HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 BLOCK 4 LOT 1 UNIT 11 AND 12Project Name: Vail Trails Chalets hoject Description: Deck addition and railing alteration Owner, Address and Phone: Mayfield Architect/Contact. Address and Phone:Eric Johnson, PO Box 2088, Vail, CO 8f658 Project Street Address: 413 Gore Creek Drive, Units 1l and 12 Legal Description: Vail Trails West, Lots l-6, Blk 4' Vail Village lst .t Design Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL BuildingName: Vail Treils Chalets WestParcelNumber 210l-082-33-014 Comments: Motion by: Seconded by: Vote: Conditions: Town Planner: Dominic Mauriello Date: 4-2&98 Board / Staff Action Action: staffapproved F:\EVERYONL\DRB\APPRoVAL98WAILTMI.42 8 DRB Fee he-Paid: $20.00 APR-21-98 TUE l3:20 Ap.-rg-gs oz: laP BANNER ENG. / FAYFIELD.I(l:T* AssocrArEs FAl{ N0, 612 593 3908 P,02t* u e<o-.1rr r'vL - Qucstions? Call thc I'la::ning Stoffai 479..; tlE Yell-rf TOVINOF APPLICATION FOR DESICN REVIEW APPROVAL GENERAL INFOR.MATION This aplicarion ir foc eay projcct rcquiring Dcsigr Rcvics ap;rovirl. Any Fojccr tcquiring dccigt rwicw rru.st tcccivc DcsiSn Rcvlw opltlovel pior lo $bmifiing for a building pcrmil Fa qrocific inforra*ion. scc thc submidll rcquircmotts for thc ;n(iculr alplwd lhal h rcqucstcd. Thc rpJrtir:rion canro! bc rcccntcd untit r thc rcquircd infornratim is srbnitrcd. Thc Jrojccr may atso nccd lo bs rcviowcd lry lhc Town Council rnd/or rhc Plenning eod Envirot ncual Conrnriscion. Dcrign Rovicw Board egproval orpircr onc ycrr tfrcr nara rpprrovrl unlc$ r building p0rmlr ls irsucd rod c1)nstrucrion ts $rdcd, I.OCATION OF PROPOSAL: P}TYSICAL ADDRESS:+ f?- GegBa cfale. EF,t\tE, .-ufrrfrb U lfL p6aggyl' 2-l-oI obz "8 ol (ionroctEaglcCo.nsscssocOfliccrrgru'32E-t640forFrccl ,t) ZONING:A? NAMEOF OWNER(S): owNER(S) STGNATURE(S): NAME OFAPPLICANT: MAILING PHONE: B. c. D. E. F. G. H.TYPE OF REVIEWANU TEE. E Ncr Conseustioo - ll?Il0 E Addilioo - t50 5t.lt Cordruction of e nw building. Inchrdcr any addition whc* rqurru footrgc ig eddcd to rny (*idrnrtird or commcrcial buiklirrg. Ulnot A|rcrrdor - S20 lnchrdcs ninor cbangc.i to huitdings end sitc impovcrncnoi. orch $. rcroofing. painring window additions, landscaplo& fcnet rnd rctdniot walls, ctc. DRB fccs arc to bc Juid at thc timc ofsubnrirtrl. Letcr. whcrr applying for r building pcnnit. plcrsc idcntif thc accuratc valuarion ofthc prujtr:r. Thc Toq/o ofvail ryill aqiusr rhc fcc according to tic Foixi veluation. ITLEASE SUBMTT TH|S APPLICATION, ALL SUBMTTTAL REQUIREMET{TS ^ND THS FEE TO THE DEP.A,N,TIIIENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMEN'I'. 75 SOUTH FN,ONTAGE ROAD. vArL, coLonADo u6s?. BUILDING MATERIALS: Roof Siding Othcr Wall Matcrials Fascia Sof'tits Windows Window Trinr Doors Door'I'rinr lland or Dcck Rails LIST OF PROPOSED MATERIALS TYPE OF MATERIAL: F4>-h"t^ Ex,o€------------<)M.,*^ Exrs Cao\\.". COLOR:+ Flucs Flaslrings Chiinncys Trash Enclcisurcs Crecnhouscs Rctaining Walls Exterior Lighting*+ Other / * Pleasc specify thc rnnnufacturer's color, number and attach a srnall color chip *+ All cxtcrior lighting must nreet the Town's Lighting Ordinancc 18.54.050(J). If exterior lighting is proposed, plcase indicate thc nunrbcr of fixftrcs and locations on a scparatc lighting plan. Identif cach fixture type and provide thc height abovc grade, lumcns output, luminous arca, and attach a cut shect of the tighting fixnres. - 2 Updated 6/97 oo W Botanical Nanrc Conunon Namc Ouantity SizCl PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS: EXTSTINC TREES TO se neN{oVept +Mininturn rcquircmcnts for landrcaping: dcciduous trccs - 2 inch calipcr conifcrous trccs _ 6 fcct in hcightshnrbs - 5 gallons T]rpc Squarc Footagc CROUND COVER SOD SEED IRRICATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL orHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (rehining walts. fences, swimrning pools, etc.) pleasc specis. Indicate top andboftom clevations of retaining walls. -Maximum height of walls within th; ftil.;b."k is 3 flet, i,taximum height ofwalls elscwhcrc on the propcrty is 6 fect. J Updated 6/97 fl (P(2 lT-t I t-f 0 ,t \ il $I \J 5 $I 1-s_L *: +., il IILs l \ 7_ t- T x s\ I, l Iie+ alo F It t- a. tI r--- I $ ur f I$ r$ [I I $.' )t Ip l-', od $E $drr $$ Ff il $ ?f 0 s. i i[ Pl 0 f r$ f_ I I I I I I J l- $ {, $l $ 1_ i, 0 sJ 1 $ l$ E L T {,.l i9.!,a s F +[ tr+{.l0 F1 tF,* fift i$ ffi t$ L a.Jsion* ]i Io =m v F L I :J u,il.tl 't'l II 1, a -t T { fI 1 IIt tt L I -$$t ilil $}it i r li o r St Et p$ N 1 r\{,$ s1 ( .'r *[ ) H II$i s - {.-tflrrd il$i* -rl r-l-J il L 7_ f L a -J-.-F ( <l .1 - ;t.u_ [\ \ & $ I ll. HI I 1rlill H f r* I $r;t$ [[]l-{ [r j r$ r\tl Sl,; hlIt$F $ C,r bdv bee V, A? z + qF Qa13)?? tTta |-+ / ) &qb g % Ii---l FJ IT IJPPER o ao Design Review Action Form Project Namc: Vail Trails Chalets Project Description: Dcck addition and miling alteration Owner, Address and Phone: Fevfield Architect/Contact. Address and Phone: Eric Johnson, PO Box 2088, Vail, CO 81658 Projcct Strcet Addrcss: 413 Gore Creek Drive, Units I I and 12 Legal Descliption: Vail Trails West, Lots l-6, Blk. 4, Vail Village lst Parcel Numbcr: 2101-082-33-014 Commcnts: Building Name: Vail Trails Chalets West TOWN OF VAIL Motion by: Sccondcd by: Vote: Conditions: Town Planner: Dominic Mauriello Date: 4-28-98 Board / Staff Action Action: staff approved FtliVITRYON nDRI]\APPROVA L\98WAl l.I'RA1.428 DRB Fee Pre-Paid: $20.00 Nam e: O ".0."'",, "Jt?HT"fflooeveroRmf t46 t-ta' 6t,'WY / Vail, CO 91657 Receipt NI.4X5-6-L zf1-.v Date____(l 001 0000 314 1 110 Zoning and Address Maps zA s5.00 001 0000 3141112 Uniform Building Code tE $54.00 001 0000 3141112 Unilorm Plumbing Cod-tu $39.00 001 0000 314 1112 Uniform Mechanical Code CB $37.00 001 00003141112 Uniform Fire Code CB $36.00 001 0000 3141112 National Electrical Code CB $37.00 001 0000 3141112 Orher Code Books CB 001 0000 314 121 1 Blue Print9Mylar Copy Fees BF $7.00 001 0000 314 11 11 Xerox Copies XC $0.2s 001 0000 314 1111 Studies, Master Plans, etc.MS 001 0000 315 3000 Penalty FeeVRe-lnspections PN 001 0000 311 2300 Plan Review Re-check Fee (S40/per hour)PF 001 0000 315 2000 Off Hours Inspection Fees r\u 001 0000 312 3000 Contractors License Fees CL 001 00003124000 Sign Application Fee SP $20.00 001 0000 312 4000 Additional Sign Application Fee SP 001 0000 31 1 2200 Qe sl,1 I gylely_B_o ifQ Fe e ( P re -p aid)OR ?d.a 2a. <D 001 0000 315 3000 Bu i ldin g_lnvesti gqtlgllgg PN 001 0000 240 3300 Developer lmprovement Agreement Deposit UZ 001 0000 3121000 Restaurant License fee (TOV)RL 001 0000 230 2000 Spec. Assess.-Restaurant Fee to Co.Deot.Rev.SA '001 0000201 1000 Taxable @ 4.5% (State) - Tax payable TP '001 0000 310 1100 Taxable_g 4.0% fiown) - Retail _T7 Other/Misc. -MS 001 00003112500 PEC APPLICATION FEES 001 0000 311 2500 Additional GRFA - "250"D\/s200.00 001 0000 31 1 2500 Conditional Use Permit PV $200.00 001 0000 31 1 2500 Exterior Alteration - Less than 1 00 so. ft.PV $200.00 00100003112500 Exterior Alteration - More than 1 00 so. ft.PV $s00.00 001 0000 311 2500 Special Development District - NEW PV $1,500.00 001 0000 311 2500 Special Development District - Maior Amend PV $1,000.00 001 000031 12500 Special Development District - Minor Amend PV s200.00 001 0000 311 2500 Subdivision Fees PV 001 00003t1 2500 Variance PV $250.00 001 0000 31 1 2500 Zoning Code Amendments PV $250.00 Re-Zoning PV s200.00 001 0000 319 31 00 Greenstar Program Other -MS TOTAL:zo, dO Comments: Cash Money Order #Check #Received Ay ()J-\ -i--'I ll(g?T- Th. Town of vail I i ,or" Lt l?V ,pl x Ng l0U0t :ECEIVEDFROIuI b fi I \'ht{aA PAY m rlf ffil$ FlRsInr $ ',elL :lCtel5l9: *&lfHli'h8tl" ADDRESS . : ; :*"" Permit Numbers I|()rV PAID-Crsh-Otcck BiH"ii,Effl3' -'Sit: H*o t.** llil3ml7€&n |e0.5 trscRIpn|tl ESTSI IEUIB' Enlc .[llsil ffiiffi'iffir'ffi,,T*' FE cn ffif" & unIL InRlL OTIEIS ff**ollo rae.s ffiffi frs IIfi( YIIJ F{N YUN PRYT€{T! o*ign Review Action Ffin TOWN OF VAIL (CategoryNumber gaa -' - 32- ?? erqeanune: /ao frz-ett 14a.a?< ' '-Va"iy' Building Name: Project Description: Owner, Address and Phone: Architect/Contast, Address and Phone: L€gaf Description:Lot/-/f Blcr;k 4 Subdivision ZoneDistrict 4Z' Project Street Address: Comments: Board / Staff Action Motion by: Seconded by: tr Approval fl Disapproval \ \p€tanARRrovat DRB Fee Pre-paid 5|<vrr . rtrv-t-1,,bv -t bP I I f.r: 5 /|o.r avz.rtzI r,ltr r.t I - lJ, Qucstions? ( ullf 'larrnitrg Sltl'l rt 4 79' Z llli APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL A. fh+r Lolo c. D. E. F. G. el-01"L Coostnction of a ncw buikl.ingl lncludcs any addition whcrc sguare footage is addcd to any rrxidcrroal or commcrcid building. lncludcs minor changcs to buildings and sitc improvenrcns. such as. rerootrrng. painting window addilions, laldscaPing. fanocs and rctaining walls, dc. For any application whcre thc qrplicant wishcs to mcrt with Dcsign Rwictr Board to dctcrminc wbetbcr or not thc projoct gencrally cornplics with tbc dcsigr guidclincs. The DRB docs not volc on conccptual rcvicws' 'tvlfuoFvut GENERAL INFORMATION This apglicadon is for any pojcct rcquiring Dcsign Rcvicu, ap;rwal. Any projcd roquiring desip revicw nn$t rcccivc Dcsign Revicrv alproval prior to submitting for a building pcrmit. For spocific infonrration, scc thc subnuttal ruluircnrrnts for thc particular approval that is roqucstcd- Thc applicaion cannot bc acccptcd until all the required informatioo is subnrittc<|, I'hc pojcct may atso nocd to be rwicwcd by lhc Town Council and/or thc Plarurirrg and Environmcntal Comrrrission. Dcsign Rwicw Board rpprovel erpires ore yerr rfler linal .pprovrl unlcss I lruildi[g pcrmit ir issued rnd consrructio! i3 itrrtcd. I}. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: PHYSICAL NAME OF OWNER(S): OWNER(S) SIGNATURE(S): NAME OF APPLICANT: MAILING PHONE: TYPEOFREVIEW AND FEE: O Ncw Construction - t2lXl O Addition- S5l) Xfrainor ancretioo - s20 E Conccpturl Revicw - $0 DRB fccs ars to bc Jnid at thc timc of submirtat . Latcr. wbol applying for a building pcrmit- ple*e idcnti$ thc aacuratc valuation of thc projoct. Thc Towa of Vail will adjust thc fcc according to tlrc projcc valuatim. PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPLICATTON, ALL SUBMMTAL REQUTREMENTS AND THE TEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, 75 SOUTTI FRONTAGE ROAD. VAIL COLORADO ET65T. LOT:- BLOCK:- FILING r t r lJ /v"' t!'ttr'J' I vt : 'r',4 | l(trlr' r t , V - L 1,, t l - t-, E V - t,, l- lr I I]UILDING MATERIALS: Itoof T'i,PF. OF MATERIAL:COLOI(:| "WrTreg)h" .. Wf+l-ftt "Hglzrt>tn 4,En Othcr Wall Maqids Fascia Soflits Windows Window Triru Doors Door Trinr ll,ald or Dcck Rails Flucs Flashirrgs Clrilurcys Tnslr Enclo.surcs Gcorbouucs Rclaini$g Walls ' Extcnor Lightittgfl Orhcr €TDare l r\ Woae --- .. All cxrcrior ligfrting nrtst rncct $s Town's Lighting ordirrancc 18.54.05fiJ)' tf cxtcrior ligltting iS propgsc{ plrrsc indicatc tlc r'unbcr of fixrurcs end tocatio,o on u "o-"t" t;J,ti,tg ptan. ldcntily iactr fixlruc typc arrd ptovido lho hclprrt rbovc grod". fu,"r." "riilif"",tri.ta arca. snrt inactr a iut sticcr of ttrc llshtln6 nxturc!' I | >\ vloeo , t)Ae I^/|+ rrrt@ lrfrl r-:fE. ly'A -vlee t Plcaso spccify thc manufacturcr's color. numbcr and atach a small color cbip May 19,1997 Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail; Colorado 81657 To Whom ltMay Concern, Enclosed is orn application to change the exterior color scheme for the Vail Trail Chales. The attached colors have been approved by the Vail Trail Chalets' Home Owners' Association Board Sincerely,ruF-Patrick Gramn, Preside,nt The Vail Trail Chalets' Home Owners' Association Board ryilTFlF|llFr --. ;' il"ign Review Action rlt TOWN OF VAIL oate 4-/? - 77Category Number Project Name: Building Name: UA\L TERtL al/42a7< Projsct Description: Owner,Address andPhone: /ar- 6o,' Ztla.t-< ' /z,,..tr,n^,n ,,",-, Atso-,r<>ro.',..- QVl'72, ArchitecVOontact, Address and Phone: LegatDesc,ription:Lo6J:J5-Block 4 Subdivision dr- /fr ,.tzone District {Dlfltr Projectstre€tAdaress: (/3 GeE (r"EEx T F.,r/-€ Comments: Motion by: Board / Staff Action Vote: Seconded by: n Approval ! Disapproval {staff nnnrovat Conditions: o^t", 4',lF- 77 DRB Fee Pre-paid /o* raP-31-s7 lo'rll FPo Krt l=-AtW,,r wwnirunV COM-Do Qucstionsl {-'dflanning Srat}'at 479-2l2li E\,-DEPa. I D.9"64?924E2 APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROV.AL PAGE 2/E GENERAL INFORMATIOI.I This application is for any projrxt roquiring Desig Rwiew ayrproval. Any projcct roquiring desip rwicv rnrsl rcccivc Design Roricrv approval prior to $bmifiing for a building pcrmit. For slrocific infomutiqr, scc thc submifial requiremcrts for thc particular apprwal tbat is rcquc$tc& Thc appticdion cannot bc acccptcd until all tbe rcguired informaaioo is submittcd. Thc yrojcct may also nccd to bs rwiewed by thc Town Cwncil rod/or thc Planning and Environrnental Comrnission. DcrCgl Raier Board epproral erpircs me yerr efter firel epprovd udcs$ a Ituildng pcrmit is issue{ erd cv$tructios i3 strrttd. A. B. c. D. LOCATION OFPROPOSAL: P}TYSICAL ZONING: NAMEOFOWNER(S):gLA"<. c. E- F" OWNER(S} SIGNATURE(S): NAME OFAPPLICANT; MAILTNG TYPE OF REVIEW AND FEE: E Nct, Con$tructioo - J2lt0 Cooscnrctiqn of a nov buitding" lncludes any addition whcrc square footage is addcd to any rcsidcntial or commercial building. lrrcludcs murc changcs to huildings and sitc improvcnrcnts. srch as reroofing, painting window addition$, landscapilg. feaces and rctaining walls, dc. For any applicadon whgre thc applisrt rvisbcg to meet with Dcsigr Rwiew Board to detcrmine wbether or not thc foject gencrdly comJrlics with thc dcsign gsidclincs. The DRB docs not vote on concc?'tual rc{icws. O Additior -s50 {minorAlterrtioo- $20 E Colcepturl Rwiew - $ll DRB fccs are to bc pid at the 6mc of nrbmirtal . [,atcr, wh€n applyiug for a building pcrrnit" plece ideotify the accurate valudion of the goject- Thc Tovm of vail will adjrrst the fce aruding to thc projcd valu*ion. PLEASE SUBIVIIT THIS APPLICATION.ALL SUBMTTTAL REQUIREMENTSAI\II' THE FEE TOTHE DEPARTMENT OT COMJVTUIIITY DEVELOPMENT TSSOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, vAIt+ coloRAno tr657. *j:-4S!=t-.L_=_JaI j- ltata- 3 1-97 lo,42 FRoI{. Tov-c BIJILDING MATERIALS:TYPF OE MdTERTAI-: oM-DEV-DEPT. I D.9"114?92452l"*- o PAGE 3/E COLOR:r w!,IJe"* ?W,z(, ffiJffi,,n*sE l",r(4, lJr#"l'c,€,,n Fascra -t;x'la V"Aezdu=o.^+ttz sornrs -Tzrl WA(rrlz,r-n \u W ^3^1"+ + Plcasc slrccify thc manrtr*urcr's color. numbcr and atach a small color chip '* AII ctccrior lighting muS mect tbe Town's Ligfiting ftdinancr 18,54.05qJ), If cxtcrior ligbthg is p'ropgsc4 pleasc indicatc thc mrmber of fxarcs and loccims on a sqraratc lighting plan. ldcntifu cach 6xhrc type drd provide tbc hciglt abovc gnde. lumcos orgut luminou.s arg+ and aneh a cut sbset sf tbe lightiag fixtures tg.,I- Doors Trasb Eoctosrcs Wp$4.Ltx Doorrrim -fZ Plabl/-4d i lrand or Deck F.airs -V il@i; t@z Flucs E'4-q ..1Fhshings E{tq. chinneys f-g l'rt'AbP|frrrJ4<n t.tl Cvrccnho^ww IVA .., Rerainingwarrs rcU kdC*lao-fit'A'u ExtenorLigbriogr. N/AB t[ri.*r-q - - t'/ 4pfl7,1997 Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 To Whom It May Concem, Enclosed is our application to change the exterior color scheme for the Vail Trail Chalets. The attached colors have been approved by the Vail Trail Chaleb' Home Owners' Association Board- sincerery,6h?-4 Patick Gramn, President The Vail Trail Chalets' Horne Owners' Association Board EDT- rtrTonofVrfl , e77 RECEIVED FROM ADDRESS Pcrmit lfumberc Folle Recclpt Numbcn tfollr PAlD-cash-check / z t z r, - - - - - _- - - - - - - -'- --E. isrs(a!!'.r-atllfittalt -' r3?-= \r/- \,-, -rouf}{ sF UFtIL Fliscel lareqrs Ceh Er4-18-1r Er?;49: :5 P;:ceiFt S i:?.j4f, Fi,:,::r-,ur-rt. # i:f,:. # IJT{IL FIF:':HITECTUFJE FtriL,l.rn t, terrd* r*d :r I ?ero paid r1L B$FB4 I lf, I BrJ$ tL:h*nge r'* t urned .: 1r'1 I I:FJfiUP\.T]F:F FEE i[t' gg Hrraunt paid :r3, 0E 11. r:rl1 THFI}{!< VTfLJ 'lt'u r r;:h j. e r: F:ErlTtlE I F $i OP E6 Qut e{rtF u0- t # ffi # 7- -t 'RIVE VAIL VALLE. Xi de' ..PIt{ F: a-0- .- Fs'Y\F:!u-ctp ii 6 PEbd0-()nJU ii s* FF\4 HENXUEqnNq NFFttrN H>' N 6H . ? g.EzgEEt{ h0rrl .E9EH F*3 ;gI sEA Ei \ EIQ-ra. =E-a Er! (-i*trcEE i'|tlv \r.ta580u t-rF-z:klE{A\Yhi=UEhnNq NF!\tr\) tl>\ YEs 5PFr. uaa # lirfs* ffilI 5r ..;.i ? E.E2,9 EEr_t bOr{ .gf \ -aYErn !1 cBE FE: 2i!r trl E# NSX t-,t'=E iiZEA frr< L "r\ ,,, \ ,tq.X :t' '.", *o 'o! , ilij:"q, I o {'5 +:. l Fz lt a, J I;E r-! .1 l'--r F n> z=. YFva t\ { :(f\.r|*r\) %N EFI !l\ N tl,tr,\. ^.-.\ . - 2, c) aft r_. b! .\ F Fl= IIJ -.'r. i C-to. "J 4i :: -eX FJ !? =, N":h F-'= !? =e ^r-1 .r.tr'1."1 - :"d .'* tr ,F",r : :ir Fz F] ri I p F n>z= Y t-rl)a F-{ TEI {\tlhtx\) %FI N!\ \)\vS raLr(.9 1.1 hzY '-Erf=labi r-r E l'/ =t+avr !.!cq O\ tila. .lcJ Zi.r-iP 'iFJx J!.a =, N; u diO rr< COLOR BOARD FOR THE VAIL TRAIL CHALETS TO MATCH OLYMPIC'S (HERITAGE BLUE" - OPAQUE TO MATCH DEVOE'S "SEA BEACH" - OPAQUE TO MATCH DEVOE'S (EGRET'NIHITE - OPAQUE VaiI Architecture group A Personel Servicc Corporafion gs Post Office Box 1734 Vril, CO E1658-1734 (n0r 949-70v fer: (90) 949-El34 crDdl: slrhgrp@Ydlnct CABOT STATNS' RED CEDAR,taWOOD;IOPAQUE TO MATCH MUTED SAFFRON, STUCCO SHERMAN WILLIAMS' . WI{ITE 'WINDOWS TO MATCH ,-.t{4zf - ltl -41) '--.--.---l-.-.- Vail Architecture group A tur..d Sdne CGF[|6 (9?0) 9,t9.?01,1 lur (a701oaull l^ .dil: nltrt.l!lir.il Fr PRorticl NAME: PRO.IECT NO: 9?19.m VAILTRAIL CHALETS VAIL. COLORADO DRAWINC Tnl,E COLOR SCHEME #2 S( Al,ti NfiTOSCALE ls5ltlil)l\1T.: 3.21.ql PHAsf,,: N/A SUEET: RE: -