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Project Application Vorlo,, Lr.- srProject Name: Proiect Description: Contacl Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Zone Comments: Design Review Board Date Seconded by: Motion by: Summary: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL ^,.44u,//)/,/3 .d>s 4.'t ,./r- Town Planner -n ,/ / a.tDa:rJ 5/a / 7u// Best copy Available fl"r^u Approval 't,. I, t lr-' ,I-. Appl i cati on G\>-> Number .., / 1l +7(,3-7{Name of Proiect Name of Person Submitting Location of Project Description of Proiect Phone submittal by the aPPlicant approval can be given.The following information is required for to the Des'ign Review Board before a final Sign submittal fee is $20.00. A. Sign Materiat -,aq"!se>.: APPL ICATION e o r??o Descri pti on -l ! I :l 'I ti -Ly I lt- &-OA.91t-2tt ,- - -r !: /P-z ' 5 b' Length of Frontaoe (FtJ Cornments l. Site Plan2. Draw'ings sFowinElxact location 3. Photographs showing proposed location 4. Actual sittn __ /^5. Colored scale-drawing / 6. Photograph of sign Approved for DRB Submittal - MATERIALS SUBMITTED WITH APPLICATION Sign Admi n'i strator Siqn Administrator ,. . -=-Disapproved for DRB Submittal vorlaLrfer Desc ri ption l{ood Eye hloodworkE and Signs Itt4 Water Street F,O. Etox 9.1 Red Clifft CO 4164? (3(:'3) 8?7-.5167 Slgn Frogram Froposal Date: Q2/Lb/?Ct RE: Vor l arr f er Att. Connie l4night 385 Gore Creek Drive Vail Co. 81645 476-3615 B?7-4191 Units Meaglrre Eost Ex tengion Design and Layout; ' Desi"gn l& Review Froof r Design Froduction: Haterialgl Elear. al I Heart" Vertical Faints and Hardware: General Shop: Sign Fost: 4x4x1(t. Trimmed and Fainted, Delivery: l Each 16(t. OO : 160. C)Cl - O,5 Hrs C). 5 Hrs 1. -5 Hrs Grain Rwd I Each 6 Hrs 1?O 1?{) 1l(l ,Ct(:l 30.oo 40 , ClCr 60. Cro 6Cl, r-)cl l8c). clo 50,oct l4cr. oo 773.QCl 31 . Cll.r - BO&. C'lO &: A\.-.$-tDo=To - oj& G.L/( ht"r,.. as li,r, ffi- Subtota I Sales Ta>r G TOTAL I nsta I l ati.on not inc I nded . 4. CISZ" QE4 oLAffi ?/l>Lh I ^-t^- 'fTfrc: T1otrrer"?p 1r -d*'{ Ue +t*ftq W-._-sEs- rF-iB 'J 7h o condominium oporlmtnl +p .-rlsL'< \o>to..qLi - i-,uor^: , '.^-l^:-L-- v.-}-a- L.-- \d.-.-^-A- {- {, i' o---A O-*n->r *-\4.q\-o.-F a$,*J e- c+t-$\--Lo ot=-*- ' I r*/*br +-t*^.- .*-+^* ?,'i5k' uqr^ =$dz-rr* =La E*= -\l| '\ /r1 1.1 i- \ 'r'\ 't, -\\ /.. Gore Creek Drive ot Gore Creek RoodldLCOLORADO .L DtrtrHRTMtrNT @trtr@MMUNITV DtrVEL@FMENT W totEs ActoN F.RM xxxxxxx ACcouNT # 01 0000 4.1330 CO!J. DEV. APPLICAT]ON FEES 01 0000 41540 ZONING AND ADDRESS MAPS 01 0000 42+15 1988 UNIFORI/ BUILDING COOE 1 0000 42+15 1988 UNIFORI,I PLUI|BING CODE 1 0000 42+15 1988 UNIFOR}I MECHANICAL CODE 01 0000 42+15 I988 UNIFORII FIRE CODE 1 0000 +2+15 1987 NAT'IONAL EI-ECTRICAL CODE 1 0000 42+15 OTHER CODE BOOKS 1 0000 41548 LUE PRTNTS (MYl-{RS) 01 0000 +2112 XERoX COPIES ,/ SruOreS 1 0000 42371 PENALTY FEES / RE-INSPEcTIoN 1 0000 41322 OFF HOURS INSPECT]ON FE= 1 OOOA 41+12 CONTRACTORS UCENSES FEES 1 0000 41330 01 0000 41413 .SIGN APPLICATION .':'l! T /