HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 5 BLOCK 5A LOT P3 B04-0018 AGREEMENT LEGAL\,ufV*( *"1 5 .tXs.z 5A utP: Boq -cor( W t-217 P.001 P.c. F-020l|ay-l 9-04 08 : | 9an F ron- OrrnN, JonNsot't, RoBtt'tsoN, Ngrr & RecoNgrrt' ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT I'AW 950 SEVENTEENTH STREET ' sulTE 1500 DENVER, COLORADO 60202 TELEPHONE 303-825-8400 FAcslMlLE 303-825-6525 !rywur.ottenloh nson.com DENVER ASPEN STEAMBOAT SPRINGS BRUCE B. JOHNSON (1946-2000) Town of Vafl (e70r 479.24s2DeLtvERTo: J.R.Mondregon CouPer.rY: Town of Veil Drre: Mav Le'2o04 0FFf fiffi SCIPy FecsuulnNo.: Pgof.leNo.: Fnou:Robert C. Fisher, Jr.SnuBn'sonecrotnt: 303'575-7508 ToreLttuugER oF PAcEs (INcLUDING THIs coven scer) t e ?Fr,eNo.: 2j2n47-l0i IF YOU DO NOT RECETVE ALL P PLEASE CALL 303{25.E400 AS SOON AS POSSIBLE CoI\,$4EI.[IS:Iu accordence witb lnstnrctions ftom Doug 'fhompron- at Hyder Constnrgticn' we lre mclosing aopies of the signcd ticbach easenmt sgr€enen*rorlo'fP-'' 11o{- oot tl.J- t # Thc Informatlon cortsh"a io this f.6imilc mesmge j" "lt"t*v Fvileged and corlidential information intended only for the use of the inrtividual or endty named aboYi' -If ttre rcader :,t^:n"-::^t:*: :ltrtf:illHffi T'iililfi;'lrc l.rcty nottfied ** rny lisserninrtion, lisrriltion or copving or this communlcation is strlctly probibited, If you have toaf"lU this communicadon in- error' plcase immediately rotify us by td.ph.Dq "J-r;1u; tbc original of tiis transnlttal m us at tbe above ad6res via the U-S. Postal Seryicc, TbanL You. Gttanl lcllsll ll,lo,oa 1:!a tl Far Operator; tlay-'|9-01 08 r 19am F rom-t-217 P.002 F-020 TIIIS CONSTRUCTIoN EASEMENT AGREEMENT ("Agreement'')-i: lt':.3 of rhe _ aav oruli 2004, by and betwe* cirnrsnaNh AT VAIL CONDOMINruM AssocLATION,INC., a colorado oonpront ffirutio" c'o^ror'), and vAIL ASSOCIATES iioibrNcs, LTD., a colorado corporadon ('Granree')' RECITALS: A' Grantor is the governing o\^ners association- for Chdstianla at Vail Condominiums (ths 'Condomini*ms") locatea'in- *te iown of Vail, State of Colorado (dre *Town'), which Condo*fJ,r*t **- esublished by that cerain condominium map recorded in rhe real properry t*rar-ioJ"gl"-Co,-.y, Cotoraao (the.'Records"), on March 18" 1993' ar Book 604, page296,"J.h; r"tutea conao*initrm aectLatio" also recorded in the Records on Marchl8, 1993, u Book604, Pags295' m! reat properry which is included within rhat sondomitriurxr -up "oa "oJ;6fi* aecUratioi is **ai*tt referred ro hereinafter as the *Servient Estate',, Granor is making t}us agreem""t on its own behalf and on behalf of its constinreut members (the ..Members'), cotlectively and singularly, which Members are the owners of units within the Condominiums' B- Grantee is the owner of cenain real property conriqrous .1'r|e-::11:1' Estak that is legally described as lnt P-3, according to r]re subdivision olat snftled -LoI r-r' Vail village Fifih Filing;' recorded March r Z zo-O+' -at i*"'ption No' gztogo' Connty of Eagle' Srate of Colorado, togoi"ro,itr an adjacent i"Ut$anean po$on-of-Hanson Ranch Road right- of-way ttrat has u.* r,uilt.i'il tlt;iil by irs ordinan"i No' I 1, Series of 200,1 (together the ..DOminant Estate'1. Grantee intenas to comslence the development and consmrction on the Dominant Esrate of .;bt"r"tt; parking giie" facillty .omblem"ot"d by ancillary surface improvements, togutl* *ith " .,ttgi" p*a p*[ing area with anendant landscaping' and also Lip* space/parf area (collectively the "Garage Project")' c.InordertocommenceconstuctioooftheGaragehojec1Grantee.has requested that tle Grantor grant ar €asemenl to install, operale, test and inspect' witttin subterranean pordons of rbe -Servienr Es1gte, consmrstion tieback anohors' sotdier beams and related matenals n**.rty i" - Jt.tia" intedm support for and ro stabilize consEuction' excavation and installation for the Garage Project u"i nt"y""1 subsidence of soils during fte course of consfrrrcrion lthe 'Tiebacks'1. C"antor tt* determined to grant the leque$ed easemeDt in accordancc with anil subject to all the terms and provisions of this Agreement- Now,TIIEREFoRE,inconsiderationofdreabovepremises,andthemutual covenaots *c ug*-eDts rrt rortn herein, Graltor and crrantee covelu|nl and agree as follows: I. Crrant of Constuction Easemmt' The Grantor' on its oum behalf and on bebalf of its M.-b*r, 9' s-m agnurtenance for rhe benefit of the Dominant Estate and the Garage ptoit"t m be developed-thereorl an irrevocable' 1,mpo'ry, non-exclusive con$ruction u*"*aoiopon, overand beneath a portion of the Se^'ienr Esrate to accommodate rhe ciuscucrion, installatioo, operation, tesing inspection' mai:ntenance' 6t@t0.6 RCFlSll [|av-I9-01 08 r l9ar From-l-zq P.003/028 F-020 use and enjoyment of the Tiebacks in conjunction with and throughout the cor'use of rhe constructiorq instalation-*and;;1;p;;-tr tn Garage Projlct (the "Easerneot'')' The Easemenr sbalt cover - ;;;,bt" "iiJuoa.r O. .,ttA."-of ttre Sen'ient Esrate as reasonebly recessary or appmpriate fo, coo.oo"tion lUuoin"n"t defineil) in accordance with the Plans (hereiuafter defined), and o&erwise for the *" -a "ojoyt"* olrUt ry"t-"il as coilarnplated herein and tf' p"rfororrrr"l of Ctit"L', oUfigarions aiO duties hereundg' This Easement shall become effective as of the date of the mutual "*."o,ioo and delivery of this Ageement' a1d thall rEmain in full force *a"ufJ-r-i the "ompletior, of the constuction of the Garage Froject' which for rhis prrrpose shall be deemed' to occur (l) onl:{ I t"-"h !t" * Crramee secu€s a pgrmanenr! rrnconditoJ"otie"utu of o"",rpancy'irroua by F" JoY-q or any comparable attemative form of permit or approval that the T;; -"y issue for tlijs tl'pe of projgcl under its prcvailing practices, *fri"il-"u&'olizes the orrgoing o"cupan"* ry and_enjoyment of the Garage proje.q or (ii) if uoe *n"i d;t vol'ntarily E[oqoit]t"t-its rights under the Easement by a recorded writen insmrmsnt to ftat rtr"$ o<""oiJuy cnaorce' -The Easemeot may be used' e,njoyed and occrrpied solely bv Grantee andits ug9"tt' "ryfo1::: T1i:t*trs' and any otlrer 4848, contraslors -a io.iit o acting by, tbrcGh oi *d"t any of them (collectively with the Grantee, the'?ermittces'). (a) Grantec covenents to the Grantor that tbe Tiebacks will be sonstucted aod installed in -.,oia confomiry widr the plans Tg:p.t:,I""ti* therefor (collectively Oe ..fhns";iaentifi"a "11C9n1".rion TiJback Exhibit'' for "Vail's Frofl Door- Vail Park -a C'itig" ", f,"ttP-3 & J-, PreParcd UY p-"* L*d Co*ul*tt+ Int'' Job No. Lr67, and.a*i*"riirr"yz 2004, aod tl" ,g*t Retention system" pfep$eq Lis**ur" Eounaariont;6;i; iou No- 0]-3447, Shee's I to 3, inclusive' dated Febnraryg, 2004, and iai refr*e April26, 2004 (and inchl$ne*plan' soldrer bepm sched'le, elevato*, t.",i*r ""Jt"ti"gt, and generat ntrtes)' The plzns 61y be fi'ther modified as required bt G Towu orli determined by Cnanree (so long as any snch modifications do not ;;; ;t;oioitr "ooni"t wirh the other provisions set forth below). Grantee "ouuo*t tlti G constnrstiotr and installation of the Tiebacks (the '.Consruction"; will be underako, i" " good and worknanlike flIanner' in conformity with all applicable ro*o.Jon * iuaiogp."-i_ r and legal ggnstnictio.n requiremens of rhe Town (which ror-a"rioo oiuilaing rir-it, as applicable, must.be_issuel-pi::: "o.-*"at*t of Conse,tction), and iursuant to cu$omary dritling consmrdlon methods for purposes "i-rioin iri"g noisi and vibration; rlat the Colstruction will not require enry onto or p"**t or pl'.i"aty du*"g" the s'rface of rhe Srrvicnt E-state' will not entail the Eansporl Uy lnn" by Crantee's contractors of any construsuon malErials or wcighted toads directly over :!ny occufed portions of thc Servient Estate' and will nor penetate or physicalty darnage-any buil-ding -improvements presently located on rhe Servient Estarc; it-ir tl" boottrctioswill not-imiair any tyUjry""t or lateral ;pe"; f"; rht ,ruia"" oro, any improvements or appuaenances on the Servimt Esate' as such support is *"*t .y foJtne Le a$ enioymnt rhereof; 11rd that the Consmtction will not breatg crtr or ioftL-il. oo*,1 n ttilti of any utility !*t T facitities located on and serving rnr S"t"ienr fst"t". Norwitbs6nding 6" tor"gotttg, agrees that Grantee will be atrorded access to individual condominium units and otheimprovemtnls wiftin fie swiein Escatc as rensonably ncoossary or appropriate in fiurlrerance of the cousm$tig!-Prgss:-IllEg 6t6010.6 R6rt9+{ I|ay-I9-01 08:l9an From-t-?fi P.001/028 F-020 foregoingandtoot}rerwiseeffectuaterheEasementrightsandrheotherprovisions hereof. (b)PrrrsuanttotheConstucdon,Crranreeslntlnotgerformphysical work or consmtct or placc any improvement' stucture or building material' or any object on the surface of ru Sofi"il'gJit" "*""p, *itn tft Grantor's written consent" and any of the foregoing, Eless ,oir"oiJ to" -ry be removed by Grantor without liability for daoage arising therefrom and with Graniee ro bear all cost and expense of such removal' If any debris, mud anA ffi*tigSaly conditions upon the srsface of the Servient Estatp' or damage thereto ,"rrrrt to--il"itee's actions pursusnt to th..e. consuustion qf tls Garage hoject, tn ,Jou"i and/or remedying oi rhe- same will be com'menced by Granee within 24 horus ihereafter, and Gramee, at its sole cosr and expe$F, shall repair and restore any damage ;-th;;*if'""" of the Servienr Estate, such ttrat it is ren'ned to substantially the conairiol it *t" in immediarely prior to such-disn:rbance' Should Grantee breach tuir ourig"i"tr, tn* *t" provisions of paragraph 5 below will apply to such breach- Notnitusta;ding tt " forrgoiog provisions to thu conuury, Grantee will only be required to remedy;th";rdl";t Jo*i'of the work any such damage or conditions rhat are infterent iB thc .*t "f t i'work on the Servient Estate consented to by Gramor' In any eveot fie for"goiry sba11 n} be construed to apply to the e:cercise of otler pre existfurg easement ri gbts. (c) Grante€ will not cause or permh-any grechanig's tlsl slaiYns 16 $3 *26s ngainst *V o*,otUip i"tt""* in the SenriEnt Esate ttrat arise from rhe Constr'ction- lf u"V s*fr--J"Urric's lien slaim is recorded against any such propTty interests, then Grantee tftJf' *itni" *ttty (]0) days anel rh9 recording of such lien claim' obtain the release "f th;'ffi|;d dp".ty iti6'uis in the Senrient Estate from such lien "fain, wn n , Uy as"U"rge, Uon?fi"g oi ortrerv'ise, or altemative$ firrnish the Grantor with other secwity f"t,n ippfl""Ule-lien claim in auro'nts cotnrnensuratc to those under rhe legal bonding t"q"i."*JiS and orberu'ise reasonably satisfacory-to Crrantor (and so iorrg i ,hi, As"uarde oi Jt"*"ti"" secruity is satis.fied'-rhe Granree may coDtest any mechanic'; U; J"i- in good-faith)' If Grantee- shall fail -" !*ttl-t: requisite release or sectuity within rhe aforesaid 30'day pedod, llre Grantor may' at rts ;i;;"; oe r"truse-ltrhe lien claim by any neans ?uri9gl:, including bonding' senlement or reson r;y ;;rity frt-i;htd by Gantec, in which case Grantee shall, withiu reo (10) davs "il;;d;idemand, ,"ilb*." Grantor for the latter's cosc and oq)enses incurred i" ;;;;t tlu liun release, including reasonable attomeys' fees (excep to the extent recouped from any such security)' (d) Allen O' Thruman' a consuldng engrneer engaged by Cnantor in connection with this a*""**. f'Grantor's Repres"ntative'), shall be fumished the plans. Shorrld it U. "Icessary ttrat Crantor's Fl,epreseltative or other conuactors or consltants engaged by *til;gh Grantor'sRepres-entative huY: *::ti to tte Dominanr Estate druing the consruction ofttr" Garage Pr"iPct for ''deruking inspecrions to assure compliance with the terms and provi$ons her"o-f reasonable access sball be provided' so long as such access *tll ;; f,aterially interfer€ wirh ttre consmrction of the Garage hoject or pose a mate;; ,ist .iuraily injury or ry0perry_da]nage; Grantor must obain Crrantcc, s 6o, ".rtfroJ",ioo before errtering-the darage Project or consmtction site On dt6o10.6 RCFISH Tay-l 9-01 08 : 1 9am F ron-t-211 P.005/028 F020 the Dominanr Estate for purposes of the foregoing, which .cons,ent will not be unreasonably witliheld- Coot*'. Rcpresmtative-uoitiU. provided all changes to dte p[nns, if an]. (e)DuetotheageofrheservientEstatearrdthEnatrrreofttrcacrivities contEmplatedbythisAgreemcn!Grangrdesire;romonitoranypotentialmovemerrtof and resulting damage tJtf,i S*ui*t Esate related to the constr'crion of the Garage Fmjecq as follows: (l) For the purPose- of monitoring any such movemetrr, Grantee, consisrent *iL prior- "Sor,rltatio* with Granor's Representative, (A) v/ill *rv tnu i"rrio, uoo arr*ior ofthe Sen'ient Estare, with such survey to irrclude..spotcrackmapping,,,inorder.toegablishaninfomrationalbaseofthe existing "oo6itioo""it"-U"iiai"gs and improvements thereon' which snnrey will be completed before tfre commencement of any excavation activiJ'i1 :P-*: Sen,ientEstate,*ate)willbstallamarrimrrmofsix(6)monrrmedmeasrrrrng derrices fm "vron-t[t p"ti""tf affixed along *re length of the SenriEnt Estate exterior Uuifaing"waff-mr fies adlacent to rhi cornmon lot line between the Dominanr frrd*J S"r"ienr Estate. The Monument Devices shall be installed and maintainea i" go"d ;oJition at Grantee',s sole expense, andshall be insalled prior to the "omiencemmt of any encavation activities within rhe servient Estate. crrantor slrall cause Granror's Representative to cooPerate diligently with Grantee in firtherance of e:<pediting these finctions- (ii) Thc Monument Devices shall be monitored by Peak Land consultants, ln"*-jo, "";d;;rrrltd; surveyor or engineer reasonably acccptable to Grantor's n"p*r"rt"tiu. (isurveyot''), at CtranteJ's sole ex?eme, as follows: (A) once " *=j-d;rdd".,.{"qon ^a ti.u""t activities and druiae cousbuction of the mrire to*a.toi of rfr" Crrug" Project, until the foundation is completed; @) one d*. d;;th after compteltion oithr consmrction of rhe fo'ndation and until tte caragJi;j; i; compt"t" (as evidenced by the Town's issuanse therefor of a tJmporary or permanent certificare of occupancy e1 c'smfarable alternarive r"r*oip#it lr ippro"at); and (Q one time "u.1, .j,* (6) momhs afte-r the Garage eroj""t-is complere for a-period of one (t) year. The suveyor shall repoG "ith* b;i;l.Pi;ne, fa"sitite, e'mail or persoual delivery the results of tlu measur.*"otti"ii* pti""*t to this paragmph of the.Agreemeng to Grantor's Representativg ;thi" one aay afta completile eac! set of measurcmexrrs' Grantor's n"pt"t*ttti* shaf make his ielephorre' fa)q email and address information available to Cvrantee for this purpose' (iil) In the evmt that any monitoring of the Monument Devices detecrs *o""n'*i in rfr" UolAing improvernents locited on the Senrient Esrarc (A) tlrat is in .[|* Jvenical d-eflegtions berween building corners of '25 inch triggerten"l,,uoa/o.ho,i"ootaldeflectionsbctweenbuildingcomeFof.25inch triggo levels, if, @i,il. constitutes ilifferential movernent resuldng iu foundation a"-il t"-Jr"r, uuilding improvemeuts (a "Material Movement")' then Grantee aU.'[l i*ti*a" all measr'es reasonably $ecessary to prevent any 6160t0.6 RCn$l May-I9-04 08: I 9an F rom-l-2ll P.006/028 F-020o firrtherforrndationdamage(.Supplerneoal!v|easrxeS''),and-slralldisconinrrerhe work of rhe Garage koject ^ o*"tt*y to prevSnt such funher foundation damage nntil rhose surpplemcnralv**tJr ale implerneded- In drat event" the Granteewillalsocorunrmicatei""nlti"gtoGranror:(C)theextentofrhe detected differential movement t"*iig tnJ aumagc; (D) a proposed schedrtle' ro insrease *JtJ"g, *a lil a"tAf"allans and/or changet to the construction methods fr;*i*pifi;G ttre suppleurental Measures. whh respect to atry foundation arilie-., th"G;r."e shati atso p.9ld" (F) the proposed t"P-* lo *I buildings ;;;;;;# on tne servierr Estare-aamagea as a result of such differential movement, (G) rhe pt"f""tJ timing to complete such repairs, end (lI) &e identiry ofthe proposed contracrorto conduct such repairs' Grantor shall apPrcve d;fi;itp'uit t"a proposed contractor plrgr to the commencement of any such repair (with s,rch approvi *,u. ureasonably withhcld or delayed)' (f)IntnsionsoftheTiebacksandtheConsrructionundertheServient Egatesha]Iootdamagaorimpairthen-"tlo.orcrantor'simFrovements,including,bur not limited to, Grantor's foundadon, trees, subsurface support caissons, watef, and drainage facilities and any utilitf sqn19' --Ot-tof t Representati''le shall have the riglt (sufiect to tL risriiilolst-Ferupu 2(4 ;bo;e) t9 igie* tle consrucrion work to be perfumed *a rn"-c;;*a';*;;ry -rh"ri"g ta fonndadon deback system on the Senient gstat" *ifel-G occavitioo-is ttiff Jp"tt Following-the occureoce of any Material Movemeot, the Grantor's R.p"ei"ot.tive shall also have rhe right ro take independent *.""il-*', from the Monum"nr Devices uP !o tw9 times a week during excavation ,A:u"*t io - *rt S*nitot gsuie *a until - all below-grade foundadon improvements onthe Dominant Estate have bcen complered' G) Grantor's exercise of or inaction with tttPttt ro' inspection and monitoring ,ights '*d;;;*g"oG 2@)' i(4 and 2(f1 above and the provisions thereof (r) rhall not Prevent Gr'antoi fio* '*oo'oiog damages py:"attt to any breach of Orantee's obligations rmder rhis Agreement" uid Gt*6t":+'.1" Jecover damages is expressly n ."*";JiD;;il;;;;* ttau" no eftcr on the-indemnification provided pusuam to paragrapha o{.tfis ng'""*"oi;1nA $u)snAt noj be construed ro make Graaree zubject to any liabilities or remedier i" rri absence of any propeny darn4e or otn", n*itii7 or toss Jur"rea by rhe crrantor in violation of rlis Agreemelrt' 3'Non-Exclusive.TheEasementsballbenon-exclusive,arrdtlreGmntor,on its own behalf and on behalf of irs Members, .*pr"r.ty reserves ,h. l+t.to rhe rutdisrurbed use' enjoymenr ana occupaucy of Ge surface of anil all otirer ponions of the Servieat Estate for any and all purposes m # "",li."iti*tii*itn G t"tti of the Easement and the righs and interests afforded to crrantee rrntler the rcrms rr"*i. Grantor, on its on behalf and on behalf of its Members, specifically agrees that none of them shall do or perait anything to be done which physically disturbs * i-pi-o,t. trirnction of tne ficbacks dwfig tlre cor:rsc of rhe Consnrction' or which ottren*,ise *ot"ii'i, -^*iary-i"t rr"res with rhe use and enjoyment of rhe Easement by Grantee or the other Pemritrces. 4-Indemniw'Graotee,itszuccessorsandassigns,shallfirllyindemnify.ad dcfend Grantor and its Members, thEir srrccessors and assigns, and shall hold each of them 6t601c.6 RcFLI'H llay-19-04 08:20an F ron'l-zll P.007/028 F-020 harsrless from and against any clairns, causes of action' suits, Iiabilities' damages or lOsses and s*)enses or wlat .,er nni ;;'r"*" that arise or are incurcd by tlrem as a result of any personal iqiury, bodily injury, ,i"ico"rrlai'*use, death ot p*p"tty loss or-damage' tucluding losr profits' occasioned from the r:nderraking of rhe Consrnral"" * *y negligence-or \iliUful misconduct of the Grantee and occuning io *Etio" to the use antl enloynenrif rhe Eas"*ent and by acuon or inaction of any conuactor or employee, agent or ,".ui"t of any contactor engaged by' througlt or urder Grantee, or any breach of th" G*r,""is obligatrons-urder this Agreement' This inilemnity will also "ou# "nJio"Ua" costs and "*p"n*i including reasonable attomeys' fees and consuharrt,s fees ff;;d; ;*"d by,'relating ro. or arising out-of av^-"Ff indemnifieal ruder the foregoing provisions, togetiier with iy lieos asserted agairst rhe Servient Esrare as a resutt "f .r;;11;;;ed by or 1L craut"e p.osuao' ro the rigtrts -anf Pdyt!;s5s granred Grantee by this rJ*"ti.* Gr[:"i . ct ",""'s rights under paragraph 2(c) above), if the related damage, loss, claim, exPerse or lien is caused ia-whole or in part by tlre act' omission' error, professiorra "*f-istlk", o*gligence or other fault of Grantee' its contactors or subcontracrors ", ^v "-prov"" or ng"it ir*r" o-e- Notwfthstanding any implicatio.lls lf the conffiry in the forcgoing provisious, the foregoing shdllot be consfiutd rc waive or limit any requiremerrrs imposed ;d; * in{"*ninea p& ut law to -i"g:l: its damages, and this ind€mniry snat oot apptltio ;;;;;Gi""i tti negligenc-e, willfrrl misconduc or breach of this Agreement uv d, eo--* analo, any MeuiUer6)'-1f,is Indernnification provision strall suryive rcrmination or expiration of this Agreement' 5. Self HelP: Reimbursement' If Grantee Slt h any of its obligations bererurder to prrotect tb*-50*.ri=lfiEG frot" n"t- a*i"g arrd arising out of the constnrction of the Garage Project, C*at shall have the ;gf,t" aftelloti"" to Grantee and opportunity to Grantee to cure such fril*;5i tt g'.*it" of aire diligence Out not to exceed 60 days excePl as necessary to complete repairs), ro uke *y ""tioo firt c*-tot, in good faith and after due consultation with crantoiis R"pr*r.o*tiue, deerns appropriate lo-cure s11ch failgre for purposes of protecting the servient gstate tom harm or dannage-during ihe consmrction of tbe Garage project. Grantee .Uaf ,"imU*e Granror for any ori-o+pgctet costs insurred by Oraotor in prorecting the Servierrt Etot" p-n-t to-Ois p*ugnpntiq fo1-1 repairs or clean up of the Serviest Estate related t"-tftltt*tte's failure ro-p*t""1 Fl fft"L*t Estate from harrn and damage during the Garage Projecr * p"""i{* aU&e 1"Sef Help E:<penses')' Granree shall reimburse Grantor fo, S-&gefiExpenses within thiny 1iO; aayl of receiving nodce of Self Help Expenses,asprovidedr"p*"e'"phrsofthisAgreemenqtogetherwirhreasonabledocumenrary evidence of the costs incrmed. 6.Access.lnrhewenttheconstructionofrheGarageProjectDecessita'ps any closure of "a5u"*t-':t ,5"Jthat precludes vehicular access to the msin ent.ance of the buililing impror'.ments oo tt" So"i""i Estate for a period of longer rhan one hotu (a "Restricted Closure;), tlen the following provisions shall apply: (a)GranreeshallprovideGranrorwit]rnorlesst}an24horrrs'prior notice of the p"oding R"*tlcted Closure; and {b) For the duration of any Resuicted Closure' Grantee at its sole expense wiu m!jl" "r;i;;;,ruro""ir" ,."ui"" for shunling occupan6 of the Serwient Estatc ro and from rheir vehicles, if parked at rhe vail village public parking $ructEe or 6l(,10.6 tcFlsll [4ay-19-01 08 r20an F rom-t-ll7 P.008/028 F-020 other comparable location druing the pondency of any Restricted closure' in any insrance where those p-t* *" """.ntt&u Uy vefti"fJ *y iternt qtt a1Je difFtsult to carry on foot for a zubstantial distance (e'g', luggage' O";* Lags)' Tfre shuttle senrice will provide sreet pick-up and dropoff poins whic[-r* ,r -"tose to the servimt Estate as the ResEiCtea Closnre effectively permits' However, crrantee also agrees that n9 lgluiaef ctosure may occur during the portion of the vail ski season (i.e., tbe period that vail Mounan is conducting doumhill ski operations) falling afrer rhe ***""*"ri. of the Christiania LoJoq's ctuistrnas, lolidav sea:on bookings, or December 1gth, whichever is later. For purposes o-rtut paragraph 6, consmrcdon of *re Garaga Project will be complered uponthe Town',s issuance of aay rempomry or Pennaoent cenificate of occupancy o, *y "o-p*dle altemative forrr of permit ot appio.tul for the Garage Projecr' 7. Remedies: Attomevs' Fees- (a) The righrs of either party hegrmder"may be enforced by any remedies a'ailable at law or equity, ft;dtr'& without limitadon, the recovery of daotages, and where appropriate, jojrrnJ"" oiothtt equitatle relief to prevent the occrurence or continuance ofany defauliiereunder" or toelfgrce ttreperforrnance 11d observanse of rbe temts of this Agreemt"a AII rernedies shalt be cuurulative with and in addition to, and nol exclusive of, one *otr.*; *y arrd al] remedies may !e pursued by the nondefaultin?pr,,"y "itfr* rtc.ssively oi concur.otty; and the exercise of any one remedy sUaU not-U" consmred * o, "o*iiot" a bar to tlre exercise of any orher re'nedy- All 'npaid balances due either the C.trantoi oi Grantee herein shall bear interest at the rate of twelve percent (127o) Per annum' c)I;ntheeventanylegalproceedingarisesoutofthisAgree,mentand is prosecuted to final judgmenl rhe previitio! putty sGlI b" endrled to recover from the other pa$y a]l of the prevailing party,s c6sts and exPenses incurred ia connection therarit\ including reasonable attorneys' fees (and any.presiding court will be bound ro make this "*"ttl.tilojo the application of this provision inany circu'stance prove to conllict *itU anJ'otfr"t p*"iti"iiof ttris ^Secm*t fot the allocation of attorneys' fees' this provision shall be conrrolling- 8'Succassorsinln'terest.Therighrs,-interestsandobligationsofr}reparties r.rnder rhis Agreenen! insluding the Easement shall-touch atrd concem and nrn with the land as a benefit and burden ,o ,[. oo,t-.ttlip of t]re Servient Esrate and Dominant Estate' Fuflhetmote' all refefences her€in to tftt ;Cr*"t# shall be de€Nned to encompass and include irs constinrenr Members, and Granor shall be obligated ,9 .""* irs Mernbers to abide by, conform to' and refrain from violariry Grantor's expless obligations and duties hereunder' All refereaces to the .,Grantee" shall be a"*J to *"o-;p*" -E i.,"lrra" any successclr.in interest it may have fot the development of the Garage hojecg but once the Garage-Projectls completed (as evidcnced by the Town,s issuanse of a tempomry o, p."a** "frnot" of-occupancy or comparable altemative form of pernii"t "petivaU, *t" oifigAtiottand duties of the Granrec hereunder shall not run to any of O^iu"'i s,r""""rorJio intere? in tle ownership of the Dominaut Esrate' In any case, the pr:rchasers;f ;y condominir.m ptttins units within the Garage Project and t6gir dt6l}10.6 RcF|sH llay-I9-01 08:20an F rom-l-2ll P.00s/028 F-020 successors, and any related owners association' sball not have any liabiliry for such obligations and duties. g. Authoritv. crrantee hereby represents-to Grantor that Grantee has taken or received all corporare u.fi*-t--*tlorization necessary for Grantee lo cfer into this Agreement; thar Grautee's entry into fhis Agreement coosrirures the duty autbOrized sorporate asdon of Grantee; and that tf,i" agleemrfis binding on Grantee. Grantor in tum rePresents- to-GrdTee that Grantor has talcen aTuctions and received all consents or aurlrorizarions fiom its board of directors (however d*;;d"d) and/or irs Members w6ch are reguisite to Grailor's enty into t|is Agreemem; ttrat GJ;;iJ *ory l"to this egeemenr. "o*titutes rhe duly audrorized corporate aurl associatioi o.ioo of the Grantor; uid thut rhis Agr, eenent is binding on the Crrantor and its constituent Members- Grantee agrees that-the tvtembers of lhc Grantor arc and sball be express thitd-p.ty i;"fi"iaries of thol provisions hereunder that by their o<press renns are intended to bcnefit the Members' 10' Comoletion of Consruction' Ulon rhe compledon of the construction of the Garage pmjecq rr ffid in paragraph2-above, the Easernent shall Ierminateo Cyrantee shall cease to use the Easement and all rigt't, titlt and interest hereunder of rhe Grantee shall cease *a t rroi*,u and the Granror sllall hold flte Servienr Estate free fiom the rights so abandoned, -,J Cr*a" shall be aeemeA to have abandoned its rights granied herein and will have no n rttr"t-tigiito tr," *" *a enjoyment of rhe-Tiebacks and sball be deemed to have forfeited rle saure- i-T*i"*, upon such t#inarion of the Easement, it is rurdersrood that the Tiebacks wiU be abanaonea in'place on *te Seryient ESate and Grantee shall have no obligation or duty to r"-or" the same. upon such abandonmeng Grantor, in turn and at irs elesdon and withour obligation to Grantee, may leave the Tiebacks in place or otherwise rmnage: treat or dispose of-the Tiebacks in any *al*o permitted by {aw and Grantee will have no fi:rther obligation in conn""tioo wi* tle rieuacks cornmencing from- and after- such abandonmenl Upon *ri i.t^io*io" of the Easement due to completion of constmcdon or orhenuise, "itn", p"rty, upo-o tft" request of the other, shall execute and deliver a recordable insmrmern confirming tlui tu"tr termination has occ'rre4 and that *re parties are released from any fi'rher obligations and Juties herer:nder. Norwithstanding any transfer of the Dominant Esrare or any portion thereof, the Chantee narned herein will retain the right and power to effectuate s*n "oonrm.tioo oridt*i""ton unless such right and power are erpressly assigned ofrecord. 11. Insurance. (a) Cvrantee covso:mrs and agrees lhat it shall at all times druing rhe terur of this agreemeng m;;ai; or cause ro be maintained' at no expense to Grantor' with respect to rhe use uv or *uo"gh Grantee of the serviaEt Estate pursuant to this Agreement, (i) conmerciai e;*"1 Uititty_insuott"e and excess liability insurance wfuh limie of $1,000,000 po o-"*tt"o"" 1SiOOO,SOS in the aggrcgatQ and $10,000'000 [Gtir"fy,'*ni"n g."ii i""r"a" " p; pnoiegr aggr€qarg limit endo:sement and shall name as additional i**"Ot Cotitr" " Clristanii toage at V,ail' Lrd" Chamber corpo,",ioo, and The M"d JJ irust Dated Febnrary 14, 2002; and (ii) worker's compensation insuranc" ,io ri-ie equal to applicable statutoly limits for workers engaged iu the Consm.rction on tle Servient Hstate. The liability covaage under dt6oto.5 Rcflsl| May-l 9-04 08 : 20an F ron-l-217 P.010/028 F-020 clause (i) above will be free &om the "xctP exclusions for explosion, collapse and undergronnd baz-a", *i Ato exclrryiols for soils related losses, but in any case zuch policy may O" .r6:*i;;d*d exclusions for environmeilal matters' Such coverages under clauses (D #iiii ,l*" -"v be mainrained in whole or pafl by Grantee and/ox by its geDefal contafior or subcontactors, as Glantee may elect. Grantee or its general conrlactor for rbe Au*g. Project witt provide Grantor with a certificate of insurance for rhe liabitity .o"rrJi-iiJ*'.i"*t ttl above' which shall T"l"d" a provision d't t5e policy will not be s;ncelled except upon at least rhiny (30) days' advance rmitten notice to Grantor. Suc5 certificate shalibe;rcvided to Granror prior to exercise by Grantee of any rigba granted hererrnder' (b) Shoull rhe commercial general liabiliry insurance required by this Agreemenr to be maintained by or through d"o*u le cancellef or not relewe4 then upon such Aif*" of "o".r.i",'Co.rrto, b! notice to Grantee uay require rhat all work within the smriem-e.t"te p*u.*t to th! Easement be promptly suspended r:n!t- sugh time, if "rr"., ". -iiu t"q"i'ti" tiability loverage is reinstated in accordance with the foregoing provisioi-r -Cilt"i*iff give CranteJnodce of any pending lapse of coverage uponbecoming awars ofthe same' |2.Severability.Ifanyterm'covenant,conditionorprovisionof.*ris Agreement shall, at -y ffi-ffi any ext;! be invatid or unenforceable, the rernainder of this Agreement shall not U" affiJ th*t;y, it being rhe ittt*t of the parties that this Agreement and -.a"ch prc.ririon hereof shall Ue enfotceabte and enforced to the fullest exteil pennitted by law- 13.EntireAgreementThisAgreementandarryorhercoDradsoragrEemerrTs specifically referred rc i&-i" ."p-t th"--entirc ggreesetrt between rlre parties hercto with respeq ro the subject *-u*ift -iloi, *a "tt prior oi extrinsic agreemenr, gnderstandings or ou$tiurio* shall be deemed *og"d herein.- All Exhibits referred to in this Agreement as attached hereto are Uerebilu.-.Jili"o+orapd into this Agreement and made a part hereof' 74- Rules of constnrction. The headings which 4Ppear in this Agreement arc for p'rposes of 6ou"nii-m1ffiE u'd are not in iy sense to-be constued as modiffing the paragraphs in which they appear- Refercnces herein ro the singUlar shall include the plrxal' and to fte pl'ral shall io"lJ"ii-. tiogular, and any reference to a''y one gender shall be deemed to include ald be applicable to all genders' 15.GovemingLawThisAgrecmentsha]lbegovernedbyandcoustuFdin accordance with rhe laws of the State of Colorado- 16.ModificationandWaiver.Noprrrportedmodificationoflhetermsofthis Agreemen! o, pu*ofi"m*y of i,i ri'lts and.interests hereunder' shall be bin4ing rrnless and "*"#L GL ,iJ# ip""in""Ui set for& in-a rarinen instuirment executed bv tlre pany against wfrom inforcement ofthe prrtpott"a modification or warver is sought' |T.Counte4larts.ThisAgreementrnaybeexecutedincorrnterparts,-eachof which shall t" d*.-"affi, and all of wnicn tog€-ther shall constihrrc one and rhe same instrument and agreement- 6t6010.6 RcflsH tlay-I9-01 08:20an Fron- 1g. Notices: Bnsiness Davs. Any notice required or permined under the terurs of this Agrcernent be gven by the P1g": hereto or such panies' i.sp""tiou-t gal cormsel, u"a tUU Ue d"iem"i giv.o anat received (i) when hand delivered to tlre irii"aua ,."iiiorq by whaever means; (ii) three (3) b-usiness days after the same is deposited in Oe Unircd Sates mails, wfth adequate po$agc pr.iuia, and sent-Uy registered or cEnifed mail, wfth renrm receipt t"q"o,"a; liii) on" (t) ["si""it day after thg *T" is deposited wift aa "r."ri+ ""Go r"."i"" oi "ational oi int"-^tional repytatigl. having a delivery- -area encompassing the address of the intended recipient, wirn -the. deliv-ery charges prepaid; or 6i..fr.. ruiioea via facsimilc on the intended recipient's facsimile-facilities accessed by the )ppf*Ut" rclephone "rr-Uo set forih below (proviJed sucb facsimile delivery and rcceipt is confirmed on rhe facsimile facilities of the noticing pa;'cy)' Any notice under clause (i), (ii) or iiiil "ton shall be delivered or mailed" as rtre casJmuyle, to the appropriate address set forth below l-z|t P.011/028 F-020 Ifto Crrantee: Vail Associates Holding, Ltd- c/o Vail Resorts Developnent Company Post Office Box 959 137 BEnchmarkRoad Avon, Colorado 81620 Attmion: Jack Hunn, Vice President of Design and Constuction Fo<No.: (970)845'2555 Phone: (970)845-2359 With a oopyto: c/o Vail Resorts Development Company Legal Department Post Office Box 959 137 BeocbmarkRoad Avon, Colorado 81620 Anenrion: Kr:rstea Canada, Esq. Fa:t No.: (970\ 845-2555 Phone: (970)845A546 If rc Grantor: Christiania at Vail Condominium Associatiotr, Irc' c/o Christiania Lodge at Vail, Ltd. 355 Hanson Ranch Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Atteotion: Paul R Jobnston Fo<: (970) nG047o Pboue: (970)476-5641 6t60t0.5 ic;rsH r0 tlay-|9-04 08 r21am Fror l-zlt P.0121028 F-020 With a simultaneous coPY to; Murray Franke Greeuhouse List & Lippitt LLP Granire Building, Second Floor 1228 15th Sreet Denvet, Colorado 80202 Adention: ThomasM' List' Esq' Fax: (303) 623-0960 Phone: (303) 623-0025 Either party may change iu addresses and/or fax numbers for nodces p|xlusnt to a written uotice which is giveo in uaaotau".a "rio the terms lrcreof. As used herein, the term "business day" slall mean any day "r;th; ; Saturdan a Sundav, or a legal holiilay for w!ic! U'l' -$ service is not providea -iil"no iy aiiro.dr" orpi-tion 9f gw period specifiga-unfer thi; Agreement falls on " a"y .tlti tttl a uusiness d"y, tt "o such date -or period shall be decmed "i*d"d ro rhe next succeeding business day rhereafter' 19. Reimbruse'rrent of Expenses' -Granree -sha]l .reimbruse Grantor for reasonable artomeys' f."ffigodadng 9d en5ring inlo $s tsteemenl and the reasonable fees incunea by Grantor's Re,presentativi ll pTfu.l""U its fixtctions as set forth rurder rhe terms of rlir eS"JtenL which fl*oiont shail G lirnited to a reasonable scope and oftent. The Grantor *iU nit itft invoices ^a otlit docunentation reasonably subsrantiating those fees, to be acco'nreJ foriled on uourty btlud 9d ratgs' Reimbusement will be owing within 3Odays afterCtlrt"igi".t "ti"" of dt*"ia from time to lime' accompaniedby rhe forcgoing supporting docrrmentation' 20,ReDresentEtions.C'Iant(Irmakesnorqnesenradonasrotheconditionof the ServienrEstate, th" "=Jo -of it, soils, the location of its utilities or any otrer matter' 2|.Recordine.ThisAgreernentshallberecordedintherealproPenyrecords of Eagle Connrty, Srarc of Colorado, at fhe expense of Grantee' fBelence of page intcntionally left blankl otoo,g5 XtlFlSIl 11 llav-19-01 08:2lan From'' lhY:to-tl4 IltE 12:58 Pll'... ,', r 0,r/1.l/?otl} 2l:5E cnnrs{tm mnon 3€?-€33-Stio FAlt l{0, 9?04?8fr t-217 P.013/028 P. , PAE F-020 l3 l3 IN WTIN6,SS UIIIEREQI, Crarrtqr ard Crastoc havc rnrile rlris co$$nld0d f,l*ruortAlpoqgall as ofiha rlal', month rrr{ }tar fnst qbova'wdtten, GR.A,NTOR: clffiSNANTA AT VAIL CONDOIdNIT'il{ . ASSOCIATION E{C.,a Slorrdono4toEt corPontien $ trttTioFi(iLolrAbo cc uN ru ol: -,_l!!$!E_._ rt{ycouaishonuics.__ff ltHfl*runrffi #ffi lt 75$. Frcnhgs Rodd tU Ca S|8it Wiur,lsc rtry hand alrd officiil EEaL $ignnturO b'ioCkr roodlue ol le*t lnpt ) ) ss: ) l2 vtra*Y,Wif%Fftffiff- =ofct$ltifr-ialt-tvlit oorlotnfrircll ArsocTalio4Inoo a colondo ma$rofitcoQomliou llrrtlt lgllll l|av-I8-01 08:2lan Fror-o r-ltt P.011/028 F-020 GRAIIIEEi VAIL ASSOCIAIES HOT DU{C$ LTD., a Colcedo aorpo(di@. STAIEOFCOIORADO ) gonpr,gog puate- l*' lte fuegofiog ioruusrot qrac qcloc,ledgeil5cqEnre ftis-- -tmZ n7 rc*^r, €- -tlior-cx\ 38 t'-N'iQ Bf day or \-.,o^ --. rgoa-E \*lvttf*€-. +IADH; 38 y-N'ib-"|-- of vilEffis llaldins' Lul., a Colonilo cqpordid-s llaningp, Ird., a Colonib cqP Witness oylrrrra and oEdsl seal \[yc@isdmcoqfuEs: $oraali i a [g"fri@ 13