HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 5 BLOCK 5A LOT P3 B04-0018 SOILS LEGALVaJVrk fu1bRr*lrA hd?7 Bo(-oors S;l, I SOILS AND FOUNDATION INVESTIGATION PROPOSED PARKING GARAGE LOT P.3 AND LOT J VAIL, COLORADO o Town of Vail OFFI$H OOPY w{-oatr Koechlein Consulting Engineers, Inc. Consulting Geotechnical Engineers 12364 W. Alameda Plary. Sulte 135 ' Lakewood, CO 80228'2845 I.AKEWOOD SILVERTHORNE (3oit) 989-1223 (970) e49'6009 (970) 46&6933 (303) 98e-0204 FAx (970) 94s-9223 FAX (970)46&6e3e FN( Vail's Front Door Environmental Impact Report Page G-5 i.-...*., J .lt "I n 'l .J 1I '-\. . Id T ^t I I I I t I I I I 'l d n.l .,i KOEC,ETN CONSTILTING ENGrNllS, INC. CONSALTTNG GEOTECHNICAL AND MATERUI.S ENGINEERS SOILS A}.ID FOUNDATION I}.NTESTIGATION PROPOSED PARKING GARAGE LOT P.3 A}.ID LOT J VAIL, COLORADO Prepared for: Jonathan Greene Vail Resorts Development Company P.O. Box 959 Avon, CO 81620-0959 316 Job No. 00-106 DENVER: I23U WcE, Alanalt Ptkly., Suite 135' La*ctuod, CO E022E ,,,,|;ix ; f; :!'i#'fl, " ", ' July 11,2000 Vail's Front Doo* Environmental Impact RePofl Page G i TABLE OF CONTENTS SCOPE HGCUTIVE SI,'MMARY SITE CONDMONS PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION IN\TESTIGATION SUBSURTACECONDITIONS D(CAVATIONS SHORING GROUND WATER FOUNDATION FLOOR SLABS FOUNDATION DRAINAGE LATERALWALLLOADS RETAININGWALLS SURFACEDRAINAGE COMPACTED FILL LIMITATIONS VICINITY MAP LOCATIONS OF DELORATORY BORINGS LOGS OF DGLORATORY BORINCS LEcEI{D or e#LoRAroRY BoRINGS GRADATION TEST RESULTS TYPICAL WALL DRAIN DETAIL TYPICAL RETAINING WALL DRAIN DETAIL SUMMARY OF I.ABORATORY TEST RESIJLTS XOECITLEN COIEIILTING ENGINEENS. INC Corsulriag Qcchnical Engiaeers I I 3 3 4 5 5 6 7 8 l0 10 ll 12 l3 l3 l4 .Fig. I Fig.2 Figs. 3 and 4 Fig.5 Figs. 6 and 7 Fig.8 Fig.9 Table I a\ Vail's Front Door Environmental ImPact RePort Page G-7 EOECHLEIIflT{SWNNG ENGINEENS, I NC C o a s u I t ilJG c o r c c h n i c eI E a g i a c c r s SCOPE This report pr€s€nts the results of a soils and foundation investigation for the proposed parking garage located north from Christiania at Vail Condominiums on Lot P- 3 and L,ot J in Vail, Colorado. The approximate sitc location is showa on the Vicinity Map, Fig. l. Thc pupose of the investigation was to srraluate the nrbsurfacc conditions at the sites and to provide geotecbnical recommendations for the proposed parking garage. This report includes descriptions ofsubsurface soil and Slound water conditions encount€red in the exploratory borings, recomnended formdation systems, and recommended design and constnrction critcda. This report was prepared from data devetoped during ogr field investigation, laboratory tcsting, and orperience with similar projects and subsurface conditions in the area. Tbe recommeirdations.pr€s€nted in this report are based on a parting garage with twolevels below grade bcing constnrcted. We should be contacted to revicw our recornmeirdations when the final plans for Ore structure have bec'lr dwelopcd' A surnmary of our findings and conclusions is presented below' E)GCUTNTE SI,'MMARY l. The subsurface conditions encountered in the exploratory boringS (ff|-l thru TH{) were similar. The zubsurface conditions generally consisted of 3 to 5 inchcs of asphalt undedain by a silty, gravelly sand with cobbles, a gravelly sand or sandy, gravelly cobbles and boulders to the maximuut U t1 :l r1 -\ Yail's Front Door Environmental Impact Report Page G-8 .: ?1 IiI rl ii 4:l i,l 'l 'J rt :laa g tl!rt 4. 5. EOECIIIS,IN COTIryTING ENGINEENS, INC Cotsaltiag Glchnical Engitc crs depth explored of 45.0 fbet" Stoned PVC pipe was installed in each orploratory borings, except boring TH-5, to monitor the ground water elevations. At the time of our field investigation, grormd water was encount€red at a depth of 22.5 feet (el. 816?.5) in TH-I, 19.5 feet (el. 8167.0) in TH-2' l2'0 feet (el. 816?.0) in TH-3, 16.0 feet (el. 8162.5) in TH-4, 20.3 feet (el. 8166.7) in TI{-5, and 21.0 firt (et. 8167.0) h fi{-6' Ground wat€r was measued at elevations of 8164.5 to 8167.5 on July 10, 2000- All of the ground water elevations, in relation to thc anticipated floor slab elevation' are shown in the Logs of Exploratory Borings, Figs. 3 and 4...\ 3. Because growrd water was encountered at md slightly below the anticipated floor slab, temporary and permaneirt dewatering systents may be required for the proposed parting garage. Refer to the GROUND WATER section of this report for additional details. In our opinion, the proposed parking garage may be constructed on spread footing foundation systerns bearing on the natural granular soils. Refer to the FOUNDATION section ofthis report formore details. In our opinion, slabs-on-grade may be constnrcted on the natural soils. Refer to the FLOOR SLABS section of this report for more details. Because the proposed parking garage will be constnrcted with below grade levels and due to the space constraints of the site, it is our opinion that t€,mporary shoring will be required to maintain the stability of the encavation slopes. Refer to the EXCAVATIONS and SHORING sestions ofthis report for additional details. Because cobbles and boulders were eircountered within the exploratory borings, it is our opinion that heatyduty excavation equipment will be rcquired to complete the necessary cxcavations. Refer to the EXCAVATIONS section of this report for additional details- Drainage around the structure should be designed and constructed provide for rapid removal of surface runoff and avoid concentration water adjacent to foundation walls. Vail's Front Door Environmental Impact Report Page G-9 7. to of '!f* #ifXi3fl"iffi;II SITE CONDITIONS The proposed parking garage will be located to the north of Christiania at Vail Condominiums in Lot P-3 and a portion of [,ot J in Vail, Colorado. Hanson Ranch Road provides access to 0re site and borders the southem side of the site. Gore Creek Drive borders the north side of the site while Villa Valhella Condominiums borders the east side of the site. The site is currmtly being used as a parking lot and has been paved with asphalt. The site is flat except for a portion of the lot adjacent to Gore Creek Drive, whidr slopes steeply down towards the north. Because the site has been paved with asphalt no vegetation odsts on the site. PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION A parking garage is being evaluated for constnrction at this site. At the time of our investigatioq a site plan showing the location of the proposed parking garage was not available. We understand that the parting garagc will encompass the odsting parking lot from Hanson Ranch Road to Gore Creek Drive. We anticipate that the garage will bc a I to 2 lwel pa*ing garage with I ler/el below grade. Based on I lwel of, below grade parking and the topography of the existing site, we beliwe that excavations up to 22 fd in depth may be necessary. We rurderstand that surface parking and landscaping may be placed on top of the proposed garage. We anticipate that the proposed garage will be of o .l n't I 't l .-J .:1 J .\- '! iJ rl tIt --! ,i *l r'! .J Vail's Front Door Environmental ImPact RePort Page G-I0 :.1 rJ i' ':""tr"ffi :f ::xui"ixff;r: cast'in-place and precast concr€te construction. Maximum column and wall loads were assurned to be those normally associated with 2 level parking garages. I}.I\/ESTIGATION subsurface conditions were investigated at this site on June 12 thru 16, 2000 by drilling six deep exproratory borings with an oDE)( downhole hammer and a 6-inch diameer hollow stem aug€r. slotted pvc pipe was installed in each of the exproratory '\. borings, except exploratory boring TI{-5, in order to monitor ground water depths. The locations ofthe exploratory borings are shown on the Locations ofExploratory Borings, Fig' 2. An engineer fiom our office was on the site to supervise the drilling of the exploratory borings and to vizualty classi$ and docrmeirt the zubsurface soils and ground water conditions. A description of the subsurface soits obser'ed in the exploratory borings is shown on the Logs of Exproratory Borings, Figs. 3 and 4 and on ,'"/ the Legend of Exploratory Borings, Fig. 5. Representative soil sampres obtained fiom the exproratory borings were tested i our laboratory in order to daerrrine oreir naturat moisture cont€nt and grada. l ,i propcrties. The results ofthe raboratory tess ar€ presented on the Logs ofExplr j Borings, Figs. 3 and 4, on the Gradation iest Results, Figs. 6 ud 7, and in the i,. of Laboratory Test Results, Table I. I J.,1llnvlronm, I I rI '::tr"7,U::::#il"i1ff;:!* .J ff't.i SI,JB SURFACE COI\DMONS The subsurface conditions encountered in the exploratory borings Cm-l t}tru TH- 6) were similar. The subzurface conditions generally consisted of 3 to 5 inches of asphalt underlainby a dry to we! medigm dense to densg silty, gravelly sand with cobbles, a dry to wet" loose to medium dense, gravelly sand or mois! medium dense to very dense, sandy, gravelly cobbles and boulders to the maximrmt depth cxplored of 45.0 feet. Slotted PVC pipe was installed in each cxploratory boring €xc€Pt boring TH-5, to monitor the ground water elevations. At the time of our field investigatiorq Elound wat€r was eircountered at a depth of 22.5 fet(cl. 8167.5) in TH-1, 19.5 feet (el. 8167.0) in TH-2, 12.0 fe€t (el. 8167.0) in TH- 3, 16.0 feet (el. 8162.5) in TH-4, 20.3 feet (el. 8166.7) in TH-s, and 21.0 feet (el. 8167.0) in TH-6. Ground wat€r was measured at elevations of 8 164.5 to 8167.5 on July 10, 2000. All of the grorurd water elevations,. in relation to the anticipated floor slab elevatio& are shown in the Logs of Exploratory Borings, Figs. 3 and 4. .-1 '\ EXCAVATIONS We anticipate that orcavations of up to 22 lbet may be required for construction of the proposed parking garage. Because cobbles and boulders w€re €n@untered within the exploratory borings, we anticipate that heavyduty constnaction equipment will be required to complete the necessary excavations. 'l ;l n I Vail's Front Door Environmental Impact RePort Page G-I2 -! .J R;t =.'l U tr.: J ]. hi rt XOECHLEN COATI NG ENGI Ii EENS, I FTC C o a s lltting G7ot c c haical En gia ccrs Due to the depth of the required exeavatiolB, we anticiPate that temporary shoring will be required for mnstruclion of the proposed pa*ing Eilage. Refer to the SHQRING section ofthis report for additional details. care needs to be exercised during constnrction so that the excavation slopes remain stable. The natural gfanular soils above the ground water classifies as Tlpe B soils in accordance with OSHA regUlations. The natural granular soils below the ground water classifies as Tlpe C soils in accordance with osHA regulations. osHA regulations should be followed in all excavations and suts' Fill maybe used adjaceot to foundations or below slabs-on-gnde' Fill placed for construction of the proposed garage should be placed and compacted as recommended in the COMPACTED FILL section of this report SHORING We anticipate that excavations of up to?2feetmay be required for constnrction of the proposed garsge. Due to the depth of the required excavation and tight space conshaints of the site, we anticipate that tenrporary shoring will be required. Cobbles and bouldcrs encountered within the otploratory borings may make installation of some shoring syst€ms difficult We recomrn€nd that a shoring contractor be contacted to provide a shoring desigrr and the installation of the shoring syst€fii for the ProPosed projcct. The following paragraphs present soil characteristics, which may be used by the i-i i-lr r ! L, l t: L l\. I It-. a\ Vail's Front Door Environ mental I mpact Report Page G-I3 o T::ffi ]::::!i:fxrrtr;::: shoring contac'torforthe dasip of thc shoring system: l. If a soldier post syst€m is installe4 a horizontal srbgrade modulus of 60 psVin can be used within the natural granular soils. 2. 'I\e lateral load on the shoring system in the granular soils may be calculaied using the following soil critcria; a friction angle ({') of 37 degrees, a cohesion (c) of0 psfand a saturated density (fJ of 135 pcf. GROIJND TVATER At the timc of orn field investigation, ground wat€r was encountered at a depth of 22.5 fd (el. Sl6?.5) in TI{-1, 19.5 fcet (el. 8167.0) in TH-2, 12.0 feet (el. 8167.0) in TI{- 3, 16.0 fe€r (el. 8162.5) in TI{-4, 20.3 feet (cl. 8166.7) in TI{-5, and 2t.0 feet (el. 8167.0) in TH{. Ground water was measured at elevations of 8164.5 to 8 16?.5 on July I 0, 2000. All of the ground water elenations, in relation to the anticipated floor slab elevation, are shown in the Logs of Exploratory Borings, Figs. 3 and 4. Based on our field investigation and additional gfound water measurements, the ground water elwation was 8t or sligbtly below thc anticipated floor slab elevation. Because the anticipated floor slab elevation was based on similar projects and was not known at this time, the need for a teorporary or p€,manent dewatering systern is also unknown. If lhe actral floor slab elerration is at or above the anticipated floor slab elevation, a temporary and permancot dewatcring syst€,ln may not be necessary. However, if the actual floor slab elevation is below the anticipated floor slab elevation shown in this report on Figs. 3 and 4, it is our opinion that a temporary dewatering .r\ Vailrs Front Door Environmental Impact Report Page G-14 Itt, EOECELEIN CONOTNG ENGITIEERS, INC Constltln g GeoTZch nical Eaginccrs syste,ur will be required for construction of the garage. Based on olJr experience with similar subsurface conditions, it is our opinion that tbe gound wat€r may be ternporarily lowered by the construction of treNrches and srmrp pits arormd the foundation' The ground water may be conbolled by a permanent dwatcring syst€rn' which may include the use of forurdation drains and rurderslab drains. We should be contacted to review the need for a te,rnporary and permanent dewatering system when the floor slab elwation of the proposed garages is known. FOI'NDATION The zubsufacc material at anticipated foundation elevations consisted of natural gravelly sand or gravelly.sand with cobbles. In oru opinion, the natural gravelly sand without mbbles or the natural gravelly sand with cobbles will safely suPPon a spread footing foundation system for the proposed garage. Howwer, because ground water w8s encountered at the anticipated fogndation elwation' it may be necessary to stabilize areas of the gravelly sand with a granular filt prior to construction of the footings' We recommeird that the spread footing foundation system be desigited and constnrcted to meet the following criteria: l. Footings should be supported by ihe nanral gravelly sand, gravelly sand with cobbles, or co-mpacted fill. Materials loosened by machine ercavation should be cleaned from the e:rcavation or compacted prior to placing concrete for footings. Pt li- t- i. r:f L,l I ai l4t i t- Vail's Front Door Environmental Impact Report Page G-I5 3. 4. "ol"* ron rnrrNc ENcrNEEns, Nc Co nstl tltt g Gcorcchslccl E aglaccrs Because ground water was enco,ntered at trre anticipatcd formdationelwation' areas of soft, gravety sand may need to u. rt"iili"ua ptioiioconstmction of footings. Areas of loosg gravelly sand stroUa Ueoverexcavated 1 miniryrum of 2.0 feet and rcplaced'with a *_p""t"agranular fill. we recommend that the grmulr fin consist or: to 'g inchdiarneter rock with ress than l0 pcrcent passing the n'mber 2fi) ,i;". -- The wall and cor.mn fugtiogr may be designcd for a maxim'm a'owablesoil bearing pressnc of5,000 psf. The base of the exterior footings should be esabtshed at a minim'mdepth below the exterior gro-und otra9", as requircd by the rocar buildingcode. we believe that.the dcpth for fiost protectioa rn tl" nJ ilffigcode in this area is 3.5 feef col'mn footings should havc a minim'm dimension of 24 inches squareand continuous wall footings shoutd have a -ioiru- width of 15 inches.Footing widths may be greater to accommodale stucturat design loads. continuous foundation walls shoutd be rcinforced to spatr local anomariesin thc soil. Pockets or layers of sofl or loose soils may be found in the bottom of thecompleted footiog excavations. Thesc materials shourd be rernoved toexpose the'ndisturbed naturar granular soils. The foundations;,;;constructed on the natural granular soils or the resulting "xc"u"tion tiybe backfilled with compacted granular fill or tean concrete. FilJ,should be placed and compacted as outlined in the coMpAcrEDFILL section of this report. wi recornme.ra out a representative of ouroffice obscrne and test the placeineat and compaction of stnrct'rar fillused in fo,ndation construction. It has been oin "xpuricnc" that withoutengin€ing guatig control, poor constructioo t"frr,iioo "* ;; *hi;result in poor foundation perfomcurce. A representativc of our office should observe the compreted foundationexcavation. Variations from the conditions aescriuea i" irri, ,"prrq *hl"i;\ilere not indicated by our borings, san occur. The reprcsentadve canobserve the excavation to evaruate-rh" oporJ ruusurface conditions. { t. 9. . Vail's Front Doorrrnvtronmental Impact Report page G_I6 j4 ': "t, Fr "::trTl::*,::i:fxi?f"J#::: FLOOR SLABS The soils at the approximate floor slab elevations consisted of the natural gravclly sand without cobbles and the natural gravelly sand with cobbles. In our opiniorq slabs- on-grade could be safely supportcd by thc natr:ral granular soils' If the floor slab elwation is below the proposed gforurd water clevatioD' we recommend that either an underslab drain system be installed or the building be desiped to resist the buoyanry effect of the ground water. We should be contacted to provide buoyancy recomme,ndations when final slab elevations are known. we recommend the following precautions for the construction ofslab-on-grade floors at this site. l. slabs should be placed on the natural gravelly sand' gravelly sand with cobbles, or compacted fill. Any soft areas within the slab-on-gradc excavationshouldberemovedandreplacedwithproperlymoistre conditioned and mmPacted fill. 2. A subgrade modulus of 180 pci may be used for desigrr of slabs-on-grade' 3. Frequent contol joints should be provided in all slabs to reduce problems associated with shrir*age ofthe concrete' ' 4. Fill may be required to establish the grade for slab-on-grade floon. Fill may consist of the on-site soils or approved imported granular soils. Fill should be placed and compacted as recomme|rded in the coMPAcTED FILL section of oris report. Placem€nt and compaction of fill be'lreath slabs should be observed and tested by a r€pres€,lrtativ€ of ou offica FOIJNDATION DRAINAGE Sprface water tends to flow through relatively permeable backfill tpically found adjacent to foundations. The water lhat flows through the fill collects on the surface of : 7 t L- nli rr li L rr I tIr rlf I I I'rItr I i. It TI tt a\ Vail's Front Door Environmental I mpact Report Page G-I7 l0 r::wxF,::i:il"ilrf;:y: relatively impermeable soils ocorning at the foundation elevation Both this surface water and possible gound water can cause wet or moist below grade conditions afler construction. We recommend the irstallation of a drain along the bclow gnde foudation walls. The drain should consist of a 4-inch diarncter perforated pipe encased in free draining gravel and a manufastn€d drain The drain should bc sloped so that wat€r flows to a sunrp where the water can be removed by ppmping, or to a positive gfavity outlct Recommended dctails for a tlpical forurdation wall drain ac Pr€s€nted in tbe Tlpical Wall Dnin Detail, Fig. 8. LATERAL WALL LOADS Below grade walls arc plamed whictr will require lateral earth pressures for desigu Lat€ral earttr pressures depend on the tlpe of baddll and the height and q|Pe of wall. Walls, which are fiee to rotate zufficiently to mobilizc thc strenglh of the backfill, should be desigrred to resist the nactiven earrh pressure condition. Vfalls that are restrained should be desigrred to resist the "at rcstn earth Pr€ssure condition. Basem€nt walls ue tpically resmin€d. The following table prcsctrts tbe lateral wall pressrrcs thaf may be assuured for desip. -\ Vail's Front Door Environmental ImPact RePort Page G-l8 ll tt U t"r l- r EOECfr LEIN CONS I]LNNG ENGI NEENS, INC Coataltiag Glchatcal Eagiaccrt Earth Pressure Condition equival@t Fluid Pressure'bq0- Active 35 At-rest 50 Passive 300 Notes: l. Equivalent fluid pressures are for a horizontal backfill condition with no hydrostatic pressures or live loads. 2. A coefficieirt of friction of 0.4 may be used at the base of the sprcad footings to resist the lateral earth Pressures. a\ Backfill placed behind or a jace, t to foundation walls should be placcd and compacted as recommended in ttre COMPACTED FILL seclion of ttris report Place'ment and compaction of the fill should be obserrred and tested by a reprcsentative of our office. RETAININGWALLS Due to the type of structure being constructed on the site and the tight space constraints on the site, we do not anticipate Orat rctaining walls will bc constn'rcted. However, if retaining walls are to be constructed, we recommend that drains bc constnrcted adjacant to the retaining walls to reduce the possibility of dweloping hydrostatic pressures behind the watls. The drain may consist of a manufactured drain systcrn and gravel. The gravel should have a maximum size of l'5 inches and have a maximum of 3 percent passing the No. 200 sieve. Washed consrete aggregate will be satisfactory for the drainage layer. The manufactured drain should extend from the bottom of the raaining wall to within 2 feet of subgradc eloration. The water can be Vail's Front Door Environmen tal Impact Report page Gl9 L:I Ft' tr l?t't; :- jt It,tl r- ; : t-l :i [1b t-' I t L-, t2 tr:tr:f:i:ff ::xI:fi"ifff;::3 draineal by a perforated pipc with collection of the water at the bottom of thc wall leading to a positive gavity outlet. A qryical detail for a retaining wall drain is presented in the Typicat Earth Retaining Wall D*ail, Fig. 9. SURFACEDRAINAGE .\We recornnend that a carefully planncd and maintained sr.rrfac.e drainage be provided during anil after constnrction for thc Proposed par*ing gange. We recommend the following precautions bc obserrred during construclion and maintained at all times afterthe structues are comPleted l. Excessive wetting or drying of the opcn four&tions during excavation should be minimized duing constnrction' 2. All surface water should bc directed away from the top and sides of the excavations during construction. 3. The ground surface surrorurding the exterior of the stnrshre should be sloped to drain away from thc building in all directions. We recomme,nd a slope ofat least 12 inches in the first l0 fe€t 4. Backfill, especially arowrd foundation walls, should be placed and compacted as recommendcd in thc CoMPACTED FILL section of this t€porL COMPACTEDFILL Fill for the construclion of the par*ing garage may consist of the on-site granular soils or approved imported granular fill. No cobbles or boulders larger than 12 inches should be placed in fill areas. Fill areas shoutd be suipped of all asphalt, vegetation, and Vail's Front Door Environmental Impact Report Page G-20 l3 P ii :u Fr vt[, ruOECN LEI,! COATI NG EN GINEEilS' I NC Ein sottin g G citc ch n ic ol En glac ctt topsoil,scafifiod,andtherrcompacted.Fillshorrldbeplacedinthinlooselifts,moisture conditioned to within 2 percent of the optimum moisture contsnt' and cornpacled to the 'ecommendedcompactionshowninthefollowingtable.RecommerrdedoomPactioD varies for the givcn usc of the fill' We recomm€nd that a representative from our ofnc€ observe and test the placementandcompactionofstrucnralfill.Fillplacedbe|owfoundations,slabs.on. grade floors, and retaining walls is considered strucftral. It has been our experience that without enginecring suality conhol, Poor oonstruction techniques c'an occur which result in poor foundation, retaining wall, and slab-on'grade performance' LIMITATIONS Althoughtheanploratoryboringswerelocatedtoobtainareasonablyacgurate determination of forurdation conditions for the proposed Palking garage' variations in the subsurface conditions are always possible. fuiy variations that exist beneath the building generalty become evident during excavation for the structure. A represantative from our l- rT[l i[T l'1, ft &r r ! l-. Ib I : . t- E n LI a\ Vail's Front Door Environ mental Impact RePort Page G-21 Recoutmended Fd6t--age orure Modified Proctor Ma:rimrut DrY DensitY (AsrMD-!lg7) F ercentagfi T6tstandard ProctorMaximumDry DensitY (ASTMD-698) l4 EOEffi IEIIGALTI N G ENGINEERS, T NC Co a s uItiafi c o tcchsicel'E t giacctt office shoutd obserrre the complaed excavation to confirm that the soils are as indicated by the exploratory borings and to verify our formdation and floor slab recomme,lrtlations. The placement and compaction of fill, as well as installation of foundations, should also be obsened and tested. The desip criteria and subsurfacc data presented in this report arevalid for 3 years fromthc date ofthis rcPort. We appreciate the opportrmity to p'rovide this service' If we can be of further assistance in disanssing tbe contents of this rcport or in analyses of the proposed buildings from a soils and formdation viewpoint" please call. TING ENGINEERS,INC. \\ Project Enginea ,iilflfrl-^-7-/, William H. Koechlein, P.E. President (4 copies sent) Vail's Frout Door Environmental Impact Report Page G-22 1x,ffi# l5 oo7.Ir\l la a\ t I L0tto acall Vail's Front Door Environmental ImPact RePort Page G-23 JOBNO. m-toG VICINITY MAP IRACT B lv l rrlog t.r3lL-r! I)qo{-a-Ut I_ _ \=_=_: 3try* \r \\ \ \-r. -Jl-l--' LOCATIONS OF EXPLORATORY BORINGS I O tj\",o v^LHALla \f \ \\c0{DoriNurs s,\f Vailts Front Door Environmental Impact Report page G-24 ,"\ LOI P{F.s] t _ o TH-2 \\ \ JOA NO.00-106 7r iJ rt TH.1 APP.E1.8190.0 40t12 TH-2 APP.EI.8186.5 8190 8180 8170 8160 8150 -\ mrm -l6z -tli F ' I - fIt tl --zo::F t' lrr uul t'-l TH-3 APP.EL.8179.O 50t12 LOGS OF EXPLORATORY BORING 13t12 WC=7 -2OO=23 16t12 -2OO = 8 lr\.r rl u n t 1,.. i JoB NO. 00-106 L Vail's Front Door Environmental Impact Report Page G-25 TH.6 APP.EL. 8188.0 TH.4 APP.EL. 8178.5 TH.5 APP.EL.8187.0 a I I I l l I Vail's Front Door Environmental ImPact RePort Page G-26JOB NO. 00-106 LOGS OF EXPLORATORY BORI li, t Lecenp: n E !l Nores: I ffi ffi I t"l --:-- rJ EI I t8 nIttI I ASPHALT SAND, Gravelly, Cobbles, Silty' Dry to wet, Medium dense to dense, Brown. COBBLES AND BOULDERS, Gravelly, Sandv, Silty, Moist, Medium dense to very dense, Brown. SAND, Gravelly, Dry to wet. Loose to medium dense, Brown' FLOOR SLAB. Indicates approximate depth of proposed floor slab, WATER, Indicates depth ot watel encountered while drilling. WATER, lndicates depth of water measured on July 10, 20OO' Because the well in €iploratory boring TH-1 was filled to the iop with water, an aciurate ground viater measurem€nt could not be taken, SLOTTED PVC PIPE, Indicates that a 2.0 inch diameter slotted pvc pipe was installed for water monitoring SPLIT SPOON DRIVE SAMPLE. The symbol 4Ol12 indicates that 40 blows of a 140 pound hammer falling 30 inches were required to drive a 2.O inch O.D. sampler 6 inches. BULK SAMPLE. Obtained from auger cuttings. a\ Vail's Front Door Environmental I mpact Report Page G-27 t" 1. Exploratory borings were drilled on June 12 thru 16, 2OOO using an OO'EX Oowhhole liammer and a 6-inch diameter continuous flight hollow stem power auger, 2. Ground water was encountered at elevations of 8162.5 to 8167.5 in the exploratory borings at the time of drilling. Ground water was meEsured ai elevations ranging lrom 8164.5 to 8167.3 on July 1O, 2000. 3. The Boring Logs are subiect to the explanations, limitations, and conclusions as contained in this tcport. 4, Laboratory Test Results: WC - lndicates nstural moisture (%) DD - lndicates dry density (pcfl -2OO - Indicates percent passing the No. 2OO sieve (%) 5. Approximate elevations are based on the site plan prepared by Design Workshop. LEGEND OF EXPLORATORY BORIN t; u t: I :' it- r- I : JOB t{O. O()'106 t=.rr=rN coNsuLrNG =*S==*. SAND, Gnvclly. SilE ElryJDrptlr 30.0 fcct GRAI'EL M sLTrcuY l0 PI-AS'TTC|TY II'IDEX UAUDLN|T t %Semplc llo. SAND- Silg, Gravclly * Srmplc ot Sourca GRAVEL % % 7t7 LIOUIDLil]T % a, S.mpL llo.EhvJDrptlr 19.0 fcct sLTrcuY 23 PLASNC|TYINDEX GRADATION TEST RES' il Te Vail's Front Door Environmental Impact Report Page G-28 DIA,i'ETER OF PARNqE INIIM x DIAMETER OF PARTICLE IN MM Job ]lo.0Gr06 E *o=lf .., tN coNSULrtNG r*n,*lhs % % v I L, a! J' t, IL ll r Ii,- I r :. ir E I L Srmplc of SAND' Grgvclb' Siltv Sourcf Tlt-3 Srmph No. EhvJDcpth 29'O fd SLTECI.AY E PI.AISNG]TY NDEX sAltD 65 % L|oUDUN|T % Srmplr ot Sourcc Semph l{o. GRAVEL, Sandy, Silty cRAvEL 9% slLT & cl-AY l2 % PT.ASTCTTY NDEX Elev./Drpth 24.0 fcc{LtoulD utlr GRADATION TEST RESULTS Vail's Front Door Environmental ImPact RePort Page G-29 DIAMETER OF PARNCLE !!!! DIAMETER OF PARNCLE IN MM Job No.00-t06 CI.AYEY EACKNLL IANUFACTURED |IALL ORAIN COMPACTED BACKNLL EELOiY GMDE }TAll- EDGE OF EXCAVATION (EXCAVAIE AS PER osHA REGU|-ATONS) a\ FILTER FABRIC GRA\IEL Lr,PIISTE SHEAING 2' vrN. PERFORAIED PIPE NOTES: I. DRAIN SHOULO BE AT LEAST 12 INCHES BELOW TOP OF FOOTING AT THE HIGHEST'POINT AND SLOPE DOWNWARD TO A POSITIVE GRAVITY OUTLET OR TO A SUMP WHERE WAIER CAN 8E REMO/EO BY PUMPING. 2. THE DRA|N SHOULD BE r-ArD ON A SLOPE RANGTNG BEnVEEN r/8 tNcH AND 1/4 |NCH DROP PER FOOT 0F. ORATN. 3. GRAVEL SPECIFICATIONS: WASHED 1 1/2 INCH TO NO. 4 GRAVEL WITH LESS THAN 3Z PASSING THE NO. 2OO SIEVE. TYPICAL WALL DRAIN DETAIL 12' Vailfs Front Door Environmental Impact Report page G_30 JOB lto.00-106 lt I-i rr r- GRAVITY BY i rt E FIIt i a L ur n l- \\ NOTES: I. DRAIN SHOULD BE SLOPED DOWNWARD TO A POSITVE OUTLET OR TO A SUMP WHERE WATER CAN BE REMOVED PUMPING. t' IL' t-. : 2. THE DRAIN SHOUL.D BE tNcH AND 1rl4 INCH DROP 3. GRAVEL SPECIFICATIONS: IAID ON A SLOPE RANGING BETWEEN I/8 PER FOOT OF DRAIN. WASHED I l/2 INCH TO NO. 4 GRAVEL WTH LESS TFIAN 3Z PASSING THE NO. 2OO SIEVE. I r' TYPICAL RETAINING WALL DRAIN DETAIL Vail's Front Door Environmental Impact RePort Page G-31 EOGE OT EXCAVA JOB NO.00-t08 oz U'E lrJ UJz (9zulozFJfozo() z IIJJIouloY-\ dHh? v, o E 7 v) 5 e) e x (h z TN att )-l o fit z u) t) >i.E 6.A J & 9 t'r.i> O LO ,,..F3rv)o *- o a.l6l €N (AF o&lrl rq |- ts i'r xFts3z- F os o J & z ts aZClr:l tJiia & ip&sJ-.Fkc<cz> €F '1 lAv;a qorq q o\o\(\ q rq GI J F FI F atl sI v)q Dv) ]I,l& Fu) F SH 7iHF J o & rA (oo oo ciz g) Vail's Front Door Environmental Impact Report Page G-32 -- 'O INDEPENDENTTTESTING & INSPECTION SERVICES TNC. l2OE4VASEEN CT. CONIFEBCOLORADO 80/t3i' 303674-7560 FA)( 303€7+7560 Serial Report #14 Client VaiI Resorts Development OBSERYATION REPORT tTtS Job No. 071604 P3 Ur"SfrOr'Unrsdr_rs Page I of Date: 72-16-04 Project:P-3&JParkingGarage Loca0on:Vail, Coloracio lnsp€c'tor:David L. Sturgeon This report package contains information conceming specific tests and inspeclions of structural steel welding, structural bolting, structural sprayed fireproofing, and/or nondestructive testing. The specific cdteria utilized in judging the degree of conformance foreacfr area of inspection are contained on each individual inspedion form. Also included may be lTlS'"List of Ontstanding Discrepancies" (O.D. List). The O.D. List will be consecutively numbered for eacfi page issued throughout the dunation of the project. Each individual item listed will also be consecutively numbered. lf there are any questions regardrrlg the ontent of this report, please feel ftee to contac{ lTlS at your convenience- ,*S*ENDE*Tt".t^?* INSPECTION SDRYICES INC. 12084 VASEEN CT. coNlFER, CO 80433 (303) 67+7650 FA)( (303) 674-7560 Page 2 ot FIELD OBSERVATION REPORT OF ASSEMBLED COMPONENTS Inspectoc David L. Sturgeon lTlS Job No: 0?1604 Date:12-16-04 lnspections of Structural Steel other nffiEiffitee1 Applicable Code/.s or Standards:Proiect AREAS OF INSPECTION FINAL DECK POUR Level 1, grids A - L / 1 - 7, the upper and lower mats, column reinforcing mats and weil ties were all viewed for conformance to approved drawings. The results of the insoections find no deficiencies. List any departures from the stated codes or slandards. Also prwide a critique for each nonconforming condition with the assigned O.D. item number. oo INDEPENDENI'T TDSTING & INSPDC'TION SERVICES INC. 12084VASEEN CT. COlllFER, COLORADO 80,(t3 30347+7560 FAX 303€7+7560 Page 1 of OBSERVATION REPORT Serial Report *12 rnts..reoo{ package contains information conceming specific tests and inspections of struciural steelwelding, structural bolting, structuralsprayed RreproioRng, anoloi nonGstructive tesling. The specific criteria utilized in judging the degree of conformanoe for each area of inspection arecontained on each individual inspedion forml Also included may be lTlS'"Listof Outstanding Discrepancies" (o-D. List). The o.D. List wiil beconsecutivefy numbered for each page issuedlhroughout the oirration of ne project ga*r lnoiviouatitem listed will also be consecutively iumbered. lf thereare any questions regarding the content of ffris report, please feel free to contad lTlS at yourconvenience- Vail Resorts Develooment fTfS Job No. 071604 Dab: tl 1-30-04 Proiect:P-3&JParkingGarage Location:Vail, Colorado Inspec,tor:David L. Sturgeon ICBO Certified Inspector AWS QG1 #82122691 Resident Level tll President ,rfi**DEN'Ttt*r^?* INSPECTION SERVICES INC. 12084 VASEEN GT. CONIFER, CO 80/83 {s03} 674-7650 FA)( {303) 67+7s6O Page of FIELD OBSERVATION REPORT OF ASSEMBLED COMPONENTS lnspector:lTlS Job No: 0?1604 Date: 1l-30-04Other Reinforcins Steel Applicable Code/s or Standards:ACI. IBC an<l Proiect Standards AREAS OF INSPECTION Level one, unformed war s€ction on L line, gr-0g, past 6 to 2line at corcer. The placement, quantity and spacings were founrJ conforming. List any departures from the stated codes or standards. Also provide a critigue for each nonoonforming condition with the assigned O.D. item number. /o INDEPENDEI\TT TESTING & INSPEC'TION SERVICES INC. 12084VASEEN CT' GoNIFER,GOLORADO 804i13 3{t3674'7560 FA)( 303-67+7560 Page of OBSERVATION REPORT Seriat RePort *11 Cli€,nt Vail Resorts Development lTlS Job 16. 071604 Date:11-22-04 & 1l-23-04 ThisreportpackagecontainsinformationconcemingspecificF"Eag.|"p.ctionsofstructura|stee| wetding, structurat ooni"S]'"idi;;Ht;y"d tirepro-otiirg, and/or nondestructive testing' The specific criteria utilized in judging th9 degree of conformance for eacfi area of inspeclion are contained on each individual inspection form' Also included may be lTls' "List of outstanding Dscrepancies'JO.?. List)' The o'D' List will be consecutivety numberedior ""in p"s" issued-th-;G-tioutine oirration of the projec{' Each individual item listed will also be consecutively numbered' lf there are any questions regarding the content of this report, please feel ftee to contac{ lTls at your convenience. prolect P43 & J Parking Garage Locatlon:Vail, Colorado Inspecton David L. Sturgeon David L- Sturgeon President ICBO Certified 138247-85 AWSQGl ffi2122691 Resident Level lll rr'n?pn*D EN'T TD srrN!* Page INSPECTION SERVICES TNC. t20s4VASEEN CT. coNlFER, CO 804:Il (303) 674-7650 FAX (303) 671-756{l FIELD OBSERVATION REPORT OF ASSEMBLED GOMPONENTS Inspectoc David L. Sturgeon Inspections oft Stn cfural Steel Applicable Code/s or Stardards: of fTfSJobNo: 0?1604 pds; l1-22-04 & ll-23-04 Other Reinforcing Steel 1L-22-04 Level One, Lev€I f)net !!-23-04 Level one, Level One, AREAS OF INSPECTION Unformerl columns at grids Pa, 7 and 3 at J Unformed wall section (partiaD on grid 3 from 12'7 south to J Formerj wall section on grid e fron 12.7 south to J unformed wall section I - 3 / South of G List any departures from the stated aodes or standards. Also proride a critique for each nonconforming condition with the assigned O.D. item number. The reinforcing steel was found conforming at the liste<l locations' INDEPENDEN'T TESTING & INSPECTION SERVICES INC. l2O84VASEEN GT. coNlFER, COLORADO 8U3:! 303674-7560 FA)( 303€74-7560 Serial Beport *11 OBSERVATION REPORT lTlS Job No.071604 Page -!- of rbta. J 7-L7-04, 11-1 8-04 &--"'-TrTg:trI-VaiI Resorts Development Prolect:P-3&JParkingGarage Location:Vail, Colorado David L. SturgeonInspector: This report package contains information conceming specific tes*s and inspections oJ structural steel *tlOini, stri.rcturaiOotting, structural sprayed fireproofing, and/or nondestructive testing' The specific criteria utilized in judging the degree of conformance for each area of inspedion are contained on eacfi individual inspection form. Atso inctuded may be tTlS' "List of Outstanding Discrepancies'{O.D. List). The O.O. t-!st wit! U9 . consecutively nu;bered for each page issued throughout the duration of the proiect. Each individual item listed will also be consecutively numbered. lf there are any guestions regarding the content of this report, please feel free to contact lTlS at your convenience. AWS QC-1 #82122691 Resident Level lll David L. Shrrgeon |CBO Certified Inspddor #1 138247 45 ,*ol"rND Er\r' TE srrN?* t2084VASEEN CT. coNtFER, CO 8043ii (303) 67+7650 FA)( (303) 674-7560 FIELD OBSERVATION REPORT OF ASSEIIBLED COMPONENTS lnspectofi David L. Sturgeon lTl$ Job Na 071604 Inspections of: Structural Steel _ Other Applicable Code/s or Strandards: ACI, IBC and ect INSPECTION SEBVICES fi\[C. Page 2 ol I t-1?-04, I1-18-04 Date: & l1-1 9-04 cernent AREAS OF INSPECT'ON l l-17-04 (a) Levet C)ne columns on D line at 12, 14, L6, (b) Level One wall section, forrned, on 18line, and 6line adiacent to D line 9r south of B to 12'south of D 1 1-18-04 (a) Level C)ne deck, 2A area at the southwest corner of lot (b) Level One wall section, formed, on 18 line 12i south of D to H at corner 11-19-04 (a) Level One wall section, unforme<|, on diagonal, H to l6 (b) Level one wall section, unformed, R / 12 - 16 and L / 8t-09" from 6 line to 10 line at corner Usi any deparfures ftom the stated codes or standards. Also provide a critique for each nonconforming condition with the assigned O.D. item number. 11-19-04 (a) The diagonal wall at Level One, frorn H - 16, incorporates a lot of electri cal conduit with bosex similar to those used for the tie-backs. RFI 42 addressed the cutting and removal of bars to accomodate the cast-in boxes. This har replacem€nt directive was similarly employed where bars were cut and removed. t7-17-04, 11-1 8-04 & 11-19-04 At all liste<i locations, the bar placemerts and sizes were foun<l conforming. 7 INDEPENDENTTESTING &, INSPDCTION SERVICES TNC. 12084 VASEEN CT. coNrFE& coLoRADO 80433 3035t+7560 FAX 30367+7560 Page OBSERVATION REPORTSerial Report *10 Vail Resort Development 071604 Date: 11-9-04 & l1-l 3-04 Prolect:P-3&JParkingGarage Vail, Colora<]o lnspectorr David L. Sturgeon This report package contains information conceming specific tests and inspections of structural steel welding, strudural bolting, structural sprayed fireproofing, and/or nondestruclive testing. The specific criteria utilized in judging the degree of conformance for eacfi arca of inspection are contained on each individual inspection form. Also included may be lTlS' 'List of Outstanding Discrepancies' (O.D. List). The O.D. List will be consecutively numbered for each page issued throughout the duration of the project. Each individual item listed will also be consecutively numbered. lf there arc any questions regarding the content of this report, please feel free to contact lTlS at your convenience. AWSQC-lffi2122691 Resident Level lll of lTlS Job No. Location: f rnn?pn*D'nilT TE srrN8* INSPECTION SERVICES TNC. l208if VASEEN CT' coNtFER, CO 804:B (3031674-7650 FAX {303) 674-7560 Page 2 ot 2 FIELD OBSERVATION REPORT OF ASSEMBLED COMPONENTS lnspector: David L. sturgeon |TtS Job t'lo, =011694 =, oqtej.-1]-9-% a tt-ts-oa Insbedion Other , RginfqrciltE Steel Placement Applicable Code/s or Standards: ACI. IBC and Proiect Standards AREAS OF INSPECTION 1l-e-04 1) Level Two/Level one - Columns on gri<ls 4 and 7 2) Also, A101 WalI Section Stack 10t above Level Two at L & 6 l1-13-04 1) Level C)ne, unformed wall, adjacent to 6line,east to 18line and 30'of l8line south 2) Garage slab, Level C)ne, D - K / 6 - 18, and also, Sections 11 and 12 of 5202 All inspections included top and bottom mats, column reinforcing mats, hookbars' standoff, minimum and marimum coverage. List any departures from the stated codes or $andards. Also prwide a critigue for each norrconforming condition with the assigned O.D. item number. 11-9-04 & 11-13-04 No cleficiencies were observed at the wall section, columns and slab mats inspected. The listed areas were judged as conforming. f INDEPENDENT'T TESTING & INSPECTION SERVICES TNC. l2o84VASEEN CT. coNlFER, COLORADO 8041!3 303-674-7560 FAX 303-674'7560 Serial Report #8 Glient VaiI Re.sort Development Proiect:P-3&JParkingGarage Inspectol:David L. Sturgeon David L. Sturgeon President ICBO Certified Inspector #1 1 38247 -45 AWS QC-1 #2122691 Resident Level lll OBSERVATION REPORT lTlS Job 1e. o?1604 94t' Location:Vail, eoloradcr Page I of 't 0-28-04 This report package contains information conceming specific tests and inspections oJ struc{ural steel *urOlnri JrarralOorting,'iiructurit iprayeO tirepro-ofiirg, and/or nondestructive testing' The specific criteria utilized in judging the degree of conformance for each area of inspection are contained on each individual inspec{ion form- Also included may be lTlS' "List of Outstanding Discrepancies" (O'D' List)' The O'O' t-l9t ryit! f . consecutively numberediorE"*, p"S" issued-trroughout the dirration of the project' Each individual item listed wttt atso be consecutively numbered- tf there are any questions regarding the oontent of this report, please feel free to contact lTlS at your @nvenienoe. Pqe2ot2 AREAS OF INSPECTION 1) Level Two Deck, D line south / 4.57ine to 18line The inspection inclu<leri both top and bottorn mats, column reinforcing rnats' the bearn from 6 - 8-and the hatch at D & 9. Peter Monroe was proesent for a review of the beam, deck anrl hatch. Art with the Ciry Building Inspection f,bpartment also was present fdr the final placemnt of mat bars adjaeent to the hatch. 2) Level Two, 18 line from A to C, Unformed Wall Section Bar placement inspected. List any departures from the stated mdes or standards. Also provide a critique for each nonconforming condition with the assigned O.D. item number. The details for the one-sided, slope heam rJeviate<l slighly with the installation of the sloped bars. The hatch opening, bar placement require<l the removal of all bars within the opining frame. Peter Monroe directed additional bars to be installed at the east side' as well as Z-bars to replace those that were required to be removed. ITIS verified all of lt{r. l\llonroe's verbal directives. ITIS finds both areas insepcted conforming, also. rwn? pnitD Etrr rE srrN? * INSPECTION SERVICES TNC. r2084 VASEEN CT. coNlFER, CO 80433 (303) 67+7650 FA)( (303) 67+7550 FIELD OBSERVATION REPORT OF ASSEMBLED COT'PONENTS Inspector: David L- Sturgeon lTls Job rrro: 9Jf 60a , D-ate:--l h?8-E-inspections o6er , B.al-ptagellent - wall and Deck Rpiticaole Code/s or StanOards: INDEPENDE]TT TESTING & INSPECTION SERYICES TNC. 12084VASEEI{ GT. CONIFER, COLORAT'O &}(|3 3('3574-7560 FAX 303-67+7560 OBSERVATION REPORT lTlS Job No. 071604 Date: FECETVED ?Ct Z s 2004 Client VaiI Resort Development Project:P-3&JParkingGarage Location: VaiI' Colorado lngpector Davicl 1,. Sturgeon SERIAI, REPORT *7 This report package contains information conceming specific tests and inspections of structural steel welding, structural bolting, structural spmyed fireproofing, and/or nondestruclive testing. The specific criteria utilized in judging the degree of conformance for each area of inspection are contained on each individual inspection form. Also included may be lTlS' "List of Outstanding DiscrepancieJ (O.D. List). The O.D. List will be consecutively numbercd for eacft page issued throughout the duration of the project. Each individual ilem listed will also be consecutively numbered. lf there arc any questions regarding the content of this report, please feel free to contact lTlS at your conventence. t Na"4d/ David L. Sturgeon President IGBO Certified AWS QC-1 #82122691 Resident Level lll t/f,DoCONSIBUCTON Page ofz 10-22-n4 r*#*nNDEr\r'Ttt.t^?* INSPECTION SEBVICDS TNC. ,l2084 VASEEN CT. coNtFER, CO 804:t3 (303) 674-7650 FAX (303) 6;t+756O Page 2 ol 2 FIELD OBSERVATION REPORT OF ASSEMBLED GOMPONENTS Inspecton David L. Sturgeon lTlS Job No: ---Q-Z-1-$-Q4-- Date: 1 0-22-04 Inspections of Structural Steel Other Reinforcing Placement Applicable Code/s or Standards: ACI. IBC and Proiect Standards with RFIrs AREAS OF INSPECTION Above Level Two - 8164: through 8174r Unformed wall section on A line / 3.1 to 9.3 Bar Placement - Horizontal, Vertical, Laps and Ad<litional Reinforcing at Tid-back Boxes. List any departures from the stated codes or standards. Also provide a critique for each nonconforming condition with the assigned O.D. item number. The primary qualitity of bars, sizes and placement were found conforming. ITIS previously reported that the tie-back boxes on A line / 2 - 6 had been construeted too deep. These boxes have heen reeonstructe<l allowing for 5 - 6tr of eoncrete cover. It was observed that RFI #42, additional box reinforcing hars, had not been fully complied with. The horizontal bars at each Iocation were not placed. The General Contraetor is to verify their placemnt. The bar placernent was judged asconforming with the exception of RFI #42 hotizontal bars. . SERIAL REPORT #6 Glient Vail Resorts Development INDEPENDE]VTTESTING & INSPECTION SEBYICES TNC. 12084 VASEEN CT. CONIFER,COLORADO El433 30347+7s6/, FAX 303-67&7560 OBSERVATION REPORT lTlS Job No. 071604 Date: RECEIVED ocT 2 5 2004 \/RDC CONSTHUCTION Page 1 ot 2 I0-14-04 Proiect P-3 & J Parking Garage Location: Vail,Colorado Inspector: David L' Sturgeon This report package contains information conceming specmc tests and inspections of structural steel welding, structural bolting, structural sprayed fireproofing, and/or nondestructive testing. The specific criteda utilized in judging the degree of conformance for each area of inspection are contained on each individual inspection form. Atso included may be lTlS'"List of Outstanding Discrepancies" (O.D. List). The O.D. List will be consecutively numbered for each page issued throughout the dur:ation of the project. Each individual item listed will also be consecutively numbered. lf there are any questions regarding the content of this report, please feel free to contact lTlS at your convenience. David L. Sturgeon President ICBO Certified Inspector #1 AWS QC-1 #82122691 Resident Level lll ^S*r*o'*ro*r^**INSPECTION SERVICES TNC. 12084VASEEN CT. GONIFER, CO 804:t3 (303) 6Zf-7650 FAX (303) 674-7560 Page 2 ol FIELD OBSERVATION REPORT OF ASSEITIBLED GOIIIIPONENTS lnspectoc Davicl L. SturEeon lTlSJobNo: 0?1604 Date: 10-14-04 Inspections of: Struclural Steel _ Other Reinforcinr Steel placement Applicable Codey's or Standards; ACI. IBC and proiect Standards AREAS OF INSPECTION Level Two, D line to Aline / I - 8 This inspection was conducted in the company of Peter l\{onroe. }.{r. l4onroe and I walkecl the reinforcing mat and viewed the placement of the bars, their sizes, lengths and direction of lay. The reinforced zone was of particular concern with regard to cover due to the quantity of bars lapped over eaeh other. The worst case viewed found l*t'of cover. The electrical conduit placement where laid over the top mat was also reviewed by Peter l{onroe who accepted the instalation based on 1't of cover. Art, the City Inspector, arrived onsite and yroined Peter and me for a portion of the inspection. Art left and is to return andwillconplete the inspection of the bar pro-iections at D line /l4 - l6' and the colurnn reinforcing mat, inadvertently omitted, at g line that is to be placed on top of the top mat. During our initial meeting, one major concern was that the heavy reinforcing mat would not stay down and would possibly lift at the edges where sloped decks ere formed. This clid not occur. fie mat at all locations was at the specified 3/4rr height. fie area viewed by Peter Monroe and me was ju<tged, lry this inspectoi, as in a substantial Ievel of conformance. / SERIAL REPORT *5 Vail Resorts Development Project:P-3&JParkingGarage Page I of 071604 Date:10-6-04 Vail, Colorado lTlS Job No. Location: Inspestor:David L. Sturgeon This report package contains information conceming specific tests and inspections oJ structural steel weldin!, structurai botting, structural sprayed fireproofing, and/or nondestructive testing' The specific criteria utilized in judging the degree of conformance for each area of inspection are contained on each individual inspection form. Atso included may be lTlS' "List of Outstanding Discrepancies' (O.D. List). The O.D- List will be . consecutively nuirbered for each page issued throughout the duration of the project. Each individual item listed will also be consecutively numbered. lf there are any questions regarding the content of this report, please feel free to contact lTlS at your convenien@. 4^udz President IGBO Certified lnspector AWS QC-1 #2122691 Resident Level lll oo INDEPENDEN'T TESTING & INSPECITION SERVICES TNC. 12084 VASEEN CT. CONIFER,COLORADO 80438 303474-7560 FAX 30367+7560 OBSERVATION REPORT ,*'?**DE*TTEsrrNP* INSPECTION SDRVICES INC. t2084VASEEN CT. coNlFE& CO 804:13 (303) 67+765{t FA)( (303) 67+7560 Page -l-ot 2 FIELD OBSERVATION REPORT OF ASSEMBLED COMPONENTS Inspector; David L- Sturgeon _ tTlS Job No: 071604 Date: _!_b0:!3 lnspections of: Structural Steel Other Reinforcing Steel Pldcement Applicable Code/s or Standards: ACI. IBC and Proieet Standards AREAS OF INSPECTION 1) Foundation Footin Inspection Pl to 8 2) Wall section unformed on L line from ? line to corner at 12line - I{onroe }'Iewell was eontact with regard to the 11line, offset corner, and the placement of corner bars at the offset (see below). List any departures from the stated codes or standards. Also provide a critique for each nonconforming condition with the assigned O.D. item number. L) The bar placement was formd conforrning; however, water was present at the bottom of the formed footings, and the erector agreed to pump out all excess water. It was raining at the time of this inspection. 2) The wall section viewecl was found conforming. Monroe Newell approved the alternate placemnt of the corner bars ( placed outside to inside) where the two Waills do not allgn at centers on 1.1 line. oo INDEPENDENTTESTING & INSPECTION SEBVICES TNC. 12084 VASEEI{ CT. coNrFE& coLoMDo 8u3:r 3{t3{/+756{l FAX 30362t-7560 SERIAT REPORT *5 Client Vail RF-sex"ts Development OBSERVATION REPORT lTlS Job No. 071604 Date: Page _l- of 9-22-04 Project:P-3&JParkingGarage Location:Vail, Oolorado Inspector:David L. Sturgeon This report package contains information conceming specific tests and inspections of structural steel welding, structural bolting, structural sprayed fireproofing, and/or nondestructive testing. The specific criteria util2ed in judging the degree of conformance for each area of inspection are contained on each individual inspection form. Also included may be lTlS' 'List of Outstanding Discrepancies' (O.D. List). The O.D. List will be consecutively numbered for each page issued throughout the duration of the project. Each individual item listed will also be consecutively numbered. lf there are any questions regarding the mntent of this report, please feel free to contact lTlS at your convenience. David L. Sturgeon President ICBO Certified lnspector #1 AWS QGl ffi2122651 Resident Level lll 38247-85 '*'|E*ENDENT TDSTTNE* INSPECTION SER\rICDS TNC. t2084VASEEN CT. coNlFER, CO 804i13 (303) 6Zr-7650 FA)( (303) 67f-7560 Page FIELD OBSERVATION REPORT OF ASSEMBLED COilPONENTS Inspector Davi<l L. Sturgeon lTlS Job No: 071604 Date:9-22-04 lnspections of Structural Steel Other Applicable Codey's or Standards: ACI, IBC, Proiect Standards and ER Difectives AREAS OF INSPECTION Formed Wall Seetion, Grid 18 / C - E 1) The formed waII section listed is the wall section that necks down in thickness. Itltonroe & Newell's directive adding filll height, #? vertieals and Z0r long horiz,ontal #T between existing grids was verified primarily by Vail's inspector who viewed the bars before formed. This inspector could only verify the vertieal bar placement that was founcl conforming. 2) In addition to the fonmed wall inspection, ITIS reviewed with the steel placers their interpretation of the 3r-02rt step detail at the southwest corner. The horiz,ontal, vertieal hook and Z-bar placements of the offset and skewed footing were partially placed showing the scheme. Ttre laps of button to top mats across , the step are 6t ahove the opposite waII footing mat. The Z,-bar plaeement and bar lap splices were disoussed also. Moiroe,&'Nevfleil is to review our interpretation. List any departures from the stated codes or standards. Also provide a critique for each nonconforming condition with the assigned O.D- item number. of INDEPENDENT TESTING & INSPECTION SEBVICES INC. 12084 VASEEN CT. CONIFER, COLORADO 804:}3 303'674-7560 FAX 303474-7560 P 3&JParkingGarage OBSERVATION REPORT tTlS Job 1e. 071604 P616; Location:Vail, Colora<io Page I of 9_8_04 & e-l 0-04 Proiect: David L. StrtrgeonInspectol: Serial Report #3 This report pacl€ge contains information conceming specific tests and inspections of structural steel *"iOind, struAuraiboltinO struAuralsprayed Rreproofing, and/or nondestructive testing' The specific criteria utilized in judging the degree of conformance for each area of inspection are contained on each individual inspec'tion fonn. Also included may be lTlS''List of Outstanding Discrepancies'{O'D' List)' The O'D' List will be . consecutivety numberediorE""n p"g" issued-throughout the duration of the project' Each individual item listed will also be consecutively numbered. lf there are any questions regarding the content of this report, please feel free to contact lTlS at your convenience. /t o-----=- #,K*,President / / f CBO Certified Inspector # +{ 38247 a5 AWS QC-1 ffi2122691 Resident Level lll ,*o(i nItND ENr rE srrN?* IiTSPECTION SERVICES INC. 12084 VASEEN CT. coNlFER, CO 80433 (303) 674-7650 FAX (303) 6711-7560 Page 2 of FIELD OBSERVATION REPORT OF ASSEMBLED COMPONENTS Inspector: David L. Sturgeon lTlSJobNo: 0?1604 Date: 9-8-04 & 9-1 0-04 Other ReinforeinEInspections of: Structural Steel Applicable Code/s or Standards: AREAS OF INSPECTION Serial Report #3 September 8,2004 Retaining wall from Grids E&2an<iD&6.5. 1- 9, at elevation 81 51'through 8162i' and columns at c & 5' September 10, 2004 Wall section on gricl one from A - J, including the elevator infill wall between columns- All reinforcing steel plaeement were judged for the referenced standards- With the cohr{itions nbted below.comegted,; the List any departures from the stated codes or standards' condition with the assigned O.D. item number. conforrnance to approved drawings anrl placements were ju<lged as conforming. Also provide a critique for each nonconforming September 8, ZOO4 The three colurnns listed hacl vertical bar laps at 29'-31t'where 55" is speeified. The E-R. was contacte<J an<l aoproved the 29rr lap splices. Septernber 10, 2004 #42 revised the bar arrangement and minimum cover for the tie-back proiection boxes. The corner tie-backs were not ad<lresser!. At the corner of wall G and F a corner box was installed. One corner bar was relocated inside, and one vertical bar had been cut and r,vas replaced, full length. INDEPENDENTTESTING & INSPECTION SERVICES TNC. 12084 VASEEN CT. coNtFER, COLORADO 804i13 303-674-7560 FAX 30367+7560 OBSERVATION REPORT Vail Resorts Development 071604 Date: 8-31-04 HECEIVED sEP l0 2004 VRDC CONSTRUCTION Page of Project:P-3&JParkingGarage lTlS Job No. Location: Inspec{or:David L. Sturgeon This report package contains information conceming specific tests and inspections of structural steel welding, structurai bolting, structural sprayed fireproofing, and/or nondestructive testing. The specific criteria utilized in judging the degree of conformance for eacfi area of inspection ate contained on each individual inspection form. Also included may be lTlS' 'List of Outstanding Discrepancies' (O.D. List)- The O.D. List wilf be consecutively numbered for each page issued throughout the duration of the project. Each individual item listed will also be consecutively numbered. lf there are any questions regarding the content of this reporl please feel free to contact lTlS at your convenience. David L. Sturgeon President ICBO Certified Inspector # AWS QC-1 #82122691 Resident Level lll 138247-85 rnnipENDENrrESTrNE* INSPECTION SER\rICES TNC. 12084 VASEEN CT. coNtFER, CO 804:13 (303) 671-7650 FAX (303) 674-7560 Page FIELD OBSERVATION REPORT OF ASSEMBLED COII,|PONENTS lTlS Job No: 0?1604 Date: 8-31-04 Other ReinforcinE Steel of SERIAL REPORT #2 lnspector: David L. Sturgeon Inspections of: Structural Steel Applicable Code/s or Standards: AREAS OF INSPECTION 7-7/B-J,Footing f) The placement of reinforcing steel was juclged for conformanee to approved drawings' ITIS met with the City Inspector as well as the Engineer-of -Recor<l where we openly discussed placement to'lerances and potential problems. ITIS also accompanie<l the City Inspector during his inspections of the formed bar placements' List any departures from the stated codes or standards. Also provide a critique for each nonconforming condition with the assigned O.D. item number. 1) The top row of E-W, #9 bars need to be connected to interface. At the same location, the bottom mat N-S clearance. 2) The center line dowels had not been placed. With the corrected, both ITIS and the City Inspectors approved steel. the top mat at the second Pour needed to be dug out for 3t' aforementioned ccrrli t ions the Dlacement of reinforcing INSPECTION SEBVICES INDEPENDENIT TtsST & {2084VASEEN CT. CONIFER,COLORADO 80433 303-67+7560 FAX 30347+7560 OBSERVATION REPORT lTlS Job No.071604 Date: P-3 & J Vail Parking Garage Location:Vail, Colorado David L. Sturgeon o ING rNC Page -L- ot 2 8-23-04Client: Project: Inspectot: This report package contains information conceming specific tests and inspections of structural steel *"lONg, strlAuraiOotting, structural sprayed fireproofing, and/or nondestructive testing' The specific criteria utilized in judging the degree of conformance foreach area of inspection are contained on each individual inspection form- Also included may be lTlS' "List of Outstanding Discrepancies'{O.D. List)' The O'D' tjst will be . consecutivefy numOereOioriicn page issued-throughoutthe duration of the project' Each individual item listed will also be consecutively numbered. lf there are any questions regarding the content of this report, please feel free to contact lTlS at your convenience- President ICBO Certified InsPector # AWS OC-1 ffi2122691 Resident Level lll rNDIiPENDE*' rEsrrNC* INSPECTION SEBVICES TNC. 12084 VASEEN CT. coNlFER, CO 80433 (303) 674-7650 FAX (303) 674-7s60 Page of FIELD OBSERVATION REPORT OF ASSEMBLED COMPONENTS 8-23-04InspectorlTlS Job No: _ t{19!:-0 716 04 Date: tr-zJ-1,4 ^-i?ii?Git PlncGTiT Inspections of: Structural Steel other nei@g slggl4ace8 Applicable Codds or Standards: AREAS OF INSPECTION Founrlation and Elevator Pad, Reference Drawing S-104, Gri<1s 7 - I / B - D The bottom mat, bar size was increased from #9 to #11. The bottom and top mats with - standees and dowels were founcl in general conformance with two observation recornmendations (see below). ITIS plasced a call to Feter Monroe for clarification of the column dowel bars in accordance witir the hatf quantity requirement of s of 5-201' The placement was found conforming to project standards' List any departures from the stated codes or standards. Also provide a critique for each nonconforming condition with the assigned O.D. item number. Add an additional standee at B & ? where the top mat is spongy' Align the hook ends of the top and bottom mat hars vertically at sides. David L. Sturgeon 1) 2) o RECEIVED INDEPENDE1VTTESTING & INSPECTION SERVICES INC. JUL 27 2|,|,4 12084VASEEN CT. coNlFER, COLORADO 8043i1 303-674-7560 FAX 303-67+7560 VRDC CONSTRUCTION Page I ot 2 OBSERVATION REPORT g;isn1; Vail F.esort Developrnent lTlS Job No. 0?1604 Date: rt-l 6-04 Proiect Founders Park & Garage Inspector: David L' Sturgeon This report package contains information concerning specific tests and inspections oJ structural steel *;iai"d, struAuriOoning, structural sprayed fireproofing, and/or nondestructive testing' The specific criteria utilized in judging the degree of conformance for each area of inspection are contained on each individual inspeclion form. Also included may be lTlS' "List of Outstanding Discrepancies" (O.D. Lis$' The O'D' I l"t will be . coniecutVety nrrOer"O ior each page issued-throughout the duration of the project. Each individual item listed will also be consecutively numbered. tf there are any questions regarding the content of this report, please feel free to contact lTlS at your convenience. AWS QC-1 ffi2122691 Resident Level lll Location: Vail, Colorado INSPECTION SEBVICES INC. 12084VASEEN CT. CONIFER, COLORADO 80433 303S74-7560 FAX 303474-7560 ,,st*END'Nrtt"trf* * Page 2of ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Inspector: Davi<l L. Sturgeon ITIS JobNo- 0?1604 Date: This form contains additional inspection inforrnation not specifically covered in the prepared formats oftesting and impections. x Additionallnformation Additional Impections Additional Tests 7-16-04 ITIS atten<iecl a Aspects concerning the construction of the concrete super-structure were addressed, inclu<iing the inspection or verification of reinforcing steel ment, frequency of inspection (100%), tolerances, complexities and, with foresight, potential difficulties that place m ent verification source ry4!,esstrI3!99 frorn Peter Monroe, transfer and e te the resolution of pro difficulties. The distribution the E.R. Lines of communication were established to facilitate information Iist for rts of i on was also established. In -arldition to the stebl inspections, ITIS will provide observations of the fabric vertical moisture berrier for ripping or tearing behin<l the installed reinforc At present, the crane foundation is scheduled for the first week of August. ITIS requested shop / steel placement drawings for inspection reference. , o INDEPENDENTTESTING & INSPEC'TION SERVICES TNC. 12084 VASEEN CT. coNlFER, coLoRADO 804t3 303-674-7560 FAX 303-671-7s60 RECEIVED sEP 2 2 2004 VRDC CONSTRUCTION Page 1 of Serial Report #4 OBSERVATION REPORT 9-t 4-04, 9-16-04 and 9-17-04Vail Resorts Development |Tls Job No.071604 Proiec't:P 3&JParkingGarage Location:Veill. Colorado Inspector:David L. Sturgeon This report package contains information conceming specific tests and inspections oJ structural steel *"iOinj, strlAuraiOotting, structural sprayed fireproofing, and/or nondestructive testing' The specific criteria utilized in judging the degree of conformance for each area of inspection are contained on each individual inspeclion form. Atso inctuded may be tTtS''List of Outstanding Discrepancies"{O.D. List). The O D List will be . consecutively numbered for each page issued-throughout the duration of the pQect' Each individual item listed will also be consecutively numbered. lf there are any questions regarding the content of this report, please feel free to contact lTlS at your convenience. {), David L. Sturgeon President ICBO Certified Inspector #1 138247 45 AWS QC-l ffi2122691 Resident Level lll /,*'Q*ENDEN,T TEsrrN?* INSPECTION SERVICES INC. FIELD OBSERVATION REPORT OF ASSEMBLED COMPONENTS 12084 VASEEN CT. coNtFER, CO 80433 (303) 674-7650 FAX (303) 674.7#0 Page Serial Report *4 Insoector: David L. Sturgeon tTlS Job No: 0 71 6 04 9-14-04, 961s; 9-16-04 and 9-1 ?-04 Inspections of: Structural Steel Other Reinforcing Plscement Applicable Code/s or Standards: ACI. IBC. Project Stenderds, snd ER Drientives (RFI) AREAS OF INSPECTION e-14-04 (1) Footing on A Iine from 6line east to 9/10line 9-16-04 (2) Footing on A line from 10line to corner and l8lin / A-C: Wall section unformed 7-9on A line: Collrmns one C3 and one C2 9-17-O4 (3) Footings on 18line / 8.5 - D: Wall section formed on A line 3 - 8+: Wall section, unformed, on A line 8 - 18: Columns (2) C-z List any departures from the stated codes or standards. Also provide a critique for each nonconforming condition with the assigned O.D. item number. SUMMARY OF LOCATIONS l, 2 anrl 3. From 3line to 6+ the tie-hack boxes have not been cut back to allow for 4 - 6 inches of cover. The insepctions of formed wall sections found form clearance unacceptable. Satisfactory corrections were made. On 9-1.6-04, the bottom rnat clearnace needed adjusting to 3rrclearance. of Note: The il. line steps were constructed withouth Z bars as they are 2;iand and did not qualifv for section A of R-1' \r/ .<D qit(W 1,t-09tt deep, INSPECTION SEBVICES INDEPENDEi\ilT TEST & 12084 VASEEN CT. GONIFER, COLORADO 8O(?:' 30357+7ffi FAX 30367+7560 Page of OBSERVATION REPORT Serial Report *13 Glient Vail Resorts Development J1;5 Job No.07I 604 Date: 12-6-04 ProJect:P-3&JParkingGarage Location:Vail, Colorado Inspecion David L. Sturgeon This report package contains information concerning specific tests and inspections of structural steel welding, structural bolting, structural sprayed fireproofing, and/or nondestructive testing. The specific criteria utilized in judging the degree of conformance for each area of inspection are contained on each individual inspection form. Also included may be lTtS''List of Outstanding Discrepancies' (O.D, List)- The O.D. List will be consecutively numbered for each page issued throughout the duration of the project. Each individual item listed will also be consecutively numbered. lf there are any questions regarding the content of this report, please feel free to contact lTlS at your convenien@- David L. Sturgeon President ICBO Certified Inspector #1 1 38247 -85 AWS OC-l ffi2122691 Resident Level lll o ING INC *?*ENDENITTDSTIN?* INSPECTION SERVICES INC. t2084VASEEN CT. coNtFER, CO 804:13 (303) 671-76s{' FAX (303) 674-7560 Page -\ot FIELT' OBSERVATION REPORT OF ASSEMBLED COMPONENTS lnspectot:David L. sturgeen_ lTls Job No;071604 12-6-04 lnspections of Structural Steel Other or Applicable Code/s or Standards:and Pro AREAS OF INSPECTION 1. Ierrel One, formed wall section on 3line' A - O, and on A line, 2'8 - 5'9 2. Garage Level, Deck Inspection, A - K / I - 18 The reinforcing placements were jurlged for conformance to appDoved drawings' Size' spacing and quantitY were viewed. List any deparfures from the stated codes or standards- Also provide a critique for each nonconforming condition with the assigned O.D. item number. 2. The entrie area was not complete at the time of this site vieit. Some l-rars had not been placed in the area fromF - K. Peter Monrge is to visit the site, and will complete the inspection. No deficiencies were observed at either the Level f)ne or the Garage Level locations. Date: eel -t / IhIDEPENDENI'T TE STTNG &, INSPECTION SERVICES INC. IArs4VASEEN CT. coNrFER, COLORADO 8{14:}3 303-67+7560 FAX 303{74-7560 Page OBSERVATION REPORT Serial Report *9 Glienh VaiI Resort Development lTlSJobNo. 071604 Date: 11-6-04 Location: VailrColoradoProject P-3 & J Parking Garage Inspecton Davi<l L. Sturgeon This report package contains information conceming specific tests and inspections of structural steel welding, strustural bolting, structural sprayed fireproofing, and/or nondestrustive testing. The speciftc criteria utilized in judging the degree of conformance for acfi area of inspection are contained on each individual inspec{ion form. Also included may be lTlS' 'List of Outstanding Discrepancies" (O.D. Lisl). The O.D. List will be consecutively numbered for each page issued throughout the duration of the project. Each individual item listed will also be consecutively numbered. lf there are any questions regarding the content of this report, please feel free to contac{ lTlS at your convenience. of ^LdDavid L. Sturgeon President ICBO Certified AWS QG1 #2122691 Resident Level lll #1138247-85 't f ,*o(i*END EN'T TE srrN ?* INSPECTION SERYICES TNC. t2084VASEEN CT. coNtFER, CO 8(Xlt3 (303) 674-7650 FAX (303) tr+75610 Page 2 ol FIELD OBSERVATION REPORT OF ASSEMBLED COiIPONENTS lnspector:David L. Sturgeon lTlS Job No: --0891-Date:I t-6-04 Inspections of: Structural Steel Other Appticable Codds or Standards: ACI, IBC and Proiect Standards AREAS OF INSPECTION Level One Deck, A -D / 1-18 The Reinforcing steel mats, column reinforcing and all section cuts were viewed in the company of Scott Wasson of l\{onroe Newell. The installation was found conforming except as noted below. List any departures fiom the stated codes or standards. Also provide a critique for each nonconforming condition with the assigned O.D. item number. Along A line, between grids 14 and 16, Section 4 of S202 shows the bar placennent at the slab to wall beneath the entry ramp. What is in place conforrns with the Ranner drawings; however, the BAnner crawings do not show the hook hars doweled from the wall to the slab top mat. Scott Wasson is to eonsult with Peter Monroe and advise Hyder of his review decision. On A line, 14 - 16, at the documents due to missing Level One mat the area is in hook bars. noneonformance with the contract (t D ,/'Y- gsg:,-?,l o f"t:;",reO^/ Dft'r''s ee ^3T3tfif#3#rfl"ffiHff ufu'" IA,S4VASEEN CT. coNtFER, COLORADO 804:t3 303674-7560 FAX3(8-67+7560 Eoq-oor €} Page 1 ot 2 OBSERVATION REPORT Client VaiI Resort Development 1115Job16. 071604 g"1"' 2-1=-5 & 2-4-05 Project:P-3 & J Parking Garage Location: Vailr Colorado Inspecton David L. Sturgeon This report package contains information coneming specific tests and inspections of structural steel rinelding, struc*ural bolting, structural sprayed fireproofing, and/or nondestructive testing. The specific criteria utilized in judging the degree of conformance for each area ol inspection are contained on eaih individual inspection form. Also included may be lTlS' 'List of Outstanding Dboepancies" (O.D. List)- The O.D. List will be consecutively numbered for each page issued throughout tfe duration of the project. Each individual item listed will also be consecutively numbered. lf there are any questions regarding the content of this report, please feel free to @ntact lTlS at your convenience. c ldE8o83l*"d rnspecro r # r&zat as AWS QC-1 ffi2122691 Resident Levellll ,*S*t*o'*rr'srrN?* INSPECTION SERVICES INC. 12084VASEEN CT. coNtFER, CO 804?3 (3{r3) 67/1-765{l FAX (303) 67+7560 Page FIELD OBSERVATION REPORT OF ASSEMBLED COI'PONENTS Inspectoc David L. Sturgeon lTlS Job No:071604 2-1-05 & 2-4-05 lnspections ofi Structural Steel -- Other Reinfor Applicable Code/s or Standards: ACI' IRC and AREAS OF INSPECTION Garage Park Level (Reference Dwg. 5101) 2-1-05 One line at west wall, C line south 26t - Footings 2-+-05 Footing at northwest corner on radius from C to 5.5 line. Also, C Iine wall at stairway entry. List any departures ftom the stated codes or standards. Also prwide a critique for each nonconforming condition with,the assigned O.D. item number. of Date: eel