HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 BLOCK 4 LOT 1 UNIT 14 LEGALoz E =G, IUo- a UJ IJ-J TL ts = UJ -7!'ea'o / /*4 o <r9o t +*) N o\ \o F FfNt-l< F1 tsv,z& E] oztr2*< z:-\)z IP luF F FIz zz oltlF z ozo.J .D .o o =z G UJz B UJIF z Jr!o =T Fo o uJ .9o; EO ,tE.E: OQ'vo ctqo.:'aa'j o'.E ,!' _oc a,Zc Er-cc)(D< P=, CoooNO tpFo eF(-=oo-E ca5 nq)a, .ttoo 3c)o ct) or .E -:-:6 o6 !:) ^oo9 c(!t3 dq)3>-(!E --- o)oii (! '=OodipEUE caae; IEPc 'r3s EaSieed'l =c9o 35t_'; >9lE= :_EF:€Rcc-gee t!! c.=- (5 cL(u o- sEE oP Q.E€: E;(66-'-EE Eo(!*ifE.rj:: e-C6 0'- : *.Cog-8E€o:' 'u>,o(g;c-= 6P U B6B9Eor P5g -o.! In a F = UJ z ! d) x uJ z (rF uJJ LU z6 =lJ 2 UJ = t! uJ z tr UJ 3 LlJ z 6 uJo (l- ul o. z uJ o x F uJo (n UJ uJt! E = uJ o- -J l-oF z = co E lu ur (,z6 = d 9z uJ NOrl'VnlVA It.IE le lz lgIH IH I"zYF{G9s:5Z bgzO(, trco o- trlEq) !-t EAt!o 6<o N zzoo xf:a90 rhO7t<)z L!< E:O;oFO.iai =>E z.o F f IL a l uJo- (L LIJ z Eoo '+ >4z tr e. UJ l-J ; tr,tz l I Ezf,zOo o< > iii>d 8o<z hz,ftiOz do3fiOI I F] z z iF F z F Jl U)z J 3 F UJ o E oo 3o I --l X JI -l zl z .>l ulo UJ u.lzo = E uJ(L) z Eoo X z F =Y GH*?>og ar I t-- o,@Zr-SirlAO Ei Ox F4FI zl o.l o\o\ \o H zo H IJJ Eo d!o-zo t- uJY llJo o Ft Ir lrJo. t! o-o I UJF z ll, o Z rrl rnY ;iz=coo ==26:f f (9 dP - ftnf-]fL-J LI LJ F ul lto l!oz oo F E llj -h='i(EduJ>aLOr!9o\ul;(L:> luJJ tr uJ F co Eoo o o€ 'E E Eo|, 'io l=6l>EF=E,-o -aL:o:E ts =Elrl o-zoF C) EFazo() ifio()= 783 =HE ol ul JI <lilq zl 3lIr-l =.1ol :|>l t!lol zl 3lolFI I I I I .lol =.1(,l |r|I 5l al>l tLlol il sOl uJFI F I I I It<Itr{. I v:- t< lta|.r{44iI n;tx =v(JsI E(J , E tll EH H r\ z at) E H l\'/. '-) uJ =z F |l z E H ui z -'"'l Ff H = l'l- II *lHlzl ErlF ) I I IItl. I I ,Au|,u,clq ctqJ 8o C.l !nF. I!n\T ,"1llcnl YI-l I I ?lol uJl :l al>l r!I 3l3l FI HHEct) H r( = tL- c{ Io\-vo\ oz lu = z 3 Eir + (JZ --i O<FE(JuJ<zEt!Ft, zo <oOF -<Ilr;F =z >Y =<z.EfF)zrl.o =r lu = F ul =Inmn"!4" ,*#"toN REeuEs PERMI DATE READY FOR LOCATION: NUMBER OF PROJECT JOB INSPECTION:MONiaul BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PL o tr tr tr o D tr UMBING: O FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEEB" PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr tr tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr B 6 BOUGH tr tr tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR FINAL FINAL APPROVED./..,tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR f 75 roulh frontlge rord rall. colorado 81657 (303) 479-2L38 or 479-2\39 TA Trtb otflc! of communlly dcvrlopmort BUILDING PERI,lIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If thi.s penTl.t requi.res a Town of Vail Fire Deparfinent Approval ,Engi neel ts_.(PgUt tc Works ) reyiew and approva'|,' a p'l anni ng' Departmentreview or Health Department review, and'a review by the Euilbing Department, the estirnated time for a total review iny take as 16ngas thfee weeRs. All comrnercial (large or sma'l'l ) and all mu'lti-fami'ly permits wi'tlhave te follow the above mentioned maximum requ'irements. Residential and small projects should take a lesser amount of tjme. However, .if resi.dential or smaller projects inpact the various above mentioned departments with regard to necessary review, these projects mayalso take the three week period. Every attempt wr'll be made by this department to expedite th.is permi.t as sgon as possible. I,. the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and t'ime frame, -..-)^ Communi ty Devel opment Department. {.l 75 soulh tronlag. road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 479-21.38 ot 479-2L39 To3 FROM: DATE: SURTECT: olllce ol communlty developmenl ALL CONTRACTORS CT'RRENTLYL REGISTERED I{ITH THE TO!{N OT VAIL TOWN OF VArL PUBLTC WORKS/COMMUNITY DE\rEL,OPIIENT llaRCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERTAL STORAGE rn surnrnary, ordinance No. G states that it is unlawfur for anvperson to litter, track or deposit any soil , rock, sand, debrisor material, including trash duurpsterl , portable toileti andrrorkrnen vehicles upon any street, sidewalk, alley or publicpI?ge or any portion theieof. The right-oi-way 6n aI1 Town ofVaiI streets and roads is approxinately 5 ft. 6ff pavernent.This ordinance wiLl be striLlry enforcld, by the Town of VailPYllig l{orks Department. persons found vi6latlng this ordinancewlrr be given a 24 hour written notice to remove said rnaterial .rn the event the person so notified does not comply with thenotice within the 24 hour tine specified, the puLfic WorksDepartment will remove said nateiiat at the expense of personnotified. The provisions of this ordinance sfriff not beapplicable to construction, naintenance or repair projects ofany street or alley or any utilities in the right-a-way. To review Ordinance No. 6 in full, please stop by the Town ofVail Building Department to obtain i copy. rlant< you for yourcooperation on this natter. Read and acknowledged by: . /-f -aA,-rr/ -\ - z- .-...- 7/- (-l.r--t'-tf vn" f uu' Position/neta€lo@(i.e. contractor, owner) Name: Descriptiorl:C Loe Project Application ue){ t o"," lty'v/qa Project Pro.iect Contact ,u) B,'LL sr-,;+L - av,s- 7ssR. B G.- ,{ f.+a,<,( {e 3 -o* Itb*s\J Person and Phone 8/4ao eo 8;c*,L Gof,fos F(. =9rY3 Architecl. Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot t.{Block q ,o^" t/Arl4C Com ments: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL D ISA PPR OVAL Summary: u.r)r-L.^> *;f, 3 beGa-.A/ u) r*,d@4) rc-l wi*o/*-',t 1tr'r,,.' * CeC*r 1* o-,*kL'u4n^y' *rn'olaa-< o,c' *na-(*.a) TJs t^)(.erfF, Staff Approval CSTION - TOWN OF VAIL, DATE APPLICATION RECEIVED : DATE OF DRB MEETING: ********** TAIS APPLICAAION ITILL ITOT BE ICCEPIED t NTrL .M. REQUTRED INTOBUtrEION IS SUBIITTTED********** I. A. DESCRIPTION: O revised 9la/9l COIPR.eDO a .'-,1 .g$",,,-l 12$ya:ffiw - l>e.q,u>d o IPPLI tt/e/ca B.TYPE OF REVIEW: New Construction ($200.00) t/ Uinor Alteration ($20.00) Addition ($50.00) ADDRESS: LEGAI DESCRTpTTON: Lor --l_:15- Block 1.l .r ./'tr *-.r. .Subdivision If property is described by a meets and bounds legaldescription, please provide on a separate sheet and attach to this application. E. ZONING: trDP,( applicant must provide a current Conceptual Review ($0) X f:"\ trr - I\rx\ I 4 Var\c. D. F. G. H. LOT AREA: If required, stamped survey showing NAME OF APPLTCANT:Mailing Address: Lot area. NAI'{E OF Mailing APPLICAI.IT' S REPRESENr Address: I.NAME OF OWNERS; *srGNAtttRE (s) ;M4iling Condominlum Approval if applicable. DRB FEE3 DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid atthe tlne of submittal of DRB application. Later, when applying for a building perrnit, please identify the accurate val.uation of the proposal . The Town of VaiL wiJ.I adJust the fee according to the table below, to ensure t.he correct fee is paid. rEE PATD: S FEE SCTIEDULE: VALUATION$ 0-$ 1o,ooo $ 10,001 - s 50, ooo $50,001 -$ 150,000 $150,001 - $ 500,000 $500r 001 - $1r 000,000$ Over $1,000,000 * DESTGN RETIIE9I BO:ARD APPRO\TAI EXPIRES ONE TEAR EFIER FIIIAI. APPROIfiAI. UNI.ESS A BUII.DING PERMIT IS ISSOED AND CONSTRUCTION IS STANTED. rrNO APPLICAUON WII.L BE PROCESSED TIITEOUT OnNER'S SIGNAIURE -,ofi'- (e(t ,',ec'''StLt 1e cak ,vt{ '"1'{tr'^'i* *'l'c *lsu"<"e'r'l al< 1L*< .t. K. FEE $ 20.00I 50.00 s100.00 $200.00 $400.00 $s00.00 II. PRE.APPLICATE MEETING:o A pre-gpplication meeting with a menber of the planningstaff is strongly encouraged to determine if any additionalapplication information is needed. It is the alplicantrsresponsibility to make an appolntment with the -slaff todeternine if there are additionar subrnlttar requirements.Please note that a coMpLETE appricatLon wirr streanline theapproval process for your project III. IMPORTAI{T NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBMISSIONS TO THE DRB: A. In addition to meeting submittat regulrements, theapplicant must. stake and tape the pfoject sitb toindicate property rines, buiraing rines and buildingcorners. A11 trees to be removed must be taped. affsite tapings. and staking nust be conplet,ed p'rior to irreDRB site.visit. Th" appllcant must ensure Lhat stakingdone during ttre wint,er is not buried by snow B- The review process for NEW Burr,DrNGs normarry requiresttilo separate meetings of the Design Review goard: aconceptual approval and a final approval . Applicantsshourd plan_on presenting their d-veropment ploposar ata minimum of two meetings before obtaliring f-inaiapproval . c. Applicants who fail Lo appear before the Design ReviewBoard on their schedured meeting date and who have notasked in advance that dlscussion on thelr item bepostponed, will have their items removed from the DRBdocket until such time as the item has beenrepublished. D. The following itens may, at the dlscretion of thezoning adninistrator, be approved by the CornnunityDevelopment Department staff (t.e. i formal heariirgbefore the DRB may not be reguired): a. windows, skylights and similar exterior changeswhich do not alter the existing plane of thebuilding; and b. Building addit.ion.proposals not vlslble fron anyother l_ot or public space. At the time such a - proposal is submitted, applicants must includeletters from adjacent property owners and,/or fromthe agent for or manager of any adjacent condominium association statin- the associaLionapproves of the addition. E. If a property is located in a napped hazard area (i.e.snow avalanche, rockfall, flood plain, debris flow,retrand, etc) r a hazard study must be submitted and tr,eoyrner must sign an affidavJ.t recognizing the hazardreport prlor. to the issuance of a building permlt.Appricants are encouraged to check with a Town plannerprior to DRB application to determine the reratronsrripof the property to all mapped hazards. F. For all resldentlal construction: a. Clearly indicate on the floor plans thefaee of the exterior structural walls ofbuilding,' and inside the b. fndicate with a dashed line on the site plan afour foot distance from the exterior face of thebuilding walls or supporting columns. If DRB approves ttre application with conditions ormodifications, all conditions of approval nust beresolved prlor to Town issuance of a building permit. G. NAII{E OF PROJECT:,?.- LEGAI-, DESCRTPTTON: LOTI-la SLOCX 4 SUBDTVTSTON STREET ADDRESS:ve -- DESCRIPTION OF PRO.JECT : 7ri"f A. The following infornatl-on is Review Board before a flnal BUILDTNG MATERTAIS: Roof Siding Other WaIl Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trirn Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chimneys Trash Encfosures Greenhouses Other LANDSCAPING: Name reguired for submittal to the Design approval- can be given: TYPE OF MATERIAL COLOR of Designer: Phone: Botanical Nane Common Name Ouantitv Size* B. PLANT IIIATERTALS: PROPOSED TREES EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED *Indicate caliper for deciduous trees. Minimum caliper for deciduous trees is 2 inches. Indicate height for coniferoustrees. Minirnun heiqht for coniferous trees is 6 feet. PLANT MATERIATS: BOTANiCAI NANC Common NarneoPROPOSED '"*'I EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED *Indicate size of proposed shrubs. Minimum size of shrubs is 5 qa1lon. gJE Square Footaqe GROI'ND COVERS soD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL C. LANDSCAPE LIGHTING: If exterior lighting is proposed, please show the number of fj.xtures and l-ocations on a separatelighting plan. Identify each fixture from the lighting plan on the list below and provide the wattage, height abovegrade and type of light proposed. D. OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls, fences, swimmingpools, etc.) Please specify. Indicate heights of retainingwall-s. Maximum height of walls within the front setback is3 feet. Maximum height of walls elsewhere on the propertyis 6 feet. .t - it I, t : TOWN OF VAIL- DEPARTI\{ENT OF COMMINITY DEVELOP}IENT SALES ACTION FORM o^nift,/Z,f- ZCI\T\G A,l\D ADDRESS I'lAtS0l 0000 41540 IJMFOR\{ BUILDNG CODE0l 000042415 UM FO R,V PLUMB L..-'C CODE0t 000042415 0l 0000 42415 0l 00ctr 42415 UNIFOR,\{ FIRE CODE 0l 0000 42115 NAT]ONAL ELECTRICAL CODE ONJER CODE IOOKS0l 0000 42415 BLUE PRINTS0l 0000 41543 XER,OX COPIES /STUDIES0r 0000 424r2 PENAI-TY FEES / RE.NSPECT]ONS0l 00co 42371 0l 0000{t332 PLT"\ REVIEW RE.CHECK FEE tS4O PER HR. 0l 0000 42322 OFF HOURS INSPECTION FEES CONTRACTORS LICE\SES FEES0l 000041412 SICN APPLICATION FEE 0t 00004r330 .01 000041413 ADDmONAI- SIGNAOE FEE tSl.00 PER SQ.l-T.0l 00004t4r3 0l 0000 42440 VTC ART PROJECT DONAT1ON PRE PAJD DESIcN REVIEWBOARD FEE0l 0cr00 41331 0l 0000 .il 330 errrruon ALTERATION INIORE THAN 100 SQ.EL 0t 0000 41330 PIfEMT DISfRICT IT4NOR AMEND0l 0n0041:!30 rsPEctALD sLEDl!'lSlON 0t 000041330 tzo o vAl L TRAILS CI{ALET @NDO}ll l{ lu}l ASSOCIATIOII 413 Gore Creek Dnivq Vai l, Colorado 81657 October 9, 1992 TO: WHOl.l lT tlAY CONCERN Ladics and Qentlcmsn: The proposed rcpairs/modificatlons to Vail Trails Chalets Unit 14 bclonglng to Jack Thompson, havc bcen revJewsd and approved by the Board of I'lanagcrs of ths Assoclation. Sincersly, Vai I Trai ls Chalct Condominium Association o mt-m |oz o=qFE 19-$tI s,-+lt9or f d = o $$ F$ o ar '-to $$ 6 $ difl$$x $i$ E- frE ,BAY WINDOW ADDITION THOMPSON RES. UNIT #14 VAIL TRAILS CHALET VAIL, COLORADO jJot?9'. c &46JOElir'n{t Llrt{ool6 ('{ n'*; ItlD ft^r*tL Ir/ WUb Ltt$tut/rr.D 2- oftAil'gw- Ll/,rfil.. . l)ttttuu uhflr 10 u- a,,|-J,t+? !t\Ac ffi b ?Jtrtu{6 ert+to* . 1/4t{/rbrt.lq( 1i2 },urEt qxfiNa L*W i,lola) ' r pfu{f rD }.|,$Ot a(|gndAr ELEVATION o ?rFT||.t(,et6rt- ttlt-on o llot(b'.7 Plote g,6..lD1t !.lt t{gor.t6lP ftNutF-A/ WuW. [srrtulJ'rtD 2- o??AAt gse ,lrl.ttr'S, t llnttuvt UNrrlo ff'-oA:r*A*Ae F^!.|q ib Ex}6n|.b awtaGaA|'l-. . vt $tbu!.IF c 1r" Hril,F rxFnilg(W j'roto). ELEVATION )U*1l-gtt , tr^hlf 10 H,Yfq €XFnFer tsr|9Ilr.toftsAaxr- UNPLATTED EAGLE COUNTY VAIL VILLAGE 'IST. IBfrT OF TRACT 8 TOWN-8 AI C}ILDRENS PAF( f-'f PAR GI EAGLE COUNTY TRACT D o APOLLO PARK 442 VAILVILLA GOLDEN PEAK TRACT F 458 S,'#hH';.' I f"l Hb VAIL VILLAGE 7th. FIUNG TRACT B il UNPLATTED o UJF z z J l0 .6 t5ri 1...,s 13(6loPtE(,lE.F,oLt('v t= t= rr) oo Fl (f) N .ul-t- = .t, SQI'E a IJJ uJu- L =tr uJ(L ILJ u,lo = r! (r o o€ 0)oo eo.o.6 3oF OF<\ b at>o c6 .So o o o E qt oooo o) g l (D E =l Eq) o o.a(lt =.Q) E 3gi s968; F.CR8 *8E8F.= (! - e 6r:0tr-o> ET:E : sF: c96E.l o€ or B3E5 E E-c;*-O O-c gE;F :;te FE; S oiE or =*e€E;iF EEEE_ cL.: a 6 0'-.=-c;o('e-.c-- E'€EE E g;; x6=9 iE;:9 6.0r -cEgg .nul IJJtL tr =Eulc J FoF oe o CO 3g ul z 6t! E =uJo- zo = co ozo = d F3; 2z_-:F ;tr :< G,o =t!o z.otrqco u.lo J tUz uJo =>E -rd)fur3 =lON zz Es ?EP o U'O6b<)zE<oqt!/9UFOrAi E o-qlE J z Eoo I I I I .l ?lol uJl(El JI <l>l ttlol 5l cOl ulFI F.l3l fr-t.Fl fttqI,-l I : gz: lJ-ii =z d) -) I Il. l- I ,) !l|q CIqc<trE() oth +)t-(u &. G'tn llJ z E,oYir =bi oozt- =<>E )zrr- oO F Fzo() z ?olu = E-:o<F0a()ur<zEt!F(qZ-o C) F Fz J -F uJJul oz b =e u.lo- , z .t9ze EO =z=t- o-- I EEi BHg !trn E UJ lro E9EA 60toe9EL '=tr =tF :JF =ul:E E=(, dtr: >o- -lotlE 9o9 I r.nE XO-t x>t q- €= -ul oF ---trnD c! rr)r{e!OO UJ Eodloazo F(L ulv IJJ c0 oF ts Eut(L ;:lO col :*l HHzo E =E, lrJo.zoF C)D E,Fazoc) -'8P'---'--' v -i cl $I $i c- F? .X \ .J\: I I v. I \rei(isv\q "N(-\c -+-l* :l- .,.i r&.It\ \s-r I ft. q 2 l q Ab.l $ t ,{F >{tN I f-qirX'\ .9- tl\ ar)\ I I , ; \, S \.1 \k4 Rv)kk\\$q : : --_.yt"t;112*2 "*7ze?* e- o o l"tvut\?u ; "7-.?E*7=z-E Z e o o -g--ierE-?"n=g?ee tg.^ T ".=E A? =r-i=8*-tF-E \ 'ze ilz=c";=o: =rtr =#." ?ra.,#EE- =no E .*=?EZV 3 -\- 'r* ;E-d-"ffF E-Fo : E*z-?i$ '{:'4'- ' 6t)f-oE! E=ox "* i- rtsj$ i\ u\\ "' ---:- \ NIA"l IKiit\ r "JQi' INb I I rl . -. -1._ s.{d(.\ d$ 11 > Rr<ag \<' i NOSU lo NV Oro..,-,'^ntj tztv-9zzltoe c/v--.. Jeutevv \Jt v i . 92908 oppJoloC 'sutlloC .ll . peog,{ppny1 pgg I I f\)i I l ; I . sl3npord IDIlUaprS€d ,,- Nr3lJ.Vtlsel!{l1l -t.Stnr =^,r; A tL{tt4\.\- R-"*^^sn-"^ / 1r,,.,+ t-L-u:h^ Lui {+\q G^^-,^, L Uf C C^.d-^^r*,; lAn; oo 'i \]) \ { $l lj- t-?.XL\l \ iJ : t\u. t\ \ (\ \ riloN v\q -oF .---t-- )..-t-"-- : \_-/ -=_4 ]_ /, ')5r z**t,l;E.et b*"*'?t*,92,'-''*- e- o o :'t*i;*, ?u',_,, u*#i:,g; =*zu As o eea,W-i#*o6 = "a'?7t+tt'slzz _ F z':"{t{+_tr Etso 5 E{21:'ii E, e * it":'.-o;.:.t'e ".u, \- i * Ar\ i s $\ i ilAfi i qq\ \ \ ,, \:\ t4 t.l $ rl N >J$\t' t\.tfr ,i' \\\ \,l' \, \.kq l It t.. F\\sq I Ndf I{$ , da ,\>lx1Nb I tI 11 )' l!(EKaj l t?ni* ,i'$ NOSSTONV OUV'llUt rzr?-gzz/eot, c/v 92908 operoloc 'sutltoc tJ . pEou,(ppnyv te! . .:.t .,, E\ uqBhzt6< *o,Q*".ffH;ru;lTh .\fl?n l-.trt o1t) lryvry.1 T----\ q Vlry l"-"^^-0^-\n\ nX- if-eq\ -glt-?n T'€aft\ 11^o0 L "n?i *1 '?ry -"a^^W-q./(3='t\ Ii rn<z-nnay a *"1C1 \ ,rr\ o_\ \b),hlo I a .,r- .- 1-F -.+ Prolect Appllcatlon Date Prol€ct Name: Proi€cl Oescription: Contact Person and Owner, Address and Phone: Logal D€scription: Lol Filing Comm€nts: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Secondod by: APPBOVAL DISAPPROVAL Summary: " o.,", ll3\ lft tatf Approval t\t14\ t- lnAw.^r€- MG t4,^r\4 \ Ot .-I-^-a-r*-l=(Jr-tr&^ tJ--*l *'\q a Uf C C-g.'.^a-"^r^,; tAn; oo '-\ / (- -'t,J7 ,t : (- PERMIT NUMqER OF PROJECT o INSPECTIONTOWN OF I WED T FRI y')?.,?z (ei} er,,r E- REQUEST . VAIL CALLER TUES HUR o,*-,e 'Y,/''i JoB NAME / READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: BU!LDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL Pr- tr tr tr tr tr tr tr UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING tr o ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL K rrrunl tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANIGAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr tr ROUGH tr tr tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR 'INAL tr FINAL APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: ,or= k'//--i/ rNSPEcroR rNsPEcrlru rtEeuEsr DATE --'!U-L- JoB NAME TfME REcElvEo ,''/?- AM pM CALLER.: E otren MON COMMENTS: ! pnnrrll LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION T}IUR FRTUE PM APP ROVED..'.'.E orsappRovED I nerNsPEcr -,KJ UPON THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS I I rj-i ).*\t.r"- .t : r-:. r r' /. PehnitiNo...000237 NAME OF JOB 6r Llc.No. /"7 B Ltc. No. Ltc. No. NUMBER OF UNITS Date Billed \,AIL WATER AND SANITATIOI{ DISTRICT WATER Al{D SETTER TAP PERMIT LOCATION AND LEGAL DESCRIPTION GENERAL CONTRACTOR PLUMBING OR MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR EXCAVATING CONTRACTOR SIZE OF TAP: Water ,3P , TAP PERMIT WILL NOT BE ISSUED UNTIL TAP FEES HAVE BEEN PAID IN FULL. Meter Size hm t I rlHtu)K) /k_sr-ep.25Zl (-,lqo--t;tzHt't o Rr:'th.roa,Q7+iz> Aoat€ v a'-> -1 ..*. x $300.00 = Amount ' *la ) DatePaid /-L-7t) Bldg, Dept. - White; -Wstor rnd Sanitdtion - Gr€€n; - Publlc Work! _ Canary; - Contractot _ Pink; -Accounting - Gold.nrod ',t O Town of Vail EI,NCIIIICAL PMMIT Job Date of apprication.. -\-L-AIE,. -..... - 1.(2 267 Erectricar *no*o../J^ffi EffiRIG . ......... $.:I-(a."..... N9 Building Valuation Electrical Valuation Permit Fee Inspection Fee Total Fee $...-......-.............-... Date Paid-...--. Received By TO BE FOSTED 01{ B STTE DURIT{G GOI{STRUGTIOI{ 24 H(X'RII ADVANCE NOTI(E NEQTJIRED FOR INSPECIIONS 4*:*;" APPROVAIS Plr! Chcclsr rH! l. r. trrsrlr !n., !rivtr lr0rr: o rNsFEcrSru TOWN OF FTEEUEST VAIL DATE JOB NAME T]ME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER n ornen MON COMMENTS: PMFRTUE n pnnrrnl. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR flappRovED E orsappRovED I nerNSPEcr E uponr rHE FoLlowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS Best copY DATE INSPECTOR Available t\ =F:IOt/)loY2 td HfrI 9? QZ2A<E ol!|I- EK e 2. F F !lF F. z z Y llJ z J qJ trqt z ll,l z tt Fz llJ E urn ul uJ Jt! ul F ul J F 1 N .N ! E tr ut 0. g z -o Jf E J lro =-et- ; Et C-'-6. >V.o Al!.r zo= 5 zo Fcqd6FCgt4lJ =>:z6f a.o>(JFO ;.i 1 X. ll.'::;. f s'f ..?ncl ' 3r':l to i )- e'; , t!r' i ,'r ;r .:. ,ItcsiC.:l;ti.lL Co;;',-.',crc i.aL $lro.,rcr. o-: Ti:b oi. lfash)c'.:l ->:0.'/5: :tst ?t.ri 3r'rl '2 , I)a::, '' ' lltir lcc liachl:',.;c v- L ,00..' 'l r.fl ]: (, . 2li -. .___.._*. It. i '. f 3. ll:rs' Ls1: 2u ci. :t,],i ll:t tcr. Cc r,1ci:s al:C !.let cr. f ou;: i:a:.:: s -. h .'f - ' - tr r.1.ri !ll ,i. lli:.s 3i:d *--' rl'th -S&tr'rnr' ]: Ll ,.'1, t:S&tthnr'c,25 Jl'(i .ii:i i !.:1 :lll(l rrrf-'-i:t. tttir --- --- 0ne-i!al.f 5;.tlr >! I. 5C .r ' i Znd --- i'rrll. Ilath I SrO ( Sno'.:r:. c:. 'lul.r, I : i tt'itr -*l]l-li:*_ Basin, roilct) l.r: s.00 i lst -t'i znd --- i 'rrrzl - a-t tlth --- Xitchens .ticsiccrrti.al x 2. 50 =| . .-'-.---: Distu..a s)rc r' >: l . 0 cl_ :... --------:19. D.is. Ir t^r -_-{ .ri' !a. -. ,| 2r'rd -- l(itchcils Coi;,nel-ci.rl " >: 2. SO ::t ill:rt Di.slru;tlhcr >: 1.00 ; - I ,,ttr -_.--..-_____ Sctrti:r13. i- rr zr 2.50 = :_:::::I ..i0. llii s I '1.,{. ! I '1.. r. | 'Zrrtl | . :ii;ir t^rurrrJr,,'/ ltr: r: -iCqrt il;.I t:tir .--"'-'*-- l)r..:, l./.ri:lrc:r. lt 0.f,0 rI '--': -* ---,.1 I .. .,'rtrr-.. I ilas I $'; 2:r<i 3r-ri 4th (tr . :'.rlt: trlai. c:' ?: 1.00 3: ( i:, : ri:run o j' c;nc ) (tu'-.:;ltlc Si'r:':i tr): ).c:'s I l, . .I Col;;;rr:t-c i ;tl aglrcr'' firc. llosc Cal;inc'cs Ser.vice St.-r'ci.on >: 2.00 " x 0.!13 = . Sr,rir:u-:r j.nE Pool ): 1.00 = x30.00 : x'5.00 = Ui's Ls't' 2i.L 3r.tllttlt Convc:rt:i-on Cc:!tc:: Per.. j'erson r 0.1.0 " TOT.rii, F0illsl:i 3t&., - 10:00 )l(,]:iit5 = 1. 00 lr;'r:'-ij = !3Q-?.;.' .:.-- .:..-I Tc'te.l. '-26__.. Boa.r'cl of D.irector'!.; ':'' \'ail Lt;r'L'el and Sarri':ation Disili-ct *' u ' t' .lt.r1l-o:r5S -i'!te cc:i.i)1. ci::iorr <L:' (:t-::t s't'::t:c j: jcr:l of il]L rc s;s-'.'lrtr'; j'nl- a::':l ccr::::::cr'c i iil!- 5'(t:uc i'.::il5 . Lire Dj-s't:':.;.(r'! sira ! J- i:c:':1'o:';r: i. ili:1,'r;:i c:ri i;r- ' iul:,:t:ic':r of al:.l. ptc:;,i.,:es 'co cetct'l.l j.trc t:)c ;r\i:.,:::r' of Pci:r i:s i:c lri as:;:::::;cC ;:lco:'ri:i;tg to thc '.,1.:tc:' ai:<i S'::;cl: 1'::1: lcc. a:rci - jl'ii i: Sc'r:,.tr'1.-t1'.:, as .lti.lliic:d; <'-l:C ';ht, Di.:rl':'i<:t s i'::.1- -1- :l:]:c, €:t))' <-Id:iu'i-l::).':1t:; ,rece 33ii:jr in the rrli-g,i;r;lJ- te'1: f.'.c ir.'.i<1. Titj.l' it:=lec'i:11;1 -s:-'al-L . a)-:'o tle-ic:'::li nc t):e l:uitcii.ng oir.:rel: I s rnatc!' aird s3-arcr scl'"'iccr char'8e . i .i' I o PEFIMITPLUMEilNGi.'MECHANICAL TOWN OF VAIL oF woRK: ,K"t* E nootnoru E nenaooel E nepaln PTION OF WORKr pLUMBING: NuMBER I L- F MEGHANICAL: NUMBER vALuArfoN$SOoAOb VALUATION $ REMARKS:REMARKS: PERMIT FEE K'9 PERMIT FEE