(2) Uecdillfty of Parklrg Plm;(3) Accear*llltyi(4) Intrrprctatlon of Sadetonc 70 Protcctlvo Co'nanante;(5) Rovlo,v of Dmrlty; It you havr any ctrrcrtlonr plealr contact offlcc, ln thc Cor.rtlnr,rro. Rlepccttully, Mlcharl S. Blalr Dlrcctor MSB/ld cc! Bord ol Conty Commlulonrre thrlr Srcrotary tb Cotnty Clork, o? thls , 'i {t 4i .t o-rot =Nr oF r=..o*-*=,,uJ l*t' " - uGpM ENrCOUBTHOUSE' ,,.., P. O. Box789. phone 328-6339 " Eagle, Oolorado 8t631 18 dprll 1974 Mr.Wm. Jarnee Cunnlngham and Mr. J. Ludley Abbotttr Jr. Box 418 Vall, Oolorado 81657 i Rc: Flle No. Se-57-74 At their regulr meetlng on 17 Aprll 1974, the plannlng CommlsslgTr i racomrrrarrded denial of yourAppllcailon for Exempilon from the E€le county subdlvlelon Regulations. The fgllowlng iterns were stat€d as tho reaeons for such denlst : : (f) Flood Ptaln In rclaUpn to tha gO toot sctback; (2) Uecsltlty of Parklrrg ptan; (3) Acccsaablllty; (4) Inteipretatlon of Srridstone 70 protdctlve Covenante; Exemptlon (5) Rcvlew of Denalty. Respect ful ly, Robort H. Barr Plannlr.'rg Acalstant RHB/Kt The recommendatlaE wl ll be preeonted to tho Board of County Commlssloner3 at thcir apeclal rnectlng on 26 Aprll 1974.t bcalnnlrq at 9:@ A.M. lf you have any queatlons, yourre walcorne to contact thlE offlce. cc: Eoard of County Comrnlaalonrrt t ,,i : /Ail' t_b tnl (, D tJ- V tl I ,Ja:(,\ rllnond Apartnents Jrprll 15, 1974 ?o: Ita$l€ County i'lRnnlnq 0oG!fl18s1on i'r.orot Don an<l l'lerge Alnx'l !te: CottonYrood itlaee :io havc eonttnucd io roaeArch enC r€vlow thtg pr"opoaed dcvelopmon! and r€quctt that srcEptton b€ donlcd lcr th. follorlng, Fenrona: I. :i.if.5.(X.O. -':'h6 hlqh yreter level Jl t,he cltGek hae never bean dctormtncd and 8td(ed and the plan Etrove a JOt sotbeolt fron th€ oantor of tho crcek. 'lhe vegt bounda4y llnc oli thle propcrty t8 fron tho centen of ttro Btrcar; thor€ioncr the atrean 1! aketehad ln the vronE plaoc. In adrtltlon, ttrts lor ootbaok aren !g to b€ prot€ctcil ln 1?,3 natural. ntatc. Ttrll hae alreu.dy been clenrly vlolntad and rltnesacd ln photos nn4 by ovcr:rons lcoklnE at the ;rrorrenty. !n ordo: tc Putlrr tlrc ;rnrklnc enea to the north (epaeea #11-1tl) the Innrl wtll have to bei oreAted b.v lllltni ln thc bnnke, and ttron propenl-v ealcul|rted 1e rs!"thln th' ]C' netbaek. ?. 5.C6..Q5 - The nli'htri-hcl4ere ln Sntrdatone 11 tch snd 'iod fiandsr".ono Creek were nct nctll'led of thte Cevoiopment es of "iprtl II' 197&' 8nd wrltte:t clrngont hcs not been qlven to destrDy thc dlteh' t. 4.Or.O, - To our knowledge thls lniornatlon hes not becr. nubrlitcd ln sufflclent dotall, and thc tr"eo :Enss ltrrlng tho riltch haa nct beon ahonn to evon exlgt. tt. 4.Ot:.04 enrl 5.uB - Inlornntlon 8lvln8 pcneentnzo of exlntln.rq alopoe hns not becn ;rlven. 5. '1'he l-ol Bhapo end torraln of i.hls slte should, be a crl ?,lcnl feoior tn deterYntnlnS how tt chruld be developcrt. The peroentage of tho loi Lhat ls trelng eonputed for nlreen apaoe, i:reon beltt r.eerentlon nreas'r 1c lnrgely iied 'lanCston€ Cr6ok and banks nnC, er.eek be.l nncen. ?ho onLy levol, rtoeblc, logLcrrl c,)'lnon area ntl11 reaalng our beek yarxl . RECEIVED APR 2 ff 1974 Dopt. 0f Pianning & Devel. fsgl€ County. coto. t Eagle County -PIAprll L5, L974 Page 2 10. o annlng 6. 7. FI 9. Coroml gslon iie very strcnrly fecl that tlr. Edeenre requeatfor an Envlronnental Inpaot etatement ehouL(l be granted to deter"mlne the stream protcetlon, addltlonal care, plans for preeervlng trecer etc.t so that the rrhealth, sefetv and welfard of everyono ln th1 s area 1e belng protected. r,'lth tho probleure of loee of apac€ due to anor andl problerne of gnow rernoval and tho trafflc andparklng condltlona aurroundlnS the acoogs road, there rnugt be sdlequatc off-etreet parklnS. Vr'e donot feel that adequato, ueable parktng hae been provlded' Thene le abgolutely no eet-back fron the eaat boundar'1rIlne and when the tr"€eg are r€moved for thle parklng anea, ther.e vlll bc no buffer whatsoever betuoen our property and thelre. A clear tltle to thle property should be preeented and a surx/ey showlng the locatlon of the weet boundary llne ln aeeordanee nlth tbat tltle. ths va1I Flr'e Department hag etated that there lg lnadequate aecesa to thc bulldlng for ilr"e trucks. AB an adJacent property ownerr we request they havg thle protectlon. rR IU tRt tul IEIlr- t] V il The above lnfcrmatlon has been crmplled by attendlng all offlc1a1 meetLngs (tcwn & Corrnty); tatktng vlth the developeng and walktn6 the property; talklng wlth other a<i.Jacent property owners and developarei hydroloclet, -r1p. gave church; 'rrans.,tnerlea Tltle Co., :iV Land survev Co.; Mlke CarlleLe, Vall ;i'1 re Chlef ; Lou Cowden, Tln cou1tas, .lobert rlarfr Erlk Edeenr etc. /n JOHN D. VANDERHOOF Governor COLORADO GEOLOGICAL SURVEY DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES 254 COLUMBINE BUILDING - 1845 SHERMAN STREET OENVER, COLORADO 80203 PHONE 592.2611 Aprll 30, l-974 l{r. MichaeL S. BLalr Eagle County Planner P. O. Box 789 Eagle, Colorado 8163L Dear tr{r. Blalr:RE: FILE NO. Se-57-74 EI(EUPTION COTTONWOOD PLACE We have revlewed the pJ.at for the above referenced proJect and also inspected the slte aLong with I'Ir. Robert Barr. The geologlc conatrainta are few, but we feeL that there are two areas of concern, Surface drainage fron the site (ioofs, parklng lots, etc.) needs be collected and filtered before entering Red Sandstone Creek. It ls lnperatlve that Red Saadstone Creek during conatructLon or after and that all free standlng. ALl debris that lodgee ln out before the spring runoff starta. not be eocroached upon bridges across the creek be the creek should be cleaned Slncerely, LRL,/crs cc: Land Use Conmlgsion R[C:]'/TD & Uevel: Colq GEOLOGY SToRY oF THE PAST.. . KEY TO THE FUTURE =444-sL. R. Ladwlg Associate Englneering GeologLst MAY 3 - ET4 'DcpL 0f ptanning bCctrty, JOHN W. ROLD Director t:i 1: t, ,.. : "rrL!;ctnr;i *box 1oo vail, colorado 816s7 303.476 5613 April 22, 1974 IU:TOIIN OF VA I L lilE I,tORAN D UII PLANN ING COI4M ISS ION FROI4: KENT ROSE, TOI,Ii\i ENG INEER D IANA TOUGH I LL, ZON ING ADM IN I STRATOR RE:COTTONI1OOD P LAC E As membei-s of the Torvn staf f it somet i mes becomes our respons ib i I ityto ra ise questions on proposed projects wh ich shou I d be ansvreredby the developer at the time of revievr. This was done on the subjectproject in our memo of April 10. Follovring is an amplification ofthe cornments made in that memo: since the tiine of our memo, there vras a meeting on llonday, Aprill5 betr'reen Terry Minger, J im cunn ingharn, Dud ley Abbott and KentRose at rvhich f ime 1"1 r. Abbott could not produce a title andboun dary s urvey vrh ich we re in agreemen t riiih each other. we have never seen the property corners staked in the field onthe site and we cionrt know that the creek is shown in the cor-rect location orr the plat. The legal description contained lnthe s urvey ( copy attached ) furn ished us i nd i cates thaf theproperty line on the west side of the site corresponds to thecenter of siihdsione creek. if the survey and legal ciescrip-t!on are correct, the 50f setback was measured from the centerof sandstone creek and the creek is not properly shorvn on thep la'i . Jh" lega I descr i pt i on conta ined on tire s i.uey does notagree with the legal description contained in section l.l ofthe Condomi n i um Dec larat ion for Sandstone 70 at Va i | . The only access to the sife is through sandstone 70 which is eprivate road and parking, which roaci and parking are a part ofthe general comrion elements ovned by the condominium Associationin accordance r;ith Section 5.2 cf the condominium Dec larat ion.under section 5.7.J -ihe decloran'f has the righl-to exfend theeasement to the subject prooerty; however, the Condonrin iumAsscciaf ion has ihe r ight to assess fees for ma intenance fcrsuch extension of -ihis easement to the ov,,ners of the proposednew uni'is. since roads and parking are a part of the commone lemen'l's of the existing Associaiion, we feel they should givewritten permission for changing these conlmon elernenrs. 2. 5. ,./': i;ll?";::0,!li"n$' Page 2 o 4.Architectural Graphic Standards recommends an absolute 231 minirnurn length for parallel parking spaces with a minimum aisle r.ridth of 20t; however, this does not allovt for any snow storage among the parking spaces. The spaces shown are 221 f ong with an aisle vridth vrhich varies f rom lBr to 22r. Comment remains on the two angle parking spaces on the south end of the si1'e. The rights to the Sandstone Ditch (as excepted frorn property ownership in the Condominium Declaration Section l.l) are ovrned by the Princeville Corporation and the Vail Vlater and Sanitation District. The Vail l,late.r and Sanitation Districf is novr in the process of converting all of their wate r rights f rom agricul- tura I use 1'o domest i c use and transferr ing recorded diversion points to actual diversion points, Vle have been advised by our water righl-s experis, Blatchley & Associates, that should court proceedings be delayed, it vrould be to the Districtrs benefit to restore all irrigation ditches and head. gates that are pre- sently ovrned by the District and run water through the ditches for measurement by the Water Commissioner on a monl-hly basis. On Ap ri I l2 lrlr. Abbott and Kent Rose i nspected the s i te and cou I not determine vrhere on the property the ditch is. Vle donrt f ee I that abandonmen-f of the d itch vrou ld be detrimenta I to the District and would not delay the project on this point. Perfaining to the question of fire protection of the proposed project, see attached letter from the Vail Fire Departmenf. I'le feel that the comments perfaining to Town of Vail zoning are suf f iciently clear and require no further explanation. t{e have used the same revie91 process for this project as is used for every project revieyed by the Town of VaiI staff for the Town or Eagle'Couniy''und do not feel that we have been any more critical of Coitonwood Place than for any other simi lar Proiect. 5. 6. 7. P.O. Bo:< 523 Vail, Oolorado 81657lpri,l 4, 1974 o. Vail Plarvrirg @mdssion l{ernbers c/o tb\^rn of Vail Box I00 Vail, Colorado 81657 Gentlqen: You have copies of my letters to the @unty officials of t"tarch 20, L974 ard to you of March 28, 1974 rggaalcling tJ:e Abbott{urur_i.nglran project. With tl:is letter I am erq)ressing to lrou my oontinued qcncern about ttr-is prog>sed project. Before we can consider annecing th-is par:cel of glpund irrto the Torpn ofVail, we feel that the guestions wtrich have arisen regarding this project mrst be answered satisfactorily. Tlrese guestions concern the follorrilg: 1. The effect of the project on the strean. Tlrls effest rnrst not be detrfuental to Red Sardstone freek irr any \.ray. 2. The densiQr of the area is great at present, ard we cannot further congest the area wittr the project as proposed p:resently. 3. @n space nu.rst be preserved on this site; this nn:st be considered when dealing with ttre size of a b-rilding ttrat should be put on the land. 4. Adequate parkhg on tlre site must be provided. There sinply cannot be any inadequac.y in the rtratter of parkilg. Ttre plonring of snow on the. property rnrst be qcnsidered as we aU_ kncrhr that parking q)aces are lost during ttre r,uinter nrcnths, and the residents r,rculd not be legally ableto park on adjacent prirzate property. Itre pr:blic roads in the area are already hearily burrdened by the runnber of cars in the area that nnrst be parked. 5. the single irqress to the property ouJd pose a problqn. 6. lltre trees on the properQr are a1ive, for the nost part. Scme of the larrger aspen trees may be dead; tprrvever, tbose that are alive should be saved. 7. The ease wittr wluich a fire trucl< coul.d get to tJ:e brilding should be considered. Perhaps the ansr,rcr to ttrese questions crcuLd be forrrd jn an Ewirorsnental InpactSlrdy' ard perhaps this is the d.irecLion r,ire should nrcve in before fi:rther discussingtle anno<ation of this trurcel of gr-ourd. , -r.: -it;'ED l,'.,i,, 5 1't14 DePt. 0f Plenrrlng i. ,. .,1. fagJe County. Coto. Yours veqr truly, \\ 'J4 ct a ''J6'^d L/ ;MraArd Mrs. Jack Mil-I6 NJQ P.O. Box 623 Vail, Colorado 81657 l4arch 28, 1974 Vail Plaffring Ocnmission Msnbers c/o ltcnnn of Vail Box 100 Vail, Colorado 81657 Gentlsruen: I am enclosing a copy of ny letter to Ure Eagle Courrty Planning Ccnrnission with regfard to a project prol':osed by one: of yor:r merdbers, Dudley Abbott. Our letter to the County sets forth scme of our ooncerns abcut this project, po:oposed for the Sandstorre area. l"lr. Al-ibott "ansraieredl or:r ]-etter, and ttre letters of ot]rer residents of the area, p}rs that of tlre Sardstone 70 Conicxniniun Association. Terry I'tinger received a copy of thi-s ans^rer. We feel ttnt the developer did not ans\,verall ttre questions vitrich exist concernfug the p:rojecti ttrere are Edff serious questions unansr"rered. After our appeal to The Eagle County Plaruring Ccrrntission, they recormerrded, acting witJl the advise of t!r. Hugh Warder, that this project be subjecb to revr-st by tlre Eagle Corrrty Plarning Ccrmr-issi-on, as are aI1 projects in Eagle County. Ttre developers took ocception to this mling, and appealed it to t}re Counlry Ccrmcissiorirrrs. Atre deveiopers ard those of us oplx,rsed io iJre proj ect net with the Eagle County Ccrnnissioners on Tuesday, March 26t L974. Ihe derreloper was prepared at tJ:is rreetilg to present his proposal to the Ccnmissionersi llclvever' the opposition grinted out that this meeting wrs not called to revienr the project. The Cotwrissioners had beerr asked by ttte developers' appeal of the ruIiJg nerely to concider ttrat ruling blr ttre Eagle Oouncy Planniag @nnission. Ttrc outcrcrne of ttre Ccnrnissioners' decisi.on was that the project r,ould be subjectto reviqr. I{r. Abbott will, I believe, soon be appiying to tlre Torpn of Vail for annocationof this pJece of property. If it is arure><ed, and zoned, he are Trpst adanant aboutits not being zoned so thrat the project as p::oposed could be built upon it. h&3feel that this density is much too high, and will have a very adverse effect on the surrounding area. In fact, lve have dor:lcts as to whether or not this prr:perty orght to be developed at all. l{e feel that Mr. Abbott, especially sjnce he sits as a concerned citizen on theVail Pla-nnilg Cctmission, sirorld be npst wifling to cooperate with Lhe Eagle CounQz Plarudng Ccnmission ad the To\^rn to nrake this project an asset to the neighborhood,if in fact it has to exist. !4r. Abbott stated at the reeting with the Counq/ Ccrrnissioners that he was a good neighbor. If he proceeds with hiq pr.oject a€ ncnv proposed, we will ha.,re to take er<ception to that statsnent. t . ) At,R ii 1gt4 DepL 0J PhniLtB d L.,dl. $8h eeury, 00lo_aa Encl.i**u ,'l-L*yL/- yt ./*aQ 4"*t''il* f^ fl' ft" \-eiJ6a Wesrenru Slope COco. 550 15th STREET DENVER, COLORADO 8O2O2 April L9, 1974 Eagle Gorurty Planning Department. P.O. Box 635 Eagle, Colorado 8f631 Re: Prellmlnarv Plot, Plahs Mayne Exernption Sunlight Condomlnlum Exenp. Cottonwood Place Fillng No. sE-57-74 Gent Lemen : tJe have examined the above captioned plot plans and find that at. thls tine Western has no facilitles on the land to be plotted. Please note that we are a gas transmLssion utillCy and our approva 1 does not reflect our ability to serve subJecE subdivision. $ery truly yours,\\ t:f) / \jd-^wtlY [r.^k Daniel L. Tekavec, Assoc. Right-of-way Agent DLT: cg PFCfII/iD #;i 2? rs/4 .ud#,,*&:,,,. N/jA\//tlI \J---o., w+!+al r.+ rrl t! Uo C""-ag1>n --,*-,.*, 6fl(,.- . _ -$2" il-L ceLa/Ll>'f ^* R-cE/yF) D,,::* ' rc74 *,11ffi;;"" II fi '{\.a/L' .G."0 C *-,-,,..*1 0L'-.,.. .i, ,,'n, (1'-u.,-"----,,,., (t) /--\ /\'ll+)a ,)/< ,/lllA t /\a , ttr, "'.'-t,rt 3 ---.--.-_\---.G.- -.'.'......l.---^'1'--.ir JO.! 4I r!-tO5 5 P,O. BOX t26 Vl Ronortie, Ltd. ?""/ €rht*,Aqba9fi'r-r"nt "AITZMARX BLD''. vAlL, CoLoRADO ttClt PROTInCI Llvlng areaper 1ot arca Bul1ttlngper 1ot aroa arca liandston? 70 Oondoninluns arca" avera,ge.. Brook Irce Condonlnlum Alnonrl Apartnenta Sreakaway Wcot CondonLnlr.ur OOIIONWOOD STAOD APARIMENrS, 4r.6% 69.zy'. 5?,6y'o 75',ofr 46.4fi 17.21 22,,5y'. 29.rfr 5r.ort #/t.r/ D$rvrr otttStt '|toraa tot/tfl.tala . ouAiAt{ty laxt( E1.D0. . Dt|fvai,coloiaDo totol I ViD '| D,i I' | - 7.t,_./<! bo>l loo vail, colorado alG57 303.4 7 6.5613 T.**.: r 1a 16-t,l.tij-r! -l- -L iUr -L) l.t TO: Ecar:d of County CorL',r,rissioners Laglc Coui'rty Plairnrng ConrmissionVail- Plannirrq Co:n::,issionIIr, Jir,i CunningharnVail Uater and Sanitation Distri-cL RE: ;.?::oposed Fil.e No. Se-57-74 Exemption, Cottonrvood Place 1.Available Fire Protection The proposed Cottonwood Place project is not within the boundaries of the Vail r'ire Protection District. The property lies i;r an unproteeted area, rvhich dicl--ates only a limited fire response shoufd an emeligency sittration arj-se. At pre- sent/ limited response cor-rsists of a Col-orado S'uate Foresi Service tanl(er, carrying 800 gal:l-ons of water vrith a purnp capaci't1' of 150 gallons per minute. 2. Accessibilitv '.': Access to. the property is linited to one drive that could beccne too narror'r to be of use if parking or snowplcvring is not tighLly coni:rolled. The north and west exposLrres of the builcing are not accessible at al-l in terrns of fjrefighti:igoperaLions. Access frorn the parlcing area r.ay be linited ot prevented by parked vehicles. tio second.ary or alLernate accessis provided. 3. Existing FirefighLing Capabilities Three fire h1'flsants nor.r e>list in the Sandstone area. Based on measurerilen-Ls taken by the Va j-I Fire Depaitrrlerlt, t:e cl cses-- hydra::t to the proposed buildi-nc;s r,iouId "equirc a hose :ai' of 320 feet. D.istarnce fron the fu::thesi- hydranh" woulc ii..'c-'ie 576 feeL of hose. Tb-ese distances are ba.sed on the ass,::rrpiio:t that roaCs rvould be clear of all obstacles and under i:lc:rl conditi.ons. (See accoinpanying map. ) The Fire Depal'::',.::r: re- . con'.i-.renc1s a;r add:itiona1, rr e',.r h)'cl.i'.:n L to be placed ii,r::.ciiacely a.Jjacer^t to -"he access drive of t-he prcjecL; Gr{;-lc+- Iocaiion to be Ce';ermitred art a la{-cr dauc by tire !'i:e Chiei. o ilitrtu ' re74 4, [xi)osures Threc e:*isting compleves are vel:y close to the proposed project ancl nright ):e ei.rdangered in thc cvent of a major fire, especially if rt'incl. is a factor. The clc;.;r',:=;t il; Sandsi.c,le 70 r l'rhich vril1 hatze orte of its builciS-t-rgs cnl'; l2 fuct fio:r i:-.e roof overha:rg of .t-lro : ,r-n:-,nq,.,:,i n*ni..'r,.i- . .pho .) l.i.lCf tHO C: Of.. i.; I eZ C: l; r.l:_tl:in av^.\- u.- clr;ser dislarr<:e ar<.: Froolil-reo Co::C'r:Lij-niuils ar:ci Lhe AII,rcllc! A:Ja::- men Ls . 5. Recli"rired ['irc Flotv Based on infonnation reccivecl f::on the arcir.itect' relating '-o t-otal s(:uare footage of ilte b'.rilciir:gs and typc of constructj.ct, a f i::e ilow of ;l pprox iri;t'-.c l.y 1:'t0C cial-l o;rs per lr'inute would be rr:r.r.'i r-r:r1 i f t- tt.r buildings \.,'ere i:O.i:ali1z inv6lyq6. Thcsc iror;rts l'l '-rve been cliscus;seci r': j.th the pro j ec-' developers , and t-ile)/ have iricli-cated a r'rillinglless to do r'rhaLevcr might be requi::ocr -.o p::ovicie as higi'r a steind.ard of fi::e protection as possi'uIe. Respectfully, VAIL FIRE DEPARTi'1EI.IT l'like Ca::1isIe Irtc,/csc Assistant Chief oot o 4r rNt ,\ lAotD:rt' ,. '.49(}-rtcttt'"- " ,.'zf f Aot, rt"' o ' : ..,. rn 0{oii3 'Aci,:'.:-- €YrS+"Ne^ /Jr/ff,{&" il Ad. o c-5rl') { I I I I I \ 3?0 ' T1r-\L-------3 .flv-,, ,i' Q(t !1 :tG 1AM::tota -i'ru"o''""ut 7:*st''e'*.. Jlr'rlSfot-'t'JAI'- ! 1JFLJ,P"'t';' @.*exis-,'r'l 5 Nltf it'ta .il-lI :: .I ? 1"l a -- box t oo ?,. ta vail, colorado s165t 303.476-5613 April 9, 1974 Sandstone 70 Corporationc/o Dudley AbbottVai1, Colorado 81657 Dear Dudley: This letter will confirm our conversation today. dgcumentingthe fact that your proposed construction site Wi of the - Alnond Apartrnents is within the boundaries of the Vailllater and Sanitation District. As of this date, you have a prepaid tap fee credit on this property of approxinately $6,000. If you have any further questions regarding tiris rnatter, please feel free to contact me. I an sorry for any delayor inconvenience that the District nay have caused you. Sincore 1y VAIL WATER AND SANITATION DISTRICT rtl-/', )4<'h11, {Jz,n<iler^n Stanley F. Bernstein Finance Director SFB: rj r cc! Terrell J. Minger ', April 11, 1974 To: COilNry PLANNING CCI,IMISSTGi Frcxir: VAIf. PI,ANNING CIIO,ISSIOI; Re: COII0N-dCOD PIACE During its past two meetirrgs r Lhe Vail Planning Corrnission has received considerable ccTment and ilput frcrn varj.ous sources concerning the above project and its exenption request which will ccxne before you April L7, 19'14. After revierrvilg plans, etc., the Vail Planrdng Ccnrnission r,rrculd like to malce the following conments. First, if the property were up for anne)<ation ilto the Tbwn of Vail it would be onsidered as a Medirnn Density Multi-Fanily parcel. Vie,w€d jr terms ofVailrs zoning Ordinance, Cottonvood Place. as prolDsed, fails to meet a ntunber of regtrirenents. Ttrese points are outlined j-n the attached letter frcrn theVail Zoning Arrtninistrator to the Pfann-ing Ccnrnission. Second, it atrpears that an Envirorrrental Assessnent should be maile of theproperty. 'rtr.is r,ould include considerations of flood plairr Ievels. geological conditions, shape of the land, impact on trees ard urrderErowth. Frccn our review of t]rc plans, it seerns that such an Assessaent nr-ight cause firther poi:rts of ccnnent on the project. Final1y, it is the opinion of tlre Vail Planning Ccnraission that Cottorurood Place should be thorougtr-ly reviewed frcrn everlz aspect. It does border on the Tbvnr of Vail and muld be a candidate for futrrre annexation; hence, the Ccrnnissionrs conceln for this reviery. '11 r '? l iln! | Irj'; box t oo vail,colorado i;, il t-3 : | ), ltlq :)r "'r':i-Lriri,.i Lii (-rJ :: l0ll FilCl;i : i(Eiil- RCS i D IAiiA -rOUGlI I LL P:: CCTTOilliC0D FLACE lie f eel thaf the follorving iterns warrant disapproval of ihe subjeci.project until such time as sonre of the problems can be solvec: l. Area landc'ners have brough-f two items to our attention, bothof tvh ich shou ld be checked more thorough ly:a. There nay not be a clear title to it.'property.b. The bcundary d ispute iras not been adequate ly reso I ved. 2' The. County Subd'i vision regulations requir.e a JOr setback. lrorn -ihbhigh *atei Iine of a .r"ui,; the i0r setback shown has been ca|_'culated from fhe centerline of'sandstone Creek. 3- The only access to the site is through sandstone 70. t1 rittenapproval from the condominium associafion should be -reqri.uc. 4. countv regulations require the 27 parking sp-aces 'which have beenpro'rided; ho'dever, thb re ai-e five spaces vrhich are not useabre.Three parerrer spaces are on ru..22 r long and t'o angre parkingspaces nave a tu rn ing radius that will not .lork uniess these-spaces back on fo sa n dstone 70 p rcpe rty and into the access r3ad. 5' saacstcne oifch, the righ'is to lvhich are privatery orrned, rui-rsthrough the properfy. !1 ritten permission from the rights-hcrdei-sshculd be required to remove ihe headgate and fiil th; ditcri, The Vail Fire Departrnent feels that thereth ro ugh the pa rk ing a.rea and no access tofcr f ir^e trucks. This area is not in thesene leve I of service cou ld not be g ivengiven rri'ihin the district. The. orcposed proje_ct has been revieryed uncer tire Tor,i n of Va i Izoninc ordinance as it is prolreblc that annexaiion r.rill occ!rin 'fhe near f u'iure. The follori.ng iteris i,re i-e icund io re ncn-conici-ring uncer thc r'rcdiu.r Dens ii-y i1 ul-ripie-f arily zcne aswas preliminei-ily recomrne.ded by the planning co:rmission: 1'1 6.5 a, 1 _2303 is inadequate acc3ssthe rear of ;nc iuilcJ in::Fire DiEtric: ar: -ihe to this p ro-:: i ;s as o 7, I a^+ Api^ ag cc o o t cn',i r;c d P lace ii t0, t914 e2 The sire has no r::ar i a;,! f ron la;c - a nrinimum of 3Cr froniag' is Assr.,:,i;r:; fhe lraxii':Lij allor'rod height ol 35 1, a seib:ic!. r'ro u lC be rslu ireci i rc'r a I I property I so,,+;r',res'i cci^ner of the bu i ! d ing is lb I f roir I i ne. The r;',ininiun separation betrveen bui ldings on adjacent sifes is 23 | - +he propcsed building is only 22r ironr one building in Sandsione 70. The riaximum Gross Residential Floor Arba allor'red under l4Di'iF zoning is 10,589 sq. ft. The proposed building contains l? ,2lO sq. f t . or | ,621 sq . f t. too much . The meximum wall length permitted is l25t - the Proposedbuitding is l35t; however, it does meet the diagonal and offsef requ i remenfs. tlo parking is allowed in a required front setback area. This makes 9 parking sPaces i llegal and crea-ies a deficiency of 3 parking spaces under Totvn requirernents. The 50f covered parking requi remenf has been met. Eagle County Planning Commissio.n rn in imuin of 20 | ines. -lhe the p rcpe ify A 2I ,' ',1' .1.;il. .-lr,lt; 4l -l.I I ,i ,l t,i 'I I 'J.\ ' I CONDOMINIUI"I DECI,A RAT ION Ii'OR !--SANDSTONE 70 , I, .. , AT VArL, COTORADO .i G-T COI.|PA!IY, INc., a colorado corporation, iteelf the t'Declarant," does hereby declarer\r' .t I .l I 'ARTICIJE I hereina ft er ,i ' OWNERSHIP AND SUBI,USSI6N OE' RNAI., PROPERTY I.1. Ornership of ReaL Property. Declarant is the orrrneflin fee simple of the following described real property Eagle'Countyr Colorado: I A tract of land situated.in Secti.ons One and T!.relve in itownship 5 South, Range 81 West, described as follows: Begitrning at a poinL where the Westerly right-of-watrr Line of th<-' County Road intersects bhe NortherJ.y righl:- of-way Line of Int,erstate l{i.ghway No. 70, frc,rt whence the Southeast corner of sa icl Sechiotr Otrt: . beare South 72 degrees 57 minutes 19 .sec:onclsEast a distance of 45.I feet; thence trlonr; a curve of an arc to the left having a radjur: of 3035.0 feet, a distance of 2'>2.0 f eet (l:lre chord of this arc bears South T2 degroes 1,lrt , minutee Il seconds West, a disbartce.<;f 2'r.1..()tJ feet,) , al.ong and conforming to the Northc'r ly right-of-way Iine of Inters ta tc' llj.crlrr",ray N<). 7O to the center of Recl SandsLone Creeki tltt,'ttr'e .North 2 degrees 28 minutes East )-7O.5 fecL, along and conforming Lo the center of Creel"; thence North 2 degrees 35 minutes WesL 4fi9.0 feet, along and conformitrg to the cellter oF Creek; thence North 15 degre;es 45 ntitrutes llast' 435.0 feet, along and conforming to Lhc cellt(lr of Creek to its intersection with the Westerly right-of-way boundary line of the Cotlnty Road; thence South 17 degrees 12 minutes East 87.5 feet, along and confonning to the westerly right- of-way boundary line of the County Road to a pointi thence South 30 degrees 50 minutes East 198.0 feet',. along and conforrning to the I'lesberly right-of-way boundary line of the cotrnty R()aci tg'E. point; thence South 0 degrees 02 rnirlutes Uast&SZO feet, more or 1iess, Lo Llte poi.nt- of' begi'fhing; bogether with all. i.Ls apptlrLcnarr(:crj, except any !'tater rights and ditch rights, part j ctl- larly except the East Sandstone Ditch anal water Right; I ! ' I 'I 'l 'r.ri,i'j"'1": . ' r -l I 5.5. Gag Set:vir-:os. Thr: righl. [() ('(tllL-r'acL w.i. l:']t, (rr1':l amencl any contract, witll ,'' Gas l"acilitics, Ilrc., or any.(tl.hcr regulated utiLity authorized to supl:tY gds to and witlritr tltn ent,ire premises, 01' property, for the establishmellt of gi'rsi servj.cc within and to and from the'entire premiscs or propcrty, t-o corrstt:i.rct and reconsEruct all necessary pipelined to servc thc vir r: i (.)tr!' brr j. lrl' ings and establish and re.cs;tablish eascrnr.)r1bri Lltct:t"fot:; anti, \^,'lt<:tr the same are establishecl , they shalL beconro c1c.'n<.r'.lJ ec)nrtrl()r] c.l-e'trtt'nt'.s . ' ,5.6. Tel:ephone Services. f Tho t:ighl: to corrtn'lct: vlit:h, and ,amend any contract \,.rith, Mountain Statcs Te'Lephorrc .:rrd 'I'ol r:rtrl.tlrll company, or any other regulated utility author.izcld t,o .[rrrtril-'lr telephone servi.ces to and within the entire prenlises c,r l)r()l)crl:y' and the right to construct eieher bel,ow oli abr.'Vo IrQtrnt:l ilJ J. necessary lines and associated equipment t:o l;t:i ng tt'l t"';.rlrottr' :;cl'"',i r'c' to the entire premtses or propcrty and tlrc'vat.'i()urr I'rti.ltlillrli; ' ,rlrr-l tO establish an<l re-establish leasenteltts .Lllct:r.'l-ctr; all(1, rrh';tr 1.lrr' ganle'afe established; they shaLJ- l:ecomc gcncrnl c()tnlrton ( ' I ()nr | 'rl l- t: - ' 5,1 . Enlarqement Qf Condominiunr Pro'iect. Dr''c:l'itr;rnl' reserves to itself ttrelighf, bt its own risk, cosL, antl rrxl)c.'nli(r, to e'nlarge this condominium project by br-rit.<li-n<1 arlcl.itiolt;rl. ('r.)r-rrl('t-' minium buildings and other improvcnrents o11 l'.]t,: t:ea.l. l)r'(,t'rrr-tv ,i''ri'- cribed in Section 1.1 but outsj.de Lhe perinrot:r'rs o{ l ltt tt',tl propefty described in Section 1.2. The rcal pr:opcrltr illr;r'r'tlrc'tl itr Section 1.2 shall hereinaf ter be ref errec.l to n s Tr.-ije l. n . l){r.: I ir r' rrll: further r.esel.ves the right to make this enlargcntettt-.1 n ()r')r'('r nl()r!:l stages. Such addition or additions to this r,conclont itr irttu Pr-c l(-'(-''- JLf& be submitt,ed to .this Condominium project by l)ccJ;rt';rtrl l'\' iL:.' r":<oct'l", ting and fecording Of a suppfonrenb to i-lris Dr-'t:1;-tl:.rt-i(rrl .t l1(l ir supplement to the Condominium Maip fi. led in c'ott lrrrrcl-i<rtt rrr r:lr l: lt-i t: Declaration. If Dec1aranL subntits at 611r-' l itttt' ;'r lI ('l' l lr{' r-r: ':r:l.DgCIafatIOn. II UeclafatlE sur)lllJ[s dL Ltlir-' I rrrr(. ''r t | ' '"' .. .. L pfoperty described in Section l.L but orrb$.i.cir' tltc: lrct.'itrt' t "t''r t'f tUL! Tract A, sueh real property wi1l. be caI..l r:ri 'l'r',t,'l li. { | I llt') . freclarant elects to submit real l)rop.erty i ti sLalleF;, Lirt' J .t r't: I' tract so submitted wiLl be called Tract B and such {iubscclttr-'nt .tracts witl be called Tracts C, D, and so on. 5.7. t. In form anci '5ubs;t:ance atry lrrtr'h l;tt1'';: I r'ntrlttt: to tlfls bedlaratlon shall provide for thc' ti i.rr irtt on o1' !;tt'rlt aclditional reaL property and irnprovemenL sl inl,o r.jotlt'lottl i tti ttnt tttt.t J-si similar to the division macle of t-he entir'e.1.rt:r'rrrist:s irtrci J)1.'()])crty described in this DeclaraLion and in the Condominium Map Lilecl i.n conjuncgion therewith. Each such additional builclinq sl'raJJ. be taeit,ified by numerals different from the'nuncrals sltowtr ott Lhc.". condominir.rrn lt"p filed in conjunction with bhis DecJ-aration. { : . ,r , , 5:7 .2 , The uncTivideci inLcr<:l:t' i rt and' to Lho '-lerner;t l' and limited corrunon elenents clpprlrtenant, to l-hc unit: s; j-rt srtclt Lnil.rljrr'ls; shall lnot be a part of the general and l-inri-tctl eot nroll p11'n16'1115 of the buildings and ,rrnit,s dcscribe<1 i.n thi s l)cc!l.artr Li <rtt ;rtrtl r:lt(' C<'lrrl' r- miniurn Map filed in conjul)cLiotl tllercwiLh i.r ,l I I I I rl i, ll i ) \ 5.'7.3. DecIar:ant shall all of the easements whicit it rescrves lrave the rirllrt. l:<) e:<l-r:lrrl tlre. ri<llrt to e'l;1:nlr.l i-r;ir atr'.i I *. - ---=-------_-: ].,.'.-1|''|'it..,..:\47::;r]'i',,','i':., i .':', I lt 't' I I fte-cstairlish in 'scctions 5.2 rhrou"n u.I thah such additional .'troct or .tracts ol: r:ea1,I)rol)er..t.y ;rnrl tlrr-. |\ ;'fl / \ "y"95", tenants, and gucsts of tiie corrrlonrju.irrm urrit-:;,1>rri IL tlrerepn ll :( \ slrail trave. t;e ;'r't t u"g .1.,*roof \ minium project is t'htrs on'Iarge{ the Assr"rc..i.at.j.orr, ;rr.t..i nr_1 i.rr,' jus,.; .\\ Board of Managers, shaLL harrc Lirc righr' t.<.r <.-.lrlr:qr. Lo I hc "-,,,,r.o ) : I I of all of the units in the errlargecl prcr1c.ct., i.rs er c()lrllrc)ll c):r.)slt!-,e, I | . the cost of maintaining such extended easemerlts, Llro cosL of II maintaining the landscaping on such separace tracbs, anci other II_ ; costs ,of ground maintenance on such ,enlarged projccg, caclt urrit . II. I owner to bear his proportionate sha're of srricl costs j n the II proportion that one unit bears bo,thc toLl:1. irnmlrcr:i,of unibr.; irr I,ti, I the enlarged project IWI i 5.7.4. Ilxccl;L ils l.)l:cv ir.ir.:rl .i tr Art.icIc lV of l:tr jl. ] Declarationr all of the provisions conttr.i-rrcrl irr tlri.sr i),.:r:l;rr-irt i.,)p ; it ; ifratf be applicable to such irdclitj.onal bui1.r1 intt.s arrr.l <-otrttolr i li u,r, lunits' The eommon €xpenscs of suclr adcliti.onal J.,r.rilrli..1cJr, irrrcl rr1iu. l,: i.' shall be separately asscssecl'artcl such lt.ltli Lir.rrri:r1 1.r1j.l <lirrtlr; rrnrlr', the units therein iftaff bc separateJy .irrfrur lrl ; ' relating to the f epair: and rccortst_ruct i,.)n r. l. jr11.,r.6..,r:rrtr.r1I r: , (rr I. . i ithehappeningoroccurrenceofanyof:Ljre'eventsct.rtr|:t.tr'l:.|.'r|rl,,|irtI ' such Articlei X. TLre units on. Tract A and any un.i.Ls lrri.f l- r.,rr I , tracts subsequently submitted as proviclecl in sectic,rr !.i l:lrrII lrer ]administeredasa'partof.aw.iro1e1lroj{.r'.t:,'l.rtttc:;r,.lr..ttr'|t'.'..r,,rt..r|:,,lji ; constructed and submib,tccl project slraj. l. i.,r.l ,..,rr:.ririr.r.r,rl ;1 r;( | .1,rt,, , , icondorniniun foi the purl:oscs of such A.rt:.i.tllr, ),; ;rrr,l I lr{, ;r!:,1;-,1r1;rt:, l I ' ' interests of each such "a-.por.,,t-tlly consI r:rrrlt, ,t lr.,r 1,,(.1. ..,ri.rJ I r\{. , .] I consl.dered onc trunclrecl pcr L-'cnL for sue lr. rr,;I itr,l l,r.u.J),,t;,.:;. I.;r:(,(.1)t. , I i .' as provided in this subart.icle, e.rgl1 1111;ig. ()w,rcl. r,rjrir.l..l l,r, i1,t ,,t 1,.l,i iI to vote his percentage or f raction;rl, intcr:r.r;t -i rr .ilrrr t r, t..)r,. :'' t general common clements, "rncl th<: a<1cJrcr:l;il1r 1rl' ;;l'J .,1 lirtr r r : , , i I ., i t I . , , I i, \interests eubmitted to ancl maki.ng ui:,ilrc L,.rt.i.r l ,:()rtri,rnrinirrrrr f)l-r,1rr,.1 , shall be'considered one. lrunclrecl pc!ra c-ionl. r4,r ;.;1rr..tr vr11. i1q,.J 1.,,,'1.t!,.r:,.,. i'..; 'Ii | !,1 AR.J'JC],U VI i :,1 ,:'REGUI,ATToN AND ADIVIINISTRATION oF i i i6.1. LimiLccl -qq!.!g1_r- Elcments; !qf, I,:rclfU;jv,: Us_c, -ql. !)r..j1..:lll ' ', ,i 'i' of Units. The owner of a rrnit shall have l-ht: exr:llrsjvc rrsc of alr',. I ,,. porch or patio attaehecl to thc' outsiclc rva l-.1 oI hj s rrn.i l', l-1rtrr. l-lrr.r I l ' , wit'h an easement, through the establishccl nrotirocl of irrru (.*is rrrlrl Iegress exclusive use of the outsicle steps ancl starrrynys .lcir,li.ng t:o l the outside front door of such unit,, togcLhu.r with ern crasc.nrcnt. ii"I through the est'ablirphect ntcLhocl r:f ingrcss arrrl c(,r()rju Lrr s;ui.lr. limj.tecl common elenibnt. .'flrc orvt'lcfc: of rrrrilr irr il l)tril,lrrr,r r;tr;r.ll havo hhe joint bxclusivcl'usc for: b,lle sl:rrr:artr: <rI tlrerr r,.:iJ,r.{.t r., I o eptr,re*' "F??li,S,"rHII" o= ulo"r= *, COURTHOUSE P. O. Box 789 Eaglc, Colorado 81631 9 APrll 1974 Phone 32E-6338 . Davld P. Chapmun, Presldent Broker Houae, Ltd. 738 Pcarl Strect Denvor, Colorado 80203 i .,-,. : ..'I. '', Re: Cottonwood Place - Fllc:Ngi.9*q7t74 , ,, Davld: We apprcclate your lettcr of 4 Aprll 1974 etatlng your vlbwi on thi Cottoirwood Place dcvelopment. Eagle Cotrnty welcomes ard encouragea all cltlzena affected by local grolvth and dcvolopment to partlclpate In tfie local governmcnt &clalon maklng proc€et. You are encouragod to atterd the Cotrnty Planlng Commlsolon meetlng at 8:00 P.M. on 17 Apfll et whlch the Plannlng Commlcrlori wlll revlory thc propoeal'and md<c recommendatlona to thc Elocrd ol Cotrnty Commlrelonora. The Board wlll recelve rccommendatlona at thelr meetlng on 26 Aprll and may at that tlrnc rcnder a flnal declslon for approval or dlaapproval . The publlc le wilcome to all meetlnge. lf yog have any further commenta to make or wlah *ry Informatlon, yourrc rvrlcome to contact thle offlce; worll try to hclp. Thanke for your Intcreat, Respectfull y, Mlchrel S. Blalr Dlrector MSB,/kt i+ April 4, L974 ltr. llichael BLai.r Eagle County Planning Connission Eagle County Courthouse Eagle, Colorado Dear llr. Blalr: As a result of the recent annual neeting of the Brook- Tree Condoniniun Association and the discloeure in that neeting of the proposed construction of Cottonwood Place, a developnent Lo- cated in the Lion's Ridge Subdj-vislon betvteen BrookTree and the Alnond Apartuents, I wish to express ny extrene concern over theprospects of, this development. I believe the concerns enunerated by the President ofthe BrookTree AEsociation, Peter llacdonald, in his letter of, Aprillst to your attention are extrenely well taken, and I can assureyou that if plane continue for the construction of this proJect, I f,or one, will aesune a nore positive and direct role in opposinS it. Ac the time we buiLt BrookTree we had nany acsurancesthat the irnmediate surroundirgs of BrookTree would renain inviolate. Now these assurances appear to have been in vain. As Presldent ofa very active recreational- l-and developnent firn in the Colorado mountains, I believe it's high tine that the governmentaL ageneies --federal , atate, and local -- in conjunction with responsi.ble landdevelopers, shed thelr myopic interests and work together in a nore cogent nanner to pr€vent occurrences such as the subject of thlsletter. Thank you for your forbearance and consideration of thisvery j.nportant and far-reachlng topic. Slngerely, l t .'J/ j/ t t!1 - t L./' ,a ,. t:4-zr<-.L f. (444rv David r. Chapnan/ President ''4-./'\**? DPc/kq cc: Mr. Petqr l{acdonald [j-rc- " 'c-D ^pP ig74 fll ' ' DePt 0l - Fgle i ,"ri:;1i'3 i D evel County, Colo' \ 734 PEARLSTREET . DENVER. COLORADO 8O2O3 . (3O3) 892-77A2 { a;) 5:, I To Whom It nay Concern. The undersigned property owners Gircle at Vall, Golorado have no known as Cottonwood Place. Plot available for examlnatlon. Vrn Pronerties Ltd. ?"./€"hl*,V"f &qtf'.r-/""r"r" AITZMARK BLDO. YA|L. COLORAOO OlClT ,March 30, 1974 in the area of Sandstone Road and Sandstone objection to the aparEment project plans and building plans have been F.O.BOX 126 ; bornr:mrr<xeoo<ilihnadrrc<xxxx*lu{totJ{lxifr}J{J<:sF*Rxx*x:dtl*ftsxrEutttd{ltttt(>arrfix ilflt iIEiiffiHf| fi box i oo vail, colorado a16s7 303.47G.5613 April 16, l-974 TO: iloarci of Countv Commissionntt/ Ilagle County Planning ConmissionVail Planning CoinrlissionMr. Jim Cunninghan Vail Water and SaniLation District RF: Proposed piLe No. Se-57-'74 Exemption, Cottonrvood Place 1. Available Fire Protec+-ion The proposed Cottonwood 1?lace p::ojecL is noL within the boundaries of the vail Fire Protection District. The property Iies in an unprolected area, whj-ch dictates only a limited firc response shorrld an emergency situation arise. At pre- sent, limited response consists of a Colorado State Forest Service tanker, carrying 800 gallons of vrater with a pump capacity of 150 gallons per minute. 2. Accessibility Access to the property is limited to one drive that could become too narrow to be of use if parl"ing or sno\,,/'p low ing is Dot tightly controlled. The ncrth and west exposures of the buildi-ng are not accessible at all i-n terms of firefighting operations. Access from the parking area may be limited or prevented by parked vehicles. I'lo secondary or alternai:e access is provided. 3. Existing Firefighting Capabilities Three fire hydrants novr'exist in the Sandstone area. Based on measurements ialcen by the Vaii I''ire Department, the cfosest hydrant to the proposed buil,dings t^'ould require a hose 1ay of 320 feet. Distance from the furthest hydrant l.,'ould involrre 576 feet of hose. These distances are based on the assumptj-on that roads would be clear of all obstacles and under ideal conditions. (See accomparrvinlJ map.) the Fire Department re- cor,r.tends an additional, neiv tiyflvsrlt to be placed immediatcly adjaccn'c to the dccc-qs clrive of the prolecti exacL location to be determined aL a later date by the Fire Chief. tltrtu ' re?4 4. Exposures Three existing complexes are very cl:se to the proposed project and might be endangered in the event of a maj.or fire, especially if wind is a factor. The closest is Sandstone 70, which will have one of iLs buildings onl-y 22 feet from the roof overhang of the proposed project. I'he other two cornplexes within a close distance are Brooktree ConC.ominiums and the Almond Apart- ments. 5. Required Fire FIow Based on information received from the architect, relating to total square footage of the buildings and type of construction, a fire flow o.f approx.imabel.y 4400 gallons per minute would be required if the buildings were totally involved. These points have been discussed with the project developers. anC they have indicated a willingness to do whatever might be reguired to provide as high a standard of fire proteclion as possible. Respectfully, VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT r -<' //21Mike Carlislet'ire Chief, t Assistant Chief IIC/csc oA N A o ___-:s €*rst,Pe 'yyis SA N cJabNt cilcLe ---*AEJ--) @ uc^;r-;,ue lJf af'At'tr &7a' l-_-ll-I 1--_-l @ + s'r rr.J 6 s< L I s\U(< lRopNr'-t' 60 i-rc,^J'r:;os fAo.r ('cr €K t st ;,'e 54tu-0i1o t ! 41(i- rl p\< r'J: i---l D#tr l--l fi;f' IA At ; fi [.,lurll T;[T ! I f Hlt box I o o vail, colorado 8r657 303.476.55 t 3 April i6, L974 TIO; Llcarci of County Commiss-ioncrs Eagle County Planning ConmissionVail Planning Cornrnission lulr. Jim Currninghanr VaiI Water and Sanitation District RT: 1. Proposed File i.lo. Se-57-74 Exemption, Cottonwood Place Avai-lable Fire Protection Thc proposcd Cottonwood Place project is not within the boundaries of the Vail Fire Protection District. The property lj.es in an unpl:otected area, which dictates only a limited fire response should an en'lergency situation arise. At pre- scr)L, linited response consists of a Coforado State Forest Service tani<cr, carrying E00 gailons of water with a pump capacity of 150 galJ-ons per minute. 2. Accessibj-lity Access to the property is limited to one drive that could becorne too narrow to be of use if parking or snowplowing rs not t,i-ghtly controlfed. The north and west exposures of the building are not accessibre at al,l in terms of firefightiirg o1:eratj-ons. Access fronr the parking area may be limited o:: preventeci b1' parked vehicles. iilo secondary or alternate access is p.rovicied. 1. liyi qf ino Fi rpf i ohf i no f ;rnahi I ities Th.r:ee fire h!'drani-s now'exist in the Sandstorre area. Based on measltrer;lenLs taken by the vail Fire Department, the closest hydrant to the proposed buildings rvoulC requi-re a hose lay of 320 feet. Dj-stance from the furthest hydrant would involvc 576 feet of hose. These distances are based on the assumption that- roads would be cl-ear of all obstacles and under ideal conditions. (See accoirpanyinq map.) The Iiire Departnent re- comtnencls an adcii l-ional , ncv,' h1'drant Lo be placcd imrnediately acljace:nt to thc access Crirre of i:he project; exact- locabion to be deternij-ned at a l-ater tiate by the Fire Chief. I i1 16, 1974 e2 4. Exposures Three existing complexes are r/ery close Lo the proposeg project and might be endangered in the event of a major fire. especi-ally if wind j-s a factor. The closest is Sandstone 70, which wi'lI have one of its buildings oni-y 22 feet from Lhe roof overhang of the proposed project. The other two complexes within a close distance are Brooktree Condominiums and the Almond Apart- ments. 5. Required Fire Flow Based on information received from the architect, relating to total sguare footage of the buiJ-dings and type of construction,a fire flow of a1'rproximately 4400 gallons per minute would be required if the buildings were totally involved. These points have been discussed with the project developers, and they have indicated a lvillingt'Iess to do whatever might be requirecl to provide as high a standard of fire protection as possible. RespectfulIy, VAIL FIRB DEPA TMENTzzaMike Carlisle Fire Chie Assistant Chief MC,/csc o iiiZf"";-i @ + S,rrPg Df..Pn i I €x l|of Ne.:' 60rrorJurccP fLAu' fAO.r t'cf €x,.fr,n-,s .fAprsTDN6 I C't€t-a Prtr'l't- A N A o SANDJ-.bNt Ctkct€ " e%' d @ *-taisr'tte Nf Af,AN'r A?o t ci s< .F-11 tl( s \JJc< ALnoltt A Prs. 1a*'^''l lT'_i €x t 5t :r'e 5'4*atm,'tt , ( ( /( a. o,o /'.\f AI- uilrlfil?il $ R,r:,i-', ' -*. Ili? 2 J ltl,4 DePL 0f 11,,111,,, " ,. ,, ,,,roglo County, Colo. box l oo vail, colorado 810s7 303.470-5613 April 22, |.914 TO: FROI',1 : MEMORANDUI''l TOl,lN OF VA I L PLANN ING C0Ml'4ISS l0N KENT ROSE, T0WN ENG TNEER D I ANA TOUGH I LL, ZON I NG ADM I N I STRATOR COTTONWOOD PLACE /. As members of the Town staff it sometimes becomes our responsibility to raise questions on proposed projects which should be ans\'/ered by the developer at the time of revievr. This was done on the subject project in our memo of April 10. Following is an amplification of the comments made in that memo: Since the time of our memo, there l,/as a meeting on Monday, Apri I l5 between Terry Mingcr, J im Cunn ingharn, Dud ley Abbott and Kent Rose at which time Mr. Abbott could not produce a title and boundary survey wliich were in agreemenl- with each other. We have never seen the proPerty corners staked in the f ield on the site and we donrt know that the creek is shown in the cor- rect location on the plaf. The legal description confained in the s u rvey ( copy attached ) f u rn ished us i nd i cates that fheproperty line on the wesl- side of the site corresponds to the center of Saindstone Creek. if the survey and legal descrip- tion are correct, the 50t setback was measured from the center of Sandstone C reek and ihe creek is not ProPerly shown on theplat. The legal description contained on the survey does not agree with the legal description contained in Section l.l of the Condomin ium Dec laration for Sandstone 70 at Vail. The only access to the site is through Sandstone 70 which is a pr i vate road and parking, which road and pa rk ing are a part of the genera I common e lements owned by the Condorn i n i um Assoc i at ion in accor da n ce with Sect ion 5.2 of the Condominium Declaration. Under Section 5.7.3 the declarant has the right to extend the easement to the s ubject p rope rl y; howe ve r, the Condorninium As soc i at ion has the righf to assess fee s for ma intenance for s uch extens ion of this easement to the ow ne rs of the p ropose d new units, Since roads and parking are a part of the common e lements of the existing Assoc iat ion, we feel they shou ld give written permission for changing these common elemenfs. 3, Cottonwood P lace Rev April 22, 1974 Page 2 o iew Arch itectura I Graoh ic Standards recommends an absol ute 231 mlnimum length for parallel park ing spaces with a minimum aisle width of 20ti however, this does not allow for any snow storage among the parking spaces. The spaces shown are 22 1 long with an aisle width which varies from lBr to 22 1. Comment remains on the two angle parking spaces on the south end of the site. The rights to the Sandstone Ditch (as excepted from property ownershiD in the Condominium Declaration Section l.l) are owned 4, 5, by the Princeville Corporation and the Vail Water and Sanitation District. The Vail Water and Sanitafion District is now in the process of convertilg all of their water rights from agricul- tural use to domestic use and transferring recorded diversion points to actua I divers ion points. we have been advised by our water r i ghts expelis, B latch ley & Assoc iates, that shou ld court proceedings be delayed, it would be to the Districtrs benefit to restore all irrigation ditches and head gates that are Pre- sently owned by the District and run water through the ditches for measurement by the vJater commiss ioner on a month ly bas is. 0n Apri I l2 Mr. Abbott and Kent Rose inspected the site and coul not determine where on the property'fhe ditch is. We donrt feel that abandonment of the ditch would be detrimental to the District and would not delay the project on this point. 6. Pertaining to the question of fire protection of the proPosed project, see attached letter from the Vail Fire Department. 7. We feel that the comments pertaining to Town of Vail zoning are sufficiently clear and require no further explanation. l,l e have used the same review process for this project as is used {'or every project reviewed by the Town of Vail s-faf f for the Town or Eagle'County'-and do not fee I that we have been any more critical of Cottonwood P lace than for any other s imi lar project. I .s-tlZ i\r ii li! lat t; I, I -*->- 6iiE riijiii liE g9!i<.,f,f tn t'r"[],'rrli Ii !:it;ilr.', r i L Liri box I oo vail, colorado 816s7 303.476.5613 AprJ. I J-6, )-974 TO: Board of County Connissioners EagJ.e Ccunty P1a;rni:rg Conunission Vail Planninq Conlnissio:rI'1r. Jirn Cunninglran Vai-1 tl;rtcr and -$anitation District RE: Proposed Fil.e No. Se-57-74 Exenption, Cottonrvood Place 1. Available Fire Protec{:ion The proposed Cottonwr-rocl Place project is not witliin the bounC.ar:ies of tJre Vail Fire Protection District. l'he property lies rn an unprotected aroa, rvirich dicta+-es only a liniLed fire respoitse shoirld an emergency s j-t.uation arise. At Pre-sent, liuriteci response cor-rsists of a Colorado Staie Forest Service tanlicl:, carryi.ng 800 gal).ons cf water with a pump capaciLy of I50 gallorrs per rnirrute. 2. Accessibility Access to the p:-operty is limited to one clrive that coufd becorne too narrorv l-o be of usc if parllingi or sno\'Jplor,ring rs uot tj-ghtly controlled. The north and rr'est exposures of the bui-l-cring are noL accessiblc: at a1J. in terms of firef i-ghtirrc; operations{. Aceess from the parking area ma}r be limited otpretrented by parked vehicles. i'i o secondary or alternate access is provided. 3. Dxisting Firefighting Capabilities Thl:ee fire hydrants rrov.' exist j-n the Sandstone area. Based on rirc.asurencnts taken by the Va j.1 Fire Departnent I the closest h5'Ct-,tt to tirc p:c:r:osed buildi ircs rvoul-d requirc a hose 1ay of 320 feet. Distancc froin the furtircst hydrant rvould involve 576 feet of hosc. These distanccs are based on the assumpti-on tl:a't. roacis \r'orrld be clear of all- obstacles aud under ideal corrd j tio:rs. (Sce accon',i)anyinq nrap. ) Thc I:'ire Dcpartiilc:1t re- coln:rcncis an adCitj-ona1, ncrv h1'clrtmt to be placed immecii.e'ccly ardjacent- to tl're access drive of the p):oject; cxact locacion to be cleterininecl at a later-'date l:y tlre Fire Chief. ixPosurcs ::.;t!.rd existing complexes are very close to the proposeci project ,r...1 :right be endanqcred in the event of a major fire, especially .: r^.i::J is a facLor. The clcsest is Sanclsi:one 70, rvhich will i...c one of its bui.ldinEs onJ.y 22 feet frorn the roof overhang : L;;r' proposed project. l'lie other trvo cornplexes rvj.ehin a :-,;c distaDce are Brooktree Concioniniuns and the Almond Apart- ,:.'-:j. . Rcquired Fire !'l-ow . r:;r-.ri on information receiveil from the architect, relating to.:_:J:. square footage of the buiJ.dings and type of construction, . : ire flow of approximately 4400 gallons per minute would be ; :uired if the buildings \,/ere to'Laliy involve<l . :r:r.sc points have been di.scussed rvith the project developers, '::-! thef have indicated a willingness to oo wiraLever might. be ;,-.;uirecl to provide as high a stand.ard of f ire protection as' :;sib1e. i r:spectfu1ly, TAIL FINE DEPART}IDNT . ./ -q///?/cAZ ll: il(,l Carl is le ..'dy liosburg,\ssistaDt Chief rt':/csc lRorg:r.t C0irciJ,'JDcP ILAt' fAou ecr 6x,sfr',s .f Al.,tr f Drt( t,GtLt-;f -'{/.Ii €x t :t ;,'G 5rX*-0StoPe. [1ttl{tott<tr @,l '-r \ '[ o fr o &?o t SA^lDJ.tbNt :%.t dCt(ct€ -. no o 7l @ *t^r'ir,tte Nl|f'Atl'l as< :! .F ts -T s\U(< At-no'^,tt A |rs €vrh,tc lJ./ tiAr.li APril lI, 1974 To: CCUNIY PIANNING CAN,IMISSIChI F'rcrn: \17\IL PIANNING OCT\,II{ISSION Re: CCIIICNTrcCD PIACE Durirtg its past tr,ur neetings, the Vail Planrring Ccfimission has received considenable ccmnent and inErt frcrn various sources concernilg the above pn:oject and its ercerption request which will cqne before you Aprit L7, 1974. After revia,ving plans, etc., the Vail Plannirrg Ccnrnission r^aculd like to neke the follcrvilg ccrmrcnts. First, if the plrcperty lrere l4) for arurexation into the Ttorun of Vait it r.rould be onsidered as a Itdediun Density lfirlti-Fanr-ily 5nrcel. Vis^€d in teuns ofVail's zoning Ordinance, Cottorj!{ood place, as proposed, fails to neet a nunberof requir<nents. These points are outlined in the attached letter frcrn theVail Zoning A&ninistrator to the Planning Ccrmission. Second, it aptrEars ttr,at an B:vj-rorurental Assesstent should be nade of the protrErty. Ihis r,ould irtclude onsiderations of flood plain levels, geological conditions, shape of the 1and, impact on trees ard r.lrder,growth. Frcrn our revieur of the p1ans, it sesns that such an Assessnent might cause fr:rther points of ccnnent on tte pnoject. Finally, it is the opinion of the Vail Planning Ccnraission that Cottorn^,ood PJ.ace should be thororghly reviexnrcd frcrn eve4z aspect. It does border on the Toam of Vail and could be a candidate for fubrre annocation; hence, the Ccnrnissionrs concern for th-is revieur. i..r. . . :iJ APR I 7 1st4 Dept. 0i Pllnx:;r: Eagle CountY, ur "'. :.7 !':'rlr;it*"'n n Iii r, il ri vail, colorado 8r 6s7boxI oo lo, 1974 6'. The Va i I F i re Department fee I sthrough the parking a.rea and nofor f ire trucks. This area issame level of service could norgiven within the district. 303.476.5613 Ap r i T0: PLANNll,l c COi,li.t tSStON FRO14 : KE'jT ROS E D IANA TOUGH I LL RE: C0TTOi,]l,/0OD pLACE l',le feel that the fo||owing items warrant disapprovar of the subjectproject until such time as some of the problems can be solved: l. Area landownef : ]',"ve brought two ifems to our attention, bothof wh ich shou ld be checked more thorough ly:a. There may not be a clear title to Tn.'properry.b. The boun da ry dispute has not been adequately reso lved. 2. The county Subd'i vision regulations require a JOr setback. from fh.ehigh water line of a cree[,; the J0r setback shown has been car-'culated from fhe center line of.Sandstone Creek. 3. The on ly access to the s ite is th rough sandstone 70. wr i ttenapprova I f rom the condominium assoc iat ion shou ld be required. 4. county regurations require the 2r parking scaces which have beenprovided; however, th'e re are flve spaces wh ich are not useab le,Three paraller spaces are on ry..22t rong and two angre parkingspaces have a turning radius that wirr not worK unress thesespaces back onto Sandstone 70 p rope rty and info the access road. 5' sandstone difch, the i-ights te vrhich are privatery owned, runsthrough the property. Written permission from the righti-holdersshould be required to remove the headgate and fir th; ditch. that the re is inadequate accessaccess to the rear of the buildincrnot in the Fire District and thebe g iven to th is project is as 7. The proposed p roje.ct has been reviewed under the Town of vailzoning ord inance as if is p robab le that annexat ion will occur. in the near future. The foilowi.ng items 'were fcund to be non-conf orrning uncer the Medium Density r"r urtipre-famiry zone as I I Cottonwood P laceApril 10, 1974 Page 2 cc: Eagle County Pl.anning Commissiqn c. d. t. The site has no frontage - a minimum of 30r frontaqv isreq u i red Assu,ning the maxirnunr allowed height of 35 1, a minimum of 20rsetback would be required frc.n all property lines. Thesouthwest corner of the building is l6r fron the propertyI i ne. th"_!inimum separation between buildings on adjacent sites it ?S t .- the proposed building is on ly 22r froir one building i n Sandstone 70. The maximum Gross Residenfial Floor Arba allowed under MDMFzoning is 10,589 sq. ft. The proposed building containsl212l0 sq. f t. or l,62l sq. f t. too muchThe maximum wall length permitted is l25t - the proposeobuilding is l35t; however, it does meet the diagonal andof f set requ irements. No parking is allowed in a required fronf setback area.This makg: 9 parking spac.es illegal and create.s a def iciencyof 3 parking spaces under Town requiremenfs. The 50Scovered parking requirement has been met. April 1I, 1974 VaiI Planning Board Vail, Colorado Gentlenen: As property owners within the Town of Vail, more specifically Vail Village 9th Filing, we wish to express our concern regarding the proposed Cunningham- Abbott apartment project located north of Sandstone 70 Condoniniums and rtest of the Almond Apartments. We wouLd like to see this proPerty annexed to the Town of Vail for the following reasons: Geographically, socialIy, economically and funclionalLy this parcel of land is more closely related to the Town of vail than the unincorporated lands lrest of Red Sandstone Creek. It should be obvious that any faults or bonuses from this project will relate more to the residents of the Town of VaiI than to the unincorporated areas of the County. We furthermore feel, philo- sophicalty, that proj ects of this density should be within the ilcorporated town limits. The ability of the County to manage urban densities is question- able (particularly this parcel because of its geographical position) " There- fore, we feel Lt is very 5mportant for this to be incLuded with a full range of fown designr construction and services. As concerned neighbors we have looked at the developerrs site plans and visited the site with a representative of the developer. Vf,e have sone con- cern about the project as it xelates to the specific parcel, access to the parcel anil maintenance of a streamside green be1t. We feel that the Town of VaiI clesign criteria and construction performance standards might Lead to a more acceptable project. The developer has shown concern about the annexation of this project due to the probable time frame involved. We hope that j-f this parcel could be an- nexed that the Plannj.ng Commission and Trustees could move very promptly to work with the developer. Thank you for your tirne and consideration. S incerely, Channing & sharon Welin 904 Red Sandstone Circle - vail cc: Eagle County Planning Board R I.C"iVED APR 17 1914 oept. 0t Flonnrng & 03vel E!gl6 County' Colo' JAIIEB E. ATITH $. & S. $alss 0ompany M analacturct R.rrctcitat a.t P.O. BOX rogg6 . DENVER. COLORADO golto aREA GODE got-759.tO22 14 April 19?4 l4r. Mlchael Blair 9ag1e County Plannlng Comnisslon Eagle County Court House Eag1e, Colorado lear Mr. Blair: As an owner of a Brooktree Condomlnlum I want to vigorously protest the proposed developnent of Cottonnood P1ace, loeated 1n Llonsrldge subdlvlslon between Brooktree ancl the Alnond Apartnents. The reason my fan11y chose Brookltee 2 years a€o l.as because it was elose to Sand.stone Creek and Has surroundtecl wlth large eottonwood and aspen trees and had a llttLe park area dlrectly across Sandstone Creek fron our unlt. Thls set Ii apart from the Asphalt Jung1e of Vatl Village. I have been alarned at the way Llonsrldge has been allowed to gror these passed. 2 years, seernlngly without regard to the 1n- creased vehlcular trafflc, off street parklng, the sewer problen, and other problems that "high density" does to the envlornment in general. ff thls development is aLloned to be built' they r11l have to cone down withln 10 feet of the creek, take away the llttle park and renove a1l- the Large trees on the south bank of Santlstone Creek, as well as completely cut off the view fron Brooktree. 1 d.ontt believe any nenber of the Bagle County Plannlng Comntsslon cou1d. ln good eonsclence vote for thls proposed develop- ment lf they woulil vlsit the site. I hope that the County Commlsslon will deny thts absurd request once and for all. 20 South HlllCrest Dr. APA17rcH Ort*. 0l ptannrng & L:,.r \Egh Qomty coro. nver, Colorado 80237 15 APrrl l9?r+ !{r. Mlchael Blalr Eagle County Plannlng Connlsslon Eaglo County Court House Eag1e, Colorado Dear Mr. B1a1r: As a part-tlne ValLite, rho has cone to l-ove Val1 as a mountatn re treat fron the rigors of clty 1lv1ng' 1 slsh to reglster rny disapproval of the proposed developnent of Ccttonwood Place. The proposed slte sltuated between Almond Apartrnents and Brook- tree Condonlnluns ls at the present an "open space" arcar whlch provides a vlsual- and a psychological break from the over-develop- ment of a once serene mountalnslde. Open spaee, whlch has becone lncreasingly rare, 1s 4 connodtty that ls rapldly prlclng ltself orrt of exlstanee. The quallty ihat was stressed ln the orlglnal concept of Vall has rapldly fallen by the ray slde to nake roon for the rnore lucratlve concept of quantlty. It ls tine for Val1 Assoclates and. the Eagle County Plannlng Conrnlsslon to ask the questlon "Isquantlty really more Lucratlve?" ft is my opinlon that lt w111 only serve to allenate those for whl-ch Vatl wae br:llt. People cone to Vail fron all over the world for a rnultltude of reasons. They al-1 share a love for the uncornplicated llfe styl-e Val1 has presented in the past. Thls 1lfe style ls raplilly ceaslng to extst, overcrowd.lng and rampant bulldtng ln the valley ls taklng lts toll- on the quallty of 11fe in Val1. Va1l ls now faced wi.th problens that only over-developnent can brlng. The reallty of trafflc congestlon, laek of parklng, smog, constructlon of hlgh- rlse eondonlnluns and ellmlnatlon of open space has changed what ras onee a serene valley tnto rhat resenbLes the clty Llfe peopl.e are trylng to escape. Onee 1lfe becones conpllcated l.n Vall Lhese people wtIl nove on to greener ,'nountalnsldes, and hopefully these resorts rontt sacraflce quality for quantlty. It ts for these reasons f oppose Cottonrood Place and it ls my hope that all other proposed condonlnlrrn eonplexes be nad.e to conform to strlet land uselaws allowlng for much needed open space. Unless these realltles are g1.ven strlct conslCeratlon you w111 be eentributing to the dernl-se of the 'unflnlshed vl1lage." S i nc erely , ila?r5r*int-' Peggy "Sfili,h Val1 Skl School Val1, Colorado REC':i.J;.D APR 1? 1sl4 DDtdiPfiSd ffiiver: ETHICON tNc. sgMERvfLLE. NEw JERsET oeaz6 Mr' L'J'Armour 210 Summit Avenue Montvale, N.J. 07645 April 1-5, 1974 Mr. Michael Blalr Eagle County Planning Conmission Eagle Cotmty Cour t llouse, Eagle, Colorado 8163L Dear Mr. Blair, I have learued \rith great dlsuay the contenplated devel-opment of Cottonwood Place in the Lionsridge Sub-division between Brooktree and the ALnond Apartments. As an owner at Brooktree, Irn strongly opposed to this project. The area in question was origlnaLly designated as a park for the surroundiog residents. In additlon, the beauty and secl-usion Brooktree now offers wil-l be eliminated lf this area is torn up. Belng from New Jersey, I only hope you wilL not al1ow the greater Vail area to become overdeveloped as ls the case j-n the East. I purchased a Unlt at Brooktree because it offers the serenity not found ln many places. Vai1 ls unlque, but you will have lost a great deal if future devel-opnent 1s not protected. I trust you lrill not al"low this to happen. 'H:',f [;,.*,.t Leslle J. Armour, Jr. IJA/d RECFI\/[D p,PR I 7 1914 DeDt. Of Plannilrg s 'ivcr'Ctgh 0ollsYr $9lol tcctlo,' !tf II Ut PFCF/TTD ,",:::.,,7 ts/4 4^ #i[;;0",,,. ts-;rl u box too o vail, colorado 816s7 303.476.5613 April 16, L9-14 TO: Board of County Conmissioners Eagle County Planning CommissionVaiI Planning ComrnissionMr. Jim Cunningham Vail viater and Sanitation District RE: Proposed Fil.e No. Se-57-74 Exemption, Cottonwood Place 1.Available Fire Protection The proposed Cottonwood Place project is not within the boundaries of the Vail rire Protection District.. The property lies ia an unprotected area, which dictates only a limited fire response should an emer.g'ency situation arise. At pre- sent, limlted response consists of a Colorado SLate Forest Service tanker, carrying 800 gallons of waLer with a pump capacity o1' 150 qallons per minute. 2. Accessibility Access to the propert.y is li-mited to one drive that could become too narr:ow to be of use if parki-ng or snowplowing is not tightly controiled. The nortir and west exposures of thebuiloing are not accessible at all in terms of fj.refighti:',9operations, Access from the parking area may be lirnited or preventr:ci l:y parked vehicles. l.i o secondary or alternate accessis provided. 3. Existing rirefighting Capabilities Three fire h1'flsants now exist in the Sandstone area. Based on measurenents taken by the Vail fire Department. the closest hydra:rt to the proposed buildings would require a hose 1ay of 320 feet. Distance froin the furthest hydrant would involve 576 feet of hose. Tirese distances are based on the assumption that roaCs r^zould be clear of all obstacles and under ideal conditions. (See accompanying map.) The Fire Department re- commends an additional, new hydrant to be placed immediately adjacent- to the access drive of the project; exact location to be determined at a later date by the Fire Chief. 3iltrtu ' Le74 l I I I I4. Exposures Three existing complexes are very close to the proposed project and might be endangered in the event of a major fire, especially if wind is a factor. The closest is Sandstone 70, which will have one of its buildings cnJ-y 22 feet from the roof overhang of the proposed project. The other two complexes within a close distance are Brooktree Condomj-niums and the Almond Apart' ments. 5. Required Fire !'l-ow Based on information receivecl from the architect, relating to total square footage of tlle br.rildings and type of conslruction, a fire florv of approximately 4400 gallons per minute would be required if tl-ie buildings were totaliy involved. lhese poi.nts have been discussed wittl the project developers, and they have indicated a wiJ-lingness to do whatever might be requirecl to provide as high a standard of fire protection as possi-b1e. Respectfully, VAIL FIRB DEPARTMENTH 8:*Mike Carlisle Assistant Chief IqC/csc lLAc(- r---l I?t7t lRo Po-ir" ',T,"JJ'S,' a?0' tl/t /\tilctlnoIr I I @ +€iislrJ e Nll'f'ANT a E ts 4.1 .l,? 6\U C:< ,1. f.x \:rlPs-AVlsott Auaot'tt A rf6 !{.,.t' otno "t €/ t !'1 ;t'G !Ap-a'mor'ffl;;t ilur,'rt o''n'r ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Box 8ll - Eagle County Courthouse Eagle, Colorado 81631 Yail 47G5613 Eagle 328-7718 Basalt 927-3322 April 16, 1974 Ile: Cotton\dood Place, File No. Se-57-74 Amended Plan 0.69 Acres, 18 Units (26 units/acre) Applicanr: Jim Cunningharn Box 418 Vail, Colorado 81647 Technical contrnents related to the requirements of the Eagle County Subdivision 11egu1a cions: 1. Page 22, Section 5.05 Confirmation from the local sanitation district ( Town of Vail or Upper Eagle Valley Sanitation District) stating they are willing and able to accept the developmenErs sewage load has noc been submitted. 2. Page 21-22, Section 5.04 Confirmation from the local r^rater districc (Town of Vail or Lionrs llidge) stating that they are willing and able Eo provide water service has not been submitted. 3. Page 20, SecEion 5.02.05 A revegetaEion plan along the creek and around parking area has not been provided. The following coT[nenEs are r ecomrnenda E ions of the County Environmental tlealth Office. L. It appears the minimum set-back requirement of 30 feet has been violated (from the high water line of Iied Sandst.one Creek) 2. The stream channel at the high water level mark, on rhe plans, indicatcs only a 5 Lo 10 foor scream width at high water. Ile believe this is rlnadequate. we believe, after walking the si!e, that Ehe stream channel varies fron 25 co 50 feet in width in the area of the project. 3. Access for fire equipment to Ehe units located at the North end of the property appears to be inadequate. 4. The lot coverage of buildings and parking areas appears to be too large for the proper protection of the water qualitl' oF iled Sandslone Creek. More green space to act as a buffer should be provided betwcen the parking arca, rhe building and the creek. l'O '*',*.NMENTAL "ro.-t"OBox 8ll - Eagle County Courthouse Eagls C.olorado 81631 Eagle 328-771E Basalt 927-3322Yail 176-5613 Co tionrrood Piace Page 2 i.Ie request that an EnvironmenLal lrnpact statemcnt app roval. . EI,!Eltntcc: Eagl e County Board of Co:rmissioners Colorado Department. of Health I'1r. Jin Cunningharc uith' encL.1. Itens to be considereC in Envir-on;rental Inpact S ra Eenen t. . 2. Toubierrs Protective Measures 3. Chapter V, Roarlng Fork lfarer be presenced prior to final April 1, 1974 Itlr. Mlchael Blair Eagle County Planning Conrnis s ion Eagl-e County Court House Eagle, Colorado Dear 1,1r. BLair: At the annual neeting of the BrookTree Condomini.un Association held on March 28, L974, a matter was brought up for discussion \,thic h created amazement and shock throughout the ownershlp. I am specifically refer- rir€ to the contemplated deve lopment of Cottonwood Placer located in the LLonsridge subdivision, between BrookTree and the Almond Apartments. Dur ing the neeting it was resol-ved that the Association is opposed to the development of this project, and as President, and therefore speaking for the owners, f vrant to go on record as opposing CottoNltood Place for the fol lowing reasons: 1) What was to be a park area for the enjoyment of the lurrounding residents will no l-onger be. 2) Parking and vehicular traffic in general, which is Presently an acute prob lem, wil-l- be coqounded to a uuch greater exteDt . 3) The seclusion and serenity existLng at BrookTreer a pr ime reason for purchase by a number of owners, will be eliminated when a nurber of trees are torn dovrn and the apartments are constructed only a few yards in front of two of our buildings. 4> Density, which already is too great in the Lionsridge area, in the opinion of many, wiLL become greater. 5) I have graue concelTrs about the adequacy of sustained, reason- abLe vrater and sewer service even today, and with the constluction of Cottonwood Place, I shudder. A1L BrookTree ovrner s and the owners of uaits nearby have spent a great deal of nroney in the purchase of their condominLums. We purchased for a number of reasons, but one of the most cogent was to geE ar,tay from the congestion of Vaii- Village, Denver, Chicago, New York or wherever, and berraway from lt aLl.rr Up to this tine this has largely been accomplished by having a 1oveLy creek flowing in front of us, being surrounde<l by a stand of Cottonwood and Aspen trees, and hav ing an uninterrupted vLew of the ski area. 7tu6offi RECEIVED a- l_-- lt l\-- (i \ o za =c U) al) t -'-tz I x .{ l- or o Or ! c)g 5{d) d.,{olo) APR 4 1974 DepL Ot ptannjng & De.,iet-rrgle County, Cofo-CN o Page Two Mr. Michael Bl-air Aprll 1, I-974 If Cottonwood Place should become a reaLlty, we wiLL have lost a great deal. Very sincereLy, fu,"{il*1"*z Peter L. Macdonald h'O Pres ident , BrookTree Condourinium Association PrM/lk RECF'V,EN APR 4 i, i4 oapl cr i';,rr,, ,, tugh curn,r" c, ".rru,. Cz un|o f,laond Apartnontt lprll 15, 19?4 Io r Irgl.c oounty Plannlng ooulselon Fr.on: Don asil fetg'e Alnondt Bc: Oottoaroorl Pl.aor 1.t'R. 510610r - tho hlgh rator levol of thc ot ct har norcn bcm d.ctorllncd and atahed and tbr PIanchors a JOr Ectbaol frq tbc oorta! of tbo Gltcho 'lfirc rort bound.ar5r llno of tblr proDmty la frorthc ocntor of thc Etroa,li thcr.forar tho rtrae lr clctob,cd ln tho Yr.ong placco Ia eilllttoa, tble ]Of eetbaoL srea lc to b. Protcotedln ltg netural statc. llhls bag alncady bcenobarly vloletcd and rltncrac0 1n Pbotoa and by cy.rtrroao 1ook1n6 it tba propcrty. In ondgr to^put,ln tbr par*lng anca to thc north (rpaccr fl}l8) t"trc lan{t rrtll-bivr to bc oraatrd by ftlllng la tho banks, and vhon Irropdrly oaloulatetl ls wlthln tbr!Ot cotbaol' J.O6oO! - tbc nlghtrrbo].dtrr lE Sanilston Dltob and Roil Sandatoac Onoal'ucts! not notlflod of thlsicvolopncat es of fpflf 11, 1974, 8ad w.l.ttca oonrent hae not bgca glvrn to.a.rtroy tb. dltoh. t.Ot.O, *'To our bo*Iefue thls lnformatloa hagnot bro luhlttcA llr auff1ol6tlt C.tat,lr,.and. tbrtno rerc llnlng tbc tlltoh bag not b.G lhovti torYrn ottltr 4.02.04 aad 5.OO . fnfomatlon glvlng Dcracntago ofcxletlng rlopcs hac not bccn gtvcnr lbc lot shapc and toFala of tlela eltc sbould bar orltloal"frctor ln dlctennlnlng bor lt lbouldl btaLv.lopodr tbe bcnccntago of t*ro lot tbet labrlng oonputod. fgn rgreca speo., grlrecn b.lt,rcorcatlon arca!" 1r lergoly Roal Eandstonr Orcck and banks and orcek bril eraar. llhc onllz lGyol, urablc,logloal ooulon anta stlll rcnatnr our baok yrrrd. 2e 5. 4. 5, RFfr r':-, r--) APR I S 11i4 .. lt* U Aaar.ir'; '\bbory, c,,,,, te bavc oonttaucd to rosc&roh end !.ovlcu thlr proDosod dovololuent aail rGquolt that crrnptlon b. ibnlcd fo!. tft.fo[orl!6 r.aroaa t cq o Eagle Oounty Plaunlag Oonnlsslm,lprll 15, LYI+ Page e 6r Ya verlr otrongly fecl that ltr. Ddeanrl requeatfon an Invlroanentcl l4Paot etatcaoat ehould bo gnantcd to dctcrmlnc thc stroatr Pnot€otlotltaclillt,lona1 oars, plans fon prceerrlug lrcoe' ctc., so tbat tbo trhcalthr aaf,cty ertd relfar{ of overyoaoln tbls area la bclng Broteotrdr 7. Tlth tbc problena of loeE of apaoo duo to rnor andproblao of 6nor r€[ova1 end thc trafflo enilparklng oonditloac aurround.llg tb. accetE roadlt thorc rurt be adoguete o?fegtreet parklngr Ic donot fcel that adequate, uaeblo parklnS hag becn proYldoa. 8. thcre la ebeolut.llr ao sot*baok firou thc ract boundarlTIlnc and rtrcn thr t,rccr aro Fltovsd for tblr partlng eneer ther.o v111 bo no buftcr lhetrocvcn betrem ourproperty and thelra. 9. A cloer tltl.c to thle Bropcrty rboulil bc preacntail and r tulrrvcy abonlng tho looatlon of tbe rcst borurd,ery llac ln accordanoc wltb thet tltlcr 10. tbc Vall Flrc Dcpanta€nt hes atatcd tbrt thcrt 1a lnrdcquatt acocr. to the bullttlng for flro tnrcll.lr aa adJaccnt Property owaorr IrQ lrcqucst theJr bavcthle pnotsotlon, Thc above lnforoatlon has been ooaXrllad by attcndiag all offlc1aL neetlngs (torm & 6ounty)i tatLlng rlth thc ftvcloPcrtenil valktag thc prop6r"ty; telhlng rlth othcr adJaoent ProportJr ormcrs ancl tlovolopmsi byilrologletl lF. Davc chunch; Trenslncnlcatltlc Oo.r FIV Laad Burvoy Co.i lllke 0ar11c1c' Ve1l Flrc Chlofi Lou Cordcn, Tlu ooultae, Robert Barr, ErlI Edlccnr €to. @.-Z /a Wesrrnru Slope S,r0r:. 55O 1sth STREET DENVER, COLORAOO 8O?S.? i-;t"'-.".;'.t1t AprLL B, L974 APR " i974 Depi. Ui i:,::r'.:i;-l . -1,:.. E:r;le (o:rniy, Cuio- Eagle Cormty Planning Department P.0. Box 635 Eagle, Colorado 8163f Re: Preliminary Plot Plans Vail Height,s No. 3 Charnbers Exemption White & Rold Exearption Colo. Bighorn Corp. Exenpt. Sky Lion at Vail Cottonwood Pl.ace Exemption Vail Height.s /12 Exemption Ridgeview Condors . Gentlemen: We have e:<amined the above captioned plot pLans and find that atthis t irne Vleatern has no facilities on the land to be plottecl. ?lease note that ne are a gas transmission utility and our approval does oot reflect our ability to serve subject subdivision. Very truly yours , {)rrn-*i J,' J"kar'uc DanieL L. Tekavec , Assoc. Right-of-Way Agent DLT:cg o ,r4 E 81., 1, E. ferhin3trnr D. 0. 2OOO,lrrll I0, 1974 Doar Mr. lleirt Ac ryncr of unit 2O8 tn thc lrorktreo Orndoriniurp Lionr 8iil3r, Vr.ll, OoloreCor I rlrh to erprorr ry rpporitirn to tre llennrrt dcvcltpncntr cchedulcC frr dirousrlon rt thc Ilril I7r 1974 nccting rf tho 8rglo County Plenntng Oorrlrtlon. I bclicvc both the 3ky Llen lt, VrlI end tho Oottonrerd Plecr dcvohp- nent,a rould furthcr rvor-crt*d en rlrerdy ibnrlly ;opulatoC ercr. Livln3 rr fer frm Vellr I only hsvs thc plcrruro .f vl.itlng ny unlt tl.ut .nco r y.rr. Uhrn I rer thcro in Dcecnbcr, L97, I rrr eppellctl rt thc ncu eon.truetl.n tbrt flsnb t'he roed r11 thc rey fron thc eccor highrey to the cntrancc tr lrmktroc.- Onc plcerurc ln aoning tr Vril ir t. cnj.y thc clan viaur rnd tf rtroll rlrng Rrd Sendrtrno Crlcho f bclievc firthcr dcvrloprent ln thig erce uill ulthetoly rekc thc eru lelr ettnattvc es r vrcrtl.n alt.. I heyo rrcn Lceeh rlgrrtl elo4g the Itlrntle c.lrt rul.ncd ly unllnitcd ronrt,ructienl I hopo thc Plranlng Orrnlrrion rill PrGvcnt thi. frrn hrpprning in the Llont Rldgc erce. I tae rttrectcd tr YeiL Leseuro lt er r rcll- plenncC ooreunity but furthcr devrhpnent in e dcnrely Luilt erce e.n a. nothing but long tcrr Clrago both to the quellty rf llvc enil tr prrporty rrluaa . Thenk you for an .tprtunity to ecncat .n thc.. tro r$tgp-1,,,_n 1..' "J APil I i; ij/4 Depl. Cl ii:,l;;,irj u rr,Jl. Esgle County, Colo.4m - Ihmer 0. Orlrirn April 12, 1974 Mr. Micheal Blair Eagle County Planning Comnission Eagle County Court HouseEagle, Colorado Dear Mr. Blair: The recent annual rneeting of rny condoninium association brought to light a conternplated new development on LioDs Ridge, Cottonwood Place. The ensuing discussion of this deveLopnent and its location overshadowing residences already there helped crystalize for ne sone thoughts I have had since I first came to Vail in 1969. I question the planning which allows developments to grow at the rate which Vail has. It appe ars that fast dollars are being made at the expense of overall area design integrity, hone- owner safety, and the quality of 1ife. New projects are started even though auto traffic routes, sewage disposal ,water supply, and land use are already overtaxed. Please, in your discussion concerning further development of Lions Ridge, take consideration of the people presently living there and plan a better future for Vail. S ince re ly ,'&"u/e€ft" Don ald A. Pantle RECEIVED APR 1 s 1974 OoDL Ot Planning & 0evel, r|8b Ga|ntt' Cob, c.7 IEISO FALMER PAFK ELVD. -' P'C|. EtlX 696 coLoRAOO s;PRINBS, EOLORAOO €lO9O1 4.r3-326E) FURNITURE IN COTORADO SINCE I897" April 12, L974 FFr-t-''"--- Apil 151 '.j "liLli,;;ili;:#: ", Eagle County Courthouse Department of Planning and Development P.O. Box 789 Eagle, Colorado AtLn: Michael S. Blai-r Dear Mr. B1air: Since I will be out of town and unable to attend the meeting of ApriJ- l-7th. I would like to present my vj-etrs in writing as you invited in your notice of April Ist. My wife and I own unit number 218 in the Brook Tree Condominium. We have been concerned recently upon hearing of all the develoPment that is slated immediately adjacent to Brook Tree. We understand there is a develop- rnent going in to the south caIled Cottonwood Place plus developing of considerable size immediately adjacent to the east and west, which I don't know the name of but assume is the sky Lion which you refer to in your hearing notice. The thing that concerns us is the thing that seems to be on everybodys mind these days, namely density and the related problerns which arise out of too great a density' while I am a business man and as a matter of personal- philosophy I respect the right of the owners of these properties to develop them and make the profit to which they're entitled, I would certainly hope that such a thing as vehicular traffic, parking, seri/age disposal, availability of water, as well as, other environmental considerations will be given the top priority that they deserve. I don't pretend to be an expert in these matters CM oo Department of Planning and Development April l-2, L974 Page 2 by any means and as I said I don't want to stand in the way of other peopJ-e exercising their property rights, dt the same time, of course, it's my fervent hope that you and the other members of the Planning comnission wil-l see to it that the rights of the other property owners in the area will not be damaged due to over development. Thank you so much. Crz LprLL L, 1974 Mr. Michael BLair Eagle County Planning Commission Eagle County Coutt House Eagle, Colorado Dear l,Ir . Blalr: I am an owner of a unit at BrookTree-at-Vall in the Lionsridge subdivislon. I an also on the Board of Dl.rectors of the Condominium AssociatLon, and we heLd our annual trEeting thls past Thursday. No or.rrer is so unrealistic as to expect nothing else will be built around us s ince there are additional sites to the east and r^7est of BrookTree. Ho\^7ever, to find out for the flrst tlme this past week that anyone could be conteurpl-ating condominiuo units directly across Red Sandstone Creek from BrookTree is unthinkable. (Cottonwood Place). We had been told time after to Eagle County by the former Eagle as Princevill-e Corporation. tine that area was a park dedicated County Development Company now known We are aware that Eagle County did not until recently have the control-s necessary to regulate growth in an orderly fashion. Itrs t ime now, and undoubtedly past time, to make some sense out of Lionsridgets growth. A good scarting point would be Cottonwood Place. The large stand of Cottonwood trees on the east side of the creek will be destroyedt parking and access routes to that area are trernendously congested alreadyt many questl-ons are unanswered relatLve to sewer and ltater capacities for the enttre area (and that relates to fire hazards) to say nothlng of block- ing Brooklree.view pLanes and disrupting the general serenity of the are. Itrs tftne Eagle County stood up to be counted in favor of controlled growth, and an ideal- starting point ls with Cottonwood Place. Other counties are dol,ng it and rnaking it stlck. Thank you for any additional consideratlons you might be able to glve to this project. Willian H. &acflyen APR I &pL o, ",-4't'r;::;;,' | 9/4 i i. C;:o. ' Crz I^IHLllk 3550 So. Poplar St. Denver, Colorado AO237 litarch 29, L974 Mr. l,tichael Blair Eagle Co. Planning Comnission Eagle County CourtHouse Eagle, Colorado Dear Mr. Blalr: I am a condoniniun owner ln the BrookTree Condoniniums on the Red Sandstone creek in vail (Unit 304). tlhile up inVail a few days ago, I awoke one nornlng only to find a bull- dozer outeide my bedroon balcony. After investigatlng the situa-tion, I discovered that an apartment conplex, yj54- CottonwoodPlace, was under construction. One of the najor factors influenclng Ey decision to buy t.his particular unit on the Creek was the privacy the areaoffered along with the beautif,ul view of Vail Village Proper.Furthernore, and nore iuportantly, Vail has gror"n very haphazardly over the past few years, and I purchased ln the Lion'e Ridge areaso aa to avoid the turrnoil and rapid growth of the Village withthe hope that Eagle County would take measures to prevent. this sane haphazard growth on the north side of the Interstate. Red Sandstone Road, aa it now exists, is already over trafficked and has not been maintalned properly in order to non handle thetraffic that already exists let alone that, whj.ch would be causedby the development. of additional complexea in the area. Additional-ly, the Red Sandstone Creek will, in all probabillty, not be ableto handle any nore pressures on its banks ae well as the abuse lt would have to take frorn surrounding construction (i.e. dumping ofrefuse). I{lth the construction of nore residential type conplexes vEr. recreational type complexes, problems such as dogs, security,etc. becon€ more abundant. It is ny hope as weLl aa that, I' sure, of most condo-niniun owners in the arealthat Eagle County will see fit to con-trol the growth in Lions Ridge and protect the aesthetlc envlron- nent that now exists and t,hat will be greatly infringed upon for- ever if action is not gg taken to prevent further construction and to protect what little land yet r€nains in the tions Ridge area. fii,t I rct4 o'oL;|,7y;, u,0,,,, R.I.].TiVED Clry Albert H. Stahner, Jr. Box 386 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Apnll 3, 1974 Mlke Blalr, Plannlng Director Box 789Eagle, Colorado 81651 Doan MLker The Cobtonwood. Pl-ace request for exemptlon was submltted. to theEagle County Soil Conservation District for revlon and conment. Llsted below aro our commenbs! 1. ) As noted. ln the subtllvislon regulatlons, a thirty-foot setback shall be provid.ed. Thls d.l stance w111 be from the hiEh waten mark on the creek.2.) There ls sn lnitgatlon dltch located on the properby. Wo would 1lke to see some statement as to rlrtro thewater nlghts belong to, and what precautlons wi]l- be baken by the l-and owners to lnsure proper useage. l'{e would also like to know exactly where the dltch tslocated. on the subrnltted. map. 3. ) We feel- that the drainage system shoul-d contain all therr:.noff and filten lt before it goes into Sandstone Cre ek .4.) We would suggest that a soil survey be provlded. forthe property.g. ) A revegebation plan should also be subtrlitted.. As noted, much of the need.ed. informabion ls lacklng. We feel that1n ord.en to provid,e adequate comlnents, the plan shou}d be re-quired to go through the sl<otch plan, preliminary p1an, and flnalplan plannlng sbages. R[Cli\,/tD Q.{ nnaraa'l'v 4A*.4%r*2"" Ross E. Chembers, Pre s ident APR 1 ?, 1914 Dept. 0f Fli):ri-:j': " ir ,.c1. Eagle Courr.;, . :r. o o ,,& / il1to"/,/-^,(k?r^t. '- >t q/*'7 /y'>,,. RECflVED APR I 1 t974 .JepL O, planij,,,, -. erh c*,0,r;frd,",. Vn 7n*//,2/ 4-!^,- Oiz,y, h ,/"*^A &rt'rrr,*,""': gZ"L At'Q^ "';/'/ ilx/"*>r" frh', S-/ uaaz h^;t/ t{/4'*? ,7*'** ,/'*9 /(./ v* ta* A** ,/o'n7'^* ",/;*zu A*fo*z /l A, g'- -*r* /l'a't a' /44) ru'u''"*Z''/ frt r/r.t ,fu,u'a/'t"-, rtt 'N'u^/ z'^ //^'"Uz'"t 7ru&a*,"i )l+, ;b. /tud ,(v"l;r' H'z /'<ta- a'^a/-u a'v u"' 14ffi a tba-tQ ' &^V^x"* awp '#" z/ztt''' L/u'#*;;* /'^'** i*"4*" /'^,,''fr ff:( o li-/ fir" /rfu!'/^r/.t/" /&/'i2/2v41/' ry yf^ //^ f,, r/tu01 &-a-ra' /(/d ^'L?r4ry/P:*4A24/u49 >4'4^^7 Az*ZzAm ry AA^/ .^A'/' {u-*e (zu&}'"*', -hl-l,tl,,4-O'rze-a..,', &-Wu b"'-/ '| '-n n// /h/ SP"'/ oo ,(^^" "'t? /,,/ 1f'U /*,fo*'"*u ,ilJ /*.# fu n;zu'yz/t// ruL l^r;"2, / /tt-ru - //Ad,rL" nu{ /-u.az*baz 4,uz/ lZaz.tauz >Xta"- ( ' n* l'rtt ^,//-'.>/taz '/ & ,/V4*"2 U-H"o o4 /-"- // ,"' / /' N /*.Y -9-&r*Yh'e-AY /4' &-// f, /)" .., \pz//Ahr-, fur4az*"*-* o $ \(\ N,\'\a\N $N S.$ iR,.\'-\\\l.{ N \.(s.\ NNS .\ Nst\s{ .Nsss\J \\ rN$'$" $x $ ilds .{:$ sdS .oKf tflTEBtATptAL April 8, 1974 Mr. Michael Blair Eagle County Plannlng Commlssion Eagle County Court House Eagle, Colorado Dear Mr. Blair: The Brooktree Condominlum Association has notifled me of the proposed Cottonwood Place development. As the general partner of a partnership owning a unit at Brooktree, I must protest this project vigorously. The Cottonwood development would do the following things that could drastlcally affect our property value: I. Create greater density in the Llons Ridge area.2. Destructlon of trees and vlew of the ski area would destroy the aesthetic settlng of the Brooktree.3. Vehicle traffic would be greatly lncreased,4. The park area, as it was explalned to me, will become a multi-unit development. Por the reasons I mentlon above, Plannlng Commlssion should take wood development. WGT,IT:mb AIR MATL and many more that are obvious, the a harsh view of the contemplated Cotton- Sincerely, ilrilr/, w. G. Ti v coL General Partner CO oMINIUMS, LTD. RFC"I APR 1 DeN. or EaCIe i/FD r 1974 coun.4,i ro,o, 'i POSI OFFTCE AOX aSsT AUSTTN.TEXAS 7876s AREA CODE 512 476-3s36 April I, l-974 Eagle County Planning Commission Eag1e, Colorado Dear Sirs: I live in the Almond Apartments on Red Sandstone Road in West Vail and am very upset about the proposed building of the Cottonwood apartments directly west of us. I do not believe there is enough space in that area to build 24 apartments as Cunnj-ngham and Dudley Abbott have planned. I also can not beli-eve that there will be room for adequate parking and a common green area. The only room for green area is the Red Sandstone creek. I have noticed that some of the dirt has been bulldozed into the creek to make more land. It therefore appears that the developers realize they are lacking in space. Regarding parking, the Almond Apartments (15 of them) have enough parking for everyone. However, in the winter the parking is barely adequate with alL the snow. ft is necessary to use the upper lot of the Almond Apts. and the spaces in front of the Almondts house. The situation would be worse if it were not for the fact that the parking spaces are each directly accessible from Red Sandstone Road which is regularly plowed. The proposed Cotton\^rood project will not have the advantage of the close proximity to Red Sandstone Road, making it all the more important to have more than adequate parking. Otherwise the tenants wil-l be using the Sandstone and Almond parki.ng spaces. This yearf Brooktree tenants used the upper Al-mond 1ot and wal-ked across the creekl Concerning green area, the Almond Apartments have an area of land at the back (due west) of the apartmenLs thaL has been left natural. This has afforded privacy and an enjoyable view from the balconies. I fear the Cottonwood apartments will be built right up to the Almondts property line. Not only wil-1 the privacy be destroyed, but the new apartments will be getting the benefit of the Almond green area without providing any themselves. With the building. of the Cottonwood Apartments, the Sandstone area will be very crov#d. At the present time there is no place for children to play and there are many dogs. Please prevent this project from being built and thus maintain a high quality of life in the rapidly growing Eagle -Vail area. Thank you. Sincerely, cc: Vail Planning Commissionrerry Minser R:CE|\./ED AP;l l. i 1974 DePL '' 'i:;r'ring & Dc'/el' \f8gle county' colo' Beth Kelly r, .- l]( r {.'rr ,kr- t-( r1 Greg Kelly CI..,-", )dia(Jd '( a nited States Department of o the I ntenor \ w altLY rBtEr !o 1785 BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT Glenwood Springs Re source Area P.O. Box 1009 Glerurrood Springs, Colorado 81601 April 5, 1974 Michael Blair, Planning Director Eagle County Dept. of Planning & De\relopnrent P.O. Box 789 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Dear Dlike: We haye reyiewed Jio Grnninghan $E request for exesption for cottonr,roocl Place (ge-5 7-74 ) antl concur with the coflnents and recorlunendatl,ons of the Technlcal Review Conmittee as discussed at their Aprll 4, 1974 neeting. Sincerely lours, Stewart A. WheeLer, Area llanager Ri:tiltJED APR E \914 ' '6 loev" u.r';[[-$.u-.c'B C,q y'.trri-. ,,,-.,,1. ntl' O 3.r'' ' Scrndstone 70 Condominium Association P.O. Box 1206 Vail. Colorado 81657 March 20, 1974 Mr. Rod Slifer , Chairman Eagle County Planning Cornnission Eagle, Colorado 81631 Gentlenen: As president of the Board of Managers for the Sandstone 70 Condominium Associatj.on which represents 67 owners I woulil like to bring to your attention a project north of our complex, located west of the Almond Apartments and adjacent to Red Sandstone Creek which is jointly owned, I believe, by Dudley Abbott and Jim Cunningham of Vail. The Board of Managers is concerned that the project should come under careful consideration of the County Planning Board so that the following points would be considered: 1. Is the County stream setback requirement being respected? 2. what are the landscaping plans? what parking facilities will be utilized as there is already a problem in the Sandstone area with persons Parking in private spaces and on Red sandstone Road, Excessive vbhicles creates difficulties with snow rernoval. What will be the density of the project? I^lhat amenities are being provided for the proposed 24 units? we would hope that the county would revi ew this project carefully. Thank you for your consideration. J. 4. 5- MANAGERS: E. Randolph Whitelaw Dudley Holnes Cheryl Britton Charles Thonas cc: Terrell Minger, Tordn of vail Dudley Abbott Very truly yours , SANDSTONE 70 CONDOMINTUM ASSOCTATION Garton, President tiarch 20, L974 [,1r. Rod Slifer, Ctni:rnan Eagle Cor:ntlz Plaming Ccrmission Eagle, Colorado l,tr. Itfike Blair Eagle County Planner Eagle, Colorado Dear Rod and l"tike: It has ccnre to our attentiqr that Dudley Abbott is starting constnrction of apartments on a trnrcel of g:round he owns wtrich is directly north of the Sandstone 70 cordcnrinir-uns, ard raest of the AJrrond atrErtments. Wb as residents of tlle area object to this project. lrle feel that the trnrcel of ground will not zup;nrt the 24 protrnsed apartments, especially with tlre ocnsequent ploblens that will develop wten they are oc',crpied year round. Iltren considerirg the project, please give attention to the follotring: 1. There will be a detrjrnental effect on the strean adjacent to the properEy. O:e of tlre nrcst vital aspects to ccnsiden is ttre 30 foot setback fisn tle stream. Vib have already seen that tris bulldozing of the site has polluted the strean. 2. Ttre density proposed will trave an adverse effect on the area. 3. the anpr:nt of open "gTeen" space on the propenty wilt be nil--there is rpt enough grcund for tris proposed alnrtrnents ard any o[Etl space - 4. ftre parking plan for tlre apartments rnrst be seriously considered. Itris is a veq/ congested area at the present tirne, and we feel ve4z strongly that the addition of 24 apartments will result in tle parking of 50 to 75 cars. Unless tlre pnoject is required to have an undetgror:nd parking garage for all tenantsl cars, ttret, will park in the Sandstone ccrr[>le>(, on the Alrnond properq/, along ned SardJtone Road, and Red Sandstqre Circle. fhese areas are already congested try cars, especially iI the winter, and tfe area sjnply cannot sutrport the additional brrrden of off-site parking. Vile are concerned ttr,at this project, if it is built as pr.oposed, wil-l be a problen area for years to ccrne. that is wtry ve are requestfuIg ttlat proper action be takert rpw to ilsure a protrEr balance betleen tand, building, open space' parkiry areas' ard stream. Yours truly,RECEIVED MAR 2 1 iq74 DePt. 0i Pialning (i ucjel. Eagl€ County, Colq ///il/- ,rL. and l,trs. Jack Mills March 20, 1974 Mr. Rod Slifer, Chairman Eagle County Planning Cormnission Eagle, Colorado 81631 Gentlenen: It was brought to my attention yesterday that Dudley Abbott and Ji-m Cunningham of Vail were proceeding with ttreir r24-unii' Project located d-i:lectly north of the Sandstone 7O complex and adj acent to Red Sandstone Creek- An onsite inspection this morning revealed that with thej.r scrapping of the surface axea the debrj-s had been pushed toward Red Sandstone Creek and had literally rolled to the waterrs edge. This is in direct violation of the County's 3O- foot setback. If the contractor is violating Coulty regulations at the onset of the project, what will occur when actual excavation ls unde:;ay? The Vail Town office confirned that Dudley Abbott had presented a proposal to the Tovm of Vail regarding having this lanit annexed i but thae ilr. Abbott had held off. Inasmuch as the Town of Vaj-I would probably have liniied the density of the -area to mediun density nulii-family rather tha:r '&e high density multi-faraily, and the fact that the County is gaining on zoning' regrrlations; is this a RUSE job under the zoninqi wire? Vehicular circulation is a significant facior. During periods cf rapid heavy sno\"rs Reil Sandstone Road is a real hazard. Cars cannot clinb the hill adjacent to the ALmond Apartments and what with cars parked along the Red Sandstone Road it is impossibLe for adequate snow renovat to take place. !',aren the rPotato patchr becomes a reality with a proj ected peak population of 5ci persons' the Lions Ridge area becomes more dense, traffic on the relative-]y narrow Red Sandstone Road will become even more critical. Will this Abbott-Cunningham project supply enough parkinq wi-uhir the property boundaries (NOT within 30 feet of the stre:n) so as to elimina'.-e spillage onto the Red Sandstone Road, the Red Sandstone Circ1e Road and the Rd Sandstone complex? On three-fourths of EUt o.cr'€r and including 24 units in addition to ;:arking spaces for 50 to 75 vehicles' what roorn is left for amenities? The personb living in the Red Sandstole area are concerned.. whai can be done? and. what can we specificallY do? Thank you. Sincerely, RECEIVED MAR : 1 1-'.174 DePt' 0f PiannrnJ & Devel' Mrs ' sharon welin Esgle county' colo' Box 73 Vai1, Colorado 81657 (47 6-58s8) cc: Mike Blair Dudley Abbott & Jim Cunninghan March 20, 1974 Mr. Rod Slifer, Chairman Eagle County Plaruring Conanission Eagle, Colorado 81631 Gentlemen: It was brought to my attention yesterday that Dudley Abbott and ilinl Cunningham of Vail were proceeding with tieir '24-unit' proj ect located ilirectly north of the Sandstone 70 conplex and adjacent to Red Sandstone Creek. An onsite inspection this morning revealed that with their scrapping of the surface area the debris had been pushed toward Red Sandstone Creek and had literally rolled !o ttre waterts edge. this is in direct violation of the county's 30- foot setback. If the contractor is violating County regulations at the onset of the project, what will occur when actual- excavation is underway? The vail Town office confj-rmed that Dudley Abbott had Presented a proposal to the Town of Vail regarding having this land annexed; but that ltlr. Abbott had held off. Inasmuch as the Town of Vail would probabty have linited the density of the area to med ium density rnulti-fanily rather than the high density rnulti-farnily, and the fact that the County is gaining on zoning regulationsi is this a RUSH job under the zoning wire? Vehicular circulation is a significant factor. During periods of rapid heavy snows Red Sandstone Road is a real hazard. Cars cannot climb the hiJ-I adjacent to the Almond Apartments and what with cars parked along the Red Sandstone Road it is impossible for adequate sno\r removal to take pJ.ace. when the rPotato Patchr becdles a reality with a proj ected peak population of 50o persons, the Lions Ridge area becomes more dense, traffic on the relatively narrow Red Sandstone Road will become even more critical. Will this Abbott-Cunningham project supply enough parking wj-thin the proPerty boundaries (NOT within 30 feet of the stream) so as to elirninate spillage onto the Red Sandstone Road, the Red Sandstone Circle Road and the Red Sandstone cqnplex? On three-fourths of dll €ICr€r and including 24 units in addition to parking spaces for 50 to 75 vehicles, what room is left for arnenities? The persons living in the Red Sandstone area are concerned. What can be done? and what can we specifically do? Thank you, Sincerely, .n/' ;\ 4,'-{. ./' | ,/J/CU'/&2-"t/'urs. Sharon Welin Box 73 Vai1, Colorado 81657 (476-s8s8) cc: Mike Blair Dudley Abbott & Jim Cunningham RFcFIvED MAR Z 1 1374 DePt. 0l Planrring & !!vol' Ergle County' colo' l{r. & MnB. Don A}nonclP. 0. Box 7Vell, Colorado $'657 uaJrch 20, LYl4 1,1r. Mllre BlalrCouty Pla.nner Ea61e, 0olorado Dear Mr. Blalr: tllth r:eferenoc to ny telophone oonversatlon ulth l{r. Rob€}t Barr yesterd.ay, thls letter 1111 oonffro our deep aonaern ovo-r-Jb-e.ggiritrtrotlon of a 24-'.m1t trepartnEnttr "o"irirl knlrn ei.-ffir Placo (rutott-cururlnghan), to- te located Juet vest of Alnond Apantnents. When I epoke to Du&Lov ttuott, he statect that the proJeot had beEn appnovod.'a long i,lae ago, uhen ln faot you had Just re- clivetl tbe plane. Pleisl at leaat be arare of the followlngt 1. Thc proparty le belng Sradcd vlthout a pennlt and dlnt- ana rotte ar:e befng plled on and ;rushed over the Red gandetone Creet bank (eee attached photoe) ln an cffort to pese tho sst-back requlrerent. ftre dlr"t and rocIg are prceently gofn6 ln tbc orcck a,nd tic entlro ba'nk rl11 iaeh-lnto the oreek. tdr. Les DouSlaE Yltnesseal thls thle norTr1n6. lfe ero requeetlng thlg dlrt be rooovod. 2. llr. Abbott Etatedl to ne that he wlIl- tura thc epartnents lnto oondonlnluns es goon ag thc proJeot ls oonpleted. lhlc ls nors than Just epeoulat lon. fhcy are plannlng a deaelty of 24 untte oa t'htg plcoe of Land, ancl thc only Srecn or eoillon area 16 Red gandstons Creek and our land. l{a ero rr€rTr ooncenned about rbcne the chlltlren vllL pley or ihe pets ulll roan' eepeclally slnoc LlonsVleu (OouS Xoyt) planE to take the perk area eagt of Broots tnee. t BLelr L974 Ae you htow, re hava e.I4-unlt apartnolt bulidtlng etit,lng on o.4!! aotr€a of land.lftEr eiven yoars of ounlng a,nd nena6lng thls oonplex, I cin tell you that thls le Just, adequate, and only beoause re bavo eaSy access fron Red Sa,ndetone Roadl. I spend an evers8c of two houro e neoE k€eplrg Brook Ttree fro[ per:kln6 ln our north parklng areq and gandstonc frou parkln8 ln fron the gouth, baoauce theso peoptl ao aJt havc adequata pai'ltlng and/or cenl'tgct to tt. l.In. 0unnla6han steted to ue tbat be rlll.have to takc ouf, the aEp€n trees (tre * snsu) tbet Ilno the propenty ilne to thi eiat (see photo) ln onLen to put Ln parklnS. If thlg ls n€oassaryt thon llblSb1y queetlon they have the ncqutred nunben of-epLceai and uoultl be a shatre, of oounse, slnoe theJr arB only a feu bceutlful trees. I rould, algo l.1ke to hot hou they plan t'o handle snov rsnovel . Tlth thla klndl of lnpaot on our propenty not only as apartoent orneFg but ag raaldente ln the lnnedlats aroa, re rere not evcn lnforned tbat tlrlg proJect uae belng planned. Ue sould appr:eolate your conEldlcratlon ln d'olng -rhateverla legally posslble to lowsr the danslty of thls^proJcat anrt t5 relllze ths €ffeat lt u111 have bn thlg alneady h16!- Cens!.ty 8re&r F. l{lke Itsrch 20' PaBe 2 /n encl,. Vonf tnrly Jrourst Don Aluond ,r-41J/U &UL ,,-(y',trufn L'- Hrir'Jo61e Alaond R:C::VED MAR 21 1974 Deit 01 fi'rr rx [agle CountY 1, t evol Colo. I'{arch 20, 1974 !4r. Rod Slifer, Ctniunan Eagle CounQr Planning Ccnmission Eagle, Colorado l,tr. I{ike Blair Eagle County Plaffter Eagle, Colorado Dear Rod and l,Like: It has c:me to our attentiqr tlnt Dudley Abbott is starting constrruction of aparunents on a parcel of ground he cnms vdrj-ch is directly north of the Sardstone 70 condqniniunrs, and west of the Alnrcnd apartrnents. !{e as residents of the area object to this project. We feel that tlte percel of g:ound will not sulporE the 24 proposed apertrnents, especially wittr the consequent problans that. will develop wten they are occupied year round. When c-onsidering tle project, please give attention to tJle follovdng: l. I'lrere will be a detrjmental effect on tte stredn adjacerrt to the proPerty. One of the nrcst vital aspects to ccnsider is the 30 foot setback frcro the stream. We have alreacly seen that his trrlldozing of tfie site has polluted the stream. 2. The density proposed will have an adverse effecL on tlre area. 3. TLre anpunt of open rr6is'selr, space on the property w:-11 be nil--tfiere is nOt enough grqlrd f.:r tris proposed apartnents and any open space. 4. Itre parkilg plan for ttre aprtrnerrts must be seriously considered. Itris is a very congested area at ttle preserrt tjme, and we feet verlt strongly that the addition of 24 aparunents witl result in ttp parking of 50 to 75 cars. Unless the project is requi-red to have an undergrorxd parklng garage for all tenantst cars, they will park il the Sandstone ccnple>c, on tl.e AIrcnd p:ropertl" along Red Sandstone noad, ano Red Sandstcne Ci-rcle" Ttpse areas are already congested try cars, especially in the wjnter, and the area sirpi-y cannot suS4rort the additional trurden of off-site *@l !{e are concerned that this project, if it is builL as prrrposed, will be a problent area for years to cctne. Ibat is why !€ are requesting tirat proper acLion be talcen rrcrur to insure a groper baLance befi,'reen land, building, oEEIr space, parkjrg areas' ard streal. Rl:rl''"lD MAR 21 1974 DeDl. 0f I'irnrrrt'J & Lr!vl' Ea8,le County' uolo' Iu1/i". t I t )and Mrs. DE pAR'} Nr oF "':ift'' S.":'YiLLu =f r = *, COURTHOUSE P. O. Box 789 Eagle, Colorado 8t631 l April 1974 Re: File No. Se-51 -74 Exemption frcm the Eagle County Subdivision Regulations - Cottonwood Place Applicant - Jim Cunningham Box 418 Vai l, Colorado 81657 Encl osed herewith is an application and plan submitted to the Eagle County Planning Commission for review and recommendation, at the direction of the Board of County Commissioners, at their regular meeting on 17 April1974 and Board of County Commissioners special meeting on 26 April 1974. ln accordance with C.R.S. 106-2-9, 106-2-33 and 106-2-34, 1963, as amended and Eagle County Subdivision Regulations Section 6.OO, 1972, you have 24 days from date mai led within which to respond or the request wi ll be deemed to have been approved by your agency. The Planning Commission would sincerely appreciate your comments and recommendations prior to the meeting date. lf you desire additional information or time, please advise this office. Note to the Technical Review Committee: Project will be added as last item on 4 April 1974 meeting. Respectfully, Plarrning Director MSB/Kt Phone 328-6338 o ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Box El I - Eagle Cormty Courthouse Eagle, Colorado 81631 Yail 47G5613 Eagle 328-7718 Basalt 927'3322 April 2, 7974 Le: Cottonwood Place, File No. Se-57-74 0.69 ,\cres, 24 Units (34 units/acre) App l icant: Jim Cunningham Box 418 Vai1, Colorado 87657 Technical conments related to the requirements of the Eagle County Subdivision Regula t ion s: 1. Page 22, Section 5.05 Confirmation from rhe local sanitaEion discrict (Town of Vail or Upper Eagle Valley Sanitation District) staEing they are wilLing and able Lo accept the developmentts sewage load has not been submitted. 2. Pagc 21-22, Section 5.04 Confirmation from the local water disErict (Town of Vail or Lionrs itidge) stating that they are willing and able to provide waEer service has not been submi Et ed. 3. Page 20, Seccion 5.O2.05 A revegeEation plan along the creck and around parking area has not been provided. The following coxmoents are r ecomrnenda tions of the County Environinental tlealth 0ffice. 1. The drainage plan indicaEes all surface drainage from the parking area will be collected and channeled, without Ereatmentr dircctly to Gore Creek. He r econrnend thac, before this site is approved, all surface drainage be treated to remove silt, oil, organic, and roineral matcer prior to discharge to i{ed Sandstone Cr eek. 2. It appears the minimum set-back requiremenE of 30 feet has been violated (from the high water line of iied Sandstone Creek) 3. The stream channel at the high roater level mark, on the plans, indicaces only a 5 to 10 foot stream width at high water. We believe this is inadequate. 4. It appears that an adequate number of parking spaces have not been provided. 5. Access for fire equipment to the units located at the North end of the property appears to be inadequa t e. 6. The lot coverage of buildings and parking areas appears to be too large for the proper protection of the r/rater quality of lted Sandstone Creek. More Sreen space to act as a buffer should be provided between the parking area, the building and the creek. RFnf rfrrlr..r":..,rfFD APR 3 jgt4 &Pl. Cf /.'Jrr,r,,r, .. .r Issb couny;;;, '-' c"- /r'7 o ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Box 811 - Eagle County Courthouse Eagle, Crclorado 81631 Yail 176-5613 Eagle 32E-7718 Basalt 927'3322 CoEtonwood Place Page 2 7. I^le request that an Environmental Impact statement be presented prior to final app roval . fu -41%" ---Erik W. Edeen, R,P.S. Environmental Heal th EWE/bw cc: Eagle County Board of Connnissioners Colorado Department of HeaI th I'fr. Jim Cunningham with encl.1. Icems Eo be considered in Environmental Inpact S ta t ement. 2. Toubier I s Protective Measures 3. Chapter V, Roaring Fork I'Ja t.er Study Cry DEP EAGLE COUNTY ENT OF PLANNING ANO COU,RTHOUSE . P, O. Box 789 Eagle, Colorado'.i .r.,{ "i ' - dl6gf " .-, l| ? -''r o r - 2$. &larcfi' 1974 .",.+.,t i,l -)1.l ? ,. i 1. ,-, .'" -e :..- . celopvErur Phone 328-6338 Jlm Cunnlngham Box 418' Vall, Colorado ttrla tettor lc to oonflrm our telcphonE convtrsatlon of Tuesday, March 26'.1974. The Boatd of Cotrnty Commlaeloners, aftor hearlng the evldence glven at thelr 26 March 1974 rnctir€, dlrccted that thoproJect knotn ag "Cottonwood Place't .;' locatcd In West Vall eubmlt a request for,oxernptlon,f-rom the Subdlvlslon Ftegutatlonp, Such requeet Ehatl be heard tiefore the Eagie County Plannlng Commleslon on : :, 17 Apri | 1974 and Board of Cointy Commlsgloners.on 26 April 1974. Such eppl lcaflOn ,. ,. ahali meet the requlrements Grd format apectfled by the SubdlvlElon Regulatlona. Respectful ly, R,obart H. Barr Plairnlng ,Aeelstsht BHB/Kt cc: Plannlng Commleslonl Board of County Comrniaeloners t I--fr O APPLICATION FOR EXEMPTION FROM EAGLE COUNTY SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS Pursuont to Seclion 6.01 of the Eogle Counly Subdivision Regulotions t (wc) hereby opply for ex€mplion from the provisions with soid regulotionr ot lo my (our) proposed dcvclopmenl known os . .Cplton4o.o.d. P.1.qc.g decJ aranls. io.Sandstone. Z0) . Locotcd: .See.otteched.legol.desqriptiqn And compising 30.,238.square. f eel.. . .. . . divided into opproximotely .1;?$.unit.agt.;9glnplex... interests for the following r€osc,n . .chsnge.-pf . dir.ectieB.ef .P'lqlnins.gemir:iqn.t:qqqtii!e!i4g .qqqq1.i.qqc.q . . w.i!h. 9sttn!v. 9vFdi vi riqn. Begqlelieu : . . . It is understood thot ony oction by this Commission gronting soid requett for soid regulotions exemption opplies only to the p lopmcnl oc shown on the sketch plon or other informotion olfoc Wm. James Cunningham J. Dudley Abbott, Jr. ,'-_--,-- Rece i ved By RESOLUTION The foregoing Applicotion hos been considered by the Boord this .. doy of ... 19 which finds ond determines thot thic Division of Londr is not within the purposes for which the subdivision regulelions were odopted ond therefore soid Applicolion is gronled (denied). Boord of County Commissioners of Eogle County \ H. Choirmon Poge 3l ItA tracB o! 1a,nd, tdtrr+' Sec!:ioa 1, iornship 5 southt raogE 81 rrest of the Sitctb Prlneipal Merldiart' de.gcrlbed as f o].f.qgs: t ' aE, a '' . (4) No*li olooo'38' tt, a dlsta4c,e (5) Nortl 33o50r31'r E, a distaacs of,71.4L feet to -the rragterly rlgbt-of*ray'llne ol a counE;r =oadi (1) soutb 17o12'oo" E, a disrance of 65.70 feat.;. . -. ...---1.-- .:- (2, SoutL 3Oo5Or00" E, a distancE of 1,,91- f,eet Eo.: '. .- . ' coner No. 3 of sai'd NB f,racEi . .- : . Thence aloag sai4 NB tract'for tbe follorr{og tirea coursls: .1 (2) South 09039'20" It, a 5 oF sai.d NB tract; distance of 172.81 fdet to corfler I-! t (3) . soutJ:,37o07'40" E, a d.israace of hz.zl'feet to said NB tract and the rnr6 polnt'of'Peginoin& 30253 silrare feet or 0.5945 ac!e. E!o!e oE J.eos-rr co rsr 5 of cbDtal&iDg . a EAGLE COUNTYpEpfveNr oF nLANNTNG auo orlopMENr COURTHOUSE P. O. Box 789 Phone 328-6338 Eagle, Colorado 8t631 8 April 1974 Mr. Jim Cunningham Box 418 Vai I, Colorado Re: Flle No. Se-57-74 Exemption Cottonwood Place TheSubdivislonTechnjcalReviewCommittee,anorganl7ationof governmental represeniatives, and the Eagle County Planning Department, has revlewed your application and would recommend to the Planning Commission and the Board of County Commissioners the fol lowlng: 1- A lr*ter from the approprlate Water and Sanitatlon District should be provlded clting availability and capability to serve project; 2. A method to fllter surface run-off of materlals and substances detrlmental to water qual lty should be provided; 3. Adequate fire protection should be provlded both In the manner of avallabi llty and conf irmation of accessabillty; 4. The Subdivision Regulatlons (sec 5.06.01) states a 30 foot strip of land measured horizontal ly from the high water mark shal I not be encroached upon by any structure except footpaths, brldges, lrrlgation, f lood control , and erosion protection devlces. The situation on this project ls hlghly questionable and ls bel ieved not be belng mei. lf you have any questions, your re welcome to contact this off ice. Respectful ly, Robert H. Barr Plannlng Assistant RHB/Kt cc: Board of County Commissioners; Plannlng Commission construction and development company Mrs. FROM: Wm. Janes' J. Dudley DATE: March 21, RE: Cottonwood Place In an effort to clarify the direction of the lot irnmediately west of the Almond Apartments and north of the Sandstone 70 complex, we wil'l in this letter try to outline some facts with respect to the project that Mr. J. Dudley Abbott and myselfwill be developing. To give you a brief history of the project, in 0ctober we reviewed w'i th the arch-itect, Mr. Mike'Blair, in person in the county offices the direction that we must - take for our project. He sta.ted at that time that'we did not have to go through the county subdivision regulations. We were left with the decision of how to de- velop the project and how to'p1an the size and scope of the building. l.le decided that inasmuch as the land would eventua'lly be annexed to the Town of Vai'l that we' should use'the medium density, multi-family regulat'ions'imposed by the Town of Vail. In January, we-met with the building inspector, Mr. Douglas, whose office is'in the same room with Mr. Robert Bam and Mr. Mike Blair and again at that time vile were not advised that we had to go through the county subdivision regulations. ll.|e were advised by Mr; Douglas that he would need some sort of document w'ith respect to the flood plain and the creek. 0n February t6, t974, we submitted a building appli- cation to Mr. Lester Douglas in the presence again of I'lr. Robert Barr. .Up untilthis time, still no corment about county subdivision regulations. 0n February 18, 1974, we sent a photocopy of the surveyor's op'inion with respect to the flood plain. and the creek. l,le were not advised until March 20, 1974, that there t,tas any con- cern about county subdivision regulations and our only knowledge of th'is came strictly from rumors that there was going to be a meeting and a hearing and thqp the proiect would try to be on the'agenda for the county meeting on March 20, L974'. Unfortun- p. o. box 418 . vail, colorado 81657 . telephone aic 303 47G5237 t- r'\.' \ | r ',.'.i'.i iI 1,( \\ li r'; .. ,.t ' ,' .\ : il:I .../.t!. ).r.'tr\ Cunni ngham Abbott, Jr. tg74 Cottonwood Place Memo March 21, 1974 Page Two ate'ly, no representative from Cunningham Construction and Development Company or. ..Mr.Abbotthadsufficientnoticetoattendthatmeeting.' :'..:'l{e have as of this date, March 2!, 1974, removed the 24 to 3 feet of haywhich we - _ -: p'laced on the site last October in an effort to keep the freezing out of the ground. . t ' In addition, we have done surveying on the site to locate lot lines, etc. To'date, . no major earth_moving has taken p1 ace nor will it take piace until a bui'lding .,...' . ;'..permit is in effect. . ,,, .- 1, - '_ '.1.1 ]hq Rroject consists of 24-units, I - 56L sq. ft. one bedroom apartments, and 16 -. -: 737 sq. ft, two bedroom,.two bath apartments. The total build'ing consists of ' 16,264 sq. ft. This is a .52 f'loor area rat'io. For your information, the floor - -. 'area ratio, number.of units, and building plan were designed to conform with the'medium- :density' multi-family bu'ildiirg requ'irements that present'ly exist in the Town of '- Vail. The-actual grilund coveiage of the first flbor is q'+AA sq. ft. or a ground .coverage of building of not greater than 15% of the'lot. Parking coverage is ap--. .- proximately 10,000 sq. ft. , or 30i[ of the ]ot. Total coverage of the buildingsandparkingdoesnotexceed45%ofthelot.This]eaves55%ofthesiteavailab]e for green space, green belt, recreation areas. Parking provided is 32 spaces. : l In tabulating the parking spaces we used a combination between the present Vail medium density, mu1ti-family reiluirement for parking spaces and the county require.ment. A strict 'interpatation of the county would require 36 spaces on the site. A strict interpatation of the Town of Vail's-parrking requirernent would require 13 spaces. Obvious'ly, we have been more in favor of the larger requirement and caneasily add the additional four spaces should it be required. However, we wouldnot recorffnend this inasmuch as it would take out sone attract'ive green belt areasthat presently exist. . .- Ingress to the site will be between the south end of the Almond Apariments and the nortlr - ' end of the Sanstone '70 complex at which area there is an easement for ingress andegress. Snow removal can be easily effected by pushing the snow from the south tothenorthandfromthesouthtothewestatthesouthendofthebui1ding.inad-dition, the deve'lopers are prov'iding covered parking for 16 of the 32 spices pro-,vided. This is done in a drive-in-fashion on the east side of the building where : snow would not co1 lect and should help al'leviate the snow removal problen. _ . bJe well realize the hazard that exist in the Sandstone areas around tlie Almond A-partments and consequently would like to confine ouri ngress and egress to the site south of Almond's and north of the Sandstone 170 apartments. However, our site plan and land purchase does allow us to have an easement to the north which would allow' : us to enjoin the traffic sjtuat'ion on the northerly portion of the Sandstone '70road. l,|e fee'l that the grad'ient here is a problem;that the curve is a problem; ardthat it is not the ideal situation for ingress and egress. Additionally, the Al- mond Apartments are extremely tight on providing adequate parking and aie presently using a portion of this'for parking and for their snow removal . Should we take over this land, it would create a further hardship w'ith respect to an already dif-ficult situation for the Almond's. COLtonwood Place Memo March 21i 1974 Page Three .:_ ' , -' l,l!!h respect to set back.requirements, vle can.meet the county requirements inall aspects including the 30 foot set back. The only place that this creates aproblem j1 that it moves the northerly mos! section bf'tne building in.an,east- -. erly fashion and ten& to crowd the spacial relationships, architecturally andaesthetically' between the Almond Apartments,and Cottonwood Place.. At this - point the northeast corner of our building, only a 7r2 foot set back is required.ac- cording to the county. Additiodally, we have a letter from a resident-eng'ineer and surveyor with repsect to the flood plain and drainage system on Sandstone '70.-.: ..- '.. This emphatically states that the building as presently sited and as proposed doesnot create a hazard or problem with respect to the drainage, flood plaj n;or the-creek. |*le m'ight also state that the entire creek lies in a westerly fashion of the ''.majority of our land. Consequently, w€, in all cases, have a greater set backthan!heTownofVailrequiresandcancomplywiththe.countyina]lrespects.- There are several clumps of Aspen trees on the easterly portion:of the lot that will screen Cottonwood Place from the Almond Apart.ments. A11 of the bigger Aspen trees ' are dead' and only the smaller ones wh'ich are-less than 20 feet appear at this time according to our survey to be on the Almond property. In no way will i,re disturb the trees or foliage on Almond's properties. We intend for Cottonwood place to be a quality apartment compTex. We, also, intend over the years to fu1 ]y cooperate with the Town of Vail to affect annexation of thisproperty into the town so that it can be better served and have better quality of ,-fire protection, pol-ice protection, etc. l'le would appreciate any discussjons of the project to revolve around factual data and information such as we have provided you above. l.le would be more than happy , -.tomeetwithanyofybuatanytimetofurtherdiscussthisproject.PIansare at our office as well as additional support data to verify the information given above. Very truly yours, Wm. James Cunn'ingham & J. Dudley Abbott, Jr. t,lJC/st o= " o"l= ", or=liliS'i,:.fi " o= urG' = *,.ZCOURTHOUSE . - P. O. Box 789 Phone 328-6338 Eagle, Colorado 81631 5 Aprll 1974 Re: Exemptlon from the Subdlvlelon Regulatlons Cottonwood Place - Flle No. Se-57-74 Appllcant: Jlm Cunnlngham Box 418 Val I, Colorado 81657 Enclosed herewlth ls an Amended Plan for the Cottonwood Place Appl lcatlon. PleaEe Include thls Informatlon wlth the orlglnal submlttal of 1 Aprl l, 1974. We would appreclate your comments and recommEndatlone prlor to the 17 Aprll P I annlng CommlEelon meetlng. Respectful I y, &i//,€..^) Robert H. Barr Plannlng Asslstant RHB/kt