HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 BLOCK 4 LOT 1 UNIT 12 LEGALciz tr =Eulo- \o CN UJ uJu- ==E UJo- Itrljj Yft,aQtflfigABffi c'\ (r) rn &rdv HH B E HE IJJ rJ o tr-u- .'zo l auF ar j- E FIz = ozz I -lzlrllIEI trl IHI<l <l F{l r.J I HI Fqt (DI outFoz z o .6 =z N zB H F] H F IA Ff U) a z H at) ts HHB Hd P{ 14 H A Fl zH FA 14 |l H F.l l! ulo =I lt Fo Fz (r uJz3 lr ul F -:- o c i;; *c 'EEHir :giiE gEFiE $;t.es$Ersi fEis! iEEsg60-.=-5A9./,8 sf;:€€ igaiF T\o\\oN = uJ z J o Y, UJ z .J ) EF UJJ uJ (,z6 = c 9z oru = UJqJll'z tr ul Ll,/ (D 3uJ IJJ z 6It/ UJ z t!J X F urol an UJ UJu- F =E uJd Fo F (Jzo = .D o EFoU llJ oz @ = z IJJt NO[Vn]VA : tr z fr g ; t F =& F B : o =ltoz9Fo-a C) uJ J e UJzlu(, =>(! -E(''f tr.t & =@N zz99ho- gXrEP o U'OZt-Oc)QZr!<oq o-- !2l5;<ri LIHIH ts ili it: il; E-r E z tr f {IL o c oEo UJc F oo\o t (L UJ z tr L L IaLzlz <oo< 3A xr!6ci<z =z,. Az -.1 t;o =trOI l lt|l t-t I Fololltl UJl.J UJzY =F z F J f U)z ;J 3 F qJ ldl I| trt Ilztltlt_llztl?l)/--llil>te Ilv1t6-\IFl>ItrI lrJ l1t<lz l: 3 lo Ff < u, (- I oz f-a & z tr uJ 3 IIJz z I Lc) @ @ \rJ OO c(la- -f,4UJz UA2r.# UJFooo-zo FL UJY UJcl oFt uJIL ll-o o-oo I uJFoz cl q UJF o ,l Ezt4o9 t =22cnoF =<fi',^ a;-Y (, tr!E}< ..i3\.,t,= =83-! -'i t!6E= = q, o" :l!,zE<ctf€aB9t; 5gE drE b=o dtr: >o- E 659 5tuE XO_t x>t q- €= ul dto|- --I ts =E. UJo-zIFo E 6zoo =.1ol IJJI :l <l>l tr.lol zl;lolFI ?l@lcole{l I el qil HI il FI =.1olu,I 5t al>l bl zl 3l PI .it I\o F\.s I dl Hl JI al>l l!tol zl]l 9l v)& 1r1q H;ftrl rdH .J) t4E =tr z.l uJl 1l <l>l rLlol zl 3lolFI odq Hf:lilcl trl EEcl.i Io 1c)fl;cl Hd<q> c<trEO C! HHzp ts rr1 :E FlH &ts FfH ui =z (I] -) z =u- FO EFz ECn +8E(,)i..|tll vt oz @ = d J () EFc) UJJ F uJ F I() -rO<FGO IJJ <zEll.JFtrzo C) <cia?.5H!!tr m{T I},r!A D nOIf{lTm lltY-30-01 TllU 15r05 AD TE r Lf,l-et ttllg/U.l ! Truu uf U.ril :IES{Eiteo+ tiAll llo 3031?relil :rlStmtlntrl P.M \.t ta tl .cdt tqrlaaf nrrd url! acforrd,! lt||il llrnil l?9-1t38 or i7g-?139 llOr rnol{l DATE: SUHIEGTT ofllor ol oommunllt daEfoFilfnl rLL CONIRf,CtrOnl CTTRRENIIL!! RECTSIERED tfttfl ttrrI0ml OF vlltr foHll oF vaIL FUBLIC ronx8./colotrJNlTt DE\tttopDrEN! IrncH t6r 1988 eollSIRUclrtON PlntrINA I UATIRIIIJ FEOnAGE (1.s. contrastor,owngrl In sunnrryl Ordlnanca No. 6 ttrtcr thrt tt tr unhwful gcr rny Dor3cn to llttrr, tFack ot deporlt any tolr, sec*, !rnd, atsbsltor natllhl, lnolualng trerh lunpetarl, Doriable tolleti andworKbrn vehtcl.r upon lny atrmtl rldrual,kl allcy oE FuFIlcFllge oE rny parllin lhr-raat. i!f,r rlaht-oi-wry ir. rrr. olui rlvall rtrtatr -nd roadr lr apprortnstrly E ft. 6ff Devrnrnt.nhll-ordlnrncr nllt bo ctrtbi,ii iniorcic Ui urr-iein of vatl 4Flr_e sorhr Doprrinrnt, n*iinr founi vriri{rns itrli-arril,",,.r.'ulll bo tllurn r t{ hrur. rrlltlrr retlrr ta trsov. rrii artlrllrl.rn. tho lvtnt thr porren ao notlttcC 6oal nob aonFly rrltb thrDortco Wlthln rhs a{ houE tlho lDrotllod, ttrr pubtla t{ortcsDrltaEtrrnt rLll rouovc gald nntiitat ar rlro .lgtJn-- or p-rconnotlli.i. Thc DrovlaLons of thlr ordlnrncr striii-not biaFpltorbla to eonttruct!,on, ual,ntenancc or rapal,r projocEt ofrhy rtrest or allsy oa anf utltltles ln the rlghr-i-wiy. _qo-$yliry-ordlnener No. 6 tn !u11, FlGail ttop by tha town o!Ylll BulldlnE Daprrt[rnt to obErlir i copy. rilanft y6u ier youroooperntton on thlr llttsr. ! SCNT IlYt A D AgItgTUS ttlY-30.91 TllU 15:05 ADATE I 5-3t-9t ti I alA[.'t I Tour rl Urll 3re4ettal+ FAll ll0. 3034Tllllhl 384?9e15?r I 4 l, uJ t I lutLolfio PERlllT tlsu,AilCt llllE FRAilE lf thll prruttt rqulr.r l Town of Vrll Ffre Denrrtmant Approvrl, Engfnerylr tPuUttc tforkll reyletr rnd rpprrvrl,-r Plrnntnb OeFartmentrevfr$ 0r llerlth 0rprrtonnt rBvlew. lnd r rlvlau by the Bulldlng DsPaFtmcnt, the catlmrtod tfmr for r toul revlftr mry tike tr longrl thrie mrRr. All connerclsl (.lorlr 0r smll) und rll nultl-frnlly prrilltr Hlll havc ttt follow thc rbovc mcntloncd nrxlrum rfqulrcmntr. Brlldentlalud rnall proJectr rhould tahe r lesrer ropuni of tlme. llowevrr, lf rerfdenthl or rrnrllrr proJccts lmprct thr virlou3 rbovo montloned dgprrtmentr wl.th rcgrrd to neclslrry raulrw, thrrl proJectt mryllrc trtf thr tnrrt urek perfod. Evrry rttonpt HtIl be nrde by thl: drprrtm€nt to rlpedlts thlr panrltt rr tQon tr porrlble, lr the unCrrtfgnrd, undrrrtand thr plrn chack procrdurt rnd time ft ama. tf roo|h lcnlt. told r|ll solcrrdo lllltlrrl 179-lr!8 or {791!\tt cltha cl conmunllt drvdePutl /LVt+ru Cormunlty 0cvrloPmrnt 0rprrtnant. SENT E/:A B ffiBESIIIS ABATE : 5-31-91 t1:15At't i 383"42LL28Doo A&BAsbestosAbatement 035 Wost Whlle AYenur Grand Juncllon, Coloredo 81505 Phone (303) 249-e675 o$8, rffi-!LJ-1;1J---- FAII TNAilEIiIfTA& TOT ArrE n r r orf a E, -k&ELE/-=-9sg, ! WIE-W &oW-- AoEN cy oi cor pAr{ y, -jF-a-gJ4l- Ag.-trlt= .rnAil s u r rrn, u ru^, -:fi191--AltgSgt!- 393479215?rS 1 Inc. FAXt 3ug-t{2-llzs t-aoo-?at-l804 nuflDER 98 PAOEE lN tRAllsl,ltt?AL lllcLUDlilo Tllls sltEBTt-.- lF llBclPIEtlT llAE ANI 0uF8TloN8 ltBcAnDIN0 Tttrs TlrAtlstllTTAL -T c 'rf r A c r, --&t*!!!tM--- JUN l9 'stfr34 DcN sctENcE LAB., tO DCI{ gCIEilCE II'DORATORY [roslt 7400 FIIEA COUNI AMLY9IS JIrNE lg, 1gg1 A T I ASBESTOS A8ATEI|ENI, IFC. NOI{E OIVET VAIL IXAIL Cr{Attt r12 A85t9 SAI{PI.E AIR FIBER FIELDDATE VOL- COMN OOUNT (L) ; 6-19-91 12:39Ff4 ;3ei3242LL?A) REPORTINO UATE: CLIETT: cuEm JOB tfo.: P8(I'8qI TITITI PRqIECT NT'TT8E8,: DCII GLIENT I.A8 NIJ}iBER NO. 9'I UPPEBFIIEE CONTIDENCE LIIIT OF EIEEISDs}|SlE LIfiIf DETEgtIOtT pER EL(r/3q p|) $/tL) (E/ilt $/oL) -zRn rrrc'A-002 6'17'91 1005 2s.0 100 ir.r: 0,02, 0.003 0.012'3RR vrc'A'003 5-17-e1 rooi 28,5 iod ii.lr 0.028 0.003 0.014'4RA o.c'A-004 6-17-9r 1050 7,5 100 .9.5s 0.008 0.003 0.004'58r wc-A-'os 5.17-91 ioso 11.5 iod i.as 0.012 o.oo3 o,oo5'6RR vrc'A'006 6'L7-9L 90 r.o 100 L,27 0.028 0.0!o rtD BI.AI{K FIIER COt'rTT:* }IO TI.ANKS SU$iITrED FILTIR AREA (Sq Hil): FIET.D AREA (SQ W): INIERIAEORAI0RY Sr,r * 385 0.00785 0.31 ONTI TIEERS CREATER T?IN 5UN IONC Tlilt AI{ ASPECI RATIo oF 3:I oR GREATER ARt couIITED. ANscAuvE VALUE rlDrcAlEs A 8I4NK couui Cneerue nun rns-iriin couxl Fon rts sAnprJ. ntE95t UPPER coNFrDEtlcE Lrxrr rs calqtdiro es ucontENDED rr-irrr Nroslr 7400 t{BrHoD, Brxrlsroil*3' 1/rs/89' ntE suurcrrvi coipdieni 6F rnrElr,Alonrroni ngrerrvE srAxDAnD Dg,4ATroNitftihlir{tff.tt I'trs DErERnnrrrrou.- ixg ssrrrArso iiiir-on onsoidli-ioR il'i-rcnroo rs KgY FER ESTIfiATINO I{ORPHOI.oCIC PERCETITACESAl{otFrs APPnOXI!{ATE I IR - IRACE vL - VERY LotJL-tOU l{ - }IODERATE ll - HIGH vH - VERY HIGH EID - Etlow 1rrE ESTTXAIED Lrt{tf OF DEIE6IION FOR t-2 2-10 10- 25 ?5-40 AA ME }TEfiOD sAltlPIJ r|o' lRR ltAs rAIGlf FrNAL ArR cLEArANcE 11. rr NAs lrg BACKGRoIJND t{l|l.ERrAL. rHE ''N-FTBR.US r{ArERrArs ruglgga cuanriz-idr.psren.Lrxs ,,^rir*i(vl-L), OpAQrrEs(TR),AlnryDRrrE,/cypsulr-LrxB_nAtenrucvil , -iiiHlrpsr(TR), porJEN(rR), sFoREs(TR), DUgr.LrtcrIATERTAL(TR'VL) AND REsrN-LrKE'rreiinieL<ru. 'nri'runous'Hrrenrels ncrrJDE r{otf-grnArcHrFTDERS(IR)' STRAIGHT FraERs(rR'vai' iiiiiiroerrE/cypsw-Llxs HATEnTAL(TB) xrD cErilnosl(m). EAI{PII IIO. zRR IJA3 TAXEII FINAL AIR CT.EARAIICE *I. II IIAS I'TJ BACI(CROU}ID TIAIENIAL. TTIEuoN - Fr BRous xerenrArf -l_Ig!rya quailrizTer-Dl p{: llIE I{ATERTAL( L), opAQUrs (Tr,),ANIaoRITE,/qrpsulr-LrKE lll_El-tlr-ivr,lili-iiu,rrrcsg(TR), poiisxirR), spoRgs(rR) Alrp DUrr-LrKE!{ATER''AL(TR-'L). o'E FrBRous rinrrni*i'rNcLuDs nofi.srneroxi risERs(nl, iirel6nr FIEER'(vL),ANHYDRTTE/OYPSUM' LII(E IIATERIAL ( TR - vii, - ceu,uros E ( TR) AND 6 poRff (rR) . ffie?:a e trsBEsTll9 FEATE t 6-1.9- _aL 1A : 41pf4 t 343?.4?].1_?8+ i B 3 JUN ts 'slJ:ss Dcm scrENcE LRB., to pAcE.;;. NEPOR,TING DATE: CLIEM: CLIEITT JOB l{0.: PROJECT TITE: PRC'ECT NUI{BER: DCI{ SCIENCE I.I|BORATORY NIoSI{ 7400 FIBR, COUI.II A}IALYSIS . P^AE 2 Jt t{E 19, 1991 A & E ASIESTOS A.8A?B|{EI{T, INC. NONE CIVETT vArL I?AIL Cr![.gt *12 48559 SAI{PIJ }IO. 3RR I'AS ?AXEN FINAL AIR CIIARAITCE *I. II I|AS T.OI| IACIGROI'ND I{ATETIAL. IIIENo!{-FTEROUS !{ATERTATJ .TSIIE quARTZ/FEr.DspAR-LrKE nrrsRIAr(vL.L), OpAQUIS(tR),ArHyDRrrE/sypsut{-LrKE l{ATERTAL(vL.r,i, - isreurosE(rR) , spomG(rRl Alro uusi-iixi,irreuAr(TR-vL) S^ITPI.E No. /.RR wAs IAKE!| FrNAL AIR CuAIAXCE #2. Il HAg vSRy IInl lO IOIJ IAcXG]RorrNDI{ATERTAJ" THE NoN'FrBRous I{ATEnTAIJ rrcunr-qurnrzywosek-LrKr r{ArEnrAL(vL), opAeuss(rR),AMnoRrrE/GYPsut{'LIKE }TATERTAL(VL), csirllrsg(rR) AirD DUsi-LrKE I{ATERTAL(IR). TnE FrBRousl{ArERrAIs rNou'DE II9I--JIPISI'Fri;darR), sri.uixr rrlssitrll, AilFy-r,RrrE/GTpsuH-LrKEI{ATERIA!(!R) AfiD cEril[rsE(Tr) SA!{PI.E NO' 5RR |JAS TAKEN FINAL AIR CLtrARAIICE 12. IT HAS VERY I,oI' TO I.oTI IACXOEOUNDI{AIERIAL. IIIE NON.FIBROUS ITA?ERIAIJ '*.YII qUrNrZTrUr.NSrq.grA TATERHL(VL), OPAQUE'(TR),ANH'DRITE/CYPSUI{.LIKE-ilATIRIAI(W), CiTTU',SEirNI,-bUJr.iii|S [A'ER.I.[(TR) AIID RESIN.LII(E,{ATERTAL(TR). TrE FrBRous x.rreninrs irri'me Hox-irnarcsi-ii*ns<rn), srRArcHT FTBERS(TR),Arf HyDRr rElcypsur{ - LrKE larERrAL ( TR ) el6 - i rlurrcs u 1 rn I . SN{PIJ No' 6nR uAs rf{Elt D(cuRsIoN oN rucKER. rr HAS VEny lrtl to Iru TAcKcROtND !|ATERIAL,ITIE NON.FIEROUS I{ATERIALS INCUJDE qiENiiZTETASPAR-LIKE rrrN.rErtVI.L), OPAQUES(?E),cEUIrosE(rR) AlrD DUSIHS xe&nriicrnl. rrrc rtrnous nergRilu rNcurDE NoN-srnArcHTFTBERS(Tn), srurcxr rrsERs(Tn),uo-iiibrcsE(rn). .Al ctzt =E UJo- o r^ I z (n UJutu- L =E, UJ Itrl€"9 '|{{s30et#fi I qlt r+rJf I I I 4 -tl \autlo I I I Fl M3rirH,t-Bo rtr 33112 H= F FIz 6 =zo uJ F z o =J o co =z I! F z t! tro _=T (f u- (fo at ol o c(! o) o E q) o o-(5 3o o ooE c '6'.t lt.o o ! (g ,= N al,c 3ot- c) cn t ooo o) of o .9 =t) o It (0 g; ' o oo G =o 'F (g =i > Eoo o g = 1c (! e E .E o ;i E q) o) ctl(! E:EE f: EU o_ EE F'=6s cL'-ooo.Cn:T =.Y.=>c9 6.0 E(!(Dtr CC E= -Y- o-(s .'r.a!-- -c EE@ Hq,OE Ooic-c ct -E(50 q99' (E otE8o6 ta >9no9a EEr-o -o .v r\(n F =du,o-(,z ql x UJ oz J () E uJ 6 z =f c J () z o UJ = IJJ llJl!z 9 F uJeo IIJ E lo BI u,e.z 6 uJo F6o llt lz UJ x F uJ attl U' IJJul lJ- == IJJc) Fo F z o :f J 9 F lll ul z =J J 9z oul E HHH Fl EfrlA NOrrvntv^ Y o =Z!-oo6z;9o l-- ()F9r dEE> z7 N N >E itr z io-XlF9tooz2-q) (J<)z!L<oo- qY-X r(\i z tr l { TL tc(, f F |r1 GI IJJE z Eoo zI F E UJ J 3L!z lltltltl tzlzOa <oo< =FRn6o<z l I I I F4* 94--i F rl- 63trOI UJ l J E LJJz (J IF 2 F J oz 3i Bo <l trl 2_l zl .. >lo uJo uJ llJzo = UJ o- J z E o z J z I @ @ .! Oc) uJtodloazo F o-ulY uJ d) oF F EtlJ ,-'{(Lor ,, Ol ^-l IIJo"lotr{ HLUbkzo Zz__oo zQ.?.Do- ==HdPH dffoo= =F3=urYdd= tr = uJILl! ul z oI FE Eo- JFLll -h=i(tsduJ>o-O|! :.v\ I.TJxcx>fiFI IIJ F tro E CI -9oiE .=c3 E EoC' o co E to! IGl> l- --D E =E,lrlo-z9F(Jf E,Fozo(J tr-lnFnL-J r-J D4r _ltl\:ll -.1 ol =.1ol rrJlEI JI ?l>l |rIol zl;lolFI zH E Ff Ll B 14tsH B s I I I I I .l =.1ol IJJI 5l <l>l ttlol zl;lolFI I I ,l uJl 1l =l fl' @ra cr) c.) I\c)c{o\ l-.l lqltvll-lcll Hel Hql dsl El 6lt2l =31401 rl-l Fl I l*I l-:t| | ('.1I lYlF. I \Olral F-| | \t.l5l r lFqllolHAI O t't IHl.g dH H HgFlat< El 3= In c.l I\o F--ir I ,.. z o uJE J a lt z3 u) E1 FrH frl F< U) t : tr l.ll-r Il*liElltC,ltattoll" ItzlHplI<t ooTiB Pt4El. F4l < FletId;gur -t o|tct..J <adAE c{ F{i* Hu) E cn FlH Et*l FfFI ui =zoo-t z U- z 7 uJ = E ;. +.l- tvF-o2 1(J 9P;C) =<>EfFd6 t:o<F(rC)ur<zE IJ..| F(rt Z F z (.) E tu) TU trnn 75 .oulh fronlrgc road nll, colondo E1657 (303) 479-2138 or 479-2\39 otflcc of communlly devclopmcnl BUILDING PERI,lIT ISSUANCE TIME FMME If this permit requires a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval ,Engineer''s (.Public Wopks) reyiew and approval, a planning'Oepariment review or Health Department review, and a review by the Building Departnent, the estimated tirnb for a total review may take as longas three weel(s. All comrnercial ('large or small) and all multi-fam'ily permits will have to follow the above nentioned maximum requirements. Residentia'l and small projects should take a lesser amount of time. However, if fesidential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned departments wlth regard to necessary review, these projects may a'lso take the three week period. Every attenpt wi.l1 be made by this department to expedite thispermit as. sgon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame. Date Work Sheet was turned into the Community Development Departnent. I oo a .1, TO: EROM: DATE: SU&'ECT: ?5 roulh tronlage road Yril, colorado 81657 (303) 479-2I.38 or 479-2L39 ottlce of communlly dcvrlopnenl ALt CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED IIITH TIIE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT IifARcH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERIAL STORAGE fn summary, Ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawful for anyperson to litter, track or deposit any soil, rock, sand, debrisor material, including trash durnpsters, portable toilets and workmen vehicles upon any street, sidewalk, alley or publicplace or any portion thereof. The right-of-way on all Town ofVail streets and roads is approxiruately 5 ft. off pavement.This ordinance will be strictly enforced by the Town of VailPublic Works Department. Persons found violating this ordinancewj.ll be given a 24 hour written notice to remove said material .In the event the person so notified does not comply with thenotice within the 24 hour tirne specified, the puUtic WorksDepartrnent will remove said nraterial at the expense of personnotified. The provisions of this ordinance shall not beapplicable to construction, maintenance or repair projects ofany street or alley or any utilities in the right-a-way. To review Ordinance No. 6 in full, please stop by the Town ofVail Building Department to obtain a copy. Thank you for yourcooperation on this matter. Po s i t ionrz Re I a€ ionsh iF (i.e. contractor, owner) F,ad o73 May 31 , L99L Town of Vail Building Department 75 South Frontage RoadVaiI, Colorado At657 To l^lhom It. May Concern, Homestake Builders CorporaLion agrees to not disturb any common walls, exterior walls or any other common element in the interior demolition of Unit 12 of Vail Trails t^lest. h\c 8'/ TC Oat*'l 6- {o"+ lteJo'^' ^^LuLno*,.u\il* e4 I$ V0i Ya-- aF l'-7'-l 7"1il/^X *1,*( ,+ V,: Yr* 'J 'o{- ^Lb s 'L- ir,, u.4 6- - n,ooolrj , to*'$t#u- tl^"tl l"<- ti^eC V- x-bn,I'/ ' ll il"^utiil' 6 Homestake Builders Box 752 Edwards, Colorado Coporation 4L632 /,1 _ o{."-o s6d,s, /6/uz.ru {nL-,{ <cu"^f lun,,,1s :':('-, o,..',/o6 L O roOt t t ivt/\ 0ilu --,-rluren. Prerce. Drlner architecture, planning, interiors p.o. box 57 IOOO llonsridge loop suite 1/d' vail, colorado 81658 303-476-63 42 fax 3OA-47 6- 49Ol Page I whit531 . doc May 31, 1991 Mike Whitaker Department of Corununity Development Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road WestVail, CO 81657 Re: Structural Design of Unit 12Vai] Trails Chalets Dear Miker Per our conversation yesterday afternoon, I am request-ing that some demolition begin on the above referenced condominium unit. In order to assess the existingetructural characteristics it is necessary to removesone sheetrock on the ceilings and interior walls.Sheetrock will not be removed from the ,,party walls" atthis time. We will provide you with a structural design that rruitlpermit the proposed changes when the investigation iscomplete. My office, with the assistance of KRH Engi-neering Consultants will monitor dernolition to preventremoval of bearing^members. wi Iiam f .r'fi pierce, fritzlen, architects, inc. d.b.a. fritzlen, pierce, briner formerly intratect design group TOWN OPERMIT NUMBER D^TE / O JOB NAME MON CALLER WED THURREADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: tr tr tr D tr tr tr FOOTINGS / STEEL - .tr#'IDEBGROUND r- FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V. FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING D..GAS PIPING INSULATION 'tr HEATING! ( r.., i .. tr ROUGH tr CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR PROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR , ."1; :.tt INSPECTIONTOWN OF ,a\. REOUESTVAIL r. /.' .7 (1DATE // ,,, -'/T JOB NAME I1,ili, 4. CALLER TUES WED THUR FRIREADY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION:( BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEE- tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEEB" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING B INSULATION O POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAT ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: EI HEATING O EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL E FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: D DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DArE ///4 /7/?/ rNSPEcroR ctz E t IIJo- |n\' o o(\Ln F\ U)ul uJ lJ- ==E UJo- lbdl'''l Yr qEKTG o\ F- & FT H B r1 (J HE ch (n v |l .l) <F <) ah ^IL B]oEzHoll = UJF t F E Iz = zz o uJF z z = (o ctt o =z llJz3o lu z Iu ='r oFo z cr UJz 3 l!o Hr Hg o! E (! ooo o) == E = l E 6 3 .9 o) g) o(D oo ,= a,ol (5 o)'- o N -otI qt o o, E o (! E ah .2c =I o G ui 3(o (D (5 o 6 aD.oo ! 3 F (' =; E C' o. E E o c c) ' CI Eo() q) E G !:o; fg ;o-o o-?d;: .:E- EBCL'-oo(u€* =;.j';c9 Ze d.E rJ6IDtr FO o':'-y ;!P-:- o-(s*E Eg 6-'OE O(E (Ec-c (u -a60 d! 0) o)iE orf EEOG i= G! >.9-o Q)9E6Er.o -a F.(\ rn sr\o(! oF\c!ta rnc{\o$ '-l + E =IIJ o- a,z =lo :<olu z o- J o F IIJJ tIJ 2 ao = E . I uj |lJ UJl!z tr llJ llJ @ =g UJ z a UJo F o- uJ z UJ x F ulol o uJ LlJu- F = uJ o- Fo F z J) .D (.) o uJJ uJ z6 = d J (J z uJ H F NO[VnlVA F fr (rE 9SZZTLCO O Orrtr ^ 62?q 5 > 9tF I o f,- 6 ; HEa) z XFlL<oq 4.?$'F frEq6 zts rN(, =>E z tr J {IL tr rri c t!c F o lO F- d LlJ z E6o Xt4z tr LuFJ =LUz III (nlr<l E c.rzlz <oo< =ERildo<z trz. Az -..1 Fur- 63trOI rl|lliIll t"l101toLtdl uJl E z iF tr.l F z tr 5 </)z ) 3 i o 3 Ji<l -l =lzl zl uJ ltl uJzo = IIJL z E o I I -.i 1-l I I "l>lr!lol 2 trot 6 I l"lrl9ldl''' I o.'*?l-og I z I (r) O6 --! OO ahz. Fl IJJF u)ooaz Fo- 1rlY uJ 9*l- o\ FOi Eul o\o.6l bhl>EJ E3lo=lr*lguJbEzo v rd+tz &n(J.n= =F .-l;6 B =z I?? .oiY.r :E? 6il= l<h rr r-rt<lL lL l F ut 0- l!o:!{EZE<ctf,o <!2 62a9Ek EE => =r!:-E r-=o f ti:? RFE 669 \urE XO_t x>E=Fc"io-lttr l,rJ @ F F =E, llJo-zIF()f E,Fazo() ol =.1ol uJl 1l al>l t!lol =l o{FI I I I I ?l urlEl 3l u.lol 3l sOl uJFI F rn O'l I\o F-.d. flololr-{ | I ?l flilol zl FI at) trlAFft-l v E{v) |r{E =tr @tt1 c7|rt I\onlo\ tlItllO\ I .J-lt{t I Fl ol HEr=ll gl -t :l€l rlfit stol ,tl J:|qolEFI I I I It;t+IHl- tg l(, Il> l6 c{.if \o I\o i Fll-{ Fo t\r'l x € A Iu e, = ET lrlH HzH E E F Fz O . Io tlJ = &h P*8,Oz C) EoF EFz J d. urJ UJ E 9P =<zt d5 F uJ E o <FGOuJ<ZEUJF(sZo <c)(44 'i' u.JJO Hm! v 75 aoulh tronttgc ?oad Yrll, colorrdo 81657 {3o3) 479-2138 or 479-2L39 offlcc of oommunlty rlcvclopmonl EUILDING PERI.IIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAIIIE If this permi.t requires a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval, Engineel''s (Public Works) reyiew and approva'|, a Planning Department review or Health Department review, and a review by the Building Department, the estimated tine for a total review may take as long as three weeRs. All commercial ('large or smal'l) and all mu'lti-family permits will have tq follow the above nentioned maximum requirements. Residential and small projects should take a lesser amount of time. However, if fesi.dential or sma'l ler projects impact the various above mentioned departrnents with regard to necessary review, these projects may also talte the three week period. Every attempt wil'l be made by this departrnent to expedite this permi.t as. s.qon as possible. I,. the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame. Communi ty Devel opment Department. greed to by. I L I. ?5 routh tronlage rord r.ll, colorrdo 81657 l3o3l 479-2L.38 ot 479-2L39 TO: FROM: DATE: SU&IECT: olllce ol communlty deYalopmant ALL CONTRACTORS CT'RRENTLYL REGISTERED IYITH THE TO!{N OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC IVORKS/COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT UARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & I'IATERIAL STORAGE In sunmary, Ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawful for anyperson to litter, track or deposit any soil, rock, sand, debrisor naterial , including trash durnpsters, portable toilets andworlmen vehicles upon any street, sidewalk, alley or publicplace or any portion thereof. The right-of-way on aII Town ofVail streets and roads is approxinrately 5 ft. off pavenent.This ordinance will be strictly enforced by the Town of VaiIPublic ?lorks Department. Persons found violating this ordinancewill be given a 24 hour written notice to remove said material .fn the event the person so notified does not cornply with thenotice within the 24 hour time specified, the Pub1ic WorksDepartment will remove said material at the expense of personnotified. The provisions of this ordinance shall- not beapplicable to construction, maintenance or repair projects ofany street or alley or any utilities in the right-a-way. To review Ordinance No. 6 in full, please stop by the Tolrn ofVail Building Department to obtain a copy. Thank you for yourcooperation on this natter. Read and acknowledged by: /'.s /lq ,/ g/ (i.e. contractor, owner) il 75 routh ftontrge rc€d rrd. colorado 81657 (38) 47s2r38 (303) 47$2139 olfic€ of clmmunlty developnenl PIan Review Based on thE 1988 Unifom Codes PROJECT NUMBER: 52991 ADDRESS: 413 GORE CREEK DR. vArL, COLORADO OCCUPANCY: R-1 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: V-N DRB APPROVAL REQUIRED: YES PLANNER: BETSY ROSOLACK NAME: ROY MAY REMODEL DATE: JUNE 7, L99L CONTRACTOR: HOMESTAKE BUILDERS ARCHITECT: INTRATECT ENGINEER: KRH ENGINEER PLANS EXAMINER: MICHAEL WHITAKER CoRRECTTONS REQUTRED ThE items listed below are not intended to be a complete listing of all possible code reguirements in the adopted codes. ft is a grride to selected eections of tbe codes. The following is not to be construed to be an approval of any violation of any of tbe pro- visions of the adopted ioaes or any ordinance of the Town of Vail . 1. Subrnit Structural Engineer drawings as soon as available upon completion of demolition to determine existi.ng conditions. 2. Field verify hazard of existing laundry facillties (dryer exhaust) creating problem with gravity venting of equipment for mechanical boiler and hot water heaLer. 3. 5/8" Type X drywall required on lining of storaqe area under stairs . 4. A11 new mechanical equipment/appliances to be installed as per 1988 Uniforn Mechanical Code and Manufacturers specifications. 5. Skylight to be tempered glazing over laminated glazing.or specifi-ally manufactured for skylight installation with flashing as per UBC 3404 or 5207. 6. Backflow prevention required for water supply to Whirlpool tub. I{At INSPECTION'S CO}IPLETEDv Ihe lteug bclow need to be cooplete before glvlng a perul.t e flnal C of 0. Pleaee cbeck off 1o the box provlded. FINAJ. PLU}AINGn n DATE: FINAL UECEANICAL I!{PROVET.IEIT SI'RWT RESID. NAT{E: DATE: FINAT, ELECTRICAJ, DATE! FINAL BUILDING EAST SIDE:WEST SIDE: TEMPOMRY C OF O I ilr DATE: It, I I CERTIFICATE OF OccInANcY DATE: LANDSCAPIN€ DIIE DATE: ,rrr*n* uqus fllen, pierce, briner architecture, planning, interiors p.o. box 57 IOOO lionsridge loop suite l/d vail, colorado 81658 303-476-63 42 fax 303-476-490 rJune 25, 1991 !ilr. Gary MurrainChief Building Official- Town of VaiI 75 S. Frontage Rd.Vail, CO 81557 Re:Stainrray llidthUnit 12 RemodelVail Trails Chalet Condominiums Dear Gary: Per our telephone conversation this morning, the stair-way from the Main Level to the Basement in the abovereferenced property is approximately 32" wide for a ma- Jority of it's length. The width at the upper end ofthis stair (and the stair from the Uain Level to the Up-per Level) is approximately 35',. The reduction in widthis caused by the added width of the .party wall', whereit becomes concrete block. The east wall of the stair is a bearing wall, supportingthe two stories above in this case. I believe that mov-ing the waII east to gain additional width seems to bean unreagonabl-e burden. The stair was constructed in accordance with appropriateregulations over 25 years ago. Until the 1985 Editionof the UBC was adopted the stair met the width reguire- ments. Please note that vre are rnodifying the stair to eliminate"winders" which are currently prohibited and the stairconforms to all current requirements other than width. Please contact ne if you feel this stair requires fur- Willing F. Pierce IArchitect , I,/cc3 Homestake\gdilders Page 1 tov525.doc pierce, fiitzlen, architects, inc. d.b-a. fritzlen, pierce, briner formerly intratect design group ,/gg{ PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT Or INSPECTIONTOWN OF REQUEST VAIL*12oor, /L { 9, JoB NAME READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: )q'ott*;.o CALLER TUES - W THUR FRI D DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND O BOUGH / D.W.V. D ROUGH / WATER D FOUNDATION / STEE- tr FRAMING ,_ ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING O INSULATION D POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: f] TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: D HEATING N EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL CORHECTIONS: ,or= 4' /?z rNSPEcroR ,tl 'l Project Application oAL contactPersonand pnon" B, / / Pt e4<:<-' Owner, Address and Phone: Date Architect. Address and Phone: COAJDO Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL oJ-, p€€ D (--o 4) t)o L a- Tf E-faSummary: /').1/! Lb s "(u,-a-Town Plan ner ,n", {/t // qt $ a,"u Approval May 16, 1991 i'Ir. ?f1l1lan F. Pterce tr'r1tz1en, Plerce, BrlnerP.0. Box 57ValI, Colorado 81658 Dear 1,1r. ?1erc e t lhls 1s to couflrrq ny phone call of lqa.y J and our convereatlon "i l4"y 16, whercln ybu-were aclvlsed that the revlsed arcl:ltectural drawlirgs 6f eprl1 f9, 1991 for Unlt 121 Va11 Tralls Chalet' were approved by the Board of Managers. The drawlngs reflect the follotlng ehanges fron the orlglnal clrawlngs suhottted for revlew the end of l4arch. 1. El-funlnatlou. of the exterlor spa. Z. the north deck ralllng w1L1 rtmaln unchaia.ged 1n order to natch the deck ef Ualt I1. t. The upper level deor and wlndlows on the south sLde w111 renraln uneltered frora thelr present conflguratlon' 4. The uew wlndows on the niln Ievel south slde, w1}I be cesement wlndows to natch the naJorlty of the other wlndows 1n tbe bulldlng. Also approved by the Board of Managers l1ere several eoadltlons as outllned ln your letter of Aprl1 19. The i,1ay,s wlli assurtre responslblllty for leaks resultlng frora lastallailon of the new stcyltght and w111 lmprov-e th€ Eound lusul-atlon propertles of tie iarty wal1s, a,double wa1l to be bullt cn thl eist llvlng roon wali whlch adJolns the bedroom of Unlt IJ. The contractot y111 store h1s tlunpster ln the south parklng space for unlt 12 and w11] work durlng hours that_wll1 not distroy the qulet harreony of the condonlnlun coraplex 1.e' betweea 8a.m. and 6p.n., MonclaY - FrldaY. The contractor wll"L iake the iesponslbtllty of protectlng the connsn property, w111 respect parklag regulatlons' w111 dlspose of iraitr at-hls ogn expense, end conplete the proJect 1n a tlne1y rnanner beforc ruld-Novenber. Carol Canon, SecretarY Va1I Tral1s Chalet Condorolnlwo Assoclatlon 1nc e rely, nP f,/,:' tRtrl Q- DRE }DPI,TCATION DATE EPPLICATION NECEIVEDs DATE OF DNI IIEETING: *I.*TTHIS APPLTCATIoN I{ILIJ NoT BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALIJ INFoR}4ATIoT{rs SUBHITTED**rr* r. PRE.APPLICATION IEETING: A pre'appllcatlon meetlng vlth a plannlng staff menber lsstrongly euggested to determlne lf any addltlonallnfornatlon ls needed. No appllcatlon wll] be accepted It I,.e the appllcantrsresponslbility to uake an appoLntment wlth the etaff to flndout about addltl.onal eubnlttal regulrementr. Please note (that a COHPLETE applJ"catlon wlII streamline the approval ,/procesa for your proJect by decreaslng the number of ,"{'conditlons of approyat that the DRB rnay stlpulate. ALL -nlf tcondltlons of approval uuat be resolved before a bulldlng lvuo\ l, , permlt ls isgued. Appllcatlon wlll not be proceased ' 'nu"without Ownerrs Slgnature A \"", A. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: B. I'CATION OF PROPOSAL: Addre6a Legal DeecrJ.ptlon rrt. l- (/Block 4 subdlvlsl on' V /,FT zonlns l'lf:nt F NAI{E oF APPLTCANT, fa,--tta r Eo! MeY ^ -(u vI A' 'r ,&l Ltl \ c. D. Addresa: E.NNIE OF OWNERS: .SroNtrTURt (81 r F. G. VALUATION $ o- $ loroor -$ 5OrOOl - $150,001 - $50oroo1 -I over NA}TE OF APPIJICANT'S REPRE.SENTATIVE: l' t' M'{ llng \ddrees | {'/p trfZLEiL+rLz Phone@ Phone Pltone 11'1Ec-F), $ 10, Ooo $ 50, ooo $ 150, ooo$ soo, ooo 91, ooor 0o0 $1, ooo, ooo FEE $ lO.Oo $ 25.00s 50.oo 9100.00 $200.0o 9300.00 Malling Condonlnlun Approval lf appllcable. LIST OF MATERIALs *I{AME OF PROJECT: . LEGAL DESCRIPTION: STREET ADDRESS: DESCRIPTION OF P Roof Siding 0ther Wall Materials Fasci a Soffi ts t,rli ndows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails@ Fl ues Fl ashi ngs Chimneys Trash Encl osures Greenhouses 0ther The folloling informatjon is required for submittal by the Board before a final approval can be fiven: A. BUILDING MATERIALS: TYPE OF MATERIAL applicant to the Desiqn Review COTOR N€ t4 U.O4Lfo.'lrt4/2n ta.. O/t"1,.. hftTC*4 Ewtz--r;t2 .ft&trt/4 L- nr,J LOc4r nuct 'l ,r-- rl r,,,^ ,Tf,#H&[]'r1E! ,rlAf t4 Fyt ajt-it / z /-=r-F, t , :i*/r.- ^.r . t'.-arAr/,^nJ t4-lr i ( -L.t F|.r-' - tr11TLfl F:y.4,r rrlla efArtta//a u li {l LANDSCAPING: Name of Des i gner: Phone: PLANT MATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES Botanical Name Common Name Quani ty Size* NO reF-ztitiUt r'k. rFl*'lf/ aAJ":) EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED *Indicate caliper for deciducious trees. Indicate height for conjfers. (over) fl r,ur-u/- (Ex/<;'') {.?rp- /:ty:a,,,tt 4/L5 C'tlaLE I+2:!:,.4!.e+. tzje- .J__f_-r-7 i ;l-'. I -n.bi___J,IiI|,r -fl {-r-,4 r l t- z<--z.rr*i-o, )+.U .l,i 6 )r:,.i:;:Z,Ek 7i, H $li i, Ly / //' ./ \,r,\- - ,/ tSz //,/ ./ // .V ,r _(9 U ^' (.)w l I |.--t--..+-*-i-----=---</:3-t -a 6)lLe et S)'" ( 4.v a SJ \ l-<At L s GALE 7. -42!e_ .f Jl Tol rii Ir .1, ( v * F4 aarzz.t e 9?-t a4 J---rrta G a. (; ()N I) ()ilr r Nr IrI|I !1llr, c(lr,(lnrrr) () FIT:.HUCH 6OOTT t7 o v ilr,ip*crce' D;i'er vaitr colora*o tiI65ti : \.ru! lrrrlrsji(;j.r ..-.-i- jr.|ic j /.i OF TRANSMITTA], Attn: Attaqhed Please Findl Progress Prints PLans Other _ Specifications _ Shop Drawings Date Job RE: r -itr:j j ,l'l6-tjs.{ r l.rx "l7ti-4:)(, J ,?r-'1r' "h'' .4;i'a 'i"') ,t.\: ^v.vt *tZ The items listed abover are: _ For Review and Comment _ As Requested Other For Your Returned UseAfter Review Remarks: LETTER Item No. No. of Copies Description Copies to: Page I TRAlf8000.DoC Tl'M Fo.|t| e5a2 rt ^52( r oa7)'* sn"au ,.?SCHEDUI.E A Appllcation No. v16276 For Infornation OnIY VAIL TRAII.,S CHALET #12 - Charges ALTA owner Policy $1'373.00AIta Lender PollcY $50.00 Tax certlf. $2o.oo--TOTAL-- $1,443.00 With your remittance please refer to V16276. 1.. Effective Date: Novernber 30, 1990 at 8:00 A.M. 2. Pollcies to be issued, and proposed InEured: IALTAT Ownersrg policy $5751000.00 Forn 8-1970 (Amended 1.0-17-70) Proposed Insured: ROY I'IAY and PAULA L. I'IAY rrAlf,tArt Loan Fo1lcy (1970 Revision) Proposed Insured: - TBD $385, 000. o0 3. The estate or interest in the land described or referred to in ttris ConmLtroent and covered hereLn l-s: A Fee sinple 4. TltLe to the estate or Lnterest covered herein is at the effective date hereof veEted in: DALE M. ATKINS & CO., A PARTNERSHIP 5. The land referred to in this Comnitnent is described as fplloys: CONDOMINIW APARTI{ENT UNIT.12, VAIL TR,AII,S CHALET, ACCORDING TO THE CONDOMINIUT,{ MAP THEREOF, AND AS DEFINED AND DESCRIBED IN PAGE 1 8C$lDr[! A Appllcatlon No. vL6276 lIgE @NDOI{INI[I,! DECLARTTION RECpRDED NOVEI',IBER 18' 1963 IN BOOK ize AT plea 293,. otr EAcr,E' .sr+TB oF coroRADo' --: ,,. 2PAGE rt . RFR 1! ',51 rE:zE vrllL llrio0P. Il.li--. ALTA COM},IITMENT F' . 1..':r SCHEDULE B-1 (Requirenents) Application N(). vL52'1 6 :'he following are the reguirenents to be conplied with: L. Papnent to or for the account of the grantors or mortgagors of the full cansideration for the estate or interest to be insured. !. Proper instrument(s) creating the estate or interest to be insured must be exequted and duly filed for record, to-wit: J. CERTIFICATE OF RIGHT OF FIRST REFUSAL IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE TERMS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF CONDOMINIUM DECLARATION. +. EVIDENCE SATISPACTORY To TIIE COMPANY THAT THE TERMS, CoNDITToNS AND PROVISIONS OF THE TOWN OF VAIL TRANSFER TAX HAVE BEEN SATISFIED. 5. WARRANTV DEED FROM DALE I{. ATKINS & CO., A PARTNERSHIP TO ROY MAY ANd PAUI,A I,. MAY CONVSYING SUB,JECT PROPERTY. NOTE! PARTNERSHIP AGREEI,IENT RECORDED FEBRUARY 1-6t 1971 IN BooK 21-e AT PAGE 750 DISCIOSES DAL,E M. ATKINS, IoRETTA IIJENE ATKINS AND C. NEIL I'IoRGREN TO BE THE PARTNERS OF DAIJE M. ATKINS & CO., A PARTNERSHIP' 5. DEED OS,TRUST T.ROM ROY MAV and PAUI,A L. MAY TO THE PUBLIC TRUSTEE OF EAGLE couNTY FOR ?HE USE OF TBD TO SECURE THE SUM OF $385,o00.00, THE COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDERS OT'FICE REQUIRES RETURN ADDRESSES ON DOCUI,IENTF SENT T'OR RECORDINGI ! :)AGE 3 rt , npn ,.:, '!1 'E:eE "iillL 'rr*eor. ,,n-,.tr' :',':L AITA COI'!!,IITMENT SCHEDULE B-2 (Exceptions) Apptication No. vL6276 The policy or policies to be igsued wirf contain exceptions to thef,orlowing unlesg the same are disposed of to the gatiifaction ofthe Conpany: L- sbandard Exceptione I through 5 printeil on the cover sheet. 6. Taxes and assessments not yet due or payable and specialassessnente not yet certified to the Treasurerrs oific". 7. Any unpaid taxes or assessnents against said land. 8. liens for unpaid water and sewer charges, if any. 9. RIGHT OF PROPRIETOR OF A VEIN OR LODE TO EXfRACT AND REMOVE HIS ORE THEREFROU SHOUIJD TIIE SA!,!E BE FoUND ?O PENETRATE OR IN"ERSECT THE pREMISEs AS RESERVED fN UNITED STA?ES PATENT REcoRDED July 12, LEss, IN BooK 48 ATPAGE 475. 10. RIGHT OF WAY FOR DITCHES OR CANAI,S CONSTRUCTED EY THE AUTHORITY OF TH8UNITED STATES AS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED July 12, 1899,IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 475. 11. RESTRTCTIVE COVENAI.ITS WHICH DO NOT CONTAIN A FORFEITURE OR REVERTER CLAUSE,BUT oMTfTING REsTRIcTroNs, Ir ANy, EASED oN RACE, col,oR, RELIGIoN, oRNArIONALT ORIGIN, l\S CONTAINED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED August t-of 'J-g6zt fNBOOK 174 AT PAGE 179. 12. TIIOSE PRovrsroNs, covENAtrTs AND coNDrTroNs, EASEMENTS AND RESTRTCTTONS,wiIICH ARE A BURDEN TO tHE CONDoMINIUI'{ UNIT DESCRIBED IN ScHEDULE A, AsCoNTAINED IN INSTRUUENT RECORDED November 18, 1963/ rN BOoK 17e AT pAcE223. L3' UTILITY EASEUENT TEN N'EET IN WIDTH AI,ONG THE NORTHERLV PORTION OF SUB.TECTPROPERTY .A,S SHOWN ON THE RECORDED PI.,AT. t4' EASEMENTS, RESERVAIIoNS AND RESTRICTToNS AS SHOWN oR RESERVED oN THERECORDED CONDOMINIUM MAP OF VAIL TRAILS CHALET. ?AGE 4